HomeMy WebLinkAboutAEA Village Power System Survey 1990 ECO 061 Alaska Energy Authority DS - ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY VILLAGE POWER SYSTEM SURVEY ATQASUK \ POINT LAY KAKTOVIK POINT HOPE NUIQSUT @ ANAKTUVUK PASS @ SA Engineering, Inc. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2522 Arctic Boulevord, Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99503-2516 Prone (907) 276-0521 Fax (907) 276-1751 FORWARD On October 30, 1989 and November 3, 1989 a site visit was made to review the power generation and distribution facilities in Anaktuvuk Pass, Atqasuk, Kaktovik, Nuiqsut, Point Hope, Point Lay and Wainwright, Alaska to determine the system deficiencies that will be required to be corrected to comply with the new Power Cost Equalization (PCE) requirements. In general, the power plants in all these villages are fairly new, very clean, and of very similar design. All the power plants are equipped with Caterpillar generators and modern switchgear. The generators range in size from 90 kW (Cat 3304 units) to 625 kW (Cat 3512 units) and the switchgear runs the range from manual aralleling systems with Sync Check permissive relays to fully automatic paralleling acilities. All the power plants utilize engine jacket water waste heat recovery to provide heat for the generator building and nearby public facilities. All the plants are well maintained, manned twenty four hours a day and equipped with Dranetz data loggers. All plant operators have been trained in operating generators in parallel and maintain daily plant logs. A new power plant was just recently completed and commissioned in Wainwright to replace the plant that was destroyed by fire in 1987. The power plant in Kaktovik in currently being remodeled to increase its generation capacity, the power plant in Point Lay is scheduled to be remodeled to increase its capacity in the spring of 1990, and the power plant in Anaktuvuk Pass is scheduled to be remodeled in 1991 although this facility is still in the project analysis phase. The power plants in Point Hope, Point Lay and Wainwright have power factors ranging from .7 to .85 while the plants in the rest of the communities have power factors in the .96 to .98 range. The systems in Point Hope, Point Lay and Wainwright need to be investigated to determine why the power factors are so low in comparison to the other communities. The reported system line losses for all communities vary from 9.2% to 34.7% with only one community having losses reported under 20%. These losses are excessively high and will not comply with the new PCE regulations which will calculate the PCE subsidy based on a maximum system line loss of 10% (including the station service). Based on the site visits, it appears that the great majority of reported line losses are due to a lack of metering for the station service, a large number of street lights and in some cases, services to schools, washeterias, community centers, etc. The Alaska Energy Authority should provide technical assistance to perform an investigation of the line losses in each community and to recommend corrections to the systems to reduce the line losses to a reasonable level. ECO Olo/ CVUMNAURUNS n= 13 = BS 15 = a 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM LOCATION: ANAKTUVUK PASS , ALASKA FILE: ANAK QUANTITY UNIT CONSTRUCTION COSTS MATERIAL FREIGHT PAGE: DATE: of, 12-Jan-90 PREPARED FOR RSA ENGINEERING By Clark-Graves, LABOR Inc. LABOR TOTAL DISCIPLINE/ITEMS Hours/ Rate Item Descr. $/Unit = $/Unit Unit $/Hour Cost ($) FURNISH AND INSTALL SERVICE METER Meter And Socket 1 EACH 430.00 18.00 2.000 40.95 $530.00 Wire And Conduit 10 L. FEET 8.50 5.00 0.300 40.95 $258.00 POWER DISTRIB. SYSTEM STUDY Transportation 2 R.TRIPS 370.00 225.00 12.571 40.95 $2,220.00 Room And Board 12 MANDAYS 125.00 $1,500.00 Added Engineering Expense 12 MANDAYS 12.571 40.95 $6,177.00 (Note This Allowance Should Be Added To The Engineering Services Provided For Below) REPLACE FUEL SUPPLY/RETURN LINE Pipe and Fittings 250 =s«L. FEET 2.75 5.00 0.120 40.95 $3,166.00 Isolation Valves 4 EACH 16.00 3.00 0.330 40.95 $130.00 Filter 1 EACH 46.00 5.00 0.330 40.95 $65.00 Automatic Shut-Off 1 EACH 85.00 5.00 0.500 40.95 $110.00 METER STREET LIGHTS Main Disconnect 1 EACH 250.00 6.000 40.95 $496.00 Service Meter, Socket 1 EACH 157.00 6.000 40.95 $403.00 (Assumes All Street Lights Are On A Single Circuit) DIRECT EXPENSE SUBTOTAL: $15,055.00 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT TOOLS & EQUIP 2 5% * LABOR: 1 ALLOW 461.00 $461.00 HOME OFFICE EXP.AT 15%*DIRECT: 1 ALLOW 2,258.00 $2,258.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Mob/Demob Tools And Equipment 1,000 LBS 1.50 $1,500.00 Crew 4 R.TRIPS 600.00 375.00 8.000 40.95 $5,210.00 Room And Board 37 MANDAYS 125.00 $4,613.00 Supervision 1 WEEK 100.00 150.00 60.000 40.95 $2,707.00 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $16,749.00 DIRECT EXPENSE AND CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $31,804.00 PROFIT 2 25% $7,951.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (FY89) $39,755.00 CONTINGENCY 2 10% $3,976.00 CONTRACT COST (FY90) $43,731.00 DESIGN COST @ 6% OF FY90 CONTRACT COST $2,624.00 SIOH 2 15.0% OF FY9O CONTRACT COST $6,560.00 PROJECT COST (FY90) $52,915.00 SALVAGE VALUE (Assumed To Be Negligble) (Not Incl.) TOTAL INVESTMENT COST (FY90) (Assuming Summer Construction) $53,000.00 | | | LOAD ANALYSIS - NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - ANAKTUVUK PASS DATE: 11/03/89 | | Pah i aaa i ae laa tea Ba a | | KWH KWH kW KWH KWH KW KWH KWH KW | | GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ | | FY 87 FY 87 FUEL LOAD = GAL FY 88 FY 88 FUEL LOAD ~~ GAL FY 89 FY 89 FUEL LOAD GAL | (SSG geen EEC Lecce | | | [1 678828.0 605247.0 68984.0 929.9 9.8 130800.0 106315.0 10222.0 179.2 12.8 92460.0 58886.0 7122.0 126.7 13.0 | 2 751930.0 596227.0 72368.0 1030.0 10.4 98400.0 66703.0 7774.0 134.8 12.7 116640.0 69215.0 10714.0 159.8 10.9 | [s 863268.0 699868.0 77755.0 1182.6 11.1 126240.0 90240.0 11369.0 172.9 11.1 134880.0 109326.0 12603.0 184.8 10.7 | [4 940566.0 ---------- 86152.0 1288.4 10.9 136800.0 96270.0 9277.0 187.4 14.7 125400.0 102461.0 11434.0 171.8 11.0 | [5 1113437.0 938869.0 95691.0 1525.3 11.6 127118.0 98392.0 8259.0 174.1 15.4 186720.0 137803.0 16817.0 255.8 11.1 | [6 1182887.0 1003781.0 116478.0 1620.4 10.2 137224.0 127601.0 13603.0 188.0 10.1 189120.0 123937.0 14459.0 259.1 13.1 |7 1237912.0 715421.0 109459.0 1695.8 11.3 176160.0 142321.0 12671.0 241.3 13.9 198720.0 155168.0 12963.0 272.2 15.3 [8 1118827.0 686388.0 92871.0 1532.6 12.0 208320.0 126458.0 13213.0 285.4 15.8 168351.0 152110.0 16087.0 230.6 10.5 [9 1010197.0 692920.0 83578.0 1383.8 12.1 182116.0 136764.0 14353.0 249.5 12.7 183840.0 139363.0 16717.0 251.8 11.0 |10 1053361.0 993893.0 98359.0 1443.0 10.7 115604.0 102460.0 11533.0 158.4 10.0 106351.0 95716.0 9572.0 145.7 11.1 | | 295520.0 87776.0 10338.0 404.8 28.6 131372.0 89372.0 9269.0 180.0 14.2 90720.0 107585.0 10932.0 124.3 8.3 | [12 95520.0 75040.0 73035.0 130.8 1.3 140212.0 94393.0 8560.0 192.1 16.4 -----nnn ne renee neers eeeee eee cee eee eee | | = 130103.0 1593202.0 195.2 13.3 1710366.0 [TOTAL — 10342253.0 7095430.0 | AVERAGE JANNUAL SYSTEM LINE LOSS (%) [GENERATION EFFICIENCY (KWH/GALLON) 11.7 13.3 [PEAK LOAD (KW) 1695.8 285.4 |LOW LOAD (KW) 130.8 134.8 [GENERATOR SETS INSTALLED: GEN #1: 210 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECTION. | GEN #2: 210 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS ON-LINE AT TIME OF INSPECTION. | GEN #3: 90 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECTION. | | GEN #4: 210 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECTION. | | GEN #5: 210 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS ON-LINE AT TIME OF INSPECTION. | | | [AMPERAGE LOADS RECORDED AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION AS FOLLOWS: G-2: 130A, 140A, 140A, AND G-5: 200A, 210A, 215A @ 480V. THIS DEMAND LOAD CALCULATED WAS 281 KW | |BASED ON TWO-210 KW GENERATORS WERE IN PARALLEL OPERATION. THE POWER FACTOR WAS 98%. | | | ANAKTUVUK PASS Recommendations: Le The station service kWH meter is not working properly. Repair or replace it with a new one to accurately measure the power consumption of the power plant. The station service ammeter was reading 25.3A @ 480V at the time of the inspection. This gives a calculated demand load of 20.6 kW @ 98% power factor. The totalizing kW demand meter read 0.84 X 480 = 403 kW, the bus kW meter read 280 kW and a demand load calculation gave 281 kW. It appears that the totalizing kW demand meter has not been reset. Reset totalizing kWH demand meter monthly. There are 60 each 150 Watt high pressure sodium street lights in the village that are not metered. It is estimated that the total monthly unmetered street light load is approximately 3,285 kWH. This is a portion of the unmetered system losses, and is an eligible community facility cost for PCE subsidy. According to the monthly PCE reports, the system line losses for the years of 1987, 1988 and 1989 were: 45.8%, 33.9%, and 27.3%, respectively. The new PCE rules will calculate rates based on a 10% maximum total system loss, including station service. The Alaska Energy Authority will provide technical assistance to perform an investigation of the power system line losses. In compliance with AS 44.83.162(c)(1), and consistent with the administrative practices of the PCE program, a eal participating in the program is entitled to receive power cost equalization for sales of power to local community facilities, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kWH per month for each resident of the community. If the utility provides electric power at no cost to the local community facilities or to any of i its customers, that donated power is not eligible for PCE credits. North Slope Borough Utilities must collect all electrical billings to receive PCE credits. Black iron pipe must be used for fuel supply and return lines for fire safety. ANAKTUVUK PASS Summary: The generation efficiency is estimated at 13.3 kWH/gallon for the year 1988. All recommendations for this project relate to safety and code requirements, therefore, the generation efficiency will not be increased by performing this work. % of Generation Prorated Efficiency Construction kWH/Gallon Priority # lttem # Description Improvement __Cost__ _increase 1 1 Replace station service kWH meter 0.0% $2,774.00 0.0 2 4 Conduct power distribution system 0.0% 34,842.00 0.0 I line loss study 3 a Install a kWH meter to measure the power 0.0% 3,165.00 0.0 consumption of the street lights Subtotal 0.0% $40,781.00 0.0 Safety/Health/Code: 6 Replace fuel supply/return lines 0.0% 12,219.00 0.0 with black iron pipes TOTAL 0.0% $53,000.00 0.0 RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: ANAKTUVUK PASS Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Ywnership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: RILEY MORRY/ROOSEVELT PANEAK Date: 11/03/89 Phone: 661-3511 G-1 G-2 G-3 Operational? (Y/N): Y¥ bt Y Engine Make: CAT CAT CAT Engine Model: 3406SR4 3406PC 3304PC Engine RPM: 1800 1800 1800 Serial Number: UNMARKED 90U9537 4B11179 Horsepower: 281.5 281.5 120.6 Governor Type: WOODWARD WOODWARD WOODWARD Model Actuator: PSG PSG PSG Model Speed Control: 2301H 2301H 2301H DC Voltage: 24 24 24 Unit Circuit Breaker: PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED Type/Amp/Volt: UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Year Installed: ---- a oo Last Major Overhaul (Hrs): NONE NONE NONE Current Hours: 6973.5 3228.4 5082.3 Generator Make: CAT CAT CAT Generator Capacity (KW): 210 210 90 Generator Voltage: 480 480 480 Parallel Switchgear: Y Y ¥ KWH Meter? (Y/N): Y¥ = 4 OEM: Hours/Day Attended: 24 Waste Heat Recovery Installed? (Y/N): Y Waste Heat Recovery Operational? (Y/N): Y Powerhouse KWH Meter Type: SANGAMO S5S, CL 200, 240V, 4W Catalog #: 49259462 Number of Stators: 2 MULTIPLIER UNKNOWN Demand? (Y/N): N Notes: 1. 2. CT Ratio: 1200/5 Battery Charger/Type/Model: Individual Genset Meter: Fuel Day Tank Type: Pump #: Motor #: Fuel Day Tank Meter: Fire Protection Type/Operational?: Original Contractor: Spot Reading A Amps: Spot Reading B Amps: Spot Reading C Amps: Spot Reading Volts: Spot Reading Freq.: BUS KW DEMAND METER: Power (KW): 280KW, STATION SERVICE METER: 20.6KW. STATION SERVICE KWH METER IS NOT WORKING. TOTALIZING KW DEMAND METER: STATORS, CAT #49350887. READS: LAMARCHE/L/AH6-6-24V-Al (TYP) VOLT/AMP/FREQ METER 20" X40"X60" 250 GALLON TOKHEIM READS 81,603 GAL. FENWALL & HALON/YES 330 350 253 480 60 229 SANGAMO TYPE SSDS, CLASS 20, 0.84X480=403KW. RESET IT MONTHLY. 28A,24A,24A OR 120V, 2- RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: ANAKTUVUK PASS Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Ownership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: RILEY MORRY/ROOSEVELT PANEAK Date: 11/03/89 Phone: 661-3511 FACILITY INVENTORY Meter Status (Yes/No) Notes Single Family: Y 120/240V, 1-PHASE, 3W Multi Family: N N/A Commercial: = 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4W Public: K 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4W FUEL SYSTEM INVENTORY Bulk Storage Capacity: 35,000 Number of Bulk Tanks: 8 Diked Containment? (Y/N): ¥ TANK FARM W/SECURITY FENCE Visual Evidence of Leaks: NONE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM System Voltage/Phases Overhead: 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Underground: N/A Combined: N/A Laid on Ground: N/A SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER Capacity: 500KVA DRY TYPE TRANSFORMER Pad: N/A Pole: ON WOOD PLATFORM Voltage In/Out: 480/4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE UNMETERED STREET LIGHTS Quantity: 60 150W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM GENERAL NOTES 1. POWER PLANT HAS CONCRETE FLOOR W/FREE SPAN METAL BUILDING. POWER PLANT HAS EMERGENCY LIGHTS, FIRE ALARM & HALON SYSTEM AND FIRE EXTINGUISHER AT EXIT DOOR. THE OPERATOR USES PLANT LOGS. THE POWER PLANT IS VERY CLEAN AND IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. 2. G-4: CAT #3406SR4, 1800 RPM, 210KW, 480V, WOODWARD-PSG & 2301H, S/N 5HAO3718, CURRENT HR: 8317. G-4 IS STANDBY & OPERATIONAL. 3. G-5: CAT #3406, 1800 RPM, 210KW, 480V, WOODWARD-PSG & 2301H, S/N IS UNMARKED, CURRENT HR: 832.6. G-5 IS ON-LINE. KWH GENERATED (Millions) 0.7 0.6); 0.5 O.4 0.3 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH ANAKTUVUK PASS Ee Mh WA nu sen i aE Ne : Ey oe pes Pil cm ti Ny oa u + gh ae ee i — ah mi 7) 6) CN NTTAN T Ei I T nan T T T T me JULY AUG SERT OC NOV DES JAN FEB MAR APR MAY oO FY‘’87 + FY’88 © FY’89 JUNE KWH GENERATED (Millions) = , f NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - ANAKTUVUK PASS KWH LOSS DURING FY 87 1) —= ——— - L2 ao | ae > Ll a BL | / ~ a 09 4 L AY 0.8 _B 07 4, LA ~~, 0.6 +" \ 05 \ O04 0.3 A \ 0.2 \ \ 0.1 —____ 0 + 1 —T T T T T T | JULY AUG SEPT JAN FEB. MAR APR MAY — JUNE O KWH GENERATED + KWH SOLD KWH GENERATED (Thousands) NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - ANAKTUVUK PASS KWH LOSS DURING FY 88 210 > 200 190 -} ISO 170 160 150 HO 4 130 4) 120 10 100 ~\ \o 90 Ns a 80 \ / J 70 / 60 +—— JULY — AUG Oo KWH GENERATED SEPT T OCT T T I NOV DEC JAN + FEB MAR KWH SOLD le APR T MAY JUNE KWH GENERATED (Thousands) NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH -—- ANAKTUVUK PASS 200 --—_--_—— 190 ISO 170 160 150 10 - 130 120 10 100 90 80 - 70 60 50 40 30 - 20 4 10 0 | wh = JULY KWH LOSS DURING FY 89 ee NA BL \ va 4 we a 4 bh j /; — waglt I / “Al / / _4 tT oT I T T T I T T { AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE Oo KWH GENERATED + KWH SOLD ANAKTUVUK PASS POWER PLANT - CONCRETE FLOOR WITH METAL BUILDING MAIN OVERHEAD LINE 4.16 KV, 3 PHASE, 4-WIRE IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION 750 KVA - 480/4160V, 3-PHASE, - 4-WIRE STEP UP PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER ON WOOD PLATFORM 4160 V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE OUTPUT FEEDER THROUGH OUT THE VILLAGE TWO 1,500 GALLON SUBFEED STORAGE TANKS WITH SECURITY FENCE. TANKS ARE ON SKIDS AND IN EXCELLENT CONDITION FOUR 210KW CAT AND ONE 90 KW CAT GENERATORS ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. GENERATORS ARE ON SKIDS 210 KW CAT GENERATOR #1 WAS STANDBY AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION > MAIN SWITCHGEAR IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION MASTER CONTROLLER - BUS DEMAND KW METER, FREQ, VOLT, AMP, TOTALIZING KW DEMAND AND STATION SERVICE KWH METER. TOTALIZING KW DEMAND METER READ: 280KW. STATION SERVICE KWH METER IS NOT WORKING. TYPICAL GENERATOR CONTROLLER WITH FREQ, POWER FACTOR, AMP, VOLTAGE, KW METER, CURRENT HOUR METER, ETC. FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL IS FENWALL. TYPICAL GENERATOR STARTING BATTERY - LEAD ACID TYPE AND SWEAT COPPER SUPPLY AND RETURN LINES ARE USED INSTEAD OF BLACK IRON GENERATOR FRAME IS SECURITY GROUND 200 GALLON DAYTANK ON CONCRETE FLOOR FUEL METER IS TOKHEIM TYPICAL U/V DETECTOR CEILING MOUNT EMERGENCY LIGHT (TYPICAL) RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: ATQASUK Date: 11/02/89 Operational? (Y/N): Engine Make: Engine Model: Engine RPM: Serial Number: Horsepower: Governor Type: Model Actuator: Model Speed Control: DC Voltage: Unit Circuit Breaker: Type/Amp/Volt: Year Installed: Last Major Overhaul (Hrs): Current Hours: Generator Make: Generator Capacity (KW): Generator Voltage: Parallel Switchgear: KWH Meter? (Y/N): OEM: Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Ownership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: THOMAS KANAYURAK Waste Heat Recovery Installed? (Y/N): Waste Heat Recovery Operational? (Y/N): Powerhouse KWH Meter Type: Phone: 633-6220 G-1 G-2 G-3 yy. XY 4 CAT CAT. CAT 3406SR4 3508SR4 3512SR4 1200 1200 1200 6BA02245 15N8440 5N5056 368.6 569.7 871 WOODWARD WOODWARD WOODWARD EG3P EG3P EG30P 2301H 2301H 2301H 24 24 24 PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN 1986 1986 1986 NONE NONE NONE 10897.2 16057.3 2249.7 CAT CAT CAT 275 425 650 480 480 480 ¥ x XY b4 Y. 4 Hours/Day Attended: 24 XY Y NO Catalog #: N/A Number of Stators: N/A Demand? (Y/N): CT Ratio: 800/5 Battery Charger/Type/Model: Individual Genset Meter: Fuel Day Tank Type: Pump #: Motor #: Fuel Day Tank Meter: Fire Protection Type/Operational?: Original Contractor: Spot Reading A Amps: Spot Reading B Amps: Spot Reading C Amps: Spot Reading Volts: Spot Reading Freq.: Notes: 1. CL 20, 4W, "y" TOTALIZING KW DEMAND METER: CAT #71600092. Power (KW): 0.28X1200=336KW, LED BUS KW METER: LAMARCHE/L/A46-10-24V-Al (TYP) VOLT/AMP/FREQ METER 20"X36"X60" 175 GAL SIMPLEX FILL RITE READS: 74,812 GAL PYROTRONIC SYSTEM 3/YES oi 350 320 480 60 218 WESTINGHOUSE D4B-3FM 285KW. DRANETZ UNIT 260.7KW. RESET TOTALIZING KW DEMAND METER. RECALIBRATE LED BUS KW METER. G-2 WAS ON LINE AT TIME OF INSPECTION. RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: ATQASUK Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Ownership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: THOMAS KANAYURAK Date: 11/02/89 Phone: 633-6220 FACILITY INVENTORY Meter Status (Yes/No) Notes Single Family: Y¥ 120/240V, 1-PHASE, 3-WIRE Multi Family: N N/A Commercial: 4 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Public: YX 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE FUEL SYSTEM INVENTORY Bulk Storage Capacity: 17,000 Number of Bulk Tanks: 5 Diked Containment? (Y/N): Y Visual Evidence of Leaks: NONE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM System Voltage/Phases Overhead: 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Underground: N/A N/A Combined: N/ Laid on Ground: N/A SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER Capacity: 3-167.5 KVA Pad: N/A Pole: ON AN H-PLATFORM Voltage In/Out: 480/4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE UNMETERED STREET LIGHTS Quantity: 66 150W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM GENERAL NOTES 1. POWER PLANT IS VERY CLEAN, HAS CONCRETE FLOOR W/METAL BUILDING. POWER PLANT HAS EMERGENCY LIGHTS, FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND FIRE EXTINGUISHER AT EXIT DOOR. 2. THE OPERATOR USES PLANT LOGS. IN GENERAL, THE POWER PLANT IS IN AN EXCELLENT CONDITION. 3. INSTALL STATION SERVICE KWH METER. 1, ATQASUK Recommendations: Install a station service kWH meter to measure the power consumption of the power plant. Totalizing kWH demand meter read 0.28 X 1,200 = 336 kW, the LED bus kW meter was reading 300 kW, the Dranetz unit was recording 260.7 kW and demand load calculations indicate 265 kW. It appears that the totalizing kWH demand meter has not been reset. Reset totalizing kWH demand meter monthly. There is about 13% difference in the demand load calculations and the LED bus kW meter’s reading. Recalibrate the LED bus kW meter to +2% during line loss investigation. There are 66 each 150 Watt HPS unmetered street lights in the village. It is estimated that the total monthly unmetered street light load is 3,614 KWH. This is a portion of the unmetered system losses, and is an eligible community facility cost for PCE subsidy. According to the monthly PCE reports, the system line losses for the years of 1988 and 1989 are: 53.5%, and 39.8%, respectively. The system line losses for these years are excessively high. The Alaska Energy Authority will provide technical assistance to perform an investigation of the power system line losses. The new PCE rules will calculate rates based on a 10% maximum total system loss, including station service. In compliance with AS 44.83.162(c)(1), and consistent with the administrative practices of the PCE program, a oe participating in the program is entitled to receive power cost equalization for sales of power to local community facilities, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kWH per month for each resident of the community. If the utility provides electric power at no cost to the local community facilities or to any of its customers, that donated power is not eligible for PCE credits. North Slope Borough Utilities must collect all electrical billings to receive PCE credits. 1 2 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PAGE: of. PCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DATE: 12-Jan-90 LOCATION: ATQASUK , ALASKA PREPARED FOR RSA ENGINEERING FILES ATQASUK By Clark-Graves, Inc. CONSTRUCTION COSTS QUANTITY UNIT MATERIAL FREIGHT LABOR LABOR TOTAL DISCIPLINE/ITEMS Hours/ Rate Item Descr. $/unit = $/Unit Unit $/Hour Cost ($) FURNISH AND INSTALL SERVICE METER Meter And Socket 1 EACH 430.00 22.00 2.000 40.95 $534.00 Wire And Conduit 10 L. FEET 8.50 6.00 0.300 40.95 $268.00 POWER DISTRIB. SYSTEM STUDY Transportation 2 R.TRIPS 370.00 270.00 12.571 40.95 $2,310.00 Room And Board 12 MANDAYS 125.00 $1,500.00 Added Engineering Expense 12. MANDAYS 12.571 40.95 $6,177.00 (Note This Allowance Should Be Added To The Engineering Services Provided For Below) METER STREET LIGHTS Main Disconnect 1 EACH 250.00 6.000 40.95 $496.00 Service Meter,Socket 7 EACH 157.00 6.000 40.95 $403.00 (Assumes All Street Lights Are On A Single Circuit) DIRECT EXPENSE SUBTOTAL: $11,688.00 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT TOOLS & EQUIP 2 5% * LABOR: 1 ALLOW 395.00 $395.00 HOME OFFICE EXP.AT 15%*DIRECT: 1 ALLOW 1,753.00 $1,753.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Mob/Demob Tools And Equipment 1,000 LBS 1.80 $1,800.00 Crew 4 R.TRIPS 1,000.00 450.00 8.000 40.95 $7,110.00 Room And Board 33 MANDAYS 125.00 $4,181.00 Supervision 1 WEEK 100.00 180.00 60.000 40.95 $2,737.00 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $17,976.00 DIRECT EXPENSE AND CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $29,664.00 PROFIT 2 25% $7,416.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (FY89) $37,080.00 CONTINGENCY @ 10% $3,708.00 CONTRACT COST (FY90) $40,788.00 DESIGN COST @ 6% OF FY90 CONTRACT COST $2,447.00 SIOH 2 15.0% OF FY90 CONTRACT COST $6,118.00 PROJECT COST (FY90) $49,353.00 SALVAGE VALUE (Assumed To Be Negligble) (Not Incl.) TOTAL INVESTMENT COST (FY90) (Assuming Summer Construction) $50,000.00 ATQASUK Summary: The generation efficiency for the year 1988 is estimated at 11.0 kWH/gallon. All recommendations for this project relate to safety and code requirements, therefore, the generation efficiency will not be increased by performing this work. % of Generation Prorated Efficiency Construction kWH/Gallon Priority # Item # Description Improvement Cost increase 1 1 Install station service kWH meter 0.0% $3,431.00 0.0 2 4 Conduct power distribution system 0.0% 42,723.00 0.0 line loss study 3 3 Install kWH meter for street lights 0.0% 3,846.00 0.0 TOTAL 0.0% $50,000.00 0 | LOAD ANALYSIS : NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - ATQASUK 11/02/89 | te ae No etc tort mace tensed nw pena aa ene RRe Seman ne secon aasuncees ete serereccecenemmnnann wan sain seannaaanias sue aans aaa eMseuninwsisesswalsccssnaness-wecrcoees | KWH KWH kw KWH KWH KW KWH KWH KW | | GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ — GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ | | FY 87 FY 87 FUEL LOAD = GAL FY 88 FY 88 FUEL LOAD = GAL FY 89 FY 89 FUEL LOAD «GAL | “| | | |1 96443.0 70771.0 8276.0 132.1 11.7 81232.0 50191.0 8804.0 111.3 9.2 | 2 114833.0 55974.0 9443.0 157.3 12.2 75480.0 59913.0 21211.0 103.4 3.6 | {3 125287.0 78792.0 11050.0 171.6 11.3 87225.0 72730.0 9650.0 119.5 9.0 | [4 105366.0 65894.0 12116.0 144.3 8.7 169195 .0 85498.0 14021.0 231.8 12.1 | [5 138566.0 79561.0 10128.0 189.8 13.7 164939.0 143115.0 15487.0 225.9 10.7 | | 6 131912.0 96155.0 11611.0 180.7 11.4 161500.0 93286.0 14850.0 221.2 10.9 | |7 157511.0 120305.0 16237.0 215.8 9.7 172997.0 120630.0 17372.0 237.0 10.0 | [8 134861.0 70597.0 14281.0 184.7 9.4 167945 .0 129762.0 14276.0 230.1 11.8 | 19 146145.0 100820.0 13871.0 200.2 10.5 122087 .0 102447.0 15348.0 167.2 8.0 | 10 127612.0 90708.0 13012.0 174.8 9.8 126817.0 98917.0 10145.0 173.7 12.5 | 125437.0 88446.0 12184.0 171.8 10.3 121773.0 78828.0 12823.0 166.8 9.5 132883.0 89312.0 12260.0 182.0 10.8 [12 166944 .0 228.7 18.1 126059.0 86059.0 8870.0 TOTAL 292381.0 AVERAGE | | ANNUAL SYSTEM LINE LOSS (%) 20.1 53.5 39.8 |GENERATION EFFICIENCY (KWH/GALLON) 2.4 11.0 9.0 | PEAK LOAD (KW) 228.7 215.8 237.0 | LOW LOAD (KW) 0.0 132.1 103.4 GENERATOR SETS INSTALLED: GEN #1: 275 KW CAT GENERATOR 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECTION. | GEN #2: 425 KW CAT GENERATOR 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS ON-LINE AT TIME OF INSPECTION. | | GEN #3: 650 KW CAT GENERATOR 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECTION. | | | | | | [ia nem eR Ee A mt an | |AMPERAGE LOADS RECORDED AT TIME OF INSPECTION AS FOLLOWS: G-2: 315 A, 350 A, & 320 A @ 480V. THIS DEMAND LOAD CALCULATED WAS 265 KW BASED ON A 425 KW GENERATOR. —| |THE POWER FACTOR WAS 97%. THE KW METER ON THE GENERATOR #2 CONTROLLER WAS READ 285 KW. | KWH GENERATED (Thousands) Iso - 170 — 160 - 150= 140 + 130 120 HO 100 +7" 90 4 80 - 70—— 60 - S0F= 40 BOE 20 10 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH ATQASUK O +H JULY re e aa AUG oO SEPT, OCT NOV DEC FY’87 aE FY’88 © APR | | MAY JUNE KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 0 + . JULY NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - ATQASUK KWH LOSS DURING FY 87 {{}— AUG 0 +p} SEPT OCT NOV KWH GENERATED fi DEC i JAN + H FEB MAR KWH SOLD +H a APR / iho MAY JUNE KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 160 ISO + 140 130 120 — HO - 90 + 60 - 50 = JULY NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - ATQASUK KWH LOSS DURING FY 88 loo | / i AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR Oo KWH GENERATED + KWH SOLD T T oon T | 1 | i _ MAY ——= JUNE KWH GENERATED (Thousands) Iso — 170 160 - ISO — 140 - 130 - 120 - HO 100 90 80 10 = 60 - 50 40 30 20 10 - 0 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH -—- ATQASUK KWH LOSS DURING FY 89 4 <——— a IN 7 i —= + 7 Sa TOT TT TT JULY AUG SEPT OcT NOV DEG JAN FEB a) KWH GENERATED + MAR be _ a | Sse APR KWH SOLD _Al MAY JUNE ATQASUT POWER PLANT WITH CONCRETE FLOOR AND METAL BUILDING THREE - 167.5 KVA - 480/4160V, 3-PHASE, 4- WIRE STEP UP TRANSFORMERS ON AN H-PLATFORM TYPICAL STEP-DOWN TRANSFORMER BANKS 3- PHASE SERVICE TO COMMERCIAL BUILDING, ETC. TYPICAL 10 KVA - 480/2400V, 1-PHASE, 2- WIRE STEP UP. TRANSFORMER TO HOUSES AND UNMETER STREET LIGHT MAIN SWITCHGEAR IS FAIRLY NEW AND IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. METER: MASTER CONTROLLER: 300 KW TOTALIZING KW DEMAND METER: 0.28 X 1200 = DRANETZ UNIT: 260.7 KW LED DEMAND 336 KW FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL (FACP) IS PYROTRONIC SYSTEM 3 HALON AND FACP BATTERY CHARGERS MOTOR CONTROL CENTER IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION 275 KW CAT GENERATOR #1 WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECTION on 425 KW CAT GENERATOR #2 WAS ON-LINE, AND ITS KW DEMAND METER READ 285 KW AT TIME OF INSPECTION 650 KW CAT GENERATOR #3 WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECTION TYPICAL STARTING GENERATOR BATTERIES - LEAD-ACID TYPE TYPICAL GENERATOR BATTERY CHARGER. INSTALL EXPOSED COPPER GROUND CONDUCTOR IN CONDUIT. 175 GALLON FUEL OIL DAYTANK WITH FUEL METER - FILL RITE Community: Dwnership: Date: KAKTOVIK Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: JOE SOPLU 11/01/89 Phone: 640-6514 G-1 G-2 G-3 Operational? (Y/N): Y¥ ¥ XY Engine Make: CAT CAT CAT Engine Model: 3406TA 3406TA 3406TA Engine RPM: 1800 1800 1800 Serial Number: NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE Horsepower: 442 442 442 Governor Type: WOODWARD WOODWARD WOODWARD Model Actuator: EG3P EG3P EG3P Model Speed Control: 2301A 2301A 2301A DC Voltage: 24 24 24 Unit Circuit Breaker: PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED Type/Amp/Volt: GE/600/600 GE/600/600 GE/600/600 Year Installed: 1990 1990 1990 Last Major Overhaul (Hrs): NONE NONE NONE Current Hours: Generator Make: CAT CAT CAT Generator Capacity (KW): 330 330 330 Generator Voltage: 480 480 480 Parallel Switchgear: Y y Y KWH Meter? (Y/N): Y N ¥ Notes: 1. 2. RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY OEM: Hours/Day Attended: Waste Heat Recovery Installed? (Y/N): Waste Heat Recovery Operational? (Y/N): Powerhouse KWH Meter Type: Catalog #: Number of Stators: Demand? (Y/N): CT Ratio: Battery Charger/Type/Model: Individual Genset Meter: Fuel Day Tank Type: Pump #: Motor #: Fuel Day Tank Meter: Fire Protection Type/Operational?: Original Contractor: Spot Reading A Amps: Spot Reading B Amps: Spot Reading C Amps: Spot Reading Volts: Spot Reading Freq.: Power (KW): 24 ¥ XY NOT AVAILABLE 1200/5 LAMARCHE/L/A46-6-24V-Al KW/VOLT/AMP/FREQ/PF METER 500 GAL B&G 1/3_ HP, 120V 1-PHASE PETROMETER 1700-6 TYPE 442 HALON _1301/YES ALCAN ELECTRICAL & ENGR. INC. NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE oO THESE INFORMATIONS ARE FOR THE REMODELED POWER PLANT, WHICH IS SCHEDULED FOR COMPLETION BY SUMMER OF 1990. EXISTING TWO-210KW GENERATORS CAT #3306, 1800 RPM, REUSED AS GENERATOR #4 AND #5. 480V ARE TO BE RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: KAKTOVIK Ownership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: Date: 11/01/89 FACILITY INVENTORY Meter Status (Yes/No) Single Family: Y Multi Family: N Commercial: ¥ Public: Y FUEL SYSTEM INVENTORY Bulk Storage Capacity: Number of Bulk Tanks: Diked Containment? (Y/N): Visual Evidence of Leaks: POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM System Overhead: 4160V Underground: N/A Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH JOE SOPLU Phone: 640-6514 Notes 120/240V, 1-PHASE, 3-WIRE N/A 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE 20,000 2 Y NONE THEY ARE IN GOOD SHAPE Voltage/ Phases 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Combined: N/A Laid on Ground: N/A SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER Capacity: 1000KVA DRY TYPE TRANSFORMER Pad: ON WOOD PLATFORM Pole: N/A Voltage In/Out: 480/4160V, UNMETERED STREET LIGHTS 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Quantity: 81 150W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM GENERAL NOTES HAS EMERGENCY LIGHTS, EXTINGUISHER AT DOORS. WOOD PLATFORM. POWER PLANT IS BEING REMODELED. POWER PLANT HAS CONCRETE FLOOR WITH METAL BUILDING. FIRE ALARM & HALON PROTECTION SYSTEM & FIRE POWER PLANT IS VERY CLEAN & WELL MAINTAINED. THE OPERATOR USES PLANT LOGS 4. NEW 1000KVA PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER IS ALREADY INSTALLED ON THE POWER PLANT RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: KAKTOVIK Ownership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: JOE SOPLU Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Date: 11/01/89 Phone: 640-6514 G-1 G-2 G-3 Operational? (Y/N): Y ¥ Engine Make: CAT CAT Engine Model: 3412 3406PC Engine RPM: 1200 1200 Serial Number: ----- ee Horsepower: 636.7 281.5 - Governor Type: WOODWARD WOODWARD Model Actuator: EG3P EG3P Model Speed Control: 1301A 1301A DC Voltage: 24 24 Unit Circuit Breaker: PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED Type/Amp/Volt: UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Year Installed: ---- = Last Major Overhaul (Hrs): NONE NONE Current Hours: werssss eee Generator Make: CAT CAT Generator Capacity (KW): 475 210 Generator Voltage: 480 480 Parallel Switchgear: Y = KWH Meter? (Y/N): Y¥ vy . OEM: Hours/Day Attended: 4 Waste Heat Recovery Installed? (Y/N): N Waste Heat Recovery Operational? (Y/N): N Powerhouse KWH Meter Type: Catalog #: : Number of Stators: Demand? (Y/N): CT Ratio: Battery Charger/Type/Model: Individual Genset Meter: Fuel Day Tank Type: Pump #: Motor #: Fuel Day Tank Meter: Fire Protection Type/Operational?: Original Contractor: ALCAN Spot Reading A Amps: 350 Spot Reading B Amps: 390 Spot Reading C Amps: 360 Spot Reading Volts: 480 Spot Reading Freq.: 60 Power (KW): 244 Notes: 1. POWER PLANT IS SHUT DOWN FOR REMODELING AT TIME OF INSPECTION. THE TEMPORARY POWER PLANT W/ 475KW & 210KW GENERATORS ARE IN PARALLEL OPERATION. 2. BUS AMP METER: TOTALIZING KW DEMAND METER: 350A OR 274KW W/A 90% POWER FACTOR. 350A, 400A, 290KW. RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: KAKTOVIK Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Ownership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: JOE SOPLU Date: 11/01/89 Phone: 640-6514 FACILITY INVENTORY Meter Status (Yes/No) Notes Single Family: Y 120/240V, 1-PHASE, 3-WIRE Multi Family: N Commercial: Y 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Public: K 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE FUEL SYSTEM INVENTORY Bulk Storage Capacity: 20,000 Number of Bulk Tanks: 2 Diked Containment? (Y/N): Y Visual Evidence of Leaks: NONE. THEY ARE IN GOOD SHAPE. POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM System Voltage/Phases Overhead: 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Underground: N/A Combined: N/A Laid on Ground: N/A SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER Capacity: 3-50KVA OIL FILLED XFMRS Pad: N/A Pole: ON AN H-PLATFORM Voltage In/Out: 480/4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE UNMETERED STREET LIGHTS Quantity: 81 150W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM GENERAL NOTES 1. 3-50KVA OIL FILLED TRANSFORMERS ARE TO BE REMOVED AFTER THE REMODEL POWER PLANT IS DONE. 2. EXISTING SWITCHGEARS, MOTOR CONTROL CENTER, FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL HAVE BEEN REMOVED. KAKTOVIK (Barter Island) Recommendations: 1, According to the monthly PCE reports, the system line losses for the years of 1988 and 1989 were: 40% and 53.2%, respectively. The new PCE rules will calculate rates based on a 10% maximum total system loss, including station service. The new PCE rules will calculate rates based on a 10% maximum total system loss, including station service. The Alaska Energy Authority will pode technical assistance to perform an investigation of the power system ine losses. There are 81 each 150 Watts HPS unmetered street lights in the village. It is estimated that the total monthly unmetered street light load is 4,435 kWH. This is a portion of the unmetered system losses, and is an eligible community facility cost for PCE subsidy. In compliance with AS 44.83.162(c)(1), and consistent with the administrative practices of the PCE program, a maliy participating in the program is entitled to receive power cost equalization for sales of power to local communi facilities, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kWH per month for eac resident of the community. If the utility provides electric power at no cost to the local community facilities or to any of its customers, that donated power is not eligible for PCE credits. North Slope Borough Utilities must collect all electrical billings to receive PCE credits. The powerhouse contractor will be installing buss kWH demand meter and station service meter as a part of the master control panel, included as a portion of the contractor. Black iron pipe must be used for fuel supply and return lines for fire safety. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PAGE: of, PCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DATE: 12-Jan-90 LOCATION: KAKTOVIK , ALASKA PREPARED FOR RSA ENGINEERING FILE: KAKTOVIK By Clark-Graves, Inc. CONSTRUCTION COSTS QUANTITY UNIT- MATERIAL = FREIGHT LABOR LABOR TOTAL DISCIPLINE/ITEMS Hours/ Rate Item Descr. $/unit = $/Unit Unit $/Hour Cost ($) 1 2 POWER DISTRIB. SYSTEM STUDY 3 Transportation 2 R.TRIPS 370.00 270.00 12.571 40.95 $2,310.00 4 Room And Board 12 MANDAYS 125.00 $1,500.00 5 Added Engineering Expense 12 MANDAYS 12.571 40.95 $6,177.00 6 (Note This Allowance Should Be Added To The 7 Engineering Services Provided For Below) 8 9 REPLACE FUEL SUPPLY/RETURN LINE 10 Pipe & Fittings 250 =L. FEET 2.75 5.00 0.120 40.95 $3,166.00 11 Isolation Valves 4 EACH 16.00 3.00 0.330 40.95 $130.00 12. Filter 1 EACH 46.00 5.00 0.330 40.95 $65.00 13 Automatic Shut-Off 1 EACH 85.00 6.00 0.500 40.95 $111.00 14 15 METER STREET LIGHTS 16 Main Disconnect 1 EACH 250.00 6.000 40.95 $496.00 17 Service Meter, Socket 1 EACH 157.00 6.000 40.95 $403.00 18 (Assumes All Street Lights Are On A Single 19 Circuit) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DIRECT EXPENSE SUBTOTAL: $14,358.00 29 30 a GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT 33 TOOLS & EQUIP 2 5% * LABOR: 1 ALLOW 451.00 $451.00 34 HOME OFFICE EXP.AT 15%*DIRECT: 1 ALLOW 2,154.00 $2,154.00 35 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 36 Mob/Demob 37 Tools And Equipment 1,000 LBS 1.80 $1,800.00 38 Crew 4 R.TRIPS 800.00 450.00 8.000 40.95 $6,310.00 39 Room And Board 37 MANDAYS 125.00 $4,613.00 40 Supervision 1 WEEK 100.00 180.00 60.000 40.95 $2,737.00 41 5 42 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $18,065.00 43 44 DIRECT EXPENSE AND CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: . . $32,423.00 45 46 PROFIT 2 25% $8,106.00 47 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (FY89) $40,529.00 48 CONTINGENCY 2 10% $4,053.00 49 CONTRACT COST (FY90) $44,582.00 50 DESIGN COST @ 6% OF FY90 CONTRACT COST $2,675.00 51 SIOH @ 15.0% OF FY9O0 CONTRACT COST $6,687.00 52 PROJECT COST (FY90) $53,944.00 53 SALVAGE VALUE (Assumed To Be Negligble) (Not Incl.) 54 TOTAL INVESTMENT COST (FY90) 2 (Assuming Summer Construction) $54,000.00 57 KAKTOVIK (Barter Island) Summary: The generation efficiency is estimated at 15.3 kWH/gallon for the year 1988. All recommendations for this project relate to safety and code requirements, therefore, the generation efficiency will not be increased by performing this work. % of Generation Prorated Efficiency Construction kWH/Gallon Priority # Item Description Improvement Cost increase 1 1 Conduct power distribution system 0.0% $37,561.00 0.0 line loss study 2 2 Install a kWH meter to measure the power 0.0% 3,381.00 0.0 consumption of the street lights 3 Subtotal 0.0% $40,942.00 0.0 afety/Health, 5 Replace fuel supply/return lines 0.0% 13,058.00 0.0 with black iron pipes TOTAL 0.0% $54,000.00 0.0 1 Stswescinca= saceecsece seestwn=- | -wcccee | mnan= 161920.0 80330.0 10222.0 221.8 15.8 114560.0 69270.0 7122.0 156.9 16.1 | 2 —_—— cadewencece cecceccere coececene ceccece conse 158870.0 71830.0 7774.0 217.6 20.4 90500.0 74660.0 10714.0 124.0 8.4 [3B eeewwnnnwnni en canaccs) eiseaccr= =nencee jonas 201667.0 187150.0 11369.0 276.3 17.7 149120.0 109687.0 12603.0 204.3 11.8 [4 : 120960.0 96170.0 9277.0 165.7 13.0 173440.0 90157.0 11434.0 237.6 15.2 5 - 164480.0 95710.0 8259.0 225.3 19.9 192640.0 138538.0 16817.0 263.9 11.5 6 : 191360.0 149990.0 13603.0 262.1 14.1 = 192640.0 — 102660.0 = 14459.0 263.9 13.3 [7 : 176160.0 147690.0 12671.0 241.3 13.9 —-205440.0 =: 119750.0 +: 12963.0 281.4 15.8 [8 170880.0 124652.0 13213.0 234.1 12.9 227840.0 133010.0 = 16087.0 312.1 14.2 9 174903.0 135083.0 14353.0 239.6 «12.2 = 112400.0 = 111220.0 16717.0 154.0 6.7 |10 os ose ce teeeeee 158960.0 110187.0 11533.0 217.8 13.8 181752.0 105416.0 9572.0 249.0 19.0 [1 145840.0 98270.0 10077.0 199.8 129280.0 85392.0 9269:0 177.1 13.9 129280.0 100760.0 10932.0 177.1 11.8 [12 94080.0 60230.0 8302.0 128.9 137280.0 97280.0 8560.0 188.1 16.0 ---------- --- - - | == sesesss sess= sssssssss= sesssssss= 0 sssssse=00 sass ssssssses2 = | TOTAL 239920.0 158500.0 1946720.0 1381464.0 130103.0 1769612.0 1155128.0 —139420.0 | AVERAGE 27.4 2.2 222.2 15.3 202.0 12.0 | ee ee ee we ee ee ne ee ee ee ee ec ee ee ee ee ecw e cece cc eee teen een eee een neem eee e en meee eee ene teen een e teen eens ee ee eens | FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 ANNUAL SYSTEM LINE LOSS (%) 51.4 40.9 53.2 |GENERATION EFFICIENCY (KWH/GALLON) 2.2 B35 12.0 PEAK LOAD (KW) 199.8 276.3 312.1 LOW LOAD (KW) 0.0 165.7 124.0 LOAD ANALYSIS - NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - KAKTOVIK DATE: 11/01/89 | ees ee args grea essere css ee ere sg eee erie ee eee aera ea ee Cc eae STE | | KWH KWH kW KWH KWH KW KWH KWH KW GENERATED soto GAL AVG KWH/ GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ — GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG — KWH/ | FY 87 FY 87 FUEL LOAD GAL FY 88 FY 88 FUEL LOAD ~—s GAL “FY 89 FY 89 FUEL LOAD — GAL GENERATOR SETS INSTALLED: GEN #1: 330 KW CAT GENERATOR 480V,3-PHASE, 4-WIRE GEN #2: 330 KW CAT GENERATOR 480V,3-PHASE, 4-WIRE GEN #3: 330 KW CAT GENERATOR 480V,3-PHASE, 4-WIRE GEN #4: 210 KW CAT GENERATOR 480V,3-PHASE, 4-WIRE GEN #5: 210 KW CAT GENERATOR 480V,3-PHASE, 4-WIRE POWER PLANT IS BEING REMODELED. A 475 KW AND A 210 KW CAT GENERATORS WERE ON-LINE AT TIME OF THE INSPECTION. THE AMPERAGE LOADS RECORDED AS FOLLOWS: THIS DEMAND LOAD CALCULATED WAS 299 KW BASED ON A 475 KW AND A 210 KW GENERATORS G-1 (475 KW): 200A, 200A, 190A, AND G-2 (210 KW): 150A, 170A, 170A @ 480V. THE POWER FACTOR WAS 98%. WERE IN PARALLEL OPERATION. KWH GENERATED (Thousands) NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH KAKTOVIK 130 160 + 140 120 100 80 5 60 — 40 - 20 + O 4 JULY AUG oO fp SERT FY’87 {ih OCT tp NOV Te! Ln DEC FY’88 o - JAN APR to MAY JUNE KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 1SO 140 130 120 10 100 90 80 70 60 40 30 10 0 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - KAKTOVIK KWH LOSS DURING FY 87 1 \ o \ _| \ i} f- —_- ——_t ————— Ft +—— rs —— JULY AUG SERT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE oO KWH GENERATED + KWH SOLD KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 10 100 90) = 80 70 -+ NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - KAKTOVIK KWH LOSS DURING FY 88 A ; oN os y “| \ Bi) | \ oa — T T T 1 T T T rr TT JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN. FEB. MAR~ APR MAY O KWH GENERATED + KWH SOLD JUNE KWH GENERATED (Thousands) NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - KAKTOVIK KWH LOSS DURING FY 89 180 — 160 + 140 + 120 + 100 80 - 60 4 40 + 20 + \ 0 JULY T T T T T T T T lenin MAY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR a) KWH GENERATED ete KWH SOLD \ JUNE aS | Ser ‘ . . pare at aa toe ee KAKTOVIK POWER PLANT IS SHUT-DOWN FOR REMODELING 3-S5OKVA - 480/2400V, 1-PHASE, 3-WIRE ON AN H-PLATFORM SHALL BE REMOVED NEW 1,000 KVA-480/4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE DRY TYPE TRANSFORMER ON WOOD PLATFORM AND A NEW 45 FT. CLASS A POWER POLE ARE INSTALLED MAIN OVERHEAD 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE LINE IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION A TEMPORARY MODULAR POWER HOUSE WITH 475 KW AND 210 KW CAT GENERATORS ARE OPERATING. MAIN SWITCHGEAR ON DIAMOND STEEL FLOOR (TEMPORARY ) FIRE ALARM PROTECTION SYSTEM: PYROTRONIC SYSTEM 3 i HALON SPHERE IN KAKTOVIK POWER PLANT’S NEW OFFICE Community: NUIQSUT RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH dwnership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: EDWARD NUKAPLGAK Date: 11/01/89 Phone: 480-6413 G-1 G-2 G-3 Operational? (Y/N): Y ¥ N Engine Make: CAT CAT CAT Engine Model: 3406B 3406B 3306 Engine RPM: 1800 1800 1800 Serial Number: 5GA03943 5GA03942 UNMARKED Horsepower: 295 301.6 207 a Governor Type: WOODWARD WOODWARD WOODWARD Model Actuator: EG3P EG3P EG3P Model Speed Control: 2301A 2301A 2301A DC Voltage: 24 24 24 Unit Circuit Breaker: PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED Type/Amp/Volt: SQ D/350/600 SQ _D/350/600 SQ _D/300/600 Year Installed: ---- <oo- ===— Last Major Overhaul (Hrs): NONE NONE NONE Current Hours: 93059 2864 5006.6 Generator Make: CAT CAT CAT Generator Capacity (KW): 220 225 155 Generator Voltage: 480 480 480 Parallel Switchgear: Y XY Y KWH Meter? (Y/N): Y¥ XY : 7 OEM: Hours/Day Attended: 24 Waste Heat Recovery Installed? (Y/N): Y Waste Heat Recovery Operational? (Y/N): Y Powerhouse KWH Meter Type: SANGAMO S5S, CL 20, 120, 4W Catalog #: 49390816 Number of Stators: 2 READS: 5395xUNKNOWN MULT. # Demand? (Y/N): N CT Ratio: Battery Charger/Type/Model: Individual Genset Meter: 1000/5 LAMARCHE/L/A46-6-24V-Al (TYP) VOLT/AMP/FREQ METER Fuel Day Tank Type: ACE 550 GALLON Pump #: BLACKMER MODEL XS1.5 Motor #: 3/4HP, 208V, 1-PHASE Fuel Day Tank Meter: Fire Protection Type/Operational?: Original Contractor: TOKHEIM READS 1,161337.3 GAL HALON _1301/YES Spot Reading A Amps: 415 Spot Reading B Amps: 350 Spot Reading C Amps: 365 Spot Reading Volts: 480. Spot Reading Freq.: 60 Power (KW): 251 Notes: 1. BUS KW DEMAND METER: 280KW @480V, 60HZ. 2. POWER PLANT'S AMP METER: 24A,24A,27A @480V OR 20.2KW 3. TOTALIZING KW DEMAND METER GE-FM-6S, VM-65-S, CL 10, 120V, 4W, "Y", CAT #700X25GW. READS: 1.14 X UNKNOWN MULTIPLIER. RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: NUIQSUT Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Ownership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: EDWARD NUKAPLGAK Date: 11/01/89 Phone: 480-6413 FACILITY INVENTORY Meter Status (Yes/No) Notes Single Family: wv 120/240V, 1-PHASE, 3-WIRE Multi Family: N N/A Commercial: XY 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Public: K 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE FUEL SYSTEM INVENTORY Bulk Storage Capacity: 40,000 Number of Bulk Tanks: 4 Diked Containment? (Y/N): Y Visual Evidence of Leaks: NONE TANKS ARE IN GOOD SHAPE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM System Voltage/ Phases Overhead: 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Underground: N/A Combined: N/A Laid on Ground: N/A SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER Capacity: 3-75KVA OIL FILLED XFMRS Pad: N/A Pole: CLUSTER MOUNTED Voltage In/Out: 480/4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE UNMETERED STREET LIGHTS Quantity: 75 150W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM GENERAL NOTES G-3 IS NOT OPERATIONAL BECAUSE IT IS BEING OVERHAULED. POWER PLANT IS VERY CLEAN, WELL MAINTENACE, & HAS FIRE ALARM HALON SYSTEM, EMERGENCY LIGHTS, & FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AT DOORS. 3. G-4: CAT #3406, 1800 RPM, 210KW, 480V, WOODWARD EG3P & 2301A, THE CURRENT HR METER: 6103. G-4 IS OPERATIONAL & STANDBY. 4. G-5: CAT #3406, 1800 RPM, 210KW, 480V, WOODWARD EG3P & 2301A, THE CURRENT HR METER: 1215.5. G-5 IS ON-LINE @ TIME OF INSPECTION. 5. DRANTZ UNIT READS 284.6KW @ TIME OF INSPECTION. NR NUIQSUT Recommendations: i According to the monthly PCE reports, the system line losses for the years of 1988 and 1989 are: 39.6%, and 33.9%, respectively. The new PCE rules will calculate rates based on a 10% maximum total system loss, including station service. The Alaska Energy Authority will provide technical assistance to perform an investigation of the power system line losses. Multiplier numbers are not indicated on the existing totalizing and station service kWH meters. Determine the proper multiplier for each KWH meter and note it on the face of the meter. There are 75 each 150 Watt HPS unmetered street lights in the village. It is estimated that the total monthly unmetered street light load is 4,106 kWH. This is a portion of the unmetered system losses, and is an eligible community facility cost for PCE subsidy. At the time of the inspection, the bus kW demand meter read 280 kW, the Dranetz unit read 284.6 kW and a on-site calculation indicated 303.8 kW. Verify that the bus kW demand meter, Dranetz unit and the bus ammeter are accurate. Recalibrate meters as necessary during line loss investigation. Sweat copper pipes are used for fuel pope and return lines instead of black iron. Replace sweat copper pipes with black iron pipe for fire safety. In compliance with AS 44.83.162(c)(1), and consistent with the administrative practices of the PCE program, a muy participating in the program is entitled to receive power cost equalization for sales of power to local community facilities, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kWH per month for each resident of the community. If the utility provides electric power at no cost to the local community facilities or to any of its customers, that donated power is not eligible for PCE credits. North Slope Borough Utilities must collect all electrical billings to receive PCE credits. NUIQSUT Summary: The generation efficiency is estimated at 11.3 kWH/gallon for the year 1988. All recommendations for this project relate to safety and code requirements, therefore, the generation efficiency will not be increased by performing this work. % of Generation Prorated Efficiency Construction kWH/Gallon Priority # Item Description Improvement Cost increase 1 1 Conduct power distribution system 0.0% $39,027.00 0.0 line loss study 2 3 Install a kWH meter to measure the power 0.0% 3,492.00 0.0 consumption of the street lights Subtotal ; 0.0% $42,519.00 0.0 Safety/Health/Code: 5 Replace fuel supply/return lines 0.0% 14,481.00 0.0 with black iron pipes TOTAL 0.0% $57,000.00 0.0 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PAGE: of PCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DATE: 12-Jan-90 LOCATION: NUIQSUT , ALASKA PREPARED FOR RSA ENGINEERING FILE: NUIQSUT By Clark-Graves, Inc. CONSTRUCTION COSTS QUANTITY UNIT MATERIAL = FREIGHT LABOR LABOR TOTAL DISCIPLINE/ ITEMS Hours/ Rate Item Descr. $/Unit = $/Unit Unit $/Hour Cost ($) 1 2 REPLACE FUEL SUPPLY/RETURN LINE 3 Pipe & Fittings 250 =L. FEET 2.75 6.00 0.120 40.95 $3,416.00 4 Isolation Valves 4 EACH 16.00 4.00 0.330 40.95 $134.00 5 Filter 1 EACH 46.00 6.00 0.330 40.95 $66.00 6 Automatic Shut-Off 1 EACH 85.00 7.00 0.500 40.95 $112.00 7 ‘ 8& METER STREET LIGHTS 9 Main Disconnect 1 EACH 250.00 6.000 40.95 $496.00 10 Service Meter, Socket 1 EACH 157.00 6.000 40.95 $403.00 11 (Assumes All Street Lights Are On A Single i Circuit) 1 14 POWER DISTRIB. SYSTEM STUDY 15 Transportation 2 R.TRIPS 370.00 300.00 12.571 40.95 $2,370.00 18 Room And Board 12 MANDAYS 125.00 $1,500.00 17 Added Engineering Expense 12 MANDAYS 12.571 40.95 $6,177.00 18 (Note This Allowance Should Be Added To The 19 Engineering Services Provided For Below) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DIRECT EXPENSE SUBTOTAL: $14,674.00 29 30 a GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT 33 TOOLS & EQUIP 2 5% * LABOR: 1 ALLOW 451.00 $451.00 34 HOME OFFICE EXP.AT 15%*DIRECT: 1 ALLOW 2,201.00 $2,201.00 35 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 36 Mob/Demob 37 ~=Tools And Equipment 1,000 LBs 2.00 $2,000.00 38 Crew 4 R.TRIPS 1,000.00 500.00 8.000 40.95 $7,310.00 39 Room And Board 37 MANDAYS 125.00 $4,613.00 40 Supervision 1 WEEK 100.00 200.00 60.000 40.95 $2,757.00 41 42 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $19,332.00 43 44 DIRECT EXPENSE AND CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $34,006.00 45 46 PROFIT 2 25% $8,502.00 47 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (FY89) $42,508.00 48 CONTINGENCY @ 10% $4,251.00 49 CONTRACT COST (FY90) $46,759.00 50 DESIGN COST @ 6% OF FY90 CONTRACT COST $2,806.00 51 SIOH @ 15.0% OF FY90 CONTRACT COST $7,014.00 52 PROJECT COST (FY90) $56,579.00 53 SALVAGE VALUE (Assumed To Be Negligble) (Not Incl.) 54 TOTAL INVESTMENT COST (FY90) 55 (Assuming Summer Construction) $57,000.00 56 —————_——_—_-_--- 57 LOAD ANALYSIS - NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - NUIQSUT DATE: 11/01/89 KWH KWH kw KWH KWH KW KWH KWH KW | GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ — GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ = GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ | FY 87 FY 87 FUEL LOAD GAL FY 88 FY 88 FUEL LOAD ~— GAL FY 89 FY 89 FUEL LOAD ~— GAL 1 85671.0 61294.0 8762.0 117.4 9.8 84384 .0 50203.0 13681.0 115.6 6.2 [2 101088.0 53512.0 10094.0 138.5 10.0 105102.0 57528.0 14300.0 144.0 7.3 5 118944 .0 106985.0 10914.0 162.9 10.9 99017.0 84017.0 13187.0 135.6 7.5 [4 125790.0 80670.0 11012.0 172.3 11.4 150336.0 50610.0 15887.0 205.9 9.5 [5 161854.0 80070.0 14510.0 221.7 11.2 171648.0 147593.0 20122.0 235.1 8.5 6 157792.0 116189.0 14329.0 216.2 11.0 175968.0 132963.0 = 17151.0 241.1 10.3 7 164448.0 132029.0 13252.0 225.3 12.4 181142.0 151116.0 11757.0 248.1 15.4 8 130105.0 111503.0 14305.0 178.2 9.1 148320.0 139227.0 11757.0 203.2 12.6 |9 147899.0 119931.0 14811.0 202.6 10.0 169920.0 117006.0 = 14994.0 232.8 11.3 10 134457.0 93589.0 11061.0 184.2 12.2 119125.0 110786.0 9088.0 163.2 13.1 ("1 122112.0 74209.0 10772.0 167.3 11.3 112456.0 85955.0 10260.0 154.0 11.0 130752.0 105857.0 20567.0 179.1 6.4 12 98208.0 60744.0 9133.0 134.5 10.8 125218.0 80218.0 7586.0 171.5 16.5 <ssccsccccs sccccccccce ccecceees sereee sence = sssssssss= ==! = oo ssssss= ssss= 0 ssssss=: sss! sssss 00 ssss=0 sass = = == sess [TOTAL 220320.0 134953.0 19905.0 1565722.0 1121945.0 140896.0 1535714.0 1146906.0 162491.0 AVERAGE 25.2 1.8 178.7 11.3 175.3 9.0 | | wee ee ee wee ee eee ee ee eee eee ee eee eee e eee ee ee cee cee eee teem en eee n eee mene n eee e mene n eee ene eens eee een e nen eee e nes eceeses | FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 [ANNUAL SYSTEM LINE LOSS (%) 63.3 39.6 33.9 |GENERATION EFFICIENCY (KWH/GALLON) 1.8 11.3 9.0 |PEAK LOAD (KW) 167.3 225.3 248.1 [LOW LOAD (KW) 0.0 117.4 115.6 | |-ooec enc ee cece cece c cece eee ee ee cence cence cece eceec ene nec ese ecc ere eneeseseeseensenescesseeseeneeceeneecenasccsneesssneecsecerseneecessersesteseeseeesecsereeseeees [GENERATOR SETS INSTALLED: GEN #1: 220 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS ON-LINE AT TIME OF INSPECITON. | GEN #2: 225 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECITON. | GEN #3: 155 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS NOT OPERATIONAL AT TIME OF INSPECITON. | GEN #4 210 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECITON. | GEN #5: 210 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS ON-LINE AT TIME OF INSPECITON. | |AMPERAGE LOADS RECORDED AT TIME OF INSPECTION AS FOLLOWS: G-1: 215 A, 170 A, 185 A, AND G-5: 200 A, 180 A, 180 A @ 480V. THIS DEMAND LOAD CALCULATED WAS 304 KW [BASED ON A 220 KW & A 210 KW GENERATORS WERE IN PARALLEL OPERATION. THE POWER FACTOR WAS 97%. THE BUS KW METER WAS READ 280 KW. THE POWER PLANT AMP METER WAS [READ AS FOLLOWS: 24 A, 24 A, & 27 A @ 480V. POWER PLANT'S DEMAND LOAD CALCULATED WAS 20 KW. THE DRANTZ UNIT WAS READ 284.6 KW. KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 190 180 170 160 ISO - 140 130 120 + No ~ 100 - S0== 80 - 70 60 + 50 5 40 30° 20 10 0 Ht JULY NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH NUIQSUT ty AUG QO Ct Y SEPT FY’87 et OCT 4 NOV "+ tp DEC FY’88 td JAN ty FEB ° 4 MAR FY’89 oy APR T MAY JUNE KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 130 -+-—- 120 - lO 100 Ss 70 - 60 50 40 - 30 20 10 [BS JULY NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - NUIQSUT IKXWH LOSS DURING FY 87 ® p p #—_—_# ® ® AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE oO KWH GENERATED + KWH SOLD KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 170 160 — 150 140 — 130 120 HO 100 — 90 80 - 70 60 — 50 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - NUIQSUT KWH LOSS DURING FY 88 Jn ae \ + aw ti} SR | 1 1 1 1 Tr T T T 1 T JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY Oo KWH GENERATED + KWH SOLD JUNE KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 190 180 — 170 - 160 ISO - 140 — 130 120 HO 100 90 80 - 70 50 40 30 20 - 10 = 0 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - NUIQSUT KWH LOSS DURING FY 89 L 7 / <= a {i A / x - Tal | T T I I T T 7 al JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY Oo KWH GENERATED ete KWH SOLD MAIN OVERHEAD LINE 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION TYPICAL POLE MOUNTED TRANSFORMER 2400, 1- PHASE TO 120/240V, 1-PHASE 3-WIRE OVERHEAD SERVICE TO HOUSES & TYPICAL UNMETERED STREET LIGHTS NUIQSUT POWER IS FAIRLY NEW WITH CONCRETE FLOOR AND METAL BUILDING POLE MOUNTED XFMR BANK 480V/3-PHASE TO 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE OVERHEAD. FUEL OIL TANK FARM WITH CAPACITY OF 40,000 GALLONS WITH DIKE AND LINER. THEY ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. 5 - GENERATORS WITH SKIDS SET ON CONCRETE FLOOR. THEY ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. 225 KW CAT GENERATOR #2 WAS STAND-BY AT THE TIME OF THE INSPECTION 2()-33-108 155 KW CAT GENERATOR #3 WAS NOT OPERATIONAL. IT NEEDS TO BE OVERHAULED. TYPICAL LEADACID GENERATOR STARTING BATTERIES 550 GALLON DAYTANK WITH DIKED CONTAINMENT. TYPICAL SWEAT COPPER FUEL SUPPLY AND RETURN LINES ARE USED INSTEAD OF BLACK IRON. FENWALL FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL, HALON 130’ PANEL U/V DETECTOR AND FIRE EXTINGUISHER FUEL METER, TOKHEIM WITH A TOTAL READING OF 16; 161, 337.3 GALLONS BATTERY CHARGER - LAMARCHE, TYPE L AND MODEL A46-6-241A1 (TYPICAL OF 5) MAIN SWITCHGEARS ARE ON CONCRETE PAD AND IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. MASTER CONTROLLER HAS A TOTALIZING KW DEMAND METER, DRANETZ UNIT & A STATION SERVICE KWH METER. MULTIPLIER NUMBERS NOT INDICATED. DRANETZ UNITS - 284.6 KW RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: POINT HOPE Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH wnership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: NORMAN OMNIK Date: 10/31/89 Phone: 368-2515 G-1 G-2 G-3 Operational? (Y/N): ¥ Y Y Engine Make: CAT CAT CAT Engine Model: 3406B 3406BDT 3406 Engine RPM: 1800 1800 1800 Serial Number: 2WDO01100 2WBO5511 2WD01105 Horsepower: 429 429 429 Governor Type: WOODWARD WOODWARD WOODWARD Model Actuator: EG3P EG3P EG3P Model Speed Control: 2301A 2301A 2301A DC Voltage: 24 24 24 Unit Circuit Breaker: PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED Type/Amp/Volt: GE/600/600 GE/600/600 GE/600/600 Year Installed: 1986 1986 1986 Last Major Overhaul (Hrs): NONE NONE NONE Current Hours: 99347 9603 803 Generator Make: CAT CAT CAT Generator Capacity (KW): 320 320 250 Generator Voltage: 480 480 480 Parallel Switchgear: Y¥ ¥ y KWH Meter? (Y/N): ¥ Y Y OEM: Hours/Day Attended: 24 Waste Heat Recovery Installed? (Y/N): Y Waste Heat Recovery Operational? (Y/N): Y Powerhouse KWH Meter Type: NO Catalog #: N/A Number of Stators: N/A Demand? (Y/N): CT Ratio: 2000/5 Battery Charger/Type/Model: LAMARCHE/L/A46-6-24V-Al (TYP) Individual Genset Meter: VOLT/AMP/FREQ METER Fuel Day Tank Type: 285 GAL Pump #: Motor #: Fuel Day Tank Meter: TOKHEIM READS 1,784,708 GAL Fire Protection Type/Operational?: HALON 1301/YES Original Contractor: Spot Reading A Amps: 700 Spot Reading B Amps: 660 Spot Reading C Amps: 560 Spot Reading Volts: 480 Spot Reading Freq.: 60 Power (KW): 426 v- Notes: 1. MAIN SWITCHGEAR: BUS KW METER: 510KW; BUS AMP METER 640A OR 521KW TOTALIZING KW DEMAND METER: WESTINGHOUSE-D5B-3FM, CL 20, 120V,4W, Y 3-STATORS, MULTIPLIER # IS 960, CAT #77288940. READS .76X960=730KW 2. DRANETZ #808 READS 487.8KW @11:04AM. RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: POINT HOPE Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Ownership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: NORMAN OMNIK Date: 10/31/89 Phone: 368-2515 FACILITY INVENTORY Meter Status (Yes/No) Notes Single Family: XY 120/240V, 1-PHASE, 3-WIRE Multi Family: N N/A Commercial: XY 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Public: y 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE FUEL SYSTEM INVENTORY Bulk Storage Capacity: 62,000 Number of Bulk Tanks: 9 Diked Containment? (Y/N): Y WITH DIKE LINER Visual Evidence of Leaks: NONE IT IS IN GOOD SHAPE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM System Voltage/Phases Overhead: 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Underground: N/A Combined: N/A Laid on Ground: N/A SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER Capacity: 3-100 KVA OIL FILLED XFMRS Pad: N/A Pole: ON AN H-PLATFORM Voltage In/Out: 480/4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE UNMETERED STREET LIGHTS Quantity: 120 150W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM GENERAL NOTES 1. G-4: CAT #3406, 1800 RPM, 320KW, 480V, WOODWARD EG3P & 2301A, CURRENT HR METER: 9952. IT IS OPERATIONAL AND STANDBY. 2. G-5: CAT #3406PC, 1800 RPM, 260KW, 480V, WOODWARD EG3P & 2301A, S/N IS 90U7016, CURRENT HR METER: 13,351. IT'S OPERATIONAL AND STANDBY. 3. POWER PLANT IS VERY CLEAN & WELL MAINTENANCE. POWER PLANT HAS CONCRETE FLOOR W/METAL BUILDING. GENERATORS ARE ON SKIDS. 4. THE OPERATOR USES PLANT LOGS. 1. POINT HOPE Recommendations: According to the monthly PCE reports, the system line loss for the year of 1988 was: 14.7%. The system line loss for this year is excessively high. Also bad power factor. The new PCE rules will calculate rates based on a 10% maximum total system loss, including station service. The Alaska Energy Authority will Aaah technical assistance to perform an investigation of the power system ine loss. Install a station service kWH meter to measure the power consumption of the power plant. At the time of the inspection, the bus LED kW demand meter read 510 kW, the bus ammeter read 700A (570 kW @ 0.98 power factor), the Dranetz unit read 487.8 kW, and the totalizing kW demand meter read 0.76 x 960 = 729.6 kW. Reset totalizing kW demand meter monthly. Verify the accuracy of the bus ammeter and Dranetz unit and recalibrate as necessary during line loss investigation. There are 120 each 150 Watt HPS unmetered street lights in the village. It is estimated that the total monthly unmetered street light load is 7,560 KWH. This is a portion of the unmetered system losses, and is an eligible community facility cost for PCE subsidy. Sweat copper pipes are used for fuel supply and return lines instead of black iron. Replace sweat copper pipe with black iron pipe for fire safety. In compliance with AS 44.83.162(c)(1), and consistent with the administrative practices of the PCE program, a oe participating in the program is entitled to receive power cost equalization for sales of power to local communi facilities, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kWH per month for eac resident of the community. If the utility provides electric power at no cost to the local community facilities or to any of its customers, that donated power is not eligible for PCE credits. North Slope Borough Utilities must collect all electrical billings to receive PCE credits. POINT HOPE Summary: The generation efficiency is estimated at 9.4 kWH/gallon for the year 1988. All recommendations for this project relate to safety and code requirements, therefore, the generation efficiency will not be increased by performing this work. % of Generation Prorated Efficiency Construction kWH/Gallon Priority # Item # Description Improvement Cost increase 1 2 Install station service kHW meter 0.0% $3,081.00 2 1 Conduct power distribution system 0.0% 38,028.00 0.0 : line loss study 3 4 Install a kWH meter to measure the power 0.0 3,781.00 0.0 consumption of the street lights Subtotal 0.0% $44,890.00 0.0 Safety/Health/Code: 6 Replace fuel supply/return lines 0.0% 14,110.00 0.0 with black iron pipes TOTAL 0.0' $59,000.00 0.0 | | WOUWOUUWN NUNN N NNN a ome eo moe FUNVSSVSBSVRRRAVVSSBVRGRANSSwmnausuns 35 w oO 37 Rew =S0@e 42 UNUM PEPE h YRRRENLSSESRGRG ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PAGE: of, PCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DATE: 12-Jan-90 LOCATION: POINT HOPE , ALASKA PREPARED FOR RSA ENGINEERING FILE: PHOPE By Clark-Graves, Inc. CONSTRUCTION COSTS QUANTITY UNIT MATERIAL = FREIGHT LABOR LABOR TOTAL DISCIPLINE/ ITEMS Hours/ Rate Item Descr. $/Unit $/Unit Unit $/Hour Cost ($) FURNISH AND INSTALL STATION SERVICE METER Meter And Socket 1 EACH 430.00 24.00 2.000 40.95 $536.00 Wire And Conduit 10. L. FEET 8.50 7.00 0.300 40.95 $278.00 REPLACE FUEL SUPPLY/RETURN LINE Pipe & Fittings 250 s«L. FEET 2.75 6.00 0.120 40.95 $3,416.00 Isolation Valves 4 EACH 16.00 4.00 0.330 40.95 $134.00 Filter 1 EACH 46.00 6.00 0.330 40.95 $66.00 Automatic Shut-Off 1 EACH 85.00 7.00 0.500 40.95 $112.00 METER STREET LIGHTS Main Disconnect 1 EACH 350.00 6.000 40.95 $596.00 Service Meter, Socket 1 EACH 157.00 6.000 40.95 $403.00 (Assumes All Street Lights Are On A Single Circuit) POWER DISTRIB. SYSTEM STUDY Transportation 2 R. TRIPS 370.00 300.00 12.571 40.95 $2,370.00 Room And Board 12. MANDAYS 125.00 $1,500.00 Added Engineering Expense : 12. MANDAYS 12.571 40.95 $6,177.00 (Note This Allowance Should Be Added To The Engineering Services Provided For Below) DIRECT EXPENSE SUBTOTAL: $15,588.00 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT TOOLS & EQUIP 2 5% * LABOR: 1 ALLOW 461.00 $461.00 HOME OFFICE EXP.AT 15%*DIRECT: 1 ALLOW 2,338.00 $2,338.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Mob/Demob Tools And Equipment 1,000 LBS 2.00 $2,000.00 Crew 4 R.TRIPS 1,000.00 500.00 8.000 40.95 $7,310.00 Room And Board 37 MANDAYS 125.00 $4,613.00 Supervision 1 WEEK 100.00 200.00 60.000 40.95 $2,757.00 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $19,479.00 DIRECT EXPENSE AND CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $35,067.00 PROFIT @ 25% $8,767.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (FY89) $43,834.00 CONTINGENCY 2 10% $4,383.00 CONTRACT COST (FY90) $48,217.00 DESIGN COST a 6% OF FY90 CONTRACT COST $2,893.00 SIOH 2 15.0% OF FY9O CONTRACT COST $7,233.00 PROJECT COST (FY90) $58,343.00 SALVAGE VALUE (Assumed To Be Negligble) (Not Incl.) TOTAL INVESTMENT COST (FY90) (Assuming Summer Construction) $59,000.00 | LOAD ANALYSIS - NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - POINT HOPE DATE: 10/31/89 | we ccm cece wee ccc ccc ewe cen n ccc cece eect w ewe ewww newer en eee cree cece tec e cece teense emcee cece ene cece e cnn mec w went cet c eect e eee n cece eset w ence enc cesennees | | KWH KWH KW KWH KWH kW KWH KWH kw | | GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ | | FY 87 FY 87 FUEL LOAD GAL FY 88 FY 88 FUEL LOAD GAL FY 89 FY 89 FUEL LOAD GAL | | |1 138807.0 131519.0 17702.0 190.1 7.8 134269.0 126028.0 19428.0 183.9 6.9 | [2 186454 .0 157471.0 20404.0 255.4 9.1 150050.0 141477.0 21211.0 205.5 7.1 | wn i i reine ree meee eases) ~~ 234081.0 191263.0 22306.0 320.7 10.5 213905 .0 198954 .0 22100.0 293.0 9.7 | = <—~—= Sinner) eae eae 199574.0 170123.0 24262.0 273.4 8.2 212751.0 180282.0 25100.0 291.4 8.5 | anne 210456.0 177111.0 23118.0 288.3 9.1 228567.0 229033.0 27913.0 313.1 8.2. | Oa aa ae eee eee 203174.0 186797.0 23749.0 278.3 8.6 216232.0 211232.0 25792.0 296.2 8.4 | ee 322471.0 297453.0 28632.0 441.7 11.3 2299440 211101.0 27588.0 315.0 8.3 er wala lee a eee 186085 .0 180435.0 21449.0 254.9 8.7 260419.0 248497.0 24442.0 356.7 10.7 19 202512.0 186534.0 23672.0 277.4 8.6 215884 .0 171466.0 27010.0 295.7 8.0 |10 stccee ceceececce cececreee seeecee cceee 208834 .0 172274.0 19764.0 286.1 10.6 266290.0 202381.0° 34618.0 364.8 7.7 | [11 192930.0 158160.0 18555.0 264.3 10.4 182670.0 149670.0 21193.0 250.2 8.6 173894 .0 170550.0 24746.0 238.2 7.0 «| [12 142475.0 128080.0 17805 .0 195.2 8.0 218748.0 173748.0 N9247.0 299.0 Wee) eeeeesse “eee ePeeee Goes sas | = S20 sesssssz 0 ssssss= 0 sess= 0 sez) = ssezs! Sesssssz 0 ssss=00 sssee 0 sssssessss= = = | TOTAL 335405.0 286240.0 36360.0 2493866.0 2174398.0 265498.0 2302205.0 2091001.0 279948.0 | [AVERAGE 38.30 1.5 284.7 9.4 262.8 7.5 | |ANNUAL SYSTEM LINE LOSS (%) 17.2 14.7 10.1 GENERATION EFFICIENCY (KWH/GALLON) 1.5 9.4 75 |PEAK LOAD (KW) 264.3 441.7 364.8 | [LOW LOAD (KW) 0.0 190.1 183.9 | | | Pec eww wc weer cece ccm cece ccc ccc cece e cece ccc cece cece ese ees ewe cece eee wees cee e nce n meee cece em ec cece cence nec wwe ecw cee cn cece cece ccc cee cece ccc cece ec ce cece cescccens |GENERATOR SETS INSTALLED: GEN #1: 320 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECITON. | | GEN #2: 320 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS ON-LINE AT TIME OF INSPECITON. | GEN #3: 250 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS ON-LINE AT TIME OF INSPECITON. | | GEN #4: 320 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECITON. | | GEN #5: 260 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECITON. | | Ds a a a aaa way ee aa ae a an enna | |AMPERAGE LOADS RECORDED AT TIME OF INSPECTION AS FOLLOWS: G-2: 360 A, 340 A, 280 A, AND G-3: 340 A, 320 A, 280 A @ 480V. THIS DEMAND LOAD CALCULATED WAS 521 KW | |BASED ON A 320 KW & A 250 KW GENERATORS WERE IN PARALLEL OPERATION. THE POWER FACTOR WAS 98%. THE BUS KW METER WAS READ 510 KW. | |THE DRANTZ UNIT WAS READ 487.8 KW. | KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 330 320 310 300 — 290 +4 280 270 260 250 240 230 °- 220 210 200 - 190 180 ry - 160 150 140 NOR TSOP ER bOROUGHHA Ort Horr KWH LOSS DURING FY 88 a +] 5 o =i Ys aa ‘ + 4/ / 1 jy i i‘ 7 Ce T T al T T I T T I T JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE Oo KWH GENERATED + KWH SOLD KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 160 10 - Ro -| 100 ~ NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - POINT HOPE KWH LOSS DURING FY 89 60 - 40 - 205 0 T 1 iF T T | 1 T 1 1 H JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE oO KWH GENERATED + KWH SOLD KWH GENERATED (Thousands) NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH POINT HOPE 340 -——— JULY AUG oO of SEPT FY’87 44 OCT if NOV + ii DEC FY’88 4 JAN tt FEB ° (onl MAR FY’89 fH APR MAY JUNE KWH GENERATED (Thousands) NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - POINT HOPE 200 KWH LOSS DURING FY 87 190 - Iso - 170 - 160 150 140 - 130 20 - oO - 100 90 80 - 70 - 60 - 50 40 se 30 20 - 10 4 0 -a JULY tH AUG o 1} ft SEPT KWH GENERATED tH OCT p NOV KWH SOLD T MAY JUNE MAIN OVERHEAD LINE 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION TYPICAL POLE MOUNTED TRANSFORMER BANK 4160V, 3-PHASE TO 208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE OVERHEAD SERVICE TO USDW FACILITY BUILDING TYPICAL UNMETERED STREET LIGHT AND PVC CONDUCTOR SPACER. FUEL OIL TANK FARM WITH CAPACITY OF 62,000 GALLONS PLATFORM MOUNTED TRANSFORMER BANK 480V, 3- PHASE, TO 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE OVERHEAD POINT HOPE POWER PLANT IS FAIRLY NEW WITH A CONCRETE FLOOR AND METAL BUILDING TYPICAL GENERATOR CONTROLLER WITH VOLT/FREQ/AMP/KW/PF METER MAIN SWITCHGEAR IS ON CONCRETE FLOOR AND IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. REMOTE SYNCHRONIZING PANEL WITH BUS FREQUENCY METER AND VOLT METER. MOTOR CONTROL CENTER WITH DRANETZ UNIT, WHICH READ 487.8 KW AT TIME OF INSPECTION 5 - GENERATORS WITH SKIDS ON A CONCRETE FLOOR AND EQUIPMENT GROUND 320 KW CAT GENERATOR #2 WAS ON-LINE & ITS KW DEMAND METER READ 260KW. TYPICAL SWEAT COPPER FUEL SUPPLY & RETURN LINE IS USED INSTEAD OF BLACK IRON. 250 KW CAT GENERATOR #3 WAS ON-LINE AND ITS KW DEMAND METER READ 250 KW AT TIME OF INSPECTION. HALON 1301, FIRE EXTINGUISHER HALON SPHERE, EMERGENCY LIGHT = 300 GALLON DAYTANK ON CONCRETE FLOOR OF FUEL METER TOKHEIM WITH A TOTAL READING 1,784,708 GALLONS. TYPICAL U/V DETECTOR THROUGHOUT THE POWER PLANT RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: POINT LAY Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH wnership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: AMOS AGANASSAGGA Date: 10/31/89 Phone: 833-2214 G-1 G-2 G-3 Operational? (Y/N): ¥ Y Y Engine Make: CAT CAT CAT Engine Model: 3306 3306TA 3306TA Engine RPM: 1800 1800 1800 Serial Number: 5EA00490 NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE Horsepower: 207.7 281.5 281.5 Governor Type: WOODWARD WOODWARD WOODWARD Model Actuator: PSG EG3P EG3P Model Speed Control: 2301H 2301A 2301A DC Voltage: 24 24 24 Unit Circuit Breaker: PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED Type/Amp/Volt: GE/300/600 GE/400/600 GE/400/600 Year Installed: ---- 1990 1990 Last Major Overhaul (Hrs): NONE NONE NONE Current Hours: 4398.2 Generator Make: CAT CAT CAT Generator Capacity (KW): 155 210 210 Generator Voltage: 480 480 480 Parallel Switchgear: Y Y Y KWH Meter? (Y/N): Y¥ y ¥ OEM: Hours/Day Attended: 24 Waste Heat Recovery Installed? (Y/N): Y Waste Heat Recovery Operational? (Y/N): Y Powerhouse KWH Meter Type: NOT AVAILABLE Catalog #: Number of Stators: Demand? (Y/N): CT Ratio: 1000/5 Battery Charger/Type/Model: LAMARCHE/L/A46-6-24V-Al Individual Genset Meter: KW/VOLT/AMP/PF/FREQ METER Fuel Day Tank Type: 275 GALLON Pump #: ROPER SERIES A 06 Motor #: 1HP, 208V, 3-PHASE Fuel Day Tank Meter: EXISTING Fire Protection Type/Operational?: HALON 1301/YES Original Contractor: TANNER & SON ELECTRIC, INC. Spot Reading A Amps: NONE Spot Reading B Amps: NONE Spot Reading C Amps: NONE Spot Reading. Volts: NONE Spot Reading Freq.: NONE Power (KW): 0 Notes: 1. THESE INFORMATIONS ARE FOR THE REMODELED POWER PLANT, WHICH IS SCHEDULED FOR COMPLETION BY SUMMER OF 1990. 2. G-4 & G-5: CAT #3306TA, 1800 RPM, 210KW, 480V, S/N IS NOT AVAILABLE WOODWARD EG3P & 2301A. RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: POINT LAY Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Ownership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: AMOS AGANASSAGGA Date: 10/31/89 Phone: 833-2214 FACILITY INVENTORY Meter Status (Yes/No) Notes Single Family: Y 120/240V, 1-PHASE, 3-WIRE Multi Family: N N/A Commercial: Y 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Public: K 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE FUEL SYSTEM INVENTORY Bulk Storage Capacity: 20,000 Number of Bulk Tanks: 2 Diked Containment? (Y/N): Y Visual Evidence of Leaks: NONE THEY'RE IN GOOD SHAPE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM System Voltage/Phases Overhead: 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Underground: N/A NA Combined: N/A See eer Laid on Ground: N/A SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER Capacity: 750KVA DRY TYPE TRANSFORMER Pad: ON PLATFORM Pole: N/A Voltage In/Out: 480/4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE UNMETERED STREET LIGHTS Quantity: 60 150W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM GENERAL NOTES 1. POWER PLANT HAS CONCRETE FLOOR WITH METAL BUILDING. POWER PLANT HAS EMERGENCY LIGHTS, FIRE ALARM & HALON PROTECTION SYSTEM, AND FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AT DOORS. POWER PLANT IS VERY CLEAN & WELL MAINTAINED 2. THE OPERATOR USES PLANT LOGS. RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: POINT LAY c Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH vnership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: AMOS AGANASSAGGA Date: 10/31/89 Phone: 833-2214 G-1 G-2 G-3 Operational? (Y/N): Y¥ z ¥ Engine Make: CAT CAT CAT Engine Model: 3304G 3306 3306PC Engine RPM: 1800 1800 1800 Serial Number: 5CA0063 5EA00490 46BH3864 Horsepower: 120.6 207.7 207.7 Governor Type: WOODWARD WOODWARD WOODWARD Model Actuator: PSG PSG PSG Model Speed Control: 2301H 2301H 2301H DC Voltage: 24 24 24 Unit Circuit Breaker: PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED Type/Amp/Volt: /175/600 £300/600 7300/600 Year Installed: ---- <= dacs Last Major Overhaul (Hrs): NONE NONE NONE Current Hours: 6763 4398.2 7980 Generator Make: CAT CAT CAT Generator Capacity (KW): 90 155 155 Generator Voltage: 480 480 480 Parallel Switchgear: Y z Y KWH Meter? (Y/N): Y¥ z Y OEM: Hours/Day Attended: 24 Waste Heat Recovery Installed? (Y/N): Y Waste Heat Recovery Operational? (Y/N): Y Powerhouse KWH Meter Type: GE FM-6S, V-65-S, CL 10, 120V, Catalog #: Number of Stators: Demand? (Y/N): CT Ratio: Battery Charger/Type/Model: Individual Genset Meter: Fuel Day Tank Type: Pump #: Motor #: Fuel Day Tank Meter: Fire Protection Type/Operational?: Original Contractor: Spot Reading A Amps: Spot Reading B Amps: Spot Reading C Amps: Spot Reading Volts: Spot Reading Freq.: Power (KW): Notes: 1. CAT #700X25G776. 700X23G288 2__MULTIPLIER # IS 480 600/75 LAMARCHE/L/A46-6-24V-Al (TYP) KW/PF/VOLT/AMP/FREQ METER 20"X48"X60" 275 GALLON NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE YES YES HALON SYSTEM IN BLDG 240 235 240 480 60 159 THESE INFORMATIONS ARE BASED ON THE OLD POWER PLANT'S EQUIPMENTS. 2. TOTALIZING KW DEMAND METER: GE-FM-6S-V-65-S, IT WAS READ 0.42 X 480 = CL 10, 201.6KW. 120V, 2-STATOR, 3. G-1 & G-2 WERE IN PARALLEL OPERATION. POWER FACTOR WAS 0.92. RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: POINT LAY Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Ownership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: AMOS AGANASSAGGA Date: 10/31/89 Phone: 833-2214 FACILITY INVENTORY Meter Status (Yes/No) Notes Single Family: 4 120/240V, 1-PHASE, 3-WIRE Multi Family: N N/A Commercial: ¥, 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Public: ¥. 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE FUEL SYSTEM INVENTORY Bulk Storage Capacity: 20,000 Number of Bulk Tanks: 2 Diked Containment? (Y/N): Y¥ Visual Evidence of Leaks: NONE THEY'RE IN GOOD SHAPE POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM System Voltage/ Phases Overhead: 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Underground: N/A Combined: N/A Laid on Ground: N/A SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER Capacity: 3-75KVA OIL FILLED XFMRS Pad: N/A Pole: ON AN H-PLATFORM Voltage In/Out: 480/4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE UNMETERED STREET LIGHTS Quantity: 60 150W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM GENERAL NOTES 1. POWER PLANT HAS CONCRETE FLOOR WITH METATL BUILDING. POWER PLANT HAS EMERGENCY LIGHTS, FIRE ALARM & HALON PROTECTION SYSTEM, AND FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. POWER PLANT IS VERY CLEAN & WELL MAINTAINED. 2. THE OPERATOR USES PLANT LOGS. 1 POINT LAY Recommendations: According to the monthly PCE reports, the system line losses for the years of 1988 and 1989 were: 27.6% and 31.9%, respectively. Also bad power factor. The new PCE rules will calculate rates based on a 10% maximum total system loss, including station service. The Alaska Energy Authority will provide technical assistance to perform an investigation of the power system line losses. There are 60 each 150 Watt HPS unmetered street lights in the village. It is estimated that the total monthly unmetered street light load is 3,285 kWH. This is a portion of the unmetered system losses, and is an eligible community facility cost for PCE subsidy. In compliance with AS 44.83.162(c)(1), and consistent with the administrative practices of the PCE program, a ae participating in the program is entitled to receive power cost equalization for sales of power to local community facilities, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kWH per month for each resident of the community. If the utility provides electric power at no cost to the local community facilities or to any of its customers, that donated power is not eligible for PCE credits. North Slope Borough Utilities must collect all electrical billings to receive PCE credit. The power house contractor will be installing buss KWH demand meter and station service meter as a part of the master control panel, included as a portion of the contractor. Black iron pipe must be used for fuel supply and return lines for fire safety. POINT LAY Summary: The generation efficiency is estimated at 10.5 kWH/gallon for the year 1988. All recommendations for this project relate to safety and code requirements, therefore, the generation efficiency will not be increased by performing this work. % of Generation Prorated Efficiency Construction kWH/Gallon Priority # Item Description Improvement | : Cost increase 1 1 Conduct power distribution system 0.0% $39,027.00 0.0 line loss study 2 2 Install a kWH meter to measure the power 0.0' 3,492.00 0.0 consumption of the street lights Subtotal 0.0% $42,519.00 0.0 Safety/Health/Code: 5 Replace fuel supply/return lines 0.0% 14,481.00 0.0 with black iron pipes TOTAL 0.0% $57,000.00 0.0 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PAGE: of, PCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DATE: 12-Jan-90 LOCATION: POINT LAY , ALASKA PREPARED FOR RSA ENGINEERING FILE: POINTLAY By Clark-Graves, Inc. CONSTRUCTION COSTS QUANTITY UNIT MATERIAL = FREIGHT LABOR LABOR TOTAL DISCIPLINE/ ITEMS Hours/ Rate Item Descr. $/unit = $/Unit Unit $/Hour Cost ($) 1 2 POWER DISTRIB. SYSTEM STUDY 3 Transportation 2 R. TRIPS 370.00 300.00 12.571 40.95 $2,370.00 4 Room And Board 12 MANDAYS 125.00 $1,500.00 5 Added Engineering Expense 12 MANDAYS 12.571 40.95 $6,177.00 6 (Note This Allowance Should Be Added To The 7 Engineering Services Provided For Below) 8 9 METER STREET LIGHTS 10 Main Disconnect 1 EACH 250.00 6.000 40.95 $496.00 11 Service Meter, Socket 1 EACH 157.00 6.000 40.95 $403.00 12 (Assumes All Street Lights Are On A Single 13° Circuit) 14 15 REPLACE FUEL SUPPLY/RETURN LINE 16 Pipe & Fittings 250 iL. FEET 2.75 6.00 0.120 40.95 $3,416.00 17 Isolation Valves 4 EACH 16.00 4.00 0.330 40.95 $134.00 18 Filter 1 EACH 46.00 6.00 0.330 40.95 $66.00 19 Automatic Shut-Off 1 EACH 85.00 7.00 0.500 40.95 $112.00 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DIRECT EXPENSE SUBTOTAL: $14,674.00 ca ce een eas 30 31 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT 32 33 TOOLS & EQUIP 2 5% * LABOR: 1 ALLOW 451.00 $451.00 34 HOME OFFICE EXP.AT 15%*DIRECT: 1 ALLOW 2,201.00 $2,201.00 35 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 36 Mob/Demob 37 ~=Tools And Equipment 1,000 LBS 2.00 $2,000.00 38 =Crew 4 R.TRIPS 1,000.00 500.00 8.000 40.95 $7,310.00 39 Room And Board 37 MANDAYS 125.00 $4,613.00 40 Supervision 1 WEEK 100.00 200.00 60.000 40.95 $2,757.00 41 42 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $19,332.00 43 44 DIRECT EXPENSE AND CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: $34,006.00 45 46 PROFIT @ 25% $8,502.00 47 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (FY89) $42,508.00 48 CONTINGENCY 2 10% $4,251.00 49 CONTRACT COST (FY90) $46,759.00 50 DESIGN COST @ 6% OF FY90 CONTRACT COST $2,806.00 51 SIOH @ 15.0% OF FY9O CONTRACT COST $7,014.00 52 PROJECT COST (FY90) $56,579.00 53 SALVAGE VALUE (Assumed To Be Negligble) (Not Incl.) 54 TOTAL INVESTMENT COST (FY90) 55 (Assuming Summer Construction) $57,000.00 56 57 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - POINT LA LOAD ANALYSIS | KWH KWH KW KWH KWH | GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ — GENERATED SOLD GAL | FY 87 FY 87 FUEL LOAD = GAL FY 88 FY 88 FUEL | [1 cee eeeeeece cecceeceee ceecceese seeecee cece 60681 .0 44152.0 5050.0 | 2 52009.0 36983.0 5560.0 | 3 65416.0 65416.0 6220.0 [4 84852.0 60949.0 6818.0 [5 72384 .0 52480.0 7462.0 | 6 82240.0 71202.0 8968.0 |7 88712.0 74285.0 9212.0 [8 74720.0 60819.0 7891.0 19 78312.0 67386.0 8378.0 [10 65923.0 58171.0 6717.0 {1 74951.0 48398.0 5915.0 102.7 12.7 74102.0 45356.0 6214.0 [12 45972.0 31852.0 4911.0 63.0 9.4 88160.0 58160.0 7231.0 | = sess = = sseses [TOTAL 120923.0 80250.0 10826.0 887511.0 695359.0 85721.0 AVERAGE 13.8 1.8 | FY 87 FY 88 |ANNUAL SYSTEM LINE LOSS (%) 50.7 27.6 GENERATION EFFICIENCY (KWH/GALLON) 1.8 10.5 PEAK LOAD (KW) 102.7 121.5 LOW LOAD (KW) 0.0 71.2 GEN #5: 155 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V | AMPERAGE LOADS RECORDED AT TIME OF INSPECTION AS FOLLOWS: G-1: 90 A, ANI |BASED ON A 90 KW & A 155 KW GENERATORS WERE IN PARALLEL OPERATION. THE 210 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. | GEN #2: 210 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. | GEN #3: 210 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. | GEN #4: 210 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. , 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. ID G-2: 150 A @ 480V. POWER FACTOR WAS 92%. KWH KWH/ GENERATED GAL FY 89 12.0 47529.0 9.4 56082.0 10.5 72498.0 12.4 56765.0 9.7 98003.0 9.2 80492.0 9.6 82093.0 9.5 95879.0 9.3 90672.0 9.8 75362.0 1.9 76094 .0 831469.0 37117.0 41467.0 57504.0 49825 .0 77905 ..0 59128.0 65532.0 68795 .0 65406.0 53507.0 54285.0 630471.0 THIS DEMAND LOAD CALCULATED WAS 183.5 KW THE TOTALIZING KWH DEMAND METER WAS READ 0.40 X 480 = 192 KW. KW GAL AVG = KWH/ FUEL LOAD GAL 6400.0 99.3 6299.0 77.8 9.0 9276.0 134.3 10.6 83450.0 KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 100 90 70 60 = 50: = 40 4 30 10 0 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH POINT LAY a 8 R @ R # ff} ® # 1 i] JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE QO FY'87 + FY’88 © FY’89 KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 70 60 - 50 40 - 30 + 10 0 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - POINT LAY KWH LOSS DURING FY 87 — JULY £7 is # # fF # # T AUG — SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY oO KWH GENERATED KWH SOLD JUNE KWH GENERATED (Thousands) NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - POINT LAY KWH LOSS DURING FY 88 oe ji so - 4 he ZB 70 - J 6o 4 . } VA 50 - / / y, 40 4 30 + 1 1 T 1 T i 1 1 aa JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE o KWH GENERATED + KWH SOLD KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 100 90 70 60 SOLS 40 30 NORTH SEO rE DOROUGIT PONT HAY KWH LOSS DURING FY 89 T I T T T T T T T T JULY) AUG!) SERT || (OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY = JUNE Qa KWH GENERATED ct KWH SOLD PLATFORM MOUNTED TRANSFORMER BANK 480V, 3- PHASE TO 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE OVERHEAD IS TO BE REMOVED WHEN THE REMODELING IS COMPLETED POINT LAY POWER PLANT WITH A CONCRETE FLOOR. POWER PLANT TO BE REMODELED. —~ POINT LAY - SCHOOL 208V, 3-PHASE, USDW FACILITY 4-WIRE OVERHEAD SERVICE TO TYPICAL POLE MOUNTED TRANSFORMER BANK 4160V, 3-PHASE TO 208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE OVERHEAD SERVICE FUEL OIL TANK FARM WITH CAPACITY OF 20,000 GALLONS WITH DIKED CONTAINMENT. MASTER CONTROLLER - TOTALIZING KW DEMAND METER: 0.42 X 480 = 201.6 KW AT THE TIME OF THE INSPECTION. 155 KW CAT GENERATOR #2 WAS ON-LINE AND ITS KW DEMAND METER READ 110 KW AT THE TIME OF THE INSPECTION BATTERY CHARGER - LAMARCHE TYPE L, MODEL #A46-6-24V-Al. 300 GALLON FUEL DAYTANK WITH FUEL METER. FUEL METER IS LOCATED 3 FEET AWAY FROM DAYTANK FENWALL FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL, MCC, FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND EMERGENCY LIGHT. RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: WAINWRIGHT Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH wnership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: WINFRED AHVAKANA Date: 10/31/89 Phone: 763-2712 G-1 G-2 G-3 Operational? (Y/N): Y¥ YX Y Engine Make: CAT CAT CAT Engine Model: 3508STD 3508STD 3508 Engine RPM: 1200 1200 1200 Serial Number: 70Z00641 70Z00643 70Z00642 Horsepower: 576.4 576.4 576.4 Governor Type: WOODWARD WOODWARD WOODWARD Model Actuator: EG10P EG10P EG10P Model Speed Control: 2301A 2301A 2301A DC Voltage: 24 24 24 Unit Circuit Breaker: PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED PANEL MOUNTED Type/Amp/Volt: GE/800/600 GE/800/600 GE/800/600 Year Installed: 1988 1988 1988 Last Major Overhaul (Hrs): NONE NONE NONE Current Hours: 2499.1 1994.1 2635,7 Generator Make: STAMFORD STAMFORD STAMFORD Generator Capacity (KW): 430 430 430 i Generator Voltage: 480 480 480 Parallel Switchgear: Y XY ¥ KWH Meter? (Y/N): Y XY Y OEM: Hours/Day Attended: 24 Waste Heat Recovery Installed? (Y/N): Y Waste Heat Recovery Operational? (Y/N): Y Powerhouse KWH Meter Type: WESTINGHOUSE D4B-2FM, CL 20 Catalog #: 71635195 120V, 3W Number of Stators: 2 READS: .14 X 480 = 67.2KW Demand? (Y/N): Y¥ CT Ratio: 2500/5 Battery Charger/Type/Model: LAMARCHE/L/A46-6-24V-Cl (TYP) Individual Genset Meter: KW/VOLT/AMP/PF/FREQ METER Fuel Day Tank Type: ACE 500 GALLON Pump #: ROPER-06 SERIES A Motor #: 1-1/2HP, 480V, 3-PHASE Fuel Day Tank Meter: YES Fire Protection Type/Operational?: HALON/YES Original Contractor: EATON ELECTRIC, INC. Spot Reading A Amps: 720 Spot Reading B Amps: 780 Spot Reading C Amps: 730 Spot Reading Volts: 482 Spot Reading Freq.: 60 Power (KW): 496 Notes: 1. MASTER CONTROLLER: BUS KW METER: 581KW, BUS PF METER: 0.70 LAGGING BUS AMP METER: 750A, BUS VOLT METER: 481V OR 437.4 KW. 2. TOTALIZING KW DEMAND METER WESTINGHOUSE D4B-2FM, CL 20, 2-STATOR, CAT #71648642. READS 0.28 X 2000 = 560KW RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY Community: WAINWRIGHT Utility: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH Ownership: NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH UTILITIE Contact: WINFRED AHVAKANA Date: 10/31/89 Phone: 763-2712 FACILITY INVENTORY Meter Status (Yes/No) Notes Single Family: Y 120/240V, 1-PHASE, 3-WIRE Multi Family: N N/A Commercial: ¥ 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Public: XY 120/208V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE FUEL SYSTEM INVENTORY Bulk Storage Capacity: 552000 Number of Bulk Tanks: 2 Diked Containment? (Y/N): Y¥ Visual Evidence of Leaks: NONE THEY'RE IN GOOD CONDITION POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM System Voltage/Phases Overhead: 12.47KV, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE Underground: N/A Combined: N/A Laid on Ground: N/A SUBSTATION TRANSFORMER Capacity: 1lOOOKVA OIL FILLED XFMR Pad: ON CONCRETE PAD Pole: N/A Voltage In/Out: 480/12.47KV, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE UNMETERED STREET LIGHTS Quantity: 108 150W HIGH PRESSURE METER GENERAL NOTES 1. G-4: CAT #3412, 1200 RPM, 330KW, 480V, S/N #81Z072D233, WOODWARD EG10P & 2301A, CURRENT HR METER: 2564.7. KW METER: 260KW. 2. G-5: CAT #3412, 1200 RPM, 330KW, 480V, S/N #81Z07239, WOODWARD EG10P & 2301A, CURRENT HR METER: 2311.7. 3. POWER PLANT IS VERY CLEAN & WELL MAINTAINED. THE OPERATOR USES THE PLANT LOGS. POWER PLANT PHASINGS ARE WELL BALANCING. 4 G-2 & G-4 ARE ONLINE, G-2: 300KW; G-1, G-3 & G-5 ARE STANDBY 5. FUEL CONSUMPTION IS 3 TO 4 KW/GAL. i; WAINWRIGHT Recommendations: According to the monthly PCE reports, the system line losses for the years of 1988 and 1989 were: 29.2%, and 29.1%, respectively. Also bad power factor. The new PCE rules will calculate rates based on a 10% maximum total system loss, including station service. The Alaska Energy Authority will provide technical assistance to perform an investigation of the power system line losses. Demand load calculated was 426.8 kW; the bus kW meter read 581 kW, the bus ammeter read 750A @ 481 V or 437.4 kW at 0.70 power factor, the totalizing kW demand kW read 560 kW. Reset totalizing kW demand meter monthly. Verify the accuracy of the bus kW meter and recalibrate as necessary during line loss investigation. There are 108 each 150 Watt HPS unmetered street lights in the village. It is estimated that the total monthly unmetered street light load is 5,913 KWH. This is a portion of the unmetered system losses, and is an eligible community facility cost for PCE subsidy. In compliance with AS 44.83.162(c)(1), and consistent with the administrative practices of the PCE program, a ear participating in the program is entitled to receive power cost equalization for sales of power to local community facilities, for actual consumption of not more than 70 kWH per month for each resident of the community. If the utility provides electric power at no cost to the local community facilities or to any of its customers, that donated power is not eligible for PCE credits. North Slope Borough Utilities must collect all electrical billings to receive PCE credits. WAINWRIGHT Summary: The generation efficiency is estimated at 11.1 kWH/gallon for the year 1988. All recommendations for this project relate to safety and code requirements, therefore, the generation efficiency will not be increased by performing this work. % of Generation Efficiency Priority # Item Description Improvement 1 1 Conduct power distribution system 0.0% line loss study 2 3 Install a kWH meter to measure the power 0.0% consumption of the street lights TOTAL 0.0% Prorated Construction kWH/Gallon ——Cost __ increase $44,568.00 0.0 4,432.00 0.0 $49,000.00 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 bh 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PAGE: of, PCE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DATE: 12-Jan-90 LOCATION: WAINWRIGHT , ALASKA PREPARED FOR RSA ENGINEERING FILE: WAIN By Clark-Graves, Inc. CONSTRUCTION COSTS QUANTITY UNIT MATERIAL FREIGHT LABOR LABOR TOTAL DISCIPLINE/ ITEMS Hours/ Rate Item Descr. $/Unit = $/Unit Unit $/Hour Cost ($) POWER DISTRIB. SYSTEM STUDY Transportation 2 > R.TRIPS 370.00 300.00 12.571 40.95 $2,370.00 Room And Board 12 MANDAYS 125.00 $1,500.00 Added Engineering Expense 12 MANDAYS 12.571 40.95 $6,177.00 (Note This Allowance Should Be Added To The Engineering Services Provided For Below) METER STREET LIGHTS Main Disconnect 1 EACH 350.00 6.000 40.95 $596.00 Service Meter, Socket 1 EACH 157.00 6.000 40.95 $403.00 (Assumes All Street Lights Are On A Single Circuit) DIRECT EXPENSE SUBTOTAL: $11,046.00 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT TOOLS & EQUIP 2 5% * LABOR: 1 ALLOW 385.00 $385.00 HOME OFFICE EXP.AT 15%*DIRECT: 1 ALLOW 1,657.00 $1,657.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Mob/Demob : Tools And Equipment 1,000 LBS 2.00 $2,000.00 Crew 4 R.TRIPS 1,000.00 500.00 8.000 40.95 $7,310.00 Room And Board 32 MANDAYS 125.00 $4,038.00 Supervision 1 WEEK 100.00 200.00 60.000 40.95 $2,757.00 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: ‘ . $18, 147.00 DIRECT EXPENSE AND CONTRACTOR SUPPORT SUB-TOTAL: : $29,193.00 PROFIT 2 25% $7,298.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST (FY89) $36,491.00 CONTINGENCY 2 10% $3,649.00 CONTRACT COST (FY90) $40,140.00 DESIGN COST @ 6% OF FY90 CONTRACT COST $2,408.00 SIOH @ 15.0% OF FY90 CONTRACT COST $6,021.00 PROJECT COST (FY90) $48,569.00 SALVAGE VALUE (Assumed To Be Negligble) (Not Incl.) TOTAL INVESTMENT COST (FY90) (Assuming Summer Construction) $49,000.00 | LOAD ANALYSIS : NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - WAINWRIGHT DATE: 10/31/89 | KWH KWH kW KWH KWH : KW KWH KWH kW | GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG KWH/ — GENERATED SOLD GAL AVG — KWH/ | FY 87 FY 87 FUEL LOAD GAL FY 88 FY 88 FUEL LOAD ~— GAL FY 89 FY 89 FUEL LOAD —s GAL wee ee en ee ne nn ne nn ee en nn ee ne ee ee ne ne rn nn nn ee ene nn nnn nn nn nnn nnn nn nn nnn nn ene ne nn nen nn ene enn ene e eee n renee nee nnn een e een e er enseeee }1 159840.0 128142.0 14186.0 219.0 11.3 142481.0 = 106223.0 = 15353.0 195.2 9.3 | 2 177210.0 142067.0 = 15573.0 242.8 11.4 170952.0 = 121882.017544.0 234.2 9.7 [3 258617.0 230365.0 + 116892.0 354.3 15.3 242087.0 = 169741.0 = 20316.0 331.6 11.9 [4 223438.0 94785.0 25500.0 306.1 8.8 262752.0 163056.0 27718.0 359.9 9.5 [5 214370.0 147007.0 + 118540.0 293.7 11.6 — 214656.0 = 213099.0 = 28748.0 294.0 7.5 | 6 201501.0 © 151528.0 22513.0 276.0 9.0 = 175404.0 —-173669.0 -26239.0 240.3 6.7 |7 207338.0 167338.0 29122.0 284.0 7.1 154586.0 203397.0 = 20406.0 211.8 = 7.6 | 8 140110.0 — 127996.0 = 13548.0 191.9 10.3 233590.0 += 179080.0 = 22204.0 320.0 10.5 19 195758.0 152758.0 17960.0 268.2 10.9 = -287494.0 = 195504.0 —-26186.0 393.8 11.0 [10 were eeeee ee cece cece cee eecece ceeeeee ceeee 162522.0 138827.0 14979.0 222.6 «10.8 —-235632.0 = 178066.0 = 21207.0 322.8 11.1 "1 309130.0 261530.0 16637.0 423.5 18.6 = 277680.0 = -237416.0 = 25423.0 380.4 10.9 —257796.0 = :137518.0 — 23494.0 353.1 11.0 12 169200.0 74807.0 36806.0 = 231.8 = 4.6 = 191946.0 — 146946.0 1747.0 | = = = = == ss ess Ss ssssssss [TOTAL 478330.0 336337.0 3443.0 0 1865175.0 225983.0 2377430.0 1841235.0 249415.0 AVERAGE 275.20 11.1 271.4 8.8 | | ere rere rrr reer er eee eee ee eee ee eee eee eres FY 87 FY 88 FY 89 ANNUAL SYSTEM LINE LOSS (%) 42.2 29.2 29.1 |GENERATION EFFICIENCY (KWH/GALLON) 1.9 1.1 8.8 |PEAK LOAD (KW) 423.5 380.4 393.8 LOW LOAD (KW) 0.0 191.9 195.2 | [roc ec ec ec eee eee ee eee e eee e eee e eee e ee ee ee ec eee eeee eee a ee eee Serena ae ae na ane in eerie tamina seam mamma meee emer nen mee nen ea ae eennee ee = eee See ae |GENERATOR SETS INSTALLED: GEN #1 430 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECTION. GEN #2: 430 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS ON-LINE AT TIME OF INSPECTION. | GEN #3: 430 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STANDBY AT TIME OF INSPECTION. | GEN #4 330 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS ON-LINE AT TIME OF INSPECTION. GEN #5: 330 KW CAT GENERATOR, 480V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE. IT WAS STAMOBY AT TIME OF INSPECTION. | |oronene nnn n nnn nn nn nnn e nent e nnn entecen nn ennceeten en tetecesenenenecaten en eneneneenencecenescennececescececcececenennneenennseec nanan eneeceneee nn nen enc ncencnecese JAMPERAGE LOADS RECORDED AT THE TIME OF INSPECTION AS FOLLOWS: G-2: 400 A, 445 A, 415 A, AND G-4: 320 A, 335 A, 315 A @ 480V. |WAS 426.8 KW BASED ON TWO-430 KW GENERATORS WERE IN PARALLEL OPERATION. THE POWER FACTOR WAS 70%. |THE BUS KW METER WAS READ 581 KW; BUS AMP METER WAS READ 750 A. TOTALIZING KWH DEMAND METER WAS 0.28 X 2000 = 560 KW. THIS DEMAND LOAD CALCULATED KWH GENERATED (Thousands) NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT 048 R # # JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV D re T ? 24 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE m al) Oo FY’87 cf FY’88 ° FY’89 KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 20 0 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - WAINWRIGHT KWH LOSS DURING FY 87 4 8 ® ® ® - # e i ® # JULY AUG SEPT CT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE oO KWH GENERATED KWH SOLD KWH GENERATED (Thousands) NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - WAINWRIGHT KWH LOSS DURING FY 88 90 1 T T T T rT T T 1 T JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE Oo KWH GENERATED =f KWH SOLD KWH GENERATED (Thousands) 300 280 240 220 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH - WAINWRIGHT KWH LOSS DURING FY 89 7 T T | T T rl I T T TT JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY = JUNE Oo KWH GENERATED ct: KWH SOLD TYPICAL POLE MOUNTED TRANSFORMER BANK 4160V, 3-PHASE, 4-WIRE OVERHEAD SERVICE TO USDW FACILITY BUILDING & TYPICAL UNMETERED STREET LIGHT 1000 KWA OIL FILLED TRANSFORMER 480V, 3- PHASE, 4-WIRE OVERHEAD LINES. WAINWRIGHT POWER PLANT IS NEW WITH CONCRETE FLOOR AND METAL BUILDING i FUEL OIL TANK FARM WITH CAPACITY OF 552,000 GALLONS WITH DIKE AND LINER. THEY ARE FAIRLY NEW. 5 - GENERATORS WITH SKIDS SET ON CONCRETE FLOOR. THEY ARE NEW AND WELL MAINTAINED. TYPICAL GENERATOR STARTING LEAD-ACID BATTERY BANK 430 KW CAT GENERATOR #1 WAS STAND-BY AT THE TIME OF THE INSPECTION. 430 KW CAT GENERATOR #3 WAS STANDBY AT THE TIME OF THE INSPECTION 330 KW CAT GENERATOR #5 IS NOT OPERATIONAL. ITS EXCITER NEEDS TO BE REPAIRED/REPLACED. BATTERY CHARGER - LAMARCHE, TYPE L AND MODEL A46-6-241-Al1 (TYPICAL OF 5). MAIN SWITCHGEARS ARE ON CONCRETE PAD AND IS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. HALON FIRE PROTECTION CONTROL STATION FIRE ALARM GRAPHIC ANNUNCIATOR REMOTE SYNCHRONIZING PANEL WITH BUS FREQUENCY METER AND VOLT METER. 550 GALLON FUEL DAYTANK WITH DIKED CONTAINMENT FUEL METER FIRE EXTINGUISHER AT EXIT DOOR. TYPICAL CCTV CAMERA AND EMERGENCY LIGHT THROUGHOUT THE POWER PLANT