HomeMy WebLinkAboutElectric Vehicles & Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles Study 2014ELECTRIC VEHICLES & PLUGIN HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE CITY & BOROUGH OF WRANGELL, ALASKA The City and & Borough of Wrangell «:: okey /= ALASKA i ENERGY AUTHORITY WHPaafic Final Report - Volume 1 - Rev. 2 Alaska Energy Authority Grant Agreement Number 7040070 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Alaska Energy Authority GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 7040070 FINAL REPORT A feasibility study was conducted for the City of Wrangell regarding the use of electric vehicles (EV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) as alternative modes of transportation for the city’s vehicles. This report is submitted in fulfillment of the Grant Agreement between the City of Wrangell and the Alaska Energy Authority. WHPacific, Inc. Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Disclaimer This report has been prepared at the request of the City of Wrangell, Alaska, and the observations, conclusions, and recommendations contained herein constitute the opinions of WHPacific, Inc. WHPacific has prepared this report using in part web-based sources including information from private, public and government sectors. WHPacific does not take responsibility for errors or omissions within these sources. Our purpose was to provide the City of Wrangell with information that was the most current, relevant and reliable in an effort help the City develop a more comprehensive plan for the potential acquisition and implementation of electric vehicles, plug-in electric vehicles and the various derivatives within this evolving technology. WHPacific, Inc. Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Purpose and Limitations of the Feasibility Study A feasibility study is an analysis of the viability of an idea. The development of this feasibility study focuses on helping answer the essential question of “should we proceed with the proposed project idea?” All activities of the study are directed toward helping answer this question. Electric vehicles, related products and resources will continue to improve; in areas of cost, performance, development of emerging technologies and other developments. For these reasons, this study should be revisited periodically and updated to reflect changing circumstances in the marketplace. Costs of products, fuels, services are constantly changing. World, national and regional circumstances will impact these. Therefore, the economic evaluation in this study must be understood in this context. Estimates and approximate costs were provided for comparison only. Actual costs will depend on the numerous conditions at the time of implementation. WHPacific, Inc. Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Acknowledgements In preparing this report, WHPacific has relied upon information collected from numerous sources including the City of Wrangell, SEAPA, Wrangell Municipal Light & Power, manufacturers of EV, PHEV, related equipment and infrastructure manufacturers; and web-based sources of information, both private and government-based all of which we gratefully acknowledge. WHPacific, Inc. Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Glossary of Terms and Acronyms AC AEV BEV Demand Side Resources DOE EPA EVSE ICE kW NEC NFPA PEV PHEV PIA PSA SAE SEACC SEAIRP SEAPA Smart Grid WMLP WHPacific, Inc. Alternating Current All electric vehicle — plug-in capability with driving energy coming entirely from its battery Battery Electric Vehicle Utility related energy efficiency and load management programs (also referred to as demand-side management or DSM) Department of Energy Environmental Protection Agency Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Internal combustion engine vehicle — vehicles with driving energy coming from liquid fuel Kilowatt National Electric Code National Fire Protection Agency Plug-in electric vehicle - Any vehicle with plug-in capability & includes AEVs and PHEVs Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle — a vehicle with plug-in capability; driving energy can come from either its battery or a liquid fuel like gasoline, diesel or biofuels Plug In America — California public charity promoting battery electric and plug- in hybrid vehicles for the public Power Sales Agreement Society of Automotive Engineers Southeast Alaska Conservation Council Southeast Alaska Integrated Resource Plan Southeast Alaska Power Agency Computer-based remote control technology used in electric utility delivery systems Wrangell Municipal Light and Power Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary...........00..ccccceeee eee eeeceeeee cece esse eee eeeeeesaneseeeeaeees page | 2. COmtacts..........cccccece eee eecee eee eee eee eee eeeceececeecee ee eeeeeeeeeeecueesecseeeeeees page 3 3. Background Information. ................. ccc cee cece ce eee eee eee eeeeeeeeeeneeneeesennens page 4 4. Electric Vehicles and Plug-in Hybrid electric Vehicles................00:00:0eeeees page 7 5. Codes and Standards. ............ 00. .cccccc eee eec eee ece eee eee eee eeeeueeeecaeeaeeeeeeeess page 28 6. Electrical Power Grid...... 0.0... .cecc ccc ce ccc eec eee ee eeee esse eeee ese eceeeeeaeeeueeegs page 31 7. Smart Grid and Demand Side Management....................0cceeeeeeeeee neers page 32 8. Economic Evaluation....... 0.0... 0cc cece eee eece eee eecsae eee eeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeaneeeas page 35 9. Conclusions. ........ 00. 0cccceece cee cee cece eee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeegeeeesaneeeeen page 38 10. Recommendations. .............. 00. cecc eee eee cece eeecaeeee eee eeeseeeeueeeneeeaeeeaaes page 46 Appendices (Separate Cover)............cscceeceeceeeeseeceeeeeeeeeeeeceeeeeeeeerees Volume 2 WHPacific, Inc. Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 1. Executive Summary a. Project Overview The City and Borough of Wrangell Alaska requested a feasibility study to explore the viability of purchasing electric vehicles (EV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). The City desires to replace or supplement their existing fleet and in so doing take advantage of the abundant hydroelectricity available from the Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) electric grid. This feasibility report lays the groundwork for Wrangell to make informed decisions regarding the use of these vehicles. Wrangell’s location, economy, demographics, environmental factors and long-range electrical planning are elements that are included in this study. This report includes the following sections: e Background information on the City of Wrangell ¢ Codes and standards applicable to EV and PHEV e Wrangell Electric Grid e Smart grid and demand side load management of electric utility delivery systems e Economic evaluation of EV and PHEV e¢ Conclusions e Recommendations e Appendices (under separate volume) Project Approach The feasibility study process for Wrangell consisted of three key stages: research current EV/PHEV market and the related equipment and technologies to support electric vehicles, consideration of Wrangell’s existing vehicle fleet, and report writing and documentation. Specific tasks completed in this study: e Understand the City of Wrangell relative to its fleet of vehicles and their use e Assess electric vehicles and associated equipment for use in the Wrangell area e Assess infrastructure requirements, applicability and costs e Provide direction regarding applicable codes and standards e Provide assessment of any impact to the area’s electric grid e Explore Smart Grid and load demand management to determine its applicability e Provide an evaluation of electric vehicle purchases and their operating costs WhPacific, Inc. Page 1 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study ec. Conclusions The electric vehicle market continues to grow and adjust according to numerous developments including advances in technology, national and global energy concerns and market demand. According to the US DOE Alternative Fuels Data Center, Vehicle Cost Calculator, the cost of ownership (purchase price and ongoing operating costs) for EV/PHEV over a 15 year period is lower than internal combustion engine (gasoline) equivalents. However, electric vehicles require other support systems (charging stations) along with possible infrastructure changes to local power suppliers which could add to the overall operating cost. Small quantities of the right type of vehicles appear plausible and do not represent any significant cost impact. This study identifies those types of vehicles that are the most likely candidates for Wrangell. However, classes of vehicles including pickup trucks and specialized vehicles (e.g. refuse, sweepers, line trucks, dump trucks, super-duty pickups, fire, and ambulance) are not readily available. Custom electric conversions for these classes of vehicles are available but at a significant premium. Electrical load projections annual energy consumption for the Southeast Alaskan region, and in particular, Wrangell, is forecasted by Black & Veatch (SEAIRP Report), to be at current levels in the short term (present through 2015); a decline 0.5% in the intermediate term (2016-2035); and increase 0.25% per year in the long term (2036-2061). Additionally, Black & Veatch (Volume 2 Page 8-7, 8- 9) forecasts the PHEV market penetration to be similar to that of the U.S. and increase 0.1% in 2015, 2.3% in years 2016-2040 and 12.6% by 2061. Using the highest forecasted PHEV penetration (12.6%) and applying it to a high scenario of 1800 WMLP current customers, the additional electric demand from charging EV/PHEV would be approximately 0.245 MW (35+42 PHEVs x 3.3kW/PHEV charge). Therefore, based on WMLP current demand and available capacity and considering the forecasted load demand stated in the SEAIRP report (9.3 MW in 2013 and rising to 10.9 MW in 2061), it is reasonable to conclude the capacity necessary to support the projected demand from EV/PHEV charging can be supported by WMLP. Until prices drop and technology issues are addressed, manufacturers will continue to meet public resistance to purchasing EV/PHEV vehicles over internal combustion engine vehicles. Government policy and legislation will also continue to influence buyer decisions. d. Recommendations Develop a business strategy that includes entry-level, short-term and long-term plans for both municipal and community use of electric vehicles. While the City is looking at specific fleet requirements, the community at large must be an integral part of their business planning. Costs must also be viewed in light of potential revenue streams. Revenue sources that should be considered from the use of EVs in the community include pay for use of public charging stations for tourism, residential and commercial and spin-off businesses to support and maintain electric vehicles. If the City pursues an electric vehicle implementation plan, it will be necessary to conduct a specific life-cycle cost analysis for vehicles chosen along with, support equipment, installation services and infrastructure. WHPacific, Inc. Page 2 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 2. Contact Information This Report prepared For: City and Borough of Wrangell P.O. Box 531 Wrangell, AK 99929 907-874-3952 Timothy Rooney Borough Manager City and Borough of Wrangell P.O. Box 531 Wrangell, AK 99929 907-874-3952 tdrooney@wrangell.com Amber Al-Haddad City and Borough of Wrangell P.O. Box 531 Wrangell, AK 99929 907-874-3494 wrgpm@wrangell.com This Report Prepared By: WHPacific, Inc. 300 W 31 St Avenue Anchorage, AK, 99503 Dennis Sharp, P. E. Sr. Electrical Engineer, 300 W 31 St Avenue Anchorage, AK, 99503 907-339-6552 dsharp@whpacific.com Ross Klooster, P.E. Sr. Electrical Engineer, 300 W 31 St Avenue Anchorage, AK, 99503 907-458-2142 rklooster@whpacific.com Jim Miller, QCxP, LEED AP Sr. Project Engineer, 6501 Americas Parkway NE Albuquerque NM, 87110 505-348-5247 jmiller@whpacific.com WHPacific, Inc. Page 3 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 3. Background Information a. Summary The purpose of this section is to provide information about the City of Wrangell necessary in evaluating the viability of electric vehicles in this region. Wrangell’s location is quite rural. This represents a potential downside to the use of EV since the availability of EV and PHEV dealerships or service centers will be limited. Demographics are an important consideration. Wrangell’s current and forecasted population as noted in the SEAIRP by Black and Veatch, are projected to show flat to moderate declines in the population and economy. Electrical demand from the introduction of EV and PHEV, based on population alone, do not represent any foreseeable concern. Wrangell is comprised of paved and unpaved roadways with grades that can be upwards of 16%. The short roadway system is a good fit for a typical electric vehicle; however, roadway surface-types, snow, and grades are conditions that will limit the usefulness of certain electric vehicles currently available. Weather, and more specifically temperature, is one of the most important considerations when evaluating the use of EVs. Unlike mainstream gasoline and diesel vehicles, electric vehicles and plug- in electric vehicles do not perform as well in cold climates. According to research conducted by DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy along with Pike Research, lithium ion batteries perform optimally and will last longer if they are kept between 14° F and 86°F. In very low temperatures, batteries don’t achieve their full rated power until battery cells warm up. In hotter temperatures they lose their ability to store energy. The research notes that a PHEV can rely on its gas engine for power during warm-up, but EVs don’t have that other power source. Although Wrangell’s climate is quite mild given its southeast, coastal location, it is still much colder than areas of the lower 48 states. Snowfall is a consideration. Underbody clearance and drivetrains (2-wheel vs. 4-wheel and all-wheel) are additional considerations. The EV market offers the greatest volume in the 2-wheel drive car category. b. City and Borough of Wrangell Location Wrangell is in Southeast Alaska, in the heart of the Inside Passage of Tongass National Forest, between Juneau and Ketchikan. WHPacific, Inc. Page 4 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Roadways There are approximately 60 miles of roads in Wrangell, of which 11 miles are paved. Roads have significant grades up to 16%. Demographics The City & Borough of Wrangell, Alaska is a unified home rule municipality. Wrangell is located on Wrangell Island, with a population of 2,377 in 2011. The population has grown 3.0% since 2000. However, the Black and Veatch IRP study forecasts flat to moderate declines over the next 50 years. Electrical Power Wrangell Municipal Light & Power (WMLP) purchases its power from the Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA). The SEAPA power sources include dams at Swan Lake and Tyee Lake. ! Wrangell purchases the majority of its power from Tyee Hydro Electric facility. The Wrangell Electric System website states that it maintains and operates a 5 MW diesel power generation facility used for emergency backup and when Tyee Lake Hydroelectric performs their maintenance.' Wrangell's distribution area consists of 21.3 miles of overhead and | mile of underground line energized at 7200 volts. WMLP services the following customers (approximately): 1053 Residential 512 Small commercial (including harbor stalls) 9 Large Commercial 126 Heat Rate (residential and commercial) Electrical permits are required for all new construction and most remodels. Permits are issued at the WMLP Office. Service installation handbooks, Wrangell Municipal Codes and the current NEC Code books are available at the WMLP Office for public use. Weather It is important to consider the historical weather records of a geographic area when assessing the viability of electric vehicles and associated infrastructure. The chart on the following page is from the Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC) website’. It provides average and extreme temperatures recorded at the Wrangell Airport. 'SOURCE: City and Borough of Wrangell Alaska website, Wrangell Municipal Power and Light. ? SOURCE: http://www. wrce.dri.edu/ WHPacific, Inc. Page 5 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Low outdoor air temperatures will have the greatest impact to EV operating range due to battery performance (warm-up period) and battery drain for cabin heating and defrost. PHEVs are more favorable for use in colder climates since they have a gasoline engine source of power during warm- up. Wrangell receives regular snowfall in the winter. Wrangell’s municipal fleet is routinely driven in snow depths of one to one and one-half feet. WRANGELL AIRPORT, ALASKA (509919) Period of Record : 9/ 1/1949 to 1/17/2612 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 Jan 1 Mar 4 May 4 Jul 4 Sep 1 Nov 1 Dec 34 Feb 1 Apr 1 Jun 1 Aug 1 Oct 1 Dec 1 Day of Year Hestern Regional Climate Center 5 oO 5 5 WHPacific, Inc. Page 6 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 4. Electric Vehicles (EV) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEV) Summary This section provides a sample of makes and models of vehicles, electric vehicle support equipment (EVSE) and background information germane to the decision making process. We looked at vehicles that show the most promise for use in southeastern Alaska. More specifically, WHpPacific evaluated the Wrangell’s current fleet of vehicles and developed criteria for vehicle types most likely to be candidates for current and future replacement or conversion to EV or PHEV. Of the 64 vehicles in the City’s inventory, 32 could be considered potential candidates. It proves beneficial to understand the background of the electric vehicle business sector in order to put into perspective this evolving market and its implications for the City of Wrangell. These topics bear consideration in developing a long term strategy. The electric vehicle market is in its infancy. Manufacturers continue to improve on drive trains, motors, batteries, charging, comfort, affordability, serviceability, and safety. There are several factors for the City of Wrangell to consider when deciding to move forward with a purchasing strategy. Important among those factors are: e Purchase price e Annual operating cost e Life-cycle cost of ownership e Servicing locations e Application — what will it be used for and how will it be used e Type —car, SUV, pick-up; 2-wheel, 4-wheel drive e Charging — power requirements; locations; equipment e Range — miles per day you plan to drive e Conditions — temperature, precipitation e Roadways — surface types; conditions; grade e Infrastructure (power sources and charging stations) e Positive Impact on the Community (stewardship & tourism) Finally, a realistic look at the availability of specific types of vehicles greatly reduces the field of options. Cars have the greatest selection and availability (e.g. Ford, CODA, Chevy, Tesla, Toyota) followed by light duty trucks (e.g. Zap Jonway, Tiger Trucks) and ATVs (Polaris). In general, EV and PHEV availability in other truck categories (pick-up, medium-heavy duty, commercial, vocational) are still being developed and nearly non-existent. Those trucks that are being offered for sale (e.g. VIA VTrux) are being marketed to high-volume customers (large corporate and government fleets) with limited opportunities for individual purchase. Regarding specialty vehicles (e.g. line trucks, refuse trucks, dump trucks, and marine vessels) our research shows the only possible entry into electric propulsion for specialty trucks and marine vessels, is to arrange for the conversion of a new, stock vehicle to an electric- diesel hybrid (e.g. BAE Systems - HybriDrive). WHPacific, Inc. Page 7 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study a. Vehicles Introduction Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), which include both plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and all-electric vehicles, use electricity as either their primary fuel or to improve efficiency. ! PEVs have a number of advantages when compared to internal combustion vehicles (ICE), including low operating costs, convenience of home charging, and low maintenance costs. Driving on electricity is cheaper than driving on gasoline—generally comparable to roughly $1 per gallon of gasoline equivalent. In addition, PEVs offer drivers quiet operation, instant torque, and responsive performance. ! Because they mainly rely on electricity, PEVs use little or no petroleum and produce no or significantly fewer tailpipe emissions than conventional vehicles. Reductions in lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions depend on the source of the electricity, but can be close to zero if using renewable 1 energy. Many drivers will fuel up at home, using a residential charger. However, there are more than 5,000 public chargers now available across the country. ! Initial purchase price of a plug-in vehicle is higher than that of a comparable, conventional vehicle. However, there are often incentives (government and manufacturer) to help reduce this cost to consumers. According to the USDOE Alternative Fuels Data Center, Vehicle Cost Calculator, the total cost of ownership of PEVs is shown to be lower than that of comparable ICE vehicles. Applications Electric vehicles and their derivatives are available in just about every transportation market. The focus will be on the more main-stream uses of EV and PHEVs but will include a limited discussion on specialty applications (e.g. police, snow vehicles, marine, and refuse trucks). As noted in this section and other areas of the study, the electric vehicle market and related equipment, research, government policy, support services and electric utilities are still in the early stages of development and deployment. Government Government policies have been implemented and new legislation will undoubtedly continue to emerge (e.g. Energy Policy Act of 1992, ARRA 2009; American Clean Energy and Security Act, May 2009). The US Department of Energy website lists federal tax credits for residential users up to $7,500. However, Alaska does not have any plug-in incentives for residents. The City of Wrangell should consider approaching the state government to request legislative action to incentivize municipal fleet conversion for all alternative fuel vehicles. Leveraging information from other states who have paved the way (such as California) can help in this endeavor. ' US Department of Energy, Vehicle Technologies Office WtPacific, Inc. Page 8 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Alaska The Southeast Alaska Conservation Council (SEACC) has a section on their website dedicated to electric vehicles. They highlight the fact that low-cost hydroelectricity and limited road systems makes the southeastern region an ideal location for electric vehicles. Juneau’s utility is offering special experimental rates to EV owners and the University of Alaska Southeast has offered an Electric Vehicle Conversion Class. A local entrepreneur in Petersburg has been selling low speed electric vehicles for a number of years and, as of 2010, there were about a dozen on the streets of Petersburg. Statewide progress includes legislation that was passed in 2010 to allow low-speed EVs to operate on streets with speed limits of 45 mph or less in towns with fewer than 35,000 residents. Market There is a dizzying array of EV related topics. While EV’s have been around since the 1800s, their acceptance and use are still in its infancy. EV sales show a slow upward trend. As of 2010, the US had more than 70,000 highway-capable plug-in electric cars. And as of August 2012, California led the way with 32% of total electric car sales in the United States. Industry forecasts agree that plug-in hybrids will continue to outsell pure electric cars in the United States in the near future. Cumulative U.S. Plug-In Vehicle Sales = BEV, PHEV & EREV Since December 2010 = New sales that month 95,000 90,000 85,000 80,000 75,000 70,000 65,000 60,000 55,000 0,000 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 = I 5,000 0 j+ =, i i 4 j djfmamjjasondj f mami j sondj 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source: Electric Drive Transportation Association (website) When considering car vs. truck, electric cars by far lead the way. Trucks and other utility type vehicles make up a much smaller segment of the market. Actual vehicle modification (conversion) from internal combustion engine to hybrid electric propulsion is another market segment that is gaining traction. Industry trends show the promise of electric vehicles in large commercial and government fleets. WHPacific, Inc. Page 9 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Economics Purchase price of EVs and PHEVs is high compared to standard liquid fuel vehicles (internal combustion engines). Prices ranged from $10,999 for a Polaris EV ATV to $80,000 for a VIA PHEV pick-up truck and $30 for Leviton Level 1 (120V) EV charging receptacle to several thousands of dollars for Level 2 (208/240 volt) stations with varying sophistication. Lease versus buy is a consideration worth exploring. EV technology continues to improve, and a 2- 3 year lease can be an option to take advantage of lower cost fueling while protecting yourself from uncertain battery performance after warranties expire. Operating cost of an all-electric vehicle is low compared to ICEs. For example, the US Environmental Protection agency estimates that the annual, out-of-pocket fuel costs alone for an all-electric vehicle to be $600 per year compared to $2,300 per year for a gasoline-only vehicle”. Similar sources indicate fueling a gasoline car is more than double the cost of fueling an EV, and triple the cost for urban driving’. Liquid fuel costs and electrical rates for the operating region under evaluation must be considered for making valid comparisons between EVs, PHEVs, and all-liquid fuel vehicles (gasoline and diesel). Wrangell area fuel prices at the time of this report were $4.75 per gallon for gasoline and $5.45 per for diesel. Electricity rates range from $0.102 - $0.116 per kWh. Other cost factors must be considered including maintenance of charging stations, battery replacement, and associated infrastructure. 5Public charging stations offer the opportunity to generate revenue directly from people who use charging-station services. While selling electricity by non-utility organizations is prohibited in the US there are other ways to collect revenue for charging. Subscription based, pay-per-charge, and pay-for- parking are all viable but require installation of advanced EVSE products. Manufacturers There are numerous manufacturers of electric vehicles and EV derivatives. The following information was chosen to enable the City of Wrangell to begin developing a strategy that best suits their requirements. The information presented here is by no means exhaustive however; it does provide a good perspective on a broad range of factors necessary to make informed decisions. Direct conversations with manufacturers were limited. Therefore, the information was developed from a variety of web-based sources. Following are highlights of sample vehicles as were published by EV organizations and manufacturer sources. Where possible, a comparison of specifications was provided. However, there is no standard list of categories among manufacturers that allow a consistent side-by-side comparison. 2 U.S. DOE Alternative Fuels Data Center; *National Geographic - Great Energy Challenge, posted October 1, 2012, “How to Compare the Cost of Electric and Gas Cars” 3U.S. DOE, Plug-in Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts, April 2012 WtPacific, Inc. Page 10 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study VEHICLES Manufacturer: VIA Motors Location: Offices in Utah, Michigan, California Types: Cars, Trucks (4WD), SUVs, Vans Drivetrain: 4WD, PHEV Range: 40 miles (All EV mode); 400 miles (100 mpg) Connector Type: J1772 Website: http://www.viamotors.com/powertrain/ Availability: 2013 (pre-order) Price: $79,000 anticipated selling price for extended range electric truck Description: The VIA Motors VTrux is an extended range electric truck that can travel up to 40 miles on electricity thanks to its 27kWhr battery pack. Once the battery is depleted a 150kW (201HP) gasoline powered generator turns on to provide power to the drive system for up to 400 miles of total range. The VTrux is powered by a 175kW (300kW peak) electric motor and will be available in 2- and 4- wheel drive versions. Additionally, the VTrux is capable of acting as a large generator to provide power at work sites or during emergencies. Source: www.pluinamerica.org WePacific, Inc. Page 11 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Manufacturer: EVI (Electric Vehicles International) Location: Stockton, California Types: Commercial Walk-in Vans; Utility Vehicles Drivetrain: Customized, EV and PHEV Range: 50 miles (light duty vehicle) 90 miles (Van) 40 miles (utility vehicle) Connector Type: J1772 Website: http://www.evi-usa.com/PRODUCTS/Vehicles/WalkInVan.aspx Availability: Now (van); utility truck (development) Price: Request quote Description: Commercial "walk-in" van (class 4 - class 6) with top speed 60 mph, range options up to 90 mi, 99kWh Valence Li-ion battery pack, 200 kW (max. 260 hp) electric motor. To be built at new headquarters in Stockton, California. The EVI Range Extended Electric Vehicle (REEV) truck is under development in partnership with the California Energy Commission and Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Developed as a plug-in series hybrid, the EVI-REEV will provide 40 miles in all electric mode with extended range in hybrid mode. WHPacific, Inc. Page 12 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Manufacturer/Model: Ford Transit Connect EV Location: not provided Types: Commercial vehicles Drivetrain: FWD, EV Range: 50 - 80 miles Connector Type: Level | or 2 Availability: Production rate 600-700 annually. Ford is marketing to high-profile corporations. Maximum Gradeability: 20% Price: $57,000 Website: http://www. ford.com/trucks/transitconnect/ and www.pluginamerica.org Transit Connect Electric, Azure integrates Force Drive™ electric powertrain into the Ford Transit Connect. Utilizing an advanced lithium-ion battery from Johnson Controls, the Transit Connect Electric can achieve a range of 50-80 miles depending on auxiliary usage and drive cycle, and has a top speed of 75 mph. The battery is rechargeable using either a 240-volt or standard 120-volt outlet. Source: http://www.trans-west.com/ford-transit-connect-EV.htm WHPacific, Inc. Page 13 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Manufacturer: Toyota RAV4 EV Location: Woodstock, Ontario Canada Types: Cars and Trucks Drivetrain: FWD, EV Range: 103 EPA-rated MPGe: 76 Connector Type: J1772 (10 kW; 240V, 40A input) Charge Time: varies according to electrical source; for 240V/40A 5 hrs./6 hrs. Website: http://www.toyota.com/rav4ev/#!/Welcome Availability: Now Price: $49,800 Description: The second generation Toyota RAV4 EV is the result of the Toyota and Tesla Motors collaboration. Based on the popular RAV4 compact SUV and powered by a Tesla electric powertrain, the RAV4 EV project adopts a new development model that incorporates Tesla’s streamline, fast and flexible approach with Toyota’s engineering and manufacturing leadership. Source: www.pluginamerica.org WHPacific, Inc. Page 14 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Manufacturer: CODA Automotive Location: Los Angeles, California Types: Cars Drivetrain: FWD, EV (All Electric) Range: 88 miles Connector Type: J1772 Website: lwww.codaautomotive.com Availability: Now Price: $37,250 Description: The CODA Sedan is a 4-door, 5-passenger sedan with a range up to 125 miles (EPA rated at 88 miles per charge). Uses a 31kWh, Li-ion battery with active thermal management. Equipped with a 6.6kW onboard charger (120/240V). Recharge times of less than 6 hours (at 240V, 30A). Source: www.pluginamerica.org WhPacific, Inc. Page 15 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Manufacturer: General Motors — Chevrolet Volt \ Location: Detroit, Michigan Types: Cars and Trucks Drivetrain: FWD, PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid) Range: 38 - 40 miles (electric range; 380 -400 Per gasoline fill-up range) Connector Type: J1772 Website: http://www.chevrolet.com/volt-electric-car.html Availability: Now Price: $39,145 (also lease option starting at $299/month) Description: GM's EREV, extended range electric vehicle, with a 16.5kWh Li-ion battery from LG Chem, giving the Volt a 38 mi all electric range and 379 mi total range. In hybrid mode, the Volt will achieve 37 MPG and in electric mode the Volt will consume 35kWh/100 mi (98 MPG equivalent). The Volt is a 4-door, 4-seater hatchback powered by a 120 hp electric motor and a 1.4L gasoline engine, which supplements the electric motor once the batteries have been depleted. Source: www.pluginamerica.org WtPacific, Inc. Page 16 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Manufacturer/Model: Polaris Ranger EV Location: USA and Worldwide Types: ATV Drivetrain: AWD/2WD/VersaTrac30 HP 48V, AC motor Range: 50 miles Connector Type: 110 volt plugin Availability: Now Price: $10,999 (base, accessories extra) Description: Polaris is making an all-electric version of their Ranger side by side utility vehicle. Capable of carrying 2 people, it has a 500lb capacity bed box and can tow 1250\bs. It uses a 30hp, 48V AC induction motor powered by 8 common automotive type 12vde lead-acid batteries, with combined output power of 11.7Kwh, to push it up to 50 miles in one charge. Charging is accomplished by plugging into a standard 1 10vac outlet and takes approximately 8 hours with the provided charger. Starting cost is $10,999 for the basic vehicle. Polaris offers a full line of accessories including plows, cabs, and a quick charge kit that utilizes a 220V, 30Acircuit and reduces charging time by 40%. Source: wwwhttp://www.polaris.com/en-us/commercial-vehicles/electric-utv/ranger-ev/features WHPacific, Inc. Page 17 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Manufacturer: Zap Jonway Location: Santa Rosa, California (headquarters) Types: Cars, Trucks (2 passenger), SUVs, Vans Drivetrain: FWD, EV Range: 40 miles XL truck and 100 miles SUV Connector Type: Level 1, 110V (onboard) and Level 2, 240V Availability: Now (ZAPTRUCK XL) Other vehicles are in development. Maximum Gradeability: up to 40% (SUV) Operating Conditions: —30°F to 120°F Price: $14,995 for XL truck Description: The Zaptruck XL has a cab for two and a convertible bed/platform for moving large loads of cargo. Note: According to the regional sales representative, the SUV and Shuttle Vans are going through US DOT testing for sales in the US. Source: http://www.zapworld.com/ WHPacific, Inc. Page 18 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Manufacturer: Tiger Truck Industries International, Inc. Location: Poteau, OK Types: Light-duty trucks and vans Drivetrain: FWD, EV (72 volt AC) Range: 18 (mail truck) - 48 miles Connector Type: Level 1, 110V (onboard) Availability: Special order (no 4WD) Maximum Gradeability: 22% Operating Conditions: reduced range in cold weather Price: $18,995 (excl. freight) Description: Standard on all electric models is an on-board battery (deionized) watering system with in-cab flow monitoring. Source: http://www.tigertruck.com WePacific, Inc. Page 19 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Manufacturer: BAE Systems / HybriDrive Propulsion Systems Location: Various Types: Conversion for Medium to Heavy-Duty Truck platforms including refuse collection and construction HYBRIDRIVE® PARALLEL THE HEAVY-DUTY HYBRIO™ Drivetrain: Customized, + Hybrid ect propulsion . . + Heavy-duty for vehicles class 6, 7, and 8 Diesel electric systems - Sepitenstia ond wba eniogs wile eccng acmaee Range: NA "Rane sckapend cory ond consructon + Onboard power plant for path to future electrification of the vehicle body + complements bothdesal and CNG engines . trons Parte was eqn ort Connector Type: NA dtmands ofthe fuse pekapand deleryand consructonvocatos.iibrhe® Paral bent febasiopanageratrect tesacaray . a Togoreretng akg onary pnt Website: www.hybridrive.com sonngs. Th HybrOrie® Propulsion Sytem is ayond electric propulsion system which provides higher power and torque capabilities than its competitors, and offers ‘superior drivabikty without compromising payload. Availability: Now Price: Contact manufacturer Description: BAE Systems has created a new product in its HybriDrive® family of heavy-duty hybrid electric propulsion systems to address lowering emissions and increasing fuel and energy savings in the vocational truck market. This new system is scalable to meet a wide range of heavy-duty truck platforms, vocations, and duty cycles, to equip hybrid construction trucks, hybrid utility trucks, hybrid refuse trucks and hybrid delivery trucks. HybriDrive® Parallel diesel electric truck is based on a single electric machine integrated with the engine and the transmission and can be installed with minimal impact to the vehicle. Propulsion is enhanced through an optimized blending of power from a conventional power source and from the electrical power source. BAE also provides a marine version of its HybriDrive System teaming with NORTHERN LIGHTS. Its website states that it provides marine-diesel generators, Lugger propulsion engines and Technicold marine systems for commercial and pleasure crafts. It is headquartered in Seattle Washington. Source: www.hybridrive.com W#Pacific, Inc. Page 20 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study b. Charging A charger converts AC supply power to DC and uses it to charge the vehicle batteries. Many modern plug-in vehicles have an on-board charger. This can be its own discrete unit, or the electronics can be integrated into the drivetrain or another component. Chargers can also exist off the vehicle, as in the case of DC quick chargers. Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) refers to any off-board equipment used to supply charging energy to the vehicle. EVSE can take the form of a cord; a station mounted to a wall, pedestal or pole, and even the different outlets and plugs that make up the circuit. This equipment should prevent energizing of the charge plug until it is seated in a vehicle port. It should monitor for safety hazards. It communicates to the vehicle the amount of current that can be provided by the circuit and gets information about area ventilation requirements. Three types of charger categories provide AC current to the vehicle with the vehicles on-board charger to convert the AC to DC needed to charge the batteries. Charging times can range from 30 minutes to 20 hours or more based on the type and level of EVSE, battery type, capacity, depletion and type of vehicle charging system. Level 1 EVSE — 120V AC plug and requires electric installation according to the NEC. Most PEVs will come with this including a cord set — on one end is a 3-prong household plug (NEMA 5-15 connector) and the other end a J1772 standard connector. Level 1 charging can add 2 to 5 miles of driving range to a PEV per hour of charging time. Level 2 EVSE — 240V (residential) or 208V (commercial) and typically requires hard-wired installation of charging equipment and dedicated circuit of 20 to 80 amps. Level 2 charging can add 10 to 20 miles of driving range to a PEV per hour of charging time. DC Fast Charging EVSE — 480V input to the EVSE and is typically scene in rapid charging sites such as heavy traffic corridors and public fueling stations. A DC fast charger can add 60 to 80 miles of driving range to a PEV in 20 minutes. Charger Level Classifications Voltage in Charger Level Load Charge Alternating Time C ‘urrent (VAC) Level 1 (Home) 1.1-1.8 kW | 6-10 hours 120 Level 2 (Home and Work) 3.3kW | 3-4 hours 208/240 Level 2+ 30 min. — (Home and Work) 6.6-19.2kW | 2 hours Level 3 15-30 (Recharging Station) 50-150kW | minutes 480 Source: National Electrical Code Article 625 WHPacific, Inc. Page 21 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study CHARGING STATIONS Manufacturer: Zap Jonway Type: Level 1 and 2 Max Amps: contact mfg. Max Single Port Output: contact mfg. Price: request quote Description: According to Zap website, the zCharge™ Networked EV Charging Infrastructure Technology handles a wide variety of charging scenarios with advanced features for ease of use and the latest in mobile client services; provides access charge status; locates available charge stations via the web. Each zCharge handles two vehicles at once in normal or rapid charging configurations. zCharge Station System E-Mobility Platform is an electric mobility platform developed by Better World. It is a complete set of applications that interact together with grids, charging stations (EVCE), electric vehicles, utilities, mobile phones and any Internet browser to give full functional coverage to the management of electric mobility networks. Compatible with normal 110-120v US household charging or EV industry standard connectors like the J1722. Source: www.zapworld.com/zcharge-electric-vehicle-charging-station-ev-infrastructure-technology Manufacturer: Leviton Guide Light GFCI Receptacle Type: Level 1, Charge Station NEMA Max Amps: 15 Max Single Port Output: 1.80 kW Price: $30 Description: Leviton's home charging station wall receptacle features a single receptacle with a guide light that is photo-sensor controlled, making it easier to locate the receptacle when it is dark. It is built on Leviton's SmartlockPRO® GFCI Safety Wall Receptacle platform, and can accommodate the repetitive insertions experienced with plug-in vehicle charging. Meets NEC Code requirements for use with electric vehicle charging systems. Source: http://honda.leviton.com/product/gfci WHPacific, Inc. Page 22 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Manufacturer: GM Voltee EVSE Type: Level 2, Charge Station SAE J-1772 Max Amps: 240V/15A Price: $490 Description: According to GM website, this is a 240V home charging station made for the Chevrolet Volt. This station can recharge the Volt battery from depleted to full in about four hours. The station is optional for Volt owners, as the vehicle comes standard with a Level | charge cord, which can charge the battery in about ten hours. Source: www.cleanfleetreport.com and www.pluginamerica.org Manufacturer: Coulomb Technologies CT2100 Type: Charge Station Level 1 & 2; SAE J-1772 Max Amps: 30 Max Single Port Output: 7.2 kW Price: starting at $1,200 Description: UL Listed. This is a Level 1 and 2 combination charging station. Level 1 is 16A output (NEMA 5- 20), Level 2 is 30A (SAE J1772). Coulomb has established the ChargePoint America program to provide electric vehicle charging infrastructure to nine selected regions in the United States. Manufacturer: Eaton Pow-R Station Level 2 EVSE f Type: Charge Station Level 2; SAE J-1772 Max Amps: 30 and 70 amp units Max Single Port Output: not available Price: $999 (30 amp unit) Description: ETL listed. Eaton's Pow-R-Station line can talk to a facility's Energy Management System. Features NEMA 3R (Steel) enclosure; SAE J1772, UL 2594, 2231, 1998 compliance; Ethernet, Serial (RS-232), ModBus (RS485/4-wire), Wi-Fi, Cellular (optional); SD memory card for data storage CSV format; Cord length: 20 feet. WHPacific, Inc. Page 23 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Manufacturer: Legrand Level 2 Type: Charge Station SAE J-1772 Max Amps: 16 Max Single Port Output: 3.8kW @ 16A 208/240V Price: $749 Description: Level 2 station and features auto reset; Wall, Pedestal mount; Status Lights; Compliance with SAE J1772, UL 2202, 2231, 2251, and 2594; NEMA 3S enclosure Manufacturer: Success Charging Success Charging Type: Level 2 Charging Stations Success Charging establishes collaborative efforts with global industry leaders, enabling mass penetration of new PEVs and charging infrastructure into the global market. Price: “Free” Description: Success Charging claims it will install fully equipped charging stations, completely free of charge at both private residences and commercial businesses. This includes free maintenance and management and for businesses — free promotion and back office support such as billing and reports. Success Charging retains ownership of the stations while the host profits from its use. Homeowners benefit from the convenience of a home charging unit, while business owners benefit from the increased customer traffic that charging stations provide as well as improving their image by supporting a cleaner environment. Source: http://www.successcharging.com/company WHPacific, Inc. Page 24 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study c. Batteries Battery life should be considered when calculating the extended cost of ownership, as all batteries eventually wear out and must be replaced. The rate at which they expire depends on the type of battery technology and how they are used — many types of batteries are damaged by depleting them beyond a certain level. Lithium-ion batteries degrade faster when stored at higher temperatures. An important question to ask is, “How often do I have to replace the batteries?” Plug In America (PIA) website offers the following response. “Not for many years. GM and Nissan offer warranties covering 8 years or 100,000 miles of driving on the lithium-ion batteries in the Volt or the Leaf. Nickel-metal hydride batteries (NiMH) in the previous generation of EVs are proving to have very long lives. Several electric cars with over 100,000 miles have been reported with virtually no range degradation.” Regarding battery recycling, PIA also states, “Car battery recycling is a success story. More than 98% of conventional car batteries already get recycled, and the same (or better) should be true of EV batteries. But let's start at the beginning -- creating EV batteries is much less damaging to the planet than drilling for oil to run gas cars, according to a study by the Swiss EMPA Institute, which focuses on material sciences and technology development.” WHPacific, Inc. Page 25 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study d. e. Maintenance Electric cars have expensive batteries that must be replaced but otherwise incur very low maintenance costs, particularly in the case of current lithium-based designs. Information provided by Plug In America (PIA) gives us practical insight regarding maintenance. Electric cars are very reliable. No oil changes, no tune ups. EVs have 10 times fewer moving parts than a gasoline powered car. There's no engine, transmission, spark plugs, valves, fuel tank, tailpipe, distributor, starter, clutch, muffler or catalytic converter. “Battery electric vehicles are the most dependable vehicles. Well-made production EVs have the potential to last as long or longer than gasoline automobiles, with less regular maintenance. There are many fewer moving parts in an EV, and therefore less ongoing preventative maintenance. Brake life is significantly extended since the motor is used to slow the car, recapturing the kinetic energy and storing it back in the battery. Electric motors will outlast the body of the vehicle. Major automakers are offering warranties on the batteries of 8 years or 100,000 miles of driving.”* Statements made by those who promote and enjoy the virtues of electric vehicles must also be tempered accordingly. A practical concern for a community such as Wrangell is the availability of certified maintenance and access to service equipment and parts. This certainly must be a topic explored with prospective vehicle manufacturers and become an integral part of Wrangell’s strategic plan. Energy Efficiency and Power Requirements Electric motors are more efficient than ICE in converting stored energy into driving a vehicle, and electric drive vehicles do not consume energy while at rest or coasting, and some of the energy lost when braking is captured and reused through regenerative braking, which captures as much as one fifth of the energy normally lost during braking. Typically, conventional gasoline engines effectively use only 15% of the fuel energy content to move the vehicle or to power accessories, and diesel engines can reach on-board efficiencies of 20%, while electric drive vehicles have on-board efficiency of around 80%. Production and conversion electric cars typically use 10 to 23 kWh/100 km (0.17 to 0.37 kWh/mi).Approximately 20% of this power consumption is due to inefficiencies in charging the batteries. Tesla Motors indicates that the vehicle efficiency (including charging inefficiencies) of their lithium-ion battery powered vehicle is 12.7 kW-h/100 km (0.21 kW-h/mi) and the well-to-wheels efficiency (assuming the electricity is generated from natural gas) is 24.4 kWh/100 km (0.39 kWh/mi). ‘www.pluginamerica.org WHPacific, Inc. Page 26 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study f. Infrastructure Charging stations for electric vehicles may require limited infrastructure improvements depending on the level of deployment and influx of EV in a community. Charging stations can leverage the existing electrical grid and home recharging is an option. Most driving is local over short distances which reduces the need for charging mid-trip. In the USA, for example, 78% of commutes are less than 40 miles (64 km) round-trip. One challenge in such infrastructure is the level of demand: an isolated station along a busy highway may see hundreds of customers per hour if every passing electric vehicle has to stop there to complete the trip. Wrangell has an area of 70.8 square miles and 60 miles of roadways, 11 of which are paved. It is assumed and very likely that the charging equipment would be concentrated within the city-proper with few remote locations required. Factors that will determine type, quantity, enclosure and locations will greatly depend upon the quantity of EV/PHEVs in the community, existing power distribution along roadways and any critical requirements such as those for emergency requirements (e.g. medical, fire, police). WHPacific, Inc. Page 27 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 5. Codes and Standards a. National Electrical Code (NEC) Requirements, The NEC, National Electric Code, is part of the National Fire Code and is mandated by most state or local law in the USA. The code covers all wiring in and around structures. The NEC article 625 covers the wires and equipment used to supply electricity for charging an electric vehicle. It covers the charging process to the end of the connector that plugs into the vehicle. It does not cover whatever happens with that power once it enters the vehicle. 1999 was the first edition of the NEC to include article 625 about Electric Vehicle Charging. Coincidently, this is the first edition after the introduction of the GM EV1 vehicles. Minor changes have been made over the years. The following notes are based on the 2008 edition. If the charging power source is 120 volts and is powered by a 15 or 20 amp standard ground fault protected outlet NEC article 625 has no other requirements... The 120 Volt power and lower power is safer and allows emergency charging anyplace. The switch for the outlet is an extra level of safety. The switch for the outlet is turned off when not in use, before the extension cord is connected to the vehicle and before the extension cord is disconnected from the vehicle. It improves safety in a potentially wet environment. If the voltage or current exceeds 120 volts or 20 amps, the other requirements of NEC article 625 apply. Electric Vehicle Charging System Article 625 of the NEC covers EV Charging Systems — “couplers” the plug — has to be non- interchangeable with other systems, such as the J1772 configuration. They require positive means to disconnect. Anything over 120V, 20A has to be hardwired. Below 120 volts it can be a portable charger that plugs into an existing 120V outlet. There are requirements for ventilation when charging indoors, ventilation rate depending on charging load. There is a ventilation rate table in the section. There are requirements for the connector: It must be polarized It cannot be interchanged with any standard connector It must be touch-safe when in use and not in use. It must have a latch to prevent unintentional disconnection It must have a grounding connection that makes first and brakes last All of these requirements are covered by using a SAE J1772 compliant connector and communications Electrified Truck Parking Spaces Article 626 discusses the requirements pertaining to the Electrified Truck Parking Spaces. This article has more specific requirements covering load calculations, cable management, and other details, and has a demand factor for feeder sizes that depends on climate — a cold climate would help in this regard. e Article 626 covers the electrical equipment and conductors external to the truck [626.1]. WHPacific, Inc. Page 28 L. Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study e Article 626 modifies other applicable NEC sections. Where there's a conflict, Article 626 applies [626.3] e Article 626 does not apply to loading equipment or the truck facility in general [626.4]. It applies to the parking space electrical system, only. e Ifsupplying from a 208Y/120 source, the wiring system must be grounded (a four wire system) [626.10]. Demand factors are set by reviewing the Climatic Temperature Zone (USA Hardiness Zone, please see the following website: http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr/2012/120125.htm 2s 0 PEL Stone | ESTA Om gna State Ua ve w ty WbPacific, Inc. Page 29 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study b. Local Requirements The City of Wrangell Electrical department requires permits for all new construction and most remodels. Permits are issued at the Wrangell Municipal Light & Power (WMLP) Office. A copy of the permit is available on the WMLP website. The Public Works Superintendent will issue the permit and be able to answer any questions you may have regarding the building requirements. The Zoning Administrator/Electrical Superintendent may also need to sign the permit to confirm compliance with the codes. Construction and installation of electrical services will require following local electrical codes which are based on the NEC. Special provisions for electric vehicles and charging equipment installations were described above. ec. Environmental The US Department of Energy — Alternative Fuels Data Center — lists numerous incentives, laws, regulations and programs. Based on a cursory review of these sources coupled with the potential implementation of EV systems in Wrangell, it appears there are no specific concerns regarding environmental impact. In fact, just the opposite is the case since electric propulsion, especially when the power source is hydroelectric, greatly reduces carbon emissions. However, it is advisable that the City makes a thorough review and contacts the US DOE and EPA offices for assistance. WHPacific, Inc. Page 30 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 6. Electrical Power Grid a. Black and Veatch Study The Southeast Alaska Integrated Resource Plan (SEAIRP), published in July 2012 by the Black & Veatch Corporation, is a source used in this feasibility study. Following are highlights and summaries of pertinent information from the SEAIRP for the purpose of considering future energy demands in the Wrangell area regarding the use of EV and PHEV. The Tyee Lake project consists of two generators; each rated 10 MW for total generation of 20 MW. Power transmission is facilitated via a substation with two 11.25 MVA transformers. There is provision for a third turbine at the site. The Swan Lake Project houses two generators with total rated capacity of 22 MW. Power sales to the connected communities of Wrangell, Petersburg and Ketchikan are governed by the SEAPA Power Sales Agreement (PSA). Under the PSA, member utilities are required to purchase firm power from the agency, but are not committed to any minimum level of purchase nor are they billed for power not delivered. Existing Capacity According to information obtained from Wrangell Municipal Light & Power (WMLP), Wrangell’s power distribution system is divided among 4 feeders with the capacity to supply 4 megawatts of power each. Wrangell’s share of SEAPA hydroelectric power is approximately 11 megawatts (or 50% the capacity of Tyee Lake). WMLP has a separate diesel generation facility rated at 8.5 megawatts. Historically, the diesel generation system has been used only when the Tyee Lake Hydro turbine is down for service. Peak electrical load in Wrangell, which occurred during winter 2012-2013, was 9.3 MW. Minimum winter demand is 3.1 MW, minimum summer demand is 2.3 MW. Present annual energy consumption is approximately 30.6 GWh with an average electrical demand of 3.5 MW. A load projection produced by Black & Veatch (Southeast Alaska Resource Plan) predicts an annual energy consumption of approximately 33 GWh, average demand of 3.8 MW, and peak demand of 10.9 MW by 2061. Impact of EV and PHEV Based on the research conducted for this specific study, as it applies to Wrangell, there will be no immediate negative impact to the electric grid. This is based on both the forecasted growth of EV/PHEV being very low (Black & Veatch SEAIRP Report, Volume 2 Table 8.3) combined with the fact that very few vehicles in Wrangell’s current fleet are reasonable candidates for replacement. Currently, our research revealed the EV/PHEV market offers a limited group of vehicles applicable for Wrangell’s consideration. And while most vehicle powertrains can be converted to electric propulsion, the cost of this alternative approach carries a high premium and therefore less attractive for Wrangell’s consideration. Only when the general community of Wrangell begins to purchase EV/PHEVs would a reassessment of power capacity, distribution and load management be necessary. WhPacific, Inc. Page 31 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 7. Smart Grid and Demand Side Management of Electric Power a. Summary Currently the City and Borough of Wrangell does not have a load management issue except during peak demand times that occur during the coldest winter months, primarily due to electric heating. While there is no present concern, as more heating load and other new loads are added to the southeast grid, a load management plan will need to be developed. Wrangell Electricity The City and Borough of Wrangell has an existing electric grid that consists of a primary distribution voltage of 12,470 volts with single-phase and three-phase throughout the City and Borough of Wrangell. The secondary voltages range from 120, 208, 240, and 480 volt depending on the needs of the customers. Most of the existing electrical grid is over-head (OH) distribution with small amount of underground (UG) services dedicated to pre-existing commercial customers that bought into the service at the time of construction. Government Policy The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), Title XIII, Section 1306(a) provides federal matching funds for smart grid investment costs in which 20% of qualifying smart grid investments will be reimbursed by the grant program. Qualifying investments that are provided for in section 1306(b) include certain household appliances, specialized electricity-using equipment like motors and drivers, metering devices and transmission and distribution equipment. Computer software that enables devices to engage in Smart Grid functions are also considered qualifying investments as well as hybrid vehicles. At the state level, EISA, Section 1307 provides for electric utilities to report any investment in a qualified smart grid system based on a variety of economic, social, and technological factors. These factors listed in Sec. 1307(a)(16)(A) include the total costs and cost-effectiveness, "improved reliability, security, system performance and societal benefit". State electric utilities are permitted to recover costs from ratepayers, (Sec. 1307(a)(16)(B)) to recover any capital operating expenditure or other costs of the electric utility relating to the deployment of smart grid. Electricity purchasers are likewise entitled to direct access to information from their electricity provider on smart grid such as prices, usage, intervals and projections, and sources from which their power was generated. WHPacific, Inc. Page 32 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study What Makes the Grid Smart? A smart grid is an electrical grid that uses information and communications technology to gather and act on information, such as information about the behaviors of suppliers and consumers, in an automated fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity. In short, the digital technology that allows for two-way communication between the utility and its customers, and the sensing along the transmission lines is what makes the grid smart. Like the Internet, the Smart Grid will consist of controls, computers, automation, and new technologies and equipment working together, but in this case, these technologies will work with the electrical grid to respond digitally to any changing electric demand. A study provided by Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), in 2012 stated that deployment of smart grid technology from U.S. utility control centers and power networks to consumers’ homes is estimated to cost between $338 billion and $476 billion over the next 20 years, but will deliver $1.3 trillion to $2 trillion in benefits over that period. The benefits will include greater grid reliability, integration of wind generation, solar rooftop generation, and plug-in vehicles, reductions in electricity demand, and stronger cyber security. The projected costs of deploying digital controls and applications on the grid, averaging $17 billion to $24 billion a year, will fall most heavily on utility distribution systems that deliver power to retail customers. About 70 percent of the total investment in the higher-cost estimate would be required to upgrade substations, lines, poles, meters, billing and communication systems on the retail side to enable smart grid technologies and replace aging equipment, the study says. The EPRI study assumes that by 2030, 10 million plug-in vehicles will be on the road, and smart grid technologies will permit plug-in vehicles not only to take recharging power from the grid, but to feed power back in from their batteries to help meet sudden changes in electricity demand. b. Load Management Load management also known as demand side management (DSM), is the process of balancing the supply of electricity on the network with the electrical load by adjusting or controlling the load rather than the power station output. This can be achieved by direct intervention of the utility in real time, by the use of frequency sensitive relays triggering circuit breakers (ripple control), by time clocks, or by using special tariffs to influence consumer behavior. Load management allows utilities to reduce demand for electricity during peak usage times, which can, in turn, reduce costs by eliminating the need for peaking power plants. In addition, peaking power plants also often require hours to bring on- line, presenting challenges should a plant go off-line unexpectedly. Load management can also help reduce harmful emission, since peaking plants or backup generators are often dirtier and less efficient than base load power plants. New load-management technologies are constantly under development — both by private industry and public entities. The following are two examples of load management systems available in the marketplace. BERT plug Load Management System This system is typically used in small facilities and buildings and includes a full reporting database that permits capturing and analyzing historical usage of power by hour, day, month, year or any user defined period. Plug load consumption can be measured and analyzed by device i.e. individual electric vehicle, all electric vehicles, or just electric vehicles in a particular building such as WHPacific, Inc. Page 33 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study c elementary schools and public garages. The system can even be used as a data logger to establish the base level of plug load consumption to be used for savings calculations and investment grade audits. Measuring and verifying energy savings for performance management contracts can be done remotely. GridPoint Energy Management System The GridPoint Energy Management System (EMS) is a complete hardware, software, and services solution that deliver the visibility, analysis, and control capabilities to manage a facility’s energy endpoints, from HVAC and lighting, to refrigerators and vehicle charging stations for plug-in vehicles. This EMS captures information about energy and facility environmental conditions, provides the insights and recommendations to fine-tune and optimize energy efficiency and site operations. According to GridPoint, their system can average 10-20% energy savings per site per month, with a corresponding 18-24 month return on investment per site. Fleet Recharge Management System As the City and Borough of Wrangell considers moving toward changing the vehicle fleet to electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles there will be a need to consider developing an efficient management system taking into account different factors including battery autonomy, time to recharge, the building or facility it affects, vehicle availability, cost of operating the vehicles and associated infrastructure. Suppliers of intelligent charging solutions, aware of the issues linked to the transportation industry, have provided their expertise and support to companies in the process of integrating electric vehicles into a business or fleets. As the initial cost is greater, intelligent management of the charging infrastructure and vehicle availability is necessary to see a return on the investment. Infrastructure Infrastructure considerations can include existing capacity and coverage of electric utility; developed and undeveloped land and roadways; existing structures in urban areas; existing parking facilities; and existing power at desired charging locations. Costs for infrastructure will also include design, construction and installation of equipment and facilities to support and secure the charging locations. The goal is to provide complete range of stations across the areas where you operate. That means placing charging stations both in urban centers and in locations extending outward along remote areas and other strategic destination points. Towards this goal Wrangell will need to develop a plan that includes how their fleet operates: destinations, frequency of travel, distances traveled, remote locations, availability of power at desired location; existing parking spaces; distributed versus centralized charging facilities. WeHPacific, Inc. Page 34 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 8. Economic Evaluation a. Summary Wrangell has a fleet of sixty-four vehicles. We have categorized these vehicles based on the practicality and availability of an equivalent EV/PHEV replacement. There are options for converting diesel powered vehicles to electric-diesel hybrid systems. However, we limited our evaluation to currently marketed EV and PHEVs. It is important to note that daily driving habits, use of the vehicle, weather, and road conditions, daily and annual mileage among other factors will affect the cost of ownership. Provided below is a summary of cost estimates, where available, for equipment most applicable to Wrangell. Cost estimates do not include vehicle options, accessories and specialty equipment (e.g. plow, winch). Vehicle Estimates e EV Cars: $38,145 (CODA) - $49,800 (Toyota RAV4 EV) e PHEV Cars: $39,145 (Chevy Volt) e EV Light Duty Trucks: $14,995 (Zap XL) - $18,995 (Tiger Trucks) e PHEV Pickup Trucks: $80,000 (VIA Motors VTrux) e EV Small Commercial Vans: $57,000 (Ford Transit EV) Charging Equipment Estimates! e Public Charging Station (equipment only): Level 2 EVSE; $1,000 - $7,000 e Public Charging Station Installation: Level 2 EVSE; $860 - $7,400 e Total Installed Cost Estimates: Level 2 EVSE (2 stations); $15,000 - $18,000 Fuel and Efficiency Estimates e Wrangell’s average electricity rate of $0.11/kWh and cost of gasoline avg. $5.00 per gallon. e First Year Operating Costs per mile traveled? : $0.25 (CODA all EV) - $0.26 (Chevy Volt) e Miles on a charge (EV): 38 (Chevy Volt) — 103 (Toyota RAV4 EV) e Extended range miles (PHEV): 380 (Chevy Volt) — 400 (VIA Motors VTrux) e Annual Fuel/Electricity Costs: $408 (Chevy Volt) - $474 (CODA) e Annual Operating Costs: $2,492 (CODA) - $2,551 (Chevy Volt) Cost Impact to Wrangell Electric Grid There are no economic impacts to the electrical grid now or in the foreseeable future. If EV and PHEV begin to emerge in the Wrangell community, then WMLP and the City must re-evaluate their conditions and use this study as a reference and source for support of EV and PHEV electrical supplies. ' US DOE PHEV Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts ? US DOE Alternative Fuels Data Center Vehicle Cost Calculator: First Year Operating Costs per mile traveled includes: fuel, tires, maintenance, registration, license and insurance. Used 9,800 miles/year in calculator (40 miles/day, 5 days/week, 49 weeks/year) WhPacific, Inc. Page 35 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Smart Grid and Load Management Costs Likewise, this technology does not have any cost implications at this time nor in the foreseeable future. Furthermore, this technology will independently become part of our nation’s grid as the federal government, industry and utilities continue to grapple with policies to address the many issues regarding availability, quality and stability of power on our nation’s grid. b. Additional Economic Information Vehicle Maintenance All-electric vehicles typically require less maintenance than conventional vehicles because: e The battery, motor, and associated electronics require little to no regular maintenance e There are fewer fluids to change e Brake wear is significantly reduced, due to regenerative braking e There are far fewer moving parts, relative to a conventional gasoline engine. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles have internal combustion engines and therefore, maintenance requirements are similar to those of conventional vehicles. However, similar to EVs, the electrical system (battery, motor, and associated electronics) will likely require minimal scheduled maintenance. Due to the effects of regenerative braking, brake systems on these vehicles typically last longer than those on conventional vehicles. Based on US Department of Energy sources, general vehicle maintenance including tires, cleaning and upkeep are estimated to be $0.041 — $0.0538 per mile for EV/PHEVs. Energy Fuel Prices for EV and PHEV Wrangell Municipal Light and Power (WMLP) electricity rates presently available for EV and PHEV vehicle charging: e Residential $0.08 - $0.126 per kWh e Small Commercial $0.116 per kWh e Large Commercial $0.103 - $0.107 per kWh When asked, WMLP stated that their residential electric rates for this region are very competitive and therefore would most likely not provide a special rate for residential EV charging. However, on the commercial side concerning publicly available charging stations, WMLP would consider advocating for a flat rate per kilowatt hour to make public EV charging comparable to gas pump prices. Special rates would require approval of Wrangell Borough assembly. Approximate cost of liquid fuel for PHEV vehicles is as volatile as is the world market. Recent inquiry at a local gas station in Wrangell quoted $4.65 per gallon, unleaded gasoline as of April 18, 2013. (For the purposes of this report a value of $5.00 per gallon was used). Battery Maintenance The batteries in electric drive vehicles are designed to last for the expected lifetime of the vehicle. For example, the Toyota Prius HEV, which has been sold in the United States since 2001, has had less WHPacific, Inc. Page 36 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study than 0.003% battery failures (source: HybridCars.com). Several manufacturers offer 8-year/100,000 mile warranties for their EV and PHEV batteries. Manufacturers have not published pricing for replacement batteries, but if the battery does need to be replaced outside the warranty, it is expected to be a significant expense. Battery prices are expected to decline as technology improves and production volumes increase. To provide perspective, a company states it provides certain re-manufactured batteries for hybrid cars for an approximate cost of $1875. Vehicle Cost Calculator The US Department of Energy provides a Vehicle Cost Calculator under their Alternative Fuels Data Center website. While the database is not comprehensive, it does offer a variety of makes and models of most vehicles including EV, PHEV, Flex Fuel and gasoline vehicles. The vehicle types can be chosen that are reasonable equivalents to vehicles the City of Wrangell would likely consider. Sample charts and graphs are provided in Appendix G. WHPacific, Inc. Page 37 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 9. Conclusions This feasibility study focuses on helping answer the essential question of, “should we proceed with the proposed project idea?” All activities of the study are directed toward helping answer this question. WHPacific has examined the issues and assessed the probability of a successful implementation for electric vehicle use for the City and Borough of Wrangell. However, the reader of this feasibility study must use it in the manner intended; to offer reasonable conclusions and recommendations to decide whether or not to proceed with a business plan to purchase electric vehicles and the necessary equipment and resources to support these vehicles. We conducted this study with these feasibility study elements in mind: Provide focus to the project and outline alternatives. Narrow business alternatives Identify new opportunities through the investigative process. Identify reasons not to proceed. Enhance the probability of success by addressing and mitigating factors early on that could affect the project. Provide quality information for decision making. e Provide documentation that the project initiative was thoroughly investigated. e Help in securing funding from lending institutions and other monetary sources. a. General Summary of Research WHPacific, Inc. Manufacturers — Most suppliers are new to the market place. Few have experience or track record to evaluate. Internet presence is very helpful but glitzy websites and bold claims have little substance to back them. Most are located in the lower 48 states and are concentrating their efforts in the warmer regions. For this reason, a rural community like Wrangell will struggle with vehicle support and servicing and depending on vehicle manufacturer, could require long distance servicing especially for warranty purposes. Selecting the best supplier who is interested in negotiating with a small community will be essential to secure the best-value. Government — Both federal and state governments are developing policy. Legislation continues to be introduced to create a palatable environment for consumers and businesses alike. However, incentives are few and do not nearly offset the high price tags of most vehicles. Consumer demand will continue to force pricing downward but this is projected to be a slow process (ref. Black and Veatch Study). Regional Considerations — Weather is always a factor for EVs. Fortunately southeastern Alaska has a climate similar to the Washington state coastline. Wrangell’s weather patterns should not be a major concern. EVs and PHEVs are successfully used in cold-weather locations (e.g. Vermont, Michigan.) Vehicles — Most vehicle costs are high. Cars have the largest presence in the market and therefore, have a longer history and track record to evaluate. Trucks are beginning to emerge but have little history to evaluate. Niche markets are plentiful as well with small, light-duty trucks gaining traction, especially for small communities and applications that do not require highway Page 38 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study driving, large payloads or heavy hauling. Electric drivetrain conversions of large refuse trucks, busses and dump trucks are available but appear to target large fleets in metropolitan areas and are quite costly. Cost of Ownership — Current and near term, total cost of owning and operating an EV or PHEV is somewhat lower compared to gasoline vehicles. However, over a 15 year life span, the gap widens in favor of EVs. Energy cost will fluctuate, causing better or worse conditions that influence buying decisions. Maintenance and operating costs are very favorable for EVs. But the purchase price and unknown battery replacement costs in the future could create a negative cost/benefit as compared to gasoline vehicles. Charging Equipment — There is a broad spectrum of equipment and services available. Simple charging system appears feasible given Wrangell’s current and short-term needs should they decide to enter EV market. No high-tech, costly purchases necessary. Future volume and distribution will require re-evaluation. Infrastructure — installation and construction of charging equipment greatly depends on the proliferation of EVs in a community. Wrangell may only require simple changes to existing power receptacles in existing garages at low costs. More sophisticated, remote charging stations could be minimized and strategically located for the greatest benefit and lowest cost. Impact to Electric Utility - demand on local supplies is not an immediate concern. Based on the SEAIRP and Wrangell’s (38) candidate vehicles, it is assumed there would not be a problem supporting the potential load demand from simultaneous charging of EV/PHEV (38 EVs x 3.3kW Level 2 charging for 4 hours). Game-changers would be an increased number of vehicles if the total demand exceeds WMLP allowable limits as well as the location and concentration of charging stations. In this case, consulting with WMLP would be necessary to plan accordingly and include these costs in the business plan. Off-peak time period is assumed to be the main time period for charging. Therefore off-peak utility capacity is higher, further reducing any negative impact to area supplies. Smart Grid & Demand (Load) Management — based on the current and short term forecast (SEAIRP) for Wrangell’s population and potential penetration of the EV/PHEV market, it is very unlikely smart grid and load management would be necessary for the potential load represented by electric vehicle equipment. In the future, these technologies will be a necessary consideration for WMLP as national policies and legislation will drive state and local requirements to control and stabilize load demands. General Reasons to Proceed WhPacific, Inc. e Cost effective power. Hydroelectric power is available in abundance and will grow in the future with the potential of kWh rates being lowered. e Efficiency. Electricity cost per mile is lower than gasoline and diesel cost per mile. e Simple, clean infrastructure. Charging stations are clean, quiet and have minimal maintenance costs. e Adopt a simple, strategic replacement of older vehicles one by one. This would allow for: adaptation to new technology; time for market demand to drive down vehicle cost; time to Page 39 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study work out operational “bugs”; and time to reevaluate and adjust the city’s plans according to the needs of the community. Lead by example. To whatever level of implementation, Wrangell can provide its community with a solid example of being good stewards of the environment and resources. Quiet operation. Wrangell is located in a beautiful, forested, coastal area full of wildlife with tourists wanting to get away from the demands of a world full of noise. General Reasons not to Proceed or to Proceed with caution WHPacific, Inc. Capital cost of EV and PHEVs. With few exceptions, until electric vehicles become a competing transportation of choice, their purchase price versus a gasoline or diesel vehicle will be higher. Uncertain electrical rate structures keeping pace with petroleum costs. While an abundance of power may exist, utilities might struggle to offer lower rates given many factors, not the least of which is a flat economic growth in the area and the leveling, if not declining, population forecast for the region (ref. Black and Veatch Study). Cold climate operation will reduce range and efficiency. All vehicles suffer declining efficiencies in cold temperatures. So this must not be given more weight than is practical. Wrangell temperatures are quite mild in comparison to lower 48 states such as Montana, Minnesota and the Dakotas. That said, EV range is de-rated according to extreme temperature conditions (both hot and cold) and therefore, cost per kWh/mile increases. Infrastructure. Installing and maintaining electric vehicle support systems in rural areas could become a costly venture. Fortunately, in the short term, it appears that Wrangell should not require much investment in this area. Page 40 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study b. Specific Conclusions Vehicle Analysis The Wrangell fleet inventory is comprised of 64 vehicles. Each vehicle was placed in one of eight categories according to their type (Figure 1.). Figure 1. Wrangell Vehicle Fleet - by Type 25 20 || 0 Phau... Pickup —_ Large Truck ATV Van Ambulance Boat b a Quantity of Vehicles b o Assumptions were made to categorize vehicles according to four classes. They include cars, pickup trucks (light, medium and heavy duty), SUV/Vans, and specialty vehicles (ATV, line truck, garbage, sweeper, dump truck, fire truck, water tanker, ambulance, digger derrick, boat). Of the 64 total vehicles, thirty-five (35) vehicles (Figure 2.) have the potential for replacement with an equivalent EV/PHEV. Only ten were identified as candidates. These ten candidate vehicles were based strictly on the current availability of either an EV or PHEV of comparable make and model. They include five cars and five ATVs. The other twenty-five vehicles do not presently have a market- available replacement EV/PHEV vehicle. Figure 2. Wrangell Vehicles — Potential Replacement and Candidate Selection @ Potential ™ Candidate Selection 7 8 = = o > S z j Pickup Truck Specialty Vehicle WHPacific, Inc. Page 41 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Table 1 — Economic Analysis for Wrangell’s Candidate Vehicles, is provided on the following page. The table provides a summary of key information for the 10 candidate vehicles. Sources, references and calculations used in populating this table are found in Volume 2 of this report, Appendix A — Wrangell Fleet Analysis and Candidate Vehicles and Appendix G - USDOE Vehicle Cost Calculator Information. WhPacific, Inc. Page 42 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Table 1. Economic Analysis Wrangell Candidate Vehicles Candidate Vehicles for Replacement PHEV R : i , 7 Wrangell's Current Fleet EV/PHEV Replacement Option Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Replacement Option CvP 4-door car Chevrolet Volt | $39,145 * Ford Taurus AWD $34,850 Crown Victoria “Chevrolet Volt | $39,145 Ford Taurus AWD $34,850 Crown Victoria *Chevrolet Volt $39,145 Ford Taurus AWD $34,850 Crown Victoria Chevrolet Volt $39,145 Ford Taurus AWD $34,850 Crown Victoria Chevrolet Volt | $39,145 3 Ford Taurus AWD $34,850 Specialty Vehicle ATV 366 Polaris Ranger EV} $10,999 ! *4Polaris Ranger 570 EFI | $9,499 Specialty Vehicle ATV GRIZZLY *4bolaris Ranger EV| $10,999 z 24Polaris Ranger 570 EFI| $9,499 Specialty Vehicle ATV GRIZZLY *Polaris Ranger EV| $10,999 ?4Polaris Ranger 570 EFI| $9,499 Specialty Vehicle ATV GRIZZLY ?4Polaris Ranger EV| $10,999 ?4Polaris Ranger 570 EFI| $9,499 Specialty Vehicle ATV 450 ?4Polaris Ranger EV| $10,999 *4Polaris Ranger 570 EFI| $9,499 ‘Calculations are based on normal daily use: 40 miles average driving distance locally; no highway miles; 5 days/week; 49 weeks/yr; plug in charge 1/day for PHEV; 9.800miles/yr *calculations are based on normal daily use: 5 miles average driving distance locally; no highway miles; 5 days/week; 49 weeks/yr; plug in charge 1/day for EV; 1,225miles/yr *american Automobile Association (AAA): Tires + maintenance = $0.0538/mile ; Insurance, license, registration = $1,616/yr “ATVs: assumption based AAA car information and : Tires + maintenance = $0.026/mile ; ATV Insurance, license, registration = $500/yr “USDOE Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy - Vehicle Cost Calculator (refer to graphs) Gasoline Cost: $5.00/gallon Electricity rate: 0.116 kWh ‘WHPacific, Inc. Page 43 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study While the pervious table included the Cumulative Cost of Ownership for Year 10 only, Graphs | and 2 show the Cumulative Cost of Ownership by year for each vehicle for 15 years. The graphs are produced by the USDOE Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy, Vehicle Cost Calculator. This web-based tool uses basic information about driving habits to calculate the total cost of ownership. More information on this calculator, including input data and assumptions, are provided in Volume 2 of this report, Appendix G—- USDOE Vehicle Cost Calculator Information. Cumulative Cost of Ownership by Year (Dollars) * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 W 12 Il Polaris Ranger 570 EFI Gasoline J Polaris Ranger EV ATV Electric $110000° $100000 $90000 $80000 $70000 $50000 $40000 $30000 40000 }-————-p§ 3 +--+ a . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a Hl 2013 Chevrolet Volt Plug-in Hybrid J 2013 Ford Taurus AWD Gasoline WHPacific, Inc. 7 13 14 15 13 14 15 Page 44 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Based on the analysis presented in this section, the following specific conclusions are made. The PHEV considered as an optional replacement for Wrangell cars in this study have purchase prices approximately 12.4% higher than their gasoline equivalent (internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle). Annual operating costs of the PHEV (inclusive of fuel, tires, maintenance, registration, license and insurance) are 50.7% lower than the ICE vehicle and PHEV fuel cost is 86% lower than the ICE equivalent. Pricing for EV and PHEV equivalent vehicles for pick-up trucks, specialty vehicles and SUV/Van classes of vehicles are high and variable, depending on unique factors with each manufacturer. Charging Station equipment and installation costs for the vehicles identified in this report as the most likely candidates for Wrangell’s consideration could range from $500 for Level 1 (120V receptacle for EV) to $14,000 for Level 2 equipment and depend greatly on locations where electrical service and capacity are available. Costs for Electric Grid Changes are not likely to be required or necessary for a long period of time to come. This is a reasonable conclusion based on the related information found in the SEAIRP (Black and Veatch). However, re-evaluation will be required if EV and PHEV presence begin to grow in the community. Cost of Smart Grid and Load Management product and services, similar to electric grid concerns, are not likely to be required or necessary at this time or in the short term. If and when there is an increase of EV and PHEVs into the community then a re-evaluation would be necessary. And this should be the first step for WMLP to consider while planning for future expansion of capacity, transmission and distribution. WHPacific, Inc. Page 45 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 10. Recommendations This report provides information on a broad range of topics related to the EV and PHEV market. The challenge for the City of Wrangell is to take this information and develop a strategy for implementation should they decide to implement an electric vehicle purchase plan. General Recommendations Based on our research of the EV/PHEV market and information from the City of Wrangell, we advise the city to develop strategy in the following manner. Presently Review and weigh the pros and cons of EV and PHEV presented in this study. The economic costs versus benefits are not favorable. However, costs should also be viewed as an investment in the community and could result in spinoff businesses that support an EV presence, thereby bringing additional revenue to the city. Private residential use of EV/PHEVs along with the tourist market can also be a source of revenue from payment when using public charging stations. Short term (1-5 years) During this period of time, state and local legislation should be pursued to advance incentives for both private and public purchase of EVs. Examples of states with electric vehicle legislation and policy advances that can be used as leverage in approaching Alaska government entities include Vermont, California, and North Carolina. This feasibility study provides rough order of magnitude estimates (ROM) based on available sources of information. Published pricing is limited. Therefore, it is necessary to re-visit manufacturer sources for developments in the areas of 4W drive SUV and pickup trucks along with their availability and pricing. If Wrangell decides to proceed with a implementation of EV/PHEVs then a specific scope of work must be developed. A phased approach would permit proof-of-benefits of vehicle application, true cost of operation (measurement and verification of C/B), and establish a list of inevitable pitfalls and issues that will arise. Re-visit this feasibility study at some point in this time frame. Stay current with the inevitable changes that will take place. Products will improve, problems will be resolved, costs will (hopefully) decline such that it will be more attractive to invest. Long Term (5 years and beyond) Similar to other ‘smart’ technology such as cell phones and wireless communications, electric vehicle markets will cause products available today to become obsolete. Vehicles and related products and services will emerge that are not currently available. Cold weather operation and battery issues will continue to be improved and offer some of the greatest economic benefits. Smart grid services and load management of electrical generation, transmission and distribution will concurrently advance in general due to the need for national grid stability. Wrangell should continue to be aware of these advances and modify their growth plans accordingly. WHPacific, Inc. Page 46 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study For these reasons, a continuous improvement approach to EV/PHEV must remain a key element in the city’s year-to-year planning process. Specific Recommendations In the short term, the best strategy for Wrangell is to determine how they might introduce this technology into their operations with minimal risk while enjoying the benefits of electric vehicle ownership. Therefore, an entry-level approach would include selecting vehicles that meet the following criteria: 1. 2. Implement vehicles that have a practical application and are low-risk, proven reliability Lowest capital cost Simple, low-cost charging method No significant infrastructure changes Willingness of the manufacturer to negotiate and work with the city, promoting a win-win relationship. Wrangell models good stewardship of its resources to the community and visitors. Manufacturer gains recognition and market entry that leads to other opportunities in southeastern Alaska. Seek help from State of Alaska to take advantage of emerging incentives (e.g. grants) and incentives to manufacturers to reduce costs for sales to local government fleets. Based on these criteria, this study concludes that specific automobiles and ATVs hold the best opportunity for successful implementation at this time. Other vehicle types are simply not developed to the point that these criteria would be fulfilled. An update to this study is highly recommended at least within the next 2-5 years to re-evaluate the market. WHPacific, Inc. Page 47 ELECTRIC VEHICLES & PLUGIN HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE CITY & BOROUGH OF WRANGELL, ALASKA The City and Borough of Wrangell 42: /= ALASKA @@E™ ENERGY AUTHORITY WHPaafic Final Report — Volume 2 — Rev. 2 Alaska Energy Authority Grant Agreement Number 7040070 Alaska Energy Authority GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER 7040070 FINAL REPORT A feasibility study was conducted for the City of Wrangell regarding the use of electric vehicles (EV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) as alternative modes of transportation for the city’s vehicles. This report is submitted in fulfillment of the Grant Agreement between the City of Wrangell and the Alaska Energy Authority. Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Volume 2 Appendix A. Wrangell Fleet Analysis and Candidate Vehicles Appendix B. Manufacturer Information Appendix C. EV Related Resources Appendix D. Safety and Permitting Appendix E. Fleet Charging Appendix F. Demand Control & Smart Grid Information Appendix G. USDOE Vehicle Cost Calculator Information WHPacific, Inc. Page 1 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Appendix A. Wrangell Fleet Analysis and Candidate Vehicles WHPacific, Inc. Page 2 Tato Car eee eg ERE» ADE» Tata Suen oe Vel le Cost Calculator tra oo Smo een ing snare tan aren’ aap) we Rac eee et caccee ot Choose vehicles to compare [cor | fl Economy Fue Vetit ernce (Cayton te 099 mon oy 1.4L Automate (vanable gear §aQ14, 396 ev100m Hyon ‘aon Page ny : Sstasonae (so conse ‘Lagoa 7" "r° a — SL SEM tow Tell us how you use your car a ermal ay Use @ ober Tipe e vege coy srg saarce [AQ mice feces mieage [Bol mie oon nerve [5 recent nomey [ Blectrety Use ‘catclale the erissors from generating eectroty in you" nomay [0 2 code [,29929. How often do you plugin your vehicle uring narmal day © Every ctr day Results ‘Annual Annual Annual Annus Annual Feat Electricity FuwlElee Operating Cort Per Emissions (Ibe Verile Useg@ Usep Cost Cont” Meg COND 2019 Chewolet VoR Phg-n Hybrid on 3072s e108 r vt AND Gassing a et ee Cumulative Cost of Ownership by Year (Dotars) ot Venere oes and specter charge Nevers) No a WPacific, Inc. Page 3 ve been varied by DOE oF NREL. which marages Pie ste, Consut a Seale’ of venice Tata CTT merle mer cg Vehicle Cost Calculator Th be mtn st ag gh oat et of ori nd err nine my and models of mont vehicles, inducing aternatve fel and advanced lecrlogy vehicles. Also see the cot cacdsiot vost Choose vehicles to compare = [ | ed (ed Fuel Economy Fuel Venice orice (Cyto ve 5 <p ar Rage STO ER lade gy '7m00 aroine y= Poel Prices @ Gescine 53K ow Tell us how you use your car ae =] (one ; I : Soares Percent highway | 0. [Enter your ZIP code 60 we can find the electricity prae and =e a aes 2 Code |,.29929. os = Results ae _ a ‘Cumulative Cost of Ownership by Year (Dotars) shows the cumuiatwe cost of ownarsnp by yer for each vehicle, inch mee 8 five yoat tan wits a 10% down payment. Year one on te more rtomation on Pia graph and ohercalalatons, see the sasunstions pape resents the 10 percent down payment plus the fst year's total operating costs For Disclaimer: (00E) and he Natoral ertactrer before making purchasing decisions by OOF or NREL. when manages fh be Coneut a desler cr vense Fun & Vehicles Conserve Fuel Locate Stations Laws & incentives Data & Toots About ent sae Reacion earch Lecaton sewn woes Proje hata W#Pacific, Inc. Page 4 lash FORO BOHRA dA SEH Sts ehicle Feasibility Study Existing Vehicle Fleet by WHPacific, Inc. Analysis - Sort by USE E 1 Make { )e f | 2 | Buick Hearse Van, Cargo Y 3 1995 Ford Explorer Van, Pass N L4 1984 GMC Line Truck Truck Y 5 2003 Ford Ambulance Ambulance Y N Unfeasible 6 2008 Ford F450 4x4 Ambulance Ambulance 110,000 Y N Unfeasible 7 2004 Ford F250 Pickup 2 5,000 Y 8 2004 Ford Expedition SUV 8 CY) Y 9 2001 FORD SUV 4X4 SUV 4 yes 10 2002 Freightliner Fire Truck Truck 3 189,500 Y N Unfeasible N 11 1988 Seagrave Fire Truck Truck 4 200,000 Y N Unfeasible N 12] 1991 Ford Rescue/LM800 Truck 2 300 Y N ? N 13 1998 Pierce Fire Truck Truck 5 175,000 Y N Unfeasible N 14] 1987 Ford Water Tanker Truck 2 84,000 Y N Unfeasible N is} 1983 International Truck Truck 3 50,000 Y N Critical 16 1934 Ford Fire Truck Truck 2 5,000 Y N Unfeasible N 1994 stutz | 16 Skiffw/ Mercury 40 Boat 0 N N NA 17 hp OB 16' Skiff w/ 2009 18 1982 Stutz Mercury 60 hp OB Boat 0 N 1s 1995 Ford Pickup 3 5,000 N 20 2009 Ford F350 Pickup 2 oO N 21 2009 Ford F350 Pickup 2 oO N 22| 2007 Ford F350 Truck 3 O N 23 1977 Chevrolet Van Van, Pass 2 1,000 N 24 Artic Cat 366 ATV ATV 4, 5000 yes N 25 Yamaha ATV ATV 4 5000 yes N 26 2011 Ford F250 Super Duty Pickup 3 20,560 N 27 1989 Chevrolet $10 Pickup 2 1,000 N 28] 2003 Ford Pickup 3 20,000 N [29] 2010 BROOKS BROS. TRAILER Trailer NO N N 30] 2008 Ford Line Truck Truck 3 110,000 Y N Unfeasible N 31 1999 International 4800 Digger Derrik Truck 2 65,000 Y N 2 N 32 2000 International Line Truck Truck 3 20,000 Y 33| 1986 | Chevrolet $-10 Pickup 2 0 | 34 2007 Yamaha GRIZZLY ATV i. YES N N 35 2007 Yamaha GRIZZLY ATV 1 YES N N 36 1999 Ford CvP 4-door car Car 3 8,000 N 37] 2008 Ford Crown Victoria Car 6 27,000 N N 38] 2008 Ford Crown Victoria Car 6 27,000 N N 39] 2006 Ford Crown Victoria Car 5 26,303 N 40] 2008 Ford F350 Super Cab Pickup 6 30,000 N N ai] 2001 Ford Expedition suv 5 | [ | [ 42| 2007 Tarnell Full Trailer Trailer oO N N NA N 43| 2008 Ford F550 Truck 3 46,394 N N 44 2002 Dodge Durango Truck 2 ) N 45 1983 Chevrolet Camaro Pickup 5 1,000 N 46 2004 Ford Pickup 2 20,000 N 2000 Ford Crown ee 4-door car 5 10,000 N 1993 CHEVY PU Pickup 2 NO 1979 FORD PU Pickup 3 NO 1994 FORD PU Pickup. 3 NO 1996 GMC PU Pickup 3 NO 1990 Ford Pickup 3 2,000 N 1992 Ford Pickup 3 3,000 N 1995 Ford 3/4Ton Pickup 3 5,750 N 1997 Ford F350 Pickup 3 10,000 N 1997 Chevrolet Pickup 3 oO [L 2007 Ford F550 Super Duty Pickup 3 O N 2009 Ford F250 Pickup 2 oO N 1996 FORD BRONCO SUV 4 NO 2009 Elgin Street Sweeper Truck 2 0 N N Unfeasible N 1983 Mack Dump Truck Truck 2 10,000 Y 1991 Freightliner Water Truck Truck 2 15,000 Y 2010 | Freightliner | Mode!M? Garbage Truck 3 150,000 N N Unfeasible N 63 Truck 2010 | Freightliner | Mode!M? Garbage Truck 3 150,000 N N Unfeasible N 64 Truck 65 1994 Chevrolet Suburban Van, Pass 5 31,000 N 66 2012 Artic Cat - 450 ATV a 5000 YES. N N wrtebRnns Page 1 Obdbes Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study City and Borough of Wrangell Alaska Existing Vehicle Fleet Analysis - Sort by TYPE by WHPacific, Inc. A B Cc 1 2 2003 Ford Ambulance 3 2008 Ford F450 4x4 Ambulance 4 S 6 7 8 16' Skiff w/ Mercury 40 a 1994 Stutz hp 0B 16' Skiff w/ 2009 10 1982 Stutz Mercury 60 hp OB 11 1999 Ford CvP 4-door car 12] 2000 Ford re 7 13] 2008 Ford Crown Victoria 14] 2008 Ford Crown Victoria 1s| 2006 Ford Crown Victoria 16 17 18 19 20 2004 Ford F250 21 1995 Ford 22. 2009 Ford F350 23 2009 Ford F350 24] 2012 Ford F250 Super Duty 25 1989 Chevrolet S10 26 2003 Ford 27] 1986 Chevrolet S-10 28 2008 Ford F350 Super Cab 29| 1983 Chevrolet Camaro 30 2004 Ford 31 1990 Ford 32 1992 Ford 33, 1995 Ford 3/4 Ton 34 1997 Ford F350 35] 1997 Chevrolet 36 2007 Ford F550 Super Duty 37, 2009 Ford F250 38 2001 Ford Expedition 39 2004 Ford Expedition 40 41 42 43] 2007 Tarnell Full Trailer 44} 2008 Ford Line Truck 45] 2008 Ford F550 46 2009 Elgin Street Sweeper AT 1934 Ford Fire Truck 43] 2002 Freightliner Fire Truck 49| 1988 Seagrave Fire Truck so] 1991 Ford Rescue/LM800 Sa 1998 Pierce Fire Truck 52 1983 International Truck 53] 2007 Ford F350 2010 Freightliner | Mode! M2 Garbage 54 Truck 2010 | Freightliner | Model M2 Garbage 35. Truck 56 1983 Mack Dump Truck 57 1984 GMC Line Truck 58 1999 International 4800 Digger Derrik 59] 2000 International Line Truck 60] 2002 Dodge Durango 61 1987 Ford Water Tanker 62 1991 Freightliner Water Truck 63 1986 Buick Hearse 64 1995 Ford Explorer 65 1977 Chevrolet Van ss] 1994 Chevrolet Suburban Wikpssp2bie3 E F H L ° P Q FIRE 2 115,000 Y N Unfeasible FIRE 110,000 Y N Unfeasible HARBOR 0 N N NA N HARBOR 0 N POLICE 3 8,000 N Public Works 5 10,000 N POLICE 6 27,000 N N POLICE 6 27,000 N N POLICE 5 26,303 N Fire 2 5,000 Y HARBOR 3 5,000 N HARBOR 2 0 N Harbor 2 0 N Light Dept 3 20,560 N LINE DEPT. 2 1,000 N LINE DEPT. 3 20,000 N PARKS DEPT. 2 0 ‘ Police 6 30,000 N N Police, DARE 5 1,000 N Power&Light Co 2 20,000 N Public Works 3 2,000 N Public Works 3 3,000 N Public Works 3 5,750 N Public Works 3 10,000 N Public Works 3 ot ce Public Works 3 0 N Public Works 2 0 N POLICE 5 0 L FIRE 8 oO Y POLICE 0 N N NA N LINE DEPT. 3 110,000 Y N Unfeasible N POLICE 3 46,394 N N Public Works 2 0 N N Unfeasible N FIRE/PARADES Zz 5,000 Y N Unfeasible N FIRE 3 189,500 Y N Unfeasible N FIRE DEPT. 4 200,000 Y N Unfeasible N FIRE DEPT. 2 300 «| SY N ? N FIRE DEPT. 5 175,000 Y N Unfeasible N FIRE/EMERGENCY 3 50,000 Y N Critical HARBOR 3 0 N SANITATION 3 150,000 N N Unfeasible N SANITATION 3 150,000 N N Unfeasible N Public Works 2 10,000 Y ELECTRICAL DEPT. 3 5,000 Y LINE DEPT. 2 65,000 Y N ? N LINE DEPT. 3 20,000 Y Police 2 0 N FIRE DEPT. 2 84,000 Y N Unfeasible N Public Works 2 15,000 Y 5 13,000 Y City Admin 5 6,250 N HARBOR MAINT. 2 1,000 N WATER DEPT. 5 31,000 N Page 1 dae 6 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study City and Borough of Wrangell Alaska Existing Vehicle Fleet Analysis - Sort by YEAR by WHPacific, Inc. WHP 8/18/2013 Artic Cat Water Treatment plt.1) Ford F250 Super Duty Pickup Light Dept 3 20560 N Freightliner | Model si vialaaas Truck SANITATION 3 150000 N N Unfeasible N Freightliner | Model — Truck SANITATION 3 150000 N N Unfeasible N BROOKS BROS. TRAILER Trailer LINE DEPT. NO N N Ford F350 Pickup HARBOR 2 0 N Ford F350 Pickup Harbor 2 O N Ford F250 Pickup Public Works 2 O N | Elgin Street Sweeper Truck Public Works 2 0 N N Unfeasible N Ford F450 4x4 Ambulance Ambulance FIRE 110000 Y N Unfeasible Ford Line Truck Truck LINE DEPT. 3 110000 Y N Unfeasible N Ford FssO Truck POLICE 3 46394 N N Ford F350 Super Cab Pickup Police 6 30000 N N Ford Crown Victoria Car POLICE 6 27000 N N Ford Crown Victoria Car POLICE 6 27000 N N Ford F550 Super Duty Pickup Public Works 3 oO N Tarnell Full Trailer Trailer POLICE oO N N NA N Ford F350 Truck HARBOR 3 oO N Yamaha GRIZZLY ATV POLICE 1 YES N N Yamaha GRIZZLY ATV POLICE ‘. YES N N Ford Crown Victoria Car POLICE 5 26303 N Ford Pickup Power&Light Co 2 20000 N Ford F250 Pickup Fire 2 5000 Y Ford Expedition SUV FIRE 8 oO Y Ford Ambulance Ambulance FIRE 2 115000 Y N Unfeasible Ford Pickup LINE DEPT. 3 20000 N Freightliner Fire Truck Truck FIRE 3 189500 Y N Unfeasible N Dodge Durango Truck Police 2 0 N Ford Expedition SUV POLICE 5 0 { FORD SUV 4X4 SUV FIRE 4 yes International Line Truck Truck LINE DEPT. 3 20000 Y Ford Crown — tor Car Public Works 5 10000 N International 4800 Digger Derrik Truck LINE DEPT. 2 65000 Y N ? N Ford CvP 4-door car Car POLICE 3 8000 N Pierce Fire Truck Truck FIRE DEPT. 5 175000 Y N Unfeasible N Ford F350 Pickup Public Works 3 10000 N Chevrolet Pickup Public Works 3 0 a GMC PU Pickup PUBLIC WORKS = NO FORD BRONCO SUV [ PUBLIC WORKS 4 NO Ford Explorer Van, Pass City Admin S 6250 N Ford 3/4 Ton Pickup Public Works 3 5750 N Ford Pickup HARBOR 3 5000 N Chevrolet Suburban Van, Pass WATER DEPT. 5 31000 N stutz | 26° Skiff w/ Mercury 40 Boat HARBOR 0 N N NA N hp OB FORD PU Pickup PUBLIC WORKS 3 NO CHEVY PU Pickup PUBLIC WORKS - NO Ford Pickup Public Works 3 3000 N Freightliner Water Truck Truck Public Works 2 15000 Y Ford Rescue/LM800 Truck FIRE DEPT. 2 300 Y N ? N Ford Pickup Public Works 3 2000 N Chevrotet $10 Pickup LINE DEPT. 2 1000 N Seagrave Fire Truck Truck FIRE DEPT. 4 200000 Y N Unfeasible N Ford Water Tanker Truck FIRE DEPT. 2 84000 Y N Unfeasible N Buick Hearse Van, Cargo 5 13000 Y Chevrolet S-10 Pickup PARKS DEPT. 2 0 GMC Line Truck Truck ELECTRICAL DEPT. 3 5000 Y International Truck Truck FIRE/EMERGENCY 3 50000 Y N Critical | Mack Dump Truck Truck Public Works 2 10000 Y Chevrolet Camaro Pickup Police, DARE 5 1000 N Stutz pve bof Boat HARBOR 0 N FORD PU Pickup PUBLIC WORKS 3 NO Chevrolet Van Van, Pass HARBOR MAINT. 2 1000 N Ford Fire Truck Truck FIRE/PARADES 2 5000 Y N Unfeasible N Artic Cat 366 ATV ATV harbor-snow plowing 1 5000 yes N Yamaha ATV ATV harbor-snow plowing X 5000 yes N Page 1 ofPhge 7 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study City and Borough of Wrangell Alaska Existing Vehicle Fleet Analysis - Sort by CANDIDATE by WHPacific, Inc. Ambulance FIRE N F450 4x4 Ambulance Ambulance FIRE N Unfeasible Artic Cat 366 ATV ATV harbor-snow plowing} 1 5000 yes N Yamaha ATV ATV harbor-snow plowing | 1 5000 yes N Yamaha GRIZZLY ATV POLICE 1 YES N N Yamaha GRIZZLY ATV POLICE 1 YES N N Artic Cat 450 ATV Water Treatment plt.1| 1 5000 YES N N stutz 16 Skiff w/ Mercury 40 Boat HARBOR 0 N N NA N hp 08 Ford Crown Victoria Car POLICE 6 27,000 N N Ford Crown Vietoria Car POLICE 6 27,000 N N Ford F350 Super Cab Pickup Police 6 30,000 N N BROOKS BROS. TRAILER Trailer LINE DEPT. NO N N Tarnell Full Trailer Trailer POLICE 0 N N NA N Ford Line Truck Truck LINE DEPT. 3 110,000 Y N Unfeasible N Ford F550 Truck POLICE 3 46,394 N N Elgin Street Sweeper Truck Public Works 2 0 N N Unfeasible N Ford Fire Truck Truck FIRE/PARADES 2 5,000 Y N Unfeasible N Freightliner Fire Truck Truck FIRE 3 189,500 Y N Unfeasible N Seagrave | Fire Truck Truck FIRE DEPT. 4 200,000 Y N Unfeasible N Ford Rescue/LM800 Truck FIRE DEPT. 2 300 Y N ? N Pierce Fire Truck Truck FIRE DEPT. 5 175,000 Y N Unfeasible N international Truck Truck FIRE/EMERGENCY | 3 50,000 Y N Critical 2 Freightliner | Mode! biota Truck SANITATION 3 150,000 N N Unfeasible N 2010 | Freightiner | Model M2 Garboge Truck SANITATION 3 150,000 N N Unfeasible N 1999 | International | 4800 Digger Derrik Truck LINE DEPT. 65,000 Y N 2 N 1987 Ford Water Tanker Truck FIRE DEPT. 84,000 Y N Unfeasible N 1982 Stutz mee Since Boat HARBOR 0 N N Unfeasible N 1999 Ford CvP 4-door car Car POLICE 3 8,000 N 2000 Ford | Crown Victoria door car Public Works 5 10,000 N 2006 Ford Crown Victoria Car POLICE 5 26,303 N 1993 CHEVY PU Pickup PUBLIC WORKS 3 NO 1979 FORD PU Pickup PUBLIC WORKS 3 NO 1994 FORD PU Pickup PUBLIC WORKS 3 NO 35| 1996 GMC PU Pickup PUBLIC WORKS 3 NO 36 2004 Ford F250 Pickup Fire 2 5,000 Y 37| _1995 Ford Pickup HARBOR 3 5,000 N 38| _ 2009 Ford F350 Pickup HARBOR 2 0 N 39| _ 2009 Ford F350 Pickup Harbor 2 0 N ao} 2011 Ford F250 Super Duty Pickup Light Dept 3 20,560 N ai} 1989 Chevrolet $10 Pickup LINE DEPT. 2 1,000 N 42] 2003 Ford Pickup LINE DEPT. 3 20,000 N a3| _ 1986 Chevrolet s-10 Pickup PARKS DEPT. 2 0 aa] _ 1983 Chevrolet Camaro Pickup Police, DARE 5 1,000 N 45| 2004 Ford Pickup Power&ight Co 2 20,000 N as] _ 1990 Ford Pickup Public Works 3 2,000 N a7] __ 1992 Ford Pickup Public Works 3 3,000 N 1995 Ford 3/4 Ton Pickup Public Works 3 5,750 N 1997 Ford F350 Pickup Public Works 3 10,000 N 1997 Chevrolet Pickup Public Works 3 0 2007 Ford F550 Super Duty Pickup Public Works 3 0 N 2009 Ford F250 Pickup Public Works 2 0 N 2001 Ford Expedition SUV POLICE 5 0 2004 Ford Expedition SUV FIRE 8 0 Y 2001 FORD SUV 4x4 SUV FIRE 4 ves 1996 FORD BRONCO SUV PUBLIC WORKS 4 NO 2007 Ford F350 Truck HARBOR 3 0 N sa] 1983 Mack Dump Truck Truck Public Works 2 10,000 Y | 59 1984 GMC Line Truck Truck ELECTRICAL DEPT. 3 5,000 Y 60] 2000 | international Line Truck Truck LINE DEPT. 3 20,000 Y ] 61} 2002 Dodge Durango Truck Police 2 0 N 62| 1991 | Freightliner Water Truck Truck Public Works 2 15,000 Y | 63] 1986 Buick Hearse Van, Cargo 5 13,000 Y | 64] 1995 Ford Explorer Van, Pass City Admin 5 6,250 N | 6s} 1977 Chevrolet Van Van, Pass HARBOR MAINT. 2 1,000 N 66| _1994 Chevrolet Suburban Van, Pass WATER DEPT. 5 31,000 N | iS WAP@f18/2013 Page 1 ofPlage 8 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Appendix B. Manufacturer Information WhPacific, Inc. Page 9 LVEW LUIRO 2 ULE Wepatueiie wuys vu VE y VuULto ~ cauty Brae wont auger vin Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study New York's Police Department Buys 50 Chevy Volts Tweet » 0 | Share 1 Email Print The City of New York will buy 50 new Chevrolet Volts as part of an effort to combat pollution and gas usage within the city. The Volt is now the first electric car to be used by the New York Police Department. The city also plans to purchase 20 additional electric vehicles, including a battery-powered version of Ford's Transit Connect transport van. New York now has largest municipal electric fleet in the country. The purchase of these 70 electric vehicles is part of New York's 'PlaNYC' program that aims to make the city a more sustainable and cleaner place to live. New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg released his own statement on the purchase. "We will continue to lead by example, but we also must provide New Yorkers with tools to make environmentally friendly choices in their own lives," Bloomberg said in the press release. "When provided with the facts, people become far more likely to choose an electric vehicle. Our job is to ensure the public has the facts, ensure they can make their own decisions and ensure that if they want to drive an electric vehicle, we are providing the infrastructure needed." Unlike most hybrid cars, the Volt primarily operates using its electric motor. When its batteries are drained, a gasoline motor works as an on-board power generator that keeps the main batteries alive. This layout has an advantage over a full electric drivetrains because the car can continue to run as long as there is gasoline in the tank. An owner can simply refill the tank if the batteries are depleted, and then recharge the car when it is most convenient. Encouraging the use of electric cars is a high priority for New York. In May, the city announced a plan to work with Nissan in order to produce an electric van that can replace the thousands of gasoline powered taxicabs buzzing around the city every day. Tweet 0 | Share 1 Email Print J. MARK STERNBERG is an automotive journalist, car enthusiast and writer with a degree from the University of Arizona. Mark is a devoted Formula 1 fan and also enjoys boating, flying and attending the occasional track day. WHPacific, Inc. Page 10 “ sala 1 ce | iWaaanats. on 1 Ainaninary wy Lis LaABy ~ caw vey CaiwuiaiuL = se Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study se DTE Energy: Residential Business About Us pagerur. Register Sign In [Powered by Google Help Center Cents for Energy > Customer Choice > Generate My Own Power GreenCurrents > SmartCurrents > SolarCurrents BioGreenGas Home Protection Plus > Electric Products / Service Plug-In Electric Vehicles An Overview Get Plug-In Ready PEV Rates Charging Options Apply Now PEV Interactives PEV Calculator FAQs/Contact Us > Gas Products / Service Community Events Plug-In Electric Vehicle Calculat See how much it will cost you to charge iew results based on your inputs Annual Fuel Cost Electricity generated at a power plant is cheaper than electricity generated in an internal combustion engine or hybrid. $2950 Miles driven perday 40 Cost of gasoline (Sigal) 5.05 bro darat wie [37] Plug-in Vehicle Your Vehicle crvled in dnternal combustion engine i Based on the following assumptions: WE Lrectric Cost + Your current vehicle has only conventional internal combustion engine = + Weighted average of highway/city and 2010 stated manufacturer's MPG BE Gasoline Cost i) ww Customer Support DTE Energy Company Subsidiaries Special Topics Police/Fire | Large Businesses | Municipalities | Landlords | Builders | Careers | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions WHPacific, Inc. All contents © 2013 DTE Energy Company w = DTE Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study oe ergy” Residential Business About Us Register Sign [Powered by Google Searct Help Cen’ Cents for Energy > Customer Choice > Generate My Own Power GreenCurrents > SmartCurrents > SolarCurrents BioGreenGas Home Protection Plus > Electric Products / Service Plug-In Electric Vehicles An Overview Get Plug-In Ready PEV Rates Charging Options Apply Now PEV Interactives PEV Calculator FAQs/Contact Us > Gas Products / Service Community Events Plug-In Electric Vehicle Calculato: See how much it will cost you to charge ur information :@ Plug-in Veh Annual Fuel Cost | Electricity generated at a power plant is cheaper than electricity generated in an internal combustion engine or hybrid. (ee) 8) MPG of current vehicle Plug-In Vehicle Your Vehicle Internal combustion engine Based on the following assumptions: QO Hectic Cost + Your current vehicle has only conventional internal combustion engine . + Weighted average of highway/eity and 2010 stated manufacturer's MPG MBE Gasoline Cost Customer Support DTE Energy Company Subsidiaries Special Topics iy i Police/Fire | Large Businesses | Municipalities | Landlords | Builders | Careers | Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions WHPacific, Inc. All contents © 2013 DTE Energy Company Page 12 IANTALI AIA ANIA a Lad AINOINAIY ELECTRIC VEHICLES INTERNATIONAL VEHICLES | CONVERSIONS | POWERTRAINS Light Duty Vehicle EVI's Light Duty Vehicle, the eMega, can be customized for various applications. The eMega is capable of speeds up to 35mph. Vehicle options include CD stereo, heating and air conditioning, and right and left hand drive. The eMega comes standard with lithium iron phosphate batteries and a special drive train that has passed rigorous safety tests. The E-MEGA is your key to zero emission transportation. Applications Specifications EVID applications CSS include: Overall Length 10.9 FT Parking Enforcement Overall Width 5 FT University Campuses Overall Height 6 FT Business Properties Ground Clearance 7IN Security Wheel Base 7.75 FT Facilities Management Unladen Vehicle Weight 1,350 LBS Minimum Turning Radius 19 FT Maximum Speed Up to 35 MPH Climbing Ability 22° Range Up To 50 Miles* Suspension (Front/Rear Wheel) McPherson-Strut Type Independent System Braking System (Front/Rear Wheel) Two Independent Circuits/Disc Type Hydraulic Brakes Supplementary Electromagnetic Brake For Automatic Hill-Hold Function and Parking Brake CG Motor 72V/21KW Charger A/C 110V Standard Plug (7 Hour Charge) Battery 76.8V/138 Ahr Valence Lithium Phosphate Lead Acid Batteries Available On Request *May vary based on applications, driver habits, and road conditions. Electric Vehicles Intemational, LLC 1627 Army Court, Suite 1, Stockton, California 95206 #09.939.0405 | F: 209.939.0545 | info@evi-usa.com | www.EVI-USA.com WHPacifié: Page 13 HEAVY-DUTY POWER HEAVY-DUTY SAVINGS HEAVY-DUTY HYBRID HybriDrive PROPULSION SYSTEMS HYBRIDRIVE® PARALLEL AVAILABLE ON CRANE CARRIER COMPANY'S LET2 CHASSIS: + Hybrid electric propulsion + Significant fuel and brake savings while reducing harmful emissions + Lower cost and weight alternative to other hybrid technologies + Onboard power plant for a path to future electrification of the vehicle body + Complements both diesel and CNG engines HybriDrive® — The Heavy-Duty Hybrid™ was specifically designed for the rugged demands of the refuse vocation. OQ HybriDrive® Parallel benefits from the stop-and-go nature of refuse collection, uniquely delivering significant fuel savings without compromising payload. HybriDrive® Parallel, a hybrid electric propulsion system, provides high power and torque, and superior drivability all in a safe lighter-weight package than competing hybrid technologies. CRANE CARRIER HDP 700/750/800 # of PTOs Product System NLL] Model Max power Max torque Max power Max torque kW (Hp) Nm (ft-lb) kW (Hp) Nm (ft-lb) 3 3 3 HDP 700 260(350) | 1700(1250) 70(94) 400 (295) HDP 750 260(350) | 1700(1250) | 110(145) 800 (590) HDP 800 2350 (1740) 110 (145) 800 (590) 400 (540) WHPacific, Inc. BAE SYSTEMS Engine Integrated drive unit (motor/generator and transmission) M8 Mechanical linkage Meet Electrical linkage ‘ys Control and communication linkage THREE BASIC COMPONENTS CREATEA SIGNIFICANT FUEL SAVING SYSTEM BAE Systems’ HybriDrive® Parallel System is comprised of an Energy Storage System, Integrated Electronic Unit, and Integrated Drive Unit all working together in the most efficient manner to provide your vehicle with an average fuel economy improvement of 30 percent* (average based on vehicle track testing). ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM (ESS): Energy is captured during deceleration and stored into the battery system; that stored energy is later used during acceleration for fuel savings. Power from the ESS gives the vehicle a boost without consuming more fuel. The Energy Storage System uses the latest in technology—prismatic lithium-ion cells. This Lithium-ion technology was chosen by BAE Systems because it’s lighter, longer- lasting, easier to maintain, less expensive, and more efficient than competing battery alternatives. INTEGRATED ELECTRONIC UNIT (IEU): The Integrated Electronic Unit (IEU) is the control center and power inverter for the system. Based on the vehicle speed, the controls define when power is drawn from the batteries to supplement the conventional drive train, and efficiently blends this added power to provide optimum fuel usage. The IEU also controls the system to optimally store energy during deceleration, not only conserving energy but providing brake savings. ASK US TO ESTIMATE YOUR OPERATIONAL COST SAVINGS Integrated electronic unit Energy " 4 storage system INTEGRATED DRIVE UNIT (IDU): The Integrated Drive Unit consists of a motor/generator and a hybrid transmission. The IDU takes its direction from the IEU to blend the engine and electric machine torque, maintaining the most efficient engine speed during acceleration events. Once the vehicle is up to speed and operating efficiently, the electrical power is phased out. As the vehicle decelerates, the energy is captured via the generator and stored in the ESS for the fore-mentioned use. SAVE FUEL WITH ENGINE OFF: For additional fuel and emissions savings, the HybriDrive® system has an efficient “engine stop/start” capability. When the vehicle is at an idle position, the IEU signals the engine to power off to eliminate this unnecessary fuel consumption. BAE Systems is a world leader in the design and production of hybrid electric technology. With more than 500 million miles of revenue service, more than 33 million gallons of fuel saved, and more than 460,000 tons of carbon dioxide emission prevented, the market- leading HybriDrive Series System has proven itself to be one of the most efficient hybrid systems for the transit bus sector. HybriDrive series and parallel technologies both use simplified and proven components and controls to delivery its capabilities. Learn more at www.hybridrive.com CONTACT US TODAY: Larry Fuehrer Glen Pochocki BAE Systems Crane Carrier Company HybriDrive Solutions 1925 N. Sheridan Rd. Apt 1006 Tulsa, OK 74115 1480 Gulf Blvd 918-836-1651 gapochock | EBaat arrier.com www.cranecatlere " Clearwater, FL 33767 Larry.fuehrer@baesystems.com www.hybridrive.com This document gives only a general description of products and services and except where expressly provided otherwise shall not form part of any contract. From time to time, changes may be made in the products or conditions of supply. Published work © 2012 BAE SYSTEMS. All rights reserved. BAE SYSTEMS is a registered trade mark of BAE Sysisins Pips 7 4.12.DA Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study letters (ii Pach pe Founded in 1958, Northern Lights, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of marine-diesel generators, Lugger propulsion engines and Technicold marine systems. The company’s products are distributed through a global sales and service network to over 40 countries. Northern Lights manufactures a line of rugged Lugger propulsion engines, 40 to 525 Horsepower. Proven in commercial fishing boats, high-mileage trawlers and high-performance yachts, Northern Lights products provide unmatched quality and reliability. ¢ Efficient For More Information Contact: ¢Clean CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS * Flexible 4420 NW 14th Avenue Seattle, WA 98107 * Reliable Toll Free: 1-800-762-0165 info@northern-lights.com NORTHEAST BRANCH OFFICE 8 Connector Road Andover, MA 01810 Toll Free: 1-800-480-4223 SOUTHEAST BRANCH OFFICE 1419 W. Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 Toll Free: 1-800-843-6140 BAE SYSTEMS Huron Campus 1098 Clark Street Endicott, NY 13766 607.761.5728 PAC aes HybriDrive PROPULSION SYSTEMS WwWw.northern-lights.com www.hybridrive.com (©2011 Al ight reserved Litho USA L752 1111 BAE SYSTEMS ‘WHPaaific, Inc. Page 16 ‘Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study paella tel INTRODUCING THE HYBRID MARINE SYSTEM BY NORTHERN LIGHTS HybriDrive® Marine System is the result of the collaboration between BAE Systems, an industry leading manufacturer of hybrid power and control systems; and Northern Lights, an internationally known provider of marine power and propulsion. The result of our combined knowledge, experience and expertise, HybriDrive® Marine provides a highly reliable, versatile and green solution to the marine environment. POTS SOE a Ore HybriDrive® Marine Systems provide clean, reliable power with world class components. Based on a tested, reliable Lugger propulsion engine and a traction generator, energy is held in a series of battery packs and metered through a power control system. The traction motor provides power to the prop, while energy is stored for its most efficient usage. Available in 3 phase, 60 or 50 Hertz configurations, the amount of power produced and stored can be customized to fit your vessel’s requirements. The entire package is designed to be clean, quiet, environmentally responsible and will reduce both energy waste and fuel costs as soon as its installed. WHPacific, Inc. SS ; OU TT CS SE Uti Optimized Engine Performance- Optimized Components- + The engine operates at its optimal fuel * Reliable, durable, simple to use. curveatalltimes, The system helps ensure propulsion from a trusted name in that load demand is met without over or marine manufacturing. underloading your ship's power supply. + Proven hybrid components with millions + Maximum fuel efficiency. of trouble-free operational hours of + Designed for continous duty commercial service. >= , operation. tt + Sealed electric components require no + Reduces engine usage. & service with substantially reduced + Lowers maintenance ol requirements. en + Proven reliability. needed. eae SS ed maintenance requirements. * Modular component replacement if Fuel Efficient - hy * Tested in harsh on-road environments, where continuous duty is the norm, the hybrid marine system has saved 10 million gallons of diesel fuel. Clean Operation - + Meeting or exceeding all current emission standards, Lugger and hybrid technology ensure minimal impact to the environment where commercial boats operate. Flexible Architecture - * Design the system for electric propulsion only, for electric propulsion with ship board power, or to power all of your vessel's equipment and machinery. Reliable Performance - * Marine propulsion from a trusted name in the industry, packaged with the state of the art in proven hybrid technology for unmatched durability. Page 17 PRAY Ute, RU Uk ee ep ek ep eeu Le 2ugy iui ts GET YOUR BUYERS ae THEN GET YOUR 1 |0)| hos oie Powered by Cars.com. Home | Buy or Sell a Truck | Forums Reviews | News | Special Reports © me ps PickupTrucks Search PickupTrucks: Search Driven: Protean Ford F-150 All-Electric Pickup Truck Posted by Mike Levine | May 12, 2011 Browse News By: Category SD Aftermarket Auto Shows REV TE Award: > - + no NAO ey Compact/Midsize if - . altel Custom Trucks SETOERS ; OERERS Diesels DECIDE: Fuel Economy Full-Size Heavy-Duty Pris “Wik Interiors Steve, Vero Beach, FL Light-Duty Words and Photos by Ben Wojdyla for PickupTrucks.com New Trucks It might not seem obvious, but pickup trucks are the ideal candidates for electric drive systems. Electric Powertrains motors deliver peak torque at zero rpm to get big loads moving. There's plenty of room to store massive Pricing batteries and heavy-duty components can handle their extra weight. Safety It’s why Protean Electric — formerly known as PML Flightlink — converted a 2009 Ford F-150 to all-electric Spy Photos drive for the 2008 SEMA show. The unique part: Unlike normal EVs, Protean’s F-150 has in-wheel Sources Say electric motors, four of ‘em, and boy are they powerful. How do we know? Because after three years, we Towing and Hauling Cae Wen a finally got behind the wheel of this alt-powered truck. Let's back up a moment, though. In-wheel electric motors on trucks aren't a new idea. In fact, one of the Manufacturer first hybrid vehicles was a modified truck built in 1900 by Ferdinand Porsche, and it used so-called pancake motors in the wheels. The reason then is the same as the reason now — mechanical simplicity and packaging advantages. Putting electric motors in the wheels makes sense on a basic level; it puts Truck Shopping Tools the power-generating elements where power is needed and frees up space for passengers and cargo. Search for New & Used Find a Dealer See Hottest Truck Deals List your Truck for Sale Read Expert Reviews Review Your Own Truck Recent Posts Reid Bigland Gets Top Spot at Ram Spied! HD Pickups Show Tailpipe Changes Ram Truck CEO Moves to Nissan USA Truck Repair Costs Are on the Rise WHPacific, Inc. Page 18 IpVeRary) ca a 1 INAAAIAcIAS el! |e) es) ley Las! lata le s2au lo aaa AIn INA VILVEL, FLULCall PULU PW1oU ALM DICCUIe PICKUP LITUCK ~ FICKUP LIFUCKS.COM INCWS rage 2 OI 15 Recall Alert: Airbag Problem Affects Millions of Toyota, Honda. Nissan and Mazda Vehicles Read recent stories Read older stories Latest User Comments Frank on Reid Bigland Gets Top Spot at Ram Big Al from Oz on Reid Bigland Gets Top Spot at Ram 2016 Power Wagon on Reid Bigland Gets Top Spot at Ram Papa Jim on Reid Bigland Gets Top Spot at Ram Looking from the rear forward. Note the hollow beam rear axle shackled to conventional leaf springs and lack of a rear differential. Gear reduction and wheel speed is controlled inside each wheel motor. Battery packs and power cables 2016 Power Wagon on Reid (orange) are also shown. Bigland Gets Top Spot at Ram Until recently, the biggest reason against using in-wheel motors was that they create too much unsprung weight. Unsprung weight is generally considered the enemy of handling performance. The more weight Subscribe hanging off the end of the suspension, the harder it is to control the motion of the wheel and by extension, the performance of the vehicle. Generally, more power from an electric motor requires more windings, bigger permanent magnets and added weight. Protean has taken a different approach that not only increases power, it improves reliability, control and, most importantly, reduces weight. Protean created an in-wheel electric motor unit that's essentially eight motors in one package. Inside the motor, its rotor looks conventional, with segmented permanent magnets on the outside. The stator, however, is new. Arranged in a circle are eight identical inverter motor controllers, each capable of switching on and off independently and driving the motor at low power individually. Alone, they offer minimum power use, but all together, they switch on and off to provide maximum power and torque. Closeup look at the right front wheel. Protean's in-wheel electric motor has minimal impact on the independent front suspension, knuckles and tie rods. This system provides several important benefits, including easy repair and redundancy. But most important is the weight reduction the design allows. Each motor tips the scales around 68 pounds, more than a brake and half-shaft system, but still manageable from a vehicle tuning and dynamics perspective. Protean has designed its motors as a modular bolt-on system. The motors are designed to use the factory bearing systems, so installation means removing the factory brake system, swapping the bearing onto the integrated mechanical brake/motor unit and bolting it back into place on the axle. WHPacific, Inc. Page 19 AJLAVUAL, RAUWOIL LULU AWAY Cee ep LUN ~ 2 enUp.urno.cuii LYE wo pages vuiis A live axle like ye solid rear axles stock Fist uses isnit necessary; 19 prove the pi in Protean chucked the sclaghe Gnerpy att uty bf a a1 8% euectig ishicie Feagibl ty ag in the process. They also ditched the rear differential because wheel speed and gear reduction is managed in each of the wheel motors. Protean’s demonstrator uses a slick inboard braking system much like an old Jaguar E-Type; however, the system can provide regenerative braking. Federal mandates require a mechanical backup system, so traditional hydraulic braking has been integrated into the latest motor design. How does such a radically different powertrain layout drive in a half-ton truck? A lot like today’s truck. As you might expect from an EV, power comes on strong from the start, and as you reach higher speed, the power output decreases. These aren't weak motors. Each of the four can generate peak twist of 608 pounds-feet of torque, and continuous output is just as impressive at 368 pounds-feet. Remember, that's for each motor. Beastly as the motors might be, there’s still a major challenge to overcome: the battery, something Protean makes no bones about. Protean isn’t in the battery business, so the 40-kilowatt-hour battery installed under the bed isn't theirs, just the battery du jour. It's also the truck's weak point right now. Each motor can operate at 84 kwh peak power, about 112 hp, for a grand total of 448 hp. Unfortunately the battery can only output a maximum of 138 kW, or about 185 horsepower. So better battery means bigger power, just like better fuel pump means more fuel, means the potential for more power. Remember, though, that we're talking about a demonstration machine built three years ago. Battery technology has advanced a lot in that time, and so can performance. The interior has been customized with digital gauges and three push-button controls (next to cupholders) for drive, neutral and reverse modes. The large red button is a kill switch, just in case. But what about the handling? Making the case that in-wheel motors can be a viable drive system is tough, especially when pitching to a generation of chassis engineers taught that unsprung weight is the worst thing in the world. So Protean did something risky. It didn't tune the suspension at all after the conversion. To compensate for the removal of the drive line, the company placed the hefty battery pack to maintain probliagticidhteution and ride height, and that's all it did. The truck still rides on the Page 20 VLLVULL, LLU PUL Pou Ameen PICKUP LLUCK ~ FACKUP LLUCKS.CUIIL INCWS. rage 4 Ol lo factory Springs a and nd dampers front and rear. It's a trich ay to iy to put jhe Pi oduct to ihe ulti uttimate test. With no suspension tung ha gray, Authority Wrangell i Neste. Yel te te Fgasibilt tug Sxth the stock setup? We're not going to gloss over the rougher ride, but considering the circumstances, we're open to believe Protean's view that previous unsprung weight concerns can be overcome. There is a noticeable increase in the amount of vibration translated to the driver compared with a stock truck. Some can be attributed to the 18-inch wheels and lower-profile tires, but in fairness, some comes from the added heft of the motors. It's not disconcerting, though, not even close. It's entirely within reason that with appropriate springs and dampers, you'd never know you were driving something other than a stock F-150, well, aside from the freaky quietness of the vehicle. Protean’s in-wheel electric drive system had no problem moving the F-150 up and over a steep test grade. In a corner and at speed, it feels similar to a conventional pickup. Such a statement may seem generic, but it belies the possibilities of the system. The highest praise an EV or hybrid can ever get is, “It feels just like a normal vehicle.” That is oddly the goal. Do something revolutionary and make the difference imperceptible. In that measure, Protean has succeeded with this demo vehicle. What are the odds of this truck, or something like it, making it to production, considering the long odds facing upstart EV companies and their seemingly frequent burnout rate? Protean says it's watertight financially, claiming it’s nearing its first contract to supply vehicles and has plenty of investor capital available. It expects to make an announcement in the near future of a U.S. production facility for its hardware. The F-150 demonstrator serves as a “most extreme case” of what Protean can deliver. The company plans to offer hybrid and all-electric vehicle solutions. Protean’s in-wheel system can operate as a through-the-road hybrid, a synchronous axle hybrid, all-electric as is the case with the F-150, or as selectively internal combustion and EV operation. Protean is currently a full generation ahead of the motors installed on this truck, with another generation pending release this summer. The numbers have changed slightly to improve continuous output and overall efficiency, with peak torque down to 578 pounds-feet and 355 pounds-feet continuous with continuous output up to 80 hp rather than 60 hp. After all this talk of kilowatts and inverter motor controllers and peak versus continuous output, the takeaway is this: Don't fear the future. As much as we all love big, powerful, dinosaur-fueled internal combustion engine-powered pickups, there's room enough for electric trucks, too, or even hybrids. If you think the growl of an IC engine is mandatory for the truck experience, just imagine what having 2,300 pounds-feet of torque on tap might do for your opinions. WHPacific, Inc. Page 21 wee ot a4 . 1 Innaacinetas ae ee) . one a 7 2 sats oe Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Tiger Truck Industries International ELECTRIC VEHICLES 72v SPECIFICATIONS |Ground Clearance {in.) Battery Watering System* Tiger Star Ele LSV, Model 5786 10-72 75 72 Volt On Board: Variable Tiger Star X-Cab Elec SV, Model 578640-72 75 72 Volt On Board: Variable Tiger Star Elec, Model 367000 72 Volt On Board: Variable Tiger Star Elec X-Cab, Model 364700 75 72 Volt On Board: Variable Tiger Star Elec Crew Cab, Model 366700 72 Volt On Board: Variable Star Elec Cargo Van, ‘Model 339700 75 75 75 Inside Bed Width (in.) 55.5 54 58.5 54 54 46 N/A lOutside Tuming Radius {in.) 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 Empty Weight (Ibs.) 2.120 2.174 2.120 2.174 2.296 2.561 2.561 lOptional Overload Springs ibs, N/A N/A 2.032 2.009 1,833 1,955 1.955 cee wae Vaciaim Front Disk/Rear Drum Front Disk/Rear Drum Front Disk/Rear Drum Front Disk/Rear Drum Front Disk/Rear Drum Front Disk/Rear Drum Front Disk/Rear Drum Hye Mechanical ABS Mechanical ABS Mechanical ABS ‘Mechanical ABS Mechanical ABS Mechanical ABS Mechanical ABS 72 Volt On Board: Variable Star Elec Passenger Van, ‘Model 370700 72 Volt On Board: Variable * Includes Filler Hose W/Regulator Data 48 miles 26 miles 18 miles 25 mph spam YAU ells Specs9-13-12.xls/72V Electrics 72V / AC 22% 6-12volt Solid State Page 22 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Appendix C. EV Resource Information WHPacific, Inc. Page 23 Alaska EReBy, AuthBrity } Wrangell Electrig VeR@le Feasibility Study | ! ! 1 TYPES OF EVS All Electric Vehicle (AEV) also known as Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV): Powered solely by an electric battery Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV): Powered by an electric battery, and supplemented by conventional fuels (like gas or diesel) If all Vermont cars were electric, total annual energy costs would be 1/3 the $111 billion spent on petroleum fuels in 2010. The federal government offers tax credits up to $7,500 for buying an EV. WHPacific, Inc. LY, | r @Oan'i', | y The Future is Here Electric vehicle (EV) adoption is increasing and spreading throughout the state and the country. As of January 2013, over 80 Vermont communities have registered passenger EVs—a 213% increase since July 2012. 4 as 4 Save Money * Spend the equivalent of $1 per gallon of gas to charge your vehicle * Save $1,200 or more on maintenance costs * Earn up to $7,500 in federal tax credits toward your purchase Driving an EV is like paying $1/gallon of gas at the pump + ...Or get a great lease deal through several Vermont dealers + Save even more through charging equipment tax credits Increased Convenience + Just plug in at night and wake up to a full charge each morning (no more trips to the gas pump!) + If needed, plug in at one of Vermont's public charging stations to re-"fuel” during the day + Indulge in features typically seen only in luxury vehicles, such as navigation, Bluetooth, heated seats, heated steering wheels—even solar panels Great Performance * Accelerate faster than you would in most equivalent gas-powered cars « Expect increased traction due to heavy batteries (great for winter driving conditions) Great for Vermont * Increase our energy independence * Breathe deep—EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions « Emit less pollutants than you would driving a gasoline-powered vehicle (even factoring in manufacturing and electricity usage emissions) « Reduce noise pollution (EVs are incredibly quiet) 7. Electric ) Vermont For more information on EVs in Vermont, visit WWW.driveelectricvt.com. Page 24 ation (VEIC) in partnership with the State of Vermont, Project Get Ready, and a broad array of stakehola vancing electric vehicle tect The future of transportation is here, and it's knocking at your door! Our day-to-day means of transportation is changing, and the more munici- palities, business leaders, utilities and end-users know about Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PEVs), the more prepared they will be to embrace the “vehicles of tomorrow” today. Advanced Energy's Electric Transportation sector is working to assist utilities, charging station vendors, municipali- ties and all initial stakeholders in understanding, planning for and implementing electric transportation initiatives. We've put together the follow- ing frequently asked questions about electric vehicles in an effort to help people drive electric! Charging Stations — Costs, Location, Installation Q: When are the vehicles getting here? The Nissan Leaf and Chevy Volt are currently being sold in North Carolina. Additionally, there are several cities across the U.S. that have been slated as PEV “Hot Spots.” Vehicle manufacturers are targeting these cities for release of PEVs based on demographics and potential acceptance. As the influx of PEVs take place, surrounding municipali- ties and communities need to be prepared. The first mass-market PEVs sold in the U.S. have not been equally available throughout the nation. Automotive manufacturers like Chevrolet (General Motors), Ford, Nissan and Toyota have introduced their PEV models to larger communities that have made commitments to supporting PEVs. Manufacturers plan to expand into new markets in 2012 based on lessons learned in the initial rollout communities. Many models are presently available in select communities, such as the Triangle. Q: How far can they go? Most battery EVs can go about 100-200 miles before needing to be re- charged. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles typically have smaller batteries and thus a shorter all-electric range. Q: How will the weather affect my vehicle range? Vehicle batteries are less efficient in cold weather. Electricity will also be needed to heat the passenger cabin and defrost or defog the windows, all of which will decrease the vehicle miles-traveled range. In hot weather, electricity will be needed for the air-conditioning system, but this requires less power than needed to accelerate the vehicle and maintain speed. WHdPaci ENERGY Q: Who pays for putting the charging stations in? It depends on where the charging station is going. A PEV owner will have to pay to install a residential charging station. Many cities, towns, and electric utilities are offering subsidy programs for putting in charg- ing stations. There are also several grant projects aimed at subsidizing the installation cost for public and workplace charging stations, but ultimately it is up to public and corporate entities to put in their own charging stations. Q: Who pays for the electricity? It depends on where the charging station is located. In a residential setting, the homeowner will pay for their own electricity. In public settings, it is more complicated. In most states, it is illegal to resell electricity. Therefore, the owners of public charging stations must find an alternative way to recoup their costs. Some proposed ways of doing so include assessing a fee by the hour, charging a flat fee for access- ing the station, or requiring a subscription service to access the station. As volumes of vehicles are low, some public locations are offering free charging; however, as vehicle volumes increase this will likely not remain cost effective. Q: How much will I pay for electricity if | charge at home? During a day or a week, everyone will drive different distances and be in different traffic conditions, so it is very difficult to tell you how much energy you will use and put a dollar figure on it. In general, however, you will pay approximately $0.50 to $0.75 per equivalent gallon of gasoline that you would have used in your internal combustion car. This means that instead of paying approximately $35.00 for 10 gallons of gas to drive ~300 miles, you will pay somewheredgetyeen $5.00 and $7.50 for the electricity. How te Drive Electric. Charging Stations — Costs, Location, Installation (cont.) Q: Where are charging stations going? Everywhere! Charging stations will be in your home if you own an electric vehicle, at public locations such as shopping malls, restaurants, airports, hotels and potentially at your workplace. Q: What about the needed infrastructure? Most charging will occur at the home, but we still need a robust public infrastructure to serve PEV owners who regularly travel long distances. Charging station locations can be found using the U.S. Department of Energy’s Charging Station Locator: www. afdc.energy.gov/afdc/fuels/ electricity_locations.html Q: How much do charging stations cost? For Level 2 stations, typical costs for a public station is $4000 to $10,000. Residential stations can range from under $1,000 for new construction to $2,000 for older homes (as older homes may require extensive electrical upgrades and wiring). Q: Can you recommend a charging station? While Advanced Energy does not recommend specific charging sta- tions, we have compiled information on many of the available charg- ing stations so end users can compare their options. Visit us at www. dvancedEnergy.org and search for our Charging Station Technology b tool for more information. Q: Are the charge connectors safe? What happens if I touch the connector pins? The charge connectors are very safe. Each charging station and plug is required to have controls so that it will not be energized until it is plugged into a vehicle. If the plug is not connected to a vehicle, there will be no power to the connector pins. Q: Are these vehicles more susceptible to accidents? While lighter-weight vehicles are more susceptible to damage in an accident, all vehicles produced must meet the United States’ safety regulations and guidelines. They are no more susceptible to having an accident than a standard gasoline vehicle. Q: Is the Jaws of Life strong enough to cut through new steel? First responder rescue equipment (“jaws of life”) are designed to cut through the heavy steel of current model vehicles, PEVs included. However, there are other safety factors that first responders should be aware of with regard to PEVs. There are multiple first responder course. in development for how to safely respond to emergencies associated with PEVs. Q: Will I be electrocuted if | plug in when it’s raining? No. There are many safeguards on the charging station, plug and vehicles that prevent this. Q: Will I get electrocuted if I drive into a ditch or pond? Electric and hybrid cars have been around for 10 to 15 years and have been exposed to rain, snow, road salt, heat, and humidity. In fact, every car you've ever driven contains a battery and an electrical system. Manufacturers have built in substantial security measures to prevent electricity-related injuries, so it is extremely unlikely that anyone would be electrocuted due to water submersion or a crash. ..and Other FAQs on Electric Vehicles Batteries : What is the life of the battery? Current manufacturers are providing an eight- to 10 year warranty on ‘ie vehicle battery and it is expected to last significantly longer. There lay be some capacity loss as time goes on, which is influenced by driving habits, weather, and other factors. : What is the cost of replacing the battery? As the total cost of the vehicle includes the battery pack, estimates n the cost of replacing the battery are not readily available. However, ocumentation has shown that most batteries will outlive the life of the Car itself. As technology evolves, costs will continue to decline. : What do you do with spent batteries? Where do they go? Once the battery is no longer able to hold the level of charge needed ) power the vehicle, owners should exchange the battery at a re-use/ bcycling center. Re-using is very important because even when a lithium-ion vehicle battery is no longer able to function at a productive vel within a vehicle, it still retains almost 80 percent of its original rarging capacity. As such, batteries can be used for other applications requiring a lower level of performance. Research continues exploring ee for the use of second-life electric vehicle batteries. Once the jattery is no longer useful for lower performance tasks it will need to be properly discarded and recycled. As lithium is a highly recyclable vaterial, recycled lithium can offset our overall lithium needs. Q: What happened to the electric car from the 1990s? What’s different this time around? Improved battery life, demand for an alternative to gasoline-powered vehicles, and consumer education and awareness has led to the resur- gence of interest in electric vehicles. In the 1990s one major obstacle to the adoption of PEVs was the amount of time it took to install a charging station — almost three months! Customers who purchased a PEV were unable to charge their vehicles.at home until they installed their residential charging station, which required a permit. This was less than ideal and PEV manufacturers want to avoid making the same mistake again. As such, they are evaluating communities that are ac- tively addressing the permitting process as well as related local building codes. Another major problem was that there was no standard charging connector for all PEVs. This has been addressed for this generation of PEVs by a standard SAE J1772 charging protocol. Electricity Versus... Q: Are we trading oil dependence for lithium dependence? Nearly two-thirds of our imported petroleum is used for transpor- tation, and 76 percent of that is consumed by typical passenger vehicles. Since PEVs utilize a fuel source local to the U.S., replacing typical passenger vehicles with PEVs provides the U.S. with an oppor- tunity to make a significant decrease in foreign petroleum use, which translates to greater energy security. Our demand for lithium has been steadily increasing, and will continue to do so with the number of lithium-ion batteries needed for electric vehicles. However, experts expect lithium’s high level of recyclability to offset our demand. Q: Are we just extending the tail pipe? Isn’t it dirtier to run an electric vehicle? Is it really cleaner? PEVs that operate primarily in electric-only mode can provide many air quality benefits. However, pollutants emitted from electric power plants also must be taken into account. Argonne National Labora- tory’s Transportation Fuel-Cycle Model “GREET”** accounts for the complete lifecycle emissions of electric vehicles. The model reports that the use of PEVs reduces total greenhouse gas, CO, and VOC emissions, but PEVs actually can increase some overall emissions, such as SOx and NOx, particularly in rural areas. However, as electric power generation becomes cleaner, this increase in emissions is expected to decline. It is easier and less expensive to control the emissions of the 20,000 power plants in the United States than it is to control emissions of 250 million vehicles. “GREET: Greenhouse Gases Regulated s and Energy Use in Transportation Community Planning Guide Charging Station Installation Handbook for Electrical Contractors & Inspectors Charging Station Technology Review www.advancedenergy.org/transportation/resources U.S. Department of Energy’s Charging Station Locator www.afdc. energy. gov/afdc/fuels/electricity_locations.html Clean Cities Coalition Homepage www1.eere.energy.gov/Cleancities/ 3 Go Electric Drive: www.goelectricdrive.com/ Fuel Economy Comparisons www.fueleconomy.gov/ Leafing the Pump Behind: 12 Weeks with the Nissan Leaf www.advancedenergy.org/transportation/blog Argonne National Laboratory: Transportation Technology R&D Center www.greet.es.anl.gov/main Advanced ENERGY Advanced Energy Corporation 909 Capability Drive, Suite 2100 Raleigh, NC 27606 919.857.9000 www.AdvancedEnergy.org © 2011 Adveupedadcieagy orporation. All rights reserved. 11/11 Rev. 1 Page 28 INCSUULLED LDL | BUTPCV.ULE rage 1 ult Alaska Energy Authority, lectric Vehicle Feasibility Study HOME INDIVIDUALS GOVERNMENT BUSINESS ABOUT NEWS Go4PEV.4rg CSMMDY 612212" Charlotte Reaion Plugs In Resources List Search | | Online Links to More Resources for PEVs and EVs About Go4Pev Resources List . Contact Local Information Readiness Actions to Date > Duke Energy Government Links U.S. Department of Energy > Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center (AFDC) > About vehicles y > Public Charging Stations Map/Info > Clean Cities Program > Batteries National Renewable Energy Laboratory > NREL Advanced Vehicles and Fuels Reesarch > NREL Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles > NREL Fuel Cell Vehicles Argonne National Laboratory > ANL: The Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) Model National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) > NOAA Annual Greenhouse Gas Index (AGGI) EV Carolina - list of local charging stations in South Carolina > evcarolina.com top Advocacy Efforts Go Electric Drive Association d weg PE. com Page 29 nee ee eee eee | Ow ee ~s aor 4 Alaska Energy Authority Go4PEV.erg GMD) {e210 Charlotte Region Plugs in lectric Vehicle Feasibility Study HOME INDIVIDUALS GOVERNMENT BUSINESS ABOUT NEWS Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA) Industry association dedicated to advancing electric drive as a core technology on the road to sustainable mobility > www-.electricdrive.org The EV Project - US DOE and ECOtality { > www.theevproject.com Plug-in America California nonprofit electric vehicle advocacy organization > www.pluginamerica.org Electric Power Research Institute Guide to Electric Vehicles > www.epri.com > Consumer Guide to Electric Vehicles EV World / Promotes sustainable transportation with a focus on the people and policy, as well as technology 4 > www.evworld.com - Electric Auto Association D> www.electricauto.org | EAA Plug-in Hybrid Special Interest Group > www.eaa-phev.org Project GetReady A non-profit initiative led by Rocky Mountain Institute, in conjunction with a wide array of partners and technical advisers. > www.projectgetready.com Plug In Cars Community of automobile and PEV enthusiasts > www.plugincars.com California Car Initiative To develop clean, efficient, and practical vehicles. > CalCars.org Electric Cars are for Girls WrBaci ic, Inc. Page 30 Lids am Aen nee naw IAL noe len eee nn Tine! AIWVINAIY INEDUULLLD LDL | BUTPCV.ULE, rage 3 ul + rg Plugs In Alaska Energy Authority, Go4PEV.é es) Greater Charlotte Region lectric Vehicle Feasibility Study HOME INDIVIDUALS GOVERNMENT BUSINESS ABOUT NEWS Local info and advocacy > www.electric-cars-are-for-girls.com top Laws on EVs, PHEVs and NEVs > DOE Incentives and Laws > DOE Alternative Fuels Data Center > DOE Summaries of federal laws > UCS hybrid center with state and federal law summaries and links > California Air Resources Board: Laws and Regulations top Community Resources for Owners by Make Tesla Motors > Tesla Motors Club Forum (vBulletin) > Unofficial Tesla Owners Map GM/Chevrolet > GM-Volt.com (vBulletin) Nissan > My Nissan Leaf Forum (phpBB) Ford > Ford Focus Electric Forum (phpBB) top News Sources for Electric Cars > EV World online magazine > Green Car Congress > Megawatt Motorworks > Electrifying Times EVCast, podcast for information on electric cars > 4EVRiders, News, Blog, & Forum on Electric Cars and Plug-in Hybrids top WHPacific, Inc. Page 31 AAU ee See BU peewee aor Me Alaska Energy Authority lectric Vehicle Feasibility Study Go4PEV. r HOME INDIVIDUALS = GOVERNMENT BUSINESS ABOUT NEWS eT Cad (ieee Charlotte Region Plugs In Subscribe by Rss EY EV Conversion Services & Components > Ampmobile Conversions LLC. (EV conversions in South Carolina) # > ww.autoportinc.com (eBox conversions) > Canadian Electric Vehicles Ltd. (EV conversions & components in BC) > Cloud Electric Vehicles (Conversions, Supplies, Racing, Eboats+ in Clarksville, GA) > Electric Vehicle Systems Conversions & Repair in New Underwood, SD ® Electric Motor Cars 713.729.8668 evman@dataline.net in TX > ElectroAutomotive(EV kits & components, recent reports or slow deliveries, check with BBB) ® Electric Blue Motors Turn-key new car conversions. > Electric Vehicles of America, Inc. > EVs of America (EV kits & components) > EV Components (Zillacontrollers and EV components) > EVparts.com (EV components) D> NETGAIN (EV components) > Hybrids Plus (PHEV conversions) > KTA Services, INC. (EV kits & components) > Metric Mind (EV components) > REVOLT Custom Electric Vehicles (EV conversions and components in Austin, Texas) > VoltsMobile (converter and EV repairs in WA) > World Class Exotics top © go4pev.org | All Rights Reserved Home Individuals Business Government About Contact Admin top WHPacific, Inc. Page 32 Waa A ee dA ea ee taal AIVVINAIY AVAUUUINE LIGLUL INU WO IvIa Rai Gage rvis EARTH NEWS Electric Car Range in Cold Weather 4/10/2012 : http://www.motherearthnews.com/ask-our-experts/electric-car-range-in-cold-weather-zb0z1204zmat.aspx By Jim Motavalli Where I live, we have bitterly cold winters. I’ve been told that electric cars don’t handle cold weather well. Is that true? Do some models do better than others? Electric car battery range is better in warmer climes, because in cold weather, chemical reactions happen more slowly. A drop of just 10 degrees Fahrenheit can sap 20 to 50 percent of a battery’s charge, depending on the system. According to Sherif Markaby, who directs Ford’s electrification program, batteries “are similar to people, as they both achieve maximum _ performance working under moderate, unchanged temperatures.” A warm battery can better accept charging from the regenerative braking system. Ford (for the Focus Electric) and GM (for the Volt) address this problem with a liquid temperature management system, which warms the battery pack as the car is charging. I drove the Volt during a chilly week in the cold winter of 2011, and traveled 28 miles before the gas engine kicked on to recharge the batteries. The Volt’s standard range is estimated to be 35 miles before it switches to gas power. Tony Williams, a San Diego-based Nissan Leaf owner, has created a range chart (see it at My Nissan Leaf) that is proving quite useful to other drivers of the all-electric car. According to Williams, at 70 degrees Fahrenheit, a Nissan Leaf with a full charge traveling at 55 mph will have 89 miles of range. But — and this is just one person’s experience — Williams’ calculations show that the car will lose 1 percent of range for every 2 degrees the temperature drops. For many drivers, that would translate into only 65 miles of real range available during a cold winter. Electric car battery range and performance isn’t the only issue in cold weather: Electric cars don’t have alternators to generate electricity. That means that the heater is a direct drain on the batteries — almost as dramatic as the drive motor itself. According to Williams, the Leaf’s heater can draw 1.5 to 3 kilowatt-hours (kwh) of electricity in an hour of use, and that’s a big dent when the battery stores only 24 kwh. Nissan estimates that at 14 degrees with the heater running, the Leaf’s range is 62 miles. Automakers are working on these problems. Their approach looks like a stopgap until a more efficient cabin heater is developed. Nissan introduced a standard cold-weather package for the 2012 Leaf that aims to reduce use of the climate control system with heated seats, a duct to direct warmth to the back seat, temperature management for the WtPacific, Inc. Page 33 AYAUUUINE LULL DIYS Luge aepy so vie battery, and. heated Steering, {weed aed AHN Has shish owners can help their range by pre-warming the battery and the cabin while the car is plugged in. Patrick Wang, a Volt owner in the San Francisco area, saw his 40 miles of range drop to 34 miles when the temperature hit 40 degrees in northern California. His cold-weather driving tips include reducing cabin temperature to 68 and running the gas engine to warm up the cabin, then reverting to electric mode with the heater set to low. — Jim Motavalli, Author of High Voltage: The Fast Track to Plug In the Auto Industry Photo courtesy Tesla Motors WePacific, Inc. Page 34 Vas a a pootia a4 ataantateni9in Alwwinnry LACUULY UAL IVIGUUIGULULIUY 9 LVIGDDIVE WALUUL bP UULPLILIt ‘Ba Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study ao rage ius ELECTRIC CAR MANUFACTURING'S MASSIVE CARBON FOOTPRINT -CARBON-THAN- VIEW DISCUSSION The U.S. government has pumped $5.5 billion in federal grants and loans into manufacturing and h promoting electric cars and batteries. But research by Bjorn Lomborg of the Copenhagen Consensus Center (http://www.copenhagenconsensus.com/CCC% 20Home%20Page.aspx) finds that a typical electric car driven 50,000 miles over its lifetime emits more carbon-dioxide than a similar-size gas-powered car driven the same distance. The reason: manufacturing electric cars, which involves mining for lithium, produces over twice the amount of carbon-dioxide emissions (30,000 pounds for an electric car versus 14,000 for a conventional vehicle) as gas-powered cars. Lomborg says electric cars would have to be driven “a lot” to “get ahead environmentally,” and that is only if the driver somehow avoids coal-powered electricity. Even then, says (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324128504578346913994914472.html) Lomborg, the gains would be minimal. Even if the electric car is driven for 90,000 miles and the owner stays away from coal- powered electricity, the car will cause just 24% less carbon-dioxide emission than its gas-powered cousin....Over its entire lifetime, the electric car will be responsible for 8.7 tons of carbon dioxide less than the average conventional car. Those 8.7 tons may sound like a considerable amount, but it's not...An optimistic assessment of the avoided carbon-dioxide associated with an electric car will allow the |___ owner to spare the world about $44 in climate damage. Last month, the “father of the Prius,” Takeshi Uchiyamada declared that electric cars were simply “not viable.” "Because of its shortcomings--driving range, cost and recharging time- -the electric vehicle is not a viable replacement for most conventional cars," said (http://www. reuters.com/article/2013/02/04/us-autos-electric-hydrogen- id US RRE91R04720130204) Uchiyamada. "We need something entirely new." MOST POPULAR + Palin Slams DC 'A$$Clowns' for Throwing ‘Pathetic’ '#nerdprom' (http://www.breitbart.com/Big -Government/2013/04/27/Sarah-Palin -Slams-Obama-Permanent-Political- Class-For-Lavish-WHCD-Party 2668 comments - 0 minutes ago * REPORT: Obama Spent Twice As Much Time On Vacation/Golf As On Economy http://www.breitbart.com/Big- Government/2013/04/28/REPORT- Obama-Spent-Twice-As-Much-Time- QOn-Vacation-Golf-As-On-Economy 1046 comments - 0 minutes ago + Pentagon Consults Anti-Christian Extremist to Develop Religious Tolerance Policy http://www.breitbart.com/Big- Peace/2013/04/28/Pentagon-Consults Monsters-and-Enemies-of-the- Constitution-to-Develop-Religious- Tolerance-Policy) 532 comments - 1 minute ago ¢ Palin Hammers ‘Radically Pro- Abortion’ Obama for Planned Parenthood Speech http://www.breitbart.com/Big- Government/2013/04/26/Palin- Hammers-Obama-For-Supporting- Planned-Parenthood 2711 comments - 1 minute ago + Biden: Economy kept McCain from victory over Obama (http://www. breitbart.com/system/wire/DA5TMD5(¢ 1510 comments - 39 minutes ago BREITBART VIDEO PICKS Holder comes under fire for a treatment of DACUUIY Cl IVIGULaU UL o LyAGoorveY Veruui a VUEpeaie President Barack Obama Ri Wirang ai eiest Beats t9 Pcie million qectric cars on American roadsty’ aGR 5; ae uihor oNNtan FS eh cle FeAseu ce Suey walked back. Separt ment has si "Whether we meet that goal in 2015 or 2016, that's less important than that we're on the right path to get many millions of these vehicles on the road," said http://www. reuters.com/article/201: 1/us-autos-greencars-chu- idUSBRE90U1B020130131) an Energy Department official. Last year, electric car sales totaled just 50,000 units. According to the Congressional Budget Office, federal policies to prop up and promote electric cars will cost (http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/02/04/Father-of -the-Prius-Declares-Electric-Cars-Not-Viable) taxpayers $7.5 billion through 2019. Sponsored Links EIRD Loophole in (New Mexico): If you pay more than $7 for car insurance you better read this now... .ConsumerFinanceDaily.com INew BlackBerry® Z10 Discover the BlackBerry Z10, built to keep you moving. Get it today. BlackBerry.com/BlackBerry-Z10 7% Annuity Return? ‘Earn Guaranteed* Income for Life! Compare Rates Today. ExpertAnnuities.com Buy a link here 25 comments - 168 reactions 68 Dy [esas Best ~ Community Share & Be @ NixLeftyRats -2 months ago Don't even need to be a scientist to figure THAT out! There's more the enviro-friendly tree huger should know about these cars: The ineffeciency of MANUFACTURE and life cycle are only the beginning. All cars get scrapped one day! There is a problem to the environment that is not cheap regarding the batteries and many components! Government is just waiting for the chance to throw another tax on these cars for administration of their disposal! With such a small number of electric cars now it's not a problem—-YET! If you really love the earth and green and hate warming, gas, diesel and oil is still the best and cleanest for transportation in the USA. | love conservation (of resources) so hope some day a new, better, clearer engine and energy comes along! But a sure sign the electric cars are a boodoggel is: Government subsidy! Government subsidy!Government subsidy! The new REAL better system to come along will be easily marketed on it's own! lav Share > + Reply « @ Michael Long NixLeftyRats- 14 days ago =" You know, of course, that electric car auto batteries are recycled and reused? They're not just scrapped. + Reply - Share » ovary nowind-2 months ago <@™. Bad science makes for bad politics and vice versa. 7a v + Reply - Share» WHPacific, Inc. fmadsen-2 months ago augrevis Fox News National Fingerprin ible DNA coll killin; lifornia girl http://feeds.foxnews.com/~r/foxnews/nation: 29 Apr 2013, 7:03 AM PDT March 29 Apr 2013, 7:01 AM PDT nt sh If in Ohio high sch classroom, authorities say 2 W ~r/fe 29 Apr 2013, 6:48 AM PDT 40 ex-LAPD officers seek reviews of dismissal z ation: 29 Apr 2013, 6:46 AM PDT JC Penney to get $1.75B in financing, shares tise ‘http://feeds.foxnews.com/~r/foxn: nation: 29 Apr 2013, 6:36 AM PDT SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSTETTER SUBSCRIBE McCain, Graham: Syrian Chemical Weapons Threaten US (http:/Awww.newsmax.com/Newswidget/U -Syria/2013/04/28/id/501703? promo_code=11550- 1&utm_source=11550Breitbart&utm_me Manchin: I'm Bringing Back Gun Control Bill (http://www.newsmax.com/Newswidget/U -Gun-Control- Manchin/2013/04/28/id/501700? promo_code=11550- 1&utm_source=11550Breitbart&utm_me¢ Peter King: Russia Hid Information in Bombing Probe * (http://www.newsmax.com/Newswidget/U -Boston-Marathon- Congressman/2013/04/29/id/501755? promo_code=11550- 1&utm_source=11550Breitbart&utm_me¢ Should Obama's Health Plan Be Overturned? 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Ennenga Alaska Division of Fire & Life Safety (907) 269-5789 jeff.ennendga@alaska.gov NFPA and the Alaska Division of Fire and Life Safety Host Electric Vehicle Safety Training for First Responders October 25, 2012 — First responders from Anchorage and the surrounding area will have the opportunity to learn more about essential guidelines for responding to emergency situations involving electric and hybrid vehicles. The Alaska Division of Fire and Life Safety and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) will host an in-classroom, train-the-trainer session on October 27". The course, which is part of NFPA’s nationwide Electric Vehicle Safety Training Project, will provide local firefighters with information to help them respond safely and effectively to electric and hybrid vehicles emergencies on the road. Participants will be able to use the new information and resources to prepare other firefighters and first responders throughout the state. Alaska is the 40" state to host NFPA’s train-the-trainer course, which began touring state fire training institutions in the summer of 2011 and was recently modified to serve the law enforcement community as well. “NFPA’s program provides first responders with all the necessary information for safely handling emergency situations involving electric and hybrid vehicles,” said Jeff R. Ennenga, Director of Training for the Alaska Division of Fire and Life Safety. “Participants in NFPA’s course will receive first-hand experience working with the new technologies and risks posed by these vehicles. Most importantly, they can use the comprehensive training they receive to keep our community safe and to teach other first responders.” For more than 100 years NFPA has been a leading voice for public safety. NFPA’s course is based on extensive research and findings from the Fire Protection Research Foundation. Since the Electric Vehicle Training Project was first announced, NFPA has worked with safety experts and auto manufacturers to provide a comprehensive curriculum of up-to-date information on the topic. According to NFPA President James M. Shannon, standardized electric vehicle education based on best practices is critical to emergency training for first responders across the country. “NFPA, along with state fire academies across the country, is supporting the large-scale introduction of electric and hybrid vehicles by helping ensure that firefighters and first responders are familiar with any new car coming down the road,” Shannon said. “Our goal is to provide first responders with all the information and materials necessary to respond to emergency situations involving these vehicles.” -MORE- WHPacific, Inc. Page 38 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Page 2 of 2 The training also will feature a live training demonstration involving a Toyota Prius and Camry hybrid, provided by Kendall Toyota of Anchorage, and a Lexus RX 450 provided by Kendall Lexus of Alaska. Participants will be able to experience first-hand the new technologies and special features included in these vehicles. During the 8-hour course, NFPA instructor Matt Paiss will cover a variety of topics specific to both hybrid and electric vehicles, including the extrication process, risk of electric shock, handling new types of batteries and challenges presented by charging stations. In addition to the classroom experience and hands-on training, each participant will receive an instructor’s guide and quick reference manual regarding electric vehicles, as well as a multimedia disc containing all of the course content. Participants also receive a Certificate of Completion at the conclusion of the course. This summer, NFPA released an online version of the electric vehicle safety course. The online, self- paced program — available on mobile devices and computers — covers the same content as the classroom training, providing first responders with the tools and information they need to safely handle emergency situations involving electric vehicles, plug-in electric vehicles and charging stations. For more information about the electric vehicle training series, the online training and to register for upcoming sessions, visit: www.evsafetytraining.org/Training. About the Alaska Division of Fire and Life Safety The Alaska Division of Fire and Life Safety is a division of the Alaska Department of Public Safety. The Division is committed to protecting all Alaskans from fire and explosion. The Director of the Alaska Division of Fire and Life Safety is State Fire Marshal Kelly Nicolello and is divided into three bureaus: Life Safety Inspection Bureau, Plans Review Bureau and the Training and Education Bureau. About NFPA’s Electric Vehicle Safety Training Project NFPA’s Electric Vehicle Safety Training Project is a nationwide program designed to help firefighters and other first responders prepare for the growing number of electric vehicles on the road in the United States. The NFPA project, funded by a $4.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy, provides first responders with information they need to most effectively deal with potential emergency situations involving electric vehicles. About the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA is a worldwide leader in fire, electrical, building and life safety. The mission of the international nonprofit organization founded in 1896 is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating consensus codes and standards, research, training and education. Visit NFPA’s website at www.nfpa.org for more information. Subscribe to NFPA RSS News feeds Lorraine Carli NFPA Public Affairs (617) 984-7275 publicaffairs@nfpa.org HHH WHPacific, Inc. Page 39 Electrician Guide for Installing Electric Vehicle* Charging Stations at Single-Family Homes Preparing a home for electric vehicle charging and metering requires the collaboration of several parties to help customers make the right decisions for their individual situations. Southern California Edison (SCE), electricians, customers, and cities each play important roles in this process. This guide provides useful information on the process for preparing electric vehicle customers’ single family residences for safe and reliable electric vehicle charging. The process may include installing an electric vehicle charging station, second electrical panel, meter socket box, and/or two-socket panel to accommodate separate electric vehicle metering. Installing this equipment is optional and depends on the SCE rate plan the customer enrolls in and the level at which the customer chooses to charge the vehicle (120 volts or 240 volts). Each customer should select their rate plan and charging level before the electrician begins any electrical work on the house. Otherwise, customers and electricians alike run the risk of costly delays. Before you assess your customers’ home panel and wiring needs, please ensure that customers who live in SCE’s service territory contact SCE to learn about their rate plan options and how each rate plan may affect their home panel, wiring, and electric vehicle charging options. FOR OVER 100 YEARS...LIFE. POWERED BY EDISON. Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Installation Process 7 The flowchart below illustrates the basic processes used by SCE to get customers in single-family homes “plug-in ready.” Also shown are the points at which electricians play an especially important role in moving the installation process forward. “Dear Customer, please let me and SCE know when you've decided on the electrical work you'd like done.”* Automaker/Dealer SCE Provides Electrician... Customer... Advises Electric Customer... ¢ Confirms customer © Considers rate Vehicle Customer * Analysis of rate has contacted SCE plan and charging On... plan options ¢ Assesses customer's options ° Charging © Description of each home wiring and > ° Selects rate plan preparation rate plan’s impact ere1aT-Malei-1e Sea WLaA) and panel wiring © Calling SCE about rate plan options SCE... Planner to verify adequacy of SCE infrastructure and electrical plan, as needed ¢ Communicates ¢ Dispatches Service evaluate customer's results to customer on home electrical panel and wiring needs Electrician... © Obtains city permit(s) © Completes installation Co) Maes t- ava e I) wiring, upgraded or new panel, and/ or electric vehicle charging equipment Arranges for city inspection customer's rate plan preference in mind ¢ Provides price quote to complete work for all applicable rate/ panel options SCE... e Receives city inspection approval ¢ Completes meter work (as needed) e Updates customer billing rate plan (as needed) approach ¢ Informs SCE and electrician All systems “go” for electric vehicle charging! *By reminding your customers to call both you and SCE after deciding on the electrical work, SCE can send a Service Planner to your customer’s home so you can finish your work as quickly as possible. Knowing each customer's rate plan selection, electrical vehicle charging level, and planned panel configuration will allow SCE’s Service Planners to properly inspect the local transformer and service drops and evaluate the customer’s electrical plan. Electrician Guide for Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Single-Family Homes Last Updated: 12/3/2010 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Important Steps for Electrician 1. Confirm customer has contacted SCE about rate plan options and implications before conducting 7 home assessment of electrical panel and wiring needs. If not, direct the customer to call 1-800-4EV-INFO (1-800-438-4636) M-F, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 2. Evaluate residential electrical panel and wiring for capacity to charge the electric vehicle. b » Provide price quote to complete electrical work for all applicable rate/panel options. 4. Once SCE has approved the proposed electrical plan, upgrade the existing panel or add a second panel or meter socket box, as necessary, with customer’s rate plan choice in mind. 5. For Electric Vehicle Plan: install the appropriate panel option and remember that this power is for electric vehicle charging only. Note: SCE will install the second meter after the panel is installed and the city approves the installation. 6. Refer to SCE’s Electric Service Requirements (ESR) for complete panel configuration details (www.SCE.com/AboutSCE/Regulatory/DistributionManuals/ESR.htm). Rate/Panel Options The combination of SCE electric vehicle rate plans and panel configurations yields 6 Rate/Panel options: Residential Plan (D) Single Meter Home & Electric Vehicle Plan (TOU-D-TEV) Single Meter Electric Vehicle Plan (TOU-EV-1) Two Meters Rate Description Tiered Rate* Home and electric vehicle loads measured together Time of Use Tiered Rate* Home and electric vehicle loads measured together; rates higher during the day and lower at night Time of Use Rate Electric vehicle load metered separately from home load; home remains on current rate and meter; electric vehicle rate is higher during the day and lower at night Use Existing Panel Panel Choices Add 2nd Panel or Meter Socket Box Upgrade Existing Panel = EA ) Option #1 (likely no meter change) Option #3 (meter may need to be replaced) *With tiered rates, cost per kWh increases with the amount of electricity used. N/A Option #5 Option #2 (likely no meter change) Option #4 (meter may need to be replaced) ok Option #6 (panel upgrade or addition must take place before second meter is installed) See page 4 for detailed panel configurations. Electrician Guide for Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Single-Family Homes Last Updated: 12/3/2010 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Panel Configurations Rate/Panel Options 5 and 6 require two meters and either a separate panel, meter socket box, ora two-socket panel to accommodate both meters. Several panel configurations are shown below: verhead Service erground Service 1 ' 1 ' rot ! is 1 Existing Home Panel 1 1 Existing Home Panel coco ane io Lv a 1 1 i 1 1 ox with New jeter 1 * 7] <—$Weathanead tot or New SmartConnect™ Meter 1 5 1 << OH Service s a Panel tot 1 = Entrance econd Panel or <—Fxisting > a ' Meter Socket Box ' ' () Home Meter (M) TOEVSE ' fo} t Existing with New IDR Meter circle < <— 1 ! 7) ! Home Mere SmanConnect™ tot Protection ' a Meter roo Pull Box Refer to < 1 ae! ro ESR-3, for Pull Box Fe Conduit 1 1 1 i Requirements 1 as o 1 tot ' Pay n => ToEVSE 1 ! 1 Co 1 to 1 a 1 Circuit rt <— UG Service Entrance 1 1 Protection 1 1 U 1 1 rot ' Se = Sa a a ee ee a See = a a eS Se ee ee eee 4 Note: Where at all possible, the second panel or meter socket box shall be at the same location and directly adjacent to the existing metering. I roa 1 ' roa ! I ! ! 1 2 1 New Upgraded Home Panel 1 1 New Upgraded Home Panel 1 c i) ' ! ! ro) I! rou a 1 B=] 1 <— Oh Service Entrance ot <— Existing ' iy 1 1 1 Home Meter 1 ° 1 1 1 New IDR Meter or New 1 os 1 <— Fisting tot ToEVSE <€ @) SmartConnect™ Meter 1 J 1 Home Meter 1 1 1 A 1 N tot 1 rg lew IDR Meter or New a ! ToEVSE ~ () <— SmartConnect™ Meter roo ' 1 1 ! ! 2 I tou | <—_ UG Service Entrance 1 BS 1 ot 1 1 ! ! iu ' ! ! 1 ! ! ! 1 bee eee ee ee ee ee eee ee ee ee eee oo bet ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 4 Note: SCE provides only a single service line for all panel configurations, regardless of whether one or two panels are installed. For additional information about panel configurations, please Key UG: Underground refer to SCE’s Electric Service Requirements (ESR) available at es www.sce.com/AboutSCE/Regulatory/DistributionManuals/ESR.htm IDR: Interval Data Read EMT: Electrical Metallic Tubing EVSE: Electric Vehicle Service Equipment SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA S| EDISON An EDISON INTERNATIONAL® Company Electrician Guide for Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Single-Family Homes Last Updated: 12/3/2010 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Permit for Charging Equipment Installation Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Jurisdiction: City, State Compliance with the following permit will allow the installation and operation of electric vehicle charging equipment at a residence in the Gity, State jurisdiction. This permit addresses one of the following situations: e Only an additional branch circuit would be added at the residence e A hard-wired charging station would be installed at the residence. The attached requirements for wiring the charging station are taken directly out of the 2011 edition of the National Electrical Code® (NEC) ® NFPA 70, Article 625 Electric Vehicle Charging System. This article does not provide all of the information necessary for the installation of electric vehicle charging equipment. Please refer to the current edition of the electrical code adopted by the local jurisdiction for additional installation requirements. Reference to the 2011 NEC may be made at www.nfpa.org/70. This permit contains a general reference to the NEC or electrical code used in the jurisdiction. All work and installed equipment will comply with the requirements of the NEC or the electrical code used in the jurisdiction. The jurisdiction maintains the authority/responsibility to conduct any inspections deemed necessary to protect public safety. The charging station installer shall also be responsible for notifying or coordinating any work with the utility company where needed. Section 1 of the permit application requires basic identifying information be submitted. Note that there is a separate portion of the form requesting information on the property owner who may not be the individual requesting the installation. Section 2 of the permit application identifies which code needs to be complied with depending on whether a branch circuit and meter or a hard-wired charging station is being installed. The technical installation requirements address the following specific elements of electric vehicle charging station safety: e Listing and labeling requirements Wiring methods Breakaway requirements Overcurrent protection Indoor siting Outdoor siting Section 3 consists of standard certification statement that could be modified as needed by the jurisdiction. By signing the certification statement, the applicant agrees to comply with the standard permit conditions and other applicable requirements. This consent would give the jurisdiction the option of allowing the applicant to proceed with installation and operation of the charging equipment. Section 4 of the document gives an example of a checklist the jurisdiction could develop to track key information on the application. The example under section 4 contains only a few items of the many that the jurisdiction might wish to track. This permit package also includes a schematic drawing depicting a typical indoor installation. In this installation the wiring path follows the exterior of the structure, and the charging station is located indoors. The NEC® allows for interior wiring and outdoor installations. The purpose of the schematic is only to show how the charging station equipment could be arranged and is not intended to convey any permit requirements. 6/14/12 wHPacific, Inc. www.afdegRergy.gov Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Application for Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment NOTICE: The system must be installed in compliance with NFPA 70, Na onal Electric Code, Ar cle 625 or applicable Electrical Code currently adopted and enforced within the jurisdic on of installa on. All associated work with circuits, electrical service and meters shall be completed in compliance with NFPA 70, na onal electric code, or applicable electrical code currently adopted and enforced within the jurisdic on of installa on. Section 1: Permit Applicant Information IName: Installation Street Address (P.O. box not acceptable): | Contact Person: Phone Number: ( ) - City: County: State: | ZIP Code: Owner Name: Street Address: Phone Number: ( ) - City: State: ZIP Code: Submitter's Name/Company a 4 Street Address: ~ Phone Number: ( ) - City: State: ZIP Code: = Sena ET mae SM = = z 7 |General description of equipment to be installed: Section 2: Permit Code Information Requirements for wiring the charging station are taken directly out of the 2011 edition of the National Electrical Code® (NEC) ® NFPA 70, Article 625 Electric Vehicle Charging System. This article does not provide all of the information necessary for the installation of an electric vehicle charging equipment. Please refer to the current edition of the electrical code adopted by the local jurisdiction for additional installation requirements. Reference to the 2011 NEC may be made at www.nfpa.org/70. NEC® Chapter or DESCRIPTION Article Branch Circuit Chapter2 A new electrical box added on a branch circuit shall comply with NFPA 70 National Electrical Code® Chapter 2 Wiring and and 3 Protection and Chapter 3 Wiring Methods and Materials and all administrative requirements of the NEC or the electrical code in effect in the jurisdiction VOLTAGES Unless other Voltages are specified, the nominal ac system voltages of 120, 120/240, 208Y/120, 240, 480Y/277, 480, 625.4 600Y/347, and 600 Volts shall be used to supply equipment LISTED OR LABELED 625.5 All electrical materials, devices, fittings, and associated equipment shall be listed or labeled. 6/14/12 wHPacific, Inc. www.afdpeRergy.gov Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 625.9 WIRING METHODS The electric vehicle coupler shall comply with 625.9(A) through (F). (A) Polarization. The electric vehicle coupler shall be polarized unless part of a system identified and listed as suitable for the purpose. (B) Noninterchangeability. The electric vehicle coupler shall have a configuration that is noninterchangeable with wiring devices in other electrical systems. Nongrounding-type electric vehicle couplers shall not be interchangeable with grounding-type electric vehicle couplers. (C) Construction and Installation. The electric vehicle coupler shall be constructed and installed so as to guard against inadvertent contact by persons with parts made live from the electric vehicle supply equipment or the electric vehicle battery. (D) Unintentional Disconnection. The electric vehicle coupler shall be provided with a positive means to prevent unintentional disconnection. (E) Grounding Pole. The electric vehicle coupler shall be provided with a grounding pole, unless part of a system identified and listed as suitable for the purpose in accordance with Article 250. (F) Grounding Pole Requirements. If a grounding pole is provided, the electric vehicle coupler shall be so designed that the grounding pole connection is the first to make and the last to break contact. 625.13 ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT Electric vehicle supply equipment rated at 125 volts, single phase, 15 or 20 amperes or part of a system identified and listed as suitable for the purpose and meeting the requirements of 625.18, 625.19, and 625.29 shall be permitted to be cord-and- plug-connected. All other electric vehicle supply equipment shall be permanently connected and fastened in place. This equipment shall have no exposed live parts. 625.14 Rating Electric vehicle supply equipment shall have sufficient rating to supply the load served. For the purposes of this article, electric vehicle charging loads shall be considered to be continuous loads. 625.15 Markings The electric vehicle supply equipment shall comply with 625.15(A) through (C). (A) General. All electric vehicle supply equipment shall be marked by the manufacturer as follows: FOR USE WITH ELECTRIC VEHICLES (B) Ventilation Not Required. Where marking is required by 625.29(C), the electric vehicle supply equipment shall be clearly marked by the manufacturer as follows: VENTILATION NOT REQUIRED The marking shall be located so as to be clearly visible after installation. (C) Ventilation Required. Where marking is required by 625.29(D), the electric vehicle supply equipment shall be clearly marked by the manufacturer, “Ventilation Required.” The marking shall be located so as to be clearly visible after installation. 625.16 Means of Coupling The means of coupling to the electric vehicle shall be either conductive or inductive. Attachment plugs, electric vehicle connectors, and electric vehicle inlets shall be listed or labeled for the purpose. 625.17 Cable The electric vehicle supply equipment cable shall be Type EV, EVJ, EVE, EVJE, EVT, or EVJT flexible cable as specified in Article 400 and Table 400.4. Ampacities shall be as specified in Table 400.5(A)(1) for 10 AWG and smaller, and in Table 400.5(A)(2) for 8 AWG and larger. The overall length of the cable shall not exceed 7.5 m (25 ft) unless equipped with a cable management system that is listed as suitable for the purpose. Other cable types and assemblies listed as being suitable for the purpose, including optional hybrid communications, signal, and composite optical fiber cables, shall be permitted. 625.18 Interlock Electric vehicle supply equipment shall be provided with an interlock that de-energizes the electric vehicle connector and its cable whenever the electrical connector is uncoupled from the electric vehicle. An interlock shall not be required for portable cord-and-plug-connected electric vehicle supply equipment intended for connection to receptacle outlets rated at 125 volts, single phase, 15 and 20 amperes. 625.19 Automatic De-Energization of Cable The electric vehicle supply equipment or the cable-connector combination of the equipment shall be provided with an automatic means to de-energize the cable conductors and electric vehicle connector upon exposure to strain that could result in either cable rupture or separation of the cable from the electric connector and exposure of live parts. Automatic means to de-energize the cable conductors and electric vehicle connector shall not be required for portable cord-and-plug-connected electric vehicle supply equipment intended for connection to receptacle outlets rated at 125 volts, single phase, 15 and 20 amperes. 6/14/12 WHPacific, Inc. www.afdeeRergy.gov Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 625.21 Overcurrent Protection Overcurrent protection for feeders and branch circuits supplying electric vehicle supply equipment shall be sized for continuous duty and shall have a rating of not less than 125 percent of the maximum load of the electric vehicle supply equipment. Where noncontinuous loads are supplied from the same feeder or branch circuit, the overcurrent device shall have a rating of not less than the sum of the noncontinuous loads plus 125 percent of the continuous loads. 625.22 Personnel Protection System The electric vehicle supply equipment shall have a listed system of protection against electric shock of personnel. The personnel protection system shall be composed of listed personnel protection devices and constructional features. Where cord-and-plug-connected electric vehicle supply equipment is used, the interrupting device of a listed personnel protection system shall be provided and shall be an integral part of the attachment plug or shall be located in the power supply cable not more than 300 mm (12 in.) from the attachment plug. 625.23 Disconnecting Means For electric vehicle supply equipment rated more than 60 amperes or more than 150 volts to ground, the disconnecting means shall be provided and installed in a readily accessible location. The disconnecting means shall be capable of being locked in the open position. The provision for locking or adding a lock to the disconnecting means shall be installed on or at the switch or circuit breaker used as the disconnecting means and shall remain in place with or without the lock installed. Portable means for adding a lock to the switch or circuit breaker shall not be permitted. 625.25 625.26 Loss of Primary Source Means shall be provided such that, upon loss of voltage from the utility or other electrical system(s), energy cannot be back fed through the electric vehicle and the supply equipment to the premises wiring system unless permitted by 625.26. Interactive Systems Electric vehicle supply equipment and other parts of a system, either on-board or off-board the vehicle, that are identified for and intended to be interconnected to a vehicle and also serve as an optional standby system or an electric power production source or provide for bi-directional power feed shall be listed as suitable for that purpose. When used as an optional standby system, the requirements of Article 702 shall apply, and when used as an electric power production source, the requirements of Article 705 shall apply. 625.28 Hazardous (Classified) Locations Where electric vehicle supply equipment or wiring is installed in a hazardous (classified) location, the requirements of Articles 500 through 516 shall apply. 625.29 Indoor Sites Indoor sites shall include, but not be limited to, integral, attached, and detached residential garages; enclosed and underground parking structures; repair and nonrepair commercial garages; and agricultural buildings. (A) Location. The electric vehicle supply equipment shall be located to permit direct connection to the electric vehicle. (B) Height. Unless specifically listed for the purpose and location, the coupling means of the electric vehicle supply equipment shall be stored or located at a height of not less than 450 mm (18 in.) and not more than 1.2 m (4 ft) above the floor level. (C) Ventilation Not Required. Where electric vehicle nonvented storage batteries are used or where the electric vehicle supply equipment is listed or labeled as suitable for charging electric vehicles indoors without ventilation and marked in accordance with 625.15(B), mechanical ventilation shall not be required. (D) Ventilation Required. Where the electric vehicle supply equipment is listed or labeled as suitable for charging electric vehicles that require ventilation for indoor charging, and is marked in accordance with 625.15(C), mechanical ventilation, such as a fan, shall be provided. The ventilation shall include both supply and exhaust equipment and shall be permanently installed and located to intake from, and vent directly to, the outdoors. Positive pressure ventilation systems shall be permitted only in buildings or areas that have been specifically designed and approved for that application. Mechanical ventilation requirements shall be determined by one of the methods specified in 625.29(D)(1) through (D)(4). (1) Table Values. For supply voltages and currents specified in Table 625.29(D)(1) or Table 625.29(D)(2), the minimum ventilation requirements shall be as specified in Table 625.29(D)(1) or Table 625.29(D)(2) for each of the total number of electric vehicles that can be charged at one time. (2) Other Values. For supply voltages and currents other than specified in Table 625.29(D)(1) or Table 625.29(D)(2), the minimum ventilation requirements shall be calculated by means of general formulas stated in article 625.39(D)(2). (3) Engineered Systems. For an electric vehicle supply equipment ventilation system designed by a person qualified to perform such calculations as an integral part of a building’s total ventilation system, the minimum ventilation requirements shall be permitted to be determined in accordance with calculations specified in the engineering study. (4) Supply Circuits. The supply circuit to the mechanical ventilation equipment shall be electrically interlocked with the electric vehicle supply equipment and shall remain energized during the entire electric vehicle charging cycle. Electric vehicle supply equipment shall be marked in accordance with 625.15. Electric vehicle supply equipment receptacles rated at 125 volts, single phase, 15 and 20 amperes shall be marked in accordance with 625.15(C) and shall be switched, and the mechanical ventilation system shall be electrically interlocked through the switch supply power to the receptacle. 6/14/12 wHPacific, Inc. www.afd@eRergy.gov Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Outdoor Sites Outdoor sites shall include but not be limited to residential carports and driveways, curbside, open parking structures, parking lots, and commercial charging facilities. 625.30 | (A) Location. The electric vehicle supply equipment shall be located to permit direct connection to the electric vehicle. (B) Height. Unless specifically listed for the purpose and location, the coupling means of electric vehicle supply equipment shall be stored or located at a height of not less than 600 mm (24 in.) and not more than 1.2 m (4 ft) above the parking surface. Section 3: Certification Statement I hereby certify that the electrical work described on this permit application shall be/has been installed in compliance with the conditions in this permit, NFPA 70, National Electrical Code®, Article 625, or applicable electrical code currently adopted and enforced within the jurisdiction of installation. Furthermore, all associated work with circuits, electrical service and meters shall be/has been completed in compliance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code® , or applicable electrical code currently adopted and enforced within the jurisdiction of installation. By agreeing to the above requirements, the licensee or owner shall be permitted to install and operate the charging station. The licensee also insures that appropriate load calculations have been done to insure that the residence has adequate electrical capacity to support electric vehicle charging equipment. Existing circuits provided for garages may supply other loads and may not have sufficient capacity for electric vehicle charging equipment. In some older installations the residential electrical service may not have sufficient capacity to supply electric vehicle charging equipment. Capacity problems are likely to be encountered on 60 ampere services or on 100 ampere services with multiple 240 volt loads. In such cases load calculations must be performed to insure adequate capacity. Signature of Licensee: Date: Signature of Owner: Date: Section 4: Jurisdiction Checklist Information each jurisdiction would add to permit: e Date utility notified of work completed Information on installation sent to tax assessor Indoor/outdoor location Modification to existing service required Other items as determined by the jurisdiction 6/14/12 wHPacific, Inc. www.afdpgnergy.gov Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Figure 1. Typical Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installations To Utility Pi TW di) 3SAa Typical Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installation Alternate EVSE Location Alternate EVSE Location www.afdpeReigy.gov 6/14/12 wHPacific, Inc. 4 LUX 7 NeaUUILoD Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study G=0} gosecrwcomve Your Information Hub for Plug-In Electric Vehicles GET STARTED DRIVE ELECTRIC! ELECTRIC CARS CHARGING INCENTIVES FAQ & GLOSSARY Home A Drive Electric! A DiQhz uj #{shuhgth RESOURCES Plug-in Readiness resources First Responders For plug-in vehicles to be successful in the marketplace and achieve their true potential, it will take a concerted effort across a broad range of stakeholders to accomplish this transformational change in the way we move people and goods. Many communities have already formed plug-in vehicle readiness initiatives to help identify potential barriers to adoption and come up with solutions and incentives. For municipalities, this might involve a review of your permitting and inspection guidelines. The U.S. Department of Energy has created a template for a standard permit for residential charging stations that allows for quick, safe installation of EVSE. Businesses might work together to identify economic development opportunities and provide charging to entice customers, while employers might consider charging access for employees. Utilities will want to understand the potential impact to the grid. Given the many stakeholders involved, it’s important for all them to find a way to work together and collaborate in a plug-in readiness initiative. Plug-in Readiness Plug-In EV Basics Electrician Guide Accessibility Video Gallery Various resources on plug-in readiness: Clean Cities TV: Community Readiness Workshop Rocky Mountain Institute Project Get Ready Advanced Energy’s Community Planning Document Template from DOE's Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center to develop a standard permit for residential charging Regional Readiness Initiatives: California (Plug-in Electric Vehicle Collaborative) Michigan Oregon Virginia Central Florida Utility Readiness Initiatives: + Edison Electric Institute Pledge back to top WHPacific, Inc. Ponnect Search GoElectricDrive.com NEWS & EVENTS pagerure Search | ABOUT RESOURCES ™ chargin harging Charging Locator Chevrolet Volt Chevy Volt CODA Sedan Events FitEV Fleets Ford Focus Electric Grid Electricity hands free Honda Incentives for EV Buyers Mitsubishi i mobile Nissan LEAF Pluginday Prius Range RAV4 roadmap Safety Showroom Tesla Tesla Model S Tesla Roadster Toyota Transit Connect Electric Ve h icles ALY) Page 50 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Technical Article LEVITON UL vs. ETL Listing Product: Leviton Wireless & Other Leviton Products Article ID: 012109-bf-01 Date: January 21, 2009 Summary: The purpose of this article is to clarify questions regarding the use and acceptance of ETL product certification versus UL certification on Leviton products. Information: There have been some questions recently in regards to the ETL certification of our new wireless products rather then using UL. The FAQ's below should answer any question regarding this issue. One of the key reasons we chose to use ETL is the timeframe in which they can test and certify products is usually much faster then UL. ETL tests to the same standards as UL and their certification has the same recognition by OHSA since they are both Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories. Frequently Asked Questions about the ETL Listed Mark a Is the ETL Listed Mark legal equivalent to the UL and CSA Listed Marks? The true legal requirement to test and certify products for sale in the United States is a designation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). An NRTL functions to provide independent evaluation, testing, and certification of any electrically operated or gas- and oil-fired product. ETL is recognized as an NRTL in the United States and, in a similar capacity, as a Testing Organization and Certifying Body in Canada by the Standards Council of Canada. A product bearing the ETL Listed Mark is determined to have met the minimum requirements of prescribed product safety standards. Moreover, the mark indicates that the manufacturer's production site conforms to a range of compliance measures and is subject to periodic follow-up inspections to verify continued conformance. a What's the difference between the UL, CSA, and ETL Listed Marks? Both marks demonstrate that the product that bears it has met the minimum requirements of widely accepted product safety standards as determined through the independent testing of a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL). And, as part of that testing regimen, the product manufacturer has agreed to periodic follow-up inspections to verify continued compliance. a What is an NRTL? A Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) is an independent laboratory recognized by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to test products to the specifications of applicable product safety standards — such as those from Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and other standards-writing bodies. An NRTL's function is to provide an independent evaluation, testing, and certification of any electrically operated or gas- and oil-fired products. Leviton Mfg. Co., Inc. Lighting Management Systems 20497 SW Teton Avenue, Portland, OR 97062 1-800-736-6682 Tech Line: 1-800-959-6004 Fax: 503-404-5594 www.leviton.com/Ims 2008 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice. PL-PD-F007 Rev.1 06/23/2008 WHPacific, Inc. Page 51 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study TECHNICAL ARTICLE LEVITON UL vs. ETL Listing (cont'd) What are the specifics of the NRTL program? The NRTL program is part of OSHA's Directorate of Technical Support. As part of OSHA's directive to ensure that products are safe for use in the U.S. workplace, the NRTL program recognizes the capabilities of private sector organizations to determine if specific products meet consensus safety standards. OSHA safety standards are United States law and can be found in Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). More specifically, the provisions for NRTL certification can be found within Part 1910 of the CFR (29 CFR Part 1910). It is important to note that OSHA's recognition of an NRTL is not a grant of government authority, but rather an acknowledgment of the organization's ability to perform product safety testing and certification within the scope of its OSHA recognition. Aren't manufacturers required to use UL for their compliance testing? Isn't this mandated by the standards themselves? The simple answer to both questions is "no." In fact, this misconception has misled many manufacturers to believe that they don't have a choice in their third-party testing partner. To satisfy the prerequisite of having your products tested by an independent organization, the true legal requirement is that the laboratory which performs the testing be a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) recognized by OSHA. What does the ETL Listed Mark mean when displayed on my product? In short, the ETL Listed Mark indicates that your product has been tested by a NRTL, found in compliance with accepted national standards, and meets the minimal requirements required for sale or distribution. To your distributors, retailers, and customers, the ETL Mark is assurance that the product is compliant with safety standards, having been tested and certified by a third-party organization. Will retailers accept my product if it bears the ETL Listed Mark? Yes. Since the ETL Listed Mark is an accepted and recognized demonstration of product compliance, and testing is performed by an NRTL, there is no reason why retailers should not accept products bearing the ETL Listed Mark. Any indication otherwise by an individual retailer or distributor likely stems from misinformation in the marketplace—the same misinformation that has led some manufacturers to believe they don't have a choice in their third-party testing organization. What should | tell my clients who aren't familiar with the ETL Listed Mark? There is no standard formula for better acquainting clients and customers with the ETL Listed Mark. Depending on the background, circumstances, and other details of a given situation, the correct approach will be unique from one instance to another. Others may erroneously believe that the UL Mark is the only acceptable demonstration of product compliance and require a more thorough explanation of the true legal requirements behind third party product safety testing. It is important to listen closely to your client's issues and provide them with real answers to their concerns. Inform them about the NRTL program. Explain to them how our Product Safety Certification Program includes the same testing, listing, labeling, and follow-up inspection services as UL, and that we're accredited by the same organizations, agencies, and regulatory bodies. Leviton Mfg. Co., Inc. Lighting Management Systems 20497 SW Teton Avenue, Tualatin, OR 97062 1-800-736-6682 Tech Line: 1-800-959-6004 Fax: 503-404-5594 www. leviton.com/Ims © 2008 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice. WHPacific, Inc. PL-PD-F007 Rev. 1 06/23/2008 Page 52 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study TECHNICAL ARTICLE LEVITON UL vs. ETL Listing (cont'd) What countries accept the ETL Mark? The ETL Mark is an accepted demonstration of product compliance in both the United States and Canada. Do local inspectors know the ETL Listed Mark? Yes. The ETL Listed Mark is recognized by local inspectors and Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) throughout North America and also in some areas of South America. A an NRTL recognized by OSHA, the ETL Listed Mark is an accepted alternative to UL and, as such, inspectors and AHUJs recognize, acknowledge, and accept the mark as proof of product compliance. Is ETL Listed Mark is accepted throughout North America? Amway Corp, JCPenney, Sam’s Club, Sears, and the list goes on. Since the ETL Listed Mark is a recognized and accepted indicator of a product's compliance to safety standards, retailers, inspectors, or Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) all accept ETL Listed Products. How long has the ETL Listed Mark Been Around? “ETL” has been around over 100 years. In fact, the original Electrical Testing Labs (ETL) was founded by Thomas Edison in 1896. Electrical Testing Labs was formed to address concerns of lamp safety and performance issues. Edison’s vision was to provide assurance to consumers, through various types of product performance and safety tests. The basic principles of Edison’s third-party lamp testing methods remain the same today. Experts monitored lamps and bulbs to determine how long they would burn, the luminous intensity, and if everything burned as it should — without combustibility or explosion. What are the variations of the ETL Listed Mark? A product bearing the ETL Listed mark with the "us" identifier at the 4 o'clock position has been tested and deemed compliant to U.S. product safety standards only. An ETL Listed mark with a "c" identifier at the 8 o'clock position means the product bearing it complies with Canadian product safety standards only. And an ETL Listed mark with both "us" and c" identifiers at the 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock positions respectively, signifies that the product bearing the mark complies with both U.S. and Canadian product safety standards. Contact: If you have any questions or concerns, please call LMS technical support at (800) 959-6004. Leviton Mfg. Co., Inc. Lighting Management Systems 20497 SW Teton Avenue, Tualatin, OR 97062 1-800-736-6682 Tech Line: 1-800-959-6004 Fax: 503-404-5594 www. leviton.com/Ims © 2008 Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice. WHPacific, Inc. PL-PD-F007 Rev. 1 06/23/2008 Page 53 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Appendix E. Fleet Charging WHPacific, Inc. Page 54 pasibility Study Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy for Public Charging Station Hosts moreno U.S. Department of Energy WHPacific, Inc. Page 55 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts Photo from George Beard, Portland State University, NREL/PIX 18564 Clean Cities Helps Establish PEV Table of Contents Saraltg Stanens Introduction .............e cece eee eee 3 | Establishing plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) PEV BASICS 0.2.00... cee eee eee ees 4 | charging stations requires unique knowledge : . | and skills. If you need help, contact your local Charging Basics. ...........ssssseees 6 | Clean Cities coordinator. Clean Cities is the Benefits and Costs of U.S. Department of Energy’s flagship alterna- Hosting a Charging Station........... 9 tive-transportation deployment initiative. It is Charging Station supported by a diverse and capable team of Locations and Hosts..........-eeeeee 2 stakeholders from private companies, utilities, . Ownership and Payment Models...... 14 government agencies, vehicle manufacturers, national laboratories, and other transporta- Installing and Maintaining Charging Stations.................. 15 ers, organized into nearly 100 Clean Cities coalitions nationwide, are ready to help with specific charging station challenges. Contact your local coordinator by visiting the Clean Cities website at www.cleancities.energy.gov. Electrifying the Future .............. 19 Acknowledgement Thanks to the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program for assisting with the production of this handbook. See www.eere.energy.gov/cleancities/evitp.html. tion-related organizations. These stakehold- Disclaimer This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the ac- curacy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or any agency thereof. WHPacific, Inc. Page 56 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts Rj Introduction You've heard about the new generation of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) like the Chevy Volt and Nissan Leaf. You manage a location that could host a PEV charging station—such as a retail business, office or municipal building, utility, or parking garage—and you're wondering how you can be part of the electric transportation revo- lution. This handbook is for you. If you have a property suitable for hosting an electric charging station, you are perfectly positioned to contribute to—and benefit from—the fast-growing PEV sector. This handbook answers your basic ques- tions about PEVs and charging infrastructure and points you to the additional information you need to decide about participating in this new venture. More than 100 years ago, all-electric vehicles (EVs) held much of the U.S. car market, but their popularity waned as the interest in conventional cars with inter- nal combustion engines (ICEs) rose. The ICE vehicle had a longer driving range, petroleum fuel costs were declining, and the introduction of the electric starter and manufacturing assembly line improved the usabil- ity and affordability of ICE vehicles. Gasoline- and diesel-powered ICE vehicles ended up dominating transportation in the 20th century. However, concerns about the environmental impacts of conventional ICE vehicles sparked a PEV renais- sance at the end of the 20th century. In 1990, Cali- fornia passed the nation’s first zero emission vehicle mandate, putting the state at the forefront of that decade’s deployment of PEVs such as the General Motors EV1, Chrysler EPIC, Ford Ranger EV, and Toyota RAV4 EV. Many vehicles from this genera- tion were discontinued in the early 2000s, and the number of non-residential charging stations — which had peaked at nearly 900 in 2002—dwindled to about 400 by 2008. However, California’s vision helped set the stage for the next generation of PEVs and charging stations. Today, PEVs are back and ready to compete with—and complement—the ubiquitous ICE tech- nology. First, advances in electric-drive technologies enabled commercialization of hybrid electric vehi- cles (HEVs), which integrate an ICE or other power source with batteries, regenerative braking, and an electric motor to boost fuel economy. Continued technological advances have spawned plug-in HEVs WHPacific, Inc. Page 57 Key Acronyms EVs (all-electric vehicles) are powered only by one or more electric motors. They receive electricity by plugging into the grid and store it in batteries. They consume no petroleum-based fuel while driving and produce no tailpipe emissions. EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment) deliv- ers electrical energy from an electricity source to charge a PEV’s batteries. It communicates with the PEV to ensure that an appropriate and safe flow of electricity is supplied. EVSE units are commonly referred to as “charging stations.” HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles) combine an ICE or other propulsion source with batteries, regenerative braking, and an electric motor to provide high fuel economy. They rely on a petroleum-based or an alternative fuel for power and are not plugged in to charge. HEV batteries are charged by the ICE or other propulsion source and during regen- erative braking. ICEs (internal combustion engines) generate mechanical power by burning a liquid fuel (such as gasoline, diesel, or biofuels) or a gaseous fuel (such as compressed natural gas). They are the dominant power source for on-road vehicles today. PEVs (plug-in electric vehicles) derive all or part of their power from electricity supplied by the electric grid. They include EVs and PHEVs. PHEVs (plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) use batteries to power an electric motor, plug into the electric grid to charge, and use a petroleum-based or an alterna- tive fuel to power an ICE or other propulsion source. Photo from Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program za Plug-in Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts (PHEVs), which integrate small ICEs (or other power sources) and large, grid-chargeable batteries that enable all-electric driving ranges of 10 to 40 miles or more. Advanced technologies have also enabled manufactur- ers to introduce a new generation of EVs that don’t use an ICE at all. At the same time, charging station tech- nologies have evolved to facilitate a range of charging options and business models. Only a few models of new-generation PEVs are available today. However, because of the benefits they offer, PEV market penetration and availability are growing quickly. PEV Basics President Obama set a goal of having 1 million PEVs on the road by 2015. Many of these vehicles will charge primarily at drivers’ homes, but a large and widely dis- tributed network of public and workplace charging sta- tions is essential for providing the convenience, range, and confidence required by the majority of drivers. The proliferation of non-residential charging units has accel- erated already—surpassing 7,000 in 2012 — with the help of government-supported deployment projects. As a potential station owner or host, you have the opportu- nity to benefit from this trend while helping drive PEV deployment in the United States. Before learning about charging stations, it’s useful to learn a little about the vehicles and drivers that will use them. What makes a PEV a PEV is the ability to charge from an off-board electric power source—PEVs can be “plugged in.” This feature distinguishes them from HEVs, which supplement power from an ICE or other propulsion source with battery power but cannot be plugged in. There are two basic types of PEVs: EVs and PHEVs. All-Electric Vehicles (EVs) EVs (also called battery-electric vehicles, or BEVs) use batteries to store the electrical energy that powers one or more motors. The batter- ies are charged by plugging the vehicle into an electric power source. In addition, EVs can be charged in part by regenerative braking, which generates electricity from some of the energy normally lost when braking. It’s as simple as that—EVs have no ICEs and produce no tail- pipe emissions. Today’s EVs typically have a shorter range than conven- tional vehicles have. Most light-, medium-, and heavy- duty EVs are targeting a range of about 100 miles on a fully charged battery. The range depends in part on driving conditions and habits. The time required to charge depleted batteries — which can range from less than 30 minutes to almost a full day—depends on the size and type of the batteries, as well as the type of charging equipment used. Learn more about charging in the Charging Basics section. Under the hood of a Nissan Leaf. An EV contains no ICE; instead, the battery supplies electricity to the electric motor. Photo from Margaret Smith, DOE, NREL/PIX 18215 Neighborhood electric vehicles (NEVs), also called low- speed vehicles, are a type of EV with range and speed limitations. NEVs are commonly used for neighbor- hood commuting, light hauling, and delivery. They are often limited to use on roads with speed limits up to 35 miles per hour, making them ideal for college cam- puses and similar applications. There are also specialty EVs, such as airport ground support equipment and personal transporters, which are not intended for road use. Although these types of vehicles are valuable for the niches they serve, this handbook focuses on EVs designed for highway use. WHPacific, Inc. Page 58 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts 5 Why Drivers Choose PEVs The reasons drivers choose PEVs range from a desire to improve the world to a desire to save money. The following list of PEV benefits illus- trates why the demand for PEVs —and thus for charging stations —has been growing rapidly. High Fuel Economy, Low Operating Cost: PEVs are highly efficient, and they have much lower operating costs compared with conventional gasoline and diesel vehicles. Flexible Fueling: Compared with conventional vehicles, PEVs offer additional fueling options, including charging at home, work, commercial charging stations, other public locations, private fleet facilities, or a combination of these sites. High Performance: Today’s PEVs are state-of-the- art highway vehicles ready to match or surpass the performance of their conventional gasoline and diesel counterparts. Low Emissions: Compared with conventional vehicles, PEVs typically produce lower levels of smog-forming emissions (such as nitrogen oxides), other pollutants harmful to human health, and greenhouse gases. Energy Security: Because almost all U.S. electricity is produced from domestic coal, nuclear power, natural In all-electric mode, PEVs produce no tailpipe emissions. PEV life cycle emissions are minimized when their source of electricity comes from nonpolluting resources like wind and sunlight. Photo from Atlantic County Utilities Authority, NREL/PIX 18311 gas, and renewable sources, using PEVs instead of conventional vehicles reduces U.S. dependence on imported petroleum. f Compliance with Fleet Requirements: PEVs can help fleets comply with federal, state, and local trans- portation policies. Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) PHEVs (sometimes called extended range electric vehicles, or EREVs) use batteries to power an electric motor and use another fuel, such as gasoline or diesel, to power an ICE or other propulsion source. Powering the vehicle some of the time with electricity from the grid cuts petroleum consumption and tailpipe emissions, compared with conventional vehicles. When running on gasoline, PHEVs, like HEVs, consume less fuel and typi- cally produce lower emissions than similar ICE vehicles. PHEVs have larger battery packs than HEVs, providing an all-electric driving range of about 10 to 40-plus miles for current light-duty models. During typical urban driving, most of a PHEV’s power can be drawn from stored electricity. For some urban fleet applications, a PHEV could be driven on all-electric power all day and then charged at night or even during a down time like lunch. The ICE powers the vehicle when the battery is mostly depleted, during rapid acceleration, or when WPacific, Inc. Page 59 intensive heating or air conditioning is required. Some heavy-duty PHEVs work the opposite way, with the ICE used for driving to and from a job site and electricity used to power the vehicle’s equipment or control the cab’s climate while at the job site. Because the vehicle would otherwise be idling at the job site for powering equipment or climate control, this PHEV strategy can result in significant fuel savings. Like EVs, PHEVs can be plugged into the grid and charged, although the time required to charge depleted batteries is typically shorter for PHEVs, because most have smaller battery packs. In addition, battery charge is augmented by a PHEV’s ICE and regenerative braking. PHEV fuel consumption depends on the distance driven between battery charges. For example, if the vehicle is never plugged in to charge, fuel economy will be about the same as for a similarly sized HEV. If the vehicle is driven less than its all-electric range and plugged in to charge, it may be possible to use only electric power. 6 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts PEV Availability As of the time this handbook was written, only a few light-duty PEVs were commercially available. PEV technology is just beginning to make inroads into the U.S. vehicle market, but the number of avail- able vehicles is predicted to grow quickly. For com- parison, only two HEV models were available in the late 1990s, compared with 29 models today. To find currently available PEVs, use the AFDC Light-Duty Vehicle Search (www.afdc.energy.govlafdclvehicles! searchllight). Learn about anticipated PEV introduc- tions from the Electric Drive Transportation Associa- tion (www.electricdrive.org) and FuelEconomy.gov (www.fueleconomy.govifeg/phevnews.shtml and www.fueleconomy.govifeglevnews.shtml). A larger number of medium- and heavy-duty PEV models are currently available, most of which are EVs. Applications include delivery trucks, step vans, transit and shuttle buses, and utility trucks. To find currently available medium- and heavy-duty PEVs, use the AFDC Heavy-Duty Vehicle and Engine Search (www.afdc. energy.govlafdclvehicles/searchlheavy). In addition to a limited number of PEV models, early PEV introductions (starting in 2010) have been limited to select geographic areas to match dealer and service preparation. However, it is expected that at least some PEVs will soon be available from select dealerships in all 50 states. Because of the popularity and limited initial production of PEVs, there may be a wait time involved in obtaining these vehicles. Figure 1. A Chevy Volt charges up with public Level 2 EVSE at Los Angeles International Airport. Photo from Coulomb Technologies Charging Basics If you want to establish a charging station, you need to know about electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE, Figure 1). There are various types of EVSE—which differ based on communication capabilities and how quickly they can charge a vehicle—and EVSE can be installed at homes, workplaces, private fleet facilities, and public sta- tions. This section describes the typical EVSE options. Types of Charging Equipment (EVSE) EVSE is the equipment used to deliver electrical energy from an electricity source (such as the electricity running to the electrical outlets at a business) to a PEV. EVSE communicates with the PEV to ensure that an appropriate and safe flow of electricity is supplied. WPacific, Inc. Typical Charging Rates The rate at which charging adds range to a PEV depends on the vehicle, the battery type, and the type of EVSE. The following are typical rates for a light-duty vehicle: Level 1: 2 to 5 miles of range per hour of charging Level 2:10 to 20 miles of range per hour of charging DC fast charging: 60 to 80 miles of range in 20 minutes of charging Page 60 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts EVSE for PEVs is classified into several categories by the rate at which the batteries are charged. Two types— Level 1 and Level 2— provide alternating- current (AC) electricity to the vehicle, with the vehicle’s onboard equipment (charger) converting AC to the direct current (DC) needed to charge the batteries. The other type—DC fast charging — provides DC electricity directly to the vehicle. Charging times range from less than 30 minutes to 20 hours or more, based on the type or level of EVSE; the type of battery, its energy capacity, and how depleted it is; and the size of the vehicle’s internal charger. EVs generally have more battery capacity than PHEVs, so charging a fully depleted EV takes longer than charging a fully depleted PHEV. Many medium- and heavy-duty PEV manufacturers are adopting light-duty charging standards or com- mercially available standards developed for other uses. However, some manufacturers are introducing alter- native charging configurations in their medium- and heavy-duty PEVs, so EVSE options and performance may be different for these vehicles. Levell Level 1 EVSE provides charging through a 120-volt (V) AC plug and requires electrical installation per the National Electrical Code. Most, if not all, PEVs will come with a Level 1 EVSE cordset so that no additional charging equipment is required. On one end of the cord is a standard, three-prong household plug (NEMA 5-15 connector). On the other end is a J1772 standard con- nector (see the Connectors and Plugs section on page 8), which plugs into the vehicle. Level | typically is used for charging when there is only a 120-V outlet available, such as at some residential locations. Based on the battery type and vehicle, Level 1 charging adds about 2 to 5 miles of range to a PEV per hour of charging time. Level 2 Level 2 EVSE can easily charge a typical EV battery overnight, and it will be a common installation for home, workplace, fleet, and public facilities. Level 2 EVSE offers charging through a 240-V (typical in residential applications) or 208-V (typical in commer- cial applications) electrical service. These installations are generally hard-wired for safe operation (although a wall plug connection is possible). Level 2 EVSE requires installation of charging equipment and a dedicated circuit of 20 to 80 amp (A) depending on the EVSE requirements (Figure 2). Level 2 equipment uses the same connector on the vehicle as Level 1 equipment. Based on the battery type, charger configuration, and circuit capacity, Level 2 charging adds about 10 to 20 miles of range to a PEV per hour of charging time. DC Fast Charging DC fast-charging EVSE (480-V AC input to the EVSE) enables rapid charging at sites such as heavy traffic cor- ridors and public fueling stations (Figure 3, next page). A DC fast charger can add 60 to 80 miles of range to a PEV in 20 minutes. Utility 240-V AC ¥ Control Device ——# Cord EVSE EV Coupler Connector Charger Battery Figure 2. Level 2 charging schematic. Source: eTec (2010), Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Deploy- ment Guidelines for the Oregon I-5 Metro Areas of Portland, Salem, Corvallis and Eugene. EV Project publication (www.theevproject.com/ documents.php). ///ustration by Dean Armstrong, NREL WPacific, Inc. Page 61 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts Utility 480-V 3-Phase Charger ———— q Cord DC Fast EVSE Charging Connector EV Coupler DC Fast Charging Inlet Figure 3. DC fast charging schematic. Source: eTec (2010). Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Deploy- ment Guidelines for the Oregon I-5 Metro Areas of Portland, Salem, Corvallis and Eugene. EV Project publication, www.theevproject.com/ documents.php. ///ustration by Dean Armstrong, NREL Inductive Charging Inductive-charging EVSE, which uses an electromag- netic field to transfer electricity to a PEV without a cord, is still being used in some areas where it was installed for EVs in the 1990s. Currently available PEVs cannot use inductive charging, although SAE Interna- tional is working on a standard that may apply to PEVs in the future. Connectors and Plugs Most modern EVSE and PEVs have a standard con- nector and receptacle based on the SAE J1772 stan- dard developed by SAE International (Figure 4). Any WHPacific, Inc. Figure 4. The standard SAE J1772 EVSE connector fits into the standard SAE J1772 receptacle. Photo by Andrew Hudgins, NREL/PIX 17634 Figure 5. The standard J1772 receptacle (right) can receive charge from Level 1 or Level 2 equipment. The CHAdeMO DC fast charge receptacle (left) uses a different type of connector. Photo by Andrew Hudgins, NREL/PIX 19558 vehicle with this receptacle can use any Level | or Level 2 EVSE. All major vehicle and charging system manufacturers support this standard, which should eliminate drivers’ concerns about whether their vehicles are compatible with available charging infrastructure. Most currently available PEVs that are equipped to accept DC fast charging are using the CHAdeMO con- nector, developed in coordination with Tokyo Electric Power Company, which is not standard in the United States. Manufacturers may offer the CHAdeMO DC fast charge receptacle (Figure 5) as an option on fast- charge capable vehicles until a standard is in place. SAE International is also working on a “hybrid connector” standard for fast charging that adds high-voltage DC power contact pins to the J1772 connector, enabling use of the same receptacle for all levels of charging. Page 62 Plug-In Electric Vehicle book for Public Charging Station Hosts Benefits and Costs of Hosting a Charging Station Now that you know the basics about PEVs and charg- ing infrastructure, this section helps you explore the benefits and costs of hosting a charging station.' To tailor this benefit-cost exploration to your situation, use the Rocky Mountain Institute’s Project Get Ready Charging Infrastructure Tool, available at www.rmi.org/ pgr_resources#infrastructure. Charging Station Benefits There are many benefits to owning or hosting a charg- ing station, which depend on your site characteristics as well as your goals and values. For example, a retail business may host a charging station to increase cus- tomer visits and revenue, whereas a municipality may host a station for the public health benefits associated with increased PEV use. Each benefit in the follow- ing list is —or may become— available to one or more types of station host. Customer Attraction and Retention, Corporate Branding Offering charging is a direct way to attract and retain new, PEV-driving customers. In addition, many con- sumers believe it is important to purchase products with environmental benefits and to frequent environ- mentally responsible companies. Hosting a charging station is a highly visible way to state your organiza- tion’s environmental values, which may help contribute to a “green” image that attracts and retains customers who share these values. User Charging and Parking Fees Charging-station hosts have the opportunity to gener- ate revenue directly from people who use their services. Although the selling of electricity by non-utility organi- zations is prohibited in most parts of the United States, there are various ways to collect revenue for charging, 1. This discussion of benefits and costs is primarily drawn from Rocky Mountain Institute (2009). Plugging In: A Stakeholder Investment Guide for Public Electric-Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (www.rmi.org/ pgr_resources#infrastructure) and BC3 (2011). Electrify Your Business: Moving Forward with Electric Vehicles—A Bay Area Business Guide (www.bc3sfbay.org/ev-guide-for-businesses.html). See those reports for additional details. WdPacific, Inc. Raleigh, North Carolina, is among the many U.S. cities installing EVSE in public places. Photo from Kathy Boyer, Triangle Clean Cities Coalition, NREL/PIX 18520 such as subscription-based, pay-per-charge, and pay- for-parking systems. Using these types of systems typi- cally requires installation of advanced EVSE products. Employee Attraction and Retention Companies that offer charging may be able to attract and retain employees who want to charge PEVs during the day. In addition, it is very important to many employ- ees—even those who don’t drive PEVs—that their employers are proactive with transportation planning. Page 63 10 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts Fleet Cost Savings An organization may want to serve its own fleet with charging stations in addition to serving the public. A PEV fleet can realize substantial operating- cost savings. Advertising Opportunities Each time a PEV driver visits a charging station is an opportunity to advertise to that driver. A station host could advertise its own products or services in this way or sell advertising space to another organization. Contribution to LEED Certification Installing a charging station contributes toward attain- ing LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification. LEED is an internationally recog- nized system for rating the energy and environmental performance of buildings. Becoming LEED certified may contribute to improving an organization’s image and thus attract environmentally conscious customers and employees. Value of Avoided Carbon Emissions With a growing number of local and regional carbon- reduction policies, charging station owners may be able to benefit from the value of carbon emissions offset by their stations. Improved Public Health Governments have a responsibility to protect public health, and facilitating the pollution-reduction benefits of PEVs (depending on the source of electricity) by hosting charging stations can contribute to this aim. Increased Energy Security Many station owners have an interest in promoting the energy-security benefits of PEVs by making charg- ing stations available. See the Why Drivers Choose PEVs section. Charging Station Costs The costs of owning and operating a charging station include equipment, installation, maintenance, and electricity costs. You can reduce these costs by taking advantage of discounts and incentives. Public charging stations that incorporate renewable energy, such as these solar panels, can be particularly appealing to environmentally conscious drivers. Photo from IKEA Orlando, NREL/PIX 18709 Equipment EVSE products vary in the types of features they offer and the corresponding prices.” Prices shown here are for equipment only and do not include installation costs. The price of Level 2 EVSE is approximately $1,000 to $7,000 (before incentives) depending on the level of sophistication. The most basic Level 2 products have only standard safety features and status lights. More advanced, “smart” Level 2 products have features such as enhanced displays, charging timers, commu- nications capabilities, and keypads. “Intelligent” or networked Level 2 products have enhanced durability and ergonomics as well as features like payment card readers, billing software, advanced displays, wireless communication, automated diagnostics, computer- controlled power flow, internal metering, and smart- grid compatibility. DC fast-charging products are similar to intelligent or networked Level 2 products but cost substantially more (typically $20,000 to $50,000) because of the additional hardware require- ments associated with their high-power operation. However, manufacturers are working to decrease costs substantially. 2. This discussion is primarily drawn from Rocky Mountain Institute (2009). Plugging In: A Stakeholder Investment Guide for Public Electric-Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (www.rmi.org/pgr_ resources#infrastructure) and BC3 (2011). Electrify Your Business: Moving Forward with Electric Vehicles—A Bay Area Business Guide (www.bc3sfbay.org/ev-guide-for-businesses.html). WHPacific, Inc. Page 64 Plug-In Ele hicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts FPL AAW EVSE location PEV parking signs Wheel stop ——> asN YT EIS Figure 6. Example public charging station design showing EVSE, wheel stop, and sign locations. Source: eTec (2010), Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Deployment Guidelines for the Oregon I-5 Metro Areas of Portland, Salem, Corvallis and Eugene. EV Project publication, www.theevproject.com/documents.php. //lustration by Dean Armstrong, NREL Installation EVSE installation costs vary considerably, so be sure to do your homework and get a number of price quotes before moving forward. For example, the City of Houston reported installation costs of $860 to $7,400 per EVSE unit, not including the cost of the units them- selves.’ Factors affecting the cost (and installation time) include the number of circuits and EVSE units installed, indoor versus outdoor installation, required electri- cal upgrades, required ventilation, and the use of DC fast-charging EVSE. If required, trenching and adding electrical service or panels add the most cost. Total Installed Cost Estimates Various organizations have estimated the total cost of installing a typical public charging station, including equipment and installation costs. One organization’s estimate is $15,000 to $18,000 for a Level 2 station like the one shown in Figure 6; for a DC fast-charging station, the estimate increases to $65,000 to $70,000.4 Another’s estimate is $12,000 for a station with one Level 2 EVSE unit (plus $4,000 to $8,000 per additional unit) and $45,000 to $100,000 or more for a station with one DC fast-charging EVSE unit.* These prices are expected to trend downward as EVSE production volumes increase. Maintenance Typically, there are relatively few EVSE maintenance requirements. In general, the charging cord should be stored securely so it is not damaged, the accessible EVSE parts should be checked periodically for wear, and the system should be kept clean. See the EVSE man- ufacturer’s guidelines for specific requirements. Periodic inspection, testing, and preventive maintenance by a qualified electrical contractor may be recommended. One estimate of annual maintenance costs ranges from $25 to $50 per EVSE unit.® 3. See the Project Get Ready website (www.rmi.org/pgr_resources# infrastructure). 4, Estimates and figure from eTec (2010). Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Deployment Guidelines for the Oregon I-5 Metro Areas of Portland, Salem, Corvallis and Eugene. EV Project publica- tion (www.theevproject.com/documents.php). WPacific, Inc. Page 65 5. From BC3 (2011). Electrify Your Business: Moving Forward with Electric Vehicles—A Bay Area Business Guide (www.bc3sfbay.org/ ev-guide-for-businesses.html). 6. From Rocky Mountain Institute (2009). Plugging In: A Stakeholder Investment Guide for Public Electric-Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (www.rmi.org/pgr_resources#infrastructure). Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts Electricity Electricity costs will depend on the type of EVSE installed at a charging station as well as the amount and timing of PEV charging. For example, a station at a retail store might charge vehicles for short periods that include peak hours, i.e., the hours at which the utility may charge the highest electricity rate. On the other hand, a parking- garage station might charge vehicles for longer periods covering peak and off-peak hours. It is important to discuss the effects of PEV charging on electricity rates and loads with your utility. The advanced capabilities of some EVSE products can be useful for optimizing load management. In general, charging-station electricity costs are lower than equipment and installation costs.’ Discounts and Incentives Discounts and incentives can lower charging station costs. You may be eligible for incentives from the state, city, or utility. To find current incentives, search the AFDC’s Federal and State Incentives and Laws data- base (www.afdc.energy.govlafdcllaws). For even more information about incentives in your area, contact your local Clean Cities coalition (www.cleancities.energy.gov), state energy office (www.naseo.orglmembers/states! default.aspx), and utility. Charging Station Locations and Hosts Various business and government sites are suitable for hosting a charging station. An ideal station location is convenient and highly visible to a large number of potential or actual PEV drivers. It is also important to align the location and capabilities of the EVSE with the characteristics of the drivers visiting the station and the goals of the station host. For example, visitors to a retail store may park for several hours while shopping, and encouraging an extended stay benefits the business. Thus, Level 2 charging, which provides a substantial charge over several hours, is well suited to retail stores as well as other locations with similar characteristics, such as restaurants, theaters, hotels, shopping malls, and museums. Level 2, or even Level 1, charging may be appropriate to long-term-parking locations, such as office parks, airports, parking garages, and parking lots. Stations with DC fast charging are most suitable for places where drivers park for less than a half hour, Tate Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicles Data Center Federal & State Incentives & Laws "1049 ge2 Ge | —) Gren esee | Se avanced Search ‘Tha tection atoms you to browse and search a database of federal ang sate lems ang rcentves rated to a vince Btarative Rat ad vehicles, ar quay, Ra eiiency, and ther ranagrtaton elated topics. Seder Tee Teomeoay oat eave ero se Q Search All Incentives and Laws + Use an advanced search t find 8 Sec federal or state incentive oF lam, EQ View Tables of incentives and Laws » ‘Vem tables of incentives and laws sorted by technoloayiuel cents, reaulation oF ace. 1M Reed Key Legislation » esa veetea tec’! egsaton umranesreated te aterubve ues and advanced teacetaton eonaones, 1G Find Local incentives and Laws > ‘ind examen of incenbves and laws trom local governments 1 you Nave questors of would ite to 25d an iicentve tothe databese, e-mas the Iecheical Meszorue Servce. For agtona ncertves related to renenabie energy, goto the Qutahade ot State incectves for Renemaies A eftcience, Preese rote: The information n these pages provides an overview of incentives and laws and shoud rot be wsed 1 the only source of rormaton when mating vemcle purchase Secor. tan Secon, oF other BAIN ‘Sareements. Pease reer fo te federal and sate contact imhaded i these ages t0 very tRat these ws and (ecertves ae Stil applicable and Consu your tax adviser. Lay sou our aa | sen eieree YS ‘AsO Home | EES Home | WS. Deane of Eoeeax sboaser | eh Ste Paice | Secucty A Peace | APD Danner | USA coe The AFDC’s Federal and State Incentives and Laws database lists currently available incentives that can reduce the cost of EVSE. such as convenience stores, coffee shops, drug stores, and fast food restaurants. Types of Station Hosts This section explores considerations relevant to several potential station owners and hosts.’ These are only examples. Many other organizations and locations could host charging stations as well. Retail Stores Retail stores can reap many of the benefits discussed in the Charging Station Benefits section, including cus- tomer and employee attraction and retention, corporate branding, user charging and parking fees, fleet cost savings, advertising opportunities, and contribution to LEED certification. Each retailer must decide which benefits are most important and design its station and business model accordingly. For example, some may offer free charging to maximize customer attraction, whereas others may generate revenue directly via charg- ing or parking fees. 7. This discussion is largely summarized from Rocky Mountain Institute (2009). Plugging In: A Stakeholder Investment Guide for Public Electric-Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (www.rmi.org/ pgr_resources#infrastructure). WePacific, Inc. Page 66 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts 13 Parking Garages Because they already charge customers for parking, parking garages are ideally situated to generate revenue directly from PEV-driving customers. In addition, the existing electrical wiring and structure (e.g., walls and low ceilings) of many garages can reduce station instal- lation complexity and cost. Office Parks As noted in the Charging Station Benefits section, charging stations can help companies attract and retain employees, enhance “green” corporate branding, and serve their own fleet of PEVs. Employees based at office parks are likely to charge for several uninterrupted hours consistently, which should make charging station use relatively predictable. Utilities Utilities have a vested interest in guiding the develop- ment of PEV charging infrastructure, and they are implementing various charging-related strategies. Utilities that are not required to decouple electric- ity sales may receive direct financial benefits from increased PEV charging and may even establish their own charging stations. “Smart-charging” incentives provide PEV owners with convenient, low-cost charg- ing in exchange for giving the utility some control over the charging schedule for grid-stabilization purposes. When designing charging strategies, utilities must work within the restrictions created by their state Public Utility Commissions. Home Owners’ Associations Like office parks, multi-family housing units host long- term parking. Level 2 or even low-cost Level 1 EVSE may be appropriate for meeting overnight charging needs. The presence of charging stations could add value to the residences and entice environmentally conscious buyers. However, because not all residents benefit directly from the charging stations, home owners’ associations have to determine how to distribute the costs equitably. Governments Government entities have led the early development of PEV charging infrastructure. Although governments install charging stations to benefit their jurisdictions rather than generate profits, they may charge fees as a way to offset costs of station installation and operation. Existing Station Network When thinking about establishing a charging station, knowing the location of existing stations is important. Although the current availability of public charging sta- tions is limited, it is increasing rapidly. Publicly and pri- vately funded projects are accelerating the deployment of public stations, including several supported by the U.S. Department of Energy. For more information, visit the AFDC’s Deployment page (www.afdc.energy.gov/ afdclvehicles/electric_deployment.html). To find charging stations near you, visit the AFDC’s Alternative Fueling Station locator (www.afdc.energy.govlafdclfuels/stations. html), or access the locator with a mobile device at www. afdc.energy.govlafdcllocator/m/stations. WHPacific, Inc. Page 67 re) Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts Ownership and Payment Models Today, many charging stations are publicly funded and offer free charging to encourage early adopters of PEVs. However, many public stations will evolve toward a pay-for-use system as PEVs become more mainstream. In most parts of the United States, only utilities are allowed to sell electricity directly, so most non-utility- owned stations likely will charge a service fee instead of charging for electricity use. A number of payment models are being explored, all designed to make paying for charging simple and convenient. Drivers might subscribe to a charging service, swipe their credit card, enter a charging account number, or insert coins or bills into a meter to charge their PEVs. In many cases, drivers will only be charged a single fee for parking and charging. “Smart cards” or radio-frequency identifica- tion (RFID) devices programmed with user information enable the station host to collect usage data in addition to payment. Charging station ownership models also vary. Some charging station hosts may purchase, install, and operate stations themselves. This model gives the host or owner control of the station and allows them to keep all revenues. For example, a parking lot owner might buy and operate a pay-for-use charging station as a central part of its business strategy. Other organizations will contract with a third party who pays the station equipment, installation, and maintenance costs and manages the logistics in return for lease payments or a share of the station’s revenue. This model minimizes the host’s upfront costs and administrative responsibilities. For example, a retail business wanting the customer- attraction benefits of hosting a station without handling all the details might contract with a third party to install and operate a station on its property. Bay 4 PLUG Or a: 5 Paes. eee Two Payment Models Coulomb Technologies and NRG Energy exemplify two different charging station payment models. Coulomb supports a network of charging sta- tions —the ChargePoint Network — hosted by various organizations worldwide. For a fee, Coulomb provides turnkey services to collect, process, and forward payments from PEV drivers to the station hosts. This allows each host to set the station’s pricing system based on parameters such as amount of charging time, amount of electricity consumed, time of day, and day of week. For example, a municipal station might set one price per hour of charging during business hours and a second price after hours, while giving free access to municipal vehicles at all times. PEV drivers can pay for charging at these stations with major credit cards or Coulomb’s ChargePass smart card. For more information, visit the Coulomb website (www.coulombtech.com). Through its ChargePoint Network, Coulomb Technologies supports charging stations hosted by various organizations worldwide. Photo by Andrew Hudgins, NREL/PIX 17834 NRG Energy’s eVgo charging station network is being deployed initially in the Houston and Dallas/Fort Worth areas. In this model, PEV drivers subscribe to eVgo for a flat monthly fee. The most comprehensive subscription package provides installation of home EVSE, a three-year service agreement, unlimited charging at eVgo network stations, and unlimited charging at home with no additional electricity cost during non-peak hours. Public eVgo stations are hosted at retail, workplace, and multi-family housing locations. NRG manages the station installation and maintenance. Station hosts are responsible for few or no upfront costs but pay a monthly membership fee. For more information, visit the eVgo website (www. evgonetwork.com). WePacific, Inc. —_[—_—__=& _=**_ Page 68 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts Installing and Maintaining Charging Stations The Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program is one of the organizations that trains electrical contractors in EVSE installation. Photo from Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program Public charging station installations range from the simple to the complex. Figure 7 (next page) summarizes the processes for installing EVSE at a public station, and the following sections address some of the consider- ations related to establishing and operating public sta- tions.’ As Figure 7 shows, it is important to consult with your utility, governing authority, electrical contractor, PEV provider, EVSE provider, and other stakeholders early in the EVSE installation process. For additional details about installing EVSE, see the Clean Cities Plug-in Electric Vehicle Handbook for Electrical Con- tractors. Also see the Raleigh, North Carolina, public charging station installation video at www.youtube.com! watch?v=jvPLysg9y2o. Choosing an EVSE Provider and Electrical Contractor Several companies manufacture and sell EVSE. Some have partnered with a PEV manufacturer to become a “preferred EVSE provider,” so one way people choose EVSE is to use the companies recommended by the manufacturers or dealers of the PEVs that will be served. Because public stations will serve a variety of WdPacific, Inc. Page 69 PEVs, one option is to install a variety of EVSE products at these stations when possible. You can also discuss EVSE options with your electrical contractor and utility. If you choose an EVSE provider before choosing an electrical contractor, you can discuss potential electri- cal contractors with your EVSE provider—they likely will have a preferred-contractor list for your area. A viable EVSE product should be listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory, such as Underwriters Laboratories or CSA International. Find links to EVSE provider websites on the AFDC’s Related Links page (www.afde.energy.govlafdclrelated_links.html). In addi- tion, Plug In America lists EVSE products on its Acces- sory Tracker page (www. pluginamerica.orglaccessories). To find licensed electrical contractors trained in EVSE installation, contact the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program at Info@EVITP.org. In addition, your state’s licensing board likely will provide a list of licensed electrical contractors (though not specifically those that have received EVSE training). Energy Audit Before planning and installing a charging station, it may be useful to have an audit of your site’s entire energy footprint. An audit can identify opportunities for energy savings in your facility, and these savings could be used to offset the increased electricity load associated with adding a charging station. An audit may also help ensure that your station works well in your facility’s energy system. EVSE and Electrical Upgrades For charging stations that will serve multiple vehicles, it is important to project EVSE requirements over several years. If expansion of EVSE use is projected, the addi- tion of extra circuits, electrical capacity, and conduit from the electrical panel to future EVSE locations should be considered. It is less expensive to install extra panel and conduit capacity during initial construction 8. These recommendations are primarily summarized from Pacific Gas & Electric's Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Installation Manual (http://pge.com/mybusiness/environment/pge/electricvehicles) and eTec’s Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Deployment Guidelines for the Oregon I-5 Metro Areas of Portland, Salem, Corvallis and Eugene (www.theevproject.com/documents.php). See those documents for additional details. 16 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts Utility Considerations Governing Authority Considerations 1. PEV Rate Structure j i 1. Public Planning 2. Availability of Power oe ee 2. Funding/Grant Requirements 3. Metering with Utility vera” 3. Public Siting Locations 4. Total Load Management 4. Traffic Patterns 5. Smart Grid A 4 5. Public Street Signage 6. Level 2 and/or DC Fast 6. Other Requirements Charging OEM Considerations 1. Level 2 or DC Fast Charging - 3 2. Current and Future PEV Needs Enthusiasts Considerations Consultation Consultation 3. Determination of Number of 1. Location > with PEV <i> withPEVand <— Chargers Required 2. Promotion/Advertising Enthusiasts EVSE Suppliers 4. Determination of Location of Parking Areas 5. Determination of Electrical Loads 6. User Payment Options Business Owner Considerations Consultation Consultation Contractor Considerations 1. Quantity of EVSE > a “eel <- ee 1. Site Assessment/Load Calculation i Business Contractor pth i ss 2. Location of EVSE Station(s) Owners 2. Proximity to Utility Service Panel 3. Ownership Concerns 3. Standing Water/Flood Issues 4. Cost Sharing 4. Safety and Accessibility 5. Maintenance Responsibilities Considerations 6. User Payment for Service ¥ 5. Avoidance of Tripping Hazard 7. Vandalism PEV Promoter/ 6. Installation Meets Building Code 8. Lighting/Shelter Property Owner Requirements 9. Advertisement 7. oc Local Zoning See eee eee 8. Additional Lighting Requirements 9. Load Sharing Options y Site Plan ~ Contractor Considerations Peveloped 1. Drawing of EVSE Location \ 2. Electrical Plan Including New Circuit 3. Additional Meter Requirements, if Obtain Permits <———_ Necessary 4. Concrete Cutting, Trenching, ee i Y Landscape Considerations ‘oa Conduct 5. Contractor Estimate Completed Installation Approving Authority Considerations y |__ Matseetnee caee Reeaece an ae ea eT 1. All Building Codes Satisfied . Installation Completed, 2. Qualified and Certified Contractor Final Inspection and Approval Figure 7. General process for installing EVSE at a public facility. Source: eTec (2010). Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Deployment Guidelines for the Oregon I-5 Metro Areas of Portland, Salem, Corvallis and Eugene. EV Project publication (www.theevproject.com/documents.php). WHPacific, Inc. Page 70 Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts than to modify the site later. Electricity and charging- time needs can be analyzed by estimating electricity- use and time requirements for all the PEVs that will be served. This will enable assessment of electrical- upgrade needs and determination of the appropriate number and type of EVSE units. Whether installing one or many EVSE units, the electrical contractor should conduct a thorough site assessment and load calcula- tion to make a proper and safe determination of service capacity and prospective power needs. If upgrades to your electrical service are required, discuss the process and cost implications with your electric utility as soon as possible. Engineering and Construction Because EVSE installations involve specialty equip- ment and extensive electrical work —in addition to standard civil engineering work —select well-qualified contractors with experience in the relevant engineering and construction areas. The condition and location of existing electrical equipment will determine the com- plexity of the required electrical installations. If the existing electrical system does not support the required EVSE input voltage range, an isolation transformer is required to step electricity down to Level 2 or up to DC fast-charging voltage. To learn more about the types of considerations contractors must address, see the Clean Cities Plug-in Electric Vehicle Handbook for Electrical Contractors. Complying with Regulations Charging station installations must comply with local, state, and national codes and regulations, and instal- lation requires a licensed contractor. Your contractor should know the relevant codes and standards and obtain approval from the local building, fire, envi- ronmental, and electrical inspecting and permitting authorities before installing EVSE. You can learn about codes and standards typically used for U.S. PEV and infrastructure projects on the AFDC’s Codes and Standards Resources page (www.afdc.energy. govlafdclcodes_standards.html). To determine which codes and standards apply to your project, identify those that are in effect within your local jurisdiction. Some jurisdictions also have unique ordinances or regu- lations. EVSE is considered a continuous load by the National Electrical Code (NEC). An electrical contrac- tor’s knowledge and application of the current NEC is required for a safe and code-compliant installation. Charging stations may soon become a common sight along U.S. streets. Photo from Coulomb Technologies Consult PEV manufacturer guidance for information about the required EVSE and learn the specifications before purchasing equipment and electric services. In many areas, a site installation plan must be submit- ted to the permitting authority for approval before EVSE installation can proceed. A plan describes the use and locations of elements such as electrical system components, hazardous materials, EVSE, lighting, vehicle and pedestrian traffic flow, ventilation, signage and striping, safety and accessibility measures, and landscaping. You may want to work with your contrac- tor to develop the plan. Site and Equipment Considerations The following are some of the site and equipment issues you should consider when installing a charging station. Discuss these and other issues applicable to your specific installation with your contractors, utility, and EVSE provider. Convenience Locate EVSE and associated PEV parking as close as possible to the electric service while accommodating other activities at the site. Keep in mind that PEVs can be parked for hours at a time for charging. Avoiding Hazards Cords and wires associated with EVSE should not inter- fere with pedestrian traffic or present tripping hazards. PEV charging spaces should not be located near poten- tially hazardous areas. VA WHPacific, Inc. Page 71 18 WHPacific, Inc. Page 72 Plug-in Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts Ventilation Although most of today’s advanced batteries do not require ventilation during charging, some older types emit gases during charging. If your station will be enclosed, there must be adequate ventilation, which may include installation of fans, ducts, and air han- dlers. Depending on the installation, the NEC may also require ventilation. Verify the requirements with the PEV manufacturer’s documentation. Battery Temperature Limits Because some PEV batteries have operating- and charging-temperature limits, EVSE may need to be located within an enclosed, climate-controlled area in extreme climates. Pooled Water and Irrigation EVSE is designed to operate safely in wet areas. However, users will be more comfortable if it is not located where water pools or where irrigation systems spray. Preventing Impact Curbs, wheel stops, and setbacks should be used to prevent PEVs from colliding with EVSE (Figure 6). However, accessibility issues must also be considered when using these strategies. Vandalism Assess the risk of vandalism and minimize risk through use of preventive strategies, such as motion detectors, security lighting, tamper alarms, locked enclosures, anti-vandalism hardware, and graffiti- resistant coatings. Signage Signs are particularly important for public charging stations. Mark PEV parking/charging areas clearly with distinctive patterns on the ground and signs that can be seen over parked vehicles. Accessibility Evaluate and address requirements for complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as state, local, and organizational accessibility policies. Compliance measures may include adjusting connec- tor and receptacle heights, cutting curbs, and providing accessible parking spaces. Lighting and Shelter Provide lighting and shelter as necessary for the safety, comfort, and convenience of EVSE users. Lighting should enable EVSE users to read signs and instructions and to operate the EVSE easily. Although not typically required for outdoor-rated EVSE, shelter that blocks rain, snow, and wind can increase convenience and comfort associated with using EVSE. Payment for Charging Services If the station will require payment for charging, a payment system must be established (see the Ownership and Payment Models section). A payment system also can be used to collect data on station use. Some EVSE products have integrated payment and data collection/ communication systems. EVSE products with billing capability (and many others) will require network com- munications. Be sure to verify whether the EVSE needs Ethernet (Cat5 or Cat6) or cell network access and plan accordingly. Aesthetics The aesthetics of charging stations can be important, especially for businesses trying to portray a positive image to customers. Where necessary, landscaping or walls can be used to screen equipment from view. Trouble Reporting Station users who have trouble with the EVSE should be able to report it or contact support. For example, you could post your organization’s telephone number or the number of a service that monitors multiple public stations, or you could direct customers needing help to a specific office or store location. Plug-In Electric Vehicle Handbook for Public Charging Station Hosts Electrifying the Future You now know the basics about PEVs and public charging stations. Ina time of volatile petroleum prices and heightened environmental concerns, many people may see PEVs as a convenient way to reduce driving costs while being environmentally responsible. The number of available PEV models and the number of PEVs on the street are growing rapidly, as is the need for additional charging stations. Now may be a good time to consider hosting a charging station and becoming part of the electric transportation future. To keep up with new PEV developments, visit the AFDC (vww.afdc.energy.govlafdclvehicles/electric. html) and FuelEconomy.gov (www. fueleconomy. gov) frequently. Illustration from iStock/15052491 Clean Cities Can Help If you need help with your PEV project, contact your local Clean Cities coordinator by visiting www.cleancities.energy.gov. WdPacific, Inc. Page 73 Alaska Energ ity | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study U.S. DEPARTMENT ENERGY Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Clean Cities Technical Response Service 800-254-6735 technicalresponse@icfi.com Prepared by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy; operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. DOE/GO-102012-3275 + April 2012 Printed with a renewable-source ink on paper containing at least 50' astepaper, including 10% post consumer waste. ee ala from iStock, mm iStock WHPacific, Inc. CAs. al Cities U.S. Department of Energy Page 74 VULUIY UI OUDLAIIGUIILy QUU LALVILULULICLIL = JOULE DLV IL ULULIE LIL 4x | ttle rity | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study » Gy Seattle: av Office of S Nissan Leaf electric vehicle Climate Protection Energy Green Building Transportation Electric Vehicles Food Waste and Toxics Reduction Water and Urban Trees Learn and Lower Your Impact Your Greener Government Community Connections Plans and Documents Find out more about how we will get to carbon neutral! WHPacific, Inc. ustainability Creating healthy urban environments for all rage rvure Departments | Services | Staff Directory | My.Seattle.Gov Jill Simmons, Director Top electric vehicle links Seattle City Light & Single & Multi-family charging stations Client Assistance Memo (DPD) m Washington Electric Vehicle Laws and Incentives yg Puget Sound Clean Cities Coalition The FV Proiect by Mariordo59 City of Seattle Fleets Progress on Electric Vehicles Electric Vehicles e 44 all-electric vehicles replaced less efficient vehicles since mid-2011 e Over 1,600 gallons of fuel saved as a result e Lifetime savings of $3-4K with EV over hybrid or conventional vehicle e Seattle awarded 2010's Top Green Fleet award from 100 Best Fleets Seattle is one of a handful of cities participating in the nation’s largest electric vehicle demonstration, the EV Project. With the help of millions in federal stimulus dollars, the City of Seattle is collaborating with Puget Sound local governments, businesses, non-profits, and electric vehicle enthusiasts, to create a robust regional charging infrastructure for EVs. Promoting electric vehicles an important part of the City’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gases from cars and trucks on Seattle’s roads, which make up 40 percent of our city-wide footprint and are the single largest source of emissions. To reduce our transportation footprint, the City is pursuing a two-part strategy. The first part focuses on increasing transportation choices so that residents and businesses can walk, bike, or take transit. The second part focuses on improving vehicle efficiency so that the remaining cars and trucks on Seattle roads have a smaller greenhouse gas impact. Plug-in electric vehicles are an exciting step forward in efficiency, especially here in Seattle where the vehicles will be powered by the clean energy of Seattle City Light . In fact, if the average Seattleite switched to an electric car, it would eliminate more than four tons of greenhouse gas emissions every year. Read the FAQ or visit some of the other pages below. Getting Seattle Plug-In Ready The City has been working to ensure that Seattle is “plug-in ready.” The Plug-in Ready Team is working to: Streamline the permitting process and provide consumer information for installing home and commercial charging stations. Identify code changes for new construction to make it easier to install charging stations. Developing charging stations on City property for city fleets and public charging. Coordinate with surrounding cities and King County to develop a regional EV infrastructure strategy. Explore market demand for plug-in vehicles, and the infrastructure needs for likely EV purchasers. Provide education on the benefits of electric vehicles. Funding for EV infrastructure Funding for Seattle’s EV charging infrastructure is coming from federal stimulus funds. On the private property side, ECOtality North America is working on installation of charging stations for homes and at local businesses. For public property, the Puget Sound Clean Cities Coalition was awarded funds ier the City of Seattle to install up to 50 EV charging stations for the City’s fleet and for public access ic property, WAI UE DUO y Gn va ae | Navigate to: avuiie Larvae Alaska Energy Authority | Birehgad Hectieattikidie htesiaiity titi dyentral Library garages. Electric vehicle links Seattle Electric Vehicle Association The EV Project Western Washington Clean Cities EV Guide by Western Washington Clean Cities King County - Plug and Ride Electric Vehicle Pilot Project Electric Drive Washington Washington Electric Vehicle Laws and Incentives How an Electric Vehicle Works US Department of Energy — Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles EV icon by Washington Dept. of Transportation. Climate Protection | Energy | Water and Urban Trees | Built Environment — | Lower Your Impact | Transportation | Food | Community Connections | We're Here to Help... Questions / Complaints FAQs Employee Directory Seattle.gov Home Page Mayor's Office City Council City Departments My.Seattle.Gov Business In Seattle Living in Seattle Visiting Seattle City Customer Service City Services Call (206) 684-CITY (2489) © Copyright 1995-2013 City of Seattle WbPacific, Inc. um at 1 . at 1. Lageeure Waste and Toxics Reduction Plans and Documents Follow Us CityLink Blogs Social Media Sites Data.seattle.gov Privacy and Security Policy Page 76 Public/Commercial Charging Page 1 of 2 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study raat aes fs cain Lonnect Search GoElectricDrive.com —_| Search | mee VN AN G ™ Your Information Hub for Plug-In Electric Vehicles GET STARTED DRIVE ELECTRIC! ELECTRIC CARS CHARGING INCENTIVES FAQ & GLOSSARY NEWS & EVENTS. ABOUT RESOURCES Home A Fkduj bj CHARGING Charging Public/Commercial Charging Share MW charging Overview Charging Locator Chevrolet Volt Charging your electric vehicle, when needed, at Chevy Voit CODA Sedan Events one of the growing number of public and commercial charging stations is easy and cost- effective. Prices for public charging are at the discretion of the charging site owner, within Incentives for EV Buyers limits established by utility regulators. Payment methods include subscriptions, credit and debit Charging Station Locator FitEV Fleets Ford Focus Electric Grid Electricity hands free Honda Home Charging Workplace Charging Mitsubishi i Mobile Public/Commercial cards, pre-paid smart cards, radio or infrared Nissan LEAF Charging 7 2 identification tags, cash or another payment Pluginday Prius Range RAV4 roadmap a iain mitts method. Charging can be included as part of Safety Showroom Tesla Fleet Charging the parking fee. It's sometimes free at retail or Tesla Model S Tesla Roadster ————-— mall locations, to encourage plug-in car owners Toyota Utility Resources to shop at their stores. belie See SE i Transit Connect Electic \ 7 Fj i ehicles Charging Safety and Power While You Shop, Play or Explore Standards PEVs can easily be charged at a public charging station while you shop, attend events or Saat SY mei see the sights. At a 240-volt electric charging station, plug-in hybrids and extended-range Visit the Charging Station vehicles can take one to four hours to charge, depending on how much battery power has Resource Locator! Showroom been expended. Local governments are planning to install charging stations in parking poratetine garages, shopping centers and at curbsides. f Hes a Find an EV Charger ff Erte! eee The number of public and commercial charging stations is expected to grow exponentially in ~ rete the next few years. The U.S. Department of Energy has provided more than $115 million to fund construction of charging infrastructure in major cities in seven regions of the U.S. In conjunction with Nissan and General Motors, the EV Project includes provisions for public and private 240-volt electric power charging stations, along with roadside fast-charging units, in anticipation of the rapid growth of plug-in vehicles. Utilities and municipal governments across the U.S. and Canada are also undertaking initiatives to support electric vehicles. Charging in the Fast Lane Advances in technology are making the possibility of faster charging at public and commercial charging stations a reality. Fast-charging technology for electric vehicles can recharge batteries four to six times faster than conventional chargers. Once safely connected to a fast charger your vehicle controls the charging process, determining the charging rate. Additional Questions about PEV Public and Commercial Charging Stations 1. How much will it cost to charge my vehicle at a public or commercial charging station? The cost of public charging is determined by the charging site owner, usually within limits established by utility regulators or municipal authorities. Some public stations may provide free electric vehicle charging to attract customers to nearby businesses. Electric car owners may be able to pay by credit or debit card, a service subscription, pre-paid smart card, radio or infrared identification tags, cash or another payment method. 2. How can | find a public charging station in my area? Online resources, such as Clean Car Maps, direct drivers to charging stations in their area. Many new tools are being developed that will locate compatible charging stations, provide cost information and pay for charging on your mobile phone or PDA. For some vehicles, onboard services provided by the automaker will locate charging stations for you. For more information on PEV home charging, charging stations and charging costs, please visit these organizations’ websites: + The Electric Drive Transportation Association WHPacific, Inc. * Cini Car Maeda Page 77 Management of electric vehicle fleet charging March 2011 / White paper by Maél Cazals and Gilles Vidalenche Make the most of your energy Schneider FI Electric Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Table of contents INTOGUCTION eee ee cet esate deaetieslesseticcadescbieeadess hss p2 What is an electric Vehicle? ooo... ccc ececeecseceeeeeeeeseeeseeeseeneeeseesseeseeeaeees p 4 How are electric vehicles recharged? ...........ccccecceeseeeseesseesseeseeseeeseeeseesees p 5 What to use as a basis for management of an electric vehicle fleet ......... p7 How are electric vehicles made available? ... 0 .........cecececcceeseeseeeeeeeeesees p 8 ... Whilst at the same time managing your energy bill? .............ceeeee p 9 Recharging vehicles outside the company .... Associated SOrviCeS .......ccccccccccssecsseseecesecesesseceseeeeeseesseeeseeseesseseseeseesees p 12 COMCIUSION Fete ee cH cl codtceeltacstocurtseatcec!sieatcsatvet dees esdllecethedibansttne p 13 GIOSSEMY fies csc scsesuceseateccttecelbeollceettsenthonel cast bardicendtendllenetrocssoess bers tecstlasedtucettce p 14 WHPacific, Inc. Page 79 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Management of electric vehicle fleet charging Introduction In France, company vehicle fleets represent approximately a third of the overall number of vehicles registered, i.e. 850,000 vehicles in 2010. With no gas emission, no discharge of particles and silent operation, the electric vehicle offers an effective, concrete solution to reduce the ecological footprint of transport. It forms the last missing link in the panorama of sustainable urban mobility (train, tramway, bus, bicycle) and perfectly matches the needs of drivers travelling less than 20 km daily, essentially within urban areas. This average distance covered each day corresponds to the needs of private individuals using their vehicles for the home-work run and also to most trips made using vehicles from company fleets. Using an electric vehicle regularly requires safe, easy-to-use charging systems. These charging infrastructures must also allow the user to charge his vehicle during his usual journeys and not force him to stop specifically to do this. The innovative concept of electric vehicle charging is the possibility to charge it where the user usually parks instead of having to stop specially to charge it as is the case for vehicles with combustion engines which need to stop in service stations. Environmental initiatives developed on a nation-wide scale are raising the awareness of companies to the importance represented by the arrival of more ecological shared, alternative and multi-mode means of transport. For this reason several large French companies, the State and the local authorities have undertaken to acquire between 50,000 and 100,000 electric vehicles by 2015. This purchasing process will subsequently be widened to include companies with smaller fleets. The electric vehicle is more environmentally-friendly than vehicles with combustion engines and provides an effective, concrete solution to reduce the impact of transport on the environment, particularly for short urban or suburban journeys. However, implementing electric vehicles in a company fleet requires the following conditions to be fully met: * guarantee electric vehicle availability, * set up a fleet management system or integrate an existing one, * have an optimised charging infrastructure allowing efficient energy management. The key factors for successful electric vehicle fleet management are therefore: * set up efficient vehicle fleet management: journey organisation, rotation and sharing of vehicles, consumption monitoring, battery autonomy, etc. * availability of a charging infrastructure: the company must ensure that the employee has access to a space and a charging station for his vehicle. * Include charging station energy management in the management of the overall energy efficiency of the building. (1) source - Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing WHPacific, Inc. White Paper | 02 Page 80 Electric vehicle fleets Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study What is an electric vehicle? The motor The car is generally fitted with one or more electric motors with a total power ranging from 15 to 100 kW depending on the size, usage and desired performance. E.g. 48 kW (65 hp.) for a small 4-seater saloon. Batteries and range The battery bank supplies energy provided: ¢ either by recharging from an external source via cable * or by vehicle deceleration, where the engine works as a generator. The battery capacity is within a range of 5 to 40 kWh, with a total voltage of between 300 and 500V. The vehicle's range depends directly on the battery's capacity and also on the type of journey (flat, varied, urban, etc.), the driving mode and the accessories used (headlights, heating, air-conditioning, windscreen wipers, other accessories). The manufacturers announce an average driving range of 150km. WhPacific, Inc. So 11> Connection plug for charging 2> Built-in charger 3> Battery bank for energy storage 4> UPS and traction motor(s) Management of electric vehicle fleet charging White Paper | 04 Page 82 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study How are electric vehicles charged? Charging modes Mode 2: connection to a domestic socket Connection of the electric vehicle to the building's electrical distribution system via connector bases which plug into domestic single phase or three phase AC sockets with earth and power supply conductors. A charging control function is either built into the plug or into a unit fitted to the cable. Charging is restricted to 10A. Mode 3: connection to a specific socket Connection of the electric vehicle to the building's electrical distribution network via connector bases which plug into specific sockets on a dedicated AC circuit. A charging control function is built into the plug base. For reasons of safety, Schneider Electric only offers this solution. Mode 3 guarantees users the highest level of safety and the best performance. Danger may arise from: a faulty system (damaged cable, faulty or aging installation, etc;) ¢ mishandling by users (a child putting its fingers into the socket, etc.) ¢ incorrect usage (the user plugs the connector into the wrong socket, etc.) In mode 3, the personal protection functions (e.g. differential circuit breaker) are in the fixed part, whereas in mode 2 they are built into the cable. This means that in mode 2, if the cable is damaged, there is no guarantee that these functions will not be affected. In all cases, property protection (e.g. lightning conductor) is not built into the cable. Mode 4: DC connection Connection of the electric vehicle to an external charger fitted with a specific cable and delivering direct current. The charger incorporates the control function and electrical protection. WHPacific, Inc. Management of electric vehicle fleet charging fe} AC COM => (Checking device built into the charging stations) Pilot wire ‘Two wires in the charging cable establish communication between the charging station land the charger in the car. The purpose of the information exchanged is: ¢ For the charging station to only establish the voltage if the vehicle is connected, it is correctly connected to the charging station earth and is ready for charging. ¢ For the charger: to restrict the current called to the maximum authorised by the charging station (only mode 3). White Paper | 05 Page 83 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Time to recharge The time required for optimum charging of the vehicle's battery is directly linked to the electric power injected into the vehicle. If the vehicle is connected to a domestic socket on the building's standard electrical distribution network (mode 2), charging will be restricted to 10A, which means a longer time to charge it (around 10 to 12 hours). If it is connected to a dedicated electrical circuit (mode 3), the time to charge is between 1 hour (three-phase, 63A) and 8 hours (single-phase, 16A). In addition, quick charging stations (mode 4) delivering 500C/125A in AC allow the battery to be recharged to 80% of its capacity in only 15 minutes. W#Pacific, Inc. Management of electric vehicle fleet charging (in n...SCO Time to fully charge (hours) 10A 186A —32A 32A Mode 2 Mode3 single phase three phase 125A | Mode 4 \ Power available at charging station outlet _/ White Paper | 06 Page 84 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Management of electric vehicle fleet charging What to use as a basis for management of an electric vehicle fleet To be more efficient, management of an electric vehicle fleet must take into account different factors regarding the vehicle (battery autonomy, time to recharge, etc.), the building (available energy, power of the installation, etc.) and the company (vehicle availability, cost of operating the vehicles and the infrastructure, etc.). To ensure vehicle availability, the fleet manager: * manages user priority, * manages the rate of occupation of the charging infrastructure, * optimises the energy costs. For this purpose, the fleet manager will need to use a certain number of parameters regarding e.g. * the charging infrastructure (maximum power, electricity contract subscribed to, etc.), the vehicles (type of vehicle, category, registration, maintenance dates, battery autonomy, etc.), * the charging stations (number of stations, maximum power delivered, charging in progress, vehicle not connected, etc.), * the drivers (profile, identifier, etc.), * the reservation system (date and time of departure and arrival of the vehicle, distance travelled, etc.). W#Pacific, Inc. In most cases, the daily trips made by employees in a company are less than 100km but have very specific usage constraints: ¢ the vehicles may be used at set times (home-company run, rounds, deliveries, etc.) or the times may be random (on call, emergencies, etc.), the distance travelled by the vehicles may be short (targeted interventions, breakdown assistance) or very long (vehicle used by a sales rep or for rounds), the sales rep vehicle departures may be planned in advance or last minute. > Outdoor quick and slow charging stations White Paper | 07 Page 85 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study How are electric Management of electric vehicle fleet charging vehicles made available? ... Different strategies can be adopted by the fleet manager: 1 / first come - first served whatever the charge the vehicle still has left The employee leaves his vehicle in a free parking space and connects it up. It immediately starts charging if the power available on the infrastructure allows it. If the power is not available, charging will be deferred. Disadvantages: there is no guarantee that the vehicle will be available when the user wants it as there is no knowing when charging will start and end. Therefore the range of the vehicle is not known when it is taken out. 2 / charging according to the range left in the vehicle. This strategy involves charging the vehicles with the lowest range first. This means the range each vehicle has left must be fed back to the infrastructure. The vehicle with the lowest range will be charged first. Advantage: charging of the vehicles with the lowest charge starts as soon as possible. Disadvantages: there is no guarantee that the vehicle will be available when the user wants it as there is no knowing when charging is supposed to end. Implementation Two technical criteria must be taken into account: * the power available on the installation to charge the vehicles, * the maximum charging power of the vehicle (normal charging 3kW, express charging 22kW, quick charging 43kW). Two approaches can thus be adopted when setting up the infrastructure: * acharging infrastructure allowing all the vehicles to be charged at the same time. W#Pacific, Inc. 3 / range required for the intervention The vehicle charging strategy depends on the information in the vehicle reservation system (time slots for use, mission, etc.). The following information is required: * range remaining on the vehicle, * range required for the mission, the date when the vehicle will be made available. The automatic system managing the charging station infrastructure will distribute the power of the installation to satisfy the scheduled reservations. Advantages: the vehicles are guaranteed to be available at all times. The system takes into account the characteristics of the journey (season, type of journey, preconditioning of the vehicle, length). Disadvantage: a reservation system is required. 4 / group of top priority vehicles This strategy can be used in addition to the previous ones. These are vehicles whose battery must always have a minimum charge. The installation must be capable of charging all the top priority vehicles simultaneously. e.g. utility vehicles intended for urgent interventions or on-call situations. No system is used to distribute the charging power between the vehicles. The electrical installation is only used for a few hours during the day. This means the infrastructure will be oversized in terms of power and the costs of the electricity contract will be high. * acharging infrastructure allowing the vehicles to be charged by distributing the charging power over time: A system is used to manage the available power. The electricity installation and electricity contract are accurately sized. White Paper | 08 Page 86 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Management of electric vehicle fleet charging .. whilst at the same time Managing your energy bill Optimising operating costs for an electric vehicle fleet depends on several factors. 1 / tariff bands The fleet management system takes into account the energy supplier's tariff bands when charging the vehicles. Two ways of doing this: ¢ disabling charging during certain tariff bands on one, several or all the charging stations. Disadvantages: difficult to combine energy savings with vehicle availability. * spread vehicle charging over the time slots to ensure they are available at the cheapest cost. Advantages: the vehicles will be charged first and foremost during the cheapest time slots. WH#Pacific, Inc. 2 / the source of the energy supplied The fleet management system takes into account information from the energy supplier with regard to the type of energy (low-carbon electricity) depending on the times of day. Two ways of doing this: * disable charging when the energy is not low- carbon on one, several or all the charging stations. Disadvantages: difficult to combine periods of low-carbon energy with vehicle availability. ¢ distribute vehicle charging, restricting charging when the energy supplied ic not low-carbon. Advantages: vehicles will be charged first and foremost during low-carbon periods. Low-carbon energy is produced ina way which does not generate CO... White Paper | 09 Page 87 rt The charging infrastructure, the key success factor for electric vehicles od Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Charging vehicles Management of electric vehicle fleet charging outside the company Although the vehicle is normally charged on the company car park, the vehicle may require charging outside this location. In this case, the different types of charging infrastructure will allow full charging of the vehicle to fit in with the user's habits with regard to places and length of stops. * For long stops (night at home, day at the work place), a full charge of between 6 and 8 hours can be done on a domestic installation or on a car park installation (company). ¢ For shorter stops of 1 or 2 hours (e.g. during lunch or a meeting), the driver can top up his charge on a car park, a shopping centre or at the roadside. Finally for quick charging lasting 15 to 20 minutes, charging will be carried out in a service station (e.g. in case of emergency).It is possible to install a quick charging station on fleet car parks for ambulances or taxis for example. Quick charging terminal © Charging in 15 to 30 minutes + Areliable, fast solution in an emergency. Shopping centre car parks © Charging to 25% minimum in 2 hours Robust, locking, vandal-proot solution, Supervision and charging level services. With or without payment system, Car park for vehicle fleet © Charging in 3 to 8 hours + Vehicle fleet management and supervision solution to save energy. WHPacific, Inc. Residential garage ») Charging in 6 to 8 hours + Installed by a professional with guaranteed safety for people and equipment. In this context, the fleet manager will need to have a way of tracing the charges and journeys carried out outside the company to allow him to know the charge of the fleet at any given moment: * what vehicle has been charged? * where did this take place? * what power was delivered? * how much did the charging cost? expenses. Residential car parks © Charging in 6 to 8 hours 4 Solutions to manage all energy Private company car parks © Charging in 3 to 8 hours 4 Free or paying service for employees and visitors with supervision and video-surveilance. Covered paying car parks © Charging to 25% minimum in 2 hours. + Remote or centrally controlled installations. Road-side parking © Charging to 25 % minimum in 2 hours ++ Weather-proof, impact-resistant systems with payment option. White Paper | 11 Page 89 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Management of electric vehicle fleet charging Associated services The charging stations transfer operating information via a hard-wired connection to the cabinet containing the automatic charging management system. The data is stored on a database to be used by the management system which may be located either: * locally: if a system is already operational and adapted for electric vehicle management, * remotely: if operation is off-site or sub-contracted to a service provider. Services for the electric vehicle fleet manager Reservations management: * ensure each vehicle has the necessary range for the type of missions to be carried out. Vehicle management (administrative, technical and financial management): * electricity consumption of each vehicle ¢ state of health of the battery (age, number of charging cycles carried out, level of charge remaining, etc.) and maintenance calendar. Supervision of stations installed on one or more sites with energy, user and infrastructure management. Services for the driver Mobile applications communicating with the system database provide information regarding the state of the batteries and allow the electricity consumption of the vehicle to be remotely consulted, give the remaining charging time, the parking time, the level of co, saved, the cost of the vehicle per km, including the battery rental. W#Pacific, Inc. Management | interface ‘ Charging management automation Terminals Moreover, the position determination functions available via the vehicle GPS and smartphones allow the range required for the next trip to be calculated, nearby charging stations to be located or the places where the vehicles are parked to be memorised. Position determination by smartphone application White Paper | 12 Page 90 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Conclusion The increasing use of electric vehicle fleets is a response to the political commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of the transport sector. Several car manufacturers already produce 100% electric cars but their inclusion in a company fleet means mobility needs to be radically restructured, particularly with regard to the concept of car-sharing. Suppliers of intelligent charging solutions, aware of the issues linked to the sector, provide their expertise and support companies in the process of integrating electric vehicles into a fleet. Indeed, for the political aims to be put into practice, it is essential for companies that the cost (TCO) of a fleet of electric vehicles should be close or identical to that of a fleet of combustion vehicles. As the initial cost is greater, intelligent management of the charging infrastructure and vehicle availability is necessary for the company to see a return on the investment. More than ever, the charging infrastructure is a key success factor for the electric vehicle. WHPacific, Inc. Management of electric vehicle fleet charging White Paper | 13 Page 91 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Glossary ¢ Fleet manager: person managing the company vehicle fleet * Automatic vehicle fleet charging management: technical measure controlling electric vehicle charging via the charging stations (based on criteria such as tariff bands, available power, vehicle priority and reservation slots booked by the drivers). * Station or hub: technical device to which the vehicle is connected to charge it. * Cable: technical device used to connect the vehicle to the station. ¢ Key cupboard: technical device delivering the keys of the vehicle booked by the driver when he comes to get it * Server: technical device which recovers, stores and transfers data ° Web service: utility which processes and formats data from the server for a user * Reservation manager: technical measure allowing the driver to book a vehicle via an interface * Station manager: technical measure managing the power supply to the stations and energy management W#Pacific, Inc. Management of electric vehicle fleet charging White Paper | 14 Page 92 7x SHU NES y. 1% GUIDE SHEET for Government/ Public Sector Government agencies have many opportunities to participate in assisting the roll-out of PEVs in their local area. The CFCC is leading the organized expansion of PEVs to help improve the region's air quality and energy efficiency. CCFC’s leadership will also reduce governmental costs by eliminating redundancy of efforts. Based on work by national leaders with municipalities at the forefront of electric transportation, this guide sheet provides a summary of considerations as you move forward. Go4PEV.érg RS) Greater Charlotte Region Plugs In The Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition (CCFC) is a U.S. Dept. of Energy Clean Cities program. WhPacific, Inc. a CORES Moving" aprons Study Ahead with "> > Plug-in Electric Ve- rhicles:(PEV) es REGULATORY AND POLICY » Does your community need to update local zoning codes to allow or require charging stations for residential, multi- family, businesses, parking lots and parking garages? » Have you reviewed sample language available from local governments in other states to inform amendments to local ordinances? ® Do you offer certification or participate in regional certification efforts for contractors to be approved electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) installers? ® Could you offer local incentives for residents or businesses to purchase PEVs or install EVSE? ® Has your public safety department looked into training opportunities for firefighters and first responders for emergencies with PEVs and EVSE equipment? ® Have you explored opportunities to bring PEV-related jobs and industry to the local area? INFRASTRUCTURE ® Have you developed a list of priority sites for public charging? ® Have you researched and/or selected a preferred vendor(s) for charging stations? ® Have you explored the options for public charging stations? ® Have you asked for an engineering analysis of any necessary upgrades to electrical capacity, conduit, or concrete work for preferred sites? ® Have you assessed your need for wireless networking, soft- ware and billing system processes? » Are you able to meet the required engineering and planning approvals needed? ® Have you identified a local electrical contractor? ® Has your contractor installed other charging stations in your city or town? » Have you addressed American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance issues and provided EVSE in handicap- accessible parking spaces, if required? ® Have you considered if or how you might price the use of charging stations? »® Who will maintain the public charging stations? ® Have you consulted with legal counsel to determine if there are any potential liability issues? FLEETS ® Are you familiar with your company’s procurement policies? Page 93 Alaska Energ ity | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study GUIDE SHEET for Government/ Public Sector to sign up for CCFC PEV e-newsletter at Go4PEV.ORG/HOME Go4PEV.¢ rg CER Greater Charlotte Regi ion Plugs In WHPacific, Inc. continued » Doyou know the current PEV makes and models available in your area? ® Has your fleet manager reserved cars through local dealerships or the manufacturers’ websites for purchase or lease? » Can you wait for vehicles to become available? ® Have you considered the cost to replace cars and whether it ! makes sense to lease vs purchase? ® Have you calculated the costs of electricity versus your current gasoline costs? ® Have you obtained tax advice regarding rebate and tax-related opportunities? » Doyou understand the various original equipment manufacture (OEM) warranties offered? ® Have you considered battery life—and are you aware of recycling options? » Have you calculated and budgeted for the cost of installing higher capacity ESVE in government vehicle lots? » Doyou have resources to train staff on vehicle use, charging, maintenance and safety? PUBLIC/PRIVATE OUTREACH ® Can you leverage existing communications outlets to communicate regional PEV readiness efforts to citizenry and business community/private sector? ® Will you upload the locations of public charging stations in your area to the national database and/or provide a map for your community? » Are you able to keep your web information current? » Can you assess and promote PEV jobs and economic opportunities through city marketing or economic development offices? LEARN MORE There is a learning curve to purchasing and operating a PEV but you're not alone—we'e here to help. » Links to Useful websites > Go4PEV.org > www.duke-energy.com/plugin » Learn more about the technology and resources at www. advancedenergy.org/transportation > www.GoElectricdrive.com > www.afdc.energy.gov/afdc/locator/stations/ national database to add public charging stations. > www.evsafetytraining.org Page 94 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 5. EV CHARGING AT FLEET FACILITIES Government, utility, and private fleets are currently the largest market for EVs. Federal and Cali- fornia clean air regulations specifically target fleets in their attempts to increase the number of clean air vehicles. PG&E has been a leader in introducing both EVs and natural gas vehicles into their fleet and can provide considerable assistance to other organizations attempting to meet clean air mandates. The process of establishing EV charging infrastructure in fleet facilities is more complicated than in residential settings but many of the underlying issues are the same. This chapter outlines issues that are specific to fleet applications. A. Site Planning Many siting issues influence the successful planning of a charging facility: 1. Number of EVs and Chargers Planners must be realistic when determining the number of EVs a fleet will include, because that number will determine each facility’s charging requirements. Estimates must include the number of fleet vehicles to be added over the next three to five years, with special attention to meeting upcoming state and federal AFV mandates. The facility operator should also consider planned flexibility that allows the site to grow with developing technologies or changes in charging re- quirements. Planners should seriously consider installing extra circuits and additional electrical capacity during initial construction, when costs are minimal. Fleet managers should analyze what the fleet’s charging schedule will be by developing a charg- ing curve for each vehicle in the fleet (see next page). The curve matches the time of day a vehi- cle is recharged with the amount of energy used. After developing a curve for each vehicle, they can be aggregated to get a facility-wide fueling curve. This calculation will determine the fre- quency of charging and the energy required to service the entire facility. It will also facilitate equipment scheduling by helping determine the amount of time needed to recharge each vehicle. Based on the information taken from the charging curve, a facility manager can plan: charging needs (number of chargers), facility energy needs, and the necessary mix of Level 2 and Level 3 charging. The vehicle manufacturer and EVSE supplier can provide fleet managers with sample charging time and electricity consumption figures in order to develop a charging curve. Several factors must be considered when deciding between Level 2 or Level 3 charging. Because of the length of time necessary to complete Level 2 charging, a facility will most likely need one charger per vehicle, as charging will take place overnight. This scenario may require additional land, island construction, cabling, and transformers—and will require the installation of appro- priate EVSE. These factors can increase capital costs significantly. Installing Level 3 charging will raise costs for cabling, transformers, and chargers, but possibly lower land and construction costs. EV Infrastructure Installation Guide 27 WkPacific, Inc. Page 95 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study How a fleet uses its vehicles will determine the appropriate charging method. Vehicles requiring expanded range may require a fast mid-day charge, requiring rapid Level 3 charging. However, Level 3 charging will raise equipment and electricity costs. In addition, some EV manufacturers will void the vehicle’s warranty if the owner uses Level 3 charging. Each facility manager must carefully assess their fleet use and weigh the cost differences before deciding on using one charging level or a combination of both. As mentioned earlier in this section, the following table shows a sample aggregated charging curve for a fleet facility. Time Number Type of Electricity | Charge Total charge of vehi- vehicle dispensed level time per vehi- cles (kWh) | cle* 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 2 Shuttle 200 3 1 hr. each buses 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 2 Pass. cars 50 3 15 min. each 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 4 Pickups 100 2 4.2 hrs. each 21:00 22:00 23:00 2 Pass. cars 50 4.2 hrs each 24:00 Total 400 kWh 27.7 hrs. * Charge time is determined by vehicle charging algorithm. 2. Convenience Locate the charging station so that it accommodates other activities within the fleet facility. It is advisable to locate the station in a low-traffic area of the facility, because EVs may be required to remain parked for several hours at a time and therefore could block the movement of other fleet vehicles. EV Infrastructure Installation Guide 28 WHPacific, Inc. Page 96 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 3. Cable Management Cords and cables associated with charging equipment should not cross sidewalks or pedestrian traffic patterns. 4. Ventilation Needs As discussed in Chapter 2, most of today’s advanced batteries do not require ventilation during charging. However, some earlier battery types do produce and emit gases during charging as a result of electrolysis. Due to the concerns related to these older battery types, the facility man- ager should ensure that adequate ventilation is in place when older battery types that do emit gases are included in their fleet. The cost of ventilation equipment, including fans, ducts, and air handlers, ranges from $400 for a 320 cfm centrifugal roof exhauster to $2,550 for a 1000 cfm industrial exhauster. Equipment should be based on the specific enclosure and the number of chargers installed. 5. Battery Operating and Charging Temperature Limits Some EV batteries have operating and charging temperature limits, so under some circumstances (such as cold climate conditions) it may be necessary to site the EVSE in an enclosed area. 6. Standing Water and Irrigation Even though all EVSE have been designed for safe operation in wet areas, user comfort will be increased by not placing equipment in locations where water pools or within the spraying area of irrigation systems. 7. Curbs, Wheel Stops, and Setbacks To avoid vehicles from inadvertently driving into the EVSE, provide curbs, wheel stops, and set- backs. Consider user access and mobility issues when installing this equipment (see section 10 in this chapter — Disabled Access). 8. Vandalism Planners should site EVSE to avoid the risks of vandalism or tampering. Consider including motion detectors, security lighting, tamper alarms, locked enclosures, and fences. The level of protection required will depend on the location of the EVSE, whether access is public or private, and the overall security requirements of the facility. 9. Signs Fleet operators may want signage to designate EV-only parking spaces. These should be posi- tioned high enough to be seen over parked vehicles. 10. Disabled Access ADA Compliance: Connector and receptacle heights, special curb cutouts, and disabled parking access are some of the measures that may be necessary to make a charging station fully accessi- ble for the disabled. Each operator must assess their compliance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as state and company policies regarding disabled access. EV Infrastructure Installation Guide 29 WHPacific, Inc. Page 97 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study The State of California’s Division of the State Architect has issued “Interim Disabled Access Guidelines for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations” (Policy #97-03). EV charging stations are re- quired to be accessible because they offer a service to the general public. When EV charging is coupled with regular parking, the EV charging is considered the primary service. The following table should be used in determining the required number of accessible chargers: Number of Chargers Pro- Number of Accessible Charger vided at a Site Spaces Required 1 to 25 l 26 to 50 2 51 to 75 3 76 to 100 4 A 9-foot wide space by 18-foot deep space is required. An access aisle of 5 feet on the passenger side is also required. One in every eight accessible chargers, but not less than one, should be van accessible with an 8-foot access aisle. Accessible charging spaces are not reserved exclusively for people with disabilities. It is also recommended that accessible spaces be located in close proximity to the facility they serve. For new construction, an accessible path from the charger to the other services provided at the site is required. B. Checklist for Fleet Facility EVSE Siting Facility planners should answer the following facility planning questions before proceeding fur- ther: What level of charging will be used? What are the charger requirements? Is the existing electricity supply adequate for fleet needs? What is the location of the electrical service relative to the charging equipment siting? What will be the impact of electricity rates on choosing alternative approaches to fleet EV charging? What are the cost trade-offs between charging levels and equipment locations? e@ Have I addressed all of the relevant federal, state, and local code requirements? Cc. Engineering and Construction Many pieces of equipment are unique to EV charging facilities, and fleet managers should be careful to select contractors familiar with their specifications. In addition to the standard civil engineering work required to construct any fueling facility, EV facilities will require considerably more electrical service and electrical equipment installation. A primary consideration for the site designer and the facility manager is the condition and loca- tion of the existing electric utility equipment. These factors will govern the number and size of EV Infrastructure Installation Guide 30 WHPacific, Inc. Page 98 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study transformers, necessary trenching or overhead cabling, conduits, amount of cabling, and associ- ated installation costs. The key component in the interface between the existing electrical system and the EVSE is the transformer. To provide adequate power for Level 2 charging equipment, existing electrical service must be stepped down to a level that can work with Level 2 charging equipment: 208— 240 volts. If not already available at the site, it will be necessary to install an isolation trans- former capable of stepping electricity to 208-240 volts for Level 2 charging, or up to 480 volts for Level 3 charging. Isolation transformers can cost between $7,200 to $8,500. D. Charging Equipment As discussed in Chapter 2, charging equipment decisions depend on the EV charging designa- tion: inductive or conductive, Level 2 or Level 3. Until the market determines which charging technology dominates, it is likely that both inductive and conductive charging will develop in parallel. Until a charger and connector standard evolves, some fleets may select a mix of induc- tive and conductive chargers, depending on what their fleet EVs require. Presently, there are several different manufacturers supplying different types of connectors for conductive charging equipment. Facility managers should ascertain that the connector is com- patible with the receptacle on the vehicle. Vehicle manufacturers can supply the proper connec- tor specifications for their vehicles. E. Fleet Recharge Management Systems Another component of a charging facility will be its Fleet Recharge Management System (FRMS). An FRMS is an integrated, computerized charging system that is designed to eliminate the costly process of managing electric vehicle charging for fleet applications by automatically sequencing multiple chargers. These systems are designed to accomplish the following goals: e Automate recharging of fleet vehicles, thereby reducing the need for human intervention in the process e Eliminate redundant charging infrastructure at charging locations where more than one vehi- cle will be charged Reduce overall fleet management labor costs Reduce electric charging costs through load management Reduce electric utility infrastructure needs, thereby lowering the cost to serve the load Allow fleet operators to choose all charging parameters The key to an FRMS is its ability to manage charger sequencing. This functionality will deter- mine the ultimate value of any system that is developed. It is likely that any successful system will be computer-controlled and be able to communicate with the local utility to take advantage of time-of-use rates or real-time pricing. By managing the electrical load in this manner, the FRMS will use electricity economically and will optimize fleet energy use. EV Infrastructure Installation Guide 31 WHPacific, Inc. Page 99 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study One FRMS is currently under development by Southern California Edison and has been demon- strated using existing hardware. The goal of this pilot is to study the feasibility of the system, determine its strengths and weaknesses, determine fleet operator needs, and transform those needs into algorithms that can be improved in the future. This knowledge will be used to de- velop hardware that can be easily mass-produced to lower overall system costs. The key component of this FRMS is the charge controller that automates the charging process. Through a PC-compatible computer, the controller distributes enough charge to maintain low overall peak electricity costs, while keeping connected vehicles in a state of full charge. It acts by interfacing with individual charging meters to perform the following tasks: Report on the required charge of each vehicle Determine the initial charge level of each plugged-in vehicle Determine the energy flow through the system Receive synchronization commands from the local utility through a communications device Display historical and real-time information Provide diagnostics Other utilities are investigating different load management devices. The Electric Vehicle Re- search Network has sponsored a study of charge management systems in conjunction with Nor- vik. This system is a charge sequencer for fast chargers and does not have some of the enhanced features mentioned above. The full costs of FRMS have yet to be determined but could be minimized by the use of existing computers, meters, communication devices, and kiosks. It is estimated that costs for a complete FRMS will range from $4,000 to $10,000 depending on the number and level of chargers. For more information on the SCE system, please contact Sam Katagi at (626-302-9515). F. Metering and Billing Systems While metering/billing systems are most often associated with public refueling systems, fleets may also want to investigate their use. Along with the FRMS, these systems can be very helpful in matching electricity consumption to individual vehicles. A typical system could incorporate advanced billing capabilities to help generate detailed monthly statements, including tracking by vehicle identification number. This system would allow fleet managers to track EV use, charging times, and associated energy costs. Several system options are available to fleet operators and are designed to accommodate individual access and reporting policies, including direct utility billing or point-of-sale billing. Metering and billing system prices vary, depending on which features are included. Prices range from $800 for a debit card system to $2,700 for a cashless voucher system to $14,000 for a TECH-21 proprietary card system. Fleet managers should assess their needs in this area to choose the appropriate system. Because the current billing systems are most compatible with gasoline and diesel fuels, charging equipment manufacturers would have to modify their systems for EV use. Recently, EVSE manufacturers have begun to make their equipment compatible with existing metering and billing systems. EV Infrastructure Installation Guide 32 WHPacific, Inc. Page 100 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study G. Electrical Service Generally, one charger will be required for each EV for overnight recharge (Level 2). The typical electrical demand for original equipment manufacturer vehicles using 240V single-phase service is 7 kW while charging for buses and fast chargers (using 480V three-phase service) can have demand levels of 50 kW or more. Actual kW demand is determined by the individual charging algorithm required by the vehicle. PG&E can help the fleet manager determine electricity re- quirements and compare them to existing service. If the feeder line must be upgraded and new transformers added, the organization should add sufficient capacity to meet the site's EV charging needs for several years. If the fleet manager plans to install Level 3 fast chargers, the electrical service requirements should also meet this load. When evaluating electrical service, managers should examine the following issues: e Service Level. Determine the location, capacity and types of service panels and on-site trans- formers. e Distances Between Equipment. Determine the distance between service entrance, trans- formers, panels, subpanels, and parking locations. e Identification of Potential Hazards. Ensure that EV charging spaces are not located near potentially hazardous sites such as gasoline fueling areas. When determining electrical needs for recharging, the fleet manager should contact PG&E to determine if existing feeder lines and equipment can provide the service, or if they must be up- graded. Other factors to be considered include the costs of running three-phase power to the site and stepping it down to single phase, or using high-voltage single phase and a step-down transformer to the appropriate voltage. Again, local utilities will be able to assist facility planners in deter- mining what service changes or upgrades will be necessary. H. Electric Rates The additional electrical demand for each EV charging during peak-demand periods may move a customer into a higher rate category. Charging multiple EVs may also trigger a surcharge for the reactive component of energy consumed. Fleet managers should discuss the impact of EV charging on rates with a PG&E representative. During the planning process, it is also important to discuss potential loads so that PG&E can assess their impact on PG&E’s overall system. Fleet charging may have some effect on peak power demand, especially when Level 3 charging is used. The integration of an FRMS at the fleet site can manage and minimize demand by sched- uling charging at off-peak times whenever possible. L Site Installation Plan Many municipalities require EV fleets to develop and submit an installation plan for engineering review and approval. Fleet managers may want to hire an electrical contractor for this task. A site plan typically describes: EV Infrastructure Installation Guide 33 WHpPacific, Inc. Page 101 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study e Location of the main electrical panel, branch circuits, and conduits e Location of hazardous materials e Location of charging stations e Lighting e Traffic flow e@ Ventilation (if necessary) e Description and locations of signs e Curbing, wheel stops, cutouts, setbacks, and bumper guards e Parking spaces, striping, driveways, and walkways e Landscaping J. Building Permits Building and electrical permits are required for EVSE installations (see Chapter 3). Some utilities will not energize new charging circuits until they have passed inspection and the city or county notifies the utility. The cost of the permit and installation varies by municipality and depends on the scale of the upgrade. K. Costs The cost of installing fleet charging facilities can vary dramatically depending on the following factors: The number of circuits and chargers installed Whether the facility is indoors or outdoors The need to upgrade electrical service to the charging facility Whether ventilation is or is not required Whether Level 3 fast charge equipment is used or not Availability of discounts, tax deductions, and rebates from air districts and others. In general, the cost to its fleet customers of installing EVSE range from $500 per vehicle per site to more than $5,000 per vehicle per site. The average cost per vehicle is $2,000. For reference only, the following table lists some sample costs for specific components. Actual costs will vary and all costs may not apply to all installations. The costs quoted are applicable for fleet, public access, and multifamily charging installations. EV Infrastructure Installation Guide 34 WHPacific, Inc. Page 102 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Sample EV Charging Installation Costs for Public, Fleet, or Multifamily Buildings (all esti- mates are for installed costs) fem Power Distribution Sub-Panel -200A, 120/240 VAC single phase; three wires with main circuit breaker; six 40A/2P branch circuit breakers ‘Transformer 50 kVA, 480/277 VAC primary, 120/240 VAC; 3 wires secondary; dry type NEMA 1 enclosure If power comes directly from utility distribution system: transformer pad; NEMA 3R, 200A, 120/240 VAC; 3 wires combination meter/main service and panelboard; ground rod (PG&E can furnish and install the transformer.) [5 3,975 * § 5,300 (Cables/Conduits a) 40A branch circuit - Above ground installation - Underground installation lb) 200A feeder circuit - Above ground installation - Underground installation 3.85/linear ft ** 6.85/linear ft ** 13.25/linear ft ** 21.00/linear ft ** Lighting 250 watt, metal halide, parking lot lighting la) Wall or ceiling mounting lb) On 16 ft galvanized steel pole, concrete base 640 each * 2,750 each * Concrete Island In-place concrete island 6 in thick reinforced §7.20/f0 ** Concrete Steel Pipe (Transformer or EVSE protection) Concrete fill steel pipe, 8 ft high, set 4 ft in ground, rounded top, painted B1SS each * ‘Concrete Bumper (EVSE protection) { 4 ft long precast concrete bumper 88 each * Paving la) Demolition 1.95/f ** lb) Asphalt paving composite 33.00/ft” ** Signs 24 in x 24 in reflective signs; 2 in galvanized steel pole $200 each * Landscaping Soil preparation, irrigation system, sod (excludes trees and shrubs) $6.10/ft? ** * Sample costs only. Actual cost may differ significantly depending on location, site requirements, P! y: y g 'y dep g installation, and equipment specification. ** Sample costs provided by Ocampo Esta Corporation. Actual cost may differ significantly. EV Infrastructure Installation Guide WhPacific, Inc. 35 Page 103 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study L. Checklist for Vehicle Fleet Charging 1. Estimate 3—S year EV purchase plans. Determine recharging locations. 3. Estimate the electrical load at those locations. Determine whether to use Level 2 or 3 charging and type of charging to be used: in- ductive and/or conductive Obtain charger requirements from vehicle and charger suppliers Develop charging curves Determine the appropriate number of chargers 4. Contact vehicle and charger suppliers. Confirm charging needs and types Identify any special ventilation requirements Identify any other special considerations for the specific equipment 5. Contact PG&E. Assess existing electricity supply Determine necessary electrical service upgrades Review metering requirements Determine the impacts of rates on choosing alternative charging methods Determine if any other special requirements exist 6. Develop a detailed facility site plan. Develop and review wiring diagrams Develop and review ventilation diagrams Determine if there are hazardous material locations at site Review traffic, pedestrian flow, parking requirements, and ADA compliance issues Determine additional retrofit needs, including landscaping 7. Contact pertinent permitting agencies. Identify special local fire, construction, environmental, or building requirements Obtain all applications Determine additional permitting costs Determine site plan requirements 8. Hire the prime contractor and verify contractor subcontractor credentials. 9. Obtain all pertinent building and use permits. EV Infrastructure Installation Guide 36 WHPacific, Inc. Page 104 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 10. Perform any necessary electrical upgrades, install EVSE, and complete all site prepara- tions. 11. Have the site inspected by pertinent building, fire, environmental, and electrical authori- ties. e Comply with any change order, if necessary e Notify PG&E that site has passed all inspections 12. Begin charging operations. EV Infrastructure Installation Guide 37 WHPacific, Inc. Page 105 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study The following flowchart illustrates the process of installing EVSE infrastructure at a fleet facil- ity: . Estimate 3-5 Year EV Purchase Plans . Determine EVSE Locations . Estimate Electrical Load at Locations Obtain charger requirements from EV/charger suppliers Level 2 and/or Level 3? Number of chargers . Contact PG&E |s electricity supply adequate? Metering? Impact on rates? Special requirements? * Conductive and/or inductive? + Ventilation required? * Special requirements? . Contact EV/EVSE Suppliers + Local requirements? + Application form * Cost? + Site plan requirements . Contact Building Permit Office . Hire Contractor . Develop Site Plan Electric service upgrading, if any Wiring diagrams Ventilation diagrams if required Hazardous material sites Traffic and pedestrian flow and parking Landscaping Compliance with special requirements . Obtain Building Permit 10. Install EVSE and Prepare Site City notifies PG&E that EVSE passed inspection 11. Building Department Inspections Comply with change orders PG&E installs EVSE metering equipment 12. Charge Vehicles EV Infrastructure Installation Guide WHPacific, Inc. Page 106 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Appendix F. Demand Control & Smart Grid Information WHPacific, Inc. Page 107 Vesey awouusery G=c; Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study GET STARTED Home A Fkduj hj CHARGING Charging Overview Charging Station Locator Home Charging Workplace Charging Public/Commercial Charging Fleet Charging Utility Resources Charging Safety and Standards Charging Station Showroom Find an EV Charger Utility Resources SMART GRID ‘Avision for he hate ~ a vate cb ntngrates cre ds that com monty ard hal oun? Utilities Role and Resources Utilities are working hard to prepare for the adoption of PEVs among their customers. If drivers charge their PEVs at night, when demand is low and the utilities have adequate generating capacity, utilities will increase their electricity sales and make more efficient use of their existing power plants. However, if most drivers recharge their cars during the day, when demand is twice as high, utilities could have to generate or purchase extra electricity when it is most costly. In some states, utilities have already begun investing in technology that will leverage the benefits of plug-in vehicles: "smart" utility meters that will allow both utilities and customers to track power use by purpose and time of day. The meters will permit utilities to move toward variable rates for electricity, charging higher rates during peak demand in the daytime while offering less expensive rates at night. The plan is to encourage PEV owners to charge their cars at night or off peak times. Smart Grid ilities are devising energy efficiency improvement strategies through the development of PEV and utility communications technologies and standards to facilitate customer incentive programs to control and reduce the anticipated impact to the nation’s grid. These efforts will help avoid the large capital investment for more generation plants. The Administration has provided the legislation and the funding to catalyze the development of the strategies, technologies, and standards for a more energy efficient electric grid. The Department of Energy (DOE) has chartered the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to coordinate the implementation of the Smart Grid Roadmap and Architecture. The NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Collaboration is addressing the determination of requirements, specifications, and standards for more effective load to grid integrated communications and control systems. The electric transportation smart grid interface standards, including PEV load measurements, monitoring, communications and control are being addressed as part of this effort. Smart grid technologies and standards are still in the development phase with implementation planned over the next several years. Charging Costs The various rate options for charging your electric vehicle depend on the availability of rates at each individual utility. Some utilities will not offer any additional rate options. In this situation, the customer will simply add the vehicle usage to the existing rate schedule as he or she would WHPacific, Inc. add any end use device to their home. The pricing could be as simple as a flat price per kWh or wu 1 AMY see ou ie = ™ = Ponnect Search GoElectricDrive.com Search GOSLECTIUICORIVE Your Information Hub for Plug-In Electric Vehicles DRIVE ELECTRIC! ELECTRIC CARS CHARGING INCENTIVES FAQ & GLOSSARY NEWS & EVENTS ABOUT RESOURCES Share BMW h . Charging Locator Chevrolet Volt Chevy Volt CODA Sedan Events FitEV Fleets Ford Focus Electric Grid Electricity hands free Honda Incentives for EV Buyers Mitsubishi i ™obile Nissan LEAF pluginday Prius Range RAV4 roadmap Safety Showroom Tesla Tesla Model S Tesla Roadster Toyota Transit Connect Electric Vehicles ALYY Page 108 alainnrs UuUllLy AwoUULLLD Alaska Energy AYsagriva! EAB REN FIRE iol! sukdt|#rae| | whup vitkvh | P hp ehukbyl VituP dsl orj Ra | WHPacific, Inc. it could have different prices depending on the seasons. Some seasonal pricing includes higle EAA VBUiYGS HOYcheaper it gets), which would imply that the vehicle is charging on the cheapest portion of the rate; however, the schedule could also include inclining blocks (the more you use, the more expensive it gets). Additional Questions about Utility Resources What are the first steps for letting my utility know | am interested in charging my PEV? You can contact your utility to get information on discount rates, demand response programs, meter options, and an electricity cost assessment for the added PEV load. Utilities are interested in knowing where charging stations are being installed to help them assess the load impact on their local grid distribution system. Can the grid handle an influx of PEVs? Yes. Numerous studies have shown that the grid can support a large number of PEVs. Total capacity is not an issue. Rather, utilities are working to forecast and manage their local distribution system to accommodate the load requirements in neighborhoods and cities where there may be high concentrations of PEVs. back to top Page 109 hagesure B Prs|uljkw6346#7 rHdifuiliGuyhifrp rz hihgie | # HGWD Pail) j kwalThvhuyhg yA RR VEU WY | on Uae augye i vie Alaska, Fe pep panty | Appel! Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Contact Us > Client Login > Solutions Industries About Us OQ mown 2345 kWh Hist. 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CONTROL isats ti ere elcy ata ey ENHANCED MONITORING Temperature Lighting (Indoor / Outdoor) HVAC (Refrigerators, Coolers, Indoor Air) coe one (Entry / Exit, Refrigerators, Coolers) Chain Broiler Signage Tone Water Heater Subtenants Duct Air Quality (CO2, Humidity) Gas and Water Usage « Solar Energy Systems Irrigation Generators Refrigeration / Coolers Kitchen Equipment Serene recone ce ener peg Questions? Our energy solution experts are here to help. Ask now System Components WHPaci Page 110 Control GridPoint Energy Manager 1 um sae ’ . , . sia innan UVES VERVIEW | Cnt Ut wa Alaska Be Morr ranjorereire veroreadeiy Study performance. Establish setpoints and schedules across a diverse footprint. => Monitoring with Submetering aT Optimize energy savings activities with granular, equipment-level monitoring of endpoints ranging from lighting and HVAC, to gas and water meters. 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WbPacific, Inc. » isdesigned to work with existing control and monitoring infrastructures, Ask now Search About Us Corporate Overview News & Events Management Team Board of Directors Investors Careers Page 111 AVIRUE ULE ~ WUE piugy VEU AVE Hog Trane suger ves Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Meet Bert WHPacific, Inc. Customer Support 1-484-690-3820 Tech Support 1-484-690-3822 HOME MEET BERT APPLICATIONS SUPPORT SAVING ENERGY ABOUT | Story of Mass Control | Why Bert? | Measurement | IT Requirements | Specifications Meet Bert® Bert® can help you measure, analyze and control plug load throughout your facility. Using your existing Wi-Fi network and Bert’s unique plug load management system you can finally gain control of the hundreds of plug-based loads across your facility. The Bert® Plug Load Management System Bertbrain 1000 * —_ °K Bente Control Software = Your WiFi Network The Bert® plug load management system consists of the Bertbrain 1000M control software, your Wi-Fi network, and a virtually unlimited number of Berts®. Each Bert® contains a small microprocessor that measures instantaneous energy consumption and connects as a device on your network. Connect Bert® to water coolers, copiers, TVs, vending machines... just about anything that is plugged into a 15 AMP/ 120 Volt outlet. Each Bert® is named, and can be scheduled individually or in groups. Read About Bert® Click on the link below to read a white paper describing how the Bert® plug load management system can help control energy costs in your facility. Download White Paper p> ©2013 Green Power Technologies, LLC. Bert is a registered trademark of Green Power Technologies. Page 112 AInOINAAYD Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Appendix G. USDOE Vehicle Cost Calculator Information WHPacific, Inc. Page 113 ERAGE 8 US Br We ee Woe Cues 2 ope ee tS aupgy tue Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Alternative Fuels Data Center Vehicle Cost Calculator Assumptions and Methodology The Vehicle Cost Calculator is a high-level screening tool that compares the ownership costs and greenhouse gas emissions among alternative fuel vehicles, advanced technology vehicles, and conventional vehicles currently on the market. For more information, see these sections below: + Data Entry : ind Emission Iculation * Data Sources and Values Data Entry Vehicle Data A user selects vehicles to compare by model year, make, and model. For each vehicle selected, the calculator retrieves the city and highway fuel economy from the database licensed from the fueleconomy.gov website with data sourced from Edmunds. For most vehicles, a range of prices is possible depending on what options the buyer selects. For these vehicles, we present the possible low and high prices, and use the low price as the default value. The user may override the default price to better reflect the particular model of choice. For some models, a single price is available. Fuel Prices As each vehicle is selected, the fuel type and price is shown below the selected vehicles. The prices are based on a national average, as reported in the quarterly Alternative Fuel Price Report. The user may change the fuel price to reflect local prices. Driver Behavior Information To accurately calculate fuel costs for selected vehicles it is important to know how a user drives and how much of the vehicle's total mileage is driven using each fuel type. This is especially important for plug-in hybrid vehicles, which operate using both gasoline and electricity from the grid. The default values provided in this section are derived from U.S. averages reported by the Summary of Travel Trends, 2001 National Household Transportation Survey .The user may tailor this information to his or her situation by modifying the supplied values: Value Description Normal This section captures information about the driver's daily, repeating usage pattern, for example, Daily Use | commuting to and from work or school or running errands. The user enters average daily driving distance, how many days per week and weeks per year the vehicle is used in this manner, and how much of this driving is done in city vs. highway conditions. For plug-in hybrid vehicles, the user can select how often the vehicle will be recharged in the Electricity Use box. The tool will determine how much of the driving distance can be done using electricity, given the frequency of charging, assuming that the vehicle will be fully charged each time it is plugged in. Any distance in excess of this amount will be assumed to be powered by gasoline. Other This section captures information about typical weekend driving and longer trips. The supplied value Trips for distance is again taken from U.S. averages. The user may modify the distance and the percentage of city vs. highway driving. For plug-in hybrid vehicles, the tool assumes that the vehicle will travel the city portion of this distance using electricity, and the highway portion of this distance using gasoline. E85 This section captures the percentage of time a driver plans to use E85 in the selected flexible fuel Ethanol vehicle. Use WbPacific, Inc. Page 114 tee oo ot oat . yan aad te o4 A INAINAL FMIWIMALIVE LULId Lydia WELLE. VOINLIC WUDSL UCAICUIALUE ASSULUIPUOLIS AUG IVICLUOUUIURY Page zvul iz Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Electricity If the user has selected a vehicle capable of recharging from the electric grid -- namely, a plug-in Use hybrid electric vehicle or an all-electric vehicle -- the user may supply the ZIP code where the vehicle is most often charged to determine the fuel mix (coal, natural gas, oil, etc.) used to generate the electricity in the user's area. This is needed to determine the greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted when generating the electricity in that area because each fuel in the mix has its own GHG emissions factor. If a plug-in hybrid is chosen, the user can select how often they plan to charge the vehicle. Biodiesel This section captures the percent of time a user plans to use biodiesel (B20 or B100) in the selected Fuel Use diesel-fueled vehicles. Back to Top Cost and Emissions Calculations This section describes how the results are calculated, the assumptions made, and what underlying data are used. Example Case Definition Joe Blough lives in Denver, Colorado in the ZIP code 80212 and he is in the market for a new car. He has narrowed his choices down to three vehicles: 1. A hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), which costs $28,200 and gets 36 mpg in the city and 34 mpg on the highway 2. A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), which costs $32,500 and gets 42 mpg city and 38 mpg highway when operating on gasoline and uses 360 Watt-hours per mile (Wh/mi) when operating on electricity in the city and on the highway. He plans to charge it daily. 3. A flex fuel vehicle (FFV), which costs $28,500 and gets a gasoline city/highway fuel economy of 20/28 mpg and 14/20 mpg when operating on E85. He normally drives about 34 miles per day for 5 days per week and does this for 49 weeks per year. Twenty-five percent of this driving is done under highway conditions and the rest is city driving. His other trips, taken over the weekends and on his three vacation weeks, amount to 4,000 miles with 50% of that done on the highway. Vehicle and Driver Behavior Information Table 1 displays the selected vehicles' performance data being used for this example. And Table 2 summarizes the annual mileage data associated with the driving pattern that would be entered by the user. Table 1. Vehicle performance and cost data Hybrid Electric Plug-in Hybrid Electric FLEX-Fuel Vehicle Vehicle (HEV) Vehicle (PHEV) (FFV) Gasoline/E85 Miles per gallon city (CMPG) 36 42 20/14 Miles per gallon highway 34 38 28/20 (HMPG) City Watt-hours per mile - 360 - (CWhimi) Highway Watt-hours per mile - 360 - (HWhi/mi) All-electric range (AER) - 35 - Cost $28,200 $32,500 $28,500 Table 2. Vehicle annual mileage splits between city and highway driving WHPacific, Inc. Page 115 PMWULIGU VE 2 UU1O Brat Wee Yee Ce Cue popes ee dr auBY VE Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study | Normal Daily Use Other Trips Total | Days per Week 5 - - Miles per Day (MPD) 34 - - | Weeks per Year 49 - /- Percent Highway Miles (PHM) 25% 50% }- Annual Total Miles 8,330 4,000 12,330 Annual Highway Miles (AHM) 2,083 2,000 4,083 Annual City Miles (ACM) 6,247 2,000 8,247 Back to Top Vehicle Fuel Use Calculations Fuel consumption is broken down into city driving and highway driving associated with normal daily vehicle use and with other trips. For gasoline vehicles like the HEV, this split is all that is required. The HEV calculations are summarized in the following equations, and the results are shown in Table 3. These equations are used to calculate fuel consumption for all vehicles that are not run with electricity from the electrical grid. See tables 1 and 2 to decode the abbreviations used to name the parameters. N l Daily Use ACM (mil Normal Daily Use City Gasoline = lied Aida tae & = 174 gal mt CMPG a) Normal Daily Use AHM (miles) _ Normal Daily Use Highway Gasoline = 61 gal mi umpc (™) Other Trip ACM (mil Other Trip City Gasoline = Other Trip ACH (niles) = 56 gal copa (321) Other Trip AHM(mil Other Trip Highway Gasoline = Other Trip ABN Guiles) = 59 gal HMPG (Far) Total City Gasoline = 229 gal Total Highway Gasoline = 120 gal Total Gasoline = 349 gal Back to Top For the PHEV calculations, each driving type is further broken down into miles on electricity and miles on gasoline. The user may select one of three recharging schedules for normal daily use driving — twice per day, once per day, or every other day. When fully charged, the PHEV is capable of operating on grid-derived electricity for a limited number of miles (referred to as the all-electric range or AER). The potential average daily miles driven on electricity is set at AER times the number of recharges per day (RPD) specified by the user — 2, 1, and 0.5 for recharging twice per day, once per day, and every other day, respectively. If the normal daily driving mileage is greater than the potential daily miles on electricity (as defined by RPD times AER), the PHEV uses electrical power until the batteries are depleted, and gasoline is used for the remainder of the daily miles. The city-highway mileage split is assumed to be WHPacific, Inc. Page 116 Lae. Jae. AL 2 nee Senn net 2 ee AI Lee VAAINAIA FMIUIMAUVE LULIS Ivata CULL. VOINLIC WUSL UAICUIALUL AASSULUPUUNS alld IVICLELOUOLURY rage +01 i2 Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study the same for the miles on electricity and the miles on gasoline. If the value of RPD times AER exceeds the normal daily mileage, only electric power is required for normal daily driving. For mileage in the "Other Trips" category, the PHEV is assumed to use electricity for the city portion of the driving and gasoline for the highway portion. The equations for the PHEV calculations are shown below. If RPD*AER >= Normal Daily Use Miles, annual fuel usage is calculated as: Normal Daily City Miles Electricity (NCME) = Normal Daily Use ACM (miles) « (=) * 0.001 () Example: = 6,247 * 360 * 0.001 = 2,249 kWh Normal Daily City Miles Gasoline (NCMG) = 0 Normal Daily Highway Miles Electricity (NHME) Wh kw = Normal Daily Use AHM (miles) « (= ). 0.001 (|) Example: = 2,083 * 360 * 0.001 = 750 kWh Normal Daily Highway Miles Gasoline (NHMG) = 0 If RPD*AER < Normal Daily Use Miles, annual fuel usage is calculated as: RPD* AER (miles) . _ FELEC = MPD (miles) = fraction of driving on electricity Normal Daily City Miles Electricity (NCME) = Normal Daily Use ACM (miles) « FELEC « ( CWh Ww ) o.oo1 mi Normal Daily City Miles Gasoline (NCMG) - FELEC = Normal Daily Use ACM (miles) « a ) CMPG (7) Normal Daily Highway Miles Electricity (NHME) H = Normal Daily Use AHM (miles) « FELEC -( * 0.0017 - =) kW Normal Daily Highway Miles Gasoline (NHMG) 1- FELEC = Normal Daily Use AHM (miles) « i LE HMPG a) Table 3. Normal daily fuel use results City Highway Electricity (kWh) Gasoline (gallons) Electricity (kWh) Gasoline (gallons) HEV - 174 - 61 WHPacific, Inc. Page 117 a ee ey = = ee Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study | PHEV 2,249 0 750 0 Back to Top For Other Trips: Other Trips Highway Electricity = OAHM (miles) « (45 « 0.001 (=r) = kwh=0 cWh kW Other Trips City Electricity = OACM (miles) » ( ) + 0.001 (=) = kWh mi Ww ; . OAHM(miles) Other Trips Highway Gasoline = —— umpc (=) . . | OACM (miles) Other Trips City Gasoline = —Ta = cope (2) Table 4. Other trips fuel use results City Highway Electricity (kWh) Gasoline (gallons) Electricity (kWh) Gasoline (gallons) HEV - 56 - 59 | PHEV 720 0 0 53 Back to Top The FFV calculations are similar to the HEV calculations, except that the driver can choose between using E85 and gasoline, so fuel use for each fuel must be tracked. To facilitate this tracking, the user must input into the tool the fraction of the time he expects to refuel with E85. In this example, the driver expects to fill up with E85 half of the time. This assumes that the driver refills with the same volume of E85 as he does when he buys gasoline. The following equations calculate the city-highway breakdowns of E85 and gasoline use for this example. City Volume E85 = TCM (miles) oo ~ * miles ‘miles (1— FE85) « CMPGgas ( et )+ FE85 « CMPGe85 ( oa ) Example: = 8,247*0.5/((1-0.5)*20+0.5*14) = 243 gal City Volume Gasoline (1 — FE85) “me (1 - FESS) « CMPGgas (™2S°) + FESS « CMPGe8S (=) 99S \" gal e gal Example: = 8,247*(1-0.5)/((1-0.5)*20+0.5*14)=243 gal WHPacific, Inc. Page 118 Litters levers AFAR Aen wae anlalannt aalaelatnn 2242 Ant.) Lend AINAINALA FMULMGUVE 2 URIS Aad CUI. VULULIL WUDL UGILUIGLUI ADSSULUPUULIS AU IVICULUUULURY ragevuriz Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Highway Volume E85 FE85 = THM « Example: = 4,083*0.5/((1-0.5)*28+0.5*20) = 85 gal Highway Volume Gasoline = THM * miles (1 — FE85) « HMPGgas ( )+ FESS « HMPGe85 ( (1 — FE85) a Example: = 4,083*(1-0.5)/((1-0.5)*28+0.5*20)=85 gal Total E85 Volume = 328 Total Gasoline Volume = 328 Where TCM = total city miles THM = total highway miles FE85 = fraction of fill-ups on E85 CMPG = city miles per gallon for gasoline (gas) and E85 (e85) HMPG = highway mile per gallon for gasoline (gas) and E85 (e85). (1 — FE85) « HMPGgas (mss )+ FESS « HMPGe85 ( a Table 5 summarizes the fuel and electricity use results for the three vehicles in this example. Table 5. Summary of city and highway fuel and electricity use City Gasoline E85 Electricity /HEV 230 - - PHEV 0 - | 2,969 FFV 243 243 - Back to Top Fuel Emissions and Costs Highway Gasoline E85 Electricity Total Gasoline E85 Electricity 350 - - 53 - 3,719 328 328 - Having calculated the usage for each fuel, we can now determine the annual fuel cost and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) for each vehicle. Annual Gasoline Cost = Total Annual Gallons * cost ($/gal) Annual Electricity Cost = Total Annual kWh * cost ($/kWh) Annual Gasoline Emissions = Total Annual Gallons * GHG (lb GHG/gal) Annual Electricity Emissions = Total Annual kWh * GHG (lb GHG/kWh) Table 6 summarizes the results of the cost and emissions calculations for the three vehicles. Table 6. Vehicle fuel use, fuel cost and emissions summary Gasoline (and E85) Total Gallons WHPacific, Inc. Electricity Cost ($) GHG (Ib) Total kWh Cost ($) Total GHG (Ib) Cost ($) GHG (Ib) Page 119 A newest ee Sennen nnn ne See Sn ee 2 ee nnn enn ne wee et eee ry or hte Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study HEV 350 | $994 8,376 - - - $994 8,376 PHEV 53 | $154 1,272 3,719 $372 7,809 $523 9,081 | FFV-Total | 656 | $1,726 | 12,562 — - - - $1,726 | 12,562 | FFV-E85 | 328 | $794 4,690 - - - $794 4,690 FFV-Gasoline | 328 | $932 | 7,872 - - - $932 7,872 (1) Electricity GHG emissions calculation based on the fuel mix for the region in which the user's ZIP code, 80212 in this example, is located. The emissions factor for 80212 is 2.1 lb GHG per kWh (versus 1.6 Ib GHG <per kWh for the national average fuel mix) (2) Gasoline Price = $3.08/gal (national average when document written) (3) E85 price = $2.75/gal (national average when document written) (4) Electricity price = $0.11 (regional average based on ZIP code) Back to Top Additional Annual Costs In addition to annual fuel and electricity costs, the calculator includes average costs for maintenance, tires, insurance, license, and registration. These costs were taken from a study done by the American Automobile Association (AAA), and represent average costs across the five vehicle classes studied — small sedan, medium sedan, large sedan, AWD SUV, and minivan. Because of uncertainties in expected life and future costs associated with high-performance batteries, the cost to replace the battery pack has not been included in this tool. As of April 2011, the only commercially available advanced electric vehicles were the Nissan Leaf EV and the Chevrolet Volt PHEV and both have manufacturer warranties of 8 years or 100,000 miles. The tires and maintenance cost varied by +/- 10% of the average over the five classes. The insurance, license, and registration charge varied by +/- 12% of the average over the five classes. The costs are calculated as follows: + Tires plus maintenance = 5.38 cents per mile « Annual cost for tires plus maintenance for this example: Total Annual Miles * $0.0538/mile * 12,330 miles/yr = $663 + Insurance, license, and registration = $1,616 per year Table 7 presents a summary of the annual costs for the three vehicles in this example. Table 7. Annual costs summary Tires and Maintenance Insurance, License, and Registration Fuel _ Electricity | Total HEV $663 $1,616 $994 0 $3,273 PHEV | $663 $1,616 $151 $372 $2,802 FFV $663 $1,616 $1,726 (0 $4,005 Back to Top Vehicle Purchase Cost and Net Present Value To compare the costs for each selected vehicle, we need to calculate the sum of the purchase costs and the net present value of the annual costs over the life of the vehicle. To do this, we selected annual escalation rates for fuel and electricity and a discount factor to convert future costs into present costs. For calculating the cost of the vehicle, we assumed the buyer financed 90% of the vehicle price and took out a five- year loan at 6% interest (AAA 2010 pamphlet). This results in an annual payment of 0.232 times the net price of the vehicle for each of the first five years of vehicle ownership. Year one must also include the 10% down payment. Table 8 presents these costs for the three vehicles in this example. WbPacific, Inc. Page 120 aoe at poe . 1 oa. oad ee | AINTINAL A J AWUEUGUIVE 2 UNIO L7G ULI. VY ULUIUIUY WUDE UGILUIGLUL MOOULMPUULID AU LVILUIUUUIURY pageourie Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Table 8. Vehicle costs for a 5-year loan at 6% interest and 10% down payment Vehicle Price Year 1 Years 2-5 Total HEV $28,200 $8,708 $5,888 32,260 | PHEV $32,500 $10,036 $6,786 | $37,180 FFV $28,500 $8,801 $5,951 | $32,605 For any year, x, between the year of purchase and the vehicle's end of life, the escalated cost of fuel or electricity is calculated as: Escalated Cost in year x = (1+ EF)* * Unescalated Cost in year x where EF = annual escalation factor The net present value (NPV) of the total annual costs (TAC) for any year is: . _ Year x TAC NPV of TAC in year x = (1 +DR/ where DF = discount factor The following annual costs elements comprise the TAC: escalated cost of gasoline + escalated cost of E85 + escalated cost of electricity + maintenance/tire cost + insurance/license/registration cost + vehicle down payment (year 1 only) + annual vehicle loan payment (years 1 through 5 only). The escalation factors and discount factor used in these calculations and in the tool are listed in Table 9. Once we calculate the net present value for each year's vehicle cost, we can calculate and graph the cumulative NPV for each vehicle for each year. The cumulative NPV for any year is the sum of the annual NPVs up to and including that year. This allows us to compare the cost of owning each vehicle as the cost accumulates over its life. Figure 1 presents the cumulative NPVs for the 3 vehicles in this example. Figure 1. Cumulative net present value of annual costs WHPacific, Inc. Page 121 JALAL 2 URS Bre Wee aa CU) Cu fp Gs dry aMpY eo VE te Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Cumulative Net Present Cost by Year = Plug-in hybrid —O— FFV (Gas+ESS) 7 S$ 9 #10 12 12 13 14 «15 Back to Top Key Calculation Assumptions and Data The following assumptions were made: 1. For normal weekday driving, the user selects the frequency of PHEV re-charging — twice per day, once per day, or every other day. The chosen normal weekday re-charging frequency does not impact mileage on "Other" trips (described in item 3 below). 2. For PHEVs during normal weekday driving, battery electricity is used until the battery is depleted and then gasoline is used; for both electricity and gasoline, the city-highway mileage split is assumed to be the same for the miles on electricity and the miles on gasoline. 3. For mileage in the "Other Trips" (which encompass both normal weekend driving and vacation driving) category, the PHEV is assumed to use electricity for the city portion of the driving and gasoline for the highway portion 4. For E85 FFVs, the user inputs the percentage of the time he refills with E85. The tool assumes that this equates to the percentage of the fuel volume that is E85. This in turn assumes that the driver refills with the same volume of E85 as he does when he buys gasoline. 5. Because of uncertainties in expected life and future costs associated with high-performance batteries, the cost to replace the battery pack has not been included in this tool. As of April 2011, the only commercially available advanced electric vehicles were the Nissan Leaf EV and the Chevrolet Volt PHEV and both have manufacturer warranties of 8 years or 100,000 miles. 6. The cost of purchasing and installing a charging system has not been included in this tool. It is assumed that suitable outlets are available for the selected frequency of recharging. Cost estimates vary considerably depending on a number of parameters - level of electrical service chosen, availability of government and other incentives, a variety of possible battery charging business arrangements involving the car dealer or third parties, the house's or business' current electrical service, etc. WHPacific, Inc. Page 122 ae. aa oat 7 14. aoa tad AINAINAILA AALLOIMALVe PUCIS Ddla TCCHLCr. VCIMCIC COSL Ca ICUIALOF ASSUTIPUOLS ald IVICLUOUVOLORY Faye 1yu vl iz Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study 7. This analysis does not include the vehicle trade-in value. If included, this could help the more expensive electric vehicles defray some of their excess upfront costs, depending on how they maintain their value relative to conventional vehicles. 8. Table 9 presents the data and their sources used in the calculations. Back to Top Data Sources and Values The following data sources and values were used in the calculations (Table 9). Table 9. Data Descriptions, Values, and Sources Parameter Value | Description and Source Vehicle Attributes Vehicle Prices From fueleconomy.gov. Users may also substitute their own prices. Vehicle Fuel From fueleconomy.gov; fuel economies of vehicles older than 2008 have Economies been adjusted to be equivalent to those from EPA's more rigorous testing procedures started in 2008 PHEV All-Electric 35 miles Based on Chevrolet Volt specifications Range Fuel Attributes Fuel Prices Automatically | Quarterly Alternative Fuel Price Report; updated www.afdc.energy.gov/price_report.html Fuel GHG Full fuel cycle (well to wheels) Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG) factors Emissions derived from GREET model version 1.8d results; in CO2 equivalents. (model available at http://greet.es.anl.qov) Gasoline 24.0 lb GHG/gallon gasoline E85 14.3 lb GHG/gallon E85 CNG 19.8 lb GHG/gasoline gallon equivalent LPG 15.6 lb GHG/gasoline gallon equivalent Diesel 28.3 lb GHG/gallon B20 23.9 lb GHG/gallon B100 6.2 lb GHG/gallon Gasoline 1.8% per year Annual Energy Outlook 2011, Table A3, Transportation section. Escalation Rate E85 Escalation 1.6% per year | Annual Energy Outlook 2011, Table A3, Transportation section. Rate CNG Escalation | 0.3% peryear | Annual Energy Outlook 2011, Table A3, Transportation section. Rate LPG Escalation 1.3% per year Annual Energy Outlook 2011, Table A3, Transportation section. Rate WHPacific, Inc. Page 123 2 AR 2 UR Bre Westend Vee We We 2 pe te EUS AMY tt Ue Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Diesel Escalation Rate 1.8% per year B20 Escalation Rate 1.8% per year B100 Escalation Rate 1.8% per year Electricity Attributes Electricity Prices | GHG Emission | Factors Coal | 2.6 Oil 2.0 Natural Gas 1.2 Propane 0.75 Renewables 0 Nuclear 0 Fuel Mix Electricity -0.3% per year Escalation Rate Vehicle Operating Costs Tires + 5.38 cents per Maintenance mile Cost EV Tires + 4.10 cents per Maintenance mile Cost Insurance + $1,616/year License + Registration Cost 10% of vehicle price Vehicle Purchase Down Payment Loan Interest 6% annually Term of Loan 5 years Discount Factor | 2.3% WHPacific, Inc. | Annual Energy Outlook 2011, Table A3, Transportation section. Assumed the same as diesel. Assumed the same as diesel. | Electricity prices from http:/Awww.ventyx.com. Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG) factors from GREET version 1.8d model (converted from grams/kWh in Electric worksheet, Table 5); based on fuel | used to generate the electricity. (available at http://greet.es.anl.gov) | lb GHG/kWh | Ib GHG/kWh |b GHG/KWh Ib GHG/kWh lb GHG/kWh Ib GHG/kWh Mix of fuels was derived for the entered zipcode by disaggregating EGRID2012 data available at http:/Avww.epa.gov/cleanenergy/eneray- resources/egrid/index. html Annual Energy Outlook 2011, Table A3, Transportation section. American Automobile Association (AAA) publication, “Your Driving Costs," 2010 Edition AAA maintenance reduced by 28% based on: DeLuchi, Mark and Lipman, Timothy, An Analysis of the Retail and Life Cycle Cost of Battery-Powered Electric Vehicles; UC-Davis Institute of Transportation Studies. http://escholarship.org/uc/item/: Ik Average of averages of 5 vehicle classes — small sedan, medium sedan, large sedan, 4x4 SUV, Minivan; 5 averages within +/- 12% of grand average American Automobile Association (AAA) publication, "Your Driving Costs," 2010 Edition American Automobile Association (AAA) publication, “Your Driving Costs," 2010 Edition American Automobile Association (AAA) publication, “Your Driving Costs," 2010 Edition Page 124 A InFINAA A JARWALLIGUVY 2 Ut1O Byala Wed. VRUIeIY WUE ValvulaluL NoouUIpUULS alu ivaeuUUUIUBY pape ir2uric Alaska Energy Authority | Wrangell Electric Vehicle Feasibility Study Default Travel Data (can be changed by the user) Annual Mileage 12,183 miles | Normal Weekday 34 Miles Normal Weekday | 5 days per week Normal Weekday 49 Weeks per year Normal Highway 45% % Highway Annual Other 3,596 Travel Miles Other Travel % 70% Highway Back to Top | Assumed value based on the current national average return on a 5-year CD (http:/Awww. bankrate.com/cd.aspx). Transportation Energy Data Book #28, Table 8.1; Total Vehicle Miles divided by Vehicles in Operation Based on 2001 National Highway Transportation Survey: Summary of Travel Trends; Table 29. Prepared for the U.S. Dept. of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. December 2004. Assumed Value Assumed Value Based on city-highway split for the Environmental Protection Agency's Federal Test Procedure. | Based on 2001 National Highway Transportation Survey: Summary of Travel Trends; Table 29. Prepared for the U.S. Dept. of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. December 2004. | Assumed value The AFDC is a resource of the U.S. Department of Energy's Clean Cities program. Contacts | Web Site Policies | U.S. Department of Energy | USA.gov WHPacific, Inc. toss on , Content Last Updated: 02/19/2013 Page 125 soa. aoa aeo4 A InAINAS