HomeMy WebLinkAboutKotlik Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements & Alternatives 7-1982 RECONNAISSANCE STUDY OF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS AND ALTERNATIVES FOR OPERTY OF: KOTLIK Power Authority nel eee ae, W. 5th Ave. age, Alaska 99501 ANIAK ATKA MEKORY UK ‘ CHEFORNAK NEWTOK CHIGNIK LAKE NIGHTMUTE COLD BAY NIKOLSKI FALSE PASS ST. GEORGE HOOPER BAY ST. MARYS IVANOF BAY ST. PAUL KOTLIK TOKSOOK BAY LOWER AND TUNUNAK UPPER KALSKAG PREPARED BY NORTHERN TECHNICAL SERVICES & VAN GULIK AND ASSOCIATES ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY — KOTLIK RECONNAISSANCE STUDY OF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS AND ALTERNATIVES A Report by Northern Technical Services Van Gulik and Associates Anchorage, Alaska July, 1982 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Summary and Recommendations 1.1 2.0 Background 264 3.0 Village Meeting 3.1 4.0 Existing Heating and Electrical Power Generating Facilities 4.1 4.1 Bulk Fuel Storage and Heating Appliances 4.1 4.2 Electrical Generation Facilities 4.1 4.3 Fuel Oil Usage 4.1 4.4 Electrical Energy Distribution 4.2 5.0 Energy Balance 5.1 6.0 Energy Forecasts 6.1 6.1 Population Projection 6.1 6.2 Capital Projects 6.1 6.3 Thermal Energy Projection 6.2 6.4 Electrical Energy and Peak Demand Projection 6.3 7.0 Energy Resource Assessment 7.1 8.0 Energy Plans 8.1 8.1 Base Case 8.1 8.2 Alternate Plan A 8.6 9.0 Analysis of Alternatives and Recommendations 9.1 Appendix Review letters and replies Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 5.1 8.1 8.2 8.3 9.1 9.2 9.3 LIST OF TABLES Energy Balance for 1982 Itemized Present Worth Analysis of the Base Case Estimated Heat Recovery Costs Itemized Present Worth Analysis of Alternate Plan A Summary of the Present Worth Analysis and Any Non-electric Benefits for Each Energy Plan Direct Power Generation Costs for Each Energy Plan Preference Ranking of Village Energy Plans and Associated Recommended Actions ad Page 5.2 8.3 8.7 8.9 9.1 9.1 9.2 == Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 2.1 2.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 LIST OF FIGURES Location Map Climatic Background Bulk Fuel Storage Capacities and Types of Heating Appliances Electrical Generation Facilities Fuel Oil Usage Electrical Generation Sector Energy Distribution Energy Flow Diagram Distribution of Total Useable Energy Population Projection Thermal Energy Projection Peak Denand and Electrical Energy Projection Appropriate Technology Ranking Diagram ati Page 2.2 2.4 4.6 6.5 7.4 1.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The production of electricity is the focus of the Energy Reconnaissance Program. This study has concentrated on seeking potential alternatives to diesel powered electrical generators. However, where there are no reliable and viable alternatives attention was focused on ways by which the costs of electricity generation could be reduced. Kotlik does not have a central generation facility and to establish a basis for comparison between energy plans a central generation system was designed and used as the base case. In Kotlik there are no viable alternatives to diesel generation and a waste heat capture system was investigated as a means of making use of a resource (thermal energy) which is being wasted currently. The sale of otherwise wasted heat could provide additional income to the utility and be reflected in lower costs for the generation of electricity. Also, reduction in the volumes of fuel oil required for space heating would realize further savings to the community as a whole. Summary Statements Only those technologies that could be readily assimilated into Kotlik were considered. 1. Fuel oil was found to be the major source of energy used in the villages of Kotlik. Additional energy was supplied by wood and gasoline. 2. Significant amounts of energy are lost in the village due to: (1) inefficient combustion; (2) poor insulation and excessive air infiltration; and (3) wasted heat from diesel electric generation. Forecasts show an increase in energy consumption in the village due to population growth. Additional construction unrelated to population size is anticipated and will impact energy consumption and demand. Energy resource baseline data is generally weak in the village. This weakens the accuracy of technological Or economic predictions. However, the estimates relative to waste heat availability appear reasonably reliable. The feasibility of various technologies for electrical and thermal energy production was evaluated. Wind, wood, solar, geothermal, hydro, peat, and coal were considered as potential energy resources but are not viable as alternatives to fuel oil generated electricity. Waste heat recovery from the anticipated central power plant formed the basis of the alternate energy plan. The Base Case Plan was formulated based on the anticipated use of centrally generated electric power. A present worth analysis of each alternative plan was performed. General Recommendations ee endear one 1. The supporting energy and resource data base should be strengthened. 1.2 1. New technologies, and advances in old technologies, need demonstration projects to determine their feasibility in rural Alaska. Significant energy savings could be realized by a village-wide energy conservation and weatherization program. Village Specific Recommendations ae Ee mecommendations The installation of the central diesel electric power station is recommended. This will provide a source of economical, reliable electric power for the village. Waste heat recovery, from the anticipated central power plant, utilized for space heating in the village is economically feasible and attractive in the amount of fuel oil saved. The installation of the waste heat recovery system is recommended. The following steps should be taken: a. Inititate design of central power plant and distribution system. b. Initiate a feasibility study of waste heat recovery. 2.0 BACKGROUND Introduction Kotlik is one of the larger ports and important commercial centers of the lower Yukon River because of its easy access by barge and large riverboat. River access is restricted to between mid-June and mid-October because the river is frozen eight months per year. Access is also limited by the nine foot water depth at high tide. Kotlik receives barge service from Black Navigation and air carrier service daily from Wien Air Alaska, Hermans, and Western Yukon Air. Location Kotlik is located near the northern shore of the Yukon-Kusxokwim Delta. Fronted by Kotlik Slough, this city is only five miles from the mouth of the Yukon River in Norton Sound. Kotlik is in the Calista Region, 35 miles northeast of Emmonak, 100 miles southwest of Unalakleet, 167 miles northwest of Bethel and 460 miles northwest of Anchorage (Figure 2.1). Topography The topography surrounding Kotlik is gently rolling to level delta surface. Low terraces, shallow depressions and swampy floodplains are characteristic features of the landscape. There is very poor drainage due to a high water table and low gradients. Climate The subarctic climate of Kotlik has temperature extremes 2¢3 KEY KOTLIK SAINT MARYS li KALSKAG ; ANIAK [. AE. Sans ages. ‘ LOWER KALSKAG , = oe OT EE nwa NEWTOK Be ¢ : NIGHTMUTE ! CHEFORNAK MEKORYUK li TOKSOOK BAY if TUNUNAK jo) she HOOPER BAY CHIGNIK LAGOON 7 i of y CHIGNIK lj : i IVANOF BAY FALSE PASS COLD BAY joe | ; NIKOLSKI ; | > ATKA ST. PAUL ST. GEORGE | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i 110 toxsoox Bay i Q MEKORYUK _ i=. fo ORS cae er "NVanor eay 15 ~ FA € pass 16 “1 Sp aN os 180 240 300 MILES Figure 2.1 LOCATION MAP of 87°F and minus 50°F. The prevailing winds are from the east at 9-14 mph during most of the year, shifting to less strong westerly winds during June and July. Kotlik averages 16 inches of precipitation and 60 inches of snowfall annually. Climatic background conditions for Unalakleet, which are representative of Kotlik, are presented in Figure 2.2. Population The population of Kotlik increased by 300% in the mid-1960's as residents of Chaniliut, Hamilton, Bill Moore's Slough and Pastoliak moved to the village. The residents of Chaniliut moved because siltation blocked the channel to the supply barges. People from the other villages moved primarily because a district BIA school was built in Kotlik (1962-63). The population has increased 29% over the last decade. Recently an increasing percentage of young people are staying in the village. _—_———__-_---—_————————————————— — Census Year 1920 1930 1939 1950 1960 1970 1980 a Population 83 14 aa 44 57 228 291 et eeptneentie terns entiniamstastin li oaarhonimnhieeintteeeoemensaperig eis ences asa Nes Number of houses 55 (84 by 1982) ONY, NGL) Population projections for the next 20 years are discussed ‘and graphed in Section 6.1. Economy Fishing is the economic mainstay of the community with most activity concentrated in the June through August fishing season. Most fishermen use gill nets to catch salmon along the Yukon River. Fish are sold to five commercial fish buyers, processors, canneries, and mid-cure salteries within 60 miles of Kotlik. 2.3 Climatic Background van Fest man | apr | may: sun | suc! auc! ssp | ocr! nov | vee , Light Conditions T Winds _Unaiakieet data 3 PERCENT FREQUENCY 6 8 PERCENT FREQUENCY g = Occurrence of cams 0 . Precipitation Maximum monthly smowtall Mean moniniy snawall not avaiable Temperature DEGREES F 2.500 g 8 DEGREE DAYS 3 ° soo GOwing Degree Days Tell F fo se et DEGREE DAYS JAN) FEB) MAR. APR MAY JUN) JUL) AUG. SEP! OCT NOV, DEC r ee | Source: Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Community Profile Series. Figure 2.2 2.4 Subsistence activities in the form of hunting, trapping, and berry picking are still pursued actively by the villagers and these form an important and basic component of the village economy. Most village employment is seasonal and year round employment is limited. The post office employs two people, the clinic requires three employees, and the two community stores provide ten positions. The transportation industry also provides some employment. The elementary school, first built in 1962 by the BIA and expanded in 1973, serves 76 students with four teachers and four aides. In 1979 the Lower Yukon School District built a new high school. The school system also includes a Head Start Program with four staff members. A clinic was opened in 1979 to serve the community's health and social concerns. The clinic is operated by the Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation with a staff of three health aides. 3.0 VILLAGE VISIT The field team met with the villagers at a meeting of the village council and described the Energy Reconnaissance Program. The villagers emphasized the need for a reliable electrical service, and detailed plans for central generation in the village. A central generation system is currently being installed by United Utilities Company. The price of fuel for domestic space heating is now $2.50/gallon and is causing considerable economic hardship. Kotlik is on the coast in an area of coastal tundra. The only source of wood is driftwood. Because an increasing number of villages upriver are now collecting driftwood, less is reaching the vicinity of Kotlik. As the driftwood becomes increasingly scarce, it is necessary to collect it over a wider area. Alternatives for electrical production are limited. Three families installed wind-powered generators but were abandoned because of maintenance difficulties and the introduction of AVEC facilities. Although there was considerable local interest in wind powered generators the people are skeptical because of the problems with the Nelson Lagoon wind system. The demand for electricity and local resources will increase in 1982-1983 with the completion of 29 new HUD homes in the community. 4.0 EXISTING HEATING AND ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATING FACILITIES 4.1 4.2 4.3 Bulk Fuel Storage and Heating Appliances Bulk fuel storage capacity within the village is listed, segregated by sector, in Figure 4.1. These capacities are based on actual tank sizes and on estimates where reliable data could not be obtained. The storage capacity of domestic fuel tanks and 55 gallon drums is not included in the bulk storage capacities. Also listed in Figure 4.1 are the types of heating and cooking appliances, segregated by sector, being used in the village. Electrical Generation Facilities The existing generating equipment installed in the village is listed in Figure 4.2. Comments on the operation of the generators are included. The anticipated generation equipment for a central power plant is also listed on Figure 4.2. Once the central power plant becomes operational the individual generators now used would be disconnected or used for back up. Fuel Oil Usage Figure 4.3 illustrates the use of fuel oil in the village. Consumption of fuel oil by sector for space heating is listed as a percentage of the total oil consumption. Similarly, the percentage of oil used for electrical power generation is shown. The oil used for space heating is broken down to show the portion that actually heats building space, and that which is lost to waste. The electrical generation fuel oil is also separated into electrical energy and waste heat segments. Fuel oil consumption in the village was based on records, where avilable, and calculated estimates where no reliable records existed. Please refer to the main report for an explanation of the estimating process. The fuel oil consumption for electrical power generation was based on an assumed central electrical power plant, with the generating equipment listed in Figure 4.2. Electrical Energy Distribution aE SY me stribution The energy flow through the electrical generation sector is depicted graphically on Figure 4.4. The "pie-chart" represents the total energy dedicated to the generation of electrical power. Each sector in the village consumes a slice of the pie, as shown. 4.2 €°P BULK FUEL STORAGE CAPACITIES AND TYPES OF HEATING APPLIANCES FUEL OIL (361000 gal) RESIDENTIAL KOTLIK/1982 SECTOR COMMERCIAL SCHOOLS PUBLIC ELECTRICAL GENERATION 234000 70000 7000 RX 50000 (GALS) GASOLINE ( 35000 gal) STORAGE * TYPE OF HEATING APPLIANCE LEGEND: 2 3 4 5 6 *DAY TANKS AND FUEL DRUMS ARE NOT TYPE OF HEATING APPLIANCE OIL-FIRED FORCED AIR FURNACE OIL- FIRED BOILER WITH WATER/GLYCOL DRIP-TYPE OIL STOVE/FURNACE woOoOD STOVE PROPANE WASTE COOKING STOVES HEAT FROM GENERATORS INCLUDED. ** Anticipated central generation storage Figure 4.1 OISTRIBUTION ELECTRICAL GENERATION OWNER NO. OF UNITS GENERATOR OUTPUT RATING TYPE OF ENGINE Village Corporation Private A.C.C. Store Native KBH Store School Proposed Central Electricity Generation Additions 6+ 150 KW John Deere Lima, Model 6619AF100 8.8 kW Lister Lima 3-5 KW ASSDRTED 7.5 KW 30 KW 75 KW White D4800 x 174 Kohler, 150 KW 50 KW Figure 4.2 TYPE OF GENERATOR FACILITIES 1800 RPM 1800 RPM 7200V 120/240V 120/240V 120/208V ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION COMMENTS ON OPERATION The 150 KW generator was in- Co. in December of 1981. The to the public buildings. Generators are typically oper- ated 3 to 5 hours per night and provide electrical power to the village residents for lights and home video. village stores. Generators have a waste heat recovery system and provides ithe school. ource of electrical power. stalled by the United Utilities 8.8 KW generator provides power Generator provides power to the thermal and electrical power to dditional generators have been roposed to: provide a reliable 100 90 80 70 60 50 Percent vU 20 ESTIMATED FUEL CIL USE FUEL OIL USAGE KOTLIK / 1982 SECTOR END USE Space Heat 413% Waste Heat 27% Generator Waste Heat 238 R Residential 50 Cc Commercial 6 P Public 2 S School 10 E Electricol Power Generation 32 = 125500 GAL = Figure 4.3 4.5 %o %o %o So % 16900x10°BTU ELECTRICAL GENERATION SECTOR ENERGY DISTRIBUTION KOTLIK 2 Residential 12 % Commercial 2% Public 1% School 12 % Waste Heat 71% Generation Losses 2% TOTAL ENERGY 5470 x 10° BTU/YEAR TOTAL ELECTRIC POWER 466 MWH/YEAR Figure 4.4 4.6 5.0 ENERGY BALANCE The estimated energy consumption in Kotlik during 1982 is listed in Table 5.1. Estimates of the different types of energy consumed by the various sectors are based upon the 1980-81 fuel purchase records kept by the store, and the school. Estimates based on the population, square footage of residences and other buildings, and calculated energy usage factors, were used where data were incomplete. Wood use was estimated using the observations and discussions with wood users that occurred during the village visit. A representation of the flow of energy through the village is illustrated in Figure 5.1. In 1982 it is estimated that 18,384 MMBTU of fuel will enter Kotlik in the form of gasoline, wood and fuel oil. This fuel will be distributed to the various sectors and used for transportation, cooking, heating and electricity generation. The conversion of the fuel to its end use will result in 52% or 9,496 MMBTU of energy to be lost to atmosphere. 53% of this waste heat could be recovered using conservation and waste heat recovery practices. The actual amount of energy used by each sector is listed in the last colum of the diagram. The 1982 projected distribution of useable energy, if a central generation system is installed in the village, is shown in Figure 5.2. The distribution represents the quantity of energy that will be required by each sector (excluding transportation) for electric lights and appliances, water heating, space heating and cooking, and generation station service. Percentages listed in the figure can be multiplied by the useable energy of 8888 X 106 Btus to determine the projected energy requirements for a particular end use in a given sector. These projected energy requirements do not include energy conversion losses and therefore represent the actual quantity of energy required for each end use. 5.1 a Lg ainbiy © KOTLIK/1982 POP: 291 HOUSEHOLDS: 55 13,800 rg. DEGREE DAYS eueE AMOUNT ENERGY PRODUCT ELECTRICAL ENO USE TOTAL | BY SECTOR CONVERSION WASTE HEAT | DISTRIBUTION BY SECTOR USABLE ENERGY GASOLINE TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION : i aah faages (3375) (4375) 4375) | PROPANE COOKING wooo RESIDENTIAL HEATING (450) RESIDENTIAL (6112) (1500) (9890) (1050) HEATING/ 5030 632 COOKING (5030) a (632) COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL HEATING (1020) (1592) FUEL OIL POWER POWER GEN. GENERATION ELECTRICAL (16884) GENERATORS (5470) (3878) L SCHOOL(S) SCHOOL(S) HEATING/ (1031) (1676) COOKING (1720) PUBLIC PUBLIC (253) HEATING (284) TOTAL INPUT ENERGY (18384) WASTE HEAT NON - RECOVERABLE (4442) NOTE: NUMBERS RECOVERABLE WASTE HEAT (5054) IN BRACKETS ARE 106 TOTAL USABLE ENERGY (18317) Btu's. WVY9VIG MOA ADYANS VILLAGE: KOTLIK/1982 ENERGY BALANCE s TOTA GASOLINE WASTE ee PROPANE HEAT ENERGY ELECTRICITY Toray | RECOV- BTU Btu ERABLE | BTU 3 SECTOR GAL 6 LBs. 6 BTU BT. 58 fo GAL Bigs % MWH ne % #10 #10 x 108 RESIDENTIAL 185 632 4410 2205 6112 46 COMMERCIAL 406 203 747 6 PUBLIC 113 57 253 2 SCHOOLS 689 69 1676 13 ELECTRICAL GENERATION 3878 2520 100 1 TRANSPORTATION 4375 33 125500 *station service or distribution losses Table 5.1 DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL USABLE ENERGY * KOTLIK WITH CENTRAL GENERATION END USE SECTOR BY SECTOR 100 90 80 O_ a ae < ~- 70 E H/C (58.43) w Fr Oo a < 60 o KE w z cx w 50 oO cc Ww a 40 30 E(1.5%) H/C (6.98) PWR GEN P(1.1%) 20 E(7.38) WH (2.08) 10 H/C (9.68) PUBLIC R(0.9%) oO H/C (1.98) END USE SUMMARY E LIGHTS, REFRIGERATOR/FREEZERS, 16.8 % VIDEO, AND OTHER ELECTRICAL USES WH WATER HEATING 5.3 %- H/C SPACE HEATING, COOKING AND MISC. 76.8 % P GENERATOR STATION SERVICE/ 1.1 % TRANSMISSION LOSSES TOTAL USABLE ENERGY = 8888 x 10° Btu % DOES NOT INCLUDE ENERGY USED FOR TRANSPORTATION AND RECOVERABLE WASTE HEAT Cian ca 6.0 ENERGY FORECASTS 6.2 Population Projection The population of Kotlik was forecast for the twenty year planning period based upon historical population trends, expected changes resulting from planned capital projects, and the villagers' projections of the growth of their community. Historical data approximates a 2% annual growth rate. Rapid increase of this rate as a result of capital projects is not anticipated but residents expect Kotlik to continued its growing trend. Historical and projected populations are listed below. Figure 6.1 illustrates the population projection over the 20 year planning period. Historical | Projected 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 35 44 $./22:228": 281 353 434 528 Capital Projects Forecast Kotlik is developing into a subregional hub for the Lower Yukon region. 29 AVCP/HUD houses are being constructed and will be completed in 1982. These have been included in the base case scenario for the village. Similarly, the new central electrical generation facilities have also been included as the base case. No further major capital projects were identified for Kotlik in the near future. However, the computer Programs developed for energy forecasting include anticipated increases in the square footage of schools, residential, public and commercial sectors based on the natural population projections for the community (see the Methodology section in the Appendix). The programs do have a facility to include capital projects. When firm plans are established for specified developments the programs can be run to detail the effect on peak demand, kilowatt hours generated and the effect on the thermal energy requirements of the community. Projects either underway or anticipated at Kotlik include: Houses - 29 AVCP/HUD houses are currently under construction, to be completed in 1982. Diesel - A new diesel generator plant is being Generator installed by United Utilities Inc. for the village. Weather- - Many of the residences in the village ization & need insulation and weatherization Insulation improvements. Thermal Energy Projection Figure 6.2 presents the anticipated thermal energy consumption of Kotlik during the forecast period. The 6.2 6.4 thermal energy is provided by the combustion of fuel for space heat. The projections were based on fuel use records and estimates of the heating requirements of the buildings. The new AVCP/HUD houses were included in the village facilities. Electrical Energy and Peak Demand Projection Figure 6.3 presents the anticipated electrical energy consumption of Kotlik, by sector, during the forecast period. The projections were based on the existing electrical loads, consumption records, and estimates where accurate data was not available. Details of the estimation methods and calculations are included in the main report. 6.3 THERMAL ENERGY ¢MMBTUD POPULATION PROJECTION POPULATION KOTLIK 458 42 358 3828 250 1 Jt 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 bt i982 1984 1986 1988 1998 1992 1994 1996 1998 2028 YEAR Figure 6.1 THERMAL ENERGY PROJECTION KOTLIK 11222 1¢3e2 92282 B2e2 7822 : - 1+ ~~ 1 — 1sse 1934 1996 1988 1992 1992 1994 1995 1993 2202 YEAR Figure 6.2 6.4 ELECTRICAL ENERGY ELECTRICAL ENERGY BY SECTOR (MWH) PEAK DEMAND (K'k) TOTAL (HHH) PEAK DEMAND PROJECTION KOTLIK 302 2528 222 1528 ilicncesaniit Ih ctpitniallinastissiteaapscticnabaabeinii Ay ein cir ect i a 1982 1984 1986 1988 1998 1992 1994 1896 1998 2f28 YEAR ELECTRICAL ENERGY PROJECTION KOTLIK 758 658 558 458 4228 RN, SBD ett vee s™ eeh oe se ro 1@a + c P eg tt tt tt ht nh igs2 1984 1986 1988 1992 1992 1994 1995 1993 22a YEAR G = Electrical Generation Sector C = Commercial P = Public S = Schools R = Residential Figure 6.3 Gus 7.0 ENERGY RESOURCE ASSESSMENT Wind The nearest recorded wind data for Kotlik is from Unalakleet, 100 miles northeast. In spite of the distance weather conditions at Kotlik are comparable to those at Unalakleet. The average annual wind speeds reported at Unalakleet are 11 mph at 10m, 13 mph at 30m and 15 mph at 50m. The surface winds at Kotlik are reported to be light, 10-14 mph, and variable. The lack of detailed wind data specific to Kotlik, the marginal conditions reported, and the poor economic showing of wind at St. George and Nikolski (this report) have precluded further consideration of wind as a viable option for electrical generation. Wood No trees grow in the vicinity of Kotlik but driftwood is collected as a supplement to fuel oil for home heating. The amount of driftwood available decreases each year as up-river collection increases. Although important for residential space heating, wood is not considered a reasonable alternative for central power generation. Coal Coal deposits are known upriver in the vicinity of Grayling, however, there are no known plans to develop the resource on a commercial basis. Alternative sources of coal would be from Healy via a barge loading facility at Nenana, or by sea from Anchorage. 7.1 Peat The soils around Kotlik are stratified silts originating from seasonal flooding by the Yukon River. Although they contain a high percentage of organic matter, they cannot be classified as fuel grade peat. Solar Passive solar heat may be considered viable only as a supplement to home heating, however costs of retro fitting and short daylight hours in winter mitigate against its widespread acceptance. Geothermal Kotlik has no geothermal potential. Hydro Kotlik is in an area of low relief. There is no hydroelectric potential. Conservation Measures Waste Heat Capture The majority of the energy in the fuel oil burned in a diesel generator is lost as waste heat through the engine cooling water, exhaust gases, and radiant heat from the engine. Much of the waste heat can be reclaimed from the engine cooling water and exhaust gas by transferring the heat in heat exchangers to a secondary fluid, usually an antifreeze solution. This is then pumped to buildings and used in heaters for space heating. 7.2 Alternate Plan A, detailed in Section 8.2 of this report, investigates the feasibility of waste heat recovery at Kot lik. Weatherization Homes and buildings built in Western Alaska in the past have in general been poorly insulated and weatherized. Heat loss from such buildings is high, in the forms of heat loss directly through the walls, floor, and ceiling, and by the cold air that enters around leaky doors and windows. Insulating and weatherizing a home can often cut the heating fuel requirement in half or more, and make the building more comfortable and liveable at the same time. The materials required are inexpensive, and the skills necessary for installation low. This work is perhaps the most effective way of reducing village energy uSage. Technology Ranking Figure 7.1 presents a ranking of the technologies that could be applied to the village. Each technology was examined on the basis of state-of-the-art quality of the technology, cost, reliability, resource, labor, and environmental impact. Please refer to the main report for the ranking methodology. 7.3 v°L Village of Kotlik r Technology Relia- Environ- Ranking State-of-the-Art Cost bility Resource Labor mental Factor Impact oe T ~ — Weatherization* 5 5 5 5 5 5 1.00 Diesel Power 5 4 4 4 4 4 0.87 Waste Heat Recovery* 5 4 4 4 4 4 0.87 Hydroelectric Power N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A } 0.00 | + 1 Wind Energy Conversion systems 2 2 2 2 2 4 | 0.43 | | | Geothermal Energy N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 0.00 Steam Power from local , a a fuel ,wood,coal,ect... N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 6.00 Gasification of wood,coal or peat N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 0.00 Generation via synchronous cnadetion* 4 3 3 3 1 4 0.65 + Electrical Load Management* 3 2 1 4 0.63 * Energy Conservation Measures N/A Not Applicable Note: 0 = worst case, 5 = best case Figure 7.1 8.0 ENERGY PLAN 8.1 Base Case 8.1.1 General Description The base case plan for Kotlik is to supplement the central generation system that is currently being installed with additional generators and a generator building. The new additions would include: 1. The purchase and installation of two new generators. A large 150 KW generator to be used for backup and a smaller 50 KW unit for night switching. 2. The construction of a 15 ft. x 30 ft. generator building in close proximity to the school and community buildings. 8.1.2 Base Case Cost Analysis The present worth of the existing central electric power plant with the additions described in Section 8.1.1 was estimated to be $412,000. The cost is itemized below: Generators and Equipment 78,000 Generator Building 187,000 Labor 10,000 Shipping 4,000 Equipment Rental 15,000 Subtotal 351,000 8.1 Engineering 29,500 Project Management 14,750 Test 14,750 Contingency 59,000 Total Estimated Cost $412,000 The plant value was amortized over a 20 year period. Additional generation capacity was added, in increments of 50 kw, as required by the growing peak demand. The cost of additional generation capacity was estimated to be $1650/kw. The cost of fuel oil was set at $12.37/MMBTU, based on a fuel cost of $1.67/gallon. Operation and maintenance expenses were estimated at 8¢/kwh. Table 8.1 presents the itemized present value analysis of the base case for the 20 year study period. The discounted 20 year present value was $3,769,000. 8.1.3 Social and Environmental Evaluation Base Case Plan Summary: Operation of central power plant. 1) Community Preference: At the time of the village visit there was no central generation system. The villagers are installing a central generation system which will reduce their cost of electricity and increase its availability and reliability. Central generation has been assumed as the base case. The villagers of Kotlik preferred not to see a diesel powered 8.2 DIESEL - ELECTRIC INTEREST AND AMORTIZATION FUEL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TOTAL TOTAL YEARLY PLAN COST DISCOUNTED PLAN COST €<8 DIESEL - ELECTRIC a AND AMORTIZATION UEL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TOTAL TOTAL YEARLY PLAN COST DISCOUNTED PLAN COST 1982 27.6 103.9 38.4 169.9 169.9 169.9 1992 33.1 170.8 48.8 252.7 252.7 188.0 1983 3321 109.5 39.4 182.0 182.0 176.7 1993 33.1 179.1 49.9 262.1 262.1 189.3 NOTE: 1984 33.1 115.3 40.4 188.9 188.9 178.0 1994 33.1 187.7 51.0 2/4.9 271.9 190.7 KOTLIK PLAN 1 BASE CASE 1985 33:1 121.3 41.5 195.9 195.9 179.3 1995 33.1 196.8 52.1 282.0 282.0 192.0 1986 33.1 127.5 42.5 203.2 203.2 180.5 1996 38.7 206.3 53.2 298.1 298.1 197.1 1987 Saal 134.0 43.5 210.7 210.7 181.7 1997 38.7 216.1 54.3 309.1 309.1 198.4 *kk ALL VALUES IN $1000's Table 8.1 1988 33.1 140.8 44.6 218.5 218.5 183.0 1998 38.7 226.4 55.5 320.6 320.6 199.8 1989 33.1 147.8 45.6 226.6 226.6 184.2 1999 38.7 237.2 56.6 332.6 332.6 201.2 1990 33.64 155.1 46.7 235.0 235.0 185.5 2000 38.7 248.5 57.8 345.0 345.0 202.7 1991 331 162.8 47.7 243.7 243.7 186.7 2001 38.7 260.3 o930 358.0 358.0 204.2 TOTAL 690.6 3447.2 968.5 5106.3 5106.3 3769.0 system but recognize that such a system would be necessary initially and late as a backup to alternateive energy based systems. 2) Environmental Considerations: i) ii) iii) iv) vi) Air Quality: Exhausting combustion gases releases a small amount of pollutants to the local environment, but the impact is minimal. Noise: The exhaust stacks from the generators produce a considerable amount of noise. The installation of more effective mufflers would reduce the noise level. Water Quality: No impact. Fish and Wildlife Impacts: No known impact. Terrestrial Impacts: There is no impact on vegetation or soils. Land Use and Ownership Status: All leases and permits are in place. 8.1.4 Base Case Technical Evaluation The anticipated operation of the central diesel electric power plant in Kotlik is expected to meet the following: 8.4 High Reliability. Diesel electric is a well proven well understood technology with a successful history in rural Alaska. Backup generation allows maintenance of the generators without major power interruptions. Occasional system downtime is expected for distribution system maintenance. Safety. A small risk is realized by the storage and handling of fuel oil. Normal risks associated with electrical power are also present. Availability. There are no indications that spare parts will become difficult to obtain in the future. The availability of fuel to the power plant depends on the reliability of transportation to the village. 8.5 8.2 Alternate Plan A 8.2.1 General Description The Alternate Plan A for Kotlik is the installation of a waste heat recovery system installed at the anticipated central electric power plant, with the following features: 1. Jacket water heat recovery equipment installed on the 150 KW and 50 KW generators. 2. A distribution system consisting of pump, piping and valves to deliver the ethylene glycol heat transfer fluid to the heated buildings and return it to the power plant. 3. Heating equipment installed in the high school buildings, to provide space heating. 4. A control system that automatically regulates the supply of heat to the buildings, and rejects any surplus waste heat to the engine radiators. 8.2.2 Alternate A Cost Analysis Table 8.2 presents the itemized, estimated cost to install the jacket water heat recovery system. The installation cost of the heat recovery system was estimated to be $114,000. The system value was amortized over a 10 year period. 8.6 ESTIMATED HEAT RECOVERY COSTS Project Location Generators (kw) Estimated total kwh generated Generators equipped with heat recovery equipment CALCULATED VALUES Average Generation Rate Percent of On-Line Capacity Maximum Jacket Water Heat Recovery Percent Jacket Water Heat Available Estimated Recovered Heat Available Estimated Recovered Heat Utilized MAJOR COST ITEMS - Main piping 200 feet x $120/ft. Heat Recovery Equipment 1 2 3. Circulating Pumps 4. Heaters and Miscellaneous Hardware 5 Contingencies (30%) 6. Base Cost 7. Project Management (5%) 8. Engineering (10%) 9. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 10. O & M COST 11, Recovery Efficiency Table 8.2 RT Kotlik 150,150,50 467000 kwh/yr 150,150,50 53 kw 36% 6800 Btu/min 43% -175X106 BtuH -175xX106 BtuH 24,000 36,400 7,600 8,300 22,900 99,100 5,000 9,900 114,000 1.96/MMBtu 3291 Btu/kwh The cost of fuel oil normally used for space heating, which was offset by the captured waste heat, was $18.52/MMBTU, based on a fuel oil cost of $2.50/gallon. Operation and maintenance costs were calculated to be $1.96/MMBTU waste heat captured. Table 8.3 presents the itemized present value analysis of the plan, for the 20 year study period. The discounted net benefit of the system was $890,200. 8.2.3 Social and Environmental Evaluation Alternate Plan A Summary: Waste heat capture from central power plant. 1) Community Preference: The villagers of Kotlik recognize that the installation of waste heat will improve the efficiency of fuel use in the community. Installation of the waste heat capture system will require local expertise and should provide a number of jobs during the construction phase. The system should operate with minimal maintenance although one part time person would be required until the system has been tested and initial minor problems have been solved. 2) Environmental Considerations: i) Air Quality: There will be a reduction in fuel oil consumption in the village resulting in reduction of hydrocarbon, monoxide and nitrogen oxide emissions. DIESEL - ELECTRIC INTEREST AND AMORTIZATION FUEL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TOTAL TOTAL YEARLY PLAN COST DISCOUNTED PLAN COST NON ELECTRIC BENEFITS EXTRA COSTS BENEFITS NET BENEFITS DISCOUNTED NET BENEFITS 1982 27.6 103.9 38.4 169.9 169.9 169.9 COOCON oooon 1983 33.4 109.5 39.4 182.0 182.0 176.7 CoooCo”w COOCOWw NOTE: 1984 33.1 11bs3 40.4 188.9 188.9 178.0 1984 16.6 OTe: 41.1 37.6 kk KOTLIK PLAN 2 ALTERNATE A 1985 33.1 121.3 41.5 195.9 195.9 179.3 1985 16.7 60.7 44.0 39,1 1986 33.1 127,.5 42.5 203.2 203.2 180.5 1986 16.8 63.7 46.9 40.5 1987 33.1 134.0 43.5 210.7 210.7 181.7 1987 16.9 66.9 50.0 41.9 ALL VALUES IN $1000's Table 8.3 1988 33.1 140.8 44.6 218.5 218.5 183.0 1988 17.0 70.2 53.3 43.3 1989 3321 147.8 45.6 226.6 226.6 184.2 1989 17.0 73.7 56.6 44.7 1990 3 155. 46. 235. ONE 1990 17. 77. 60. SPOR we PP ONW be rho 243. 186. wo WNMW OO NN COR 7 oT’s DIESEL - ELECTRIC INTEREST AND AMORTIZATION FUEL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE TOTAL TOTAL YEARLY PLAN COST DISCOUNTED PLAN COST NON ELECTRIC BENEFITS EXTRA COSTS BENEFITS NET BENEFITS DISCOUNTED NET BENEFITS 1992 33.1 170.8 48.8 252.7 252.7 188.0 1992 17.3 84.9 67.6 48.8 1993 1994 33.1 33.1 179.1 = 187.7 49.9 51.0 262.1 271.9 262.1 271.9 189.3 190.7 1993 1994 17.4 17.5 88.9 93.2 71.6 75.7 50.2 51.6 NOTE: *** KOTLIK PLAN 2 ALTERNATE A 1995 33.1 196.8 52.1 282.0 282.0 192.0 1995 17.6 97.6 80.0 52.9 1996 38.7 206.3 53.2 298.1 298.1 197.1 1996 17.7 102.2 84.6 54.3 1997 38.7 216.1 54.3 309.1 309.1 198.4 1997 17.7 107.0 89.3 55.6 ALL VALUES IN $1000's Table 8.3 (continued) 1998 38.7 226.4 55.5 320.6 320.6 199.8 1998 17.8 112.1 94.2 57.0 1999 38.7 237.2 56.6 332.6 332.6 201.2 1999 17.9 117.3 99.4 58.4 2000 38.7 248.5 57.8 345.0 345.0 202.7 2000 18.0 122.8 104.8 59.7 2001 38.7 260.3 59.0 358.0 358.0 204.2 2001 18.1 128.5 110.4 61.1 TOTAL 690.6 3447.2 968.5 5106.3 5106.3 3769.0 TOTAL 312.4 1605.6 1293.2 890.2 8.2.4 14) iii) iv) vi) Noise Levels: No impact. Water Quality: There would be a minor impact if a major leakage occurred in the coolant system. Fish and Wildlife Impacts: None. Terrestrial Impacts: Will be minimal during the installation of the distribution system and will be restricted to the village site. Land use and Ownership Status: It is assumed that the village will make the necessary arrangements for the right of way requirements for the distribution system. Alternate Plan A Technical Evaluation Operation of the waste heat recovery system in Kotlik, in conjunction with the central power plant, is expected to conform to the following expectations: 1. High Reliability. The system utilizes simple, reliable components that are readily available "off the shelf" from a variety of sources. Safety. A well maintained system has a very low hazard potential. Availability. All components needed are available immediately. The system is relatively easy to implement. 8.11 9.0 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES AND RECOMMENDATIONS Table 9.1 summarizes the village plans, the associated present worth analysis, and any non-electric benefits. Table 9.1 KOTLIK Energy Source Present Worth Non-Electrical Benefits Diesel and Waste Heat Direct power generation costs, excluding administrative costs, are presented in Table 9.2 for each energy plan. Table 9.2 og Energy Base Case Alternative A Production Plan 1 Cost Plan 2 Cost Year eneye ___(¢/kwh ) (¢/kwh ) = 1 ’ 35.42 35.42 1983 492,700 36.94 36.94 1984 505,600 37.36 29..23 1985 518,400 37.79 29:.30 1986 531,300 38.25 39.42 1987 544,200 38.72 29.53 1988 557,200 39:21 29.65 1989 570,200 39.74 29.81 1990 583,400 40.28 29.98 1991 596,600 40.85 30.15 1992 609,900 41.43 30.35 1993 623,400 42.04 30.56 1994 637,100 42.68 30.80 1995 650,900 43.32 31.03 1996 664,900 44.83 32.11 1997 679,000 45.52 32.37 1998 693,400 46.24 32.65 1999 608,000 46.98 32.94 2000 722,800 47.73 33.23 2001 737,900 _ 48.52 33655 Table 9.3 presents the plans for the village, in rank of recommended preference. The recommended action appropriate to each alternative is listed as well. Table 9.3 Energy Plan ternative Recommende’ ction Alternative A - Waste Heat Initiate a feasibility Capture study for waste heat recovery. Estimated cost of feasibilty study $12,000 - $15,000. Base Case - Operation o Anticipated Central Power Plant Additional Recommendations Weatherization oO resource assessment or -building insulation feasibility study «building envelope indicated; immediate action infiltration required to bring Energy -improved combustion Audit and/or weatherization program to this community. Wind Power Initiate wind data acquisition program. Reconnaissance studies are necessarily preliminary in nature, however, it is apparent that there is great potential for a waste heat capture system in Kotlik. Sale of the waste heat will realize increased revenues to the utility which will decrease the cost of production for electricity. Currently (1981-82) electricity costs an estimated 35.42¢ per KWH based on $1.67 a gallon for fuel and assuming that a central generation and distribution system is installed. The fuel is supplied by Chevron and barged to Kotlik from the distribution center in Bethel. The computer model used in the reconnaissance study projected that the 1982-83 cost of production for electricity will be approximately 34.42¢ per KWH. The study suggested that a waste heat capture system would be installed, and become operational in 1983-84. It was assumed that the waste heat would replace fuel oil, which costs $2.50 per gallon, used for space heating. Based on this assumption, the cost of production for electricity would be reduced from 37.36¢ to 29.23¢ per KWH. Therefore it is recommended that a waste heat capture system be installed. The reconnaissance study estimates that the system has the potential to save up to 16,000 gallons of fuel oil in the first full year of operation. 9.3 APPENDIX. See Section 3.0 (Methodology) of the Main Report: RECONNAISSANCE STUDY OF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS AND ALTERNATIVES FOR THE VILLAGES OF Aniak, Atka, Chefornak, Chignik Lake, Cold Bay, False Pass, Hooper Bay, Ivanof Bay, Kotlik, Lower and Upper Kalskag, Mekoryuk, Newtok, Nightmute, Nikolski, St. George, St. Marys, St. Paul, Toksook Bay, and Tununak. ista Corporation 516 Denali Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 279-5516 RECE IVED APR 1 2 3982 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY April 9, 1982 Eric Yould Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 RE: Letter of March 8, 1982 We have reviewed the draft documents by NORTEC of the energy reconnaissance report of the Calista Region. Calista Corporation endorses the study that was done by NORTEC. Energy in the Calista Region is probably the most expensive item for the people. Oil and gas have to be transported in, therefore causing the cost of energy to skyrocket in the villages. We would very much appreciate for Alaska Power Authority go on further and make recommendations to improve the energy programs within our region. However, please coordinate with Calista Corporation and A.V.C.P. Inc. on the reconnaissance studies that will be done in the future. Any questions please do not hesitate to call on us. Sincerely, CALISTA CORPORATION Whe Al} ider President AR/ms Reply to Calista Corporation letter dated 4/9/82. Receipt of the letter and the point about further future coordination with A.V.C.P. Inc. is acknowledged. Alaska Power 334 W. 5th Anchorage, PROPERTY oF: Authority Ave. Alaska 99501 eee