HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaska Electric Power Statistics 1960-1991NES ea _ Alaska Energy Authority , iy A LIBRARY COPY 1960 - 1991 Sah aaa arian Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960-1991 Co-Sponsored By: ALASKA SYSTEMS COORDINATING COUNCIL An association of Alaska's electric power systems promoting improved reliability through systems coordination ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY A public corporation of the State of Alaska Seventeenth Edition ~ iain’ November 1992 Alaska Systems Coordinating Council ACKN! MENT: The Alaska Systems Coordinating Council and Alaska Energy Authority would again like to thank those who contributed their time and support to make this publication possible. A total of 149 communities (served by 87 utilities listed on Page 8), provided data for this publication. In addition, the following military installations, government agencies, and private companies supplied information: { ALASKA ELECTRIC POWER STATISTICS 1960 - 1991 SEVENTEENTH EDITION Military Insta USS. Air Fore ECO 047 ISSUED TO U.S. Army U.S. Navy U.S. Coast HIGHSMITH 42-222 Greens Creek Mining Company UniSea Inc. Ketchikan Pulp Company * This list is not complete. In some cases company names were withheld by request. ea ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY ALASKA SYSTEMS COORDINATING COUNCIL P.O. Box 190869 P.O. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 CO-SPONSORS' MESSAGE The Alaska Systems Coordinating Council and the Alaska Energy Authority are happy to provide the 1991 edition of Alaska Electric Power Statistics. The figures show a 1.7% increase in statewide electric generation from 1990 to 1991. Alaska's electric utilities are meeting the challenges of uncertain fuel prices by reducing dependence on any particular fuel. The Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project (largest hydroelectric facility in Alaska) began commercial operation September 1, 1991. Bradley Lake provides 90 MW of generating capacity to nearly 72% of the state's population. The proposed Healy Clean Coal Project has also received funding and will supply 50 MW of generating capacity when complete in 1996. In addition, Alaska's utilities continue to work with the legislature to fund construction of the proposed northern and southern interties. Currently only 13% of Alaska's electricity is generated using fuel oil. However, diesel generation is heavily concentrated in small rural communities throughout the state. These smaller isolated communities rely on the Power Cost Equalization (PCE) program to provide them with affordable energy. The Alaska Energy Authority assists community efforts to improve generator and distribution system efficiencies and promotes coordination for inter-community cooperation. Alaska's utilities are busy planning for their customers' needs well into the next century. The Alaska Systems Coordinating Council has adopted planning and operating standards for inter- connected utilities. Generating capacity and transmission interties require many years from conception to completion and will be available only if we plan now for the future. We welcome your comments on this edition of Alaska Electric Power Statistics and your suggestions for future editions. If you have any questions, please contact one of us or, Penny Haldane, Statistical Analyst, Alaska Energy Authority, (907) 561-7877. Sincerely, Gud Z ML. ange Ronald A. Garzini / Brad Reeve - Executive Director Council Chairman Alaska Energy Authority Alaska Systems Coordinating Council TABLE OF CONTENTS Alaska Electric Power Statistics Introduction (1960-1991) ................ Summary Alaska Installed Capacity and Net Generation (1986-1991) Alaska Communities and Electric Utilities - 1991 (Map)............0..0.... Alaska Electric Utility Abbreviations ..............0..00..ccccccecccesceeseesseeesees (General Notes 3255 eee et ge dtd eaters SUMMARY POWER & ENERGY DATA Alaska Utilities (Utility Installed Capacity, Peak Demand, Net Generation, and Fuel Use) Southeast:Region sess scc cee crcster terse aerate Southcentral Region.. Yukon Region.................... Arctic & Northwest Region ... SouthwestiResion pense nee Alaska Installed Capacity and Net Generation, Regional Summary;(1989/-1199)l)) eee ee INSTALLED CAPACITY DATA Alaska Installed Capacity - Utility, National Defense, Industry by Regions (1991) ...........ccceececeeeeeseeseteeeeetseees Alaska Utility Installed Capacity by Prime Mover (1960211991) (Graph) seen acetone neeeeeeeheea Alaska Utility Installed Capacity by Prime Mover (1956.09 ee Alaska Installed Capacity Historical Summary Utility and Non-Utility (1960 - 1991) (Graph) ..........ccce eee Alaska Installed Capacity Historical Summary Utility, Non-Utility, National Defense (1960 - 1991).........0..00.0.... Alaska Installed Capacity - 1991 Utility Regional Summary by: Type of Utility. ne teerecerrese cetera Alaska National Defense Installed Capacity (989 /-11:99 1) SERRE reer e etna tates een GENERATION DATA Alaska Net Generation - Utility, National Defense, Industry by Regions, 1991.........0..0.cccccceeeeeeeeseeeseeeeees Alaska Utilities Cumulative Net Generation by Region (1960 - 1991) (Graph)........0..0.0.00cccceeceeeeeeeeeees Alaska Annual Utility Net Generation - by Region land gly pe On tility (S60 <1199 1) ee ee EEE Ue 39 Alaska National Defense - Net Generation LOS O FTO 1 ee EE LA OUI AUN 41 Alaska Utilities Net Generation by Fuel Type eee ee ee eee ee eee Le 42 Anchorage/Cook Inlet Area - Utility Net Generation, 12) Month' Running #Totals/(1.98 1/1199 1)) ean nn Me ORE UNL AAL a 44 Fairbanks Area - Utility Net Generation, 12 Month RUMDINg Lota ss (oe ooo oo ee en UL CMM Mau on 46 Alaska Major Utilities Regional Energy Generation!(1965 1-111 9911) simu sbenusnamamenanunien sebmaucenzetetneaan ea aasateutt ase ses 48 TRANSMISSION DATA Central Alaska (Map) perecnee errr ee ee eens Heiss aaas 52 Anchorage Detail (Map) uSx} Fairbanks Detail (Map).. 54 Homer Detail (Map)... 5) Southeast Alaska (Map). 56 Juneau Detail (Map) ...... ES i Ketchikan Detail (Map) ............... 58 Petersburg/Wrangell Detail (Map)... 59 Kodiak Island Detail (Map)..................... .60 Alaska Transmission Lines 1991 Summary................ 61 Alaska Transmission Lines and Major Interconnections. .62 WORK IN PROGRESS Workin! Progressias Reported iuly [1992 iene eine Renn UAL ELLUM 67 MARKET DATA Alaska Electric Utilities 1991 Energy Sales, Revenues, and Customers!!! Mii mui Gi OMAN MiNi nS MeN ANN Nsom a5 Alaska Electric Utilities 1991 Average Annual Energy Use and Cost..........0....0:ccees 80 Alaska Electric Utilities 1991 Typical Monthly Electric Bills at Varying Usage Levels for Residential Customer...............0..:c:cccecececseseeseeseeseesenes Alaska Economic Growth Indicators (1970 - 1991) (Graph) ! Alaska Economic Growth Indicators (1960-1991) .............cc:ccssccsssscessesessccesseesaseeseceenes SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS Alaska Utilities 1991 Service Interruptions (Outages) ..................ccccscccsccsseessesseesseeseenes 95 INFORMATION RESOURCES Other Energy Information RESOurces Lana a nen 103 ALASKA ELECTRIC POWER STATISTICS INTRODUCTION (1960 - 1991) This is the seventeenth edition in a series of statewide electric power data summaries. Prior to 1985, the federal Alaska Power Administration published the Alaska Electric Power Statistics. Since then, the Alaska Energy Authority (formerly the Alaska Power Authority) has been responsible for gathering statistical data and publishing this annual report. In 1988, the Power Statistics report became a combined effort between the Alaska Systems Coordinating Council and the Alaska Energy Authority. This publication includes data on electric utility systems, national defense installations, and industrial facilities that supply power for their own use. Tables and graphs provide different viewpoints on energy use. Most data is presented by region. Installed generation capacity, fuel use, and net generation data form a major part of this report. The report also includes maps of transmission line systems in Alaska, and statistics on power outages. The market data section presents information on utility sales, revenues, and customers, as well as typical monthly residential electric bills for Alaskan communities. The table on page 5 presents a six-year summary of installed capacity and net generation for the utility, industry, and military sectors of the state's electric power producers. As of December 1991, 65.7% of installed generating capacity was in the utility sector, 27.2% in the industry sector, and 7.1% in the military sector. Between 1990 and 1991, total statewide net generation increased by 1.7%. Natural gas is used to meet approximately two-thirds of the state's power requirements. The remainder of the state's power requirements are met by hydro 14.3%, oil 13.0%, coal 7.0%, and other 3.6%. SUMMARY ALASKA INSTALLED CAPACITY AND NET GENERATION (1986-1991) INSTALLED CAPACITY (MW) 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 SUMMARY Utility 1,658 1,655 1), CORNY INT 611 1,605 ATES) National Defense 151 170 171 171 171 188 Industry 601 660 652 692 717 717 TOTAL 2,410 2,485 2,427 2,474 2,493 2,638 GROWTH FROM PREVIOUS YEAR (%) Utility 3.5 (0.2) G21) 0.4 (0.4) 8.0 National Defense (10.7) 12.6 0.5 0.0 0.0 10.2 Industry 12.8 9.8 (1.2) 6.1 3.6 0.0 TOTAL 4.6 Sel (2.3) 1.9 0.8 5.8 INSTALLED CAPACITY BY PRIME MOVER (%) Hydro 9.4 922) 9.4 10.5 10.3 1329 Combustion Turbine 55.6 55.0 53.6 52.3 51.9 49.3 Steam Turbine 13e9) 14.2 14.4 14.2 14.0 i323) Diesel I.C. ele 21.6 22.6 22.9 23.8 2325 NET GENERATION (GWH) 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 SUMMARY Utility 4,410 4,424 4,502 4,604 4,675 4,621 National Defense 421 432 436 460 512 476 Industry 1,951 2,033 2,102 2,169 2,265 2,477 TOTAL 6,782 6,889 7,040 7,233 7,451 ALY) GROWTH FROM PREVIOUS YEAR (%) Utility (1.4) 0.3 1.8 225) uct) (1.1) National Defense 7.9 2.5 1.0 5.5 11.3 (7.0) Industry 4.9 4.2 3.4 3.2 4.4 9.4 TOTAL 0.9 1.6 2s2) Cou 3.0 ee, NET GENERATION BY FUEL TYPE (%) Hydro 12.6 13.0 14.0 12.9 Asa7, 14.3 Gas 68.7 65.8 64.9 65.6 64.3 62.1 oil 10.9 12.1 10.7 11.0 11.1 13.0 Coal 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 7.0 7.0 Other 25) 2.6 3.8 3.7 4.0 3.6 NOTES (1) Installed capacity for combustion and steam turbines may vary depending on the ambient temperature ratings used in reporting. In 1988 a uniform rating of 60F was used for the first time to determine installed capacity for all utilities. This uniform temperature rating caused an apparent drop in installed capacity. Using the previous varied ratings, however, the total installed capacity for Alaskan utilities would have been 1,665 MW in 1988. Therefore, a slight increase actually occurred from 1987 to 1988 instead of the 50 MW decrease that is reported under the new convention. dl 5 3 19 ~ Alaska Communities and Electric Utilities 1991 22,25,26,27 Cooe % 6e %0 @14 Sete e oe 3 9% 46 15,619 23,30,31,37 e2e 34@ of 23 > 24/7/12 2e@4 ee : 2 40%—5 47 i Ss On al fanaa 26 29) 25 Southcentral ae Southwest i Southeast NNN SBESSRRADEDH ISLE RA AVAYNSE NOIGO <2 ON 0, Se OE te SOUTHEAST REGION Angoon (THREA) Coffman Cove (COCO) Craig (AP&T) Elfin Cove (ECU) Haines (HL&P) Hoonah (THREA) Hydaburg (AP&T) Juneau (AEL&P) Kake (THREA) . Kasaan (THREA) . Ketchikan (KPU) . Klawock (THREA) . Metlakatla (MP&L) . Pelican (PUC) . Petersburg (PMP&L) . Sitka (SED) . Skagway (AP&T) . Swan Lake (AEASL) . Tenakee Springs (TSU) . Thorne Bay (TB) . Tyee Lake (AEATY) . Wrangell (WML&P) . Yakutat (YPI) SOUTHCENTRAL REGION Akhiok (COA) Anchorage (AML&P) Anchorage (CEA) Bradley Lake (AEABL) Chitina (CEI) Cordova (CEC) Glennallen (CVEA) Homer (HEA) Kodiak (KDEA) Larsen Bay (LBUC) . Old Harbor (AVEC) Ouzinkie (OU) Palmer (MEA) Paxson Lodge (LI) Port Lions (KDEA) Seldovia (HEA) 17. Seward (SES) 18. Solomon Gulch (AEASG) 19. Tatitlek (TEU) 20. Terror Lake (AEATL) 21. Valdez (CVEA) YUKON REGION 1. Alakanuk (AVEC) 2. Anvik (AVEC) 3. Beaver (BJU) 4. Bettles (BL&P) 5. Central (FNU) 6. Chevak (AVEC) 7. Eagle (EPC) 8. Emmonak (AVEC) 9. Fairbanks (FMUS) 10. Fairbanks (GVEA) 11. Fort Yukon (GZUC) 12. Galena (COG) 13. Grayling (AVEC) 14. Holy Cross (AVEC) 15. Hooper Bay (AVEC) 16. Huslia (AVEC) 17. Kaltag (AVEC) 18. Kotlik (KC) 19. Manley Hot Springs (MUC) 20. Marshall (AVEC) 21. Minto (AVEC) 22. Mountain Village (AVEC) 23. Northway (NP&L) 24. Nulato (AVEC) 25. Pilot Station (AVEC) 26. Russian Mission (AVEC) 27. St. Mary's (AVEC) 28. Scammon Bay (AVEC) 29. Shageluk (AVEC) 30. Tanana (TPC) 31. Tok (AP&T) ARCTIC & NORTHWEST REGIONS 1. Ambler 2. Anaktuvak Pass (AVEC) (NSBPL) LEGEND oT OO EY aa eee te Atqasuk (NSBPL) Barrow (BU&EC) Deadhorse (AUD Deering (IEC) Diomede (DJU) Elim (AVEC) Gambell (AVEC) Kaktovik (NSBPL) Kiana (AVEC) Kivalina (AVEC) Kobuk (KVE) Kotzebue (KTEA) Koyuk (AVEC) Noatak (AVEC) Nome (NJUS) Noorvik (AVEC) Nuiqsut (NSBPL) Point Hope (NSBPL) . Point Lay (NSBPL) . St. Michael (AVEC) . Savoonga (AVEC) . Selawik (AVEC) . Shaktoolik (AVEC) Shishmaref (AVEC) . Shungnak (AVEC) . Stebbins (AVEC) . Teller (TEPC) Unalakleet (UVEC) . Wainwright (NSBPL) Wales (AVEC) White Mountain (WMU) SOUTHWEST REGION Akiachak (ANCEC) Aleknagik (NEC) Aniak (APC) Atka (AEC) Atmautluak (AU) Bethel (BUC) Chignik Lake (CLEU) Chuathbaluk (MKEC) Cold Bay (G&K) 10. IVE 12; i 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ZAG 22. 235 24. 25: 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32; 33. 34. 35: 36. 37. 38. 59: 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 47. 48. 49. 50. Crooked Creek Dillingham Eek Egegik Ekwok Goodnews Bay Tliamna Kalskag, Lower Kalskag, Upper Kasigluk King Cove Kokhanok Kongiganak Kwethluk Kwigillingok Levelock Manokotak McGrath Mekoryuk Naknek Napakiak Napaskiak Nelson Lagoon New Stuyahok Newhalen Newtok Nondalton Nunapitchuk Perryville Port Heiden Quinhagak Red Devil Sand Point St. George St. Paul Sleetmute Stony River Togiak Toksook Bay Tununak Unalaska/Dutch Harbor (MKEC) (NEC) (AVEC) (EL&P) (EKW) (AVEC) (INNEC) (AVEC) (AVEC) (AVEC) (KCC) (KOKH) (PPC) (KI) (KW) (LEC) (COM) (MGL&P) (AVEC) (NEA) (NIPC) (NU) (NLE) (AVEC) (INNEC) (UPC) (INNEC) (AVEC) (VOP) (COPH) (AVEC) (MKEC) (SPEI) (STG) (STP) (MKEC) (MKEC) (AVEC) (AVEC) (AVEC) (UE) Abbreviation AEABL AEASG AEASL AEATL AEATY AEC AEG&T AEL&P AML&P ANCEC APA-E APA-S AP&T APC AU AUIL AVEC BJU BL&P BUC BU&EC CEA CEC CEI CLEU COA COCO COG COPH CVEA DJU ECU EKW EL&P EPC FMUS FNU G&K GVEA GZUC HEA HL&P IEC INNEC KC KCC KDEA KI Alaska Energy Authority-Bradley Lake (Railbelt) Alaska Energy Authority-Solomon Gulch (Valdez, Glennallen) Alaska Alaska Energy Authority-Swan Lake (Ketchikan) Energy Authority-Terror Lake (Kodiak) Alaska Energy Authority-Tyee (Petersburg, Wrangell) Andreanof Electric Corporation (Atka) Alaska Electric Generation & Transmission Co-op. Alaska Electric Light & Power Company (Juneau) Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Akiachak Native Community Electric Company Alaska Power Administration-Eklutna (Palmer) Alaska Power Administration-Snettisham (Juneau) Alaska Power & Telephone Company (Craig, Hydaburg, Skagway, Tok, Dot Lake) Aniak Power Company Atmautluak Utility Arctic Utilities, Inc. (Deadhorse) Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. (49 villages) Beaver Joint Utilities Bettles Light & Power, Inc. Bethel Utilities Corporation, Inc. Barrow Utilities & Electric Cooperative, Inc. Chugach Electric Association, Inc. (Anchorage Area) Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. Chitina Electric Inc. (Chitina) Chignik Lake Electric Utility (Chignik Lake) City of Akhiok Coffman Cove Utilities City of Galena City of Port Heiden Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. (Glennallen, Valdez) Diomede Joint Utilities Elfin Cove Utility Ekwok Electric Egegik Light & Power Eagle Power Company, Inc. Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Far North Utilities (Central) G &K, Inc. (Cold Bay) Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. (Fairbanks Area) Gwitchyaa Zhee Utility Company (Ft. Yukon) Homer Electric Association, Inc. (Kenai Peninsula) Haines Light & Power Co. Inc. Ipnatchiaq Electric Company (Deering) Iliamna Newhalen Nondalton Electric Co-op., Inc. Kotlik Electric Service City of King Cove Kodiak Electric Assoc., Inc. (Kodiak, Pt. Lions) Kuiggluum Kallugvia (Kwethluk) io UVEC is owned by Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITY ABBREVIATIONS 5 State State State State State Private REA Co-op. Private Municipal Village Corp. Federal Federal Private Private Traditional Private REA Co-op. Traditional Private Private Cooperative Cooperative REA Co-op. Private Private Municipal Private Municipal Municipal REA Co-op. Municipal Municipal Municipal Private Private Municipal Private Private REA Co-op. Private REA Co-op. Private Municipal Cooperative Municipal Municipal REA Co-op. Private (1) SE: Southeast, SC: Southcentral; YK: Yukon; AN: Arctic-Northwest; SW: Southwest. (2) MP&L is owned by Metlakatla Indian Community. (3) THREA is a non-profit political subdivision of the State of Alaska. (SE,YK) (sw) (SW) (AN) (SC,YK,SW) (YK) (YK) (SW) (AN) (SC) (SC) (SC) (SW) (SC) (SE) (YK) (SW) (SC) (AN) (SE) (SW) (SW) (YK) (YR) (YR) (SW) (YK) (YK) (SC) (SE) (AN) (sW) (YK) (SW) (SC) (SW) Abbreviation KOKH KPU KVE KTEA KW LBUC LEC MEA MPC MGL&P MKEC MP&L MUC NEA NEC NIPC NJUS NLEC NP&L NSBP&L NU OU PLI SED PMP&L. PPC PUC SES SPEI STG STP TB TEU TEPC THREA TPC TSU UE UPC UVEC VvoP WML&P WMU YPI Kokhanok Electric Ketchikan Public Utilities Kobuk Valley Electric Kotzebue Electric Association, Inc. Kwig Power Company (Kwigillingok) Larsen Bay Utility Company (Larsen Bay) Levelock Electric ive, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. (Eagle River, Palmer-Talkeetna, Unalakleet Area) Manokotak Power Company McGrath Light & Power Middle Kuskokwim Electric Co-op. (Crooked Creek, Chuathbaluk, Red Devil, Sleetmute, and Stony River) Metlakatla Power & Light Manley Utility Co., Inc. (Manley Hot Springs) Naknek Electric Association, Inc. Nushagak Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Dillingham) Napakiak Ircinraq Power Co. (Single Wire Ground Service from Bethel Utilities Corp.) Nome Joint Utilities Systems Nelson Lagoon Electric Northway Power & Light, Inc. North Slope Borough Power & Light System (Atqasuk, Kaktovik, Wainwright, Point Hope, Point Lay, Nuiqsut, Anaktuvuk Pass) Napaskiak Utility (Napaskiak) City of Ouzinkie Paxson Lodge, Inc. Sitka Electric Department Petersburg Municipal Power & Light Puvurnaq Power Company (Kongiganak) Pelican Utility Company (Pelican) Seward Electric System Sand Point Electric, Inc. St. George Electric Utility City of St. Paul City of Thome Bay Tatitlek Electric Utility Teller Power Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Authority (Angoon, Hoonah, Kake, Kasaan, Klawock) Tanana Power C Tenakee Springs Utility Unalaska Electric Ungusraq Power Company (Newtok) Unalakleet Valley Electric Cooperative(4) Village of Perryville Wrangell Municipal Light & Power White Mountain Utilities Yakutat Power, Inc. Traditional = (SW) Municipal (SE) Municipal (AN) REA . (AN) IRA Council (SW) Municipal (SC) Cooperative (SW) REACo-op. (SC,AN) Village Corp. (SW) Private (SW) ive (SW) i (SE) Private (YK) REACo-op. (SW) REACo-op. (SW) Private (SW) Municipal (AN) Cooperative (SW) Private (YK) Borough (AN) Municipal (SW) Municipal (SC) Private (SC) Municipal (SE) Municipal (SE) Traditional (SW) Private (SE) Municipal (SC) Private (SW) Municipal (SW) Municipal (SW) Municipal (SE) IRA Council (SC) Private (AN) Other) (SE) Private (YK) Municipal (SE) Municipal (SW) Village Corp. (SW) REA Co-op. (AN) IRACouncil (SW) Municipal Municipal Municipal (SE) (SE) HH AEA/ASCC GENERAL NOTES All data represents calendar year 1991 (January 1 through December 31, 1991). On July 1, 1989, the Alaska Power Authority's name was changed to Alaska Energy Authority. Slight differences in totals between pages may occur due to rounding. ° Installed capacity figures are based on an ambient temperature of 60 F and include standby units. For purposes of this report "Industry" encompasses oil companies, fish processing companies, Alaska School Districts, and a variety of private companies. Energy and fuel unit abbreviations are listed on the inside of the back cover. Regulatory Status: "R" means regulated by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission as to tariffs. Other utilities' tariffs are not regulated, but they may come under the Commission's review in order to participate in the state Power Cost Equalization Program. Type: Borough Other Cooperative Federal Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) Council Municipal Other Private Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Cooperative State Traditional Village Council Village Corporation. <HoRvoZ— ow uu t ttt be went Peaks: Peaks are non-coincident and, therefore, cannot be added without an adjustment factor. Retail peaks refer to the highest monthly peak for the utility's direct service area. Total system peaks include retail customers and sales outside the retail service area. Kwh Generated: Kwh generated equals Kwh sold for some of the smaller utilities that do not have totalizing meters. These occurrences do not materially affect totals. SUMMARY POWER & ENERGY DATA 7 Community ANGOON COFFMAN COVE CRAIG ELFIN COVE HAINES HOONAH HYDABURG JUNEAU KAKE KASAAN KETCHIKAN KLAWOCK METLAKATLA PELICAN PETERSBURG SITKA SKAGWAY SNETTISHAM HYDRO (1) SWAN LAKE HYDRO (2) TENAKEE SPRINGS THORNE BAY TYEE LAKE HYDRO (2) WRANGELL (3) YAKUTAT TOTAL NOTES (1) Snettisham is a federally-owned, wholesale power facility. (2) Swan Lake and Tyee Lake are state-owned hydroelectric projects. SOUTHEAST REGION - 1991 ALASKA UTILITIES (Page 1 of 2) UTILITY INSTALLED CAPACITY (KW) Regulatory Utility Status Type Hydro THREA U oO 0 coco U Pp 0 AP&T R P 0 ECU U M 0 HL&P R P 0 THREA U O 0 AP&T R P 0 AEL&P R Pp 10,600 THREA U O 0 THREA U o 0 KPU u M 11,700 THREA U O 0 MP&L u 0 4,942 PUC R P 700 PMP&L u M 2,200 SED uU M 24,540 AP&T R P 950 APA-S u F 78,210 AEASL u s 22,500 TSU U M 0 1B U M 0 AEATY U s 20,000 WML&P U M 0 YPI U M 0 176,342 Its peaks are included in Alaska Electric Light and Power's peak Swan Lake is included in Ketchikan Public Utility's peak and Tyee Lake Diesel (IC) 1,260 500 4,840 130 5,740 2,015 1,085 32,950 1,430 246 15,450 1,375 3,300 760 7,700 7,500 3,865 0 0 203 1,235 0 8,500 2,580 102,664 Combustion Turbine 35, 00 eC OCCOCO OCC OOOO OOOO OOOO OOO 35,000 in Petersburg Municipal Power and Light's and Wrangell Municipal Light and Power's peaks. (3) Wrangell Municipal Light and Power's diesel capacity is standby. Steam Turbine (——--—----------- ) TOTAL 1,260 500 4,840 130 5,740 2,015 1,085 78,550 1,430 246 27,150 1,375 8,242 1,460 9,900 32,040 4,815 78,210 22,500 203 1,235 20,000 8,500 2,580 314,006 PEAK DEMAND (MW) un n n =u BPWMROSORO2SUAUNDNFCOROCONDONTDO NWARSCCOWUNDOUWANUFNDOODONA AEA/ASCC eI Community ANGOON COFFMAN COVE CRAIG ELFIN COVE HAINES (1) HOONAH HYDABURG JUNEAU KAKE KASAAN KETCHIKAN KLAWOCK (2) METLAKATLA PELICAN PETERSBURG SITKA SKAGWAY SNETTISHAM HYDRO SWAN LAKE HYDRO TENAKEE SPRINGS THORNE BAY TYEE LAKE HYDRO WRANGELL YAKUTAT TOTAL NOTES (1) Haines Light and Power supplements their generation with purchases (598 mwh) from Lumber mills. (2) Klawock purchases power from Alaska Power & Telephone over the Craig-Klawock transmission intertie. ALASKA UTILITIES SOUTHEAST REGION - 1991 (Page 2 of 2) NET GENERATION (MWH) FUEL USE Reg. oil Gas Coal Utility Status Type Hydro oil Gas Coal TOTAL (000 GAL) (MMCF) (000 TON) THREA U oO 0 1,953 0 0 1,953 159 0 0 coco U P 0 667 0 0 667 59 0 0 AP&T R P 0 10,769 0 0 10,769 755 0 0 ECU U M 0 201 0 0 201 21 0 0 HL&P R P 0 9,701 0 0 9,701 776 0 0 THREA U oO 0 3,821 0 0 3,821 288 0 0 AP&T R P 0 1,573 0 0 1,573 110 0 0 AEL&P R P 64,029 1,979 0 0 66,008 189 0 0 THREA U Oo 0 3,175 0 0 3,175 276 0 0 THREA U 0 0 220 0 0 220 27 0 0 KPU u M 73,656 357 0 0 74,013 143 0 0 THREA U ° 0 51 0 0 51 4 0 0 MP&L u 0 16,591 5,836 0 0 22,427 456 0 0 PUC R P 2,935 682 0 0 3,617 60 0 0 PMP&L U M 11,420 813 0 0 12,233 63 0 0 SED U M 95,396 157 0 0 95,553 13 0 0 AP&T R P 3,381 5,219 0 0 8,600 399 0 0 APA-S U F 226,960 0 0 0 226,960 0 0 0 AEASL U s 68,374 0 0 0 68,374 0 0 0 TSU U M 0 311 0 0 311 35 0 0 1B U M 0 2,401 0 0 2,401 186 0 0 AEATY U s 41,821 0 0 0 41,821 0 0 0 WML&P U M 0 452 0 0 452 34 0 0 YPI U M 0 5,706 0 0 5,706 400 0 0 604,563 56,044 0 0 660,607 4,453 0 0 AEA/ASCC 1 ALASKA UTILITIES SOUTHCENTRAL REGION - 1991 (Page 1 of 2) UTILITY INSTALLED CAPACITY (KW) PEAK Regulatory Diesel Combustion Steam DEMAND (1) Community Utility Status Type Hydro (IC) Turbine Turbine TOTAL (MW) AKHIOK COA R M 0 70 0 0 70 0.1 ANCHORAGE (2) CEA R c 17,200 0 406,100 51,200 474,500 172.0 ANCHORAGE (2) AML&P R M 0 2,600 260,900 34,000 297,500 138.0 BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO (5) AEABL U s 108,000 0 0 0 108,000 90.0 CHITINA CEI U P 55 180 0 0 235 0.0 CORDOVA cEC uU R 1,250 10,803 0 0 12,053 4.6 EKLUTNA HYDRO APA-E U F 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 32.0 GLENNALLEN CVEA R R 0 7,642 0 0 7,642 9.9 HOMER (2) AEG&T R R 0 0 37,400 0 37,400 25-9 HOMER/SELDOVIA (3) HEA R R 0 2,100 0 0 2,100 69.6 KODIAK/PORT LIONS KDEA R R 0 29,875 0 0 29,875 19.4 LARSEN BAY LBUC U M 475 400 0 0 875 0.1 OLD HARBOR AVEC R R 0 475 0 0 475 0.2 OUZINKIE ou U M 135 400 0 0 535 0.1 PALMER (4) MEA R R 0 0 0 0 0 80.5 PAXSON PLI U Pp 0 375 0 0 375 0.2 SEWARD (3) SES u M 150 10,500 0 0 10,650 8.6 SOLOMON GULCH HYDRO (5) AEASG U s 12,000 0 0 0 12,000 9.6 TATITLEK TEU U I 0 190 0 0 190 0.0 TERROR LAKE HYDRO (5) AEATL U s 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 19.4 VALDEZ CVEA R R 0 10,004 0 0 10,004 9.9 TOTAL 189,265 75,614 704,400 85,200 1,054,479 NOTES (1) Peak Demand: Retail peaks are shown for Southcentral utilities. Terror Lake's peak is included in KDEA's peak and Solomon Gulch's in CVEA's. SES, HEA, and MEA peaks are part of CEA's total system peak of 338 MW (not shown here). Figures in this column indicate the highest monthly peak. (2) Installed capacity may vary depending on the ambient temperature ratings used in reporting. All values are based on a rating of 60 F. (3) HEA and SES installed capacity figures are for backup units. HEA purchases power from CEA and AEG&T. SES purchases power from CEA. (4) MEA purchases power from CEA and Alaska Power Administration. (5) Bradley Lake (Railbelt), Terror Lake (Kodiak) and Solomon Gulch (Glennallen, Valdez) are state owned, wholesale power projects. AEA/ASCC ST ALASKA UTILITIES SOUTHCENTRAL REGION - 1991 (Page 2 of 2) NET GENERATION (MWH) FUEL USE Reg. oil Gas Coal Community Utility Status Type Hydro oil Gas Coal TOTAL (000 GAL) (MMCF) (000 TON) AKHIOK COA R M 0 223 0 0 223 26 0 0 ANCHORAGE CEA R c 32,491 0 1,967,949 0 2,000,440 0 22,947 0 ANCHORAGE AML&P R M 0 11,717 656,059 0 667,776 12 7,652 0 BRADLEY LAKE HYDRO AEABL U s 146,039 0 0 0 146,039 0 0 0 CHITINA CEI U P 0 180 0 0 180 21 0 0 CORDOVA CEC U R 2,424 19,346 0 0 21,770 1,510 0 0 EKLUTNA HYDRO APA-E U F 159,620 0 0 0 159,620 0 0 0 GLENNALLEN CVEA R R 0 15,968 0 0 15,968 1,158 0 0 HOMER AEG&T R R 0 0 1,097 0 1,097 0 31 0 HOMER/SELDOVIA HEA R R 0 143 0 0 143 14 0 0 KODIAK/PORT LIONS KDEA R R 0 18,617 0 0 18,617 1,434 0 0 LARSEN BAY LBUC U M 225 243 0 0 468 28 0 0 OLD HARBOR AVEC R R 0 679 0 0 679 56 0 0 OUZINKIE ou U M 425 207 0 0 632 19 0 0 PALMER MEA R R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PAXSON PLI U P 0 648 0 0 648 51 0 0 SEWARD SES U M 0 2,197 0 0 2,197 220 0 0 SOLOMON GULCH HYDRO AEASG U s 39,027 0 0 0 39,027 0 0 0 TATITLEK TEU U I 0 181 0 0 181 33 0 0 TERROR LAKE HYDRO AEATL U s 99,945 0 0 0 99,945 0 0 0 VALDEZ CVEA R R 0 4,795 0 0 4,795 422 0 0 TOTAL 480,196 75,145 2,625,105 0 3,180,445 5,003 30,629 0 AEA/ASCC 91 Community ALAKANUK ANVIK BEAVER BETTLES CENTRAL CHEVAK EAGLE EMMONAK FAIRBANKS (2) FAIRBANKS (2) FORT YUKON GALENA GRAYLING HOLY CROSS HOOPER BAY HUSLIA KALTAG KOTLIK MANLEY HOT SPRINGS MARSHALL MINTO MOUNTAIN VILLAGE NORTHWAY NULATO PILOT STATION RUSSIAN MISSION SCAMMON BAY SHAGELUK ST. MARY'S (3) TANANA TOK TOTAL NOTES Utility AVEC AVEC BJU BL&P FNU AVEC EPC AVEC GVEA FMUS GZUC CoG AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC KC MUC AVEC AVEC AVEC NP &L AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC TPC AP&T Regulatory Status PDD DDDDADRDDAD CHRD AADADCAC AACA AADC AXD ALASKA UTILITIES YUKON REGION - 1991 (Page 1 of 2) UTILITY INSTALLED CAPACITY (KW) Diesel Combustion (IC) Turbine li z °o 725 250 256 900 350 810 360 1,200 7,750 130,000 0 23,500 1,885 4,300 470 485 1,425 425 475 300 230 475 445 1,640 1,420 660 555 385 455 295 1,310 2,000 5,730 ecooocoeoce VUM DRA ARVADA VEDA AAR EVEDD VAD VVADD SESDDDDDDDDDD ODD DODO OD OOO OOO COODO [8-0-8 ° 37,966 153,500 (1) Peak Demand for FMUS and GVEA are total system peaks. All other peaks listed are retail. (2) Installed capacity ratings vary depending on the ambient temperature used in reporting. (3) St. Mary's also supplies power to Andreafski and Pitkas Point. Steam Turbine ecoooea0fd CSCeCOCCOCOCOOC OOO OOOO OOOO OO 54,000 TOTAL 725 250 256 900 350 810 360 1,200 162,750 52,500 1,885 4,300 470 485 1,425 425 475 300 230 475 445 1,640 1,420 555 385 455 295 1,310 2,000 5,730 245,466 PEAK DEMAND (1) (MW) ny =occccD CCDC CCDC COCO OHO BROCCO COSCSO MUMS MAWNWUENBOB=e2 he OUBDOUHWHNNMH GVEA and FMUS figures are based on a 60 F rating. AEA/ASCC LI Communi ty ALAKANUK ANVIK BEAVER BETTLES CENTRAL CHEVAK EAGLE EMMONAK FAIRBANKS FAIRBANKS FORT YUKON GALENA GRAYLING HOLY CROSS HOOPER BAY HUSLIA KALTAG KOTLIK MANLEY HOT SPRINGS MARSHALL MINTO MOUNTAIN VILLAGE NORTHWAY NULATO PILOT STATION RUSSIAN MISSION SCAMMON BAY SHAGELUK ST. MARY'S TANANA TOK TOTAL Utility AVEC AVEC BJU BL&P FNU AVEC EPC AVEC GVEA FMUS GZUC CoG AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC KC MUC AVEC AVEC AVEC NP &L AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC TPC AP&T Reg. Status WORD DDDA DDD ADA CDA A AA CHDCAACRAACAD Type VUD DDD DAD VA AD VEDA DAA AAT VEDD VB VVADD | ALASKA UTILITIES YUKON REGION - 1991 (Page 2 of 2) NET GENERATION (MWH) FUEL USE oil Gas Coal Hydro oil Gas Coal TOTAL (000 GAL) (MMCF) (000 TON) 0 964 0 0 964 82 0 0 0 273 0 0 273 37 0 0 0 276 0 0 276 25 0 0 0 833 0 0 833 76 0 0 0 341 0 0 341 34 0 0 0 1,153 0 0 1,153 101 0 0 0 594 0 0 594 47 0 0 0 2,026 0 0 2,026 166 0 0 0 127,384 0 187,514 314,898 10,357 0 159 0 73 0 135,651 135,724 25 0 132 0 2,068 0 0 2,068 194 0 0 0 6,540 0 0 6,540 445 0 0 0 471 0 0 471 43 0 0 0 582 0 0 582 52 0 0 0 1,604 0 0 1,604 124 0 0 0 465 0 0 465 41 0 0 0 543 0 0 543 51 0 0 0 569 0 0 569 67 0 0 0 288 0 0 288 25 0 0 0 690 0 0 690 59 0 0 0 535 0 0 535 52 0 0 0 2,207 0 0 2,207 178 0 0 0 1,519 0 0 1,519 137 0 0 0 816 0 0 816 3 0 0 0 1,018 0 0 1,018 86 0 0 0 466 0 0 466 39 0 0 0 787 0 0 787 65 0 0 0 266 0 0 266 27 0 0 0 2,277 0 0 2,277 181 0 0 0 1,461 0 0 1,461 131 0 0 0 9,011 0 0 9,011 626 0 0 0 168,099 0 323,165 491, 264 13,645 0 291 AEA/ASCC 81 Community AMBLER ANAKTUVUK PASS ATMAUTLUAK ATQASUK BARROW DEADHORSE DEERING DIOMEDE ELIM GAMBELL KAKTOVIK KIANA KIVALINA KOBUK KOTZEBUE KOYUK NOATAK NOME NOORVIK NUIQSUT POINT HOPE POINT LAY SAVOONGA SELAWIK SHAKTOOLIK SHISHMAREF SHUNGNAK ST. MICHAEL STEBBINS TELLER UNALAKLEET WAINWRIGHT WALES WHITE MOUNTAIN TOTAL ALASKA UTILITIES ARCTIC AND NORTHWEST REGIONS - 1991 (Page 1 of 2) UTILITY INSTALLED CAPACITY (KW) Regulatory Diesel Combustion Steam Utility Status Type Hydro (1c) Turbine Turbine AVEC R R 0 560 0 0 NSBPL U B 0 930 0 0 AU U T 0 505 0 0 NSBPL uU B 0 1,350 0 0 BU&EC R c 0 0 9,000 0 AUI R P 0 11,400 1,600 0 IEC U M 0 280 0 0 DJU U M 0 380 0 0 AVEC R R 0 485 0 0 AVEC R R 0 750 0 0 NSBPL U B 0 1,380 0 0 AVEC R R 0 770 0 0 AVEC R R 0 790 0 0 KVE U M 0 50 0 0 KTEA R R 0 eso 0 0 AVEC R R 0 400 0 0 AVEC R R 0 565 0 0 NJUS U M 0 11,480 0 0 AVEC R R 0 860 0 0 NSBPL U B 0 1,025 0 0 NSBPL U B 0 1,380 0 0 NSBPL U B 0 985 0 0 AVEC R R 0 800 0 0 AVEC R R 0 920 0 0 AVEC R R 0 300 0 0 AVEC R R 0 850 0 0 AVEC R R 0 810 0 0 AVEC R R 0 485 0 0 AVEC R R 0 475 0 0 TEPC R P 0 985 0 0 UVEC R R 0 1,860 0 0 NSBPL U B 0 1,950 0 0 AVEC R R 0 270 0 0 WMU U M 0 250 0 0 0 53,515) 10,600 0 TOTAL 560 930 505 1,350 9,000 13,000 280 380 485 750 1,380 770 790 50 7,235 400 565 11,480 1,025 1,380 985 800 920 300 850 810 485 475 985 1,860 1,950 270 250 64,115 PEAK DEMAND (MW) OCB NNUNRNANNRNWNRWANNRONWEN DE UN@®RORND AEA/ASCC 61 Communi ty AMBLER ANAKTUVUK PASS ATMAUTLUAK ATQASUK BARROW DEADHORSE DEERING DIOMEDE ELIM GAMBELL KAKTOVIK KIANA KIVALINA KOBUK KOTZEBUE KOYUK NOATAK NOME NOORVIK NUIQSUT POINT HOPE POINT LAY SAVOONGA SELAWIK SHAKTOOL IK SHISHMAREF SHUNGNAK ST. MICHAEL STEBBINS TELLER UNALAKLEET WAINWRIGHT WALES WHITE MOUNTAIN TOTAL Utility AVEC NSBPL AU NSBPL BU&EC AUI IEC DuU AVEC AVEC NSBPL AVEC AVEC KVE KTEA AVEC AVEC NJUS AVEC NSBPL NSBPL NSBPL AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC TEPC UVEC NSBPL AVEC WMU Reg. Status CHRCAAAAAAAAACCCACAAAC AAC AACCAACCCHA ls EWWDVAAAAAAADDDAD EDAD EDADAATTEVOWDADD ALASKA UTILITIES ARCTIC AND NORTHWEST REGIONS - 1991 (Page 2 of 2) NET GENERATION (MWH) oil Hydro Oil Gas Coal TOTAL (000 GAL) 0 913 0 0 913 78 0 1,899 0 0 1,899 163 0 379 0 0 379 49 0 1,893 0 0 1,893 178 0 0 38,900 0 38,900 0 0 34,983 1,801 0 36,784 2,714 0 507 0 0 507 42 0 395 0 0 395 28 0 558 0 0 558 58 0 1,158 0 0 1,158 91 0 1,922 0 0 1,922 159 0 1,027 0 0 1,027 79 0 796 0 0 796 80 0 165 0 0 165 24 0 17,685 0 0 17,685 1,331 0 691 0 0 691 60 0 885 0 0 885 82 0 32,653 0 0 32,653 2,140 0 1,146 0 0 1,146 95 0 1,863 0 0 1,863 174 0 3,469 0 0 3,469 278 0 1,224 0 0 1,224 112 0 1,173 0 0 1,173 91 0 1,190 0 0 1,190 106 0 615 0 0 615 53 0 1,086 0 0 1,086 85 0 731 0 0 731 68 0 661 0 0 661 64 0 718 0 0 718 61 0 966 0 0 966 67 0 3,383 0 0 3,383 251 0 3,724 0 0 3,724 254 0 436 0 0 436 41 0 540 0 0 540 49 0 121,434 40,701 0 162,135 9,206 FUEL _USE Gas (MMCF ) ao N |. CSOCSDSDDPDCOCOOCOOD COO OO COCO OCOCOOOD Coal (000 TON) o |. SEOCCSCDCDCCOD COO OC ODOC OC OOOO OOOO OOOOSe AEA/ASCC 07 ALASKA UTILITIES SOUTHWEST REGION - 1991 (Page 1 of 2) UTILITY INSTALLED CAPACITY (KW) Regulatory Diesel Communi ty Utility Status Type Hydro (IC) AKIACHAK ANCEC R v 0 507 ANIAK APC R P 0 1,600 ATKA AEC U P 0 285 BETHEL BUC R P 0 10,500 CHIGNIK LAKE CLEU R P 0 50 COLD BAY G&K R Ez 0 2,145 CROOKED CREEK MKEC R c 0 350 DILLINGHAM/ALEKNAGIK NEC U R 0 5,405 EEK AVEC R R 0 465 EGEGIK EL&P U P 0 500 EKWOK EKW R M 0 100 GOODNEWS BAY AVEC R R 0 445 TLIAMNA/NEWHALEN/NONDALTON INNEC U c 0 1,560 KING COVE KCC U M 0 1,100 KOKHANOK KOKH U T 0 60 KONGIGANAK PPC U T 0 435 KWETHLUK KI U P 0 650 KWIGILLINGOK KW U I 0 500 LEVELOCK LEC U c 0 320 LOWER/UPPER KALSKAG AVEC R R 0 540 MANOKOTAK MPC U v 0 480 MCGRATH MGL&P R P 0 1,920 MEKORYUK AVEC R R 0 400 NAKNEK NEA U R 0 6,820 NAPAKIAK (1) NIPC R P 0 300 NAPASKIAK NU U M 0 170 NELSON LAGOON NLEC R c 0 650 NEW STUYAHOK AVEC R R 0 475 NEWTOK UPC U v 0 185 NUNAP I TCHUK/KASIGLUK AVEC R R 0 7150) PERRYVILLE oP U I 0 350 PORT HEIDEN COPH U M 0 175 QUINHAGAK AVEC R R 0 565 SAND POINT SPEI R P 0 2,850 ST. GEORGE STG U M 0 450 ST. PAUL STP U M 0 2,400 TOGIAK AVEC R R 0 950 TOKSOOK BAY AVEC R R 0 705 TUNUNAK AVEC R R 0 400 UNALASKA/DUTCH HARBOR UE U M 0 6,200 TOTAL —7 35,092 NOTES (1) Napakiak purchases power from Bethel Utilities. Combustion Turbine Heeb rte bere rte tt Installed capacity figure is for backup units. Steam Turbine eee eielbtaeb be beet TOTAL 507 1,600 285 10,500 2,145 350 5,405 465 500 100 445 1,560 1,100 435 650 500 320 540 480 1,920 400 6,820 300 170 650 475 185 1,130 350 175 565 2,850 450 2,400 950 705 400 6,200 PEAK DEMAND (MW) POSCO=CODDDDDDDDOR ODDO DODDDOOCODDOCOWDOOMDOO FNNWONBNDORONDO-ANNON SSS ROU BOR PSB OBDOARKMO AEA/ASCC 17 Communi ty Utility AKIACHAK ANCEC ANIAK APC ATKA AEC BETHEL BUC CHIGNIK LAKE (1) CLEU COLD BAY G&K CROOKED CREEK MKEC DILLINGHAM/ALEKNAGIK NEC EEK AVEC EGEGIK EL&P EKWOK EKW GOODNEWS BAY AVEC TLIAMNA/NEWHALEN/NONDALTON INNEC KING COVE KCC KOKHANOK (1) KOKH KONGIGANAK PPC KWETHLUK KI KWIGILLINGOK KW LEVELOCK LEC LOWER/UPPER KALSKAG AVEC MANOKOTAK MPC MCGRATH MGL&P MEKORYUK AVEC NAKNEK NEA NAPAKIAK NIPC NAPASKIAK NU NELSON LAGOON NLEC NEW STUYAHOK AVEC NEWTOK UPC NUNAPI TCHUK/KASIGLUK AVEC PERRYVILLE vop PORT HEIDEN COPH QUINHAGAK AVEC SAND POINT SPEI ST. GEORGE STG ST. PAUL STP TOGIAK AVEC TOKSOOK BAY AVEC TUNUNAK AVEC UNALASKA/DUTCH HARBOR UE TOTAL NOTES q1) Chignik Lake Electric and Kokhanok Electric only generate during the summer. ALASKA UTILITIES SOUTHWEST REGION - 1991 (Page 2 of 2) NET GENERATION (MWH) FUEL USE Reg. Oil Gas Coal Status Type Hydro Oil Gas Coal TOTAL (000 GAL) (MMCF) (000 TON) R v 0 708 0 0 708 71 0 0 R Pp 0 2,148 0 0 2,148 169 0 0 U Pp 0 276 0 0 276 35 0 0 R Pp 0 32,387 0 0 32,387 2,198 0 0 R Pp 0 47 0 0 47 6 0 0 R Pp 0 3,497 0 0 3,497 253 0 0 R c 0 753 0 0 753 92 0 0 U R 0 15,625 0 0 15,625 1,076 0 0 R R 0 456 0 0 456 50 0 0 U Pp 0 787 0 0 787 3 0 0 R M 0 40 0 0 40 3 0 0 R R 0 473 0 0 473 48 0 0 U C 0 2,182 0 0 2,182 165 0 0 U M 0 2,367 0 0 2,367 207 0 0 U T 0 90 0 0 90 8 0 0 U rt 0 624 0 0 624 45 0 0 U P 0 939 0 0 939 89 0 0 U I 0 427 0 0 427 40 0 0 U Cl 0 527 0 0 527 47 0 0 R R 0 798 0 0 798 72 0 0 U Vv 0 706 0 0 706 84 0 0 R P 0 2,998 0 0 2,998 247 0 0 R R 0 680 0 0 680 56 0 0 U R 0 19,470 0 0 19,470 1,364 0 0 R P 0 72 0 0 72 6 0 0 U M 0 325 0 0 325 50 0 0 R E 0 342 0 0 342 35 0 0 R R 0 702 0 0 702 60 0 0 U Vv 0 175 0 0 175 25 0 0 R R 0 1,687 0 0 1,687 142 0 0 uU I 0 0 0 0 0 43 0 0 U M 0 578 0 0 578 53 0 0 R R 0 959 0 0 959 83 0 0 R P 0 3,557 0 0 3,557 288 0 0 U M 0 849 0 0 849 69 0 0 U M 0 5,096 0 0 5,096 410 0 0 R R 0 1,426 0 0 1,426 128 0 0 R R 0 904 0 0 904 75 0 0 R R 0 617 0 0 617 60 0 0 U M 0 20,466 0 0 20,466 1,458 0 0 0 726, 761 0 0 126, 761 5,483 0 oO The rest of the year, they purchase power from the School District. AEA/ASCC ALASKA INSTALLED CAPACITY AND NET GENERATION REGIONAL SUMMARY (1989-1991) 1989 1990 1991 Installed [ Net Generation | Installed [ Net Generation | Installed [ Net Generation | REGION Capacity 88 - Capacity erties i 7 Capacity wet ae _ _Sector_ (KW) (KW) (KW) SOUTHEAST Utility 317,846 626,705 -1.6% 309,318 651,226 3.9% 314,006 660,607 1.4% National Defense 0 0 0.0% 0 0 0.0% 1,500 0 0.0% Industry 79,047 362,712 -0.8% 88,332 424,161 16.9% 89,794 408, 166 -3.8% TOTAL 396,893 989,417 =1.3% 397,650 1,075,387 8.7% 405,300 1,068,773 -0.6% SOUTHCENTRAL Utility 939,494 3,269,386 3.2% 939,487 3,318,206 1.5% 1,054,479 3,180,445 -4.2% National Defense 51,470 172,880 4.1% 51,220 176,781 2.3% 52,220 166,221 -6.0% Industry 140,887 293,799 11.2% 142,078 304,280 3.6% 141,009 376,541 23.7% TOTAL 1,131,851 3,736,065 3.9% 1,132,785 3,799,267 1.7% 1,247,708 3,723,207 =2.0% YUKON Utility 249,376 461,409 -1.0% 244,350 442,039 -4.2% 265,466 491,264 11.1% National Defense 62,930 160,771 9.4% 62,930 181,224 12.7% 71,305 179,606 -0.9% Industry 32,588 58,000 -3.0% 32,455 61,963 6.8% 31,318 60,747 -2.0% TOTAL 344,894 680,180 1.1% 339,735 685,226 0.7% 348,089 731,617 6.8% ARCTIC-NORTHWEST Utility 51,967 126,988 6.6% 58,285 135,768 6.9% 64,115 162,135 19.4% National Defense 2,250 4,054 -34.7% (1) 2,250 5,257 29.7% 7,300 9,730 85.1% (3) Industry 427,353 1,453,233 3.0% 427,425 1,473,607 1.4% 427,933 1,599,559 8.5% TOTAL 481,570 1,584,275 3.1% 487,960 1,614,632 1.9% 499,348 1,771,424 9.7% SOUTHWEST Utility 52,283 119,476 5.9% 53,327 127,326 6.6% 55,092 126,761 -0.4% National Defense 54,425 122,341 4.9% (1) 54,425 148,768 21.6% 55,925 120,806 -18.8% Industry 12,056 797 43.3% (2) 26,906 860 7.9% 26,806 32,012 3,622.3% (4) TOTAL 118,764 262,614 5.5% 134,658 276,954 14.2% 137,823 279,579 0.9% ALASKA Utility 1,610,966 4,603,964 2.3% 1,604,767 4,674,565 1.5% 1,733,158 4,621,212 “1.1% National Defense 171,075 460,046 5.5% 170,825 512,030 11.3% 188,250 476,363 -7.0% Industry 691,931 2,168,541 3.2% 717,196 2,264,871 4.4% 716,860 2,477,025 9.4% TOTAL 2,473,972 7,232,551 2.7% 2,492,788 7,451,466 3.0% 2,638,268 7,574,600 1.7% NOTES (1) A 1,000 kw unit was re-designated from Arctic-Northwest to Southwest; this accounts for most of the percent change in Arctic-Northwest net generation. (2) Southwest industry generation grew by 43.3% from 1988-1989, but the total 1989 amount of 797 MWH was .01% of the 2,168,541 MWH industry total. (3) Arctic-Northwest national defense generation grew by 85.1% from 1990-1991, but the total 1991 amount of 9,730 MWH net generation was .02% of the s 476,363 MWH national defense total. & (4) Southwest industry generation grew by 3,622.3% from 1990-91, but the total 1991 amount of 32,012 MWH was .01% of the 2,477,025 MWH industry total. AEA/ASCC INSTALLED CAPACITY DATA 25 LZ ALASKA INSTALLED CAPACITY UTILITY, NATIONAL DEFENSE, INDUSTRY BY REGIONS 1991 BY TYPE OF FUEL (MW) Wood/ UTILITY Hydro Gas oil Coal oil TOTAL H Southeast 176.3 0.0 137.7 0.0 0.0 314.0 176. Southcentral 189.3 789.6 75.6 0.0 0.0 1,054.5 189. Yukon 0.0 0.0 191.5 54.0 0.0 245.5 0. Arctic-Northwest 0.0 10.6 53.5 0.0 0.0 64.1 0. Southwest 0.0 0.0 La 0.0 0.0 55.1 0. ALASKA UTILITY 365.6 800.2 513.4 54.0 0.0 1,733.2 365. NATIONAL DEFENSE Southeast 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 15 Southcentral 0.0 40.5 Wee 0.0 0.0 52.2 Yukon 0.0 0.0 24.3 47.0 0.0 TAcS) Arctic-Northwest 0.0 0.0 7.3 0.0 0.0 Th) Southwest 0.0 0.0 55.9 0.0 0.0 55.9 ALASKA NATL. DEFENSE 0.0 40.5 100.8 47.0 0.0 188.3 INDUSTRY Southeast 0.0 0.0 36.0 0.0 53.8 89.8 Southcentral 0.0 91.1 49.9 0.0 0.0 141.0 Yukon 0.0 0.0 21.3 10.0 0.0 31.3 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 314.3 113.6 0.0 0.0 427.9 Southwest 0.0 0.0 26.8 0.0 0.0 26.8 ALASKA INDUSTRY 0.0 405.4 247.7 10.0 53.8 716.9 ALASKA TOTALS BY REGION Southeast 176.3 0.0 175.2 0.0 53.8 405.3 176. Southcentral 189.3 921.2 137.3 0.0 0.0 1,247.7 189. Yukon 0.0 0.0 237.1 111.0 0.0 348.1 0. Arctic-Northwest 0.0 324.9 174.4 0.0 0.0 499.3 0. Southwest 0.0 0.0 137.8 0.0 0.0 137.8 0. ALASKA TOTAL 365.6 1,246.1 861.8 111.0 53.8 2,638.3 365. eclooooco eclooooceo elooooo iro aloooww eclooooco ocooww a BY PRIME MOVER (MW) Diesel cic) 102. 75. 38. 53. 555 324. 11. 24. 55. 100. 16. 44. 102. 26. 195. 120. 131. 67. 163. 137. 620 wloWWNu wl-ucan -loaRuWwo OnNnoan Bt 35. 704. 153. 10. 0. 903. 59. 12. 325. 397. 35. 763. 166. 336. 1,301. cloooceo cloooceo Combustion Turbine ulonuno ulouUnRnoe o-WUao 37. 13. 124. 163. 114. 351. Uloooun ulooousd COON S| TOTAL 314. 1,054. 245. 64. 55. 1,733. nij>-ouuo 52. 7c 55. 188. i : WhoWwWn 89. 141. 31. 427. 26. 716. wolmoWwon 405. 1,247. 348. -NWw 137.8 2,638.3 AEA/ASCC 87 Alaska Utility Installed Capacity by Prime Mover (1960 - 1991) 1,800 1,600 Cumulative 1,400 Alaska Total = vs 0 Combustion Installed 1,000 = Capacity = . | E Steam ~ WK a ill 7 BH Hydro 400 ue \ il | Tc 0 = S wa oO we a _ ji a S = = & 3 s AEA/ASCC 67 ALASKA UTILITY INSTALLED CAPACITY BY PRIME MOVER (1956 - 1991) (KW) % of % of % of % of Utility Utility Diesel Utility Combustion Utility Year Hydro Total Steam Total 1.C. Total Turbine Total Total Total (1) 1956 50,005 50 30,575 30 19,738 20 0 100,318 247,000 1957 54,600 49 35,575 32 21,628 19 0 111,803 255,400 1958 54,600 48 35,575 31 24,534 21 0 114,709 257,000 1959 60,225 49 35,575 29 26,079 21 0 121,879 262,600 1960 60,225 49 32,875 27 29,459 24 0 122,559 295,100 1961 82,225 55 32,875 22 33,595 23 0 148,695 303,600 1962 82,300 48 32,875 19 41,993 25 12,800 8 169,968 303,500 1963 82,300 41 32,875 16 47,368 23 39,700 20 202,243 304,200 1964 82,300 38 32,750 15 49,482 23 54,050 25 218,582 303,900 1965 82,225 34 32,750 13 59,437 24 68,400 28 242,812 279,200 1966 82,225 32 32,750 13 69,273 27 69,900 28 254,148 284,100 1967 76,600 29 32,750 13 81,023 31 69,900 27 260,273 287,300 1968 78,700 23 54,750 16 89,538 26 116,700 34 339,688 303,500 1969 76,600 22 54,750 16 98,963 29 116,700 34 347,013 344,500 1970 76,600 19 74,750 18 123,256 30 131,990 32 406,596 355,100 1971 75,275 16 68,250 14 140,627 30 188, 803 40 472,955 354,900 1972 74,275 4 68,250 13 144,975 27 246, 139 46 533,639 387,700 1973 121,000 19 68,250 10 147,700 23 313,100 48 650,050 376,100 1974 122,260 17 68,000 9 148,054 20 385,324 53 723 ,638 411,900 1975 122,535 16 68,000 9 176,706 23 396,257 52 763,498 403,654 1976 123,235 13 68,000 7 205,110 21 575,454 59 971,799 469,504 1977 122,460 12 68,000 7 223,736 22 624,074 60 1,038,270 615,056 1978 122,460 11 68,000 6 221,516 20 720,614 64 1,132,590 658,626 1979 123,310 10 101,000 8 233,611 19 799,914 64 1,257,835 659,526 1980 123,360 10 101,000 8 237,703 18 823,174 64 1,285,237 687,876 1981 123,690 9 158,000 1 251,745 18 850,274 61 1,383,709 700,911 1982 154,280 11 158,000 1 255,790 18 850,274 60 1,418,344 703,141 1983 153,780 11 158,000 1 269 , 683 19 870,574 60 1,452,037 760 , 864 1984 222,990 14 158,030 10 276,841 17 947,624 59 1,605,485 742,555 1985 224,000 14 144,500 9 299,614 19 933,600 58 1,601,714 702,640 1986 225,600 14 143,000 9 317,500 19 972,100 59 1,658,200 752,414 1987 227,625 14 145,600 9 316,148 19 966,000 58 829,768 1988 228,360 14 141,800 9 325,924 20 907,600 57 (2) 823,003 1989 260,965 16 141,800 9 311,301 19 896,900 56 863,006 1990 255,907 16 139,200 9 312,760 19 896,900 56 888,021 1991 365,607 21 139,200 8 324,851 19 903,500 52 905,110 NOTES: (1) Non-Utility installed capacity includes industry, national defense, and state and federal agencies (with the exception of federal and state hydroelectric projects which are included in Utility Total). (2) Installed capacity for combustion and steam turbines may vary depending on the ambient temperature ratings used in reporting. For the first time in 1988 a uniform rating of 60F was used to determine installed capacity for all utilities. This uniform temperature rating causes an apparent drop in installed capacity. Using the previous varied ratings, however, the total installed capacity for Alaskan utilities would have been 1,665 MW in 1988. Therefore, a slight increase actually occurred from 1987 to 1988 instead of the 50 MW decrease that was reported under the new convention. AEA/ASCC oc Installed 5000 2500 2000 Capacity 1500 (MW) 1000 500 0 i 1960 1965 Alaska Installed Capacity Historical Summary Utility and Non—Utility (1960 - 1991) Cumulative Alaska Total Ny 1970 1975 1980 Year 1985 1990 10) Non-utiity By uiilty AEA/ASCC T€ Year 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 NOTES National Defense 205, 10 251,400 251,500 252,200 245 , 100 216,300 217,800 221,000 239,700 243,700 252,400 252,100 256,900 244,600 245, 400 224,700 208, 700 202,600 208 , 600 208, 600 208, 600 206 , 000 201,100 218, 100 204,200 169,400 151,285 169,670 170,880 171,075 170,825 188, 250 Other Non-Utility (1) 102, 700 102,700 130,900 131,500 166,500 179,000 260,800 412,400 450,000 450,900 479,200 494,900 502,000 542,800 538,400 533,300 601,129 660, 098 652,123 691,931 717,196 716, 860 ALASKA INSTALLED CAPACITY (KW) HISTORICAL SUMMARY 1960-1991 UTILITY, NON-UTILITY, NATIONAL DEFENSE TOTAL Non-Utility , 100 303,500 303,500 304,200 303,900 279,200 284, 100 287,300 303,500 344,400 355, 100 354,800 387,800 376, 100 411,900 403,700 469,500 615,000 658,600 659,500 687,800 700,900 703, 100 760,900 742,600 702,700 752,414 829,768 823 , 003 863 , 006 888,021 905,110 TOTAL Utility 148,695 169,968 202,243 218,582 242,812 254,418 260,273 339,688 347,013 406 ,596 472,955 533,639 650, 100 723,638 763,498 971,799 1,038,270 1,132,590 1,257,835 1,285,237 1,383,709 1,418,344 1,452,037 1,605,485 1,601,714 1,658, 200 1,655,373 1,603, 984 1,610,966 1,604,767 1,733, 158 122,559 (2) TOTAL ALASKA 417, 452,195 473,468 506,443 522,482 522,012 538,518 547,573 643, 188 691,413 761,696 827,755 921,439 1,026,200 1,135,538 1,167,198 1,441,299 1,653,270 1,791,190 1,917,335 1,973,037 2,084,609 2,121,444 2,212,937 2,348,085 2,304,414 2,410,614 2,485,141 2,426,987 2,473,972 2,492,788 2,638, 268 (1) Other Non-Utility includes private industry, state, and federal facilities (with the exception of federal and state hydroelectric projects which are included in Total Utility figures). (2) Installed capacity for combustion and steam turbines may vary depending on the ambient temperature ratings used in reporting. For the first time in 1988 a uniform rating of 60F was used to determine installed capacity for all utilities. temperature rating causes an apparent drop in installed capacity. capacity for Alaskan utilities would have been 1,665 MW in 1988. instead of the 50 MW decrease that was reported under the new convention. This uniform Using the previous varied ratings, however, the total installed Therefore, a slight increase actually occurred from 1987 to 1988 AEA/ASCC ce ALASKA INSTALLED CAPACITY (MW) 1991 UTILITY REGIONAL SUMMARY BY TYPE OF UTILITY Type of Combustion Steam Region Utility Hydro Diesel Turbine Turbine TOTAL SOUTHEAST Cooperative 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fed/State 125.7 9.6 0.0 0.0 135.3 Municipal 38.4 43.3 0.0 0.0 81.7 Native 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Private Wess) 49.7 35.0 0.0 97.0 TOTAL 176.3 102.7 35.0 0.0 314.0 SOUTHCENTRAL Cooperative 18.5 60.9 443.5 51.2 574.0 Fed/State 170.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 170.0 Municipal 0.8 13.8 260.9 34.0 309.5 Native 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 Private 0.1 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.6 TOTAL 189.3 wo20 704.4 85.2 1,054.3 YUKON Cooperative 0.0 20.2 130.0 25.0 175.2 Municipal 0.0 4.6 23.5 29.0 57.1 Native 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.3 Private 0.0 12.9 0.0 0.0 12.9 TOTAL 0.0 38.0 153.5 54.0 245.5 ARCTIC AND Cooperative 0.0 19.2 9.0 0.0 28.2 NORTHWEST Municipal 0.0 21.4 0.0 0.0 21.4 Native 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 Private 0.0 12.4 1.6 0.0 14.0 TOTAL 0.0 5335. 10.6 0.0 64.1 SOUTHWEST Cooperative 0.0 lee 0.0 0.0 21.2 Municipal 0.0 10.6 0.0 0.0 10.6 Native 0.0 225) 0.0 0.0 2-5 Private 0.0 20.8 0.0 0.0 20.8 TOTAL 0.0 au 0.0 0.0 55-1 ALASKA Cooperative 18.5 121.5 582.5 76.2 798.6 Fed/State 295.7 9.6 0.0 0.0 305.3 Municipal 39.2 93.7 284.4 63.0 480.3 Native 0.0 S55 0.0 0.0 355 Private 12.3 96.3 36.6 0.0 145.2 TOTAL 365.6 324.6 903.5 139.2 1,732.9 NOTES - Federal/State classification includes federal Alaska Power Administration hydro projects, Eklutna and Snettisham; state Alaska Energy Authority hydro projects Bradley Lake, Tyee Lake, Swan Lake, Solomon Gulch, and Terror Lake. Federal and state power facilities supply wholesale energy to utilities. This category also includes Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Authority (THREA), a non-profit political subdivision of the State of Alaska and Metlakatla Power and Light, owned by the Metlakatla Indian Community. - Municipal classification includes cities, municipalities, and boroughs. - Cooperative classification includes Rural Electrification Administration (REA) cooperatives as well as other cooperatives. - Native classification includes village corporations, traditional village councils, and Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) councils. AEA/ASCC ce SOUTHEAST (1) SOUTHCENTRAL ARMY U.S. AIR FORCE U.S. NAVY & COAST GUARD TOTAL YUKON ARMY U.S. AIR FORCE U.S. NAVY & COAST GUARD TOTAL ARCTIC/NORTHWEST U.S. AIR FORCE U.S. NAVY & COAST GUARD TOTAL SOUTHWEST U.S. AIR FORCE U.S. NAVY & COAST GUARD TOTAL ALASKA TOTAL ARMY U.S. AIR FORCE U.S. NAVY & COAST GUARD TOTAL NOTES 1989 tesel C istion Steam qc) Turbine Turbine TOTAL 0 0 0 0 6,700 0 18,000 24,700 0 0 22,500 22,500 4,270 0 0 4,270 10,970 0 40,500 51,470 9,580 0 22,000 31,580 6,350 0 25,000 31,350 0 0 0 0 15,930 0 47,000 62,930 2,250 0 0 2,250 0 0 0 0 2,250 0 2,250 29,025 0 0 29,025 25,400 0 0 25,400 54,425 0 0 54,425 16,280 0 40,000 56,280 37,625 0 47,500 85,125 29,670 0 0 29,670 83,575 0 87,500 171,075 ALASKA NATIONAL DEFENSE INSTALLED CAPACITY (KW) 0 (1989-1991) 1990 1991 Diesel Combustion Steam “Diesel Combustion Steam (1c) Turbine Turbine TOTAL (1c) Turbine Turbine TOTAL 0 0 0 0 1,500 0 0 1,500 6,700 0 18,000 24,700 6,700 0 18,000 24,700 0 0 22,500 22,500 0 0 22,500 22,500 4,020 0 0 4,020 5,020 0 0 5,020 10,720 0 40,500 51,220 11,720 0 40,500 52,220 9,580 0 22,000 31,580 9,655 0 22,000 31,655 6,350 0 25,000 31,350 13,850 0 25,000 38,850 0 0 0 0 800 0 0 800 15,930 0 47,000 62,930 24,305 0 47,000 71,305 2,250 0 0 2,250 6,550 0 0 6,550 0 0 0 0 750 0 0 750 2,250 0 0 2,250 7,300 0 0 7,300 29,025 0 0 29,025 29,025 0 0 29,025 25,400 0 0 25,400 26,900 0 0 26,900 54,425 0 0 54,425 55,925 0 0 55,925 16,280 0 40,000 56,280 16,355 0 40,000 56,355 37,625 0 47,500 85,125 49,425 0 47,500 96,925 29,420 0 0 29,420 34,970 0 0 34,970 83,325 0 87,500 170,825 100,750 0 87,500 188,250 (1) National defense generation facilities in southeast Alaska are leased to private industry. AEA/ASCC GENERATION DATA 35 [BY TYPE OF FUEL (GWH) Wood/ oil T UTILITY Southeast Southcentral Yukon Arctic-Northwest Southwest ALASKA UTILITY NATIONAL DEFENSE Southeast Southcentral Yukon Arctic-Northwest Southwest ALASKA NATL. DEFENSE INDUSTRY Southeast Southcentral Yukon Arctic-Northwest Southwest ALASKA INDUSTRY 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ALASKA TOTALS BY REGION Southeast 604.6 Southcentral 480.2 Yukon 0.0 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 Southwest 0.0 ALASKA TOTAL 1,084.8 Le ALASKA NET GENERATION (GWH) UTILITY, NATIONAL DEFENSE, INDUSTRY BY REGIONS BY TYPE OF FUEL (GWH) 985.8 271. OTAL 660.6 1991 ydr. 604. BY PRIME MOVER (GWH) 55.2 0. 63.4 2,154. 40.7 127. 121.4 40. 126.8 0. 407.5 2,323. 4,121.9 6 Diesel Combustion Steam Hydro cic) Turbine Turbine TOTAL AEA/ASCC se Alaska Utilities Cumulative Net Generation By Region (1960 — 1991) 5,000 4,000 . Southwest Cumulative Alaska Total Ne OD Arctic & Northwest Cigowatt 5,000 Hours Yukon (GWH) oo Ed Southeast 1,000 WB Southcentral 0 aS wo So wo oS wo co wo wo ™ ™ cO co D> S 2 = = = = 2 Year AEA/ASCC 6€ ALASKA ANNUAL UTILITY NET GENERATION BY REGION AND TYPE OF UTILITY (MWH) (1960-1991) Type of 1980 1987 1988 SOUTHEAST Private 32,443 73,620 73,577 96,193 93,289 98,190 90,678 100,934 Municipal 71,395 127,996 185,124 206 , 225 197,528 176,181 183,566 190,871 Cooperative 0 336 6,515 9,001 0 0 0 0 Native 0 0 0 0 23,962 0 0 0 Federal/State 0 0 100, 227 269, 286 322,167 352,334 376,982 368,802 TOTAL 103,838 201,950 365,443 580,705 636,945 626,705 651,206 660,607 6.11 5.95 SOUTHCENTRAL Private 65 1,053 1,190 794 853 828 626 828 Municipal 10,413 205,103 494,889 919,967 779,545 818,556 776,090 671,297 Cooperative 53,508 443,560 1,554,727 1,967,891 2,043,001 2,110,059 2,168,704 2,063,509 Native 0 0 0 0 0 177 174 181 Federal/State 187,550 154, 733 184,285 297,931 343,814 339,767 372,613 444,631 TOTAL A ’ 1239, 1 186, 167, 1269, 318, , 180, 10.76 4.03 YUKON Private 2,636 4,087 13,069 14,779 14,667 14,912 15,152 16,114 Municipal 39,694 85,638 123,196 112,668 125,489 128,250 126,219 142,833 Cooperative 43,619 150,407 325,347 308,503 325,783 318,247 300,667 332,041 Native 0 0 0 0 183 0 0 276 Federal/State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 5,549 240,132 461,610 435,950 466,101 461,409 440,039 491,064 6.75 -0.43 ARCTIC & Private 170 170 9,817 15,036 16,293 16,133 22,573 37,750 NORTHWEST Municipal 2,881 8,060 15,261 35,682 36,665 42,459 42,411 50,254 Cooperative 1,740 7,606 38,858 62,982 65,745 67,906 70,318 Tie Native 0 0 0 0 435 490 465 379 Federal/State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 4,791 15,836 63,936 TT3, 700 19, 138 126, 988 135, 768 762,135 14.98 7.82 SOUTHWEST Private 1,639 8,967 33,384 46,966 42,367 41,470 47,036 46,709 Municipal 0 657 Vine 20,396 25,480 30,429 31,524 29,722 Cooperative 727 9,500 20,261 39,575 43,054 44,906 46,327 47,601 Native 0 0 0 0 1,904 2,671 2,439 2,730 Federal/State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ——F,366——~C«*TS, GT—~=~“‘*‘“_ OS SC«dO BT SC«*dTT2«BONSS—C~C~STSY;HSCSC~*C~*STT,32GH_—~“C*‘i ST 11.33 8.68 ALASKA Private 36,953 87,897 131,037 173,768 167,469 171,533 176,065 202,335 TOTAL Municipal 124,383 427,454 820,227 1,294,938 1,164,706 1,195,875 1,159,811 1,084,977 Cooperative 99,594 611,226 1,945,708 2,387,952 2,477,583 2,541,118 2,586,016 2,516,903 Native 0 0 0 0 26,483 3,338 3,078 3,566 Federal/State 187,550 154,733 284,512 567,217 665,981 692,101 749,595 813,433 TOTAL 9.52 3.92 NOTES: - Federal/State classification includes Alaska Power Administration hydro projects, Eklutna and Snettisham; Alaska Energy Authority hydro projects Bradley Lake, Tyee Lake, Swan Lake, Solomon Gulch, and Terror Lake. Federal and state power facilities supply wholesale energy to utilities. This category also includes Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Authority (THREA), a non-profit political subdivision of the State of Alaska and Metlakatla Power and Light, owned by the Metlakatla Indian Community. - Municipal classification includes cities, municipalities, and boroughs. - Cooperative classification includes Rural Electrification Administration (REA) cooperatives as well as other cooperatives. - Native classification includes village corporations, traditional village councils, and Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) councils. AEA/ASCC Le ALASKA NET GENERATION (GWH) UTILITY, NATIONAL DEFENSE, INDUSTRY BY REGIONS 1991 BY PRIME MOVER (GWH) Wood/ Steam Hydro i TOTAL Turbine UTILITY Southeast 604.6 0.0 56.0 0.0 0.0 660.6 604.6 0.8 0.0 660.6 Southcentral 480.2 2,625.1 75.1 0.0 0.0 3,180.4 480.2 63.4 2,154.3 482.6 3,180.4 Yukon 0.0 0.0 168.1 323.2 0.0 491.3 0.0 40.7 127.4 323.2 491.3 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 40.7 121.4 0.0 0.0 162.1 0.0 121.4 40.7 0.0 162.1 Southwest 0.0 0.0 126.8 0.0 0.0 126.8 0.0 126.8 0.0 0.0 126.8 ALASKA UTILITY 1,084.8 2,665.8 547.5 323.2 0.0 4,621.2 1,084.8 407.5 2,323.2 805.7 4,621.2 NATIONAL DEFENSE Southeast 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Southcentral 0.0 163.4 0.1 2.8 0.0 166.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 166.2 166.2 Yukon 0.0 0.0 12.4 167.2 0.0 179.6 0.0 12.4 0.0 167.2 179.6 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 0.0 9.7 0.0 0.0 9.7 0.0 9.7 0.0 0.0 9.7 Southwest 0.0 0.0 120.8 0.0 0.0 120.8 0.0 120.8 0.0 0.0 120.8 ALASKA NATL. DEFENSE 0.0 163.4 143.1 169.9 0.0 476.4 0.0 143.0 0.0 333.4 476.4 INDUSTRY Southeast 0.0 0.0 137.0 0.0 271.1 408.2 0.0 33.6 0.0 374.6 408.2 Southcentral 0.0 351.4 25.2 0.0 0.0 376.5 0.0 83.5 250.0 43.0 376.5 Yukon 0.0 0.0 25.7 35.0 0.0 60.7 0.0 0.8 24.1 35.9 60.7 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 1,524.3 75.3 0.0 0.0 1,599.6 0.0 74.9 1,524.7 0.0 1,599.6 Southwest 0.0 0.0 32.0 0.0 0.0 32.0 0.0 32.0 0.0 0.0 32.0 ALASKA INDUSTRY 0.0 1,875.7 295.2 35.0 271.1 2,477.0 0.0 224.8 1,798.7 453.5 2,477.0 ALASKA TOTALS BY REGION Southeast 604.6 0.0 193.1 0.0 271.1 1,068.8 604.6 88.8 0.8 374.6 1,068.8 Southcentral 480.2 3,139.8 100.4 2.8 0.0 3,723.2 480.2 147.0 2,404.3 691.8 3,723.2 Yukon 0.0 0.0 206.3 525.4 0.0 731.6 0.0 53.9 151.5 526.2 731.6 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 1,565.0 206.4 0.0 0.0 1,771.4 0.0 206.1 1,565.4 0.0 1,771.4 Southwest 0.0 0.0 279.6 0.0 0.0 279.6 0.0 279.6 0.0 0.0 279.6 ALASKA TOTAL 1,084.8 4,704.8 985.8 528.1 271.1 7,574.6 1,084.8 775.3 4,121.9 1,592.6 7,574.6 AEA/ASCC se Alaska Utilities Cumulative Net Generation By Region (1960 - 1991) 9,000 4,000 Southwest Cumulative Alaska Total ™ \ XS OO Arctic & Northwest Cigawatt 5,000 Hours Yukon CWH (OHH) a Ed Southeast 1,000 HB Southcentral 0 Z fa) S re 3 eS Ss 2 > S > > a & Year AEA/ASCC 6£ ALASKA ANNUAL UTILITY NET GENERATION BY REGION AND TYPE OF UTILITY (MWH) (1960-1991) Type of Utility 1980 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 SOUTHEAST Private 32,443 73,620 73,577 96,193 93,289 98,190 90,678 100,934 Municipal 71,395 127,996 185,124 206,225 197,528 176,181 183,566 190,871 Cooperative 0 336 6,515 9,001 0 0 0 0 Native 0 0 0 0 23,962 0 0 0 Federal/State 0 0 100,227 269, 286 322,167 352,334 376,982 368,802 TOTAL 103,630 201, 950 365,445 580,705 636,945 626, 705 651,206 660,607 6.11 5.95 SOUTHCENTRAL Private 65 1,053 1,190 794 853 828 626 828 Municipal 10,413 205, 103 494,889 919,967 779,545 818,556 776,090 671,297 Cooperative 53,508 443,560 1,554,727 1,967,891 2,043,001 2,110,059 2,168,704 2,063,509 Native 0 0 0 0 0 177 174 181 Federal/State 187,550 154,733 184,285 297,931 343,814 339,767 372,613 444,631 TOTAL a ’ 1239, 1 186, 167, 1269, 318, , 180, 10.76 4.03 YUKON Private 2,636 4,087 13,069 14,779 14,667 14,912 15,152 16,114 Municipal 39,694 85,638 123,196 112,668 125,489 128,250 126,219 142,833 Cooperative 43,619 150,407 325,347 308,503 325,783 318,247 300,667 332,041 Native 0 0 0 0 183 0 0 276 Federal/State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 85,949 240, 130 G61, ble 535,950 66, 121 Z61, 409 %he,039 B91, 064 6.75 0.43 ARCTIC & Private 170 170 9,817 15,036 16,293 16,133 22,573 37,750 NORTHWEST Municipal 2,881 8,060 15,261 35,682 36,665 42,459 42,411 50,254 Cooperative 1,740 7,606 38,858 62,982 65,745 67,906 70,318 73,752 Native 0 0 0 0 435 490 465 379 Federal/State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ——T7T_ 15,836. 63,936. 113,700 119,138 106,988 135,708. 162,135 14.98 7.82 SOUTHWEST Private 1,639 8,967 33,384 46,966 42,367 41,470 47,036 46,709 Municipal 0 657 1,757 20,396 25,480 30,429 31,524 29,722 Cooperative 727 OFSiz 20,261 39,575 43,054 44,906 46,327 47,601 Native 0 0 0 0 1,904 2,671 2,439 2,730 Federal/State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 2,306 18,941 55,402 106, 937 112,804 T19, 476 127,326 126,761 11.33 8.68 ALASKA Private 36,953 87,897 131,037 173,768 167,469 1717535 176,065 202,335 TOTAL Municipal 124,383 427,454 820,227 1,294,938 1,164,706 1,195,875 1,159,811 1,084,977 Cooperative 99,594 611,226 1,945,708 2,387,952 2,477,583 2,541,118 2,586,016 2,516,903 Native 0 0 0 0 26,483 3,338 3,078 3,566 Federal/State 187,550 154,733 284,512 567,217 665,981 692,101 749,595 813,433 TOTAL 9252 3.92 NOTES: - Federal/State classification includes Alaska Power Administration hydro projects, Eklutna and Snettisham; Alaska Energy Authority hydro projects Bradley Lake, Tyee Lake, Swan Lake, Solomon Gulch, and Terror Lake. Federal and state power facilities supply wholesale energy to utilities. This category also includes Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Authority (THREA), a non-profit political subdivision of the State of Alaska and Metlakatla Power and Light, owned by the Metlakatla Indian Community. - Municipal classification includes cities, municipalities, and boroughs. - Cooperative classification includes Rural Electrification Administration (REA) cooperatives as well as other cooperatives. - Native classification includes village corporations, traditional village councils, and Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) councils. AEA/ASCC It ALASKA NATIONAL DEFENSE NET GENERATION (MWH) (1989-1991) 1989 1990 1991 Diesel Combustion Steam Diesel Combustion Steam Diesel Combustion Steam qc) Turbine Turbine _ TOTAL (1c) Turbine Turbine __TOTAL (1c) Turbine __ Turbine TOTAL SOUTHEAST (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOUTHCENTRAL ARMY 0 0 73,530 73,530 0 0 74,131 74,131 0 0 71,615 71,615 U.S. AIR FORCE 0 0 99,350 99,350 0 0 102,650 102,650 0 0 94,606 94,606 U.S. NAVY & COAST GUARD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 172,880 172,880 0 0 176,781 176,781 0 0 166,221 166,221 YUKON ARMY 1,969 0 84,399 86,368 1,301 0 94,809 96,110 1,610 0 98,542 100, 152 U.S. AIR FORCE 12,410 0 61,993 74,403 14,007 0 71,107 85,114 10,832 0 68,622 79,454 TOTAL 14,379 0 146,392 160,771 15,308 0 165,916 181,224 12,442 0 167,164 179,606 ARCTIC/NORTHWEST U.S. AIR FORCE 4,054 0 0 4,054 5,25 0 0 5,257 9,730 0 0 9,730 U.S. NAVY & COAST GUARD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ,054 0 0 4,054 5,257 0 0 5,257 9,730 0 0 9, 730 SOUTHWEST U.S. AIR FORCE 57,286 0 0 57,286 67,795 0 0 67,795 52,370 0 0 52,370 U.S. NAVY & COAST GUARD 65,055 0 0 65,055 80,973 0 0 80,973 68,436 0 0 68,436 TOTAL 122,341 0 0 122,341 148,768 0 0 148,768 120,806 0 0 120,806 ALASKA TOTAL ARMY 1,956 0 145,901 147,857 1,969 0 157,929 159,898 1,610 0 170,157 171,767 U.S. AIR FORCE 71,323 0 153,000 224,323 73,750 0 161,343 235,093 72,932 0 163,228 236,160 U.S. NAVY & COAST GUARD 64,223 0 0 64,223 65,055 0 0 65,055 68,436 0 0 68,436 TOTAL 137,502 0 298,901 436,403 140,774 0 319,272 460,046 142,978 0 333,385 476,363 NOTES: (1) All installations in Southeast Alaska are leased to private industry. AEA/ASCC (Au Alaska Utilities Net Generation by Fuel Type (1981 - 1991) 500 Cumulative 450 Alaska Total =: 400 350 Gigawatt 500 Hours 250 (GWH) 999 \ 150 A A IN CN \ NX rs 50 Ap, EBT iia ci 0 1981 1982 1983 1984 985 986 987 988 989 990 1991 AEA/ASCC ALASKA UTILITIES NET GENERATION BY FUEL TYPE (GWH) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ANNUAL it 3T 3T 2 59 27 20 25 27 25 27 “3T 38 335 Gas 178 165 163 150 134 135 137 131 129 169 194 212 1,897 1981 Coal 22 29 31 26 25 28 27 24 27 31 33 35 338 Hydro 52 48 50 45 43 35 41 49 59 54 52 53 581 TOTAL____283___273_____ 273.250. 22y-—S—=<iTSSC~“‘;éCUTO#~;« sTSté“‘ SOLU! CUSOTC~C~*~*C~SSSCO oar TT OCOSSSSOSOCOCSSS—CSSS Gas 237 192 191 172 158 145 151 151 162 204 215 233 2,211 1982 Coal 35 25 34 32 31 27 25 24 27 28 32 34 354 Hydro 60 48 40 48 45 45 47 47 45 46 53 52 576 TOTAL 391321316 283. —-20h_~—=~—“‘é‘t:~COC~C~C!~CC*~‘“‘ OC~*‘ STCOC*~*~<~S =‘SS*~“‘“CNSC#C#~«&$5 ; 3]FSt*~‘“‘C;*‘*SSCSOUS oT ir C—SSSSOSCS™~—“CSCSSSSCSSTC“‘“‘“‘“R STS OS OR Gas 240 199 197 175 165 147 161 175 190 213 225 251 2,338 1983 Coal 33 32 25 22 27 26 28 28 28 19 31 32 331 Hydro 57 49 55 51 50 48 50 41 39 45 49 52 586 TOTAL____——sSsSéa SCT —SOTC~*~“‘~‘tSSC“‘CS’SCO®STOOU€«SOSGQCOC~“‘(‘C‘#NOS’COC™*C‘SSC*“‘CNC’CCONN:COWO#O#‘«éS@S.”T~*~“‘; SON:*CO#O#~;«~‘5;SSOC~«~S OT rT rT —OO™OC—CSC“*‘“‘“‘;‘ TSOOW!!UC~«COTC~«SODSSC“‘“‘(“‘(S#COUH!SOCOC*C*C“‘CBSs*s~‘“‘“CS*«CSC“‘C(N(NNCC#COSSTT Gas 248 223 204 185 184 166 184 189 193 223 248 265 2,512 1984 Coal 31 29 30 24 30 28 27 25 21 12 22 29 308 Hydro 60 66 69 65 56 57 51 51 48 57 57 59 696 “TOTAL SOT EG 345 31 30 0.S*”*—“<~SSC“‘“‘CSSCUTSCOC™C“‘CC‘#NS’S“<XSONSC“‘“‘C#CNSC‘#$SNSNS’SCOw™~*~“C~SS«*S TT O—SSCSC~“‘“ O“SCSCSC*™*C*~SSC“‘“(™‘SCQTOOOOCOSUSSNOOOOCOCO SE Gas 267 239 232 207 201 180 193 195 196 218 244 259 2,631 1985 * Coal 26 25 28 17 26 27 27 21 22 18 24 29 290 Hydro 68 73 75 71 56 55 54 59 58 68 68 71 775 YOrAL.——SC*é<“ TT.TUCUCOCOY:~SCSC~*~“‘“ STC~*«CSCS~CTSCC*“‘CU’C;COYCOC#‘~;C&UUY”S*é‘CCCNY.CC~+«éST®T~<“CTSC“‘COCSSGSOC#~;~<&A&*YN:~C*‘“‘CN’CSC#C«+CSN*SOON# Dil oe 3 36 34 a3 36 40 4B a) 28 3e 35 535 Gas 287 254 261 229 218 194 202 200 198 213 240 253 2,749 1986 Coal 21 21 26 10 22 26 26 18 22 25 27 28 272 Hydro 76 80 80 77 56 53 57 67 68 80 78 83 854 TOTAL. ——S—=<“‘ C~“‘«‘“C SSC*C*C*C*~«~SSSC“‘CON“‘COOTCO*~C~CSY:C“‘CSCSOCOUOC«<SO)COUOUO~C«*SSS3.—~SCOiSCS~*~“‘CNOOTCOC*#*~;«STSC~“‘C‘SGTS”OOWOCO#«<SGS;SGIT wt ——SO—OSSOCOCOCOTSC~CSCOCSTSOSOCOCSOS ST Gas 252 224 239 223 227 208 201 209 224 248 270 266 2,790 1987 Coal 26 20 16 11 27 24 27 28 14 27 27 28 276 Hydro 82 71 88 74 56 60 73 73 72 78 76 94 898 OTAT 42 EIS 39% 3a9 338 316 328 339 35 382Z 403 235 52h OT BOTT 27 2a 28 27 3T 35 36 6S GST Gas 269 238 259 234 220 213 194 203 200 234 243 260 2,767 1988 Coal 29 19 18 23 21 15 28 29 23 29 30 30 295 Hydro 96 86 76 68 7 68 81 90 86 85 87 88 989 OTAL 250 395 379 355 355 320 33 348 Ey 38% 415) Bae 5,902 = Oe 28 2 oF oT 3a ST a5 46 286 Gas 282 248 256 241 216 201 208 211 208 260 276 269 2,875 1989 Coal 29 26 28 19 27 28 26 21 20 24 29 30 307 Hydro 93 82 87 63 76 67 69 64 79 81 86 87 935 OTAT 479 US 41S 355 347 32 333 348 Baz 39 536 G32 5, 60a oiT MF 37 3a 3a 3 3T ST 33 27 rc] 37 a7 aT Gas 295 250 254 217 218 192 199 208 212 250 294 297 2,886 1990 Coal 31 26 30 26 18 24 28 22 26 28 28 30 316 Hydro 98 96 87 81 74 78 82 83 83 86 84 92 1,024 TOTAL BZ 42 4 358 343 32 340. ~S3HDS”s—<“‘C CUCCOC«CSSC~<‘SSC“‘“CS™S™C#O+SS#SYC“O;#:O oit 30 36 a aT 33 47 33 2 32 35 33 67 3a7 Gas 287 238 264 224 221 201 208 220 189 207 216 191 2,666 1991 Coal 31 28 30 30 30 19 i 23 30 29 29 30 323 Hydro 94 7 78 71 7 68 73 107 129 116 118 1,085 > OTAT Z62 3 417 372 360 33% ~~ 345 358 400 a1 U6 —S—~=<C*sé«~S «CAT Oo ‘NOTE * Wonthly data was not collected in 1985, so 1984 and 1085 figures were averaged to arrive at estimated 1985 figures. —SCS<“‘ AEA/ASCC Anchorage/Cook Inlet Area Utility Net Generation 12 Month Running Totals AEA/ASCC ANCHORAGE/COOK INLET AREA UTILITY NET GENERATION 12 MONTH RUNNING TOTALS 1981-1991 (Page 2 of 2) 12 MONTH GWH TOTAL FOR YEAR ENDING: 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 CAv+eNnrNnnnng Successes re esseeeeee MMMM MMMAMM MM MNT Aonwvowne Sésagssscss 5 sang 8g PETS $5 R88 g ANAM MANN AM ztomonNhnwenmoy NSSBLRESRERE SSSSSssssssa mamma MMA A ennwonmonvna SeSeSssre ese NANNNNNNN NM w+aANK AN KOhMo Needy neeNnon RRSSSSSSSCSE inne nd SENM KK QOAOMAK ena < onasvenan SSR2SRRSSBSE SVT Bore ei en ee an ie PRsKSstasaks NHNANHADODODOD NAVAN NA ey+NnNNCoeMNON maaan 3 33 Naw ws au oon SES Oe SSRRR n NAVIN CoNnM+NM oe nmoona tou -—mM + § mata s NIAAA NA Oe lator OCC ll SEREENSASSE were Kr Kr KN CON a) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec PERCENT CHANGE OF 12 MONTH TOTALS eooecoocccecor +t HNMteaerao~ MMMNNNN MN kK O- MnRtTAMRKROOMMS eK KOK NK NK ONM oo im ie se ae nnmonvn wma MunSSSONM KOS MONTH AMN KHAN NMNONnMNHNtM OK MK aCe Onita ee mCi siahod Meme CHAN KHAN K BDAY Hore coe emnN HK SO cores NNM aon «oO BuNSvoUS annon onnr OD HH OAnNnNoee NEN M¥eeunnnnHnH SS NOTOAnDNDMOANN aNnwneyysunnm Anwvonqno+rrnvwes WOASSSSSOSC0ON NOTES - Fluctuations shown on the graph that begin in 1986 are attributed to sales over the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie. - Running totals are calculated by adding the current month's net generation (GWH) to the previous eleven months of generation. This allows for smoothing of seasonal peaks. - Anchorage/Cook Inlet utilities include Alaska Power Administration (Eklutna), Anchorage Municipal Light & Power, Chugach Electric Association, Inc., and Alaska Energy Authority (Bradley Lake). 45 AEA/ASCC Utility Net Generation 12 Month Running Totals AEA/ASCC Lv 12 MONTH GWH TOTAL FOR YEAR ENDING: 1981 1982 Jan 435.3 454.8 Feb 437.5 459.6 Mar 437.2 465.3 Apr 439.7 468.8 May 461.1 471.9 Jun 443.2 474.2 Jul 464.1 476.4 Aug 444.0 480.4 Sep 445.4 482.3 Oct 448.6 485.9 Nov 449.6 490.0 Dec 443.0 491.1 PERCENT CHANGE OF 12 MONTH TOTALS Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec SCORDMRONNNOOVUSA COWWNWOOAR=uU Notes: 1983 492.0 491.0 492.1 490.9 492.5 492.9 492.6 493.5 496.2 497.1 497.8 502.1 NANNNWWER RUA NAWONF OCF NOON 1984 500.6 510.2 508.8 515.8 516.6 517.8 520.5 523.6 519.8 523.0 536.9 540.8 None onNiwibhoNn NNYVURAOUUR UW FAIRBANKS AREA UTILITY NET GENERATION 12 MONTH RUNNING TOTALS 1981-1991 (Page 2 of 2) 1985 534. 532. 535. 538. 539. 543. 548. 551. 559. 558. 533. 508. WOWNNOHOVVONOUSA VOANUUUNR RUD ONNNNFOUWUWEROD 1986 489.9 467.1 456.2 449.8 451.7 454.0 457.1 459.9 462.0 467.8 495.0 520.4 -8.3 -12.3 “14.9 -16.4 -16.3 716.5 -16.7 716.5 “17.5 -16.2 “7.2 ees 1987 542.9 559.1 559.0 544.5 530.4 512.7 498.6 487.1 470.2 447.8 419.0 404.1 1988 405.3 401.6 381.9 381.8 376.4 367.9 370.8 370.0 371.1 382.3 412.4 432.9 -25.3 28.2 -31.7 -29.9 -29.0 -28.2 -25.6 -24.0 721.1 -14.6 “1.6 7.1 1989 441.0 443.0 465.0 460.9 465.4 477.1 473.3 481.0 474.5 460.2 446.1 427.1 RRYRBRRNS F=RWONONODWOSO@ WNFODOANANOWO - Fluctuations shown on the graph that begin in 1986 are attributed to purchases over the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie. - Running totals are calculated by adding the current month's net generation (GWH) to the previous eleven months of data. the smoothing of seasonal peaks. - Fairbanks area utilties include Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System and Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. 1990 418.0 424.8 414.8 426.6 422.6 424.9 429.1 418.4 421.7 424.7 412.3 406.7 = a RNNSWOSONSA RPANH-OWSNROUN cis id This allows for 1991 392.7 389.7 390.1 390.7 397.5 402.7 408.1 402.6 408.1 412.2 429.8 450.6 ' SCHRWWWRUUBAOHR PWONBRDNDERON = = AEA/ASCC 8r ALASKA MAJOR UTILITIES REGIONAL ENERGY GENERATION (GWH) 1965-1991 (Page 1 of 2) Year Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ANNUAL 1965 Southeast 8.7 7.6 7.9 7.3 7.2 6.8 6.7 7.0 7.1 7.8 8.3 9.2 91.6 Southcentral 34.6 29.5 29.3 30.0 27.8 25.4 24.5 26.8 28.4 33.1 35.7 41.4 366.5 Yukon 11.8 11.3 10.2 9.5 9.2 7.6 7.5 8.4 8.9 11.1 12.0 12.9 120.4 TOTAL 55.1 48.4 47.4 46.8 44.2 39.8 38.7 42.2 44.4 52.0 56.0 63.5 578.5 1970 Southeast 11.4 9.5 9.7 9.8 9.6 8.8 9.4 9.6 9.5 10.5 40.9 12.4 151.1 Southcentral 70.4 54.7 57.4 53.4 50.3 46.0 48.0 50.3 53.3 64.3 69.3 83.0 700.4 Yukon 23.9 17.8 18.7 16.6 14.2 12.0 14.0 15.3 16.9 20.3 22.6 30.1 222.4 TOTAL 105.7 82.0 85.8 79.8 74.1 66.8 71.4 75.2 79.7 95.1 132.8 125.5 1,073.9 1975 Southeast 16.0 14.5 15.1 14.1 13.9 12.8 12.9 13.8 13.6 14.9 15.5 17.1 174.2 Southcentral 132.3 124.8 118.0 96.5 O51; 89.0 86.2 90.4 100.7 113.1 141.4 166.4 1,352.5 Yukon 48.5 42.1 48.6 32.7 27.2 24.0 24.7 27.9 31.2 39.9 54.8 59.9 461.5 TOTAL 196.8 181.4 181.7 143.3 134.8 125.8 123.8 132.1 145.5 167.9 211.7 243.4 1,988.2 1976 Southeast 16.9 15.5 16.6 14.6 14.9 13.7 14.7 14.7 15.3 16.2 16.4 17.4 186.9 Southcentral 157.4 143.9 165.0 143.0 131.5 118.0 117.7 123.4 132.3 158.9 195.5 216.9 1,803.5 Yukon 55.9 53.9 43.8 34.5 29.9 27.1 29.2 30.0 31.3 40.4 43.2 53.4 472.6 TOTAL 230.2 213.3 225.4 192.1 176.3 158.8 161.6 168.1 178.9 215.5 255.1 287.7 2,463.0 1977 Southeast 18.6 15.9 17.5 16.2 15.3 14.5 15.3 15.3 15.6 17.5 18.6 20.5 200.8 Southcentral 163.5 143.9 165.0 143.0 131.5 118.0 117.7 123.4 132.3 158.9 195.5 216.9 1,809.6 Yukon 47.5 40.7 46.9 37.2 32.2 28.9 29.3 30.7 31.4 41.0 53.9 59.7 479.4 TOTAL 229.6 200.5 229.4 196.4 179.0 161.4 162.3 169.4 179.3 217.4 268.0 297.1 2,489.8 1978 Southeast 20.4 17.4 18.7 17.0 16.9 16.6 14.9 17.0 17.0 18.1 20.1 21.2 215.4 Southcentral 197.5 167.6 173.2 149.6 141.3 129.7 132.2 132.1 139.0 169.4 191.1 209.0 1,931.7 Yukon 52.3 45.3 45.2 37.0 32.5 29.7 29.3 30.9 32.4 39.9 44.1 48.0 466.6 TOTAL 270.2 230.3 237.1 203.6 190.7 176.0 176.4 180.0 188.4 227.4 255.3 278.2 2,613.7 1979 Southeast 21.6 20.1 20.5 18.7 17.7 16.7 16.8 17.4 17.7 19.2 19.1 21.6 227.1 Southcentral 209.2 210.4 185.1 161.5 145.9 131.7 135.6 138.2 142.5 168.0 179.2 237.8 2,045.1 Yukon 48.8 50.1 42.5 36.7 30.8 27.8 29.8 29.1 31.3 35.6 36.2 48.0 446.7 TOTAL 279.6 280.6 248.1 216.9 194.4 176.2 182.2 184.7 191.5 222.8 234.5 307.4 2,718.9 1980 Southeast 23.2 19.8 17.2 19.8 18.9 16.2 18.3 18.5 18.8 18.7 21.8 26.7 237.9 Southcentral 221.3 181.8 187.6 157.0 151.4 136.8 141.2 143.9 152.3 177.4 202.5 259.1 2,112.3 Yukon 47.3 39.2 38.1 33.0 31.3 28.3 27.3 30.0 32.9 38.2 40.7 54.0 440.3 TOTAL 291.8 240.8 242.9 209.8 201.6 181.3 186.8 192.4 204.0 234.3 265.0 339.8 2,790.5 1981 Southeast 24.2 22.1 23.3 22.0 20.2 19.3 20.0 20.8 21.4 23.8 25.3 28.8 271.2 Southcentral 202.3 187.8 186.8 170.2 154.2 148.2 155.8 157.1 163.7 196.8 218.1 234.4 2,175.4 Yukon 30.5 39.2 37.2 35.5 31.8 29.4 29.8 28.6 31.3 36.0 40.1 46.7 416.1 TOTAL 257.0 249.1 247.3 227.7 206.2 196.9 205.6 206.5 216.4 256.6 283.5 309.9 2,862.7 1982 Southeast 33.7 28.1 27.9 25.4 24.5 210 22.1 22.6 24.0 27.3 30.3 31.9 318.9 Southcentral 264.6 220.2 216.4 192.4 176.4 158.7 167.2 168.8 175.3 220.8 234.3 250.0 2,445.1 Yukon 53.7 45.2 43.8 37.7 34.2 30.4 32.1 32.8 34.6 41.7 45.1 48.9 480.2 TOTAL 352.0 293.5 288.1 255.5 235.1 210.2 221.4 224.2 233.9 289.8 309.7 330.8 3,244.2 AEA/ASCC 6+ Year Region JAN FEB 1983 Southeast 33.0 27.3 Southcentral 262.7 219.6 Yukon 53.7 53.4 TOTAL 349.4 300.3 1984 Southeast 34.2 26.1 Southcentral 268.1 246.2 Yukon 53.7 53.4 TOTAL 356.0 325.7 1985 Southeast 35.1 33.6 Southcentral 262.5 256.5 Yukon 51.6 51.5 TOTAL 349.2 341.6 1986 Southeast 30.5 29.7 Southcentral 306.0 273.2 Yukon 32.6 28.8 TOTAL 369.1 331.6 1987 Southeast 31.1 28.2 Southcentral 266.5 236.3 Yukon 55.1 44.9 TOTAL 352.8 309.4 1988 Southeast 34.0 32.4 Southcentral 292.1 254.9 Yukon 56.3 41.1 TOTAL 382.4 328.5 1989 Southeast 37.6 30.6 Southcentral 300.7 263.7 Yukon 64.3 43.1 TOTAL 402.6 337.4 1990 Southeast 37.1 34.4 Southcentral 314.9 273.1 Yukon 55.2 49. TOTAL 407.2 357.3 1991 Southeast 37.1 27.3 Southcentral 304.9 253.9 Yukon 41.2 46.9 TOTAL 383.2 328.1 NOTES > uw wor 295. 251. 334. SROAL URN® WRaW Doms ALASKA MAJOR UTILITIES REGIONAL ENERGY GENERATION (GWH) 1965-1991 (Page 2 of 2) APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP oct NOV DEC ANNUAL 26.4 24.5 22.3 22.5 25.8 25.9 29.4 31.9 37.0 335.2 196.7 184.4 166.5 178.3 180.4 192.8 218.9 235.8 265.8 2,524.0 41.6 39.7 35.9 36.9 38.8 34.9 46.1 53.5 57.0 536.5 264.7 248.6 224.7 237.7 245.0 253.6 294.4 321.2 359.8 3,395.7 22.4 20.1 21.9 21.7 22.7 23.5 28.1 30.6 32.0 307.4 208.2 200.6 182.2 191.7 194.6 199.1 233.1 262.1 280.0 2,692.7 41.6 39.7 35.9 36.9 38.8 34.9 46.1 53.5 57.0 536.5 272.2 260.4 240.0 250.3 256.1 257.5 307.3 346.2 369.0 3,536.6 31.9 29.2 26.3 25.8 27.5 28.2 31.7 39.6 36.7 379.9 234.3 216.4 198.2 205.5 212.7 214.0 262.5 318.7 306.2 2,939.1 43.9 41.4 39.9 41.6 41.2 43.6 44.6 28.6 32.6 508.9 310.1 287.0 264.4 272.9 281.4 285.8 338.8 386.9 375.5 3,827.9 27.3 24.7 20.8 22.0 23.3 22.6 25.8 30.4 31.1 318.1 249.9 218.0 198.0 212.7 202.7 219.9 241.2 253.4 297.8 2,952.0 37.6 43.2 42.3 44.7 44.0 45.7 50.4 55.8 58.0 520.4 314.9 285.9 261.1 279.4 270.0 288.2 317.5 339.6 386.9 3,790.5 26.8 25.5 20.2 21.4 22.2 24.3 27.8 28.9 33.0 320.3 243.4 227.4 215.5 221.5 229.0 242.9 269.3 285.5 293.9 2,996.8 23.1 29.1 24.6 30.6 32.4 28.9 28.1 26.9 43.2 404.1 293.2 281.9 260.3 273.6 283.5 296.0 325.1 341.4 370.1 3,721.3 27.6 26.8 23.0 24.1 25.4 26.3 28.8 31.0 34.1 342.2 238.0 236.5 227.2 216.0 230.4 223.4 254.4 261.3 274.3 2,973.4 23.0 23.7 16.1 33.5 31.6 29.9 39.3 57.1 63.6 432.9 288.6 286.9 266.3 273.5 287.4 279.7 322.5 349.4 372.0 3,748.5 27.2 25.4 23.5 23.0 25.2 27.4 30.9 32.6 33.5 349.9 248.6 232.2 215.5 222.8 221.9 234.5 279.9 294.1 287.0 3,073.1 18.9 28.2 27.8 29.7 39.4 23.4 24.9 43.0 44.7 427.1 294.7 285.7 266.7 275.5 286.4 285.2 335.8 369.8 365.1 3,850.2 29.2 26.1 25.4 25.3 24.1 25.6 29.8 32.0 35.5 357.8 234.1 232.0 213.5 221.2 230.0 235.5 267.9 306.1 314.4 3,114.9 30.7 24.1 30.1 33.9 28.6 26.7 27.9 30.6 39.1 406.7 294.0 282.2 269.0 280.5 282.7 287.8 325.6 368.7 389.1 3,879.4 29.5 28.1 25.9 26.0 26.3 27.7 31.2 34.0 36.3 367.0 242.9 236.7 212.9 220.1 229.2 231.4 265.9 262.8 232.0 2,971.9 31.2 31.0 35.3 39.3 23.1 32.3 32.0 48.3 59.8 450.6 303.7 295.7 274.1 285.4 278.6 291.4 329.1 345.1 328.1 3,789.5 - Southeast utilities include Alaska Electric Light & Power, Alaska Power Administration (Snettisham), and Ketchikan Public Utilities. - Southcentral utilities include Anchorage Municipal Light & Power, Alaska Power Administration (Eklutna), Chugach Electric Association, Inc., and Alaska Energy Authority (Bradley Lake). - Yukon utilities include Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System and Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. - Net generation does not include purchases and the utilities listed above represent 82% of statewide utility net generation. AEA/ASCC TRANSMISSION DATA 51 52 a 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 at 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 COMMUNITIES GENERATION PLANTS BELUGA (CEA) BERNICE LAKE (CEA) COOPER LAKE HYDRO (CEA) EIELSON AFB (US AIR FORCED EKLUTNA HYDRO APA) FORT GREELY (US ARMY) GLENNALLEN (CVEA? HEALY (GVEA) SEWARD (SES) SOLOMON GULCH HYDRO AEA? VALDEZ (CVEA) SOLDOTNA <AEG&T? BRADLEY LAKE (AEA) SUBSTATIONS ANCHOR POINT (HEA) CANTWELL (AEA) CARNEY (GVEA) DAVES CREEK (CEA) DIAMOND RIDGE <HEA> DOUGLAS <MEA> FRITZ CREEK (HEAD GIRDWOOD <cEA) HEALY (GVEA) HOPE (CEA) INDIAN (CEA) JARVIS CREEK (GVEA? JOHNSON ROAD (GVEA) KASILOF (HEA) LAWING (SES) MEALS (AEA) NENANA (GVEA) PORTAGE <CEA) PUMP STATION 11 (AEA? PUMP STATION 12 (AEA) QUARTZ CREEK (CEA) SOLDOTNA <HEA) TEELAND (CEA) ’NEILL (MEA) TRANSMISSION LINES DESIGNED OPERATED A 345 KV ¢ 138 kV B 230 KV e 69 KV Cc 138 KV D oS KV — 69 Kv HOMER (SEE DETAIL) FAIRBANKS (SEE DETAIL) DELTA JUNCTION e Ase GLENNALLEN WILLOW 37 @ SUTTON ©» 1@ Pamer VALDEZ u CENTRAL ALASKA 1991 ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES ANCHORAGE DETAIL \ N TO TEELAND / / TO EKLUTNA TO BELUGA m@ GENERATION PLANTS 1 INTERNATIONAL (CEA) 2 PLANT 1 (ML&P> 3 PLANT 2 <MLEP) 4 SUBSTATIONS ANCHORAGE (APA) EAST TERMINAL <CEA) POINT MACKENZIE (CEA) POINT WORONZOF (cea> UNIVERSITY (CEA) WEST TERMINAL(CEA) CEA 230 KV SUB (CEA) TRANSMISSION LINES DESIGNED 345 KV @ SUBMARINE CABLES 230 KV d 1S KV (OPERATED? 138 KV us kv 69 KV worous moowp 1991 ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES TO INDIAN es bs Rosen URRVVRLBGStaaronE seo Ns DP GENERATION PLANTS = TRANSMISSION LINES FAIRBANKS MUNICIPAL (FMUS> cC 138 kv FORT WAINRIGHT CUS ARMY) — 69 Kv NORTH POLE (GVEA) UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA (UAF> ZEHNDER (GVEA) EIELSON AFB (US AIR FORCE) SUBSTATIONS BADGER ROAD (GVEA) BROCKMAN (GVEA) CHENA PUMP (GVEA? DAWSON ROAD (GVEA) ESTER (GVEA) FORT WAINRIGHT (GVEA) -138 KV AND 69 KV FOX <GVEA) GOLD HILL <GvEA> HAMILTON ACRES <GVEA> 12 HIGHWAY PARK (GVEA) INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (GVEA) MUSK OX <GVEA) NORTH POLE (GVEA? PEGER ROAD (GVEA) SOUTH FAIRBANKS (GVEA) SOUTHSIDE <FMUS> STEESE (GVEA) UNIVERSITY AVENUE (GVEA)-SOUTH 69 KV ONLY ZEHNDER (GVEA) -NORTH & SOUTH 69 KV CHENA <FMUS) CARNEY (GVEA) JOHNSON ROAD (GVEA) 1991 ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES FAIRBANKS DETAIL N To DELTA JUNCTION JARVIS CREEK SUB. FT. GREELY HOMER DETAIL aa / TD nt \ SOLDOTNA ~ | - e J 6 @ GENERATION PLANT 1 BRADLEY LAKE (AEA) & SUBSTATIONS 2 ANCHOR POINT (HEAD 3 OD D RIDGE (HEA) CREEK <HEA’ F HEA! SOLDOTNA CHEA> — TRANSMISSION LINES D NS KV OOK INLET 1991 ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES BRADLEY JUNCTION ~ “uomer J . Vv 55 9¢ Te Win \ N ae hs \ COMMUNITIES GENERATION PLANTS BLUE LAKE HYDRO (SED) GREEN LAKE HYDRO <SED> SNETTISHAM HYDRO (APA) SWAN LAKE HYDRO (AEA) TYEE LAKE HYDRO (AEA) INDIAN RIVER DIESEL (SED) SUBSTATIONS THANE (APA) KETCHIKAN (KPU) PETERSBURG <PMP&L) MARINE ST. (SED) BLUE LAKE (SED) GREEN LAKE <SED) TRANSMISSION LINES DESIGNED OPERATED 138 KV e 69 KV us KV 69 KV 1991 SEE JUNEAU DETAIL e 70) ONES SOUTHEAST ALASKA =a ; ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES Lg @ GENERATION PLANTS SNETTISHAM HYDRO. (APA) ANNEX HYDRO. (AELP) GOLD CREEK HYDRO. AND DIESEL <AELP> LOWER SALMON CREEK HYDRO. (AELP? UPPER SALMON CREEK HYDRO. <AELP> LEMON CREEK DIESEL_(AELP> AUKE BAY DIESEL <AELP) Noun A SUBSTATIONS 8 THANE (APA) 9 SECOND STREET <AELP> 10 CAPITAL AVENUE <AELP> 11 SALMON CREEK CAELP) 1@ LEMON CREEK (AELP> 13 AIRPORT <AELP) 14 LOOP (AELP> 1S AUKE BAY 16 SHEEP CREEK ‘AELP> 17 JUNEAU WEST (AELP) — TRANSMISSION LINES A 23 kv B69 kv C 138 kv JUNEAU DETAIL N 1991 ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES 8s KETCHIKAN DETAIL N e COMMUNITIES m GENERATION PLANTS 1 BAILEY <KPUD 2 KETCHIKAN HYDRO <KPU) 3 SILVAS LAKE HYDRO (KPU> 4 SWAN LAKE HYDRO (AEA) S BEAVER FALLS HYDRO ‘KPU) 6 TOTEM BIGHT ‘KPU) a SUBSTATIONS 7 HIGGINS (KPU) 8 WARD COVE ¢KPU> 9 BETHE (KPU) 10 PORT WEST <KPU) 11 BEAVER FALLS (KPUD 12 KETCHIKAN <KPU) 13 BAILEY <KPU) — TRANSMISSION LINES DESIGNED OPERATED D MS KV e 69 KV E 69 kv F 345 KV 1991 ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES PETERSBURG PETERSBURG/WRANGELL DETAIL N \o WRANGELL @ COMMUNITIES 7 VANK 18 m GENERATION PLANTS CRYSTAL LAKE HYDRO (PMP&L) PETERSBURG MUNICIPAL POWER & LIGHT (PMP&L) WRANGELL (WML&P) SUBSTATIONS CRYSTAL LAKE HYDRO (PMP&L) i SCOW BAY (AEA) Ce PETERSBURG MUNICIPAL POWER & LIGHT (PMP&L) WRANGELL (AEA) WRANGELL SWITCHYARD (AEA) wn > (TO WRANGELL MILL avons - TRANSMISSION LINES DESIGNED OPERATED A 25 kv a 69 KV B 138 KV z QA i 1991 ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES i 59 ( V KODIAK ISLAND ye Xt IN N Osteen aaa COMMUNITIES GENERATION PLANTS KODIAK DIESEL (KEA) SWAMPY ACRES (KEA) TERROR LAKE HYDRO ‘AEA> PORT LIONS ‘(KEA) U.S. COAST GUARD (USCG) PORT LIONS uson- = ©@ SUBSTATIONS AIRPORT ‘KEA> RICHARD HARTMAN <KEA) > KODIAK SWAMPY ACRES (AEA) TERROR LAKE ‘AEA HIGH (KEA) Swous F/h — JRANSMISSION LINES POWER DESIGNED OPERATED TUNNEL C 138 KV h 125 KV E 69 KV Fo 24.9 KV TERROR LAKE 1991 ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES 1991 SUMMARY REGION CIRCUIT MILES TOTAL By Operating Voltage 34.5 kv 69 kv 115 kv 138 kv 230 kv Southeast 25.0 120.5 30.0 44.0 0.0 2195 Southcentral 101.2 124.2 512.0 367.5 140.7 1,245.6 Yukon 42.5 149.3 0.0 126.2 0.0 318.0 ALASKA STATEWIDE TOTALS 168.7 394.0 542.0 537.7 140.7 1,783.1 GENERAL NOTES: 19 * This table summarizes information described on pages 62-63. * See notes on page 63 for information on design voltages. * Southeast includes Alaska Power Administration (Snettisham), Alaska Electric Light & Power, Sitka Electric System, Ketchikan Public Utilities, and Alaska Energy Authority (Swan Lake and Tyee Lake). * Southcentral includes Alaska Power Administration (Eklutna), Alaska Energy Authority (Anchorage-Fairbanks, Glennallen-Valdez, and Bradley Lake-Bradley Junction), Anchorage Municipal Light & Power, Chugach Electric Association, Inc., Homer Electric Association, Inc., Matanuska Electric Association, Inc., Seward Electric System, and Kodiak Electric Association. * Yukon includes Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System and Golden Valley Electric Association. * The Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie is approximately 170 miles in length and extends north from Willow to Healy. For purposes of this summary, 84.6 miles have been included under Southcentral and 85.4 miles under the Yukon designation. AEA/ASCC 9 ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES AND MAJOR INTERCONNECTIONS (}) (Lines under 34.5 kv not included) Page 1 of 2 Circuit Circuit Voltage Circuit Voltage Circuit kv Miles kv Miles" YUKON REGION SOUTHCENTRAL REGION (Continued) Golden Valley Electric Association Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Healy-Gold Hill 138 103.2 Plant 1-Plant 2 115 5.7 Gold Hill-Zehnder 69 12 Plant 1-Plant 2 115 6.2 Gold Hill-Ft. Wainwright 69 11.9 APA-Sub 14 115 2.8 Gold Hill-Ft. Wainwright 138 10.7 Plant 2-CEA 230 kv sub. 115 2 Gold Hill-Murphy Bae 34.5 24.5 APA-Plant 1 34.50 4.5 Gold Hill: Musk Ox 69 5.3 Miscellaneous 34.5 26.0 International-Zehnder 69 2.9 Zehnder-Fox 69 8.0 Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Fox-Pilot Bluff 34.5 18.0 Ft. Wainwright-Highway Park 69 12.4 Beluga-Pt. MacKenzie 230 42.5 Ft. Wainwright-North Pole 138 12.3 Beluga-Pt. MacKenzie 230 42.5 Highway Park-North Pole 69 2.3 Beluga-Pt. MacKenzie 138 42.5 Highway Park-Johnson Road 69 23.0 Pt. MacKenzie-West Terminal 230 7.3 Johnson Road-Carney 69 6.5 West Terminal-East Terminal 230 3.7 Carney-Jarvis Creek 69 2) 52.6 East Terminal-Plant 2 230 12.5 Miscellaneous Transmission Lines Plant 2-University 230 6.2 within Fairbanks 69 17 University-International 138 5.3 Zehnder-Ft. Wainwright 69 4.0 Pt. MacKenzie-Pt. Woronzof 138 4.1 Pt. MacKenzie-Pt. Woronzof 138 4.1 Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Pt. MacKenzie-Pt. Woronzof 138 4.1 Pt. MacKenzie-Teeland 230 26.0 Municipal Power Plant-Zehnder 69 1.0 Pt. Woronzof-International 138 5.9 Municipal Power Plant-Southside Pt. Woronzof-International 138 6.5 Substation 69 4.5 Anchorage-University 115 il University-Quartz Creek 115 89.3 SOUTHCENTRAL REGION Quartz Creek-Soldotna 115 53.8 Alaska Energy Authority (4) Quartz Creek-Soldotna 69 $1.1 Soldotna-Bernice Lake 115 24.3 Teeland-Healy 138 @) 170.0 Soldotna-Bernice Lake 69 24.4 Meals Substation-Pumpstation No. 11 138 106.0 Cooper Lake-Quartz Creek 69 5.6 Bradley Lake-Bradley Junction 115 38.0 GD Miscellaneous Transmission Lines within Anchorage 34.5 60.0 Alaska Power Administration (>) Eklutna-Palmer 115 12.0 Eklutna-Plant 2 115 33.0 ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES AND MAJOR INTERCONNECTIONS (1) (Lines under 34.5 kv not included) €9 Page 2 of 2 Circuit Circuit Voltage Circuit Voltage Circuit kv Miles kv Miles SOUTHCENTRAL REGION (Continued) SOUTHEAST REGION Matanuska Electric Association Alaska Power Administration (5) Eagle River Area 115 8.7 Snettisham-Thane (Juneau) 138 44.0 Palmer Area-O'Neil/Teeland 115 43.4 Teeland-Hollywood-Anderson 115 Ibs} Alaska Electric Light & Power Hollywood-Douglas 115 @) 19.0 Teeland-Redington 34.5 10.7 Thane-Capital Avenue Sub 69 5.0 Thane Loop Sub (Mendenhall Valley) 69 17.0 Homer Electric Association, Inc. Upper Mendenhall Bridge- uke Bay-Brotherhood Bridge 69 3 Soldotna-Homer 115 85.0 Kenai Area Lines 69 4.0 Sitka Electric Department Northern Kenai lines leased to Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Blue Lake-Sitka and through City 69 5.0 Fritz Creek-Soldotna 115 60.0 Green Lake-Blue Lake 69 9.0 Seward Electric System Ketchikan Public Utilities Daves Creek-Lawing 115 17.0 Silvis Lake-Beaver Falls- Lawing-Seward 69 24.0 Ketchikan and through City Mile 1 Seward Highway - Spring to North Point Higgins Sub 34.5 25.0 Creek Sub 69 SS Alaska Energy Authority (4) Kodiak Electric Association Swan Lake-Ketchikan 115 30.0 Terror Lake-Airport 138 17.40) Tyee-Wrangell 69 (10) 39.0 Airport-Swampy Acres 138 1.6 Wrangell-Petersburg 69 (10) 42.0 Hartman-Swampy Acres 69 4.0 High - Swampy Acres 69 4.0 High - Hartman 69 1.6 NOTES: (1) Lines are energized to the voltages indicated. Lines built to different voltages are identified in se; (2) Line is built to 138 kv standards. (3) Line is built to 345 kv standards. (4) State-owned transmission line. (5) Federally-owned transmission line. te footnotes. (6) AML&P considers 34.5 ky lines sub-transmission voltage. (7) Leased from Homer Electric Association, Inc. (8) Currently operated at 138 kv. (9) Line is owned by Alaska Energy Authority. (10) Line is built to 138 kv standards. (11) Bradley Lake-Bradley Junction is two parallel lines; each 19 miles in length. AEA/ASCC WORK IN PROGRESS 65 WORK IN PROGRESS AS REPORTED JULY 1992 Alaska Electric Light and Power Company began site preparation for the new Operations Center at Lemon Creek during 1992. Alaska Power and Telephone Company has projects planned for the communities listed below: Craig/Klawock Skagway Hydaburg Began design work on Black Bear Lake Hydroelectric project, 4.5 MW installed capacity. Completed a new spillway at the hydro site and filed a preliminary permit application on Goat Lake, 6MW installed capacity, estimated for 1997. Plans a one mile line extension to the municipal water plant. Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. has projects planned for the communities listed below: Alakanuk Anvik Chevak Eek Emmonak Gambell Goodnews Bay Lower Kalskag Installation of a remote radiator and replacement of a Cat D353 engine with a rebuilt Cat 3412 engine. Installation of a remote radiator and a Cummins LTA10-63 1200 RPM generator set. Service to nine new HUD homes. Installation of a remote radiator and a Cummins KTA2300 1200 RPM generator set. Replacement of a Cat D342T engine with a Cummins LTA1063 1200 RPM engine. Installation of a 650 KW generator set and service to 11 new HUD homes. Replacement of a Cummins KTA1150 with a Caterpillar 3412 generator set. Service to nine new HUD homes. Replacement of a Cat D342 generator set with a Cummins KTA1150 1200 RPM generator set. 67 68 Hooper Bay Kiana Kivalina Koyuk Marshall Mekoryuk Minto New Stuyahok Noatak Noorvik Nunapitchuk Old Harbor Pilot Station Quinhagak Russian Mission Convert distribution system to overhead and service to 25 new HUD homes. Service to 11 new HUD homes. Installation of a remote radiator and replacement of a John Deere 6619A with a Cummins LTA1061 1800 RPM generator set. Installation of a remote radiator and replacement of an AC6851 engine with a Cummins LTA1061 1800 RPM engine. Service to 16 new HUD homes and replacement of an AC6851 engine with a Cummins LTA1061 1800 RPM engine. Convert distribution system to overhead. Replacement of a Cat 3304 with a Cummins LTA1063 1200 RPM generator set and installation of two remote radiators. Convert distribution system to overhead. Replacement of six John Deere 6619A with a Cummins KTA1150 1200 RPM generator set. Service to ten new HUD homes. Convert distribution system to overhead and installation of a Cummins KTA2300 1200 RPM generator set. Convert distribution system in old village from 480 volt to 7200 volt. Replacement of an AC6851 with a Cummins KTA1150 1200 RPM generator set. Replacement of Cat D342T with a Cummins KTA1150 generator set. Replacement of Cat 3304 with a Cummins LTA1063 1200 RPM generator set. WORK IN PROGRESS 65 WORK IN PROGRESS AS REPORTED JULY 1992 Alaska Electric Light and Power Company began site preparation for the new Operations Center at Lemon Creek during 1992. Alaska Power and Telephone Company has projects planned for the communities listed below: Craig/Klawock Skagway Hydaburg Began design work on Black Bear Lake Hydroelectric project, 4.5 MW installed capacity. Completed a new spillway at the hydro site and filed a preliminary permit application on Goat Lake, 6MW installed capacity, estimated for 1997. Plans a one mile line extension to the municipal water plant. Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. has projects planned for the communities listed below: Alakanuk Anvik Chevak Eek Emmonak Gambell Goodnews Bay Lower Kalskag Installation of a remote radiator and replacement of a Cat D353 engine with a rebuilt Cat 3412 engine. Installation of a remote radiator and a Cummins LTA10-63 1200 RPM generator set. Service to nine new HUD homes. Installation of a remote radiator and a Cummins KTA2300 1200 RPM generator set. Replacement of a Cat D342T engine with a Cummins LTA1063 1200 RPM engine. Installation of a 650 KW generator set and service to 11 new HUD homes. Replacement of a Cummins KTA1150 with a Caterpillar 3412 generator set. Service to nine new HUD homes. Replacement of a Cat D342 generator set with a Cummins KTA1150 1200 RPM generator set. 67 68 Hooper Bay Kiana Kivalina Koyuk Marshall Mekoryuk Minto New Stuyahok Noatak Noorvik Nunapitchuk Old Harbor Pilot Station Quinhagak Russian Mission Convert distribution system to overhead and service to 25 new HUD homes. Service to 11 new HUD homes. Installation of a remote radiator and replacement of a John Deere 6619A with a Cummins LTA1061 1800 RPM generator set. Installation of a remote radiator and replacement of an AC6851 engine with a Cummins LTA1061 1800 RPM engine. Service to 16 new HUD homes and replacement of an AC6851 engine with a Cummins LTA1061 1800 RPM engine. Convert distribution system to overhead. Replacement of a Cat 3304 with a Cummins LTA1063 1200 RPM generator set and installation of two remote radiators. Convert distribution system to overhead. Replacement of six John Deere 6619A with a Cummins KTA1150 1200 RPM generator set. Service to ten new HUD homes. Convert distribution system to overhead and installation of a Cummins KTA2300 1200 RPM generator set. Convert distribution system in old village from 480 volt to 7200 volt. Replacement of an AC6851 with a Cummins KTA1150 1200 RPM generator set. Replacement of Cat D342T with a Cummins KTA1150 generator set. Replacement of Cat 3304 with a Cummins LTA1063 1200 RPM generator set. Saint Mary's Saint Michael Savoonga Shageluk Shishmaref Shungnak Stebbins Toksook Bay Wales Installation of automatic load sensitive, engine start up, synchronizing, paralleling and load sharing equipment. Service to the new store and 28 new HUD homes. Replacement of GMC 8V-71 with a Cummins LTA1061 1800 RPM generator set. Service to 15 new HUD homes and conversion of plant voltage from 120/240 volt single phase to 480 volt three phase. Conversion of plant voltage from 120/208 volt single phase to 480 volt three phase. Replacement of AC3500 with Caterpillar 3304 generator set. Service to 20 new HUD homes. Replacement of GMC 8V-71 with a John Deere 6619A 1800 RPM generator set and conversion of the distribution system to overhead. Replacement of two AC6851's with two Cummins KTA1150 1200 RPM generator sets and conversion of the power plant from 120/240 volt single phase to 480 volt three phase. Replacement of Cat D353 engine with a rebuilt Cat 3412 1200 RPM engine. Replacement of GMC 4-71 with a Cummins LTA1063 1200 RPM generator set. Installation of a second remote radiator and service to 11 new HUD homes. Aniak Light & Power, Inc. plans to raise the generator building floor in the summer of 1992. Barrow Utilities & Electric Coop., Inc. installed distribution lines for a new subdivision. Bettles Light & Power installed new feeder switchgear. Chugach Electric Association, Inc. is rebuilding the Quartz Creek Substation. Transformer replacement at Bernice Lake is scheduled for 1992. Major projects include: Beluga #7 exhaust replacement, Beluga ground grid installation, substation upgrades at Campbell, Huffman, and Baxter Lake. 69 70 The City of King Cove is upgrading an underground cable from the powerhouse to the school. King Cove is also purchasing a Cat 3512 that is a self-contained, mobile unit. The City of Seward began upgrading 25 miles of 69 kV line to 115 kV. City of White Mountain Utilities plans installation of 40 street lights. Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. - Glennallen began Sheep Mountain Phase II, which will extend service to approximately Mile 110 on the Glenn Highway. Line extensions to Copper Center Bypass and Willow Lake Subdivision are being considered and preliminary feasibility studies are underway to provide service to Lake Louise and Paxton/Summit Lake Areas. Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. - Valdez began constructing service to the 2MW refinery in Valdez. Feasibility studies are considering additional generation in Valdez and line extensions are planned for two Valdez subdivisions. Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. applied for a line extension grant for White Shed Road. Humpback Creek Hydroelectric Project (1,250 KW), on-line as of May 1991, exceeded projected output by about 20%. Diomede Joint Utilities completed the fuel tank farm. Ekwok Electric is planning to install a 50 KW generator. Far North Utilities (Central) is planning an eight mile extension to Circle Hot Springs. Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. is planning a 22 mile 138 kV transmission line from North Pole Substation to Carney Substation. Service to a new gold mine is also planned. Gwitchyaa Zhee Utility Company is installing a new generator and extending their distribution system approximately 1 mile. Ketchikan Public Utilities is upgrading a major portion of the 34.5 kV transmission/distribution line (40% complete as of 5/92). KPU will replace one substation in 1992 and reconstruct 1.5 miles of the three phase 34.5 kV line with distribution underbuild. Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. constructed a new substation at Pillar Mountain during 1992. Kotlik Electric Service plans improvements to their 20,000 gallon fuel storage tank facility and is considering the purchase of a larger generator to meet increased demand. Kotzebue Electric Association, Inc. is installing a new generator. Larsen Bay Utility Company began service to Kodiak Salmon Packer on June 16, 1992. Manokotak Power Company is installing a 125 KW generator. McGrath Light and Power Co. plans to raise primary voltage from 2400 volts to 4160 volts in 1994. Naknek Electric Association, Inc. installed Generator 1 (865 KW) in May 1991, Generator 2 (865 KW) in May 1992, and Generator 3 (350 KW) was retired. Nome Joint Utility System is working on a five year plan that will include a new power plant with a waste heat system. Sitka Municipal Utility has two small hydro projects that are scheduled to come on-line in the spring of 1993. Combined generation of the two projects is estimated at 11 GWH annually. In addition, feasibility studies are underway for the proposed Takatz Lake Hydro; estimated at 75 GWH annual generation. St. Paul Municipal Electric Utility plans installation of 3412-350 KVA generator set and purchase of a 3512 Cat - 855 KW generator. Extension of service to FAA Lakehill site and assessment of underground storage tanks is underway. Tenakee Springs Electric Utility plans to extend electric service to the harbor area. A mini hydro generation plant (150 KW) on Indian River is expected to be constructed in 1992. Thorne Bay Electric Utility is planning a new power generation plant. Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Authority - Kake plans a new 20,000 gallon fuel storage tank for 1992. Unalaska Electric Utility plans a new street lighting program and a new commercial development area will be energized. 71 MARKET DATA 73 ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 ENERGY SALES, REVENUES AND CUSTOMERS (Page 1 of 5) Ered Revenues Region/Community Utility ($000) {Customers SOUTHEAST COFFMAN COVE coco 359 CRAIG AP&T 3,040 538 482 ELFIN COVE ECU 84 19 24 HAINES HL&P 3,864 593 603 HYDABURG AP&T 737 160 138) JUNEAU AEL&P 129,767 10,745 10,656 KETCHIKAN KPU 56,031 4,018 5,196 METLAKATLA MP&L 7,600 700 658 PELICAN PUC 693 109 129 PETERSBURG PMP&L 10,382 1,014 1,131 SITKA SED 34,636 2,527 2,951 SKAGWAY AP&T 2,190 375 334 TENAKEE SPRINGS TSE 165 58 81 29 10 12 THORNE BAY 1B 1,008 252 194 277 9% 76) TLINGIT-HAIDA REA (1) THREA 5,518 Tatoo 964 0 20 0 WRANGELL WML&P 6,238 6,020 428 5 YAKUTAT YPI 1,962 89 20 18 SOUTHEAST TOTAL 264,274 24,013 24,736 230,062 20,413 4, 244 103,527 8,204 2,132 597,862 52,630 31,112 GENERAL NOTES - Other: this category may include public street & highway lighting, interdepartmental sales, boat harbors, other sales to public authorities, or other sales to railroads. This category is based on FERC Form 1, Annual Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees and Others (Class A & B), page 301. - Customers: refers to the annual average number of meters for each billing group. NOTES (1) These values are a summation for all five Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Authority (THREA) communities; Angoon, Hoonah, Kake, Kasaan, and Klawock. SL AEA/ASCC 9L Region/Communi ty SOUTHCENTRAL AKHIOK ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE CHITINA CORDOVA GLENNALLEN HOMER/SELDOVIA KODIAK/PORT LIONS LARSEN BAY OLD HARBOR OUZINKIE PALMER PAXSON SEWARD TATITLEK VALDEZ SOUTHCENTRAL TOTAL Utility COA CEA AML&P CEI CEC CVEA HEA KDEA LBUC AVEC MEA PLI cos TEU CVEA Residential Revenues ($000) 55 25 447,929 38,062 148,520 14,950 64 31 5,678 1,309 4,213 882 134,059 14,331 26,025 4,053 185 7% 313 131 247 7% 250,654 26,171 52 1 14,156 1,447 126 10,197 1,042,473 103,328 Customers 22 53,966 23,478 23 937 842 15,467 3,939) 52 98 70 26,362 1,426 33 128,047 Commercial/Industrial Revenues ($000) 7 466,201 639,195 82 14,389 12,981 258,951 84, 682 181 79 195 146,297 595 14,392 52 24,491 1,662,840 ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 ENERGY SALES, REVENUES AND CUSTOMERS (Page 2 of 5) 29 30,891 53,080 34 2,731 2,239 18,495 11,751 30 58 12,159 119 1,668 136,980 Revenues ($000) Customers 20,442 216 920,043 798,617 154 20,440 17,621 393,645 111,509 405 623 570 397,224 647 44,153 181 35,388 2,741,436 Revenues ($000) |Customers 95 32 70,300 61,244 69,447 29,311 69 39 4,130 1,616 3,206 1,098 32,914 18,173 15,964 5,154 162 67 246 123 157 85 38,386 28,914 130 8 4,692 1,852 245,413 149,408 AEA/ASCC Region/Communi ty YUKON ALAKANUK ANVIK BEAVER BETTLES CENTRAL CHEVAK EAGLE EMMONAK FAIRBANKS FAIRBANKS FORT YUKON GALENA GRAYLING HOLY CROSS HOOPER BAY HUSLIA KALTAG KOTLIK MANLEY HOT SPRINGS MARSHALL MINTO MOUNTAIN VILLAGE NORTHWAY NULATO PILOT STATION RUSSIAN MISSION SCAMMON BAY SHAGELUK ST. MARY'S (1) TANANA TOK YUKON TOTAL Utility AVEC AVEC Buu BL&P FNU AVEC EPC AVEC GVEA FMUS G2UC coG AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC Kc MUC AVEC AVEC AVEC NP &L AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC TPC AP&T Revenues ($000) _|Customers 362 92 64 82 206 379 196 766 202,116 25,953 629 824 174 332 572 198 240 356 117 294 260 933 350 377 493 165 363 99 693 646 2,324 240,655 39 21 43 105 159 70 319 19,938 2,558 105 251 B 138 239 84 101 107 79 123 110 389 93 158 205 69 151 42 289 264 518 26,971 ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 ENERGY SALES, REVENUES AND CUSTOMERS (Page 3 of 5) Customers. [__Commercial/Industriat | [Other | owns | “s000y sano) (3000) es 122 46 6 343 121 56 21 4 129 47 121 67 13 47 6 602 375 25 0 0 134 58 38 0 0 205 71 1 503 174 329 138 40 5 2 220 77 "1 927 318 266 , 486 22,037 3,243 2,303 145 105,057 11,228 1,476 12,494 1,242 1,254 336 65 185 27 1,041 317 60 2,347 270 49 19 8 218 80 79 31 9 185 66 193 67 10 743 254 30 4 3 191 70 54 21 5 213 75 150 83 12 B 22 131 84 16 0 0 99 36 5 266 95 57 22 4 133 48 238 85 12 1,029 352 1,022 269 16 27 7 55 22 10 367 127 156 53 5 294 101 31 12 4 248 86 128 44 7 241 85 49 19 7 92 35 426 152 17 954 328 800 27% "1 16 6 2,667 500 95 2,952 581 30,931 382,041 36,575 5,248 27,526 4,770 (1) St. Mary's also sells power to Andreafski and Pitkas Point. x _ TOTAL Revenues ($000) 827 277 232 684 341 1,087 531 1,913 470,905 143,504 2,068 4,212 441 596 1,508 419 507 579 248 659 450 2,200 1,399 799 943 444 732 240 2,073 1,462 7,943 650,222 318 107 9% 418 163 404 210 714 42,120 15,028 468 838 172 235 560 165 197 212 163 254 180 826 370 307 359 167 280 %6 769 68,316 132 112 214 36,660 AEA/ASCC 8L ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 ENERGY SALES, REVENUES AND CUSTOMERS (Page 4 of 5) Region/Community Utility Ea ($000) [Customers ($000) _|Customers ($000) ($000) _|Customers ARCTIC/NORTHWEST AMBLER AVEC ANAKTUVUK PASS NSBPL ATMAUTLUAK AU ATQASUK NSBLP BARROW BU&EC DEADHORSE AUL DEERING IEC DIOMEDE DJU ELIM AVEC GAMBELL AVEC KAKTOVIK NSBPL KIANA AVEC KIVALINA AVEC KOBUK KVE KOTZEBUE KTEA KOYUK AVEC NOATAK AVEC NOME NJUS NOORVIK AVEC NUIQSUT NSBPL POINT HOPE NSBPL POINT LAY NSBPL SAVOONGA AVEC SELAWIK AVEC SHAKTOOLIK AVEC SHISHMAREF AVEC SHUNGNAK AVEC ST. MICHAEL AVEC STEBBINS AVEC TELLER TEPC UNALAKLEET UVEC WAINWRIGHT NSBPL WALES AVEC WHITE MOUNTAIN COWM ARCTIC/NORTHWEST TOTAL 31,076 6,555 5,725 96,120 14,754 1,162 20,242 2,939 709 147,438 24,248 7,596 AEA/ASCC ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 ENERGY SALES, REVENUES AND CUSTOMERS (Page 5 of 5) = | wa _| “ea000)” luster Region/C ity Utility ($000) _|Customers SOUTHWEST AKIACHAK ANCEC ANIAK APC ATKA AEC BETHEL BUC 19,133 3,655 284 CHIGNIK LAKE CLEU 15 5 3 COLD BAY G&K 2 jsen 883 40 CROOKED CREEK MKEC 365 186 40 DILLINGHAM/ALEKNAGIK NEC 7,708 1,321 236 EEK AVEC 41 16 3 EGEGIK EL&P 227 114 31 1 EKWOK EKW 22 6 4 6 GOODNEWS BAY AVEC 75 29 5 9 ILIAMNA/NEWHALEN INNEC 1,136 518 7% 0 KING COVE KCC 515 103 37 17 KOKHANOK KOKH 30 16 3 3 KONGI GANAK PPC 56 29 6 2 KWETHLUK KI 202 DG 8 9 KWIGILLINGOK KW 83 39 12 3 LEVELOCK LEC 44 19 14 9 LOWER/UPPER KALSKAG AVEC 109 42 8 13 MANOKOTAK MPC 220 7 16| 7 MCGRATH MGL&P 1,729 542 46 9 MEKORYUK AVEC 138 50 8 18 NAKNEK NEA 9,046 2,000 237 1 NAPAKIAK NIPC 159 78 13 8 NAPASKIAK NU 71 50 12 5 NELSON LAGOON NLEC 48 20 2 2 NEW STUYAHOK AVEC 21 8 4 10 NEWTOK UPC 18 10 7 4 NUNAPITCHUK/KASIGLUK AVEC 195 71 15 34 PORT HEIDEN COPH 178 54 33 0 QUINHAGAK AVEC 119 44 10 SAND POINT SPEI 1,170 354 179 ST. GEORGE STG ST. PAUL STP TOGIAK AVEC TOKSOOK BAY AVEC TUNUNAK AVEC UNALASKA/DUTCH HARBOR UE SOUTHWEST TOTAL 35,280 10,013 6,502 54,253 12,596 1,612 26,214 5,166 504 115,747 27,775 8,618 ALASKA TOTAL 1,613,758 170,879 195,941 2,425,317 221,318 32,708 213,632 26,185 4,745 4,252,706 418,382 233,394 3 AEA/ASCC 08 ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY USE AND COST (Page 1 of 5) Commercial/Industrial Avg. Use Avg. Use Avg. Avg. Region/Communi ty Utility Cents/KWH] | KWH/Cust. |Revenue/Cust.|Cents/KWH| |KWH/Cust .|Revenue/Cust .|Cents/KWH SOUTHEAST COFFMAN COVE coco 22.1 17,653 $3,391 19.2 15,078 $3,594 23.8) 8,422 $1,791 21.3 CRAIG AP&T 17.7 25,661 $4,331 16.9) 90,976 $12,310 13.5 15,545 $2,465 15.9 ELFIN COVE ECU 22.8) 4,850 $1,157 23.9] 6,217 $1,410 22.7| 4,280 $997 23.3 HAINES HL&P 15.3 20,360 $2,836 13.9) 29,607 $4,161 14.1 11,050 $1,606 14.5 HYDABURG AP&T 21.7 19,129 $4,097 21.4 13,556 $2,889 21.3 8,157 $1,758 21.6 JUNEAU AEL&P 8.3 60,017 $4,144 6.9 167,727 $10,530 6.3 21,719 $1,613 7.4 KETCHIKAN KPU 7.2 74,555 $5,275 7.1 6,520 $1,287 19.7 19,549 $1,449 7.4 METLAKATLA MP&L 9.2 108,910 $13,250 12.2 360,333 $42,167 11-7] 27,033 $2,982 11.0 PELICAN PUC 15.7 70,768 $9,579 13.5 17,000 $2,000 11.8 20,233 $2,827 14.0) PETERSBURG PMP&L 9.8 63,904 $6,283 9.8 2,438 $329 13.5 17,196 $1,703 9.9 SITKA SED 7.3 62,875 $5,111 8.1 31,324 $2,551 8.1 20,460 $1,593 7.8 SKAGWAY AP&T 17.1 40,431 $6,052 15.0 25,761 $3,870 15.0 16,260 $2,530 15.6 TENAKEE SPRINGS TSE 35.4 8,714 $3,069 35.2 2,417 $869 36.0 2,953 $1,046 35.4 THORNE BAY TB 25.0 15,762 $3,941 25.0 3,650 $1,242 34.0 6,151 $1,619 26.3 TLINGIT-HAIDA REA (1) THREA 31.9 19,917 $5,500 27.6) 0 $0 0.0 8,684 $2,608 30.0 WRANGELL WML&P 10.3 14,428 $1,439 10.0) | 1,204,000 $85,600 TA 13,970 $1,271 9.1 YAKUTAT YPI 21.6 56,077 $10,192 18.2 4,944 $1,111 22.5 15,474 $3,034 19.6 SOUTHEAST AVERAGE 10,684 $971 9.1 54,209 $4,810 8.9 48,558 $3,839 7.9 19,216 $1,692 8.8 GENERAL NOTES - Other: this category may include public street & highway lighting, interdepartmental sales, boat harbors, other sales to public authorities, or other sales to railroads. This category is based on FERC Form 1, Annual Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees and Others (Class A & B), page 301. - Cents/KWH: These averages do not necessarily reflect the actual retail rates charged to customers. Cents/KWH is calculated from Revenues/Sales. Revenues can include interest earnings, salvage values, one-time receivables for disposal of equipment, or funds from litigation. Total revenues are also affected by losses, debt write-offs, or funds paid to settle litigation. Specific information on utility electric rates can be found on the next table, "Typical Monthly Electric Bills". Average cents/kwh values have been weighted by kwh sales. NOTES (1) These values are a summation for all five Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Authority (THREA) communities; Angoon, Hoonah, Kake, Kasaan, and Klawock. AEA/ASCC ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY USE AND COST (Page 2 of 5) Region/Communi ty Utility ents/KWH] |KWH/Cust .|Revenue/Cust .|Cents/KWH] | KWH/Cust. |Revenue/Cust. KWH/Cust .|Revenue/Cust .|Cents/KWH SOUTHCENTRAL AKHIOK COA 44.9 19,156 $7,359 8.4 14,057 $6,910 : $2,983 44.3 ANCHORAGE CEA 8.5 64,633 $4,283 6.6 90,969 $20,723 5 $1,148 7.6 ANCHORAGE AML&P 10.1 118,501 $9,841 8.3 24,834 $3,228 ° $2,369 8.7) CHITINA CEI 48.4 5,874 $2,443 41.6 3,893 $1,678 a $1,762 44.5 CORDOVA CEC 23.1 22,624 $4,294 19.0 8,674 $2,093 é $2,556 20.2 GLENNALLEN CVEA 20.9) 59,820 $10,320 17.3 10,949 $2,168 ce $2,920 18.2 HOMER/SELDOVIA HEA 10.7 97,204 $6,943 7.1 15,140 $2,107 . $1,811 8.4 KODIAK/PORT LIONS KDEA 15.6 69,870 $9,696 13.9 267,333 $53,333 ° $3,097 14.3 LARSEN BAY LBUC 40.0 20,144 $8,058 40.0 6,560 $2,624 5 $2,420 40.0 OLD HARBOR AVEC 41.9 9,875 $3,750 38.0 13,588 $5,000 ° $2,000 39.5 OUZINKIE ou 29.9 19,489 $5,794 FY 25,508 $5,048 9. $1,850 27.6 PALMER MEA 10.4 58,031 $4,823 8.3 8,806 $1,806 0. $1,328 Onn PAXSON PLI 21.2 198,333 $39,667 20.0 0 so 0. $16,250 20.1 SEWARD cos 10.2 59,226 $6, 864 11.6 85,273 $8,617 10. $2,533 10.6 TATITLEK TEU 26.0 5,246 $1,362 26.0 2,458 26. $1,068 26.0) VALDEZ CVEA 17.1 86, 236 $12,707 14.7 18,919 16. $3,318 15.4 SOUTHCENTRAL AVERAGE 8,141 $807 9.9 81,344 $6,701 8.2 39,307 $5,556 14.1 18,349 $1,643 9.0 fed AEA/ASCC 78 ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY USE AND COST Region/Community Utility |KWH/Cust. KWH/Cust .|Revenue/Cust .|Cents/KWH| | KWH/Cust. |Revenue/Cust./Cents/KWH| |KWH/Cust ./Revenue/Cust.|Cents/KWH YUKON ALAKANUK AVEC 20,333 $7,667 37.7 20,176 $7,118 35.3 ANVIK AVEC 14,000 $5,250 37.5 12,900 $4,700 36.4 BEAVER BJU 9,311 $5,153 55.3 11,808 $1,511 12.8 BETTLES BL&P 24,080 $15,000 62.3 0 $0 0.0 CENTRAL FNU 3,538 $1,526 43.1 0 $0 0.0 CHEVAK AVEC 18,636 $6,455 34.6 27,944 $9,667 34.6 EAGLE EPC 8,233 $3,450 41.9 1,325 $500 37.7 EMMONAK AVEC 20,000 $7,000 35.0 33,107 $11,357 34.3 FAIRBANKS GVEA 82,173 $6,795 8.3 69, 788 $4,394 6.3 FAIRBANKS FMUS 71,177 $7,607 10.7 240,269 $23,885 9.9) FORT YUKON G2UC 19,288 $5,169 26.8) 26,414 $3,843 14.5 GALENA COG 17,350 $5,283 30.5 180 ,538 $20,769 11.5 GRAYLING AVEC 6,125 $2,375 38.8 14,533 $5,333 36.7 HOLY CROSS AVEC 8,778 $3,444 39.2 11,563 $4,125 35.7 HOOPER BAY AVEC 19,300 $6,700 34.7 30,958 $10,583 34.2 HUSLIA AVEC 10,000 $3,667 36.7 11,235 $4,118 36.6 KALTAG AVEC 10,800 $4,200 38.9 17,750 $6,250 35.2 KOTLIK kc 12,506 $6,914 55.3 12,218 $3,680 30.1 MANLEY HOT SPRINGS MUC 8,188 $5,250 64.1 0 $0 0.0 MARSHALL AVEC 19,800 $7,200 36.4 15,647 $5,588 35.7 MINTO AVEC 14,250 $5,500 38.6 13,300 $4,800 36.1 MOUNTAIN VILLAGE AVEC 19,833 $7,083 35.7 38,111 $13,037 34.2 NORTHWAY NP &L 63,870 $16,842 26.4 9,056 $2,389 26.4 NULATO AVEC 5,500 $2,200 40.0 17,476 $6,048 34.6 PILOT STATION AVEC 31,200 $10,600 34.0 17,294 $5,941 34.4 RUSSIAN MISSION AVEC 7,750 $3,000 38.7 31,000 $10,750 34.7 SCAMMON BAY AVEC 18,286 $6,286 34.4 15,063 $5,313 35.3 SHAGELUK AVEC 7,000 $2,714 38.8) 9,200 $3,500 38.0 ST. MARY'S (1) AVEC 25,059 $8,941 35.7 34,071 $11,714 34.4 TANANA TPC $24,909 34.3 16,000 $6,000 37.5 TOK AP&T $5,263 18.7 62,809 $12,362 af] YUKON AVERAGE 72,798 $6,969 9.6 57,226 $9,917 17.3 17,737 $1,864 (1) St. Mary's also sells power to Andreafski and Pitkas Point. (Page 3 of 5) AEA/ASCC ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY USE AND COST (Page 4 of 5) Commercial/Industrial Region/Communi ty Utility i KWH/Cust .|Revenue/Cust .|Cents/KWH| | KWH/Cust. |Revenue/Cust./Cents/KWH| |KWH/Cust ./Revenue/Cust .|Cents/KWH ARCTIC/NORTHWEST AMBLER AVEC 4,757 $1,986 41.8 7,357 $2,929 39.8 20,190 $7,095 35.1 3 ANAKTUVUK PASS NSBPL 6,327 $893 14.1 15,717 $8,090 51.5 13,790 $4,290 31.1 -0 ATMAUTLUAK AU 4,455 $1,881 42.2 8,324 $4,219 50.7 79,800 $40,690 51.0 0 ATQASUK NSBLP 8,308 $1,508 18.2 27,051 $8,342 30.8 32,280 $8,810 27.3 2 BARROW BU&EC 5,940 $475 8.0 75,018 $4,778 6.4 93,685 $3,262 3.5 24,698 $1,399 5.7 DEADHORSE AUI 0 $0 0.0 612,300 $85,717 14.0) 0 $0 0.0 612,300 $85,717 14.0 DEERING IEC 4,902 $1,927 39.3 25,750 $9,500 36.9 6,400 $2,300 35.9) 7,983 $3,017 37.8 DIOMEDE DJU 3,856 $1,477 38.3 19,869 $8,544 43.0 3,325 $1,430 43.0 6,847 $2,807 41.0 ELIM AVEC 3,301 $1,384 41.9 11,600 $4,400 37.9 20,000 $7,000 35.0 5,831 $2,247 38.5 GAMBELL AVEC 3,475 $1,458 42.0 31,000 $11,000 35.5 21,955 $7,636 34.8) 7,390 $2,781 37.6 KAKTOVIK NSBPL 5,691 $793 13.9 30,665 $9,492 31.0 19,300 $6,510 33.7 12,225 $3,080 25.2 KIANA AVEC o7| 13,333 $4,750 35.6 22,944 $7,944 34.6 7,591 $2,858 37.7 KIVALINA AVEC 9 37,000 $12,500 33.8) 32,286 $10,643 33.0 10,101 $3,646 36.1 KOBUK KVE 9 8,900 $4,678 52.6 0 $0 0.0 4,013 $2,159 53.8 KOTZEBUE KTEA 4 66,981 $11,759 17.6 7,286 $1,048 14.4 16,407 $2,977 18.1 KOYUK AVEC ad] 10,833 $4,000 36.9 20,250 $7,167 35.4 7,154 $2,747 38.4 NOATAK AVEC 8 15,286 $5,143 33.6 41,000 $13,909 33.9 9,072 $3,268 36.0 NOME NJUS 3 76,904 $10,956 14.2 5,513 $941 17.1 15,626 $2,368 15.2 NOORVIK AVEC 7 10,444 $4,000 38.3 43,583 $15,083 34.6 8,359 $3,172 37.9 NUIQSUT NSBPL 4 24,725 $7,425 30.0 18,320 $3,010 16.4 11,651 $2,709 23.3 POINT HOPE NSBPL -7 27,805 $8,238 29.6 17,215 $2,630 15.3 11,929 $2,689 22.5 POINT LAY NSBPL of 26,678 $7,468 28.0 11,200 $1,420 12.7] 10,627 $2,526 23.8 SAVOONGA AVEC 8 20,375 $7,000 34.4 21,682 $7,500 34.6 7,027 $2,622 37.3, SELAWIK AVEC 9 24,167 $8,500 35.2 23, 286 $8,190 35.2 7,197 $2,745 38.1 SHAKTOOLIK AVEC 8 18,500 $7,250 39.2 20,800 $7,300 35.1 8,672 $3,388 39.1 SHISHMAREF AVEC 8 23,000 $7,833 34.1 22,632 $8,158 36.0 7,238 $2,776 38.4 SHUNGNAK AVEC 4 30,500 $10,500 34.4 19,125 $6,625 34.6 9,000 $3,342 37.1 ST. MICHAEL AVEC 8 18,429 $6,571 35.7 24,583 $8,500 34.6 7,678 $2,874 37.4 STEBBINS AVEC 9 36,250 $12,750 35.2 14,824 $5,294 35.7 6,234 $2,374 38.1 TELLER TEPC at 26,875 $14,255 53.0 11,262 $6,100 54.2 8,507 $4,567 53.7 UNALAKLEET UVEC 6) 33,103 $7,759 23.4 0 $0 0.0 11,212 $2,816 25.1 WAINWRIGHT NSBPL 9) 39,840 $13,271 33.3 31,700 $6,807 21.5 15,488 $4,582 29.6 WALES AVEC Bu 8,333 $3,333 40.0 19,200 $6,900 35.9 6,483 8 WHITE MOUNTAIN COWM -8 18,969 $6,769 35.7 9,114 $3,100 34.0 6,139 ) ARCTIC/NORTHWEST AVERAGE 5,428 $1,145 21.1 82,720 $12,697 15.3 28,550 $4,110 14.4 19,410 $3,192 16.4 8 AEA/ASCC +8 ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY USE AND COST (Page 5 of 5) Residential a Commercial/Industrial Avg. Avg. Region/Communi ty Utility [KWH/Cust./Revenue/Cust.|Cents/KWH] |KWH/Cust .|Revenue/Cust .|Cents/KWH SOUTHWEST AKIACHAK ANCEC 3,047 $1,493 49.0 11,525 $5,001 43.4 8,165 $3,254 39.9 4,655 $2,140 46.0 ANIAK APC 4,886 $2,152 44.0 39,741 $16,148 40.6 1,000 $0 0.0) 9,925 $4,172 42.0 ATKA AEC 2,899 $1,219 42.0 18,875 $4,785 25.4 20,484 $5,930 28.9 6,240 $2,001 32.1 BETHEL BUC 5,859 $1,335 22.8 67,370 $12,870 19.1 266,490 $54,500 20.5 15,876 $3,218 20.3 CHIGNIK LAKE CLEU 420 $208 49.6 4,938 $1,608 32.6 966 $315 32.6 768 $307 40.0 COLD BAY G&K 11,889 $4,333 36.4 58,225 $22,075 37.9 410,000 $147,000 35.9 41,130 $15,403 37.4 CROOKED CREEK MKEC 2,228 $1,304 58.5 9,130 $4,650 50.9 4,362 $2,554 58.6 4,026 $2,192 54.5 DILLINGHAM/ALEKNAGIK NEC 6,179 $1,135 18.4 32,660 $5,597 17.1 16,478 $2,990 18.1 12,782 $2,262 17.7 EEK AVEC 3,081 $1,284 41.7 13,667 $5,333 39.0 18,200 $6,700 36.8 5,184 $2,046 39.5 EGEGIK EL&P 4,118 $2,078 50.5 7,310 $3,677 50.3 255,100 $68 ,000 26.7 8,334 $3,470 41.6 EKWOK EKW 2,535 $705 27.8 5,586 $1,565 28.0 2,199 $636 28.9 2,756 $771 28.0 GOODNEWS BAY AVEC 3,000 $1,261 42.0 15,000 $5,800 38.7 18,222 $6,444 35.4 5,373 $2,096 39.0 ILIAMNA/NEWHALEN INNEC 4,420 $2,025 45.8) 15,357 $7,004 45.6 0 $0 0.0 7,864 $3,593 45.7 KING COVE KCC 7,130 $1,432 20.1 13,919 $2,784 20.0 16,706 $3,353 20.1 9,200 $1,845 20.1 KOKHANOK KOKH 2,472 $1,361 55.1 10,000 $5,333 53.3 5,000 $2,667 53.3 3,190 $1,738 54.5 KONGIGANAK PPC 4,693 $2,384 50.8 9,364 $4,790 51.2 2,261 $11,948 528.4 5,006 $2,838 56.7 KWETHLUK KI 3,369 $837 24.8 25,250 $9,625 38.1 5,667 $1,111 19.6 4,608 $1,297 28.2 KWIGILLINGOK KW 4,364 $2,212 50.7 6,917 $3,250 47.0 7,000 $2,000 28.6 4,840 $2,358 48.7 LEVELOCK LEC 3,461 $1,484 42.9 3,112 $1,333 42.8 34,418 $11,327 32.9 7,211 $2,669 37.0 LOWER/UPPER KALSKAG AVEC 3,443 $1,440 41.8 13,663 $5,275 38.6 16,692 $5,938 35.6 5,311 $2,096 39.5 MANOKOTAK MPC 3,906 $1,321 33.8 13,750 $4,813 35.0 10,286 $2,429 23.6 5,473 $1,814 33.1 MCGRATH MGL&P 4,862 $1,719 35.3 37,587 $11,783 31.3 50,778 $9,667 19.0 13,505 $4,126 30.6 MEKORYUK AVEC 2,844 $1,195 42.0 17,250 $6,250 36.2 15,444 $5,500 35.6 6,165 $2,340 38.0 NAKNEK NEA 6,483 $1,429 22.0 38,169 $8,439 22.11] 5,447,000 $738,000 13.5 23,522 $4,584 19.5 NAPAKIAK NIPC 3,314 $1,623 49.0 12,219 $5,983 49.0 4,031 $1,947 48.3 4,460 $2,182 48.9 NAPASKIAK NU 3,112 $1,626 52.2 5,889 $4,196 71.3 2,278 $0 0.0 3,422 $1,867 54.6) NELSON LAGOON NLEC 7,533 $3,147 41.8 23,780 $10,000 42.1 34,275 $14,300 41.7 10,062 $4,206 41.8 NEW STUYAHOK AVEC 4,434 $1,843 41.6 5,250 $2,000 38.1 25,100 $8,600 34.3 6,598 $2,546 38.6 NEWTOK UPC 1,692 $938 55.5 2,552 $1,386 54.3 1,687 $1,478 87.6 1,792 $1,026 57.3 NUNAPITCHUK/KASIGLUK AVEC 3,687 $1,540 41.8 13,027 $4,747 36.4 19,500 $6,994 35.9 6,523 $2,517 38.6 PORT HEIDEN COPH 4,516 $1,315 29.1 5,394 $1,634 30.3 0 $0 0.0 4,849 $1,436 29.6 QUINHAGAK AVEC 3,242 $1,358 41.9 11,900 $4,400 37.0 26,250 $9,188 35.0 6,356 $2,425 38.1 SAND POINT SPEI 5,679 $1,820 32.0 6,536 $1,975 30.2 44,035 $12,234 27.8 7,663 $2,329 30.4 ST. GEORGE STG 5,048 $1,993 39.5 15,076 $7,571 50.2 25,937 $14,042 54.1 10,279 $4,981 48.5 ST. PAUL STP 9,654 $3,244 33.6 43,323 $13,737 31.7 56,662 $13,268 23.4 22,819 $6,374 27.9 TOGIAK AVEC 4,325 $1,809 41.8) 14,000 $5,500 39.3 24,095 $8,667 36.0 7,048 $2,771 39.3 TOKSOOK BAY AVEC 4,367 $1,811 41.5 10,143 $4,000 39.4 23,643 $8,286 35.0 7,162 $2,766 38.6 TUNUNAK AVEC 3,000 $1,257 41.9 12,000 $4,571 38. 16,500 $5,833 35.4 6,091 $2,323 38.1 UNALASKA/DUTCH HARBOR UE 10,333 $2,118 20.5 57,145 $10,291 18.0 813,727 $100, 182 12.3 39,594 $6,255 15.8) SOUTHWEST AVERAGE 5,426 $1,540 28.4 33,656 $7,814 23.2 52,011 $10,250 19.7 13,431 $3,223 24.0 ALASKA AVERAGE 8,236 $872 10.6 74,151 $6,766 9.1 45,022 $5,509 12.2 18,221 $1,793 9.8 AEA/ASCC ss ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 TYPICAL MONTHLY ELECTRIC BILLS AT VARYING USAGE LEVELS FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS (Page 1 of 5) 1000 KWH 2500 KWH Region/Community Utility $/Month cents/KWH $/Month cents/KWH $/Month cents/KWH SOUTHEAST ANGOON THREA $155.25 -1) $224.38 $293.51 29.4 $708.26 COFFMAN COVE coco $115.00 23.0) $172.50 . $230.00 23.0 $575.00 CRAIG AP&T a $82.96 16.6] $122.76 ' $162.56 16.3 $401.36 ELFIN COVE ECU $112.00 «4 $168.00 ° $224.00 22.4 $765.00 HAINES HL&P $79.50 +9) $115.75 . $152.00 15.2 $369.50 HOONAH THREA $155.25 -1] $224.38 le $293.51 29.4 $708.26 HYDABURG AP&T 7 si $99.58 19.9] $147.56 e $195.53 19.6 $483.38 le JUNEAU (1) AEL&P 5 . $49.05 9.8 $69.33 o.2 $89.60 9.0 $211.25 8.5 JUNEAU (2) AEL&P . $43.40 8.7 $60.85 8.1 $78.30 7.8 $183.00 Ges KAKE THREA . $155.25 31.1] $224.38 29.9) $293.51 29.4 $708.26 28.3) KASAAN THREA . $155.25 31.1) $224.38 29.9 $293.51 29.4 $708.26 28.3 KETCHIKAN KPU Tes $39.50 7.9 $59.25 7.9 $79.00 a9 $197.50 7.9 KLAWOCK THREA 3.7] $155.25 31.1) $224.38 29.9) $293.51 29.4 $708.26 28.3 METLAKATLA MP&L 9.2 $46.00 9.2 $69.00 9.2 $92.00 9.2 $230.00 CE PELICAN PUC 15.1 $75.50 15.1] $113.25 Set $151.00 15.1 $380.52 15.2 PETERSBURG PMP&L 8.7| $55.50 6 $78.25 10.4 $101.00 10.1 $198.50 7.9 SITKA SED 8.4 $36.00 7.2 $51.00 6.8 $66.00 6.6 $171.00 6.8 SKAGWAY AP&T 18.6 $81.63 16.3] $115.68 15.4 $149.42 14.9 $354.03 14.2 TENAKEE SPRINGS TSE 36.0 $180.00 36.0} $270.00 36.0 $360.00 36.0 $900.00 36.0 THORNE BAY 1B 25.0 $125.00 25.0) $187.50 25.0 $250.00 25.0 $625.00 25.0 WRANGELL WML&P 13.0 $53.40 10.7 $73.40 9.8 $93.40 9.3 $213.40 8.5 YAKUTAT YPI 25.4 $115.61 23.1] $165.99 22.1 $216.37 21.6) $501.82 20.1 GENERAL NOTES - Typical monthly bill information is collected by AEA in the same format used by the Rural Electrication Association (REA) form 7 Part Q. Values are based on year round rates in effect as of January 1, 1991 unless stated otherwise. These values do not include adjustments for any Power Cost Equaliztion (PCE) payments that may be applicable. NOTES (1) These values represent AEL&P's winter rates. (2) These values represent AEL&P's summer rates. AEA/ASCC 98 Region/Community SOUTHCENTRAL AKHIOK ANCHORAGE ANCHORAGE CHITINA CORDOVA GLENNALLEN HOMER/SELDOVIA KODIAK/PORT LIONS LARSEN BAY OLD HARBOR OUZINKIE PALMER PAXSON SEWARD TATITLEK VALDEZ ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 TYPICAL MONTHLY ELECTRIC BILLS AT VARYING USAGE LEVELS FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS (Page 2 of 5) P50 KWH SOO KWH TSO KWH T1000 KWH T2500 KWH Utility [Minimum Bill] $/Month — cents/KWH $/Month __cents/KWH| $/Month _cents/KWH $/Month _cents/KWH $/Month _cents/KWH COA . $112.50 -0 $225.00 45.0] $337.50 -0 $450.00 45.0} $1,125.00 45.0 CEA \. $26.01 4 $45.78 9.2) $65.54 7 $85.30 8.5 $203.88 8.2 AML&P . $26.62 6 $47.74 9.5) $68.86 Pe $89.98 9.0 $216.70 8.7 CEI a $101.75 27 $203.50 40.7] $305.25 7 $395.25 39.5 $935.25 37.4 CEC ° $66.37 5 $114.90 23.0) $163.12 7 $208.59 20.9 $451.44 18.1 CVEA . $55.30 Ai $101.20 20.2) $144.25 +2 $187.30 18.7 $445.60 17.8) HEA * $34.30 rd $57.76 11.6) $81.13 8) $102.29 10.2 $225.91 9.0 KDEA . $42.14 +9 $76.77 15.4] $111.41 9 $146.04 14.6 $353.06 14.1 LBUC ° $100.00 -0 $200.00 40.0) $300.00 -0 $400.00 40.0] $1,000.00 40.0 AVEC | $104.15 ea $208.30 41.7) $312.45 ed $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 40.5 ou . $75.00 0 $150.00 30.0] $225.00 +0) $300.00 30.0 $750.00 30.0 MEA 5 $32.55 -0 $55.09 . $77.63 4 $100.17 +0 $214.05 8.6) PLI 5 $52.65 at $105.30 . $157.95 of $210.60 ef $526.50 21.1 cos . $35.60 2 $55.80 . $76.00 1 $96.20 le $217.40 8.7 TEU le $97.50 -0 $195.00 $292.50 0) $390.00 ° $975.00 9.0 <1 2.0 =w CVEA . $47.80 $88.10 $127.50 . $166.30 ° $300.10 AEA/ASCC L8 ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 TYPICAL MONTHLY ELECTRIC BILLS AT VARYING USAGE LEVELS FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS (Page 3 of 5) P50 KWH S00 KWH TO KWH 000 KWH SOO KWH CC Region/Communi ty Utility [Minimum Bill] $/Month — cents/KWH $/Month _cents/KWH] $/Month — cents/KWH $/Month —_cents/KWH $/Month —_cents/KWH YUKON ALAKANUK AVEC . $104.15 $208.30 . $312.45 41.7) $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 40.5 ANVIK AVEC . $104.15 $208.30 . $312.45 41.7 $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 40.5 BEAVER BUJU . $125.00 $250.00 . $375.00 50.0 $500.00 50.0) $1,250.00 50.0 BETTLES BL&P $131.37 $262.75 . $394.13 52.6 $525.50 52.5) $1,313.75 52.5 CENTRAL FNU . $128.00 . $235.00 - $325.00 43.3 $473.00 47.3) $1,282.00 51.3 CHEVAK AVEC . $104.15 . $208.30 $312.45 41.7 $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 40.5 EAGLE EPC . $100.00 . $195.00 $290.00 38.7 $385.00 38.5 $955.00 38.2 EMMONAK AVEC 5 $104.15 . $208.30 . $312.45 41.7 $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 40.5 FAIRBANKS GVEA . $33.88 . $57.77 . $77.27 10.3 $96.78 9.7] $213.83 8.6 FAIRBANKS FMUS 5 $29.43 $52.05 . $71.80 9.6) $91.55 9.2 $210.05 8.4 FORT YUKON G2uC . $92.79 $170.59 . $229.64 0.6) $288.69 28.9|Data not available GALENA CoG . $70.00 $140.00 . $210.00 . $280.00 28.0 $700.00 GRAYLING AVEC . $104.15 . $208.30 . $312.45 . $416.60 41.7] $1,011.50 HOLY CROSS AVEC 5 $104.15 . $208.30 . $312.45 . $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 HOOPER BAY AVEC 5 $104.15 . $208.30 ° $312.45 . $416.60 41.7] $1,011.50 HUSLIA AVEC $104.15 . $208.30 $312.45 . $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 KALTAG AVEC $104.15 . $208.30 $312.45 . $416.60 41.7] $1,011.50 KOTLIK Kc . $75.00 . $150.00 . $225.00 . $300.00 30.0 $750.00 MANLEY HOT SPRINGS = MUC . $175.75 . $341.50 . $507.25 . $673.00 67.3] $1,667.50 . MARSHALL AVEC . $104.15 $208.30 . $312.45 7 $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 40.5 MINTO AVEC 5 $104.15 $208.30 ° $312.45 7 $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 40.5 MOUNTAIN VILLAGE AVEC 5 $104.15 . $208.30 . $312.45 ae $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 40.5 NORTHWAY NP &L $65.40 ° $130.00 5 $195.00 -0 $260.00 26.0 $650.00 26.0 NULATO AVEC 5 $104.15 . $208.30 . $312.45 -7 $416.60 41.7] $1,011.50 40.5 PILOT STATION AVEC ° $104.15 . $208.30 . $312.45 of] $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 40.5 RUSSIAN MISSION AVEC 5 $104.15 . $208.30 . $312.45 7 $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 40.5 SCAMMON BAY AVEC . $104.15 $208.30 . $312.45 7 $416.60 41.7] $1,011.50 40.5 SHAGELUK AVEC 5 $104.15 . $208.30 . $312.45 7 $416.60 41.7) $1,011.50 40.5 ST. MARY'S AVEC 5 $104.15 . $208.30 . $312.45 7 $416.60 41.7| $1,011.50 40.5 TANANA TPC . $108.18 . $207.74 . $301.93 3 $396.10 39.6 $999.95 40.0 4 22.1 20.2 TOK AP&T le . . $114.72 : $167.72 $220.72 $506.17 AEA/ASCC 88 Region/Community ARCTIC/NORTHWEST AMBLER ANAKTUVUK PASS ATMAUTLUAK ATQASUK BARROW DEADHORSE (1) DEERING DIOMEDE ELIM GAMBELL KAKTOVIK KIANA KIVALINA KOBUK KOTZEBUE KOYUK NOATAK NOME NOORVIK NUIQSUT POINT HOPE POINT LAY SAVOONGA SELAWIK SHAKTOOLIK SHISHMAREF SHUNGNAK ST. MICHAEL STEBBINS TELLER UNALAKLEET WAINWRIGHT WALES WHITE MOUNTAIN NOTES Utility [Minimum Bill AVEC NSBPL AU NSBLP BU&EC AUI IEC DJU AVEC AVEC NSBPL AVEC AVEC KVE KTEA AVEC AVEC NJUS AVEC NSBPL NSBPL NSBPL AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC TEPC UVEC NSBPL AVEC COWM ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES 1991 TYPICAL MONTHLY ELECTRIC BILLS AT VARYING USAGE LEVELS FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS P50 KWH S00 KWH 50 KWH 1000 KWH T2500 KWH $/Month cents/KWH $/Month cents/KWH $/Month cents/KWH $/Month cents/KWH (Page 4 of 5) $/Month cents/KWH $18 $15 $85 $15 $9 See Note $0 $0 $18 $18 $18 $15. $18. $18. $0. $15. $18. $18. $3. $18. $15. $15. $15. $18. $18. $18. $18. $18. $18. $35. $4. $15. $18. $57. -60 -00' -00 -00: -00 (1) -00 -00 ~60 +60 00 60 60 00 41 60) 60 00 60) 00) 00) 00 60 60 60) -60 60) $104 $47 $104 $104 $37 $104. $37. $117. $37. $24. $96. Data not $104. $104. $37. $104. $104. Data not $68. 15 $104. 38 $104. $37. $37. $37. $104. $104. $104. $104. 15 $104. oie $134. $66. -50 $104. $95. 15) 50 00 50 50 25 15 15 50 15 15 54 15 15 50 50 50 15 15 15 15 15 38 60 15 85 38. available 41. 41. 15. 41. 41. available 27. 41. 41. 19. 41. 15. 15. 15. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 53. 26. 15. 41. 38. (1) Arctic Utilities Inc. only has commercial customers. u NNONN WNOAM*NNNNNNNOOONONNS $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $135.00 27.0] $247.50 33.0 $360. $234.00 46.8) $351.00 46.8 $470. $145.00 29.0) $270.00 36.0 $395. $40.00 8.0} $54.50 5 $71. $192.50 38.5] $288.75 38.5 $385. Data not available Data not available Data not $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $115.00 23.0} $202.50 27.0 $290. $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. Data not available Data not available Data not $125.51 25.1] $182.49 24.3 $239. $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $208.30 41.7| $312.45 41.7| $416. $85.88 17.2] $130.62 17.4 $169. $208.30 41.7) $312.45 41.7 $416. $145.00 29.0] $270.00 36.0 $395. $115.00 23.0] $202.50 27.0 $290. $135.00 27.0] $247.50 33.0 $360. $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $208.30 41.7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $268.75 53.8] $403.12 bat, $537. $129.20 25.8] $191.80 25.6 $254. $115.00 23.0] $202.50 27.0 $290. $208.30 -7] $312.45 41.7 $416. $191.70 -3| $287.55 38.3 $383. 60 00 00 00 00 00 available 60 60 00 60 60 available 38 60 00 00 00 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 50 40 00 60 40 $1,011.50 40.5 $1,035.00 41.4 $1,175.00 47.0 $1,145.00 45.8 $164.00 6.6 $962.50 38.5 Data not available $1,011.50 40.5 $1,011.50 40.5 $815.00 32.6 $1,011.50 40.5 $1,011.50 40.5 Data not available $581.31 23.3 $1,011.50 40.5 $1,011.50 40.5 $401.88 16.1 $1,011.50 40.5 $1,145.00 45.8 $815.00 32.6 $1,035.00 41.4 $1,011.50 40.5 $1,011.50 40.5 $1,011.50 40.5 $1,011.50 40.5 $1,011.50 40.5 $1,011.50 40.5 $1,011.50 40.5 $1,343.75 53.8 $630.00 25.2 $815.00 32.6 $1,011.50 40.5 $958.50 AEA/ASCC 68 Region/Communi ty SOUTHWEST AKIACHAK ANIAK ATKA BETHEL CHIGNIK LAKE COLD BAY CROOKED CREEK DILLINGHAM/ALEKNAGIK EEK EGEGIK EKWOK GOODNEWS BAY ILIAMNA/NEWHALEN KING COVE KOKHANOK KONGI GANAK KWETHLUK KWIGILLINGOK LEVELOCK LOWER/UPPER KALSKAG MANOKOTAK MCGRATH MEKORYUK NAKNEK NAPAKIAK NAPASKIAK NELSON LAGOON NEW STUYAHOK NEWTOK NUNAPI TCHUK/KASIGLUK PERRYVILLE PORT HEIDEN QUINHAGAK SAND POINT ST. GEORGE ST. PAUL TOGIAK TOKSOOK BAY TUNUNAK Utility ANCEC APC AEC BUC CLEU G&K MKEC NEC AVEC EL&P EKW AVEC INNEC KCC KOKH PPC KI KW LEC AVEC MPC MGL&P AVEC NEA NIPC NU NLEC AVEC UPC AVEC op COPH AVEC SPEI STG STP AVEC AVEC AVEC UNALASKA/DUTCH HARBOR UE 1991 TYPICAL MONTHLY ELECTRIC BILLS AT VARYING USAGE LEVELS FOR RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMERS (Page 5 of 5) EL 750_KWH ec [Minimum Bill] $/Month _cents/KWH $/Month __cents/KWH]| $/Month _cents/KWH $/Month _cents/KWH $/Month _cents/KWH $20.58) $28.00 $0.55 $6.98 $25.00 $12.50 $20.00 $16.12 $18.60 $25.00 $2.00 $18.60 $19.50 $0.20 $10.00 $70.00 $55.00 $50.00 $0.00 $18.60 $0.33 $9.20 $18.60 $14.77 $17.37] $25.00 $40.00 $18.60 $50.00 $18.60 $75.00 $0.00 $18.60 $10.00 $0.00) $0.00) $18.60 $18.60 $18.60 $7.50) $128.63 $117.02 $127.50 $66.47 $81.43 $98.55 $147.50 $58.25 $104.15 $125.00 $75.00 $104.15 $113.82 $50.00 $137.75 $125.00 $110.00 $125.00 $107.50 $104.15 $82.50 $91.64 $104.15 $64.30 $139.10 $122.50 $105.00 $104.15 $135.00 $104.15 $75.00 $75.00 $104.15 $72.13 $98.73 $82.50 $104.15 $104.15 $104.15 $57.50 eu OP WDOONA— = NERWYUENUWWNNY ousasd uw Row au wo we ao RERUN RW NOUNS SNNNOVONDONONDOANNNONDOOOFOUNDONWOFRAAROOM wan as UWE 3665 Wun Wnoow RRS as nN w ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES $257.25 $223.37 $200.00 $125.95 $162.85 $184.60 $295.00 $108.38 $208.30 $250.00 $150.00 $208.30 $227.65 $100.00 $275.50 $250.00 $220.00 $250.00 $215.00 $208.30 $165.00 $179.12 $208.30 $115.70 $278.20 $245.00 $210.00 $208.30 $270.00 $208.30 $150.00 $150.00 $208.30 $144.25 $197.45 $165.00 $208.30 $208.30 $208.30 $107.50 NESSYYRSYYSLSSSAYRSBMHMSEVEYYRSSYVENREY UBS VNNNOV®NDONONDORAH@NMWONDDOODO2OUNDONNOODOANONSE SSBB ABWOMRSGDOSRANDUWAEUNSEWOROUSUSBGOSSLOANUSG $385.88 $329.73 $262.50 $185.43 $244.28 $270.65 $442.50 $155.60 $312.45 $375.00 $225.00 $312.45 $341.47 $150.00 $413.25 $375.00 $330.00 $375.00 $322.50 $312.45 $247.50 $261.17 $312.45 $164.80 $417.30 $367.00 $315.00 $312.45 $405.00 $312.45 $225.00 $225.00 $312.45 $216.38 $296.18 $247.50 $312.45 $312.45 $312.45 $157.50 51. 44. 35. 24. 32. 36. 59. 20. 41. 50. 30. 41. 45. 20. 55. 50. 44. 50. 43. 41. 33. 34. 41. SNNNOUONSOONON OD AONMONDOOOMOUNDONNOSMANOONM $514.50 $436.07 $325.00 $244.91 $325.70 $356.70 $590.00 $202.83 $416.60 $500.00 $300.00 $416.60 $455.30 $200.00 $551.00 $500.00 $440.00 $500.00 $430.00 $416.60 $330.00 $343.22 $416.60 $204.80 $556.40 $490.00 $420.00 $416.60 $540.00 $416.60 $300.00 $300.00 $416.60 $288.50 $394.90 $330.00 $416.60 $416.60 $416.60 $207.50 51.4 43.6|Data not available 32.5) 24.5 32.6) 35.7 59.0 20.3 41.7 50.0 30.0 41.7 45.5 20.0 55.1 50.0 44.0 50.0 43.0 41.7 33.0 34.3 41.7 20.5 55.6 49.0 42.0 41.7 54.0 41.7 30.0 30.0 41.7 28.8 39.5 33.0 41.7| 41.7| 41.7 20.8 $1,286.25 $700.00 $601.81 $814.25 $873.00 $1,475.00 $486.18 $1,011.50 $1,250.00 $750.00 $1,011.50 $1,138.25 $500.00 $1,377.50 $1,250.00 $1,100.00 $1,250.00 $1,075.00 $1,011.50 $825.00 $835.52 $1,011.50 $445.49 $1,391.00 $1,225.00 $1,050.00 $1,011.50 $1,350.00 $1,011.50 $750.00 $750.00 $1,011.50 $721.25 $987.25 $825.00 $1,011.50 $1,011.50 $1,011.50 $507.50 w = + NEO VMESSYARSHYSYSSSYASYYSESYEYYRESYVS SY YUYY WUUUOUB®UD®ONVOVDCAMUFROUDIOOO=ONUUNTOUFODOA=O SSOTOWDBRODCDCORONDOUNOWWOWDRONUDGUOESGSCSODOO AEA/ASCC 06 Alaska Economic Growth Indicators 1970 — 1991 900 + 800 + 00 7 —*— Personal Income Percent a —*— Installed Capacity Index 500 [ —-—— Net Generation Base Year 400 1970 300 Employment | —*—— Population 200 + 100 - AEA/ASCC ALASKA ECONOMIC GROWTH INDICATORS (1960-1991) 1960 1970 1980 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 POPULATION 230,400 308,500 419,800 541,300 547,600 537,800 531,000 534,400 550,043 570,300 EMPLOYMENT 92,500 170,900 230,700 220,700 210,100 213,700 227,100 237,800 243,100 INCOME/CAPITA $2,870 $5,073 $13,835 $18,785 $18,040 $17,726 $18,635 $20,585 $21,646 $21,932 PERSONAL INCOME - $649 $1,412 $5,589 $9,802 $9,820 $9,561 $10,101 $11,263 $11,933 $12,509 x $1,000,000 UTILITY Capacity - MW 123 480 1,283 1,602 1,658 1,655 1,604 (1) 1,611 1,605 Mes) Net Generation - GWH 431 1,281 3,159 4,474 4,410 4,424 4,502 4,604 4,675 4,621 Fuel Use: Oil - Gallons X 1,000 41,781 50,179 47,283 34,377 37,436 40,958 36,448 41,790 Gas - MCF X 1,000 28,991 34,646 34,801 32,148 32,644 33,521 34,536 31,446 Coal - Tons 268,358 297,000 250,244 293,455 276,000 260,000 289,000 291,000 16 GENERAL NOTES - The above graph shows percent change in economic growth indicators from base year 1970. For specific data see the table on this page. Data sources include: State of Alaska, Department of Labor, Research and Analysis; Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Information System; and 1991 Alaska Electric Power Statistics. - Employment figures represent total nonagricultural wage and salary. - Population and employment figures are provided by the State of Alaska, Department of Labor, Research and Analysis. These values are revised as more information becomes available. Population figures have been estimated except in the census years (1960, 1970, 1980, and 1990). NOTES (1) Installed capacity for combustion and steam turbines may vary depending on the ambient temperature ratings used in reporting. For the first time in 1988 a uniform rating of 60F was used to determine installed capacity for all utilities. This uniform temperature rating causes an apparent drop in installed capacity. Using the previous varied ratings, however, the total installed capacity for Alaskan utilities would have been 1,665 MW in 1988. Therefore, a slight increase actually occurred from 1987 to 1988 instead of the 50 MW decrease that was reported under the new convention. AEA/ASCC SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS 93 $6 ALASKA UTILITIES 1991 Service Interruptions (Outages) (Page 1 of 5) Total average outage hours per customer by cause for 1991 | rora_| Region/Communi ty Utility pplier| Storm | Arranged} Others Total (hrs/y! (hrs/yr rs, hrs/ (hrs/y: SOUTHEAST customer )}customer)|customer)} |customer) ANGOON THREA] 4.07] 4.52 COFFMAN COVE cocol—Ss«i|~—~—S=«S 00 [ __5.00] |TREE BROKE MAIN LINE DUE TO HIGH WINDS AND HEAVY WET SNOW. CRAIG a [1.90] |TOTAL OUTAGE HOURS OF 1.9 IS NOT CATEGORIZED BY CAUSE. ELFIN COVE Ecuy 2.00] |___ 12.00] HAINES HLgp] 2.00] 0.50] 0.25] HOONAH THREA] 19.38] ss [| ——5.60 | __25.92] JOF 25.92 OUTAGE HRS IN 1991, 18 ARE ATTRIBUTABLE TO PLANT FIRE 1/14/91. HYDABURG apt? TY 0.80] |TOTAL OUTAGE HOURS OF .8 ARE NOT CATEGORIZED BY CAUSE. JUNEAU AEL&P] t.20f 3.40] Cr) KAKE THREA] 5.76[ 1.12[ 0.33] KASAAN THREA] 5.32) | 5.64) KETCHIKAN kpuy 0.13] 0.23] 0.03] |__2.82| KLAWOCK THREAT 0.17 METLAKATLA wea[ [| | | 6.00] [6.09] PELICAN pucl___| | 0.50} | [0.59 PETERSBURG PmPpaLy | STCUdTSS™SC™SCdTS™~*é‘—sSYT «ST-~———S&Y SDAA NOT AVAILABLE SITKA seo{__0.00[ 0.00] 0.00} 0.00] [0.00 SKAGWAY apary TCT SCE-—_ 30] | TOTAL OUTAGE HOURS OF 1.3 IS NOT CATEGORIZED BY CAUSE. TENAKEE SPRINGS tse{ 10-00] 71-50) [27.50] THORNE BAY te] 2.00] 6-00 WRANGELL wept OT SCdTSSSSSCwdT~S~sdYsST; ~~] _JDATA NOT AVAILABLE YAKUTAT ver{__1.00] | 3.00] 5.00] [- 9.00] GENERAL NOTES - This information is collected by AEA in the same format used by the Rural Electrication Association (REA) form 7 Part H. AEA/ASCC 96 ALASKA UTILITIES 1991 Service Interruptions (Outages) (Page 2 of 5) Total average outage hours per customer by cause for 1991 Region/Community Utility SOUTHCENTRAL customer )}customer )| customer )| customer ) AKHIOK COA LE hE ee Eee DATA NOT AVAILABLE ANCHORAGE CEA P 0.56, 0.38] 1.04] 1.64) ANCHORAGE amcgp = [0.28] 0.49] 0.02] 0.46] CHITINA CEI gt ay} DATA NOT AVAILABLE CORDOVA CEC 5.78 0.11 GLENNALLEN CVEA [0.68 3.71] = i081] THESE VALUES REFLECT OUTAGES IN BOTH GLENNALLEN AND VALDEZ. HOMER/SELDOVIA HEA KODIAK/PORT LIONS KDEA LARSEN BAY LBUC THESE VALUES HAVE BEEN ESTIMATED. OLD HARBOR AVEC DATA NOT AVAILABLE OUZINKIE OU DATA NOT AVAILABLE PALMER MEA PAXSON PLI SEWARD cos ESTIMATED TATITLEK TEU DATA NOT AVAILABLE VALDEZ CVEA [| _0.68f 3.71] ~~] —_—iO..811] THESE VALUES REFLECT OUTAGES IN BOTH GLENNALLEN AND VALDEZ. AEA/ASCC L6 ALASKA UTILITIES 1991 Service Interruptions (Outages) (Page 3 of 5) Total average outage hours per customer by cause for 1991 fort ranged| others | |_rotal_| Region/Community Utility Arranged (hrs/yr hrs/yr./|(hrs/yr./| | Chrs/yr YUKON customer) ALAKANUK AVEC fT st DATA NOT AVAILABLE ANVIK AVEC po DATA Nor AVAILABLE BEAVER BJU PO DATA Nor AvarLaBle BETTLES BL&P gt — + -10] |TOTAL OUTAGE HOURS OF .1 ARE NOT CATEGORIZED BY CAUSE. CENTRAL FNU + 3.00 CHEVAK AVEC rf Sert~—<“—SCSrYS~—‘(CststsS DATA NOT AVAILABLE EAGLE EPC a a ee ee) EMMONAK AVEC pe DATA Not AvaTLaBLe FAIRBANKS GVEA P06 0.77] 0.36f 1.33) [3.22] FAIRBANKS FMUS PSY EF sIDATA NT AVAILABLE FORT YUKON cc =f «| ~——S*d~ SiS 00] 6.00) [27.00 GALENA coc | 3.00], 2006.00) [11.00 GRAYLING AVEC PT DATA NOT AVAILABLE HOLY CROSS AVEC PST EF sIDATA NOT AVAILABLE HOOPER BAY AVEC PET} EF sJDATA NOT AVAILABLE HUSLIA AVEC PYF} EF sIDATA NOT AVAILABLE KALTAG AVEC pe ATA Not var LaBLe KOTLIK Kc |___0.00f 0.00f 0.00] 0.00) J __0.00) MANLEY HOT SPRINGS — MUC a ee eT) MARSHALL AVEC PO] EF sIDATA NOT AVAILABLE MINTO AVEC po DATA Not AvatLaBLe MOUNTAIN VILLAGE AVEC PE] EFT JAA NOT AVAILABLE NORTHWAY spate fof 2-00) NULATO AVEC PSEC fF sDATA NOT AVAILABLE PILOT STATION AVEC fF OT IDATA NOT AVAILABLE RUSSIAN MISSION AVEC fT tI DATA NOT AVAILABLE SCAMMON BAY AVEC fT DATA NOT AVAILABLE SHAGELUK AVEC pT I DATA NOT AVAILABLE ST. MARY'S AVEC FSET EF sIDATA NOT AVAILABLE TANANA TPC | | *‘{ {| _32.00) [32.00] |FIRE IN TRANSFORMER BANK. TOK AP&T [ST] 160] Sf toTaL OUTAGE HOURS OF 1.6 ARE NOT CATEGORIZED BY CAUSE. AEA/ASCC 86 ALASKA UTILITIES 1991 Service Interruptions (Outages) (Page 4 of 5) Total average outage hours per customer by cause for 1991 Power Extreme Pre- Region/Communi ty Utility [Supplier] Storm | Arranged} Others eet —| (hrs/yr s/y! s/y' (hrs/yr./| |Chrs/y! ARCTIC/NORTHWEST customer )j/customer ) eee ees AMBLER AVEC fT | JDATA NOT AVAILABLE ANAKTUVUK PASS NSBPL fT Ct JDATA NOT AVAILABLE ATMAUTLUAK AU fT | JDATA NOT AVAILABLE ATQASUK nsslcpP [TT ft sSIDATA NOT AVAILABLE BARROW pusec =f 1.00f 0. tof Oto] 0-81} [2.01] DEADHORSE AUI [3-00] «| __ 2.00] 2.00) DEERING IEC a ee ee ee A) A 24-HR SYSTEM-WIDE OUTAGE WAS SCHED'D TO WASH DOWN INSULATORS DIOMEDE Duu po DATA NOT AVAILABLE ELIM AVEC po ATA Nor AVAILABLE GAMBELL AVEC po DATA NOT AVAILABLE KAKTOVIK NSBPL FUT ft sIDATA NOT AVAILABLE KIANA avec PO DATA Nor AVAILABLE KIVALINA AVEC fT fF sDATA NOT AVAILABLE KOBUK KVE po DATA NOT AVAILABLE KOTZEBUE KTEA Pp 2.47p L260] KOYUK AVEC po ATA NOT AVAILABLE NOATAK AVEC po DATA NT AVAILABLE NOME wus = [|||] [> ___] pata Not avarLaste NOORVIK AVEC FUT Lt sIDATA NOT AVAILABLE NUIQSUT NSBPL PCO] Ft sJDATA NOT AVAILABLE POINT HOPE NSBPL ta — DATA NOT AVAILABLE POINT LAY NSBPL DATA NOT AVAILABLE SAVOONGA AVEC ee, —— DATA NOT AVAILABLE SELAWIK AVEC DATA NOT AVAILABLE SHAKTOOLIK AVEC fT sIDATA NOT AVAILABLE SHISHMAREF AVEC fT Et sIDATA NOT AVAILABLE SHUNGNAK AVEC PY Ft sIDATA NOT AVAILABLE ST. MICHAEL AVEC fT IDA NOT AVAILABLE STEBBINS AVEC PSY fF sJDATA NOT AVAILABLE TELLER tec [|__| 9.00] | [ 9.00] UNALAKLEET uec [1.75] 0.25] | 1.00] | _3..00] WAINWRIGHT NSBPL AVAILABLE WHITE MOUNTAIN com [| |_| 1.00} [71.00] AEA/ASCC 66 ALASKA UTILITIES 1991 Service Interruptions (Outages) (Page 5 of 5) Total average outage hours per customer by cause for 1991 Power xtreme Pre- Regior/comunity _utitity [supplier] storm | arranged others | rs7yr.7|Cars/yr.7|Chrs/yr./|Cars/yr. rs/yr. SOUTHWEST bolas Mosk Forlbad ab customer) AKIACHAK ancec §=[—_T.50[__ 3.00] __U-75]___ 0.50] [—__ 5.75] ANIAK APC [||] 16.50] [16.50] |ALL OF THESE OUTAGE HOURS ARE DUE TO SPRING FLOODING. ATKA AEC [|| 8.00] 72.00] [80.00] |A CONTRACTOR CUT A LINE AND POWER WAS OUT FOR 3 DAYS. BETHEL BUC 7 Ge ee | NOT AVAILABLE CHIGNIK LAKE CUEU NS | coteenemnten | acacatienen | acannon | 0 | eaeala] NOT AVAILABLE COLD BAY G&k [oo 0.00 0.00] 0-00} [0-00 CROOKED CREEK a a a || NOT AVAILABLE DILLINGHAM/ALEKNAGIK NEC pe eT Te EEK C00) iii a a a || NOT AVAILABLE EGEGIK EL&P ) ) ) EKWOK EKW SL | ESC | AICS | LAST | | LoS] NOT AVAILABLE GOODNEWS BAY 1) a Ci es | i NOT AVAILABLE ILTAMNA/NEWHALEN INNEC © [0.00] 0-00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 KING COVE KCC Gi En ee ee | NOT AVAILABLE KOKHANOK | a a a a | NOT AVAILABLE KONGIGANAK PPC A a ) P) KWETHLUK KI [__0.00[ 0.00] 0.00 0-00] [0.00 KWIGILLINGOK kw 0] 00} LEVELOCK LEC 00} (3-0 LOWER/UPPER KALSKAG AVEC ence | SSR | ESET | URSIN | aloo AVAILABLE MANOKOTAK MPC 0] so] MCGRATH mocap | [S833 050] [1.58] MEKORYUK 0) Sn a Pe ||| AVAILABLE NAKNEK NEA [0.38003 Te] 08) [eT NAPAKIAK wrpC 0} (00 NAPASKIAK NU 2 en he ||| AVAILABLE NELSON LAGOON UEC SS [Seeere | eeertees | aime | eanen|| |Tennn] AVAILABLE NEW STUYAHOK (AVEC) [cremate eceercinaien | oersanaet| cueeeae ||) | Gan AVAILABLE NEWTOK upc linn Ge ee Ee || AVAILABLE NUNAPITCHUK/KASIGLUK AVEC Se ee | AVAILABLE PERRYVILLE voP De ee See ee | | ee AVAILABLE PORT HEIDEN COPS): [actrees | covets | ener | imemsene | ||| Sale| AVAILABLE QUINHAGAK 0) i a a ee ||| AVAILABLE SAND POINT SEIN [tacoma [coments | omnes! <00| nanan | (namaenT sO) ST. GEORGE STG [0-00] 0.00] 0-00], [0-0] ST. PAUL sTP [_t.00 200 00], [5-00] TOGIAK 590) || Si a a ee || | AVAILABLE TOKSOOK BAY 200) | i a a SE ||| AVAILABLE TUNUNAK C9 i a a a || AVAILABLE UNALASKA/DUTCH HARBOR UE Lye] [7227 AEA/ASCC INFORMATION RESOURCES 101 OTHER ENERGY INFORMATION RESOURCES Alaska Energy Authority The Energy Authority publishes an annual report describing various energy-related projects. This report includes current information on reconnaissance, feasibility, design and construction of power projects, rural technical assistance projects, research work, and the Power Cost Equalization Program. The Alaska Energy Authority manages the Alaska Bioenergy Program. This program provides information’on: the availability of biomass and solid waste fuels in Alaska; the appropriate technologies for solid fuel preparation handling and conversion to thermal and electrical power; and regulatory issues related to development of biomass energy resources. Technical assistance is provided to industry, agencies and individuals interested in biomass energy development. The program publishes a quarterly newsletter, Alaska Bioenergy News, which is available free of charge. In 1988, the Alaska Energy Authority published the First Annual Statistical Report of the Power Cost Equalization Program. This report provides detailed information about the funding, participation, energy use, and utility costs for each participating utility. The fourth statistical report of the Power Cost Equalization program is expected to be available in January 1993. Copies of these reports are available upon request. Another publication of interest is Selected Alaskan Electric Utilities Ata Glance. Thirty-five electric utilities/agencies are included, representing all utilities with more than 1,000 customers. Fact sheets on each utility provide information about utility contacts, addresses, telecopy numbers, installed capacity, etc. Copies of this directory are available upon request. The Alaska Energy Authority also has an energy library open to the public. For further information, please contact: Alaska Energy Authority, P.O. Box 190869, 701 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869, (907) 561-7877. Alaska Public Utilities Commission Annual Report to the Alaska Legislature The Alaska Public Utilities Commission (APUC) provides an annual synopsis of Commission activities concerning all regulated utilities. In electric utility areas, the report also provides information on the Power Cost Equalization Program, utility finances, and a complete list of certificated electric utilities. The APUC also has available Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) reports and Rural Electrification Association (REA) reports that have been filed by utilities. For further information, contact: Alaska Public Utilities Commission, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, 1016 West Sixth Avenue, Suite 400, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, (907) 276-6222. 103 Department of Community and Regional Affairs The DCRA administers state and federal energy conservation programs such as the Low-Income Weatherization Program, Institutional Buildings Program, Energy Extension Service, State Energy Conservation Program, and State Lighting and Thermal Standards. DCRA maintains an energy library which is open to the public. For further information, contact: Department of Community and Regional Affairs, 333 West 4th Avenue, Suite 220, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, (907) 269-4500. Department of Health and Social Services This State agency administers the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in Alaska. This program provides assistance in the payment of energy bills to qualified applicants. For further information, contact: Division of Public Assistance, Department of Health and Social Services, 641 West Willoughby, Suite 202, Juneau, Alaska 99801-1731, (907) 465-3058. Legislative Research Agency This agency provides a publication list, by subject and title, of papers written for the Alaska Legislature on a variety of topics, including energy. For further information contact: Legislative Research Agency, 130 Seward Street, Room 218, Juneau, Alaska 99801, (907) 465-3991. Master Utility Directory This directory is published by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. It provides utility names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Current general managers and other utility staff names are listed. For further information on this publication, contact: Alaska Public Utilities Commission, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, 1016 West Sixth Avenue, Suite 400, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, (907) 276-6222. Edison Electric Institute This is a trade association for private power companies. The organization offers a variety of printed materials including electrical statistics and other issues of interest to utilities and consumers. For further information, contact: Edison Electric Institute, 701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20004, (202) 508-5000. Electric Power Research Institute Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) was founded in 1972 by the nation's electric utilities to develop and manage a technology program for improving electric power production and distribution. For further information, contact: Electric Power Research Institute, P.O. Box 10412, Palo Alto, California 94303, (415) 855-2000. American Public Power Association This association publishes a report titled Selected Financial and Operating Ratios of Public Power Systems. The April 1992 edition contains 1990 data. For further information contact: American Public Power Association, 2301 M Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037, (202) 467-2900. 104 GW GWH IC KW KWH kV MMCF ENERGY AND FUEL UNIT ABBREVIATIONS Gigawatt (1000 megawatts) Gigawatt Hours (1000 megawatt hours) Internal Combustion Kilowatt (1000 watts) Kilowatt Hours (1000 watt hours) Kilovolt (1000 volts) Millions of Cubic Feet Megawatts (1000 kilowatts) Megawatt Hours (1000 kilowatt hours)