HomeMy WebLinkAboutNoorvik Project Agreements waste heat 1990FPE 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 CONSULTING Et EERS LETTE OF TRANSMITTAL DATE JOB NO. Se ru Oa zoel TO Noel Cervantes "Was ea 4 Alaska Energy Authority RECEIven AUG TS 1990 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY WE ARE SENDING YOU { Attached ( Under separate cover via__C®%r>er ___the following items: © Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications 0 Copy of letter OO Change order oO COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION a. 12 mg dakeHe w/ PE verston of Ado CAD drmtings THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval OO Approved as submitted O Resubmit copies for approval w For your use © Approved as noted OO Submit copies for distribution By As requested O Returned for corrections O Return corrected prints O For review and comment Oo O FOR BIDS DUE 19_____~=« PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Noowik — Ata + 28000 ; w.o. = ae Et Yukon — Ath * 72000q%, w.d. #3 COPY TO. PRODUCT 240-3 (WEBS) Inc, Groton, Mass. 01471. SIGNED: “Po oo, ____If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. to: Gary Eddy ADES Consultant from: John Bulkow, AEA date: 12 Mar 90 re: Draft Task Force Report Upon review of the draft ’Report to the Governor’ I would like to make the following recommendations on the statements regarding waste heat recovery systems. 1. The $1.15 million for a waste heat recovery system connection to the water treatment plant in Kotzebue is a good ball park number if only the water treatment plant is connected. The system shall likely also supply heat to the new hospital and other facilities as heat availability allows. The total system cost shall probably be two to three times this $1.15 million dollar figure. It would be best to mention this to avoid future confusion. 2. See the Noorvik Waste Heat Recovery Report for a more accurate estimate of a waste heat system in this location. As mentioned in the note with the report the high school would use most of the available waste heat. For a useful connection to the water treatment plant it would be necessary to forgo connecting the high school. A waste heat system in this configuration would cost around $400,000. 3. The waste heat recovery system in Shungnak is the property of the Alaska Energy Authority. This means it is the responsibility of the Energy Authority rather than the city, AVEC, and school district to repair the system. I shall be in Shungnak checking what needs to be done for the system on March 13 & 14. The school district has indicated in a telephone conversation that the glycol in the system was replaced with water before the system went down. If this is the case then it shall not be possible to reactivate the system before this summer. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. to: Gary Eddy ADES Consultant from: John Bulkow, AEA date: 8 Mar 90 re: Kotzebue & Noorvik Waste Heat Reports Attached are the recent waste heat recovery studies done for AEA on the sites of Kotzebue and Noorvik. Note that the Kotzebue study is overly optimistic about the amount of waste heat available from the power plant and perhaps underestimates the cost of installing the system. An engineer for KEA has indicated that the amount of waste heat available is about half of that indicated in the study. The Alaska Energy Authority is having a revised study done that shall be complete at the beginning of April. The new study shall not indicate connections to nearly as many end use facilities as this current study does but shall include at least the new hospital and the water treatment plant. Note also that the Noorvik study indicates that the most economical waste heat system at this site would only serve the high school. Details for connecting to the water treatment plant, the plant’s fuel use figures, and analysis of the potential savings for the plant are included in the report, but the high school is closer to the power plant and can use all the available waste heat in the winter. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. EM Wha FEB 22 1959 LL Y ALASKA ENERGY MEMORANDUM AUTHORITY ~ Date: 1/29/90 To: Gary Smith MW From: Peter N. Hansen Subject: Noorvik Study. I have reviewed the "Noorvik Waste Heat Recovery Report and Concept Design" as submitted by Tim Jannick, and generally I find the quality of the report to be quite good. Final designs would have to be reviewed carefully in order to make sure that they incorporate the experiences, good and bad, that we have earned over the past years. Tim is obviously somewhat stuck to the designs, which he and Raj Bhargava have used with little success over the years. (They may feel that the designs were successful, their criteria were understandably somewhat different from AEA’s.) Comments: lve Page 4, section 2.3: I may be wrong, but I believe that the hill is east of town. 2 a. Page 21, 6th paragraph: Replace “One” with "on" Si Page 21, 8th paragraph: It should be considered to connect to the existing boilers through a heat exchagner and to tie in directly to new coils in the existing furnaces. With the same size coils, this will allow for a greater temperature drop on the district heating fluid, thereby reducing pumping requirements. 4. Page 24, section 15050. Install circulating pumps at each connection with each pump sized only to deliver the flow necessary for that particular connection. Size pumps using 15 degrees temperature drop and take into account actual heat output from the generators. Get actual pressure drop/foot from I.C.Moller; remember that internal diameter is greater than standard pipe. Do not use base mounted pumps; Grundfos pumps are stock items in most. villages and if it is in any way possible, make a Grundfos in-line pump work. Section 15120: Specify I.C.Moller pipe. a. Page 26: Place circulating pumps and expansion tanks in user buildings. What is "Coil Piping, Typical of 5"? Before construction, make yet another attempt to get Mark Teitzel with AVEC to understand that the system will be more reliable and work better if the AEA heat exchanger is incorporated into AVEC’s system in such a was as to allow this heat exchanger to deliver heat to AVEC’s heating system as well as to the district heating system. This will greatly simplify the system and reduce pressure losses = on the engine side. 6. Page 33: This is the pipe manufacturer’s recommended trench; if sand is not available for bedding, typically the local native material can be used without any problems, provided that rocks 4" and larger are removed from the immediate vicinity of the pipe. See Jerry Larson for pictorial specification of "native material”. Te page 34, Section 15990. Do not use balancing valves, place pumps at the users. Turn pumps on, when there is acall for heat. To prevent stagnant fluid and system short circuiting, place a check valve with a 1/4" hole in the flapper at each pump. N CONSULTING E FPE NEERS ETTE OF TRANSMITTAL 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite sv0 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Ph. (907) 561-1666 FAX (907) 561-7028 TO JOB NO. % Garg Snith Atoka Energy. Athos hcorvile eR” 8. i 2 ate eee ae bee 2 1 4989 WE ARE SENDING YOU J attached 0 Under separate cover via____stacks ssathe folowing ems: OO Shop drawings O Copy of letter COPIES DATE O Prints © Change order O Plans O Specifications O O Samples DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O For review and comment O FOR BIDS DUE For your use As requested REMARKS © Approved as submitted O Resubmit copies for approval © Approved as noted O Submit copies for distribution O Returned for corrections O Return corrected prints | 19 O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US copy to_ Ff Ale Copy PRODUCT 240-3 (WEBS) Inc., Groton, Mass. 01471 If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. FPE consuttinc __INEERS LETTE OF TRANSMITTAL 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Ph. (907) 561-1666 mlzfl s/e4 S4p4d FAX (907) 561-7028 TO Gavy Smih / RATA Bol kow 5 EC&! Alaska Eneray Autheri by VED WE ARE SENDING YOU OX Attached ( Under separate cover via__Covrj€i" _____ithe following items: © Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications 0 Copy of letter 0 Change order oO COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION a 2q. Bovnd copres Nowvik Waste Meat Recovery l a. Unbornd raster, ? ? z ca T ! eh. eZ) Seo Kk — deks w/ Alo CAD leawrags ( ca. Dest rw Fee Eshimabe THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: © For approval O Approved as submitted OO Resubmit. copies for approval Ww For your use OO Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution x As requested O Returned for corrections O Return corrected prints O For review and comment Oo (SPOR BIDS DUG eee TD, O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS ys ore sae 4 ik EX ye COPY TO. SIGNED: 7. . é ws : PRODUCT 240-3 (WEBS) Inc, Groton, Mass. 01471. If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. FEE ESTIMATE WORKSHEET DATE: PROJECT: TASK: ITEM HOURS Senior Engineer (Mech. ) 14 TASK: ITEM HOURS Project Manager il Senior Engineer (Civil) 2 Staff Engineer 4 Senior Graphics Tech. 6 Clerical 2 TASK ITEM HOURS Principal-in-charge 2 Project Manager 4 Senior Engineer 8 Staff Engineer 4 Senior Graphics Tech. 8 TASK: ITEM HOURS Principal-in-charge 2 Project Manager 6 Senior Engineer 16 Staff Engineer 4 Senior Graphics Tech. 12 12/15/89 NOORVIK WASTE HEAT DESIGN PHASE SITE VISIT VERIFICATION RATE EXTENSION SUBTOTAL $64.82 $967.48 $967.48 COMPILE RIGHT-OF-WAY INFORMATION IN ANCHORAGE $771.36 SHEET M-1, LEGEND AND SCHEDULES RATE EXTENSION SUBTOTAL $88.98 $177.96 $64.82 $259.28 $64.82 $518.56 $59.52 $238.98 $42.71 $341.68 $1,535.56 SHEET M-2, SITE PLAN AND PIPE ROUTING (DIAGRAMMATIC, NO FIELD SURVEY) $88.98 $177.96 $64.82 $388.92 $64.82 $648.29 $59.52 $238.08 $42.71 $512.52 $1,965.68 TASK: SHEET RATE M-3, BUILDING PLANS EXTENSION SUBTOTAL $88. $64. $64. $59. $42. 98 $177.96 82 $388.92 82 $518.56 52 $238.98 71 $427.16 $1,758.62 M-4, SYSTEM AND BLDG. SCHEMATICS EXTENSION SUBTOTAL 98 $266.94 -82 $388.92 -82 $777.84 -52 $238.98 77 $512.52 $2, 184.36 M-5, DETAILS EXTENSION SUBTOTAL -98 $177.96 -82 $388.92 -82 $648.26 -52 $238.98 ne $427.16 $1,889.26 E-1, LEGEND AND SCHEDULES EXTENSION SUBTOTAL 98 $177.96 -82 $518.56 -52 $238.98 avAl| $341.68 $1,276.28 E-2, PLANS AND SCHEMATICS EXTENSION SUBTOTAL ITEM HOURS Principal-in-charge 2 Project Manager 6 Senior Engineer 8 Staff Engineer 4 Senior Graphics Tech. 19 TASK ITEM HOURS Principal-in-charge 3 Project Manager 6 Senior Engineer 12 Staff Engineer 4 Senior Graphics Tech. 12 TASK: ITEM HOURS Principal-in-charge 2 Project Manager 6 Senior Engineer 19 Staff Engineer 4 Senior Graphics Tech. 19 TASK ITEM HOURS Principal-in-charge 2 Senior Engineer (Elec. ) 8 Staff Engineer (Elec. ) 4 Senior Graphics Tech. 8 TASK ITEM HOURS Principal-in-charge 3 Senior Engineer (Elec. ) 12 Staff Engineer (Elec. ) 4 Senior Graphics Tech. 12 98 $266.94 -82 $777.84 -52 $238.98 71 $512.52 $1,795.38 TASK: ITEM HOURS DIVS. 1-14 Principal-in-charge 2 Project Manager 6 Senior Engineer 19 Technical Editor & Clerical 16 DIV. 15 Principal-in-charge 2 Project Manager 6 Senior Engineer 19 Technical Editor 4 Clerical 16 DIV. 16 Principal-in-charge 3 Senior Engineer (Elec. ) 12 Technical Editor 4 Clerical 16 REIMBURSABLES NUMBER AIR FARE TO NOORVIK 1 PARKING 1 AIR PHOTOS 2 PHOTOCOPYING 269 ROOM AND BOARD 1 BLUELINES 35 SPECS. RATE $88. $64. $64. $59. $41. $88. $64. $64. $59. $41. $88. $64. $59. $41. 98 82 82 51 28 98 82 82 51 28 98 82 51 28 TOTAL DESIGN FEE DIVS. 1, 2, 15, 16 EXTENSION SUBTOTAL $177. $388. $648. $238. $668 $177. $388. $648. $238. $668. $266. $777. $238. $660. 96 92 26 G4 -48 96 92 28 G4 48 94 84 04 48 EXTENSION $2,113.69 $2,113.69 $1,943.36 SUBTOTAL $1,136.59 $2,237.42 to: Tim Janneck, FPE from: John Bulkow, AEA re: WASTE HEAT - NOORVIK 1. Provide page numbers in the table of contents. 2. On page 21 list the rated capacity of the generator set water pump and the point it is currently operating at (if available) to verify that the generator set cooling system shall be able to operate adequately with the added pressure drop of the heat exchanger. 3. Indicate the present spare capacity of the circulating pumps in the Community and Treatment buildings to verify that heat exchangers may be added to these systems without adding secondary pumps as indicated on pages 21 & 22. 4. Show potential locations for new large equipment, such as heat exchangers and expansion tanks, by showing the equipment in dashed lines on relevant building plans (such as pages 25, 29, & 31). 5. A bypass valve needs to be added at the heat exchanger takeoff shown on page 26. Also address the potential for the heat exchanger to overcool the generator set coolant, additional controls or a modification of the arrangement shown may be required. 6. Indicate that the coil shown on page 26 is in the High School not the AVEC module. 7. Indicate what affect the new coils shall have on the air delivery from the existing furnaces in the High School. 8. Some form of control needs to be provided on the using end of the system to ensure that the building heating systems don’t end up trying to heat the waste heat system when there is little waste heat available. 9. Correct the estimate on page 60 where the estimate indicates two new generator radiators not mentioned elsewhere in the design and doesn't indicate the cost of the new coils in the High School. State of Alaska o> | Steve Cowper Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: 77222) Raweer NAME OF COMPANY: ere COMPANY ADDRESS: i TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: Sa 6 - FOZzS SENDER: 277 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 9 _2ifeV- S247 CHARGE CODE: §=_Scemee ees NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: = INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: = bEc Ss? IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: = RO. BOK AM Juneau. Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3675 Sw PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Read) = Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 5461-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT *%& # 2 *w#E SEND k« NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT + 1 001 907 5617028 12- 5-89 11:22 1°19" Z | | 1 TOTAL 0:01°19" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 State of Alaska DN Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: / ANWwEeC IE NAME OF COMPANY: F : i E COMPANY ADDRESS: AnCH U2RGE TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: Za / - 028 SENDER: _ GAP) San v47 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 9_2g0/-S7D 7 CHARGE CODE: 4ysRey re” NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: a INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: SDECEF IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: = PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 HW PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 to: Tim Janneck,FPE from: Gary Smith, AEA date: 6Dec89 re: Waste Heat - Noorvik 1. Substitute "community" for "village" throughout report. 2. Add appendix sheet listing contacts, titles, and telephone numbers if known. 3. Add Project Cost, first year savings in gallons of displaced oil (mention grade), and first year dollar savings in a separate paragraph in 1.0 Executive Summary. 4. Add a single page graph in the Conclusions section showing the results of your simulation. Show one calendar year of time with the following on the y-axis: equivalent gallons available equivalent gallons required - base equivalent gallons required - base + 1 equivalent gallons required - base + 1 + 2 5. Add a single page graph in the Conclusions section showing the results of your simulation. Show one calendar year of time with the following on the y-axis: equivalent gallons displaced - base equivalent gallons displaced - base + 1 equivalent gallons displaced - base + 1 + 2 6. Please use SIA instead of SIOH (Supervision Inspection and Administration) in the project cost calculation sheet. 7. Please submit one of the copies without binding for use as a master. LETTE OF TRANSMITTAL FPE _ consuttincet EERS 560 E. 34th A , Suite sud Anchorage, alaska 99503 RECEIVED DEC 4 1989 Ph. (907) 561-1666 /2/y[69 JOB NO. HER EIOLVO ATTENTION FAX (907) 561-7028 CARY SwutH m Ue ye ALAS ENERGY AUTHOR Moprvik. WASTE HEAT LECOVERY WE ARE SENDING YOU ¥ Attached (1 Under separate cover via the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples 0 Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order Oo COPIES DATE No. DESCRIPTION / | DKAFT Keport + THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval OO Approved as submitted OO Resubmit. copies for approval Sfor your use O Approved as noted O Submit copies for distribution OO As requested 0 Returned for corrections O Return corrected prints odor review and comment oO O FOR BIDS DUE 19____~~=Ss« PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS a ga pean a aan y? COPY TO. PRODUCT 240-3 (WEBS) Inc. Groton, Mass. 01471. SIGNED: ef A yualeon If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. ja-Ln lammuck N 00KviK-WFA Tec fy. Ass Istiug OCT 2 1 1988 re ALASKA POW«:.; AUTHORITY MOC Telephone (997) Qetober 186, Robert : WaRedese, Executive Director f a Fower Authority Rox O86 OTS AL Anc ska 99519 Dear Dr. LeRecese, We have heard all sorts of good things about waste heat being iGaid in a number of rural villages and for this reason we are y to you. spoke with Feter Hansen of AFA yesterday on the telephone pout the possibility of utilizing waste heat here in Noorvik. Wes AVEC, Northwest Arctic Borough School District, and the Caty of Noarvik are willing to work together towards utilizing wa heat if there is a possiblity. Therefore, we would like to hat Alaska Fower Authority investigates the various possiblities of utilizing waste heat here in Noorvik. We woulid Lil to Know the costs involved, funding available, and so If you are able to provide this services please contact me. Toank you very much. Sincerely, Co hey ? Cari har go Cheryl Sampson City Administrator CORRESPONDENGE DISTRINUTION ACTION ey : INFQRMATION: “DonSbire j Cs DATE REC'D: DATE DUE: a LE a Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage. Alaska 99503-7497 (907) 561-1818 October 8, 1987 Brent Petrie Alaska Power Authority P.0. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 SUBJECT: AVEC Projects for System Efficiency Improvements Dear Brent: According to our recent telephone conversation, attached is a copy of the list recently sent to Senator Hensley on a variety of capital project which would be useful in AVEC villages. Many of these are related to energy effi- ciency improvement and are self-explanatory. As you can see, there are numerous places where we can use money for upgradings. We could compile some statistical information about what these improvements can do since we have similar installa- tions in other villages. If after reviewing this, you wish to have more details on any projects, we would be pleased to work with you in this regard. Best Regards, fyd M. Hodson General Manager XC Dem SG were CG. Du sale S.tda. & Edie Deowny Pete EFFICIENCY, RELIABILITY, AND SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS TO THE VILLAGE ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS OBJECTIVES: Each AVEC power plant would be equipped with waste heat recovery equipment capable of capturing a portion of the heat rejected to the engine coolant and transferring that heat to an end user such as the school, water plant, or city for use in decreasing oi] requirements for space heating. Each AVEC power plant providing peak loads in excess of 175 KW would be equipped with two all-steel, fireproof, long-life generator modules. Each AVEC power plant would be equipped with two of the latest design diesel electric sets featuring peak fuel efficiency. Each AVEC power plant providing peak loads up to 175 KW would be equipped with all-steel, fireproof, long-life generator modules. Each AVEC power plant would be equipped with an insulated, all-steel, fireproof, long-life control module for housing the control equipment in a protected weatherproof area. Each AVEC power plant would be equipped with three control panels capable of providing complete control and protection of each diesel engine and generator. Each AVEC power plant would be equipped with a waste oi] blender which would filter waste lubricating oi] and blend it into the normal engine fuel supply to be burned off by the engine. Each AVEC fuel tank farm would be installed on top of an impermeable barrier which would prevent the escape of any leaked or spilled fuel. Each AVEC power plant would have a chain link fence installed around both the power plant and the fuel tank farm to keep children and unauthorized individuals away. Each AVEC distribution system would be converted to an overhead pole supported system having higher reliability and lower losses. COST ESTIMATES BY LOCATION (21 VILLAGE LOCATIONS) Ambler NOAM aWNe ee Waste Heat Recovery Completed Generator Modules Completed Latest Design Generator Sets - 2 Each LTA 10s $ 150,000 Control Module Completed Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 Completed Waste Oi] Blender $ 10,000 Impermeable Dike Liner $ 48,000 8. 9. Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Alakanuk WONAMHSWNHrE oe ee ew ew ee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i1 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Chevak ee WONANPWNHH oe ew ee . m ~_ = 3 SareneSr ceeses ee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i1 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 011 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Emmonak WONAMOPWNHrH eee © © © © Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 011 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Each KTA 1150 Each @ $35,000 Each KTA 38s Each @ $35,000 Each LTA 10s Each @ $35,000 Each KTA 38 Each @ $35,000 Completed $ 257,000 365,000 493,000 200,000 100 ,000 200,000 35,000 10,000 64,000 10,000 ee stes AAO OOOH $ 305,000 $ 200,000 $ 300,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 72,000 $ 10,000 $ 146,000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 32,000 $ 10,000 Comp] — st Gambel1 1. Waste Heat Recovery $ 493,000 2. Generator Modules Completed ‘3. Latest Design Generator Sets - 1 Each KTA 38 $ 150,000 4. Control Module Completed 5. Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 Completed 6. Waste Oi] Blender $ 10,000 7. Impermeable Dike Liner Completed 8. Plant Site Fence $ 20,000 9. Overhead Distribution $246,000 Hooper Bay 1. Waste Heat Recovery $ 332,000 2. Generator Modules - 1 Each $ 200,000 3. Latest Design Generator Sets - 2 Each KTA 38s $ 300,000 4. Control Module - 1 Each $ 200,000 5. Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 $ 35,000 6. Waste Oi] Blender $ 10,000 7. Impermeable Dike Liner $ 80,000 8. Plant Site Fence : $ 10,000 9. Overhead Distribution $ 299,000 > > Kiana 1. Waste Heat Recovery Completed 2. Generator Modules - 1 Each $ 200,000 3. Latest Design Generator Sets - 1 Each KTA 1150 $ 100,000 4. Control Module - 1 Each $ 200,000 5. Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 Completed 6. Waste Oi] Blender $ 10,000 7. Impermeable Dike Liner $ 56,000 8. Plant Site Fence Completed 9. Overhead Distribution $ 226,000 > Kivalina 1. Waste Heat Recovery $ 348,000 2. Generator Modules Completed 3. Latest Design Generator Sets - 1 Each LTA 10 $ 75,000 4. Control Module - 1 Each $ 200,000 5. Latest Design Control Panels - 1 Each @ $15,000 $ 15,000 6. Waste 0i1 Blender $ 10,000 7. Impermeable Dike Liner $ 48,000 8. ae Site Fence : Br 9. Overhead Distribution 3ST, 000 Koyuk WONAOAWNHHE o 0. ee we we ew ew Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Noatak oe oe we we WONANAWNHe oe . Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Noorvik WONAN PWN oe © we ew ee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution St. Michael WONDMN S&S wnre . eee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution PM Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each KTA 10s @ $35,000 LTA 10s @ $15,000 KTA 1150 @ $35,000 KTA 1150s LTA 10 @ $35,000 $ 248,000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 32,000 $ 10,000 emp retee $ 348,000 Completed $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 40,000 $ 10,000 $ 191,000 $967,000 $ 493,000 Completed $ 100,000 Completed Completed $ 10,000 $ 52,000 $ 10,000 $ 108,000 3773,,000 Completed Completed $ 200,000 $ 75,000 Completed $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 40,000 $ 10,000 eset es Savoonga WONAMASWNHH 8 © © © © ee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Scammon Bay WOONAMAPWNHHe oe Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Selawik WONAMO PWN oe ee ee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i1 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Shaktoolik WONAMHPWNHe ee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i1 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Each KTA 38 Each @ $25,000 Each LTA 10 Each @ $25,000 Each KTA 1150 Each @ $35,000 Each LTA 10 Each @ $35,000 Completed $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 64,000 $ 10,000 $ 246,000 3—305,000 $ 348,000 $ 200,000 $ 75,000 $ 200,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 40,000 | Completed Comp] org E80 $ 332,000 $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 C $ $ $ Completed $ 200,000 $ 75,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 24,000 $ 10,000 Shishmaref WONAOLPWNHH .e “8 ee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Shungnak WONAMHLWNHHE ee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Stebbins . WONDANSWMHHe oe Wales Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module --1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oil Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution WONAMHWNHH oe eee Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i1 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Each KTA 1150 Each @ $35,000 Each KTA 1150s Each @ $15,000 Each LTA 10 Each @ $35,000 Each LTA 10s 1200 RPM Each @ $35,000 450 ,000 200 ,000 100 ,000 200,000 35,000 10,000 56,000 10,000 Comp1 a ae A OF 09 OF 07 7 0 Completed Completed $ 200,000 $ 200,000 $ 15,000 $ 10,000 $ 56,000 $ 10,000 $ 201,000 $ 191,000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 24,000 $ 10,000 C 1 d $870 000 SUMMARY Waste Heat Recovery Installations (13 Locations - Ambler/E1im/Emmonak/Kiana/St. Michael/ Savoonga/Shaktool ik/Shangnak) ‘ Waste Oil Blenders (21 Locations) Fence Plant Sites (19 Locations - Kiana and Ambler Already Fenced) Impermeable Barriers (249 Tanks) (Only Gambel] NIC) Control Modules (17 Locations - Ambler/Noorvik/St. Michael/Gambel] NIC) Generator Modules (14 Locations) Control Panels (40 Each) Overhead Distribution Conversions (12 Locations) Generator Sets: 15 LTA 10s 9 KTA 1150s 7 KTA 38s TOTAL RECOMMENDED PRIORITY Emmonak Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets - 1 Each KTA 38 Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 Waste 0i1 Blender Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution ONAN PWM oie) ie| se (ew) 6 Hooper Bay Waste Heat Recovery Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets - 1 Each KTA 38s Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 OPWNh- eee —j= $ 4,729,000 $ 210,000 $ 200,000 $ 996,000 $ 3,400,000 $ 2,800,000 $ 480,000 $ 2,626,000 $ 1,125,000 $ 900,000 $ 1,050,000 $18,516,000 Completed $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Competes 332 ,000 200 ,000 150,000 200,000 35,000 PAM 6. 7. 8. Waste 0i] Blender Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Selawik ONAN WRHe oe © © © © ew Waste Heat Recovery Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 011 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Overhead Distribution Kiana 4. 5. 6. Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Alakanuk An wr . Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i1 Blender Savoonga ONAN PWM oe 8 © we ew Generator Modules - 1 Each Latest Design Generator Sets Control Module Latest Design Control Panels Waste 0i1 Blender Impermeable Dike Liner Plant Site Fence Shishmaref 1. 4. 5. 6. Waste Heat Recovery Control Module - 1 Each Latest Design Control Panels Waste Oi] Blender Each KTA 1150 Each @ $35,000 Each @ $35,000 Each KTA 1150 Each @ $35,000 Each KTA 38 Each @ $25,000 Each @ $35,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $299,000 31,236,000 $ 332,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 Completed $ 10,000 $ -0- $ 10,000 $ 306,000 3958;000 $ 200,000 Completed $10,000 $210,000 $ 200,000 $ 100,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $10,000 $-2451000 $ 200,000 $ 150,000 $ 200,000 $ 25,000 $ 10,000 $ 64,000 $10,000 3-859;000 $ 450,000 $ 200,000 $ 35,000 $10,000 335,000 Chevak 1. Waste Heat Recovery $ 305,000 2. Generator Modules - 1 Each $ 200,000 3. Latest Design Generator Sets - 2 Each KTA 38s ’ $ 300,000 4. Control Module - 1 Each $ 200,000 5. Latest Design Control Panels - 3 Each @ $35,000 : 35,000 6. Waste 01] Blender 10,000 $1,050,000 TOTAL $5,958,000 SUMMARY Waste Heat Recovery Installations $ 1,419,000 (4 Locations) Waste 0i] Blenders $ 80,000 (8 Locations) Fence Plant Sites $ 40,000 (4 Locations) Impermeable Barriers (16 Tanks) $ 64,000 Control Modules $ 1,600,000 (8 Locations) Generator Modules $ 1,000,000 (5 Locations) Control Panels $ 200,000 (17 Each) Overhead Distribution Conversions $ 605,000 (2 Locations) Generator Sets: 2 KTA 1150s $ 200,000 5 KTA 38s $750,000 TOTAL $ 5,958,000