HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaska Electric Power Statistics 1960-1986Alaska Energy Authority ECO 047 LIBRARY COPY c.2 Alaska Power Authority Alaska Electric Power Statistics 1960-1986 Twelfth Edition November 1987 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Alaska Power Authority would like to thank those who contributed their time and support to make this publication possible. In addition to the utilities listed on page 8, the following military installations, government agencies and private companies provided information: Military Installations Government Agencies U.S. Air Force Alaska Department of Elmendorf Air Force Base Education U.S. Army Alaska Power Administration Ft. Richardson Ft. Wainwright Federal Aviation Administration U.S. Navy U.S. Department of Interior, Naval Air Station Adak Bureau of Indian Affairs U.S. Coast Guard University of Alaska, USCG Support Center, Kodiak Anchorage University of Alaska, Fairbanks Private anies ALASCOM Alaska Gold Company Alyeska Pipeline Company AMOCO Production Company ARCO Alaska, Inc. Chevron USA, Inc. Cook Inlet Pipeline Com Denali National Park Hotel. Ketchikan Pulp Company | MAPCO Marathon 071 Company i Phillips Petroleum Company Shell Western E & P, | Standard Alaska Product Tesoro Alaska Petrole Texaco, Inc. Union 0i1 Company : Union Chemical Divi { Unocal OiT & Gas Union Oi1 & Gas Divi Wrangell Forest Products : Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Power Authority State of Alaska ALASKA ELECTRIC POWER STATISTICS 1960 - 1986 This is the twelfth in a series of statewide electric power data summaries. In previous years, the federal Alaska Power Adminis- tration was responsible for gathering statistical data and pub- lishing this annual report. Due to the closeout of the Alaska Power Administration's planning activities in July 1985, the Alaska Power Authority assumed responsibility for publication of this im- portant document. We are continuing the efforts of the Alaska Power Administration to provide a current reference of Alaska power systems data and trends in statewide electric power use. This publication includes data on electric utility systems, national defense installations and industrial facilities which supply power for their own use. Tables and graphs provide dif- ferent viewpoints on energy use. Most data is presented by re- gional area of the state. Installed generation capacity, fuel use, and net generation data form a major part of this report. The report also includes infor- mation on transmission line systems in Alaska. The Market Data section presents information on utility sales, revenues, and cus- tomers. This year's report has a new section titled Utility Work in Progress. This section provides brief descriptions of utility projects undergoing feasibility analysis, design or construction. In response to our reader survey on last year's report, a reference section has also been added. The table following this letter presents a five-year summary of installed capacity and net generation for the utility, industry, and military sectors of the state's electric power producers. The table includes information on fuel resources, types of generation equipment, and percentages of growth between years. As of December 1986, 69 percent of installed generating capacity was in the utility sector, 6 percent in the military sector, and 25 percent in the industry sector. Statewide installed capacity totaled 2,433 megawatts in 1986 -- an increase of 5.6 percent over the 1985 figures. The increase occurred in spite of a 10.7 percent decrease in statewide military installed capacity. We may continue to see decreases in military installed capacity if military facil- ities continue to bid out power production responsibilities to the private sector. O PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 ) PO.Box 190869 701 EastTudorRoad Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Between 1985 and 1986, statewide net generation grew from 6,724 to 6,783 megawatts, an increase of only .9 percent. This contrasts sharply with the two previous years, which each showed increases of over 5 percent in net generation. Net generation data may be only one indication of the mid-1980's downturn of the economy -- readers should also evaluate utility energy sales and revenues, which form the bulk of the statewide power generation picture. The Alaska Power Authority is pleased to continue the publication of "Alaska Electric Power Statistics." The cooperation of Alaska's electric industry in providing information for this report is appre- ciated. We welcome any suggestions for additions or changes in future publications. a 2 / ? | Robert E. LeResche Executive Director ALASKA INSTALLED CAPACITY AND NET GENERA (1982-1986) TION SUMMARY Utility National Defense Industry TOTAL GROWTH FROM PREVIOUS YEAR (%) Utility National Defense Industry TOTAL INSTALLED CAPACITY BY PRIME MOVER (%) Hydro Gas Turbine Steam Turbine Diesel I.C. 225 (2.4) 1.6 1.8 2.5 8.5 8.4 4.5 10.5 (6.4) (0.9) O54 9.5 52.9 16.2 21.4 (0.2) (17.2) (0.9) (1.8) 2,433 4.9 (10.7) 12.8 5.6 SUMMARY Utility National Defense Industry TOTAL GROWTH FROM PREVIOUS YEAR (%) Utility National Defense Industry TOTAL NET GENERATION BY FUEL TYPE (%) 13.2 1.4 (1.4) 8.0 3.8 12.6 ody 4.6 7.5 (9.8) 13.4 te 1.9 (23.4) 8.0 5.4 (1.4) 7.9 4.9 0.9 Table of Contents Page(s) Alaska Installed Capacity and Net Generation (1982 - 1986)....csseseeseceeee coed Alaska Communities and Electric Utilities - 1986 (Map)......ssseccccccceeee 6-7 Alaska Electric Utility Abbreviations... ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccsccc cD Energy and Fuel Unit Abbreviations.....scecccsceccccccccecccsccecs cccccccccccced General Notes.....ccccecccceee occ cccccceccceccsecece ee ecccceee cvccccee ecccceee 10 SUMMARY POWER AND ENERGY DATA Alaska Utilities (Utility Installed Capacity, Peak Demand Net Generation and Fuel Use) Southeast Region....ccccccccccee do)e 61016 016 6 0] 60 616 010 6's one 910 010 010 v0 ejoiereie (Zu S Southcentral REGion...cccccccccccccccccecccccccscsccssescscees efotelelo en at) Yukon Region. .ccccccccccccscvccccccccccece olejele\ le ein aie) als ele 1s ei oleloleieieie lO) =) U7, Arctic & Northwest Regions.....cccccccccccccccscccccece svelesialeroplele sia ONAL, Southwest Region. .cccccccccccccccccccccccccces ecccccccccccce Sewisiesie2O— 2 Major Alaska Utilities - Peak Loads and Installed Capacity (Craph)......ccccceeeees w1u]e 010 016 w]e © vie 010 616 610 we #010101 616 le 22 Alaska Installed Capacity and Net Generation, Regional Summary (1984 - 1986)...ceececscccccececcccees alelele rele efeleleieleierers jee) Alaska 1986 Energy and Power Data by Communities within Major Regions..cccccccccccccvccce ale \sle ele (oie ole elo(eis aie afe\clo lee ale /a\ele\ ole! sie ela o 24 - 26 INSTALLED CAPACITY DATA Alaska Installed Capacity - Utility, National Defense, Industry by Regions (1986)... .-esccceeececcccececceees 29 Alaska Utility Installed Capacity by Prime Mover (1960 = 1986) (Graph). .cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccecs 30 Alaska Utility Installed Capacity by Prime Mover (1956 - 1986). .csecccccccccccccccvcccecececccccces cocvccedl Alaska Installed Capacity - Historical Summary Utility and Non-Utility (Graph)........ ccc ccccccccccccccceccceccccoccces 32 Alaska Installed Capacity - Historical Summary Utility, Non-Utility, National Defense (1956 - 1986)......seseee DOOUGOOCEE Alaska Installed Capacity - 1986 Utility Regional Summary by Type of Utility.......... 00 00 0c cece eeccccseeeecce eieleslesielciesle st) Alaska National Defense Installed Capacity (1984 - 1986)...... sieleleioie oleleleie] oie ole’ ole o]e sie ele cle, cieleieicie/v.e vie vie 61s 8191010 018 sis/0 le ele 6 35 GENERATION DATA Alaska Net Generation - Utility, National Defense, Industry by Regions, 1986......seseeeeeeeceee alelelolelelo cle cle sieisis soles) Alaska Utilities Accumulative Annual Net Generation by Region (1960 - 1986) (Graph).....eeeeee alo olelcle(cloisioiseteteis tO Alaska Annual Utility Net Generation - by Region and Type of Utility (1960 = 1986)... cccccccccccccccccccsccccccccccccc oct! Alaska Fuel Use - Utility, National Defense, industry by. Regions. «.o.6'e cc oc 01c cic c'cininicie.c 010 010 010 o10 610 vie\c10'e ole vic ole Sle siclele vn s oh Alaska National Defense - Net Generation (1984 ~- 1986). ..csscccccccccvceesc43 Alaska Utilities - Net Generation by Fuel Type (1977 - 1986).....ccccecees ccccee oc ccccccccccccccccecce coco cet = 45 Anchorage/Cook Inlet Area - Utility Net Generation, 12 Month Running Totals (1977 - 1986)....ccccccccccccccvccccccvccce 46 - 47 Fairbanks Area - Utility Net Generation, 12 Month Running Totals (1977 - 1986).......04- se clescciescccsscccenctO - SD Alaska Major Utilities - Regional Energy Generation (1965 - 1986)......eeeeeee cc cccccccccceccesccccccces aeeDOn— ol Major Southeast Utilities - Peak Loads (1977 - 1986) (Graph)...... Sielsielsicleleisie sie ele'eielere e\siojeievelelete sie iciaisie sie wie aisivicisigio ne Major Southcentral Utilities - Peak Loads (1976 - 1986) (Graph).....eeeseeees eee cccccccccceccccccceccccccccs coc cat Major Yukon Utilities - Peak Loads (1976 - 1986 (Graph)...... occ ccc ccc cccccccccecccccscces Sele ocelesesiececiesOo Alaska Major Utilities - Regional Peak Loads (1965 - 1986)... ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccsoseesn® = 57 TRANSMISSION LINES Existing Transmission Lines, 1986.....ssccccccccccvccccececceccees Se eccess 500 Alaska Transmission Lines - 1986 Summary.....cccccccccccccccccccccscceccs Alaska Utilities - Transmission Lines and Major Interconnections...ccccccccccccccccccccvccccccccccccscsccveesG2 — 63 UTILITY WORK IN PROGRESS Utility Work in Progress (1986)...cccccccccccccccccccccccccsccccceseee66 ~ 67 MARKET DATA Alaska Utilities - 1986 Energy Sales, Revenues ANd Customers. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccsccccelO = Th Alaska Utilities - Average Annual Energy Use and Billing Charges (1986)...cccccccccceccccccccvcccccces ecccccccccceeese = 19 Alaska Sales, Revenues and Customers (1960 - 1986)....eseeeeeeeeeeeee +80 = 82 Average Energy Charge, Use, Billing - Alaska and the United States......seececcccccccccscece weccccccccce Oh = 85 Alaska Economic Growth Indicators (1970 - 1986) (Graph)......eeeececeeeeees 86 Alaska Economic Growth Indicators (1960 - 1986)...seccccceeceeececceeeeeee sB7 REFERENCES Alaska Electric Power Statistics Report Data Sources....ccccccccccccccccccccscccccccese slelelojele sie eleisie lee sie'sto OO Other Energy Information Resources eccccccccccccvcccccccsccccssced It ° 28 3 18 ar 16 ¢ 17 10 2 Arctic & Northwest 013 15 23 1 :) 1 ) ° 424 29 21 *3 ; 26 . 7 ° 7 14 20 14 6 12 "45 ° 5 33 °4,°10 * 19 % 19,25 na es , 27) 16 23° 1 1 18 ° e Yukon 31 x as 15 e 5 e 7 e 23 ee 3 > 18,19 34 . . yr Va 6 17 Southwest Southcentral 10,14 13 11 8 | | | Alaska Communities and | Electric Utilities | 1986 a! ° 24} ( 18 8 S 23 ¥s \, 24 11 17 d BOS 7 12,13 5,21 a0 19 d WV \ KS ‘ 16 Southeast 6) 10 Vy 2 ANS °° 22 _— 3,14 OANaAaUFWrnH 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. WOON DU EF WH = SOUTHEAST REGION « Angoon ( THREA) . Coffman Cove (COCO) . Craig (AP&T ) . Haines (HL&P ) +» Hoonah ( THREA) Hydaburg (AP&T) Juneau (APA-S) Juneau (AEL&P) Juneau (GHEA) Kake (THREA) Kasaan ( THREA) Ketchikan (KPU) *Swan Lake (APASL) Kl awock (THREA) Klukwan (KEU) Metlakatla (MP&L ) Pelican (PUC) Petersburg (PMP&L ) Sitka (SED) Skagway (AP&T) Tenakee Springs (TSU) Thorne Bay (TB) Wrangell (WML&P ) *Tyee Lake (APATy) Yakutat (YP!) SOUTHCENTRAL_REGION Anchorage (AML&P ) Anchorage (CEA) Anchorage-Palmer (MEA) Anchorage-Palmer (APA-E) Christochina (CTP) Cordova (CEC) Glennallen (CVEA) (HEA) (AEG&T ) Homer-Kenai Peninsula *Homer 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. ALASKA COMMUNITIES AND ELECTRIC UTILITIES Kodiak & Port Lions -Terror Lake Larsen Bay Old Harbor Ouzinkie Paxson Lodge Seldovia Seward Valdez *Solomon Gulch YUKON REGION Alakanuk « Anvik Bettles Chevak Circle Emmonak Fairbanks Fairbanks Fort Yukon Galena Grayling Holy Cross Hooper Bay Hughes Huslia Kaltag Kotlik Lake Minchumina Manley Hot Springs Marshall Minto Mt. Village Nenana Northway Nulato Pilot Station BY REGION LEGEND (KdEA) 27. Rampart (RVC) 29. (APATL) 28. St. Mary's (AVEC) (LBES) 29. +Pitkas Point (AVEC) (AVEC) 30. -Andreafski (AVEC) (OU) 31. Scammon Bay (AVEC) 1. (PLI) 32. Shageluk (AVEC) i (HEA) 33. Tanana (TPC) 3 (SES) 34. Tok (AP&T) 4, (CVEA) 5. (APASG) ARCTIC _& NORTHWEST REGIONS 6. 7 1. Ambler (AVEC) 8. 2. Anaktuvak Pass (NSBPL) 9. (AVEC) 3. Atqasuk (NSBPL ) 10. (AVEC) 4. Barrow (BU&EC) 11 (BL&P ) 5. Dead Horse (AU!) 12. (AVEC) 6. Elim (AVEC) isc (CE) 7. Gambell (AVEC) 14, (AVEC) 8. Kaktovik (NSBPL) 15. (FMU) 9. Kiana (AVEC) m6. (GVEA) 10. Kivalina (AVEC) 17. (GZUC) 11, Kotzebue (KtEA) 18, (COG) 12. Koyuk (AVEC) 19. (AVEC) 13. Noatak (AVEC) 20. (AVEC) 14, Nome (NJUB) ale (AVEC) 15. Noorvik (AVEC) 22, (HuP&L) 16. Nuiqsut (NSBPL) 23. (AVEC) 17. Point Hope (NSBPL ) 24, (AVEC) 18. Point Lay (NSBPL) 25. (KC) 19. St. Michael (AVEC) 26. (SS) 20. Savoonga (AVEC) Zee (MUC) 21. Selawik (AVEC) 28. (AVEC) 22. Shaktoolik (AVEC) 29. (AVEC) 23. Shishmaref (AVEC) 30. (AVEC) 24. Shungnak (AVEC) Bile (GVEA) 25. Stebbins (AVEC) 325 (NP&L) 26. Teller (TePC) 33. (AVEC) 27. Unalakleet (UVEC) 34, (AVEC) 28. Wainwright (NSBPL) Sos Wales SOUTHWEST REGION Akutan Aniak « Atka Atmaut]uak Bethel Chignik « Cold Bay Dillingham *Aleknagik Eek + Egegik Good News Bay !liamna +Newhalen +Nondalton Kalskag, Lower Kalskag, Upper King Cove Kwethluk Levelock Manokotak McGrath Mekoryuk Naknek Napakiak New Stuyahok Nikolski Nunapitchuk *Kasigluk Quinhagak Sand Point Togiak Toksook Bay Tununak Unalaska/Dutch Harbor (AVEC) (AEU) (APC) (AEC) (AU) (BUC) (ChE) (G&K) (NEC) (NEC) (AVEC) (EL&P) (AVEC) ( INNEC) (1NNEC) (INNEC) (AVEC) (AVEC) (KCC) (K1) (LEC) (COM) (MGL&P ) (AVEC) (NEA) (NIPC) (AVEC) (Ni P&L) (AVEC) (AVEC) (AVEC) (SPE!) (AVEC) (AVEC) (AVEC) (UE) Alaska Electric Utility Abbreviations Abbreviation Utility Type Region* Abbreviation Utility ype Region* AEC Andreanof Electric Corporation (Atka) Private (SW) KCC City of King Cove Municipal (sw) AEG&T Alaska Electric Generation & Transmission Private (SC) KdEA Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. (Kodiak,Pt. Lions) Cooperative (SC) Cooperative KEU Klukwan Electric Utility Municipal (SE) AEU Akutan Electric Utility Municipal (SW) KI Kwethiuk, Inc. (Kuiggluum Kallugvia) Municipal (SW) AU Atmautluak Utility Municipal (SW) KtEA Kotzebue Electric Association, Inc. Cooperative (A-NW) AEL&P Alaska Electric Light & Power Company (Juneau) Private (SE) KPU Ketchikan Public Utilities Municipal (SE) AML&P Anchorage Municipal Light & Power Department Municipal (SC) APA-E Alaska Power Administration-Eklutna (Palmer) Federal (Sc) LBES Larsen Bay Electric System Private (Sc) APA-S Alaska Power Administration-Snettisham (Juneau) Federal (SE) LEC Levelock Electric Cooperative, Inc. Cooperative (SW) APASG Alaska Power Authority-Solomon Gulch (CVEA/Valdez) State (SC) APASL Alaska Power Authority-Swan Lake (KPU/Ketchikan) State (SE) MEA Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. APATL Alaska Power Authority-Terror Lake (KdEA/Kodiak) State (SC) (Eagle River, Palmer-Talkeetna Area and APATy Alaska Power Authority-Tyee (Petersburg, Wrangell) State (SE) Unalakleet) Cooperative (SC,A-NW) APC Aniak Power Company Private (sw) MuC Manley Utility Co., Inc. (Manley Hot Springs) Private (Y) AP&T Alaska Power & Telephone Company (Craig, Hydaburg, MP&L Metlakatla Power & Light Municipal (SE) Skagway, Tok, Dot Lake) Private (SE,Y) MGL&P McGrath Light & Power Private (SW) AVEC Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SC,Y,SW) (48 villages) Cooperative (A-NW) NEA Naknek Electric Association, Inc. Cooperative (SW) AUL Arctic Utilities, Inc. (Deadhorse) Private (A-NW) NEC Nushagak Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Dillingham) Cooperative (SW) NIPC Napakiak Ircinaq Power Co. (SWGR Service from BUC) Private (SW) BU&EC Barrow Utilities & Electric Cooperative, Inc. Cooperative (A-NW) NiP&L Nikolski Power & Light Co. (Umnak Island) Private (SW) BUC Bethel Utilities Corporation, Inc. Private (SW) NJUB Nome Joint Utilities Board Municipal (A-NW) BL&P Bettles Light & Power, Inc. Private (Y) NP&L Northway Power & Light, Inc. Private (y) NSBP&L North Slope Borough Power & Light System cE Circle Electric Private (Y) (Atkasook, Kaktovik, Wainwright, Point Hope, CEA Chugach Electric Association, Inc. (Anchorage Area) Cooperative (SC) Point Lay, Nuiqsut, Anaktuvuk Pass) Municipal (A-NW) CEC Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. Cooperative (SC) ChE Chignik Electric Municipal (SW) ou City of Ouzinkie Municipal (sc) coG City of Galena Municipal (Y) COM City of Manokotak Municipal (SW) PLI Paxson Lodge, Inc. Private (Sc) coco City of Coffman Cove Municipal (SE) PMP&L Petersburg Municipal Power & Light Municipal (SE) cIP Chistochina Trading Post Private (SC) PUC Pelican Utility Company (Pelican) Private (SE ,SW) CVEA Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. (Glennallen, Valdez) Cooperative (SC) RVC Rampart Village Council (Rampart) Private (Y) ELaP Egegik Light & Power Private (SW) SED Sitka Electric Department Municipal (SE) SES Seward Electric System Municipal (SC) FMUS Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Municipal (Y) SPE! Sand Point Electric, Inc. Municipal (SW) C&K G &K, Inc. (Cold Bay) Private (SW) ss Semloh Supply (Lake Minchumina) Private (Y) CHEA Glacier Highway Electric Association, Inc. (Juneau Area) Cooperative (SE) TB Thorne Bay, City of Municipal (SE) GVEA Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. TePC Teller Power Company Private (A-NW) (Fairbanks Area) Cooperative (Y) THREA Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Authority GZuCc Gwitchyaa Zhee Utility Company (Ft. Yukon) Private (Y) (Angoon, Hoonah, Kake, Kasaan, Klawock) Cooperative (SE) TPC Tanana Power Company Private (Y) HEA Homer Electric Association, Inc. (Kenai Peninsula) Cooperative (SC) TSU Tenakee Springs Utility Private (SE) HL&P Haines Light & Power Co. Inc. Private (SE) HuP&L Hughes Power & Light Private (Y) UE Unalaska Electric Municipal (SW) UVEC Unalakleet Valley Electric Cooperative Cooperative (A-NW) 1-NEC or INNEC. !liamna Newhalen Nondalton Electric Coop., Inc. Cooperative (SW) WML&P Wrangell Municipal Light & Power Municipal (SE) KC City of Kotlik Municipal (Y) YP! Yakutat Power, Inc. Private (SE) * SE: Southeast; SC: Southcentral; Y: Yukon; A-NW: Arctic-Northwest; SW: Southwest. ENERGY AND FUEL UNIT ABBREVIATIONS Gigawatt (1000 megawatts) Gigawatt hours (1000 megawatt hours) Internal Combustion Kilowatt (1000 watts) Kilowatt hours (1000 watt hours) Kilovolt - 1000 volts Millions of cubic feet Megawatts (1000 kilowatts) Megawatt hours (1000 kilowatt hours) 10 GENERAL NOTES Regulatory Status: R means regulated by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission as to tariffs. Other utilities' tariffs are not regulated, but they may come under the Commission's review to participate in the state Power Cost Equalization Program. Type: P - Private; M - Municipal; C - Rural Electrification Association (REA) Cooperative; F - Federal; S - State; | - Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) Council E: Estimate based upon 1985 data. 1p Preliminary figure. Peaks: Peaks are non-coincident and, therefore, cannot be added. Retail peaks refer to the highest monthly peak for the utility's direct service area. Total system peaks include sale customers and other sales outside the retail service area. Gas Turbine: Refers to a combustion turbine, not gas as a fuel source. Other prime movers are listed under Installed Capacity. Standby plant is included in Installed Capacity figures. National Defense include Army (Army), Air Force (USAF), Navy (Navy), and Coast Guard (USCG) Slight differences in totals between pages may occur due to rounding. Installed capacity data includes standby units. LLL LS LA ET REN SE aS TATA Se TTA i ansible, Summary Power & Energy Data 11 eb ANGOON COFFMAN COVE (1) CRAIG HAINES HOONAH HYDABURG JUNEAU - AEL&P JUNEAU - GHEA KAKE KASAAN KETCHIKAN KLAWOCK KLUKWAN METLAKATLA PELICAN (E) PETERSBURG SITKA SKAGWAY SNETTISHAM (2) SWAN LAKE HYDRO (2) TENAKEE SPRINGS THORNE BAY (3) TYEE HYDRO (2) WRANGELL (4) YAKUTAT TOTAL NOTES Utility THREA coco AP&T HL&P THREA AP&T AEL&P GHEA THREA THREA KPU THREA KEU MP&L PUC PMP&L SED AP&T APA-S APASL TSU 1B APATY WML&P YPI Alaska Utilities SOUTHEAST REGION - 1986 (Page 1 of 2) Reg. Gas Steam Status Type Hydro q1c) Turbine Turbine 35,00 VENZTVMNNVEZVE“NEFNONOAVVVHVVEN ) 146,365 105,122 35,000 S'e200SPDDDDCOOCC ODO OCOC CO OC OCC COOO (1) Coffman Cove was added to the utility data base in 1986. It is a new utility, and data is for a partial year. (2) Snettisham is a federally-owned, wholesale power facility. It’s peaks are included in AEL&P’s and GHEA’s peaks. is included in KPU’s peak and Tyee Lake in PMP&L’s and WML&P's peaks. The latter two facilities are state-owned hydroelectric projects. (3) Generator unit is 900 KVA. (4) WML&P’s diesel capacity is standby. KW rating established by using a .8 power factor. PEAK DEMAND TOTAL (MW) @ oO wW N nN 5 th Se 3 rc) nN ew NAN as ooo ae ee Swan Lake un ANNSCCMNAHANUGDADDDOCORDOCO==00 OCUURSAOUFUNON A UROARAAWAROOW Alaska Power Authority 11/87 eb ANGOON COFFMAN COVE CRAIG HAINES HOONAH HYDABURG JUNEAU - AEL&P JUNEAU - GHEA KAKE KASAAN KETCHIKAN KLAWOCK KLUKWAN METLAKATLA PELICAN (E) PETERSBURG SITKA SKAGWAY SNETTISHAM SWAN LAKE HYDRO TENAKEE SPRINGS THORNE BAY TYEE HYDRO WRANGELL YAKUTAT TOTAL Utility THREA coco AP&T HL&P THREA AP&T AEL&P GHEA THREA THREA KPU THREA KEU MP&L Puc PMP&L SED AP&T APA-S APASL TSU TB APATy WML&P YPI VENZTVUNNVEZVE“NENANAVVVAVVEN 517,074 Alaska Utilities SOUTHEAST REGION - 1986 (Page 2 of 2) Oil Gas Coal (000 GAL) (MMCF) (000 TON) 132 28 384 711 256 93 710 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 210 0 16 0 62 0 201 0 28 0 797 0 41 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 227 32 155 33 365 4,505 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 vt ANCHORAGE (1) CHISTOCHINA CHUGACH (1) CORDOVA EKLUTNA GLENNALLEN HOMER (2) HOMER (3) HOMER/SELDOVIA KODIAK/PORT LIONS LARSEN BAY OLD HARBOR OUZINKIE PALMER (3) PAXSON SEWARD (3) SOLOMON GULCH(4) TERROR LAKE(4) VALDEZ TOTAL NOTES Utility AML&P cTP CEA CEC APA-E CVEA AEG&T HEA HEA KdEA LBES AVEC MEA PLI SES APASG APATL CVEA nn ONNZEVNZTANENANANAAANNAOVE Alaska Utilities SOUTHCENTRAL REGION - 1986 (Page 1 of 2) Seeeewa wan aman Reese ss Vas Se Ss—- PSS rma ee eee SSS eee PEAK Diesel Gas Steam DEMAND(5) Hydro q1c) Turbine Turbine TOTAL (MW) 0 2,600 262,700 34,000 299,300 143.0 0 78 0 0 78 0.2 17,200 0 440,600 55,000 512,800 189.2 0 10,803 0 0 10,803 4.2 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 32.0 0 10,442 0 0 10,442 4.2 0 0 37,400 0 37,400 41.0 0 0 0 0 0 69.1 0 2,100 0 0 2,100 0.0 22,500 29,875 0 0 52,375 15.2 0 200 0 0 200 0.0 0 360 0 0 360 0.1 0 325 0 0 325 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 90.5 0 375 0 0 375 0.1 0 10,500 0 0 10,500 6.3 12,000 0 0 0 12,000 8.4 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 n522 0 10,004 0 0 10,004 0.0 101,700 77,662 740,700 89,000 1,009, 062 (1) Installed capacity may vary depending on the ambient temperature ratings used in reporting. AML&P figures are based on a rating of 50-60°F, and CEA figures on a rating of 30°F. (2) AEG&T is a privately-owned, wholesale power facility. (3) HEA and SES installed capacity figures are for backup units. HEA purchases power from CEA and AEG&T. MEA and SES purchases power from CEA. (4) Terror Lake and Solomon Gulch are state-owned, wholesale power projects. retail peaks are shown for southcentral utilities. Terror Lake’s peak is included in KDEA’s peak and Solomon Gulch’s in CVEA‘s. SES, HEA and MEA peaks are part of CEA’s total system peak of 348.0 MW (not shown here). Figures in this column indicate the highest monthly peak (6) Data on AML&P and CEA shows a small amount of net generation using oil. These figures are not included in this report. (7) This net generation figure is taken from EIA 759. REA Form 7 indicates a net generation figure of 10,391 MWH. (8) A negative figure indicates station service requirements exceeded generation. Utility’s REA Form 7 indicates a (199) net generation figure. (5) Peak demand: Alaska Power Authority 11/87 St ANCHORAGE (6) CHISTOCHINA CHUGACH (6) CORDOVA EKLUTNA GLENNALLEN (7) HOMER HOMER HOMER/SELDOVIA KODIAK/PORT LIONS LARSEN BAY OLD HARBOR OUZINKIE PALMER PAXSON SEWARD SOLOMON GULCH TERROR LAKE VALDEZ (8) TOTAL Utility AML&P cTP CEA CEC APA-E CVEA AEG&T HEA HEA KdEA LBES AVEC ou MEA PLI SES APASG APATL CVEA an M P c c F c c c c c M c M c P M F F c eoCCCCOCOOOO & w S ° N 99,852 336,898 Alaska Utilities SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONS - 1986 (Page 2 of 2) NET GENERATION oil 0 938,613 510 0 0 1,741,067 18,704 0 0 0 10,765 0 0 39,253 0 0 129 0 194 0 294 0 565 0 532 0 0 0 430 0 401 0 0 0 0 32,471 2,718,933 (MWH) 938,613 510 1,779,950 18, 704 154,756 10,765 39,253 0 129 194 294 565 532 0 430 401 43,407 99,852 (53) 3,088,302 oil (000 GAL 22 0 26 1,422 Gas Coal ) (MMCF) = (000 TON) 11,600 0 22,044 SeCCCDCDD ODDO 0 S000 SEODDDDDDCDOOCOCCOCOOCCOODO w & DN & w rc) Alaska Power Authority 11/87 OL ALAKANUK ANVIK BETTLES CHEVAK CIRCLE (E) EAGLE (E) EMMONAK FAIRBANKS (1)(6) FORT YUKON FAIRBANKS (1)(6) GALENA GRAYLING HOLY CROSS HOOPER BAY HUGHES HUSLIA KALTAG KOTLIK (E) LAKE MINCHUMINA (E) MANLEY HOT SPRINGS (2) MARSHALL MINTO MT. VILLAGE NORTHWAY (E) NULATO PILOT STATION RAMPART RUSSIAN MISSION (3) SCAMMON BAY SHAGELUK ST. MARYS/ANDREAFSKI (5) TANANA TOK TOTAL NOTES Utility AVEC AVEC BL&P AVEC cE EPC AVEC GVEA GZUC FMUS coG AVEC AVEC AVEC HuP&L AVEC AVEC Kc ss MUC AVEC AVEC AVEC NP&L AVEC AVEC RVC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC TPC AP&T DaD DPRDDD ADD DPRRDDDD Alaska Utilities YUKON REGION - 1986 (Page 1 of 2) (1) Installed capacity ratings may vary depending on the ambient temperature used in reporting. Utility was purchased by United Companies in 1985. (3) AVEC assumed service for Russian Mission in February 1986. (5) St. Mary’s supplies power to Andreafski and Pitkas Point. (6) Peak demand for FMUS and GVEA are total system peaks. All other peaks listed are retail. (2) Manley Hot Springs: cence eens cece ene c eect ee tenn tence nee n eee eee eee nee e een ence eee eee ee reece PEAK Steam DEMAND (6) Turbine TOTAL (MW) 795 25,000 202,295 0 2,100 29,000 67,750 0 960 0 295 0 480 0 795 0 1,245 0 425 0 365 0 470 0 204 0 150 0 455 0 428 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a RBPSCSDSTDDDOCDDDDDCOOD DDO OO OOOO S=ONDOCOCOCOOD w 1,080 920 740 396 150 226 455 200 1,300 2,300 4,895 MOR BU UUNN RWo DOLD WO WU LONDON Woa-Nnnon FMUS and GVEA figures are based on a 30°F rating. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 Zt ALAKANUK ANVIK BETTLES CHEVAK CIRCLE (E) EAGLE (E) EMMONAK FAIRBANKS FORT YUKON FAIRBANKS GALENA GRAYLING HOLY CROSS HOOPER BAY HUGHES HUSLIA KALTAG KOTLIK (E) LAKE MINCHUMINA (E) MANLEY HOT SPRINGS MARSHALL MINTO MT. VILLAGE NORTHWAY (E) NULATO PILOT STATION RAMPART RUSSIAN MISSION SCAMMON BAY SHAGELUK ST. MARYS/ANDREAFSKI TANANA TOK TOTAL Utility AVEC AVEC BL&P AVEC cE EPC AVEC GVEA GZUC FMUS COG AVEC AVEC AVEC HuP&L AVEC AVEC Kc ss MUC AVEC AVEC AVEC NP&L AVEC AVEC RVC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC TPC AP&T PRD RPRDDDDRD RPRRRDDD VVNAANAHKADAVAANVVEFEAAVAAAVTVANVIVUANVAND 280 , 285 Alaska Utilities YUKON REGION - 1986 (Page 2 of 2) 367 1,269 247,097 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,942 0 1,325 0 2,272 0 ~The 0 548 0 1,321 0 17 0 421 0 466 0 602 0 160 0 221 0 527 0 445 0 1,671 0 1,393 0 704 0 751 0 98 0 266 0 567 0 279 0 1,972 0 1,592 0 0 0 Coal TOTAL 0 793 0 232 0 926 0 1,060 0 211 0 367 0 1,269 172,926 420,023 0 1,942 99,093 100,418 0 2,272 NOTIN eect 548 1,321 oil Gas Coal (000 GAL) (MMCF ) 7% 35 87 102 30 37 115 22,489 203 264 205 R NSCBDDDCDOOO = °o 115 SSTDDDDDDDDODDCCODODOOCCOCCCO Alaska Power Authority 11/87 Bt Alaska Utilities ARCTIC AND NORTHWEST REGIONS - 1986 (Page 1 of 2) PEAK Reg. DEMAND Community Utility Status Type Hydro (1c) Turbine Turbine TOTAL (MW) AMBLER AVEC R c 0 435 0 0 435 0.2 ANAKTUVUK PASS NSBPL R M 0 930 0 0 930 0.3 ATQASUK NSBPL R M 0 1,375 0 0 1,375 0.4 BARROW BU&EC R c 0 0 9,000 0 9,000 5.5 DEADHORSE AUI [2 0 5,270 800 0 6,070 Se ELIM AVEC R c 0 326 0 0 326 0.1 GAMBELL AVEC R c 0 795 0 0 795 0.2 KAKTOVIK NSBPL R M 0 445 0 0 445 0.3 KIANA AVEC R c 0 945 0 0 945 0.2 KIVALINA AVEC R c 0 601 0 0 601 0.1 KOTZEBUE KtEA R c 0 6,625 0 0 6,625 Sse KOYUK AVEC R c 0 355 0 0 355 0.1 NOATAK AVEC R c 0 470 0 0 470 0.2 NOME NJUB M 0 9,533 0 0 9,533 3.9 NOORVIK AVEC R c 0 820 0 0 820 0.2 NUIQSUT NSBL R M 0 750 0 0 750 O35) POINT HOPE NSBPL R M 0 900 0 0 900 0.5 POINT LAY NSBPL R M 0 400 0 0 400 0.2 SAVOONGA AVEC R c 0 690 0 0 690 0.2 SELAWIK AVEC R c 0 860 0 0 860 0.2 SHAKTOOLIK AVEC R c 0 265 0 0 265 0.1 SHISHMAREF AVEC R c 0 580 0 0 580 0.2 SHUNGNAK AVEC R c 0 645 0 0 645 0.2 ST. MICHAEL AVEC R Cc 0 410 0 0 410 0.1 STEBBINS AVEC R c 0 280 0 0 280 0.1 TELLER TePC R P 0 445 0 0 445 0.3 UNALAKLEET UVEC c 0 1,860 0 0 1,860 0.6 WAINWRIGHT NSBPL. R M 0 1,040 0 0 1,040 0.6 WALES AVEC R ic 0 125 0 0 125 0.1 TOTAL 0 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 6L Alaska Utilities ARCTIC AND NORTHWEST REGIONS - 1986 (Page 2 of 2) Oil Gas Coal Communi t Utility Status Type (000 GAL) (MMCF) (000 TON) AMBLER AVEC R c 0 704 0 0 704 66 0 0 ANAKTUVUK PASS NSBPL R M 0 1,584 0 0 1,584 133 0 0 ATQASUK NSBPL R M 0 1,362 0 0 1,362 116 0 0 BARROW BU&EC R Cc 0 0 30,494 0 30,494 0 558 0 DEADHORSE AUI P 0 17,990 0 0 17,990 1,632 0 0 ELIM AVEC R c 0 465 0 0 465 47 0 0 GAMBELL AVEC R c 0 965 0 0 965 82 0 0 KAKTOVIK NSBPL R M 0 1,513 0 0 1,313 144 0 0 KIANA AVEC R c 0 916 0 0 916 85 0 0 KIVALINA AVEC R c 0 606 0 0 606 69 0 0 KOTZEBUE KtEA R c 0 16,102 0 0 16,102 1,250 0 0 KOYUK AVEC R c 0 435 0 0 435 48 0 0 NOATAK AVEC R c 0 665 0 0 665 69 0 0 NOME NJUB M 0 21,873 0 0 21,873 1,633 0 0 NOORVIK AVEC R c 0 970 0 0 970 85 0 0 NUIQSUT NSBPL R M 0 1,645 0 0 1,645 145 0 0 POINT HOPE NSBPL R M 0 1,418 0 0 1,418 208 0 0 POINT LAY NSBPL R M 0 804 0 0 804 85 0 0 SAVOONGA AVEC R c 0 1,162 0 0 1,162 92 0 0 SELAWIK AVEC R c 0 894 0 0 894 91 0 0 SHAKTOOLIK AVEC R c 0 433 0 0 433 48 0 0 SHISHMAREF AVEC R c 0 929 0 0 929 97 0 0 SHUNGNAK AVEC R c 0 774 0 0 774 3 0 0 ST. MICHAEL AVEC R c 0 547 0 0 547 64 0 0 STEBBINS AVEC R c 0 516 0 0 516 56 0 0 TELLER TePC R P 0 671 0 0 671 67 0 0 UNALAKLEET UVEC c 0 2,946 0 0 2,946 235 0 0 WAINWRIGHT NSBPL R M 0 2,720 0 0 2,720 218 0 0 WALES AVEC R c 0 294 0 0 294 34 0 0 TOTAL 0 81,903 30,494 0 112,397 6,971 558 0 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 oz ANIAK (E) ATKA BETHEL CHIGNIK COLD BAY DILLINGHAM/ALEKNAGIK EEK EGEGIK GOODNEWS BAY ILIAMNA/NEWHALEN/NON KING COVE KWETHLUK LEVELOCK LOWER/UPPER KALSKAG MANOKOTAK (E) MCGRATH MEKORYUK NAKNEK NAPAKIAK (1) NEW STUYAHOK NIKOLSKI (E) NUNAPI TCHAK/KASIGLUK QUINHAGAK SAND POINT TOGIAK TOKSOOK BAY TUNUNAK UNALASKA/DUTCH HARB TOTAL NOTES (1) Napakiak purchases power from Bethel Utilities. (2) Atmautluak is not included in the Southwest Region data base because it is reporting for the first time in 1986. Atmautluak’s installed capacity is 505 KW. 1986 net generation was 479 MWH, with a fuel use of 48,000 gallons. Utility APC AEC BUC ChE G&K NEC AVEC EL&P AVEC INNEC KCC KI LEC AVEC COM MGL&P AVEC NEA NIPC AVEC NiP&L AVEC AVEC SPEI AVEC AVEC AVEC UE RPRDDD arn pr DRDDDDD Alaska Utilities SOUTHWEST REGION - 1986 (Page 1 of 2) cece ence eee e ee eee ene e eee e ene n een eee eee e ene n een e ene ee nent sense tent eeneee PEAK Installed capacity figure is for backup units. ° DEMAND TOTAL (MW) 1,100 0.4 240 0.1 9,400 4.3 150 0.0 2,145 0.7 5,520 2.4 395 0.1 150 0.0 175, 0.1 960 0.4 1,100 1.4 710 0.0 100 0.4 530 0.2 600 0.1 1,250 0.6 355 0.1 6,070 2.4 300 0.0 285 0.1 173 0.1 1,060 0.3 650 0.2 2,650 1.5 910 0.3 720 0.2 355 0.1 4,200 2.6 42,253 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 L2 ANIAK (E) ATKA BETHEL CHIGNIK COLD BAY DILLINGHAM/ALEKNAGIK EEK EGEGIK GOODNEWS BAY TLIAMNA/NEWHALEN/NON KING COVE KWETHLUK LEVELOCK LOWER/UPPER KALSKAG MANOKOTAK (E) MCGRATH MEKORYUK BRISTOL BAY BOROUGH NAPAKIAK NEW STUYAHOK NIKOLSKI (E) NUNAPI TCHAK/KASIGLUK QUINHAGAK SAND POINT TOGIAK TOKSOOK BAY TUNUNAK UNALASKA/DUTCH HARB TOTAL nn DRDDRARD » RDRDDDD BAAN VANVAVANVEAAH BAAN VAAVEVVY Alaska Utilities SOUTHWEST REGION - 1986 (Page 2 of 2) oil Gas Coal (000 GAL) (MMCF) (000 TON) 152 29 2,063 253 978 154 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 ze Major Alaska Utilities Peak Loads and Installed Capacity (1977-1986) Major Utilities 1400 + Installed Capacity (Percent of State Utility Total) 4999 4 (79%) Ny (80%) (78%) 1000 + Megawatts eae MW) Po (79%) 600 4 400 200 Aapesstebeseeeteetinnessssibeseeiiieeltipesse beer HEHEHE LEHR HEH 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Year Monthly Peak Loads ° Southeast - Alaska Electric Light & Power; Alaska Power Administration, Snettisham; Glacier Highway Electric Association (a1! located in Juneau) and Ketchikan Public Utilities. ° Southcentral - Anchorage Municipal Light & Power, Chugach Electric Association, Inc. (both located in Anchorage) and Alaska Power Administration, Eklutna (Palmer). Yukon - Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System and Golden Valley Electric Association (both located in Fairbanks). Alaska Power Authority 11/87 €2 REGION Sector SOUTHEAST Utility National Defense Industry TOTAL SOUTHCENTRAL Utility National Defense Industry TOTAL YUKON Utility National Defense Industry TOTAL ARCTIC-NORTHWEST Utility National Defense Industry TOTAL SOUTHWEST Utility National Defense Industry TOTAL ALASKA Utility National Defense Industry TOTAL 1984 ALASKA INSTALLED CAPACITY AND NET GENERATION REGIONAL SUMMARY Installed Capacity (KW) 272,392 0 75,076 347,468 947,908 56,726 124,635 1,129,269 301,512 80,935 37,350 419,797 43,789 6,940 298 808 349,537 39,884 59,585 0 99,469 1,605,485 204 , 186 535,869 2,345,540 Net Generation 567,608 0 227,635 795,263 2,827, 848 152,922 332,911 3,313,681 569,931 226,340 71,794 868 , 065 100,906 10,735 1,085,065 1,196,706 79,846 119,362 0 199,208 4,146,139 509,359 1,717,405 6,372,903 1986 (1984-1986) 1985 Installed Net Generation Installed Capacity Capacity (KW) (KW) 279,995 579,250 2.0% 286, 487 0 0 0.0% 0 70,600 276,383 21.4% 67,651 350,595 855,633 7.6% 354,138 926,507 3,164,189 11.9% 1,009,062 56,700 136,337 -10.8% 51,180 117,840 340,981 2.4% 121,804 1,101,047 3,641,507 9.9% 1,182,046 305,301 539,209 -5.4% 294 , 864 53,500 141,987 -37.3% 52,655 37,300 79,495 10.7% 29 , 883 396,101 760,691 -12.4% 377,402 48,696 107,467 6.5% 47,975 8,900 4,736 55.9% 4,000 307,500 1,163,351 7.2% 381,249 365,096 1,275,554 6.6% 433, 224 41,215 83,877 5.0% 42,253 50,300 106,520 10.8% 43,450 0 0 0.0% 542 91,515 190,397 -4.4% 86,245 1,601,714 4,473,992 7.9% 1,680,641 169,400 389,580 -23.5% 151,285 533,240 1,860,210 8.3% 601,129 2,304,354 6,723,782 5.5% 2,433,055 Net Generation 1985-86 Growth 568,241 -1.9% 0 0.0% 289,370 4.5% 857,611 0.2% 3,088,302 -2.4% 146,475 7.4% 287,677 -15.6% 3,522,454 -3.3% 552,304 2.4% 143,442 1.0% 55,366 —--30.4% 751,112 -1.3% 112,397 4.6% 5,755 21.5% 1,318,270 13.3% 1,436,422 12.6% 89, 186 6.3% 125,722 18.0% 0 0.0% 214,908 12.9% 4,410,430 = 1.4% 421,394 8.2% 1,950,683 4.9% 6,782,507 0.9% Alaska Power Authority 11/87 ve ALASKA 1986 ENERGY and POWER DATA By Major Communities within Regions (Page 1 of 3) Installed Net Capacity Generation Region Sector Community (KW) (MWH) Haines 4,270 To Juneau - AEL&P 80,372 71,579 Juneau - GHEA 5,550 88 Juneau - Snettisham 47,160 184,417 SOUTHEAST UTILITY Ketchikan 28,700 62,012 Petersburg 6,350 11,582 Sitka 32,640 102,133 Wrangell 7,200 45 Other Southeast 74,245 128,436 TOTAL 286,487 568,243 INDUSTRY TOTAL 67,651 289,370 TOTAL SOUTHEAST 354,138 857,613 Anchorage - AML&P 299,300 938,613 Anchorage - Chugach 512,800 1,779,950 Anchorage - Eklutna 30,000 154,756 SOUTHCENTRAL UTILITY Glenallen 10,442 10,765 Valdez 10,004 (53) Homer - AEG&T 37,400 59205 Kodiak/Port Lions 52,375 194 Other Southcentral 56,741 164,824 [ TOTAL 1,009,062 3,088,302 NATIONAL DEFENSE Anchorage Area 47,200 146,475 Kodiak Area 3,980 0 TOTAL 51,180 146,475 Kenai 36,685 106,498 INDUSTRY Valdez 40,000 43,000 Other Southcentral 45,119 138,178 TOTAL 121,804 287 ,676 TOTAL SOUTHCENTRAL 1,182,046 3,522,453 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 S2 ALASKA 1986 ENERGY and POWER DATA By Major Communities within Regions (Page 2 of 3) Installed Net Capacity Generation Region Sector Community (KW) (MWH) YUKON UTILITY Fairbanks - FMUS 67,750 420,023 Fairbanks - GVEA 202,295 100,418 Other Yukon 24,819 31,863 TOTAL 294 , 864 552,304 NATIONAL DEFENSE TOTAL 52,655 143,442 INDUSTRY TOTAL 29,883 55,366 L TOTAL YUKON 377,402 751,112 Barrow 9,000 30,494 ARCTIC & NORTHWEST UTILITY Deadhorse 6,070 17,990 Kotzebue 6,625 16,102 Nome 9,533 21,873 Other Arctic Northwest 16,747 25,938 TOTAL 47,975 112,397 NATIONAL DEFENSE TOTAL 4,000 5,755 — INDUSTRY TOTAL 381,249 1,318,271 TOTAL ARCTIC/NORTHWEST 433,224 1,436,423 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 92 Region Sector SOUTHWEST UTILITY ALASKA 1986 ENERGY and POWER DATA By Major Communities within Regions (Page 3 of 3) Installed Net Capacity Generation Communi ty (KW) (MWH) Bethel 9,400 28,477 Naknek 6,070 15,381 Dillingham/Aleknagik 5,520 13,064 Unalaska/Dutch Harbor 4,200 6,223 Other Southwest 17,063 26,041 TOTAL 42,253 89, 186 NATIONAL DEFENSE TOTAL 43,450 125,722 INDUSTRY TOTAL 542 0 86,245 214,908 TOTAL SOUTHWEST UTILITY TOTAL 1,680,641 4,410,432 NATIONAL DEFENSE TOTAL 151,285 421,394 INDUSTRY TOTAL 601,129 1,950,683 2,433,055 6,782,509 TOTAL ALASKA Alaska Power Authority 11/87 EO ET TT TE TE LED NI A PELE LAR EATEN TE AE TET TETRIS Installed Capacity Data 27 62 Alaska Installed Capacity UTILITY, NATIONAL DEFENSE, INDUSTRY BY REGIONS 1986 Wood/ Gas Steam UTILITY Hydro Gas oil Coal oil TOTAL Hydro q1c) Turbine Turbine TOTAL Southeast 146.4 0.0 140.1 0.0 0.0 286.5 146.4 105.1 35.0 0.0 286.5 Southcentral 101.7 829.7 77.7 0.0 0.0 1,009.1 101.7 77.7 740.7 89.0 1,009.1 Yukon 0.0 0.0 240.9 54.0 0.0 294.9 0.0 54.3 186.6 54.0 294.9 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 9.8 38.2 0.0 0.0 48.0 0.0 38.2 9.8 0.0 48.0 Southwest 0.0 0.0 42.3 0.0 0.0 42.3 0.0 42.3 0.0 0.0 42.3 ALASKA UTILITY 248.1 839.5 539.1 54.0 0.0 1,680.6 248.1 317.5 972.1 143.0 1,680.6 NATIONAL DEFENSE Southeast 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Southcentral 0.0 22.5 10.7 18.0 0.0 51.2 0.0 10.7 0.0 40.5 51.2 Yukon 0.0 0.0 15.7 37.0 0.0 52.7 0.0 15.7 0.0 37.0 52.7 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 4.0 Southwest 0.0 0.0 43.5 0.0 0.0 43.5 0.0 43.5 0.0 0.0 43.5 ALASKA NATL. DEFENSE 0.0 22.5 73.8 55.0 0.0 151.3 0.0 73.8 0.0 77.5 151.3 INDUSTRY Southeast 0.0 0.0 23.9 0.0 43.8 67.7 0.0 3.9 0.0 63.8 67.7 Southcentral 0.0 57.4 64.4 0.0 0.0 121.8 0.0 38.8 45.5 37.5 121.8 Yukon 0.0 0.0 16.9 13.0 0.0 29.9 0.0 3.3 13.6 13.0 29.9 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 303.4 75.8 2.0 0.0 381.2 0.0 72.2 309.0 0.0 381.2 Southwest 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 ALASKA INDUSTRY 0.0 360.8 181.5 15.0 43.8 601.1 0.0 118.7 368.1 114.3 601.1 ALASKA TOTALS BY REGION Southeast 146.4 0.0 164.0 0.0 43.8 354.1 146.4 109.0 35.0 63.8 354.1 Southcentral 101.7 909.6 152.7. 18.0 0.0 1,182.0 101.7 127.1 786.2 167.0 1,182.0 Yukon 0.0 0.0 273.4 104.0 0.0 377.4 0.0 73.2 200.2 104.0 377.4 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 313.2 118.0 2.0 0.0 433.2 0.0 114.4 318.8 0.0 433.2 Southwest 0.0 0.0 86.2 0.0 0.0 86.2 0.0 86.2 0.0 0.0 86.2 ALASKA TOTAL 248.1 1,222.8 794.4 124.0 43.8 2,433.1 248.1 510.0 1,340.2 334.8 2,433.1 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 oe Installed Capacity 1000 (MW) 2000 1500 500 Alaska Utility Installed Capacity by Prime Mover (1960-1986) AOL iS 1980 1985 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 Le Alaska Utility Installed Capacity BY PRIME MOVER (1956-1986) (KW) % of % of % of % of Utility Utility Diesel Utility Gas Utility UTILITY Year Hydro Total Steam Total Total Turbine Total TOTAL NON-UTILITY 1956 50,005 50 30,575 30 19,738 20 0 100,318 247,000 1957 54,600 49 35,575 32 21,628 19 0 111,803 255,400 1958 54,600 48 35,575 31 24,534 21 0 114,709 257,000 1959 60,225 49 35,908) 29 26,079 21 0 121,879 262,600 1960 60,225 49 32,875 27 29,459 24 0 122,559 295,100 1961 82,225 55 32,875 22 33,595 23 0 148,695 303,600 1962 82,300 48 32,875 19 41,993 25 12,800 8 169,968 303,500 1963 82,300 41 32,875 16 47,368 23 39,700 20 202,243 304,200 1964 82,300 38 32,750 15 49,482 23 54,050 25 218,582 303,900 1965 82,225 34 32,750 13 59,437 24 68,400 28 242,812 279,200 1966 82,225 32 32,750 13 69,273 27 69,900 28 254,148 284,100 1967 76,600 29 32,750 13 81,023 31 69,900 27 260,273 287,300 1968 78,700 23 54,750 16 89,538 26 116,700 34 339,688 303,500 1969 76,600 22 54,750 16 98,963 29 116,700 34 347,013 344,500 1970 76,600 19 74,750 18 123,256 30 131,990 32 406 ,596 355,100 1971 75,275 16 68,250 14 140,627 30 188,803 40 472,955 354,900 1972 74,275 14 68,250 13 144,975 27 246,139 46 533,639 387,700 1973 121,000 19 68,250 10 147,700 23 313,100 48 650,050 376,100 1974 122,260 17 68,000 9 148,054 20 385,324 53 723,638 411,900 1975 122,535 16 68,000 9 176,706 23 396,257 52 763,498 403,654 1976 123,235 13 68,000 © 205,110 21 575,454 59 971,799 469,504 1977 122,460 12 68,000 it 223, 736 22 624,074 60 1,038,270 615,056 1978 122,460 1 68,000 6 221,516 20 720,614 64 1,132,590 658,626 1979 123,310 10 101,000 8 233,611 19 799,914 64 1,257,835 659,526 1980 123,360 10 101,000 8 237,703 18 823,174 64 1,285,237 687,876 1981 123,690 9 158,000 1 251,745 18 850,274 61 1,383,709 700,911 1982 154,280 1 158,000 cn} 255,790 18 850,274 60 1,418,344 703,141 1983 153,780 1 158,000 1 269,683 19 870,574 60 1,452,037 760,864 1984 222,990 14 158,030 10 276,841 17 947,624 59 1,605,485 742,555 1985 224,000 14 144,500 9 299,614 19 933,600 58 1,601,714 702,640 1986 248,100 15 143,000 9 317,500 19 972,100 58 1,680,700 | 752,414 | NOTES - Non-Utility installed capacity includes industry, national defense and state and federal agencies. Federal and state hydroelectric projects, however, are included in Utility Total. - Installed capacity data includes standby units. - Legend: Gas refers to gas turbine, Diesel to internal combustion diesel. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 Ze Installed Capacity (MW) 2500+ 2000+ 1500+ 1000+ 1960 1965 Alaska Installed Capacity Historical Summary Utility and Non—utility (1960 — 1986) ALASKA TOTAL 1970 1975 1980 1985 Year Z] NON-UTILITY ME OUTILITY Alaska Power Authority 11/87 €€ Year 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 NOTES - Other Non-Utility includes private industry, state and federal facilities. Eklutna (Palmer) and Snettisham (Juneau) are not included in these figures. - Total Utility includes regulated and non-regulated utilities; federal Alaska Power Administration’s hydroelectric facilities; and state Alaska Power Authority’s hydroelectric projects at Swan Lake, Lake Tyee, Terror Lake and Solomon Gulch. National Defense 197,000 205,500 207,000 212,600 245,100 251,400 251,500 252,200 245, 100 216,300 217,800 221,000 239,700 243,700 252,400 252,100 256,900 244,600 245 , 400 224,700 208 , 700 202,600 208 , 600 208 , 600 208, 600 206 , 000 201, 100 218, 100 204,200 169,400 151,285 Other Non-Utility 50,000 49,900 50,000 50,000 50,000 52, 100 52,000 52,000 58,800 62,900 66,300 66,300 63,800 100, 700 102, 700 102,700 130,900 131,500 166,500 179,000 260,800 412,400 450,000 450,900 479,200 494,900 502,000 542,800 538,400 533,300 601,129 Alaska Installed Capacity HISTORICAL SUMMARY 1956-1986 UTILITY, NON-UTILITY,NATIONAL DEFENSE (1956-1986) (KW) TOTAL Non-Utility 247,000 255,400 257,000 262,600 295, 100 303,500 303,500 304,200 303,900 279,200 284, 100 287,300 303,500 344,400 355, 100 354,800 387,800 376, 100 411,900 403,700 469,500 615,000 658,600 659,500 687,800 700,900 703, 100 760,900 742,600 702,700 752,414 Federal Alaska Power Administration hydroelectric projects at TOTAL Utility 100,318 111,803 114,709 121,879 122,559 148,695 169,968 202,243 218,582 242,812 254,418 260,273 339, 688 347,013 406,596 472,955 533,639 650, 100 723,638 763,498 971,799 1,038,270 1,132,590 1,257,835 1,285,237 1,383, 709 1,418,344 1,452,037 1,605,485 1,601,714 1,680,641 347,318 367,203 371,709 384,479 417,659 452,195 473,468 506, 443 522,482 522,012 538,518 547,573 643, 188 691,413 761,696 827,755 921,439 1,026,200 1,135,538 1,167,198 1,441,299 1,653,270 1,791,190 1,917,335 1,973,037 2,084 ,609 2,121,444 2,212,937 2,348,085 2,304,416 2,433,055 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 ve Alaska Installed Capacity 1986 UTILITY REGIONAL SUMMARY BY TYPE OF UTILITY (MW) Type of Gas Steam Region Utility Hydro Diesel Turbine Turbine TOTAL 9598989898998 SOUTHEAST Cooperative 0.0 10.7 0.0 0.0 10.7 Fed/State 89.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 89.7 Municipal 41.3 48.6 0.0 0.0 90.0 Private 15.4 45.8 55.0) 0.0 96.2 4 1 SOUTHCENTRAL Cooperative 39.7 63.6 478.0 55.0 636.3 Fed/State 62.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.0 Municipal 0.0 13.6 262.7 34.0 310.3 Private 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.5 TOTAL 101.7 toll 740.7 89.0 1,009.1 YUKON Cooperative 0.0 31.4 156.1 25.0 212.5 Municipal 0.0 8.7 30.5 29.0 68.2 Private 0.0 14.2 0.0 0.0 14.2 TOTAL 0.0 p45 186.6 54.0 294.9 ARCTIC AND Cooperative 0.0 Gel 9.0 0.0 26.1 NORTHWEST Municipal 0.0 15.4 0.0 0.0 15.4 Private 0.0 5.7 0.8 0.0 6.5 TOTAL 0.0 9.8 0.0 48.0 SOUTHWEST Cooperative 0.0 18.1 Municipal 0.0 6.8 Private 0.0 17.4 TOTAL 0.0 42.3 0.0 0.0 42.3 ALASKA Cooperative Sat, 140.9 643.1 80.0 903.7 Fed/State 151.7, 0.0 0.0 0.0 151.7 Municipal 41.3 931 293.2 63.0 490.6 Private 15.4 83.6 35.8 0.0 134.8 TOTAL 248.1 317.6 972.1 143.0 1,680.8 NOTES - Federal/State classification includes federal Alaska Power Administration hydro projects, Eklutna and Snettisham; state Alaska Power Authority hydro projects Tyee Lake, Swan Lake, Solomon Gulch, and Terror Lake. to utilities. - Private classification includes a small percentage of utilities owned by IRA councils. Federal and state power facilities supply wholesale energy Alaska Power Authority 11/87 SE SOUTHEAST (1) SOUTHCENTRAL ARMY USAF USN & USCG TOTAL YUKON ARMY USAF USN & USCG TOTAL ARCTIC/NORTHWEST USAF USN & USCG TOTAL SOUTHWEST USAF USN & USCG TOTAL ALASKA TOTAL ARMY USAF USN & USCG TOTAL NOTES ALASKA NATIONAL DEFENSE INSTALLED CAPACITY (KW) Diesel Gas Steam 0 0 0 0 7,226 0 18,000 25,226 0 0 22,500 22,500 5,000 0 4,000 9,000 12,226 0 44,500 56,726 9,000 0 22,000 31,000 0 0 0 0 12,435 0 37,500 49,935 21,435 0 59,500 80,935 3,940 0 0 3,940 0 =: 3,000 0 3,000 3,940 3,000 0 6,940 27,950 0 0 27,950 24,400 0 0 24,400 52,350 0 0 52,350 16,226 0 40,000 56,226 31,890 0 22,500 54,390 29,400 0 4,000 33,400 77,516 0 66,500 144,016 (1984-1986) (KW) 1985 Diesel Gas Steam 0 0 0 0 7,200 0 18,000 25,200 0 0 22,500 22,500 5,000 0 4,000 9,000 12,200 0 44,500 56,700 9,000 0 22,000 + 31,000 0 0 0 0 7,500 0 15,000 22,500 16,500 0 37,000 53,500 5,900 0 0 5,900 0 ~—- 3,000 0 ~—- 3,000 5,900 3,000 0 ~=-8, 900 25,900 0 0 25,900 24,400 0 0 24,400 50,300 0 0 50,300 16,200 0 40,000 56,200 31,800 0 37,500 54,300 36,900 3,000 19,000 58,900 84,900 3,000 96,500 169,400 (1) ALL national defense generation facilities in southeast Alaska are leased to private industry. Diesel Gas Steam qc) Turbine Turbine TOTAL 0 0 0 0 6,700 0 18,000 24,700 0 0 22,500 22,500 3,980 0 0 =: 3,980 10,680 0 40,500 51,180 9,455 0 22,000 31,455 6,200 0 15,000 21,200 0 0 0 0 15,655 0 37,000 52,655 4,000 0 0 4,000 0 0 0 0 4,000 0 0 4,000 23,050 0 0 23,050 20,400 0 0 20,400 43,450 0 0 43,450 16,155 0 40,000 56,155 33,250 0 37,500 70,750 24,380 0 0 24,380 73,785 0 77,500 151,285 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 Generation Data 37 6E ALASKA NET GENERATION UTILITY, NATIONAL DEFENSE, INDUSTRY BY REGIONS 1986 BY TYPE OF FUEL (MW) BY PRIME MOVER (MW) Wood/ Diesel Gas Steam Hydro Gas oil Coal oil TOTAL Hydro qc) Turbine Turbine TOTAL UNCity =| ||| ||” OPperaritesersecseecoceneteercrsrepere = 9Ssnesapeseaseee | || | saan tee ees keke sedan (acne ease se te ent aca Sec eas S cesses Southeast 517.1 0.0 51.2 0.0 0.0 568.2 517.1 51.0 0.2 0.0 568.2 Southcentral 336.9 2,718.9 32.5 0.0 0.0 3,088.3 336.9 32.5 2,341.0 378.0 3,088.3 Yukon 0.0 0.0 280.3 272.0 0.0 552.3 0.0 30.9 249.3 272.0 552.3 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 30.5 81.9 0.0 0.0 112.4 0.0 81.9 30.5 0.0 112.4 Southwest 0.0 0.0 89.2 0.0 0.0 89.2 0.0 89.2 0.0 0.0 89.2 ALASKA UTILITY 854.0 2,749.4 535.0 272.0 0.0 4,410.4 854.0 285.5 2,621.0 650.0 4,410.4 NATIONAL DEFENSE Southeast 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Southcentral 0.0 146.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 146.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 146.5 146.5 Yukon 0.0 0.0 14.2 129.2 0.0 143.4 0.0 14.2 0.0 129.2 143.4 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 0.0 5.8 0.0 0.0 5.8 0.0 5.8 0.0 0.0 5.8 Southwest 0.0 0.0 125.7 0.0 0.0 125.7 0.0 125.7 0.0 0.0 125.7 ALASKA NATL. DEFENSE 0.0 146.5 145.7 129.2 0.0 421.4 0.0 145.7 0.0 275.7 421.4 INDUSTRY Southeast 0.0 188.5 0.9 0.0 100.0 289.4 0.0 0.9 0.0 288.5 289.4 Southcentral 0.0 262.9 24.7 0.0 0.0 287.7 0.0 45.4 199.3 43.0 287.7 Yukon 0.0 0.0 2.1 30.3 0.0 55.4 0.0 1.0 24.1 30.3 55.4 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 1,310.1 8.1 0.0 0.0 1,318.3 0.0 12.9 1,305.4 0.0 1,318.3 Southwest 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ALASKA INDUSTRY 0.0 1,761.6 58.8 30.3 100.0 1,950.7 0.0 60.2 1,528.7 361.8 1,950.7 ALASKA TOTALS BY REGION 5 Southeast 517.1 188.5 52.1 0.0 100.0 857.6 517.1 ey 0.2 288.5 857.6 Southcentral 336.9 3,128.3 57.2 0.0 0.0 3,522.5 336.9 77.8 2,540.3 567.5 3,522.5 Yukon 0.0 0.0 319.6 431.5 0.0 751.1 0.0 46.2 273.4 431.5 751.1 Arctic-Northwest 0.0 1,340.6 95.8 0.0 0.0 1,436.4 0.0 100.5 1,335.9 0.0 1,436.4 Southwest 0.0 0.0 214.9 0.0 0.0 214.9 0.0 214.9 0.0 0.0 214.9 ALASKA TOTAL 854.0 4,657.5 739.6 431.5 100.0 6,782.5 854.0 491.4 4,149.7 1,287.5 6,782.6 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 Or Gigawatt 2500+ Hours (GWH) 2000, 4500+ 4000+ 3500 + 3000 1500+ 1000+ 1960 BB 8-B-o-o 1965 Alaska Utilities Accumulative Net Generation by Region (1960-1986) t * ¢ ARC—NW,SW YUKON SE SC Alaska Power Authority 11/87 ly ALASKA ANNUAL UTILITY NET GENERATION BY REGION AND TYPE OF UTILITY (1960-1986) Average Average (MWH) Annual Annual Growth Growth Type of 1970-1980 1981-1986 Region Utility 1960 1970 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 (%) (%) SOUTHEAST Private 32,443 73,620 73,577 75,295 76,071 86,660 91,212 125,419 96,294 Municipal 71,395 127,996 185,124 188, 768 228,895 243,219 211,931 198,303 198,459 Cooperative 0 336 6,515 6,359 9,091 7,630 8,092 8,693 8,882 Federal/State 0 0 100,227 124,302 160,954 169,744 255,673 246,835 264,606 TOTAL 103,838 201,952 365,443 394,724 475,011 507,253 566,908 579,250 568,241 6.11 3.71 SOUTHCENTRAL Private 65 1,053 1,190 1,190 1,515 1,550 1,550 1,158 940 Municipal 10,413 205,103 494 , 889 486,301 579,474 592,546 654,039 939,426 939,840 Cooperative 53,508 443,560 1,554,727 1,595,331 1,822,005 1,876,301 1,972,791 1,978,042 1,849,507 Federal/State 187,550 154,733 184,285 222,703 174,877 185,244 199,468 245,563 298,015 TOTAL 251,536 804,449 2,235,091 2,305,525 2,577,871 2,655,641 2,827,848 3,164,189 3,088,302 10.76 2.97 YUKON Private 2,636 4,087 13,069 14,466 15,275 15,742 16,007 17,225 17,539 Municipal 39,694 85,638 123,196 156,368 164,025 147,364 140,667 101,473 101,020 Cooperative 43,619 150,407 325,347 279,021 327,104 357,724 413,257 420,511 433,745 Federal/State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 85,949 240,132 461,612 449,855 506,404 520,830 569,931 539,209 552,304 6.75 2.07 ARCTIC & Private 170 170 9,817 10,964 15,927 17,138 18,900 18,602 18,661 NORTHWEST Municipal 2,881 8,060 15,261 15,935 17,511 18,682 19,870 21,304 32,919 Cooperative 1,740 7,606 38,858 44,767 53,375 59,161 62,136 67,561 60,818 Federal/State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 4,791 15,836 63,936 71,666 86,813 94,981 100,906 107,467 112,398 14.98 4.60 SOUTHWEST Private 1,639 8,967 33,384 34,691 35,484 36,579 37,819 42,943 42,284 Municipal 0 657 1,757 2,075 2,100 7,531 7,585 5,779 9,470 Cooperative 727 9,317 20,261 22,893 30,594 33,198 34,442 35,155 37,432 Federal/State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 2,366 18,941 55,402 59,659 68,178 77,308 79 , 846 83,877 89, 186 11.33 4.10 ALASKA Private 36,953 87,897 131,037 136,606 144,272 157,669 165,488 205,347 175,718 TOTAL Municipal 124,383 427,454 820,227 849,447 992,005 1,009,342 1,034,092 1,266,285 1,281,708 Cooperative 99,594 611,226 1,945,708 1,948,371 2,242,169 2,334,014 2,490,718 2,509,962 2,519,729 Federal/State 187,550 154,733 284,512 347,005 335,831 354,988 455,141 492,398 562,621 TOTAL 448,480 1,281,310 3,181,484 3,281,429 3,714,277 3,856,013 4,145,439 4,539,776 9.52 3.30 NOTES - Federal/State: refers to federal hydroelectric facilities Snettisham and Eklutna and state hydroelectric facilities Solomon Gulch, Terror Lake, Swan Lake and Tyee Lake. - Private: includes a small number of utilities owned by IRA councils. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 ev UTILITY Southeast Southcentral Yukon Arctic-Northwest Southwest ALASKA UTILITY NATIONAL DEFENSE Southeast Southcentral Yukon Arctic-Northwest Southwest ALASKA NATL. DEFENSE INDUSTRY Southeast Southcentral Yukon Arctic-Northwest Southwest ALASKA INDUSTRY ALASKA TOTALS BY REGION Southeast Southcentral Yukon Arctic-Northwest Southwest ALASKA TOTAL 543 236 500 7,815 9,094 5,048 3,335 26,211 14,786 11,225 60,605 ALASKA FUEL USE UTILITY, NATIONAL DEFENSE, INDUSTRY BY REGIONS 1986 QUANTITY OF FUEL USED oil Gas Coal 51 55 250 356 Wood (TONS) 34,461 ocooo 34,461 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 ev ALASKA NATIONAL DEFENSE NET GENERATION (1984-1986) (MWH) 1984 1985 1986 Diesel Gas Steam Diesel Gas Steam Diesel Gas Steam Region (Ic) Turbine Turbine TOTAL q1c) Turbine Turbine TOTAL q1c) Turbine Turbine TOTAL SOUTHEAST (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SOUTHCENTRAL ARMY 0 0 58,982 58,982 0 0 54,151 54,151 0 0 62535 62,535 USAF 0 0 74,998 74,998 0 0 79,605 79,605 0 0 83940 83,940 USN & USCG 5,282 0 13,660 18,942 187 0 2,394 2,581 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 5,282 0 147,640 152,922 187 0 136,150 136,337 0 0 146,475 146,475 YUKON ARMY 992 0 75,443 76,435 @ 0 78,491 78,498 2056 0 66580 68,636 USAF 23,233 0 126,672 149,905 8,167 0 55,522 63,489 12163 0 62643 74,806 TOTAL 24,225 QO 202,115 226,340 8,174 0 133,813 141,987 14,219 O 129,223 143,442 ARCTIC/NORTHWEST USAF 8,735 0 0 8,735 2,736 0 0 2,736 5755 0 0 5,755 USN & USCG 0 2,000 0 2,000 0 2,000 0 2,000 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 8,735 2,000 0 10,735 2,736 2,000 0 4,736 5,705 0 0 5,755 SOUTHWEST USAF 58,854 0 0 58,854 50,554 0 0 50,554 67091 0 0 67,091 USN & USCG 53,812 0 0 53,812 55,966 0 0 55,966 58631 0 0 58,631 TOTAL 112,666 0 0 112,666 106,520 0 0 106,520 125,722 0 0 125,722 ALASKA TOTAL ARMY 992 0 134,425 135,417 a 0 132,642 132,649 2,056 0 129,115 "131,174 USAF 90,822 0 201,670 292,492 61,457 0 134,927 196,384 85,009 0 146,583 231,592 USN & USCG 59,094 2,000 13,660 74,754 56,153 2,000 2,394 60,547 58,631 0 0 58,631 TOTAL 150,908 2,000 349,755 502,663 117,617 2,000 269,963 389,580 145,696 0 275,698 421,394 (1) All installations in Southeast Alaska are leased to private industry. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 Alaska Utilities Net Generation by Fuel Type (1977-1986) P 2 4507 (Page 1 of 2) 400+ 350 300+ : K} GAS Gigawatt 250 5 ] OIL (GWH) 200 —} HYDRO 10 ME COAL 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Year Alaska Utilities NET GENERATION BY FUEL TYPE (GWH) (Page 2 of 2) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ANNUAL oil 39 35 34 26 21 23 19 21 39 32 43 46 378 Gas 148 131 148 129 110 97 88 93 102 132 168 191 {537 1977 Coal 27 24 30 29 26 20 24 23 a 25 29 35 297 Hydro 37 a5) 38 33 39 39 43 49 45 49 46 47 498 TOTAL 251 223 250 217 196 179 174 186 193 238 286 317 2,710 oil 45 41 38 ey 29 19 21 28 30 32 37 39 388 Gas 171 146 152 132 127 108 110 109 116 149 175 195 1,690 1978 Coal Si 26 30 28 20 26 27 24 23 29 29 30 323 Hydro 47 40 39 35 a 41 39 39 38 39 37 36 4 209 194 197 200 207 249 278 300 2,864 oil 43 44 3D 29 31 20 23 26 32 28 30 42 383 Gas 198 202 168 144 123 117 118 120 122 148 160 207 1,827 1979 Coal 30 28 30 27 18 25 24 22 19 28 27 30 308 Hydro 32 29 39 39 39 35 38 37 35 42 40 47 450 TOTAL, 303 303 272 a9 211 197 203 205 206 246 257 326 2,968 oil 43 34 30 26 ot 24 25 22 24 26 31 46 368 Gas 197 163 169 139 121 114 115 113 128 161 189 235 1,844 1980 Coal 28 25 29 27 10 19 20 26 26 19 2 32 290 4 9 47 42 47 53 46 40 39 53 532 TOTAL 317 263 264 231 215 199 207 214 224 246 288 366 3,034 oil 31 31 29 29 27 20 235 27 23 27 31 38 338 Gas 178 165 163 150 134 155) 137 131 129 169 194 212 1,897 1981 Coal 22 29 31 26 25 28 27 24 27 a oS 35 338 ro 48 50 45, 43 35 41 49 59 54 52 53 581 TOTAL 283 273 273 250 229 218 230 231 238 281 310 338 3,154 oil 59 56 an 31 30 20 29 32 29 41 42 46 466 Gas 237 192 191 172 158 145 151 151 162 204 215 233 ral) 1982 Coal 35 eo 34 32 31 27 25 24 27 28 32 34 354 Hydro 60 48 40 48 45 45 47 47 45 46 55 52 576 TOTAL 391 321 316 283 264 237 252 254 263 319 342 365 3,607 oil 60 47 54 45 36 30 29 at 34 oi 43 63 526 Gas 240 199 197 175 165 147 161 175 190 213 225 251 2,338 1983 Coal aS) 32 25 22 27 26 28 28 28 19 3 32 331 Hydro 57. 49 a8 51 50 48 50 41 39 45 49 52 586 TOTAL 390 327 331 293 278 254 268 275 291 328 348 398 3,781 oil 58 54 40 41 34 29 31 36 35 58 63 62 541 Gas 248 223 204 185 184 166 184 189 193 223 248 265 2,512 1984 Coal 31 29 30 24 30 28 27 25 21 12 22 29 308 Hydro 60 66 69 65 56 BT Sf 51 48 57 ST 59 696 4. 4 4,057, 1985. Refer to Note oil 44 31 36 54 43 36 40 48 46 48 54 55 535 Gas 287 254 261 229 218 194 202 200 198 213 240 253 2,749 1986 Coal 21 21 26 10 22 26 26 18 22 235 27 28 272 Hydro 76 80 80 77 56 HY 57 67 68 80 78 83 854 TOTAL 428 86 40 6 339 ~309_—SoseoS~*~«iSSCS*~*«* 366 399 418 441 NOTE » Alaska Power Authority 11/87 a - Monthly net generation by fuel type is shown for 98% of statewide utility generation. Monthly data was not collected in 1985. ov Hours Gigawatt oy (GWH) 2400 3400 + 3200 T 3000 + 2800 + 2200 T 2000 + 1800 1600 1977 1978 1979 Anchorage / Utility Cook Inlet Area Net Generation 12 Month Running Totals (1977 — 1986) 1980 1981 (Page 1 of 2) 1982 Year 1983 1984 1985 1986 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 (Page 2 of 2) 1980 ANCHORAGE/COOK INLET AREA UTILITY NET GENERATION 12 MONTH RUNNING TOTALS 1979 1978 1977 12 MONTH GWH TOTAL FOR YEAR ENDING: Adnan aa » etennannenme enrnnaaneaes ' Sago 5 Sor ooancnamanrne Oo : RRSITZESTISE Se SINMN KK QOAmMaAK NNMADANDANNAN SSNeyeSrreere WRGGOGGGNNGO SSRASRRSSBSE NANNNN NNN Ness 4nntahs WNNOANNNOMKRKRKA SLsKB Nene Marr NNNHnHnNnDDO NnON ShmnkS RRREB wwwooo AVIAN ~eythnnowmnon NOTOADDNMOANN MUDNS ¢ anonyesyssunmmm Hysissso Sse x SIIESISSRARH NNNNNNN NNN oNnM+t Nh mMancona ANOOCHRDOVHS acsavuge Lou WDRADSSSSOSCSCON MROoW =" SSSeeeeee ANAM AIST ANA NNNANNN NNN 1 Aoaevenmenss aunvenenanme ' a] -TNnOoOmMnN oe K-MMat TTT NNHHY { SEgoessassee 4 ; See twee ; : NANNNNN NNN 5 ENnoHnKKOMAYTOE DK ODDOK RK YORM fe ea ale ate Coa te eeepc coe la) Saab age rapa ea oe ' BSakSessss - WNeK COOK KKK eK MM ‘ sssosssa RSs= ' S88ssss : : AontoomMmMastna WtTODNOTNOTOR Sur SVADOH WODDDCONHHS eH err NN Ne ooooo°o°co i S¥kgasteeesa Aun snnNNNdeS ' BSRESRSRS NwtQa0nyvynonom SBS SSSESeeg 11.5 PERCENT CHANGE OF 12 MONTH TOTALS Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Alaska Power Authority 11/87 Running totals are calculated by adding the current month’s net generation (GWH) to the previous eleven months of generation. - Anchorage/Cook Inlet utilities include Alaska Power Administration (Eklutna), Anchorage Municipal Light & Power and Chugach Electric - Net generation figures on pages 12-21 are used to calculate running totals. Association. NOTES 8 Gigawatt Hours (GWH) Fairbanks Area Utility Net Generation 12 Month Running Totals (1977 — 1986) at (Page 1 of 2) 5504 500 | 450 AOO “EEE EE EE EE EEE 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 Year 1983 1984 1985 1986 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 6b FAIRBANKS AREA UTILITY NET GENERATION 12 MONTH RUNNING TOTALS (Page 2 of 2) 12 MONTH GWH TOTAL FOR YEAR ENDING: 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Jan 460.1 486.3 463.0 448.4 435.3 454.8 492.0 500.6 534.4 490.6 Feb 447.9 490.5 468.2 436.0 437.5 459.6 491.0 510.2 532.5 467.8 Mar 450.8 488.7 465.5 431.9 437.2 465.3 492.1 508.8 535.9 456.9 Apr 454.0 487.4 464.5 429.3 439.7 468.8 490.9 515.8 538.2 450.5 May 456.7 487.2 462.1 430.4 441.1 471.9 492.5 516.6 539.9 452.4 Jun 458.4 488.2 460.4 430.4 443.2 474.2 492.9 517.8 543.9 454.7 Jul 460.0 489.4 460.0 431.0 444.1 476.4 492.6 520.5 548.6 457.8 Aug 462.0 489.5 458.3 432.3 444.0 480.4 493.5 523.6 551.0 460.6 Sep 462.2 490.5 457.2 433.2 445.4 482.3 496.2 519.8 559.7 462.7 Oct 463.2 489.3 453.4 433.0 448.6 485.9 497.1 523.0 558.2 468.5 Nov 474.0 479.8 446.6 436.2 449.6 490.0 497.8 536.9 534.0 468.5 Dec 481.7 466.2 447.6 443.3 443.0 491.1 502.1 540.8 509.6 493.9 PERCENT CHANGE OF 12 MONTH TOTALS Jan 5.7 -4.8 -3.2 =ea0 4.5 8.2 1.7 6.8 -8.2 Feb 9.5 “4.5 -6.9 0.3 5.1 6.8 3.9 4.4 “12.1 Mar 8.4 -4.7 Tee, 1.2 6.4 5.8 3.4 5.3 -14.7 Apr 7.4 -4.7 -7.6 2.4 6.6 4.7 5.1 4.3 -16.3 May 6.7 -5.2 -6.9 2.5 7.0 4.4 4.9 4.5 -16.2 Jun 6.5 “wet, -6.5 3.0 7.0 3.9 5.1 5.0 -16.4 Jul 6.4 -6.0 -6.3 3.0 7.3 3.4 5.7 5.4 -16.6 Aug 6.0 “6.4 5.7 2.7 8.2 2.7 6.1 5.2 -16.4 Sep 6.1 -6.8 5.2 2.8 8.3 2.9 4.8 7.7 -17.3 Oct 5.6 Tee “4.5 3.6 8.3 2.3 5.2 6.7 -16.1 Nov 1.2 6.9 -2.3 3.1 9.0 1.6 7.9 -0.5 -12.3 Dec -3.2 -4.0 -1.0 -0.1 10.9 2.2 7.7 -5.8 3.1 Notes: - Net generation figures on pages 12-21 were used to calculate running totals. Running totals are calculated by adding the current month’s net generation (GWH) to the previous eleven months of data. - Fairbanks area utilties include FMUS and GVEA. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 os ALASKA MAJOR UTILITIES REGIONAL ENERGY GENERATION (GWH) (1965-1986) (Page 1 of 2) Year Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ANNUAL 1965 Southeast 8.7 7.6 7.9 7.3 7.2 6.8 6.7 7.0 7.1 7.8 8.3 9.2 91.6 Southcentral 34.6 29. 29.3 30.0 27.8 25.4 24.5 26.8 28.4 33.1 35.7 41.4 366.5 Yukon 11.8 11.3 10.2 9.5 9.2 7.6 7.5 8.4 8.9 11.1 12.0 12.9 120.4 TOTAL 55.1 48.4 47.4 46.8 44.2 39.8 38.7 42.2 44.4 52.0 56.0 63.5 578.5 1970 Southeast 11.4 9.5 9.7 9.8 9.6 8.8 9.4 9.6 9.5 10.5 40.9 12.4 151.1 Southcentral 70.4 54.7 57.4 53.4 50.3 46.0 48.0 50.3 53.3 64.3 69.3 83.0 700.4 Yukon 23.9 17.8 18.7 16.6 14.2 12.0 14.0 15.3 16.9 20.3 22.6 30.1 222.4 TOTAL 105.7 82.0 85.8 79.8 74.1 66.8 71.4 75.2 79.7 95.1 132.8 125.5 1,073.9 1975 Southeast 16.0 14.5 15.1 14.1 13.9 12.8 12.9 13.8 13.6 14.9 15.5 17.1 174.2 Southcentral 132.3 124.8 118.0 96.5 93.7 89.0 86.2 90.4 100.7 113.1 141.4 166.4 1,352.5 Yukon 48.5 42.1 48.6 32.7 27.2 24.0 24.7 27.9 31.2 39.9 54.8 59.9 461.5 TOTAL 196.8 181.4 181.7 143.3 134.8 125.8 123.8 132.1 145.5 167.9 211.7 243.4 1,988.2 1976 Southeast 16.9 15.5 16.6 14.6 14.9 13.7 14.7 14.7 15.3 16.2 16.4 17.4 186.9 Southcentral 157.4 143.9 165.0 143.0 131.5 118.0 117.7 123.4 132.3 158.9 195.5 216.9 1,803.5 Yukon 55.9 53.9 43.8 34.5 29.9 27.1 29.2 30.0 31.3 40.4 43.2 53.4 472.6 TOTAL 230.2 213.3 225.4 192.1 176.3 158.8 161.6 168.1 178.9 215.5 255.1 287.7 2,463.0 1977 Southeast 18.6 15.9 17.5 16.2 15.3 14.5 15.3 15.3 15.6 17.5 18.6 20.5 200.8 Southcentral 163.5 143.9 165.0 143.0 131.5 118.0 117.7 123.4 132.3 158.9 195.5 216.9 1,809.6 Yukon 47.5 40.7 46.9 37.2 32.2 28.9 29.3 30.7 31.4 41.0 53.9 59.7 479.4 TOTAL 229.6 200.5 229.4 196.4 179.0 161.4 162.3 169.4 179.3 217.4 268.0 297.1 2,489.8 1978 Southeast 20.4 17.4 18.7 17.0 16.9 16.6 14.9 17.0 17.0 18.1 20.1 21.2 215.4 Southcentral 197.5 167.6 173.2 149.6 141.3 129.7 132.2 132.1 139.0 169.4 191.1 209.0 1,931.7 Yukon 52.3 45.3 45.2 37.0 32.5 29.7 29.3 30.9 32.4 39.9 44.1 48.0 466.6 TOTAL 270.2 230.3 237.1 203.6 190.7 176.0 176.4 180.0 188.4 227.4 255.3 278.2 2,613.7 1979 Southeast 21.6 20.1 20.5 18.7 17.7 16.7 16.8 17.4 17.7 19.2 19.1 21.6 227.1 Southcentral 209.2 210.4 185.1 161.5 145.9 131.7 135.6 138.2 142.5 168.0 179.2 237.8 2,045.1 Yukon 48.8 50.1 42.5 36.7 30.8 27.8 29.8 29.1 31.3 35.6 36.2 48.0 446.7 TOTAL 279.6 280.6 248.1 216.9 194.4 176.2 182.2 184.7 191.5 222.8 234.5 307.4 2,718.9 1980 Southeast 23.2 19.8 17.2 19.8 18.9 16.2 18.3 18.5 18.8 18.7 21.8 26.7 237.9 Southcentral 221.3 181.8 187.6 157.0 151.4 136.8 141.2 143.9 152.3 177.4 202.5 259.1 2,112.5 Yukon 47.3 39.2 38.1 33.0 31.3 28.3 27.3 30.0 32.9 38.2 40.7 54.0 440.3 TOTAL 291.8 240.8 242.9 209.8 201.6 181.3 186.8 192.4 204.0 234.3 265.0 339.8 2,790.5 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 tS ALASKA MAJOR UTILITIES REGIONAL ENERGY GENERATION (GWH) (1965-1986) (Page 2 of 2) Year Region JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP oct NOV DEC ANNUAL 1981 Southeast 24.2 22.1 23.3 22.0 20.2 19.3 20.0 20.8 21.4 23.8 25.3 28.8 271.2 Southcentral 202.3 187.8 186.8 170.2 154.2 148.2 155.8 157.1 163.7 196.8 218.1 234.4 2,175.4 Yukon 30.5 39.2 37.2 35.5 31.8 29.4 29.8 28.6 31.3 36.0 40.1 46.7 416.1 TOTAL 257.0 249.1 247.3 227.7 206.2 196.9 205.6 206.5 216.4 256.6 283.5 309.9 2,862.7 1982 Southeast 33.7 28.1 27.9 25.4 24.5 21.1 22.1 22.6 24.0 27.3 30.3 31.9 318.9 Southcentral 264.6 220.2 216.4 192.4 176.4 158.7 167.2 168.8 175.3 220.8 234.3 250.0 2,445.1 Yukon 53.7 45.2 43.8 37.7 34.2 30.4 32.1 32.8 34.6 41.7 45.1 48.9 480.2 TOTAL 352.0 293.5 288.1 255.5 235.1 210.2 221.4 224.2 233.9 289.8 309.7 330.8 3,244.2 1983 Southeast 33.0 27.3 29.2 26.4 24.5 22.3 22.5 25.8 25.9 29.4 31.9 37.0 335.2 Southcentral 262.7 219.6 222.1 196.7 184.4 166.5 178.3 180.4 192.8 218.9 235.8 265.8 2,524.0 Yukon 53.7 53.4 45.0 41.6 39.7 35.9 36.9 38.8 34.9 46.1 53.5 57.0 536.5 TOTAL 349.4 300.3 296.3 264.7 248.6 224.7 237.7 245.0 253.6 294.4 321.2 359.8 3,395.7 1984 Southeast 34.2 26.1 24.1 22.4 20.1 21.9 21.7 22.7 23.5 28.1 30.6 32.0 307.4 Southcentral 268.1 246.2 226.8 208.2 200.6 182.2 191.7 194.6 199.1 233.1 262. 280.0 2,692.7 Yukon 53.7 53.4 45.0 41.6 39.7 35.9 36.9 38.8 34.9 46.1 53.5 57.0 536.5 TOTAL 356.0 325.7 295.9 272.2 260.4 240.0 250.3 256.1 257.5 307.3 346.2 369.0 3,536.6 1985 Southeast 35.1 33.6 34.3 31.9 29.2 26.3 25.8 27.5 28.2 31.7 39.6 36.7 379.9 Southcentral 262.5 256.5 251.6 234.3 216.4 198.2 205.5 212.7 214.0 262.5 318.7 306.2 2,939.1 Yukon 51.6 51.5 48.4 43.9 41.4 39.9 41.6 41.2 43.6 44.6 28.6 32.6 508.9 TOTAL 349.2 341.6 334.3 310.1 287.0 264.4 272.9 281.4 285.8 338.8 386.9 375.5 3,827.9 1986 Southeast 30.5 29.7 29.8 27.3 24.7 20.8 22.0 23.3 22.6 25.8 30.4 31.1 318.1 Southcentral 306.0 273.2 279.2 249.9 218.0 198.0 212. 202.7 219.9 241.2 253.4 297.8 2,952.0 Yukon 32.6 28.8 37.4 37.6 43.2 42.3 44.7 44.0 45.7 50.4 55.8 58.0 520.4 TOTAL 369.1 331.6 346.5 314.9 285.9 261.1 279. 270.0 288.2 317.5 339.6 386.9 3,790.6 NOTES - Southeast utilities include Alaska Electric Light & Power, Alaska Power Administration (Snettisham), Glacier Highway Electric Association and Ketchikan Public Utilities. - Southcentral: utilities included in this region are Anchorage Municipal Light & Power, Alaska Power Administration (Eklutna) and Chugach Electric Association. - Yukon utilities include Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System and Golden Valley Electric Association. - Net generation does not include purchases. - The utilities listed in the notes above represent about 80% of statewide data on net generation. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 es Peak Load (MW) Major Southeast Utilities Peak Loads (1977-1986) 80 70+ a mI pa i 20 10 0 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Year Alaska Power Authority 11/87 vs Peak Load (MW) Major Southcentral Utilities Peak Loads (1977-1986) 600 + 550 500 | 450 + 400 350 300 250 fia] 150 100 + 50 ote ke a tec EH ARR 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Year Alaska Power Authority 11/87 SS Peak Load (MW) Major Yukon Utilities Peak Loads (1977-1986) 120 T 100 + 80 60 + 40 + 20 + OEHHA HH EAH HH EH EH EH HEH HEH HE HEH HH HHH 1977. 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 Year Alaska Power Authority 11/87 9s ALASKA MAJOR UTILITIES REGIONAL PEAK LOADS (1965-1986) (MW) (Page 1 of 2) Year Region Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ANNUAL. 1965 Southeast 19.6 17.4 16.6 14.9 14.6 14.9 14.0 15.0 14.7 16.7 18.5 20.9 20.9 Southcentral 71.2 65.1 62.1 68.6 60.3 50.6 48.8 53.0 61.5 67.3 72.4 82.1 82.1 Yukon 20.7 20.4 17.8 15.9 15.7 13.9 14.2 14.1 16.6 19.4 22.3 24.6 24.6 TOTAL 111.5 102.9 96.5 99.4 90.6 79.4 77.0 82.1 92.8 103.4 113.2 127.6 127.6 1970 Southeast 23.8 21.2 20.1 19.7 19.5 18.0 19.8 19.4 20.0 21.9 23.6 24.8 24.8 Southcentral 133.9 120.8 111.0 102.8 93.0 88.5 92.4 91.2 103.2 126.1 141.7 152.5 152.5 Yukon 44.5 42.7 36.9 31.0 29.0 28.5 28.8 28.2 34.5 42.8 51.3 57.1 57.1 TOTAL 202.2 184.7 168.0 153.5 141.5 135.0 141.0 138.8 157.7 190.8 216.6 234.4 234.4 1975 Southeast 31.5 31.2 28.4 28.3 26.6 26.3 25.9 26.1 27.5 32.0 30.6 32.7 32.7 Southcentral 260.0 234.0 202.0 186.0 172.0 161.5 158. 162.0 189.0 254.0 268.6 311.7 311.7 Yukon 94.1 82.7 66.6 63.0 50.0 47.5 49.0 55.5 58.4 88.2 99.0 108.8 108.8 TOTAL 385.6 347.9 297.0 277.3 248.6 235.3 233.8 243.6 274.9 374.2 398.2 453.2 453.2 1976 Southeast 33.0 31.0 30.7 29.7 27.9 27.4 27.6 28.3 29.1 29.9 32.6 33.7 33.7 Southcentral 293.1 283.7 254.0 220.4 198.8 186.4 193.9 197.7 218.0 277.7 276.2 311.0 311.0 Yukon 101.0 99.6 88.1 64.9 54.8 49.7 54.1 52.9 60.0 82.1 84.5 97.3 101.0 TOTAL 427.1 414.3 372.8 315.0 281.5 263.5 275.6 278.9 307.1 389.7 393.3 442.0 442.0 1977 Southeast 36.0 33.9 33.1 31.8 30.2 29.3 30.7 32.3 oiler 33.5 37.9 41.6 41.6 Southcentral 288.4 269.5 283.0 261.7 224.6 208.7 203.3 216.3 253.3 293.0 344.1 375.4 375.4 Yukon 87.9 87.3 86.0 feat 60.7 56.3 54.5 55.6 65.4 79.2 102.3 117.5 117.5 TOTAL 412.3 390.7 402.1 366.2 315.5 294.3 288.5 304.2 350.4 405.7 484.3 534.5 534.5 1978 Southeast 38.8 37.2 35.3 33.2 S360 31.1 33.2 32.3 32.5 35.9 40.0 39.9 40.0 Southcentral 384.3 360.6 328.6 302.3 270.8 262.6 262.4 270.6 286.1 330.1 386.2 413.8 413.8 Yukon 95.8 94.7 81.8 70.9 58.1 57.9 555 55.3 62.8 72.3 86.1 83.5 95.8 TOTAL 518.9 492.5 445.7 406.4 362.6 351.6 350.9 358.2 381.4 438.3 512. 537.2 537.2 1979 Southeast 39.6 39.7 37.2 3357 33.0 32.2 33.0 33.9 33.6 36.8 39.3 42.5 42.5 Southcentral 383.8 421.1 373.5 302.1 265.7 264.1 250.1 252.5 277.8 320.4 347.2 425.1 425.1 Yukon 89.2 100.7 81.3 65.6 56.5 53.9 55.8 56.9 60.0 66.8 72.2 87.6 100.7 TOTAL 512.6 561.5 492.0 401.4 355.2 350.2 338.9 343.3 371.4 424.0 458.7 555.2 561.5 1980 Southeast 45.6 41.9 39.1 39.1 36.2 34.6 36.4 36.6 38.5 42.0 46.4 52.6 52.6 Southcentral 432.4 365.2 354.9 300.9 283.7 270.3 255.2 274.8 292.2 344.6 377.7 477.4 477.4 Yukon 95.2 75.4 70.3 60.4 55.8 54.2 55.8 59.4 61.0 70.8 75.6 95.4 95.4 TOTAL 573.2 482.5 464.3 400.4 375.7 359.1 347.4 370.8 391.7 457.4 499.7 625.4 625.4 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 4s ALASKA MAJOR UTILITIES REGIONAL PEAK LOADS (1965-1986) (MW) (Page 2 of 2) Year Region JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OcT NOV DEC ANNUAL 1981 Southeast 47.2 47.0 43.7 43.9 38.9 39.8 40.1 40.9 43.6 45.3 48.1 59 =e. 59.2 Southcentral 371.8 395.0 335.4 315.3 281.0 282.4 305.1 286.9 339.7 361.9 424.3 477.7 477.7 Yukon 79.8 88.1 68.1 65.4 64.6 59.5 58.6 61.0 65.9 72.1 77.6 93.1 93.1 TOTAL 498.8 530.1 447.2 424.6 384.5 381.7 403.8 388.8 449.2 479.3 550.0 630.0 630.0 1982 Southeast 63.8 59.8 Died 48.7 46.8 46.0 45.0 45.5 45.9 53.8 61.0 pine 63.8 Southcentral 487.2 461.9 413.5 379.2 308.6 304.4 297.5 309.9 358.4 447.1 477.2 470.0 487.2 Yukon 94.4 91.6 82.0 72.8 67.0 62.9 61.7 70.7 69.8 82.1 89.4 89.1 94.4 TOTAL 645.4 613.3 553.0 500.7 422.4 413.3 404.2 426.1 474.1 583.0 627.6 616.3 645.4 1983 Southeast 60.8 56.4 54.6 52.9 46.8 46.5 45.6 47.3 52.9 Sas 63.1 70.9 70.9 Southcentral 520. 453.1 409.1 386.2 340.8 303.1 324.6 Ssiae 400.6 430.7 446.2 482.4 520.8 Yukon 100.4 78.4 79.6 Taek 67.9 63.7 64.1 67.8 73.2 80.8 84.5 Sie> 100.4 TOTAL 682.0 587.9 543.3 Sitee 455.5 413.3 434.3 452.3 526.7 565.2 593.8 650.8 682.0 1984 Southeast 65.1 60.5 59.1 54.7 52.4 51.5 50.1 bene Bleo 65.6 66.3 74.9 74.9 Southcentral 538.4 498.7 439.5 395.2 378.4 360.7 364.2 375.9 374.0 468.9 516.7 537.3 538.4 Yukon 102.9 100.2 85.3 74.2 70.3 69.8 67.5 71.4 73.9 88.6 101.0 106.7 106.7 TOTAL 706.4 659.4 583.9 524.1 501.1 482.0 481.8 500.2 499.8 623.1 684.0 718.9 718.9 1985 Southeast 66.0 Wel 66.3 63.7 58.5 51.6 47.1 54.3 56.3 62.2 83.1 78.9 83.1 Southcentral 463.8 540.8 465.6 477.8 373.4 398.7 391.9 401.9 401. 546.6 590. 590.0 590.3 Yukon 90.8 100.9 92.6 84.0 75.9 73.0 feat 73.8 81.1 100.6 108.2 106.7 108.2 TOTAL 620.6 718. 624.5 625.5 507.8 523.3 Stic? 530.0 538.5 709.4 781.6 775.6 781.6 1986 Southeast 65.8 74.3 62.4 Soca Set 50.6 47.0 48.8 51-3) 58.7 68.5 63.7 74.3 Southcentral 545.0 525.0 551.0 525.0 408.0 357.0 373.0 356.0 378.0 446.0 490.0 465.0 551.0 Yukon 104.8 106.3 100. 86.8 71.8 78.7 85.8 74.6 79 87.8 106.5 97.5 106.5 TOTAL 715.6 705.6 713.6 667.0 D32.5 486.3 505.8 479.4 508.3 592.5 665.0 626.2 715.6 NOTES - Southeast: Region includes data from Alaska Electric Light & Power, Glacier Highway Electric Association (Juneau) and Ketchikan Public Utilities. - Southcentral: Region includes data from Alaska Municipal Light & Power and Chugach Electric Association. - Yukon: Region includes data from Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System and Golden Valley Electric Association. - Power generated for resale and other non-retail sales is included in utilites’ monthly peak figures. Peak load figures are non-coincident. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 Transmission Data 59 [ GVEA emmy, GVEA 138 KV APA (st) 138 kV MEA = aaa 138 kV EA 115 kV Willow Palmer CEA 230 kV OL. APA (ted) (2 circuits) us 115 kV Anchorage CEA — CEA 138 kV 115 kV 115 kV HEA115 kV a Kenai >a eeaton HEA cex Os 7 HEA ewar 69 kv 69 kv 69kV HEA—w4 115 kV Homer Alaska Power Authority GVEA GVEA 138 kV Delta Neto Glennalien J APA (st) yae kV kV ® Southcentral ° Terror Hydro 7 APA (st) 138 kV Snettisham Hydro. © Southeast ; Hydro \ Green Lake Hydro SED 69 kV Petersburg fe e Tyee Hydro Swan Hydro ae "APA (st) 15 kV i chikan "9 a Ket Scale in Miles ©) Kodiak ——————— ed dete 0 50 100 160 Alaska Existing Transmission Lines 1986 Operating voltages of transmission lines are indicated. 19 ALASKA TRANSMISSION LINES 1986 SUMMARY CIRCUIT MILES By Voltage 34.5 69 115 138 230 kV Southeast Southcentral ° Anchorage/Cook Inlet 101.2 109.1 421.5 157.1 140.70 ° Other Southcentral 0 4.0 0 125.0 0 Yukon ° Fairbanks ALASKA STATEWIDE TOTALS GENERAL _NOTES: * This table summarizes information described on pages 62 - 63. See notes on page 63 for information on design voltages. Southeast includes Alaska Power Administration (Snettisham), AEL&P, GHEA, Sitka Electric System, KPU and Alaska Power Authority (Swan Lake and Lake Tyee), Southcentral - Anchorage/Cook Inlet includes Alaska Power Administration (Eklutna), Alaska Power Authority (Anchorage-Fairbanks), AML&P, CEA, HEA, MEA and Seward Electric System. - Other Southcentral includes Alaska Power Authority (Glennallen-Valdez) and Kodiak Electric Association. Yukon includes FMUS and GVEA, The Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie is approximately 170 miles in length. For purposes of this summary, 84.6 miles have been included under the Anchorage-Cook Inlet, 138 kV designation, and 85,4 miles under the Yukon designation. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 29 ALASKA UTILITIES TRANSMISSION LINES AND MAJOR INTERCONNECT 1ONS (Page 1 of 2) (Lines under 34.5 kV not included) Circuit Circuit Voltage Circuit Voltage Circuit Owner/Location kv(1) Miles Owner/Location kv Miles YUKON REGION (Fairbanks) Golden Valley Electric Association Alaska Municipal Light & Power Healy-Gold Hill 138 103.2 Plant 1-Plant 2 115 Sst Gold Hill-Zehnder 69 7.2 (3 circuits) 115 6.2 Gold Hill-Ft. Wainwright 69 11.9 Gold Hill-Ft. Wainwright 115 7.5 Gold Hill-Ft. Wainwright 138 10.7 APA-Sub 14 415: 2.8 Gold Hill-Murphy Dome 34.5 24.5 Plant 2-CEA 230 kV Sub. 115 2 Gold Hill-Musk Ox 69 5.3 APA - Plant 1 34.5 (6) 4.5 International-Zehnder 69 2.9 Miscellaneous 34.5 26.0 Zehnder-Fox 69 8.0 Fox-Pilot Bluff 34.5 18.0 Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Ft. Wainwright-Highway Park 69 12.4 Beluga-Pt. MacKenzie 230 42.5 Ft. Wainwright-North Pole 138 12.3 (2 circuits) 230 42.5 Highway Park-North Pole 69 2.3 Beluga-Pt. MacKenzie 138 42.5 Highway Park-Johnson Road 69 23.0 Pt. MacKenzie-West Terminal 230 7.3 Johnson Road-Carney 69 6.5 West Terminal-East Terminal 230 Sef Carney-Jarvis Creek 69 (2) 52.6 East Terminal-Plant 2 230 12.5 Miscellaneous Transmission Lines Plant 2-University 230 6.2 within Fairbanks 69 7.7 University-International 138 5.3 Zehnder-Ft. Wainwright 69 4.0 Pt. MacKenzie-Pt. Woronzof 138 4.1 (3 circuits) 138 4,1 Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System 138 4.1 Municipal Power Plant-Zehnder 69 1.0 Pt. MacKenzie-Teeland 230 26.0 Municipal Power Plant-Southside 69 4.5 Pt. Woronzof-International 138 5.9 Substation (2 circuits) 138 6.5 Anchorage-University 115 1.1 SOUTHCENTRAL REGION University-Quartz Creek 115 89.3 (Anchorage/Cook Inlet) Quartz Creek-Soldotna 115 (7) 53.8 Alaska Power Authority (4) 69 51.1 Teel and-Healy 138 (3) 170.0 Soldotna-Bernice Lake 115 (7) 24.3 Meals Substation-Substation No. 11 138 106.0 69 24.4 Cooper Lake-Quartz Creek 69 5.6 Alaska Power Administration (5) Miscellaneous Transmission Lines Eklutna-Palmer 115 12.0 within Anchorage 34.5 60.0 Eklutna-City Plant #2-Anchorage 115 33.0 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 Owner/Location Matanuska Electric Association Eagle River Area Palmer Area-O'Neil/Teeland Teel and-Hol 1 ywood-Anderson Hol lywood-Doug! as Teel and-Redington Homer Electric Association, Inc. Soldotna-Homer Kenai Area Lines North Kenaf lines leased to Chugach Electric Association, Inc. Seward Electric System Daves Creek-Lawing Lawing-Seward (OTHER SOUTHCENTRAL) Kodiak Electric Association Terror Lake-Airport Airport-Swampy Acres Hartman-Swampy Acres NOTES: Circuit Voltage Circuit kv(1) Miles 115 8.7 115: 43.4 nis 1228 115 (8) 19.0 34.5 10.7 115 85.0 69 4.0 See Note (7) nS 17.0 69 24.0 138 17.4 138 1.6 69 4.0 (1) Lines are energized to the voltages indicated. indicated, a designation refers to a single circuit. (2) Line fs buflt to 138 kV standards and will begin operating at 138 kV in 1987, (3) Line is built to 345 kV standards. (4) State-owned tranmission line. (5) Federally-owned transmission line. ALASKA UTILITIES TRANSMISSION LINES AND MAJOR INTERCONNECTIONS (Page 2 of 2) (Lines under 34.5 kV not included) Lines built to different voltages are identified in separate footnotes. (6) AML&P considers 34.5 kV lines sub-transmission voltage. (7) Leased from Homer Electric Association, Inc. (8) Currently operated at 138 kV. (9) Line is owned by Alaska Power Authority. @ (10) Line is buflt to 138 kV standards. (9) Owner/Location SOUTHEAST REGION Alaska Power Administration Snettisham-Thane (Juneau) Alaska Electric Light & Power Thane-Capftal Avenue Sub Thane Loop Sub (Mendenhall Valley) Glacier Highway Electric Association Upper Mendendhall Bridge- Auke Bay-Brotherhood Bridge Sitka Electric Department Blue Lake-Sitka and through City Green Lake-Blue Lake Ketchikan Public Utilities Silvis Lake-Beaver Falls- Ketchikan and through City to Totem Bight Sub Alaska Power Authority Swan Lake-Ketchikan Tyee-Wrangel1 Wr angel1-Petersburg Circuit Voltage Circuit kv(1) Miles 138 44.0 69 5.0 69 17.0 69 3-5 69 5.0 69 9.0 34.5 25.0 115 30.0 69 (10) 39.0 69 (10) 42.0 Unless otherwise Alaska Power Authority 11/87 Utility Work In Progress 65 99 ALASKA UTILITIES WORK IN PROGRESS AS OF DECEMBER 1986 (Page 1 of 2) SOUTHEAST REGION Community Utility (1) Projects in Design, Feasibility Analysis or Construction Angoon THREA Power house expansion. Coffman Cove coco Started as new utility in May 1986. Craig AP&T Added an 1135 kw generator and retired a 200 kw generator. Hoonah THREA Power house renovation. Juneau APA-S Crater Lake addition to Snettisham Project. Kake THREA Diesel fuel pipe line and diesel fuel tank farm expansion; power house renovation. Kasaan THREA Installed a 90 kw generator. Metlakatla MP&L 4.0 mw diesel plant and a 1.0 mw hydro plant in progress. Sold 2000 kw temporary, trailer-mounted equipment. Skagway AP&T Addition of #4 water wheel; 200 kw generator scheduled for August 87. Added 865 kw 3512 Cat generator set. SOUTHCENTRAL_ REGION Anchorage AML&P Unit #6 30 degree F rating increased by 2.5 megawatts due to modifications. Anchorage CEA Converting Beluga/Pt. Mackenzie #1 line from 138 kV to 230 kV. Cordova CEC 1000 kw hydropower facility at Humpback Creek, two miles north of Cordova. Homer AEG&T Testing and startup of new, 37.4 megawatt plant in early 1986. Kodiak KdEA Port Lions is now part of KEA system. Ouzinkie ou The city is currently working on design of a mini-hydro project. YUKON Eagle EPC Installing approximately 2,000 V primary line, 1700 V single phase; secondary line. Galena coG Generator addition-installation of a 750 kw diesel generator set unit. Holy Cross AVEC Increase in installed capacity from 285 to 480 kw. Huslia AVEC Increase in installed capacity from 285 to 425 kw. Marshall AVEC Increase in installed capacity from 260 to 455 kw. Russian Mission AVEC Acquired responsibility for this 226 kw system in February 1986. Scammon Bay AVEC Increase in installed capacity from 290 to 455 kw. 0328/775(1) 49 ARCTIC NORTHWEST Atqasuk Noatak Nome Nuiqsut Point Hope Selawik Wainwright SOUTHWEST Chignik Cold Bay King Cove McGrath Dillingham/Aleknagik Sand Point Togiak Notes: (1) ALASKA UTILITIES WORK IN PROGRESS AS OF 1986 (Page 2 of 2) NSBPL CIP-11-23-airport earthwork and lighting, CIP-13-114 generation expansion, phase two. AVEC Increase in installed capacity from 275 to 470 kw. NJUB Addition of a 600 kw generator at Nome-Beltz High School. NSBPL CIP-11-02 airport lighting; CIP-13-83 generator facility expansion underway. NSBPL CIP-13-98 generator facility, phase two in progress. AVEC Increase in installed capacity from 650 to 860 kw. NSBPL CIP-13-82 generator phase three-project analysis report in preparation. ChE Possible line extension and small hydro project. Plans not yet definite. G&K Installation of new 845 kw diesel electric set. Complete change of electric utility in 1986. KCC Installation of new generator-increase in installed capacity from 406 to 1100 kw in 1986. MGL&P New prime power generation upgrades in design. NEC 1250 kw generator unit #7 was retired in March 1986. SPEI Designing new powerhouse AVEC Increase in installed capacity from 760 to 910 kw. See page 8 for reference information on utility abbreviations. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 SS SE SET EET ET RE TPIT Ei ROTT ne A oh te RT Market Data 69 OL Region/Community utility SOUTHEAST ANGOON (1) THREA COFFMAN COVE (2) COCO CRAIG AP&T HAINES HL&P HOONAH (1) THREA HYDABURG AP&T JUNEAU - AEL&P AEL&P JUNEAU - GHEA GHEA KAKE (1) THREA KASAAN (1) THREA KETCHIKAN KPU KLAWOCK THREA KLUKWAN KEU METLAKATLA MP&L PELICAN (E) PUC PETERSBURG PMP&L SITKA SED SKAGWAY AP&T SWAN LAKE HYDRO APASL TENAKEE SPRINGS (4)TSU THORNE BAY 1B TYEE HYDRO (3) APATy WRANGELL WMLE&P YAKUTAT YPI NOTES (1) THREA: Data for all THREA communities is reported under Angoon. (2) Coffman Cove is a new utility. (3) Swan Lake and Tyee Hydro are state hydroelectric facilities selling wholesale power to Ketchikan (Swan), Petersburg and Wrangell (Tyee). (4) Tenakee Springs: customers are all one rate class. GENERAL NOTES Alaska Utilities 1986 ENERGY SALES, REVENUES AND CUSTOMERS (Page 1 of 5) Residential Commercial/Industrial Other TOTAL Sales Revenues Sales Revenues Revenues Revenues (MWH) ($000) Customers (MWH) ($000) Customers ($000) Customers ($000) Customers 3,936 1,359.4 694 3,780 1,338.6 154 189.9 2,887.8 861 178 50.0 42 0 0.0 0 0.0 50.0 42 2,132 38.4 441 1,970 302.3 63 111.6 752.4 535 2,991 496.8 519 3,802 522.2 183 161.6 1,180.6 746 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 620 116.2 128 125 22.7 20 66.2 205.0 161 106,043 7,997.3 8,961 63,279 4,530.9 1,154 45,850 3,044.5 215,172 15,572.7 10,515 13,151 1,939.4 1,288 2,319 250.2 59 366.4 18,960 2,556.0 1,353 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 46,795 4,658.0 5,010 48,641 4,553.0 955 365.0 97,343 9,576.0 6,470 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 7,640 533.5 513 9,786 931.1 76 197.0 19,493 1,661.5 610 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 8,740 929.0 1,394 17,175 1,570.0 276 0.0 25,915 2,499.0 1,670 28,240 2,055.0 2,746 53,058 3,094.0 439 14,800 1,078.0 96,098 6,227.0 3,786 1,581 281.6 294 2,420 382.4 93 132.0 796.0 421 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 260 101.3 95 0 0.0 0 0.0 101.3 95 642 198.0 125 657 201.0 30 52.0 451.0 163 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 ure 723.0 936 6,071 811.0 318 161.0 13,238 1,695.0 17255) L! 1645 284.0 243 2,844 390.0 43 3.0 677.0 308 Data is for a partial year. - Other: this category may include public street & highway lighting, interdepartmental sales, boat harbors, other sales to public authorities, other sales to railroads. This category is based on FERC Form 1, Annual Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees and Others (Class A & B), page 301. - Customers: refers to average monthly customers Alaska Power Authority 11/87 LL Region/Community SOUTHCENTRAL ANCHORAGE CHISTOCHINA CHUGACH CORDOVA GLENNALLEN HOMER HOMER HOMER/SELDOVIA (1) KODIAK/PORT LIONS LARSEN BAY OLD HARBOR OUZINKIE PALMER PAXSON (E) SEWARD SOLOMON GULCH TERROR LAKE VALDEZ NOTES 1) Utility AML&P cTP CEA cEC CVEA AEG&T HEA HEA KdEA LBES AVEC MEA PLI SES APASG APATL CVEA Figures for Seldovia are Sales (MWH) 178,375 0 478,040 4,984 3,484 0 139,903 0 18,933 142 293 255 272,746 109 11,873 0 0 8,266 Residential Revenues ($000) w w N nN Ww NoovoNoRNODOCOMONOW Customers 24,857 0 54,802 856 735 0 14,424 0 3,230 50 102 B 25,246 Alaska Utilities 1986 ENERGY SALES, REVENUES AND CUSTOMERS (Page 2 of 5) Commercial/Industrial Sales Revenues (MWH) ($000) Customers 619,285 41,771.5 5,092 0 0.0 0 434,671 25 ,861.7 6,355 12,338 2,130.0 462 4,550 894.4 209 0 0.0 0 256,720 17,248.0 2,440 0 0.0 0 41,900 6,371.0 920 40 16.1 5 50 20.7 8 149 30.8 t 145,798 10,597.2 2,472 36 7.0 1 21,377 2,309.6 392 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 5,075 790.6 236 included in HEA’s overall totals in the line above. Sales (MWH) 19,557 5,611 371 8,175 401 23,045 112 182 74 112 65 14,021 Other Revenues ($000) g Paokoreees ROOROAB®NBODDOOO@®ON w = nN ny W soar cot ot RE RELS CROSS 3 Customers 362 ui aw Soikthio MOO=ONBDOWUSO S Sales (MWH) 817,217 0 918,322 17,693 16,209 0 397,024 0 83,878 294 525 479 418, 656 145 33,315 0 0 27,361 TOTAL Revenues ($000) 3 $s R52 w MROoD0LOUNRNODOOOONGS NWO =NBOWO Customers 30,311 61,222 1,355 961 16,914 4,155 56 126 27,725 7 1,626 1,349 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 el Alaska Utilities 1986 ENERGY SALES, REVENUES AND CUSTOMERS (Page 3 of 5) Residential Commercial/Industrial Other TOTAL = S— Sales Revenues Sales Revenues Sales Revenues Sales Revenues Region/Community Utility (MWH) ($000) Customers (MWH) ($000) Customers (MWH) ($000) Customers (MWH) ($000) Customers YUKON ALAKANUK AVEC 264 i226) 103 106 41.6 6 330 nee) 15 700 273.4 124 ANVIK AVEC 66 28.5 37 27 10.8 5 99 35.8 7 192 75.1 49 BETTLES BL&P 134 59.4 24 698 333.7 26 0 0.0 0 832 393.1 50 CHEVAK AVEC 282 121.3 122 164 60.7 8 597 209.3 21 1,044 391.3 151 CIRCLE (E) CE 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 EAGLE (E) EPC 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 328 nSiee 90 328 131.2 90 EMMONAK AVEC 472 200.6 142 196 Ue 13 622 217.6 20 1,290 491.4 175 FAIRBANKS GVEA 181,389 18,009.0 22,954 224,078 18,713.0 3,097 46,249 1,782.0 2 451,716 38,504.0 26053 FORT YUKON GZUC 468 177.5 220 452 155.2 30 1,006 328.3 43 1,925 660.9 293 FAIRBANKS FMUS 26,554 2,379.0 4,713 89,707 8,549.0 1,321 29,604 2,944.0 300 145,865 13,872.0 6334 GALENA M&D 605 245.2 239 563 225.8 55 370 149.8 12 1,538 620.8 306 GRAYLING AVEC 173 73.0 58 56 21.9 5 129 48.1 14 359 143.0 77 HOLY CROSS AVEC 213 90.7 64 75 29.6 10 195 71.7 12 484 191.9 86 HOOPER BAY AVEC 442 187.5 148 197 69.6 9 509 182.8 24 1,148 439.8 181 HUGHES HuP& 37 18.7 98 53 27.2 4 27 13.9 =) 117 59.7 105 HUSLIA AVEC 183 78.0 67 32 12.6 4 170 62.9 16 385 153°5 87 KALTAG AVEC 187 (269 65 19 8.0 4 235 88.3 12 441 176.1 81 KOTLIK (E) KC 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 LAKE MINCHUMINA (E)SS 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 221 80.0 0 MANLEY HOT SPRINGS MUC 110 36.0 61 110 44.0 20 0 0.0 0 241 94.5 81 MARSHALL AVEC 223 94.5 65 65 25.6 6 175 63.9 15 463 183.9 86 MINTO AVEC 208 89.3 80 31 12.2 4 185 68.0 8 424 169.5 92 MT. VILLAGE AVEC 647 274.0 170 207 75.1 Wa 714 252.2 23 1,568 601.2 200 NORTHWAY (E) NP&L 245 92.9 80 1,064 382.9 19 55 21-2 4 1,363 497.0 103 NULATO AVEC 254 109.0 96 42 16.8 7 318 111.4 16 613 237.2 119 PILOT STATION AVEC 325) ASiten 98 135 46.2 4 255 94.7 17 712 278.0 119 RAMPART RVC 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 RUSSIAN MISSION AVEC 101 42.6 46 24 9.4 4 174 57.0 iC 298 108.9 57 SCAMMON BAY AVEC 262 109.4 62 106 42.2 13 162 D0 13 531 206.5 88 SHAGELUK AVEC 70 30.3 31 18 Ua e 153 57.0 8 0 0.0 41 ST. MARYS/ANDRE(1) AVEC 495 209.9 140 226 81.1 10 876 308.1 28 1,596 599.1 178 TANANA (2) TPC 737 e9eee 177 838 320.3 11 16 6.7 1 1,591 619.2 189 TOK AP&T L 1,795 396.9 393 2,244 435.0 80 3,097 554.2 43 7,137 1,386.1 516 NOTES (1) St. Mary’s sells power to Andreafski and Pitkas Point. (2) Tanana did not include a negative surcharge of $32,997 in its revenue figure for this report, because the amount was not broken down by customer class. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 el Alaska Utilities 1986 ENERGY SALES, REVENUES AND CUSTOMERS (Page 4 of 5) Residential Commercial/Industrial Other TOTAL —— Or >> Sh FH OF Sales Revenues Sales Revenues Sales Revenues Sales Revenues Region/Community Utility (MWH) ($000) Customers (MWH) ($000) Customers (MWH ) ($000) Customers (MWH) ($000) Customers ARCTIC/NORTHWEST AMBLER AVEC 234 99.2 72 72 CB 6 355 136.2 21 662 264.5 ” ANAKTUVUK PASS NSBPL 334 95.0 66 920 254.0 33 0 0.0 0 1,255 349.0 9” ATQASUK NSBPL 256 52.0 41 611 118.0 26 0 0.0 0 867 170.0 67 BARROW BU&EC 4,635 425.0 978 23,142 1,381.0 266 0 0.0 0 itt 1,806.0 1,244 DEADHORSE (E) AUI 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 ELIM AVEC 190 81.1 67 46 1729) 3 176 64.1 10 412 163.1 80 GAMBELL AVEC 335 141.8 114 136 49.2 6 492 178.4 23 963 369.5 143 KAKTOVIK NSBPL 320 69.0 57 812 178.0 22 0 0.0 0 1,132 247.0 79 KIANA AVEC 295 125.7 9% 122 43.6 9 399 144.0 18 815 313.3 121 KIVALINA AVEC 208 88.6 60 7 27-9 3 343 MASar 14 628 232.1 7 KOTZEBUE KtEA 4,845 1,055.0 782 7,117 1,468.0 144 1,382 269.0 43 13,294 2,792.0 969 KOYUK AVEC 145 61.2 45 69 o-l 6 199 70.5 11 413 156.8 62 NOATAK AVEC 214 90.9 oS 84 30.1 4 374 129.1 13 672 250.1 90 NOME NJUB 6,492 1,206.1 1,154 12,147 2,277.6 427 ioe 323.5 46 20,379 3,807.2 1,624 NOORVIK AVEC 342 145.5 98 103 37.0 9 454 158.7 15 899 341.2 122 NUIQSUT NSBPL 449 91.0 76 746 175.0 38 0 0.0 0 1,195 266.0 114 POINT HOPE NSBPL 745 140.0 140 1,096 203.0 57 0 0.0 0 1,841 343.0 197 POINT LAY NSBPL 152 34.0 36 478 106.0 18 0 0.0 0 630 140.0 54 SAVOONGA AVEC 329 139.8 115 150 53.0 9 511 186.6 22 990 379.4 146 SELAWIK AVEC 355 oie 131 61 24.1 6 432 158.8 27 848 334.0 164 SHAKTOOLIK AVEC 188 79.8 41 52 20.3 4 175 62.3 9 415 162.4 54 SHISHMAREF AVEC 394 167.5 115 123 45.2 6 380 136.0 18 897 348.8 139 SHUNGNAK AVEC 257 109.2 59 146 55-5 6 275 101.4 17 679 264.2 82 ST. MICHAEL AVEC 198 84.1 64 117 43.0 6 269 5-1 13 584 222.2 83 STEBBINS AVEC 166 72.3 7 95 33.5 4 238 89.1 17 499 194.8 98 TELLER TePC 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 UNALAKLEET UVEC 1,125 251.1 217 1,815 384.7 57 0 0.0 0 2,940 635.8 274 WAINWRIGHT NSBPL 601 122.0 114 1,274 253.0 37 0 0.0 0 1,875 375.0 151 WALES AVEC 87 36.8 39 18 Wee S 172 62.9 13 277 106.8 55 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 vl Region/Communi ty ANIAK (E) ATKA BETHEL CHIGNIK COLD BAY DILLINGHAM/ALEK EEK EGEGIK GOODNEWS BAY TLIAMNA/NEWHA/NON KING COVE KWETHLUK LEVELOCK LOWER/UPPER KALSK MANOKOTAK (E) MCGRATH MEKORYUK NAKNEK NAPAKIAK NEW STUYAHOK NIKOLSKI (E) NUNAP I TCHAK/KASIG QUINHAGAK SAND POINT TOGIAK TOKSOOK BAY TUNUNAK Utility APC AEC BUC ChE G&K NEC AVEC EL&P AVEC I-NEC KCC KI LEC AVEC COM MGL&P AVEC NEA NIPC AVEC NiP&L AVEC AVEC PUC AVEC AVEC AVEC UNALASKA/DUTCH HAR UE ALASKA TOTAL NOTES - Atmautluak is included in this report for the first time in 1986. figures are residential, 100; commercial, 91; and other, 48. > Unalaska/Dutch Harbor: Alaska Utilities 1986 ENERGY SALES, REVENUES AND CUSTOMERS (Page 5 of 5) prior to September 1986, the utility did not break out residential and commercial figures. Customers reported include residential, 47; commercial, 4; and other, 2. Residential Commercial/Industrial Other TOTAL — Sales Revenues Sales Revenues Sales Revenues Sales Revenues (MWH ) ($000) Customers (MWH) ($000) Customers (MWH ) ($000) Customers (MWH ) ($000) Customers 533 230.0 141 1,021 387.1 29 0 0.0 0 1,554 617.0 170 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 7,574 1,355.6 1,405 13,626 2,192.7 259 4,129 594.6 4 25,329 4,143.0 1,668 414 115.8 67 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 414 115.8 67 407 104.5 27 1,709 482.4 41 603 140.4 1 2,718 727.2 69 3,971 797.4 748 6,467 1,210.7 218 1,621 447.8 17 12,059 2,455.9 1,083 150 63.8 71 38 1553) 3 174 63.4 9 362 142.5 83 185 104.3 41 164 92.5 25 0 0.0 0 349 196.8 66 144 61.4 60 58 23.5 5 144 52.8 8 346 137.8 3 505 221.2 144 1,088 469.4 80 0 0.0 0 1,592 690.6 224 755 151.0 161 596 119.2 20 188 37.6 8 1,539 307.9 189 326 148.0 128 61 29.0 1 340 154.0 3 728 331.0 132 178 100.8 52 24 12.6 1 119 42.8 1 321 156.3 54 276 117.8 107 50 19.7 3) 184 68.6 12 510 206.2 122 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 667 241.6 188 1,992 667.5 43 0 0.0 0 2,660 909.1 231 113 48.5 51 78 29.5 8 276 97.4 17 467 175.3 76 2,520 591.5 435 6,700 1959-0 232 4,553 595.9 1 13,773 i2,teenD 668 348 174.7 86 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 348 174.7 86 271 114.5 73 23 9.4 3 245 88.0 12 540 211.8 88 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 459 194.1 165 122 47.9 10 661 231.2 26 1,242 473.2 201 271 115.7 109 112 42.1 7 217 82.6 13 600 240.4 129 2,000 460.0 277 4,200 630.0 137 0 0.0 0 6,200 1,090.0 414 452 191.4 120 189 74.5 11 446 159.3 19 1,087 425.2 150 286 121.8 87 48 19.3 8 270 98.9 1 604 240.0 106 161 68.8 72 3 29.4 10 199 73.7 15 432 171.9 97 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 6,074 1,342.0 370 6,074 1,342.0 370 1,610,969 148,851.6 190,401 | 2,169,522 172,254.2 29,613 | 261,167 30,514.2 4,071 | 4,040,996 351,355.5 223,204 Residential sales were 214 MWH; commercial sales, 228 MWH and other sales, 2 MWH. Revenue Data is, therefore, totaled in the Other co Alaska Power Authority 11/87 G2 Region/Community ANGOON (1) COFFMAN COVE (2) CRAIG HAINES HOONAH HYDABURG JUNEAU - AEL&P JUNEAU - GHEA KAKE KASAAN KETCHIKAN KLAWOCK KLUKWAN METLAKATLA PELICAN (E) PETERSBURG SITKA SKAGWAY SWAN LAKE HYDRO TENAKEE SPRINGS THORNE BAY TYEE HYDRO WRANGELL YAKUTAT REGIONAL AVERAGE NOTES Utility] KWH/Cust. THREA coco AP&T HL&P THREA AP&T AEL&P GHEA THREA THREA KPU THREA KEU MP&L PUC PMP&L SED AP&T APASL TSU 1B APATy WML&P YPI Bill $/Cust. Residential Alaska Utilities AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY USE AND BILLING CHARGES (1986) (Page 1 of 5) Commercial/Industrial Other TOTAL Charge Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge Cents/KWH |KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH |KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH | KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH 34.5 24,548 8,692 35.4 51,832 14,604 28.2 9,745 3,354 34.4 28.1 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 4,233 1,190 28.1 15.9 31,274 4,798 15.3 23,284 3,601 15.5 9,017 1,406 15.6 16.6 20,776 2,854 13.7 26,318 3,673 14.0 10,658 1,583 14.8 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 907 18.7 6,226 1,134 18.2 27,907 5,091 18.2 6,875 1,278 18.5 892 7.9 54,834 3,926 7.2 114,625 7,611 6.6 20,463 1,481 7.2 1,506 14.7 39,310 4,240 10.8 581,600 61,067 10.5 14,013 1,889 13.5 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 930 10.0 50,933 4,768 9.4 3,776 723 19.1 15,045 1,480 9.8 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 1,040 7.0 128,767 12,251 9.5 98,424 9,380 9.5 31,955 2,724 8.5 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 666 10.6 62,228 5,688 9.1 0 0 0.0 15,518 1,496 9.6 748 7.3 120,861 7,048 5.8 24,626 1,794 7.3 25,382 1,645 6.5 958 17.8 26,026 4,112 15.8 24,626 3,882 15.8 11,493 1,891 16.5 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 1,066 39.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 2,734 1,066 39.0 1,584 30.8 21,903 6,700 30.6 20,078 6,500 32.4 8,958 2,767 30.9 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 772 14.0 19,091 2,550 13.4 11,992,000 161,000 8.1 10,548 Woe 12.8 1,169 1T3 66,140 9,070 13.7 773 136 17.6 14,630 2,198 15.0 942 10.6 55,897 4,892 10.4 43,577 3,489 1157 17,927 1,617 10.1 (1) Data for all THREA communities is reported under Angoon. (2) Coffman Cove is a new utility first added to this data base in 1986. GENERAL NOTES - Charge/Kwh: These charges do not reflect the actual cost to consumers of utilities eligible for the state Power Cost Equalization Program. - Regional averages are weighted by population. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 92 Region/Communi ty ANCHORAGE CHISTOCHINA CHUGACH CORDOVA GLENNALLEN HOMER HOMER HOMER/SELDOVIA KODIAK/PORT LIONS LARSEN BAY OLD HARBOR OUZINKIE PALMER PAXSON (E) SEWARD SOLOMON GULCH TERROR LAKE VALDEZ REGIONAL AVERAGE AML&P cTP CEA cEC CVEA HEA HEA KdEA LBES AVEC MEA PLI SES APASG APATL CVEA Alaska Utilities AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY USE AND BILLING CHARGES 1986 (Page 2 of 5) Residential Commercial/Industrial Other TOTAL Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge | KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH |KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH |KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH | KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH 7,176 541 tee) 121,619 8,281 6.8 54,025 5,128 9.5 26,961 1,896 7.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 8,723 595 6.8 68,398 4,070 5.9 86,322 15,289 17.7 15,000 971 6.5 5,822 1,227 21.1 26,706 4,610 17.3 10,027 2,162 21.6 13,058 2,406 18.4 4,741 970 20.5 21,769 4,280 19.7 480,885 75,351 15.7 16,867 3,005 17.8 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 9,699 888 9.2 105,213 7,069 6.7 8,020 1,640 20.4 23,473 1,782 7.6 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 5,862 986 16.8 45,543 6,925 15.2 |4,609,000 652,200 14.2 20,187 3,084 15.3 2,835 1,134 40.0 13,448 5,379 40.0 37,358 14,943 40.0 5,253 2,101 40.0 2,873 1,220 42.4 6,281 2,592 41.3 11,377 4,139 36.4 4,169 1,677 40.2 3,498 700 20.0 21,322 4,402 20.6 12,323 2,465 20.0 5,564 1,124 20.2 10,804 1,006 9.3 58,980 4,287 7.3 15,943 1,657 10.4 15,100 1,298 8.6 18,167 3,667 20.2 36,000 7,000 19.4 0 0 0.0 20,714 4,143 20.0 9,629 983 10.2 54,533 5,892 10.8 65,000 31,400 48.3 20,489 2,185 10.7 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 7,740 1,292 16.7 21,503 3,350 15.6 311,569 44,076 14.1 20,283 3,079 15.2 8,821 727 8.3 82,916 4,167 7.6 116,816 15,808 13.6 18,720 1,441 7.7 ed Alaska Power Authority 11/87 aE: Region/Community ANVIK BETTLES CHEVAK CIRCLE (E) EAGLE (E) EMMONAK FAIRBANKS FORT YUKON FAIRBANKS GALENA GRAYLING HOLY CROSS HOOPER BAY HUGHES HUSLIA KALTAG KOTLIK (E) Utility AVEC AVEC BL&P AVEC CE EPC AVEC GVEA GZuC FMUS COG AVEC AVEC AVEC HuP&L AVEC AVEC KC LAKE MINCHUMINA (E)SS MANLEY HOT SPRINGS MUC MARSHALL AVEC MINTO AVEC MT. VILLAGE AVEC NORTHWAY (E) NP&L NULATO AVEC PILOT STATION AVEC RAMPART RVC RUSSIAN MISSION AVEC SCAMMON BAY AVEC SHAGELUK AVEC ST. MARYS/ANDREA( 1 )AVEC TANANA TPC TOK AP&T REGIONAL AVERAGE NOTES Alaska Utilities AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY USE AND BILLING CHARGES Residential Commercial/Industrial Other TOTAL i Use Bill Charge | Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH |KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH| KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH | KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH 2,563 1,093 42.6 17,624 6,927 aS 22,032 7,948 36.1 5,647 2,205 39.0 1,781 7 43.3 5,431 2,156 39.7 14,080 5,119 36.4 3,910 1,533 39.2 5,583 2,475 44.3 26,846 12,835 47.8 0 0 0.0 16,640 7,862 47.2 2,35 994 42.9 20,475 7,589 37.1 28,446 9,967 35.0 6,911 2,591 Sie> 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 3,646 1,457 40.0 3,646 1,457 40.0 3,324 1,413 42.5 15,049 5,628 37.4 31,109 10,882 35.0 7,371 2,808 38.1 7,902 785 9.9 72,353 6,042 8.4 [23,124,500 891,000 3.9 17,338 1,478 8.5 ale 807 38.0 15,058 Sire 34.3 23,389 7,634 32.6 6,570 2,256 34.3 5,634 505 9.0 67,908 6,472 9.5 98,680 9,813 9.9 23,029 2,190 9.5 2,533 1,026 40.5 10,240 4,106 40.1 30,825 12,484 40.5 5,027 2,029 40.4 2,982 1,259 42.2 11,253 4,378 38.9 9,245 3,437 37.2 4,658 1,857 39.9 3,333 1,417 42.5 7,515 2,959 39.4 16,277 5,971 36.7 5,626 2,232 39.7 2,989 1,267 42.4 21,872 7,731 35.3 21,189 7,615 35.9 6,341 2,430 38.3 373 190 51.0 13,325 6,796 51.0 9,076 4,628 51.0 1,115 569 51.0 2,724 1,164 42.7 8,017 3,140 39.2 10,648 3,934 36.9 4,425 1,764 39.9 2,870 1,229 42.8 4,844 1,990 41.1 19,590 7,356 37.6 5,445 2,174 39.9 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 1,810 590 32.6 5,515 2,200 39.9 0 0 0.0 2,725 988 36.2 3,432 1,454 42.4 10,758 4,263 39.6 11,682 4,257 36.4 5,382 2,139 39.7 2,606 1,117 42.9 7,750 3,044 a9.5 23,063 8,500 36.9 4,608 1,842 40.0 3,804 1,612 42.4 29,616 10,725 36.2 31,030 10,966 35.3 7,838 3,006 38.4 3,057 1,161 38.0 55,978 20,152 36.0 13,750 5,298 38.5 13,234 4,825 36.5 2,641 1,136 43.0 6,028 2,400 39.8 19,847 6,962 35.1 5,154 1,993 38.7 3,298 1,399 42.4 33,637 11,549 34.3 14,984 5,571 37.2 5,987 2,336 39.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 2,189 926 42.3 6,053 2,342 38.7 24,791 8,136 32.8 5,236 1,911 36.5 4,228 1,764 41.7 8,163 3,249 39.8 12,489 4,227 33.8 6,030 2,347 38.9 2,254 978 43.4 9,136 3,590 39.3 19,146 7,131 37.2 5,885 2,306 39.2 3,533 1,500 42.4 22,570 8,113 35.9 31,283 11,003 35.2 8,967 3,366 37.5 4,164 1,651 39.6 76,182 29,118 38.2 16,000 6,700 41.9 8,418 3,276 38.9 4,567 1,010 22.1 28,053 5,437 19.4 72,033 12,888 17.9 13,831 2,686 19.4 eee a 7,100 778 2. 67,210 6,235 10.7 111,951 10,380 ance 17301 1,707 11.6 SSS J 1986 (Page 3 of 5) (1) St. Mary’s data includes sales to Andreafski and Pitkas Point. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 82 Region/Communi ty AMBLER ANAKTUVUK PASS ATQASUK BARROW DEADHORSE (E) ELIM GAMBELL KAKTOVIK KIANA KIVALINA KOTZEBUE KOYUK NOATAK NOME NOORVIK NUIQSUT POINT HOPE POINT LAY SAVOONGA SELAWIK SHAKTOOLIK SHISHMAREF SHUNGNAK ST. MICHAEL STEBBINS TELLER (E) UNALAKLEET WAINWRIGHT WALES REGIONAL AVERAGE Utility AVEC NSBPL NSBPL BU&EC AUI AVEC AVEC NSBPL AVEC AVEC KtEA AVEC AVEC NJUB AVEC NSBPL NSBPL NSBPL AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC TePC UVEC NSBPL AVEC Alaska Utilities AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY USE AND BILLING CHARGES 1986 (Page 4 of 5) Residential Commercial/Industrial Other TOTAL Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH |KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH |KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH | KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH B,e5) 1,378 42.4 12,063 4,850 40.2 16,920 6,487 38.3 6,684 2,672 40.0 5,068 1,439 28.4 27,887 7,697 27.6 0 0 0.0 12,674 3,525 27.8 6,248 1,268 20.3 23,497 4,538 19.3 0 0 0.0 12,942 2,050 19.6 4,739 435 9-2 87,000 5,192 6.0 0 0 0.0 22,329 1,452 6.5 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 2,839 1,211 42.6 15,224 5,962 39.2 17,574 6,409 36.5 5,146 2,038 39.6, 2,950) 1,244 42.4 22,622 8,200 36.2 21,406 7,759 36.2 6,732 2,584 38.4 5,611 1,211 21.6 36,916 8,091 21.9 0 0 0.0 14,329 3,127 21.8 3,138 1,338 42.6 13,521 4,843 35.8 22,148 8,001 36.1 6,738 2,590 38.4 3,475 1,476 42.5 25,579 9,288 36.3 24,492 8,264 33.7 8,157 3,015 37.0 6,196 1,349 21.8 49,424 10,194 20.6 30,977 6,256 20.2 A359 2,881 21.0 3,226 1,359 42.1 i,055) 4,179 36.2 18,057 6,413 35.5 6,663 21529 38.0 2,939 1,246 42.4 21,031 (nes) 35.8 28,733 9/931 34.6 7,466 2,ay 37.2 5,641 1,048 18.6 28,448 5,334 18.7 37,813 7,032 18.6 12,549 2,344 18.7 3,486 1,484 42.6 11,474 4,113 35.8 30,286 10,578 34.9 7,370 2,796 Sie) 5,904 1,197 20.3 19,634 4,605 23.5 0 0 0.0 10,481 2,333 22.3 5 "322 ae “000 18.8 19,225 3,561 18.5 0 0 0.0 9,345 1,741 18.6 4,209 944 22.4 26,557 5,889 22.2 0 0 0.0 11,658 2,593 22.2 2,864 1,216 42.5 16,679 5,888 35.3 23,229 8,482 36.5 6,784 2,599 38.3 eame 1,154 42.5 10,107 4,011 39.7 16,014 5,881 36.7 Lee 2,037 39.4 4,576 1,945 42.5 13,030 5,086 39.0 19,456 6,927 35.6 7,682 sy 008 39.2 3,430 1,456 42.5 20,432 7,540 36.9 21,097 7,557 35.8 6,451 2,509 38.9 4,362 1,850 42.4 24,352 8,924 36.6 16,193 5,967 36.9 8,277 3,221 38.9 3,097 1,314 42.4 19,473 Gute) 36.8 20,657 7,316 35.4 7,031 2,677 38. 2,161 939 43.5 23,716 8,332 35.1 14,007 5,241 37.4 5,096 1,987 39.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 5,183 1,157 22.3 31,838 6,750 2ice 0 0 0.0 10,728 2,320 21.6 5,271 1,070 20.3 34,433 6,838 19.9 0 0 0.0 12,417 2,483 20.0 2,222 943 42.4 6,107 2,394 39.2 13,236 4,836 36.5 5,037 1,942 38.6 4,854 1,059 23.8 42,493 6,039 18.2 23,757 7,090 31.9 12,924 2,318 22.1 el Alaska Power Authority 11/87 62 Region/Community ANIAK (E) ATKA BETHEL CHIGNIK COLD BAY DILLINGHAM/ALEK EEK EGEGIK GOODNEWS BAY ILIAMNA/NEWHAL/NON KING COVE KWETHLUK LEVELOCK LOWER/UPPER KALSK MANOKOTAK (E) MCGRATH MEKORYUK NAKNEK NAPAKIAK NEW STUYAHOK NIKOLSKI (E) NUNAPI TCHAK/KASIG QUINHAGAK SAND POINT TOGIAK TOKSOOK BAY TUNUNAK UNALASKA/DUTCH HAR REGIONAL AVERAGE ALASKA AVERAGE Utility APC AEC BUC ChE G&K NEC AVEC EL&P AVEC INNEC KCC KI LEC AVEC COM MGL&P AVEC NEA NIPC AVEC NiP&L AVEC AVEC SPEI AVEC AVEC AVEC UE Alaska Utilities AVERAGE ANNUAL ENERGY USE AND BILLING CHARGES 1986 (Page 5 of 5) Residential Commercial/Industrial Other TOTAL ao Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH |Kwh/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH | KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH | KWH/Cust. $/Cust. Cents/KWH 3,780 1,631 43.1 35,207 13,347 37.9 0 0 0.0 9,141 3,630 39.7 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 5,391 965 17.9 52,609 8,466 16.1 | 1,032,144 148,662 14.4 15,185 2,484 16.4 6,173 1,728 28.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 6,173 1,728 28.0 15,061 3,869 25.7 41,681 11,765 28.2 602,500 140,360 23.3 39,393 10,539 26.8 5,309 1,066 20.1 29,665 5,553 18.7 13,855 3,827 27.6 11,135 2,268 20.4 2,113 899 42.5 12,829 5,085 39.6 19,324 7,046 36.5 4,366 1,717 39.3 4,509 2,544 56.4 6,577 3,700 56.3 0 0 0.0 5,292 2,982 56.3 2,402 1,024 42.6 11,670 4,698 40.3 17,939 6,603 36.8 4,740 1,887 39.8 3,503 1,536 43.8 13,599 5,867 43.1 0 0 0.0 7,109 3,083 43.4 4,690 938 20.0 29,812 5,962 20.0 23,515 4,703 20.0 8,145 1,629 20.0 2,549 1,156 45.4 60,968 29,000 47.6 113,480 51,333 45.2 5,512 2,508 45.5 3,428 1,939 56.6 24,291 12,631 52.0 118,506 42,783 36.1 5,945 2,894 48.7 2,583 1,101 42.6 16,793 6,566 39.1 15,301 5,719 37.4 4,183 1,690 40.4 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 3,548 1,285 36.2 46,335 15,523 33.5 0 0 0.0 11,513 3,935 34.2 2,219 950 42.8 9,718 3,683 3%.9 16,227 5,730 35.5 6,142 2,307 37.6 5,794 1,360 23.5 28,880 6,617 22.9 | 4,552,800 595,925 13.1 20,618 4,076 19.8 4,051 2,032 50.1 0 0 0.0] . 0 0 0.0 4,051 2,032 50.1 3,717 1,568 42.2 7,768 3,121 40.2 20,446 7,335 35.9 6,137 2,407 39.2 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 2,782 1,176 42.3 12,250 4,792 39.1 25,423 8,892 35.0 6,182 2,354 38.1 2,487 1,062 42.7 16,057 6,009 37.4 16,663 6,357 38.1 4,652 1,864 40.1 7,220 1,661 23.0 30,657 4,599 15.0 0 0 0.0 14,976 2,633 17.6 3,769 1,595 42.3 17,147 6,774 39.5 23,473 8,387 35.7 7,246 2,835 39.1 3,287 1,400 42.6 6,012 2,415 40.2 24,515 8,992 36.7 5,696 2,264 39.8 2,234 955 42.8 7,287 2,940 40.3 13,241 4,912 37.1 4,457 1,772 39.8 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 16,416 3,627 22.1 16,416 3,627 22.1 4,770 1,224 28.2 33,312 7,053 2.7 31,592 6,756 26.2 12,371 2,782 26 == : 7,244 876 14.8 73,262 4,785 9.5 63,924 7,468 18.6 18,035 1,571 9.6 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 os EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE ALASKA SALES, REVENUES, CUSTOMERS (1960-1986) (Page 1 of 3) ENERGY SALES (GWH) can SE | Sanne | Street & Other Highway Public Inter- % ANNUAL Year Residential Industrial Lighting Authorities departmental TOTAL GROWTH 1960 168 128 30 9 8 6 349 1961 178 134 33) 8 8 4 365 4.58 1962 215 173 28 5 12 7 440 20.55 1963 233 203 53 8 15 4 516 dicen 1964 253 223 61 8 13 4 562 8.91 1965 277 244 68 2 14 4 616 9.61 1966 303 273 84 9 17 8 694 12.66 1967 348 307 84 10 30 uf 786 13.26 1968 366 324 87 13 42 9 841 7.00 1969 417 377 93 15 50 4 956 13.67 1970 465 413 100 14 58 4 1054 10.25 1971 543 465 109 14 77 4 1212 14.99 1972 562 486 122 15 91 3 1279 5.53 1973 743 625 143 16 109 &) 1639 28.15 1974 765 644 153 16 131 4 1713 4.51 1975 834 734 195 17 54 5 1839 7.36 1976 982 1027 61 15 61 6 2152 17.02 1977 1113 1217 56 14 65 6 2471 14.82 1978 1164 1295 56 13 67 if 2602 5.30 1979 1257 1366 61 12 71 7 2774 6.61 1980 1388 1457 46 14 64 5 2974 7.21 1981 1428 1230 325 15 104 6 3108 1982 1357 913 591 16 142 7 3026 1983 1520 1531 276 16 171 6 3520 1984 1589 1722 548 17 77 2 3955 1985 1661 1885 325 32 65 2 3970 1986p 1590 1935 318 29 53 2 I 3927 L GENERAL NOTES - Information for this table comes from Edison Electric Institute (EEI). EI compiles state utility data from information received directly from Alaska utilities. Information is also obtained from Energy Information Administration and Rural Electrification Administration data. Some information is estimated due to unavailability of reports at the time of publication. Information in the EEI data base may differ from the data base used in the Alaska Electric Power Statistics report. - Data coverage for this table represents 80-90% of statewide utility installed capacity. - Edison Electric Institute made customer classification changes in 1983. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 18 EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE ALASKA SALES, REVENUES, CUSTOMERS (1960-1986) (Page 2 of 3) REVENUES (000 Dollars) | Street & Other Highway Public Inter- % ANNUAL Year Residential Commercial Industrial Lighting Authorities departmental TOTAL GROWTH 1960 7,264 5,236 977 344 382 137 14,340 1961 7,854 5,659 1,069 313 366 116 15,377 7.23 1962 8,774 6,968 844 236 485 142 17,449 13.47 1963 8,553 7,530 1,075 288 545 74 18,065 3.53 1964 8,762 7,998 1,107 287 568 70 18,792 4.02 1965 9,789 8,769 1,291 301 613 88 20,851 10.96 1966 10,548 9,581 1,468 321 701 199 22,818 9.43 1967 11,738 10,415 1,550 364 899 197 25,163 10.28 1968 12,285 10,851 1,530 589 941 265 26,461 5.16 1969 13,048 11,686 1,558 619 1,197 131 28,239 6.72 1970 14,015 12,878 1,713 551 1,407 91 30,655 8.56 1971 16,331 14,953 1,902 608 1,823 108 35,725 16.54 1972 18,725 17,237 2,247 602 2,080 68 40,959 14.65 1973 22,670 20,418 2,852 698 2,702 77 49,417 20.65 1974 23,406 21,019 3,107 721 3,004 81 51,338 3.89 1975 26,449 24,088 4,196 803 2,589 180 58,305 13.57 1976 33,874 33,336 2,020 900 2,824 213 73,167 25.49 1977 43,580 45,474 1,813 981 2,968 258 95,074 29.94 1978 48,859 54,481 1,806 1,135 3,033 264 109,578 15.26 1979 54,144 57,139 1,990 1,022 3,289 246 117,830 7.53 1980 13,395 83,759 1,523 1,451 3,730 303 164,121 39.29 1981 81,248 73,853 19,465 1,930 8,772 344 185,612 13.09 1982 89,453 56,188 43,031 2,121 14,488 388 205,669 10.81 1983 122,645 109,291 23,173 2,371 19,187 891 277,558 34.95 1984 134,777 133,186 17,272 2,832 10,756 22 298,845 7.67 1985 147,137 147,308 21,570 8,325 5,974 16 330,330 10.54 1986p 157,385 171,083 23,040 9,364 6,411 19 367,302 11.19 i J Alaska Power Authority 11/87 zs Year 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986p EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE ALASKA SALES, REVENUES, CUSTOMERS (1960-1986) (Page 3 of 3) CUSTOMERS (Average Monthly) —+—— % ANNUAL Residential Commercial TOTAL GROWTH 39,498 5,960 45,953 40,980 6,362 47,872 4.18 43,112 TE 50,734 5.98 46,239 7,472 54,174 6.78 49,358 7,943 57,738 6.58 51,456 8,100 59,986 3.89 52,019 8,110 60,554 0.95 53,797 8,706 62,917 3.90 55,902 9,058 65,412 3.97 59,967 9,517 69,938 6.92 63,996 9,879 74,323 6.27 69,239 10,461 80,231 7.95 71,144 10,699 82,338 2.63 80,105 11,611 92,286 12.08 82,051 11,848 94,480 2.38 89,786 13,387 103, 883 9.95 99,851 15,009 115,735 11.41 107,278 16,152 124,286 7.39 113,532 17,263 131,624 5.90 119,170 18,213 138,228 5.02 130,159 20,193 151,627 9.69 133,458 19,601 155,692 2.68 136,098 18,804 158,829 2.01 153,805 21,658 180,120 13.40 169,296 25,511 196,787 9.25 182,266 27,270 211,223 7.34 179,039 27,805 208,530 -1.27 Alaska Power Authority 11/87 vs EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE AVERAGE ENERGY CHARGE, USE, BILLING ALASKA AND UNITED STATES (1960-1986) (Page 1 of 2) ENERGY CHARGE (Cents/KWH) USE--ANNUAL (KWH/Customer) ai are aes ol Residential Commercial TOTAL SALES Residential Commercial TOTAL_SALES Year | ALASKA U.S. ALASKA U.S. ALASKA U.S. Year | ALASKA U.S. ALASKA U.S. ALASKA U.S. 1960 4.32 2.47 4.09 2.46 4.11 1.69 1960 4,253 3,854 21,477 17,006 7,595 11,704 1961 4.41 2.45 4.22 2.35 4.21 1.69 1961 4,344 4,019 21,063 19,709 7,624 12,099 1962 4.08 2.41 4.03 2.37 3.97 1.68 1962 4,987 4,259 24,172 20,733 8,673 12,763 1963 3.67 2.37 3.71 2.28 3.50 1.65 1963 5,039 4,442 27,168 23,224 9,525 13,366 1964 3.46 2.31 3.59 2a19 3.34 1.62 1964 5,126 4,703 28,075 25,213 9,734 14,015 1965 3.53 2.25 3.59 als 3.38 1.59 1965 5,383 4,933 30,123 27,399 10,269 14,694 1966 3.48 2.20 3.51 2.06 3.29 1.56 1966 5,825 5,265 33,662 30,133 11,461 15,678 1967 3.37 2.17 3.39 2.04 3.20 1.56 1967 6,469 5,577 35,263 32,041 12,493 16,384 1968 3.36 eute 3.35 2.00 3.15 1.55 1968 6,547 6,057 35,769 34,637 12,857 17,445 1969 Sale 2.09 3.10 1.99 2.95 1.54 1969 6,954 6,571 39,613 36,950 13,669 18,563 1970 3.01 2.10 3.12 2.01 2.91 1.59 1970 7,266 7,066 41,806 39,952 14,181 19,380 1971 3.01 2.19 3.22 2.12 2.95 1.69 1971 7,842 7,380 44,451 41,943 15,106 19,956 1972 3.33 2.29 3.55 2.22 3.20 1.77 1972 7,899 7,691 45,425 44,496 15,524 20,964 1973 3.05 2.38 3.27 2.30 3.02 1.86 1973 9,275 8,079 53,828 47,580 17,760 21,955 1974 3.06 2.83 3.26 2.85 3.00 2.30 1974 9,323 7,907 54,355 46,557 18,131 21,448 1975 3.17 3.21 3.28 3.23 3.17 2.70 1975 9,289 8,176 54,829 48,964 17,703 21,417 1976 3.45 3.45 S25) 3.46 3.40 2.89 1976 9,835 8,360 68,426 50,733 18,594 22,361 1977 3.92 3.78 3.74 3.84 3.85 3.21 1977 | 10,375 8,693 75,347 52,892 19,882 23,052 1978 4.20 4.03 3.98 4.10 4.10 3.46 1978 | 10,253 8,849 75,016 53,085 19,768 23,315 1979 4.31 4.43 4.18 4.50 4.25 3.82 1979 | 10,548 8,843 75,001 53,197 20,068 23,481 1980 5.28 Ste 5.75 Dee 5.52 4.49 1980 | 10,664 9,025 72,154 54,538 19,614 23,167 1981 5.69 5.80 6.00 6.00 5.97 5.14 1981 | 10,700 8,825 62,752 53,402 19,962 23,026 1982 6.59 6.44 6.15 6.59 6.80 5.79 1982 9,971 8,733 48,553 52,190 19,052 22,169 1983 8.07 6.83 7.14 6.79 7.89 6.00 1983 9,883 8,827 70,690 53,594 19,537 22,446 1984 8.48 7.17 7.73 7.14 8.17 6.27 1984 9,386 8,978 67,500 55,205 18,578 23,152 1985 8.86 eso 7.81 eer 8.32 6.47 1985 9,116 8,906 69,137 56,109 18,798 22,903 1986p 9.90 7.44 8.84 7.26 9.35 6.49 1986p 8,883 9,038 69,607 56,930 18,840 22,925 lI | Alaska Power Authority 11/87 ss Year 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986p NOTES Residential Commercial TOTAL SALES ALASKA U.S. ALASKA U.S. ALASKA U.S. 184 95 879 418 312 198 192 98 890 463 321 204 204 103 974 491 344 214 185 105 1,008 530 333 221 178 109 1,007 552 325 227 190 111 1,083 584 348 234 203 116 1,181 621 377 245 218 121 1,196 654 400 256 220 128 1,198 693 405 270 218 137 1,228 735 404 286 219 148 1,304 803 412 308 236 162 1,429 889 445 337 263 176 1,611 988 497 371 283 192 1,759 1,094 535 408 285 224 1,774 1,327 543 493 295 262 1,799 1,582 561 578 339 288 2,221 1,755 632 646 406 329 2,815 2,031 765 740 430 357 2,982 2,176 810 807 454 391 3,137 2,394 852 897 564 462 4,148 2,848 1,082 1,040 609 512 3,768 3,207 1,192 1,184 657 562 2,988 3,440 1,295 1,283 797 603 5,046 3,639 1,541 1,347 796 644 5,221 3,940 1,519 1,453 807 658 5,402 4,080 1,564 1,482 879 672 6,153 4,131 1,761 1,487 Pe EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE AVERAGE ENERGY CHARGE, USE, BILLING ALASKA AND UNITED STATES (Page 2 of 2) BILLING (Annual $/Customer) -Edison Electric Institute is the data source for this table. EEI compiles US-wide data from the information format presented on pages 80-82. -See notes on page 80 for further information. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 98 Percent Index Base Year 1970 Alaska Economic Growth Indicators (1970-1986) 1000 900 800 700 -*- Personal Income Installed Capacity Net Generation ---- Employment — Population Alaska Power Authority 11/87 48 ALASKA ECONOMIC GROWTH INDICATORS (1960-1986) 1960 1965 1970 1975 1978 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 POPULATION 226,167 265,192 308,500 384,100 411,600 419,700 435,200 460,800 495,290 523,048 523,000 545,200 HOUSING UNITS 67,193 90,827 113,329 136,982 162,825 168,000 175,000 200,000 203,078 207,423 209,105 EMPLOYMENT 92,500 160,800 163,500 170,600 183,700 194,400 204,100 233,500 231,400 222,100 INCOME/CAPITA 2,870 3,cno 4,665 9,680 10,625 13,117 13,500 15,011 16,820 17,550 18,140 17,744 PERSONAL INCOME - X $1,000,000 649 858 1,412 3,528 4,369 5,283 5,700 6,917 8,050 8,771 9,476 9,468 UTILITY *Capacity - MW 123 243 480 764 1,138 1,283 eats 1,413 1,448 1,606 1,602 1,681 *Net Generation - GWH 431 735 1,281 2,290 2,966 3,159 3,281 a, is 3,859 4,146 4,496 4,410 + Fuel Use: Oil - Gallons xX 1,000 32,451 42,550 41,781 36,074 43,156 46,776 50,179 50,179 47,283 Gas - MCF X 1,000 19,619 24,757 28,991 29,371 30,513 31,968 32,011 34,646 34,801 Coal - Tons 256,976 268,556 268,358 320,000 336,000 319,000 315,000 297,000 250,244 DATA SOURCES: State of Alaska, Department of Labor; Institute of Social and Economic Research; 1986 Alaska Electric Power Statistics. Alaska Power Authority 11/87 References 89 90 ALASKA ELECTRIC POWER STATISTICS REPORT DATA SOURCES Alaska Power Administration, database for Alaska Electric Power Statistics report, 1976 - 1984. Alaska Public Utilities Commission, Department of Commerce and Economic Develop- ment, personal communication -- Mr. Joseph G. Franco. Anchorage/Fairbanks Intertie, Machine Rating Handbook, March 1984, Alaska Power Authority and Railbelt Utilities. Edison Electric Institute, 111 19th Street N.W., Washington, D.C., 20036, (202) 828-7503. Energy Information Administration, EIA 459 -- Data From the Monthly Powerplant Report, 1976 - 1986, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., 20585. Energy Information Administration, EIA 412 -- Annual Report of Public Utilities, 1986, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., 20585. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC Form 1, Class A and B Utilities, 1986. —— Rural Electrification Administration, REA Form 7, pages 1-7 and REA Form 12, pages a-f, 1986. OTHER ENERGY INFORMATION RESOURCES Alaska Power Authority Publishes an Annual Report providing a description and status report on various energy-related projects. Includes current information on reconnaissance, fea- sibility, design and construction of power projects, rural technical assistance projects, research work, and the Power Cost Equalization Program. The Alaska Power Authority also has an energy library open to the public. For further information, please contact: Alaska Power Authority, P.O. Box 190869, 701 East Tudor, Anchorage, Alaska, 99519-0869, (907) 561-7877. Alaska Public Utilities Commission Annual Report to the Alaska Legislature Provides a synopsis of annual Commission activities concerning all regulated utilities. In electric utility areas, the report also provides information on the Power Cost Equalization Program, utility finances, a sampling of regulated utility power rates and a complete list of certificated electric utilities. For further information, contact: Alaska Public Utilities Commission, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, 420 "L" Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, Alaska, 99501, (907) 276-6222. Department _of Community and Regional Affairs Administers state energy conservation programs such as the Low-Income Weather- ization Program, Institutional Buildings Program, Energy Extension Service and State Lighting and Thermal Standards. Energy library open to the public. For further information, contact: Department of Community and Regional Affairs, 949 East 36th Avenue, Suite 400, Anchorage, Alaska, 99508, (907) 563-1955. Department _of Health and Social Services Administers the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in Alaska. Program provides assistance in the payment of energy bills to qualified applicants. For further information, contact: Division of Public Assistance, Department of Health and Social Services, Room 309, Alaska Office Building, P.0. Box H-07, Juneau, Alaska, 99811, (907) 465-3347. House Research Agency, Legislative Affairs Agency Provides a publication list by subject and title of papers written for the Alaska Legislature on a variety of topics. Energy is a key issue subject area. For further information, contact: House Research Agency, Legislative Affairs Agency, Goldstein Building, Room 216, Juneau, Alaska, 99811, (907) 465-3991. Master Utility Directory Published by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission. Provides utility names, 91 92 addresses, telephone numbers. Current general manager and other utility staff names are listed. For further information on this publication, contact: Alaska Public Utilities Commission, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, 420 "L" Street, Suite 100, Anchorage, Alaska, 99501, (907) 276-6222. 1986 Northwest Electric Utility Directory Includes alphabetical listing of Alaska electric utilities, number of consumers, current investment in plant, generation and sales. Names and addresses of Boards of Directors are also included. For further information, contact: Northwest Public Power Association, P.0. Box 4576, Vancouver, Washington, 98662-0576, (206) 254-0109.