HomeMy WebLinkAboutHoonah Waste Heat Report 1991AAP Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. RECE Feepapy 7, 1991 Mr. Brian C. Gray FEB Og 1991 Rural Systems Engineer Alaska Energy Authority Alaska Energy Authority Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Waste Heat Reports Dear Mr. Gray: Work on the final copies of the waste heat studies for the communities of Anvik, Cold Bay, Hoonah, Kotlik, Lower Kalskag, Russian Mission and White Mountain will begin again on February 11, 1991. As we discussed during our phone conversation Monday, the target date for completion is February 22, 1991. Discussions with HMS, Inc. this afternoon resulted in a verbal commitment from them to begin working on the construction cost estimates February 12th or 13th. They understand that the target date for completion is February 22, 1991. Your comment concerning the previous invoices is correct. Our billings/accounting department has been notified of your letter and will comply with your request. If you have any other questions or concerns or comments on this matter, please contact me at 263-1579. Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. = Wal Nereis Edward P. Mjolsnes, P.E. Chief Mechanical Engineer EPM/rcl ce: File 495-300 P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 3669/FM495/2-7-91 An Ebaseo Services Incorporated Engineering and Construction Company State of AasKka > Walters. sicker. Governo: Alaska Gnergy Authority A PUBIC Corperation TEGEGoe yv (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: La faa jolenec NAME OF COMPANY: Fees ke MNeolin + Aswscc COMPANY AODRESS: AA wre An a e TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: Z27@ _— er) SENDER: Brian Sra TELEPHONE NUMBER: 2Ze)—~7ZD< CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 2 INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: Zxvt/>! NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (902) 261~-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau (907) 561-8584) IF you bo SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ——___- 3D PO. Box AM Juneau. Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 ME PO. Box 190869 = 704 East Tudor Road) = Anchoragm@ Alaska 99619-0869 (907) 561-7877 TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **K COUNT ** # 2 COMMENT Lt eK SEND 2K NO REMOTE STATION I. D. | START TIME DURATION #PAGES j 1 9072761830 | 2- 4-91 14:06 1°24" | 2 TOTAL 0:01'24" 2 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation February 4, 1991 Ed Mjolsnes Frank Moolin and Associates P.O. Box 107044 Anchorage, AK 99510-7044 Re: Waste Heat Reports Dear Mr. Mjolsnes: To date we still have not received final copies of the waste heat studies for the communities of Anvik, Cold Bay, Hoonah, Kotlik, Lower Kalskag, Russian Mission, and White Mountain. It is important that the reports be completed as soon as possible to allow these sites to be included for consideration in the funding package that is currently being developed. In addition, it has come to our attention that we are currently holding invoices for the draft reports for the communities of Anvik, Kotlik, Lower Kalskag, Russian Mission, and White Mountain. Payment of the invoices was withheld because the amount billed did not correspond with the current level of completion of the reports. On the final invoices for these communities, please include a note indicating that the previous invoices are void and bill for the total amount due. Thank you for your prompt attention. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 261-7294. Sincerely, Me C. Brian C. Gray Rural Systems EngYneer BCG enclosure ces John Bulkow, Alaska Energy Authority ANVKBGLI © PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99814 (907) 465-3575 KR PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road ~=Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 Te eplone Note. Ed Prolene aadbrel. Ula Oe 2/s/s| fe discuss Hike || hate | ear Couple tion or We weete beat repack: We agreed. + || ae. Coup leti on bella cies lesstey] No later eee Bee || wn State of Alicea Walters hice! Soverncy ™ | Alaska Erergy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TeELEcopy sent To: _@@ at Ayolenes NAME OF COMPANY: Foawk Mleelin « Assecocrates COMPANY ADDRESS: Anch, orcas 2 TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: Zi — (Sas SENDER: Bei ut Coren TELEPHONE NUMBER: xe | — Iza t CHARGE CODE: NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: Es INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: je/ Zt l r=) IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) _ 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Waste Hea-Z Kgvects boat (907) 465-3575 (907) 561-7877 o AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 ANENorage Alaska 99519-0869 = PRO. Box EE PO. Box 190869 860704 East Tucior Road TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT *%* COUNT *%* # 15 #eK SEND kk NO REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT 1] 9072761830 12-21-90 16:25 i 8°23" 15 | eo Pee ee XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 MEMORANDUM Date: 12/11/90 To: Ed Mjolsnes Frank Moolin & Associates From: Brian Gray Alaska Energy Authority Re: Cold Bay and Hoonah Waste Heat Recovery Draft Reports In a set of review comments for the Cold Bay Waste Heat Recovery Draft Report we directed you to revise the calculations using a different hourly heat demand variation. We have since decided that this is not necessary. If the calculations have not been changed, disregard the previous comment. If they have been changed, the revised calculations will be acceptable. We have reviewed the Draft Report and Concept Level Design for the Hoonah Waste Heat Recovery project and have the following comments: 1. General Comment - We have not attempted to perform a thorough check for spelling and grammatical errors but it appears that there are several mistakes. The entire report should be carefully checked and edited prior to resubmittal. 2. Section 1.0 - Do not deduct annual O&M costs from fuel savings but rather show total annual fuel cost savings. 3 Section 4 - Provide a brief description of the location of new equipment within the power plant and connection to existing systems similar to those under Section 5. 4. Section 4 - On the power generation data, add units to the column headings for "PEAK LOAD" and "FUEL USE." 5. Section 5 General Comments - Revise report format as follows: A. Print the narrative for each facility on an individual page followed immediately by the photographs and heating fuel consumption data for that facility. B. At the end of each facility narrative adda sentence listing the annualized average fuel consumption for the building and whether this is based on delivery records or estimated from heat load calculations. 10. alee 12. T3\e 14. Dic Ge On the heating fuel consumption data add units to the column headings for "FUEL" and "DAILY CONSUMPTION." Section 6.0 - What existing utilities are buried along the proposed waste heat distribution route and how will the new piping be coordinated with existing utilities? Also, was consideration given to burying the piping in an easement alongside Airport Road? Section 7.2 - Is there adequate space for the new equipment within the power plant or will existing equipment need to be rearranged? Section 7.9.1 - MBH values listed for heating units appear to be incorrect. Revise as required. Section 7 - Provide figure numbers on Figures 1 through 25 and coordinate sheet titles with those in the List of Figures and Tables. Figure 4 - Show the Amot valve in a diverting position. This will simplify the piping and reduce the number of valves required. Figure 25 - Revise to show bedding extending to 6" minimum above the top of pipes. Section 9.0 - Is the reference here to ethylene or propylene glycol? This would be a good place to expound on the advantages/disadvantages of each. Section 9.1.1, last paragraph - Change "on overload producing" to say "on high temperature producing." Section 9.4.3 - Commercial glycol solutions always contain corrosion inhibitors. Clarify this point. Provide color photographs in the final report. HOONBGMI1L FRANK MOOLIN &A )CIATES LET 3?R OF TRANSMITTAL ENSERCH Center * 550 West Seventh Avenue P.O. Box 107044 PATE 5121] 40 PORNO 495-308 Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044 ATTENTION Phone (907) 276-7484 SoHn Buckow) RE: TO ALASKAL GNBLGY AUTHORITY WASTE HEAT ConxcePT LEVEL To) E. Tudor 2D DESILWS ~ _HOONAH | GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ) Attached O Under separate cover via R the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples Q alte ns O Copy of letter O Change order MAY 2 1 1990 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION \ FDeaeT RePoRT - HOOWAH > 28D SuBHISSIoN eee THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval © Approved as submitted O Resubmit copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit. copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return. corrected prints O For review and comment oO C FOR BIDS DUE 19, CO PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS * Lepolt meolPonaTes ALL CommenTS HNADE on IST — SuBHISSION , IT 1S ESsepmacey Compete WITH “THE EXLEPTION OF Cost Estimate ff — Cowciusion (BASED ON CosT ESTIMATE ) COPY TO —, sour Ca Dal I enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. Led -ISbL White - Original Canary - Acknowledgement Copy Pink - Office File Copy Stote of Alaska : steve Sou Sat Soerner Alaska Hnergy Authority A Public Corporation TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Tetecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: e NAME OF COMPANY: ~ COMPANY ADDRESS: AAS Be Rae TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: eT ee — 1 FB > SENDER: nc ath tes Sed TELEPHONE NUMBER: ZOr—- Fez2 CHARGE CODE: 2iecrz,scos— NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: =z INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: = AAR 4S TF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) _ 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: = RO. BOX AM Jun@au. Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 Anohorage Alaske: 99819-0869 (907) 561-7877 Be PO Box 190869 = 704 East Tudor Road TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT **K COUNT *% # 3 mK SEND KK No} REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT | 1| 9072761830 3- 8-90 16:07 1°56" 3 TOTAL 0:01'56" 3 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 State of Alaska Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation TEELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No. (907) 561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No. (907) 465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO: CHARLES PitcH NAME OF COMPANY: NK ecu Assoc, COMPANY ADDRESS: ANCHORAGE TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER: Z76 - 1830 SENDER: Jount Bureoul TELEPHONE NUMBER: 261-7221 CHARGE CODE: Bi1e02z30S NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 3S INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT: SB MAR FO IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: (907) 261-7240-Anchorage (907) 465-3575-Juneau SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: PO. Box AM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 X% PO. Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 to: Charles Pilch, FMA from: John Bulkow, AEA date: 8 Mar 90 re: Waste Heat - Hoonah 1. In general the report looks good. As a draft version this is just about right except that more detail needs to be provided in the drawings and concept specs. The draft report should be well enough along that the draft review is the last hurdle to be jumped before being sent to the estimator. 2. In the future only one copy of each draft report needs to be submitted. 3. List the project cost (blank in the draft), amount of fuel saved, and the value of the fuel saved (based on the local fuel cost) in the Executive Summary. 4. Show where the waste heat piping enters the building and the proposed routing within the building on the UTILITY GENERATOR BUILDING FLOOR PLAN. 5. Move all the floor plans to the same location in the report as the other concept drawings. 6. Coordinate the statements on pages 9 & 12 that indicate the pool can use nearly all the waste heat available with the calculations at the end of the report which show the pool using less than 20% of the available heat. 7. On page 9, indicate that only one heat exchanger (3- chambered type) shall be used in the pool building as shown in the concept drawings. 8. Delete the unused 1988 portion of the HEATING FUEL CONSUMPTION DATA tables or put a note in that portion of the table explaining why it is left blank. 9. Use a standard arctic pipe. The 3 inches of polyurethane insulation indicated on page 14 may be thicker than can be bought off the shelf. 10. Finish the Outline Specifications. Include sections on controls and electrical items. Also include rough sizes for the major pieces of equipment (pumps, heat exchangers, unit heaters, and coils). 11. Provide a detailed drawing of the power plant piping showing what is existing and what is new. 12. Provide detailed drawings of the connections to the end use buildings. 13. Show the sizes of the waste heat piping on the SYSTEM SCHEMATICS. 14. The Failure Analysis is too brief. Provide an analysis for each major system component as described in the RFP. 15. Deduct system losses from the heat available figures in the calculations. FRANK MOOLIN & OCIATES ENSERCH Center ¢ 550 West Seventh Avenue P.O. Box 107044 Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044 Phone (907) 276-7484 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHOUTY Lev 2R OF TRANSMITTAL DATE 31s] qo BY. 49 ie 202 ATTENTION BD Jona BuLKp), RE: 5 1990 To WASTE Hert eiteerceve Jol E, Wider RD. DESILNS - HOONAH RITY 2 ———————— ee ee a GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU O Attached O Under separate cover via the following items: O Shop drawings O Prints O Plans O Samples © Specifications O Copy of letter O Change order COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION > DRAFT REPORT - HoowAH THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval O Approved as submitted © Resubmit. copies for approval O For your use O Approved as noted O Submit. copies for distribution O As requested O Returned for corrections O Return corrected prints XX For review and comment Oo O FOR BIDS DUE. 19. © PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS oh o& ‘ vie git \ COPY TO SIGNED: Chade Pid if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. White - Original Canary - Acknowledgement Copy Pink - Office File Copy etn J State of Alaska DN Steve Cowper, Governor Alaska Energy Authority January 29, 1990 A Public Corporation Mr. Joseph L. Perkins, P.E. Manager, Consulting Engineering Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7044 Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044 Subject: Contract AEA 2800158 Work Order No. AEA-FMA-003 Hoonah Dear Mr. Perkins: You are hereby given notice to proceed on this work order to provide a concept level design of waste heat system, as described in y ur attached proposal, dated January 24, 1990. Payment for services provided under this Work Order shall not exceed $9,168 and expenses incurred under this Work Order shall not exceed $3,745. The total cost of work under this Work Order shall not exceed $12,913. The scope of services will be completed prior to March 21, 1990. Please signify your agreement with the conditions of this Work Order by signing below and returning this document to the Energy Authority. Sincerely, beg J] Boner’ E. LeResche f— Executive Director JB:REL:js Enclosure as stated. cc: Brent N. Petrie, Alaska Energy Authority David Denig-Chakroff, Alaska Energy Authority Gary Smith, Alaska Energy Authority Arnold Reimer, Alaska Energy Authority Marlys Hagen, Alaska Energy Authority Contractor's concurrence with the terms and conditions of this Work Order: Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. Signature Title Date > PO.BoxAM Juneau, Alaska 99811 (907) 465-3575 % PO. Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 (907) 561-7877 7574/1039(1 ? vw A 4 Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. January 24, 1990 Mr. David Denig - Chakroff Director of Rural Programs Alaska Energy Authority Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Proposal for Waste Heat Systems - Concept Level Designs: Hoonah Cordova, Cold Bay, Russian Mission, Anvik, Lower Kalskag Dear Mr. Denig - Chakroff: In accordance with negotiations conducted between the undersigned and John Bulkow on January 24, 1990, we are pleased to submit the following negotiated revised proposal, We have also attached a revised schedule reflecting the addition of our providing drawings with the concept design. As the project has extremely tight deadlines, it would be of considerable assistance to us if the Authority could expedite the Notice to Proceed. We would like to start work on January 29, 1990. As discussed, we are also available for a data-gathering visit meeting on January 26, 1990. You can advise me of the time. We appreciate the opportunity to accomplish this work for the Authority. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 263=1515. Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. é Book LLL Joseph L. Perkins, P.E. Vice President JLP/rel Enclosures P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 3160/5misc An Ebasce Services incorporated Engineering and Construction Company ESTI_RV1.XLS PROPOSED REVISED RATE [COST RATE [COST + DATA COLLECTION (ANCH) PILCH 60 $600 60 HARTWIG 62 620 62 DATA COLLECTION (FIELD) PILCH HARTWIG 1,200 60 1,240 62 60 62 DRAFT REPORT PILCH 60 1,440 HARTWIG 62| ‘1,488 ZIRJACKS 79 158 DRAFT 36 864) CLERIC 31 248 FINAL REPORT PILCH HARTWIG ZIRJACKS HUBBARD DRAFT CLERIC LABOR COPYING & REPRODUCTION TRAVEL, SUBSISTENCE, COMM. ESTIMATING (HMS INC. $4450 / 6) WEATHERED IN TIME ESTIMATE TOTAL $12,913 Page 1 PROJECT. [CORDOVA DATA COLLECTION (ANCH) PILCH HARTWIG DATA COLLECTION (FIELD) | ESTI_RV1.XLS PROPOSED RATE COST sal — 360 62 620 REVISED HOURS _ [RATE 10 10) COST PILCH [ HARTWIG 60 62 DRAFT REPORT PILCH [HARTWIG ZIRJACKS DRAFT CLERIC | FINAL REPORT PILCH HARTWIG ZIRJACKS HUBBARD DRAFT CLERIC LABOR PROFIT CAD COPYING & REPRODUCTION TRAVEL, SUBSISTENCE, COMM. ESTIMATING (HMS INC. $4450/ 6) | WEATHERED IN TIME ESTIMATE $17,534 Page 2 PROJECT: |COLD BAY ESTI_RV1.XLS PROPOSED REVISED DATA COLLECTION (ANCH) RATE COST RATE PILCH at $600 HARTWIG 10 620 DATA COLLECTION (FIELD) PILCH HARTWIG 20 20) 1,200| 1,240 DRAFT REPORT PILCH 1,440 HARTWIG 1,488 ZIRJACKS 158) DRAFT 864 CLERIC FINAL REPORT PILCH HARTWIG [ ZIRJACKS 158) HUBBARD 288 DRAFT 1,152 CLERIC 248 | LABOR 11,764 PROFIT + 1,765) CAD 320 COPYING & REPRODUCTION 380 TRAVEL, SUBSISTENCE, COMM. 1,608) ESTIMATING (HMS INC. $4450 //6) 742 WEATHERED IN TIME ESTIMATE 976) + TOTAL $17,555 $15,728 Page 3 PROJECT: |RUSSIAN MISSION ESTI_RV1.XLS PROPOSED REVISED RATE COST RATE DATA COLLECTION (ANCH) DYSON 60) 56) $360 | DATA COLLE ae 840 SHANKLIN 60 56) 784 DYSON + SHANKLIN ZIRJACKS DRAFT — CLERIC . FINAL REPORT DYSON SHANKLIN ZIRJACKS HUBBARD DRAFT CLERIC 320 COPYING & REPRODUCTION 380 TRAVEL, SUBSISTENCE, COMM. 665 ESTIMATING (HMS ING. $4450 /6) 742 WEATHERED IN TIME ESTIMATE 976 $14,707 Page 4 ESTI_RV1.XLS PROPOSED HOURS _|RATE COST REVISED RATE — 60 56) SHANKLIN DRAFT REPORT DYSON SHANKLIN ZIRJACKS DRAFT CLERIC FINAL REPORT DYSON SHANKLIN ZIRJACKS HUBBARD DRAFT CLERIC COPYING & REPRODUCTION TRAVEL, SUBSISTENCE, COMM. ESTIMATING (HMS INC. $4450 / 6) WEATHERED IN TIME ESTIMATE TOTAL $14,707 Page 5 PROJECT: |LOWER KALSKAG ESTI_RV1.XLS PROPOSED REVISED DATA COLLECTION (ANCH RATE COST RATE DATA COLLECTION (FIELD) DYSON SHANKLIN =| DRAFT REPORT |DYSON |SHANKLIN |ZIRJACKS |DRAFT CLERIC FINAL REPORT DYSON SHANKLIN [ZIRJACKS [HUBBARD DRAFT CLERIC 320 COPYING & REPRODUCTION TRAVEL, SUBSISTENCE, COMM. ESTIMATING (HMS INC. $4450 7/6) | 380 66s] 742) WEATHERED IN TIME ESTIMATE 976 TOTAL $14,707 TOTAL ALL PROJECTS Page 6 20} 21/22/23|24P5) > Z 2 = a ey a Ww oul 2 Qa Ww < oO n” Ke oO Lu = Oo ao ou AEA WASTE HEAT DESCRIPTION OF WORK NOTICE TO PROCEED ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION | [ HOONAH, COLD BAY, CORDOVA ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION | HOONAH, COLD BAY, CORDOVA COST ESTIMATE ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION HOONAH, COLD BAY, CORDOVA ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION DEVELOPE FINAL REPORT ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MIS: |_| ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION |_| HOONAH, COLD BAY, CORDOVA SUBMIT FINAL REPORT DATA COLLECTION (ANCHORAGE) MEETING WITH UTILITY DATA COLLECTION (FIELD) DEVELOPE DRAFT REPORT ORAFT REVIEW BY AEA | | | | MEETING WITH AEA CORDOVA MEETING WITH AEA PROJECT: 90STit WG PHONF KEY? (Pp hhh Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. RECEIVED JAN 22 1990 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY January 22, 1990 Mr. David Denig - Chakroff Director of Rural Programs Alaska Power Authority Post Office Box 190869 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-0869 Subject: Proposal for Waste Heat Systems - Concept Level Designs: Cordova, Cold Bay, Russian Mission, Anvik, Lower Kalskag Dear Mr. Denig - Chakroff: The following are individual cost proposals for the referenced projects in accordance with RFP’s received from John Bulkow. Rates used are in accordance with our current contract number 2800158. While costs are provided separately as requested, our estimates assume the projects will be performed concurrently to allow for combined site investigations, estimating, and savings due to repetition. An overall schedule is provided as requested. As shown on the schedule, our estimated completion dates do not conform to those in the RFP’s. Estimated completion dates are as follows: PROJECT DRAFT REPORT FINAL REPORT Hoonaa February 16 March 14 Corda February 16 March 14 Co February 16 March 14 Russ¥en Mission February 16 March 14 Anvik February 16 March 14 Lower Kalskag February 16 March 14 This schedule is based on a Notice to Proceed date of January 26, 1990 with our work starting immediately afterwards. It is also based on two teams working concurrently. The schedule could be condensed if the AEA review period could be expedited from the two weeks listed in the RFP. P.O. Box 107044, Anchorage, Alaska 99510-7044, (907) 276-7484, Telecopier No. (907) 276-1830 A 3155/5misc An Ebaseo Services incorporated Engineering and Construction Company mr. Udvid veniyg - Une vrurt January 22, 1990 Page 2 Project: Hoonah TASK HOURS RATE COST Data Collection (Anch) Charles Pilch (Mech) 10 60 $ 600 Dave Hartwig (Elec) 10 62 620 Data Collection (Field) Charles Pilch (Mech) 20 60 1,200 Dave Hartwig (Elec) 20 62 1,240 Draft Report (0 Drawings) Charles Pilch (Mech) 24 60 1,400 Dave Hartwig (Elec) 24 62 1,488 Winston Zirjacks (PM) 2 79 158 Draftsperson 24 36 864 Clerical 8 31 248 Final Report (10 Drawings) Charles Pilch (Mech) 24 60 1,440 Dave Hartwig (Elec) 10 62 620 Winston Zirjacks (PM) 2 79 158 Mike Hubbard (Econ) 4 72 288 Draftsperson 32 36 1,152 Clerical 8 31 248 $11,764 Labor $11,764 15% Profit 1,765 CAD 32 10 320 Copying & Reproduction 380 Travel, Subsistence, Communication 1,447 Estimating (HMS Inc. = 4450 / 6 = 742) 742 Weathered in time estimate 16 61 Ave __976 TOTAL $17,394 3155/5misc Mr. Uavid Venig - Cn*”rort January 22, 1990 Page 3 Project: Cordova TASK HOURS RATE COST Data Collection (Anch) Charles Pilch (Mech) 10 60 $ 600 Dave Hartwig (Elec) 10 62 620 Data Collection (Field) Charles Pilch (Mech) 20 60 1,200 Dave Hartwig (Elec) 20 62 1,240 Draft Report (0 Drawings) Charles Pilch (Mech) 24 60 1,440 Dave Hartwig (Elec) 24 62 1,488 Winston Zirjacks (PM) 2 79 158 Draftsperson 24 36 864 Clerical 8 31 248 Final Report (10 Drawings) Charles Pilch (Mech) 32 60 1,920 Dave Hartwig (Elec) 12 62 744 Winston Zirjacks (PM) 2 79 158 Mike Hubbard (Econ) 4 72 288 Draftsperson 40 36 1,440 Clerical 8 Si 248 $12,656 Labor $12,656 15% Profit 1,898 CAD 40 10 400 Copying & Reproduction 380 Travel, Subsistence, Communication 781 Estimating (HMS Inc. = 4450 / 6 = 742) 742 Weathered in time estimate 16 61 Ave 976 TOTAL $17,833 3155/5misc mr. uavid venig - Unavrort January 22, 1990 Page 4 Project: Cold Bay TASK HOURS RATE COST Data Collection (Anch) Charles Pilch (Mech) 10 60 $ 600 Dave Hartwig (Elec) 10 62 620 Data Collection (Field) Charles Pilch (Mech) 20 60 1,200 Dave Hartwig (Elec) 20 62 1,240 Draft Report (0 Drawings) Charles Pilch (Mech) 24 60 1,440 Dave Hartwig (Elec) 24 62 1,488 Winston Zirjacks (PM) 2 79 158 Draftsperson 24 36 864 Clerical 8 31 248 Final Report (10 Drawings) Charles Pilch (Mech) 24 60 1,440 Dave Hartwig (Elec) 10 . 62 620 Winston Zirjacks (PM) 2 79 158 Mike Hubbard (Econ) 4 le 288 Draftsperson 32 36 1552 Clerical 8 31 248 $11,764 Labor $11,764 15% Profit 1,765 CAD 32 10 320 Copying & Reproduction 380 Travel, Subsistence, Communication 1,608 Estimating (HMS Inc. = 4450 / 6 = 742) 742 Weathered in time estimate 16 61 Ave 976 TOTAL $17,555 3155/5misc wv > > “iy A Mr. David Venig - CUn-"rott January 22, 1990 Page 5 Project: Russian Mission TASK HOURS RATE COST Data Collection (Anch) Fred Dyson (Mech) 6 60 $ 360 Zane Shanklin (Civil) 6 56 336 Data Collection (Field) Fred Dyson (Mech) 14 60 840 Zane Shanklin (Civil) 14 56 784 Draft Report (0 Drawings) Fred Dyson (Mech) 24 60 1,440 Zane Shanklin (Civil) 24 56 1,344 Winston Zirjacks (PM) 2 79 158 Draftsperson 24 36 864 Clerical 8 31 248 Final Report (10 Drawings) Fred Dyson (Mech) 24 60 1,440 Zane Shanklin (Elec) 8 56 448 Winston Zirjacks (PM) 2 79 158 Mike Hubbard (Econ) 4 72 288 Draftsperson 32 36 1,152 Clerical 8 31 248 $10,108 Labor $10,108 15% Profit 1,516 CAD 32 10 320 Copying & Reproduction 380 Travel, Subsistence, Communication 665 Estimating (HMS Inc. = 4450 / 6 = 742) 742 Weathered in time estimate 16 61 Ave 976 TOTAL $14,707 3155/5misc Mr. David Denig - Ch-'roff January 22, 1990 Page 6 Project: Anvik TASK HOURS RATE COST Data Collection (Anch) Fred Dyson (Mech) 6 60 $ 360 Zane Shanklin (Civil) 6 56 336 Data Collection (Field) Fred Dyson (Mech) 14 60 840 Zane Shanklin (Civil) 14 56 784 Draft Report (0 Drawings) Fred Dyson (Mech) 24 60 1,440 Zane Shanklin (Civil) 24 56 1,344 Winston Zirjacks (PM) 2 79 158 Draftsperson 24 36 864 Clerical 8 31 248 Final Report (10 Drawings) Fred Dyson (Mech) 24 60 1,440 Zane Shanklin (Civil) 8 56 448 Winston Zirjacks (PM) 2 79 158 Mike Hubbard (Econ) 4 72 288 Draftsperson 32 36 1,152 Clerical 8 31 248 $10,108 Labor $10,108 15% Profit 1,516 CAD 32 10 320 Copying & Reproduction 380 Travel, Subsistence, Communication 665 Estimating (HMS Inc. = 4450 / 6 = 742) 742 Weathered in time estimate 16 61 Ave 976 TOTAL $14,707 3155/5misc Mr. David Denig - Ch-"roff January 22, 1990 Page 7 Project: Lower Kalskag TASK HOURS RATE COST Data Collection (Anch) Fred Dyson (Mech) 6 60 $ 360 Zane Shanklin (Civil 6 56 336 Data Collection (Field) Fred Dyson (Mech) 14 60 840 Zane Shanklin (Civil) 14 56 784 Draft Report (0 Drawings) Fred Dyson(Mech) 24 60 1,440 Zane Shanklin (Civil) 24 56 1,344 Winston Zirjacks (PM) 2 79 158 Draftsperson 24 36 864 Clerical 8 31 248 Final Report (10 Drawings) Fred Dyson (Mech) 24 60 1,440 Zane Shanklin (Civil) 8 56 448 Winston Zirjacks (PM) 2 79 158 Mike Hubbard (Econ) 4 72 288 Draftsperson 32 36 1,552 Clerical 8 31 248 $10,108 Labor $10,108 15% Profit 1,516 CAD 32 10 320 Copying & Reproduction 380- Travel, Subsistence, Communication 665 Estimating (HMS Inc. = 4450 6 = 742) 742 Weathered in time estimate 16 61 Ave 976 TOTAL $14,707 3155/5misc Mr. David Denig - Ch-'roff January 22, 1990 Page 8 The RFP requests that drawings be produced in color. During conversations with John Bulkow and Gary Smith, they indicated that pen plotting 8 1/2 x 11 drawings may not produce adequate results. In preparing the estimate, we investigated color laser printing but were not able to find any local sources for this service. A color laser printer purchase would require approximately $10,000. We propose pen plotting at a larger size and then using color photocopy reduction to produce the final drawings. An example of a plotted drawing and a reduced photocopied plot are attached for your review. We have assumed a one-day weather delay at each site. This item has been included in the expenses section of each estimate. We look forward to starting this work immediately. If you have any questions, please call either myself or Charles Pilch at 276-7484. Sincerely, FRANK MOOLIN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Dork Voy oseph L. Perkins, P.E. Vice President JLP/rcl Attachments Kec. Gaey Journ) 3155/5misc . abe. ‘= A464 PROJECT SCHEDULE Y FEBRUARY MARCH PROJECT: AI STE HEA RO. EA WA T simitiw FIS|IS|MITIWITIF IS|S| MITT WITIFISIS| MIT WITIFIS|S| MIT [WIT /F IS|SimiT |wit jf is {s [mit |wit iF [s [S| mMiTiwit iF] sis [mit DESCRIPTION OF WORK 1} 2728) 134}9 12 13) 45516) 7) 8] 9 10} 11 [12)13)14 [15 [16 [07 | 18) 19)20 [21 22 | 23)24/25)26]27/ 28] 1) 2131415 16171819 NO; 2h Sh4jiSHeli7mpsene NOTICE TO PROCEED DATA COLLECTION (ANCHORAGE) ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION ‘| LT CI ae | HOONAH, COLD BAY, CORDOVA ‘| MEETING WITH UTILITY | 1 dad ‘ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION | HOONAH TH COLD BAY CORDOVA P 5 {+1} 4 MEETING WITH AEA ALL e [TT DATA COLLECTION (FIELD) ial Tey in| HOONAH + + ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION | + t-+ ++ COLD BAY CORDOVA DRAFT REVIEW BY AEA ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION HOONAH, COLD BAY, CORDOVA MEETING WITH AEA DEVELOPE DRAFT REPORT : rT ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION ceed HOONAH, COLD BAY, CORDOVA I | | ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION e iia et . HOONAH, COLD BAY, CORDOVA | TT Tel | rT] DEVELOPE FINAL REPORT ae ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION TT HOONAH, COLD BAY, CORDOVA COST ESTIMATE | ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION || | ———~e HOONAH, COLD BAY, CORDOVA | SUBMIT FINAL REPORT | ANVIK, LOWER KALSAG, RUSSIAN MISSION | e@ | HOONAH, COLD BAY, CORDOVA | e —- KEY: P = PHONE ‘ : 0501 oN UNALAKLEET SCHOOL RENOVATION PLAN Q - 4 9 z oa 3 a z UNALAKLEET, ALASKA - PLOTTED EXAMPLE ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 3- PLOTTED & REDUCED (PHOTO COPIED) Frank Moolin UNALAKLEET SCHOOL & Associates PLUMBING ISOMETRIC RENOVATION PLAN UNALAKLEET, ALASKA — ES Ne 11Jan90 jrb Frank Moolin & Associates, Inc. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS WASTE HEAT SYSTEMS - CONCEPT LEVEL DESIGNS Attached is an RFP for Hoonah to be added to the RFP’s for Cordova and Cold Bay sent to you yesterday. The revised project priority is as follows: Community Utility 1. Hoonah Tlingit-Haida Regional Electric Authority 2. Cordova Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. 3. Cold Bay G & K, Inc. 11Jan90 jrb REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS WASTE HEAT SYSTEMS CONCEPT LEVEL DESIGNS Contracting Point of Contact: Dominic Costanzo, Contracts Officer Technical Point of Contact: John Bulkow, Rural Systems Engineer Submission: Attention of David Denig-Chakroff, Director of Rural Programs Project Manager: John Bulkow, Rural Systems Engineer Attached are individual RFP's for the performance of concept level design work at the listed sites. Each project will require a separately executed Work Order and cost. Each project description identifies completion dates as to when the Authority requests that the work be accomplished. Each responding proposal must include a proposed completion date for each of the two required submittals if quality products cannot be produced by the dates specified. Project priority is to be maintained as listed. The final submittals must be of high presentation quality including color copies of photographs, color copies of CAD drawings, and laser printer produced text. CAD drawings will use color to distinguish among primary loop, secondary loops, existing and new construction, and other separation that enhances the ease of reviewing the design. Legends indicating the use of colors will be provided on the drawings. Covers for the final submittal will be provided by the Authority as will AutoCAD files of the title blocks for the required CAD drawings. If existing maps are marked-up for inclusion in the report, high quality results arc required. If the 8.5" x 11" format of CAD drawings does not produce legible drawings, 11" x 17" fold-outs are required. The initial submittal is to be of draft presentation quality with black and white products only. Submitted products are subject to rejection for quality of presentation as well as technical content. The uscrs of the final products will include Authority staff, State and local government personnel, personnel of affected utilities, using facilities’ staff, and bond market consultants. The concept level designs and costing may be reviewed by an independent firm. Depending on the availability of funds and the results of the initial work, it is anticipated that some of the projects will result in RFP's for work orders to complete final construction documents for summer 1990 construction. Each proposal will present the following items: 1. By major task and submittal, the discipline, manhours proposed, and previously negotiated rate. 2. By major task and submittal, the names of personnel assigned. 3. By major task and submittal, identify the hours and rate for CAD workstation charges. 4. By major task and submittal, estimated expenses (to include weather contingencies for field investigations). 5. By submission, an estimate of the number of CAD drawings to be produced (initial submittal is to be black and white, final submittal to be in color - additional charges for color plotting effort is to be identified). 6. Proposed cost estimating firm and fee (in-house costing is not acceptable). It is required that one single kick-off meeting with Authority personnel be held prior to ficld investigations for all sites listed. The proposed costs must be allocated among the projects. It is required that one meeting be held with senior representatives of each utility. The proposed costs must be allocated among projects at sites serviced by the same utility. Telephone contact in lieu of a meeting is not acceptable. Right-of-way and easement assistance will be provided by the Authority - the consultant is required to collect platting information prior to a single meeting to be held at the Authority's offices at which time a review of the anticipated potential requirements will be discussed and guidance issued. The proposed costs must be allocated among the projects. Field investigations should be of sufficient depth to negate the future requirements of further ficld investigations for completion of the construction documents. The consultant must submit a single, simple graphic presentation of the anticipated overall schedule indicating work on major tasks by project. Concept Level Documents Waste Heat Systems Concept level documentation shall include as a minimum the following: Right-of-way/Easement Map(s) A map showing property boundaries that would be crossed by the proposed system and existing right-of-ways / casements (markup of existing map(s) is allowed). Criteria Listing A list of all codes and regulations used in determining the system design. Distribution Piping and Pumping A brief description is required of the proposed distribution piping system (both primary and secondary loops) including material, insulation, pumping scheme, and connection procedures. Sketch(es) are to be included as appropriate. Heat Exchangers A brief description is required of the proposed heat exchangers including potential configuration, locations and sizing. Sketches are to be included as appropriate. Miscellaneous Systems A brief description of all supporting systems including controls, engine modifications, powerhouse modifications, etc. is required including sketch(es) as appropriate. User Requirements A brief description of modifications required to potential end user systems including sketches as appropriate. Technical Analysis A presentation of the assumptions made, data collected, and calculations performed is required to support the design approach taken. Cost Estimate Cost estimates are to be presented with unit costs by task, anticipated contract cost, project contingencics of 10%, SIOH as provided, and a total estimated project cost. Unless otherwise directed, construction contract costs will be estimated assuming publicly advertised bidding, summer construction, and "mini-Davis-Bacon" wage ratcs. Major system components are to have separately identified life estimates and yearly maintenance cost cstimates. Estimates of yearly fuel costs displaced by each user facility are to be identified. FAILURE ANALYSIS A brief description of the major modes of failure is to be presented. Each of which must include as a minimum concept level details of the following: 1. Description of failure. 2. Effects on the continued operation of the power generation system. 3. Description of environmental impacts. 4. Required immediate action of the power house or facility operators to minimize short-term and long-term damage to the system. 5. Estimate the frequency (occurrences per year). 6. Estimate of down time (days/year). 7. Description and estimate of effort and material to return full service (tasks/year). 8. Effects of system life on frequency of occurrence. 9. Design decisions made to minimize failure rate and impacts. Assumptions to be made include: 1. On-site operators’ skills are that of a "care taker”. 2. Skilled PM is performed three times per year (Fall, Winter, Spring). 3. Weather delay in reaching site is one day (assuming winter failure). 4. Travel for emergency response or major repairs is via jet service to major community and charter from local carricr to site. 5. Skilled mechanics for emergency response or major repairs are mobilized from Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juncau as appropriate. 11Jan90 jrb " Hoonah Waste Heat System Concept Level Design Problem There is an identified opportunity for the installation of a waste heat recovery and distribution system in the community of Hoonah. The intent of this work order is to provide the Authority with sufficient detail to perform an economic analysis and to prepare for the later development of construction documents. Tasks 1. Data Collection (Anchorage) Existing drawings and site maps and/or aerial photos are to be collected and reviewed prior to field investigation. A discussion with the Authority’s Rural Projects staff is required to be accomplished prior to ficld investigation. In addition, tclephone discussions with Tlingit-Haida Regional Electrical Authority personnel is to be accomplished to collect construction and operating concerns of the Utility. 2. Data Collection (Field) A field trip is required with the consultant furnishing the services of a senior mechanical engineer. Field work is to include examination of the power houses, potential distribution routes, and the HVAC equipment of the facilities determined by the consultant and the Authority to be potential candidates for use of the proposed waste heat system. Historical fuc! consumption data are to be collected from facility owners or operators as well as load data from the Utility. Corresponding heating fuel costs are to be collected as well. Coordination with the Utility, the City government, and the owners and operators of the potentially served facilities is to be accomplished prior to the field work. 3. Products Two products are required. The initial submittal is to be a letter quality report including as a minimum: field trip notes, contacts made, list and description of potential served facilities, tabular and graphical presentations of the historical or estimated heating fuel consumption, tabular presentations of corresponding fuel costs of each potential facility by month, tabular and graphical estimates of available wastc heat by month (identifying heat required at the power house), and a map showing locations of the power house and the potential facilities to be served. A narrative description of the proposed system is to be included. Three copies of the report are to be submitted. Work on the second submittal is to commence after receipt of the Authority's review comments. Review comments will be provided to the consultant within 10 working days after receipt of the report for incorporation into the final submittal. The primary purpose of this report is to judge to overall feasibility of the proposed system and to identify the facilitics to be considered for connection. A meeting at the Anchorage offices of the Authority is to be held to review the findings of the report. The second submittal is to be a letter quality report with an executive summary of the investigation. It is to include one copy in 8.5 x 11 format of all drawings produced as well as color copies of appropriate photos. All drawings are to be provided in AutoCAD rell0 compatible drawing files (either sketches or to scale as appropriate). The report should summarize the investigation and present a concept level design of the recommended system including concept level specifications and construction cost estimates based on publicly advertised, sealed bid procurement using "mini-Davis-Bacon" wage rates. Six copies of the report are required (including one unbound copy for use as a reproducible master). Proposed construction bidding is to be assumed as occurring in April of 1990. The basic intent of this product is to present the recommended solution and its construction and operating cost estimates in suitable detail to allow for the follow-on development of an Authority produced economic analysis. Schedule It is required that the work be completed on or prior to 2Mar90. The initial report is to be submitted on or prior to 9f'cb90.