HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake Diversion Tunnel 1986UNAS I DISCUSSION OF DIVERSION TUNNEL HYDRAULIC SLIDE GATES OPERATING SYSTEM YDROELECTR ROJECT The diversion tunnel control gate is normally closed and the guard gate is normally open. In the event of a substantial earthquake the reservoir must be drained rapidly for inspection/safety of the dam. Therefore, the highest degree of reliability must be incorporated into the design of gate operating system. The system has been designed with the following components: Ts Accumulator bank sized for one stroke (one-half cycle) with a small single phase motor/pump for charging the bank. 2. Diesel engine/pump sized for operation without the accumulator bank. Re Diesel engine-generator at the power tunnel gate house for operating the accumulator's motor/pump. 4, Facilities for hooking up a portable engine-generator for operating the accumulator's motor/pump. The operating system for the slide gate will be functional with the following level of failures: a £nQ Tr « Level 1: Loss of Line Power The accumulator bank will be fully charged at all times. To open the control gate would require engagement of a single solenoid valve. Level 2: Loss of line power and damage to the accumulator bank After isolation of the accumulator bank, the gate can be opened at normal speed with the use of the diesel engine/pump. Level 3: Loss of line power, damage to the accumulator bank, and the diesel engine/pump will not start. After isolation of the accumulator bank, the engine generator ‘at the power tunnel gate house is running, the gate can be opened slowly with the use of the small single phase motor/pump. Level 4: Loss of line power, damage to the accumulator bank, diesel engine/pump and the diesel engine-generator will not start. After isolation of the accumulator bank, a portable engine-generator will provide power for the small single phase motor/pump. The gate operating system will be controllable from the power tunnel gate house for a Level 1 failure. Level 2 through 4 will require operation from the diversion tunnel gate house. a eno rt a meet Re } a ad i te eal TABLE OF CONTENTS MENOCRIOUON. Grmcusqnitcatuscn sos ome ute cieesin sees 2 Hydraulic Cylinder Actuators .............. 3 AWWA System Pressure ......... eRoeiereG}i Gem ee 3 PTI ooo oss cores worse ie nene eee Advantages of Hydraulic Actuation soar. © Electric and Pneumatic Control ............ 5 Single Source Responsibility ..................... 5 Symbols Used on Hydraulic Schematic Diagrams ... 6 Hydraulic System “A’—Pushbutton Operation....... 7 Hydraulic System “B”—Fail-Safe Operation ........ 8 Hydraulic System “C’”—Automatic Operation ....... 9 RMI oon eines Maaie bce ee sis ns ote alow sie 9 Typical Performance Specifications ............... 10 Component Specifications ...................005- 11 Engineering Information . . . «016 Quéétions and ANSWErS .3e!05 i oe ei 18 Installation and Maintenance ............. Back Cover introduction Hydraulic Systems for Gate Operation Rodney Hunt hydraulic systems for gate control have for years provided advantages and economies in installa- tions all over the world. Operation of gates by hydraulic cylinders, together with the hydraulic operating system, should be considered for the operation of all gates just as manual and electric actuators are considered. There are many installations where the flexibility and reliability of hydraulic cylinder operation of gates would provide better performance than other methods of operating these gates. Where several gates are operated by a single hydraulic operating system, considerable cost savings can result. The purpose of this brochure is to provide basic information on hydraulic systems and to assist in the selection of the proper system and equipment to meet the desired performance requirements. A typical pump station inlet gate showing a hydraulic cylinder actuator equipped with a continuous gate position transmitter. + The hydraulic system (System C) used to automatically operate the gate at the left to control the influent water level to the Park Pump Station in Hellertown, PA. Copyright 1984 Rodney Hunt Company Orange, Massachusett Cover Photograph OD Two hydraulic cylinder operated 14 ft. x 16 ft. roller gates are used to control the cooling water in a nuclear power plant. The gates must open in a fail-safe situation. Two identical and redundant hydraulic systems provide the normal and emergency operation of these gates. 5 © Hydraulic Cylinder Actuators When hydraulic cylinders are used to operate sluice gates they are mounted in a vertical position directly above the gate and are connected to the gate by means of an operating stem. When self-contained sluice gates or slide gates are used, the hydraulic cylinder is mounted directly on the yoke of the gate and the piston rod is connected directly to the disc of the gate by means of a thrust nut. When the gates are not self-contained, the hydraulic cylinder is mounted on the floor above the gate or ona support bracket, and an extension stem is coupled to the piston rod of the cylinder and, in turn, connected to the gate. Hydraulic cylinders are standard products of a number of qualified manufacturers. The cylinder normally consists of steel heads, a steel barrel, a steel piston and a stain- less steel piston rod. Lip type seals are used to eliminate leakage past the piston, and “O” rings, or pressure actu- ated seals, prevent leakage of oil out of any part of the cylinder. Tie rod construction is most often used. The top and bottom heads of the cylinder are connected by high strength steel tie rods. A tail rod, which is connected to the piston and extends through the top head of the piston can be provided for position indication or emergency operation. Where the cylinders may be operated at relatively high speeds, a cushion is provided in the bottom head to slow the speed of the piston at the end of the stroke. Other options are available such as special materials and plating of the heads and cylinder barrel for additional corrosion resistance. COG ITADEry ° o| ° Typical installation of a self-contained sluice gate with a yoke mounted hydraulic cvlinder actuator. , { | + | a a |e | PB sata niger] bgt Hed wt ° leo ° Oo * x. Typical installation of a sluice gate with a separately mounted cylinder on the concrete floor above the aate. Hydraulic Fluids There are a variety of hydraulic fluids that can be used in hydraulic systems. The choice of the fluid will depend upon the type of application and the location of the system. The fluids can be grouped into two general categories; petroleum fluids and fire resist- ant fluids. The petroleum fluids should be used if possible because they are readily available and the least expensive. The advantages and disadvantages of each group of fluids are described below. PETROLEUM FLUIDS Petroleum fluids are the most common hydraulic fluids and are used in most systems. They are inexpensive and are compatible with most standard seals used in cylin- ders and valves. They are suitable for operation in a wide temperature range and have excellent lubricating qual- ity. They provide excellent corrosion protection, have a desirable specific gravity and good viscosity index. The disadvantages are that they have some toxicity and should not be used where leakage into drinking water may occur. They also have a relatively low fire resistance and should not be used where they may be exposed to an open flame. Rodney Hunt recommends a good grade of fluid designed specifically for hydraulic applications, simi- lar to Shell Tellus 23, Mobil DTE 24, or equal. FIRE RESISTANT FLUIDS It should be noted that the term “fire resistant” does not mean “fire proof”. Fire resistant fluids will burn but have a much higher ignition temperature than petroleum hydrau- lic fluids. There are two broad types of fire resistant fluids. Synthetic — these are man made fluids which are rela- tively expensive and have a limited compatibility with standard seals. They have a wide operating temperature range and excellent lubricating qualities. They also pro- vide excellent corrosion protection, but have undesirable viscosity and specific gravity characteristics. In addition to the higher material cost, these fluids often require additional costly modifications to the system. Where re- quired forthis application, Rodney Hunt recommends the use of Quintolubric #822, Houghto-Safe lil, or equal. Water Based — there are several types of water based fluids including water in oil emulsion, oil in water emul- sion, and water with chemical additive. These are gaining in popularity due to their low cost, excellent fire resist- ance, and seal compatibility. However, they have a num- ber of limitations. They have narrow operating pressure and temperature range, limited lubricating quality and provide poor corrosion protection. In general, they are not recommended for use in sluice gate applications. WATER AND AIR Water and air can be used in hydraulic systems that oper- ate gates. Both have the advantage that they are quite often readily available where hydraulic cylinders are be- ing used. They are also nontoxic. They are not used very frequently, however, because there are a number of dis- advantages to their use. The principal disadvantage of water is that it may corrode materials used in the system. As rust particles form they can lodge in various valves = and seriously affect the performance of the system. Also, where water from municipal systems is used, the pressure is usually less than 150 PSI. This low pres- sure results in large cylinders, piping and nonstandard valving. Air also has the disadvantage that it is usually available only in low pressure, 100 PSI or less, so large compo- nents are required. If moisture is not completely removed from the air, corrosion of the parts can result. Also, the compressibility of air may produce problems in operation and control of the cylinder. AWWA System Pressure The AWWA Sluice Gate Specification, AWWA C501-80, contains a specification for hydraulic cylinders for the operation of cast iron, bronze mounted sluice gates. The pressure selected for the operation of these gates is 2000 psi. This pressure allows the use of standard components which are suitable for 3000 psi for adequate factor of safety. This pressure allows the use of smaller components than would be possible with lower pressures, thus reducing system costs. Cylinder sizes, the reservoir, and the quantity of oil required are all reduced when the 2000 psi pressure is used instead of lower pressures. Hydraulic systems designed for 2000 psi operating pressure have been used success- fully for many years to operate gates. 5 Advantages of Hydraulic Actuation Some of the advantages of hydraulic cylinder actua- tion of gates and valves are listed below: 1. Hydraulic cylinders are inexpensive compared to any other type of actuation, other than manual. 2. There are standard hydraulic cylinders available for operation of sluice gates in almost all applications. 3. There is a large number of high quality cylinder manu- facturers from which to choose. 4. The sluice gate can be designed to open or close at different speeds. Simple speed control valves allow speed of operation from very slow to approximately 10 ft. per minute without danger to the sluice gate. Faster speeds can be achieved if necessary. 5. Since there are no screw stems used there is no nut wear involved for gates that must open or close fre- quently or are used for modulating service. Cylinders can be used for this type of difficult service without concern for wear. : £ 6. A number of sluice gates can be operated from the same hydraulic system resulting in substantial cost re- duction. 7. The hydraulic systems can be designed for many functions. The systems can vary from the very simple pushbutton station for open and close operation, to the most complex systems using remote computer controlled positioning. 8. Emergency gate closing and opening in the event of power failure, high water level or other emergencies are easily obtained with hydraulic cylinders. 9. Using the normal 2000 psi oil pressure, all of the components of the hydraulic system are standard and readily available, thus minimizing the problems and costs of maintenance. Because the systems are proven at this pressure, leakage is not a problem. Where there is con- cern about leakage of the fluid into the water, special hydraulic fluids can be used that have low toxication. 10. Hydraulic cylinders can be used in very difficult appli- cations where they are submerged, exposed to severe corrosive atmosphere, installed in regulating chambers under the street and in similar applications by providing corrosion resistant materials in the construction of the cylinder or by providing coatings for the cylinder. Chrome plated stainless steel piston rods are recommended so Q™ pitting or corrosion of these rods does not occur. 11. Hydraulic actuation is ideally suited for areas requir- ing explosion proof equipment. The cylinder can be mounted in the hazardous area with the hydraulic system mounted remotely in a safe environment. SINGLE SOURCE RESPONSIBILITY Rodney Hunt has the unique capability to design hydraulic systems, provide the necessary drawings for customer approval, manufacture the systems and test them at the factory prior to shipment, and pro- vide expert start-up service. This capability provides the consulting engineer, the contractor and the end user with single source responsibility for the gate equipment and the hydraulic system. It is not neces- sary for the contractor or purchaser to coordinate the various suppliers of the different equipment. If there are problems in the proper operation of the system, Rodney Hunt designed the system, built it, tested it and can best solve these problems. Single hydraulic power unit (System B) designed to operate 3 roller gates in a failsafe mode of operation. ELECTRIC AND PNEUMATIC CONTROLS The control system used in a hydraulic system can be either electrically or pneumatically operated. In most ap- plications, the use of the electrical controls will be simpler and less expensive. Electrical controls allow greater flexi- bility, are easier to install and are more reliable. Where electricity cannot be used for the control system, the pneumatic system is a practical option. The pneumatic system can respond to pneumatic signals, can operate the necessary directional valves and provide most of the same options available with the electric system. The air used in the pneumatic system must be clean and dry. An advantage of the pneumatic system is that it is possible to store air under pressure to provide control during periods of power failure. Symbols Used on Hydraulic Schematic Diagrams be 2 © RESERVOIR The container or source of the fluid being pressurized. PUMP The pump raises the fluid pressure from at- mospheric to the desired system pressure. It can be fixed or variable displacement and is usually motor driven. Hand pumps are often used as part of the emergency back-up sys- tem. FILTER A device installed between the reservoir and the pump and in the discharge line to the reServoir to remove impurities from the hy- draulic fluid. The filters may be provided with a bypass to allow flow of oil when the system is clogged to prevent damage to the system. PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE A valve which allows the oil to flow directly back to the reservoir when a predetermined pressure is reached. This prevents system pressure from exceeding this predetermined setting. PRESSURE GAUGE The gauge indicates fluid pressure at vari- ous points in the system. PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE A valve that reduces the system pressure to a lower pressure. In sluice gate applications it is desirable to have the pressure used to close the gate lower than the pressure avail- able to open the gate because of the differ- ence in area between the top of the piston and the underside of the piston where the rad ic attachad FLOW CONTROL VALVE A valve that consists of a check valve and a throttling valve. The check valve allows flow in one direction and prevents flow in the op- posite direction. The flow in the opposite di- rection is forced to pass through a needle valve or other type of control valve which can throttle the flow. In this way the speed of operation of the cylinder can be controlled in both the opening and the closing direction. CHECK VALVE Avalve used to allow flow in one direction but stop the flow in the opposite direction. PILOT OPERATED CHECK VALVE This type of valve involves two check valves in a single body. The line pressure from one valve causes the opposite valve to open. DIRECTIONAL CONTROL VALVE A two-position or three-po- sition valve which is actu- ated either manually, elec- trically or pneumatically. It directs the oil under pressure to either the top or the bottom of the cylinder and returns the oil from the opposite end of the cylinder to the reservoir. PRESSURE SWITCH A switch that is actuated by pressure, norm- ally used to start and stop the pump at prede- termined pressures. ACCUMULATOR An accumulator is used to store oil under pressure. It is normally precharged with an inert gas, which is separated from the oil by either a bladder or a piston. It is used to provide emergency operation when the pump and motor are not operating and also used to prevent frequent operation of the niuimn 3 Hydraulic Systems i 2 yc ee PUSHBUTTON OPERATION TYPICAL APPLICATION Hydraulic Systems it i= aa PVCS felts vo) aa: TYPICAL APPLICATION myaraulic systems RODNEY ) Cay) TYPICAL APPLICATION OPTIONS mMyaraulic system Specifications The Specifications for hydraulic systems should consist of two sections. The first section of the speci- fication should be a performance specification which describes exactly what the system will be required to do. it should be as complete and as detailed as possi- ble. The performance specification should clearly require the gate manufacturer to be responsible for the operation of the system to meet the required performance specifications. The gate manufacturer shall design, manufacture and test the unit. Typical Performance Specifications The system shail be a self-contained, 2000 PSI hydraulic oil system capable of simultaneously operating all gates at a speed of 30” per minute against the design head requirements. Provisions shall be made to operate the gates from the hydraulic system control panel as well as in the central control station. All operating devices in the central contro! station will be supplied as part of the instrumentation specification. There will be terminal con- nection points at the hydraulic system panel for these operating devices. The system shall include dual automatically alternating pumps. The alternating pumps shall be arranged so that in the event of failure of one pump the other will automati- cally start. All necessary controls and components shall be provided to cause the gates to perform the desired operations. NORMAL OPERATION It will be possible to position all gates simultaneously using manually activated push-buttons located at the control panel on the power unit or at a control panel in the central control station. It shall be possible to open, close or position each gate at any intermediate position. FAIL-SAFE OPERATION In the event of loss of power, high water level, presence of gas or similar emergency, all gates shall automatically and immediately close at a speed of 72” per minute. AUTOMATIC OPERATION A sensing device shall be provided in the channel down- stream from the gate to sense water level. The system shall be designed to modulate the gate to maintain a constant water level in the channel. It shall be possible to regulate this water level within plus or minus 6” of the desired set point. The set point shall be fully adjustable over the entire depth of the channel. The second section of the specifications should be a description of the various components that might be required in the system that is designed to meet the performance specifications. These component spec- ifications should be in sufficient detail to assure that a high level of quality is maintained. A typical performance specification is included on this page. It should be changed or added to as re- quired to clearly describe the type of operation that is required. There shall be sufficient interlocks and indicating lights to control and know at all times which mode of operation is being used. It shall not be possible to operate the gates automatically or remotely when local operation is selected. A means of continuous gate position sensing and trans- mission shall be provided to indicate the position of the gate at the local control panel and at the central control station. A hand-pump shall be provided to allow manual opera- tion of the gates in the event that there is no electrical power available. Hydraulic system for Quail Creek Reservoir Proiect near St. George, Utah. myaraulic oysiem Component Specifications A typical component specification is presented be- low and on the following pages. This specification describes various components that might be used in a system. All of the components may not be required in every system. However, by including all of the descriptions as given below, a level of quality for all of the components will be assured. Section 1. General 1.1 This specification identifies minimum standards for the hydraulic system components required by the performance specifications. In all cases, components shall be selected on the basis of applicability to the performance requirements. This section serves only to establish minimum standards of quality for a wide vari- ety of the most common components utilized in hydrau- lic systems. The system design and selection of compo- nents shall bé governed by the requirements of the performance section. 1.2 Itis the intent of this specification to encourage the use of the latest technological advances, both in compo- nent selection and in system design concepts. Section 2. Hydraulic Cylinders 2.1 The hydraulic cylinder shall be of the heavy duty type and shall be rated for 3,000 psi. 2.2 Materials 2.2.1 The piston rod shall be chrome plated stainless steel. 2.2.2 Unless otherwise specified, the cylinder head, cap, body, and tie rods shall be made of steel. 2.2.3 Allseals shall be made of a material that is compat- ible with the hydraulic fluid. 2.3 Sizing 2.3.1 The cylinder shall be sized to provide sufficient opening and closing thrust under the design head condi- tions. 2.3.2 A minimum 25% safety factor shall be applied to the maximum operating load before sizing, to allow for line loss and other system pressure drops. 2.3.3 The piston rod shall be sized to safely withstand 1.25 times the full cylinder output at maximum system pressure. 2.4 The piston shall be equipped with lip type seals for minimum leakage under static load conditions. 2.5 The rod cartridge shall be removable with no special tools required. 2.6 Where a tail rod is required, it shall be chrome plated . Steel of the size required by its use. 2.7 The hydraulic cylinder shall be manufactured by Parker Hannifin, or equal. Section 3. Hydraulic Power Unit 3.1 General 3.1.1 The hydraulic power unit shall be a 2,000 psi hy- draulic oil system. It shall be of sufficient size and capac- ity to operate the hydraulic cylinders against the design thrust requirements. 3.1.2 The minimum design operating speed shall be 30 inches per minute unless otherwise specified. 3.1.3 The power unit shall be designed and manufac- tured in compliance with good engineering practice. RODNEY HUNT Hydraulic System Component Specifications 3.1.4 All components shall be mounted in a position which will facilitate adjustment and maintenance of the unit. Lifting eyes shall be provided to facilitate handling of the unit. Additionally, it shall be constructed so as to allow lifting by a fork truck. 3.1.5 All openings in hydraulic equipment shall be sealed prior to shipment. 3.1.6 Component Quality a. It is the intent of this specification that all parts and components be constructed of the best materials suit- able for the application. b. Itis intended that all major components be manufac- tured by recognized leaders in the field. This does not limit the necessity from time to time to use a new product or manufacturer to achieve the desired system perfor- mance. c. It is preferable to use as many major components from the same manufacturer as possible. 3.1.7 All field connection points shall be clearly labeled. 3.2 Hydraulic.Fluid 3.2.1 Unless otherwise specified the system shall be designed to use a premium grade hydraulic fluid, similar to Shell Tellus 23 or equal. 3.2.2 For systems requiring a fire retardent hydraulic fluid, a synthetic fluid similar to Quintolubric 822 or equal shall be used. 3.3 Piping and Fittings 3.3.1 Unless otherwise specified, seamless or welded hydraulic steel tubing per JIC 524 or JIC 535, respec- tively, shall be used. 3.3.2 Pipe Size a. Suction lines shall be sized according to the pump manufacturer's data sheets. b. Cross sectional area of the piping shall be sufficient to prevent cavitation or starvation and undue tempera- ture rise or turbulence. c. The pipe size and wall thickness shall be selected to have a minimum safety factor of six to one based on the maximum working pressure. d. Suction piping shall be selected such that the fluid velocity is within the range of two to four feet per second. e. Return line piping shall be selected such that the fluid velocity is within the range of ten to fifteen feet per second. f. Pressure line piping shall be selected such that the fluid velocity is within the range of fifteen to twenty feet per second. 3.3.3 All piping, piping fittings, oil passages, cored holes or drilled holes shall be free of burrs or foreign matter that might cause damage to any hydraulic component or contamination of the hydraulic fluid. 3.3.4 All fittings shall be of the type most appropriate for the tubing and the application. a. Unless otherwise specified, all hydraulic tube fittings shall be 37 degree flare type. b. All rigid black iron piping shall utilize threaded NPT connections. c. All pneumatic tubing shall utilize compression type fittings. 3.3.5 Fittings shall be Parker, or equal 3.4 Reservoirs 3.4.1 The reservoir shall be JIC style and shall be de- signed and constructed to minimize entry of foreign matter including water. 3.4.2 Reservoir Size a. Minimum reservoir size shall be 1.25 times the total return oil volume. b. The reservoir shall be designed for adequate heat dissipation. c. The fluid level shall be visible in the sight gauge during the normal operating cycle. d. The reservoir shall be large enough to provide an adequate mounting surface for the hydraulic system components. 3.4.3 A combination breather and filler assembly shall be supplied and mounted on a riser. a. It shall have a built-in strainer for straining the fluid while filling. b. Itshall have an air cleaner which shall be of sufficient capacity to maintain approximate atmospheric pressure at maximum demands of the hydraulic system and shall prevent entrance of splashed liquids. 9 2 9 3.4.4 The reservoir shall be equipped with a fluid level indicator with markings to show high and low levels. 3.4.5 There shall be a baffle provided between the intake and return lines to facilitate the separation of air and foreign matter from the hydraulic fluid. 3.4.6 Both the intake and the return pipes shall be brought down to a distance of 11/2 pipe diameters above the bottom so as not to cause cavitation or aeration. 3.4.7 Ample and accessible provisions shall be made for complete cleaning of the reservoir. 3.4.8 A tank drain shall be provided. 3.5 Pumps and Motors 3.5.1 The pump and motor shall be of the type most suitable for the application, taking into account maxi- mum flow rate, pressure range, available power, and duty cycle. 3.5.2 The pump and motor shall be sized to provide sufficient volume of fluid to operate the cylinders as specified at the design speed and pressure. 3.5.3 Unless otherwise specified or required the motor shall be a three phase, totally enclosed fan cooled mo- tor. " pa 3.5.4 Flexible couplings shall be used between the pump and the motor. a. The couplings shall have adequate capacity to trans- mit the power required. b. The mounting surface provided for the pump and motor shall be rigid and prevent coupling misalignment due to work load and temperature variation. c. Adetachable safety guard shall be fastened over the coupling. 3.5.5 Where required, dual pumps and motors will be provided. ROONEY HUNT a. Where there are pumps operating in parallel, valving, which will permit removal of one pump while the other is still in operation shall be provided. b. Provisions shall be made in the electrical control circuit to alternate the pumps or otherwise provide a means of operating both of these pumps in accordance with the performance specifications. 3.5.6 The direction of rotation of each pump shall be clearly indicated on the pump. 3.5.7 Pumps shall be Parker, or equal. 3.5.8 Motors shall be Baldor, or equal. 3.6 Protection and Monitoring Devices 3.6.1 A pressure relief valve shall be provided on the discharge side of all fixed volume pumps. 3.6.2 Where required for automatic pressure control, pressure switches shall be used to start and stop the pump motor. 3.6.3 There shall be a means of sensing the oil level in the reservoir. Lights will indicate low oil level and an automatic shut-off switch will protect the pump from damage. 3.6.4 There shall be a means of continuously monitoring the precharge nitrogen pressure in the accumulators at all times. An alarm light shall be provided to acknowl- edge low precharge pressure. 3.6.5 Sensors and indicating lights shall be supplied for any other alarm conditions as required in the perfor- mance specifications. 3.6.6 Filters will be provided to protect the hydraulic fluid. a. Each pump shall have an indicating suction filter. Its filtration size shall be as recommended by the pump manufacturer. b. There shall be a system return line filter with a by- pass. Unless otherwise specified it shall provide filtra- tion to the ten micron particle size. c. Hand pumps shall be provided with a submerged suction strainer. 3.6.7 There shall be at least one pressure gauge to monitor the normal system pressure. a. Additionally, there shall be a sufficient number of pressure gauges to adequately monitor critical pressure applications and to provide a means of monitoring system adjustments. b. All gauges shall be supplied with a shut-off valve to permit replacement without shutting down the system. 3.7 Valves and Accessories 3.7.1 All valves shall be of the type and size most appro- priate to the application. 3.7.2 Directional control valves shall be used to direct the flow of oil to the operating cylinder. These may be solenoid, pilot, or manually operated depending upon the requirements of the system. myaraulic system Component Specifications 3.7.3 Where required, pilot operated check valves or other suitable means shall be provided to maintain inter- mediate positioning of the cylinder. 3.7.4 Flow control valves shall be provided and shall be fully adjustable over the desired range of operating speed. 3.7.5 All system connections to the cylinders shall be terminated at the power unit with ball valves. 3.7.6 Check valves shall be provided to prevent reverse flow through the pumps. They shall also be provided wherever required in the circuit to provide proper opera- tion. 3.7.7 All pressure switches shall be supplied with pres- sure snubbers to prevent pressure fluctuations from producing unwanted and unnecessary pump starts. 3.7.8 Hydraulic valves provided with external drain con- nections shall be piped independently to the reservoir or to a vented manifold. 3.7.9 All other valves and accessories shall be provided as required to meet the necessary performance require- ments. 3.7.10 Valves shall be Parker, or equal. 3.8 Accumulators 3.8.1 Accumulators shall be sized to provide sufficient volume and pressure to operate the cylinders as speci- fied in the performance specification, plus an additional ten percent safety factor. 3.8.2 All accumulators shall be built in accordance with the requirements for pressure vessels in ASME Section Vill. 3.8.3 Means shall be provided for safely relieving accu- mulator gas and liquid pressure. 3.8.4 If multiple accumulators are used, each shall be provided with individual shut-off valves at both gas and liquid ends. 3.8.5 The precharge fluid shall be nitrogen gas. 3.8.6 There shall be a means of measuring precharge gas pressure. 3.8.7 There shall be a means of automatically determin- ing when there is a loss of precharge pressure. This condition shall be reported as an alarm. 3.8.8 Where required, fail safe accumulators shall be designed to discharge automatically upon loss of power. 3.8.9 Accumulators shall normally be mounted directly on the hydraulic power unit. Where their volume is suffi- ciently large to make this difficult, they shall be mounted in a separate rack with suitable means for handling. 3.8.10 Where accumulators are isolated from the main system, they should be provided with a separate pres- sure switch to maintain proper operating pressure. 3.8.11 Accumulators shall be Parker, or equal. 3.9 Electrical Controls 3.9.1 Unless otherwise specified, all power unit electri- cally activated devices shall be factory wired to a control enclosure. 3.9.2 Where required by the performance specifications all necessary electrical controls, operating devices, and monitoring devices shall be wired to an electrical control enclosure. 3.9.3 The control enclosure shall be rated NEMA 12 or better, as required. 3.9.4 Where required, all necessary relays, timers, and other components shall be supplied to provide for the various operating modes described in the performance specifications. 3.9.5 All field connections shall be wired to a terminal 9 Strip in the electrical control enclosure. These connec- tions shall be labeled and shall correspond to the electri- cal schematic diagram. 3.9.6 All control enclosures shall have hinged covers which swing horizontally and shall be held closed with mechanical fasteners. 3.9.7 Electrical controls, where required, shall include all necessary disconnect switches or circuit breakers plus control power transformers to provide a complete sys- tem requiring only input power. 3.9.8 Provision shall be made for all necessary remote connections. 3.10 Modulating Controls 3.10.1 Where required by the performance specifica- tion, all sensing devices and modulating controls shall be supplied to provide a complete automatic operating system. 3.10.2 Where sensing devices are required to measure fluid level in order to establish a control point, they may be either electrical or pneumatic as appropriate. 3.10.3 In all cases the equipment necessary to respond to the control signals shall be provided as part of the total hydraulic system. This is essential for system perfor- mance responsibility. 3.10.4 If a bubbler system is required, the equipment to generate and sense a bubbler signal shall be located at the power unit and be furnished as a complete unit. It should be capable of sensing water level and sending pneumatic or electrical signals to the directional valve to maintain the water level within an adjustable range. a. The compressed air system, if required, shall consist of a compressor, receiver tank, relief valve, regulating valves, and all necessary driers and filters as required to operate the pneumatic system. This unit shall be factory piped and wired such that all the interconnecting piping and wiring can be made at one location. b. The size and pressure rating of the instrument air system shall be as necessary to meet the performance requirements. 3.10.5 All modulating control systems shall be designed with flexibility to enable field adjustment to meet the actual flow conditions. 3.11 Testing 3.11.1 All parts of the total hydraulic operating system shall be brought together at final assembly so that total system performance can be tested. 3.11.2 All equipment shall be thoroughly tested prior to shipment. 3.12 Painting 3.12.1 The power unit shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all traces of oil and grease prior to painting. 3.12.2 Unless otherwise specified, the unit shall be painted with one coat of primer and one coat of industrial grey enamel. 3.12.3 The paint shall be Koppers Glamortex 501 enamel, or equal. Section 4. Position Indication 4.1 Position indication, can be of three different types: a. Local continuous position indication b. Remote end travel indication c. Remote continuous gate position indication 4.1.1 For local continuous gate position indication, the cylinder tail rod operating within a clear plastic cover, which has Mylar markings, will be provided. If a tail rod is not desirable, a rod attached to the gate disc or stem shall extend above the operating floor and indicate the position of the gate. 4.1.2 Remote end travel indication shall be provided by externally mounted limit switches actuated by the tail rod or by a rod attached to the moving gate or stem, or by proximity type switches mounted in the cylinder heads. 4.1.3 Remote continuous gate position indication shall be provided by a position signal generator and a receiver. a. The position transmitter shall be located at the cylin- der and shall transform the linear motion of the gate to a variable electrical signal. b. The receiver, which is located remotely from the cylinder, shall receive the transmitter signal and indicate the position on a dial. c. The position indication system shall be as manufac- tured by DeLaval-Gem Sensors Division; Celesco, or equal. ‘Engineering Information OIL FLOW CAPACITY OF PIPES Where hydraulic systems are used to power hydraulic cylinders to open and close gates and valves, it is neces- Sary to install piping between the system and the cylinder. The size of the pipe depends upon the amount of fluid to be transmitted and the velocity that will be allowed within the pipe. For most hydraulic systems using 2000 psi oil pressure, Schedule 80 (extra-strong weight) pipe will be used. The amount of oil to be transmitted is determined by the speed of operation of the gate required and the cylinder size. Using the chart on page 17 it is possible to deter- mine the amount of oil required in a cylinder for each inch of travel. If the gate is to travel at 24” a minute, the total gallons per minute of oil required can be determined. Once the flow of oil has been determined, the chart below can be used to determine the pipe size using the recom- mended range of oil flow velocity within the pipe for the different uses. The pipes may be pump suction lines, pressure lines or fluid return lines. FACTS AND FORMULAS An example of the use of the chart would be a require- ment for 25 gallons per minute of flow in the pressure line between the system and the hydraulic cylinder. Accord- ing to the chart, a 9/4” diameter pipe could be used. Pipe size should be selected on the basis of oil flow veloc- ity. Undersizing results in high pressure losses and sys- tem overheating. Oversizing reduces pressure and power losses but may increase the cost of the piping. PUMP SUCTION LINES Size chosen should keep oil velocity within the range of 2 to 4 feet per second. PRESSURE LINES Size chosen should keep oil velocity within the range of 15 to 20 feet per second. OIL RETURN LINES Size chosen should keep oil velocity within the range of 10 to 15 feet per second. Schedule 80 SIZING THE HYDRAULIC CYLINDER The size of the hydraulic cylinder depends upon the out- put thrust required to open the gate and the pressure that will be available at the cylinder. The thrust necessary to open the gate can be calculated using the Hoist Bulletin of the Rodney Hunt catalog, Section WCE78-5. The cal- culated thrust necessary to open the gate should be in- creased by 25% to provide a factor of safety. The result- ing thrust is the force used to determine the size of the hydraulic cylinder. The pressure available at the cylinder depends upon the system pressure and the amount of losses between the pump and the cylinder. The system pressure that is most often recommended is 2000 psi. The chart indicates the output thrust of various cylinders at different operating pressures. The force on the push stroke is when the piston rod is being extended and the full area of the piston is acting. On the pull stroke when the piston rod is being contracted, the area of the piston rod must be subtracted from the area of the piston to de- termine the available area acting. There are several rod diameters available for some of these cylinder sizes. The output force for operating pressures not indicated in the chart can be calculated using the ratio of the actual operating pressure to the operating pressures given in the chart. An example of cylinder sizing is as follows: With an operating thrust, with the 25% added, of 21,100 Ibs. and a system pressure of 2,000 Ibs., a preliminary se- lection of cylinder size would seem to indicate a 5” diame- ter bore cylinder with a 3” diameter piston rod. At 2000 psi this cylinder will have a pull stroke of 25,180 Ibs. This is more than the required thrust so the 5” diameter cylinder is adequate. craemenrrersre sm mptiet: Questions and Answers In what types of applications is it advanta- geous to use hydraulic cylinder actuated sluice gates? There are many applications where the hydraulically ac- tuated sluice gate with a suitably designed system are advantageous. A partial list is as follows: 1. Applications where the sluice gates are for modulating service or are frequently operated 2. Applications where a number of gates can be oper- ated from a single system 3. Applications where the ability to change operating speed is desirable 4. Applications requiring fail-safe or emergency closing or opening 5. Applications where the actuator must be submerged 6. Applications where the actuator is required to be explosionproof What makes hydraulic operation suitable for explosionproof or submerged appli- cations or where the atmosphere is poor? The cylinder actuator can be submerged or safely placed in a poor atmosphere while the hydraulic system is lo- cated in a dry area remote from the cylinder actuator. The cylinder has no exposed moving parts except the piston rod and can be made of corrosion resistant materials or can be adequately coated to resist corrosion. Can a single hydraulic system be used to operate more than one gate? Yes. As many as necessary. If three or more gates are op- erated from a single system, depending upon the com- plexity of the system, the actuator will probably be cheaper than using electric motor driven actuators. Is it possible to adjust the speed of closing or opening where several gates are oper- ated from a single system? Yes. The speed of operation of each gate is controlled in- dependently for both opening and closing. Are hydraulic cylinders and controls readily available? There are a large number of hydraulic cylinder manufac- turers who make cylinders suitable for sluice gate opera- tion. There is also a very large selection available of all of the components for the hydraulic system. Rodney Hunt uses only widely known brand products that have a repu- tation for good quality and are widely available in all parts of the country. How reliable is the cylinder and system? Very little can go wrong because of the few moving parts in the cylinder. All parts of the system are standard off- the-shelf items that have proven to have long life. What prevents the gate from drifting closed when it is operated with a hydraulic cylinder? Lip seals are placed on the cylinder piston and the piston rod, and leak-tight pilot operated check valves are pro- vided on the power system unit. Piston Piston Cylinder Lip Seals Barrel Cylinder Heads Cutaway view of a hydraulic cylinder How far from the cylinder can the power sys- tem be located? Normally, up to 100 yards, but by specially designing the system this distance can be increased. Should the power system equipment be ina housing? Where the power system is located within a building, a separate housing is not required. If, however, the system is to be outdoors or exposed to corrosive atmosphere, then the system should be in its own separate housing. Where the atmosphere can be hazardous, it is desirable to enclose the complete system within an explosionproof housing. A better solution is to install the hydraulic sys- tem outside of the hazardous area. What pressure is recommended for system operation? A system pressure of 2000 psi offers a comfortable mar- gin of safety for readily available equipment rated for 3000 psi and is a high enough pressure to result in rea- sonably sized hydraulic cylinders and controls. Are there any parts of the total system that Rodney Hunt will not furnish? Yes. Rodney Hunt will not furnish the tubing or piping that interconnects the hydraulic cylinders to the power sys- tem, nor will they provide the electric wiring necessary to bring the power to the control panel. What are the normal and maximum speeds of operation? The gate opening and closing speed is usually between 12” per minute and 36” per minute. For those applications requiring fail-safe opening or closing in an emergency speeds as high as 15 ft. to 20 ft. per minute can be obtained. What type of fluid is recommended for these systems? In most cases, any good grade of hydraulic fluid is ac- ceptable. Rodney Hunt normally uses Shell Tellus 23 hy- draulic fluid in standard applications. Where a fire retard- ant fluid is required, Quintrolubic 822 is recommended. In applications where the hydraulic cylinder is to be used in the vicinity of potable water, Rodney Hunt normally rec- ommends Ucon FDC 300 manufactured by Union Carbide. What about air and water as pressure mediums? Air has the disadvantage that it is not compressible and, therefore, it is difficult to obtain smooth motion of the pis- ton in the cylinder. It also has the disadvantage that it is normally low pressure so that large cylinders are re- quired. Air must also be clean and dry, which adds to the expense of the system. Water is normally used at pressures of 150 psi or below and, therefore, large components are required. It also has the serious disadvantage that it will corrode parts of the system and small rust particles will cause the valves to become inoperable. Air and water when used as pressure mediums, have the advantage that they are quite often available where the cylinders are used and they are nontoxic. RODNEY HUNT How is local position indication obtained? If a tail rod is provided with the cylinder, then local position indication can be by means of a clear plastic pipe cover mounted over the tail rod with mylar markings on the pipe cover, or by means of a graduated scale installed beside the tail rod. If no tail rod is furnished then a rod attached by a bracket to the stem can be used. Is remote position indication available? Remote position indication can be obtained in several ways. A tape or cable can be attached to the gate or toa bracket attached to the stem. This cable passes over a pulley wheel which drives a potentiometer. There is also a fully encapsulated position indicator using magnetically operated reed switches which is advantageous for sub- mersible or explosionproof applications. t Continuous position transmitter and external limit switches activated by the hydraulic cylinder tail rod Will Rodney Hunt accept total system responsibility? Yes. Rodney Hunt will size the hydraulic cylinder and the complete system, design the system to meet the perfor- mance requirements, test it prior to shipment and guaran- tee its performance. oT aye, Wistalation and Maintenance STORAGE Hydraulic cylinders should be filled with the hydraulic fluid that is going to be used in the system and stored vertically to prevent damage to the seals. If the cylinders are too long to be stored vertically, they may be stored on their sides but must be rotated once a month to prevent seal damage. Hydraulic systems should always be stored indoors prior to installation. INSTALLATION Extreme care should be used in the movement and han- dling of the hydraulic system. Many of the components are sensitive and easily subject to damage if not pro- tected. Most units are provided with lifting eyes for han- dling with overhead facilities, or are designed to be lifted by a forklift truck. Electrical Connections — Electrical connections for the power unit are all made at a terminal strip located in the enclosure. The terminal strips are clearly marked with the proper voltage. Each unit is shipped with the complete system schematic diagram located in the enclosure. Proper rotation of the motor is indicated by an arrow on the motor. This should be checked by jogging the motor when the connections are made. Reversing any two power leads will change the direction of rotation of the motor. Hydraulic Connections — All hydraulic connections made to the hydraulic power system are made at the out- let end of ball valves. The ball valves are marked to clearly indicate which ball valves should be connected to the top of the hydraulic cylinder and which to the bottom of the cylinder. The piping connection to the hydraulic cyl- inder should include a valve on each pipeline at the cylin- der and a union so that the connection can be broken easily. It is recommended that air bleed valves be in- stalled at the highest point in the lines. If the system has separate accumulators, they should be connected to the designated ball valve port. RODNEY HUNT COMPANY ORANGE, MASSACHUSETTS 01364 U.S.A. Filling the System — The system should be filled with the recommended fluid by filling the reservoir and pump- ing the oil through the system. As the system is filling it will be necessary to refill the reservoir as required. With the system completely filled the reservoir should be at approximately the midpoint of the gauge glass on the reservoir. Important When filling the system with oil the connections at the cylinder should be disconnected and oil be al- lowed to flow out of both pipes in sufficient quantity to insure that the pipes are flushed clean. The con- nections to the cylinders can then be remade and the cylinder filled with oil. The cylinders should be cy- cled several times to insure that all air is discharged from the cylinder. MAINTENANCE Proper maintenance of the hydraulic cylinder is simple but crucial. The filters and strainers in the system should be changed at least once a year. Any loss of fluid over time should be replaced periodically with the same hydraulic fluid. The fluid should always be - in the mid-area of the gauge glass when the gates are closed. All Rodney Hunt systems are thoroughly tested at the plant, but if leakage should occur while the system is in use, the joints should be tightened to prevent the loss of oil and the possibility of air getting into the system. Rodney Hunt Company has trained hydraulic service- men available to assist during start-up and if problems arise in the operation of the system. The information herein is, to our knowledge, true and accurate. However, Rodney Hunt Com- pany makes no warranties or representation. expressed or implied, other than those set forth in the specifications of a formal quotation. No agent, representative or employee of this company \s authorized to vary the terms of this notice TEL: 617-544-2511 / TELEX: 951-784 ROD HUNT ORNG 2 REVIEW . COMMENTS BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT NEAR HOMER ALASKA []arch. [ACTION TAKEN ON COMMENT BY. tse __ Chew ean, |REVIEW CONFERENCE] DESIGN OFFICE DATE: REVIEWER: PHONE: MECH. (]mecu./ELec. A~ COMMENT ACCEPTED C-CORRECTION MADE i a STRUCT. W-COMMENT WITHDRAWN t S ~ DESIGNER WILL ADVISE (IF DIFFERENT, EXPLAIN) ITEM NO. Sat. Pape. COMMENTS NABishop JHron RDulin Mr. D.R. Eberle August 6, 1986 Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 J.0. No. 15800.09 WP 45B-1a2 SWEC/APA 843 OPERATING SYSTEM HIGH PRESSURE GATES BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Enclosed are the Notes of Meeting from the Technical Design Briefing of August 4, 1986. If you have any questions or require additional information, please let us know. Keedune Cth Theodore Critikos Deputy Project Manager Enclosure TC/RD/JW NUTBS UF MEBTLNG u.U. NO. 1D0UU.UY TECHNICAL DESIGN BRIEFING WP 45B-6 OPERATING SYSTEM HIGH PRESSURE GATES BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Held in the office of Present for: Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation Alaska Power Authority (APA) 800 A Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 J August 4, 1986 Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC): T. Critikos R. Dulin PURPOSE The purpose of the briefing was to review the five alternatives discussed in SWEC's letter dated April 8, 1986 to Alaska Power Authority regarding the Operating System for the High Pressure Gates. DISCUSSION Richard Dulin presented a brief summary of the design limitations, design criteria, and operating criteria. The following items were discussed: te Fuel source for engines has been limited to diesel fuel. 2s Only single-phase power is available, therefore high horsepower motors are not practical. 3. The operating speed requirements for the gates were reviewed. 4, The drawdown rate for the reservoir was reviewed and the criticality of a quick response time for reservoir drawdown was reviewed. 5. The five alternatives presented in the April 8, 1986 letter were reviewed. It was agreed that Alternative 5 would provide the best solution for the above mentioned items. ACTION Proceed on final design for the High Pressure Gates and Operating System based on Alternative 5. R. Dulin Enclosure aun rome STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION E! VED BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT OFFICE ‘ Po 3 tag 8OOA STREET, SUITE 101, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 a Peis ” ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO PO. BOX 101520. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99510 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BOSTON NEW YORK TELEPHONE ' 907-277-2427 CHERRY HILL.ND TELECOPY : 907-277-0164 Denver HOUSTON WASHINGTON. 0.¢ Mr. D.R. Eberle April 8, 1986 Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 J.0. No. 15800.09 WP 36C-1a2 SWEC/APA 612 OPERATING SYSTEMS DIVERSION TUNNEL HYDRAULIC SLIDE GATES BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Under the direction of the Design Review meeting of March 19, 1986 five alternatives have been reviewed for the operating systems needed to power the Diversion Tunnel hydraulic slide gates. A complete discussion of these alternatives is attached. SUE irre From the alternatives considered @emine ternative 5% This alternative makes use of an accumulator bank sized for the opening cycle of the control gate and an engine driven high volume pump hydraulic power pack for additional system backup to support the closing, opening and recharging cycles. This alternative will provide the needed reliability, flexibility, at a minimum cost increase. If you have any questions or require additional information, please let us know. 7; GAP T. Critikos Deputy Project Manager Attachment TC/JW cc: Mr. John Longacre, w/att 1-196—IW 7) . z tH: NABishop me rm. ST fforQ RECEIVED —_—— MAY 1 61986 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Mr. D.R. Eberle March 26, 1986 Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 J.O. No. 15800.12 WP 96A-1a2 M1.3 SWEC/APA 595 DESIGN PROGRESS REVIEW MEETING BRA L ROELECTRIC PROJECT Attached for your use and file are two copies of the Notes of Conference for the Second Design Progress Review Meeting (Design Review Meeting). By copy of this letter we are mailing two copies of said notes to Mr. H. Elwin of Bechtel. We trust these notes are in accordance with your understanding, if not, please advise. Theodore Critikos Deputy Project Manager TC/JIJ ec: Mr. John Longacre, Alaska Power Authority, w/enc Mr. H. Elwin, BECHTEL, w/enc 2-420-JS NOTES OF CONFERENCE DESIGN REVIEW MEETING MARCH 19, 1986 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT ALASKA ER R Held in the office of Stone & Webster Engineering Bradley Lake Project Office 800 A Street Anchorage, AK 99501 PURPOSE . J.O. 15800.12 Present for: Alaska Power Authority (APA) D. R. Eberle Bechtel Civil & Minerals H. Elwin Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC) J. J. Garrity T. Critikos J. Yale R. Krohn J. Hron W. Sherman R. Dulin (Item 24 only) J. Nowak L. Duncan The meeting was the second Design Review Meeting for the Main Civil Contract phase and continued the weekly design review meeting process with APA and Bechtel present. DISCUSSION OLD ACTION ITEMS DISCUSSED SEQUENTIAL ACTION ITEM: Item #1 Handed out latest Powerhouse arrangement drawings for APA to review and approve: 15800-S211C-2, 3/17/86 15800-S211D-2, 3/17/86 Discussed stairs - hard to put stairs from 42 to 21, code will not permit ship's ladder or spiral staircase. SCADA/Control panels fit OK in original space in control room. As control room is, it is OLD ACTION ITEMS DISCUSSED (continued ) SEQUENTIAL ACTION ITEM: ACTION Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item #2 6B #4 #7 #8 #10 adequately spacious but need office space for drawings, etc. Extension of control room is limited by bracing - exact location to be finalized. APA Lunchroom Door now in, stair to be added to roof of substation. SWEC to look at options for stairs to top of substation at north end of powerhouse Done APA to notify on office arrangement, SWEC will move wall area to make smaller storage area APA Women's restroom Problem with other side of building due to gravity sewer, want to move from storage area back towards office. Can move to corner at front of office and storage room. Will check headroom and try to put on south end of office. This site would be acceptable to Mr. Eberle. SWEC to send drawing for final comments after restroom switch. Can take some storage area up for office - move wall northward - make storage room smaller SWEC - Halon - approved by APA ~ Done Settled: £1 42 control room will have all controls and RT. Auxiliaries not in computer - local Done Meeting for afternoon of 3/19 (Transmission Line) APA APA to schedule still (Major Equipment Prequal.) APA Sizing 45MW on high side of transformer, makes 1.1 MW difference (2% station service, 3% generator, 0.5% transformer). Net 2.5% difference if metered on high side of transformer. Machine rating based on power sales agreement for output, not generator rating. SWEC need to answer with backup data. Gross generator rating last August was figured at 2 units at max reservoir = 59 MVA. New analysis for 3 units gives min. head 915 ft rather than previous 990, so full-power rating with 2 OLD ACTION ITEMS DISCUSSED (continued) SEQUENTIAL ACTION ITEM: Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item Item #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 units at maximum head = 62.5 MVA. Therefore, sizing for minimum head, 3 units, transformer high side rating gives generator at 62.5 MVA on high side at maximum head. Units to be sized for 3 units at minimum head, therefore more energy available at 2 unit generator due to max head rating of generator and turbine APA needs to decide if generator is to be limited to maximum or lesser head. SWEC to provide table of max, min each case - 2 or 3 units, recommend why, SWEC wants certain case and solution, why we want to stay with high head rating. Geotechnical Design Criteria Review - not done, work proceeding without approval. Control System Design Criteria Review - not done yet, proceeding without approval. General Project Info and Civil Design Criteria Review - not done, proceeding without approval. Mechanical Design Criteria Review - not done yet, proceeding without approval. Mechanical P&ID Concept Drawing Review - not done yet, proceeding without approval. APA to have review done by Kahn and Wol fe Electrical Design Criteria Review - not done yet, proceeding without approval. Control System Arrangement Review - SCADA configuration to be confirmed in writing per meeting last week Logic Diagrams Submittal Review - not done yet, awaiting decision Generator Fire Protection Decision and Review - (ref. Item #5) Hydraulic Design Criteria Review - letter from APA received with approval APA SWEC APA APA APA APA APA APA SWEC APA Done Done OLD ACTION ITEMS DISCUSSED (continued) SEQUENTIAL ACTION ITEM: ACTION Item #21 Hydraulic Model Testing Scope approval - Funding letter received Done Item #22 Project Spillway Conceptual Arrangement Review —- not yet done, proceeding with 30%. APA Item #23 Main Dam Diversion-Bulkhead Gates Concept Review - not done yet, proceeding to 60%. APA Item #24 Diversion Tunnel Gate Shaft and Fish By-pass Concept Review - SWEC to send 2 new drawings SWEC Handed out copies of drawings: 15800-H-002-1 15800-H-003-1 - Richard Dulin, hydraulic engineer, gave a presentation on Diversion Tunnel. Criteria calls for 2 1/2 ft/day drawdown limit, allows for 40 to 45 day drawdown period, with 1500 cfs inflow (includes Middle Fork inflow and high-two month summer flow during drawdown). Limitation was based on dam drawdown (critical for dam face stability). Dave Eberle was concerned about joint use of Diversion Tunnel and Power Tunnel for drawdown, therefore need tight operational control in project operating criteria. Explained why steel penstock was used instead of gate and open tunnel; and the gate hydraulic accumulator system. Discussed why accumulator system instead of positive displacement pump: more reliable and only 10% of power demand. Mr. Eberle wants SWEC to prepare letter on options and discusssion thereof and cost of standby portion of system. Gates and penstock concept accepted. - Access: spiral stairs will be usually used - for annual inspection only. Offset gatehouse so crane can access. Will raise lid and shaft collar about 3 ft. - Contracting: Anticipate one vendor for entire gate and operating system - performance specifications only, just like a crane with specifications on usable materials and speeds, etc. Estimate 4 serious vendors minimum, interest to date from: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Johnson Machine Works, Inc. OLD ACTION ITEMS DISCUSSED (continued) SEQUENTIAL ACTION ITEM: ACTION Lakeside Bridge & Steel Trowbridge Industries Stewart Machine Company Allis Chalmers Corp. Dravo Wellman Piping anticipated to be all exposed, then unistrut mounts with covering in shaft. Pipe size = 1 in. diameter. Explained why bonnetted gates. - Metal seal gate - stainless and bronze. High tech bearing surfaces considered, but tend to creep - these gates will be static, not much chance, for recovery gf materials. Gates now 75 ft”, were 120 ft”. Gate vent pipes sizing conceptual only at this stage. - Penstock design with couplings and sliding saddles. Fish by-pass will manifold into individual nozzles. Will discuss amount of wasteage from system likely to occur (with 40 cfs/100 cfs fish release compensation flow requirements) in later letter. Manifold handles compensation flow requirements, reduced flow would save mostly on lost energy costs, not capital cost. - Explained butterfly valve and nozzle, ball valve and expansion cone alternatives for for manifold. Gate valves and nozzles considered for design. Sump set to discharge above the tailwater. Cone would allow free draining but nozzles do not. - Downstream: - showed rating curve, about = 10,000 cfs to start inundation. 6,000 cfs is about 5 ft below 1077 deck. Control valves all on/off. Will use manual valve operation for guard values. Emergency release gates are manual only. Fish by-pass operation is only automatic system at diversion tunnel. Mr. Eberle says OK on concept, look at economics of accumulators. No on-site maintenance provision for gates - OK. Gate = 10,000 1bs each. = Main gate shaft very similar to diversion tunnel, just a bit larger. = Put options for emergency operating system on FERC agenda for presentation. Need APA approval now - will get scheme drawings to SWEC APA within a week. OLD ACTION ITEMS DISCUSSED (continued) SEQUENTIAL ACTION ITEM: ACTION Item #25 Alternatives of pendant or both pendant/cab control of crane. D. Eberle directed SWEC to use both. Letter from APA so directing on the way APA Item Item Item Item Item Item Item #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 #31 #32 SWEC to consider vertical and inclined shaft options for power tunnel and determine energy value penalty for contract for vertical option. APA to consider how penalty is to be defined in contract. SWEC to allow for contractor alternative in main power tunnel diameter tolerance, and figure credit for larger diameter. Oil treatment - drum handling system in powerhouse. No treatment system. D. Eberle approved minutes format for Design Review meetings. D. Eberle wants schedule update included as part of Design Review meetings - bi-weekly, hand out one week, discuss next week D. Eberle to provide copy of Terror Lake FERC minutes as example for Bradley Lake minutes . format. (Received March 21, 1986) Draft QC inspection plan given to JJGarrity, to be reviewed and returned to APA with comments ~ so it can be sent to FERC. NEW BUSINESS, ITEMS DISCUSSED Item #33 Middle Fork Diversion status - update given by N.A. Bishop - concept by April 15, rough alternative costs by May 1 Steel pipe would have been part-year operation. Now may use: ° Part-year pipeline ° Year-round channel May go part year, but year around is OK. Above 5 year storm, will probably use cutoff limit to reduce spillway flood. Concept by middle of April on technical, costs to follow, then SWEC SWEC Done Done SWEC Done SWEC NEW BUSINESS, ITEMS DISCUSSED Item #34 Nuka environmental assessment. SWEC proposes to revise Exhibit G maps to handle revised power cable and MFD alignments at same time at a later date. SWEC Mr. Eberle directed to be prepared: Middle Fork Diversion/Nuka/Upper reservoir clearing could be rolled into a separate contract APA Diversion status - at Washington, D.C. meeting last week, John Katz (Governor's office) and Bill Horn (Interior Department Assistant Secretary for Parks & Wildlife) met. Mr. Horn appears amenable, thinks no problem to do diversion. Affirmation of hydraulic calculations underway with Owen William, NPS, Colorado. Should have a compensation flow counter-offer by end of week. Consider design to eliminate dike-use weir only. Want to divert up to 250 cfs to Bradley. Mr. Eberle requests that SWEC consider drop box design to allow for low level release at a later date. SWEC to look at details of engineering. SWEC Item #35 Site Preparation Contract Addendum A status - underway at this time APA Item #36 Reschedule Design meeting to avoid TCC meeting date conflict (deleted) Done FOR NEXT MEETING'S AGENDA Item #37 APA operations wants monorail in oil treatment room. SWEC prefers more maneuverable drum handler - SWEC to provide cost and letter on preferred scheme SWEC Item #38 Structural design criteria issued in late February needs review APA Item #39 New mechanical-oriented FERC Board member LCDuncan LCD/JW selection APA AGENDA: SECOND DESIGN REVIEW MEETING MARCH 19, 1986 Ay UPDATE OF DESIGN STATUS B. OLD BUSINESS (By Sequential Aotion Item Number) Date of Awaiting Item No. Action Item Deseription . Last Action Action By 1 Powerhouse Arrangement inoluding E1, 42 to 21 stair arrangement 3/13/86 SWEC 2 Lunchroom Walkthrough 3/11/86 APA 3 Office Area Requirements 3/11/86 APA 4 Women's Restroom Requirements 3/11/86 APA 5 CO,/Halon Fire Protection Selection 3/11/86 APA 7, El. 21/El. 42 Control System Arrangements 3/11/86 APA 8 Transmission Line Construction Schedule (Meeting date on 3/11/86 APA schedule, alignment, tower types) 9 Major Equipment Prequalification (procedure meeting) 3/11/86 APA 10 Turdine/Generator Rated Capacity (highside vs. generator rated 3/11/86 SWEC and rated max. output limitations) 1 Geotechnical Design Criteria Review 12/30/85 APA 12 Control System Design Criteria 12/30/85 APA 13 General Project Information and Civil Design Criteria 1/14/86 APA 14 Mechanical Design Criteria 1/17/86 APA tedJ 1 AGENDA SECOND DESIGN REVIEW MEETING MARCH 19, 1986 : Date of Awaiting Item No. Action Item Description Last Action Action By 15 Mechanical P&ID Review 2/2/86 APA 16 Electrical Design Criteria 2/3/86 APA At Control System Arrangement 2/3/86 APA 18 Controls Logic Diagrams 2/7/86 APA 19 Generator Fire Protection 2/12/86 APA 22 Project Spillway Conceptual Arrangement 2/17/86 APA 23 Main Dam Diversion - ba anant Gates 2/25/86 APA 24 Diversion Tunnel Gate Shaft and Fish By-Pass 2/27/86 APA 25 Crane - Remote vs. Cab Control, Economics 3/11/86 APA 26 Inelined Shaft Vertical/Alternate Slope Option and Penalty 3/11/86 APA 27 Tunnel Diameter Credit for Alternate Diameter 3/11/86 SWEC 28 O41 Treatment Room vs. Drum Handling - Economics 3/11/86 APA 29 Copy of Intertie Minutes Format 3/11/86 APA 30 Schedule Update 3/11/86 SWEC 31 Terror Lake FERC Minutes Example 3/11/86 APA 32 Draft QC Inspeotion Plan Review ; 3/11/86 SWEC Jedd 2 Cc, Ji-JdJ Item No, AGENDA SECOND DESIGN REVIEW MEETING MARCH 19, 1986 NEW BUSINESS 33 34 35 36 Middle Fork Diversion Nuka Diversion Site Preparation Contract, Addendum A Design Review Meeting Date to Avoid TCC Conflicts Date of Awaiting MEMORANDUM «ie: se apn State of Alaska TO: |Name, as Dept./Div./Sect. Mail Stop or} / [Oem “Od-A Name-~ 4 / pt./Div./Sect. Telephone — a4 KA Horner 22/ (chi er ck 02-001C (12/80) THRU: FROM: dohn C. Stafford Pame: May 8, 1986 Deputy Project Manager/Susitna wey geri FILE NO.: TELEPHONE NO.: M SUBJECT: Bradley Lake Peter N. Hansen o Rural Systems Engineer My review of the 30% design of the mechanical P&ID drawings have produced the following comments: Drawing 15800-FJ-0020A-1: No comments. Drawing 15800-FJ-0020b-1: No comments. Drawing 15800-FJ-1505-1: The cost of dumping 200-800 Ibs. of Halon should warrant a number of safety measures to prevent accidental dumping. It would seem safer from an economic standpoint to provide each room with its own dedicated system and having the Halon system for the generators sized according to their needs only. Drawing 15800-FJ-220A-1: No comments. Drawing 15800-FJ-220B-1: Generator room: Avoid Air Operated Dampers on the Diesel Generators and in exterior wall. These dampers are unnecessary and tend to be a maintenance problem in cold weather due to limited use. Use back draft dampers and delete by-pass damper on generator cooling air duct. Drawing 15800-FJ-2301-1: What is the source of domestic water? I suggest using a tap on the penstock in combination with a pressure reducing valve and a pre-pressurized bladder tank toe avoid pressure-transient problems. - PH/fs 4250/596 1 THRU: FROM: John C. Stafford DATE: July 11, 1986 Deputy Project Manager/Bradley FILE NO.: TELEPHONE NO.: SUBJECT: SWEC/APA 794 Peter N. Hansen h Wa Rural Systems Engineer Reference letter SWEC/APA 554, drawing FJ-2202B: It is recommended that SWEC specifies an emergency generator with a remotely mounted radiator with an electrically driven fan. The radiator should be placed in a closed plenum with a separate air intake and with a gravity damper on the air outlet. The radiator fan should be directly driven by a two speed motor controlled by a AMOT 2340E thermostatic switch installed in the coolant return line. The generator room should be provided with an exhaust fan and an intake air filter. These items should be sized for ventilation adequate for removal of radiated heat and heat from generator cooling. It is recommended that SWEC specifies an insulated exhaust system. Reference SWEC/APA 641: A flat plate heat exchanger is still recommended for the flowing reasons: 1. Part load characteristics of flat plate heat exchangers are fully adequate for this purpose and can be specified. 2. Tube and shell heat exchangers are definitely not more reliable than flat rate plate heat exchangers. Tube and shell heat exchangers rely on the integrity of the tubes as well as the tightness of the tube-to-end wall con- struction. A leak in a tube and shell heat exchanger can only be detected through an apparent loss/addition of fluid in the closed cooling Toop. A Yeak in a flat plate heat exchanger can occur in two ways: Either through a hole in a plate (very rarely seen) or through a rubber seal leak. A rubber seal leak is always drained to the exterior of the heat exchanger and thus it is easily detected. Such leaks are, however, also very rare. 3. Fouling is normally less of a problem in a flat plate heat exchanger due to the uniformity of flow velocities throughout the heat exchanger. Also, on flat plate heat 5134/618/1 exchangers, the fouling problem can easily be handled through correct specification. If SWEC feels comfortable with using penstock water in the generators in an emergency, one heat exchanger will be sufficient. 4. Space requirement. A flat plate heat exchanger needs only 1/5 of the space needed for a tube and shell ex- changer when space required for dissasembly is con- sidered. Reference: Pressure loss. The statement made by SWEC that a higher pressure loss results in additional cost savings is simply incorrect. It may result in a slightly reduced installation cost; however, these savings become absolutely insignificant when the added pumping costs are con- sidered on a life cycle cost basis. PH/tg 5134/618/2 THRU: FROM: FILE NO.: TELEPHONE NO.: Pe SUBJECT: General Civil Construction Contract Bidding Document David R. Eberle Reviews Project Manager As a result of separating the powerhouse construction from the general civil construction, the recent 60% design submittal (which was based upon the "turn-key" concept) did not provide a meaningful opportunity to review the contract specifications intended for the General Civil Contract. This, coupled with the fact that many changes to the specifications have already been made, will result in a 90% contract specification which will bear only limited resemblance to the 60% submittal. In an effort to expedite the review process and avoid extensive modifi- cations to the contract documents after the 90% issue, I have requested Stone & Webster to provide an interim issue of the complete contract specifications. The interim issue will be limited to only the contract specification portion (including bidding instructions, bid schedule, etc.) and will not include the drawings. To the maximum extent possible it will include changes and comments provided to SWEC through October 14, 1986 and those "punch list" items reviewed on October 16, 1986 for which contract language is readily available and provided to Stone & Webster before October 22, 1986. Some changes, although acknowledged, may not be included until the 90% submittal. Attached is a letter from Stone & Webster outlining their revised schedule for the General Civil Contract review submittals. In summary: . The interim issue will be distributed on November 14, 1986. Some portions may be delayed until November 24. i The formal 90% issue will be distributed on December 15 and will include the design drawings. It is imperative that the Power Authority's and Bechtel's review of these documents be accomplished in a timely fashion. In order to incorporate comments from the interim submittal into the 90% submittal, it will be necessary to provide comments to Stone & Webster no later than December 1, 1986. Any comments not received by that date must be made Tater as comments on the 90% submittal. The objective of having an interim issue of the documents has three purposes: 1. To speed up the final review process by providing an opportunity to review the complete specification in advance of the 90% submittal. 6587/655/1 2. To issue a 90% document which truly represents a level of comple- tion equal to 90%. 3. To avoid extensive changes to the 90% documents. This objective can only be accomplished by timely review and construc- tive commenting on the part of all reviewers. It is imperative that we avoid the reoccurence of another review marathon similar to the Site Preparation Contract. DRE: fw DISTRIBUTION LIST Bechtel Civil Inc., Homer, AK Stone and Webster Engineering, Anchorage, AK Bradley Lake Project Staff Ed Morris, APA Larry Wolf, APA Afzal Khan, APA Peter Hansen, APA / 6587/655/2 oct t« 19886TONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION ALASKA POWER JITHORITY, BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT OFFICE 800 “A” STREET. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO P.O. BOX 101520. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99510 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA BOSTON CHERRY HILL. NJ OENVER HOUSTON NEW YORK PORTLAND. OREGON TELEPHONE, 907-277-2427 TELECOPY: 907-277-0164 RICHLAND. WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. OC. Mr. D.R. Eberle Project Manager October 14, 1986 P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 J.0. No. 15800.12 WP 96A-1a2 SWEC/APA 997 SUBMITTAL OF GENERAL CIVIL CONTRACT BID DOCUMENTS BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT This is in response of your request for an intermediate review of the specifications (not drawings) relating to the General Civil Construc- tion Contract. I have reviewed this schedule with the Project lead engineers and we will make every attempt to submit same on or before November 14, 1986 as they would appear in the Bid Documents. The 90% submittal of these specifications will then be delayed from November 30, 1986 to December 15, 1986. Confirming our telephone discussion of October 13, 1986, we advise as follows: a. Every effort will be made to "upgrade" the specifications so that the submittal reflects comments received to-date from APA, Bechtel, FERC Board, Technical Review Board and others. b. Sections of the specifications that cannot be submitted by November 14, 1986, will be submitted on or before November 24, 1986. ec. Our formal 90% submittal of the Bid Documents, including drawings, will be made on or before December 15, 1986. d. Comments from the December 15th submittal can be provided to our office on an intermittent basis, however all comments must be available not later than the week of January 12, 1987. 2-1119-dd Alaska Power Authority APA 997 e. The FERC Board meeting presently scheduled for the week of December 15, 1986 will be postponed to the week of January 26, 1986. We request your cooperation, as well as that of Bechtel in expediting your respective comments on these specifications. Theodore Critikos Deputy Project Manager TC/JJ 9111011 THRU: FROM: John C. Stafford DATE: May 20, 1986 Deputy Project M r es J —: FILE NO.: TELEPHONE NO.: " SUBJECT: Bradley Lake / i Ly SWEC/APA 612 Peter N. Hansen Rural Systems Engineer My review of this item has produced the following comments: I do not believe that any of the 5 alternatives listed are satisfactory. This is caused by the nature of the assumptions made concerning the situation likely to be experienced following a major earthquake. Little consideration seems to be given to the fact that the design criteria is the ability to empty the reservoir in 45 days. This time frame greatly reduces the need for complicated, expensive, and in real life, not very dependable redundant, automatic and/or remotely operated systems. It would seem more than likely that even in the event of a very major earthquake, access could be secured to the gate area by helicopter in less than one day. It appears that Alternative 5, as preferred by SWEC, is unnecessarily complicated and expensive without providing the desired reliability. I cannot agree with the idea that in the event of a major earthquake, which breaks the powerline to the gate house in addition to making the gate house inaccessible, we can rely on a remotely controlled — using 2,000 psi pressure cylinders. Alternative 5 does not address: 1. What powers the control system when the power line is down? 2. How well does the remotely operated hydraulic system perform if we try to operate it after the power line has been down for a couple of days and the building temperature has dropped to ambient temperature? ia How does a major earthquake affect a system with heavy high pressure cylinders and high pressure piping? I believe that the following solution would be simpler, cheaper, and most likely, also more reliable: a. Reduce the power/energy need by providing a pulley/counter- weight system for each slide gate. Basically, only friction forces will be left to deal with. b. Provide power for the resulting lower pressure/higher volume hydraulic pumps through a power line. Use a few smaller pumps limited to 3 - 5 hp and operated in parallel for reliability and for limitation of power needed. c. Provide a small, air-cooled back-up diesel generator {10-15 kW) for use in case of a power line failure. 4439/441/1 d. Provide a small gasoline driven emergency generator sized to operate one pump only, in addition to emergency lighting. e. Provide a manually operated hydraulic pump for emergency use. Besides costing money to design, construct, heat, and maintain, what is the purpose of the 30'X 22’ building shown over the gate shaft? The equipment needed to raise/lower the gates could easily be housed in the gate shaft itself if the above mentioned solution was used. PH/tg 4439/441/2 THRU: FROM: John C. Stafford DATE: May 20, 1986 Deputy Project Manager FILE NO.: TELEPHONE NO.: SUBJECT: Bradley Lake Ny SWEC/APA 612 Peter N. Hansen ; Rural Systems Engineer My review of this item has produced the following comments: I do not believe that any of the 5 alternatives listed are satisfactory. This is caused by the nature of the assumptions made concerning the situation likely to be experienced following a major earthquake. Little consideration seems to be given to the fact that the design criteria is the ability to empty the reservoir in 45 days. This time frame greatly reduces the need for complicated, expensive, and in real life, not very dependable redundant, automatic and/or remotely operated systems. It would seem more than likely that even in the event of a very major earthquake, access could be secured to the gate area by helicopter in less than one day. It appears that Alternative 5, as preferred by SWEC, is unnecessarily complicated and expensive without providing the desired reliability. I cannot agree with the idea that in the event of a major earthquake, which breaks the powerline to the gate house in addition to making the gate house inaccessible, we can rely on a remotely controlled poe using 2,000 psi pressure cylinders. Alternative 5 does not address: 1. What powers the control system when the power line is down? 2. How well does the remotely operated hydraulic system perform if we try to operate it after the power line has been down for a couple of days and the building temperature has dropped to ambient temperature? 3. How does a major earthquake affect a system with heavy high pressure cylinders and high pressure piping? I believe that the following solution would be simpler, cheaper, and most likely, also more reliable: a. Reduce the power/energy need by providing a pulley/counter- weight system for each slide gate. Basically, only friction forces will be left to deal with. b. Provide power for the resulting lower pressure/higher volume hydraulic pumps through a power line. Use a few smaller pumps limited to 3 - 5 hp and operated in parallel for reliability and for limitation of power needed. c. Provide a small, air-cooled back-up diesel generator (10-15 kW) for use in case of a power line failure. 4439/441/1 d. Provide a small gasoline driven emergency generator sized to operate one pump only, in addition to emergency lighting. e. Provide a manually operated hydraulic pump for emergency use. Besides costing money to design, construct, heat, and maintain, what is the purpose of the 30'X 22' building shown over the gate shaft? The equipment needed to raise/lower the gates could easily be housed in the gate shaft itself if the above mentioned solution was used. PH/tg 4439/441/2 Ww: THRU: FROM: Jonn C, Stafford REE: May 20, 1986 Deputy Project Manager FILE NO.: TELEPHONE NO.: SUBJECT: SWEC/APA 641 Peter N. Hansen Mir Rural Systems Engineer My review of this item has produced the following comments: Alternate No. 3 utilizing a closed loop cooling system appears to be a reasonable solution, provided that two large flat plate heat exchangers are used. These heat exchangers should be manifolded together for parallel, continuous operation and be sized for no more than 2 psi head loss on either side at design flows in order to minimize operating costs. Fither heat exchanger should have sufficient capacity to allow for cleaning of one exchanger while the plant is in operation. Instead of designing for high velocities to reduce fouling, the heat exchangers should be oversized to allow for fouling effects. Heat exchange surface area is relatively inexpensive; the cost of oversizing the heat exchange system is insignificant when compared to the operating costs of a high velocity {high head loss) system. Specify 316 stainless steel plates if brackish water may enter the heat exchanger. Specify same end connections to allow for easy cleaning. PH/fs 4440/596 Ww: THRU: FROM: John C. Stafford URS: May 20, 1986 Deputy Project Manager “ ae - FILE NO.: TELEPHONE NO.: / SUBJECT: SWEC/APA 641 Peter N. Hansen / “7 Rural Systems Engineer My review of this item has produced the following comments: Alternate No. 3 utilizing a closed loop cooling system appears to be a reasonable solution, provided that two large flat plate heat exchangers are used. These heat exchangers should be manifolded together for parallel, continuous operation and be sized for no more than 2 psi head loss on either side at design flows in order to minimize operating costs. Fither heat exchanger should have sufficient capacity to allow for cleaning of one exchanger while the plant is in operation. Instead of designing for high velocities to reduce fouling, the heat exchangers should be oversized to allow for fouling effects. Heat exchange surface area is relatively inexpensive; the cost of oversizing the heat exchange system is insignificant when compared to the operating costs of a high velocity {high head loss) system. Specify 316 stainless steel plates if brackish water may enter the heat exchanger. Specify same end connections to allow for easy cleaning. PH/fs 4440/596 Lay Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road ATTENTION Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 ™“ 8-1-84 “ BRaAoLEYy LAKE HyoRe Projedr ro MORRIS HANSEN) Becnrer 4) DESIGA/ConsTaucTAGILITY REYIE KHAN Arminskl ; ~ SUSPEWSE! 8-15-84 SHIRA MEYER GENTLEMEN: L WE ARE SENDING YOU x Attached © Under separate cover via________ the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints Plans O Samples > Specifications a Copy of letter O Change order a DESCRIPTION PACKAGE 2, 0AM SUBMITTAL THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit________ copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit___ copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return_______ corrected prints x For review and comment a 0 OR 6 OVE CC O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US remarnks__ REQUEST YOUR Conmmraenys BY COG 8-15-86 Aan on ia Aoa a « 44 4 STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT OFFICE yN 800 "A" STREET. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 ADORESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO P.O. BOX 101520. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99510 TELEPHONE. 907-277-2427 HORAGE. ALASKA ANC Gi TELECOPY: 907-277-0164 en Rec'd 8-1-8, DENVER 4 HOUSTON i fA RICHLAND, WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. OC Mr. D.R. Eberle August 1, 1986 Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 J.0. No. 15800.09 WP 36E-1a2 SWEC/APA 881 PACKAGE 2, DAM SUBMITTAL AUGUST 1, 1986 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT IS As promised by our letter pe March 10, 1986 (SWEC/APA 556) we are submitting on this date t@"sets of the Initial Submittal for Package 2, Dam. This submittal consists of ten (10) volumes; five (5) volumes of typed material and five (5) volumes of 1/2 size drawings. All documents and drawings are marked "Project Review August 1, 1986 Submittal". These documents contain (1) Design Criteria, (2) Specifi- cations, and (3) Design Drawings. A detail outline of these documents is described in the Volume marked "General Information". This submittal fulfills the second part of the requirements per our March 10 letter. Package 1, Powerhouse was submitted on July 15, 1986 and Package 3, Power Tunnel and Misc. Structures is scheduled for August 15, 1986. This submittal does not reflect any significant concept or design changes, relative to our previous 30 per cent submittal, and the cost for the work depicted by the drawings and specifications has been included in the revised cost estimate submitted to the Power Authority by our May 5, 1986 letter (SWEC/APA 640). Auaona cruWwer AULUULALy OWLL/AFA OO] We understand that four of the above sets will be forwarded by your office to Bechtel Civil & Minerals, Inc., for their review and comments. We are continuing our work on these drawings and specifications and will therefore need your review comments by August 15, 1986. Medic blo J. J. Garrity Project Manager JJG/TC/DB Ba) P.O. Box 190869 27°F T"SOS | _| 701 East Tudor Road ATTENTION Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 RE se O 10 Morris (2) | DESIGN REVIEW | LARSEN 36 MA : GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU (0 Attached © Under separate cover via______________the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order o COPIES } DATE NO. DESCRIPTION -12-B6 SWECJAPA 64/ Struicé WATER eysTery| | THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit____ copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit______ copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return______ corrected prints For review and comment Oo FOR BIDS DYE = O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US cys T Maui ARCRE CIATE Your REVICK, ComMmMeEnT-s GY COB. 26 AY /9B4 COPY To AAD stmt h- / STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT OFFICE 800 “A” STREET. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99501 ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO P.O. BOX 101520, ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99510 ee) "yetecort sonavroves nouston RECEIVED NEw YORK eee PORTLAND. OREGON ones ray 1 x 1986 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY. Mr. D. R. Eberle May 12, 1986 Project Manager Alaska Power Authority J. 0. No. 15800.09 Box 190869 WP45C Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 SWEC/APA 641 SERVICE WATER SYSTEM ' BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Concerns of service water contamination have prompted the evaluation of service water system modifications. Possible contaminants include glacial silt and algae growth originating from penstock water, algae growth in the clean water sump, and brackish water from Kachemak Bay. As briefly discussed in the May 5, 1986 design meeting, four alternatives have been considered. 1. Alternate No. 1 Supply service water system with penstock water. This alternate would use the penstock tap as the primary source of water. Cooling systems would be designed to minimize glacial silt effects; and, algae and seawater would be eliminated from the systems. 735 Alternate No. 2 Provides service water with collection troughs and penstock water. i Collection troughs would provide service water to the clean water sump except during high tides when the collection troughs would be closed by valves. Service water would be provided during high tide periods from penstock taps. Algae growth would be controlled with chlorine and cooling systems would be designed to minimize glacial silt contamination. Alaska Power Authority Urey eee ve SG Alternate No. 3 Closed loop cooling system. Water for equipment cooling would be provided by clean and treated well water in a closed loop system. Heat would be exchanged with water from the clean water sump at a heat exchanger. Contaminants would be limited to a _ short heat exchanger loop then discharged to the tailrace. The heat exchanger would be designed for operating with the contaminants. Equipment cooling would be provided by treated clean water, circulated through the equipment with a circulation pump and rejecting heat at the heat exchanger. 4, Alternate No. 4 Provide a brackish water resistant cooling system. Piping, valves, instrumentation, and equipment cooling systems would have wetted parts made of brackish water resistant materials. Cooling system would be designed to minimize glacial silt effects and algae would be controlled with chlorine. Alternate No. 2, is not recommended because of reliability and environmental impact. Malfunctions in the system controlling penstock water/collection trough water or chemical feed, and algae from the penstock can contaminate the generator and turbine cooling systems. Requirements for treating algae in the sump, flushing algae and glacial silt from the cooling system and handling: chemicals make this Alternate more operator intensive and environmentally unsound. Alternate Nos. 1 and 4 are not recommended because of high cost without providing complete contamination control. Alternate No. 3 has the advantage of supplying clean water to purchased equipment and associated control systems. Contaminated water is limited to a small heat exchanger loop where high velocities, easy access for cleaning, and special materials eliminate the need for chemical treatment. Stone & Webster recommends that Alternate No. 3 be accepted by the_ Alaska Power Authority to reduce maintenance, fouling, and corrosion in the plant service water system. CORRESFO DISTRIBUTION 7 Cctihe ACTION: co | Srepretp | Theodore Critikos Deputy Project Manager TC: JN:MC = P.O. Box 190869 - Pe 5° 14 “Bb | 701 East Tudor Road ATTENTION Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 | “ BRAovey LAKE HYDRO | ro MoRRis _BecuTer(ewwn) DESIG REVIEW GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU OC Attached O Under separate cover via________—————_ithe following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order Qa DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit____ copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit ________ copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return ________ corrected prints For review and comment Oo O FOR BIDS DUE —____ 19 O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US remarks PPE OU your commevls BY COB oe eae » OS -21- Bb. a th ¢? dédlind STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATIORC E! VED BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT OFFICE 7 r- 138 fat: f 800A STREET, SUITE 101, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 _ ADORESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO PO. BOX 101520. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99510 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BOSTON NEW YORK TELEPHONE : 907-277-2427 CHERRY HILL.NJ TELECOPY : 907-277-0164 Denver nOUSTON WaSMNeTON, 0.€. Mr. D.R. Eberle April 8, 1986 Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 J.O. No. 15800.09 WP 36C-1a2 SWEC/APA 612 OPERATING SYSTEMS DIVERSION TUNNEL HYDRAULIC SLIDE GATES BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Under the direction of the Design Review meeting of March 19, 1986 five alternatives have been reviewed for the operating systems needed to power the Diversion Tunnel hydraulic slide gates. A complete discussion of these alternatives is attached. From the alternatives considered “we recommend -Alternative 5: This alternative makes use of an accumulator bank sized for the opening cycle of the control gate and an engine driven high volume pump hydraulic power pack for additional system backup to support the closing, opening and recharging cycles. This alternative will provide the needed reliability, flexibility, at a minimum cost increase. dew the:attached submittal and provide us with your comments’ aes “April 21, 1986. If you have any questions or require additional information, please let us know. 7, GAAP T. Critikos Deputy Project Manager Attachment TC/JW ec: Mr. John Longacre, w/att DISCUSSION FOR THE OPERATING SYSTEMS DIVERSION TUNNEL HYDRAULIC SLIDE GATES BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BACKGROUND The Alaska Power Authority requested that provisions be made at the Main Dam Diversion tunnel for unwatering the Bradley Lake reservoir. In response to this request, a flow control system is being provided within the tunnel to drain the reservoir in 45 days. The flow control system will consist of two hydraulic operated high head sluice gates and the gate operators and controls. The two gates are positioned within the tunnel in line with the flow. The upstream gate, which is normally open, acts as a guard or maintenance gate. The downstream gate, which is normally closed, is the main control gate. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The utmost requirements for the gate operating system are reliability and the ability for activating the system, especially after a major earthquake. To achieve these attributes requires a ready source of stored energy for gate operation and the ability to access the system for initiating its operation. Further enhancement to reliability can be realized by keeping the gate operating system simple and by providing operating flexibility. 2 Ano otter 4 ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Several energy sources are available for ennai danation, These include: (1) the electrical cable from the permanent housing facilities; (2) combustion engine-generators; (3) combustion engine-pump hydraulic power packs; (4) use of high pressure gas/oil accumulators; or (5) a combination of these energy sources. Of these, the most reliable energy sources are gas/oil accumulators. However, these can also be the most expensive. The least reliable is the electrical power cable, especially following a major earthquake event. Utilizing the above energy sources in singular or in combination we have considered the following gate operating systems. Alternative No. 1 This alternative is the simplest and lowest cost system. The gate operating equipment under this alternative would consist of two high volume high pressure motor/engine driven oil pumps, a sump tank and the associated piping, valves and controls. Because of its simplicity the system can be made very reliable and can be easily designed to resist high earthquake forces. However, the weakest link in this alternative is the energy source to the pumps, Two pump energy sources were considered: (1) electric energy from the "microwave" power cable; and (2) a combustion engine. The power cable source, however, has several limitations. The capacity of the cable is limited to supporting motor(s) up to a total of 15 horsepower. Also, the cable is vulnerable to damage or failure over its 20,000 feet of length. Combustion engines considered were diesel fuel or propane. Both fuel types offer good attributes as well as recognizable problem areas. Diesel fuel is considered safer than propane but is prone to "gelling", algae, and difficult ignition. Propane presents a safety problem but is a more dependable fuel source. We believe that both fuel sources are acceptable, recognizing their shortcomings. Because of the above described shortcomings and the absence of any means of energy storage, neither the cable nor the combustion engine(s) can be considered as a 100 percent reliable energy source. Therefore, the subsequently discussed alternatives are preferred since each provides a ready source of stored energy for gate operation. Alternative No. 2 This alternative would provide for a bank of 48 high pressure gas/oil accumulators vessels, piped as an integral system, to separately operate each of the two sluice gates. The system would also include a sump tank piping, valve and controls. The accumulators would consist of 16 oil filled and 32 gas filled vessels. All accumulators would be designed for a 2,000 psi working a aan oe > pressure and the gas would be nitrogen rather than air to eliminate moisture problems and reduce combustibility. This accumulator system would provide the stored energy needed to operate each ai through one full cycle, open-close or close-open, depending on gate, for a total of four strokes on a gate operating cylinder. Recharging the accumulator system would require the use of a low volume high pressure motor/engine driven oil pump. For this accumulator system, however, two such pumps are recommended for reliability. The one advantage of this alternative is that sufficient gas/oil stored energy is provided to operate both gates, each through one full cycle. However, this system has the following disadvantages: 1. System reliability. is poor. The failure of one vessel or connection pipe would disable operation of both gates due to loss of oil or gas pressure. 2. The 48 vessels required by the integral system, makes it difficult to provide the restraining support required against earthquake forces. a High cost. Alternative No. 3 This alternative would provide for two separate banks of high pressure gas/oil accumulators. Each bank would serve one gate and would have 8 oil vessels and 16 gas vessels. Sufficient energy is available within the bank to provide one full cycle of operation at the gate hydraulic cylinder, i.e., close-open for the upstream gate and bal bleep for the downstream gate. A motor/engine driven oil pump is needed for recharging the system; however, two pumps are recommended for reliability. The advantages provided by this alternative are: , Sufficient gas/oil stored energy is provided to operate each gate through one full cycle. as The separation of accumulator banks’ results’ in better reliability. In the event of failure of a vessel or pipe within a bank, the other bank is still available to operate its gate. a Provisions can be made to manually allow cross-over from one accumulator bank to the other as additional back-up. 4, Smaller number of accumulator vessels to supports against earthquake forces. The disadvantages for Alternative No. 3 are: 1s Difficult system restraining and support requirement against earthquake forces, 2. High cost. 4_9nQ_ TW 5 Alternative No. 4 This alternative is similar to Alternative No. 3. However, the number of gas/oil vessels available for energy storage is reduced to a total of 12 for each bank. Four vessels are provided for oil storage and 8 for gas. This reduced number of vessels provides only for half-cycle operation at each gate hydraulic cylinder; i.e., closing of the upstream gate and opening of the downstream gate. In our opinion, this operating mode represents the "fail safe" condition required from each of the two gates. Should a major earthquake occur, requiring dewatering of the reservoir, the downstream gate’ will be opened. Following reservoir drawdown or in the event the drawdown operation has to be stopped, the upstream "guard" gate is available for closure. The motor/engine driven oil pump requirements remain the same as for Alternative No. 3. Alternative No. 4 offers the same advantages as Alternative No. 3. Although the number of accumulator vessels has been reduced to allow only a half-cycle operation, this is not considered a disadvantage because the "fail safe" operation for each gate is still available. Design for earthquake is better because of smaller number of vessels. The cost for this system is also lower than that of Alternative No. 3. Alternative No. 5 Alternative No. 5 considers only one bank of 12 accumulator vessels for storing energy to operate the downstream gate through its opening eyele. Four of the vessels are used to store oil and 8 for gas. In addition, the system includes one high volume, high pressure motor/engine driven oil pump. This pump would be available to singularly operate the hydraulic cylinders of each gate; to operate the downstream gate in the event of accumulator loss; and, to recharge the accumulator system after use. We consider Alternative No. 5 the minimum acceptable "base" systen. COST Our approach in evaluating the cost of the previously described systems is based on cost-differentials. This approach allows for a better evaluation of each system and recognizes that "a system", regardless of selection, will have to be purchased for gate operation. Further, this approach is supported by the fact that several component parts of each system are common to all (i.e., feed and return pipes to the gate hydraulic cylinder; oil sump requirements; valving and piping within the system; operating controls). In determining the differential cost for each system, we have considered the major cost related equipment, which consists of the motor/engine driven pumps and/or the gas/oil accumulator vessels, based on the following cost values for these components. is Low volume, high pressure motor/engine driven oil pump at $3,000 each. ee High volume, high pressure motor/engine driven oil pump at $15,000 each. 3h High pressure (2000 psi) oil accumulator vessel at $6,000 each. 1 High pressure (2000 psi) nitrogen gas filled accumulator vessel at $1,000 each. Using the above cost values, each of the alternatives is ranked as follows: Alternative Alternative No. 1 - Two high volume oil pumps ($30,000) Alternative No. 2 - 16 oil vessels, 32 gas vessels plus two low volume oil pumps ($134,000) Alternative No. 3 - 16 oil vessels, 32 gas vessels plus two low volume oil pumps ($134,000) Differential Cost Base $104,000 $104,000 Alternative No. 4 - 8 oil vessels, 16 gas vessels plus two low volume oil pumps ($70,000) $ 40,000 Alternative No. 5 - 4 oil vessels, 8 gas vessels plus one high volume oil pump ($47,000) $ 17,000 REMOTE OPERATION To further enhance the reliability of the gate operating system, we recommend that means be provided at the power tunnel gate house to allow for the "manual-remote" operation of the diversion tunnel main control gate system. This "manual-remote" control capability will allow for gate operation in the event access to the Diversion Tunnel area is not available. This "manual-remote" is in addition to the manual-local control provided at the diversion tunnel area. It is estimated that installation of the "manual-remote" control system and its appurtenances would be about $10,000. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Reliance of either the electric cable or of a propane/diesel fuel to provide power for the motor/engine driven oil pumps for operating the hydraulic slide gates at the Diverstion tunnel is not acceptable as the primary energy systems for gate operation. These energy sources can, at best, be considered only as secondary back-up systems. The reliability of the hydraulic slide gate operating system is greatly improved by the use of stored energy through an gas/oil accumulator vessel system. Fail-safe requirements for the downstream main control gate can best be met with an gas/oil gas accumulator system using a bank of 12 accumulator vessels. Fail-safe conditions for the upstream guard gate can be met either by the use of a bank of 12 accumulator vessels or by a high volume high pressure motor/engine driven oil pump. System reliability is further enhanced by providing totally separate operating systems for each gate, with provision for local and manual-remote operation of the main control gate. In consideration of the above, we recommend Alternative No. 5 as the most suitable installation for the project. This alternative would provide the reliability and flexibility required from system for operating the hydraulic slide gates at the Diversion Tunnel. (907) 277-7641 ce RE fT I TO GENTLEMEN: | WE ARE SENDING YOU (1 Attached (© Under separate cover via______.._______ the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order i COPIES i DESCRIPTION = THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit________ copies for approval © For your use O Approved as noted O Submit_______ copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return_________ corrected prints O For review and comment O O FOR BIDS DUE_____19______1 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO FUCA IN GE EF WO Fe wey oate ron aA P.O. Box 190869 7- 15-8 6 [° 701 East Tudor Road ATTENTION Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 L Lake Hy tro Morris SHIRA DES/6N) REVIEW Kuan Baminsk | Suspense! 31 Jury BL HTEL sas GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU J Attaches O Under separate cover via. CCCC(‘_C(ttHe following items: O Shop drawings O Prints X& Plans O Samples JX Specitications copy of letter O Change order COPIES NO. DESCRIPTION swecVAPA 327 Poweanosvse Sumi AL — July IS, 1986 60% Review) 1-18-86 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit__________ copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit_________ copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return________ corrected prints For review and comment 0 O FOR BIDS OVE —__________19 O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REM Ple review and rude Dane on |ARKS “Dheled f2 COPY TO STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT OFFICE A 800A STREET, SUITE 101, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO PO. BOX 101520. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99510 BOSTON NEW YORK TELEPHONE : 907-277-2427 COMPERY 9OK.K.. 04.5 TELECOPY : 907-277-0164 DENVER HOUSTON © Cc WASHINGTON. 0.C R EIVED JUL 15 1986 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Mr. D.R. Eberle July 15, 1986 Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 J.0. No. 15800.09 WP 36E-1a2 SWEC/APA 827 POWERHOUSE SUBMITTAL - JULY 15, 1986 BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT As promised by our letter of March 10, 1986 (SWEC/APA 556) we are submitting on this date 10 sets of the Initial Submittal for Package 1, Powerhouse. This submittal consists of twelve (12) volumes, seven (7) volumes of typed material and five (5) volumes of 1/2 size drawings. All documents and drawings are marked "Project Review July 15, 1986 Submittal". These documents consist of (1) Design Criteria, (2) Specifications, and (3) Design Drawings. A detail outline of these documents is shown in the Volume marked "General Information". This submittal fulfills the first part of the requirements per our March 10 letter. Package 2 - Dam is scheduled to be submitted on August 1, 1986 and Package 3 - Power Tunnel and Misc. Structures is scheduled for August 15, 1986. This submittal does not reflect any significant concept or design changes, relative to our previous 30 per cent submittal, and the cost for the work depicted by the drawings and specifications nas been included in the revised cost estimated submittal to the Power Authority by our May 5, 1986 letter (SWEC/APA 640). . Alaska Power Authority OWLL/ APA Oc/ We understand that four of the above sets will be forwarded by your office to Bechtel Civil & Minerals, Inc., for their review and comments. We are continuing our work on these powerhouse drawings and specifications and will therefore need your review comments by August 1, 1986. ip Cong J. J. Garrity Project Manager JJG/TC/DB eh) AlasKa rower Aumority | P.O. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Morris ae REVIEW SUSPEWSE | 23 Jury 8S TO BECATEL GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING You }¥f attached © Under separate cover via________———————_the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples O Specifications Jb Copy of letter O Change order a THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted O Resubmit______ copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit_____ copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return _______ corrected prints & For review and comment Oo O FOR 6106 OVE —____ O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS mete ur review WEC’S response o Ou r— Com IS, Z prose ets 4 2 comments’ Ge wit rs. oS aa “ : Jaf aati canev tA STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT OFFICE A = 800A STREET, SUITE 101, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO PO BOX 101520. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99510 ae TELEPHONE : 907-277-2427 cana ae: Ns TELECOPY 907-277-0164 oenven WASHINGTON. 0. RECEIVev JUL @ > 1986 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY, Mr. D.R. Eberle June 27, 1986 Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 J.0. No. 15800.12 WP 95C-1a2 SWEC/APA 782 RESPONSES TO ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY COMMENTS BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Please refer to your May 27, 1986 letter APA/SWEC 0033 and its attachments, providing us with Power Authority comments on past SWEC/APA letter submittals. In partial fulfillment of our requirements, we submit our responses to comments on letters, SWEC/APA * 528, 530, 531, 612 and BEC-L-APA 120.? Vs Reference Letter SWEC/APA 528 - Construction Planning Comments provided by Bechtel; Mr. H. Elwif. a. Comment: Main Dam Diversion, Structural Design Criteria, Part B, Section 1.2.1, item f. The project schedule which has been in use for months shows the cof ferdam work starting in July, 1987. Prerequisite is completion of the diversion tunnel and allowing the lake to reach equilibrium. If the completion of the diversion tunnel becomes delayed increased inflows into Bradley Lake will result in increased times for the lake to reach equilibrium level. How long will it take for the Lake to reach equilibrium level if the diversion tunnel is finished in April, May, June or July? This information should be provided the CM. Response: The lake drawdown discharge rate can not exceed 1.5 times the average discharge of the Bradley River measured at Riffle Reach USGS Gauge after the completion of the diversion tunnel. The time required to reach equilibrium of the pond elevation during an average year is estimated as follows: Alaska Power Authority APA 782 Completion Date Duration April 1 35 days May 1 18 days June 1 10 days July 1 7 days Bb. Camment: Part B, section 1.2.1, Phase II, items a through i, also comment/response to SWEC/APA 530 comment item No. 1 and 2. Phase II describes completion of diversion tunnel gate shaft and features being done with bulkhead gates installed and removed. The Hydraulic Design Criteria, Section 2.0, page 3 indicates that a depth of water above 10' upstream of the gate might prevent its opening. This criteria indicates the gate will be removed by barge. If the lake level will rise more than 10' during this period these criteria have a conflict. Also contractor may not be able to lift gate. If not the construction scenario for the Phase II may not work. We are concerned that it may not be possible to lift gate under water level attained while performing Phase II work. Gate is about 13'x26'6". May need fixed wheel gate. Use of gate during operations also needs to be identified. If for some reason control and service gates would not close, it might be impossible to close bulkhead gate due to hydrostatic forces. Will O&M staff have a barge? Response: The Hydraulic Design Criteria divides the project into two phases, Phase I & Phase II. Phase I is the Site Preparation, which is scheduled to start July 1, 1986. Phase II is the Civil Construction Contract scheduled to start June 1, 1987. The bulkhead gates for the diversion tunnel have separate operating conditions for Phase I & II. The gates have been designed to close against flow and removed against an unbalanced head of 10.0 feet during Phase I. The gates will be installed and removed by a mobile crane located on bench whose elevation is 1096.0 During Phase II the bulkhead gates will be installed with the slide gates fully closed. The gates will be removed under a balanced head established by the refill valves located in the gate shaft. The bulkhead gates will be removed and installed by a barge when the pond elevation is above 1096.0. In the unlikely event that both the hydraulic control gate and the hydraulic guard gate can not be closed completely, the bulkhead gates could be installed under low flow (approx. 100 cfs) without excessive flow induced drawdown, 2. Reference Letter SWEC/APA 531 - Diversion Tunnel Design Comments provided by Bechtel, Mr. T. L. Oxman. a. Comment: In the October 8, 1985 study for lowering of Diversion tunnel and improvements to downstream Bradley River channel (SWEC Action Task #3), four diversion tunnel configurations were considered. Based on technical considerations, two schemes were studied further and the concept as presented February 27, 1986 was chosen as the preferred arrangement. The study indicated that this choice was made from a technical standpoint since from both the construction and cost standpoints, the two schemes were essentially equal. Because the chosen concept as currently developed now contains two hydraulically operated gates, it appears that the only advantage scheme 1 has over scheme 2 is the better use of rock formation to resist loads. From the constructability viewpoint, we feel the construction of an 18 foot diameter, 110 foot deep concrete lined shaft would be more difficult and therefore more costly than either an open cut excavation or an enlarged tunnel section at the downstream end of the Diversion Tunnel despite the need for additional restraints which may be required to improve the stability of an outlet control structure. With an outlet control arrangement, the entire Diversion Tunnel need not be exposed to the approximately 60 psi hydrostatic head (a disadvantage listed for scheme 2). The downstream end of the tunnel could be lined or the steel penstock arrangement could be retained with the gates at the downstream rather than the upstream end of the penstock. With either arrangement, it appears that the service gate may need to be a fixed wheel type as originally proposed in order to operate as a low level discharge under full reservoir head rather than a slide gate as currently shown. Response: The arrangement and design of the diversion tunnel during the Phase II work considered all these aspects mentioned in Bechtel's canments during the Action Task which was carried out from August through September 1985. The presently used scheme was based on the conclusion of that task. We feel that rock stresses and necessary reinforcement of a scheme with gates at the end of tunnel is unfavorable and offsets savings from the elimination of the shaft. Slide gates were used to allow a dry well, which was considered superior to the originally proposed wet well. b. Comment: The Fishwater Bypass is shown as a 28 inch diameter pipe. The pipe through the intake structure constructed in the Site Preparation Contract is shown as 26 inches. If a larger pipe is Aaaona fuNcL AULUUL ALLY APA (62 required to maintain flows, suggest that the Phase I contractor be requested to provide a 28 inch pipe to correspond with the current design requirements. Response: The preliminary calculations for sizing of the fish flow by-pass system concluded a 26-inch pipe would be adequate for 50 cfs. However, with the changes in the inlet conditions (36-inch diameter trash rack and other minor losses) the 26-inch pipe was determined to be undersized. The design of the inlet portal was essentially complete; a check was made to determine if the short section (approximately 65 feet) could be tolerated. After analysis it was concluded the short section of 26-inch pipe could be tolerated, thereby not requiring a design change. If a 28-inch pipe is substituted for the 26-inch pipe the shear strength of the section which passes through the pipe would be reduced by 10 percent. Therefore, further analysis for the concrete in the pipe zone would be required. Cc. Comment: also comment/response to SWEC/APA 530 by the State of Alaska, P. Hansen. A turbine generator was originally proposed for use with the hydraulic gate scheme. A diesel generator with battery charger might possibly be more cost effective and require less maintenance than the oil/air accumulator system currently shown. Response: Prior to October 8, 1985 a small turbine generator was being considered at the diversion tunnel exit. After further study it was determined that the turbine generator would not be cost effective. To provide permanent power at the dam site a single phase power cable would be provided, with a diesel engine-generator for back-up. For operation of the high pressure gates five alternatives were presented to APA for the gate operating system. Alternative 5 was selected. Reference SWEC/APA 679. 3. Reference Letter SWEC/APA 612 - Operating System for the Hydraulic Slide Gates Comments by the State/of. .AlaskajP.:\ ‘Hansen. a. Comment: My review of this item has produced the following canments: I do not believe that any of the 5 alternatives listed are satisfactory. This is caused by the nature of the assumptions made concerning the situation likely to be experienced following a major earthquake. Little consideration seems to be given to the fact that the design criteria is the ability to empty the reservoir in 45 days. Alaska rower autnorlty APA [82 This time frame greatly reduces the need for complicated, expensive, and in real life, not very dependable, redundant, automatic and/or remotely operated systems. It would seem more than likely that even in the event of a very major earthquake, access could be secured to the gate area by helicopter in less than one day. It appears that Alternative 5, as preferred by SWEC, is unnecessarily complicated and expensive without providing the desired reliability. I can not agree with the idea that in the event of a major earthquake, which breaks the powerline to the gate house in addition to making the gate house inaccessible, we can rely on a remotely controlled system using 2,000 psi pressure cylinders. Alternative 5 does not address: 1) What powers the control system when the power line is down? 2) How well does the remotely operated hydraulic system perform if we try to operate it after the power line has been down for a couple of days and the building temperature has dropped to ambient temperature? 3) How does a major earthquake affect a system with heavy high pressure cylinders and high pressure piping? Response: 1) In the event of major earthquake or other event causing structural damage in the dam or spillway, the first few hours are most critical. After the first few feet of static head is removed, the stability of the structure is greatly improved by reestablishing freeboard. In the event of major main dam settlement or freeboard loss drawdown of the reservoir will be necessary. 2) We wish to clarify the 45 day criteria, it is not a maximum time limit. At maximum pond elevation (El 1180.0) it represents a safe drawdown duration utilizing the maximum drawdown rate (ft/day). 3) Controls are powered by a backup battery system. 4) Hydraulic operating system will be heat-taped with the power being provided by the diesel engine generator at the power tunnel gate house, 5) Hydraulic operating system will be design for a .75g earthquake. If a larger magnitude earthquake is experienced the diesel engine/pump system will be activated. 6) There should be no maintenance requirements for the gas/oil accumulator. b. Comment: I believe that the following solution would be simpler, cheaper, and most likely, also more reliable: Alaska Power Authority APA 782 1) Reduce the power/energy need by providing a pulley/ counter-weight system for each slide gate. Basically, only friction forces will be left to deal with. 2) Provide power for the resulting lower pressure/higher volume hydraulic pumps through a power line. Use a few smaller pumps limited to 3-5 hp and operated in parallel for reliability and for limitation of power needed. 3) Provide a small, air-cooled back-up diesel generator (10-15 kW) for use in case of a powerline failure. 4) Provide a small gasoline driven emergency generator sized to operate one pump only, in addition to emergency lighting. 5) Provide a manually operated hydraulic pump for emergency use. Besides costing money to design, construct, heat, and maintain, what is the purpose of the 30'x20' building shown over the gate shaft? The equipment needed to raise/lower the gates could easily be housed in the gate shaft itself if the above mentioned solution was used. Response: 1) Friction accounts for 96% of the forces experienced by the gate lifting mechanism. 2) A diesel engine - generator will be provided at the power tunnel gate house. 3) We have received directives from APA not to use gasoline or LPG as a fuel source. 4) A manual pump will deliver approximately .75 cubic inches per stroke. The volume of the hydraulic oil is approximately 120 gals (27,600 cubic inches). Therefore the number of strokes for fully opening the gates would be approximately 37,000 strokes, with 30 strokes per minute the gate will take over 20 hours to open. 5) The arrangement of the gate shaft allows a direct lift of the large hydraulic equipment (gates & hydraulic cylinder). If the operating equipment is installed in the shaft it would have to be removed if the gate leaf or the hydraulic cylinder is removed. Comments by the ‘State'of Alaska; MMSE? Morris. 6. Comment: Is there a requirement to dewater the Bradley Lake reservoir below the natural water level? If so, how long a period can it take? The design to take 45 days to dewater the system does not seem to correlate to an emergency lowering of a reservoir level. Alaska Power Authority APA 782 If the time to start lowering the reservoir is not critical, why not rely on controls driven by on-site generation. What is the cost of flying in a replacement unit compared to the cost of the other proposals? If time is important, have gravity operated systems been considered? A local generator or the "microwave" power cable could be used for the electric operator to place the gravity weight in position for a half cycle operation. Unfortunately, I am not a mechanical engineer and cannot be sure of reliable "non-operation" during an earthquake. Any proposals for a half cycle trip as above or in alternatives 4 and 5 do not provide for an immediate recovery from a misoperation. What are the consequences or costs involved so that the half cycle operation proposal can be compared to the full cycle proposal? Response: 1) See response to P. Hansen comments. 2) The closing cycle can be provided by the following: ° Engine generator powering the small pump to recharge the bank. ° Diesel engine/pump. ° Portable engine-generator powering the small pump _ to recharge the bank. 4, Reference Letter *BEC=L-APA=120-D%version Tunnel Hydraulic Slide Gates Comment: In our review comments concerning the Diversion Tunnel gate shaft and fish bypass (BANC/L/APA/100 dated May 8, 1986), we suggested the possibility of using a diesel generator as an energy source for operation of the subject gates. After reviewing the referenced transmittal, we have concluded that the use of a diesel generator provides adequate reliability for operation of the gates. The diesel engine can be periodically exercised from a remote location and would not require maintenance or inspection any more often than a gas/oil accumulator system. In the event that unwatering of the Bradley Lake Reservoir is necessitated due to a major earthquake, an operator would undoubtedly be dispatched to the dam to verify that the gate was in fact open. In the unlikely event the equipment malfunctioned and the gate had not opened, the operator could open the gate manually. Alaska Power Authority AFA [02 Based on a 45-day draining period, the additional time required for repair of the system or manual operation of the gate would be insignificant. Response: Refer to responses given in Comment 1, 2 and 3. We trust you will concur with our comments. If you have any questions or require additional information, please let us know. _ - — T. Critikos [oR 2c SNSENSE BISTRIBUTION | Deputy Project Manager CTIG HES COPIES: TC/RD/JW =i aeraoeceeilieiwanmnaatadae Due Date: 7-19-66 STONE & WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT OFFICE A 800 “A" STREET. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO P.O. BOX 101520. ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99510 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA TELEPHONE: 907-277-2427 —— TELECOPY: 907-277-0164 CHERRY HILL.NJ DENVER HOUSTON NEw YORK PORTLAND. OREGON RICHLAND. WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. 0. Mr. D.R. Eberle July 8, 1986 Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 J.0. No. 15800.12 WP 96A-1a2 WP 90B-1a2 SWEC/APA 813 SUBMITTAL OF SUPPORTING DESIGN DOCUMENTS BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT To supplement our July 15, 1986 initial submittal of drawings and specifications and to comply with the requirements outlined by our March 10, 1986 letter (SWEC/APA 556), we are submitting a Work Package Status Report, dated June 30, 1986, showing the scheduled timing of various project work products and a summary of engineering/design efforts for the project. This Report should assist the Power Authority in its initial review since the report lists and provides a status of all design criteria, drawings, and specifications. The report will be updated and submitted to the Power Authority periodically. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please let us know. J. J. Garrity Project Manager JIG/TC/JJ Enclosure 2-842-JJ tWORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT TDATES 27-Jun-86 TPACKAGE #1 POWERHOUSE - JULY 15, 1986 1OF 1 MANHRS iMANHRSIEXPECTED START © 1ROY FOR *ENPECTEDIE IMIS TASK i i ee ee Se TDWGS! DESIGN DRAFT : DESIGN i DRAFT VINIT.REV.: QESIGN iDRAFT LEADER ' COMMENTS i TLEADS LANCE QUNCAN © 06! POWERHOUSE EXCAVATION [omen [encereen [asenne | omeneean famnmn ns | —— i 1 2008 | VPHASE I ELCAVATION PLANS AND OETA =f of 20 EOE UE i iFY-179 iPoverhouse area - general arrangesent i 1: | ee 0 9 i i i iFY-47£ (AyB,C) Powerhouse area benching - Phase 1 iui 551 1801 4-15 1 11-22 ¢ 1-10 Dave Jurich t ' 1 2206 ¢ | POWERHOUSE EXCAV.SFOUNDATION PREPARATION; = | : i i : : ate i t iFY-472 iExcavation plans & sections - Phase HT: 2: 9 601 2200: 7 of 5-46 f HE Gt Gave Jurich ' i 2205 iTAILRACE EXCAV, PLANS, SECTS 4 DETAILS tt i i i : i i i i tFY-473 tbwg. combined w/FY-251; hes retained oo: {| 1007 1305 i i j Dave Jurich | ' TPACKAGE #1 Poverhouse i BUDGETED EXPECTED =i ROY FOR EXPECTED i i 1066 DESIGN CRITERIA t MANHOURS {START DATE SINIT. REVI FINISH DATE : CORNENTS ' a] IGEDTECH OESIGN CRITERIA ft EHUB OE 05-30} OtYLance Duncan : Weighted percent complete: 601 Weighted total percent complete: iat i { i i | 1 1 i | | i 1 i i i i i i | ‘ i i i = | = i 68] = : =| 5 : 5} = S | = ‘ ‘ ine i es i i 3 : iS i = i i = i = fee eee ree mS es eae See eee ' ' ‘a Ss “ a oo ts co 3s ra he ss = = = s ! i a ‘a ¢ 2 2 2 3 a &@ ch side = Ze = S i i & gb s8 = 23 ¢ <« i a - 2+. 2 2» s» ow w 2 285 58 88 € § i ¢ s ££ sg ¢ ¢ gs gg g B38 e8e S& 82 =f & i ss | Ss ss & & & &§ & & §E& BS BSE i i | & 8 8 & 8 & 8 8 2 $8 £22 4% EE = i Set a o s SiS = is 1 eu Sea a s i a i i i i i i i i i i = = a a See i BUS UB UB UB UBS UB UB CB UB U BS TEU TBS 3 Po : = ® 2&2 B&B &® &® $8 8 8 83 83 88 8 8 i gf ‘ ra i £2 | - ; & Setapenee eae ee eon eee eos a | = esa o ag Se iow oaonio yea oe eo ae eee a = 838 8B 3 3B 3 "S35" 3°"S° "88 “BSE 7 E77s i 8s a 3 : a lees =e i @e Ye wg sree eee ee ip an Ss sas =s -# i #e Se cea ee ee i ae 2 ee ee ; i =e 2 €£ €£$ € € € € € $$ S$ SE SS SS ES FE i oe 2 _2.._2_..2...2..$..2..$. 2.2 $2 _$ #3 $$ ¢ ' ee ee ee a a a er i Sa i Bs s i oo a a - « i a ‘ ° : : ‘ d ‘ ; po t rz ——= i a a a ccs eels = ¢f | ra Heel eh rm ee a eee i : | = i si A ge 0c ‘ =. ‘ 1 ‘ : i ‘ : ‘ ‘ ee ‘ . is ; Fe See ues, Sey Sees ere) See Sse eee {aster a Soc 2 | = i BS We ote ame sa es Cero we Se Eee Ee oy emo ww SoS SSS i = a te oe Seen eee i ee € =: &® F rt rt F F F F Be F FRE F SE i Bz 2 = £ F¢ F FF F F fF FR F FR FB , 6 saan migeisheorprectemmere eee ae waroerenwerdio wes SoS maa eniaereces ipo i Ea : = - «s 3+ f +f + se os 3 i Be Boe UUM UCC! RS | #8 = om ot SS yy ee mat i £8 & ; j -- fo. oie [em totale a= ae see ated la(omine (aeeven Seelam ae eS iaa alan ia cien ioe) anfn nian om ae Se recieve eet orsaree oe peetee leah es aoe ee oa = e ; xe 8 8§ § £8 8 &€ 8 § 8B © 8 88 & 8. go = B 8 g 6&8 % 83 8 3 is = == ST ait eer am er ere aS ; oe ss ¢ s Ss :-46 2 £ @ e 4 es 2 3s i z SoS 2-8 2 «#8 ef © = e i gs = ££ & 2@ 8 &§ 8 €& & SA x #6 | ga = = i; £8 i Be i_# a a ee a oe eee i # Ss ape eye gy re iia m i L a one ee oa we we wn we we we ne ne we we we ne we we ee ee we we we we we we we wn we we oe we, i ; S : \ i 3 = : i i eS = : = S ! i ete, e = Pr “n i | & 25 2 5 8 s acs & ¢s ! | 3 = Fy 2 = ~ oe ~ = 1 i S2 8s & & = « Ff ge ag = i { = a> ¢ zs i 2-2 8 2 | i = ze : = 2 - € € «-« §2 2. 3 Ss \ = _. £8 yi ==: = ¢ § #2: 5 LS i ee Sh we = = € 3S 2 S82 Be i eee lo ee a i i 3s. 8¢ 8. 32 2 & SS a ce - ett s2 §2 Be 35 wt & = 5s £ = Se 92 6 2. i 3} f= BS 2S ZF g tg SS ee ais = Fs i 8] ee 52 22 2. _2_ gs = = = = = =: = ; =] a= 32 Ze =~ E- Ss 8 Se enc SE 2: i i j= ge Sag = oa toe Se = Seow se is aa = ie eet leet pe ea ~~] a ee es 3 i 6) (ge 253 ww: Se 22 a5 BS 5 a= ost oa ae cas i s| = s 32 22 22 22 3s gs 35 oe Hs eg i k |BE 3. Ss 32 £2 22 22 2 32 225 =2 ey. Hz Sa S 25 95 o> =e So =—5 Ss Ze 36 3 Sa t+ gt =o 8 #EB 8S SE gp F = So ope eS 33 Sse ~~ e i | <2 @s a= £E 35 -2 -2 es #e Sf yscat ea gz #2 B= 8 = we > es bs. be oe ce G22 ots i 282 25 Es at $2 as B32 BE-88 SE Ge 272 i: Po $592 28 &e ds we : Se 8S ss R= = =e2 8:85 | wd fone og woes poe weg oe we a eeu a | Bilas ws we ws - 8. #2 w= wl we got - S22 we we ; i BE #2 BS BS #8 Bs BS B= B= BE BSS B= BEE BE | gf BS BE & = 2S Sc 83 33 82 B85 B= SUS B= BL i 8| Be 2 S. 8. a S$ 23 5 $= 8= 8x 1 1 St 22 25 83 5. St 8: #22: 2. Bee z 1 Bl Bs @: 2S 82 8s S& Bs B- S- BE Bos Bs Bes 8: Be { {31:32 2S S35 a = = = 3 = = 3 = sR = = SB | ELA ks Sf ES 849 EE ES 2S RLS = S20 E52 22 _=2£ frat i ; een ie Pra | = = el iz =o] 1 & S| s 2 ££ § & § S&S § 8 88 8 8B & = 2 2 fs § 3 ers 3 = Ro Ne eS A IS ae oe Se St ela siz Se yes Sa eae ee =o 1s So ee ee ee Soe & Ss | ---#...8 BURL LBL ELLE LLL LESSEE = i # Sele ules a es os g¢.= 3 = a 2 #2 8 8 &@ = =z #§ = % a 3&8 3 2 & Be; 8/3 & & & & F&F &8 &® & 8&8 & g as 1 oer Ten ail hala oaver Oa ws wat eens op cael tale Px ees Gath acai go Ae ts coe aa Oe ee ee ee a eee parr 4 TWORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT 27-Jun-85 TPACKAGE #4 TLEAQ: BILL SHERMAN - 2366 2368 2360 208 28 238 2322 2b 246 246 2388 2300 1 + iFY-242 iF¢-232 vFe2tt 1F5-212 1FS-213 15-222 1FS-203 (hs. .E) iFA-242 iFA-213 iFA-214 ' 1 tFA-215 iFA-246 on POWERHOUSE - JULY {5, 1986 SE - Page 2 2bA! POWER SPOWERAOUSE FINAL GRADING DRAWINGS ‘Area finish grading {POWERHOUSE FUTURE UNIT iFuture unit arrangenent ‘POWERHOUSE TALLRACE GATE SLOT ORAWINGS tAccess Covers iTailrace-gate sections and details iTailrace deck and sonorail iPOWERHOUSE STEEL SUPERSTRUCTURE iColuan schedule and base plates ‘Powerhouse superstructure framing TPOWERHOUSE STEEL SUPERSTRUCTURE i€rane girders framing and details iPOWERHOUSE ELEVATION 60 PLANS & DETAILS iFloor ef, 60.0 plan & details iPOWERHOUSE STAIRS & EMBEDS iStairs and platforas plans & sections TPOWERHOUSE MISC. ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS ‘Architectural plans Elevations of powerhouse TPOWERHOUSE MISC. ARCHITECTURAL BETAILS iWall sections iGirt details ‘POWERHOUSE MISC. ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS iReflected ceiling plans tArchitectural details ' 'POWERHOUSE STABILITY ANALYSIS ‘Substructure stability analysis : TPOWERHOUSE OYNAMIC ANALYSIS ‘Superstructure dynamic analysis ' i 1 ' 1 i ' ‘ ' ' 1 i ! i ' i ' i : ‘ ' ' ' ' : ' : i 1 1 ' OF $HOURS. PER DRAW EXPECTED START LOESIGN DRAFT 100} 100 61 5 250} 150 51 75 w5} 25 10! 150 150} 150 he me ss = ss = = > — ss WA 700 | N/A {1-8 met 4-18 Hi HH 7 TH ri 2-28 5-3er! b&b 1 ' ‘ ROY FOR INIT. REV. rs im) rie) A 8-15 8-15 6-6 AGF 1 i t TASK ORAFT LEADER 1 50h Dave Jurich oni Dave Raj Thi Dave Raj 70k: Dave Raj 70Lt Bave Raj MA WA 20t; H.Lisa Benson 701: Janes Parker a Dave Raj 1 Janes Parker 1 Dave Raj SOLA. Chris Olsen SORIA. Chris Olson 40TIA. Chris Olson SOTA. Chris Olson JOUA. Chris Olson OLA. Cheis Olson Dave Raj Janes Parker iMedesign base plates iRevise roof fraging £ WORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT t TDATES 27-Jun-86 ' Mi ' ; : iPACKAGE #4 POWERHOUSE - JULY 45, 1986 TOF iHOURS PER ORAWIIEXPECTED START © iR0Y FOR ‘EXPECTED FINISH! PERCENT COMPLETE i TASK t i [occncncennn ne nnn nanan nnn nnn n cece nnn n ence nnn n nnn n nn enn cane n en! TOWGS; DESIGN ORAFT | DESIGN DRAFT ‘INIT.REV.: DESIGN DRAFT ; DESIGN DRAFT | LEADER { COMMENTS ' TLEADS BILL SHERRAN 2bAt POWERHOUSE - Page 3 imi aaa aeeamapleaanmat i aca catenin ae aaa eee | a cae eee oma Seman See Scania ' leececnencennnna----ncecneneneneuscenewenancanarencccennenmnonone hoot 1 i i i i i ' i t t t i i iPOWERHOUSE GROUNDING tot ' ' ' i t i i t 1 ' ‘ i iFE-33A ‘Yard area (el. 24) Peat WA f BOT N/A TE AE-05 f 6-15 f ONA THO-3t t ON/A OOLiDan Rutherford t ' i iFE-338. iE 2f ST 4 Pit WA § BOE WAT AN-O5 1 ofS 1 WA OTL NA G0LiDan Rutherford ' i i iFE-33C iE] 2 Sh 2 tear WAG BO WA CE EL-G3 f G+45 GNA HOLT WA G0LiDan Rutherford t : i iFE-30 iET 42 Sh f Pat WA ft BOL AE AM-O5 2 b-15 OWA HOSE OWA SOLiDan Rutherford i ' ' IFE-J3E iE] 42. Sh 2 Par MA t BOT NA GE EEOS f GH5 tO NAA HOST N/A I GOLiDan Rutherford ' ' i iFE-J3F iT 60 Sh t tit WAG BOT NA EME-O5 G45 ft WA HOH t WYA i O0%i ban Rutherford ' ' ' IFE-336 ‘Yard Plan Pat WAG BOE NAG AN-O5 ft bf5 ENA HOT N/A b0LiDan Rutherford i i i i i lone i i i i i t i i i ' ' i iF-{0fA iProject general notes and legend Rtg 60: BOE N/A 1 06-45 § 07-15 5 NA HOSE: 604i 604; Bill Shersan ‘Compl, for ‘ ' t : Pagd ' i ' ! ' ' ! ' : {Phase I ! ' tFS-101A ‘Structural steel stds. and general notes! { ' i br WA 1 02-07 $ 07-05 OWA i4Q-HL 50K 50ui Dave Raj | ' i tFC-1018 iConcrete stds. and general notes tdi BOF BOT NAF 06-OL f O7-05 FWA OBES 70K 50ti Save Raj t i : : t ‘oa ' ' 1 1 ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ' i i i iad { ! i I ' i i i ' t t i tFC-1018 tAnchor belt schedule Pat i BOE WA 106-0 OWA T ONA HHO-3EP f0T1 402i Dave Raj | t ' : ' rod ' 1 ' : ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' i i ee i i ! i i i i ' : ' i : IFA-LOLA ‘Door schedule tts OF TOE 5-16 1 05-16 f OP-Ht 109-02 TOL INA Ot 4OLiA, Chris Olson i ' ' ' : ea 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' I hot i ! i t { I i ' i ' { 1 YFA-tOt8 ‘Door details 8 room finish schedule} 1 01 1401 05-16 105-16) OTL 1 09-02 HOS IA ©} © AOLIA. Chris Qlson : t 5 1 eo t ' ' : ' ' ; : : ' ' : t Pi i i ' i | | t : i ! i Weighted percent complete: 50% 53% — — - — ae encanta - ant {PACKAGE # 1 Poverhouse i BUDGETED «= |= EXPECTED «= tRDY FOR | «EXPECTED =} CURRENT | i i 1264 DESIGN CRITERIA i MANHOURS «=| START DATE tINET. REVS FINISH DATE COMPLETE: TASK LEADER COMMENTS : ' i { ' i { t ' ' +000 | HSTRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA i i ' ' : ' t { ' t a igeneral structural desiga criteria t 160 t {1-01 i O10 ft 02-27 001i Mike Mason tIssued to be revised for 7-11! ' i Bei iPoverhouse t 40 ' Ot-47 1 04-25 ¢ 5-3; at Mike Hason tssued internally : ' ' tArchitectural design criteria ' 160 ' {{-04 t 01-08 | 05-08 = + 10081 Nike Hason issued ' : ' ' ' ' : : ' 1 ' ' ' ' 'GEQTECH DESIGN CRITERIA t t i ' : t : ' i 000 ‘Poverhouse and substation grading : & ' 12-01 1 38 06-30 BST Lance Duncan ' t ' Weighted percent complete: © 57% : Weighted wkpkg percent complete: 54h ' PAGE & 6-3e/ i$ riprap MOT AIS 1 O05 f s0+t0 : {0-10 10 BUDGETED MANHOURS Powerhouse DESIGN CRITERIA HSTRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA iTailrace QTECH DESIGN CRITERIA ilrace channel HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA Tailrace channel iROV FOR tEXPECTED “REV. DESISH eT | G12! bt! 1] fat ! : ' EXPECTED BY FOR EXPECT START BATE TINIT.REV.! FINISH OA O05 EOL POO OF eH} OID! ot OOP OS Seighted percent complete: Total weighted percent complete PAGE 5 HOURREN? | iCOMPLETES TASK LEADER Nike Nason Lance Ouacan Jay dean iNeed final concept ' i ' i ' ' : ' ' i OUt for coments ie i ' TOF tHOURS PER DRAWI‘EXPECTED START ©: ROY FOR SIGH DRAFT NIT.REV,. : i ATION STRUCTURES & YARD phy i i ‘ : sFY-271 1 h grading, access, fence 5-H 6-27 § 6-27 HO 70k 50%; Dave Jurich ‘ 1 HES-274 iSvitchgear rove raof plan & details | bE TH | 1 SOL! SOU, Lisa Benson i iFC-271 Switchgear rooe & transferger : i i i ' : i i i i : foundation details : o2t Fit it On SOLA, Lisa Benson i i TPACKAGE #4 Powerhouse i BUDGETED «=| = EXPECTED «© IRDY FOR = EXPECTED «© SCURRENT | 1265 DESIGN CRITERIA i MANHOURS i START DATE TINIT REV t FINISH DATE ©: COMPLETE: TASK LEADER COMMENTS Tatal percent coaplete: 56k : : 1 1 : : 1 1 : 1 2460 iGEQTECHNICAL DESIGN CRITERIA i 4 i 12-04 1 328 Hf On Lance Duncan i i 2460 f 8-8 HSTRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA i a i 05-16 bef} i iB} BON Mike Nason ilssued for internal i i i t . Weighted percent couplete 68% oie IWORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT ' IOATES 27-Jun-86 TOF HOURS PER ORAWEIEXPECTE® STAR T ot 2482 | OUN/A ewark due te i 1 2884 | i OUNA : i ework due t i i iMCB Front Elev. Sh. { if) 100 INA i OLIN i ha Yale iRework due io BC} i i i iB Front Elev. Sh. 2 iti $00 INA i ZUMA : John Yale iRewerk due te O0N t i i iB Rear Elev. Sh. { toi SO UNA + UNA : John Yale iRework due te 08 t i i iMCB Rear Elev. Sh. 2 i ee) i LOLIN/A i John Yale iRevork due te OCH i i : iGubstation relay panel Sh. { Pit 50 INA 1 tQRIN/A i John Yale iRevori due to DCN i i i ‘Substation relay panel Sh. 2 ight 30 UNA i AOLIN/A i John Yale iRework due to GCN : 2486 ' 'SCaDA STS. BLOCK DIAGRAM 8 PT. LIST ff i ! : i i i tt iSCADA Block diagram Pat $00 (NVA 1 9QLIR/A t John Yale! t i Beighted percent completes © 302 TPACKAGE #4 Powerhouse i BUDGETES = t= EXPECTED «= TROY FOR i §=« EXPECTED §«©— CURRENT | t i Hk OESIGN CRITERIA i RANHOURS = START DATE © tENIT REV} FINISH GATE © COMPLETE! TASK LEADER t COMMENTS i Pe mee ere ALTA i t CONTROLS i 40 i {0-01 H2-H-85 | Ob-15 i 1000! John Yale i ! i Weighted percent complete: 100% ' : Total percent complete: 5 PAGE 7 iFE-21F iFE-216 iFE-2tH iFE-21J tFE-256 tFE-25H iFE-25) iFE-25K iFE-25L iFE-258 iFE-258 tFE-25P iFE-258 IFE-294 tFE-298 iPraject faci 1i20y AC and 125 VOC THCCLA AND 1B tHCC2A AND 2B iHCCR iHCC4 iSymisis and abbreviations H-LINES ORAFTING iienerator { iGenerater 2 Unit 1 gaia IFAR {3.8 WG iUnit 2 gain IFHR {3.8 SHE iStation service (5 KY Substation LINE 2 45 KY Substation Bus Biff HEQUIPHERT ARRANGEMENT iSubstation contral panel elevation HENS SWGR ELEV w/exe svar FONPS SWGR ELEV w/exe swor iSta serv svar THECIA & 48 HMCC2A & 2B Station HCC3 iDiesel generator control panel ‘Station battery aux. HGENERATOR AND XFHR LEADS Sections and details idetails TGENERATOR, TURBINE AND AUXILIARY WIRING ‘Generator #1 Terainal box ~rbenerater #2 Terginal box oe N/A NA N/A iA NA N/A RA R/A WA BVA HA RA N/A NA RA RA RA NA NA N/A N/A RA NA WA N/A NA N/A NA S8eeSsseseeea SSSSssees 33 ss N/A NA N/A 7A H/A N/A H/A WA WA N/A WA RA N/A N/A N/A Ria NA RA NA WA N/A MA aoe Cn Sa OF eo N/A WA Rf N/A RIA avA HA N aA NA WA MA NIA s Oden t Louis Odos agni teais Odes 80Li Louis Odea WiiRichard Ounbar i a0LiUirich Martin 4OLiUieich Hartia 4O0iUirich Rar 4ORUlrich Mar 40LWirich Martins SOLVirich Rartins ati Louis Odor ahi Louis Gdon oti Louis Odea: B02; Louis Odes : an Lovis Odea 80k louis Odes ett Louis Odes S02; Louis Cdoa ahi Louis Odea Skt John Yale JOU Richard Dunbar U0LiRichard Ounbar 3 Frank Cadaves i Joti ban Rutherford JOU Dan Rutherford JOE Daa Rutherford 30Lidan Rutherford JOLi Dan Rutherford 5 ' OOLiFrank Cadavas é0tiFrank Cadaves 20k: Dan Rutherford 20TiDan Rutherford ‘HOURS PER DRAKY EXPECTED START ESIGN ORFT | DESIGN DRA i : iGENERATOR, TURBINE AND AUXILIARY KIRING | t i i IFE-20 iTurbine #1 Tersinal Pai NA f 80 NWA ! i iFE-2) Turbine #2 Tersinal Pat WA ft GO NM i i i i ICABLE TRAYS eel ie : : : i i i i iFE-H4A tE} 2t plan Sh f Pat WA: 400; WA i a02iFrank Cadaves i i i iFE-H48 iE} 2f plan Sh 2 Pat WA 100Gb WAG i S00iFrank Cadavas ! i : iFE-J4C iDetails ida WA f £009 WAT i BOR iFrank Cadavos i : i i IMC WIRING i) dt t t i i i ! i IFE-TA Panel {F Pat Ad BOE MAE i i iOLiFrank Cadaves On Held i : iFE-J8 Hanel {8 Pat WA f Ot WAT : i fOLiFrank Cadaves On Hold i i IFE-3C iPanel 2F Pai Wat @i WA E i i {0k Frank Cadavas idn Hold i : tFE-30 iPanel 28 tL MMe ab ah t ; : {0Z;Frank Cadaves i0n Heid i : IFE-JE iPanel OF Pai WAT Ot WAT ! t iObrFrank Cadaves ils Held t : IFE-JF iPanel Jf Pit Wat Mt WA t i 400i Frank Cadavas 1On Hold i i iFE-36 tPanel 4F tat WA Tt Ot WA t : i iOLiFrank Cadaves iOs Hold : i iFE-3H iPanel 48 tai WA tf BOT MAE ' i i {O2;Frank Cadavos ifn Hold : : iFE-H iPanel 5F iar WA tT i WA t ' i i {0UiFrank Cadaves On Hold t : iFE-3K tPanel 58 Pai Wa ft 8t WAT i i : {O2iFrank Cadaves Oa Hold i i iFE-JL iPane! OF Pat WA + &t NA i i i 102i Frank Cadaves iOn Hold i i iFE-JN Pane! $8 iit WA + 81 WA : ! i i0tiFrank Cadaves ids Hold t i iFE-IN iPanel 7F Pat WAG 801 NAG ' i i i0UiFrank Cadaves iOn Hold i i iFE-3P iPanel 78 Pai WA} 8 WA : : ' 102iFrank Cadavos iOn Hold t t t : lds i i i : i i i iFrank Cadaves i t : i CONDUIT DRAWINGS i le : i i i i i i iFrank Cadayas : i : iFE-448 HEL 24 Plan Saf Pett WAY M00 WAG OPE 705 fb ONA HOT N/A I J0LiFrank Cadaves i : i iFE-448 i€] 2t Plan Sh 2 Pat WA fF M00E WAT SO? 7-05 OWA HOLE N/A JoLiFrank Cadaves : ! : iFE-44C iET 42 Plan Sh ¢ Pat WA fOr WAG 07) 7-05 OWA HOLT HMA I J0LiFrank Cadaves i i i iFE-448 HET 42 Plaa Sh 2 Pett NAA t MOOG NA 1 S07 7 7-05 ot NYA HOSE WA J0uiFrank Cadavos ; t i IFE-44E i€] 40 Plan Pett WAG 001 WAT S07 7-05 b WMA HOSED WA OL Frank Cadaves i ' i iFE-44F Hections $ Details Sh { Pot WAG A0Or WAL 07 G 7-05 ot NVA HO-3t 1 N/A I OU Frank Cadavos : i 2ace 9 iFE-§34 tFE-638 tFE-G3C iFE-boA tFE-668 iFE-b6C tFE-660 tFE-B4E tFE-G6F tFE-bbH iFE-bbJ IFE-baK HFE-G6L tFE-GaK iFE-GON iFE-B6? iCONDUIT DRAWINGS iSections and Details Sh 2 iHEAT TRACING iTrans yard plan and details iPermanent facility water in plan iPermanent facility water In details TLIGHTING AND COMMUNICATIONS tE1 {5 Plan HE] 2¢ Plan Sh f 1€1 24 Plan Sh 2 TEL 42 Plan Sh f iE} 42 plan Sh 2 sE1 60 plan Fixture schedule Details ‘Panel Schedule, Sh { iPanel Schedule, Sh 2 iPanel Schedule, Sh 3 iTelephone one line ‘Telephone riser diagras HHOURS. PER DRAWI NA NA N/A Ni Nii WA N/A N/A RA RUA a/A WA AVA IA RUA NIA N/A vEXPECTED START N/A N/A WA Wh N/A N/A N/A N/A WA RA N/A Wh N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7-04 5-01 | {-{0 {-10 2-44 2-24 3-28 5-0 6-13 1 {-01 1-01 5-6 5-01 7-01 1-05 ES TH its 1-04 7-04 1-04 1-04 1-04 7-04 7-04 6-15 7-0 315 6-01 5-01 0 ' TEXPECTED FINISH! PERCENT COMPLETE | : DESIGN GRAFT ; N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A WA WA WA N/A N/A N/A PARF 10 HOt HOU t HO-H | HOU: 0-H: HOUT 0-31 te WA A RIA RUA AVA WA RA NA HA N/A WA Wh RA N/A RA WA WA DRAFT OtiFrank Cadaves Wei Richard Oundar OLiRichard Dunbar OL Richard Dunbar BOLI Martins /Dunbar GOLiNartins/Dunbar SOL Martins/Ounbar GOL: Martins/Dunbar GOL Martins /Ounbar OL Martins/Dunbar GOLiMartins/Ouabar GOL Martins / Dunbar 40TiMartins/Duabar LOLiMartins/Dunbar {O0iMartins/Ovabar OL: Martins/Dunbar OLiMartins/Ounbar 27-Jun-ab bee YOF THOURS PER ORAM IECPECTED START :RDY FOR {EXPECTED FINISH! PERCENT COMPLET DESIGN ORAFT { DESIGN DRAFT INIT.AEV.! DESIGN DRAFT | OESIGN DRAFT TPACKAGE #1 ' t if 14 BLOCK OTAGRAKS a poiogh riot 4 :_HeRD-Sexs “BAY GEN BRR ELE WA} ME WA LOE $0516 FMA HO-OL! WA ton! Jha Yale + FOQD-SNPS—«=«=ISTA SERV 3.8K BARS LTE WA 1 QE WA $022 1 O90 1 WA HO-Ot! WA f | 40R Joka Yale | HEBD-HEES —«SBHESEL GEN BKR CONT a ee eee ee ee) Jahn Yale ! :——HEBD-BHAG»——=—«SGOV OTL PUMP PLE WA 1 ME WA LOIS 1 OS FON HO-OEE WA EO Jahn Yale | 1 FCQD-GHAY ——«—«ESPHERE VALVE OIL PUNE PLE WA 1 20E WA TOMS $030 WA HO-0L: WA Eon! Taba Yale | : ! — HCQD-6HVS «POWERHOUSE EXHAUST FANG AL WA 1 QE WA 0545 1 O01 EWA HO-OL! WA SOM! Taba Yale | : 1 HEBD-BNIS «TARO STA SERV BAR 4 PAE OWA} 205 WA LODE 1 O90 EOWA HOODS WA 40E Jahn Yale | 1 $CBD-BGAS=—=«=««=STATEON AR cOMPRESSOR LAE WA 1 EOWA E4227 2 OI EOWA MO-OLE WA EO John Yate | }HD-ESAT —«=«=TDEPRESSION AIR FANS PAE WA 1 202 WA 10842 1 OTIS EOWA HO-OL! WA SOF Tobe Yate | ' 1 HBD-AN~—=«=«ISERVICE MATER PUNE LAE WA 1 2 WA E4207 O60 t WA HOOL! WA EOF Jha Yale | 1 HCQD-6TAL «THRUST BG, OIL PUNP PLE WA 1 QE WA $0642 1 OTS | WA HOOL! WA Eon! John Yale | | HCBO-EENSOL «HOE ELEN exe aS LTE WA 1 24 WA fOb+OL $0830 1 WA HODES WA Eon John Yale ! : marr oue ‘. WORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT DATES 27-Jun-86 {PACKAGE H POWERHOUSE - JULY 15, 1986 Lee i i i i ' i [eoneec eens een c nnn n nnn e nnn nnn nnn TOF HOURS PER ORAWLIEXPECTED START iRDY FOR ‘EXPECTED FINISH: PERCENT COMPLETE TASK ‘ RON KROHN 45h: ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS - Page 5 'OWGS! DESIGN DRAFT ; DESIGN DRAFT VINIT.REV.: DESIGN DRAFT | DESIGN i LEADER i COMMENTS 10B0-85P6 iDC ELEM GEN 4 PROT P20 WA 200 WA E04 OE GOO 1 ONYA i NA 70% John Yale t 1080-856 TSYNCH 20 WA t 20 NIA 1 03-2t 1 05-16 ft NYA HHO-04 1 NVA TO Jona Yale 1CB0-81K8 1OC ELEM GEN PROT tdi NA f 204 NAF 06-0f § 07-15 NVA HHO-GL 1 N/A I oi John Yale 180-9748 TELEM OFA UNIT START SH { 1 2E WAT 204 NA 105-16 1 07-15 1 N/A HHO-Of | N/A} TOU John Yale | iCBO-9THI TTURB-GEN SUPY ELT NAT 208 NA 4 06-01 F715 1 N/A 10-011 WA Ou John Yale iCBD-10ANN TANN SYS 198 WA t 204 WA T0301 $0715 NA HO-3E) N/A Ot 40L; John Yale i 'CBD-L0DASOL COMPUTER 1/0 PT LIST DE NA 208 WIA 104-04 07-15 ENA HOB NVA 404i John Yale | TCBO-{00A502 SCADA I/D PT LIST PSE WAT MY WA T0515 1 OTS FWA MOLE WA Mt John Yale} TCBD-40DAS03 = IS.E.R. 1/0 PT LIST LG NAAT 208 NAF 05-15 1 07-15 1 N/A Hf0-31 1 N/A | 40tt John Yale i 1CBD-14PTS 'SPHERE VALVE ttt WAY 208 NA 1 05-15 1 07-15 § WA HO-3L 1 N/A 604i John Yale | ' ' aan ' 1 ' : : ' ' t 1 1 i : Pike ! i t ! ' t ' t ' ' 1OBD-FE24 : 1 Ot WA ft 205 t Hi i i ! ' i t Heighted percent conplete: N/A ati t Total percent complete: 1h PAGE 12 WORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT ‘OATES "PACKAGE #1 tLEAB: RON KROHN TLSK-O-f tLSK--24 tLSK-0-28 HLSK-0-3 ILSK-9-17 tLSK-12-2 tUSK-{2-7 tLSK-15-1.4 iLSK-16-2 tLSX-22-4 tLSK-38-2.1 ILSK-39-t. tLSK-39-1.2 iUSK-39-2.4 tLSK-39-2.2 tLSK-39-3 tLSK-39-4 HESK-LA tESK-18 TESK-2A tESK-28 HESK-20 HESK-3A HESK-38 tESK-3¢ tESK-30 iESK-56HS0 tESK-5GHS02 SESK-56NSO3 ~ HESK-SGHSO4 tESK-SNPSOL ~ SESK-SNPSO2 tESK-SNPSO3 1LSK-24-10. 2 tLSK-24-{2.1 TESK-4CES101 HESK-4CES{02 POWERHOUSE - 15, 1986 $58 CONTROL SYSTENS G1C DIAGRAMS LENDEX ‘DIGITAL SYMBOLS TANALOG SYMBOLS TGENERAL NOTES ISERVICE WATER ISEAVICE ALR SYSTEM IDEPRESSION AIR SYSTEN TFIRE PROTECTION TTHRUST BEARING H.P PUMP TPOWERHOUSE HVAL ‘GENERATOR BREAKERS iPROJ FACIL 13.8 KV BKR iSTA SERV {3.8 KY BKR TDLESEL GEN BKR TOIESEL GEN START iSTA SERY 480 ¥ SWGR HSYNCHRONIZING GENERATORS ISPHERE VALVES TTURB GEN START iTURB GEN STOP IGOVERNOR OIL SYSTEM HGOVERNOR AIR COMPRESSOR ISPHERE VALVE O1 TTURB PROT ALARMS § TRIPS TELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS TELEMENTARY INQEE ICIRCUIT NO LIST TESK & CKT NO SYSTEM iSYSTEN & WIRE 80S ISYSTEM CODES HCONTROL SW CONTACT OLA SH HCONTROL Si CONTACT OLA SH A SH A SH HCONTROL SW CONTACT OL HCONTROL SW CONTACT OF EQUIPMENT LIST STA CONT SEQUIPMENT LIST 3ELAY PNL { z y 3 Sate ad ioe dR ay SDS apes ae Ga ks Be DE pe ces pas eae tos om ee Oe oe oe oe oe oe N/A N/A NA WA N/A NA N/A N/A NA NA WA N/A N/A N/A WA N/A wih N/A N/A RA NA WA N/A N/A NA NVA WA N/A N/A N/A WA NA WA NIA WA N/A N/A WA NA N/A N/A N/A ' ' ' ' i : ‘ 1 ‘ : ! ' 1 i ! i : ‘ : t : ' : : i SISIVsesssesessssssseessee SSSSESESESESE SSSSSESESE ESE iOF HOURS PER ORAKLENPECTED START ‘OWES! DESIGN ORAFT 1 SESIGN A N/A Rib RA W/A NA Wh N/A N/A WA RA NA N/A HVA N/A N/A N/A RA RA RA N/A N/A avA WA NA NA Nh N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A WA WA NA N/A WA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A R FELPECTE 10-01 | 10-04 Joba Yale John Yale John Yale Joba Yale John Yale John Yale Jaha Yale John Yale Joha Yale Jahn Yale John Yale Joka Yale John Yale Joke Yale Joan Yale Joha Yale i John Yale John Yale John Yale i John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yaie Joba Yale Joba Yale John Yale Joba Yale Joba Yale John Yale Johan Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale Joba Yale Joha Yale iESK-BEGSOL TESK-GEGS02 tESK-GHAGOL FESK-GHAGO2 TESK-GHAGOI HESK-HAVOL TESK-GHVSOL TESK-GNISOL TESK-GNISO2 TESK-bNISOS TESK-bNISO4 TESK-bSASOL TESK-SATOL tESK-GSUS0L tESK-ETHLOL TESK-BENSOL HESK-BEXSO2 tESK-BEXS03 iESK-BEXSO4 TESK-BEXSO5 HESK-BEXSO6 HESK-SEXSO7 TESK-BSPG0! iESK-BSPE02 tESK-85P603 sESK-8SYG0! tESK-BSY602 tESK-BSYG04 iESK-9THBOL tESK~9THB02 tESK-9TNBOS TESK~9TMBO4 TESK-9TMBO5S TESK-9TMBOG tESK-9THB07 tESK-9TNBOS -ESK-97HB09 tESK~FTMBIO SESK-FTNBLL TDEESEL SEX SDIESEL PROT ISPHERE ¥ POWER! A SERV BKR A SERV BAR 2 W 1480 ¥ ST 1480 ¥ ST 1480 V TH 1480¥ UND BKR RELAYS TSTATEON AIR COMPRESSOR ‘DEPRESSION AIR FANS iSERVICE WATER PUMP TTHRUST 826. OIL PUMP 1DC ELEM EXE SYS tC ELEM EXC SYS 1OC ELEM EXC SYS tC ELEM EXC SYS iOC ELEM EXC SYS TOC ELEM EXC SYS iEXCITER PROTECTION iDC ELEM GEN { PROT +DC ELEM GEN 2 PROT *VOLTAGE BALANCE 1GENERATOR SYNCH SH 1 ISYNCH SH 2 TDEESEL GEN 480 BUS SYNCH HELEN OIA UNIT START SH 1 tELEM DIA UNIT START SH 2 HELEN OIA UNIT START SH 3 TELEM OIA UNIT START SH 4 TELEM OLA UNIT START SH 5 HELEN OLA UNIT START SH 6 HELEM DIA UNIT START SH 7 SGOVERNOR INPUTS HGOVERNOR OUTPUTS, SH 1 TGOVERNOR OUTPUTS, SH 2 ISTART/STOP INDICATION oe oe Oe ee ee oe oe he oe Bm ee te em pe SSSSs5 ne be oe SSS8s5 SSeS me me SSSSSEESE SSSSSESSESES SESE SEE s a 7 a SFRGSSaRS Bot le ee oe Cee samo te Can 23 o> S = 10-01 ¢ John Yale i Jona Yale t Joha Yale John Yale Jahn Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale t John Yale John Yale i John Yale i Johe Yale John Yale { John Yale i Jabn Yale: John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yaie John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale Joha Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale Jobn Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale | eee ee Z WORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT iDATES 21-Jun-86 TESK-9THIOL tESK-9TKI62 TESK-LOANNOL TESK-LGANNO2 TESK-LOANROI TESK-1OANNO4 TESK-LOARNOS FESK-LGANKOS TESK~{GANNG? TESK-{OANROS TESK-LOANNO? tESK-{ODASOL TESK-£0DAS02 TESK-100AS03 HESK-L{LE6D0L TESK-{1E650! TESK-LLPTSOI TESK-L1PTS0$ tESK-{1PTSOS iFE-21A IFE-218 IFE-24C tFE-210 iFE-21E iFE-21F tFA-L tFK-2 tFK-J tFK-4 TTURB-GEN SUPY TTURB-GEN SUPY iCON ANN PT LIST HELEN DIA COM ANN HCON ANN WINDOW ARR TUNIT 1 ANN PTL HELEM DIA UNIT 1 ANN TUNIT 1 ANN WINDOW ARR HUNIT 2 ANN PT LIST HELEN DIA UNET 2 ARN TUNIT 2 ANN WIRDOW ARR iCOMPUTER 1/0 PT LEST TSCADA I/O PT LIST HG.E.R. 1/0 PY LIST TDEESEL EXHAUST FAN TDLESEL START CONTROL ISPHERE VALVE TSPHERE VALVE HSPHERE VALVE TENSTRUMENT LIST TENSTRUMENT DATA SHEETS tAC ELEMENTARIES iAC ELEM GEN 4 tAC ELEM GEN 2 tAC ELEM TRANS { tAC ELEM TRANS 2 tAC ELEM STA SWCE iAC ELEM DIESEL GEN TINSTRUMENT DRAWINGS tINST WG - P.H. TINST OWG - P.H. TINST WG - PAH TINST WG - PAHS tes OF ‘HOURS PER DRAW! OWES: : ' t E EXPECT eon Ni NIA N/A NIA RA N/A NA Nia N/A WA NA N/A NIA WA N/A RA NA WA NYA N/A WA WA N/A NA N/A NA N/A N/A NVA N/A N/A SES Be eh tm tae SBSSS25 888 ess Bes SSS & 3 SR oe 222222 100 100 100 ' ROY FOR VEXPECTE! INET REV. DESIGN 5 Ot QT-45 FWA HO-OL D RYA Ot3 fb NAA HO-3i 1 NVA O45 f N/A HOH OG BVA O15 N/A HMO-3f tONVA QP f N/A G-3 N/A OTS f OWA HOSE NVA O15 1 NYA HO-3L i N/A OPS [OWA HOTT BVA O15 1 WA HG-31 1 N/A OT-15 1 N/A fG-3d i N/A O75 1 NA HO-dL 1 N/A QS 1 WA HOT NVA O15} WA HOH 1 N/A Ob-O1 1 NAA HOOT ORVA O52 1 NAA HO-+O VA OPS f ONA OJ TNA OPS f ONA HO-dL SBA O15 § N/A 10-311 WA Ob-3O NAA 108-015 NVA OT-15 $NA TOB-OL 1 N/A 02-2 ft NA 108-015 NVA 02-21 tf N/A 08-01 N/A 02-21 1 NA TORO 1 NVA 02-21 NYA 108-01 1 N/A 02-21 1 N/A 1OB-O1 NVA O21 1 NA 108-01 1 NVA vi N 09-30 t N/A 109-30 N/A 09-30 t N/A 109-301 N/A O9-30 fF N/A 109-305 N/A 09-30 fF N/A 109-301 NIA Weighted percent complete: N/A Total percent cosplete: Hi PERCENT COMP! 7} OESEGN DRAFT TASK LEADER Joha Yale dohn Yale Jahn Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale Joha Yale Joba Yale Joba Yale Jena Yale Isha Yale John Yale Joha Yale John Yale John Yale Joba Yale Joha Yale John Yale John Yale Jaha Yale John Yale John Yale John Yale John Yaie John Yale Joha Yale Joho Yale John Yale John Yale Joho Yale Joba Yale TWORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT 1DATES 27-Jun-85 IPACKAGE #1 POWERHOUSE - JULY 15, 1986 TLEADS JIN NOWAK 450 MECHANICAL 1 203: iP AND 1D i iF5-0020 (A) Standard syebals ' 1F5-0020 (8) iStandard sysbols i 1F3-0020 (C} iEquiprent codes i iFI-1202 iService air systes i iF -1207 thir depression system i iF 3-150 iFire protection water systes i iFI-1505 iFire protection halon systes ‘ IF 5-1105 tPowerhouse drainage systea t tF3-2202 {A} iPowerhause heating and ventilation : iF 3-2202 (8) tPowerhause heating and ventilation ' iFI-2304 tBosestic water and sanitary waste ' iFI-9047 iService water system : tFJ-1204 instrument air 1 2082: 'PIPING COMPOSITES : 1FP-200 (A) ‘Powerhouse plan el. 42.0 i iFP-200 (8) iPoverhouse plan el, 42.0 ‘ 1FP-200 (C) iPoverhouse plan el. 21.0 t iFP-200 (0) Powerhouse plan el. 21.0 i iFP-200 (6) ‘Powerhouse plan ef. 15.6 i TFP-200 (F} ‘Powerhouse plan el, 15.0 i iFP-200 (6) iPowerhouse section {- i iFP-200 (H} iPowerhouse section 2-2 i tFP-200 (J) iPowerhouse section 3-3 : tFP-200 (KI iPowerhouse aiscellaneous details ' tFP-200 (L) iPowerhouse isc. sections and details t iFP-2h 150 Service vater i TFP-{3A 150} Pluabing ' TFP-26A 150 iFire protect t i ' 1 ! OF fate ot ente ente ool Sale och on tem Ge eae mt te iHOURS PER DRAKE ' 4 WA WA N/A N/A MA WA WA N/A Nik WA NA NA WA WA NA N/A RA WA N/A N/A WA WA Wa WA WA N/A N/A gS S be peat ewe SSam 2ES2SS2e BSSS2SsSV2s22e2 VEYPECTED START A WA WA WA WA V/A WA N/A WA N/A WA N/A WA : i t Ob-06 tf NYA 108-22 1 06-06 N/A 108-22 Ob-27 1 NA 109-19: ¢ 6-27 1 WA 109-265 Ob-06 | MYA 08-225 Ch-0b ft WA 508-221 Ob-06 N/A 108-22 | Mb-06 | NYA 108-22 1 Ob-06 N/A 108-22 1 06-06 ft N/A 108-22 | 66-06 ft RA 208-22 1 Ob-06 1 NA 108-221 O15 t N/A if0-31 5 fob t 06-20 | NA 109-19 | 06-20 1 N/A 109-19 | Ott 1 N/A 0-H Ott | NA 0-3 06-27 NA 10-10 t 6-27 | N/A 0-101 O15 tf NA HOHE O15} WA H0-3L O15 t WA i10-3L 4 06-08 1 N/A 0-3 C808 TNA HO-IE E O85 1 NA HOHE M15 t WA HO-3L : WA 140-31 t Weighted percent complete: - PARE th 1 ROY FOR VEXPECTED FINISH! PERCENT COMPLETE DRAFT Th TS Bh Bt TSE: Bu TS TS TSR: Bu TSE; 50: 201; b0Lt bn 50%! 50%: b0Rt a0! wu ML ME 10: OL On: 6 on - ‘ 17 Jik Nowak Jin Nowak Jia Nowak Jia Nowak Jis Nowak Jia Nowak Jie Nowak Jis Newak Jie Rewak Nowak Newak Jis Rovak Jis Nowak a tee Brent Crowder Brent Crowder Brent Crowder Brent Crowder Brent Crovder Brent Crowder Brent Crowder Brent Crovder Brent Crovder Brent Crovder Brent Crowder Jerry Hendez Jerry Hendez Jerry Rendez HWORK PROBUCT STATUS REPORT DATES 27-Jun-86 iPACKAGE #1 POWERHOUSE - JULY 15, 1986 ta4 : i i : i i [ecwwonana nn nwme nme nncnwennnnnnnnn a nenncnnnennnwecnnennennnnnn= TOF THOURS PER DRAWESEXPECTED START © IRDY FOR ‘EXPECTED FINISH: PERCENT COMPLETE i TASK : tLEAQ: JIM NOWAK 450 BUILDING SERVICES TOWGS! DESIGN DRAFT | DESIGN DRAFT TINIT.REV.: DESIGN ORAFT | CESIGN ORAFT + LEADER ' COMMENTS : i i te 5 t i i ' : : ' i t i : : iPowerhouse drainage e142 Pott NAAT MOL WA fT OF-T4 1 Ob-f5 1 N/A 08-08 N/A T5tt Jim Nowak | : i iPowerhouse drainage el .2t rit WAT JOE NA FOU fF 06-15 FORA 108-08 1 N/A T3tt Jia Nowak i : i iPowerhouse érainage 1.15 + ft WAT 2500 RA OFEE E0615 1 WA 108-08 f N/A TS Jia Nowak | i ; ‘Powerhouse aiscellaneous details tit WAY 200 WA O48 TY O75 WA HORS WA T5kt Jin Nowak | i i iPowerhouse beating & vent. el, 60 bE Lt WAS JOO NA E0808 TOTS OMA 109-12 1 NA Tt Jia Nowak | ! : ‘Powerhouse heating $ vent. el. 42 ELE NA YOOE NAA 1 05-02 1 07-15 WA 09-121 WAT 80h: Jin Nowak i i i iPowerhouse heating 6 vent, el. 21 ti WA ft SOOT WA 05-07 1 07-15 N/A 10125 NAAT 601! Jia Nowak ¢ t t tH AND Y sections and details PLT WA § 250 NA 1 04-06 1 08-01 1 NVA 110-301 WAS 40k Jia Nowak | : ' TH AND V sections and details PLE WA § 250 b WA 596-27 1 08-01 NYA Hf0-30t N/A I Sout Jia Nowak | Weighted percent complete: or STL PARE (7 - FoR ee TWORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT HATE: 27-Jun-86 a ee i t TOF THOURS PER ORAWIVEXPECTED START © iRDY FOR DESIGN ORAFT : DESIGN DRAFT ‘INIT REV.G Ol TASK LEADER i ILSK-24-7,2 ff Pit WAY MT WA POT ei? tA WA i 902; John Yale: : i HLSK-24-7,3 itd KV O Tt NA tf 200 MAF O2E t 03-24 TNA i NA 902: Joba Yale} ' ' ' TAC ELENENTARIES t ' ' ' t : : ' t ' : IFE-216 tDianoad ridge line { Pat WA 1000 WAS 2th 2b ot MA Whi i John Yale | i : iFE-24H iSoldetna line 2 tft WAG 1005 WAG 2h tT 2b ot NA WA t ki John Yale ¢ i i iFE-213 iBUS differential Pat WA ft 1000 WA tht tot WA WAS Li Joba Yale | ' : t 1DC ELEMENTARIES t ' ' : ' ! i ' ' ' : TESK-7SPMOL Maia trans { Pret Pdi WA t MOE WA FO-t6 TF 03-26 + N/A NAS 90L: Johan Yale i ' t TESK-7SPHO2 iMaia trans 2 Pret Pat WAY 40t WA F Ot-f6 1 03-26 1 WA Nia 1: Joba Yale! t ' SESK-7YUBOL 1PCB 1 Close ttt WA t 40 t NAF 04-08 1 04-25 1 NVA WA 604i John Yale i ‘ ' TESK-7¥UB02 1PCB 1 Trip coil { Pat WA ft 0b WA T0804 F 04-25 1 NVA NAG 602; Jobo Yale | i i TESK-TYUBO3 +PCB A Trip coil 2 Pat WAY At WA f O4-04 F 08-25 OWA N/A 07; Jobs Yale t i TESK-7YUBO4 1PCB 2 Close Pat WAY 40t WA 1 08-08 ft 08-25 7 WA WA i br! Sohn Yale | : : TESK-TYUBOS 1PCB 2 Trip coil 4 tt WAT 400 WA 10804 F 08-25 OWA WA i 6021 Joha Yale} ' i tESK-7YUBO6 iPCB 2 Trip coil 2 Pat WA ft 40 b WA 1 04-08 fF 04-25 1 NVA Nh ot bu! John Yale | ‘ i tESK-7¥UR07 1PCB 3 Close Peat WAY AO b WAT O4HL fb 06-27 5 OWA WAS 201 Joba Yale! ' : TESK-7YUBO8 iPEB 3 Trip ceil { tr WAG M00 WA OEE f 06-27 7 WA N/A 208 John Yale i : ' TESK-7¥UB09 iPCB J Trip coil 2 hte WAY AO t WA OMft ft 06-27 fA WAG 201; John Yale | ' t TESK-TYUBIC 1PCB 4 Close Pat WA} 4Ot WAL Ott ft 00-27 1 OWA WA 201; John Yale | ' i tESK-7YUBLL +PCB 4 Trip coil 4 hie WAG MOT MAE OFEt ft 06-27 TOMA WA 201: John Yale! t : HESK-7¥UB12 1PCB 4 Trip ceil 2 bit WAY 400 WA E Ott F 06-27 1 WA WAG 20k Jobn Yale i ' ' HESK-7¥UB13 1400 {YUB-HOS{T be Lt WA ft 40T WAT OFEL ft 06-27 1 NVA WA t 902: John Yale i ‘ ' tESK-7YUBL4 iMG) OYUB-MDS{L Pat WA § 400 WAT Ott fb 06-27 1 WA WAG i; John Yale i : ‘ tESK-TYUBLS 1MOD QYUB-MDSt{ (TYP) iii NWA ft 400 WA 405-02 1 0841 oT ONA WA 9k John Yale t ' ' tESK-TYUBL6 HMGD QYUB-MDS24 hat WA ft 400 WA $0603 5 07-15 1 N/A WAS 9h John Yale | t : tESK-7YUBI7 i#00 OYUB-MOST1 htt WA t 40 NA 106-03 ¢ 07-15 f WA WA Li John Yale i : : TESK-TYUBL8 1HOD OYUB-MOSSS Pit WA t MOT WA E0603 fF O75 Tf OWA WA 90k John Yale i : ' HESK-7YUCOL thine 1 Pri relaying Pat WA t 40 N/A £ 06-06 1 06-27 1 N/A N/A On ‘ ' : tESK-7¥UCO2 tLine { Pri relaying Pat WA § 400 WA £ 06-06 | 06-27 1 WA NAG Or : ' : HESK-7YUCO3 tLine { Bu relaying hts WA ft At WA P0643 ft 06-27 t OWA WA t OL ' I ' tESK-TYUCOS iLine 1 reclosing e2e MAF AOE WA 0b-f3 ¢ 06-27 fA WA Oni : i : tESK-7YUCOS tLine 2 pri relaying heft WA ft 40t WA 1 06-06 fF 06-27 1 NVA NAG On : ' ' tESK-TYUCOS tLine 2 pri relaying Pit WA ft 401 WA 106-06 {06-27 1 N/A WAT One i ' ‘ HESK-7YUCOT tLine 2 bu relaying + 1h WAY 400 WA 1 6-43 + 06-27 1 N/A N/A ont ‘ ‘ : tESK-7YUCOS tLine 2 reclosing ttt WA tA t NA 1 06-13 § 06-27 1 N/A WA Ont : ‘ : tESK-TYUCO? 1PCBL Brkr failere tae WA 408 MA 1 06-27 $ 06-27 1 M/A WA t on ' i ' tESK-7YUCLO +PCB2 Brkr failure ttt WA 408 WA 4 06-27 $ 06-27 1 WA WA ot on i ‘ ‘ tESK-7YUCL ‘PCBS Brkr failure Pat WA tO F N/A 1 06-27 § 06-27 $ N/A WA on : : t > 4ESK-TYUC{2 ‘PCB4 Brkr failure Lt WAG 40 E WA 4 06-27 $ 06-27 $ N/A WAG Or : : : tESK-TYUCLS iiiSkv bus 3 diff PAE WA t AOE NA 3 06-27 ¢ 06-27 3 NIA WAY on ' : ' tESK-7YUCES iifSkv bus 4 diff PLT WAG MOE NA 806-27 1 OT EMA HOSE NA t Oi ' ' nine an TESK-BSYE03 TFE~204 iFE-288 TFE-28¢ (B0-75PMO1 +CB0-7¥UB HCBD-7YUC +CBD-BSY6 468 SUBSTATION Page 2 M145 KV SYNCH HSUBSTATION ARRANGEMENT iPlan and details iPlan and elevations Isometric iCABLE BLOCK DIAGRAMS iMain trans 1 Prot iCGIS Contral iLine relaying +145 KV SYNCH TOWGS! DESIGN DRAFT | DESIGN DRAFT i wn NA HA AYA WA N/A RA WA RA 23s 4Ot WA s 3s WA NA RA WA N/A NA HA 1 03-2 12-06 {-1 05-16 #15 445 5-15 03-26 | 04-25 1 96-27 | 05-6 | A N/A NA HA MA WA N/A NA OF ‘HOURS PER ORAWISENPECTED START :ROY FOR ‘EXPECTED FINISH LINITAREV.} DESISN 24FT | DESIGN 10-04 i Weighted percent complete: PERCENT COMPLETE o ORAFT John Yale b00iDan Rutherford b02iDan Rutherford SOL Ban futher ford son:vteich Martins OLiUIrich Martins OT Ulrich Martins FOLirich Martins sat iWORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT HOATES 27-Jun-86 TPACKAGE 42 OAK ~ AUGUST 44 1986 1b : ; ; foo. ; ee eee eee TOF THOURS PER DRAWINGIEXPECTED START ROY FOR ‘EXPECTED FINISH { PERCENT COMPLETE : TASK ' i SLEADS LANCE DUNCAN O68: OAM & SPILLWAY FOUNDATION EXCAVATE 1DNGS: GESIGN ORAFT { DESIGN ORAFT {INIT.REV.! DESIGN DRAFT : DESIGN ORAFT =: LEADER ' COMMENTS i ; ee ee a teen | oe ! 1 WHE iDAM/SPILLWAY GENERAL ARRANGEMENT i: ie at Ot Ht 6-27 Tt At Te wn OL Frank Richards | i ' iFY-£24 tPlot plan daw and spillway foundation { = : : ' : : i ‘ ! i i } 1 3006 ! 1AM EXCAVATION PLANS & DETAILS pe A ke a Hee ie la cot t SF Y-122 (A&B) Foundation excavation and preparation 1 2: {401 {1601 4-4 ot 6-20 5 Bt ob Bt Fie tN OLiFrank Richards See Gene Yow i : iFY-422 (0) ‘Right abuteent excavation and details $ fi 75% 2003 5-23 i) 6-27 ¢ B45 8-29 FH $50 OLiFrank Richards iSee Gene You i ' : i a ' 1 : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i 3040 | iTOE SLAB EXCAVATION DRAWINGS ae ' ' i i hy i ' : ' i ‘ i tFY-422 (0) ‘Dam toe slab excavation and details PP 107 21009 £6 0 tf ee Ries Set OLiFrank Richards 1See Gene Yow : ' : ' Hee t 1 ' ' ' ' t ' ' t ' 1H iSPILLWAY EXCAVATION PLANS AND DETAILS : i i i i ' ; : ! | : ' : i iFY-423 {AD iExcavation plan and details Pat Of WT eT 5-23 FOOT BB Ot On G0LiFrank Richards | t i iFY-423 (8) tAbutaent excavation and details Pit Ot WE HBT 5-23 1 St OP eM tt OLiFrank Richards | i ‘ “ENCAVATED NATERIAL DISPOSAL Ct £ Q TFY-£24 (A) ‘Oaa-general arr & nat’! disposal Pat Wi ME SF aE BP BL tet Son OLiFrank Richards | | MESK-TYUROT——18KR 3.$h 4 Pitot WE OE AIL TE Eten dE toto tale ' TESK-7¥UYBO? = 'BKR 3 Sh 2 rat tt t Att teat 1 f0-t | ' 20LiJoha Yale ' ' TESK-7YUVBO «= 1BKR 4 Sh f Foi 1 4h Pai Fee st Po tOt t t 20LiJoha Yale ' : TESK-7YUVBL{ = 1BKR 4 Sh 2 mae + 4h mel > Ce i {0-4 i ' 20LiJeba Yale ' ' TESK-TYUVBI2 BR 4 Sh J tat i Mt Ee Eee Piet i 20LiJoha Yale i i TESK-7YUBL4 1405 Line Lyne fers fet i ret Piet i i 2OLiJeba Yale ' : : TESK-TYUBLS iMOS (typ) . Tons i Wt PAD 4 tiet ot i 20Li Joba Yale ' i ' : ' ene ' ‘ : ' ' ' ' : t ' : Total percent complete: a {it ae eee ee eee eer ' TPACKAGE # 2 Oan & spillway foundation excavation | BUDGETED + EXPECTED «= iROY FOR = = EXPECTED TCURRENT ¢ ' t 1068 DESIGN CRITERIA ' MANHOURS {START DATE SINIT. REV! FINISH DATE ©; COMPLETE! TASK LEADER : COMMENTS ' os = a ae eaenenaterass aoe = a ence ncn erenennnnennnenennnenan ‘ 1M TGEOTECH DESIGN CRITERIA i a] t 12-08 1 03-28 7 6-0 i bOn Lance Duncan i Weighted percent coaplete: 60L Total percent complete: wt martes THORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT 27-Jun-86 PACKAGE #2 3054 iFY-131 (488) wr tFY-432 (AaB) iFY-132 (C1 tFY-132. (01 TFY-£33 (ASB) iFA-ASIA tFC-134 tFC-£32 (AY iFC-134 tFC-43 (A. «ED tFS-433 (ASB) iFS-134 (A) : TRE-S6A * TFE-56B TFE-56C IFE-54D HFE-S6E tFE-SOF tFE-566 HAIN DAK DIVERSION iWorking and clearing lisits {TUNNEL AND SHAFT EXCAVATION tTunnel excavation - Phase I iGhaft details - Phase [1 iTunnel rock support details - Phase II are iChannel isproveaent pln & profi-Phase 1 IPORTAL AND SHAFT CONCRETE AND LINING iMain das diver. gatehse & dischg porta ‘intake portal - Phase [ iGeneral arrangesents idutlet portal - Phase II A ee oe tom ICONCRETE TUNNEL LINING DRAWINGS SSHAFT LINING DRAWINGS TDEVERSION TUNNEL CONTROL HOUSE DRAWINGS iTunnel lining - Phase 11 ‘Diversion tn} gate hse & cutlet portal iDiversion Penstack Details a eet s o TBULKHEAD GATE DRAWINGS F§-132 (A 88) iBulkhead gates cH TDIVERSION TUNNEL iControl building power and lights iPower and light, gate shaft iDetails and instruments tEquipment viring sh. 1 iEquipaent wiring sh. 2 iRTU wiring diagras tHigh voltage power supply BSSsseseee2 iHOURS PER ORAWINGIEXPECTED START 1 DESIGN © DRAFT DESIGN 3-10 6-15 2-24 {t-8 NA NVA WA NA N/A WA N/A 1 bt 1 1207 15 1-04 1 1227 8-15 {-3 ep Ge o6 1-3 1-3 1-3 9-4 7-25 1-3 1-235 N/A Wa N/A NVA N/A NA N/A PARE 9 PERCENT COMPLETE i RAFT | LEADER DAN - AUGUST 1, 1986 LEAD: LANCE DUNCAN TASK {O00iFrank Richards } 100%: Dave Cregger 0%) Dave Creager 20h; Dave Cregger {002iFrank Richards 1 id. Chris Gison i7combine w/steel dvgi {00Libave Blanchette: 25biDulin/Blanchettilssue sketch for i initial submittal 50TiPave Blanchette U5Lidave Blanchetter {Ohidave Blanchette: 40tidave Blanchette 902i Dave Potter 200;Richard Ouabar 20UiRichard Gunbar OLiRichard Qunbar OLiRichard Ounbar OiRichard Ounbar OLiRichard Dunbar 10U:Richard Dunbar ibvgs ready for ifinal review HWORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT iDATE: 21-Jun-86 ——— eee ee iPACKAGE #2 DAM - AUGUST {, 1986 L$ ' i i t i i t [occceenecnnnnnecccncennnnnnnnccncnanencccnnnsonnmnrmnencnonen=si0F THOURS PER ORAWINGSEXPECTED START iRDY FOR EXPECTED FINISH PERCENT COMPLETE : TASK ' i TLEAQ: LANCE QUNCAN — 06C! HAIN BAM DIVERSION - Page 2 SOWGS! DESIGN DRAFT : DESIGN DRAFT tINIT.REV.I 0 DRAFT | DESIGN «DRAFT «6; | «LEADER i COMMENTS t ' i TLOGIC ORAWINES tres} i : i i i t i t : ' ; iLSK-38-3 iFishwater bypass valves rue i Oi WA f HOTS a E Oe-OL ft t 901i John Yate i ‘ : iLSK-38-4 ‘Diversion tunnel gates iat : Bi. WA FHS fit 08-01 if i at John Yaie | i : ' ‘ELENENTARY BEAGRAMS ire ' t i t t : \ : ! ' i TESK-OFWBOL iFishwater bypass valves taal xeTAAa ¢ 3-15 1 i 10-1: ‘ TOL; John Yale i i t iESK-{10TSO1 iGates - Diversion tunnel + oy t MG WA ft 5-45 t 5-30 10-H | ' 70ti = John Yale t i t tESK-{10TS02 Gates - Diversion tunnel fet bo ; WA i S15 1 5-30 t 10-31 | i 70k; John Yale i t : TFK00 LINST vg - Diversion tunnel bit £ (OE WAT oT | 15} OLE aba Wale | ! i iFP-22 iContral building and shaft ee $ 200: N/A ot SOL ft 8-15 ft 10-21 i 01} Jin Nowak | ! : iFB-J2A iContrel building & shaft hev he t M01 MAT Tht BH I {0-21 ¢ i 10; Jia Nowak | t i iF8-328 Tunnel Pty t 200; WA ft 7-2 t B45 ti-2t tf : 101; Jia Nowak | i ' : : iota ' : : ' : : ' ' : : ' Weighted percent complete: 70% 2h IPACKAGE #2 - Daa ' BUDGETED + EXPECTED «= {ROY FOR ¢ EXPECTED TCURRENT ¢ 1060 DESIGN CRITERIA : MANHOURS {START DATE «SINIT. REV! FINISH DATE ‘COMPLETE! TASK LEADER t COMMENTS ‘ ‘ — = eee era i et ene ee en Diegcaewewaeaer : ; : SSTRUCTURAL BESIGH CRITERIA i : : ; ! i ' : ! t 8-1 iMain daa diversion ‘ 0 ; 05-15 1 05-30 ¢ 8-13 i T3ti Nike Nason iPhase I complete andi i i t i : ' i i : tissued, Revision fart 102 TGEQTECH DESIGN CRITERIA ' : ' : i : ‘Phase II ' i : tTunael / Outlet ' 50 ' 12-01 1 0545 3 6-0 i 70H Lance Duncan | t i i ‘Channel Tapreveaent t 0 t 12-01 1 05-15 3 06-30 t 90Rt Lance Ouncan | i ' : ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t i i ‘ : ' t : { t i ' 130705 THYORAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA : Ue Ll ' ' t : ' i i i iPhase I i 40 : N/A i WA WA i $0021 Jay Hroa ' ' : t iPhase IL ‘ 40 : N/A | WAT WA t {00 Jay Hron ' ' Total percent coaplete: 65. 0- Ud: TFY-{84 (A&B) UME + tFY-484 (C} FY-182 (C} PACKAGE $2 - Da 258 WORK PROOUCT STATUS REPORT : TOE SLAB FOUNDATION PREP.t idas foundation abuteent & toe slab iri i 2 i Y DRILL & GROUT i idaa foundation drilling 8 grouting ile {DAN ABUTMENT & TOE SLAS FOUNDATION PREP. i ‘Spillway foundation drilling 6 grouting | f TSPILLWAY & APRON FOUNDATION PREP 8 DANS | iSpillvay foundation abutaent § apr. triai 2 DESIGN CRITERIA ‘ HGEQTECH DESIGN CRITERIA BUDGETED BANHOURS 80 EXPECTED START DATE {2-01 8-01 a8 20-31 8-01 8-22 10-31 8-0 8-2 {0-34 01 8-22 40-34 Weighted percent coapletes ROY FOR : EXPECTED INIT. REV! FINISH DATE 128 1 O30 Weighted percent complete: Total percent complete: Bake 4 ae is ik 40h 10 {51 TCURRENT iCORPLETE: bon ak Jah OLiFrank Richards iSee Gene Yow ' : OUiFrank Richards iSee Gene Yow i {5tiFrank Richards OLiFrank Richards ak TASK LEADER Lance Duncan ' : i ‘ ' COMMENTS HOURS PER DRAWINGIEXPECTED START © :ROY FO! iWORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT DATE: 27-Jun-86 tet ! IPACKAGE #2 DAM - AUGUST 1, 1986 ‘OF (ae TDWGS! DESIGN GRAFT i HLEADS LANCE DUNCAN © 258: DAM eaeataeeeeeaaaeeien : NK: iDAM STABILITY ANALYSIS AND DRAWINGS i ot i i Pit iSEISHEC AND DELTA STABILTIY tot : i iFY-{%4 ‘Stability analysis ' 1 i rc ] : 1 HMe LOAM FACE AND TOE SLAB fp "tas 1a TDAM SECTION AND DETAILS i eel i i i IFY-192 (AyBSC) Dae plan and section 13: Wi mm: : H52 : QUARRY EXCAVATION PLANS tot i i i IFY-493 iduarry - excavation plan & sections =f £1 1001 | 8 138! {DAK FACE AND TOE SLAB 1 fey teed i TFC-191 (AyBSC) Daa - face and toe slabs tdi i mM : uo ! IFINALEZE MAIN DAN DRAWINGS tot t : tFC-194 (0) iam - parapet, wave deflecting wall bP Ik ~ tes i i : i ot i i 1 Ht 'DAM ABUTMENT DETAIL Es i i Pat 1DAM SECTIONS AND DETAILS tot i i : TFC-194 (E) ibaa - concrete abutaent details ret 25. Dt iPACKAGE #2 Das t BUDGETED ' 1258 DESIGN CRITERIA ' MANHOURS : ne : oO is i i HI: YGEQTECH DESIGN CRITERIA ‘ i i iMain daa ‘ co] ; i iCofferdaa stability i oo} t HW: THYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA : i i iMain daa t 40 t : ' ' : : TSTRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA : : ; 8-2 iMain aa : H : DESIGN 0 4 re 6-9 5-20 EXPECT! START 0 12-01 12-01 05-01 05-30 RAFT 616 | 6-23 | rit Un 1-8 ED ATE : ' ' ' ' ' t ' i ‘ ' ‘ i : ‘ 1 i ' i ' i ! : : ‘ ' i ‘ ‘ : i ' ‘ ' ; HENPECTED FINISH INITAREW.! BESIEN DRA et | a5 | 10st BOL | B29 | L021 HS $15 $103 B15 1 19 10-32 22 9-19 | 10-31 HF O49 | 10-8 Weighted percent coaplete: ROY FOR! EXPECTED INIT. REV! FINISH DATE 28! 6-30 28 Ot 06-30 5-09 : R 05-30 6-20 07-25 Weighted percent complete: Total percent complete: PAGE § ' 1 PERCENT COMPLETE DESIGN bhi CURRENT | COMPLETE! GRAFT 2m Lance Duncaa OL; Lance Duncan StiFrank Richards 1 Lance Duncan Ok} Lance Duncan Oki Lance Duncan a TASK LEADER Lance Duncan Lance Duncan John Finninore Nike Mason Seotech dug w/structi input ¢ Geatech dug w/struct input ‘ 1 ' ' ‘ 1 ' ! i ' ‘ Geotech dug w/struct input : HWORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT :DATES 27-Jen-86 i it TPACKAGE #2 OAM - AUGUST 1, 1986 ‘OF TREADS JAY HRN 25C: SPILLNAY — : U4 SPILLWAY STABILITY AND DYKAMIC ANALYSIS i iFC-204 {A} iSpillway - stability analysis i 1 Het TOPILLWAY GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DRAWING = i 1FC-262 iSpillway general arrangement 82 | ‘ABUTHENT CONCRETE AND DETAIL DRAWINGS i tFC-203 iSpillway abutaents : 84 t :SPILLNAY OGEE CONCRETE & DETAIL DRAWINGS! : iFC-204 iSpillway-Ogee outline and details ; : : : : ' 1b ISPILUBAY APRON & TRAINING BALL DRAWINGS { : tFC-205 tApran and training walls i i i i tue TSPILLWAY STABILITY AND OYRAMIC ANALYSIS | : 100-000 iStatic stability analysis ; 100-000 iDynaaic stability analysis ' DESIGN CRITERIA i 8-3 $STAUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA iSpillway THYORAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA sSpillway 2-21 2-21 6-13 ae EXPECTED START DATE 05-02 04-17 EXPECTED FINISH DESIGN DRAFT Dave Potter Dave Potter John Finniaore Weighted percent complete: EXPECTED tINIT, REVI FINISH DATE tRDY FOR TASK LEADER Nike Mason John Finniaore ieighted percent coaplete: Total percent coaplete: iMay not be needed iSketch to be cenvtd i ito final draving =f iNeed final hydro | design criteria | ‘Being done in Denvert iNeed add’) info frea iK. Dreher SEITE TEES WORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT iDATES 27-Jan-86 iPACKAGE #3: TUNNEL AND MISCELLANEOUS if i i t i i : STRUCTURES - AUGUST 15, 1786 1OF iHOURS PER DRAWINGIEXPECTED START ROY FOR ‘EXPECTED FINISH {| PERCENT COMPLETE i == TASK TOWGS! DESIGN DRAFT i DESIGN ORAFT ‘INIT.REV.: DESIGN DRAFT 1 OESIGN DRAFT =} LEADER =} COMMENTS line ‘Foundation excavation and preparation $11 40 HOE G2 | 5:0 1 Gt G4 140-3 | OL S5uFrank Richards : 3002 1 ISTATIC STABILITY ANALYSIS WITH DRAWINGS (0 f i i ! i ' i ' i : t ' tFY-442 Wpstreas cofferdam stability analysis i 4} ai i bb § FS § 03 F 103 OM oni OLiFrank Richards ‘See Gene You i iFY-413 ‘Downstream cofferdas stability analysis i fi | Oi | BOi 445 5 %5 § 102 § MOF PH tn OUiFrank Richards iSee Gene Yow 1 3008 | UPSTREAM COFFEROAM DRAWINGS at ! : : : ! : : 1 ! i tFY-444 iWpstreas cofferdaa plan and details Pdr WG) (00 7b Be : M42 of 9-12 fies tf Sut OUiFrank Richards | 1 3008 | {DORNSTREAM COFFEROAM ORAWINES fines eshte tg nee) cu || | peed i iFY-445 iDovastreas cofferdaa plan and details i £1 100) 100) G43 $ 6-27 | O45 $ B45 P10 | {Ohi OUiFrank Richards | en iTAILRACE COFFERDANS Hlalelus ' i i : i i i ' i ' ; iFY-116 iTailrace cofferdaas 155° 100T SAO T bAd P27 2 i Te a Ohidave Jurich i i t iStagic stability analysis i Ot i 1 {3 ¢ 1 S42 eet? 7 i Or OLibave Ju : weighted percent coapletet at at IPACKAGE # 3: Tuanel & sisc. structures i BUDGETED + EXPECTED «= iRDY FOR |) EXPECTED iCURRERT | 106A DESIGN CRITERIA AND ANALYSES i MARHOURS + START GATE TINIT. REV FINISH DATE iCOMPLETE: TASK LEADER i COMMENTS 1 W007 TSTRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA i i : ' i i ‘Heed concepts t i 8-10 i offerdaa Criteria i 20 i 06-05 i 06-27 ¢ 91-25 t 40t Nike Nason =i fra. Geatech : i i i i i t i i i 1 0000 + THYORAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA ' i t i t ' ' i i iCofferdas Criteria i 0 : 04-04 1 05-07 | R 05-30 i WG Richard Oulin 1 we! YGEOTECH DESIGN CRITERIA : L ' fia i ‘ iMain Cofferdaa Stability ' 40 ' 05-01 + 05-30 ¢ 06-30 1 Bu Lance Duncan | a ! iCofferdas ' 40 : 05-01 1 05-0 06-30 1 <u Lance Duncan ¢ ' ' : i ‘ i ! i ' t Weighted percent coapletet 281 Total vork pkg weighted percent complete: % WORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT YATES 27-Jun-86 ! TUNNEL AKD MISCELLANEOUS Pedi : : ! : ‘PACKAGE #3 STRUCTURES - AUGUST 15, {986 {OF 'HOURS PER DRAWINGIENPECTED START :20Y FOR ‘EXPECTED FINISH ! PERCENT COMPLETE gio ee eee ee "OWES! DESIGN DRAFT { DESIGN ORSFT INIT.REV.! DESIGN ORAFT { DESIG RAFT SLEAD? JAY HROX O60: MIDDLE FORK AND MUKA BIVERSIONS f=--=}=nennon-—--eeeeeefeneecnecccnnnneccjsonnnnnnn es ————e + 6000 | INTODLE FORK DIVERSION GEN'L ABRGANT OWES? ee Tah 1 HYtat tWiddle Fork diversion gen'l arrangeaent | 1! 50 1001 328 $ 6-6 $845 | B45 | 40-3 | 200) {OLIMYrT Fisk Report to go to APA | 1 6002 | 'MIDOLE FORK DIVERSION PLAN & PROFILE = : ' eats : : ' ' t iFY-442 iDiversion conduit plan & profile t dee 50 1003 6-20 i 7-8 829 ft O29 $10 2 OLiNye! Fisk i i + b004 | ‘AIDOLE FORK DIVERSION EXCAVATION DRAWING? — | ate : : Saciaes : i iFY-143 iExcavation plan and details ttt ai WT Het G2 TS OTN 10%) OLiFrank Richards | i 1 6022 | TWOKA DIVERSION KISCELLAMEDUS OETA «st $C OEE ore ee Ts ' : 1 60t2 | INIDOLE FORK DIVERSEON SAM MISC DETAILS i ' ia a weet ta ' : : iFY-444 Temporary cofferdam plans and details i 11 ao: 90: 8-8 of 9-42 5 9-26 of 9-26 F 10H: Ont QuiFrank Richards | i 1 6004 | TAIODLE FORK UKA OAM STABILITY faae : ; cer el dis £6010 | TAID-FORK DIVERSION DAN STABILITY ORAVING! | : AEONEE eee: : tARYAES ‘Dan stability analysis Pb OE BE BB fb. | G9 FM E40 EOL! OLFrank Richards | ' + 5008 | IAIODLE FORK DIVERSION CONCRETE ORAM | «$= UPTO Peer ern Us 1 a0 | ‘MIDDLE FORK DIVERSION DAM MISC DETAILS {| : Le ea ' ; | HRV-{46 (A) tBan plan and details Pi Of (ME Te ETE FS OS FMM $ OF OLRrank Richards | + 6006 | THIDOLE FORK DIVERSEON PILLAY PLMS «=f =f 0 6f0U UEE (ede ell IL ' | HEY={46 (8) ‘Spi Tyay plans and details P4t WOE 10) &O EBD EO EM PHOS tO] | OLIMYrT Fisk + 6020 | {MUKA DIVERSION PLANS co lea tee peer teeter Tit 1 6022 | INOKA DIVERSION NISCELLANEDUS DETAILS {| receetateee eee ! 1 TEV-447 (AyB4C)tKuka diversion plan and details LTE (OE WOE Ob ETH $926 9-26 $403 | © OL! OLNFrank Richards | te Ti a) Lame rc een eens. Ler ! 1 e012 ! MIDDLE FORK DIVERSEON DAM MISC DETAILS EEE ie REPEL ere : 162 | TWUKA DIVERSION MISCELLAMEDUS ETAILS =f of pe eae eee eer ! ' iFC-{4t iDiversion - aisc. concrete details i dt TSE 28 t 8-22 1 8-29 ft 100 1 10-10 1 10-3 Ont OLiduris Sautins iNeed final concepts | Weighted percent complete: iu {t {PACKAGE 43 - Midéle Fork : BUDGETED = ¢-—=CENPECTED. = $ROY FOR ¢ EXPECTED : : 1060 DESIGN CRITERIA {MAMMA =f START DATE INET, REV! FINISH DATE TASK LEADER ' 1 = mags iat _ ee -o=- ‘ 1 6032 3 YSEOTECHNICAL DESIGN CRITERIA : 10 ee ee ! + 6030 | THYORAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA ' w ' : ' ieee ' ' ' ' ' ' ig {STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA ' ' ' ' + 6036 18-9 iMiddle Fork & Nuka Diversions : 0 ' 06-06 1 6-27 ¢ 8-8 Nike Masea iNeed final concepts ¢ it Weighted percent coaple = Ss o sean JAY HRON FC-153 (A) FS-154 (488) FS-153 (A&B) FS-152 {Al tFE-558 tFE-55C iFE-550 tFE-S5E iFE-S5F FC-{54 {A...0} FC-152 (A,B,C) TUNNEL AND HES STRUCTURES - AUG iPover intake gatehouse FINAL IZE GATE SHAFT GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS: IFINAL GATE SHAFT ARRANGEMENT ORAWING Hatake $ gate shaft general arrangeaent tIntake portal excavation TINTAKE EXCAVATION DRAWINGS iln-channel excavation sections/details ilntake channel excavation rock supports iGATE SHAFT EXCAVATION DRAWINGS igate shaft excavation TINTAKE CONCRETE & REINFORCEMENT DRAWINGS! intake concrete outline & reinferceneat ¢ ‘GATE SHAFT CONCRETE & REIN. DRAWINGS iGate shaft concrete outline & reiaf TINTAKE GATE SHAFT DEWATERING iTunnel & gate shaft dewatering systea 1GATE HOUSE PLANS AND DETAILS iGate house structure YTRASH BACKS iTpash racks tintake gate guides {POWER INTAKE iControl building power and lights iPower and light, gate shaft iDetails and instruaents iEquipment viring iRTY wiring diagraa iHigh voltage pover supply DRAFT i an oe: oS 100 22 oe os 2 S 300 s Ss 8 g mt ot mt a S33335 URS PER ORAWING! EXPECTED START : ee +5 5-27 4-3 3 5-9 WA NA WA N/A N/A WA DRAFT 6 6-27 6-27 i) :B5 6-15 8-15 8-15 6-15 6-15 8-10 8-10 9- 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-£5 8-15 N/A NA N/A N/A N/A WA 10-31 10-3 OLA, Chris Olsen i ' 25k Dulin/Blanchettilssue sketch fer Wlibave Cregger | initial subsittal ' itnate FY-i51 deleted: i tang chgé ta FC-150 400i bave Jurich OLibave Jurich JOLibave Cregger {Ski dave Blanchette 01 Dave Blanchette: t : on Dulin/Blanchett: Otidave Blanchette: 60: Dave Potter iNeed info fra Hydro ton trash rake 100) Oave Blanchette: i : 20LiDan Rutherford | 20kiDan Rutherford ¢ OLiDan Rutherford | OLiDan Rutherford + OLiDan Rutherford i OLiDan Rutherford | iWORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT iDATE: 27-Jun-86 ‘ TUNNEL AND MISCELLANEOUS i i “PACKAGE #3 STRUCTURES - AUGUST 15, 1986 OF tHOURS PER ORAWINGIENPECTED START seccenceectccceceeceoceonsoneo OWES! DESIGN ORT. OESIGN DRAFT. JIN ‘LEADS JAY BROW OBE: POWER INTAKE & GATE SHAFTS ~ Pg.2 f-=-- PERCENT COMPLET ' i : : COMMENTS ' 15042 | ans rot : eee : tLSK-38-4 iGate contre! tai Ot ME WA PORIS 6 OT WA PEGS Go - E P0Lohs Yale i i i i TELEMENTARY DIAGRAMS Use : i i i i i i i i : i HESK-U1PTSOL iontral Gate - Power tuane? ft a 400 WA 105-05 $ 05-30 1 NA PHS Pe 02: John Yale i i i FESK-41PTS02 ientrol Gate - Power tunnel iy ai 401 NAA F O5-05 § 05-30 § N/A F 10-45 t lac) |4 OL Jehe Yale : ' 1 5038 i LINSTRUNERT OATA SHEETS aa i i : t i i i : ' ‘ i i i ilnstrument data sheets 1 4i or 400 NA 106-15 f 07-15 fb WA PHS Ge Oliloha Yale i ‘ i iFK-400 iInstrusentation details/fevel instr. oi 41 Of (005 RA POPOL tO GWA UG Ee t OLideha Yale t i 1 TFP-208 ‘Control building and gate shaft Pat Of WOE WA F027} OTS f OWA Piet oe | i : i EFP-208 iControl building and gate shaft itt Ot 200t NA £06-27 ¢ 07-15 TWA TP tOH5 Get i ; HFB-30 iControl bldg. and gate shaft HEV at Of Ot WA fO7-OL | 07-85 FWA TP MOeH5 GE {OZ Jia Novak i } Beighted percent complete: UE 14h tPACKAGE #3 Power intake & gate i BUDGETED : EXPECTED «ROY FOR =: EXPECTED CURRENT | t ' i08E ESIGN CRITERIA i HANHOURS i START DATE TENET, REVI FINISH SATE HCOMPLETE: TASK LEABER ! i Hae Ue aL $5012 4 8-4 STRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA t 0 i 05-16 + 06-20 i 08-84 : 20%t Hike Nason i t 15016 | TGEQTECH DESIGN CRITERIA ! i i i ' : i ' i : tIntake stracture i a] ‘ {2-01 + 05-27 06-30 i Ju Dave Cregger i i t i igate shaft ‘ co i 1201 + 05-23 0-0 i 50k: Dave Cregger | i + 0000 THYORAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA ' a i N/A i oWA Ot WA b £0001 Jay Hron ' ' d Weighted percent coaplete: 58h Total work pkg weighted percent complete: ua {PACKAGE #3 POWER TUNNEL AND STEEL LINER LANCE DUNCAN = GF FC-£62 (A88) FC-163 (ASB) No drawing TPACKAGE $3 TURNEL AND MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES - AUGUST 15, 1986 iPOWER TUNNEL PLAN AND PROFILE iPower tunnel plans and profile HUP AND LOW SENDS CONCRETE AND DETAILS iPower tunnel details iSTRESS ANALYSIS DRAWING iPower tunnel stress analysis TPOWER TUNNEL CONCRETE DRAWINGS iPower tunnel concrete lining TIRCLINE SHAFT CONCRETE & SUPPORT ORAWING inclined shaft concrete liniag iGENERAL ARRANGEMENT STEEL LINER ‘Steel liner iSTRESS ANALYSIS iStress analysis lining Tunne} and aiscellaneous struc. DESIGN CRITERIA iGEOTECH DESIGN CRITERIA ‘Tunnel and inclined shaft ISTRUCTURAL DESIGN CRITERIA iPenstock Manifold & steel liner THYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA ‘Power tunnel and steel liner HOURS PER ORAWINGIEXPECTED START DWGS: DESIGN DRAFT : DESIGN DRAFT s s z.° 3 & EXPECTED START DATE iROY FOR HIMIT. REV TROY FOR EXP! TINIT.REV.i DESIGN 1 i i Weighted percent complete: Total work pkg veighted percent complete: D FINISH | PERCENT COMPLETE $ © TASK EXPECTED FINISH DATE LEADER 404i John Finniaore {0RiDave Cregger OLibave Cregger OLiDave Cregger OL Dave Cregger ' 1 20Ei Dave Potter OLiDave Blanchette TCURRENT Dave Cregger Jay Hron iGeetech dug w/ istractural input iGectech dwg w/ isteuctural input iGestech dug w/ isteuctural input WORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT 27-Jun-86 TUNNEL AND MISCELLANEOUS STRUCTURES - AUGUST {5, 1986 TPENSTOCK & PORTAL EXCAV. & SUPPORT DUGS if ing 10 THDURS PER DRAMING:EXPECTED START 120Y FOR SEXPECTED FINISH ESIGN OR TASK LEADER OU Gave Cregger WUidave Cregger Oki dave Potter {OLiDave Potter OLiJay Hron 1 1 OL: Ren Krohn ' ' OLiDave Potter OLiDave Potter/€TL a : 1-26! iPortal excav. rock supports & grouting | 5 Wot HOT 425 t bb of 8-22 fF 8-22 1 10-7 Wu i iFY-262 iPzastock excay. backfill 8 grading 126 108. Te eB F338 Fe CT ee RN! 49tt 1210 SPENSTOCK PORTAL PLANS & DETAILS techy gitar or tree eroesty 4 Lite||.| Pi 1 2268 | iFINALIZE PENSTOCK & MANIFOLD DRAWINGS = i i i i t i : ' i i iFC-264 iPenstock concrete details t4i 500t WO: F443 ft 6-20 F829 ft 8-29 FO Sti 1mm) !PENSTOCK PORTAL PLANS 8 DETAILS 1 fe ler eta || TE PLR) eee i 2268 t iFINALIZE PENSTOCK & MANIFOLD ORAWINGS =f i i : i i : i i 1 22748 'BIFURCATION DETAIL DRAWINGS yee i t i : i : i i i iFS-264 iPensteck details 13: $6i WS: 9 ft 5 bee fF eS Ste Bui i ! ' itd de i : i t i i ‘ i 1 22561 iPENSTOCK AND MANIFOLD STRESS ANALYSIS =; | i i ' 1 i t 1 i i iFS-262 iPensteck - pressure testing Baer Gi ieee 1 rtf ee ft ee ten | Ont am} SPENSTOCK CATHODIC PROTECTION terse Pegi etie erty | fe BELA EHL [cl] Lee i iFE tPenstack - cathedic protection ae oi Ob Pf 7-5 1 9 ot OtF fF t0-t t on 4 2256 4 iPENSTOCK AND MANIFOLD STRESS AKALYSIS i i i ' t ' i t ' i iHO ONG iStress analysis - structural 1 oi 501 Or bt} i WA ft NA E 7-25 WA 201: i i iStress analysis - EMD 1 Ot 6501 O: 47 tf WA tT OMA ET OL ot WAS 208i : ' : ' Weighted percent complete: mu iPACKAGE #3 Tunnel and siscellaneous i BUDGETED + EXPECTED «= TROY FOR {EXPECTED SCURRENT + 1260 DESIGN CRITERIA ' MANHOURS | START OATE = LINIT. REVI FINISH DATE iCOMPLETE! nn YGEOTECHNICAL CRITERIA ald ISTRUCTURAL CRITERIA rei ahs re s 3 Weighted percent complete: Total work package weighted percent complete: TASK LEADER S02! Dave Cregger SOL Mike Mason 602 282 COMMENTS ee ys. TWORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT 30-Jun-86 GEQTECH SPECIFICATIONS aonnnnnnn sen neneennennnmennnnnennnnnnnes BUDGETED : WANHOURS {START | nweensrnneneeeee= LANCE QUNCAN iGeotechnical Instrumentation Foundation surfaces - preparation tAggregate production and processing iShotcreting and guaiting ‘Surveys and contrel ibrilling and sagpling Clearing and grubbing iLandscaping and reads ‘Geil and rock excavation iEebankeents and cospaction iBlastiag iRock reinforcesent ‘Slope protection tTusnels and shafts iSheet piling iLanding strip iaproveaent iEnvironmental protection iBredgiag iDiversion of vater,dewatering & drainage ibrilling and grouting iCulverts iBridges oe ee Pa sate am aSSeanS 88S eb 2aauncases en ote th ta oh iGeatextiles 07-03 05-31 05-27 07-11 Or-14 07-12 07-15 07-17 6-26 06-27 05-21 06-03 07-01 6-23 06-04 07-35 07-30 08-06 07-08 08-10 08-05 08-0 8-01 07-0 FINISH 40-61 09-02 07-02 {1-01 {1-01 {1-0 {1-0 11-01 10-01 10-01 09-02 09-02 ig-0t f1-01 10-01 11-01 {1-01 09-02 10-01 {0-01 {1-01 {1-1 {1-0f {1-01 Ti. Aanaratene TR TRE | WORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT SDATE: Yo-Jun-6 en IBUDGETED (EXPECTED EXPECTED iRDY FOR | PERCENT | TASK : TLEAD: BILL SHERMAN” { MANHOURS | START of FINISH CINIT, REV: COMPLETE i LEAGER i COMMENTS i : 3.46 ‘Bridges - (as required) i : ; : t i i : iConcrete - i 5: i : i t i i 1.2 iBatch plant i i 5-23 1 10-03 “20 OSL Mike Mason i : i 3.34 Reinforcing steel t t 5-23 i 10-03 6-06 ot O50iMike Mason ' : i 3.35 iEabedded itess : i 6430 $ 40-03 Mit ot OLHike Nason i ' : 3.33 iMixing & deliver concrete i t 530 7 10-03 Rt O50 Hike Mason i i i 4.26 iPlace reinf, eabeds & concr, i + 5-30 10-03 “4 ot OORINike Mason i : t 3302 Steel - : 540 i t i i t t 3.27 iStructural & wise steel i i bt3 ft 10-03 41 of OOLIMike Nason t ' i 3.28 iSteel roof deck & floor fares ' t 6-f3 + {0-03 a Shinike Mason i i i 4.4 iMetal siding, roofing system, ; i 5-46 £0-03 fff SUiMike Mason t i : 4b Special piping systems i 1 é{3 1 {6-H im | § OLiMason/Hros i i i 10 iMetal roof systea : i i ‘ i t ' i 3.4.00 tArchitectural - : 2401 i i : t ' i LH Steel swing dears ! i 546 ot 10-03 eit SOLA. Chris Olsen t ‘ i 12 iRolling steel doors i i 5-16 of 16-03 Mt ot GOLA, Chris Oisaa i t i 3.3 Windows : i 5-46 f 10-03 rit SOTA, Chris Olson i t ' 15 tLouvers : t 5-16 ot 10-03 Mit SORIA. Chris Olsen : : ' LH iGlass and glazing : i 5-16 ft 10-03 Mi ot QOLIA. Chris Olsos i i ' 3.36 iDryvall construction ' t 5-46 ¢ 10-03 a5 of GOLA. Chris Olsen i ' : 307 ‘Flooring systeas : 1 5-46 ¢ 10-03 15 7 QOLiA. Chris Olsca ' ' i 138 iCerapic floor & wall tiles i + 5-46 ¢ 10-03 Mt ot GOUIA. Chris Olson i ' i 1.9 iSuspended acoustical ceiling t i 5-16 1 10-03 Hit ot GOLA. Chris Olson i i t 3.40 tAppliance, fixture & furnishings : 1 7-45 t f0-31 902 1 {5RiA. Chris Olson i : + 34.00 (Environmental - i 120 i ' ' t i i 224 iErasion & sedisent control t 1 6-200 $926 1-04 i JOLiMason/Bishop (yp980}! ‘ { 2.38 iFuel and chemical handling ‘ 1 6-27) 926 rt ot JOLNike Mason : THORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT 1DATE: 30-Jun-85 ' 1 1 TPACKAGES & HYDRAULIC DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS i ‘ ' ' ' i [ooear an scm ana anmen nnn na nnn mmm nnrntraenrmmnnn—nasaem GIPECIED ERPEGIED cinOT FOR: | PERCENT {°° TASK tf iLEAB: JAY HRON 1 START | FEMESH INIT. REV.) COMPLETE | LEADER =f COMMENTS L06C iFish by-pass system + 6-15 10-31 HM {0ERickard Duliat ‘ ' ' i i i06b i iates for Nuka Diversion (if needed) =o} 6-15 ot fH of 8-15 OLiMyrl Fish i 12b0 iPeastock and steel liner : 1 16S i Way roa i Ai iPeiton turbines/goveraor/spherical valvet fe THiS .$ {0LiJay Hron i weet tTrashracks for Power Intake 6th et et ft 20tiTia Hughes | weet iBulkhead Gates & Guides Pott) AP 5 20Li Tia Hughes = { eet iHigh Pressure Gate + bee raat eden EIS | {5UiRickard Dulint ett iTailrace Gates and Hoists { 66S aes TH 20LiTis Hughes | i t : ' 1 60 ot : ‘Diversion Penstock 10.5°4 202i Tia Hughes WORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT iDATES Je-Jun-85 TPACKAGE: § MECHANICAL DESIGN CRETERIA/SPECIFICATIONS! : i i ! ‘ i oot TBUDGETED ‘EXPECTED ‘EXPECTED iROY FOR 6: PERCENT TASK ' TLEAD? JIN NOWAK i MANHOURS £ START FINISH INIT COMPLETE COMMENTS i ' 468 ‘Specification Sections i i i t i i i i Qepression air i {001 OF of tN oF OO SORi Jia Novak i t i Susp drainage & unwatering systes t 1001 O0-4f of 10-3 1 OPO ft S0ti dia Rowak i t i Se water systea i {50t OFff 1 10H of Ot 20LiBrent Crowder i i i Service instrument/contrel air systes { $50! Off $103 of O-OE : 50iBrent Crowder t : 1 Gil conditioniag systea i 1501 Off of 10-31 tO ft 50Liia } i i | Plambing drainage & cil separation = t 1501 03-1: 10H of OH OE SOL i ' : t Gas fire protection systea : 150i O41 § 1H of OO SOL 3 i ' i { Water fire protection systes i 100i 03-11 | 1M of OO Oki Jia Nowak t i i i Heat & ventilation systes ' 150% Off f 10-31 i OO OUI Jia Novak ‘ t i i Material, fabrication & installatian | 1301 OFM ft 10-0 fF OOF S0UiGrent Crowder i i i i piping systems ; i i i i i i : r i Oesign fabrication & installation ' 01 OF 1 1H ft Oe S0UiSrent Crowder t i i i of piping supports i i i i i ' : i ; i Piping 4 equipaent insulation i 1005 Giff 1: 10-3 5 ORO Et 2LiBrent Crowder i i i i Erase and heisting systeas : 100: OF of: iH ot GPO ot 20UiBrent Crowder i i i 1 Fuel oi} systes i 100) OM 1 10-3 § OO 20ki Jia Nowak i i t 1 Bridge crane i 100 03-41 $10 tO 20LiBrent Crevder i t i i Electric asters and starters i 100i 07-42 § 10H of OO 201i Ha Novak i : : i Instrusentation t 100i OF-1f of 0-H 1 OFT OLiJoha Yale ' i ' i Instrument piping i 400: O11 of 1031 OF-O f OLiIoha Yale ' ' : iPratective Coatings, Liners, and Sealant! i i ‘ : i : : : 2.29 i Painting t 4001 6-27 ¢ P42 § Hb Et SUiNike Masoa/N. Clark | : i 1 Coatings : Or Oh t 42 1 1 t OLiKike Masoa : i i AL i Caulking and sealants i i rt ft 95 1 7 Ft GOLIMike Mason i i i 343 : Fireproofing i i 48 ft 9-9 5 BO: 20UiMike Rasen i i i 3.42 { Waterproofing i 50: 748 | O19 | 8-6 ft OUiMike Nason t t ' 1 ' 1 : ' : : 1 SSESESe ees = S geeeeg oa See f= = nm = TWORK PRODUCT STATUS REPORT W-Jun-85 PACKAGE: aoseren nn nennn anne nn nnnnnnnnnennnnenennnnnnnneennenenennennnn BUDGETED RON KROHN ELECTRICAL SYSTEKS CALCULATIONS ‘Station groundiag calc ‘Short circuit calc iStation battery sizing iStation service voltage regulation ISPECIFECATIONS Turbine iSphere valve iGoverner iGeneratar/Exciter ‘Diesel generator iPlant communication system i125 VOC systes 1480 volt systes H15 KV systea tInstrusents iControl switchboards Scada systes HASKV Substation iMain power transforgers ‘Powerhouse installation ‘Diversion tunnel iPower intake ‘Miscellaneous facilities ‘Special conditions LEXPECTED TEXPECTED “ROY FOR PERCENT «= TASK INIT, EV.1 HAMHOURS | START COMPLETE Seo se s Peres ssesSBS2SeSsseeRg LEADER 991! T0LiRen Krohn OLiRea Krebs OLiRon Krohn Oli John Yale 20TiJoha Yale 602iLarey Xuberski ‘SOliLarry Kuberski 10LiLarry Kuberski 20%: Larry Kuberski UMiLarry Kuberski 40LiLarry Kuberski 20EiJohn Yale 20Li John Yale {0LiJohe Yale 35tiJoha Yale OtiRon Kraba SOkiLarry Keberski OLiKrohn/Yale OLiRon Krohn 102i Ron Krahn OLiRon Krohn ALTERNATE 4 ENGINE OR HIGH PRESSURE MOTOR HIGH V@LUME BANK PUMPS \ Ss me < 4 A Ss ~ [Catal OR HIGH PRESSURE IH 16H VOLUME ALTERNATE 2 HIGH PRESSURE LOW VOLUME z HIGH PRESSURE fl LOW \JOLUME Ce eee \ S ae 4 A S ”~ GAS/@IL ACCUMULATOR CSIZE FOR 4 STROKES ) ALTERNATE 3 SIOYLNOD HIGH PRESSURE LOW VOLUME PUM?) HIGH PRESSURE LOW \/OLUME GAS/@IL ACCUMULATOR C SIZE FOR 2 STROKES EACH) ALTERNATE .4 SIOYLNOD HIGH PRESSURE LOW VOLUME STOYLNOD PUMP 8-Grs ETL. \ FIG H PRESSUPE LOW VOLUME GAS/@IL ACCUMULATOR SIZE FOR 1 STROKES EACH) ALTERNATE 5 DIESEL | HIGH PRESSURE |__ ra te ec Tees 1 Motor|—|A1IGH PRESSURE eee tl ae LOW VOLUME — GAS/AIL ACCUMULATOR CSIZE FOR 4 STROKES ) STOYLNOD uamed BNI DIESEL ——/ ENGINE - | GENERATOR