HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuckland Power Plant 1991 Br ow State of Alaska Walter J Hickel, Gove Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation April 23, 1991 Fred Armstrong Executive Director for Economic Development Northwest Arctic Borough P.O. Box 1110 Kotzebue, AK 99752 Re: Buckland Power Plant Dear Mr. Armstrong: Enclosed are the architectural and structural drawings for the new power plant building to be constructed in Buckland. Our desire is to have the Borough build the complete power house building including the structural foundation, framing, insulation, and all finish including paint, steel flooring, metal roofing, snow hoods, and the combustion air duct. Please review the material with your construction staff and contact us to discuss your desires for this project as soon as possible. We have included a copy of a materials take-off for a similar project in Akiak with a summary spreadsheet of the bidders and their prices for various components. The items that apply to Buckland have been highlighted in the summary. This information should be used for reference only. If the Borough constructs the power house, your foreman will need to verify all quantities prior to ordering. We look forward to working with you on this project. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or Brian Gray, Project Manager, at 800-478-7877 or 561-7877. Sincerely, Gary “Smith Manager of Rural Projects GDS: beg cc: Hans Jensen, Alaska Energy Authority Brian Gray, Alaska Energy Authority David Denig-Chakroff, Alaska Energy Authority BUCKBGLA QO PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 BR PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 AKIAKBID.XLS 4/5/91 Steel Fabricators $6,540.00 fe. eee ie eet eee abe te rece ee a ie Quality Fabrication Romax Hobbs Industries Ace Tank Industrial Valve Ak. Pipe & Supply Liberty Alaska Spenard Builders Kntk Building Supply | SA er eee C.R. Lewis Anch. Tank & Welding eae) ee UL Le ee Le Ler E.0.1, $8,792.97 Graybar Electric Sa $9,753.99 Stusser Electric LEO LLLg $9,889.36 DESCRIPTION Flooring [Building |oecking _|Fuel Tank _|Fuel_Pluming [Cooling Plumilelectrical .20 | 2 | 1,695.00 | $5,025.00 | | $458.51 | $5,886.79 | $10,079.00] | $606.00 CoE euitliedemniemnndanmnanaisl ee ee ee Saale lal ade Reodelitiwipeicoe suslatslolaclabseadh uc aI $4,732.02 I i keenirrerdeentienreremeralomvainnccitndlssaneaeyummaconoamnenih- | $1,253.00 Sta haeielsici mI tl il |___idpwint____ieter __aott & nut_|eattery tAntifsattery Leads|Hose & Fittin|Transformer |Line Kerdvere preservative Paint | a ad Oe ll incre rk mel aie 5 TN iene Ra tiaN iA li a P| re ie al een IE << ssicunichdegnsenecitllnieeh niin cies ele Resend patdeanlane osm ueadeanens ie i a a ia Bre ee Lee) ee | PUN cnpsnaisdh cerimcenagidieapls ie Rendesath es ithniecal~ntioap sty clam congita Me MOS 2 ih 3) | ES ci ececeseniaeehctlmniestbicbtlach,ccobeuiaaipiel ina nsec anibdmcisticdlec mace DESCRIPTION Page 1 SOLICITATION RECORD SMALL PURCHASES (SUPPLIES AND NON-PROFESSIONAL SERVICE) DIVISION SOLICITATION BY z PLS Noo na DATE See ae _ . . SPECIFICATIONS OF AND ITEMS SOLICITED Fa bricetioun 2 L S tere | _Fovndatigg QUOTATIONS (At least three vendors) ALASKAN PREFEREN (YES/NO) DATE FIRM NAME & ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. INDIVIDUAL CONTACTED $_RESPONSE BIDDERS/PRODUC -12-41 hy Fabrication Tn 344-us24 _ Penn's 4,275.00 ania Ter 340 £1900 “Ae an ge i City/State/; 4 Pp a ar 2L2-45o_Kobert Weber 4992.00 __ FOB. 270 + nc a J, Cheon F-14-G Leersats Poser Frodl acte, 206°764- 3932 Steve krke S3§2.00 "420 S, Cloverdale Gt Street Address UW. City/State/Zip 4889/0043(1) ry REQUEST FOR PRICE QUOTE AKIAK POWER HOUSE FOUNDATION FABRICATION Date: March 12, 1991 GENERAL The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is providing assistance to the community of Akiak for construction of a new power house. Firm fixed price quotes are requested for fabrication of the structural steel foundation as indicated on the attached foundation design drawing. SCOPE OF WORK Furnish all structural steel indicated and perform all welding in accordance with AWS Structural Welding Code D 1.1. Furnish all indicated machine bolts, carriage bolts, and lag bolts complete with required nuts and washers. All bolts to meet ASTM A307. Punch or drill all required holes for indicated bolts. Paint entire structure with zinc-rich primer after welding and drilling. Pre-assemble to demonstrate fit to satisfaction of Energy Authority personnel. SUBMITTAL wm iL Price squotesy faresdue-at the offices of.the AEA by 5:00 PM . March 21, "1991." Include an estimate of fabrication time ~ required along with quote. Faxed submittals will be accepted. Submit quotes to the following address: Alaska Energy Authority Attn: Kris Noonan P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Fax 561-8584 Direct all questions regarding this project to Kris Noonan at 561-7877. AKIAREP2 a ore eo eee bie We Se ottUevU mus QUALITY FABRICATION, INC. 360 BAST 100TH ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 (907) 344-4526/FAX 344-8558 MATERIAL SUPPLY QUOTATION DATE: MARCH 16, 1981 PAGE: 1 OP 1 To (contractor): ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY FOR (project): AKIAK POWER HOUSE FOUNDATION STESL BY (architect) s WE QUOTE THE SUN OF: FOB: _Q¥I_ YARD WEIGHT: _4600f TO DETAIL, FABRICATE AND PAINT PER SPECIFICATIONS, FPUANS AND ATTACHMENTS A & B, TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: “*)~ BEAM7 PLATS” FOUNDATION LEVELING ASSBMBLIES. *) FOUR T.S. COLUMNS. *) FOUR BEAMS @ FIRST FLOOR FRAMING. *) THREE CHANNEL OUTRIGGERS. ®) ALL STESL/STEEL AND STBBL/WOOD BOLTS. *) ALL BOLTS ARE QUOTED GALVINIZED. *) ALL STEEL ITEMS WOULD BE PRIMED WITH ZINC CHROMATE PRIMER. _*) .PABRICATION.TIME. WOULD BE FIVE DAYS AFTER APPROVAL OF QFI SHOP- ‘DRAWINGS .WITH“TWO ADDITIONAL ‘DAYS FOR ASSEMBLY, INSPECTION AND DI8-ASSEMBLY/SHIPPING. renee = BUYERS SIGNATURE BELOW SHALL CONSTITUTE A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE ITEMS QUOTED HEREIN AND UPON THE MAILING OF WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE BY THE SELLER, THIS QUOTATION AND THE ACCEPTANCE SHALL BECOME A BINDING CONTRACT. — tar nee 4Y-/- (BUYER x BY pars_2-IO-Fl THI8 QUOTATION MAY BE WITHDRAWN BY Q.F.I. IF NOT ACCEPTED IN THIRTY DAYS. ete ee RR EMEA NERA REA AH URETHRA ERE RAAREARERREREEERRRERARERRERRERREEARRERAERERERKAHKREEKEE re ATTACHMENT (A+ QUALITY FABRICATION, INC. 360 BAST 100TH ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99515 (907) 344-4526/FAX 344-8558 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF QUOTATION: ae) 2.) ee ag Tee 3))) Mi Me iv] an) 5.) approval. It is the responsibility of the general contractor to provide Quality Fabrication with all engineering and field measurement information. This should be in an expedient manner so as not to impede the shop detail drawing progress. This includes prompt approvals and clarifications. We assume engineering is complete enough to allow expedient detailing to occur. Delays due to incomplete engineering or extensive clarificattone-of-drawings~that: delay-our"detatling nay “Yesult “in cost™ impact. Delivery of materials are dependent upon date of award of contract, mill rolling schedules, engineering clarifications, and shop drawing we at Te | een scene 5) aoe oak Terms of payment are net 30 days after shipment or partial shipment. No retention. This quotation is to be made part of contract. a z eee. UID cae Tron We Gy) 3446096 P, 04 EXCLUSIONS - GENERAL: Cost of special testing and inspection of welds (non-destructive, x-ray, dye penetrant, etc.) and material for same are not included. Pricing herein does not include providing holes, cutting, drilling, ete. In steel fcr others (unless shown and quantities noted on structural steel bid drawings) . QUALITY FABRICATION, INC. Shall not be responsible for obtaining field measurements unless provided for as a bid item. Pricing herein dees not include coste for taxes, bonds, permite, “all riek" insurance, or survey and inspection feas. Hoisting for other trades. Field touch-up painting and paint. Establishment of building lines and grades. QUALIFICATIONG — GENERAL: ents nee awe ae ee geen ian or Aamapeeenreien Att TO QUALITY FABRICATION, INC Reserves the right to ‘review, in detail, negotiate, and if nccessary, modify the language contained in customer's contractual terms and conditions (including general and supplementary conditions) . QUALITY FABRICATION,INC. Has based this quotation on customer furnishings good quality reproducible tracings of design drawings for preparation of shop fabrication and erection drawings. = 9 ; yee ee rer yg 2 TS res 2 : Ex Eo ee All. fabrication ‘and eréétion will ‘be per A.I.S.C.”~ tolerances “and requirements. This proposal, if erection is included, is based upon torquing high strength bolts by turn-of-the-nut method, and not utilizing load indicator washers. Pricing herein, if erection is included, is based upon erecting the steel and decking in a normal efficient operation and sequence without undue interferences or delays caused by other trades, the general contractor, or the owner. This proposal is based on working a normal 40-hour week. For delays caused by events beyond the control of QUALITY FABRICATION, INC., QUALITY FABRICATION shall receive appropriate time extension and equitable reimbursement of costs. This proposal is based upon receiving progress payments for raw material at, at the QUALITY FABRICATION, INC. plant, sub-contract work, and shop and field labor. This quotation may be withdrawn by QUALITY FABRICATION, INC. if not accepted within thirty days from its date. SOLICITATION RECORD SMALL PURCHASES (SUPPLIES AND NON-PROFESSIONAL SERVICE) DIVISION SOLICITATION BY Bri S NM QOnuare DATE 3—/ S- c l SPECIFICATIONS OF AND ITEMS SOLICITED ae L 7 # Sone nl 1S rT pw Ace? i | abe Ak iale Fouwer QUOTATIONS (At least three vendors) ALASKAN PREFEREN (YES/NO) DATE FIRM NAME & ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. INDIVIDUAL CONTACTED $_RESPONSE BI DOERS/PROOUC 3-27-94] Emerson Fouser Frelods 20lo- 764-3350 Steve ferker 1627.72 126 South, Cleverolule $+ Ss Address a City/State/Zip 3-204) dak Bivilel iss, § yaylsy 2m hel Perk 472E.04 nil "2445 [ty View Dp. Street Address Aad, AE. 4550) City/State/Zip B54) vd Bild: ea WA SS).04 aqid Leis Pe baal eae oG ely? City/State/Zip AKIAK MATERIAL List 3/15s9. | Bey. fof pu UNIT | EST OF UNIT EXTENDED | ' DESCRIPTION QUAN MEASURE PRICE PRICE 1 |2" x 4" x 8 #2 Standard or Better | 25] ea. | s188.21 | 2 |2" x 4" x 12' #2 Standard or Better a) a ee ee ee | 3 |2" x 6" x 8' #2 Standard or Better aE) ee ee von 4 2" x 12" x 12' #2 Standard or Better | io} sew. ftstidYL:Cs9 06 | 5 ji" x 2" x B' Common Pine Cid, | cs 6 |i" x &* x 12' Common Pine ET) es ee EE 17 |sgam x4* x10" 12" Ti-l1 Fir) CC et C30 70_—CY | 8 |5/8" x 10' Galv. Ply Edge = —(“‘C;é™é;CS]COO(UO]: caw OTOL 52,94 | 9 [5/8" COX Plywood t—“(‘CS;C*rLSC(2a ea. TCS | 10 [1/2" AC Plywood a) ee ee eee |.11 frruss, 20', 4/12 Pitch, 2* x 2' Overhang a) ee ee ee 12 Gable, 20' 4/1z Pitch, 2° x 2' Overhang ee ee ee | 13 ]Metal Roof 3' x 14' Brown Av « | 20} ea. | CCT | 14 [Ridge Cap 10' Brown || ew. | ce [15 |Gable Trim 10° x 6" Brown a) ee es | 16 [Metal Roofing Screws, Brown ™—~—“‘“‘;S™!C#*'LCOC‘éSY’CSON*‘M®.COYSCSC*C“‘CSC*CN”CédtTi«CS CC 17 (Simpson A35 Framing Anchor | __190) ea. [| ——— -[__—s23.41 | 18 |Simpson STC 3" Truss Clip |B] ew, |e | | 19 |Simpson LSU210 2x10 Joist Hanger ™~—~‘iYSC“‘CSSilC CA. | | 20 |1-1/4" Joist Hanger Nail | 20} ob. | | 21 [6-0 DBL. Metal Door W/Frame | aa. Sz1.0° | _22_|3-0 FFL Prehung 4-9/16 Jamb Metal Door ssid] a] Se. | CS 32° [1.23 joor shims CC~—“*‘~*~*~*~*~*~**CCCCCCCOYSSC“‘('SRY’CC@w’SCOC*dSC‘“§SNNN ! [24 x60 Sinker Nails C—~—“~“S*S*S*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*SCSSSCSYSC“‘S OC. O)SSC~«SY’SC“‘ DIO 6D Brite Nails | 27 [Door Knob W/Key Lock | 26 [Window 2° x 3° W/ Crank, 4-9/16 Jaabs 23 '!Poly-Foam Insulation Syren 6" x 100° Screen oe ° “” - be i) *m z a ~ ~ un wi = o|o AKIAK MATERIAL LIST 3/15/91 | EXTEKDED PRICE Latex Caulking oe — — ULULULULUL.mmCLCLl.LUL.tCOCiS*zdSC (RSC Ca Wood Filler Putt | ses AKIAK MATERIAL LIST 4/2/91 2" x 4" x 8' #2 Standard or Better Gable, 20' 4/12 Pitch, 2' x 2' Overhang x 14' Brown Ridge Cap 10' Brown Gable Trim 10' x 6" Brown e PI on . = o ct 2 e nw ° ° rh Ww EP EEE Pref EEE| TATTLE TATA 6 16D Sinker Nails 6D Brite Nails Door Knob W/Key Lock Window 2' x 3' W/ Crank, 4-9/16 Jambs Poly-Foam Insulation 6" xj/@0' Screen lb. , » ° BK B Pie viele Pie le 3° ° Pi ears Plele HEP Fe FERE EEE N w N Pie IR IPR EPI] = » fe ° » wloly OleElwlre|elo 7 case 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Latex Caulkin Wood Filler Putt Sandpaper, Med. 30# Felt Paper 6 Mil. 10' x 100' Plastic 12" x 18" Attic Vent, Galv. Edge Flashing 4" x 4" x 10! Silver Seal 3/8" CDX Plywood AKIAK MATERIAL LIST 10 10 N 10 ea. int ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. al. ea. TOTAL 4/2/91 SOLICITATION RECORD SMALL PURCHASES (SUPPLIES AND NON-PROFESSIONAL SERVICE) DIVISION SOLICITATION BY. Bri S MN QOuUare DATE 3-/8- SF! an a nn rE SPECIFICATIONS OF AND ITEMS SOLICITED 4 che i, + L’ Aree? oy. tor A) : Ow-~ b ‘e QUOTATIONS (At least three vendors) ALASKAN PREFEREN (YES/NO) DATE FIRM NAME & ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. INDIVIDUAL CONTACTED $_RESPONSE BIDOERS/PROOUC 3-27-41 Emerson Power Frechoctes 2o- 142850 Steve Harker 3Sle4.20 Name 426 South Cloverolule St si Address if a City/State/Zip ee 271! Lark 1,@7-77__ stp re a Ee Aoreke Go.50] a ZA) oe mn Qapehy $6334) Eve 5080.40 __ eee tiger a City/State/Zip 204 16:41 04/81/91 Fhemriet*; AKIAK MATERIAL LIST 3/15s91 life: WOH’ ? ay fee we ate __ DESCRIPTION U2 as | = | Pa j12" x 2" x 24" Micro-Lam Beam et PT | 2 jaa® x a4' tar 2s cw tt | 3 jaz" x 20° TII 25 a) ee es ee ey | 4 ja" x 4" x 8' All Weather Wood Te, TS | 5 |2" x 6" x 12’ All Weather Wood | za} ea. | ees [6 Je" x 12" x 14" All Weather Wood | 10] ea. | J 7 [7 fe* x42" x 12" Standard Grade wood Sid SSS en CSC [a _|37a"x @* COX Plywood SSCS] ab] wr. | | 9 |5/8"_x 8' CDX Plywood La ee, TC [a0 fay" x a" cox Plywood SSCS | | ea. y 1a | i t. pe ; | 42 | | 14 | | 16 | | 17 {1/2 Flat Washer Galv. | 18 |1/2" Lock Washer Galv. 19 Isp Galv Box 2-1/2" | 20 [1-1/4" BRT Joint Hanger Nail | 21 |6* x 12" x 10° Fully Treated Wood Duckbill Type Anchor #1000 Hold Kating, 88-CB1 « TOTAL 3,264.20 AKIAK MATERIAL LIST 1" x 31" Snow Hood W/ 1-1/2" Frange & Screen 1" x 21" Snow Hood W/ 1-1/2" Frange & Screen 7" x 37" Combustion Air Intake & Snow Hood 1-1/2" Frange & Screen 4/1/91 EMERSON POWER PRODUCTS +: 426 GOUTH CLOVERDALE STREET ¢ SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 96108 TEL: (206) 04-9050 - FAX: (206) 764-3692 a MARCH 31, 1991 Je pc ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY > | ATTN: HANS JENSEN . 3 RE: AKIAK MISC BID DATEO MARCH 27, 19971 = ; > co RS OEAR Mk. JENSEN, IN REFERENCE TO OUR BID DATED MARCH 27, WE HAVE NOTICED AN ERROR. ITFM NUMBER THREE SHOULD READ: * SNOW HOOO LIST ITEM 1 THROUGH 3. PER CFEC. $800.06 I HOPE THIS MISTAKE HAS NOT INCONVENIENCED YOU. THANK YOU. SINCERELY ey STEVE WU PARKEK EMERSON POWER FRODUCTS GENERATORS — PUMPS — POWER UNITS SALES - SERVICE - PARTS - ACNTALS 5 dAGs. AKIAK MATERIAL LIST 30" Panel Shutter, Grainger #3C309 36" Panel Shutter, Grainger #3C310 20" Shutter W/Motor, Grainger #2C342 12" Shutter W/Motor, Grainger #2C710 120v Thermostat, SPDT, Grainger #2E728 of elo lle fe piteet 40-1 PAIOGER. SSO & EGE Ace th, HO POS & FO? 562-509 Niele le i ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. TOTAL 3/29/91 MATERIAL LIST 3/27/91 pliers for T1-11 sidi Roller Handles GKP _ Brush Med. Grade 3" o ER - . ” | - y ni ©. Ee wd 3 S i p {Pl sir ‘ 5 flor: PPReseevAn0E Past worm, 793,22 an] ST ATE 0 E A LL fi § K hi\ WALTER J. HICKEL, GOVERNOR RICHARD L. BURTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSIONER REPLY TO: DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION P.O. BOX N [x] 5700 EAST TUDOR ROAD 1979 PEGER ROAD JUNEAU, ALASKA 99811 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99709 PHONE: (907) 465-4331 R EC E | V E | deg (907) 269-5604 PHONE: (907) 456-4002 FAX: (907) 463-5860 FAX: (907) 338-4375 FAX: (907) 456-2065 March 18, 1991 MAR 20 199] Alaska Energy Authority Mr. Brian C. Gray Alaska Energy Authority aie P. O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 SUBJECT: Power House TOWN: Buckland PLAN REVIEW: 91A-217 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N OCCUPANCY: B-2 1988 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Dear Mr. Gray: Plans for the subject facility have been reviewed by this office for conformity with the state fire safety regulations and are hereby approved as corrected by your submittal dated March 14, 1991. Plans are approved without rated exterior walls based on the building being sited in compliance with the distance criteria in the 1988 Uniform Building Code. Enclosed is a certificate of approval that must be posted on the premises until completion of the above facility. It is prohibited to occupy this building until construction is completed as approved. Approval of submitted plans is not approval of omissions or oversights by this office or noncompliance with any appli- cable regulations of the municipal government. It must be understood that the inclusion of and compliance with state fire safety regulations does not preclude the necessity of compliance with the requirements of local codes and ordinances. Mr. Brian C. Gray 2 March 18, 1991 If we can be of further assistance in this matter, please feel free to contact us at the above address. Sincerely, (hee, € E. We ge Deputy Fire Marshal II Enclosure Brion 6, oy State of Alaska Ds Waiter J. Hickel. Governor Alaska Energy Authority March 12 , 1991 A Public Corporation Mr. Clarence Thomas City Administrator General Delivery Buckland, AK 99727 Re: New Power House and Meters Dear Mr. Thomas: This letter is to update you on the status of the Buckland Power House Project and your request for installation of meters to measure station service and peak demand (letter of September 20,1990). We have completed the power house design and the plans are currently being reviewed by the Fire Marshal’s office. Upon approval, we would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss the arrangement between the Energy Authority, the City of Buckland, and the Northwest Arctic Borough for construction. As discussed in your telephone conversation with Brian Gray of our office on March 11, 1991, we need to have the two existing structures moved from the new power house site and approximately two feet of gravel fill placed and compacted at the location of the new building. Pending approval by the Fire Marshal and completion of the site improvements (gravel pad) we intend to have the Northwest Arctic Borough begin ordering materials in April for construction to begin in May or early June. Depending on the availability of funds, we intend to move the existing generators upon completion of the building construction and prior to the start of the school year. The new installation will include the meters you have requested. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or Gary Smith, Manager of Rural Projects, at 800-478-7877. David ‘us oof- Director of Rural Programs cc: Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authority Hans Jensen, Alaska Energy Authority Sue White, Alaska Energy Authority BUCKBGL3 QO PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 RK PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road ~=Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 State of Alaska DN Walter J Hickel, Governor Alaska Energy Authority March 12, 1991 fi eye teeta er Mr. Chester Weger Deputy Fire Marshall II State of Alaska Department of Public Safety Division of Fire Prevention 5700 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99507 Re: Buckland Power Building - Plan Review #91A-217 Dear Mr. Weger: We have prepared the following responses to your plan review comments of February 26, 1991: ae As of this date we have not been able to obtain sufficient survey information to prepare an accurate plot plan. Our intent is to ensure that a minimum separation of 20’ will be maintained to all property lines and public ways. We will continue to look for additional information on current property boundaries. Zi The ceiling material will be identical to the interior wall surfaces, 1/2" AC plywood with "Preservative Firemaster" paint finish. The drawings will be modified to indicate this. Se A type 2A10BC and a type 40BC fire extinguisher will be provided and will be located near the door. The drawings will be modified to indicate this. 4. The fuel oil day tank vent pipe will terminate at a point 12’ minimum above grade, 5’ minimum away from openings into the building, and above the roof overhang/eaves The drawings will be modified to indicate this. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 561- TET 7. Sincerely, Brian C. Gray Rural Systems gineer BUCKBGL2 PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 PO. Oo a Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 STATE OF ALASKA / msi commen Richard L. Burton DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Commissioner REPLY TO: DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION P.O. BOX N [X] 5700 EAST TUDOR ROAD 1979 PEGER ROAD JUNEAU, ALASKA 99811 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 R E C EF | V E ‘AIRBANKS, ALASKA 99709 PHONE: (907) 465-4331 PHONE: (907) 269-5604 PHONE: (907) 456-4002 FAX: (907) 463-5860 FAX: (907) 338-4375 FEB FAX: (907) 456-2065 February 26, 1991 28 1991 Alaska Energy Authority Mr. Brian Gray Alaska Energy Authority P. O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 SUBJECT: Buckland Power Building TOWN: Buckland PLAN REVIEW: 91A-217 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N OCCUPANCY: B-2 1988 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Dear Mr. Gray: Plans for the subject project have been reviewed by this office for conformity with the State Fire Safety Regu- lations. However before construction, alteration, or repairs may begin, the following list of items requires clarification and/or new drawings must be submitted for approval. 1. Need a plot plan that shows property lines. 2. Detail on ceiling. It is not called out. 3. Details on fire extinguishers. Note one 2A10BC A extinguisher is required for the building plus a 40BC is required for the equipment and fuel tank. 4. Better detail on fuel tank (daytank) and on venting. It must comply with Article 79.301 thru 79.303 of 1988 Uniform Fire Code. Your reply is required within fifteen (15) days and should contain the Plan Review number, name, and location of the facility. If we can be of any further assistance, please contact us at the above address. Sincerely, KE sles ester _E. Weger Denutv Fire Marshal IT State of Alaska DS Waiter J. Hickel. Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation February 11, 1991 Mr. Chester Weger Deputy Fire Marshall II State of Alaska Department of Public Safety Division of Fire Prevention 5700 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99507 Re: Plan Review for Buckland Dear Mr. Weger: The Alaska Energy Authority is currently providing technical assistance to the community of Buckland for the construction of a new power house. As part of this effort, we have prepared the enclosed design. If successful, this design will probably be used as a prototype for other rural communities and adapted to individual sites. Our desire is to improve the overall safety and dependability of electrical power generation in rural Alaska. The building is a B-2 Occupancy, Type VN construction. Minimum 20’ separation will be maintained to property lines and 40’ separation from the washeteria, the only other building on the same property. The plan review fee of $122.85, as quoted by Greg McDonald of your office, is currently being transferred through the AKSAS system. We are willing to meet at your convenience to discuss this project if desired. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or Gary Smith, Manager of Rural Projects, at 561-7877. Sincerely, Pein —C Brian C. Gray Rural Systems’ Engineer enclosure ccs Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authority BUCKBGL1 © PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 PO. Box 190869 711 Fact Tidiar Dan Anahar em Aleet-— ARE AR AAR sma ne -- Jat BUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL a P.O. BOX 49 BUCKLAND, ALASKA 99727 (907) 494-2121 February 20, 1991 Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 109869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 This is to certify that the two lots adjacent to the Buckland City Washeteria are for the generator building which will be located on the East side. This location was decided during the September 7, 19869 and October 10, 1969 City Council meetings. If you have any questions, please contact either myself at 494- 2140, or the City Administrator, Clarence Thomas at 494-2121. Thank you. a Mayor cc: file KOTZEBUE ELECTRIC ASSOC. TEL No. 4422482 Mar 06,91 13:56 P.O1 Kotzebue Eleatrie Assoctation, Ine, ie THIRTY MILES NORTH OF THE ARCTIC CIRCLE . P.0, BOX 44 —s Kotaebue, Alaska 99752 —4 Bean, Phone (007) 442-3492 FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET > Pa FAX #: (907) 442-2482 Ps - 2 — = . ~ . = TO: ESE Va a COMPANY: Hus aa Gran ons pate: “S>-\g-Al oP tre SOQ PME > DEPT: FAX #: Selo \- SBSKRY SUBJECT: FROM: < SS PHONE: 907 442-3391 NO. OF PAGES: , . INCLUDING COVER STAKING SHEET — askKa. KOTZEBUE ELECTRIC ASSOC. Lan Movencals PRIMARY LIME (Feet? WORK ORDER a A S on Yi SECTION SECONDARY (Feat) 02 SERVICE DROPS (Feet RULING SPAN — size—_—______— KIND. bes NAME AND REMARKS BO & vt 1 t ava Cee ee eS ¥ ' 9 5 : hi SA ee a PH TTT sa Tee oe Bee as Cela TTT Te PLT eA ie TTT TEL No. S 4 a TIT Pe a Bist ts Ae lala TT Hye a es 4422482 Mar 06,91 13:56 P.02 eA, RL rrPECT ECLECTIC AE TTT TTT Src eee ee, CO0e_______—. SHEET Na_Z_of_ Twe BY. BY. Releaeed for Const____ MAPPED___B STAKED. CHECKED. BCC LL fate ' SREB} TT et lisse || Zi 7 nee TE leq tt fla | | A HUE sa | |e eal E-WO ROADS. ETC: INDICATE FIELD NUMBERED POLES IM POLE-MINBER Cotta’ wT aBed papuayxs Z b _ SKETCH FROM BOTTOM UP. SH SS anSnSSnrennnnsensneseeseesmeee eee KOTZEBUE ELECTRIC ASSOC. TEL No. 4422482 Mar 06,91 13:58 P.03 iil | | BY. NAME AND REMARKS SHEET Ma_G_of__ Raleceed for Const. MAPPED______BYY. e} ; A, ‘AKED, CHECKED_____BY. Ne. of MEMBERS PRIMARY LINE (Feet) SECONDARY (Feet) SE Ta Thi a MT a Ba TTT ET eC Pa a a aera Ces CT ell da ae se Ce mi DSR eae | eC eT ALN RATA RATT Pare Me ERR BEE Sf Alliel lel ial al lal || aT) a ea AIL : Lav C pet, WORK ORDER ———— _ SERVICE DROPS (Feet) fo ¥ ist: bution Sys fen ZYoo STAKING SHEET RULING SPAN Buc oe Loe VREY POE -NO-.-ROAMS ETC: IMDICATE FIELD NtMBEREN — ae Sf —— SECTION ay vy NDI ee WMAP REFERENCE PRIMARY WIRES. "bed pepuesxs @everen Cons. Onr Tria tHe -ah MEMBERS, Mo. of STAKING SHEET KOTZEBUE ELECTRIC ASSOC. MELRINO! PRIMARY LINE (Feet) SECONDARY (feet) m glove 4 JS 1St01 baton Sys Buckland ——_—. SECTION v3 ZYoo, SERVICE DROPS (Feet? a oe Ss SECONDARY RUUNG SPAN — SiZE——_____ son. k ¥S a 2 aad NAME AND REMARKS é Wed fru. vets formed exis -E cats seen ceed ale onal ET i our Es Be Ey age TT ERT TT EU ATT MOT TRURIEURURAEREEL BULL w a EC OTT 7 COCO PU EECCCELEE EEE ee REECEEEEECEEEE EEE EE Et ett 4422482 Mar 06,91 13:59 F.04 : iva BY. rr ee HEC Sela for Const. ae cc PCE Cee PU eee SHEET waD OF. TwP CODE. MAPPED____ BY. ST A Hea LL Titre LUTE ise Ca Rt CERT Fe SAT Tat | a aT LTE TE ie aT J Sree OM Cc -Mn-- CAARS EF TO- LEI AFE £161 0 MOTO OMe seh: . eacarion_ Buc Kfe te TwPe_________ RANGE al MAP REFERENCE PRIMARY WIRES _—__ \'? . z 5 z z at STAKING SHEET laS KOTZEBUE ELECTRIC ASSOC. NAWE AND REMARKS 2yVite fe SECONDARY (Feet) SERVICE DROPS (Feet) WOR ORDER NOW RULING SPAN sil Bi | —— SECTION — $ize—____—___— KIND_ w fal TEL No. Wl e£krvviomec 4422482 Mar 06,91 14:01 P.05 NA CHECKED__BY. Released For Const. MAPPED__BY. SHEET maf of TwP COE. BE nT ee ee a MTT CCC ee TOT TTT ae Re a Bea CCU FT | Mel | Test Ta at pe ag a a | $e 27 UF CURE] Sea a pL so eee UL |] ema EE TED GL WFP) Fev ‘ BT CLEC CEC EEC Be Os Coe ei | | | a TTT ies TEE =) Hl | ale se TT ge pease 7 Wee CTT Py Res TTT aa ee Mary AMMA RAs 2 MA. -BARAS ETS INTICATE £108 NAMA OSH OF8-FS sh MAP REFEREMCE PRIMARY WIRES —____ Extended Page KOTZEBUE ELECTRIC ASSOC. TEL No. 4422482 Mar 06,91 14:02 P.06 f Roteny a ES fd OW. 8. Q 3 Je) . 3 > = BEL CITT TTR aT ee TUTTE SEU TTT aa TTT eel ULF la COT EH RC Tee eee rT ry my d g Tes Te i Ree eee TT Pasa Csi Oise BeOS Pre Re | TT Pea UTR ATT TT PR Be gee LT a | sees (ie at aa age Ts Tas TT esd [eT RTT wT Hh Pep ae) geri w as 2 7 a eT na_S_or_ 7 TwP CODE. bees NAME AND RENARKS azk- Ken Abies A BY. 6Y. Relsoned for Cosst__. STAKED CHECKED. MAPPE: SHE! Ne. of MEMBERS PRIMARY LINE(Feet) SECONDARY ( Feet} SERVICE OROPS (Feet) WORK ORDER ——— STAKING SHEET RULING SPAN MA PAAAS £FC~ iMAC ATE C16 th MAMAS Se ry Ote-HS — Size KIND —_—_-. SECTION ee Ee Te KOTZEBUE ELECTRIC ASSOC. TEL No. 4422482 Mar 06,91 14:03 P.07 MANE AND REMARKS fa. BY. PS Wd ce Ue cue Ko Vi Bt cy Poe RMrvics Sea Ms SHEET Na_<— of _“} Twe CODE. CHECKED__BY. Released for Const. MAPPEO___BY. SERVICE OROPS (Fs et) A iC, STAKED No. of MEMBERS. PRIMARY LINE (Feet) SECONDARY (Feet) CE COO | Pal a | [eeiga | fold | feet | TIS Ta | sea TITTLE TTT TTT TTT OT 1a sil | Tia | Ta TTT i | ee aS da sis pee Ee ae Pas CTT fast iat eo ge Te ee | PELL Tea TTT Ise TT ea ee CTT MATT TTT ee 7 mas as a Me eT Te ae UT aa TT Hes IIT fe mo w SIS, =i. = #. als Bia | -or [sean] gts] “| SNe Q@N 3F RING SPAN __________ WORK ORDER NQ________ fiom Ss fen Im i STAKING SHEET nba 2Y0e « f. bec land Brey (BR AABA STA. IUMEA AWE Tice NCO Otero = ke — SIZE——___—___— KINO. eee | -_ aBbeg papuagxg ‘h b er SSS a KOTZEBUE ELECTRIC Assoc. TEER Nor 4422482 Mar 06,91 14:05 P.08 4 |i 2 v og m 7 8Y. NAME AND REMARKS gi Co ing for » ‘I wy ee CR PUPPET te CCE TEC ST ETO PCO TT Lg UTC TT TRH TT CCT PTT gat id pe asa ee TT ee ett ree treet atta as | i Gia Pee Ss gla ds [| : SR aa. PSITTUTT gre fay |e LT ao ned EG dea ST ee ei te ld a aT eT ea Ta ee aed aI ca En Pla’ an ow tec oa ld 9 ne aw gat ker sweet wal or “7 f STAKED —__ CHECKED__ BY. Released for Const, TwPr CODE aL SERVICE DROPS (Feet) Mo. of MEMBERS PROMARY LINE (Feet) SECONDARY (Feet) sel canta | “oe [omen] ana] SECONOARY Ne WORK ORDER NO______ amare eenenarunnenents L6ON STAKING SHEET 2 ugp RULING SPAN KINO. -MAR. .-OF<ALRS EF TR-~ INH APE oft 2 NAc REN 1 Alas —____. SECTION — Size—_— PY’ Kh { 5 2! E 858d papueqxs \'8 State of Alaska Ds Waiter J. Hickel. Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation WleCREREECHOMP AY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) - TELECOPY SENT TO: prada Walcrernc Pubiie Sake Dept of | / nance, NAME OF COMPANY: COMPANY ADDRESS: TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: — 1123 - 5039 SENDER: M a g udol TELEPHONE NUMBER: 2!" /© 77 ©xt 223 Capes cone: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: = INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: A/A5/91 IF YOU 00 MOT RECETVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneas SPECIAL Instructions: § _VQ0- J} You Could Ut Han revuw Know its ck 70 review !! | quess Our_guys need _the_review clone Soon!! Thanks @ bunen + if theres any Problem, please Call me! = PO.Box AM Juneau. Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 4 $M PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road =Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Ooo LS FDE 430-40: AGENCY JOURNAL ENTRY BK 0498503 S 0017 TRANS CODE MINOR 40 ADDITIONAL AUTH RD 12238 DOCUMENT NUMBER A04985030017 SOURCE RD CODE 8133_ TOTAL DEBIT AMOUNT 122. 6&5 a DESCRIPTION LONG BUCKLAND7PCAN REVIEW FISCAL PERIOD CODE C ----- OPEN ITEM----- IEAX FIN AMOUNT sy ce Pom LC ACCT FY TYPE NUM LINE FLI LINE 1 122. 85 _. 91 8139501, _ 81899200 73270 91 alt} eal BUGREAND PUAN) REVIEW ia csiiceie TNO | ee | py) @-122.85 91 12552105" 77777 af: Ac toe) Um Ey teen BS) | LL eat eran Hae a ft SS ao. Mig ead aT TaN PASI PIES) SIU] AE 1) ee a) | LA I sc ast Vga Ye 0 USN LSI LPI Be) lela) EIS el 1) WEA PF1i=QUIT 3=SUBMIT 4=BATCH ERRS S=BASE 6=FINS 12=DELETE State of Alaska Walter J. Hickel. Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation February 11, 1991 Mr. Chester Weger Deputy Fire Marshall II State of Alaska Department of Public Safety Division of Fire Prevention 5700 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99507 Re: Plan Review for Buckland Dear Mr. Weger: The Alaska Energy Authority is currently providing technical assistance to the community of Buckland for the construction of a new power house. As part of this effort, we have prepared the enclosed design. If successful, this design will probably be used as a prototype for other rural communities and adapted to individual sites. Our desire is to improve the overall safety and dependability of electrical power generation in rural Alaska. The building is a B-2 Occupancy, Type VN construction. Minimum 20’ separation will be maintained to property lines and 40’ separation from the washeteria, the only other building on the same property. The plan review fee of $122.85, as quoted by Greg McDonald of your office, is currently being transferred through the AKSAS system. We are willing to meet at your convenience to discuss this project if desired. If you have any questions feel free to contact me or Gary Smith, Manager of Rural Projects, at 561-7877. Sincerely, . 40 9X ) || Foe : Brian C. Gray LU Rural Systems’ Engineer XX enclosure Oh . ccs Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authority Q [| \4 BUCKBGLI Mora, hare te ledger Lobe 1899200 le PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 PO. 0 x . Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road ~= Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 TRIP REPORT - BUCKLAND POWER PLANT February 20-21, 1991 Date: 2/25/91 To: Project File Thru: Gary Smith From: Brian Gray As Re: Site Visit to Buckland for Investigation of Site for New Power Plant summary: I went to Buckland to confirm the site previously selected for the new power plant and to collect field data for preparation of a budget for project completion and to assist in planning efforts. The proposed site adjacent to the existing washeteria appears to be the best one currently available has the support of members of the community. Waste heat can be readily provided to the washeteria. Trip Report: Wednesday, 2/20/91 I departed Anchorage at 8:30 AM arriving in Buckland at 1:30 PM. I met with Mayor Willie Thomas, City Administrator Clarence Thomas, Power Plant Operator.Ernest Thomas, and Washeteria Operator Mike. I gathered field data on the site, the fuel system, and the existing generation and distribution system. I spent the night at the City Clinic. Thursday, 2/21/91 I completed the field investigation, performed a cursory evaluation of the school as a potential waste heat user, held a final meeting with the City Administrator, and received a letter from the Mayor indicating the community’s support for the proposed site. I left Buckland at 12:30 PM, arriving in Anchorage at 5:30 PM. Project Overview: The proposed site is located between the washeteria and two existing 24,000 gallon fuel storage tanks, reportedly on city land. The existing 3-phase distribution terminates at the pole adjacent to the washeteria, approximately 100’ from the new power plant site. Two existing 12’x24’ buildings on skid-type foundations are located where the power plant will go. According to Clarence and Willie they will move the buildings as soon as it is required. The gravel pad where the washeteria and fuel tanks set is reported to be. the old runway and appears to be at least 5’ deep. The washeteria sets on beams directly on gravel. The gravel pad under the washeteria is about 3’ higher than the proposed site. I feel that we should place 2’ to 3’ of gravel prior to constructing the power house. The City will be hauling about 4,000 cubic yards of gravel during the month of March for construction of a new solid waste disposal site by Village Safe Water. Clarence and Willie said they would be glad to haul whatever gravel we need to the site. The two fuel oil tanks at the site appear to be in fair condition. They are lacking some code required appurtenances such as emergency vents and steel valves. They are set in a welded steel dike that is only capable of holding about 14,000 gallons, slightly over one-half the required volume. According to Ernie the dike is liquid tight with the exception of a drain bung in one corner which is left open. Installation of a locking dike drain valve would improve the safety of the tank farm. While not a code-compliant installation, it appears to be a reasonable bulk fuel facility and will probably be adequate for interim use. The fill line from the beach is a 3" diameter schedule 40 steel line with threaded joints. According to Ernie some of the joints leak. The line also requires additional pipe supports. Currently the line doubles as a transfer line to transfer fuel from the tanks to the power plant about once a week. If the tanks are used strictly for generation storage and a new distribution line is installed from the tanks to the generators, the potential for leaks and spills will be greatly reduced. The generation equipment appears to be in need of routine maintenance. Some of the control gauges do not appear to be functioning, the oil filter pressure gauge was pegged, and all of the equipment and interior surfaces of the modules are covered with a heavy oil film due to crankcase vents terminating inside the building. The washeteria is probably the only viable building for installation of a waste heat system. Annual heating fuel use appears to be about 6,500 gallons. Relocation of piping, equipment, and some electrical devices will probably be required to allow installation of a heat exchanger. Approximately 100’ one-way of distribution piping will be required from the power plant to the washeteria. The clinic building adjacent to the washeteria could potentially be served with waste heat system but it would require an additional 175’ of piping one way and it is doubtful that the fuel savings for the small building could justify the installation cost. The school could also be served with waste heat in the future but it would require over 400’ of piping one way and considerable modification to the mechanical room and may not be economically feasible. BUCKBGRI1 BLCMLAMID Pw flAwt 2 /2o/o| B. tur Site Flas - TZ Bou 1 #/ 89-4 wi maa a WAAL OW 6°KS" Beans Le? OF 2 (41h) COOL’, - whet GRaver MONE wWitE & NEevTea, co (AD 3'E YIGHER Tipo Cn Tine Bee , \ . AI C@ oITE Veor To ul Is 3p Asa * Atimee, 1A fowl Lwe q > we Alfie. ov EYE OF Grau, ta0 —_——~» x oe COMMUNITY LATER Fe: “T 2" hivestp sczerteO BRO ze OATES Q Zo0uTH B17 3° Brovee OV OW LerTH SIDE Wl sTeeL EVIC Flue LIne I” Seosee Vern Wes OY Easy siI0e — NO Loces Pe Poe FLAT Z/20/9\ B. Gray Vo HETELIA Hier. FrAn Pou*|s 35-200 # fern2: #/-I15 l76°t Foeruee OCWE-pWpe&t To CUNIC fee vAae HEAT ZOOne correr SH. B*AFE Btrswe Pot Fiasy Z2/ze /2\ €. Cray Ze. WASKHETERIM& MEH Notes 7O B-\ + B-2s wen Hera BL-776-5-wW) (B-\ LEAO &B-z LAc) 4OONBH Gross , 4.26 GFH, FIRING JO5F - 157F Clee Furs : PEG foosTer SeKies FE’ 4 uw 4 HY’ “ a” » ‘Pe’ - Mix Minute, Z2[20/9| B- Grer Wie Th ougs Masso & et tine Lamas Cite Bei nai. He evetiect lence fase ries Oferate— YD Would like te pie Alter | & Cty tacks te ove ceatrl Tak face ned te AWA | Pic Yar = solily € due. Fill line 2) Turse vivells Comes iW August Wethebics Feeo gel (2D i B20 * ga los tasks Nias por pled d will Merve Cle. boildings at Site D D-7., He3D Jocder/bce 7 G44 footer , | | Be denp treks - all Cunning | rad wept week— biel sed dele OL fo hak 0 louf{e leader (2 Will Floed Le naype zk Le. tuctoes dleey tice | in Fa ie Te i j + j lo) i ty renovate / Gepaud td ge” Lneet te vases) Ins Somme - wh fe veed Bitte. dex uel Wades peat oe ee waste bad () ehevecs fh, carpudecs auleble - “eo Clacbriciaus, 2. tage Catited welders wh So sl sap, he hz taudec buried aheot t+ ten eve greed -— VNeeds re fete ae Lrecded ha tact ie joints leak - Weeds neu? svgperts 2) tak dike olds dda teers ‘elisa: terbe, ot Wideuke ok Geet” heare /stlenet A) flo Zouplainds Aboot lack ot het- wateg— | \s] generstec epechor =" eget 5 ee i uo pre bleucs wo/ Gtucteh ore BUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL P.O. BOX 49 BUCKLAND, ALASKA 99727 (907) 494-2121 February 20, 1991 Alaska Energy Authority P.O. Box 109869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 This is to certify that the two lots adjacent to the Buckland City Washeteria are for the generator building which will be located on the East side. This location was decided during the September 7, 1969 and October 10, 1969 City Council meetings. If you have any questions, please contact either myself at 494- 2140, or the City Administrator, Clarence Thomas at 494-2121. Thank you. Mayor ce: file BUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING SEPT. 7,..1989 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 1:10 PM BY MAYOR RAYMOND LEE SR. Gt . BO ROLL CALL: MAYOR------- RAYMOND LEE SR.---PRESENT “! Vit seo 3.¢ VICE MAYOR--JIMMY GEARY SR.---PRESENT te 1a pl SECRETARY---ERNEST BARGER----- PRESENT 2 = v of 4 TREASURER---INGRAM MELTON SR.-EXCUSED 2 — 1ST MEMBER--NATHAN HADLEY SR.-PRESENT / O 2ND MEMBER--WILLIE THOMAS----- PRESENT _.-—_3RD MEMBER--LOUIS HADLEY SR.--PRESENT3-—~ L QUORUM_ 6 ‘ 7 GENERATOR UPGRADE GUESTS: LUKE SAMPSON, MWAB HELEN POOTOOGUULUK, SENATOR MACLEAN OFFICE MARTHA STEWART, SENATOR AL ADAMS OFFICE BRAD REEVE, KEA CHUCK GREENE, NWAB HAHNS HANSEN, AEA SUE WHITE, AEA LUKE - WE ARE HERE TO PROPSE TO THE ‘COUNCIL A SOLUTION AND A RESOLUTION TO BE PASSED BY THE COUNCIL. AN AGREEMENT WITH ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY FOR THE GENERATOR BUILDING. SUE -- SHE GAVE THE COUNCIL COPIES OF THE ENGINEER REPORT AND A BUDGET FOR THE GENERATOR UPGRADE. SHE STATED THE BUILDING SITE PREVIOUSLY AGREEN UPON IS A BAD SITE BECAUSE OF SETTLING PROBLEMS AND IT IS A FIRE HAZARD. WE HAVE $34,500.00 PLUS WE ARE ASKING FOR $98,000.00 FROM THE LEGISLATURE FOR THIS PROJECT. HAHNS- WE SUGGEST THAT YOU DO NOT BUILD THE GENERATOR BUILD- ING BEHIND THE SHOP BECAUSE OF SETTLING PROBLEMS AND IT IS A FIRE HAZARD. WE ALL AGREED THAT WE SHOULD RELOCATE THE POWERHOUSE. ba ALL WE NEED TO DO IS PLAN ON THE RELOCATION. HE WOULD LIKE TO BE THE FOREMAN AND HOW WOULD LIKE TO BUILD A BUILDING FOR US. HE WOULD ALSO LIKE TO WORK ON THE EXISTING HOUSES AND PREPARE THEM FOR THE WINTER. JIMMY -ARE YOU GOING TO PUT SIMULATORS IN THE NEW BUILDINGS? HAHNS -YES, I WAS THE ONE THAT INSTALLED THE PREVIOUS ONES. I WOULD ALSO LIKE TO PUT IN A THIRD MACHINE FOR THE SUMMER TIME USAGE ONLY. WE NEED YOUR HELP WITH FUEL OIL CONSUMPTION. SPECIAL MEETING PAGE 2 CHUCK- WHAT SIZE IS THE BUILDING GOING TO BE? HAHNS -20X24 APPROXIMATELY 4FT OFF THE GROUND. SUE - BUCKLAND WOULD BE ON THE CIRCUIT RIDER PROGRAM AFTER THE BUILDING IS CONSTRUCTED. NATHAN-AS LONG AS WE HAVE GOOD GENERATORS. HAHNS -THE ONES YOU HAVE NOW ARE THE BEST ON THE MARKET. WILLIE-MOVES THAT WE ACCEPT THE MEMORANSUM OF AGREEMENT. NATHAN-SECONDED THE MOTION. WILLIE-QUESTION CALLED FOR. ROLL CALL VOTE-RAYMOND - yes, JIMMY - YES, WILLIE - YES, NATHAN - YES, LOUIS - YES, ERNEST - YES, 6 YES, MOTION CARRIES. UNANIMOUS. SUE - INSTEAD OF A RESOLUTION I CAN DRAFT UP A LETTER TO GOVERNOR COWPER AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF AK. ENERGY AUTHORITY. I WILL SEND IT TO THE BOROUGH AND BOROUGH CAN SEND THE LETTER TO US. BRAD - WE ARE DONE WITH THE ELECTRICAL LIKES. WE PLAN TO FINISH UP NEXT WEEK INSTALLING 60 NEW METERS. WHEN WORKING ON LINES, THE GENERATOR SHOULD BE OFF. THE LINES ARE HOT LINES. IF THE CITY IS SELECTED FOR THE WASTEHEAT YOU NEED THE BUILDING HERE SOMEWHERE. IF THE WASHETERIA AND SCHOOL IS SELECTED FOR THE WASTE HEAT, WE NEED THE BUILDING OVER THERE. SUE - SHE PASSED OUT THE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT. SHE EXPLAINS THE MEMORANDUM. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? CHUCK - BEFORE YOU SIGN, THERE IS A SHORT TERM SOLUTION AND A LONG TERM SOLUTION. SUE - THERE IS $8000.00 TO SOLVE THE SHORT TERM SOLUTION. THERE IS $34,500.00 PLUS WHAT WE ASK FROM THE LEGISLATURE TO SOLVE THE LONG TERM SOLUTION. RAYMOND - HE SIGNS THE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT. SUE - WE NEED TO MAKE UP A RESOLUTION THAT WILL GO THROUGH THE GOVERNOR AND THE LEGISLATURE. LUKE - YOU WILL GET TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FROM A.E.A. FOR THE GENERATOR. SUE AND HAHNS MADE A COMMITMENT TO ASSIST SPECIAL MEETING PAGE 3 LUKE - YOU THIS WINTER UNTIL THEY START THE BUILDING. HELEN -I AM FORM SENATOR MCALEANS OFFICE AND WE WILL BE HAPPY TO SUPPORT YOU ON THIS PROJECT. RAYMOND - THANK YOU. WE NEED ALL THE SUPPORT WE CAN GET. CHUCK - I THINK WE HAVE SOME GOOD PEOPLE SUPPORTING BUCKLAND. ERNEST - MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN. WILLIE SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. BUCKLAND CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 10, 1989 Meeting called to order: 7:26 p.m. by Raymond Lee Sr. Roll Call: M yor Raymond Lee Sr. P V. :e Mayor Jimmy Geary Sr. P S: stretary Ernest Barger P T: esurer Imgram Melton Sr. P lst Member Nathan Hadley Sr. Excused 2: 1 Member Willie Thomas Excused 3: a Member Louis Hadley Sr. P Quorum _ 5 Approval of Agenda: Jimmy Geary Sr. moved to accept the agenda, second by Louis Hadley Sr. : Approval of last meeting minutes: Tina Smith read the last meeting minutes. Jimmy moved to approve the last meeting minutes as read. Seconded by Ingram. All "Ayes" Unanimous. V.P.S.O. Report: Ernest Barger said she couldn't make it. Suicide Prevention: Doris Carter said she went to Anchorage for training. Her main thing is to work with the young people. She said she asked Marie Clark to work with her, also asked Evans Thomas Sr. to work with the boys on making sleds. She'll be selling furs at a higher price then what she bought them for to raise money for a VCR & TV. Shes got two movies "White Dawn" and "The Eskimoes" said she doesn't know how long she can keep the tapes, but would like to show them before she has to send them to Noorvik. She also mention that shes always home if anyone needs someone to listen or talk to. Question called: None Raymond said she needs back up from our people to help our young people. Lightplant Upgrade Report: Bob Dolly said that it sounds like they had the money and were ready to go. They could get the lot right next to the washeteria, where the old tool shed is located. A question was asked, Who will provide the money for building the lightplant and how much are they asking for? Raymond Lee said APA will provide the money and they are asking for 89 thousand. Comments: Grace Lee asked why did they cut off the lights for her old house, Raymond said they're back on. Correspondence: Letter from Doris Carter dated September 27, 1989. Clarence read the letter. Comments from the Public. Doris Carter,®xplained what happened when her house got moved, asked for help in fixing her doors. Jimmy said no fundings for that. Doris asked for address for the BIA people. Raymond said should survey the BIA houses then call the Gare Cap Cet. URal A> State of Alaska D.C.R.A Report: Clarence read the letter, explained what kind of program it will be. B> State of Alaska Governor Report: Clarence ask of you have any gravel access? answer was no. Raymond said funding was inadequate. 3 c> Dated Nov. 13 & 14 Clarence stated to send membership of '89 about the AML, said when we're a member we don't have to pay for anything for training. D> Audit Report: They asked for 1988, but got 86 & 87, for 1989 all it needed is signature and sent in. Buckland Native Store Report: request a sno-machine shop of Aug. & Sept. 3rd time coming up, problem is no’room in store, asking for lease for shop. City has no funds to run the shop. Position out for 1 more employee for the store, got 1 to 2 months to think about it, decision up to the public. City decide how much to rent itout. Rocky Henry ask what will happen if the shop closes where will they work on their sno-gos in the evenings? Raymond said there will be new tools in the shop. Ingram said it will be runned like Hansons shop. Pattiann ask if you were to hire, someone will that person have to stay in store or help out in the shop? Raymond said it's all up to the manager. The vote came out three yes and two no, the store got the lease to the shop. NEW BUSINESS: Ernest Barger said a family will be here to Buckland need to plan out how to welcome them. Raymond said Ernest's family will be going to Japan in exchange Novemther 10, 1989. Clarence said that the village coordinator use to set up the events, Doris Carter said if she had the help she can do it. The council said they want the family to feel at home. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Break called at 9:04 called back at 9:28 Comments from the Public: John Bania lease of lands. John Bania said that according to the last meeting minutes their point was right, all he needs is a smal! lot to put a couple of small building, where he won't have to move them every couple of years. City administrator needs to look it up the lot near the storage building by the school, see if it's open. John Bania also suggested the bell tower under the old school, he donated it to the Church for the bell tower, need to hire couple of guys to set it up. Rocky Henry had permission to use the truck to throw trash. Loose dogs was brought up, all dogs 6 months or over will be shot, have Anita air and post it, V.S.W was also brought up, dumpsite don't look good, trash should be piled up and burned. City Clerk: Tina Smith 3 votes, Eva Lee 2 votes Clinic Janitor: John Washington 3 votes, Grace Lee 2 votes. Comments from Public: Norma Hadley said she needs a office for working space, Raymond approved an office space for Norma, Clarence said that we would move the past over paperwork downstairs. Ernest Barger moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Louis Hadley Sr. 10:00 p.m. : Ww bewcuce VPSiar MAT Ter Ap ELEeeT. | SOME 1990 EXIST. SAN. Sewer Agatic Ox Seas Ah. 4 RATING Goi . CIPCUL AT iF Ses. sae oe Theale 24'- 0" (VERIFY) a & - 24'- 0' (VERIFY) EXISTING BUILDING RECEPTION. WAY ETE FUer Use -|9a9 Z/)0 Bes 2/z2s 266 ZLIB 425 tA) 270 4/9 480 Flo = AIT 6/21 469 7/28 484 6/s\ So7 lo/2 493 /9 417 1290 Foev Lee \/24 > \z/ie $29 429 4zZ> 46) IZ/is > |/6/9 lo — \/26 Yee 7 2/1 Maiaiemcl arate BCYLANO Foe FACT 2/z4/9\ EB Gray Zz Sctoo-e MBC NoTes Z- ovt-& pes Cer & KulJeeornerer1 Z4 ys)" Z2Xt sugee SI FUANE BOYS Wl] PoeceO Ale FurnAce KHL 72OXITC° XE OB Wee FEATE SHOLE SIFY Hearep 61 SAA weit HetAwW 7° 7166-EXR WT 230 7BH Dee 2.05 GFH LecaTED WW MERLE 4/ 3 GIsde BG colo Bolek FY , oftlatwe @ /G0F OCENECATL NOTES 3 H00 GAL LeeO JUNE [990 CHveT ereetet> For fee) SomME OF THE CAveES op LEAD WWiIT Se Te BS MAL FWA OnInG Stool ON =SEPARATO BiceAvE Feou Ty - Leeavep NXT To Brerur CBA CRA CAGES VENTED Fe wWsipE - Au SUEFACES HEAVILY CILED to: na from: Gary date: O05Feb91 re: Buckland Powerhouse Project Description Construction of a new powerhouse near the washeteria/water treatment plant. Generator sets and control gear will be moved from the existing power house to the new power house. Fuel will be provided from the existing tanks located near the washeteria. This facility will be designed and constructed to allow for future installation of a wasteheat system to furnish heat to at least the washeteria and perhaps the clinic. Construction It is intended that the construction of the building shell will be accomplished by the Northwest Arctic Borough using local labor starting in March 1991. Material ordering and shipment will be accomplished by AFA staff. It is intended that the installation of the generator sets and control gear and the connection to the fuel oil storage system will be accomplished by local labor under the management of AFA staff starting in June 1991. Material ordering and shipment will be accomplished by AEA staff. Design The "prototype" design will be adapted as required and will be released for construction after approval from the State Fire Marshall’s Office. AEA Staff Responsiblities Project Manager Hans Design Manager Brian Mechanical Brian Electrical Robert Construction Manager Hans Schedule Targets Design Completion 22Feb91 Construction I Start 18Mar91 Construction II Start 10Jun91