HomeMy WebLinkAboutBethel-NYAC Intertie Cost Estimate 1996lcmf\nayc.bet BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE COST ESTIMATE Prepared for: L.C.M.F. INC. 139 E. 51st Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Prepared by: DRYDEN & LaRUE, INC. 6436 Homer Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99518 June 11, 1996 / IDRYDEN ¢ ILAIRUE, INC. CONSULTING / ENGINEERS 6436 Homer Drive, Anchorage, AK 99518 Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 111008, ANCHORAGE, AK 99511-1008 (907) 349-6653 ° FAX 522-2534 June 10, 1996 Mr. Wiley Wilhelm L.C.M.F. INC. 139 E. 51st Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503 Reference: Bethel-NYAC Intertie D&L Cost Estimate Attached is our cost estimate for the Bethel-NYAC transmission line. It is based on the FPE Roen report of August 31, 1995 and Draft of April 1, 1996. We did change some items of their cost estimate that, in our opinion, were not workable. For example, the practical span for #2 ACSR on 50-foot poles is about 300 feet not 650 feet. This is also a logical span based on data from the FPE research of other rural utilities. We did not change the pole selection, wire (except for the river crossings) or permitting estimates and used the FPE suggestions wherever possible. We did not perform an engineering review of these docu- ments. We have included a fiber optic cable for future communication; this is fairly inex- pensive as part of the original construction and seems reasonable. In essence, this estimate is independent from the FPE estimate. We have used in-house labor data and acquired recent costs for other components such as: material, barge charges, sub- station components and equipment rental rates to arrive at our estimate. Our cursory design criteria for this estimate consists of the following main items: @ 50-foot, class 2, wood poles (FPE Roen) @ 3-phase, 3-wire Delta system @ 350-foot spans @ #2 ACSR (Sparrow) conductor ¢@ 24-inch pipe pile foundation @ Grade B NESC Construction @ 1993 NESC Heavy Loading Transmission, Distribution, Substations, System Planning LCMF Inc. June 10, 1996 Mr. Wiley Wilhelm Page 2 @ 60 mph with 1/2-inch ice special loading (FPE Roen) @ 1993 NESC Extreme wind load 100-mph @ 23-foot ground clearance (FPE Roen) @ ADSS Fiber Optic Cable @ .5 small angles per line mile @ .5 large angles per line mile @ .25 deadends per line mile @ River crossings High strength ACSR (Shoebill) conductor 1,200-foot span Loading criteria same as above 32.5-foot ground clearance (FPE Roen) 75/1 poles The construction cost estimate is based on the following assumptions of work conditions and procedures: + Due to the nature of the surrounding wetlands and environment, the construc- tion of the line is proposed for wintertime construction. The work is assumed to be performed by IBEW electrical contractors. The 1996 labor rates are used for the estimate. A work schedule of three weeks on and one week off, working twelve hour shifts, seven days per week is used to calculate work efficiency, overtime, and transportation costs. A pay rate of 40 hours straight time and 44 hours time- and-one-half per week is used. It is assumed that there will be four months when the line route will be readily accessible for construction equipment. Because of the limited construction window, the line construction is broken up into sections. The line from Bethel to Tuluksak is broken into three sections and the line from NYAC Junction to NYAC is broken into two sections. Each different section is assumed to be constructed by a separate work force. The estimate includes different camps and equipment for each different work force. LCMF Inc. June 10, 1996 Mr. Wiley Wilhelm Page 3 + A job superintendent is assumed to work full-time for four months prior to barge sailing, gathering all material and equipment in addition to eight months of construction and close-out time. An assistant is assumed to work half-time for the same period. This would result in 18-man months of non-productive foreman time which is added to the construction cost estimate for each work force. + The construction materials and equipment for all three sections from Bethel to Tuluksak could be barged up the Kuskokwim River on a single barge, prior to freeze-up. This barge would leave Anchorage the first of September. Mat- erial and equipment could then be staged along the way at Bethel, Akiachak, and Tuluksak. The construction camps could be ready by late September. It is also assumed that this equipment will remain on site until the following summer to be barged out, this is reflected in the equipment rental prices. A similar approach is taken for the NYAC Junction to NYAC line. + The surveying for the piling, poles, and anchors will be performed by a five- man crew using snowmachines/Nodwells in November. It is assumed that a minimal surveying crew remains for an additional month to aid during founda- tion installation and for incidental survey work. + The proposed pole foundations are to be 24-inch diameter, 20-foot long driven steel pipe piles using vibratory type hammers. Another option, which is not estimated, would auger holes and slurry direct embedded poles. ¢ Framing of the poles will take place in the field. + Existing substation modification and new substation construction will take place during the summer months. + Costs associated with obtaining permits and construction rights-of-way are taken from FPE Roen’s original estimate. + The conductor used for river crossings is a #2 AWG ACSR 3/4, “Shoebill.” This high strength conductor has a much reduced sag characteristic so river crossings can be accomplished without expensive river crossing structures. + A smaller span length than FPE’s estimate is required to maintain ground clearance. An average span length of 350 feet is used. + A fiber optic communication cable is also included in the estimate. Because of the changing technology and the future benefit to the surrounding communi- ties, it is a benefit that far exceeds its cost. LCMF Inc. June 10, 1996 Mr. Wiley Wilhelm Page 4 We initially thought an ice road would be the best method for line construction, but a review of climatological conditions and the cost of road making eliminated this option. Instead, we have made very brief inquiries into the local permitting area and now believe it will be possi- ble to construct the line using tracked vehicles on the frozen tundra. This method has the disadvantage of not leaving a maintenance road. The attached spreadsheets show the pieces and method of arriving at the final line construc- tion costs. Although other methods were investigated, these spreadsheets show most of the final pertinent information used along with a brief description. We have broken down the work into different construction units labor and material costs to reduce the effects of any one item on the overall estimate. The material costs have been directly quoted from local electrical equipment suppliers and savings associated with large volume purchases are in- cluded in the estimate. A Labor Cost spreadsheet shows how the labor rate was determined for this project. A typical crew breakdown and associated 1996 labor rates are used along with mandated pay- ments to IBEW, taxes, insurance, etc. to obtain labor burden. The attached equipment data sheets use prevailing Alaska rental rates and equipment operat- ing costs. These sheets show that the estimate takes into account both equipment rental time, operating costs and idle equipment rental time. Please review the attached and if you have any questions please contact me. DRYDEN & LaRUE, INC. (ligt ieee Delbert S. LaRue, P.E. DSL:md\lemf\nayc.bet Attachments COST ESTIMATES On the following pages are cost estimates for the Bethel-NYAC transmission line. It was determined during the preparation of the estimate the line needed to be broken into sections in order to complete the work in one season. Routing and line mileage is based on the DCRA supplied map, junction points have been named to create sections. A separate esti- mate for each section is also included. Following are cost estimates for: 1s Bethel - Tuluksak - Total Ze Bethel - Kwethluk 3% Kwethluk Junction - Akiak 4. Akiak - Tuluksak 5. NYAC Junction - NYAC Supporting Data: 1. Labor Costs - Bethel - NYAC a Equipment Rental - Bethel - Tuluksak (Each Section) 3: Equipment Rental - NYAC JCT. - NYAC 6/7/96 / - betnel-Tuiuxsax Tota COST ESTIMATE Bethel to Tuluksak Intertie, 69 kV, #2 ACSR Line Length (miles): 51.35 Total of Three Sections Conductor: #2 ACSR Avg. Span (feet) 350 Voltage: 69 kV No. of Poles 792 Item |Description L Material ] Labor JTotal Cost No Unit cost [Ext. Cost [Mhour [Ext Mhr [Unit cost Ext. cost _| 1 |Pole-Tang/SmAng/D.end (50/2) 16,3240] 5746] 426,382. 9 986,592 9 2 |Pole-LgAngle (65/2) 676.0 679.1] 17,657. 46,257 1 3 |Pole - River Crossing (85/1) ee 21,9408 74,7408 4 |Pole top assembly - Tangent (TPS-1) _ __ 183,6236] — 605,423.6 5 Pole top assembly - Sm. Angle (TPS-1A) _ 6, 791.2 23,041 2 6 |Pole top assembly - Lg. Angle (TS-4) é 10, 186.8 21,886 8 7 _|Pole top assembly - Deadend (69-DDX) $50.0} 653.0] = 14,366.0 48,466.0 8 [Pole top assembly - River Crossings (TH-5D) _ 360.0] 1,175.4] | 9,403.2 23,803.2 9 |Down Guys (TG- _ 28,836.5 47,2365 10 Anchors (TA S) __ : 75,248 6 " 673,200.0 983,505 6 12 : [50.9 -~228,825.0 754,793.0 13 _|Conductor: #2 ACSR 3/4 - Shi | 1.0 15,000.0 33,623.6 14 |Conductor: ADSS Fiberoptic 51.4 128,375.0 270,548 8 15 {Clearing 51.4 _ 2,310,750.0 Surveying & Staking _ 51.4 ‘513,500 0 SubstationsTransformers 69- -12kV 2MVA 2 63,134.4 Transformers 69-12kV 225 KVA 3 34,7016 Reactors __ 5 80,224 0 Vacum Circuit Breakers | [4 i 103,134.4 | 38 47,350 8 Gang operated Air Break Switch 4 46,268 8 23 Fused Disconnect Switch 8 45,0150 24 _ Steel/Buswork _ | 5. 115,672.0 25 ical _ | 5 478,360.0 26 liane _ {3 | 0} 100.0 12.0) 37,836 0 _27_ {Construction Mobilization 3 0.0} 840.0 2,520.0 21,940.8 65, 822. 4 65,8224 _28 |Construction Demobilization 3 0.0/ 420.0] 1,260.0 10,970.4 32,911.2 32,911.2 ~ 29 | Equipment Rental __ 1 0.0) 0.0) i) 0.0] 1,745,916 0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0] 548,480 0 _31__|Room & Board _ 1 | lot 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0] 550,432.0 32__|Travel Expense | 1 | lot 0.0 0.0 _ 0.0 0.0] 196,200.0 33_|Labor Burden, Fringe, Insurance (79%) 1 | lot 0.0 oo; 00} 0.0] 2,897,341.2 - 34 [Foreman Superintendant Time __ 1 | lot ____ 0.0] 9,360.0} 9,360.0] 244,483.2] —-244,483.2| —244,483.2 35__|Lost Time, Travel Time, Mtl Handling 1 | lot 0.0| 55,473.0] 55,473.0] 1,448,954.8] 1,448,954.8| 1,448,954 8 Subtotals: 5,984,710.0 140,833.7 «3,678,576.2 15,601,655.4 _ Material Overhead (5%) _ 209,235.5 __ Labor Overhead (10%) ee _ 367.8576 ____Direct Expense Overhead (10%) _ 593,836.9 _____ Total Net Cost _ - ______16,862,585.5 | __ Profit (15%) _ «2,5 29,387.8 * Right-of-Way Permits 1,000,000.0 20,391,973.3 * Per FPE Roen Estimate April 1, 1996 Cost per Mile: 397,117.3 [Bethel-Tuluksak TotalINYAC 123A XLS 6/7/96 Bethel-Kwethluk COST ESTIMATE Bethel to Tuluksak Intertie, 69 kV, #2 ACSR Line Length (miles): 17.3 Bethel-Kwethluk Section Conductor: #2ACSR Avg. Span (feet) 350 Voltage: 69 kV No. of Poles 269 Description Qty} Unit Material | Labor Total Cost Unit cost |Ext.Cost — |Mhour —[Ext. Mhr Ext. cost Pole - Tang/Sm Ang/D.end (50/2) «| 248 22.0] -142,510.7[ 39,7507 Pole - Lg Angle (65/2) | 9° 26.0 6112.1] 16,0121 Pole - River Crossing (85/1) 12 35.0) 10,970.4 37,3704 Pole top > assembly - Tangent (TPS-1) 10.0 61 382 0 202,382 0 Pole top assembly - Sm. Angle (TPS-1A) ~ 10.0 7,975 8 Pole top assembly - Lg. Angle (TS-4) 15.0) __ 7,576 2 Pole top assembly - Deadend (69-DDX) 25.0 28,639 0 Pole top assembly - River Crossings (TH-5D) 45.0 11,9016 Down Guys (1 _ a 6.0) 17,4570 27,809.3 '|Pipe Pile Foundation, 24” dia 334,044 2 Conductor: #2 ACSR 6/1 - Sparrow 256,792.9 '|Conductor: #2 ACSR 3/4 - Shoebill 16,811.8 _|Conductor: ADSS Fiberoptic — 91,1489 Clearing ij 778,500 0 ) Surveying & Staking 173,000 0 _|Substations Transformers 69-12kV 2MVA 31,567 2 Transformers 69-12kV 225 KVA ft 11,567.2 2] 32,089 6 | 51,567 2 Vacum Circuit Reclosers Sea 15,783 6 Gang operated Air Break Switch _ _ 2 11,567 2 _ 16,880 6 46,268 8 - Site/CivivElectrical_ ee 191,344 0 _ Miscellaneous _ 12,612.0 Construction Mobilization 21,940 8 _ |Construction Demobilization ___ 10,970.4 Equipment Rental - __581,972.0 Barge _ 182,826.7 ‘|Room&Boad ht 160,117.0) ) |TravelExpense zal ____ 65,400.0 _|Labor Burden, Fringe, Insurance (79%) _ 1,003,995.0 Foreman Superintendant Time _ 81,494 4 Lost Time, Travel Time, Mt! Handling 502,601.0 ‘Subtotals; a 2,100, 715. 0 _ _ 1 274, 710.9 §,369,736 5 _Material Overhead (5%) 105,035.8 Labor Overhead (10%) ee _ 127,471.11 Direct Expense Overhead (10%) ~199,431.1 Total Net Cost oe _ a 5,801,674 5) Profit (15%) a _ _ _ ~ 870,251 2 Right-of-Way Permits _ _ 333,333 3 7,005,259 0 * Per FPE Roen Estimate April 1, 1996 Cost per Mile: 404,928.3 [Bethel-KwethlukINYAC 1A Xi S Kwethiuk Jct-Akiak COST ESTIMATE Bethel to Kwethluk Intertie, 69 kV, #2 ACSR Line Length (miles): 14.8 Kwethluk Jct - Akiak Section Conductor: #2 ACSR Avg. Span (feet) 350 Voltage: 69 kV No. of Poles 228 Item |Description i i |Total Cost No. 1 |Pole- Tang/SmAng/D.end (50/2) e f 325. 285,872 6 2 {Pole -Lg Angle (65/2) Lara 1,100. 7,700.0! 12,453 8) 3. |Pole - River Crossing (85/1) _ Bes. - e J 13,200.0 18,685 2 4 |Pole top assembly - Tangent (TPS-1) _ 175,684 8 5 |Pole top assembly - Sm. Angle (TPS-1A) _ 6,203 4 6 |Pole top assembly - Lg. Angle (TS-4) a 5,892.6 7 |Pole top ssembly - Deadend (69-DDX) _ 8,812.0 8 |Pole top assembly - River Crossings (TH-5D) 5,950 8 9 |Down Guys (TG-11) a 13,862 9 10 mama 22,083 8 1 | 228] ea : ; 283,130.4 12 Conductor: #2 ACSR 6/1 - Sparrow f i .0) 65, "475. 0 215,973 2 13 |Conductor: #2 ACSR 3/4 - Shoebill i i 3,750.0 8,405 9 14 |Conductor: ADSS Fiberoptic 8 mi .0| __37,000.0 77,9771 15 |Clearing — i .0| _666,000.0 _ 666,000 0 16 |Surveying & Staking i 148,000. 0 17 |Substations Transformers 69-12kV 2MVA___ 00 18 "Transformers 69-12kV 225 KVA 23,134 4 19 | a 32,089 6 20 Circuit Breakers 00 21 Vacum Circuit Reclosers 31,567 2 22 Gang operated Air Break Switch 23,134 4 23 _ Fused Disconnect Switch ees | 22,507 5 24 | SteevBuswork == s—“‘;‘;*™*é*rS2*«*d*dS;CdS 46,268 8 191,344.0 7 12,612.0 i 21,9408 _ 10,9704 29 |Equipment Rental -581,972.0 Barge Room & Board 32 |TravelExpense ~ 65, 400.0 33 |Labor Burden,Fringe,Insurance (79%) _ | 1 [tot 67,5100 34 |Foreman Superintendant Time _ 81,4944 35__|Lost Time, Travel Time, Mtl Handling (64%) ; ~432,547.2 ~__ Subtotals: 7,783,175.0 42,167.9 —___4,101,424.2 4,721,016 9 ___ Material Overhead (5%) _ om 89,1588 __ Labor Overhead (10%) a 110,142.4 ___ Direct Overhead (10%) ___ 183,6418 ~_TotalNetCost _ on ~__5,103,959.9 ____ Profit (15%) Le ss __ 765,594.0 Right-of-Way Permits = a __333,333.3 6,202,887 2 * — Per FPE Roen Estimate April 1, 1996 Cost per Mile: 419,114.00 [Kwethluk Jct-AkiakINYAC2A XtS 6/7196 Akiak-Tuluksak COST ESTIMATE Bethel to Tuluksak Intertie, 69 kV, #2 ACSR Line Length (miles): 19.3 Akiak - Tuluksak Section Conductor: #2 ACSR Avg. Span (feet) 350 Voltage: 69 kV No. of Poles 295 Item |Description T Qty Unit Material Total Cost No Unit cost |Ext. Cost Ext. cost 1 [Pole - Tang/Sm Ang/D.end (50/2) _|279[ ea | 755.0] 210,645.0] 22! _ 160,324.6[ 370,969 6 2 [Pole - Lg Angle (65/2) _| 10] ea | 1,100.0 11,000.0 f _ 6,791.2 17,7912 3 Pole - River Cr fossing (65/1) i ie | ea | 2,200.0) —— 13,200.0 _ 18,685 2 4 {Pole t assembly - Tangent (TI ent (TPS- 1) 264] ea 600.0) _158,400.0} 227,356 8 __5 _|Pole top assembly - Sm. Angle (TPS-1A) 10| ea 625.0] 6,250.0 8,862 0 . 6 Pole top assembly - Lg. Angle (TS-4) 450.0 4,500.0 8,418.0 7 |Pole top assembly - Deadend (69-DDX) 1,550.0 _7,750.0 11,0150 8 |Pole top assembly - River Crossings (TH-5D) _ 1,800.0 3,600.0: 5,950 8 9 |Down Guys (TG-11) 100.0 6,200.0 15,916.6 10 Anchors (TA-4S) 200.0] _12,400.0 25,3555 _11_ [Pipe Pile Foundation, 24” dia 850.0] 250,750.0 366,331.00 12_|Conductor: #2 ACSR 6/1 - Sparrow 4,500.0] 85,500.0' 282,026 9 13. |Conductor: #2 ACSR 3/4 - Shoebill 15,000.0 3,750.0 8,405.9 14 Conductor: ADSS Fiberoptic _ 2,500.0] 48,125.0 101,422.9 15 i 45,000.0 866,250 0 16 |Surveying & Staking 10,000.0 192,500 0 17 |SubstationsTransformers 69-12kV 2MVA -30,000.0 31,567 2 18 12kV 225 KVA 10,000.0 00 19 | 15,000.0} 16,044 8 20 25,000.0 51,567 2 21 15,000.0 00 22 Gang operated Air Break Switch 10,000.0 11,567.2 23° Fused Disconnect Switch | 7 5,000.0 5,626.9 24 i SteeV/Buswork | 20,000.0] 23,1344 25 ite/Ci 80,000.0' 95,672.0 26 10,000.0 12,612.0 27 Construction Mobilization .940. 21,940.8 __28_ |Construction Demobilization 420.0] 10,9704 10,970.4 ‘10,9704 29 |Equipment Rental ___ 581,972.0 30 _|Barge a] ____|___182,826.7 31 |Room & Board ell ____|___251,606.0 32 |Travel Expense _ a iia fT ll —1 65,400.0 33 |Labor Burden, Fringe,Insurance (79%) i _— — 2 |_| 1,025 ,636.1 34 | Foreman Superintendant Time 3,120.0] 3,120.0] 81,494.4 81,494.4 81,4944 35 _|Lost Time, Travel Time, Mtl Handling I 19,671.0| _19,671.0] 513,806.5 _513,806.5 513,806.5 ~__ Subtotals: 2,100,820.0 49,8638 -1,302,441.25,510,901.9 ll ___ Material Overhead (5%) _ a 105,041 0 _____Labor Overhead (10%) in fi 130,244.1 Direct Expense Overhead (10%) __210,764.1 Total Net Cost Sie = 5,956,951.1 ____ Profit (15%) i 93,5427 * Right-of-Way Permits ___333,333.3 7,183,827.1 * — Per FPE Roen Estimate April 1, 1996 Cost per Mile: 372,219.0 [Aviat Tat. eALIAIVAlIA VIG 6/7196 C JCt-wrac COST ESTIMATE Nyac Jct. - Nyac Intertie Line Length (miles): 35.1 ‘ Conductor: #2 ACSR Avg. Span (feet) 350 Voltage: 69 kV No. of Poles 540 Item [Description Material Labor |Total Cost No Unit cost |Ext. Cost Ext.Mhr [Unit cost |Ext. cost 1 [Pole - Tang/Sm Ang/D.end (50/2) _ _ 385,050.0 X 11,220.0} 574.6] ~—_—-293,066.4 678,116.4 2 _ |Pole - Lg Angle (65/2) 19,800.0 . i 679.1 12, 224.2 le 32,024.2 3 Pole - River Crossing (85/1) 26,400.0 i i 914.2] - 37,3704 4 |Pole top assembly - Tangent (TPS-1) __ 289,800.0 ; 830. 261.2| 6 415,959.6 5 |Pole top assembly - Sm. Angle (TPS-1A) ___11,250.0 ! a ; _ 15,9516 6 Pole top assembly - - Lg. Angle (TS-4) i i 8} 15,1524 7 {Pole top assembly - Deadend (69-DDX)_ ss | 9 | ea __13,950.0 f f ; 7 19,827 0) 30). Pole | top assembly - River Crossings (TH-5D) 21,600.0 i i 75. 8) 35,7048 9 |Down Guys (TG-11) 11,400.0 f i 156.7] | 7,866.1 29,266.1 10 [Anchors (TA-4S) 22,800.0 i 0} 46,6214 1 Pipe Pile Foundation, . 24" dia 459,000.0! ; i 1.8) 0 - ~ 670,572.0 12 |Conductor: #2 ACSR 6/1 - - Sparrow 155,700.0) 7 R i i 513,585 6 13 |Conductor: #2 ACSR 3/4 - Shoebili 500. t ! __ 9, 16,8118 14 |Conductor: ADSS Fiberoptic 87,750.0 : : 184,932.1 i 1,579,500.0) | oO] 00} —S—S—«i]_—=«*1,579,5000 351,000.0 i 00} .0| _ 351,000.0 00 11,5672 16,044 8 00 15,783.6 _| _ Gang operated Air Break Switch 0.0 23 | Fused Disconnect Switch — 11,253.8 24 Stee/Buswork fat. _ 23,134.4 25 Site/CivivElectrical ___ 95,672.0 26 | __Miscellaneous oe 12,6120 _-43,881.6 | __21,940.8 __1,177,667.0 461, ‘548.0 102,000.0 i _ 1,879,009 .0 34 |Foreman Superintendant Ti Time —f ___ 162,988.68 35 _|Lost Time, Travel Time, Mtl Handling 949. i : .987. _ 938,987.9 Subtotals: 3,610,600.0 91,334.7 ; _2,385,662.4 10,091,486.4 ____ Material Overhead (5%) _ a ~ 180,530.0 ~ Labor Overhead (10%) ae ____ 238,566.2 Direct Expense Overhead (10%) 409,522.4 Total Net Cost _ ee 10,920,105.0 ___ Profit (15%) _ ee 1,638,015.7 Right-of-Way Permits - ___50,000.0 12,608, 120.7 * Per FPE Roen Estimate April 1, 1996 Cost per Mile: 359,205.7 INYAC JCT-NYAC]NYAC4A XLS Bethel - Nyac Labor Costs 1996 Total | Hourly Hourly Description ! Qty | Wage | Cost Crew 1 Journeyman | 2| 30.15} 60.30 Technician | 0! 30.15) 0.00 Groundman | 2; 18.95) 37.90 Foreman | 1| 32.40 32.40 Equipment Operator 0| 30.15 0.00 Cable Splicer 0} 31.90 0.00 Powderman [ 0} 28.15} 0.00 Manhours/Crew Hour T Labor Burden IBEW, NEBF 3.00% | Acutual Social Security 6.20% |Actual Medicare 1.45% |Actual ESC 6.00% |Estimated | Workman's Comp 6/7/96 NYAC123A.XLS Bethel - Tuluksak (Each Section) Equipment Rental Data Weekly/Monthly a No Adjustment for Contr. Ownership Est. ae Rented ae Type of Equipment Hrs/wk Rented] Rented Cost Qty RE |_0.40 | 40.00 7 1,796.00[ {1,796.00 Materialvan | 00] 0.40] 40.00] 51.00] 16 | 7 ‘rar —3 3,592.00 Nodwellw/fiatbed | | 2,860.00] 7.30] 40.00] 1,007.00] 16 | 7 36,132.00| 5] 180,660.00 Hydraulic Hammer HI-RAM770_| | 5,000.00] 7.50] 45.00] 1,587.50] 16 | 7 | 60,40000[ 4] 60,400.00 | Grove CM-20Crane_ | 9,500.00] 17.00 45.00] 3,140.00] 16 | 7 | 116,740.00] 4] 116,740.00 | SmaliCrane ——sts—“‘—~‘s;‘s*ésrS*i‘;sCSSCS@dT*«Cé«f860.00 | 7.30] 40.00] 1,007.00 36,132.00 1] 36,132.00 Puler———SSSSSSSSC*dYCS_~‘Y:— 4,000.00 7.00] 20.00[ 7,140.00| 16 | 7 ee etaond{ tagenet et 46,240.00 46,240.00 catDo CT 4,580.00] 12.95] 20.00] 1,404.00] 16 | 7 54,524.00 me Travelers CT 8.00 0.00] 40.00] 2.007 16 | 7 [88.00 360] 30,800.00 | Wiretrailer 400.00] 0.70] 40.00] 128.00] 16 | 7 | 4848.00] i] 4,848.00 | [Snow Machine ——=—=—S—Ssd| ~——SSC*dY~SSCSC«iODY—«2.10/ 40.00] 28400] 16 | 7 | 1014400] 4] 40,576.00 Rental 581,972.00 6/7/96 : [Equip]NYAC123A.XLS Nyac Jct. - Nyac Equipment Rental Data Weekly/Monthly 25% Adjustment for Contr. Ownership 100% Used to calculate weekly rental Alaska vs Avg National Multiplyer 124% Type of Equipment j 7 [_179600| 2 00 | 17. | 416,740.00 [2 2 2 30] 40. : 00 . 46,240.00 Travelers Wire trailer - 6/7196 . [Equip]INYAC4A XLS APPENDIX The following data is used to create sag/tension runs: fF. 2 Alaska Climatological data for January means. Table IV-1 minimum vertical clearance (REA 62-1) Alcan 4R Damper application guide for Sparrow Sag/Tension run for Sparrow Sag/Tension run for Shoebill The following preliminary sketches are typical 69 kV assemblies: AL; 2. TPS-1 Tangent TS3, 4 Medium and Large Angles 69DDX Double Deadend TH-S5D Three Pole River Crossing Tangent Double Deadend TD-2 Vertical Post Insulator Mountings The following sketches show proposed substation arrangements: i a 3: One-Line-Diagram Typical Substation (Type 1) Typical Substation (Type 2) Source Watson (1959) MEAN MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM JANUARY TEMPERATURES, °F DATA IS GENERALLY FROM LOW-LYING COASTAL AND RIVER VALLEY AREAS, IT 1S PROBABLY NOT VALID FOR HIGHER ELEVATIONS. Enmronmental Atias of Alaska 4/78 TABLE IV-1 MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF CONDUCTORS-TC-GROUND IN METERS (FEET) Nominal Line-to-Line Voltage in kV CLEARANCE REQUIRED WHEN 34.5-69 115. 138 lei 230 CONDUCTORS CROSS OVER: ae 9.4 9.7 9.8 10.0 10.4 1. Railroad tracks (31.0) (31.7) (32.1) (32.6) (34.0) 2. Roads, streets, alleys, 7.0 ver 7.4 735 7.9 parking lots or drive- (23.0) (23.7) (24.1) (24.6) (26.0) ways 3. Land that may be 7.0 Jie: 7.4 725 7.9 traversed by vehicles (23.0) (23.7) (24.1) (24.6) (26.0) such as cultivated, grazing, forest, orchards, etc. (B) 4. Spaces and ways 5.5 5.7 5.9 6.0 6.4 accessible to ~ (18.0) (18.7) (19.1) (19.6) (21.0) pedestrians only (C) 5. Water areas not suitable 5.5 Saf 5.9 6.0 6.4 for sailboating or where (18.0) (18.7) (19.1) (19.6) (21.0) sailboating is not per- mitted (E) 6. Water areas suitable for sailboating including lakes, ponds, reservoirs, rivers, streams, and canals with unobstructed surface area of (D) (E) a. Less than 8.09 ha (A) 7.0 Tad 7.4 ToD) 19) (20 acres) (23.0) (23.7) (24.1) (24.6) (26.0) b. 8.09 to 60.9 ha 9.4 9.7 9.8 10.0 10.4 (20 to 200 acres) (31.0) (31.7) (32.1) (32.6) (34.0) c. 80.9 to 809.4 ha Lis |) i) -5 11.6 11.8 12.2 (200 to 2000 acres) (37.0) (37.7) (38.1) (38.6) (40.0) d. Over 809.4 ha 1351 1323 43.5 13.6 14.0 (2000 acres) (43.0) (43.7) (44.1) (44.6) (46.0) 7. Land and water areas Clearance above ground shall be 1.5 for rigging and launching meters (5 feet) greater than in No. 6 sailboats (E) above for the water area served by the launching site. ALCAN 4R DAMPER APPLICATIONS GUIDE for ACSR CONDUCTOR WITH ARMOR RODS Name ae oe Percent Of Compucer Ultimate Tensile Strength C.U.T,$ ela ea es ee ria a 19 [18 1 17! 16 _ Robin | #1 ANG = | tuebiow 2 | tuebiow 60705-106 60705-10 NN voniy 60705-106 ALUMINUM COMPANY OF AMERICA SAG AND TENSION DATA BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE by Dryden & LaRue, Inc. CONDUCTOR SPARROW #2 AWG 6/ 1 STRANDING ACSR AREA= -0608 SQ. IN. DATA FROM CHART NO. 1-1023 ENGLISH UNITS SPAN= 350.0 FEET HEAVY LOADING CREEP IS NOT A FACTOR * DESIGN CONDITION DESIGN POINTS FINAL INITIAL TEMP ICE WIND K WEIGHT SAG TENSION SAG TENSION E IN PSF LB/F LB/F PT LB FT LB QO. SO 9.20 -00 TAZ) 10.56 7 EO ae 10 256 1710. QO. -50 4.00 a0 1.042 10.15 1580. 9.94 1613. 32. -50 .00 -00 -599 9.04 1018. 7.88 1167. 60. 700) | 25-160) -00 -680 9).89 1057. 8.76 L793); -20. 00 -00 -00 -O91 S07 Welt L728 784. O. -00 -00 -00 -O91 4.48 312. 2.03 690. 30. 00 -00 -00 -091 5.22 268. 2.54 550. 60. 00 00 -00 2092 5.67 247. 3/130 424. 90. -00 00 .00 7092 6.13 229. 4.27 328. 120. -00 -00 -00 -O91 6.59 213. 5.31 264. 167. 00 -00 -00 -O91 7.321 192. 6.87 204. 212. 00 -00 -00 -O91 7.98 176. Wenn 181. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF AMERICA SAG AND TENSION DATA CONDUCTOR SHOEBILL 57.5 KCMIL 3/ 4 STRANDING ACSR AREA= -L053 SQ. IN. DATA FROM CHART NO. 1-1166 ENGLISH UNITS SPAN= 1200.0 FEET HEAVY LOADING CREEP IS NOT A FACTOR * DESIGN CONDITION DESIGN POINTS . FINAL INITIAL TEMP ICE WIND K WEIGHT SAG TENSION SAG TENSION F IN PSF LB/F LB/F FT LB FT LB -20. -50 9.22 -00 1.367 38.02 6504. 38.02 6504. QO. -50 4.00 -30 1.253 37.40 6062. 36.197 6132. 32. -50 -00 -00 -828 33.02 4532. 31.32 4776. -60. -00 .00 -00 -259 16.25 2870.* 13.72 3398. -20. -00 -00 -00 -259 18.22 2561. 15.19 3071. -8. -00 -00 00 -259 18.84 2477. 5 ein, 2976. (On -00 -00 -00 -259 19.26 2423. — 16.00 2915. 30. -00 -00 -00 -259 20.81 2243. 17.33 2693. 60. -00 -00 -00 -259 22.19 2104. 18.76 2488. 90. -00 -00 -00 -259 23.59 1980. 20.27 2302. 120. -00 -00 -00 -259 24.99 1869. 21.86 2136. 167. -00 -00 -00 -259 27.19 LS 24.42 1912. 212. -00 -00 00 7259 29.26 1598. 26.91 L737 « LIST OF MATERIALS 5/8* Bolt, Machine, by rea’d length 5/8" Bolt. Machine, w/Washer Nut 1/2° Bolt, Washer Head, by rea’d |. | 2 | 1/2" Bolt. Washer Head. W/Washer Nut [5 |Washer. Flat. 2-1/4"sq.x3/16".!3/16"h. 3/4" Locknut, MF Type ek 5/8" Locknut. MF Type ek 1/2" Locknut. MF lype «| INSULATOR, VERTICAL POST.w/CL AMPRHDWR TH-3__ TNSULATOR ASSEMBLY. TANGENT - [im _A |_| CL] 4 c =24 . o |_| 5/8" Bolt. Washer Head. w/Washer Nut c ga ‘ c d 1. Field drilled holes shal! be thoroughly treated. 2. The following materials are to be specified separate! plan and otic drawings and staking sheets: y AND Fl TION UNITS. a Tes -| —zz SS TRANSMISSION LINE STRUCTURE TANGENT SINGLE POLE - POST/SUSPENSION J (69 kV MAXIMUM) ; [ re ee rs meinen wave 1 Aug., 1986 TPS -1 \ att 2 / PLAN VIEW LIST OF MATERIALS DESCRIPTION BRACKET ASSEMBLY, BRACKET & GUY ATTACH. GUY ATTACHMENT, DUTY INSULATOR ASSEMBLY, ANGLE . Maximum line angle for TS-4 is 50 degrees. . Drawing TE-1 gives guidance to subassembly alernatives . For guying arrangements and offset table. see drawing IMG-? + aden ena art PE S: . Y, GUYING Asche 1e8 IS. AND ANY ADDITIONAL NG OR POLE FOUNDATION UNIT TRANSMISSION LINE STRUCTURE MEDIUM AND LARGE VERTICAL ANGLES (69 kV MAXIMUM) J T ©? \ \, ss vf , |. ws © ot CG ath GUY POSTON ———-— cr CROSSARM MOUNTING pee facaot DESCRIPTION DETAIL CROSSARM 9-3/8" x 3-5/8* x 10°-0° eae eee 3-3/4" x 10° 25,0008 Mal [e[ soe eacrine a7 [1 [DOUBLE ARMING BOLT Svea eS [2 DOUBLE ARMING BOLT 3/47 x 22° WASHER, CURVED 4° x 4°, 13/16" HOLE “LOCKNUT 5/67 MF LOCKNUT 374° MF Oval EYE NUT 374° LOCKNUT 172° MF THREADED ROD 7/8° x 24° RIBBED TIE PLATE 3° x 9-1/2" x i/4* GAIN PLATE 3° x 9-1/2" x 174° WASHER, SPRING 15/16° HOLE LOCKNUT 7/8° MF 2]2}2]2]2]2]2]2]2]>]>]>]>/>]>1> FILE NAME: _6900X.0WG Devoen ¢ ILalRue, linc. CONCEPTUAL oRamns 6 CONSUL TING / ENGINEERS 69-DDX CATE: 05/14/96 T DESIGNED BY: TLB 63 kV TRANSMISSION DRAWN BY RAE DOUBLE DEADEND STRUCTURE LIST OF MATERIALS pee [OTe DESCRIPTION tH X-Arm, 5-5/8"x7-3/8"xreq. 1., #60 | 3 | 3/4* Bolt. Machine, by req’d. length Pati 3/4" Bolt, Shoulder Eye. w/Washer Nut 1/2* Bolt. Washer Head. w/Washer Nut [ 3 | Washer. Curved, 4"sq.x1/4".13/16"hole fae] > Flat, 4°sq.x3/16",13/16"hole Ht Y | 9 | 3 | ol} 3] Haag 1. Drawing TE-1 gives guidance to subassembly alternatives 2. For guying arrangements. see drawing IMG-15D. 3. The following materials are to be specified on the | lan and profile Sauings and staking sheets: POLES. E GROUNDING ASSEMBLY, GUYING ASSEMBLIES, ANCHORS. —————_=— A ee AND ADDITIONAL GROUNDING OR FOUNDATION UNITS. | A A N ‘ \ ‘ ; ras oil til vil iy it mt } 1! t's jit ( i! 1! | "| to - 6" | ; u = jofel_——— lad ud yy 67) iH ' vi TRIRT \ T TRIES 1 | i 1 14 Vy) it ibe VL TANGENT DOUBLE DEADEND (69 kV MAXIMUM) Note 3 Ay , Locknut Washer Nut Co: ——+ oS Washer Nut ‘Washer Head Bolt - Locknut y-Post Insulator Post Insulator With Long Mtg. Hdwr. Spring Lockwasher ° Spring Lockwasher Washer Nut Post Insulator Post Insulator With Short Mtg. Hdwr. With Short Mtg. Hdwr. ey = Lockwasher Ye I i Se Rocka = a Lockout B Locknut ; “Washer Nut Washer Nut} Nut ! Washer Head Washer Head Machine Bolt ! Bolt ! Bolt AG NMVYO WRG -AG O3ND!IS30 96/01/90 ‘31v0 3vy a a ra ' - ae m oO Dd Qa aD > = DN INSNOD 3NI7 NOISSINSNVYL DVAN-13H138 SWI9NONI / ‘DUR BNI } N3GAd | ON ONMYEO “WYN 313 SiN SFWOS LEGEND VCR - vcB - GOAB - XFMR - VACUUM CIRCUIT RECLOSER VACUUM CIRCUIT BREAKER GANG OPERATED AIR BREAK SWITCH TRANSFORMER REACTOR AKIACHAK FUSED DISCONNECT! 1SKV XFMR 225 KVA 69-12.5 KV FUSED DISCONNECT ae REACTOR FUSED DISCONNECT GOAB 1SKV VCR XFMR 225 KVA 69-125 KV FUSED DISCONNECT XFMR 2MVA 12.5-69KV FUSED DISCONNECT REACTOR ¥ 9.1 mi KWETHLUK “ole kK oo oe a= FUSED DISCONNECT XFMR 225 KVA 69-12.5 KV 1SKV VCR FUSED DISCONNECT REACTOR T Oo FUSED DISCONNECT XFMR 225 KVA 69-12.5 KV 1SKV VCR XFMR 2MVA 12 5-69KV FUSED DISCONNECT REACTOR 3vy ‘AG NMVSO "AB G3NDIS30 96/¢2/SO ‘31v0 / onus WISMOD DUE SNOW 7 N30Adq] SaZINONI DISCONNECT SWITCH (69 kV) FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH (15 kV) REACTOR (15kV) 15 kV VACUUM CIRCUIT RECLOSER 2 ay) Oo > — ” GS @ ”n a >’ es oO 2 _ 2 Uv m SUBSTATION FENCE (TYP) N (1 STATION TRANSFORMER 69-12.49/7200 SiN SWS ‘ON ONIMVEO 3VY¥ -AG NMVYG AG G3N9IS3G 96/¢2/SO *31vG / INLLINSNOD aIng|y ] NAGAd (| “SWWN 314 SYFINIONI DUI —FUSED DISCONNEC 1 SWITCH (15 kV) —REACTOR (15kV) 15 kV VACUUM CIRCUIT RECLOSER Y oO > — w Cc oO n 4 > = oO Zz _ 0 m N LS 3WOS SUBSTATION 69 kV STATION FENCE (TYP) VACUUM CIRCUIT TRANSFORMER BREAKER 69-12.49/7200 ON ONIMVEO ‘S1'N