HomeMy WebLinkAboutNome Waste Heat 1990State of Alaska d Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation August 30, 1990 Mr. Mark Fryer, P.E. President Fryer/Pressley Engineering, Inc. 560 E. 34th Ave., Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Contract #2800097 Work Order #14, Nome Waste Heat Analysis Dear Mr. Fryer: We have received your final invoice (#6011) in the amount of $221.91 on the work order referenced above. This is to notify you that this work order is being glosed out. avid Denig-Chakroff Director of Rural Programs DDC:ekn cc: Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authority Arnold Reimer, Alaska Energy Authority Dominic Costanzo, Alaska Energy Authority > PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 RK PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road =Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Stare of Aaska ™ Steve Cowner, Governc: Alaska Brnergy Authority 4 Public Corporation 7* eh. €§ eS (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: NAME OF COMPANY: ce se COMPANY ADDRESS: Aric 2 ear TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: S$6'— Foz SENDER: Som vee Bev sik TELEPHONE NUMBER: Ze + — 72z.2-—\ CHARGE CODE: Bre 2sa' NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: DATE SENT: = INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE are SS IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: = RO. Box AM suneau. Alaska 99811 (907} 465-3575 BY PO Box 190869) =—704 East Tudor Read) = Anchorage. Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 61-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *K COUNT ** oe wR SEND oak jNo REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT | 1 001 907 5617028 5- 7-90 16:30 a ais 2 i TOTAL 0:01°13" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 State of Alaska > steve Cowper Bovernor t Maske Energy Authority A Puplic Corperation TEL ECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: NAME OF COMPANY: eee. COMPANY ADDRESS: Abid 2 Pntin Se TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: Sei~- Fors SENDER: Sk et bee te TELEPHONE NUMBER: Zo'- Tee CHARGE CODE: BSi1Sees3ico NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: = INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: mace IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) _ 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 4665-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: = PO BOK AM Juneau, Alaska 99514 = (907) 465-3575 SF PO. Box 190869 869701 East Tudor Roea) = Anchorage Alciska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **K COUNT ** # 2 we SEND kK NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME | DURATION #PAGES | COMMENT 1 001 907 5617028 5- 2-990 13:03 1°15" 2 r TOTAL 0:01°15" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 State of Alaska DN Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TEEN Coney, (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: Tim SANNE CIC NAME OF COMPANY: Fee COMPANY ADDRESS: ANCHORAGE TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: S$6\-70z28 SENDER: Jonni Burvoul TELEPHONE NUMBER: 261-7221 CHARGE CODE: S18233i10 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: Ze INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: Za RSC SEC IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 ® PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 to: Tim Janneck, FPE from: John Bulkow, AEA date: 2 May 90 re: Nome Waste Heat --Ketzebue 1. Not including the fuel savings calculations defeats half the purpose of submitting a draft report. In the future always include these calculations in the draft submittal. 2. Fuel consumption for a number of the facilities appears to have been estimated rather than based on historical records. Clearly state this for these facilities, indicate why historical records were not used, and explain how the estimated use was calculated. 3. There is a typo on page 46 that appears to have been carried over from the Kotzebue report. The expansion loop should ‘jog back’ rather than ‘job back.’ 4. Reference where pipe sizes may be found on sheet 4 of the drawings. 5. Identify and explain the purpose of the shell & tube heat exchanger connected to the generator set on sheet 5 of the drawings. FP CONSULTING E NEERS LETTE OF TRANSMITTAL TO 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Ph. (907) 561-1666 FAX (907) 561-7028 dhe Bul kow | PE. AeA DATE JOB NO. AEA 99044 | 4 oO ATTENTIO} Nome Waste beak Repock RE: ie see i EOE ye APRZ7 199 WE ARE SENDING YOU fj Attached [ Under separate cover via__Cowrter _ALASK Fol ge litenan (TY O Shop drawings 0 Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications © Copy of letter OO Change order oO COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION z ea, res of Cough daft of redect =? THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval wm For your use "Bi As requested O For review and comment Oo OO Approved as submitted OO Resubmit. copies for approval OO Approved as noted O Submit copies for distribution OO Returned for corrections O Return corrected prints O FOR BIDS DUE 19__~~—Ssd © «~PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS aaa: ecet)cal\. ssn Ee AES you get onday ae gt ge ye COPY TO. PRODUCT 240-3 (WEBS) Inc., Groton, Mass. 01471, SIGNED: af s () If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. State of Alaska DN Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation December 15, 1989 Mr. Mark Fryer, P.E. Fryer/Pressley Engineering, Inc. 560 E. 34th Ave. Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2516 Subject: Contract AEA #2800097, Work Order #14, Nome Dear Mr. Fryer: You are hereby given Notice to Proceed on Work Order #14 to perform a concept level design of a waste heat system as stated in your proposal of December 7, 1989 (attached). Fee for this Work Order shall be a lump sum of $22,191.00 and expenses shall not exceed $4,536.00. The total cost of work under this Work Order shall not exceed $26,727.00 unless subsequently revised. As soon as possible, but no later than February 12, 1990, you will submit the final report to the Alaska Energy Authority. Please signify your agreement with the conditions of this Work Order by signing below and returning this document to the Alaska Energy Authority. Sincerely, CL € Cnn for Robert E. LeResche Executive Director Attachment as stated RL:js cc: Brent N. Petrie, Alaska Energy Authority David Denig-Chakroff, Alaska Energy Authority ity Arnold Reimer, Alaska Energy Authority PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 Y PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 7304/1023(1) Concurrence with conditions of this Work Order: FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING, INC. Signature Title Date 7304/1023(2) RECEIVED December 7, 1989 ner 7 1989 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Mr. David Denig-Chakroff, Director Rural Programs Alaska Energy Authority 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Reference: Generator Waste Heat Recovery and District Heating Concept Analysis for the Community of Nome Proposal to Render Professional Services Dear Mr. Denig-Chakroff: Please accept this letter, together with its attachments, as both our statement of interest in the referenced projects, and our fee proposal. We have reviewed documents provided by your office and base our proposal on our interpretation on the requirements of suggested in those documents. Specifically, we have based our fee proposal on the following: 1. "Request for Proposals - Waste Heat Systems - Concept Level Designs"; dated 20 November 1989. eevagrer var |oeremven ete ne Nome Waste Heat System Concept Level Design" - This document is a. = TS |e One page project descr: tLOH dated 21 November 1989. PTT el 7 ete "Concept Level Documents"; a paper describing the minimum technical content of the final product of each project. 4. "Failure Analysis"; a paper that briefly describes the requirements of an analysis of system failures. Se A number of discussions with Gary Smith and one meeting with Mr. Smith and Mr. John Bullock. We propose to deliver a draft final report to the AEA on January ** and the Final Project Report on February 12, 1990. It should be noted that no interim report is proposed. In summary, we propose to render the services required of this project for a fee of $22,191. We recommend a direct project expense budget of $4,536. FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING, INC. 560 E. 34th Ave., Suite 300 ¢ Anchorage, AK 99503 ¢ Ph: 907/561-1666 ¢ FAX: 907/561-7028 Mr. David Denig-Chakroff December 7, 1989 Page Two Attached hereto is a detailed fee estimate, our restatement of the project requirements entitled "TASK LIST FOR NOME HEAT RECOVERY PROJECT" and a bar chart of our proposed project schedule. Should you have any questions regarding the content of this proposal, or its attachments, please do not hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, FRYER/PRESS Mark Fryer, P.E. President ENGINEERING }NC. Ke Gay Saver (SVE SRT RT Task 1. Task 2. TASK LIST FOR NOME HEAT RECOVERY PROJECT Concept Design Review Available Information in Anchorage This task is limited to search of the Anchorage based sources of information. The task includes the following activities: a) Collection of graphic information to include: . Aerial Photos . U.S. Geological Survey Information ° Plats . Community and Regional Affairs data b) Prepare a draft project base map. c) Survey computations and verification of accuracy of material collected is not proposed to be a part of this task. f) Contact community officials as suggested by the AEA, or as otherwise determined by FPE, to discuss the schedule and purpose of the site visit. g) Create a list of codes, standards and regulations to be adhered to during the design of the heat recovery systems. The criteria list developed pore account of other waste heat recovery projects” ‘to Be performed on behalf of the AEA will be used as a basis. The existing criteria list will be edited, as re- quired, to meet the requirements of this project. h) Before leaving for the first site visit, discuss plans and schedules with representatives of the AEA. Meeting will cover plans, schedules and progress regarding all systems to be analyzed. i) FPE to create meeting agenda and take the initia- tive in scheduling this coordination meeting. Mobilization/Demobilization and Travel This task accounts for the activities related to preparing to go to the field, travel to and from the field and associated expenses. Task 3. Task 4. Site visit This accounts for the work to be done in Nome. The objective of the work on site is to collect sufficient data to support the concept level design of a waste heat recovery and dis- tribution system. On site activities include: a) Meet and visit with local officials of the community, the electric generation utility, and managers of poten- tial heat user facilities (e.g., school principals, hospital administrators, etc.). b) Walk and document potential waste heat pipeline rights- of-way. c) As-built both the Alaska Gold and the Nome Light and Power electric power generation plants for purposes of waste heat recovery project. d) Create preliminary waste heat recovery design. e) As-built potential waste heat user facility mechanical systems as required to make concept design level con- struction cost estimate of connection cost. f) Acquire generation plant production profile information as may be available on-site. g) Acquire potential heat user energy demand profile infor- mation as may be available on-site. h) Take complete photographic coverage of the as-built con- dition, rights-of-way and other community features as may be required for the complete description of existing conditions. i) Participate in exit interviews with community officials as is deemed appropriate. Prepare and File Field Report This task includes preparing a field report and placing it in FPE’s project files. The field report is not a deliverable to be provided to the client. Task activities include the fol- lowing: a) Prepare photo captions and mount photographs. b) Prepare report of field activities (field diary). c) Prepare report of community features. d) Prepare notes of interviews with local officials. TASK LIST FOR NOME HEAT RECOVERY PROJECT Page 2 r a) b) c) e) Prepare estimate of thermal production and thermal use profiles based on field information. £) File as-built information in project file or with graphics department supervisor (as appropriate) . Task 5. Prepare Energy Profiles This task requires preparation of the following information: Estimate month by month thermal energy consumption profiles for major thermal energy consumers located within the city. Prepare month by month estimate of waste heat generation that is produced by all electric generation plants lo- cated within the city of Nome. Prepare graphic and tabulated estimates of potential simultaneous thermal energy production and demand. Task 6. Prepare Concept Plans for Waste Heat Recovery and Distribution This task is focused on the physical plant requirements of economical recovery and use of waste heat generated by electric power generation plants located within the city of Nome. a) Describe piping and pumping system. sain meameneetinines * a 3 TESA SR b) Describe heat exchangers with location and layout sketches. c) Describe any miscellaneous systems (e.g., associated building modifications or controls) required of the project. d) Describe waste heat pipeline rights-of-way. e) Perform an analysis of potential failure modes of the waste heat recovery and distribution system. Prepare a brief description of the major modes of system failure. Task 7. Construction Cost Estimates Based upon the compilation of the information discussed above, prepare an estimate of probable construction costs. TASK LIST FOR NOME HEAT RECOVERY PROJECT Page 3 Task 8. Prepare Project Report Prepare a final report presenting a resumé of all information discussed above. This report will contain graphic presenta- tion so as to make comprehension of the project elements more easily understood by the layman. The project report will con- tain the following: a) Select photographs. b) Graphs of heat generation and demand. c) Concept diagrams of pipeline alignments and power plan modification work. TASK LIST FOR NOME HEAT RECOVERY PROJECT Page 4 Estimate of Professional Fees and Expenses Waste Heat Systems - Concept Level Design NOME Principal-in-Charge 2 Senior Engineer (Mech.) 8 Senior Engineer (Civil) 8 Senior Graphics Tech. 4 Clerical 2 Sub-task total 24 EXPENSES $88.98 64.82 64.82 42.71 41.28 Misc. Expense (i.e., Air Photos & etc.) Expense Budget budget Task 2. Mobilization/Demobilization & Travel Title Effort Senior Engineer (Mech.) 8 Senior Engineer (Civil) 8 Clerical 1 . SE oe" oe oan Sub-task total 17 EXPENSES Misc. Expense Air Travel 2 Expense Budget budget $462.00 Estimate of Professional Fees and Expenses Waste Heat Systems - Concept Level Design NOME Task 3. Task 4. Site Visit Title Effort Senior Engineer (Mech.) 32 Senior Engineer (Civil) 12 Clerical 2 Sub-task total 46 EXPENSES Misc. Expense. (e.g., film) Auto Rental 4 Subsistence 6 Expense Budget Prepare and File Field Report budget 85.00 90.00 Principal-in-Charge Senior Engineer (Mech.) Senior Engineer (Civil) Senior Graphics Tech. Clerical Sub-task total EXPENSES Photo Processing Expense Budget $88.98 64.82 eG 4s B2 42.71 41.28 budget Estimate of Professional Fees and Expenses Page 3 of 4 Waste Heat Systems - Concept Level Design NOME Title Effort Rate Fee Principal-in-Charge 1 $88.98 $89 Senior Engineer (Mech.) 24 64.82 1,556 Staff Engineer 24 59.52 1,428 Senior Graphics Tech. 16 42.71 683 Clerical 2 41.28 83 Sub-task total 67 $3,839 EXPENSES Blue Lines Budget $10 Computer Use 24 $10 240 Misc. Reproduction Budget 20 Expense Budget $270 Task 6. Prepare Concept Plans for Waste Heat Recovery & Distribution Title Effort Rate Fee Principal-in-Charge 12 $88.98 $1,068 Senior Engineer (Mech.)"*: 32 ~© 64.82 2,074 Senior Engineer (Civil.) 32 64.82 2,074 Staff Engineer 32 59.52 1,905 Senior Graphics Tech. 16 42.71 683 Clerical 4 41.28 165 Sub-task total 128 $7,969 EXPENSES Expense Budget $25 Estimate of Professional Fees and Expenses Waste Heat Systems - Concept Level Design NOME Tasks 7 & 8. Prepare Project Report (including cost estimates) Title Effort Principal-in-Charge 1 Senior Engineer (Mech.) 8 Senior Engineer (Civil) 6 Technical Editor 12 Senior Graphics Tech. 16 Clerical 2 Sub-task total 45 EXPENSES Blue Line Special Reproduction Computer Use 4 Construction Cost Consulting Expense Budget Rate Fee $88.98 $89 64.82 519 64.82 389 59.51. 714 42.71 683 41.28 83 Budget $10 Budget 150 $10.00 40 Budget 1,900 Total Fees Total Expenses $22,191 $4,536 = ere TASK | 4 TASKS —_— 2&3 - TASK pe eee eee 4 TASK — DRAFT FINAL | 5 FINAL REPORT TASK REPORT \ ——<———_— \ a 6 * TASK ——____ 7 TASK a wanes eee 1 | AEA a A Pe) Lee a ae 2/12/18 «12/251 1/8 1/15 1/22—«1/29 2/5 WEEK BEGINNING ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY NOME DISTRICT HEATING STUDY PROJECT PROJECT SCHEDULE Ny bY 2 TASK LIST FOR NOME HEAT RECOVERY PROJECT Concept Design Task 1. Review Available Information in Anchorage. This task is limited to search of the Anchorage based sources of information. The task includes the following activities: a) Collection of graphic information to include: = Aerial Photos = U.S. Survey Information = Flats = Community and Regional Affairs data. b} Frepare a draft project base map. e) Survey computations and verification of ac- curacy of material collected is mot proposed to be a part of this task. TT Contact community officials as suggested by the AEA, or as otherwise determined by FFE, to dis- cuss the schedule and purpose of the site visit. 9) Create a list of codes, standards and regula- tions to be adhered to during the design of the heat recovery systems. The criteria list developed on account of other waste heat recovery projects to be performed on behalf of the AEA will be used as a bases. The existing criteria list will be edited, as re- quired, to meet the requirements of this Project. hh) Before leaving for the first site visit, dis- cuss plans and schedules with representatives of the AEA. Meeting will cover plans, schedules and progress regarding all systems to be analyzed. ay) FFE to create meeting agenda and take the in- itiative in scheduling this coordination meet— ing. TA Task S$ KE LIST FOR NOME HEAT RECOVERY PROJECT 2. Mobilization/Demobilization & Travel This task accounts for the activities related to prepar- ing to go to the field, travel to and from the field and associated expenses. ow Site Visit ccounts for the we to be done in Nome. The ab- of the work on si is to collect sufficient data support the concept level design of a waste heat ery and distribution system. On site activities in- clude: a} Meet and visit with local official of the community, the electric generation utility and managers of potential heat user facilities (i.e. school prin- cipals, hospital administrators etc). b) Walk and document petential waste heat pipeline rights-of-way. c) As-built both the Alaska Gold and the Nome Light and Fower electric power generation plants for purpose of waste heat recovery project. d) Create preliminary waste heat recovery design. e) As-Built potential waste heat user facility mechani- cal systems as required to make concept design level construction cost estimate of connection cost. f) Acquire generation plant production profile infor- mation as may be available on-site. gq) Acquire potential heat user energy demand profile information as may be available on-site. —Netos To BL SOMEWHAT 2eciA Bee h} Take complete photographic coverage of the as-built condition, rights-of-way and other community fea- tures as may be required for the complete descrip- tion of existing conditions. i) Farticipate ain exit interview with community offi- cials as is deemed appropriate. Tas ui we Task < LIST FOR NOME HEAT RECOVERY PROJECT 4. Prepare and File Field Report. Tne this task includes preparing a field report and plac- ing it in FFE’s project files. The field report is not a deliverable to be provided to the client. Task acy tivities include the following: a) Prepare photo captions and mount photographs. b) Prapare report of field activities (field diary}. c) Frepare report of community features. d) Frepare notes of interviews with local officiais. @) Frepare estimate of thermal production and thermal use profiles based on field information. f) File as-built information in project file or with graphics department supervisor (as appropriate). Sie Frepare Energy Frofiles This task requires preparation of the following informa- tion: a) Estimate month by month thermal energy consumption profiles for major thermal energy consumers located within the city b) Frepare month by month waste heat generation that is produced all electric generation plants located within the city of Nome. ep Frepare graphic and tabulated estimates of potential simultaneous thermal energy production and demand. o. Prepare Concept Plans for Waste Heat Recovery and Distribution. This task is focused on the physical plant requirements of economical recovery and use of waste heat generated by electric power generation plants located within the city of Nome. a) Describe piping and pumping system. b) Describe heat exchangers with location and layout sketches. TASK LIST FOR NOME HEAT RECOVERY FROJECT Task Task Task Gn Frepare Concept Flans for Waste Heat Recovery and Distribution. (continued) co Describe any miscellaneous systems (i.e. associated building modifications or controls) reguired of the project. d) Describe waste heat pipeline rights-of-way. e) Perform an analysis of potential failure modes of the waste heat recovery and distribution system. Frepare a brief description of the major modes of system failure. Zc Construction Cost Estimates. Based upon the compilation of the information discussed above, prepare an estimate of probable construction costs. 8. Frepare Froject Report Prepare a final report presenting a resume of all infor- mation discussed above. This report will contain graphic presentation so as to make comprehension of the project elements more easily understood by the layman. The project report will contain the following: &) Select photographs. b) Graphs of heat generation and demand. c) Concept diagrams of pipeline alignments and power Plan modification work. CATERPILLAR cw Lafayette, Indiana 47905 — = a a —— —= GENERATOR SET WITNESS TEST FOR NOME JOINT UTILITIES SYSTEM August 17, 1990 Engine Serial Number: 1PD00044 GENERATOR SET WITNESS TEST GENERAL INFORMATION Customer Nome Joint Utilities System Engine serial number: 1PD00044 - Purpose iia Electrical test of the customer's 3616 diesel generator set. Location Caterpillar Inc. 3701 State Road 26 East Lafayette, Indiana 47905 USA Test Procedure 1, Engine data taken at 30 minute intervals for the following load points: a. 30 minutes at 50 percent load (preceded with visual inspection) b. 30 minutes at 75 percent load c. 2 hours at 100 percent load d. 1 hour at 110 percent load Safety Check The overspeed safety was demonstrated by raising engine speed to the set point. High water temperature, low oil pressure, high crankcase pressure and high oil temperature protective devices were simulated by lowering the trip set point on the Dickey-Jon modules to demonstrate safety circuits. The test was done on 8/17/90. Detailed results of each part of the test are attached. Dale M. Yagelski ~ Engine Packaging Caterpillar, Lafayette August 23, 1990 GENERATOR SET INFORMATION Customer Data Customer: ~ Nome Joint Utilities System Engine Order: LP742 Engine Sales Model: E298 Engine Data Serial Number: 1PD00044 Engine Arrangement: 1W 1008 Engine Setting: 3840 KW at 720 RPM OT Specification: 019443 Rack Setting: 8.05 Governor Control Group: Woodward 2301A LS. Actuator: Woodward EGB 29P Generator Data Manufacturer: Kato Engineering Serial Number: 97695 Volts/Phase/Hertz: 4160/3/60 KW: 3660 KVA: 4575 Power Factor: 0.8 ~ Bearings: Double Shaft/Motor Inertia: 3,454,200 Ib*in2 Voltage Regulator: Basler SR8A Underfrequency Limit: 56 - 53 Hz : |__| ' 12> [40 : Dw GENERATOR SET TEST INFORMATION Test Operation Data Test Date: 8/17/90 Test Cell Number: 525 Test Engineer: Dale Yagelski Test Cell Operator: Mike Ruemler Test Conditions Barometer: 103.23 KPA Dew Point: 16.2 Degrees C Fuel Density: 34.4 Degrees API Prestart Test Overspeed Trip: 813 RPM Low Idle: 350 RPM All alarms and shutdowns verified. Safety Trip Data Trip Set Point — a= Shutoff Contactors Temperature (Degrees C)- High Jacket Water Outlet: 104 High Oil: 98 ~ _ Pressures (KPA) - Low Oil - Low Speed: 77 Low Oil - High Speed: 266 High Crankcase: 1.0 ee eee fa Alarm Contactors i as Temperature (Degrees C) - | wane 6 High Jacket Outlet Water: 98 High AC Inlet Water: 66 e . High Inlet Manifold Air: 92 | 23 High Oil: 92 | sate High Fuel: 66 Low Fuel: i {Authorizing * WA High Exhaust Gas: 550k cause a Pressures (KPA) - — Low Oil - Low Speed: 91 Low Oil - High Speed: 322 High Oil Filter Differential: 105 High Fuel Filter Differential: 70 Low Inlet Manifold Air: 294 High Inlet Air Restriction: Sy Low Fuel: 266 High Crankcase: 0.6 Low Air Start: 700 Switches - Low Oil Level: Close Low Water Level: Close | t GENERATOR SET TEST INFORMATION. -.. a? ee | i sew raw a 4 ei? ) | Standard Test Input Data Ss E Z i940 | | LOAD 50% 75% 100% ~ ,.100% __100%___-.100%--——-110% 110% — { Time (Minutes) 30 30 30~Ct«O 90 120 30 60 ironing YW" TEMPERATURES (DEGREES C) ‘ i, LL Jacket Water Pump Inlet 83 82 82 2-573-.gf ————" BI 82 82 82 | Jacket Water Outlet 93 93 94 94 9494-96 —--— 95 After Cooler/Oil Cooler Pump Inlet $3) 53 so S3S*«S 52 53 50 After Cooler/Oil Cooler Pump Outlet 4 57 62 62 61 61 4 62 After Cooler Water Outlet 58 66 66 66 67 66 67 66 Inlet Air 24 23 23 23 24 24 yoy 26 Turbocharger Outlet 126 164 175 175 175 175 200 196 Inlet Manifold 61 66 74 4 74 74 7? 3 Inlet Fuel 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 26 Oil 81 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 Exhaust Stack Left 440 433 415 416 418 431 403 413 Exhaust Stack Right 430 428 414 415 417 428 393 405 Cylinder # 1 308 330 363 365 368 373 370 380 Cylinder # 2 26S 280 303 304 306 310 309 313 Cylinder # 3 292 314 336 335 3h4 338 352 360 Cylinder # 4 260 277 297 298 301 304 302 308 Cylinder #5 320 36 377 377 379 384 385 394 Cylinder # 6 288 303 320 319 321 325 sich 336 Cylinder #7 294 320 349 350 353 357 oor 36S Cylinder # 8 317 342 363 362 364 368 376 380 Cylinder # 9 294 319 351 352 354 356 356 366 Cylinder # 10 302 317 338 337 30 4 350 354 Cylinder # 11 324 H9 380 382 384 388 384 392 Cylinder # 12 305 328 357 358 360 363 367 374 Cylinder # 13 287 311 338 30 2 H7 31 39 Cylinder # 14 283 307 336 333 31 34 345 351 Cylinder # 15 316 339 367 369 371 375 372 380 Cylinder # 16 306 328 356 358 361 362 365 371 Generator RTD Stator Sensor Phase A 54 61 79 83 4 85 86 89 Stator Sensor Phase B 56 62 80 84 86 87 86 89 Stator Sensor Phase C 52 59 16 81 83 86 86 86 Stator Sensor Spares OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Bearing Sensor Front 58 58 60 61 63 64 63 64 Bearing Sensor Rear a3) 54 56 56 56 58 s7 58 PRESSURES (KPA) Oil 500 490 479 479 479 478 478 478 Boost 64 128 205 204 203 203 24 239 Engine Fuel 556 540 519 520 516 516 497 507 Supply Fuel 46 46 44 44 44 4s 46 46 Jacket Water Pump Inlet 30 25 25 2 25 25 25 2s Jacket Water Pump Outlet 143 143 144 143 14 142 14 144 Jacket Water Outlet 85 7s 75 7s 7s 7s 75 7S After Cooler/Oil Cooler Pump Inict 30 30 30 » 30 30 25 w After Cooler/Oil Cooler Pump Outlet 205 205 203 204 205 204 204 204 After Cooler/Oil Cooler Outlet 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 After Cooler Outlet 131 132 133 132 133 132 135 135 After Cooler/Oil Cooler External Restriction 5S BS 5S $s 5S 5S 60 SS Jacket Water External Restriction 5S 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 GENERATOR SET TEST INFORMATION Standard Test Input Data LOAD 50% 7S% 100% 100% 100% 100% 110% 110% Time (Minutes) 30 30 30 1) 9 120 30 60 PERFORMANCE Power (EKW) 1875 2747 3680 3694 3718 3699 4060 4046 RPM 720 720 720 719 720 720 720 720 Frequency (Hz) 60 60 60 60 6 60 60 60 Observed Fuel Rate (Gr/Min) 6766 9501 12375 12314 12398 12372 13566 13575 Specific Fuel Consumption (Gr/EkWhr) 216 206 199 201 200 201 200 200 ELECTRICAL DATA (Volts/Amperes) Voltage Phase A 4171 4174 4174 4174 4174 4174 4140 4141 Voltage Phase B 4167 4169 4172 4172 4172 4172 4142 4143 Voltage Phase C 4164 4166 4170 4170 4170 4170 4144 4144 Voltage Average 4167 4169 4172 4172 4172 4172 4142 4142 Current Phase A 260 380 Sul Sil S11 sul 567 567 Current Phase B 256 383 513 513 513 513 568 568 Current Phase C 269 389 514 514 514 514 S65 566 Current Average 261 384 $13 513 513 513 566 567 Frequency Stability OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Voltage Stability OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK i ~ owe e ed i ~~ we = _ } wt ee i 3 Sb O58 aan Sye0 ———— [oh Lee oF age a AURIS = 80". 7525, SLOZ re, z PF cond PEaF ye ; ae GENERATOR SET TEST INFORMATION Transient Response Test Summary Page Test __ Number 0 - First Load 7 First Load - Second Load 8 Second Load - Third Load 9 Third Load - Test Power 10 Test Power - 0% It ONS 25) Fo 12 25 - 50% 13 50 - 75 % 14 75 - 100 % 15 100 - 75 % 16 75 - 50% 17 50 - 25% 18 25 - 0% 19 0- 50% 20 50 - 0% 21 Common Scales For All Charts ~ Voltage: 1 division = 43.7 Volts Frequency: 1 division = 0.25 Hertz (Unless otherwise noted) Time: 1 division = 1 Second rt it ae \ YW Lo “" w) * i ail \ \ \ ldivision = ! 8 lo, ect | ne \ Ay IT One is ihe Wy A ae ge ivision 43.7 Volts A.C.) Volta: (id 1ent uency a dision 0.25 Hertz) Fre Date: Load (1360 KW) Trans g/ 2/9 Serial Number: Load Step Hertz Scale: Volts Multiplier 1PD00044 1360 KW 5 Hz rst i Ei 0 CONTROLS CORPORATIO = imo First Load - Second Load (2300 KW) Transient Date: ae i Serial Number: 1PD00044 © Load Step: 1360 - 2300 KW Hertz Scale: 5 Hz Volts Multiplier: 25 ay Voltage (1 division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) Frequency (1 division = 0.25 Hertz) sail Voltage - (1 division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) ii =o Sire TASES ) : Me : Date: / 0 a Srecnes Serial ae 1PD00044 —+-++-+-— Load Step: 2300 - 3065 KW: Hertz Scale: 5 Hz Volts Multiplier: 25 Frequency qa dWision = 0.25 Hertz) 10 Third Load - Test Power (100 %) Transient pp tt Voltage (1 division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) ca Tt. Date:_§//7/90 Serial Number: 1PD00044 p++ Load Step: 3065 - 3660 KW Hertz Scale: 5 Hz Volts Multiplier: 25 Frequency 4 (1 division = 0.25 Hertz) 11 Test Power - 0 % Load Transient Voltage (1 division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) Serial Number: 1PD00044 ; ] Load Step: 3660 - 0 KW i 3 fo lon i, Hertz Scale: 10 Hz fe ger : Volts Multiplier: 25 ! as = Fall \ 0.5 Hertz) worn 0-25 % Load Transient 12 = Voltage (i division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) Serial Number: 1PD00044 . aan [+ Load Step: 0 - 915 KW Hertz Scale: 5 Hz Volts Multiplier: 25 Frequency (1 division = 0.25 Hertz) rs 25 - 50 % Load Transient Voltage (1 division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) Serial Number: 1PD00044 + +++ Load Step: 915 - 1830 KW Hertz Scale: 5 Hz Volts Multiplier: 25 Frequency (1 division = 0.25 Hertz) 50-75 % Load Transient ttt tt tht tt Ht Ht 14 Voltage (1 division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) = Date: _$//7/4) Serial Number: 1PD00044 ———_;—_+——_ Load Step: 1830 - 2745 KW Hertz Scale: 5 Hz Volts Multiplier: 25 Frequency (1 division = 0.25 Hertz) 75 - 100 % Load Transient Voltage =(1 division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) Date:_ 9/7/90 =p oe Serial Number: 1PD00044 HT Load Step: 2745 - 3660 KW Hertz Scale: 5 Hz Volts Multiplier: 25 Frequency =1(1 division = 0.25 Hertz) 100 - 75 % Load Transient Ser a Date: &/ 17/902 i NATION BUFFALO. NEW YORK Serial Number: 1PD00044 : Load Step: 3660 - 2745 KW. Ss Hertz Scale: 5 Hz i Volts Multiplier: 25 16 Voltage qa division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) Frequency 4 (1 division = 0.25 Hertz) 17 75 -50 % Load Transient Voltage (1 division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) = : = = ~ : Date: _£/17/90 i pawn “oe Serial Number: 1PD00044 i . rf Load Step: 2745 - 1830 KW Sh, b Hertz Scale: 5 Hz ii se 2170 Volts Multiplier: 25 ! ‘ Frequency (1 division = 0.25 Hertz) 18 50-25 % Load Transient Voltage (1 division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) Date: gh 7/40 | i , Serial Number: 1PD00044 | i f | Load Step: 1830 - 915 KW) © t+ Die Hertz Scale: 5 Hz Volts Multiplier: 25 Frequency (1 division = 0.25 Hertz) 25-0 % Load Transient 19 Voltage i (1 division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) Date: £117 /90 Serial Number: 1PD00044 an | ee: Load Step: 915 - 0 KW Hertz Scale: 5 Hz i Volts Multiplier: 25 : Frequency 4 (1 division = 0.25 Hertz) 0-50 % Load Transient F Voltage (1 division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) Serial Number: 1PD00044 Load Step: 0 - 1830 KW Hertz Scale: 20 Hz Volts Multiplier: 25 Dake: e/7/4 2 iS 50 Frequen (1 dWision = 1.0 Hertz) 50-09% Load Transient au ttt tt tt tt tH HH —oo Voltage (1 division = 43.7 Volts A.C.) Date: 2/7/90 Serial Number: 1PND00044 Load Step: 1830 - 0 KW Hertz Scale: 40 Hz Volts Multiplier: 25 PRIN Frequen qa division = 1.0 Hertz a he de Es PO SE PE tn ee ee) i‘ a rs