HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaska Electric Power Statistics 1960-1973: ALASKA ELECTRIC POWER STATISTICS 1960 -1973 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ROGERS C. B. MORTON, SECRETARY As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has responsibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of our land and water WY Ray ae ee » preser- ving national parks the enjoyment of life er ent assesses a 1960-1973 aren re that theix our people. The for American ‘Indian DATE __1SSUED TO = who live in Island Te HIGHSMITH 42-222 United States Department of the Interior ALASKA POWER ADMINISTRATION P. O. BOX 50 JUNEAU. ALASKA 99801 IN REPLY REFER TO 700 ALASKA ELECTRIC POWER STATISTICS 1960-1973 This is,the third in a series of electric power data summaries compiled by the Alaska Power Administration. Our intent is to provide a convenient and current reference on Alaskan power systems and trends in electric power use in the State. This report includes annual data through calendar year 1973 and some monthly statistics up through August 1974. It includes an update of many of the tables from the previous editions. We have expanded the format to include additional data on the power systems themselves, fuel use, and other statistics which we feel will give everyone a more complete view of the Alaska electric power situation. The data sources are indicated on the tables. They include publications and data summaries by the Alaska Public Utilities Commission, the Federal Power Commission, the Rural Electrification Administration, and the Edison Electric Institute, and data furnished to APA by the individual utilities, industries, the Alaskan Command, and others. We sincerely appreciate the help we have received in compiling the report, and we will welcome any suggestions and corrections. TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Letter General Data Electric Utility Locations and RICE (Map) . Utility Abbreviations (Table) . Alaska Utilities Load Data & lawton cette avast! || Growth Indicators (Graph and Table) Electric Plant in Service (Table) Installed Capacity Data - Kw Alaska Electric Utilities - Installed Tar by Type and Year (Graph and Table) ete Total Installed Capacity - Utility & Non- “Utility feet Installed Generation Summary (Table) : 1974 Installed Nameplate Capacity - ray Serer: (Table) . : Utility Installed Nathaplate ueactiy ta Location (Table). National Defense Generation in Alaska- Summary (Table). Generation Data - Kwh Annual Utility Generation Data by Region (Graph) Annual Energy Generated - Regional Summary (Table) . Monthly Utility Generation by Fuel (Graph): . Fuel Efficiency by Region (Table) ° Utility System Power Requirements, 1960- 2000 Graph. Total Alaska Power Requirements, 1965-2000 (Graph) Transmission Systems Existing Transmission Lines (Map) Transmission Lines & Major Interconnections (Table) . TABLE OF CONTENTS--Cont'd Page Market Data Monthly Peak Loads by Region (Graph) ......... 33 Regional Peak Loads (Table) ...... 1... we eee 34 Régional Energy Sales (Table) .. . Sone 35 Energy Sales, Revenue, Customers - 1973 (Table) uci 36 Energy Use, Billing, Charge - 1973 (Table). ...... 37 Typical Electric Bills (Table) .........4.2.- 38 Edison Electric Institute Statistics Annual Energy Sales by Class of Service (Graph) .... 41 Residential Electric Energy - Average Annual Use and Cost - Alaska and U.S. (Graph) ........4.. 42 Sales, Revenue, Customers by Year (Table). ...... 43 Energy Charge, Use, Billing by Year (Table) ...... 44 Generation and Installed Capacity by Year (Table)... . 45 | | | { | | GENERAL DATA | | Page | Electric Utility Locations and Capacities (Map). ..... 2 H | Utility Abbreviations (Table) 2.6. 6 see 3 t Alaska Utilities Load Data & Installed Capacity (Graph) . . 5 | } Growth Indicators (Graph and Table)... 2... 2s 657 Bisetwic Plant in Service (Table). 66s ee es 8 | Gambell (WEC)O.2 MWD) Sevoongo (AVEC) a2 Mw) Aloknuk (AVEC) } + O2mw (d) 0.3MH (0) Groypog (AVEC) 0.1MW (0) Nothmay (NPEL) «Arik (AVEC) 0.1MW(0) McGrath (NC) any Abunten tidoge 2 sk VEC} O7Mm Scommon wec) . wid) aa _y Sont Morys } eC) acMN (0) 2MwW (0) . | LEGEND Borrow (Bol) 12 MOn(D), 15 MN(GT) “Nootok (AVEC) oz mw (0) Kotzebue (Kt£A) SUBREGIONS 3.4 MH (DD + Kiana (AVEC) O.2 MBO) ‘Noorvik (AVEC) 0.2 MW (0) “Shas (acy Zelcwike (2EC) “O.1MW ID) 02 MNO} + fort Yukon (FYU) 0.7mw{0) ‘Husha (AVEC) 0.1 MW (0) phe rE 2 ww(0) Koyuk (AVEC) O. (0) (re 1oMmn(o) * f) Moni Hot Sornge(usist) 7” ,Forponks (Fai, GUEA) toolik (AVEC) 0.1MW(0) oman (0) anery. 2O\ pr forbanks ore Metley (hgh 0:2 Mw roy 4 ‘U) 32. / MIV(0), 42 1MNGT), 535 Men (ST) t ‘Urolatieg # (nie A) 0.8 MINI) Se decrees AVEC) 0.3 MMO) eal Nulato (AVEC) O1 Mw (0) O1MN (0) Tok (APET) * /3MN(D) O ) eT Ce pve ner (MEA) O1MmNi ¢ Giermatien (CVE A) (4) Denotes tycro capacity —’ () Denotes dese! capacity -Chtina (CPCo) ‘ GT) Denotes gos turbine copacity 7 Holy Cross (wecrO.2mw(o) ° * Aniok (APC) 0.3mwio) Kotskog¢ lower Kalskog (AVEC) meni PaVEC a2uwion Merger tack (Mr ne vec), 12 awe ‘0.3m (0) —? (ST) Denotes steom turbie capocity (900k ‘Bethel (BeU) 15 MW(0) yobez (CVEA) (rec) Cau acea, aay 28MWD) (avec) 0.1 mHW (0) . ty, nz! Kena’ (HEA) ¢ Aiogerdere (CPU A ts ; BTA OY Aten <- “ Bognay Uae) Qunhogak (AVEC; AZ MW (D) D fon vit) 2 Sa ct 23h, 13M (0) y 7 - Howes a Vow jas . - Arch Cook Inet Spat Yokutot (YPCa) Bayi AVEC) ae he, non, Stuyonok (avecjarmbgfs? a: < x 450M lo 2 MW (0), 341.7 MGT) s2mwiD) 4, 14.5 MMS) GOK MES) Otirghom Yaiécy }4 9 MOO) ae hese (UELP,GHEA,APA) eee 56. 3mm IH),8.2 MHD) nek (HEA) 46 MMO) oon Egegek (NEA) mec) one O.2Mw iD ~ ‘ °. gouio) Kodiak ¢ Rect Li (XdEA) x g 22) 2. 0n4W (H1), 3.7 Mv(0) 22. aun Sitka (SE Dept) (WE Dept.) 7.7 MND) Comming, 31mwioy GO * Horbor (AVEC) 0.2 MW(D) (KPU) 9.2 MAD youn Methokatig (MP¢L) O.1MN (OY soumnd 30mmvo) AM... pass s3nfe 2 A! Soe ike y LOCATION OF ELECTRIC UTILITIES AND GENERATING CAPACITY -1973 | APA ~ Debs 17 AEL&P AML&P APA-E APA-S AP Co. AP&T AVEC BaU BeU BL&P CCU CEA COH COK COU CPCo. CPU CTP CVEA DLE FMU FYU GHEA GVEA HEA HL&P KC KdEA KtEA KPU UTILITY ABBREVIATIONS Alaska Electric Light and Power Company Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Dept. Alaska Power Administration - Eklutna (Anchorage) Alaska Power Administration - Snettisham (Juneau) Aniak Power Company Alaska Power & Telephone Company Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. Barrow Utilities, Incorporated Bethel Utilities Corporation, Inc. * Bettles Light & Power, Inc. Circle City Utilities Chugach Electric Association, Inc. City of Hoonah Community of Kake City of Unalaska Chitina Power Co., Inc. Cordova Public Utilities Chistochina Trading Post Copper Valley Electric Association, Inc. Dot Lake Electric, Inc. Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Fort Yukon Utilities Glacier Highway Electric Association, Inc. Golden Valley Electric Association, Inc. Homer Electric Association, Inc. Haines Light and Power Co., Inc. Hoonah (See COH) Kake (See COK) Klawock, City of Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. Kotzebue Electric Association, Inc. Ketchikan Public Utilities Lake Minchumina (See SS) Private Municipal Federal Federal Private Private Coop. Coop. Private Private Private Coop . Municipal Municipal Municipal Private Municipal Private Coop. Private Municipal Private Coop. Coop. Coop. Private Municipal Municipal Municipal Coop. Coop. Municipal *Owned by Northern Power and Engineering Corporation of Anchorage. UTILITY ABBREVIATIONS (Cont'd) MEA Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. Coop. MHSE Manley Hot Springs Enterprises Private MP&L Metlakatla Power and Light Municipal NC Northern Commercial Company Private NEA Naknek Electric Association, Inc. Coop. NEC Nushagak Electric Cooperative, Inc. Coop. NL&P Nome Light and Power Utilities Municipal NP&E Northern Power & Engineering Corporation, Inc. Private NP&L Northway Power & Light, Inc. Private PLI Paxson Lodge, Inc. Private PML&P Petersburg Municipal Light and Power Municipal PUCo. Pelican Utility Company Private SED Sitka Electric Department Municipal SES Seward Electric System Municipal SS Semloh Supply (Lake Minchumina) Private TL&PU Teller Light and Power Utilities Private TT&P Teller Telephone & Power Company, Inc. Private TPC Tanana Power Company Private Unalaska (See COU) Municipal WML&P Wrangell Municipal Light & Power Municipal WTC Weisner Trading Co. Private YP] Yakutat Power, Inc. Private POWER THOUSANDS OF KW 8 250 8 8 1964-1973 T T Utilities included SE AEL &P* KRU. S.C.: AML. & P CEA. INT: GVEA EMU, *AE.L.&P acquired AJ in January 1973 1964 1965 1966 1967 ALASKA UTILITIES LOAD DATA & INSTALLED CAPACITY T T T 1968 YEAR | 64% siaot | si90f | Installed Capacity (% of State Total) | | | Source of data: Monthly Electric Power Statistics (F PC.) 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 APA SEPTEMBER 1974 1974 ,CAPACITY ! UTILITY ENERGY PRODUCTION ! UTILITY INVESTMEN INDEX (BASE YEAR-1I960) Sources: 'FPC,REA,APUC, APA; 2 Alaska Statistical Review 1960 63 66 69 72 75 YEAR 6 APA-October 1974 GROWTH INDICATORS 1960 1965 1970 . 1971 1972 19773) 1974 Population L/ 226,167 265,192 302,361 312,930 324,281 330,365 357,200(p) Housing Units 2/ 67,193 90,729 98,000(p) 108 ,000(p) Income/Capita 1/ $ 2,876 $ 3,205 $ 4,603 $ 4,907 $ 5,141 $ 5,613 GSP - $106 1/ $ 746.8 $ 1,079.3 $ 1,832 $ 2,042.8 $ 2,233.2(p) $ 2,381.9(p) Util. Invest. - $103 3/ $ 92,976 $146,150 $238 ,441 $260,444 $331,409 $365,378 Capacity - kw 3/ 122,559 242,812 406,596 472,955 533,639 650,100 723,638 ~3 Net Gen. - kwh x 106 3/ 431 735 1,281 1,491 1,624 1,788 Util. Fuel Use: 3/ Oil - bbls. 453 ,832 436,085 412,471 Gas - MCF x 103 10,002 12,779 15,394 Coal - Tons 238,117 232,620 226,483 (p) = Preliminary Sources: 1/ Alaska Statistical Review 2/ U.S. Census Statistics - Preliminary values calculated at 3.3 people/house. 3/ Various: FPC, REA, APUC, APA APA November 1974 ELECTRIC PLANT IN SERVICE Alaska Utilities and Federal Service to Utilities ($1,000) 1960 1965 1970 1971 1972 1973 Powerplant “& Facilities ‘ : : dicta § Dee 28 “Private $ 4,560 $ 4,960 $ 7,450 $ 7,759 $ 8,281 ~ $ 8,137 Municipal 9,828 25,537 39,662 44,058 50,221 54,497 Cooperative syeZe, 26,761 52,723 59,344 62,545 69,133 Federal 30,276 29,898 31,207 31,145 79,113 78,294 TOTAL 57,886 87,156 131,042 142 ,306 201,615 210,061 Transmission Private 440 440 550 550 619 1,050 Municipal 1,000 1,200 2,220 2,220 2,220 2,220 Cooperative 6,500 13,500 26,500 29,724 31,300 34,600 Federal 2,450 2,454 2,529 2,644 4,655 19,522 TOTAL 10,390 17,594 31,799 35,138 39,494 57,392 co Distribution Private 1,500 2,400 3,400 3,718 4,300 4,525 Municipal 10,000 12,000 19,200 20,557 22,000 24,300 Cooperative 13,200 27,000 53,000 58,725 62,600 69,100 Federal a = = Sa == == TOTAL 24,700 41,400 75,600 83,000 90,300 97,925 Total Electric Plant Private 6,500 7,800 11,400 12,027 13,200 13,712 Municipal 20,828 38,737 61,082 66,835 74,441 81,017 Cooperative 32,922 67,261 32,7225 147 ,793 156,445 172 ,833 Federal 32,726 32,352 33,736 33,789 83,768 97,816 TOTAL 92,976 146,150 238,441 260,444 331,409 365,378 Sources: FPC, REA, APUC, APA APA November 1974 INSTALLED CAPACITY DATA - KW Alaska Electric Utilities - Installed Capacity by Type and Year (Graph and Table) Total Installed Capacity - Utility & Non-Utility (Graph) Installed Generation Summary (Table) 1974 Installed Nameplate Capacity - Regional Summary (Table) Utility Installed Nameplate Capacity by Location (Table). National Defense Generation in Alaska - Summary (Table). 10-11 12 13 14 15 19 ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES INSTALLED GENERATION-YEARLY GROWTH BY TYPE SOR ONNLORRKY x SK RORY G me RARE 5 & <5 * SRR DN st RRR EAN & KORRES NT 2 x RRR RG RRR LK A SLRS 5 VS ° 5 CKO SI KK RH SO525 f= OOK 2 RE FF ROR ° Sa PRS 52 oo 8 LRRRY fo} a & a. a Alaska Electric Utilities Installed Generation Capacity — Hydro-includes Federal projects serving utilities Total 2 9 + (MH OOO!) ALIOVdVD NOILVYSN39 G3TIVLSNI ALASKA ELECTRIC POWER INSTALLED CAPACITY Nameplate Ratings in Kilowatts i End of Gas Utilities Non- i Year Hydro Steam Diesel Turbine Total Utilities | 1956 1/ 50,005 30,575 19,738 0 100,318 247,000 HI (50%) (30%) (20%) H 1957 54,600 35,575 21,628 0 111,803 255,400 i (49%) (32%) (19%) HT 1958 54,600 35,575 24,534 0 114,709 257,000 | (48%) (31%) (21%) HH 1959 60,225 35,575 26 ,079 0 121,879 262,600 Ht (49%) (29%) (218) | 1960 60,225 32,875 29,459 0 122,559 295,100 if (49%) (27%) (24%) 1961 82,225 32,875 33,595 0 148,695 303, 600 Ht (55%) (22%) (23%) il 1962 82,300 32,875 41,993 12,800 169,968 303,500 (48%) (19%) (25%) ( 8%) 1963 82,300 32,875 47, 368 39,700 202,243 304,200 ih (41%) (168) (238) (208) iil 1964 82,300 32,750 49 , 482 54,050 218 ,582 303,900 (38%) (15%) (23%) (25%) 1965 82,225 32,750 59,437 68,400 242,812 279,200 HH (34%) (138) (243) (28%) il 1966 82,225 32,750 69,273 69,900 254,148 284,100 | (32%) (13%) (27%) (28%) 1967 76,600 32,750 81,023 69,900 260,273 287 , 300 i (29%) (13%) (31%) (27%) Hit 1968 78,700° 54,750 89 ,538 116,700 339 , 688 303,500 Hi] (23%) (163) (26%) (34%) Hi 1969 76,600 54,750 98,963 116,700 347,013 344,500 iI " (22%) (16%) (28%) (34%) ih 1970 76,600 . 74,750 123,256 131,990 406,596 355,100 | (19%) (18%) (30%) (33%) i 1971 75,275 68,250 140,627 188,803 472,955 354,900 i (16%) (148) (308) (40%) i} 1972 74,275 68,250 144,975 246,139 533,639 387,700 || (14%) (13) (27%) (46%) i 1973 121,000 68,250 147,700 313, 100 650,100 376,100 | (19%) (10%) (23%) (48) (178) ( 9%) (21%) (53%) 1/ First year of first Federal project (Eklutna) Sources: Utilities and Various Others APA November 1974 ll i} | 1974 122,260 68,000 148,054 385,324 723,638 411,900 | i] | | | TOTAL INSTALLED CAPACITY | | UTILITY AND NONUTILITY i | : | | | | P| . : | g ij | 9 ° Ty Hi a UTILITY / i}, z / | a } < o | ai) oO ei Sf. A WW ——_" i 4 | 4 | : | 2 | = le ose | San eeNATIORNAE DEEENIE i | | i ! | YEAR } 12 | A.PA.-November 1974 INSTALLED GENERATION SUMMARY | | 1,000 KW i National L/ Other 2/ Total Total 3/ Alaska | Year Defense Non-Util. Non-Utility Utility Total | 3 i] 1956 197.0 50.0 247.0 100.3 347.3 | 1957 205.5 49.9 255.4 111.8 367.2 ik 1958 207.0 50.0 257.0 114.7 371.7 Ht 1959 212.6 50.0 262.6 121.9 384.5 i 1960 245.1 50.0 295.1 122.6 417.7 1961 251.4 52.1 303.6 148.7 452.3 | 1962 251.5 52.0 303.5 170.0 473.5 } ’ 1963 252.2 52.0 304.2 202.2 506.4 1964 245.1 58.8 303.9 218.6 522.5 1965 216.3 62.9 279.2 242.8 522.0 1966 217.8 66.3 284.1 254.1 538.2 1967 -221.0 66.3 287.3 260.3 547.6 1968 239.7 63.8 303.5 339.7 643.2 | 1969 243.7 100.7 344.5 347.0 691.5 1970 252.4 102.7 355.1 406.6 761.7 | 1971 252.1 102.7 354.9 473.0 827.9 | 1972 256.9 130.9 387.7 533.6 921.3 | 1973 244.6 131.5 376.1 650.1 1,026.2 1974 245.4 166.5 411.9 723.6 1,135.5 | 1/ National Defense includes USAF, USA, USN, USCG, ACS, FAA, AEC, NASA i| 2/ Other Non-Utility includes private industry and State and Federal government (excluding APA). 3/ Utility totals include APA capacity at Eklutna and Snettisham. Sources: Alaska Command, FPC, and Various Other APA November 1974 13 1974 INSTALLED NAMEPLATE CAPACITY REGIONAL SUMMARY Type of Total Hydro Diesel Gas Turbine Steam State Subdivision Utility 1,000 kw 1,000 kw 1,000 kw 1,000 kw 1,000 kw Southeast Private 31.1 9.9 21.2 Municipal 50.9 20.2 30.7 Coop. 4 -- 4 Federal 47.2 47.2 ad TOTAL 129.6 ies 52.3 Southcentral Private 4 _ 4 mon — Municipal 130.2 -- 9.6 120.6 -- Coop. 278.0 15.0 27.4 221.1 14.5 Federal 30.0 30.0 a ae cad TOTAL 438.7 45.0 37.5 341.7 14.5 Yukon (Interior) Private Se 3.2 = -- Municipal 43.8 853 v0 28.5 Coop. 84.5 24.4 35 25.0 TOTAL 1St-5 35.9 42.1 5305 Arctic & Private 0.0 0.0 a Northwest Municipal 3.1 3.1 a Coop. 8.9 7.4 15 TOTAL a2 10.6 15 Southwest Private 4.3 4.3 Municipal ar = Coop. 8.0 8.0 TOTAL 12.3 12.3 ALASKA Private 39.1 99 29.2 = -- Municipal 228.1 20.2 5107 127.6 28.5 Coop. 879159 15.0 67.7 Zone 3955 Federal USC tie Ss a -- TOTAL 724.2 122.3 148.7 385).3 68.0 Note: Federal classification applies only to Eklutna and Snettisham powerplants which supply wholesale. energy to utilities. Sources: FPC, REA, APUC, APA 14 APA November 1974 Location and Utility Symbol SOUTHEAST REGION Angoon (AVEC) Craig (AP&T) Haines (HL&P) Hoonah (COH) Hydaburg (APaT) Juneau Area: (AEL&P) (GHEA) (APA) Subtotal, Juneau Area Kake (COK) Ketchikan (KPU) Metlakatla (MP&L) Pelican (PUCo.) Petersburg (PML&P) Skagway (AP&aT) Sitka (SED) Wrangell (WML&P) Yakutat (YPI) Subtotal, Southeast ST SOUTHCENTRAL REGION Anchorage-Cook ‘Inlet Systems: Anchorage (AML&P) Beluga, Anchorage, Bernice Lake, Cooper Lake (CEA) Eklutna (APA) Homer (HEA) Kenai (HEA) Seldovia (HEA) Seward (SES) Talkeetna (MEA) Subtotal, Anchorage-Cook Inlet UTILITY INSTALLED NAMEPLATE CAPACITY BY LOCATION Date Utility Installed Nameplate Capacity - 1,000 KW 1973 1973 of Diesel Gas Steam Population Generation Data Total Hydro ac) Turbine Turbine Served Million KWH Fuels 1971 0.4 0.4 320 0.5 Oil 1971 0.3 0.3 260 x) Oil 1971 2.4 2.4 1,430 10.0 Oil 1969 0.6 0.6 760 1.4 Oil 1972 0.1 0.1 200 0.3 Oil 1974 (24.8) € 9.12) (15-7) C1357): Oil 1974 None 1974 (47.2) (47.6) ( 3.4) 72.0 56.7 15.7 16,593 T7.1 1973 0.8 0.8 465 ves} Oil 1974 21.1 9.2 11.9 10,587 69.0 Oil 1973 6.0 3.0 3.0 1,030 19.7 Oil 1971 0.8 055 0.3 136 2.4 Oil 1974 Sit, 2.0 Sut 2,400 17.3 Oil 1974 1.6 0.3 1.3 690 3.9 Oil 1974 9.2 6.0 3o1 4,200 S155) Oil 1974 ied Tet 2,100 9.2 Oil 1971 aa 1.2 200 226 Oil 129.6 17.3 52.3 41,371 247.2 1974 (122.9) C202) (120.6) (359.2) Gas, Oil Standby 1974 (250.6) (15.0) 22151) ( 14.5) (129,100) (648.3) Gas 1974 ( 30.0) (30.0) ( 96.3) 1974 ( 2.4) € 2.4) Standby leased to CEA 4,400 Incl. Oil 1970 3.0 € 3.7%) Standby 7,525 Incl. Oil 1973, (= 1.6) ( 1.6) 740 ( 3.8) Oil 1974 ( 3.0) ( 3.0) Standby 2,446 ¢ 0.D Oil 1973 C_ 0.6) C_ 0.6) Standby 1,590 C 0.1) Oil 345.0 45.0 16.0 269.5 14.5 1,107.8 91 Location and Utility Symbol SOUTHCENTRAL REGION (Cont'd) Other Southcentral Utility Systems: Chistochina (CTP) Chitina (CPCo.) Cordova (CPU) Glennallen (CVEA) Kodiak - Port Lions (KdEA) Old Harbor (AVEC) Paxson Lodge (PLI) Valdez (CVEA) Subtotal, Southcentral YUKON (INTERIOR) REGION Fairbanks Area: (FMU) (GVEA) Subtotal, Fairbanks Area Fort Yukon (FYU) Huslia (AVEC) Kaltag (AVEC) Lake Minchumina (SS) Manley Hot Springs (MHSE) Minto (AVEC) Northway (NP&L) Nulato (AVEC) Tanana (TPC) Tok (AP&T) Subtotal, Yukon (Interior) UTILITY INSTALLED NAMEPLATE CAPACITY BY LOCATION (CONT'D) Date Utility Installed Nameplate Capacity - 1,000 KW 1973 1973 of Diesel Gas Steam Population Generation Data Total Hydro (Ic) Turbine Turbine Served Million KWH Fuels 1971 0.1 0.1 38 0.4 Oil 1970 0.1 0.1 44 0.0 Oil 1974 4.4 4.4 1,516 10.2 Oil 1974 2.4 2.4 1,724 5.8 Oil 1974 12.8 12.8 5,872 37.8 Oil 1971 0.2 0.2 300 0.2 Oil 1971 0.3 0.3 NA 0.9 Oil 1974 3.8 3.8 1,160 6.8 Oil 438.7 45.0 37.5 341.7 14.5 156,455 1,169.9 1974 (43.7) ( 8.2) ( 7.0) (28.5) ims 75) 1974 (84.0) (23.9) (35.1) (25.0) (198.9) 127.7 32.1 42.1 $3.5 34,580 314.4 Oil, Coal 1971 0.7 0.7 440 0.8 Oil 1971 0.1 0.1 170 0.2 Oil 1971 0.2 0.2 220 0.3 Oil 1971 0.1 0.1 43 0.3 Oil 1971 0.1 0.1 60 0.0 Oil 1971 0.1 0.1 180 0.2 Oil 1971 NA 4) 0.6 Oil 1971 0.1 0.1 330 0.1 Oil 1971 1.0 1.0 440 0.9 Oil 1971 1.3 1.3 220 el Oil 131.5 35.9 42.1 5355 36,724 320.5 \. —_ seen oy nna epee ee AB i A rar UTILITY INSTALLED NAMEPLATE CAPACITY BY LOCATION (CONT'D) Date Utility Installed Nameplate Capacity - 1,000 KW 1973 1973 of Diesel Gas Steam Population Generation Location and Utility Symbol Data Total Hydro (ic) Turbine Turbine Served - Million KWH Fuels SOUTHWEST REGION Alakanuk (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 410 0.2 Oil Aniak (APCo.) 1971 0.3 0.3 220 0.2 Oil Anvik (AVEC) 1971 0.1 0.1 90 0.1 Oil Bethel (BeU) 1972 1.5 1.5 2,460 8.5 Oil Chevak (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 383 0.3 Oil Cold Bay (NP&E) 1971 1.8 1.8 220 2.6 Oil Dillingham (and Aleknagik) (NEC) 1974 1.9 1.9) 1,100 3.6 Oil Eek (AVEC) 1971 0.1 0.1 190 0.1 Oil Emmonak (AVEC) 1971 0.3 0.3 435 0.5 Oil Goodnews Bay (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 222 0.2 Oil Grayling (AVEC) 1971 0.1 0.1 150 0.1 Oil 5 Holy Cross (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 214 0.2 Oil Hooper Bay (AVEC) 1971 0.4 0.4 485 0.5 Oil Kalskag - Lower Kalskag (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 330 0.3 Oil Marshall (AVEC) 1971 0.1 0.1 173 0.1 Oil McGrath (NC) 1974 0.7 0.7 300 1.8 Oil Mekoryuk (Nunavik Is.) (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 253 0.3 Oil Naknek and Egegik (NEA) 1971 17 17 730 5.0 Oil New Stuyahok (AVEC) 1972 0.1 0.1 230 0.2 Oil Nunapitchuk and Kasigluk (AVEC) 1971 0.3 0.3 634 0.5 Oil Pilot Station (AVEC) 1971 0.1 0.1 287 0.2 Oil Quinhagak (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 346 0.2 Oil Scammon Bay (AVEC) 1971 0.1 0.1 164 0.1 Oil Shageluk (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 180 0.2 Oil St. Marys, Pitkas Point, Mt. Village (AVEC) 1971 0.6 0.6 931 0.9 Oil Stebbins, St. Michael (AVEC) 1971 0.3 0.3 434 0.4 Oil Togiak (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 402 0.2 Oil Toksook Bay & Tununak (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 540 0.3 Oil Unalaska (COU) 150 Subtotal, Southwest 12.3 12.3 12,663 28.1 1: Sa AAI, ch Bint til: RENO AIS UTILITY INSTALLED NAMEPLATE CAPACITY BY LOCATION (CONT'D) Date Utility Installed Nameplate Capacity - 1,000 KW 1973 1973 of Diesel Gas Steam Population Generation Location and Utility Symbol Data Total Hydro (ic) Turbine Turbine Served Million KWH Fuels ARCTIC & NORTHWEST REGION Barrow (BaU) (Arctic Area) 1974 acu pV 2 1.5 2,040 ant Gas, Oil Elim (AVEC) 1971 0.1 0.1 172 On Oil Gambell (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 370 0.2 Oil Kiana (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 273 0.3 Oil Kivalina (AVEC) 1971 0.1 0.1 185 0.1 Oil Kotzebue (KtEA) 1974 3.4 3.4 1,665 5.2 Oil Koyuk (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 120 0.2 Oil Noatak (AVEC) 1972 0.2 0.2 288 0.2 Oil Nome (NL&P) 1974 3.1 8.1 2,460 10.1 Oil pe Noorvik (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 453 0.3 Oil o Point Hope (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 380 0.3 Oil Savoonga (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 360 0.3 Oil Selawik (AVEC) 1971 0.2 0.2 420 0.3 Oil Shaktoolik (AVEC) 1971 0.1 0.1 150 0.1 Oil Shishmaref (AVEC) 1971 0.1 0.1 264 0.2 Oil Shungnak (AVEC) 1972 0.1 0.1 217 0.1 Oil Teller (TL&aPU) 1971 0.0 0.0 217 0.2 Oil Unalakleet (MEA) 1971 0.8 0.8 430 1.6 Oil Wales (AVEC) 1972 0.1 0.1 130 0.1 Oil Subtotal, Arctic & Northwest lard 10.6 hoe 10,594 22.8 TOTAL ALASKA UTILITY SYSTEMS 724.2 122.3 148.7 385.3 68.0 257,807 1,787.9 - Various Sources APA November 1974 61 SoM YES Na LALA ON ARGO RON LN 0 8) Ba OND Be SUMMARY - NATIONAL DEFENSE GENERATION IN ALASKA (FY 1974) USAF ARMY USN_& USCG TOTAL NATIONAL DEFENSE FUEL Standby Prime Capacity Generation Capacity Generation Capacity Generation Capacity Generation Capacity State Area Mover Kw 1,000 Kwh Kw. 1,000 Kwh Kw 1,000 Kwh Kw 1,000 Kwh Incl.-Kw Type Use Southeast Diesel 2,200 6,315 2,200 6,315 400 Oil 15,366 bbls. Southcentral Diesel 6,905 WED L9. 7,226 All Standby 2,000 82(s) 16,131 7,601 12,596 Oil 176,291 bbls. Steam 31,500 110,000 18,000 43,600 4,000 oil 26,420 53,500 180,020 9,000 Gas 4,600,000 MCF Total 38,405 117,519 25,226 43,600 6,000 26,502 69,631 187,621 21,596 Yukon (Interior) Diesel 17,795 37,730 9,800 14,277 27,595 52,007 9,770 Oil 93,057 bbls. Steam 37,500 132,637 25,500 50,065 63,000 182,702 3,500 Coal 424,000 Tons* Total 55,295 170,367 35,300 64,342 90,595 234,709 13,270 Arctic Diesel 2,860 6,938 oS = 2,860 6,938 150 Oil 22,354 bbls. GT ,IC-G 1,470 1,603 3,000 8,669 4,470 10,272 ao Gas Not Metered Total 4,330 8,541 3,000 8,669 7,330 17,210 150 Northwest Diesel 4,515 6,623 4,515 6,623 , 300 Oil 25,268 bbls. Southwest Diesel 31,310 83,705 18,400 56,254 49,710 139,959 7,400 Oil 252,463 bbls. ALASKA Diesel 65,585 148,830 17,026 14,277 20,400 56,336 103,011 219,443 30,616 Oil 584,799 bbls. Steam 69,000 242,637 43,500 93,665 4,000 26,420 116,500 362,722 12,500 Coal 424,000 Tons* GT ,IC-G 1,470 1,603 a= oa 3,000 8,669 4,470 10,272 aa Gas 4,600,000 MCF Total 136,055 393,070 60,526 107,942 27,400 91,425 223,981 592,437 43,116 *Part of 200,000 tons of this total is for heating. Source: Alaskan Command, USCG. APA November 1974 GENERATION DATA - KWH Annual Utility Generation Data by Region (Graph) Annual Energy Generated - Regional Summary (Table) Monthly Utility Generation by Fuel (Graph) Fuel Efficiency by Region (Table) Utility System Power Requirements, 1960-2000 (Graph) . Total Alaska Power Requirements, 1965-2000 (Graph) Page 21 22 23 24 25 26 | ANNUAL UTILITY GENERATION DATA BY REGION SOURCES: FPC, REA, APUC, APA | | | ALASKA — ANNUAL UTILITY GENERATION DATA (MILLIONS OF KWH) YUKON (INTERIOB nen 03 1960 62 64 66 68 70 eo YEAR 21 A.PA.-October 1974 ANNUAL ENERGY GENERATED (1,000 KWH) Regional Summary I Type of Avg. Annual State Subdivision Utility 1960 1965 1970 1971 1972 1973 Growth '70-'73 Southeast Private 32,443 49,304 73,620(r) 80,176(r) 89,525 93,773 Municipal 71,395 98,817 127,996 136,750(r) 142,469 149,994 Coop. — =i 336 410 471 510 Federal 1/ _-- -- -- -- -- 3,423 TOTAL 103,838 148,121 201,952(r) 217,336(r) 232,465 247,700 7.0% Southcentral Private 65 190 1,053 1,188 1,255(e) 1,315(e) Municipal 10,413 117,961 205,103(r) 267,925(r) 283,151 369 ,456 Coop. 53,508 198,543 443,560(r) 542,160(r) 585,268 702,833 Federal 187,550 134,655 154,733 144,825 164,043 96,279 i TOTAL 251,536 451,349 804,449(r) 956,098(r) 1,033,717 1,169,883 13.3% Yukon (Interior) Private 2,636 3,652 4,087 4,828 5,062(e) 5,302(e) Municipal 39,694 53,179 85,638(r) 106,666(r) 121,905 115,529 Coop. 43,619 60,519 150,407(r)__165,080(r)__ 185,470 199,654 TOTAL 85,949 117,350 240,132(r) 276,574(r) 312,437 320,485 10.1% Arctic & Private 170 170 170 170 170 170 Northwest Municipal 2,881 4,958 8,060(r) 8,575(r) 9,122 10,149 Coop. 1,280 3,248 6,760 9,055 10,306 10,996 Muni Coop 460 750 1,200 1,316 1,700(e) 2,100(e) TOTAL 4,791 9,126 16,190(r) 19,116(r) 21,298 23,415 13.1% Southwest Private 1,639 2,915 8,967 10,019 11,305(e) 13 ,075(e) Municipal = a (Unalaska - No Data) -- -- Coop. 727 5,065 8,963 11,551 12,865 1375923. TOTAL 2,366 7,980 17,930 21,570 24,170 26,998 14.6% ALASKA Private 36,953 56,231 87,897(r) 96,381(r) 107,317 113,635 Municipal 124,383 274,915 426,797(r) 519,916(r) 556,647 645,128 Coop. 99,134 267,375 610,026(r) 728,256(r) 794,380 927,916 i Muni Coop 460 750 1,200 1,316 1,700 2,100 Federal 187,550 134,655 154,733 144,825 164,043 99,702 TOTAL 448, 480 733,926 1,280 ,653(r) 1,490 ,694(r) 1,624,087 1,788,481 11.8% 1/ Federal classification applies only to Snettisham and Eklutna hydro projects which supply wholesale energy to utilities. (r) = Revised from previous data publications. (e) = Estimated Sources: FPC, REA, APUC, APA APA November 1974 A OMRON NOTE OR AER IBC AS Kade SH GENERATION (MILLION KWH) MONTHLY UTILITY GENERATION | BY) BUELL —— ae 2 | | | | | | | | | | | | ig0 et ) | ry ere | | i6ol\— -- + —f-—-\— — —_}_=\- 140 120 100 60 O | Source: FPC Powerplant Report JFMAMJJASONODOUVFMAMJJASONOJFMAMIJJAS 1972 1973 1974 MONTH 23 A PA - November 1974 b2 Region Southeast Southcentral Yukon (Interior) Arctic & Northwest Southwest ALASKA % Coverage 1971 FUEL EFFICIENCY DATA Regional Utility Summary 1972 1973 Kwh Kwh Kwh Type Prod. Prod. Prod. Plant Fuel Use/ Kwh/10® _eff.2/ Btu/Kwh3/ Use// Kwhxlo® _eff.2/ Btu/Kwh2/ Usel/ Kwhxl0® _Eff.2/ Btu/Kwh/ Ic Oil 4,299 51.5 12.0 11,558 4,603 61.7 13.4 10,351 4,758 61.5 12.9 10,752 Steam Gas 854 35.1 41.0 24,390 1,224 54.1 44.2 22,624 1,303 59.4 45.6 21,930 GT Gas | 9,126 577.5 63.3 15,798 | 11,556 694.1 60.1 16,639 | 13,957 887.6 63641158723 GT Oil 7,133 54.0 7.6 18,250 4,844 37.0 7.6 18,250 1,729 14.3 Cee ical Ic oi 4,007 52.6 13.1 10,588 3,392 43.9 12.9 10,752 4,417 58.3 13.2 10,508 Steam Coal | 238,117 262.1 1,100.8 +~—«-14,535. «| 232,620 © 266.4 ~=—«:1,145.2 —:13,971 | 226,483 «267.5 ~—«1,180.9 13,549 GT Oil 487 4.8 9.9 14,010 2,756 «19.6 TAlgHE195535 4,238 30.2 7.1 19,535 Ic Oil 840 3.4 4.1 33,829 565 5.5 9.7 14,299 509 4.8 9.4 14,755 GT Gas 22 133 59.8 16,722 134 a1 23.0 43,478 Ic oil 1,048 13.6 13.0 10,669 972 44812 1 12.5 11,096 813. 10.2 12.6 11,008 Ic Oil 1,247 15.2 12.2 11,369 1,184 13,1 1.1 12,495 860 9.8 nies eeeI2¢274 Total Coal ]238,117 262.1 «1,100.8 +~=—14,535 | 232,620 266.4 ~—-1,145.2, «13,971 | 226,483 267.5 1,180.9 13,549 Total Gas | 10,002 613.9 61.4 16,287 | 12,779 748.2 58.5 17,094 | 15,394 950.1 61.7 16,207 Total Oil | 19,061 195.1 10.2 13,466 =| 18,316 193.3 10.6 13,085 | 17,324 189.1 10.9 12,725 Coal 100% 95.0% 96% Gas 100% 99. 8% 97% Oil 85% 77.0% 74% 1/ Oil - 1,000 gals.; Gas - 1,000 MCF; Coal - Tons. 2/ Kwh/Gal.; Kwh/MCF; Kwh/Ton. 3/ Coal - 16,000,000 Btu/Ton; Gas - 1,000,000 Btu/MCF; Oil - 138,700 Btu/Gal. Note: Eff. based on unrounded figures. Totals correspond to available fuel data and in some cases do not represent annual values. Sources: FPC, REA, APUC, APA APA November 1974 UTILITY SYSTEM POWER REQUIREMENTS 1960-2000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 ELECTRIC ENERGY REQUIREMENTS-MILLION KWH PER YEAR \ | T Source: 1974 Alaska Power Survey 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 400 TOTAL ALASKA ~ POWER REQUIREMENTS 1965-2000 a 2 ° 3 3 | PROJECTED | | Source: 1974 Alaska Power Survey 1965 70 75 80 85 90 95 2000 YEAR * SHOWS EFFECT OF LARGE INDUSTRIAL LOAD, SUCH AS A NUCLEAR FUEL ENRICHMENT PLANT OR OTHER VERY LARGE ENERGY INTENSIVE FACILITY. 26 ac < Ww > ac WW a BE = x z = J a 7 no Kb 2 W = WwW oc = So Ww ar > © © ul 2 ui oS a BK oO WwW at w a ke Oo ke TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Existing Transmission Lines (Map) Transmission Lines & Major Interconnections (Table) . ese 9 nae age GVEA GVEA SAS KV J—69/345 KV Fairbanks LOCATION MAP UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ALASKA POWER ADMINISTRATION EXISTING TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Scale in miles _ sO 100 150 A.PA.-October 1974 28 TRANSMISSION LINES AND MAJOR INTERCONNECTIONS (Note: Lines under 33 KV not included) Summary KV Fairbanks Anchorage-Cook Inlet 48 Overhead 4 Submarine 213 153 127 4 Southeast 41 Overhead 3 Submarine 30 Capacity Rating 9,600 MW-Mi. ALASKA 138 193 Overhead ) 138 7 Submarine) 115 oi 7,700 MW-Mi. 69,13.8/69 214 2,700 MW-Mi. 34.5,33 199 600 MW-Mi. 20,600 MW-Mi. Sources: APUC, APA APA November 1974 w o Area Fairbanks Anchorage- Cook Inlet TRANSMISSION LINES AND MAJOR INTERCONNECTIONS (Note: Lines under 33 KV not included) Transmission Lines Interconnections_/ Owner Designation KV Mileage With Substation KV GVEA Healy-Gold Hill 138 104 U. of Alaska University 69 Gold Hill-Johnson Rd. 69 45 Ft. Wainwright Ft. Wainwright 69 Zehnder-Fox 69 8 Eielson AFB Eielson 69 Misc. within City 69 3 Ft. Greely Highway Park 24. Gold Hill-Murphy Dome 34. 24 FMU Zehnder 69 Fox-Pilot Bluff 34. 18 FMU Muni. Pwr. Plt.-Zehnder 69 iL Ft. Wainwright 19th St. 12. (See GVEA) MEA Eagle River Tap-Walter 115 3/4 APA Palmer 115 Pipple Palmer-NW Knik Arm Sys. 34. 42 APA Reed 115 Palmer-Lucas-Reed 34. 18 APA Eagle River 115) APA Eklutna-Palmer ETS) 15 AML&P Anchorage 34. Eklutna-Reed-Eagle 115 32 CEA Anchorage 34. River-Anchorage Elmendorf Anchorage 34. AML&P Anchorage APA Sub-City 34. 23-1/3 (See APA) System w ew TRANSMISSION LINES AND MAJOR INTERCONNECTIONS (CONT'D) (Note: Lines under 33 KV not included) Transmission Lines Interconnections?! Area Owner Designation KV Mileage With Substation KV Anchorage- CEA Beluga-International 138 52 (Incl. 4 (See APA and HEA) Cook Inlet mi. Submarine) (Cont'd) Anchorage APA Sub-Bernice 115 165-1/4 Lake 2/ Cooper Lake-Quartz Creek 69 6 3 Lines to Soldotna 3/ 69 86 Misc. within Anchorage 34.5 31 HEA Kasilof Sub-Homer 69 61 CEA Kasilof 69 Kenai Area Line 33 12-1/2 KdEA Kodiak-U.S.C.G. 13.8/69 4 Coast Guard Kodiak 13.8 Southeast APA Snettisham-Juneau 138 44 (Incl. 3 AEL&P Juneau 69,23 mi. Submarine) SED Blue Lake-Sitka and 33 5 Sitka Pulp Mill Blue Lake 33 Thru City KPU Silvus Lake-Beaver Falls- 34.5 25 Ketchikan Pulp Line Tie 34.5 Ketchikan and Thru Mill City 1/ Listed only once under substation ownership (National Defense-owned substations are listed under the interconnected utility) 2/ Incl. Tudor Sub. - International and spur line to Portage. Quartz Creek-Bernice Lake portion leased from HEA. 3/ Leased from HEA: Soldotna-Quartz Creek, Soldotna~Bernice Lake, Soldotna-Kasilof. ase nearer MARKET DATA Monthly Peak Loads by Region (Graph) Regional Peak Loads (Table) Regional Energy Sales (Table) Energy Sales, Revenue, Customers - 1973 (Table) . Energy Use, Billing, Charge - 1973 (Table) . Typical Electric Bills (Table) 220 MONTHLY PEAK LOADS 200} Southcentral Area (SC): Anchorage Municipal Light and Power (A.M.L.& P) Chugach Electric Association (C.E.A.) Yukon- Interior Area (Y): Fairbanks Municipal Utilities (FM.U.) 180 ie Golden Valley Electric Association (G.V.E.A.) Southeast Area (SE): Aiaska Electric Light and Power (AE.L.&P) Ketchikan Public Utilities (K.PU.) 160} Notes: These utilities represent about 75% of Alaska installed capacity. Percentages shown are utilization factors (janie Betas) : for highest winter and lowest summer peaks. Source: FPC. Monthly Electric Power Statistics eo} - | 947% oer e 104.3% } 679% z w a & 4 (00h ———— 5 8 = = Zz s8o}—— 5 > 2 8 8 3 rN, eho Intervor § ow z fh v\ 60}—____ : — [AMLBP SC tcea \ \ ! : | \ | 40}/+—— LN oo i x ER - x £8 E . . m 3 z * x, an 3 ; i noe $s Pa re —~¥F 5 = eo _— — 2 oT” z wae oe ne?” Be eS eee é ¥ x ¥ = ¢ £ - s 8 = x ¢ & 3 7 | * = - == s | | 2 8 x \ 1964 1965 1966 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 APA-October 1974 REGIONAL PEAK LOADS (1,000 kw) Mar. Apr. May June _July 1964 Southeast 1/ : 14. 14.4 , 14.0 Southcentral : ; 53. 43.6 : 40.4 Interior 3/ : 5 14. 12.2 5 1353) Total ; ; 82. 70.2 67.7 1965 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1966 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1967 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1968 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1969 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1970 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1971 Southeast Southcentral Yukon* Total 1972 Southeast Southcentral Yukon Total 1973 Southeast 27. Southcentral 195. Yukon 64. Total 287. 1974 Southeast 27. 26. Southcentral 192. 183. Yukon 71. 66. Total 291. 275. Southeast: AEL&P - Juneau; KPU - Ketchikan Southcentral: AML&P - Anchorage; CEA - Chugach (Anchorage) Yukon* (Interior): FMUS - Fairbanks; GVEA - Golden Valley (Fairbanks) Changed from Interior to agree with newer state subdivision designations. Note: These utilities reflect around 3/4 of statewide utility installed capacity. Source: FPC Monthly Electric Power Statistics APA November 1974 REGIONAL ENERGY SALES (1,000,000 kwh) Apr. 1964 Southeast }/ Southcentral Interior 3/ Total 1965 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1966 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1967 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1968 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1969 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1970 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1971 Southeast 12.6 10. 11.2 10. Southcentral 91.8 71. 77.9 66. Yukon 4/ 34.5 _25. 26.4 _20. Total 138.9 107. 115.5 96. 1972 Southeast 13.3 12. 12.0 ll. Southcentral 99.7 84. 88.4 73. Yukon 35.6 30. 30.8 as. Total 148.6 127. 131.2 107. 1973 Southeast 14.0 ll. 14.0 ll. 1.3 11. 11.7 12. Southcentral 115.0 96. 95.6 82. 69.1 70. 76.4 78. Yukon 38.6 30. 29.9 23. 18.5 19. 19.8 22. Total 167.6 139. 139.5 117. 98.9 100. 107.9 112 Southeast: AEL&P - Juneau; KPU - Ketchikan Southcentral: AML&P - Anchorage; CEA - Chugach (Anchorage) Yukon (Interior): FMUS - Fairbanks; GVEA - Golden Valley (Fairbanks) Changed from Interior to agree with newer state subdivision designations Note: These utilities reflect around 3/4 of statewide utility installed capacity Source: FPC Monthly Electric Power Statistics APA November 1974 ENERGY SALES , REVENUE, CUSTOMERS - 1973 Residential Total Sales Revenue Sales Revenue Place Utility Kwhx103 $1,000 Customers Kwhx103 $1,000 Customers SOUTHEAST REGION Juneau AEL&P 30,298 1,190.1 4,678 69,451 2,863.0 5,669 GHEA 3,184 200.0 551 5,090 300.9 599 Ketchikan KPU 30,875 830.7 3,281 59,344 1,601.8 4,234 Metlakatla MP&L 6,942 100.8 315 17,177 508.1 378 Petersburg PML&P 6,494 205.8 827 14,064 429.1 1,003 Sitka SED 10,425 336.4 1,460 26,935 761.4 1,883 Wrangell WML&P 3,426 180.1 715 7,719 346.4 837 Regional Totals 91,644 3,043.9 11,827 199,780 6,810.7 14,603 SOUTHCENTRAL REGION Anchorage & Area AML&P 72,993 1,602.2 10,130 287,802 §,§71.1 12,620 CEA 287,879 6,479.1 29,077 483,029 10,266.4 31,665 MEA 52,305 1,666.9 5,029 82,018 2,718.9 5,765 Homer Area HEA 31,848 1,288.3 3,891 108 , 407 3,438.1 4,822 Glennallen, Valdez CVEA 2,887 257.8 680 11,169 844.0 957 Kodiak, Pt. Lions KdEA 10,295 510.5 1,719 37,878 1,591.0 2,166 Seward SES 4,215 224.2 770 11,883 564.3 931 Regional Totals 462,422 12,029.0 51,296 1,022,186 24,993.8 58,946 YUKON (INTERIOR) REGION Fairbanks FMU 24,456 1,058.1 4,443 74,708 3,308.3 5,463 GVEA 106,882 3,905.5 7,382 206,108 7,199.3 8, 363 Regional Totals 131,338 4,963.6 11,825 280,816 10,507.6 13,826 NORTHWEST & SOUTHWEST REGIONS Kotzebue KtEA 1,300 138.5 351 4,687 420.6 430 Dillingham NEC 1,081 103.6 292 3,533 316.8 405 Naknek NEA 899 70.0 165 4,768 379.6 265 48 Villages AVEC 2,812 565.9 2,075 9,478 2,043.0 2,496 Regional Totals 6,092 878.0 2,883 22,466 3,160.0 3,596 ALASKA TOTALS 691,496 20,914.5 77,831 1,525,248 45,472.1 90,971 Note: (1) Anchorage, Ketchikan, Seward, Sitka - 1972; Fairbanks - 1971. (2) Totals are for ratio purposes only. Source: REA, FPC, APA APA November 1974 36 ENERGY USE, BILLING, CHARGE - 1973 Residential Total Average Annual Average Annual Use Bill Charge Use Bill Charge Place Utility Kwh/Cust. $/Cust. ¢/Kwh Kwh/Cust. $/Cust. ¢/Kwh SOUTHEAST REGION Juneau Ketchikan Metlakatla Petersburg Sitka Wrangell Regional Totals SOUTHCENTRAL REGION Anchorage & Area Homer Area Glennallen, Valdez Kodiak, Pt. Lions Seward Regional Totals YUKON (INTERIOR) REGION Fairbanks FMU GVEA Regional Totals NORTHWEST & SOUTHWEST REGIONS Kotzebue KtEA Dillingham NEC Naknek NEA 48 Villages AVEC Regional Totals ALASKA TOTALS 8,885 269 Note: Anchorage, Ketchikan, Seward, Sitka - 1972; Fairbanks - 1971. APA November 1974 TYPICAL ELECTRIC BILLS Monthly Residential Utility Min. Min. 50 100 500 Community Abbr. Kwh Amount Kwh Kwh Kwh SOUTHEAST REGION Auke Bay GHEA 42 $ 5.00 $ 6.00 $ 9.75 28.20 Craig AP&T 30 3.30 5.30 10.70 38.70 Haines HL&P 50 5.50 5.50 7.50 23.50 Juneau AEL&P 80 4.00 4.00 5.00 20.80 Ketchikan KPU 20 3.60 3.60 3.60 11.25 Pelican PUCo. 28 2.50 4.50 9.00 25.00 Sitka SED 100 5.00 5.00 5.00 19.00 Skagway AP&aT 20 15.00 15.00 15.00 27.50 Wrangell WML&P 50 5.50 6.49 11.44 31.24 Yakutat YPI 33 5.00 5.00 13.00 38.50 REGIONAL AVERAGES 5.44 6.14 9.00 26.37 SOUTHCENTRAL REGION Anchorage AML&P si 2.00 ee 4.25 13.00 CEA Si; 2.00 2.75 4.25 LSI Eagle River MEA 62 5.00 5.00 6.25 cone Glennallen CVEA 47 7.50 8.00 13.50 45.50 Homer HEA 83 7.50 7450 8.00 25.00 Kenai HEA 50 5.00 5.00 7.50 23.50 Kodiak KdEA 45 3.00 5.50 9.13 24.63 Palmer MEA 62 5.00 5.00 6.25 13.25 Seldovia HEA 30 5.00 7.50 11.50 33.50 Seward SES 50 10.00 10.00 12.30 26.30 Soldotna HEA 83 7.50 7.50 8.50 25.00 Talkeetna MEA 100 5.00 5.00 8.50 19.25 Valdez CVEA 50 5.00 5.00 9.75 Sort REGIONAL AVERAGES 5.35 5.88 8.44 23078 YUKON (INTERIOR) REGION Bettles BL&pP 75 15.00 15.00 24.00 120.00 Delta Junction GVEA 50 5.00 5.00 8.00 32.00 Fairbanks FMU rx] 1.80 4.00 7.50 22.50 GVEA 50 5.00 5.00 7.50 27.50 Fort Yukon FYU 12 3.00 12.50 25.00 85.00 TYPICAL ELECTRIC BILLS (Cont'd) Monthly Residential Utility Min. Min. 50 100 500 Community Abbr. Kwh Amount Kwh Kwh Kwh YUKON (INTERIOR) REGION (Cont'd) Nenana GVEA 50 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 7.50 $ 27.50 Tanana TPC 60 7.80 7.80 13.00 61.00 Tok AP&T 60 7.50 7.50 13.00 53.50 REGIONAL AVERAGES 6.26 7.72 13.29 53.62 ARCTIC & NORTHWEST REGIONS Barrow (Arctic) BaU 60 9.00 9.00 15.00 59.00 Kotzebue KtEA 45 10.00 10.00 15.50 51.50 Unalakleet MEA 42 10.00 12.00 18.00 54.00 | REGIONAL AVERAGES 9.67 10.33 16.17 54.83 SOUTHWEST REGION | Aniak APCo. 125 25.00 25.00 25.00 90.00 Bethel BeU 42 5.00 6.00 11.00 34.75 Cold Bay NP&E 100 10.00 10.00 10.00 41.00 Dillingham NEC 50 7.50 7.50 13.50 44.50 Egegik NEA 100 15.00 15.00 15.00 47.50 King Salmon NEA 50 7.50 7.50 13.50 44.50 McGrath NC 37 5.00 6.75 12.50 57.00 Naknek NEA 50 7.50 7.50 13.50 44.50 REGIONAL AVERAGES 10.31 10.66 14.25 50.47 Source: APUC 1973 Annual Report APA November 1974 | 39 EDISON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE STATISTICS Annual Energy Sales by Class of Service (Graph) Residential Electric Energy - Average Annual Use and Cost - Alaska and U.S. (Graph) Sales, Revenue, Customers by Year (Table) . Energy Charge, Use, Billing by Year (Table) Generation and Installed Capacity by Year (Table) . ALASKA ELECTRIC ECS ee ANNUAL ENERGY SALES No ° oO x = x = oO my my = ' ) WW a < ” > © or WW 2 WW | Small Commercial and Industrial Residential Source: Edison Electric Institute Statistics 70 (ce A.PA-October 1974 COST (¢/ KWH) RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC ENERGY AVERAGE ANNUAL USE PER CUSTOMER AND AVERAGE COST PER KWH | ALASKA AND UNITED STATES | 1 PER CUSTOMER USE-ALASKA | IS60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 42 A.PA-October 1974 ANNUAL USE (1000 KWH/ CUSTOMER) SALES , REVENUES , CUSTOMERS » #¥ Commercial & Industrial Small Large Street Other Light Light & Public Inter- Resi- & & Highway Author- Depart | Year Total dential Power Power Lighting _ities mental Energy Sales-~kwh in Millions Annually 1960 349 168 128 30 9 8 6 1961 365 178 134 33 8 8 4 1962 440 215 173 28 5 12 7 1963 516 233 203 53 8 15 4 1964 562 253 223 61 8 13 4 1965 616 277 244 68 7 14 4 | 1966 694 303 273 84 9 17 8 | 1967 786 348 307 84 10 30 a 1968 841 366 324 87 13 42 9 1969 956 417 377 93 15 50 4 | 1970 1,054 465 413 100 14 58 4 1971 1,212 543 465 109 14 77 4 | 1972 1,279 562 486 122 15 91 3 | 1973 1,639(p) Revenues--Dollars in Thousands 1960 14,340 7,264 5,236 977 344 382 137 1961 15,377 7,854 5,659 1,069 313 366 116 1962 17,449 8,774 6,968 844 236 485 142 1963 18,065 8,553 7,530 1,075 288 545 74 1964 18,792 8,762 7,998 1,107 287 568 70 1965 20,851 9,789 8,769 1,291 301 613 88 1966 22,818 10,548 9,581 1,468 321 701 199 1967 25,163 11,738 10,415 1,550 364 899 197 1968 26,461 12,285 10,851 1,530 589 941 265 1969 28,239 13,048 11,686 1,558 619 1,197 131 1970 30,655 14,015 12,878 1,713 551 1,407 91 1971 35,725 16,331 14,953 1,902 608 1,823 108 1972 40,959 18,725 17,237 2,247 602 2,080 68 1973. 49,417(p) Customers--Average Number 1960 45,953 39,498 5,960 1961 47,872 40,980 6,362 1962 50,734 43,112 UA 1963 54,174 46 ,239 7,472 1964 57,738 49,358 7,943 Data coverage represents 1965 59,986 51,456 8,100 80% to 90% of Statewide | 1966 60,554 52,019 8,110 installed capacity. | 1967 62,917. 53,797 8,706 1968 65,412 55,902 9,058 Source: Edison Electric Institute 1969 69,938 59,967 9,517 1970 74,323 63,996 9,879 1971 80,231 69,239 10,461 1972 82,388 71,144 10,699 1973 93,526(p) | (p) = Preliminary APA November 1974 ENERGY CHARGE, USE, BILLING Residential Commercial Total* Year Alaska U.S. Alaska UES Alaska U.S. Energy Charge--¢/kwh 1960 4.32 2.47 4.09 2.46 4.11 1.69 1961 4.41 2.45 4.22 2.35 4.21 1.69 1962 4.08 2.41 4.03 2-37 S00 1.68 1963 3.67 2.37 3.71 2.28 3.50 1.65 1964 3.46 2.31 3.59 2.19 3.34 1.62 1965 3.53 2.25 3.59 2.13 3.38 1.59 1966 3.48 2.20 3.51 2.06 3529 1.56 1967 3.37 2.17 3.39 2.04 3.20 1.56 1968 3.36 2.12 3.35 2.00 3.15 1.55 1969 3.13 2.09 3.10 1.99 2.95 1.54 1970 3.01 2.10 3.12 2.01 2.91 1.59 1971 3.01 2.19 3.22 2.12 2.95 1.69 1972 3.33 2.29 3.55 2.22 3.20 1.77 1973 2.38(p) 2.30(p) 3.02(p) 1.86(p) Use--Annual kwh/Customer 1960 4,253 3,854 21,477 17,006 7,595 11,704 | | 1961 4,344 4,019 21,063 19,709 7,624 12,099 1962 4,987 4,259 24,172 20,733 8,673 12,763 1963 5,039 4,442 27,168 23,224 9,525 13,366 1964 5,126 4,703 28,075 25,213 9,734 14,015 1965 5,383 4,933 30,123 27,399 10,269 14,694 1966 5,825 5,265 33,662 30,133 11,461 15,678 1967 6,469 5,577 35,263 32,041 12,493 16,384 1968 6,547 6,057 35,769 34,637 12,857 17,445 1969 6,954 6,571 39,613 36,950 13,669 18,563 1970 7,266 7,066 41,806 39,952 14,181 19,380 1971 7,842 7,380 44,451 41,943 15,106 19,956 1972 7,899 7,691 45,425 44,496 15,524 20,964 1973 8,079(p) 47,580(p) 17,525(p) _—__21,955(p) Billing--Annual $/Customer | | 1960 184 95 879 418 312 198 | 1961 192 98 890 463 321 204 1962 204 103 974 491 344 214 | 1963 185 105 1,008 530 333 221 | 1964 178 109 1,007 552 325 227 1965 190 lll 1,083 584 348 234 1966 203 116 1,181 621 377 245 1967 218 121 1,196 654 400 256 1968 220 128 1,198 693 405 270 1969 218 137 1,228 735 404 286 1970 219 148 1,304 803 412 308 1971 236 162 1,429 889 445 337 1972 263 176 1,611 988 497 371 1973 192(p) 1,094(p) 528(p) 405(p) *Total includes all electric utility sales. (p) = Preliminary Source: EEI APA November 1974 e | GENERATION AND INSTALLED CAPACITY Steam & Year Total Hydro Gas Turbine IC Generation--Kwh in Millions 1963 532 325 155 52 1964 629 321 246 62 1965 713 350 283 80 1966 787 316 385 86 1967 859 363 400 96 1968 974 363 506 105 1969 1,080 340 620 120 1970 1,245 362 754 129 1971 1,428(p) 357(p) 930(p) 141(p) 1972 1,617(p) 346(p) 1,114(p) 157(p) 1973 1,667(p) 276(p) 1,245(p) 146(p) Installed Generating Capacity--Kw_ in Thousands 1963 180 85 52 43 1964 204 83 76 45 1965 224 82 89 53 1966 250 83 105 62 1967 260 83 105 72 1968 315 79 159 77 1969 338 77 176 85 1970 365 77 180 108 1971 399(p) 77(p) 207(p) 115(p) 1972 430(p) 76(p) 247(p) 107(p) 1973 586(p) 123(p) 350(p) 113(p) (p) = Preliminary a Data coverage represents 80% to 90% of statewide installed capacity. Source: EEI APA November 1974