HomeMy WebLinkAboutMahoney Lake Fish Habitat Application 1997March 25, 1997 Ms. Lois Cashell, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission MAR 28 1097 888 First Street NE, Room A-1 7 Washington, D.C. 20426 Department of Law Office of Attorney Genera s I 3rd Judicial Distiict Re: Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Anchorage, Alaska FERC Project No. 11393 Fish Habitat Permit Applications Dear Ms. Cashell: HDR Engineering, Inc., on behalf of the City of Saxman, Alaska, encloses for filing an original and eight copies of the Fish Habitat Permit Applications and related information filed with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game via a letter dated March 18, 1997, for the Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project. If you have any questions regarding the filing or need further information, please let me know. Respectfully, HDR ENGINEERING, INC. el Michael V. Stimac, P.E. Manager, Licensing and Environmental Services Enclosures cc: Service List Tom Fitzgerald, City of Saxman Doug Campbell, Cape Fox Corporation Vince Yearick, FERC, DPR h:\hyd\mahoney\app\ferc05.doc HDR Engineering, Inc. Suite 1200 Telephone 500 108th Avenue, N.E. 206 453-1523 Bellevue, Washington Fax Employee-owned 98004-5538 206 453-7107 MAHONEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 11393 Certificate of Service I hereby certify that I have this day served the Fish Habitat Permit Applications and related information for the Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project upon all persons listed below in accordance with the requirements of Section 385.2010(h) of the Rules of Practice and Procedure: US. Fish & Wildlife Service Mr. Nevin D. Holmberg, Field Supervisor 3000 Vintage Blvd., Suite 201 Juneau, AK 99801-7100 Mr. Robert H. Loeffler (KPU) Morrison & Foerster LLP 2000 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 5000 Washington, D.C. 20006 Mr. William R. Snell Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority Attn: Stanley E. Sieczkowski 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99503 Mr. Keith A. Laufer (AEA) Assistant Attorney General Department of Law General Civil Section 1031 West Fourth Avenue, Suite 2 Anchorage, AK 99501 Ms. Joanne Klein Deep Bay - Moser Bay D.P.* via Ketchikan, AK 99950 Dated at Bellevue, ‘ h:\hyd\mahoney service.doc Service I Mr. Tom Fitzgerald City Administrator City of Saxman Route 2, Box 1 Ketchikan, AK 901 Mr. Doug C’ pbell Cape Fox ‘ :poration 2851S. 7 igass P.O. Bo 5558 Ketch’ a, AK 99901 M: iichael V. Stimac, Manager 1 _asing & Environmental Services JR Engineering, Inc. 00 - 108th Ave. NE, Suite 1200 Bellevue, WA 98004 Mr. Donald H. Clarke Wilkinson, Barker, Knauer & Quinn 1735 New York Ave. NW Washington, D.C. 20006 Mr. John Braislin Betts, Patterson & Mines 800 Financial Center 1215 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98161-1000 angton, this 25th day of March, 1997. So Bonnie Lindner Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 11393 March 18, 1997 Mr. Jack Gustafson Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game Habitat and Restoration Division 2030 Sea Level Drive, #205 Ketchikan, AK 99901 Subject: Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project (FERC 11393) Title 16 Fish Habitat Permit Applications and Related Information Dear Mr. Gustafson: Individual Title 16 Fish Habitat Permit Applications are enclosed for the following two project-related activities requiring instream work that may impact fish habitat: 1) construction of a bridge over Lower Mahoney Creek and 2) installation of a culvert in Marsh Creek. Application forms are also included for the access road crossing of South Creek and the tailrace confluence with Upper Mahoney Creek. However, we are not seeking permits for these locations because work at these sites will not affect fish habitat. The application forms are just being utilized to convey information regarding activities at the locations. There are approximately three small snowslide drainages west of Marsh Creek that may be crossed with bridges depending on the stability of the talus or soils. Bridges would afford better debris clearance during a snowslide. Regardless, appropriate measures will be taken when constructing crossings at these seasonal channels to avoid sedimentation downstream. Borrow areas are expected to be located north of Lower Mahoney Lake, along the existing access road, and will not be a source of sediment in Lower Mahoney Lake or Upper and Lower Mahoney Creeks. - Thank you for the opportunity to supply you with the necessary information to complete your evaluation. If you need additional information, please let us know. Sincerely, HDR ENGINEERING, INC. FH Moar Michael V. Stimac, P.E. Manager, Licensing & Environmental Services Enclosures ce: Lorraine Marshall, ADGC Dave Sturdevant, ADEC Doug Campbell, Cape Fox Corporation HDR Engineering, Inc. Suite 1200 Telephone 500 108th Avenue, N.E. 206 453-1523 Bellevue, Washington Fax Employee-owned 98004-5538 206 453-7107 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project GENERAL WATERWAY/WATERBODY APPLICATION ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Habitat and Restoration Division 2030 Sea Level Drive, #205 Ketchikan, AK 99901 A. APPLICANT: Li Name: Cape Fox Corporation 2 Address: P.O. Box 8558, Ketchikan, AK 99901 Telephone: (907) 225-5163 Contact: Doug Campbell, ext. 303 at Contractor: not yet selected Agent: HDR Alaska, Inc. 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99503 Telephone: (907) 274-2000 Fax: (907) 274-2022 Contact: Sally Boggs B. TYPE AND PURPOSE OF PROJECT: Hydroelectric project. See detailed project description and drawings attached to ine Coastal Project Questionnaire. Work will occur in Upper Mahoney Lake, Upper Mahoney Creek above the falls, Upper Mahoney Creek below the falls to install the outlet of the tailrace, Lower Mahoney Creek and South Creek to install bridges, and Marsh Creek to install a culvert. Neither Upper Mahoney Lake nor Upper Mahoney Creek above the falls bears resident or anadromous fish. Marsh Creek may bear resident fish downstream of the crossing site. Only Lower Mahoney Creek is a designated anadromous fish stream. This permit application is only for work required in Lower Mahoney Creek to construct a bridge. C. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Waterbody Name Anadromous Township, Range, USGS Quad Stream # Section, Meridian Lower Mahoney Creek 101-45-10160 T. 74S.,R. 91 E., S. 25; Ketchikan (B-5) CRM. See attached plans. D. TIME FRAME FOR PROJECT: 7/97 to 12/99 (construction) Lower Mahoney Creek 1 Fish Habitat Permit Application Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project E. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: 1. Will the stream be diverted? Yes No XX How will the stream be diverted? How long? Will stream channelization occur? Yes No XX Will the banks of the stream be altered or modified? Yes XX No Describe: The banks of Lower Mahoney Creek may be recontoured to form ramps to allow fording of equipment for bridge construction; they will be restored to their original contours after construction is completed. The northwest side of the stream, almost exclusively above the high water and scour line, will be altered to install a bridge abutment. The southeast side of the stream will be more extensively modified for construction of a riprap abutment and fill bulkhead (using heavy,clean fill), within the scour basin at this location. The bridge location is approximately 100 feet downstream of the fish barrier and will not further hinder fish migration. List all tracked or wheeled equipment (type and size) that will be used in the stream (in the water, on ice, or in the floodplain): Cat 235 or equivalent size backhoe. How long will equipment be in the stream? Equipment will be in the stream for approximately one half hour to cross. It is not anticipated that work will take place from the stream bed. This activity will be planned to avoid adverse impacts to migrating salmon. a Will material be removed from the floodplain, bed, stream, or lake? Yes No XX b. Will material be removed from below the water table? Yes No XX If so, to what depth? Is a pumping operation planned? Yes No XX Will material (including spoils, debris, or overburden) be deposited in the flood plain, stream, or lake? Yes XX No If so, what type? Heavy, clean fill for southeast abutment bulkhead. Amount: Approximately 260 yd’ total, approximately 25 yd° below estimated high water. Lower Mahoney Creek 2 Fish Habitat Permit Application Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Disposal site location(s): Bridge crossing site, southeastern abutment. Te Will blasting be performed? Yes No XX May be necessary near stream but not below high water line. Weight of charges: Type of substrate: 8. Will temporary fills in the stream or lake be required during construction (e.g., for construction traffic around construction site)? Yes No XxX 9. Will ice bridges be required? Yes No XX F. SITE REHABILITATION/RESTORATION PLAN: Creek banks disturbed by construction activities will be regraded to their original contours or to contours that blend with the adjacent natural banks and newly constructed areas. If necessary to stabilize the banks, structures such as large rock or root wads may be placed. Upper banks will be covered with native topsoil, fertilized, and seeded with grasses, except under bridges. Shrubs will also be planted along the upper banks to restore cover to the creek. Appropriate measures will be taken to prevent discharge of sediments to the creek. G. WATERBODY CHARACTERISTICS: Width of stream: 10 to 40 feet Depth of stream or lake: 1 to 3 feet Type of stream or lake bottom (e.g., sand, gravel, mud): rock Stream gradient: Approximately 9% average. H. HYDRAULIC EVALUATION: 1. Will a structure (e.g., culvert, bridge support, dike) be placed below ordinary high water of the stream? Yes XX No If yes, attach engineering drawings or a field sketch, as described in Step B. For culverts, attach stream discharge data for a mean annual flood (Q=72.3), if available. Describe potential for channel changes or increased bank erosion, if applicable: No channel changes or increase in bank erosion are expected. 2s Will more than 25,000 cubic yards of material be removed? Yes No XxX Lower Mahoney Creek 3 Fish Habitat Permit Application Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project If yes, attach a written hydraulic evaluation including, at a minimum, the following: potential for channel changes, assessment of increased aufeis (glaciering) potential, assessment of potential for increased bank erosion. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED ON OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. 7M Melia. 4, Doug Campbell 18 March 47 Signature of Applicant Date h:\hyd\mahoney\agency\fishapp5.doc Lower Mahoney Creek 4 Fish Habitat Permit Application aiprap abutment Gace and FINN balk head uatlf - In Sscoyr. line Basin ~ butkhead and ~~ °F Bing call \ Cj \, CAPE FOX CORPORATION PRELIMINARY DESIGN MAHONEY CREEK BRIDGE PLAN Elevation datum is assumed and approximate SCALE ne EM. 1/97 ° 10 zo rect 190+30 ver 168 +30 188 +80 ver £ ev. 66E ae ver £8 4e | ee ei OFF Ely. 81% 100 sae 90 merle a ASTRA EP "Wz shetrock approach Fil) Boel shit vock road Fill hukheod and usmgwel “rele cMP A ey approx. 2% 4‘ PT, Timber or yellecadar heartwood Footing AS she CMe riprop abuirant face uithin seour line basin 60-- : wie bedrock operon. hgh weler line elv, = 72 ~ $s ompacted at approx. . e PP , sa ell =e s urs ely. 72 approx, min. clearances 4 “ bedrock 7 footing sockated . ft into bedrock; § bridge lagscrened = 6 Cacting a 1 1 = aad = pill aces 1 =i 186+20 188 +50 189+00 1869+ 50 190+00 19050 Orso o+70 . pe 0+00 Approximate Cenferline Sfalioning ~~. ——-~cenlerline 0.6. : 10’ right as. ~——— ~10' left 0g. CAPE FOX CORPORATION PRELIMINARY DESIGN MAHONEY CREEK BRIQGE Elevation datum is 7» PROFILE attumed and approximate 4 kK Elevation ice Vane) EM. 1/97 ‘ A ° Horizontal, ° 0 20 | Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement| Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project APPLICANT INFORMATION ; Anne Leggett 1. _Cape Fox Corporation (Attn: Doug Campbell) 2. HDR Alaska. Inc. Name of Applicant ‘Agent (or responsible party if other than applicant) LP:O)Box'8558 11) : 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Address ‘Address Ketchikan AK 99901 0 Anchorage, AK 99503 City State Zip Code City State Zip Code (907) 225-5163 (ext. 303) (907) 274-2000 Daytime Phone Daytime Phone (907) 225-3137 as (907) 274-2022 Fax Number Fax Number PROJECT INFORMATION Yes No 1. This activity is a: *new project{_ | modification or addition to an existing project *Project is new (not yet constructed) but agencies reviews have been ongoing since early 1980s. If a modification do you currently have any State, federal or local approvals related to this activity? CT] Note: Approval means any form of authorization. If “yes,” please list below. Approval Type Approval # Issuance Date Expiration Date 2. Has this project ever been reviewed by the State of Alaska per the ACMP? Previous State ID. Number: AK _9403-33J, 9504-08J, _ Previous Project Name: same as this one 9603-24] PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Attach the following: a detailed description of the project and all associated facilities; a project timeline for completion of all major activities in the proposal; a site plan depicting all proposed actions; other supporting documentation that would facilitate review of the project. Note: Ifthe project is a modification, identify existing facilities as well as proposed activities on the site plan. Proposed starting date for project: 7/1/97 (conswuction) Proposed ending date for project: 12/1/99 (constmction) — 2. Provide a brief description of your entire project and ALL associated facilities (access roads, caretaker facilities, waste disposal sites, etc.). Construct a hydroelectric power generation project. A tap will be installed below the surface of Upper Mahoney Lake, and water transmitted through a penstock in a tunnel to a powerhouse near Lower Mahoney Lake. The tailrace will discharge water to Mahoney Creek upstream from Lower Mahoney Lake. A 2.6-mile-long access road will connect the powerhouse site and an existing logging road. A buried and overhead electric transmission line will extend from the powerhouse site southward to the Beaver Falls area, a distance of about 3.5 miles. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page | Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project PROJECT LOCATION N Attach a copy of the topographical map with the project location marked on it. Location of project (include nearest community or name of the land feature or body of water. Identify township, range and section): Mahoney Lakes, along George Inlet, northeast of Ketchikan, AK Township Range Section Meridian Latitude/Longitude T. 74S. R. 91 E. 24-27, 34-36 CRM §5°25’N 131°32’W T. 748. R. 92E. 31 . CRM Ted Ss R. 92 E. 5, 6,8 CRM The project is on: State Land* Federal Land XX PrivateLand XX Municipal Land *State land can be uplands, tidelands, or submerged lands to 3 miles offshore. See Question #] in DNR section. The project is located in which region (see attached map): Northern C] Southcentral Southeast | State Pipeline Coordinator’s Office Yes No Is the project located in a coastal district? C] If yes, please contact the district representative listed on the attached sheet. Identify the communities closest to your project location: Ketchikan, Saxman FEDERAL APPROVALS 1. Is the proposed project on U.S. Forest Service (USFS) land or will you need to cross USFS lands for access? Does the cost of the project exceed $250,000? If yes, have you applied for a USFS permit or approval? : Date of submittal: concurrent with this submittal Is the proposed project on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land or will you need C] to cross BLM lands for access? Does the cost of the project exceed $250,000? If yes, have you applied for a BLM permit or approval? Date of submittal: Will you be constructing a bridge over tidal (ocean) waters, or navigable rivers, streams or lakes? If yes, have you applied for a U.S. Coast Guard permit for a bridge? Date of submittal: PEAT ten Qe) eee eT ti a Will you be dredging or placing structures or fills in any of the following: tidal (ocean) waters, streams, lakes, wetlands*? If yes, have you applied for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) permit? Date of submittal: concurrent with this submittal _ (Note: Your application for this activity to the Corps of Engineers also serves as your application to DEC.) *If you are not certain whether your proposed project is in a wetlands, contact the U.S. Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch at (907) 753-2720 for a wetlands determination (outside the Anchorage area call toll free 1-800-478-2712.) [] &] Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 2 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project 5s Have you applied for a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit? Date of submittal: construction will require a general stormwater discharge permit [x] 3 6. Will you have a putrescible waste discharge within 5 miles of any public airport? If yes, please contact the Airports Division of the Federal Aviation Administration at (907) 271-5440. WE Does the project include a nonfederal power project affecting any navigable body of water or located on federal land? Or, is utilization of surplus water from any federal government dam proposed? (Power projects consist of dams, water conduits, reservoirs, powerhouses, and transmission lines.) If yes, have you applied for a permit from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)? Date of submittal: application for license will be submitted 5/31/96 (Note: For informaton, contact FERC, Office of Hydropower Licensing, at (202) 208-0200.) O FH O Of O f& fx] 8. Have you applied for permits from any other federal agency? Agency Approval Type Date Submitted O ] DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (DEC) APPROVALS? 1. Will a discharge of wastewater from industrial or commercial operations occur? Will the discharge be connected to an already approved sewer system? Will the project include a stormwater collection/discharge system? 2. Do you intend to construct, install, modify, or use any part of a wastewater (sewage or greywater) disposal system? a) If so, will the discharge be 500 gpd or greater? b) If constructing a domestic wastewater treatment or disposal system, will the system be located within fill material requiring a COE permit? If you answered yes to a or b, answer the following: 1) How deep is the bottom of the system to the top of the subsurface water table? OO O OOO OO & OO f& 2) How far is any part of the wastewater disposal system from the nearest surface water? 3) Is the surrounding area inundated with water at any time of the year? i CO 4) How big is the fill area to be used for the absorption system? (Questions |&2 will be used by DEC to determine whether separation distances are being met; Questions 3&4 relate to the required size of the fill if wetlands are involved. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 3 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Yes No 3. Do you expect to request a mixing zone for your proposed project? C] - (Of your wastewater discharge will exceed Alaska water quality standards, you may apply for a mixing zone. If so, please contact DEC to discuss informanon required under 18 AAC 70.032.) 4. Do you plan to store or dispose of any type of solid waste resulting from this project? [x}* CL] (Note: Solid waste means drilling wastes, garbage, refuse, sludge, and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, and agricultural operations, and from community acnvines.) *Tailings from tunnel construction will be disposed of on-site. 5: Will your project require the application of oil, pesticides, and/or any other broadcast oO chemicals to the surface of the land and/or the waters of the state? x 6. a. Will you have a facility that will generate air emissions from processing greater than five tons per hour of material? CJ b. Will you have one or more units of fuel burning equipment, including flaring, with a heat input rating of 50 million Btu per hour or more? CJ Cc Will you have a facility containing incinerators with a total charging capacity of /,000 pounds per hour or more? Cc] d. Will you incinerate sludge? Cl e. Will you have any of the following processes? OO Asphalt plant L] Coal preparation facility Petroleum refinery Portland cement plant Petroleum Contaminated Soils Cleanup - CL ill your facility use the following equipment? CJ Diesel internal combustion engines? (Total capacity equal to or greater than /, 750 kilowatts or total rated brake specific horsepower greater than 2,350 bhp) Gas fired boilers (Total heat input rating of /00 million Btu per hour) Oil fired boilers (Total heat imput rating of 65 million Bru per hour) Combustion turbines (Total rated power output of 8,000 Hp) OOO] E] g. Will your facility burn more than the following per year in stationary equipment? CL C] 1,000,000 gallons of fuel oil C 35,000 tons of coal C] 900 million cubic feet of natural gas h. If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions (6 a-g), have you installed, replaced or modified any fuel burning or processing equipment since 1977? & O we Will you be developing, constructing, installing, or altering a public water system? 8. a. Will your project involve the operation of waterborne tank vessels or oil barges that carry crude or non-crude oil as bulk cargo, or the transfer of oil or other petroleum products to or from such avessel or a pipeline system? O OO [x] b. Will your project require or include onshore or offshore oil facilities with an effective aggregate storage capacity of greater than 5,000 barrels of crude oil Cc] or greater than 10,000 barrels of non-crude oil? Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 4 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Yes No Cc. Will you be operating facilities on the land or water for the exploration or production of hydrocarbons? O If you answered NO to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered YES to ANY of these questions, contact the DEC Regional office for information and application forms. Please be advised that all new DEC permits and approvals require a 30-day public notice period. Based on your discussion with DEC, please complete the following: Approval Type: Section 401 Water Quality Cert’n Date Submitted: concurrent with this submittal and Section 404 permit appl’n submittal Does your project qualify for a general permit for wastewater or solid waste? N/A CT] C] If you answered yes to any questions and are not applying for DEC permits, indicate reason below: Judd Peterson (EC contact) told me on_ 2/2/96 that no DEC approvals are required for this type of project. Reason: For the Tazimina hydro project, I asked him whether a solid waste disposal permit is needed for disposal of tunnel spoils. He said they do not consider those spoils “solid waste” unless there is reason to believe they are contaminated. DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME (DFG) APPROVALS 1. N Will you be working in, or placing anything in, a stream, river or lake? (This includes [x] Cc] work in running water or on ice, within the active floodplain, on islands, the face of the banks or the tidelands down to mean low tide.) Name of stream C] river, or[X] lake: Upper Mahoney Lake; Upper and Lower Mahoney Creeks; South Creek Will you do any of the following? X Please indicate below: C Alter or stabilize the banks? Mine or dig in the beds or banks? Build a dam, river training structure or instream impoundment? Use the water? C] Pump water out of the stream or lake? Use explosives? Build a bridge (including and ice bridge)? C] Divert or alter the natural stream ) Ge) ) Fe] Ee] channel? Use the stream as a road (even when frozen), C] Block or dam the stream (temporarily oF crossing the stream with tracked oan or permanently)? wheeled vehicles, log dragging or excavation Change the water flow or the water equipment (backhoes, bulldozers, etc.)? aienat? * Install a culvert or other drainage structure? Introduce silt, gravel, rock, petroleum *culverts under road are not in fish streams products, debris, chemicals, or other LC Construct a weir? organic/inorganic waste of any type ck iat Use an in-stream structure not mentioned into the water? here? Bypass pipe discharge to upper creek, lake tap in upper lake, tailrace discharge to creek. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 5 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project w Is your project located in a designated State Game Refuge, Critical Habitat Area Oo or State Sanctuary? Does your project include the construction/operation of a salmon hatchery? C] Does your project affect, or is it related to, a previously permitted salmon hatchery? Cc] Does your project include the construction of an aquatic farm? C] If you answered “No” to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered “Yes” to ANY questions under 1-3, contact the Regional DFG Habitat Division Office for information and application forms. If you answered “Yes” to questions 4-6, contact the DFG at the CFMD division headquarters for information and application forms. Based on your discussion with DFG, please complete the following: Approval Type: Fish Habitat Permit Date Submitted: concurrent with this submittal If you answered yes to any questions and are not applying for DFG permits, indicated reason below: C] _ SO (DFG contact) told me on that no DFG approvals are required. Reason: C] Other:_The upper lake and creek above the falls do not support anadromous or resident fish, so work in these areas will not be part of the fish habitat permit application. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR) APPROVALS 1. Is the proposed project on State-owned land or will you need to cross State-owned land Cc] for access? “access” includes temporary access for construction purposes) Note: In addition to State-owned uplands, the State owns almost all land below the ordinary high water line of navigable streams, rivers and lakes, and below the mean high nde line seaward for three miles. Do you plan to dredge or otherwise excavate/remove materials on State-owned land? CT] Location of dredging site if other than the project site: Township Range Section Meridian Do you plan to place fill or dredged material on State-owned land? Oo Location of fill disposal site if other than the project site: Township Range Section Meridian Source ison: [/ ]StateLand [~ ]Federal Land [—]Private Land [—]Municipal Land Do you plan to use any of the following State-owned resources: C] CT] Timber: Will you be harvesting timber? Amount: Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 6 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project 10. 11. 12. 13% 14. C] Materials such as rock, sand or gravel, peat, soil, overburden, etc.: Which material? Amount: Location of source[_] Project sitel__] Other, describe: Township Range Section Meridian eg ooo Hee oF Are you planning to use or divert any fresh water? © Amount (gallons per day): approx. 50 million gpd Source :_Upper Mahoney Lake Intended Use : generation of electricity Will you be building or altering a dam? Do you plan to drill a geothermal well? At any one site (regardless of land ownership), do you plan to do any of the following? *Tunnels will be excavated; unless this is considered mining, no mining will occur. C] Mine five or more acres over a year’s time? C] Mine 50,000 cubic yards or more of materials (rock, sand or gravel, soil, peat, overburden, etc.) over a year’s time? Have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of five or more acres? If you plan to mine less than the acreage/amount stated above and have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of less than five acres, do you intend to file a voluntary reclamation plan for approval? Will you be exploring for or extracting coal? Will you be drilling for oil/gas? Will you be investigating or removing historical or archaeological resources on State-owned land? Is the proposed project located within a known geophysical hazard area? OOOO0O OU EE EEE! O Is the proposed project located in a unit of the Alaska State Park System? If you answered “NO” to ALL questions in this section, continue to certification statement. If you answered “YES” to ANY questions in this section, contact DNR for information. Based on your discussion with DNR, please complete the following: Approval Type: Water Rights Date Submitted: 5/17/93. An updated application will be submitted concurrently with this application. If you answered yes to any questions and are not applying for DNR permits, indicated reason below: (DNR contact) told me on that no DNR approvals are required. Reason: C] Other: Jim Anderson of DNR-Juneau said on 5/15/96 that DNR would not claim ownership of the Upper Mahoney Lake bed. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 7 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Please be advised that the CPQ identifies permits subject to a consistency review. You may need additional permits from other agencies or local governments to proceed with your activity. Certification Statement The information contained herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that the proposed activity complies with, and will be conducted in a manner consistent with, the Alaska Coastal Management Program. much Cani Soy Signature of Applicant or Agent Date Note: Federal agencies conducting an activity that will affect the coastal zone are required to submit a federal consistency determination, per 15 CFR 930, Subpart C, rather than this certification statement. This certification statement will not be complete until all required State and federal authorization requests have been submitted to the appropriate agencies. To complete your packet, please attach your State permit applications and copies of your federal permit applications to this questionnaire. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 8 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Project Description The Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project would be located approximately 7 miles northeast of the City of Ketchikan. Upper Mahoney Lake, an alpine lake at an elevation of 1959 feet on USFS system lands, would serve as the reservoir for the project. The project would employ a lake tap design. The powerhouse would be 800 feet upstream of Lower Mahoney Lake at an elevation of 150 feet. The project would produce a maximum of 46 million kWh of energy annually. Generation at the Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project would be year-round with a generating capacity of 9.6 MW. The project would include the following structures: (1) a lake tap near the outlet of Upper Mahoney Lake; (2) an upper tunnel between the lake tap and the valve house; (3) a valve house between the upper tunnel and vertical shaft; (4) a bypass pipe to convey up to 10 cfs of water from the valve house to Upper Mahoney Creek to provide upwelling flow in the lower lake during periods of emergency shutdown; (5) a 1,370-foot-long vertical shaft; (6) a lower tunnel from the base of the vertical shaft to the powerhouse: (7) a semi-underground powerhouse located about 1,100 feet upstream of Lower Mahoney Lake; (8) a tailrace channel from the powerhouse to Upper Mahoney Creek; (9) 1.54 miles of buried electric transmission line and 3.1 miles of overhead transmission line; (10) a switchyard; (11) 2.6 miles of new access road; (12) two spoils piles—one at the valve house site and one at the powerhouse site. The following are physical specifications for these project structures and components: (1) The lake tap would be at a depth of 75 feet. Drawdown would be to within 10 feet of the lake tap — with a maximum of 70 feet of drawdown. (2) The 1,700-foot-long upper tunnel would be unlined except for a 4-foot-diameter, 20-foot-long pipe 200 feet downstream of the lake tap with a valve to isolate the lake tap from the rest of the system, and a 4-foot-diameter steel pipe that would connect the upper tunnel and vertical shaft. (3) The 300-square-foot concrete valve house would be constructed directly above the vertical shaft and contain two 48-inch-diameter butterfly valves and a vent pipe. (4) The bypass would be a buried 12-inch-diameter pipe about 200 feet long. (5) The 1,370-foot-long vertical shaft would be partially unlined. The unlined sections would be 5 to 7 feet in diameter and the lined sections 4 feet in diameter. (6) The lower tunnel would be an 8-foot-diameter horseshoe shape, 3,350 feet long, from the powerhouse portal to the base of the vertical shaft. It would be partially lined and supported by rock bolts and steel sets as required and be at 10% grade for positive drainage. A 32-inch-diameter steel pipe on concrete saddles would convey the turbine flow through this tunnel. (7) The powerhouse would be a 1,600-square-foot, semi-underground, concrete structure. (8) The 200-foot-long tailrace would be pre-cast concrete box culvert or corrugated metal pipe for 70 feet downstream of the powerhouse and a rip-rap lined earth channel from there to Upper Mahoney Creek. (9) The transmission line would be 13.2-kV conductor buried for 1.04 miles within the access road as far as the switchyard. From the switchyard it would be 34.5-kV, and would be buried for 0.5 mile and overhead for 3.1 miles south to Beaver Falls. Installation and maintenance of the transmission line from the switchyard to Beaver Falls would require that approximately 75 acres be continually cleared of trees that could damage the line. (10) The switchyard and power transformer, where the voltage would be stepped up from 13.2-kV to 34.5-kV, would be about 0.4 acre in size and would be located 1.04 mile from the powerhouse. (11) The 2.6-mile access 1 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project road would be constructed as an extension to the existing timber access road. It would be 14 feet wide, gravel surfaced, single lane with turnouts, and would require two bridges: an 80-foot span over Lower Mahoney Creek and a 30-foot span over South Creek. (12) The upper spoils pile near the valve house would cover 1.7 acres; the lower spoils pile near the powerhouse would cover 1.5 acres. Approximately 90 acres would be occupied by structures or permanently cleared. An additional approximately 11 acres would be cleared for construction and allowed to revegetate. A timeline for completion of the project is attached, as are preliminary project drawings. Project Description Z Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project MAHONEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Receive FERC License (est) Final Design Engineering Final Survey and Geotech Work Bid & Award Turbine/Gen Contract Turbine/Generator Manufacture Turbine/Generator Delivery Y 26 en a ee ; Mahoney | Lake | PROJECT LOCATION > | Hei katy / , Woy 8H x et fp oo f Qn GES J iF ~QSS A t RUS = \ Beaver. WSS 7 7 CAPE FOX coR Fe. = ca reneul ..- NN ea eo MAHONEY HYDRO SITE ACCESS ROAD LOCATION Location, sucvey, manprng Tune & Suiy 1994 EMuench, \W.Jehnsen, T Motinez. 1 iwern +0 O FT. 90° bridge ever Mahoney Crack Sa. 189413 te 190403 on Maheney Timber access:road SS _ lakeshore & creek Raced Crom Pulliched map sta. 48°44 Te % 35 bridge over 25 'widse creek SSS oe in 2B/wide X15 dea gorge 46-79 yy Wf, Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project GENERAL WATERWAY/WATERBODY APPLICATION ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Habitat and Restoration Division 2030 Sea Level Drive, #205 Ketchikan, AK 99901 A. APPLICANT: L Name: Cape Fox Corporation Address: P.O. Box 8558, Ketchikan, AK 99901 : Telephone: (907) 225-5163 Contact: Doug Campbell, ext. 303 3. Contractor: not yet selected Agent: HDR Alaska, Inc. 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99503 Telephone: (907) 274-2000 Fax: (907) 274-2022 Contact: Sally Boggs B. TYPE AND PURPOSE OF PROJECT: Hydroelectric project. See detailed project description and drawings attached to the Coastal Project Questionnaire. Work will occur in Upper Mahoney Lake, Upper Mahoney Creek above the falls, Upper Mahoney Creek below the falls to install the outlet of the tailrace, Lower Mahoney Creek and South Creek to install bridges, and Marsh Creek to install a culvert. Neither Upper Mahoney Lake nor Upper Mahoney Creek above the falls bears resident or anadromous fish. Marsh Creek may bear resident fish downstream of the crossing site. Only Lower Mahoney Creek is a designated anadromous fish stream. This permit application is only for work required in Marsh Creek to install a culvert. Cc. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Waterbody Name Anadromous Township, Range, USGS Quad Stream # Section, Meridian Marsh Creek not knowntobear T.74S.,R.91E., S. 25; Ketchikan (B-5) anadromous fish C.R.M. See attached plans. D. TIME FRAME FOR PROJECT: 7/97 to 12/99 (construction) Marsh Creek 1 Fish Habitat Permit Application ots Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project E. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: 1 Marsh Creek Will the stream be diverted? Yes No XX How will the stream be diverted? How long? Will stream channelization occur? Yes No XX Will the banks of the stream be altered or modified? Yes XX No Describe: The stream will be bridged using a 36 inch culvert and fill. List all tracked or wheeled equipment (type and size) that will be used in the stream (in the water, on ice, or in the floodplain): Cat 235 or equivalent size backhoe. How long will equipment be in the stream? Most of the work will be done from the banks. Any crossing of the channels will be done on logs to prevent breakdown of the banks. Placing and bedding the culvert (with shot-rock fines) will take approximately two hours. a. Will material be removed from the floodplain, bed, stream, or lake? Yes XX No b. Will material be removed from below the water table? Yes XX No If so, to what depth? Material will be removed to a depth appropriate to bed the culvert bottom - up to approximately 12 inches. The natural gradient of the stream will be maintained. Is a pumping operation planned? Yes No XX Will material (including spoils, debris, or overburden) be deposited in the flood plain, stream, or lake? Yes XX No If so, what type? Clean shot-rock fines to bed and cover the culvert will be placed by the backhoe. The remaining fill will be clean pit-run shot-rock placed by a bulldozer. Amount: Most of the floodplain between the high water marks will be filled with the culvert. Therefore, the amount of fill in the floodplain will be minimal. Disposal site location(s): At proposed culvert crossing. 2 Fish Habitat Permit Application 9. Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Will blasting be performed? Yes No XxX Weight of charges: Type of substrate: Will temporary fills in the stream or lake be required during construction (e.g., for construction traffic around construction site)? Yes No XxX Will ice bridges be required? Yes No XX F. SITE REHABILITATION/RESTORATION PLAN: Creek banks disturbed by construction activities will be regraded to their original contours or to contours that blend with the adjacent natural banks and newly constructed areas. Upper banks will be covered with native topsoil, fertilized, and seeded with grasses. Appropriate measures will be taken to control erosion on adjacent road slopes and prevent discharge of sediments to the creeks. G. WATERBODY CHARACTERISTICS: Width of stream: 2 to 3 feet. Depth of stream or lake: approximately 6 inches. Type of stream or lake bottom (e.g., sand, gravel, mud): talus and gravel. Stream gradient: approximately 10% to 12% average. H. HYDRAULIC EVALUATION: drawings attached. 1. Marsh Creek Will a structure (e.g., culvert, bridge support, dike) be placed below ordinary high water of the stream? Yes XX No If yes, attach engineering drawings or a field sketch, as described in Step B. For culverts, attach stream discharge data for a mean annual flood (Q=2.3), if available. Q = 0.9 cfs (estimated from watershed area using 35 yrs. of USGS gage data for Mahoney basin flows). Describe potential for channel changes or increased bank erosion, if applicable: No channel changes upstream or downstream of the CMP are anticipated. Riprap will be installed as required to protect banks from erosion. Will more than 25,000 cubic yards of material be removed? Yes No XX 3 Fish Habitat Permit Application Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project If yes, attach a written hydraulic evaluation including, at a minimum, the following: potential for channel changes, assessment of increased aufeis (glaciering) potential, assessment of potential for increased bank erosion. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED ON OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. DM Mima for Doug Campbell : 1d Wlarch 4 Signature of Applicant Date h:\hyd\mahoney\agency\fishapp4.doc Marsh Creek 4 Fish Habitat Permit Application MAR- 4-97. TUE 12:38 CAPE FOX CORP FAX NO. 9072253137 P, 04 ; . CAPE FOA CORP. : MAHONEY ACCESS ROAD MARSH CREEK CROSSING PRELIMINARY PLAN Batim is assumed. ‘\ Gortours are appraximale . and based an limited aurvey i om \ appre. leeafian of dil, and modly eyeballing ve ~\ \ 36 CMP, te be skewed from routing pene. ri Ser minimum gradient -.0 63486 6470 ee 00 “T >To : Fiev. 22toe 63+00 64400 s$+00 SCALE 20 Freer io 16 20 30 40 a ° {mea 1g SCALE ConTours art appronimete and ; Lin. based on limited survey data 400 fr. and mostly eyebailing From EM. 2/21/97 routing points. MAHONEY ROAD MARSH CREEK CROSSING RE-ALIGNMENT MAHOWEr LaAKe seigiva Roure Re-mgunent [Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project APPLICANT INFORMATION Anne Leggett 1. Cape Fox Corporation (Attn: Doug Campbell) 2. HDR Alaska, Inc. Name of Applicant Agent (or responsible party if other than applicant) P.O. Box 8558 . 2525 C Street, Suite 305 ‘Address ‘Address City State Zip Code City State Zip Code (907) 225-5163 (ext. 303) (907) 274-2000 Daytime Phone Daytime Phone (907) 225-3137 __ (907) 274-2022 Fax Number Fax Number PROJECT INFORMATION Yes No 1, This activity is a: *new project|_| modification or addition to an existing project *Project is new (not yet constructed) but agencies reviews have been ongoing since early 1980s. If a modification do you currently have any State, federal or local approvals related to this activity? CJ Note: Approval means any form of authorization. If “yes,” please list below. Approval Type Approval # Issuance Date Expiration Date 2. Has this project ever been reviewed by the State of Alaska per the ACMP? Previous State I.D. Number: AK _9403-33J, 9504-08J, Previous Project Name: same as this one 9603-24] PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Attach the following: a detailed description of the project and all associated facilities; a project timeline for completion of all major activities in the proposal; a site plan depicting all proposed actions; other supporting documentation that would facilitate review of the project. Note: If the project is a modification, identify existing facilities as well as proposed activities on the site plan. Proposed starting date for project: 7/1/97 (constuction) Proposed ending date for project: 12/1/99 (construction) — 2. Provide a brief description of your entire project and ALL associated facilities (access roads, caretaker facilities, waste disposal sites, etc.). Construct a hydroelectric power generation project. A tap will be installed below the surface of Upper Mahoney Lake, and water transmitted through a penstock in a tunnel to a powerhouse near Lower Mahoney Lake. The tailrace will discharge water to Mahoney Creek upstream from Lower Mahoney Lake. A 2.6-mile-long access road will connect the powerhouse site and an existing logging road. A buried and overhead electric transmission line will extend from the powerhouse site southward to the Beaver Falls area, a distance of about 3.5 miles. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page | Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project PROJECT LOCATION iE 2s Attach a copy of the topographical map with the project location marked on it. Location of project (include nearest community or name of the land feature or body of water. Identify township, range and section): Mahoney Lakes, along George Inlet, northeast of Ketchikan, AK Township Range Section Meridian Latitude/Longitude T. 74S. R. 91 E. 24-27, 34-36 CRM $5°25’N 131°32’W T. 74S. R.92E. 31 . CRM Tass: R.92E. 5, 6, 8 CRM The project is on: State Land* Federal Land XX Private Land.XX Municipal Land *State land can be uplands, tidelands, or submerged lands to 3 miles offshore. See Question #1 in DNR section. The project is located in which region (see attached map): Northern C] Southcentral [x] |x| Southeast C] State Pipeline Coordinator’s Office Yes No Is the project located in a coastal district? Cc] If yes, please contact the district representative listed on the attached sheet. Identify the communities closest to your project location: Ketchikan, Saxman FEDERAL APPROVALS 1 Is the proposed project on U.S. Forest Service (USFS) land or will you need to cross [x] USFS lands for access? Does the cost of the project exceed $250,000? If yes, have you applied for a USFS permit or approval? Date of submittal: concurrent with this submittal Ee] fe) Is the proposed project on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land or will you need C] to cross BLM lands for access? Does the cost of the project exceed $250,000? If yes, have you applied for a BLM permit or approval? Date of submittal: Will you be constructing a bridge over tidal (ocean) waters, or navigable rivers, streams or lakes? If yes, have you applied for a U.S. Coast Guard permit for a bridge? Date of submittal: Will you be dredging or placing structures or fills in any of the following: tidal (ocean) waters, streams, lakes, wetlands*? If yes, have you applied for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) permit? Date of submittal: concurrent with this submittal _ (Note: Your application for this activity to the Corps of Engineers also serves as your application to DEC.) “If you are not certain whether your proposed project is in a wetlands, contact the U.S. Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch at (907) 753-2720 for a wetlands determination (outside the Anchorage area call toll free 1-800-478-2712.) OO OFF OO OOO Kk OO OO Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 2 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project 5: Have you applied for a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit? Date of submittal: construction will require a general stormwater discharge permit [x] 4 6. Will you have a putrescible waste discharge within 5 miles of any public airport? If yes, please contact the Airports Division of the Federal Aviation Administration at (907) 271-5440. 7. Does the project include a nonfederal power project affecting any navigable body of water or located on federal land? Or, is utilization of surplus water from any federal government dam proposed? (Power projects consist of dams, water conduits, reservoirs, powerhouses, and transmission lines.) If yes, have you applied for a permit from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)? Date of submittal: application for license will be submitted 5/31/96 (Note: For information, contact FERC, Office of Hydropower Licensing, at (202) 208-0200.) O ® O Of [x] el O 8. Have you applied for permits from any other federal agency? Agency Approval Type Date Submitted O &] DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (DEC) APPROVALS? 1. Will a discharge of wastewater from industrial or commercial operations occur? Will the discharge be connected to an already approved sewer system? Will the project include a stormwater collection/discharge system? OO & 2: Do you intend to construct, install, modify, or use any part of a wastewater (sewage or greywater) disposal system? [x] a) If so, will the discharge be 500 gpd or greater? b) If constructing a domestic wastewater treatment or disposal system, will the system be located within fill material requiring a COE permit? If you answered yes to a or b, answer the following: 1) How deep is the bottom of the system to the top of the subsurface water table? OO O OO0 OO 2) How far is any part of the wastewater disposal system from the nearest surface water? 3) Is the surrounding area inundated with water at any time of the year? CO CJ 4) How big is the fill area to be used for the absorption system? (Questions 1&2 will be used by DEC to determine whether separation distances are being met; Questions 3&4 relate to the required size of the fill if wetlands are involved. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 3 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Yes No 3; Do you expect to request a mixing zone for your proposed project? | (f your wastewater discharge will exceed Alaska water quality standards, you may apply for a mixing zone. If s0, please contact DEC to discuss information required under 18 AAC 70.032.) 4. Do you plan to store or dispose of any type of solid waste resulting from this project? Cc] (Note: Solid waste means drilling wastes, garbage, refuse, sludge, and other discarded material, including solid. liquid. semi-solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, and agricultural operations, and from community acnvines.) *Tailings from tunnel construction will be disposed of on-site. 5; Will your project require the application of oil, pesticides, and/or any other broadcast oO chemicals to the surface of the land and/or the waters of the state? x 6. a. Will you have a facility that will generate air emissions from processing greater than five tons per hour of material? O [x] b. Will you have one or more units of fuel buming equipment, including flaring, with a heat input rating of 50 million Btu per hour or more? O c Will you have a facility containing incinerators with a total charging capacity of /,000 pounds per hour or more? CJ d. Will you incinerate sludge? C e. Will you have any of the following processes? a ix] Asphalt plant L] Coal preparation facility Petroleum refinery Portland cement plant Petroleum Contaminated Soils Cleanup - O10 ill your facility use the following equipment? Cl Diesel internal combustion engines? (Total capacity equal to or greater than /, 750 kilowarts or total rated brake specific horsepower greater than 2,350 bhp) Gas fired boilers (Total heat input rating of 100 million Bru per hour) Oil fired boilers (Total heat imput rating of 65 million Btu per hour) Combustion turbines (Tota! rated power output of 8,000 Hp) ODO) [x] [x] g. Will your facility burn more than the following per year in stationary equipment? C C] 1,000,000 gallons of fuel oil LJ 35,000 tons of coal C 900 million cubic feet of natural gas h. If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions (6 a-g), have you installed, replaced or modified any fuel burning or processing equipment since 1977? ds Will you be developing, constructing, installing, or altering a public water system? 8. a. Will your project involve the operation of waterbome tank vessels or oil barges that carry crude or non-crude oil as bulk cargo, or the transfer of oil or other petroleum products to or from such a vessel or a pipeline system? O OO eH &O b. Will your project require or include onshore or offshore oil facilities with an effective aggregate storage capacity of greater than 5,000 barrels of crude oil Cc [x] or greater than 10,000 barrels of non-crude oil? Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 4 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Yes No c. Will you be operating facilities on the land or water for the exploration or production of hydrocarbons? O If you answered NO to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered YES to ANY of these questions, contact the DEC Regional office for information and application forms. Please be advised that all new DEC permits and approvals require a 30-day public notice period. Based on your discussion with DEC, please complete the following: Approval Type: Section 401 Water Quality Cert’n Date Submitted: concurrent with this submittal and Section 404 permit appl’n submittal Does your project qualify for a general permit for wastewater or solid waste? N/A | CT If you answered yes to any questions and are not applying for DEC permits, indicate reason below: Judd Peterson (DEC contact) told me on 2/2/96 that no DEC approvals are required for this type of project. Reason: For the Tazimina hydro project, I asked him whether a solid waste disposal permit is needed for disposal of tunnel spoils. He said they do not consider those spoils “solid waste” unless there is reason to believe they are contaminated. DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME (DFG) APPROVALS E Will you be working in, or placing anything in, a stream, river or lake? (This includes [x] CT work in running water or on ice, within the active floodplain, on islands, the face of the banks or the tidelands down to mean low tide.) Name of stream [_]river, or[X] lake: Upper Mahoney Lake; Upper and Lower Mahoney Creeks; UU South Cree as Will you do any of the following? X Please indicate below: ; O Alter or stabilize the banks? Mine or dig in the beds or banks? Build a dam, river training structure or instream impoundment? Use the water? [_] Pump water out of the stream or lake? Use explosives? Build a bridge (including and ice bridge)? fn Divert or alter the natural stream () Ee) ) Ee) changel? Use the stream as a road (even when frozen), CT] Block or dam the stream (temporarily Se OSS the stream with tracked of or permanently)? wheeled vehicles, log dragging or excavation Change the water flow or the water equipment (backhoes, bulldozers, etc.)? dhaceat? * Install a culvert or other drainage structure? Introduce silt, gravel, rock, petroleum *culverts under road are not in fish streams products, debris, chemicals, or other O Construct a weir? organic/inorganic waste of any type into th ter? Use an in-stream structure not mentioned i e water? here? Bypass pipe discharge to upper creek, lake tap in upper lake, tailrace discharge to creek. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 5 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Yes Ne Is your project located in a designated State Game Refuge, Critical Habitat Area oO or State Sanctuary? Does your project include the construction/operation of a salmon hatchery? C] Does your project affect, or is it related to, a previously permitted salmon hatchery? C] Does your project include the construction of an aquatic farm? C] If you answered “No” to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered “Yes” to ANY questions under 1-3, contact the Regional DFG Habitat Division Office for information and application forms. If you answered “Yes” to questions 4-6, contact the DFG at the CFMD division headquarters for information and application forms. Based on your discussion with DFG, please complete the following: Approval Type: Fish Habitat Permit Date Submitted: concurrent with this submitt: If you answered yes to any questions and are not applying for DFG permits, indicated reason below: C] (DFG contact) told me on __ that no DFG approvals are required. Reason: ‘ C] Other: _The upper lake and creek above the falls do not support anadromous or resident fish, so work in these areas will not be part of the fish habitat permit application. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR) APPROVALS Lk Is the proposed project on State-owned land or will you need to cross State-owned land CT] for access? (“access” includes temporary access for construction purposes) Note: In addition to State-owned uplands, the State owns almost all land below the ordinary high water line of navigable streams, rivers and lakes, and below the mean high nde line seaward for three miles. Do you plan to dredge or otherwise excavate/remove materials on State-owned land? CT] [x] Location of dredging site if other than the project site: Township Range Section Meridian Do you plan to place fill or dredged material on State-owned land? Oo ix] Location of fill disposal site if other than the project site: Township Range Section Mendian Source ison: [_ ]State Land [7 ]Federal Land [7 ]Private Land [_ |Municipal Land Do you plan to use any of the following State-owned resources: C] [x] CT Timber: Will you be harvesting timber? Amount: Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 6 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Projeci 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. C] Materials such as rock, sand or gravel, peat, soil, overburden, etc.: Which material? Amount: Location of source{_| Project sitel_ | Other, describe: Township Range Section Meridian rw & Are you planning to use or divert any fresh water? © Amount (gallons per day): approx. 50 million gpd Source :_Upper Mahoney Lake Intended Use : generation of electricity Will you be building or altering a dam? Do you plan to drill a geothermal well? At any one site (regardless of land ownership), do you plan to do any of the following? *Tunnels will be excavated; unless this is considered mining, no mining will occur. C] Mine five or more acres over a year’s time? OOO Kee) Le C] Mine 50,000 cubic yards or more of materials (rock, sand or gravel, soil, peat, overburden, etc.) over a year’s time? Have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of five or more acres? If you plan to mine less than the acreage/amount stated above and have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of less than five acres, do you intend to file a voluntary © reclamation plan for approval? Will you be exploring for or extracting coal? Will you be drilling for oil/gas? Will you be investigating or removing historical or archaeological resources on State-owned land? Is the proposed project located within a known geophysical hazard area? Is the proposed project located in a unit of the Alaska State Park System? OOOOO O EE EEE) O If you answered “NO” to ALL questions in this section, continue to certification statement. If you answered “YES” to ANY questions in this section, contact DNR for information. Based on your discussion with DNR, please complete the following: Approval Type: Water Rights Date Submitted: 5/17/93. An updated application will be submitted concurrently with this application. If you answered yes to any questions and are not applying for DNR permits, indicated reason below: (DNR contact) told me on that no DNR approvals are required. Reason: Cl Other: Jim Anderson of DNR-Juneau said on 5/15/96 that DNR would not claim ownership of the Upper Mahoney Lake bed. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 7 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Please be advised that the CPQ identifies permits subject to a consistency review. You may need additional permits from other agencies or local governments to proceed with your activity. Certification Statement | The information contained herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that the proposed activity complies with, and will be conducted in a manner consistent with, the Alaska Coastal Management Program. Crus Cin Stomp Signature of Applicant or Agent Date Note: Federal agencies conducting an activity that will affect the coastal zone are required to submit a federal consistency determination, per 15 CFR 930, Subpart C, rather than this certification statement. This certification statement will not be complete until all required State and federal authorization requests have been submitted to the appropriate agencies. To complete your packet, please attach your State permit applications and copies of your federal permit applications to this questionnaire. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 8 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Project Description The Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project would be located approximately 7 miles northeast of the City of Ketchikan. Upper Mahoney Lake, an alpine lake at an elevation of 1959 feet on USFS system lands, would serve as the reservoir for the project. The project would employ a lake tap design. The powerhouse would be 800 feet upstream of Lower Mahoney Lake at an elevation of 150 feet. The project would produce a maximum of 46 million kWh of energy annually. Generation at the Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project would be year-round with a generating capacity of 9.6 MW. The project would include the following structures: (1) a lake tap near the outlet of Upper Mahoney Lake; (2) an upper tunnel between the lake tap and the valve house; (3) a valve house between the upper tunnel and vertical shaft; (4) a bypass pipe to convey up to 10 cfs of water from the valve house to Upper Mahoney Creek to provide upwelling flow in the lower lake during periods of emergency shutdown; (5) a 1,370-foot-long vertical shaft; (6) a lower tunnel from the base of the vertical shaft to the powerhouse: (7) a semi-underground powerhouse located about 1,100 feet upstream of Lower Mahoney Lake; (8) a tailrace channel from the powerhouse to Upper Mahoney Creek; (9) 1.54 miles of buried electric transmission line and 3.1 miles of overhead transmission line; (10) a switchyard; (11) 2.6 miles of new access road; (12) two spoils piles—one at the valve house site and one at the powerhouse site. The following are physical specifications for these project structures and components: (1) The lake tap would be at a depth of 75 feet. Drawdown would be to within 10 feet of the lake tap — with a maximum of 70 feet of drawdown. (2) The 1,700-foot-long upper tunnel would be unlined except for a 4-foot-diameter, 20-foot-long pipe 200 feet downstream of the lake tap with a valve to isolate the lake tap from the rest of the system, and a 4-foot-diameter steel pipe that would connect the upper tunnel and vertical shaft. (3) The 300-square-foot concrete valve house would be constructed directly above the vertical shaft and contain two 48-inch-diameter butterfly valves and a vent pipe. (4) The bypass would be a buried 12-inch-diameter pipe about 200 feet long. (5) The 1,370-foot-long vertical shaft would be partially unlined. The unlined sections would be 5 to 7 feet in diameter and the lined sections 4 feet in diameter. (6) The lower tunnel would be an 8-foot-diameter horseshoe shape, 3,350 feet long, from the powerhouse portal to the base of the vertical shaft. It would be partially lined and supported by rock bolts and steel sets as required and be at 10% grade for positive drainage. A 32-inch-diameter steel pipe on concrete saddles would convey the turbine flow through this tunnel. (7) The powerhouse would be a 1,600-square-foot, semi-underground, concrete structure. (8) The 200-foot-long tailrace would be pre-cast concrete box culvert or corrugated metal pipe for 70 feet downstream of the powerhouse and a rip-rap lined earth channel from there to Upper Mahoney Creek. (9) The transmission line would be 13.2-kV conductor buried for 1.04 miles within the access road as far as the switchyard. From the switchyard it would be 34.5-kV, and would be buried for 0.5 mile and overhead for 3.1 miles south to Beaver Falls. Installation and maintenance of the transmission line from the switchyard to Beaver Falls would require that approximately 75 acres be continually cleared of trees that could damage the line. (10) The switchyard and power transformer, where the voltage would be stepped up from 13.2-kV to 34.5-kV, would be about 0.4 acre in size and would be located 1.04 mile from the powerhouse. (11) The 2.6-mile access 1 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project road would be constructed as an extension to the existing timber access road. It would be 14 feet wide, gravel surfaced, single lane with turnouts, and would require two bridges: an 80-foot span over Lower Mahoney Creek and a 30-foot span over South Creek. (12) The upper spoils pile near the valve house would cover 1.7 acres; the lower spoils pile near the powerhouse would cover 1.5 acres. Approximately 90 acres would be occupied by structures or permanently cleared. An additional approximately 11 acres would be cleared for construction and allowed to revegetate. A timeline for completion of the project is attached, as are preliminary project drawings. Project Description 2 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project MAHONEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1907 1998 1999 LrenaTaTS ATS TOINTO SF MATA ATS TOINTD| SF ATT! JJaTs[o[N[o ‘Subm& FERC License Application nade FERC Application Processing Receive FERC License (est) Final Design Engineering Final Survey and Geotech Work Ww’ AS = WN J ’ 203) 7 (TT 5 Zz 4 - . k WA ‘i ro) rN Ye a P Wh 4 c AN... | =) Se 5 EE A WS) R 7 i= Af toe y ; = 3 chet Wt a % / CAPE FOX CORP. MAHONEY HYDRO SITE ACCESS ROAD LOCATION Location, survey, man png Tune & Suiy 1994 EMuench, W.Jehnsen, T: Motinez Lowen | 400 Fr. 90" bridge ever Mahoney Crack Sia. 189413 to 190403 eon Mahoney Timber access road —— NX _ lakeshore & creak Raced Lrom Published map sto. 48°44 To % 35 bridge over 25 ‘wise creek SS ee in 2B’wide X 15% deep gorge 46-79 shereime & creak traced Leow eve’ cred Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project GENERAL WATERWAY/WATERBODY APPLICATION ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Habitat and Restoration Division 2030 Sea Level Drive, #205 Ketchikan, AK 99901 A. APPLICANT: 1, Name: Cape Fox Corporation Address: P.O. Box 8558, Ketchikan, AK 99901 : Telephone: (907) 225-5163 Contact: Doug Campbell, ext. 303 3. Contractor: not yet selected Agent: HDR Alaska, Inc. 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99503 Telephone: (907) 274-2000 Fax: (907) 274-2022 Contact: Sally Boggs B. TYPE AND PURPOSE OF PROJECT: Hydroelectric project. See detailed project description and drawings attaclied to the Coastal Project Questionnaire. Work will occur in Upper Mahoney Lake, Upper Mahoney Creek above the falls, Upper Mahoney Creek below the falls to install the outlet of the tailrace, Lower Mahoney Creek and South Creek to install bridges, and Marsh Creek to install a culvert. Neither Upper Mahoney Lake nor Upper Mahoney Creek above the falls bears resident or anadromous fish. Marsh Creek may bear resident fish downstream of the crossing site. Only Lower Mahoney Creek is a designated anadromous fish stream. THIS FORM IS BEING USED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. A PERMIT IS NOT REQUIRED AT SOUTH CREEK BECAUSE NO INSTREAM WORK WILL OCCUR IN FISH HABITAT. Cc. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Waterbody Name Anadromous Township, Range, USGS Quad Stream # Section, Meridian South Creek _ hotknowntobear T.74S.,R.91E,, S. 36; Ketchikan (B-5) anadromous fish C.R.M. See attached plans. South Creek 1 Informational Submittal Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project D. TIME FRAME FOR PROJECT: 7/97 to 12/99 (construction) E. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: 1 N 2 > South Creek Will the stream be diverted? Yes No XX How will the stream be diverted? How long? Will stream channelization occur? Yes No XX Will the banks of the stream be altered or modified? Yes XX No Describe: The upper shoulders of the bedrock channel of South Creek may be recontoured to form the bridge abutments. List all tracked or wheeled equipment (type and size) that will be used in the stream (in the water, on ice, or in the floodplain): None How long will equipment be in the stream? No equipment will be in the stream. The bridge can be installed by operating above the stream from the east side. a. Will material be removed from the floodplain, bed, stream, or lake? Yes No XX b. Will material be removed from below the water table? Yes No XX If so, to what depth? Is a pumping operation planned? : Yes No XxX Will material (including spoils, debris, or overburden) be deposited in the flood plain, stream, or lake? Yes No XX If so, what type Amount: Disposal site location(s): Will blasting be performed? Yes XX No Not in the creek. Weight of charges: Not yet known Type of substrate: | Predominantly granodiorite with some phyllite and schist. 7) Informational Submittal 8. 9. Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Will temporary fills in the stream or lake be required during construction (e.g., for construction traffic around construction site)? Yes No XxX Will ice bridges be required? Yes No XX F. SITE REHABILITATION/RESTORATION PLAN: South Creek is in a deeply incised bedrock channel at the bridge location. Appropriate measures will be employed as necessary to contain sediment from construction activity and to control erosion on adjacent road slopes and prevent discharge of sediments to the creek. G. WATERBODY CHARACTERISTICS: Width of stream: 5 to 20 feet Depth of stream or lake: 1 to 3 feet Type of stream or lake bottom (e.g., sand, gravel, mud): boulders and bedrock. Stream gradient: Approximately 5% to 10%. H. HYDRAULIC EVALUATION: 1. Will a structure (e.g., culvert, bridge support, dike) be placed below ordinary high water of the stream? Yes No xX If yes, attach engineering drawings or a field sketch, as described in Step B. For culverts, attach stream discharge data for a mean annual flood (Q=2.3), if available. : Describe potential for channel changes or increased bank erosion, if applicable: No channel changes or increase in bank erosion are expected. Will more than 25,000 cubic yards of material be removed? Yes No XX If yes, attach a written hydraulic evaluation including, at a minimum, the following: potential for channel changes, assessment of increased aufeis (glaciering) potential, assessment of potential for increased bank erosion. h: \hyd\mahoney\agency\fishapp2.doc South Creek 3 Informational Submittal AO’ contours N SCALE \inen oO 100 200 reer N EM 1/97 upper end YS of anadvemovs halite PROFILE oO at 5 Ss eof bank | ae o a 18"velief CMP 8 4 extended right by ° vn 8g to daylight aeoy ae es ates == CT Y7 —) ——, : Yoad surf, - aN W/ 7 QTL LLL LLL ILL bridge and footing \ / | Footing 2'%4' BT, timber or yelloscaday hearfwoed get in excavation ° . in bedrock 3 shot rock fi\\ use to CAPE FOX CORPORATION level Socting 0S ee PRELIMINARY DESIGN SOUTH CREEK BRIDGE EM. 1/97 bridge 35'Lx 1owx 25d [Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement| Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project APPLICANT INFORMATION : Anne Leggett 1. Cape Fox Corporation (Attn: Doug Campbell) 2. HDR Alaska, Inc. Name of Applicant Agent (or responsible party if other than applicant) P.O. Box 8558 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Address ‘Address ‘Ketchikan, AK 99901 Anchorage, AK 99503 City State Zip Code City State Zip Code (907) 225-5163 (ext.303) (907) 274-2000 Daytime Phone Daytime Phone (907) 225-3137 sti (907) 274-2022 Fax Number Fax Number PROJECT INFORMATION Yes No 1. This activity is a: *new project{_] modification or addition to an existing project *Project is new (not yet constructed) but agencies reviews have been ongoing since early 1980s. If a modification do you currently have any State, federal or local approvals related to this activity? i Note: Approval means any form of authorization. If “yes,” please list below. Approval Type Approval # Issuance Date Expiration Date 3 Has this project ever been reviewed by the State of Alaska per the ACMP? Previous State 11D. Number: AK _9403-33J, 9504-08J, Previous Project Name: same as this one 9603-24] PROJECT DESCRIPTION le Attach the following: a detailed description of the project and all associated facilities; a project timeline for completion of all major activities in the proposal; a site plan depicting all proposed actions; other supporting documentation that would facilitate review of the project. Note: If the project is a modification, identify existing facilities as well as proposed activities on the site plan. Proposed starting date for project: _7/1/97 (conswuction) Proposed ending date for project: 12/1/99 (construction) 2: Provide a brief description of your entire project and ALL associated facilities (access roads, caretaker facilities, waste disposal sites, etc.). Construct a hydroelectric power generation project. A tap will be installed below the surface of Upper Mahoney Lake, and water transmitted through a penstock in a tunnel to a powerhouse near Lower Mahoney Lake. The tailrace will discharge water to Mahoney Creek upstream from Lower Mahoney Lake. A 2.6-mile-long access road will connect the powerhouse site and an existing logging road. A buried and overhead electric transmission line will extend from the powerhouse site southward to the Beaver Falls area, a distance of about 3.5 miles. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page | Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project PROJECT LOCATION Attach a copy of the topographical map with the project location marked on it. Location of project (include nearest community or name of the land feature or body of water. Identify township, range and section): Mahoney Lakes, along George Inlet, northeast of Ketchikan, AK Township Range Section Meridian Latitude/Longitude T. 74S. R.91E. 24-27, 34-36 CRM $5°25’N 131°32’W T. 74S. R. 92 E. 31 . CRM Lais:s: R.92E. 5, 6, 8 CRM The project is on: State Land* Federal Land XX Private Land XX Municipal Land *State land can be uplands, tidelands, or submerged lands to 3 miles offshore. See Question #1 in DNR section. The project is located in which region (see attached map): Northern C] Southcentral [x] |x| Southeast C] State Pipeline Coordinator’s Office Yes No Is the project located in a coastal district? C] If yes, please contact the district representative listed on the attached sheet. Identify the communities closest to your project location: Ketchikan, Saxman FEDERAL APPROVALS 1. Is the proposed project on U.S. Forest Service (USFS) land or will you need to cross USFS lands for access? Does the cost of the project exceed $250,000? If yes, have you applied for a USFS permit or approval? Date of submittal: concurrent with this submittal Is the proposed project on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land or will you need to cross BLM lands for access? Does the cost of the project exceed $250,000? If yes, have you applied for a BLM permit or approval? Date of submittal: Will you be constructing a bridge over tidal (ocean) waters, or navigable rivers, streams or lakes? If yes, have you applied for a U.S. Coast Guard permit for a bridge? Date of submittal: Will you be dredging or placing structures or fills in any of the following: tidal (ocean) waters, streams, lakes, wetlands*? If yes, have you applied for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) permit? Date of submittal: concurrent with this submittal __ (Note: Your application for this activity to the Corps of Engineers also serves as your application to DEC.) *If you are not certain whether your proposed project is in a wetlands, contact the U.S. Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch at (907) 753-2720 for a wetlands determination (outside the Anchorage area call toll free 1-800-478-2712.) Ke OO OOO Hee OO Of OOF OOO Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 2 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project 5. Have you applied for a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit? Date of submittal: construction will require a general stormwater discharge permit OL 2 [x] 6. Will you have a putrescible waste discharge within 5 miles of any public airport? If yes, please contact the Airports Division of the Federal Aviation Administration at (907) 271-5440. 7. Does the project include a nonfederal power project affecting any navigable body of water or located on federal land? Or, is utilization of surplus water from any federal government dam proposed? (Power projects consist of dams, water conduits, reservoirs, powerhouses, and transmission lines.) If yes, have you applied for a permit from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)? Date of submittal: application for license will be submitted 5/31/96 (Note: For information, contact FERC, Office of Hydropower Licensing, at (202) 208-0200.) iN) || Ce bay) 8. Have you applied for permits from any other federal agency? Agency Approval Type Date Submitted O E] DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (DEC) APPROVALS? I Will a discharge of wastewater from industrial or commercial operations occur? Will the discharge be connected to an already approved sewer system? Will the project include a stormwater collection/discharge system? 2. Do you intend to construct, install, modify, or use any part of a wastewater (sewage or greywater) disposal system? a) If so, will the discharge be 500 gpd or greater? b) If constructing a domestic wastewater treatment or disposal system, will the system be located within fill material requiring a COE permit? If you answered yes to a or b, answer the following: 1) How deep is the bottom of the system to the top of the subsurface water table? Ue ea ce EXO VED) CEN es 2) How far is any part of the wastewater disposal system from the nearest surface water? 3) Is the surrounding area inundated with water at any time of the year? CO CO 4) How big is the fill area to be used for the absorption system? (Questions 1&2 will be used by DEC to determine whether separation distances are being met; Questions 3&4 relate to the required size of the fill if wetlands are involved. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 3 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Yes No 3; Do you expect to request a mixing zone for your proposed project? (Of your wastewater discharge will exceed Alaska water quality standards, you may apply for a muang zone. If so, please contact DEC to discuss informanon required under 18 AAC 70.032.) 4. Do you plan to store or dispose of any type of solid waste resulting from this project? CL] (Note: Solid waste means drilling wastes, garbage, refuse, sludge, and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial, and agricultural operations, and from community acnvines.) *Tailings from tunnel construction will be disposed of on-site. 5: Will your project require the application of oil, pesticides, and/or any other broadcast oO chemicals to the surface of the land and/or the waters of the state? 6. a. Will you have a facility that will generate air emissions from processing greater than five tons per hour of material? C) b. Will you have one or more units of fuel buming equipment, including flaring, with a heat input rating of 50 million Btu per hour or more? O [x] Cc: Will you have a facility containing incinerators with a total charging capacity of /,000 pounds per hour or more? OC [x] d. Will you incinerate sludge? CL] e. Will you have any of the following processes? ‘a [x] Asphalt plant | Coal preparation facility Petroleum refinery Portland cement plant Petroleum Contaminated Soils Cleanup : - O00 ill your facility use the following equipment? Cl Diesel internal combustion engines? (Total capacity equal to or greater than /, 750 kilowatts or total rated brake specific horsepower greater than 2,350 bhp) Gas fired boilers (Total heat input rating of 100 million Btu per hour) Oil fired boilers (Total heat imput rating of 65 million Btu per hour) Combustion turbines (Total rated power output of 8,000 Hp) OOO) [x] [x] g. Will your facility burn more than the following per year in stationary equipment? CO CT] 1,000,000 gallons of fuel oil O 35,000 tons of coal C] 900 million cubic feet of natural gas h. If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions (6 a-g), have you installed, replaced or modified any fuel burning or processing equipment since 1977? KO 7h Will you be developing, constructing, installing, or altering a public water system? 8. a. Will your project involve the operation of waterbome tank vessels or oil barges that carry crude or non-crude oil as bulk cargo, or the transfer of oil or other petroleum products to or from such avessel or a pipeline system? uid} }) peo i [x] b. Will your project require or include onshore or offshore oil facilities with an effective aggregate storage capacity of greater than 5,000 barrels of crude oil C ix or greater than 10,000 barrels of non-crude oil? Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 4 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Yes No Cc Will you be operating facilities on the land or water for the exploration or Oo production of hydrocarbons? If you answered NO to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered YES to ANY of these questions, contact the DEC Regional office for information and application forms. Please be advised that all new DEC permits and approvals require a 30-day public notice period. Based on your discussion with DEC, please complete the following: Approval Type: Section 401 Water Quality Cert’n Date Submitted: concurrent with this submittal and Section 404 permit appl’n submittal Does your project qualify for a general permit for wastewater or solid waste? N/A CT] | If you answered yes to any questions and are not applying for DEC permits, indicate reason below: Judd Peterson (DEC contact) told me on 2/2/96 that no DEC approvals are required for this type of project. Reason:_ For the Tazimina hydro project, I asked him whether a solid waste disposal permit is needed for disposal of tunnel spoils. He said they do not consider those spoils “solid waste” unless there is reason to believe they are contaminated. DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME (DFG) APPROVALS 1. Will you be working in, or placing anything in, a stream, river or lake? (This includes C] work in running water or on ice, within the active floodplain, on islands, the face of the banks or the tidelands down to mean low tide.) Name of stream [_ river, or[X] lake: Upper Mahoney Lake; Upper and Lower Mahoney Creeks; South Creek Will you do any of the following? X Please indicate below: C] Alter or stabilize the banks? Mine or dig in the beds or banks? Build a dam, river training structure or instream impoundment? Use the water? [_] Pump water out of the stream or lake? Use explosives? Build a bridge (including and ice bridge)? C] Divert or alter the natural stream Ce) Ee) &) Fe) El channel? Use the stream as a road (even when frozen), CT] Block or dam the stream (temporarily OF, CCOsSINE the stream with tracked Cr or permanently)? wheeled vehicles, log dragging or excavation Change the water flow or the water equipment (backhoes, bulldozers, etc.)? aanwet? * Install a culvert or other drainage structure? Introduce silt, gravel, rock, petroleum *culverts under road are not in fish streams products, debris, chemicals, or other C Construct a weir? organic/inorganic waste of any type into th a Use an in-stream structure not mentioned into the water? here? Bypass pipe discharge to upper creek, lake tap in upper lake, tailrace discharge to creek. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 5 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Is your project located in a designated State Game Refuge, Critical Habitat Area Oo or State Sanctuary? Does your project include the construction/operation of a salmon hatchery? C] Does your project affect, or is it related to, a previously permitted salmon hatchery? CT Does your project include the construction of an aquatic farm? C] If you answered “No” to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered “Yes” to ANY questions under 1-3, contact the Regional DFG Habitat Division Office for information and application forms. If you answered “Yes” to questions 4-6, contact the DFG at the CFMD division headquarters for information and application forms. Based on your discussion with DFG, please complete the following: Approval Type: Fish Habitat Permit Date Submitted: concurrent with this submittal If you answered yes to any questions and are not applying for DFG permits, indicated reason below: C] (DFG contact) told me on that no DFG approvals are required. Reason: : CL] Other:_The upper lake and creek above the falls do not support anadromous or resident fish, so work in these areas will not be part of the fish habitat permit application. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR) APPROVALS 1 Is the proposed project on State-owned land or will you need to cross State-owned land C] for access? (“access” includes temporary access for construction ses) purpo: Note: In addition to State-owned uplands, the State owns almost all land below the ordinary high water line of navigable streams, rivers and lakes, and below the mean high ude line seaward for three miles. Do you plan to dredge or otherwise excavate/remove materials on State-owned land? CT] Location of dredging site if other than the project site: Township Range Section Meridian Do you plan to place fill or dredged material on State-owned land? Location of fill disposal site if other than the project site: O [x] Township Range Section Meridian Source ison: [_ state Land [_]Federal Land [_ Private Land [_ Municipal Land Do you plan to use any of the following State-owned resources: CT] | Timber: Will you be harvesting timber? Amount: Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 6 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project C] Materials such as rock, sand or gravel, peat, soil, overburden, etc.: Which material? Amount: Location of source[_] Project sitel_ ] Other, describe: Township Range Section Meridian Yes Ss Are you planning to use or divert any fresh water? © Amount (gallons per day): approx. 50 million gpd Source : Upper Mahoney Lake Intended Use : generation of electricity 6. Will you be building or altering a dam? i Do you plan to drill a geothermal well? OOO KEI) Le 8. At any one site (regardless of land ownership), do you plan to do any of the following? *Tunnels will be excavated; unless this is considered mining, no mining will occur. C] Mine five or more acres over a year’s time? C] Mine 50,000 cubic yards or more of materials (rock, sand or gravel, soil, peat, overburden, etc.) over a year’s time? Have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of five or more acres? If you plan to mine less than the acreage/amount stated above and have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of less than five acres, do you intend to file a voluntary reclamation plan for approval? 9. Will you be exploring for or extracting coal? 10. —_ Will you be drilling for oil/gas? 11. Will you be investigating or removing historical or archaeological resources on State-owned land? 12. Is the proposed project located within a known geophysical hazard area? OOOOO Oo He Eee O 13. Is the proposed project located in a unit of the Alaska State Park System? If you answered “NO” to ALL questions in this section, continue to certification statement. If you answered “YES” to ANY questions in this section, contact DNR for information. Based on your discussion with DNR, please complete the following: Approval Type: Water Rights Date Submitted: 5/17/93. An updated application will be submitted concurrently with this application. 14. _If you answered yes to any questions and are not applying for DNR permits, indicated reason below: (DNR contact) told me on that no DNR approvals are required. Reason: C] Other: Jim Anderson of DNR-Juneau said on 5/15/96 that DNR would not claim ownership of the Upper Mahoney Lake bed. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 7 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Please be advised that the CPQ identifies permits subject to a consistency review. You may need additional permits from other agencies or local governments to proceed with your activity. Certification Statement The information contained herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that the proposed activity complies with, and will be conducted in a manner consistent with, the Alaska Coastal Management Program. crush Can Sfp Signature of Applicant or Agent Date Note: Federal agencies conducting an activity that will affect the coastal zone are required to submit a federal consistency determination, per 15 CFR 930, Subpart C, rather than this certification statement. This certification statement will not be complete until all required State and federal authorization requests have been submitted to the appropriate agencies. To complete your packet, please attach your State permit applications and copies. of your federal permit applications to this questionnaire. : Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 8 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Project Description The Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project would be located approximately 7 miles northeast of the City of Ketchikan. Upper Mahoney Lake, an alpine lake at an elevation of 1959 feet on USFS system lands, would serve as the reservoir for the project. The project would employ a lake tap design. The powerhouse would be 800 feet upstream of Lower Mahoney Lake at an elevation of 150 feet. The project would produce a maximum of 46 million kWh of energy annually. Generation at the Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project would be year-round with a generating capacity of 9.6 MW. The project would include the following structures: (1) a lake tap near the outlet of Upper Mahoney Lake; (2) an upper tunnel between the lake tap and the valve house; (3) a valve house between the upper tunnel and vertical shaft; (4) a bypass pipe to convey up to 10 cfs of water from the valve house to Upper Mahoney Creek to provide upwelling flow in the lower lake during periods of emergency shutdown; (5) a 1,370-foot-long vertical shaft; (6) a lower tunnel from the base of the vertical shaft to the powerhouse; (7) a semi-underground powerhouse located about 1,100 feet upstream of Lower Mahoney Lake; (8) a tailrace channel from the powerhouse to Upper Mahoney Creek; (9) 1.54 miles of buried electric transmission line and 3.1 miles of overhead transmission line; (10) a switchyard; (11) 2.6 miles of new access road; (12) two spoils piles—one at the valve house site and one at the powerhouse site. The following are physical specifications for these project structures and components: (1) The lake tap would be at a depth of 75 feet. Drawdown would be to within 10 feet of the lake tap — with a maximum of 70 feet of drawdown. (2) The 1,700-foot-long upper tunnel would be unlined except for a 4-foot-diameter, 20-foot-long pipe 200 feet downstream of the lake tap with a valve to isolate the lake tap from the rest of the system, and a 4-foot-diameter steel pipe that would connect the upper tunnel and vertical shaft. (3) The 300-square-foot concrete valve house would be constructed directly above the vertical shaft and contain two 48-inch-diameter butterfly valves and a vent pipe. (4) The bypass would be a buried 12-inch-diameter pipe about 200 feet long. (5) The 1,370-foot-long vertical shaft would be partially unlined. The unlined sections would be 5 to 7 feet in diameter and the lined sections 4 feet in diameter. (6) The lower tunnel would be an 8-foot-diameter horseshoe shape, 3,350 feet long, from the powerhouse portal to the base of the vertical shaft. It would be partially lined and supported by rock bolts and steel sets as required and be at 10% grade for positive drainage. A 32-inch-diameter steel pipe on concrete saddles would convey the turbine flow through this tunnel. (7) The powerhouse would be a 1,600-square-foot, semi-underground, concrete structure. (8) The 200-foot-long tailrace would be pre-cast concrete box culvert or corrugated metal pipe for 70 feet downstream of the powerhouse and a rip-rap lined earth channel from there to Upper Mahoney Creek. (9) The transmission line would be 13.2-kV conductor buried for 1.04 miles within the access road as far as the switchyard. From the switchyard it would be 34.5-kV, and would be buried for 0.5 mile and overhead for 3.1 miles south to Beaver Falls. Installation and maintenance of the transmission line from the switchyard to Beaver Falls would require that approximately 75 acres be continually cleared of trees that could damage the line. (10) The switchyard and power transformer, where the voltage would be stepped up from 13.2-kV to 34.5-kV, would be about 0.4 acre in size and would be located 1.04 mile from the powerhouse. (11) The 2.6-mile access 1 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project road would be constructed as an extension to the existing timber access road. It would be 14 feet wide, gravel surfaced, single lane with turnouts, and would require two bridges: an 80-foot span over Lower Mahoney Creek and a 30-foot span over South Creek. (12) The upper spoils pile near the valve house would cover 1.7 acres; the lower spoils pile near the powerhouse would cover 1.5 acres. Approximately 90 acres would be occupied by structures or permanently cleared. An additional approximately 11 acres would be cleared for construction and allowed to revegetate. A timeline for completion of the project is attached, as are preliminary project drawings. Project Description 2 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project MAHONEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE Task Name 1997 LT [F[MJA[M[J[J[A[S]O[N[D|J[FIMJAIM]J[JJA]S]O|NJO| J 12/196 TAKS 11/16/09 12/198 1998 1999 MJATMIsT J leNe STEMI [aTsTo[N[o N Be 5 “gee G | yy SAB CYL, 90" beidge ever Mahoney Crack Sia. 189413 to 190403 on Mahoney Timber access road CAPE FOX CORP. MAHONEY HYDRO SITE ACCESS ROAD LOCATION Location, survey, mang Tune & Suiy 1994 EMuench, W.Jehnsen, T: MoTinez lakesheve & creek Roced Lrom Published map 1 wwen 400 Fr. 35° bridge over 2S wise creek in 2B/wide X 15% deap george sta. 48°44 TT. ¢6-79 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project GENERAL WATERWAY/WATERBODY APPLICATION ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Habitat and Restoration Division 2030 Sea Level Drive, #205 Ketchikan, AK 99901 APPLICANT: 1. Name: Cape Fox Corporation Address: P.O. Box 8558, Ketchikan, AK 99901 Telephone: (907) 225-5163 Contact: Doug Campbell, ext, 303 3 Contractor: not yet selected Agent: HDR Alaska, Inc. 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Anchorage, AK 99503 Telephone: (907) 274-2000 Fax: (907) 274-2022 Contact: Sally Boggs TYPE AND PURPOSE OF PROJECT: Hydroelectric project. See detailed project description and drawings attached to the Coastal Project Questionnaire. Work will occur in Upper Mahoney Lake, Upper Mahoney Creek above the falls, Upper Mahoney Creek below the falls to install the outlet of the tailrace, Lower Mahoney Creek and South Creek to install bridges, and Marsh Creek to install a culvert. Neither Upper Mahoney Lake nor Upper Mahoney Creek above the falls bears resident or anadromous fish. Marsh Creek may bear resident fish downstream of the crossing site. Only Lower Mahoney Creek is a designated anadromous fish stream. THIS FORM IS BEING USED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. A PERMIT IS NOT REQUIRED AT THE TAILRACE OUTLET SITE BECAUSE NO INSTREAM WORK WILL OCCUR IN FISH HABITAT. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE: Waterbody Name Anadromous Township, Range, USGS Quad Stream # Section, Meridian Upper Mahoney Creek notknowntobear T.74S.,R.91E,, S. 26; Ketchikan (B-5) anadromous fish C.R.M. See attached plans. Tailrace Outlet 1 Informational Submittal Tailrace Outlet Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project D. TIME FRAME FOR PROJECT: 7/97 to 12/99 (construction) E. CONSTRUCTION METHODS: 1. Will the stream be diverted? Yes No XX How will the stream be diverted? How long? 2. Will stream channelization occur? Yes No XX Bs Will the banks of the stream be altered or modified? Yes XX No Describe: The bank of Upper Mahoney Creek will be excavated to provide a path for flow of water from the tailrace into the creek. The tailrace will be left blocked with native rock during construction; the rock plug will be removed as late as possible prior to completing construction of the tailrace outlet and timed to avoid impact to spawning salmon or their eggs. 4. List all tracked or wheeled equipment (type and size) that will be used in the stream (in the water, on ice, or in the floodplain): None How long will equipment be in the stream? 5: a. Will material be removed from the floodplain, bed, stream, or lake? Yes XX No For construction of tailrace/creek connection. b. Will material be removed from below the water table? Yes XX No Excavation for placement of tailrace rock may extend below water table. If so, to what depth? Up to 2 feet. Is a pumping operation planned? Yes No XX 6. Will material (including spoils, debris, or overburden) be deposited in the flood plain, stream, or lake? Yes XX No If so, what type? The tailrace will be constructed with an 18-inch-deep layer of clean riprap. Amount: Approximately 20 cubic yards for entire tailrace from conduit to outlet at Upper Mahoney Creek. Disposal site location(s): From upland area near powerhouse to within floodplain for tailrace. 2 Informational Submittal 9. Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Will blasting be performed? Yes (possibly) No Excavation may be possible with backhoe only, depending on condition of near surface rock. No activity or equipment in creek. Weight of charges: Not yet known Type of substrate: | Predominantly phyllite and schist. Will temporary fills in the stream or lake be required during construction (e.g., for construction traffic around construction site)? Yes No XxX Will ice bridges be required? Yes No XX F. SITE REHABILITATION/RESTORATION PLAN: Creek banks disturbed by construction activities will be regraded to their original contours or to contours that blend with the adjacent natural banks and newly constructed areas. If necessary to stabilize the banks, structures such as large rock or root wads may be placed. Upper banks will be covered with native topsoil, fertilized, and seeded with grasses. Shrubs will also be planted along the upper banks to restore cover to the creek. Appropriate measures, such as silt fencing, will be taken to prevent discharge of sediments to the creeks. G. WATERBODY CHARACTERISTICS: Width of stream: 20 to 40 feet Depth of stream or lake: 0 to 3 feet, depending on time of year. Type of stream or lake bottom (e.g., sand, gravel, mud): gravel and boulders. Stream gradient: Approximately 5% below the falls. H. HYDRAULIC EVALUATION: 1. Tailrace Outlet Will a structure (e.g., culvert, bridge support, dike) be placed below ordinary high water of the stream? Yes No XX If yes, attach engineering drawings or a field sketch, as described in Step B. For culverts, attach stream discharge data for a mean annual flood (Q=2.3), if available. Describe potential for channel changes or increased bank erosion, if applicable: No channel changes or increase in bank erosion are expected. Will more than 25,000 cubic yards of material be removed? Yes No XxX 3 Informational Submittal Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project If yes, attach a written hydraulic evaluation including, at a minimum, the following: potential for channel changes, assessment of increased aufeis (glaciering) potential, assessment of potential for increased bank erosion. h:\hyd\mahoney\agency\fishapp.doc Tailrace Outlet 4 Informational Submittal EL. VARIES (ustIG wisi" 18" THICK LAYER OF RIPRAP EXCAVATE EXISTING BANK FOR TARRACE ounet COCE OF UPPER MAHONEY CREEK 18" Tick urtr/ OF RIPRAP TAILRACE CHANNEL PROFILE NOTES: 1, STAGING AND DISPOSAL SITES WiLL BE ALLOWED TO REVEGETATE NATURALLY EXCEPT FOR AN AREA APPROMMATELY 0.3 ACRE THAT WALL BE USED FOR PARKING NEAR THE POWERHOUSE. CAPE FOX CORPORATION LOCATION: REVILLAGIGEDO IS., ALASKA P.O. BOX 8558 AACR LAKE) ROL tle PEE WATERBODY: MAHONEY LAKE AND CREEK SERA, ALAS, Sait POWERHOUSE SITE PLAN Within Ketchikan Gateway Borough, AK Agent: HDR Engineering, Inc. 1. 74s, R. 91E, S. 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 35, 36; Adjacent Property Owner: FIGURE 6 OF 9 1.745, 8.926, 5. 3 T 75S, R 926,55, 6 8 U.S. Forest Service Copper River Meridian Tailrace Cross Section CL approx. 3 ft. Existing Ground shoulder 18 inch thick f layer of riprap 3 ft Approximate width of clearing = 25 ft. Tailrace Profile Tailrace conduit Ground surface Riprap bottom ae ae A Peel Upper Mahoney approx. Bs onan nt aevanseaverassceeal renee eee WF || Creek 200 ft approx. (NOT TO SCALE) CAPE FOX CORPORATION P.O. BOX 8558 KETCHIKAN, ALASKA 99901 LOCATION: REVILLAGIGEDO IS., ALASKA pee ee OELECTRIC WATERBODY: MAHONEY LAKE AND CREEK TAILRACE CHANNEL SECTION Within Ketchikan Gateway Borough, AK AND PROFILE ai Agent: HDR Engineering, Inc. Adjacent Property Owner: U.S. Forest Service FIGURE__1_OF__1 Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement| Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project APPLICANT INFORMATION . Anne Leggett 1. Cape Fox Corporation (Attn: Doug Campbell) 2. ___HDR Alaska, Inc. Name of Applicant Agent (or responsible party if other than applicant) P.O. Box 8558 2525 C Street, Suite 305 Address Address Ketchikan. AK 99901 Anchorage, AK 99503 City State Zip Code City State Zip Code (907) 225-5163 (ext. 303) (907) 274-2000 Daytime Phone Daytime Phone 907) 225-3137 (907) 274-2022 Fax Number Fax Number PROJECT INFORMATION Yes No 1. This activity is a: *new project{_] modification or addition to an existing project *Project is new (not yet constructed) but agencies reviews have been ongoing since early 1980s. If a modification do you currently have any State, federal or local approvals related to this activity? CJ Note: Approval means any form of authorization. If “yes,” please list below. Approval Type Approval # Issuance Date Expiration Date Ds Has this project ever been reviewed by the State of Alaska per the ACMP? Previous State I.D. Number: AK 9403-33J, 9504-08J, Previous Project Name: same as this one 9603-24] PROJECT DESCRIPTION Le Attach the following: a detailed description of the project and all associated facilities; a project timeline for completion of all major activities in the proposal; a site plan depicting all proposed actions; other supporting documentation that would facilitate review of the project. Note: Ifthe project is a modification, identify existing facilities as well as proposed activities on the site plan. Proposed starting date for project: 7/1/97 (conswuction) Proposed ending date for project: 12/1/99 (constuction) — ae Provide a brief description of your entire project and ALL associated facilities (access roads, caretaker facilities, waste disposal sites, etc.). Construct a hydroelectric power generation project. A tap will be installed below the surface of Upper Mahoney Lake, and water transmitted through a penstock in a tunnel to a powerhouse near Lower Mahoney Lake. The tailrace will discharge water to Mahoney Creek upstream from Lower Mahoney Lake. A 2.6-mile-long access road will connect the powerhouse site and an existing logging road. A buried and overhead electric transmission line will extend from the powerhouse site southward to the Beaver Falls area, a distance of about 3.5 miles. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page | Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project PROJECT LOCATION ie 2. Attach a copy of the topographical map with the project location marked on it. Location of project (include nearest community or name of the land feature or body of water. Identify township, range and section): Mahoney Lakes, along George Inlet, northeast of Ketchikan, AK Township Range Section Meridian Latitude/Longitude T. 74S. R.91E. 24-27, 34-36 CRM §5°25’N 131°32’W T. 74S. R.92E. 31 . CRM T. 75S. R.92E. 5, 6, 8 CRM The project is on: State Land* Federal Land XX Private Land XX Municipal Land *State land can be uplands, tidelands, or submerged lands to 3 miles offshore. See Question #1 in DNR section. The project is located in which region (see attached map): Northern C] Southcentral [x] Southeast C] State Pipeline Coordinator’s Office Yes No Is the project located in a coastal district? [x] C] If yes, please contact the district representative listed on the attached sheet. Identify the communities closest to your project location: Ketchikan, Saxman FEDERAL APPROVALS Le Is the proposed project on U.S. Forest Service (USFS) land or will you need to cross USFS lands for access? Does the cost of the project exceed $250,000? If yes, have you applied for a USFS permit or approval? : Date of submittal: concurrent with this submittal Is the proposed project on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land or will you need CL] to cross BLM lands for access? Does the cost of the project exceed $250,000? If yes, have you applied for a BLM permit or approval? Date of submittal: OO OOO Will you be constructing a bridge over tidal (ocean) waters, or navigable rivers, streams or lakes? If yes, have you applied for a U.S. Coast Guard permit for a bridge? Date of submittal: OO oOo OO Of Will you be dredging or placing structures or fills in any of the following: tidal (ocean) waters, streams, lakes, wetlands*? If yes, have you applied for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) permit? Date of submittal: concurrent with this submittal _ (Note: Your application for this activity to the Corps of Engineers also serves as your application to DEC.) *If you are not certain whether your proposed project is in a wetlands, contact the U.S. Corps of Engineers, Regulatory Branch at (907) 753-2720 for a wetlands determination (outside the Anchorage area call toll free 1-800-478-2712.) f) &] Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 2 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project 5. Have you applied for a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit? Date of submittal: construction will require a general stormwater discharge permit O Of 2 [x] 6. Will you have a putrescible waste discharge within 5 miles of any public airport? Ifyes, please contact the Airports Division of the Federal Aviation Administration at (907) 271-5440. a Does the project include a nonfederal power project affecting any navigable body of water or located on federal land? Or, is utilization of surplus water from any federal government dam proposed? (Power projects consist of dams, water conduits, reservoirs, powerhouses, and transmission lines.) If yes, have you applied for a permit from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)? Date of submittal: application for license will be submitted 5/31/96 (Note: For information, contact FERC, Office of Hydropower Licensing, at (202) 208-0200.) O & Kk OO 8. Have you applied for permits from any other federal agency? Agency Approval Type Date Submitted O &] DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (DEC) APPROVALS? 1: Will a discharge of wastewater from industrial or commercial operations occur? Will the discharge be connected to an already approved sewer system? Will the project include a stormwater collection/discharge system? 23 Do you intend to construct, install, modify, or use any part of a wastewater (sewage or greywater) disposal system? a) If so, will the discharge be 500 gpd or greater? b) If constructing a domestic wastewater treatment or disposal system, will the system be located within fill material requiring a COE permit? If you answered yes to a or b, answer the following: 1) How deep is the bottom of the system to the top of the subsurface water table? OO O OOO OO & OO 2) How far is any part of the wastewater disposal system from the nearest surface water? 3) Is the surrounding area inundated with water at any time of the year? CO CT 4) How big is the fill area to be used for the absorption system? (Quesnons 1&2 will be used by DEC to determine whether separation distances are being met; Questions 3&4 relate to the required size of the fill if wetlands are involved. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 3 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Yes" . 3: Do you expect to request a mixing zone for your proposed project? Cc] [ X) (f your wastewater discharge will exceed Alaska water quality standards, you may apply for a mung zone. If so, please contact DEC to discuss informanon required under 18 AAC 70.032.) 4. Do you plan to store or dispose of any type of solid waste resulting from this project? kr [) (Note: Solid waste means drilling wastes, garbage, refuse, sludge, and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from industrial, commercial. and agricultural operations, and from community acnvines.) *Tailings from tunnel construction will be disposed of on-site. 5. Will your project require the application of oil, pesticides, and/or any other broadcast oO chemicals to the surface of the land and/or the waters of the state? x 6. a. Will you have a facility that will generate air emissions from processing greater than five tons per hour of material? O b. Will you have one or more units of fuel burning equipment, including flaring, with a heat input rating of 50 million Btu per hour or more? O c Will you have a facility containing incinerators with a total charging capacity of /,000 pounds per hour or more? O d. Will you incinerate sludge? [-]} e. Will you have any of the following processes? Oo Asphalt plant CL] Coal preparation facility Petroleum refinery Portland cement plant Petroleum Contaminated Soils Cleanup = ill your facility use the following equipment? Cl Diesel internal combustion engines? (Total capacity equal to or greater than /, 750 kilowatts or total rated brake specific horsepower greater than 2,350 bhp) Gas fired boilers (Total heat input rating of 100 million Btu per hour) Oil fired boilers (Total heat imput rating of 65 million Bru per hour) Combustion turbines (Total rated power output of 8,000 Hp) OOOO [x] [x] g. Will your facility burn more than the following per year in stationary equipment? CO C] 1,000,000 gallons of fuel oil OJ 35,000 tons of coal C] 900 million cubic feet of natural gas h. If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions (6 a-g), have you installed, replaced or modified any fuel burning or processing equipment since 1977? 7. Will you be developing, constructing, installing, or altering a public water system? 8. a. Will your project involve the operation of waterborne tank vessels or oil barges that carry crude or non-crude oil as bulk cargo, or the transfer of oil or other petroleum products to or from such a vessel or a pipeline system? O OO KE &O b. Will your project require or include onshore or offshore oil facilities with an effective aggregate storage capacity of greater than 5,000 barrels of crude oil CT] ix or greater than 10,000 barrels of non-crude oil? Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 4 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Yes No C: Will you be operating facilities on the land or water for the exploration or Oo production of hydrocarbons? If you answered NO to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered YES to ANY of these questions, contact the DEC Regional office for information and application forms. Please be advised that all new DEC permits and approvals require a 30-day public notice period. Based on your discussion with DEC, please complete the following: Approval Type: Section 401 Water Quality Cert’n Date Submitted: concurrent with this submittal and Section 404 permit appl’n submittal Does your project qualify for a general permit for wastewater or solid waste? N/A CT] C] If you answered yes to any questions and are not applying for DEC permits, indicate reason below: Judd Peterson (DEC contact) told me on 2/2/96 that no DEC approvals are required for this type of project. Reason:_ For the Tazimina hydro project, I asked him whether a solid waste disposal permit is needed for disposal of tunnel spoils. He said they do not consider those spoils “solid waste” unless there is reason to believe they are contaminated. DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME (DFG) APPROVALS 1. Will you be working in, or placing anything in, a stream, river or lake? (This includes [x] C] work in running water or on ice, within the active floodplain, on islands, the face of the banks or the tidelands down to mean low tide.) Name of stream [_]river, or[X] lake: Upper Mahoney Lake; Upper and Lower Mahoney Creeks; South Creek Will you do any of the following? X Please indicate below: . CO . Alter or stabilize the banks? Mine or dig in the beds or banks? Build a dam, river training structure or instream impoundment? Use the water? Use explosives? C] Pump water out of the stream or lake? Build a bridge (including and ice bridge)? C] Divert or alter the natural stream () Ee) Ge) Gel Ee] channel? Use the stream as a road (even when frozen), C] Block or dam the stream (temporarily or crossing the stream with tracked or or permanently)? wheeled vehicles, log dragging or excavation [x] Change the water flow or the water equipment (backhoes, bulldozers, etc.)? channel? [X] * Install a culvert or other drainage structure? [x] Introduce silt, gravel, rock, petroleum *culverts under road are not in fish streams products, debris, chemicals, or other CO Construct a weir? organic/inorganic waste of any type sins ter? Use an in-stream structure not mentioned into the water? here? Bypass pipe discharge to upper creek, lake tap in upper lake, tailrace discharge to creek. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 5 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Yes No Is your project located in a designated State Game Refuge, Critical Habitat Area oO or State Sanctuary? Does your project include the construction/operation of a salmon hatchery? C] Does your project affect, or is it related to, a previously permitted salmon hatchery? C] Does your project include the construction of an aquatic farm? TC] [x] If you answered “No” to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered “Yes” to ANY questions under 1-3, contact the Regional DFG Habitat Division — Office for information and application forms. 7 If you answered “Yes” to questions 4-6, contact the DFG at the CFMD division headquarters for information and application forms. Based on your discussion with DFG, please complete the following: Approval Type: Fish Habitat Permit Date Submitted: concurrent with this submittal If you answered yes to any questions and are not applying for DFG permits, indicated reason below: C] (DFG contact) told me on that no DFG approvals are required. Reason: a Other:_The upper lake and creek above the falls do not support anadromous or resident fish, so work in these areas will not be part of the fish habitat permit application. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR) APPROVALS I Is the proposed project on State-owned land or will you need to cross State-owned land in| for access? (“access” includes temporary access for construction purposes) Note: In addition to State-owned uplands, the State owns almost all land below the ordinary high water line of navigable streams, rivers and lakes, and below the mean high nde line seaward for three miles. Do you plan to dredge or otherwise excavate/remove materials on State-owned land? CT] Location of dredging site if other than the project site: Township Range Section Meridian Do you plan to place fill or dredged material on State-owned land? oO Fa Location of fill disposal site if other than the project site: Township Range Section Meridian Source ison: [/ ]StateLand [_]Federal Land [Private Land [~ |Municipal Land Do you plan to use any of the following State-owned resources: C] [x] C] Timber: Will you be harvesting timber? Amount: Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 6 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project 10 11. 12: 13. 14. C] Materials such as rock, sand or gravel, peat, soil, overburden, etc.: Which material? Amount: Location of source[_] Project site[_] Other, describe: Township Range Section Meridian a & Are you planning to use or divert any fresh water? © Amount (gallons per day): approx. 50 million gpd Source :_Upper Mahoney Lake Intended Use : generation of electricity Will you be building or altering a dam? Do you plan to drill a geothermal well? At any one site (regardless of land ownership), do you plan to do any of the following? *Tunnels will be excavated; unless this is considered mining, no mining will occur. Cc] Mine five or more acres over a year’s time? ooo Hee oF Cl Mine 50,000 cubic yards or more of materials (rock, sand or gravel, soil, peat, overburden, etc.) over a year’s time? Have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of five or more acres? If you plan to mine less than the acreage/amount stated above and have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of less than five acres, do you intend to file a voluntary reclamation plan for approval? Will you be exploring for or extracting coal? Will you be drilling for oil/gas? Will you be investigating or removing historical or archaeological resources on State-owned land? Is the proposed project located within a known geophysical hazard area? OOOOO oO HE EEE O Is the proposed project located in a unit of the Alaska State Park System? If you answered “NO” to ALL questions in this section, continue to certification statement. If you answered “YES” to ANY questions in this section, contact DNR for information. Based on your discussion with DNR, please complete the following: Approval Type: Water Rights Date Submitted: 5/17/93. An updated application will be submitted concurrently with this application. If you answered yes to any questions and are not applying for DNR permits, indicated reason below: (DNR contact) told me on that no DNR approvals are required. Reason: C] Other: Jim Anderson of DNR-Juneau said on 5/15/96 that DNR would not claim ownership of the Upper Mahoney Lake bed. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 7 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Please be advised that the CPQ identifies permits subject to a consistency review. You may need additional permits from other agencies or local governments to proceed with your activity. Certification Statement The information contained herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that the proposed activity complies with, and will be conducted in a manner consistent with, the Alaska Coastal Management Program. omucub Cini Shoe Signature of Applicant or Agent Date Note: Federal agencies conducting an activity that will affect the coastal zone are required to submit a federal consistency determination, per 15 CFR 930, Subpart C, rather than this certification statement. This certification statement will not be complete until all required State and federal authorization requests have been submitted to the appropriate agencies. To complete your packet, please attach your State permit applications and copies of your federal permit applications to this questionnaire. Coastal Project Questionnaire Page 8 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project Project Description The Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project would be located approximately 7 miles northeast of the City of Ketchikan. Upper Mahoney Lake, an alpine lake at an elevation of 1959 feet on USFS system lands, would serve as the reservoir for the project. The project would employ a lake tap design. The powerhouse would be 800 feet upstream of Lower Mahoney Lake at an elevation of 150 feet. The project would produce a maximum of 46 million kWh of energy annually. Generation at the Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project would be year-round with a generating capacity of 9.6 MW. The project would include the following structures: (1) a lake tap near the outlet of Upper Mahoney Lake; (2) an upper tunnel between the lake tap and the valve house; (3) a valve house between the upper tunnel and vertical shaft; (4) a bypass pipe to convey up to 10 cfs of water from the valve house to Upper Mahoney Creek to provide upwelling flow in the lower lake during periods of emergency shutdown; (5) a 1,370-foot-long vertical shaft; (6) a lower tunnel from the base of the vertical shaft to the powerhouse: (7) a semi-underground powerhouse located about 1,100 feet upstream of Lower Mahoney Lake; (8) a tailrace channel from the powerhouse to Upper Mahoney Creek; (9) 1.54 miles of buried electric transmission line and 3.1 miles of overhead transmission line; (10) a switchyard; (11) 2.6 miles of new access road; (12) two spoils piles—one at the valve house site and one at the powerhouse site. The following are physical specifications for these project structures and components: (1) The lake tap would be at a depth of 75 feet. Drawdown would be to within 10 feet of the lake tap — with a maximum of 70 feet of drawdown. (2) The 1,700-foot-long upper tunnel would be unlined except for a 4-foot-diameter, 20-foot-long pipe 200 feet downstream of the lake tap with a valve to isolate the lake tap from the rest of the system, and a 4-foot-diameter steel pipe that would connect the upper tunnel and vertical shaft. (3) The 300-square-foot concrete valve house would be constructed directly above the vertical shaft and contain two 48-inch-diameter butterfly valves and a vent pipe. (4) The bypass would be a buried 12-inch-diameter pipe about 200 feet long. (5) The 1,370-foot-long vertical shaft would be partially unlined. The unlined sections would be 5 to 7 feet in diameter and the lined sections 4 feet in diameter. (6) The lower tunnel would be an 8-foot-diameter horseshoe shape, 3,350 feet long, from the powerhouse portal to the base of the vertical shaft. It would be partially lined and supported by rock bolts and steel sets as required and be at 10% grade for positive drainage. A 32-inch-diameter steel pipe on concrete saddles would convey the turbine flow through this tunnel. (7) The powerhouse would be a 1,600-square-foot, semi-underground, concrete structure. (8) The 200-foot-long tailrace would be pre-cast concrete box culvert or corrugated metal pipe for 70 feet downstream of the powerhouse and a rip-rap lined earth channel from there to Upper Mahoney Creek. (9) The transmission line would be 13.2-kV conductor buried for 1.04 miles within the access road as far as the switchyard. From the switchyard it would be 34.5-kV, and would be buried for 0.5 mile and overhead for 3.1 miles south to Beaver Falls. Installation and maintenance of the transmission line from the switchyard to Beaver Falls would require that approximately 75 acres be continually cleared of trees that could damage the line. (10) The switchyard and power transformer, where the voltage would be stepped up from 13.2-kV to 34.5-kV, would be about 0.4 acre in size and would be located 1.04 mile from the powerhouse. (11) The 2:6-mile access 1 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project road would be constructed as an extension to the existing timber access road. It would be 14 feet wide, gravel surfaced, single lane with tumouts, and would require two bridges: an 80-foot span over Lower Mahoney Creek and a 30-foot span over South Creek. (12) The upper spoils pile near the valve house would cover 1.7 acres; the lower spoils pile near the powerhouse would cover 1.5 acres. Approximately 90 acres would be occupied by structures or permanently cleared. An additional approximately 11 acres would be cleared for construction and allowed to revegetate. A timeline for completion of the project is attached, as are preliminary project drawings. Project Description 2 Mahoney Lake Hydroelectric Project MAHONEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1996 1997 1998 1999 Finish __|F[MJA[M[ ITI TATSTOIN]O[ 3 [FIM[A IM] JT JTATSTOIN[O| JTF [MA [MJT ITATSJo[N[o] JTF [MJAIM] 51 5 TATsToIN[O} wie Pe | ae | = | ~ | — | | ia | — — — | | | — | a i i we re | |, [PROJECT LOCATION > = / p= a A>) CAPE FOX CoRR FP: MAHONEY HYDRO SITE ACCESS ROAD LOCATION Location, sucvey, mapping Tune & Suiy 1994 EMuench, \W.Jehnsen, T Moxtinez | 1 wen 400 Ft ree EN J ketg, Cron ev 4 90° bridge ever Mahoney Crack Sia. 189413 to 190403 on Mahoney Timber access road shereitne & creak raced Leow eubkcred mae lakeshore & creak Raced Crom Pullished map ° my oc Se Fae Ye “ ts t een ee q if: 33 : PES ~ OE "8 * CaS, ~ 8 i Ge UN ®&, oO o ae % 35 bridge over 2S’ wise creek a in 2B’wide X 15% deep gorge sta. 48+44 1, 46-79