HomeMy WebLinkAboutKobuk-Shungnak Transmission Line Service Manual 1984KOBUK-SHUNGNAK TRANSMISSION LINE SERVICE MANUAL oe pak be 6 a Aik ae ~ aaa Ne Me oe Ee eee ening OM UU UY LLL Le ADSI a = 5 ad ax] RAY WWW "acer ieee CP) - il ae A J THOMAS D. HUMPHREY P.E. COMPANY KOBUK - SHUNGNAK TRANSMISSION LINE SERVICE MANUAL February 1, 1984 THOMAS D. HUMPHREY, P. E. COMPANY PO Box 4-2543 Anchorage, Alaska 99509 (907) 276-3442 TABLE OF CONTENTS A.| | |‘Entro@uction| 6) 6, 6 a) 6) ow |e, || fe ol el le fe | ell 1. Description of System. . . 2. 2. 2 2 «© we «© o 2. Map of Line. . 2... ee ee ee we we ww 3. One Line Diagram... ...e ec 22s B. Operation. . se see cee cee awe seen 1. Operation of Ground Return ......e.e-. 2. Shungnak Powerhouse. . 2. . 2 « © © «© ee « 3, Cutouts, «ese es ce ewe eo ee we we 4. Kobuk Distribution System. .......s- 5. Conversion to Kobuk Generation. ..... C. Maintenance ....-eccesese eee vee 1. Visual Inspections . . ..... seco 2. Repair Items & Methods ......-e+-+s«e-e a. Wire... eee ecevrvre eee eee be. Anchors. . «+6 e« «© ee ee ee we eo Co. GUYS 2 eee ew ete ew ee ew dad. Transmission Line Structures ..... D. Emergency and Safety Measures. . . 2... eee 1. Clearances . 2. 2. 6 6 «© ee we we we we we wo wo 2.. ‘Catastrophic Failure . ..«.sses+«+s+eeces 3. Medical. . 2. 2. ee eevee se eee eee E. Inventory of Material. . ......-se-e-e ee F. Contacts... ello re 1. State. . 2. ee ee ee eevee eee vee 2. P.E. Company . « « « « «© © © © © © ew © 3. Northline Electric . 2. «2 «ee eeeee G. Concluding Remarks . 2. 2. 2 © e+ © © we we we we ow Appendix: I Staking Sheets II Structure Diagrams oe ee oe ee eo oe ec we ee oe ee oe e oe we wo oe ee ee oe ee III Instructions for Fuse Cutouts IV Kobuk Distribution System V Proposed Alterations to Power System In Kobuk VI Medical Measures INTRODUCTION A. INTRODUCTION The transmission line supplying electricity from the Shungnak AVEC powerhouse, roughly 10.5 miles, to Kobuk was completed in November, 1981 (see Figure 1). The construction of the powerline was originally funded by a State grant through the State Department of Energy and Power Development for an experimental Single Wire Ground Return Line. Not only the ground return aspect of the project was experimental, but construction materials and methodology were experimental and uniquely suited to this area, 30 miles north of the Arctic Circle in the Kobuk River Valley. Climatic and environmental considerations that had to be dealt with included the incredible temperature variation (-60° to 100°), occasional high winds, extremely difficult access across tundra, streams and uneven terrain, and soils consisting predominately of permafrost. The structures, anchors, and all the material used were designed to deal with these conditions. Now, after more than two years of operation, most of the "bugs" have been worked out of the system, and this unconventional approach has proven to be a reliable, very functional operating system, and promises to continue to be, providing that a minimal amount of maintenance is conducted on a annual basis. Page 1 The purpose of this Service Manual is to provide local operators in Kobuk with an operation and maintenance manual to allow the continued operation of the system without having to rely on too much outside help. The manual is based on two years of maintenance experience and should allow for the system to operate reliably for the foreseeable future, short of a catastrophic failure. As the manual is designed for use by local operators who are not certified lineman, all maintenance and operation functions are those that do not require any climbing or above ground work on the line. It would be unrealistic and unsafe to expect anyone other than a lineman to work above ground on the transmission system. Should a problem arise or be identified as the result of a visual inspection of line (potential problems are covered in Section C) the manual can be used as a reference source to communicate to a professional line contracting company what the problem is, what material will be needed to fix any structures involved, what materials are on hand in Kobuk, and where between Kobuk and Shungnak the problem is located. In addition, the manual addresses safety and emergency situations, operation of the system, and provides detailed staking sheets and structure diagrams in Appendix I and II. It should be noted that the transmission line was built with two conductors enabling it to be operated as a single wire ground Page 2 return system or as a conventional 7200V 1 system. system is presently being operated as a conventional system using one of the overhead wires as a neutral (return), the manual will address both modes of operation as the system does operate and work well using the ground as a return. 1. Description of the System The basic characteristics of the system are as follows: ae b. ce. e. Operating voltage 7200V (single phase). Conductor minimum vertical ground clearance: 18 feet. Peak electrical demand at Kobuk roughly 40KW. Generating capacity at Shungnak 210KW. Kobuk distribution system voltage 7200V. General safety code requirement: NESC, NEC. Pole grade: local timber. Page 3 Although the 2. 3. h. i. Distance of line from Kobuk distribution system to Shungnak powerhouse 55,176+ feet or 10.45+ miles. Right-of-way width: 100 feet along majority of line. Number of conductors: 2. Conductor size: No. 4-2/5 AWAC Alumoweld-Aluminum Conductor. Guy wire type and size: 5/16" extra high strength. Map of Transmission Line Figure 1 illustrates the general routing of the transmission line from Kobuk to Shungnak. Numbers along the line are pole numbers of corner poles and storm guyed poles. One Line Diagram Figure 2 is a circuit diagram of the transmission line system. Page 4 3 ] — (6 ~ r 0 : J ° a . WS. ‘ wy i, —< Vd rue, \C ; 2 ~~ = —) iy QO _KOBUK-SHUNGNAK S.W.G.R. MAP _ LEGEND. = ‘SrbleGe Rey LINE ROUTE — NATIVE ALLOTMENTS | | | CMPPROAMATE) (@) CORNER AND eT0RM | PAU Leen = DRAWN’ lab. | DETTE’ CHECKED, VM&C| FEB 19 OPERATION B. OPERATION As illustrated in the One-Line Diagram presented in Figure 2 the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative in Shungnak generates power at 480 volts. This power is "stepped up" by a 25kva transformer to 7200 volts and then transmitted roughly 10.5 miles to Kobuk where it is stepped down by a single 25kva transformer feeding homes and community buildings in the village. The system is single phase. To better understand the operation of the system, a quote from the Lineman's and Cableman's Handbook] is appropriate: An electric circuit is the path in which the electric current flows. While the flow of electricity ina wire is actually the simultaneous motion of countless free electrons in one direction, it is often compared with the flow of a liquid like water. Electricity can then be said to flow in a wire as water flows in a pipe. Take a simple water circuit like the one shown in Figure 3. By noting the resemblance between this pipe circuit and a typical electric circuit shown in Figure 4, one can get a real understanding of the flow of electric currents. lkurtz, Edwin, The Lineman's and Cableman's Handbook Page 7 OPERATTOY CLOSED cxostiy oft 10.45 MILES t :KOBUK-SHUNGNAK S.W. G.R: JTRANSMISSION_SYSTEM.___ Water pipe Rotory Water. pump motor Figure 3. The water system. Rotory pump powered by gasoline engine Water pipe Generation ‘Transmission line Consumption Electric wire Electric Electric. Electric generator generator motor powered by gosoline engine Figure 4. The electric system. In Figure 3 water flows around the pipe circuit in the direction shown by the arrows. It is evident that this current of water flows because of a pressure which is exerted on it. This pressure is produced by the rotary pump, often called "centrifugal pump," which is driven by a gasoline engine. On the end of the pipeline, a water motor is connected, and, therefore, all the water that flows around the circuit must pass through the motor. It is plain that in so doing it will cause the motor to revolve and, therefore, deliver power to the shaft and the rotating equipment connected to the shaft. Similarly, when an electric current flows in a wire, it flows because an electric pressure causes it to flow. Thus, the current in Figure 4 is made to flow because of the electric pressure produced by the dynamo, or electric generator, which is driven by a gasoline engine. As the electric current flows along the wire, it will be forced to flow through the electric motor. This motor will begin to revolve as the electricity begins to flow through it and thus also will deliver power to the shaft and the rotatingequipment connected to the shaft. The "return flow" or neutral in Kobuk-Shungnak line can be operated by use of the second wire conductor installed (as a conventional system would operate) or by use of the ground as a return. The "ground return" is accomplished by electrode ground Page 8 grids installed in both Kobuk and Shungnak. l. Operation of Ground Return Presently the system is being operated as a conventional system using both overhead conductors, however the system does work well using the ground return and can easily be converted by closing and opening cutouts (see Figure 5) installed at poles servicing the ground grids (number 1 and 87). (NOTE: THE SYSTEM SHOULD NEVER BE OPERATED IN THE GROUND RETURN MANNER EXCEPT DURING CAREFULLY SUPERVISED TIMES FOR EXPERIMENTAL OR EMERGENCY PURPOSES) The operation of these cutouts should be accomplished with a hotstick from the ground while the entire system is deenergized. The cutouts connecting the neutral circuit to the ground grid must be closed first, followed by opening the cutout connecting the neutral wires. Both cutouts connecting the ground grids must be closed prior to breaking (opening) the circuit (cutout) serving the neutral wire. Page 9 Figure 5 Type LBU II Fuse Cutout Shungnak Powerhouse There are two switches that the power to Kobuk flows through in the AVEC Shungnak Powerhouse. Both of these switches must be in their ON position in order for the transmission line to supply power to Kobuk (see Figure 6 for location of breakers within powerhouse). Tanna 1n In the past these switches have been left off following routine maintenance work conducted by AVEC personnel on the generators. In the event of a power loss in Kobuk, Earnest Barry, AVEC plant operator in Shungnak, should be contacted to make sure this situation has not occurred again. The AVEC Plant operator should always be contacted prior to any alterations in the AVEC powerhouse, Dana 11 Cutouts Cutouts (see figure 5) have been installed at pole number 94 and in the Village of Kobuk at all transformers, as well as poles 87 and 1 for operation of the ground grids. Cutouts are essentially fused switches. Fuses are relatively inexpensive devices connected into circuits to protect the circuit and any connected apparatus from damage due to overload or short circuit. A fuse is an intentionally weakened spot in an electrical circuit. It usually consists of a short piece of wire made of lead or more often of an alloy of lead and tin which will melt at low temperature. When the current through such a metal becomes excessive, the resistance offered by the metal to the flow of current develops enough heat to melt the metal, thereby opening the circuit before the abnormal current can damage the circuit or any connected apparatus. In addition to being protective devices, cutouts also may be used as a switching device to deenergize the line or a transformer. Cutouts should be operated with a hot stick from the ground as demonstrated during training at Kobuk. Closing in and opening the units is accomplished by hotstick operation pushing or Dana 19 pulling on the fuseholder hookeye (1 of Figure 5). These Operations must be done quickly and firmly to minimize splitting and burning of contacts (2 of Figure 5). For complete instructions on the operation of cutouts, see Appendix III. Kobuk The distribution system in Kobuk is connected to the transmission system through a single cutout at pole number 02 of the distribution system. Included in Appendix IV is a map of the distribution system showing pole numbers and locations and the houses and services being served. Presently the distribution system is being operated by Kobuk Valley Electric Company, P.O. Box 42543, Anchorage, Alaska. Conversion to Kobuk Generation To convert power from the AVEC generated transmission line to the Kobuk standby John Deere 25KW generator (model DES35) and visa versa, the following procedure must be followed. a. Cutout at Distribution Pole #02 must be opened (hot phase, see Figure 6 for location). Dana 12 b. fu . Cutouts at Transmission Pole #1 must be opened (neutral phase). Generator on and warmed up. Tnrow transfer switch on wall of powerhouse from Shungnak Power to Kobuk Power. Throw breaker on side of generator ON. To convert power from Kobuk generated power to AVEC power supplied through the transmission line: a. Cc. d. e. Throw breaker on side of generator OFF. Throw transfer switch on powerhouse wall to SHUNGNAK POWER. Kill generator. Close cutouts at transmission pole #1 (neutral). Close cutout at distribution pole #02 (hot). UNLESS THIS PROCEDURE IS FOLLOWED EXACTLY, THERE EXISTS THE POSSIBILITY TO BACK FEED THE LINE TO SHUNGNAK. AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS HAZARD TO PERSONS IN SHUNGNAK. This procedure may be simplified in the near future following the installation of two 25kva transformers and a new switch box in the Kobuk generator house. This will eliminate the need to operate cutouts in order to make the conversion. See Appendix V for the proposed transmission line/distribution system interface, aoe) | ie MAINTENANCE Cc. MAINTENANCE Basic annual maintenance must be performed on the transmission line every year in order for the system to continue to be a reliable one. The maintenance functions identified are those that can be performed from the ground and have been performed by Kobuk's operator, Elmer Ward. In addition to specifying maintenance items that must be performed, trouble areas that should be looked for during visual inspections are presented in this section. Presented in Appendix I and II are staking sheets and structure diagrams. Both of these are useful tools for identifying the location and type of structure the transmission line was built with. The staking sheets (Appendix I) consist of a series of small maps showing the route alignment, pole numbers and structure types. These structure types, XA-l, XA-2, etc. are illustrated and have a material components list in appendix II. Should a structure become damaged for any reason, the structure number can be obtained in the field (all poles have been numbered) and these two appendixes can be used to order material or communicate the location and type of damage to a line contracting company for possible repair work. dis a ; It is recommended that the transmission line be visually inspected twice a year; in the spring and fall preferrably to insure there are no potential safety or operation problems. In addition: to obvious problems such as an unattached wire hanging from a pole, or a pole failure the following is a list of items that should be looked for during the inspection: -Clearance. The line must be at least eighteen (18) feet above the ground at all locations along the line. If this is not the case it should be determined why the line is below 18 feet and corrected immediately. Possible causes would be an anchor pulling, pole failure, guy failure, or an unattached conductor due to an insulator or tie failure. -Anchors. All anchors should be inspected to insure they are not pulling. -Guys. All guys should be inspected to insure they are not pulling through the automatic guy grip assemblys or are frayed or Gamaged in any way. -Rot. The butts of all poles, single-corner poles in particular, should be inspected and penetrated (with a knife or screw driver) to determine if they are damaged by rot. Dana 17 2. -Butt Wires. All butt wires should be inspected to insure they are flush to the ground to insure safe passage under the structure. They should also be attached firmly to the poles. -All Bolts and Nuts. All bolts and nuts on all the structures should be tight. This is particularly important on the main center bolt of the A frame structures. -Leaning Poles. All structures should be straight. Any leaning poles should be straightened immediately by adjusting guys. . Wethod The following is a list of repair methods for components of the transmission line that could be damaged and require repair by local operators in Kobuk. a. Wire. The primary conductor used for the transmission line has two aluminum strands and 5 steel strands (no. 4-2/5 AWAC Alumoweld-Aluminum Conductor). The mean span length between structures is 600 feet and the line has been tensioned at a little over 2500 pounds. Should any of this wire be damaged, frayed or broken a line i contracting company should be contracted to fix it. b. Anchors. Firm, stationary anchors and tight guys are critical to the reliable operation of the transmission line. Three types of anchors are used on the transmission line: 1. Two foot plate anchors are used at pole number 3 where peat conditions exist. 2. Six inch expansion anchors (see figure 7) are used at all other locations that are permafrost free. 3. 3/4 inch rebar anchors are used in all permafrost areas. To install new anchors: 1). Plate anchors require digging a hole that will accommodate the anchor. This hole must be deep enough so that only 6" of the anchor rod is exposed after backfilling the hole. All backfill material must be well tamped. 2). Expansion anchors: The 6" expansion anchors require a 6" diameter hole deep enough so that only six inches of the anchor rod is exposed after installation of the anchor. The anchor is inserted in the hole in the closed position (b of figure 7). Then the top of the anchor is struck several blows with a ram to cause the leaves to expand (a of figure 7) into solid undisturbed earth at the bottom of the hole. Pace 19 3). (a). a Jae (b) Figure 7: Three-way-type Everstick anchor, (a) expanded position and (b) closed position. The anchor is inserted in the hole in the closed position. Then the top of the anchor is struck several blows with a ram to cause the leaves to expand into solid undisturbed earch at the bottom of the hole. Rebar Anchors. These rebar anchors consist of two five foot sections of 3/4 inch rebar. Section "a" has a point on one end and a threaded (5/8" thread) section on the other end. Section "b" has two threaded ends. Paae 20 Ce Section "a" is jackhammered completely into the ground. Section "b" is then attached to section "a" with a 5/8" coupling and this 10’ anchor is driven into the ground with the exception of the top six inches. A threaded eye is then screwed on the top of the anchor and the guy attached to this eye. Figure 8: Installation of rebar anchor with jackhammer. Guys. 5/16" extra high strength guy wire was used to guy the structures to the anchors installed. Prefabricated guy grips (see figure 9) were installed on the end of the guy strand attaching the guy to the pole. Page 21 Figure 9: Prefabricated guy grip partially installed on end of guy strand. Automatic guy grips (see fig. 10) were used to attach the guys to the anchor assembling. Figure 10: Automatic Dead-End Page 22 The automatic guy grip can be adjusted easily as the guy will slide through the automatic in the event it needs to be tightened. Perhaps the single most important maintenance item required to insure safe realiable operation of the _ powerline is keeping the storm guys tight and the corner structures straight. Adjusting these guys is a simple procedure providing the operator is equipped with a good one ton coffin hoist and a steel wire grip (See Figure 11). Figure ll: Improved "Chicago" steel wire grip or comealona. Pane 22 d. To tighten a guy: 1). Secure the hoist between the anchor rod and the guy using the wire grip. 2). Tighten so that the corner structure is straight or the storm guy is tight. 3). Hammer the automatic up the guy wire so it is snug. Maintenance work on the transmission line structures is limited to work that can be performed on the ground. All work above ground should be referred to a licensed electrical company. Erecting the A-frames during construction was accomplished with a 3 legged gin pole, a chainsaw winch, and temporary ropes secured to 4-foot rebar stakes installed on either side of the A-frame. The following page has illustrations of these items. Dana A ‘hain Saws and Chain Saw Winches 3 legged gin pole with pullies A frame secured with temporary ropes on rebar stakes Chainsaw winch secured By temporary 4' stake - Page 25 - The four foot rebar stakes were left in the ground following construction and should a failure occur can be used to repair the line. Due to safety considerations, however, it has been recommended to the State that these stakes be pounded into the ground so they are flush with the surface of the ground. In the event this occurs, they will still be useable but probably a little hard to find, especially in the winter. Pane 26 EMERGENCY AND SAFETY MEASURES D. Emergency and Safety Measures WHEN IN DOUBT, SHUT IT OFF AND CALL FOR HELP. It can't be stressed enough how hazardous and dangerous this powerline can be, especially if any of its components are damaged and are not functioning properly. IN NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD ANYONE OTHER THAN A QUALIFIED LINEMAN: - Climb on the structures - Touch any conductor hanging from the poles due to a malfunction. Should a structure or any part of the transmission line become damaged Or appear to be malfunctioning, the line should be deenergized. This should be done by contacting the AVEC operator in Shungnak and throwing off both breakers in the Shungnak powerhouse (see in Figure 6). 1. Clearances. The transmission line was designed to allow for a minimum eighteen (18) feet of clearance between the conductors and the ground along its entire 10.5 miles. This clearance requirement meets the REA safety code requirements and is a safety standard. Pane 97 Should any portion of the line appear to be below this 18 foot standard, the reason for the sag should be identified and the situation corrected immediately. Catastrophic Failure. Should any of the poles break, conductor or guy wire break, wire become dislodged from the insulators, or any other major failure of the system, the line should be deenergized and shut off immediately. In these situations, the State should be notified and an electric line contracting company contacted to perform repairs. See Section F of this report for contacts, In the event of an emergency situation where someone has been injured as the result of touching a live conductor, an emergency medical section has been included as part of this manual in Appendix VI. This material was obtained from The Lineman's and Cableman’s Handbook. Do not touch anyone who is in contact with a live conductor. First shut the power off and then call for help. Dann 290 MATERIAL INVENTORY E. Inventory of Material In January, 1984 all electrical transmission and distribution materials and supplies were inventoried and stored in the City of Kobuk's generator building. This list, included below, should be updated and revised following any use of, or addition to, the inventory for the benefit of any line contractor working on the system. Additional pages are included here for updating this inventory. Pace 29 MATERIAL INVENTORY Date: January, 1984 By: 19 25 27 V. McClelland fuse links 189 H taps C7 blackburn covers spool of #6 ground wire roll approx. 100 feet tie wire pole top pin insulators 10-foot 3/4" rebar anchors 8-way expansion anchors w/t rods guy guards 1/0 splices 12" bolts 12" eye bolts suspension insulator deadened shoe side arm neutral bracket Page 30 MATERIAL INVENTORY Page 31 MATERIAL INVENTORY Date: By: Dann 29 MATERIAL INVENTORY Pane %2 F. CONTACTS Although the State of Alaska, Division of Energy and Power Development funded the construction of the S.W.G.R. line, the State Department of Commerce and Economic Development currently has jurisdiction over the project, including the maintenance responsibility for the line. Pat Woodell represents the State: Pat Woodell Department of Commerce and Economic Development 3601 C Street, Suite 722 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) 562-2728 The majority of the construction contract, as well as the present maintenance contract, has been executed with Thomas D. Humphrey, P. E. Company: Thomas D. Humphrey, P. £. Company PO Box 4-2543 Anchorage, Alaska 99509 (907) 276-3442 Page 34 The actual line contracting work performed for the project was performed under a subcontract between P. £. Company and Northline Electric Company. Northline Electric Company 1306 W 3lst Anchorage, Anchorage, Alaska 99509 (907) 276-6408 Pace 35 CONCLUDING REMARKS G. CONCLUDING REMARKS The author's last wish in preparing this service manual is that the experimental SWGR line continue to provide reliable power to the Village of Kobuk. . . an achievable goal if the very basic, simple maintenance functions described herein are performed on a regular basis. In addition, it should be stated that in the eyes of the author, the project is a resounding success, not only because it works, but because it was built with a perfect safety record essentially by the people of Kobuk, in a spirit of adventure, hard work, and comradery. As maintenance and repair work is done on the line from here on out, it is hoped that this manual will fullfill its purpose and that all work performed on the line is done safely. Page 36 APPENDICES APPENDIX I STAKING SHEETS CONT, PAGE 2 y COOOQOOGDO wm Li ® KOBUK-SHUNGNAK S.W.GR. ]i'x 500! t/oc/e' LEGEND POE TYPE Ke 7 XG XP 2 Ke > Xm 1 Xe 2 Xe 1 Xe 1 Xe 2 KOBUK-SHUNGNAK S.W.GR. j" = S00! 1(06/81 LEGEND me POLE TYPE © Ket @ Xe4 a) XA ) Xe 4 (@) Ke 4 LEGEND POLE POLE TYPE x> [ XP) Ke + xp 1 NORTH X™1 QOOOOOO®@ O® SSR ISDLEND OF TREES Be, KOBUK-SHUNGNAK S.W.GR. {lx S00! 1/16/81 x 4 ©©80@00% LEGEND POE TYPE Xe 1 Xe XAS XAS KAS AeS KES KOBUK-SHUNGNAK S.W.G.R. 1" =~ 500! \1ae/e) BIRCH HILL | CLOOTOOON LEGEND w POLE TYPE XJ | Xe | KA { XA { KA 4 Xe J TOP OF HILL BEFRRRE AL CEE KOBUK-SHUNGNAK S.W.G.R. \'~Soe00! 1/16/e1 * ®O©OOOGOOS OLE TIPE KP KP 1 a1 X14 Xf Xa T Xi Ke + KOBUK-SHUNGNAK S.W.GR. {' = S00! ‘/10/ e1 ‘, QOOOOOOGO®™ XA 1 re | XA | Xe 1 Kat Xe { ae I Xm 1 CONT) FRGE & KOBUK-SHUNGNAK S.W.G.R. | = S00! {/1c/@1 3 ®OOOOOOO® Tiiag 5001 1/16/84 KOBUK-SHUNGNAK S.W.G.R. . LEONPRD DoUgles PLLOT MENT LEGEND POLE POLE TYPE | (@) Xe | (”) km | @%) Xe 1 (4) YAR (5) Xe] @) KP { @) Xe | D) KA 4 ©) X> 1 KOBUK-SHUNGNAK S.W.G.R. K ) |! S00! {16/01 9/91 /| 190 = i} ‘d'D'M’S AVNONNHS-YNEOm ‘hand 42 aon (O27 0 z %®O@O®QO@O®OOO & e uw) g * & | APPENDIX II STRUCTURE DIAGRAMS a | = Y \ ) 0 —— tw es Sais Tye aor] euy SRAND 1/4! MACHINE 6/o'xREOpUley [2 [Guy CLAMPS — eee ecRE CORES aoe —] pal a || 2 |[PRERORMED GPLE TE Maar ! . (¢ (Noe 24 heed Wier Fad E CURVED, KARE] || baer NRE 2} ] A (e/a BXPERIMENTAL 'oGR! LINE CONSTRUCTION 1.2 1V¥ PRIMARY @2- AACE A- FRAME CONSTRUCTION |o? TO 6° ANGLE SNaLE PRIMARY SUPPORT NOTE :(2) XF-1 ANCHOR heov'S> REA'D TETNOT MATERIAL SSS*C*«dEMHO MATEIASC“‘*‘“S*C*S eee et eee 2 |ARMER GRIP SLEPENSION | He acta Tne Bree ref —| ANGLE THi MB EYELETS 6/8! | 2 (WET PLATE SOLE || 4 | LAG SCREWS 2/0" * 9! | 0 |WAL EVEBOO sleixeit ) [REVFON + 1/2/h BXPERMENTAL 'SnGRQ" UNE CONSTRUCTION 49-2 KV PRIMARY 2 PHASE VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION S°TO GOP (MAX - ANGLE) e fete 34 pi 30 see T-R 7 Soi K PA | GROUND EVEL’ NOTE: 4+EA KE | ANCHOR ASoM*> REQ DPD | | Lo meM] NO | MATERIA [Er] NO] MATERIAL La 4 ]1S KV INSULATOR, Soom i (| 4 | CLAMP DEAD EN D SSRN THE Py 4 | ANGLE THIMBLE EYELET *e" | Cee eau a 4 _[UPT PATE SHOLE LAG SCRE , 3/el x Sil _ | a | + |WAL BYEROT 4/0! | = | | LOCK WhsHER s/ei 7 - 4 |NuT se ee 4 [LINE CLAMP : | REVISOR: /e/hi EXPERIMENTAL | SNGOR! UNE CONSTRUCTION KA ‘h~ PRIMARY 1 Aap EA VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION GO°TO 90% ANGLE NOE: HE WITH XA L ASEM. UNITS 2USE WITH (2) | XF-1 AEM } UN IT W@CETHMALE EYELET Gay =< oe EXPERIMENTAL |GNGR! LINE CONSTRUCTION 1%. KN PRIMARY - PHASE. A- FRAME CONGTRIUCTION - PEBAD BHD (ROU4 LE) G | Babine Taye a 7 MIEN. G QL oO STURN YO eB Dt = 2 yee ee NAG Bh ue WH reso? BND alm eee ey Tape ae 28 Ht Seay? alae YA Ne¢ ee a ee IAs PralHeryy ae) fey | ae ice mao oe a oe ttt PE CCC TT UT | Teel ota are Nil | Bak Me BAINTNSN!| 2 TTietelbyid | ON [aw] a} TWISTER | ON | ; ef JERSEY Te LAN Pin ie er, TEX|NO| MATERA CITEMNO| MATERIAL [1 |INSULSTOR, SUSPENSON | [a0 SPUT CONPUIT | { |CeM EP, PEADEND STRAN | 46 | Ae aCRENS [4 (ANGLE THiMBLE LET UT: CUT | arroOour ~ t_ [OFF PEATE | _|1. | CUTOUT Beacee BG SCREWS , 2/01 xa | BOLTS, MACHINE 45/e i | { [OVAL Ervrerorr s/6l ot 2 TNA GHER Se, CURVED bf 3 lice WASHER sei | CT 13 [NUT S/er rt t—“‘<ti*d:SC Pf JUNE CLAMP LUT UT CU Re ee) PERIMENTAL aa a! NE CONSTRUCTION KA UL KY PRIMAZY 2 SE VERTICAL CO-BTEUCION EAD END (GNSLE) GROUND aRi> ARoFA & wn ——+ — et een —— — PUD AOR —¢ —— NOTE: USE WITH | | 4 4F-1 ASS UNIS TE | NO | MATERIAL ITEM | No | MATE RR | AL & | INQUUTOR SLGPENGON PE. | 1 | SSULNO2 AN TYPE DEAD END (DE)STRANCLIAA Of [AN POLE Top |S | ANGLE TNBLE EveEeer [| + [BOUT MACHINE 6/6 | x | 3 | 5/e' Evegor | 2 | WAPHER (CO, CURVEDFOR Ye [3 | S/e! EVENUT CUT + [NUT F/6 I eS ee ee ea fe Se Pet BRBCKE NASHER 4/1 Fee ABLE Ti mS CLAMP MRON 2 \/8/S'1 BPERMENTAL lonNGQe! UNE ata ES |13-2KV PRIMARY 2- ae SINGLE WHE TAP NOTE: USE WNITH ZEA XF-1 ASEM UNIFo ><PER! MENTAL 'NGR! =i CONTIN 5e% EV PRIMARY 2 PHRASE VERTICAL COWRTRIUCTION DPBEAD EXD NOTE * PROJECTION OF BNCHOR ROP KROVE EARTH WAY BE INCREASED TO & MAX, OF "IN CULTIVATED FIELDS CR OTHER LECATION@ NHERE NECE=eoARY TO PREVENT BURTING OF THE ROD EXE _ OPPROK. APTER STRAIN “TO BE OhME ke UNEX - 4 PENDPED 2 ROP s/e'"xo' TWH EE || [| t_ Gixns/oi | BUTOMATIC Gre ANP MSE Ti PEIOEMED PER Ee a —1— ie ee ee eee TO OE es a UI [PT PTY TCE OCU OCU es Te TLC LEE EET CI BAPERIMENTAL LaRAR. LINE CONSTELLATION 5 120 KV PRIMARY 2 PHASE VERTICAL CONSTRUCTION ANCHOR. ASSEMBLY hy Mas RA | T FORMER Teor OW BOUT MACHINE 5/p! it DRA er fy WASHER, S52 FoR 5/o! | [| 2@ | UNE SMP lt | Bor, Se Fei | | 1 | Wepee Gane | _15 | -CEWASHER 5/61 | [Ss | NUT vel! EXPERIMENTAL |IG,N.G6.R.! LUNE CONSTRUCTION XS B.A KV PRIMARY 2 PHRSE VERTICRL CONSTRUCTION TRALRFORMER AT PEADPDEYD APPENDIX III INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUSE CUTOUTS INSTRUCTIONS FOR 3) I.L. 38-651-1 TYPES NCX AND LBU II FUSE CUTOUTS General Description The Westinghouse NCX and LBU II open cutouts are gas expulsion type distribution fuses. Their primary function is to clear fault or overload currents on a section of distribution line or a damaged piece of equipment. The LBU II in addition has the capability of load and capacitor switching. Design and test of these units is in accordance with NEMA SG2-1976. ; Figure 1. Type NCX Fuse Cutout Figure 2. Type LBU II Fuse Cutout Ratings The rating of a cutout is expressed in terms of voltage (kV), interrupting current, and continuous current. In the case of the LBU II, the load switching rating is also the continuous current rating, except for the 20/34.5 and 27 kV units. Voltage Rating: This number may be expressed as system line-to-line voltage or system 1 ine-to-ground voltage; when considering voltage ratings it is extremely ALL possible contingencies which may arise during installation, operation, or maintenance, and all details and variations of this equipment do not purport to be covered by these instructions. If further information is desired by purchaser regarding his Anstaklation, operation or maintenance of his equipment, the Local Westinghouse Electric Corporation representative should be contacted. Effective June 1977 important to understand which type of number is being used. The system 1 ine-to- ; line rating is also referred to as "full rated" ("15 kV" for example), and the 7 system 1 ine-to-ground is called "slant rated" ("7.8/13.8 kV" for example.) Note that in the "slant" rating, the line-to-ground voltage is to the left of the / and the line-to-line voltage is to the right of the /. Full rated units may be applied on any system where the line-to-line voltage does not exceed the kV rating. Slant rated units are for solidly grounded wye systems or single phase installations where no more than the line-to-ground voltage (the number to the left of the /) is impressed across the unit. Westinghouse makes both slant and full rated units. The fuse support (or insulator) assembly, however, always is identified with the "full rated" number. This rating is glazed onto the side of the porcelain (9). The fuseholder (interrupter tube which holds the fuse link) assembly carries either the "full rated" or "slant rated" kV embossed in one of the castings (6) depending on what style was purchased. Interrupting Current Rating: This is the maximum asymmetrical fault current which can be interrupted successfully by the fuseholder at the rated voltage. This rating is embossed on one of the fuseholder castings (6) with the kV rating. Note that this rating normally consists of two numbers; the smaller (left hand) is the solid cap rating and the second (right hand) number is the expendable cap rating. See also paragraph 6, under "Operation". pe Continuous Current Rating: The NCX and LBU II fuse supports are both 300 amps maximum. Fuseholders are identified as 100 or 200 amps and disconnects 300 amps. In addition, cutout end style and date of manufacture are stamped on the bottom \ of the porcelain (10), and date of manufacture is embossed on a fuseholder casting (6). Construction Construction of the fused unit is such that the fuseholder will accept NEMA standard fuse links and NEMA standard solid or expendable caps. The fuseholder may be hookstick operated to remove from or place into the fuse support. A disconnect blade may be substituted for the 100 amp or 200 amp fuseholder thus converting either fused unit into a 300 amp disconnect, and vice versa. The disconnect too, may be hook- stick operated. The self-contained loadbreak of the LBU II is made up functionally of the Delrin arc chute (8) and spring actuated loadbreak blade. The spring which biases the loadbreak blade against a stop gives a "quick break" snap action of the loadbreak blade out of the arc chute as the fuseholder is pulled open. Units are normally supplied with NEMA standard mounting bracket assemblies (12) suitable for standard crossarm mounting; note mounting angle as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Conductor size range for units (fused or disconnect) with parallel groove terminals (7) is from No. 8 solid through No. 4 solid (approximately) for the small groove and up to 4/0 for the large groove. For units with eyebolt terminals (7), conductor size range is No. 6 solid to 250 MCM. Terminal bolts are staked so nuts cannot be easily removed. . Operation The open cutout is a high voltage device normally operated with standard hot line tools; it requires reasonable care to operate properly and safely. Closing in and opening the units is accomplished by hookstick operation pushing or pulling on the fuseholder hookeye (1). These operations must be done quickly and firmly to minimize spitting and burning of the contacts (2). Please note that the NCX is not a loadbreak device, and it is not designed to be opened under load. An arc started by opening under load could cause injury or damage to equipment. The LBU II on the other hand is designed specifically to break load current. Within its rating ti will do this quickly, safely, and consistently. Operation of either unit should be consistent with individual utility operating and safety procedures. The NCX open cutout can be used as a loadbreak device if it is opened using the S&C loadbuster tools. Hooks (11) are provided which meet the mechanical and electrical requirements of the tools. Loadbreak ratings as shown on the tool nameplate are the function of the tools and their ability to interrupt given circuit conditions. Also refer to the nameplate of the tool to make certain the voltage rating of the tool is the same as that of the system where it is being used. For safe, proper operation of the loadbuster tools, refer to instruc- tions contained in the S&C literature and/or individual utility operating procedures. When placing a unit in service, it should be visually checked for any obvious defects such as parts bent or porcelain (10) broken in shipping. Also alignment of fuseholder in fuse support. The "C" blade must move freely in and out of the Delrin arc chute (8) for proper snap action and dropout operation. Conductors should be fastened in terminals (7) using proper torque for a given bolt size: A. Approximately 20 ft. 1b. for parallel groove terminals with 3/8 inch hardware. B. Approximately 45 ft. 1b. for eyebolt terminals with 1/2 inch hardware. Refusing the fuseholder using NEMA standard links should be done with the following in mind: 1. Re-use of fuseholders that have operated should be preceded by an examination to insure that there is sufficient fiber left to perform the fault interrupting function. The fused cutout operates by eroding this fiber liner thus enlarging the tube inside diameter in successive operations. Suggested maximum I.D. before fuseholder replacement is as follows: 100 amp fuseholder - .65" (16 mm) 200 amp fuseholder - .94" (24 mm) 2. 100 amp and lower fuse links should be used only in a 100 amp fuseholder. The practice of using 100 amp and lower fuse links with a washer in a 200 amp fuseholder may result in nuisance operations due to overheating or in failures to interrupt low current faults. 3. The fiber tube which is a part of the fuse link assembly should not be bent or broken before inserting it. A damaged fuse link tube could result in failure to interrupt low currents. The cap should be firmly tightened over the button head of the fuse link to insure a satisfactory current path. A loose cap will result in a high resistance connection causing excess heat and melting of the fuse link. The flipper (5) eliminates strain on the fuse link and is used to assist ejection of fuse link. To accomplish this, it must be locked behind the ferrule casting and held by the fuse link. Pulling firmly on the fuse link (it is constructed to withstand approximately 10 lbs. tension), it is placed under the hold-down nut which is tightened to 10-15 ft. Ibs. The excess length of the fuse link . Should be cut off. 6. Note that though the NEMA solid caps can be re-used, the expendable or barrel expendable caps (required on the LBU II for "Exp." operation) should not. When the cutout operates to clear a fault, the top of the expendable or barrel expendable cap will blow out. Then it cannot hold the fuse link button head - see 4 above. Replacement parts are limited to caps, fuseholders, and fuse links. Refer to (W) catalog section 38-600 for the correct style number. 7. Although the open cutout is designed and built to be in the weather, the fuseholder should not be left in the cap down position. In this position with the open end of the tube upward, water may collect in the tube causing the fiber liner to swell. In an extreme case, the tube can fail to interrupt. 8. The contacts of the cutout are silver plated and protected with a coating of silicone grease. Old grease and accumulated dust and dirt should be wiped clean; the protective coating can be renewed with a light coating of silicone grease. With Severe cases of corrosion in extreme environments, contacts can cleaned using very fine emery cloth. Coarse emery cloth or use of some sharp edged metal tool is not recommended because of the danger of damaging the silver plating of the contact. Handling The (W) open cutouts are packed in heavy cardboard containers for shipping. When handling and during installation, a reasonable amount of care is required to pre- vent damage and insure proper operation. The insulator is a wet process porcelain. It is strong but can be broken giving sharp edges and perhaps resulting in an electrically unsound insulator. |@ i Westinghouse Electric Corporation Distribution Apparatus Division, Bloomington, IN 47401 Printed in U.S.A. APPENDIX IV KOBUK DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM P.E. COMPANY ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS x 5 ina} oO x Ww oO wi oO 5 > CPO TD OL cee , ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM - BASED ON ORIGINAL MAP 11/14/80 VILLAGE OF KOBUK - ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM APPENDIX V PROPOSED ALTERATIONS TO POWER SYSTEM IN KOBUK APPENDIX VI MEDICAL MEASURES Resuscitation Effects of Electric Shock on the Human Body The effect of electric shock on a human being is rather unpredictable and may manifest itself in a number of ways: 1. Asphyxia. Electric shock may cause a cessation of respiration (asphyxia). Current passing through the body may temporarily paralyze (or destroy) either the nerves or the area of the brain which controls respiration. 2. Burns—Contact and Flash. Contact burns are a common result of electric current passing through the body. The burns are generally found at the points where the current entered and left the body and vary in severity, the same as thermal burns. The seriousness of these burns may not be immediately evident because their appearance may not indicate the depth to which they have penetrated. In some accidents there is a flash or electric arc, the rays and heat from which may damage the eyes or result in thermal burns to exposed parts of the body. 3. Fibrillation. Electric shock may disturb the natural rhythm of the heartbeat. When this happens, the muscles of the heart are thrown into a twitching or trembling state and the actions of the individual muscle fibers are no longer coordinated. The pulse disappears, and circulation ceases. This condition is known as “ventricular fibrillation” and is serious. 4. Muscle Spasm. A series of erratic movements of a limb or limbs may occur owing to alter- nating contractions and relaxations of the muscles. This muscle-spasm action on the muscles of respiration may be a factor in the stoppage of breathing. RESCUE Because a person may receive electrical shock in many different locations—on the ground, in buildings, on poles, or on steel structures—it is neither possible nor desirable to lay down definite methods of rescue. However, there are certain facts which should be remembered. Freeing Victim Because of the muscle spasm at the time of shock, most victims are thrown clear of contact. However, in some instances (usually low-voltage) the victim is stil touching live equipment. In either situation, the rescuer must be extremely careful not to get himself in contact with the live equipment or to touch the victim while he is still in contact. He should “free” the victim as soon as possible so that artificial respiration can be applied without hazard. This may involve opening switches or cutting wires so that equipment within reach is deenergized or using rubber gloves or other approved insulation to move the victim out of danger. If the victim is to be lowered from a pole, tower, or other structure, a hand line of adequate strength, tied or looped around him and placed over a crossarm or tower member, is a simple and satisfactory method. Procedures for lowering a lineman from a pole or substation structure devel- oped by personnel of the Commonwealth Edison Company are illustrated in Sec. 49, “Pole-Top and Bucket Truck Rescue.” Artificial Respiration Methods Early methods of artificial respiration involved applying heat by building a fire on the victim’s stomach, beating the victim with a whip, inverting the victim by suspending him by his feet i oa spendin, or rolling the victim over a ba: cine ee — Schafer prone method, the ee ae oar Saint et sires the mouth-to-mouth method. The counsel = rane ge is Seer ie ison Electric Institute and the American Red Cross Th er aie by i utility companies is described in this section. Artifi i ion ae ae ps en ing stops as a result of electric shock, exposure t tani jury. If the heart has stopped functioning as a result of cardlac'rect a ven- tricular fibrillation, heart-] n, heart-lung resuscitation should i Heart-lung resuscitation methods are illustrated in = — ie mnie Geet OP gps Artificial Respiration To be successful art a e shortest time possible to a victim who is not br pow ility of successful revival for each minute of delay ne aly, ve pps of perce in which the victim i e victim can iven additional Blane isto - additional treatmen P warm, etc.) and the “ # i the breathing rhythm or cycle. However“ n aes ficial respiration must be appli 5 ied eathing. The graph below ahora the is placed on the ground or floor is the t (stoppage of bleeding, wrapping in ly relieved without an interruption of ie i rf ‘pole-top resuscitation” i i started if there will be any appreciable delay in getting eviseahedeeen a i a Ne position. In choosing th itati wihecadiog ne | Bes etreuatiatog to be used, the rescuer must consider the obvious i a ee aS ios ees examee, might make inadvisable the use of eeiaiat as a n 0 arms or on the face might exclud oe ould be lost in searching for injuries; artificial psi tio ie /- k once. CURVE SHOWING POSSIBILITY OF suc PLOTTED AGAINST ELAPSED TIME Teorey START OF RESUSCITATION, POSSIBILITY OF success 1s 5 20 Time tm mimuTes a Necessity for Speed in Starti Ded ae ee rting Artificial Respiration Arti ue ame or important single factor in seokfamatenn te Fliel: Uerefuee ome So y a few minutes, probably not more than 4 or 5 vefthoait ali tee cael a i counts The Sreater the delay, the less chance of ene fate pce) to cows clothings warm the victim, get him down from ie! alsvor ae ieee - ticenio check of the at eae rough ti] remove false teeth, tobacco, chewing gum, etc. After aaa Ey. an nto 5 im’s belt, collar, and other clothin - ig may be loosened, providing this does not interfere with the resuscitation THE MOUTH-TO-MOUTH (M-M) OR (MOUTH-TO-NOSE) (M-N) METHOD OF ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION PREFERRED METHOD ENDORSED BY Amencan Heart Association - Amencan Medical Association Amencan Red Cross— U.S. Public Health Service Industrial Medical Association — Edison Electnc institute /n_ At. EMERGENCY » OBSERVE HAZARDS ™ PROTECT YOURSELF ~ THINK Then IF NECESSARY... “REMOVE THE INJURED FROM HAZARDOUS AREA AIR DELIVERY COMPARISONS 6 z~ NORMAL BREATHING A 5? C.C. OF AIR PER BREATH MOUTH-TO-MOUTH ieee POSITION) 105 C.C. OF AIR PER BREATH MOUTH-TO-MOUTH > (VERTICAL POSITION) 130 C.C. OF AIR PER BREATH IF THE INJURED IS NOT BREATHING OPEN AIRWAY ™ RESTORE BREATHING ACT QUICKLY SECONDS COUNT TO OPEN AIRWAY OBSTRUCTED OPENED KEEP INJURED’S HEAD TILTED MOUTH-TO-MOUTH MOUTH-TO-NOSE ONE HAND ON ONE HAND ON FOREHEAD FOREHEAD OTHER HAND BEHIND] OTHER HAND HOLDS NECK MOUTH CLOSED A BABY’S NECK IS VERY PLIABLE... DON’T EXAGGERATE HEAD TILT TO RESTORE BREATHING Fa KEEP INJURED’S HEAD TILTED E PINCH NOSTRILS CLOSED OR CLOSE MOUTH E] TAKE A DEEP BREATH E3 PLACE YOUR MOUTH OVER HIS MOUTH (OR NOSE) fi BLOW FORCEFULLY ( REMOVE YOUR MOUTH AND ALLOW HIM TO EXHALE Repeak CYCLE 12 TIMES PER MINUTE PINCH NOSTRILS CLOSED OR CLOSE MOUTH MOUTH-TO-MOUTH MOUTH-TO-NOSE TR USE THUMB & MAKE SURE LIPS FOREFINGER OF ARE SEALED THE HAND YOU HAVE ON HIS FOREHEAD THIS IS THE BASIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MOUTH-TO-MOUTH & MOUTH-TO-NOSE RCEFULLY TAKE A DEEP BREATH Sie ee a UNTIL YOU SEE » ENOUGH AIR FOR YOURSELF a ; AND THE INJURED ex: HIS CHEST RISE “ABOUT TWICE HIS A ~ NORMAL BREATH A+ BABIES REQUIRE ONLY PLACE MOUTH COMPLETELY SMALL PUFFS OF AIR OVER HIS MOUTH (OR NOSE) CaukonxYOUR FIRST BLOWING OPEN YOUR MOUTH WIDELY EFFORT MAY REVEAL AN MAKE AIRTIGHT SEAL OBSTRUCTION-—IF SO... ai ADULT ROLL HIM ON HIS SIDE AND SLAP HIM ON THE BACK BABY PICK HIM UP AND LAY HIM OVER YOUR ARM-—SLAP HIM ON THE BACK Ah ON A BABY PLACE MOUTH OVER BOTH MOUTH & NOSE G REPEAT CYCLE REMOVE YOUR MOUTH AND 12 TIMES ALLOW HIM TO EXHALE PER MINUTE i WATCH HIS CHEST FALE LISTEN FOR AIR ESCAPING RATE FOR BABIES 20 PUFFS PER MINUTE FROM HIS LUNGS Note. Check. EVERY BREATH BY... IN MOUTH-TO-NOSE YOU MAY HAVE TO OPEN HIS 1 SEEING CHEST RISE & FALL MOUTH TO ALLOW AIR TO ESCAPE 2 FEELING RESISTANCE OF LUNGS AS THEY EXPAND 3 HEARING AIR ESCAPE Z DURING EXHALATION Remember Oonlinuk 1 KEEP HEAD TILTED UNTIL...HE IS BREATHING 2 PINCH NOSTRILS (OR NORMALLY OR... CLOSE MOUTH) HE REACHES A HOSPITAL 3 TAKE A DEEP BREATH OR... 4 SEAL MOUTH COMPLETELY 5 BLOW FORCEFULLY Bae 6 REMOVE YOUR MOUTH Len ew hs A DOCTOR TAKES OVER HEART LUNG RESUSCITATION HEART- LUNG RESUSCITATION IS ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION _ (MOUTH-TO-MOUTH OR MOUTH-TO-NOSE) PLUS ARTIFICIAL CIRCULATION (EXTERNAL CARDIAC COMPRESSION) ep Ay er /* Weer WS beet | SK NN > ~ \\a. gee“, ¥ = 4 L HEART- LUNG RESUSCITATION HAS BEEN ENDORSED By: WE SOMETIMES FACE EMERGENCIES SUCH AS — = ELECTRIC SHOCK = HEART ATTACK = DROWNING = SUFFOCATION = PHYSICAL SHOCK WHERE DEATH MAY RESULT FROM CARDIAC ARREST AND/OR LACK OF BREATHING Nolte THE SYMPTOMS OF CARDIAC ARREST AND VENTRICULAR FIBRILLATION ARE THE SAME TO RESTORE CIRCULATION USE ° EXTERNAL ° CARDIAC ¢ COMPRESSION SIGNS THAT CIRCULATION HAS STOPPED ( HEART STANDSTILL OR VE NTRICULAR FIBRILLATION ARE - 1. NO CAROTID PULSE 2. WIDELY DILATED PUPILS 3. ASHEN-GRAY SKIN COLOR IF THE INJURED IS NOT BREATHING Qpen_ AIRWAY IF THIS DOES NOT HELP - Restore BREATHING _ IF HIS HEART HAS STOPPED Route CIRCULATION LA ted CB SECONDS COUNT Pulae CHECK CAROTID ARTERY ™ LOCATED IN NECK ON EITHER SIDE OF WINDPIPE m USE INDEX AND MIDDLE FINGERS OF ONE HAND ™ PULSE SHOULD BE “FELT” NOT “COMPRESSED” NO PULSE MEANS NO CIRCULATION CHECK BY LIFTING EYELID TO SEE IF PUPIL CONTRACTS WHEN EXPOSED TO LIGHT ~ z = <a = WORMAL PUPIL DILATED PUPIL PUPILS THAT REMAIN WIDELY DILATED INDICATE LACK OF CIRCULATION Color ASHEN-GRAY SKIN COLOR INDICATES LACK OF OXYGENATED BLOOD 1. LAY INJURED ON HIS BACK ON A FIRM SURFACE ™ FOR EFFECTIVE ARTIFICIAL CIRCULATION OF BLOOD - THE HEART MUST BE COMPRESSED BETWEEN STERNUM (BREASTBONE) AND SPINE HIS SIDE ay 2. KNEEL AT A g ™ IN LINE WITH LOWER HALF OF HIS CHEST BASIC STEPS IN EXTERNAL CARDIAC COMPRESSION 1. LAY INJURED ON HIS BACK ON A FIRM SURFACE 2. KNEEL AT HIS SIDE 3. PLACE THE HEEL OF ONE HAND ON LOWER HALF OF HIS STERNUM (BREASTBONE) 4. PLACE YOUR OTHER HAND ON TOP OF THE FIRST 5. EXERT DOWNWARD PRESSURE 6. RELEASE PRESSURE HUST ne CT ta 3. PLACE THE HEEL OF ONE HAND ON THE LOWER HALF OF HIS STERNUM " FEEL FOR LOWER END OF STERNUM = PLACE ONLY THE HEEL OF HAND ON HIS STERNUM bia ™ KEEP YOUR FINGERS EL! DO NOT TOUCH HIS aes MT SA RT CAUSE INTERNAL INJURIES NoTe: | ONLY Two FINGERS ARE REQUIR | COMPRESS THE BREASTBONE oh pay 4 PLACE YOUR OTHER HAND 5 EXERT DOWNWARD PRESSURE ON TOP OF THE FIRST @ ROCK FORWARD UNTIL YOUR SHOULDERS ARE ALMOST DIRECTLY ABOVE INJURED’S CHEST © THS WIL HELP MAINTAIN © KEEP YOUR ARMS STRAIGHT eee © APPLY ENOUGH PRESSURE (80 TO 100 POUKDS) on wi bie ee TE TO DEPRESS THE STERNUM 1% TO 2 INCHES EXERT PROPER PRESSURE © We THE Waaur OF Youn epece nny Able © THE HEEL OF ONLY ONE HAKD WILL PROVIDE ENOUGH PRESSURE TO HSM AUR lal COMPRESS THE BREASTBONE OF CHILDREN | 6, RELEASE PRESSURE /r_ Alc EMERGERGENCY ¢ OBSERVE HAZARDS + PROTECT YOURSELF * ROCK BACK = Marta Kate Peano ¢ THINK BEFORE YOU ACT DO NOT LIFT HANDS OFF STERNUM RELEASE OF PRESSURE ALLOWS There HEART TO REFILL WITH BLOOD IF NECESSARY Repeat. connec Jed pe REMOVE THE INJURED SECOND Nol. FROM HAZARDOUS AREA THE RATE FOR BABIES AND CHILDREN 1S 80 TO 100 COMPRESSIONS PER MINUTE IF THE INJURED IS UNCONSCIOUS AND NOT BREATHING A\| PROVIDE AN OPEN AIRWAY IF THIS DOES NOT RESTORE BREATHING B GIVE 5 OR 6 QUICK BREATHS BY MOUTH-TO-MOUTH IF HE RESPONDS, CONTINUE MOUTH-TO-MOUTH RESPIRATION UNTIL HE IS BREATHING WITHOUT HELP Ther = WATCH HIM CLOSELY - HIS BREATHING MAY STOP AGAIN = GIVE ANY ADDITIONAL FIRST AID NEEDED = CALL FOR HELP IF NO PULSE IS PRESENT, PUPIL DOES NOT CONTRACT AND SKIN COLOR IS NOT NORMAL, HIS HEART HAS STOPPED C| restore CIRCULATION USE HEART-LUNG RESUSCITATION MOUTH-TO-MOUTH RESPIRATION + EXTERNAL CARDIAC COMPRESSION — HEART-LUNG RESUSCITATION ONE RESCUER | AFTER EVERY 15 COMPRESSIONS GIVE 2 QUICK BREATHS RATIO 15 TO 2 TWO RESCUERS | AFTER EVERY FIFTH COMPRESSION INTERPOSE ONE BREATH RATIO 5 TO 1 IF HE DOES NOT SEEM TO RESPOND TO THE FIRST 5 OR 6 QUICK BREATHS CHECK FOR PULSE o CHECK PUPIL FOR DILATION wo NOTE SKIN COLOR IF A PULSE IS FELT, PUPIL CONTRACTS AND COLOR IMPROVES - CONTINUE MOUTH-TO-MOUTH UNTIL HE IS BREATHING WITHOUT HELP There = WATCH HIM CLOSELY - HIS BREATHING MAY STOP AGAIN = GIVE ANY ADDITIONAL FIRST AID NEEDED = CALL FOR HELP CONTINUE HEART-LUNG RESUSCITATION UNTIL HE RECOVERS OR HE REACHES A HOSPITAL OR A DOCTOR TAKES OVER Lmporlint- @ CONTINUE H-L-R ON WAY TO HOSPITAL @ DO NOT ALLOW ANY PRESSURE-CYCLING MECHANICAL RESUSCITATOR TO BE USED WITH CARDIAC COMPRESSION @ DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE (POLICE, FIREMEN OR AMBULANCE CREW) TO TAKE OVER - UNLESS THEY ARE EXPERT IN H-L-R % 5 REMEMBER YOUR ABC $ HEART-LUNG RESUSCITATION INVOLVES AIRWAY OPENED BREATHING RESTORED CIRCULATION RESTORED Doctor tana RS ae assi ih TO SUCCESSFUL HEART-LUNG RESUSCITATION POLE TOP RESCUE TIME IS CRITICAL YOU MAY HAVE TO HELP A MAN ON A POLE REACH THE GROUND SAFELY WHEN HE— e BECOMES ILL e IS INJURED e LOSES CONSCIOUSNESS YOU MUST KNOW-— ° WHEN HE NEEDS HELP e WHEN AND WHY TIME IS CRITICAL ¢ THE APPROVED METHOD OF LOWERING Lvatuale-Tne SITUATION CALL TO MAN ON POLE IF HE DOES NOT ANSWER OR APPEARS STUNNED OR DAZED ¢ PREPARE TO GO TO HIS AID TIME Is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT BASIC STEPS IN POLE TOP RESCUE Lvatual@-THE SITUATION Previde-FOR YOUR PROTECTION Clin TO RESCUE POSITION Delerumine \NIURED’S CONDITION Then IF NECESSARY — ¢ GIVE FIRST AID ¢ LOWER INJURED © GIVE FOLLOW-UP CARE e CALL FOR HELP Provide FOR YOUR PROTECTION YOUR SAFETY IS VITAL TO THE RESCUE —PERSONAL TOOLS AND RUBBER GLOVES (RUBBER SLEEVES, IF REQUIRED) Cech EXTRA RUBBER GOODS? / LIVE LINE TOOLS? PHYSICAL CONDITION OF POLE? 1 DAMAGED CONDUCTORS, EQUIPMENT? FIRE ON POLE? » BROKEN POLE? / HAND LINE ON POLE AND IN GOOD CONDITION? Clin TO RESCUE POSITION ¢ CLIMB CAREFULLY POSITION YOURSELF - © TO INSURE YOUR SAFETY © TO CLEAR THE INJURED FROM HAZARD © TO DETERMINE THE INJURED’S CONDITION © TO RENDER AID AS REQUIRED © TO START MOUTH-TO-MOUTH, IF REQUIRED © TO LOWER INJURED, IF NECESSARY THE BEST POSITION USUALLY BE-— SLIGHTLY ABOVE THE INJURED IF THE INJURED IS CONSCIOUS e TIME MAY NO LONGER BE CRITICAL ¢ GIVE NECESSARY FIRST AID ON POLE ¢ REASSURE THE INJURED e HELP HIM DESCEND POLE ¢ GIVE FIRST AID ON GROUND ¢ CALL FOR HELP, IF NECESSARY Delommine THE INJURED’S CONDITION HE MAY BE... * CONSCIOUS e UNCONSCIOUS BUT BREATHING e UNCONSCIOUS NOT BREATHING e UNCONSCIOUS NOT BREATHING AND HEART STOPPED IF THE INJURED IS UNCONSCIOUS BUT BREATHING © WATCH HIM CLOSELY IN CASE BREATHING STOPS e LOWER HIM TO GROUND ¢ GIVE FIRST AID ON GROUND e CALL FOR HELP IF THE INJURED IS UNCONSCIOUS FIRST 5 OR © QUICK BREATHS AND NOT BREATHING CHECK SKIN COLOR e PROVIDE AN OPEN ~ CHECK FOR PUPIL DILATION AIRWAY { ye ( ip ZZ y © GIVE HIM 5 OR 6 QUICK os BS BREATHS NORMAL PUPIL DILATED PUPIL IF PUPIL CONTRACTS e IF HE RESPONDS... AND COLOR IS GOOD CONTINUE MOUTH-TO-MOUTH UNTIL HE IS BREATHING WITHOUT HELP © HELP HIM DESCEND POLE © WATCH HIM CLOSELY—HIS BREATHING MAY STOP AGAIN ©) CONTINUE (a= MOUTH-TO-MOUTH O\ Fy UNTIL HE IS © GIVE ANY ADDITIONAL BREATHING FIRST AID NEEDED WITHOUT ¢ CALL FOR HELP HELP IF PUPIL DOES NOT CONTRACT AND SKIN COLOR IS BAD HEART HAS STOPPED ¢ PREPARE TO LOWER HIM THE IMMEDIATELY METHOD eGIVE 5 OR 6 MORE QUICK OF BREATHS JUST BEFORE LOWERING LOWERING AN INJURED MAN IS * LOWER HIM TO THE GROUND ¢ START HEART-LUNG RESUSCITATION *CALL FOR HELP * SAFE * SIMPLE * AVAILABLE EQUIPMENT NEEDED @ 1/2 INCH HAND LINE PROCEDURE... e /bsiiior_ HAND LINE e 7 INJURED © Xemove SLACK IN HAND LINE e /2he- FIRM GRIP ON FALL LINE © Cul INJURED’S SAFETY STRAP Lowe INJURED 7i@ \NJURED— RESCUER F/ostions HAND-LINE OVER ARM OR OTHER PART OF STRUCTURE o iE ee le E= (=) victim/ FALL LINE © POSITION LINE FOR CLEAR PATH TO GROUND NMoT€ usvatty Best 2 on 3 FEET FROM POLE PASS LINE AROUND INJURED’S CHEST TIE THREE HALF-HITCHES e KNOT IN FRONT e NEAR ONE ARM PIT e HIGH ON CHEST e SNUG KNOT moe SLACK IN Ke HAND-LINE © ONE RESCUER—REMOVES SLACK ON POLE e TWO RESCUERS—MAN ON GROUND REMOVES SLACK IMPORTANT GIVE 5 OR 6 QUICK BREATHS ... IF NECESSARY... THEN Tehe- FIRM GRIP ON FALL-LINE ONE RESCUER—HOLDS FALL-LINE WITH ONE HAND TWO RESCUERS—MAN ON GROUND HOLDS FALL-LINE Cut. INJURED’S SAFETY STRAP CUT STRAP ON SIDE OPPOSITE DESIRED SWING Caulkow DO NOT CUT YOUR OWN SAFETY STRAP OR THE HAND-LINE Lowe. \NJURED ONE RESCUER ¢ GUIDE LOAD LINE WITH ONE HAND ¢ CONTROL RATE OF DESCENT WITH THE OTHER HAND TWO RESCUERS e MAN ON THE POLE GUIDES THE LOAD LINE e MAN ON THE GROUND CONTROLS RATE OF DESCENT IF A CONSCIOUS MAN IS BEING ASSISTED IN CLIMBING DOWN... THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THAT ENOUGH SLACK IS FED INTO THE LINE TO PERMIT HIM CLIMBING FREEDOM —E MAN TWO OR MORE "R MAN RESCUE Rominber THE APPROVED METHOD OF LOWERING AN INJURED MAN IS... oe /osctior_ HAND LINE e Zz INJURED eo Kemove SLACK IN HAND LINE e 724c- FIRM GRIP ON FALL LINE e Cut \NIURED’S SAFETY STRAP e Lowe INJURED RESCUES DIFFER ONLY IN CONTROL OF THE FALL-LINE IF POLE DOES NOT HAVE CROSSARM, RESCUER PLACES HAND-LINE OVER FIBERGLASS BRACKET INSULATOR SUPPORT, OR OTHER SUBSTANTIAL PIECE OF EQUIPMENT SUCH ASA SECONDARY RACK, NEUTRAL BRACKET, OR GUY WIRE ATTACHMENT, STRONG ENOUGH TO SUPPORT THE WEIGHT OF THE INJURED. SHORT END OF LINE IS WRAPPED AROUND FALL LINE TWICE AND TIED AROUND VICTIM’S CHEST USING THREE HALF HITCHES. INJURED’S SAFETY STRAP IS CUT AND RESCUER LOWERS INJURED TO THE GROUND. LINE MUST BE REMOVED AND VICTIM EASED ON TO GROUND LAY VICTIM ON HIS BACK AND OBSERVE IF VICTIM IS CONSCIOUS, IF VICTIM IS CONSCIOUS, TIME MAY NO LONGER BE CRITICAL. GIVE NECESSARY FIRST AID. CALL FOR HELP, IF THE INJURED IS UNCONSCIOUS AND NOT BREATHING, PROVIDE AN OPEN AIRWAY. GIVE HIM FIVE OR SIX QUICK BREATHS. IF HE RESPONDS, CONTINUE MOUTH-TO-MOUTH RESUSCITATION UNTIL HE IS BREATHING WITHOUT HELP. IF NO PULSE IS PRESENT, PUPIL DOES NOT CONTRACT, AND SKIN COLOR IS NOT NORMAL, HIS HEART HAS STOPPED. RESTORE CIRCULATION. USE HEART-LUNG RESUSCITATION.