HomeMy WebLinkAboutFiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report Soldotna to Moose Pass 1-2003 Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report -— Soldotna to Moose Pass Michael Baker Jr., Inc. = 4601 Business Park Bivd., #42 7 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 January 2003 25628-MBJ-RPT-001 © Pes x Contents Acronymsiv 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Project DeSCTiption ...........cssssssessesssesesseeeecsseeestseeeessaceseseaeseseseescsesesacsuseseceeseseeacseseeseeeacecsceees 1 ~1.1.....Project Background .......ecececesesesssseseseeteseseseseesnesesesesesesnenesesescscsuescsestseseseessssseeesssseavaveneaeaes 1 1.2.....Scope of Work ......... 1.3.....Project Scope Overview.........::cce 1.4.....Conceptual Concurrence Scope of Work Alignment Rights-of-Way (ROW) ..........::sssssssscssssscssssssecsscsssssssessesesstesesecsesseseesecaesecsaceacenceseass 3 2.1.....DOT&PF ROW Alignment «0.0... ccccecesesssseseseseseeneneseseseseseeneseseseseeeuesesesesuesesesssesesneneseaeaes 3 2.2..... HEA/CEA/Seward ROW Alignment............. 2.3.....DOT&PF and HEA/Seward ROW Alignment ........:.cccccccesesssssseseeteesesestseesssesessstseeseseseees 3 2.4.....Preferred Alignment. FOC Route Alternatives ............cccssssesssssssssssssessssseeseseesesessseeseseeeessacseeseacseeeeesseeeeseeeesaeseeecaeaeee BiD Option Doe eceecseccsesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesescsesesesesesessvasacscsescscsesevasesavavacscatssscasseaceecacacscacaees 3.2.....Option 2 . 3.3.....Option 3 . 3.4.....Option 4. 3.5.....Option 5. 3.6.....Option 6. 3.7.....Option 7 .. 8.....Option 8 .. 9.....Option 9 .. 3. 3. 3.10...Option 10....... : SDD Option D1 cece cseesesesssesssessesesesesesesesesesesesenesesssscsesesesesesesesssasasasacscscacssecstscseseeacacacacaees Design Criteria...........cccccsssscsessssscssssescscsesesessseeeseseeeeaeaeeeessseseesssseseseseseeaesesceaeseseeeeaeseeeeseeesececes AD. Lmtroduction...... cc ceeccecccsesesesesesesesesesesesesenesesessescsesesesesesesssscsescscseasecececsceseacscsvevsesesesesssvees 4.2..... Special Design Considerations ..........ccccsecesesssssseseseseseseeesesesesessesesesesessucscseseseseseeeeesseseees 4.2.1 Brush/Forest Fires ....... 4.2.2 Frost Action/Permafrost . 4.2.3 Slope Stability 00.0.0... 4.2.4 Rock Fall/Avalanche... 4.2.5 Corrosion... 4.2.6 Security = 4.2.7 Maintenance Activities ........ccceeeeeseeeeeee 4.3......Design Loads .....c.cccceeseceseseseseseseseseeeteteeeneeseseaees 4.3.1 Dead Loads....... 4.3.2 Design Wind Load......c.ceceeeeeseesesessseseseseseseesescsesestsesesseseeets . 4.3.3 Design Snow/Ice Load .....c.c.ccssesesssseseseseseseseseseseeesecsesesesseecee 10 4.3.4 Design Temperatures... : 4.3.5 Seismic Loads... eceeecesecsessssssesseseseeseseeseseenesessssesssesessestesesussssessssessesessesesacaesseaeess 4.3.6 Load Combinations 4.4.....Construction Aspects ... . 44.1 Blasting... esccsecsesesessescecsesnsneseseseesnsnsseseseacsesnsseseseecsucsescscscsusscsesescseseessscsese HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 Page i ? 5.0 6.0 7.0 4.5 .....River and Flood Plain Crossings..........csssssssesssssssssesceseesssesesesessesscsesussestesesteseseseseeseseaes 11 4.5.1 Major, Minor, and Unclassified Crossings... At 2 = BYOB CS scsrasece cee ce cceers st eevee coe secs cca sas fall 4.6.....Drainage and Erosion Control Structures .........ccssseeseeeeteteeeseees 12 4.6.1 Transverse Levees, Longitudinal Ditches, and Ditch Plugs. 12 AG.2 = OU tae) DrAaMma esses ase te coe tee <t od evade otis 20 se twit ce ocicscices te steps ein toasts 12 Into FRE SUORAULOM csustaaetssotettat at patees ene este eet sce tess vt stee ages eee ee ane Cs Berend Doles Vi cut cy 06:18) «Weegee tec RR 12 4.8.1 Engineering Review and Requirement ............ccccccscsessesssseseseesesesceeestscescscsseseseeeees 12 4:32 As-Built Survey and Marking: vit, cts ctael tt tvcitttbocadtadetndateteclted.slsdiclachdsclcl aetatinie 12 4.9.....Access Roads oo 4.9.1: Installation Location ......c.c.cscc:ccssesesscissntesesatwastosscssscesessscatstenecresdacessececasiecsavuiatesttetss 12 4.9.2: Construction Method s..0ccssicicscssesesesissnsssusncasecesteteuseteceosetsvececvesiatesseieseeiecessedessssietsd 12 4.9.3. Crossings 4.9.4 Warning Signs FOC Installation..........cccsssscsssscscsssssscssssssssessssssessaseeeesseseessseseeseseaesacaeesseacseeesseasessaeseeaeseeessea 14 eG Ey pical- Install leti ors seas ctal os atcctat ect cess cet satin ot castes tts g aa parc aeeh cera ce st espe eran 14 De bel CIIA cszsusac este ceger ae:ctete-c4 tesco: sesescs aes: ogesetduseestsens ms ccsaie css et eeeesenr gies 5.1.2 Buried... is UES SUIS ct cnet esta a tstal vestct aoe dd ce nattot cdtedetecectee ties tt etectetiacczeetccostie: 14 Dee ses INCES sass cts coe eee a cats cts sa recs 0t chen cee peso et ote secs ses ct ee ete seieectes tests: 15 BROn aes) Co Sener rere lS Desa Pier Optic CAC eager cece cet eset teenie oe oie seeds sot eieses tessa etictestnss 15 D4 Metallic ROC csc tsa rae cae cnn nce ae etc eo iectctes acne ecstc 15 5.4.2 Dielectric FOC .... 16 Dees eMISUINND IMIR AStR CUM ae ceases cape to vege ces eas cgeet ee stevie esses osotiesete sta istctss tries teat vas 5.6.....FOC Hardware........ 5.7.....Project Cost....... 5.8 ....-Project Schedule... ..css.sc.ccesesesssensivesisescscteterncesdedsasectedetececteteracsintnsascscvelecestecteretocscorectess 18 Right Of Way (ROW)... cc csccssssssesssssseessessesessessessseessessesessecseeaesaesaeseesesaeseesecanseesesseseessasaess 20 x POMS accra nara at codec tot ac tatoos folie et ccetecedlet de tvetat fovtet fc toota 2h tieiebtiet sie 20 2s OPULON 2 ros et caw adore ho sca sates facets se va deveate set etek saat sett sd aves edt sted te tedfatittt diallatitaletnstactatts 20 6.3.....Option 3 . a2) 6.4.....Option 4. wil 6.5.....Option 5 ........ | 6.6.....Option 6 ........ wan 6.7.....Option 7 . yl 0285-3 DUOMO asic atresia eee eet ce aa feel 6.9 OPM ON ED sors carccat sete sect eusetotezetec a entenetiesateasar sail 6.10...Option 10... +22 eT re Opti sarah aes chee ote abe sare pec teste eas xct ete ateae sale PPGOPTVNICERIN Gate cose cc sesce cscs tte cocea tosses ce et sa oe 0: seat cecaterodaecscasaestcicccseacetccts cmisster-t0c-cncsesetvecstehces tcc: 23 fe Wee POTMIUUNB Aull SCQMMCING veer calarad tet cat igcatodteet nee etees seer ctealevedecadetoeseloctieceleteveted 0c liast 23 Ti2se, OSE OF EXIStING DistribDULON! LiMes secs esas aeeventivesieessietnsot cst scsniesit ceesiatosatec sc sic tess 23 HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 Page ii 7.3 .....Burial in Snug Harbor Road ........cecesecsesecssssescsssesesesesceesescscsescseeessssesescscacscseacscseesesesesees 7.4.....Crossing the Kenai River Bridge .........ccccccssscssssssseseseseeesucscsescscseeeveetsesesccscscseseseeeseeeees 7.5.....Aerial or Submarine Crossing of Kenai Lake.. 7.6 ees SUMIMALY oo .eeeceeeseeesseseesesesesesesesesesenescecescsesessseeeseacseseees 8.0 ~Recommendations and Conclusions ...........csccscsssseseesseseseeecsseeseeeeseesesescsecseseseeaeseessseaesees 8.1 ....,ROW ACCESS... ccsescscesssscseseseseecscsesesessesessscsesesssususssnesessaenenssssssesesesuensassesesnensaeaeaeanensieeees 8.2.....Permitting and Construction . 8.3..... Operation and Maintenance .0.........ceeeesesssesesesessesesesesesesescecssescsesesesesescesescsesesees we 8.4.....Long-Term Project Life... ceesssssesssestesssesesesesesneneseseseseaceeneseseseseseasusscscseeusecscseseeeeees 9.0 References and Standards. ...........scssssssssesssesscssessssssseseesseessssssesseseeeseeeeessesseeseesesseseeessesenes 26 Figures Figure 1 Project Schedule... ecccesssesessesesesesesesessesesesesesnerensseseseseseeenesesesesesesesussescseseuesesessscsees 19 Tables Table 1 HEA/CEA/Seward Alignment Alternative Options ...........ccccccscsesesesessssesesesessssescseseseseseseees 4 Table 2. Load Combination Table .............. Lesescesesecescsecseseseseacsceacscsacseeaesceeeacecesesceseseeseaeseeseseeseneees 11 Appendices Appendix A Alcoa Fujikura FOC Vendor Information Appendix B Alcatel FOC Vendor Information Appendix C Moose Pass to Soldotna Fiber Optic Cable Feasibility Study-Northern Telecommunications Consultants Appendix D University to Quartz Creek Fiber Optic Cable Study-Dryden and LaRue Inc. Appendix E Moose Pass to Soldotna Fiber Optic Cable Planning Level Cost Estimates and Conceptual Rough Order of Magnitude Estimates-Northern Telecommunications Consultants Appendix F Soldotna to Moose Pass Fiber Optic System Feasibility Design-Michael Baker Jr., Inc. HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 Page iii Acronyms ACS ADL: ADSS AK RR ASCE CEA CZM DE DOT&PF EA EIS FOC FONSI HDPE HEA MASS NEC NEPA NESC NOCC NWP OPGW OPPC OSHA ROW USGS v Alaska Communications Systems All dielectric lashed All dielectric self supporting Alaska Railroad American Society of Civil Engineers Chugach Electric Association Coastal Zone Management Dead end Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Environmental Analysis Environmental Impact Statement Fiber optic cable Finding of No Significant Impact High density polyethylene Homer Electric Association Metallic Aerial Self-Supporting National Electric Code National Environmental Policy Act_ National Electric Safety Code Network Operation Control Center Nationwide Permit Optical Ground Wire Optical Phase Conductor Occupational Safety and Health Administration Right-of-way United States Geological Survey HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 Page iv 1.0 Project Description 1.1 Project Background A new fiber optic cable (FOC) has been proposed between Soldotna and Moose Pass to complete a FOC network for the Kenai Peninsula. Existing FOC owned by Homer Electric Association (HEA) is in place between Homer and Kenai; a separate FOC exists between Seward and Portage, which is owned by AT&T Alascom (AT&T); and finally, a FOC is in place between Portage and Anchorage and is owned by Alaska Communication Systems (ACS). This design basis and conceptual engineering design has been prepared to determine the feasibility of connecting the existing FOC with a new segment of FOC. It is the intent of this report to present conceptual options for installing a new FOC and to present a recommended alignment and construction method. Assumptions and preliminary investigations have been documented which will require affirmation during the final design phase if the project proceeds. 1.2 Scope of Work The proposed project will design, permit, and construct a new FOC line from the Soldotna Substation to either the existing AT&T shelter in Moose Pass, or to an existing AT&T splice 6 2 miles south of Moose Pass. This phase of the project is to develop, through conceptual estimate, the most feasible route between the two facilities, which will allow for the most expedient construction schedule. 1.3 Project Scope Overview HEA owns and maintains a FOC between Homer and Soldotna and several power transmission lines throughout the Kenai Peninsula. For this reason, ACS and AT&T have expressed interest in contracting with HEA to provide a FOC between Soldotna and Moose Pass. Currently, communications for the Kenai Peninsula are in need of additional capacity. Michael Baker Jr. Inc. (Baker) has been retained by HEA to complete a study of potential routes and to develop a conceptual design and design basis. The project has been broken into three phases to limit HEA’s cost exposure until they are reasonably assured that the project will proceed: 1) Conceptual Concurrence 2) Final Design and Permitting 3) Construction This scope of work and design basis is for Phase 1 of the project. It is the intention of this report that the FOC be constructed and operational by November 2004. 1.4 Conceptual Concurrence Scope of Work The conceptual engineering has allowed generation of a conceptual construction cost estimate. This estimate will allow HEA to give conceptual concurrence to allow the project to proceed to the next phase. The conceptual engineering will provide HEA with a design basis and preliminary alignment for, as well as permitting issues associated with, a FOC installation between Soldotna and Moose Pass, Alaska. 7 HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass pa 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 In developing the conceptual concurrence, the following tasks were completed: Collected background information on the proposed route option from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), Kenai Borough, HEA, ACS, AT&T, City of Seward (Seward), and Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Developed conceptual design basis and design criteria Prepared FOC alignment sheets and conceptual details Evaluated existing pole lines for 11 alternative routes including new materials Detailed information to allow the generation of a construction cost estimate Reviewed and compiled existing industry standards for installation of aerial cable Reviewed vendor and material information for FOC construction Analyzed research data of pole line construction in arctic and high voltage environments Baker | HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass me 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 2.0 Alignment Rights-of-Way (ROW) There are currently two classifications of ROW corridors between Soldotna and Moose Pass. The first ROW corridor includes the power transmission Rights-of-Way (ROW) owned by HEA, CEA, and Seward. The second ROW corridor includes the DOT&PF road ROW. To facilitate permitting and provide the most economical construction, it was determined that the vast majority of the new FOC alignment will be installed within these ROWs. The first alignment option includes exclusively installing the FOC in the DOT&PF ROW. The second alignment option includes only the HEA, CEA, and Seward ROWs. The final alignment option includes an alignment that follows portions of the DOT&PF ROW and portions of the HEA, CEA, and Seward ROWs. Generally, in limited areas, new ROW may be required in order to allow connections to facilities, but these areas can be kept to a minimum and are beyond the scope of this conceptual investigation. If feasible, a network element may be provided at the Cooper Landing Microwave Station (next to the Post Office) and at the Cooper Landing School (next to the DOT&PF bridge). 2.1 DOT&PF ROW Alignment The first alignment option follows the DOT&PF alignment starting at the Soldotna Substation and follows the Sterling Highway to the Seward Highway. The alignment will then follow the Seward Highway southeast to Moose Pass. The entire alignment will be buried in the road ROW. 2.2 HEA/CEA/Seward ROW Alignment The second alignment option follows the HEA/CEA/Seward alignment and starts at the Soldotna Substation. The route will then follow the HEA ROWs until the route reaches Cooper Landing. At Cooper Landing, the route follows CEA ROW and the Seward 115 kV route to Moose Pass. The FOC will be installed in an aerial application with no segments likely requiring burial. 2.3 DOT&PF and HEA/Seward ROW Alignment The third and final alignment option is a combination of HEA/CEA/Seward and DOT&PF alignments. The route starts at the Soldotna Substation, then follows the 115 kV HEA ROW until the route reaches Cooper Landing. At Cooper Landing, the route either follows the Sterling Highway and Seward Highway to Moose Pass or the route follows the CEA and Seward 115 kV route to Moose Pass. The FOC will primarily be installed in an aerial application along the HEA, CEA, and Seward ROW and buried in the DOT&PF ROW. 2.4 Preferred Alignment The preferred alignment option is the HEA/CEA/Seward option, based on the following criteria: e Ease of permitting e Construction cost ¢ Accessibility to ROW e Uncertainty of DOT&PF future construction plans oe HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass oo 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 3 3.0 FOC Route Alternatives Once the HEA/CEA/Seward alignment alternative was selected, the most efficient combination was investigated. Eleven options were identified with Options 1 through 9 following Moose Pass distribution and the 115 kV Seward alignment between Moose Pass and the Daves Creek Substation. Options 10 and 11 begin at an existing AT&T site located on the East Shore of Kenai Lake near the Alaska Railroad (AK RR). Option 10 follows Kenai Lake, then Snug Harbor Road to Quartz Creek Substation. Option 11 is in Kenai Lake until the Quartz Creek Substation. The options between these points and Soldotna have been tabulated below: Table 1 | HEA/CEA/Seward Alignment Alternative Options Quartz Kenai Kenai Lake/River| Creek Lake/River | to Quartz Creek | Substation Crossing Substation to Winds West Winds West to} Soldotna Daves Creek to Kenai Lake/River OPTIONS = Seward 115 Aerial-115 CEA 115 HEA 115 HEA 115 2 Seward 115 Aerial-115 CEA 115 HEA 69 HEA 69 3 Seward 115 Submarine CEA 115 HEA 115 HEA 115 4 Seward 115 Submarine CEA 115 HEA 69 HEA 69 5 Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution HEA 115 6 Distribution DOT Bridge Distribution Distribution HEA 69 7 Distribution DOT Bridge Distribution Distribution HEA 115 8 Distribution Distribution Distribution Distribution HEA 69 9 Distribution DOT Bridge _| Snug Harbor Rd | HEA 115 HEA 115 10 N/A Submarine | Snug Harbor Rd | HEA 115 HEA 115 N/A Submarine Submarine HEA 115 HEA 115 3.1 Option 1 Option | begins in Moose Pass by following the local distribution lines and the Seward 115 kV transmission line to the Daves Creek Substation. The route then follows the Seward 115 kV line to an aerial crossing of Kenai Lake. From the Quartz Creek Substation, the route follows the HEA 115 kV alignment to Soldotna. The total length of Option | is approximately 71.6 miles. The advantage of this option is that the entire route is installed along transmission lines in an aerial method. The 115kV is the most structurally sound alignment and most easily allows FOC installation in compliance with National Electric Safety Code (NESC) requirements. 3.2 Option 2 Option 2 begins in Moose Pass by following the local distribution lines and the Seward 115 kV transmission line to the Daves Creek Substation. The route then follows the Seward 115 kV line eee HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass roa 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 4 to an aerial crossing of Kenai Lake. From the Quartz Creek Substation, the route follows the HEA 69 kV alignment to Soldotna. The total length of Option 2 is approximately 67.0 miles. The advantage of this option is that the entire route is installed along transmission lines in an aerial method. However, since portions of this option are on the 69 kV line, this option is not the most structurally sound alignment and does not easily allow FOC installation in compliance with NESE requirements. 3.3 Option 3 Option 3 begins in Moose Pass by following the local distribution lines and the Seward 115 kV transmission line to the Daves Creek Substation. The route then follows the Seward 115 kV line to a submarine crossing of Kenai Lake. From the Quartz Creek Substation, the route follows the HEA 115 kV alignment to Soldotna. The total length of Option 3 is approximately 71.6 miles. The advantage of this option is that the entire route, except for the submarine crossing of Kenai Lake, is installed along transmission line in an aerial method. The 115kV is the most structurally sound alignment and most easily allows FOC installation in compliance with NESC requirements. Coordination with the State of Alaska will be required for the crossing of Kenai Lake. 3.4 Option 4 Option 4 begins in Moose Pass by following the local distribution lines and the Seward 115 kV transmission line to the Daves Creek Substation. The route then follows the Seward 115 kV line to a submarine crossing of Kenai Lake. From the Quartz Creek Substation, the route follows the HEA 69 kV alignment to Soldotna. The total length of Option 4 is approximately 67.0 miles. The advantage of this option is that except for the submarine crossing of Kenai Lake, the entire route is installed along transmission lines in an aerial method. However, since portions of this option are on the 69 kV line, this option is not the most structurally sound alignment and does not easily allow FOC installation in compliance with NESC requirements. Coordination with the State of Alaska will be required for the crossing of Kenai Lake. 3.5 Option 5 Option 5 begins in Moose Pass by following the local distribution lines and the Seward 115 kV transmission line to the Daves Creek Substation. The route then follows the CEA distribution lines in Cooper Landing to Winds West Circle. At this point, the route follows the HEA 115 kV to Soldotna. The total length of Option 5 is approximately 71.2 miles. The advantage of this option is that the Cooper Landing section of the alignment avoids crossing Kenai Lake. However, the existing CEA poles along sections of the Sterling Highway and Beans Creek Road do not easily allow FOC installation in compliance with NESC requirements. 3.6 Option 6 Option 6 begins in Moose Pass by following the local distribution lines and the Seward 115 kV transmission line to the Daves Creek Substation. The route then follows the CEA distribution lines in Cooper Landing and crosses the Kenai River attached to the DOT&PF bridge. The route 7 HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass wo *s| (a 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 5 follows the CEA distribution lines to Winds West Circle. At this point, the route follows the HEA 69 kV to Soldotna. The total length of Option 6 is approximately 66.5 miles. The advantage of this option is that the Cooper Landing section of the alignment avoids crossing Kenai Lake. However, the existing CEA poles along sections of the Seward Highway, Beans Creek Road, and the HEA 69 kV route do not easily allow FOC installation in compliance with NESE requirements. Portions of the route will require coordination with DOT&PF to allow burial in their ROW and attachment to the bridge. 3.7 Option 7 Option 7 begins in Moose Pass by following the local distribution lines and the Seward 115 kV transmission line to the Daves Creek Substation. The route then follows the CEA distribution lines in Cooper Landing and crosses the Kenai River attached to the DOT&PF bridge. The route follows the CEA distribution lines to Winds West Circle. At this point, the route follows the HEA 115 kV to Soldotna. The total length of Option 7 is 71.1 miles. The advantage of this option is that the Cooper Landing section of the alignment avoids crossing Kenai Lake. However, the existing CEA poles along sections of the Sterling Highway do not easily allow FOC installation in compliance with NESC requirements. Portions of the route will require coordination with DOT&PF to allow burial in their ROW and attachment to the bridge. 3.8 Option 8 Option 8 begins in Moose Pass by following the local distribution lines and the Seward 115 kV transmission line to the Daves Creek Substation. The route then follows the CEA distribution lines in Cooper Landing to Winds West Circle. At this point, the route follows the HEA 69 kV to Soldotna. The total length of Option 8 is approximately 66.6 miles. The advantage of this option is that the Cooper Landing section of the alignment avoids crossing Kenai Lake. However, the existing CEA poles along sections of the Seward Highway and the HEA 69 kV route do not easily allow FOC installation in compliance with NESC requirements. 3.9 Option 9 Option 9 begins in Moose Pass by following the local distribution lines and the Seward 115 kV transmission line to the Daves Creek Substation. The route then follows the CEA distribution lines in Cooper Landing and crosses the Kenai River attached to the DOT&PF bridge. The FOC is then buried in Snug Harbor Road. At the Quartz Creek Substation, the route follows the HEA 115 kV alignment to Soldotna. The total length of Option 9 is approximately 74.2 miles. The advantage of this option is that the Cooper Landing section of the alignment avoids crossing Kenai Lake. However, the existing CEA poles along sections of the Seward Highway do not easily allow FOC installation in compliance with NESC requirements. Portions of the route will require coordination with DOT&PF to allow burial in their ROW. 3.10 Option 10 Option 10 begins at the AT&T site located on the East Shore of Kenai Lake near the AK RR ROW. The FOC then traverses the lake and emerges at the CEA Powerhouse at the Southern end of Snug Harbor Road. The FOC is then buried in the Snug Harbor Road to the Quartz Creek re HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass oo 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 6 Substation. From the Quartz Creek Substation, the route follows the HEA 115 kV alignment to Soldotna. The total length of Option 10 is approximately 70.9 miles. The advantage of this option is the installation of the FOC is exclusively on the 115 kV HEA alignment and on State of Alaska lands. The 115 kV is the most structurally sound alignment and most easily allows FOC installation in compliance with NESC requirements. Portions of the route-will require coordination with DOT&PF to allow burial in their ROW. Coordination with the State of Alaska will also be required for the crossing of Kenai Lake. 3.11 Option 11 Option 11 follows the same route as Option 10 with one exception. The FOC is to be installed in Kenai Lake between the AT&T site located on the East Shore of Kenai Lake and the Quartz Creek Substation. Snug Harbor Road is not a part of Option 11. The total length of Option 11 is approximately 70.4 miles. The advantage of this option is the installation of the FOC is exclusively on the 115 kV HEA alignment and on State of Alaska lands. Additionally, the trenching along Snug Harbor Road would be avoided with this option. The 115 kV is the most structurally sound alignment and most easily allows FOC installation in compliance with NESC requirements. A portion of the route will require coordination with the State of Alaska for the crossing of Kenai Lake. = HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass BARe 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 7 4.0 Design Criteria 4.1 Introduction The existing FOC between Homer and Soldotna was installed using All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) FOC. The existing FOC between Seward and Anchorage is installed in a buried application along the AK RR. An expansion to the existing systems must be installed with the same criteria and must provide the same level of reliability as the existing communications systems. This design criteria document presents minimum requirements for the proposed FOC system to address the three primary concerns: 1) The construction, operations, and maintenance of the FOC system will not interfere with the HEA and Seward electrical facilities or the DOT&PF road and facilities. 2) The integrity of the FOC system is designed and maintained to ensure uninterrupted communications service between Soldotna and Moose Pass. 3) The FOC system meets the requirements to perform as an integral part of the Homer to Anchorage communications network. Signal regeneration will be performed at the Cooper Landing Microwave facility near the Post Office. The specific details with respect to this task will be addressed by others and is outside the scope of this report. 4.2 Special Design Considerations 4.2.1 Brush/Forest Fires The FOC system will be designed to prevent loss of system integrity caused by brush/forest fire. Buried sections are less of a concern when compared to aerial installations. Clearing the ROW of all brush and vegetation is necessary. Finally, transitions from buried to aerial, and regeneration sites must be protected from fire. 4.2.2 Frost Action/Permafrost The FOC system will be designed to accommodate differential movement caused by frost heaving. A design must be submitted which demonstrates the maximum tolerable displacement of all critical components of the FOC system in all surface and subsurface conditions to be encountered along the FOC alignment. When the expected displacements exceed the tolerable displacements in any condition, a mitigative plan must be demonstrated to lower the estimated displacement to allowable limits. The FOC system will be designed to minimize water infiltration into any conduit or casing where freezing may occur. Specifications and experience with the hardware or a mitigative plan that demonstrates the sufficiency of the design must be submitted to and approved by HEA as part of the final design. 4.2.3. Slope Stability The FOC shall be designed to prevent loss of system integrity caused by slope instability or other ground movement. Special consideration will be given to the stability of any cuts and fills. HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 8 Criteria will be established to identify potentially unstable slopes where the FOC system is to be installed. Potentially unstable slopes will be identified and addressed in the final design. 4.2.4 Rock Fall/Avalanche The FOC system shall be designed to prevent loss of system integrity through rock fall or avalanche. All FOC components within the potential limits of the rock fall/avalanche must be demonstrated to withstand the forces caused by the rock fall/avalanche or a mitigative plan will be detailed to eliminate integrity problems during the event. If the potential rock fall/avalanche concerns cannot be fully addressed, a different route must be selected in order to protect the system. Location-specific design will be required. Along the Seward 115 kV route, the FOC shall be installed on the downhill side of the pole. This requirement allows the FOC to break free of the pole without the risk of breaking the pole. 4.2.5 Corrosion The FOC system must be designed to prevent system deterioration due to water or other means. All critical components will address possible sources of corrosion (or other material degradation, e.g., ultraviolet light) based on the material composition and experience with the hardware. Rates of degradation will be documented for each source of material/component degradation. Each component will be demonstrated to sustain system integrity at the maximum corrosion rate over the design life. Where it cannot be demonstrated that degradation will not affect the integrity of the system, a mitigative plan will be detailed to maintain full system integrity. 4.2.6 Security The FOC system will be designed to minimize the possibility of loss of system integrity through acts of sabotage. A risk analysis of the FOC system shall be prepared. The risk analysis will address natural hazards as well as sabotage, terrorism, vandalism, and accidents and will locate higher risk areas along the FOC alignment. A plan will be detailed to maintain system integrity for any identified hazard location. 4.2.7 Maintenance Activities The FOC system will be designed to minimize impact on future maintenance activities. A notification plan shall be submitted prior to the beginning of operations of the FOC systems. Primary maintenance concerns include DOT&PF road maintenance if the FOC is buried in the DOT&PF ROW. Other maintenance concerns include routine power line ROW maintenance issues such as pole and hardware replacement, brush clearing, and erosion control in the ROW. 4.3 Design Loads All FOC system components must be demonstrated (by calculation submittal and/or direct testing) to withstand the design loading in credible load combinations. The aerial strand calculations will be based on NESC heavy storm loading (NESC Figure 250-1). 4.3.1 Dead Loads The dead loads for the FOC are the weight of the cable and any design appurtenances, which cause increased stress/strain in the FOC component under consideration. The dead loads for other structures are the weight of equipment and materials. HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 9 4.3.2 Design Wind Load Where the FOC system is exposed to wind, the design wind pressure will be based on American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7-98, “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures,” or latest edition. The calculation of the design wind pressure and the system components and their locations subject to the wind loads will be separately detailed. In addition, dynamic action of the wind loading, including flutter, gallop, and vortex shedding, will be separately addressed to ensure the fracture/fatigue limits of FOC components subject to wind loading in cold temperature is maintained. The aerial strand and load calculations will be based on 120-miles per hour wind load (Figure 6-1, ASCE 7-98). 4.3.3 Design Snowlice Load Where the FOC is exposed to snow/ice, the FOC system must be designed for an equivalent of %-inch of radial ice on the cable (NESC Table 250-1). In addition, all structures must be designed to accommodate a ground snow load of 70 pounds per square foot (ASCE 7-98, Table 7-1). 4.3.4 Design Temperatures The FOC shall be designed to function (transmit signal) when subjected to -67°F temperatures (Siecor Altos Low-Temperature Cable). 4.3.5 Seismic Loads The FOC system, including all appurtenances, will comply with local seismic codes and standards. Special attention will be given to the requirement that critical equipment (e.g., interconnects) withstand seismic shaking and maintain full operational integrity. Services must be designed to accommodate the anticipated differential seismic movements between adjoining structures and also between the structure (including exterior and interior walls) and suspended interior systems (e.g., cable tray, ceiling systems). With the exception of rigid equipment racks securely anchored to the floor, this anticipated differential movement should be taken to be 6 inches in any direction unless smaller allowances can be justified by calculation. For equipment racks securely anchored to the floor, the anticipated differential movement will be taken to be 3 inches in any direction to account for the relative displacement between equipment. 4.3.6 Load Combinations In order to assure that the new FOC will not impact existing structures, the criteria of the existing aerial pole system will be compared to this project’s design criteria. Criteria established by Seward, CEA, and HEA are different for each segment of alignment and will need to be further investigated as part of the final design. When compared, the more stringent of the criteria should be followed for the analysis of each segment. Load combinations will be further identified during the final design efforts, but typical minimum load combination criteria for this project are shown in Table 2. Analysis of High Wind for all structures is not a requirement of NESC, however, it is good practice to review this loading condition. eae HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass roe 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 10 Table 2 Load Combination Table LOAD COMBINATION TABLE Loading Case Ice (radial inch) Wind (Ib/ft’) Wind (mph) NESC Heavy with Ice__| 0.5 4 40 “Heavy Ice | 1 0 0) ASCE High Wind 0 37 4.4 Construction Aspects Construction of the FOC system will be coordinated with HEA, Seward, CEA, and DOT&PF. 4.4.1 Blasting If required, all blasting will be performed in accordance with appropriate Federal and State specifications and procedures, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) stipulations, and HEA requirements. All blasting plans will be submitted and approved prior to construction. 4.5 River and Flood Plain Crossings The FOC system will be designed to prevent loss of system integrity caused by flooding. 4.5.1 Major, Minor, and Unclassified Crossings Major river, minor river, and unclassified streams will be defined at final design phase. The definitions are: e Major River — One whose flood, scour, and bank erosion potential is high enough to require a detailed FOC crossing analysis. The potential net scour is more than five feet. e Minor River — One whose flood, scour, and bank erosion potential is low. The potential net scour is less than five feet at a FOC crossing. e Unclassified streams — A small stream along the FOC route with extremely low erosion potential, as well as small gullies, bogs, sloughs, etc. Stream and rivers that allow aerial crossing with poles within design distances will not require special techniques; however, rivers that require aerial spans in excess of design criteria will require special structures. All river crossings will allow sufficient clearance between storm- loaded FOC and water surface. Scour will be addressed on a case-by-case basis for all buried stream crossings. 4.5.2 Bridges Placement of the FOC on bridges will only be used if aerial crossings are not practical. As a minimum, the design will demonstrate that three feet of freeboard is maintained between record high water elevation and the FOC system. Unless found to be impractical, FOC shall be installed on the downstream side of all bridges to provide additional protection. - HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass caus 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 11 Cable Access Location When a DOT&PF bridge structure is to be used as a carrier for the FOC, the FOC will be installed in a manner that will not hinder access and inspection of the bridge components but will allow access and inspection of all FOC components. All installations will be submitted to DOT&PF for approval prior to construction. Connection Criteria _All connections on a DOT&PF bridge structure will be designed to provide adequate strength to support all anticipated loads (e.g., wind, snow/ice, seismic). All connections will be submitted to DOT&PF for approval prior to construction. 4.6 Drainage and Erosion Control Structures 4.6.1 Transverse Levees, Longitudinal Ditches, and Ditch Plugs Where transverse levees, longitudinal ditches, or ditch plugs are present, the FOC system will be installed in a manner that minimizes any adverse effects of the installation. Damage to transverse levees, longitudinal ditches, or ditch plugs that result in active erosion will be repaired immediately. 4.6.2 Surface Drainage Upon completion of all buried FOC system installations, surface drainage patterns will be restored to their original configuration. 4.7 Restoration A restoration plan, including the post-construction monitoring and maintenance plan, will be separately submitted. 4.8 Documentation 4.8.1 Engineering Review and Requirements Design documents will be reviewed and approved by HEA. 4.8.2 As-Built Survey and Marking As-built surveys of the final FOC system installation will be completed. 4.9 Access Roads 4.9.1 Installation Location Aerial FOC installed along an HEA and/or Seward access roads will be placed off the driving surface but within the ROW. 4.9.2 Construction Method The construction considerations will be separately detailed for each proposed construction technique. The submittal package will address, at a minimum, the construction sequence, safety aspects, areas of special concern, and mitigation requirements. oan HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass ryt 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 12 4.9.3 Crossings Where crossing of an access road is required, the crossing will be aerial and nominally perpendicular to the access road to minimize the potential impact on the access road. A typical crossing will be depicted in plan and elevation and submitted for approval. Any crossing that falls outside the noted and approved limits for the typical will be submitted separately for approval. 4.9.4 Warning Signs Warning signs denoting the FOC installation will be placed at each end of the crossing and will be readable from either side. The signs will note “Warning: Fiber Optic Cable in this Vicinity.” HEA address and method of contact will be included on the sign. eae HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass me 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 13 5.0 FOC Installation 5.1 Typical Installations For the existing power ROW routes, the use of existing timber poles and direct burial are the primary options considered. All design and construction efforts shall be performed in accordance with the latest editions of the National Electric Code (NEC), NESC, local, state, and federal regulations. Manufacturer requirements and recommendations must also be followed. When the local, state, or federal regulations are more stringent than the NEC or NESC codes, the more stringent requirements prevail. 5.1.1 Aerial The FOC will be attached to timber utility poles at varying span lengths by using ADSS FOC and hardware. The aerial design consists of dead-end (DE) assemblies and tangent assemblies. The DE is to be used at the start and end of each aerial alignment and at all splice/slack box locations, as well as all angles of 20 degrees or greater. At each DE there also will be a down guy with anchor and guy guard if not currently in place. This is required to keep the pole from being overstressed or leaning. A tangent assembly is used only on the straight sections of the aerial alignment. The FOC manufacturer must review the proposed location of FOC attachments to assure compatibility of the selected product. The attachment of the FOC on joint use poles will be in accordance with Section 23 of NESC. For aerial crossings, the FOC must be installed a minimum of 15.5 feet above roads and 23.5 feet above railroads (NESC, Table 232-1). In DOT&PF ROW, aerial installation must maintain 20 feet of vertical clearance to the ground. For aerial crossings, a typical crossing shall be depicted in plan and elevation and submitted to AK RR and DOT&PF for review and approval. 5.1.2 Buried For the DOT&PF route, the use of timber poles will likely be cost prohibitive. For this reason, direct burial will be the standard. Buried design (trenched or plowed) will be used in all avalanche or slide areas or in areas that are not otherwise feasible for aerial pole line construction. For buried sections, the FOC shall be plowed in place or installed in a High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) duct and bedded with sand. This option would be slightly more expensive than direct burial; however, it would provide an additional level of protection provided that the duct is properly sealed against water infiltration. For buried sections in the DOT&PF ROW, cover shall be not less than 3 feet. For road crossings, minimum cover shall be not less than 4 feet (Alaska DOT&PF Utilities Manual, 4" Edition, Chapter 3, page 3-5). 5.1.3 Submarine A submarine FOC is proposed for Options 3, 4, 10, and 11. The submarine cable would be installed on the bottom of Kenai Lake. The FOC is installed in an armored cable that is specifically designed to withstand the environmental conditions associated with submerged cable installation. Because this segment is not within existing ROW, the design and installation would be subjected to additional permitting and regulatory requirements. These requirements would be ee HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass o 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 14 set forth during the permitting phase of the project. The FOC landings would be of particular concern and include either a bored or trenched transition from above ground to submerged. 5.2 Splices Splices are required to join tails of each reel of FOC as supplied from the factory. Splice cases can be aerial, direct buried, in pedestals, or in vaults/hand holes. Both the box and the vaults allow slack to be stored out of sight. In the case of the aerial splice case, slack must be either wrapped in a coil at the top of the pole or stored in a “snowshoe.” In an aerial application, options include pole drops with vaults/hand holes, aerial cases, or a secure box mounted to the bottom portion of the pole. In a buried installation, options include direct bury, vaults/hand holes, or secure box mounted to a timber post. For the purpose of this report, buried vaults are not recommended due to poor soils and the potential for freeze damage. All aerial splices should be made in an aerial splice box. Buried portions of the alignment should use aboveground splice boxes mounted on timber posts. 5.3 Slack Providing strategically located slack along the alignment can facilitate a more efficient installation and improve restoral and maintenance operation. Slack points are locations where FOC is stored for use in restoral in the event that the cable is compromised. Slack can be stored either by using a snowshoe technique, a buried vault, or an aboveground box. The snowshoe is installed by pulling the cable towards the first snowshoe, wrapping the cable around it, and then pulling the cable towards the second snowshoe. After wrapping around the second snowshoe, the cable is pulled back towards the first snowshoe and then continues the span run. Snowshoes must take into consideration the bending radius of the FOC and are a quick way to install slack in an aerial installation. Slack needs to be installed in locations where the FOC can be accessed any time during the year. Slack should be installed at major river crossings, bridges, and at points of future tie-ins. For the purpose of this report, snowshoes are recommended for aerial, and aboveground boxes for buried FOC to provide the best access to the cable. 5.4 Fiber Optic Cable To provide the most appropriate material selection for an aerial installation, all practical alternatives have been reviewed. Generally, two options exist for the installation of FOC on aerial power lines; metallic FOC and dielectric FOC. For this project, a non-metallic ADSS cable satisfies the design objectives best. A brief discussion of aerial FOC is outlined below. 5.4.1 Metallic FOC OPGW - Optical Ground Wire. The OPGW option would involve the replacement of the existing ground wire with a new ground wire that includes new FOC inside the conductors. The OPGW will continue to provide earthing conductor while providing protection to the FOC contained within the steel cable. By combining the two cables into one, environmental loads on the existing poles are reduced. OPGW have been used throughout the world for twenty years. Dee HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass mo 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 15 This alternative is not an option because ground wires are not in place on the proposed power transmission lines. Furthermore, replacement of ground wire with OPGW is a more expensive approach than other available options. OPPC - Optical Phase Conductor. In applications where a ground wire is not present, OPGW is not a viable option. In these cases, the FOC is placed inside the steel cable similar to the OPGW. However, the OPPC carries the permanent current in the three-phase electrical transmission system while providing protection to the FOC. The electrical resistance of the FOC must be adapted to the phase conductor. At splice and termination points, the FOC must be separated from the electrical current by means of special separators and insulators. As with the OPGW, the loads to existing poles are reduced by combining two cables into one. This alternative is not the preferred option due to the high cost associated with replacing existing conductors with OPPC. If the power transmission line was a new build or the conductors were in need or replacement, this option may be more practical. However, replacing a conductor on the aerial crossing of Kenai Lake with OPPC may be an option during the final design phase. MASS - Metallic Aerial Self-Supporting. In applications where OPGW or OPPC are not practical, a MASS may be used and installed below the existing electrical conductors. The cable is constructed with an armored sheath that functions as its own internally constructed messenger. The metallic armor sheath provides for additional protection but must be grounded. The amount of metallic sheathing depends on span length and environmental loading. The installation of MASS is not the most appropriate material for this project. The additional protection provided by the metal armor is not necessary due to the fact that the FOC will be installed in a manner where it is less susceptible to damage. Therefore, the benefits for this material do not justify the additional cost associated with grounding the sheath. 5.4.2 Dielectric FOC ADSS - All-Dielectric Self-Supporting. ADSS is an ideal material to use beneath medium and high voltage transmission cables because the cable contains no metallic components. The cable is constructed of several tubes of fiber surrounded by a plastic jacket. ADSS is self-supporting by the installation of aramid or Kevlar yarn within the outer jacket. The ADSS FOC is light and compact, which limits the loads transferred to the existing poles. The strength of ADSS is such that the cable may span up to and exceeding 3,000 feet. However, placement of the ADSS is critical in order to avoid dry band arching, which can damage the sheath and cause destructive water to enter the cable. For this project, the ADSS FOC is the preferred material. This is based on material properties, cost, and successful use of the material in similar applications. The non-dielectric ADSS provides for the safest material for installation and maintenance. Furthermore, ADSS provides a high strength material with the lowest profile to reduce environmental loading on the existing structures. The ease of installation provides for a very cost efficient installation. Finally, ADSS has successfully been used in similar applications by HEA including between Homer and Soldotna. ADL - All Dielectric Lashed. ADL involves lashing a FOC to a steel messenger. The steel messenger may be a ground wire in high-voltage lines or a phase conductor in low and medium- voltage power lines. Or, the ADL may be lashed to a new messenger cable. The FOC is lashed to ene HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass ms 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 16 the messenger with an aramid yarn. As with OPGW and OPPC, by combining the FOC with existing steel, environmental loads on the existing poles are reduced. While this option may be found to be more cost effective than MASS, OPGW, or OPPC, the installation of ADLL is likely to be more expensive than ADSS. Furthermore, the added environmental loading will be greater for a lashed ADL when compared to an ADSS due to the fact that any lashed cable provides for greater surface area for wind and an increased binding potential for ice. 5.5 Existing Infrastructure Based on available as-built records, the construction date for the different segments identified in this investigation are shown below: e Chugach Electric Association — Kenai Lake Crossing 115 kV — 1992 e Chugach Electric Association — University to Quartz Creek 115 kV — 1959-62 e City of Seward — Daves Creek to Seward 115 kV — 1985 e Homer Electric Association — Quartz Creek to Bernice Lake 115 kV — 1968 e Homer Electric Association — Quartz Creek to Kasilof 69 kV — 1960 Each system was designed and constructed with different design criteria, which was not readily available. A detailed review of the criteria was beyond the scope of this report. As a part of this conceptual investigation, Northern Telecommunications Consultants (NTC) investigated the feasibility for installing FOC along the existing infrastructure. The report summarizing the investigation is included as Appendix A to this report. Their findings concluded that a FOC was feasible and is best located on the 115 kV alignment. In 1998, Dryden and LaRue investigated for CEA the feasibility of installing a FOC on the existing 115 kV alignment between Anchorage and Quartz Creek. This report is included as Appendix B. Their conclusions were that the installation of FOC on 90 miles of transmission line was not feasible without pursuing other options, which included: e Reducing the loading criteria or overload factors e Reducing ground clearance and land use criteria e Use of inset structures e Installing the fiber optic cable as a separate line The Dryden and LaRue report did not recommend reducing the loading criteria, overload factors, ground clearance, land use criteria, or the use of inset structures. However, the report recognized the value of adding and/or replacing cross members as appropriate. The installation of the FOC as a separate line was discussed only as an option if all other means were exhausted. The Kenai Lake crossing was not analyzed, but the report expected these structures to “have enough strength to support a fiber optic cable.” The feasibility of attaching FOC to the existing transmission and distribution poles varies from line to line. Generally, it is feasible to attach FOC on the HEA 115 kV between Quartz Creek and Soldotna with limited rework to existing poles. However, the HEA 69 kV is less feasible due to the pole age and ground clearance issues. The CEA 115 kV between Quartz Creek and Daves Creek will require some reconstruction and possibly some areas of new build. The Seward ae HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass == 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 17 115 kV generally is feasible for attaching FOC, however, there may be certain segments requiring reconstruction or new build. These recommendations are based on a preliminary review of available information and limited field verification. Further analysis and review of existing design criteria and field conditions will be required before any further conclusions can be stated. 5.6 | FOC Hardware The existing HEA FOC between Homer and Kenai was installed using Alcoa Fujikura FOC and hardware. It is recommended that Alcoa be used for this project based on the success of the installation and in an effort to simplify maintaining replacement parts. The hardware for aerial ADSS FOC installation is limited primarily to the following items: e Formed Wire Dead End Assembly e¢ Formed Wire Suspension Assembly e Spiral vibration Damper Manufacturer product sheets are contained in Appendix A. 5.7 Project Cost The construction cost is dependent upon the design, construction season, schedule, and route. Based on the preliminary routes selected by Baker, conceptual cost estimates for each route were prepared by NTC. The findings of the estimation are included as Appendix C. 5.8 Project Schedule The project schedule is dependent upon three primary factors: Permitting requirements, Availability of Materials, and Construction Season. The following schedule is submitted based on all of the information available during the preparation of this design bases. eee HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass a 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 18 6.0 Right of Way (ROW) The 11 options largely follow either the 115 kV line or the 69 kV line with various alternatives. The discussion for Option 1 addresses ROW concerns for all routes. Only issues or differences between that alignment and the other ten alignments will be covered in the following sections. In general, issuance of amended agreements or new rights of way for installation of the FOC in areas of existing distribution or transmission lines should not encounter delays in the proposed schedule. Acquisition of new rights of way in areas that are not already cleared or disturbed by existing capital projects will increase the time for issuance of agreements. 6.1 Option 1 The entire alignment follows existing transmission and distribution lines crossing private, Native Corporation, Kenai Peninsula Borough, state, and federal lands. Individual easements across private lands should be reviewed to verify the right to construct communication lines. HEA’s blanket easements and the platted easements appear to allow construction of the FOC. Legal review of the CEA easements is required to determine if CEA has the right to install communication lines for use by a third party. If the review reveals that a large number of the individual easements do not allow HEA to construct and maintain the FOC, acquisition of new easements will potentially impact the construction schedule. Unless HEA has obtained more recent agreements, the original easements across the Native Corporation lands, which were granted to HEA by the federal government and reserved in the patents to the corporations, do not include the right to install communication lines. Cook Inlet Region, Inc. owns several parcels on this alignment. Salamatof Native Corporation owns property in three areas of the line. ROW across the Kenai Peninsula Borough lands will have the same issue as the Native Corporation lands. State lands include lands managed by Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, DNR Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation (Division of Parks), and DOT&PF. Timely applications to these agencies should preclude any impact to the proposed construction schedule. Federal lands fall under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Land Management, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Chugach National Forest. Applications to amend the existing agreements will be required. Since the proposed construction is aerial and within existing rights of way, a categorical exclusion is anticipated along with issuance of the necessary approvals in time to meet the proposed schedule, provided the applications are filed in the near future. 6.2 Option 2 This alignment also follows existing transmission and distribution lines crossing private, Native Corporation, Kenai Peninsula Borough, state, and federal lands. The comments for Option 1 apply here, except research done by C.R. Baldwin indicates that there appears to be deficiencies in HEA’s title to some parcels in the 69 kV line portion of this alternative. Those deficiencies ee HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass cos 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 20 include problems with the FPP-2170 reservation and prescriptive rights. Acquisition of new easements may be required prior to proceeding with construction along this alternative. This alignment has a third Native Corporation owner, the Seldovia Native Association. 6.3 Option 3 This is the same as Option | except for the submarine crossing of Kenai Lake instead of an aerial crossing. The submarine crossing will be a new impact as discussed in Section 7, Permitting. Issuance of this permit is expected after amendment of the existing DNR rights of way. 6.4 Option 4 This is the same as Option 2 except for the submarine crossing of Kenai Lake instead of an aerial crossing. The submarine crossing will be a new impact as discussed in Section 7, Permitting. Issuance of this permit is expected after amendment of the existing DNR rights of way. 6.5 Option 5 Option 5 is the same as Option 1 except for the portion that follows the CEA distribution lines in Cooper Landing to Winds West Circle. CEA easements and DOT&PF utility permits will require review for third party use and amendment as necessary. 6.6 Option 6 Option 6 is the same as Option 2 except for the portion between Winds West Circle and Cooper Landing. CEA easements and utility permit review and amendment (as necessary) and application to the DOT&PF for a new utility permit across the Kenai River Bridge will be required. Since the area of new construction will be within the highway ROW under DOT&PF’s management authority, no cultural or archeological studies are anticipated. 6.7 Option 7 This option is the same as Option 1 except for the portion between Winds West Circle and Cooper Landing. CEA easements and utility permit review and amendment (as necessary) and application to the DOT&PF for a new utility permit across the Kenai River Bridge will be required. Since the area of new construction will be within the highway ROW under DOT&PF’s management authority, no cultural or archeological studies are anticipated. 6.8 Option 8 Option 8 is the same as Option 2 except for the portion that follows the CEA distribution lines in Cooper Landing to Winds West Circle. CEA easements and DOT&PF utility permits will require review for third party use and amendment as necessary. 6.9 Option 9 Option 9 is the same as Option 1 except for the portion between Snug Harbor Road and Cooper Landing. CEA easements and utility permit review and amendment (as necessary) and application to the DOT&PF for a new utility permit for Snug Harbor Road and the Sterling Highway for crossing the Kenai River Bridge will be required. Since the area of new Soa HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass ao 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 21 construction will be within the highway ROW under DOT&PF’s management authority, no cultural or archeological studies are anticipated. A small segment between Snug Harbor Road and the transmission line will require new ROW from both DNR and the Kenai Peninsula Borough, but the area is minimal and should have no impact on the schedule. 6.10 Option 10 Option 10 is the same as Option 1 except a large new segment between the Quartz Creek Substation and the proposed new terminus at the Alaska Railroad near the east end of Kenai Lake. This segment requires application to the State of Alaska for the submarine cable and landings in Kenai Lake and uplands. The State of Alaska permit will require coordination with a number of agencies as indicated in Section 7, Permitting, and will be the critical path for ROW issuance. A new DOT&PF utility permit is required for the portions constructed within the Snug Harbor Road ROW. 6.11 Option 11 Option 11 is the same as Option 1 except a large new segment between the Quartz Creek Substation and the proposed new terminus at the Alaska Railroad near the east end of Kenai Lake. This segment requires application to DNR for the submarine cable and landings in Kenai Lake and uplands. The DNR permit will require coordination with a number of agencies as indicated in Section 7, Permitting, and will be the critical path for ROW issuance. A new DOT&PF utility permit to cross the Snug Harbor Road ROW is necessary. ae HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass Fie 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 22 7.0 Permitting Discussed below in general terms, are the permitting requirements of the component parts of Alternatives 1, 3, 9, 10, and 11 for the HEA Soldotna to Moose Pass FOC. Careful engineering and route selection will minimize the number of permits required and will make those that are necessary both easier to obtain and to comply with. All permitting starts with land ownership, so this section will need to be updated and made more specific when land ownership records are available. 7.1 Permitting All Segments The project is within the boundaries of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Coastal Zone District so any individualized permit required from the state or federal government will trigger the necessity of compliance with the Borough’s Coastal Zone Management (CZM) process and standards. The issuance of any individualized federal permit will require scrutiny by that agency to determine the project’s impact under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). If more than one federal agency has to issue permits, they will decide among themselves which will be the lead agency. Ideally, the agency would decide there is no significant impact and issue a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). If the agency will not issue a FONSI, an Environmental Analysis (EA) would be required. Though some EAs can be large, detailed documents with protracted schedules; this project should not trigger such an effort. For this project, an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not anticipated. 7.2 Use of Existing Distribution Lines Routing the FOC along existing power line ROW is the simplest portion of the route to permit. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) Nationwide Permit (NWP) 12 is a general permit for utility line activity. Most of the route activity should fall under this permit. At this time, the conceptual engineering does not call for any substantial fills in wetlands or waters of the U.S. If this were to change, a 404(b)(1) permit would be required. There are a number of streams along the route that are listed in the Alaska Catalog of Anadromous Waters. Any construction work in a cataloged stream requires a Title 16 permit.” Scheduling construction work in the winter, when banks are frozen and equipment could cross these streams on the ice, would make the Title 16 permits much easier to obtain. As an alternative, reels of FOC could be lifted across the stream by crane or helicopter. Then equipment would backtrack and reach the other side of the stream by existing roads and bridges. This type of construction sequence would avoid requiring a Title 16 permit. Even if this construction sequence were used, there would be benefits of working closely with Title 16 permitters to make sure they understand the project. * The Habitat Division of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game has traditionally done Title 16 permitting. The Governor has announced that they will transfer Habitat’s permitting authority to the Department of Natural Resources. The details of how this will be done and the timetable for doing so has not been finalized. ne HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass or 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 23 | The charges an diel for FOC on overhead poles in state parks. The aie for FOC or(gxisting potests- $924 per mile (17.5 cents per foot per year) The annual fee for FOC on new poles is $1,848 per mile (35 cents per foot per yea). Any potion of the route that is in a flood plain will require a flood plain permit from the Kenai Peninsula Borough. 7.3 . Burial in Snug Harbor Road Burial of the FOC in the shoulder of Snug Harbor will require a right-of-way permit from DOT&PF. Snug Harbor Road crosses several streams. If any of these are cataloged streams, a Title 16 permit will be required if the crossing is to be trenched. Use of directional bores to go under these streams could avoid the necessity of Title 16 permits, if the Title 16 permitters review the plans and are convinced that the bore setbacks were far enough from the stream to avoid any impact on the stream, and that the bore is deep enough to avoid being exposed from stream scour. Trenching across private drives will require permission from each private landholder. The Division of Parks annual fee for buried FOC on State Park land is $1,320/mile (25 cents per foot per year). Any portion of the route that is in a flood plain will require a flood plain permit from the Borough. 7.4 Crossing the Kenai River Bridge A permit from DOT&PF will be required to attach cable to the bridge. 7.5 Aerial or Submarine Crossing of Kenai Lake NWP 10 is the Corps’ general permit for work in navigable waters. A special permit for aerial crossing or submarine placement of the cable in Kenai Lake will probably be necessary. At issue will be how the Corps determines the width of impact of cable placement. Landings by open trench would definitely require an individual permit from the Corps. If the landings of the cable are by trench, or by directional drilling with the entry within 50 feet of the lake bank, an additional permit from the borough would be needed. A Title_16 permit would be needed for submarine placement of the ak Division of Parks annual fee for underwater FOC on State Park land is $1,320/mile (25 cents per 7.6 Summary Approached correctly, none of the 11 options present unique or difficult permitting requirements. Because placement of a submarine FOC the length of Kenai Lake would minimize the number of cataloged streams to be crossed, minimize the portion of the route that might be in a flood plain, and minimize or avoid the placement of the FOC on poles not owned by HEA, it appears to be the easiest route to permit. ea HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass mas 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 24 8.0 Recommendations and Conclusions All options are constructible but have their own inherent advantages and disadvantages. The project is both feasible and cost effective. However, several of the 11 options between Soldotna and Moose Pass are not conceptually feasible, based on the selection criteria set forth for this project. Based on cost, schedule, and satisfaction of project objectives, the preferred alternative is Option 11. The technology exists to install FOC along existing poles on the proposed routes in a way that will adequately protect the electrical transmission and telecommunications systems. Furthermore, installation of a submarine FOC in Kenai Lake is cost effective and feasible, based on information gathered during the preparation of this study. Refer to Appendix E for the estimated project construction cost outline. 8.1 ROW Access In order to construct Option 11 within existing corridors, all appropriate agencies and landowners must grant permission. 8.2 Permitting and Construction The proposed scheduled completion date is aggressive. To maintain such a schedule, permitting must be initiated and addressed as soon as possible. Additionally, the scope must be limited to existing ROW and a submarine crossing of Kenai Lake. 8.3 Operation and Maintenance Once the system is installed and operational, there should be limited need for maintenance other than what is typically undertaken for an aerial pole line system. The primary concern is to monitor the performance of the hardware and connections of the cable to the poles. The actual operation of the system will be conducted primarily within the regeneration sites and terminations of the FOC. Since the electronic aspects are beyond the scope of this report, discussion is limited to outside plant concerns. Maintenance will likely be similar to what HEA has found on the Homer to Soldotna route. Operational costs will include annual fees payable to the Division of Parks as outlined in Section 7. 8.4 Long-Term Project Life Generally, the design life of utilities in arctic climates is shorter than in warmer environments. For the purpose of this report, a design life of 20 years is used. With proper installation and maintenance, the actual life of the system can exceed the design life. one HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass ae 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 25 9.0 References and Standards 4" International Permafrost Conference, 1983. Powerlines in the Arctic and Subarctic — Experience in Alaska. R. W. Retherford Alaska Catalog of Anadromous Waters AT&T Outside Plant Systems, August 1994. Outside Plant Engineering Handbook American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7-95. Minimum Loads for Buildings and Other Structures Cold Regions Utilities Monograph, 3" Edition, ASCE 1996 Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF), Utilities Manual, 4"" Edition Dryden and LaRue Inc, 1998. University to Quartz Creek Transmission Line Fiber Optic Cable Study. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1997. National Electrical Safety Code 1997 Metropolitan Fiber System Network Technologies Hazard Review National Electric Code (NEC), 1999 United States Department of Agriculture Rural Electrification Administration, May 1994. Staking of Aerial Plant, Bulletin 1751F-626 United States Department of Agriculture Rural Electrification Administration, May 1989. Specifications and Drawings for Construction of Pole Lines, Aerial Cables and Wires, Bulletin 345-153 United States Department of Agriculture Rural Electrification Administration, January 1996. Design of Aerial Plant, Bulletin 1751F-630 United States Department of Agriculture Rural Electrification Administration, June 1996. Aerial Plant Construction, Bulletin 1751F-635 United States Department of Agriculture Rural Electrification Administration, July 1996. Aerial Plant Guying and Anchoring, Bulletin 1751F-650 United States Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangle maps are based on 1971 aerial photography with revisions compiled from 1996 aerial photography University of Alaska Anchorage, April 1978. Environmental Atlas of Alaska en HEA Fiber Optic Cable Conceptual Report, Soldotna to Moose Pass Es 25628-MBJ-RPT-001, January 2003 CONFIDENTIAL Page 26 Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page | of 1 Q3 . ALCOA About AF Tele » Community > Products and Services > > Products + Fiber Optic Cable » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures > Advanced Fiber Interfaces > Passive Optical Components » Modules & Optical Outsourcing > Connecting Systems > Fusion Splicing Systems ~» Test & Measurement > Conductor Accessories > Copper Cable > Demarcation > Repeater Cases > Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. AFL Telecomn custc Environment > News> Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Fiber Optic Cable AFL Telecommunications' portfolio of fiber optic cable products is more impressive than any other telecommunications company in the world. But with AFL, you're getting more than just quality products. You're hiring a team of highly-experienced engineers who have the unmatched ability to analyze specific customer needs, then customize our products to fit those needs. Categories > OPT-GW Aerial Cable > ADSS Aerial Cable -»> Loose Tube > MicroCore Cable > SkyWrap > Premise Cable > Fiber Optic Cable Accessories > Sitemap > Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide = -» AFL Telecommunica Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 GS ALCOA About AFi: Tele > Products and Services » Products > > » + Fiber Optic Cable +» Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures » Advanced Fiber Interfaces » Passive Optical Components ».Modules & Optical Outsourcing » Connecting Systems » Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement > Conductor Accessories ~» Copper Cable -»> Demarcation » Repeater Cases » Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Community > AFL Telecomn custc Environment > News> Careers» Sales Directory >» contact us Fiber Optic Cable : OPT-GW Aerial Cable OPT-GW Aerial Cable Optical Ground Wire (OPT-GW) is a dual functioning cable that performs the duties of a ground wire - also known as static wire - while providing a path for the transmission of voice, video or data signals by incorporating optical fibers into the design of the cable. AFL Telecommunications is the world’s leading supplier of OPT-GW. Nearly one-third of all OPT-GW installed worldwide is manufactured by AFL. Our OPT-GW is ideal for voice, data and video communications and integrates easily into new and established high voltage systems. OPT-GW is placed at the highest point on power utility structures, allowing for fast, cost-effective installations and extraordinary reliability. Products -» AlumaCore OPT-GW > CentraCore OPT-GW -» HexaCore OPT-GW -» Slotted Core Cable -» Sitemap -» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide -» AFL Telecommunica Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 ALCOA About AFt Tele > Products and Services » Products > > > > Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Interconnect Fiber Closures Advanced Fiber Interfaces Passive Optical Components Modules & Optical Outsourcing Connecting Systems Fusion Splicing Systems Test & Measurement Conductor Accessories Copper Cable Demarcation Repeater Cases Electronics Shelters & Cabinets » Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Community > AFL Telecomn custc Environment > News> Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Fiber Optic Cable : OPT-GW Aerial Cable : AlumaCore OPT-GW AlumaCore OPT-GW AlumaCore OPT-GW is preferred for its performance under the most rugged conditions. Its central aluminum pipe provides superb fiber protection making it ideal for the most basic installations to those requiring high tensions or extremely long spans. a Features: Fiber counts up to 48 ; Optical unit provides exceptional mechanical and thermal protection for fibers Thick-walled aluminum pipe provides hermetic seal for optical ! units, excellent crush resistance and low resistivity Stranded wires selected to optimize mechanical and electrical Related Doc properties of cable 2 Product D Suitable for high tensions and/or long spans comme Contact Infc 800.235.342: afltele@alcoa 44.179.364.7 sales@afl-eur Pricing -» Request a > Sitemap -» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide —-» AFL Telecommunica OQ AFL Telecommunications ALCOA fiber optic cable alumacore opt-gw AlumaCore OPT-GW is preferred for its performance under the most rugged conditions. Its central aluminum pipe provides superb fiber protection making it ideal for the most basic installations to those requiring high tensions or extremely long spans. features © Fiber counts up to 48 © Optical unit provides exceptional © Stranded wires selected to optimize mechanical and electrical properties of mechanical and thermal protection for cable fibers © Suitable for high tensions and/or long © Thick-walled aluminum pipe provides spans hermetic seal for optical units, excellent Crush resistance and low resistivity cable components wire strands optical unit aluminum pipe ordering information FIBERS —OPT-GW SIZE FAULT CURRENT — TOTAL CONDUCTOR AREA OVERALL DIAMETER WEIGHT RBS SAG10 CHART # = MAX SHIP LENGTH * (max) (kAsec in? mm? in mm Ibs/ft_ kg/m Ibs kg Wood Steel 8 AC-53/449 39 0.1166 75.24 0.449 11.4 0.283 0.421 15122 6860 1-1453 7000 7000 8 AC-27/27/449 48 0.1166 75.24 0.449 14 0.212 0.315 9679 4390 1-1439 7000 7000 8 AC-86/535 74 0.1677 108.17 0.535 13.6 0.430 0.640 22279 = 10106 1-1442 7000 7000 8 _AC-43/43/535 96 0.1677 108.17 0535 136 0.315 0.469 14239 64591-1170 7000 7000 12 AC-57/465 4 0.1210 78.08 0.465 118 0.300 0.447 16214 7355 1-1421 7000 7000 12 AC-29/29/465 51 0.1210 78.08 0.465 118 0.224 0,334 10344 4692 1-1439 7000 7000 12 AC-72/504 56 0.1445 93.21 0.504 128 0.368 0.548 20329 © 9221 1-1442 6500 7000 12 AC-32/40/504 70 0.1445, 93.21 0.504 12.8 0.282 0.420 13732 6229 1-917 7000 7000 12 AC-91/551 77 0.1729 111.56 0.551 14.0 0.450 0.670 23421 = 10624 1-1442 5000 5000 12 AC-45/45/551 86 0.1729 111.56 0.551 14.0 0.330 0.491 14941 6777 1-1170 5000 5000 24 AC-64/528 70 0.1523 98.26 0.528 13.4 0.359 0.535 18416 8354 1-1450 6500 7000 24 AC-29/34/528 82 0.1523 98.26 0.528 13.4 0.280 0.417 12376 5614 1-1438 6500 7000 24 AC-74/552 82 0.1679 108.33 0.552 14.0 0.404 0.602 21157 9597 1- 6000 7000 24 AC-37/37/552 100 0.1679 108.33 0.552 14.0 0.306 0.455 13581-6160. t- 70007000 36 AC-71/571 95 0.1758 113.39 0.571 14.5 0.409 0.609 16437 7456 1 6000 7000 36 AC-33/38/571 110 0.1758 113.39 0.571 145 0.321 0.478 13779 6250 1- 7000 7000 36 AC-86/607 118 0.2002 129.14 0.607 15.4 0.480 0.714 24829 = 11263 1- 5000 7000 36 AC-AO/A7/607 141 0.2002 129.14 0607 154 0.374 0.556 166467551 ___...8500_7000 48 AC-86/646 152 0.2208 142.43 0.646 16.4 0.508 0.757 25098 1 1384 : 4500 7000 48 AC-34/52/646 172 0.2208 142.43 0.646 16.4 0.417 0.621 18053 8189 1- 5500 7000 48 AC-40/46/646, 175 0.2208 142.43 0.646 16.4 0.402 0.598 16879 7656 1-355 6000 7000 48 AC-129/724 239 0.2876 =—‘185.87 0724 184 0.702 1.045 3413415483 1-1453 3500 5500 48 AC-65/65/724 292 0.2876 185.57 0724 184 0.528 0.786 22074 10013-1438 4500 5500 per This information denotes the input data needed for AFL's ‘Sag10™ (sag and tension calculation) software. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 G ALCOA AFL Telecomn custe About AF Tele >» Community» Environment> News» Careers > Sales Directory > contact us Products and Services » Products Fiber Optic Cable : OPT-GW Aerial Cable : CentraCore OPT-GW j + Fiber Optic Cable | »> Fiber Interconnect CentraCore OPT-GW » Fiber Closures CentraCore Optical Ground Wire is available in fiber counts up to 72, A i t > Advanced Fiber and due to its small size, offers a unique solution to the diameter and | Interfaces weight concerns on many of today’s overloaded towers. | > Passive Optical ge Components Features: ‘ » Modules & Optical * Fiber counts up to 72 j / Outsourcing =» Very small diameter, low weight t » Connecting Systems * Central tube provides mechanical and thermal protection for » Fusion Splicing optical fibers Related Doc Systems » Excellent crush resistance and low resistivity Product D » Test & Measurement » Stranded wires selected to optimize mechanical and electrical > Conductor Accessories properties of cable > Copper Cable » Unique designs have maximum allowable tension to control Contact Infc » Demarcation fiber strain 800.235.342: » Stranded wires selected to optimize mechanical and electrical ~» Repeater Cases properties of cable afltele@alcoa » Electronics 44.179.364.7 > Shelters & Cabinets sales@afl-eur ~» Services Pricing >» Market Solutions » Request a > Resource Center ~» Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. > Sitemap -» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide > AFL Telecommunica B. AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable centracore opt-gw CentraCore Optical Ground Wire is available in fiber counts up to 72, and due to its small size, offers a unique solution to the diameter and weight concerns on many of today’s overloaded towers. features Fiber counts up to 72 ¢ Unique designs have maximum allowable ¢ Very small diameter, low weight tension to contro! fiber strain © Central tube provides mechanical and ¢ Each stainless steel tube uniquely thermal protection for optical fibers identified for organization at splice Excellent crush resistance and low locations resistivity © Stranded wires selected to optimize ¢ Stranded wires selected to optimize mechanical and electrical properties of mechanical and electrical properties of cable cable cable components wire strands optical fibers aluminum pipe ordering information FIBERS OPT-GWSIZE FAULT CURRENT TOTAL CONDUCTOR AREA OVERALL DIAMETER WEIGHT RBS SAG10 CHART # MAX SHIP LENGTH * (max) (kA)sec in? mm? in mm Ibs/ft_ kg/m Ibs kg Wood _ Steel 48 CC-57/465 43 0.1253 80.81 0.465 11.80 0.314 0.468 16,635 7,545 1-1421 7000 7000 48 CC-29/29/465 54 0.1253 80.81 0.465 11.80 0.238 0.354 10,764 4,883 1-1455 7000 7000 48 CC-54/472 53 0.1339 86.39 0.472 12.00 0.317 0.471 16,089 7,298 1-1450 7000 7000 48 CC-27/27/472 63 0.1339 86.39 0.472 12.00 0.244 0.364 10,523 4,773 1-1438 7000 7000 48 CC-63/496 63 0.1474 95.08 0.496 12.60 0.356 0.529 18,454 8,371. 1-1453 6500 __7000 48 CC-29/34/496 75 0.1474 95.08 0.496 12.60 0.279 0.416 12,584 5,708 1-1455 7000 7000 48 CC-72/504 56 0.1487 95.94 0.504 12.80 0.382 0.568 20,749 9,412 1-1442 6000 7000 48 CC-32/40/504 74 0.1487 95.94 0.504 12.80 0.296 0.441 14,153 6,420 1-1440 7000 7000 48 CC-75/528 78 0.1667 107.58 0.528 13.40 0.413 0.614 21,853 9,913 1-1453 5500 7000 48 CC-38/38/528 97 0.1667 107.58 0.528 13.40 0.312 0.464 14,115 6,402 1-1439 7000 7000 72 CC-54/472 51 0.1322 85.32 0.472 12.00 0.316 0.471 16,076 7,292 1-1457 7000 7000 72 CC-27/27/472 62 0.1322 85.32 0.472 12.00 0.244 0.363 10,510 4,767 1-1438 7000 7000 72 CC-63/496 61 0.1457 94.01 0.496 12.60 0.355 0.528 18,441 8,365 1-1453 6500 7000 72 CC-29/34/496 73 0.1457 94.01 0.496 12.60 0.279 0.415 12,571 5,702 1-1455 7000 7000 72 CC-63/507 71 0.1552 100.1 _0.507_12.90 _0.367 0.547 __ 18,687 8,476 _1-1450_ 65007000 72 CC-32/32/507 85 0.1552 100.1 0.507 12.90 0.283 0.421 12,204 5, 6500 7000 72 CC-75/528 76 0.1651 106.51 0.528 13.40 0.411 0.612 21,841 9,907 1-1421 5500 7000 72 CC-38/38/528 94 0.1651 106.51 0.528 13.40 0.311 0.462 14,102 6,397 1-1455 7000 7000 72 CC-73/532 84 0.1706 110.04 0.532 13.50 0.412 0.613 21,390 9,702 1-1453 6000 7000 72 CC-33/40/532 101 0.1706 110.04 0.532 13.50 0.323 0.481 14,570 66091-1455 === 6000_—7000 “per reel type This information denotes the input data needed for AFL's Sag10™ (sag and tension calculation) software. OX TT 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable GQ ALCOA About AFt Tele > Products and Services Products > > > » Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Interconnect Fiber Closures Advanced Fiber Interfaces Passive Optical Components Modules & Optical Outsourcing Connecting Systems Fusion Splicing Systems Test & Measurement Conductor Accessories Copper Cable Demarcation Repeater Cases Electronics Shelters & Cabinets ~ Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Community > Environment > News> Careers» Sales Directory > Fiber Optic Cable : OPT-GW Aerial Cable : HexaCore OPT-GW HexaCore OPT-GW HexaCore OPT-GW houses and protects the optical fibers within gel- filled stainless steel tubes. Aluminum clad steel and aluminum alloy wires are stranded with the tubes to create a dual-layer design suitable for a variety of applications. Features: * Fiber counts up to 432 or higher for custom designs * Laser-welded, hermetically sealed stainless steel tubes provide mechanical and thermal protection for optical fibers * High load, long span capability * Each stainless steel tube uniquely identified for organization at splice locations » Stranded wires selected to optimize mechanical and electrical Properties of cable » Anti-rotational devices usually not required for installation Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us Related Doc ® Product D Contact Infc 800.235.342: afltele@alcoa 44.179.364.7 sales@afl-eur Pricing - Request a > Sitemap -> Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices» Alcoa Worldwide +> AFL Telecommunica ALCOA AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable ordering information hexacore opt-gw HexaCore Optical Ground Wire cable houses and protects the optical fibers within gel-filled stainless steel tubes. Aluminum clad steel and aluminum alloy wires are stranded with the tubes to create a dual-layer design suitable for a variety of applications. features Fiber counts up to 432 or higher for custom designs ¢ Laser-welded, hermetically sealed Stainless steel tubes provide mechanical and thermal protection for optical fibers * High load, long span capability « Each stainless steel tube uniquely identified for organization at splice locations © Stranded wires selected to optimize mechanical and electrical properties of cable © Anti-rotational devices usually not required for installation ‘ cable components — wire strands ~~ Stainless steel tubes with optical fibers FIBERS OPT-GWSIZE FAULT + TOTALCONDUCTOR —_ OVERALL DIAMETER WEIGHT RBS SAG1O MAX SHIP LENGTH * CURRENT AREA CHART # (max) i “(kAysec in? mm? in —ibstt kgm =—ibss SiS Wood Stee! 96 © S1-82/52630—137,—=SS«2131—S«7 AB “0418 0.623 19.967 9,057 1-1170 5500. 7000 96 S1-8/59/847 «152 0.2265 146.13 0.453 0.674 22,056 10,005 1-917 5000 +7000 96 —_$1-91/61/668 177 0.2429 156.69 0478 0.712 23,227 10,536 1-917 5000 7000 “444 $1-71/52/630 118 0.2006 129.41 0.416 0620 19,716 8943 1-1440 5500 7000 144 St-73/59/647 —«132,~=S*«~«CNAO.SC« BON —=i 164 0452 0673 21,805 9,891 1-350 + 5000-7000 “144 -S1-81/61668 +155 ~=«0.2304.:~«4B6S~—=«OEB. «70 0477 Ot 14-1440 5000 7000 216 S1-61/52/630 100 +~=«01881 12137 +~«0830.~”~=«160”~=SCT® OID 19408-8829 1.836 go00 “7000 216 = S1-63/59/647 113 0.2016 13005 0647 164 0452 0672 21,555 9,777 1-420 5000 7000 216 S1-71/61/668 135 02179 14060 0668 17.0 0477 O710 22,726 10308 1-536 5000 7000 288 © S1-41/52/630 68 0.1632 10528 +0630 s«160-«0414««OB17 «18,963 «8602 —*1-1461 5500-7000 288s SI- 79 0.1766 11396 = 0847S «*16.4S0.450«0.670 21,053 9,550 1-161 +5000. 7000 288 S1-50/61/668 S98 01930 12452-0668 «17.0 «0.475 0.707 _ 22224 10,081 1-146 5000 7000 * per reel type This information denotes the input data needed for AFL's Sag10™ (sag and tension calculation) software. 9.1202 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 ALCOA AFL Telecomn custc About AF Tele >» Community> Environment> News> Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Products and Services *~ Products Fiber Optic Cable : OPT-GW Aerial Cable : Slotted Core Cable + Fiber Optic Cable » Fiber Interconnect Slotted Core Cable » Fiber Closures A highly reliable product at an exceptional value, Slotted Core Optical » Advanced Fiber Ground Wire is a versatile design suitable for the low fiber count, low Interfaces diameter applications to those high fault current situations. > Passive Optical Components Features: » Modules & Optical e Fiber counts up to 96 Outsourcing » Loose tube optical unit provides strain-free environment for » Connecting Systems fibers > Fusion Splicing * Slotted aluminum core houses optical units and provides Systems excellent crush resistance and low resistivity » Test & Measurement » Stranded wires selected to optimize mechanical and electrical batalla -» Conductor Accessories properties of cable 2 Product D ~» Copper Cable ~» Demarcation ‘ontact Infc +> Repeater Cases hdd » Electronics 800.235.342: » Shelters & Cabinets afitele@alcoa . 44.179.364.7 »> Services sales@afl-eur Market Solutions Pricing Resource Center > Request a Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. -> Sitemap -» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide -» AFL Telecommunica B AFL Telecommurnications fiber optic cable slotted core opt-gw A highly reliable product at an exceptional value, Slotted Core Optical Ground Wire is a versatile design suitable for the low fiber count, low diameter applications to those high fault current situations. features Fiber counts up to 96 ¢ Loose tube optical unit provides strain-free environment for fibers * Slotted aluminum core houses optical units and provides excellent crush resistance and low resistivity © Stranded wires selected to optimize mechanical and electrical properties of cable cable components wire strands optical unit shaped aluminum core ordering information FAULT TOTAL FIBERS OPT-GWSIZE CURRENT CONDUCTOR AREA DIAMETER WEIGHT RBS Seta wal ewe te (max) (kA)?sec in? mm? in = mm i Ibs/tt kg/m “Ibs - “kg fit Wood * Steel | 24 SC-63/509 65 «0.1451 «9361 «0509-129 ~=—«0.352«0523 17,622 7.993 1-1457 6500-7000 24 sc-3237/509«79Ssts«iN4ST.«Si“i«BHT.SC«CSO.:«SC«*N*”SC«iDHT0.30B 5 11438 7000-7000 24 SC-73/534 78 «0160510355 «0.534 «136 +=—«0396 0891 20,325 9.219 +1-1453+~«000~« 7000 24 SC-39/40/534 940160510355 0.534 = «136 ~=—0.307 0457 «13,506 «61261-1455 7000-7000 ~ 36 SC-74-547 80 01628 10505 «0547 +139 +~—«0.405 0603 20535 + +9315 +-+1-1453°+~«6000.”-7000 36 SC-37/37/547 98 0.1628 0547 139 0.306 0456 12958 5878 1-1439 6500 7000 36 SC-86/575 9 0.1812 0575 146 0457 0688 23,754 10775 11421 5000-7000 36 SC-39/47/575 119 «0.1812 0575 14.60 0.354 0527 15763 7,150 1-170 6500 7000 48 SC-69/553.—S«87-~—SC«NBBT.~=«07.17 53 0593 19231 87231-1450 5500 7000 48 SC-34/34/553 104 0.1661 —-*107.17 0853. +1400 0.306 0456 12184 8627 1.358 6500. 7000" 48 SC-B8/596 —«T16.—=S«01955 «12612 +—«0596.~-*1510 0483 0719 24386 11061 14459 S000 7000 48 Sc-44/4g/596 -142,S 0.1955 «*126.12 «0596 «15.10 0.366 0.545. 15396 6984 1.1438 6000. 7000 72 SC-71/574 86 0.1665 -—«10743«0574 ~—«1460 «O11 0611 19,748 8.958 11457 60007000 72 SC-33/98/574 103 «O.1665 | 10743.««0574 ~—«14.60 0.322 «0480 12981 5888 11430 6000 7000 72 SC-86/610 110 0.1909 12317-0610 —*15:50 0.482 0717 24,032 10901 1-1453 «5000-7000 72 SC-40/47/610 134 —-0.1909-—«*12317+~«0610 +~—*1850 +0375 0559 15840 7.189 14458 6000 7000 96 “$C-84/640 130 02036 13133 «0640 +1630 0.500 0744 23587 10699 141450 4500-7000 96 Sc-42/42/640 186 «0.2036 -~«131.33~«0640 ~—«1630 0388 0578 14944-6778 1.355 -§500-—-7000 “96 SC-102/676 -163.-« 0.2314 «149.32 «0.676 ~—«17.20 «0.580 0.864 «28,481 «12919 1-1453 4000-7000 96 SC-51/51/676 199 «0.2314» «14932-0676 ~—«*17.20 «0.444 «0681 17993 8, 1438 5200-7000 * per ree typeThis information denotes the input data needed fo AFL's Sag10™ (gag and tension calculation software. AA AAA 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page | of 1 GB ALCOA AFL Telecomn custc About AFi:Tele >» Community» Environment> News> Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Products and Services * Products Fiber Optic Cable : ADSS Aerial Cable » Fiber Optic Cable > Fiber Interconnect ADSS Aerial Cable » Fiber Closures AFL Telecommunications' full line of All-Dielectric Self-Supporting » Advanced Fiber Aerial (ADSS) Cables meet the demanding needs of transmission and Interfaces distribution environments. This high-capacity cable offers great » Passive Optical flexibility for placement on overhead transmission towers, eliminating Components the need for a support messenger. ADSS cables feature fiber counts up to 576, a dry core design and the high-tension strength capability required for installation in the toughest environmental and electrical conditions. Unaffected by electromagnetic fields, our ADSS cables can be installed and maintained on extra high-voltage power lines without interruption of power service to customers. » Modules & Optical Outsourcing »» Connecting Systems » Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement > Conductor Accessories > Copper Cable > Demarcation » Repeater Cases » Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets » Mini-Span 484 -»» Mini-Span 535 >» Mini-Span 610 Products -» ADSS Medium Design -» ADSS Transmission Design > Mini-Span 420 > Services » Market Solutions > Resource Center > Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. > Sitemap —-» Privacy Policy +» Legal Notices >» Alcoa Worldwide >» AFL Telecommunica Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable ALCOA About AFL Tele > Products and Services + Products > > » > « Fiber Optic Cable » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures > Advanced Fiber Interfaces » Passive Optical Components >» Modules & Optical Outsourcing > Connecting Systems ~ Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement -» Conductor Accessories » Copper Cable > Demarcation > Repeater Cases > Electronics > Shelters & Cabinets Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Community > Environment > News> Careers > Sales Directory > Fiber Optic Cable : ADSS Aerial Cable : ADSS Medium Design ADSS Medium Design Features: Dry Core Design Typical spans with 1.0% installation sag: * NESC Heavy 700 ft. (213 meters) * NESC Medium 1000 ft. (305 meters) * NESC Light 1200 ft. (366 meters) Temperature Range: Operating -40 °Cto +70 °C Storage -50 °C to +70 °C Installation -30 °C to +70 °C > Sitemap > Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices +» Alcoa Worldwide Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us Related Doc 2 Product D Contact Infc 800.235.342: afitele@aicoa 44.179.364.7 sales@afl-eur Pricing > Request a +» AFL Telecommunica AFL Telecommunications ALCOA fiber optic cable adss medium design dry core design Typical Spans with 1.0% installation Sag NESC Heavy 575 ft (175 meters) © NESC Medium 775 ft (236 meters) © NESC Light 850 ft (259 meters) cable components polyethylene outer jacket polyethylene inner jacket non-hygroscopic core wrap torque-balanced aramid yams non-hygroscopic core wrap tipcords for easy jacket removal gel-filled loose buffer tube (4-18 optical fibers / tube) FRP dielectric anti-buckling temperature range Operating - 40°C to + 70°C Storage —_ - 50°C to + 70°C Installation - 30°C to + 70°C water-blocking binder mechanical data MINIMUM BENDING MINIMUM BENDING MAXIMUM ESTIMATED ULTIMATE FIBERS. CABLE DIAMETER CABLE WEIGHT RADIUS (DYNAMIC) RADIUS (STATIC) OPERATING LOAD BREAKING STRENGTH inches = mm Ibs/1000" kg/km inches ~~ cm inches cm ibs N Ibs N 4-60 0.575 «14.6 112 167 14 34 6 15 1,880 8,363 3,600 16,014 62-72 0.626 15.9 135 201 15 37 6 16 2,160 9,608 4,300 19,127 74-96 0.701 17.8 164 5 18 2.400 10,676 4,400 19,572 _ 98-120 0.780 19.8 204 304 18 45 8 20 2,700 12,010 4,900 21,796 122-144 0.858 21.8 248 369 19 49 9 22 3,000 13,345 5,400 24,020 146-216 0.858 = 21.8 249 371 19 49 9 22 2,930 13,033 5,560 24,732 218-432 1.000 25.4 335. 499 22 56 10 25. 3,560 15,836 6,460 28,735 reel information CREELA REL REELC REEL Item inches cm inches cm inches cm inches cm Reel Height 42 107 60 152 72 183 84 213 Reel Width Outside 36 91 36 91 40 102 40 102 Reel Width Inside 32 81 30 76 34 86 34 86 Drum Diameter 23 58 30 76 35 89 35 89 Arbor Hole Diameter 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 Reel Weight With Lagging 267 Ibs 121 kg 466 Ibs 212 kg 843 lbs 383 kg 1,048 Ibs 476 kg Maximum Cable Lengths a _ eee eee . a a o.d. inches o.d. mm fibers feet meters feet meters feet meters feet meters 0.575 14.6 38-60 6,100 1,859 14,000 4,267 20,000 6,096 20,000 6,096 0.626 15.9 62-72 5,000 1,524 12,000 3,658 20,000 6,096 20,000 6,096 0.701 17.8 74-96 4,000 1,219 9,000 2,743 19,000 5,791 20,000 6,096 0.858 21.8 98-120 2,500 762 6,000 1,829 12,500 3,810 20,000 6,096 0.858 21.8 122-216 2,500 762 6,000 1,829 12,500 3,810 19,500 5,944 1.000 25.4 218-432 _1,900_579__—_—4600 1,372 9000 2.743 14,500 4,420 AFL provides ADSS cable on four standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. 7 ~ * Longer lengths available on request. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. B. AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable adss medium design optical information VALUES ‘SINGLE-MODE MULTIMODE MULTIMODE NM 882M SOE (1310nm/1550nm) (850nm/1300nm) _ __ (850nm/1300nm) Maximum Attenuation (dB/km) 0.40/0.30 4.0/2.0 4.0/2.0 Typical Attenuation (dB/km) 0.36/0.22 3.5/1.5 3.0/1.5 Bandwidth (MHz/km) na 160/500. 400/400 * All 62.5/125 um multimode ADSS cable transmission performances meet or exceed FDDI requirements Premium transmission performance fibers available on request. sag & tension information NESC LIGHT LOADING NESC MEDIUM LOADING NESC HEAVY LOADING SPAN SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION feet_meters Ibs N %% Ibs N % Ibs N % Ibs N (4-60 fibers * 0.575” diameter) 100 30 1.0 140 623 05 305 1,357 17 379 1,687 . 2,376 200 61 1.0 280 1,246 06 523 2,327 2.0 639 2,843 29 882 3,925 300 91 1.0 420 1,869 07 719 3,200 22 869 3,867 33 1,184 5,269 400 122 1.0 560 2,492 07 904 4,023 23 1,082 4,815, 35 1,461 6,501 9001520 NO 700318 71,081 481012858718 8178 600 183 1.0 840 3,738 08 1,252 5,571 26 1,480 6,586 39 1,970 8,767 700 213 1.0 980 4,361 08 1,420 6,319 27 1,669 7,427 800 244 1.0 1,120 4,984 08 1,585 7,053 28 1,854 8,250 900 274 1.0 1,260 5,607 08 1,747 7,774 1000 305 401,400 6,230 081,906 8482 - = _ (62-72 fibers * 0.626” diameter) 100 30 1.0 169752 06 341 1,517 47 415 1,847 24 577 2,568 200 61 1.0 338 1,504 06 588 2,617 2.0 704 3,133 28 958 4,263 30091 10 504 2,243 07 813 3,618 22 961 4,276 32 1,290 5,741 400 122 1.0 676 3,008 07 1,025 4,561 23 1,201 5,344 34 1,596 7,102 500 152 1.0 845 3,760 08 1,230, 5,474 24 1,430 6,364 36. 1,884 8,384 600 183 1.0 1,014 4,512 08 1,429 6,359 25 1,652 7,351 38 2,160 9,612 700 213 1.0 1,184 5,269 08 1,624 7,227 26 1,867 8,308 800 244 1.0 1,353 6,021 08 1,815 8,077 27 2,077 9,243 goo 274 1.0 1519 6,758 08 2,003 8,913 1000305 1.0 1,688 7,512 0g 2190 9746 (74-96 fibers * 0.701” diameter) 100 30 1.0 205-912 06 385 «1,713 17 457 2,034 23 626 2,786 200 61 1.0 411 1,829 07 670 2,982 2.0 780 3,471 28 1,044 4,646 30091 1.0 616 2,741 07 930 4,139 24 1,071 4,766 34 1,411 6,279 400 122 1.0 822 3,658 08 1,177 5,238 23 1,343 5,976 33 1,751 7,792 500.152 1002746708116 601 1,605 _7,142_ 38 _ 2,072 9.2200 600 183 1.0 1,233 5,487 08 1,649 7,338 25 1,858 8,268 37 2,380 10,591 700 213 1.0 1,438 6,399 08 1,879 8,362 25 2,106 9,372 800 244 1.0 1,644 7,316 09 2,105 9,367 26 2,349 10,453 900 274 10 1845 8,210 0g 2,326 10,351 1000. 305 1.0 2,050 0,123 09 2,547 11,334 (98-120 fibers * 0.780” diameter) 100 30 1.0 255 1,135 06 441 1,962 17 512 2,278 23 690 3,071 200 61 1.0 510 2,270 07 774 3,444 19 882 3,925 27 1,158 5,153 300 91 10 765 3,404 08 1,081 4,810 24 1,218 5,420 3.0 1,572 6,995 400 122 10 1,020 4,539 08 1,375 6,119 2.2 1,535 6,831 32 1,958 8,713 500 152 1.0 1,275 5,674 08 1,661 7,391 23 1,841, 8,192 34 2,324 10,342 600 183 1.0 1529 6,804 09 1,941 8,637 24 2,140 9,523, 35 2,676 11,908 700 213 1.0 1,784 7,939 09 2,217 9,855 25 2,432 10,822 800 244 1.0 2,039 9,074 09 2,490 11,081 25 2,719 12,095 900 274 1.0 2,294 10,208 09 2,761 12,286 1000305 1.0 2,549 11,343 093,029. 13,479 — ee 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved B&B. AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable adss medium design sag & tension information (1 0.858” dia NESC MEDIUM LOADING NESC HEAVY LOADING SPAN SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION feet meters % = tbs NN % bs Nts 100 30 1.0 310 1,380 17 571 2,541 22 757 3,369 200 61 1.0 620. 2,759 1.9 993 4,419 27 1,279 5,692 300 91 1.0 930 4,139 2.0 1,379 6,137 29 1,745. 7,765 400 122 1.0 1,239 5,514 22 1,746 7,770 34 2,180 9,701 500 152 | 1.0 1,549 6,893 22 2.102 9,354 332,595 11,548 600 183 1.0 1,850 8,273 23 2,451 10,007 34 2,997 13,331 700 213 1.0 2,169 9,652 x 2.4 2,793 12,429 800 244 1.0 2,479 11.032 09 2.915 12,972 25 3,300 14,685 900 274 1.0 2,790 12,416 09 3,239 14,414 1000 305 00 13,795 09 3.661. 15,846 (1 46-21 6 fibers ° 0.858” diameter) 100 30 1.0 312 1,388 07 501 2,229 17 571 2,541 2.3 755 3,360 200 61 1.0 624 2,777 08 887 3,947 19 992 4,414 27 1,277 5,683 300 91 1.0 936 4,165 0.8 1,246 5,545 21 1,379 6,137 29 1,742 7,752 400 122 1.0 1,247 5,549 0.8 1,593 7,089 2.2 1,747 7,774 3.1 2,177 0,688 500 1521.0 1,559 6.9380 1.931 8593-22 2,404_ 9363332502 11.534 600 183 1.0 1,871 8.326 09 2,265 10,079 23 2,453 10,916 3.4 2,992 13,309 700 213 1.0 2,183 9,714 0.9 2,595 11,548 24 2,797 12,447 800 244 1.0 2,495 11,103 09 2,922 13,003 24 3,133 13,936 900 274 1.0 2,801 12,464 09 3,243 14,431 1000 305 1.0 3,113 13,853 0.9 3,565 15,864 (218-432 fibers * 1.000” diameter) 100 30 1.0 417 1,856 07 617 2,746 z , 888 3,952 200 61 1.0 834 3,711 08 1,107 4,026 1.8 1,211 5,389 25 1,516 6,746 300 91 1.0 1,250 5,563 08 1,568 6,978 2.0 1,697 7,552 28 2,083 9,269 400 122 1.0 1.667 7,418 0.0 2,016 8,971 21 2,165 9,634 2.9 2,618 11,650 500 152 1.0 2,084 9,274 09 2,457 10,934 24 2,621 11,663 3.1 3,132. 13,937 600 183 1.0 2.501 11,120 0.9 2,892 12,869 2.2 3,070 13,662 3.1 3,639 16,187 700 213 1.0 1,918 8,535 0.9 3,324 14,792 2.2 3,513 15,633 800 244 1.0 3,350 14,908 0.9 3,767 16,763 2.2 3,966 17,649 900 274 1.0 3,769 16,772 0.9 4,196 18,672 1000 305 1.0 4,188 18,637 0.9 _ 4,624 20,577 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. & AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable adss medium design ordering information . Part Number FIBERS _FIBERS/TUBE OUTER DIAMETER CONFIGURATION SINGLE-MODE MULTIMODE 62.5/125 MULTIMODE 50/125 4 4 0.575" 14.6 mm 1w4; 4 fillers AE0049C511CA2 AE0046C511CA2 AE0045C511CA2 6 6 0.575" 14.6 mm 1w6; 4 fillers AEO069C511CA2 AE0066C511CA2 AEQO65C511CA2 8 8 0.575" 14.6 mm 18; 4 fillers AE0089C511CA2 AE0086C511 CA2 AE0085C511CA2 10 10 0.575" 14.6mm 1wi0; 4 fillers __—AEO109C511CA2_——AEOTOGC511CA2__ AEQVOSCS11CA2_ 12 12 0.575" 14.6 mm 1w12; 4 fillers AE0129C511CA2 AEO126C511CA2 AE0125C511CA2 18 12 0.575" 14.6 mm 1w12; 3 fillers AEO189C511CA2 AE0186C511CA2 AEO185C511CA2 24 12 0.575" 14.6mm 2w12; 3 fillers AE0249C511CA2 AE0246C511CA2 AE0245C511CA2 30 12. 0.575" 14.6mm ‘AE0309C511CA2 __AE0306C511CA2 AE0305C511CA2 36 12 0.575" 14.6 mm AE0369C511CA2 AE0366C511CA2 AE0365C511CA2 48 12 0.575" 14.6 mm 4w12; 1 filler AE0489C511CA2 AE0486C511CA2 AE0485C511CA2 60 12 14.6 mm 5w12; 0 fillers AEQ600C511CA2 AE0606C511CA2 AEO605C511CA2 72 120 15.9mm____6wi2; Ofilers ____AEO729CB11CA2___—AEO726C511CA2_____—_AEO725C611CA2__ 84 12 17.8mm 7w12; 1 filler AE0840C811CA5 AE0846C811CA5 AE0846C811CA5 96 12 7 17.8 mm 8w12; 0 fillers AE0969C811CA5 AE0966C811CA5 AE0965C811CA5 108 12 0.780" 19.8mm 9w12; 1 filler AE1089CA11CA7 AE1086CA11CA7 AE1085CA11CA7 120 120 0.780" 19.8 mm fillers AE1209CA11CA7 AE1206CA11CA7 AE1205GA11CA7 132 12 0.858" 21.8 mm filler AE1329CC11CA9 AE1326CC11CA9 AE1325CC11CA9 144 12 0.858" 21.8mm 12w12; 0 fillers AE1449CC11CAQ AE1446CC11CA9 AE1445CC11CAQ 156 12 0.858" 21.8mm 13w12; 5 fillers AE1569C131CA7 AE1566CI31CA7 AE1565C131CA7 168 0.858" 218mm 2:4 fillers _____AEI689CIS1CA7_____AETGB6CI31CA7 ETE B5CISICAT 180 0.858" 8mm 15w12: 3 fillers AE1809CI31CA7 AE1806CI31CA7 AE1806C131CA7 192 0.858" 21.8 mm 16w12; 2 fillers AE1929C131CA7 AE1926CI31CA7 AE1925C131CA7 204 0.858" 21.8mm 17w12; 1 filler AE2049C131CA7 AE2046(131CA7 AE2045C131CA7 216 0.858" 21.8mm 18w12; 0 fillers AE2169CI31CA7_ AE2166CI31CA7_ __.AE2165C131 CA7 228 12 1.000" 25.4mm 19Ww12; 5 fillers AE2289C031CB3 AE2286C031CB3 AE2285C031CB3 240 12 1.000" 25.4 mm 20w12; 4 fillers AE2409C031CB3 AE2406C031CB3 AE2405C031CB3 252 12 1.000" 25.4mm 21w12; 3 fillers AE2529C031CB3 AE2526C031CB3 AE2525C031CB3 264 12 1.000" 25.4 mm 22w12; 2 fillers AE2649C031CB3 AE2646C031CB3 AE2645C031CB3 276 12 1.000" 25.4mm 23w12; 1 filler AE2769C031CB3 AE2766C031CB3 AE2765C031CB3 288 12 1.000" 25.4 mm 24w12; 0 fillers AE2889C031CB3 AE2886C031CB3 AE2885C031CB3 306 18 1.000" 25.4mm 17w18; 7 fillers AE30691031CB3 AE30661031CB3 AE30651031CB3 324 18 ____1.000" 254mm ___18w18;6'filers = AE32491031CB3_——— AES 2461031083 342 18 1.000" 25.4mm 19w18; 5 fillers AE34291031CB3 AE34261031CB3 360 18 1.000" 25.4mm 20w18; 4 fillers AE36091031CB3 AE36061031CB3 AE36051031CB3 378 18 1.000" 25.4mm 21w18; 3 fillers AE37891031CB3 AE37861031CB3 AE37851031 CB3 396 18 1,000" 25.4mm 22w18; 2 fillers AE39691031CB3 AE39661031CB3 AE39651031CB3 414 18 1.000" 25.4mm 23w18; 1 filler AE41491031CB3 AE41461031CB3 AE41451031CB3 432 18 1.000" 25.4 mm 24w18; Ofillers ____AE43291031CB3__—_ AE 432610313 _....AE43251031 CB3 _ Single-mode and single-mode non-zero dispersion-shifted fibers are also available. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 G ALCOA AFL Telecomn custe About AFk Tele> Community> Environment» News> Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Products and Services * Products Fiber Optic Cable : ADSS Aerial Cable : ADSS Transmission Design + Fiber Optic Cable ' » Fiber Interconnect ADSS Transmission Design » Fiber Closures AFL Telecommunications can custom design ADSS Transmission cable > Advanced Fiber to fit specific customer applications. Contact us with your specific Interfaces needs. \ > Passive Optical Components > Modules & Optical Outsourcing +» Connecting Systems > Fusion Splicing Systems > Test & Measurement =) Product D -»> Conductor Accessories > Copper Cable »» Demarcation » Repeater Cases 800.235.342: afltele@alcoa Related Doc Contact Infc > Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets 44.179.364.7 sales@afi-eur > Services » Market Solutions Pricing ~» Resource Center -» Request a Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. +> Sitemap -» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide > AFL Telecommunica AFL Telecommunications ALCOA fiber optic cable adss transmission design dry core design temperature range Typical Spans with 1.0% Installation Sag: Operating - 40°C to + 70°C © NESC Heavy 1200 ft (364 meters) Storage - 50°C to + 70°C © NESC Medium 1550 ft (472 meters) Installation - 30°C to + 70°C © NESC Light 1750 ft (633 meters) cable components polyethylene outer jacket polyethylene inner jacket non-hygroscopic core wrap torque-balanced aramid yarns non-hygroscopic core wrap tipcords for easy jacket removal gel-filled loose buffer tube (4-18 optical fibers / tube) FRP dielectric anti-buckling water-blocking binder mechanical data “MINIMUM BEI MINIMUM BENDING MAXIMUM ESTIMATED ULTIMATE FIBERS CABLE DIAMETER CABLE WEIGHT RADIUS (DYNAMIC) RADIUS (STATIC) OPERATING LOAD BREAKING STRENGTH inches mm Ibs/1000" kg/km — inches cm inches om ibs ON~«&Ubs N 4-60 0.610 15.5 126 187 14 36 6 15 4,250 18,905 7,850 34,918 62-72 0.661 16.8 151 224 15 39 7 17 4,640 20,640 8,360 37,187 74-96 0.732 = 18.6 180 268 7 42 7 19 5,040 22,419 8,860 39,411 98-120 0.811 20.6 221 329 18 46 8 21 5,610 24,954 9,880 43,948 122-144 0.890 22.6 267 397 20 50 9 23 6,330 28,157 11,150 49,597 146-216 0890 226 268 398 20 50 9 23 6,330 28,157 11,150 49,597 218-432 1.020. 259 349 519 22 10 6 7,630 33,940 13,420 59,695 reel information REELA REEL B REEL C REEL D Item inches _om_ ___ inches om inches mS inches cm Reel Height 42 107 60 152 72 183 84 213 Reel Width Outside 36 91 36 91 40 102 40 102 Reel Width inside 32 81 30 76 34 86 34 86 Drum Diameter 23 58 30 76 35 89 35 89 Arbor Hole Diameter 3 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 Reel Weight With Lagging 267 Ibs 121 kg 466 Ibs 212 kg 843 lbs 383 kg 1,048 Ibs 476 kg Maximum* Cable Lengths _ - o.d.inches o.d. mm fibers feet meters feet meters ‘feet "meters ~~ feet “meters 0.610 15.5 4-60 5,250 1,600 12,500 3,810 20,000 6,096 20,000 6,096 0.661 16.8 62-72 4,500 1,372 10,500 3,200 20,000 6,096 20,000 6,096 0.732 18.6 74-96 3,700 1,128 8,500 2,591 17,500 5,334 20,000 6,096 0.811 20.6 98-120 3,000 914 7,000 2,134 14,500 4,420 20,000 6,096 0.890 22.6 122-216 2,500 762 5,500 1,676 12,000 3,658 18,500 5,639 1.020 25.9 218-432 1,900 579 4,400 1,341 9,000 4,267 AFL provides ADSS cable on four standard sizes of non-retumable wooden reels. : a a a * Longer lengths available on request. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved B. AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable eee adss transmission design sag & tension information NESC LIGHT LOADING NESC MEDIUM LOADING NESC HEAVY LOADING SPAN SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION feet meters % Ibs ON % tbs ON de. __..lbs N % ____ Ibs N (4-60 fibers © 0.610" diameter) sil 2 i 800 244 0 1,267 5,594 07 1,977 8,798 23 2,337 10,400 3.4 3,130 13,930 900 274 1.0 1,414 6,292 07 2174 9,674 2.4 2,560 11,392 3.5 3,415 15,197 1,000 305 1.0 1,571 6,991 07 2,367 10,533 24 2,778 12,362 3.6 3,692 16,429 1,100 335 1.0 1,728 7,690 0.7 2,558 11,383 2.5 2.992 13,314 37. 3,962. 17,631 1,200 366 1.0 1,885 8,388 0.8 2,746 12,220 25 3,203 14,253 3.8 4,227 18,810 1,300 396 1.0 2,042 9,087 0.8 2,932 13,047 2.6 3,411 15,179 1,400 427 1.0 2,199 9,786 08 3,117 13,871 26 3,616 16,091 1500457 1.0 2,356 10,484 08 3,299 14,681 27 3,819 16,995 _ 7 1,600 488 1.0 2,514 11,187 08 3,481 15,490 27 4,019 17,885 1,700 518 1.0 2,671 11,886 08 3,661 16,291 27 4,218 18,770 1,800 549 2,828 12,585 08 3,839 17,084 2,993 13,319 0.8 4,022 17,898 3,150 14,018 08 4,199 18,686 MMI STINE al _ 800 244 1,506 6,702 07 2,215 9,857 23 2,563 11,405 3.3 3,373 15,010 900 274 1,694 7,538 0.8 2,440 10,858 2.3 2,812 12,513 3.4 3,684 16,394 1,000 305 1,883 8,379 0.8 2,661 11,841 2.4 3,057 13,604 3.5 3,987 17,742 1,100.35 2.071 9,216 08 2,880 12,816 243,208 4,284 19,064 1,200 366 2,259 10,053 08 3,096 13,777 2.5 3,535 4,575 20,359 1,300 396 2,447 10,889 08 3,310 14,730 2.5 3,769 1,400 427 2,636 11,730 0.8 3,523 15,677 26 4,000 1,500 457 2,824. 12,567 08 3,734 16,616 26 4,229 1,600 488 1.0 3,012 13,403 08 3,943 17,546 26 4,456 1,700 518 1.0 3,201 14,244 0.8 4,152 18,476 1,800 549 1.0 3,389 15,081 0.9 4,359 19,398 1,900 579 1.0 3,586, 15,958 __.. 4,571, 20,341 _. | ee (74-96 fibers * 0.732” diameter) . 800 244 1.0 1,801 8,014 0.8 2,510 11,170 23 2,838 12,629 3.3 3,665 16,309 900 274 1.0 2,026 9,016 08 2,769 12,322 23 3,120 13,884 3.4 4,008 17,836 1,000 305 1.0 2,251 10,017 08 3,025 13,461 24 3,397 15,117 3.5 4,343 19,326 1.100335 1.0 2477 11,023 0.8 3.278 14,587 243,669 16,327 354,671 20,786 1,200 366 1.0 2.702 12,024 0.8 3,528 15,700 2.4 3,939 17,529 3.6 4,994 22,223 1,300 396 1.0 2,927 13,025 0.8 3,777 16,808 25 4,205 18,712 1,400 427 1.0 3,152 14,026 0.9 4,024 17,907 2.5 4,469 19,887 1,500 457 1.0 3,377 15,028 0.9 4,270 19,002 2.5. 4,730 21,049 1,600 488 1.0 3,602 16,029 0.9 4,512 20,078 2.6 4,990 22,206 1,700 518 1.0 3,827 17,030 0.9 4,757 21,169 1,800 549 1.0 4,053 18,036 0.9 4,999 22,246 {06-120 thers =0.8117 diemeter) IN TIE I 800 244 1.0 2,210 9,835 0.8 2,918 12,985 2.2 3,235 14,396 3.2 4,089 18,196 900 274 1.0 2,486 11,063 0.8 3,225 14,351 2.2 3,562 15,851 3.3 4,478 19,927 1,000 305 1.0 2,763 12,295 0.8 3,529 15,704 23 3,885 17,288 3.3 4,859 21,623 1,100 335 1.0 3,039 13,524 0.9 3,831 17,048 23 4,205 18,712 3.4 5,233 23,287 1,200 366 1.0 3,315 14,752 0.9 4,130 18,379 24 4,520 20,114 3.5 5,602 24,929 1,300 396 1.0 3,591 15,980 0.9 4,427 19,700 24 4,833 21,507 1,400 427 1.0 3,868 17,213 0.9 4,723 21,017 2.4 5,144 22,891 1,500 457 1.0 4,144 18,441 0.9 5,017 22,326 2.4 5,452 24,261 1,600 488 1.0 4,420 19,669 0.9 5,310 23,630 1,700 518 1.0 4,696 20,897 0.9 5,601 24,924 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. B&B. AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable eee adss transmission design ion information (continued) NESC LIGHT LOADING NESC MEDIUM LOADING NESC HEAVY LOADING SPAN SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION feet_meters % Ibs N % Ibs N % Ibs N % ____Ibs N (122-144 fibers ¢ 0.890” diameter) . 800 244 1.0 2,669 11,877 08 3,378 15,032 21 3,688 16,412 31 4,572 20,345 900 274 1.0 3,002 13,359 0.9 3,740 16,643 2.2 4,069 18,107 3.1 5,014 22,312 1,000 305 1.0 3,336 14,845 0.9 4,100 18,245 2.2 4,446 19,785 3.2 5,449 24,248 1,100 335 1.0 3,670 16,332 09 4,456 19,829 2.2 4,818 21,440 3.3 5,876 26,148 1,200 366 1.0 4,003 17,813 0.9 4,810 21,405 23 5,188 23,087 3.3 6,297 28,022 1,300 396 1.0 4,337 19,300 09 6,164 22,970 23 5,554 24,715 1,400 427 1.0 4,671 20,786 0.9 5,514 24,537 2.3 §,918 26,335 1,500 457 1.0 5,004 22,268 0.9 5,863 26,090 2.3 6,282 27,944 1.600488 ____1.0__5,398 23,754 0962 276899 (146-216 fibers © 0.890” diameter) ee _ . __ _ 800 244 1.0 2,676 11,908 08 3,383 15,054 21 3,693 16,434 3.1 4,577 20,368 900 274 1.0 3,011 13,399 09 3,747 16,674 2.2 4,075 18,134 3.1 5,020 22,339 1,000 305 1.0 3,346 14,890 09 4,107 18,276 2.2 4,453 19,816 3.2 5,455 24,275 1,100 336 1.0 3,680 16,376 09 4,464 19,865 2.2 4,826 21,476 3.3 5,883 26,179 1,200 366 1.0 4,015 17,867 0.9 4,819 21,445 2.3 5,196 23,122 3.3 6,304 28,053 1,300 396 1.0 4,349 19,353 0.9 5,172 23,015 23 5,564 24,760 1,400 427 1.0 4,684 20,844 0.9 5,524 24,582 23 5,929 26,384 1,500 457 1.0 5,018 22,330 09 5,874 26,139 23 6,296 28,006 1600488 1.0 __—«5,353.23,821 096,203 27.602, eee (218-432 fibers * 1.020” diameter) __. 800 244 1.0 3,490 15,531 0.9 4,204 18,708 2.0 4,507 20,056 29 5,435 24,186 900 274 1.0 3,926 17,471 0.9 4,665 20,759 21 4,985 22,183 29 5,974 26,584 1,000 305 1.0 4,363 19,415 09 5,124 22,802 21 5,459 24,293 3.0 6,505 28,947 1,100 335 1.0 4,799 21,356 09 5,580 24,831 21 5,930 26,389 3.1 7,028 31,275 1,200 366 1.0 5,235 23,296 09 6,035 26,856 21 6,397 28,467 3.4 7,545 33,575 1,300 396 1.0 5,671 25,236 09 6,487 28,855 2.2 6,861 30,531 1,400 427 1.0 6,108 27,181 09 6,938 30,874 2.2 7,323 32,587 1,500 457 1.0 6,544 29,121 0.9 7,388 32,877 ‘Single-mode and single-mode non-zero dispersion-shited fiber is also available. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. QO AFL Telecommunications ALCOA fiber optic cable adss transmission design ordering information Part Number FIBERS _ FIBERS/TUBE OUTER DIAMETER CONFIGURATION SINGLE-MODE _ MULTIMODE 62.5/125ym MULTIMODE 50/125um 4 12 0.610" 15.5mm 1w4; 4 fillers AEO049C511CC1 AEO046C511CC1 AE0045C511CC1 6 12 0.610" 155mm 1w6; 4 fillers AE0069C511CC1 AEOO66C511CC1 AEQO65C511CC1 8 12 0.610" 15.5 mm 18; 4 fillers AE0089C511CC1 AE0086C511CC1 AE0085C511CC1 10 12 0.610" 15.5 mm 1w10; 4 fillers AEO109C511CC1 AEO106C511CC1 AEO105C511CC1 wo 0.610" 155mm ____twi2; 4 filers __AEOT290511CC1_—AEOIZECS1ICC1 ABO ZSCSTICC_ 18 12 0.610" 15.5mm 1wi2, 1w6; 3 fillers AE0189C511CC1 AEO186C511CC1 AE0185C511CC1 24 12 0.610" 15.5mm 2w12; 3 fillers AE0249C511CC1 AE0246C511CC1 AE0245C511CC1 30 12 0.610" 15.5 mm 2wi2, 1w6; 2 fillers AE0309C511CC1 AE0306C511CC1 AE0305C511CC1 36 12 0.610" 15.5mm 3w12; 2 fillers AE0369C511CC1 AE0366C511CC1 AE0365C511CC1 48 120.610" 155mm dwt; 4 filer 486CS11CC1___ ss AEOABSCSTICCT 60 12 0.610" 15.5 mm 5w12; 0 fillers AEO605C511CC1 72 12 0.661" 16.8 mm 6w12; 0 fillers AEO729C611CC3 AEO726C511CC3 AE0725C611CC3 84 12 0.732" 18.6 mm 7w12; 1 filler AE0849C811CC5 AE0846C811CC5 AE0845C811CC5 96 12 0.732" 18.6 mm 8w12; 0 fillers AE0969C811CC5S AE0966C811CC5 AEO965C811CC5 108 _ 120.811" 20.6mm___9w12; 1 filer ____AEIO89CAT1CC9__—AETOBGCATICCO ——=s—AFTOBSCATICCO 120 12 0.811" 20.6 mm 10w’ AE1209CA11CC9 AE1206CA11CC9 AE1205CA11CC9 132 12 0.890" 22.6 mm 11w12; 1 filler AE1329CC11CD4 AE1326CC11CD4 AE1325CC11CD4 144 12 0.890" 22.6 mm 12w12; 0 fillers AE1449CC11CD4 AE1446CC11CD4 AE1445CC11CD4 156 12 0.890" 22.6mm 13w12; 5 fillers AE1569C131CD4 AE1566C131CD4 AE1565C131CD4 168 120.880" 226mm ___14w12; 4filers AE1686CI31CD4_ _-AE1685CI31CD4 _ 180 12 0.890" 22.6 mm 15w12; 3 fillers AE1806CI31CD4 AE1805C1310D4 192 12 0.890" 22.6 mm 16w12; 2 fillers AE1929C131CD4 AE1926C131CD4 AE1925C131CD4 204 12 0.890" 22.6 mm 17w12; 1 filler AE2049C131CD4 AE2046CI31CD4 AE2045C131CD4 216 12 0.890" 22.6 mm 18w12; 0 fillers AE2169C131CD4 AE2166C131CD4 AE2165C131CD4 228. 12 1.020" 259mm ___19w12; Sfflers__AE2289CO31CE3_—=—AE2286CO31CE3___—=—AE2285C031CE3_ 240 12 1.020" 25.9 mm 20wi2; 4 fillers AE2409C031CE3 AE2406C031CE3 AE2405C031CE3 252 12 1.020" 25.9 mm 21w12; 3 fillers AE2529C031CE3 AE2526C031CE3 AE2525C031CE3 264 12 1.020" 25.9mm 22w12; 2 fillers AE2649C031CE3 AE2646C031CE3 AE2645C031CE3 276 12 1.020" 25.9 mm 23w12; 1 filler AE2769C031CE3 AE2766C031CE3 AE2765C031CE3 288 12 1,020" 25.9mm____24w12; Ofilers ____AE2B8SCO31CE3_—=_AE28B6CO31CE3 AE2BB5CO31CE3_ 306 18 1.020" 25.9 mm 7 fillers AE30691031CE3 AE 31 CES AE30651031CE3 324 18 1.020" 25.9 mm 18w1 8; 6 fillers AE32491031CE3 AE30661031CE3 AE32451031CE3 342 18 1.020" 25.9mm 19w18; 5 fillers AE34291031CE3 AE34261031CE3 AE34251031CE3 360 18 1.020" 25.9 mm 20w18; 4 fillers AE36091031CE3 AE36061031CE3 AE36051031 CES 378 18 1.020". 259mm 21w18; 3 fillers, AES7B9IO31CE3__—s AES 7B6I031CE3 __AE37851031CE3_ 396 18 1.020" 25.9mm AE39691031CE3 AE39661031CE3 AE39651031CE3 414 18 1.020" 25.9 mm AE41491031CE3 AE41461031CE3 AE41451031CE3 43218 1.020" _25.9mm___24w18; 0 filers AEA3291031CE3___—_AE43261031CE3_ _AEA3251031CE3___ Single-mode and single-mode non-zero dispersion-shifted fibers are available. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 GS ALCOA AFL Telecomn custc About AFL Tele > Community» Environment» News> Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Products and Services Products Fiber Optic Cable : ADSS Aerial Cable : Mini-Span 420 » Fiber Optic Cable > Fiber Interconnect Mini-Span 420 > Fiber Closures Dry Core Design » Advanced Fiber Typical spans with 1.0% installation sag: siiialticicae 2 NESC Heavy 200 ft. (61 meters) » Passive Optical * NESC Medium 325 ft. (99 meters) Components » NESC Light 425 ft. (130 meters) » Modules & Optical Outsourcing Temperature Range Related Doc > Connecting Systems Operating -40 OC to +70 °C ©) Product © » Fusion Splicing Storage -50 °C to +70 °C aes Systems » Test & Measurement -»> Conductor Accessories > Copper Cable 800.235.342: afitele@alcoa 44.179.364.7 sales@afl-eur Installation -30 °C to +70 °C Contact Infc >» Demarcation » Repeater Cases » Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets Prici ricing » Services R ‘ » Request a Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc > Sitemap +» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide > AFL Telecommunica Q AFL Telecommunications ALCOA fiber optic cable adss mini-span® 420 dry core design Typical Spans with 1.0% Installation Sag: ¢ NESC Heavy 200 ft (61 meters) © NESC Medium 325 ft © NESC Light 425 ft (99 meters) (130 meters) cable components outer jacket tape strength member ripcord FRP gel-filled loose buffer tube (2-12 optical fibers / tube) water-blocking binder mechanical data temperature range Operating - 40°C to + 70°C Storage - 50°C to + 70°C Installation - 30°C to + 70°C Typical Maximum* Lengths FIBERS CABLE DIAMETER CABLE WEIGHT SINGLE-MODE MULTIMODE inches mm Ibs/1000' kg/km feet meters feet meters 2-60 Fibers 0.420 10.7 60 90 20,014 6,100 6562. 2,000, * Longer lengths available on request. installation information MAXIMUM SAGGING MAXIMUM MINIMUM BENDING MINIMUM BENDING TENSION __ __LOADING OPERATING TENSION. RADIUS (DYNAMIC) RADIUS (STATIC) Ibs N Ibs N inches cm les cm 325 1446 522 2323 9 22 an optical information "VALUES ~ SINGLE-MODE™ © MULTIMODE” MULTIMODE 9/125um *62.5/125um 50/125um : (1310nm/1550nm) (850nnV/1300nm) __(850nm/1300nm) Maximum Attenuation (dB/km) 0.40/0.30 3.5/1.2 3.5/1.2 Typical Attenuation (dB/km) 0.36/0.22 3.0/1.0 3.0/1.0 Bandwidth (MHz/km) Wa 200/600 500/500 * All 62.5/125um multimode ADSS cable transmission performances meet or exceed FDD! requirements. Premium transmission performance fibers available on request. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. B. AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable adss mini-span® 420 reel information EEE ~~ REELA “REELB REELC Item inches cm inches cm inches cm Reel Height 42 106.7 58 147.3 72 182.9 Reel Width Outside 36 91.4 38 96.5 42 106.7 Reel Width Inside 32 81.6 32 81.3 36 91.4 Drum Diameter 23 58.7 28 714 36 91.4 Arbor Hole Diameter 3 79 3 7.9 3 79 Reel Weight With Lagging 180 Ibs 82 kg 420 Ibs 191 kg 685 Ibs 311 kg Maximum Cable Length 11,200 3.414m : 20,014 ft 6,100 m 7 20,014 ft 6,100 m AFL provides ADSS cable on three standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available on request. sag & tension information NESC LIGHT LOADING NESC MEDIUM LOADING NESC HEAVY LOADING SPAN SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION feet meters % Ibs N % Ibs N % Ibs N % Ibs N 50 15 1.0 38 169 0.5 97 432 19 132 587 29 190 846 75 23 1.0 57 254 05 132 587 21 177788 3.3 253 «1,126 100 30 1.0 76 = 338 0.5 165 734 2.3 218 970 3.5 310 1,380 125 38 1.0 96 427 0.6 195 868 2.4 257 1,144 3.8 363 1,615 150 46 1.0 115 512 0.6 224 997 2.6 294 1,308 4.0 414 1,842 175 53 1.0 134 596 0.6 252 «1,121 2.7 329 1,464 44 462 = 2,056 200 61 1.0 153 681 0.6 280 1,246 28 363 1,615 4.3 508 2,261 225 69 1.0 172 765 06 307 1,366 29 397 1,767 250 76 1.0 191 850 07 333 1,482 29 429 1,909 275 84 1.0 210 935 0.7 359 1,598 3.0 461 2,051 300 91 1.0 229 1,019 0.7 384 1,709 3.1 492 2,189 325 99 1.0 248 1,104 0.7 409 1,820 31 522 2,323 350 107 1.0 267 1,188 07 434 1,931 375 114 1.0 287 1,277 0.7 458 2,038 400 122 1.0 306 1,362 07 482 2,145 425 130 1.0325 1,446 7506 2,252 . a oe an 7 “weight/sag and tension subject to change ordering information Part Number FIBERS _FIBERS/TUBE_____CONFIGURATION ____—_—_SINGLE-MODE__—_—=—=— MULTIMODE 62.5/125 MULTIMODE 50/125 6 6 16; 4 fillers AE00696520A07 AEO0666520A07 AE00656520A07 12 12 1w12; 4 fillers AEO129C520A07 AE0126C520A07 AEO125C520A07 18 12 1w12,1w6; 3 fillers AE0189C520A07 AEO186C520A07 AEO185C520A07 24 12 2w12; 3 fillers AE0249C520A07 AE0246C520A07 AE0245C520A07 30 12 2w12, 16; 2 fillers AE0309C520A07 AE0306C520A07 AEO305C520A07 36 12 3w12; 2 fillers AE0369C520A07 AE0366C520A07 AEO365C520A07 48 12 4w12; 1 filler AE0489C520A07 AE0486C520A07 AE0485C520A07 60 12 5w12; 0 fillers AEOGO9C520A07_ AEQ606C520A07 AEQ605C520A07_ Single-mode and single-mode non-zero dispersion-shifted fibers are also available 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. ‘© 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable G ALCOA About AFt Tele > Products and Services Products + Fiber Optic Cable » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures »» Advanced Fiber Interfaces ~» Passive Optical Components » Modules & Optical Outsourcing + Connecting Systems » Fusion Splicing Systems > Test & Measurement > Conductor Accessories -» Copper Cable +» Demarcation ~» Repeater Cases ~» Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Community > Environment >» News> Careers > Sales Directory > Fiber Optic Cable : ADSS Aerial Cable : Mini-Span 484 Mini-Span 484 Features: CDry Core Design Typical spans with 1.0% installation sag: » NESC Heavy 275 ft. (84 meters) = NESC Medium 400 ft. (122 meters) * NESC Light 525 ft. (160 meters) Temperature Range: Operating -40 °C to +70 °C Storage -50 °C to +70 °C Installation -30 °C to +70 °C > Sitemap -» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices »» Alcoa Worldwide Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us Related Doc 2 Product D Contact Infc 800.235.342: afitele@alcoa 44.179.364.7 sales@afl-eur Pricing ~» Request a -» AFL Telecommunica AFL Telecommunications ALCOA fiber optic cable dry core design © NESC Heavy 275 ft ¢ NESC Light 525 ft outer jacket tape strength member ripcord gel-filled loose buffer tube (2-18 optical fibers / tube) water-blocking binder mechanical data FIBERS CABLE DIAMETER CABLE WEIGHT inches mm Ibs/1000" kg/km 2-90 Fibers 0.484 12.3 77115 * Longer lengths available on request. installation information MAXIMUM SAGGING MAXIMUM _———TENSION, LOADING OPERATING TENSION Ibs N Ibs N 531 2363 840 3738 optical information ~~ VALUES TT] SINGLE-MODE 7 9/125um, (1310nm/1550nm)__ Maximum Attenuation (dB/km) 0.40/0.30 Typical Attenuation (dB/km) 0.36/0.22 Bandwidth (MHz/km) Wa Typical Spans with 1.0% Installation Sag: (84 meters) Storage © NESC Medium 400 ft (122 meters) (160 meters) cable components FRP dielectric anti-buckling adss mini-span® 484 temperature range Operating - 40°C to + 70°C - 50°C to + 70°C Installation - 30°C to + 70°C Typical Maximum* Lengths SINGLE-MODE MULTIMODE feet meters feet meters 20014 6, _-8:562__ 2,000 MINIMUM BENDING MINIMUM BENDING RADIUS (STATIC) inches cm 5 13 ~~ MULTIMODE MULTIMODE *62.5/125um 50/125um (850nm/1300nm) (8501 300nm) 3.5/1.2 3.5/1.2 3.0/1.0 3.0/1.0 200/600 500/500. * All 62.5/125 um multimode ADSS cable transmission performances meet or exceed FDD! requirements. Premium transmission performance fibers available on request. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. AFL Telecommunications ALCOA fiber optic cable adss mini-span® 484 reel information REEL A REEL B REEL C Item inches cm inches cm inches cm Reel Height 42 106.7 58 147.3 72 182.9 Reel Width Outside 36 91.4 38 96.5 42 106.7 Reel Width Inside 32 81.6 32 81.3 36 91.4 Drum Diameter 23 58.7 28 714 36 91.4 Arbor Hole Diameter 3 79 3 7.9 3 79 Reel Weight With Lagging 180 Ibs 82 kg 420 Ibs 191 kg 685 Ibs 311 kg Maximum Cable Length 8,400 tt 2,560m 19,800 ft. 6,035m 20,014 ft 6,100 m AFL provides ADSS cable on three standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available on request. sag & tension information / _ - NESC LIGHT LOADING NESC MEDIUM LOADING NESC HEAVY LOADING SPAN SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION feet meters % Ibs N % Ibs N % ibs UN. _%h Ibs N 50 15 1.0 51 227 04 131 583 1.6 172 (765 24 247 ~~ 1,099 75 23 1.0 76 338 05 179-797 1.8 232 1,032 27 331 1,473 100 30 1.0 101 449 0.5 223 992 2.0 287 1,277 29 406 1,807 125 38 1.0 126 (561 0.5 264 1,175 21 338 1,504 3.1 477 = 2,123 150 46 1.0 152. 676 0.6 304 1,353 2.2 387 1,722 3.2 543 2.416 175 53 1.0 177788 0.6 342 1,522 23 434 1,931 3.4 607 2,701 200 61 1.0 202 899 0.6 379 1,687 23 480 2,136 3.5 668 2,973 225 69 1.0 228 1,015 0.6 416 1,851 2.4 524 2,332 3.6 727 3,235 250 76 1.0 253 1,126 0.6 451 2,007 25 567 2,523 3.7 784 = 3,489 275 84 1.0 278 1,237 0.6 486 2,163 2.5 609 2,710 38 840. 3,738 300 91 1.0 303 1,348 07 521 2,318 2.6 650 2,893 325 99 1.0 329 1,464 07 554 2,465 2.6 690 3,071 350 107 1.0 354 1,575 07 588 2,617 27 730 3,249 375 114 1.0 379 1,687 07 621 2,763 27 769 3,422 400 122 1.0 405 1,802 0.7 653 2,906 2.8 808 3,596 425 130 1.0 430 1,914 07 686 3,053 450 137 1.0 455 2,025 07 718 = 3,195 475 145 1.0 480 2,136 07 749 3,333 500 152 1.0 506 2,252 07 781 3,475 525 160 1.0 531 2,363 07 812 3,613 “weight/sag and tension subject to change ordering information Part Number FIBERS FIBERS/TUBE CONFIGURATION SINGLE-MODE MULTIMODE 62.5/125 MULTIMODE 50/125 6 6 1w6; 4 fillers AE00696520AB5 AE00666520AB5 AE00656520AB5 12 12 1w12; 4 fillers AEO129C520AB5 AEO126C520AB5 AE0125C520AB5 18 12 1wi2,1W6; 3 fillers AE0189C520AB5 AE0186C520AB5 AE0185C520AB5 24 12 2w2: 3 tillers AE0249C520AB5 AE0246C520AB5_ EO 245C520AB5, 30 12 2w12, 1w6; 2 fillers AE0309C520AB5 AEO306C520AB5 AE0305C520AB5 36 12 3w12; 2 fillers AE0369C520AB5 AEO366C520AB5 AE0365C520AB5 48 12 4w12; 1 filler AE0489C520AB5 AE0486C520AB5 AE0485C520AB5 60 12 5w12; 0 fillers AE0609C520AB5 AEO606C520AB5 AEO605C520AB5 72 18 4w18; 1 filler AEO7291520AB5 AEO7261520AB5 AE07251520AB5 84 18 4w18; 1w12; 0 fillers AEO8491520AB5 AE08461520AB5 AE08451520AB5 90 18 5w18; Ofillers AEQ906I520AB5 AEQQOSIS20AB5 Single-mode and single-mode non-zero dispersion-shifted fibers are also available. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 GS ALCOA AFL Telecomn custc About AFL Tele > Community» Environment> News> Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Products and Services * Products + Fiber Optic Cable > Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures > Advanced Fiber Interfaces > Passive Optical Components > Modules & Optical Outsourcing > Connecting Systems > Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement -»> Conductor Accessories » Copper Cable »»> Demarcation » Repeater Cases > Electronics »> Shelters & Cabinets Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc Fiber Optic Cable : ADSS Aerial Cable : Mini-Span 535 Mini-Span 535 Features: Dry Core Design Typical spans with 1.0% installation sag: » NESC Heavy 700 ft. (213 meters) » NESC Medium 1000 ft. (303 meters) » NESC Light 1225 ft. (373 meters) Temperature Range: Operating -40 °C to +70 °C Storage -50 °C to +70 °C Installation -30 °C to +70 °C > Sitemap +> Privacy Policy -> Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide Related Doc 2 Product D Contact Infc 800.235.342: afltele@alcoa 44.179.364.7 sales@afl-eur Pricing +» Request a -» AFL Telecommunica @ AFL Telecommunications ALCOA fiber optic cable dry core design Typical Spans with 1.0% Installation Sag: © NESC Heavy 700 ft © NESC Light 1225 ft cable components outer jacket tape ‘Strength member ripcord FRP gel-filled loose buffer tube (2-18 optical fibers / tube) water-blocking binder mechanical data (213 meters) © NESC Medium 1000 ft (303 meters) (373 meters) adss mini-span® 535 temperature range Operating - 40°C to + 70°C Storage - 50°C to + 70°C Installation - 30°C to + 70°C "Typical Maximum* Lengths FIBERS _GABLEDIAMETER _____CABLEWEIGHT ss SINGLE-MODE. = MULTIMODE inches mm Ibs/1000" kg/km feet meters feet meters 2-108 Fibers 0.535 13.6 101 150 20,014 6,100 6,562 2,000 * Longer lengths available on request. installation information MAXIMUM SAGGING _____ MAXIMUM MINIMUM BENDING MINIMUM BENDING TENSION LOADING OPERATING TENSION RADIUS (DYNAMIC) RADIUS (STATIC) lbs UN ibs NN __inches cm inches em 1571 6,991 2,130 9,479 an 28 6 14 optical information VALUES SINGLE-MODE MULTIMODE MULTIMODE 9/125ym_ *62.5/125ym 50/125ym (1310nm/1550nm) (850nm/1300nm) (850nm/1300nm) Maximum Attenuation (dB/km) 0.40/0.30 3.5/1.2 3.5/1.2 Typical Attenuation (dB/km) 0.36/0.22 3.0/1.0 3.0/1.0 Bandwidth (MHz/km) Wa 200/600 500/500 * All 62.5/125 ym multimode ADSS cable transmission performances meet or exceed FDDI requirements Premium transmission performance fibers available on request. reel information REEL A REEL B REEL C Item inches _cm inches cm _ . __inches cm Reel Height 42 106.7 58 147.3 72 182.9 Reel Width Outside 36 91.4 38 96.5 42 106.7 Reel Width Inside 32 81.6 32 81.3 36 91.4 Drum Diameter 23 58.7 28 1A 36 91.4 Arbor Hole Diameter 3 7.9 3 7.9 3 7.9 Reel Weight With Lagging 180 Ibs 82 kg 420 Ibs 191 kg 685 Ibs 311 kg Maximum Cable Length 6847 ft 2,087 m 16,195ft_ 4,936 m 20,014ft _-6,100m AFL provides ADSS cable on three standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available on request. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. 8. AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable adss. mini-span® 535 sag & tension information NESC LIGHT LOADING NESC MEDIUM LOADING ~ NESC HEAVY LOADING SPAN SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION SAG TENSION feet meters __ Noo % is Ns Nts 50 15 285 04 168 748 1.4 217 966 2.0 313 1,393 75 23 427 05 230 1,024 1.6 295 1,313 2.2 421. 1,873 100 30 570 05 288 1,282 17 366 1,629 24 518 2,305 125 38 / 712 05 342 1,522 18 432 1,922 26 608 2,706 150 46 1.0 192 854 05 394 1,753 1.9 495 2,203 27 694 3,088 17553 1.0 224 997 06 444° 1,976 1.9 556 (2,474 28 776 3,453 200 61 10 256 1.13906 319420 614273229854 3,800 225 69 1. 288 1,282 06 540 2,403 24 671 2,986 3.0 930 4,139 250 76 1.0 321 1,428 06 587 2,612 24 727 3,235 34 1,004 4,468 27584 1.0 363 1,571 06 632 2,812 22 781 3,475 3.2 1,076 4,788 300 91 1.0 385 1,713 06 677 3,013 22 834 3,711 33 1,146 5,100 325 99 1.0 417 1,856 06 721 3,208 22 886 3,943 33 1,214 5,402 350 107 1.0 449 1,998 07 764 3,400 1,281 5,700 375 114 1.0 481, 2,140 Oz 807. 3,591 1,347 5,994 400 122 1.0 513 2,283 07 850 3,783 1,412 6,283 425 130 1.0 545 2,425 07 892 3,969 1,476 6,568 450 137 1.0 577 2,568 07 933 4,152 1,539 6,849 475 145 1.0 609 2,710 07 974 4,334 1,601 7,124 500 152 1.0 641 2,852 07 1,015 4,517 1,663 7,400 525 160 1.0 673 2,995 07 1,055 4,695 1,723. 7,667 550.168 1.0 705. 3,137 Md 1,096 4,877 1,783. 7,934 575 175 1.0 737 3,280 07 4,135 5,051 1,842 8,197 600 183 1.0 769 3,422 07 1,175 5,229 1,901 8,459 625 190 1.0 801 3,564 07 1,214 5,402 1,959 8,718 650 198 1.0 833 3,707 07 1,254 5,580 2,016 8,971 675 206 1.0 865 3,849 08 1,293 5,754 2,073 9,225 700 213 1.0 898 3,996 08 1,331 5,923 2,130 9,479 725.221 1.0 930__4,139 08. 1,370 6,097 _ 750 229 1.0 962 4,281 08 1,408 6,266 775 236 1.0 994 4,423 08 1,446 6,435 800 244 1.0 1,026 4,566 08 1,484 6,604 825 251 1.0 1,058 4,708 08 1,522 6,773 850 259 1.0 1,090 4,851 08 1,560 6,942 875 267 1.0 1,122 4,993 08 1,598 7,111 900 274 01154 5135 Stilt 925 282 1.0 1,186 5,278 08 950 290 1.0 1,218 5,420 08 975 297 1.0 1,250 5,563 08 1000 305 1.0 4,282 5,705 08 1025 312 1.0 1,314 5,847 08 1050 320 1.0 1,346 5,990 08 1075 328 1.0 1,378 6,132 08 1100 335 1.0 4,410 6,275 08 1125 343 1.0 1,442 6,417 08 1150 351 1.0 1,475 6,564 08 1175. 358 1.0 1,507 6,706 08 1200 366 1.0 1,539 6,849 08 1225 373 1.0.__1,571_ 6,991 0.8 “weight/sag and tension subject to change. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. QO AFL Telecommunications ALCOA fiber optic cable adss. mini-span® 535 ordering information Part Number FIBERS FIBERS/TUBE _ CONFIGURATION ==—————__SINGLE-MODE MULTIMODE 62.5/125 __MULTIMODE 50/125 6 6 1w6; 5 fillers AE00696620BA1 AE00666620BA1 AEO0656620BA1 12 12 1w12;5 fillers AE0129C620BA1 AEO126C620BA1 AE0125C620BA1 18 12 1w12,1w6; 4 fillers AEO189C620BA1 AEO186C620BA1 AE0185C620BA1 24 12 2wi2; 4 fillers AEO249C620BA1__ _AE0246C620BA1_ AE0245C620BA1 30 12 2w12, 1 w6; 3 fillers AE0309C620BA1 AE0306C620BA1 AE0305C620BA1 36 12 3w12; 3 fillers AE0369C620BA1 ‘AE0366C620BA1 AE0365C620BA1 48 12 4w12; 2 fillers AE0489C620BA1 AE0486C620BA1 AE0485C623BA1 60 12 ___5w12; 1 fille’ = AEO609C620BA1 AE0606C620BA1 AEO6OSC620BA1_ 72 12 6w12; 0 fillers AEO729C620BA1 AE0726C620BA1 AE0725C620BA1 84 18 4w18; 1w12;1 filler AE08491620BA1 AE08461620BA1 AE08451620BA1 96 18 5w18; 1w6; 0 fillers AEO9691620BA1 AEO966I620BA1 AEO965I620BA1 108 18 6w18; O fillers AE10891620BA1 _.AE1O86I620BA1 AE10851620BA1 Single-mode and single-mode non-zero dispersion-shitted fibers are also available. Please contact Customer Serivce for pricing and availability, 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable GQ ALCOA About AFL Tele > Products and Services * Products > » > » Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Interconnect Fiber Closures Advanced Fiber Interfaces Passive Optical Components Modules & Optical Outsourcing Connecting Systems Fusion Splicing Systems Test & Measurement Conductor Accessories Copper Cable Demarcation Repeater Cases Electronics Shelters & Cabinets > Services > Market Solutions > Resource Center » Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc Community > Environment > News> Careers» Sales Directory > Fiber Optic Cable : ADSS Aerial Cable : Mini-Span 610 Mini-Span 610 Features: Dry Core Design Typical spans with 1.0% installation sag: * NESC Heavy 825 ft. (251 meters) » NESC Medium 1150 ft. (351 meters) * NESC Light 1325 ft. (404 meters) Temperature Range: Operating -40 °C to +70 °C Storage -50 °C to +70 °C Installation -30 °C to +70 °C > Sitemap — -» Privacy Policy -> Legal Notices +» Alcoa Worldwide Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us Related Doc £2 Product D Contact Infc 800.235.342: afltele@alcoa 44.179.364.7 sales@afl-eur Pricing »» Request a +» AFL Telecommunica B. AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable adss mini-span® 610 dry core design temperature range Typical Spans with 1.0% Installation Sag Operating - 40°C to + 70°C © NESC Heavy 825 ft (251 meters) Storage - 50°C to + 70°C ¢ NESC Medium 1150 ft (351 meters) Installation - 30°C to + 70°C © NESC Light 1325 ft (404 meters) cable components outer jacket tape strength member ripcord FRP gel-filled loose buffer tube (6-24 optical fibers / tube) water-blocking binder mechanical data Typical Maximum* Lengths FIBERS CABLE DIAMETER CABLEWEIGHT SINGLE-MODE MULTIMODE __ inches mm !bs/1000" kg/km feet meters feet meters 6-144 Fibers 0.610 15.5 131 195 20,014 6,100 6,562 2,000 * Longer lengths available on request installation information MAXIMUM SAGGING MAXIMUM MINIMUM BENDING MINIMUM BENDING TENSION __LOADING OPERATING TENSION _-RADIUS (DYNAMIC) RADIUS (STATIC) Ibs N Ibs N inches cm inches cm 2,167 9,643 2,813 12,518 12 31 6 16 optical information VALUES SINGLE-MODE MULTIMODE MULTIMODE - __ 9126p 862.5/125ym 5O/125ym ___ (1310nm/1550nm) - m/1300nm) Maximum Attenuation (dB/km) 0.40/0.30 3.5/1.2 Typical Attenuation (dB/km) 0.36/0.22 0/1. 3.0/1.0 Bandwidth (MHz/km) Wa 200/600 500/500 * All 62.5/125 um multimode ADSS cable transmission performances meet or exceed FDDI requirements. Premium transmission performance fibers available on request reel information RELA : ; CREELB REEL Item inches cm inches cm inches scm Reel Height 42 106.7 58 147.3 72 182.9 Reel Width Outside 36 91.4 38 96.5 42 106.7 Reel Width Inside 32 81.6 32 81.3 36 91.4 Drum Diameter 23 58.7 28 714 36 91.4 Arbor Hole Diameter 3 7.9 3 7.9 3 7.9 Reel Weight with Lagging 180 Ibs 82 kg 420 Ibs 191 kg 685 Ibs 311 kg Maximum Cable Length 5,253 ft 1,601 m 12,432 ft 3,789 m 20,014 ft 6,100 m AFL provides ADSS cable on three standard sizes of non-retumable wooden reels Non-standard reel sizes are available on request. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. panvasal S\UBU ITY “SuoNeoUNWWIOD9/a) T4y ‘2002 @ ‘2anjou ynoyym afueYd 0} Joalgns ase suoHeOIOadS 20716 a6ueyd 0} Jalgns uorsual pue Bespybiam, ege'el BLL'2 60 £v9'6 L9L'2 ol v0b S2el L 99L'2L peL'2 60 Sor'6 221'2 OL 96€ OOEL 996'LL 689°2 60 £826 980'2 OL 68€ Sel 99Z'LL py’? 60 0016 SPO‘? OL 18€ OSel g9S'LL 66S'2 60 8168 ¥00'2 or €l€ S22t S9ELL pSs'2 80 SEZ’ €96'L OL 99€ 002! SON 60S t's zt ol 8SE SLL BISZL E12 ee 096'01 €9r'2 80 oze"s 188"L OL LGe OSLL G6z'21 E92'% 82 092'0L sire 80 881'8 Ore'L OL eve Slt L4L0'2L vie'2 82 SSS'OL 22e'2 80 900°8 662‘! OL SEE OOLL SSeLL y99'2 82 SSE'0L Lze'2 80 €28'2 8SZ'L ol 82€ SZOL EL et pig'% ZZ OL L8z'Z 80. SHO BILL ob Ooze osoL Oly'LL y9se Le 9Y6'6 —SEZ'Z 80 €9r'2 ZZ9'L OL zl€ S20L ZBV'LL pis'2 Le 1pl'6 6812 80 0822 9E9'L OL SOE O00L 096'0L E9r'z Le 9€S'6 erl'2 80 860'2 S6S'L OL 462 S26 €€l'OL Zby'e Le 266 = L60°2 80 SI6'9 PSs'L OL 062 0S6 LIS‘OL z29e'% Le 2216 1S0'2 80 €€2'9 €1S'h ol 282 S26 0sz'ol OLE? 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UOISUa} 9 Bes OLQ @ueds-iuiw sspe ajqeo ondo J9qu SUO!TEOIUNWLWOD9|3] 74 oS & AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable adss mini-span® 610 ordering information Part Number FIBERS FIBERS/TUBE CONFIGURATION SINGLE-MODE ————_— MULTIMODE 62.5/125 ___ MULTIMODE 50/125 6 6 1w6; 5 fillers AEQ0696620CA1 AEQ0666620CA1 AEQ0656620CA1 12 12 1w12;5 fillers AEO129C620CA1 AE0126C620CA1 AEO125C620CA1 24 24 124; 5 fillers AE02490620CA1 AE02460620CA1 AE02450620CA1 36 24 1w24; 1w12; 4 fillers AE03690620CA1 AE03660620CA1 AEO3650620CA1 48 24 2w24; 4 fillers AE04890620CA1 AE04860620CA1 AE04850623CA1 60 24 224; 1w12; 3 fillers AE06090620CA1 AEO6060620CA1 AE06050620CA1 72 24 3w24; 3 fillers AEO7290620CA1 AEO7260620CA1 AE07250620CA1 96 24 4w24; 2 fillers AE09690620CA1 AE09660620CA1 AEO9650620CA1 108 24 4w24; 1w12; 1 filler AE10890620CA1 AE10860620CA1 AE10850620CA1 120 24 5w24; 1 filler AE12090620CA1 AE12060620CA1 AE12050620CA1 144 24 6w24; 0 fillers AE14490620CA1 __AE14460620CA1 AE14450620CA1 ‘Single-mode and single-mode non-zero dispersion-shifted fibers are also available 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. SS TRANSMISSION DESIGN Polyethylene Outer Jacket Non-Hygroscopic Core Wrap Torque Balanced Aramid Yarns Polyethylene Inner Jacket Ripcords for Easy Jacket Removal Non-Hygroscopic Core Wrap Water Blocking Binders Gel Filled, Loose Buffer Tube Dielectric FRP Anti-Buckling Element FEATURES & BENEFITS * New Extended Range + Standard cable design up to 432 fibers + New Dry Core Design for faster cable preparation + Single-mode, multimode or a combination of both fibers available * High tensile strength + All-dielectric construction allows installation and maintenance on DRY CORE DESIGN energized circuits Typical Spans with 1.0% Installation Sag: * Thermal expansion and contraction negligible *NESC Heavy 1,200 ft (366 meters) over wide temperature range *NESC Medium 1,550 ft (472 meters) * Stable optical performance at extreme temperatures *NESC Light 1,750 ft (533 meters) * Superior aerodynamic performance provided by smooth circular design and use of aramid strength elements * Custom designs available* Operating - 40 deg. C to + 70 deg. C * Designed and manufactured using AFL's ISO 9001 registered process Storage - 50 deg. C to + 70 deg. C * Complies with IEEE P-1222, the worldwide standard for ADSS cable Installation - 30 deg. C to + 70 deg. C Note: The need for standard or tracking resistant jacket, as well as the location of ADSS cable on structures that support 115KV (or higher) circuits, should be reviewed prior to installation MECHANICAL DATA 14 4,090 15 4,270 15 4,250 17 4,640 19 5,040 21 ; = 23 23 i 26 ©} ©] P| NI NI ol oalo ° AFL-ADSS TRANSMISSION DESIGN SAMPLE SAG & TENSION INFORMATION Soo | __tension 1,900 579 1 3,586 [ 15,958 0.9 | 4,571 | 20,341 Lo feet | meters % Ibs N [| % | 800 244 1 1,069 , a Ta . em 900 27a 1,202 [= 349 : 24 | 2,391 [10,640] 35] 3245 [14.440 | 7,000 | 305 1 1,336 24 | 2,502 | 11,534] 3.6 | 3,505 | 15,597 1,100 | 335 1 1,470 2.5 | 2,788 | 12,407] 37 | 3,758 | 16,723 1,200 | 366 1 1,603 25 | 2,981 | 13,265 | 3.8 | 4,006 | 17,827 4-36 1,300 | 396 1 1,737 26 | 3471 [14,111 Fibers 1,400 | 427 1 1,870 26 | 3,358 | 14,943 0.559" 1,500 [| 457 1 2,004 2.7 3,543 | 15,766 1,600 | 488 1 2,138 27 | 3,725 [16,576 i700 [ sie | [2271 27 | 3,906 | 17,382 [| = 549 1 2,405 2.8 | 4,084 | 18,174 7,900 | 579 1 2,541 2,000 | 610 1 2,675 — f 2,100 | 640 [1 2,809 | f= 3,089 | 13,746 | 11,192 | 3.6 | 3,369 12,140 | 3.7 | 3,641 13,074 | 3.7 | 3,907 14,013 | 3.8 | 4,168 14,899 i 1578 0.594" 16,670 | _ 17,542 18,401 10,400 [ 3.4 | 3,130 | 13,930 17,392 [ 35 | 3415 | 15,197 12,362 3,692 | 16,429 13,314 | 3.7 | 3,962 | 17,631 14,253 | 3.8 4,227 [18,810 38-60 7,300_| 15,179 [| Fibers 1,400 16,091 0.610” 16,9! ei fe [| oe ce 11,405 | 3.3 | 3,373 | 15,010 12,513 | 3.4 | 3,684 | 16,394 } : 13,604 | 3.5 | 3,987 | 17,742 24 | 3298 | 14,676 | 36 | 4,264 | 19,004 eg 25 [3.535 [15.731 | 37 | 4575 | 20,359 ers 2.5 3,769 | 16,772 —_= 0.661" 2.6 | 4,000 | 17,800 26 | 4,229 | 18,819 26 | 4456 | 19820] | |_| fee] [| Single-mode dispersion-shifted and single-mode non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber are also available. Please contact your AFL representative for part numbers, Pricing, and availal S TRANSMISSION DESIGN OPTICAL INFORMATION 4.0/2.0 0.40/0.30 4.0/2.0 Maximum Attenuation (dB/km) 3.0/1.5 3.5/1.5 0.36/0.22 | Typical Attenuation (dB/km) 400/400 160/500 n/a | Bandwidth (MHz/km) “All 62.5/125ym multimode ADSS cable transmission performances meet or exceed FDDI requirements. Premium Transmission Performance Fiber available upon request. REEL INFORMATION AFL provides ADSS cable on four standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Reel Height 42 Reel Width Outside [36 Reel Width Inside 32 Drum Diameter [23 Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight With Lagging 89 0.559 14.2 4-36 6,500 0.594 15.1 38-48 5,500 0.610 15.5 38-60 | 5,250 1,600 6,096 0.661 16.8 62-72 4,500 | 1,372 6,096 0.732 18.6 | 74-96 3,700 1,128 8,500 ' 2,591 | 17,500 ! 5,334 20,000 6,096 0.811 20.6 98-120 | 3,000 _| 914 7,000 4 14,500 4,420 20,000 6,096 ‘| 0.890 22.6 122-216 2,500 _| 762 5,500 1,676 12,000 3,658 18,500 5,639 1.020 25.9 ‘[218-432| 1,900 579 4,400 1,341 | 9,000 2,743 14,000 4,267 Longer reel lengths are available upon request. “See Fig.5 or Suspension Assembly (maximum line angle=30°) ‘nstallation Accessories ——— —- ~r, pip ee Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 “ormed Wire Dead End Formed Wire Spiral Vibration Tower Guide Tangent ---—bly includes Suspension Assembly Damper Clamp Assembly 1 e Clevis, 14” Extension Link, and 3/4” ‘apped Eye Nut “4ARDWARE INFORMATION 0.559 4-36 ADEL E 559 079 C ASU 537/559 AVD 426/563 AGC 450/650 ATGN 526/575 0.594 15.1 38-48 ADEL E 594 076 C ASU 574/598 | — AVD 564/770 AGC 450/650 ATGN 576/625 0.610 : 15.5 7 38-60 | ADELE 610 079C ASU 599/625 | —AVD 564/770 AGC 450/650 ATGN 576/625 0.661 | 16.8 62-72 | ADEL E 661 084 C ASU 633/666 AVD 564/770 AGC 651/850 ATGN 626/675 | 0.732 | 18.6 74-96 ADEL E 732 089 C ASU 729/744 AVD 564/770 AGC 651/850 ATGN 726/775 0.811 20.6 : 98-120 ADELE 811 099 C ASU 787/814 AVD 771/876 | AGC 651/850 ATGN 776/825 0.890 ; 226 | 142-216 ADEL E 890 111C ASU 856/894 AVD 877/1000 | AGC 851/1000 ATGN 876/925 | 1.020 | 259 | 218-432 ADELE 4 Call for Number | AVD 1010/1200 | Call for Number | ATG 1000/1050 P Tangent Assembly (ATGN Series) on Transmission Design is limited to: Maximum line angle 22°(500ft NESC Heavy, 750ft NESC Medium, 950ft NESC Light) FL-ADSS TRANSMISSION DESIGN IRDERING INFORMATION 4 6 AE00496611CC1 AE00456611CC1 AE00466611CC1 6 6 16; 5 fillers AE00696611CC1 AE00656611CC1 AE00666611CC1 +— 8 6 2w6; 4 fillers AE00896611CC1 AE00856611CC1 AE00866611CC1 10 6 2w6; 4 fillers AE01096611CC1 AEOI056611CC1 | AE01066611CC1 12 6 2w6; 4 fillers AE01296611CC1 AE01256611CC1 AE01266611CC1 18 6 3w6; 3 fillers AE01896611CC1 AE01856611CC1 AE01866611CC1 24 qi 6 4w6; 2 fillers (AE02496611CC1 AE02456611CC1 AE02466611CC1 30 6 5w6; 1 filler AE03096611CC1 AE03056611CC1 AE03066611CC1 Ac 36 [ 6 6w6; 0 fillers AE03696611CC1 AE03656611CC1 | ‘AE03666611CC1 48 6 8w6; 0 fillers AE04896811CC1 AE04856811CC1 AE04866811CC1 60 _| 12 | __ 5w12; 0 fillers AE0609C511CC1 AE0605C511CC1 _| AE0606C511CC1 F 72 12 [ 6w12, 0 fillers AE0729C611CC3 AE0725C611CC3 AE0726C511CC3 84 LL 12 7w12, 1 filler AE0849C811CC5 AE0845C811CC5 | AEO846CB11GC5 96 12 | 8w12; 0 fillers AE0969C811CC5 AE0965C811CC5 Lo AE0966C811CC5 | 108 i 12 9w12; 1 filler AE1089CA11CC9 AE1085CA11GC9 AE1086CA11CC9 120 12 10w12; 0 fillers AE1209CA11CC9 AE1205CA11CC9_—|__AE1206CAT1CC9 132 | 2 11w12; 1 filler AE1329CC11CD4 AE1325CC11CD4 AE1326CC11CD4 | 144 ee AE1449CC11CD4 AE1445CC11CD4 AE1446CC11CD4 \ 156 L 12 13w12; 5 fillers AE1569CI31CD4 AE1565C131CD4 AE1566CI31CD4 ; 168 12 |. 14w12:4 fillers AE1689CI31CD4 AE1685CI31CD4 AE1686C131CD4 | 180 | 12 15w12, 3 fillers AE1809CI31CD4 AE1805CI31CD4 _| AE1806CI31CD4 192 12 | 16w12; 2 fillers AE1929C131CD4 AE1925C131CD4 AE1926CI31CD4 | 12 17w12; 1 filler AE2049C131CD4 AE2045CI31CD4 _ AE2046C131CD4 +o 12 L 18w12; 0 fillers AE2169CI31CD4 AE2165CI31CD4 AE2166CI31CD4 228 12 19w12; 5 fillers AE2289CO31CE3 AE2285CO31CE3 AE2286CO31CE3 240 | 2 | 20w12; 4 fillers AE2409CO31CE3 AE2405CO31CE3 AE2406CO31CE3 252 12 21w12; 3 fillers AE2529C031CE3 AE2525CO31CE3 AE2526CO31CE3 | 264 a | 22w12; 2 fillers AE2649CO31CE3 AE2645CO31CE3 | AE2646CO31CE3 276 12 | 23wt2,4 filler AE2769CO31CE3 AE2765CO31CE3 AE2766CO31CE3 | 288 | 12 24w12; 0 fillers AE2889CO31CE3 AE2885CO31CE3 AE2886CO31CE3 306 18 L_ 17w18; 7 fillers AE30691031CE3 AE30651031CE3 AE3066I031CE3 | 18 18w18; 6 fillers AE32491031CE3 AE32451031CE3 AE30661031CE3 | 342 18 L 19w18; 5 fillers AE34291031CE3 AE34251031CE3 AE34261031CE3 | 18 20w18; 4 fillers AE36091031CE3 AE36051031CE3 AE3606IO31CE3 378 18 21w18; 3 fillers AE37891031CE3 AE37851031CE3 AE37861031CE3 [ 306 —«”Y 18 | 22w18; 2 fillers | AE39691031CES AE39651031CE3 AE39661031CE3 414 | 18 23w18; 1 filler AE41491031CE3 AE41451031CE3 AE41461031CE3 _| 432 | 24w18; 0 fillers s AE43291031CE3 AE43251031CE3 AE43261031CE3 Single-mode dispersion-shifted and single-mode non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber are also available. 2ase contact your AFL representative for part numbers, pricing, and availability. ae EC Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 G ALCOA About AFL-Tele > Products and Services » Products + Fiber Optic Cable » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures » Advanced Fiber Interfaces > Passive Optical Components » Modules & Optica! Outsourcing » Connecting Systems ~» Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement > Conductor Accessories > Copper Cable » Demarcation ~» Repeater Cases » Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Community > AFL Telecomn custc Environment > News> Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Fiber Optic Cable : Loose Tube Loose Tube AFL Telecommunications offers a high-quality line of loose tube cables for lashed aerial, duct and direct buried applications. Our loose tube designs include a wide range of optical fiber types - low attenuation, superior geometry single-mode fibers such as SMF-28™ and MetroCor™; market-leading non-zero dispersion fibers including LEAF®; and multimode fibers certified for laser launch and optimized for gigabit Ethernet applications. Our expert product engineering team can custom design your system with higher pulling tensions, special jacketing, or smaller diameters to fit your applications. Products -» All-Dielectric UNI-Flex »»> Heavy Duty UNI-Flex -» Indoor/Outdoor Stranded Design -» Indoor/Outdoor UNI-Flex -»» Stranded Design (Armored) -» Stranded Design (Duct) > Sitemap +» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide > AFL Telecommunica Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable QS ALCOA About AFL Tele > Products and Services * Products > > Copyright © « Fiber Optic Cable > Fiber Interconnect > Fiber Closures > Advanced Fiber Interfaces > Passive Optical Components > Modules & Optical Outsourcing > Connecting Systems > Fusion Splicing Systems > Test & Measurement -»> Conductor Accessories > Copper Cable > Demarcation > Repeater Cases > Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote 2 Alcoa Inc Community > Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us Environment> News> Careers» Sales Directory > Fiber Optic Cable : MicroCore Cable MicroCore Cable MicroCore™ is an advanced fiber optic cable technology that allows maximum utilization of existing or future conduit systems with minimal initial investment. MicroTechnology is an innovative approach to deploying fiber optic cable topologies in underground cable networks for long distance, metropolitan, access, or FTTX type network applications. The basis of MicroTechnology is a special fiber optic cable system that includes MicroCore fiber optic cables, MicroDuct conduit systems and a special air blowing installation apparatus designed to blow the duct and cable into standard underground conduits from 3/4 inches to 3 inches in diameter. Changing or adding to your network is as simple as jetting new fiber optic cables through existing microducts that are part of your conduit system. That reduces up-front capital costs and allows you to build a network to the size you need it today, while providing the ability to easily expand future capacity. Products -» Dielectric Access MicroCore Cable -»> Ruggedized MicroCore Cable > UNI-Tube MicroCore Cable > Sitemap > Privacy Policy > Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide -» AFL Telecommunica Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 ALCOA AFL Telecomn custc About AFi-Tele >» Community» Environment» News> Careers> Sales Directory > contact us Products and Services » Products Fiber Optic Cable : SkyWrap « Fiber Optic Cable » Fiber Interconnect SkyWrap > Fiber Closures The SkyWrap™ system was designed as the first "fiber optic retrofit" » Advanced Fiber system developed especially for power utilities. It allows a utility to Interfaces add a fiber optic communications link to existing overhead > Passive Optical transmission and distribution lines. Using a remote-controlled tug Components that pulls a wrapping device, the small diameter fiber optic SkyWrap cable -- immune to electrical interference from the power line -- is helically wrapped around an existing ground wire or phase conductor. > Modules & Optical Outsourcing ~» Connecting Systems » Fusion Splicing Systems y Products -> SkyWrap » Test & Measurement > Conductor Accessories > Copper Cable > Demarcation > Repeater Cases » Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets » Services » Market Solutions > Resource Center > Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. + Sitemap +» Privacy Policy +> Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide —-» AFL Telecommunica Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable ALCOA About AFL Tele >» © Community > Products and Services ~ Products » Fiber Optic Cable > Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures »» Advanced Fiber Interfaces -> Passive Optical Components » Modules & Optical Outsourcing > Connecting Systems » Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement -»> Conductor Accessories > Copper Cable » Demarcation - Repeater Cases > Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets » Services Market Solutions »» Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Environment > News> Careers» Sales Directory > Fiber Optic Cabie : SkyWrap : SkyWrap SkyWrap Installed worldwide since 1982, SkyWrap@ is a fiber optic cable helically applied on ground wires or phase conductors. A specially designed spinning machine is used to wrap the cable under controlled conditions. This system offers a complete communication link designed and engineered for high-voltage environments at low cost. SkyWrap is the ideal solution when access to the overhead line is problematic. With SkyWrap there’s no need to de-energize the line. The cable can be wrapped on the ground wire under live-line conditions. Features: ® Quick, cost-effective installation » Lightweight, easy to handle » Low capital costs * Low lifetime support costs * Qualified by leading utilities, e.g. NGC (UK) and EDF (France) = Toughened cables can handle the most adverse environmental conditions * High fiber counts » Uses existing power line infrastructure = Can incorporate G652 and G655 fiber technologies into outer jacket Application: = Overhead electric power lines » Retro-fit along ground or phase wires Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us | yas Related Doc 2 Product D Contact Infc 44.1793.647: sales@afl-eur 800.235.342: afltele@alcoa Pricing -» Request a > Sitemap > Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices » Alcoa Worldwide > AFL Telecommunica 3. AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable SkyWrap® Successfully installed worldwide since 1982, SkyWrap® is a fiber optic cable helically applied on ground wires or phase conductors. A specially designed spinning machine is used to wrap the cable under controlled conditions. This system offers a complete communication link designed and engineered for high-voltage environments at low cost. outer jacket © Ground Wire: designed for UV aging, lightning, fault current and toughness. Phase Conductor: all of the above plus track resistance up to 180kV. © The cable sheath protects the optical unit and features different design properties depending on the application. © Specialized Jacket: available to fit your unique circumstances. fiber * Cable can accommodate up to 72 fibers, 144 fibers possible with a dual wrap. buffer tube * Loose tube technology protects against fiber strain. Water blocked buffer tubes provide protection against moisture penetration. Cable integrity tested in ice, high wind and fault current temperatures of up to 250°C. flooding compound strength members © Small glass reinforced strength members ensure a uniform installation tension under all environmental conditions throughout its life. The messenger, either ground wire or phase conductor, acts as the main support member for the wrapped cable, once installed. SkyWrap®@ is the ideal solution when access to the overhead line is problematic. The installation equipment is lightweight and easy to handle. And, with SkyWrap® there’s no need to de-energize the line. The cable can be wrapped on the ground wire under live-line Conditions. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. 8B AFL Telecommunications fiber optic cable SkyWrap © installation hadware mere RY ee SO ccm Overhead to Overhead Splice Overhead to Overhead Splice (phase conductor) Tower/Poe Mounted Splice £ conductor shoe (ground wire) balehanger span end clamp balehanger cover ground to ground shoe balehanger clamp conduit fixing sroemenemnnes SPAN end Clamp ——~ conduit r—— “donut” conductor mounted splice enclosure 4 canister & fitting a NBS abcolf 1 i-pipe nee —_ Stockbridge Vibration Damper Overhead to Overhead Splice Alternative Suspension Bypass (phase conductor) span end clamp span end clamp stockbridge vibration damper -~--—---------- 4 ¥ balehanger clamp lash i ! balehanger balehanger clamp \ } balehanger covers | balehanger cover \ i ; | / ee et Ned pa -~ span end clamp Z S i conductor shoe & 7 conduit earth leakage collector conduit fixing re -~ canister & fixing ve 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 GS WV ALCOA About AFL: Tele > Products and Services 5 > Products « Fiber Optic Cable > Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures > Advanced Fiber Interfaces > Passive Optical Components » Modules & Optical Outsourcing + Connecting Systems > Fusion Splicing Systems ~» Test & Measurement > Conductor Accessories > Copper Cable > Demarcation -> Repeater Cases > Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Community > AFL Telecomn custc Environment > News> Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Fiber Optic Cable : Premise Cable Premise Cable AFL Telecommunications has leveraged its years of fiber optic cabling experience in developing its full line of premise tight-buffered cables for voice, video and data needs. Our premise cables have been successfully incorporated in all applications from Central Office and LAN/WAN, to CATV hub sites, government and military applications, and high-speed data storage facilities. Products »» Armored Tight Buffered CPC Cables » Breakout Cable -» Indoor/Outdoor Plenum Tight Buffered Cable -»> Indoor/Outdoor Riser Tight Buffered Cable -»» Multi-Unit Circular Premise Cable -»> QUAD-Link & Circular Premise Cable -» RIBBON-Link Cable -> Simplex Cable »» Zipcord & DUAL-Link Cable > Sitemap > Privacy Policy -> Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide -> AFL Telecommunica Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 GS ALCOA AFL Telecomn custe About AFi-Tele >» Community > Environment» News> Careers> Sales Directory > contact us Products and Services * Products Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories « Fiber Optic Cable »» Fiber Interconnect Fiber Optic Cable Accessories » Fiber Closures AFL designs and manufactures a complete line of fiber optic cable » Advanced Fiber accessories for Optical Ground Wire (OPT-GW) and All-Dielectric Self- Interfaces Supporting (ADSS) cable installations. ~» Passive Optical Components Categories i = » Modules & Optical -»> ADSS Hardware Outsourcing > OPT-GW » Connecting Systems if Hardware ~» Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement -»> Conductor Accessories » Copper Cable »» Demarcation » Repeater Cases » Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets » Services » Market Solutions +» Resource Center > Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. > Sitemap > Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide — -» AFL Telecommunica Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable GS ALCOA About AF- Tele > Products and Services * Products » > > « Fiber Optic Cable > Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures > Advanced Fiber Interfaces > Passive Optical Components » Modules & Optical Outsourcing » Connecting Systems » Fusion Splicing Systems ~» Test & Measurement -»> Conductor Accessories ~» Copper Cable » Demarcation » Repeater Cases > Electronics »> Shelters & Cabinets Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Community > Environment > News > Careers > Sales Directory > Page | of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : ADSS Hardware ADSS Hardware Products -» ADSS Mechanical Dead Ends > Formed Wire Dead End -» Formed Wire Suspension > Mini Bracket > Mini Span Dead Ends > Spiral Vibration Damper > Tower Guide Clamp (for wood poles) > Trunion Assemblies > Sitemap -> Privacy Policy +> Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide +> AFL Telecommunica Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable GS ALCOA About AFE Tele > Products and Services » Products > » Fiber Optic Cable » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures > Advanced Fiber Interfaces > Passive Optical Components » Modules & Optical Outsourcing + Connecting Systems » Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement > Conductor Accessories > Copper Cable +» Demarcation » Repeater Cases > Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Community > Environment > News> Careers» Sales Directory > Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : ADSS Hardware : ADSS Mechanical Dead Ends ADSS Mechanical Dead Ends AFL Telecommunications offers mechanical dead ends that ease and speed ADSS cable installation. Superior to spiral wrap-style dead ends, the MINI-SPAN® dead end is ideal in crowded distribution environments where shorter lengths allow for safer and efficient installation. Features: * Easier and faster installation » Lower total system costs = No special tools or hardware required for installation * Wedge-type design is safer than spiral wrap-style dead ends » With fewer parts, smaller and easier to store Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us \ Related Doc 2 Product D Contact Infc 800.235.342: afltele@alcoa Pricing > Request a »» Sitemap -» Privacy Policy» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide —-» AFL Telecommunica & AFL Telecommunications adss hardware AFL-ADSS® Mechanical Dead Ends AFL Telecommunications offers mechanical dead ends that ease and speed ADSS cable installation. Superior to spiral wrap style dead ends, the MINI-SPAN® dead end is ideal in crowded distribution environments where shorter lengths allow for safer and efficient installation features ¢ Easier and faster installation © Lower total system costs © No special tools or hardware required for installation © Wedge-type design is safer than spiral wrap style dead ends ¢ With fewer parts, smaller and easier to store ordering information mechanical dead end (medium design) CabNG 0D rr tees eet Part Number 0.575"... . . ADES E M 675 036 C 0626) 6 ee ADEM E M 626 043 C 0200 aoe ADEM E M 701 044C O780 tees ADEM E M 780 049 C 0.858" «6... eee ADEM E M 858 056 C 0.984 . +++ Call for Number .... Call for Number 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 G ALCOA About AFL Tele > Products and Services » Products > > > » Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Interconnect Fiber Closures Advanced Fiber Interfaces Passive Optical Components Modules & Optical Outsourcing Connecting Systems Fusion Splicing Systems Test & Measurement Conductor Accessories Copper Cable Demarcation Repeater Cases Electronics Shelters & Cabinets » Services » Market Solutions > Resource Center ~» Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Community > AFL Telecomn custc Environment> News> Careers> Sales Directory > contact us Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : ADSS Hardware : Formed Wire Dead End Zt Formed Wire Dead End Wire Wrap Dead Ends have been designed to securely, but gently, terminate All Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS) aerial fiber optic Related Doc cable. A two-component design consisting of appropriate size and 2 Product D length of structural reinforcing rods and dead end components is required to transfer axial tensile loads and distribute radial compressive forces through the plastic jacket onto the internal Contact Infc strength members without damage to the plastic jacket. Dead ends are used to hold the cable span that terminates at a splicing tower or terminal point. Dead ends are often used at angle structures where angles are too great for suspension clamps. 800.235.342: afitele@alcoa Pricing -» Request a -» Sitemap —-> Privacy Policy -> Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide -> AFL Telecommunica Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable G ALCOA About AFL’ Tele » © Community > Products and Services » Products + Fiber Optic Cable ~ Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures » Advanced Fiber Interfaces > Passive Optical Components » Modules & Optical Outsourcing »» Connecting Systems ~» Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement > Conductor Accessories > Copper Cable > Demarcation » Repeater Cases > Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets ~» Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc Environment» News> Careers» Sales Directory > Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : ADSS Hardware : Formed Wire Suspension Formed Wire Suspension Formed Wire Suspension (Medium Design) Cable O.D................4. Part Number DOTS) wea lees lla sit w alle oo « alle ASU 5741598 0.626"... ... 0. eee eee ASU 626/632 OL7OL) . sheets dle sit & ales sw alle « ASU 683/710 OL7B OT eset ole Weslo. 41 6 tlle ASU 7511786 OVBSBF she cits ales ss oly o We alle ASU 856/894 WOOO Fle. alee Ws alle: wo} o.allh ASU 99811140 Formed Wire Suspension (Transmission Design) Cable O.D................. Part Number Oe ee ee ale we olla ASU 599/625 O66). ec Ih ASU 633/666 OLZ S27 sce to ale Me lh w tle allh « ASU 729/744 OBIT sl oe ote elles tle ole ASU 787/814 Dee ee ee We allece sollte ASU 856/894 v0 Did ASU Call for Number > Sitemap -> Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us Related Doc *B) Product D Contact Infc 800.235.342: afltele@alcoa Pricing + Request a +» AFL Telecommunica Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 GQ ALCOA AFL Telecomn custc About AF Tele » Community» Environment» News> Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Products and Services » Products Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : ADSS Hardware : + Fiber Optic Cable Mini Bracket ; » Fiber Interconnect i Ss » Fiber Closures Mini Bracket » Advanced Fiber Mini Brackets are used for short and medium spans of ADSS fiber Interfaces optic cable. The Mini Brackets are sized to fit the specified ADSS » Passive Optical diameters. Standard Mini Brackets are employed with fitted bushings Components to provide a good support/groove fit and to prevent the support from Related Doc > Modules & Optical Outsourcing » Connecting Systems damaging the cable. The bolted supports are supplied with 2 Product D aluminum captive bolts to simplify installation with no loose parts. > Fusion Splicing Contact Infc Systems » Test & Measurement 800.235.342: » Conductor Accessories afltele@alcoa > Copper Cable -» Demarcation Pricing ~» Repeater Cases >» Request a > Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets > Services » Market Solutions > Resource Center » Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. > Sitemap —-» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide -»> AFL Telecommunica B&B. AFL Telecommunications adss hardware Mini-Bracket Mini Brackets are used for short and medium spans of ADSS fiber optic cable. The Mini Brackets are sized to fit the specified ADSS diameters. Standard Mini Brackets are employed with fitted bushings to provide a good support/groove fit and to prevent the support from damaging the cable. The bolted supports are supplied with aluminum Captive bolts to simplify installation with no loose parts. ordering information [ ADSS mini-span 420 0.2.6... ee cee cece cence eee maximum line angle =17°(200 ft NESC heavy, 300 ft NESC m ADSS mini-span 484.2000... _ maximum line angle =17°(275 ft NESC heavy, 400 ft NESC ADSS mini-span 535... eee ceeeveeevveeeevseevvesee -.AMBB 535 maximum line angle =17°(350 ft NESC heavy, 550 ft NESC medium, 675 ft NESC light) ADSS mini-span 610 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 ALCOA AFL Telecomn custc About AFL’Tele > Community» Environment» News» Careers> Sales Directory > contact us Products and Services * Products Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : ADSS Hardware : « Fiber Optic Cable Mini Span Dead Ends » Fiber Interconnect - > Fiber Closures Mini Span Dead Ends » Advanced Fiber The Mini Span Dead Ends are designed for fast and easy installation Interfaces of your ADSS cable. The wedge-type design is superior to the spiral » Passive Optical wrap dead ends. The Mini Span Dead end is ideal in crowded selated Doc Components distribution environments where its shorter length allows for efficient 2 Product D installation. The unique low-cost product is used in typical spans with 1% installation sag. > Modules & Optical Outsourcing > Connecting Systems Contact Infc > Fusion Splicing Features: 800.235.342: Systems * Easier and quicker installation afitele@alcoa » Test & Measurement * No special tools or hardware are required for installation > Conductor Accessories » Less expensive than spiral wrap-style dead ends — » Copper Cable » Wedge-type design eliminates spiral wrap layers Pricing -» Demarcation * Safer than spiral wrap dead ends » Request a » Repeater Cases = Smaller and easier to store > Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets » Services Market Solutions » Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. » Sitemap > Privacy Policy +» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide >» AFL Telecommunica B&B. AFL Telecommunications adss hardware Mini-Dead Ends The Mini Span Dead Ends are designed for fast and easy installation of your ADSS cable. The wedge type design is superior to the spiral wrap dead ends. The Mini Span Dead End is ideal in crowded distribution environments where its shorter length allows of efficient installation. The unique low-cost product is used in typical spans with 1% installation sag. features ADEMS 420 & 484 ¢ Easier and quicker installation © No special tools or hardware are required for installation © Less expensive than spiral wrap style dead ends ¢ Wedge type design eliminates spiral wrap layers Safer than spiral wrap dead ends Smaller and easier to store ADEMS 535 ordering information ADSS mini-span 420............... ADEMS 420 200 ft NESC heavy, 300 ft NESC medium, 425 ft NESC light ADSS mini-span 484 . . ADEMS 484 275 ft NESC heavy, 400 525 ft NESC light ADSS mini-span 535 ADEMS 535 500 ft NESC heavy, 750 ft NESC medium, 900 ft NESC light ADSS mini-span 610............. . ADEMS 610 600 ft NESC heavy, 800 ft NESC medium, 900 ft NESC light * Contact AFL for Dead Ends greater than the above span lengths 9.20.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable ALCOA About AFL‘Tele » © Community > Products and Services ~ Products + Fiber Optic Cable ~» Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures ~» Advanced Fiber Interfaces ~» Passive Optical Components > Modules & Optical Outsourcing - Connecting Systems > Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement -» Conductor Accessories ~» Copper Cable > Demarcation ~» Repeater Cases > Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets » Services ¥ Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Environment > News> Careers» Sales Directory > Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : ADSS Hardware : Spiral Vibration Damper Spiral Vibration Damper Spiral Vibration Dampers have a helically formed damping section sized for interplay of damper and cable to provide the action/reaction motion that opposed the natural vibration wave. A smaller gripping section gently grips the cable so that cable and fiber are not damaged or distorted and there is no optical signal loss. Spiral dampers are recommended for the ADSS cable when the combination of span length and tension indicate by vibration review that external vibration protection is required. Application: Any installation where Acolian vibration of ADSS cable may be a problem. Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us a Cy Related Doc 2 Product D Contact Infc 800.235.342: afltele@alcoa Pricing - Requesta -» Sitemap > Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide = -» AFL Telecommunica B AFL Telecommunications adss hardware Spiral Vibration Damper Spiral Vibration Dampers have a helically formed damping section sized for interplay of damper and cable to provide the action/reaction motion that Opposed the natural vibration wave. A smaller gripping section gently grips the cable so that cable and fiber are not damaged or distorted and there is no optical signal loss. Spiral dampers are recommended for the ADSS cable when the combination of span length and tension indicate by vibration review that external vibration protection is required. ordering information mini span Cable O.D. 2... eee Part Number ADSS mini-span 420 ............. AVD 420/461 ADSS mini-span 484 .. ADSS mini-span 535. . ADSS mini-span 610 -AVD 426/563 -AVD 426/563 . -AVD 564/770 medium design Cable 0.D. .. Part Number 0.575” . ASU 5741598 0.626" . . ASU 626/632 0.701” . . ASU 683/710 0.780" ... ASU 7511786 0.858” . . ASU 856/894 1.000" ...... .. ASU 99811140 transmission design Cable 0.D. ...... Part Number 0.61" .. . -AVD 564/770 0.661" . .....-AVD 564/770 OTB2T ro volts veilless Hoon te ead AVD 564/770 0.811"... -AVD 771/876 0.89” . . AVD 877/1000 1.02” 2... AVD 1010/1200 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable GS ALCOA About AFL Tele » —§ Community > Products and Services * Products + Fiber Optic Cable » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures »» Advanced Fiber Interfaces ~» Passive Optical Components » Modules & Optical Outsourcing ~» Connecting Systems ~ Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement -»> Conductor Accessories » Copper Cable > Demarcation - Repeater Cases > Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets » Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc Environment > News > Careers> Sales Directory > Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : ADSS Hardware : Tower Guide Clamp (for wood poles) Tower Guide Clamp (for wood poles) Guide clamps are typically two groove clamps used to guide the cable to splice locations. Clamps are spaced 5 to 8 feet apart to help maintain alignment of the cable down the towers or poles. The guide clamps may be bolted to the tower or poles or adapters, and can be supplied for the steel towers, steel poles and concrete poles. Application: Any power utility using ADSS fiber optic cable Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us Related Doc 2 Product D Contact Infc 800.235.342: afitele@alcoa Pricing ~» Request a +» Sitemap —-» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices +> Alcoa Worldwide -» AFL Telecommunica B. AFL Telecommunications adss hardware Tower Guide Clamp (for Wood Poles) Guide clamps are typically two groove clamps used to guide the cable to splice locations Clamps are spaced 5 to 8 feet apart to help maintain alignment of the cable down the towers or poles. The guide clamps may be bolted to the tower or poles or adaptors, and can be supplied for the steel towers, steel poles and concrete poles. ordering information mini span CableO.D. ............ ADSS mini-span 420 ADSS mini-span 484 AGW 469/561 ADSS mini-span 535 .. . AVD 469/561 ADSS mini-span610 ............. AVD 450/650 Part Number AGW 420/464 medium design Cable O.D. ...... 0.575” . 0.626" . . AGC 460/650 0.701" . . AGC 651/850 0.780" . . AGC 6511850 0.858” AGC 851/1000 1.000” AGC 851/1000 transmission design Cable 0.D. .. 0.61" .. Part Number . AGC 450/650 0.661"... . AGC 651/850 0.732" .. -AGC 651/850 0.811" . . AGC 651/850 0.89" .. AGC 851/1000 1.02" 1... eee ees... Call for Number 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 GS ALCOA AFL Telecomn Products and Services ~ Products Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : ADSS Hardware : + Fiber Optic Cable Trunion Assemblies » Fiber Interconnect i Hl » Fiber Closures Trunion Assemblies » Advanced Fiber AFL Telecommunications offers trunions with various mounting Interfaces capabilities — bolted, banded or standoff. Trunions reduce installation » Passive Optical costs by pulling cable through — no block or pulley is needed for most Components applications. +> Modules & Optical Outsourcing Features: Related Doc ~» Connecting Systems * Small and compact design 2 Product D ~ Fusion Splicing » Facilitates faster installation Systems * Color-coded range taking inserts for easy identification » Test & Measurement = Versatile mounting styles to fit different structure types Contact Infc -» Conductor Accessories » Lowers the total cost of installation 800.235.342: » Copper Cable ~» Demarcation ~» Repeater Cases ~» Electronics ~» Shelters & Cabinets > Request a afitele@aicoa Pricing » Services > Market Solutions >» Resource Center > Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. +> Sitemap —-» Privacy Policy -> Legal Notices +» Alcoa Worldwide -» AFL Telecommunica B&B. AFL Telecommunications adss hardware Trunion Assemblies AFL Telecommunications offers trunions with various mounting capabilities — bolted, banded, or standoff. Trunions reduce installation costs by pulling cable through — no block or pulley is needed for most applications. features Smaller and more compact design Facilitates faster installation © Color-coded range taking inserts for easy identification Versatile mounting styles to fit different structure types Lowers the total cost of installation ordering information FADS mini-span 420... eo. eeeecssesssessevssesses ss. ATGN 420/475 | _maximum line angle = 22°(200 ft NESC heavy, 300 ft NESC medium, 425 ft NESC light) © ADSS mini- span 484 ......... ceeeeeee es ATGN 475/525 | maximum line angle = 22°(275 ft NESC heavy, 400 ft Nese medium, 525 ft NESC light) "ADS m mini-span610 ........... a ATGN 576/625 maximum line angle = 22°(600 ft NESC heavy, 800 ft Nese medium, 900 ft NESC light) medium design Cable 0.D. siedtlezead aortas eattvceceltberasel ae . Part Number 0.575" .... evap eotens|seeeia ot veces ess. ATGN 526/575 0.626" ....... eels sas |sseueeel eae .....-ATGN 626/675 0.701"... nly cele ete ence eee ee eee eee ATGN 676/725 0.780" Sosteece sere ats ore-e saree ooo e sl arecs ace Ee aah ATGN 7761825 0.858” . : te beetles sls ATGN 826/875 1.000” cesses. ATGN 960/1045 Maximum | line angle 22° (sort NESC Heavy, 750K NESC Medium, 950ft NESC Light) transmission design CableO.D. .......... feet eee ee eee ee eee esses Part Number 0.61" 2... . -ATGN 576/625 0.661" .. . . ATGN 626/675 0.732” . ATGN 726/775 0.811” -ATGN 776/825 0.89" . ce eee eee cee tect eee eee ee ess AATGN 876/925 1.02” seeeess. ATGN 960/1045 Maximum line angle 22° (500tt NESC Heavy, 750ft NESC Medium, 950ft NESC Light) 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable ALCOA About AFL Tele » Community > Products and Services +» Products + Fiber Optic Cable » Fiber Interconnect ~ Fiber Closures ~» Advanced Fiber Interfaces ~» Passive Optical Components > Modules & Optical Outsourcing > Connecting Systems » Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement -»> Conductor Accessories » Copper Cable > Demarcation ~» Repeater Cases » Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets » Services + Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Environment > News> Careers» Sales Directory » Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : OPT-GW Hardware OPT-GW Hardware Products -» Bolted Dead End -»> Comealong -»> Downlead & Wood Pole Clamps -»> Mechanical Suspensions (Single & Double) +» Opti-Guard Cable Connector -> Opti-Guard Splice Enclosure -» Opti-Guard Splice Tray -»> Sheath Stripper -» Vibration Damper > Sitemap -» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide > AFL Telecommunica Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 QS ALCOA AFL Telecomn custc About AFL Tele » Community» Environment» News» Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Products and Services + Products Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : OPT-GW « Fiber Optic Cable Hardware : Bolted Dead End » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures Bolted Dead End » Advanced Fiber The AFL Dead End is a full tension termination for Optical Ground Interfaces Wire cable. Breakaway head bolts are used to apply a precise » Passive Optical gripping force to hold the cable without affecting optical fiber Components performance. The AFL Dead End is designed to maximize » Modules & Optical performance and minimize installation costs. Outsourcing » Connecting Systems Features: Related Doc » Fusion Splicing » Performance: sustained load equivalent to 95% of cable RBS Systems * Ultimate mechanical strength of dead end components: ‘BE Product D > Test & Measurement 40,000 Ibs. »» Conductor Accessories * Meets IEEE 1138 Vibration and Galloping tests ; . : Contact Infc > Copper Cable * Breakaway bolts ensure proper installation torque while > Demarcation eliminating the need for specialized torque wrenches 800.235.342: * Optional Cable Guide (recommended) to train OPT-GW down afltele@alcoa > Repeater Cases » Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets or around the structure * Drilled and tapped for grounding lug, eliminating additional accessories for electrical bonding » Services s Shorter than formed wire dead ends, allowing installation » Request a from the support structure Faster installation than competitor designs, reducing Resource Center installation costs * Optional link plate for extension from structures Pricing Market Solutions + Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. »» Sitemap +» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide +» AFL Telecommunica ALCOA AFL Telecommunications opt-gw hardware eee ordering information Dead end part numbers are dependent on the OPT-GW size. Examples CABLE AC-64/528 AlumaCore AC-64/528 AlumaCore W/ CABLE GUIDE CC-57/465 CentraCore $1-82/52/630 HexaCore W/ CABLE GUIDE SC-32/32/508 Slotted Core bolted dead end The AFL Dead End is a full tension termination for Optical Ground Wire cable Breakaway head bolts are used to apply a precise gripping force to hold the cable without affecting optical fiber performance. The AFL Dead End is designed to maximize performance and minimize installation costs. features © Performance: Sustained load equivalent to 95% of cable RBS © Ultimate mechanical strength of dead end components: 40,000 Ibs. Meets IEEE 1138 Vibration and Galloping tests * Break-away bolts ensure proper installation torque while eliminating the need for specialized torque wrenches * Optional Cable Guide (recommended) to train OPT-GW down or around the structure BOLTED DEAD END PART NUMBER ~_ODE64528 ODE645286 ODECCE7465 OADS182/52630G ODESC32/32508 ordering info for optional dead end link plate CENTERLINE DISTANCE 5 INCHES 10 INCHES 15 INCHES PART NUMBER ODELPOS ODELP10 ODELP15 © Drilled and tapped for grounding lug, thereby eliminating additional accessories for electrical bonding © Shorter than formed wire dead ends, allowing installation from the support structure ¢ Faster installation than competitor designs, reducing installation costs © Optional link plate for extension from structures 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 ALCOA AFL Telecomn cust About AFE Tele » Community > Environment» News>» Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Products and Services * Products Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : OPT-GW » Fiber Optic Cable Hardware : Comealong » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures Comealong » Advanced Fiber The AFL OPT-GW Comealong is a temporary grip used durin: Interfaces installation, “dead eaae a ae in of rai ie Ad » Passive Optical Comealong is also called a “Pocketbook” or “Butterfly Grip.” The Product D Components Comealong’s self-contained compact size is easy to install and remove, and is reusable. The AFL Comealong is designed specifically for our OPT-GW cables and is 100% factory tested to ensure proper Contact Infc ~» Modules & Optical Outsourcing ~» Connecting Systems cable-specific performance. 800.235.342: » Fusion Splicing afltele@alcoa Systems Features: > Test & Measurement » Performance: Sustained load equivalent to 95% of cable RBS _ » Conductor Accessories * Ultimate mechanical strength of dead end components: Pricing -» Copper Cable 40,000 Ibs. » Request a »» Demarcation e Meets IEEE 1138 Vibration and Galloping tests s Breakaway bolts ensure proper installation torque while eliminating the need for specialized torque wrenches * Optional Cable Guide (recommended) to train OPT-GW down or around the structure » Services * Drilled and tapped for grounding lug, eliminating additional accessories for electrical bonding * Shorter than formed wire dead ends, allowing installation Resource Center from the support structure * Faster installation than competitor designs, reducing installation costs = Optional link plate for extension from structures ~» Repeater Cases »> Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets Market Solutions Request a Quote Copyright & 2002 Alcoa Inc. »» Sitemap +» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide —-» AFL Telecommunica AFL Telecommunications ALCOA opt-gw hardware features Performance: Sustained load equivalent to 95% of cable RBS Ultimate mechanical strength of dead end components: 40,000 Ibs. ¢ Meets IEEE 1138 Vibration and Galloping tests Breakaway bolts ensure proper installation torque while eliminating the need for specialized torque wrenches © Optional Cable Guide (recommended) to train OPT-GW down or around the structure ordering information © Drilled and tapped for grounding lug, eliminating additional accessories for electrical bonding © Shorter than formed wire dead ends, allowing installation from the support structure ¢ Faster installation than competitor designs, reducing installation costs © Optional link plate for extension from structures Comealong part numbers are dependent on the OPT-GW size. Examples: CABLE AC-64/528 AlumaCore CC-57/465 CentraCore Ss! -82/52/630 HexaCore SC-32/32/508 Slotted Core COMEALONG PART NUMBER 0CA64528 OCACCS7465 0CAS182/52630 OCASC32/32508 * NOTE: Prefix “AC” is eliminated for AlumaCore designs only. comealong The AFL OPT-GW Comealong is a tempo- rary grip used during installation, “dead ending,” and “clipping in” of OPT-GW. The Comealong is also called a “Pocketbook” or “Butterfly Grip.” The Comealong’s self- contained compact size is easy to install and remove, and it is reusable. The AFL Comealong is designed specifically for our OPT-GW cables and is 100% factory tested to ensure proper cable-specific performance. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 GS ALCOA AFL Telecomn custc About AFL Tele > Community» — Environment > News> Careers> Sales Directory >» contact us Products and Services » Products Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : OPT-GW : + Fiber Optic Cable Hardware : Downlead & Wood Pole Clamps —_— » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures Downlead & Wood Pole Clamps » Advanced Fiber Downlead Clamps are used to guide Optical Ground Wire from the = Interfaces top of the structure to the splice box. Our clamps install easily and » Passive Optical provide proper spacing and hold strength without damage to the Components cable. From poles to towers, we offer a full line of OPT-GW Downlead » Modules & Optical Clamps to meet the needs of any application. Rolated:Dec Outsourcing 4 Product D > Connecting Systems Features: ~» Fusion Splicing » Slip strength: >100lbs Systems » Lattice adapters provided with breakaway bolts for precise Contact Infc » Test & Measurement torque during installation 800.235.342: -»> Conductor Accessories * Steel tower guide clamps available with adapters to eliminate afltele@alcoa -» Copper Cable the need for drilling »» Demarcation * Banding adapters available Pricing » Repeater Cases > Request a » Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets » Services » Market Solutions » Resource Center > Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. > Sitemap > Privacy Policy +> Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide > AFL Telecommunica ALCOA OQ AFL Telecommunications opt-gw hardware downlead clamp wood pole clamp downlead & wood pole clamps The AFL Downlead Clamps are used to guide Optical Ground Wire from the top of the Structure to the splice box. Our clamps install easily and provide proper spacing and hold strength without damage to the cable. From poles to towers, we offer a full line of OPT-GW Downlead Clamps to meet the needs of any application. features © Slip strength: >100 Ibs. © Lattice adapters provided with break-away bolts for precise torque during installation Steel tower guide clamps available with adapters to eliminate the need for drilling © Banding adapters available downlead clamp & adapter ordering information (note: for metric hardware, add suffix “m” to part number) OPT-GW DIAMETER (INCHES) BUSHING COLOR PART NUMBER o400-0.600 ed 0400500 0.501 - 0.600 it green 0DC501/600 0.601 - 0.700 0. oe — =— 0.801 - 0.900 _ 0DC801/900 0.901 - 1.000 black 0DC901/1000 ADAPTER FOR DOWNLEAD CLAMP ee Banding Adapter == A =e Lattice Adapter (up to 0.72” Angle iron) B Lattice Adapter (up to 1.25" Angle iron) i i, Ordering Example: AC-64/528 AlumaCore OPT-GW Downlead Clamp w/ banding adap! wood pole clamp ordering information (note: not available with metric hardware) OPT-GW DIAMETER (INCHES) PART NUMBER 0.469 - 0.561 OGW469/561 0.562 - 0.655 OGW562/655 0.656 - 0.750 OGW656/750 Ordering Example: AC-64/528 AlumaCore OPT-GW Wood Pole Clamp = Part Number OGW469/561 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable GS ALCOA About AF” Tele > Community > Products and Services Products + Fiber Optic Cable » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures »» Advanced Fiber Interfaces » Passive Optical Components ~» Modules & Optical Outsourcing + Connecting Systems » Fusion Splicing Systems » Test & Measurement > Conductor Accessories ~» Copper Cable + Demarcation ~» Repeater Cases » Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets ~» Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc Environment > News >» Careers» Sales Directory >» Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : OPT-GW Hardware : Mechanical Suspensions (Single & Double) Mechanical Suspensions (Single & Double) Supporting spans of Optical Ground Wire cable through a wide range of line angle changes, the unique design of the lightweight AFL Mechanical suspension installs easily while supporting vertical loads and unbalanced cable loads without damaging the cable strands or affecting optical fiber performance. Breakaway bolts ensure proper installation torque while eliminating the need for specialized torque wrenches. The assemblies are designed for fast installation to minimize costs. Features: Slip strength: >3,000lbs depending on cable design Vertical load rating: 15,000 Ibs Compact design (Mechanical suspension = 34” in length, Double Suspension = 48” in length) Meets IEEE 1138 Vibration and Galloping tests Ideal for helicopter installation Unique keeper design allows installation without removing bolts (fewer loose parts) Drilled and tapped for grounding lug, eliminating additional accessories for electrical bonding Shorter than formed wire suspensions, allowing installation from the support structure Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc contact us Related Doc 2 Product D Contact Infc 800.235.342: afltele@alcoa Pricing » Request a » Sitemap +» Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices -» Alcoa Worldwide = -» AFL Telecommunica B&B. AFL Telecommunications opt-gw hardware mechanical suspensions - single and double Supporting spans of OPT-GW cable through a wide range of line angle changes, the unique design of the lightweight AFL Mechanical Suspension installs easily while sup- porting vertical loads and unbalanced cable loads without damaging the cable strands or affecting optical fiber performance. Breakaway bolts ensure proper installation torque while eliminating the need for specialized torque wrenches. The Assemblies are designed for fast installation to minimize costs. features * Slip strengths: > 3,000 Ibs. (depending on cable design) ¢ Vertical load rating: 15,000 Ibs. * Compact design (Mechanical Suspension = 34” in length, Double Suspension = 48” in length) © Meets IEEE 1138 Vibration and Galloping tests ¢ Ideal for helicopter installation * Unique keeper design allows installation without removing bolts (fewer loose parts) double suspension © Drilled and tapped for grounding lug, eliminating additional accessories for electrical bonding Shorter than formed wire suspensions, allowing installation from the support structure single mechanical suspension ordering information For line or elevation angle changes up to 30° OPT-GW DIAMETER (inches) " Part Number 0.421 - 0.449 © SUME421/449 "0.450 - 0.475 " SUME450/475 0.476 - 0.499 SUME476/499 0.500 - 0.527 SUMES00/527 0.528 - 0.555 © SUME528/555 0.556 - 0.584 SUME556/584 0.585 - 0.614 SUME585/614 "0.615 - 0.646 SUME615/646 0.647 - 0.679 ~ SUME647/679 "0.680 - 0.714 SUME680/714 0.715 - 0.730 SUME715/730 Ordering Example: For AC-64/528 AlumaCore OPT-GW the part number is SUMES28/555 NOTE: For metric hardware, add suffix “M” to item number. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. B. AFL Telecommunications opt-gw hardware mechanical suspensions - single and double double suspension assembly ordering information For line or elevation angle changes from 31° to 60° OPT-GW DIAMETER (INCHES) —=—=s—SséPART NUMBER (0421-0449 2=~«~2*~*W _ OsMeazvaggssCi“‘S™éS™*~*# [0450-0475 ODSME45O/475 : 0.476 - 0.499 ct ~~ onsmea7esg9—=—=*~—“‘sSS*~*! 0.500 - 0.527 C ODSMES00/527 "0.528 - 0.555 == ODSME528/555 “0556 - 0.584 Sh “ODSMES56/584 Se we 0.585 - 0.614 ODSME585/614 (0615-064 « ~ ODSMEBISE —= "0.647 - 0.679 —e " O0SME647/679 "0.680 - 0.714 " ODSME680/714 [ors-070 ODSME7 15/730 Ordering Example: For AC-64/528 AlumaCore OPT-GW the part number is ODSME528/555 NOTE: For metric hardware, add suffix “M” to item number. * For optional yoke plate (as shown), order separately as 8537-1. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable GS ALCOA About AFL Tele > Products and Services Products + Fiber Optic Cable » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures » Advanced Fiber Interfaces > Passive Optical Components » Modules & Optical Outsourcing -» Connecting Systems ~» Fusion Splicing Systems ~ Test & Measurement > Conductor Accessories » Copper Cable > Demarcation ~» Repeater Cases > Electronics ~» Shelters & Cabinets Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc. Community > Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn custc Environment > News> Careers» Sales Directory > contact us Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : OPT-GW Hardware :; Opti-Guard Cable Connector & “ Opti-Guard Cable Connector = SS The AFL Opti-Guard™ Cable Connector provides an easy and reliable method of terminating optical cables for splicing in the Opti-Guard Splice Enclosure. Designed for maximum versatility, this connector may also be used with other AFL splice enclosures (such as the round, cast iron Model SB01), and is offered in configurations optimized for all fiber optic cable types in general use. The Opti- Guard cable connector provides a reliable, airtight cable-to-enclosure seal protecting the cable’s optical fibers from environmental exposure. It requires no specialized tools to install, minimal training to use, and accommodates all AFL Telecommunications OPT-GW types. Related Doc ) product D Contact Infc 800.235.342: afltele@alcoa Pricing ~» Request a -» Sitemap > Privacy Policy -» Legal Notices» Alcoa Worldwide —-» AFL Telecommunica B. AFL Telecommunications opt-gw hardware opti-guard™ cable connector The AFL OPTI-GUARD Cable Connector provides an easy and reliable method of terminat- ing optical cables for splicing in the OPTI-GUARD™ Splice Enclosure. Designed for maxi- mum versatility, this connector may also be used with other AFL splice enclosures (such as the round, cast iron Model SB01), and is offered in configurations optimized for all fiber optic cable types in general use. The OPTI-GUARD™ cable connector provides a reliable, airtight cable-to-enclosure seal protecting the cable's optical fibers from environmental exposure. It requires no specialized tools to install, minimal training to use, and accommo- dates all AFL Telecommunications OPT-GW types. ordering information Cable connector part numbers are dependent on the OPT-GW size. Suffix “SP* always applies. Examples: "CABLE i PART NUMBER — ll AC-64/528 AlumaCore OPT-GW | OCK64528SP_—=—=—“‘“‘sSé;C~*W " CC-57/465 CentraCore OPT-GW OcKccs746ssP S1-82/52/630 HexaCore OPT-GW OCKS182/52630SP_ SC-32/32/508 Slotted Core OPT-GW | OCKSC32/32508SP opti-guard™ splice tray The AFL OPTI-GUARD Splice Tray is specially designed for use with the AFL OPTI-GUARD Splice Enclosure. The cover features a multi-functional integrated bushing which ensures proper alignment of the cover with the tray, protects spliced fibers from being pinched or damaged, aligns each tray into its proper position within the drawers, and accepts multiple splice trays into a self-aligning stack thereby simplifying installation. The peel & stick splice manifolds allow flexible positioning according to individual preferences and procedures. A special powder coating process is used to provide an attractive and durable black gloss finish with a smooth and resilient surface. ordering information ITEM I PARTNUMBER | NOTES OPTI-GUARD™ Splice Tray OGST01-24 24 splices per tray capacity - standard Splice Protection Sleeves SPS-60 | 60mm Fujikura #FP3 (pack of 10) Note: sleeves are not included with splice tray 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable GS ALCOA Products and Services *» Products + Fiber Optic Cable » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures » Advanced Fiber Interfaces »> Passive Optical Components > Modules & Optical Outsourcing » Connecting Systems » Fusion Splicing Systems ~» Test & Measurement » Conductor Accessories ~» Copper Cable » Demarcation » Repeater Cases > Electronics » Shelters & Cabinets Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : OPT-GW Hardware : Opti-Guard Splice Enclosure Opti-Guard Splice Enclosure The AFL Opti-Guard™ Splice Enclosure offers innovative features that make it the best enclosure for fiber optic splice protection needs. Its unique and flexible design combines optimized system performance with unparalleled ease of use. It’s resistant to ultraviolet exposure, water, extreme temperatures and ballistics. Opti-Guard installs quickly and easily, without messy tapes or adhesives, providing the flexibility you need to handle the most demanding installation scenarios. Its rugged design gives you maximum protection for spliced fibers. Features: » Accommodates up to 540 single fusion splices » Accepts various splice trays, including mass fusion = Craft-friendly design requires no specialized tools to install » Maintenance friendly - no re-entry kit required » Lightweight with universal structure mounting (bolted or banded) = Advanced fiber unit routing system protects and controls fiber units = Complies with a variety of cable tie-off methods * Accepts up to six cables with diameters of up to 1%4” -» Sitemap — ->» Privacy Policy +> Legal Notices > Alcoa Worldwide Page 1 of 1 AFL Telecomn Related Doc bn Product D Contact Infc 800.235.342: afltele@alcoa Pricing >» Requesta > AFL Telecommunica BB AFL Telecommunications opt-gw hardware Opti-Guard™ Opti-Guard™ Splice Enclosures offer innovative features that make it the best enclosure for fiber optic splice protection needs. Its unique and flexible design combines optimized system performance with unparalleled ease of use. It’s resistant to ultraviolet exposure, water, extreme temperatures and ballistics. Opti-Guard installs quickly and easily, without messy tapes or adhesives, providing the flexibility you need to handle the most demanding installation scenarios. Its rugged design gives you maximum protection for spliced fibers. features accessories * Accomodates up to 540 single fusion © Splice Trays splices ¢ Tray Adapter Kit * Accepts various splice trays, including © HFC Furcation Kit mass fusion ¢ Bullet Guard © Craft-friendly design requires no © Cable Connectors specialized tools to install ¢ Maintenance friendly - no re-entry kit required © Lightweight with universal structure mounting (bolted or banded) Advanced fiber unit routing system protects and controls fiber units © Complies with variety of cable tie-off methods © Accepts up to six cables with diameters of up to 1%” Opti-Guard's internal tie-off system resists over 100 Ibs of pull per cable Opti-Guard Installs quickly and easily 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. Alcoa: About AFL Tele: Products and Services: Products: Fiber Optic Cable Page 1 of 1 ALCOA AFL Telecomn cust About AFL Tele >» Community > Environment> News> Careers» Sales Directory >» contact us Products and Services *~ Products Fiber Optic Cable : Fiber Optic Cable Accessories : OPT-GW « Fiber Optic Cable Hardware : Opti-Guard Splice Tray » Fiber Interconnect » Fiber Closures Opti-Guard Splice Tray ~» Advanced Fiber The AFL Opti-Guard™ Splice Tray is specially designed for use with the AFL Opti-Guard Splice Enclosure. The cover features a multi- > ponea opr functional integrated bushing which ensures proper alignment of the omponents cover with the tray, protects spliced fibers from being pinched or » Modules & Optical damaged, aligns each tray into its proper position within the drawers, | Related Doc Outsourcing Interfaces and accepts multiple splice trays into a self-aligning stack thereby > Connecting Systems simplifying installation. The peel and stick splice manifolds allow ‘Product » Fusion Splicing flexible positioning according to individual preferences and Systems procedures. A special powder coating process is used to provide an Contact Infc » Test & Measurement attractive and durable black gloss finish with a smooth and resilient : » Conductor Accessories surface, 800.235.342: @. > Copper Cable afitele@alcoa ~» Demarcation ~» Repeater Cases Pricing > Electronics » Request a ~» Shelters & Cabinets ~» Services Market Solutions Resource Center Request a Quote Copyright © 2002 Alcoa Inc -» Sitemap — ->» Privacy Policy +» Legal Notices +» Alcoa Worldwide +> AFL Telecommunica B. AFL Telecommunications optgw hardware opti-guard™ cable connector The AFL OPTI-GUARD Cable Connector provides an easy and reliable method of terminat- ing optical cables for splicing in the OPTI-GUARD™ Splice Enclosure. Designed for maxi- mum versatility, this connector may also be used with other AFL splice enclosures (such as the round, cast iron Model SB01), and is offered in configurations optimized for all fiber optic cable types in general use. The OPTI-GUARD™ cable connector provides a reliable, airtight cable-to-enclosure seal protecting the cable’s optical fibers from environmental exposure. It requires no specialized tools to install, minimal training to use, and accommo- dates all AFL Telecommunications OPT-GW types. ordering information Cable connector part numbers are dependent on the OPT-GW size. Suffix “SP” always applies. Examples: | CABLE _ PART NUMBER AC-64/528 AlumaCore OPT-GW | OCK64528SP CC-57/465 CentraCore OPT-GW | OCKCCS7465SP S1-82/52/630 HexaCore OPT-GW | OCKS182/52630SP | SC-32/32/508 Slotted Core OPT-cw | OcKSC32/a2508SP opti-guard™ splice tray The AFL OPTI-GUARD Splice Tray is specially designed for use with the AFL OPTI-GUARD Splice Enclosure. The cover features a multi-functional integrated bushing which ensures proper alignment of the cover with the tray, protects spliced fibers from being pinched or damaged, aligns each tray into its proper position within the drawers, and accepts multiple splice trays into a self-aligning stack thereby simplifying installation. The peel & stick splice manifolds allow flexible positioning according to individual preferences and procedures. A special powder coating process is used to provide an attractive and durable black gloss finish with a smooth and resilient surface. ordering information ITEM "PARTNUMBER | NOTES OPTI-GUARD™ Splice Tray OGST01-24 24 splices per tray capacity - standard Splice Protection Sleeves L SPS-60 60mm Fujikura #FP3 (pack of 10) Note: sleeves are not included with splice tray 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice. © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved. B. AFL Telecommunications opt-gw hardware vibration damper Vibration Dampers work to cancel the damaging fatigue caused by wind-induced vibra- tion. In contrast to most tuned damping devices, which operate best only near their natural frequencies, our vibration dampers are designed for efficient transfer and dissipation of energy for a wide spectrum of frequencies that occur on transmission and distribution lines. They feature all aluminum clamp construction to match expansion/contraction of conductor and break-away bolts for easy installation and proper torque. Note: Line evalua- tions and recommendations (including usage and placement) available upon request. ordering information CABLE DIAMETER (INCHES) 0.360 - 0.460 0.461 - 0.570 _ ovp461/570 0571 - 0.675 “OWS71675. "0.676 -0.70 ~Towere770—=~=*«<“‘<CS*# 0 ~ ovp771e70— | 0871 - 0.970 _ - ovne71/970 Ordering Example: For AC-64/528 AlumaCore OPT-GW the part number is OVD461/570 _ NOTE: For metric hardware, add suftix “M" to item number. 9.12.02 Specifications are subject to change without notice © 2002, AFL Telecommunications. All rights reserved ALCATEL Optical Cables for Power Utilities: Trends and Needs 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001. Figure 1 1600 789 1400 F F 1200 M 1000 800 600 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Figure 2 Harsh Aerial Cable Conditions. wy i Electric Field Cable Weight & Ice Loading Figure 3 The market for optical fiber has grown dramatically over the past ten years. In 1999 an estimated 50.1 million kilometers of fiber will be purchased worldwide, more than double the demand in 1995 according to market researcher KMI. The Utility market has been rapidly growing during this time period, increasing from 8% to 12% of the total optical cable market (Figure 1). Utility Deployment of Optical Cables The use of optical fiber by utilities has evolved from deployment of Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) along transmission towers to transmit internal relay control signals to deployment of All Dielectric Self Support (ADSS) optical cables to lease or sell communications bandwidth using valuable utility Rights-OfWay (ROW). The growing interest in optical communications has been accelerated by telecommunications and power utility deregulation enabling electric utilities to diversify into telecommunications services. Optical communications also are inherently immune to electromagnetic interference making this technology ideal for deployment alongside power lines. Trends in Cable Usage OPGW cable has historically been deployed along high voltage transmission lines when the dual function of optical cable and shield wire is needed. In aerial installations where live-line installation is necessary, and where the high costs of OPGW are a prohibitive obstacle, ADSS is the APPLICATION NOTE #016 Issued: 4/99 product of choice. The market for OPGW deployment has matured in recent years as long-haul routes saturate. Installation of ADSS cable has grown significantly as emerging Competitive Access Providers (CAPs) seek new rights-of-way, leveraging power utility distribution lines to deploy optical cables. In a growing number of cases, power utilities are establishing their own CAP subsidiaries to deploy and sell communications transmission services. Consumption of ADSS cable in North America is now growing at over 20% annually (Figure 2). Unique Requirements Aerial deployment of optical cables alongside electrical power lines necessitates special cable designs. Aerial placement subjects cables to additional stresses from wind and ice. Electric fields, which surround power lines, also induce potentially damaging electrical fields. These fields force the use of dielectric materials. Less obviously, but just as seriously, under certain environmental conditions, the fields may induce arcing within optical cable jackets. Moreover, suspended aerial cables must be designed to support their own weight. Therefore, they must be carefully engineered to prevent sagging below acceptable ground clearance level. Further, they must be designed to maintain distance from other installed plant (i.e. cables, hardware) due to sag, wind loading, or ice loading. Finally, unlike buried communications cables, aerial cables present potential liability hazards should they break or fall, especially if they create potential electrical shock hazards in the process (Figure 3). continued marketing@cable.alcatel.com 2512 Penny Road * Claremont NC 28610 800-729-3737 Load (Ibs) Figure 4 Possible 2D Space P. Distance From Center (m) Figure 5 Pesablatlecrical Effects Along Span 30 = 2 = Pa ce 2 5 > Vv 3 6 7 3 3 3 0 Ss Eo 50 100 150 200 250 & Distance Along ADSS (m) Figure 6 Alcatel is a world leader in Power Utility Telecommunications Solutions. marketing@cable.alcatel.com 2512 Penny Road * Claremont NC 28610 800-729-3737 Sag and Tension Considerations ADSS, like all aerial cables, is engineered for allowable sag under specific conditions of tension and loading. Cable sag must be limited to maintain proper ares from the ground or other cables for safety and reliability reasons. The sag below the original placement level is determined by many factors. First, gravity will determine the level of sag for a given tension applied due to ake weight alone. The weight depends on its total length between anchor points {span} and cable construction Fe buffer tube geometry, jacket thickness, and number of Rbers\ ince wind or ice buildup can add additional load, local conditions for ice precipitation and wind speed must be considered. Cable aging may result in additional sag over a period of time due to sag ‘creep’. All of these factors must be considered when engineering an aerial cable solution. Cable strength and tension along span lengths may be adjusted to counteract potential sag. Tension must be managed carefully because stress induced along fibers may degrade fiber performance or reliability. Fibers are installed within cables ‘loosely’ to allow for a maximum amount of cable stretch before fibers are effected. That is, the lengths of the optical fibers used —_— or ‘lay’ length) are actually longer than the cable length when manufactured. This allows maximum levels of cable tension to be applied without effecting fiber performance [Figure 4). Cable strength, measured y Maximum Rated Cable Load (MRCL) is enhanced with increasing numbers and thicknesses of aramid yarns (e.g. DuPont Kevlar) to prevent sag. Increased aramid yarn counts and thicknesses are used for greater cable MRCL — with a penalty of higher cost. Longer span lengths, requirements for lower values of cable ‘sag’, and heavier cables increase the MRCL required. Proper engineering is necessary to provide optimized designs, providing maximum protection on one hand, and minimum cost on the other. Electric Field Considerations Differing electrical field environments in power utility rights-of-way will also influence the selection of cable product. ADSS cables may be placed in the ‘communications (greater distance to conductors) or the ‘supply’ (closer proximity to conductors) region of distribution poles. They are placed below the hot, neutral, and ground electrical wires. ADSS will support deployment near distribution systems with voltages of up to 275 ky, providing the cable is located at space potentials not exceeding 20 kV. Although some cable manufacturers will recommend deployment above these voltage levels, Alcatel feels that this is a prudent limit until long term reliability of cabling materials in this environment is more thoroughly studied. Transmission line environments inducing higher space potentials than these really require robust OPGW cables (Figures 5 and 6). In some cases special jacket materials must be used on ADSS cables to withstand the electrical fields encountered. High induced voltages have been shown to cause arcing along cable surfaces, causing pitting and cracking of jacket materials over time. Eventually, so-called ‘dry-band arcing’ may cause the jacket to completely fail and destroy the cable. Standard jackets may safely be used at line voltages up to 115 kV, providing adequate clearance is maintained from power lines. Track-resistant jacket materials are used at higher space potentials and are available at a price remium. Ideally, placement in the lowest kV region should be evaluated first, subject to rights-of-way availability. In this process clearances from the ground and other plant installed on the distribution poles must be assessed versus cable sag and tension limits. If installation in the lowest kV region does not provide adequate clearance, then placement higher on the power line pole must be considered with potential track-resistant jacket materials. Future electrical distribution system upgrades must also be considered. Increases in transmission line voltages or changes in the number or placement of electrical conductors may obsolete the specific cable selected if care is not taken in this analysis (Figures 5 and 6). ALCATEL 800-879-9862 Central Strength Member Buffer Tubes Ripcords Yarn Strength Members Dry Water | Blocking Materials 828-459-9787 www.alcatel.com Alcatel Fiber Optic Cable Products are engineered to provide optimum performance and network flexibility when used with Alcatel Splice Closures, Patch Panels, and related Accessories. Please contact your Alcatel Sales Representative for more information. Why Choose Alcatel’s EZ SPAN All Dielectric Self-Support Cable? Alcatd’s EZ Span All Dielectric Self Support (ADSS) Loose Tube Cable provides the ability to install communications cable on utility structures without power interruption. The concentric design allows easy installation as well as minimizes wind and ice loads. Cables are designed for each specific application for zero fiber strain under full load. EZ Span is designed for fast and easy cable preparation and uses standard hardware for one-step installation methods. Product Profile: * Allows installation on energized circuits * Eliminates bonding and grounding * Proven loose tube design protects fibers from mechanical and environmental forces in light, medium & heavy National Electric Safety Code (NESC) loading conditions. * TrackGuard™ jacket option for installation in space potential up to 20 KV * Reverse oscillating lay (ROL) of buffer tubes allows easy access to fibers, especially for mid-span entry * Dry water blocking materials provide faster and cleaner accessing and handling * Available in fiber counts to 288 * Proven optical performance at extreme temperatures * Meets IEEE P-1222 and Telcordia (Bellcore) requirements For a Glossary of Cable Construction Elements, see page 24 ¥e ALCATEL D ARCHITECTS OF AN INTERNET WORLD 800-879-9862 < 828-459-9787 EZ SPAN™ Att DIELECTRIC SELF-SUPPORT CABLE > MECHANICAL & INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS www.alcatel.com The information is subject to normal manufacturing tolerances. 168-216 400 800 | 244 240-288] 1200 | 366 1600| 488 439 |2000 | 610 oe MECHANICAL / ENVIRONMENTAL Bend Radius: Unloaded: 10x OD Loaded: 20 x OD Temperature Range: Operating: -40°C to+75°C Storage: -50°C to +70°C Installation: -30°C to +60°C Temperature Performance: < 0.02 dB/km change from -40°C to +70°C (Typical) Note: Contact Alcatel to confirm cable jacket requirements as well as location of attachment on the support structure before installation. Sag and tension data, actual cable diameter and weight are available for specific installation/loading requirements. Alcatel Optical Fiber Cable products are designed for optimum performance and ease of installation, in accordance with applicable industry technical specifications, standards and references including Telcordia GR-20, RUS, IEEE, ICEA-640, and TIA/EIA. ALCATEL ARCHITECTS OF AN INTERNET WORLD @ AADSS Cable Design ROL Stranding PBT Tubes Aramid Strength Yarns Central Strength Member PE Jackets “~ Water-Block Material Figure 1 Fiber Freedom Window vs. Stranding Pitch Fiber Freadom Window (%) 2 2 Standing Phen tren) Figure 2: Fiber Freedom Window vs. Pitch so 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 APPLICATION NoTE #018 Issued: 11/99 Overvievw All Dielectric Self Support (ADSS) cable construction represents a modification of traditional loosetube cable designs which are popular for buried, duct or lashed applications. These modifications allow ADSS cables to endure environmental stresses not typically found in other applications. This Alcatel Application Note describes important similarities and differences between ADSS cables and traditional cables. Spedal Design Considerations for ADSS Optical Cables ADSS cables are, by definition, targeted for aerial installations. Cables that are buried, lashed to other support cables, or installed in ducts are designed with a trade-off between the ability to withstand Pulling forces and the ability to handle compressive forces (for example caused by bending around the corner of a duct or caused by ice expansion underground during freezing). The primary design consideration for ADSS is to withstand significant tensile loads as the cables hang between supports. The cables’ own weight as well as environmental! forces (primarily high winds or ice buildup) apply stress to the cable structure. In addition, ADSS cables have to be designed for installation in "live" electrical power environments, or even to withstand potential stray gunshots from hunters. The requirement for installation in electrical fields and for lighter weight results in designs that are different from conventional optical fiber cables. In conventional cables metallic or other strength members or yarns provide the ability to withstand pulling forces. ADSS cable designs must accomplish this with a lightweight dielectric construction. continued emanate sssneneaeeeereneegteneeneateetemeeeenenmememememememeemeaneneneeneennee eee www.usa.alcatel.com e-mail: marketing@cable.alcatel.com 2512 Penny Road * Claremont NC 28610 800-879-9862 ANDSS Cable Designs Compared to Conventional Optical Cables The fundamental! design of virtually all ADSS cable is based on the standard loose tube construction commonly used for most optical fiber cables; however, there are some important differences. The loose tube cable construction, illustrated in Figure 1, is designed to allow high tensile loads to be applied to the cable without transferring stress to the optical fibers within. The principle behind this cable design is to place fibers into buffer tubes filled with a gel compound. These tubes house and protect the fibers allowing freedom to move as the cable elongates or contracts. The buffer tubes themselves are spiral wound (stranded) around a central rod (central strength member) which helps to bear the load during cable pulling. The buffer tubes and the fibers within are longer than the cable itself. As the cable elongates under pulling stress, the fibers are free to move within the gel-filled tubes towards the center of the cable without any strain. This creates a ‘tensile window’ in which there is no fiber elongation or stress to a specified load. For a given central strength member and tube geometry, the shorter the laylength of the stranded tubes, the greater the tensile window available. Figure 2 illustrates how a decrease in the stranding pitch reduces the coil interval allowing greater cable elongation without straining the fibers. The addition of strength yarns over the buffer tubes Provides further protection and torsionally balances the tensile strength along the cable cross section. While most cables undergo tensile stress only during installation, ADSS cables remain continuously under tension once installed. Specificially, it is the tensile load bearing capabilities of the loose tube design that make it a well suited design for ADSS applications. More recently, ADSS cables have incorporated dry water blocking materials used in conventional loose tube designs. Tests have proven that these materials have excellent resistance to penetration of water into the cable structure. Flooding compound offers excellent water resistance but requires more time in cable preparation for cleaning. Flooding compound also adds to cable weight, another consideration favoring dry water blocking materials. Figure 3: Compressive Forces of Dead End or Suspension Armor Rods ADSS cables are mounted on poles or towers using hardware to anchor the cable jackets to the structures. Therefore, cable construction must be designed to help support anticipated loads. The cable sheath consists of two layers of polyethylene (inner and outer jackets in Figure 1) with strength yarns sandwiched between them. When anchoring hardware clamps down on the sheath surface, the force is transferred to the strength yarns within (Figure 3). The sheath with strength yarns acts like a net holding the bundles of buffer tubes and fibers within the cable length. The Selection of ADSS Cable IVbtterials of Cornstruntion The primary design challenges for ADSS cables arise from the need to have high strength cables, which are at the same time lightweight and electrically non- conductive. Glass-reinforced plastics (GRPs) and aramid yarns are used to meet all three of these requirements. Aramid yarns are wrapped around the inner jacket over the cable core. Aramid yarns offer excellent strength-to-weight ratios (Figure 4) and provide added protection against potential jacket punctures. Aramid yarns are generally lighter than steel strength members, although at a cost premium. ADSS cables require special outer jacket materials for Protection against damage from electrical dry band Tensile Strength vs Density Comparison Between Steel and Aramid Yarn 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 + 2.00 + 1.00 0.00 Strength to Density Ratio Steel Aramid Figure 4: Tensile Strength vs Density arcing (track resistant jackets). Alcatels’ Trackguard™ jacket provides dry band arcing protection in high voltage applications as well as superior abrasion resistance. ADSS jacket requirements for electric fields are detailed in Alcatel's Application Note #017. Cable Design for Errerging Banchnidtth Needs Individual ADSS cables must suit installation in a variety of different settings as well as meet demands for a wide range of fiber counts. The physical setting of the installation determines the tensile load requirement for the cable. To accomodate the sometimes enormous tensile loads placed on the cable by high winds or heavy ice, more or thicker strength yarns are wrapped around the cable core. Each installation must be considered carefully for selection of the proper strength yarn ‘content’ based on distance between poles or towers, obstacles in the area, changes in elevation, changes in temperature as well as local loading conditions due to wind and ice. Alcatel advises on proper selection during the initial quotation for each installation project to make sure that the appropriate cable design is specified for all of these factors. Traditionally, ADSS cables have been supplied with up to 96 or 144 fibers. Recent growth in bandwidth requirements have resulted in demand for higher fiber counts. Two approaches can be taken to achieve cable designs with higher fiber counts. First, additional buffer tubes may be added which requires an additional outer layer of tubes overlapping an inner layer (multi-layer design). Second, additional fibers may be used within existing buffer tubes (single 12@1 Design with 24 fibers per tube 15@9@1 Design with 12 fibers per tube Figure 5 layer design). Figure 5 illustrates these two approaches for a 288 fiber cable. Increasing the quantity of fibers within each buffer tube is preferred for several reasons. First, the addition of more buffer tubes adds to the cable weight in several ways. The buffer tubes themselves add weight, and the cable diameter increases requiring more jacket materials. The smaller diameter of the single layer design also reduces the wind and ice load on the cable and support structure by offering a smaller cross section against which these loads are placed. The Produt of Choice for Aerial Deployrrent The design of ADSS optical fiber cables produces an optimal product for aerial systems. The design en combines features widely accepted with traditional cables while also incorporating innovations ideally suited for installation in utility rights-of-way. The key features are: + Use of the traditional! loose tube optical cable design combined with aramid yarns provides a product that has proven reliability and is economical, durable, and easy to install and maintain + Aerial applications favor lightweight constructions such as single layer buffer tube designs and use of aramid yarns for strength * All dielectric construction allows installation on live systems without electrical hazard risks * Special jacket materials Prevent jacket damage due to dry-band electrical arcing damage from utility electric fields * For each application, the cable construction should be customized for specific installation structures, climatic conditions, and local topography. Consult the supplier to ensure proper selection. www.usa.alcatel.com e-mail: marketing@cable.alcatel.com ¥ 2512 Penny Road + Claremont NC 28610 800-879-9862 Reliability of Protected ADSS Cables on High Voltage Systems Figure 2: ADSS Cable with Corona Coil marketing@cable.alcatel.com 2512 Penny Road * Claremont NC 28610 800-729-3737 APPLICATION NOTE #017 Revision: 1 Issued: 6/99 Overview All-Dielectric Self-Support (ADSS) cables installed on high-voltage systems are extremely reliable, with more than a 25-year lifetime, when properly specified and installed. Proven jacket material and hardware solutions now exist that protect ADSS Cable against the two significant electrical phenomena caused by proximity to high-voltage lines: corona and dry-band arcing. Corona is the phenomenon in which air is ionized due to a locally concentrated electric field. Corona onset is a function of both geometry and field strength and is not significantly affected by environmental conditions. Conductive hardware elements residing inside a three-dimensional (3D) electric field with small radii of curvature can concentrate the field strength at their tips. An example is an armor rod extending slightly past the others as shown in Figure 1. These local increases in electrical field strength can irreparably damage ADSS if the cable is left unprotected. Inexpensive “corona coils” was developed several years ago and has proven to mitigate this phenomenon by reducing the local electric field strength as shown in Figure 2. The corona onset field is approximately 25 kV/cm. It is important to realize that different electrical fields can develop at each pole in any distribution or transmission system. In lieu of performing a complicated 3D modeling for every pole in a system, a good rule of thumb is to use corona coils on systems greater than 230 kV. The addition of corona coils is a simple and low-priced solution, which will prevent any potentially harmful effects due to the corona phenomenon. continued ccna nnn Dry-band arcing is a separate phenomenon than Corona. It is dependent on the hardware configuration, the system voltage, and also on the electrical resistance of the cable sheath material itself. The induced voltage difference between a mid-span section of the ADSS cable and any grounded section of the system’s hardware creates a possibility of inducing current flow along the sheath. On a newly installed dry cable, the sheath resistance is obviously quite high (>109 Ohm/m) so the induced currents are insignificant; however, as a cable ages from exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, contaminants such as salt and/or pollutants and moisture permeate the cable sheath along its length. This can significantly reduce the electrical resistance to current flow on the surface of the cable. Hydrophobicity is a big word describing the tendency for a newly extruded ADSS jacket to act like a good wax job on a car, in that it prevents moisture, pollution, etc. from collecting on the cable (these bead up as illustrated in Figure 3). Some cable sheath materials, when wetted from rainfall and when resistance has been lowered from salt or pollution, develop dry "bands" of high resistance surrounded by wetted sections of much lower resistance. With this, the possibility of arcing across the dry band exists, which can damage an unprotected sheath by heat and eblation (vaporization causing pitting). (Figure 4) Figure 3: New Cable — water beading, near Zero current, no arcing Figure 4: Worst case - old, unprotected cable with heavy contaminants Some cable manufacturers consider a Mid- Span Space Potential of ~12 kV as the standard threshold for specifying special jacket materials for ADSS cables (Figures 5 & 6). After extensive study, Alcatel feels that this threshold voltage provides inadequate protection against pre-mature failure of the cable, and that other factors need to be considered such as climate, pollution level, wet/dry cycles, etc. We recommend the protection of the cable with so-called track-resistant jacket materials at mid-span space potentials of > 4 kV. Most track-resistant jacket materials are constructed from one of two different types of materials: either cross-linked or filled thermoplastics. Alcatel’s studies have shown that filled thermoplastic jacket materials ~—_containing approximately 2.5% concentrations of carbon black provide a superior combination of electrical and mechanical properties for protection of the cable. 150 200 Length of ADSS (m) Induced Voltage “EIUnperturbed Space Potential -@ Incuced Current Induced Current (mA) Figure 5: Induced electrical effects on aged ADSS cables in medium pollution levels Induced Current (mA) Figure 6: Induced electrical effects on aged ADSS cables in heavy pollution levels A thermoplastic track-resistant jacket with acceptable carbon black content provides a three- pronged solution to dry band arcing. First, the addition of carbon black (~2.5%) ensures the ADSS will not prematurely UV age, which would allow collection of salt / pollution on cable sheath lowering the cable resistance. Second, thermoplastic jacket materials minimize carbon surface tracking better than cross- linked materials. This assures a high electrical resistivity of the cable jacket. Finally, the tough filled thermoplastic track resistant jacket will resist any heat or eblation damage if arcing does occur. In summary, protection of ADSS cables with a thermoplastic track-resistant jacket and inexpensive corona coils ensures that such cables can be relied upon for many years of uninterrupted service on high voltage systems. Cable lifetimes of greater than twenty- five years can be expected with selection of the correct cable product and proper attention to installation conditions. © Copyright 2. RIGHTS RESERVED Alcatel 6840 - 6844 Power Lines Optical Aerial Solutions for Energy Networks OPGW, OPPC, MASS, ADSS and ADL Regional and international power trans- Fiber optic cable links are the foundation mission lines require modern network of such communications systems, since they automation and remote control systems. provide high capacity transmission over To accomplish this, power utilities started long distances. At the same time they are very early to equip their lines with reliable not influenced by electromagnetic fields telecommunications connections. Telecom- and do not exhibit any cross-talk, which munications deregulation now opens up are important consideration for installation the opportunity for power utilities to lease on high voltage (HY) lines. dark fibers or transmission capacity, or to become telecom operators themselves. Overhead Lines Deliver Telecom and Power The easiest way to ADL on ground wire OPGW connect power plants Sena : and control stations is with existing high-voltage lines. The most common method is to install an Optical Ground OPPC Wire (OPGW), which for 100 kv contains optical fibers housed in stainless steel tubes, as a substitute for existing ground wire. Another possibility consists of OPPC incorporating optical for 30 kv eee ADL on phase conductor of the standard phase conductors. This solution is called an Optical Phase Conductor (OPPC). Beside these integrated solutions, additional cables can be installed on transmission towers. While these self-supporting cables a ground wire or a phase conductor Self-supporting cables for installation are hung between the towers, may serve as the messenger. The on high-voltage lines are either Metallic Alll-Dielectric Lashed (ADL) is a diagram on the next page summarizes Aerial Self-Supporting (MASS) or small-sized cable which is attached to and categorizes these solutions. All-Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS). a messenger wire. In HV lines, either ADSS or MASS Various options are available to install optical cables on power lines Vv Rev 0, Jan. 02 ALCATEL ARCHITECTS OF AN INTERNET WORLD ee Hie mee C © Copyright 2002 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Sometimes, medium-voltage lines and high-voltage lines up to 150 kV are not equipped with a ground wire. Consequently, replacement by an OPGW is not feasible. To equip such a transmission line with optical fibers, an Optical Phase Conductor (OPPC) may be used. Here again, the optical cable has to provide two different functions. It must carry the permanent current in the three-phase system, and it has to house and protect the optical fibers. To keep the electrical system running well, the Where the substitution of a ground wire or phase conductor is either impossible or uneconomical, additional cables can be installed on towers. The only function that these cables have is to house and protect the optical fibers. A universal solution for all voltage levels is the Metallic Aerial Self-Supporting (MASS) Rev 0, Jan. 02 Alcatel 6840 - 6844 Power Lines 6843 OPPC — Optical Phase Conductor electrical resistance of the cable must be properly adapted to that of the substituted phase conductor. Generally, OPPCs are manufactured according to the same basic designs used for OPGW. However, since optical fibers are installed on high-voltage lines in the case of the OPPC, the splicing technology is different. Connections in the line must be carried out in a way that the cable, as well as the joint box, do not directly touch ground potential. A joint box can either be installed freely, hanging between the insulator strings on strong poles, or it can be placed on an insulator itself. At both ends of the line, electrical current and optical fibers must be separated. This can be done by special separators consisting of two splice closures placed at the top and bottom of an insulator. Like the OPGW, the OPPC has the advantage of combining functions without placing additional loads on the towers. Sead CU is sant cable. This is a small-sized armored cable for additional installation at the center of towers. To minimize the additional load, weight and diameter are significantly reduced. The typical diameter range of MASS cables is between 9 and 12mm. The armoring is optimized according to span length and sag requirements only, because the cable does not have any electrical function. tahey siege. debs has Ra ale UR ee Ree Another well-known cable solution for additional installation on medium and high-voltage lines is the All-Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS) cable. ADSS does not contain any metallic elements. The fibers are placed in several stranded loose plastic tubes which are covered by one or two plastic jackets. To make the cable self-supporting, it contains strength elements made of aramid yarns. The excellent strength-to-weight ratio of this material ensures the low weight of ADSS and limits additional loads on towers. By adapting aramid content, spans of 800 m or even 1,000 m are possible, depending on permissible additional loads. ¥ ARCHITECTS OF AN INTERNET WORLD ADSS is a universal solution for a large variety of applications. However, special attention must be paid if the cable is to be installed on high-voltage lines, to prevent dry-band arcing. Special sheathing material and software to calculate optimum placement on the towers make this technology usable for line voltages of up to about 275 kV. With a capacity of greater than 144 fibers, this cable technology offers a good opportunity to equip medium and high-voltage lines with optical fibers. © Copyright 2802 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Alcatel 6840 - 6844 Power Lines Alll-Dielectric lashed cable (ADL) is not a self-supporting construction, but needs to be attached to a messenger wire. The messenger could be a ground wire in high-voltage lines or a phase conductor in low and medium-voltage lines. The cable is fixed by two lashing binders made of coated aramid yarn which are helically wound around the messenger wire and the ADL cable. This process is carried out using a small machine - called a "lasher" - For additional information visit Alcatel online or call your nearest Optical Fiber Sales Representative +55 11 3068 9993 +33 155 515151 +33 13919 1200 +49 2166 27 2667 +91 11 335 9650 +34 942 247111 +44 1633 413 600 +1 828 459 9787 800 879 9862 Rev 0, Jan. 02 6842 ADL - All-Dielectric Lashed Cables travelling along the messenger wire. It can be either pulled by hand or by a tug. The cable can be fed into the lasher either from the ground, or it can be carried by a special drum carrier on the messenger. With these different components and user options, the technology is very flexible and can be adapted to specific conditions. ADL technology makes fast and cost-effective installation of optical fiber cables possible on HV lines. ADL cable, lasher and the messenger wires PMG es ete if) In addition to optical cables, products such as joint boxes and accessories are needed for the implementation of optical links on power lines. Alcatel management, training and follow-up services for all products and systems. Alcatel can also provide preliminary or feasibility studies, as well as supply offers installation supervision and guidelines, engineering, project Power Line Solutions Benefits OPGW solutions which are reliable and long-lasting turnkey telecommunications systems. yy Fast and low-cost ADSS and ADL networks Ideal for replacing or reinforcing existing networks Easy access for all splices and repairs Weather-proof and environmentally friendly » Installation supervision and training available Turnkey solutions for operators who want rapid implementation (2% ut 9 ALCATEL ARCHITECTS OF AN INTERNET WORLD