HomeMy WebLinkAboutDesign Data Summary & Support Calculations Shungnak-Kobuk Tie Line Project 1992 e? DOWER : ENGINEERS PROJECT NO. 128002 COPY NO. Zz ISSUED TO: AEA ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY P.O. BOX 190869 701 EAST TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-0869 DESIGN DATA SUMMARY AND SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS SHUNGNAK-KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT DESIGNED BY POWER ENGINEERS, INC. JULY, 1992 RECORD FOR INFORMATION REGARDING JUL 3 1 1992 THIS DOCUMENT CONTACT: @ ROGER LOGAN DRAWING e MATT MJELDE 3940 GLENBROOK DRIVE P.O. BOX 1066 HAILEY, IDAHO 83333 L (208) 788-3456 PROJECT NO. 128002 COPY NO. Sa ISSUED TO: REAR ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY P.O. BOX 190869 701 EAST TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-0869 DESIGN DATA SUMMARY AND SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS SHUNGNAK-KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT DESIGNED BY POWER ENGINEERS, INC. JULY, 1992 FOR INFORMATION REGARDING RECORD THIS DOCUMENT CONTACT: © ROGER LOGAN JUL 3 4 1992 @ MATT MJELDE DRAWING TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE PARTI DESIGN DATA SUMMARY | General Information aE TT re er er err Terr eT rT 1 MS EB ee EPPO @CU DOS CHC ON Niece nete rao eee Pare cbe eLepet cree on por efote acini iet ded eaened stacked oe ie 1 LG oo Qeereien tccsiecs ccaseve wea cena eee taer gs ease eeeneen es 74 iO Tersinand Gevwtion ............2.2. 2c. ees inne eee ee ee 2 LE Siting/Permitsieet ater lee eee teeter ene ene nee rete ee 2 \.F Weather History/Environmental Loading Conditions ........................-- 2) VEGF CASOMIOIIES ere erstcrorcictarcrcsecteicinciei sno itineic eee eisiee te else se ee see sets as 4 Lh PR RRRPNCRRCIIS 5 se ve ec oe se ee ee ee 4 Ll Tile) Paty Be oes ccanes cena ies ents erence eid 4 IJ CTT oe ai SAE KE eee Hye eee eres 4 IIS LI Ghthing Protection eter cle lore lets lelel eieiake cial ae FEM eee reese os 4 Lt Electrical Effects and interferance Projections .............2.. cece cece ee eee 5 ll Design Procedures ee Per Tre Tiree ro Lit 6 CB Gattecieticnl MeAGMNGN iccisecctncimesenis venders ts en win nsec eenswem men 6 FOC Berepctnnewe Genre no ana ee ska ORE ee eee 6 HD Pale Serene Cale a nec recseeecene enc n et di OEE 6 Bn Cormkratlion GAGE |< x scn re xsncanee nen cen semen seen cnn n ee wens ence mnths 6 TH Assemblies and Materials IIIZA Configuration meer erie e et ceneine se isers aise er eter emaerr-rrreer eit 7 1,6 Gtrocture Assemblies ...- 2.2.22 cscs anieccanassercerietesseeseceneeneeeees 7 TH, RRRRCIE TIGRE see ac re eee eee ed dE R EMME SR UR ERED SPB EEE SS 9 MIDS Hardware/AccessorieS carearmarmssase apse essere ee er erator: oe 9 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE IV Design IV.A_ Introduction PE Cm CE are essere rare rere nen orm weenie mem ne ms IMIG Loading CONdITIONS ace: 0sccseaseaieseasesmai em eseaiasaisuremswsseee IV.D Overload Capacity Factors enna IV.E Conductor Design ...... 0.0 cette eee eens IME Insulator DESIGN: 2s sc2csensnaiccwiees sieatasworeseaimaraesm eres sess 1V.G FoundationDesign .....-......0..ssmiscsmsesrase arene DO GTaAi seem seas ese IV.H_ Guying &Anchoring cece eee eee eee ee Wi GAOUINMING cccuinsonsarnnsmesnrseserzmeane ees re ns anes pane cere men omen WI Conductir COMMS ooo ccacicsiacaeisinniaen ete nas se stawtemeseenierse WE StructureSpotting ....~.- 2. -..- 000. ce ntetnbisissi se iane chante Kem eR eee IV.L Pole Strengths WM ConducterGaleping «2: <:i0.scsaecerseinisnierieis eines ens een erent PART Il SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS @ Sagging Tension Data @ Wind & Weight Span Table @ Galloping Calculations @ H-Pile Foundation Calculations @ Maximum Vertical Span Limited by Unbraced Crossarm Strength Calculation @ Distribution Deadend Crossarm Calculations @ Pole Buckling Calculations @ Guy Requirements @ Design Report PART Ill APPENDIX ® Location Diagram @ Anchor Test Results ®@ Shungnak-Kobuk Protective Device Settings 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw PAGE SECTION | GENERAL INFORMATION LA INTRODUCTION This document describes the Design Criteria and outlines the supporting data for the design of the Shungnak - Kobuk Tie Line Project. The data summarized in this document provides the basis of the analysis and design of the power line. The Design Criteria Document is intended to address the following topics: - Project Description - Configuration - Operation - Structure and Spotting - Terrain and Elevations - Insulation Levels / Insulators - Siting / Permits - Contamination - Weather History/Environmental - Guying and Anchoring - Loading Conditions - Electrical Clearances - Controlling Codes - Grounding - Easements - Survey - Access Restrictions - Conductor and Overhead Groundwire - Third Party Joint Use - Electrical Clearances - Geotechnical Investigation - Foundations - Material Types - Hardware / Accessories - Mechanical Loading - Electrical Effects and Interference - Lightning Protection These topics are addressed specifically as available information permits. LB PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Shungnak-Kobuk Tie Line replaces the old single-phase 7200 volt power line to the community of Kobuk from the generation facility at Shungnak. The 10.5 miles of 7200/12,470 volt three-phase four-wire power line utilizes #2 ACSR conductor supported by 35 foot class 5 wood poles that are secured to W8X48 H-pile Foundations. The W8X48 H-pile is also used for anchoring the angle and deadend structures. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 1 [Ke OPERATION The Shungnak-Kobuk Tie Line operates at 12,470 Volts phase-to-phase. Air-break group-operated switches are located at Kobuk and Shungnak to provide line isolation. Over-current protection devices are located at the Shungnak generation facility in the form of line fuses at the transformer bank and fuse-switch at the generator controls. Surge arresters are installed on the line at Shungnak and Kobuk. 1.D TERRAIN AND ELEVATIONS The communities of Kobuk and Shungnak are located on Kobuk river approximately 160 miles east of Kotzebue in northwestern Alaska. The area is characterized by floodplain and lowland terrace at elevations of 200 to 300 feet above sea level. Vegetation is predominantly tundra with boreal forest. The majority of the line route traverses areas of permafrost. ILE SITING/PERMITS The siting and permitting tasks for the project have been performed by the Alaska Energy Authority. IF WEATHER HISTORY / ENVIRONMENTAL LOADING CONDITIONS Weather data was collected from the following three sources: 1) “Climatic Atlas of the United States”, U.S. Department of Commerce. 2) “Design Manual for High Voltage Transmission Lines” REA Bulletin 62-1. 3) “Kobuk-Shungnak, Single Wire Ground Return Transmission Line, Final Report” Thomas D. Humphrey, P.E. Company, 1984. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 2 Climatic information is summarized as follows: KOBUK SHUNGNAK Mean Annual Precipitation 1723" 16.2” Mean Annual Snowfall 56” 79.9" Heating Degree Days 16,079 15,539 Freezing Degree Days 6,607 6,300 Maximum Annual Precipitation 61.7 50.6 Minimum Mean Winter Temp (F) -24 -9.3 Minimum Mean Summer Temp (F) 42 48.4 Minimum Extreme Temp (F) -68 -61 Maximum Mean Winter Temp (F) 1 5.7 Maximum Mean Summer Temp (F) 69 68.6 Maximum Extreme Temp (F) 90 90 ICE SEASON Break-up (Span) 5/7 - 5/29 5/12 - 5/29 Average 5/18 5/21 Freeze-up (Span) 10/9 - 11/12 10/7 - 10/25 Average 10/21 10/16 Maximum sunlight (and Civil Twilignt) in the area is 24 hours/day from mid-May to August 1st and 6 hours/day in December. Based on the weather data presented above, and previous discussions with AEA, POWER recommends using the following environmental loads: NESC Heavy - 0.5” radial ice, 4 psf wind NESC high wind - 80 mph (16.4 psf), extreme ice - 1.0” radial ice, no wind. A temperature of -60°F is used as the minimum conductor temperature. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 3 1.G EASEMENTS The power line easement width is twenty (20) feet, with ten (10) feet either side of centerline, except at the Bernhardt Lake crossing. The Bernhardt Lake crossing power line easement is forty (40) feet with twenty (20) feet eitherside of centerline, that begins five hundred (500) feet West of the west shoreline and ends five hundred (500) feet East of the east shoreline. Guying easements at PI locations are forty (40) feet and fifty (50) feet, as noted on the Power Line Location maps found in the Specifications & Drawings for Project Erection and Materials document. I.H ACCESS RESTRICTIONS Significant access restrictions apply as the entire project is located within the interior region of Alaska. Access along the power line route is limited to all-terrain vehicles, snow machine and helicopter. Ll THIRD PARTY JOINT USE No provisions have been made for any joint use plans with any communication or cable TV entities. There has been no allowance made in structure strength or ground clearance for the attachment of communications or cable TV. IJ CONTAMINATION The Shungnak - Kobuk Tie Line Project traverses a sparsely populated wilderness area and airborne contamination is assumed minimal. No provisions have been made for mitigating any potential problems. I.K LIGHTNING PROTECTION Keraunic level represents the number of thunder-days per year for the area. It is typically assumed that the number of lightning flashes to earth is roughly 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 4 proportional to the keraunic level. The keraunic level in the area traversed by the distribution line is less than 10 and therefore surge protection devises installed at Shungnak and Kobak will be suitable for line protection. LL ELECTRICAL EFFECTS AND INTERFERENCE PROJECTIONS This project traverses a wilderness area and is near facilities housing humans only where it enters the villages. Electrical effects (EMF) and radio and television interference (RI, TVI) are considered negligable. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 5 SECTION II DESIGN PROCEDURES ILA SURVEY POWER conducted a centerline survey based upon the points of intersection (PI's) as determined by the old power line route. Profile data including all significant planimetric features were inputed into TLCADD for structure spotting and line analysis. 11.B GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION A geotechnical investigation was not performed. However, on site H-pile anchor pull tests were conducted to determine anchor holding capacities. ILC STRUCTURE SPOTTING Structure spotting was completed with the assistance of TLCADD Transmission Line Design Computer Program by Bates Engineering. All structure spotting was based on profile data provided by POWER. 1.D POLE STRENGTH CALCULATIONS Pole strength calculations for determining maximum wind and weight spans for wood poles were completed with the assistance of EPRI’s POLEDA computer program. ILE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS Construction drawings for this project consist of REA 8-1/2" x 11” distribution construction drawings and CADD created (computer aided drafting and design) drawings. The CADD drawings are developed using Microstation 4.0. CADD program by Intergraph. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 6 SECTION Ill ASSEMBLIES AND MATERIALS LA CONFIGURATION Typical tangent and light angle construction consists of a delta configuration with one phase at the pole top, two phases on the crossarm and the neutral attached below the crossarm brace. The double deadend angle structures are configured with all three phase conductors deadended on the crossarms in a buckarm configuration with the neutral located below the lowest crossarm brace. 1.B STRUCTURE ASSEMBLIES The distribution Pole-Top Assemblies for the Shungnak-Kobuk Tie Line Project are based on the REA C1A series, 3-phase construction drawings (REA specification 803). Distribution PTA’s are described in the following table. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw Z DISTRIBUTION POLE TOP ASSEMBLIES DISTRIBUTION | DRAWING LINE PTA NUMBER ANGLE GeSn iat gE ES SESE C1A C1A 0 deg 3-phase, single x-arm tangent (tangent) construction with porcelain pin insulators and top ties. C1-1A C1-1A 0 deg 3-phase, double x-arm tangent (tangent) construction with porcelain pin insulators and double top ties. c2 G2 0-10 deg 3-phase, double x-arm angle (tangent & light | construction with porcelain pin angle) insulators and double top and side ties. C8-2 C8-2 0-30 de 3-phase, double x-arm double (tangent & light deadend construction. Poreclain angledouble | deadend insulator string assembly. eadend) C8-3 C83 0 deg 3-phase, triple x-arm double | (double deadend)| deadend tangent construction. Poreclain deadend insulator string | assembly. C7-1 C7-1 Odeg 3-phase, triple x-arm single (single deadend) | deadend construction. Poreclain deadend insulator string assembly. 4 M3-15 M3-15 0 deg 3-phase, sectionalizing air-break (switch) switch. The Miscellaneous Assemblies for the Shungnak-Kobuk Tie Line Project include the following units: MISCELLANEOUS ASSEMBLIES MISCELLANEOUS ASSEMBLY DRAWING NUMBER DESCRIPTION Neutral Grounding, Assembly (rod) Neutral Grounding, Assembly (H-pile) G312-75 G312-75 3-Phase Transformer Assembly 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 8 H.C MATERIAL TYPES The following material types were used in the design of the structures and components of the distribution line. Poles Douglas Fir wood poles, Penta treated Conductor, Distribution No.2 ACSR “Sparate” Conductor, Distribution, Neutral No.2 ACSR “Sparate” Insulators, Distribution Porcelain Guys 7/16" EHS steel 7-strand Anchors Cross-Plate and H-pile Distribution Crossarms Douglas Fir wood, Penta treated Distribution Crossbraces Apitong wood M.D HARDWARE / ACCESSORIES Distribution conductor attachments consist of support ties for the post insulators and bolted connections for the suspension deadend insulators. The selected distribution wood crossarms consist of REA approved, pressure treated Douglas Fir wood. The selected miscellaneous attachment hardware consisting of guy hooks, bolts, nuts, washers, neutral attachments, etc., are hot-dipped galvanized per ASTM standards and REA approved. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 9 SECTION IV DESIGN IV.A INTRODUCTION In designing the Shungnak-Kobuk Tie Line Project, the minimum requirements of REA Bulletins 160-2 were used as guidelines. Additionally, the minimum requirements of the 1990 edition of the National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) for grade “C” construction were followed where they were more restrictive than REA. V.B CONTROLLING CODES The Shungnak - Kobuk Tie line is designed in accordance with the following codes and standards and general industry practices. If a conflict occurs between the codes for a given application the more stringent code will prevail. - Rural Electrification Association (REA) - National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) - American National Standards Institute (ANSI) - National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) - American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) - American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) - American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) - Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) - American Concrete Institute (ACI) - National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) - Steel Structure Painting Council (SSPC) 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 10 IV.C LOADING CONDITIONS The following environmental loading conditions were used for design of this project: LOADING CONDITION | ‘ors) | (in) | oy NESC Heavy (Zone) | 4 | 0.5 0 Extreme Wind | 16.4 | 0 60 * Extreme Ice 0 | 1 32 NESC Clearance Wind 6 | 0 60 * Extreme Ice loading conditions are not included in conductor sag and tension data. Ice weight will be assumed to be 57 Ibs/ft.3. Based on the weather data discussed in Section |.F. Weather, History/Environmental Loading Conditions, POWER does not recommend additional design conditions. IV.D OVERLOAD CAPACITY FACTORS The following overload capacity factors (OCF) for Grade C construction are applicable to the loading conditions defined previously: DESIGN OF WOOD POLE NESC HEAVY HIGH WIND HEAVY ICE LOADING CONDITION (16.4 psf) (1") Vertical Load Transverse Wind (Pole) Transverse Wind (Conductor) 1.33 | 1233 | qe 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 11 DESIGN OF WOOD CROSSARMS LOADING CONDITION NESC & REA Vertical Load Transverse Wind (Conductor) 2.0 Longitudinal Loads (Deadend) | 1.33 DESIGN OF GUYS AND ANCHORS (ANGLE AND DEADEND STRUCTURES) LOADING CONDITION Vertical Loads REA RATED BREAKING STRENGTH OF GUY NESC REA Deadend Loads Transverse Wind 2.0 90% 100% Loads Conductor 1.1 1.15 N.S. N.S. Tension Loads Longitudinal N.S. 1 L 1.15 N.S. N.S. = Not Specified For each loading situation the design loads are multiplied by the applicable Overload Capacity Factor (OCF) to determine the controlling design load. The high wind and extreme ice load cases have a material strength reduction factor equal to 1.0. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 12 IV.E CONDUCTOR DESIGN The distribution phase and neutral conductors consist of No.2 ACSR “Sparate”. The “Sparate” conductor consists of seven (7) strands of 1350 aluminum alloy over one (1) strand of zinc coated high strength steel. DIAMETER (INCHES) WT/FT STRANDING (LB/FT) DISTRIBUTION AND NEUTRAL CONDUCTORS (No.2 ACSR “SPARATE”) LIMITING TEMP | RADIAL} WIND % CONDITION | INITIAL} FINAL 2 TENSIONS (F) ICE (IN.) | (PSF) (LBS) ULTIMATE NESC Heavy e 0 0.5 4 N.S. 50 Vibration * e -30 0 0 503 13.8 Cc =4,700 Iced ° 32 0.5 0 N.S. N.S. Everyday e 60 0 0 N.S. N.S. High Wind e 60 0 16.4 N.S. 50 Hot e 167 0 0 N.S. N.S. N.S. NOT SPECIFIED (Values vary with ruling spans) Controlling Condition Catenary Constant = Horizontal Tension/Unit Weight per Foot. OO * Typical sag-tension charts for the No.2 ACSR “Sparate” are included in the Supporting Calculations at the end of this document. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 13 IV.F INSULATOR DESIGN Deadend structures consists of porcelain bell insulators. Insulators are sized, based on the maximum design tensions of the No.2 ACSR “Sparate” conductor. Distribution tangent structures utilize crossarm mounted porcelain pin type insulators. Jumper insulators are crossarm mounted pin type. Separate insulation lengths are specified for the distribution and neutral insulators. All insulator specifications meet REA standards. Typical flashover ratings for the distribution insulators are: - 160kV for Low Frequency Dry Flashover - 100kV for Low Frequency Wet Flashover - 250kV for Pos/Neg Impulse Flashover - 260kV for Neg Impulse Flashover IV.G FOUNDATION DESIGN The industry standard of 10% of the pole length plus three and one-half is used for the wood pole embedment in non-permafrost areas of the line. In permafrost areas the foundation type consists of sixteen (16) foot steel H-pile driven ten (10) feet into the ground. The wood pole is bolted onto the six (6) feet of steel H-pile that remains above ground line. IV.H GUYING AND ANCHORING Guyed structure design is based upon the use of 7/16 inch E.H.S. steel (7 strand). The anchors used are of the plate and H-pile type having strengths greater than that of the guy strand. Preformed guy grips are used on the pole end, as well as the anchor end of the guy. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 14 IV.I GROUNDING Structure grounding for this project consists of a ground wire attached to the neutral and connected to a ground rod or the steel H-pile foundation. The neutral conductor is grounded to the pole ground at approximately every forth tangent structure and at every angle structure. IV.J CONDUCTOR CLEARANCES All clearance calculations are based on the nominal operating voltage of 12.5kV with a 5% over voltage. The entire project falls below 3,300 feet in elevation, therefore no clearances are increased for elevation. A. Distribution Conductor Ground Clearance DISTRIBUTION CONDUCTOR TO GROUND CLEARANCE NESC & REA ALTITUDE NESC&REA | orci LAND USE CLEARANCE | CORRECTION TOTAL (ET) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) : Railroads/Highways | 26.5 0.0 26.5 27.0 Roads | 18.5 | 0.0 18.5 20.0 Cultivated/Grazing | 18.5 | 0.0 18.5 20.0 The design ground clearance for the distribution conductor is based upon the fina conductor sag at 167 degrees F and NESC table 232-1, assuming a 7.2kV phase to ground voltage. Additional clearance is included in the design to allow for profile descrepancies. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/ow 15 B. Distribution Line Vertical Clearances at Communication Line Crossings DISTRIBUTION CONDUCTOR TO COMMUNICATION CONDUCTOR CLEARANCE NESC & REA ALTITUDE NESC & REA DESIGN CROSSING CLEARANCE CORRECTION TOTAL (FT) (FT.) (FT.) (FT.) , Communication 6.0 6.0 | REA design clearances at distribution and communication line crossings are based upon the NESC. C. Clearances of Line Conductors to Building Installations. DISTRIBUTION CONDUCTOR TO GROUND CLEARANCE NESC & REA | ALTITUDE CLEARANCE | CORRECTION (FT.) (FT.) Buildings | Horizontal | 7.5 0.0 Buildings | Vertical 25 |||) 0.0 Water Tanks | Horizontal 75 il 0.0 75 NESC & REA TOTAL (FT.) DESIGN (FT.) INSTALLATION | CLEARANCE DIRECTION 8.5 14.5 10.0 | NESC Table 234-1 (1990 Edition) IV.K STRUCTURE SPOTTING The following clearances are used in the structure spotting process: Basic ground clearance (distribution) ................ 20.0 ft. Clearance over communication lines ................. 6.0 ft. Clearance over other roads (distribution) ........... 20.0 ft. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/ow 16 The following environmental conditions are used in the structure spotting: HOT | COLD CONDUCTOR | Finat | INITIAL | Distribution | 167°F -60°F L. 60°F 0 PSF Wind 32°F, 0.5“Ice SWING FINAL ICED FINAL The profile provided by POWER is combined with the spotted structure locations from TLCADD. Design Reports are included in the Supporting Calculations Section of this document. V.L POLE STRENGTHS Allowable wind and weight spans for tangent structures have been determined using EPRI’s POLEDAR computer program. A Non-linear analysis was used for determining the allowable wind and weight spans. The following is a partial summary of the input data. Species: Douglas Fir Modulus of Rupture (MOR): 8,000 psi Modulus of Elasticity (MOE): 1,920,000 psi Unit Wt: 40 pcf The Supporting Calculations at the end of this document contain the results of the POLEDAR computer analysis. The maximum weight span for the tangent structures is limited to the maximum vertical load on the unbraced crossarms and not the crossbrace. IV.M CONDUCTOR GALLOPING Conductor galloping phenomenon of distribution conductors is usually associated with lines located in unprotected areas and regions subjected to severe icing conditions. The line route for this project is located in a unprotected area that is 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/ow 17 susceptible to simultaneous icing and wind conditions. The supporting calculations section of this document contains the galloping analysis. Results of this analysis shows that there is less than a 25% overlap between phase conductors and a 35% overlap between the neutral and phase conductors. Generally, no provisions are made for conductor galloping on distribution lines because of reliability and economics. However, the possibility of conductor galloping occuring in this area exists, so provisions have been made by lowering the neutral conductor attachment, thus providing additional conductor separation. 22-097 (07/27/92) 128002/bw 18 PART Il SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS POWER Engineers ALUMINUM COMPANY OF AMERICA SAG AND TENSION DATA SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Conductor SPARATE #2 AWG 7/ 1 Stranding ACSR AREA= .0654 Sq.In. Data from Chart No. 1-670 English Units Horizontal Tensions SPAN= 325.0 Feet Heavy Loading Creep is NOT a Factor Design Points Final Initial TEMP ICE WIND K WEIGHT SAG TENSION SAG TENSION F In Psf Lb/F Lb/F Ft Lb Ft Lb oO. 750 4.00 -30 1.061 8.60 1631. 799 1754. 32% 1.00 -00 -00 1.755 10.63 2182 . 10.63 2182. 32.0 -50 -00 -00 -620 7.69 1066. 6.34 1292. 60. -00 16.40 -00 -457 7.56 799. 5.82 1036. -60. -00 -00 -00 -107 2.09 674. Ly, 1200. -30. -00 -00 -00 -107 2.80 503.* 1.35) 1047. -20. -00 -00 -00 < 107 3.08 457. 1.42 993. Or -00 -00 -00 -107 3.38 416. 1250 938. Or. ~00 -00 -00 -107 3.70 381. 1.60 882. 10. -00 -00 -00 oO 4.01 3516 Tew 826. 20%. -00 -00 -00 LOW 4.21 335% 1.83 769. 30% -00 -00 -00 -107 4.37 3:23) 1.98 7125 40. -00 -00 -00 -107 4.52 312i 2.15 655. 50. -00 -00 -00 - 107 4.68 301. 2135 601. 60. -00 -00 -00 -107 4.84 291. ZiT 548. 70. -00 -00 -00 -107 5.00 282. 2.82 500. 80. -00 -00 -00 -107 5.16 273 3.10 455. 90. -00 -00 -00 -107 Siosie 265. 3039 415. 120); -00 -00 -00 o LOF7, Loyet: Jak 243. 4.35 324. 167 00 -00 -00 opOr7, 6.54 215.5 Seizazh 244. * Design Condition 128002-01; SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT WIND AND WEIGHT SPANS TABLE ZONE CONDITION: NESC HEAVY Temp = 0 deg F Ice = 0.5 inches Wind = 4 psf SPAN FACTOR = 0.8 ||SPAN FACTOR = 1.0 ||SPAN FACTOR = 1.2 POLE WEIGHT WIND POLE WEIGHT WIND POLE WEIGHT WIND HT-CL SPAN SPAN _| HT-CL SPAN SPAN HT-CL SPAN SPAN 35-5 427 342 ||35-5 354 354 fs-5 |. 300| 360] T eee) te 1) |) T 35-4 4 559 447 ||35-4 [ 457 457 ||35-4 390 468 40-5 | 401 321 |/40-5 ut 334 334 ||40-5 283 340 40-4 523 418 ||40-4 434 434 ||40-4 368 442 45-5 369 295 ||45-5 308 308 ||45-5 265 318 45-4 479 383 ||45-4 399 399 ||45-4 339 407 22-097 (6/16/92) 128002-01 GALLOPING CALCULATIONS PROJECT: SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT CIA RULING SPAN 325 SPAN 350 INSULATOR LENGTH ° CONDUCTOR #2 SPARATE OHGW: DA 0.325 DA o WEIGHT 0.1067 WEIGHT ° SAG @ 32-.5-0 7.69 SAG @ 32-.5-0 ° DOUBLE LOOP PHI= 0.34234402 PHi= 0.4921094 ‘SPAN SAG= 8.92 SPAN SAG= 0.00 a= 175.227112 - 176 M= 4.15830722 Me 1 Be 0.83166144 Be 0.2 D= 3.55432537 D= ° SINGLE LOOP PHi= 0.34234402 PHi= 0.4921094 SPAN SAG= 8.92 SPAN SAG= 0.00 Me= 12.15 Me 1.00 B= 223 Be 0.00 D= 4.86 D= 0.40 COORDINATES FOR PLOTTING ELLIPSES ON AUTOCAD (DOUBLE LOOP) THESE COORDINATES ASSUME THE TOP OF THE POLE AS THE ORIGIN x1 yl 2 y2 ATTACHMENT POINT eon BR3 BRR5 2.85 xt 9.22 y1 3.56 2 6.12 y2 x Y AP ° 0.75 -3.67 0.5 3.67 05 1 4 COORDINATES (DOUBLE LOOP) BOTTOM TOP x Y x 285 847 3.58 082 9.72 0.11 652 -9.72 7.23 COORDINATES (SINGLE LOOP) BOTTOM ToP x Vv, x 261 -9.85 4.68 -1.06 — -11.10 1.01 6.28 = -11.10 8.35 3.61 -16.60 5.68 0.05 0.19 0.19 0.78 212 0.87 0.87 UB DA 0.325 WEIGHT 0.1067 SAG @ 32-.5-0 PHi= 0.3423440 SPAN SAG= 8.92 a= 176.22711 Ma 4.1583072 Be 0.8316614 De 35543253 PHie 0.3423440 SPAN SAG= 8.92 Me 12.16 Be 223 De 486 NEUTRAL: #2 SPARATE DA 0.325 WEIGHT 0.1067 SAG @ 32-.5-0 7.6 PHi= 0.3423440 SPAN SAG= 8.92 a= 175.22711 M= 4.1583072 Be 0.8316614 De 3.5543253 PHil= 0.3423440 SPAN SAG= 8.92 M- 12.16 ae 223 D= 4.86 COORDINATES FOR PLOTTING ELLIPSES ON AUTOCAD (SINGLE LOOP) THESE COORDINATES ASSUME THE TOP OF THE POLE AS THE ORIGIN 1STCON 2ND COND 261 yt 10.60 J 4.68 y2 1.37 Y ACHMENT POINT x en- coo OTHER AXIS DISTANCE 1777 1.777 1777 OTHER AXIS DISTANCE EERE 261 10.60 4.68 1.37 OHGW 0.00 y! 0.00 2 0.24 y2 0.97 261 10.60 4.68 1.357 CIA 325° RULING SPAN 550 MAX. SPAN 128002-01; SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT H-PILE FOUNDATION CALCULATIONS H-PILE DATA: Type: W shape steel ASTM A36 Size: W 8x48 Yield Strength: 36000 PSI POLE DATA: Type: Douglas fir wood Pole: 35-5 COMPONENTS: OCF = Overload capacity factor applied to loads Dc= Conductor diameter Ic= Radial ice on conductor Wp = Wind pressure Wc= Wind load on conductor (Ibs/linear ft) fb = Calculated bending stress (psi) Sx = Section modulus axis x-x (in*3) Ci= Number of conductors at top attachment height C2= Number of conductors at crossarm attachment height C3= Number of conductors at neutral attachment height M1 = H-pile moment for top conductor (lb-ft) M2 = H-pile moment for crossarm conductors (lb-ft) M3 = H-pile moment for neutral conductor (lb-ft) Mp = Combined conductors H-pile moment Li= Attachment height of top conductor above H-pile moment (ft) L2= Attachment height of crossarm conductors above H-pile moment (ft) L3= Attachment height of neutral conductor above H-pile moment (ft) Ws = Maximum windspan (ft) fy= Steel yield strength (psi) Se= Secondary effects due to wind on pole and P delta (added percent) GIVEN: OCF = 2.20 (per NESC grade C construction) Wp = 4.0 (zone wind condition) Dc= 0.325 (No.2 ACSR “sparate”) Ic= 0.5 (zone ice condition) Sx = 43.3 (section modulus x-x for W 8x48) Ci= 1 (single top conductor C1A) C2= 2 (two crossarm conductors C1A) C3 = 1 (single neutral conductor C1A) Liz 41.25 (top conductor C1A) l2= 39.75 (crossarm conductors C1A) L3 = 35.00 (neutral conductor C1A) Ws = 360 (maximum windspan for 35-5 pole) fy= 36000 (for ASTM A386 steel) Se= 0.25 (secondary effects) 22-097 (06/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 1 OF CALCULATION 128002-01; SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT H-PILE FOUNDATION CALCULATIONS (CONTINUED) CALCULATIONS: 1) Calculate wind load on conductor We = ((((Wp*(Dc+2Ic* 12))/144)*Se)* OCF 1.215 lb/ft 2) Calculate H-pile moment for top conductor M1 = Wc*Ws*L1*C1*12in 216438.8 Ib-in 3) Calculate H-pile moment for crossarm conductors M2 = Wc*Ws*L2*C2*12in 417136.5 Ib-in 4) Calculate H-pile moment for neutral conductor M3 = Wc*Ws*L3*C3*12in 183645.0 Ib-in 5) Calculate combined conductor H-pile moment Mp = M1+M2+M3 817220.3 Ib-in 6) Calculate bending stress fb = Mp/Sx 18873.4 psi CONCLUSIONS: Calcuated Yield Stress Strength 18873 < 36000 fb < fy 22-097 (06/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 2 OF CALCULATION 128002-01; SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT H-PILE FOUNDATION CALCULATIONS H-PILE DATA: Type: W shape steel ASTM A36 Size: W 8x48 Yield Strength: 36000 PSI POLE DATA: Type: Douglas fir wood Pole: 40-4 COMPONENTS: OCF = Overload capacity factor applied to loads Dce= Conductor diameter Ic= Radial ice on conductor Wp = Wind pressure We = Wind load on conductor (Ibs/linear ft) = Calculated bending stress (psi) Sx = Section modulus axis x—-x (in*3) Ci= Number of conductors at top attachment height C2= Number of conductors at crossarm attachment height C3 = Number of conductors at neutral attachment height M1 = H-pile moment for top conductor (lb-ft) M2 = H-pile moment for crossarm conductors (lb-ft) M3 = H-pile moment for neutral conductor (lb-ft) Mp = Combined conductors H-pile moment Lis Attachment height of top conductor above H-pile moment (ft) = Attachment height of crossarm conductors above H-pile moment (ft) L3= Attachment height of neutral conductor above H-pile moment (ft) Ws = Maximum windspan (ft) = Steel yield strength (psi) = Secondary effects due to wind on pole and P delta (added percent) GIVEN: OCF = 2.20 (per NESC grade C construction) Wp = 4.0 (zone wind condition) Dc= 0.325 (No.2 ACSR “sparate”) Ic= 0.5 (zone ice condition) Sx = 43.3 (section modulus x-x for W 8x48) C1= 1 (single top conductor C1A) C2= 2 (two crossarm conductors C1A) C3= 1 (single neutral conductor C1A) Li= 46.25 (top conductor C1A) L2= 44.75 (crossarm conductors C1A) L3 = 39.00 (neutral conductor C1A) Ws = 442 (maximum windspan for 40-4 pole) = 36000 (for ASTM A36 steel) Se= 0.25 (secondary effects) 22-097 (06/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 1 OF CALCULATION 128002-01; SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT H-PILE FOUNDATION CALCULATIONS (CONTINUED) CALCULATIONS: 1) Calculate wind load on conductor We = ((((Wp*(Dc+2Ic* 12))/144)*Se)* OCF 1.215 2) Calculate H-pile moment for top conductor M1 = Wc*Ws*L1*C1*12in 297949.4 3) Calculate H-pile moment for crossarm conductors M2 = Wc*Ws*L2*C2*12in 576572.4 4) Calculate H-pile moment for neutral conductor M3 = Wce*Ws*L3*C3*12in 251243.9 5) Calculate combined conductor H-pile moment Mp = M1+M2+M3 1125765.7 6) Calculate bending stress fb = Mp/Sx 25999.2 CONCLUSIONS: Calcuated Yield Stress Strength 25999 < 36000 fb < fy Ib/ft Ib-in Ib-in Ib-in Ib-in psi 22-097 (06/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 2 OF CALCULATION 128002-01; SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT H-PILE FOUNDATION CALCULATIONS H-PILE DATA: Type: W shape steel ASTM A36 Size: W 8x48 Yield Strength: 36000 PSI POLE DATA: Type: Douglas fir wood Pole: 45-4 COMPONENTS: OCF = Overload capacity factor applied to loads Dc= Conductor diameter Ic= Radial ice on conductor Wp= Wind pressure We = Wind load on conductor (Ibs/linear ft) fo = Calculated bending stress (psi) Sx = Section modulus axis x-x (in*3) Ci= Number of conductors at top attachment height C2= Number of conductors at crossarm attachment height C3 = Number of conductors at neutral attachment height M1 = H-pile moment for top conductor (lb-ft) M2 = H-pile moment for crossarm conductors (lb-ft) M3 = H-pile moment for neutral conductor (lb-ft) Mp = Combined conductors H-pile moment Li= Attachment height of top conductor above H-pile moment (ft) L2= Attachment height of crossarm conductors above H-pile moment (ft) L3= Attachment height of neutral conductor above H-pile moment (ft) Ws = Maximum windspan (ft) fy= Steel yield strength (psi) Se= Secondary effects due to wind on pole and P delta (added percent) GIVEN: OCF = 2.20 (per NESC grade C construction) Wp = 4.0 (zone wind condition) Dc= 0.325 (No.2 ACSR “sparate”) Ic= 0.5 (zone ice condition) Sx = 43.3 (section modulus x-x for W 8x48) Ci= 1 (single top conductor C1A) C2= 2 (two crossarm conductors C1A) C3= 1 (single neutral conductor C1A) Li= 51.25 (top conductor C1A) = 49.75 (crossarm conductors C1A) L3 = 44.00 (neutral conductor C1A) Ws = 407 (maximum windspan for 45-4 pole) fy= 36000 (for ASTM A386 steel) Se= 0.25 (secondary effects) | . 22-097 (06/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 1 OF CALCULATION 128002-01; SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT H-PILE FOUNDATION CALCULATIONS (CONTINUED) CALCULATIONS: 1) Calculate wind load on conductor We = ((((Wp* (Dc+2Ic* 12))/144)*Se)* OCF 1.215 Ib/ft 2) Calculate H-pile moment for top conductor M1 = Wce*Ws*L1*C1*12in 304016.3 Ib-in 3) Calculate H-pile moment for crossarm conductors M2 = Wc*Ws*L2*C2*12in 590236.5 Ib-in 4) Calculate H-pile moment for neutral conductor M3 = Wc*Ws*L3*C3*12in 261009.1 Ib-in 5) Calculate combined conductor H-pile moment Mp = M1+M2+M3 1155261.9 Ib-in 6) Calculate bending stress fo = Mp/Sx 26680.4 psi CONCLUSIONS: Calcuated Yield Stress Strength 26680 < 36000 fb < fy 22-097 (06/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 2 OF CALCULATION 2207 W8X48 128002-01; SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT H-PILE ANCHOR STEEL STRENGTH CALCULATIONS H-PILE DATA: Type: W shape steel ASTM A36 Size: W 8x48 Yield Strength: 36000 PSI ANCHOR DATA: Depth: 10’ Batter angle: 10 degrees COMPONENTS: OCF = Overload capacity factor applied to loads T= Conductor tension @ zone condition (Ibs) Gl= Guy load @ zone condition (Ibs) Ba= Batter angle fb = Calculated bending stress (psi) Sx= Section modulus axis x-x (in*3) M1 = H-pile moment for guy load (Ib-in) Li= Guy attachment above ground (in) Lt= H-pile anchor length (in) fy = Steel yield strength (psi) HI = Horizontal load on anchor (Ibs) D= Depth of H-pile anchor (ft) GIVEN: OCF = 2.20 (per NESC grade C construction) Sx= 43.3 (section modulus x-x for W 8x48) = 3508 (two guys @ zone condition) Li= 9.00 (guy attachment location above ground) Lt= 120.00 (H-pile anchor length) Ga= 45 (guy load angle) Ba= 10 (battered angle) fy = 36000 (for ASTM A36 steel) = 10.0 (depth of h-pile anchor) 22-097 (06/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 1 OF CALCULATION 128002-01; SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT H-PILE ANCHOR STEEL STRENGTH CALCULATIONS (CONTINUED) CALCULATIONS: 1) Calculate guy load on anchor Gl = T/(cos Ga) 2) Calculate horizontal load on anchor HI = [GI*(cos Ga)/(cos Ba)]* OCF 3) Calculate H-pile moment for horizontal guy load M1 = [(D-L1)*5/8]*HI 6) Calculate bending stress fb = Mp/Sx CONCLUSIONS: Calcuated Yield Stress Strength 12557 < 36000 fb < fy 4972 Ibs 7837 Ibs 543712.9 Ib-in 12556.9 psi 22-097 (06/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 2 OF CALCULATION 128002-01; SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT MAXIMUM VERTICAL SPAN LIMITED BY UNBRACED CROSSARM STRENGTH CROSSARM DATA: Type: Douglas Fir Wood Size: 4.625 in (vert dimension) 3.625 in (horz dimension) Length 8.0 ft COMPONENTS: Ob= Bending modulus (PSI) Cw= Conductor Weight Per Foot (wt/ft) OCF = Overload Capacity Factor S= — Section modulus (in*3) Cn= Number of conductors VSa= Allowable vertical span Mu = Ultimate moment of crossarm in the vertical plane (lb-ft) L1= Unbraced length of crossarm (ft) d= Depth of crossarm (in) b= Width of crossarm (in) GIVEN: OCF = tA (per REA for heavy ice condition) Cw= 1.755 (No. 2 ACSR “Sparate” with 1.0 inches radial ice @ heavy ice condition) E= 1700000 (for No. 2 Douglas Fir) Cn= 1 (1 conductor on unbraced crossarm length) Ob = 7400 (for No. 2 Douglas Fir) Li= 3.70 (unbraced length of crossarm) d= 4.50 (dressed depth) b= 3.50 (dressed width) CALCULATIONS: 1) Calculate section modulus S = (b*d*2\/6 11.81 in*3 2) Calculate ultimate moment of crossarm in the vertical plane Mu = (Ob*S)/12 7284.38 Ib-in 3) Calculate allowable vertical span VSa = Mu/(L1*Cw*Cn*OCF) 1019.81 ft CONCLUSIONS: Maximum allowable vertical span limited by unbraced crossarm strength @ heavy ice VSa = 1020 ft (C1A) VSa = 2040 ft (C1-1A) 22-097 (06/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 1 OF CALCULATION 128002-01; SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT DISTRIBUTION DEADEND CROSSARM CALCULATIONS CROSSARM DATA: Type: Douglas Fir Wood Size: 4.625 in (vert dimension) 3.625 in (horz dimension) Length 8.0 ft COMPONENTS: T= Horizontal conductor tension (0 degs, 4 psf wind, 0.5” ice) (Ibs) Bm= Maximum Bending stress (psi) Ba= Allowable bending stress (psi) Ob= Bending modulus of crossarm (psi) OCF = Overload Capacity Factor S= Section modulus (in*3) Cr= Number of crossarms Mt= Moment combined for all conductors (ultimate) (lb-ft) M1= Moment of 1st conductor on crossarm away from pole (in-Ib) M2= Moment of 2nd conductor on crossarm away from pole (optional for 3-wire DE) (in-Ib) L1= Length of 1st conductor on crossarm away from center of pole (ft) L2= Length of 2nd conductor on crossarm away from center of pole (optional for 3—wire DE) (ft) = Depth of crossarm (in) = Width of crossarm (in) RS = _ Ruling span (ft) GIVEN: OCF = 2.0 (per REA @ zone condition) Ob = 7400 (for No. 2 Douglas Fir) Li= 0 (distance from center of pole to conductor load) = 3.67 (distance from center of pole to conductor load) = 1754 (conductor tension under @ zone condition) RS = 325 (Maximum ruling span) = 4.50 (dressed depth) = 3.50 (dressed width) 22-097 (06/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 1 OF CALCULATION 128002-01; SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT DISTRIBUTION DEADEND CROSSARM CALCULATIONS (CONTINUED) CALCULATIONS: 1) Calculate section modulus S = (b*d*2\/6 11.81 2) Calculate moment for first conductor M1 = OCF*T*L1*12 0.00 3) Calculate moment for second conductor M2 = OCF*T*L2*12 154492.32 4) Calculate combined moment on crossarm Mt = M1+M2 154492.32 5) Calculate maximum bending stress with 2 crossarms Bm = Mt/(Cr*S) : 6539.36 6) Calculate maximum bending stress with 3 crossarms Bm = Mt/(Cr*S) 4359.57 CONCLUSIONS: Number of crossarms to be used: 2 Crossarms go 7400.00 6539.36 3 Crossarms go 7400.00 4359.57 in*3 Ib-in Ib-in Ib-in psi psi 22-097 (06/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 2 OF CALCULATION 128002—01; SHUNGNAK ~- KOBUK TIE LINE P_ WIRE DATA: (STR C7-1 BUCKARM) # OF COND. DIA. BARE TRANSMISSION: NIA 0 0.000 0.000 OHGW: N/A 0 0.000 0.000 DISTRIBUTION: SPARATE 3 0.325 0.107 NEUTRAL: SPARATE 1 0.325 0.107 WIRE TENSION HVY ICE ZONE HIWIND 60-0-0 TRANSMISSION: 0 0 0 0 OHGW: 0 0 0 0 DISTRIBUTION: 2182 1754 1039 548 NEUTRAL: 2182 1754 1039 548 LOADING: 0 LINE ICE HSPAN VSPAN ANGLE ZONE HEAVY 350 1200 50 05 15 POLE AND GUY DATA: AVERAGE GUY E-MODULUS GUY GUY ATTACH STRENGTH ANGLE FROM TOP 1920000 20800 45 5.5 VERTICAL LOADS: ZONE HIWIND EV DAY HVY ICE TRANSMISSION: 0 0 0 0 OHGw: 0 0 oO 0 DISTRIBUTION: 3820 385 385 6318 NEUTRAL: 1273 128 128 2106 GUYS: BISECTOR: ZONE HIWIND EV DAY HVY ICE TRANSMISSION: 0 oO ° 0 OHGW: 0 cv) 0 0 DISTRIBUTION, 4911 3090 1390 5533 NEUTRAL: 1637 1030 463 1844 IN-LINE: ZONE HIWIND EV DAY HVY ICE TRANSMISSION: 0 0 0 oO OHGW: ° 0 0 0 DISTRIBUTION: 5262 3117 1644 6546 NEUTRAL: 1754 1039 548 2182 FACTOR OF SAFTY (POLE BUCKLING) WEIGHT ZONE HEAVY 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.061 1.755 1.061 1.755 WIND ZONE HIGH 4 16 MULTIPLIER (1K>2) POLES: HT: SRSRSFSRSRY 20 S&SRER VERTICAL LOAD CL: apernoaoeeonnnnan AAanaan FROM WIND ON POLE ZONE IGH WIND 57 229 74 298 28 WwW 73 292 88 354 104 415 120 481 137 549 154 616 171 685 189 757 50 199 65 259 25 101 67 267 81 325 96 383 110 440 PLWT& POLE HT HRDWRE BOVE GL 138 161 183 205 228 250 273 296 318 342 365 114 133, 152 169 189 208 227 16 20.5 25 29.5 34 38.5 43 47.5 52 56.5 61 16 20.5 25 29.5 34 38.5 43 GLDIA OPDIA 8.140 8.917 9.503 10.084 10.663 11.084 11.506 11.930 12.202 12.629 12.904 7.503 8.280 8.866 9.286 9.868 10.290 10.714 6.685 6.685 6.685 6.685 6.685 6.685 6.685 6.685 6.685 6.685 6.685 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 BUCKLE DIA 7.40 7.65 7.79 7.93 8.07 8.15 8.24 8.32 8.36 8.46 8.50 6.76 7.01 7.16 7.24 7.38 7.46 7.55 P-CRIT 350.80 196.29 125.31 88.83 67.44 52.36 42.26 35.14 29.25 25.39 21.92 244.75 138.64 89.12 61.52 47.11 36.78 29.84 ZONE 29.64 16.53 10.57 7.45 5.64 4.37 3.51 2.91 2.41 2.09 1.80 20.73 11.71 7.54 5.18 3.96 3.08 2.49 BISECTOR GUYED FACTOR OF SAFETY IWIND VRY DAY HVY ICE 70.16 38.55 25.43 17.32 12.93 9.88 7.85 6.41 §.25 4.49 3.81 49.48 27.59 18.24 12.14 9.15 7.04 5.63 140.10 77.67 49.16 34.55 25.99 20.01 16.01 13.20 10.90 9.37 8.03 98.68 55.46 35.39 24.26 18.44 14.29 11.51 22.01 12.30 7.84 5.55 4.21 3.26 2.63 2.18 1.81 1.57 1.36 15.38 8.70 5.59 3.85 2.95 2.30 1.86 ZONE 28.51 15.90 10.17 TAT 5.43 4.20 3.38 2.80 2.32 2.01 1.73 19.94 11.26 7.25 4.98 3.81 2.96 2.40 EVRY DAY HVY ICE IN-LINE GUYED IWIND 69.65 123.38 38.28 68.48 25.25 43.39 17.19 30.52 12.84 22.99 9.81 17.72 7.79 14.19 6.37 11.71 5.22 9.67 446 8.33 3.79 7A4 49.12 86.81 27.39 48.83 18.10 31.19 12.05 21.40 9.09 16.28 6.99 12.63 5.59 10.17 20.29 11.34 7.23 5.12 3.88 3.01 2.43 2.01 1.67 1.45 1.25 14.18 8.02 5.15 3.55 272: 2.12 1.72 SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT GUYING REQUIRMENTS c2 DIST CONDUCTOR SPARATE NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR SPARATE MAX HSPAN 350 DIST COND TENSION NEUTRAL COND TENSION ZONE 1754 ZONE 1754 HI WIND 1039 HI WIND 1039 COND DIA 0.325 COND DIA 0.325 OHGW DIA 0 OHGW TENSION ZONE 0 HI WIND 0 | MAX ANGLE 10 | ICE 0.5 | ZONE WIND (PSF) 4 HIGH WIND (PSF) 16.4 # PHASE COND 3 # OHGW 0 # NEUTRAL 1 | # BISECTOR GUYS # INLINE GUYS | GUYS JANCHORS | GUYS JANCHORS GUYS [ANCHORS | GUYS JANCHORS METHOD ZONE ZONE | HIWIND | HIWIND |/METHOD | ZONE ZONE | HIWIND | HIWIND | NESC 1 0.29 0.30 0.13 0.14 ||NESC 1 0.81 0.85 0.34 0.36 | NESC 2 0.28 0.29 0.13 0.13 ||NESC 2 0.82 0.85 0.34 0.35 | REA 0.36 0.37 0.16 0.17 ||REA 0.98 1.02 0.39 0.41 | |OCF (HI WIND) 15 GUY 7/16" E.H.S. GUY STRENGTH 20800 | GUY SLOPE W/ HORIZ 45 | ASSUMED POLE 35’ CLASS 5 | POLE ABOVE GL 35 | |BOTTOM DIA 9.89 | TOP DIA 6.05 | ANCHOR CAPACITY 20000 | | CONDUCTOR . | ZONE HIWIND | a 154.58 a 155.46 lb 92.97 b 381.18 c 305.74 c 181.11 OHGW | ZONE HIWIND | a 116.67 a 0.00 |b 92.97 b 381.18 lc 0.00 c 0.00 | UNDERBUILD ZONE HIWIND a 154.58 a 155.46 b 92.97 b 381.18 c 305.74 c 181.11 22-097(6/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 1 SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT GUYING REQUIRMENTS C8-2 DIST CONDUCTOR SPARATE NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR SPARATE MAX HSPAN 350 DIST COND TENSION NEUTRAL COND TENSION ZONE 1754 ZONE 1754 | HI WIND 1039 HI WIND 1039 | COND DIA 0.325 COND DIA 0.325 | OHGW DIA 0 OHGW TENSION ZONE 0 HI WIND 0 MAX ANGLE 30 ICE 05 | ZONE WIND (PSF) 4 | HIGH WIND (PSF) 16.4 # PHASE COND 3 # OHGW 0 # NEUTRAL 1 | | # BISECTOR GUYS # INLINE GUYS | GUYS JANCHORS | GUYS [ANCHORS GUYS JANCHORS | GUYS [ANCHORS | METHOD ZONE ZONE | HIWIND | HIWIND ||METHOD | ZONE ZONE | HIWIND | _HIWIND | NESC 1 0.58 0.61 0.24 0.25 ||NESC 1 0.81 0.85 0.34 0.36 | |NESC 2 0.55 0.57 0.23 0.24 ||NESC 2 0.82 0.85 0.34 0.35 | REA 0.68 0.71 0.28 0.29 ||REA 0.98 1.02 0.39 0.41 | | OCF (HI WIND) 15 GUY 716" E.H.S. | GUY STRENGTH 20800 GUY SLOPE W/ HORIZ 45 | ASSUMED POLE 35’ CLASS 5 | POLE ABOVE GL 35 BOTTOM DIA 9.89 TOP DIA 6.05 ANCHOR CAPACITY 20000 CONDUCTOR ZONE HIWIND la 154.58 a 155.46 b 92.97 b 381.18 c 907.94 c 537.83 OHGW ZONE HIWIND a 116.67 a 0.00 b 92.97 b 381.18 c 0.00 c 0.00 UNDERBUILD ZONE HIWIND a 154.58 a 155.46 b 92.97 b 381.18 c 907.94 c 537.83 22-097(6/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 1 22-097(6/16/92) 128002-01 PAGE 1 SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE PROJECT GUYING REQUIRMENTS C7-1 (BUCKARM) DIST CONDUCTOR SPARATE NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR SPARATE MAX HSPAN 350 DIST COND TENSION NEUTRAL COND TENSION ZONE 1754 ZONE 1754 |HI WIND 1039 HI WIND 1039 |COND DIA 0.325 COND DIA 0.325 | OHGW DIA 0 | OHGW TENSION ZONE 0 | HI WIND 0 MAX ANGLE 90 ICE 0.5 ZONE WIND (PSF) 4 |HIGH WIND (PSF) 16.4 |# PHASE COND 3 | # OHGW 0 | |# NEUTRAL 1 | # BISECTOR GUYS # INLINE GUYS | GUYS JANCHORS | GUYS JANCHORS GUYS |ANCHORS | GUYS JANCHORS | METHOD ZONE ZONE | HIWIND | _HIWIND ||METHOD | ZONE ZONE | HIWIND | HIWIND | NESC 1 2.24 2.33 0.85 0.88 ||NESC 1 1.36 1.42| 0.57 0.60 NESC 2 2.06 2.15 0.84 0.87 ||NESC 2 1.36 1.42| 0.57 0.59 REA 2.50 2.60 0.98 1.02 ||REA 1.64 1.70| 0.66 0.68 ‘OCF (HI WIND) 15 | |GUY 7/16" E.H.S. | GUY STRENGTH 20800 | GUY SLOPE W/ HORIZ 65 | ASSUMED POLE 35' CLASS 5 | |POLE ABOVE GL 35 | |BOTTOM DIA 9.89 | TOP DIA 6.05 ANCHOR CAPACITY 20000 | CONDUCTOR | ZONE HIWIND | a 154.58 a 155.46 b 92.97 b 381.18 | ic 2480.53 c 1469.37 | [ OHGW | ZONE HIWIND | ja 116.67 a 0.00 | lb 92.97 b 381.18 | Ic 0.00 c 0.00 UNDERBUILD ZONE HIWIND a 154.58 a 155.46 b 92.97 b 381.18 c 2480.53 c 1469.37 TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page 1 TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL .TLC STATION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN (ft) WO/WT CLEARANCE % Max LINE COST No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded Iced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Name) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Max Min ac(swg) (ft) OneSide Excl.Cond << RULING SPAN = 208 >> << assumed ruling span = 225 with C(hot) = 1373, C(cold) = 9102, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) 2953 >> 0 0.00 0-00-00 1# 13#(D) 28.50 224.01 208.9 104 254 127 N/A 0.68 22.84 42 0 (C8-3,35-5,H) N/A ¢ 54.97) << RULING SPAN = 227 >> << assumed ruling span = 225 with C(hot) = 1373, C(cold) = 9102, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 2953 >> 6 208.93 0-00-00 2 1400) 30.00 220.57 227.9 218 214 190 N/A 1.04 22.62 39 5000 (M3-15,35-5,H) a N/A ¢ 335.61) << RULING SPAN = 324 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 19 436.88 83-51-22R 3# 8 (D) 26.00 217.54 276.5 252 304 265 N/A 0.86 20.66 31 8000 (C7-1,35-5,H) N/A ¢ 561.88) 28 713.37 0-00-00 4 3S) 29.50 213.28 344.6 311 306 283 N/A 1.04 23.48 48 9000 (C1A,35-5,H) S77 8iC 888.37) 39 1057.95 0-00-00 5 2S) 29.50 208.81 332.1 338 326 268 N/A 1.11 23.98 54 10000 (C1A,35-5,H) 59.23 ( 1226.46) 52 1390.08 0-00-00 6 2(S) 29.50 206.60 343.6 338 325 268 N/A 1.10 22.69 40 11000 (C1A,35-5,H) 59.19 ( 1565.08) 67 1733.69 0-00-00 7 2S) 29.50 206.45 329.6 337 407 349 N/A 0.91 20.38 54 12000 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.20 ( 1908.69) 78 2063.30 0-00-00 8 3S) 29.50 204.24 322.7 326 473 352 N/A 0.83 23.78 58 13000 (C1A,35-5,H) 51.56 ( 2213.30) 89 2386.00 0-00-00 9 2S) 29.50 197.85 349.2 336 287 61 N/A 1.60 22.50 37 14000 (C1A,35-5,H) 67.61 ( 2561.00) 111 2735.22 0-00-00 10 2S) 29.50 199.51 327.0 338 378 345 N/A 0.95 22.62 52 15000 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.24 ( 2894.84) 120 3062.27 0-00-00 11. 3.(S) 29.50 199.90 268.4 298 291 261 N/A 1.06 24.43 27 16000 (C1A,35-5,H) 58.15 ( 3187.27) 127 3330.64 0-01-38R 12# 6 (S) 29.50 201.10 346.8 308 357 316 N/A 0.93 21.38 23 17900 (C2,35-5,H) 54.87 ( 3505.64) 134 3677.40 0-00-00 13 3.¢S) 29.50 201.11 302.6 325 414 341 N/A 0.89 24.09 36 18900 (C1A,35-5,H) 53.47 ( 3827.40) 138 3980.03 0-00-00 14 3S) 29.50 198.72 340.6 322 336 324 N/A 0.98 21.99 41 19900 (C1A,35-5,H) 56.10 ¢ 4155.03) (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (#) Protected towers (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page 2 TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL .TLC sass s T ATION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN (ft) WO/WT CLEARANCE % Max LINE COST No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded Iced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Na me) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Max Min accswg) (ft) | OneSide Excl.Cond 145 4320.61 + 0-00-00 15 3S) 29.50 195.59 202.9 272 449 303 N/A 0.77 26.26 58 20900 (C1A,35-5,H) 49.49 ( 4420.61) 160 «4523.51 0-00-00 16 11 (S)* 29.50 190.52 346.3 275 224 -8 N/A 1.88 27.39 22 22800 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 70.72 ¢ 4808.71) 171 4869.83 0-00-00 17° 2S) 29.50 190.57 326.7 337 302 143 N/A 1.36 23.16 40 23800 (C1A,35-5,H) 64.12 ¢ 5019.83) 183 5196.57 0-00-00 18 2(S) 29.50 196.27 346.3 337 415 351 N/A 0.90 21.94 81 24800 (C1A,35-5,H) 53.94 ( 5402.69) 202 5542.89 0-00-00 19 2(S) 29.50 199.90 329.1 338 387 347 N/A 0.9% 22.22 66 25800 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.93 ( 5715.52) 209 5872.02 0-00-00 20 2(S) 29.50 201.91 339.9 335 327 295 N/A 1.06 21.81 53 26800 (C1A,35-5,H) 58.09 ( 6038.46) 221. = 6211.90 0-00-00 21 2(S) 29.50 205.19 338.1 339 342 340 N/A 1.0 22.68 63 27800 (C1A,35-5,H) 56.53 ( 6411.90) 229 6550.04 0-00-00 22 2S) 29.50 208.36 335.0 337 414 350 N/A 0.91 22.42 62 28800 (C1A,35-5,H) 53.96 ( 6725.04) 240 6885.08 0-00-00 23 2S) 29.50 209.19 342.9 339 334 312 N/A 1.04 22.49 bb 29800 (C1A,35-5,4) 57.59 ¢ 7060.08) 246 «7227.98 + 0-00-00 26 2S) 29.50 210.85 335.7 339 307 161 N/A 1.31 23.35 51 30800 (C1A,35-5,H) 63.40 ( 7402.98) 259 = 7563.69 0-00-00 25 2(S) 29.50 217.80 335.3 336 349 338 N/A 0.98 21.62 1 31800 (C1A,35-5,H) 56.16 ( 7713.69) 269 7898.98 0-00-00 26 2(S) 29.50 224.34 329.1 332 421 348 N/A 0.89 21.05 87 32800 (C1A,35-5,4) 53.55 ( 8052.78) 278 «8228.08 0-00-00 27 2(S) 29.50 228.16 348.7 339 429 355 N/A 0.89 22.88 67 33800 (C1A,35-5,H) 53.55 ( 8394.11) 290 8576.82 0-00-00 28 2(S) 29.50 229.40 326.7 338 323 253 N/A 1.13 21.30 48 34800 (C1A,35-5,4) 59.76 ( 8726.82) 297 8903.56 0-00-00 29 3S) 29.50 233.03 330.9 329 492 358 N/A 0.82 23.42 4b 35800 (C1A,35-5,H) 51.08 ( 9053.56) 307 9234.47 0-00-00 30 3S) 29.50 231.90 288.9 310 265 62 N/A 1.58 25.90 24 36800 (C1A,35-5,H) 67.32 ( 9334.47) 315 9523.34 0-00-00 31 3.(S) 29.50 237.30 210.3 250 216 60 N/A 1.53 27.78 54 37800 (C1A,35-5,H) 66.71 ( 9623.34) 325 9733.63 0-00-00 32 3S) 29.50 264.78 207.7 209 202 170 N/A 1.09 26.44 7% 38800 (C1A,35-5,H) 58.91 ( 9823.89) sss: (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (#) Protected towers (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page 3 TRANSMISSION LIWE DESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL .TLC Sassssssssssessssssssss2s2s222s222s22225222225252525555552525252525552522252522252252525222222S2S2S2e25252525222=52=5 STATION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN (ft) WO/WT CLEARANCE % Max LINE COST No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded Iced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Name) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Max Min ac(swg) (ft) OneSide Excl .Cond Sasesasssssesseessssss2522222222225222225222=52=555======5: sessesssssss: Seesessessssss=2=: = 332 9941.31 0-00-00 33°11 (S) 929.50 252.88 273.1 240 611 307 N/A 0.59 20.47 68 40700 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 41.70 ¢ 10072.23) 344 10214.40 0-00-00 34 11S) 29.50 254.50 350.4 312 600 363 N/A 0.70 22.22 50 42600 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 46.88 ( 10379.54) 357 10564.76 0-00-00 35° 2S) 29.50 247.58 329.6 340 328 275 N/A 1.10 22.31 3 43600 (C1A,35-5,H) 59.01 ¢ 10729.46) 371 10894.39 0-00-00 3% 2S) 29.50 242.99 344.8 337 399 348 N/A 0.92 21.98 44600 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.49 ¢ 11073.74) << RULING SPAN = 309 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 386 11239.17 68-49-38R 37# 8 (D) 26.00 236.29 311.9 328 269 “1 N/A 1.84 20.73 14 47600 (C7-1,35-5,H) N/A ( 11368.32) 394 11551.03 0-00-00 38 3S) 29.50 239.37 324.6 318 612 371 N/A 0.70 24.72 52 48600 (C1A,35-5,H) 46.89 ( 11651.03) 404 11875.64 0-00-00 39 5 (S) 34.50 234.07 287.6 306 591 357 N/A 0.70 26.92 ” 50400 (C1A,40-4,H) 46.81 ( 12075.64) << RULING SPAN = 314 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 411 12163.26 0-00-00 40 7 (0) 29.50 222.06 344.5 316 253 -35 N/A 2.02 21.57 29 52300 (C8-2,35-5,H) N/A (€ 12333.80) 425 12507.74 0-00-00 41 2S) 29.50 218.43 328.1 336 355 340 N/A 0.97 22.69 68 53300 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.97 ( 12682.74) 437 = 12835.82 0-00-00 42 2S) 29.50 214.42 345.9 337 403 349 N/A 0.92 20.77 85 54300 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.34 ¢ 13010.82) 444 13181.76 0-00-00 43 2S) 29.50 208.15 333.3 340 358 343 N/A 0.98 24.14 88 55300 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.99 ( 13411.71) 459 13515.06 0-00-00 44 3S) 29.50 201.56 254.3 296 269 155 N/A 1.28 26.27 32 56300 (C1A,35-5,H) 62.69 ( 13615.06) 473 13769.39 0-00-00 45 5S) 34.50 199.68 309.5 282 248 93 =N/A 1.44 29.50 22 58100 (C1A,40-4,H) 65.45 ( 14078.90) 488 14078.90 0-00-00 46 3S) 29.50 202.61 206.0 258 248 205 N/A 1.10 26.87 40 59100 (C1A,35-5,H) Si 59.17 ( 14178.90) << RULING SPAN = 497 314 >> 14284.86 32-07-57L << assumed ruling span = 47# 7 (D) (C8-2,35-5,H) 29.50 304 with C(hot) = 1881, C(cold) =10773, CCiced) = 205.53 346.8 276 (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. 443 306 N/A 0.78 N/A © 21.54 14459 .86) 26 N/A C(Swg) = 4635 >> 61000 SSSSssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss==s= (#) Protected towers TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page 4 TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL.TLC STATION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN (ft) WD/WT CLEARANCE % Max LINE COST No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded Iced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Name) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft), Max Min accswg) (ft) — OneSide Excl.Cond cansuezseasussusssznssensnannsnnssessnsecssesssesesszsses: = i 507 14631.67 0-00-00 48 2(S) 29.50 205.27 326.4 337 298 115 N/A 1.40 22.07 39 62000 (C1A,35-5,H) 64.75 ( 14806.67) 516 14958.02 0-00-00 49 3S) 29.50 211.75 291.0 309 361 318 N/A 0.93 23.49 57 63000 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.77 ¢ 15108.02) 524 15248.98 0-00-00 50 3(S) 29.50 216.12 254.6 273 345 285 N/A 0.90 25.31 47 64000 (C1A,35-5,4) 53.73 ( 15373.98) 532 15503.54 0-00-00 51 3 (S) 29.50 218.23 255.9 255 312 265 N/A 0.91 25.13 33 65000 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.20 ¢ 15653.54) 541 15759.48 0-00-00 52. 3S) 29.50 219.01 251.8 254 335 268 N/A 0.88 26.56 27 66000 (C1A,35-5,H) 53.15 ¢ 15894.95) 552 16011.25 14-40-40R 53H 6 (S) 29.50 217.87 346.2 299 344 307 N/A 0.93 21.73 33 67900 (€2,35-5,H) 79.68 ( 16186.25) 560 16357.44 0-00-00 54 2(S) 29.50 214.96 332.2 339 336 321 N/A 1.03 22.60 55 68900 (C1A,35-5,H) 57.30 ( 16507.44) 573 16689.69 0-00-00 55 11(S) 29.50 212.72 308.2 320 538 359 N/A 0.76 20.63 56 70800 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 49.20 (¢ 16839.69) 585 16997.89 0-00-00 56 3 (S) 29.50 204.65 302.3 305 268 100 N/A 1.44 23.87 36 71800 (C1A,35-5,H) 65.50 ¢ 17170.00) 595 1730.15 0-00-00 57 3S) 29.50 202.28 349.8 326 302 189 N/A 1.24 22.42 25 72800 (C1A,35-5,H) 61.97 ¢ 17450.15) 607 17649.93 0-00-00 58 2(S) 29.50 203.80 323.1 336 393 347 N/A 0.93 22.35 51 73800 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.66 ( 17827.27) 621 17973.05 0-00-00 59 2(S) 29.50 203.57 347.2 335 403 347 N/A 0.92 21.85 56 74800 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.27 ( 18173.05) 634 18320.27 0-00-00 60 3S) 29.50 201.22 218.0 283 544 329 N/A 0.70 21.71 68 75800 (C1A,35-5,H) 46.88 ( 18480.71) 644 18538.23 0-00-00 61 3S) 29.50 194.67 342.8 280 239 47 N/A 1.61 26.07 42 76800 (C1A,35-5,H) 67.77 ( 18541.43) 660 18881.03 0-00-00 62 4 (S) 34.50 191.49 349.0 346 352 347 N/A 0.99 22.27 57 78600 (C1A,40-4,H) 56.41 ¢ 19075.52) 683 19230.04 0-00-00 63 3S) 29.50 188.05 253.9 301 281 188 N/A 1.21 26.66 23 79600 (C1A,35-5,H) 61.40 ¢ 1939.82) << RULING SPAN = 313 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 702 19483.92 18-01-53R 64# 7 (D) 29.50 188.12 330.1 292 253 72 =N/A 1.52 21.18 13 81500 (C8-2,35-5,H) N/A (¢ 19693.87) seeessssssssassssessessssessssssssssssssssssssssssssssesssssssssessssss2s222222225252525225552525255552525255252555555255=55=525= (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (#) Protected towers (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page 5 TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL .TLC sasssssssssssssssssssssssessssssssssssssssssssssss2ss22e255555555S2s2s2222E5222222222e2222222s52e2s22522225525252552=252=222=2==== STATION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN (ft) WO/WT CLEARANCE % Max LINE COST No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded Iced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Name) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Max Min ac(swg) (ft) OneSide Excl .Cond Saesessessesssssssssssssssssss25252525252525225252525=5252==52: Saesssssssssssessss==2=2: =: 715 19814.02 0-00-00 65 11 (S$) 29.50 194.68 293.9 312 507 347 N/A 0.78 24.72 48 83400 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 49.74 ( 19973.80) << RULING SPAN = 317 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, CCiced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 725 20107.90 0-00-00 66 9 (D) 29.50 195.40 352.8 323 267 8 N/A 1.80 25.53 29 85900 (C8-2,35-5,H) N/A (¢ 20257.90) 735 20460.67 0-00-00 67 5 (S) 34.50 206.19 204.3 279 257 156 N/A 1.25 33.04 84 87700 (C1A,40-4,H) . 62.24 ( 20590.10) 745 20664.98 0-00-00 68 5 (S) 34.50 214.67 370.1 287 529 331 N/A 0.72 21.51 92 89500 (C1A,40-4,H) 47.64 ( 20890.60) 757 21035.13 0-00-00 69 3S) 29.50 222.04 248.6 309 293 221 N/A 1.15 20.55 62 90500 (C1A,35-5,H) 60.22 ¢ 21185.13) << RULING SPAN = 311 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 765 21283.77 44-50-43L 70# 8 (D) 26.00 228.96 321.2 285 442 313 N/A 0.80 23.25 44 93500 (C7-1,35-5,H) N/A ( 21400.00) 77% 21605.01 0-00-00 71° 3S) 29.50 233.41 325.0 323 355 329 N/A 0.96 21.96 48 94500 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.47 ( 21779.65) 787 21930.03 0-00-00 72 3S) 29.50 236.99 324.9 325 342 328 N/A 0.98 23.34 43 95500 (C1A,35-5,H) 56.02 ( 22102.31) 797 22254.91 0-00-00 73 3S) 29.50 240.08 257.5 291 283 247 N/A 1.07 25.44 41 96500 (C1A,35-5,H) 58.51 ( 22379.91) << RULING SPAN = 333 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, CCiced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 804 22512.37 26-46-38R 74# 7 (D) 29.50 243.55 346.4 302 322 306 N/A 0.97 21.98 28 98400 (C8-2,35-5,H) N/A ( 22687.37) 813 22858.80 0-00-00 7 28) 29.50 247.59 330.9 339 354 341 N/A 0.98 22.76 69 99400 (C1A,35-5,H) 56.09 ( 23008.80) 825 23189.65 0-00-00 7% 2S) 29.50 250.99 340.8 336 326 279 N/A 1.08 22.06 63 100400 (C1A,35-5,H) . 58.73 ( 23364.65) 835 23530.40 0-00-00 7 28) 29.50 256.23 332.7 337 418 351 N/A 0.90 23.61 78 101400 (C1A,35-5,H) 53.83 ( 23721.97) 843 23863.08 0-00-00 78 28) 29.50 258.93 337.6 335 322 263 N/A 1.11 22.96 58 102400 (C1A,35-5,H) 59.29 ( 24025.42) sassssesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssessssesssssssssesss2s2552522222222===: Sasssssssssess= (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (#) Protected towers (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page 6 TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 . Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL .TLC STATION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN (ft) No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded Iced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Name) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Max Min ac(Swg) (ft) OneSide Excl .Cond 856 24200.66 0-00-00 79 2S) 29.50 263.83 336.1 337 381 345 N/A 0.94 22.93 Te) 103400 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.07 ( 24351.72) 864 24536.73 0-00-00 80 2(S) 29.50 267.37 339.3 338 322 249 N/A 1.14 22.68 65 104400 (C1A,35-5,H) 59.90 ( 24699.37) 874 24876.00 0-00-00 81 2S) 29.50 273.62 340.1 340 378 347 N/A 0.95 22.48 85 105400 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.31 ( 25051.00) 885 25216.10 0-00-00 82 11S) 29.50 278.73 313.2 327 503 358 N/A 0.80 23.29 42 107300 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 50.61 ( 25366.10) 894 25529.33 0-00-00 83 2S) 29.50 278.50 348.9 331 360 336 N/A 0.96 22.47 48 108300 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.58 ( 25720.22) 905 25878.27 0-00-00 8 28) 29.50 277.33 321.6 335 331 314 N/A 1.03 23.77 40 109300 (C1A,35-5,H) 57.42 ( 26033.26) 915 26199.91 0-00-00 85 2(S) 29.50 276.87 344.4 333 389 343 N/A 0.93 23.50 55 110300 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.67 ( 26380.47) 926 26544.33 0-00-00 8 2S) 29.50 274.66 328.9 337 436 354 N/A 0.88 22.14 76 111300 (C1A,35-5,H) : 53.23 ( 26707.30) 935 26873.23 0-00-00 87 2S) 29.50 269.63 344.4 337 339 337 N/A 1.0 21.91 78 112300 (C1A,35-5,H) 56.55 ( 27025.61) 948 27217.66 0-00-00 88 3(S) 29.50 264.29 266.2 305 347 313 N/A 0.94 24.97 53 113300 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.04 ( 27380.30) << RULING SPAN = 305 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 960 27483.87 0-00-00 89 7D) 29.50 259.18 342.5 304 253 19° N/A 1.75 24.74 16 115200 (C8-2,35-5,H) N/A (¢ 27730.97) 974 27826.38 0-00-00 90 3S) 29.50 261.31 314.6 329 418 344 N/A 0.89 21.16 37 116200 (C1A,35-5,H) 53.50 ( 27976.38) 985 28140.98 0-00-00 91°11 (8) 29.50 260.77 309.6 312 543 354 N/A 0.75 20.98 51 118100 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 48.61 ( 28315.71) 1002 28450.62 0-00-00 92 3S) 29.50 253.85 206.8 258 465 295 N/A 0.73 26.64 85 119100 (C1A,35-5,H) 48.04 ( 28537.68) << RULING SPAN = 323 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 1009 28657.40 0-00-00 93# 7D) 29.50 245.42 347.3 277 99 -717 N/A -1.57 28.24 8 121000 (C8-2,35-5,H) N/A ( 28957.95) sessssssssessssssssssssssesssssssssssssszssssessessesssssssssssssssssss555525555255255S5sSSSSSSsSsSSsSsESSssEssss5s55=55==5: (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (#) Protected towers (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page 7 TRANSMISSION LINE OESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL .TLC saesessssssssssessssesssssssssssessssesssesssee222222225255255252552522=2== Sassssssscsssssss2=2=222222=2: STATION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN (ft) WD/WT CLEARANCE % Max LINE COST No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded Iced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Name) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Max Min ac(swg) (ft) OneSide Excl.Cond = sansssssssss2=2=2=2=2===: =: = = == 1029 29004.66 0-00-00 94 3S) 29.50 262.02 245.4 296 372 310 N/A 0.90 20.77 108 122000 (C1A,35-5,H) 53.68 ( 29145.81) 1044 29250.11 0-00-00 95 11 (8) 29.50 272.10 343.1 294 555 341 N/A 0.71 22.30 3 123900 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 47.23 ( 29417.73) 1056 29593.25 0-00-00 96 11(S) 29.50 278.21 308.3 326 590 373 WN/A 0.73 21.64 46 125800 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 47.93 ( 29743.25) 1066 29901.55 0-00-00 97 3S) 29.50 276.43 345.0 327 413 342 N/A 0.89 23.91 49 126800 (C1A,35-5,H) 53.56 ( 30076.55) 1084 30246.52 0-00-00 98 2S) 29.50 271.77 330.6 338 300 125 N/A 1.40 23.14 35 127800 (C1A,35-5,H) 64.89 ( 30373.90) 1104 30577.17 0-00-00 99 2S) 29.50 273.59 349.5 346 313 192 N/A 1.25 22.30 51 128800 (C1A,35-5,H) 62.20 ¢ 30751.52) 1117 30926.63 0-00-00 100 2(S) 29.50 280.14 321.4 335 313 212 N/A 1.20 24.93 87 129800 (C1A,35-5,H) 61.28 ( 31073.90) 1131 31248.02 0-00-00 101 5 (S) 34.50 289.70 296.1 309 503 343 N/A 0.78 21.35 80 131600 (C1A,40-4,H) 49.73 ( 31384.36) 1147 31544.11 0-00-00 102 3S) 29.50 293.39 341.7 319 481 348 N/A 0.81 22.89 44 132600 (C1A,35-5,H) 50.96 ¢ 31691.13) 1160 31885.79 0-00-00 103 2(S) 29.50 292.72 338.2 340 348 341 N/A 0.99 21.65 45 133600 (C1A,35-5,H) 56.36 ( 32056.49) 1178 32224.03 0-00-00 104 2(S) 29.50 291.82 331.1 335 323 270 N/A 1.10 22.00 37 134600 (C1A,35-5,H) 59.02 ( 32399.64) 1196 32555.18 0-00-00 105 11 (Ss) 292.85 207.8 269 529 316 N/A 0.69 27.07 41 136500 29.50 (C1-1A,35-5,H) r << RULING SPAN = 317 >> 1203 32762.96 0-00-00 106 7 (D) 29.50 288.69 340.3 274 231 (C8-2,35-5,H) 1218 33103.28 0-00-00 107 3(S) 29.50 289.25 288.2 314 319 (C1A,35-5,H) << RULING SPAN = 324 >> << assumed ruling span = 1231 33391.51 24-59-12R 108# 7 (D) 29.50 289.61 345.4 317 402 (C8-2,35-5,H) << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, CCiced) = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, CCiced) = 46.53 ( 32666.18) N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 31 N/A 1.68 25.97 17 138400 N/A ( 32987.96) 315 N/A 0.99 22.86 29 139400 56.47 ( 33243.83) N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 0.89 N/A ¢ 21.69 24 33570.38) 332=ON/A 141300 (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. (#) Protected towers TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page & TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL.TLC = Sasssesssssssssssss=2== STATION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN (ft) WO/WT CLEARANCE % Max LINE COST No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded Iced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Name) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Max Min ac(swg) (ft) 1243 33736.94 0-00-00 109 2(S) 29.50 287.41 333.5 339 390 349 N/A 0.94 22.29 65 142300 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.87 ( 33911.94) 1256 34070.43 0-00-00 110 2(¢S) 29.50 283.77 340.7 337 384 345 N/A 0.94 21.77 ne 143300 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.00 ( 34245.43) 1268 34411.13 0-00-00 111. 2 (S) 29.50 278.63 331.8 336 347 338 N/A 0.99 21.80 78 144300 (C1A,35-5,H) 56.26 ( 34548.48) 1279 = 34742.91 0-00-00 112, 3 (8) 29.50 273.31 324.7 328 495 358 N/A 0.81 22.21 7 145300 (C1A,35-5,H) 50.95 ( 34900.32) 1293 35067.57 0-00-00 113° 2 (8S) «29.50 263.28 348.5 337 299 125 N/A 1.40 22.14 70 146300 (C1A,35-5,H) 64.84 ( 35242.68) 1301 35416.06 0-00-00 114 3S) 29.50 259.08 308.7 329 464 353 N/A 0.84 23.28 65 147300 (C1A,35-5,H) 51.95 ( 35584.91) 1311 35724.77 0-00-00 115° 3 (8S) 29.50 251.62 295.0 302 353 311 N/A 0.93 23.24 71 148300 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.64 ( 35874.77) 1319 36019.81 0-00-00 116 3S) 29.50 243.14 306.3 301 254 37° N/A 1.67 29.11 32 149300 (C1A,35-5,H) 68.44 ( 36067.01) 1333 36326.15 0-00-00 117 11 (S) 29.50 241.53 285.5 296 584 347 N/A 0.69 22.24 61 151200 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 46.44 ( 36384.98) << RULING SPAN = 321 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 1351 36611.63 0-00-00 118 15 (D0) 34.50 232.70 321.4 303 250 3 N/A 1.82 29.50 21 153700 (C8-2,40-4,H) N/A ( 36933.02) << RULING SPAN = 292 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 1376 36933.02 0-00-00 119% 7(D) 29.50 231.36 292.1 307 248 -24 N/A 1.97 21.93 15 155600 (C8-2,35-5,H) N/A (¢ 37138.43) << RULING SPAN = 298 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, CCiced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 1393 37225.14 0-00-00 120# 7(D) 29.50 238.74 348.4 320 261 -10 N/A 1.89 23.04 43 157500 (C8-2,35-5,H) N/A ( 37453.63) 1412 37573.52 0-00-00 121.11 (S) 29.50 257.78 224.6 286 620 346 N/A 0.65 22.28 98 159400 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 44.76 ( 37731.80) 1428 37798.13 0-00-00 122 3S) 29.50 263.38 326.8 276 276 275 N/A 1.00 18.56* 59 160400 (C1A,35-5,H) 56.67 ( 37948.13) ssssssssssess Saasssssssse2sss2=2===: Seasesssssessesses==: saasasasesensssseszszszssszzz222= (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (#) Protected towers (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page 9 TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL.TLC Seaessassstsssssesseessseses22s22s222222: Sessseaess=: STATION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN (ft) WD/WT CLEARANCE % Max LINE COST No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded Iced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Name) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Max = Min ac(swg) (ft) OneSide Excl .Cond sossssssssssssssssssssssssssssesessee222222555255525=2=25552555552522525522=5=555555225=25=5=5=2=552====: 1445 38124.90 0-00-00 123. 11 (S) 29.50 271.55 227.3 277 873* 384 N/A 0.50 18.89*& 55 162300 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 37.46 ( 38316.02) << RULING SPAN = 286 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 1461 38352.16 79-15-55R 1244 16 (D) 25.00 265.16 285.7 256 208 -15 N/A 1.93 24.24 19 164800 (C7-1,40-4,B) N/A ( 38359.04) 1480 38637.87 0-00-00 125 17(S) 28.50 264.02 242.1 264 567 318 N/A 0.66 24.59 7 165800 (C1A,40-4,8) 44.89 ( 38762.87) 14696 38879.95 0-00-00 126 18(S) 28.50 256.51 333.9 288 578 340 N/A 0.68 23.96 101 167300 (C1-1A,40-4,B) 46.12 ¢ 38991.61) 1517 39213.83 0-00-00 127 19(S) 33.00 237.51 256.5 295 529 337 N/A 0.73 26.57 125 169300 (C1-1A,45-4,B) 48.11 ( 39403.64) << RULING SPAN = 325 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 1536 39470.28 0-00-00 128# 20 (D) 28.50 217.56 299.4 278 106 -680 N/A -1.75 22.00 13 171800 (C8-2,40-4,B) N/A ( 39595.28) 1548 39769.72 0-00-00 129 17 (S) 28.50 219.82 355.5 327* 324 309 N/A 1.03 21.18 38 172800 (C1A,40-4,B) 57.31 ( 40031.94) 1569 40125.22 0-00-00 130# 18 (S$) 28.50 223.08 171.6 264 984 393 N/A 0.44 24.98 88 174300 (C1-1A,40-4,B) 34.03 ( 40167.21) 1582 40296.77 0-00-00 131# 18 (S) 28.50 213.63 366.4 269 680 343 N/A 0.59 28.27 151 175800 (C1-1A,40-4,B) 41.82 ( 40421.18) << RULING SPAN = 311 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 1609 40663.16 0-00-00 132# 7(D) 29.50 180.03 248.9 308 -9-1455 N/A -0.62 27.50 “1 172700 (€8-2,35-5,H) N/A ( 40912.11) 1631 40912.11 0-00-00 = 1334 11 (S)_27.50* 196.32 164.6 207 855 323 N/A 0.41 20.16 107 ~—-172700 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 31.97 ¢ 40969.62) 1639 41076.48 0-00-00 134 11(S) 29.50 197.57 341.5 253 615 318 N/A 0.60 26.62 56 174600 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 42.56 ( 41281.32) 1658 41417.99 0-00-00 135 2(S) 29.50 189.146 317.3 329 291 117 N/A 1.42 27.49 50 175600 (C1A,35-5,H) 65.09 ¢ 41514.39) 1679 41735.32 0-00-00 136 4(S) 34.50 187.32 341.4 329 328 320 N/A 1.01 26.31 45 177400 (CIA, 40-4,H) 56.97 ( 41935.32) (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (#) Protected towers (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page 10 TRANSMISSION Lt e DESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL .TLC Ssaessssezzesszssssszssssss=zz: = =a: a STATION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN (ft) WD/WT CLEARANCE % Max LINE COST No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded Iced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Name) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Max = Min ac(swg) (ft) OneSide Excl.Cond 1697 42076.71 0-00-00 137, 2 (S) 29.50 185.64 329.4 335 329 301 N/A 1.05 22.46 42 (C1A,35-5,H) 57.89 ( 42251.71) 1708 42406.10 0-00-00 138 3 (S) 29.50 185.03 321.9 326 453 349 N/A 0.85 23.07 47 179400 (C1A,35-5,H) 52.18 ( 42583.37) << RULING SPAN = 275 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, CCiced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 1719 42728.04 77-05-46L 139# 8 (D) 26.00 180.77 260.6 291 221 -99 N/A 2.57 21.38 13 182400 (C7-1,35-5,H) N/A © = 42831.73) 1728 42988.67 0-00-00 140 11(S) 29.50 186.38 321.7 291 498 328 N/A 0.76 23.24 46 184300 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 48.91 ( 43106.76) 1741 43310.37 0-00-00 141 11 (S) 29.50 187.37 207.2 264 662 336 N/A 0.59 24.99 58 186200 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 42.00 ¢ 43410.37) << RULING SPAN = 321 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 1751 43517.58 0-00-00 142, 7 (D0) 29.50 180.66 348.7 278 228 -3 N/A 1.85 23.34 26 188100 (C8-2,35-5,H) N/A © 43746.38) 1775 43866.28 0-00-00 143 2S) 29.50 178.08 331.7 340 381 348 N/A 0.95 22.38 66 189100 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.21 ( 44016.28) 1793 44197.95 0-00-00 144 3S) 29.50 174.41 299.2 315 280 119 N/A 1.40 22.76 22 190100 (C1A,35-5,H) . 64.79 ( 44268.84) 1815 44497.15 0-00-00 145 3S) 29.50 176.35 297.9 299 440 324 N/A 0.82 25.15 ao 191100 (C1A,35-5,H) 51.32 ( 44639.40) 1833 44795.05 0-00-00 146 3 (8S) 29.50 174.53 341.7 320 301 214 N/A 1.18 22.62 25 192100 (C1A,35-5,H) 60.81 ( 44965.46) 1846 45136.78 0-00-00 147, 2(S) 29.50 175.68 337.8 340 364 344 N/A 0.97 22.98 47 193100 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.80 ( 45311.78) 1861 45474.58 0-00-00 148 2(S) 29.50 176.10 332.2 335 330 304 N/A 1.04 23.06 41 194100 (C1A,35-5,H) 57.75 ( 45624.58) 1873 45806.83 0-00-00 149 2S) 29.50 177.42 347.5 340 429 356 N/A 0.89 22.08 49 195100 (C1A,35-5,H) 53.61 ¢ 45979.52) 1887 46154.33 0-00-00 150 2(S) 29.50 176.05 315.7 332 384 341 N/A 0.93 22.78 57 196100 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.79 ( 46344.61) 1901 46470.01 0-00-00 151# 3 (S) 29.50 173.34 255.2 285 248 75 «N/A 1.51 29.26 21 197100 (C1A,35-5,H) 66.43 ( 46545.01) seesssssssssssssessssssssssessssssssssssssssssssessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssessee522525252252=E2522225525252222=52222=22=2=5 (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (#) Protected towers (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page 11 TRANSMISSION LINE DESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL.TLC saessessssssssssss2s22=5==== see: STATION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN ( No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded 1 ft) WO/WT CLEARANCE % Max LINE COST ced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Name) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) = Max Min ac(swg) (ft) OneSide Excl .Cond Sesssssssessssssesse2525252525252522525252=52252=5=5==5==== sneezes: sasssssssesss: == 1907 46725.24 0-00-00 152. 12 (S$) 34.50 175.95 234.5 245 425 277 N/A 0.75 29.50 30 199000 (C1-1A,40-4,H) 48.66 ( 46959.75) 1916 46959.75 0-00-00 153# 3 (S) 29.50 174.58 327.0 281 252 122 N/A 1.35 21.26 22 200000 (C1A,35-5,H) 63.95 ( 47134.75) 1925 47286.76 0-00-00 154 2(S) 29.50 177.29 345.5 336 421 351 N/A 0.90 21.22 58 201000 (C1A,35-5,H) 53.71 ( 47461.76) 1936 47632.23 0-00-00 155 2(S) 29.50 177.54 328.8 337 331 305 N/A 1.04 22.52 41 202000 (C1A,35-5,H) 57.78 ( 47832.23) 1948 47961.05 0-00-00 156 11 (S) 29.50 178.71 328.8 329 524 364 N/A 0.79 21.33 40 203900 (C1-1A,35-5,H) . 50.08 ¢ 48120.13) 1963 48289.87 0-00-00 157 2(S) 29.50 174.16 349.1 339 315 205 N/A 1.22 21.58 44 204900 (C1A,35-5,H) 61.66 ( 48403.42) 1980 48638.99 0-00-00 158 2S) 29.50 173.51 329.8 339 323 250 N/A 1.14 21.52 39 205900 (C1A,35-5,H) 59.92 ( 48773.95) 1991 48968.82 0-00-00 159 2S) 29.50 175.53 348.0 339 335 314 N/A 1.03 23.04 53 206900 (C1A,35-5,H) 57.51 ( 49232.83) 2004 49316.82 0-00-00 160 2(S) 29.50 178.42 328.5 338 360 342 N/A 0.97 22.74 60 207900 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.87 ( 49491.82) 2013 = 49645.34 0-00-00 161 2S) 29.50 180.51 347.1 338 405 350 WN/A 0.92 23.07 53 208900 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.31 ( 49820.34) 2030 49992.48 0-00-00 162 3 (S) 29.50 180.64 301.3 324 457 348 N/A 0.84 21.38 42 209900 (C1A,35-5,H) 51.98 ¢ 50171.52) 2041 + 50293.75 0-00-00 163 3 (S) 29.50 177.18 296.5 299 278 180 N/A 1.22 23.94 24 210900 (C1A,35-5,H) 61.67 ( 50495.78) 2063 50590.20 0-00-00 164 3 (S) 29.50 176.91 259.8 278 277 274 N/A 1.01 25.53 22 211900 (C1A,35-5,H) 56.82 ¢ 50706.25) 2077 + 50850.04 0-00-00 165 11 (S) 29.50 176.77 253.9 257 427 287 N/A 0.77 23.67 38 213800 (C1-1A,35-5,H) 49.40 ( 51000.04) << RULING SPAN = 304 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, CCiced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 2087 51103.99 50-13-40R 166# 8 (D) 26.00 172.79 317.5 286 226 -46 N/A 2.12 21.31 13 —-216800 (€7-1,35-5,H) N/A (© 51228.99) 2095 51421.52 0-00-00 167 3(S) 29.50 177.18 325.0 321 506 354 N/A 0.79 23.95 48 217800 (C1A,35-5,H) 50.32 ¢ 51517.72) 2108 51746.53 0-00-00 168 3(S) 29.50 176.37 319.4 322 312 266 N/A 1.09 23.09 24 218800 (C1A,35-5,H) 58.78 ¢ 51921.53) (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (#) Protected towers (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page 12 TRANSMISS.ION LIWE OESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL.TLC Saesessenssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss2222252252S2222252222252252222222222==: STATION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN (ft) WO/WT CLEARANCE % Max LINE COST No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded Iced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Name) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Max Min ac(Swg) (ft) OneSide Excl .Cond 2122 52065.94 0-00-00 169 3S) 29.50 177.17 323.5 321 362 329 N/A 0.95 22.81 28 219800 (C1A,35-5,H) 55.13 ( 52252.05) 2136 = 52389.44 0-00-00 170 3S) 29.50 176.80 260.8 292 282 235 N/A 1.10 24.23 24 220800 (C1A,35-5,H) 59.03 ( 52527.83) 2149 =52650.28 0-00-00 171 3 (8) 29.50 177.82 254.8 258 432 289 N/A 0.76 23.47 39 221800 (C1A,35-5,H) 49.24 ( 52832.14) << RULING SPAN = 332 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 2161 = 52905.10 48-12-22R 172# 8 (D) 26.00 174.85 329.7 292 261 119 N/A 1.37 20.85 16 224800 (C7-1,35-5,4) N/A (© 53054.61) 2177 53234.80 0-00-00 173 2(S) 29.50 176.11 347.5 339 355 342 N/A 0.98 21.02 47 225800 (C1A,35-5,H) 56.05 ( 53409.80) 2191 53582.33 0-00-00 176 2S) 29.50 176.92 330.2 339 348 340 N/A 0.99 21.96 45 226800 (C1A,35-5,H) 56.33 ( 53778.35) 2211 53912.55 0-00-00 175 3S) 29.50 177.43 320.3 325 466 351 N/A 0.83 20.68 43 227800 (C1A,35-5,H) 51.74 ( 54069.09) << RULING SPAN = 220 >> << assumed ruling span = 225 with C(hot) = 1373, C(cold) = 9102, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 2953 >> 2226 «= 54232.86 9 69-37-48R 176# 8 (D) 26.00 173.90 243.6 282 252 109 N/A 1.35 22.79 14 230800 (C7-1,35-5,H) N/A (¢ 54307.86) 2234 + 54476.43 0-00-00 177 3S) 29.50 175.22 209.8 227 299 238 W/A 0.91 22.62 26 231800 (C1A,35-5,H) 54.00 ( 54593.61) 2249 + 54686.21 0-00-00 178 3S) 29.50 174.69 200.2 205 200 169 N/A 1.06 27.37 15 232800 (C1A,35-5,H) 58.15 ( 54756.94) << RULING SPAN = 240 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, CCiced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 2266 + 54886.41 29-25-30R 179# 7(D) 29.50 174.97 265.6 233 432 268 N/A 0.72 24.52 32 234700 (C8-2,35-5,H) N/A ( 55049.00) 2282 =55151.99 0-00-00 180 3S) 29.50 170.56 201.5 234 200 45 N/A 1.59 27.95 15 235700 (C1A,35-5,H) : 67.45 ( 55249.70) << RULING SPAN = 49 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, CCiced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 2293 + ©55353.53 0-00-00 181# 13 (D) 29.50 170.61 49.6 126 88 -85 N/A 4.23 29.50 17 238200 (C8-3,35-5,H) N/A ( 55353.53) sasssssssssssssssssesssssesesesees22222==2: (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (#) Protected towers (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. TLCADD (C) 06-20-1992 09:07:46 Page 13 TRANSMISSION CINe DESIGN REPORT SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.2/12.5KV DISTRIBUTION LINE Allowable span Lengths: minimum = 150.00 maximum = 375.00 Basic clearance = 20.00 Conductor shape: Parabola Conductor Number: 1 Station spacing (for interpolation) = 10.00 Station spacing (for clearance checking) = 25.00 Section Length: 55453.09 (ft) 10.50 (miles) Filename = C:\TDES\SHUN\TLC\SHUNFNAL .TLC Seeeesesresss=szs=z: ION LINE ANGLE TOWER POINT OF SUPPORT SPAN WIND WEIGHT SPAN (ft) WD/WT CLEARANCE % Max LINE COST No. Location Deg Mn Se No. Typ/Insl Height Elev AHEAD SPAN Unloaded Iced SWING (LOCATION) WtSpan (cumul.) (ft) (Name) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Max = Min ac(Swg) (ft) OneSide Excl .Cond Reesssszasszzssssssassse=: << RULING SPAN = 50 >> << assumed ruling span = 325 with C(hot) = 2009, C(cold) =11214, C(iced) = N/A C(Swg) = 5121 >> 2294 55403.09 0-00-00 182 14 (D) 30.00 171.55 50.0 50 N/A 26.00 131 243200 (M3-15,35-5,H) N/A ( 55453.09) 2296 + 55453.09 0-00-00 183 8 (D) 26.00 168.17 0.0 N/A 0.00 0 246200 (C7-1,35-5,H) Saasssssssssssssssssss22=222=2=2222=2=2=: (*) Values are in violation of design criteria or tower specifications. (#) Protected towers (&) Special clearance is controlling the critical clearance. PART Ill APPENDIX _ POWER Engineers Location Diagram SHUNGNAK ee cea 7.24/12.4/KV DISTRIBUTION FOR ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BARROW KOBUK SHUNGNAK \__cHUNGNAK-KOBUK TIE LINE . FAIRBANKS ¢ ANCHORAGE VICINITY MAP ~*5~227.24/12.47KV DISTRIBUTION. ----~~ JUNEAU PROFILE DRAWING LEGEND CENTERLINE GROUNDL INE STRUCTURE INFORMATION LEGEND $ 6 0-0-0 i 0-0-0 C1A,35-5.H C1A.35-5.H 29.50 29.50 179.31 17.10 1057.95 1390.08 208.81 213 206.60 . 343.61 :— TOP PHASE CONDUCTOR © -60 DEGS F +—— TOP PHASE CONDUCTOR © 167 DEGS F +—— BOTTOM & MIDDLE PHASE CONDUCTOR SAG @ 167 DEGS F POLE 1—— NEUTRAL CONDUCTOR SAG e 167 DEGS F REFERENCE DRAWING ISSUED FOR RECORD ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION : ISSUED FOR BIDDING ISSUED FOR APPROVAL DESCRIPTIONS REFERENCE DRAWINGS DATE CKO. | APPD| ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY ISTRUCTURE ASSY OWGS PLAN & PROFILE IGUYING ASSEMBLIES CONST, NO, - STRUCTURE NUMBER LINE ANGLE - DEFLECTION ANGLE TOWER NAME - POLE TOP ASSEMBLY WITH POLE HEIGHT AND CLASS HEIGHT - DISTANCE OF LOWEST POINT OF ATTACHMENT ABOVE GROUND CL HUB EL - CENTERLINE GROUND ELEVATION STATION LOC - STRUCTURE STATION LOCATION P.S. ELEV - ELEVATION OF LOWEST POINT TP OF ATTACHMENT TP SPAN AHEAD - HORIZONTAL DISTANCE TO TP NEXT STRUCTURE i ANCHOR ASSEMBLIES: TYP IMISCELLANEOUS ASSYS SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.24/12.47KV DISTRIBUTION VICINITY MAP & LEGEND CLLMER 3940 GLENBROOK DRIVE HAILEY, [DAHO 63333 OSGN. MwH JOB NO. 128002-01 ORN. JSH | 9-3-91 [DRAWING NO. | REV. ise! C0 1A SCALE : NONE | | ! | Pl-2 | | |SHUNGNAK VILLAGE] ! A PLLILL Tiel iti) ett | -_ | | i res es a ee eres yc eres es ee | | | | PI-11 | i te | | us surver| | | 05817 wo.3 | | | | | US SURVEY | | e591t | | |- US SURVEY | +9655 | | | | I dc | | | | = ee ee KOBUK VILLAGE P PI-14 | US SURVEY 03783 | “ANCSA | = ‘SURVEY PI-15 O 5 | ae a pla ule cele a eee apa recta esi a | D E | A\ | REFERENCE DRAWING | A\ | ISSUED FOR REFERENCE 6-20-92 [ mum | - a REV | DESCRIPTIONS bate | By | CKD. [ APPD] 9 4000 SCALE 1*+2000° REFERENCE DRAWINGS 00 [VICINITY HAP/DWG LIS TYP __|LOCATION MAP 8000 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY SHUNGNAK - KOBUK TIE LINE 7.24/12.47KV DISTRIBUTION POWER LINE KEY MAP JOB NO. 128002-01 OSGN. RW | 6-8-92 ORN. JSH | 6-8-92 @ZOUE CKD. Mum | 6-8-92 3940 GLENBROOK ORIVE HAILEY. IDAHO 83333 SCALE: AS SHOWN DRAWING NO. OOA F 2 Anchor Test Results ( SENT BY: 2172-19-91 $ 42:30 3 AK ENERGY AUTHORITY= 948 227 MEMORANDUM DATE: December 13, 1991 TO: Alaska Energy Authority FROM: Copper Velley Construction Company SUBJECT: Anchor Test Results Anchor Load Test: STR+132, N, Anchor pea R.P.: steel p behind anchor, % 11/14" try af anchor ton pin. ing tied to pale piling, run over cribbing to achieve 45° pull. Provle ems with eribbin, settling and letting off tension. Lbs. Pull + (scale reading on single Time / Tempera 2 Tot eflecti 12/6/91 8:30 p.m. + 10° 2,300 (25% -0- 9:30 p.m. + 10° 4,500 (50% -U- 10:30 p.m. + 10° 6,100 (75% 11:30 p.m. + 10° 9,000 ee -0- 11:35 p.m. + 10° : 42,000 (133 ) -0- 12/7/91 7:30 a.m. + 9° Less than 1/32" 362 lbs. per hour tension reduction, reset to 12,000 11:30 a.m. 10,400 1/32" 320 Ibs. per hour tension reduction, reset to 12,000 4:30 p.m. + 7° 10,600 1/32" 280 lbs. per hour tension ‘ eariie: reset to 12,000 10:30 p.m. + 6° 11,300 1/32" 140 Ibs. tension reduction reset to12,000 12/8/91 3:30 p.m. 11,200 1/32" 47 lbs. per hour tension reduction let off to 6,700 (75%) ( SENT BY: : 12-13-91 4 12:39 + AK ENERGY AUTHORITY* 948 2217 8 6 Memo to Alaska Energy Authority December 13, 1991 Page 2 Lbs. Pull (scale reading on single Time /Tempsrawre _part of 2 part pull Total Deflection_ 4:30 p.m. -0- Scale increased to 7,400, let off to 4,500 (50%) 5:30 p.m. -0- Scale increase to $,300 let off to 2,300 (25%) Douglas Neeley, Copper Valley Construction Co. Lae ase Paul Ahlin, Alaska Energy Authority Che phe ( SENT BY: 442-413-947 12599 “FAK ENERGY AUTHORITY> 948 2217 if 7 Memo to Alaska Energy Authority December 13, 1991 Page 3 Anchor load test: STR-179, 12/5/91 to 12/6/91. Deflection R.P.: Lath behind anchor pile, 3 1/4" from top of back face. Rigging tied to D-8 problems with D-8 settling and Jetting tension off. Lbs. Pull (scale on single part of 2 Time / Temperature part ish Total Deflection 12/5/91 1:10 p.m. -4° 2,300 (25% 0: 2:10 p.m. -2° 4,500 (50% -0- 3:10 p.m. -2° 6,800 (75% -0- 4:10 pum. «2° 9,000 (1 -0- 4:15 p.m. -2° 12,000 (133%) 1/16" 8:30 p.m. + 11° 9,200 3/32" 659 Ibs. per hour tension reduction reset to12,000 12/6/91 12:50 a.m. + $° 10,200 1/64" 415 Ibs. per hour tension reduction reset to 12,000 7:30 a.m. to 10° 10,400 1/8" 240 Ibs. per hour tension reduction reset to 12,000 2:30 p.m. + 11° 11,100 1/8" 128 Ibs. per hour tension 12,000 reduction reset to12,000 4:30 p.m. + 10° 11,800 1/8" 100 Ibs. per hour tension 9,000 (100%) 1/8" rednetian let aff to 4:35 p.m. let off to 6,700 (75%) 1/8" ‘ 5:30 p.m. tension 7,200 1/16" incheage to (piling springing back in place.) Let off to 4,500 (50%) 6:30 p.m. tension backup 5,200 -0- to let off to 2,300 (25%) 7:30 p.m. tension backup 3,400 -0- to SENT BY: 31213-9175 12:40 + AK ENERGY AUTHORITY+ 948 2217 i8 6 Memo to Alaska Energy Authority December 13, 1991 Page 4 Lbs. Pull (scale reading on single Time /Temperature ——_—_—part of 2 part pull) Total Deflection Douglas Neeley, Copper Valley Construction Co. Z, ; 2. Paul er Energy Authority eae ae AS:jd ANCHOR TEST RESULTS COMMENTS Reference: Memorandum Dated: December 13, 1991 From: Copper Valley Construction Company Procedure: 45 degree pull from D-8 tractor Tension measurement: Dynamometer Deflection measurement: Steel pin located behind anchor Comments: 1) The anchor testing procedures deviate from POWER's proposed anchor testing procedures submitted 11/16/91. The 11/16/91 anchor testing procedures were derived from ASTM standards. 2) Anchors are tested in the guy load direction and not individually tested in the horizontal and vertical planes. Vertical load test results would help determine the anchors uplift holding capacity. Horizontal load test results would help determine the anchors lateral load bearing capabilities. With testing the 45 degree guy load direction, it is difficult to determine in what direction the anchor could fail. Total deflection measured during these test do not delineate the direction of the deflection. 3) The anchor load test performed by the contractor and memorandum submitted to AEA shows that the anchor is capable of carrying the designed guy loads with minimum deflection during winter conditions. Extrapolating this data _ for calculating actual anchor uplift and lateral anchor holding capacities year round is not reliable. Over a period of time it is uncertain how much maintenance may be involved if jacking or lateral movement occurs. Shungnak-Kobuk Protective Device Settings SHUNGNAK - KOBUK PROTECTIVE DEVICE SETTINGS 1. The Shungnak generator breakers are set at 250A trip which does not leave room for proper coordination of any Kobuk line protective devices. GE type TJK 600A/250A trip Set High, High, High Full load current for the three 75kVA single-phase transformers is: 3 (75kVA) = 270A r= V3 (0.48kV) — The present Kobuk line breaker is a Square D Kal 250A/200A trip Set Low, Low, Low This breaker has the possibility of tripping simultaneously with the generator breaker. Addition of any other fuses or reclosers is not recommended unless. A. The Shungnak generator breakers are increased to 400A trip. B. The Kobuk line breaker is increased to a 400a frame with a new breaker set at approximately 300A. C. Two Shungnak machines are running. 2. In general; When two Shungnak machines are on line, the Kobuk line breaker will provide good coordination. IF only one Shungnak machine is running, the possibility exists for simultaneous trips of the generator and line breakers. 3. Recommendation - Keep the existing breaker and set for the low magnetic settings (1000A). Do not install other protective devices at this time. 22-182 (11/15/91) 128002-02 $ § 883888 8 8 &§ §$8388s - 2 aves IN SECONDS TIME . > & BV woe w & 8883. 8 1 5.6 78.91 2 3 4 5 678910 567891 2 3 4 § 678910 @DOWER pyr L2 pate 1-/5-7 CURRENT IN AMPERES moles ieclieoriars® 8 8 § 338388 I 20 30 40 $0 60 7080908 8 3 & 8 823888 CURRENT IN AMPERES df tb ben 7 BE E3885 300 200 & 8 83885 30 20 s eo - © arvoor awit » SQNOD7S Ni 07 06 05 .03 02 a 2 828808 supsect Shupsnek Kabah sos no,.222002-02_ SHEET NO._ZOF_2_ AMPERES AT E77 KV CK. BY. DATE