HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlennallen to Fairbanks Intertie-Preliminary Assessment 2 of 2 1991 GLENNALLEN TO FAIRBANKS INTERTIE: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Prepared by Alaska Energy Authority March 4, 1991 At the request of Copper Valley Electric Association, the Alaska Energy Authority has conducted a preliminary assessment of a_ proposed transmission line between Glennallen and Fairbanks. The project would consist of 146 miles of new 138 kV line between the Pump Station 11 substation in Glennallen and the Jarvis Creek substation in Delta Junction, plus 22 miles of new 138 kV line between the Carney and North Pole substations in the Fairbanks area. The 22 mile segment would replace existing 69 kV line. COST ESTIMATE The construction cost is estimated at $92.5 million in 1991 dollars. Supporting worksheets are included in Attachment A. The cost estimate was prepared for a single circuit line with 556 ACSR Dove conductor and guyed, steel structures. The estimate is consistent with information presented in the 1989 Northeast Intertie report by Power Engineers, and with costs recently developed for the proposed Healy-Fairbanks 138 kV line by Dryden & LaRue. The increase in operating and maintenance (0&M) costs is estimated at $200,000 per year in 1991 dollars, with a present value of $4.0 million over 50 years. This is consistent on a per-mile basis with O&M costs estimated for the proposed new line between Healy and Fairbanks, and covers maintenance only on the 146 miles between Glennallen and Delta Junction. Additional operating costs are not anticipated, and no additional O&M is included for the Carney-North Pole replacement section of the new line. The total cost of the intertie proposal, including both construction cost and O&M, is therefore estimated at $96.5 million. ECONOMIC BENEFIT The following intertie benefits are considered in this assessment: 1) Diesel generation in the Copper Valley system would be replaced by purchases over the intertie. The source of this purchased energy could be either Fairbanks or Anchorage. For this preliminary analysis, it is assumed that sufficient transmission capacity would be available for delivering Anchorage gas-fired energy to Copper Valley throughout the winter. Even with assumed transmission losses, the benefit estimate is somewhat higher if Anchorage gas units rather than Fairbanks oi] units are assumed to be the source of purchased energy. Net savings to Copper Valley in fuel, O&M, and capacity costs are included. 2) Summer energy from the Solomon Gulch hydro project that is currently spilled due to inadequate demand in the Copper Valley system would be sold over the intertie to Fairbanks. The value of this transfer would be the savings realized by Fairbanks, i.e. the Fairbanks avoided cost. It is assumed in this analysis that Fairbanks would otherwise purchase this energy from Anchorage, and that the avoided cost is therefore the variable cost of gas-fired generation adjusted for transmission losses. It is possible that the avoided cost would, at least to some extent, be based on the variable cost of production from Healy coal-fired generation. However, primarily due to long-run fuel price expectations, these costs are likely to be lower than the variable costs of gas-fired generation. Lower avoided cost would again mean a lower estimate of intertie benefits. Key inputs to the analysis include the Copper Valley load forecast and seasonal load pattern, the assumed monthly energy potential from Solomon Gulch, the forecast of diesel fuel prices, and avoided 0&M costs of diesel generation. These inputs are discussed below. Copper Valley Load Forecast and Seasonal Load Pattern Three forecasts of Copper Valley energy requirements were considered for this analysis and are shown on the graph in Attachment B: 1) The “ISER Mid 89" forecast was developed during the Railbelt Intertie Reconnaissance Study for use in evaluating the Northeast Intertie proposal. 2) The "CVEA PRS 89" forecast is from the most recent Copper Valley Power Requirements forecast, which extends to the year 2000. 3) The "CVEA Extended" forecast is a simple extrapolation to 2009 of the Copper Valley forecast. This extended forecast was used by Stone & Webster Management Consultants in their recent "Least Cost Plan" for the Copper Valley system. The "History" of energy requirements shown in Attachment B was developed by adding assumed system losses of 10.5%! to the reported annual sales. Energy requirements in 1989 showed a significant increase to roughly 58 GWh, which may have been caused to a great extent by oi] spill clean-up activity. Though 1990 figures have not yet been reported, preliminary estimates suggest that energy requirements did not fall back to previous 1 From Copper Valley Power Requirements Study, November 1989, page 34 and succeeding tables. levels and in fact may have increased a little more. It is unknown whether this represents an extension of oil-spill clean-up impact that will not persist in future years, or a lasting shift to a higher demand level caused by other factors. The seasonal pattern of demand is important for determining how much of the Copper Valley requirement can be served from Solomon Gulch and how much must be served from diesel generators. Because Solomon Gulch is water limited in the winter but not in the summer, the following effects can occur: 1) If the Copper Valley load is much heavier in the winter than in the summer, more diesel generation will be needed in the winter and more water will spill over the dam in the summer. 2) If the Copper Valley load is spread more evenly throughout the year, less diesel generation will be needed in the winter and less water will spill over the dam in the summer. The available information suggests that roughly 30-33% of the annual Copper Valley load occurs in the four month period from June through September, which are the four months during which excess energy is typically available from Solomon Gulch. This pattern emerges from review of two sources: 1) The DOE IE-411 form submitted by Copper Valley to the Energy Authority in January 1991 shows the expected monthly energy requirement for the Copper Valley system, and presents figures within the range noted above. 2) The Copper Valley Power Requirements Study of November 1989 includes a graph labeled "CVEA Demand History, 1982 through October 1989." The monthly peak demand figures presented on the graph can be converted to monthly energy by assuming a constant load factor of roughly 60% throughout the year, which produces an annual energy total of about the right magnitude. This exercise again yields the result that June-September energy requirements are between 30% and 33% of annual requirements. For all of the cases examined, the model developed for this assessment assumes that June-September energy will be 30% of annual energy. The following are examples of how the model allocates energy to Solomon Gulch and diesel generation given this 30% input factor: 1) When total Copper Valley energy requirements are 52.0 GWh, 41.5 is estimated to come from Solomon Gulch and 10.5 from diesels. 2) When total Copper Valley energy requirements are 61.5 GWh, 44.5 is estimated to come from Solomon Gulch and 17.1 from diesels. These results are consistent with the allocation expected from historical data. REA form 12's submitted by Copper Valley show the following totals for net generation between 1986 and 1988: 1986 1987 1988 Solomon Gulch 40.8 GWh 42.4 GWh 40.8 GWh Diesels 10.2 GWh 10.5 GWh 7.6 GWh Other sources such as the Alaska Electric Power Statistics indicate only slight differences from these values. Monthly Energy Potential From Solomon Gulch The energy potential from Solomon Gulch is estimated for two time periods: 1) October through May, when project output is typically below Copper Valley system demand due to limited water availability; and 2) June through September, when project energy potential typically exceeds Copper Valley system demand due to surplus water availability. The amount of diesel generation required for Copper Valley is tied directly to Solomon Gulch energy potential from October through May. Higher energy availability from Solomon Gulch during this period means lower requirements for diesel generation. Actual monthly net generation from Solomon Gulch was examined for the years 1987 through 1989 based on monthly sales from the project as reported to the Energy Authority adjusted for transmission losses: Net Generation from Solomon Gulch October through May 1987 1988 1989 GWh 26.0 24.4 25.3 The 1990 estimate recently provided by Copper Valley is 29.3 GWh. The estimate for October through May energy used in the Railbelt Intertie Reconnaissance Study is 25.9 GWh. This is still considered reasonable in view of the historical data shown above, and was therefore assumed in all cases examined for this preliminary intertie assessment. The estimate of energy available from June through September is harder to develop from historical data because it is based on estimates of water availability rather than metered sales. Two alternatives are considered: 1) The Railbelt Intertie Reconnaissance Study assumed 28.6 GWh could be generated during this period, which would be equivalent to constant project output of 9.8 MW throughout these four months. 2) Copper Valley suggests that 36.5 GWh could be generated during this period, which would be equivalent to constant project output of 12.5 MW throughout these four months. Though Solomon Gulch is considered a 12 MW project, Copper Valley indicates that output above the 12 MW rating can be achieved when the reservoir is full. Overall, then, the preliminary assessment considers two alternatives for Solomon Gulch energy availability, labeled as shown below: BASE ALT October through May (GWh) 25.9 25.9 June through September (GWh) 28.6 36.5 TOTAL (GWh) 54.5 62.4 Diesel Energy Requirements and Solomon Gulch Summer Spill Availabilty Attachment C shows annual diesel energy requirements by year for each of the three load forecasts based on the factors described above, specifically: 1) 25.9 GWh output from Solomon Gulch from October through May; and 2) 30% of annual Copper Valley energy requirement projected to occur from June through September (i.e. 70% of annual load occurs October through May) . Attachment D shows annual Solomon Gulch summer spill availability for each of the three load forecasts and each of the two summer hydro scenarios. This is the amount of energy that would be available to export to Fairbanks during the summer months. Diesel Fuel Price Forecasts Two alternative forecasts of diesel fuel prices delivered to Copper Valley were used in the preliminary assessment: 1) The probability weighted average used in the Energy Authority's Railbelt Intertie Reconnaissance Study; and 2) The prices used by Stone & Webster Management Consultants in their recent Least Cost Plan for Copper Valley. These price forecasts are shown in Attachment E. In nominal dollars, the forecast from the Energy Authority Reconnaissance Study for 1992 is $0.81 per gallon while the Stone & Webster forecast is $0.96 per gallon. Avoided O&M Costs of Diesel Generation The REA Form 12's provided by Copper Valley for the last several years include the costs of operation and maintenance for the diesel facilities in Glennallen and Valdez, plus data on diesel net generation. These figures are presented below: 1987 1988 1989 ($000s) ($000s) ($000s) Non-fuel Operating Expense $541.8 $508.3 $453.3 Maintenance Expense 272.0 268.2 301.4 TOTAL $813.8 $776.5 $754.7 Diesel Net Generation (GWh) 7.6 10.5 19.5" * Solomon Gulch transmission line to Glennallen inoperative from 12/88 - 9/89. There is nothing in these figures that suggests an allocation of O&M costs into fixed and variable components. The fact that total O&M did not increase as net generation increased suggests that the variable component may be a small part of the total. For most of the cases examined, the preliminary assessment makes the following assumptions: 1) Fixed O&M is assumed to be $650,000. It is further assumed that all of this amount would be avoided if a Glennallen-Fairbanks intertie were constructed. 2) Variable O&M is assumed to be $0.01 per kWh, consistent with the estimate of diesel variable O&M developed for the Energy Authority's recent analysis of a Tyee-Swan intertie. If diesel generation amounts to 10 GWh per year, variable O&M would amount to $100,000 using this assumption. The analysis further assumes that all diesel variable O&M is avoided if the proposed intertie is built. Concern has been expressed by Copper Valley that the diesel O&M costs reflected in the REA Form 12's may understate the full extent of avoidable costs due either to accounting issues or to a _ possible misinterpretation of the data presented. As a result, the preliminary assessment includes a sensitivity test based on the assumption that avoidable fixed O&M for the diesel facilities is $1 million per year rather than $650,000. Other Savings -- Diesel Capacity Costs It is assumed that Copper Valley would purchase new diesel generation equipment in the future if the proposed intertie is not built. With the intertie, however, it is assumed that Copper Valley would not buy any new generators. If new diesel generators are purchased, the analysis assumes that 3.0 MW will be acquired in 1996 at a cost of $1.35 million (1991 dollars); and that an additional 1.5 MW will be acquired in 2004 at a cost of $675,000 (1991 dollars). This pattern is repeated every 15 years. The present value of these capacity additions, assumed to be saved in the event an intertie is built, is $3.3 million. RESULTS OF THE ANALYSIS A spreadsheet was constructed to estimate the present value of benefits that would be realized as a result of the proposed intertie over the 50 year period from 1996 through 2045.¢ These benefits were compared with the estimated life-cycle cost of $96.5 million to yield the "net benefit (loss)" estimates shown in the table below: A copy of the spreadsheet on a floppy disk has been provided to Copper Valley Electric Association. NET BENEFIT (LOSS) OF PROPOSED INTERTIE BETWEEN GLENNALLEN AND FAIRBANKS (Millions of 1991 Dollars) Solomon Diesel NET Load Gulch Diesel Fixed BENEFIT Forecast Energy Price O&M Benefit Cost (LOSS) ISER BASE AEA -65 37.1 96.5 (59.4) ISER ALT AEA 65 40.6 96.5 (55.9) ISER ALT SWMC -65 46.9 96.5 (49.6) CVEA BASE AEA -65 43.5 96.5 (53.0) CVEA ALT AEA +65 47.0 96.5 (49.5) CVEA ALT SWMC -65 53.5 96.5 (43.0) CVEA EXT ALT SWMC -65 61.1 96.5 (35.4) CVEA EXT ALT SWMC 1.0 68.1 96.5 (28.4) While alternative assumptions can be used that would result in a higher benefit estimate, the range of outcomes in this preliminary assessment indicates that the proposed intertie project would not result in net economic benefits given assumptions that appear reasonable today. A State-funded intertie would allow a reduction in Copper Valley retail rates. If the full measure of savings estimated in the preliminary assessment were allocated to Copper Valley consumers, the rate reduction would be on the order of 5 to 6 cents per kWh (in nominal dollars) by the year 2000. The actual rate reduction may be somewhat less, however, because the Anchorage utility providing winter energy would be expected to include a margin in its wholesale rate, the Fairbanks utility purchasing summer energy from Solomon Gulch would be expected to pay somewhat less than its avoided cost, and wheeling charges would also be incurred to some extent. ATTACHMENT A ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY PROJECT COST ESTIMATE PROJECT: 1. Glennallen (PS No. 11)-Delta Junction (Jarvis) 138 kv lin 2. Carney-North Pole 138 kV Line DATE: February 8, 1991 Revised: February 13,1991 1. PS No. 11 Substation to Jarvis Substation 138 kV Line Line Length: 146 Miles Item Unit Description Labor Material Total 1 Mob. & Demob. $1,750,000 $o $1,750,000 2 Survey $1,250,000 $o $1,250,000 3 Clearing $1,500,000 $0 $1,500,000 4 Geotech Program $1,200,000 $o $1,200,000 5 Steel Structures $17,600,000 $15,400,000 $33,000,000 6 Conductor $6,000,000 $4,500,000 $10,500,000 7 Foundations $4,800,000 $5,000,000 $9,800,000 8 Miscellaneous $o $o $o Subtotal Transmission Line $59,000,000 Substations Modification $500,000 Compensation Equipment $2,500,000 Subtotal Transmission Line and Equipment $62,000,000 Design Engineering (7%) $4,300,000 Construction Management (5%) $3,000,000 Administration (4%) $2,500,000 ROW Acquisition and Permit $5,000,000 Subtotal $76,800,000 Contingency (10%) $6,200,000 TOTAL (146 Miles T/L) $83,000,000 2. Carney to North Pole 138 kV Transmission Line Line Length: 22 Miles Item Unit Description Labor Material Total 1 Mob. & Demob. $300,000 $0 $300,000 2 Survey $200,000 $o $200,000 3. Clearing $o $0 $o 4 Geotech Program $oO $o $o 5 Steel Structures $1,600,000 $2,000,000 $3,600,000 6 Conductor $875,000 $425,000 $1,300,000 i Foundations $950,000 $650,000 $1,600,000 8 Miscellaneous $o $o $o Subtotal Transmission Line $7,000,000 Substations Modification $500,000 Compensation Equipment $o Subtotal Transmission Line and Equipment $7,500,000 Design Engineering (7%) $525,000 Construction Management (5%) $375,000 Administration (4%) $300,000 ROW Acquisition and Permit $o Subtotal $8,700,000 Contingency (10%) $800,000 TOTAL (22 Miles T/L) $9,500,000 ATTACHMENT B CVEA ENERGY REQUIREMENTS History and Forecasts GWh 80F History BOF EE 40F - r-orecasts 20) O ee {i 1 L L l 1 1 I I 1 I aie 1 if l 1 1 l I L 1 1 1 1 1 L 82 86 90 94 98 O02 Oo6 10 —— |ISER Mid 89 —— CVEA PRS 89 —=]—- CVEA Extended ATTACHMENT C 2010 BASE CUR Z Ey 2 Sa° Tt Cur ATTACHMENT D ‘ULCH SUMMER CURD 1 c \ 3.6 py 1¢ 1é 13 16 1 a 11.6 10.9 ATTACHMENT E DIESEL FUEL PRICE FORECASTS * * ae xe AEA S&W AEA S&W AEA S&W RECON LCP RECON LCP RECON LCP $91 per $91 per $91 per $91 per $Nom per $Nom per MMBtu MMBtu Gallon Gallon Gallon Gallon 1992 5.54 6.58 0.78 @.92 @.81 @.96 1993 5.65 6.72 @.79 @.94 @.86 1.03 1994 5.76 6.85 @.81 @.96 @.92 1.09 1995 5.87 6.99 @.82 @.98 @.98 LoL? 1996 5.98 7413 @.84 1.00 1.04 1.24 1997 6.09 Tat @.85 1.02 ult 1.33 1998 6.20 7.41 @.87 1.04 t15 1.41 1999 6.31 7.56 @.88 1.06 1.26 1451 2000 6.42 Todt 0.90 1.08 i33 1.61 2001 6.49 7.87 @.91 1.10 1.41 1.71 2002 6.57 8.@3 @.92 1.12 1.49 1.82 2003 6.65 8.19 @.93 1.15 1.58 1.94 2004 6.73 8.35 @.94 1.37 1.67 2.07 2005 6.81 8.52 @.95 1.19 1.76 2.21 2006 6.88 8.69 @.96 1.22 1.87 2.35 2007 6.96 8.86 @.97 1.24 1,97 2.51 2008 7.04 9.04 @.99 1.27 2.08 2.67 2009 Tett 9.22 1.00 1.29 2.20 2.85 2010 has 9.40 1.01 b.32 2.324 3.04 * Conversion to $ per gallon assumes 140,000 Btu per gallon ** Conversion to nominal dollars assumes 4.5% annual inflation AEA RECON = 1989 AEA Railbelt Intertie Reconnaissance Study, (probability weighted average) S&W LCP = 1991 Least Cost Plan for CVEA prepared by Stone & Webster Management Consultants