HomeMy WebLinkAboutTwin Hills SWRSD Bulk Fuel Repair 1991at Contract No. 200379 eee Moy SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT GRANT AGREEMENT Twin Hills Bulk Fuel Repair RECEIVED PURPOSE AND DESCRIPTION MAY] 3 1991 This Agreement entered into this 22 day of uTMARITYis between the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHOR er; uthority) and SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT (the District). The Agreement rovides a Grant-in-Aid of Construction to the District to benefit the community of win Hills. The purpose of the Agreement is to provide funds for replacement of leaking fuel pipeline Hie Project). Article A. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY COVENANTS The Energy Authority will: 1: Subject to appropriation and availability, provide the District with a grant-in-aid of construction not to exceed $6,100 for construction of the project. tes Budget and expend funds in the State Accountin; aan (AKSAS) under AR 32394, Collocation Code 081622u2, Ledger Code 81826707. 3s Upon receipt of an invoice requesting payment, provide funds to the District to cover the cost of construction in the following manner: (a) Upon execution of the grant agreement, provide a 50% advance payment in the amount of $3,050 for purchase of Project materials and initial labor costs. (b) Upon secetae and approval of as-built sketches and ee of the completed Project, provide a 50% final payment of 3,050. Article B. . SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT COVENANTS Southwest Region School District will: A: Expend construction funds only for the purposes provided for under this Agreement. 2 Provide all engineering services necessary for the complete engineering design of the project. 3 Design the Project to minimize the cost of repair and to be as maintenance-free as economically possible. 4. Follow the standards outlined in Appendix I in design and contruction of the Project. Ss Complete the following tasks: (a) | Excavate any remaining line that may be below grade (b) Replace existing line with welded steel pipe (c) Encase pipe line in culverts at all road crossings (d) Pressure test and repair any additional leaks in the fuel pipeline (e) Provide the Energy Authority with as-built sketches and photographs of the completed Project. 6. Obtain and maintain all rights-of-way, easements and permits required for construction and operation of the Project in a manner consistent with established utility practices. Where practical, the District will seek and obtain permits and rights- of-way on state lands or within Alaska Department of Transportation rights-of-way. rs Complete all work associated with this project prior to September 30, 1991. 8. Bill the Energy Authority for the percentage payments described in Article A, Paragraph 2, but not in excess of actual costs of construction. 9; Refund to the Energy Authority any funds determined by the District to be in excess of actual expenditures. 10. n completion of the [ issue a Notice of Project Completion. A sample of Ps otice is in Appendix 11. Accept complete responsibility for ownership, operation and maintenance of the fuel line. 12. Permit the Energy | Authority to inspect, in such manner and at all reasonable times, all the District’s activities related to the District’s performance under this Agreement. Such right of examination shall include inspection of the District’s offices, facilities, and accounting records associated with the Project. Article C. MUTUAL COVENANTS The Energy Authority and the District agree to the following: 1. Indemnification. The District shall indemnify, save harmless and defend the Energy Authority, its officers, agents, servants, and employees from all liability, including costs and expenses, for all actions or claims resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any peter: or rae arising directly or indirectly as a result of any error, omission or negligent act of the indemnifying party, its officers, agents, servants, or roe or anyone directly or indirectly employed by it in the performance of t ‘eement. 2. Rights to Terminate Agreement. The District acknowledges the right of the Energy Authority to terminate this Agreement without payment of liquidated damages to the District if it is determined by the Energy Authority to be in the best interest of the State to do so; if funds are no longer available, or for cause. For the = of this paragraph, "cause" is defined as the provision of incorrect or misleading information by the District or the District’s failure to provide information that, in the opinion of the Energy Authority, is a material fact that would have influenced Energy Authority actions. Under these conditions, The District waives any right of recourse and will reimburse the Energy Authority for all unspent funds the District has received according to this Agreement plus all costs, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by the Energy Authority to perfect its claim or collect those funds. The Energy Authority may also terminate the eement if the District fails to complete repair of the fuel line by September 30, 1991 or if the District fails to meet standards or perform services described in Article B. 3. Availability of Funding. The District acknowledges that this Agreement is subject to availability of money from the State of Alaska or other sources to finance performance under this Agreement. If funding is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this eement and before the completion of performance, the Energy Authority may terminate the Agreement without pone enee. The Energy Authority may, in its discretion, renegotiate the terms of this Agreement to comply with any new funding limitations or conditions. 4. Audit Requirements. This Agreement is subject to the audit requirements of Title 2, Chapter 45 (Grant peg eg ary of the Alaska Administrative Code (AAC), commonly referred to as the "Single Audit Regulation." 5. Parties not Being Agents of Each Other. It is agreed that the Parties, their officers, agents, servants and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the other parties in the performance of this Agreement. 6. Disputes. Either party to this Agreement may bring an action against the other party in the superior court for the State of Alaska to resolve a dispute arising under this Agreement. Any lawsuit involving this Agreement shall be heard by the superior court, Third Judicial District at Anchorage. All legal costs, including attorneys’ fees not otherwise provited for in this Agreement, shall be allocated pursuant to Alaska Civil Rule 8 the Binding Effect. This Agreement and all of its terms, covenants, conditions, rn ices and attachments represent the entire agreement and shall extend to and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, grantees, successors and assigns of the parties to this Agreement. 8. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this ppomment or any agreement referred to in thi eement shall be finally adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be unaffected by such adjudication and all the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such section, paragraph, clause or provision or any part thereof so adjudicated to be invalid had not been included herein. 9. Declaration of Public Benefit. The parties acknowledge that the Project is to be constructed for the benefit of the general public and will not deny any person use of Project facilities or use of power produced from Project facilities due to race, religion, color, marital status, age, sex, or national origin. 10. Notices. Any notice required of either party shall be in writing and, unless receipt of such notice is expressly required by the terms of this Agreement, shall be deemed served when deposited in the mail in a sealed envelope, with sufficient first class postage affixed, and addressed to the appropriate party. The notices shall be sent to each party’s place of business, which in the case of the Energy Authority shall be: Charlie Bussell, Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 907) 561-7877 (907) 561-8584 (FAX) and in the case of the Southwest Region School Distric shall be: Mr. Martin A. Myhre, Business Manager Southwest Region School District P.O. Box 3196 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 907) 842-5287 (907) 842-5428 (FAX) THIS AGREEMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: for the by ng Ailes g ) (Signature) ate }, tlie ) buss M Se dv vevle wr (Name Printed) (Title) STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT The foregoing cg re was acknowledged before me _ this 22 991, day of, 1 Charlie Guage, the Eyecurve Dimecto@ of the ne teres Authority. basi B Gansthasr Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: Oct (2, 443 for the SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT: Martin < te nf Sid 7-4 Lh paee a sLbones ame Printe STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this 1 = day of 1991 by Martin A. Myhre, Business Manager of the Southwest egion strict. (oes otary Public, State o My Commission Expires: L! Appendix I Bulk Fuel Emergency Repair Standards Date: APPENDIX | BULK FUEL EMERGENCY REPAIRS STANDARDS May 3, 1991 Revision: 1.0 MATERIALS: Piping - Minimum schedule 40 black steel with welded or flanged joints. Gasket material for flanged joints to be compatible with petroleum products. Flex Connectors - Stainless steel corrugated inner tubing with braided wire outer shield. 150# flanged ends. 12" minimum live length. Valves - Flanged end steel, semi-steel, or ductile iron gate, plug, and check valves listed for use with petroleum products. Culverts - Galvanized steel corrugated metal pipe or minimum schedule 40 black or galvanized steel pipe. Piping Supports - Treated wood timbers, steel, or concrete. INSTALLATION: General - To the greatest extent possible, install pipelines above grade. Support piping above grade at 10’ on center. Where burial is necessary for road crossings, install in culverts. Pitch piping to drain to one end. Minimize low-point traps. Routing - To the greatest extent possible, install along route of existing pipelines. Where new alignment is necessary, utilize existing easements/right-of-ways to the maximum extent possible. Flex Connectors - Provide flex connectors at connections to tanks or manifolds, road crossings, branch pipeline connections, and other locations subject to potential differential movement. Fill Point Connection - Provide female camlock coupling, gate valve, and check valve at the fill point connection. Install secondary containment device (bucket or barrel) below fill point connection. Bulk Fuel Emergency Repair Standards Page 2 of 2 1. TESTING/CLOSE OUT: Testing - Prior to use of lines, pressure test with minimum 50 PSIG air and visually inspect joints and flanged connections using a foaming soapy water solution. Do not air test lines containing residual petroleum products. Where manifolds are tested against existing isolation valves, 10 PSIG air may be used. Documentation - Prepare as-built sketches of project in sufficient detail and clarity to allow preparation of final as-built drawings by others. Sketches to include plan view of entire installation with locations of flex connections, flanged joints, valves, road crossings, etc. and a schedule of materials used including valve manufacturers and models. Provide color — of the entire completed installation along with as-built sketches. Appendix II Notice of Project Completion NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION Date: Project Name Contracting Party Contract Agreement Number Agreement Execution Date The SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT certifies that the Project named above is complete in accordance with the terms and conditions referenced in Contract Agreement Number a The SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT acknowledges that all expenses incurred under the Agreement have been paid in full, and no further claims for reimbursement can be made. The SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT accepts full responsibility for ownership, operation and maintenance of facilities that were constructed under the terms of this Agreement. Martin A: a Wen Business Manager ate Southwest Region School District The foregoing Agreement = perowecged before me this day of , 1991, by ' Business Manager of the Southwest Region School District. STATE OF ALASKA } ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY acknowledges that the Project referenced above has been completed, and that all tasks have been satisfactorily carried out in acccordance with the terms and conditions of the Project Agreement. Project Manager, Alaska Energy Authority ate STATE OF ALASKA THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of , 1991 by , Project Manager of the Alaska Energy Authority. ss. . Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires FN:projcom\plw Picture #2 Picture #3 TWIN HILLS, ALASKA TANK FARM s—— Chain link fence To day tank Picture #1 SCALE 1/16"=1'-0" i 12/9/92 BC Alaska Energy Authority June 12, 1992 Mr. Don Ford SWRSD PO Box 90 Dillingham, AK 99576 SUBJECT: Togiak, Manokotak, and Twin Hills Bulk Fuel Repair Grants Dear Mr. Ford: In order to close out the above referenced projects, the Energy Authority requires the following: 1) Pictures of the piping and valves installed (and any other work accomplished) at Twin Hills and Manokotak. (I have all the pictures necessary for Togiak). 2) Copies of invoices for materials and labor costs for the above referenced projects at least up to the not to exceed amount of the agreement. (Please certify that the copies are "original copies"). 3) As-built sketches drawn to scale for both Twin Hills and Manokotak. (Please see attached sketch that I did for Togiak). 4) Information on the type of valves installed in Togiak, Manokotak, and Twin Hills including manufacturer, type of material, and style (flanged, thread, etc.). Once this information has been received, the Energy Authority will release the balance of the funds owed to the District. In reviewing the work done in Togiak, I noticed two items that were not in accordance with our agreement. First, the piping within the dikes at Togiak should be supported at a minimum of 10 foot intervals using treated timbers that are at least 6"x6". There were several sections of the tankfarm manifold piping that are inadequately supported and need to be corrected. (In addition, it is PO Rav ANA lainans Aine Annee necessary to support the drain valves that stick out 6" to a foot from the tank to ensure that they are not busted off of the tank). Secondly, all manifold piping connections to the valves on the tanks are to be connected using stainless steel braided flex connectors with a minimum live-length of 12". This is required to ensure that differential movement between the piping and the tanks due to temperature changes and settling does not stress the tank bungs. While the Energy Authority does not intend to prohibit final payment to SWRSD for these projects because of these deficiencies, we strongly recommend that these measures be corrected as early as possible. If you have any questions, please call me at (907) 561-7877. FAX (907) 561- 8584. Sincerely, = | , \oe . _— \ a? Steven J. Stassel Remote Systems Engineer II SS/ Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation 13 MAY 92 Don Ford Maintenance Director Southwest Region School District P.O. Box 3196 Dillingham, AK 99576 Dear Mr. Ford: This is to confirm our phone conversation of 12 May 92. In order to process payments, we are in need a final invoice for each of the following bulk fuel repair projects that were reported complete as of 4 Oct 91: Manokotak Grant Agreement Number 2800377 Togiak Grant Agreement Number 2800379 Twin Hills Grant Agreement Number 2800378 Our records indicate that we have paid the preliminary invoices for 50% of the project totals. For now, an invoice is all that is required; however, we still desire as-built drawings and photos of the repair work. Your prompt action on this request is appreciated. If you have any questions on this matter, please contact either me or Mr. Brian Gray, Project Manager, at 561-7877 or (800) 478-7877. Sincerely, if i: Jel G. St. Aubin Engineering Assistant OPO. Box 110809 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0809 (907) 465-3575 [% PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road = Anchoraae. Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Date: 10-4-91 11:40am From: GSmith:Anch:AEA To: DaveDC ec: CharlieB,TerriG, Emily, SueW, Brian, PatW Subj: Completion of 3 Bulk Fuel Emerg Repair Projects ACTIONS REQUESTED none, informational only. SUMMARY Three (3) bulk fuel repair projects have been reported as complete today by SWRSD. The three sites are: Manokotak Togiak Twin Hills These projects will be closed out as soon as all invoices, "as-builts", and project documentation is collected. Four (4) additional projects are planned in the Bristol Bay region for Spring 1992 construction start. Alaska Energy Authority Puolic Corporation May 23, 1991 Mr. Martin A. Myhre, Business Manager Southwest Region School District P.O. Box 3196 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 Subject: Grant Agreement No.'s 2800377, 2800378, 2800379 Dear Mr. Myhre: Copies of the subject agreements for the Manokotak Bulk Fuel Repair, Twin Hills Bulk Fuel Repair, and Togiak Bulk Fuel Repair projects are enclosed for your files. The Energy Authority - as required by state statute - has also forwarded a copy of this agreement to the Alaska Department of Labor. We are required to notify the Department about construction projects that use state funds. It is your responsibility to contact the Department directly to determine whether wages paid on this project are subject to Alaska Statute 36.05 (Little Davis Bacon). If you have any questions about the scope, schedule or procedures for the project, please contact Gary Smith, Manager of Rural Projects, at 800-478- 7877. P We lo orward to working with you on this project. Sincgrew, ? buc-dl MeV kt David Denig-Chakrof Director of Rural Programs Enclosure as stated cc: Senator Fred F. Zharoff, Alaska State Legislature Representative George G. Jacko, Jr., Alaska State Legislature Sue White, Alaska Energy Authority Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authority Brian Gray, Alaska Energy Authority Pat Woodell, Alaska Energy Authority Dominic Costanzo, Alaska Energy Authority State of Alaska Dy Walter J Hickel. Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation May 3, 1991 Mr. Martin Myhre, Business Manager Southwest Region School District P.O. Box 3196 Dillingham, AK. 99576 RE: Bulk Fuel Repair Grant Agreements Dear Mr. Myhre: Two copies each of grant agreements for bulk fuel repairs on School District facilities in the communities of Twin Hills, Manokotak and Togiak are enclosed for your signature and notary. Please send the signed agreements to Emily Nelson at the Energy Authority, and we will return fully-executed copies for your files in the near future. A _- Z F 7 “0 avid Denig-Chakroff Director, Rural Programs Enclosures as stated FN swretuefipiw ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL PROGRAMS REVISION NO. PROJECT BUDGET ~— comunity SALZO _ Twin His pudget 73195 TeowHrecs SWRS EF hepa PJ CODE NAME PJ CODE PROJECT NAME Preparer GbS Project Manager Been _ Date CZ2APRY | Source(s) of Funding PROJECT Line Chart of Accounts TOTAL 1 Direct Personal Serv W/Benefits 2 Indirect Personal Services [Line 2 = 52% X Line 3 71000 PERSONAL SERVICE SUBTOTAL 2 SZ° [Line 3 = Ln 1 + Lin 4 72000 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 800 5 Engineer & Prof Serv Contracts 9 esseseens occccccee cecseesueeecesessceste 0 sensesuesuesasessesses suesavesecsussaeestesee sesueantaseeveaseeeeeeese 6 Freight 7 Project Contingency 8 Indirect Non-Personal Services (Line 8 = 26% X Line 9 73000 OTHER SERVICES SUBTOTAL 2470 [Line 9 = Sum of Lin 10 74000 PROJECT MAT'LS & EQUIPMENT So rey 75000 AEA EQUIPMENT ° 12 77000 GRANTS 6 /oo (SEE BUDGET ON REVER! 3 TOTAL \eje21o Sa Matrix Code (7 inde BareGe DELIVER Project AR 3939¢ Project CC 76 JOO OW id TON | Project LC Seat BUDGET APPROVALS (Please initial and date) cc: Gloria Manni Don Whelan ZENFL7/ Director/Agency Operations A Jf Gary Smith & Pri Pat Woodel] ALD 4 Executive Director WV, MY Janet Hansen Manager/Rural Projects Director/Rural Programs Project Manager: “©/2/An) Date: 22APLF / Community: Tem His Project Description [Describe reason for initiating project (response to correspondence, site visit, etc.) the situation, needs, proposal for resolving same, and issues pertinent to funding source restrictions (e.g., life, health, and safety improvements; efficiency improvements; emergency risk, etc.)} 7 Rernie Be REPRCRINEST APPROX. /00 % oF G& Foer PPE live tw PCICHN LEED , Scope of Work (__ Preliminary _* Final) [Itemize tasks in as much detail as possible] Excrenre Ate PoRnoxsor Une THer wer CF SEiow babe 2, KRepurce Line ww Wecved Pipe 2, Encase FIPEUNE Ww CULVERTS AT ALL ROAD CROSSE x PRESSURE JEST AWD REKIR ANY Add: TONAL LERES WW NEW rue TIPEL WE 5 Fou re XEA woriw AS -BUC> Depwint § Preliminary Cost Estimate (Total): $_ J2, 2/ O Proposed Funding Source(s) Ee appropriation(s), Outside funding source(s), Other agency funding, Financing through ionds or other means} BEER If any outside source funding is involved, describe on reverse side the proposed billing arrangements. conditions for receipt of and use of funds, and any other issues affecting project ik Who will be the eventual owner of this project? Heavy SZ ___ City Alaska Energy Authority IRA Council _S< Other (spe aly) eee ~__ Private Utility Scors? 2. Will AEA grant funds for the project? ZXi_ Yes No If so, specify method: Through Trustee XC. Directly to Grantee Ss Check proposed extent of involvement of AEA staff, contractors, City/Utility staff, and/or hate account labor for the activities listed below: OLVEMENT IN ACTIVITY ACTIVITY GROUP ee Minimal Oversight Moderate Project AEA Staff < Management AEA Contractors sna fap | pan Sa FT LT City/Utility Staff dels [eee et IE |eI| City/Utility Contractors Design shall AEA Staff. AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff City/Utility Contractors Materials | ABA Staff Purchasing AEA Contractors City/Utility Staff City/Utility Contractors Construction | AEA Staff Te AEA Contractors Stent | teste tra tts | atest ster Force Account Labor iiooiiiinb ipnatontblani | sphaninhoni2| City/Utility Contractors Inspection | ABA Staff x AEA Contractors Pais TI] City/Utility Staff eset endo a LIL City/Utility Contractors Operation & AEA Staff Ne aintenance AEA Contractors iinet | tn alnetieclzi: | eoiemibnierinot a City/Utility Staff Ie eat eee [aa City/Utility Contractors eat 0 ete | TTT ra, 4, Estimated Project Start Date_GMAY ; End Date yon /_. 3 On reverse side, provide additional information and/or describe pertinent issues that will affect the management of this project. ie as [ele —t- lek ~ Item A. Project Planning Tasks: PCE Analysis Other Econ./Finan. Analysis Final Scope of Work Final Management Plan Project Budget Budget Review + Directorate - Agency (over $50K) Loan/Financing Application B. Grant/Project Agreement Preparation: Draft Grant/Project Agreement In-house Review of Draft Community/Utility Draft Review Attorney General Draft Review Final Grant/Project Agreement Attorney General Approval Community/Utility Approval Agency Approvals C. Trustee Project Setup: Complete Set-up Sheet Request Check From Accounting Receive Check at AEA Forward Check/Set-up to KPMC D. Commence Project Staff Responsible George Matz Barn Be AN Bi2i nr Gary S./Dave D-C Brent Petrie Marcey Rawitcher Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Pat Woodell Marlys Hagen Pat Woodell Don Whelan Pat Woodell (i.e., purchase materials, let contracts, hire labor, etc.) Estimated Completion Date zz /A pre HLT Vt Fee [UT] PROJECT BUDGET WORKSHEET Project Information MATERIAL Description Nevees | Ameunr ae 7] ao ea oe Total SS FREIGHT . | Description T Amount | ! ———S ee CONTRACT _ _ C Descriptic Notes | Amount | Communityequipmeat rental eae Se [ a | — { _ ' ONT [2/00 | ' i — | | | + --— foe = Saeed SUMMARY Total 1 @/ OO | Personal Services(A+D) Travel & Perdiem (C) Material (fs) Feeight(F) Conrract (Ho) Torat 7) ‘Twin Huis 4 3 24 wv p hwIN HD sn tr tn intra 2" Flanged Valves 2" Flanged Flex's 2" Flange Adapters Weld 2" Half Nipples 2" Check Valve 2" x 1" Weld Reducers Tee's Weld 2" Weld 90 100' 2" sch 80 Black Pipe 3” Half Nipples 3" Weld 90 3" x 2" Weld Reducers 1" Pipe Plugs 1" Street 90 1" Ball Valves Locking 1" Hose Bib 80 Man Hours 127.00 110.00 6.76 2.00 31.70 6.03 9.28 3.64 2.27 2.65 4.44 5.47 41 1.25 46.10 5.55 40.00 839 330 162 4 32 12 65 15 227 13 22 27 2 7 323 39-2,194.00 3,200.00 Total 5394 Freight 658 G.T. 6052 Winnie