HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Transmission Loss Study 1985 = Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Transmission Loss Study | ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE - FAIRBANKS INTERTIE TRANSMISSION LOSS STUDY June 1985 Engineering Report R-2729 Prepared by: D. A. Rice, Project Manager F. S. Prabhakara, PhD., P.E. DO. A. Shafer, P.E. at the offices of Gilbert/Commonwealth Inc. of Michigan 209 East Washington Avenue Jackson, Michigan 49201 63/ER-2729/D5 r TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE ASSUMPTIONS Study Period System Load Levels System Configuration Loss Zones Generation Dispatch Contingency Conditions Studies DISCUSSION OF LOSS TABLES Table 1 - Tie Line Losses (Zone T1) Table 2 - CEA System Losses (Zone C1) Table 3 - GVEA System Losses (Zone G1) Table 4 - CEA System Losses (Zones C2 and C1) Table 5 - MEA System Losses (Zone M1) Concluding Comments TAB - LOSS TABLES TAB - APPENDIX (see index following tab) 63/ER-2729/D5 Page on Ff Mm MH MY oO COON NS r PURPOSE The Railbelt Utilities are developing procedures and contracts for operating the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie and for various power and energy transactions between participants. This report provides the basis for estimating the approximate magnitude of incremental losses on certain sections of the transmission system caused by these transactions. These loss tables will aid the Utilities in their discussions and negotiations in pricing their transactions. The capability for performing on-line power flow calculations is being installed on the GVEA computers for future loss calculations. Loss tables summarizing the results of the power flow studies are provided following the tab. Details of the power flow calculations are provided in the Appendix. 63/ER-2729/D5 ASSUMPTIONS STUDY PERIOD The time frame of this study is the Summer 1985 and 1985/1986 Winter. SYSTEM LOAD LEVELS The assumed 1985/1986 Winter peak loads for each of the Railbelt Utilities is summarized in the Appendix. Incremental losses were calculated for peak load, and for 75% and 40% of peak load. The 100%, 75% and 40% columns on the loss tables refer to these three load levels. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION The transmission system configuration is assumed to remain unchanged through the study period. A one-line diagram of the interconnected Railbelt electrical transmission system is provided in the Appendix as Exhibit Al, Sheets 1 and 2. The following details should be noted: 1. AMLP Plant 2 is connected to the CEA Beluga - University 230 kV circuit. 2. AMLP 115 kV transmission is reconfigured to include Substations 7, 8 and 12 and removal of Substation 11. 3. The CEA University - APAdm Anchorage 115 kV circuit is operated normally open. 4. A 30 MVAR reactor is in service on the eastern terminal of the CEA 230 kV submarine cable. 63/ER-2729/D5 a 10. 11. 12. 133 14. Roy The CEA Pt. MacKenzie Substation is modeled with a split 138 kV bus. The CEA Beluga - Station 2 - University 230 kV circuit is brought into the Pt. MacKenzie substation. The CEA Pt. Mackenzie - Teeland circuit is converted to 230 kV operation and a new 250 MVA, 230/115/34 kV transformer is in service at Teeland. APAdm Eklutna - MEA Dow Tap 115 kV circuit is operated normally open. AMLP Unit 8 is in service and CEA's entitlement in this unit is 40 MW in the study period. The HEA Soldotna 39 MW gas turbine is in service. The HEA Soldotna - Fritz Creek 115 kV circuit is not in service. The GVEA 69 kV circuits between Gold Hill and Zehnder are configured as shown in the Appendix Exhibit Al, Sheet 2. The Cantwell Substation is in service with a 400 kW 85/86 peak load. The Gold Hill 100 MVA, 138/69 kV transformer and the Gold Hill SVS are in service. The GVEA Gold Hill - Ft. Wainwright 138 kV circuit is not in service during the study period. 63/ER-2729/05 LOSS ZONES Incremental losses were determined for the following sections of the Alaska interconnected systems. Zone Tl (Tie Line) - Douglas - Cantwell - Healy LS8iKV Circuit. Zone Gl (GVEA) - Healy to Zehnder including the following facilities: Healy - Nenana - Gold Hill 138 kV circuit, Gold Hill 138/69 kV transformer, Gold Hill - Musk Ox - Zehnder 69 kV circuit, Gold Hill - Chena Pump - International Airport - Peger Road - S. Fairbanks - Ft. Wainright 69 kV circuit, and Ft.. Wainwright - Hamilton - Zehnder 69 kV circuit. Zone Cl (CEA) - University to Douglas including the following facilities: University - Station 2 - Pt. MacKenzie - Beluga 230 kV circuit, University 230/138 kV transformer, University - International 138 kV circuit, International - Pt. Woronzof - Pt. MacKenzie 138 kV circuits 1 and 2, Pt MacKenzie - Beluga 138 kV circuits 1 and 2, Pt. MacKenzie - Teeland 230 kV circuit, Teeland 230/138 kV transformer, and Teeland - Douglas 138 kV circuit. Zone C2 (CEA) - Soldotna to University including the following facilities: Soldotna - Quartz Creek 115 kV circuit, Quartz Creek - Daves Creek - Hope - Portage - Girdwood - Indian - University 115 kV circuit, and University 138/115/34.5 kV transformer. Zone Ml (MEA) - Station 2 to Eklutna to Teeland including the following facilities: Station 2 - Briggs - Pippel - Parks - Reed - Eklutna 115 kV circuit, Eklutna - Dow - Lucas - O'Neil - Lazelle - Shaw 115 kV circuit, Shaw - Herning - Teeland 115 kV circuit, Teeland 230/115 kV transformer (or Teeland 138/115 kV transformer). 63/ER-2729/D5 GENERATION DISPATCH Anchorage - Fairbanks transactions were modeled from 0 to 70 MW in 10 MW increments in both directions over the Intertie. An index of all power flow cases is provided as Exhibit A3 in the Appendix. Where possible, the transaction was assumed between AMLP and FMUS. This permitted determination of losses in three zones (Tl, Cl and Gl) with a single Power flow case. The generation was dispatch according to economic dispatch except where it was necessary to modify economic dispatch in order to model a specific transaction. For example, the GVEA and FMUS systems are normally dispatched as a combined system with Healy and Chena Unit 5 base loaded. To show a 10 MW transfer to FMUS it is necessary to back down Chena Unit 5 even though the economic dispatch would have been to back down another unit in the GVEA system. All the dispatches used in the power flow simulations are summarized in the Appendix. CONTINGENCY CONDITONS STUDIED Incremental losses were calculated for the normal system configuration (i.e., all lines and transformers in service and all generating units available) and for three special situations: Healy generator unit outage, Pt. MacKenzie -Teeland circuit outage, and power transfers to and from HEA. The Healy generator greatly influences power flow and losses on the Healy - Gold Hill circuit and, therefore, the outage of this unit was included in the evaluation of losses. The Pt. MacKenzie - Teeland circuit will be taken out of service this summer to make modifications at Pt. MacKenzie and Teeland Substations to upgrade this circuit to 230 kV operation. Several power flow cases were 63/ER-2729/05 run evaluating the performance of the interconnected system with this key circuit out of service. In order to supply the MEA load with the Pt. MacKenzie - Teeland circuit out of service, the Eklutna breaker on the circuit to Dow is closed. The power flow from Anchorage to Fairbanks must flow through the MEA Eklutna - Teeland 115 kV circuit. For purposes of power flow modeling, it was assumed that the existing Teeland 75 MVA, 138/115/34 kV transformer was in service during the period rather than the new Teeland 250 MVA, 230/115/34 kV transformer. Power flow cases to and from HEA were run to determine incremental losses on the 115 kV transmission between Soldotna and University Substations. In the 100% load level case the Soldotna generator was in service. Transactions to HEA were modeled by reducing the dispatch on the Soldotna unit. In the 75% load level case the Soldotna generator was not in service. Transactions from HEA were modeled by bringing the Soldotna unit on line. 63/ER-2729/D5 DISCUSSION OF LOSS TABLES The results of the power flow simulations are summarized on the incremental loss tables following the tab. These tables are discussed below. Table 1 - Tie line losses (Zone T1) Incremental losses on the Douglas - Cantwell - Healy 138 kV circuit are provided on Table 1 for 100%, 75% and 40% load levels and for Healy generator on and off conditions. As the table shows, the tie line losses are essentially independent of system load level and the state of the Healy generator (within the accuracy of the calculations). This is expected since the Cantwell load is relatively small compared to the Intertie loading and the Healy generator dispatch does not materially effect the Intertie loading. The incremental losses are slightly different for transfers to the north versus the south. This is because the tie line flow was measured at Cantwell. If the power flow was measure at the center of the line, the losses should be nearly the same for equal magnitude of transfer in either direction. Table 2 - CEA System Losses (Zone C1) Incremental losses on the CEA transmission system between University and Douglas caused by power transactions between AMLP and the Fairbanks Utilities are provided on Table 2. As expected, the CEA losses are independent of the state of Healy since the Healy dispatch has no effect on the power flows in the CEA system. The incremental losses in the CEA system are affected by system load level and the direction of the power transaction between AMLP and the Fairbanks Utilities. There does not appear to be any simple way to generalize the relationship between incremental losses and system load level. Losses in this zone will probably need to be calculated using the on-line power flow. 63/ER-2729/D5 Table 3 - GVEA System Losses (Zone G1) Incremental losses on the GVEA transmission system between Healy and Zehnder caused by transactions between FMUS and the Anchorage Utilities are provided on Table 3. This table shows that the GVEA losses are affected by the Healy generator dispatch and the GVEA system load. There is no apparent simple way to generalize the relationship between losses, load and Healy dispatch. Losses in this zone will probably need to be calculated using the on-line power flow. Table 4 - CEA System Losses (Zones C2 and C1) Incremental losses in the CEA system for transactions between HEA and the Fairbanks Utilities are provided on Table 4. Transactions from HEA were simulated using the 75% load level case which had the Soldotna generating unit not in service. The Soldotna unit was brought on line and the power sold to the Fairbanks Utilities. The normal economic dispatch results in a 31 MW power flow on the University - Quartz Creek - Soldotna circuits towards Soldotna. A sale from the Soldotna unit reduces the flow on these circuits, as shown on the table, and causes a decrease in the losses. Transactions to HEA were simulated using the 100% load level case which had the Soldotna unit in service. The dispatch on this unit was reduced with replacement power purchased from the Fairbanks Utilities. The University - Quartz Creek circuit is loaded to 34 MW in the base case. The maximum power that HEA can purchase is limited to about 20 MW in this circumstance because of loading on this circuit. The incremental losses on the University - Quartz Creek - Soldotna circuits caused by transactions to and from HEA will be affected by the loading on this circuit which depends upon the generation dispatch and load on the Kenai Peninsula. These losses will probably need to be calculated using the on-line power flow. 63/ER-2729/D5 Table 5 - MEA System Losses (Zone M1) Incremental losses on the APAdm Station 2 - Eklutna 115 kV circuit and the MEA Eklutna - Shaw - Teeland 115 kV circuits (Zone Ml) and the CEA University - Douglas circuits (Zone Cl) for transactions between AMLP and the Fairbanks Utilities are provided on Table 5. The calculation of the incremental losses shown on Table 5 are based on the assumptions that the Pt. MacKenzie - Teeland circuit is out of service and the Eklutna - Shaw - Teeland 115 kV circuit is closed. Transactions from AMLP to the Fairbanks Utilities increase the MEA circuit loadings and cause substantial losses on these circuits. The Teeland SVS and the Eklutna generators reach maximum MVAR capability at the 30 MW and 40 MW transfer levels. As a result, the voltage on the MEA 115 kV circuit drops to 93%. Transactions to AMLP from the Fairbanks Utilities decrease the MEA circuit loadings and decrease losses on these circuits. The incremental losses are affected by the circuit loading which is determined by the MEA load level. These losses will probably need to be calculated using the on-line power flow. CONCLUDING COMMENTS The losses on the Douglas - Cantwell - Healy circuit are primarily a function of the power transfer level and can be a priori determined and tabulated. The incremental losses in CEA, GVEA, and MEA will depend upon system configuration, load level and generation dispatch which will vary from hour to hour. The tablulated losses in this report can only be considered as approximate. If more accurate losses are required, the actual system 63/ER-2729/D5 ° conditions will need to be modeled probably by means of an on-line power Flow. Several comments are offered concerning the power flow simulations. 1. The Beluga generators operate at leading power factor at minimum system load. A 5 MVAR capacitor is required at the Homer 69 kV bus at peak system load. Both of these are required to control system voltage within the desired range. It is not known whether these two conditions are true models of the actual system or whether there is inaccuracies in modeling the system MVAR loads. It would be desirable in the future to calibrate the power flow model with an actual system operating condition. 2 At peak system load with substantial power transfer to the Fairbanks Utilities, it was necessary to have at least one North Pole generator on line to provide voltage support in the eastern GVEA service territory. The 70 MW transfer case had the North Pole unit generating 25 MW and 35 MVAR. This appears to be within the capability of the machine; however, GVEA may want to further evaluation this condition. 3. No significant transformer or transmission line overloads were noted in performing the power flow analysis, however, several conditions did cause substantial power flows on certain transmission lines. It is assumed that the Utilities and the Operating Committee will take into consideration transmission line and transformer capabilities before scheduling power interchange transactions. 10 63/ER-2729/05 4. Most of the transformers were modeled in the power flow case with only a reactance value. Transformer resistance can be calculated from transformer losses supplied on the test sheets. This was done for the Teeland 100 MVA, 230/138/13.8 kV and the Gold Hill 100 MVA, 138/69/13.8 kV transformers. The Operating Committee may want to collect test sheets and compute resistances for other transformers for future loss studies. 11 63/ER-2729/D5 Douglas - Cantwell - Healy Circuit (Zone T1) For Transfers Between the Anchorage and Fairbanks Utilities ALASKA INTERTIE TRANSFER INCREMENTAL LOSS TABLE INCREMENTAL LOSSES - MW TABLE 1 Tie Line* HEALY ON HEALY OFF Transfer 100% 75% 40% 100% 75% 40% Transfers to Fairbanks Utilities from Anchorage Utilities 10 +05 +05 -05 -04 -04 +04 20 19 -19 19 -19 18 19 30 «43 43 - 245 -44 - 40 -76 76 - 78 -82 - 50 1.27 - - 1.24 - - 60 1.82 - - 1.81 - - 70 2552 - - 2.63 - - Transfers to Anchorage Utilities from Fairbanks Utilities -10 -05 -05 -05 -04 05 -05 -20 +19 19 -19 ly 18 18 -30 42 +43 - 41 “41 - -40 13 74 - 73 73 - -50 1.17 - - 1.14 - - -60 1.68 - - 1.69 - - -70 2.38 - - 2.37 - - *Nominal tie line flow towards Fairbanks, 63/ER-2729 Tb1s/D5 measured at Cantwell - MW. TABLE 2 ALASKA INTERTIE TRANSFER INCREMENTAL LOSS TABLE CEA System - University to Douglas (Zone C1) For Transfers Between AMLP and the Fairbanks Utilities INCREMENTAL LOSSES - MW Tie Line* HEALY ON HEALY OFF Transfer 100% 75% 40% 100% 75% 40% Transfers to Fairbanks Utilities from AMLP 10 .13 ell .07 a2 .10 .06 20 31 .32 .19 231 .32 .19 30 .63 57 = 61 .60 ™ 40 .97 95 = 1.02 “1.01 7 50 1.56 - = 1.52 - 7 60 2.11 7 = 2.12 . - 70 2.83 = = 2.93 E e Transfers to AMLP from Fairbanks Utilities -10 -.04 -00 -02 -.04 sO -02 -20 -00 -05 -10 -00 -05 -09 -30 -16 7 - -16 Ly, - -40 38 36 - 38 37) - -50 -64 - - -62 - - -60 1.10 - - 1.09 - - -70 1.70 - - 1.65 - - *Nominal tie line flow towards Fairbanks, measured at Cantwell - MW. 63/ER-2729 Tb1s/D5 ALASKA INTERTIE TRANSFER INCREMENTAL LOSS TABLE GVEA System - Healy to Zehnder (Zone G1) for Transfers Between FMUS and the Anchorage Utilities INCREMENTAL LOSSES - MW TABLE 3 Tie Line* HEALY ON HEALY OFF Transfer 100% 75% 40% 100% 75% 40% Transfers to FMUS from Anchorage Utilities 10 57 -61 -64 -.07 -.04 .07 20 1.33 1.38 - ell -18 - 30 2.40 - - 59 - - Transfers to Anchorage Utilities from FMUS -10 -.31 -.35 -.36 aol -28 -18 -20 -.36 -.43 - 86 -80 - -30 -.17 - - 1.76 - - *Nominal tie line flow towards Fairbanks, measured at Cantwell - MW. 63/ER-2729 Tb1s/D5 TABLE 4 ALASKA INTERTIE TRANSFER INCREMENTAL LOSS TABLE CEA System - Soldotna to University (Zone C2) and CEA System - University to Douglas (Zone C1) for Transfers Between HEA and the Fairbanks Utilities University-Quartz Ck. INCREMENTAL LOSSES - MW Tie Line Circuit Loading** 100% Load 75% Load Transfer* 100% 75% C2 Cl C2 C1 0 34.0 31.4 - eS a Z Transfers to Fairbanks Utilities from Soldotna Generator 10 - 20.5 - - -.78 -06 20 - 10.1 - - -1.19 +20 30 - 0.0 - - -1.24 42 Transfers to HEA from Fairbanks Utilities -10 45.3 - T.25 -09 - - -20 S72 - 3.09 Se - - *Nominal tie line flow towards Fairbanks, measured at Cantwell - MW. **Circuit Loading measured at University - MW. 63/ER-2729 Tb1s/D5 TABLE 5 ALASKA INTERTIE TRANSFER INCREMENTAL LOSS TABLE MEA System - Station 2 to Eklutna to Teeland (Zone M1) CEA System - University to Douglas (Zone C1) For Transfers Between AMLP and the Fairbanks Utilities with Pt. MacKenzie - Teeland Circuit Out of Service INCREMENTAL LOSSES - MW Tie Line Eklutna - Teeland 75% Load Transfer* Circuit Loading** M1 cl ) 66.8 7 - Transfers to Fairbanks Utilities from AMLP 10 : 78.2 1.36 mel 20 88.6 2.88 .28 30 99.8 4.84 £55 40 111.4 7.43 .89 Transfers to AMLP from Fairbanks Utilities -10 56.0 -.96 -.01 -20 45.8 -1.66 -03 -30 36.1 -2.12 -07 -40 26.8 -2.33 -20 *Nominal tie line flow towards Fairbanks, measured at Cantwell - MW. **Circuit Loading measured at Eklutna - MW. 63/ER-2729 Tb1s/D5 APPENDIX A POWER FLOW DETAILS INDEX OF EXHIBITS Exhibit No. Description Al 85/86 System One-Line Diagram A2 Load Forecast A3 Power Flow Case Index A4 Generation Dispatch Tables AS Summary of Losses by Loss Zones A6 Summary of MVAR Generation r 63/1APA-DS A1/D5 : TO GVEA 3 : CANTHELL WERNING SHAW O'NEIL Lucas ‘ : WEST EAST ale : : TERMINAL TERMINAL UAZELLE : : DOUGEAS eb saw cnnwn anna cwndsenacwvwneswetesesuvenceseceeces Sten : WILLOW : ' : ANDERSON : ow : LIGHT & POWER ‘ ‘ ‘ slat ' MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ‘ : MF RAE, 1 : ASSOCIATION ' + 10 ©) : ‘ {SETTLERS ‘ : 1 BAY : : : + pRiGes : ! 138Kv LISKY ae ne : uisKv ext i : SVS wn PIPPEL PARKS REED : ' 230K TEELAND ! ' YO © 7 : STA 16 STA. 8 STA. 15 1 2 : ar : : PT. MACKENZIE ‘! i GIRDWOOD : UNIVERSITY ‘ : 138KV ‘ : portace ' CRORORORORORORS ' ‘ T a Se HOPE : : .- : 1ISKV ' : 25KV TISKY1ISKV . TISKV : : : ‘ : : ' ' oust paves ' ANCHORAGE AREA ‘ : ‘ CREEK : i cov |: OME ee att : TRANSMISSION SYSTEM oe BERNICE LAKE e-Ee=4 © : : 85/86 WINTER ! HOMER ELECTRIC Ky Gomi i ; oy : + ASSOCIATION : foo eae ‘ ‘ KASILOF : : SEWARD ‘ ' mee COOPER ‘ ELECTRIC : + power far ue a ' ibe ‘ [S) Gl lbert/Commonweal th : ; ‘ 25KV : ng. i : 69KV ANCHOR POINT ' : SEWARD ' ENGINEERS/ CONSULTANTS teas! Jockson, Ml ee eee A te Ht) sco : QS1t(20, 33105910842. DGNs 1 2 $0 | Jeouc LW LIgIHy3 GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION : FOX i ‘MUSK OX : STEESE cs Gla : UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY QO © ' OF ALASKA” AVE. ct G12 ' QO & : BSKV Re Peet eee ee lcens= ZEHNDER u 2 : coup FAIRBANKS © ©) : HILL sexy MUNICIPAL ' 5 CHENA PUMP UTILITY HAMILTON ‘38K : CHENA ‘ INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM 69KV NORTH : AIRPORT me ‘ NENANA Bf geeninns 138KY. : ©) : fT : WAINWRIGHT : HEALY 69KV : 138KV 5] ot CANTWELL cae S. FAIRBANKS = 3 BADGER ‘ : (WILLOW) : oes : HIGHWAY + EIELSON JARVIS ' Pk oxy NEWBY AFB JOHNSON RO CREEK : ©) : CEA CSS eee Sere ee eee ee ee ee TEELAND FAIRBANKS AREA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM 85/86 WINTER GI lbert/Commonweal th ENGINEERS/ CONSULTANTS Reading, PAV Jockson, at OS1s{ 20, 33305910841. DGNs! @ $0 @ 29BUS Lv LIGIHX3 Anchorage Area AMLP CEA Retail HEA MEA Seward Subtotal Total Anchorage Area Fairbanks Area FMUS GVEA Total Fairbanks Area Total Railbelt 63/2APA-DS A1/D5 RAILBELT 1986 LOAD FORECAST 85/86 Winter Peak 100% 197 193 89 126 10 418 615 30 87 117 732 Summer Peak 75% 148 145 67 95 314 462 23 65 88 550 EXHIBIT A2 Light Load 40% 79 77 36 50 167 246 12 35 47 | 293 Case No. 1,30 2,31 3,32 4,33 5,34 6,35 7,36 8,37 9,38 10,39 11,40 12,41 13,42 14,43 15,44 16, 45,64 17, 46,65 18,47, 66 19, 48,67 20, 49,68 21,50,69 22,51,70 23 Det 24,953,702 25,54 26,55 277590 28,57 29,58 30-58 59 60 61 62 63 64-72 63/3APA-DS Al/D5 Base Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Base Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Base Case Case Case Case Same 100% 100% 100% L with 10 MW with 20 MW with 30 MW with 40 MW with 50 MW with 60 MW ith 70 MW with -10 MW with -20 MW with -30 MW with -40 MW with -50 MW with -60 MW with -70 MW OQ om n oO ' PRP PR PPP PPP Pee YL = = oo — Case - 75% Lo 16 with 10 MW 16 with 20 MW 16 with 30 MW 16 with 40 MW LOAD FLOW CASE INDEX oad on on on on on on on on on on on on on on ad on on on on Case Description Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie Intertie 16 with -10 MW on Intertie 16 with -20 MW on Intertie 16 with -30 MW on Intertie 16 with -40 MW on Intertie Case - 40% Lo ad 25 will 10 MW on Intertie 25 with 20 MW on Intertie 25 with -10 MW on Intertie 25 with -20 MW on Intertie AMLP 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 0 10 20 30 40 -10 -20 -30 -40 0 10 20 -10 -20 Intertie Schedule - MW as Cases 1 through 29 except with Healy generator Load - Sell to HEA Load - Sell to HEA 75% Load - Sell from Soldotna 75% Load - Sell from Soldotna 75% Load - Sell from Soldotna ooo oo A-F CEA INTERTIE GVEA 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 20 0 0 30 0 0 40 -10 0 50 -20 0 60 -30 0 70 -40 0 -10 0 0 -20 0 0 -30 Ox 0 -40 10 0 -50 20 0 -60 30 0 -70 40 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 20 0) 0 30 -10 0 40 -20 0 -10 0 0 -22 0 0 -30 10 0 -40 20 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 20 -10 0 -10 0 0 -20 10 Off. -10 -10 0 -20 -20 0 10 10 0 20 20 0 30 30 -10 EXHIBIT A3 Same as Cases 16 through 24 except with Pt. MacKenzie - Teeland 230 kV circuit out and Eklutna breaker closed. FMUS 0 -10 -20 -30 -30 -30 -30 -30 10 20 30 30 30 30 30 0 -10 -20 -20 -20 10 20 20 20 0 -10 -10 10 10 +10 +20 -10 -20 -20 GENERATION DISPATCH TABLES INDEX Description AMLP selling 0-70 MW - 100% load AMLP buying 10-70 MW - 100% load AMLP selling and buying 0-40 MW - 75% load AMLP selling and buying 0-20 MW - 40% load CEA O MW - 100%, 75% and 40% loads HEA buying 10-20 MW - 100% load HEA selling 10-30 MW - 75% load GVEA GVEA GVEA GVEA GVEA GVEA GVEA GVEA and and and and and and and and FMUS FMUS FMUS FMUS FMUS FMUS FMUS FMUS buying 0-70 MW - 100% load selling 0-70 MW - 100% load buying and selling 0-40 MW -75% load buying selling 0-20 MW - 40% load buying 0-70 MW - Healy off - 100% load selling 0-70 MW - Healy off - 100% load buying and selling 0-40 MW - Healy off - 75% load buying and selling 0-20 MW - Healy off - 40% load 63/4APA-DS A1/D5 Load Flow Case Nos. 1-8, 30-37 & 59-60 9-15 & 38-44 16-24, 45-53 & 64-72 25-29 & 54-58 1-58 & 64-72 59-60 61-63 1-8 9-15 & 59-60 16-24 & 64-72 25-29 30-37 38-44 45-53 54-58 Exhibit No. A4-1 A4-2 A4-3 A4-4 A4-5 A4-6 A4-7 A4-8 A4-9 A4-10 A4-11 A4-12 A4-13 A4-14 A4-15 bv LIGIHX3 AMLP SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 1-8, 30-37 & 59-60 (AMLP Selling 0 to 70 MW to Fairbanks Utilities - 100% Load) Cases 1, Cases 2, Cases 3, Cases 4, Cases 5, Case 6, Cases 7, Cases 8, 30, 59860 & 31 & 32 & 33 & 34 & 35 & 36 & 37 Interchange Detail CEA Unit 8 Entitl. 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 AMLP Eklutna Entit]. -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 +Sell1/-Buy to Fairb. 0 10 20 30 40 50 _60 70 Net Interchange 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 Load (100%) 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 Net Interchange 24 34 44 54 64 74 _84 94 Required Generation 221 23) 241 251 261 271 281 291 Generation Dispatch** Station 2-5 (38) 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 Station 2-6 (41) 85 35 35) 35 35 35 35 35 Station 2-7 (82) D3 63 5D 65 61 71 67 77 Station 2-8 (78) 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 Station 1-4 (34) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Station 1-3 (20) . - 18 18 18 18 18 18 Station 1-2 (16) - - - - 14 14 14 14 “Station 1-1 (16) - - - - - - 14 14 Total Dispatch 221 23il 241 251 261 271 281 291 Capacity on Line 273 273 293 293 309 309 325 325 Spinning Reserve 52 42 52 42 48 38 44 34 **Rating in parenthesis is at 30°F. 63/5APA-DS A1/D5 T-p¥ LIGIHX3 Interchange Detail CEA Unit 8 Entitl. AMLP Eklutna Entitl. +Sel1/-Buy to Fairb. Net Interchange Load (100%) Net Interchange Required Generation Generation Dispatch** Station 2-5 (38) Station 2-6 (41) Station 2-7 (82) Station 2-8 (78) Station 1-4 (34) Station 1-3 (20) Station 1-2 (16) Station 1-1 (16) Total Dispatch Capacity on Line Spinning Reserve AMLP SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 9-15 & 38-44 (AMLP Buying 10 to 70 MW from Fairbanks Utilities - 100% Load) Cases 9, Cases 10, Cases 11, Cases 12 Case 13, Cases 14 Cases 15, & 38 & 39 & 40 & 41 & 42 & 43 & 44 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 14 4 -6 -16 -26 -36 -46 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 14 4 -6 -16 -26 -36 -46 221 201 191 181 171 161 151 33 33 33 33 33 - - 35 35 35 30 30 30 30 53 53 53 48 38 61 51 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 20 10 - - - - - 211 201 191 181 Al 161 151 273 273 239 239 239 188* 188* 62 72 48 58 68 27 37 *Combined rating of 6&7 is 110 MW @ 30°F. **Rating in parenthesis is at 30°F. 63/6APA-DS A1/D5 e-bV LISIHXS Interchange Detail CEA Unit 8 Entitl. AMLP Eklutna Entitl. +Sel1/-Buy to Fairb. Net Interchange Load (75%) Net Interchange Required Generation Generation Dispatch** Station 2-5 (30) Station 2-6 (26) Station 2-7 (66) Station 2-8 (78) Station 1-4 (28) Station 1-3 (16) Total Dispatch Capacity on Line Spinning Reserve AMLP SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 16-24, 45-53 & 64-72 (AMLP Selling and Buying 0 to 40 MW to Fairbanks - 75% Load) Cases 16, Cases 17, Cases 18, Cases 19, Cases 20, Cases 21, Cases 22, 45 & 64 46 & 65 47 & 66 48 & 67 49 & 68 50 & 69 51 & 70 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 0 10 20 30 40 -10 -20 24 34 44 54 64 14 4 148 148 148 148 148 148 148 24 34 44 54 64 14 _ 4 172 182 192 202 212 162 152 20 20 20 25 25 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 20 20 42 52 52 52 52 52 42 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 20 20 20 20 25 - - - - 10 15 15 - - 172 182 192 202 212 162 152 228 228 244 244 244 200 200 56 46 52 42 82 38 48 *Combined rating of 6&7 is 88 MW @ 90°F. **Rating in parenthesis is at 90°F. 63/7APA-DS A1/D5 Cases 23, 52 & 71 40 -16 =30 142 200 58 Cases 24, 53 & 72 40 -16 -40 -16 148 -16 132 15 47 70 132 166* 34 €-bW LIGIHX3 Interchange Detail CEA Unit 8 Entitl. AMLP Eklutna Entit1. +Sel1/-Buy to Fairb. Net Interchange Load (40%) Net Interchange Required Generation Generation Dispatch** Station 2-5 (30) Station 2-6 (26) Station 2-7 (66) Station 2-8 (78) Station 1-4 (28) ( Station 1-3 (16) Total Dispatch Capacity on Line Spinning Reserve *Combined rating of 6&7 is 88 MW @ 90°F. **Ratings in parenthesis are at 90°F. 63/8APA-DS Al/D5 AMLP SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 25-29 & 54-58 (AMLP Selling and Buying 0 to 20 MW to Fairbanks - 40% Load) Cases 25, Cases 26, Cases 27, Cases 28, Cases 29, & 54 & 55 & 56 & 57 & 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 20 -10 -20 0 10 20 -10 -20 79 79 79 79 79 0 10 20 -10 -20 79 89 99 69 59 20 20 20 10 - 16 16 16 16 16 43 53 63 43 43 79 89 99 69 59 122 122 122 122 88** 43 33 23 53 29 b-vW LISIHX3 CEA SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 1-58 & 64-72 (CEA 0 MW to Fairbanks Utilities - 100%, 75% and 40% Loads) Cases 1-15, & 30-44 {nterchange Detail CEA Unit 8 Entitlement -40 AMLP Eklutna Entitlement +16 +Sel1/-Buy to Fairb. 0 Net Interchange -24 Load 418 (100%) Net Interchange -24 Required Dispatch 394 Generation Dispatch* Beluga 6 (74/61) 68 Beluga 7 (74/61) 68 Beluga 8 (55/47) 50 Bernice Lake 3 (27/21) 24 Eklutna 1&2 (30/30) 30 Cooper Lake 1&2 (16/16) 16 Beluga 3 (56/42) 50 Soldotna (39/30) 35 Beluga 5 (68/53) 53 Bernice Lake 4 (28/22) “ Bernice Lake 2. (18/16) - Beluga 1 (16/13) - Beluga 2 (16/13) - Int'] 3 (19/18) » Int'l 1 (14/12) = Int'1 2 (14/12) 0 fotal Dispatch 394 Capacity on Line 439 Spinning Reserve 45 AFirst rating in parenthesis is at 30°F, second rating is at 90°F. 63/9APA-DS A1/D5 Cases 16-24, 45-53 & 64-72 -40 +16 0 -24 314 (75%) -24 290 Cases 25- & 54-58 29, S-bV LISIHX3 CEA SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 59 & 60 (HEA Buying 10 to 20 MW from Fairbanks Utilities - 100% Load) Case 1 Interchange Detail CEA Unit 8 Entitlement -40 AMLP Eklutna Entitlements +16 +Sel1/-Buy to Fairb. 0 Net Interchange -24 Load (100%) 418 Net Interchange -24 Required Dispatch 394 Generation Dispatch** Beluga 6 (74) 68 Beluga 7 (74) 68 Beluga 8 (55) 50 Bernice Lake 3 (27) 24 Eklutna 1&2 (30) 30 Cooper Lake 1&2 (16) 16 Beluga 3 (56) 50 Soldotna (39) 35 Beluga 5 (68) 53 Bernice Lake 4 (28) - Bernice Lake 2 (18) - Beluga 1 (16) - Beluga 2 (16) - Int'l 3 (19) = Int'l 1 (14) - Int'l 2 (14) - Total Dispatch 394 Capacity on Line 439 Spinning Reserve 45 *4Rating in parenthesis is at 30°F. 63/10APA-DS A1/D5 Case 59 -40 +16 -10 -34 418 -34 384 68 68 50 24 30 16 50 25 53 Case 60 -40 +16 -20 -44 418 -44 374 9-pW LISIHX3 Interchange Detail CEA Unit 8 Entitlement AMLP Eklutna Entitlements +Sel1/-Buy to Fairb. Net Interchange Load (75%) Net Interchange Required Dispatch Generation Dispatch** Beluga 6 (61) Beluga 7 (61) Beluga 8 (47) Bernice Lake 3 (21) Eklutna 1&2 (30) Cooper Lake 1&2 (16) Beluga 3 (42) Soldotna (30) Beluga 5 (53) Bernice Lake 4 (22) Bernice Lake 2 (16) Beluga 1 M3) Beluga 2 Int! les Int'l 1 (1 Int'l 2 ( fotal Dispatch 13) 18) 2) 12) Capacity on Line Spinning Reserve CEA SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 61-63 (HEA Selling 10 to 30 MW to Fairbanks Utilities - 75% Load) Case 16 Case 61 -40 -40 +16 +16 0 10 -24 -14 314 314 -24 -14 290 300 55 55 55 55 40 40 18 18 30 30 16 16 30 30 ~ 10 28 28 18 18 290 300 353 383 63 83 **Rating in parenthesis is at 90°F. 63/11APA-DS A1/D5 Case 62 -40 +16 20 _Case 63 _ -40 +16 30 314 +6 320 Z-vW LISIHX3 GVEA AND FMUS SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 1-8 (GVEA and FMUS Buying 0 to 70 MW from AMLP - 100% Load) Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 Case 7 Case 8 Interchange Detail Buy from AMLP 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 ~60 -70 FMUS Load (100%) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 FMUS Dispatch 30 20 10 0 0 0 _0 0 FMUS Interchange 0 -10 -20 -30 -30 -30 -30 -30 GVEA Load (100%) 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 GVEA Dispatch 87 87 87 . 87 Ua 67 57 47 GVEA Interchange 0 0 0 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 Net to Anchorage 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 FMUS Dispatch** Chena 5 (20) 18 16 - - - - - - Chena 1,2,3 (9) 8 - 6 = 7 : - . Chena 6 (29) - - - = = ot = = Chena 4 (5) 4 4 4 - - - - - FMUS Subtotal 30 20 10 0 0 0 0 0 GVEA Dispatch** Healy (25) 25 25 25 (45) 25 20 25 25 Purchases (6) 6 6 6 6 6 6 Zehnder GT-1 = (18) - - - = = = = = Northpole GT-1 (61) 56 56 56 56 46 36 26 16 Zehnder GT-2 (18) - - - - - - - - Northpole GT-2 (61) - = - - - - _- - GVEA Subtotal 87 87 87 87 77 67 57 47 Total Dispatch 117 107 97 87 77 67 57 47 Capacity on Line 126 117 106 92 92 92 92 92 Spinning Reserve 9 10 9 5 15 25 35 45 **Rating in parenthesis is at 30°F. 63/12APA-DS A1/D5 8-pV LISIHX3 Interchange Detail Sell to AMLP/HEA FMUS Load (100%) FMUS Uispatch FMUS Interchange GVEA load (100%) GVEA Dispatch GVEA Interchange Net to Anchorage FMUS Dispatch** Chena 5 (20) Chena 1,2,3 (9) Chena 6 (29) Chena 4 (5) FMUS Subtotal GVEA Dispatch** Healy (25 Purchases (6) Zehnder GT-1 (18 Northpole GT-1 (61 Zehnder GT-2 (18 Northpole GT-2 (61 GVEA Subtotal Total Dispatch Capacity on Line Spinning Reserve **Rating in parenthesis is at 30°F. 63/13APA-DS A1/D5 GVEA AND FMUS SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 9-15 & 59-60 (GVEA and FMUS Selling 0 to 70 MW to AMLP - 100% Load) Cases 9, Cases 10, & 59 & 60 Case 11 Case 12 Case 13 Case 14 Case 15 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 50 60 60 60 60 60 10 20 30 30 30 30 30 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 97 107 117 127 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 - 8 8 8 8 8 8 22 24 27 27 27 27 27 - - 5 5 5 5 = 40 50 60 60 60 60 60 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 6 6 6 6 6 6 _ = Z 12 - = 5 56 56 56 54 38 43 48 Z = = 38 43 _48 87 87 87 97 107 117 127 127 137 147 157 167 177 187 141 150 155 Ws 216 216 216 14 13 8 16 49 39 29 6-vy LIGIHX3 Interchange Detail +Sel1/-Buy to AMLP FMUS Load (75%) FMUS Dispatch FMUS Interchange GVEA Load (75%) GVEA Dispatch GVEA Interchange Net to Anchorage FMUS Dispatch** Chena 5 (20) Chena 1,2,3 (9) Chena 6 (23) Chena 4 (5) FMUS Subtotal GVEA Dispatch** Healy (2 Purchases (0 Zehnder GT-1 (1 Northpole GT-1 (4 Zehnder GT-2 (1 Northpole GT-2 (4 GVEA Subtotal Total Dispatch Capacity on Line 5) ) 6) 8) 6) 8) Spinning Reserve GVEA AND FMUS SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 16-24 & 64-72 (GVEA and FMUS Buying and Selling 0 to 40 MW to AMLP - 75% Load) Cases 16, Cases 17, Cases 18, Cases 19, Cases 20, Cases 21, Cases 22, Cases 23, Cases 24, & 64 & 65 & 66 & 67 & 68 & 69 & 70 & 71 & 72 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 10 20 30 40 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 13 3 3 3 33 43 43 43 0 -10 -20 -20 -20 10 20 20 20 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 55 45 65 65 75 85 0 0 0 -10 -20 0 0 10 20 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 10 20 30 40 18 13 - - - 20 20 20 20 5 - 3 3 - - - - - - - - 13 23 23 23 23 13 3 3 8 33 43 43 43 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - - - - - - - 16 16 40 40 40 30 20 40 40 34 44 = = = = = = 38 43 48 65 65 65 55 45 65 65 75 85 88 78 68 58 48 98 108 118 128 102 93 82 82 82 116 116 132 132 14 15 14 24 34 18 8 14 4 at 90°F, **Rating in parenthesis is 63/14APA-DS A1/D5 OT-pv LIGIHX3 GVEA AND FMUS SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 25-29 (GVEA and FMUS Buying and Selling 0 to 20 MW to AMLP - 40% Load) Interchange Detail +Se11/-Buy to AMLP FMUS Load (40%) FMUS Dispatch FMUS Interchange GVEA Load (40%) GVEA Dispatch GVEA Interchange Net to Anchorage FMUS Dispatch** Chena 5 ( Chena 1,2,3 ( Chena 6 ( Chena 4 ( FMUS Subtotal GVEA Dispatch** Healy (2 Purchases (0 Zehnder GT-1 (1 Northpole GT-1 (4 Zehnder GT-2 (1 Northpole GT-2 (4 GVEA Subtotal Total Dispatch Capacity on Line Spinning Reserve **Raling in parenthesis is at 90°F. 63/15APA-DS A1/D5 Case 25 Case 26 Case 27 Case 28 Case 29 0 -10 -20 10 20 12 12 12 12 12 12 2 2 22 22 0 --10 -10 10 10 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 25 35 45 0 0 -10 0 10 0 -10 -20 10 20 12 - - 17 17 - 2 5 5 12 2 2 22 22 25 25 25 25 25 10 10 - 10 10 = = = - 10 35 35 25 35 45 47 37 al 57 67 61 50 34 70 86 14 13 7 13 19 Tt-vv LISIHX3 GVEA AND FMUS SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 30-37 (GVEA and FMUS Buying 0 to 70 MW from AMLP - Healy Off - 100% Load) Case 30 Case 31 Case 32 Case 33 Case 34 Case 35 Case 36 Case 37 Interchange Detail Buy from AMLP 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 FMUS Load (100%) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 FMUS Dispatch 30 *_ 20 10 0 0 0 _0 0 FMUS Interchange 0 -10 -20 -30 0) -30 -30 -30 GVEA Load (100%) 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 GVEA Dispatch 87 87 87 87 77 67 _§7 47 GVEA Interchange 0 0 0 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 Net to Anchorage 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 FMUS Dispatch** Chena 5 (20) 18 16 ~ - - - - - Chena 1,2,3 (9) 8 - 6 = z = = z Chena 6 (29) - - - = e = a z Chena 4 (5) 4 4 4 - - - - - FMUS Subtotal 30 20 10 0 0 0 0 0 GVEA Dispatch** Healy (25) - - - - - - - - Purchases (6) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Zehnder GT-1 = (18) 13 13 13 13 13 13 - - Northpole GT-1 (61) 55 55 55 55 45 48 51 41 Zehnder GT-2 (18) 13 13 13 13 13 - - - Northpole GT-2 (61) - = = ey = ete Bs aS GVEA Subtotal 87 87 87 87 77 ; 67 57 47 Total Dispatch 117 107 97 87 77 67 57 47 Capacity on Line Us. 128 117 103 103 85 67 67 Spinning Reserve 20 21 20 16 26 18 10 20 **Rating in parenthesis is at 30°F. 63/16APA-DS A1/D5 2T-bvW LIGIHX3 GVEA AND FMUS SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 38-44 (GVEA and FMUS Selling 0 to 70 MW to AMLP - Healy Off - 100% Load) Case 38 Case 39 Case 40 Case 41 Case 42 Case 43 Case 44 Interchange Detail Sell to AMLP/HEA 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 FMUS Load (100%) 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 FMUS Dispatch 40 50 60 60 60 60 _60 FMUS Interchange 10 20 30 30 30 30 30 GVEA Load (100%) 87 87 87 87 87 87 87 GVEA Dispatch 87 87 87 97 107 117 127 GVEA Interchange 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 Net to Anchorage 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 FMUS Dispatch** Chena 5 (20) 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 Chena 1,2,3 (9) - 8 8 8 8 8 8 Chena 6 (29) 22 24 27 27 27 27 27 Chena 4 (5) = = 5 5 5 5 5 FMUS Subtotal 40 50 60 60 60 60 60 GVEA Dispatch** Healy (25) - - - = = = - Purchases (6) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Zehnder GT-1 (18) 13 13 13 - - - 10 Northpole GT-1 (61) 55 55 55 46 51 56 56 Zehnder GT-2 (18) 13 13 13 Z - - = Northpole GT-2 (61) - , = - 45 50 55 55 GVEA Subtotal 87 87 87 97 107 117 127 Total Dispatch 127 137 147 157 167 177 187 Capacity on Line 152 161 166 191 191 191 209 Spinning Reserve 25 24 19 34 24 14 22 **Rating in parenthesis is at 30°F. 63/1/APA-DS A1/D5 €t-pv LIGIHXS GVEA AND FMUS SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 45-53 (GVEA and FMUS Buying and Selling 0 to 40 MW to AMLP - Healy Off - 75% Load) Case 45 Case 46 Case 47 Case 48 Case 49 Case 50 Case 51 Case 52 Case 53 Interchange Detail +Se11/-Buy to AMLP 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 10 20 30 40 FMUS Load (75%) 23 23 ; 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 FMUS Dispatch 23 13 3 3 3 33 43 _43 43 FMUS Interchange 0 -10 -20 -20 -20 10 20 20 20 GVEA Load (75%) 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 GVEA Dispatch 65 65 65 55 45 65 65 75 85 GVEA Interchange 0 0 0 -10 -20 0 0 10 20 Net to Anchorage 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 10 20 30 40 FMUS Dispatch** Chena 5 (20) 18 13 - - i 20 20 20 20 Chena 1,2,3 (9) 5 - 3 3 3 - - - - Chena 6 (23) . - - - - 13 23 23 23 Chena 4 (5) - = - - = - - tle - FMUS Subtotal 23 13 3 3 3 33 43 43 43 GVEA Dispatch** Healy (25) - - - - = 3 “3 a iH Purchases (0) - - - - - - - - - Zehnder GT-1 =(16) 13 13 13 5 15 13 13 - - Northpole GT-1 (48) 40 40 40 40 30 40 40 38 43 Zehnder GT-2 (16) 12 12 12 - - V2 12 - - Northpole GT-2 (48) - = - - - = - 37 42 GVEA Subtotal 65 65 65 55 45 65 65 75 85 Tota! Dispatch 88 78 68 58 48 98 108 118 128 Capacity on Line 109 100 89 73 73 123 123 139) 139 Spinning Reserve 21 22 21 15 25H III fF a5) 15 21 11 **Rating in parenthesis is at 90°F. 63/18APA-DS A1/D5 vi-pv LIGIHX3 GVEA AND FMUS SYSTEM DISPATCH SUMMARY Cases 54-58 (GVEA and FMUS Buying and Selling 0 to 20 MW to AMLP - Healy Off - 40% Load) Case 54 Case 55 Case 56 Case 57 Case 58 Interchange Detail +Sel1/-Buy to AMLP 0 -10 -20 10 20 FMUS Load (40%) 12 12 12 12 12 FMUS Dispatch 12 2 2 22 22 FMUS Interchange 0 -10 -10 10 10 GVEA Load (40%) 35 35 35 35 35 GVEA Dispatch 35 35 25) 35 45 GVEA Interchange 0 0 -10 0 10 Net to Anchorage 0 -10 -20 10 20 FMUS Dispatch** Chena 5 (20) 12 - - 17 17 Chena 1,2,3 (9) - 2 2 5 Chena 6 (23) - - - - Chena 4 (5) - - - - - FMUS Subtotal 12 2 2 22 22 GVEA Dispatch** Healy (25) = = = = - Purchases (0) - - - - - Zehnder GT-1 = (16) - - - - - Northpole GT-1 (48) 35 35 25 35 45 Zehnder GT-2 (16) - - - - - Northpole GT-2 (48) - - - - GVEA Subtotal 85 35 25 35 45 Total Dispatch 47 37 27 57 67 Capacity on Line 68 57 57 TT. 77 Spinning Reserve au 20 30 20 10 *kRating in parenthesis is at 90°F. 63/19APA-DS A1/D5 ST-vW LIGIHX4 SUMMARY OF LOSSES BY LOSS ZONES Al C1 c2 Cx M1 H1 Td Gl GX El 63/20APA-DS A1/D5 Case Nos. 1-15 16-29 30-44 45-58 59-72 - AMLP System Load Level (%) 100 75 & 40 100 75 & 40 100 & 75 Intertie Transfer - MW LOSS ZONE -70 to +70 -40 to +40 -70 to +70 -40 to +40 -40 to +40 DEFINITIONS - CEA University to Douglas (see text for full description) - CEA Soldotna to University (see text for full description) - Remaining CEA System not defined elsewhere - Station 2 to Eklutna to Teeland (see text for full description) - HEA System - Douglas - Cantwell - Healy Circuit (see test for full description) - GVEA Healy to Zehnder (see text for full description) - Remaining GVEA System not defined elsewhere - FMUS System Comment Healy off Healy off Special Cases A5-1 A5-2 A5-3 AS-4 A5-5 Sv LIGIHX3 SUMMARY OF LOSSES BY LOSS ZONES Cases 1-15 Case Cantwel] LOSSES IN MW* No. Load (%) Meter MW Al cl C2 CX ML HL Tl Gl GX Fl 1 100 -.01 1.43 6.48 1.28 2.88 1.23 1.49 -02 56 «49 01 (4 100 10.58 1.43 6.61 1.28 2.88 1.23 1.49 07. 1.13 -50 -02 3 100 19.90 1.20 6.79 1.28 2.88 1.23 1.49 +21 = 1.89 2 +03 4 100 29.89 1.20 7.11 1.28 2.90 1.24 1.49 -45 2.96 53 -06 5 100 39.42 1.05 7.45 1.28 2.90 1.24 1.49 -78 3.96 -50 -06 6 ‘100 50.41 1.05 8.04 1.28 2.93 1.24 1.49 -29 5.40 -48 -06 7 100 5917.5 -94 8.59 1.28 2.94 1.25 1.49 -84 6.84 «49 -06 8 100 69.49 -94 9.31 1.28 2.97 1.26 1.49 -54 8.48 aot -06 ) 100 -10.30 1.56 6.44 1.28 2.88 1.23 1.49 07 320 -49 02 10 100 -20.32 1.70 6.48 1.29 2.89 1.23 1.49 el -20 -49 -03 11 100 -30.07 1.99 6.64 1.31 2.91 1.25 1.49 ~44 259 -49 05 12 100 -39.60 1.99 6.86 1.31 2.92 1.25 1.49 oo 82 -47 +05 13 100 -49.85 2:00 7.2 ssl 2.92 1.25) 1.49 oO sO 207 +05 14 100 -59.66 2.03 7.58 1.34 2.98 1.29 1.50 1.70 2.82 -82 -05 15 100 -70.59 2.03 8.18 1.34 3.02 1.29 1.50 -40 4.46 1.04 -05 *See Exhibit A5 cover sheet for loss zone definitions. 63/21APA-DS A1/D5 Total System Increm. % of Total 15.88 16.65 7 Sil 19.22 20.71 23527 25272, 28.94 15). 72 16.00 16.97 17.92 9} 72 22e11 29.33) Losses oe, 1.63 3.34 4.83 1539 9.84 13.06 -.16 12 1.09 2.04 3.84 6223 9.45 Trnsf ied 8.2 eter 12: 14. 16. 18. onwn W 10. 135 an mB PN NM D DH DW T-sv LIGIHX3 Case No. 16 1/ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Load (%) 75 The) 75 75 75 75 nS) 75 75 40 40 40 40 40 Cantwel] Meter MW -.21 10.41 19.87 29.68 39'.33 -10.55 -20.59 -30.39 -39.92 -07 10.72 19.82 -10.27 -20.35 SUMMARY OF LOSSES BY LOSS ZONES Cases 16-29 LOSSES IN MW* Al (el eZ CX M1 H1 Tl -96 3.61 1.32 1.86 -81 -88 -02 “961 3272 1.32 1:86 -82 88 -07 286, 3.93) 1232 1.287 -82 -88 eal 282 4.18) 1.32 1.87 -82 -88 «45 -78 4.56 1.32 1.88 -82 -88 -78 1.23 3.61 1.33 1.87 -82 88 -07 1.23 3.66 1.33 1.87 -82 88 21 1323, 3278 «12331287 -82 -88 245 1.24 3.97 1.34 1.87 -82 -89 -76 309) La54 220. Lally, lS 24 02 ROO AOL 220) lal, 19 +24 -07 699 haZ3 320) aliyli7, alg +24 eal SOD ML A0O) s20, Lal? a9} 24 -07 -55 1.64 -26 «1.16 a9) -24 eel *See Exhibit A5 cover sheet for loss zone definitions. 63/22APA-DS A1/D5 Gl -54 ob) -92 -83 295 wownree 19 su 28 67 99 ees 1.98 ee oll} GX 30 -30 oe ot 332 +29 29 -28 OO) -10 all eelel 10 10 El -01 -01 -02 -02 +02 01 303 -03 -03 -00 01 01 Ol -01 Total System Increm. % of Total 10.30 11.09 12.14 113350 16332 10.31 10.43 10.95 11.90 4.66 5.43 6.44 4.37 4.49 Losses 79 1.84 3.20 5.02 -01 as -65 1.60 od 1.78 -.29 -.17 Trnsf 7.6 9.3 10.8 12.8 oHFaL 9.0 -2.8 2@-S¥ LIGIHX3 Case No. 30 3] 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Load (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Cantwell Meter MW -.32 9.62 19.84 30.40 39.92 49.78 59.54 70.83 -10.00 -19.41 -29.86 -39.56 -49.20 -59.69 -68.86 SUMMARY OF LOSSES BY LOSS ZONES Cases 30-44 LOSSES IN MW* Al 1.43 1.43 1.20 1.20 1.05 1.05 -94 -94 1.56 1.70 1.99 1.99 2.00 2.03 2.03 6.60 6.79 7.09 7.50 8.00 8.60 9.41 6.44 6.48 6.64 6.86 7210 TOT 8513 C2 1.28 1.28 1.28 28 -28 -28 -28 oe -28 seo aol oot aol 34 34 ee ee ee CX 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.88 2.91 2.92 2.95 297 2.88 2.88 2.91 2.92 2.92 2.97 3.02 *See Exhibit A5 cover sheet for loss zone definitions. 63/23APA-DS A1/D5 M1 1.23 1523 1.23 1.24 1.24 1.24 1525 1.26 lees 1.23 1.26 125 125 1.29 1.29 Hl 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 -49 49 -49 49 «49 -50 300 —— Se = et en ee Tl 02 -06 “AL -47 -80 1.26 1.83 209 -06 a9 43 alo eG) 1.71 2.39 BW nr on OW DY G1 26 pike) 37 85 a7, 26 -40 of3 07 wl -02 -47 -06 wee 31 xX FL 48 .O1 -48 -02 49 -03 3150) -06 -47 -06 49 -06 251 .06 48 -06 -48 02 -48 -03 -48 -05 91 .05 lee, -05 1.40 .05 1.44 -05 Total System Total 15 15. 15i 173 18. 20. 22. 25; 16. 16. 18. 01 23. -08 30. 21 27 56 66 97 05 16 05 30 27 02 89 58 46 51 Increm. Losses -10 41 1.49 2.60 4.49 6.74 9.71 -46 E533) 3.02 5.45 7.90 11352! 14,95 % of Trnsf 10 Dail 4.9 625) 9.0 11.3 13.7 4.6 6.9 10.1 13.8 16.1 19.53) Qaa €-sv LI@IHX3 SUMMARY OF LOSSES BY LOSS ZONES Cases 45-58 LOSSES IN MW* Case Cantwel] No. Load (%) Meter MW Al 45 75 -.59 -96 46 75 9.38 -96 47 75 19.64 -86 48 75 30.16 82 49 79 40.89 8 50 15 -10.30 123 51 15 -19.75 123 52 715 -29.84 i523 53 75 -39.63 1.24 54 40 -.37 309 55 40 Gail 109 56 40 19.92 3195 5/7 40 -10.18 355 58 40 -19.61 309) 3. Sb BW WwW www wo I rs cl 60 =O 92 20 -61 -61 65 ahd: oT 54 -60 oe 56 63 C2 1.32 1332 132 132, 1332 17233) 1.33 133 1.34 -26 26 #26 -26 -26 CX 1.86 1.86 1.87 1.87 1.88 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.87 ky, Wy 1eAy, Eel 1.16 *See Exhibit A5 cover sheet for loss zone definitions. 63/24APA-DS A1/D5 M1 81 -82 -82 82 -82 82 -82 82 282 oe 19 219 Ald ak) Hl -88 -88 88 88 -88 -88 88 88 -89 +24 24 24 24 24 Tl -02 -06 -20 46 +84 07 -20 43 «15 -02 06 ae -07 -20 Total System Increm. % of Gl GX Fl Total Losses MIrnsf 16 .29 01 9.92 - - 212 .29 -01 10.03 it 52 34 «30) -02 10.54 62 Sia2 82 31 sO) Ld 51 1.59 5.3 -49 -30 .02 12.96 3.04 7.4 -44 .29 -01 10.55 -63 6.1 -96 329 -03 11.26 1.34 6.8 -96 58 -03 12.90 2.98 10.0 3e1'6 375 -03 14.82 4.90 12.4 .12 14 -00 4.22 - - 19 14 .O1 4.40 .18 1.9 41 10 -01 4.87 -65 3.3 30 13 -01 4.47 «25 Zo oH 20 -01 Sse: .99 5.0 b-S¥ LISIHX3 SUMMARY OF LOSSES BY LOSS ZONES Cases 59-72 Total System Case Cantwell LOSSES IN MW* Increm. % of No. Load (%) Meter MW Al Cl C2 CX M1 H1 in Gl GX Fall Total Losses Irnsf 1 100 -.01 1.43 6.48 1.28 2.88 1.23 1.49 .02 -56 -49 -01 15.88 - - 59 100 -10.30 1.43 6.57 2.53 2:91 1.23 1.52 Od: 725 -49 -02 17.01 1.13 11.0 60 100 -20.32 1.43 6.80 4.37 2.97 1.24 1.60 pra 20 -49 03 = =19.33 3.45 17.0 16 75 -.21 -96 3.61 1.32 1.86 -81 -88 -02 54 -30 -01 10.30 - - 61 75 10.41 -96 3.67 -54 1.82 81 -81 07 1.15 -30 -O1 10.15 -.15 -1.4 62 75 19.87 -96 3.81 -13 1.82 -82 .81 Zl =s«d2‘'S92 ~32 -02 10.82 S02 260 63 15 29.68 -96 4.03 -08 1.82 -82 .80 245) 25183 oO 02) al2 a3) 1.83 Bez 64 75 -.21 -96 3.92 1.31 1.88 2.70 -88 -02 .54 230 -01 12.50 - - 65 75 10.41 -96 4.03 1.31 1.90 4.06 -88 307 1.15 .30 -O1 14.67 217 20.8 66 75 19.87 386; 14520 1.31 %4L:92 16.58 -88 wel 1692 Bey 2 02 Lr2t 4571 23).7 67 75 29.68 82 4.47 1.31 1.95 7.54 .88 -48 2.83 sol -02 20.61 8.11 23 68 75 39.34 -78 4.81 1.32 1.98 10.13 .88 90 3.95 aoe 302 25.10 12.6 32.0 69 75 -10.55 1.22 3.91 1.31 1.88 1.74 88 .07 19 .29 Ol 115i -.99 -9.4 70 75 -20.59 1.22 3.95 1.32 1:88 1.04 .88 eel all 29 03 10.92 -1.58 -7.7 71 75 -30.39 Te22 | 3599 1.3) 1.87 .58 .88 45 .28 128 -03 10.89 -1.61 =5.3 72 75 -39.92 1.238) 4.12 1.32 1.87 OT 88 -76 -67 30 -03 11.56 -.94 -2.4 *See Exhibit A5 cover sheet for loss zone definitions. 63/25APA-DS A1/D5 S-SWY LIGIHX3 Case Nos. 1-15 16-29 30-44 45-58 59-72 63/26APA-DS A1/D5 Load Level (%) 100 75 & 40 100 75 & 40 100 & 75 SUMMARY OF MVAR GENERATION INDEX Intertie Transfer - MW -70 to -40 to -70 to -40 to -40 to +70 +40 +70 +40 +40 Comment Healy off Healy off Special Cases Exhibit No. A6-1 A6-2 A6-3 A6-4 A6-5 9v LIGIHX3 Case No. aAanN OO DW MY 10 11 12 13 14 15 Load Le) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 SUMMARY OF MVAR GENERATION Cases 1-15 MVAR GENERATION ALONG INTERTIE MVAR GENERATION BY SYSTEM* *Includes SVS MVAR generation. 63/27APA-DS A1/D5 Cantwell Teeland Healy Healy Gold Hil] Meter MW SVS SVS Gen. SVS Total Increm AMLP CEA FAIRB. Total Increm -.01 -17.00 -16.27. 5.11 19 -27.97 - 115.98 66.10 21.65 203.72 - 10.58 -16.46 -15.16 5.11 1.93 -24.58 3.39 117.42 67.13 26.16 210.71 6.99 19.90 -15.66 -13.18 5.11 7.51 -16.22 11.75 116.47 66.07 32.15 214.69 10.97 29.89 -13.38 -9.70 5.12 17.96 0.00 27.97 118.29 69.47 42.35 230.11 26.39 39.42 -10.41 -§.29 5.12 20.31 9.73 37.70 118.56 72.05 50.48 241.08 37.36 50.41 -5.51 141 Ded 23.93 24.96 52.93 121.21 78.95 62.53 262.69 58.97 59.75 =623) 8.82 5.13 27.61 41.33 69.30 121.85 85.25 75.22 282.32 78.60 69.49 6.72 18.60 5.14 32.36 62.82 90.79 124.85 94.41 91.51 310.76 107.04 -10.30 -16.42 -16.20 5.12 -.61 -28.11 -.14 116.74 66.94 20.14 203.81 09 -20.32 -14.90 =15505 ball2 -.52 -25.35 2.62 118.46 69.08 20.68 208.22 4.50 -30.07 -10.33 -12.92 5.12 -45 -17.68 10.29 114.36 83.76 233575 221.87 18.15 -39.60 -7.42 -9.62 5.13 1.59 -10.32 17.65 113.94 87.36 27.20 228 151 24.79 -49.85 -3.30 -4.64 5.14 6.20 3.40 31537 113570 92.10 35.13 240.93 3721 -59.66 4.40 159 ==167.115 10.46 21.60 47.57 105.40 112.42 44.71 262.52 58.80 -70.59 leet 10.72 5.16 16.54 43 3/3 71.70 105.02 121759 59.26 285.87 82.15 T-9V LIGIHX3 SUMMARY OF MVAR GENERATION Cases 16-29 MVAR GENERATION ALONG INTERTIE MVAR_GENERATION BY SYSTEM* Case Load Cantwell Teeland Healy Healy Gold Hi11 No. (4%) ~~ Meter MW SVS SVS Gen. SVS Total Increm AMLP CEA FAIRB. Total Increm 16 75 -.21 -17.68 Sl elS Sell -5.00 -34.70 - 79.68 4.20 10.00 93.88 - 17 78 10.41 -17.39 -15.92 5.11 -4.08 -32.28 2.42 80.87 4.89 14.57 100.33 6.45 18 15 19.87 -16.37 -13.78 5.11 2.00 -23.04 11.66 81.01 5.28 20.99 107.29 13.41 19 75 29.68 -14.24 -10.50 5.11 4.02 -15.61 19.09 81.80 7.96 28.04 117.80 23.92 20 15) 39.33 -11.14 -5.98 5.12 6.68 -5.32 29.38 82.78 12.01 37.07 131.86 37.98 21 15 -10.55 -15.90 -17.29 5.11 -5.00 -33.08 1.62 79.90 11.01 8.17 99.08 5.20 22 75 -20.59 -14.43 -16.19 5.12 -5.00 -30.50 4.20 79.19 12.47 8.68 100.33 6.45 23 75 -30.39 -12.12 -14.04 5.12 -5.00 -26.04 8.66 79.21 16.02 10.61 104.84 10.96 24 75) -39.92 -7.64 -10.38 5.13 -5.00 -17.89 16.81 74.51 25592 14.08 114.11 20.23 25 40 AOL -22.00 -17.58 5.11 2.10 -32.37 - 18.10 -49.48 -4.54 = -35.92 - 26 40 10.72 -22.00 -16.21 5.11 7.29. -25.81 6.56 19.16 -49.19 +45 -29.58 6.34 27 40 19.82 -20.84 -14.26 5.11 12.04 -17.95 14.42 20.31 -47.77 5.48 -21.98 13.94 28 40 -10.27 -21.32 -17.64 5.11 W2 -33.413 -.76 18.08 -48.66 -6.83 -37.41 -1.49 29 40 -20.35 -18.57 -16.67 5.12 -.09 -30.21 2.16 15.311 -42.93 -7.20 -34.82 1.10 *Includes SVS MVAR generation. 63/28APA-DS A1/D5 2-9V LIGIHX3 Case 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4l 42 43 44 Load (4) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 L100 100 100 100 100 100 SUMMARY OF MVAR GENERATION Cases 30-44 MVAR GENERATION ALONG INTERTIE MVAR_ GENERATION BY SYSTEM* Cantwell Teeland Healy Healy Gold Hill Meter MW SVS SVS Gen. SVS Total Increm -.32 -17.00 -11.03 OFF -.74 -28.77 - 9.62 -16.55 -11.31 OFF -1.13 -28.99 -.22 19.84 -15.74 -10.38 OFF 1.08 -25.04 2.73 30.40 -13.20 -7.96 OFF 7.59 -13.57 15.20 39.92 -10.29 -4.81 OFF 8.27 -6.83 21.94 49.78 -5.79 -.12 OFF 12.66 6575 35.52 59.54 -.31 6.09 OFF 18.98 24.76 53.353) 70.83 Dats 15.47 OFF 22.19 45.39 74.16 -10.00 -16.44 -9.66 OFF -46 -25.64 3.13 -19.41 -15.06 -7.16 OFF 2.46 -19.76 9.01 -29.86 -10.39 -3.25 OFF 5.81 -7.83 20.94 -39.56 -7.45 2.22 OFF 12.86 7.63 36.40 -49.20 -3.61 8.96 OFF 18.56 23.91 52.68 -59.69 4.40 18.47 OFF 26.44 49.31 78.08 -68.86 15.21 22.00 OFF 33.00 70.21 98.98 *Includes SVS MVAR generation. 63/29APA-DS A1/D5 17. 116. 118. 118. 120 1/23 ee 125 116. 118. 114. -95 11355 105. 105. 113 26 46 42 66 05 77 76 53 37 70 40 10 CEA 66.99 65.98 69.42 72.41 78.49 85.27 95.68 66.92 68.92 83.69 87.32 91.74 12527 12575339 FAIRB. 18.69 19.95 23.29 30.56 35.98 44.12 54.65 68.94 20.27 23.89 30.75 42.25 54.24 71.50 84.72 Total 200.72 204.20 205.74 218.40 227.05 243.66 261.70 289.94 203.96 211.34 228.81 243.52 259.68 289.18 315521 17 42 -48 -02 -68 26. -94 60. 89. 33 98 22 +24 10. 28. 42. 58. 88. 114. 62 09 80 96 46 49 €-9V LISIHX4 Case No. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53) 54 55 56 SF 58 Load 4) 75 15) 15) 75 75 75 if) 75 19) 40 40 40 40 40 Cantwell Meter MW -10. -19. -29. -39. -10. -19. Oo) 38 197 30. 40. 64 16 89 30 75 84 63 oot ai 19. 92 18 61 Teeland SVS -17.68 -17.36 -16.49 -14.16 -10.58 -15.93 -14.59 -12.23 -7.82 -22.00 -22.00 -20.82 -21.33 -18.72 *Includes SVS MVAR generation. 63/30APA-DS A1/D5 SUMMARY OF MVAR GENERATION Cases 45-58 MVAR_GENERATION ALONG INTERTIE MVAR_GENERATION BY SYSTEM* Healy Healy Gold Hi11 SVS Gen. SVS Total Increm AMLP CEA FAIRB. Total Increm -12.17. OFF -5.00 -34.85 - 79.65 4.19 6.54 90.39 - -12.46 OFF -5.00 -34.82 203 80.73 4.87 7.94 93.54 3515 -11.15 OFF -3.97. -31.61 3.24 80.97 §.13 11.84 97.95 7.356 -8.89 OFF -2.23 -25.28 9.57 81.88 8.06 16.52 106.46 16.07 -5.15 OFF -1.13 -16.86 17.99 83.09 12.69 23.43 119.22 28.83 -10.63 OFF -5.00 -31.56 3.29 79.93 10.98 7.87 98.78 8.39 -8.06 OFF -3.54 -26.19 8.66 79.23 12.30 11.55 103.08 12.69 -4.24 OFF 1.78 -14.69 20.16 79.23 14.89 18.74 112.86 22.47 -94 OFF 6.19 -.69 34.16 74.52 25.32 27.45 127.29 36.90 -14.76 OFF -5.00 -41.76 - 18.08 -49.47 -9.99 -41.38 - -14.76 OFF -5.00 -41.76 00 19.02 -49.25 -8.11 -38.33 3505)" -13.90 OFF -5.00 -39.72 2.04 20.33 -47.75 5.42 -32.84 8.54 -13.48 OFF -5.00 -39.81 1.95 18.08 -48.67 -9.41 -40.00 1.38 -10.88 OFF -5.00 -34.60 7.16 15.34 ~43.10 -6.73 -34.49 6.89 b-9V LISIHX3 SUMMARY OF MVAR GENERATION Cases 59-72 MVAR_ GENERATION ALONG INTERTIE MVAR_GENERATION BY SYSTEM* Case Load Cantwell Teeland Healy Healy Gold Hill No. (%) Meter MW SVS SVS Gen. SVS Total Increm AMLP CEA FAIRB. Total Increm 1 100 -.01 -17.00 -16.27. 5.11 -19 -27.97 - 115.98 66.10 21.65 203.72 - 59 100 -10.30 -16.10 -16.20 5.12 -.61 -27.79 -18 117.78 73.08 20.14 211.00 7.28 60 100 -20.32 -13.92 -15.05 5.12 -.52 -24.37 3.60 121.26 85.91 20.68 227.85 23.28 16 75 -.21 -17.68 -17.13 5.11 -5.00 -34.70 - 79.68 4.20 10.00 93.88 - 61 75 10.41 -17.82 -15.92 5.11 -4.08 -32.71 1.99 77.40 -.94 14.57 91.04 -2.84 62 75 19.87 -16.66 -13.78 5.11 2.00 -23.33 11.37 77.27 -1.60 20.99 96.66 2.78 63 75 29.68 -14.43 -10.50 5.11 4.02 -15.80 18.90 77.88 1.25 28.04 107.17 13.29 64 75 -.21 13.33 -17.13 5.11 -5.00 -3.69 - 62.84 33.85 10.00 106.69 - 65 75 10.41 17.34 -15.92 5.11 -4.08 2.45 6.14 65.32 38.67 14.57. 118.57 11.88 66 75 19.87 22.00 -13.72 5.11 2.00 15.39 19.08 66.96 43.31 21.05 131.32 24.63 67 75 29.68 22.00 -7.07. 5.11 4.02 24.06 27615 73.50 45.72 31.48 150.70 44.01 68 75 39.34 22.00 2.62 5.12 6.68 36.42 40.11 82.69 48.96 45.67 177.32 70.63 69 75 -10.55 12.13 -17.29 «5.11 -5.00 -5.05 -1.36 63.36 36.50 8.17 108.03 1.34 70 75 -20.59 11.52 -16.19 5.12 -5.00 -4.55 -.86 62.53 35.38 8.68 106.58 -.11 71 75 -30.39 12.34 -14.04 5.12 -5.00 -1.58 2.11 62.77 35.48 10.61 108.87 2.18, 72 75 -39.92 14.95 -10.38 5.13 -5.00 4.70 8.39 59.82 42.93 14.08 116.83 10.142 wo 3 *Includes SVS MVAR generation. & uo 63/31APA-DS A1/D5