HomeMy WebLinkAboutTransmision Intertie Feasibility Design & Cost Estimate Bethel-NYAC Final Report 1995 % . : 5 ' ; a S Ss rr , eee A : TRANSMISSION INTERTIE FEASIBILITY DESIGN AND COST ESTIMATE BETHEL - NYAC FINAL REPORT Prepared for: Prepared by: State of Alaska Department of Community FPE Roen and Regional Affairs Civil Electrical Environmental Mechanical Survey Division of Energy 333 West 4th Avenue oo Gt NE ERS Suite 200 560 E. 34th Ave., Suite 300, A _ AK Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2341 et eee ee August 31, 1995 TRANSMISSION INTERTIE FEASIBILITY DESIGN AND COST ESTIMATE BETHEL - NYAC FINAL REPORT Prepared for: State of Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs Division of Energy 333 West 4th Avenue Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99503-6091 Prepared by: FPE Roen Civil Electrical Environmental Mechanical Survey EN Gt N E E R S§S 560 E. 34th Ave., Suite 300, Anchorage, AK 99503 August 31, 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS Report Appendix A - Drawings Appendix B - Maps Appendix C - Cost Estimate Appendix D - Computer Outputs BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY An intertie has been proposed to interconnect the Bethel power plant with a potential hydroelectric plant at Nyac some 85 miles northeast of Bethel. It is also desired to provide Kwethluk, Akiachak, Akiak and Tuluksak with connections to the intertie since they generally lie between Bethel and Nyac. The line configuration is 69 KV - 3 ¢, 4 wire grounded "Y". It is supported by weathering steel poles fastened to plates welded to the top of driven/set circular or "H" piles at a depth of 20’-40’. The conductors are arranged with 2 wires on each side of the tangent structures, the top 2 being phase wires and the lower 2 being the remaining phase wire and a full-size neutral. Each pole is 50’ tall so at least 32’ clearance above grade may be maintained to the lowest set of wires. Wires are #4/0 ACSR and suspended from insulators. The construction requires building a temporary road, obtaining permits from the Corps of Engineers (wetlands) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (water quality certification). Significant fish and wildlife habitat disruption may be caused during and after construction activities. An aerial power line may kill birds and disrupt flyways. Other possible disturbances may occur. Actual costs of construction will be about $31,686,899.00 in 1995 dollars in a competitively bid situation. Total costs of the Project (not including costs not identified in this report) could be as high as $46,825,000.00 when engineering, administration, management, right-of-way procurement and other overhead costs are added to the Project. : The economies affecting the intertie indicate the costs of implementation can never be recovered through revenues generated by the intertie unless large development of plants and facilities requiring large blocks of power locate in the region. Page 1 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 2.0 3.0 INTRODUCTION This study reports the results from investigations, analyses and evaluations to determine the feasibility of constructing and operating an electrical transmission intertie line between Bethel and the village of Nyac. Bethel is the largest power plant within the Kuskokwim Delta region with a maximum generation capacity of 15.0 MW. Its historical peak demand load is about 5.5 MW. A hydroelectric generation site has been identified at Nyac with a peak generation capacity of 1.4 MW. That hydroelectric power would be available for about 3-4 months during the late spring- summer-early fall period. The intertie is intended to provide power for Nyac, Tuluksak, Akiak, Akiachak, Kwethluk and Bethel during the summer operation of the hydroelectric plant at Nyac. During the months when the hydroelectric plant is not in operation, the intertie would transfer power in the opposite direction - from the power plant in Bethel through Kwethluk, Akiachak, Akiak and Tuluksak to Nyac. The intertie is intended to provide some relief from the high costs for operating and maintaining prime power generation systems at each and every community. Even though the costs to individual users is subsidized by the State, the actual costs are extremely high (an average of about $0.44/KWb). METHODOLOGY General Scheduled for field work were Bethel, Kwethluk, Akiachak, Akiak, Tuluksak and Nyac. The field work included photographs to assist in documenting the field observations and evaluate possible alternative intertie routes through the region. Field confirmation of physical arrangements in the various communities was also accomplished to develop possible locations of corridors into/out of communities and possible locations of associated substations and other collateral equipment. The land use and ownership along the selected route were researched. Habitats of indigenous species of animal and fish were documented along with cultural information regarding the population within the region. The purview of the various Page 2 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 agencies and organizations having influence within the region was identified and the permits which could be required to build the line and its commensurate facilities were researched. Finally, the concept design of the line and termination points was developed. The parameters and performance of the line were modeled using a sophisticated computer program. The results of the various tests were used to fine-tune the conceptual design for optimum performance based upon the assumptions used for operation. The design parameters were identified, fundamental materials and equipment were selected and a cost estimate prepared. Field Investigation The field investigation was straightforward and relatively simple. Its goal was to document the latest operational conditions, loads and configurations in and around each community’s power plant. In addition to that data, recent and historical events relating to power production, interviews with personnel to determine planned changes and possible routes into and through the individual communities were also addressed. The typical approach was to fly to the village, speak with the person or people with information and authority to permit the field investigation, interview them and record their thoughts and observations, sketch and photographically document findings, perform conceptual location and routing investigations and then depart and go on to the next village. Nyac could not be visited. All air carriers in the Bethel area were notified during the summer of 1994 Nyac was closed to air traffic. The closure was applied to all and could only be relieved by written approval to land at Nyac granted in response to a specific request. Such application for exception was considered while the investigator was still in the field, however, the information gathered indicated there were no winter inhabitants at Nyac nor was the air field maintained. Therefore, Nyac could not be investigated. The information used for Nyac in this report is extracted from previous field trips documented in earlier reports furnished for reference. Page 3 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 Once back, the investigator assembled all information by individual site, created photo logs to document their contents and their relationship with the actual configurations observed in the field and conducted telephone interviews and research in an attempt to gather as much information as was possible and available. The Intertie The information from the communities was used to create load information for the Load Flow and Demand Load Analysis. That data was used to develop Voltage Drop and Fault Studies. The results from the initial runs was used as a starting point and then variables were introduced and/or modified to establish the best values and configuration for performance and least loss. Capacitors were added on the primary and secondary sides of substations to mitigate losses and improve power factors. Several structures were evaluated for possible use. The first proposed structure was an"H" structure created from utility grade line poles. That structure demanded heavy equipment in the field to transport and handle the elements and was subsequently rejected as uneconomical. The second structure evaluated was a single wooden pole using attached side arms with suspension isolators for hanging conductors. Structural analysis showed the spans would be so short as to increase the costs of the line. While saving money for labor, the costs of materials went up dramatically. The use of a single wood pole support structures was also rejected. The final (and subsequently selected) structure examined is a slip-fit tapered weathering steel pole with bolted side arms of the same material using suspension isolators. The foundation for this pole would consist of a driven or set circular or "H" steel pile (about 20’-40’ depth) with a reinforced plate welded to its top. In areas of particularly poor soils or other areas with geologically unsuitable material, multiple piles could be used with the plate welded to all pile tops. That plate welded to the piling would be drilled to receive the bolted plate of the pole base. In order to achieve the proper clearances above ground for the 69 KV line, the poles should be 50’ tall or so with the bottom conductor located at no less than 32’ above grade. A drawing of the conceptual pole structure is included in Appendix A - Drawings. Page 4 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 Substations Substations are of the simplest design deemed necessary to accomplish the purpose for this intertie. At locations where no capacitors are required (capacitors are located at Kwethluk and Nyac), the elements of the substation are few. A transition structure, disconnect switch, air-blast power circuit breaker, transformer and transfer switch make up the entire substation. At Kwethluk and Nyac, the addition of capacitors to improve performance requires additional equipment. The additional equipment consists of another air-blast circuit breaker and 2 disconnect switches. Shunt capacitors on the secondary side of transformers interfacing with the local community power system are considered to be part of the local power system and located outside the substation. No costs for these secondary capacitors are included in the cost estimate for this intertie. All equipment is installed on a compacted pad of non-frost susceptible material with a ground grid imbedded within it and protective fencing around it. The ground grid is connected to a series of driven ground rods in an attempt to provide the most stable grounding system possible. The substations require significant area to construct and, typically, occur near the generation plants (except for Bethel). Appendix B - Maps contains suggested substation locations at each community. A typical substation layout can be found in Appendix A - Drawings. In areas of permafrost, ice lenses and discontinuous permafrost, the use of insulation to isolate the pad from ground temperatures and/or passive refrigeration foundations may be appropriate. Use of these relatively common approaches may insure underlying ice and permafrost remain frozen. Keeping these materials frozen improves bearing capacities and improves overall system reliability. No special insulation and/or passive refrigeration systems are in the currently provided cost estimate. Page 5 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 4.0 ENVIRONMENT, LAND AND CULTURE General Area and Characteristics The project area is within the Kuskokwim River drainage. With the exception of Nyac and Kwethluk, each of the villages that would be served by the intertie are located along the Kuskokwim River. Kwethluk is on the Kwethluk River near its junction with the Kuskokwim River. Nyac is in the foothills of the Kuskokwim Mountains, near the headwaters of the Tuluksak River. The socioeconomic and natural settings of the area are described in the following paragraphs. In general, special care should be taken during final design to determine a design and alignment that minimizes impacts to the natural and human environment. River crossings will be of particular concern due to potential conflict with migrating birds, subsistence activities, air and surface transportation and possible disturbance of fish habitat during construction. Socioeconomic Environment The populations of each community (Bethel, Kwethluk, Akiachak, Akiak and Tuluksak) range from a high of about 5,000 local residents in Bethel to a low of around 300 inhabitants in Akiak. Nyac has no year round population, but is occupied in the summer months by those supporting mining activity. The mineral rights are owned by the regional Native corporation, Calista Corporation, and leased to the New York- Alaska Gold Dredging Company (Nyac). The communities are generally traditional Yup’ik Eskimo villages, with subsistence- based economies. The cash-based employment opportunities are typically provided by local government, school and retail businesses. Fire fighting and commercial fishing provide some seasonal employment. Subsistence activities are centered around salmon, but also include other fish, game, berries and edible plants. While Bethel still has a strong traditional influence, there are more cash-based employment opportunities available. Bethel is the regional hub for transportation, goods and services to 56 villages in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Page 6 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 Soils and Drainage The region under investigation lies in the area of a vast alluvial plain. Its soils consist primarily of silts, consolidated and unconsolidated, interlaced with sandy gravels and underlain by varying levels of ice, ice lenses and permafrost. In general, areas near waterways are freeze/thaw regions, while the likelihood of ice and permafrost increases directly with the distance from the waterways. The general topography is flat with undulating low rounded hills. The area receives measurable precipitation in all seasons and has tendencies toward flooding in early spring due to ice dams from wedged ice slabs being trapped at bends and switchbacks in major runoff streams and rivers. After reviewing aerial photography and thermal imagery the various types and lengths of corridor they affect were tabulated. They are Miles Affected Generic Geological Description 2.5 Steep Bedrock (Bedrock at 5’-10’) 2.0 Bedrock at 5’-10’ 9.5 Frozen Upland (Sand/Silt, Ice-Rich) 14.0 Frozen Silt Over Gravel, Ice-Rich(Silt 5’-15’ Thick) 52.0 Discontinuous Frozen Flood Plain(4’-10’ Silt over Sand) 5.0 Unfrozen Flood Plain Climate Winter conditions can be fierce with ice storms driven by gale force winds not uncommon. Summers are equally brutal with temperatures soaring to near 90° F. with little or no wind, turning the plain into a huge reflecting heating element. In any event, the land must be considered fragile and any major undertakings in moving equipment and materials must be undertaken only after careful routing and planning. The construction of an overhead intertie transmission line across this area will require building a temporary service road for the movement of materials and equipment Page 7 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 necessary to build the line. If such a road is not built and helicopters must be used for the same purpose, the cost of the line would increase a minimum of 20 % over those costs indicated in the cost estimate in Appendix C - Cost Estimate. Transportation and Infrastructure Transportation for people and goods into the area is accomplished by airplane and ship to Bethel, the central distribution hub for the region. Bethel serves as the goods distribution and collection center for the region and significant barge traffic moves supplies up and down river from that city during thawed periods. There are no improved or unimproved roads connecting the region’s many villages and inhabitants. The rugged independence of the people results in ground transportation being accomplished by personal adventure along familiar and established paths which are used in both summer and winter. In winter, once the river is frozen, there is traffic along the ice by snowmachine and 3- and 4-wheeler. In wintertime, there are few goods transported by ground method of any type. The winter delivery and circulation of goods and people is almost exclusively the province of airplanes. Bethel maintains a snow road on the Kuskokwim River in the winter that extends upriver beyond Tuluksak. Aerial transmission lines crossing in the vicinity of navigable rivers in the project area will require special attention during design, and public education prior to construction. However, buried utilities are also problematic because of potential river erosion, ice damage and conflict with fishing activities. The ability to put laborers and materials where they are needed at the right time to install and construct this intertie is a logistical challenge. Page 8 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 Eneray Power is supplied by diesel generators, requiring each community to maintain bulk tank farms to store fuel. Fuel is generally delivered by barge in the summer, although some fuel is shipped by plane. The only method to transport fuel into Nyac is by plane. The purchase of fuel for power generation is a severe drain on limited cash resources, particularly for subsistence-based economies. The necessity of storing large volumes of fuel also creates an environmental concern, as there is always a potential for spills and releases. As fuel is generally shipped by barge, tank farms must be located along the rivers. In addition to potential corrosion and subsequent leaking, the tanks may be threatened by riverbank erosion. Land Use and Ownership Most of the lands in the project area are within Native ownership. Of the estimated 85 miles of transmission and feeder lines required, about 52 miles of the proposed intertie alignment lies on Calista Corporation land. The next largest land holder is the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge. The Refuge is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and nearly 20 miles of the intertie lies within it. Approximately 9 miles of the alignment lies on private lands. Impacts to many of these parcels may be reduced or eliminated by adjusting the location of the corridor. The State of Alaska is the smallest land holder in the affected area and that impact is generally limited to the areas of navigable waters. While property acquisition is commonly a sensitive issue, Calista Corporation is actively searching for ways to provide the communities with.a source of power more within control of regional forces rather than individual isolated communities. The intertie would provide direct benefits to residents of the area and, therefore, no major property acquisition difficulties are anticipated. Location and design should, however, incorporate reasonable measures to minimize impacts on land use and private ownership. The concerns and potential effects of construction within the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge are discussed under the Natural Environment section. Page 9 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 Land Ownership Status The intertie’s corridor covers about 85 miles and crosses some 18 townships. Copies of the BLM Master Title Plats (MTPs) for these townships were procured and the proposed corridor was manually transferred to them. Four major ownership groups were identified. The breakdown by miles is as follows: OWNERSHIP MILES Private 9 Native 52 Yukon Delta NWR 20 State 4 Lands generally identified as private include US Surveys, townsite lots, native allotments, and other patented land. They generally cluster around villages, and may include lands owned or selected by native corporations, municipalities, other agencies or political subdivisions of the State of Alaska. Lands identified as Native are large tracts of generally unsubdivided lands identified on the Master Title Plats by an Interim Conveyance (IC) number or other Native land selection application number. The Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge includes several townships of land with very few inholdings along the intertie’s route. State Selected lands and Native lands lying near the terminus of the project at Nyac are subject to numerous mineral claims. These claims were not individually identified nor indicated on the maps. Some claims may lie within the intertie corridor and the construction and operation of the line may have impacts on them. Page 10 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 Culture There are several cultural resources which should be considered during actual design. Each of the villages, and Nyac as well, has historic buildings within the developed community area. Two buildings, the First Mission House (Bethel) and St. Nicholas Church (Kwethluk), have been placed on the National Historic Register. There are several other historic period resources within the project area. One site in proximity to the alignment has been identified as a possible Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 14(h)(1) site. Final design should insure there are no direct or indirect impacts on these important sites. Areas where ground would be disturbed during construction activities should be carefully field surveyed during design to identify any undocumented cultural resources that could be affected by construction. Permits Permitting and notice requirements will be quite involved and necessitate the coordination of locations, installations and seasons of construction with multiple agencies and groups. Much of the entire region in which the transmission line is proposed is classifiable as wet lands. There are several river crossings proposed. The anadromous streams will be of interest to the agencies concerned with fisheries, species migration and maintenance. The portion of the line from Tuluksak must cross the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Reserve. There are BLM lands to cross as well. In addition to formal permits, there will be significant interest in the process undertaken to achieve approval for the transmission line and its passage through several other important areas. A tabulation of entities and agencies or organizations having title or interest to lands and rights-of-way appears in Appendix B - Maps. A permit will be required from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for any activities affecting streams in the project area. Although the project area has not been mapped within the National Wetlands Inventory, most of the lands are expected to be considered jurisdictional wetlands. Construction activities will require a Section 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Page 11 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 Engineers and a Section 401 water quality certification from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Environment and Habitat Environmental concerns include avoiding the disruption of nesting sites of several species of birds, upsetting the habitat of several species of fish (including that most important of fish - the salmon in all its various forms) and intruding upon the ranges of various animals such as caribou, fox, moose and others. Several of the major disruptions may be avoided by carefully selecting the time of year when construction activities occur. Others may be addressed by careful arrangement of the methods and details of construction. Natural Environment The general climate is characterized as Transitional, with more pronounced temperature variations than maritime climates but less extreme than are found in the Interior of the State. Average daily maximum temperatures range from about 60° F in the summer to around 15° F in the winter, with the corresponding average daily minimums between 42-47° F in summer and around 0° F in winter. The extreme temperatures recorded in Bethel in the last 50 years are -46° F and 86° F. The average total annual precipitation is approximately 16 inches water equivalent, with the majority falling as rain between July and October. The average annual snowfall is over 50 inches. The project is within the Kuskokwim River alluvial plain. Bethel, the furthest west community, lies only 40 miles inland from the Bering Sea. The soils are primarily Stratified river deposits of sands, silty sands and fine silt. Thick layers of peat are common, and most of the area is within the continuous permafrost zone. The five communities to be interconnected by the intertie are all located along or near the Kuskokwim River, and elevations are generally within 50 feet of mean sea level. Nyac is the exception; located in the Kilbuck Mountains (foothills of the Kuskokwim Mountains), the elevation is around 600 feet. Page 12 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 Habitat The Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta provides some of the most important nesting and migratory habitat in the North American continent for waterfowl and shorebirds. Almost 25% of the intertie is within the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge. Of primary concern to Refuge managers is the potential for conflict with migrating birds. The Kuskokwim River is a major migration route, and birds often fly very low over the river during bad weather conditions. Telephone lines in Bethel reportedly kill hundreds of migrating peregrine falcons during annual migrations. The American peregrine falcon is an endangered species, with protection under the Endangered Species Act, while the Arctic peregrine falcon was delisted in 1994. Other endangered, proposed and candidate species migrate through the area as well. Intertie river crossings will be of particular concern to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The final design will have to be closely coordinated with the agency to ensure that the needs of the communities are met while protecting these resources. Rivers and lakes in the area support a wide variety of fish and wildlife. All five species of salmon are indigenous to the Kuskokwim River area. Both commercial and subsistence salmon fishing are extremely important to the economies and lifestyles of residents. Important spawning streams possibly affected by this intertie include the Kwethluk, Kisaralik, Fog and Tuluksak Rivers. Other important subsistence, sport and commercial fish species include arctic grayling, northern pike, burbot, whitefish, sheefish and arctic char. The area supports a growing population of moose, particularly in the foothills of the Kuskokwim Mountains. Caribou have been seen in increasing numbers in recent years as well. While most subsistence activities are centered on the rivers, there is some trapping and hunting in the foothills. Hunting in the Nyac area is discouraged to avoid conflict with mining activity. For this reason, the private airstrip at Nyac is closed to public use. Page 13 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 5.0 Electromagnetic Hazards Research of available material regarding the development of electrical and magnetic fields in the vicinity of transmission lines indicates the expected levels of these phenomenon at ground level from this line, at this voltage and with the expected loads will be so small as to be virtually undetectable. The sparse population, the roaming of wildlife and the transitory nature of people and game in the vicinity of the line, intuitively leads to the conclusion that exposures will be unnoticeable and have no permanent effects. In addition, the largest physicist group in the world recently issued a position paper in which they assert there is virtually no detectable link between 60 Hz power radiations and any physical hazards to organisms. ANALYSIS Design Parameters The National Electrical Safety Code (ANSI C2) defines this region as Heavy-Heavy. That definition requires all overhead electrical lines to be designed for heavy wind loading and for heavy radial ice. These classifications result in requirements to conform with Grade B construction criteria as defined by the NESC. Wind loading should be established at a minimum of 110 MPH with a 1.3 gust factor yielding a total wind loading of 143 MPH or 52.4 Ib/ft?. The full 1/2" of radial ice for conductors should be used in calculating weights and wind loads. The minimum air temperature should be assumed to be -40° F. and the maximum temperature at 85° F. It should also be remembered the minimum clearance to be maintained above a river crossing is 32.5 feet above mean high-high water line. The vertical clearance requirement may change as a condition of the crossing permit conditions. The conditions and the requirements for this transmission line results in the selection of #4/0 ACSR as the wire size. The maximum average span length for which the line should be designed is about 600 feet for tangent structures. Structures are currently assumed to be 50 feet tall slip-fit weathering steel poles with weathering steel sidearms. Suspension insulators are envisioned for conductor support. River crossings are assumed to be underslung multi-conductor or single conductors laced into a cable arrangement Page 14 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 suspended from a pre-stressed cable supported by back-angled guyed pylons with poured concrete pier foundations developing the strength required to maintain the proper clearances above the river's surface. A sketch of the proposed crossing technique appears in Appendix A - Drawings. Other methods of crossing the waterways in this construction Project should be considered during final design. Angled driven or set steel piles with passive refrigeration to keep the underlying soils cold may be a better support technique than poured concrete foundations or piers. Use of extra tall structures with appropriate sags to maintain proper height of cables over waterways may be worthy of evaluation. It is in the selection of structures, foundations, supports and other materials dictated by the final selected crossing methods that costs reductions could be discovered. Seasonal Loads The demand loads for the six communities connected to the intertie total 6.0 MW maximum. These demands occur during January and February of each year. During the period in which the Nyac hydroelectric plant would be in operation the maximum demands to be expected could be as low as 2.5 - 3.0 MW. At 3.0 MW and transmission voltage/phase configuration of 69 KV - 3 9g, grounded wye, the maximum current flowing through the line would be about 25 amperes. During winter when the transmission line is supplying power from Bethel to the other communities, the maximum demand load outside of Bethel is about 500 KW (Nyac is typically closed in the winter). The current flowing through the intertie during the winter would then be about 4.5 amperes. In both cases, it is conceivable the maximum load currents could be well below the levels of charging current for the transmission line. This phenomenon would result in the unusual situation where the energy required to operate the intertie would exceed the power delivered by the intertie during any moment of operation. Page 15 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 Construction Sequencing The line requires a temporary road for moving materials and people. The selection of the driven/set pile foundations and the slip-fit steel poles will expedite the installation of the structures and could conceivably limit construction to 2 seasons. Two crews with identical equipment could leapfrog from one end of the line to the other possibly installing as many as 4 foundations daily. Once the crews had established a mile or two of foundations, the follow-up with erection of poles and arm assemblies could begin. It is reasonable for the welders to closely follow the foundation setters and the weld inspectors to follow right behind the welders. Once welds had been completed on the first mile or two, the pole sections would follow. These pole sections can be assembled using relatively minimal equipment. The top sections could be lifted and aligned for setting on the installed bottom section using a short boom with sufficient lifting capacity and gin poles for guiding by ground crew members using simple ropes. The top sections could be preassembled with sidearms bolted in place and insulators strung. It is possible stringing ropes could also be installed at strategic locations to simplify that process. Once the poles are carefully set, the ground rods could be driven and the poles left for the stringers and cable installers. Using the temporary road, the conductors could be strung using trucks working in conjunction with a boom truck to permit easy and safe access to conductor supports. It is feasible to establish sectional deadends to permit stringing conductors in sections rather than at one time. The length of section selected for tensioning and sagging would be determined when the exact line routing is established. Work on substations could be occurring simultaneously with the installation of conductors so the intertie would be ready for operation once sagging, tensioning, connection and testing of the completed line is finished. Using this suggested construction sequence, several parts of the intertie could be under construction at all times, foreshortening the construction period significantly when compared to a linear construction method. Although not reflected in the cost estimate, the lifestyles of the area’s inhabitants and the prevalence of air traffic in the region, may require other considerations regarding the intertie. For example, where snow machine, atv and other types of ground traffic frequently travel, poles and people could benefit from bollards and warning signs at Page 16 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 6.0 each pole base. It could even prove prudent to provide aircraft obstruction warning lights at the top of each structure to alert pilots. There could be other activities which could warrant other such safety and hazard-avoidance installations. COSTS The costs which are presented in Appendix C - Cost Estimate indicate the expensive nature of construction in this region. By comparison, the cost of similar construction in other areas of the State that possess a fairly mature infrastructure that allows delivery of materials and goods over a road system is about 35-40 % of the costs shown in the estimates found in Appendix C. Please note the amounts estimated are in 1995 dollars and suitable escalation factors should be applied for construction in other periods. There are aiso several other external factors which should be added to the costs to achieve a complete picture of the economic impacts this Project would have and what funding may be required. Other Costs to the Project All the costs identified below must be added to the total construction cost estimate. Engineering Fees Engineering fees for design and administration of construction activities are not included in the cost estimate. These fees usually fall into the range of 10%-15% of total costs depending upon the required services. Rights-of-Way Procurement and Permits Costs of rights-of-way and costs to procure permits are not included. These costs cannot be identified until the exact route and locations of the line and its collateral equipment are established. For the purposes of defining total Project costs, assume 5%-10% of total costs. Page 17 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 Administration Burden Administrative costs are not included in the cost estimate. The level of these costs will depend upon the agencies and methods used to track the Project. It is not unusual for these costs to be 12%-20% of the sum of construction costs plus engineering fees plus costs for permits and rights-of-way. Construction Management Construction management costs are not included in the cost estimate. These costs typically run 4%-8% of total construction. Some of these costs can be shifted to engineering fees and/or administration costs depending upon management methods and organizations selected to perform the services. Environmental Costs and Provisions for Future Connections These figures include no allotments for environmental issues nor any unusual costs for interconnecting at any community outside of the transformers and transfer switches required to permit the 69 KV line voltage to be reduced to a level compatible with the local systems. Remediation Costs for Temporary Road The cost estimate includes the costs of constructing a temporary road to permit the relatively free travel of labor and materials to the transmission line construction and staging areas. It does not include the cost to remove the road. Returning disturbed areas to their former undisturbed state will cost about $1,537,250.00 (in 1995 dollars). Page 18 BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE STUDY DCRA - Division of Energy FINAL REPORT FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. August 31, 1995 7.0 SUMMARY The construction of an intertie to provide electrical interconnection of Bethel, Kwethluk, Akiachak, Akiak, Tuluksak and Nyac reveals all the contradictions that exist in attempting to establish large geographically diverse infrastructures in remote parts of Alaska. While high costs of energy in the region's isolated villages provide the drive for efficiencies in delivering energy, material and goods, the lack of economical means to transport that energy or material results in prohibitive costs to develop those systems. The area is largely subsistence in culture with no large industry requiring significant levels of power to subsidize the cost of developing this intertie. The terrain and soils make construction and access difficult and costly. The diverse land use and ownership that influence this intertie are formidable and could present substantial obstacles to the intertie’s construction and operation. The sensitive ecosystems exact their premium in absolutely necessary costs required to mitigate impacts to the lifestyles and cultures in these villages . These sensitive balanced systems are exactly why these communities were initially established in their present locations - fish, game, fowl, forage. It seems from the preliminary data, there would be meager opportunity to realize sufficient return from this intertie’s construction and operation to make it "pay back" in any ordinary sense of the term. The loads involved, the costs incurred in delivering the energy to the villages in the region and the lack of potential dramatic increases in those loads results in little or no way to ever completely recover the life cycle costs of such an endeavor. This report does not deal with intangibles, but those important items like quality of life, reduction of reliance on fossil fuels, reduced emissions from diesel generators and the possible development of other power consumption points along the length of this intertie must be very strong factors to make this intertie practical. Page 19 APPENDIX A - DRAWINGS > (003 FUTURE NYAC (023 . HYDRO. - 1.4 MW w+ 480 oc /@ | 4160 4160 @ mT KVARS SOOKVA = 25 KVA(TAPS SET @ -1.5 2) = Lp SET am @ -35% ~, 69 KV @ g Pca ( PcB 450 KVARS Tr = 35.5 MILES 05 MILES —, [ TULUKSAK ] xe TULUKSAK DEM = 76 KW 19 MILES T 10 KVARS 3 MILES 69 KV & oe “3 f ~PCB AKIAK =I 5, CAP. 398 KW 69 KV DEM. 175 KW = 10 KVARS Lo 6.5 MILES q (0)—~_ @—_ Tae 7 i ~ AKIACHAK Ting KV 225 CAP. 500 KW DEM. 110 KW 25.5 MILES (3) e | — e _—~ PCB Cat jl a I) MILES we KVARS CAP. 750 KW 20.5 wes DEM. 144 KW A 480 Tl m (709 “ ( TAPS, SET ‘525. KVARS @ -3.5 % = scyveset GEN. 60) 9.0 MW — 15.1 MW (TOTAL OF ALL 5 GEN.'S) DEM. 5.5 MW + FIP ONE LINE DIAGRAM E R FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. 560 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907)561-1666 _-— NYAC_SUBSTATION it (023 = FUTURE NYAC HYDRO. - 1.4 MW oy (25 @ 4160 4160 -_&, 30 KVARS tO ves == 25 KVA(TAPS SET @ -1.5 2) = @ -35 % I bo KV ~ {109 TULUKSAK_ SUBSTATION . TULUKSAK SUBSTATION PcB (PCB {is 450 KVARS 1 225 DEM = 76 KW = 69 KV S 19 MILES —- T 10 KVARS | Sie @ | AKIAK CAP, 398 KW ae ow |-—— AKIAK_SUBSTATION DEM. 175 KW = 10 KVARS | 6.5 MILES AKIACHAK SUBSTATION ——=J & i 480 [ana] € 225 CAP. 500 KW DEM. 110 KW 25.5 MILES (6 fe a7. 3 PCB —~ PCB KWETHLUK 205 11.7 MILES ]_ 1500 KvaRs = SUBSTATION CAP. 750 KW 89 KV 20.5 MILES 7 + s 4 ow) 24 KV iF SET T S25 KVARS @ -3.5 % 7 sQy nese GEN. 6 (j— 9.0 MW — 15.1 MW (TOTAL OF ALL 5 GEN.'S) DEM. 5.5 MW + ONE LINE DIAGRAM R FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. 660 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907)561—1686 ROUND TAPERED 11 GA. STEEL 106 BOTTOM 3’9 TOP 1”x 36’x 4 ANCHOR BOLTS 13.5” BOLT CIRCLE DIAMETER 32’ 50 FT. TALL 55,000 PSI STEEL (MIN. YIELD) x_0.6_ SAFETY FACTOR 33,000 PSI WORKING STRENGTH GRADE lal J 1 DRIVEN OR SET H-PILE TO DEPTH OF 25-40 FEET. F|P 69 KV TANGENT STRUCTURE - TYPICAL E|R FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. 560 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE 301 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907)561-1666 STEEL STRAP LINED WITH NYLON f ACSR era @ 10 MESSENGER Pe CABLE MULTIPLE GUYS AS REQUIRED UP TO 80' LONG. HIGH STRENGTH STEEL POLE. 32.5" MIN. CLEARANCE WATER SURFACE Z sai POURED CONCRETE \ BASE. POURED CONCRETE BASE. | SECTION FIP RIVER CROSSING — TYPICAL E|R FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. 660 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE 301 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907)561-1666 DIMENSIONS AS REQUIRED + 20’ -—————__ (10° EACH SIDE). —— TO EQUIPMENT CAREFULLY 12” MIN> OR METAL, TYP. COMPACTED NSF TOP OF RODS AT 18° —ts- See ee =1— PROVIDE WIRE ; Sage: MESH FENCE AT LEAST 12° HIGH allan W/POLES SET IN CONCRETE. ALL CONNECTIONS BOND WIRE AT EACH SHALL BE CADWELD yan & TO RODS. 20° (TYP.) OR ih 20" 0.C. (MIN.) COPPER-CLAD a EACH WAY STEEL GROUND RODS (TYP.) in BOND ALL POLES TO GROUND MAT. 3/4'dx 10'-0"L. ELEVATION Va PROVIDE #4/0 BARE N PROVIDE GROUND ROD DRIVEN AT COPPER GROUND MAT EACH CORNER WITH NODES AT 20’ 0.C. & JUNCTION. IN EACH DIRECTION. SUBSTATION PAD F|P E R FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. 560 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907)561-1666 —— 69KV | bia FUSED ft cuTouTs —— TERMINATION AT ~~ SUBSTATION 69_KV MOTOR OPERATED DISCONNECT SWITCH er LA 69 KV AIR BLAST i PCB : ur w ~~ .69 KV AIR BLAST CHANGER ———~ ye “ Z = ——sHunt = CAPACITOR 69KV, 480V. Us 7 BANK TRANSFORMER ] ENCLOSED (_MccB 480V. _~ ~ LOCAL —~ ce ae POWER GENERATION ENCLOSED SHUNT (_wccB LOCAL CAPACITOR | ee BANK + F|P TYPICAL SUBSTATION ONE-LINE DIAGRAM E|R FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. 560 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907)561-1666 30’ Ul L. ; i + APPROX. 185° | 7 ELEVATION SHUNT CAPACITOR BANK |+— DISCONNECT SWITCH 3PST APPROX. 110° te eel CHASE WITH H POWER CIRCUIT COVERBIATE BREAKER 4B0V. U.G. POURED IN SLAB FOR TO LOCAL WIRE. TRANSPORT. GENERATOR PIPE BUS BUS. | 7 DISCONNECT DISCONNECT A Switce SWITCH =F a\ / A Wa “oS pS || HE 5 is \ S=¥7] L TRANSFER B LINE E ad @| | SWITCH —teth [er jt — a} ' r J path e+} t-enctoseo ¢ ee EMR Th 3] | MCB MOTOR a i { OPERATED PIPE BUS 480V. U.G. Se DISCONNECT POWER CIRCUIT . UG. pa at BREAKER TO LOCAL LOADS SUBSTATION — TYPICAL FPE Roen Engineers, Inc. 500 RAST 94th AVENUE SUITS ANCHORAGR ALASKA 99603 (o07)601-1008 APPENDIX B - MAPS LEGEND All lands Calista Corporation except: G3 Private lands =) State Selected @@) Yukon Delta NWR MAP KEY [i Transmission Line M™mm) Feeder Line Project Area SCALE; 1"=1 Mile Jonagone 9 30 CITY _ BOUNDARY PRELIMINARY LAND STATUS BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE FIGURE 1 LEGEND All lands Calista Corporation except: GH Private lands E =) State Selected G9) Yukon Delta NWR SCALE: 1"=1 Mile MAP KEY MM Transmission Line Feeder Line Co Project Area St DY i FPE Roesn OO 5s s25/95] PRELIMINARY LAND STATUS FIGURE Se eri! Eee Nett Fanny is ISCALE: ENGINEERS BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE 2 TER es Le Pst 945052] LEGEND All lands Calista Corporation except: G5 Private lands E=) State Selected GG) Yukon Delta NWR MAP KEY Wl Transmission Line mmm) Feeder Line [— Project Area Mile SCALE: 1°=1 FPE Roen ona ee SCALE: ENGINEER gL _ rel 263,360 pecs PRELIMINARY LAND STATUS FIGURE BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE 3 NE Sy 1028 Aurom Drive, Fairbenks, Ainske 95703-5529 LEGEND 1 Mile All lands Calista Corporation except: G33 Private lands = State Selected [= Yukon Delta NWR MAP KEY @™@™ Transmission Line mum «Feeder Line <= Project Area SCALE: 1” ‘ YUKON DELTA NWR ni NATIVE CORPORATION nt 4 vd | NATIVE CORPORATION r ‘STATE SELECTED | PRELIMINARY LAND STATUS BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE FIGURE 4, FIGURE 5 LEGEND All lands Calista Corporation except: G3 Private lands =) State Selected 335) Yukon Delta NWR MAP KEY @@™ Transmission Line Mme Feeder -Line CJ Project Area SCALE: 1"=1 Mile Sea eat Eames Mees Srey ENGINEERS } 29 Sas \ 27 | 25 ' 30. | 29 Pa See ly Ld a | oo ' | Zaye 04 | >= le 2 BL — Los 82 | sh i Rie | 33 | as bes. 36 31 a "ead 4 | N } : 36 “|= 31 32 33 BEOLOGICAL SURVEY, WASHINGTON, OC +196. 4] 7000m.E 1028 Awom Drive, Fairbanks, Alaska 99709529 PRELIMINARY LAND STATUS BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE FIGURE 5 LEGEND All lands Calista Corporation except: G9) Private lands = State Selected G35) Yukon Delta NWR MAP KEY MH Transmission Line met Feeder Line = Project Area 1 Mile SCALE: 1” | —~ YUKON DELTA NWR a STATE SELECTED © \ NATIVE CORPORATION 1, PRELIMINARY LAND STATUS BETHEL - NYAC INTERTIE FIGURE 6 q a INTERCONNECT WITH 2400 VOLT INE. UTILITY LINE.y _--~ =) PROPOSED ’ _ |SUBSTATION , LJ LOCATION a4 [ONY VUSVIY “ZOVEOH: ZLINS ZNNZAVY Tre LSVa O9S ‘OU ‘s1o0uIsUq us0y Add ‘3HL39 s0s6s 9esT—t9s(L06) 3 ws 5 go fr F . FIP AKIACHAK E|R FPE Roen Engineer In Sao UST 34th ArERUE UTE SEMORAOK WLASKA owoe (rent ineers, Inc. (errae—s088 oe Seo LAST seth svEmUE sure ARCRORAGE sLAseA weoe G t) c v QO a Ga a ics g o o at i) = lq 5\8 = F |e be 8 8 fi o o § a ch eift S|mg Ba LAND OWNERSHIP STATUS Route No. 2, including the feeder lines, is about 85 miles long and crosses some 18 townships. We obtained paper copies of the BLM Master Title Plats (MTPs) for these townships and manually transferred the Route 2 alignment to them, identifying four chief ownership groups: private lands, native corporation lands, state lands, and Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge lands. The breakdown by miles is as follows: OWNERSHIP MILES Private 9 Native 52 Yukon Delta NWR 20 State 4 Lands generally identified as private include US Surveys, townsite lots, native allotments, and other patented land. They generally cluster around villages, and may include lands owned or selected by native corporations, municipalities, or other agencies or political subdivisions of the State of Alaska. Lands identified as Native are the large tracts of generally unsubdivided lands identified on the MTP’s by an Interim Conveyance (IC) number or other Native land selection application number. The Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge includes several townships of land with very few inholdings near Route 2. The State Selected lands and Native lands lying near the terminus of the project at Nyac are subject to numerous mineral claims. We have no maps at this time to indicate the layout of these claims. Bethel Nyaz Transmission Line Study MAIN TRANS. LINE OWNERSHIP IN. MILES Bethel private 5.2 3.4 ANCSA IC 142/143 4.8 3.1 USS private 1.6 1.0 ANCSA IC 142/143 2.5 1.6 ANCSA IC 619/618 12} 0.8 USS 1028 private 0.9 0.6 ANCSA IC 619/618 12:7 8.3 ANCSA IC 611/610 15.8 10.3 ANCSA F14824-A/A2 6.2 4.1 ANCSA IC 542/543 6.1 4.0 USS private 0.8 0.5 Kuskokwim R./ State of Ak. 0.7 0.5 ANCSA IC 542/543 0.7 0.5 USS private 0.8 0.5 ANCSA IC 542/543 6.5 4.3 Lakes/ State of Alaska 2 1.3 ANCSA IC 542/543 0.7 0.5 ANCSA F14942-A/A2 3.1 2.0 Yukon Delta NWR 30.4 19.9 State Selected 0.9 0.6 ANCSA IC 1510 2.1 1.4 State Selected 3 2.0 ANCSA IC 1510 3.1 2.0 KWETHLUK FEEDER ANCSA IC 619/618 4.4 2.9 ANCSA IC 142/143 3.2 al ANCSA IC 214/213 2.3 1.5 Kwethluk private 23 1.5 AKIACHAK FEEDER ANCSA IC 619/618 1.4 0.9 Akiachak private 0.1 0.1 ANIAK FEEDER ANCSA IC 611/610 at 1.4 Aniak private 1.7 1 129 84.7 OWNERSHIP IN. MILES *private* 8.8 9 ANCSA* 51.7 52 Yukon Delta NWR 19.9 20 *State* 4.3 4 84.7 85.0 APPENDIX C - COST ESTIMATE HMS #94161 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FINAL COST STUDY BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE KUSKOKWIM DELTA REGION COST CONSULTANT ENGINEERS HMS Inc. 4103 Minnesota Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99503 FPE/Roen Engineers, Inc. 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 561-1653 (907) 562-0420 FAX May 10, 1995 BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE PAGE 1 KUSKOKWIM DELTA REGION, ALASKA FINAL COST STUDY - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE 5/10/95 NOTES REGARDING THE PREPARATION OF THIS COST ESTIMATE This cost study is based on (3) half-sized drawings and (3) 8"x11 1/2" schematics developed by FPE/Roen Engineers, Inc. and dated May 1995. For estimating purposes, this study is priced in 1995 dollars and does not include escalation up to the future actual bid date of the project. The labor rates used are A.S. Title 36 prevailing wage rates with appropriate labor burden and current materials and equipment prices. Due to conceptual nature of design, some assumptions have been made to evaluate these this study. The cost study reflects the probable construction cost only and excludes the following costs to arrive at a total project cost. 1) Engineering fees (A/E's) 2) Right-of-Way and environmental permits 3) Administrative costs 4) Construction management costs 5) Project contingency and future escalation beyond 1995 construction dollars BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE KUSKOKWIM DELTA REGION, ALASKA FINAL COST STUDY - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE GENERAL COST SUMMARY PAGE 2 5/10/95 INT IE TE MILE 1. River Crossings (2) $ 220,400 2. Support Structures (995) $ 5,329,426 3. 69 KV Line and Temporary Road $ 10,317,250 4. Substation Pad, Fencing and Grounding $ 1,085,619 5. Substations, Line Taps and Transformers $ 2,041,550 SUBTOTAL DIRECT WORK: $ 18,994,245 6. General Conditions, Overhead and Profit ¢ Mobilization/Demobilization 1 LS $ 325,000 * Operation Costs (Supervision, Inspections, Equipment, Freight, Per Diem and Travel, Temporary Facilities, Etc.) 24 MOS x $ 200,000 $ 4,800,000 * General Overhead and Profit 12% $ 2,894,309 ¢ Bonds and Insurances 2% $ 540,271 SUBTOTAL: $ 27,553,825 7. Contingencies ¢ Design Unknowns 15% $ 4,133,074 ¢ Escalation to 1995 Included ESTIMATED DOLLARS CONSTRUCTION COST: $ 31,686,899 $/MILE: $ 364,217.23 TOTAL LENGTH (MILES): 87.00 Miles BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE PAGE 3 KUSKOKWIM DELTA REGION, ALASKA FINAL COST STUDY - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE 5/10/95 INTERTIE ROUTE (87 MILES) 1. RIVER CROSSINGS (2) QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Concrete abuttment for deadman (4) 18 CY 1,750.00 31,500 Ditto for suspension support column (4) 7 CY 1,750.00 12,250 W14x45H support columns embedded 4'0" deep in concrete and 36'0" above grade (4) 3.60 TONS 2,975.00 10,710 3" steel anchors embedded 4'0" deep in deadman 4 EA 250.00 1,000 2" diameter steel suspension cable anchored to deadman, supported on column and suspended across river (2) 5,152 LF 17.50 90,160 Helicopter time with pilot (8 hours/crossing) 16 HRS 2,500.00 40,000 Suspension insulator 20'0" o/c fixed to cable 188 EA 185.00 34,780 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: 220,400 BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE PAGE 4 KUSKOKWIM DELTA REGION, ALASKA FINAL COST STUDY - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE 5/10/95 INTERTIE ROUTE (87 MILES) 2. SUPPORT STRUCTURES (955) _ QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST 12"x12" (53#/LF) driven H-pile (average 35'0" long, varies from 25'0" to 40'0" lengths) 33,425 LF 35.50 1,186,588 12" diameter x 1" thick welded steel base plate 955 LF 115.00 109,825 Average 8" diameter 11 gauge x 32'0" long tapered steel pole with 12" diameter x 1" thick welded steel plate bottom 955 EA 1,550.00 1,480,250 Bolt above to pile base plate with (4) 1"x36" anchor bolts 955 EA 72.50 69,238 Average 4 1/2" diameter 11 gauge x average 16 1/2" long tapered steel pole slip fitted into 8" diameter pole 955 EA 875.00 835,625 5'0" steel cross arm bolted to pole above 35'0" height (4/pole) 3,820 EA 250.00 955,000 Suspension insulator fixed to arms 3,820 EA 157.50 601,650 Guy wire and anchor to poles (2/pole) 50 ~— Poles 1,075.00 53,750 Ditto (4/pole) 20 Poles 1,875.00 37,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: 5,329,426 BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE KUSKOKWIM DELTA REGION, ALASKA FINAL COST STUDY - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE INTERTIE ROUTE (87 MILES) 3. 69KV LINE & TEMPORARY ROAD 4/0 ACSR main line suspended on insulators at support structures (3) 4/0 neutral ditto (1) 4/0 ACSR main line suspended at river crossing (3) 4/0 neutral ditto (1) Helicopter time with pilot for river crossings (12 hours/crossing) Clear site for right-of-way Form 20'0" wide temporary access road for installation of line (except at river crossing) TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: PAGE 5 5/10/95 QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST 1,362 MLF 3,875.00 5,277,750 454 MLF 3,250.00 1,475,500 16 MLF 4,250.00 68,000 4 MLF 3,500.00 14,000 24 HRS 2,500.00 60,000 209 AC 3,000.00 627,000 86 MILES 32,500.00 2,795,000 10,317,250 BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE KUSKOKWIM DELTA REGION, ALASKA FINAL COST STUDY - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PAGE 6 5/10/95 INTERTIE ROUTE (87 MILES) 4. SUBSTATION PAD, FENCING AND GROUNDING QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST Excavate 24" deep and dispose for pad (6) 21,511 CY 7.50 161,333 NFS compacted backfill 25,813 CY 21.75 561,433 12'0" high wire mesh fencing including concrete embedded posts 10'0" o/c and barbed wire ribbon at top 5,280 LF 42.50 224,400 20'0" double leaf gate 6 EA 6,500.00 39,000 4'0" single leaf man gate 6 EA 850.00 5,100 3/4"x10'0" copper ground rod set in 20'0"x20'0" grid 121 EA 125.00 15,125 #4/0 bare copper ground wire mat ditto 4,840 LF 3.60 17,424 Cadweld mat and ground rod 242 EA 52.50 12,705 Ditto mat and fence post 1,056 EA 35.70 37,699 Pig-tail jumper connection to equipment (20/pad) 120 EA 95.00 11,400 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: 1,085,619 BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE PAGE 7 KUSKOKWIM DELTA REGION, ALASKA FINAL COST STUDY - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE 5/10/95 INTERTIE ROUTE (87 MILES) 5. SUBSTATIONS, LINE TAPS AND TRANSFORMERS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST NYAC Motor operated disconnect switch 30'0" high, pad mounted 1 EA 45,000.00 45,000 (3) post disconnect switch ditto 2 EA 33,500.00 67,000 Air blast power circuit breaker assembly 25'0" high pad mounted 1 EA 45,000.00 45,000 450 KVARS shunt capacity bank with two (3) post switches and (1) air blast power circuit breaker 1 EA 112,000.00 112,000 Pipe bus connected to above equipment (3) 885 LF 155.00 137,175 Ditto vertical (4) 120 LE 185.00 22,200 2,500 KVA transformer on grounded pad 1 EA 72,500.00 72,500 500 KVA ditto 1 EA 37,500.00 37,500 Enclosed motor controlled circuit breaker ditto 1 EA 9,500.00 9,500 Transfer switch ditto 1 EA 7,500.00 7,500 BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE PAGE 8 KUSKOKWIM DELTA REGION, ALASKA FINAL COST STUDY - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE 5/10/95 INTERTIE ROUTE (87 MILES) 5. SUBSTATIONS, LINE TAPS AND TRANSFORMERS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST NYAC (Continued) Circuit breaker to future 1.4 MW hydropower 1 EA 3,250.00 3,250 Ditto to Nyac transformer 2 EA 2,875.00 5,750 BETHEL Motor operated disconnect switch 30'0" high, pad mounted 1 EA 45,000.00 45,000 (3) post disconnect switch ditto 1 EA 33,500.00 33,500 Air blast power circuit breaker assembly 25'0" high pad mounted 1 EA 45,000.00 45,000 Pipe bus connected to above equipment (3) 555 Le 155.00 86,025 Ditto vertical (2) 60 LF 185.00 11,100 2,500 KVA transformer on grounded pad 1 EA NIC 500 KVA ditto 1 EA NIC BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE PAGE 9 KUSKOKWIM DELTA REGION, ALASKA FINAL COST STUDY - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE 5/10/95 INTERTIE ROUTE (87 MILES) 5. SUBSTATIONS, LINE TAPS AND TRANSFORMERS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST BETHEL (Continued) Enclosed motor controlled circuit breaker on grounded pad 1 EA NIC Transfer switch ditto 1 EA NIC Circuit breaker to 9-15 MW generator 5 EA NIC Ditto to Bethel transformer 2 EA NIC KWETHLUK Motor operated disconnect switch 30'0" high, pad mounted 1 EA 45,000.00 45,000 (3) post disconnect switch ditto 2 EA 33,500.00 67,000 Air blast power circuit breaker assembly 25'0" high pad mounted 1 EA 45,000.00 45,000 1,500 KVAR shunt capacitor bank with two (3) post switches and (1) air blast power circuit breaker 1 EA 135,000.00 135,000 BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE KUSKOKWIM DELTA REGION, ALASKA FINAL COST STUDY - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PAGE 10 5/10/95 INTERTIE ROUTE (87 MILES) 5. SUBSTATIONS, LINE TAPS AND QUANTITY KWETHLUK (Continued) Pipe bus connected to above equipment (3) Ditto vertical (4) 225 KVA transformer on grounded pad Enclosed motor controlled circuit breaker ditto Transfer switch ditto Circuit breaker to Kwethluk transformer TULUKSAK, AKIAK AND AKIACHAK Motor operated disconnect switch 30'0" high, pad mounted (3) post disconnect switch ditto Air blast power circuit breaker assembly 25'0" high pad mounted 885 120 UNIT LF Le EA EA EA EA EA EA EA UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST 145.00 128,325 165.00 19,800 29,500.00 29,500 6,500.00 6,500 5,200.00 5,200 2,500.00 2,500 45,000.00 135,000 33,500.00 100,500 45,000.00 135,000 BETHEL-NYAC INTERTIE PAGE 11 KUSKOKWIM DELTA REGION, ALASKA FINAL COST STUDY - CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE 5/10/95 INTERTIE ROUTE (87 MILES) 5. SUBSTATIONS, LINE TAPS AND QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST AK A A Pipe bus connected to above equipment (9) 1,665 LF 145.00 241,425 Ditto vertical (6) 180 LF 165.00 29,700 225 KVA transformer on grounded pad 3 EA 29,500.00 88,500 Enclosed motor controlled circuit breaker ditto 3 EA 6,500.00 19,500 Transfer switch ditto 3 EA 5,200.00 15,600 Circuit breaker to transformers 3 EA 2,500.00 7,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: 2,041,550 APPENDIX D - COMPUTER OUTPUTS Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED IS FOR REVIEW, APPROVAL, INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION BY A REGISTERED ENGINEER ONLY DAPPER ( DEMAND LOAD ANALYSIS MINI/MICRO VERSION 4.5) “OPYRIGHT SKM SYSTEMS ANALYSIS, INC. 1994 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE 2 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ‘xx NOTICE *** BUS 1400 ACHAK JNCT COMPLETES LOOP IN SYSTEM 3RANCH 1400 ACHAK JNCT TO 1300 AKIAK JNCT IS AUTOMATICALLY TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE 3 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA LOAD SUMMARY KR KKK ERK RK KK KKK KK KKH KKK KKK KKK KK KKK KKK KK KK KKK KKK KKK KK KKK KR RKRK KKK KR REK LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR *#*k*k*k SOURCE BUS [ITEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS P-F S3RANCH LOADS 1010 NYAC DISTR 535.8 74.4 535.8 74.4 669.7 92.9 -95.8 TOTALS 535.8 74.4 535.8 74.4 669.7 92.9 -95.8 LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1000 NYAC HYDRO ITEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF jRANCH LOADS 1020 NYAC SUBST 293.1 40.7 293.1 40.7 366.4 50.8 -96.0 100 NYAC TLINE 242.7 Sod 242.7 33.7 303.3 42.1 -95.6 TOTALS 535.8 74.4 535.8 74.4 669.7 92.9 -95.8 LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1020 NYAC SUBST 4160. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1010 NYAC DISTR TEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF RANCH LOADS 1025 NYAC SYS. 293.1 40.7 293-1 40.7 366.4 50.8 -96.0 TOTALS 293.1 40.7 293.1 40.7 366.4 50.8 -96.0 2AD SCHEDULE FOR 1025 NYAC SYS. 480. VOLTS LINE TO LINE JURCE OF PWR 1020 NYAC SUBST [EM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS Por PRANCH LOADS 126 NYAC LOADS 293.1 352.6 293.1 352.6 366.4 440.7 -96.0 TOTALS 293.1 352.6 293.1 352.6 366.4 440.7 -96.0 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE 4 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA LOAD SUMMARY He HHH HK I HK KK KK KK KK KKK KK KKK IKK KK KK KKK KK KKK KKK IKK KK KKK KKK KKK KEK KKK RRR KKK RK sOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1026 NYAC LOADS 480. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1025 NYAC SYS. TTEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF END USE LOADS ENERAL LOADS 20.0 24.1 20.0 24.1 25.0 30.1 -87.5 _IGHTING 2513 30.4 25.3 30.4 31.6 38.0 -90.0 RECEPTACLES 15.0 18.0 15.20 18.0 18.8 22.6 -90.0 \FFICE EQUIPMENT 12.5 15.0 12.5 15.0 15.6 18.8 -90.0 (EATING 50.0 60.1 50.0 60.1 62.5 75.2 100.0 WATER PUMPS 11.2 13.5 11.2 13.5 14.0 16.8 -93.0 -APACITORS 30.0 36.1 30.0 36.1 3729 45.1 -0 OTOR LOADS 152.0 182.8 152.0 182.8 190.0 228.5 -90.0 uARGEST MOTOR 21.2 25.5 21.2 25.5 26.5 31.9 -90.0 TOTALS 293.1 352.6 293.1 352.6 366.4 440.7 -96.0 OAD SCHEDULE FOR 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. VOLTS LINE TO LINE OURCE OF PWR 1010 NYAC DISTR TTEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF BRANCH LOADS 200 TLKSK JNCT 242.7 2.0 242.7 2.0 303.3 2.5 -95.6 TOTALS 242.7 2.0 242.7 2.0 303.3 2.5 -95.6 LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1100 NYAC TLINE ~/.EM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF . \ANCH LOADS 1225 TLKSK SUB. 72.3 6 72.3 6 90.4 -8 -97.0 **00 AKIAK JNCT 170.5 1.4 170.5 1.4 213.2 1.8 -94.8 TOTALS 242.7 2.0 242.7 2.0 303.3 2.5 95.6 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE 5 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA LOAD SUMMARY HR HH HK KK KKK KK KKK KK KKK RK RIK KKK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KK KKK KKK KKK KR KKKREKEE LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1225 TLKSK SUB. 69000. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1200 TLKSK JNCT ITEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS P:F BRANCH LOADS 1250 TLKSK SYS TOTALS LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1250 TLKSK SYS. 480. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1225 TLKSK SUB. ITEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS REE: 3RANCH LOADS 1275 TLKSK LOAD 7263 87.0 72.3 87.0 90.4 108.7 -97.0 TOTALS 7203 87.0 72.0 87.0 90.4 108.7 -97.0 sOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1275 TLKSK LOAD 480. VOLTS LINE TO LINE JOURCE OF PWR 1250 TLKSK SYS. ‘TEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF “ND USE LOADS ENERAL LOADS 748 9.0 7.5 9.0 9.4 11.3 = =87 35 LIGHTING 27.5 33.1 27.5 33.1 34.4 41.3 -90.0 EATING 12.5 15.0 12.5 15.0 15.6 18.8 100.0 ATER PUMPS 11.2 13.5 11.2 L315) 14.0 16.8 -93.0 APACITORS 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 12.5 15.0 -0 MOTOR LOADS 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.5 -90.0 ARGEST MOTOR 16.7 20.1 16.7 20.1 20.9 25.1 -90.0 TOTALS 72.3 87.0 72.3 87.0 90.4 108.7 -97.0 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE 6 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] 3ystem demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting *PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA LOAD SUMMARY CH KK KKK KK KK KK KK RK KKK KK KKK KK KK KK KKK KEK KKK RK KKK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK RAK KKK sOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. VOLTS LINE TO LINE 3OURCE OF PWR 1200 TLKSK JNCT “TEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS -F BRANCH LOADS -325 AKIAK SUB. 170.5 1.4 170.5 1.4 213.2 1.8 -94.8 LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1325 AKIAK SUB. 69000. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1300 AKIAK JNCT 1TEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF RANCH LOADS 1350 AKIAK SYS. 170.5 1.4 170.5 1.4 213.2 1.8 -94.8 TOTALS 170.5 1.4 170.5 1.4 213.2 1.8 -94.8 OAD SCHEDULE FOR 1350 AKIAK SYS. 480. VOLTS LINE TO LINE ~OURCE OF PWR 1325 AKIAK TEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF “RANCH LOADS 375 AKIAK LOAD 170.5 205.1 170.5 205.1 213.2 256.4 -94.8 TOTALS 170.5 205.1 170.5 205.1 213.2 256.4 -94.8 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE 7 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA LOAD SUMMARY FR IK KKK KH KK KK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KK RK RK KR IKK KEK K KKK KEK KEKE REAR E LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1375 AKIAK LOAD 480. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1350 AKIAK SYS. ITEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF END USE LOADS GENERAL LOADS 20.0 24.1 20.0 24.1 25.0 30.1 -87.5 LIGHTING 45.0 54.1 45.0 54.1 56.3 67.7 -90.0 HEATING 50.0 60.1 50.0 60.1 62.5 75.2 100.0 WATER PUMPS 15.0 18.0 15.0 18.0 18.8 22.6 -93.0 MOTOR LOADS 23.0 27.7 23.0 27.7 28.8 34.6 -90.0 LARGEST MOTOR 21.2 25.5 21.2 25.5 26.5 31.9 -90.0 TOTALS 170.5 205.1 170.5 205.1 213.2 256.4 -94.8 LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1500 KWTHK JNCT TTEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF BRANCH LOADS 1425 ACHAK SUB. 105.1 -9 TOTALS 105.1 9 LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1425 ACHAK SUB. 69000. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1400 ACHAK JNCT ITEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF JRANCH LOADS 1450 ACHAK SYS. 105.1 9 105.1 -9 131.3 1.1 -96.7 TOTALS 105.1 9 105.1 9 131.3 1.1 -96.7 OAD SCHEDULE FOR 1450 ACHAK SYS. 480. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1425 ACHAK SUB. TEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF RANCH LOADS 475 ACHAK LOAD 105.1 126.4 105.1 126.4 134.3 158.0 -96.7 TOTALS LOS. 126.4 105.1 126.4 131.3 158.0 -96.7 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE 8 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA LOAD SUMMARY HHA K KKK RR KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KK KK RRR KKK KK KK REAR KERR KR RRA AKK RRA KKK RR IK LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1475 ACHAK LOAD 480. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1450 ACHAK SYS. ITEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF END USE LOADS GENERAL LOADS 12.5 15.0 12.5 15.0 15.6 18.8 -87.5 LIGHTING 37 2D 45.1 37.5 45.1 46.9 56.4 -90.0 HEATING 25.0 30.1 25.0 30.1 31.3 37.6 100.0 WATER PUMPS 15.0 18.0 15.0 18.0 18.8 22.6 -93.0 CAPACITORS 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 12.5 15.0 -0 MOTOR LOADS 8.8 10.6 8.8 10.6 11.0 13.2 -90.0 LARGEST MOTOR 11.2 13.5 21.2 13.5 14.0 16.8 -90.0 TOTALS 105.1 126.4 105.1 126.4 131.3 158.0 -96.7 LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1600 BTHL TLINE ITEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF 3RANCH LOADS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 105.1 9 105.1 9 1.1 ‘=96.7 1525 KWTHK SUB. 143.4 1.2 143.4 1.5 -94.1 TOTALS 248.3 2.1 248.3 2.1 2.6 -95.3 s.OAD SCHEDULE FOR 1525 KWTHK SUB. 69000. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1500 KWTHK JNCT ‘TEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF SRANCH LOADS 550 KWTHK SYS. 143.4 1.2 143.4 aoa 179.3 1.5 94.1 TOTALS 143.4 1.2 143.4 1.2 179.3 Le3 . ~8Ge2 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE 9 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA LOAD SUMMARY KR KK AK KK KK KK KKK KK KK KR KKK KKK RK RK KKK KKK RK KEKE KRKEE LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1550 KWTHK SYS. 480. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1525 KWTHK SUB. ITEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF BRANCH LOADS 1575 KWTHK LOAD 143.4 172.5 143.4 172.5 179.3 215.6 -94.1 TOTALS 143.4 172.5 143.4 172.5 19 ois 215.6 -94.1 LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1575 KWTHK LOAD 480. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1550 KWTHK SYS. ITEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF END USE LOADS GENERAL LOADS 22.5 27.1 22.5 27.1 28.1 LIGHTING 52:.5 63.1 52.5 63.1 65.6 HEATING 35.0 42.1 35.0 42.1 43.8 WATER PUMPS 15.0 18.0 15.0 18.0 18.8 MOTOR LOADS 10.0 12.0 10.0 12.0 12.5 LARGEST MOTOR 11.2 13.5 11.2 375 14.0 TOTALS 143.4 172.5 143.4 172.5 179.3 215.6 -94.1 LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1700 BTHL SUB. KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF 3RANCH LOADS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 248.3 2.1 248.3 2.1 310.3 2.6 =-95.3 TOTALS 248.3 2.1 248.3 2.1 310.3 2516 —95.3 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE 10 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA LOAD SUMMARY FR KK KK IK KI KK IK KK IK KKK KKK KK KKK RK KK KKK KKK KKK RK KEKE KR RKKRKEK ER RR KK RRA KR RK KR RK RARE LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1800 BTHL PLANT ITEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS Por BRANCH LOADS 1600 BTHL TLINE 248.3 59.7 1725 XFMR TAPS 5249.2 1262.8 TOTALS 5497.3 1322.4 5497.3 1322.4 6860.8 TOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1725 XFMR TAPS 2400. VOLTS LINE TO LINE S0URCE OF PWR 1700 BTHL SUB. ITEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF BRANCH LOADS .750 BTHL SYS. 5249.2 1262.8 5249.2 1262.8 6550.6 1575.8 -96.3 TOTALS 5249.2 1262.8 5249.2 1262.8 6550.6 1575.8 -96.3 ~OAD SCHEDULE FOR 1750 BTHL SYS. 480. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1725 XFMR TAPS ‘TEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF ‘RANCH LOADS 1775 BTHL LOADS 5249.2 6313.8 5249.2 6313.8 6550.6 7879.2 -96.3 TOTALS 5249.2 6313.8 5249.2 6313.8 6550.6 7879.2 -96.3 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE plal Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] ystem demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA LOAD SUMMARY KKK KK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK RK KKK RK KK KKK KK KKK KKK KHIR AKER KKK ERK KEK KKK KEK KKK ERE RAE LOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1775 BTHL LOADS 480. VOLTS LINE TO LINE SOURCE OF PWR 1750 BTHL SYS. * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS ?F END USE LOADS ENERAL LOADS 187.5 225.5 -87.5 IGHTING 1875.0 2255.3 ~-90.0 RECEPTACLES 625.0 751.8 -90.0 )FFICE EQUIPMENT 625.0 751.8: ‘ ~90.0 IEATING 1250.0 1503.5 100.0 WATER PUMPS 625.0 751.8 -93.0 X-RAY 50.0 60.1 -70.0 7APACITORS 656.3 789.3 -0 MOTOR LOADS 1500.0 LARGEST MOTOR TOTALS sOAD SCHEDULE FOR 1800 BTHL PLANT SOURCE OF PWR *kkk SOURCE BUS ‘TEM DESCRIPTION * CONNECTED LOAD * DEMAND LOAD * DESIGN LOAD * % KVA AMPS KVA AMPS KVA AMPS PF ‘RANCH LOADS -700 BTHL SUB. 5497.3 1322.4 5497.3 1322.4 6860.8 1650.4 -96.2 TOTALS 5497.3 1322.4 5497.3 1322.4 6860.8 1650.4 -96.2 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE 12 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA SOURCE LOAD SUMMARY HHH KK HK KKK KK KK KK KK KKK KKK KKK KEK KKK KKK KK KKK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK RRKKAE LOAD BUS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. VOLTS LINE TO LINE LOAD DESCRIPTION UNITS CONNECTED DEMAND DESIGN POWER FACTOR TYPE LOAD LOAD LOAD % GENERAL LOADS KW 41.6 41.6 52.0 KVAR -23.0 -23.0 -28.7 KVA 47.5 47.5 59.4 87.5 LAGGING LIGHTING KW 88.0 88.0 110.0 KVAR 42.6 42.6 ~$3..3 KVA 97.8 97.8 122.3 90.0 LAGGING RECEPTACLES KW 23S 13.5 16.9 KVAR =61..0 -6.5 -8.2 KVA 15.0 15.0 18.8 90.0 LAGGING JFFICE EQUIPMENT KW 11.3 Lae! 14.1 KVAR -5.4 -5.4 -6.8 KVA 12.5 12.5 15.6 90.0 LAGGING {EATING KW 112.5 112.5 140.6 KVAR -0 -0 -0 KVA 112.5 112.5 140.6 100.0 UNITY JATER PUMPS KW 34.8 34.8 43.5 KVAR =—13.7 "halal Liam KVA 37.4 37.4 46.8 93.0 LAGGING CAPACITORS KW -0 0 0 KVAR 40.0 40.0 50.0 KVA 40.0 40.0 50.0 -0 LEADING MOTOR LOADS KW 192.5 192.5 240.6 KVAR ~$3.4 ~93 62 -116.5 KVA 213.9 213.9 267.4 90.0 LAGGING ARGEST MOTOR KW 49.4 19.1 23.8 KVAR =F od =9.2 “11.6 KVA 21.2 21.2 26.5 90.0 LAGGING LOTAL LOADS KW 513.2 $13.2 641.5 KVAR ~153.8 “153.38 S19 2.3) KVA 535.8 535.8 669.7 % PF 95.8 95.8 95.8 LAGGING LAGGING LAGGING SATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE LS) Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting ?PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA SOURCE LOAD SUMMARY KKK KK KKK KK KKK KKK KK KKK KKK KKK EK RE KK RK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KEK KEK EKER EKER EKK ERA KEKERE OAD BUS 1800 BTHL PLANT 2400. VOLTS LINE TO LINE LOAD DESCRIPTION UNITS CONNECTED DEMAND DESIGN POWER FACTOR (YPE LOAD LOAD LOAD % GENERAL LOADS KW 161.9 161.9 202.3 KVAR -89.6 -89.6 -112.0 KVA 185.0 185.0 231.3 87.5 LAGGING LIGHTING KW 1431.0 1431.0 1788.8 KVAR -693.1 -693.1 -866.3 KVA 1590.0 1590.0 1987.5 90.0 LAGGING *<ECEPTACLES KW 450.0 450.0 562.5 KVAR -217.9 -217.9 -272.4 KVA 500.0 500.0 625.0 90.0 LAGGING )FFICE EQUIPMENT KW 450.0 450.0 562.5 KVAR -217.9 =-217.9 -272.4 KVA 500.0 500.0 625.0 90.0 LAGGING [EATING KW 1060.0 1060.0 1325.0 KVAR -0 -0 -0 KVA 1060.0 1060.0 1325.0 100.0 UNITY WATER PUMPS KW 492.9 492.9 616.1 KVAR -194.8 -194.8 ~243.5 KVA 530.0 530.0 662.5 93.0 LAGGING X-RAY KW 35.0 35.0 35.0 KVAR mara « Sled, aad Donk KVA 50.0 50.0 50.0 70.0 LAGGING TAPACITORS KW -0 -0 +0 KVAR 535.0 535.0 668.8 KVA 535.0 535.0 668.8 -0 LEADING OTOR LOADS KW LE 17) A. LL Fok 1396.3 KVAR -541.0 -541.0 -676.3 KVA 1241.2 1241.2 1552) .5) 90.0 LAGGING ARGEST MOTOR KW 91.1 91.1 113.8 KVAR “44.1 44.1 ie « & KVA 101.2 101.2 126.5 90.0 LAGGING TOTAL LOADS KW 5288. 5288.9 6602.4 96.2 96.2 % PF 96. . LAGGING LAGGING DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 24 PM PAGE 14 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System demand Load Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA LOAD DEMAND TABLE LOAD DESCRIPTION LOAD FIRST DEMAND SECOND DEMAND THIRD DEMAND % DESIGN TYPE KVA % KVA % KVA % PF FACT SENERAL LOADS I ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100. -87.5 1.25 LIGHTING K ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100. -90.0 1.25 RECEPTACLES K ALL 100 ALL 100 ALL 100 -90.0 1.25 OFFICE EQUIPMENT K ALL 100 ALL 100. ALL 100. -90.0 1.25 HEATING K ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100 100.0 1.25 NATER PUMPS K ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100. -93.0 1.25 X-RAY K 100. 100. ALL 50. ALL 50. -70.0 1.00 SAPACITORS K ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100 -0 1&9 MOTOR LOADS K ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100. -90.0 1.25 LARGEST MOTOR K ALL 100 ALL 100. ALL 100 -90.0 1.25 “PARE K ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100. 100.0 1.00 PARE K ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100. 100.0 1.00 oPARE K ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100. 100.0 1.00 SPARE K ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100 100.0 1.00 3PARE K ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100 100.0 1.00 3PARE K ALL 100. ALL 100 ALL 100. 100.0 1.00 SPARE K ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100. 100.0 1.00 ‘PARE K ALL 100. ALL 100. ALL 100 100.0 1.00 ‘PARE K ALL 100 ALL 100. ALL 100 100.0 1.00 SPARE K ALL 100 ALL 100 ALL 100 100.0 1.00 NOTES: LOAD TYPE 10 PROVIDES TRANSFER FUNCTION TO LOAD TYPE 9 DEMAND AND DESIGN FACTORS APPLIED AT EACH LOAD BUS AND ALL LOAD TOTALS ARE POWER FACTOR CORRECTED Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED IS FOR REVIEW, APPROVAL INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION BY A REGISTERED ENGINEER ONLY DAPPER (LOAD FLOW AND VOLTAGE DROP MINI/MICRO VERSION 4.5 LEVEL 1.0) COPYRIGHT SKM SYSTEMS ANALYSIS, INC. 1983 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM PAGE 2 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA SWING GENERATORS BUS NO ID STAT VOLTAGE ANGLE 1000 a ©. 1.00 -00 1800 a4 1.00 -00 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM PAGE 3 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER FROM FEEDER TO QTY VOLTS LENGTH FEEDER DESCRIPTION NO NAME NO NAME /PH L-L SIZE TYPE DUCT INSUL 1000 NYAC HYDRO 1010 NYAC DISTR 1 4160. 1320. FT 4/0 A N BARE IMPEDANCE: -0843 + J .1015 OHMS/M FEET 1010 NYAC DISTR 1020 NYAC SUBST 1 4160. 200. FT 4/0 A N BARE IMPEDANCE: -0843 + J .1015 OHMS/M FEET 1025 NYAC SYS. 1026 NYAC LOADS 2 480. 1000. FT 500 Cc M THWN IMPEDANCE: -0294 + J .0466 OHMS/M FEET 1100 NYAC TLINE 1200 TLKSK JNCT 1 69000. 33. MI IMPEDANCE: .0066898 + J .4026050 PER UNIT B/2: .005561 PER UNIT % SERIES COMP: -0 TO SHUNT (KVAR) : 450. FROM SHUNT (KVAR) : 450. 1200 TLKSK JNCT 1225 TLKSK SUB. 1 69000. 1. MI IMPEDANCE: .0001029 + J .0061939 PER UNIT B/2: .000086 PER UNIT % SERIES COMP: 0 TO SHUNT (KVAR) : 0. FROM SHUNT (KVAR) : 0. 1200 TLKSK JNCT 1300 AKIAK JNCT 1 69000. 19. MI IMPEDANCE: .0039109 + J .2353691 PER UNIT B/2: .003251 PER UNIT % SERIES COMP: 0 TO SHUNT (KVAR) : 0. FROM SHUNT(KVAR) : 0. 1250 TLKSK SYS. 1275 TLKSK LOAD 2 480. 500. FT 500 c M THWN IMPEDANCE: -0294 + J .0466 OHMS/M FEET 1300 AKIAK JNCT 1325 AKIAK SUB. 1 69000. 5. MI IMPEDANCE: .0010909 + J .0656556 PER UNIT B/2: .000907 PER UNIT % SERIES COMP: rm) TO SHUNT (KVAR) : 0. FROM SHUNT (KVAR) : oO. 1300 AKIAK JNCT 1400 ACHAK JNCT 1 69000. 7. MI IMPEDANCE: .0013380 + J .0805210 PER UNIT B/2: .001112 PER UNIT % SERIES COMP: a TO SHUNT (KVAR) : 0. FROM SHUNT (KVAR) : oO. 1350 AKIAK SYS. 1375 AKIAK LOAD 2 480. 500. FT 500 Cc M THWN IMPEDANCE: -0294 + J .0466 OHMS/M FEET 1400 ACHAK JNCT 1425 ACHAK SUB. 1 69000. 1. MI IMPEDANCE: .0002058 + J .0123878 PER UNIT B/2: .000171 PER UNIT % SERIES COMP: 0 TO SHUNT (KVAR) : 0. FROM SHUNT (KVAR) : Oo. DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM PAGE 4 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DATA FEEDER FROM FEEDER TO QTY VOLTS LENGTH FEEDER DESCRIPTION NO NAME NO NAME /PH L-L SIZE TYPE DUCT INSUL 1400 ACHAK JNCT 1500 KWTHK JNCT 1 69000. 26. MI IMPEDANCE: .0052489 + J .3158901 PER UNIT B/2: .004363 PER UNIT % SERIES COMP: -0 TO SHUNT (KVAR) : 0. FROM SHUNT (KVAR) : oO. 1450 ACHAK SYS. 1475 ACHAK LOAD 2 480. 500. FT 500 c M THWN IMPEDANCE: .0294 + J .0466 OHMS/M FEET 1500 KWTHK JNCT 1525 KWTHK SUB. 1 69000. 12. MI IMPEDANCE: .0024083 + J .1449378 PER UNIT B/2: .002002 PER UNIT % SERIES COMP: 0 TO SHUNT (KVAR) : 0. FROM SHUNT(KVAR) : 0. 1500 KWTHK JNCT 1600 BTHL TLINE 1 69000. 21. MI IMPEDANCE: .0042197 + J .2539508 PER UNIT B/2: .003507 PER UNIT % SERIES COMP: 0 TO SHUNT (KVAR) : 1500. FROM SHUNT (KVAR) : 1500. 1550 KWTHK SYS. 1575 KWTHK LOAD 2 480. 500. FT 500 c M THWN IMPEDANCE: .0294 + J .0466 OHMS/M FEET 1700 BTHL SUB. 1725 XFMR TAPS 1 2400. 150. FT 750 c N XLP IMPEDANCE: .0203 + J .0396 OHMS/M FEET 1700 BTHL SUB. 1800 BTHL PLANT 1 2400. 500. FT 750 c N XLP IMPEDANCE: .0203 + J .0396 OHMS/M FEET 1750 BTHL SYS. 1775 BTHL LOADS 2 480. 1000. FT 5000 c B aK IMPEDANCE: .0026 + J .0014 OHMS/M FEET STATUS: EXISTING DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM PAGE 5 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA TRANSFORMER DATA 2RIMARY RECORD VOLTS PRI * SECONDARY RECORD VOLTS SEC NOMINAL NO NAME L-L FLA NO NAME L=L FLA KVA 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. 347. 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. 21. 2500.0 IMPEDANCE: 1.0108 + J 5.6605 PERCENT TRANSFORMER FIXED TAP: -1.5 % 1020 NYAC SUBST 4160. 69. 1025 NYAC SYS. 480. 601. 500.0 IMPEDANCE: 3.9995 + J 4.8993 PERCENT TRANSFORMER FIXED TAP: -3.5 % 1225 TLKSK SUB. 69000. 2 1250 TLKSK SYS. 480. 271. 225.0 IMPEDANCE: 1.9500 + J 4.8000 PERCENT 1325 AKIAK SUB. 69000. 2. 1350 AKIAK SYS. 480. 271. 225.0 IMPEDANCE: 1.9500 + J 4.8000 PERCENT L425 ACHAK SUB. 69000. 2. 1450 ACHAK SYS. 480. 271. 225.0 IMPEDANCE: 1.9500 + J 4.8000 PERCENT 1525 KWTHK SUB. 69000. 2. 1550 KWTHK SYS. 480. 271. 225.0 IMPEDANCE: 1.9500 + J 4.8000 PERCENT 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. 21. 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. 601. 2500.0 IMPEDANCE: 1.0000 + J 5.6624 PERCENT 1725 XFMR TAPS 2400. 2406. 1750 BTHL SYS. 480. 12028. 10000.0 IMPEDANCE: -5813 + J 6.9758 PERCENT TRANSFORMER FIXED TAP: -3.5 % ATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] 4 38 PM PAGE 6 “ystem Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. BRANCH CONSTANT KVA FROM / ‘To BR. BUS / BUS TYPE 1000 NYAC HYDRO 1010 NYAC DISTR FEEDER 2010 NYAC DISTR 1020 NYAC SUBST FEEDER 025 NYAC SYS. 1026 NYAC LOADS FEEDER 100 NYAC TLINE 1200 TLKSK JNCT FEEDER 200 TLKSK JNCT 1225 TLKSK SUB. FEEDER 1300 AKIAK JNCT FEEDER 250 TLKSK SYS. 1275 TLKSK LOAD FEEDER 300 AKIAK JNCT 1325 AKIAK SUB. FEEDER 1400 ACHAK JNCT FEEDER ~350 AKIAK SYS. 1375 AKIAK LOAD FEEDER 400 ACHAK JNCT 1425 ACHAK SUB. FEEDER 1500 KWTHK JNCT FEEDER 1450 ACHAK SYS. 1475 ACHAK LOAD FEEDER _500 KWTHK JNCT 1525 KWTHK SUB. FEEDER 1600 BTHL TLINE FEEDER 1550 KWTHK SYS. 1575 KWTHK LOAD FEEDER 1700 BTHL SUB. 1725 XFMR TAPS FEEDER KVA a73 273 215 65 150 65 150 501 150 93 93 93 121 214 i2i 5103 - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA LOAD SPF -96.4 96.2 oes? -95.5 -97.7 -95.5 -94.0 ~95..5 =97.35 -97.5 -97.5 -95.0 -96.2 -95.0 -96.4 CONSTANT Z 20 20 27 20 47 20 12 12 12 22 35 22 150 CONSTANT I FLOW SPF DIR. -87.5 -87.5 -87.5 ~§7,5 -87.5 -87.5 =27 .5 -87.5 a7 5 -87.5 -87.5 -87.5 -87.5 REV REV REV DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] 4 38 PM PAGE 7 System Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA CONSTANT I FLOW CONSTANT KVA KVA SPF CONSTANT Z KVA SPF DIR. 1700 BTHL SUB. 1800 BTHL PLANT 1750 BTHL SYS. 1775 BTHL LOADS 1010 NYAC DISTR 1100 NYAC TLINE 1020 NYAC SUBST 1025 NYAC SYS. 1225 TLKSK SUB. 1250 TLKSK SYS. 1325 AKIAK SUB. 1350 AKIAK SYS. L425 ACHAK SUB. 1450 ACHAK SYS. 1525 KWTHK SUB. 1550 KWTHK SYS. 1600 BTHL TLINE 1700 BTHL SUB. 1725 XFMR TAPS 1750 BTHL SYS. FEEDER FEEDER TRANS. TRANS. TRANS. TRANS. TRANS. TRANS. TRANS. TRANS. 273 65 150 93 121 214 5103 -96.4 96.2 -96.4 =97'..7 =95:5/5 ~97.5 -95.0 -96.2 -96.4 185 150 27 20 20 12 22 353) 150 -87.5 -87.5 -87.5 «<$'7 5 -87.5 “87.65 -87.5 -87.5 -87.5 JATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] system Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL ‘PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA INC. kkk SOLUTION COMMENTS *** SOLUTION PARAMETERS BRANCH VOLTAGE CRITERIA BUS VOLTAGE CRITERIA ACCELERATION FACTOR FOR ACCELERATION FACTOR FOR CONSTANT KVA LOADS ‘pv’ EXACT (ITERATIVE) SOLUTION GENERATORS 5.00 % 4.00 % -10 -10 YES <<PERCENT VOLTAGE DROPS ARE BASED ON NOMINAL DESIGN ‘0F SIZE: 82 LARGEST LOAD: TONVERGENCE sARGEST LARGEST TARGEST sARGEST wARGEST LARGEST sARGEST sARGEST LARGEST “.ARGEST sARGEST LARGEST TARGEST BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS BUS CRITERIA: MISMATCH MISMATCH MISMATCH MISMATCH MISMATCH MISMATCH MISMATCH MISMATCH MISMATCH MISMATCH MISMATCH MISMATCH MISMATCH 5103.26 KVA 1775 1775 1775 L775 2775 4775 1775 L775 1775 1775 1775 1775 1775 -a5§ BTHL BTHL BTHL BTHL BTHL BTHL BTHL BTHL BTHL BTHL BTHL BTHL BTHL KVA LOADS LOADS LOADS LOADS LOADS LOADS LOADS LOADS LOADS LOADS LOADS LOADS LOADS wu oo Ww PNNUAR AR - 582 -100 -312 - 390 -088 -514 -799 -069 -419 -901 ~529 -285 -141 VOLTAGES>> KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA KVA PAGE 8 JATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] system Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL ?PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PAGE 9 BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS (SWING GENERATORS) KKK KKK KKK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK KK RIK KR KK KKK RIK KKK RK RIK KR KKK KEKE KEK KK RKE KK KKK REE KE BUS VOLTS(PU) ANGLE KW KVAR VD% R + JX (PU) 1000 1.000 -00 763. 234. -0 1800 1.000 -00 5313. 1594. -0 DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM PAGE 10 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] $ystem Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL 'PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS HR K RK RK KEK KIKI RRR KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KEKE KK RK KEKE VOLTAGE EFFECT ON LOADS MODELED VOLTAGE DROP CRITERIA: BRANCH = 5.00 % BUS = 4.00 1000 NYAC HYDRO DESIGN VOLTAGE: 4160 BUS VOLTAGE: 4160 %VD: -0 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS======= PU BUS VOLTAGE: 1.00 ANGLE: -0 DEGREES **kk SWING GENERATOR: s 763. KW 234. KVAR TOAD TO: 1010 NYAC DISTR FEEDER AMPS: 111 VOLTAGE DROP: 28. %VD: -7 *ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 763. KW 234. KVAR 798. KVA Prt -96 LAGGING ~OSSES THRU FEEDER: 4. KW 5. KVAR 6. KVA BUS: 1010 NYAC DISTR DESIGN VOLTAGE: 4160 BUS VOLTAGE: 4132 %VD: 7 PU BUS VOLTAGE: -99 ANGLE: -.3 DEGREES OAD FROM: 1000 NYAC HYDRO FEEDER AMPS: 111 VOLTAGE DROP: 28. %VD: 7 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 759. KW 229. KVAR 793. KVA PF: -96 LAGGING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: 4. KW 5. KVAR 6. KVA OAD TO: 1020 NYAC SUBST FEEDER AMPS: 43 VOLTAGE DROP: 2. SVD: -0 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 294. KW 100. KVAR 311. KVA PF: -95 LAGGING ,OSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW 0. KVAR O. KVA LOAD TO: 1100 NYAC TLINE TRANSF AMPS: 67 VOLTAGE DROP: -43. %VD: -1.0 ™“ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 465. KW 129. KVAR 482. KVA PF: -96 LAGGING OSSES THRU TRANSF: -9 KW 5.2 KVAR 5.3 KVA ***XFMR TAPS -1.5%*** = BUS: 1020 NYAC SUBST DESIGN VOLTAGE: 4160 BUS VOLTAGE: 4130 %VD: oi = PU BUS VOLTAGE: 99 ANGLE: -.3 DEGREES OAD FROM: 1010 NYAC DISTR FEEDER AMPS: 43 VOLTAGE DROP: 2. SVD: -0 ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 294. KW 100. KVAR 310. KVA PF: -95 LAGGING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: oO. KW 0. KVAR 0. KVA OAD TO: 1025 NYAC SYS. TRANSF AMPS: 43 VOLTAGE DROP: -16. %VD: -.4 «ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 294. KW 100. KVAR 310. KVA PF: -95 LAGGING LOSSES THRU TRANSF: 7.3 KW 8.9 KVAR 11.5 KVA ***XFMR TAPS -3.5%*** DIATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] PAGE a1 3ystem Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL *PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS KREKKEKKEKREKKEKEKEKREREKRKRKKKEKKEEKKKKRKKKKKKKKKKKKRKKKRKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKEEE vOLTAGE EFFECT ON LOADS MODELED VOLTAGE DROP CRITERIA: BRANCH = 5.00 % BUS = 4.00 BUS: 1025 NYAC SYS. DESIGN VOLTAGE: 480 BUS VOLTAGE: 478 PU BUS VOLTAGE: 1.00 ANGLE: -1.4 LOAD FROM: 1020 NYAC SUBST TRANSF AMPS: 363 VOLTAGE DROP: =2. PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 287. KW 91. KVAR 301. KVA PF: 95 sOSSES THRU TRANSF: : 7.3 KW 8.9 KVAR 11.5 KVA ***XFMR TAPS LOAD TO: 1026 NYAC LOADS FEEDER AMPS: 363 VOLTAGE DROP: 3s *ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 287. KW 91. KVAR 301. KVA PF: 95 sOSSES THRU FEEDER: 6. KW 9. KVAR 11. KVA G BUS: 1026 NYAC LOADS DESIGN VOLTAGE: 480 BUS VOLTAGE: 465 SSSSSssSSSsSsSsSas======= PU BUS VOLTAGE: 97 ANGLE: -2.8 NET BRANCH DIVERSITY LOAD: 281. KW 82. KVAR ~OAD FROM: 1025 NYAC SYS. FEEDER AMPS: 363 VOLTAGE DROP: LS PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 281. KW 82. KVAR 293. KVA PF: -96 OSSES THRU FEEDER: 6. KW 9. KVAR 11. KVA BUS: 1100 NYAC TLINE DESIGN VOLTAGE: 69000 BUS VOLTAGE: 69255 PU BUS VOLTAGE: 1.00 ANGLE: ~G LOAD FROM: 1010 NYAC DISTR TRANSF AMPS: 4 VOLTAGE DROP: -718. ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 464. KW 124. KVAR 480. KVA PF: 97 OSSES THRU TRANSF: -9 KW 5.2 KVAR 5.3 KVA ***XFMR TAPS OAD TO: 1200 TLKSK JNCT FEEDER AMPS: 4 VOLTAGE DROP: 66. ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 464. KW 124. KVAR 480. KVA PF: 97 LOSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW -212. KVAR 212. KVA BUS: 1200 TLKSK JNCT DESIGN VOLTAGE: 69000 BUS VOLTAGE: 69190 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS======== PU BUS VOLTAGE: 1.00 ANGLE: -.9 OAD FROM: 1100 NYAC TLINE FEEDER AMPS: 5 VOLTAGE DROP: 66. PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 464. KW 336. KVAR 573. KVA PF: -81 ISSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW -212. KVAR 212. KVA LOAD TO: 1225 TLKSK SUB. FEEDER AMPS: 1 VOLTAGE DROP: QO. PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 71. KW 2. KVAR 71. KVA PF: 1.00 ISSES THRU FEEDER: O. KW -17. KVAR 17. KVA SVD: <3 DEGREES SVD: -.4 LAGGING —3.55kk* SVD: 2.7 LAGGING SVD: 3.1 DEGREES SVD: 2.7 LAGGING SVD: -.4 DEGREES SVD: -1.0 LAGGING -1.5%%** SVD: cpl LAGGING $VD: -.3 DEGREES SVD: EL LAGGING SVD: -0 UNITY DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM . PAGE al Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS RK KR KKK KKK KKK ERK KKH KK KKK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK RE KK KEKE KKK KERR KKK KKK RREE VOLTAGE EFFECT ON LOADS MODELED VOLTAGE DROP CRITERIA: BRANCH = 5.00 % BUS = 4.00 LOAD TO: 1300 AKIAK JNCT FEEDER AMPS: 4 VOLTAGE DROP: 108. %VD: 2 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 393. KW 334. KVAR 516. KVA PP: -76 LAGGING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW -651. KVAR 651. KVA ==== BUS: 1225 TLKSK SUB. DESIGN VOLTAGE: 69000 BUS VOLTAGE: 69190 %VD: -.3 SSsSssSSSSSssSSSsS======= PU BUS VOLTAGE: 1.00 ANGLE: -.9 DEGREES LOAD FROM: 1200 TLKSK JNCT FEEDER AMPS: 1 VOLTAGE DROP: 0. SVD: -0 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 71. KW 19. KVAR 73. KVA PF: -97 LAGGING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW -17. KVAR 17. KVA LOAD TO: 1250 TLKSK SYS. TRANSF AMPS: 1 VOLTAGE DROP: 692. %VD: 1.0 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 71. KW 19. KVAR 73. KVA PF: -97 LAGGING LOSSES THRU TRANSF: -5 KW 1.1 KVAR 1.2 KVA BUS: 1250 TLKSK SYS. DESIGN VOLTAGE: 480 BUS VOLTAGE: 477 %VD: 7 PU BUS VOLTAGE: «99 ANGLE: -1.7 DEGREES LOAD FROM: 1225 TLKSK SUB. TRANSF AMPS: 88 VOLTAGE DROP: 5. SVD: 1.0 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 70. KW 18. KVAR 72. KVA PF: -97 LAGGING sOSSES THRU TRANSF: -5 KW 1.1 KVAR 1.2 KVA LOAD TO: 1275 TLKSK LOAD FEEDER AMPS: 88 VOLTAGE DROP: 2. SVD: ors *ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 70. KW 18. KVAR 72. KVA Pr: -97 LAGGING sOSSES THRU FEEDER: O. KW 0. KVAR O. KVA === BUS: 1275 TLKSK LOAD DESIGN VOLTAGE: 480 BUS VOLTAGE: 475 VD: 1.0 SSasssssssssssssesss===== PU BUS VOLTAGE: -99 ANGLE: -1.9 DEGREES NET BRANCH DIVERSITY LOAD: 70. KW 17. KVAR »OAD FROM: 1250 TLKSK SYS. FEEDER AMPS: 88 VOLTAGE DROP: 2. SVD: -3 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 70. KW 17. KVAR 72. KVA PF: -97 LAGGING OSSES THRU FEEDER: O. KW 0. KVAR O. KVA DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM PAGE 13 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS ek A AK kk a RR KK RK KK KK KKK KK RRR KK KKK KK RK KKK KKK RK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK ERK ERK KKK VOLTAGE EFFECT ON LOADS MODELED VOLTAGE DROP CRITERIA: BRANCH = 5.00 % BUS = 4.00 BUS: 1300 AKIAK JNCT DESIGN VOLTAGE: 69000 BUS VOLTAGE: 69081 %VD: -.1 PU BUS VOLTAGE: 1.00 ANGLE: -1.0 DEGREES NET BRANCH DIVERSITY LOAD: 513. KW 194. KVAR LOAD FROM: 1200 TLKSK JNCT FEEDER AMPS: 9 VOLTAGE DROP: 108. %VD: -2 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 393. KW 986. KVAR 1061. KVA PF: 37 LAGGING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: O. KW -651. KVAR 651. KVA LOAD TO: 1325 AKIAK SUB. FEEDER AMPS: 2 VOLTAGE DROP: ie, SV Ds -0 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 165. KW -120. KVAR 204. KVA PF: -81 LEADING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW -182. KVAR 182. KVA LOAD FROM: 1400 ACHAK JNCT FEEDER AMPS: 8 VOLTAGE DROP: -57. *VD: -.1 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 285. KW -912. KVAR 955. KVA PF: -30 LEADING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW -222. KVAR 222. KVA ==== BUS: 1325 AKIAK SUB. DESIGN VOLTAGE: 69000 BUS VOLTAGE: 69083 %VD: -.1 SSSsSsssssssssssssss===== PU BUS VOLTAGE: 1.00 ANGLE: -1.0 DEGREES LOAD FROM: 1300 AKIAK JNCT FEEDER AMPS: 1 VOLTAGE DROP: -1. VD: 0 ?ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 165. KW 62. KVAR 176. KVA PF: -94 LAGGING sOSSES THRU FEEDER: O. KW -182. KVAR 182. KVA LOAD TO: 1350 AKIAK SYS. TRANSF AMPS: 1 VOLTAGE DROP: 1863. *VD: 2.7 ?ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 165. KW 62. KVAR 176. KVA PF: -94 LAGGING sOSSES THRU TRANSF: 2.7 KW 6.6 KVAR 7.1 KVA BUS: 1350 AKIAK SYS. DESIGN VOLTAGE: 480 BUS VOLTAGE: 468 %VD: 2.6 PU BUS VOLTAGE: -97 ANGLE: -2.7 DEGREES sOAD FROM: 1325 AKIAK SUB. TRANSF AMPS: 211 VOLTAGE DROP: 13. *VD: *2.7 2#ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 162. KW 55. KVAR 171. KVA PF: «93 LAGGING LOSSES THRU TRANSF: 2.7 KW 6.6 KVAR 7.1 KVA ,OAD TO: 1375 AKIAK LOAD FEEDER AMPS: 211 VOLTAGE DROP: 4. SVD: -8 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 162. KW 55. KVAR 171. KVA PF: -95 LAGGING “OSSES THRU FEEDER: 1. KW 2. KVAR 2. KVA ATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM PAGE 14 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] ystem Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL 'PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS Hk He RR KR KK KK RK KKK KR KKK RK KEK KEK KKK RKKK KERR KKK KKK KKK KE vOLTAGE EFFECT ON LOADS MODELED VOLTAGE DROP CRITERIA: BRANCH = 5.00 % BUS = 4.00 BUS: 1375 AKIAK LOAD DESIGN VOLTAGE: 480 BUS VOLTAGE: 464 SVD: 3.4 SSSSsSSSSSSSSSSS5======= PU BUS VOLTAGE: 97 ANGLE: -3.1 DEGREES NET BRANCH DIVERSITY LOAD: 161. KW 54. KVAR TOAD FROM: 1350 AKIAK SYS. FEEDER AMPS: 211 VOLTAGE DROP: 4. SVD: -8 ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 161. KW 54. KVAR 170. KVA PF: -95 LAGGING ~OSSES THRU FEEDER: 1. KW 2. KVAR 2. KVA === BUS: 1400 ACHAK JNCT DESIGN VOLTAGE: 69000 BUS VOLTAGE: 69025 %VD: 0 ==SSSS>' =SSSSSSsss======= PU BUS VOLTAGE: 1.00 ANGLE: -1.0 DEGREES NET BRANCH DIVERSITY LOAD: -513. KW -194. KVAR LOAD TO: 1300 AKIAK JNCT FEEDER AMPS: 10 VOLTAGE DROP: -57. VD: -.1 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 285. KW -1134. KVAR 1169. KVA PF: 24 LEADING OSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW -222. KVAR 222. KVA LOAD TO: 1425 ACHAK SUB. FEEDER AMPS: 1 VOLTAGE DROP: 0. SVD: 0 ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 103. KW -5. KVAR 103. KVA PF: 1.00 UNITY OSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW -34. KVAR 34. KVA * OAD TO: 1500 KWTHK JNCT FEEDER AMPS: 11 VOLTAGE DROP: 386. %VD: 6 ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 126. KW 1332. KVAR 1338. KVA PF: -09 LAGGING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW -858. KVAR 858. KVA === BUS: 1425 ACHAK SUB. DESIGN VOLTAGE: 69000 BUS VOLTAGE: 69025 %VD: 0 SSesssSsssssssssssss===== PU BUS VOLTAGE: 1.00 ANGLE: -1.0 DEGREES OAD FROM: 1400 ACHAK JNCT FEEDER AMPS: 1 VOLTAGE DROP: 0. SVD: -0 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 103. KW 30. KVAR 107. KVA Prt -96 LAGGING *OSSES THRU FEEDER: O. KW -34. KVAR 34. KVA uOAD TO: 1450 ACHAK SYS. TRANSF AMPS: 1 VOLTAGE DROP: 1036. *VD: 1.5 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 103. KW 30. KVAR 107. KVA PF: -96 LAGGING OSSES THRU TRANSF: 1.0 KW 2.4 KVAR 2.6 KVA SATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM PAGE 15 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] system Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL *PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS HK KK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK ERK RK KK KKK KKK HK KKK KKK KK KKK KKK KKK KERR K RK KARE vOLTAGE EFFECT ON LOADS MODELED VOLTAGE DROP CRITERIA: BRANCH = 5.00 % BUS = 4.00 BUS: 1450 ACHAK SYS. DESIGN VOLTAGE: 480 BUS VOLTAGE: 473 VD: 1.5 PU BUS VOLTAGE: -99 ANGLE: -2.1 DEGREES LOAD FROM: 1425 ACHAK SUB. TRANSF AMPS: 129 VOLTAGE DROP: 7. VD: 1.5 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 102. KW 27. KVAR 105. KVA PF: 97 LAGGING sOSSES THRU TRANSF: 1.0 KW 2.4 KVAR 2.6 KVA LOAD TO: 1475 ACHAK LOAD FEEDER AMPS: 129 VOLTAGE DROP: 2. SVD: 5 >ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 102. KW 27. KVAR 105. KVA PF: -97 LAGGING sOSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW 1. KVAR 1. KVA . : 1475 ACHAK LOAD DESIGN VOLTAGE: 480 BUS VOLTAGE: 471 VD: 1.9 SSSSSSssesssssssSsa====== PU BUS VOLTAGE: -98 ANGLE: -2.3 DEGREES NET BRANCH DIVERSITY LOAD: 101. KW 27. KVAR wOAD FROM: 1450 ACHAK SYS. FEEDER AMPS: 129 VOLTAGE DROP: 2. SVD: 5 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 101. KW 27. KVAR 105. KVA PF: oe LAGGING sOSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW 1. KVAR 1. KVA BUS: 1500 KWTHK JNCT DESIGN VOLTAGE: 69000 BUS VOLTAGE: 68639 %VD: 5 PU BUS VOLTAGE: 99 ANGLE: -1.0 DEGREES TOAD FROM: 1400 ACHAK JNCT FEEDER AMPS: 18 VOLTAGE DROP: 386. %VD: 6 "ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 125. KW 2191. KVAR 2194. KVA PF; -06 LAGGING ~OSSES THRU FEEDER: O. KW -858. KVAR 858. KVA OAD TO: 1525 KWTHK SUB. FEEDER AMPS: 3 VOLTAGE DROP: -14. %VD: -0 ‘ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 137. KW -342. KVAR 369. KVA PE -37 LEADING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW -396. KVAR 396. KVA OAD FROM: 1600 BTHL TLINE FEEDER AMPS: 21 VOLTAGE DROP: -246. %VD: -.4 rROJECTED POWER FLOW: 11. KW -2533. KVAR 2533. KVA PF: -00 LEADING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW 2271. KVAR 2271. KVA ~ATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM PAGE 16 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] 7stem Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL 2E/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS HK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KK KK KKK RK KKK KKK KKK KR KKK RK KR KKK RAKE KERR KKK KR REA KKK vuLTAGE EFFECT ON LOADS MODELED VOLTAGE DROP CRITERIA: BRANCH = 5.00 % BUS = 4.00 BUS: 1525 KWTHK SUB. DESIGN VOLTAGE: 69000 BUS VOLTAGE: 68653 %VD: 5 PU BUS VOLTAGE: 99 ANGLE: -1.0 DEGREES LOAD FROM: 1500 KWTHK JNCT FEEDER AMPS: 1 VOLTAGE DROP: -14. %VD: 0 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 137. KW 54. KVAR 147. KVA PF: -93 LAGGING XSSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW -396. KVAR 396. KVA LOAD TO: 1550 KWTHK SYS. TRANSF AMPS: 1 VOLTAGE DROP: 1599. %VD: 2.3 *OJECTED POWER FLOW: 137. KW 54. KVAR 147. KVA PF: -93 LAGGING XSSES THRU TRANSF: 1.9 KW 4.7 KVAR 5.0 KVA BUS: 1550 KWTHK SYS. DESIGN VOLTAGE: 480 BUS VOLTAGE: 466 SVD: 2.8 SSSSSSSSsSsess======= PU BUS VOLTAGE: -97 ANGLE: -2.4 DEGREES AD FROM: 1525 KWTHK SUB. TRANSF AMPS: 178 VOLTAGE DROP: 11. VD: 2.3 ~.OJECTED POWER FLOW: 135. KW 49. KVAR 144. KVA PF: -94 LAGGING LOSSES THRU TRANSF: 1.9 KW 4.7 KVAR 5.0 KVA )AD TO: 1575 KWTHK LOAD FEEDER AMPS: 178 VOLTAGE DROP: 3. SVD: 7 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 135. KW 49. KVAR 144. KVA Pre -94 LAGGING : YSSES THRU FEEDER: 1. KW 1. KVAR 1. KVA ==== BUS: 1575 KWTHK LOAD DESIGN VOLTAGE: 480 BUS VOLTAGE: 463 %VD: 3.5 SSS SSS SSSSSSSSSSS=S====== PU BUS VOLTAGE: -96 ANGLE: -2.8 DEGREES NET BRANCH DIVERSITY LOAD: 134. KW 48. KVAR ‘AD FROM: 1550 KWTHK SYS. FEEDER AMPS: 178 VOLTAGE DROP: 3. SVD: -7 1 \OJECTED POWER FLOW: 134. KW 48. KVAR 143. KVA PF: -94 LAGGING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: 1. KW 1. KVAR 1. KVA 1600 BTHL TLINE DESIGN VOLTAGE: 69000 BUS VOLTAGE: 68393 %VD: 9 =SSSSS======== PU BUS VOLTAGE: 99 ANGLE: -1.0 DEGREES 1 AD TO: 1500 KWTHK JNCT FEEDER AMPS: 2 VOLTAGE DROP: -246. %VD: -.4 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 12. KW -261. KVAR 262. KVA PFs -04 LEADING 1 SSES THRU FEEDER: Oo. KW 2271. KVAR 2271. KVA LOAD FROM: 1700 BTHL SUB. TRANSF AMPS: 2 VOLTAGE DROP: -409. %VD: -.6 OJECTED POWER FLOW: 12. KW -261. KVAR 262. KVA PF: -04 LEADING SSES THRU TRANSF: -3 KW 1.6 KVAR 1.6 KVA DATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM PAGE 17 Rethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] 7stem Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL .?E/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS ke KK Ke KKK KK KK KKK KKK RRR KR KK KKK KKK KKK KKK HRI K RK KKK RRR EKER KKK REA KKEKRARK VOLTAGE EFFECT ON LOADS MODELED ‘7OLTAGE DROP CRITERIA: BRANCH = 5.00 % BUS = 4.00 ==== BUS: 1700 BTHL SUB. DESIGN VOLTAGE: 2400 BUS VOLTAGE: 2365 %VD: 1.5 SSssSsSssssssSss======== PU BUS VOLTAGE: 99 ANGLE: -.9 DEGREES LOAD TO: 1600 BTHL TLINE TRANSF AMPS: 64 VOLTAGE DROP: -14. *VD: -.6 ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 12. KW -260. KVAR 260. KVA PF: -05 LEADING OSSES THRU TRANSF: -3 KW 1.6 KVAR 1.6 KVA TOAD TO: 1725 XFMR TAPS FEEDER AMPS: 1350 VOLTAGE DROP: 11. %VD: 5 ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 5247. KW 1748. KVAR 5531. KVA PF: «9S LAGGING wOSSES THRU FEEDER: 17. KW 32. KVAR 37. KVA OAD FROM: 1800 BTHL PLANT FEEDER AMPS: 1334 VOLTAGE DROP: 35). *VD3 a5 *YROJECTED POWER FLOW: 5259. KW 1488. KVAR 5466. KVA PF: -96 LAGGING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: 54. KW 106. KVAR 119. KVA 1725 XFMR TAPS DESIGN VOLTAGE: 2400 BUS VOLTAGE: 2354 %VD: 1.9 PU BUS VOLTAGE: -98 ANGLE: <-1.2 DEGREES ~OAD FROM: 1700 BTHL SUB. FEEDER AMPS: 1350 VOLTAGE DROP: 11. %VD: 5 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 5231. KW 1715. KVAR 5505. KVA PF: -95 LAGGING sOSSES THRU FEEDER: 17. KW 32. KVAR 37. KVA LOAD TO: 1750 BTHL SYS. TRANSF AMPS: 1350 VOLTAGE DROP: -51l. %VD: -2.1 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 5231. KW 1715. KVAR 5505. KVA PF: -95 LAGGING LOSSES THRU TRANSF: 17.1 KW 204.7 KVAR 205.4 KVA ***XFMR TAPS -3.5%*** ==== BUS: 1750 BTHL SYS. DESIGN VOLTAGE: 480 BUS VOLTAGE: 481 SVD: -.2 _= PU BUS VOLTAGE: 1.00 ANGLE: -3.2 DEGREES LOAD FROM: 1725 XFMR TAPS TRANSF AMPS: 6516 VOLTAGE DROP: -10. %VD: -2.1 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 5214. KW 1511. KVAR 5428. KVA PF: -96 LAGGING LOSSES THRU TRANSF: 17.1 KW 204.7 KVAR 205.4 KVA ***XFMR TAPS -3.5%*** LOAD TO: 1775 BTHL LOADS FEEDER AMPS: 6516 VOLTAGE DROP: 16. SVD: 3.4 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 5214. KW 1511. KVAR 5428. KVA PF: -96 LAGGING LOSSES THRU FEEDER: 166. KW 89. KVAR 188. KVA YATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM PAGE 18 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] system Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL "PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS KKK KKK KK KKK KK KKK RR KKK KKK KKK RRR K KKK KKK RK KK RRR RK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK EK VOLTAGE EFFECT ON LOADS MODELED VOLTAGE DROP CRITERIA: BRANCH = 5.00 % BUS = 4.00 BUS: 1775 BTHL LOADS DESIGN VOLTAGE: 480 BUS VOLTAGE: 465 VD: 3.2 PU BUS VOLTAGE: -97 ANGLE: -3.6 DEGREES NET BRANCH DIVERSITY LOAD: 5048. KW 1422. KVAR TOAD FROM: 1750 BTHL SYS. FEEDER AMPS: 6516 VOLTAGE DROP: 16. @VD: 3.4 *ROJECTED POWER FLOW: 5048. KW 1422. KVAR 5244. KVA PF: -96 LAGGING sOSSES THRU FEEDER: 166. KW 89. KVAR 188. KVA === BUS: 1800 BTHL PLANT DESIGN VOLTAGE: 2400 BUS VOLTAGE: 2400 %VD: -0 SSsssSsSsssSSSssS======== PU BUS VOLTAGE: 1.00 ANGLE: -0 DEGREES *#k*k SWING GENERATOR: 2 5313. KW 1594. KVAR LOAD TO: 1700 BTHL SUB. FEEDER AMPS: 1334 VOLTAGE DROP: 35. SVD: 1.5 PROJECTED POWER FLOW: 5313. KW 1594. KVAR 5547. KVA PF: -96 LAGGING OSSES THRU FEEDER: 54. KW 106. KVAR 119. KVA JATE: 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM PAGE 19 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] system Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL "PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW BUS DATA SUMMARY HR KK KK IK KK KK KK KK KKK KK KKK KKK KKK KK KKK KK KKK KKK KK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK KEKE EKER RE US# NAME BASE VOLT PU VOLT BUS# NAME BASE VOLT PU VOLT 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160.00 1.0000 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160.00 #9933 020 NYAC SUBST 4160.00 «9929 1025 NYAC SYS. 480.00 -9967 026 NYAC LOADS 480.00 -9694 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000.00 1.0037 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000.00 1.0027 1225 TLKSK SUB. 69000.00 1.0027 71250 TLKSK SYS. 480.00 -9927 1275 TLKSK LOAD 480.00 - 9896 300 AKIAK JNCT 69000.00 1.0012 1325 AKIAK SUB. 69000.00 1.0012 14350 AKIAK SYS. 480.00 -9742 1375 AKIAK LOAD 480.00 -9660 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000.00 1.0004 1425 ACHAK SUB. 69000.00 1.0004 450 ACHAK SYS. 480.00 +9853 1475 ACHAK LOAD 480.00 -9807 500 KWTHK JNCT 69000.00 -9948 1525 KWTHK SUB. 69000.00 -9950 1550 KWTHK SYS. 480.00 -9718 1575 KWTHK LOAD 480.00 -9648 600 BTHL TLINE 69000.00 -9912 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400.00 -9853 725 XFMR TAPS 2400.00 -9806 1750 BTHL SYS. 480.00 1.0020 1775 BTHL LOADS 480.00 -9681 1800 BTHL PLANT 2400.00 1.0000 BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW BRANCH DATA SUMMARY HK KKK RIK KK KK KK KKK KKK KK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK KKH KKK KKK KKK KKK KEKE KKK KK ER RRR EERE FROM NAME TO NAME TYPE VD% AMPS KVA RATING% 1000 NYAC HYDRO 1010 NYAC DISTR FDR -67 110.75 798.02 32.57 1010 NYAC DISTR 1000 NYAC HYDRO FDR 67 110.75 792.66 32.57 1010 NYAC DISTR 1020 NYAC SUBST FDR 04 43.40 310.59 12.76 1010 NYAC DISTR 1100 NYAC TLINE TX2 -1.04 67.40 482.40 16.78 1020 NYAC SUBST 1010 NYAC DISTR FDR 04 43.40 310.46 12.76 1020 NYAC SUBST 1025 NYAC SYS. TX2 -.38 43.40 310.46 53.99 1025 NYAC SYS. 1020 NYAC SUBST TX2 -.38 362.95 300.75 52.30 1025 NYAC SYS. 1026 NYAC LOADS FDR 2.73 362.95 300.75 47.76 1026 NYAC LOADS 1025 NYAC SYS. FDR 2.73 362.95 292.51 47.76 1100 NYAC TLINE 1010 NYAC DISTR TX2 -1.04 4.00 480.14 16.70 1100 NYAC TLINE 1200 TLKSK JNCT FDR -10 4.00 480.14 1.05 1200 TLKSK JNCT 1100 NYAC TLINE FDR -10 4.78 572.85 1.26 1200 TLKSK JNCT 1225 TLKSK SUB. FDR -00 -59 70.74 -16 1200 TLKSK JNCT 1300 AKIAK JNCT FDR -16 4.31 516.20 Led 3! 1225 TLKSK SUB. 1200 TLKSK JNCT FDR -00 -61 73.18 -16 1225 TLKSK SUB. 1250 TLKSK SYS. TX2 1.00 -61 73.18 32.53 1250 TLKSK SYS. 1225 TLKSK SUB. TX2 1.00 87.78 72.45 32.20 1250 TLKSK SYS. 1275 MTLKSK LOAD FDR -32 87.78 72.45 11.55 1275 TLKSK LOAD 1250 TLKSK SYS. FDR ~32 87.78 72.22 11.55 1300 AKIAK JNCT 1200 TLKSK JNCT FDR -16 8.87 1061.28 2.33 1300 AKIAK JNCT 1325 AKIAK SUB. FDR -00 1.70 203.78 45 1300 AKIAK JNCT 1400 ACHAK JNCT FDR -.08 7.98 955.23 2.10 SATE: 7PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, FROM NAME 1325 AKIAK 1325 AKIAK 1350 AKIAK 1350 AKIAK 1375 AKIAK 1400 ACHAK 1400 ACHAK 1400 ACHAK 1425 ACHAK 1425 ACHAK 1450 ACHAK 1450 ACHAK 1475 ACHAK 1500 KWTHK 1500 KWTHK 1500 KWTHK 1525 KWTHK 1525 KWTHK 1550 KWTHK 1550 KWTHK 1575 KWTHK 1600 BTHL 1600 BTHL 1700 BTHL 1700 BTHL 1700 BTHL 1725 XFMR 1725 XFMR 1750 BTHL 1750 BTHL 1775 BTHL 1800 BTHL NOTE: FLA = FLA = OTE: 28 BUSES ee TOTAL 2 3 MAY 95 TIME: 4 38 PM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] 3ystem Load Flow and Voltage Drop with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA BALANCED VOLTAGE DROP AND LOAD FLOW BRANCH DATA SUMMARY KKK KKK KKK KKK KK KKK KKK RRR KKK KKK KKK RK KKK KKK KKK KR KK KKK KKK KKK KEKE KE RARER EERE SUB. SUB. sys. SYS. LOAD JNCT JNCT JNCT SUB. SUB. sys. sys. LOAD JNCT JNCT JNCT SUB. SUB. SYS. sys. LOAD TLINE TLINE SUB. SUB. SUB. TAPS TAPS sys. sys. LOADS PLANT TO 1300 1350 1325 13/75 1350 1300 1425 1500 1400 1450 1425 1475 1450 1400 1525 1600 1500 1550 i525 iS75 1550 1500 1700 1600 L725 1800 1700 1750 1725 1775 1750 1700 NAME AKIAK AKIAK AKIAK AKIAK AKIAK AKIAK ACHAK KWTHK ACHAK ACHAK ACHAK ACHAK ACHAK ACHAK KWTHK BTHL KWTHK KWTHK KWTHK KWTHK JNCT SYS. SUB. LOAD SYS. JNCT SUB. JNCT JNCT SYS. SUB. LOAD sys. JNCT SUB. TLINE JNCT SYS. SUB. LOAD KWTHK SYS. KWTHK JNCT BTHL BTHL XFMR BTHL BTHL BTHL XFMR BTHL BTHL BTHL FOR FEEDERS, RATINGS = LIBRARY FLA EXCLUDING DUCT BANK AND TEMP. DERATING FOR CABLES. BRANCH RECORD INPUT FLA FOR IMPEDANCE DATA. SUB. TLINE TAPS PLANT SUB. sys. TAPS LOADS sys. SUB. LOAD FLOW AMPS / FLA. FOR TRANSFORMERS, RATINGS = 81. KW SYSTEM LOSSES *#** 178. KVAR TYPE FDR TX2 TX2 FDR FDR FDR FDR FDR FDR TX2 TX2 FDR FDR FDR FDR FDR FDR TX2 TX2 FDR FDR FDR TX2 TX2 FDR FDR FDR TX2 TX2 FDR FDR FDR VD% -00 270 2.70 -82 -82 -.08 -00 -56 -00 1.50 1.50 47 -47 -56 -.02 -.36 =.02 2.32 2.32 -70 -70 -.36 -~$9 a -46 1.47 ~46 -2.14 2.14 3.39 3639) 1.47 AMPS 1.47 1.47 211.49 211.49 211.49 9.78 -86 ade dD -89 -89 128.58 128.58 128.58 18.46 3.10 21.31 1.24 1.24 177.83 177.83 177.83 2.21 2.21 63.53 1350.40 1334.48 1350.40 1350.40 6515.73 6515.73 6515.73 1334.48 KVA 176.04 176.04 171.30 L723 0) 169.86 1168.87 102.89 1338.09 106.94 106.94 105.33 105.33 104.83 2194.19 368.64 2532.92 147.10 147.10 143.68 143.68 142.65 261.75 261.75 260.18 5530.85 5465.67 5504.84 5504.84 5428.14 5428.14 5244.44 5547.33 PAGE 20 RATING% «39 78.24 76.13 27.83 27.83 2.57 +23 2.95 24 47.53 46.81 16.92 16.92 4.86 -82 5.61 33 65.38 63.86 23.40 23.40 -58 9.10 9.05 239.01 236.19 239.01 47.87 47.20 65.16 65.16 236.19 LOAD FLOW KVA / TRANSFORMER FULL LOAD KVA. 3ethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME: 11 22 AM ALL INFORMATION PRESENTED IS FOR REVIEW, APPROVAL INTERPRETATION AND APPLICATION BY A REGISTERED ENGINEER ONLY DAPPER ( SHORT CIRCUIT PROGRAM MINI/MICRO VERSION 4.5 LEVEL 1.0 ) COPYRIGHT SKM SYSTEMS ANALYSIS, INC. 1983 Fac: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 2 ethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ‘ONTRIBUTION VOLTAGE BASE FROM NAME NO NAME L-L MVA X/R 1.4 MW GEN 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. +200 -10000 2.3 TYPE: GENERATOR POS SEQUENCE IMPEDANCE (100 MVA BASE) 21.70799 + J 50.00000 PER UNIT GENERATION 1800 BTHL PLANT 2400. 1.250 -10000 3.3 TYPE: GENERATOR POS SEQUENCE IMPEDANCE (100 MVA BASE) 2.44446 + J 8.00000 PER UNIT MATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 3 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL *PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, ?7EEDER FROM NO NAME 1000 NYAC HYDRO +/- SEQ Z 0 SEQ Z 1010 NYAC DISTR +/- SEQ Z 0 SEQ Z 1025 NYAC SYS. +/- SEQ Z 0 SEQ Z 1100 NYAC TLINE +/- SEQ Z 0 SEQ Z 1200 TLKSK JNCT +/- SEQ Z 0 SEQ Z 1200 TLKSK JNCT +/- SEQ Z 0 SEQ Z 1250 TLKSK SYS. +/- SEQ Z 0 SEQ Z 1300 AKIAK JNCT +/- SEQ Z 0 SEQ Z 1300 AKIAK JNCT +/- SEQ Z 0 SEQ Z 1350 AKIAK SYS. +/- SEQ Z ) SEQ Z 1400 ACHAK JNCT +/- SEQ Z 0 SEQ Z INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FEEDER DATA FEEDER TO QTY VOLTS LENGTH NO NAME /PH L-L FEET 1010 NYAC DISTR 1 4160. 1320. -0843 + J .1015 OHMS/M FEET -1340 + J .2582 OHMS/M FEET 1020 NYAC SUBST 1 4160. 200. -0843 + J .1015 OHMS/M FEET -1340 + J .2582 OHMS/M FEET 1026 NYAC LOADS 2 480. 1000. -0294 + J .0466 OHMS/M FEET -0926 + J .1147 OHMS/M FEET 1200 TLKSK JNCT 1 69000. 171600. -0019 + J .1117 OHMS/M FEET -0561 + J .5796 OHMS/M FEET 1225 TLKSK SUB. 1 69000. 2640. -0019 + J .1117 OHMS/M FEET -0561 + J .5796 OHMS/M FEET 1300 AKIAK JNCT 1 69000. 100320. -0019 + J .1117 OHMS/M FEET -0561 + J .5796 OHMS/M FEET 1275 TLKSK LOAD 2 480. 500. -0294 + J .0466 OHMS/M FEET -0926 + J .1147 OHMS/M FEET 1325 AKIAK SUB. 1 69000. 27984. -0019 + J .1117 OHMS/M FEET -0561 + J .5796 OHMS/M FEET 1400 ACHAK JNCT 1 69000. 34320. -0019 + J .1117 OHMS/M FEET -0561 + J .5796 OHMS/M FEET 1375 AKIAK LOAD 2 480. 500. -0294 + J .0466 OHMS/M FEET -0926 + J .1147 OHMS/M FEET 1425 ACHAK SUB. 1 69000. 5280. -0019 + J .1117 OHMS/M FEET -0561 + J .5796 OHMS/M FEET FEEDER DESCRIPTION SIZE TYPE DUCT INSUL 4/0 A N BARE 64301 + J .77420 PU 1.02224 + J 1.96974 PU 4/Oo A N BARE .09743 + J .11730 PU .15489 + J .29844 PU 500 Cc M THWN 6.38021 + J 10.11285 PU 20.09549 + J 24.89149 PU .00669 + J -40260 PU .20206 + J 2.08888 PU 00010 + J .00619 PU 00311 +7 .03214 PU .00391 + J .23537 PU .11813 + J 1.22119 PU 500 Cc M THWN 3.19010 + J 5.05642 PU 10.04774 + J 12.44575 PU .00109 + J .06566 PU .03295 + J -34065 PU .00134 +7 .08052 PU 04041 + J .41778 PU 500 Cc M THWN 3.19010 + J 5.05642 PU 10.04774 + J 12.44575 PU 00021 +7 .01239 PU .00622 + J .06427 PU JATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 4 3ethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL ?PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA *EEDER FROM FEEDER TO QTY VOLTS LENGTH FEEDER DESCRIPTION NO NAME NO NAME /PH L-L FEET SIZE TYPE DUCT INSUL {400 ACHAK JNCT 1500 KWTHK JNCT 1 69000. 134640. +/- SEQ Z -0019 + J .1117 OHMS/M FEET -00525 + J -31589 PU 0 SEQ Z -0561 + J .5796 OHMS/M FEET -15854 + J 1.63897 PU 1450 ACHAK SYS. 1475 ACHAK LOAD 2 480. 500. 500 c M THWN +/- SEQ Z -0294 + J .0466 OHMS/M FEET 3.19010 + J 5.05642 PU 0 SEQ Z -0926 + J .1147 OHMS/M FEET 10.04774 + J 12.44575 PU 1500 KWTHK JNCT 1525 KWTHK SUB. 1 69000. 61776. +/- SEQ Z -0019 + J .1117 OHMS/M FEET 00241 + J -14494 PU 0 SEQ Z -0561 + J .5796 OHMS/M FEET -07274 + J -75200 PU ~500 KWTHK JNCT 1600 BTHL TLINE 1 69000. 108240. +/- SEQ Z -0019 + J .1117 OHMS/M FEET -00422 + J -25395 PU 0 SEQ Z -0561 + J .5796 OHMS/M FEET 212745 + J 1.31760 PU 550 KWTHK SYS. 1575 KWTHK LOAD 2 480. 500. 500 c M THWN +/- SEQ Z -0294 + J .0466 OHMS/M FEET 3.19010 + J 5.05642 PU 0 SEQ Z -0926 + J .1147 OHMS/M FEET 10.04774 + J 12.44575 PU 700 BTHL SUB. 1725 XFMR TAPS a 2400. 150. 750 c N XLP +/- SEQ Z -0203 + J .0396 OHMS/M FEET -05286 + J -10312 PU oO SEQ Z -0322 + J .1007 OHMS/M FEET -08385 + J -26224 PU 1700 BTHL SUB. 1800 BTHL PLANT 1 2400. 500. 750 c N XLP +/- SEQ Z -0203 + J .0396 OHMS/M FEET -17622 + J -34375 PU 0 SEQ Z -0322 + J .1007 OHMS/M FEET -27951 + J -87413 PU 1750 BTHL SYS. 1775 BTHL LOADS 2 480. 1000. 5000 Cc B REEK +/- SEQ Z -0026 + J .0014 OHMS/M FEET -56424 + J -30382 PU 0 SEQ Z -0155 + J .0075 OHMS/M FEET 3.35484 + J 1.62632 PU YATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap ?PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PAGE 5 Setting -FINAL ?RIMARY SIDE NO NAME VOLTS CONN L-L PRI FLA * * SECONDARY SIDE NO NAME 1010 NYAC DISTR YG 4160. 347. 1100 NYAC TLINE YG +/- SEQ Z 1.0108 + J 5.6605 PERCENT - 40432 0 SEQ Z 1.0108 + J 5.6605 PERCENT -4043E+00 1020 NYAC SUBST YG 4160. 69. 1025 NYAC SYS. YG +/- SEQ Z 3.9995 + J 4.8993 PERCENT 7.99894 0 SEQ Z 3.9995 + J 4.8993 PERCENT + 7999E+01 1225 TLKSK SUB. YG 69000. 2. 1250 TLKSK SYS. YG +/- SEQ Z 1.9500 + J 4.8000 PERCENT 8.66684 0 SEQ Z 1.9500 + J 4.8000 PERCENT -8667E+01 .325 AKIAK SUB. YG 69000. 2. 1350 AKIAK SYS. YG +/- SEQ Z 1.9500 + J 4.8000 PERCENT 8.66684 oO SEQ Z 1.9500 + J 4.8000 PERCENT -8667E+01 425 ACHAK SUB. YG 69000. 2. 1450 ACHAK SYS. YG +/- SEQ Z 1.9500 + J 4.8000 PERCENT 8.66683 0 SEQ Z 1.9500 + J 4.8000 PERCENT -8667E+01 _525 KWTHK SUB. YG 69000. 2. 1550 KWTHK SYS. YG +/- SEQ Z 1.9500 + J 4.8000 PERCENT 8.66684 0 SEQ Z 1.9500 + J 4.8000 PERCENT -8667E+01 1600 BTHL TLINE YG 69000. 21. 1700 BTHL SUB. YG +/- SEQ Z 1.0000 + J 5.6624 PERCENT - 40000 oO SEQ Z 1.0000 + J 5.6624 PERCENT -4000E+00 1725 XFMR TAPS YG 2400. 2406. 1750 BTHL SYS. YG +/- SEQ Z -5813 + J 6.9758 PERCENT -05813 NEUTRAL Z -3500 + J 3.7500 OHMS 0 SEQ Z -5813 + J 6.9758 PERCENT -1829E+02 VOLTS SEC NOMINAL L-L FLA KVA 69000. 21. 2500.0 +7 2.26418 PER UNIT + J .2264E+01 PER UNIT 480. 601. 500.0 +7 9.79868 PER UNIT + J .9799E+01 PER UNIT 480. 271. 225.0 + J 21.33339 PER UNIT + J .2133E+02 PER UNIT 480. 271. 225.0 + J 21.33338 PER UNIT + J .2133E+02 PER UNIT 480. 271. 225.0 + J 21.33339 PER UNIT + J .2133E+02 PER UNIT 480. 271. 225.0 + J 21.33339 PER UNIT + J .2133E+02 PER UNIT 2400. 601. 2500.0 +7 2.26495 PER UNIT + J .2265E+01 PER UNIT 480. 12028. 10000.0 +7 -69758 PER UNIT + J .1960E+03 PER UNIT DATE: 5 MAY 95 FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, 1000 NYAC HYDRO 1000 NYAC HYDRO 1000 1025 1200 1275 1350 1425 1500 1575 1725 1800 1000 NYAC HYDRO 1010 NYAC DISTR 1010 NYAC DISTR 1000 1025 1200 1275 1350 1425 1500 L575 1725 1800 010 NYAC DISTR TIME:11 22 AM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL PAGE 6 INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO FAULT: 1149. RMS SYM AMPS, 8278. KVA X/R: 3.248 VOLTAGE: 4160. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -61522 + J 1.99801 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1.4 MW GEN 255. AMPS X/R: 2.303 1010 NYAC DISTR 896. AMPS X/R: 3.652 s===== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ====== NYAC HYDRO .00 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .06 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .06 NYAC SYS. -06 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .06 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .21 TLKSK JNCT .23 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .23 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .23 TLKSK LOAD .23 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .25 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .25 AKIAK SYS. .25 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .25 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .25 ACHAK SUB. .25 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .25 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .25 KWTHK JNCT .27 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .27 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .27 KWTHK LOAD .27 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .29 * 1700 BTHL SUB. 44 XFMR TAPS -44 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -44 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .44 BTHL PLANT .46 * me=e======= § Y S T EM BRANCH FLOW § =========== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 255. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 1554. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 896. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 896. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 54. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 54. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 54. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 54. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 54. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 54. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 1554. AMPS FAULT: 1199. RMS SYM AMPS, 8642. KVA X/R: 3.541 VOLTAGE: 4160. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -54427 + J 1.92717 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1000 NYAC HYDRO 250. AMPS X/R: 2.272 1100 NYAC TLINE 952. AMPS X/R: 4.109 se==== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ====== NYAC HYDRO .02 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .00 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .00 NYAC SYS. -00 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .00 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .16 TLKSK JNCT .19 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .19 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .19 TLKSK LOAD .19 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .20 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .20 AKIAK SYS. .20 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .20 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .21 ACHAK SUB. .21 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .21 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .21 KWTHK JNCT .23 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .23 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .23 KWTHK LOAD .23 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .25 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -40 XFMR TAPS -40 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -40 * 1775 BTHL LOADS’ .40 BTHL PLANT .43 * ========== § YS TEM BRANCH FLOW § ==s======== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 250. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 1651. AMPS DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 7 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO 1010 NYAC DISTR SYSTEM BRANCH FLOWS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 250. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 952. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 57. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 57. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 57. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 57. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 57. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 57. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 1651. AMPS LO20 NYAC SUBST FAULT: 1185. RMS SYM AMPS, 8539. KVA X/R: 3.471 VOLTAGE: 4160. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -56113 + J 1.94747 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1010 NYAC DISTR 1185. AMPS X/R: 3.471 1020 NYAC SUBST ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ===== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .03 * 1010 NYAC DISTR’ .01 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .00 1025 NYAC SYS. -00 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .00 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .17 1200 TLKSK JNCT .19 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .19 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .19 1275 TLKSK LOAD .19 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .21 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .21 1350 AKIAK SYS. .21 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .21 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .22 1425 ACHAK SUB. .22 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .22 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .22 1500 KWTHK JNCT .24 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .24 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .24 1575 KWTHK LOAD .24 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .25 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -41 1725 XFMR TAPS -41 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -41 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .41 1800 BTHL PLANT .43 * 020 NYAC SUBST ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § =sss=ss=s=ss== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 247. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 1631. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 247. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1020 NYAC SUBST 1185. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 941. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 57. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 57. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 57. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 57. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 57. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 57. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 1631. AMPS +J25 NYAC SYS. FAULT: 5040. RMS SYM AMPS, 4190. KVA X/R: 1.873 VOLTAGE: 480. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -02590 + J -04850 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1020 NYAC SUBST 5040. AMPS X/R: 1.873 )25 NYAC SYS. ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) =s==== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .55 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .54 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .53 1025 NYAC SYS. -00 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .00 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .61 1200 TLKSK JNCT .62 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .62 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .62 DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, 1025 NYAC SYS. 1275 1350 1425 1500 19735 1725 1800 1025 NYAC SYS. 1026 NYAC LOADS 1026 NYAC LOADS 1000 1025 1200 1275 1350 1425 1500 1575 1725 1800 026 NYAC LOADS INC. THREE PHASE PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FAULT 1.0000 PAGE 8 REPORT MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO SYSTEM BUS VOLTAG TLKSK LOAD .62 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .62 * AKIAK SYS. .62 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .62 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .63 ACHAK SUB. .63 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .63 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .63 KWTHK JNCT .63 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .63 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .63 KWTHK LOAD .63 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .64 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -71 XFMR TAPS -71 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -71 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .71 BTHL PLANT .73 * =s========= § YS TEM BRANCH FLOW § ==s========= 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 121. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 800. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 121. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1020 NYAC SUBST 582. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 462. AMPS 1020 NYAC SUBST 4160. * 1025 NYAC SYS. 582. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 28. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 28. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 28. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 28. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 28. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 28. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 800. AMPS FAULT: 3360. RMS SYM AMPS, 2793. KVA X/R: 1.769 VOLTAGE: 480. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -04060 + J -07180 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1025 NYAC SYS. 3360. AMPS X/R: 1.769 s=s=== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ====== NYAC HYDRO .70 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .69 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .69 NYAC SYS. -33 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .00 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .74 TLKSK JNCT .74 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .74 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .74 TLKSK LOAD .74 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .75 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .75 AKIAK SYS. .75 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .75 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .75 ACHAK SUB. .75 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .75 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .75 KWTHK JNCT .76 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .76 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .76 KWTHK LOAD .76 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .76 * 1700 BTHL SUB. 81 XFMR TAPS -81 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -81 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .81 BTHL PLANT .82 * == SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § =sss=s==s=== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 81. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 533. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 81. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1020 NYAC SUBST 388. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 308. AMPS 1020 NYAC SUBST 4160. * 1025 NYAC SYS. 388. AMPS 1025 NYAC SYS. 480. * 1026 NYAC LOADS 3360. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 19. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 19. AMPS DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 9 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO =SYSTEM BRANCH FLOWS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 19. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 19. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 19. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 19. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 533. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE FAULT: 82. RMS SYM AMPS, 9859. KVA X/R: 3.511 VOLTAGE: 69000. IMPEDANCE TO GND=132.27690 + J464.43910 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1010 NYAC DISTR 14. AMPS X/R: 2.331 1200 TLKSK JNCT 68. AMPS X/R: 3.911 1100 NYAC TLINE ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ==s== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .06 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .04 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .04 1025 NYAC SYS. -04 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .04 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .00 1200 TLKSK JNCT .03 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .03 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .03 1275 TLKSK LOAD .03 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .05 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .05 1350 AKIAK SYS. .05 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .05 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT_ .06 1425 ACHAK SUB. .06 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .06 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .06 1500 KWTHK JNCT .08 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .08 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .08 1575 KWTHK LOAD .08 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .10 * 1700 BTHL SUB. rt) 1725 XFMR TAPS -29 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -29 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .29 1800 BTHL PLANT .32 * 1100 NYAC TLINE ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOWS ===> 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 240. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 1959. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 240. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 240. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 68. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 68. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 68. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 68. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 68. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 68. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 1959. AMPS -200 TLKSK JNCT FAULT: 85. RMS SYM AMPS, 10118. KVA X/R: 3.443 VOLTAGE: 69000. IMPEDANCE TO GND=131.24790 + J451.86380 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1100 NYAC TLINE 14. AMPS X/R: 2.348 1300 AKIAK JNCT 70. AMPS X/R: 3.787 1200 TLKSK JNCT ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTA ES (PU) ====== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .06 1010 NYAC DISTR’ .05 1020 NYAC SUBST .05 1025 NYAC SYS. -05 1026 NYAC LOADS’ .05 1100 NYAC TLINE .0O1 1200 TLKSK JNCT .00 1275 TLKSK LOAD .00 1350 AKIAK SYS. .02 1425 ACHAK SUB. .03 1225 TLKSK SUB. .00 1300 AKIAK JNCT .02 1375 AKIAK LOAD .02 1450 ACHAK SYS. .03 1250 TLKSK SYS. .00 1325 AKIAK SUB. .02 1400 ACHAK JNCT .03 1475 ACHAK LOAD .03 +e ee + +e * * A YATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 10 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] system Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL *"PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT RE PO RT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO .200 TLKSK JNCT SY S 2 E M BU. is Vi Orn TA GES Ce UU) 1500 KWTHK JNCT .05 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .05 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .05 1575 KWTHK LOAD .05 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .07 * 1700 BTHL SUB. 027 1725 XFMR TAPS -27 * 1750 BTHL SYS. +27 * 1775 BTHL LOADS’ .27 1800 BTHL PLANT .30 * 4200 TLKSK JNCT ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOWS === 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 239. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2023. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 239. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 239. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 14. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 70. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 70. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 70. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 70. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 70. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2023. AMPS 225 TLKSK SUB. FAULT: 85. RMS SYM AMPS, 10112. KVA X/R: 3.445 VOLTAGE: 69000. IMPEDANCE TO GND=131.25280 + J452.15870 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1200 TLKSK JNCT 85. AMPS X/R: 3.445 225 TLKSK SUB. ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ====== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .06 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .05 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .05 1025 NYAC SYS. -05 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .05 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .01 1200 TLKSK JNCT .00 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .00 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .00 1275 TLKSK LOAD .00 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .02 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .02 1350 AKIAK SYS. .02 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .02 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .03 1425 ACHAK SUB. .03 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .03 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .03 1500 KWTHK JNCT .05 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .05 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .05 1575 KWTHK LOAD .05 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .08 * 1700 BTHL SUB. 227 1725 XFMR TAPS +27 * 1750 BTHL SYS. +27 * 1775 BTHL LOADS’~ .27 1800 BTHL PLANT .30 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § ss=sssssese= 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 239. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2022. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 239. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 239. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 14. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1225 TLKSK SUB. 85. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 70. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 70. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 70. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 70. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 70. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2022. AMPS DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE all Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT RUE OR aT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO 1250 TLKSK SYS. FAULT: 3658. RMS SYM AMPS, 3041. KVA X/R: 2.699 VOLTAGE: 480. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -02632 + J -07103 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1225 TLKSK SUB. 3658. AMPS X/R: 2.699 1250 TLKSK SYS. ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) === 1000 NYAC HYDRO .72 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .71 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .71 1025 NYAC SYS. -71 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .71 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .70 1200 TLKSK JNCT .70 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. -70 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. -00 1275 TLKSK LOAD .00 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .71 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. 71 1350 AKIAK SYS. .71 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .71 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .71 1425 ACHAK SUB. .71 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. -71 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD. .71 1500 KWTHK JNCT .72 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .72 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. 72 1575 KWTHK LOAD .72 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .72 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -78 1725 XFMR TAPS -78 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -78 * 1775 BTHL LOADS’ .78 1800 BTHL PLANT .79 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § ===s=s=s====== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 72. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 608. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 72. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 72. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 4. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1225 TLKSK SUB. 25. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 21. AMPS 1225 TLKSK SUB. 69000. * 1250 TLKSK SYS. 25. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 21. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 21. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 21. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 21. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 608. AMPS *275 TLKSK LOAD FAULT: 3104. RMS SYM AMPS, 2581. KVA X/R: 2.456 VOLTAGE: 480. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -03367 + J -08268 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1250 TLKSK SYS. 3104. AMPS X/R: 2.456 1275 TLKSK LOAD ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) === 1000 NYAC HYDRO .76 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .76 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .76 1025 NYAC SYS. -76 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .76 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .75 1200 TLKSK JNCT .75 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. -75 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. LS 1275 TLKSK LOAD .00 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .75 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. 75 1350 AKIAK SYS. -75 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .75 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .75 1425 ACHAK SUB. .75 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. -75 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .75 1500 KWTHK JNCT .76 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .76 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. -76 1575 KWTHK LOAD .76 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .76 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -81 1725 XFMR TAPS -81 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -81 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .81 1800 BTHL PLANT .82 * 275 TLKSK LOAD =SYSTEM BRANCH FLOWS ===> 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 61. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 516. AMPS DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 2) Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO 1275 TLKSK LOAD SYSTEM BRANCH FLOWS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 61. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 61. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 4. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1225 TLKSK SUB. 22. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 18. AMPS 1225 TLKSK SUB. 69000. * 1250 TLKSK SYS. 22. AMPS 1250 TLKSK SYS. 480. * 1275 TLKSK LOAD 3104. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 18. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 18. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 18. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 18. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 516. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT FAULT: 86. RMS SYM AMPS, 10278. KVA X/R: 3.401 VOLTAGE: 69000. IMPEDANCE TO GND=130.68100 + J444.41580 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1200 TLKSK JNCT 14. AMPS X/R: 2.358 1400 ACHAK JNCT 72. AMPS X/R: 3.714 L300 AKIAK JNCT ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES ( PU) ===s== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .07 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .05 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .05 1025 NYAC SYS. -05 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .05 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .01 1200 TLKSK JNCT .00 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .00 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .00 1275 TLKSK LOAD .00 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .00 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .00 1350 AKIAK SYS. .00 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .00 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .01 1425 ACHAK SUB. .01 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .01 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .01 1500 KWTHK JNCT .03 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .03 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .03 1575 KWTHK LOAD .03 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .06 * 1700 BTHL SUB. 25 1725 XFMR TAPS -25 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -25 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .25 1800 BTHL PLANT .28 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § =sss=s=s===== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 238. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2063. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 238. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 238. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 14. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 72. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 72. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 72. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 72. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2063. AMPS -325 AKIAK SUB. FAULT: 85. RMS SYM AMPS, 10211. KVA X/R: 3.423 VOLTAGE: 69000. IMPEDANCE TO GND=130.73290 + J447.54170 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1300 AKIAK JNCT 85. AMPS X/R: 3.423 YATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 13 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL ‘PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO 7325 AKIAK SUB. SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) = 1000 NYAC HYDRO .07 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .06 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .06 1025 NYAC SYS. -06 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .06 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .02 1200 TLKSK JNCT .01 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .01 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .01 1275 TLKSK LOAD .01 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .01 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .00 1350 AKIAK SYS. .00 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .00 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .01 1425 ACHAK SUB. .01 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .01 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .01 1500 KWTHK JNCT .04 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .04 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .04 1575 KWTHK LOAD .04 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .06 * 1700 BTHL SUB. +26 1725 XFMR TAPS -26 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -26 * 1775 BTHL LOADS’ .26 1800 BTHL PLANT .29 * 325 AKIAK SUB. ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § =ssss=s==s=== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 236. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2050. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 236. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 236. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 14. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1325 AKIAK SUB. 85. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 71. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 71. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 71. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 71. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2050. AMPS 350 AKIAK SYS. FAULT: 3669. RMS SYM AMPS, 3050. KVA X/R: 2.693 VOLTAGE: 480. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -02629 + J -07081 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1325 AKIAK SUB. 3669. AMPS X/R: 2.693 $50 AKIAK SYS. ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES ( PU) ==s=== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .72 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .72 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .72 1025 NYAC SYS. +72 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .72 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .71 1200 TLKSK JNCT .71 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .71 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .71 1275 TLKSK LOAD .71 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .70 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .70 1350 AKIAK SYS. .00 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .00 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .71 1425 ACHAK SUB. .71 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .71 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .71 1500 KWTHK JNCT .71 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .71 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .71 1575 KWTHK LOAD .71 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .72 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -78 1725 XFMR TAPS -78 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -78 * 1775 BTHL LOADS’ .78 1800 BTHL PLANT .79 * 4250 AKIAK SYS. ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § =sss=ss=s=== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 71. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 612. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 71. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 71. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 4. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 4. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1325 AKIAK SUB. 26. AMPS DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 14 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO 1350 AKIAK SYS. SYS TEM BRANCH FLOWS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 1325 AKIAK SUB. 69000. * 1350 AKIAK SYS. 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 612. AMPS 1375 AKIAK LOAD FAULT: 3112. RMS SYM AMPS, 2587. KVA X/R: 2.451 VOLTAGE: 480. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -03364 + J -08246 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1350 AKIAK SYS. 3112. AMPS X/R: 2.451 1375 AKIAK LOAD ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ===== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .77 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .76 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .76 1025 NYAC SYS. -76 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .76 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .75 1200 TLKSK JNCT .75 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .75 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .75 1275 TLKSK LOAD .75 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .75 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .75 1350 AKIAK SYS. .15 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .00 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .75 1425 ACHAK SUB. .75 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .75 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .75 1500 KWTHK JNCT .76 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .76 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .76 1575 KWTHK LOAD .76 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .76 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -81 1725 XFMR TAPS -81 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -81 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .81 1800 BTHL PLANT .82 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § =ss=ss====== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 60. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 519. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 60. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 60. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 4. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 4. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1325 AKIAK SUB. 22. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 18. AMPS 1325 AKIAK SUB. 69000. * 1350 AKIAK SYS. 22. AMPS 1350 AKIAK SYS. 480. * 1375 AKIAK LOAD 3112. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 18. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 18. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 18. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 519. AMPS -400 ACHAK JNCT FAULT: 86. RMS SYM AMPS, 10334. KVA X/R: 3.386 VOLTAGE: 69000. IMPEDANCE TO GND=130.49290 + J441.85150 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1300 AKIAK JNCT 14. AMPS X/R: 2.361 1500 KWTHK JNCT 72. AMPS X/R: 3.689 4400 ACHAK JNCT ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES ( PU) ===s=== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .07 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .05 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .05 1025 NYAC SYS. -05 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .05 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .01 1200 TLKSK JNCT .01 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .01 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .01 DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEE 1400 ACHAK JNCT 1275 1350 1425 1500 1575 1725 1800 1400 ACHAK JNCT 1425 ACHAK SUB. 1425 ACHAK SUB. 1000 1025 1200 1275 1350 1425 1500 i578 1725 1800 L... ACHAK SUB. RS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO BUS VOLTAGES (PU) TLKSK LOAD .01 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .00 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .00 AKIAK SYS. .00 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .00 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .00 ACHAK SUB. .00 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .00 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .00 KWTHK JNCT .03 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .03 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .03 KWTHK LOAD .03 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .05 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -25 XFMR TAPS -25 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -25 * 1775 BTHL LOADS’ .25 BTHL PLANT .28 * =s========= § YS TEM BRANCH FLOW § ==s=s======== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 238. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2077. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 238. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 238. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 14. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 72. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 72. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 72. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2077. AMPS FAULT: 86. RMS SYM AMPS, 10321. KVA X/R: 3.390 VOLTAGE: 69000. IMPEDANCE TO GND=130.50270 + J442.44130 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1400 ACHAK JNCT 86. AMPS X/R: 3.390 s===== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES ( PU) ===s=== NYAC HYDRO .07 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .05 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .05 NYAC SYS. -05 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .05 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .01 TLKSK JNCT .01 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .01 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .01 TLKSK LOAD .01 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .00 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .00 AKIAK SYS. .00 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .00 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .00 ACHAK SUB. .00 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .00 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .00 KWTHK JNCT .03 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .03 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .03 KWTHK LOAD .03 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .05 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -25 XFMR TAPS -25 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -25 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .25 BTHL PLANT .28 * se=sssssss= SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § ==sSs====== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 237. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2074. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 237. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 237. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 14. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1425 ACHAK SUB. 86. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 72. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 72. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 72. AMPS PAGE a5 DATE: 5 MAY 95 [425 ACHAK SUB. 1450 ACHAK SYS. 1450 ACHAK SYS. 1000 1025 1200 1275 43350 1425 1500 1875 1725 1800 -450 ACHAK SYS. 1475 ACHAK LOAD Ll... ACHAK LOAD 1000 1025 1200 1275 1350 1425 1500 i375 1725 1800 TIME:11 22 AM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL *PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, TH INC. REE PHASE - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: FAULT 1.0000 PAGE REPORT MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO 16 BRANCH FLOWS === 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2074. AMPS FAULT: 3680. RMS SYM AMPS, 3060. KVA X/R: 2.685 VOLTAGE: 480. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -02628 + J -07056 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1425 ACHAK SUB. 3680. AMPS X/R: 2.685 s===== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES ( PU) ====== NYAC HYDRO .72 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .72 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .72 NYAC SYS. -72 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .72 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .71 TLKSK JNCT .71 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .71 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .71 TLKSK LOAD .71 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .71 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .71 AKIAK SYS. .71 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .71 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .70 ACHAK SUB. .70 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .00 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .00 KWTHK JNCT .71 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .71 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .71 KWTHK LOAD .71 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .72 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -78 XFMR TAPS -78 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -78 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .78 BTHL PLANT .79 * sess====== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § =ss====S==== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 70. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 615. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 70. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 70. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 4. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 4. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 4. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1425 ACHAK SUB. 26. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 21. AMPS 1425 ACHAK SUB. 69000. * 1450 ACHAK SYS. 26. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 21. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 21. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 615. AMPS FAULT: 3120. RMS SYM AMPS, 2594. KVA X/R: 2.444 VOLTAGE: 480. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -03363 + J -08221 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1450 ACHAK SYS. 3120. AMPS X/R: 2.444 s=s==== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ===s== NYAC HYDRO .77 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .76 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .76 NYAC SYS. -76 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .76 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .75 TLKSK JNCT .75 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .75 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .75 TLKSK LOAD .75 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .75 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .75 AKIAK SYS. .75 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .75 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .75 ACHAK SUB. .75 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .16 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .00 KWTHK JNCT .76 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .76 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .76 KWTHK LOAD .76 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .76 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -81 XFMR TAPS -81 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -81 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .81 BTHL PLANT .82 * DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 17 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO =SYSTEM BRANCH FLOWS 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 60. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 521. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 60. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 60. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 4. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 4. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 4. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1425 ACHAK SUB. 22. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 18. AMPS 1425 ACHAK SUB. 69000. * 1450 ACHAK SYS. 22. AMPS 1450 ACHAK SYS. 480. * 1475 ACHAK LOAD 3120. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 18. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 18. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 521. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT FAULT: 88. RMS SYM AMPS, 10561. KVA X/R: 3.326 VOLTAGE: 69000. IMPEDANCE TO GND=129.78390 + J431.71120 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1400 ACHAK JNCT 14. AMPS X/R: 2.374 1600 BTHL TLINE 74. AMPS X/R: 3.591 500 KWTHK JNCT ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) === 1000 NYAC HYDRO .07 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .06 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .06 1025 NYAC SYS. -06 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .06 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .02 1200 TLKSK JNCT .01 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .01 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .0O1 1275 TLKSK LOAD .01 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .01 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .01 1350 AKIAK SYS. .01 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .01 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .0O1 1425 ACHAK SUB. .01 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .01 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .0O1 1500 KWTHK JNCT .00 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .00 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .00 1575 KWTHK LOAD .00 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .02 * 1700 BTHL SUB. 23 1725 XFMR TAPS -23 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -23 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .23 1800 BTHL PLANT .26 * 500 KWTHK JNCT ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § =ssss====== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 237. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2133. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 237. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 237. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 14. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 14. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 74. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 74. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2133. AMPS 525 KWTHK SUB. FAULT: 87. RMS SYM AMPS, 10408. KVA X/R: 3.377 VOLTAGE: 69000. IMPEDANCE TO GND=129.89850 + J438.61160 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1500 KWTHK JNCT 87. AMPS X/R: 3.377 WATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 18 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL ‘PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO “525 KWTHK SUB. = SYSTEM BUS VOLTAG 1000 NYAC HYDRO .09 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .07 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .07 1025 NYAC SYS. -07 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .07 * 1100 NYAC TLINE- .03 1200 TLKSK JNCT .03 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .03 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .03 1275 TLKSK LOAD .03 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .02 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .02 1350 AKIAK SYS. .02 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .02 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .02 1425 ACHAK SUB. .02 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .02 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .02 1500 KWTHK JNCT .02 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .00 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .00 1575 KWTHK LOAD .00 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .04 * 1700 BTHL SUB. 24 1725 XFMR TAPS -24 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -24 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .24 1800 BTHL PLANT .27 * 525 KWTHK SUB. ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § =s=ss====== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 233. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2102. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 233. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 233. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 14. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 14. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1525 KWTHK SUB. 87. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 73. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 73. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2102. AMPS 3550 KWTHK SYS. FAULT: 3689. RMS SYM AMPS, 3067. KVA X/R: 2.681 VOLTAGE: 480. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -02625 + J -07038 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1525 KWTHK SUB. 3689. AMPS X/R: 2.681 550 KWTHK SYS. ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ====== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .73 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .73 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .73 1025 NYAC SYS. -73 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .73 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .71 1200 TLKSK JNCT .71 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .71 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .71 1275 TLKSK LOAD .71 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .71 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .71 1350 AKIAK SYS. .71 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .71 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .71 i 1425 ACHAK SUB. .71 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .71 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .71 1500 KWTHK JNCT .71 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .71 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .00 1575 KWTHK LOAD .00 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .72 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -77 1725 XFMR TAPS -77 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -77 * 1775 BTHL LOADS’ .77 1800 BTHL PLANT .78 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. ========== § YS TEM BRANCH FLOW § ==ss==s====== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 69. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 620. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 69. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 69. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 4. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 4. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 4. AMPS DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM 19 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL PAGE FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO 1550 KWTHK SYS. ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOWS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 4. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1525 KWTHK SUB. 26. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 22. AMPS 1525 KWTHK SUB. 69000. * 1550 KWTHK SYS. 26. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 22. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 620. AMPS {575 KWTHK LOAD FAULT: 3126. RMS SYM AMPS, 2599. KVA X/R: 2.441 VOLTAGE: 480. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -03360 + J -08203 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1550 KWTHK SYS. 3126. AMPS X/R: 2.441 575 KWTHK LOAD ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ===s=s== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .77 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .77 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .77 1025 NYAC SYS. +77 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .77 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .76 1200 TLKSK JNCT .76 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .76 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .76 1275 TLKSK LOAD .76 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .76 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .76 1350 AKIAK SYS. .76 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .76 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .76 1425 ACHAK SUB. .76 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .76 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .76 1500 KWTHK JNCT .76 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .75 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .16 1575 KWTHK LOAD .00 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .76 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -81 1725 XFMR TAPS -81 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -81 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .81 1800 BTHL PLANT .82 * 4575 KWTHK LOAD ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § =ssssss==== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 58. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 525. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 58. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 58. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 4. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 4. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 4. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 4. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1525 KWTHK SUB. 22. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 18. AMPS 1525 KWTHK SUB. 69000. * 1550 KWTHK SYS. 22. AMPS 1550 KWTHK SYS. 480. * 1575 KWTHK LOAD 3126. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 18. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 525. AMPS 500 BTHL TLINE FAULT: 90. RMS SYM AMPS, 10753. KVA X/R: 3.276 VOLTAGE: 69000. IMPEDANCE TO GND=129.24720 + J423.46630 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1500 KWTHK JNCT 14. AMPS X/R: 2.385 1700 BTHL SUB. 76. AMPS X/R: 3.512 -500 BTHL TLINE ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ===== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .08 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .06 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .06 1025 NYAC SYS. -06 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .06 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .02 1200 TLKSK JNCT .02 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .02 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .02 DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, 1600 BTHL TLINE 1275 1350 1425 1500 1575 1725 1800 L600 BTHL TLINE .700 BTHL SUB. -700 BTHL SUB. 1000 1025 1200 1275 1350 1425 1500 4375 1725 1800 1700 BTHL SUB. INC. THREE PHASE PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FAULT PAGE 20 REPORT 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAG TLKSK LOAD .02 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .01 * AKIAK SYS. .01 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .01 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .01 ACHAK SUB. .01 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .01 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .01 KWTHK JNCT .00 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .00 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .00 KWTHK LOAD .00 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .00 * 1700 BTHL SUB. .21 XFMR TAPS .21 * 1750 BTHL SYS. .21 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .21 BTHL PLANT .24 * sss=ssssss= § Y STEM BRANCH F LOW Ss =-=-e======= 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 236. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2181. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 236. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 236. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 14. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 14. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 14. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 76. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2181. AMPS FAULT: 3143. RMS SYM AMPS, 13064. KVA X/R: 3.070 VOLTAGE: 2400. IMPEDANCE TO GND= .13655 + J .41922 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1600 BTHL TLINE 393. AMPS X/R: 2.442 1800 BTHL PLANT 2751. AMPS X/R: 3.184 ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) =s=55= NYAC HYDRO .11 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .10 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .10 NYAC SYS. .10 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .10 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .06 TLKSK JNCT .05 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .05 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .05 TLKSK LOAD .05 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .05 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .05 AKIAK SYS. .05 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .05 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .05 ACHAK SUB. .05 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .05 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .05 KWTHK JNCT .04 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .04 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .04 KWTHK LOAD .04 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .04 * 1700 BTHL SUB. .00 XFMR TAPS .00 * 1750 BTHL SYS. .00 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .00 BTHL PLANT .04 * ssesaes=es= S YS TEM BRANCH F LOW § =ss=22=e=ss== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 227. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2751. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 227. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 227. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 14. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 14. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 14. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 14. AMPS DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 21 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO 1700 BTHL SUB. SYSTEM BRANCH 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2751. AMPS 1725 XFMR TAPS FAULT: 3097. RMS SYM AMPS, 12872. KVA X/R: 3.046 VOLTAGE: 2400. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -13959 + J -42516 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1700 BTHL SUB. 3097. AMPS X/R: 3.046 1725 XFMR TAPS ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ===== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .12 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .11 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .11 1025 NYAC SYS. -11 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .11 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .07 1200 TLKSK JNCT .07 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .07 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .07 1275 TLKSK LOAD .07 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .06 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .06 1350 AKIAK SYS. .06 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .06 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .06 1425 ACHAK SUB. .06 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .06 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .06 1500 KWTHK JNCT .06 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .06 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .06 1575 KWTHK LOAD .06 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .05 * 1700 BTHL SUB. O21 1725 XFMR TAPS -00 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -00 * 1775 BTHL LOADS’ .00 1800 BTHL PLANT .06 * 1725 XFMR TAPS ========== SYSTEM BRANCH FLOW § Ssssss=s=== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 224. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2710. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 224. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 224. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 13. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 13. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 13. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 13. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 13. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 13. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1725 XFMR TAPS 3097. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2710. AMPS -750 BTHL SYS. FAULT: 14232. RMS SYM AMPS, 11833. KVA X/R: 3.255 VOLTAGE: 480. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -00572 + J -01861 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1725 XFMR TAPS 14232. AMPS X/R: 3.255 750 BTHL SYS. ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) = = 1000 NYAC HYDRO .20 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .18 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .18 1025 NYAC SYS. -18 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .18 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .15 1200 TLKSK JNCT .14 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .14 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .14 1275 TLKSK LOAD .14 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .14 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .14 1350 AKIAK SYS. .14 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .14 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .14 1425 ACHAK SUB. .14 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .14 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .14 1500 KWTHK JNCT .13 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .13 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .13 1575 KWTHK LOAD .13 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .13 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -10 1725 XFMR TAPS -08 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -00 * 1775 BTHL LOADS’ .O0O 1800 BTHL PLANT .13 * DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 22 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO 1750 BTHL SYS. BRANCH FLOWS 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 206. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2491. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 206. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 206. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 12. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 12. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 12. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 12. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 12. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 12. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1725 XFMR TAPS 2846. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2491. AMPS 1725 XFMR TAPS 2400. * 1750 BTHL SYS. 2846. AMPS L775 BTHL LOADS FAULT: 13486. RMS SYM AMPS, 11212. KVA X/R: 2.752 VOLTAGE: 480. IMPEDANCE TO GND= -00702 + J -01931 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: 1750 BTHL SYS. 13486. AMPS X/R: 2.752 (775 BTHL LOADS ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES (PU) ===s=== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .24 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .22 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .22 1025 NYAC SYS. +22 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .22 * 1100 NYAC TLINE .19 1200 TLKSK JNCT .19 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .19 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. .19 1275 TLKSK LOAD .19 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .18 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. .18 1350 AKIAK SYS. .18 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .18 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .18 1425 ACHAK SUB. .18 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .18 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .18 1500 KWTHK JNCT .18 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .18 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. .18 1575 KWTHK LOAD .18 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .17 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -c5 1725 XFMR TAPS -13 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -07 * 1775 BTHL LOADS’ .00 1800 BTHL PLANT .18 * 1775 BTHL LOADS ========== S$ YS TEM BRANCH FLOW § =sss=s===s=== 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 195. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2361. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 195. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 195. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 12. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 12. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 12. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 12. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 12. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 12. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1725 XFMR TAPS 2697. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2361. AMPS 1725 XFMR TAPS 2400. * 1750 BTHL SYS. 2697. AMPS 1750 BTHL SYS. 480. * 1775 BTHL LOADS 13486. AMPS MATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 23 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL 'PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THREE PHASE FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO -800 BTHL PLANT FAULT: 3265. RMS SYM AMPS, 13573. KVA X/R: 3.147 VOLTAGE: 2400. IMPEDANCE TO GND= ~12850-+ J -40444 OHMS CONTRIBUTIONS: GENERATION 2876. AMPS X/R: 3ia273 1700 BTHL SUB. 391. AMPS X/R: 2.438 +800 BTHL PLANT ====== SYSTEM BUS VOLTAGES ( PU) ===s=== 1000 NYAC HYDRO .12 * 1010 NYAC DISTR .10 * 1020 NYAC SUBST .10 1025 NYAC SYS. -10 * 1026 NYAC LOADS .10 * 1100 NYAC TLINE- .06 1200 TLKSK JNCT .06 * 1225 TLKSK SUB. .06 * 1250 TLKSK SYS. -06 1275 TLKSK LOAD .06 * 1300 AKIAK JNCT .05 * 1325 AKIAK SUB. -05 1350 AKIAK SYS. .05 * 1375 AKIAK LOAD .05 * 1400 ACHAK JNCT .05 1425 ACHAK SUB. .05 * 1450 ACHAK SYS. .05 * 1475 ACHAK LOAD .05 1500 KWTHK JNCT .05 * 1525 KWTHK SUB. .05 * 1550 KWTHK SYS. -05 1575 KWTHK LOAD .05 * 1600 BTHL TLINE .04 * 1700 BTHL SUB. -O1 1725 XFMR TAPS -01 * 1750 BTHL SYS. -0O1 * 1775 BTHL LOADS .0O1 1800 BTHL PLANT .00O * 1800 BTHL PLANT ========== S YS TEM BRANCH FLOW =SSS=S=S=>= 1.4 MW GEN 4160. * 1000 NYAC HYDRO 226. AMPS GENERATION 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 2876. AMPS 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. * 1010 NYAC DISTR 226. AMPS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. * 1100 NYAC TLINE 226. AMPS 1100 NYAC TLINE 69000. * 1200 TLKSK JNCT 14. AMPS 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. * 1300 AKIAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. * 1400 ACHAK JNCT 14. AMPS 1400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. * 1500 KWTHK JNCT 14. AMPS 1500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. * 1600 BTHL TLINE 14. AMPS 1600 BTHL TLINE 69000. * 1700 BTHL SUB. 14. AMPS 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. * 1800 BTHL PLANT 391. AMPS DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, LOCATION VOLTAGE 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. VOLTS 1010 NYAC DISTR 4160. VOLTS 1020 NYAC SUBST 4160. VOLTS 1025 “‘YAC SYS. 480. VOLTS L026 AYAC LOADS 480. VOLTS 1100 “‘TYAC TLINE 69000. VOLTS -200 ‘'LKSK JNCT 69000. VOLTS 1225 ™LKSK SUB. 69000. VOLTS INC. UNBALANCED FAULT DUTIES 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: FAULT 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO INTERRUPTING CURRENT (RMS) AMPERES X/R EQUIVALENT (PU) (RMS) 5040. 4365. 4365. 3360. 2910. 2910. 82. 71. 71. 85. 73. 73. 85. 73. 73. FAULT 3. IMPEDANCE Z1= 12.0804 Z2= 12.0804 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1l= 11.5717 Z2= 11.5717 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1= 11.7112 Z2= 11.7112 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1= 23.8654 Z2= 23.8654 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1i= 35.8019 Z2= 35.8019 Z0= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1= 10.1430 Z2= 10.1430 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1= 9.8832 Z2= 9.8832 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1= 9.8892 Z2= 9.8892 Z0= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN REPORT ASYM. A) A) A) A) A) A) A) A) AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS PAGE 24 MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES JATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] PAGE 25 System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL *PE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. UNBALANCED PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FAULT 1.0000 REPORT INTERRUPTING CURRENT (RMS) LOCATION VOLTAGE .250 -LKSK SYS. 480. VOLTS 1275 “LKSK LOAD 480. VOLTS 300 -KIAK JNCT 69000. VOLTS 1325 *KIAK SUB. 69000. VOLTS 350 KIAK SYS. 480. VOLTS 1375 *KIAK LOAD 480. VOLTS 400 SHAK JNCT 69000. VOLTS 1425 ACHAK SUB. 39000. VOLTS FAULT DUTIES 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND AMPERES (RMS) 85. 74. 74. 3669. 3177. 3177. 3112. 2695. 2695. 86. 75. 75. 86. WS. 7136 IMPEDANCE Z1= 32.8789 Z2= 32.8789 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1= 38.7484 Z2= 38.7484 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1= 9.7297 Z2= 9.7297 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1= 9.7930 Z2= 9.7930 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1l1= 32.7842 Z2= 32.7842 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1= 38.6544 Z2= 38.6544 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1= 9.6769 Z2= 9.6769 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN Z1= 9.6889 Z2= 9.6889 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN X/R EQUIVALENT (PU) FAULT A) A) A) A) A) A) A) A) ASYM. MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 26 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA UNBALANCED FAULT REPORT PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO LOCATION FAULT AMPERES X/R EQUIVALENT (PU) ASYM. INTERRUPTING VOLTAGE DUTIES (RMS) FAULT IMPEDANCE CURRENT (RMS) 1450 3 PHASE: 3680. 3. Z1= 32.6821 4019. AMPS MOMENTARY ACHAK SYS. SLG DUTY: Z2= 32.6821 3680. AMPS AT 3 CYCLES 480. VOLTS LN/LN 3187. ZO= INFINITE 3680. AMPS AT 5 CYCLES LN/LN/GND 3187. ( 0. GND RETURN A) 3680. AMPS AT 8 CYCLES 1475 3 PHASE: 3120. 2. Z1= 38.5534 3350. AMPS MOMENTARY A\CHAK LOAD SLG DUTY: Z2= 38.5534 3120. AMPS AT 3 CYCLES 480. VOLTS LN/LN 2702. ZO= INFINITE 3120. AMPS AT 5 CYCLES LN/LN/GND 2702. ( 0. GND RETURN A) 3120. AMPS AT 8 CYCLES L500 3 PHASE: 88. 3. Z1= 9.4685 101. AMPS MOMENTARY «WTHK JNCT SLG DUTY: Z2= 9.4685 88. AMPS AT 3 CYCLES 69000. VOLTS LN/LN 77. ZO= INFINITE 88. AMPS AT 5 CYCLES LN/LN/GND Ts 0. GND RETURN A) 88. AMPS AT 8 CYCLES 1525 3 PHASE: 87. 3. Z1= 9.6081 100. AMPS MOMENTARY “WTHK SUB. SLG DUTY: Z2= 9.6081 87. AMPS AT 3 CYCLES 69000. VOLTS LN/LN 73; ZO= INFINITE 87. AMPS AT 5 CYCLES LN/LN/GND 75. ( 0. GND RETURN A) 87. AMPS AT 8 CYCLES 550 3 PHASE: 3689. 3. Z1= 32.6023 4028. AMPS MOMENTARY ~WTHK SYS. SLG DUTY: Z2= 32.6023 3689. AMPS AT 3 CYCLES 480. VOLTS LN/LN 3195. ZO= INFINITE 3689. AMPS AT 5 CYCLES LN/LN/GND S195. ( 0. GND RETURN A) 3689. AMPS AT 8 CYCLES 1575 3 PHASE: 3126. 2. Z1= 38.4742 3356. AMPS MOMENTARY HK LOAD SLG DUTY: Z2= 38.4742 3126. AMPS AT 3 CYCLES 480. VOLTS LN/LN 2707. Z0= INFINITE 3126. AMPS AT 5 CYCLES LN/LN/GND 2707. ( 0. GND RETURN A) 3126. AMPS AT 8 CYCLES 600 3 PHASE: 90. 3. Z1= 9.2995 102. AMPS MOMENTARY _THL TLINE SLG DUTY: Z2= 9.2995 90. AMPS AT 3 CYCLES 69000. VOLTS LN/LN 78. Z0= INFINITE 90. AMPS AT 5 CYCLES LN/LN/GND 78. ( 0. GND RETURN A) 90. AMPS AT 8 CYCLES 1700 3 PHASE: 3143. 3. Z1= 7.6544 3526. AMPS MOMENTARY “THL SUB. SLG DUTY: Z2= 7.6544 3143. AMPS AT 3 CYCLES 2400. VOLTS LN/LN 2722. ZO= INFINITE 3143. AMPS AT 5 CYCLES LN/LN/GND 27225 1( 0. GND RETURN A) 3143. AMPS AT 8 CYCLES DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. UNBALANCED PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO FAULT REPORT PAGE 27 INTERRUPTING CURRENT (RMS) LOCATION VOLTAGE 1725 XFMR TAPS 2400. VOLTS 1750 BTHL SYS. 480. VOLTS 1775 BTHL LOADS 480. VOLTS 1800 3THL PLANT 2400. VOLTS FAULT DUTIES 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND 3 PHASE: SLG DUTY: LN/LN LN/LN/GND AMPERES X/R EQUIVALENT (PU) (RMS) FAULT IMPEDANCE Z1= 7.7688 Z2= 7.7688 ZO= INFINITE QO. Z1= 8.4513 Z2= 8.4513 ZO= INFINITE QO. Z1= 8.9188 Z2= 8.9188 Z0= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN A) Z1= 7.3674 Z2= 7.3674 ZO= INFINITE 0. GND RETURN A) GND RETURN A) GND RETURN A) ASYM. AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS AMPS MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES MOMENTARY AT 3 CYCLES AT 5 CYCLES AT 8 CYCLES DATE: 5 MAY 95 TIME:11 22 AM PAGE 28 Bethel - Nyac Intertie Feasibility Study [FPER #945052] System Summary Fault Analysis with Compensation and Tap Setting -FINAL FPE/ROEN ENGINEERS, INC. - ANCHORAGE, ALASKA FAULT sTuDY SUMMARY PRE FAULT VOLTAGE: 1.0000 MODEL TRANSFORMER TAPS: NO BUS RECORD VOLTAGE AVAILABLE FAULT DUTIES NO NAME L-L 3 PHASE LINE/GRND 1000 NYAC HYDRO 4160. 1149. *010 NYAC DISTR 4160. 1199. .020 NYAC SUBST 4160. 1185. 41025 NYAC SYS. 480. 5040. 1026 NYAC LOADS 480. 3360. .100 NYAC TLINE 69000. 82. 1200 TLKSK JNCT 69000. 85. .225 TLKSK SUB. 69000. 85. .250 TLKSK SYS. 480. 3658. 1275 TLKSK LOAD 480. 3104. .300 AKIAK JNCT 69000. 86. 4325 AKIAK SUB. 69000. 85. 1350 AKIAK SYS. 480. 3669. 375 AKIAK LOAD 480. 3112. 400 ACHAK JNCT 69000. 86. 425 ACHAK SUB. 69000. 86. 450 ACHAK SYS. 480. 3680. 1475 ACHAK LOAD 480. 3120. 7500 KWTHK JNCT 69000. 88. 525 KWTHK SUB. 69000. 87. 1550 KWTHK SYS. 480. 3689. 575 KWTHK LOAD 480. 3126. 600 BTHL TLINE 69000. 90. 1700 BTHL SUB. 2400. 3143. 725 XFMR TAPS 2400. 3097. 1750 BTHL SYS. 480. 14232. 1775 BTHL LOADS 480. 13486. 300 BTHL PLANT 2400. 3265. 28 BUSES, 29 BRANCHES, 2 CONTRIBUTIONS YBALANCED FAULTS REQUESTED t* SHORT CIRCUIT STUDY COMPLETE ***