HomeMy WebLinkAboutRailbelt Intertie Reconnaissance Study Vol. 6 Anchorage-Fairbanks Transmission Intertie Expansion & Upgrade Project 1987 RAILBELT INTERTIE RECONNAISSANCE STUDY Anchorage - Fairbanks Transmission Intertie Expansion and Upgrade Project August 1987 Harza Engineering Co. L Alaska Power Authority RAILBELT INTERTIE RECONNAISSANCE STUDY VOLUME 6 ANCHORAGE - FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION INTERTIE EXPANSION AND UPGRADE PROJECT Prepared by Harza Engineering Company August 1987 RAILBELT INTERTIE RECONNAISSANCE STUDY VOLUME NUMBER 1 10 1d LIST OF VOLUMES VOLUME TITLE Economic and Demographic Projections for the Alaska Railbelt: 1988-2010 Forecast of Electricity Demand in the Alaska Railbelt Region: 1988-2010 Analysis of Electrical End Use Efficiency Programs for the Alaskan Railbelt Fuel Price Outlooks: Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Fuel Oil Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Intertie Project Anchorage-Fairbanks Transmission Intertie Expansion and Upgrade Project Railbelt Stability Study Northeast Transmission Intertie Project Estimated Costs and Environmental Impacts of Coal-Fired Power Plants in the Alaska Railbelt Region Estimated Costs and Environmental Impacts of a Natural Gas Pipeline System Linking Fairbanks with the Cook Inlet Area Benefit/Cost Analysis EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Based on the information and criteria that has been provid- ed by the Power Authority and Railbelt utilities, Harza con- cludes that the Anchorage to Fairbanks transmission upgrade should include transmission additions to the northern and south- ern segments of the present 345 kv intertie. Two plans were studied; one for 230 kV and the other for 345 kV. The upgraded line will be designed and constructed for 345 kV, but initially operated at 230 kV. Economic assessment indicates that conver- sion to 345 kV operation would occur in roughly the year 2006 time frame. The recommended development will entail 35 miles of new 345 kV transmission line between Douglas and Lake Lorraine, and 97 miles of new 345 kV transmission line between Healy and Fair- banks. In addition, substations at Douglas, Cantwell, and Healy, will be expanded, and new substations will. be constructed at Lake Lorraine and Fairbanks. The present day construction cost of this proposed upgrade is estimated to be $118.2 million. Purpose and Need The Railbelt area contains natural gas in Lower Cook Inlet, hydropower and coal potential throughout the area, oil and natu- ral gas to the north, and other energy resources such as tidal, wind and peat generation. While rich in energy resources and generation facilities, full use of these resources is con- strained by lack of an adequate bulk power transmission system. If such a transmission system existed, it would allow efficient dispatch of least cost energy throughout the Railbelt area. Existing Intertie With the recently completed transmission link between Douglas and Healy, the basic backbone system interconnecting the seven Railbelt utilities has been completed. The overall sys- tem, however, does not anticipate future use as it presently stands. While the Douglas to Healy portion is now capable of transmitting power at 345 kV, the transmission lines and substa- tions on either end of the system are restricted to 138 kV and less. It was originally anticipated that the entire system would be upgraded to 345 kV concurrent with the development of the Susitna project. With the halt of the Susitna investigations, it has become necessary for the utilities to accept the respon- sibility of insuring that other energy options available == throughout the Railbelt can be safely and economically deployed to their consumers. Need to Upgrade There is now a need to transmit power from small decentral- ized generation sources throughout the Railbelt area, and this can only be accomplished by increasing the power transmission capability of the existing transmission system. Without such a system, the utilities will remain captive of their own contigu- ous energy resources and they will not be in a position to jointly plan and develop energy resources. Upgrading the inter- tie system will allow the utilities to pool their financial strengths so that they can jointly develop and share the most cost effective sources of energy available in the region for the overall benefit of their consumers. There are a number of reasons why the existing transmission system has not been upgraded previously. Until recently, power planning in the Railbelt was performed on two levels: short and intermediate term planning was undertaken by the individual utilities, while long term planning was assumed by the state. The lack of coordinated transmission planning is the resu t of the fact that there are no strong transmission interconnections among the utilities. The power transfer capacity of the present intertie has been inadequate on several occasions and prevented the utilities from operating in the most efficient mode. Upgrading to a higher capacity will allow more flexibility in dispatch of Railbelt generation. Another fact is that the state was evaluating the integra- tion of the Susitna Hydroelectric project into the transmission system. With the promise of Susitna and other major generation sources being evaluated by the state, the utilities concentrated on near term system needs in the belief that the long term solu- tions would be met by the state. With the halt of the Susitna investigations, the utilities accepted the role previously assumed by the state and immediate- ly focused on the deficiencies of the existing transmission system throughout the Railbelt area. Consequently, the utili- ties pooled their planning efforts and established the upgrading of the Railbelt transmission system as their top priority. This was the recommendation of the Railbelt Energy Council, which served as the forum to implement utility policy on energy devel- opment issues. Acting on the recommendation of the Railbelt Council, the Alaska Power Authority and seven Railbelt utilities have united to investigate the technical and financial feasibi- lity of upgrading the present transmission system within the limits of funds that have been allocated to the Railbelt by the =2— state. These funds were previously appropriated and in large part spent in other regions of the state for energy development under the Energy Program for Alaska. Benefits Justification for construction of the Douglas-Healy section of the intertie system is based on the fuel cost differential among the various geographical areas of the Railbelt and on reliability considerations. Fuel cost differentials are often referred to as "economy energy" benefits. The Power Authority estimates that economy energy benefits, over the duration of the study period, from the intertie are as high as $432 million for the entire system from Fairbanks to Homer and Seward. These represent only a portion of the total benefits that will accrue to Railbelt consumers. Other benefits will accrue over and above the readily identifiable economy energy benefits. These additional benefits are much more difficult to quantify, yet collectively they are quite substantial in comparison to the quantifiable benefits represented by economy energy. The most obvious additional benefit is that the utilities can share both operating and spinning generation reserves. The intertie will provide the flexibility to defer construction of new and costly generation in one service area because of the availability of generation reserves in another service area. Similarly, the intertie will provide the utilities with the flexibility to site new facilities in the most cost effective locations. It will also justify the development of projects that may be too large for a single utility, but very cost effec- tive for joint utility development. In addition, central sta- tion dispatch can become a reality, and assure that cost effec- tive generation is on-line at all times. The intertie will also allow greater flexibility in maintenance scheduling and reduce the impact of outage time for repairs. System Plan The system plan for the extension and upgrade of the Anchorage to Fairbanks intertie consists of additional transmis- sion lines and substations. The plan for upgrading and extend- ing the Anchorage to Fairbanks Intertie is shown on Figures 1A and 2A. Selection of Operating Voltage The comparison of 230 kV and 345 kV operating voltage was based on an evaluation of first cost and annual cost of losses. The value of the loss differences during the study period is not sufficient to offset the initial capital savings of the 230 kv =3= poles f ¥° Woosenapor’ Crees nee ee 3 ae 5 FS Sh. Bug camo wv A ee “ Een 20h) een enc Hot Songs | aM Mis Sine ay on Sevings “4 ; aCe + ye Raner west PL AABS gen ibis oe rth New nad — “Nenana g or Anderson . d EXISTING INTERTIE vine aN LEGEND: fe A . NORTH ROUTE ALTERNATIVE -..0 1s ‘| see t peer = 4 ™ = B - SOUTH ROUTE ALTERNATIVE 8°"). > | SITNA( #..... =] BOROUGH ie | : meer So waa |G C— BIG DELTA ALTERNATIVE ee : ) reat ark ’ Seew hos _ =i a Aeon co —$— D — WILLOW--LAKE LORRAINE we Z| an JoeeWILLOW TO Lovage Kea ——— Su ANCHORAGE a Sees igs —-— — EXISTING INTERTIE Se > ry 5; : : : . \C a — a ut a a to Nw he Faire Hats of aie “Ue =a oon, n 4 | a larger eu LM eyo. Vv Idezs anita te forkde ae = — Sate $ Aiaiinsina Borer» 4 gee Pane: wong ot, 2 BORQUGH. | =, — . Ye wsP Ua, . | zt th a eons mes ,OROOWA PR Se. N s Pierre | aeaOeT| ae ; “ye urs eae” sees was tome wet eV hither pm peas a (eon \ 4 yt - ide { tat Read aed | Jade oe i | ope iv MG SCALE 0 40 MILES . a” Seen ephaio rd Ks ee Ss . cas 7 RATIONAL 910% oy is > { Iver eucret = ° Pcenegafs Comet mS =e \ ‘| : Kor Cape Hiech - ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Sriay RM - ANCHORAGE — FAIRBANKS INTERTIE -- s Ppt cremigd’? oo! ontague | MES pce Boe I | rrectiun | ee ee NC TBR eccont PROPOSED ROUTES PE Rain Boe _ | Cape Cleare Ey: j \ | 1 |HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY DATE: rIuvUnec <A (FAIRBANKS) GVEA F7. FMUS WAINWRIGHT 138 /69KV NOTE: NEW SUBSTATIONS AT: FT. WAINWRIGHT, HEALY, CANTWELL, DOUGLAS AND LAKE LORRAINE BASED OW 345 KV DESIGN WITH INITIAL OPERATION AT 230 KY. SEE FIZ ULES 6-1/0 For SUBSTATION DETAILS. 15 KV MEA /38 KY TEELANOD MEA 230 KV TEELANO 230 kV ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY PT. MACKINZE ANCHORAGE - FAIRBANKS INTERTIE SYSTEM DIAGRAM HARZA eneimcenine company = apa i907 plan. Therefore, the 230 kV plan is recommended as the initial operating voltage for the extension and upgrading of the Anchor- age to Fairbanks intertie. Transmission Lines Both plans provide for approximately 130 miles of new 345 kV single circuit transmission line and substation additions at five locations. The existing 345 kV transmission line (which is presently operated at 138 kV) between Healy and Douglas will continue in operation except that it will be operated at a higher voltage (230 kV). The new transmission lines between Lake Lorraine and Douglas and between Healy to Fairbanks are to be compatible with the design of the present Douglas to Healy line, and use the same conductor size and tower type. Substations The substation locations are: Fairbanks, Healy Power Plant, Cantwell, Douglas and Lake Lorraine. At Cantwell, Healy and Douglas, the new substation facilities will be additions or extensions to existing substations. The Fair ks and Lake Lorraine substations will be new developments and will provide connections to existing transmission and subtransmission facili- ties. The substation layouts are based on 345 kV spacing and equipment requirements. However, during the initial years when the intertie is operating at 230 kV, transformers, shunt reac- tors, circuit breakers, surge arresters and instrument trans- formers will be rated at 230 kV. A new 345/230 kV substation site will be developed in the Lake Lorraine area. Initially, only the 230 kV portion of the substation will be constructed. When the system is upgraded to 345 kV operation the site will be expanded with the addition of 345-230 kV transformers and 345 kV equipment. At the Lake Lorraine site, a connection will be made to the existing 230 kv Point Mackenzie to Teeland line and the Point MacKenzie - AML&P Plant 2 line. The Lake Lorraine substation will provide elec- trical connections to allow power supply to Fairbanks from gen- eration at Beluga and the Kenai. As additional 230 kV transmis- sion lines are constructed between Beluga and Anchorage, they can be routed through the Lake Lorraine site. The new substation at Fairbanks will be the delivery point for power at the Fairbanks load center. The substation will include transformers to step the voltage down to 138 kV. GVEA will extend 138 kV lines from the new Fairbanks substation to connection points within its service territory. Substation bus and switching arrangements are based on a plan that provides for future addition of a second 345 kV trans- mission circuit between Anchorage and Fairbanks. The Cantwell substation is laid out to meet the projected power needs of the load center. When upgraded to 345 kV with two line terminations, conditions at this site will preclude further expansion. If in the future, a second 345 kV line were constructed, it would bypass this site. The existing transfor- mer capacity at this site should be adequate to supply estimated needs of this load center. Communications. The five substations will be linked with microwave communications. The communication system will provide for the needs of protective relaying, voice communication for operations, and system control and data acquisition (SCADA). The cost to upgrade communications facilities are included in the substation cost estimates. Transmission Line Routes On the northern segment of the intertie system, it is recommended that the route remain east of the Nenana River until Anderson where the Tanana Ridge route then be followed into the Fairbanks substation. See Figure 1A for a map of the alter- native routes that were reviewed as part of this study. The selected route is superior to the others from the standpoint of cost, esthetics and environmental impact, and impact on private land owners. The ultimate alignment should be selected to mini- mize encroachment on military training areas. However, termina- tion of the transmission line at a substation to be located in the Fairbanks area is the only logical location from the stand- point of diminishing the overall impact on private, state, and federal land owners. Termination in any other location would not only be costly, but it could jeopardize the justification for invoking the right of eminent domain. On the southern segment of the route, it is recommended that the Douglas to Lake Lorraine route be selected over the Douglas to Teeland route. This alignment is slightly more expensive than the route to Teeland, but its impact on private land owners is significantly less, and its merits from a system standpoint are superior to the Teeland route. Several system advantages are realized with a Lake Lorraine termination as opposed to a termination at Teeland. Power flow from Kenai and Beluga will be tapped at a more efficient loca- tion. Expansion of the Teeland substation with three different transmission voltages will be avoided. New lines from Beluga to Anchorage can be routed to Lake Lorraine as an alternate to the Point MacKenzie substation which is at maximum development. While the above routes best address the appropriate public trade-offs, agency coordination and public participation is necessary before final acceptance can be assumed. It is recom- mended that public participation associated with final route selection be initiated so that land acquisition can follow imme- diately. It is estimated that permitting, public participation and design can be accomplished in a two-year time frame and that construction could begin as early as July 1989. Alternate Plans and Cost Estimates Two transmission plans were formulated in general terms by the Power Authority and Utilities; one for 345 kV operation and one for 230 kV operation. It is our opinion that other expan- sion scenarios at voltages other than 230 and 345 kV would not be cost effective. Both plans are based on the assumption that the line would ultimately be operated at 345 kV to accommodate future generation additions. Cost estimates were prepared for the two plans. The estimates for the two plans are summarized in Table 1A. These estimates are at January 1987 cost levels. The estimates reflect recent experience with transmission lines and substations in Alaska. The actual costs for the con- struction of the Douglas to Healy 345 kV line were reviewed, and other recent cost information was obtained. Chugach Electric Association provided cost data for its recently completed Point MacKenzie substation. The estimate for additions to the micro- wave communication system was provided by the Power Authority which obtained its information from the State Division of Tele- communications. The estimate for the transmission line is based on the same guyed X-frame structure design used for the existing Douglas to Healy line. The cost of the structures on the Douglas to Healy line was significantly lower than the then existing market levels. The present estimate for the Healy - Fairbanks and Douglas - Lake Lorraine sections is based on recent estimates for fabricated steel. Using present market values for fabri- cated steel raises the cost per mile when compared to the cost per mile of the existing Douglas to Healy section. Three percent of the direct cost of labor and material has been added to cover owner's overhead, and 13% has been added for engineering design and construction management. A 15% contin- gency allowance has been included to cover line item variances. The estimates do not include allowances for cost escalation due to inflation: beyond January 1987. Interest during construction is not provided for as no debt financing is anticipated. The present estimate represents the best judgment in to- day's market and economy. It must be recognized, however, that there are several major economic, market and financial factors that could change. These include increasing interest rates, inflation, exchange rate fluctuations, energy prices, and world wide industrial activity. As a result the ultimate construction cost could be higher or lower than our present estimate. Project Schedule The schedule for the project is as follows: final route selection, permitting and engineering design work can begin in the third quarter of 1987, right-of-way acquisition in 1988, contract documents and procurement in 1988/89 and construction start in 1989/90. Project construction should require roughly 18 months to complete; thus allowing it to coincide with the start-up of the Bradley Lake hydropower project. Project design should begin as soon after final route selection as possible to maintain schedule and take advantage of the present favorable construction climate. Recommendations Harza recommends that the upgrade and extension of the Anchorage to Fairbanks transmission intertie be designed and constructed for 345 kV and initially operated at 230 kV. The estimated budget for this project is $118.2 million. The next phase of the project should be final route selec- tion, permitting and engineering design. The engineering design should be based on a 345 kV trans- mission line and substation system, but initial operation should be at 230 kV. The system should be operated at 230 kV until load levels exceed 150 MW or until major generating stations are developed along the line route. According to load projections provided for this study by the Power Authority, operation at 230 kV could continue through the year 2006. The design of the new Douglas - Lake Lorraine and Healy to Fairbanks transmission lines should be based on the same struc- ture type and conductor size as the existing Healy to Douglas line. Engineering system studies for 230 kV operation should be carried out as part of the design effort; these include: ° Static Var System optimization for installations at Douglas, Healy and Fairbanks. ° Shunt reactor sizing for expected operating condi- tions. ° Insulation coordination and switching surge studies. ° Transient Recovery Voltages across circuit breakers following system separation. ° Three pole line reclosing for outages of the Lake Lorraine - Douglas, Douglas - Healy, and Healy - Fairbanks sections. As part of the detailed engineering study for shunt reac- tor sizing, it is recommended that an alternate site to the Douglas substation be considered. The alternate site should be in the area north of Talkeetna. If this site is used, the Lake Lorraine - Fairbanks line will consist of three sections, each approximately 100 miles long. With this configuration, line switching and energizing operations will be more flexible. =10= Table 1A PROJECT COST ESTIMATE ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS TRANSMISSION SYSTEM UPGRADE AND EXTENSION Millions $ V 4 V Plan Plan Substation Fairbanks 9.7 Va s2 Healy 3.8 5.0 Cantwell ele 2.5 Douglas 5.6 6.6 Lake Lorraine 5.4 10.2 Sub-total Substations 26.2 35105 Transmission!/ Healy - Fairbanks (97 miles) Material and Labor2 42.8 42.8 Right-of-Way and Acquisition 2.4 2.4 Douglas-Lake Lorraine (35 miles) Material and Labor 14.7 14.7 Right-of-Way and Acquisition 2.5 2.5 Sub-total Transmission 62.4 62.4 Sub-total Lines and Substations 88.6 97.9 Engineering Design and Construc- tion Management, 13% of Line and Substations Sub-total 11.5 12.27) Owner's Administration 3% of Lines and Substations Sub-total yr | 239) Project Sub-total 102.8 Nilisie5) Contingency 15% of Project Sub- total 15.4 ili 0) Total Project Budget Estimate 1118.22 130.5 VW Includes three river crossings. 2/ ‘Transmission line design is based on ultimate 345 kv operation in both plans. =e TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘ CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION CHAPTER II STUDY APPROACH AND METHODS CHAPTER III ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS CHAPTER IV DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATIVE ROUTES CHAPTER V TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION CHAPTER VI ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE ROUTES CHAPTER VII COST ESTIMATE AND SCHEDULE CHAPTER VIII SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS =i= 10 1a 12 13 14 15 16 U7 18 TABLES Title Railbelt Energy and Capacity Requirements Scheduled Area MW Interchange Transfers Steady State Shunt Reactor Compensation Requirements Steady State Maximum Static Var Requirements Railbelt System Losses Summary of Geology and Soil Conditions in Alternate Route Comparison of Land Ownership Comparison of Land Use Summary of Terrestrial and Aquatic Resources Affected by Alternative Routes Summary of Biological Resources Along North Section Summary of Land Ownership Summary of Biological Resources Fairbanks Substation - Cost Estimate Healy Substation - Cost Estimate Cantwell Substation - Cost Estimate Douglas Substation - Cost Estimate Lorraine Substation - Cost Estimate Principal Required Permits ta TIT=2 III-6 IIIT=-10 LET- 11 III-14 v-2 VI-4 vI-8 viI-14 VI-24 Vi-27 VI-30 vII-4 VII-5 VII-6 VEL 7 VII-8 VIET =i 11 12 13 FIGURES Title Proposed Routes Intertie System Diagram 230 kv Intertie System Diagram 345 kV 345 kV Guyed Steel Pole X Frame Suspension Structure Dead-End Strain Angle Guyed Steel Pole Structure Fairbanks Substation Lorraine Substation Healy Substation Douglas Substation Cantwell Substation Right-of-Way Annual Air Temperature Schedule ~-iii- rI-2 III-8 FII=9 III-18 III-20 III-32 III-34 LEE 3)5) ILI=37 ITI=38 v-9 Vita za wo ony KD YU eF WYP = [2 . 10 11 12 13 MAPS Title Healy Subarea - Existing Features Fairbanks Subarea - Existing Features Proposed Route - Douglas - Lake Lorraine Healy Subarea - Land Ownership Fairbanks Subarea - Land Ownership Healy Subarea - Land Use Fairbanks Subarea - Land Use Healy Subarea - Vegetation Resources Fairbanks Subarea - Vegetation Resources Healy Subarea - Fish & Wildlife Fairbanks Subarea - Fish & Wildlife Healy Subarea - Visual Resources Fairbanks Subarea - Visual Resources -iv- Iv-3 Iv-4 IV-6 VI-2 VI-3 vVI-6 VI-7 VI-10 VI-11 VI-12 VI-13 VI-17 vI-18 Chapter I INTRODUCTION The Railbelt portion of Alaska is nearing a position of being able to integrate its power generation facilities to allow economic dispatch to a common grid system. The Railbelt con- tains natural gas in Lower Cook Inlet, hydropower and coal potential throughout the area, oil and natural gas to the north, and other potential technologies such as tidal, wind and peat generation. While it is rich in energy resources and generation facilities, full realization of these resources is bottlenecked by the absence of a transmission system that will allow the efficient dispatch throughout the Railbelt area. Consequently, with the exception of the Chugach Electric Association system and the limited transfers of power over the newly completed portion of the Douglas to Healy transmission link, there has been little opportunity for full economic sharing among all of the Railbelt utilities. Until recently, power planning in the Railbelt was per- formed on two levels: short and intermediate term planning was undertaken by the individual utilities, while long term planning was assumed by state and federal governmental agencies. This is partially because of the lack of transmission interconnection among the utilities and partially because the governments were continuing to explore the Susitna hydropower project. With the prospect of the Susitna Project becoming operational, the utili- ties concentrated on near-term system needs in the belief that the long term solutions would be met by the State. At the same time the absence of a reliable backbone transmission system prevented the utilities from planning for energy resources beyond what was available in their local service areas. The Power Authority and utilities are presently planning for the Kenai-Anchorage portion of the Railbelt transmission system. These investigations are being jointly funded by the utilities and the Power Authority. With the curtailment of the Susitna investigations, the utilities redirected their planning efforts and established the upgrading of the Railbelt transmis- sion system as their top priority. The Railbelt Utility Council, which was formed to galvanize utility policy on energy development issues, recommended that upgrading of the Railbelt transmission system become a top priority component of the long- term energy plan for the utilities. Purposes and Objectives The purpose of this report is to summarize information presently available for upgrading the Anchorage/Fairbanks Inter- tie System and to recommend a plan to accomplish the upgrading of the system to provide flexible, reliable backbone for long range energy planning in the Railbelt Area. To develop the recommendations, specific objectives were established to support the selection of a recommended plan and to form the basis for obtaining funding to implement the recommendation. These objec- tives are: 1. To evaluate alternatives and select preferred routes for additional transmission lines between Healy and Fairbanks and between Douglas and Anchorage. 2. To evaluate various options for operating the system given existing load forecasts and economic conditions. Se To estimate the funds needed to construct and imple- ment the recommended upgrade of the existing Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie system. The specific components of the system which are the focal points for these objectives include: a. Improvement of transmission capabilities between Healy and Fairbanks which would consist of a new transmis- sion line either to replace or supplement the existing transmission line. b. Improvement of transmission capabilities between Douglas and Anchorage which would consist of replacing or supplementing existing transmission lines. Cc. Development of new substations and modification of existing substations to accommodate the new or sup- plemental transmission line capacity. Basis for Study System Needs Justification for construction of the intertie system has generally been based on the fuel cost differential among the various geographical areas of the Railbelt. These benefits are often referred to as “economy energy" benefits. The Power Authority estimates that economy energy benefits from the inter- tie are as high as $432 million for the entire system from Fair- banks to Homer and Seward. These represent only a portion of I-2 the total benefits that will accrue to Railbelt consumers. Many more benefits will accrue over and above the readily identifi- able economy energy benefits. These additional benefits are much more difficult to quantify, yet collectively they are quite substantial in comparison to the quantifiable benefits repre- sented by economy energy. The most obvious additional benefit is that derived from being able to share generation reserves. The intertie gives the flexibility to defer construction of new and costly generation in one service area because of the availability of generation reserves in another service area. Similarly, the intertie will provide the utilities with the flexibility to site new facili- ties in the most cost effective locations. It will also justify the development of projects that may be too large for a single utility, but very cost effective for joint utility development. Perhaps as important will be the overall system efficiency and reliability to which the intertie will contribute. This means that costly power outages can be reduced and that central sta- tion dispatch will become a reality thus, allowing the most cost effective generation to be on line at all times. The intertie will also make scheduled maintenance and repair outages more cost effective by allowing displacement of costly backup genera- tion with system generation. Overall, the intangible benefits from the intertie system will help enhance the quality of life and economic competitiveness of the Railbelt area. Previous Studies As part of the mandate to provide reliable sources and distribution of electric power throughout the state, the Alaska Power Authority has conducted numerous economic studies and facilities planning and development projects. For the Railbelt Area, the Alaska Power Authority has undertaken planning and construction of the existing portion of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Transmission Line. The results of these studies pro- vide the basis for upgrading the existing system in this study. I=3 Chapter II STUDY APPROACH AND METHODS Study Areas The study areas for this report consist of two main corri- dors: one to the north of the existing Douglas-Healy portion of the existing Intertie and one to the south of Douglas. (Figure 1). North Study Area Preliminary studies of the north end of the existing Inter- tie focused on a 20 to 30 mile wide corridor between Healy and Fairbanks. This corridor generally follows the routes of the Parks Highway, the Alaska Railroad and the Golden Valley Elec- tric Association (GVEA) 138 kV transmission line as shown on Figure 1. The preliminary studies identified a number of route segments from which alternative complete routes were identified. The specific routes selected for further study are described in detail in Chapter IV. In addition to the routes in the main study corridor, a second study corridor was identified as a part of this study (shown on Figure 1). This second corridor extends from approx- imately Anderson on the west and extends eastward along the northern margin of the Alaska Range to an area northwest of Delta Junction. From that point, the corridor extends northwest between the Richardson Highway and the Fort Wainwright Military Reservation into the southwest area of Fairbanks. South Study Area The study area at the south end of the existing Intertie extends southward from Douglas to the Lake Lorraine terminus of the existing Chugach Electric Association transmission line on the west side of the Knik Arm of Cook Inlet. This corridor is shown on Figure 1. Evaluation Process The evaluation and screening of alternative routes involves three steps: ° Establish the evaluation criteria. ° Rank the evaluation criteria in order of importance. II-1 a ¥<Fawbarns Cr unt Camp rat. Bute west P16A6S ec HeaT ON a8: A : @ Ee PP BREAN KS LINE a a Pra py MODs Ent ART win | Seetion Mouse a nth, Pole Tmt BUTTE ee ss coed ae y De =e" Canbou oe colt R fe Here, d ' FAIRBAD Ep SRMORTH STA North Nenana & be se ) tamer Nenanag er 4 OGH 5 . ar Anderson’. Cleat ce Ker g Beerbaw roe OO : 7 i Po ee Peet) Loh WU 5S “teas oe at ay duty x PumuLeron eae gf —~ : ‘ PASS ° SEP sperasts uel o er wal EXISTING INTERTIE ve waren LEGEND: A - NORTH ROUTE ALTERNATIVE ... ee | B - SOUTH ROUTE ALTERNATIVE "hu s+ BOROUGH Vf %. G6 C BIG DELTA ALTERNATIVE ene um vi aT aA aes el D ~ WILLOW--LAKE LORRAINE ms natffVELLOW TO Quvnener a ANCHORAGE ta Sores —-— - EXISTINGINTERTIE 9 Oy ‘ PROPOSED ROUTES | eat - HARZA ENGINEERING zt DATE: ° Use the ranked criteria to evaluate and compare the alternative routes. The first two of these steps are described in this chapter; the third, evaluation and comparison, is discussed in Chapter VI. Candidate evaluation criteria included engineering (techni- cal), economic, and environmental characteristics. Comparison and evaluation of the alternatives involved descriptions of the characteristics of each route by criterion, consideration of the rank of the criteria, and trade offs between engineering, eco- nomic and environmental considerations. For this report, the relative importance (rank) of the various criteria is based on qualitative ratings. The relative importance and magnitude of the criteria will be quantified prior to completion of appropri- ate permit applications (see section entitled Regulatory/Per- mitting Requirements). Evaluation Criteria Technical Criteria for Route Selection For engineering considerations of the transmission line, the selected route will have an impact on foundation and struc- ture design, as well as on construction. The engineering aspects that influence route selection decisions include the following, as discussed in Chapter III: Structure type Foundation requirements Snow and Ice Combinations of Snow, Ice and Wind Permafrost Rock Muskeg River crossings Aircraft and flight paths Access roads Construction techniques Helicopter construction Environmental Criteria The environmental criteria for evaluating the alternative routes for the northern extension of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie are grouped into four distinct categories: land owner- ship, land use, biological resources, and visual resources. Each of these categories consists of several parameters for which criteria were established. The categories and parameters are described below. IiI-3 Land Ownership. Land ownership identifies the transmission line impact on the different types of land ownership in the study area. The degree of adverse impact is reflected in the difficulty of obtaining desired right of way, higher acquisition costs and a general resistance to the project by the local popu- lation. Land ownership is closely linked to land use. For example, private and native ownership will often object to transmission lines crossing their property because it will limit future residential and commercial development. The objective of the following subcriteria classifications of land ownership is to identify areas of concern and the dif- ference between the two route alternatives. The criteria repre- sent both the present ownership pattern and the potential trends of future land ownership within the study area. Land ownership is rapidly changing, especially around Fairbanks, necessitating an initial analysis of land ownership changes that will occur during project development. ° Native/Private. This is land owned by nongovernment entities, usually individuals or small groups. Land in such ownership is generally considered high value because most land in this classification will undergo residential, commercial or industrial development. These areas generally are found near population cen- ters where such development is taking place. Right- of-way acquisition usually requires purchase of the land and often complex and difficult condemnation procedures. Private ownerships are usually small parcels of less than 10 acres. Native landholdings on the other hand, tend to be large, encompassing one or more sections. Objections to transmission lines crossing such ownerships can be high because the owners are concerned that transmission lines crossing their property will limit future residential develop- ment thus, reducing the potential value of the land. ° Federal/State Going Private. This is land undergoing transfer of Sas from the public sector to the private sector, primarily in the form of homesteads and native selections. This classification reflects an on-going and future change of ownership and there- fore increased adverse impact by the transmission line. Resistance to transmission line development and high acquisition costs of the occupied parcels within the homestead and native selection area would be simi- lar to existing native and private lands. More detailed studies will have to determine if the trans- mission line corridor can be refined and routed around the occupied parcels. II-4 Borough/Municipal. This classification represents land areas owned by local governments, usually located near existing population centers. Land acquisition for the transmission line corridor usually is not necessary since local government agencies can grant easements for the needed corridor. A transmission line corridor can be an advantage to local government as it will increase their tax base. Federal. Federal lands are usually large tracts covering thousands of acres. Easements for transmis- sion lines are usually granted. Much of the federal land in the study area is under military control. Resistance to transmission lines crossing such land would only be encountered where the line interfered with the military's present use of the land, such as bombing and artillery practice, airport flyways and security of specialized defense facilities. State. State land covers extensive undeveloped tracts in the study area. Easements for transmission are usually granted unless the proposed corridor inter- feres with the State's management of natural resources or on-going use, such as developed recreational sites, historical sites and other specific site use. The criterion used to evaluate land ownership impacts was: ° Miles crossed by ownership The number of miles of transmission line corridor crossing each land ownership classification was inven- toried for each of the two alternative corridors. Proposed or planned land conveyances include state land becoming private, as with State land disposals; federal land transferring to state, as with the rail- road; and state or federal land transferring to native ownership (see maps). Land Use. Land use analysis is important for corridor ° selection because different land uses are differentially com- patible with a transmission line corridor. The less compatible present land use is with such a transmission line, the more difficulty will be encountered in obtaining right-of-way for the corridor. ed in the study area that have distinct compatibility charac- teristics with a transmission line corridor. The following criteria represent land uses encounter- Residential. Residential land use is generally in Conflict with development of a transmission line cor- ri=5) ridor. Displacement of the population within the proposed corridor is extremely difficult. Even skirt- ing the edge of a residential area causes conflict because of loss of aesthetic and real value for resi- dential use. Residential areas normally undergo some land use planning during their establishment. Such planning usually cannot accommodate a later introduc- tion of a major transmission line corridor. Airports. Transmission lines can impose serious bar- riers to an airport's established flyways for landing and takeoff. Runways are oriented in specific direc- tions to take advantage of prevailing winds and avoid constraints such as populated areas and topographic barriers. It is not usually possible to reorient existing flyways to accommodate an added barrier or a transmission line. All airports within one mile of the two routes under study were identified. Homestead. Homestead areas are undergoing change from essentially undeveloped to such uses as residential, agriculture and recreation. These areas are identi- fied in this study to indicate areas that will require more detailed study to determine the actual use of each parcel and the impact of the transmission line corridor. Refining of the corridor will most likely make it possible to avoid sensitive parcels for example, those in residential use. Recreation/Wildlife/Cultural. These uses are similar in their sensitivity to impacts of a transmission line corridor in that specific sites within these areas would be in conflict with such a corridor. Examples of such critical sites are developed high-density recreational areas, high-use wildlife sites and known historical and archaeological sites. Although these areas are identified as points of concern in this study, later refinement of the corridor will most Probably be able to avoid identified critical sites. Agricultural. The impact of transmission line corri- dors on agricultural areas is the loss of productive land for placement of the towers and access roads. Irrigation systems also could cause some conflict in the placement of towers. Commercial/Industrial. These areas generally are environmentally compatible with transmission line corridors. However, in areas of high density commer- cial and industrial use, available space could be a LIT=6 conflicting factor. Problems are more of a technical nature of refining the corridor around high buildings, site placement of towers, and electronic interference. ° Other Public/Semi-Public. This use refers to the State forest Land within the study area. The State has developed a multiple use forest management plan for these areas that takes into account management of both land and water resources including forest produc- tion, wildlife, and watershed management. Transmis- sion line corridors would be compatible except in specific areas where the corridor would cause conflict with the State's management practices. ° Vacant/Undeveloped. No active land use is taking place or is proposed for these areas. Land use, therefore, would not restrict the use of these areas for development of a transmission line corridor. The bases for evaluating land use impacts were: ° Miles Crossed by Land Use. Land uses are important to Corridor selection in terms of the compatibility with neighboring uses. Existing and proposed land uses were identified and alternative corridors evaluated for compatibility. ° Number of Airports within one mile of transmission Tine corridor. ° Number of recreational and cultural sites within one Mile of the transmission line corridor. Biological Resources. The biological resources considered important to this route evaluation consist primarily of terres- trial elements with only a few aquatic elements. The principal reason for this is that the primary effects of a transmission line are associated with the terrestrial habitat. Generally, transmission line structures only indirectly affect aquatic resources as a result of construction or maintenance activities. The specific parameters and criteria used in evaluating the alternative routes are described below. Terrestrial Resources Parameters. Potential impacts on botanical and wildlife resources had a primary influence on alternative selection. Botanical resources were considered important primarily because of their interrelationship with other resource categories. Vegetation, a major component of wildlife habitat, also has a primary influence on visual impacts and affects construction costs and accessibility. Lil 7, The specific terrestrial evaluation criteria selected for this analysis were: ° Wetlands. Wetlands are biologically productive habi- tats that are susceptible to damage from vehicles, filling for road or construction and development, and sedimentation (USFWS, 1979). In interior Alaska, wetlands are generally underlain by permafrost. Dis- ruption of the surface vegetation destroys its insu- lating properties, which may lead to thawing of the permafrost with consequent slumping or ponding. This, in turn, can lead to severe habitat changes (Pe'we, 1982). Construction in wetlands is subject to envi- ronmental regulation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. For these reasons, avoidance of wetlands is highly desirable in routing of transmission line corridors. The number of miles of the route crossing wetlands was determined from vegetation and wetland maps. The specific criterion for determining corridor suitabili- ty was to minimize the length of the corridor crossing wetland areas. Upland Forest Habitat. Miles of forest habitat Crossed by each alternative route was used as an eval- uation parameter because, in most transmission line corridors, the most unavoidable habitat modification is removal of forest habitat. Upland forest habitat for bird and mammal species is lost, although it is replaced by habitat for species that use early suc- cessional stages and edge habitats. Routings of the corridor through areas of earlier successional stages and/or nonforested areas is considered less severe ~ habitat modification than a corridor through forested areas. For this study, a route that passes through less forest habitat is considered a more suitable route than one that passes through more forest area. New Corridor Access. The miles of new corridor asso- Ciated with each alternative was considered one of the most important terrestrial resources evaluation cri- teria. New corridors maximize the potential for habi- tat modification and, more importantly, create new access routes into relatively inaccessible areas. The increased potential for access generally results in higher hunting, poaching, and trapping pressure; greater damage to wetlands and upland vegetation; and a greater level of disturbance to wildlife. A major concern of both the Alaska Department of Fish and Game II-8 and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is that the trans- mission lines be confined as much as possible to ex- isting utility or transportation corridors. In addi- tion to the length of new corridor associated with each alternative, the existing accessibility of new corridor areas was also considered. A new corridor through an area near existing development or with other existing access is preferred over one through an area distant from existing access points. A route with less new corridor along its length is preferred to a corridor route with more new corridor length. ° Bird Collision Potential. Bird collisions with trans- Mission lines is a problem that has been studied in many areas outside Alaska (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1978). The conclusion of these studies gen- erally is that bird collision mortalities occur, but the numbers involved are not biologically significant. However, exceptions do occur, and waterfowl, other aquatic birds and raptors are often found to be parti- cularly susceptible. Therefore, a transmission route away from waterfowl or raptor population centers is considered preferable to routes that pass through or encroach on areas of raptor or waterfowl concentra- tions. ° Raptor and Swan Nest Sites. Bald eagle, peregrine 4, and trumpeter swan nest sites were considered areas to avoid in selecting a transmission line route. Interference with nest sites along the proposed alter- natives can be reduced somewhat by modifying the right-of-way centerline. A route that passes in close proximity to known raptor or swan nesting areas is considered less suitable than a route that avoids such areas. Other factors, such as the presence of moose calving areas, bear denning areas, and high quality furbearer habitat were also considered. However, consideration of acres of wetlands, acres of forest habitat, and miles of new corridor as evaluation cri- teria also takes into account these factors to a large extent. Aquatic Resources Parameters. Fisheries resources consid- ered in the evaluation included streams, rivers and lakes inhabited by salmonid species (salmon, trout and char), which have significant sport and commercial value, and resident fish species (such as grayling and burbot). II-9 Construction of a transmission line across streams and rivers could affect these resources. Potential impacts during construction include changes in water quality due to erosion, increased turbidity, and disturbance of streambeds. After con- struction, major effects on fish populations could result from increased public access and fishing. Because anticipated effects on aquatic resources are con- sidered to be relatively benign, the only parameters used in the comparison of alternative routes included: ° Number of Streams and Rivers Crossed The higher the number of crossings, the higher the potential for aquatic impacts. Although mitigative Measures can prevent or reduce impacts, each stream crossing presents a risk to the aquatic resources in the vicinity of the crossing. The number of streams crossed by a particular route is correlated with the potential for new access to previously inaccessible fishing areas. Increased access by fishermen to otherwise inaccessible fishing areas will impact some fish populations. Less risk for increased fishing pressure is associated with those alternative routes that have shorter new corridor length. ° Number of Significant Streams and Rivers Crossed Streams inhabited by adult or juvenile anadromous fish ‘are considered to be more important than streams without anadromous fish. Alternative corridors that could potentially affect anadromous species were assumed to be less suitable than those that affected streams not inhabited by anadromous species. Visual Resources. Aesthetic resources were important in comparing alternative transmission line corridors. The linear nature of the proposed design, tower height and right-of-way clearing requirements can result in visual impacts. Specific criteria used in evaluating the alternatives were scenic qual- ity, visual sensitivity and visual compatibility. For addi- tional detail, see the Visual Resource Assessment Report by Jones and Jones (1983). ° Visual Quality Visual quality is a measure of the inherent attrac- tiveness of a given landscape character type. Visual quality values are classified as high, moderate or low, based on a number of visual characteristics (see II-10 Jones and Jones, October 1983). In general, the classification is based on the premise that those landscapes with the most variety or diversity have the greatest potential for high scenic value. Viewer Sensitivity Viewer sensitivity is the level of awareness of dif- ferent viewer groups to the visual environment. Viewer response to visual resource change is a func- tion of viewer exposure to the landscape and viewer sensitivity to its characteristics. Project visibil- ity or viewer exposure is determined by the number of viewers, their location and distance from the project, the topographic position of the viewpoint, the fre- quency of view, and speed of viewer travel (Jones and Jones, 1983). The visibility of the transmission line and right-of- way plays a major role in viewer sensitivity. If facility visibility is reduced or blocked by vegeta- tion and topographic screening, viewer response to the landscape change will be neutral. In addition, view- ing distance is a key parameter in determining visual impact. Earlier studies have indicated that transmis- sion facility prominence declines with distance. Ata distance beyond three miles, transmission facility visibility is quite low for 345 kV steel towers (Jones and Jones, 1983). Visual Compatibility The visual compatibility of a proposed transmission facility is the degree to which the facility appears to blend into its landscape setting. The obtrusive- ness of a transmission facility is affected by the landform and landcover (water, vegetation, and land use). Visual compatibility can also be influenced by trans- mission structure characteristics such as tower de- sign, color and height, spacing, conductor sag, right- of-way width, and right-of-way vegetation management. Ranking of Criteria To compare the alternative routes for the proposed exten- sion of the northern end of the existing Intertie, the two gen- eral categories of criteria, technical (engineering) considera- tions and environmental considerations, were ranked according to their perceived importance in selecting the preferred route. In T= general, technical considerations can be accommodated in either of the routes through appropriate design specifications or through slight adjustments to the transmission line alignment within the preferred corridor. Therefore, environmental con- siderations, particularly land use and ownership, were consider- ed more important than the technical considerations in selecting the preferred corridor. Technical considerations will become more important in selecting the particular alignment within the corridor and the location of the towers during future studies. Ranking of Environmental Categories Ranking of environmental considerations was accomplished at two levels, among the categories and within the categories. These rankings were developed based on the general levels of concern expressed by the public and agencies for the various resource values treated, Alaska Power Authority policies, poten- tial significance of specific impacts, and perceived likelihood of occurrence of impacts. Rankings and the rationale used in establishing them are briefly discussed below. Land ownership and land use were considered the most impor- tant factors to be considered in evaluating the alternative corridors, and were ranked first and second, respectively. This reflects concerns expressed by the public and by resource agency personnel regarding potential impacts to private landowners, residential property, recreational areas and wildlife refuges. It further reflects Power Authority concerns, particularly in regard to avoiding routes through private and native ownerships and land conveyances due to the complicated and time-consuming procedures involved in acquiring such land. Biological resources were ranked third in importance, due primarily to the relatively high likelihood of occurrence of terrestrial habitat impacts and high potential for significant impacts when compared to the other disciplines. Visual resources were ranked fourth in importance. Although of relatively high significance, both in terms of public/agency concern and potential for occurrence, aesthetic impacts are generally easier to mitigate and less direct or irreversible than are land ownership and vegetation/wildlife impacts. Ranking within Disciplines The criteria within each category are ranked below in order of the severity of impact, from the most adverse (least suitable for siting of a transmission line corridor) to the least adverse impact (most suitable). The rationale used to establish the ranks is also discussed. IT=12 ° Land Ownership The criteria are presented in order of difficulty in obtaining land for the transmission line right-of-way as experienced by the Power Authority in past proj- ects, from most to least difficult. Native/Private. Such ownership requires purchase of right-of-way, many times through lengthy con- demnation proceedings. Land owners resist devel- opment of such corridors because it lowers the development potential of their land. Federal/State Going Private. These areas repre- sent primarily homesteads where the land is changing to private ownership. The difficulty of obtaining right-of-way through the occupied parcels is the same as private land. Borough/Municipal. Such ownership represents Tess of an obstacle to a transmission line corri- dor as long as the corridor is not in conflict with the local government's development plan. Even in such cases where there is a conflict, the transmission line can usually be routed around sensitive areas. Federal. Acquisition of a right-of-way usually is easiest for federal lands. However, the study area has large federal tracts used by the mili- tary for practice bombing, artillery, and night flying, which could cause conflict with a trans- mission line corridor. State. State lands will most likely present the Teast problem for obtaining a right-of-way corri- dor. The only conflicts will be found in special use areas described under Land Use. Land Use The ranking of the criteria represents the degree of conflict, from highest to lowest, of these land uses with the development of a transmission line corridor. Residential. Development of a transmission line Corridor through residential use areas involves the displacement of people and lowering of residential values. The resulting adverse public II=13 opinion makes traversing such areas with a trans- mission line extremely difficult. Airports. The airport flyways for landing and takeoff limit the proximity of a transmission line, especially perpendicular to the runways. Homestead. Homestead areas have the same con- flicts with transmission lines as residential areas, except that the occupied parcels are scattered in many homesteads, allowing the corri- dor to be routed around critical areas. Recreation/Wildlife/Cultural. Such uses are identified as points of concern, but in most cases, refinement of the corridor would avoid sensitive areas. Agricultural. Loss of land for the installation =, the transmission line towers is. the major impact. Commercial/Industrial. Potential problems are largely of a technical nature. Other Public/Semi-Public. Conflicts would arise only in specific areas where specific forest use would be incompatible with a transmission line. Vacant/Undeveloped. These areas have no active Tand use and generally would not be in conflict with a transmission line corridor. Biological Resources Terrestrial resources are considered more sensitive to transmission line development than are aquatic resources. The most important terrestrial biological resources criterion for evaluating the environmental suitability of the alternatives is the number of miles of new corridor/access. In addition to impacts on previously undisturbed habitat, caused by new corridor development, the opening up of new areas to access can often result in secondary problems. Wetlands, because of their fragile nature, their special regulatory status, and their importance to many species of wildlife, are ranked second among the terrestrial resource criteria. II-14 Bird collision potential and raptor and swan nest sites are ranked equally below the two previously discussed criteria. While either collision potential or nest sites could potentially be serious, opportu- nities are good for minimizing or avoiding impacts through careful final selection of alignments within a corridor. Forest habitat is considered the fifth most important criterion in this category, but close to the bird collision/nest criteria in importance. Of the biological considerations, aquatic resources criteria are considered the least sensitive to trans- mission line development. For these resources, the most important criterion is the number of streams crossed by a corridor route. This criterion reflects the risk of increasing stream turbidity due to increased erosion. The potential for increased access to fishing areas in streams with anadromous fish populations was given somewhat less importance than the total number of streams crossed. This lower ranking is due to the lack of detailed information for most of the streams. ° Visual Resources The most important aesthetic resource criterion is viewer sensitivity. The magnitude of the visual im- pact is dependent on the line being visible and on how Many people view it. Visual quality is considered second in importance, closely behind visual sensitivity. Generally, areas of lower sensitivity are preferred to areas of lower visual quality. Visual compatibility was ranked least sensitive be- cause impacts can be reduced by design of the project structures and the specific alignment of the corridor. Evaulation and Comparison of the Routes These ranked criteria were then used to evaluate and com- pare the alternative routes as described in Chapter VI. EI=15 Chapter III ‘ ENGINEERING CONSIDERATIONS System Studies Load Growth and Energy Forecast Table 1 is a forecast of energy growth for the Railbelt system. Energy and load data from this table were used as the basis of the system studies of the upgrade and extension of the Anchorage - Fairbanks Intertie. This table presents the esti- mate of energy requirements for combined Golden Valley Electric (GVEA) and Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System (FMUS). Load levels were based on Power Authority projections, and were ad- justed for a 0.98 system coincidence factor to arrive at a sys- tem load model. (Ref. PEI draft report dated March 1987). Power Transfer Requirements Construction of new energy conversion facilities in the Kenai peninsula will make electric energy resources available to utilities in South Central Alaska. This supply of economic energy will be sufficient to supply the needs of customers served by the Railbelt utility system through out the study period. In addition to energy conversion facilities it will be necessary to have an electric transmission system of sufficient capacity to allow for flow of electric power and energy from the Kenai to Fairbanks. The studies described in this section of the report are focused on the development of the transmission system between the Point Mackenzie area and the Fairbanks load center. GVEA and FMUS are prepared to operate their systems with minimum local generation. Their plan is to import low cost energy from sources in the Kenai and Cook Inlet. Under this plan GVEA will operate its Healy coal fired power plant, and FMUS will operate the Chena 5 unit. Under normal operating conditions all other thermal generation will be off line. The long term objective of the Railbelt utilities is to have a high capacity transmission link between Fairbanks and Anchorage. This transmission facility will provide for several electric utility system development options. These include: We Supply of present and future load requirements at the GVEA and FMUS load centers. Dor c<Tit je Municipal Light and Power [1] ectric Association (Retail) (2) lectric Assoctett (3) (4) City of Seward (3) Syetes Losses (2) Total (CBA) Fairbanks Municipal Utility Systes Golden Valley Electric Assoctatt 13} Hower Electric Aseoctation (61 Chugach Electric Asen AEST Matanueke Electric Assn (Total) PA) Chugach Electric Asen AEGKT (Bradley Lake) City of Seward 3) Totel Chugech Electric Association Retell Fairbenke Municipal Utility Systee Golden Valley Electric Association Romer Electric Association Matanuske Electric Association City of Seward Totel Syste: tive Requirements Anchorage Area Fairbanks Ares Kena! Peninevle Totel Reserve Requiresent Total Syetem Capacity Requirement Table I RAILBELT EWERGT AMD CAPACITY REQUIREWERTS EWERCT RECUIRENERTS 1986 1987 1989 1990 1991 1992 1999 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 869.8 884.6 81.7 913.48 936.5 945.3 954.8 968.0 987.0 1,011.6 1,066.1 976.9 998.3 1,009.9 1,020.4 1,069.7 1,091.2 391.7 396.7 432.2 401. 412.2 417.2 422.2 432.2 475.2 474.5 442.8 470.3 47nd 472.1 479.5 496.2 527.6 9 43.4 an 48.8 49.5 49.9 30.9 $2.2 161.8 163.4 172.0 172.3 167.3 169.1 173.9 180.9 1,969.2 2,040.5 2,047.2 2,066.7 2,011.5 2,141.2 2,150.2 2,085.7 2,110.9 2,136.1 2,154.9 2,192.8 2,234.9 2,284.0 172.9 174.6 176.3 179.9 196.6 200.5 204.5 208.6 212.8 217.0 221.4 225.8 521.0 541.2 362.2 377.3 624. 641.7 658. 676.5 694.6 713.2 792.3 752.0 m2.1 425.0 425.0 430.0 454.3 510.0 490.0 479.4 490.0 495.0 495.0 300.0 505.0 510.0 391.7 391.7 376.5 492.2 412.2 401.6 417.2 417.2 417.2 417.2 427.2 432.2 33.) 33.3 33.3 77.8 77.8 77.8 77.8 7.8 77.8 77.8 17.8 475.2 474.0 4705 479.2 496. 523.6 524.6 523.4 349.5 563.7 380.9 475.2 474.0 474.5 425.9 442. 470.3 470.3 472.1 479.5 496.2 310.4 527.6 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 53.3 33.3 53.3 53.3 33.3 53.3 33.3 33.3 2 34.9 41.2 43.4 45.6 47.7 48.8 49.2 49.5 49.9 50.9 51.5 52.2 3,559.9 3,652.3 3,682.0 3,720.2 3,781.9 4,003.4 4,054.1 4,021.5 4,077.9 4,138.5 4,199.0 4,284.9 4,377.0 4,477.2 164.0 166.7 166.2 2.1 176.1 179.9 190.5 195.4 200.2 191.3 198.4 197.4 202.2 200.6 193.5 195.6 201.2 204.8 209.1 30.0 3.2 35.4 36.3 38.7 39.9 42.3 43.6 44.9 92.3 107.0 122.1 128.7 192.2 139.3 143.1 146.9 81.0 97.0 93.0 93.0 94.0 96.0 97.0 97.5 4.9 99.3 105.8 95.7 96.5 97.5 99.7 101.2 7.0 11.0 13.3 13.6 13.8 13.9 14.1 14.2 14.3 646.7 670.9 661.9 690.4 738.2 ma7.7 743.3 754.4 780.9 197.7 133.7 138.0 138.1 138.0 137.7 144.8 139.3 140.7 144.3 153.1 60.9 60.9 60.9 60.9 60. 60.9 60.9 60.9 60.9 85.9 38.0 38.0 38.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 51.0 51.0 31.0 31.0 31.0 232.6 236.9 237.0 236.1 249.9 249.6 251.0 254.0 236.7 251.2 252.6 254.3 256.2 290.1 879.3 907.2 918.9 926.4 951. 962.4 973.6 992.2 1,004.3 984.1 995.9 1,008.7 1,022.8 1,104.1 L eTqeL 2. Transmission of electric energy from Bradley Lake and Beluga generation to the Fairbanks load center. 3. Future transmission of energy and capacity from north slope gas and oil based energy conversion facilities to Anchorage and Kenai load centers. 4. Possible future development of coal and hydroelectric potential at sites between Fairbanks and Anchorage. Sis Share operating and spinning reserves between Fairbanks and Anchorage - Kenai. 6. Reduced thermal generation in the Fairbanks area. The existing transmission line between Douglas and Healy was designed and constructed for ultimate 345 kV operation. It is in operation today at 138 kV, and can transmit a maximum, under ideal conditions, of 70 MW. Power flow requirements on the Intertie will increase to 150 MW by the year 2000. This amount of powerflow can be accom- plished with a 230 kV transmission line. However, in the long term the power flow levels will eventually require 345 kV trans- mission capacity. Two power system developments were studied for the exten- sion and upgrade of the Intertie in recognition of the long term needs. The plans are similar and differ only in regard to oper- ating voltage. One plan is for 230 kV operation and the other is for 345 kV operation. Study Years To represent anticipated transmission line capacity re- quirements, 1991 and 2000 were selected as the study years. The requirements for 1991 were selected because it is the year the Bradley Lake Project is expected to come on-line, and the year 2000 was selected because it is a future year when other signi- ficant generation in Kenai will be in service. In both cases the power transmission objective will be to allow major energy transfers from south to north. Data Base The data base for these studies was given to Harza by the Alaska Power Authority contractor for the Anchorage Kenai Inter- tie study. Four load flow cases were provided; they are: [ri=3 INT7 Enstar Route at 230 kV - Heavy Winter 1991 119 MW to Huffman Substation INT8 Enstar Route at 230 kV - Light Summer 1991 45 MW from Huffman Substation FUT19 Enstar Route at 230 kV - Heavy Winter 2000 125 MW to Huffman Substation FUT23 Enstar Rout at 230 kV - Light Summer 2000 50 MW from Huffman Substation These four cases include the recommended development of the proposed Anchorage - Kenai transmission intertie. A base case with transmission system impedances was also provided. The basic Railbelt utility system load flow analysis data was obtained from the University of Alaska (U of A) compu- ter system power flow model of the Railbelt system. The U of A data base consisted of major transmission lines, substations, and generation facilities. The U of A data base was revised to include expected system developments along with future winter and summer loads for the years 1991 and 2000. The four load flow cases were revised to model the proposed upgrade and extension of the Anchorage - Fairbanks Intertie. The load flow and stability studies prepared for this study used computer programs from Electrocon International Inc. of Ann Arbor Michigan. One of the objectives of the system study effort was to evaluate the proposed system at two operating voltages. The two voltages are: 230 kV and 345 kV. The Harza study cases are titled: 1. 1991 system Heavy Winter with 230 kV operation. 2. 1991 system Light Summer with 230 kV operation. 3. 2000 system Heavy Winter with 230 kV operation. 4. 2000 system Light Summer with 230 kV operation. 5. 1991 system Heavy Winter with 345 kV operation. 6. 1991 system Light Summer with 345 kV operation. 7. 2000 system Heavy Winter with 345 kV operation. 8. 2000 system Light Summer with 345 kV operation. Load flow and transient stability case results along with data bases were provided to the Power Authority. The data were transmitted on a magnetic tape. The data will be installed on the state's computer, and Railbelt utilities can review and access the data base by way of the Railbelt computer system. III-4 Generation Dispatch System energy conversion (generation) development and retirement schedules were supplied by Railbelt Utilities. These schedules were integrated into the data base for the 1991 and 2000 cases. Power generation dispatch scheduling and power transfer between areas were modeled according to information supplied by Railbelt Utilities. The dispatch schedules are based on the following assumptions: ° GVEA and FMUS would schedule their Healy and Chena 5 steam turbine generators up to rated capacity. All other thermal generation in the Fairbanks area would not be scheduled to come on line. Generation require- ments for the Fairbanks area would be made up by transfer purchases from Anchorage and the Kenai. APAdm. Eklutna generation would be scheduled at capac- ity in the winter only. No output would be scheduled during the summer light load period. CEA would schedule Beluga generation as required to supplement purchases from Eklutna and the Kenai. Bernice Lake generation would be scheduled as required. AML&P would schedule generation of Unit 2 as required to supplement purchases from Eklutna and the Kenai. MEA would purchase from CEA, AML&P and the Kenai. HEA would schedule Soldotna generation at capacity in the winter only. Summer transfer purchases would be from Anchorage. APA Bradley Lake would be scheduled at capacity of the two generating units in the winter only. No output would be scheduled during the summer light load period. Operating Areas The load flow study model divides the Railbelt system into the following operational areas: ° Kenai: includes HEA and SEA systems with generation at Bernice Lake (CEA), Cooper Lake (CEA), Soldotna TIT=5 (HEA) and Bradley Lake (APA). Bernice Lake is desig- nated as the swing machine for the Kenai. ° CEA with generation at Beluga. Beluga is swing machine for the CEA area. ° AML&P with generation at Plant 2. Plant 2 is the area swing machine. ° MEA with generation at Eklutna as the area swing machine. ° Fairbanks GVEA and FMUS with generation at Healy and Chena 5. The Healy and Chena 5 generators both have AGC capability and can both act as swing buses as required by load level and area exchange. The area interchanges resulting from these assumed dispatch scenarios are summarized in Table 2. Table 2 SCHEDULED AREA MW INTERCHANGE TRANSFERS Area LS_1991 HW 1991 LS_2000 HW 2000 Fairbanks -7.00 -97.00 -24.00 -145.00 MEA -25.00 -73.00 -26.00 -77.00 AML&P 0.00 -18.00 28.00 6.00 CEA 79.00 71.00 74.00 93.00 Kenai -44.00 -120.00 -49.00 -125.00 Unaccounted 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 Negative value denotes import from adjecent area. Positive value denotes export to adjacent area. System Developments. The load flow system models also included additions to the transmission system. These additions include: oll 6 o , Anchorage - Kenai intertie at 230 kV along the Enstar route. ° Conversion of Beluga - Point MacKenzie west terminal transmission line capacity from 138 kV to 230 kV. ° Addition of 138 kV Huffman - International transmis- sion line. ° Upgrade of the Huffman substation to 138 kV. ° Upgrade of the Huffman - University transmission line to 138 kv. ° Addition of shunt capacitor banks at International, Soldotna, and Fort Wainwright substations. ° Addition of Gold Hill - Fort Wainwright 138 kV trans- mission line. ° Addition of North Pole - Carney 138 kV transmission line. System Additions and Changes for Anchorage - Fairbanks Figures 2 and 3 are schematic diagrams of the 230 kV and 345 kv upgrades and extensions of the Anchorage - Fairbanks intertie system. These figures show the major equipment and facilities additions required to achieve the power flow transfer capabilities of the Intertie extension and upgrade. Shunt reactors are required for line energizing, switching surge reduction and steady state line load voltage control. For planning purposes, shunt reactors were sized to provide compensation of the charging capacitance of the long transmis- sion segments. There are two transmission segments that require shunt reactor compensation. These are: Douglas - Healy and Healy - Fairbanks. Table 3 lists the reactor ratings used in the study. IlI-7 TO FT. WAINWRIGHT ——~—~ TO NORTH POLE J i 4 138 Ky ‘ i i i i aay i i i joss SK Oi i i ‘SwGR ' i ' 3 vy { 138 KV i f i i i Nossececterrased cemamanealh i ise nva 15@ Mya TO GOLOHILL GOLOHILL SUBSTATION | posve ieee peceen Iito ot { 1 SMR. Argan tegen SMR | i i a i i i i i 10 vs i i \ SwoR. + 1 ! 1 i i t i i | i i ! ! | becercress seca! eae es nts eeanteamnerel i i FAIRBANKS SUBSTATION i i i i HEALY SUBSTATION 138 KV 28 HVA TEELAND SUBSTATION tee eee reroeomental ere aes 230 kV i i 1 ' i ' ' i ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY io a . i ANCHORAGE - FAIRBANKS ‘ iy yy 238 Kv j | See 0 i INTERTIE i TO BELUGA PT. MACKENZIE ! ! ! - SYSTEM DIAGRAM HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY APRIL 1987 Ore Ee ere nn 230 - ee Faure 3 TO FT. WAINWRIGHT 7—~— TO NORTH POLE 4 4 4 138 KV GOLOHILL SUBSTATION FAIRBANKS SUBSTATION 18 j 138 KV. HEALY SUBSTATION CANTWELL SUBSTATION i : i i i ' . i i ‘isa va ew Seek 150 HVvA i ' 238 KV | { ‘ i i ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY _ ‘eae tama ANCHORAGE - FAIRBANKS i i! 1 i INTERTIE ! eee i i TO BELUGA PT. acKeNziel SYSTEM DIAGRAM STi ites es ‘abies 345 - KV HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY — APRIL 1987 LAKE LORRAINE SUBSTATION Table 3 STEADY STATE SHUNT REACTOR COMPENSATION REQUIREMENTS Case Line Section Terminal Douglas Cantwe Healy Fairbanks 1991 HW 230 kv 14 14 12 12 1991 LS 230 kv 14 14 12 12 2000 HW 230 kv 14 14 12 12 2000 LS 230 kv 14 14 12 12 1991 HW 345 kv 32 32) 27 27 1991 LS 345 kv 32 32 27 . 27 2000 HW 345 kv 32 32 27 cei 2000 LS 345 kv 32 32 27 27 Shunt reactors for line energizing voltage control and limitation of switching surge reduction. Static Var System (SVS). Because the proposed transmission system between Anchorage and Fairbanks has very little genera- tion it is necessary to provide variable amounts of reactive power at strategic points along the route. The points are: Douglas, Healy and Fairbanks. Static var system control requirements for steady state conditions are given in Table 4. These capacity amounts are based on load flow calculations of the steady state conditions. ZLI-10 Table 4 STEADY STATE MAXIMUM STATIC VAR REQUIREMENTS Case Douglas Heal Fairbanks Induc- Capaci- Induc- Capaci- TInduc- Capaci- tive tive tive tive tive tive MVAR MVAR MVAR MVAR MVAR MVAR 1991 HW 230 kv 25.5 = = 44.9 51.3 = 1991 LS 230 kv 34.5 = = 28.4 T3039 = 2000 HW 230 kv 9.3 = = 66.8 29i03 - 2000 LS 230 kv 40.5 = 29.3 71.7 = 1991 HW 345 kv 3.9 = = 68.5 115.0 — 1991 LS 345 kv 79.2 = = 60.0 135.7 S 2000 HW 345 kv 61.2 a = 719.2 95.2 = 2000 LS 345 kv 82.0 = = 60.4 133.4 - Values in the table were obtained from Load Flow calculations in which the H.V. busses at Douglas, Healy and Fairbanks were modeled as synchronous condensers with no limit on MVAR rating. Transient Stability The Intertie extension will consist of a single circuit 345 kV line between Lake Loraine and Fairbanks. There will be a parallel 138 kV line for the portion of the line between Healy and Fairbanks. Between Lake Lorraine and Douglas there will be parallel 230 kV and 138 kV lines by way of Lake Lorraine- Teeland-Douglas. A trip-out of either the single circuit 345 kV Lake Lorraine-Douglas or the Healy-Fairbanks section will shift the power from the 345 kV line to the 138 and 230 kv lines. The 138 kV lines will not tolerate such sudden changes in power flow requirements, and will probably trip out. If this occurs, the power flow to the Fairbanks load center will be interrupted. TII=11 MEA has indicated that they will operate the Douglas - Teeland 138 kV line as a radial line from Teeland. That is, the circuit breaker at the Douglas terminal will be in the open position during normal operation. In this configuration the Intertie will be a single circuit between Lake Lorraine and Healy. The Fairbanks load center will experience load shedding and cascading black outs until either additional generation is placed on line in Fairbanks, or until a second transmission circuit is built. A second transmission circuit could be a parallel 345 kv intertie or 345 kV line on an independent right of way. A pos- sible route for an independent line between Fairbanks and Anchorage is along the Richardson highway to the connection with the Anchorage load center from the south. It may be possible to minimize the frequency of black outs by the use of three pole or single pole reclosing of the 230/345 kV transmission segments. Use of reclosing has potentially hazardous side effects. These include damage to turbine blades. In spite of this, reclosing needs to be studied in sufficient detail before it is adopted as an operating procedure. Economic Analysis The substation: design is based on ultimate operation at 345 kV. The economic analysis indicates that 230 kV is the recommended operating voltage. Analysis of 230 kV vs 345 kV as the initial operating voltage is based on the assumption that no major changes to the transmission line would occur during this study period. The study period is through year 2005. Conver- sion to 345 kV could occur after year 2005. Changes that would warrant a reevaluation of the voltage selection include: major increase of power flow, connection of major new generation, major new load connection, need for a parallel circuit, or significant increase in cost of losses. Such changes are not contemplated in this analysis. If one or more of the above factors were to become a cer- tainty before a firm commitment was made to construct the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie, then economics of voltage selec- tion should be reconsidered. Reevaluation would take into ac- count the fact that conversion from 230 kV to 345 kV within a few years after installation of major 230 kV substation equip- ment would involve added cost. TLI=I2 The added cost would be the difference between the cost of new 345 kV substation equipment and the salvage value of in- stalled 230 kV substation equipment. Major high voltage substa- tion items included in this category are: power transformers, shunt reactors, circuit breakers, surge arresters and potential and current transformers. The balance of substation equipment would not be affected because it is planned to be purchased for ultimate operation at 345 kv. System Losses and System Voltage Table 5 is a tabulation of total system losses for the eight system plans. These results indicate that during the summer months the 345 kV system will have slightly higher losses than the 230 kv plan. This situation is the result of the fact that for lower power flows in the summer the 345 kV reactive power flow losses are greater than the similar losses for the 230 kV plan. During the winter the 230 kV plan has higher losses than the comparable 345 kV plan.. This is the result of the fact that during the winter dispatch power flows to Fairbanks are at peak levels. Consequently the 230 kV line is more heavily loaded and losses due to line resistance are greater. The value of these losses is minimal when compared to the construction cost difference between the 230 kV and 345 kv plans. If a significant increase in load growth occurs or if a major new generator is added along the route, then the conver- sion to 345 kV should be restudied. Based on the load levels projected by the Power Authority, the operation at 230 kV should be adequate through the year 2006. LLE=13 Table 5 RAILBELT SYSTEM LOSSES Peak Average Additional Load Flow System Anual Losses Between Care Demand Energyl/ Comparable 230 kV Plan Year Loss Losses Plans MW GWh GWh INT 7 HW 1991 23.088 55.411 3'.583) INT 8 LS 1991 4.226 10.142 - FUT 19 HW 2000 38.717 92.921 9.401 FUT LS 2000 5.813 13,5951 - 345 kV Plan INT 7 HW 1991 21.594 51.826 - INT 8 LS 1991 4.500 10.800 . 0.657 FUT 19 HW 2000 34.800 83.520 - FUT 23 LS 2000 5.975 14.340 0.389 A/ Energy Losses per EPRI Technical Assessment Guide (P-2410-SR) dated May 1982 page 6-6 & 6-7. Based on Load Factor of 61.3% and Loss Factor of 44.7% Power Transfer Capability An operating objective of the intertie is to provide a 150 MW power transfer capability by the year 2000. The trans- mission system studied for this assignment will have a maximum power transfer capability in excess of 150 MW. The maximum power transfer capability of a transmission line is dependent on conductor ampacity, voltage and control of reactive power. The 954 kcmil ACSR conductors have a nominal maximum ampac- ity of 980 Amps. For a twin conductor bundle, the thermal limit of the lines will be 780 MVA at 230 kV and 1171 MVA at 345 kV. Because of line length and reactive power limitations, it will not be possible to operate the line sections at the thermal limit. The power transfer capability of the line sections can be indicated on the basis of surge impedance loading (SIL) limit. The actual limitations would have to be determined by detailed transient stability studies and would be less than SIL limit. ItI-14 However, the SIL does give a measure of the upper limit of prac- tical power transfer limitations. Following are SIL limits for the three transmission line sections: Fairbanks-Healy 333 MW at 230 kV 751 MW at 345 kv Healy-Douglas 225 MW at 230 kV 553 MW at 345 kv Douglas-Lake Lorrain 525 MW at 230 kv 1171 MW at 345 kv Future Considerations Although the emphasis of this study is on the concept of South to North transmission, there are other longer term consid- erations. The South to North concept is based on present fuel costs and generation locations. Siting of future generation or new loads between Anchorage and Pairbanks or changes in fuel costs and availability could result in power and energy trans- fers from North to South. Consideration of flows in both directions should be taken into account when plans for detailed design and operation of the intertie are formulated. Line energizing studies will also be required. The scope of these studies should include formulation of plans to energize line sections under emergency as well as normal system condi- tions. Transmission Line Engineering The proposed transmission lines will extend the existing 345 kV Intertie between Healy and Douglas to Fairbanks at the North end and to Lorraine Lake and Anchorage at the South end. The new lines will be designed to be fully compatible with the existing Douglas-Healy line. Minor detail changes, to accommodate local conditions will be determined during final design. The same general criteria as were used for Douglas- Healy line are proposed for design of the new lines. The electrical, mechanical and structural line parameters will be similar to those of the existing Intertie line. The necessary detail changes will be made as required to accommodate local conditions during the line design stage. Overall design criteria will be in accordance with industry standards and applicable codes. III-15 Transmission Line Structures The structures for the proposed lines will be designed for ultimate operation at 345 kV. The structures will be designed considering the following design parameters: Combined wind and ice loading (NESC Heavy Load). Extreme wind loading in any direction. Heavy vertical loading due to ice. Longitudinal loads due to tension in wires. . Construction and maintenance loads. 6. Longitudinal capability to resist cascading failure. 7. Permafrost considerations. 8. Seismic loading. UkWNhN > oe ee Structure heights will be established to account for clearance requirements of the NESC code, clearance recommendations to meet environmental concern, and utility standards. ; The conductor attachments at the tower structures will have the same 33 ft. phase spacing utilized at the 345 kV structures. Likewise,the shield wire configuration will be the same as the existing 345 kV structures. Structure gap clearances will meet the requirements for switching surge and lightning protection. Ground clearance will be in accordance with National Elec- trical Safety Code 1987 Edition recommendations and allows 8 kV/meter electric field strength under the line on the right-of- way. The following are the minimum recommended vertical clear- ances to ground for 120°F conductor sag or heavy load increased to provide for design and construction tolerances. ° Farmland - 30 ft ° Railroads - 38 ft ° Highways - 30 ft ° Power lines - 15 ft ° River crossing - as required Clearances should be reviewed in areas of heavy snow fall accum- ulation where pedestrian traffic is expected. Shield Wire. Two shield wires will be used on the line. The isokeraunic level is low in Alaska. In the Fairbanks area, based on the data from Thunderstorm Climatology in Alaska by NOAA, it is around 20 per year. Shielding angle in the range of 15-12° will be required for zero shielding failure. This shielding angle will be necessary to reach a line outage rate on the order of one per year. Counterpoise grounding may be III-16 required for areas with permafrost. Steel piles in general will be adequate as grounding electrodes in other areas. Conductors and Insulators Polymer-composite suspension-type insulators will be used on the lines. The insulation level equivalent to 21 standard 5-3/4"x10" porcelain insulator discs per string is considered for the lines (1800 kV impulse critical), subject to final data on system parameters. V-string assembly is used for middle phase and single strings for outside phases. Polymer insulators are selected because of their light weight, strength, resistance to vandalism and construction/main- tenance advantages. The operational record for polymer insula- tors is quite satisfactory to warrant their use in the proposed lines. The same conductors used for the Douglas-Healy Intertie line will be used for the Healy-Fairbanks and Douglas-Lake Lorraine lines. The conductors are 954 kCM ACSR Code Word "Rail", two per phase. The conductor has the following characteristics: Diameter hail rel ODiad Ne Weight - 1.076 lbs/ft (5681 lbs/mile) Stranding - 45/7 Alum/Steel Rated Strengh - 25,900 lbs Current carrying capacity - 980 amperes Conductor protection for aeolian and sub-span vibration will be in accordance with manufacturer recommendations by stockbridge dampers with spacers or spacer-dampers. Three- eighth inch Extra High Strength (EHS) galvanized 7 strand steel cable will be used for shield wires. Stockbridge dampers will be used for shield wire vibration protection. Structure Types Ten different structure types were evaluated for the exist- ing Douglas-Healy 345 kV line. The selection considered life- cycle, costs, constructability, reliability and visual impact. The X-Frame, tubular type, guyed-steel structure was found to be the most suitable to meet the requirements of the line construc- tion. Structures of this type, as shown in Figure 4, were developed specifically for use in Alaska and have performed satisfactorily for many years. LET i7 FIGURE 4 3/8 "DIAM. STEEL CABLE SHIELD WIRE 2x 954 KCM ACSR "RA/L” CONDUCTORS SUSPEN S/ON — > POLYMER = INSULATORS 10-/2 K/PS DESIGN STRENGTH GUY WIRE ESTIMATED AVERAGE WEIGHT 17,700 /65. LINE RIGHT OF WAY GROUND LINE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE 345 KV GUYED STEEL POLE X FRAME SUSPENSION STRUCTURE SPAN 1200 FEET HARZA enewmeeninc company apnicise7 Design features of these structures include hinged connec- tions between the leg members and the foundations which, togeth- er with the longitudinal guy system, provide for necessary flex- ibility to accommodate foundation movement due to seasonal soil conditions. The seasonal changes in the active layers of soil in the subarctic regions, which freeze to considerable depths followed by thaw, can contribute to large displacements of foun- dations. Transverse stability of the X-frame structure is pro- vided by the wide leg base which also results in lower founda- tion loads, a feature essential for bog and water logged areas. Additional advantages of the X-type structure are as fol- lows: ° The X-type structure provides for less visual and . environmental impacts than other structures. The line blends in better with its surrounding than conven- tional lattice towers. ° Structures could be stored in remote areas with less concern for vandalism. ° A typical structure consists of only six major compo- nents with bolted connections requiring a minimum of field labor for erection during construction. ° The structures are relatively insensitive to guy and foundation heaving and have an adjustable connection with the foundations. Whenever excessive heaving occurs, the adjustment to compensate for this movement can easily done by utility maintenance personnel. The backbone tangent structure for the proposed lines will be designed for 1200 feet average span. For level terrain, the total structrure height will be 100 feet and will weigh approxi- mately 17,500 lbs. The same structure type will be designed for flat and hilly terrain where legs might be of different length. In hilly areas where design and economic conditions do not favor the X-type structure, three-pole guyed structures also will be used. In special cases single-pole structures will be used. Three-pole guyed structures, as shown in Figure 5, will be used for angle and dead-end applications. Free standing H-frame steel structures with the same con- figuration as the X-frame will be used for the line sections where guy installation is objectionable, as may be the case between the Tanana River Crossing and Fort Wainwright Substation in Fairbanks. Trr=19 rigpuncy P / Le STRAIN 7 PoLyMeR INSULATORS 20 K/IPS DESIGN STRENGTH SHIELD WIRE CONDUCTOR ATTACHMENTS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE DEAD END AND STRAIN ANGLE SPAN 1200 FEET . GUYED STEEL POLE STRUCTURE HARZA encineerinc comPAMY aPRicise7 All line structures will be built of unpainted, corrosion- resistant weathering steel. Weathering steel over several years turns to a dark brown color which readily blends in than with surrounding landscapes prevailing in Alaska. Structure Loads The recommended loading criteria are consistent with the requirements of the National Electrical Safety Code and the criteria used for the Healy-Douglas Intertie. Conductor Loading. The following tension limits are con- sidered to insure safety under maximum loading conditions and protection against fatigue resulting from conductor vibration. Temper- Conductor Conditions .- ature Tension Limits NESC heavy loading O°F 50% Initial NESC minimum temperature O°F 25% Final Everyday average 40°F 33% Initial Heavy wind 40°F 70% Initial Heavy ice O°F Maximum for checking ground clearance 120°F - Minimum extreme -80°F - Heavy Wind. Most of the line will be designed for a peak wind of 100 mph which is based on the maximum recorded wind along the major portion of the proposed routes. This wind load translates to 25 lbs per square foot of pressure for conductors, and to the same value for the struc- tures because of their tubular shape. For the section around Nenana Gorge, the line will be designed for a peak wind of 130 mph. In the actual design, special heavier structures or standard structures with reduced spans will be used in these areas. Heavy Ice. Because no heavy ice has been recorded in the areas crossed by the line routes, only the 0.75 inch radial ice without wind at 0°F loading will be used in designing for this condition. Wind and Ice. The NESC Heavy (0.5 inch ice, 4 lbs/sqft wind) loading Conditions shall be used for wind and ice crite- ria. These criteria are substantiated by the Nortec study since the maximum wind speed with freezing precipitation is in the range of up to 40-44 miles per hour (App. 3 lbs/sqft) with ice accumulation in a range of 0.5-0.6 inches. , LLt—2)1 Structure Design Load Combinations Structure will be designed to withstand the simultaneous application of vertical, transverse and longitudinal loads. The different loading conditions will be evaluated considering: Combined wind and ice loading (NESC Heavy Load) Extreme wind loading in any direction Heavy vertical loading due to ice Construction and maintenance loads Seismic loading. Structure Design Overload Factors Combined wind and ice NESC Requirements Extreme wind 1.1 Heavy vertical 1.1 Construction and Maintenance 2.0 Seismic load Vel Foundations Geologic Conditions At present, available sources for soil and foundation data include: ° General geologic and permafrost maps from the USGS: 1:250,000 scale, and reconnaissance level interpreta- tion of soil types prepared for Susitna Hydro Project Study. A generalized terrain analysis conducted for the Intertie line corridor between Douglas and Healy and described qualitatively. The geotechnical investiga- tion of the Intertie Line Route was carried out by Commonwealth Associates and Shannon & Wilson, Inc. Based on aerial, topographic and terrain unit maps, the following foundation conditions were noted for three areas in which the Healy-Douglas Transmission line corridor was divided: ° For the Southern Study Area. This area is mostly wetland, and has very small proportion of rock and good foundation materials. Silty loamy loess soils over thick deposits of very gravelly and stony glacial drift. Generally free of permafrost, except a few small isolated masses at high altitudes. ITI=-22 ° For the Central Study Area. Rock foundation and good Materials were observed in most of this study area. Rough mountainous land with rocky slopes, deep moun- tain valleys in very gravelly drift with thin layer of loamy and silty loess. Generally underlain by discon- tinuous permafrost. ° For the Northern Study Area. The major part of this area is the wetland and permafrost materials. Some areas have good soil and rock materials, silt loam and micaceous loess over shattered bedrock of mica schist. Generally, this is underlain by numerous isolated masses of permafrost. Permafrost Conditions Discontinuous permafrost underlies most of the route north of the Talkeetna River. Permafrost and seasonal frost in gen- eral require special foundation considerations. Structures in permafrost areas will be supported below the annual frost zone in the underlying permafrost zone using piles to transmit struc- ture loads through the annual frost zone. The danger caused by deep seasonal frost is frost jacking forces which result in large vertical movements during freeze-thaw cycles. Permafrost May cause excessive settlements by thawing. Therefore, founda- tions should be designed to withstand frost jacking forces and excessive settlements due to permafrost thaw. Foundation Types The foundation types that will be used along the transmis- sion line are divided into three basic types: Pile Foundations. Most of the tubular steel, hinged-guyed X-Frame and three-pole design Deadend structures will be sup- ported by pile-type foundations, consisted of H-pile beams or pipes driven to variable depths depending upon the soil condi- tions. Piling will be cut to suitable lengths, around 20 to 25 feet, and then driven with a vibratory hammer with welds used to splice the piling when necessary. Minimum pile driving resist- ance will be specified and driving continued with additional splices until an adequate load bearing is achieved. Selected piles will be tested to verify that sufficient load bearing Capacity and uplift resistance have been achieved. Guy anchors will be either hydraulically installed screw-type anchors or H-beam piles similar to those for foundations. In permafrost areas the same types of piles, driven or installed in drilled holes will be used for foundations. In special cases, thermopiles can be used if justified. Erb 23 Rock Anchor. Whenever good quality rock is encountered near the ground surface, rock anchors will be used. A hole is drilled into the rock material and concrete piers with reinforc- ing bars are grouted into the rock hole. The minimum depth of anchors is generally 8 feet and the entire hole is grouted to ensure adequate anchoring below the maximum frost depth. Simi- lar type of grouted anchors in rock can be used for guy anchors. Grillages. In the frost zones, and in fragmented bedrock not suitable for rock anchors, a grillage type foundation can be used. The grillage type consisting of a fabricated pedestal grillage made up of steel shapes such as angles, channels, etc. The grillage foundation will be placed deep enough to be below the active frost zone and on a bedding layer of gravel. Construction Considerations It is assumed that the construction activity which will take place in winter will be performed using special winter Off-Road Vehicles (ORV). In addition it is assumed that con- struction activity like delivery of materials to the sites, stringing operation and crews moves will be accomplished by helicopters. For reference, Boeing Vertol A-107 helicopters, that can lift up to 10,000 or 11,000 pounds, and B-212 or B-214 helicopters, for the smaller loads, can be utilized. Hydraulic vibratory hammers on tracked vehicles can be used to drive the 8 or 10 inch steel "H" piles. The connection of the structure with the foundation piles will be a friction type, fixed by the bolts. Structures in general will be assembled on the ground and then pulled up into vertical position using the hinged connection between the piling and structure legs. Heavy load capacity helicopters with lifting capacity to 20,000 lbs, such as the Sikorsy Skycrane, are required for this opera- tion on site. At inaccessible locations the foundations can be prepared as required. Towers may be constructed off-site with the assembled structure flown to the site. The tower is then bolted to the foundation and erected. Tanana River Crossings Three crossings of the Tanana River by the Healy-Fairbanks line is required to get the line to the substation site in Pair- banks. A preliminary study of these crossings was made using the available aerial photographs of the area and U.S. Geological topographic maps. Because Tanana River is highly braided, the specific crossing sites can be located only after thorough study of the river current channels and soil data. The crossings are planned in the places where the river is the narrowest. Single III-24 spans, in the range of 1500-1600 feet long, are expected to be all that is needed to cross the river. The river crossing south of Fort Wainwright is planned to be in the area of Goose Island. Because of the construction of levees in that area and changes in the river channels, addition- al topographical data will be required for exact line routing at this river crossing. It is planned that standard line structures will be used for all crossings. Two river crossing configurations are possi- ble, depending on the topography, line approach and soil condi- tions at the crossing sites. One configuration is to utilize three pole Deadend type guyed structures. The second is to make the crossing with suspension structures and place deadend struc- tures in adjacent spans. Because the crossing span is separated from the line by anchor structures, the crossing is less dependent on line condi- tions. Special types of conductors can also be used in this case to lower structure heights or increase the clearances. Considering the ACSR "Rail" conductors criteria used for Douglas-Healy intertie, and the assumed vertical clearance of 45 feet, the structure height for 1500 ft level span will be in the range of 130-140 feet which is not considered to be excessively high. Where warranted, proper embankments will be constructed to protect structures and foundations from river flow affects. Wire obstruction markers will be installed on the shield lines in all crossing spans in accordance with FAA and local requirements to mark the hazard for low flying aircraft. It is not expected that obstruction lighting will be required for crossing structures. Electrical Environmental Effects The environmental effects associated with the construction of the single circuit 345 kV transmission line were analyzed. The following are considered in the analysis: Ground Gradients Electrostatic Induction Effects Electromagnetic Effects Radio Noise Television Interference Audible Noise oo0o0o0°0 III-25 All calculations were done considering the following cir- cuit configuration: ° eoo0o0o000000 Phase Configuration Flat (X-Type Steel Pole Structure) Phase spacing Sout. Shield spacing from centerline of tower 26 ft. Minimum conductor height above ground S30 £t- Mean conductor height above ground 40 ft. Conductor and shield wire separation 21 aLe. Shield wire spacing at each structure 52 ft. Right-of-way width 170 £2 Conductor type 2-954-Kcemil 45/7 ACSR Shield wire type 3/8 EHS Calculated Results and Analysis Ground Gradients ° ° Ground gradients calculated with conductors at minimum 30 ft ground clearance: The calculated results are: - Maximum under the line: 6.60 kV (rms)/m - Edge of ROW: 1.5 kV (rms)/m Gradient guidelines as accepted by many States are as follows: - Maximum gradient: 7.0 to 9.0 kv (rms)/m - Edge of ROW: 1.0 to 1.6 kV (rms)/m Calculated results are within listed guidelines. Electrostatic Induction Effects ° Induced currents and discharge energy were computed with phase conductors at 30 feet height ° Vehicles considered, their sizes in ft. and capacitance to ground in picofarads are: Capacitance Vehicle Size in feet pico farads Automobile 5 .8x/4.5x15 1000.0 Panel Truck 7.8x10..75/25 2000.0 Tractor Trailer 8.0x13.5x39 2500.0 III-26 ° Calculated results are as follows: Induced Currents in ma (rms) Maximum Vehicle within ROW Edge of ROW Automobile 0.625 0.125 Panel Truck 2.44 0.625 Tractor Trailer aed 0.13 Discharge Energy in mJ (millijoules) Maximum within ROW Edge of ROW Automobile 2.9 0.2 Panel Truck 20.8 1.6 Tractor Trailer 50.0 3.4 ° National Electrical Safety Code allows 5 ma (rms) of induced current on any vehicle or object under the line. Calculated induced currents are within NESC limit. ° Tests have shown that a minimum energy of 0.25 mJ is sufficient to ignite gasoline vapors during a vehicle re-fueling process. Vehicles should not be refueled within Right-of-Way. Electromagnetic Effects ° Radio Noise ° The electromagnetic field at the center line of the 345 kV circuit was calculated to be too small to have any effect or be of any concern. The maximum magnetic field calculated considering 600 MVA line loading and 40 ft. mean conductor height was 0.14 Gauss which is considered negligible. Transmission radio noise was calculated consider- ing the 40 feet mean conductor height above ground, one MHz frequency and 100 ohm/m average soil resistivity. Only AM radio reception having a broadcast band of 0.6 to 1.6 MHz is affected by transmission line radio noise. TLi-—27 The calculated transmission radio noise for heavy rain, wet conductor and fair weather conditions are as follows: Transmission Radio Noise In dB above 1 microvolt per meter Maximum Vehicle within ROW Edge of ROW Heavy Rain 78.80 67.82 Wet Conductor 70.20 59.00 Fair Weather 53.20 42.00 Reception quality is a relative term and depends on both signal strength and line noise level and is- de- fined as follows: Radio Reception Quality Signal/Noise Ratio (dB) Excellent >32 Very Good 27-32 Good 22-27 Poor 16-22 Very Poor 6-16 Intolerable <7 For primary area coverage FCC recommended signal levels are as follows: Business City Area 80-94 dB above 1 uV/m Residential District 66-80 dB above 1 uV/m Rural Area 40-54 dB above 1 uV/m On the above basis the maximum line noise levels for "good" reception are: Residential District 44-58 dB above 1 uV/m Rural Area 18-32 dB above 1 uV/m From AM radio signal measurements carried out for the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie line it is evident that signal strengths, in far out areas, are of low level and some interference is expected at least in close proximity to the line during wet conductor condition. The wet conductor condition is used for evaluating the line performance; the heavy rain condition represents the absolute maximum noise level, with 1% probability of occurrence. In far out remote areas, the existing reception quali- ty is preserved at a distance of 600 ft. away from the III-28 ROW. For wet conductor conditions, the radio noise at 600 feet from center phase is calculated to be 17.47 dB above 1 uV/m. ° For areas close to large cities where signal strengths are much stronger, no objectionable interference is anticipated at the edge of ROW for most of the time. Television Interference (TVI) ° Similar to radio noise, TV reception quality depends on both TV signal strength and noise level and is defined as follows: Tv Reception Quality Signal/Noise Ratio (dB) Excellent >36 Very Good 27-36 Good 17-26 Poor 4-16 Very Poor -10-3 Intolerable <-10 ° Channel 2 (54-60 MHz frequency band) is the channel most succeptible to line interference. ° FCC required minimum TV signal strengths for a princi- pal community service, are as follows: Channels 2-6 74 dB above 1/uV/m Channels 7-13 77 dB above 1/uV/m Channels 14-83 80 dB above 1/uV/m ° The calculated TVI at the edge of ROW during wet con- ductor condition for channel 2 (broadcast frequency 60 MHz) is 44 dB above 1 uV/m. For TV signals meeting required minimum FCC signal strength, reception quali- ty will be "Very Good". ° For far out areas the criteria adopted for RI will eliminate even the slightest TV interference. Audible Noise ° The calculated audible noise levels are as follows: eR L— 29) Audible Noise Levels in dB(A) Above 10/uPA imicro-pascais) Maximum Edge of ROW Heavy Rain 55.07 52.00 Wet Conductor 46.33 43.0 ° Wet conductor condition, because it generates signifi- cant noise at relatively low ambient, is the criterion of line performance. ° The calculated wet conductor audible noise levels for the 345 kV system are below the generally accepted maximum levels. Conclusions ° From the calculated results it can be concluded that all electrical environmental effects resulting from operating the 345 kV system will be negligible. ° No interference to FM radio reception from the pro- posed 345 kV lines is expected. ° No interference to AM radio reception is expected at distances greater than 600 feet from the edge of the right-of-way, even in remote areas with weak radio signals. ° Electric and magnetic field strengths produced by the 345 kV system will be harmless. ° No shock hazards from induced currents are expected. ° No interference to TV reception is expected in areas with good reception. ° The calculated discharge energy is higher than the minimum required for fuel ignition. Vehicles should not be refueled within Right-of-Way. Substation Engineering The substations are based on a design suitable for future upgrade to 345 kV operation. The system studies indicate opti- mum system voltage for initial operation to be 230 kV. There- fore, the major substation equipment is chosen to operate at 230 kV, but the support structures, phase spacings and other peri- pherals are chosen for 345 kV. Li t=30 Suitable shunt reactors and static var compensation equip- ment have been selected based on the load plan and system stud- ies and located at the appropriate substations. Fairbanks Substation The use of 345 kV transmission lines between the Healy Substation and the Fairbanks substation will require that the Fairbanks Substation be designed as a dual voltage substation, with 345 kV and 138 kV sections as shown in Figure 6. The two sections will be connected by two 345/138 kV transformers. The 345 kV substation section will provide switching for the 345 kv line to Healy Substation. The 138 kv section will provide the switching for the two 138 kV lines to Ft. Wainwright, one line to Gold Hill, and one line to the North Pole generating site. In addition, both high-voltage and low-voltage switching will be provided for the transformers supplying the 345 and 138 kv buses. Both substation sections will be designed for breaker- and-a-half arrangement. This arrangement provides the desired switching flexibility as well as meeting the adopted system reliability criteria. Inasmuch as only 3 circuits are needed at 345 kV, the 345 kV substation will be initially operated as a ring bus. This reduces the number of circuit breakers, with attended costs savings, while providing, for all practical purposes, switching flexibility and reliability of service comparable to that of a breaker- and-a-half arrangement. The substation will occupy a site of approximately 13.8 acres. The design of the substation will be based on conventional outdoor air-insulated equipment designs. The major electrical equipment to be installed in this substation will include trans- formers, circuit breakers, disconnect switches, shunt reactors, static var system, surge arresters and protective relaying and metering. The controls, relaying and metering will be housed in a control building at the site. The transformers will be pro- vided with tertiary windings to be used for connecting the static var compensators. The operation of the substation will be coordinated by the communication link between Golden Valley and the State's micro- wave system. The basic protective relaying for this substation will include transmission line protection, transformer and bus dif- ferential protections. An oil retention system will be included for each trans- former. Pi L—3)I TO SVS AND STA. = EU serv. EouIP, 71 t — 3 woo} 4 soo y }E e TO GOLOHILL wore | soe se HVA SUBSTATION tm TTS, 3 fist 345 138 KV SUBSTATION PLAN ver +— g 2 ai TO TRANSF,| ; # Wom | al fit + et ALY 0 * povese —— a es Wo LLRELAYING WILL BE SIMILIAR TO ARRANGEMENT OF THE RELAYING DV ADJACENT 2 a4 LINE 0 TRANSFORMER BAY. a ra el 2.1 SURSTATIONS PYSICAL MARWOEHEOT 16 BASED OW A 945 - 30K SYSTEM VOLTAGE. DATIALLY. THE SUBSTATION VILL OPERATE AT Z8 130K¥, .o THE ARUOGOFENT OURDE THES DATIAL PERIGD VILL BE THE SAME AS THE Eom ia Lo "he fam cit ane bea a sore ML A t+——+@ j—-_1 Ge) THE 200KY SCHEME ine av | tod eh TO NORTH To FT. To FT. POLE WAINWRIGHT WAINWRIGHT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TO HEALY ANCHORAGE - FAIRBANKS INTERTIE FAIRBANKS SUBSTATION HARZA encineerING CoMPANY APRIL 1987 Lake Lorraine Substation The Lake Lorraine Substation as shown on Figure 7, will be used for terminating the 345 kV lines from the Douglas Substa- tion, two 230 kv lines from the Beluga Substation, one 230 kv line from Pt. Mackenzie, and one 230 kV line from Teeland. Inasmuch as the present Lake Lorraine area transmission system is operated at 230 kV, two transformers will be provided for stepping down the voltage from 345 kW to 230 kv. Therefore, the Lake Lorraine Substation will be a dual voltage substation with a 345 kV section and a 230 kV section. The design of both sec- tions will be based on a breaker-and-a-half arrangement for the reasons discussed earlier for the Fairbanks Substation. Each section will provide switching of the corresponding transmission lines as well as high-voltage and low-voltage switching, respec- tively, of the two transformers. Major equipment that will be installed at the Lake Lorraine Substation will be similar to that of the Fairbanks Substation. A control building will be provided for housing control, protec- tion, communication and metering equipment. The Lake Lorraine Substation will occupy a site of approxi- mately 12.6 acres. Healy Substation The Healy Substation, shown on Figure 8, will be used for terminating the 345 kv lines from Cantwell and Fairbanks Sub- stations. Inasmuch as the present Healy area transmission sys- tem is operated at 138 kV, a transformer will be provided for stepping down the voltage from 345 kV to 138 kv. Therefore, the Healy Substation will be a dual voltage substation with a 345 kv section and an existing 138 kV section. The design of the 345 kV section will be based on a breaker-and-a-half arrange- ment, operating as a ring bus, for the reasons discussed earlier for the Fairbanks Substation. The substation will provide switching of the corresponding transmission lines as well as high-voltage side of the power transformers. The low voltage side of the transformer will be switched through the existing 138 kV breaker. The existing static var compensation equipment at Healy will be modified suitably to match the new system requirements. Major equipment that will be installed at the Healy Sub- station will be similar to that of the Fairbanks Substation. A control building will be provided for housing control, protec- tion, communication and metering equipment. Lit 33 TO DOUGLAS 3 soo 345 kV a = pc ee 1 345 kv . aa at ats TO TRANSF, HARZA encINeeRING COMPANY APRIL 1987 3 3 soo *o iam peo BY, s§ TO TEELAND ee & | ey re | is0 we ‘SUBSTATION wef “ ae Tae xv 3 3 3 soo oof oad weno T G) T { = METERING bus OFF a) — t “= pus oIFF “ £ od Stee en ten? tO nore 1 cape “et, May y y 4 B a nr i = bus oF ©) roe ptt erenins {te te 238 Kv | I ao] =| aa ig IL torr TO BELUGA TO BELUGA eceeaai —:z FIGURE 7 q TO TEELANO iit a MMU pacers TO BELUGA 19 pr, MACKENZIE nee ‘SUBSTATION PLAN ores: 1 RELAYING WILL BE THE SAME AS THE ARRANGEMENT OF RELAYING IN THE ADJACENT LINE RAO TRARSFORMER BAY. 2.1M€ SUBSTATIONS PHYSICA. ARRANGEMENT IS BASED ON A 345 - 230K SYSTEM VOLTAGE. INITIALLY, THE SUBSTATION WILL OPERATE AT 230K. DumIMG THIS INITIAL PERIOD, SPACE ONLY WILL BE PROVIDED FOR THE 345 > KV SECTION. 3. THE TRANSFORMERS WILL BE ADDED WHEN SYSTEM OPERATING VOLTAGE CHANGES FROM 290KV TO 34SKV. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE - FAIRBANKS INTERTIE LORRAINE SUBSTATION HARZA_ eEnGINEERING Company TO EXISTING 138 KV HEALY SUBSTATION 3 a ao TO Svs EQUIP. el als 45 - 196 Kv 348 kv TO FAIRBANKS (FT. WAINWRIGHT) —ez APRIL 1987 108 HVA 3 +o 3 +00- T 27 MvAR += METERING = ‘BUS/TRANSF. OFF. \ - TO CANTWELL SUBSTATION PLAN nore: 1. THE SUBSTATIONS PHYSICAL ARRANGEMENT IS BASED ON A 345 - 130K¥ SYSTEM VOLTAGE. IMITIALLY, THE SUBSTATION WILL OPERATE AT 238 ~ 130K¥. THE AARAMGEMENT OUIMG THIS INITIAL PEAIOO WILL BE IME Same AS THE 345 = 13BKY ARRANGEMENT WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: AD TRASFORMERS WILL BE RATED 238 -130K¥ (8) CIRCULT BREAKERS. SHUNT REACTORS, INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS, AMO) SURGE AARESTERS WILL BE RATED AT 230K¥ (CONE AODITIONAL SET OF CURRENT TRANSFORMERS SHOW On THE MIDOLE CINCUIT BREAKER IN THE 345 “138K SCHEME WILL HOT BE AEOUIRED IK THE 238 ~ 1D8KY SOME (0) SECONOAAY RELAYING SYSTEM WILL MOT BE REQUIRED ox THE 230K SCHEME ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS INTERTIE HEALY SUBSTATION The existing Healy Substation area will be increased to approximately 6.9 acres to accomodate the additional equipment. Douglas Substation The Douglas Substation, as shown on Figure 9, will be used for terminating the 345 kV lines from Cantwell and Lake Lorraine Substations. Inasmuch as the present Douglas area transmission system is operated at 138 kV, one 12/16/20 MVA transformer will be provided for stepping down the voltage from 345 kV to 138 kV. As with the other substations, the Douglas Substation will also be a dual voltage substation with a 345 kv section and an exist- ing 230 kV section. The design of the 345 kV section will be based on a breaker-and-a-half arrangement and operated as a ring bus for the reasons discussed earlier for the Fairbanks Substa- tion. The substation will provide switching of the correspond- ing transmission lines as well as high-voltage of the power transformer. The low voltage side of the transformer will be switched through existing 138 kV breakers. Because the main power transformer size is small, the static var compensation equipment will be connected directly to the bus. Major equipment to be installed at the Douglas Substa- tion will be similar to that recommended for the Fairbanks Sub- station. A control building will be provided for housing con- trol, protection, communication and metering equipment. The existing Douglas Substation area will be increased to approximately 10.9 acres .to accommodate the additional equip- ment. Cantwell Substation The transmission line from Healy to Douglas will be tapped at the Cantwell Substation, shown on Figure 10, to supply the Cantwell service area load. Because the present Cantwell area transmission will require stepping down the voltage from 345 to 24.9 kV, the Cantwell Substation will be a dual voltage substa- tion with a 345 kV section and an existing 24.9 kV section. Two 345 kV breakers are provided to switch the high voltage side of the power transformer and the shunt reactor. Disconnect switches are provided for isolating the transmission lines to Douglas and Healy. The existing control building will house the additional relaying and control equipment for the new additions. The auxiliary power for the transformer and breaker control will be taken from the existing station service system. The existing Cantwell Substation occupies approximately 2.8 acres. Sufficient area is present at the site to accom- LET=36 HARZA encineerinc company TO CANTWELL L. 28 Ha 345 ~ 138 Kv +00 3 MEA 138 KV SYSTEM TO CANTWELL es us KY SUBSTATION PLAN notes 1. TME SUBSTATIONS PHISICAL AARANGEMENT IS BASED ON A 345 - 138K SYSTEM VOLTAGE. INITIALLY, THE SUBSTATION WILL OPERATE AI 238 - 120K¥, THE AARAAGEMENT OURIDG THES INITIAL PERIOD WILL BE THE SAME AS Tre 248 © IMR ARRMOGEENT WITH THE FOLLOMING CACEPTIONS. A) TRF ORERS WILL BE RATED 238 -130KY (82 CIRCUIT BREAKERS. SHUMT REACTORS. INSTRUMENT TRANSFOROERS, an) SURGE AARESTERS WILL BE RATED AT 230K¥ 30M AODITIONAL SET OF CURRENT TRANSFORMERS SHOWN WHE MIOOLE CIRCUIT BREAKER IM THE 345 138KY SCHEME WILL HOT BE REQUIRED IM THE 238 = 130KV SCHED (0) SECONDARY RELATING SYSTEM WILL NOT E REQUIRED Ow We 200K" SCENE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE ~ FAIRBANKS INTERTIE DOUGLAS SUBSTATION 345 = 249K 5 MvA pam Su, Tr i i] ft © APRIL 1987 10 HEALY of 1S5T | 10 DOUGLAS "existing F 2asKv SUB, i 4 Se Reastins ‘. CONTROL S BUTLOING ‘SUBSTATION PLAN vores LTE SUBSTATION’ PHSICA AARAMGEMENT 15 BASED ON A345 = 24.980 SYSTEM VOLTAGE, DMITIALLY, THE SUBSTATION WILL OPERATE AT 238 ~ 24.9%. ME AARANCEMENT OURING THIS INITIAL PERIOD WILL BE THE SAME AS THE 245 = 249 ARRANGEMENT WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS: ‘0 TRASFORMERS WILL BE RATED 298 24.0 8. CIRCUIT BREAKERS, SHUNT REACTORS, INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS, a0) SURGE AAMESTERS WILL BE RATED AT 230K¥ ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE - FAIRBANKS INTERTIE CANTWELL SUBSTATION modate the additional equipment and no additional land will be required for the upgrade. Communications Between Anchorage and Fairbanks there are three existing microwave systems in operation. In the Fairbanks area, GVEA operates a microwave system that provides communications between its dispatch center and substations at Healy, Nenana, Gold Hill, Ft. Wainwright and other GVEA substations. The CEA microwave system includes Teeland and Point Mackenzie communications to dispatch the existing 138 kV intertie. For the upgrade and extension of the Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie, communications will be needed for protective relaying, SCADA and voice. The new substations and additions at Lake Lorraine, Douglas, Cantwell, Healy and Fairbanks would all be included in the communications system. For this report, it has been assumed that the existing microwave system would be extended to provide communication for the new substation facilities. ILL=—39 Chapter Iv DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATIVE ROUTES Identification of Routes Healy to Fairbanks After reviewing the previous studies to define routes for extending the north end of the existing Intertie from Healy to Fairbanks, two alternative routes within the main North Study Area were selected for further studies. These two routes are composites of the segments evaluated as part of the Susitna Hydroelectric Project studies and the original Anchorage to Fairbanks Intertie studies. Some new segments were included in the routes to accommodate the use of the original segments in the two new composites. The major feature necessitating the identification of these two routes, as compared to previous routes, is the need by GVEA to deliver the power to the existing Ft. Wainwright Substation location on the southeast side of Fairbanks. Previous studies and routes were defined to deliver power to the Ester Substation, on the west side of Fairbanks. However, current load patterns and the difficulty in transmit- ting the power through the town have indicated that the Ft. Wainwright delivery point is more desirable. Because of the need to deliver power to the Ft. Wainwright location, an additional route was identified. This route extends from the main North Study Area near Liaho east along the northern edge of the Alaska Range to the Richardson Highway approximately midway between Delta Junction and Fairbanks. From this point, the route follows the Richardson Highway and the Tanana River into the Fairbanks Substation location. These three routes and corridors are depicted on Figure 1, see page II-2. The third route, toward Delta Junction, was considered and abandoned early in the evaluation process for several reasons. The principal reasons were that the route is considerably longer than the other two routes and that the route includes a signif- icant segment of new corridor through otherwise undisturbed area. Access for construction would be limited. However, once constructed, access for hunting and fishing would be greatly enhanced which could have significant effects on the fish and wildlife resources in the area. For these reasons, this third alternative route was eliminated from further consideration. Iv-1 Douglas to Anchorage The routes for extending the south end of the Intertie from Douglas into Anchorge are relatively limited. Previous studies assumed delivery of power to the Teeland Substation near the east side of Big Lake. Further consideration, however, indi- cates that delivery of power to the Lake Lorraine area offers greater flexibility for meeting future power delivery require- ments. A delivery point at Lake Lorraine is also preferred because of technical and engineering conditions at the Teeland site. The route selected for this study extends nearly due south from Douglas to the Lake Lorraine location. The route passes to the west of Big Lake near the southern end as depicted in Figure 1. - Routes Selected for Final Screening Healy to Fairbanks Final screening of alternate routes for the north end extension of the Intertie considered the two alternative align- ments identified above. Although minor adjustments to the cen- terline of the selected route will be made during the design level studies, the two alternative alignments considered in this study are assumed to be fixed. The two routes are designated the North Route, which generally lies on the west and north side of the study corridor and enter Fairbanks from the north, and the South Route, which generally lies on the east and south edge of the study corridor and enters Fairbanks from the south. The routes are depicted on Maps 1 and 2 and are described in detail below. The North Route. The North Route originates at the Healy Substation and generally follows a north-northwest direction along the east side of the Nenana River to Liaho, Alaska. Along this segment, the route merges with the route of the Alaska Railroad at Ferry, Alaska, and parallels the railroad to Liaho. Between Liaho into Nenana, the North Route parallels the Parks Highway to a point approximately 4 miles south of Nenana. From that point, the route then follows a generally north-east direc- tion, crosses the Tanana River approximately 3 miles east of Nenana, and continues to the Little Goldstream Creek valley where the route joins the existing GVEA transmission line corri- dor. The North Route then parallels the GVEA route to near the west edge of the Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest. The route then diverges from the GVEA line, crosses the Parks Highway and enters the Goldstream Creek Valley. Within the Goldstream Creek Valley, the route parallels the creek and the Alaska Railroad to the confluence of Goldstream Creek with Engineer Creek, north- Iv-2 MAP 7 DATA SOURCES - USGS 1:63,000 Topographic Maps LEGEND Major Highways & Roads --------- Existing Transmission Lines teorerrererere Railroad OS ie NORTH SCALE IN MILES FAIRBANKS North Study Area Healy Subarea EXISTING FEATURES MAP 2 pies |. £1 decent tong Mi SCALE IN MILES DATA SOURCES - USGS 1:63,000 ‘Topographic Maps ~ Utiliies LEGEND Major Highways & Roads Intertie Enstar Gasline Existing Transmission Lines Railroad Vj Y YL, NORTH SCALE IN MLES North Study Area Fairbanks Subarea EXISTING FEATURES Scale in Miles east of Fairbanks. The route then follows a due south route into the substation location. This route is depicted as a dashed line in Maps 1 and 2. The South Route. The South Route Alternative for extending the north end of the existing Intertie from Healy begins at the Healy Substation and generally parallels the North Route to the Tanana River. In general, the route is two to five miles east of the North Route along a plateau above the Nenana River. The South Route crosses the Tanana River approximately five miles east of Nenana. At this point, the route follows a more east- erly course across the northern edge of the Tanana River Flood- plain. The route nearly parallels the Tanana River to the east- ern edge of the Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest, approximately 6 miles southwest of the Fairbanks International Airport. At this point the route crosses the Tanana River and follows a northeasterly course to a point approximately 3 miles due south of the Airport. From this point, two alternative subroutes are defined which brings the route across the Tanana River into the substation location. The first of these alternative subroutes runs due north, across the Tanana River to a dike along the north shore of the river. This subroute then turns due east into the Substation location. The second subroute continues due east for approximately 3 miles and then follows a northeast direction across the Tanana River at Goose Island. From the river, the route runs due north approximately one mile to the substation. The South Route with the alternate subroutes are dépicted as solid lines on Maps 1 and 2. Douglas to Anchorage The route evaluated for extending the existing Intertie from Douglas to Lake Lorraine is depicted on Map 3. From Douglas Substation on Douglas Creek, the route follows a south- east course, generally paralleling the Parks Highway to the Nancy Lake Substation. From the Nancy Lake substation, the route extends due south to the Little Susitna Substation on the Little Susitna River. The route then turns to a southwest course and extends approximately 10 miles to a point southwest of Big Lake. From this point the route follows a generally southeast course to the Lake Lorraine Substation location on the west side of Knik Arm. Iv-5 MAP 3 DATA SOURCES 2 - USGS 1:63,000 Topographic Maps a ~ Utilities oe ; i a : LEGEND —_— )3=s Major Highways & Roads ——ramseees Intertie —-——-- Enstar Gasline Existing Transmission Lines tertreerereee Railroad NORTH SCALE IN MILES FAIRBANKS. —" National Pare, - Mt. McKinley 7" ENSTAR GASLINE Scale in Miles en ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY | ALASKA - FAIRBANKS INTERTIE | ALASKA — FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROPOSED ROUTE DOUGLAS - LAKE LORRAINE HARZA ENG’G. CO. Chapter V TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION Geology and Soils Geological and geotechnical conditions along two proposed alternate routes for the Intertie between Healy and Fairbanks were evaluated. A generalized terrain analysis was made to ascertain the suitability of the foundation materials and to delineate geologic hazards which could affect the location, design, construction and operation of the proposed transmission line. An assessment of the engineering characteristics and properties of each of the terrain units was made. Analysis of foundation conditions for each route includes general soil type, extent of permafrost, drainage conditions, frost susceptibility, thaw settlement, erosion and liquefaction potentials, and stability of slopes. _ Geologic hazards which commonly occur in Interior Alaska and should be considered in this study includes ground subsi- dence due to thawing of ice-rich permafrost, frost heaving of structures in fine grained soils, landslides resulting from slope instability, the susceptibility of soils to liquefaction and the formation of winter icings on slopes or in valleys. Results of the analyses of the alternate routes are pre- sented in Table 6. Evaluation of North Route Healy to Nenana Segment The route parallels the Nenana River from Healy to Rex, descending to Tanana Flats and continues northward to the Tanana River. South of Rex, the route traverses the gentle slopes between the river and the upland area to the east. The soil material crossing along these slopes consists largely of glacial outwash deposits. The outwash deposits are composed of coarse grained material covered by a thin, frost susceptible fine grained layer. The outwash is characterized by discontinuous permafrost and a high frost heave (upper fine grained layer) and a low to moderate thaw settlement potentials. Along the southern portion of this segment, the route crosses floodplain terraces, colluvium and bedrock, to a lesser extent. The floodplain terrace deposits are composed primarily of coarse grained soil covered by a thin veneer of highly frost v-1 Table 6 SUMMARY OF GEOLOGY AND SOIL CONDITIONS IN ALTERNATE ROUTE Criterion North Route South Route Healy to Nenana Geology and Soils: Foundation Material Distribution! Fine Grained Soils 603% 803% Coarse Grained Soils 30% 10% Bedrock Limited Limited to none Permafrost Continuous (ex- Continuous cept sporadic in (sporadic in floodplain and coarse grained alluvial deposits) soils) Drainage2 Generally Poor Generally Poor (except good in coarse grained soils) Frost Susceptibility/Thaw Settlement Fine Grained Soils Moderate to High Moderate to High Coarse Grained Soils Low to Moderate Moderate Erosion Potential Generally Low Low to Moderate (except high in except high in fine grained sur- fine grained face cover of surface cover alluvial fan) of alluvial fan) Liquefaction Potential Low (except high Low in floodplain terrace deposits where oversteepened Slope Stability Generally high High (low in floodplain terrace deposits where oversteepened Table 6. Criterion Nenana to Fairbanks Geology and Soils: (Cont'd) North Route Foundation Material Distribution! Fine Grained Soils Coarse Grained Soils Bedrock Permafrost Drainage? 30% 10% Limited to None Generally con- tinuous (except sporadic in eolian deposits) Generally Poor (except good in eolian deposits) Frost Susceptibility/Thaw Settlement Potential Fine Grained Soils Coarse Grained Soils Erosion Potential Liquefaction Potential Slope Stability High Low High Low (except high in floodplain deposits) Low (except high in floodplain deposits) Low to moderate South Route 85% 15% None Continuous, mostly ice rich (except unfrozen in eolian and coarse grained deposits) Generally Poor (except good in eolian and coarse grained deposits) High Generally Low (High for sur- face cover) High Low (except high in floodplain deposits) Low (except high in floodplain deposits) Generally high (except low on oversteepened slopes in eol- ian deposits) 1 Estimated extent based on available information 2 Generally poor where frozen susceptible silty material. The colluvium overlying bedrock is comprised of material of varying composition. These soils are also continuously frozen and have a low to moderate frost heave and thaw settlement potential. Slope stability is a concern in the floodplain terrace and colluvium deposits along the Nenana River where landslides have occurred largely as a result of lateral erosion and downcutting by the river. Seasonal problems also may occur along these slopes where winter icings may form. The Denali fault, an active fault which has been assigned a maximum credible earthquake of 8.5, is located approximately 28 miles south of Healy. The potential for a major earthquake to occur which could generate large ground motions should be con- sidered in the tower and line design. A fault of uncertain activity was also delineated by aerial photographic studies between Healy and Lignite. the potential fault is roughly aligned perpendicular to the Intertie corridor and should be investigated during future studies. From Rex, the route continues northward across the Tanana Flats, a very large alluvial fan deposited primarily by the Totatlanika River. The fan deposit is primarily characterized by interchannel areas composed of fine grained overbank depos- its, which have been relatively dissected by narrow coarse grained channel deposits. The fine grained soil (interchannel deposit) is poorly drained, ice-rich and continuously frozen. These fine grained overbank deposits are characterized by high frost heave, thaw settlement and erosion potentials. Nenana to Fairbanks Segment This segment traverses the low hills north of the Tanana River to Goldstream Valley following Goldstream Valley eastward and enters Fairbanks from the north. The low hills north of the Tanana River are covered by a thick mantle of eolian loess soils over the hill bedrock terrain. The thickness of the loess exceeds 50 feet locally. The fine-grained eolian soil is large- ly unfrozen but is susceptible to moderate to high settlement potentials from frost heave and thaw. Although vertical cliffs are found in the eolian soil, the soil is highly susceptible to degradation by fluvial action. Also dominating the terrain along this segment are valley bottom silts, fine grained material eroded from the adjacent hill slopes and associated organic deposits. These soils are found in the intervalleys of the low hills and throughout Gold- stream Valley. The soils are continuously frozen and frequently v-4 contain lenses of massive ground ice as evidenced by thermokarst features in Goldstream Valley. They are poorly drained and subject to very high frost heave and thaw settlement potential. The severity of frost heaving or jacking is a constant problem for Alaska Railroad engineers in Goldstream Valley. At the Steese Highway, the route turns south and traverses the low hills north of Fairbanks. The route crosses hilly bed- rock terrain which is largely covered by a thick mantle of eolian loess deposits. The route continues south across the ice-rich fine grained valley bottom deposits to Fort Wainwright. Evaluation of South Route Healy to Nenana Segment Adjacent to the Nenana River and just north of the Healy substation, the south route traverses the river floodplain and slopes leading to the upland area east of the river. The route crosses coarse grained floodplain deposits covered with a thin veneer of silty material, colluvium of varying composition and bedrock. The silty cover on floodplain terrace and colluvium deposits are generally frozen and are characterized by low to moderate frost heave and thaw settlement potentials. Landslides along the Nenana River in the floodplain terrace and colluvium deposits have occurred and are largely a result of lateral ero- sion and downcutting by the Nenana River. Oversteepened slopes and slide areas along the river should therefore be avoided. As discussed earlier for the North Route Alternative, the proximity of a major active fault, the Denali Fault, to the south which could generate large ground motions should be considered in the tower and line design. A fault of uncertain activity has been delineated between Healy and Lignite and should be investigated during future studies. The route continues north across the glacial outwash and till deposits of the foothills of the Alaska Range just east of the Nenana River. The outwash deposits are composed of coarse grained material, covered by a thin layer of silty soil while the glacial till deposits are composed of a heterogeneous mix- ture of gravel to silt. These terrain units are continuously frozen and are characterized by low to moderate frost heave and thaw settlement potentials. Intense frost action in the silty cover in the outwash material has resulted in slope movement through solidification. Any project features located on these soils should be constructed where possible on the underlying coarse grained soils. The route descends the upland to the Tanana Flats, crossing a very large alluvial fan deposited primarily by the Totatlanika V-5 River. The fan area is dominated by fine grained, highly frost susceptible overbank cover deposits with associated organic soils overlying the sandy channel deposits. The ice-rich, poorly drained soil is continuously frozen and is susceptible to extreme frost heave and thaw settlement potentials. The poten- tial for erosion of the interchannel sediments is high because the surface of the alluvial fan is still active. Nenana to Fairbanks Segment This segment of the south route traverses northeasterly across the Tanana Flats paralleling and crossing the Tanana River to Fort Wainwright. The majority of the route crosses flat, floodplain deposits near Nenana and Fairbanks which con- sist of a 1-foot to 15 foot layer of poorly drained, ice-rich, fine grained soil overlying coarser river bed materials. The soil is continuously frozen, except under the river and lakes and is characterized by high frost heave, thaw settlement and erosion potentials. The coarse-grained floodplain deposits of the Tanana River are considered to be highly susceptible to liquefaction. Between the Tanana River crossing near Nenana and just southwest of Fairbanks, the route traverses the low hills north of the river. Eolian loess deposits form a thick mantle which exceeds 50 feet in place and covers much of the hilly bedrock terrain. The fine grained soil is generally unfrozen and is characterized by moderate to high frost heave and thaw settle- ment potential. Although the eolian loess material is stable in vertical cliffs, this soil is highly susceptible to erosion by fluvial action. The route crosses the loess covered hilly bedrock terrain to the Chena River floodplain to the south of the Fort Wain- wright substation location. The floodplain deposits are com- posed of coarse grained river bed materials covered by a 1- to 15-foot layer of poorly drained, ice-rich, fine grained material and associated organic deposits. The fine grained surface layer is characterized by moderate to high frost heave and thaw set- tlement potential. However, the underlying coarse grained soil is non-frost susceptible and thaw stable. Major earthquakes, recorded since 1900, have occurred in the Fairbanks area. Ground shaking associated with several of these earthquakes was found to be more intense in the coarse grained alluvial deposits of the Chena and Nenana River flood- plains. Differential settlement in the alluvium caused by liquefaction has resulted in damage to structures located in the alluvium. V-6 Right-of-Way Width and Minimum Clearing Criteria The Right-of-Way (ROW) for transmission lines is necessary for safe and reliable operation and maintenance of the line. The width of the ROW is estimated based on NESC require- ments to provide minimum clearance from deflected conductors to construction or obstacles at any place, directly on the edge of the ROW. The conductor's deflection assumption is for average Span and swing under 6 lbs/sq. ft. wind pressure. For the 345 kV line the electrical environmental effects of the transmission line were considered in determining the appro- priate ROW width. For example, the electrostatic field at ground level and at the edge of ROW were considered as was the allowable Radio interference. Based on these considerations a Right-of-Way width of 170 feet was established for the lines as shown on Figure 11. Mini- mum clearing of the ROW is desired. However, some clearing of the ROW is necessary for the following three reasons: 1. To facilitate the erection of the line structures. To do this a minimum radius at each site is required to assemble the materials and maneuver the equipment. aie To allow efficient installation of conductors. Norm- ally, minimum width stringing trails should be cleared to allow the pulling of the conductors. Tractors may "mash down" these trails at times, or the trails may be cut. The use of helicopters may eliminate the portions of the strip necessary for stringing. 36 Provide adequate electrical clearance to energized line conductors. Clearances shall not be less than required. In remote areas the minimum clearances can be increased to provide greater clearing. If clearing in remote areas is increased, then ROW maintenance can be reduced. Meteorological Conditions Temperature Temperatures experienced in Alaska exhibit an extreme range. Temperatures encountered along the northern sections of the transmission line corridor are illustrated by the curves shown in Figure 12 presenting data observed at Fairbanks. DANGER TREE soe heal EVERYDAY lA SAG YY) MS v . | 2. > \MUN. NESC. POW, LA \PEQUIREMENT 4 Y > © 7) SEZ SAS, ism 4 |g Roy ASSUMPTIONS : 954KCM RAIL’ CONDUCTORS /200 FT SPAN MAX /20°F SAG -45F 7 EVERYDAY SAG -4O0FT ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY. ANCORAGE=FAIRBANKS INTERTIE RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH HARZA oncimeceme company apa i987 hk arriit ECORD HIG: AY WF we may YT MEAN ANNUAL, TEMP 1 eee ea eae AW eA =i ae A a ANE FAIRBANKS AIR | Yb een tity PREPARED BY' C. HORTMAN INSTITUTE OF WATER RESOURCES, UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, NORMAL LOW hae FAIRBANKS, ALASKA. oh ail NORMAL RECORD HIGH AND LO Ate ae 1941-1870 1931 - JAN. 1974 (FROM NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE RECORDED AIR TEMP AT FAIRBANKS INTERNAT AIRPORT) « ° uw ° W a ~ - < [o4 ia) a = uJ e $ ° o oO Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan Feb Mar. ~ -ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANNUAL AIR TEMPERATURE REGIME AT FAIRBANKS HARZA ENGINEERING COMPANY DATE: The range of temperatures is from a record low of -65°F in winter to a record high of 95°F in summer. The following table based on a Northern Technical Services Study Report published in October, 1980 presents results of the temperature study tabulating maximum and minimum projected tem- peratures for Anchorage, Fairbanks, Summit and Talkeetna. Maximum Temperature (°F) Minimum Temperature (°F) 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year Location Period Period Period Period Period Period Anchorage 97.1 99.0 100.5 -54.9 -58.4 -61.9 Fairbanks 108.9 1 12 125219) -84.3 -87.8 -91.3 Summit 104.3 107.07 109.1 -64.8 -67.8 -70.7 Talkeetna 100.9 102.6 103.9 -87.1 -92.4 -97.6 Data bases for these temperatures were annual temperatures over a 27-year span for Anchorage, 31 years for Fairbanks, 8 years for Summit and 12 years for Talkeetna. Based on the 50-year recurrence temperature, a minimum ex- treme temperature of -80°F and a minimum mean annual temperature of -40°F have been selected as acceptable levels, the same as used for the Douglas-Healy Intertie line design. Wind Key stations for wind data are located in Anchorage, Talkeetna, Summit, Healy and Fairbanks. These stations have fairly lengthy records of wind observations. None have recorded unusually severe winds. However, it is known that severe winds occur through and at the mouth of the Nenana Canyon in the vi- cinity of Healy. The following table summarizes these wind studies conducted by NORTEC showing the computer extrapolated extreme one minute average wind based on long- and short-term wind recording stations. WIND SPEED (Miles per Hour) 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year Location Period Period Period Anchorage 87.0 92.0 95.7 Fairbanks 70.9 owO 78.1 Healy 114.4 Neier 124.9 Summit 69.2 W220 42 v-10 Data bases for these wind speeds were annual extreme winds over a 27-year period for Anchorage, 31 years for Fairbanks, 2.5 years for Healy and 7 years for Summit. The confidence limits are 95% for Healy and 99% for the other three locations. The table shows extreme wind speeds of 118.2 miles per hour (MPH) at Healy and 92.0 at Anchorage for a 50-year recurrence. Therefore, the transmission lines will be designed for a heavy wind of 100 MPH along the whole corridor except Nenana George areas where the design wind speed should be higher. The select- ed value is 130 MPH. Ice Existing transmission lines in the South and in the area from Healy to Fairbanks have not experienced any unusual icing problems. Climate and topography generally do not favor forma-~ tion of heavy glaze or rime ice since during most of the year it is either too hot, too cold or too dry for heavy icing to occur. NORTEC's study estimates a maximum annual extreme accumula- tion of radial ice for a 50-year recurrence period of 0.6 inches in the Anchorage area and 0.3 inches along the line route up to Fairbanks. Therefore, a heavy radial ice of 0.75 inches is adopted for design criteria. This loading will develop enough vertical and longitudinal structure capability for construction and stringing. Wind and Ice A review of the NORTEC study, considering maximum wind speeds at 33 feet above ground occurring simultaneously with freezing precipitation of 0.3 inches for a 50-year recurrence, shows a maximum wind speed of 44 MPH at Summit. Therefore, structures designed in accordance with National Electric Safety Code (NESC), heavy load conditions (0.5 inch ice, 50 MPH wind) with the appropriate overload factors will be adequate for maxi- mum wind and ice combination. Snow Annual precipitation in Alaska varies greatly from five inches per year in the high arctic regions to 200 inches per year in some coastal areas. Much of the precipitation is in the form of snow. Based on available snow data, maximum snow accu- mulation over the route is expected to be under 10 feet, except for occasional areas that are subject to drifting. The selected guyed-steel type tubular tower structures will be structurally adequate to handle snow depths up to 10 feet. v-11 Avalanche Exposure A reconnaissance and detailed study of snow avalanche expo- sure will be prepared for the Healy-Fairbanks line during the design stage. The study of avalanche-prone areas made for Douglas-Healy line indicated that the areas on the west side of the Talkeetna Mountains and north through Nenana Gorge, Moody and Montana Creeks are most prone to avalanches. Clear evidence of avalanche activity in the form of destroyed or damaged trees was found on photographs of the mountains within these areas. The conclusion of the study indicates that all types of avalan- ches are possible, ranging from high velocity avalanches of dry snow, to slow moving wet snow avalanches. Although the total avoidance of all high exposure levels is most desirable, an acceptable level of risk will be determined in areas where avoidance is not possible. Special safety nets designed for containment of avalanche activity will be considered for line protection in high risk areas. vV-12 Chapter VI ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE ROUTES Healy To Fairbanks Two alternative routes for extending the Anchorage-Fair- banks Intertie from Healy to Fairbanks are identified. The following discussion provides an environmental evaluation and preliminary assessment of each of the alternatives and then compares the alternatives with respect to the evaluation crite- ria outlined in Chapter II. Evaluation and Assessment of the North Route Land Ownership Land ownership from Healy to Fairbanks is primarily state and federal along the proposed route corridor except for private lands close to Fairbanks and for the homestead areas between Healy and Nenana. As shown on Maps 4 and 5, most of the land within 20 miles of Fairbanks and Nenana is privately owned. Large state and federal tracts occur between Fairbanks and Nenana. South from Nenana the large state and federal tracts are broken up by existing private land tracts and the homestead areas that are changing from state and federal ownership to private ownership. Total distance tranversed by the proposed north route corridor through each land ownership criteria is presented in Table 7. Healy to Nenana. Starting from Healy and going north to Nenana, Land ownership along the proposed corridor is primarily state land. However, there are a large number of private par- cels, about one to two miles to the west of the proposed corri- dor, primarily concentrated along the Nenana River and the Parks Highway. Four miles north of Healy, the route tranverses two miles of the Lignite Homestead, continues north for 12 miles through state land and several private parcels and then trav- erses the western edge of the Windy Creek Homestead. North of the Windy Creek Homestead, the proposed corridor crosses two private subdivision areas of Wind Hill and Brown's Court. Two miles north of these subdivisions, the proposed corridor enters a large tract of federal land containing the Clear Missile Early Warning Station. Continuing north to Nenana, the proposed cor- ridor tranverses 11 miles of state and federal lands that are changing to private onwership and areas that are presently in private ownership. Distances that the corridor traverses through each onwership criterion for the Healy Nenana segment is presented in Table 7. vI-1 MAP 4 DATA SOURCES - Land Field Services , Inc - Alaska Department of Natural Resources || Division of Land LEGEND seusaeas Study Boundary Ea Private Native Borough/Municipal State Federal State + Private NORTH SCALE IN MILES North Study Area Healy Subarea LAND OWNERSHIP MAP 5 SCALE IN MILES DATA SOURCES Land Field Services , Inc Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Land LEGEND Study Boundary Native / Private Federal+State changing to Private T38 Borough/Municipal State Federal 77; AMBAMKS North Study Area Fairbanks Subarea LAND OWNERSHIP Scale in Miles Table 7 COMPARISON OF LAND OWNERSHIP Healy - Nenana Criteria North Route South Route (miles) (miles) Native/Private 2.0 Federal/State Going Private 19.75 23.9 Borough/Municipal Federal 13.375 9°35 State 16.75 V8 5263 51.3 Nenana - Fairbanks South Route (2 Alts.) North South Alt. North Alt. Criteria Route Alt. Total Alt. Total (miles) (miles) Native/Private 17.9 1.0 au5 1.8 4.0 Federal/State Going Private 5.9 4.8 4.8 Borough/Municipal 2.4 Federal 5.0 14.2 DiS od Niet, State 35.8 lire 227.5) 31s e260 62.0 7.0 45.0 735 45-5 Nenana to Fairbanks. Going northeast from Nenana towards Fairbanks, the proposed corridor crosses 2 miles of native land parcels up to the Tanana River. After crossing the Tanana River, the proposed corridor initially crosses 7.2 miles of state owned land consisting of the Tanana State forest and then crosses 5.7 miles of native owned land. For the next 18 miles, the proposed corridor crosses state owned land skirting 3 pri- vate parcels and crossing 3.8 miles of state land changing to private ownership. From this point on, the proposed corridor crosses land that is influenced by the development around Fairbanks. For the first 2.3 miles, the proposed corridor crosses land owned by the North Star Borough, then 1 mile of federal land. For the remaining 23 miles, the North Route corridor crosses or skirts primarily private land ownerships interspersed with small areas of state, municipal and borough lands. Table 7 presents miles vI-4 crossed through each ownership criteria by the proposed cor- ridor. ’ Land Use The land use of the north route is rapidly changing in the indicated homestead areas north of Healy and the residential areas around Fairbanks. The north route attempts to avoid the established agricultural and residential lands next to the Nenana River by following the vacant and undeveloped lands where possible. The northern approach to Fairbanks by the northern route can not avoid the rapid residential and commercial devel- opment to the north of the city. Land use designations and depicted for the study area on Maps 6 and 7. Healy to Nenana. Starting from Healy, the proposed corri- dor traverses primarily vacant, undeveloped lands north to the vicinity of Nenana, and one cultural site on the south edge of . the Wind River Homestead as shown on Map 6. The corridor also crosses extensive homestead and subdivision areas, however, the present level of study has not determined what parcels are being developed within these areas. The homestead areas are indicated on the land use map as areas requiring further study to deter- mine on-going and future land use development. The final cor- ridor can then be refined to go around such parcels. The amount of area crossed by the north route by land use category is sum- marized in Table 8. Nenana to Fairbanks. From the vicinity of Nenana, the proposed corridor crosses to the north side of the Tanana River and continues norhteast through the Tanana State Forest, one mile of an agricultural area, and 10 miles of vacant land to the Tanana Industrial area, as shown on Map 7. After crossing 1.7 miles of the industrial area, the corridor reenters the Tanana State Forest. The corridor then crosses 12 miles consisting of primarily state forest land and the edge of two agricultural areas. The next 22-mile segment is comprised of vacant, unde- veloped land. The last nine miles of the proposed corridor to the Wainright substation skirts the edge or goes through resi- dential and commercial/industrial areas on the north side of Fairbanks. These mileages are summarized in Table 8. VI-5 MAP 6 DATA SOURCES - Fairbanks -North Star Borough - DNR, Division of Parks, Land - Fairbanks-North Star Borough, Draft Comprehensive Plan LEGEND Study Boundary Airports - Commercial/Industrial Residential Agriculture Recreation/Wildlife/Cultural Other Public/Semi-Public Vacant/Undeveloped Homestead On NORTH SCALE IN MILES Scale in Miles ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY nine e NE) North Study Area Healy Subarea LAND USE Rew RSW Raw RaW Subdivision ST a os FORE WAtNWKIGHE N]-- 6 Qo 2 ‘SCALE IN MILES T38 Riow - . Row RTw Scale in Miles MAP 7 DATA SOURCES - Fairbanks -North Star Borough - DNR, Division of Parks, Land - Fairbanks-North Star Borough, Draft Comprehensive Plan LEGEND veseseas Study Boundary Airports Commercial/Industrial Residential Agriculture Recreation/Wildlife/Cultural Other Public/Semi-Public Vacant/Undeveloped NORTH SCALE IN MLES: ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY North Study Area Fairbanks Subarea LAND USE Table 8 COMPARISON OF LAND USE Healy - Nenana Criteria North Route South Route Number of Airports (within 1 mi of T line) 6 2 (miles) (miles) Residential 5.25 Homestead 16.80 23.7 Recreation/Wildlife/Cultural 0.50 0.2 Agriculture 0.50 ci) Commercial/Industrial Other Public/Semi-Public TVieao) 6.3 Undeveloped 25ie1 5) : Vici S2iat SH er3) Nenana - Fairbanks Criteria North South Route (2 Alts.) Route North Alt. South Alt. (miles) Alt. Total Alt. Total Number of Airports (within 1 mi of T line) 3 1 1 - - (miles) Residential 365) Homestead 5.0 2.6 2.6 Recreation/Wildlife/Cultural Agriculture 6.05 0.7 G.7 Commercial/Industrial 2ia3) 2.0 4.4 1.0 3.4 Other Public/Semi-Public Vi 19.6 19.6 Undeveloped S65 Aited 6.0 18.7 62.0 7.5 45.5 7.0 45.0 Biological Resources Terrestrial Resources The terrestrial setting in the North Study Area includes the foothills of the Alaska Range, the Tanana Flats, the edge of the Tanana-Yukon Uplands, and the Tanana. The foothills of the Alaska Range rise to 2000 feet in elevation on a proposed route, with low shrub tundra at higher elevations, and forest in val- leys and on lower slopes. This area is part of the range of the VI-8 Delta caribou herd, which sometimes migrates across the Nenana River Valley (ADNR 1983). Moose are present in the foothills during summer and the fall, but concentrate on the Tanana Flats during winter. The Tanana Flats is a broad, almost level gla- cial outwash plain with an intricate mosaic of shrub wetlands and dwarf black spruce stands on poorly drained, ice-rich areas (ADNR, 1983). It is considered important moose winter habitat, and also contains waterfowl nesting and molting habitat through- out (USFWS 1983B). Considerable trumpeter swan nesting also occurs in the flats. The Nenana and Tanana Rivers are braided and split channel glacial rivers, with actively shifting channels. Islands and terraces support successive stands of willow, alder, and poplar with merchantable stands of mature white spruce. These riparian areas are important winter moose habitats (Wolff and Zasanda 1979). The Tanana-Yukon uplands in the project area include one to three major ridges parallel to the Tanana River. - These uplands have layers of loeses up to 100-feet thick which is highly ero- dible when exposed. South slopes support paper birch, aspen, and white spruce forests and have the best site potential for commercial timber of any area in the Interior. This area sup- ports a large population of black bears. Vegetation maps of the area (Maps 8 and 9) were based on existing vegetation inventory maps (ADNR 1983). National Wet- land Inventory Maps are in preparation but not completed for this area, so potential wetlands were estimated from vegetation maps, aerial reconnaissance, and field experience. Information on wildlife habitats, summarized from discus- sions with resource agency personnel and existing data (ADF&G 1983, ADNR 1983, USFWS 1983), is presented on Maps 10 and 11. Healy to Nenana. The North Route originates at the Healy Substation and extends along the east side of the Nenana River between the river and the bluffs. Throughout this section of the route, the transmission line would cross tall alder and willow stands. The entire area slopes gently to the river and is poorly drained. At Ferry, Alaska, the North route corridor parallels the railroad grade on poorly drained, gentle slopes between the river and the uplands. At Browne, Alaska, the route traverses over an upland area into the Tanana Flats area. With- in the Tanana Flats better drained upland areas, the route passes through stands of which with some white spruce patches. However, most of the route consists of poorly drained wetlands with black spruce and low shrub vegetation. As shown on the Vegetation Map 8 and summarized in Table 9, the Healy to Nenana River segment of the North Route traverses approximately 20 vI-9 ' MAP 8 DATA SOURCES - Alaska Department of Natural Resources Draft Vegetation Maps for Healy and Fairbanks Quadrangles (1:250,000) LEGEND = Study Boundary Cor nifer rous For ‘est Deciduous Forest Mixed Forest Recent Burn/Logged Area = Dwarf Tree Scrub/Tall Shrub LT sow sine LL] Weter/Developed/Barren NORTH ‘SCALE IN MILES North Study Area Healy Subarea VEGETATION RESOURCES MAP 9 BASELINE SCALE IN MILES DATA SOURCES - Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Draft Vegetation Maps for Healy and Fairbanks Quadrangles (1:250,000) LEGEND seeese2 Study Boundary T38 Coniferous Forest Deciduous Forest Mixed Forest Recent Burn/Logged Area Dwarf Tree Scrub/Tall Shrub Low Shrub ; = Wetland hyp FAIRBANKS Yj V/, Weter/Developed/Barren NORTH SCALE IN MILES ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY North Study Area Fairbanks Subarea VEGETATION RESOURCES DATE MAP 10 DATA SOURCES - Alaska Department of F | Fish & Game, Habitat Division , D Habitat Capability Maps - Trumpeter swan data on file with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service LEGEND Study Boundary North Ro Anadromous Fish ' 1 a ned 4 Prime Moose Habitat Tes NORTH SCALE IN MILES ° ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY SS North Study Area Healy Subarea FISH & WILDLIFE RESOURCES MAP 11 DATA SOURCES -Jones & Jones #sAnderson Public Use Are TSKUNG [S THE PRIMARY ACTIVITY?” LEGEND Road Crossing Stream Crossing Railroad Crossing Recreation Access Road Crossing Trail Crossing Average Daily Traffic Physioara hic Sub-Unit Boundry Park and Recreation Area Boundries Recreation Sites Scenic Overlooks Trails State Recreation River Transmission Line Segments HUUTUULUUUEINIUUTT Potential Visual Resource Problem Areas 8 ite Lake}; 7 +, Recreation-Area North Study Area Healy Subarea VISUAL RESOURCES Table 9 SUMMARY OF TERRESTRIAL AND AQUATIC RESOURCES AFFECTED BY ALTERNATIVE ROUTES Criterion Healy to Nenana Total Length (mi) New Corridor (mi) Forest (mi) Wetland (mi) Big Game Habitat (mi) Raptor/Swan Nests Bird Collison Potential Number of Streams Crossed Significant Stream Crossings Criterion Nenana to Fairbanks Total Length (mi) New Corridor (mi) Forest (mi) Wetland (mi) Big Game Habitat (mi) Raptor/Swan Nests Bird Collision Potential Number of Streams Significant Stream Crossings North Route North Route vI-14 53.8 19.5 16.3 34.1 23.3 L-M VL-L 14 65.0 36.0 38.8 26.2 1.0 VL-M VL 22 South Route 54.8 52.2 6.2 48.4 22.0 VL-M VL-M 21 South Route Airport 45.0 43.0 18.0 28.0 95 VL-H M 9 Goose 45.5 45.5 16.5 29.0 21.5 VL-H M 9 miles of new corridor length mostly paralleling the Nenana River. Approximately 34 miles of the segment traverses wetland areas with approximately 16 miles through deciduous and conifer- ous upland forest. Potential for bird collisions with a trans- mission line along this segments is considered to be very low to low. Within the Tanana Flats position, the route has a moderate change of adversely affecting swan nesting areas or raptor nests. As shown on the fish and wildlife resources Maps 10 and 11 a fairly high concentration of swan nesting areas occurs in the Tanana Flats area. At the Tanana River crossing, 3 miles east of Nenana, the route may impinge on an historically active peregrin falcon nesting site. Based upon information obtained from ADF&G, the route Passes through approximately 23 miles of heavily used moose and caribou habitat within the Tanana Flats area. Nenana to Fairbanks. From the Tanana River to Fairbanks, the North route follows a more upland route into the Goldstream Creek Valley. Between the Tanana River and the Goldstream Creek Valley, the route passes through approximately 40 miles of pre- dominantly forest area consisting primarily of birch with small patches of white spruce. Within the Goldstream Creek area, the route passes through considerable wetland areas (approximately 26 miles). This route would require approximately 36 miles of new corridor area. Only a minor portion of this route segment passes through critical big game habitat and is considered to have a very low probability for bird collisions and a low to moderate probabi- lity of affecting swan or raptor nesting areas (See Fish and Wildlife Resources Map). Accumulation of the measurements of each of the terrestrial criteria for the entire North Route is presented in Table 10. The Healy to Nenana segment of the North route will cross 14 streams including one stream knows to be used by anadromous fish, the Tanana River. Other streams along this route may be inhabitated by anadromous fish but the presence of salmon in these streams is not know. It is likely that many of these streams are inhabitated by resident Arctic grayling and/or Dolly Varden Char. The Nenana to Fairbanks segment of the North Route will cross aS many as 22 streams of which one, the Chena River in Fairbanks, is known to be used by anadromous fish. VI-15 Visual Resources Visual Resources throughout the study area are generally, considered moderate to high in visual quality. Many tourists travel the Parks Highway and Alaska Railroad during the summer months between Anchorage and Fairbanks. Views along these travel corridors range from fairly enclosed to vegetation along north sides of the corridors, to spectacular vistas of the Alaska Range and Mt. McKinley. Healy to Nenana. The proposed north route encounters significant visual resource problem areas as it leaves the Healy substation. Its location within the foreground of the Parks Highway and railroad will impact several prominent views and scenic pulloffs, as well as general views from both travel cor- ridors which tend to focus eastward across the transmission line route toward the Wrangell Mountains. These potential impacts will be most notable between Healy and the end of the Nenana uplands, as shown on Map 12. From the end of the Nenana uplands north to Nenana, off-site views become restricted due to vegeta- tion close to the road right-of-way. While visual impacts from the north will not be as significant in this area, the line's location adjacent to the road will be quite visible to motor- ists. Additionally, the routes location adjacent to the exist- ing Golden Valley transmission line in this area will visually contest with the existing line and further degrade the area's scenic quality. Nenana to Fairbanks Visual resources along the North route from Nenana to Fairbanks range between moderate and high in quality. Dominent views from the Parks Highway which traverses the ridge top of the Tenana uplands (see Map 13) is southward. Several scenic overlooks exist which take advantage of long views across Tanana Ridge and out into the Tanana lowlands or flats. The north line will be quite visible from the roadway, interrupting southward views until it crosses the highway and routes on the north side of Tanana Ridge. From this point on, the line will become less visible from the highway but more visible to viewers travelling the Alaska railroad. As the north route drops into the Goldstream Creek Valley, north of Pairbanks, visual impacts on private residents and recreation areas become significant. Little mitigation would be possible to reduce the visual dominance of the line through the Goldstream Creek Valley. VI-16 MAP 12 yee Ged. Inset o v2 1 SCALE IN MILES DATA SOURCES - Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Habitat Division , Habitat Capability Maps - Trumpeter swan data on file with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service LEGEND Study Boundary ATI T38 Anadromous Fish ) Potential Swan Nesting SS Lo oF BURT ehh tt Hit Paster i oe iit Tas : : ere 7 - ES] Prime Waterfowl Habitat = Fs] Critical Moose Habitat Y YT] pata | RB ANKS Lhe SS T8s NORTH SCALE IN MILES = <a a se eKiiey =" ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY “3 _ . North Study Area nd Fairbanks Subarea FISH & WLDLIFE RESOURCES i |= Scale in Miles Raw ‘ oe MAP 13 O'CONNOR ase Oe TRA se RBANKS BASELINE FESter Pome” KL ATOR FAIRBANKS. TO GIBBON {TRAIL TANANIA RIDGE Moderaté Visual” _auality «3 SCALE IN MILES DATA SOURCES -Jones & Jones * “Recreation 5 PROPOSE BONN! TRAII LEGEND ~w Stream Crossing . @--R ~=—s Railroad Crossing 7 @-** Recreation Access Road Crossing eo Trail Crossing ao — tt CE Re enter Aaanaanan NN RE Re tie deen ae oe Oe PE eo. Road Crossing =r siographic boat joundry : : : : i - and Recreation : “ 2 Lo Area Boundries . . Recreation Sites eo * es A Scenic Overlooks pag f= : -~—— Tails a h. : —~—— State Recreation River = : atl i } - " ¥ Oe Transmission Line Segments 76% : Ws IMUM Potential Visual Resource = leqana Public Use Area Problem Areas / (O0G MUSMING ISTHE Y RAE MBAs a PRIMARY RCTIVITYS W 453 Average Daily Traffic Or LoL - b NORTH SCALE IN MRES = “2/3 NENANA RIVER LOWLANDS or Low Visual, Quadity North Study Area : Fairbanks Subarea VISUAL RESOURCES Scale in Miles Evaluation of The South Route Land Ownership The proposed transmission line corridor of the south route attempts to avoid where possible developing areas of private ownership and areas changing to private ownership. The large tracts set aside for homestead development between Healy and Nenana make this difficult and Table 7 and Maps 4 and 5 indicate that between Healy and Nenana, both the north and south route cross about the same amount of private land. However, by approaching Fairbanks from the south, the south route avoids crossing the extensive tracts of private lands to the north of Fairbanks. To approach Fairbanks from the south involves crossing the Tanana River to the south side and continuing through large areas of federal land controlled by the military. Two alternatives are proposed for the last 7 miles of the route to recross the Tanana River to the north side and approach the Ft. Wainwright Substation. Healy to Nenana. Starting from Healy and going north, the south route corridor parallels the proposed northern route for 4 miles, crossing the private ownership area of Healy and contin- uing through state land with small private parcels. The corri- dor then crosses through the Lignite Homestead for 7.5 miles, 1 mile of state land and then 12.3 miles through the Windy Creek Homestead. The corridor continues through 2.5 miles of state land changing to private ownership, 5 miles of state land and then enters the federal tract that includes the Clear Missile Early Warning Station. Crossing 6 miles of state land and two miles of federal land changing to private ownership brings the proposed corridor to the vicinity of Nenana. Nenana to Fairbanks. From Nenana, the corridor continues northeast 2 miles through a native ownership on the south bank of the Tanana River. Crossing to the north side of the river, the proposed corridor traverses 27.3 miles of state land, including 2.0 miles of the Tanana State Forest. The proposed corridor then recrosses the Tanana River to the south side and enters federal lands controlled by the military. After travers- ing 8.3 miles through the federal lands, the corridor has two alternatives for recrossing the Tanana River and continuing to the Ft. Wainwright substation. The northern alternative is 7.5 miles long consisting of 4.3 miles of federal and state land and 3.2 miles skirting the edge of or going through private lands to arrive at the Wainright substation. The southern alternative is slightly shorter, 7.0 miles, going through 5.0 miles of federal land and 2.0 miles of private land. ViI=19 Land Use Healy to Nenana. The proposed corridor for the south route parallels the north route for 4 miles through vacant, undevel- oped land and then traverses the length of both the Lignite and Windy Creek homestead areas as shown on Maps 6 and 7. North of the Windy Creek homestead area, the corridor crosses 3 miles of an agricultural area. The rest of the distance to the vicinity of Nenana and the south bank of the Tanana River is through vacant, undeveloped land. The results of.this analysis are summarized in Table 8. Nenana to Fairbanks. Crossing the Tanana River, the pro- posed corridor passes through 9.3 miles of the Tanana State Forest, four miles of vacant land, 2.5 miles of the Tanana Industrial area and 10.3 miles of another tract of the Tanana ~ State Forest. Within this last tract of state forest land, the proposed corridor passes by a recreational development site consisting of a campsite and an access road leading to a boat launch on the Tanana River. At this point, the corridor recrosses the Tanana River to the south side to avoid residential development. The proposed corridor continues 9 miles through vacant federal lands used by the military for practice bombing and related activities. The corridor stays within one mile of the Tanana River in this seg- ment to limit the impact on the military's practice bombing range. The corridor then divides into 2 alternatives, one going north and recrossing the Tanana River to avoid further impact on the military bombing range, the other remaining in the federal lands for five miles to avoid commercial and industrial develop- ments south of Fairbanks and then crossing the Tanana River to the north side and continuing to the Ft. Wainwright Substation. Biological Resources Terrestrial Resources. The general characteristics of the terrestrial resources within the study area are described in conjunction with the above environmental description of the North Route and are depicted on the Vegetation Maps 8 and 9 and on the Fish and Wildlife Resources Maps 10 and 11. Healy to Nenana. Although this segment of the South Route nearly parallels the North Route, the route is 3 to 5 miles east of the North Route in this segment (See Map 1). Consequently, considerably more of the route (approximately 52 miles) would consist of new right-of-way corridor. Although the route fol- lows an upland ridge, a large portion of the segment (approxi- mately 48 miles) passes through wetland areas with only approxi- mately six miles through forested areas (See Maps 8 and 9). VI-20 Where the southern end of this segment is in upland area, from approximately Browne to the Tanana River crosses the Tanana Flats which is considered optimum moose and caribou habitat. Potential for bird collision with a transmission line in this route is considered very low to moderate with the more serious potential being associated with the Tanana Flats portion. Simi- larly, potential for impacting swan nesting areas and raptor nest sites is quite low in the southern end with moderate poten- tial impacts in the Tanana Flats. Historically used peregrine falcon and bald eagle nest sites are present along the Tanana River where the line would cross. (See Fish and Wildlife Resources Maps 10 and 11). Nenana to Fairbanks. This segment of the South Route would consist almost entirely of new corridor route (approximately 45 miles) with nearly 75 percent of the corridor (or 30 miles) passing through wetland areas vegetated with tall shrubs and black spruce, see Maps 8 and 9. The remainder of the route would pass through forest area. Nearly half of the route would be in optimum moose and caribou. Potential impacts to bird life, though potential for collision is low, is considered moderate throughout the entire segment, primarily because of the its proximity to the Tanana River and extensive waterfowl habitat areas as shown on Maps 10 and 11. The potential for impacting raptor nests is considered high, particularly near the eastern end where it crosses the Tanana River. Historically used and potentially usable pereg- rine flacon nesting sites are located near the three proposed River crossing locations. Fisheries Resources Healy to Nenana. This segment of the South Route would cross aS many as 21 streams of which only one, the Tanana River, is known to be used by anadromous fish. Nenana to Fairbanks. This northern portion of the South Route would cross up to 9 streams. These include two crossings of the Tanana River and a crossing of Satchakef Slough near the south side of Fairbanks both of which are seasonally inhabitated by salmon. Results of the Biological Resources analyses for the South Route are given by segment in Table 9 and for the route as a whole in Table 10. VI-21 Visual Resources While the visual resource setting of the South Route is the same as that for the North Route, potential visual impacts are much less due to the line's more distant location from major travel corridors. Generally, transmission lines more than 2 1/2 to 3 miles distant from a view location do not stand out visual- ly. The exception is a route through forested land in which the color contrast between the right-of-way cut and the surrounding vegetation is visually apparent. From Healy to the end of the Nenana uplands (See Map 12), most of the South Route is more than three miles distant from the Alaska railroad and Parks highway. In addition, its location on a plateau and at the base of the mountains will further reduce any visual contrast as viewed from the major travel corridors. The remainder of the route to Nenana is closer to the high- way, but still pulled off far enough to allow intervening vege- tation to screen most of the route from view. Nenana to Fairbanks The South Route's location along the Tanana Ridge's south facing slope will avoid most views from the Park's Highway. The route is over three miles away from the highway with an eleva- tion difference of over 300 feet and with intervening vegeta- tion. The South Route will be more visible to recreationists using the Tanana River where it crosses it three times. Addi- tionally, the line will be visible to some residences in the Chena Ridge area as it crosses the river onto military land south of the river. Visual impacts of the South Route as it crosses the river into Fairbanks is not expected to be signifi- cant. Since the line's visual character will not be incom- patible with the exiting industrilized character of the area. Comparison of the Alternatives As defined in Chapter II, Land use and Land ownership are considered to be the most important sets of criteria for evalu- ating the suitability of the route for the transmission line facilities between Healy and Fairbanks. The third most impor- tant set of criteria are the Biological Resource criteria with Visual Resources being least important. Comparisons of the two routes with respect to each set of criteria are discussed below with integration of the comparisons presented in the following section. VI-22 Land Ownership Comparison The difference in land ownership between the proposed northern and southern routes is clearly expressed by two fac- tors: the amount of private land ownership to be traversed and the total distance. The southern route is shorter by almost twenty miles and traverses less critical, privately owned land. Table 7 presents the overall comparison of land ownership between the two routes. The following is a description of each land ownership criteria and the difference between the two routes. From Healy to Nenana. As presented in Table 7, there is not a Significant difference between the two route alternatives. Both routes are almost the same length and traverse similar distances of native/private, lands going private, as well as, local, state, and federal lands. From Nenana to Fairbanks. This segment of the route indi- cates a significant difference between the two route alterna- tives as presented in Table 7. The length of the north route alternative (62 miles) is 17 miles longer than the south route alternative. In addition, the north route alternative crosses 17.9 miles of private land and 5.9 miles of public lands going private while the south route crosses only 8.8 miles of the same type of land ownership. The shorter overall length and the smaller amount of pri- vate land to be crossed by the southern route make it the pre- ferred alternative, based only on the land ownership criteria. Land Use Comparison The overall land use comparison is presented in Table 8. As in the land ownership comparison, the difference is the longer distance of the north route than the south route over critical land uses in the Nenana to Fairbanks segment. From Healy to Nenana. Table 8 shows that there is some slight advantage to following the north route. The south route crosses 24 miles of residential and homestead land compared to 20 miles for the north route. Also the south route crosses 3 miles of agricultural land compared to 0.5 miles for the north route. From Nenana to Fairbanks. Table 8 indicates a much greater difference between the two routes for this segment. The south route has a distinct advantage since its is 17 miles shorter than the north route. The south route also crosses less resi- dential, homestead and agricultural land than the north route. VI-23 Also the south route passes within one mile of only one airport compared to 3 for the north route. Considering the land use criteria, the south route has a distinctive advantage and is the preferred route. Biological Resources Comparison Information for comparison of the biological resources potentially affected by the two alternative routes is presented in Table 9 for the two segments and in Table 10 for the two routes in their entirety. As indicated in the Land use and Land Ownership Comparisons, the overall length of the South Route is 17 miles shorter than the North Route. Comparisons of the Segments relative to the evaluation criteria follows. Table 10 SUMMARY OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ALONG NORTH SECTION Criterion North Route South Route Goose Airport Island Total Length (mi) 118.5 99.8 100.3 New Corridor (mi) 55.5 95.2 97.7 Forest (mi) S5ic 14.2 22.7 *’ Wetland (mi) 60.3 76.4 77.4 Big Game Habitat (mi) 24.3 41.4 43.5 Raptor/Swan Nests_/ VL-M VL-H VL-H Bird Collision Potentiall/ VL-L VL-M VL-M Number of Streams 36 30 30 Significant Stream Crossings 2 4 4 i/ Potential for Impact VL = Very Low, L = Low, M = Moderate, H = High Healy to Nenana. The North and South routes generally parallel each other within this segment. The amounts of forest and wetland habitats affected by the two routes are quite simi- lar. As are the potential increases in bird mortality due to collisions with transmission line facilities. Both routes will potentially affect swan nesting areas and raptor nest sites in the Tanana Flats area and at the Tanana River Crossing. VI-24 The most significant difference between these two segments is that the South Route would require nearly 2.5 times more development of new corridor with the attendant adverse impacts to wildlife habitat and increases in accessibility to hunting and fishing activities. Within this segment, then, the North Route would be preferred to the South Route. Nenana to Fairbanks. Comparison of these two segments indicates that the South Route would require only slightly more new corridor construction, in terms of absolute number of miles, than the North Route. However, a larger length of the North Route (39 miles) would pass through forest areas than the South Route (18 miles). Although the length of the corridor through wetland areas would be similar for both routes, the South route would affect more big game habitat than the North Route. The South Route is likely to affect more swan and raptor nest sites than the North route primarily because the South Route crosses the Tanana River three times (where most raptor nest sites are located) and a significant portion of the Tanana Flats where Numerous swan nesting areas are located. The crossing of Tanana Flats by the south route also contributes to a higher likelihood of bird collisions with the transmission lines than the North Route. Fishery Resources. With respect to the potential fisheries impacts attributable to the project, the South Route would cross approximately the same number of streams as the North Route (30 vs 36 miles, respectively). However, the South Route would require crossing the Tanana River three times rather than the single crossing of the North Route. Based solely upon the biological resources criteria, the preferred route would be the North Route even through it is significantly longer. The less new corridor length, avoidance of swan and raptor nesting areas, and the fewer crossing of significant streams with anadromous fish lead to this conclu- sion. Visual Resources Comparison As shown in Maps 12 and 13, visual resource impacts are clearly greater for the North Route alternative. In addition to being longer, the North Route substantially impacts views from the Parks Highway and Alaska railroad. The route parallels the Parks Highway for over 25 miles and the Alaska railroad for approximately 18 miles. The North Route would also cross the Parks Highway at least once, the Stesse Highway once and the Alaska railroad once. Finally, approximately 15-18 miles of residential/commercial area would be visually impacted by the North Route trough the Goldstream Creek and Fairbanks areas. VI-25 | In contrast, the South Route would only parallel roughly 4 miles of the Alaska railroad as it routes out of Healy. It also would visually impact more Tanana river users, Chena Ridge resi- dences (roughly 5 miles of line) and cross the Richardson High- way as it connects to the Ft. Wainwright substation. Preferred Route Based On Environmental Considerations Based on land use and ownership and visual resources, the preferred route would follow the South Route alignment. How- ever, based on the Biological Criteria, the North Route would be preferred. As discussed in Chapter II, Land Use and Ownership criteria are considered more important than the Biological or Visual criteria. The principle reason for this is that acquisi- tion of right-of-way for the construction will have a signifi- cant bearing on the costs of the project and the acquisition of appropriate permits. The greater length of the North Route alone presents higher difficulty in acquiring rights-of-way simply on the basis of magnitude. This is compounded by the fact that significant portions of the North Route- Right-of-way would need to be acquired from private and native ownerships. Acquisition of these lands will be significantly more difficult than acquiring right-of-way through federal and state owned lands. Because many of the potential impacts to Fish and Wildlife’ resources can be easily avoided or mitigated through adjustments to the alignments, the preferred route for an environmental preparative is the South Route. Further, information on the existing conditions along the routes and development of specific plans to mitigate adverse impacts is expected to confirm this selection. Douglas to Lake Lorraine A single route for extending the existing Anchorage-Fair- banks Intertie from the Douglas Substation to Lake Lorraine on the west side of Knik Arm has been selected. The environmental evaluation and preliminary assessment of this route is presented below. Land Ownership Private land dominates the central and eastern part of the study area. Native lands are scattered throughout, with the largest contiguous area occurring near Eklutna Flats, south of Knik arm/Knik River. Borough and municipal lands are similarily scattered, with the greatest concentration in the western third of the area. VI-26 State lands are concentrated in the western and northcen- tral parts of the study area, federal lands are primarily located in the area bounded by Anchorage, Knik Arm and Eagle River. Linear mileage across the various types of land ownership were determined and mileage are summarized in Table 11. Table 11 SUMMARY OF LAND OWNERSHIP Criterial/ Miles Native 2.6 Prevate 4.1 Borongh cul State 18.2 Federal 0 1/ Mileages do not sum to route length due to double-counting where’ different categories occur on either side of the reference centerline. The selected route affects primarily state land. The route skirts the edge of the Goose Bay State Game Refuge and the Point MacKenzie Agricultural Project. On the basis of land ownership, private land crossed by this route account for less than 10 percent, and native land use is minor in terms of total mileage. The private lands are located mostly along the Parks Highway southeast of Nancy Lake, in the Finger-Papoose Twins area, and near the southwest corner of the Goose Bay State Refuge. Land Use A land use inventory was conducted for the South Study Area. Six types of land use were investigated: residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational, public, and vacant. High density residential development is concentrated in the vicinity of Anchorage. Principal areas of low-density resi- dential development occur in a broad band from Big Lake through Wasilla to Paler; in a band between the town of Eagle River and Mirror Lake; and in the vicinity of Douglas. Numerous planned or developing subdivisions are located throughout the study area, primarily in the western half. The Big Lake, Wasilla, and Palmer areas in particular are undergoing substantial growth and development. VI-27 Commercial/industrial land occurs in a few concentrated locations, but also is scattered in small parcels throughout many of the areas mentioned above for residential lands. Lar- gest concentrations are found in the Anchorage area, in the vicinity of Wasilla, and around Palmer. The primary concentration of privately owned agricultural land occurs in the vicinity of Palmer, north of the Knik River and south of the Little Susitna River. The Point MacKenzie Agricultural Project, situated in the western part of the study area, is being developed for agricultural use through lease to private farmers. Agricultural disposal lands are also located between Big Lake and the Little Susitna River, in the Delta Island area southwest of Douglas, and north of Douglas Creek. Large areas of recreation/wildlife/cultural (termed recrea- tion, for short), hands are located in the western portion of the study area. These recreation lands include the Susitna Flats State Game Refuge, the Goose Bay State Game Refuge, the Nancy Lake Recration Area, and the Palmer Hay Flats State Game Refuge. Other small isolated tracts of recreational land are scattered throughout the study area, including lands around mirror Lake and Big Lake, and various parcels located near Palmer. Vacant land which is land not designated having a specific use is the most prevalent land type in the study area. Virtual- ly all of the land between Douglas and Point MacKenzie is vacant. The Wasilla-Palmer area has the least amount of vacant land, compared to the western portion of the study area. The selected route begins at Douglas Substation, runs southeast to Nancy Lake, and then due south to the point labelled Little Susitna. Only vacant land is crossed although the route passes near the planned Douglas subdivision and across the planned Lilly Aliquot subdivision. From Little Susitna, the route runs southwest for about 9 miles, turns southeast for about 7 miles, and then south to a point one mile south of Goose Bay State Refuge. In this segment, equal portions of residen- tial land, recreational land, and agricultural land lie along the route. The route also crosses the LeRoux View Remote Parcel, which has been open for homesteading. This portion of the route also traverses the northern portion of the Point MacKenzie Agricultural Project. The route parallels the western edge of the Goose Bay State Game Refuge (1.5 miles), and the Holstein Heights subdivision (1.5 miles). From the southern border of Holstein to Lorraine and to the western shore of Knik Arm, the route crosses no developed land. However, most of this section is within the Point VI-28 MacKenzie Industrial Park/Port site, planned for development by the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. Biological Resouces Terrestrial Resources. Much of the South Study Area is characterized by drumlins and ridges covered with birch and spruce forest, and depressions with lakes, ponds, and wetlands. Flat, glaciolocustrine deposits in the south rim portion to Cook Inlet create extensive areas of wetlands. The large number of water bodies create waterfowl habitat throughout the entire area. Waterfowl concentration during migration in the wetlands include the Susitna Flats, Goose Bay, and Palmer Hay flats Wild- life Refuges (ADF&G 1979). With the exception of the central Matanuska Valley, most of the area is important moose habitat and black bear spring habitat (ADGF&G 1976, 1980). A vegetation evaluation of the South Study Area was pre- pared based on existing vegetation maps (ADNR 1983). Tables depicting the miles of right-of-way through each vegetatation type is provided in Table 12. Wetland data for the South Study Area were summarized from National Wetland Inventory Maps (USFWS 1983). The miles of corridor through wetland are provided for the selected route in the Table 12. Information on wildlife habitats and special use areas within the South Study Area was also summarized from existing data (ADF&G 1976, 1980; ADNR 1982, USFWS 1983b). Evaluations of the corridor with respect to habitat and other wildlife evalua- tion criteria are quantified in Table 12. Vi=29 Table 12 SUMMARY OF BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Criteria Douglas to Lake Lorraine Total Length (mi) 35.50 New Corridor (mi) 23.0 Forest (mi) 11.60 Wetland (mi) 19.70 Raptor/Swan Nests j Bird Collision Potential = Number of Streams Significant Stream Crossings aca 1/ Potential for Impact VL = Very Low, L = Low, M = Moderate, H = High The selected corridor originates at Douglas and travels generally south to Lake Lorraine on the west side of Knik Arm. The route crosses considerable areas of wetland consisting of palustrine scrub-shurb vegetation. The majority of the non- wetland vegetation is closed mixed forest, but closed conifer, open conifer, and open mixed forest areas also are important vegetation types in the corridor. About 23 miles of the route follow a new corridor through a relatively undisturbed area and would increase accessbility of this area. The remainder of the route parallels existing trans- mission lines. Most of the area contains waterfowl nesting and molting habitat, and the ROW also borders the western edge of the Goose Bay Wildlife Refuge, an area of concentrated use by water birds for about 1-1/2 miles. Fisheries Resources The several streams and rivers within the South Study Area are known to support anadromous salmon. All Pacific salmon species, chinook, coho, pink, chum, and sockeye salmon, found in these streams including Douglas Creek and the Little Susitna River. The Little Susitna River is one of the more popular salmon streams in the Anchorage area. VI-30 Chapter VII COST ESTIMATES AND SCHEDULE , Transmission Lines The cost estimate for the Fairbanks to Anchorage 345 kV lines was developed based on the available construction costs figures for Douglas-Healy Intertie line constructed in 1983-1985 by Alaska Power Authority. In the process the following cost Parameters were analized to arrive at estimate figures. Present labor rates Work force and construction period Construction conditions and methods Cost of line materials ooo°o Because the line construction schedules, the methods of construction and site conditions are assumed categories, the cost estimate should include a 15% contingency margin. Labor Costs In line construction the:labor costs represent three labor intensive operations: ° Foundation construction and counterpoise ° Structures assembly and setting ° Conductor stringing Determination of the costs for the above operations depend on the production, labor cost rates and construction conditions on the routes. The cost data for construction of the Douglas-Healy 345 kV line was analized based on the above three categories and ad- justed to present labor and assumed production rates. The site conditions were evaluated based on the information available from route related studies. The helicopter assisted construction was assumed as the most probable method, consider- ing the experience during construction of the Healy-Douglas line and expected environment constraints. It is not expected that the major access roads will be built. The cost data for the first section of the Healy-Douglas line was used for developing this estimate. As stated before two basic categories of construction cost related; foundation and overstructure were analized. In overstructure costs are Vit=% included in the cost of structure assembly/erection and cost of stringing. Based on published data, the line construction cost presently is almost the same or even lower compared to the 1983- 1985 time period when Healy-Douglas Intertie line was construct- ed and it is reflected in cost estimate for Anchorage Fairbanks lines. The overhead line construction cost is assumed to be the same for all line sectors. The foundation construction is con- sidered to be higher for the Healy to Fairbanks line than in the Anchorage area because of permafrost conditions and larger frost zone. Helicopter costs during construction was estimated on monthly rates for light and medium capacity helicopters, assumed to be utilized for delivery of material, construction equipment and crews to job sites. The heavy lift helicopters (Sikorsky Skycrane or similar) was assumed to be utilized for structure erection or delivery of heavy materials only. Their use will be scheduled for continuous operation and for short periods only. The following cost estimate figures were developed. Material Cost Structures and Fixtures $ 99,000 Conductors and Accessories $ 42,000 Total $747,000 Total Construction Cost Douglas- Healy- Lorraine Fairbanks Length 35 mi. 97 mi. Material Material per mile $ 141,000 $ 141,000 Total Material $ 4,940,000 $13,670,000 Construction Overhead per mile $ 154,000 $ 154,000 Foundations per mile $ 85,000 $ 96,000 Total Construction $ 8,360,000 $24,250,000 Clearin Clearing per mile (Average) $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Total Clearing $ 1,400,000 $ 3,880,000 River Crossing (4) = $ 1,000,000 Line Construction Grand Total $14,700,000 $42,800,000 ViII=2 Substations Substation Equipment The substation cost estimates were based on two layouts. The first plan was based on an arrangement operating at a system voltage of 345 kV. The second arrangement was based on a physi- cal arrangement of 345 kV, however, the equipment was rated at 230 kv. : Equipment costs for the substations were estimated from information received from manufacturers and from bids on recent- ly constructed substations in the Railbelt. Cost for equipment at each substation are presented in Tables 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17. Substation Construction Substation civil works construction cost estimates were based on the following features: 1) equipment foundations; 2) transformer oil sump with separators; 3) cleaning, stripping and gravel surfacing of yard; 4) fence; 5) drainage, and 6) control building. The basis of the estimated cost of each of the above features was as follows: 1) Foundations for equipment were based on a unit volume per breaker that includes footings for all related equipment such as disconnect switches, bus supports, etc. The unit volume was based on Harza's designed substations and with various breaker ratings. These volumes are conserva- tively calculated for this estimate because of possible unfore- seen foundation conditions. It is assumed that the depth of footings should extend to the depth of frost penetration, about nine feet. 2) An oil separator sump for each transformer has been included and would have an oil storage volume equal to the oil contained in the transformer. The sump would consist of a reinforced concrete structure buried underground and would sup- port the transformer. Its size would be sufficient to contain an oil spill from the transformer. 3) The cost of clearing, stripping and gravel surfacing was estimated on a unit area basis and applied to the substation surface area. These areas were calculated by the number of bays and the dimensions based on Harza's designed substations of the same voltage. 4) Cost for a fence around the perimeters of each substation was based on its overall dimensions and a unit price per linear foot of fence. 5) A lump sum cost for drainage was included. 6) The control building cost was estimated for the Lake Lorraine and Fort Wainwright substations. The building size would be 40 ft. x 40 ft. and would consist of concrete footings, insulated con- crete slab, wood framing and roof trusses with plywood sheath- ing, cedar exterior wall siding, vapor barrier and fiberglass ViEt=3 EQIPMENT CURRENT TRANS. CIRCUIT BREAKER DISC. SWITCH CVT vr SA SUPPORTS ) TAKE OFF ) TRANS.LINE SUPP) VT,CVT,SA SUPP ) BUS SUPP ) TRANS. 150MVA 138KV CIRCUIT BREAKER 138KV DISC. SW. 138KV CVT 138KV VT 138KV SA 138KV DISC.SW.SUPP. ) 138KV VT,SA,CVT SUPP.) 138KV TAKE OFF ) 138KV TRANS.LINE SUPP) 138KV BUS SUPPORT ) CONTROL SWBD. STATION SERVICE INSTALL ELECT.EQUP. GENERAL ELECT. MOBILIZE FOUNDATION SITE PREP CONTROL BLDG. REACTOR STATIC VAR EQUP. SCADA & COMMUNICATIONS TOTAL TABLE 13 FAIRBANKS SUBSTATION TOTAL COST 230KV/138KV QUANTITY NOTE $548,320 $177,503 $28,194 $18,797 $44,167 WONWW SW $112,757" 2 $2,400,000 9 $751,410 18 $196,650 12 $93,336 2 $15,556 18 $52,764 $135,432 $350,000 $50,000 $472,670 $400,000 $75,000 $1,458,000 $262,000 $80,000 $282,000 $1,400,000 $350,000 hh bEEEEEE & $9,754,556 TOTAL COST 345KV/138KV $51,750 $1,026,260 $177,503 $33,882 $22,588 $72,812 $112,757 $2,875,000 $751,410 $196,650 $93,336 $15,556 $52,764 $135,432 $370,000 $50,000 $578,951 $400,000 $75,000 $1,458,000 $262,000 $80,000 $529,000 $1,400,000 $350,000 $11,170,653 NOTE : CURRENT TRANSFORMER COSTS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE ASSOCIATED BREAKERS. HOWEVER FOR THE 345KV SYSTEM AN EXTRA SET OF CURRENT TRANSFORMERS ARE REQUIRED FOR ADDITIONAL RELAYING. vII-4 TABLE 14 HEALY SUBSTATION EQIPMENT QUANTITY TOTAL COST 230KV/138KV CURRENT TRANS. 3 NOTE CIRCUIT BREAKER 4 $548,320 DISC. SWITCH 9 $177,503 CVT 6 $56,390 vT 2 $18,797 SA 9 $44,167 SUPPORTS ) TAKE OFF ) TRANS.LINE SUPP) $102,379 VT,CVT,SA SUPP ) BUS SUPP ) TRANS. 100MVA 1 $1,000,000 138KV CIRCUIT BREAKER 138KV DISC. SW. ) 138KV CVT ) N/A 138KV VT ) 138KV SA 3 $8,794 138KV DISC.SW.SUPP. ) 138KV VT,SA,CVT SUPP. ) 138KV TAKE OFF ) N/A 138KV TRANS.LINE SUPP ) 138KV BUS SUPPORT ) CONTROL SWBD. Ls $169,000 STATION SERVICE LS $25,000 INSTALL ELECT.EQUP. LS $234,787 GENERAL ELECT. LS $100,000 MOBILIZE Ls $75,000 FOUNDATION LS $565,000 SITE PREP Ls $55,000 CONTROL BLDG. Ls $80,000 REACTOR aL $282,000 STATIC VAR EQUP. Ls N/A REARR. SUB. Ls $200,000 SCADA & COMMUNICATIONS LS $100,000 TOTAL $3,842,137 TOTAL COST 345KV/138KV $51,750 $1,026,260 $177,503 $67,765 $22,588 $72,812 $102,379 $1,150,000 N/A $8,794 N/A .$195,000 $25,000 $279,747 $100,000 $75,000 $712,000 $55,000 $80,000 $529,000 N/A $200,000 $100,000 $5,030,598 NOTE : CURRENT TRANSFORMER COSTS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE ASSOCIATED BREAKERS. HOWEVER FOR THE 345KV SYSTEM AN EXTRA SET OF CURRENT TRANSFORMERS ARE REQUIRED FOR ADDITIONAL RELAYING. VII-5 TABLE 15 CANTWELL SUBSTATION EQIPMENT QUANTITY TOTAL COST 230KV/138KV CIRCUIT SWITCHER/BREAKER 2 $158,400 DISC. SWITCH 2 $39,445 cvT 1 $9,398 vT SA 3 $14,722 SUPPORTS ) TAKE OFF ) TRANS.LINE SUPP) $15,576 VT,CVT,SA SUPP ) : BUS SUPP ) TRANS. 5MVA 1 $329,906 138KV CIRCUIT BREAKER) 138KV DISC. SW. ) 138KV CVT ) 138KV VT ) 138KV SA ) N/A 138KV DISC.SW.SUPP. ) 138KV VT,SA,CVT SUPP.) 138KV TAKE OFF ) 138KV TRANS.LINE SUPP) 138KV BUS SUPPORT ) CONTROL SWBD. Ls $35,000 INSTALL ELECT.EQUP. Ls $64,952 GENERAL ELECT. LS $100,000 MOBILIZE LS $75,000 FOUNDATION Ls $325,000 SITE PREP Ls $73,000 CONT. BLDG. Ls $10,000 REACTOR 1 $292,000 REARR. SUB. Ls $80,000 SCADA & COMMUNICATIONS Ls $50,000 TOTAL $1,672,400 vII-6 TOTAL COST 345KV/138KV 95137130 $39,445 $11,294 $24,271 $15,065 $388,125 N/A $35,000 $101,126 $100,000 $75,000 $385,000 $73,000 $10,000 $577,200 $80,000 $50,000 $2,477,656 TABLE 16 DOUGLAS SUBSTATION EQIPMENT QUANTITY TOTAL COST 230KV/138KV CURRENT TRANS. 3 NOTE CIRCUIT BREAKER 4 $548,320 DISC. SWITCH 9 $177,503 cVvT 6 $56,390 vr 2 $18,797 SA 9 $44,167 SUPPORTS ) TAKE OFF ) TRANS.LINE SUPP) $107,094 VT,CVT,SA SUPP ) BUS SUPP ) TRANS. 20MVA 1 $314,381 138KV CIRCUIT BREAKER) 138KV DISC. SW. ) 138KV CVT ) N/A 138KV VT ) 138KV SA $8,794 138KV DISC.SW.SUPP. ) 138KV VT,SA,CVT SUPP.) 138KV TAKE OFF ) N/A 138KV TRANS.LINE SUPP) 138KV BUS SUPPORT ) CONTROL SWBD. LS $160,000 STATION SERVICE Ls $25,000 INSTALL ELECT. EQUP. LS $159,080 GENERAL ELECT. LS $100,000 MOBILIZE Ls $85,000 FOUNDATION Ls $915,000 SITE PREP Ls $225,000 CONTROL BLDG. Ls $60,000 REACTOR 1 $292,000 STATIC VAR EQUP. Ls $2,000,000 REAR. SUB LS $200,000 SCADA & COMMUNICATIONS Ls $100,000 ‘TOTAL $5,596,526 TOTAL COST 345KV/138KV $51,750 $1,026,260 $177,503 $67,765 $22,588 $72,812 $107,094 $388,125 N/A $8,794 N/A $186,000 $25,000 $201,780 $100,000 $85,000 $915,000 $225,000 $60,000 $577,200 $2,000,000 $200,000 $100,000 $6,597,671 NOTE : CURRENT TRANSFORMER COSTS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE ASSOCIATED BREAKERS. HOWEVER FOR THE 345KV SYSTEM AN EXTRA SET OF CURRENT TRANSFORMERS ARE REQUIRED FOR ADDITIONAL RELAYING. VWiI=7 TABLE 17 LORRAINE SUBSTATION EQIPMENT QUANTITY TOTAL COST TOTAL COST 230KV/138KV 345KV/230KV CIRCUIT BREAKER 3 N/A $769,695 DISC. SWITCH 6 N/A $118,335 cvT 3 N/A $33,882 VT 2 N/A $22,588 SA 9 N/A $72,812 SUPPORTS ) TAKE OFF ) TRANS. LINE SUPP) N/A $92,441 VI,CVT,SA SUPP ) BUS SUPP ) TRANS. 150MVA 2 N/A $2,875,000 230KV CIRCUIT BREAKER 8 $1,096,640 $1,096,640 230KV DISC. SW. 16 $227,240 $227,240 230KV CVT 15 $140,976 $140,976 230KV VT 2 $18,797 $18,797 230KV SA 15 $73,611 $73,611 230KV DISC.SW.SUPP. ) 230KV VT,SA,CVT SUPP ) 230KV TAKE OFF ) $189,980 $189,980 230KV TRANS.LINE SUPP.) 230KV BUS SUPPORT ) CONTROL SWBD. Ls $300,000 $410,000 STATION SERVICE Ls $337,000 $400,000 INSTALL ELECT. EQUP. LS $219,426 $625,958 GENERAL ELECT. LS $300,000 $300,000 MOBILIZE Ls $100,000 $100,000 FOUNDATION LS $1,020,000 $1,250,000 SITE PREP Ls $870,000 $870,000 CONTROL BLDG. Ls $80,000 $80,000 SCADA & COMMUNICATIONS Ls $400,000 $400,000 TOTAL $5,373,670 $10,167,955 vII-8 insulation. Interior wall surface and ceiling would be dry wall. Space heaters and wall fans also were included. Unit prices for the civil works described above were esti- mated based on our experience in estimating construction costs in south central Alaska. Bid prices on Alaska Power Authority's intertie substations were examined to confirm these estimated prices. The land costs, if any, for the substations are included with the land cost for the transmission line ROW and acquisition cost. Communication The cost of expanding the microwave system to meet the communication needs of the upgrade was obtained from the Power Authority and the Alaska Division of Communications. The cost to upgrade communications facilities are included with the sub- station estimate. ‘ Engineering Studies For detailed design of the transmission line and substa- tion, it will be necessary to conduct separate engineering stud- ies listed below. These studies are required to establish various electrical parameters and the results will provide necessary data and information required by the design engineer in the preparation of detailed specifications for contract documents. Aerial survey for plan profile maps Soil borings and testing Power flow studies Short circuit study Shield wire protection study Insulation coordination study TNA RI and TVI measurements Environmental studies, public participation and permitting Land Costs The following land costs were used to estimate direct and indirect ROW and acquisition cost. Costs are presented in 1987 dollars. VIT=9 North Study Area - Direct Costs State Forest Lands $2,000 per acre Homestead Land $600 per acre Private Land near Fairbanks High value $3,500 per acre Low value $1,500 per acre The following list gives direct and indirect costs for land along the Douglas-Lake Lorraine route. Segment Length Direct Indirect Total Number Name Miles Cost Cost $ 2 Douglas- 6.4 $ 36,000 69,901 105,901 Nancy Lake 3 Nancy Lake- 4.1 $215,000 67,411 282,411 Little Sun 4 Little Sun 20.9 $940,000. 225,409 1,165,409 Goose Bay Refuge 5 Goose Bay 1.9 $145,000 64,648 209,948 Refuge 8 Lake Zee $312,000 20,234 332,234 Lorraine Project Schedule See Figure 13 for a project schedule. This schedule devel- oped with the objective of completing the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie by the Spring of 1991 when Bradley Lake is scheduled to come on-line. This time frame allowed for completion of the land acquisition phase prior to initiating contract procurement and construction contracts. The schedule is based on construction of the transmission line being split into two contracts, one for the Healy-Fairbanks line and one for the Douglas-Lake Lorraine line. The survey of the line routes and soil exploration are planned to be carried out in 1988. Access to the site will be the determining factor for actual scheduling of these activities. Access easements and/or access rights should be acquired during the right-of-way acquisition task. VII-10 SUBSTATION SITE SITE SELECTION PERMITS SURVEY. LAND ACQUISITION 1987 S|O|N J F FIGURE 13 1991 AIM|S [N[olse[™ RE ™ EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS BID PREPARATION BID, EVALUATION, AWARD MANUFACTURING. DELIVERY ENGINEERING DESIGN REVIEW PERIOD DETAIL DESIGN CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION BID PREPARATION BID, EVALUATION, AWARD CONSTRUCTION TESTING 7 TRANSMISSION LINES EQUIPMENT BID, EVALUATION, AWARD MATERIAL FABRICATION & DELIVERY RIGHT OF WAY FINAL ROUTE PERMITS SURVEY, LAND ACQUISITION DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DESIGN * REVIEW PERIOD DETAIL ENGINEERING BID EVALUATION, AWARD MOBILIZATION CONSTRUCTION |PARATIDN sife e NOTE: *CUMULATIVE TIME FOR REVIEW mummems §=ORIGINAL CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE | aos ACCELERATED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE HARZA encineenins Company . april. 1987 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE PROJECT SCHEDULE Substation construction contracts can be issued either on an individual basis or on a logical combination of sites. The project schedule can be accelerated by initiating several activ- ities concurrently. This acceleration will permit limited con- struction and site preparation to begin by July 1988. However, the period required for land acquisition will determine when construction can actually be initiated. Instead of three or four contracts, substation construction contracts can further be issued on separate tasks, such as site grading, foundation and concrete work, and equipment installation. This arrangement will permit smaller specialized firms to bid the work. Addi- tional contracts will, however, generate more administrative coordination for APA. Construction at Douglas, Cantwell, and Healy will take place in existing energized substations. Work at these sites will require special procedures and make it necessary to deener- gize, for short periods, either sections of the substation or the existing intertie. Therefore, a detailed coordinated con- struction schedule for these sites is essential to minimize existing intertie line outages and for safety purposes. Fair- banks and Lake Lorraine Substations are new facilities. The contractor will not have to contend with energized circuits during construction at these two locations. Individual procurement contracts can be issued for the major pieces of equipment. These contracts should be issued as soon as possible. Early receipt of equipment data is necessary to complete the substation design and prepare construction docu- ments. ViT= 2 Chapter VIII SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Recommended Plan It is recommended that the Power Authority and Utilities proceed with final route selection, permitting, ROW acquistions and engineering design for the Lake Lorraine - Douglas and Healy - Fairbanks 345 kV transmission lines. In conjunction with the new transmission lines, it is recommended that existing substa- tions at Healy, Cantwell and Douglas be expanded to provide 345 kV busses and other apparatus, and that new substation sites be established at Lake Lorraine and Fairbanks. The Fairbanks, Healy, Cantwell and Douglas substations should include new step down transformers. To provide voltage regulation at light load, reduce switch- ing surges, and during line switching operations, it is recom- mended that high voltage shunt reactors be installed at Fairbanks, Healy, Cantwell and Douglas. The existing Douglas - Healy transmission line will be changed from 138 kV operation to the recommended high voltage. The extended Anchorage - Fairbanks intertie consisting of single circuit 345 kV transmission line and substations should be operated at 230 kV. 230 kV operation will be sufficient until major new loads are added or if a major generating plant is proposed for connection to the intertie. In this event, an engineering economic analysis should be carried out to determine if 345 kV operation is justified. Microwave communication facilities should be provided for use in conjunction with protective relaying, SCADA and voice communications. Static Var systems should be installed at Fairbanks, Healy, and Douglas. Consideration should be given to the possible elimination of a high voltage bus at Douglas. In its place, a shunt reactor station would be located in the region north of Talkeetna. This will result in a 345 kV line with three sections, each with a length of approximately 100 miles. Line switching and charging operations will be less difficult, and shunt reactor require- ments will be more uniform, and may be reduced with this con- figuration. “ ViTI—1 Optimization studies should be carried out to determine the initial size of of static var system installations. These stud- ies should also determine basic response time and gain constants for the static var controllers. Insulation coordination and switching surge studies should be carried out. These studies will establish insulation and equipment design characteristics for substation equipment. Additional Studies Regulatory/Permitting Requirements The principal required permits for the North Study Area North and South Alternative Routes and for the South Study Area route between Douglas and Lake Lorraine are shown in Table 18. Capsule descriptions of each permit or authorization are given below. Of the permits listed in Table 18 the following appear to be the most important: ° Coastal Zone certificate of Consistency (AOMB) ° Water Quality Section 401 Certification (ADEC) ° Anadromous Fish Protection and Other Title 16 Permits (ADFG) ° Right-of-Way Easements and Leases (ADNR) ° Right-of-Way Grouts, Easements, Leases (BLM) ° Discharge of Dredged or Fill Materials Section 404 Permit (Corps) Of the federal actions that will be necessary for the Intertie Upgrade, the 404 Permit is the action with the highest potential for a finding of significance that could lead to prep- aration of an Environmental Impact Statement. The right-of-way routes, easements, or leases from ADNR and BLM will require a survey of the right-of-way before applications can be submitted. The Coastal Zone Certificate, Title 16 Permits, and 401 Certifi- cation are all subject to rather extensive review procedures. Except for those permits and authorizations requiring right-of-way survey data, preparation and submittal of permit applications can and should begin at the same time detailed design studies begin. VIlI~2 e-ITIA Agency State of Alaska Alaska Office of Manage- ment and Budget Alaska Dept. of Environ- mental Conservation Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Alaska Dept. of Labor Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources Alaska Dept. of Transporta- tion and Public Facilities Federal Bureau of Land Management oo ooo Table 18 Permit/Authorization Coastal Management Program Certificate of Consistency and Coastal Project Questionnaire Air Quality Permit to Operate Air Quality Permit to Open Burn Water Quality Certification (Clean Water Act Section 401) Solid Waste Disposal Permit Food Service Permit Wastewater Disposal Permit Anadromous Fish Protection Permits (Title 16) Other Title 16 Authorizations Prevention of Accidents and Health Hazards-Inspections Cultural Resources Plans and Approvals Land Use Permit (state lands) Right-of-Way Fasements and Leases (state lands) Material Sale Permit Permit to Burn Utility Permit (on state ROW) Right-of-Way Grant, FLPMA Ease- ment/Lease Temporary Use Permit 7 c = needed during construction 2/ C/M = needed during construction and/or maintenance 3/ CC = needed for construction camp 4/ ESA = existing significant area PRINCIPAL REQUIRED PERMITS North Study Area North Route Yes clY/ c/m2/ Yes cc3/ cc CC Yes Yes EsA4/ Yes c/M Yes Yes North Study Area South Route Yes C/M Yes cc cc cc Yes Yes Yes Yes C/M Yes Yes Sheet 1 of 2 South Study Area Yes C/M Yes cc cc cc Yes Yes Yes Yes Cc/M Yes No No 8L STqeL p-IIIA Agency Federal (cont'd) Bureau of Land Management (Cont'd) Corps of Engineers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Marine Fisheries Service Federal Aviation Adminis- tration U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Federal Communications Commission Other Native Corporations Borough and City Governments Private Landowners Table 18 PRINCIPAL REQUIRED PERMITS (Cont'd) Permit/Authorization Free Use Permit for Gravel Cultural Resources Approvals Discharge of Dredged or Fill Materials (Clean Water Act Section 404) Structures or Work in or Affecting Navigable Waters (Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act) Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act-Project Review Bald Eagle Protection Act Per- mit Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act-Project Review Structures which may Interfere with Airplane Flight Paths - Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (Clean Water Act Section 402) Oil Storage Facilities - Oil Spill Prevention, Containment and Countermeasure Plans (SPCC) Radio Licenses and Permits to Operate Land Use Permits and Easements Zoning Ordinances, Land Use Approvals, Public Meeting Requirements Right-of-way Agreements/Ease- ments North Study Area North Route Yes Yes Yes Yes See Text Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes North Study Area South Route Yes Yes Yes Yes See Text Yes Yes Yes Yes(?) Yes Sheet 2 of 2 South Study Area No Yes Yes Yes See Text Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes peanut quo 8L STqeL Based on the information available for this report, the regulatory differences of note between the North and South routes are: ° The North Route passes through designated archeologi- cal study areas that receive special attention from the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), whereas the South Route does not. ° The South Route passes through more military land than the North Route does. ° The North Route passes through more private land than does the South Route. Depending on the number of owners, acquisition of right-of-way could take longer than for state or federal non-military land. ° The North Route passes near nine airfields (two mili- tary), whereas the South Route only passes near three (none military). Overall, there does not appear to be significant difference between the routes with regard to regulatory and permitting matters. Both routes would probably take about the same length of time for permitting, although right-of-way acquisition would probably take longer for the North Route because of the larger amounts of private land. South Study Area The types of permits and authorizations required for the South Study Area are generally the same as for the North Study Area, except that it appears no BLM approvals will be necessary for the South Study Area. It should also be noted that a small parcel of Native land just north of Lorraine could easily be avoided by rerouting that segment, thus avoiding the need for any Native Corporation land use permits or easements. Coastal Management Program Certificate of Consistency and Coastal Project Questionnaire TAOMB) Required for projects affecting Alaska's coastal zone. Since part of the project (the South Study Area) is within the defined coastal zone, the entire project, including the North Study Area, will require this authorization. ViTI=5 Air Quality Permit to Operate (ADEC) Required for operation of point source types of facilities such as batch plants. May be required for construction. Air Quality Permit to Open Burn (ADEC) Will be required if burning of vegetation is used as a method of clearing or maintaining the right-of-way. Water Quality Certification (ADEC) Will be required for the project as a whole and in conjunc- tion with major federal permits (Corps 404, for example). Solid Waste Disposal Permit, Food Service Permit, Waste- water Disposal Permit (ADEC) Would be required during construction if construction camps are used. ; Anadromous Fish Protection Permits (ADFG) Required for activities taking place in or adjacent to streams supporting salmon or other anadromous fish species. Other Title 16 Authorizations (ADFG) Required for activities (culvert placement, for example) that may affect streams supporting fish. Prevention of Accidents and Health Hazards (ADOL) Construction operations and any construction camps would be inspected periodically by Alaska Department of Labor. Cultural Resources Plans and Approvals (ADNR) Routinely required for protection of archeological and historical resources. However, the North Study Area North Route as shown on the route maps passes directly through areas just north of Healy designated by SHPO as especially significant. Cultural resource approvals could be difficult to obtain for any line routed through these areas. VIII-6 Land Use Permits and Right-of-Way Easements/Leases (ADNR) State land use permits will be required to conduct con- struction activities on state land. Easements or leases will be required for those portions of the transmission line right-of- way located on state land. Material Sale Permit (ADNR) If construction materials include materials (gravel, for example) to be obtained from state lands, this permit will be required. Permit to Burn (ADNR) Will be required if burning of vegetation is used as a method of clearing or maintaining the right-of-way. Utility Permit (ADOTPF) Required for transmission line on or crossing a state right-of-way, incuding state highway and Alaska Railroad rights- of-way. Right-of-Way Grant, FLPMA Easements/Lanses (BLM) Required for right-of-way on federal lands managed by BLM. Includes military land, for which BLM must request letter of non-objection from the appropriate military authorities. Temporary Use Permit (BLM) Required for temporary activities on federal lands managed by BLM, including construction and construction access. Required if gravel or other soil material to be used in construction is obtained from federal lands managed by BLM. Cultural Resources Approvals (BLM) Clearance is required before placing structures or mainten- ance roads or for transmission line right-of-way on federal lands. VIII-7 Discharge of Dredged or Fill Materials - Clean Water Act Section 404 (COE Required for discharges of dredged or fill materials into waters of the United States, including wetlands. Some of the line segments may be permittable under the COE's nationwide permit program. Construction of any structure in or over any navigable water of the United States, or dredge and fill activities that might affect navigability in such waters, require a Section 10 permit. and NMFS) Any project requiring federal action, including the grant- ing of major permits such as the COE Section 404 or BLM's right- of-way easements, grants, and leases, is subject to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service review and, where anadromous fish could be affected, National Marine Fisheries Service review. Bald Eagle Protection Act Permit (USFWS) Bald Eagle Protection Act permits are ordinarily granted for the taking of eagles or interference with nests only for strictly scientific purposes. Some segments of the routes in the Northern Study Area would pass close enough to known eagle nesting sites to come under USFWS guidelines and potentially require eagle permits. Such conflicts should be considered as routing criteria (that is, reroute the segment to avoid eagle nests) rather than as regulatory matters, since it is unlikely USFWS would grant eagle permits for the project. Structures Which May Interfere with Airplane Flight Paths (FAA) FAA must be advised of any proposed construction or altera- tion of structures that may interfere with airplane flight paths. The North Study Area North Route passes within one mile of nine airfields, two of them military (Clear MEWS Base and Fort Wainwright). The North Study Area South Route passes with- in one mile of three airfields, none of them military. The South Study Area route does not appear to pass close to any established airfields, but it does pass near several lakes large enough to accomodate float planes. FAA has advised that radar reflection off transmission towers from aircraft approaching airfields is also of concern. vVIII-8 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System - Clean Water Act Section 402 (USEPA) Required for point source discharges, such as treated water effluent from sanitary treatment facilities at construction camps, or dewatering of sediment ponds. May be required for construction. Spill Prevention Containment and Countermeasures Plan (ADEC and USEPA) For storage facilities for petroleum, oil, and lubricants, including construction site facilities, a plan is required that specifies procedures for spill prevention, containment, and countermeasures. The plan must be available on-site for inspec- tion by ADEC and USEPA. Required to operate broadcasting and receiving stations. May be required for construction. Required for transmission line construction and right-of- way crossing regional and village corporation lands. Borough and Municipal Zoning Ordinances and Land Use Approvals Required for rights-of-way crossing borough or municipal lands. Often requires public meetings. Private Landowners Right-of-Way Agreements and Easements See SSS See Reale pe a eh) Required for crossing private lands. Engineering Studies Additional engineering studies will be required as part of detailed system design engineering. These include studies to establish: Switching surge control Sizing of surge arresters SVS and Shunt reactor refinement studies SVS control loop gain and time constants Switching and line energizing operating conditions Unbalanced fault studies Vitr—9 Aerial survey for plan and profile Soil borings and testing TNA for Insulation coordination and switching surge studies RI and TVI measurements A fault of uncertain activity between Healy and Lignite should be investigated. Soils To select and detail design the most economical type of foundation for a specific tower location, soil conditions at that site must be known. Because of local conditions and perma- frost occurrence in Healy - Fairbanks section a extensive soil investigation program should be considered to get this needed information. Soil borings will be performed to define the type of soil present and its strength in resisting the forces of the tower. The cost of a soil boring program is always small com- pared to the possible increase in the line cost if foundation designs are not adequate. It is intended that geotechnical exploration and design services necessary will be completed in two phases: Preliminary Investigation Phase. In this phase, test bor- ing and geophysical survey locations will be selected using existing subsurface data. A limited number of boring locations will be initially selected to verify the terrain units along the transmission line corridors as well as at some critical points like proposed line terminations, river crossings and PI (angle) points. Detailed Investigation Phase. Based on data from prelimi- nary investigation phase ditional borings will be selected to provide specific design information and detailed data for ter- rain unit maping. Borings will average depth of 35 to 50 feet and drilling for geologic logging and sampling will be carried out. In addition, geophysical surveys will verify permafrost conditions at selected locations established by the Mapping and Boring Programs. Eventually for a detailed geotechnical report, a comprehensive laboratory testing program will be performed using field samples. This report will show graphic logs of borings, boring location plans, subsurface profiles, and define foundation design criteria. Environmental Studies Additional environmental studies will consist of those items required for the acquisition of required permits and right-of-way easements and those items required for establishing final design criteria and route alignments. The major component VIII-10 of these studies will include the quantification of existing resources, assessment of the magnitude of impacts to biological and aesthetic resources, and development of a plan for mitigat- ing anticipated adverse effects. A major portion of the information needed for the permit applications and the development of mitigation plans and speci- fications will be acquired during a more formal, quantitative route selection analysis. It is expected that the route selec- tion process will consist primarily of refining the route des- cribed in this report. The more detailed route selection study will also include integration of general public participation as well as agency consultation. These studies could become an essential aspect of the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement, if it becomes necessary. The studies will also yield a basis for developing design criteria for the transmission line structures and right-of-way clearing procedures. Vita}