HomeMy WebLinkAboutKate Petersburg Overhead Underground Reconnaissance Report 1983=. 2 KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT EBASCO EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED NOVEMBER 1983 KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE MIXED OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION LINE RECONNAISSANCE REPORT SUBMITTED TO ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY BY EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED NOVEMBER 1983 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION. 2... ee ee ee 1-1 1.1 ISSUES TO RESOLVE . 2... 2.2... eee ee eee 1-1 1.2 APPROACH. 2... ee ee ee 1-3 2. MAJOR FINDINGS... . 2... 2. ee ee ee eee | 2.1 PREFERRED CORRIDOR... .... 2... 22 eee eee 2-1 2.2 CONSTRUCTABILITY/COST PREFERENCE... ...... - + 2-2 2.3. CABLE SELECTION . . 2... . eee eee ee eee 2-5 2.4 ROUTE SELECTION ... 1... 2... 2 eee ee eee 2-8 2.5 COST OF PROPOSED SYSTEM ..... 2... 2. ee eee 2-8 3. TECHNICAL STUDIES ... 2... 2. ee eee ee ee eee - 3-7 3.1 ROUTING STUDIES . 2... 2... ee ee ee ee eee 3-1 3.2 GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS .... 2... 2.2.2 eee 3-12 3.3 ELECTRICAL... 2... 2 2 eee ee ee ee ee 3-16 3.4 COST ESTIMATES AND INSTALLATION TECHNIQUES... ... 3-36 4. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS... 2... 2.222 ee eee 4-1 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .... 2... 2... ee. 5-1 APPENDIX A — SUMMARY OF UNDERGROUND CABLE INSTALLATION EXPERIENCE ON THE ILLIAMNA PROJECT APPENDIX B — CONTACT REPORT WITH ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES APPENDIX C — MIXED OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE DATA ii 2-1 3-1 3-3 3-4 LIST OF TABLES UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION LINE PRE-FEASIBILITY LEVEL COST ESTIMATE CAPACITIES OF NON-RETURNABLE CABLE REELS CABLE DATA (2/0 COPPER CABLE) CABLE DATA (4/0 COPPER CABLE) LOSSES AND VOLTAGE DROPS LIST OF FIGURES EXISTING AND PLANNED ROADS TRANSMISSION LINE STUDY CORRIDORS TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE TYPICAL SIDEHILL SECTION LOAD FLOW DIAGRAMS Vii Page 2-10 3-18 3-31 3-32 3-35 3-6 3-1 3-15 3-20 through 3-29 1 INTRODUCTION A preliminary report submitted to the Alaska Power Authority in late July, 1983 concluded that the underground alternative for the Kake- Petersburg project was technically viable and offered the potential to be less costly than the overhead route. In mid-August, 1983 the Power Authority authorized a reconnaissance level study of the underground alternative intended to assess the viability of constructing an entirely underground or mixed overhead/underground transmission line from Petersburg to Kake. Specifically, the requested study was to recommend whether to proceed with the feasibility level study of the Kake-Petersburg alternative and, if so, to identify whether the north or south corridor should be the subject of detailed study. This report presents the results of Ebasco Services Incorporated's (Ebasco) reconnaissance level study of the underground alternative. 1.1. ISSUES TO RESOLVE Several issues emerged as being important in determining whether to proceed with the feasibility level analysis of the underground option. The two most important factors in reconnaissance level evaluation are cost and constructability. The cost factor is of obvious importance in the analysis of the underground alternative, because the merit of further study of the underground option will largely be dependent on the facilities' projected cost. The cost analysis on the underground option takes on particular importance because there is virtually no experience with the installation of underground cables of the length contemplated in remote areas experiencing conditions similar to those in the Kake-Petersburg area. These factors require that special effort be devoted to the establishment of a reasonable cost estimate for this reconnaissance level investigation. An accurate analysis of the cost 1-1 4681B of the underground option is also important because the optimal mixed overhead and underground system needs to be identified in this reconnaissance level study. Therefore, estimates of underground options must draw on cost estimates in the feasibility report for the overhead alternative in order to determine the optimal alternative in the present analysis. The second factor, constructibility, is closely related to cost considerations but is appropriately considered as a second factor because the construction question has three components. First, the basic question of whether an underground line can be economically constructed in the Kake-Petersburg area must be assessed. This fundamental question requires analysis of conditions in the Kake-Petersburg area as well as the technology available for installing cables in remote areas. The second factor involves determining the best location for an underground cable. On the Kake-Petersburg project, this question must be considered in determining which corridor should be recommended as well as where within the selected corridor the route should be located. For example, if the south corridor is determined to be the preferred one, it remains to be determined whether it is better to construct in unroaded muskeg areas or unroaded forested areas within the south corridor. Finally, the constructibility question has a great influence on the overall cost of the project. The constructibility analysis should enable a meaningful cost estimate to be developed, as well as a characterization of the relative confidence of such an estimate. The issues identified above are resolved in subsequent sections of this report. Following this introduction, the general approach employed in this reconnaissance level investigation is described in Section 1. The major findings, as they affect the decision about whether to conduct further studies of the underground option, are highlighted ina separate section, Section 2. Section 3 presents the technical studies which support the major findings and recommendations. Technical studies for geotechnical, electrical, environmental, and cost 4681B estimating are described in Section 3 and support the conclusion and recommendation in Section 4. In summary, this report addresses whether an underground or mixed overhead and underground system should be studied further and whether such a facility should be located in the north, south, or other potential corridors linking Kake and Petersburg. 1.2 APPROACH In order to achieve the study objectives and resolve the issues identified above, Ebasco employed a nine-step process. These steps include: review new and existing information field analysis preliminary cable selection select corridor identify preliminary route select optimal overhead/underground system final cable selection and power system analysis finalize cost estimate oocmUCchOUCchOUCOOUCOUCOUCUCOUCUCO submit report including recommendation on whether to proceed with further studies Review new and existing information: The previously submitted Draft Feasibility, Routing and Environmental, and Cost and Engineering Reports contain information used in the assessment of the underground alternative. In addition, during the review of the previous reports, information was provided regarding several factors which could affect the analysis of the underground option. Forest Service information on construction practices and the proposed additions to the road system in the Kake area as well as experiences on the Iliamna project (see the appendix to the Preliminary Report which appears as Appendix A of this report) are examples of the type of information requiring review. 1-3 4681B Field analysis: Field analysis by Ebasco construction personnel was undertaken to assess the constructibility of the project and provide information to the corridor and route selection process. Also during the field analysis, agencies were contacted regarding the underground alternative and maps and drawings containing information on local conditions, as well as planning and design activities, were obtained during such consultation activity. Preliminary cable selection: Relatively early in the reconnaissance level investigation, a preliminary evaluation was made of the type of cable most appropriate for the project. Such a selection was needed in order to evaluate what type of equipment would be needed for construction and to determine what areas are best suited for the particular cable proposed for use on this project. This preliminary evaluation was then reexamined as a part of this study as described in Section 3.3. Select corridor: In the previous feasibility studies, two corridors, a north and south corridor, were identified. Subsequent information provided the impetus to look at modifications or additions to the two corridors. Modifications would be needed in the Kake area so that an alternative following the north corridor could take full advantage of the existing and proposed roads near Kake. New corridors considered included the Petersburg and Duncan Creek corridors, which were identified as possibilities during the review of the feasibility study, and new corridors combining portions of the north and south corridors linked by routes paralleling Duncan Canal. Identify preliminary route: Once the corridor was selected, a route was identified within that corridor. Such route information was developed in order to prepare a cost estimate for the underground or mixed overhead/underground alternative. 1-4 4681B Select optimal overhead/underground system: Previous studies assessed the cost of an overhead transmission line between Petersburg and Kake. This reconnaissance level study considered these earlier findings along with information on the cost of the underground option in formulating its recommendation on the optimal overhead/underground system. Final cable selection and power system analysis: Power system studies are needed to finalize the cable selection process and verify that the proposed system will be functional. System studies were used to modify earlier conclusions regarding cable selection and routing of the proposed line. The optimized system developed as a result of the load flow analysis provided information used in the cost analysis. Finalize cost estimate: Previous cost information along with extensive contacts with vendors and operators knowledgeable in the installation of underground cable were required to accurately develop reconnaissance level costs for the Kake Petersburg project. Therefore, considerable attention was focused on the cost estimating question and developing enough information to estimate costs with confidence. Submit report: The final activity in the reconnaissance analysis is to prepare this report which summarizes findings and recommends whether to proceed with feasibility level studies. 1-5 4681B 2 MAJOR FINDINGS Ebasco engineers conducted field investigations, contacted cable suppliers and cable installation contractors, and completed independent analyses of the viability of constructing an underground transmission line from Petersburg to Kake. These investigations largely focused on resolving issues identified in Section 1 of this report. The major findings resulting from these investigations are reported in this section. The technical studies which led to these findings, are described in Section 3, Technical Studies. 2.1 PREFERRED CORRIDOR Two corridors had been identified in the early stages of the feasibility report for a proposed overhead transmission line from Petersburg to Kake. The two corridors, known as the north and south corridors, were re-analyzed in order to determine their relative suitability for an underground cable. The corridors considered were reevaluated in light of information provided by the Forest Service concerning plans for roads to be constructed in 1984. Other alternatives, including routes through Duncan Portage and along Petersburg Creek, were also evaluated as were combinations of north and south corridor routes linked by segments paralleling Duncan Canal. The results of these investigations of potential underground routings led to the finding that the south corridor was preferred for an underground or mixed overhead/underground transmission line. The south corridor is preferred because installation of an underground cable would be easier and less costly in the south corridor than within other corridors considered. The south corridor was also preferred for the overhead line as described in the previously prepared feasibility report. When the proposed Forest Service road extending to within two miles of the pass between Kake and Duncan Canal is completed, the majority of a routing within the south corridor would be along existing roads. 4688B 2-1 The main advantage of the other primary corridor considered, the north corridor, would be that it would eliminate the need for a submarine crossing of Duncan Canal. This potential advantage is more than offset by the presence of existing roads within the south corridor and the fact that the slopes along Frederick Sound within the north corridor ‘are rocky and poorly suited for construction activities. The south corridor is also preferred to other corridor options, including corridors which would go along Petersburg Creek, along Duncan Creek, or parallel to Duncan Canal. The Duncan Portage corridor would cross far more unroaded areas than the south corridor and would not eliminate the need for an underwater crossing of Duncan Canal unless an underground line is built northward along Duncan Canal toward Portage Bay. Such a corridor paralleling Duncan Canal would add over ten miles of length to the line and would cross portions of the Petersburg Creek-Duncan Salt Chuck Wilderness Area and is not preferred. A corridor along Petersburg Creek through the Petersburg Creek-Duncan Salt Chuck Wilderness Area, although shorter than any of the other alternatives considered, would involve construction of over 20 miles of line in unroaded areas. Further, construction conditions in the wilderness area would be difficult and the regulatory obstacles associated with attempting to construct a line within this corridor would be significant. In fact, it would literally take an act of Congress to approve a route along Petersburg Creek. 2.2 CONSTRUCTABILITY/COST PREFERENCE In order to select an optimized routing and facility configuration, the relative cost and constructability of various alternatives were assessed. Both overhead and underground construction in roaded and unroaded areas were considered. Typical per mile costs were developed and used in identifying the optimal route within the south corridor. 4688B 2-2 There are six facility configurations (not including underbuilding on the Tyee Lake line) possible for the portions of the proposed route between Petersburg and Kake. Each of the types of conditions are described below, along with an estimate of the cost of the various alternative designs. In reviewing the cost information, it should be emphasized that these data have been included primarily to enable a relative comparison of the available alternatives. The absolute accuracy of these cost numbers is discussed in more detail in Section 3.4 and more precise numbers will be developed at the feasibility level study, if authorized by the Alaska Power Authority. In the present analysis, all costs are in October, 1983 dollars. 2.2.1. Underground Line Along Road The least expensive construction option identified is to construct an underground transmission line along or within an existing logging road. This option is least expensive because it does not require the purchase or installation of wood poles and associated hardware or any clearing. There is considerable experience in the use of vibratory plows and trenching equipment for installing underground cable along roads. Production rates along roads are generally good (up to 6,000 feet per day) but there is a large amount of uncertainty regarding the feasibility of installing cables within the roads in the Kake area because of the large quantities of shot rock used in those roads. Nevertheless, it is estimated that construction costs for an underground cable along existing roads would be approximately $65,000 per mile. 2.2.2 Overhead Line Along Road Construction of an overhead transmission line along an existing road is the standard method of constructing transmission lines of the voltage contemplated for the Kake-Petersburg project. Advances in underground cables and cable installation equipment has reduced the economic advantage overhead lines (as compared to underground lines) have in the 4688B future in many areas and findings suggest that the underground cables will cost less than an overhead line for the Kake- Petersburg project. On the Kake-Petersburg project, the overhead line is more costly than the underground option because of the clearing required and because of the relatively remote location of the project. Typical per mile costs of an overhead line along an existing road on the Kake-Petersburg project are approximately $80,000 per mile. 2.2.3 Underground Lines in Unroaded Muskeg Areas There has been virtually no cable installation work across extensive distances of muskeg. Contacts with contractors who have worked in muskeg areas and cable installation equipment manufacturers have provided information to indicate that constructing a transmission line in large expanses of unroaded muskeg areas is both possible and relatively economical. Experience with the installation of drainage pipe in peat bogs as well as wide pad equipment in muskeg areas suggest that approximately 4,000 feet per day of cable can be installed in muskeg areas. Moreover, there is relatively little clearing required in muskeg areas, further reducing cost. Consequently, in spite of the fact that unroaded muskeg areas pose logistical problems, it is estimated that typical sections of underground cable can be installed in muskeg areas for approximately $70,000 per mile. 2.2.4 Overhead Lines in Unroaded Muskeg Areas With proper precautions heavy overhead transmission line installation equipment can be transported across muskeg areas. In addition, considerable experience exists regarding the use of special planking and other materials to secure individual wood pole structures in muskeg areas. The cost of installing these lines, however, is high because of the access problems and the need for extra materials to support structures in these weak soil conditions. There is also relatively little clearing for an overhead line crossing a muskeg area. Consequently, the estimated typical per mile cost for an overhead line crossing a muskeg area is approximately $170,000 per mile. 46888 2-4 2.2.5 Underground Line in Unroaded Forested Areas Along with eliminating the need to transport and install wood transmission line poles in remote forested areas, underground transmission lines offer another significant advantage. Clearing in unroaded forested areas for an underground line will only require that amount of clearing necessary to accommodate the operation of cable installation equipment. It is estimated that only a 10-15 foot wide right-of-way would be required. Risk associated with the installation of underground cable in unroaded forested areas is associated with the uncertainty surrounding geotechnical conditions in these areas. Installation costs for an underground cable are substantially higher if hard rock is encountered close to the surface. Recognizing that there is a high degree of variability depending on the subsurface conditions, typical per mile costs for an underground cable in unroaded forested areas would be approximately $95,000 per mile. 2.2.6 Overhead Line in Forested Areas Along with construction problems encountered in constructing an overhead line in remote areas, significant additional costs are incurred in unroaded forested areas due to clearing. The clearing required varies depending on the line's voltage and type of overhead facility proposed. Along with the actual right-of-way clearing, there is a requirement to remove danger trees from the areas adjacent to the transmission line. The cost of falling and removing these danger trees can be quite high. Consequently, the average typical cost for overhead construction in unroaded forested areas is approximately $140,000 per mile. This cost does not include removing logs from remote areas of the right-of-way. 2.3 CABLE SELECTION Single phase cable with cross linked polyethylene (XLP) insulation and jacketed concentric neutral was selected in these studies for the following reasons. 4688B In the past few years cables with extruded insulations have been used almost exclusively for voltages up to 35 kV. Three kinds of insulation have been used: cross-linked polyethylene (XLP), high molecular weight polyethylene (HMWPE), and ethylene propylene rubber (EPR). Experience indicated that HMWPE has a much higher failure rate than XLP and, therefore, has been abandoned by utilities. However, in recent years new developments in HMWPE insulation took place and recent installations indicate that HMWPE insulation may have a lifetime comparable to that of the XLP insulated cables. Another insulation that is also used is ethylene propylene rubber (EPR). This insulation has very good qualities; however, it is more expensive than either XLP or HMWPE. As there are very little operational data available with other than XLP, our studies considered XLP cable data exclusively. The XLP insulation is directly extruded onto the copper or aluminum conductor. Extruded on top of this is an insulation shield. Outside of the insulation are the concentric copper neutral wires, in the sizes considered for the Kake-Petersburg transmission system around a dozen, helically placed. Outside of these neutral wires is a tough jacket extruded which protects the neutral both mechanically and from corrosion. Cables are available both in single phase and in three phase arrangements. However, discussion with contractors and utility officials revealed that the handling of the three phase cable is so much more difficult, because of its stiffness, that presently the vast majority of the installations are of three single phase cables. This holds particularly on installations where the cable is ploughed into the ground. Based on these recommendations, the use of 3 (or 4) single phase XLP insulated cables is recommended. Once the routing is finalized, and the soil conditions along the route and geological conditions become known, the cable selection can be reviewed and reconsidered. However, the results of this study are not affected by the kind of insulation which would be used. 4688B 2-6 In recent years cable manufacturers have added tree retardant compounds and rodent repellent additives. Introduction of these further enhances the reliability of the cables. In the Pacific Northwest the average utility experience is that, with XLP insulated cables in the 25 kV class, one can expect approximately 10 years between mean failures for every 100 conductor miles. Translating this to the Kake-Petersburg transmission line, with fully undergrounding the 50 miles means about 7-1/2 years between failures. It should be noted that experience indicates that if failure does not occur during the first 24 hours, failures rarely occur later. As the preceding figure includes many cables installed over the past 25 years, it is expected that recently manufactured cables will show longer times between failures. There is one more point which has to be stressed. The cable statistics available are for the Pacific Northwest, where the temperatures can be quite extreme between summer high and winter low. In addition, many of those cables carry the peak load during the summer air-conditioning peak. Unlike these cables, the Kake-Petersburg transmission system would be loaded only to a fraction of its current carrying capacity (ampacity). For example, a 2/0 copper conductor cable with 260 mil XLP insulation can carry 311 amperes at 90°C conductor temperature at 20° ambient. This has to be compared to the 41.7 ampere load current which the 1.8 MVA load at Kake at 24.9 kV represents. The latter, which is the full load current at end of the project life, is only 21% of the 311 ampere ampacity mark. As the heat generated inside the cable is proportional to the square of the current, the actual heat generated inside the cable at full load will be (0.21)2 = 0.044 or 4.4%. As the temperature rise at full ampacity is 70°C, one can expect less than 5°C, more likely only 3°C, temperature rise of the conductor during peak loading at the end of the project life. 4688B 2-7 This low temperature rise means that the insulation will practically be at constant temperature, i.e., around the mean annual area temperature, and therefore the expected mean time between failures should be much longer than that experienced by the utilities in the Pacific Northwest. 2.4 ROUTE SELECTION In accordance with the factors presented in Section 3.1, the south corridor is the preferred alignment for the mixed overhead/underground transmission line corridor. After the south corridor was identified as the preferred one, routing studies were conducted within that corridor in order to determine the optimal route for a transmission line. The determination of the proposed route within the transmission line corridor considered the typical per mile cost information presented in Section 2.2. Efforts were made to optimize the mix of overhead and underground transmission line links so that the overall, least cost route could be identified. Because the south corridor route generally follows existing or proposed roads, locating a route within the preferred south corridor was relatively straight- forward, except for the portion of the route west of Duncan Canal and east of the end of the proposed Kake road system. For the portion west of Duncan Canal, air photo analysis was conducted and an alignment selected which largely followed muskeg areas. The overall length of the proposed mixed overhead/ underground transmission line is 52 miles. The selected route includes 2 miles of submarine and 45 miles of underground cable. It also includes approximately 5 miles of underbuild construction on the existing Tyee Lake line. 2.5 COST OF PROPOSED S/STEM The estimated cost of the proposed mixed overhead/underground system is $8,100,000. A summary of the estimate is presented in Table 2-1. This prefeasibility level cost estimate is based on typical conditions as described in Section 2.2 and 3.4 and on the assumption that the proposed transmission line will be completed after the road from Kake 4688B 2-8 aS toward the pass between Kake and Duncan Canal is completed. For comparison purposes, the estimated cost of an overhead transmission line, as reported in the Draft Feasibility Report for the overhead line, escalated to October 1983 dollars, is approximately $10.4 million. 4688B TABLE 2-1 UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION LINE PRE-FEASIBILITY LEVEL COST ESTIMATE Unit Quantity Unit Price Amount Land and Land Rights LS 20,000 Substation (incl. reactors) LS 566,000 Overhead (along road)~/ MI 4.95 $ 64,240 318,000 Submarine cable?’ MI 1.59 824,530 1,311,000 Underground (Muskeg) 2” MI 9.32 70,170 654,000 Underground (Roads) 2/ MI 31.05 65,090 2,021,000 Underground (Glacial Tiny2/ MI 5.22 77,200 403,000 Clearing MI 16.79 16,320 274,000 Labor Camp LS 348,000 Mobilization/Demobilization LS 295,000 Subtotal (1983 dollars) 6,210,000 Contingency (20%) 1,240,000 Professional Services LS 625,000 Total (excluding AFUDC) 8,075,000 Rounded Amount 8,100,000 1/ Underbuild on existing line 2/ Unit of measure of miles is line miles, not cable miles. 4688B 2-10 3 TECHNICAL STUDIES OF THE KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE RECONNAISSANCE LEVEL REPORT Technical studies are categorized in four major areas including: routing geotechnical electrical ooo 08 cost estimates and cable installation techniques Studies within these categories led to the major findings presented in Section 2. The results of the technical studies are described in the following subsections, each addressing important considerations in the four categories identified above. 3.1 ROUTING STUDIES Routing studies conducted in conjunction with analysis of the mixed overhead/underground option consisted of alternative corridor evaluations and subsequent identification of routes within the selected corridor. Each facet of the routing studies are described separately below. 3.1.1 Alternative Corridor Evaluating Two routing corridors for overhead transmission lines were identified in the Draft Feasibility Report for the Kake-Petersburg Intertie project. These two corridors known as the north and south corridors were evaluated as to their suitability for an overhead transmission line. During the investigation of underground alternatives, new issues emerged as being important in determining the optimal route for an underground or mixed overhead/underground transmission line route. 4973B The most important new routing consideration was to seek areas for the cable where it could be easily plowed into the ground. Relatively deep organic soil (greater than 3 feet) or other loosely consolidated material are most preferred for cable installation. Conversely, installing underground cables in rocky areas is extremely difficult and costly and avoiding rocky areas is of far greater importance for an underground cable than for an overhead transmission line. The underground cable, which requires less clearing, also has the advantage of having less environmental impact than an overhead line. Consequently, less consideration need be given to avoiding environmentally sensitive areas for an underground cable than for an overhead line. Another new issue related to the studies described in this report includes the consideration of road building plans of the U.S. Forest Service and Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. Current road building plans of these organizations were obtained during contacts in September and October 1983 and were incorporated into the analysis of routing alternatives. Contact with the Alaska Department of Transporation and Public Facilities led to the finding that there are no immediate plans for constructing a road from Petersburg to Kake and it is unlikely that funding will be available for such a road within the next five years. Information obtained from the Forest Service, however, revealed plans to construct several new roads within both the north and south corridors. These roads are shown on Figure 3-1 with particular emphasis given to those roads anticipated to be constructed in 1984. Since the timing of construction on many of these roads is tied to timber harvesting contracts, the exact date construction will be completed is difficult to estimate. Of particular importance to this study are the roads planned in the north corridor, beginning near Hamilton Creek and the road extending southeast from the end of the existing Kake road system toward the pass between Kake and Duncan Canal. The road beginning at Hamilton Creek is currently under construction while the road extending southeast toward the pass is to be constructed as a part of the North Irish Timber Sale. The North 3-2 4973B ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND eer PROPOSED ROADWAY RECONNAISSANCE REPORT LEGEND a rnd EXISTING ROADWAY mesememe TO BE COMPLETED IN 1984 : ft game (lla 3 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED Irish Timber Sale was sold several years ago so, consequently, the road could be constructed at any time. The actual construction date, however, depends to a certain extent on timber market conditions which currently are depressed, thereby deferring the likely construction date past 1984. For the purposes of estimating costs on this project, it is assumed the underground cable will be installed after the proposed road is constructed. Although certain new issues emerged as being important when considering the new underground transmission line option, several important factors in locating an overhead transmission line are also important in determining the best location for an underground or mixed overhead/ underground transmission line. These factors include the high desirability associated with paralleling existing roads, thereby reducing cost, environmental impacts and construction difficulties. Also important in routing both overhead and underground transmission lines is the high desirability associated with avoiding rugged terrain. Mobilizing construction activities in such areas is difficult and can be costly. Finally, although environmental constraints for locating an underground transmission line are less than those associated with an overhead transmission line, there is still a need to avoid environmentally sensitive areas with an underground transmission line. Soil disturbance associated with an underground transmission line will be greater than for an overhead transmission line in spite of the fact that, in general, impacts will be far less for an underhead line. In light of the similarities and differences associated with evaluating the underground transmission line alternative, it was determined that the first step to be taken in evaluting underground alternatives would be to review previous studies and site conditions in light of the requirements for constructing an underground transmission line. Consequently, a transmission line construction specialist visited the project area and conferred with Forest Service and other local 3-4 4973R engineers and contractors regarding conditions along the potential corridors linking Petersburg and Kake. Information gathered on the constructability site visit together with a review of previous studies in the project area determined that it was appropriate to consider the two previous corridors identified (north and south corridors), incorporating modifications into routings, and to evaluate several other corridors for possible use by an underground transmission line. The results of routing studies in the north, south, and other corridors are presented below while the location of these corridors is shown in Figure 3-2. North Corridor Two major issues concerning the north corridor transmission line option have arisen since completion of the Draft Feasibility Report. First, the scheduled construction of a major portion of a road potentially linking Petersburg and Kake (see Figure 3-1) in 1984, suggested that the north corridor might be better suited for an overhead or underground transmission line than previously concluded. Use of the north corridor would also reduce the need for one submarine cable crossing, aS compared to the south corridor, because it would not involve a crossing of Duncan Canal. The second major finding concerned the constructability of the north corridor, particularly as it relates to the section along Frederick Sound. The field review of this area, as well as discussions with personnal familiar with the shore along Frederick Sound, concluded that construction of either an overhead or underground transmission line in this area would be extremely costly. Underground construction would be prohibitively expensive because of shallow bedrock and steep slopes. An overhead line would also be difficult to construct in the area because of similar factors. Further, environmental considerations make construction of either an overhead or underground transmission line in the portion of the north corridor along Frederick Sound difficult. 3-5 4973B VE LEGEND gee ges OTHER CORRIDORS CONSIDERED KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT TRANSMISSON LINE STUDY CORRIDORS FIG 3-2 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED Although construction of a transmission line along Frederick Sound would be difficult and expensive, it is recognized that if a road were constructed in this area, transmission line costs associated with either the overhead or underground option would be substantially reduced. Therefore, the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities was contacted to determine the likelihood of development of a road in this area. As a result of this contact (see Appendix B), it was concluded that a road would not likely be constructed along Frederick Sound for at least the next five to ten years. In light of these concerns, as well as the concerns described in the Draft Feasibility Report, it was concluded that the north corridor routing contained significant disadvantages for the proposed transmission line linking Petersburg and Kake. South Corridor The south corridor was identified as the preferred one for an overhead transmission line from Petersburg to Kake in the Draft Feasibility Report. The primary reason for its selection was the fact that, of the alternatives considered, it offered the greatest opportunity to parallel the existing roads; the cost of an overhead line along existing roads is substantially less than for overhead lines in unroaded areas. The primary disadvantage of the south corridor is the fact that two submarine cable crossings are required; one at Wrangell Narrows and the other at Duncan Canal. Another drawback of locating a route within the south corridor is the need to cross a pass between Duncan Canal and Kake. The elevation of this pass, 700 feet above sea level, is the highest point of any of the alternatives under consideration. There are, however, several features of this route which make it better suited for an underground line. The relatively large expanse of muskeg on the west side of Duncan Canal provides a considerable area with relatively high suitability for use of underground cable. Further, information obtained from the Forest Service also indicates that there are plans to construct a road 3-7 4973B southeast from the existing road end near Big John Creek toward the pass between Duncan Canal and Wrangell Narrows crossed by the south corridor (see Figure 3-1). Extension of this road would reduce construction costs and the overall length of unroaded area which would be transversed by the transmission line. Extension of this logging road would reduce the costs associated with constructing either an overhead or underground transmission line from Petersburg to Kake. In general, the south corridor is favorable for constructing an underground or mixed overhead/underground transmission line. Other Corridors Figure 3-2 identifies four other general corridors which were evaluated for use by an underground cable linking Petersburg and Kake. The first one involves paralleling Petersburg Creek across the Duncan Canal- Petersburg Salt Chuck Wilderness Area and offers the apparent advantage of having the shortest overall distance from Petersburg to Kake. It, like the north corridor, would also only require one submarine cable crossing. This alternative, although offering apparent advantages, has a significant disadvantage in that there are large segments of unroaded areas to which access would be difficult and in which construction would be costly. Of its estimated total length of 44 miles, approximately 17 would be in an area which is unroaded. Moreover, the area is unroaded in part because it is within the National Wilderness Preservation System and requires special presidential and congressional action if any portion of it is to be used for a transmission line corridor. Because of the problems of obtaining the necessary approval for use of this corridor, it is doubtful whether approval could be obtained in an expeditious manner, if at all. The fact that alternatives exist which are comparable in cost suggest that it would be ill-advised to seriously pursue a routing through the Petersburg Creek-Duncan Salt Chuck Wilderness Area. The second corridor considered involves crossing Wrangell Narrows adjacent to the town of Petersburg and then heading west and north to Kake. This corridor would follow Duncan Creek west toward Duncan Canal 4973B and then proceed north through a portion of the Petersburg Creek-Duncan Salt Chuck Wilderness Area. This route has the disadvantage of crossing primarily unroaded, forested areas. Construction of a line within it would be more costly than constructing a line in the south corridor. Because the Duncan Portage route also crosses the Petersburg Creek-Duncan Salt Chuck Wilderness Area all the ensuing environmental and regulatory problems would also be anticipated. The final two routing alternatives considered, combine portions of the north and south corridors. The first of these would follow the south corridor to Duncan Canal and then proceed north along the east shore of Duncan Canal to a point where it would rejoin the north corridor. This route would take advantage of the existing road system on the Lindenberg Peninsula and would follow the proposed road system into Kake from the area near Portage Bay. This corridor was considered and not recommended because of the relatively large unroaded area which would be crossed by the underground cable. From the end of the road on the Lindenberg Peninsula north to the proposed road near Portage Bay is approximately 20 miles. Moreover, there is considerable clearing required to provide access for underground cable installation equipment. Consequently, the cost of this alternative would be higher than that along the south corridor. Another alternative corridor considered followed the south corridor through the crossing of Duncan Canal and the proceeded north following muskeg areas toward the Proposed extended Kake road system. This alternative, which avoids the pass between Duncan Canal and Kake crossed by the south corridor, has several distinct disadvantages. First, its total length is approximately 65 miles of which approximately 15 are in unroaded areas. Second, it contains two submarine cable crossings. Finally, the corridor crosses relatively inaccessible areas where construction would be difficult. In general, this corridor offers no advantages over the south corridor alternative described in the Draft Feasibility Report and includes several disadvantages as compared to that corridor. 3-9 4973B Routing Recommendations After reviewing the north, south, and other alternatives described above, it was concluded that the south corridor was preferred. It was preferred because it avoids the steep, environmentally sensitive area along Frederick Sound, has the lowest overall construction cost, and affords the greatest opportunity to parallel existing and proposed roads. 3.1.2 Routing Within South Corridor Once the south corridor was selected as the preferred corridor, a route was selected within that corridor. The selected route follows existing roads wherever posible becasue the cost of a line along the road has the lowest overall cost. Because roads exist over most of the route's length, only the portion of the route between Duncan Canal and the end of the road system in Kake required detailed investigation. In the area requiring more detailed routing studies the location was optimized considering the typical per mile costs presented in Section 2.4. The location of the recommended mixed overhead/underground transmission line route, including the reroute area, is shown in Figure 3-3. In general, the line would go south from Petersburg Substation to the point where the south corridor crosses Wrangell Narrows. From that point northwest to Kake, the recommended route would consist of submarine or underground cable, generally following existing roads, all the way to Kake. In unroaded sections of the route, the cable would be located in muskeg areas wherever possible. Once the new route was located, the entire route was reinventoried and a table developed describing conditions along the route. The tabular information developed is presented in Appendix C while a summary of the Major parameters appears below. 3-10 4973B LEGEND MIXED OVERHEAD / UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE! HXX OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE NOT USED BY MIXED OVERHEAD / UNDERGROUND LINE Say ; SS et NO ‘ KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE ce Yee TaN SS EX OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT ee AND MIX N | : —_—— OVERHEAD D ED OVERHEAD / UNDERGROUND : f See ; S TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTE { uth Wet. Af oo ‘ ‘ ig FIG 3-3 I ANTS /c TR J a: CMS EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED MIXED OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND TRANSMISSION LINE (miles) Roadside Unroaded Submarine Underbuild Total Cable Cable Cable on Tyee Line Length 31.05 14.55 1.59 4.95 52.14 3.2 GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS The reconnaissance level geotechnical studies of the underground option focused on identifying the factors which differentiate routing alternatives and facilitate an estimate of project costs. The existing subsurface conditions, as well as the likelihood of avalanches, rock falls, or other events which could jeopardize the reliable operation of the line, are analyzed in the discussion which follows. 3.2.1 Underground Conditions For the purpose of evaluating the installation of underground cable, three general categories of subsurface conditions need to be considered; these are rock, soil, and roads. The characteristics associated with each of these categories are presented below. Rock Schist, graywacke, and greenstone are the three types of rock generally encountered. On occasion a granite will "mix" with the types listed. All of the rock present exhibits similar qualities as related to excavation and cable installation. All surface rock will be weathered with little of it being considered "rippable." Only the surface layers (top +3 feet) of the schist could be ripped by a Caterpillar D-8 Bulldozer or Caterpillar 225 excavator. A Caterpillar 235 excavator with carbon teeth may be able to penetrate deeper. However, the production rate of a caterpillar excavator would not approach trenchers or plowing equipment. In addition, excavators (backhoes) would require separate cable feed equipment. 3-12 4973B Generally speaking, one must count on drilling and "shooting" all rock. If it is determined to be acceptable to place cable 12 inches below surface and then encase in ducting or other type of protective conduit, no drilling and shooting should be required. Muskeg Depths will vary from 2 to 60 feet. The surficial organic material will be extremely fiberous with moisture contents ranging from 50 to 300 percent (dry weight basis). Wide pad track equipment could generally traverse the muskeg areas two to five times before a "bog" would be generated. The organic material will "stand open" in cuts, whether such cuts are made by an excavation or by a ditch witch. The cuts, however, will fill with water in an extremely short period of time. Soil Soils are generally thin and organic. Organics will yield to stratified silty sands of marine or lacustrine sedimentary origin. Glacial soils (drift or tills) will generally overlay bedrock. The glacial drifts and/or tills are exceptionally dense. In most instances they cannot be ripped or dug except for the top two (+) feet. Usually glacial soils are drilled and shot (as in rock). Once the material is disturbed and subjected to moisture, it will flow, making the tills and/or drifts difficult to manage for major earthwork operations. Roadbeds The vast majority of all roadways in the project area are constructed using large quantities of shot rock. The rock will be angular (100% fracture) and vary in size from +3 inches to +2 feet. In many 3-13 4973B instances the roads are constructed on stumps and "layed" logs and brush, allowing the shot rock to "float" over the weaker, wet sublying soils. In the past several years the Forest Service has been encouraging the use of fiber fabrics to "float" the roadways; however, many loggers prefer the native logs. Construction specifications generally call for at least 24 inches of cover material over the organic (wood) materials, although at times less cover material is encountered. A typical cross section for a Forest Service road is shown in Figure 3-4. Excavation of shot rock roads is relatively easy with such equipment as a Caterpillar 225 or235 excavator. Backfilling is typically accomplished by a bulldozer which, considering the angular rock, could damage electrical cable, if proper care and cable selection are not taken. Stream drainage pipe conduits are found frequent along roads and are buried at shallow depths. In areas of culvert pipe conduits, consideration should be given to reducing the burial depth of electrical cable because if the cable must be buried deeper than 24 inches, replacement of the culvert may be required. However, staying in the downhill section of the road, hand excavating and substantial cable slack should preclude this. Generally, streams or creeks will cross the roadway and require culverts every 400 feet. 3.2.2 Avalanches, Rockfalls, and Other Surface Conditions Avoiding the north corridor greatly reduces the possibility of entering avalanche or rockfall areas. Beach access along the west side of Duncan Canal will be steep but manageable for track equipment. This statement also holds true for the Pass between Duncan Canal and Kake at approximately milepost 30 in the south corridor. In general, geotechnical hazards which could affect the line are minimal, except for the steep rockfall and avalanche prone slopes along Frederick Sound in the north corridor. 3-14 4973B EXCAVATION VARIABLE SLOPE AS DESIGNED 1’ DITCH & VARIABLE _VARIABLE ” MIN. : =| SUBGRADE 24"’ MIN. DEPTH ROCK MATERIAL MIN. B ORIGINAL GROUND TYPICAL SIDEHILL SECTION FOREST SERVICE ROAD NO SCALE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT TYPICAL SIDEHILL SECTION FIG. 3-4 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED 3.3. ELECTRICAL CONSIDERATIONS 3.3.1 Conductor Selection At present most utilities use cross-linked polyethylene insulated cables for 25 kV underground applications. Heavy molecular weight polyethylene have not been used in recent years, because of the problems with failures due to aging. However, it should be noted that the problem seems to be overcome and the new high molecular weight polymer insulations may become as good as those with cross-linked polyethylene. For the purpose of this study, cross-linked polythelyne insulation was selected. For 25 kV cable, the usual insulation thickness is 260 mils. The cable insulation and semi-conducting shield are extruded. Solid, coated copper wires, uniformly spaced around the insulation form the concentric neutral. The cross-section area of the neutral is 1/3 of the copper equivalent of the central conductor. Because the Petersburg to Kake transmission system will carry balanced load, and the transformer at Kake will be delta connected on the 24.9 kV side, the only major purpose of the neutral is to supply sufficient current to the relays, and trip them, in case of a ground fault. Despite the fact that the neutral will not carry current, it cannot be eliminated, because of relaying problems. Investigation into present market conditions revealed that cables with copper conductors are comparable in price to their aluminum counterparts having the same ampacity. The reason for this is that, for the first time in recent times, the price of copper per pound is less than that of aluminum. As mentioned earlier, copper conductors have certain advantages as can be discerned from a comparative analysis. 3-16 4973B A comparison is presented below. The comparison will be made based on equal resistance, which means that an aluminum conductor cable will be considered equivalent to a copper conductor cable if the two have approximately the same resistance over the same length.-/ This translates into the following equivalents: 1/0 copper conductor cable is approximately equivalent to a 3/0 aluminum cable 2/0 copper conductor cable is approximately equivalent to a 4/0 aluminum cable 3/0 copper conductor cable is approximately equivalent to 250 kCM aluminum cable 4/0 copper conductor cable is approximately equivalent to 350 kCM aluminum cable Directly comparing these conductor cable equivalents leads to several findings. First, and most important, because of its smaller diameter, a copper conductor cable will be much more flexible than its equivalent sized aluminum conductor cable. Being more flexible, it is easier to handle a copper cable than the equivalent aluminum conductor cable, and therefore installation costs are considerably lower for a copper cable than for an equivalent aluminum cable. This is a very important feature, particularly in remote areas where working conditions are not very favorable. Capacities of various size cable reels are shown in Table 3-1. As the table indicates, more copper conductor cable can be shipped in a single length, on the same size reel, than an equivalent amount of aluminum conductor cable. This is a very important aspect because the most V Within the range of conductor sizes involved, equivalency with respect to resistance also means equivalency in ampacities. 3-17 4973B TABLE 3-11/ CAPACITIES OF NON-RETURNABLE CABLE REELS Capacity in Feet2/ Reel Code 6636 71848 2/0 copper 4700 9300 3/0 copper 4000 8100 430-KeM aluminum 3600 7500 250 kCM aluminum 3300 6300 1/ The Okanite Company, Bulletin 721.1 2/ 260 mil XLP insulation, 1/3 jacketed neutral 3-18 4973B vulnerable place in a cable system is the splicing. Any reduction in the number of splices will increase reliability of the system. Also, splicing is an expensive operation; therefore, fewer splices mean lower installation costs. The next aspect which favors copper conductor cables is the fact that the splicings (or weldings) are much more reliable for copper than for aluminum. Copper is less apt to corrode, and particularly under adverse weather condition, splicing can be accomplished with higher reliability. The fact that copper corrodes very little, when compared to aluminum, is a further advantage in case of cable failure. Should a cable fail, moisture can penetrate through the damaged insulation, which leaves the conductor exposed to the environment. Considering that in the Kake-Petersburg transmission system a cable may lay underground unrepaired for several months, an aluminum cable can be considered more vulnerable. As the moisture penetrates into the cable, long sections of the cable can become damaged. All of the preceding favor copper conductor versus aluminum. In the past, when copper prices were high compared to aluminum prices, it made good economic sense to use aluminum. With today's shift in prices copper conductor cables become just as economical in many applications as aluminum conductor cables. Based on the calculations made in earlier studies, L/ preliminary calcuations indicated that 2/0 copper conductor with 1/3 neutral is the most promising conductor size. Therefore, detailed investigations were made with this conductor, and the results indicated that the preliminary estimate was correct. Eight cases of load flow studies 1/ Kake-Petersburg Intertie Underground Transmission Line Alternative, Phase I - Preliminary Technical Analysis Report; Ebasco Services Incorporated; July 29, 1983. 3-19 4973B TOTAL LOSSES: LINE: 100kW REACTORS : - TOTAL: 100kW TOTAL CABLE CHARGING: 2.81 MVAR PARAMETERS : CONDUCTOR: 2/0 COMPENSATION: none 1.023/-3.1° Loan AT KAKE: none ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT LOAD FLOW FIG. 3-5 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED TOTAL LOSSES: LINE: 140kW REACTORS: - TOTAL: 140kW TOTAL CABLE CHARGING: 2.57 MVAR PARAMETERS: CONDUCTOR: 2/0 COMPENSATION: none 0.94/-2.7° LoaD AT KAKE: 1.6MM, 0.9 p.f. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT LOAD FLOW FIG. 3-6 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED TOTAL LOSSES: LINE: 20kW REACTORS: 15kW TOTAL: 35kW TOTAL CABLE CHARGING: 2.79 MVAR PARAMETERS : CONDUCTOR: 2/0 COMPENSATION: 1 x 1.5 MVAR 1.0/-1.1° LOAD AT KAKE: none ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT LOAD FLOW FIG. 3-7 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED TOTAL LOSSES: LINE: 130kW REACTORS : 15kW TOTAL: 145kW TOTAL CABLE CHARGING: 2.52 MVAR PARAMETERS : CONDUCTOR: 2/0 COMPENSATION: 1 x 1.5 MVAR 0.93/-0.8° LoaD AT KAKE: 1.6MW, 0.9 p.f. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT LOAD FLOW FIG. 3-8 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED TOTAL LOSSES: LINE: 10kW REACTORS : 30kW TOTAL: 40kW TOTAL CABLE CHARGING: 2.76 MVAR PARAMETERS : CONDUCTOR: 2/0 COMPENSATION: 2 x 1.5 MVAR 1.0/0.2° — LoaD AT KAKE: none ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT LOAD FLOW FIG. 3-9 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED TOTAL LOSSES: LINE: 160kW REACTORS: 30kW TOTAL: 190kW TOTAL CABLE CHARGING: 2.47 MVAR PARAMETERS : CONDUCTOR: 2/0 COMPENSATION: 2 x 1.5 MVAR 0.92/0.5° LOAD AT KAKE: 1.6MW, 0.9p.f. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT LOAD FLOW FIG. 3-10 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED TOTAL LOSSES: LINE: < 6kW REACTORS : 36kW TOTAL: <42kW TOTAL CABLE CHARGING: 2.77 MVAR PARAMETERS : CONDUCTOR: 2/0 COMPENSATION: 4 x 0.6 MVAR 1.0/-0.4° Loan AT KAKE: none ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT LOAD FLOW FIG. 8-11 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED TOTAL LOSSES: LINE: 140kl! REACTORS : 36kW TOTAL: 176kW TOTAL CABLE CHARGING: 2.49 MVAR PARAMETERS : CONDUCTOR: 2/0 COMPENSATION: 4 x 0.6 MVAR 0.92/-0.1° LOAD AT KAKE: 1.6MW, 0.9p.f. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT LOAD FLOW FIG, 3-12 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED TOTAL LOSSES: LINE: 20kW REACTORS : 15kW TOTAL: 35kW TOTAL CABLE CHARGING: 2.97 MVAR PAPAMETERS : CONDUCTOR: 3/0 COMPENSATION: 1 x1.5 MVAR 1.0/-1.0° Loa AT KAKE: none ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT LOAD FLOW FIG. 3-13 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED TOTAL LOSSES: LINE: 100kW REACTORS : 15kW TOTAL: 115kW TOTAL CABLE CHARGING: 2.75 MVAR PARAMETERS : CONDUCTOR: 3/0 COMPENSATION: 1 x 1.5 MYAR 0.94/-0.7° LoaD AT KAKE: 1.6MM, 0.9p.f. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND RECONNAISSANCE REPORT LOAD FLOW FIG. 3-14 EBASCO SERVICES INCORPORATED were made with the 2/0 copper conductor cable. In addition, calculations were made using 3/0 copper conductor cables. However, preliminary calculations indicated that 1/0 copper conductor would not be a good selection in this case. The main parameters for 2/0 and 3/0 copper cables are presented in Tables 3-2 and 3-3, respectively. The calculations were based on methods developed by Dr. W.A. Lewis, as published in the Cyprus—Rome Book, referenced in the tables. Also based on the earlier studies performed by Ebasco, it was decided that a five section system, each 10 miles long, should be used to evaluate the usefulness of a certain conductor. In addition, the studies involved various methods of compensation. The results are shown in Figures 3-5 through 3-14. The underground transmission system with no compensation was investigated first. The case with no load at Kake is shown in Figure 3-5. The voltage rise at Kake is only 2.3 percent, which is very moderate. Having no compensation, the maximum charging current occurs at the Petersburg bus. The reactive power at this location is 2.81 MVAR, and proves to be the largest charging current observed during all the studies. The 2.81 MVAR corresponds to 65.2 ampere charging current at Petersburg, which is only 21 percent of the 311 ampere current carrying capacity ampacity (ampacity) of the cable. Considering that 0.212 equals 0.044, or 4.4 percent, it becomes clear that the thermal stress on the insulation would be minimal, indeed, because the temperature rise of the conductor over the soil would be less than 5°C. This means that even under this most unfavorable condition, the conductor would practically not heat up at all during its entire life. 3-30 4973B TABLE 3-2 V CABLE DATA~ Conductor: Insulation: Neutral: Arrangement: 2/0 copper, 19 strand 260 mil XLP, 25 kV nominal 11x #14 AWG copper ("1/3 neutral") 3 single phase cables tightly trenched, 1/4" average gap assumed between cables R conductor R neutral Conductor diameter Neutral wire diameter Number of neutral wires Insulation OD Geometric mean distance Conductor geometric mean radius Neutral wire geometric mean radius Ampacity Pos. sequence resistance Pos. sequence reactance Capicitance Capacitive reactance 0.0815 ohm/1000', at 15° C. 59° F 0.243 ohm/1000', at 15° C. 59° F 0.42 inch 0.0641 inch in 1.0 inch 0.108 feet 0.0125 feet 0.00104 feet 311 ampere 0.0907 ohm/1000', at 15° C 0.0402 ohm/1000', at 15° C 0.0105 microfarad/1000' 59.1 kohm per 1000' Cyprus (formerly Rome) UD Technical Manual, 5th edition, pp. 45-48 and p. 79. Westinghouse Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, 4th edition, p. 49. Northern Electric, Electrical Conductors Handbook, 10th edition, p. 45. 3-31 4973B TABLE 3- 3 CABLE DATAL/ Conductor: Insulation: Neutral: Arrangement: 3/0 copper, 19 strand 260 mil XLP, 25 kV nominal 14x #14 AWG copper ("1/3 neutral") 3 single phase cables tightly trenched, 1/4" average gap assumed between cables R conductor R neutral Conductor diameter Neutral wire diameter Number of neutral wires Insulation OD Geometric mean distance Conductor geometric mean radius Neutral wire geometric mean radius Ampacity Pos. sequence resistance Pos. sequence reactance Capicitance Capacitive reactance 0.0646 ohm/1000', at 15° C. 59° F 0.191 ohm/1000', at 15° C. 59° F 0.47 inch 0.0641 inch 14 1.06 inch 0.117 feet 0.016 feet 0.00104 feet 346 ampere 0.073 ohm/1000', at 15° C 0.0316 ohm/1000', at 15° C 0.0478 microfarad/1000' 55.5 kohm per 1000' Cyprus (formerly Rome) UD Technical Manual, 5th edition, pp. 45-48 and p. 79. Westinghouse Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, 4th edition, p. 49. Northern Electric, Electrical Conductors Handbook, 10th edition, p. 45. 3-32 4973B The total losses caused by the charging currents are 100 kw.2/ These losses represent no load losses and, therefore, are on the system 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, under certain loading conditions, the losses may be less than the losses at full load. The load flow on Figure 3-6 shows the no compensation case at 1.6 MW, 0.82 MVAR at Kake; this corresponds to 1.8 MVA at 0.9 p.f. The losses in this case are 140 kW, or 8.6% of the load at Kake. Figure 3-7 shows the load flow conditions with only one 1.5 MVAR reactor on the line. This reactor is a low loss reactor, having approximately 1% loss of its MVA rating. There is a remarkable drop in no load losses, to 35 kW, when compared to the 100 kW case without compensation. More drastic is the reduction in line losses, which drops to one fifth of its uncompensated value, to 20 kW; however, 15 kW reactor losses have to be added to this amount, resulting in the 35 KW total no load losses. The voltage on the 24.9 kV bus in Kake is 1.0 per unit, the same as it is to Petersburg. It should be noted that all intermediate bus voltages are at unity. When the same system is loaded with 1.6 MW at 0.9 power factor at Kake, the voltage drops by 7.4%. This voltage drop is acceptable. The results of the load flow calculations can be seen in Figure 3-8. The voltage at Kake is at 0.926 per unit and the total losses of the transmission system are 145 kW, or 9.1%, of the load at Kake. An attempt was made to improve the system by placing two 1.5 MVAR reactors onto the system. Buses 2 and 5 were selected for their locations. With no load at Kake the results are shown in Figure 3-9. The voltage at Kake is almost unity and the total no load losses are 50 kW. The load flow for full load is shown in Figure 3-10; the voltage dropped to 0.915 pu and the total losses are 190 kW. 1/_ The expected accuracy of loss calculations in this report is +5 kW. 3-33 4973B Finally, a system with 4 small reactors at each of the intermediate buses was also investigated. In this case, the smallest commercially available reactor size was utilized; a bank of three reactors each rated 0.2 MVAR or a total of 0.6 MVAR per bank. The reactors are of the low loss variety. Their losses are 1.5% of their rated MVAR. Figures 3-11 and 3-12 show the load flows at Kake in case of no load and of full load, respectively. The voltage at Kake at no load is unity, and drops to 0.92 pu at full load. It is interesting to note that with no load at Kake the total losses are less than 42 kW. The line losses themselves are less than 6 kw, because the computer printout gave 0.00 MW, indicating that no rounding occurred. However, the reactors represent 36 kW losses, giving a total of not exceeding 42 kW, making this arrangement less favorable than the one reactor version which has losses of only 35 kW. The total losses at full load are 176 kW or 11% of Kake's load. The losses and the voltage drops are tabulated in Table 3-4. From the table it can be seen that the best arrangement for the cable transmission system with 2/0 copper conductor is one 1.5 MVAR reactor at bus no. 4. This version has the lowest no load losses by far, and its losses at full load are only 5 kW more than the lowest case, which is the uncompensated line. The voltage conditions of all four calculated versions would be acceptable. Based on the above results, calculations were made using 3/0 copper conductor cable and one 1.5 MVAR reactor at bus no. 4. The results of the load flows are shown on Figures 3-13 and 3-14; the former shows conditions at no load and the latter at full load at Kake. The no load case indicates that the losses are about the same for 3/0 copper conductor than for 2/0 conductor. However, the losses are somewhat less, by 30 kW, at full load. Only detailed engineering design and analyses can tell whether this 30 kW reduction in loss is worth the additional cable cost. 3-34 4973B TABLE 3-4 LOSSES AND VOLTAGE DROPS 2/0 Copper conductor No compensation 1x1.5 MVAR at bus 4 2x1.5 MVAR at buses 2 and 5 4x0.6 MVAR at intermediate buses 3/0 Copper conductor 1x1.5 MVAR at bus 4 4973B No Load 3-35 Losses in kW 100 35 50 <42 35 Full Load 140 145 190 176 115. P.U. Voltage in Kake At Full Load 0.942 0.926 0.915 0.92 0.943 No attempt was made to calculate load flows for 1/0 copper conductor cable. After doing some preliminary calculations, it was concluded that such cable would increase the voltage drop, at least close to 10%. Whereas 7.4% voltage drop is a comfortable value, decreasing the conductor size would increase the voltage drop to levels which may be less desirable. It should be noted that the 7.4% voltage drop neither includes the drop across the transformer at Kake nor considers the voltage variations at the Petersburg bus. The short circuit duty at Kake was calculated for the 2/0 copper conductor alternative and was found to be 17.9 MVAR. Finally, it should be kept in mind that the analyses presented in this section were based on an all underground system and therefore represents the "worst case" situation. Any further fine tuning of these computations would require detailed engineering design. 3.4 COST ESTIMATING AND CABLE INSTALLATION TECHNIQUES The construction technique which would be used to install an underground cable varies, depending on conditions where the cable is to be installed. In general, loosely consolidated material is favored because faster and less expensive installation techniques involving vibratory or static plows can be used. In more consolidated material and rock, trenching techniques involving trenchers, backhoes, or rock saws are used. These techniques are slower and more costly. A general description of information obtained on plowing and trenching practices is provided below. More detailed back-up information on cable installation and cost estimates was submitted to the Power Authority under separate cover. 3-36 4973B / 3.4.1 Installation Techniques Plowing Vibratory and static plowing were analyzed for possible use on the Kake-Petersburg project. Static plowing equipment is available from several manufacturers. Such equipment is typically attached to the back of bulldozers in association with cable reel equipment. Little attention was focused on static plowing in this study because vibratory plows are felt to be faster and otherwise more cost-effective for use on the Kake-Petersburg project. A variety of vibratory plowing equipment is also currently on the market. An example of a typical equipment set-up involves use of a Vibra-King plow, attached onto the back of a bulldozer. Vermeer also manufactures a vibratory plow unit which is completely self-contained. Vibratory plows can be obtained in rubber-tired or tracked equipment. Vibratory plowing needs approximately one-half the horsepower required for normal static plowing and is therefore less costly. Vibratory Plowing has been successfully employed in shot rock roads with boulders up to two feet in diameter; the boulders are often brought to the top by the vibratory plowing. If boulders larger than two feet in diameter are encountered, slight deviations in the cable's alignments may be required. The actual cable installing process on the Kake-Petersburg project would likely involve installing the cable into the road itself or into the side of the road. Installing the cable in the side of the road can be accomplished by offset plowing, which enables the operators to stay on the road while the cable is plowed into the side of the road or the ditch. Vibratory plowing has been successfully used throughout the United States. The project engineer and contractor of one successful cable project near Iliamna were contacted regarding their experiences with vibratory plows. The vibratory plowing production rate on the Iliamna project averaged approximately one mile per day. Production rates have reached a maximum of 2,000 feet of plowing per hour when the machine was working effectively. 3-37 4973B For the estimate on the Kake-Petersburg project it has been assumed that the production rate of vibratory plowing will be approximately 1,750 feet of plowing per day. Certain difficulties in vibratory plowing in roads are expected because of the presence of stumps which may be encountered less than two feet below the road surface and because of culverts which cross under the roads. The problem with depth of cover is somewhat minimized by installing the cable on the downhill side of the road where the fills are deeper. Potential installation problems caused by culverts under the road can also be minimized by locating the cable on the downhill side of the road or by hand-excavating under the culvert. Potential problems related to angular rock cutting the cable could also be reduced by selecting a cable which has the proper jacket. A bulldozer following the vibratory plow can handle any backfilling operation as well as any preripping of the road where required in difficult sections. During installation, all three cables can be fed at the same time using 3 individual cable reel carriers attached to a bulldozer at least the size of a Caterpiller D-7, but would be more easily handled by a D-8 or D-9. Regarding the depth of burial, the National Electric Safety Code recommends cable installed with at least 30" of cover; however, it is believed that 24" of cover in the road will be sufficient with selection of the proper jacketed cable. Away from the roads in selected areas where excavation is difficult, ground coverage may be enhanced by constructing a small berm above the cable trench. This procedure, which will be used in localized areas typified by bedrock close to grade, will help reduce construction costs. Trenching. Many manufacturers currently make trenching machines including Vermeer, DitchWitch, Barber-Greene, Midmark, Pengo-Jetco, Cleveland, Koehring, and Burkeen. Studies conducted by Ebasco focused on Vermeer trenchers for trenching ahead of the cable laying operation in muskeg. These trenchers can also be used in the roads; however, the production rates in roads would probably not be as good as the vibratory plowing system and therefore did not receive serious consideration for use on roads. 3-38 4973B A tracked trencher would be required on muskeg since it would give higher flotation than rubber-tired equipment. Should additional flotation be required in sensitive muskegs, wider pads can be welded onto the tracks. The sawing action of a trencher would be better than static plowing in muskegs. According to Merlin Nation and Sons, a contractor who installs drainage pipe in sensitive peat bogs in Washington State, such a trencher can saw through stumps and even occasionally bring stumps up to the surface. Based on an analysis of conditions in the Kake area, it doesn't appear that three cables can be supported off cable reels on the trenchers; instead it appears that there would have to be additional equipment following behind the trencher. Because rubber-tired equipment would have difficulty maneuvering in the muskegs, an all-terrain type of vehicle such as a Bombadier, Terraflex, or Nodwell would probably be required. Bombadier specifically markets a muskeg carrier; however, given the weight of three cable reels, a larger size Bombadier would probably be required; something similar to the Model TF-360. Even with proper precautions, a trencher can occasionally get bogged down or partially sunk. A winch attachment on the front of the trencher, with an additional bulldozer, can pull the partially sunk trencher out of the muskeg. Sound construction practices will also be required to keep scarring of the muskeg by construction equipment transversing it to a minimum. Merlin Nation & Sons has cut 6,000-8,000 feet of trenching in one day in peat without many logs, and up to 9,500 feet a day in ideal peat with low moisture content. However, Nation and Sons estimate their average production at 4,000-5,000 feet per day. The more times peat is traversed, the less weight it can support. For the Kake-Petersburg project, a production rate of 2,500 feet per day in muskeg is estimated. Production in muskeg is dependent upon the water content of the muskeg, the amount of stumps encountered, and the density of the peat. Trenching with a chain trencher in frozen muskeg would probably be easier than in normal muskeg in that less scarring to the muskeg 3-39 4973B would be encountered. There would also be less of a problem with getting bogged down in the muskeg. However, an early snowfall, which would tend to insulate the ground, could keep the muskeg from freezing during any given year. In rock areas a rock saw may be required. Many manufacturers make rock saws both as self-contained saws and for attachments onto bulldozers or trenchers. Production rates, however, of self-contained or attached unit rock saws are slow. Vermeer noted actual production rates of one-half foot per minute in basalt with an approximate cost of $5.00 per linear foot for teeth. Vermeer also has experienced actual production rates of 4 feet per minute in softer rock such as limestone, with less than $1.00 per foot for teeth. Production rates in rock are determined by the hardness of the rock, which in turn governs how often the teeth need to be changed. Most rock saw teeth are not capable of being sharpened and are replaced routinely during operations. Given the extremely slow production rates in rock, it is advisable to avoid rock wherever possible. Not avoiding large sections of rock makes the underground option prohibitively expensive. It is assumed that through careful design and location work and by the use of small] earth berms to obtain the necessary cover where rock is close to the surface, it is possible to avoid virtually all sections of rock by proper routing around the rock. Drilling and blasting would be more expensive and ripping would be less expensive than rock sawing. Trenchers may be required in glacial till soils. The production rate of the trencher in glacial till has been assumed to be 1,000 feet per day in the present analysis. Preripping may be required in difficult areas. It is questionable whether the rock encountered in the Kake-Petersburg area would be rippable and indications from past construction in this area are that drilling and blasting may be required; therefore, avoiding rock areas as previously metioned is mandatory to economic feasibility. 3-40 4973B General Considerations An extensive effort has been made to research contractor experience with the various types of soils which will be encountered by the Kake-Petersburg Underground Transmission Line option. However, it should be realized that any cross-country underground cable operation would be a pioneering type operation and, as such, could result in high bids due to the contractors' assumed risks. A substantial contingency of 20% has been included for protection against these risks. In addition to information included in this report, Ebasco has presented all estimating assumptions and manufacturers' literature to the Alaska Power Authority. Escalation and Allowance for Funds Used During Construction have not been included in the estimate. Production rates and equipment spreads are also based on information solicited from representatives of the U. S. Forest Service during a site visit and supplemented by subsequent discussions. Contractors, magazine articles, independent consultants, equipment manufacturers and distributers, and in-house Ebasco construction personnel also provided input for this cost and constructibility analysis. 3.4.2 Joint Road and Transmission Line Construction Analysis of the cost of installing either an overhead or underground transmission line between Petersburg and Kake led to the finding that construction of a transmission line would be substantially less if it would follow an existing road, rather than cross an unroaded area. Both clearing and mobilization costs would be substantially reduced if an existing road is followed. Because of the potential cost savings associated with following existing roads and the fact that both the Forest Service and Department of Transportation and Public Facilities have plans to construct roads between Petersburg and Kake, analysis was undertaken to determine if there were significant cost advantages associated with the joint construction of a transmission line and road. 3-41 4973B The primary finding of the analysis of joint road and transmission line construction is that only minimal cost reductions can be achieved by undertaking these activities simultaneously. Transmission line construction proceeds much more rapidly than highway construction and occurs in several distinct stages. For example, overhead construction involves clearing, pole setting, stringing, and tensioning activities, which occur sequentially. Underground cable construction also proceeds rapidly and sequentially because it requires relatively little excavation due to the fact that only enough excavation to install 3 or 4 cables of less than 2 inches in diameter in the same trench is required. Therefore, although roads greatly facilitate the installation of overhead or underground transmission lines, the actual transmission line construction process proceeds much more rapidly than does road construction. Furthermore, if cable were to be laid in conjunction with highway construction activities, there would be a greater chance that the cable would be damaged during installation activities. The use of shot rock in road construction is common in the Kake-Petersburg area and filling and other operations involving moving such material in the vicinity of cables, which would occur during the joint construction of roads and installation of an underground cable, would likely cause more damage to the underground cable than if the cable were installed after the road is completed. Thus, although the presence of road is highly desirable for the construction of a transmission line from Petersburg to Kake, there are relatively few advantages associated with pursuing these activities simultaneously. 3-42 4973B 4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS Environmental studies of the mixed overhead/underground transmission line option focused on evaluating major concerns which would favor one corridor or one design option over another. Major environmental permitting issues which would effectively prevent successful completion of the project were identified as were issues requiring consideration in the subsequent feasibility level analysis. The major environmental consideration related to any of the alternatives under study relates to the potential crossing of the Petersburg Creek-Duncan Salt Chuck Wilderness Area. Obtaining approval to locate a transmission line across the wilderness area, either an overhead or underground transmission line, would be difficult. This assessment is based on a review of Section 1107 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA). An analysis of this act, which expressly established a procedure for locating a utility corridor within designated wilderness areas, revealed that it would take a presidential recommendation approved by Congress to enable such a corridor to be established. Such a presidential recommendation would need to be accompanied by an analysis comparing a range of alternatives available to cross the wilderness. Obtaining such residential and congressional approval for a transmission line would be time consuming, difficult, and there would be no certainty that such an approval could be obtained. This realization makes alternatives within the Petersburg Creek-Duncan Salt Chuck Wilderness Area undesirable from a regulatory and environmental perspective. In addition to the Wilderness Area, the other environmentally sensitive area is the shoreline along Frederick Sound north from Petersburg toward Twelvemile Creek. This area constitutes an important visual resource as well as provides a wildlife habitat for bald eagles located in the area. Constructing an overhead or underground line in this rugged area would be difficult and would arouse environmental concern. Such concern would not necessarily prohibit construction in this area, but would make it more difficult. 4977B 4-1 The net result of the issues identified above is to indicate that the south corridor is preferred from an environmental viewpoint. Moreover, the most sensitive area of the south corridor is the muskeg flat west of Duncan Canal where concerns related to potential waterfowl impacts were raised as_a-concern during the feasibility study of the overhead option. An underground line would avoid such potential impacts. As a result of these general considerations, the south corridor was found to be the environmentally preferred one. Once the preferred corridor was identified, environmental analysis efforts turned toward identifying potential concerns within the south corridor. Such environmental concerns do not appear to be significant, but will require analysis in the feasibility level studies, if authorized. Specifically, there are potential environmental effects associated with crossing a muskeg area with cable laying equipment, if proper precautions are not taken. Therefore, environmental studies during the feasibility level analysis should focus on measures which could be taken to minimize potential disturbance to muskeg areas. Development of low pressure vehicles for use in crossing the muskegs and refinement of plowing techniques used in the actual cable laying installation activities need to be analyzed from an environmental perspective. In addition, in other areas envirommental concerns related to the establishment of small berms above certain portions of the installed underground cables should be considered. Such berms, which could develop in small areas as a result of cable installation, may affect drainage patterns and efforts will be required to identify Measures to limit the effect of such construction practices. 49778 4-2 5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Investigations summarized in this report suggest that there is a high likelohood that a mixed overhead/underground transmission line would cost considerably less than an overhead line. The optimal transmission line for the Kake-Petersburg project consists of approximately five miles of underbuild construction on the existing Tyee Lake line, two miles of submarine cable, and 45 miles of underground cable. Reconnaissance level investigations indicate that the reduction in capital cost for such an alternative, as compared to an overhead line, would be approximately 2.3 million dollars, or approximately 20% of the total project costs. The 2.3 million dollar cost reduction assumes that the transmission line would be constructed after the proposed road from the existing Kake road system toward the pass between Kake and Duncan Canal is constructed. Calculations indicate that 260 mil XLP insulated 210 copper conductor cable with 1/3 jacketed neutral is probably the best choice, though detailed engineering design may swing the scale for a one size larger or one size smaller conductor. The 2/0 conductor cable would be able to transmit the 1.6 MW power from Petersburg to Kake even in case of an all cable transmission line with only one 1.5 MVAR reactor bank. The final choice of conductor size and degree of compensation will depend on the final mix of overhead and underground line sections. Although projected cost savings associated with the mixed overhead/underground transmission line compare favorably to the overhead transmission line alternative, there are certain considerations which should be considered in evaluating whether to proceed with feasibility level studies. First, it should be emphasized that the lack of experience with long distance underground cable installations makes it difficult to accurately estimate the cost of an undergound cable in the 5-1 4972B Kake-Petersburg area. Consequently, the total cost estimate might be considerably higher or lower than what is estimated in this report. Second, although the mixed overhead/underground line compares favorably with the overhead option, no formal evaluation has been made of the mixed overhead/underground option's merit in comparison to the existing base-case diesel system. Draft feasibility level studies for the overhead line conducted earlier concluded that the overhead alternative was feasible only under certain conditions, namely, if the Kake Cold Storage load were connected into the local transmission system and if load growth were to occur at a level associated with Ebasco's high growth scenario. Because the mixed overhead/underground option costs less than the overhead alternative, it can not necessarily be assumed that the project will change from being one which should be developed. Nevertheless, it is recognized that the reduction in capital cost associated with the underground option improves the project's overall economics. A preliminary economic analysis of the mixed overhead/ underground option suggests that the benefit/cost ratio will be on the order of 1.1 to 1. This preliminary analysis assumes that the general assumptions used in the State economic analysis methodology (i.e., fuel escalation rate, discount rate, etc.) currently under consideration by the Power Authority staff will not be substantially revised. The finding also assumes that forecast information used in the Draft Feasibility Report has not changed and that the economic value of line losses will not be significant. In light of the potentially favorable economics of the mixed overhead/ underground transmission line, it is recommended that feasibility level studies of the mixed overhead/underground alternative be authorized. Initially, however, feasibility studies should focus on updating the Kake forecast and the effect any changes in economic assumptions would have on the project's economic feasibility. If such a preliminary economic evaluation suggests that the project will compare favorably with the base case, then the more detailed engineering evaluation of 5-2 4972B the mixed overhead/underground alternative should proceed. It is also recommended that the economic evaluations consider line losses associated with the proposed transmission facility under two scenarios: 1) full utilization of Tyee Lake power and 2) low utilization of Tyee Lake power. Sensitivity analysis of the value of line losses and other important economic variables should also be conducted. Another task which should be included in the feasibility level studies is to investigate and plan the establishment of a test section of underground cable. Ideally, such a test section could be undertaken in conjunction with planned transmission or distribution line installations in the immediate area of the project. However, other areas in Southeast Alaska could also be considered. The feasibility level study should outline a program for providing better information which can improve the accuracy of the cost estimates for the underground cable installation. Finally, because the potential feasibility of the project is closely linked to the amount of completed road between Petersburg and Kake, it is recommended that the methods be explored for expediting construction of the Forest Service road from the existing Kake road system toward the Pass between Duncan Canal and Kake. It may be possible to work with the timber purchaser responsible for constructing the road or to seek other funds such as those available to the Forest Service through sources established by ANILCA. Constructing this road as soon as possible would shorten the time until the transmission line could pass the state's economic feasibility tests. 5-3 4972B APPENDIX A ILIAMNA UNDERGROUND PROJECT BACKGROUND INFORMATION KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE PROJECT Meeting Summary - March 3, 1983 Additional Studies Related to Underground and North Corridor Options for the Proposed Kake-Petersburg Project Attendees Miles Yerkes, Alaska Power Authority Patty DeJong, Alaska Power Authority Remy Williams, Alaska Power Authority William Kitto, Ebasco Services Inc. John Szablya, Ebasco Services Inc. Malcolm Menzies, R & M Consultants, Inc. Robert Dryden, Dryden and LaRue Consulting Engineers Meeting Summary On March 3, 1983, a meeting was hela to review the advisability of conducting additional studies to analyze new alternatives for constructing the proposed Kake-Petersburg transmission line. New alternatives discussed included a line in either the north corridor or a line using an underground cable for most of its length. The meeting began with Bill Kitto reviewing the status of project activities. He described that a Feasibility Report had been submitted during November, 1982, and that the report had dismissed the possibility of constructing the line underground because of technical and reliability considerations. The report also failed to evaluate the north route in detail because of environmental considerations and because of the fact that it was well removed from any existing access corridors. Following the release of the Draft Feasibility Report, public meetings were hela in Kake and in Petersburg and comments were obtained. Bill Kitto explained that the primary opinion expressed at the Kake meeting was A-1 that residents of that community felt that interconnection to the Tyee System would bring them cheap hydroelectric power. This view by the residents of Kake prevailed, although it was repeatedly explained by Remy Williams and Bill Kitto that the Tyee power which would be transmitted to Kake by the Intertie would not be low cost power. Despite these explanations, residents of Kake continued to state the opinion that interconnection with the Tyee System would enable their community to prosper because of low electricity rates and enable them to install electric heat and other large electricity-consuming devices. Bill Kitto also explained that comments were received from the public regarding the load forecast stating that that forecast was too low and did not properly reflect the growth in Kake. Bill Kitto explained that subsequent to that meeting, David Reaume, author of the load forecast, considered these comments and concluded that the initial forecast was indeed accurate and that the most recent growth in electricity consumption was related primarily to new purchases as a result of the permanent fund checks received by residents of the community of Kake. Bill Kitto also explained that two important comments were received on the Draft Feasibility Report. The first comment came from the U.S. Forest Service who indicated that they were currently planning to let contracts on a road system from the Hamilton Creek area east toward Portage Bay. This would reauce the total length of the line between Kake and Petersburg within the north corridor substantially. The second important comment related to the Alaska Uepartment of Transportation and Public Facilities who indicated that they would be interested in participating in a joint effort to construct a transmission line/road corridor to Kake. Based on these two agency comments and the Power Authority's request to look at the underground option in more detail, Ebasco Services was recommending that the Power Authority prepare a brief report to look into the option of constructing an overhead-underground line within either the north or south corridors linking Kake and Petersburg. Bill Kitto explained that A-2 it was the main purpose of this meeting to initiate these studies and to discuss risks and tradeoffs involved in underground construction in such an area. Following Bill Kitto’s remarks, Bob Dryden described the work he haa been involved in in Iliamna. He explained that this project involved Constructing approximately 35 miles of 24.9 kV underground cable. He explained that they had investigated construction of an overhead line in this area, but had discarded it because of economic reasons and because of potential impacts. A particular concern in the Iliamna area was the potential impact an overhead line would have on aircraft. They also considered an underground system because they believed use of a vibratory plow would enable them to install an underground cable economically in the area. Bob explained that there were three types of vibratory plows which they had considered, and that they were very happy with the installation approach they ultimately selected. He suggested that the contractor, Dodge Electric of wasilla, Alaska, be contacted for specific information about the approach they used. Bob then described several of the important considerations related to their experience in lliamna. In reviewing some of the drawbacks, Bob explained that the installation approacn they had used required three operators. He said two cats, a D450 and a D6, were needed, as well as a vehicle to properly hanale and transport the cable. The cats had larger size motors to handle the hydraulics. The cat with the vibratory plow had one cable drum, the other had two drums. The following specific points were made by Bob Dryden and others: 1. Installation costs ran about $3/ft on the Iliamna pruject. 2. Geotechnical conditions were different at Iliamna than in Southeast Alaska. He said that in particular, the soils in A-3 the Iliamna area were largely composed of alluvial material and were relatively easy to work when compared with some of the hardpan found in Southeast Alaska. Bob cautioned that not as much concern needs to be given to the depth of seasonal frost in the Kake area. While discussing this point, Malcolm Menzies pointed out that in some years, the ground dia not freeze in Southeast Alaska, depending on when the first heavy snowfall occurred. The cable was buried to a depth of approximately 42 to 48 inches on the Iliamna project, although it probably would have been possible to bury it at a shallower cepth. When areas of bedrock were encountered on the Iliamna project, Bob Dryden indicated that they rerouted the underground cable to avoid such areas. The cable used at Iliamna was 25 kV, single phase, URD type, with cross linked polyethelene insulation, 1/0 aluminum conductor and concentric neutral. It had a diameter of 1.45 inches overall. Use of 15 kV cable instead of 25 kV would reduce costs by 1% to 2%, however, the 25 kV is stronger and can take much more of a beating. In describing the Iliamna project, Bob Lryden stated that the length of the cable installed was approximately 35 miles, and that a portion of it had been energized since October, 198z without any failure. It was explained that the cable installation equipment installed approximately 2,000 feet of cable per hour when A-4 10. 11. 12. 13. working effectively. In general, because of the vibratory nature of the equipment, it was difficult to work more than 2-1/2 to 3 hours per day. As a general rule, workers worked approximately two hours per day and repaired the equipment approximately ten hours per day. On the average they laid 1/2 mile in the morning and 1/2 mile in the afternoon. The line was constructed between August 1 and September 15, 1982. There were approximately 30 phase breaks on the Iliamna project; the cable snapped when the pull was too much. In spite of the number of breaks, a break never went undetected and there was no marginal damage to the cable. In general, Bob Dryden stated that the vibratory Plow cannot deal with overburden material even as thin as 2 inches, because it would clog the equipment and keep it from functioning properly. Bob Dryden also recommended that because of the unique operating conditions of the vibratory plow and other cable installation equipment, it would be advisable for the contractor who installed the line at Iliamna to be sent to Southeast Alaska to judge the problems that coula be expected from installing such a line in that area. He said that such an on-the-ground inspection would be well worth the money prior to proceeding with the construction of such a line. Bob reviewed a number of ways that his firm had tried to eliminate problems related to the organic layer of the soil which had made their machine inoperable. He explained that using a ripping technique to cut the vegetation prior to installation of the cable was less than satisfactory. He suggested that removal of the material prior to installation of the cable was the most prudent approach, by driving a rolling hoe ahead of the vibratory (or other) cable plow. A-5 14. 15. 16. 7. Electrical charging problems were also identified as a concern and various solutions for such problems were discussed. Although the Iliamna line was not compensated, Bob said he would compensate similar future lines. The use of lightning arrestors was tried initially by Dryden and LaRue, but were found to be unacceptable, instead Ohio Brass MOV type surge arresters were used. Discussions of installation techniques led to the finding that it might be worthwhile to consider use of a frostwheel on the project and to install the line during winter months. Bob Dryden felt that such an approach would make sense, given the anticipatea problems of using a vibratory plow in the forested, densely vegetated area of Southeast Alaska. Mike Yerkes provided his comments on the feasibility of an underground line and suggested that Ebasco look into various types of wheel operators which could be contacted to determine the costs and practicality of using such an approach in Southeast Alaska. Mike also suggested that future studies determine the parameters affecting the results of the study by considering the length of the cable, size of the cable, reliability of the cable and what happens under faulting. Bob Dryden reported that two faults were experienced on the Iliamna project. One fault remains unexplained, while the other occurred on a cable section routed across a lake where the cable sat on a sandbar and was under the pressure of ice which finally damaged the cable. They used compression-type splices with slip back sleeves and found the ones GE made to be the best. For fault location it is necessary to have trained people and suitable equipment available. Bob explained that it was very necessary to sectionalize the line frequently over its entire length. He suggested using a pad A-6 APPENDIX B CONTACT REPORT - ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITIES eC Interoffice Correspondence pate October 20, 1983 FILEREF TO File OFFICE LOCATION a 7 Ww FROM W. Kitto OFFICE LOCATION (ENVIROSPHERE) KAKE-PETERSBURG INTERTIE STUDY supsect CONTACT WITH ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC FACILITY PLANNING On October 13, 1983, I contacted Norton Cook of the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Planning to discuss the Department's plans regarding a road between Petersburg and Kake. Mr. Cook, who is in the Planning Division, indicated that the Department is committed to a route in the North Corridor for the proposed road between Petersburg and Kake. Mr. Cook indicated, however, that a road between Petersburg and Kake was in the long-term plan. He further indicated that it was very unlikely that the construction of the road from Petersburg to Kake would be accelerated. He stated that recent concerns related to funding had deferred many projects and that the high cost of the road between Petersburg and Kake would be a significant detriment to such a road being constructed. Mr. Cook indicated that such a road could be funded through the Forest Highway Program or other state and federal projects. The major difficulty with using such funds is that such funds are in high demand and the Kake-Petersburg project would need to compete with other projects in southeast Alaska to obtain the limited funding. The limited availability of funds suggests that the road from Petersburg to Kake will not be completed for some time, according to Mr. Cook. In response to my question about when such a road would be completed, Mr. Cook indicated that it was very difficult to estimate when funds would become available, but he thought that the Kake-Petersburg road would be constructed within the five to fifteen year time frame, although he indicated that this estimate was highly speculative. He also said that the project could quite easily be pushed even further into the future. WDK:p1 APPENDIX C Data presented in Table C-1 were developed using the basic information assembled during routing studies for the mixed overhead/underground transmission line as well as data from the Draft Feasibility Report for the overhead line. Consequently, some segments shown in Table C-1 are not included in the recommended route. 4975B C-1 TABLE C-1 ‘ KAKE-PETERSBURG TRANSMISSION LINE DATA SHEET (MIXED OVERHEAD/UNDERGROUND OPTION) SEGMENT LENGTH ROADWAY UNROADED GROUND SLOPE SOILS VEGETATION NO. MI. POST MI. AC. MI. AC, 0-15% 15-303 30-55% 55% PEAT ROCK SILTY-SAND 0 0-60' +60' DANGER TREES 1, 0-4.95 4.95 4.95 2.0 2.95 -- -- 0.2 1.5 3.25 0.8 4,15 2, 4,95-5.04 0,09 -- -- 0.09 0.09 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.06 3. 5.04-5.55 0.51 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -- = 0.51 N/A N/A OW/A N/A 4. 5,55-14,10 8.55 8.55 25.91 4.00 3.72 0,83 1.0 4.55 3.0 0 0.5 8.05 855 5. 14,1-15.70 1.6X N/A N/A 1.6 3.88 1.60 -- -- -- 0.4 0.2 1.0 0.2 #04 1.6 320 5A.* 14,1-15.85 1.75" N/A N/A 1.75 52 Mi.(20')=1.26 1.70 0.05 = N/A N/A 1.23 0.52 N/A 1,23 0.52 6. 15.70-16.78 1.08 X N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - - 1.08 N/A N/A ON/A 6A.* 15.85-17.45 1.60" N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A. N/A = -- 1.60 N/A N/A OW/A 6B.* 15, 7-16.3/15.85 0.6 N/A N/A 0.6 0. 6(10)=0, 73AC 0.6 N/A N/A N/A -- -- 0.6 0.5 5.6 3.4 2694 7, 16,78-30.25 13.47X 0 -- - 13.47 32.65 7.00 5.07 1.30 0,10 2.0 1.0 10.97 422 TA.* 17,45-26.15EQ 8.70" N/A N/A 8.70 8.70(.20)20'=4.22 6.04 1.51 1.15 N/A 6.04 215 1.51 WA 1.4 (30 220 78.* 27.0EQ-31.4 4.4" N/A N/A 4.4 4.4(.8)20'=8.55 1.5 2.5 0.4 N/A 2.0 0.1 2.3 N/A 4,0 5,95 1680 8. 30.25-40.20 9.95X 3.10 9.39 6.85 16.60 6.75 3.00 0.20 N/A 1.5 3.0 5.45 OA 1.0 4.3 BA.* 31.4-37.1 5.7* 5.7(?) 5.7(10")=6.91 N/A N/A 5.5 0.2 N/A N/A v4 1.0 4.3 N/A N/A 6,29 629 8B. * 37,1-40,2 3.1* 3.1 3.1(10)=3.76 N/A N/A 3.1 N/A N/A N/A 0.1 0.3 27 N/A N/A 741 ™ 9. 40,20-46.49 6.29 6.29 19.06 4.29 2.0 N/A N/A 0.20 1.0 5.09 WA 0.30 2.8 31 10. 46,49-53.90 7.41 7.41 22.45 -- -- 6.41 1.00 N/A N/A 0.2 0.9 6.31 0.6 -- 53.05 -- Includes 5A route X Section of overhead line being replaced. (53.65) -- Use old cable X-ing and run above beach storm line 49758