HomeMy WebLinkAboutKaltag Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements & Alternatives 6-1981 RECONNAISSANCE STUDY OF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS AND ALTERNATIVES FOR KALTAG, ALASKA (A SUMMARY) ROPERTY GF: Prepared by: HOLDEN & ASSOCIATES Planning Consultants Juneau ERYER's PRESSLEY? @2LIOda Consulting Engineers Anchorage JWA Professional Engineering Alaska June 1981 Prepared for: ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY INTRODUCTION The Alaska Power Authority undertook an analysis of the current and future energy use patterns and possible alternative energy sources in various com- munities in rural Alaska. The results of one portion of that work are con- tained in a report entitled: Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements and Alternatives for Kaltag, Savoonga, White Mountain and Elim. The re- port, prepared by Holden & Associates, Fryer : Pressley : Elliott, and JWA, outlines in detail the current energy use patterns and suggests some alter- native methods of providing for future energy needs of the communities surveyed. This summary is intended to describe the recommendations and findings of the above mentioned report. If you desire more information on this subject, you may obtain a copy of the full report from your City Council, Village Corporation or High School, or you may contact the Alaska Power Authority (Attention: Mr. Don Baxter, 333 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 31, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, 276-7641) or Holden & Associates (Attention: Mr. Richard Holden, 1710 Davis Avenue, Juneau, Alaska 99801, 586-3687). Briefly, the forecast for the future energy needs of Kaltag are as follows: FORECASTED ENERGY CONSUMPTION 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 Electric (kWh x 1000) 241 285 396 502 609 Peak Demand (kW) 88 105 146 185 224 Thermal (Btu x 109%) 17 22 27 29 32 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The residents of Kaltag are dependent on high cost, imported diesel fuel for the production of electric energy. The cost is stiff. Fuel oil for power generation (and space heating) is about $2.00 a gallon (1981) and electric energy is generated at'a cost of approximately 37¢ per kWh: Escalating oil costs have spurred a large scale return to wood for residential space heating. The conversion now underway has been spontaneous and largely unaided by outsiders. Today 90 percent residential and 35 percent commercial/municipal heat is provided by wood. For those with good health and the cash resources to purchase snowmachines, boats and motors, gaso- line, chainsaws and wood heaters, this option is viable. For the old, dis- abled and financially disadvantaged, the switch to this cheaper fuel source cannot be afforded (regardless of income source). Wood harvest and trans- port is accomplished by individuals or small groups, and these activities are tailored to other seasonal subsistence patterns such as hunting and fishing. The small amount of excess wood available in Kaltag fetches about $90.00 per cord ($5.80/10® Btu); a little more than one-third the cost of fuel oil. The high cost of electricity is reflected in low consumption rates. The average household uses about 1,700 kWh per year, or about one-third of railbelt consumption; yet pays about twice the utility bill. Under such "subsistence" level consumption, it is difficult to consider significant savings through conservation, not withstanding total disconnect. Home heating, on the other hand, does not mirror conservative electrical consumption. Building heat loss is more a function of the building's charac- teristics (e.g., size and condition) than a function of occupant habits. Although the average house is about 450 square feet, the family occupying it must provide about 175 x 10° Btu annually for space heat (10 cords of wood, equivalent). The extreme subarctic cold, high winds and substandard hous- ing, aggravated by escalating fuel costs cause an ever increasing stress on household budgets. Unlike residential electric consumption, conservation of residential heating fuel has obvious merit. Regional transportation is by barge (in the ice-free summer months) and by air (year-round). Due to remote location and logistical difficulties, the cost of many goods and services consumed has a relatively and absolutely high transportation component. Escalating fuel costs will be compounded by esca- lating transportation charges. Gasoline for local snowmachine and_ boat transport is about $2.50 per gallon (1980). Construction of the community's energy balance revealed that schools are the largest single consumers, as well as the largest consumer class of electric energy, with residential being the second largest consumer class. However, residential is the largest consumer class of space heating fuels, and schools are the largest single consumers. Of every three million Btu's consumed today for non-transportation needs, about one million are used for electric power generation and two million are used for space heating -- an early indication of where future emphasis may well be placed. As the population continues to grow, the quality of housing continues to increase and government related construction continues to expand, the de- mand for raw energy resources will rise significantly. Base case forecasts, performed by the reconnaissance team, indicate about a 60 percent increase in per capita total electric consumption and about a 30 percent increase in per capita total thermal energy consumption over the next 20 years. The reconnaissance team evaluated a number of alternative fuel sources and energy conserving technologies within the framework of this study. Primary to evaluation procedures are the elements of cost, availability, reliability, complexity and the desires and traditions of the community's residents. Conclusions based on our technical and economic feasibility work are as follows: ° Improvin diesel-electric conversion efficiency and capturing generator p waste heat for space heating purposes appear to be the best short-term -3- methods of defraying the high cost of electric generation. The prospects for hydroelectric development are not clear-cut at this reconnaissance level. Hydrologic investigation to confirm stream flow (and, thus, electric generation capacity) and cost assumptions are re- quired to adequately assess this potential. Power generation technologies alternative to diesel-electric and hydro do not appear to be economically or technically attractive for the small remote load center considered. Weatherization is a low cost proven technology with obvious merit. Wood will remain an economically viable option for space heat. If this already established pattern of conversion is continued to its apparent and logical conclusion, approximately 95 percent of all residential space and 75 percent of all commercially and municipally operated space will be heated with wood. Although the switch thus far has been accomplished inter- nally, the final increments of the conversion described above may require assistance in the acquisition of the tools of harvest, transport and end use. Although the pattern of conversion is established, long-term complications may arise. Wood, which is classified as a renewable resource, regener- ates slowly in the subarctic study area. Thus, convenient select wood fuel could dwindle in the periphery of Kaltag. This raises the possibility that forests will be depleted faster than trees cut for fuel can be re- placed. Due to the construction of modern housing, schools and utilities, this community is now immobilized. For residents who no longer can simply pick up their belongs and leave when local resources dwindle, the potential of wood's long-term price advantage over fuel oil could eventu- ally evaporate. Although wood can have a major impact on reducing the community's de- pendence on imported petroleum, this development would not completely solve the regions' energy problems. At least 50 percent of the energy used by these communities cannot be replaced directly by wood (or coal), using currently available technology. We, therefore, conclude a long-term solution to the regions' problems appears to be development of an alternative liquid fuel, derived from wood or coal or both. Technologies required to convert wood and coal into fuels for trans- portation, power generation and space heating are now being developed, and may be available for use, on a regional basis, in the future. Of course, the success of new and innovative technologies in rural Alaska depends on the same transportaton systems needed to distribute coal and wood within the region. Thus, in addition to the establishment of wood har- vesting and coal extraction industries, a major component of the region's energy plan should be the development of transportation systems of suffi- cient scale to handle these fuels. In conclusion, the alternatives evaluated herein can have an impact on low- ering the Kaltag's dependence on high cost petroleum fuels. To do this the plan must tap another bountiful form of energy -- the willingness and desire of local residents to participate in finding and implementing solutions to their energy problems. Thus, the ultimate solution must be consistent with emerging village lifestyles, as well as being within the financial and technical capabilities of local residents. RECOMMENDATIONS °o Electric Generation Plant The fuel efficiency of the electric generation system should be increased. This project involves the further training of operators and improved man- agement of the plant facilities, load management, and replacement with higher efficiency units as older units reach the end of their physical life. Proceed with design and feasibility for the retrofit of existing diesel- electric generators with waste heat recovery equipment for school space heat. The electric generation plant will need to be relocated to a site adjacent to the school. Estimated cost for feasibility and design is $35,000. Energy Conservation in Buildings An energy specialist and auditor should be brought to Kaltag to assist the residences in participating in the various weatherization programs that exist under state and federal law. A technical audit should be conducted of the school buildings and appro- priate retrofit programs undertaken. Hydroelectric potential Although positive economic benefit for the Kaltag hydro plan was not proven by this work, some hydrologic and cost assumptions remain uncon- firmed by on-site investigation. Therefore, a reconnaissance geotechnical and hydrologic investigation should be performed at the Kaltag hydro sites. This on-the-ground investigation is needed primarily to verify (winter and summer) statistically derived stream flow assumptions used for the Corps of Engineers' analysis and incorporated into this study. This reconnaissance would also assist in refining capital cost estimates for each site. The economic benefits of the hydro site development could then be reexamined using various petroleum fuel escalation rates and amor- tization periods. This analysis would provide a basis for the decision to conduct a full feasibility study. The estimated cost of this investigation is $80,000. Wood Resource Encouragement and assistance should be given to those desiring to con- vert to the local wood resource for space heat. TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF ENERGY RESOURCES Heat Losses 1980 (2) Source of Data: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Engineer's estimate. (2) Estimate by local residents. Inadequate data for the purpose of estimation. Wood to Gas to Power; Galliett and Marks; 1980. Weather Bureau Statistics. Northwest Alaska Small Hydropower Reconnaissance Study (Draft), OTT Watter Engineers, 1981. (7) Claus Naski and Don Tripplehorn; Sept. 1980. (8) Reliability of Data: (10) Adequate for the purpose of this work (reconnaissance level). (11) Not adequate for the purpose of this work. (12) Further data is level work -8- Blazing Alaska's Trails; Alfred Brooks; 1958. required to verify or procede to feasibility (KALTAG) Source of Reliability Resource Quantity Quality Cost Data of Data Wood 4.4 million Adequate for $90/cord (1)(2)(4) (10) cubic. yards Space Heat ($5.80/ (4) (1)(2) MMBtu)(1) Wind Varies with 8.1 mph (1) (5) (10) Season and average(5) year (1) Coal Unknown Unknown (4) (3) (1) (4) (11) (12) Nearest point (7) (8) of previous exploitation is 40 miles distant (1)(4) Hydro- 4 miles Seasonal $4,792,200 (6) (10) (12) electric distant Flow (6) Capital 262 mWh (6) potential(6) Generator 1.3x10°Btu/yr Adequate for $250,000 (2) (10) (12) Waste Heat Recoverable Space Heat (2) (2) 1980 (2) Building 8.5x10°Btu/yr Adequate for (2) (10) Envelope Recoverable space heat The Federal Government and Alaska's coal; The Northern Engineer; TABLE 2 CURRENT ENERGY BALANCE (KALTAG) (1979 - 1980) Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Wood Wood Total Waste Heat (Gallons) (BtuX10°) (Cords) (BtuX10°) (Btux109) (BtuXx109) RAW_FUEL CONSUMPTION ELECTRIC GENERATION 47,287 6.5 6.5 5.7 SPACE HEAT Residential 5,000 0.69 450 7.0 7.7 3.7 Institutional 45,000 6.2 6.2 2.7 Commercial and Public Agencies 6,883 0.95 35 0.54 1.5 0.53 TOTAL SPACE HEAT CONSUMPTION 56,883 7.8 485 7.5 15.4 6.9 Water and Sewer Utility Heat 6,000 0.83 0.83 0.29 TOTAL BULK RAW FUEL CONSUMPTION 110,170 15.3 485 7.5 22.7 12.9 (Without Transportation) ELECTRIC POWER CONSUMPTION kWh BtuX109 Institutional 113,065 0.38 Residential 84,825 0.28 Commercial 13,924 0.05 Public Agencies 9,243 0.08 Water and Sewer Utility 19,597 0.07 TOTAL ELECTRIC CONSUMPTION 240,654 0.82 TRANSPORTATION Gallons. BtuX109 Ground and Water (Regular Gas) 20,000 2.5 Air (Avgas) 6,000 0.76 MISCELLANEOUS FUELS Propane 12,100 Lbs. White Gas Unknown Kerosene Unknown Note: All values are annual. END USE CONSUMPTION BULA FUEL CONSUMPTION {i mae sd ao FUEL OL FoR Yo WASTE HEAT FROM FUEL OL Genleean NJ = _—— ELECTRIC TO Beer oO 47, mele aes Ol> KWH CONVEI2ZSION @.5 Tod aru FUEL OIL FoR oe HEAT 56883 GAL 7.8 X 1o? Bru oes SPACE HEAT COMMERCIAL ELECTAIC 15,9 fa PUBLIC AGENCIES ELECTRIC 224 SEWER 2 WATER UTILITY See bin a Soe <= ES oO. oe % WASTE HEAT % WASTE HEAT * & eb HOO? SB RDS 0.54 IO a % WASTE HEA PUBLIC AGENCIES | FUBLOL (ESGAL.,095K 10? it - a ae PFIVGAS Gooo GAL, O16 Kio? Ba ——s”F LALTAG ENERGY BALANCE (1979-1980) FI NOTE: ALL VALVES ARE ANNUAL. @ULK FUBLS ONLY. | Tea GAS ates GAL, 1B ko? anu free] PETROLELIM PRODUCTS. FIGURE - | RESULTS OF COMMUNITY MEETING A representative of the study team conducted a public meeting in Kaltag and also addressed the Mayor and City Council of Kaltag on November 13, 1980. Approximately 13 people participated. The purpose of the meetings was to discuss the objectives of this study and to document local input on current energy related difficulties and possible solutions which may be implemented now and in the future. In subsequent days, the engineer had conversations with many individuals concerning these same matters. The method of notifi- cation was radio announcement on KNOM and posted message at the Post Office and School. It is felt, from these meetings and conversations, that the people of Kaltag view their energy related difficulties generally as follows: ° The cost of electricity in Kaltag is excessive for people existing primarily on a subsistence based economy. ° Many houses are inadequately insulated and weatherized, resulting in high heat loss and personal discomfort. Some residents re- ported icing on floors and in corners. ° Wood (the predominate fuel for residential space heating) is diffi- cult to obtain by older or disabled people. ° This high cost of snowmachine and outboard motor fuel, physical depreciation of outboards, snowmachines, and chain saws as well as the difficulty of wood transport all contribute to make this alternative more costly than may be initially estimated. ° Heating domestic water from the PHS built circulating water sys- tems for showers, etc., is not possible with the manufactured and self-built wood heaters and stoves currently in use. -11- Residents of Kaltag expressed preference for the following concepts as a means to deal with their current energy problems: ° ° Development of hydroelectric power. Implementation of a program to better insulate and weatherize existing buildings. Development of educational TV programming or literature disburse- ment to teach techniques of home weatherization, conversion of existing wood heaters to include domestic water heating, etc. Development of a program to mechanize and centralize wood har- vesting and transport in order to increase efficiency, lower costs, and provide for older and disabled persons. It should be noted that some residents were suspicious of this concept because of a recent regional CETA funded attempt harvest wood for municipal building use and for older people which apparently suffered ex- tensive cost overruns. Possible implementation of wood fired electric generation should hydroelectric power not be feasible. The residents of Kaltag were aware of several possible alternative energy sources which exist in the local area and are as follows: °o ° Wood as both standing timber and drift. As previously noted, this is the primary fuel source for residential space heating in Kaltag. Hydroelectric potential as previously noted. -12- LISRARY COPY PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501