HomeMy WebLinkAboutBattery Energy Storage Oppertunities in Alaska II 1997November 4-5, 1997 Anchorage, Alaska Hosted By Division of Energy, Community and Regional Affairs, State of Alaska Sponsored By The U.S. Department of Energy and Sandia National Laboratories : GNB Technologies General Electric Company Metlakala Power and Light ELECTRIC UTILITY BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE OPPORTUNITIES IN ALASKA - IT INTRODUCTION Welcome to the seminar on Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) technology. During the next two days, you will be hearing from several speakers talking about this technology and its use by utilities and industrial customers around the world to help resolve specific power delivery and power quality problems. Using the Metlakatla Power & Light BESS Project as an example, we will explore the basics of BESS technology, look at other typical BESS applications and consider opportunities in Alaska. The presentations scheduled throughout this seminar will present how BESS could be used as a strategic power management tool to reduce diesel fuel consumption and improve the quality and reliability of delivering electric energy to customers. In 1997, Metlakatla Power & Light (MP&L) commissioned a utility grid connected battery storage system in Metlakatla, Alaska, which was designed and installed by GNB and General Electric.We will be discussing the utility specific conditions that lead MP&L to contract with GNB and General Electric to design and construct the BESS. We will review the system design and installation as well as its operation and benefits. Finally, we will discuss specific conditions in one or two villages where battery storage systems could offer economic benefits. The agenda and material for the seminar is both educational and instructive, and will provide time for individual and group discussions during the next two days. We trust you will learn and take back with you a positive impression about battery energy storage as a resource that you could incorporate in your electric systems to improve power quality, reliability, and lower operating costs. Especially in the remote villages and towns of Alaska, we believe that BESS can have a significant impact on the environment by reducing the diesel fuel stored and consumed for electricity generation. This impact can be further enhanced by incorporating renewable energy sources that work well with a BESS. Special thanks to the Division of Energy for hosting the seminar, and to the U.S. Department of Energy for its support through the Energy Storage Systems Program at Sandia National Laboratories. We also express our thanks to GNB Technologies and General Electric Company for their efforts in pursuing constant improvements in BESS technology and developing turnkey battery energy storage systems for utility and industrial customer applications. Finally, a special note of recognition to Metlakatla Power & Light for their investment in battery energy storage and for implementing an innovative technology solution. NOTE: This is the second seminar on battery storage technology in Alaska. The first seminar was hosted by Metlakatla Power & Light and held in Ketchikan on August 5-6, 1997, in conjunction with the Dedication Ceremony of the BESS by Senator Ted Stevens. That seminar presented similar material but included a tour of the BESS in Metlakatla. Tab 1: Energy Storage Systems Program Overview e Program Overview Presenter: Abbas Akhil Energy Storage Systems Program Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM C4 ESS Overview of the Energy Storage Systems Program Battery Energy Storage Seminar - II Anchorage November, 1997 Abbas Akhil Energy Storage Systems Program Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM Development of diverse components Emphasis on battery storage subsystems Integration and demonstration of turnkey systems User focus in development of integrated storage systems 1982 1984 1986 1990 1991 Energy Storage Program Successes Gould cost-shared development contract resulted in Absolyte VRLA commercial products Comsat & JCI cost-shared contract reduced cost of nickel/hydrogen batteries by order of magnitude Exxon cost-shared contract resulted in zinc/bromide battery product licenses world-wide Silent Power cost-shared contract success led to construction of first high-temperature battery pilot production facility Utility Batter Group / Energy Storage Association formed with guidance and support from ESS Energy Storage Program Successes (continued) 1993 AC Battery & PG&E team with ESS on Power Management 250 kW integrated system 1995 PREPA supported through battery thermal management analysis for 20 MW plant 1996 AC Battery, PG&E, Wisconsin, and ESS cost-share development of 2MW Power Quality System -- now installed at Oglethorpe user site 1996 GNB cost-shared contract developed improved VRLA technology -- now installed at Vernon smelter 1997 Metlakatla Power & Light teamed with GNB / GE and ESS to install improved VRLA battery system ~ Program Scope Broad Technology Base Batteries @ Flywheels @ Ultracapacitors @ SMES Applications Focus on End Use @ Power Quality @ Telecommunications @ Peak Shaving @ Transportable Systems @ Renewable Generation & Program Implementation Integrated, modular, turnkey systems Offer potential cost reduction as low as $500-750 / kW with volume production Improved system performance and longer life Seamless transfer Components can be designed to optimize cost, volume, production, and performance Standard components and products can be characterized, including reliability data Directly address utility customer applications (power quality, telecommunications, transportability, peak shaving) ESS Program Elements Integration Components Transportable Systems — Storage Component Development Renewable Systems Power Electronics Research Mid-Voltage Systems Component Evaluation Field Evaluations Analysis Benefits and Applications Studies Renewables Studies Technology Studies ESS Projects Status - Integration - Metlakatla, Vernon, and PREPA Battery Storage Projects Operating Successfully « TBESS 2MW for 15 sec Trailer-Mounted Power Quality System in Final Assembly by AC Battery Corporation « Advanced Battery Energy Storage System (ABESS) Development Project in Final Negotiation - Mid-Voltage (~12 KV) Substation Power Quality Development Project in Planning Stage With Utility Co-sponsor and Manufacturers - Renewable Generation and Storage (RGS) Integrated System Development Project in Planning Stage and Soliciting Input from Key Stakeholders 4 ESS Projects Status - Components ZBB Zinc/Bromine 33 kW for 3 Hours Battery Pre- Prototype System in Final Factory Acceptance Testing VRLA Reliability Study to be Initiated Power Conditioning Subsystem Industry Assessment in Progress Testing of Batteries for Renewable and Stationary Applications On-Going at SNL Cooperative Projects Planned With PNM, APS, ILZRO, NRECA, Oglethorpe, Crescent, and Several Labs (LANL, ORNL, NREL, ANL) ZBB Zinc/Bromine 33KW/Shr Preprototype Battery ESS Projects Status - Analysis ¢ Study of SMES and Flywheel Energy Storage Technologies Identifying Key Characteristics and Research Needs ¢ Studies on Value of Storage to Renewables, Power Quality Applications for Storage, and ESA White Paper on Renewable/Storage Systems in Progress ¢ Leading US Participation Along With ILZRO in International Energy Agency Project on Electrical Energy Storage For Utility Applications ¢ Series of Utility and Industry Executive Meetings Complete - Report in Preparation ¢ Utility Systems Studies with UMR, SMUD and Chugach Complete - Reports in Preparation U.S. Points of Contact U.S. Department of Energy Dr. Christine Platt ESS Program Manager U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Ave., SW Washington, DC 20585 (202) 586-8943 FAX: (202) 586-0784 E-mail: christine.platt@hq.doe.gov Sandia National Laboratories Mr. Paul Butler Manager, Energy Storage Systems Analysis and Development Department Sandia National Laboratories P.O. Box 5800, MS 0613 Albuquerque, NM 87185-0613 (505) 844-7874 FAX: (505) 844-6972 E-mail: pcbutle @sandia.gov Energy Storage Association Mr. Jon Hurwitch Executive Director Energy Storage Association 4733 Bethesda Ave., Suite 608 Bethesda, MD 20814 (301) 951-3231 FAX: (301) 951-3235 E-mail: jwitch@switch.smart.net Tab 2: Battery Energy Storage - What it can do in Alaska Presenter: Walt Butler General Electric Power Systems Energy Consulting Battery Energy Storage Walt Butler November, 1997 Power Systems Energy Consulting GNB Alliance Power Systems Energy Consulting Capital Services Information Services Electrical Distribution & Control Aircraft Engines Chairman & CEO John F. Welch Vice Chairman & Executive Officer Paolo Fresco Motors & Drives Vice Chairman & Executive Officer John D. Opie Power Systems ¢ Corporate Research & Development Medical Systems Appliances Power Systems Energy Consulting Energy | Management | Systems | sa Nuclear _ Energy Power Systems Energy Consulting Energy Management Systems Energy Management Systems Reuter-Stokes Power Systems GE Harris Energy Energy Consulting Control Systems Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Energy Consulting 71S ZZ. NSS Sid babe Hos = “World Leader for Excellence in Power Systems Energy Consulting .. . Delivering Quality Solutions to Customers and Business Partners” Power Systems Energy Consulting GE Power Systems Energy Consulting ¢ Integrate Power Generation — Cost-Benefit Analysis of Cogen - Economics of Power Transactions — Evaluate Deregulation Issues ¢ Increase Transmission — Solutions to System Interaction Problems iN ganpoocooes 6] 606 I BBR = || ee Products & Services ¢ Consulting ¢ Software — MAPS, PSLF, & Circuit Judge ¢ Substation Engineering & Design e Education oo \\AZT | | System Capacity Last | Tht Ft DX ¢ Enhance Power Quality of] ¢ Integrate Customer Loads ¢ Promote Reliable and Economic Power Distribution I *Design for Optimum - Reliability - Economy - Power Quality Protect Critical Loads World Class Consulting... Meeting Your Customers’ Current Needs Power Systems Energy Consulting PSEC Products and Services e Consulting Services and Engineering Studies ¢ Software Licensing e Education and Training e Integrated Power Delivery Systems Value-adding Customer Solutions Power Systems Energy Consulting Global Mix of Customers — Utilities and Industrials ZZ. Mf! SSS TEPCO Entergy Trico Steel ENDE (Bolivia) Alberta Power Transalta Procter & Gamble Bechtel SCECO (Saudi Arabia) Weyerhauser Kansai (Japan) Pacific Gas & Electric Southern Cal Edison PT Inco (Indonesia) @ Power Systems Studies and Consulting for Electric Utilities Power Systems Energy Consulting e Generation and Transmission Planning ¢ Voltage Stability Assessments ¢ Torsional Interaction Products ¢ Power Quality Solutions ¢ Transmission System Performance — AC and HVDC e System Control Strategies e Economic Analysis e Research and Development — FACTS Leading Edge Technology Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Engineering Talents & Tools for Customized Analysis Power system engineering analysis Load flow and stability tools TNA and DC simulator modeling Protective system control design Relay coordination Reliability and statistics Economic analysis Generation and transmission planning Equipment specifications Forensic analysis Power Systems Energy Consulting PSEC’s Strength is System Engineering and Hardware Expertise Benefit to Customers Is Cost-Effective, Reliable System Integration > = = > a S S =~ > = ks na = S A o S Q Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Delivery Projects Power Systems Energy Consulting @ Power Systems Energy Consulting PSEC’s Power Delivery Systems Product ¢ Simply: — Power Delivery Projects — Design/furnish/commission or design/furnish/install/commission ¢ In More Detail: — Conceptual design — Detailed engineering — Procurement of project equipment and installation material — Site installation labor and supervision - Testing and commissioning ¢ Could Also Include: — Financing — Maintenance — Operate and maintain — Own, operate and maintain Totally Integrated Power Delivery Systems for Utility & Industrial Customers Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Energy Consulting Major Customers for PSEC Power Delivery Projects e Industrials — Applications for Plant Expansion, New Plant, Change in Utility Voltage, or Cogen Plant Addition — Typical Industries Include Pulp and Paper, Petroleum, Steel, and Processing and Manufacturing e Electric Utilities — Applications for New Transmission or Distribution, Voltage Increase at Existing Substation, or New Generation Plant — Customer May be Electric Utility, IPP, Architect Engineer, or GE Power Systems GE Provides Totally Integrated Power Delivery Projects for Industrials and Electric Utilities Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Energy Consulting PSEC’s Scope for Power Delivery Projects From Simple Switchyards/Substations to Complex “Frequency Converter” Projects: e Expansion of Existing T&D Switchyards/Substations e New T&D Switchyards/Substations ¢ Power Plant Switchyards/Substations e Relay Upgrade and Substation Automation ¢ Industrial Static Var Compensation Projects e Frequency Converter Application ¢ Battery Energy Storage Systems Projects from Engineered Equipment Packages to Turnkey Systems Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Energy Consulting Trico KOPEC Metlakatla Shaybah Motorola Caesar’s Palace City of New Castle Examples (Decatur, AL) (Seoul, Korea) (Alaska) (Saudi Arabia) (China) (Las Vegas, NV) (Delaware) 500-34.5 kV Steel Mill Substation with Harmonic Filter 300 MVA Short-Circuit Laboratory 1.5 MVA BESS with Overall Generation Control 138 kV Refinery Open Air Substation 138 kV Chip Plant Open Air Substation 138 kV Casino GIS 69 kV Open Air Substation Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Energy Consulting Substation Design Parameters 69-500 kV Primary Voltage 4.16-34.5 kV Secondary Voltage 5-450 MVA Transformer Rating 350-1550 kV BIL Rating 69-500 kV SF, Circuit Breaker Rating 4.16-34.5 kV Vacuum Breaker Rating Open Air Hard Bus Arrangements or GIS 50 or 60 Hz IEEE and ANSI or IEC Standards Foundations, Ground Grid and Steel Structures — Design driven by site specific data Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Energy Consulting GE PSEC Provides the capability to provide a single source for engineering, design procurement and construction of T&D and automation solutions. Power Systems Energy Consulting GNB| Power Systems Energy Consulting GNB Technologies A Pacific Dunlop Company Atlanta, Georgia Over 18 Years of Commitment to Sealed Lead Acid (VRLA) Cell Development and Market Leadership through Sustained Performance ¢ Delivering Products to Meet Customer Needs ¢ The Leading Edge of Technology ¢ The Leading Edge of Performance ¢ The Leading Edge of Safety and Standards GNB will continue its commitment to offer customers the maximum competitive advantage by maintaining this edge and delivering it through quality service that guarantees satisfaction. @ Power Systems Energy Consulting GNB Technologies The Early Years ¢ Charles Gould establishes Gould Coupler Company, Buffalo, NY 1884 ¢ Gould Storage Battery Company established, Depew, NY 1898 e Electric Manufacturing Company established in Minneapolis, MN 1906 e Lytton J. Shields named president of EMC 1911 ¢ EMC makes and sells its first farm lighting battery 1916 ¢ EMC produces and sells its first automobile starting battery 1918 — brand name “National Batteries” e¢ EMC changes its name to National Lead Battery Company 1921 ¢ Shields signs contract with Montgomery Ward for automobile batteries 1922 ¢ NLBC sells its first submarine battery to US Navy 1924 e National Battery Company purchases Gould Storage Battery Corp. 1930 — purchase price was $225,000 ¢ National Battery Company annual revenues hit $6 million 1936 e National Battery Company major battery supplier during W.W. Il 1940 e National Battery Company changes name to Gould National Batteries, Inc. 1950 ¢ Gould National Batteries, Inc., sales hit $100 million (includes nickel-cadmium) 1965 ¢ GNB, Inc., introduces its first sealed Absolyte VRLA battery product 1983 e Senior management purchase GNB, Inc., from Gould Corporation 1984 ¢ GNB sold to Pacific Dunlop, Ltd. of Australia 1987 ¢ GNB Technologies sales hit $1.25 billion 1996 Power Systems Energy Consulting GNB Technologies Background ¢ Corporate Headquarters Atlanta, Georgia — Third largest lead-acid battery manufacturer in the world — Second largest lead-acid battery recycler in the world — Largest battery manufacturer in North America — 17 manufacturing plants in USA, Australia, & New Zealand — 1996 product volume > 20 million automotive batteries > 1.3 million electric vehicle batteries > 1.1 million telecommunication/power supply batteries > 267,000 metric unit short tons of lead consumed > 262,000 metric unit short tons of lead recycled — Industrial Products Headquarters Lombard, Illinois @ Power Systems Energy Consulting GNB Technologies Battery Products & Markets e Battery Chemistry — Lead-Acid > Flooded antimony and calcium batteries > Sealed valve-regulated (AGM) ABSOLYTE batteries (VRLA) ° positive plate MFX alloy > Cells, modules, and systems (BESS) > Battery chargers ¢ Battery Applications — Starting/lighting/ignition (SLI) — Standby float service — Cycle service and primary power ¢ Battery Markets — Automotive, marine, EV, industrial, commercial, military, government, utility, telecommunication, railroad Power Systems Energy Consulting GNB Technologies Customers: AT&T Boeing Commonwealth Edison Exide Ford Motor Company GE Transportation Systems MCI Mercedes Benz Motorola NASA NTT Niagara Mohawk Northern Telecommunication Rockwell International SAMS SPRINT Towboy US Navy WAPA Walmart Power Systems Energy Consulting GE —|GINBI ¢ Highly qualified turnkey supplier of a fully engineered system. ¢ Technically integrated with quality components and serviced by World Leaders in Battery Energy Storage. Power Systems Energy Consulting GE/GNB have been involved in three BES sites and completed two joint alliance projects. Vernon, CA 1995 Metlakatta, AK 1997 @ Power Systems Energy Consulting Battery Energy Storage System in Vernon, CA Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Energy Consulting GE GNB Utilize Standard Components ¢ Power Conversion Equipment ¢ VRLA Batteries ¢ Harmonic Filters ¢ Station Controls ¢ Substation Equipment ¢ Auxiliary Systems ¢ Utility Interface e Software Power Systems Energy Consulting Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) Simplified One-Line Diagram Load Utility Bus PCS BESS Transformer cattery —— e | SIE Battery Personal Station . Filter Monitor Computer Control Remote Operator Panel @ Power Systems Energy Consulting GE AC2000 Drive Technology is the Heart of the BESS Power Conditioning System @ Power Systems Energy Consulting GNB VRLA Batteries Have Eliminated Significant Maintenance Requirements s]usWaJINDeYy sdUeUDS}UIe JUBDIJIUBIS peyeulwl|y eAeH SoMeVeg VIHA GND 6unjnsuog ABsauz sutajsAg 4amod Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Energy Consulting GE — GNB - BES and You Power Systems Energy Consulting Alaska Challenges ¢ High installation cost e Extreme environmental conditions ¢ Limited transportation access Power Systems Energy Consulting GE — GNB Solution Transportable/Modular BES Power Systems Energy Consulting Transportable BES “Battery Room” 40' 1 { Roll-Up 2: Door | 8' x 8' Personnel Door 7' x 3' | ee = ° as TF ai G VRLA al nee “et Switch 8 High Tray . DC Cable Tray wl - GWM, PSrsu Goa / nD KAS TT EE ST ee eee Floor Loading Under Batteries is 600 Ib/sq ft Power Systems Energy Consulting Transportable BES “Converter Room” 27'————> ro 4 Personnel Door 1X31 LUE) DC Panel || | ee Station Battery XFMR System MV A H URC cable = Switchgear ee tent ex 11 | LLL AC Cable Tray Converter DC Cable,” Tra Control Cable Tray E | J n AC Panel Switchgear Weight 11500 Ibs Converter Weight 7000 Ibs To Transformer Power Systems Energy Consulting Power Systems Energy Consulting 8 Power Systems Energy Consulting GE —- GNB Battery Energy Storage Summary ¢ Protect Critical Loads ¢ Provide Demand Side Energy Management e Lower Power Demand Charges ¢ Improve Power Quality, Reliability ¢ Provide Frequency Regulation ¢ Provide Power Factor Correction ¢ Save on Energy Charges ¢ Locate Where Needed, and Install Quickly ¢ Size System to Application ¢ Defer Substation Upgrades ¢ Provide Spinning Reserve ¢ Improve Customer Service ¢ Provide Dispatchable Power Power Systems Energy Consulting Discussion Questions? Power Systems Energy Consulting Thank You Tab 3: What is BESS - A Review of Technology and System Components Presenters: Nick Miller General Electric & George Hunt GNB Technologies BB Power Systems Engineering Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) Simplified One-Line Diagram Load PCS BESS Transformer Battery Utility Bus Sse Filter Metlak 94.09.19 us Power Systems Engineering BESS Active and Reactive Power Capability Phasor Diagram Equivalent Circuit Vp VB X ° - O) —-~ Network : Vr : Ir 7 3 Reactive Power (kVAr) Capacitive Converter Capacity = Active Power (kW) Charging Discharging Inductive Metlak 94.09.19 Power Systems Engineering BESS Control e Emulates rotating synchronous machine, but with some advantages: - Inertia, governor droop, and damping controlled to suit needs of system - Supplies and absorbs energy (within battery capacity) - Faster control of active and reactive power Metlak 94.09.19 Power Systems Engineering BESS Control ¢ When connected to power grid: - Terminal voltage maintained by control system - Frequency & phase of BESS voltage adjusted to supply required power ¢ During isolated operation, PCS establishes frequency and voltage. Metlak 94.09.19 @B Power Systems Engineering BESS Ratings: Power vs. Energy ¢ Power Conversion Module rating = max. kW output ¢ Battery rating = total energy in kW-hr For example, a 2000 kW-hr battery can deliver: - 2hours of power at 1000 kW output - 1 hour at 2000 kW output ¢ Increase total energy storage by adding more batteries in parallel without extensive system modifications. Metlak 94.09.19 Power Systems Engineering BESS Applications Alternative to UPS for Standby Power | Backup generation Voltage Support Energy Management - Industrial Peak Shaving - Utility Demand Side Management Power Control @ Power Systems Engineering Comparison of BESS and UPS AC System PCS | BESS Simple BESS Connection Simple UPS Connection | rT “Protected” load load “Protected” Metlak 94.09.19 @ Power Systems Engineering Comparison of BESS and UPS BESS UPS connection shunt connected series connected isolation requires switching to isolate bus dc bus buffers disturbances (speed dictated by application) losses negligible when not charging or losses due to load current passing discharging through converters (if no bypass switch) power converters one: ac<>dc two: acdc and dc—ac voltage regulation continuous not normally possible power flow bi-directional flow possible for both real and reactive power unidirectional Metlak 94.09.19 B Power Systems Engineering 1) Isolation: 2) Control: 3) Capacity: Criteria for BESS as UPS Quickly isolate served load from main system bus during disturbance (particularly voltage depression or momentary outage). "Isolated" system must regulate both frequency and voltage: - energy storage - governor function - continuous control of reactive power - voltage regulator Provide necessary active & reactive power and energy for regulating functions. Metlak 94.09.19 B Power Systems Engineering BESS as Alternative to Backup Generation ¢ Power Quality and energy cost considerations: - poor power system reliability - obtain less expensive interruptible service rate ¢ BESS advantages: - avoid combustion & fuel storage permits - no fuel storage - no emissions - essentially no moving parts - low maintenance Metlak 94.09.19 Power Systems Engineering Voltage Support Balance of Plant Load Continuous Voltage Regulation By BESS PCS Critical Load Metering Point Shunt BESS connection benefits whole plant with voltage regulation during normal operation. Metlak 94.09.19 Power Systems Engineering Power Control Balance of Plant Load Continuous Variation in Active Power By BESS P Closed] Closed p¥ : = OT ] Critical Load Metering Point Moderate effects of load swings and impact loads Improve power system stability for remote or weak utility connection Combines active and reactive power supply (voltage support) Energy management, standby power benefits available Metlak 94.09.19 Power Systems Engineering Energy Management Peak Demand Reduction D e m || a n Duration of Peak Shaving d (kW) Period of Peak Demand Charges Time (of day) Peak shaving with BESS reduces demand charge. Metlak 94.09.19 C36) Power Systems Engineering Utility Demand-Side Management ¢ BESS can satisfy DSM programs by shaving load peaks. ¢ Deferred generation capacity allows utility to postpone capital investment. « Energy is still delivered to load and sold . Power Systems Engineering Isolated Operation of BESS Balance of Plant Load BESS Serves Critical Load i After isolation Critical Load BESS has the capability to serve critical load when isolated. Metlak 94.09.19 Power Systems Engineering Conceptual Comparison of BESS vs Pumped Hydro Remote Urban Area with Generation Local T &,D Region Subsystems EHV Transmission b Pumped Hydro *= BESS Potentially Overloaded Line Metlak 94.09.19 Power Systems Engineering Summary « BESS economically provides UPS function in large sizes (1 MW to 40 MW) « BESS provides additional continuous benefits: - Voltage Support Energy Management (Peak Shaving and DSM) - Active and Reactive Power Control Metlak 94.09.19 Power Systems Engineering Technical Overview of MP&L Battery Energy Storage System Project Nichoias W. Miller GE Power Systems Metlakatla Power & Light Simplified Electrical System One-Line CHESTER 1.111 MVA HYDRO 90% PF 4.16 KV sa. 12.47 KV PURPLE LAKE HYDRO 1.25 MVA 3 85% PF 1.25 MVA 85% PF 1.25 MVA 24KV 4g5% PF SAWMILL 3) Power Systems Engineering Typical Metlakatla System Load Profile Frequency PU Centenial Reactive Power kVar 2000 1.01 4 99 1.02 - Centenial Terminal Voltage pu 2000 Sawmill Power kW 98 4 i Centenial Generation kW Sawmill Reactive Power k Var | 1 2000 or 0 ~ \ laos ee Dae ea oe en De ae 0 a Time (Hrs) Time (Hrs) Power Systems Engineering Typical Metlakatla System Load Profile (Detail) Centenial Reactive Power kVar — Frequency PU 1.01 1500 99 500 - 1.02 Centenial Terminal Voltage pu 1500 Sawmill Power kW .98 2000 : Centenial Generation kW 500 500 mrp 7500 sep sj 1 0 1 Time (Min) BOO ere eee eee rea 0 Time (Min) w) Power Systems Engineering Performance: e Maintain system Frequency e Maintain System Voltage e Share Active Power Load with Generation e Share Reactive Power Load with Generation and other VAR sources e Satisfy PCS (P,0,V,I) Requirements e Satisfy Energy Balance Requirements for Batteries e Function Property with or without Diesel On-line e Meet or Improve on Performance of System with Diesel Metlak 94.09.19 (96) Power Systems Engineering Expected Performance of System with BESS Without Slow Reset BESS active powerkW \ Time (Hours) 21-82D (96) Power Systems Engineering Expected Performance of System with BESS with Slow Power Reset 1500 BESS active powerkW -1000 a BESS energy K Whr . ' Time (Hours) 21-920 ! ($6) Power Systems Engineering Simulated Comparison of System with BESS vs. Diesel Sawmill Vterm Sawmill Pelec kW 2000 1.04 1.01 1.01 Avg. Sys. Freq. Sawmill Qelec kw 800 500 99 BESS Active Power kW 2000 U Diesel a Feen kW ; 300 BESS Reactive Power k Var 0 Diesel Qgen k Var VO00 ye eeceeeeeennnnneseeeseeeeeeesee 1 0 (RTS ep pe 0 10 21-82D Time (Sec) | us Power Systems Engineering System Design Approach: e Use Standard, Commercially Proven Components e PCS and Controls are GE Industrial Drive Technology e Batteries are GNB Industrial Technology e Make BESS Control Simple and Understandable Power Systems Engineering MP&L System Design Nicholas W. Miller GE Power Systems Metlak 94.09.19 @ BESS System Schematic Battery System _— Battery Monitor [ Personal Computer = |_| — Remote Operator's Panel Disconnect : Power Converters e GTO converters connected as Power Converter Pairs (PCP) via transformers. e Transformer connections and firing control make PCP look like 12-pulse converter. Power Converters GTO-based bi-directional converters with PWM firing control. 4-quadrant operation allows converters to supply or absorb real or reactive power in any combination, within converter limits. Emulates rotating machine with very low inertia, for fast response to varying system needs. Power Converter Capability Reactive Power (kVAr) Rated Capacitive Converter . = Overload Capacity SS “7 Capacity Active Power (kW) Charging . , Discharging “Tnductive Equivalent Circuit VB x C) i VT Distribution —- Network IT Phasor Diagram Power Converters aa od Capacitor Converter § Converter 21-82D Power Systems Engineering Simplified BESS Power Control Battery Energy Management System Dey Governor Droop 1.0 Pgem — Power order from battery energy Py, — Hydro turbine output power. i alin lace P, — Load power demand. Ps — BESS output power. ESET = requency order. Puo — Hydro turbine power order. a 4 z Battery Monitor Control Implemented in PLC, interfaces to Operator Interface PC and Power Converter Control ¢ Calculates state-of-charge ¢ Controls charging and discharging ¢ Monitors battery status and health ¢ Records battery operation ¢ Detects ground faults Power Systems Engineering Simplified Battery Monitor Equipment Sketch Signal Isolation Boxes A SLO as = —— — 21-92D |LEAD-ACID STORAGE BATTERIES | SIMPLIFIED TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW > +2.00 volts dc nominal potential cell (Nernst Equation) > Overall electrochemical reaction PRODUCTS Discharge REACTANTS. —_————+> PbO, + Pb + 2H,SO, ‘Charge 2PbSO, + 2H, 0 Charged —* PbO, : lead dioxide (positive electrode) Charged —»> Pb_ : sponge lead (negative electrode) 2H,SO, : sulfuric acid (electrolyte) Discharged ———->__: both positive & negative electrode converted to PbSO, (lead sulfate) and electrolyte converted to water H,O GWH:21694D LEAD-ACID STORAGE BATTERIES SIMPLIFIED TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW Traditional Wet Flooded Lead-Acid Cell > On charge, the lead sulfate (P>bSO4) in the positive plate is converted back to lead dioxide (PbO2). Oxygen is generated on "overcharge" at the positive. >» On charge, the lead sulfate (P>bSO4) in the negative plate is converted back to sponge lead (Pb). Hydrogen is generated on "overcharge" at the negative. > H2S04 is the active component in the reactions at both electrodes. Overall Result: Water loss and cell gassing. Therefore, flooded cells require periodic water replacement. | GWH:21694E |LEAD-ACID STORAGE BATTERIES | SIMPLIFIED TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW > The same basic electrochemical reaction occurs during discharge as compared to a flooded or wet cell; however, the "BIG" difference occurs during charge. >» In a recombination or VRLA cell, during charge, the oxygen generated at the positive is combined chemically with the freshly formed lead at the negative in the presence of H,SO, to provide lead sulfate and water. > The oxygen at the positive suppresses generation of hydrogen at the negative. Overall Result: No water loss or venting of gas. Therefore, VRLA cells are maintenance-free. GWH:21694F LEAD-ACID STORAGE BATTERIES SIMPLIFIED TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW CHARGING .... . Ogee i Out Gassing "SEALED" ee rio oO Slo Immobilized Electrolyte Flooded Electrolyte AGM or Gell* * Positive electrodes generate * Oxygen given off at positive oxygen during overcharge. electrodes is recombined at the negative producing lead- * Negative electrodes generate sulfate and water. hydrogen during overcharge. ae 9 , ¢ Separator or immobilization of * Gassing is two parts hydrogen and electrolyte allows oxygen as a gas to transfer to the negative. one part oxygen. *Assumes Gell has already developed cracking structure. GWH:21694G LEAD-ACID STORAGE BATTERIES SIMPLIFIED TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW Specific_, Gravity Charge Accept. 80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 + DISCHARGED % RECHARGED | GWH:021694H 100 120 CHARGED ——————_> LEAD-ACID STORAGE BATTERIES SIMPLIFIED TECHNOLOGY OVERVIEW Charge Acceptance / Gas Evaluation @ 25°C Specific Gravity — Charge Accept. 100 0 20 40 60 80 +———_ DISCHARGED % RECHARGED 100 120 CHARGED —————> GWH:0216941 | Loi tat ea OIE Metlakatla BESS / Battery Monitoring System B | gess Alarm | | SOC% 96 KW Order -9 Battery Mode 4 Load Leveling Strings i Black Start Equalize Auto Off 7/2897 12:07:47 PM Communications with PLC - ok | Trend ing (Click on.chert to select variables and time. Legend below gives scaling for common signals.) j 100.00 80.00 60.00 f g 40.00 i 5 20.00 3 c i 0.00 Jul-24-97 dul-24-97 Jul-24-97 dul-24-97 Jul-24-97 Jul-25-97 00:00:00 04:48:00 09:36:00 14:24:00 19:12:00 00:00:00 : O= 100 = TowerVoltage OV 22.14V Hydrogen Sensor 0% 100% Battery LeaWGnd 500V 500V ! String Voltage OV 1000V Pilot Cell Voltage 0V 3D0V State of Charge 0% 100% Amp-Hours OAHr 10 900AHr 1 String Current SOO0A 5000A Temperatures oc 200C Bess KA/KVars 2500KVA 2500KVA Power Order 2500KW 2500KW | Alarm Panel | One Line | | Battery | | SER | | Trending | |mairtenanca| oa ot: a4 bi = 1 Meéetlanacla BESS / Battery Monitoring System BESS Alarm SoC% 95 KW Order 0 _aeeery ead Load Leveling Strings, 1 7/287 09:24:54 AM Communications with PLC - ok Equalize =| Auto. Off Raval) T rendi ng (Click on chart to select variables andtime. Legend below ges scaling for common signals.) 100.00 80.00 te 60.00 40.00 4 20.00 | 0.00 Jul-24-97 dul-24-97 Jul-24-97 dul-24-97 dul-24-97 Jul-24-97 06:00:00 08:00:00 10:00:00 12:00:00 14:00:00 16:00:00 O= 100 = TowerVoltage OV 22.14V Hydrogen Sensor 0% 100% Battery Leal/Gnd 5O00V 500V StringVoltage OV 1000V Pilot Cell Voltage 0V 3.00V State of Charge 0% 100% Amp-Hours OAHr 10,000AHr String Current S000A 5000A Temperatures oc 200C Bess WW/kVars 2500KVA 2500KVA Power Order 2500KW 2500KW Alarm Panel] [ onetine | | Battery | | SER a | trending | |maintenanca| oO + ES ¥ S0C% 96 KW Order -0 BatteryMode = Load Leveling ara Biack Start Strings | 4 ratbeebben Discharge Test i 7I8T 12:10:14 PM Communications with PLC. Ok Poe ee en saan J Trending (Click on chert to select variables end time. Legend below gives scaling for common signals.) 100.00, pe Eee eee eee 60.00 ‘ i 40.00 i 20.00 t 0.00 | Jul-24-97 dul-24-97 Jul-24-97 gul-24-97 Jul-24-97 Jul-24-97 11:30:00 12:06:00 12:42:00 13:18:00 13:54:00 14:30:00 O= 100 = TowerVoltage OV 22.14¥V Hydrogen Sensor 0% 100% Battery Leak’Gnd 500V 500V StringVoltage OV 1000V Pilot Cell Voltage OV 3.00V State of Charge 0% 100% Atop-Hous OAHr 10, 000AHr String Current 5000A 50004 Temperatures OC 200C Bess WW/KVars 2500KVA 2500KVA Power Order 2500kW 2500KW | asrneana][ [ one Line | | | Batey | | SER | | Trending | | mairtenance| oO em »f Peed a hd (lee se sroe Mat ah ete) Rael a)| Metlakatwa:’ f BESS Alarm | | BESS KW Order -13 Load Leveling Strings - Black Start T2897 =: 12:11:10 PM Communications with PLC - OK Equalize Auvio Off Trending (Click on chert to select veriables end time. Legend below gives oe : 100.00 saris ttn atone genre 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 Jul-24-97 dul-24-97 dul-24-97 Jul-24-97 Jul-24-97 dul-24-97 11:30:00 11:42:00 11:54:00 12:06:00 12:18:00 12:30:00 d= 100 = TowerVoltage OV 22.14V Hydrogen Sensor0% 100% Battery Leak’Gnd 500V 500V StringVolttage OV ‘1000V Pilot Celi Voltage OV 3.00V State of Charge 0% 100% Amp-Hours OAHr 10,000AHr String Current 5000A 5000A Temperatures oc 200C Bess kWWikV¥ars 2500KVA 2500KVA Power Order 2500kKW 2500KkW SOC% 96 Battery Mode — ahaa [Metial la BES [MP&L BATTERY MONITOR] ! Battery Monitoring System @ | Bess Alarm | |: SOC% 96 KW Order -1 Battery Mode — | , Load Leveling Strings 1 es St et ; i ss Discharge Test i TR9IST 12:17:45 PM Communications with PLC - OK Equalizg | Auto Off ee : PoI2 Pett PCO PCO PCB Po? Battery [211 ]}e 210 ]¥ 2.10] ¥ 241 ]¥ 210] ¥ 210]¥ ge —— -56 Amps 21 Ic 2146 21 /¢c 21/6 21 /¢ 21 ic {fester a a. 2 = eos [70] 7.0] Wo] 170] 70] 7.0] 75] 70] 170] Wo] 70] oO] 16] 70] WO] 70] 70] vO] 70] 7] WO] WO] 7A] 7H] iow Vows [rol ioTio 170] 170] 172] 70] 70] 170] 70] 70] 7.1] 107 [170] WO] 0] 170] 170] 170] 70] Wo] 70] 70] 170]: ..... 4 Foye #) I ; #24 | 45 Watts [2.10] ¥ 211] ¥ 24 |v 241 |¥ [a1i|y 31218 | pe betes —+ | 21ic 21 Ic 21/6 21 /¢ 21 /¢c Ric PO POF “PCS PO Pct Ambient #2(Q[ 2 | Hydrogen # (HLEL [ 24 String #1 Ambient #1(Q[ 22 | Hydrogen #1 (WLEL) [_9 i CS a i j ; | i Alarm Panel | One Line | | Battery | | SER | | Trending | | mairtenance| oO * g Pear ard sot% 96 KW Order -0 Battery Mode _ Load Leveling Strings) 1 coe : 797 12:19:56 PM Communications.with PLC - ok Equalize = Auto Off Pauatse | Maintenance Equalize Besos: "| Automatic-Equalize. Setup EhterValue Auto- Last equalize: Beare ; or Equalize Fe Desired-hour-of day-to-begin | ; Q= midnight, 23-11pm) 9 | 2a Days-untll next equalize: 96 Desired -day-of week | 1 Manual | Stop | CAUTION: Stop will-initiate an-imimediate-discharge (= Sunday, 7= Saturday) fe ; Equalize aN Desired-intencal (days) | 180 (Immediate) Current-during-discharge 375 Amps G8. minimum, 500-maximum) : Discharge Test Desired string-current PLCV alues Discharge test string-current 375 Amps Discharge-test duration ‘25, 5 Hours Total String 1 AH, In: | -120634 Out: 120086 Alarm Panel] [ one tine | | Battery | | SER | | Trending | [Maintenance| og LAME ERLE R AANA S AOS SORES SO AON ORAL AEE AE NOS NS BOT AS LINC CONN OTANI RS TOLER SPER DOE HERRERO E TTA MOMMA EY ORRIN | | oe METER SEND TE eT REE ERS re Tab 4: MP&L BESS Project - Economic Benefits Presenter: George Hunt GNB Technologies BESS Success Story Metlakatla George Hunt Director of Government & Military GNB Technologies ¢ Metlakatla Power & Light Utility BESS — power rating 1.2 MVA, 1 MW / energy 1.4 MWh — provides frequency control, spinning reserve e Installed to Resolve Power Quality Problems — power outages caused by commercial lumbering — environmental issues caused by diesel — high operating & maintenance costs of diesel — utility grid extremely erratic Metlakatla Community Annette Island Reserve SALES MEETING LEGENDARY ACHIEVEMENTS GLOBAL SALES MEETING INILAIW SATVS TVEOTD REECE SO eek eine LEGENDARY ACHIEVEMENTS GLOBAL SALES MEETING BAS INID LT e Se lta GLOBAL SALES MEETING e Battery storage all but eliminates diesel plant WIS NEC omer) ime Tel irom Otec hen Iron Reduces fuel consumption & operating costs Utility optimizing use of “Renewable Energy” — hydro-electric (water) versus diesel (fuel oil) Reduces environmental impact of diesel Lower prices for consumers ¢ ABSOLYTE IIP VRLA technology — 100A75 V-0, 378 modules, one series string — operates 24 hours a day @ 80/90% state-of-charge — daily cycles (400-500 load-swings) up to 1 MW ¢ GE Power Conditioning System (PCS) — bi-directional voltage source 1.2 MVA + VARS ¢ Remote battery monitoring — cell, stack, string, voltages, current, temperature GLOBAL SALES MEETING MP&L can operate without diesel generator Monthly fuel cost savings averaging $ 20,000 Fuel reduction of 180,000 gallons in 8 months Improved stability of utility grid network Reduction in air emissions Reduction in fuel-oil storage needs Payback less than 3 years Metlakatla Power & Light Gross Monthly Generation, kWh 35000005 oC =e 30000004 1996 (w/o BESS) 1997 (with BESS) 2500000 4° 2000000 4 SU Ue ae PRU Us ae 0 - Metlakatla Power & Light Monthly Fuel Consumption, gal 600005 RP Ud 1996 (w/o BESS) RU 1997 (with BESS) mS a 4000077 3500077 RI a 2500077 PA ae 1500077 Ua rl UU YY Metlakatla Power & Light Monthly kWh Customer Billing 35000005 1996 (w/o BESS) 1997 (with BESS) 30000005 250000077 20000005 150000047 UU ae 50000075 0- LEGENDARY ACHIEVEMENTS GLOBAL SALES MEETING ¢ Lowered operating costs ¢ Reduced fuel oil consumption / storage ¢ Reduced air emissions e¢ Improved stability and power quality ¢ Added VAR support e Provides fuel source flexibility ¢ Reduces flickering (customer good will) GLOBAL SALES MEETING Tab 5: The Energy Storage Association Presenter: Jon Hurwitch Executive Director Energy Storage Association, Inc. Energy Storage Association & 4 ENERGY STORAGE oie Presentation to the Alaska Division of Energy Jonathan W. Hurwitch, Executive Director, ESA November 4, 1997 Energy Storage Association ESA Presentation Outline @ What is Energy Storage? @ Using Energy Storage @ Energy Storage Opportunities @ Energy Storage is Happening @ Energy Storage Information Energy Storage Association Bs Energy Storage Association Bu ENERGY STORAGE Technology/Application SUMMARY psec msec sec ~ 1 min ~t\1hr ~3hrs ~8hrs 10° 10° 10° 10° 10° Storage Time (seconds) I TECHNOLOGIES ' Market Segments Distribution Transmission Generation I PUMPED STORAGE L Pfs i atte = er Energy Storage Association Bs Energy Storage Value GENERATION @ Spinning Reserve @ Generation Capacity Deferral @ Area/Frequency Control @ Renewables @ Load Leveling TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Transmission Line Stability Voltage Regulation Transmission Facility Deferral Distribution Facility Deferral CUSTOMER SERVICE @ Power Quality @ Peak Reduction @ Outage Protection Energy Storage Association Ru. Energy Storage Association Bes \ Battery Storage \ Cd e W Opportunities %, ‘ vs Customer systems Transmission systems @ peak reduction @ transmission deferral @ outage protection @ ancillary service @ power quality Hl reactive power i : trol Distribution be ee requency control systems Generation systems @ feeder support (asset utilization) @ spinning reserve @ feeder “UPS” @ power brokering (market advantage) | @ renewables integration Energy Storage Association Es4 e Energy Storage Association Bu Attractive Battery Storage Attributes @ Planning: @ Short lead time @ Modularity @ Siting flexibility @ Operation: @ Fast response @ High efficiency (at part load) @ High Availability ® Other: @ No pollution and quiet @ Upgradability @ Compact and low maintenance Energy Storage Association Bs Fnergy Storage Opportunities @ Asset utilization @ Operating efficiency and reliability @ Customer service @ Risk management @ Environmental compliance Energy Storage Association Bu Energy Storage Opportunities in a Competitive Electricity Market? @ provide a physical hedge against price uncertainty @ offer a low-cost alternative for control area services @ supply peak power capacity to meet urgent need by the year 2000 @ help utilities compete with new players who are assuming risk in the market @ convert wholesale off-peak electricity into on- peak retail electricity Energy Storage Association Ru. Fnergy Storage “ge! “Products” for Competition er Power* Discharge Applications (MW) Duration (hrs) | Spinning Reserve A/F, Regulation, Load Leveling, 10-100 1-3 Generation Capacity Deferral | Distribution Facility Deferral, 1 1-3 Voltage Regulation HI Reliability (UPS), Power Quality,| 0.1-1 1-2 Peak Shaving Energy Storage Association Bu Energy Storage is Happening! @ At Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority @ At Metlakatla Power & Light @ At GNB's Vernon Recycling Plant @ With Photovoltaic Energy Systems @ At Oglethorpe’s Manufacturing Customers \\y Energy Storage Association E 4 j @ PREPA (Puerto Rico) 20 MW Installation @ Avoids blackouts if 400 MW power plant fails @ Planning second 20 MW facility in 2000 \) Energy Storage Association R. j S\P | @ Fluctuating loads , from saw mill causes disturbances @ Metlakatla (Alaska) installs 1.4 MWh battery storage @ Avoids diesel fuel costs and spills \) © Energy Storage Association Bu | || @Critical loads such as environmental controls need back- up } 4 ae s @ GNB installed 3.5 7a = MWhat lead ; recycling center in Vernon, California @ Storage system prevents emissions problems } = | @ Dangling Rope Marina \ , A \) Energy Storage Association R. (Utah) powered by diesel generators at cost of $ .38/kWh Meee @ Hybrid (photovoltaics/ Wee = storage/propane generators) installed to displace diesel generators f @ Avoids cost and spills |; associated with diesel power ; lv Energy Storage Association Bid-« / @ Lithograph customer in Homerville, Georgia wae @ Modular 1 MW fae ~=sébatttery storage j installation eliminates JF short circuit faults @ Down-time is = eliminated Energy Storage Association Bu Energy Storage Information @ESA History @ESA Goals @ESA Membership @ESA Leadership Contact ESA e Energy Storage Association Bu ESA History | @ Information exchange forum required for battery storage following completion of SCE Chino Project @ Established Utility Battery Group (UBG) in 1991, including eight founding utilities @ Steering Committee moved to broaden charter; incorporated as trade association; chose Executive Director; and changed named to Energy Storage Association in May, 1996 @ Held first meeting in Amelia Island, Florida with focus on power electronics and power quality (November 1996) Energy Storage Association BR. ENERGY STORAGE ASSOCIATION Vision: @Energy storage systems achieve commercial acceptance by electricity suppliers and customers resulting in viable products and markets @ Mission @Promote the development and commercialization of competitive and reliable energy storage delivery systems for use by electricity suppliers and their customers Energy Storage Association Rs ESA Planned Products in 1997 Meetings @Spring 1997 meeting in Washington, DC (Theme - “Renewable Energy & Energy Storage: A Partnership That Makes Sense’) @Fall 1997 meeting in Sacramento, CA (Theme - “The Value of Energy Storage ina Restructured Utility Market’) @ Products @ Monthly fax newsletter updating members on energy storage news and opportunities Energy Storage Association £s4 ‘ ESA Planned Products in 1997 y @ ESA Website with information section for rn members only @ ESA Fact Sheets highlighting energy storage projects @ ESA Literature and presentations promoting the benefits and application for energy storage technologies @ Coordination and information on international energy storage projects in Europe and Asia @ Directory highlighting the product and service information for al ESA companies eZ Energy Storage Association Bs ESA Membership | ELECTRICITY PROVIDERS Arizona Public Service Crescent EMC Georgia Power National Power Northern States Power Oglethorpe Power Ontario Hydro Pacific Gas & Electric PEPCO Southern Cal Edison Tampa Electric MANUFACTURERS AC Battery C&D Charter Delphi Energy (Delco) GE Drive Systems GNB Technologies International Computer Power Power Cell SAFT America Superconductivity Trace Technologies Westinghouse Yuasa Exide RESEARCH/ CONSULTING Distributed Utility Associates EPRI EECI Energetics Energy Storage Technology Inst.. ILZRO Maxwell Technologies Sandia Laboratories Sentech SVS Energy Storage Association Bu ESA Leadership Directed by an eleven person board including: Phil Symons, Chairman EEC/ George Hunt, Vice Chairman; Treasurer, GNB Technologies Rick Winter, Secretary, Endecon Engineering Richard Schweinberg, Southern California Edison Denise Zurn, Northern States Power Bradley Johnson, PEPCO Michael Gravely, Superconductivity Inc. Chuk Ward, Oglethorpe Power Corp. Abbas Akhil, Sandia National Laboratories R.B. Sloan, Crescent Electric EMC Energy Storage Association est Contact ESA at: ENERGY STORAGE ASSOCIATION 4733 Bethesda Avenue, Suite 608 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 (301) 951-3223 (Phone) (301) 951-3235 (Fax) bhighsmi @ switch.smart.net (E-Mail) http://www.energystorage.org (Website) Jonathan W. Hurwitch, Executive Director Laura Waltemath, Projects Director Brian Highsmith, ESA Coordinator Tab 6: Living with a BESS - O&M of MP&L BESS Presenters: Dutch Achenbach Metlakatla Power & Light & Jody Lenihan Atlas Engineering ( br FOLLOWER J 11 470V | Be ROTATION YECTOR —___MASIE (0 (OEG) _ FOLLOWER (OEG) 2 = 1 ~60 30 i — 12 50 30 MASIER LEADS FOLLOWER BY 30 DEG FOR REQUIKED 15kV PHASING AS SHOWN. XFMR 1; SEC = 470V PRI = 5600V RATIO = 7.659 XFMR 2: SEC = 470V PRI = 2079V RATIO = 4.423 (EACH WDC) TOTAL RATIO = 7.659 + (1 aah 423) = 15.320 (7200V) L-G = 12.47kV L=L METXFMR 15kV_ UTILITY DIMENSIONS IN INCHES - SCALE Be MASTER 470V A LEG: Ee HS i HI2-H11 (Y) We (2) MAG, ANGLE —— {neg ———_— FG) ___x + y+ 7 30. 2x @0 FoNoanenia STH HARM. 71H HARM. B LEG: HO-HI FUNDAMENTAL DTH HARM 71 HARM C LEG: HO “H2 FUNDAMENTAL STH HARM. 71H HARM. H4-H3 (Y) (6G) __ (beg) —_{0£¢)- yen? 90° 2x © -90 0 H8-H7 (Y) (DEG) St COEG) 90 150 150 oO -150 ° HS5-H6 (2) MAG, ANGLE 90 0 120 H9—H10 (2) MAG, ANGLE -30 2x @ 120 30 0 0 FIFTH AND SEVENTH HARMONIC COMPONENTS EFFECTIVELY CANCELLED me METLAKATLA TRANSFORMER CONF IGURATION GENERAL ELECTRIC PSEC ENGINEERING GROUP BATON ROUGE. LA METXFMR SHEET 1 OF | Atlas Engineering Group Inc. BATON ROUGE, LA DATA CALCULATION SHEET AEG JOB # DATE 1-20-2G ENGINEER PL CUENTEEG CERESEC! METLAKATLA BESS 15. KV BESS AND UTILITY WAVEFORMS (MEASURED @ PT. SUBJECT BEFOge AND AFTER XiLTR MATCH TIZS PHASOR : von Ts . - A: 13K e ass° =-Bés. AB 8: 13K e@ 328° = UTIL: VAB, = PHASOR: VOLTS i “A: 11K @ 923° =-BE: Atlas Engineering Group Inc. BATON ROUGE, LA DATA CALCULATION SHEET CUENT Ge PSEC METLAKATZA BESS SUBJECT BATTERY GAOUAD £ LERK OETECTOR. (Pa 2 OFS) AEG JOB # DATE [-Zlo-27 ENGINEER PL = T_STACK. ? a _LEAK AT STACK 48. as 16V 16V 418V BAK An STAek 4 10 il 12 ON D Maw DC DISCONNECT 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 LEAK DET. FUSES <BOTTOM> ERAKGD Bie CiiGNePRECEDURE 1, STOP BESS, OPEN DC DISCONNECT. REMOVE GROUND FAULT SENSING FUSES ON STACKS 18 AND 24 (TOP). . REMOVE LEAK DETECTOR FUSES ON STACKS 23 AND 26 (BOTTOM). DIVIDE BATTERY INTO SECTIONS BY OPENING LINKS TO STACKS 13, 25 AND 36. MEASURE DC VOLTS FROM BATTERY RACK TO BATTERY TERMINAL. IF VOLTAGE DECAYS TO APPROX. 2V, NO LEAK IN THIS SECTION. IF VOLTAGE IS CONSTANT, LEAK EXISTS. DETERMINE CELL WHOSE NEGATIVE TERMINAL READS ZERO VOLTS TO BATTERY RACK. THIS IS DEFECTIVE CELL. REPLACE CELL. RECONNECT BATTERY STRING AND REINSTALL FUSES. VERIFY NO OTHER LEAKS, RESTART BESS. COMMON CAUSES: 1. PINHOLE IN COVER SEAL 2. POST LEAK 16 feel 15 14 | 13 7IZ1197 03:49:46 PM Alarm Panel System KW 2393 | System KVAR -1151_ Communications with PLC : BESS Alarm Chester Lake Alarm Purple Lake #1 Alarm t Frequency |60.04 LocalkV. 12.7 OK BESS Status s0c% 95 : fat ie -65 Purple Lake #3 Alatm a ; i } BESS Trip Chester Lake » Purple Lake #1 | Purple Lake #3. | | Trip \ Trips: Trip Battery SOC Less Than 50% Chester Lake. Modem Link Down | Purple Lake | Modem Link Down - Diesel Comm PowerTrac Down - rene : il || pe fel 1 oe | oH | i a j — 4 a | SystemkVAR -807 LocalkV 12.7 8/3/97 12:44:08 PM | Communications withPLC- = OK. Generation Dispatch — 8/3/07 «= 12:4408 PM Automatic Generation 2 : Voltage Contral Control “A KW Measured | Enable i eae acc | p | Raise “Lower: pra)”. kvare: “AGC 0 Purple Lake Unit 1 Purple Lake Unit2 Purple Lake Unit 3 oChesterLake SER - Sequence of Events Recorder "Previous j Next Archive | Print MM/DD/YY¥H PMComment Name Y 08/02/97 09:07:13 AM Lower voltage entry for BESS LVBESS ON 08/02/97 09:07:13 AM Lower voltage entry for BESS LVBESS OFF 08/02/97 09:07:16 AM Lower Voltage at BESS in progress LQ _BESS ON 08/02/97 09:07:19 AM Lower Voltage at BESS in progress LQ_BESS OFF 08/02/97 09:07:29 AM Lower voltage entry for CL LVCL ON 08/02/97 09:07:29 AM Lower voltage entry for CL LVCL OFF 08/02/97 09:07:31 AM Lower Voltage at CL in progress LV_CL ON 08/02/97 09:07:33 AM Lower Voltage at CL in progress LV_CL OFF 08/02/97 09:08:09 AM Execute manual kW order, CL EXP_CL ON 08/02/97 09:08:09 AM Execute manual kW order, CL EXP_CL OFF 08/02/97 09:25:16 AM Raise voltage entry for CL RVCL ON 08/02/97 09:25:16 AM Raise voltage entry for CL RVCL OFF 08/02/97 09:25:17 AM Raise Voltage at CL in progress RV_CL ON 08/02/97 09:25:20 AM Raise Voltage at CL in progress RV_CL OFF 08/02/97 09:25:27 AM Raise voltage entry for BESS RVBESS ON 08/02/97 09:25:28 AM Raise voltage entry for BESS RVBESS OFF 08/02/97 09:25:29 AM Raise Voltage at BESS in progress RQ_BESS ON 08/02/97 09:25:32 AM Raise Voltage at BESS in progress RQ_BESS OFF Trending 3 (Click on chartto select variables and time. Legend below gives scaling for common signals) nee | 100 0, Go eee S A i cei “Aug-03-97 00:00:00 ' Unit Temperature OdegF. 1000 degF Unit KW/DELP -5000:kW +5000 kW StateofCharge 0% 100% Aug-02-97 ~-Aug-02-97 19:12:00 it Vottage 0 KVolts 100:kVolts a ~ OKW 10,000 kW Generator Temperature (Deg. F) Print Stator Bearing Purple Lake Unit1 ©@) Purple Lake Unit2 Purple Lake Unit 3 ‘Top Guide “Top Thrust Bottom Guide : ; 1 126. | 130 131 ‘Chester Lake © 8/3/97 01:03:34 PM Generator Start / Stop : Remote Comm Control Enabled OK Purple Lake Unit 1 © © Purple Lake Unit 2 Purpie-Lake Unit 3: Chester Lake oS © © 6. Available to Start @) 00 ON-LINE OFF-LINE @ O GS oO Unit Status Print tod ne Lod Start / Stop auto- cancels after 10 sec. 8/2/97 10:11:04 AM i “J aoen se Wore. 4 Battery Mode Load Leveling Strings 1 8/2/97 11:15:05 AM ~ Communications with PLC - OK Equalize (lke asin ste aia See eY ait iF Sandia National Laboratories (fh) Design of Modular ee Liis agp t= babs fo 1Col aya smal oi ge hpwl(o)ac ie (oaceys a0 arc (a cas November, 1997 Anchorage, AK Gre aoe Oleg! Energy Storage Systems Program Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM Energy Storage Systems Program A Typical Modular fatal-)f6) rey (Ol f<10 [Mey ) Bae (10 f-1L) Typical Modular System Model Energy Storage Systems Program BAYe)(or-l mi Colelelr-le Battery Assembly Energy Storage Systems Program Typical Stand-alone Modular System Internals Tab 8: BESS in Other Alaska Villages Presenter: Peter Crimp Division of Energy Department of Community and Regional Affairs State of Alaska King Cove Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page | of 3 Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Information Summasies 897 Ist Class City Aleutians East Borough Sales: 2%; Property: None; 2% Raw Fish Tax (City); 2% Raw Fish Tax (Borough); Fuel Wharfage $.01/gal. (Borough) King Cove is located on the Pacific side of the Alaska Peninsula. It is 18 miles southeast of Cold Bay and 625 miles southwest of Anchorage. It lies at approximately 55° 03' N Latitude, 162° 19' W Longitude. The area encompasses 3 sq: miles of land and 2 sq. miles of water. King Cove lies in the maritime climate zone. Temperatures range from -9 to 76. Snowfall averages 52 inches, and total annual precipitation is 33 inches. King Cove was founded in 1911 when Pacific American Fisheries built a salmon cannery there. Early settlers were Scandinavian, European and Aleut fishermen. 39.2% of the population are Alaska Natives. A federally recognized tribe is located in the community. Scandinavians have historically influenced the cultural, economic and social structures. King Cove is a mixed non-Native and Aleut community. During the April 1990 U.S. Census, there were 195 total housing units, and 51 of these were vacant. 276 jobs were estimated to be in the community. The official unemployment rate at 10/30/97 11:32:58 AM Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 2 of 3 that time was 1.8%. 24% of all adults were not in the work force. The median household income was $53,631, and 10% of residents were living below the poverty level. Water is supplied by Ram Creek with a sheetpile dam which stores about 980,000 gallons of water. The City has received funding to develop a well field at Delta Creek. All residents are connected to the piped water system. A piped sewage collection system connects all homes and facilities to central septic tanks. Two lift stations and tanks provide primary (20,000 gallons) and secondary treatment (84,000 gallons) of waste, with discharge through an outfall line. All homes are fully plumbed. The City collects garbage twice a week. Aluminum is recycled. A hydroelectric power project has recently been funded. Electricity is provided by City of King Cove. There is one school located in the community, attended by 140 students. Local hospitals or health clinics include King Cove Medical Clinic. Auxilliary health care is provided by King Cove Volunteer Fire & Rescue (497-2555/2277). King Cove's economy depends almost completely on the year-round commercial fishing and seafood processing industries. The Peter Pan facility is one of the largest cannery operations under one roof in Alaska. 76 residents hold commercial fishing permits. Income is supplemented by subsistence activities. King Cove is accessible only by air and sea. A State-owned airport is available. The State Ferry operates bi-monthly between May and October. The State Ferry and marine cargo services use one of three docks owned by Peter Pan Seafoods. A deep water dock was completed in the Spring of 1993. The harbor provides moorage for 90 boats, and is ice-free all year. A local priority is to construct a 22-mile road to Cold Bay. City - City of King Cove, P.O. Box 37, King Cove, AK 99612, Phone 907-497-2340, Fax 907-497-2594 Village Corporation - King Cove Corporation, P.O. Box 38, King Cove, AK 99612, Phone 907-497-2312, Fax 907-497-2444 Village Council - Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove, P.O. Box 18, King Cove, AK 99612, Phone 907-497-2648, Fax 907-497-2803 Borough - Aleutians East Borough, P.O. Box 349, Sand Point, AK 99661, Phone 10/30/97 11:33:11 AM Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 3 of 3 907-383-2699, Fax 907-383-3496 Regional Native Corporation - Aleut Corporation, 4000 Old Seward Hwy. #300, Anchorage, AK 99503, Phone 907-576-4300, Fax 907-563-4328 School District - Aleutians East School District, P.O. Box 429, Sand Point, AK 99661, Phone 907-383-5222, Fax 907-383-3496 Regional Development - Southwest Alaska Muni. Conf., 3300 Arctic Blvd., #203, Anchorage, AK 99503, Phone 907-562-7380, Fax 907-562-0438 Housing Authority - Aleutian Housing Authority, 4000 Old Seward Hwy., 2nd Floor, Anchorage, AK 99503, Phone 907-258-5614, Fax 907-276-5975 Regional Health Corporation - Eastern Aleutian Tribe, 721 Sesame Street, #2C, Anchorage, AK 99503, Phone , Fax Query Performed October 30, 1997 Back to Community Information Summaries Query Page Back to Query Options Page MCushing@ComRegAf.state.ak.us 10/30/97 11:33:12 AM King Cove FY96 PCE Statistics BEKWH Gen Diesel Peak Demand: (KW) GIKWH Gen Hydro Population 913 600 Customers 244 00.000) Taesaeter rips ero Be O79 SLT RSD MWh/yr Generated 3,008 250,000 Sod MWh/yr Sold 2,762 | Aan Fuel usage (gal/yr) 101,596 | 200,000 Fuel cost ($/yr) $ 76,941 5 450,000 = 300 Non-fuel cost ($/yr) $ 307,631 | PCE Payment ($/yr) $ 75,244 100,000 200 Gross Billed after PCE a'000 400 ($/yr) $ 547,008 | * Average Power Cost after | 0 0 ey Fe es Lae Pee et pee & es @ aS Nie RAB LI Nabed | PMSA TABS reed | cess Lieber | eer eta bee PCE (cents/kWh) 198 | 5 % 8 3 8 8 § § 8 5 Zé 3 g 8 8 8 8 Si ane eeiaiiie | Sal eae) ai alin Ae el ae g 2 i a):||\2 i Peak Total Non Fuel TotKWH Demand: Tot KWH Gross PCE Fuel Price FuelCost Expenses Purchased Sold: Billed: Payment: July 205,830 23,383 1755 $0.71 $ 1,253 $ 35,600 362 217,516 43,503.00 $ 5,023 August 218,160 11,124 492 $0.71 $ 351 $ 33,315 380 =. 211,518 42,303.00 $ 5,028 September 207,080 33,728 2617 $0.71 $ 1,868 $ 31,227 362 =. 215,473 43,095.00 $ 5,135 October 212,720 39,064 2970 $0.71 $ 2,120 $ 33,235 444 219,551 43,911.00 $ 6,482 November 112,860 154,388 12043 $0.71 $ 8596 $ 49,373 460 242,046 48,409.00 $ 7,648 December 93,990 200,821 15185 $0.73 $ 10,839 $ 15,405 460 268,315 48,262.00 $ 6,965 January 90,080 201,185 15833 $0.73 $ 11,479 $ 21,308 539 261,967 52,393.00 $ 7,289 February 49,784 206,175 15024 $0.73 $ 10,893 $ 12,000 539 237,587 47,517.00 $ 6,650 March 59,818 190,299 14951 $0.13 $ 10,839 $ 12,313 539 230,741 46,107.40 $ 6,415 April 115,250 123,858 12314 $0.90 $ 11,112 $ 29,604 539 230,030 46,006.00 $ 6,165 May 145,270 92,703 7680 $0.90 $ 6,931 $ 23,782 431 218,962 43,793.00 $ 6,328 June 211,260 9,450 732 $0.90 $ 660 $ 10,469 360 208,546 41,709.00 $ 6,116 CADDET Wre Technical Brochure No.37 Hydro- power for: a 1 Remote Alaskan Community Summary Residents of a remote fishing community, the city of King Cove, Alaska, live far from the nearest utility grid. For a long time they have paid a premium for diesel- generated electrical power. This changed in December 1994 when, after years of studies and planning, a run-of-river hydro-electric facility dedicated solely to King The King Cove hydro-power station. Cove’s power needs went on line. The 800 kW plant exploits abundant precipitation and glacier melt in the area. Funded by a loan, as well as state and federal grants, the plant will provide electricity to residents for the next 30 to 40 years. King Cove is a demonstration of clean energy production for other remote Alaskan communities and for those with suitable water resources. seat v Clean, and environmentally acceptable electricity v Reduced consumption of fossil fuels v Cheaper electricity for consumers Project Background King Cove is a community of about 700 residents, most of them native Aleuts. The village has about 200 households and a cluster of commercial and government facilities, including a large fish processing company. Numerous hydrological surveys, geotechnical studies, load inventories and feasibility assessments finally led in 1993 toa series of grants, including a Title 26 award through the US Department of Energy to the Agdaagux Tribal Council. Title 26 grant funding is authorised under the 1992 Energy Policy Act to assist Indian During construction of the hydro facility. reservations in developing local energy resources. The tribal council was the prime grant applicant and the city of King Cove acted as contributing partner. HDR Engineering Inc of Anchorage performed feasibility studies, helped secure financing and designed and managed construction of the hydro- electric facility. The Project: lc a ES sa King Cove receives 130 cm of snow and 85 cm of rain annually. The quantities and flows of water in the region are evident: during floods, small boulders have been seen tumbling down the creekbeds. The 500 ha (2 square miles) Delta Creek basin near the town generates a maximum stream flow of 25 m3per second. Unlike most hydro facilities, King Cove’s plant draws water from two sources rather than one. Both are tributaries to Delta Creek. The primary water source is Glacier Creek, a glacier-fed stream. The secondary source is Clear Creek, a rain-fed stream that is tapped when additional flow is needed. Intakes erected on the two tributaries generate 90 m gross head and 74 m net head at full load. Diversion structures measure 3 m high by 30 m long; the pipe diameter is 0.8 m. A check valve prevents water from Glacier Creek Summary for 30 Year Project Life Diesel base case net present value = $15,372,212 Hydro project net present value = $15,137,175 Cost/cost ratio = 1.02 Diesel System Assumptions Diesel efficiency Economic life O&M cost 12 kWh/gal 10 years Replacement cost $700/kW* $0.11/kWh *Note: Allowing for expansion of the city’s power requirements, about 700 kW of diesel capacity is replaced every 10 years at a cost of $700/kW. from backing up into the lower intake of Clear Creek during high flow conditions. A special intake design employing a sluiceway with side-intake trash-racks overcomes problems associated with stream- bed flushing during floods, while eliminating icing of the intake screen in severe weather. The remainder of the system consists of a powerhouse, transmission line, and support facilities. To accommodate fluctuations in user loads that would otherwise be absorbed by a utility grid, the system includes a 4,000 kg flywheel that can either store or provide energy to ensure smooth transitions during load changes. The plant has effectively replaced four diesel generators that previously consumed about 1,500 litres of fuel daily; these remain in place for back- up purposes. The powerhouse ties into King Cove’s existing power substation via a 12.5 kV, three-phase, 60 Hz transmission line, installed along 9 km of gravel road. The transmission line includes 11 built- in vaults to accommodate future residential development along the corridor. The powerhouse is fitted with a Gilkes Turgo impulse turbine rated at 880 kW at 5,100 m3 per hour. It is a dual-jet unit equipped with a speed governor and hydraulic deflectors to control flow. The system can be monitored remotely over telephone lines. Performance BRR ERR a LT King Cove’s current peak electricity demand of 500 kW was insufficient to evaluate the full rated output of the plant. To test the system, engineers simulated the future projected peak loads by constructing a “water rheostat” as a load bank. A 2 m3 trash dumpster was filled with salt water and submerged copper electrodes connected to the power supply. With the plant disconnected from the city, electric loads ranging from zero to the full rated load were diverted to the dumpster and the power supply system checked over the full range. The construction of the facility caused little environmental impact and diversion from the watershed has not significantly altered the flows in Delta Creek. Economics a Previously, the local residents had absorbed the cost of imported diesel fuel for electric generators in their electric bills. The new $5.7 million (where $ is the US dollar) hydro- electric plant at King Cove significantly reduces the need for imported diesel. In addition to grants, the city and tribal councils secured $1.8 million in private funding. The anticipated decrease in annual diesel fuel costs is expected to offset the repayments on a Farmer’s Home Administration 25 year loan at 5.5% interest. At the current cost of $0.20 /kWh for residential electricity, a 5-10% reduction in the cost of electricity is predicted within 5-8 years of facility start-up. Following the 10-year service mark, an additional 5-10% reduction is predicted. Testing the system using a simulated full-rated load. Please write to the address below if you require more information. [ Project Partner City of King Cove 1600 A Street, Suite 103 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-5146 USA Contact: Gary Hennigh Tel: +1 907 274 7555 Fax: +1 907 276 7569 Equipment Supplier HDR Engineering Inc 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-2689 USA Contact: Duane Hippe Tel: +1 907 274 2000 Fax: +1 907 274 2022 Information Organisation US Department of Energy . Denver Regional Support Office 2801 Youngfield Street, Suite 360 Golden, Colorado 80401 USA Contact: Steve Sargent Tel: +1 303 275 4820 Fax: +1 303 275 4830 CADDET::: ‘W renewable energy CADDET Centre for Renewable Energy ETSU, Harwell Oxfordshire OX11 ORA United Kingdom Tel: +44 1235 432719 Fax: +44 1235 433595 E-mail: caddet.renew @aeat.co.uk International Energy Agency The Intemational Energy Agency (IEA) is an autonomous body which was established in 1974 within the framework of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to implement an international energy programme. Printed on environmentally friendly paper. US 96 519 CADDET CADDET was set up in 1988 as an IEA Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy Technologies. Today, there are two CADDET operations: one is for energy-efficient technologies and the other for renewable energy technologies. The Centres co-operate with member countries in the exchange of high quality information on energy technologies. Disclaimer Neither CADDET, nor any person acting on their behalf: (a) makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the information contained in this brochure; or (b) assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of this information ” First printed 1996 Pelican Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 1 of 3 Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs 196 lst Class City Unorganized Sales: 4%; Property: 6.0 mills Pelican is located on the northwest coast of Chichagof Island on Lisianski Inlet. It lies 70 air miles north of Sitka and 70 miles west of Juneau. It lies at approximately 57° 57' N Latitude, 136° 13' W Longitude. The area encompasses 1 sq. miles of land and 0 sq. miles of water. Pelican has a maritime climate characterized by cool summers and mild winters. Average summer temperatures range from 51 to 62; winter temperatures range from 21 to 39. Annual precipitation is 127 inches, including 120 inches of snow. A cold storage plant was the first development at this site in 1938. Kalle (Charley) Raatikainen bought fish in this area, which he transported to Sitka. He chose this protected inlet as an ideal cold storage site, and named the place after his fish-packing vessel "The Pelican." Two of his fish-buying scows were used as a cookhouse, mess hall, bunkhouse and warehouse, and the community of Pelican grew around this operation. A store, office, sawmill, post office and sauna had been erected by 1939. A school and cannery were developed in the 1940s. A boardwalk serves as the town's main thoroughfare, due to the lack of flat land. 10/30/97 11:35:56 AM Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 2 of 3 29.3% of the population are Alaska Natives. Pelican is predominantly a non-Native fishing community, with a mixture of Tlingits and Eskimos. There is a seasonal population influx of commercial fishermen. During the April 1990 U.S. Census, there were 98 total housing units, and 17 of these were vacant. 140 jobs were estimated to be in the community. The official unemployment rate at that time was 3.4%. 17.2% of all adults were not in the work force. The median household income was $27,083, and 13.6% of residents were living below the poverty level. Pelican Utility Company, a subsidiary of Pelican Seafoods, owns and operates the water system. Water is derived from a dam and reservoir on Pelican Creek, and is treated. All residences are connected to the piped water system. The City completed a piped sewage system with ocean outfall in 1989; about 75% of homes are connected to it. The City provides garbage collection services, recycling, and incinerates the refuse at the landfill. They have requested funds for water treatment improvements and to develop a Solid Waste Master Plan. The City has also requested funds for repairs to the hydroelectric and distribution systems. Electricity is provided by Pelican Utility Company. There is one school located in the community, attended by 32 students. Local hospitals or health clinics include Pelican Health Center. Auxilliary health care is provided by Pelican EMS (735-2250). Commercial fishing and seafood processing are the mainstays of Pelican's economy. 46 residents hold commercial fishing permits. Most employment occurs at Pelican Seafoods, which also owns the electric utility, a fuel company and store. In April 1989, Pelican Seafoods was purchased by Kaioh Suisan, a Japanese firm. The plant processes five species of salmon, halibut, crab, herring, rock fish, black cod, sea urchin and sea cucumber. In February 1996, the plant was closed. It was subsequently purchased by Kake Tribal Corp. and re-opened during the summer of 1996, employing over 70 persons. Pelican is dependent on float planes and the State Ferry for travel. Daily scheduled air taxi services are available from Juneau and Sitka. Facilities include a State-owned seaplane base, a small boat harbor, and State ferry terminal. The ferry provides two monthly departures during summer months, and once monthly during winter. Cargo barges deliver goods on a similar schedule. City - City of Pelican, P.O. Box 737, Pelican, AK 99832, Phone 907-735-2202, Fax 10/30/97 11:35:59 AM Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 3 of 3 907-735-2258 School District - Pelican City Schools, Box 90, Pelican, AK 99832, Phone 907-735-2236, Fax 907-735-2263 Village Council - Pelican Traditional Council, P.O. Box 727, Pelican, AK 99832, Phone , Fax Regional Native Corporation - Sealaska Corporation, One Sealaska Plaza #400, Juneau, AK 99801, Phone 907-586-1512, Fax 907-586-9214 School District - Pelican City Schools, Box 90, Pelican, AK 99832, Phone 907-735-2236, Fax 907-735-2263 Regional Development - Southeast Conference, 124 W. Fifth Street, Juneau, AK 99801, Phone 907-463-3445, Fax 907-463-4425 Housing Authority - Tlingit-Haida Reg Housing Auth, P.O. Box 32237, Juneau, AK 99803, Phone 907-780-6868, Fax 907-780-6895 Regional Health Corporation - SEARHC, 3245 Hospital Dr., Juneau, AK 99801, Phone 907-463-4000, Fax 907-463-4075 Query Performed October 30, 1997 Back to Community Information Summaries Query Page Back to Query Options Page MCushing@ComRegAf.state.ak.us 10/30/97 11:36:00 AM Pelican FY96 PCE Statistics | KWH Gen Diesel Peak Demand: (KW) | GIKWH Gen Hydro | Population 240 | 450,000 300 Customers 232 400,000 800 MWh/yr Generated 3,093 | 350,000 700 MWhiyr Sold 2,742 | 300,000 ee Fuel usage (gal/yr) 72,012 | < 250,000 | 500 Fuel cost ($/yr) $ 86,198 | & 500000 or Non-fuel cost ($/yr) $ 129,662 | 150,000 | 300 PCE Payment ($/yr) $ 11,442 | 100,000 200 Gross Billed after PCE | 50,000 a0 (S/yr) $ 381,945 a 5 Average Power Cost after > % 6 & & 5 =z > @ > esses & = _¢ PCE (cents/kWh) 139 ;eRBeREETT ERTS see ee RS FER ESE <26 8 § § 8 * | | <26 3 38 8 8 * | 3 204 | | 3 234 _ . ; Peak Total KWH Gen KWH Gen Fuel Used Current Non Fuel TotKWH Demand: TotKWH Gross = PCE Diese! (Gallons): Fuel Price Fuel Cost Expenses Purchased (KW) Sold: _ Billed: Payment: July 324,480 101,920 8,747 $1.20 $ 10,470 $ 18,747 787 360,511 49,030.05 $ 791 August 271,040 131,200 9,583 $1.01 $ 11,471 $ 20,174 819 380,641 51,577.73 $ 802 September 260,960 61,920 4,735 $1.01 $ 5668 $ 13,663 730 278,829 38,186.71 $ 900 October 289,920 33,120 2,333 $1.01 $ 2,793 $ 12,149 516 269,978 37,441.94 $ 1,076 November 166,080 63,840 4,995 $1.01 $ 5979 $ 9,205 655 219,164 30,702.51 $ 1,077 December 76,800 133,920 10,546 $1.01 $ 12,624 $ 7,685 460 187,443 26,708.36 $ 1,135 January 81,600 155,680 12,439 $1.01 $ 14,889 $ 9,359 420 207,984 29,663.96 $ 1,211 February 97,600 96,000 8,182 $1.20 $ 9,794 $ 7,760 350 172,451 24,624.07 $ 1,078 March 94,080 84,320 7,216 $1.20 $ 8638 $ 7,028 420 156,171 22,342.88 $ 972 April 146,240 33,120 2,926 $1.01 $ 3,502 $ 7,228 380 160,627 22,888.34 $ 875 May 164,000 0 6 $1.20 $ 7 $ 6,634 300 147,411 20,992.40 $ 794 June 220,800 4,000 304 $1.20 $ 364 $ 10,030 775 200,608 27,785.75 $ 732 Pelican Utilities Study 2.0 Existing Systems On May 28 and 29, 1996, HDR and DCRA Department of Energy (DOE) staff traveled to Pelican to perform field reconnaissance of the electric and water utilities, the bulk fuel storage facility, and fuel dispensing concession. See Figure | for a layout of the town and study area. Tom Whitmarsh, chief engineer for Pelican Seafoods, led the tour of these facilities. Whitmarsh is responsible for the operation and maintenance of PUC and the bulk fuel storage facility and fuel dispensing concession. He has been responsible for their operation for the last 20 years. The information collected in the field was supplemented with information from studies of various system components written by consulting engineers. (See the report's bibliography.) This section presents an overview of the electric utility, water utility, bulk fuel storage facility, and fuel dispensing concession. 2.1 Electric Utility The PUC electric utility consists of three major components: hydroelectric generation at Pelican Creek; diesel generation at the cannery; and the electrical distribution system. Each of these are described below. 2.1.1 Hydroelectric Generation Electricity is generated at a hydroelectric facility on Pelican Creek at the east end of town. The creek has a drainage area of 13 square miles, all located on the steep mountainside of Lisianski Inlet. The mean precipitation of the area at sea level is 160 inches. To impound the creek water, in 1940 a rock and timber dam was built at the top of a steep rock gorge. ; The dam is about 20 feet high, 60 feet wide, and has a spillway elevation of 146.6 feet.— -~ Because of the steep terrain of the basin, the reservoir holds water in only a 5.3-acre area and has only about 27 acre-feet of storage at normal water levels. This small storage volume contains water for only a few hours of hydroelectric generation. The headworks structure at the dam drains water into a 5-foot-wide by 4-foot-deep wood flume. The headworks structure consists of a concrete intake, trash rack, pipe, and slide gate in the west side of the dam. The headworks pipe immediately empties into the flume. With the exception of a short tunnel section about 100 feet downstream of the dam, the flume winds about 1,000 feet across the hillside above Pelican Creek to a point above the powerhouse. The flume is supported along this path by trestles of various heights and designs on rock outcrops. The flume appears stable and in good condition, and flow in the flume is about 80 cubic feet per second (cfs) under normal generation conditions. Along its entire length, the flume is partially covered with an access boardwalk to the dam. The flume ends at a penstock intake structure where the turbine penstock begins. This penstock intake structure consists of a trash rack, wood headbox, and overflow for excess water. It is located at about elevation 136 feet.< The city water supply is also collected with this intake structure. It, too, appears in good ¢ondition. 3 8/2/96 g'et al CHIRORTAUAIAr i ave Pe Ye AAR RARRARE Srcrar AAR PF Pelican Utilities Study The turbine penstock consists of 300 feet of 36-inch wood stave pipe. The pipe is almost "5 “40 years old and has numerous leaks. These leaks are normally confined to the joints between the ends of the individual staves. The penstock is supported on trestles between the headbox and the powerhouse. An access stair to the flume parallels the penstock. Inside the powerhouse, the penstock feeds two electricity generation systems. The main unit is a 520 kilowatt (kW) Francis turbine and the second is a 100 kW pump turbine. The oversized main turbine was selected in anticipation of raising the dam height and replacing the flume with pipe to create additional head for generating electricity. Raising the dam or replacing the flume is not planned at this time. The finished floor of the powerhouse is at elevation 24 feet, giving about 108 feet of head for generating electricity. Switch gear is also located in the powerhouse. From this point, the generated power is connected to the city distribution system. About 60% of the city’s, including the cannery’s, electrical demands are met by hydroelectric generation. ~ 2 2.1.2 Diesel Generation PUC operates five diesel generators for peak and backup electrical generation. The generators are located in the main processing plant at the cannery near the cold storage area. The system has a peak demand of 850 to 900 kW when the cannery is processing fish. The size, output, and accumulation of engine operation hours of each generator are listed in Table |. These units are overhauled every 18,000 engine hours. The 285 kW unit was rebuilt last year. Switch gear for the generators is also located in the cannery buildings. Fuel for these units is stored in a 6,200-gallon tank located on the hill near the cannery dormitory. Fuel feeds by gravity to the generators. The storage tank is founded on bedrock and is located inside a low concrete fuel spill containment dike. The containment dike is unlined, holds water, and has enough capacity to hold all the fuel in the tank should a spill occur. Between the tank and the generators the piping is new welded steel, and from the a fuel tanks the fill line is threaded piping. ad Dot Table 1 PUC Diesel Generators 2.1.3 Electrical Distribution : The electrical distribution system consists of a main line that connects the diesel and hydroelectric generators and five service branches. The main line follows the boardwalk and serves residences and businesses. The entire distribution system consists of overhead wires on poles. The five branches serve: (1) the residences east of Pelican Creek; (2) the 4 . 8/2/96 Pelican Utilities Study school and adjacent residences; (3) the boat harbor; (4) the cannery dormitory area; and (5) the residences west of town. PUC provides electrical service to boats in the harbor upon request. The standard conductor is copper wire. All electric poles also carry telephone lines. Prince of Wales Island (Craig, Klawock, and Thorne Bay) Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page | of 3 Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs 2,109 lst Class City Unorganized Sales: 5%; Property: 6.0 mills; 6% Liquor Tax Craig is located on a small island off the west coast of Prince of Wales Island, and is connected by a short causeway. It is 5 miles south of Klawock, by road. It lies 56 miles northwest of Ketchikan, 750 air miles north of Seattle, 220 miles south of Juneau, and 750 air miles southwest of Anchorage. It lies at approximately 55° 28' N Latitude, 133° 09' W Longitude. The area encompasses 6 sq. miles of land and 3 sq. miles of water. Prince of Wales Island is dominated by a cool, moist, maritime climate. Average summer temperatures range from 49 to 63; winter temperatures vary from 29 to 39. Average annual precipitation is 145 inches. The Tlingit and Haida peoples have historically utilized the area around Craig for its rich resources. A saltery and cold storage plant was built in 1911 by Craig Miller. In 1912, a Post Office opened, E.M. Streeter opened a sawmill, and a salmon cannery was constructed. Excellent pink salmon runs contributed to the growth of the community through the late 1930s. During the 1950's, the fishing industry collapsed due to greatly reduced salmon runs. In 1972, Ed Head built a large sawmill six miles from Craig near Klawock, which provided 11/3/97 2:45:11 PM Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 2 of 3 year-round jobs and helped to stabilize the economy. Head Mill was sold in the early 1990s to Viking Lumber. 22.9% of the population are Alaska Natives. A federally recognized tribe is located in the community. Craig is predominantly a non-Native fishing community, with influences of the Tlingit-Haida culture and history. During the April 1990 U.S. Census, there were 504 total housing units, and 60 of these were vacant. 633 jobs were estimated to be in the community. The official unemployment rate at that time was 8.4%. 25.9% of all adults were not in the work force. The median household income was $47,250, and 3.9% of residents were living below the poverty level. Over 95% of households are fully plumbed. Water is supplied by springs and a dam, then is treated and piped to most residences. Sewage is piped and receives secondary treatment before discharge. The City has received funds to expand the sewage treatment plant capacity and extend the system to unserved areas and new HUD housing. Refuse is collected and deposited in Klawock's landfill. The City also participates in annual hazardous waste collection events. A local priority is to develop a new regional landfill. Alaska Power & Telephone Co., based in Skagway, owns and operates diesel power systems in Hydaburg and Craig and a hydroelectric facility at Black Bear Lake, which provides electricity to many Island communities. Electricity is provided by Alaska Power & Telephone Company (AP&T). There are 2 schools located in the community, attended by 425 students. Local hospitals or health clinics include Craig Family Medical Clinic. Auxilliary health care is provided by Craig EMS (826-3257) or Prince of Wales Island Area EMS (826-2367). The economy in Craig is based on the fishing industry, logging and sawmill operations. Columbia Ward Fisheries, a fish buying station, and a major cold storage plant are located in Craig. 179 residents hold commercial fishing permits. Growth has been due in part to the increased role of Craig as a service and transportation center for the Prince of Wales Island communities. Shan-Seet Village Corporation timber operations, fishing, fish processing, government and commercial services provide most employment. Scheduled air transportation is available from the nearby Klawock airport to Ketchikan. A State-owned seaplane base and U.S. Coast Guard heliport are maintained in Craig. The State ferry serves Hollis 30 miles away and enables transportation of passengers, cargo and vehicles. There are two small boat harbors, at North Cove and South Cove harbors. Craig does not have a deep draft dock, however cargo barges deliver goods once a month during the summer. A Marine Industrial Center and Dock are under development on False Island, on the 11/3/97 2:45:15 PM Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 3 of 3 north side of Crab Bay. A paved road exists on the Island between Hollis, Craig, Klawock, and north to the airport. The remaining island roads are dirt and gravel. Chamber of Commerce - Greater Pr of Wales Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 497, Craig, AK 99921, Phone 907-826-3870, Fax 907-826-4020 Chamber of Commerce - Prince of Wales Chamber of Commerce, P.O. Box 497, Craig, AK 99921, Phone 907-826-3870, Fax 907-826-2929 City - City of Craig, P.O. Box 725, Craig, AK 99921, Phone 907-826-3275, Fax 907-826-3278 School District - Craig City Schools, Box 800, Craig, AK 99921, Phone 907-826-3274, Fax 907-826-3322 Village Corporation - Shaan-Seet, Incorporated, P.O. Box 690, Craig, AK 99835, Phone 907-826-3251, Fax 907-826-3980 Village Council - Craig Community Association, P.O. Box 828, Craig, AK 99921, Phone 907-826-3996, Fax 907-826-3997 Regional Native Corporation - Sealaska Corporation, One Sealaska Plaza #400, Juneau, AK 99801, Phone 907-586-1512, Fax 907-586-9214 School District - Craig City Schools, Box 800, Craig, AK 99921, Phone 907-826-3274, Fax 907-826-3322 Regional Development - Southeast Conference, 124 W. Fifth Street, Juneau, AK 99801, Phone 907-463-3445, Fax 907-463-4425 Housing Authority - Tlingit-Haida Reg Housing Auth, P.O. Box 32237, Juneau, AK 99803, Phone 907-780-6868, Fax 907-780-6895 Regional Health Corporation - SEARHC, 3245 Hospital Dr., Juneau, AK 99801, Phone 907-463-4000, Fax 907-463-4075 Back to Community Information Summaries Query Page Back to Query Options Page MCushing@ComRegAf.state.ak.us 11/3/97 2:45:16 PM Population Customers MWh/yr Generated MWh/yr Sold Fuel usage (gal/yr) Fuel cost ($/yr) Non-fuel cost ($/yr) PCE Payment ($/yr) Gross Billed after PCE ($/yr) Average Power Cost after PCE (cents/kWh) 1729 899 18,524 17,084 281,327 $ 208,773 $ 928,721 $ 344,200 $2,104,072 12.3 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June 2,000,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 é 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 1,238,400 4,441,200 700,000 96,276 113,600 1,618,400 1,551,200 1,808,800 102,400 1,521,950 1,433,600 1,545,600 660,000 1,243,200 1,506,400 73,600 73,600 26,000 1,562,400 76,000 121,600 9,600 85830 99803 46413 6800 8013 5491 5256 1844 7136 5381 8679 681 Craig FY96 PCE Statistics WKWH Gen KWH Gen Dec Jan Feb March April May $0.74 63,763 $ $0.74 : 72,643 $ $0.76 $ 33,932 $ $0.76 $ 4,974 $ $0.76 $ 6,303 $ $0.08 $ 4,427 $ $0.76 $ 4,233 $ $0.76 $ 1,450 $ $0.76 $ 5651 $ $0.76 $ 4,105 $ $0.76 $ 6687 $ $0.76 $ 605 $ Diesel Hydro June 47,800 54,058 94,639 72,727 182,727 96,084 61,117 91,300 68,769 31,461 67,356 60,681 fy 3 3 Aug Non Fuel TotKWH Demand: Tot KWH Peak Demand: (KW) a 3 8 § 8 5 Foe 83 8 3 Peak Total Gross Billed: ce Ful owt Expenses Purchased (KW) _— Sold: 2,460 27h, 2,710 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,700 4,388 4,120 4,500 a 181, 202 30,929.00 1,366,481 53,032.00 1,303,682 48,865.00 1,218,987 36,002.00 1,468,104 61,291.00 1,543,119 53,555.00 1,489,956 16,820.00 1,662,378 37,128.00 1,538,547 17,717.00 1,468,984 02,298.00 1,429,550 30,300.00 1,413,195 16,135.00 April May June PCE Payment: $ 18,311 $ 19,647 $ 23,974 $ 25,452 $ 28,409 $ 32,161 $ 32,243 $ 34,465 $ 31,960 $ 33,156 $ 32,523 $ 31,896 Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page | of 3 Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs DOCRA cS Community Information Summaries @ @ 726 1st Class City Unorganized Sales: 5%; Property: None; 0.5% Pool Tax Klawock is located on the west coast of Prince of Wales Island across from Klawock Island. It is 7 miles north of Craig, 24 miles from Hollis, and 56 air miles west of Ketchikan. It lies at approximately 55° 33' N Latitude, 133° 05' W Longitude. The area encompasses 0 sq. miles of land and 0 sq. miles of water. Klawock is dominated by a cool maritime climate. Average temperatures in the summer range from 46 to 70; average winter temperatures range from 32 to 42. Gale winds are common in the fall and winter months. Early inhabitants were from Tukekan, a Tlingit winter village to the north. Klawock was used as a summer fishing camp. The history of Klawock is closely tied to the fishing industry. A trading post and salmon saltery were established in 1868, and the first cannery in Alaska was built here by a San Francisco firm in 1878. The subsequent canneries that sprouted in the area were operated with Chinese laborers. A hatchery for red salmon operated at Klawock Lake between 1897 and 1917. In 1934, Klawock received federal funds for cannery operations, on the condition that the village be liquor-free. In 1971 the Alaska Timber Corp. build a sawmill. Soon after, the Klawock-Heenya Village Corp., the Shaan Seet Corp. of Craig, and 11/3/97 2:46:15 PM Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 2 of 3 Sealaska Timber Corp. expanded area facilities with a log sort yard outside of Klawock and a dock on Klawock Island. 54.3% of the population are Alaska Natives. A federally recognized tribe is located in the community. Klawock is a mixed Tlingit and non-Native city. The Island has been greatly influenced by logging operations. Most residents pursue a subsistence lifestyle to provide food sources. The community takes great pride in its Totem Park, which displays 21 restored totem poles and replicas from the old village. The Totem Park includes a Heritage Center and Long House. Sale of alcohol is restricted to the City-owned package store. During the April 1990 U.S. Census, there were 281 total housing units, and 40 of these were vacant. 267 jobs were estimated to be in the community. The official unemployment rate at that time was 17.3%. 48.4% of all adults were not in the work force. The median household income was $39,583, and 8.4% of residents were living below the poverty level. Over 90% of homes are fully plumbed. Water is derived from a dam on Half Mile Creek, which is treated and piped throughout Klawock. Most homes have piped sewage collection which receives secondary treatment. Klawock has requested funds to expand the water storage capability due to seasonal water shortages, and to expand the piped sewer system to developing areas. Funds have been provided to construct a new sewage treatment plant and to upgrade the water treatment, in preparation for expansion. The City provides garbage collection twice weekly, and refuse is hauled to an unpermitted landfill which is shared with Craig. The Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Authority is a non-profit subdivision of the State which purchases electricity from Alaska Power & Telephone over the Craig/Klawock intertie. THREA also owns four standby diesel generators in Klawock. Electricity is provided by Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Authority. There are 2 schools located in the community, attended by 208 students. Local hospitals or health clinics include Klawock Health Clinic. Auxilliary health care is provided by Klawock EMS (755-4800/2988); Prince of Wales Island Area EMS (826-2367). The economy has been dependent on fishing and cannery operations in the past, however the timber industry has become increasingly important in recent years. The Klawock Timber Co. sawmill and area logging operations are the largest employers. 45 residents hold commercial fishing permits. The state operates a fish hatchery on Klawock Lake that contributes to the local salmon population. Cannery operations were closed in the late 1980s. The City is interested in developing a cold storage plant, tourism, and minerals. Klawock is dependent on air transportation from Ketchikan, however it is connected by the Island road system to other communities. The only airstrip on Prince of Wales Island is 11/3/97 2:46:18 PM Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 3 of 3 located here - a 5,000' paved runway and seaplane base owned by the State. Ferry transportation and barge services are also available from nearby Hollis. Klawock has a small boat harbor and boat ramp. A deep draft dock is available at Klawock Island, which is primarily used for loading timber. City - City of Klawock, P.O. Box 113, Klawock, AK 99925, Phone 907-755-2261, Fax 907-755-2403 School District - Klawock City Schools, Box 9, Klawock, AK 99925, Phone 907-755-2220, Fax 907-755-2913 Village Corporation - Klawock Heenya Corporation, P.O. Box 129, Klawock, AK 99925, Phone 907-755-2270, Fax 907-755-2966 Village Council - Klawock Cooperative Association, P.O. Box 112, Klawock, AK 99925, Phone 907-755-2265, Fax 907-755-8800 Regional Native Corporation - Sealaska Corporation, One Sealaska Plaza #400, Juneau, AK 99801, Phone 907-586-1512, Fax 907-586-9214 School District - Klawock City Schools, Box 9, Klawock, AK 99925, Phone 907-755-2220, Fax 907-755-2913 Regional Development - Southeast Conference, 124 W. Fifth Street, Juneau, AK 99801, Phone 907-463-3445, Fax 907-463-4425 Housing Authority - Tlingit-Haida Reg Housing Auth, P.O. Box 32237, Juneau, AK 99803, Phone 907-780-6868, Fax 907-780-6895 Regional Health Corporation - SEARHC, 3245 Hospital Dr., Juneau, AK 99801, Phone 907-463-4000, Fax 907-463-4075 Back to Community Information Summaries Query Page Back to Query Options Page MCushing@ComRegAf.state.ak.us 11/3/97 2:46:19 PM Population Customers MWh/yr Purchased MWh/yr Sold Fuel usage (gal/yr) Fuel cost ($/yr) Non-fuel cost ($/yr) PCE Payment ($/yr) Gross Billed after PCE ($/yr) Average Power Cost after PCE (cents/kWh) 759 423 4,846 4,482 $ = $ $ 338,214 $1,279,035 28.5 Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June KWh 500,000 450,000 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 2 6 Bb 2 8 6 coooooooo°oc°co Klawock FY96 PCE Statistics Tot KWH Purchased > 3 z July $0.80 $0.80 $0.80 $0.86 $0.86 $0.86 $0.83 $0.83 $0.83 PHAPAPAAAAGHAGA HHH; ' & ll c G § Peak Total Tot KWH Demand: TotKWH — Gross Expenses Purchased (KW)_-—Sold:_ Billed: 361,287 331,735 97,678.39 418,012 396,044 15,665.60 422,159 400,358 00,919.63 425,282 358,773 01,048.78 450,982 403.765 11,887.31 425,591 424,921 22,113.56 413,044 381,342 09,934.21 446,442 419,364 19,497.35 393,284 350,634 04,267.60 365,794 352,691 02,346.00 367,655 338,007 98,225.84 356,368 324,708 95,450.44 PCE Payment: $ 20,720 $ 22,745 $ 26,378 $ 27,027 $ 29,897 $ 33,446 $ 32,593 $ 34,377 $ 30,792 $ 27,835 $ 26,402 $ 26,002 Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page | of 3 Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs co Aco) patra] 645 2nd Class City Unorganized Sales: 3%; Property: None Thorne Bay is 38 air miles northwest of Ketchikan on the eastern side of Prince of Wales Island. On the Island road system, it lies 59 miles from Hollis and 36 miles east of the Klawock Junction. It lies at approximately 54° 41' N Latitude, 132° 31' W Longitude. The area encompasses 19 sq. miles of land and 5 sq. miles of water. Prince of Wales Island is dominated by a cool, moist, maritime climate. Average summer temperatures vary from 46 to 70; winter temperatures range from 32 to 42. The Bay was named after Frank Manley Thorn, superintendent of the U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey around 1885. Thorne Bay was developed as a result of a long-term timber sales contract between the U.S. Forest Service and the Ketchikan Pulp Company. In 1960, a floating logging camp was built in Thorne Bay, and in 1962 a shop, barge terminal, log sort yard and camp were built to replace facilities at Hollis. Roads were then constructed to connect Thorne Bay with Hollis, Craig and Klawock. During this time, it was considered the largest logging camp in North America. Thorne Bay evolved from a company-owned logging camp to an incorporated city by 1982, due in part to the land selection program provided for 11/3/97 2:47:07 PM Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 2 of 3 in the Alaska Statehood Act. 1.2% of the population are Alaska Natives. Evolving from a work camp, Thorne Bay has become a year-round home to many logging employees. The majority of the population are non-Native. During the April 1990 U.S. Census, there were 242 total housing units, and 39 of these were vacant. 241 jobs were estimated to be in the community. The official unemployment rate at that time was 18.6%. 38.4% of all adults were not in the work force. The median household income was $39,688, and 5.2% of residents were living below the poverty level. Water is obtained from a lake above Thorne Bay, is treated and stored in a tank before piped distribution. The gravity sewage system includes secondary treatment. Approximately 75% of households are connected to the piped systems and are fully plumbed. Residents on the south side of the community use rain catchment, streams or springs, and the City has requested funds to design a water system for this area. The City provides garbage collection services; a regional baler, recycling facility and landfill are available. The community participates in annual hazardous waste disposal events. A project is under construction to connect Thorne Bay and Kasaan to the Black Bear Lake Hydroelectric facility. Electricity is provided by Thorne Bay Public Utility. There is one school located in the community, attended by 116 students. Local hospitals or health clinics include Thorne Bay Health Clinic. Auxilliary health care is provided by Thorne Bay Volunteer Rescue Squad (828-3412); Prince of Wales Island Area EMS (826-2367). Employment is primarily related to the logging industry and U.S. Forest Service management of the National Forest, with some commercial fishing, tourism and government employment. Logging operations run full-scale from March through October or November. Thorne Bay is one of the major log transfer sites for operations all over the Island. To supplement their income, residents fish and trap. 18 residents hold commercial fishing permits. Locals prefer to purchase goods from Craig and Ketchikan. Thorne Bay is accessed by scheduled float plane services from Ketchikan, the State Ferry at Hollis, and the airport at Klawock. Scheduled barges provide cargo delivery. A State-owned seaplane base and city-owned small boat harbor are available. The logging road system provides local access to other Island communities. 11/3/97 2:47:10 PM Test CIS Page - Microsoft Internet Explorer Page 3 of 3 City - City of Thorne Bay, P.O. Box 19110, Thorne Bay, AK 99919, Phone 907-828-3380, Fax 907-828-3374 Regional Native Corporation - Sealaska Corporation, One Sealaska Plaza #400, Juneau, AK 99801, Phone 907-586-1512, Fax 907-586-9214 School District - Southeast Island Schools, Box 8340, Ketchikan, AK 99901, Phone 907-225-9658, Fax 907-225-2836 Regional Development - Southeast Conference, 124 W. Fifth Street, Juneau, AK 99801, Phone 907-463-3445, Fax 907-463-4425 Housing Authority - Tlingit-Haida Reg Housing Auth, P.O. Box 32237, Juneau, AK 99803, Phone 907-780-6868, Fax 907-780-6895 Regional Health Corporation - SEARHC, 3245 Hospital Dr., Juneau, AK 99801, Phone 907-463-4000, Fax 907-463-4075 Back to Community Information Summaries Query Page Back to Query Options Page MCushing@ComRegAf.state.ak.us 11/3/97 2:47:11 PM Thorne Bay FY96 PCE Statistics KWH Gen Diesel Peak Demand: (KW) Population 633 | |NKWH Gen Hydro | Customers 293 MWhlyr Generated 2,815 300,000 mm MWhiyr Sold 2,456 | 250,000 500 Fuel usage (gal/yr) 206,461 Fuel cost ($/yr) $ 170,718 | 200,000 400 Non-fuel cost ($/yr) $ 404,942 £ | PCE Payment ($/yr) $ 68,150 | = om Eo Gross Billed after PCE | 100,000 200 ($/yr) $ 601,199 | Average Power Cost after | 50,000 | | 100, PCE (cents/kWh) 24.5 | 0 | 0 23S FREER TE 22§ 5 Fs FPERTE = | \ : Peak Total KWH Gen Fuel Used — Current _ NonFuel TotKWH Demand: TotKWH Gross PCE __. Diesel (Gallons): Fuel Price Fuel Cost Expenses Purchased (KW) _— Sold: _Billed:_ Payment: 178,944 13916 $0.82 $ 11,334 $ 20,871 361 149,862 37,105.50 $ 3,586 Aug 200,640 15427 $0.82 $ 11,609 $ 45,975 351 173,691 42,688.35 $ 3,920 Sept 220,240 16109 $0.82 $ 13,129 $ 43,575 371 207,762 50,418.90 $ 5,327 Oct 220,224 16624 $0.82 $ 13,549 $ 43,518 421 182,000 44,040.80 $ 4,803 Nov 294,144 21536 $0.82 $ 17,660 $ 21,023 482 241,239 58,773.75 $ 6,686 Dec 218,880 15611 $0.82 $ 12,801 $ 28,614 537 217,747 52,943.00 $ 6,247 Jan 274,368 19939 $0.77 $ 16,350 $ 56,651 493 234,298 57,210.80 $ 7,103 Feb 266,304 21715 $0.77 $ 16,721 $ 54,652 522 226,507 55,177.15 $ 6,070 March 248,832 17156 $0.79 $ 13,210 $ 21,459 483 223,052 55,763.00 $ 6,009 April 242,496 16334 $0.98 $ 12,904 $ 31,710 434 214,669 53,667.25 $ 5,952 May 219,840 15159 $0.98 $ 14,856 $ 28,811 408 231,358 55,846.18 $ 7,231 June 229,824 16935 $ 16,596 $ 8,083 443 154,302 37,563.90 $ 5,217 Tab 9: How BESS Benefits Can Be Evaluated Presenter: George Hunt GNB Technologies e Evaluation — identify potential utility applications — define application requirements — assess the potential utility application — estimate potential benefits — establish product and system costs ¢ Overall Mission -Developing utility BESS in Alaska as an economically attractive resource option by the year 2,000 LEGENDA \CHIEVEMI GLOBAL SA e Process — why invest in a BESS? — situational analysis ¢ what do we need and what are the problems — preliminary evaluation ¢ can BESS provide multiple benefits — detailed planning studies ¢ optimal location, size, economic and financial analysis, environmental consideration — BESS procurement decision ¢ Screening study, preliminary evaluation ¢ Detailed feasibility study, including siting ¢ Preliminary engineering and cost estimate — environmental assessment Funding Procurement — permits, final engineering, construction, start-up, commissioning, operating plant, service ¢ History of diesel fuel consumption — 1989 679,130 gal. — 1990 575,428 gal. — average usage 464,178 gal/yr. 1991/92/93 — average cost of fuel for 1991-93 $.74/ gal. — average annual cost of fuel burned $ 343,492 e History of scheduled maintenance of diesel — 20k hrs (every 2.3 yr.) minor overhaul cost $ 95k — 40k hrs (every 4.6 yr.) major overhaul cost $250k MENDARY A ITEVEMENT GLOBAL SALES MEETING e Projected costs, diesel fuel / maintenance — 1995 through 2004 $ 4,083,139 (today's costs) — assume costs increase at 2.5% per year — Estimated expenses $5,103,924 ¢ BESS installed cost (1996) — $1,900,000 — battery cell replacement 8th year @ $500,000 ¢ Potential MP&L savings $ 2,704,000 — less finance charges for loan ee, eon . | " Opportunities in Alaska — seminars: Aug 97 Ketchikan / Nov 97 Anchorage Small standardized “product” offering —50kW upto l MW (under consideration) BESS feasibility study for two PCE sites — obtain funding for study 12/97 — requirements defined, complete study 2/98 BESS acquisition 3/98 — field commissioning of PCE BESS system 3/99 ES MEETING Tab 10: Appendices e Miscellaneous Information |GINIB Battery Energy Storage System ee Metlakatla Power & Light — System Rating Base Voltage 12,470 BESS Nominal Current 37 BESS Nominal Power 800 1600 Number of Battery Strings 1 Battery String Rating 1.00 MW/ Battery Voltage 900 660 Volts Line to Line Amps RMS KVA continuous KVA 10 seconds 1.40 MWh Volts DC maximum Volts DC minimum GIN|B| Metlakatla Power & Light — Battery String GNB ABSOLYTE IIP Batteries Sealed, Valve Regulated Lead-Acid (VRLA) Patented MFX Positive Grid Alloy Battery Module Type 100A75, 2 Volts dc One Series String, 378 Modules, Nominal 756 V dc UL 94 V-0 / 28% L.0.1 Flame Retardant Cell Material Battery Assembly, U.B.C. Seismic Zone IV Requirements Patented Plastic/Steel Composite Mounting Pedestals Operating Range, 662 V dc to 900 V de Low Maintenance, Long Life, & Deep Cycle Capability Simple Cell Replacement Capability |G|NIB] Battery Energy Storage System MP&L BESS System One-Line om we Gene noe re onl? te = rowers] 28 reve oor 24 Item _ Description 1 BESS Power Conversion System (PCP) el PCS 2000. Control with voltage and power regulation. ee Zig-zag isolation tansformer, 800 KVA, 470 - 12,470 Vac eS) PCP Switchgear with PT's and CT's 2 Battery System 2:1 Battery string, 756 VDC nominal 22 Fused DC disconnect switch 3 Control and Monitoring Equipment Sel Station control cabinet with sequencing, outer loop and AGC controls Sez, Operator panel Seo Battery monitor/charge control cabinet and remote sensor cabinets 3.4 Battery monitor PC and Data Acquisition System. S20) PowerTrac for control and monitoring of Centennial diesel 3.6 PC for System Operator Interface System 4 Auxiliary Equipment 4.1 125 VDC station battery with chargers, 2 hr. hold up time for blackstart. 4.2 Auxiliary power transformer with fused disconnect switch 4.3 Master switchgear cabinet, with internal fault relays & filter protective relays 5 Filters Sal Common bus filter to meet IEEE 519 5.2 2 Vacuum switch, CT’s for overload protection |G|N|B| Battery Energy Storage System Vernon System Rating Base Voltage BESS Nominal Current BESS Nominal Power Number of Battery Strings Battery String Rating Battery Voltage 4160 345 2800 5000 1.25 900 660 Volts Line to Line Amps RMS KVA Continuous KVA 10 seconds MW/hr. Volts DC maximum Volts DC minimum |G|N/B| Battery Energy Storage System Vernon BESS System One-Line Item Description 1 BESS Power Conversion System Ll PCS 2000 12 Zig-zag isolation transformer, .92 MVA, 522 - 4570 Vac 13 Fused contactor with PT's and CT's Limit Amp 2 Battery System 22.1 _____ Battery string, 756 VDC nominal, 1.25 MW-Hr 7 2.2 Fused disconnect switch 3 Control and Monitoring Equipment ack Station control, sequence logic, outer loop controls 3.2 Operator panel 3 Battery monitor and DAS 3.4 PSIC (rela: el) with PowerTrac Ac =: “Auntliary Equipment 0 ce 4.1 125 VDC station battery with charger 4.2 Auxiliary power transformer 4.3 Fused disconnect switch with PT's and CT's gS ee iter es ee ee ee oH Common bus filter to meet IEEE 519 Bh Fused contactor ar G|N|B| Battery Energy Storage System Power Conditioning System 2000 (PCS 2000) Power Output Rating 1.0 MVA continuous 1.67 MVA 10 seconds 575 Volts AC DC Voltage Input 660 - 900 Volts DC Power Converter Description - Air Cooled — Gate Turn-Off (GTO) Power Devices — 12 Pulse Output Configuration — Microprocessor Based Electronics — User Configurable Programmable Software G|N|B Battery Energy Storage System Power Conditioning System 2000 (PCS 2000) Capacitor Panel GTO Converter (6 Pulse) Follower DC Line Panel (Contactors) GTO Converter (6 Pulse) Master os fe ae as Je ew La eer eg Fe eats, at" ed ae ee ae ROO slg Energy Storage e iliar with storage devices such as batteries which have been used for decades to provide portable electricity supply in millions of automobiles, appliances, and electronic devices. And, since the 1930s, electric utilities around the world have employed pumped hydro- electric storage to meet fluctuating demand. Despite these experiences, there is still the common perception that bulk electricity storage for utilities is not practical. But now a new generation of smaller, modular energy storage technologies are emerg- ing. These new systems offer tremendous value and opportunities for both electric- ity providers and users. Electrical energy can be either stored directly or converted and stored in differ- ent forms such as chemical, mechanical, or potential energy. The stored energy can be quickly converted on demand and used in a wide variety of electric applications and load sizes. Advancements in battery technology, superconducting materials and flywheels have resulted in systems that can now provide reliable power on demand and with reduced capital investment. Because of the modularity of distributed energy storage, additional benefits are gained from their strategic placement within the electric network. The first modular battery storage system was developed in a partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy/Sandia National Laboratories and the AC Battery Corporation and tested at Pacific Gas, & Electrics San Ramon test facility. G@mpetition to Provide Electricity The U.S. electric utility industry, a regulated monopoly since its inception at the turn of the century, is undergoing a massive restructuring that will result in significant changes as well as opportunities for emerging technologies. The creation of competition in wholesale a and retail electricity markets will result in new products and services such as premium power, energy supply contracts, electricity commodity futures, and green power. Distributed energy storage technologies have matured to the point of gaining industry and investor confidence. More than 70 megawatts (MW) of battery storage (enough power to start half all of the cars in the US each day) have been installed by utilities and their cus- tomers to provide ancillary transmission services, premium power quality, and to firm intermittent renewable resources. Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) devices are being leased or sold around the world to provide instantaneous premium power quality for electricity both domestically and internationally. As developing countries continue to upgrade and expand electric supply, energy storage systems are being used to fa cilitate economic development. At least four U.S. firms are developing flywheel (electro- mechanical) storage products which initially will be marketed for power quality and unin- terruptible power supply applications. g__ Energy Storage Manufacturers and Customers Malin ee ea pee / { 8 - redictry |” Toned a nr” oh a Moasvidey Nethe Se Mme Word yw Conan lag: £ Z wonteteabisti! / © SE ekenlogy Corp Sacramento Manicipal Ulity Diserct Sleoaten Fn BS Stee, Pa cantnpey Commonweal BSS PO a Sen “Tinity Fhe TRehinpes OC = Southern California Edison Phoenix Se ee , Sore Proj ay pr Va \e e Phecnis Aloe Te smc Aan Pali Service tgs Rewer TS Cony tig + Tamps Thmps Electric Compl yen uty B BE tetra comin 4 Teg Pants Wetiteval Necks Rowand Light g CG rene nice C5") Kose Vil Puerto Rico Electric Pome Authoisy ‘Tlingit Haids Regional Electric Authority USS MCCA UMC Se a OLN lectricity competition will open up many new opportunities for services, products and new technolo- gies. Energy storage is one of those critical technologies and will create new businesses for both man- ufacturing the technologies and for providing the services such as premium power, green power, or reliability reserves. Market projections for energy storage are likely to result in: Installation of 900 MW annually of energy storage devices by 2010 Productivity improvement for US industrial sector of $150 billion annually Markets exceeding $1 billion by 2010 resulting in 7,000 new high-technology manufacturing CL Rr aR alee Enhanced renewable energy market penetration by 2010 with concomitant em a UU ate ORO MR OL Emerging high-technology leadership with export market potential to exceed $500 million annually by 2010 LT Energy Storage offers exciting opportunities for researchers, product manufactures, electricity providers, and electricity customers. To learn more about these opportunities please contact: A ~~ es Energy Storage Association 4733 Bethesda Avenue Suite 608 Bethesda, MD 20814 Phone: 301-951-3223 Fax: 301-951-3235 This document was prepared by the Energy Storage Association in collaboration with the Solar Energy Research and Education Foundation. Support for this document was provided by the Energy Storage ‘Systems Program of the U.S. Department of Energy with program management and oversight provided by Sandia National Laboratories. ergy Storage Applications Managing Power for an Island Economy F The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA), the island’s utility, determined that a battery energy storage system would be the most cost-effective option to meet the island’s unique circum- stances. Four 400-MW oil-fired units were added (nearly doubling PREPA’s generation capacity) during the 1960s and 1970s when Puerto Rico experienced rapid demand growth. When growth stagnated after the 1979 oil crisis, PREPA recognized that an unscheduled shutdown of a 400-MW power plant caused electrical overload of generators that remained on line. As a result, standby generation could not reach full speed during the critical first seconds. The only other option, load shedding, caused blackouts and negated the economy of scale that originally justified con- struction of large generating plans. After a thorough analysis, PREPA installed 20 MW of battery storage at Sabana Llana, a 115-kV substation. PREPA is planning another 20 MW energy storage system which will allow the utility to make the most efficient use of existing generating capacity and provide reliable service to their customers. Economical Solutions for Village Power A sawmill constitutes a large portion of the demand for the 8.0 MW combined hydro and diesel generation capac- ity of Metlakatla (Alaska) Power and Light. Other village customers include residences and commercial loads. The mill’s heavy motor loads caused substantial fluctuations in both system voltage and frequency and a 3.3 MW diesel generator was required to satisfy response rate require- ments. The recent addition of a 1 MW battery energy storage system allows Metlakatla Power and Light to adjust to fast power swings without using the diesel generator. The battery storage system also means less money spent for diesel fuel and less risks associated with fuel handling and environmental clean up. Maintaining Critical Safety and Environmental Operations Many industrial and commercial users face substantial losses due to momentary or sustained power interruptions. The GNB Lead Reclamation Facility in Vernon, California, recently installed a battery energy storage system rated at 3.5 MW for one hour to supply uninterruptible power to ensure the plant's critical loads are met. One of the most critical processes is the operation of the plant's emission control systems. The storage system allows GNB to ensure that possible emissions are avoided even if electrical power is interrupted. Us Stored Electricity he value of energy storage lies in its flexibility, reliability and the strategic benefits it offers to its customers. Both electric utilities and consumers can incorporate energy storage to provide premium services (power quality or uninterruptible power, for example) or to take advantage of flexible rates by discharging the stored energy when rates are the most expensive and charging the system when electricity is inexpensive. Utilities can incorporate large-scale energy storage as load leveling facilities to maximize their return on investment by improving plant capacity factors. Special applications for energy storage are either grid-tied or grid-independent renewable energy systems. The emergence of renewable energy, especially wind and photovoltaics, has created broader market opportunities for energy storage. Whether buffering and firming the resource variation, or by matching the resource availability to the peak load and obtain the highest price for electricity, energy storage can enable greater use of renewable energy. What Makes an Energy Storage System? Generally four components are included in a typical energy storage system: * Storage device such as a battery, supercapacitor, superconducting magnet coil, or rotating mass (flywheel) * Power electronics to convert utility electricity (AC) into stored energy and back again * — Control system to receive signals from the user and direct the electronics when to turn on and off * Building or structure to house the components and protect them from the weather These components together are offered as a packaged system and are referred to as an energy storage system. Joint efforts between the U. S. Department of Energy/Sandia National Laboratories and the private sector are primarily focused on optimizing the output and compatibility of individual com- ponents into packaged systems. Fully integrated, reliable energy storage systems are critical to meet the needs of energy consumers and providers in a new electricity era. Distributed energy storage has become an important ally with state-of-the-art renewable energy technology. Dangling Rope Marina on the northern shore of Utah's Lake Powell was powered solely by diesel generators operated by the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area at an average cost of $.38/kWh. In 1996, a solar photo- voltaic system, two propane-fueled engine generators, a battery system of 2.4 MWh, and a hybrid power con verter were installed to replace the diesel system. The result is a savings of $100,000 per year as well as a sig- nificant reduction in noise and air pollution. Lightning is a frequent visitor to Homerville, Georgia, often causing power disturbances to the local litho- graph plant, a major employer in this small rural com munity. The Slash Pine Electric Membership Cooperative (SPEMC) and Oglethorpe Power Corporation, the local power providers, recognized that the occurrence of frequent short circuit faults on the utility’s transmission and distribution systems caused by storms, falling lines and small animals were impacting their customer's operation. The search for solu tions to these problems resulted in a collaboration between SPEMC, Oglethorpe, and the Electric Power Research Institute. As a follow-on to a US Department of Energy/Sandia National Laboratories research and development effort, they purchased and installed a battery storage system from AC Battery Corporation in 1996 that has improved power quality resulting in increased pro ductivity and safety for the plant. This productivity enhancement is helping to ensure the plant's continued existence and expansion. TEV MCR Ua aed BICC TY aurea For Transmission Networks/Substations MAU Cen Uae) UC ey Micha UEE “Stabilization a em C0 BRE ace) Ory wel Careliiy MNT cellar) el eg By Ne LV a uM Te Generation systems “Peak shaving “firming intermittent power sources ae “Frequency control “Voltage support “Operating (Spinning) reserve ea CN) eae eur ls Developers and Organizations Utilities / Electricity Providers Arizona Public Service (AZ) Detroit Edison (MI) National Power (UK) Crescent Electric EMC (NC) Northern States Power (MN) Oglethorpe Power Corporation (GA) Ontario Hydro Technologies (Canada) Pacific Gas & Electric (CA) Pacificorp (OR) Potomac Electric Power Company (DC) Salt River Project (AZ) Southern California Edison (CA) Southern Company (Georgia Power) (GA) Stuy eo cone runmey B) MAL ed Len Rees The Brattle Group (MA) Decision Focus, Inc. (CA) ECG Consulting Group, Inc. (NY) Electrochemical Engineering Consultants, Inc. (CA) biter oom Fete O\Z 8 BD) SENTECH, Inc. (MD) SVS, Inc. (NM) AAT GML clea aaa) AC Battery Corporation (WI) C&D Charter Power Systems (PA) Delphi Energy & Engine Management Systems (General Motors) (IN) Exide Electronics (NC) GE Drive Systems (VA) GNB Technologies (IL) Intermagnetics General (MA) Omnion Power Engineering (WI) Precise Power Corporation (FL) SAFT America (GA) Silent Power Systems (PA) Superconductivity, Inc. (WI) Trace Technologies (CA) Yuasa-Exide (PA) ZBB Technologies (WI) anaes Electric Power Research Institute (CA) Energy Storage Association (MD) Energy Storage Technology Institute (TX) International Lead Zinc Research Organization (NC) Sandia National Laboratories (NM) Solar Energy Industries Association (DC) DISTRIBUTION Battery storage all but eliminates diesel generator ».- attery storage has some suprising B-:: for island utilities—and it’s not just peak shaving. A recently installed battery energy-storage system on the remote island of Metlakatla, Alaska (Fig1), provides rapid spinning reserve, frequency control, and better power quali- ty. What’s more, the island’s main diesel generator—which once consumed more than 475,000 gal/yr of fuel oil—is now rel- egated to reserve duty. Hydro units now supply almost all of Metlakatla’s power. Metlakatla is an island community on the Annette Island Reserve at the southern tip of Alaska (Fig !). The only federal reserva- tion for indigenous people in the state, Met- lakatla is governed by the Tsimshian Tribal Council. The inhabitants engage in a dual economy—subsistence hunting and fishing, plus commercial lumbering and export businesses (Fig 2). Louisiana Pacific, the largest employer on the island, leases and operates the Annette Hemlock Mill. Metlakatla Power & Light (MP&L) is a stand-alone electric utility that, until recently, provided adequate power for the island with 4.9 MW of rain-fed hydroelec- By Michele Demarest and Paula Taylor, Energetics Inc, Columbia, Md, H A Dutch Achenbach, Metlakatla (Alaska) Power & Light, and Abbas Akhil, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM. - 7 tric generation, located { >. at Purple Lake and Chester Lake. Howev- <. er, as times have changed, so have load demands and MP&L’s ability to respond to them. Before 1986, the Annette Hemlock Mill, the largest electric- ity customer on the island, used about one- third of MP&L’s total generation capacity. Although fluctuation of the mill’s load bur- dened the utility, MP&L could successful- ly address it and supply power to other commercial establishments and residents. But when the mill bought a chipper in 1986, MP&L’s hydro-powered system struggled to address load swings estimated at about 500 kW. Despite adequate genera tion capacity to cover the increased load, hydro response time of 10 seconds was too slow to follow load swings, which occurred in about “oth of a second. Insuffi- cient generation output caused brownouts and blackouts, and excess hydrogeneration caused overvoltage. System failures frus- trated residents, businesses, and MP&L’s management. Diesel couldn’t solve problem In an attempt to solve the problem, the utility’s board—an ancillary to the Tribal Metlakatia, Ak “N\'s ay 1. Metlakatla is an island community on the Annette Island Reserve at the southern tip of Alaska Council—approved the purchase of a 3.3- MW diesel system at a cost of $2-million. The diesel was installed and began opera- tion in 1987. With the addition of the 3.3-MW diesel, MP&L’s generating capacity was just over 8 MW—twice the average base load. But the characteristics of the load and of diesel and hydro generation still defied MP&L’s attempts to solve its problems. The island had plenty of capacity, and the diesel was better suited to respond to load swings than the hydro generation. However, like all diesels, this unit had to run near full capacity to be efficient. So MP&L ran the diesel at 80% capacity (about 2.6 MW) and complemented the diesel base-load generation with about 1.5 MW of hydropower. About 20% of the diesel capacity (about 700 kW) was held in reserve to respond to load swings and MMC mesic eeu Recuucs acRanore oKetae) ELECTRICAL WORLD, June 1997 UPDATED WEEKLY ON THE INTERNET AT http://www.electricalworld.com 39 3. Battery storage system (right) consist- ing of power-conditioning system, an auto- matic generation control system, and bat- teries is housed in the butler-building-style shelter at rear. Diesel fuel tanks can be seen at right 4. Power-conditioning system (above) inverters, and controls for battery system also improve automatic generation control short-term fluctuations in base load. With this operating regime, MP&L could address load swings up to about 600 kW. But maximum load swings were as high as 900 kW. Base load plus load swings often loaded the diesel to 126% of its capacity. The hydro, still too slow to follow the load fluctuations, could not help. In some instances, generator speed and electrical frequency dropped from 60 Hz to below 57 Hz in less than | second. System voltage was extremely erratic. Simultaneously, spinning reserve dropped to just 0.8 kW. Summertime was the worst. Seasonal increases in electricity demand and simul- taneous decreases in hydro-generation capacity further stressed the MP&L sys- tem. Metlakatla’s population grows by 40% between March and September each year and electricity demand increases 22% in the same period. At the same time, reservoir levels are lower, and hydro units are less able to cover the base load. The diesel, helping to meet the seasonal peak, cannot buffer summertime load swings. Consequently, insufficient spinning reserve, erratic electrical frequency, and poor power quality were more exacting issues for MP&L in the summer. Operation and maintenance costs for the diesel compounded the problem. Fuel cost was $360,000-$400,000/yr. Transport- ing 475,000 gal/yr of fuel by ferry from the mainland and then through pipe across the island increased both the environmental risk to the community and the financial burden. Each fuel shipment required an average capital outlay of $100,000—a significant cash-flow problem for a small utility. To top that off, minor overhauls to the diesel cost $150,000 every three years, and major over- hauls cost $250,000 every six years. Capital improvements limited Like many rural cooperatives, MP&L 40 UPDATED WEEKLY ON THE INTERNET AT hitp://www.electricalworld.com had limited economic resources to solve its operations issues. Moreover, the utility had exhausted state funding assistance in 1987 when it purchased a 1-MW hydro unit with a $500,000 grant through the Alaskan Dept of Community and Regional Affairs’ Rural Utility Service (then the Rural Electric Administration). As a result, state pro- grams—such as the Power Cost Equaliza- tion program, which subsidizes rural utility rates—were unavailable to the community. Aavo Taaler, MP&L’s general manager at the time, sought help from the US Dept of Energy’s Energy Storage Systems (EES) program at Sandia National Labora- tories, Albuquerque, NM. Abbas Akhil, a senior engineer in the ESS program, remembers: “When Taaler called, I knew that his problem could be solved by battery storage.” Akhil provided a list of battery suppliers for MP&L to contact, with whom the ESS program had ongoing projects. Taaler approached GNB Industrial Bat- tery, Lombard, Ill, and that company in turn contacted GE Power Systems Div, Schenectady, NY, hoping to team up on a storage project for Metlakatla. Both com- panies flew representatives to Alaska in December 1992. MP&L requested that the ESS program send Akhil as an impartial intermediary. To fully assess the situation at MP&L, GE and GNB conducted a techno/econom- ic feasibility study that compared battery energy storage to other options using only the ting hydro and diesel units. The study confirmed that a 1-MW/1.4-MWh battery energy storage system (BESS) could provide the spinning reserve, fre- quency control, and power-quality improvement that Metlakatla needed. The $1.6-million system that the study identi- fied had a benefit/cost ratio of 1:1.5 and would pay for itself within three years. GE and GNB conducted a study of the harmonics on the hydro units in order to develop specifications for an automatic generation control (AGC) system that would regulate the units’ operation. The results provided guidelines for new hydro controls that would allow the hydro units to cover base load and maintain battery charge in the BESS. The resulting AGC scheme enables optimum dispatch of MP&L’s hydro, diesel, and planned BESS facilities. The study also showed MP&L how its existing hydro and diesel facilities could be operated more efficiently. Custom-designed storage GE and GNB designed a BESS for MP&L that capitalized on experience gained in building a similar system in Ver- non, Calif, in 1995. The BESS matched MP&L’s generation needs so well that it completely replaced the diesel generator, which is now available for extra power and battery charging. The BESS is capable of completely automatic, unattended opera- tion, including charge, discharge, standby, ready, synchronization, disconnect, and black-start. The BESS consists of a power- conditioning system (PCS), an AGC, bat- teries, racking and cables, and the butler- building-style shelter that houses the other components of the system. The BESS con- nects to the MP&L system at the 12.47-kV diesel substation (Fig 3). The PCS, based on gate-turn-off thyri tors and supplied by GE (Fig 4) allows bi- directional power flow between the ac sys- tem and the battery in less than a quarter-cycle. The BESS can support a continuous load of 800 kVA and handle pulse loads up to 1200 kVA—enough to support the !5-min demand of the chipper at the mill. A 900-kVA filter bank removes the harmonics and compensates the volt of the electrical signal. The AGC insures optimum integration of BESS response and hydro operation. The PCS provides both active and reac- ELECTRICAL WORLD, June 1997 tive power to counter load swings that the chipper creates. The BESS sources watts/VArs when the system load jumps higher than average, and sinks watts/VArs when the load falls below average. Because the BE: resultant net output is nearly zero, the batteries require little addi- tional charging; the AGC dispatches the hydro and diesel to provide the minimal charging required (Fig 5). How batteries are installed The storage battery consists of a string of 378 GNB Absolyte IIP, series-connect- ed, valve-regulated lead/acid (VRLA), 2-V cells (Fig 6) The battery bank has a nomi- nal rating of 756 V de, and is kept at 80% state-of-charge to enable it to accept ener- gy during voltage spikes. Unlike flooded lead/acid batteries used in earlier energy-storage systems, VRLA cells have no excess electrolyte. Fiber- glass mats hold the small amount of elec- tro between the positive and negative electrode plates. In addition, VRLA bat- tery cases are sealed, and only allow gas to escape from the cell when internal pres- sure exceeds the setpoint of a built-in reg- ulation valve. Therefore, VRLA cells can be placed on their sides (horizontally), and take up less space. VRLA cells require neither watering nor agitation to maintain the electrolyte. Accordingly, VRLA cells, such as those in the Metlakatla BESS, require significantly less space and main- tenance than the flooded-cell batteries. The battery housing is a 40 x 70-ft steel butler building that sits on a cement pad at the 12.47-kV substation for MP&L’s main diesel generator. GNB has worked with the ESS program to improve battery manufacturing process- es, develop modular designs, and investi- gate materials that reduce internal electri- cal resistance and increase capacity of glass-mat, VRLA battery cells. The results ELECTRICAL WORLD, June 1997 are improved reliability of pressure-relief valves, reduced positive-plate growth, reduced battery-recharge time, and reduced likelihood of short circuits between plates. GNB used the results of these collaborative projects to design the Absolyte IP cells that are in service in the Metlakatla BESS. The BESS project took six years from start to finish. Community acceptance and project logistics were sometimes large obstacles. However, once a contract was signed in 1995, “I don’t think they had many problems,” reports Harry ‘Dutch’ Achenbach, the third general manager of the utility in six years. Design specifications were completed in June 1996, installation was complete in February 1997, and operation began in the same month. Startup testing revealed improvement in efficiency in both the diesel and hydro units. A 60% increase in fuel-use efficiency has been recorded. In a little over a month and a half of use, the BESS has done “more than they said it could,” says Achenbach. “The bat- tery held for 45 minutes when a 1-MW load was rejected and tripped one of the hydro units.” Even with the Annette Hem- lock Mill and a Tsimshian lumber mill, owned by Metlakatla Forest Products, run- ning simultaneously, the only time that the diesel operated in February was to recharge the battery. MP&L saved $39,100 that month in diesel-fuel costs. If MP&L can continue to defer diesel shipments as it did in March 1997, overall cash-flow for the facility will impro With these results,” says Achenbach, “you can see that, ultimately, there will be lower prices for consumers.” Tie to mainland still possible To address possible growth, MP&L has considered taking a proposal before the tribal council to connect Metlakatla to the 5. Operator Leonard Dundas (above) adjusts the automatic generation controls for battery bank and hydro units 6. Battery bank (left) consists of 378 valve-regulated, 2-V, lead/acid cells Ketchikan-Southeast Intertie on the main- land. The additional power supply and system stability would come with a demand charge and ratchet if MP&L purchases power from the mainland. However, the connection could be a source of revenue if MP&L provides power at a premium rate during the Ketchikan peak. Moreover, if the BESS realizes the 3-yr payback that the system study predicts, the system will be fully amortized before the interconnec- tion is made. The benefit/cost ratio of oper- ating the BESS would be determined by avoided demand charges, increased rev- enues, and operation and maintenance costs. While interconnection to a larger grid would improve system stability, several issues create uncertainty about the future for Metlakatla, MP&L, and the BESS. The cost of interconnection—estimated at $6- million—could be prohibitive. Also, new federal legislation could make interconnec- tion unnecessary. Early in March, Con- gress passed a law that prohibits logging in the Tongass National Forest after Dec 31, 1999. Since the mills on Metlakatla get all of their lumber from the Tongass, the dis- ruption of the lumber industry will radical- ly affect the unemployment rate in the community, the community’s electricity demands, and potentially, MP&L’s use of the BESS. In the immediate future, MP&L will hold a dedication ceremony for the BESS on Aug 7. The dedication will follow a battery-energy-storage workshop that MP&L, GNB, and the ESS program are cosponsoring in Ketchikan and Metlakatla on Aug 6 and 7. For the three years follow- ing the dedication, while logging in the Tongass Forest continues, the BESS will perform the functions for which it was designed, and continue to pay for itself. After that, legislation and local economies will determine what MP&L does with the BESS. = UPDATED WEEKLY ON THE INTERNET AT http://www.electricalworld.com a Reprinted from the June 1997 issue of Electrical World Copyright 1997, The McGraw-Hill Companies. All rights reserved. by Energetics, Incorporated 7164 Gateway Drive Columbia, MD 21046 (410) 290-0370 PRESS RELEASE GNB TECHNOLOGIES COMPLETES NEW BESS FACILITY FOR CRITICAL POWER PROTECTION LOMBARD, IL, March 29, 1996 -— The Power Control Division of GNB Technologies, Inc., announces the completion of a new facility housing a 5 megawatt Battery Energy Storage System (called BESS) at GNB’s Lead Recycling Center in Vernon, California. GNB, one of the world’s largest manufacturers and recyclers of lead-acid batteries, has joined forces with General Electric to design, market, construct, and service full scope / turnkey Battery Energy Storage Systems worldwide. The Vernon Battery Energy Storage System is the largest known installation of its kind in the world owned and operated by an industrial manufacturer to support critical manufacturing process equipment. It is also the first turnkey system delivered by GNB and GE who are currently working on a second system for a utility company, Metlakatla Power & Light, in southeastern Alaska. In May, GNB will formally commission the Vernon BESS which took several months to design and 12 months to build. A tour and demonstration of the system in operation are planned as highlights of the upcoming national meeting of the Electric Utility Battery Group Association in Los Angeles, May 13-17, 1996. “The recently completed Battery Energy Storage System represents a significant engineering achievement” said George Hunt, Director of Battery Energy Storage technology at GNB. “ Lead- Acid battery recycling plants, like the one in Vernon operating five miles from downtown Los Angeles, must operate under stringent state and federal regulations for air quality standards and environmental protection. The state-of-the-art manufacturing process equipment which GNB operates within the plant 24 hours per day, seven day a week, and year round to control its environmental emissions equipment must have an uninterruptible supply of power. No excuses are allowed! When the plant loses utility power (which typically happens two or three time a year) the BESS will provide up to 5 megawatts of power at 4,160 VAC instantaneously in support of all critical loads in the plant including all of the environmental controls which are vital in controlling the release of any emissions. BESS represents the best available technology for providing this type of high voltage protection. Furthermore, BESS can provide the plant with 3.5 megawatts of continuous power when running on batteries for more than one hour.””. Page 2... GNB Completes Construction of a Large Battery Energy Storage System The Vernon BESS is a fully integrated system consisting of a large industrial valve regulated lead- acid battery assembly, power conditioning converters, plant power system interface, system controls, and a battery monitoring system. The system will operate automatically and can be controlled and monitored remotely by GNB or GE’s respective field offices. “Besides providing power protection to the critical manufacturing loads within the plant, the BESS will also be used for demand side energy management (customer side of the meter) by reducing monthly electric bills through peak shaving. During high demand for electricity used primarily for operating large electrical motors, which can typically reach 3.2 megawatts, GNB can teduce this peak by discharging the BESS. By storing energy from the utility during off peak hours of the night in batteries when the cost per kWh is low, GNB can then discharge this energy on demand during peak hours when the utility rate for kW and kWh are much higher” explains Hunt. “The BESS is a very smart UPS like system which can safeguard production, provide critical backup power for air and water emission controls, and reduce electrical costs. Over the past 12 months, the plant’s electric usage has averaged about $3,000 a day. By shaving off up to 500 kWs from the peak demand daily for up to three hours (1.5 MWhs), tens-of-thousands of dollars a year will be saved. When combined, the overall benefits I just talked about provide GNB a good economic justification and payback for its installation. No other type of system can provide this degree of flexibility of use.””. GNB Technologies is an Atlanta based company with plants in North America, Australia and New Zealand. The Company manufactures, distributes, and recycles lead-acid batteries for mdustrial, automotive, electric vehicles, military, and custom applications worldwide. Through its Total Battery Management Program, GNB collects, transports, and reclaims spent batteries recycling them into materials for new batteries. The Company’s brand-name products include Champion®, ABSOLYTE®, National®, Stowaway®, Action Pack®, and Super Crank® batteries. (Champion® is a registered trademark of Cooper Industries, Inc.). GNB also supplies 95% of all batteries for the US Navy’s submarine fleet. GNB, in collaboration with General Electric, will provide totally integrated Battery Energy Storage Systems such as the BESS in Vernon to industrial and electric utility customers for a variety of power quality and energy management applications. For additional information on the Vernon BESS or Battery Energy Storage Technology, contact George Hunt of GNB at (708) 691-7813, fax no. (708) 691-7827, or, “E” Mail at GHGNBBESS@aol.com. Interested parties can also contact Bob Zrebiec of GE at (610) 992- 6167, fax no. (610)992-7897, or, “E” Mail at Robert.Zrebiec@geps.ge.com. HEE 03/15/96 Design and Commissioning of a Valve-Regulated Lead-Acid Battery Energy Storage System for Backing Up Critical Environmental Loads 5th European Lead Battery Conference - Barcelona, Spain George W. Hunt GNB Technologies Lombard, Illinois USA ABSTRACT - Momentary and sustained electrical power interruptions and voltage depressions represent two of the most difficult and important power quality and delivery problems facing many industrial and commercial users. There is a definite need at many industrial processing plants and commercial users of electrical power to have a dependable, efficient and controllable source of real and reactive power which is available instantly to support large electrical loads (greater than 0.5 MVA) even if the incoming utility AC connection is lost. When power is interrupted or lost, the results can be extremely disruptive for critical processes resulting in lost production, costly downtime and loss of customer good will, and in certain indus- tries, can lead to environmental damage through the release of toxic emissions into the air. Recently, this challenge was faced by GNB Technologies at its lead reclaiming and smelting facility in Vernon, California. This paper describes a versatile, cost-effective, workable solution to the problem resulting in the design and installation of a5 MVA, 3.5 MWh Battery Energy Storage System which provides uninterruptible power to the critical environmental control equipment throughout the plant. The BESS at Vernon provides the re- quired power combined with both voltage and frequency control to allow the plant to tolerate disconnection from the utility grid without suffering unacceptable impacts on critical loads. The system also provides the company with a demand side energy management system for conducting daily peak shaving of energy demand, thereby reducing its electrical bills. Exhibit 1. Battery Energy Storage System in Vernon, CA, USA INTRODUCTION Battery Energy Storage is a technology that can play a flexible, multi-functional role in a wide range of electric utility systems or industrial manu- facturing and processing applications. A Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) has the potential to offer electrical utilities and/or their customers an effective tool in helping to manage their elec- tricity generation and delivery needs, provide con- servation through energy management and help solve power regulation problems. The basic concept of a BESS is to allow the user to store electrical energy for dispatch at a time when its use is more economical, strategic, or ef- ficient. The battery system normally accepts elec- tricity from the utility grid during off-peak hours when the cost of energy is low, stores it in batter- ies, and returns it to the grid during the peak hours of the day. The battery system can also supply the electrical loads on demand when required, re- sponding very much like an uninterruptible power supply. To perform these functions, numerous com- ponents in the system must work together. The primary components are the power-conditioning system, which interfaces between the utility AC and the battery DC power where the energy is stored, the battery system, an assembly of series and parallel strings of typically 2 - volt lead-acid battery cells, and the controls and monitoring sys- tem. A new generation of battery energy storage sys- tems is now available in power ratings ranging from 0.5 MW up to as large as 40 MW. The capac- ity of the system can be sized to support a few minutes of operation or operate for hours at maxi- mum power. Sizing of a system is driven by the type of application and how it will be used. Why a BESS at Vernon One of the critical processes at the GNB lead rec- lamation center is the operation of emission con- trol systems associated with handling lead dust The plant operates 24 hours per day, seven days per week, and produces over 100,000 short tons of reclaimed lead annually. GNB’s primary con- cern is to assure the continual operation of its en- vironmental control systems during a power in- terruption or complete outage. When incoming power is lost, large fan and blower motors rang- ing up to several hundred horse power stop run- ning and the exhaust emissions from blast and reverb furnaces as well as lead dust generated dur- ing breaking of old spent lead-acid batteries can escape into the atmosphere. A cost-effective, workable solution was found by GNB, resulting in the installation of a BESS that provides uninterruptible power to the critical loads at the plant. Since the critical loads at the plant are not isolated, it is necessary to carry the entire plant load (maximum of 5 MVA) for a short period of time immediately following an incident until non- critical loads have been automatically shed. Plant loading typically peaks at 3.5 MVA with the criti- cal loads totaling about 2.1 MVA. The critical loads are mostly large induction drive 4160V AC mo- tors. It has been established that the plant needs at least 20 minutes of uninterruptible power to ef- fectively control critical processes for a safe and orderly shutdown, thereby, assuring full control of all potential lead emissions. In November 1995, following 12 months of de- sign and construction, the GNB Vernon BESS fa- cility was commissioned and was placed in ser- vice. Vernon BESS Description The primary function of the system is to maintain the critical process loads during outages resulting from disturbances external to the plant. To accom- plish this, the BESS is installed at the 4160V level of the plant power distribution system, in parallel with the existing loads. The BESS is designed to work with the existing plant control system to automatically shed all non- critical loads as soon as possible after a power failure. This operation occurs ina matter of seconds, thereby reducing the overall plant load- ing to approximately 2.1 MVA. The battery ca- pacity has been sized to support up to 2.8 MVA for up to one hour. To support all the critical loads, the plant needs at least 20 minutes for an orderly shutdown. The battery system has been designed with an additional reserve capacity to handle daily peak shaving of 500 kW for 3 hours (1.5 MWh). This added feature allows the system to reduce the plant’s demand and energy costs. Provision is made in the microprocessor-based BESS controls to transfer the plant back (automatically or manually) to the utility feed if utility power is restored within the one hour operating time frame allotted for sup- porting the critical loads. The best way to describe the Vernon BESS facil- ity (Exhibit 1, photo) is to list all the major items and components that make up the system (Exhibit 2, list) and provide the reader with a simplified BESS one-line diagram of the installation (Exhib- its 3 & 4, outline). The entire system, excluding the transformers, harmonic filter bank and coils, and disconnect switch, which are located outside within a fenced-in yard, are enclosed within a building that measures 131 feet long by 25 feet wide. The switch yard area is about 40 feet wide by 50 feet long The building principally houses the battery strings, power conditioning system, controls and monitoring equipment with the HVAC system on the roof. Exhibit 2. List of Major BESS Components 1. A dedicated prefab insulated steel building. 2. A poured 8 inch (minimum) steel reinforced concrete foundation and floor. 3. Two strings of valve-regulated lead-acid bat- tery cells connected in parallel with manual disconnect switches and fuse protection. Each string has 378 2 - V modules connected in se- ries and is fused at 4,000 amperes. Each string is split into three sections (252V each). 4. Battery monitoring control cabinet providing state-of-charge control and peak-shaving con- trol. 5. Personal computer (486 / 66 MHz) interfaced to the battery monitoring control cabinet for data display, battery maintenance, and data acquisi- tion and storage. 6. A Power Conditioning System (PCS) which pro- vides bi-directional power conversion between the utility grid and plant substation AC systems and battery DC system. 7. Station control for sequencing and control of the power converters. 8. Remote operator’s panel located in the plant control center. 9. Fused main BESS disconnect switch. 10. Power factor correction capacitors and harmonic filter to meet IEEE 519 standard. 11. Relay panel responsible for detecting a utility outage and supervising the operation of the main plant service breaker. 12. Separate PCS and battery room heating, venti- lation, and air conditioning units (HVAC). BESS Performance Criteria at Vernon There are two types of disturbances that the BESS guards against. These are power interruptions and short circuits. A power interruption is the loss of one or more lines feeding the plant. Since the BESS acts as a voltage source in parallel with the load, the load will not experience the interruption and will continue to operate normally. The plant breaker will open based on measured current in-balance or reverse power flow. Short circuits can occur as phase-to-ground or phase- to-phase and will affect the entire plant. The strategy for dealing with short circuits is to isolate the plant from the fault and reestablish voltage to the loads as quickly as possible in less than 200 milliseconds. The BESS is designed to continue to operate through these short circuits. After the plant breaker is tripped, a signal is sent to the plant load center to trip non- critical loads and restart some critical loads, if nec- essary. The BESS can be set to automatically re-syn- chronize and connect to the utility when power is restored provided the MWh rating of the battery system has not been exceeded. By design, there are three modes of operation that exist: on utility, isolated, and resynchronizing. x On Utility - defines the normal state when active power for the plant loads is supplied by the utility and the BESS is idle, charg- ing or peak shaving and managing reactive power for the plant. x Isolated - defines the emergency state when power for the plant loads is supplied by the BESS and the utility is disconnected. x Resynchronizing - defines the process whereby the isolated plant is reconnected to the utility grid. Exhibit 3. Vernon BESS One-Line Diagram Exhibit 4. Description of Major Components 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4.1 4.2 43 5.1 5.2 Description BESS Power Conversion System General Electric PCS 2000 Zigzag isolation transformer, .92 MVA, 522-4270 Vac Fused contactor with potential trans- formers and current transformers, (PT’s & CT’s) and Limit Amps Battery System Battery string, 756 VDC nominal Fused disconnect switch Control and Monitoring Equipment Station control, sequence logic, outer loop controls Operator panel Battery monitor and data acquisition sys tem PSIC (relay panel) with Power Trac Auxiliary Equipment 125 VDC station battery with charger Auxiliary power transformer Fused disconnect switch with PT’s & CT’s Harmonic Filters (oil filled capacitors) Common bus filter to meet IEEE 519 [ 1 ] Fused contactor ——————> Power Conversion Pair Power Conversion Pair 33 Battery Monitor & DAS System Rating The Vernon BESS is designed to operate for up to 10 seconds at a maximum plant power demand of 5 MVA immediately after a takeover following a loss of utility grid power. Presently, the plant peak demand is about 3.5 MVA and generally ranges between 2.5 to 3.0 MVA during a 24 hour period. The critical loads make up about 2.1 MVA of the overall plant demand. Nominal ratings for the Vernon BESS are shown in Exhibit 5 below. Upon sensing a loss of utility voltage, the BESS automatically controls the following functions: 1. The incoming circuit breaker is opened. 2. The existing plant control system sheds all but the critical loads (2.1 MVA). 3. The BESS will carry the plant load (up to 2.8 MVA of which 2.1 MVA are critical) for up to one hour, or, until such time that the utility power has been restored. 4. Once the utility feeder voltage is present, the BESS can automatically reconnect (manual reconnect is also available) the isolated plant load with the utility. Exhibit 5. Ratings for Vernon BESS Base voltage at 1.0 pu 4160 Vrms L-L Frequency 60 Hz Continuous power rating 3000 kVA Peak power rating (10 sec.) 5000 kVA Nominal current rating 416 Arms Nominal de voltage rating 756 Vdc Number of series battery strings 2 Nominal battery capacity 5000 Ah @ the 1 hour discharge rate Number of power converter 3 pairs (PCP) PCP power output rating 575 Vac PCP dc voltage input range 600 - 900 Vde Lead-Acid Battery System At Vernon, the battery selected and being used is an advanced valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) ABSOLYTE® IIP modular battery system manu- factured by GNB Technologies. For more than 100 years, lead-acid batteries have been used for many essential standby and portable power applications. In the past twenty years, ad- vancements in lead-acid technology and battery construction have lead to the production of large industrial-size, sealed, low-maintenance VRLA battery cells like the one being used in the Vernon BESS application. The VRLA battery cell design is completely sealed and employs a pressure relief safety valve. This electrochemical device operates on the basis of oxygen recombination technology, uses starved electrolyte absorbed glass mat construction and has no free acid to spill. The cells store energy effi- ciently, economically and safely, do not require water addition, and during normal charge/dis- charge operation do not give off gasses as a tradi- tional flooded vented lead-acid battery cell can. By using the VRLA battery at Vernon, the required floor space needed to house the two strings of bat- tery cells was reduced by over 50% as compared to using a flooded battery. Since the VRLA cells are sealed, battery cells are arranged three to a module and stacked one-on-top of each other eight modules high. The battery assembly was designed and certified to meet a seismic zone 4 earthquake. Low maintenance is especially important for util- ity companies and industrial users having a BESS. Since the Vernon BESS system is unmanned and operates automatically, servicing the system is keep to a minimum with the VRLA battery sys- tem and operating costs are lower. Battery Layout The battery system, shown in Exhibit 6, consists of two parallel strings, each having 378 GNB model 100A99 2 - volt VRLA ABSOLYTE® IIP modules connected in series providing a nominal 756 volts de. Each 100A99 module contains three model 100A33 cells connected in parallel. A metal housing for the 2 - volt cells is used to Exhibit 6. VRLA Battery Strings assemble a single power module. The tray has three basic parts: a container to house the cells, restraint bars to hold the cells within the container, and a clear plastic protective cover to insulate the cell connectors. The system contains 48 stacks of batteries per string arranged 46 stacks 8 high and two stacks 5 high. The total installed weight of the battery as- sembly is in the area of 612,000 pounds (305 short tons). At the end of each string is a de disconnect switch fused at 4000 amperes. Each of the battery stacks are monitored for voltage, temperature, and potential ground faults. Pilot cells, as well as string current and hydrogen sensors are also monitored. Power Conditioning System (PCS) The PCS part of the BESS consists of a voltage source inverter which is designed to operate as either an inverter when discharging the battery or as a rectifier when charging. The PCS is designed with self-commutating static switches capable of supplying the reactive power needs of the Vernon plant. The ac waveform has some result- ant harmonic content which it filters to meet IEEE 519 standards. The building block of the PCS at Vernon is a 6 - pulse converter arranged in pairs forming a 12 - pulse power converter module (PCP). A simpli- fied circuit diagram of one PCP is shown in Exhibit 7. Each PCP, therefore, forms a 12 - pulse bi-directional voltage source using Gate- Turn-Off (GTO) thyristors in the power conver- sion circuits making up the converter pair. Each GTO is paralleled by a reverse diode to give the converter the capability of handling power flow in both directions. The de link capacitor bank is necessary to absorb ac currents reflected by the converters onto the de bus. Each 6 - pulse converter is connected to a power transformer designed for static converter opera- tion. The connections are arranged to provide an equivalent 12 - pulse wave shape when connected to two 6 - pulse converters operated with firing signals 30 electrical degrees apart. To assemble the overall power conditioning sys- tem, three of the PCPs are connected in parallel to achieve the power rating requirements for the Vernon BESS application. Each PCP is connected to the power system through an ac contactor. Exhibit 7. Pulse Power Converter Pair Outline The PCP converter hardware line-up is shown in Exhibit 8. There are four main cabinets. The two 30" wide cabinets on the right contain the 6 pulse GTO converters. A 24" cabinet in the center con- tains the de link capacitor bank and protection. The application specific de line panel, 60" cabinet on the left, contains the de link converter, capacitor charging circuit, I/O interface, control isolation transformers, contactors, and miscellaneous hard- ware. Theory of Operation For most operating conditions, the BESS is equiva- lent to a voltage source behind the transformer reactance (X,) as shown in Exhibit 9. The PCS generated voltage (V,,) is completely controllable within the current rating of the converter equip- ment. Consequently, the ac current can be supplied at any phase-angle relative to the terminal voltage (V,). This feature permits the BESS to generate real and reactive power in all four quadrants as indicated by the capability curve. The BESS power generating capability is limited by the thermal rat- ing of the converters and the available battery volt- age. Overload capability will permit operation at higher currents for limited periods of time, as sug- gested by the dotted capability curve. Reactive Power (kVAr) Capacitive Overload ae Capacity ower (kW) Rated Converter Capacity / Charging Discharging Equivalent Circuit V3 x T V, oO AMA Distribution —— 2 Network Exhibit 9. Active and Reactive Power Capability Exhibit 8. PCS Converter Harware Line Up BESS Control System A simplified block diagram of the control system is shown in Exhibit 10. Terminal voltage magni- tude and power control loops are included with the PCS. Power and voltage orders are provided by the Station Control. Station Control Control of the PCS to meet the various modes of operation is provided by the station level control as shown in Exhibit 10. The control consists of a microprocessor controller for regulator functions and a PLC for sequencing and protection. When operating on utility, the voltage order is de- rived from a closed loop VAr regulator which maintains the PCS at a desired power factor. The power order follows the charging needs of the bat- tery or the operator can schedule the system to automatically reduce the plant demand charges. When isolated from the power grid, the voltage order is adjusted to maintain nominal plant voltage (4160V) and the power order is dynami- cally adjusted to hold frequency (60 Hz). When resynchronizing, voltage is adjusted to match measured utility voltage and plant | i f i eens frequency is adjusted to match measured utility frequency and phase-angle. Synchronizing with the utility is supervised by a standard synchro- nism check relay. Battery Monitor Control The battery monitoring control performs five ma- jor functions: 1. Calculates the state-of-charge of the battery. 2. Provides for battery charging and discharging control. 3. Monitors the health and status of the battery. 4. Records battery operation for future optimi- zation and warranty management. 5. Detects ground faults, should one occur. The battery monitoring function is implemented in a PLC working with the Operator Interface Computer. The computer consists of an industry standard PC running a graphical interface program for data storage and display. Relay Panel Control The relay panel consists of standard utility grade protective relays designed to monitor the point of utility connection. The control logic will trip the main plant breaker if the utility feeder is faulty. The relays monitor and detect the following conditions. * faulted phase detection * over / under frequency * 1-phase power interruption * 3-phase power interruption While the plant is isolated, the relay panel will detect when three-phase utility feeder voltage is restored. If the operator then requests a resynchronization, the relay panel will super- vise the breaker closing using a synchronism check relay. All relays are self resetting to al- low for unattended automatic operation. Final Commissioning Test Results Acceptance tests of the Vernon BESS instal- lation were completed on November 5, 1995. Testing actually started in late September on the various pieces of hardware. A brief over- view of the results follows. Exhibit 10. BESS Control System VRLA Battery Strings Battery capacity developed to 100% on the third 80% depth of discharge cycle. This was accomplished by running the BESS as a peak shaving device taking 500 kW per hour off the peak demand of the plant over an 8 - hour discharge period (4,000 kWh). The system was cycled at increased loading (up to 2 MW) for short periods of time (10 minutes, then 20 minutes) and then allowed to recharge. BESS Plant Takeover ( UPS Protection) The Power Conditioning System consists of three PCP converter pairs connected in parallel. This hardware performed extremely well under several different power output operations. Fol- lowing the battery cycling tests, the battery en- ergy storage system was ramped up in blocks of 500 kW to within a few hundred kW of the total plant demand. At that time, the plant require- ments were running around 2,900 kW. The BESS was supplying 2,500 kW and the utility was supplying the other 400 kW. When the power output of the BESS was increased to a point that it reached or exceeded 100% of the plant load, the plant substation main breaker opened and isolated the BESS from the utility feeder. The system was allowed to operate for 15 minutes carrying the entire plant load before transitioning back to the utility grid following a synchronism check. By design, the system will not allow power to back-feed into the utility grid. Having proven the system was fully capable of carrying the entire plant load and the system worked according to plan, the next critical test was to simulate a power failure and allow the BESS to instantaneously pick up the entire plant load from a standby condition. The critical loads spread throughout the plant con- sist of about 25 induction motors plus lighting and controls. Four of the motors, totaling 1600 hp, are connected at the 4160V bus. The balance of the motors, about 1400 hp, are connected at 480 Vac. Just prior to running the test, the battery strings were charging at a low rate corresponding to about 480 kW. While charging, the BESS is also com- pensating the reactive component of the plant load to maintain unity power factor at the point of util- ity connection. This is done to maximize the power available for charging the battery. The total reac- tive compensation while charging, including the filter component, is about 2200 kVAr. The total plant load when the test was conducted was about 3000 kW (excluding the BESS charging kW) and includes about 2100 kW of critical loads. To simulate a power interruption, the plant breaker was manually tripped. The critical plant loads im- mediately transition to the BESS following the manual breaker trip. To support these loads the battery string current increased to about 1300 am- peres and the battery voltage dropped slightly. Since the BESS regulators maintain the proper voltage magnitude and frequency, the power output naturally follows the needs of the plant loads. From the plant perspective, the breaker trip test was essentially bumpless. All critical loads including sensitive electronic equipment such as PCs were unaffected by the transition. 10 Motor Starting While the plant was isolated from the utility feeder, a 100 hp motor was started. The test proceeded without difficulty. Resynchronizing Once utility feeder voltage is present, the BESS may be requested to reconnect the isolated plant load with the utility. Resynchronizing requires that the instantaneous voltage across the open plant breaker be reduced to zero. To accomplish this, the isolated plant voltage magnitude, frequency and phase-angle are adjusted to match the utility. The breaker is closed if the voltage is within +/- 10% and +/- 6° for a two second period. When this test was run, the isolated plant load was about 2300 kW (the plant loading was increased slightly during the test). The battery voltage fol- lowing 30 minutes of operation was about 740V and the string current was about 1550 amperes. Immediately following the breaker closing, the BESS output power is reduced to smoothly tran- sition the plant load back to the utility feeder. Readouts from oscillograms which show the response of the system during the breaker trip test, response of BESS and plant during motor starting and resynchronizing, BESS voltage waveform and harmonic content measured during isolated operation, will be displayed and discussed during the presentation of this paper. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to recognize the following individuals whose contributions to this project were essential. General Electric: W. Hill, C. Harbourt and D. Wanner (converter design), C. Wegner and M. Cardinal (system software), Dick Parker, site construction manager and Ron Bitner who acted as project manager. GNB Technologies: M. Jesko (battery system layout and charging ). The author wishes to further recognize the following individuals who contributed greatly to the Vernon BESS Project and to the content of this paper. General Electric: N. W. Miller , R. S. Zrebiec, and R. W. Delmerico, Power Systems Engineering Department, Schenectady, NY. GNB Technologies: The author is also grate- ful to J. Szymborski for his contribution and assistance in editing this paper . Also, to Jim Ippolito for helping to organize the graphics. Sandia National Laboratories: Thanks to Rudy Jungst for his help in editing this paper. To Sandia Labs for its support and contributions through cost-share contracts in the develop- ment of the ABSOLYTE® IIP VRLA prod- uct. Also, for its continued interest in the mar- ket development of battery energy storage technology. Upon final commissioning of the BESS at Vernon, Sandia has contracted with GNB to provide performance and economic benefits data during the operation of the sys- tem over the next four years. 11 REFERENCES “Design and Commissioning of a 5 MVA, 2.5 MWh Battery Energy Storage System”. N. W. Miller, R. S. Zrebiec, R. W. Delmerico, G. Hunt: IEEE T&D Show, Los Angeles, CA, Sept. 1996 “Battery Energy Storage Systems for Electrical Utility, Industrial and Commercial Applications. An Opportunities Analysis”. G. W. Hunt: IEEE of Central America CONCAPAN ’95, Guatemala. Nov. 1995 “Ten (10) MW GTO Converter for Battery Peaking Service”, L. H. Walker: IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., Jan/Feb. 1990, Vol. 26 #1, pp. 63-72. °36) Power Systems Engineering Installation and Commissioning of Vernon 2.5 MW-hour Battery Energy Storage System Nicholas W. Miller GE Power Systems BESS Installation at Vernon, CA e Installed at battery recycling facility. e Environmental and safety considerations require large standby power supply. Ratings of Vernon BESS System Voltage: 4160 V Nominal Current: 348 A Continuous Power: 2.5 MW Overload Rating: 5 MW for 10 seconds 1 hour On-Utility Operating Mode e Normal mode — batteries on standby. e Utility supplies active power. e BESS is charging, peak-shaving, or managing reactive power as needed. ¢ Closed-loop VAR regulator of BESS maintains power factor. * Power order controlled by battery charging and/or peak shaving schedule. Isolated Operating Mode e Relays detect loss of utility tie. e Incoming circuit breaker is opened. e BESS supplies entire plant load for 10 seconds, during which plant control system sheds non-critical loads. e After 10 seconds, BESS supplies up to 2.5 MW of critical load for one hour. Resynchronizing Mode e BESS adjusts voltage, frequency, and phase angle to match utility. e Synch-check relay allows reclose of circuit breaker. e Returns to On-Utility Operating Mode. Batteries e Sealed, low-maintenance valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) batteries. e 378 modules x 2V per module = 756 VDC strings. e Two strings paralleled for 2.5 MW-hour capacity. e Battery room measures 104 ft. x 25 ft. BESS Building and Yard aT rai k in Battery © - Converter ee Battery Module Stacks Filter Bank e 1400 kVAR outdoor bank e 5th, 7th, 11th harmonic branches e Meets IEEE-519 Std. limits under all operating conditions. Final Commissioning Tests e Loss of Utility Tie e Harmonic Measurements e Motor Starting e Resynchronization Loss of Utility Tie e Plant load at 3000 kW. e Trip incoming breaker manually. e BESS supplied 2100 kW critical load for 30 minutes. 8 Loss of Utility Tie Test *SPD: S mm/s *TIME SCALE: z (a) Battery Voltage (b) Plant Voltage (c) PCS Watts (d) Battery String #1 Current (e) Battery String #2 Current (f) Plant Frequency (g) BESS Line Current at 4160V Bus (includes filter) Harmonic Measurement During Isolated Operation Readings - 11/08/95 14:11:20 Voltage Volts 10.42 12.51 14.59 Time mS 1390 Volts = rms x” °ne 24 6 8 «OO Ol lO lhlU Oh hh CO 13 5 7 9 WW 9 ts 17 19 2 2 2 27 2 3 Harmonic Number Motor Starting e 100 hp motor started while BESS operating in isolated mode. e BESS picks up additional starting current with no frequency or voltage variations. @ Motor Starting Test *REALTIME RECORDER . Pa (a) Battery Voltage (b) Plant Voltage (c) PCS Watts (d) Battery String #1 Current (e) Battery String #2 Current — (f) Plant Frequency (g) BESS Line Current at 4160V Bus (includes filter) Resynchronizing e BESS supplying isolated plant load at 2300 kW. e BESS control syncs to utility and relay closes circuit breaker. e Immediately following breaker closure, BESS reduces power output smoothly. @ Resynchronization Test (a) Battery Voltage (b) Plant Voltage (c) PCS Watts (d) Battery String #1 Current (e) Battery String #2 Current (f) Plant Frequency (g) BESS Line Current at 4160V Bus (includes filter) Battery Energy Storage Systems for Electrical Utility, Industrial and Commercial Applications. An Opportunities Analysis IEEE Convention for Central America, CONCAPAN ’ 95 - Guatemala George W. Hunt GNB Technologies Industrial Battery Company 829 Parkview Blvd. Lombard, Illinois 60148 ABSTRACT Battery Energy Storage is a technology that can play a flexible , multi-functional role in a wide range of electric utility systems and industrial applications. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) have the potential to offer electrical utilities an effective tool in meeting their energy management and power regulation needs by managing their resources to cope with their changing environment. This paper describes the conceptual design of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) for electrical utility, industrial and commercial applications. The paper further describes the various types of applications, combination of applications and potential benefits that a BESS can provide. BESS can be an economic and environmentally friendly resource for electrical utilities and industrial manufacturers. A system can operate on the supply side of the meter and be owned by the utility, or, be installed on the demand side of the meter and owned by the customer. A system could also be beneficial to both parties and jointly owned or leased by one from a third party. The electrical utility industry is changing and its customers are demanding better services at lower costs. Deregulation, increasing competition, more stringent environmental constraints, growing customer expectations for dependable power and the need for more power have all contributed to this movement. BESS can provide the user with a dependable, efficient and controllable source of real and reactive power which is available instantly to support a wide range of generating and distribution applications of energy management and power regulation. Furthermore, BESS can provide an industrial manufacture with emergency backup support for manufacturing processes having critical loads demanding uninteruptible power, even if there is a lost of the ac utility connection. BESS has the potential to provide other substantial benefits in terms of better asset utilization by utilities and providing demand side energy management functions such as demand peak reduction and peak shaving which can lower electrical costs for a large customer. With a battery energy storage system, an electrical utility company has the potential to defer or eliminate new transmission or distribution feeder lines, defer substation upgrades, store off-peak power and use it for spinning reserve or peak shaving when needed and perform power regulation functions. Battery energy storage is a technology that can also play a role in the industrial marketplace to assist customers in effectively managing consumption of electric power and by providing high-value in power quality and reliability applications. The potential economic benefits can be high. This paper addresses how battery storage can alleviate future electrical utility capacity constraints and how a BESS can provide customers with a cost effective tool for energy management and help solve reliability problems. BACKGROUND Traditionally, battery energy storage has been promoted as mainly a load-leveling option for utilities. This traditional perception is giving way to a new perspective that identifies battery energy storage with multiple applications and benefits in three categories: 1) Generating, 2) Transmission and Distribution, and 3) Customer-Side of the Meter. Applications within these categories are very different from the classic load-leveling application originally promoted for battery energy storage. Battery Energy Storage is not a new technology. Several demonstration sites and operational systems ranging from a few hundred kW up to 20 MW have been successfully build in the past ten years. BESS installations can be found in Germany, Japan, South Africa, Thailand, The United States and the US territory of Puerto Rico. Several new BESS projects are just now developing in Australia, Europe, South Korea, Malaysia, South America and The United States. One of the major components of a BESS is the energy storage battery system itself. A single battery system can be constructed from a few hundred cells or several thousand cells. Since there exists may combinations of mutually compatible applications, there is no unique or optimum battery system that will always be selected by the utility or system integrator, although lead acid batteries have been selected for the majority of the applications so fare. In the case of BESS, there are basically four battery technologies which stand out: 1) lead-acid, 2) sodium/sulfur, 3) zinc- bromine, and 4) vanadium redox-flow. Sodium/sulfur, zinc-bromine, and vanadium redox-flow are advanced systems which are being developed today. The technologies have attractive characteristics for BESS applications but do have some known deficiencies that may limit their wide spread use as storage devices in the future. Lead -acid batteries, on the other hand, have been used for more than 100 years for many essential applications from starting automobiles, providing primary power for electric vehicles, providing portable and standby power for lighting equipment, uninteruptable power / backup power for computers, telephone central switching stations as well as being used for large battery systems for submarines. Lead- acid batteries have the ability to store energy efficiently, economically, and safely. A typical duty cycle can vary from a short duration pulse of a millisecond up to sustained discharges of over hundreds of hours. The main factors in a lead-acid batteries widespread use are primarily due to it being a mature technology, has a wide operating temperature range for cycling and standby float applications, and uses low cost materials which are widely abundant. It is important to note that a lead acid battery is 100% recyclable and about 97% of the materials are typically recoverable when reprocessed as junk batteries. Lead-acid battery products and the manufacturing processes used to manufacture a typical produce are proven, economical, and reliable. The US Department of Energy (DOE) has actively been pursuing the development of Battery Energy Storage Systems since the late 1960’s. BESS has the potential to: 1) contribute to the reduction of The United States dependence on foreign oil supplies, 2) conserve energy, 3) provide for alternate energy supplies, 4) lower air emissions from equipment using fossil fuels for generating electricity, 5) provide for new jobs, and 6) lesson the need for new generating stations and transmission lines. DOE is presently sponsoring programs that cooperate with the electrical utility industry and manufacturing industries to develop battery energy storage systems as an economically attractive resource option for utilities and their customers. Other major organizations involved with this effort are the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the International Lead Zinc Research Organization, Inc. (ILZRO). Why all of a sudden the interest in Battery Energy Storage? A simple answer is that technologies in batteries have changed, the power conditioning equipment and system controls are much better and utility companies are starting to understand the benefits associated with storing electrical energy, conserving energy, regulating power and providing better products and services to their customers. Electrical utilities see BESS as having the potential to offer a strategically advantageous means of meeting their energy management and power regulation needs, and at the same time, reduce operating costs. Industry has responded to this need by offering competitive BESS products that are available today. Five years ago, this was not the case. The introduction in the past several years of advanced valve regulated lead-acid (VRLA) maintenance-free storage batteries for electric utility type applications such as BESS has also stimulated recent interest. Additionally, the availability of a utility or industrial manufacturer having the ability to purchase a complete turn key system for a specific application from a single supplier is here today. In the past, this was not the case. A company interested in a system had to invest years and thousands of man hours producing economic and feasibility studies, investing in costly design development activities typically handled by an architectural and engineering company, provide for the technical integrating of the overall system, contract with several companies and then deal with overseeing the construction. A single company or alliance of companies capable of providing the entire BESS package is probably the best cost effective answer. Competition is also contributing to the sudden interest in BESS. Electrical utility companies are under strong competition from independent power producers and all companies must stay competitive if it is to service and grow. Today, large international companies having global manufacturing facilities, engineering services and sales support have merged together to form alliances in designing cost effective battery energy storage systems for a wide range of electrical utility, industrial and commercial applications. One such alliance is GNB Technologies and The General Electric Company. The Battery Energy Storage System Program at GNB Technologies has been to develop integrated, structured battery systems for high value-added applications in the utility sector and for applications on the customer-side of the meter. This program has been in existence for the past three years and includes a strategic alliance with The General Electric Company. GNB has worked closely with the GE Power Systems Engineering Department, Installation and Service Engineering group, and Drive Systems Department. The objective of the alliance has been for both parties to work together in developing fully integrated battery energy storage systems and establish a joint selling strategy for the complete supply, installation and service of BESS to the electrical utility and industrial marketplace world wide. The team of GNB and GE have just completed the construction of a 5 MVA / 3.5 MWh battery energy storage system in California for an industrial application where critical loads for the environmental air quality controls at a lead recycling center requires an uninterrupted supply of power. The system also provides for peak shaving and VAr compensation. The system goes on line in December, 1995. The primary objective of this paper is to characterize these new applications and develop quantitative estimates of application requirements and potential benefits. By identifying and characterizing the high value utility and customer side applications for BESS, the GNB/GE team can best target its development and sales activities to these specific applications, markets, and potential customers. This task is not easy to undertake. The applications, as you will see in the sections which follow, are very site-specific and benefits depend to a great extent on the nature of a specific utility system, load requirements and rate structure imposed by the utility. Industries with high-tech manufacturing processes where small fluctuations in power can cause large losses in the product being manufactured, data being collected or transmitted or can cause environmental damage can be extremely costly and time consuming to correct. These outages are extremely hard to quantify as to the potential economic benefits derived from having a BESS which can prevent this from happening. One type of manufacturing that comes to mind is the semiconductor industry which produces integrated circuits. The banking and health care industries are other commercial businesses requiring reliable power. The lose of AC power can be costly and very disruptive. Installing a BESS can be one possible solution which can help to prevent shutting down production lines or emitting toxic waste into the air. INTRODUCTION The storage of electric power and energy during hours of low energy use, at night for example, for release during the day when demand is high is a good application for battery energy storage and can provide significant benefits. Besides battery energy storage, there are other storage devices being used for storing energy for this purpose which I will address shortly. Electric utility companies typically meet the fluctuating demands for power with a combination of generating plants with different economic and operating characteristics. Generally, the portion of the load that remains constant is supplied by large coal, nuclear, or hydro electric power generating plants. These types of plants typically carry the electrical base load and can be very efficient and use low cost fuels. The portion of the demand curve for the utility that fluctuates, however, is usually met by a combination of intermediate and peaking plants. These plants are generally older units that burn fossil fuels such as oil, gas or coal and are less efficient. When we store energy that was generated form lower cost fuels such as water, coal or nuclear plants during the evening hours (off-peak when utilities typically have low demand and offer lower pricing per kW/kWh) and release it to satisfy a portion of the peak demand during the day, we can displace the higher cost of fossil fuels burned when utilities bring on smaller peaking units during peak demand periods. A utility company peak demands are typically in the morning and afternoon hours and can vary between summer and winter months. At present, the only form of energy storage used by the electrical utility industry is pumped-hydroelectric power. This form of energy storage can be limited by the availability of water, topography of the land, and environmental concerns since the typical system requires vast amounts of acreage for building a reservoir and dam. The reservoir becomes the storage device. Other forms of energy storage include compressed air, hydrogen storage, Superconductive magnets and flywheels. Most of these technologies are extremely expensive to construct, cost a lot to operate and maintain, require several years to plan and construct, are very site specific and can be damaging to the surrounding environment. As for battery energy storage, a large 20 MW / 40 MWh BESS facility for example requires less than a acre of land, can be located just about anywhere, since it is clean and environmentally friendly, and can be constructed quickly and easily in less than a year. BESS DESCRIPTION A simplified overview of the basic hardware components which make up a battery energy storage system are the 1) Power Conditioning System, PCS, which provides bi- directional power conversion between the AC and DC systems and 2) the Battery System which stores chemical energy in the form of DC voltage, and 3) what most people have come to call the Balance of Plant. A simple one-line of a typical BESS system is sketched in Figure 1. The PCS component of a BESS consists of a voltage source inverter which is designed to operate as either an inverter when discharging the battery inverting the DC voltage to an AC voltage or as a rectifier when taking AC voltage and rectifying it the DC voltage which the battery stores in the form of chemical energy. In many cases, the BESS may be required to support an isolated electrical load and therefore the PCS is designed with self-commutating static switches capable of supplying the reactive power needs of the system. The high speed switches will also permit pulse width modulation (PWM) of the AC waveform to reduce the total harmonic content of the generated voltage. The resulting harmonics are easily filtered to meet IEEE 519 standards. Load Battery Pcs 7 BESS Utility Bus — Filter ~ Figure 1 - Simplified BESS One-Line Diagram For most operating conditions the BESS is equivalent to a voltage source behind the transformer reactance (XT) as sketched in Figure 2. The phasor diagram illustrates an essential feature of BESS system operation. Since the generated voltage is completely controllable within the current rating of the converter equipment, the AC current can be supplied at any phase angle relative to the terminal voltage (VT). This feature permits the BESS to generate real and reactive power in all four quadrants a suggested by the capability curve. The BESS power generating capability is limited only by the thermal rating of the converters and the available battery voltage. Standard overload capability will permit operation at 110% for 60 seconds and 125% for 10 seconds. Power versus Energy The most fundamental function of the BESS is to provide active power, kW, to the system. The maximum kW output of the BESS will be the primary factor dictating the rating of the PCS. The total energy, kWhs, will be the primary factor dictating the rating of the battery system. For example, a battery system which can provide 2,000 kW output for one hour could also provide for more than two hours of output at the 1,000 kW discharge rate. The total amount of kWh a battery system can supply is dependent “upon the actual discharge rate it is subjected to. The nature of the BESS configuration also provides the potential flexibility to increase the total energy storage by the addition of more batteries in parallel without requiring extensive modifications to the overall system. Equivalent Circuit . VB 3 ss pee —— th Om none x Ir N 5 ed Reactive Power (kVAr) Capacitive Converter Capacity Active Power (kW) ‘Careng Discharging Inductive Figure 2 - Active and Reactive Power Capability When designing and building a battery energy storage system, there is a strong economic incentive to construct the system using standardized components. To achieve this, PCS modules and battery strings are produced in standard sizes which allows the products to be used for other applications and markets besides BESS. A typical continuous power rating for a single PCS module may be 1,000 kVA or kW. By connecting modules in pairs or parallel, one can increase the power rating to 2,000 kVA or 3,000 kVA or higher ratings if required. Battery systems, like the GNB ABSOLYTE®IIP valve regulated lead-acid modules, are offered in a wide range of capacity sizes which can easily be assembled into standardized horizontal stacks and connected in series and or parallel configurations providing 1,2,3, or up to several hours of stored energy at rated power. Control System To enable a simple interface with other equipment on the distribution system, the BESS control system will be designed to emulate a rotating synchronous machine attached to a large inertia and prime mover. For instance, when connected to a power grid (normal mode) terminal voltage is maintained according to the local area needs established by the control system, and frequency/phase of the BESS voltage is adjusted to maintain a scheduled power flow on the ac interconnection. When separated from the grid or during a black-start (isolated mode) the PCS will establish the frequency and phase or voltage. For either case, the behavior can be made superior to a rotating synchronous machine since the inertia, governor droop, and damping can be set (and dynamically adjusted, if necessary) to suit the needs of the overall power system or load. Another key advantage is that the BESS “prime mover” can both supply and absorb energy within the capacity of the battery system. APPLICATIONS PERSPECTIVES The various types of applications that Battery Energy Storage Systems can be classified into represents three major groups, namely; 1) Generating-Related Applications, 2) Transmission and Distribution Applications, and 3) Customer-Side of the Meter Applications. A general description covering each of the primary applications within each group are shown below. 1. Generatin Appli Capacity Deferral: As demand for electrical energy grows and the load grow projections by utility planners shows continued growth , a battery energy storage system can allow a utility to possibly defer the construction of new generating plant for several years. If the load growth projections are not realized, the utility may not be required to invest in new generating equipment or facilities. The savings in capital associated with paying for a new generating plant, which the utility may not need, versus the installation of a BESS to handle the short term growth in demand can be substantial. The utility rate paying customers typically pay for new generating plants through higher rates over the long term. Investing in a BESS can be a lot less expensive than building a new generating plant. BESS can allow the utility to defer the decision to build one and defer the capital spending for a number of years. Currently, pumped hydro-electric power plants are the most commonly used energy storage system for utilities. Another is compressed-air storage. However, both these technologies have not gained widespread acceptance as a commercial technology available today, very much like Superconductive magnets which are years off in all practicality. A pumped hydro-electric storage facility is mainly used for spinning reserve requirements and is generally suitable for large central storage. On the other hand, small to medium modular battery energy storage systems, such as teh designs available from GNB and General Electric, can be distributed throughout a utility to capture additional benefits while also allowing the utility to claim generation capacity deferral credits when new generating plants are not constructed. Spinning Reserve: Electric utilities in the United States are typically required to maintain a percentage of reserve capacity as standby power in the form of “spinning-reserve” for handling unplanned load demands which can cause power outages if not handled properly and quickly. This reserve power and energy, available for immediate dispatch, is an operating cost for a utility and can range from three to as much as seven percent of its generating costs. For an interconnected utility network such as we have in the US, the extent of spinning-reserve requirements is established through negotiations within the utility power pools with inputs from the Public Utility Commission reliability councils. In places like Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico, the local utilities are cut off from having a grid network consisting of several utilities on the same network and must provide for its own form of spinning-reserve capacity to handle unplanned increases in load demand. In a lot of cases, the utility may never use its spinning reserve but, has to pick up the expenses to keep the system operating and available at all times. An example of how a utility will account for spinning- reserve may go something like this. Lets say a utility operates a thermal generating plant that is rated at 500 MW but only operates it at 450 MW. The utility may count the remaining 50 MW as spinning-reserve. This is in contrast to a view by many, outside the utility industry, that combustion turbines are installed specifically for spinning- reserve purposes. Battery energy storage systems may allow a utility to operate the thermal plant mentioned here at full capacity (thus operating the plant at maximum efficiency) while using the battery system to provide the spinning- reserve capacity when needed. A battery system such as this would be used quiet infrequently and be required to respond instantly for periods of up to 90 minutes. The costs associated with providing spinning-reserve for utility companies located on islands or isolated locations can be very substantial since they need to maintain separate generating facilities for spinning reserve purposes. The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (PREPA) justification for the large 20 MW system put on line in 1995 illustrates how significant these costs can be for such a utility system. PREPA invested over $20 million US dollars in its battery energy storage system mainly for spinning-reserve and all the benefits it provides. Load-Leveling (Load Following and Block Loading): In the past, load-leveling has been regarded as the classical battery energy storage application. The concept is to store low cost off-peak energy in a large battery system and use the energy during peak demand periods when a utility’s marginal cost of production is expected to be significantly higher. Battery systems can be used either in the load following mode, where a utility can discharge the stored energy to meet changing load conditions, or, discharge the stored energy in the form of block loading where the BESS is programmed to deliver a certain number of MW’s over a fixed period of time. The value to a utility using a BESS simply for load leveling benefits will depend upon the difference between the marginal cost of production during peak hours and the cost of production during off-peak hours. This can vary significantly between utility companies that generate power and utilities that just distribute power and energy like a large number of cooperative utilities do in the US. However, at today’s energy prices and because of increased power pooling by utilities in places like The United States, such differences are often small and as a result, the value and benefits of simply load leveling to a utility under current circumstances is usually very small. Although large battery energy storage facilities for system- wide load leveling are usually not cost effective, such as the one build in southern California by Southern California Edison Electric Utility Company, constructed in cooperation with EPRI and ILZRO, load leveling by reducing feeder loads at distribution sub-stations can be very important and cost effective application for a BESS. Moreover, if battery energy storage systems are used extensively to reduce feeder loads, the battery system can also facilitate utility system-wide load leveling. However, distribution line feeder peaks often do not coincide with the overall system peaks. Therefore, this is an important issue which must be considered carefully before assigning any load-leveling benefits to distributed battery systems. Area / Frequency Regulation: Frequency regulation is more of a problem for an electrical utility company situated on an island having an isolated grid network, whereas area regulation is more of an issue for inter-connected utilities. In both cases, however, a BESS can dampen frequency swings (typically in the range of 0.5 percent of the load). Frequency swings can occur on a second-to-second basis for frequency regulation and on a minute-to-minute basis for area regulation. In this type of an application, the BESS is operating continuously but, the battery itself is undergoing relatively shallow discharges. An application like this one by itself may not justify a utility investing in a battery energy storage system. On the other hand, when such a plant is used to meet an area/frequency regulation problem and also provide for spinning reserve or peak demand reductions, BESS can be quite cost effective. The PREPA battery energy storage system is a good example of this multi-benefit feature being realized. Primarily installed and justified simply for providing PREPA with spinning reserve capacity, the system has already proven itself as providing frequency regulation capability and the benefits associated with it. Renewable Energy Resources: What immediately comes to mind are solar and wind. These renewable resources can benefit from battery energy storage in two ways. First, if solar and wind powered farms had large storage facilities, like batteries could provide, these renewable resources could overcome the problem of intermittence which is associated with these technologies when the sun doesn’t shine or the wind doesn’t blow. With BESS, the energy generated and stored during good conditions could be dispatchable when needed. Two types of storage systems may play a role in this regard. One type of system will require energy storage capacity for a few days up to a few weeks to overcome periods of cloudy skies or windless days. The other type of system would store energy from renewable and help the utility to match the peaks for unplanned power demand in the form of spinning- reserve or peak shaving. This latter capacity is where the BESS can play an important role. The second major benefit for utilities can be that renewable generating plants with battery storage can improve the overall management of a utility system, especially when you find that wind is a significant portion or fraction of the installed system capacity. 2. Transmission and Distribution Applications Transmission Facility Deferral: Today, utilities have a tough time in sitting a new transmission line. Generally, new lines are installed or upgraded to handle the increase in power and energy demands in areas experiencing rapid or sustained growth. Transmission lines can cost up to one million dollars per mile to install and can take up to ten years to get all of the necessary work completed. In the mean time, a BESS offers the utility the alternative option of installing a battery energy storage system as a resource first. This can be a cost effective approach in deferring the construction of an expensive and time consuming job of building a new _ transmission line to accommodate increasing or “projected” demands for power and energy. Distribution Facility Deferral: This application is similar in concept to the transmission facility deferral. A utility may have the ability to postpone installation of new distribution feeder line and/or upgrading transformers at sub-stations by supplementing the existing facilities and lines with a BESS. In a lot of cases, the anticipated growth that a utility expects may never materialize making the BESS a wise decision. Not only can the utility defer the capital investment, but, a BESS can provide the utility with local demand peak shaving and serve to improve power reliability and quality to its major industrial customers at the same time (multi-functional applications can be very beneficial). Transmission Line Stability: A typical electrical utility has a lot of components attached to its transmission lines. It is highly important that a utility maintain the synchronization between generating equipinent, its transmission network, and distribution feeders. Voltage swings can occur at any time as loads vary placing a sudden demand for power on the network. For this reason, a utility may only load a transmission line at 80% of the lines capacity allowing for sudden increases. Damping of first swings in transmission lines can be accomplished with relatively a small to medium size BESS. This is a particularly significant problem in long transmission lines experiencing voltage swings generated form industrial machinery which demand lots of power instantly. When you couple this problem with peak demand periods, a utility must be careful as to transmission line loading. In areas like Australia, some utility companies have long skinny transmission lines into areas experiencing rapid growth and this can be a big problem. Alleviating this problem with a BESS can allow a utility to reduce the transmission lines’ need to accommodate swings and allow the utility to import larger amounts of power over the same line. A two or three percentage additional increase in loading can be significant. Voltage Regulation: Voltage regulation is a relatively minor application for BESS. Utilities use capacitors to keep voltage at the load-end of distribution systems within a few percentage points of voltage at the generation-end of the line. A typical utility policy might include 0.6 MVAr of capacitors for every MW of load. A BESS with self commutated inverters (PCS) can achieve the same voltage regulation and displace capacitors. This is one type of application where a BESS to be cost effective must be used for multi-applications and therefore provide multi-benefits. Demand Peak Reduction: Reduction of peak demands by heavy industrial customers by using battery energy storage system can benefit a utility by reducing the need for additional investments to upgrade transmission and distribution feeder lines and sub-stations serving a general industrial park area. A utility-side of the meter BESS located at or near a customer site can provide for this benefit. Also, the BESS can be used to improve power quality /power reliability at the customer and be used for other applications as described in the previous sections. Light commuter rail service is a good example having two very distinct demand peaks. One in the early morning when commuters are going to work and one in the late afternoon when they are returning home. A BESS could provide the utility or customer with demand peak reduction during periods when the utilities production costs are typically at their highest. Utilities may wish to consider demand peak reduction as a Generating related type of application also. 3. Customer-Side of the Meter Applications Demand Peak Reduction: Reduction of peak demands by heavy industrial manufacturing customers by using a BESS can benefit a customer by reducing its electric bill. This is particularly important now when a lot of US electrical utility companies are going to a time-of-day rate structure. By storing energy during off-peak hours at low rates per kWh, then, discharging this energy during peak demand periods, the customer may significantly reduce its monthly charge associated with the demand portion of its bill. There is also the benefit of using lower cost energy purchased at night when rates are generally lower and then using this energy during the day when rates area typically higher during peak hours. The higher and shorter the duration of the peak demand, the greater the amount of benefits in cost savings that can be obtained. At the same time, a BESS can also provide additional benefits in the form of improved power quality and provide plant wide UPS protection to critical loads needing uninteruptable power. Peak Shaving: This application is similar in concept to load-leveling and peak demand reduction. Peak shaving is associated with the amount of energy a customer uses (kWh), where as, demand peak reduction is associated with the amount of power (kW) that is required to handle the loads. A customer can buy and store off-peak energy at generally much lower cost per kWh than during on-peak hours when utilities rates are generally much higher. Discharging the battery system during on-peak hours therefore, can displace the higher cost of energy a customer would pay during on-peak hours. Peak shaving can, but not necessarily, be an additional cost saving benefit on top of a reduction in demand charges. Customer Reliability and Power itty: Voltage depressions (brown-outs) and power interruptions (a few cycles up to hours) are rapidly becoming two of the hottest topics in the field of power quality. Of particular interest is the need to supply a dependable, efficient and controllable source of real and reactive power that is available instantly, even if the utility AC connection is lost (black-out). Power reliability and quality is becoming an increasing concern with high-tech manufacturing processes where small fluctuations in power can cause large costs in product damage, data loss, or environmental damage. Polluting the air or ground can carry with it large costly fines and even plant closures. BESS offers a customer that has experienced these types of problems or customers that do not wish to experience these problems with an effective solution. Why just put in a UPS with batteries that just sit there waiting for the power to go off before it does anything? Instead, a customer may wish to install a BESS that not only provides plant wide UPS protection but, at the same time, can provide for VAr compensation by improving the plant power factor and providing the customer with the ability to control energy management with peak demand reduction and peak shaving benefits. A good example of this application is at the GNB Technologies lead recycling center located about 15 miles from downtown Los Angeles, California. GNB, with its alliance partner has completed construction of a large BESS that provides the plant with all of the benefits just mentioned. BESS Applications and Requirements In this section of the paper, you will find three Tables which basically address the types of applications just covered and the general requirements that might be associated with each type of BESS application. Here are a few comments on the categories and the numbers shown in the Tables. 1. The third column lists the time over which the stored energy has to be discharged to meet the application needs. The point to note is that some applications like spinning reserve require a relatively fast discharge of the battery system over a short time period while other applications, such as peak shaving and load-leveling, may require a relatively slow battery system discharge over a long period of time which adds to the MWh (capacity) capability of the battery system. 2. The second comment regarding the Tables is regarding the entries in the duty cycle column. The number of duty cycles per year does not specify the type of duty cycle required for the application. In some instances, the cycles involve very shallow discharges while other applications require much deeper discharges. Thus, one cannot readily compare the life of the battery system with regard to number of cycles and calendar years. 3. Small utilities typically require tens of MWs while large utilities require hundreds of MWs. TABLE I GENERATION-RELATED APPLICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Renewable (Wind & Solar) TABLE 0 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION APPLICATIONS REQUIREMENTS Transmussioa 10- 100 12 yrs Facility Deferral Distribution 10 yrs Facility Deferral Transmission $-25 Line Stability Voltage Regulation Us 250 (MVAR) TABLE U1 CUSTOMER-SIDE OF THE METER APPLICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS Applicauon Durauon | Battery | Capacity | Per Yr Battery MWh Life Customer Reliability & Power Quality (UPS) POTENTIAL BESS BENEFITS This section of the paper presents an assessment on the summary of the potential benefits for a electrical utility company and for applications on the customer-side of the meter that can be attributed to the ownership of a battery energy storage system. An attempt has been made to assess and determine which potential benefits appear significant. There can be a potential value of quantified battery storage benefits and a potential value that can not be easily quantified. Both types of benefits are shown in Table IV. There should be a note of caution, however. Not all of these benefits are applicable to utilities worldwide. Different countries and governments regulate the electrical utility industry differently and have major differences in environmental regulations. A lot of what has been is changing and will continue to change as technologies improve and global economies grow. Electrical Utility Benefits: The overall value (benefits) to the electrical power utility industry for incorporating battery energy storage systems in their overall resources can be related to three major areas, generating power, transmitting and distributing power and the environment. Since not all utilities are the same (type of power generating equipment, efficiency, area served, quantity and types of customers, load growth projections, financial stability) not all the potential benefits listed in Table [V may apply or be obtained simultaneously. TABLE IV TYPES OF POTENTIAL BESS UTILITY BENEFITS +Spinning-Reserve +System Damping *Area Frequency Regulation *Transformer Deferral «Transmission Line Deferral *Generation Deferral *Reduction in Transmission Losses Strategic Benefits System Voltage Stability *Reduce Air Emissions System Voltage Regulation «Operating Flexibility +First-Swing Stability «Improve Urban Air for handling Faults Quality Auxiliary Power (Black-Start) «Improve Transmission & Distribution Reliability «Improve System Modeling & *Dispatch Constraint Power Transfer Limits Relief Generating System Reliability *Lessen Electromagnetic Fields *Power Generation Production Cost Savings The most significant benefits shown above in Table IV for a utility appear to be spinning-reserve, area frequency regulation, transmission and distribution deferrals, and those benefits dealing with environmental issues. The quantified total value for BESS can be a combination of several benefits. BESS may not be fully justifiable or have an acceptable payback period when considering only one type of application. A battery energy storage system is flexible in that it can provide a utility with multiple benefits when designed and deployed properly. Some of those benefits identified may not be immediately realized and not begin until several years out. BESS is a relatively new resource and technology for the utility industry and utility planners to consider. This is also true for industrial manufacturing companies which typically install low voltage UPS equipment to provide backup power and power quality to their production lines. This may change when large companies investigate the full benefits associated with BESS. Understanding its near term benefits and future benefits generally requires and results in a comprehensive site specific feasibility study. There are several companies today that can help provide these services. Customer _-Side_of the Meter Benefits: BESS applications which fall on the customers side of the meters are demand peak reduction, peak shaving energy requirements (load-leveling), and applications dealing with power reliability and quality. These two applications alone can at times justify the installation of a BESS for the same reasons companies purchase and install UPS equipment. Currently, utility customers experience voltage sags, power outages, power interruptions, harmonic noise and other disturbances that can cost them tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in product damage, data lose, customer service damage, and/or even environmental damage. Discharges of air emissions into urban areas from factories when environmental controls are lost because the utility power is interrupted or goes off can be a major problem in the US. Chemical processing plants, plastic extrusion companies, semiconductor manufactures, computer data centers, saw mills, paper manufacturing, pharmaceutical companies, mining operations, are but a few of the types of businesses whose automation improvements and computer operated manufacturing processes demand robust power and quality of service. Power interruptions in the sub-cycle to second range can shut a production line down and take hours to restart. One of the alliance of companies that can offer a solution to help resolve customer-side of the meter reliability and quality power type problems is GNB Technologies and The General Electric Company which offer a complete BESS system that can be tailored to each application and customer needs. The quantifiable benefits associated with critical manufacturing processes will be customer specific. The major of benefits of having a BESS for this specific application are measured in dollar savings associated with how often the customer experiences power interruptions and how much does it cost the company. One outage or even a partial interruption in power at a semiconductor manufacturing plant could result in millions of dollars lost in damaged products. An intangible benefit in having a BESS in this case is “peace of mind”. With regard to demand peak reduction and peak shaving applications, when coupled with the benefits of having a system that not only can provide power protection (UPS) but can also reduce energy costs, the overall benefits can be large and a BESS can be very cost effective. As mentioned 10 earlier in this paper, what will drive the benefits for demand reduction and /or peak shaving will be the difference in the rate structure that a utility has. When the demand charges are high and the peaks short, a portion of the overall power demand can be reduced with a BESS. Store energy during off-peak hours and then use it to reduce the demand for power and energy during the peak periods and, in the majority of cases, the overall electric cost a company pays will come down. There may also be a savings in costs associated by improveing the power factor which a BESS can povide. GNB reports that at its Vernon California facility that recently received a BESS, the power factor was improved from .88 up to .94 and this represents a small but cost effective savings in its monthly electic bill which includes a penalty charge for power factor. In some parts of the world, it is not uncommon for the power to go out once or twice per day. In this case, one of the problems can be that the overall demand for power is growing and the electrical utility suppliers are having a hard time in generating enough power for everyone all the time. Manufacturing companies located in countries that are experiencing rapid growth can expect to have power outages. Some outages are even planned and electric power is even being rationed. A BESS may be a cost effective way to provide the necessary power and energy for a manufacturing company to ride through a power outage and allow the plant to keep running or do an orderly shutdown if necessary. Simply put, a BESS can provide benefits associated with several different customer-side of the meter application. The key is to make sure all the benefits are considered when looking at the possibility of installing a system. One additional benefit may be that the customer owning and operating a BESS can sell the stored energy back to the utility. It might be able to receive credit from its utility for load reduction during peak periods. Energy management can work both ways. CONCLUSION This paper attempts to show that a battery energy storage system (BESS) is an excellent candidate for many electrical utility and industrial applications. A BESS can perform multiple applications and is flexible as to its size and the types of applications it can be used for. It is good to know that BESS is environmentally friendly. BESS offers many benefits and should be considered a viable resource in providing utilities with a new way of handling many generating, transmission & distribution, and customer-side of the meter power applications It can be a very effective energy management device. The BESS technology is here today. It offers utilities a low risk technology in energy storage and a system that can be designed & build in a very short time. As utilities and utility planners become more educated as to how BESS can be applied to their system, and the benefits that a system can provide, small to large systems will start to appear on both sides of the utility meter in the near term. For further information regarding BESS and its potential applications , contact George W. Hunt, GNB Technologies, 829 Parkview Blvd., Lombard, Illinois 60148 Phone (708) 691-7813 fax (708) 691-7827 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of The General Electric Company with the BESS design and description section of this paper. Thanks are extended to Robert W. Delmerico, Nicholas W. Miller and Robert S. Zrebiec, GE Power Systems Engineering, Schenectady, New York , USA. REFERENCES 1. Battery Energy Storage for Utilities, A New Pespective, SAND91-0450/2525/700 2. Utility Battery Storage Systems Program Plan, FY 1994 -FY 1998, US Department of Energy, DOE/CH10093- 258, DE94000239, February 1994 3. Battery Energy Storage for Utility Applications: Phase I, Opportunity Analysis, SAND94 - 2605 * UC - 212, Reprinted March 1995 4. Report - Battery Requi ni Applicati for Low-Maintenance_Lead-Acid Battery Storage, US Department of Energy, Electric Power Research Institute 11 BESS Brito my Dorey Storage System Power Management Solutions, the GNB Advantage GNB TECHNOLOGIES is a global provider of quality integrated power techno- logy products, power management and environmental services. GNB serves cus- tomers in the industrial power control, electric utility, telecommunications, mili- tary, automotive, electric vehicle and environmental markets in more than 50 countries. Owned by Pacific Dunlop, Melbourne, Australia, GNB’s world head- quarters is in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The company has operations in Australia, ©} Canada, Europe, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, the United Arab Emirates and the United States. GNB is an energy systems company marketing complete turnkey Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) to industrial, commercial and electric utility customers. The company combines its commercially proven, patented ABSOLYTE® ITP storage battery technology with the products, knowledge and quality of General Electric Company. BESS Applications Battery Systems in Electric Utility Applications Battery Energy Storage is an option that can help electric utilities address the new strategic factors of deregulation and privatization by improving cost-effectiveness, reliability and power quality and by reducing the environmental impact of electricity generation and distribution. BES Systems function over a wide range of conditions, permitting flexible utility dispatch of energy. As a generation resource, a BESS can store off-peak energy and provide power when it is needed. As a distribution resource, a BESS can defer or possibly eliminate the need for new transmission or distribution lines, resulting in cost savings and greater asset utilization. The incorpo- ration of battery storage with renewable energy generators will provide greater utility grid stability, thus allowing increased use of these resources. Generation of Power & Energy ¢ Spinning Reserve * Renewable Generation Support ¢ Generation Capacity Deferral ¢ Load Leveling « Area/Frequency Control * Improve Reliability © Transmission & Distribution * Transmission Line Stability. * Transmission Facility Deferral * Voltage Regulation * Distribution Facility Deferral Customer Service * Customer Demand Peak Shaving * Power Quality, Reliability, UPS * Transit System Peak Reduction Battery Systems in Industrial and Commercial Applications Battery Energy Storage is a controllable demand-side management option that can provide industrial manufacturing companies and commercial customers improved power quality, uninterruptible power, and energy-management capability. This capability provides for power demand reduction and peak- shaving by storing lower cost energy at night and using it during peak hours of the day when energy costs typically are much higher. Power Control, Reliability & Energy Management * Critical Process Protection (UPS) * Power Quality Improvement * Peak Demand Reduction * Peak Shaving (Load Leveling) * Power Factor Correction © The combined strength of GNB and GE assures customers of having a highly qualified turnkey supplier of a fully engineered, designed system, technically integrated with quality components, and serviced by the world leader of battery energy storage tech- nologies and systems. GNB and GE have developed and are @ offering power management solutions today. GNB and GE are committed to delivering a quality product, services, and customer satisfaction on a global basis. Together, GNB and GE offer worldwide sales, services and support of BESS. Engineered systems are fully warranted and backed by years of experience within both major companies. With the GNB/GE Advantage, you will have full access to pre- system installation analysis, turnkey installations, site manage- ment, and product education and training. Renewable Energy Power Generation Transmission/Distribution Battery energy storage systems can be designed to perform multiple utility applications in generation, transmission and distribution, and customer service. Critical Process Backup Quality & Reliability Assurance Environmental Control Protection Segregation of the applications into groups is an organizational tool. It does not represent a segregation of BESS functions. A BESS is most valuable to a user when it performs “multiple functions” in more than one of the groups of applications shown above. GLOBAL OPERATIONS NORTH AMERICA GNB Technologies 829 Parkview Boulevard Lombard, Illinois 60148-3249 U.S.A T 1.630.629.5200 Fax: 1.630.629.2635 GNB Technologies 4500 Dixie Road, Unit 9B Mississauga, Ontario L4W1V7 Canada Tel: 1.905.624.1107 Fax: 1.905.624.1801 EUROPE GNB Technologies Farndon Road, Market Harborough Leicestershire, LE16 9NP England, United Kingdom Tel: 44.858.434409 Fax: 44.858.434431 GNB Technologies Ansell Edmont Europe, N.V GNB Division Wijngaardveld 34C B-9300 Aa Ist Belgium Tel. 32.53.710505 Fax: 32.53.710181 MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA GNB Technologies P.O. Box 44026 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Tel: 971.2.344561 Fax: 971.2.348644 PACIFIC NORTH GNB Technologies Japan Towa-Hatano Building, 6F 4-4, Hongo 2-Chrome, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, 113 Japan Tel: 81.3.5689.6390 Fax: 81.3.5689.6393 PACIFIC SOUTH GNB Technologies 55 Bryant Street Padstow, N.S.W. 2211 Australia Tel: 61.2.772.5700 Fax: 61.2.774.2966 GNB Technologies Hutt Park Road Lower Hutt P.O. Box 360926 Moera Lower Hutt New Zealand Tel: 64.45.684.269 Fax: 64.45.686.687 GNB Technologies 111 Kallang Way 2 Singapore 1334 Tel: 65.745.0388 Fax: 65.745.0688 CHINA GNB Technologies 16/F Tower 1, The Gateway 25-27 Canton Road Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 8. 956.6688 Fax: 85 956.2161 LATIN AMERICA GNB Technologies 375 Northridge Road Atlanta, Georgia 30350 Tel: 1.770.551.9136 Fax: 1.770.551.9149 TECHNOLOGIES UCR. Al val SC REGUL AoaCL EMT A Pacific Dunlop Company raring Why GNB BESS? Because GNB offers highly reliable, fully integrated, turnkey Battery Energy Storage Systems to electric utility, industrial and commercial customers using proven technologies and components that are available now... a GNB BESS can provide the user with storage of electricity during off-peak hours when energy costs are low and deliver it on demand during on-peak hours when energy costs are high... and, because a system can also provide uninterrupted power to critical loads preventing troublesome and costly outages... and, because the system can be designed for a particular application, constructed, and commissioned normally in a matter of months. With GNB BESS you can: locate where needed install quickly size system to application defer substation upgrades provide spinning reserve improve customer service provide dispatchable power protect critical loads provide demand-side energy management lower power demand charges improve power quality and reliability provide frequency regulation provide power factor correction save on energy charges Specifications Systems can be tailored to meet the specific power and energy needs of an application requiring several hundred kW or up to fifty MW or higher if needed. Output voltage can be low, intermediate, or high with 50 or 60 Hz capability. Energy storage can be provided in minutes or up to several hours at maximum capacity with multiple paralleled systems. BESS - ABSOLYTE® ITP Battery Power GNB revolutionized the battery industry in 1983 with the introduction of its first industrial valve regulated lead acid (VRLA)battery, the ABSOLYTEI. GNB has continually improved the Absolyte product design and manufacturing processes ever since. In 1993, GNB intro- duced ABSOLYTE IIP, featuring an AVERAGE 15% increase in capacity over ABSOLYTE IL, introduced in 1986, without an increase in the size of the container. ABSOLYTE IIP ensures Superior Performance, Reliable Power, Space Efficiency and Simplified Installation, Reduced Maintenance and a High Degree of Safety. Patented hybrid grid alloy gives the ABSOLYTE IIP battery a long service life in float service, deep cycle capability with deep discharge recovery. Battery cells are sealed, never require watering, are virtually spill-proof, leak- proof and explosion resistant. Batteries are stackable, having modular steel trays which allows for maximum power density, quick on-site installation, and standard units meet UBC seismic zone 4 require- ments. ABSOLYTE® IIP technology and con- struction is field tested and proven, offers maximum flexibility for a wide variety of BESS applications B tt The basic concept is to store electrical energy for dispatch at a time when its use a ery is more economical, strategic or efficient. The BESS accepts electricity from a E utility grid, stores it in batteries, and returns it to the grid or supplies it to the nerg y customer demand. To perform these functions, the Power Conversion System, St ora g e Battery System and Control and Monitoring equipment must all work together. System Utility Grid Protected Loads = ESSERE EE . : . =" 42 = s = Auxillary} = " = Power 2 . Fesseees = le 2 Pesan # ‘Targeted Power | HRD MINReD eNO to the complex, to the most critical applications GNB TECHNOLOGIES GNB TECHNOLOG an independent operating unit of Pacific Dunlop Holdings Inc., is comprised of four separate business entities specializing in various segments of the battery industry: Telecom/Power Control, Automotive Parts, Electric Vehicle and Environmenta Services. The parent company, Pacific Dunlop Limited, headquartered in Melbourne Australia, is a branded products company with international marketing, manufacturing and distribution capabilities. PDL’s 1996 sales exceeded U.S. $6 billion. Battery manufacturing, marketing and recycling is a core business unit for Pacifi Dunlop Limited. GNB TECHNOLOGIES has defined the standard for industrial stationary valve regulated lead-acid batteries and become the technological and market leader. GNB TECHNOLOGIES is committed to this position...to remain the dominant presence in the worldwide stored power industry. GNB - The Global Battery Company GNB’s Telecom/Power Control Division headquartered in Lombard, IL with manufacturing plants located in North America and Australia. The Telecom/Power Control Division has an extensive network of direct factory sales offices and manufacturer's representative throughout the world. These are support by GNB Management offices in Canada, Belgium, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Japan, Australia, New Zealand] Singapore, Hong Kong and Latin Ameri GNB - The Product Leader GNB provides the highest quality batterid Se ROCCO MIMD OeCOM IMINO Re Cerne facilities - through a global network offering both sales and service for: . Communications - Central Office - Distributed Power - Cellular - PCS . Power Control - Uninterruptible Power Systems - Utility Switch Gear - Railroad Signal and Communications - Photovoltaic and Alternative Energy - Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) - Emergency Lighting and Security Systems Absolyte® VRLA Battery Technology World leader in sealed battery power, GNB revolution- ized the battery industry in 1983 by introducing its first valve regulated lead acid battery - the Absolyte. Since that time, GNB has continually improved the Absolyte product design and manufacturing processes. Absolyte® IIP The field proven Absolyte IIP represents the third generation of the Absolyte product line. Without an increase in size, it offers 15% more capacity than its predecessor. Superior Performance Patented hybrid grid alloy: ¢ 20 year design life * Deep cycle capability ¢ Deep discharge recovery Absorbed glass mat (AGM) separator: * Increased freezing tolerance ¢ High rate charge acceptance Reduced Maintenance * VRLA Technology: No scheduled watering * Patented Grid Allow: No scheduled equalization * Solid Copper Posts: Reduced need for retorquing of connections Safety ¢ Virtually spill proof, leak proof and explosion proof design ¢ Transparent, flame retardant covers for module and terminal plate * Optional flame retardant jar and cover * UBC seismic Zone 4 rating for module configurations Space Efficiency and Simplified Installation * Maximum power density - more power in less space Standard Configuration Absolyte IIP cells are housed in protective, modular steel trays designed for easy installation. The standard configuration is qualified for use in the UBC Seismic Zone IV installations. Typical Absolyte IIP standard configuration applications: * Telecommunications * Uninterruptible Power Systems ¢ Switchgear and Control * Railroad Signal and Communications * Photovoltaic and Alternative Energy Systems * Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) Relay Rack Modules Absolyte IIP cells are housed in protective, modular steel trays designed to fit either a 19” or 23” relay rack. Relay Rack Absolyte IIP batteries are ideal for numerous telecommunications applications * Central Office * Cell Sites * PCS Sites * PBX ¢ Microwave * CEVs, CECs & Huts Single Cell Modules Absolyte IIP also is available in Single Cell Modules for added flexibility in a wide variety of applications including: Telecommunications, Railroad Signal and Communications, Photovoltaic and Alternative Energy Systems. 1. Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) Separator 2. Proprietary Grid Alloy 3. Epoxy coated Bolts, Copper Inserts, Bolt-on Connectors 4. Hermetic Sealing, Automated Button Burning, 100% Helium Leak Testing 5. Pressure Relief Valve bod 4 Loy jr-o7yee re e On nes IIP Relay Rack ‘onfiguration Absolyte IIP Battery Installation, Vernon, California a 3 mee | rr i at ABSOLYTE IIP Batteries — Multiple Configurations To Meet Diverse Applications Absolyte IIP in Single Cell Configuration for maximum flexibility. Ss MSB MARATHON Series Batteries — High Performance in Long Duration Applications Specifically designed for applications with low-rate, long-duration discharges, the MSB MARATHON series of VRLA batteries provides high performance and reliability in long duration applications. Its development is the result of GNB’s extensive experience and world-wide leadership in VRLA technology. Typical MSB MARATHON Applications TELECOMMUNICATIONS * Central Office * Distributed Power *PCS * Cellular * Broadband ELEctTRIC UTILITY ¢ Switchgear and Control * Communications RAILROAD + Signaling * Communications MSB-30A GNB sealed valve regulated technology is the basis for the MSB 30A battery which delivers the highest power output in the smallest space. MSB 30A combines a lead tin grid alloy and absorbent glass mat technology that is power efficient and has long life. Other benefits include increased cyclability and a low corrosion rate. Capacity of 30AH @ 10 hour rate to 1.75 VPC is ideal for telecommunications applications: SLC-96™, Cellular Radio, Pedestal, Pole Mount. SPRINTER Series Batteries — High Power Density Designed for superior, high-rate performance in uninterruptible power supply (UPS) applications, GNB’s SPRINTER series of VRLA batteries offers high power density and reliability. Its development is the result of GNB’s extensive experience and world-wide leadership in VRLA technology. Typical SPRINTER Applications UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SuppLy (UPS) POWER QUALITY APPLICATIONS “Designed in” Quality Manufacturing Quality manufacturing processes for both the MSB MARATHON and the SPRINTER series batteries incor- porate some of the industry’s most advanced technologies including: an automated helium leak detection system, a computer controlled “fill by weight” acid filler, and capacity testing of every unit. High Performance Features for MSB MARATHON and SPRINTER Include: * Container - Standard - a durable reinforced polypropylene container and cover. - Optional - a reinforced flame retardant polypropylene container cover (meets UL94 V-O/28% LOI specifications). « Low pressure, self-resealing safety vents. * Heavy duty copper-alloy terminals. * Spun glass, microporous matrix separators. * Low self-discharge rate of 0.5%-1.0% per week. * Recombination efficiency greater than 99%. * Does not require separate battery room. ¢ Horizontal or vertical installation and operation. Small Power Sealed VLRA The valve regulated, spill-proof construction of GNB Small Power Batteries allows trouble- free, safe operation in any position. There is no need to add electrolyte, as gases generated during over-charge are recombined in a unique “oxygen cycle.” GNB Small Power Batteries use state of the art design, high grade materials and a carefully controlled platemaking process to provide excellent output per cell. The high density results in superior power/volume and power/weight ratios. Capacities range from 4.5AH to 36AH in 6 or 12 volts. Photovoltaic and Alternate Energy SUNlyte™ 12-5000x The SUNlyte 12-5000x is a valve regulated lead acid (VRLA) battery designed exclusively for photovoltaic applications. The 12 volt unit is provided in a reinforced polypropylene case. The rugged design characteristics and low maintenance requirements make the SUNlyte 12-5000x ideal for even the most remote unmanned solar installations in a variety of climates. Re-Source Commander & RC 12-110 GNB RE-SOURCE COMMANDER and RC 12-110 batteries provide day-in, day-out reliability for photovoltaic use with a low initial cost package. The RE-SOURCE COMMANDER batteries offer proven superior performance with low maintenance. The watering interval is long - up to 6 months - and the RE-SSOURCE COMMANDER’S heat-bonded seal prevents electrolyte leakage and battery corrosion. The RC 12-110 is a smaller 12 volt unit, well suited for applications such a village power, where periodic water addition is feasible. Both RE-SOURCE COMMANDER and RC 12-110 batteries offer exceptional value, performance and dependability. es « Small Power SUNlyte™ | Resource Commander S RC 12-110 GNB Flooded Batteries Maximum on-line performance General Purpose with field proven dependability GNB’s General Purpose flooded batteries combine GNB has been manufacturing economical, long-lasting features of long duration and high rate batteries to stationary flooded batteries for decades. Tested and give excellent 1-minute rates as well as superior long proven in the toughest field conditions, GNB flooded duration performance (170 to 2,550 amp hours) in batteries offer maximum efficiency and reliability for a compact footprint. the widest variety of applications. ¢ Telecommunications F A , + Utility Switchgear & Control GNB also offers flooded batteries designed exclusively UBSISuelemne for special applications such as photovoltaic, nuclear y power plants, and even submarines. Special Purpose * Photovoltaic ¢ Nuclear Power Plants H * Telephone Company Central Offices Flooded Battery Selector Guide Long Duration Application Capacity Type For applications requiring constant current or constant power for longer than 2 hours, GNB offers flooded Long Duration 200-475 AH MAT/MCT batteries from 200 amp-hours to 3,700 amp-hours. Long Duration 550-2550 AH NATINGT High Rate : GNB also manufactures flooded batteries for pong) Duration 2240-3700/An HATMCT applications that require a large amount of power High Rate 1845-4370 WPC PAQ/PDQ for relatively short periods of time. GNB high rate batteries are available with ratings from 1,845 General Purpose 170-595 AH MAX/MCX to 4,370 watts per cell. General Purpose 550-2550 AH NAX/NCX Nuclear 550-2550 AH NAN/NCN Photovoltaic 110-1700 AH RC GNB - Clearly the Best in Flooded Batteries 1. Microporous Separators 2. Positive Plate 3. Glass Mat Retainer 4. Positive Plate Support 5. Positive and Negative Bus-Bars 6. Jar-Cover Seal 7. Electrolyte Sampling Tube 8. Cover 9. Patented Vent/Filling Funnel Combination 10. Exclusive Post Seal and Nut 11. Negative Plate 12. Straight Wall Jar 13. Element Support System 14. Electrolyte Level Lines GLOBAL OPERATIONS NORTH AMERICA (World Headquarters) GNB Technologies 829 Parkview Boulevard Lombard, Illinois 60148-3249 U.S.A. TEL 1.630.629.5200 FAX 1.630.629.2635 TOTAL BATTERY MANAGEMENTS a focus on the environment e@ GNB’s commitment to the environment constitutes a complete approach to the business of recycling, manufacturing and distribution that continues to set the standard in the battery industry. GNB Technologies 4500 Dixie Road, Unit 9B Mississauga, Ontario L4W1V7 Canada TEL: 1.905.624.1107 FAX: 1.905.624.1801 For the past 75 years, GNB has led the industry’s effort to recycle rather than discard used batteries. Last year alone, GNB safely processed more that 250,000 tons of lead. EUROPE GNB Technologies Ansell Edmont Europe, N.V GNB Division Wijngaardveld 34 B-9300 Aalst Belgium TEL FAX: Let GNB take the risk out of the disposal of your spent batteries. As part of a Total Battery Management program, GNB will pick up and transport any spent lead acid batteries to GNB-owned, EPA approved recycling centers globally. GNB Technologies Farndon Road, Market Harborough Leicestershire, LE16 9NP England, United Kingdom TEL: 44.1858.434409 FAX 44.1858.434431 : sense : Only companies with the strongest possible financial resources are able to make that kind of long-term commitment to recycling — and GNB has what it takes to help you. MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA GNB Technologies P.O. Box 44026 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates TEL 971 6235 FAX 971.2.227644 JAPAN GNB Technologies Japan PJ Bldg. 3F 22 Daikyo-cho, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, 160 Japan TEL: 81.3.5269.1061 FAX: 81.3.5269.1069 AUSTRALIA GNB Technologies 55 Bryant Stre Padstow, N.S.W. 2211 Australia TEL: 61.2.9722.5700 FAX 61.2.9774.2966 NEW ZEALAND GNB Technologies Hutt Park Road Lower Hutt 36-026 Moera Lower Hutt and 64.45.684.269 64.45.686.687 SOUTH EAST ASIA GNB Technologies S.E. Asia No. 6 Loyang Way 1, #02-02 apore 508704 TEL 65.546.2866 FAX 65.546.2966 CHINA/HONG KONG GNB Technologies Suite 1606-11, Tower 2 The Gateway 25-27 Canton Road Kowloon, Hong Kong TEL: 852.2.956.6688 FECHNOLOGIES FAX: 852.2.956.2161 LATIN AMERICA GNB Technologies 375 Northridge Road Atlanta, Georgia 30350 TEL: 1.770.551.9136 FAX 1.770.551.9149 ein A Pacific Dunlop Company rN SECT. 10.05 5/9) Cio tg LYTE is a registered trademark of GNB, In