HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlaska Electric Power Statistics 1960-1970ALASKA ELECTRIC POWER STATISTICS 1960-1970 Demand Energy UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ALASKA POWER ADMINISTRATION JUNEAU, ALASKA FEBRUARY 1972 Second Annual Edition a 1967 1970 1971 1968 1969 INTRODUCTION This is the second annual edition of Alaska Electric Power Statistics. It shows the continued healthy growth and progress of Alaska's electric utility industry. This rounds out the first full decade, 1960-1970, since Statehood. During this ten-year period the use of electricity tripled in Alaska, compared to the national pattern of doubling each ten years. A new section in this publication shows the annual load cycle of winter peaks and summer valleys as one of the general characteristics of Alaska utilities. It should be noted that most of our very small utilities are not presently included. Therefore, these data are not totally representative of conditions in rural Alaska. We are grateful to Alaska's electric utilities for their assistance and cooperation in the preparation of this report. This statistical record pays tribute to all the people in our electric utility industry who are continuing to provide better service to Alaska's consumers. Gates Robert W. Ward Administrator February 1972 NOTES This publication is based primarily on the Statistical Yearbook of the Electric Utility Industry published annually by the Edison Electric Institute. Since 1960, EEI has included Alaska, 1960 being the first full year of Statehood. Nationwide, EEI covers about 97 percent of the electric utility industry, but this drops to around 90 percent for Alaska. Alaska does not conform to the national pattern at this time in several respects. Alaska utilities serve very little large industrial load. Non-utilities as recently as the end of 1965 had more generation--265,721 kilowatts, as compared to utilities, 248,829 kilowatts. By 1970 the utilities operated four-sevenths of the generation. The lack of year-round heavy industrial loads is one reason for the sharp swings from the deep and broad summer valleys to the steep winter peaks. This characteristic also reflects the much greater lighting and heating loads in winter, and the general lack of electric hot water heater load and, needless to say, air conditioning load in summer. Part II of this publication portrays this characteristic for Alaska's six largest electric utilities, which together serve about 77 percent of the consumers. Turning more specifically to Part II, the month by month fluctuations show several characteristics of power generation utilization. First, the annual peak load of the six utilities ranged from 63 to 94 percent of installed capacity. Second, it is apparent that the annual system load factors are quite low. The greatest load variation from winter to summer occurs in the Anchorage area. Annual load factor is higher in the two Southeast Alaska utilities. The outlook for new generation in 1972 is generally good, both in quantity and the use of larger more efficient units. The -caly 22,000 kilowatt steam unit has been Alaska's largest generator since it was installed in 1968. Three larger generators will go on the line in 1972, the first Snettisham generator at about 23,350 kilowatts, a 35,000 kilowatt gas turbine at Anchorage and the 63,000 kilowatt gas-turbine at Beluga. TABLE OF CONTENTS BOGRAGUCEION: oj 035 hs ciao. eee. SMEG. See, os SI ae i NBGS 2 oe aha ee peak SR oe eo a iis. a 8 ii Trends in Electrical Usage and Cost Residential Electric Energy--Average Annual Use and Average ence), GOst Came 43 «ars 6 ae ts ae aoa os Alaska Electric Utility--Annual Energy Sales (Graph)... . Alaska Electric Power Statistics--Enerqy Sales, Revenues, Od CUSTRMENE AT OUNO) ch: ieee (5) ees aces pnd ws ane Alaska Electric Power Statistics--Cost, Use, Billing (Table) Reduction in Residential Electric Bills--1960 Compared to ee CONBOU ie. oe cc, irene, Shears vee’ s ao Pwo N—- Generation Data Alaska Electric Utilities--Generation in kwh and Installed Genenating Capacity <in kw (Table) 65.6. 6k heads a ves Alaska Electric Power Installed Capacity by Type--Utility SRI MONSUCT TCC CIBMNOI 6S sepk es od: <a, Bulge sie Tew le <a Alaska Electric Utilities--Installed Generation--Yearly Grey th thy. Tye CONC. os aha) caw: Vibes coi 2 ae aes Installed Generation--Utility and Non-Utility (Graph) .... REA Data oon un DD Rural Electrification Administration Loans in Alaska (Table). 10 Correlation Data Alaska Population, Customers, Income, and Electric Energy Saves WSOC 97D. (Tale) cs... 68 4c oA so ce ee UI Load Projections Central Alaska Peak Power Demands 1960-2020 (Graph) ..... 12 Southeast Alaska Peak Power Demands 1960-2020 (Graphs). ... 13 Historical Load Patterns of Six Electric Utilities Monthly Peak Loads by Region 1964-1970 feraen sats he phiaee co 14 TADSE) She suk Nee aS 15 Alaska Utility Load Data & Installed Capacity 1964-1970 CGHEMND 3. <" Gems ech se Sok tees Setanta ee ar ate 16 Regional Installed Capacity 1963-1970 (Table) ........ 17 Monthly Peak Loads by Utility 1964-1970 (Table) ....... 18 Monthly Energy Sales by Utility 1964-1970 (Table) ....... 19 RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC ENERGY AVERAGE ANNUAL USE PER CUSTOMER AND AVERAGE COST PER KWH ALASKA AND UNITED STATES 8000 7000 6000 PER CUSTOMER USE-ALASKA \ 5000 HSE- “US: 4000 3000 ANNUAL USE (KWH/CUSTOMER) Pr 2000 ET a a COST(¢/ KWH) Ww rs Da eo eee 1000 CosT='U,S. | Source: Edison Electric Institute Statistics {960 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 YEAR ahd tuk ub LEE Robe ; APA december 1971 —_————— rr ENERGY SALES(KWH IN MILLIONS) 1100 1000 900 4 800 + 700 4 600 4 ams 400 300 200 100 1960 6l ALASKA ELECTRIC 110¢ UTILITY ANNUAL ENERGY SALES ICO 900 800 700 Industria 690 Small Commercial 500 and Industrial + 400 r 300 Residential L 200 190 Source: Edison Electric Institute Statistics 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 YEAR APA December 1971 Year 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 Total ALASKA ELECTRIC POWER STATISTICS Source: Edison Electric Institute Resi- dential Commercial & Industrial ma arge Light Light & & Power Power Street & Highway Lighting Energy Sales--kwh in millions annually 349 365 440 516 562 616 694 786 841 956 1,054 14,340 15,377 17,449 18,065 18,792 20,851 22,818 25,163 26 ,461 28,239 30,655 45,953 47,872 50,734 54,174 57,738 59,986 60,554 62,917 65,412 69 ,938 74,323 168 128 30 9 178 134 33 8 215 173 28 5 233 203 53 8 253 223 61 8 277 244 68 9 303 273 84 9 348 307 84 10 366 324 87 13 417 377 93 15 465 413 100 14 Revenues--Dollars in Thousands 7,264 5,236 977 344 7,854 5,659 1,069 313 8,774 6,968 844 236 8,553 7,530 1,075 288 8,762 7,998 1,107 287 9,789 8,769 1,291 301 10,548 9,581 1,468 321 11,738 10,415 1,550 364 12,285 10,851 1,530 589 13,048 11,686 1,558 619 14,015 125878..21,713 551 Customers--Average Number 39,498 5,960 40 ,980 6,362 43,112 7,157 46 ,239 7,472 49 ,358 7,943 51,456 8,100 52,019 8,110 53,797 8,706 55,902 9,058 59,967 9,517 63,996 9,879 Other Public Author- ities 12 15 13 14 7 30 42 50 58 382 366 485 545 568 613 701 899 941 1,197 1,407 Inter- depart- mental PPONDPHHPHPNUNASD 137 116 142 74 70 88 199 197 265 131 91 APA 12/71 Year 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 *Total includes all electric utility sales. Residential Commercial Alaska US Alaska US Cost--¢/kwh 4.32 2.47 4.09 2.46 4.41 2.45 4.22 2.35 4.08 2.41 4.03 2,32 3.67 2.37 3.71 2.28 3.46 2.31 3.59 2.19 3583 2.25 3.59 2.13 3.48 2.20 3.51 2.06 Siar 2.17 3.39 2.04 3.36 2.12 3.35 2.00 3,13 2.09 3.10 1.99 3.01 2p ate 2.01 Use--Annual_kwh/customer 4253 3854 21,477. =: 17,006 4344 4019 21,063 19,709 4987 4259 24,172 20,733 5039 4442 27,168 23,224 5126 4703 28,075 25,213 5383 4933 30,123 27,399 5825 5265 Soyeee: 2 205139 6469 5577 35,263 32,041 6547 6057 35,769 34,637 6954 6571 39,613 36,950 7266 7066 41,806 39,952 Billing--Annual $/customer 184 95 879 418 192 98 890 463 204 103 974 491 185 105 1,008 530 178 109 1,007 552 190 1 1,083 584 203 116 1,181 621 218 121 1,196 654 220 128 1,198 693 218 137 1,228 735 219 148 1,304 803 Total* Alaska MNMWWWWWWWPL PHP Nita Ree Cre ce COTRRKYEALN= a3nNnObSRON = 75595 7,624 8,673 9,525 9,734 10,269 11,461 12,493 12,857 13,669 14,181 312 321 344 333 325 348 377 400 405 404 412 US -69 -69 -68 -65 -62 =99 -56 -o6 -99 54 259 en eee ee ee ey 11,704 12,099 12,763 13,366 14,015 14,694 15,678 16,384 17,445 18,563 19,380 198 204 214 221 227 234 245 256 270 286 308 Reduction in Electric Bills For Home Use in Alaska and U.S. 1960-1970 in Cents per KWH Cents per KWH ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES ear ota ro team C GENERATION--Kwh in Millions 1963 532 325 155 52 1964 629 321 246 62 1965 713 350 283 80 1966 787 316 385 86 1967 859 363 400 96 1968 974 363 506 105 1969 1,080 340 620 120 1970 1,190p 362p 698p 130p INSTALLED GENERATING CAPACITY--Kw in Thousands 1963 180 85 52 43 1964 204 83 76 45 1965 224 82 89 53 1966 250 83 105 62 1967 260 83 105 72 1968 315 79 159 77 1969 338 77 176 85 1970 351p 77p 176p 98p p = preliminary Source: EEI APA 12/71 ALASKA ELECTRIC POWER INSTALLED CAPACITY Nameplate Ratings in Kilowatts ido as Utilities Non- 2 fear Hydro Steam Diesel Turbine Total Utilities 2/ i956 L/ 50,005 30,575 19,738 0 100,318 250,000 (est.) (50%) (30%) (20%) 1957 54,600 35,575 21,628 0 111,803 (49%) (32%) (19%) 1958 54,600 35,575 24,534 0 114,709 (48%) (31%) (21%) 1959 60,225 35,575 26,079 0 121,879 (49%) (29%) (21%) 1960 60, 225 32,875 3/ 29,459 0 122,559 (49%) (27%) (24%) 1961 82,225 32,875 33,595 0 148,695 (55%) (22%) (23%) 1962 82,300 32,875 41,993 12,800 169,968 (48%) (19%) (25%) ( 8%) 1963 82,300 32,875 47,368 39,700 202,243 (412) (16%) (23%) (20%) |964 82,300 32,750 49,482 54,050 218,582 (38%) (15%) (23%) (25%) 6 6 1965 82,225 32,750 59,437 68,400 &/ 242,812 &/ 265,721 (34%) (13%) (24%) (28%) |966 82,225 32,750 69,273 69,900 254,148 (32%) 4 (13%) (27%) ( 28%) |967 76,600 4/ 32,750 81,023 69,900 260,273 275,193 (29%) (13%) (31%) (27%) 1968 78,700 54,750 89,538 116,700 339 ,688 (23%) 5 (16%) (26%) (34%) |\969 76,600 5/ 54,750 98,963 116,700 347,013 (22%) (16%) (28%) (34%) 7 \970 76,600 74,750 123,256 131,990 406,596 307 ,952 LY (19%) (18%) (30%) (33%) rst year o rst eral project utna). ' No year by year nonutility data is available--only what was collected for the Alaska Power Survey in 1965 and known additions collected for the 1970 total. ' 2,700 kw in steam units retired at Sitka. 5,625 kw in hydro units flooded out at Chatanika. 2,100 kw in hydro units flooded out at Ketchikan. Alaska Power Survey for 12/31/65 shows 74,810 kw in gas turbine capacity or about 6,000 kw above nameplate rating, which is reflected in a total of 248,829 kw. Includes about 37,000 kw of oi] and gas field equipment. Note: Differences between APA data and the EEI data on the previous page reflect nameplate rather than capability ratings of gas turbines and APA inclusion of diesel generation not considered by EEI. APA 19771 INSTALLED GENERATION CAPACITY (THOUSANDS OF KW) ALASKA ELECTRIC UTILITIES Installed Generation— Yearly Growth by Type 400 400 300 Total Installed Generation Capacity 300 Alaska Electric Utilities 200 200 100 100 _ (Includes 30,000 KW Federal Eklutna Powerplant) 1956 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 YEAR INSTALLED GENERATION(IOOO's OF KW) 800 800 TOTAL INSTALLED GENERATION UTILITY and NONUTILITY 700 700 600 600 Alaskan 500 500 400 400 300 300 Nonutility * Bee 200 200 100 100 v 0 1956: Sr 66" SS 60 Gl 62.65.64 65 66° G7 6e.6S 70 YEAR % No definite data available up to that of 1965 for the Alaska Power Survey. %% 1970 daia includes about 37,000 KW for the oil and gas field installations. APA December 197! Rural Electrification Administration Loans in Alaska Number Y/ Allocation 2/ or Year of Loans Funds Consumers December 31 Borrowers Approved Advanced Served 1970 13 $170,334, 196 $132,938, 467 47,735 1969 13 154,709,195 123,862,700 42,303 1968 12 131,416,196 112,919,522 38,118 1967 12 120,114,467 105,828,289 34, 286 1966 i 115,221,467 87,128,748 32,416 1965 i 103,360,467 71,804,627 31,172 1964 i 98, 221,467 63,925,906 25,946 1963 11 63,283,467 56,315,802 26,372 1962 i 59,871,467 50,611,981 24,191 1961 1 51,104,467 44,895,533 23,813 1960 1 50,212,467 41,861,749 22,264 1959 9 48,032,468 32,247,891 19,439 1958 8 43,795,467 26,484,441 17,560 1957 8 28,672,500 21,712,049 17,200 1956 7 26,686,000 19,168,333 15,820 2 1955 6 25,910,000 15,395,928 13,549 » 1954 6 25,023,000 14,036,309 12,284 1953 6 19,823,000 12,391,671 ; 12,354 1952 6 19,006,000 8,786,355 10,092 1951 6 14,688,000 4,964,427 5,806 1950 6 8,683,000 3,445,281 3,963 1949 5 2,520,000 rg 1,493 1948 2 2,300,000 975,358 1,143 1947 a 1,555,000 450,634 1,089 1946 2 528,000 432,336 939 1945 2 488,000 421,271 830 1944 2 NA NA 737 1943 2 NA NA 558 1942 2 368,000 284,423 465 F NA - Not available x, Includes energized systems only. 2/ Allocation designation changed to "Loans Approved" in 1948. Data taken from Rural Electrification Administration Annual Statistical Reports APA x 12/71 11 ALASKA POPULATION, INCOME, AND ELECTRIC ENERGY SALES 1960 - 1970 So ee ge oo eee oe, es. Utility Persona] Sales Year Population 1/ nate te es nition 3 mot Kan 2/ 1960 226,167 45,953 649 349 1961 235,000 47,872 635 365 1962 243,000 50,734 666 440 1963 251,000 54,174 704 516 1964 256,000 57,738 791 562 1965 267,000 59,986 858 616 1966 272,000 60,554 915 694 1967 278,000 62,917 1,017 786 1968 285,000 65,412 1,136 841 1969 295,000 69,938 1,258 956 1970 302,173 74,323 1,400 (Est.)1,054 J/ Official U. S. Census figures for resident population in 1960 and 1970. Interim 1961-1969 estimates from Alaska Department of Labor using 12-month moving average, centered on July. 2/ Electrical data - Edison Electric Institute (does not include military) 3/ Income data - U. S. Department of Commerce. Demands (1,000 Kilowatts) Power Peak 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 2000 1000 900 800 700 600 S00 | 400 -—----—_____} .----- - ee ~ - | ~ — tf ee ___|___—_-—} 400 | Foirbonks Area j | Bs seas! ef tt 5800 Sanclpepniatic till aitemseteesiipaiatampemiailain eradicate morte - 200 Projected peak demands are normal utility | loods exclusive of major new industrial demands. ee ee iss HISTORICAL |! PROJECTED | 2 1 = —— Sane eT 8 a eres SS ———— 2 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Year UPPER YUKON. RIVER SaUDY CENTRAL ALASKA PEAK POWER DEMANDS at Demands (1,000 Kilowatts) Power Peak 88 7000 § sooc S 8 & § 8388 3 8 8 883888 8 x 8 a a ar1280d _|NOTE: Projected peok demands ore normal utility | loods exclusive of major new industrial en PROJECTED t+ HISTORICAL fs Pr te ate ne 1970 1975 1980 1985 9000 7000 5000 4000 3000 — < = wo ° s > @ 3 . Juneau- Douglas t——~Areo Ketchikan Areo: Nersburg —4 ‘Area > Wrangell —— Area ~—Hoines- Skagwo: 100 80 70 40 30 20 i 2 2 Orve0d Year 2000 UPPER YUKON: RIVER: STUDY SOUTHEAST ALASKA PEAK POWER DEMANDS 2015 o 2020 ct rey T MONTHLY PEAK LOADS (The 6 utilities represented comprise about Source of data: 75% of Alaska installed capacity ) FPC Monthly Electric Power Statistics Southcentral Area(SC): Anchorage Municipal Light and Power.(A.M.L.&P.) Chugach Electric Association. (C.E.A.) Interior Area(I): Fairbanks Municipal Utilities. (F.M.U.) Golden Valley Electric Association. (G.V.E.A.) Southeast Area (SE): Alaska Electric Light and Power. (A.E.L.&P.) Ketchikan Public Utilities.(K.P.U.) NOTE: P, Percentages shown are utilization factors (reaeeehett a) for highest winter peaks and lowest summer peaks. Southcentral = x wo 3 7) a 2 < ao 2 ° x B 40.5% > 768.0%(1) 8 %e(I) ~~ 769.7%(1) 2. S 39.2% .3 % (1) J \ ~S 91.4% (0 “NO DATA baiz%(n ss r ( lg ~, al o> ae 7 | sume () ,_™ { eu \ f ( 58.3%(SE){ “sSoutheost + | )86.3%(1) f ~, +) v /722%(0) Ir | r 51.5%(S of 1 52.4 wis EX t —1770%ISE)> 47.8%(1) 40.6% \\ se) ) Dados SN & 48.9%5e)} 4 a 2 z © & \| ——_} 721% (SE)) 971.2% 0) 6 9.1%ISE deine \ _| 686 ee 55.8%€SE —— 68.2%(SE)) TF 76.6% 1970 1971 APA DEC. 197! 1964 “Southeast V/ Regional Peak Loads (1,000 kw) Southcentral 2/ 61.5 Interior 3/ Total 1965 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1966 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1967 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1968 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1969 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total 1970 Southeast Southcentral Interior Total _dan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June duly. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 17.8 15.8 aS. 14.7 14.4 13.4 14.0 14.1 14.1 15.7 18.5 19.5 59.9 56.0 3.1 43.6. 4155 40.4 45.0 51.9 59.4 62.9 74.4 19.8 18.5 14.8 14.9 32:2 1326 13.3 13.0 14.1 17.5 19.7 22.3 Ol. ee Be. Re Oe 7 aT. Ot 92.6 TOV.T 16.2 19.6 17.4 16.6 14.9 14.6 14.9 14.0 15.0 14.7 16.7 18.5 20.9 2 65.1 62.1 68.6 60.3 50.6 48.8 53.0 61.5 67.3 72.4 82.1 20.7 20.4 17.8 15.9 7 alae 14.2 14.1 16.6 19.4 22.3 24.6 Tr 02.9 96.5 99.4 90.6 “79.4 77.0 82. 92.8 Ws ‘3,2 27.0 21.3 18.1 13.0 16.3 15.7. WT 15.0 16.0 16.9 17.3 19.5 20.6 82.4 72.7 72.6 60.9 66.9: S32 $5.2 60.0 65.2 75.8 82.8 93.2 25.1 22.9 22.3 17.3 tse: 3.2 18.2 16.2 I2.3 20.0 25.5 26.7 les TSF zi] 04.5 88.8 84.7 85.4 92.2 99.4 73.6 127.8 40.5 18.5 18.3 17.8 3 1659 46.7: 15.9 15.6 16.7 18.5 19.8 20.8 89.1 85.1 76.0 69.7 5.9 61.3 61.1 62.4 72.4 85.1 97.5 100.8 26.4 25.8 22.4 20.0 9.3 39.0 18.9 18.9 19.1 2355 26.9 a7 .7 134.0 129.2 6.2 107.0 02.1 “96.0 95.9 96.9 108.2 127.7 44.2 49.3 21.2 20.6 Wik 4168 16.3 17.0 17.3 18.3 20.2 22.2 102.6 107.8 ie: - GES 68.2 63.4 80.4 93.9 105.9 118.0 33.8 33.1 2350 22.5 24.0 23.8 28.4 29.4 33.7 42.7 157.6 61.5 0.9 104.9 108.5 Wave. VeD.0 147.6 159.8 182.9 2¢.0 20.4 19.5 18.4 W.8. th3 What 17.9 V2 19:9 Pr.2 215) H6.T Whs 94.9 89.0 .0 75.6 78.2 78.0 85.9 106.9 124.4 120.1 a3 S20. . 2iae .20.8 Co./. 2.2 267 25.4 28.8 3352 45.6 43.8 180.9 174.8 46.3 See Ted.o TIe.. ime \el.s Yae.4 159.4 7.2 «185.6 23.8 2452 20.1 19.7 18.5: 18.0 19.8 19.4 20.0 21.9 23.6 24.8 338:9°: 120.8 “14820. 102.8 9250 88,5 92.4 $1.2 103.2 26.1 V4.7 15825 5 42.7 36.9 ° 340 29.0 28.5 28.3 28.2 34.5 42.8 51.3 57.1 202.2 184.7 68.0 153.5 T4T.5 135.0 47.0 138.8 157.7 790.8 216.6 234.7 17 Southeast: AEL&P - Juneau; KPU - Ketchikan 2/ Southcentral: AML&P - Anchorage; CEA - Chugach (Anchorage) oF Interior: FMU - Fairbanks; GVEA - Golden Valley (Fairbanks) ALASKA UTILITY LOAD DATA & INSTALLED CAPACITY 1964-1970 75%, f (303) ‘viele sacataied | | 7% INSIPACIEY | Se: AELa@R | 250 |— £ me NO at | SC! AML.&P. CEA | Int: G.V.E.A. 25 { —F.M.U. — KW 150 125 THOUSANDS OF % Does not include 8400 KW of A-J Industries generation in Juneau or 5000 KWfor AEL.&P. plant ieranee in 1969. | | | | | | Source of data: Monthly Electric Power Statistics (FPC) MONTHLY PEAKS AVERAGE POWER —!ISO x = i w 125 $ wo = enercy —|100 2 a wat = 200 1965 1966 1967 YEAR 1968 1969 1970 [1971 APA DEC. 1971 ENERGY Installed Capacit: (1,000 iw} Southeast Region Southcentral Region 2/ Interior Region Grand 3/ Year As of: AELSP REPU Tota V/ HWLEP ~~ CER Tota 2 FM VER TotaT Total 1963 June 3.6 10.1 2251 20h 43256 83.7 8.5 NA -- -- Dec. 74 10.3 25.8 18.8 41.4 90.2 8.5 NA -- -- 1964 June 8.7 10.3 27.4 31.6. 414) 19850 16.0 18.3 31:3 161.7 Dec 8.7 10.1 27.2 36.5. 41.4) 108-0 16.0. 45.3 3453 166.5 1965 June 8.7 10.1 27.2 36:5 ~ 53.6}. 120.3 43.5 35.6 29.1 176.4 Dec. 8.7 10.7 27.8 36,5: 5326) 120.1 VS75" 76.5 292) 177.0 1966 June 8.7 10.7 27.8 360°. 7230) 138.0 15.5 - 15.6 x 196.9 Dec 8.7 12:7 29.8 36.8: 720° 158.8 HS 2.5 37.0 205.6 1967 June 9.8 2:2 30.9 36.8 69.4) 136.2 15.5 . 21.5 37.0 204.1 Dec. 9.8 127 30.9 36.8 69.4 136.2 15:5 21.5 3750 204.1 1968 June 9.8 12:1 30.3 32.7 O97) TET Z 16.5... 46:3 62.8 254.3 Dec. 9.8 14.8 33.0 32.1 99 = HBTS Z 6.5 46.3 62.8 257.0 1969 June 9.8 14.8 33.0 32.1... 99.9::. 162.0 16.5 44.4 60.9 255.9 Dec. 9.8 12.7 30.9 46.8 99.9 176.7 24.0: <A 65.4 273.0 1970 June 9.8 42.7 30.9 46.8 © 99,9| 176.7 21.0 44.9 65.9 2365 Dec. 9.8 W257 30.9 46.8 99.0 175.8 MS.8:° GisO 104.7 sea Y Includes 8,400 kw for ATaska-Juneau Industries generation, Juneau. Y Includes 30,000 kw for Eklutna generation. 3/ Total of these six utilities represents about three-fourths of State utility total. Key: AEL&P - Alaska Electric Light and Power, Juneau CEA - Chugach Electric Association, Anchorage Area KPU - Ketchikan Public Utilities, Ketchikan FMU - Fairbanks Municipal Utilities, Fairbanks AML&P - Anchorage Municipal Light & Power, Anchorage GVEA - Golden Valley Electric Association, Fairbanks Area Source: FPC Monthly Electric Power Statistics ADA. 1907 Oct. Nov. Dec. Sept. Aug. duly June May > Peak Loads Mar. Apr. 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