HomeMy WebLinkAboutPhase 1 of the Southeast Alaska & Gulf of Alaska Utility Gas Distribution Project, 2-2002 Economic Assessment Executive Summary PHASE 1 OF THE SOUTHEAST ALASKA AND GULF OF ALASKA UTILITY GAS DISTRIBUTION PROJECT Prepared for Alaska Intrastate Gas Company February 2002 CH2MIHILL POWER POINT PRESENTATION OF THE ST & GULF OF PROJECT (SEAGA ) May 12, 2003 Those invited to attend: Mr. Jeff Stazer Federal Co-Chairman of the Denali Commission. Mr. Paul McIntosh Project Manager, Denali Commission. Ms. Kathleen Prentki, P.E. Denali Commission Energy Program Manager, Proj. Mer. Ms. Rachael Petro Co-Chairman of the Denali Commission Lt. Gov. Leman’s staff. Mr. Yuri Morgan The Alaska State Legislature’s Representative to Denali Comm. Mr. Charies P. Fhomas, Ph.D. Sr. Energy & Environmentat Policy Analyst, U.S. Fed: Dept. of Energy, & Energy Solutions Group, a Business Unit of Science Applications International Corp. Mr. Mike Harper The Alaska Energy Authority (A_E.A.). Mr. Jim Egan Senator Ted Stevens Staff Assistant, Anchorage office. Ms. Patricia Heller ‘Senator Lisa Murkowski’s State Director, based in Anchorage. Mr. Greg Kaplan Congressman Don Young’s Deputy District Director, Anchorage. Mr. Al Ewing Denali Commission, Chief of Staff. Executive Summary This economic assessment examines the cost competitiveness of an Alaska Intrastate Gas Company (AIGC) proposal to provide a utility gas system in the communities of Ketchikan, Sitka, and Juneau, Alaska. AIGC is proposing to supply, distribute, and sell utility gas! to these communities in a system whose components would be developed, owned, and operated by AIGC and others. At a future date, the system might be converted to natural gas. The success of the proposed project depends on the following factors: e The AIGC cost of providing the service and how this cost compares to that of the readily available alternatives: fuel oil, bottled propane, and electricity e AIGC marketing, consumer acceptance, conversion costs, and meeting market projections This study focuses on the cost of providing utility gas service and the associated revenue requirements. Project Components The analysis included a review of the major project elements as discussed below. Customer Base The system as analyzed was assumed to serve residential and small commercial customers and all of the seafood processors that are located in the three communities. Residential and small commercial customers primarily represent a space-heating and hot water heating load. Asa result, their sales are the greatest in the winter and relatively low in the summer. Seafood processors, on the other hand, represent a summer load, and therefore would even out the year-round load by filling in the summer sales trough with relatively little additional investment required to serve them. Utility Gas Delivery Chain This study analyzes the utility gas delivery chain from propane procurement through customer billing and collection. The major elements in this delivery chain are as follows: ¢ Procure propane in Alberta and British Columbia. e Ship the propane in railroad tanker cars to Prince Rupert, British Columbia. The tanker cars would be owned or leased by AIGC. CN Rail would haul the railcars to and from the propane sources to its existing facilities at Prince Rupert and load them on a barge(s) for shipment to the communities. 1 For this utility gas system, utility gas is defined as vaporized propane that is mixed with dry air prior to delivery to customers. ES-1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY e The barge would make a trip to one community, off-load full tanker cars, on-load empty tanker cars, and return to Prince Rupert for the next round trip. At each community, a third party, Prairielands Energy Marketing, Inc. (PEMI), would off-load the cars for use as in-community storage (Ketchikan and Sitka) or pump the propane from the barge to fixed storage tanks (Juneau). ¢ PEMI would construct the needed infrastructure in each community from the dock to the “city gate,” the point at which AIGC would take delivery of utility gas. This infrastructure would include any land-based storage and the vaporization (“send-out’”) facilities. Within each community, there might be multiple send-out facilities at multiple locations. e¢ PEMI would operate the process from the docks to the city gate. e AIGC would construct and operate an underground pipeline distribution system to deliver utility gas to end-users. e AIGC would contract with a local electric or water utility system for customer billing and collection. Community Infrastructure Each community has different infrastructure requirements. The infrastructure used for this analysis is as follows. In Ketchikan, there is existing rail car infrastructure at the Saxman Seaport that can physically accommodate the projected number of rail cars required for this new project. In Sitka and Juneau, infrastructure would need to be developed to accommodate off-loading and on-loading rail tanker cars and to meet storage requirements. At Sitka, Sawmill Cove Industrial Park facilities could be upgraded to provide the needed docking, rail siding, and rail tanker car storage. In Juneau, the area between the Little Rock Dump and the Big Rock Dump would be developed to provide a docking facility and an area for fixed storage tanks (no rail tanker car storage is anticipated for Juneau). In each community there is a need for fuel storage, which would be provided either by rail tanker car storage or permanent land-based storage tanks. There would be two send-out facilities in Ketchikan, one in Sitka, and three in Juneau. Propane would be trucked from the docking area to each send-out facility, where the propane would be vaporized and mixed with air to create utility gas. Project Schedule A preliminary project development schedule indicates that gas utility service could begin in July 2004 in Ketchikan, April 2005 in Sitka, and April 2006 in Juneau. This phased schedule provides time for dock facility development in Sitka and Juneau. ES-2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Cost of Service and Revenue Requirements Projected Sales The number of residential utility gas customers was estimated by obtaining data on the number of occupied households in each community. Adjustments were then made for the number that would be located within the AIGC service area and the number that would take utility gas service over time. It was assumed that AIGC would, in year 7, serve 60 percent of the occupied households in the identified service areas of all three communities. Greater market penetration is favorable to the project. Annual sales to residential and small commercial customers were estimated by applying the above customer estimates to per-customer sales data obtained from Pacific Northern Gas Company, which serves the Prince Rupert area. Annual seafood processor sales estimates were obtained from AIGC. The data on annual sales were used to determine the transportation logistics for supplying the required fuel quantities. Peak-hour demands were estimated by PEMI to determine send-out facility capacity requirements. Heavy-demand-period usage was estimated for establishing in-community storage requirements. Project Capital Costs The estimated infrastructure costs in each community are listed in Table ES-1. TABLE ES-1 Estimated Capital Costs for Infrastructure in Ketchikan, Sitka, and Juneau Dock Through Local Distribution Community Send-Out Facilities System Total Ketchikan $3,479,535 $16,600,777 $20,080,312 Sitka $ 4,168,313 $9,268,769 $13,437,082 Juneau $13,992,260 $23,229,988 $37,222,248 Total $21,640,108 $49,099,534 $70,739,642 Note: Costs in 2001 dollars. Estimated capital costs for the Dock through Send-Out Facilities in the table were developed by PEMI. PEMI’s cost estimates include the following contingencies and markups: ¢ Contingencies 10% e Engineering/Legal/ Administration 2% e Construction Management 1% e Permitting 2% The utility gas local distribution system layouts were assumed to be similar to previous layouts done by others for a natural gas distribution system. Although the previous layouts were not available for this analysis, the construction quantities were available for this analysis and were used in developing the cost estimates for the local distribution system ES-3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (Table ES-1). The unit costs for construction were developed by CH2M HILL and were used to estimate the distribution system cost. Appropriate contingencies and markups were added for engineering, project management, legal considerations, permitting, and construction supervision. The following contingencies and markups were included in the cost estimates for the local distribution system: ¢ Contingencies 25% e Engineering/Legal/ Administration 10% ¢ Construction Management 3% e Permitting 2% The higher contingencies included in the local distribution system reflect a higher level of uncertainty in the construction quantities and system design at this stage of the project. Additional capital costs would be as follows: e AIGC Startup $7,180,000 e Fuel Inventory (as of year 7) $1,130,000 e Purchase of Railcars $2,460,000 The AIGC startup costs would fund the marketing program of $3 million, provide working capital of $3.1 million, and provide $1 million for project management. Project Operating Costs The annual costs to operate and maintain the in-community utility gas systems and AIGC’s operations were estimated at approximately $920,000 in the first year of operation in Ketchikan and $7,100,000 in year 7 when there is service in all three communities. These costs were developed based on assumed staffing levels and individual expense items developed in discussions with AIGC and PEMI. Capital Structure For this analysis, it was assumed that AIGC would have the following debt equity structure and cost of money: e Debt 80 percent at 5.5 percent interest rate for 30 years e Equity 20 percent at 8 percent This structure results in a rate of return on rate base of 6.0 percent. Discussions with one party indicated that, for a project of this nature, the investor would be willing to invest for an 8 percent return on equity. The analysis was done in 2001 dollars. The above interest rates, for a project of this nature and risk, are close to real (without consideration for inflation) interest rates. If a 2 percent inflation rate were taken into account, the nominal (with inflation included) interest rate and return to equity would most likely be closer to 8.0 percent and 10 percent, respectively. ES-4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Revenue Requirement Based Commodity Price Approach The required utility gas commodity price was computed based on the projected revenue requirements, fuel and fuel transportation costs, operation and maintenance costs, depreciation, taxes, and return to rate base. The calculated commodity price is the average price over the first 7 years of operation that would, in conjunction with a monthly service charge to each customer, allow AIGC to earna 6 percent rate of return on rate base over the 7 years. This provides for a minimum of 5 years of service in a community, at which point it was assumed that AIGC has achieved 60 percent penetration of the residential and small commercial customer base. Because service to Juneau would not begin until the second quarter of the third year of AIGC operations, a 7-year period was necessary to have 5 years of service in each community. Use of a shorter period, for example 5 years, would require a higher commodity price for AIGC to achieve its rate of return in the first 5 years. Results Table ES-2 shows the 7-year revenue requirement calculated in dollars per million B' (MMBtu). , TABLE ES-2 Seven-Year Revenue Requirement Cost Element $/MMBtu % of Total Cost of Propane $3.30 29.2 Cost of Propane Transportation $ 2.20 19.5 Operation and Maintenance $2.94 26.0 Depreciation $0.76 6.7 Income Taxes $0.23 2.0 Return on Rate Base $ 1.87 16.6 Total $11.30 100.0 Less: Nonrate Revenue * -$ 0.43 Total Commodity Price $10.87 * Nonrate revenues include interest earnings ($0.03/MMBtu) and monthly service charge ($0.40/MMBtu). Note: $/MMBtu = dollars per million British thermal units, a standard unit of measure Interest earnings and a monthly service charge of $7.95 to each customer was included in the analysis. This charge would provide revenues equivalent to $0.43 per MMBtu and would reduce the effective commodity price. The total of $10.87 per MMBtu is the average commodity price AIGC would have to charge over the first 7 years of operations, based on the assumed utility gas sales, investments, and ES-5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY operating costs, to obtain its rate of return of 6 percent over the first 7 years of operation. This is the average rate to be charged to all customers. If, for competitive reasons, certain customers were charged a lower rate, the remaining customers would need to be charged a higher rate to maintain the same overall revenues. In year 7, the revenue requirement per MMBtu would be $9.83, one dollar and four cents less than the 7-year price. At that point, AIGC would be able to reduce its commodity price to its customers and still achieve its revenue requirements. Certain AIGC costs would be unavoidable, largely fixed, or beyond AIGC’s ability to control. These costs are for propane, propane transportation, depreciation, and taxes. Therefore, any cost reductions would have to come from operations and return to rate base or from increased sales. AIGC should be aggressive in controlling its costs, whether in capital investment or operations. Key Assumptions and Sensitivity The most important assumptions leading to this commodity rate are as follows: e AIGC will be able to serve all of the estimated seafood processor load in each community, the annual seafood processor sales will be at the levels projected by AIGC, and the capital cost to serve these loads will be relatively small. Without any seafood processor loads, the first 7 year commodity price would be increased to $12.88 per MMBtu. e AGIC will achieve the assumed market penetrations for residential and small commercial customers, and sales will be at projected levels. e AIGC can attract the assumed 20 percent equity investment at 8 percent a year and can sell long-term debt at 5.5 percent a year. Another significant assumption is that the historic price relationship between fuel oil and propane will continue in the future. Historically, the prices of fuel oil and propane have generally moved in the same direction at the same time. The price is particularly sensitive to projected sales. The larger the volumes of utility gas that can be sold without increasing the capital investment, the lower would be the commodity price to consumers. At Ketchikan, for example, reducing the residential load by 25 percent and shifting that load to large commercial and industrial users would reduce the cost of utility gas by about $0.15 to $0.20 per MMBtu, with the deferred residential customers added in later years. The assumed sales to residential and small commercial customers are also important in determining the commodity price. A 10 percent sales increase to these customers would lower the commodity price by $0.36 per MMBtu; a 10 percent decrease would increase the price by $0.42 per MMBtu. Competitive Price Comparison The combined AIGC commodity price and service charge need to be competitive with the cost of fuel oil for space heating and hot water, or else AIGC will not achieve the market penetrations that were assumed. Generally, the AIGC cost needs to be 20 percent lower than ES6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY the equivalent cost of fuel oil and electricity to attract a significant number of customers. This margin is necessary for potential consumers to be willing take action and incur a modest level of conversion costs. The price comparison assumes that the total cost of utility gas service will be at least 20 percent below the cost of fuel oil and electricity. If conversion costs are significant, the marginal savings from the utility gas service will need to be greater. For fuel oil users, the conversion cost might be modest; for electric hot water and space heat customers, the cost to convert can be significant. Without a savings margin of 20 percent, the assumed penetration rates and sales are unlikely. The cost of electricity that was used in the comparison is the incremental cost of electricity from the applicable electric utility tariffs for residential, small commercial, and seafood processors (the utility’s industrial rate was used). The comparative fuel oil prices used for each community are the 5-year average cost per gallon from data collected by University of Alaska Fairbanks, Cooperative Extension Service, Food Cost Survey, September 1996 through September 2001. These costs were weighted to reflect the projected AIGC sales mix (residential/small commercial and seafood processor), which determines the weighted cost of both electricity and fuel oil against which AIGC will be competing. The costs were then adjusted to reflect the conversion efficiencies for space heat and hot water heating. If the efficiency rate for a particular appliance for a particular fuel type is less than 100 percent, the effective commodity price for the consumer will increase. The adjusted price of utility gas was compared to the adjusted price of electricity and fuel oil in each community. The information is summarized in Table ES-3. For utility gas fuel, a 90 percent efficiency was used for gas furnaces and 86 percent for hot water heaters. Assuming a new gas appliance for space heat, the commodity price for utility gas would be about 11 percent less than fuel oil in Ketchikan. In Sitka it would be 19 percent less than fuel oil, and in Juneau, 24 percent less. This is within the competitive range in Sitka and Juneau. In Ketchikan, attracting customers might be more difficult. If, instead of new appliances, existing fuel oil furnaces and boilers were to be converted to utility gas at an efficiency of 70 percent, the effective price of utility gas would be more expensive than fuel oil in Ketchikan and Sitka. Consumers in Juneau would realize savings of approximately 3 percent if they elected to convert to utility gas. However, it is uncertain whether a savings of 3 percent would entice customers to convert to utility gas. The commodity price needs to meet various competitive thresholds in each community for the space heat market. AIGC must capture the space heat market in order to have sufficient sales volumes. For a given competitiveness threshold, 20 percent, the required commodity price is indicated. This analysis assumed that industrial fuel oil costs are 90 percent of residential and small commercial fuel oil costs. The larger the fuel oil price discount given to industrial users relative to residential users, the more competitive the market will be. This is especially true in Ketchikan and Sitka where the industrial users have a more significant share of the expected load. A greater price discount for industrial users in Juneau would not have as large an impact because the expected load in Juneau is dominated by the residential sector. ES-7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TABLE ES-3 Comparative Cost of Competitive Energy Sources AIGC Electricity Cost ($/kWh) Fuel Oil Cost ($/gallon) Utility Gas ($S/MMBtu) Ketchikan Sitka Juneau Ketchikan Sitka Juneau Cost of Electricity/Fuel Oil Residential/Small Commercial $0.088 $0.095 $0.088 $1.35 $1.49 $1.55 Seafood Processors $0.076 $0.085 $0.045 $1.22 $1.34 $1.40 Weighted Cost $11.27 $0.083 $0.090 $0.083 $1.30 $1.42 $1.53 Conversion Efficiency Space Heat (New Appliance) 90% 100% 100% 100% 70% 70% 70% Space Heat (Burner Conversion) 70% NA NA NA 70% 70% 70% Hot Water Heater 86% 95% 95% 95% 70% 70% 70% Adjusted Cost per MMBtu ; Space Heat (New Appliance) $12.52 $24.27 $26.49 $24.19 $14.07 $15.37 $16.56 Space Heat (Burner Conversion) $16.10 NA NA NA $14.07 $15.37 $16.56 Hot Water Heater $13.11 $25.54 $27.88 $25.46 $14.07 $15.37 $16.56 Percent Savings Space Heat (New Appliance) 48% 53% 48% 11% 19% 24% Space Heat (Burner Conversion) NA NA NA -14% -5% 3% Hot Water Heater 49% 53% 49% 7% 15% 21% Figure ES-1 shows the estimated annual cost for space heat and hot water in Ketchikan, Sitka, and Juneau for five comparable residences that have the following energy uses: all electric heat and hot water appliances, all bottled propane appliances, fuel oil heat, and electric hot water appliances; combined fuel oil space heat/hot water with electric hot water appliances; and all utility gas appliances. These figures are for comparative purposes only. The following data were used to calculate the estimated annual residential energy cost: e Utility gas price of $10.87/ MMBtu (see Table ES-2) plus a monthly service charge of $7.50 per month. e Residential rates for electricity and fuel oil as presented in Table ES-3. e Prices for bottled propane in each community obtained from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Cooperative Extension Service, Food Cost Survey, September 1996 to September 2001. ES8 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ALL ELEC. = Electric Space Heat and Hot Water Appliances BOTTLED PROPANE = Bottled Propane for Space Heat and Hot Water Appliances FUEL OIL/ELEC. = Fuel Oil for Space Heat and Electric Hot Water Appliances COMBINED = Fuel Oil for Space/Water Heating and Electric Hot Water Appliances UTILITY GAS = Utility Gas Space Heat and Hot Water Appliances (New) FIGURE ES-1 Comparative Cost of Competing Energy Sources for Residential Customers Ketchikan a S $3,500 = oe B $3,000 | 28°? o ‘ $2,485 & $2,500 = $1,893 3 e000 py $1,442 = $1,500 % $1,000 = $500 $ $0 § ALL ELEC. BOTTLED FUEL COMBINED UTILITY PROPANE OIL/ELEC. GAS Sitka a § $3500 8s $2,977 > $3,000 5 $2,500 a 5 s2,tst $1,918 3 $2,000 $1,484 5 $1,500 3 | 3 $1,000 | = $500 2 $0 < ALL ELEC. BOTTLED FUEL COMBINED UTILITY PROPANE OIL/ELEC. GAS Juneau % $4,000 o $3,588 S $2,500 $3,175 | 5 =m $2,538 $2,370 | i $2,500 $1.768| 3 $2,000 : $ $1,500 | & $1,000 $500 — $0 < ALL ELEC. BOTTLED FUEL COMBINED UTILITY PROPANE OIL/ELEC. GAS ES-9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY e Efficiency rates for space heat (new appliance), space heat (burner conversion), and hot water heaters as presented in Table ES-3. e Average annual energy consumption by a residential user in each community for space heating and hot water heating: Ketchikan = 111.20 MMBtu, Sitka = 114.50 MMBtu , and Juneau = 138.10 MMBtu. e Assumed hot water heater energy use of approximately 21.60 MMBtu/year. Conclusion This project will provide a competitive and clean alternative fuel source to Ketchikan, Sitka, and Juneau and is feasible provided that the assumptions, conditions, and projected annual sales volumes are met as presented in this economic assessment. Deviations from any assumptions, conditions, and projected sales volumes might increase or decrease the commodity price and affect both the revenue requirements and the feasibility for the proposed utility gas system. The cost estimates and sensitivity analysis for the proposed utility gas system indicate that AIGC will have to aggressively manage the required infrastructure and associated costs in order to meet the competitive price targets over its first 7 years of operation. Once AIGC is established, its ability to offer a competitive price will improve. In year 7, the revenue- requirement-based commodity price is $9.83, which is $1.04 less than the 7-year commodity price. The lower sales levels in the first 3 years, when service is started in Ketchikan, Sitka, and Juneau, would require a higher commodity price in order to meet revenue requirements. This is the challenge faced by all capital-intensive undertakings. The analysis assumed that AIGC will serve all of the available estimated seafood processor loads. If the served loads are less than those assumed, the 7-year commodity price would have to be higher. If there are other summer peaking loads than can be served with minimal additional capital investment, they can substitute for seafood processor load. Adding additional large winter peaking loads would not be nearly as beneficial to the commodity price as summer peaking loads. To the extent AIGC can increase sales without increasing capital costs, it could reduce the commodity price. Conversely, to the extent sales do not materialize as projected, the commodity price would need to be higher and less competitive. If the long-term price of propane can be reduced below the assumed $0.30 a gallon, the commodity price can be reduced about $0.11 per MMBtu for each $0.01 per gallon reduction in the price of propane. ES-10 SALE uo|pW / ¢ Today's Comparative Costs of Fuels within the AIGC Service Area $28.00 $26.00 $24.00 $22.00 $20.00 $18.00 $16.00 $14.00 $12.00 $10.00 $8.00 $6.00 $4.00 $2.00 $0.00 Electric $27.68 Bottled Propane Fuel Oil - Fuel Oil - Rural CH2MHill $2207 ‘¢iec2 Vian oe wie $14.33 Utili Case Gas Model Approved Utility $9.23 Tariff Rate Model ‘ Gas $7.25 Fuel Type $10.87