HomeMy WebLinkAboutSelawik NWABSD Bulk Fuel Upgrade 1994Anchorage, AK 99501-2341 DEPT. OF COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS japon (07 268: 4027 Fax (907) 269-4685 DIVISION OF ENERGY February 25, 1994 Mr. Edwin Gonion, Superintendent Northwesi Arctic Borough School District P.O. Box 51 Kotzebue, AK 99752 Subject: Amendment No. | to Grant Agreement No. 2803138, Selawik NWABSD Dear Mr. Gonion: Enclosed for your use is a fully executed original of subject amendment. Sincerely, Nhe y Pyuger- Marlys Hage! i Grant/Contract Officer Enclosure as stated. CC: was Nelson, Division of Energy Lisa Vaughn, Division of Energy Contract No. 2803183 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY GRANT AGREEMENT Selawik NWABSD BFU Amendment No. 1 The GRANT AGREEMENT (Alaska Energy Authority Contract No. 2803183) entered into on the 30th day of June, 1993, between the NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT (the Grantee) and the i ENERGY AU yH RITY ae Energy Authority) is hereby amended, this Sah day of , 1994, as follows: All references to the Alaska Energy Authority, Energy Authority, the Authority, and AEA are hereby changed to the Energy Authority's successor organization, the Department of Community & Regional Affairs, Division of Energy. ARTICLE A, PARAGRAPH 1: Change the not to exceed amount of $125,000 to now read $181,600. ARTICLE C, PARAGRAPH 11: Replace the Energy Authority's portion of this paragraph with the following: Herv HensleyRebertE—-Harris, Director Department of Community & Regional Affairs, Division of Energy P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Phone (907) 561-7877 or (800) 478-7877 Fax (907) 561-8584 APPENDIX B, SECTION |, PROJECT FUNDING SOURCES: In the not to exceed amount column, change "$125,000" to now read "$181,600." ATTACHMENT Il, NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION: Replace in its entirety with the attached Attachment II. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. THIS AMENDMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: for the DIVISION OF ENERGY cL Herv Hensley, Director Division of Energy (Date) STATE OF ALASKA ) THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this ip” day of Dye we |). 1993, by Hry Le. Hnsley the Cc of the Division of Energy. Quvu BA Yan fawe Notary Public, State of Alagka My Commission Expires: Oct (2 (747 93-DOE Grant Amendment FN: selamen1/1993Q4/mh for the NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT wy Os i LEAL ARRON December 16, 1993 (Signature : (Date) Edwin T. Gonion Superintendent (Name Printed) (Title) STATE OF ALASKA Ss. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) ath. The rege Agreement was acknowledged — me this ye day of eh , 199%} by be District My Commission Expires: 02 LElont is 93-DOE Grant Amendment tone anna aie beget Attachment Il Notice of Project Completion 93-DOE Grant Amendment NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION Date: Project Name: Selawik NWABSD BFU Contracting Party Northwest Arctic Borough School District Division of Energy Contract No. 2803183 Agreement Execution Date THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS, DIVISION OF ENERGY acknowledges that the Project referenced above has been completed, and that all tasks have been satisfactorily carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the construction agreement. Project Manager Date Division of Energy The foregoing Notice of Project Completion was acknowledged before me this day of ' 1993, by , the of the Department of Community & Regional Affairs, Division of Energy. STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: 93-DOE Grant Amendment Page 6 of 6 THE NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT certifies that the Project named above is complete in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. THE NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT acknowledges that all expenses incurred under the Agreement have been paid in full, and no further claims for reimbursement can be made. Authorized Signature Date STATE OF ALASKA ) amass: SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Notice of Project Completion was acknowledged before me this day of , 1993, by A of the Northwest Arctic Borough School District. Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires Q2.NOF Grant Amendment we eee ee wey www ews sees Anchorage, AK 99501-2341 DEPT. OF COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS oO ONO eee FAX: (907) 269-4520 DIVISION OF ENERGY P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 PHONE: (907) 561-7877 November 4, 1993 FAX: (907) 561-8584 Mr. Edwin Gonion, Superintendent Northwest Arctic Borough School District P.O. Box 51 Kotzebue, AK 99752 Subject: Selawik NWABSD Grant Agreement No. 2803183, Amendment No. 1 Dear Mr. Gonion: I have attached two copies of Amendment No. | to incorporate additional funding and change the Alaska Energy Authority to the Department of Community & Regional Affairs, Division of Energy. Please sign both copies, have them notarized, and return them to my attention as soon as possible. We will return a fully-executed original to you for your records upon signature by our director. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Marlys Hagen Grant/Contract Officer Attachment as stated cc: Aa Gray, Division of Energy, with attachment Emily Nelson, Division of Energy, with attachment Dennis Meiners, Division of Energy, without attachment Contract No. 2803183 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY GRANT AGREEMENT Selawik NWABSD BFU Amendment No. 1 The GRANT AGREEMENT (Alaska Energy Authority Contract No. 2803183) entered into on the 30th day of June, 1993, between the NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT (the Grantee) and the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (the Energy Authority) is hereby amended, this day of , 1993, as follows: All references to the Alaska Energy Authority, Energy Authority, the Authority, and AEA are hereby changed to the Energy Authority's successor organization, the Department of Community & Regional Affairs, Division of Energy. ARTICLE A, PARAGRAPH 1: Change the not to exceed amount of $125,000 to now read $181,600. ARTICLE C, PARAGRAPH 11: Replace the Energy Authority's portion of this paragraph with the following: Ike D. Waits, Acting Director Department of Community & Regional Affairs, Division of Energy P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Phone (907) 561-7877 or (800) 478-7877 Fax (907) 561-8584 APPENDIX B, SECTION |, PROJECT FUNDING SOURCES: In the not to exceed amount column, change "$125,000" to now read "$181,600." ATTACHMENT Il, NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION: Replace in its entirety with the attached Attachment II. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Page 2 of 6 THIS AMENDMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: for the DIVISION OF ENERGY Ike D. Waits, Acting Director (Date) Division of Energy STATE OF ALASKA } ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of TT _*», 1993, by , the of the Division of Energy. Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: 93-DOE Grant Amendment FN: selamen1/1993Q4/mh Page 3 of 6 for the NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT (Signature) (Date) (Name Printed) (Title) STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of Pettitt attain Hees OSs DY, ! the of the Northwest Arctic Borough School District. Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: 93-DOE Grant Amendment EN: ealamant /1QQ2%N A/mh rage 4010 Attachment Il Notice of Project Completion 93-DOE Grant Amendment EN: ealamant/1QQ2%N A4/mh raysvury NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION Date: Project Name: Selawik NWABSD BFU Contracting Party Northwest Arctic Borough School District Division of Energy Contract No. 2803183 Agreement Execution Date THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS, DIVISION OF ENERGY acknowledges that the Project referenced above has been completed, and that all tasks have been satisfactorily carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the construction agreement. Ike D. Waits Date Acting Director, Division of Energy The foregoing Notice of Project Completion was acknowledged before me this day of ; 1993, by , the of the Department of Community & Regional Affairs, Division of Energy. STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: 93-DOE Grant Amendment EA calamant 40020 Almb Page 6 of 6 THE NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT certifies that the Project named above is complete in accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement. THE NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT acknowledges that all expenses incurred under the Agreement have been paid in full, and no further claims for reimbursement can be made. Authorized Signature Date STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Notice of Project Completion was acknowledged before me this day of , 1993, by : of the Northwest Arctic Borough School District. Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires 93-DOE Grant Amendment Filename H:\RP\SELABUD2.XLS Alaska Energy Authority Rural Programs Revision No, FY93 Project Budget (Combined budget = FY93 @ (OQ FY94 @ 0 PS&OH) rity 82128 SELAWIK Budget 83507 SELAWIK NWABSD BFU. Date 10/6/93 CODE NAME CODE PROJECT NAME B. GRAY Project Manager B.GRAY Project Manager Code Source(s) of Funding PROJECT Expended Expended Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted 71000 Direct Personal Services w/benefit $380 $0 $0 $0 $380 72000 Travel and Perdiem $600 $600 Engineer & Prof Services Contracts Freight Project Contingency 73000 Other Services SUBTOTAL 74000 Project Materials and Equip. 75000 AEA Equipment 77000 Grants DIRECT PROJECT COSTS SUBTOTAL Overhead (FY 93 Funds) UP TO 6/30/93 NO Overhead as of 7/1/93 PROJECT TOTAL tes: This revision Cesleci Persone Series 4 overhesd @ FYI vale & increases Grant amount fer grant Matrix Code Project AR Project CC Project LC 'ROJECT CONTRIBUTIONS AEA-Managed Through Trustee Not Managed By AEA PROJECT TOTAL pprovals (initial and date) Date oo LA4 _jole/9 ‘sor /) Y? cc: Marlys Project Manager ie (ys (43 Use This Form For FY 92 FY 93 Combinations Only Alaska Energy Authority Rural Programs Revision No. FY93 Budget (RP X 160%) anity : - | 28 SELAWIK Budget 83507 SELAWIK NWABSD BFU Date 6/10/93 CODE NAME CODE PROJECT NAME PROJECT id B. GRAY Project Manager B. GRAY Project Manager Code Source(s) of Funding cae Een Se ei NDING 71000 Direct Personal Services wibenefit $2,100 $2,100 72000 Travel and Perdiem $600 $600 Engineer & Prof Services Contracts Freight Project Contingency 73000 Other Services SUBTOTAL 74000 Project Materials and Equip. 76000 AEA Equipment 77000 Grants DIRECT PROJECT COSTS SUBTOTAL Overhead TOTAL AEA FUNDING Matrix Code Project AR Project CC Project LC *ROJECT CONTRIBUTIONS AEA-Managed Through Trustee Not Managed By AEA 30 PROJECT TOTAL | __ $136,000 }[line 15 = sum of lines 12,13,14] t Approvals (initial and date) wwe ZAHA b[o[9% : j Filename H:\RP\RPBUDGET.XLS Pat Woodell Project Manager MEMORANDUM Date: October 6, 1993 To: David Denig-Chakroff From: Brian Gray ME Re: Explanation of Cost Increase for Selawik NWABSD BFR The original grant amount of $125,000 was requested by the Northwest Arctic Borough School District. This figure was based on a preliminary estimate by District staff. The contractor who ended up performing the work estimated the cost at $164,000 but this was not passed along to me and the District opted to use their own estimate in the request. The project is now complete and they have determined a total construction cost of $181,600. The following factors contributed to the cost being higher than the District anticipated: 1. The site (and entire community) is extremely swampy and all site work including leveling the pad and moving tanks had to be done by hand. The work was very labor intensive (most of which was local labor). 2. Eight unused tanks had to be removed from the site to allow the pad and foundation work to be completed. 3. Several tanks had to be purged and repaired because the original piping system did not have flex connectors and the stress of the tanks shifting and settling caused cracks in the tanks. 4. The original plan was to reuse the existing piping; however, upon disassembly it was found that over 300' of the old pipe was schedule 10 and not suitable for use. Selawik was described last fall by representatives of the Coast Guard as the worst site they had seen. | performed a final inspection in August and was very impressed with the final product. The contractor working for the District did a first-class job and left them with a good facility. | think we got our money's worth. Ror eas ‘ScURWT<-NWABSD BFUDS 600 600 vant 283600 161,600 Sub TOTS 3% 183,000 184,604 0.2 a 8 wwe wrereee © me em mag) He ia ft BOX 54 worsen aan KOTZEBLE, ALASKA 99752 fc (07) 442.3472 moe Laveen NOV, PROPERTY SERVICES DEPARTMENT PHONE (907)442-3476 FAX (907)442-2391 FAXIMILE TRANSMISSION COVER — = <= Zz To: Kian © pax No_S6/- BS Bb a " \ nO = AK Div of Kirergs No. of pages (inc. cover) _/O> = : o i Attn: yale ee 3 From: hor Weng | Selek Prost liad; cbdhtiap hati nee en meee mre neg ee ee ere oe BOX 51 vara ——e | pon KOTZEBUE, ALASKA 88752 peuaee xox September 23, 1993 Mr. Brian Gray Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Dear Brian: The Northwest Arctic Borough School District has been renovating the Selawik School tank farm and fuel fill lines under a grant from the Alaska Energy Authority. The amount of the grant was $125,000. Because of the intense nature of this project, and of the problems encountered, the cost of the project has increased. Much attention has been given to the poor state of the tank farm and fill lines at Selawik. The City of Selawik and private citizens were very concerned about the tilting tanks and past spills around the tank farm and City washateria. The Coast Guard would not allow us to fill the tanks until the problems were corrected. They had used Selawik as an example of one of the most serious problems in the state. Something had to be done in order for the school to have fuel for the upcoming school year. The City Washateria and the health clinic were also affected as they also received their fuel from the school, In April of this year, Jim St. George of St. George Construction was in the area. He and my assistant director travelled to Selawik to look over the fuel system and to get an idea of the scope of the necessary work and an estimate of its cost. Jim put together a scope of work and estimated costs, a copy of which is attached. With a contingency of 15% the estimated costs at that time totaled $163,900. We knew that the $125,000 figure was going to be tight, but the urgent nature of this work required a maximum effort if we were going to get the work done, and to get the system ready for fuel for the school. The job went well as scheduled, but many problems came up that required a Page 1 of 3 lot more work to get the job completed. Below is a list of those problems that required our attention: is It was very difficult to perform any work on timbering and levelling the large school tanks with the old BIA silver vertical tanks nearby. These old tanks and supports had to be dismantled. The old tanks required that the sludge be pumped out so that they could be moved without contamination of adjacent ground, The tanks had to be rolled out of the way, and the extensive timber pads be dismantled and moved, in order to utilize the fill they were sitting on for the large school tanks. The building supply tanks that deliver fuel to the heating units were not in good condition. These were typically of the 300 gallon size. To purge them out and make them suitable for welding, and installing fill limiters was not economic. It was just better and faster to have new tanks than spend extra labor on 30 year old tanks. It was requested by the Alaska Energy Authority that we reuse the existing pipe whenever we could. This we did, which helped keep costs down. Unfortunately, we encountered about 300 feet of schedule 10 light wall pipe with Victaulic connectors. There was no way of knowing about this pipe until the joints were dismantled. The pipe was pitted and just too thin-walled to be safely welded. Other pipe had to be purchased to replace this existing pipe. The teacher housing duplex required an additional tank connected to the fill line. This involved building a tank stand, pad, and tank with fill limiter. This was unanticipated in the original survey and design. The 1000 gallon supply tank near the generator that supplied the high school building required extensive pad and stand work, as well as purging, cleaning, and welding for the fill limiter. The generator building pads required rework to level, as the fuel pumping system was attached to this building. Additional purchases of fittings and freight costs increased the cost of this project, as the above problems were faced and resolved. Page 2 of 3 7. Some of the large school tanks needed to be repaired due to stress induced cracks from tilting and settling. The existing piping had no provisions for movement and flexing, consequently cracks were discovered along the edges of reinforcement doubler plates at the tank valves. Repair involved draining and purging the tanks, then entering them and inspecting for cracks. affected areas were cleaned, ground, and welded. Existing level gauges on the tanks were repaired to allow site personnel to gauge the tank levels without a hazardous climb on top of an icy tank lid in the winter. Here is what our additional estimated costs are: St. George Construction, additional professional services, incidental purchases $29,000 C-46 Charters: timbers, pipe, tools work 15,400 Other purchases, temporary labor costs, overtime 12.200 Total cost of additional items on project, Tequested to be added to grant $56,600 Original grant was $125,000, so new amount requested: $181,600 This project is completed and on line. The District greatly appreciates the assistance of your organization with this project. If you have any further questions, please call me at 442-3476. Sincerely, JL bm: Paul Weisner Director: Property Services. attachment: letter from Jim St. George cw. file Page 3 of 3 St. George Construction 1165 Oweanview Drive Arvshee ra Alaxha YAS15 C907) $482 517 Agrdl 14, 1924 Weorthwest Aretie Bor Attns Mr, Pant Wei; Bon 81 Hotmehue, Alaska %o75% Dear Paul §s Ter, Farge Jéetoue wutline the areas of work that we have talked about fou Selawih, Vhan Ltll tay te, outline hew kd think the work ahold ogo ard what costa will te. 1, Jliew welded tank mand faded ane 1: 1 tanks. 4. Separate manifeld te wity safe waren plant. 3. New welded distribouvden ayatem bo ald building, a. Mew 3" end fi0l Line trea thee giver te Meek qipe te New wnarid fe ded Welded Manifold & Tank Leveling Ag we allo knew the tank wantfola da omy worat parsley. Te: : pope rdy we wild thaive t paple be dss Lene ats enisting manifold and level the tanks tier hessit we oe the tank leveling as hoe tlie delgeeat pa delem. Tf we increase the load Imvering area with addinidenuad tandke that will syive the best Lovey Lean Las Tothimk weootan A" Leh es At treats 3 H parolle) amd fire GM 6" tink Between, then tinbera i atid the ot dude. with lee" treated polywee ed! ig dh Shoingnak fea AVE Sodast year ard Thia Sida use em dadta abba Bead me gee Ua lagi ek fle dednta . I eae uaing at least Le" werth mf #1 which mana we lave t rin the jedata parallel) te. the wadno manifold. Th tee bed dead aed atdhl ahenld make for 4 clean fun smal manifeld. We may want te instal af ea: qednet din tine mdeddle oof the adn mand teid teooalve os feevVemenk as the tagh faba ag aoe bee heaved ned wetitde we question their «ffe Tf the nipples aie lLeabkine ahould deain the tanks and Alwe J not see the shape of the v. : do the tan Su twee pekecdeak-Ly preinan at tds Gf you waph to repel age ek) Tire. puld sa we have di wed 19 ss Sane ne rt md fire. Les The fuel Cov the Safe water plant s sitirsp eed a ‘pearate tanks. TR we vise tamks " whe tank farm and $7127 them wi cs so usta f hiinik tliat 1; and! annual iy «© Thiss would disteict fuel being used by tut for the pliant a $s pate Welded; this would ke @asy to build antes tlie nothe: tank ade ef the 1 kle valve. This is the only way et t System effectively. If Wes mot oie this we will eff the : rohlems as Deerina and have veal erie gontrol proklems. { @ the pial of that safe water plant. fue) dhiearaa ghepuled ber budlt. aD Tre" Lares te thes hate Lig] (Fete Alt. uauipe, F4l? odd the plant. Peed dey plipeed wt a dao FEL limdted ran ful). Miéesie ade As we toave diacu water plant would be e lejew" that a winla aA méter ts tdiner, ome thine chat valve that lag a peailtive shot werk agetinet a head ard we that iff the fill limiter and returns the fuel te the This would b@ a simple mechas Sat Filling the tant, The other way re wold tes be électuigal float limiter that ahuta the pump off once a ps wae level ig reached. This tein weutled ads have a Rid) bimit Valve aaoa fail aale aa “wn that we oan work mn fle) wheter eect le fine if we are The tank facin w with the Bearae they vecguirés it. Working con the &ilt Ie Hype ard venues ranks 1,4,5,8,9,94,15, These fanks are te tw cut wp fous gait Lhat age removilele hey feat wheeler too the dump. Eatimate is 44,000 Ji of sittend. Tank 13 3! Fuge fends it gettles out we could Costs “Wld be hept as 4 sludge tanh. We aonld t t ing fuel and waterocnt tf the other tanks. Aft: grate ulf the pond fuel, Levelimg f asullliseg oye Latike 1. Tinwers 4 12" taested timbera are 24.52 a Lieual Euot Bawh tank will readre G08 ef or hinders 21] tanks Tinbera wedahr doe #19, 500 Beil tie $3, 2. Treatod De2%plywed 239,00 peer ube t bee $13.4..75 LY tanks: 1,147.59 per tant 3. Level tanka Labor + $509 per wan day on llc Qo Tal ape Lobes Bay cid weed tank at Gea per tins S11, uta on S. babes setup tanks & Lakh tank 14 me dys 7, ea ee Manifold School Hardware 1. 18 2" flange gate hess wheel songtuwet ion MRK #235 FOT3 H. Bi) 1] Morrisen 2209". 12") flanged fleas weomnector Led. ean ZMK Ve 1/2" Pres TEITEt Valve 21s PZ, 200.00 Ll. Renmeve old mand fed, j ples and valved oan tan} Bradn tanks aod pena alu in uheo2 4.0 Weld oqipe and Pressuye shech mew ie 11,500.00 Manifold Safe water plant 1. Sea. 1-1/2" flanged steed valved T4h.4n oN ear UNE 2" Clay & Bailey over fild limi! er 4. Weld in Man leole tee anand fi dd Limiter fe. 2EQ" Ll /2" Aedss Goamlias pipe from tank farm 6. Ae SM AM A tdmbeva fer pape Line ewe a A Cy eed AUT L9G, far a. Peewer meter te genta) veo dune dame tank Dy ada Thaeetdeed CLC La and erisdecoter fer paaups 360,00 1G, Filters, bres Electuical 2, TA 3, Sean ard ventilar proper water drain, ina WeLeL, Pleasure doivan da eld imoman tele, imatall limiter, pune, cdateod pallu fear pnp. 2,800,005 New welded distribution system to all buildings Ley thes siathece dat pwabd. The low peach oof + Whe: the lime and laytieg out the ble Weak, We wild bate bee Pele ath heottioam Malf of ihe akpeo diately 6o 4 Wedd and ateould at per day ky the time we pres shewk vrape amd secure the pape. we will also have @ doys Vaydrmy out and moving pipe from the 25 wan daye stimate pipe and fittinas Yoatooon the mechanical af, We can rough Wes labor. to uge for day tanks watitiak fi bauare Pods met heave fT tin free vs mila eatinate what ve Ldity ag well in Batimate to weld and install the pipe 14 1G 40 may will take a 3 we ereaw do caya tee weld, inecall, pu cheak, wrap weleis and seca the C10) cysitesm. 16,000.00 B40) Aew3Z SCHL dO Apt, GRP LGG pod ft 3” Gheawk valve, 2- ww p EL ahidea, Led. 4, 1-1°2" elke: ech valve, © J/12" flany o Weld Elance, vecduace lves, HMias. Reais fle: fituineys arved 1 . ths fey Sia erat 7, Tanks & kuildings t PLO, ton. Ga S$. Main tank fer gravity ieaccl: Frebahty Tianspe: 1. Baraes T 2 segue so. 4, Si: Feeiaht Fairhanha fee) awit 11,250.00 3. Adi frei 4,000 00 4. RPevsicnal 1205,00 BE. Barge Seattle ¢ Selawikh Ver diem S400 pe 4,400 Re 4142, da8. 14 Ther DiC Fi cud et ves ke outooot Line. $163,661.36 wral oy fittinis, £1 “dse" hanasis aed ti. era and pa lines LL ee Tica iw Lips Relniple, gration cligth Ges 2" tinke: ghee Wetoeteu Kotreske mal day mditdeons fea eae ble 114 in 2 aya t on 1 valid ated dters aban /Fada bank a re) anges, smal] tanks elawih? Sel adi, fl, i Crete a st a qe Loe #li, wd) kudldinag And a Tiwi. 2} 1t# Buk-Tot al Ke TL ye Chae’ Total Vel elated hardware Rew pelne, pling d tig Wed File: T.A. No.: pai LC No.: TRIP REPORT Trees age alent eae ga By: Brian Gray Chief Mechanical Engineer Location and Dates of Trip: Buckland, Selawik)/Noorvik, Kiana, Kivalina, and Golovin, August 26 through 29, 1993 NORB BFL Persons Accompanying on Trip: Jim St. George (Contractor for NWAB School District) Purpose of Trip: Inspection of bulk fuel upgrade projects and site investigations for futee repair projects Significant Contacts: Significant Events: Uncorrected Problems: none Daily Travel Log: August 26, 1993 | departed Anchorage at 9:15 AM arriving in Kotzebue at 10:45 AM. | met Jim St. George at the airport and we departed immediately on a charter arriving in Buckland at 11:30 AM. The project was complete as far as our scope was concerned with the only work remaining being connection of boilers to distribution piping which is to be performed by District Maintenance staff. The overall layout and quality of workmanship was excellent. We departed Buckland at 12:00 PM arriving in Selawik at 12:30 PM. The project was substantially complete - all school tanks were installed on new foundations, the fill pipeline and manifold were complete, and the connection to Alaska Village Electric Coop was complete. All the work looked excellent. The tank foundation system appears to have worked well. The project was very labor intensive since all dirt work, leveling, moving tanks, and hauling materials had to be done by hand (there was August 27, 1993 no heavy equipment available and the soils were too soft, anyway). A budget and grant revision will probably be required once all the costs are determined. Work remaining consists primarily of connection of branch piping to day tanks and revising day tank foundations. The project should be complete by September 1, 1993. We departed Selawik at 2:30 PM arriving in Kiana at 3:00 PM. We performed a cursory inspection of the local fuel facilities. The high school has a welded fill line that was cut in 100'+ sections, relocated, and reassembled with victaulic couplings and a welded manifold with no flex connectors. The line should be repaired with a coupled of existing weld joints cut open and inspected for integrity, existing victaulic joints replaced with welded joints, new flex connectors, and possible new valves. The fill pipeline that serves AVEC, the City and the Elementary School is a victaulic disaster waiting to happen. The AVEC manifold is OK (typical AVEC) but should be replaced while the City and Elementary School manifolds are nothing short of a nightmare. A repair project replacing the entire mess should be performed next year. The City was receiving fuel at the time of our inspection and several weeps and drips were observed. The Kiana Trading Post (Don Dorsey) retail facility is in reasonably good shape but was recently cited by the Fire Marshall and is on a lot that is too small to allow proper renovation. We met briefly with Don Dorsey, Rose (City Administrator), and Joe Hill (a local contractor) and discussed the fuel situation. | then met with the Water Plant operator and checked the operation of the Waste Heat System. At the WHM the following readings were taken: Engine In 198°, Engine Out 196°, WH Supply 200°, WH Return 88°, WH Pressure 27PSi. At the water plant the pressure was 10 PSi. The glycol concentration was good to -10°F (optical and litmus) and the inhibitor level was 3. The operator said he hadn't been adding any water because he didn't want to dilute it. He said sometimes the pressure will go down to 0 and then come back up to 7 or 10 later. | couldn't find an air fitting on the new extrol tank and | suspect that the tank may be dry. | think we should add some glycol and increase system pressure to at least 15PSi which may require changing Pressure Relief Valves in WH Module. We departed Kiana at 5:30 PM arriving in Noorvik at 6:00 PM. We spent the evening designing repairs for the Elementary School fuel system. We stayed overnight at the high school at no cost. We finished details on the Elementary school repair design and then went to the City office and met briefly with Glen Skin (City Administrator) and members of the local bulk fuel task force. We discussed options for the consolidated tank farm project and made plans to have a full task force meeting in September when | come up for Noorvik inspection and Kiana design. August 28, 1993 Copies to: Travel Authorization PR# Travel Expense Request File: Enclosures: We departed Noorvik at 10:45 AM arriving in Kotzebue at 11:00 AM. We tried to catch Paul Weisner but he was unavailable. We departed Kotzebue at 12:00 PM arriving in Kivalina at 12:30 PM. We met briefly with the school principal and maintenance man and the native store manager. We then surveyed all the tank farms in town and prepared designs for repair of piping at the native store, school and AVEC. The AVEC tank farm was OK and there was a new liner and timbers on site but the fill line is in poor shape and the manifold should be replaced. The school tanks need to be sandblasted and painted and all of the piping (fill, distribution, and manifold) needs to be completely redone. The native store tank farm is an atrocity beyond description. Half of the tanks are rusted beyond repair, the other half desperately need sandblasting and painting, the piping is a conglomeration of rubber hose and just about every other bad thing you can imagine. In addition, the tanks are in very close proximity to the store, houses, and a rapidly eroding beach. The entire facility needs to be nuked and a new one built on a clean site (the existing site is too small and highly contaminated). However, the only available land left is a portion of the school tract south of the school tank farm. | obtained information on the 2 existing city tanks at the water plant but didn't prepare any designs since PHS has a new double walled tank and a stack of threaded pipe to go along with their washeteria project. We'll probably have to wait to see what kind of mischief the big $$ federal boys have in mind before we will know what kind of a mess we'll have to clean up. There is also a single National Guard tank that appears to get fuel straight off the barge (it is right next to AVEC's fill point). | didn't survey it due to time constraints. We departed Kivalina at 7:00 PM arriving in Kotzebue at 9:00 PM. We stopped briefly in Pt. Hope and looked at the new multi-million dollar North Slope Borough fuel system - very nice but totally out of our league. | spent the night in Kotzebue and paid for lodging at Drake's Camp. | departed Kotzebue at 8:15 AM arriving in Nome at 8:45 AM. | departed Nome at 10:00 AM arriving in Golovin at 11:00 AM. | inspected the project and met with the crew. The work is coming along well and the project should be completed by September 2 or 3 if all goes well. The work that has been completed to date is excellent and the finished product should be a first-class facility. The quality of workmanship and attention to detail is excellent. | went over work items remaining with Bob Weber the project superintendent. | departed Golovin at 4:20 PM arriving in Nome at 5:00 PM. | departed Nome at 7:30 PM arriving in Anchorage at 8:45 PM. |_| Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation July 26, 1993 Mr. Edwin Gonion, Superintendent Northwest Arctic Borough School District P.O. Box 51 Kotzebue, Alaska 99752 Subject: | Construction Permit and Indemnification Agreement Dear Mr. Gonion: Enclosed for your files is an original signature copy of the Construction Permit and Indemnification Agreement for the Selawik Northwest Arctic Borough School District BFU Project. If you have any questions about the scope, schedule or procedures for the project, please contact Brian Gray, Chief Mechanical Engineer, at (800) 478-7877 or at the address below. We are pleased to be able to assist with this project. Sinerdly, l) (auol Lou habe avid Denig-Chakroff ( Director of Rural Programs EKN:DDC:ah Enclosure as stated. co: (Briain Gray, Alaskal Energy Authority AA PA ANNOLN FINA Fant TN ARe AAA Annkarnnn Alaa OOEAN NQLO (ONT) BAA 7077 Caw: (ONT) KAA-RERA Alaska Energy Authority AVEC & Northwest Arctic Borough School District Construction Permit and Indemnification Agreement Name of Project: Selawik NWABSD BFU Contracting Party: Northwest Arctic Borough School District Related Contract No: 2803183 Project Description and Estimated Dates of Construction: Alaska Energy Authority is providing funding and management services for this project under the terms of its FY93 Bulk Fuel Upgrade appropriation. The purpose of the appropriation is to provide assistance to communities with bulk fuel storage facilities that are in poor repair and whose condition may result in an imminent threat to local residents’ life, health or safety or a threat to the environment. Alaska Energy Authority's purpose and involvement in completing this project is to remedy future problems that may result from facilities continuing operations in their current state of repair. The specific purpose of the Selawik NWABSD bulk fuel upgrade project is to replace the existing fill pipeline which serves the NWABSD and AVEC storage facilities, to install new foundations and re-level the NWABSD fuel storage tanks which are severely leaning, and to reconfigure the fill line to also serve as a distribution line to the NWABSD and City of Selawik day tanks. Work on the project will begin in July 1993 and be completed by December 31, 1993. ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC., (hereinafter AVEC), agrees to allow the NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT (the District) and ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (AEA) and their employees, contractors, and other representatives, access to the property of AVEC to perform construction, repair, and/or maintenance activities on the facilities of AVEC as part of the above- described project. AVEC hereby agrees to permit construction of the above-referenced project on its property. AVEC further agrees to indemnify, save harmless, and defend the AEA and the District and their officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims and actions for injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly from the construction of the above-described project or the AEA's or the District's activities related to the project; however, this provision has no effect if, but only if, the sole proximate cause of the injury or damage is due to the active negligence of AEA or the District. Northwest Arctic Borough School District Fede 7: Couey) @-2?yY Ss Name Printed Date STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The_ foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this aye day of o , 1993, by aT. Ariw: , the of the Northwest Arctic Borough School istrict. é ve (cCJov— Title Alaska Energy A\ Kowacd A . GALZIN July g 1992 Name Printed Date STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregging Agreement was acknowledged before me this en day of , 1993, by A. ; t of the Alas! nergy Authority. Notary Public, g: of Ala: My commission expires: General Manager Title Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. Charles Y. Walls 6/29/93 Name Printed Date STATE OF ALASKA ss THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowled before me this day of eo , 1993, by es lak the & _ of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Cc. In lotary Public, My commission expires:__370- IY BUA 31 oa bg ane yoren a ea KOTZEBUE, ALASKA 99752 — ieee OX (907) 442-3472 sounoel [ew NOORVIK RECEIVED June 9, 1993 JUN 11 1995 Brian Gray ALASKA ESP 7Y AUTHORITY Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Dear Brian: The Northwest Arctic Borough School District hereby applies for a grant to perform repairs on the Selawik School fuel oil fill, transfer, and storage systems. This will enable the District to comply with U.S. Coast Guard regulations. We are asking for an amount not to exceed $125,000. Work will be done in accordance with design recommendations made by you on _ the recent trip to Selawik with District Property Services Department staff. The District greatly appreciates the assistance of your organization with this important work. If you have any further questions, please call me at 442-3476. Sincerely, LL tm Paul Weisner Director: Property Services. cc. John Rogers, Special Ass’t. to Superintendent file a) Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation July 26, 1993 Mr. Charles Walls, General Manager Alaska Village Electric Cooperative 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: | Construction Permit and Indemnification Agreement Dear Mr. Walls: Enclosed for your files is an original signature copy of the Construction Permit and Indemnification Agreement for the Selawik Northwest Arctic Borough School District BFU Project. If you have any questions about the scope, schedule or procedures for the project, please contact Brian Gray, Chief Mechanical Engineer, at (800) 478-7877 or at the address below. We are pleased to be able to assist with this project. Director of Rural Programs ft David Denig-Chakroff EKN:DDC:ah Enclosure as stated. ce: Brian Gray, Alaska Energy Authority Soe ee Sa ss H om «@ ae Ame aRn AAA PRR Aa. INANE LA OLOA Alaska Energy Authority AVEC & Northwest Arctic Borough School District Construction Permit and Indemnification Agreement Name of Project: Selawik NWABSD BFU Contracting Party: | Northwest Arctic Borough School District Related Contract No: 2803183 Project Description and Estimated Dates of Construction: Alaska Energy Authority is providing funding and management services for this project under the terms of its FY93 Bulk Fuel Upgrade appropriation. The purpose of the appropriation is to provide assistance to communities with bulk fuel storage facilities that are in poor repair and whose condition may result in an imminent threat to local residents’ life, health or safety or a threat to the environment. Alaska Energy Authority's purpose and involvement in completing this project is to remedy future problems that may result from facilities continuing operations in their current state of repair. The specific purpose of the Selawik NWABSD bulk fuel upgrade project is to replace the existing fill pipeline which serves the NWABSD and AVEC storage facilities, to install new foundations and re-level the NWABSD fuel storage tanks which are severely leaning, and to reconfigure the fill line to also serve as a distribution line to the NWABSD and City of Selawik day tanks. Work on the project will begin in July 1993 and be completed by December 31, 1993. ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC., (hereinafter AVEC), agrees to allow the NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT (the District) and ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (AEA) and their employees, contractors, and other representatives, access to the property of AVEC to perform construction, repair, and/or maintenance activities on the facilities of AVEC as part of the above- described project. AVEC hereby agrees to permit construction of the above-referenced project on its property. AVEC further agrees to indemnify, save harmless, and defend the AEA and the District and their officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims and actions for injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly from the construction of the above-described project or the AEA's or the District's activities related to the project; however, this provision has no effect if, but only if, the sole proximate cause of the injury or damage is due to the active negligence of AEA or the District. AFA Third Party Canetnictinn/indamnificatian Ltt Lilt Me ALAA Qupesabockent— Authorized Representative Titl Northwest Arctic Borough School District Ldw LA LT. Conon Gini ie Y-F2 Name Printed Date STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this ay day of on oe , 1993, by Sawis T Gm , the of the Northwest Arctic Borough School istrict. Cxeeuhve Director Title Authorized Represen Alaska Energy Authori LD_A- AJ Yuly 6 19%3 Name Printed D: ate STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was oe before me this ot )_ day of , 1993, by : ' Foti terre oR age — nergy Atthorty i Notary Public, te of Alaska My commission expires:_Oc#t (2 (947.2 General Manager Title Charles Y. Walls 9/29/93 Name Printed Date STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT _) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this 7 Y day of , 1993, by 2 . , the of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. otary Public, My commission expires: 0-9 wun KOTZEBUE, ALASKA 99752 (907) 442-3472 May 27, 1993 Mr. Brian Gray Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Dear Brian: —__af to 0 Sooo tee [Earn 'NOORVIK Ke CEIVED JUN 0 1 1993 ALASKA E"FRY AUTHORITY Enclosed is the resolution passed by the Northwest Arctic Borough School District for accepting funding assistance from the Alaska Energy Authority to repair fuel piping systems at village school sites to help meet Coast Guard regulations. projects. I will look forward to working with you on these If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 442-3476. Sincerely, DO (low, Paul C. Weisner Director: Property Services Enclosure: Board Resolution cc. John Rogers, Special Assistant to the Superintendent file = ee BOX 51 ware KOTZEBUE, ALASKA 99752 oeernc —I oe (907) 442-3472 BUCKLAND RESOLUTION 93-008 Whereas, The Northwest Arctic Borough School District has fuel storage and transmission facilities at all of the school sites, and; Whereas, The Coast Guard has recently notified the School District that some of these fuel storage and transmission facilities do not meet current codes that pertain to such facilities; and, Whereas, The Northwest Arctic Borough School District desires to bring these fuel storage and transmission facilities up to current code; and, Whereas, The Alaska Energy Authority has funding available to assist in correcting the deficiencies identified in our fuel storage and transfer facilities. Now Therefore be it mutually resolved that the Board of Education of the Northwest Arctic Borough School District requests a grant from the Alaska Energy Authority for the purpose of correcting the deficiencies identified in the Northwest Arctic Borough School District fuel storage and transmission facilities. Adopted May 25, 1993 at a duly convened regular meeting of the Northwest Arctic Borough School District Board of Education at which a quorum was present and voting. ATTEST: Lit Pete Schaeffer; President NWABSD Board of Education Helena Jones, NWABSD Board of Education a) Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation July 7, 1993 Mr. Edwin Gonion, Superintendent Northwest Arctic Borough School District P.O. Box 51 Kotzebue, AK 99752 Subject: Project Agreement No. 2803183 Dear Mr. Gonion: An original copy of the subject agreement for the Selawik NWABSD BFU project is enclosed for your files. The Alaska Energy Authority - as required by state statute - has also forwarded a copy of this agreement to the Alaska Department of Labor. We are required to notify the Department of Labor about construction projects that use state funds. It is the responsibility of the NW Arctic Borough School District to contact the Department of Labor directly to determine whether wages paid on this project are subject to Alaska Statute 36.05 (Little Davis Bacon) if you have any construction activities. If you have any questions about the scope, schedule or procedures for the project, please contact Brian Gray, Chief Mechanical Engineer, at (800) 478-7877. We look forward to working with you on this project. Ulf Director of Rural Programs EKN:DDC:ah Enclosure as stated. cc: Senator Al Adams, Alaska State Legislature Representative Eileen McLean, Alaska State Legislature PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Fax: (907) 561-8584 Contract No. 2803183 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY GRANT AGREEMENT Selawik NWABSD BFU THIS AGREEMENT and its appendices and attachments, entered into this DOr day of DWywe , 1993, between the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (the Energy Authority) and the NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT (the Grantee) provides for a grant to perform the services described in Appendix A (the Project). This Agreement is effective through December 31, 1993. ARTICLE A. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY COVENANTS The Energy Authority will: 1. Grant to the Grantee an amount, not-to-exceed $125,000 to perform the activities described in Appendix A, Scope of Work and disburse the grant in accordance with Appendix B, Grant Disbursement and Accounting Procedure. 2. Account for the Grantee's grant funds in the Alaska State Accounting System (AKSAS) in accordance with the funding sources and account codes referenced in Appendix B, Project Funding Sources. 3. Provide advice and assistance to the Grantee on administrative, management and technical matters relating to the Project. 4. Inspect the Project when it is substantially complete and approve the construction or provide the Grantee with a detailed list of corrective actions required for final Project approval. 5. Abide by the terms, conditions, and covenants provided in Appendices A and B and Attachment I. ARTICLE B. GRANTEE COVENANTS The Grantee will: ts Expend grant funds only for the purposes provided for under this Agreement. 2 Perform the Scope of Work described in Appendix A. 3. Ensure all necessary access in and around the Project site is provided to Energy Authority staff and designated contractors or consultants during the time the Project is underway and during any follow up visits to the site. 4. Obtain all easements and other approvals necessary to establish the Grantee's legal right and authority to construct, maintain and operate its facilities. 5. Construct the Project, including, if applicable, issuing Invitations to Bid (ITB) or Requests for Proposals (RFP) and selecting contractors. Maintain oversight responsibility for all matters related to Project construction including choices of scheduling, manpower, methods of construction, procurement of materials, and procedures for administering the Project, disposing of surplus equipment, and issuing a Notice of Project Completion. 6. Provide written notification to the Energy Authority when construction is substantially complete and request an Energy Authority inspection of the Project. 7. Invoice the Energy Authority for reimbursement of actual Project costs in accordance with the billing procedure described in Appendix B, Section I. 8. Within 15 days after all Project invoices have been paid, issue a Notice of Project Completion (Attachment 1). 9. Upon completion of the Project, accept responsibility for operation and maintenance of Project facilities, select qualified personnel to be trained to operate and maintain the facilities, and operate and maintain the system in strict compliance with the Uniform Fire Code and all U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requirements for the life of Project facilities. 10. Prior to initiating the Scope of Work, sign a Construction Permit and Indemnification Agreement with the Energy Authority and the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative. Provide three originals of this Agreement to the Energy Authority by July 15, 1993. 11. Enter into a written agreement for operations and maintenance of the fill pipeline with the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative. This agreement shall describe operations and maintenance responsibilities, operating procedures, repair responsibilities, funding arrangements, liability issues and other matters related to the joint use of the fill pipeline. The Agreement should also identify ownership of all portions of the fill pipeline. The as-built drawing referenced in Appendix A, Section II, Scope of Work should be incorporated into the operations and maintenance agreement when it is finalized. 12. Abide by the terms, conditions, and covenants provided in Appendices A and B and Attachment I. ARTICLE C. MUTUAL COVENANTS The Energy Authority, and the Grantee agree to the following: 1. Indemnification. (a) The Energy Authority, and the Grantee shall indemnify, save harmless and defend the other party to this Agreement, its officers, agents, servants, and employees from all liability, including costs and AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: selanwab/1993Q2/mh expenses, for all actions or claims resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly as a result of any error, omission or negligent act of the indemnifying party, its officers, agents, servants, or employees or anyone directly or indirectly employed by it in the performance of this Agreement. (b) All actions or claims, including costs and expenses, resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly from performance of this Agreement which are caused by the joint negligence of the Energy Authority and the Grantee shall be apportioned on a comparative fault basis. Any such joint negligence on the part of the Energy Authority must be a direct result of active involvement by the Energy Authority. 2. Termination. The Energy Authority shall have the right to terminate this agreement for the reasons set out in this section. The Grantee shall have no rights to compensation or damages for termination, except as provided in this Paragraph. (a) | Grounds for Termination. This contract may be terminated for the convenience of the Energy Authority or for cause. In this section, "cause" shall mean the provision of incorrect or misleading information by the Grantee or the Grantee's failure to provide information which would have influenced Energy Authority actions. In order to form the basis for termination for cause, the incorrect, misleading, or omitted information must be material. (b) | Compensation. (i) Termination for Cause. lf this agreement _ is terminated for cause, the Grantee shall be entitled to no compensation. The Grantee shall reimburse the Energy Authority for all funds received by the Grantee plus any costs incurred by the Energy Authority to collect funds subject to reimbursement. (ii) | Termination for the Convenience of the Energy Authority. | The Grantee shall not reimburse AEA for funds expended prior to the date of termination and shall be made whole with respect to all expenditures prior to the date of termination. The Grantee shall be entitled to reimbursement for any expenditures it has made, including matching funds, up to the date it is notified of termination. However, prior to making any claim or demand for such reimbursement, the Grantee shall use its best effort to reduce the amount of such reimbursement through any means legally available to it. (iii) Disputes. Disputes under these termination proceedings shall be resolved under Section 6, Disputes, below. 3. Availability of Funding. The Grantee acknowledges that this Agreement is subject to availability of money from the State of Alaska. Upon approval of this Agreement, funds to cover the state's obligation under this Agreement will be encumbered in the Alaska State Accounting System (AKSAS). 4. Audit Requirements. This Agreement is subject to the audit requirements of Title 2, Chapter 45 (Grant Administration) of the Alaska Administrative Code (AAC), commonly referred to as the "Single Audit Regulation." AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: selanwab/1993Q2/mh 5. Parties Shall Not Act as Agents of Each Other. It is agreed that the Grantee, its officers, agents, servants and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the Energ gy Authority in the performance of this Agreement. It is further agreed that the Energy Authority, its officers, agents, servants and employees shall act in an independent capacity and not as agents of the Grantee in the performance of this Agreement. 6. Disputes. Any party to this Agreement may bring an action against any other party in the superior court for the State of Alaska to resolve a dispute arising under this Agreement. Any lawsuit involving this Agreement shall be heard by the Superior Court, Third Judicial District at Anchorage. 7. Rights of Other Parties. It is the intent of the parties that this Agreement confers no rights on any person or entity not a party to this Agreement. The parties agree that no person is a third party beneficiary of this Agreement and this Agreement creates no third party rights. Specifically, any person who is not a party to this Agreement shall be precluded from bringing any action asserting the liability of a party or asserting any right against a party to this Agreement, through the terms of this Agreement. No person, other than a party to this Agreement, may bring any action based upon this Agreement for personal injuries, property damages, or otherwise. 8. Binding Effect. This Agreement and all of its terms, covenants, conditions, attachments and appendices represent the entire Agreement and shall extend to and be binding upon the respective heirs, executors, administrators, grantees, successors and assigns of the parties to this Agreement. 9. Severability. If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this Agreement or any Agreement referred to in this Agreement shall be finally adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be unaffected by such adjudication and all the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as if such section, paragraph, clause or provision or any part thereof so adjudicated to be invalid had not been included herein. 10. Declaration of Public Benefit. The parties acknowledge that the Project is to be constructed for the benefit of the general public and will not deny any person use of Project facilities due to race, religion, color, sex, marital status, age, or national origin. 11. Notices. Any notice required of either party shall be in writing and, unless receipt of such notice is expressly required by the terms of this Agreement, shall be deemed served when deposited in the mail in a sealed envelope, with sufficient first class postage affixed, and addressed to the appropriate party. The notices shall be sent to each party's place of business, which in the case of the Grantee shall be: AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: selanwab/1993Q2/mh Edwin Gonion, Superintendent Northwest Arctic Borough School District P.O. Box 51 776 Third Avenue Kotzebue, AK 99752 Phone (907) 442-3472 Fax (907) 442-2392 in the case of the Energy Authority shall be: Ronald A. Garzini, Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 ae: Alaska 99519-0869 Phone (907) 561-7877 or (800) 478-7877 Fax (907) 561-8584 AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: selanwab/1993Q2/mh THIS AGREEMENT has been reviewed, agreed to, and executed by the following parties: for the NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT a = Z, Mii LEAR -rUyY-22 (Signature) = (Date) Edw, in i. Con (On ert rabect (Name Printed) it STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this gut day of e. , 1993, Py ZTdwiw T- mnivr~ , bs SuQVeniviendeu of the Northwest Arctic Borough School istrict. AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: selanwab/1993Q2/mh for the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RA aca eee ee fr Ronald A. Garzini (Date) Executive Director STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) Hh) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this 36 day of . nae , 1993, by fala _j.- the __ 2veeutive Duruc toy Be of the Alaska Energy Authority. otary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: a T1Z 1993 AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: selanwab/1993Q2/mh APPENDIX A IL. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCHEDULE The bulk fuel fill, storage and distribution facilities in Selawik owned by the Northwest Arctic Borough School District (NWABSD) and the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) are in poor condition and represent a significant environmental threat as well as a threat to the health and safety of the residents of the community. The piping system serving AVEC and NWABSD is in extreme disrepair and storage tanks owned by NWABSD are . so severely that they present a serious spill hazard. ” the purpose of this Project is to ‘ering portions of the bulk fuel facilities into compliance with current State and Federal codes and regulations and reduce environmental, health and safety risks. This Project will be completed by December 31, 1993. il. SCOPE OF WORK The Grantee will: ae Ensure that all written agreements and permit and right of way activities are completed pursuant to Article B, Paragraphs 4 and 10 before starting construction of the Project. 2. Install new heavy timber foundations under the bulk fuel storage tanks owned by the Grantee and level the tanks (10 tanks total). 3. Replace the fill pipeline from the bank of the Selawik River to the Grantee's bulk fuel storage facilities with welded steel line (1,000' of 3" diameter pipe). 4. Install new valves and manifold on the tanks owned by the Grantee. 5: Provide a valved "tee" connection at the existing branch fill pipeline serving the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative's bulk fuel tanks. 6. Provide valves and branch connections to allow the fill pipeline to serve as a distribution pipeline to school buildings, the City's water treatment plant, and the City Clinic, and modify the existing day tanks by adding overfill protection devices. 7. Prepare as-built sketches of the completed Project in sufficient detail to allow preparation of as-built drawings by others. 8. Ensure that the facilities are operated in strict compliance with all State and Federal regulatory requirements. AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: selanwab/1993Q2/mh APPENDIX B I. PROJECT FUNDING SOURCES A. Alaska Energy Authority Not-to-Exceed Account Authorization AEA Ledger Code Amount FY93 Bulk Fuel System Upgrades LC 81837707 $125,000 AR 32480, CC 08162207 il. GRANT DISBURSEMENT AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE A. The Energy Authority will: Us Disburse Project grant funds from the Alaska State Accounting System (AKSAS), using the accounts listed in Section | A above. i: Pay the Grantee's invoices as follows: a. Upon receipt of an invoice requesting payment, pay $62,500 (50%) of the total grant amount in advance to cover the eligible costs of materials purchases, shipping, Project administration and construction. Eligible costs are defined in Section III below. b. Upon completion of construction, inspection and approval by the Energy Authority, and receipt of the Grantee's documentation of actual expenses for the 50% advance, and upon receipt of an invoice and supporting documentation for remaining project costs, pay $62,500 or the remainder of the total eligible project costs, whichever is less. B. The Grantee will: a: Invoice the Energy Authority for Project expenses as provided for in Paragraph A above, and provide supporting documentation for costs incurred. 2. Upon completion of the Project and payment of outstanding bills, authorize the Energy Authority, to liquidate any grant funds authorized for the Project but not expended under this Agreement. Il. ELIGIBLE COSTS The Grantee shall be reimbursed for reasonable, actual expenses for the following items associated with construction of the Project: AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: selanwab/1993Q2/mh A. Payroll Costs ayroll costs shall comprise salaries paid to Grantee personnel for time worked directly on the Project plus fringe benefits including all payroll taxes and insurance as well as vacation, holiday, sick leave and retirement benefits. B. Overhead Costs Overhead costs shall include those costs of doing business which must be paid out of Project revenue but cannot be directly assigned to the Project, such as office space and equipment, insurance and taxes other than income taxes and those taxes associated with salary costs, executive and administrative expenses, plus other necessary costs for conducting business. Cc. Direct Non-Salary Costs These costs must be directly attributable to the Project and shall include the following: (1) The costs associated with consultants, inspectors, oa contractors, and other services required to construct the roject. (2) | The cost of materials and supplies purchased by the Grantee and used in the construction of the Project. (3) The Grantee's costs of reproducing plans, specifications, maps, reports, and other documents. (4) The cost of long distance communication. (5) Purchase of small equipment or tools needed in the construction of the Project. IV. INELIGIBLE COSTS The Grantee will not be reimbursed for the following items associated with the design and construction of the Project: A. Bad Debts This includes expenses of collection. B. Bonuses and Commissions And similar compensation under any other name, which is not pursuant to this agreement, or which provides compensation to AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: selanwab/1993Q2/mh an employee in excess of reasonable compensation for the services rendered, or in connection with obtaining or negotiating for a State of Alaska contract or a modification thereto. Cc. Entertainment Expenses All entertainment expenses are disallowed without regard to the purpose. State employees are not to be entertained by the Grantee for any business or social purpose. D. Fines or Penalties Including assessed interest, resulting from violation of, or failure of, the Grantee to comply with Federal, State, or local laws or regulations, except when incurred as a result of complying with the provisions of this agreement. E. Insurance Premiums Including any provision of a self-insurance reserve on the life of any person. F. Interest However represented, bond discounts and expenses, and costs of financing and refinancing operations. G. Losses Including litigation expenses, counsel fees and settlements resulting from the Grantee's negligence in the management of the Project. Also includes any losses that may otherwise be compensated for under the Grantee's insurance policy. H. Membership Includes fees for memberships in trade, business and professional organizations. I. Travel Expenses Includes travel expenses for activities that do not directly support the purposes of the Project. AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn: selanwab/1993Q2/mh ATTACHMENT | Notice of Project Completion AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Fn ¢ selanwah/190209/mh NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION Date: Project Name Selawik NWABSD BFU Contracting Party Northwest Arctic Borough School District AEA Contract No. 2803183 Agreement Execution Date ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY acknowledges that the Project referenced above has been completed, and that all tasks have been satisfactorily carried out in accordance with the terms and conditions of the construction Agreement. David Denig-Chakroff ate Director, Rural Programs The foregoing Notice of Project Completion was acknowledged before me this day of , 1993, by David Denig-Chakroff, Director of Rural Programs. STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires: AEA In-House Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Pee ane amnnie NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT certifies that the Project named above is complete in accordance with the terms and conditions of AEA Agreement No. 2803183. NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT acknowledges that all expenses incurred under the Agreement have been paid in full, and no further claims for reimbursement can be made. Authorized Signature Title (Name Printed) Date STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Notice of Project Completion was acknowledged before me this day of , 1993, by the " of the Notes Arctic Borough School District. Notary Public, State of Alaska My Commission Expires AEA In-House ‘Grant Agreement, Revised 10/92 Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation June 28, 1993 Mr. Charles Y. Walls, General Manager Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503 Subject: Selawik Bulk Fuel Project Construction Permit Dear Mr. Walls: I have attached three originals of a Construction Permit and Indemnification Agreement that allows Energy Authority and Northwest Arctic Borough School District employees, contractors, and other authorized representatives access to AVEC property to install a valved "tee" connection at the existing branch fill pipeline serving your bulk fuel tanks in Selawik. Please sign and return all three originals to me. We will return an approved original to you once all parties have signed. Thank you for your cooperation. i a is Director, Rural Programs Enclosure as stated cc: “Brian Gray, Alaska Energy Authority Tim Whitcomb, Alaska eae Authority DDC/MH PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road ~=Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Fax: (907) 561-8584 Alaska Energy Authority AVEC & Northwest Arctic Borough School District Construction Permit and Indemnification Agreement Name of Project: Selawik NWABSD BFU Contracting Party: | Northwest Arctic Borough School District Related Contract No: 2803183 Project Description and Estimated Dates of Construction: Alaska Energy Authority is providing funding and management services for this project under the terms of its FY93 Bulk Fuel Upgrade appropriation. The purpose of the appropriation is to provide assistance to communities with bulk fuel storage facilities that are in poor repair and whose condition may result in an imminent threat to local residents’ life, health or safety or a threat to the environment. Alaska Energy Authority's purpose and involvement in completing this project is to remedy future problems that may result from facilities continuing operations in their current state of repair. The specific purpose of the Selawik NWABSD bulk fuel upgrade project is to replace the existing fill pipeline which serves the NWABSD and AVEC storage facilities, to install new foundations and re-level the NWABSD fuel storage tanks which are severely leaning, and to reconfigure the fill line to also serve as a distribution line to the NWABSD and City of Selawik day tanks. Work on the project will begin in July 1993 and be completed by December 31, 1993. ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC., (hereinafter AVEC), agrees to allow the NORTHWEST ARCTIC BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT (the District) and ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (AEA) and their employees, contractors, and other representatives, access to the property of AVEC to perform construction, repair, and/or maintenance activities on the facilities of AVEC as part of the above- described project. AVEC hereby agrees to permit construction of the above-referenced project on its property. AVEC further agrees to indemnify, save harmless, and defend the AEA and the District and their officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims and actions for injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly from the construction of the above-described project or the AEA's or the District's activities related to the project; however, this provision has no effect if, but only if, the sole proximate cause of the injury or damage is due to the active negligence of AEA or the District. RA Phd Mek, Ram ntn ntinn Mademnnatian Northwest Arctic Borough School District Fo tosind ~Conion @e-2zy-" 7% Name Printed Date fo - FG ; 3 ZH. LLL CAA LL, breJeu mete Authorized Representative ith STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowled before me this a4 day of one , 1993, by wi TT Gumi , the of the Northwest Arctic Borough School istrict. Authorized Representative Title Alaska Energy Authority Name Printed Date STATE OF ALASKA ) ) ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT) The foregoing Agreement was ommarntaee before me this day of ee ; the of the Alaska Energy Authority. Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: Authorized Representative Title Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. Name Printed Date STATE OF ALASKA ss. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this __—s—sés ayy: oof , 1993, by "the of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. Notary Public, State of Alaska My commission expires: Alaska Energy Authority June 15, 1993 A Public Corporation Mr. Edwin Gonion, Superintendent Northwest Arctic Borough School District P.O. Box 51 Kotzebue, AK 99752 Subject: Grant Agreement No. 2803183 and Construction Permit and Indemnification Agreement for the Selawik Bulk Fuel Upgrade Project Dear Mr. Gonion: I have enclosed two originals of the grant agreement and three originals of the construction permit for your signature. The purpose of the construction permit is to allow District and Energy Authority employees and contractors to go onto Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) property to connect AVEC's branch fill pipeline to the new common fill pipeline. Please sign all originals of both agreements and return them to me as soon as possible. We will send an original of each agreement to you upon approval by our Executive Director. Also, Article B, Paragraph 11 of the grant requires you to enter into a written agreement with AVEC for operations and maintenance of the fill pipeline. The Energy Authority has a sample agreement that we can provide to you; however, we suggest that you have your attorney review the agreement and tailor it to your specific needs. If you would like a copy of the sample agreement, please contact Marlys Hagen of my staff. We are looking forward to working with you on this Project. Sincerely, fe ¥ hak ll David Denig-Chakroff » Director, Rural Programs cc: Brian Gray, Alaska Energy Authority Tim Whitcomb, Alaska Energy Authority PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Fax: (907) 561-8584 Alaska Energy Authority Rural Programs Revision No. FY93 Budget (RP X 160%) Community g 2 | 28 SELAWIK Budget 83507 SELAWIK NWABSD BFU Date 6/10/93 CODE NAME CODE PROJECT NAME Preparer B. GRAY Project Manager B. GRAY Project Manager Code Source(s) of Funding PROJECT ie onc i AEA FUNDING 1 71000 Direct Personal Services w/benefit $2,100 $2,100 2 72000 Travel and Perdiem $600 $600 3 Engineer & Prof Services Contracts 4 Freight 5 Project Contingency 6 73000 Other Services SUBTOTAL ie 74000 Project Materials and Equip. 8 76000 AEA Equipment 9 77000 Grants 10 DIRECT PROJECT COSTS SUBTOTAL 11 Overhead 12 TOTAL AEA FUNDING Matrix Code Project AR Project CC Project LC OTHER PROJECT CONTRIBUTIONS 13 AEA-Managed Through Trustee 14 Not Managed By AEA 15 PROJECT TOTAL [line 15 = sum of lines 12,13,14) Budget Approvals (initial and date) roman bla roPepeme Dh cee lA foe sean Chief Engineer, GH ml Al lf ID ) Pat Woodell Filename H:\RP\RPBUDGET.XLS. Project Manager Project Name: SELAWIK NWABSD BFU Budget Code: 83507, Types of Agreements Required (Mark dates required and circle "G" or “AEA") "G" - Grantee/Contractor "AEA" - Alaska Energy Authority/Grantee Bookkeeping Services Grant Construction Contractors (date) (date) G AEA L614 3 AKSAS-Managed Grant Prof Serv Contractors (date) (date) G AEA Project Agreement Right-of-Way (date) (date) G AEA Invitation to Bid Permit(s) (date) G AEA (date) G AEA Request for Proposal Other (Describe) (date) G AEA (date) G AEA If funds are to be granted, who will be grantee? Northwest Arctic Borough School District Contact person? Paul Weisner. Phone No. 442-3476 Bookkeeping Services Grant Budget Breakdown (Leave Blank if not Bkeeping Svcs Project) Line Item Appropriation Appropriation Appropriation Labor Non-AEA Travel & Per Diem Materials Freight Contractual Services Total Fn:H:\STATUS\mastbudg1 SELAWIK NWABSD BFU FUNDING SOURCE(S): FY93 BFU BUDGET CODE: 83507 PROJECT MANAGER: BRIAN GRAY SENATE/HOUSE DISTRICTS: 37-S PROJECT DESCRIPTION: An Energy Athority assessment performed in 1991 identified serious problems with the bulk fuel facilities in Selawik. The Coast Guard inspected Selawik in the fall of 1992 and described it as possibly the worst site they had seen. The piping system serving AVEC and the school is in extreme disrepair and the school tanks are leaning so severely that they present a serious spill hazard. This project will provide for releveling of the school tanks on new foundations, replacement of the fill pipeline serving AVEC and the school, and replacement of the distribution piping serving school and city facilities. SCOPE OF WORK: 1. Install new foundations and level school tanks (10 tanks total). 2. Replace fill pipeline to school and AVEC with welded steel line (1,000’ of 3" diameter pipe). 3. Install new valves and manifold on school tanks. 4. Reconfigure fill pipeline to serve as distribution line to school and city day tanks and modify day tanks with overfill protection and new valves. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN/LOCAL CONTRIBUTION: Design by Energy Authority staff and school district contractor. Construction by school district contractor and temporary local laborers. Project management by school district staff. Oversight, technical assistance, and inspection by Energy Authority staff. PROJECT STATUS: Design complete. Grant agreement being prepared. PROJECT SCHEDULE/MILESTONES: Start Date: 6/10/93 End Date: 12/31/93 Design complete 6/10/93. Begin procurement and logistics coordination 6/14/93. Start construction 6/24/93. Construction complete 7/17/93. PROJECT CLOSEOUT: Fn:H:\STATUS\BGRAY\SELA3507.DOC AEA PROJECT EXPENSE BUDGET WORKSHEET LABOR (AEA Staff) 4 H:\rp\SELABUD1.XLS Box a re ee rg et ee aun) KOTZEBUE, ALABKA 99752 owwa——f {907) 442.3472 BLORLAND J June 9, 1993 Brian Gray Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Dear Brian: The Northwest Arctic Borough School District hereby applies for a grant to perform repairs on the Selawik School fuel oil fill, transfer, and storage systems. This will enable the District to comply with U.S. Coast Guard regulations. We are asking for an amount not to exceed $125,000. Work will be done in accordance with design recommendations made by you on the recent trip to Selawik with District Property Services Department staff. The District greatly appreciates the assistance of your organization with this important work. If you have any further questions, please call me at 442-3476. Sincerely, (1L lib Paul Weisner Director: Property Services. cc. John Rogers, Special Ass’t. to Superintendent file HARE RHR-TATA: § WER TAMMY FYPEMSE weeseersesene: “8 Rudaets: 2,100 600 3, AAO 100 1PF, 000 121,440 4, HAO 1a, 000 Var $s: , 100 400 3,440 100 125,000 141.440 2,260 1.45.00 X Soent: KEKE Baul Vale PIPE |S WELDED SO SHis ‘BOINT, “ TRREADED BEYOND. aa) -~ 2" FLANGED as sx 2 WA, GATE VALVE ; es TEE LD y | | fibarser ANE } I ; yl | 2"2 x 12" LIVE LENGTRK STAINLESS STEEL FLEX W/FIXED & FLOATING FLANGES. en CITY DAY TANK_PIPING DETAIL ( iP Mi Pest-it™ brand fax transmittal me Jim st. GEO & SWABS — PE ef A) Tet Se 4 THREADEO FLANGES \ P= tyae7-2e21 © AEZ- ZED) ————-, FILu LIMITER 2” THREADED ——— BALL VALVE ll | j | TYPICAL DAY TANK v2 rlLANGCY ! | sé 2 Pe va GATE VALVE et T a T faba onan InNAAH | = em = Vt = — S LENGTH STAINLESS STEEL xED FLOATING FLANGES Y TANK IPING DETAIL LL Stote of Alcaka SCALED NO SEALE i } Alaska Energy Authority e de ea BO eR Mt or 2 i Anchoreae, Alaska SaSte 0888, | TRANSMISSION REPORT | THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **k COUNT *%* # 8 week SEND sk Pca, T fy T T at [NO| REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION | #PAGES | COMMENT i 4 9074422381 | 5-28-93 16:38 | 3°54” | 8 | | ui | | TOTAL 0103'54" 8 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 THREADED STEEL BODY STRAINER AT FILL LIMITER 2” THREADED BALL VALVE lin PIPE IS WELDED LJ TO THIS POINT, 9 ' ~ THREADED BEYOND S— TYPICAL DAY TANK METER 2” FLANGED a elles GATE VALVE TEE } {<1 oe Ihe 2”6 X 12” LIVE LENGTH STAINLESS STEEL FLEX W/FIXED X FLOATING FLANGES. CITY DAY TANK PIPING DETAIL N.T.S. THREADED FLANGES FILL LIMITER 2” THREADED BALL VALVE Ii TYPICAL DAY TANK 2” FLANGED ay GATE VALVE TEE » <I 22 i 2° X 12” LIVE LENGTH STAINLESS STEEL Wy FLEX W/FIXED X FLOATING FLANGES. SCHOOL DAY TANK PIPING DETAIL N.T.S. PROJECT ORAWN: TW APPROVED: State of Alaska SELAWIK BULK FUEL UPGRADE DESIGNED: BCG DATE: 5-25-93 CHECKED: . SCALE: NO SCALE BY Alaska Energy Authority Fil NAMF SHFFT _ P.O. Box 190869 PROJECT CIRCULATING PUMP ~ ih ! TO TANK FARM in ” OPEN ONLY FOR FILLING Pol Ia TANKS mM A J 4 PUMP PLATFORM ~—~ ~ ay eo PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE Nos TO DAY TANKS (» DISTRIBUTION PUMP PIPING DETAIL \w2/ M2 N.T.S. LT HITT LT PUMP PLATFORM - 2” x 12” NIPPLE 2” STEEL THREADED BALL VALVE STAINLESS STEEL FLEX hie ill CUT IN HALF, WELD TO PIPE 2” DIAMETER 12” LIVE LENGTH FLOATING FLANGE X MPT “— 2” WELD FLANGE (150#) nA (2 RISER — GRADE TO PUMP PLATFORM (TYP 2) \u2/ N.T.S. ORAWN: TW APPROVED: SELAWIK BULK FUEL UPGRADE DESIGNED: BCG DATE: 5-25-93 CHECKED: SCALE: NO SCALE FF NAMF SHFFT State of Alaska Alaska Energy Authority _P.0, Box 190869 PIPE SUPPORT STRUT —_ 3” STEEL PIPE BOLLARD ~ li (TYP 4 PLCS) TREATED TIMBER SUPPORT NAM J fo Pe ees aan 3” FLANGED GATE VALVE 3” FLANGED CHECK VALVE 3” THREADED FLANGE 3” FEMALE CAMLOCK W/PLUG SPILL CONTAINMENT BOX PROVIDE ADEQUATE ANCHORS So IF INSTALLED IN FLOOD PLAIN - CAD WELD TOT === TI | eet eee) a el bd al el ea (a a NOTES: COPPER GROUND ROD 1. SPILL BOX MUST CONTAIN MINIMUM 84 GALLONS. 2’ HIGH X 2’ WIDE X 3’ LONG BOX FABRICATED OF 3/16" MILD STEEL, WITH 1/4 HOT ROLLED STEEL LIP. BOX SHOULD HAVE BUNG AND VALVE AT BOTTOM TO DRAIN ACCUMULATED WATER. 2. ALL VALVES TO BE STEEL BODY WITH 150# FLANGES. PROJECT TYPICAL PIPING DETAILS ORAWN: — TJW APPRO! ie NED State of Alaska DESIGNED: TJW CHECKED: - FILF NAME wettest BY Alaska Energy Authority SHFFT _P.0, Box 190869 PROJECT / ov _7 GAUGE/VENT CAP (MORRISION FIG. 379) = a eee a x (SEE NOTE) 6” NIPPLE _— 2” THREADED COUPLER NOTE: COMBINATION GAUGE/VENT CAP (MORRISON FIG. 379) IS USED WHERE THERE IS NO EXISTING GAUGE CAP OR OPENING TO ELIMINATE GAUGING THROUGH MANHOLE. TYPICAL PIPING DETAILS ORAWN: — TUW APPROVED: DESIGNED: TJW DATE: 5-25-93 CHECKED: SCALE: NOT TO SCALE FILE NAMF SHFFT State of Alaska Alaska Energy Authority _P.0. Box 190869 STEEL PIPE STRAP ——— PROJECT DRAWN: TJW APPROVED: TYPICAL PIPING DETAILS DESIGNED: TW DATE: 5-24-93 CHECKED: SCALE: NOT TO SCAL TITLE PIPING SIIpDART rs ae SET _— 4" x 4’ TIMBER, TREATED - 2” x 8” TIMBER, TREATED State of Alaska Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road | FROM FILL POINT 2” STAINLESS STEEL FLEX ~_ a FIXED X FLOATING FLANGE 6” LIVE LENGTH Cy \wa/ M8. NTS x TO TANKS PLAN VIEW OF PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE INSTALLATION AT TEE 2” STEEL BODY, PRESSURE RELIEF MPT X FPT, HYDRO SEAL MODEL 7VVOO OR EQUAL. FACTORY PRESET AS INDICATED ON PLANS. 2” THREADED FLANGE ni) "———— 2”. CLOSE NIPPLE Wivaes 2” THREADOLET SIDE VIEW OF PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE INSTALLATION AT TEE NTS. DRAWN: — TJW APPROVED: PROJECT TYPICAL PIPING DETAILS DESIGNED: TJW DATE: 5-26-93 CHECKED: . SCALE: NOT TO SCALI FILE NAME SHEET _ sea eer in Ar a TIT) Fees cee res nee ue State of Alaska Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 TAL Ennt Todae Baad 2” PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE STEEL BODY, MPT X FPT HYDRO VALVE MODEL 7CVOO , VENT CAP OR EQUAL. FACTORY PRESET 2” THD FLG AS INDICATED ON PLANS. ee Te aL A CUT IN HALF, Ai WELD TO PIPE al X 6” NIPPLE 2” THD FLG ~_ ah 2” THD TEE oS 2” CLOSE NIPPLE aa MANHOLE W/ | _ BOLTS. & SPRINGS 2” WELD NECK FLG SEE SHEET M10 N (TYPICAL) “~— 1" X 1/4” FLAT BAR SUPPORT BOLT TO TANK TOP, WELD TO PIPE (PERFORM WELDING AWAY FROM TANK) 2” FLEX, FIXED x FLOATING FLANGE >” Live. LENGTH TIMBER SUPPORT STRUCTURE PROJECT ESSE AFERCVED: State of Alaska TYPICAL PIPING DETAILS DESIGNED: JSA DATE: 5-26-93 CHECKED: . SCALE: NOT TO SCALI Alaska Energy Authority _ P.O, Box 190869 pene: | | | eT ey ve FILE NAME SHFFT __-———._ 3/8” @ X 4 1/2” LONG BOLT W/NUT FLAT WASHER —— _ (TYP. 3) ~ __———_ SPRING (3” X 1/26 WITH 25 LB./IN SPRING CONSTANT) > ae _= MANHOLE COVER ~~ i MANHOLE BASE —~_ PROJECT DRAWN: UW APPROVED: MANHOLE EMERGENCY VENT DESIGNED: TW DATE: 5-23-93 State of Alaska CHECKED: SCALE: NOT TO SCAL Alaska Energy Authority TITLE BaAen mA aan ~ FILE NAME SHEET af:0: Box 190869 152 On BPO | ore Hass ey 4 ; 250! OF 1 ow ouaeRens ere on ¢ ater Fone t Fines rr Po Srey Stor. ye 2 ee E | ee SicE PERS t rt a} e filles thot A Aun id x "1 a. ¥ Sforawe LiL 1 Beepiie at 3% Ae TEN & q ! et i BUS Fix — 2%. Aono Lees” wife i IE NE ELEM " ATS AVeL. ALHOOL —-¥ 1 fete on a 4 ae (ExT 1%" METEL) OW Pn 13" A Lec pre |g Northwest Arctic Borough Schoo! District NOaTAK BOX 51 vauna——e} KOTZEBUE, ALASKA 99752 1907) 442-3472 maomune wana June 9, 1993 Brian Gray Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Dear Brian: The Northwest Arctic Borough School District hereby applies for a grant to perform repairs on the Selawik School fuel oil fill, transfer, and storage systems. This will enable the District to comply with U.S. Coast Guard regulations. We are asking for an amount not to exceed $125,000. Work will be done in accordance with design recommendations made by you on the recent trip to Selawik with District Property Services Department staff. The District greatly appreciates the assistance of your organization with this important work. If you have any further questions, please call me at 442-3476. Sincerely, (aL (bee Paul Weisner Director: Property Services. cc. John Rogers, Special Ass’t. to Superintendent file