HomeMy WebLinkAboutScammon Bay Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements & Alternatives 4-1981VIL-N Alaska Power Authority 005 LIBRARY COPY Scam RECONNAISSANCE STUDY OF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS AND ALTERNATIVES FOR SCAMMON BAY Report Summary April, 1981 by Northern Technical Services and Van Gulik and Associates Anchorage, Alaska ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY bate g : RECONNAISSANCE STUDY OF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS AND ALTERNATIVES FOR SCAMMON BAY Report Summary April, 1981 by Northern Technical Services and Van Gulik and Associates Anchorage,Alaska ERRATUM In the Introduction to this summary report, the second para- graph, first item on the first page should read as follows: It was necessary to assume that the cost of diesel fuel would increase at a rate of 3.5% per year above the inflation rate. Introduction As you read this report, you will see that the results generally favor energy conservation (including the use of waste heat from diesel generators) with existing systems, as opposed to conver- sion to renewable energy alternatives. These results do not mean that renewable energy sources cannot be used in your com- munity, but rather that, under the conditions and assumptions used in the study, the alternatives appear to be at least as expensive as diesel generation as well as somewhat higher in risk. The above-mentioned conclusions are best estimates based on reconnaissance work in your area. This work was essential to predict the cost using other sources of energy. The conclusions are based on past experience, present costs (of fuel, materials and labor) and estimates of what might reasonably be expected to occur in future years. Some of the assumptions which had to be made in order to perform the economic analysis of the ditferent alternatives include the following: * It was necessary to assume that the cost of diesel fuel would increase at a rate of 3.5% per year. * It was necessary to assume that the growth of the com- munity's population would increase at roughly the same rate that it has in past years and that the increase in community energy consumption would follow that rate of growth. * It was necessary to assume that the costs associated with maintenance and operation of an alternative energy conversion system would be an integral part of the annual cost. It was necessary to base cost estimates on present (state-of-the-art) technology since it is virtually impossible to predict future technical advances in sys- tems for the conversion of alternative energy resources into useful electricity. It was necessary to assume that most people would pre- fer continuously available electricity and that they would probably not be ready to accept the inconvenience of intermittant power (for instance, doing without elec- tricity when there was too little wind for their wind generator to produce electricity.) It was necessary to assume that most people would prefer that a central "utility" provide them with elec- tricity rather than installing and operating their own system. If any of the above assumptions prove to be inaccurate or if their validity changes -- and this could easily happen in future years as the costs of the existing systems continue to increase -- alternatives which presently do not appear to be economically or technically feasible may become real options. Some examples of changes which could result in more favorable economics for the use of energy alternatives include the following: Fuel prices in the community could increase at faster rate than that assumed in this investigation. People in the community might decide to maintain and operate alternative energy conversion systems themselves, perhaps even trading their services within the community for subsistance commodities rather than cash. New inventions or improvements on present technology might make the cost of using an alternative energy source much less expensive than is presently indicated. eee eee What this report means, then, is that * Energy conservation is certain to lead to some savings of energy and money. Energy conservation measures will continue to minimize costs in future years, no matter what sources of heat and electric power are in use. * There are some alternatives (presented in the summary, next section) which appear to be worthy of further investigation at this time. * It will be necessary to continue to look for ways to make the use of other alternative energy sources practical. It is important that you, the people who live in the community, and others with an interest in the community and the region (including government leaders and planners), read this report with the previous points in mind. You are most familiar with your region and can, with appropriate technical and financial support, make the best authors of this report you will take the time here and point out any be assured that future decisions tor your energy future. The and the Alaska Power Authority hope that to comment on the information presented alternative ideas. In this way, we can planning for energy projects will lead to the best possible options for your community. It should be noted that the information presented here is extracted from a much more detailed report "Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements and Alternatives for Togiak, Goodnews Bay, Scammon Bay and Grayling" and that additional detailed information is available. The Community of Scammon Bay Scammon Bay is an Eskimo community of about 232 people located in the Yukon Delta on the east coast of Alaska approximately 140 miles northwest of Bethel. The community lies between the Askinuk Mountains, to the south, and the Kun River, to the north. The community is accessible by air year round and has a 2,800 foot gravel airstrip and a nearby seaplane base. There are six scheduled round trips from Bethel to Scammon each week. United Barge Lines, Black Navigation, and the Northstar III all have serviced the community in the summer months and bring in the annual fuel and supply shipments. Privately owned fishing boats allow the Scammon Bay residents to travel to fishing areas on the Black River and the Yukon. Snow machines are the primary mode of winter surface transportation. The village economy is based upon commercial fishing and experienced some set-backs in recent years: The village has a vigorous economy based on commercial fishing, but the past three years, has been unable to generate funds due to predominate southerly winds that drive the fish off-shore and away from the Black River set net sites. The village's fleet is not mobile, and cannot easily venture into the drift fisheries in the south mouth of the Yukon River due to the size of their boats. Many families that did not rely on welfare in the past have now turned to welfare. No other economic opportunity has developed in the village to replace income from fishing. (Ref. H. Sparck, Nunam- Kitlutsitsti) Other cash income in the village consists ot jobs with the city, airport maintenance, the stores, the BIA school, and state high school, plus assistance payments. The average annual household income (for an average of 4.7 members to a household) in 1977 was $8,855. It is likely that the annual household income to be reported in the 1980 census figures will reflect the recent decline in fish catches. Subsistence hunting and fishing are important to the local economy, as is the cottage industry consisting of basket making and ivory carving. The population of Scammon Bay has shown a steady growth in past years with a recent increase in growth rate. Scammon Bay Energy Use The input energy and end use for Scammon Bay is shown in Table 1. The data presented in these charts are based on 1979 energy consumption levels which is the last year tor which complete data was available for this study. The major oil consumers in the village are the Alaska Village Electrical Co-op, BIA school, the residential and commercial buildings which use oil for heating, and the new state high school. No data was available on the new high school; it had just begun operations approxi- mately one month prior to our reconnaissance visit. Both the high school and the BIA school were generating electric power because the AVEC system could not meet the demands of. both schools. With present capacity, AVEC can serve only the village and neither of the two schools. The AVEC plant is located approximately 1000 feet from the high school and the BIA school. This large distance precludes use of waste capture and distri- bution as an alternative means of reducing energy consumption in the village. Other energy users include the city, primarily for building heat and preheating the water supply system and a National Guard unit which uses some small amounts of oil and electrical power. ENERGY INPUT AND END USE FOR SCAMMON BAY Numbers in parentheses () are (106 Btu) | ENERGY FORM DIESEL/ GASOLINE/ END #1 OIL AVGAS PROPANE ELECTRICITY USE Gallons Gallons Pounds Kilowatt Hours Conversion to Elec- 31,0001 67,1002 | tricity (4185.0) (229.0) Residential and 34,700 10,0003 107,5004 small commercial (4684.5) (216.7) (366.7) space and water heating (mnon-transportation) Municipal and other 6,000 | 15,4004 public (810.0) (52.6) (non-transportation) Military 2,300 9004 (non-transportation) (310.5) (3.1) Transportation 200 28,000 (27.0) (3500.0) Cs | BIA School 29,000 78,5004 (non-transportation) (3915.0) (267.9) L SaaS NOTES: l Gross generation from 31,000 gallons fuel oil was 269,300 Kwh for a conversion effi- ciency of 22.0% 2 Power consumed by the utility for station service (lights, system distribution losses > WwW Propane is used solely for cooking. Net utility electrical sales in 1979 were 269,300 Kwh. TABLE 1 fuel pumping, etc.) and Propane is used in the village primarily for cooking. Gasoline is used for snowmobiles and fishing boats. There is no evidence that driftwood was used for home heating. The energy consumption for home heating on a per household basis, was approximately 680 gallons per year. This is equiva- lent to the rate at which energy was consumed in the town of Goodnews Bay for home heating and is below recently published consumption figures for small Alaskan villages. In spite of this apparent low consumption, there is room for improvement in reduction of energy consumption in the village by means of conservation measures. The AVEC generators at Scammon Bay had an energy conversion etficiency of 22.3%. Station service and distribution losses amounted to approximately 25% of the gross power generated. There was concern at the time of the reconnaissance visit that there were problems within the distribution system. This possibility is supported by both the inability to serve the larger loads in the village and the apparent high distribution losses in the system. Waste heat can be recovered from the diesel generators providing electrical power to the village, but the location of the gener- ators relative to the large heat loads such as the schools, forces the economics of a waste heat capture system to be marginal. Building heating energy requirements can be reduced by improved insulation in the building walls. One building observed had no insulation in the ceiling. Improvement in com- bustion conversion etticiency could also result in reduced oil consumption. Existing Power Facilities All electricity in Scammon Bay is diesel generated. The commu- nity's generating capacity is summarized in the following table: Tvs LLAGE OWNER NO. SIZE MAKE/MODEL VOLTAGE TOTAL Scammon Bay AVEC 1 . 75 KATO 67SU9D (1200 120/240,198 125* 1 50 . KATO 40 sugD 120/240,18 BIA 1 35 60 | H.S. : 1 100 NEWAGE-STAMFORD 120/240,18 100 KEY: * Generator to be changed to 100kw with engine speed increased to 1800 RPM. Existing Heating Facilities The largest consumers of fuel for space heating in the communi- ty are the schools. The BIA school uses oil-fired boilers to heat water for distribution to its building's circulating hot water systems. Water for domestic use and showers is heated through heat exchangers from the same boilers. The new state high school, which has only recently come into use, has a heating system which utilizes both oil-fired boilers and an oil fueled hot air furnace. The same school has additional boilers which use oil to heat domestic hot water. These large consumers of oil for hot water heating systems are prime candidates for receipt of waste or cogenerated heat from power production. Residential and other small buildings within the community are generally heated with simple drip type 50-100,000 Btu oil burner stoves. Heat output from these stoves is difficult to control; the lowest settings generally provide more heat than is required in the months with the fewest heating degree days when only minimal heat is required. Many homes make use of oil-fired cook stoves for space heating in addition to cooking and water heating. Homes in this community generally have no means of heat distribution other than radiation and convection from the stove itself. Summary of Existing Conditions Scammon Bay is presently dependent upon fuel oil for both space and water heating and electrical generation. In the past, resi- dents of Scammon Bay used local willow brush for heating fuel, and two residents had a windmill which supplied them with elec- tricity before the advent of AVEC genration. Fuel is usually delivered by barge and availability is sensitive to supply disruptions. The community consumed a total of 103,100 gallons of oil for space heating in the past year; 34,700 gallon of this amount were used for residential and small commercial heating. Homes are generally in need of weatherization which would lead to a significant savings in fuel payments. 269,400 KWh of electricity were generated here. Of this amount, 107,500 KWh were for residential consumption and 94,800 KWh were for govern- ment and school use. The peak system demand was about 75 KW during 1979. Electric bills cost the residents of Scammon Bay about 10% of their annual household cash income, while heating fuel takes about 13% of their income. Thus, the total household cash out- lay for energy in Scammon Bay is presently 23% of the annual cash income. : Projects Which Will Influence Scammon Bay's Energy Needs The Department of Housing and Urban Development has scheduled twenty-four new housing unit starts for Federal FY 1981. The forecast assumption was based on these units being occupied during 1982. Further, a new state high school has recently been completed. Calendar year 1981 will be the first full year of operation. POPULATION (Y) 240 7S FIGURE |, 7 va SCAMMON BAY 7 7 200 +— 160 TT CURVILINEAR PROJECTION 120 +— 80 —+— . - x X ACTUAL DATA, ISER & U. S. CENSUS . ——— PROJECTION 40 4— 70 YEARS FROM 1930 (Xx) 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 YEAR supply disruptions. The community consumed a total of 103,100 gallons of oil for space heating in the past year; 34,700 gallon of this amount were used for residential and small commercial heating. Homes are generally in need of weatherization which would lead to a significant savings in fuel payments. 269,400 KWh of electricity were generated here. Of this amount, 107,500 KWh were for residential consumption and 94,800 KWh were for government and school use. The peak system demand was aout 75 KW. Electric bills cost the residents of Scammon Bay about 10% of their annual household cash income, while heating fuel takes about 13% of their income. Thus, the total household cash outlay tor energy in Scammon Bay is presently 23% of the annual cash income. Community Meeting At Scammon Bay it was appropriate to hold two community meet-— ings, the first one being held with the Traditional Council. Council members present were Teddy Sundown, Tom Tunutmoak, Francis Agachak, Anna Kasayuli and Andrew Kasayuli. Anna Kasayuli acted as translator. Project personnel had contacted the Mayor, Homer Hunter, by telephone to notify him of the pending visit and to request that the meeting be announced. Further meeting notification consisted of calling on the CB just prior to meeting. The use of electric appliances was discussed and the problem of the high cost of electricity and heating fuel was also addressed. Appliance use ranged from minimal (refrigerator, treezer, CB and lights) to fairly heavy (television, refri- gerator, treezer, toaster, electric stove, microwave, electric washer and electric dryer). The council members generally supported the concept of a hydroelectric plant at Scammon Bay. The Council indicated that they would like to run such a plant themselves and that they would hire someone to act as plant manager. Francis Aguchak and his brother had a windmill a few years ago, but they stopped using it after AVEC made reliable electricity available at what was then a relatively low cost. A second meeting consisted of presenting the energy reconnais- sance concept to members of the community who had gathered at the municipal office building. The response to the project was quite favorable. Alternative Energy Resources for Scammon Bay Energy Conservation Energy conservation is usually one of the most cost effective methods for reducing energy consumption and costs. Energy conservation herein means retro-fitting or modifying any existing heat process. This can be done by increasing combus- tion efficiency, or by reducing the losses from the heat using process. Villages in western Alaska can benefit from the energy conservation practices which relate primarily to weatherization and improved combustion efficiency. The homes in the study villages averaged 750 square feet in size, were single story, built on piles, with exposed floors. Some of them had skirts around the piling to reduce cold air circulation under the building. If these buildings are occupied by a family present during the day, then oil consumption is typically on the order of 150 gallons per month in the colder months, resulting in heating costs close to $300. The technology to reduce energy consumption in these homes exists and could be economically applied. The requirements are simple and there should be no environmental or health impacts. Generator Waste Heat AVEC generation at Scammon Bay presently produces about 3,260 x 106 Btu/year waste heat. Of this amount, about 2,090 x 106 Btu/year are recoverable. This figure is comparable to the 2,340 x 106 Btu/year of heat delivered to the residential sector (stove output) or the 2,350 x 106 Btu/year output from the BIA school's boilers. Transmission greater difficulties in distribution of the other communities, but the resource consideration. Wind Wind recordings nearest Scammon Bay are military site which is located about 14 Bay. The two sites were separated from distances here impose waste heat than those at is worthy of further taken at Cape Romanzof miles west of Scammon one another by the Aski- nuk Mountains. Winds recorded at Romanzof originate generally from all directions, with a slight preference for the north- easterly direction. Thus, Scammon Bay winds may experience a somewhat higher wind regime. Mean winds recorded for Cape Romanzof over the period from 1953-1970 Month Mph January 16.7 February 17.0 March 14.7 April 15.3 May 11.7 June 9.7 July 9.1 August 10.7 September 12.3 October 13.2 November 15.7 December 16.3 Mean Annual 13.5 are as follows: Local people confirm high winds and long durations. A small windmill for private generation was operated successfully at Scammon Bay prior to availability ot centralized (AVEC) genera- tion. Based on interpretation of Cape Romanzof data, the wind resource at Scammon Bay appears to be of sufficient magnitude and duration to warrant further investigation as an alternative source of energy for the community. Additional continuous data recording for the specific site is indicated. Hydro The unnamed stream south of the village was assessed for power potential. The drainage area above diversion dam is 1 square mile. U.S.G.S. Coefficient Flow Mean annual low monthly 0.2 cfs/mi2 0.2 cfs Mean annual 1 1 Mean annual peak 10 10 At a point in town, draining an area of 2 sq. mi., the Alaska Power Administration measured a discharge of 9 cfs on August 7, 1979. This converts to a unit runoff of 4.5 cfs/mi2, which falls between the values read off the U.S.G.S. maps for mean annual and mean annual peak flows. While this does little to verify the computed flow values, it at least provides no reason to reject them, since any August flow in this region is expected to be somewhere between the mean annual and mean annual peak flow. The Administration also reports a local resident stating that the lowest flows occur in July and highest flows occur in the fall following fall rains. The low flow in July seems contrary to the general flow relationships for the region and, in fact, this information was apprarently ignored the hydroelectric potential computations since they show July as having relatively high potential. The report also states that the creek flows year round and apparently has a high occurrence of springs in the drainage resulting in relatively high flows during the winter months. Based upon this information, it seems that an increase in the mean annual low monthly and mean annual flow coefficients is in order, however the magnitude is impossible to determine without some winter stream flow data. In July, 1980, the Corps of Engineers installed a Parshall Flume on the stream as part of a separate study to evaluate the smald hydroelectric power potential at Scammon Bay. The Corps has correlated the measured flows to the dam site for the months of July through October, 1980, and also reported estimates of mean monthly flows for the remainder of the year. The mean annual monthly flow for July and August was 2 cfs and for September and October, 1.50 cfs. Since the flow was fairly uniform over this period there apparently were no large or long-term rainfall events that affected the mean for the month. Based on the Corps estimates for the remainder ot the year, these values are approximately equal to the mean annual flow. A comparison with the above computed mean annual flow of 1 cfs leads support to increasing the corresponding runoff coefficient. The Corps estimated mean annual low monthly flow of 0.8 cfs is also higher than the value computed by the regional analysis, as was expected based on the report of springs in the area. The Corps estimate of a mean annual peak flow of 10 cfs agrees with that found by the regional analysis. While the regional analysis shows good agreement with the pre- liminary reports of the measured stream flow, further comparison and conclusion about the applicability of the regional analysis must await additional data reports. Most recent information indicates little or no flow at Scammon during the month of January. This stream has reasonably good potential to provide power during the high flow months, but an alternate source of power is required here for low flow months. Solar Solar incidence at Scammon Bay is concentrated in the summer months. Although lacking in intensity, the daily solar input from long summer daylight hours is considerable. Until annual storage becomes technically and economically feasible, it is not anticipated that solar energy will be competitive with other energy sources for the production of power. However, housing design can make use of passive solar input. Energy Alternatives for Scammon Bay The following is the only alternative plan that is proposed for Scammon Bay. Scammon Bay Alternative Plan Scammon Bay has two near term available resources in close proxi- mity to the village. These are a small hydro potential stream ‘and wind. The hydro potential has been analyzed by the Alaska Power Administration and the Corps of Engineers. Based on infor- mation received since the December, 1980 report by the Corps, an energy scenario for this village has been developed which offers a long-term plan for achieving some relief from high energy costs. The plan for Scammon Bay is to: 1. Install a 100 KW hydraulic turbine generator to be owned and operated by the community. 2. Invest in modification of the electrical distribution to a) permit the hydro and the diesel to operate in parallel, b) allow the high school to deliver power to the BIA school as well as to the utility grid, c) require the schools to purchase hydro power from the community when excess generation is available (at least six months until the hydro generator can furnish all the necessary power). 3. Encourage the high school to install waste heat capture on the generators to provide at least a portion of the heat load for the building. Costs and Benefits of the Proposed Plan Although the initial (capital) costs of the hydroelectric system proposed for Scammon Bay are high, they are somewhat balanced by the long project life (50 years assumed for financial analysis). The addition of hydroelectric generation to Scammon Bay's present system is expected to lead to a cost savings when compared to continuation of present (diesel without hydroelectric) generation practices. Summary of Recommendations for Scammon Bay Preterred Energy Alter- native (in order of earliest feasibility) Recommended Resource Assessments and Feasibility Studies 1. Energy conservation No resource assessment or feasibili- - building insulation ty study indicated; immediate action - building envelope required to bring Energy Audit and/ infiltration or weatherization program to this « improved combustion community. 2. Hydroelectric with Confirm stream data (encourage Corps diesel backup in low of Engineers to continue stream tlow months gauging); develop elements of capi- tal construction cost of project in western Alaska; preliminary design and detailed feasibility. 3. Waste heat capture at Can be implemented in conjunction high school with hydroelectric alternative since school generators would provide com- munity backup and control BIA gener- ation. 4. Wind energy conversion Installation of anemometers for to be investigated at later time for potential to offset cost of stand- by generation necessary data (to confirm high vel- ocities and consistent duration in low flow hydro months). PROPERTY OF; Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave,