HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecutive Summaries For Western Arctic And Northwest Alaska Coal Projects 1992EXECUTIVE SUMARIES for WESTERN ARCTIC and NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL PROJECTS Title 1992 JWA, Inc., 1992 Planning R - Electric T ether Thy for the Northwest Coal Project May 1992 1991 SFT, Inc., 1991 Northwest Alaska Coal Project Power Plant Evaluation - Final Report September 1991 Manalytics, Inc., 1991 Western Ar T. ion Proj March 1991 1990 John T. Boyd Company, 1990 Executive Summary North Slope Coal Market Study Deadfall Syncline Reserve Area For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, November 1990 Arctic Slope Consulting Group; Mechanical Technology, Inc., 1990 Kotzebue and Nome Coal Study Final Report For Alaska Energy Authority, January 1990 1989 Gregory A. Reinhart, Inc. (G.A. Reinhart, Ph.D.), 1989 h 1 Syncli Cultural Resource Site Evaluations Related to the Western Arctic Coal Development Project December 22, 1989 54 49 42 41 39 38 Title Arctic Slope Consulting Group, 1989 Aluaq Mine Study C ial Feasibili os For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, November 1989 Arctic Slope Consulting Group (James E. Callahan, Geologist), 1989 Ww : : Geology of the Western Arctic Coal Basins : > ; ; eee Taina Tovestions For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, June 29, 1989 1988 Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers, et al., 1988 Western Arctic Coal Development Project - Phase III Final Report For Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, April 1988 1986 Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers, 1986 Western Arctic Coal Development Project Phase II Final Report - Volumes I and IT For Alaska Dept. of Commuity and Regional Affairs, June 1986 1985 Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers; Hanson Environmental Research Services, 1985 Wi i velopment Project - Ph: I limi - Compon A 7m For Alaska native Foundation, December 18, 1985 Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers, 1985 reti vi Proj Infrastructure Design - Preliminary Report Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs, December 1985 36 34 31 23 20 19 Title Mechanical Technology Incorporation, 1985 Village End Use Technology Assessment for Ww ic Coal Devel Proj For Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, October 22, 1985 ASCE; Pool Engineering, Inc., 1985 reread ee jum - Task 4 - Preliminary Mine Desi For Alaska Native Foundation, August 30, 1985 Swan Wooster Engineering, Inc., 1985 W. r Vi Technical M - Ph - Task Port Coal Handling Unit August 29, 1985 Howard Grey and Associates, Inc., 1985 i velopm: ject - 1985 Field Program Report For Alaska Native Foundation, August 1985 ASCG Incorporated, 1985 Wi Arcti velopm: roject - Ph limi itutional Mark m For Alaska Native Foundation, May 6, 1985 1984 ASCE; Ambler Exploration, Inc.; Howard Grey and Associates; Mineral Industry Research Laboratory, 1984 Ww i Vv ject - Phi -Devel ite Investigati For Alaska Dept. of Community and Regional Affairs, November 1984 Dames & Moore, 1984 1 Pl: ibility A Appendix C-1 Coal Resource Assessment Draft For Harza Engineering Co.; Alaska Power Authority, April 1984 16 15 14 12 10 Title 1983 Dames & Moore, 1983 An Economic and Technical Assessment of the Marketability of ; 7 For Div. of Legislative Finance, February 1983 1980 Dames & Moore; Resource Associates of Alaska, Inc., 1980 Assessment of Coal Resources of Northwest Alaska Phase I Vol. II - Task 2: Coal Resources of Northwest Alaska For Alaska Power Authority, December 1980 Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc., 1980 ibili District Heatin m Wainwright For North Slope Borough, July 31, 1980 JACK WEST PROFESSIONAL JWA, INC, ieee’ 3605 ARCTIC BOULEVARD, SUITE BB ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PLANNING REPORT ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION LINES for the NORTHWEST COAL PROJECT Prepared by JWA, Inc. Professional Engineering Alaska May 1992 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Obiecti The scope of this report was established by paragraph 4. "Deliverables" of the ASCG Inc./JWA, Inc. contract (see APPENDICES). The objectives were to analyze the four LINE ROUTES chosen by ASCG, Inc. and select line structures, line conductors and system voltages for each route at various load capacities ranging from 10-40 MVA. It was assumed by JWA, Inc. that both Cape Krusenstern National Monument and the Noatak National Preserve and Wilderness were to be avoided. A prime objective of this report was to establish LINE ROUTE construction costs. These are direct costs and do not include special environmental mitigations or permitting costs and/or right-of-way acquisitions. Only 3 phase, conventional design, standard voltage lines were considered for this report. The cost summary appears on page 2. NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL PROJECT POWER PLANT EVALUATION FINAL REPORT September, 1991 Prepared For: Prepared By: Arctic Slope Consulting Group, Inc. SFT, ine.. P.O. Box 650 6629 West Central Avenue Barrow, Alaska 99723 Toledo, Ohio 43617 ARCTIC SLOPE CONSULTING GROUP, INC. Engineers e Architects * Scientists « Surveyors TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM ON POWER PLANT EVALUATION FOR NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL PROJECT ENGINEERING FEASIBILITY STUDY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A review has been made of the potential of utilizing Alaskan coal for generation of electrical power and district heating in northwest Alaska. The study has reviewed this potential at the City of Nome, the City of Kotzebue, the Red Dog Mine site and the Deadfall Syncline Mine site with transmission to Red Dog. A technology assessment has been performed which assumed use of a conventional Rankine cycle for power production. Results of this assessment indicate that the selection of spreader stoker steam generating equipment coupled with a conventional steam turbine-generator is the best choice. Should sulfur dioxide scrubbing be required at Nome and Kotzebue, consideration should be given to fluidized bed combustion technologies. Dry scrubbers have been selected at the mine sites. Selection of an air cooled condenser in lieu of a conventional condenser - cooling tower arrangement is based upon minimal water availability without significant performance degradation. A review of the present systems at Nome, Kotzebue, and Red Dog was performed. From that information, forecasts of load requirements through the year 2004 were made. Included in these forecasts was the first phase of district heating. In Nome, the first phase would displace 126,000 gallons of fuel oil a year and in Kotzebue, 214,000 gallons. Red Dog presently heats from waste heat produced by the diesel generators. On the basis of this review, the following sizing criteria was developed: ad ¢ Nome: 10.5 MW electrical plus 5 million BTU/Hr district heating requiring 2 - 65,000 Lbs/Hr boilers, 28,100 tons per year of coal. e® Kotzebue: 5.7 MW electrical plus 5.3 million BTU/Hr district heating requiring 2 - 40,000 Lbs/Hr boilers, 18,100 tons per year of coal. @ Red Dog Mine: 16.5 MW electrical plus 40 million BTU/Hr district heating requiring 2 - 120,000 Lb/Hr boilers, 87,000 tons per year of coal. @ Deadfall Syncline Mine: 22 MW electrical requiring 2 - 120,000 Lb/Hr boilers, 87,000 tons per year of coal. Estimates were prepared for each of the plant sites. Pricing was solicited from various vendors for major equipment. The remainder of the estimates were prepared by SFT, Inc. Following are the estimated prices for the plants including district heating at Nome, Kotzebue, and Red Dog, sulfur dioxide scrubbing at Red Dog and Deadfall Syncline, and a 90 mile transmission line in the Deadfall Syncline estimate: @® City of Kotzebue: $32,520,000 ® City of Nome: $39,120,000 @ Red Dog Mine: $61,490,000 @ Deadfall Syncline Mine: $70,130,000 It is estimated that the period of construction would be 24 months for Nome and Kotzebue, and 30 months for the Red Dog and Deadfall Syncline mine sites. iii Manpower requirements were reviewed. It is expected that these plants will require staffing of 22 persons total, for all shifts. iv MANALY TICS, INC. WESTERN ARCTIC COAL TRANSPORTATION PROJECT Report For: Arctic Slope Consulting Group By: Manalytics, Inc. March, 1991 Project 2-324 625 THIRD STREET - SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94107 + (415) 788-4143 FAX (415) 777-0540 MANALY TICS, INC. I. SUMMARY Purpose and scope The economic development of the Western Arctic Coal resource depends in great measure on the ability to deliver the coal to the end user. The Arctic environment offers unique transportation challenges, including very shallow water, only a 90-day ice-free season, severe weather conditions during the short shipping season, a remote location, and a delicate ecological environment. Although previous studies (Western Arctic Coal Development Project Phases I, II, and III) have addressed the transportation issue, revised market objectives specifically targeting western Alaska locations require a fresh look at transportation options. The purpose of this study is to determine the most cost-effective means of delivering Western Arctic coal to locations in western Alaska for the forecast demand levels between 1995 and 2004. Western Arctic Coal Development Project (WACDP) has forecast the demand for coal at 40,000 tons per year in 1995, growing to 200,000 tons per year in 2004. Table 1 shows the potential market for coal as of 1995 and the forecast coal sales from 1995 to 2004 by consumption point. The demands at particular destinations vary widely, ranging from 2,500 tons per year at Point Hope to 130,000 tons per year at Kivalina for Cominco and Lik. The distances also vary widely: Point Lay is approximately 40 miles from the load port; Adak and Shemya are well over a thousand miles from the load port. Finally, the water depth and availability of discharging equipment vary widely at the discharge ports. Conclusions and Recommendations The cost of reclaiming and loading coal to barges is very sensitive to the distance the product must be conveyed. The pay-load that WP039140.RGS 1 MANALYTICS, INC. TABLE 1 NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL DEMAND (Tons per Year) _ ate ne SE I AP aN ate a Ni te Se oe I PEELE NOC GEE SS TIT TE Potential Market _________==*Forecast Sales _ 1995 1995 1997 2000 2004 N (21,000. 21,000 21,000 30,000 Kotzebue _—-12,000__ 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 'NSB* =—<J,000 =—=<“—*~—s*=STD—S=T,z 000° ~=—s«7,000 ~—s9, 000 Lik 65,000 - 65,000 65,000 65,000 ‘cominco = 65,000 65,000 65,000 ORCL vevospusstonnnsnrsogen 15, 000 Bethel 33,000, “21,000 SE eee Adak 47,000 _ Total 272,000 40,000 105,000 170,000 196,000 SS————— *North Slope Borough Communities of Wainwright, Point Lay, and Point Hope WP039140.RGS MANALY TICS. INC. can be loaded on the barges is very sensitive to the water depth at the load and discharge ports (whichever has the least depth). The water depth at Omalik Lagoon ranges from 6 feet 1,000 feet offshore to 13 feet 2,800 feet offshore. The combined loading and transport cost even for the low demand of 40,000 tons per year would be prohibitive at Omalik Lagoon. Another loading site with greater water depth closer to shore and within economical trucking distance of the mine is required. There is one such site, located approximately 3.5 miles north of Omalik Lagoon (69 degrees, 13.3 minutes N) (163 degrees, 24 minutes W). The water at this location is considerably deeper and closer to shore than at Omalik Lagoon: 12 feet at 1,800 feet offshore. Thus, larger barges can be used, capable of carrying significantly more deadweight per voyage. In addition, the conveying distance from shore to barge will be significantly shorter. Consequently, we assumed that this location would be used for the remainder of the analysis. The wide range of tonnages to be shipped over time led us to break down the transportation systems into three categories: Low Demand (40,000 tons per year), Medium Demand (100,000 tons per year), and High Demand (200,000 tons per year). The diversity of the destina- tions led us to multiple systems, including water transport for large receivers and land transport for two of the North Slope villages. The recommended transportation system for the Low Demand (40,000 tons) consists of an earth berm extending 600 feet into the Chukchi Sea to a water depth of 6 feet. The berm will be replenished continuously during the shipping season, and breached at the end of the season to permit the beluga whale migration. It will provide a roadbed for trucks to deliver the coal to a hopper, which in turn will feed a radial stacker servicing 276-foot barges capable of carrying 1,875 short tons at a six-foot draft. The capital cost of the system would be approximately $3,350,000 if owned floating WP039140.RGS_ 2 MANALY TICS, INC. equipment is used, and approximately $438,000 if chartered floating equipment is used. The operating cost at 40,000 tons per year would be approximately $25.27 per ton for owned floating equipment and $29.22 for chartered floating equipment (at current highly competitively charter rates). There are two viable alternatives for the Medium Demand (100,000 tons): a pneumatic conveyor and an earth berm. For the pneumatic alternative, a jackup barge would be stationed 800 feet offshore in 8 feet of water. The coal would be transported through a floating pneumatic pipeline from the shore to the jackup and then into a 300-foot barge capable of carrying 4,190 short tons at an eight- foot draft. Optionally, the pneumatic system could be sized for the High Demand. For the berm alternative, a berm extending 800 feet offshore would support trucks that would feed a radial stacker loading the same size barges as the pneumatic system. The capital cost for the pneumatic system would be approximately $7,000,000 if owned floating equipment is used and $2,700,000 if chartered floating equipment is used; the operating costs at 100,000 tons per year would be $14.06 per ton for owned floating equipment and $15.24 per ton for chartered equipment. For the earth berm, the capital cost would be $4,771,340 using owned equipment and $438,000 using chartered equipment; the operating cost would be $13.43 and $14.98 per ton, respectively. The recommended transportation system for the High Demand (200,000 tons) is a pneumatic system similar to the one for the Medium Demand. In this case, the jackup would be stationed 1,800 feet offshore in 12 feet of water, and the pneumatic conveyor would be larger. The size of the barge used to transport the coal would be the same as for the medium demand. The capital cost of the system would be approximately $14,200,000 if owned floating equipment is used, and $5,600,000 if chartered floating equipment is used; the operating cost at 200,000 tons per year would be approximately $13.99 per ton for owned floating equipment and $15.65 respective- ly. WP039140.RGS 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NORTH SLOPE COAL MARKET STUDY DEADFALL SYNCLINE RESERVE AREA For ARCTIC SLOPE REGIONAL CORPORATION Barrow, Alaska By JOHN T. BOYD COMPANY MINING AND GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERS Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Report No. 2174.1 NOVEMBER 1990 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Assignment The assignment of the John T. Boyd Company (BOYD) is to determine potential coal markets for the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) northern Alaskan coal reserves. Tasks included in the scope of work are as follows: 1. Inspect the site and review data. 2. Define markets receptive to Western Arctic coal reserves and the potential size of those markets. 3. Identify competitors in the defined markets. 4. Discuss major factors which will influence potential markets and their respective impacts. The market areas to be considered, in descending order of priority, are: 1. Pacific Rim 2. European 3. United States Introduction ASRC is evaluating surface mine development and exploring markets for a coal deposit known as the Deadfall Syncline area. The proposed mine is referred to as the Aluaq Mine. The reserve is located 5 miles from the Chukchi Sea and about 40 miles south of the village of Point Lay, Alaska. Plate 1, following this text, locates the coalfields of Alaska and shows the Deadfall Syncline reserve area. ASRC estimates coal resources in the Deadfall Syncline area at approximately 750 million tons. ASRC has obtained exploration permits to perform some bulk sampling and subsequent testing in residential coal burning JOHN T. BOYD COMPANY 2, stoves. No permits have been obtained to develop more reliable coal quantity estimates. Coal Quali Some quality testing data of the Deadfall Syncline region has been completed. ASRC has provided the following quality data based on a typical borehole analysis: Moisture (%) .........--2.0005 4.6 Ash (%) 0.0.0. 0cececece ee eeee 7.6 Btu/Ib ...............000. 12,770 Volatile Matter (%)............ 33.9 Fixed Carbon (%) ............. 53.9 Sulfur (%) .............-00 eee 0.2 Lbs S02/MM Btu .............. 0.3 The low sulfur coal is ideally suited for use in steam electric generation and is particularly attractive from an environmental standpoint since most coal importing countries will require lower sulfur supplies in the future to meet environmental standards. Further quality testing is required to accurately evaluate metallurgical coal potential of the deposit. Steam Coal Demand Worldwide steam coal import demand is forecast to increase significantly. Forecasted Steam Coal Import Demand - Tons (Millions) Import Region 1988 1995 2000 European 98 150 190 Pacific Rim 68 104 147 Other* “ 15 15 15 Total 181 269 352 “Includes South America, Canada and the United States JOHN T. BOYD COMPANY 3 Significant increases in coal production are required to meet forecasted steam coal demand. We project coal production will be adequate to meet demand, but that price increases will occur to provide return on investment for mine expansion and development. Pacific Rim Market The Pacific Rim Market displays the greatest potential to utilize the Western Arctic coal reserves. Following is the projected steam coal import demand for the Pacific Rim countries: Steam Coal Import Demand Tons (Millions) Country 1988 1995 2000 Hong Kong 9 11 14 Japan 31 49 67 Korea, South 12 20 29 Malaysia 1 2 2 Philippines 0 1 1 Singapore 0 0 2 Taiwan 14 19 30 Other malt 2 2 Total 68 104 147 Japan, Taiwan and South Korea will be the major market areas for steam coal imports. Approximately 72% of the steam coal utilized by the Japanese is imported. Japan does have some operating steam coal mines, but the government is beginning to implement a policy which will eventually lead to the closing of these mines. As the mines are closed, imports of steam coal will increase. Due to future reliance on coal imports, the Japanese should continue to promote foreign coal development and investment. Coal production in Taiwan has decreased from 2.5 million tons in 1983 to approximately 1.0 million tons in 1989. Coal production should continue to JOHN T. BOYD COMPANY 4 decline throughout the remainder of this decade. Taiwan’s domestic coal production currently contributes 5% of the country’s total consumption. By the end of this century, this figure should be less than 1%. Taiwan is expected to become totally dependent upon foreign coal imports. South Korea currently does not mine indigenous coal and all demands are met by imports. Domestic anthracite coal reserves are of poor quality, limited in quantity and difficult to mine. The utility industry of South Korea is expected to continue its emphasis on coal-fired generation. Competing Countries for the Pacific Rim Market The countries competing for the Pacific Rim market are: Australia Canada China Indonesia Republic of South Africa United States of America Union of Soviet Socialist Republic Estimated delivered costs to Yokohama, Japan, from the competing countries as of September 1990 are: Average Quality Estimated Delivered Cost to Japan Specification FOBT Ocean Delivered Pier Charge Cost $/MM Sulfur Ash Origin Country ($/Ton) ($/Ton) {$/Ton) Btu. Btu/Ib (%) {%) Australia 37.00 8.00 45.00 1.875 12,000 1.0 14.0 Canada 38.00 10.00 48.00 1.920 12,500 0.7 10.0 China 37.00 5.00 42.00 1.875 11,200 0.8 9.0 Indonesia 40.00 7.50 47.50 2.065 11,500 0.7 4.0 South Africa 32.00 11.00 43.00 1.870 11,500 1.0 16.0 U.S.A. - East Coast 39.00 18.00 57.00 2.280 12,500 1.0 10.0 U.S.A. - West Coast 38.00 12.00 50.00 2.000 12,500 0.6 10.0 U.S.S.R. 41.00 3.00 44.00 1.897 11,600 0.4 9.0 JOHN T. BOYD COMPANY 5 Coal from the proposed Aluaq surface mine would be competitive to Japan at a delivered cost between $1.870 and $2.280 per million Btu. Based on a 12,500 Btu/Ib Aluaq coal product, delivered costs to Japan from the proposed mine would have to range from $46.75 to $57.00 per ton in order to be competitive with the present supply countries. European Market The European steam coal market is also forecast to show significant demand increases as shown: Steam Coal Import Demand Tons (Millions Country 1988 1995 2000 Austria 2 2 2 Belgium 5 8 10 Denmark 13 17 19 Finland 5 8 10 France 6 6 9 Germany, West & East 11 20 28 Greece 2 4 5 Ireland 3 3 4 Italy 13 23 30 Netherlands 10 13 14 Norway 1 1 1 Portugal 2 3 5 Spain 6 7 8 Sweden 3) 7, 10 Switzerland 1 1 1 United Kingdom + 15 21 Eastern Europe mol 12 13 Total 98 150 190 JOHN T. BOYD COMPANY Competing Countries for the European Market The countries competing for the European market include: Australia Colombia Republic of South Africa United States Venezuela Estimated delivered costs to Rotterdam, Netherlands, from the competing countries as of September 1990 are: Average Quality Estimated Delivered Cost to Rotterdam Specification FOBT Ocean Delivered Pier Charge Cost $/MM Sulfur Origin Country ($/Ton) ($/Ton) ($/Ton) Btu. Btu/Ib (%) Australia 37.00 13.00 50.00 2.083 12,000 1.00 Colombia/ Venezuela 37.00 8.00 45.00 1.875 12,000 0.70 South Africa 32.00 8.50 40.50 1.761 11,500 1.00 United States (East Coast) 39.00 7.00 46.00 1.840 12,500 1.00 Ash (%) 14.0 8.0 16.0 10.0 Coal from the proposed Aluaq surface mine would be competitive to Rotterdam at a delivered cost of $1.761 to $2.083 per million Btu. Based on a 12,500 Btu/Ib Aluaq coal product, delivered costs to Rotterdam from the proposed mine would have to range from $44.03 to $52.08 per ton in order to be competitive with the present supply sources. The extremely long shipping distance from northern Alaska to European markets is a constraint to the development of this market sector. Officials of the U.S.S.R. have offered to open a shipping lane to Europe via the Arctic Ocean and have also suggested the possibility of railing Western Arctic coal across the U.S.S.R. to European markets. These options may provide a lower delivered price but reliability of transportation systems and ultimate transit charges are uncertain. JOHN T. BOYD COMPANY Mainland U.S. Market It will be extremely difficult for the Western Arctic reserve to penetrate the mainland U..S. market region due to the existing Jones Act, which excludes non- U.S. flag vessels from trading between any two U.S. ports of the continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Guam. The Jones Act specifies that U.S. vessels and crew must be utilized for coastal trade, thus increasing shipper’s costs. Utilization of a foreign flag vessel and crew is less expensive than a U.S. ship. Additionally, there is only one coal-burning electric generating station located within the states of California, Oregon and Washington. The facility is the Centralia Generating Station of Pacific Power & Light located at Centralia, Washington, approximately 55 miles inland. Coal is currently being delivered into the station at an average cost of $25.89 per ton ($1.58/MM Btu), and the Western Arctic reserve could not compete with such a low delivered dollar per ton cost. Penetration into the western mainland U.S. industrial and cogeneration market is hindered by transportation costs from the Western Arctic reserve and more indigenous coal supplies. Transportation Transportation of coal from the Western Arctic reserve area is a critical component of the project’s feasibility. The reserve is located within 5 miles of tidewater at the Chukchi Sea, but also 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Thus, an ice-free period of only about 3 months (July 15 to October 15) exists for potential loading of ocean vessels and barges from the reserve location. JOHN T. BOYD COMPANY 8 The most advantageous transport options are those which permit year- round coal shipments. Such options would permit ASRC to meet existing contract demands, ship coal on a spot basis and reduce potential problems associated with freezing or spontaneous combustion. Additionally, most Pacific Rim market customers have minimal stockpile capacity and possibly could not receive large amounts of coal during a short time period. Market Strategy BOYD recommends the following market strategy for the Deadfall Syncline reserve: a. Develop a reliable estimate of the current mineable reserve base. Reserves should be tabulated by mine block, seam, strip ratio increment, and reliability classification (measured, indicated, inferred). b. Perform a complete quality testing program on coal samples obtained from the drilling program. c. Develop a surface mine design plan to determine cost of coal production. d. Perform a detailed transportation study to determine the most cost- effective and reliable year-round transport option. e. Complete a comprehensive environmental assessment. f. Obtain the permits necessary to open a pilot scale surface mine and begin supplying domestic Alaskan markets. g. Develop a new brochure detailing information on the mine based on the core drilling program, quality testing, mine design and transportation studies and forward this brochure to potential customers. h. Contact potential Pacific Rim and European customers. This process should be ongoing and commence immediately in order to ascertain sales potential and joint venture interest. JOHN T. BOYD COMPANY 9 i. Supply a test-burn shipment of 5,000 to 10,000 tons to potential customers. j. Continue efforts to obtain state and federal government funding for development of the Deadfall Syncline reserve. We do not believe potential joint venture partners are likely to invest equity capital until basic questions concerning reserves, coal quality, transportation alternatives and environmental liabilities are addressed. Following this page is: Plate 1 - General Location Map showing Deadfall Syncline Reserve Area JOHN T. BOYD COMPANY V.S.5.R. LEGEND APPROXIMATE LIMIT OF MAJOR COAL MEASURES DEADFALL SYNCLINE RESERVE AREA LOCATION (APPROX.) RED DOG LEAD/ZINC MINE LOCATION (APPROX.) EXISTING ACCESS ROAD PROPOSED HAUL ROAD ALASKA RAILROAD ks Anakiuvay 5 Pass, au 2 a . Cae st Elst awe yanatag® GENERAL LOCATION MAP SHOWING DEADFALL SYNCLINE RESERVE AREA BARROW DISTRICT, ALASKA Prepared For ARCTIC SLOPE REGIONAL CORPORATION Scale, 1° = 150 Miles (Approx.) John T. Boyd Company September 1990 Mining and Geological Engineers PLATE 1 RTZ 4) ALASKA NATIVE FOUNDATION cee 4101 University Drive VAs? Anchorage, Alaska 99508 KOTZEBUE & NOME COAL STUDY Final Report KOTZEBUE Alaska Energy Authority LIBRARY COPY JANUARY, 1990 Preporea by ( 2 ARCTIC SLOPE CONSULTING GROUP fn of Engineers « Architects « Scientists « Surveyors EER, TOCROLOCY (A: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Overview of the Assessment The Kotzebue and Nome Coal Study is part of an overall economic development program. Since 198@ there have been fifteen economic feasibility and resource evaluation projects, assessing the feasibility of developing the large coal resource of the Western Arctic as an energy alternative to fuel oil for in-state use. Findings of the projects show the development of the local resource to be a viable means of meeting the energy needs of Northwest Alaska. Further they concluded, besides providing energy self-sufficiency in the region, the overall economic development project has the potential of enhancing the regional economy while reducing or eliminating state energy subsidies in the area. Having established the feasibility of mining in the Western Arctic the resource development project has been advanced to its implementation phase. As a first step towards development the State determined it was appropriate and timely to assess the initial in-state market. In 1989, the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) sponsored the Kotzebue and Nome Coal Study. The purpose of this assessment was to evaluate in a preliminary manner, the viability of using Western Arctic coal as an alternative to fuel oil for power generation and district heating for the communities of Kotzebue and Nome. The scope of work included, updating the current demographics and energy profile of both communities and an evaluation of coal-based technologies and methods suitable for each community. Because a new energy source and related technologies would have an impact on the communities a socio- economic impact assessment was included in the report. The year long study effort involved field reconnaissance trips to gather information and local input, an evaluation of alternatives with a recommended alternative advanced for further evaluation, preparation of a draft final report which was issued and distributed to appropriate individuals, agencies, and organizations for review and comment. All relevant comments were incorporated into the text of this Final Report. The project team consisted of the Alaska Native Foundation, (ANF) retained by the AEA to administer the project. The Arctic Slope Consulting Group (ASCG) provided overall project management and technical and professional services. Joining the ANF Project Team were Kotzebue Electric Association and di Nome Joint Utility, Mechanical Technology, Inc., The J.R. Heesch Company, Polarconsults, and Northern Economics. The Recommended System After consideration of potential coal-based power and district heating concepts and technologies, a recommended overall system was derived. The proposed system consist of burning coal in a circulating fluidized bed combustor (CFB). Heat generated by the CFB will be used as the motive heat source for an externally fired Brayton cycle, (Air turbine). Compressed air from the air turbine compressor will flow through a regenerator to an external heat exchanger (in the fluidized bed) where it will be heated to the desired turbine inlet temperature. The heated air is returned to the air turbine where it is expanded through the turbine section. A generator connected to the air turbine converts the power generated in the turbine section to electrical power for distribution to the community. The exhaust heat from the CFB combustor and the air turbine exhaust would be utilized as the heat source for the respective district heating systems. Delivered outputs from the system will be 416@ volt electric power and 250'F hot water for use in the district heating systen. The major components of the proposed system are described below: Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor On another related project, Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, performed a combustion test on Deadfall Syncline coal. They recommended a fluidized bed combustor (FBC) for our small-scale application, primarily due to its superior emissions control, the low ash fusion temperature characteristic of the coal, ease of operation, and commercial availability in the small size range required by the project. Of the FBCs available the circulating fluidized bed combustor was preferred due to its superior combustion efficiency, reduced erosion/corrosion of the heat transfer surface, and the ability to control turbine inlet temperature independent of load. The CFB design temperatures for this proposed air heater system is 1600'F. Brayton Cycle Both a steam Rankine cycle and externally fired Brayton (air turbine) cycle were evaluated. Although costs are comparable the Brayton cycle was selected primarily iii because it does not use any water. Fresh water is usually expensive to obtain and limited in supply throughout rural Alaska and especially in the community of Kotzebue. District Heating A district heating system would transfer the waste heat from the power system to the homes and buildings. Hot water produced by the heat exchangers in the power plant would be circulated by pumps through heating loops under the streets to the buildings to be served. These loops will consist of two paralleled insulated pipes, each of the pane diameter. In one of these pipes will flow hot, (250°F), pressurized water from the power plant and in the second pipe the cooler water, (160'F), will flow back to the power plant. Installations The proposed power plants and district heating facilities for Kotzebue and Nome are anticipated to come on line in 1995. One CFB combustor and one air turbine will make up a power system module of 2.5 MW capacity. The proposed replacement plant for Nome will consist of three power modules for a total installed capacity of 7.5 MW. It is anticipated the peak demand for Nome will be about 7MW by 1995. The power plant will require two buildings, the power house and coal storage facility. The power house will be approximately 100 ft by 160 ft with a maximum height of 70 ft to accommodate the CFB combustors. With an annual coal consumption of 37, 000 tons the coal storage structure will be 150 ft wide by 300 ft long by 4@ ft high. The district heating system will provide heat only to structures with a floor area greater than 3000 sq. feet, excluding Icy View and Beltz school area. The system is anticipated to displace the combustion of 1,036,000 gallons of oil per year. This is approximately 56% of the total heating oil consumption in Nome. The proposed power plant for Kotzebue will consist of two power modules for a total installed capacity of 5MW Capacity. The 1995 peak demand is estimated at 4152 KW. The power house will be approximately 100 ft by 120 ft. The Kotzebue annual coal requirement is estimated at 20,000 tons per year. The coal storage building will be about 15@ ft wide by 160 ft long by 4@ ft high. iv The district heating system will provide heat to the school complex, Hansen’s store, the new hospital, the airport, and the recreation center. It is anticipated the district heating system will displace 672,500 gallons of oil. Conclusions The assessment was a pre-feasibility level study that resulted in preliminary observations that can be made concerning the feasibility of developing coal-based power Plant and district heating facilities in both Kotzebue and Nome. Although the proposed facilities and system need further evaluation, there appears to be no "fatal flaws” and at this preliminary stage, the proposed project appears to be viable from an economic, environmental, and technical point of view. It appears significant benefits could result fron implementation of the project. Benefits to the Northwest Alaska region, Cities of Nome and Kotzebue, residents of the region, and the State of Alaska. In addition to the normal economic benefits associated with the development of the mine and power plants, such as employment and business opportunities and tax revenues from the mining operation, there would also be reductions in the cost of providing power and energy in both communities. These long term potential benefits appear to outweigh any potential downside effects and warrants further investigation by the State of Alaska. Specific conclusions are presented below based on major tasks of the study. Fuel Assessment An evaluation and comparison of Deadfall Syncline coal from the Western Arctic and Chicago Creek coal near Deering, Alaska was performed. Results showed the Chicago Creek coal to be an A-B Lignite coal. The Deadfall Syncline coal was of higher rank, High Volatile Bituminous coal. With a significantly larger resource and better economics in both production and transportation, Deadfall coal was found to be amore marketable than Chicago Creek’s. This is important when considering the regional concept of the overall resource development project which anticipates further penetrations within the regional market that will increase annual tonnages produced and thereby decrease the price of coal and, in turn, make the coal resource more marketable. Compared to oil Deadfall coal appears to be economic around the low production level of 50,00@ tons per year with a crude oil price at or above $15 per barrel. Further, combustion of Deadfall coal was found to be environmentally superior to that of fuel oil burned in a diesel generator. The report concludes that the abundance, quality and favorable economics of Deadfall coal make it the preferred energy source for this project. Economic Analysis According to the economic parameters utilized in this evaluation, continuing use of diesel generators to provide power in Nome over the next twenty years will require a subsidy of over $213 million. Adding a District Heating system to the diesel power system would reduce the required subsidy to $7@ million over the twenty year period. Switching to the proposed coal fired power generation system will reduce the required subsidy to zero and provide a surplus (profit) of between $26 million and $45 million, depending on the additional demands for Deadfall Syncline coal. In Kotzebue, the results over twenty years are similar. The diesel option will require a subsidy of $137 million versus a profit of $68 million for a coal fired power system with district heating. Sensitivity cases looking at lower and higher inflation rates as well as lower and higher diesel fuel prices indicate the coal system performs substantially better than any of the diesel options regardless of the direction if the economy. Switching to coal will allow AEA to eliminate the subsidy payments currently paid to Nome and Kotzebue. Socio-Economic Impact Implementation of this project along with the development of the local coal resource in the Western Arctic will meet many social and economic objections of the state. Besides the many benefits associated with developing a local energy industry there are several benefits this project will have directly on the two communities. Kotzebue is a community of about 370@ people with an average of 1449 full time jobs. Unemployment has been a chronic problem in the area. In 1988 63% of the vi regional labor force respondents indicated that they were unemployed. Construction of a coal based power plant in Kotzebue is estimated to require 24,000 man hours. This is equivalent to 11.5 full time jobs. Operation of the facilities will require two additional full time employees to the current staffing level. Major cost savings in the production of power will be the largest benefit to the community and the State of Alaska. Installed in 1995 it is estimated Kotzebue would save $649,000 annually by 2000 and $3,450,000 by the year 2014. ° Nome is a community of about 3700 people with an average of 1,700.5 full time jobs. It is anticipated construction of the power plant and district heating facilities will require about 31,000 man hours of time with close to $2.5 million injected into the Nome economy in terms of wages, materials, and services. Operation of the facilities will require two additional people compared to the existing situation at the power plant. The biggest impact on the community will be a substantial reduction in the cost of power generation. By the year 2000, five years after installation, the community could save up to $460,000 per year. Annual savings should increase and by the year 2014 should be about $5,000,000 per year. For both Nome and Kotzebue the cost to the state, to Operate the Power Cost Equalization Program, should diminish as a result of lessened power generation costs. Recommendations Since the economic and technical feasibility of mining Western Arctic coal has been established in previous work and since the preliminary results of the Kotzebue and Nome Coal Study are encouraging and it appears Kotzebue and Nome can be developed to use Western Arctic coal economically and in an environmentally acceptable way, it is recommended the next stage of development include an in-depth engineering feasibility assessment of developing: 1) coal-fired power plant and district heating facilities for the communities of Kotzebue and Nome; and 2) a coal mining industry in the Western Arctic designed to meet the energy demand of both communities. Completion of this next phase of the project would provide final economic assessment and substantial design completion of all facilities associated with the mine and both communities. The completed documents would be used as a control document for project permitting, design document and bid preparation, and construction. vii ARCHAEOLOGY AT DEADFALL SYNCLINE: CULTURAL RESOURCE SITE EVALUATIONS RELATED TO THE WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT by GREGORY A. REINHARDT 22 December 1989 Gregory A. Reinhardt, Inc 6438 East Welham Road Indianapolis, IN 46220 Phone: (317) 849-3297 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In May of 1989, Arctic Slope Consulting Group (ASCG) engaged Gregory A. Reinhardt, Inc., to conduct an archaeological surface survey and test excavation program on their behalf at the Deadfall Syncline coal mining site. The fieldwork portion of that program ran from August 2-17, 1989, and produced a collection consisting almost exclusively of stone artifacts, which have been analyzed as to their basic characteristics. A complete analysis is underway and that, along with a catalog of the collection, will be forwarded to the University of Alaska Museum, Fairbanks, at a later date. Meanwhile this final report contains conclusions based on preliminary analyses. It describes how the work was conducted and what the results may mean to ASCG in terms of further archaeological work, hence management decisions, pertaining to Deadfall Syncline. Recommendations contained herein are the opinions of Gregory A. Reinhardt and might not reflect the judgments or decisions of other archaeologists or local, state, or federal permitting agencies. Two years ago, S. Craig Gerlach of Edwin Hall and Associates, working for ASCG (then ASCE) and for Howard Grey and Associates, located ten archaeological sites along the three ridges at Deadfall Syncline. The 1989 fieldworkers looked at those sites and determined that only four of them involve the area that ASCG had requested Gregory A. Reinhardt, Inc., to examine. Another twenty-two sites occur inside or in immediate proximity to this area, bringing to twenty-six (Figure 1) the number of sites directly affecting ASCG's work at Deadfall Syncline. All of these sites were mapped and their surfaces entirely collected of artifacts. Based on initial data, six sites stand out as unquestionabl warranting excavation by qualified archaeologists. These sites can be ranked in two levels of priority: —— First, sites XPL-081, XPL-082, and XPL-088 should be treated as highly significant in that they contain many microcores and/or microblades, which may date from two to several thousand years B.C. and represent the earliest archaeological culture in Alaska, the American Paleoarctic tradition. Therefore, considerable care and detailed excavation will be expected by the archaeological community before relinquishing these sites to mining activities. Surface indications are that the sites cover areas of about 206 sq. meters, 88 sq. meters and 18 sq. meters, respectively. Of this set, only sites XPL-081 and -082 are directly threatened by current coal mining proposals. -- Second, sites XPL-092, XPL-100, and XPL-104 should be considered significant and, accordingly, will require excavation, too. However, they are generally smaller and seemingly not as important as the previous three--as far as their data potential goes, anyway--to archaeology. Thus, albeit their careful excavation is appropriately responsive, they probably will not take tremendous efforts or energies to characterize before being given over to coal mining. Their evident surface areas measure approximately 8 sq. meters, 35 sq, meters, and 18 sq. meters, respectively. Of these sites, only XPL-100 and -104 will be adversely impacted under current coal mining proposals. Four other sites, XPL-079, XPL-083, XPL-099, and XPL-101, are marginally important at best. They generally consist of fewer surface tear clustering in smaller areas, compared with the two sets above. Although Alaskan prehistory might benefit from these sites' test excavation, present data suggest that their archaeological value is relatively nonvital and that they do not promise to contribute much more information through digging. Their respective areas appear to be 23 sq. meters, 13 sq. meters, 16 sq. meters, and 45 sq. meters. None of this group of sites is endangered by proposed coal mining. For ASCG management purposes, the salient news is that only one of these sites (XPL-083) even comes close to having an immediate effect on ASCG coal mining plans as I understand then. This site is on the north ridge, currently being mined, and one cannot know whether its archaeological clearance will be demanded by relevant permitting agencies before coaling operations are permitted to resume. However, in my view, site XPL-083 on DFS 4 does not seem important enough to warrant excavation. The remaining nine sites mentioned above all reside on DFS 2 (the south ridge) and this report assumes that DFS 2 will be the last coal seam dug. In the interim, I believe DFS 3 bears no significant archaeological evidence and should be considered cleared for ming as well. A stopgap measure, if permitting agencies for some reason impede coal mining on DFS 4, would be to have a qualified archaeologist excavate XPL-083 now (an area of about 13 sq. meters) and hire an archaeological team to carry out the work on DFS 2 later on. Be aware that these sites will be absolutely destroyed by ASCG's coal mining here. Also, short of electing not to mine coal, there seems no feasible way to work around several of Deadfall Syncline's sites. Archaeological sites, implying both artifacts and their spatial distributions, are truly nonrenewable resources. State and federal laws have been established to protect and/or preserve sites whenever possible, to arrange for their scientific investigation as needed, and to ensure that they receive adequate study especially in cases of their imminent devastation. Thus, ASCG should expect that permitting agencies, whose job in this case is to protect Alaska's cultural resources, cannot conscionably release this land until mitigation measures (read “excavation") have gathered more archaeological data from Deadfall Syncline. Exactly how much archaeological work this will mean is simply not answerable. For one thing, what appears on the surface does not necessarily reflect what might be found underground, and archaeologists could easily discover that sites are much larger than first appearances intimated. Furthermore, finds made during an excavation can affect plans about where and how much subsequent digging needs to be done to satisfy archaeological questions concerning a particular site. We can make informed guesses, but we do not have X-ray vision. In addition, there is no professional agreement as to what constitutes an adequate excavation sample from any site because each is unique in many respects. Still, knowing that these sites will be lost forever due to mining, archaeologists will no doubt concur unanimously that a representative excavation sample of the valuable ones must be taken. Samples from such threatened sites are usually larger than would be expected if archaeologists knew they could return there in the future with new questions, strategies, methods, technologies, etc. For the moment, I estimate that roughly 76 square meters of site area warrant excavation prior to more coal mining. Let us assume that an acceptable program of archaeological clearance for Deadfall Syncline might involve two to four persons and from two to three weeks fieldwork. Any dollar figures are guesses, of course, since much information about contractors' bids is confidential. However, this probably means at least two charter flights into and out of Deadfall camp, roughly $3000, and maybe another $2000 to $3000 to transport a crew and its supplies and equipment to Alaska and/or Kotzebue. In any case, depending on what individual contract archaeologists charge for their field and lab time, how long they stay, and what they find, ASCG could be looking at total costs anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000 or more. Respectfully submitted, Gregory A. Reinhardt, Ph.D. GREGORY A. REINHARDT, INC ARCTIC SLOPE REGIONAL CORPORATION P.O. Box 129 Barrow, Alaska 99723 ALUAQ MINE STUDY Commercial Feasibility Analysis Report NOVEMBER, 1989 PREPARED BY (3 > ARCTIC SLOPE CONSULTING GROUP Engineers ¢ Scientists e Surveyors P.0. Box 650 Barrow, Alasko 99723 Telephone: (907) 852-4556 Fox: (907) 852-5733 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY General The Aluaq Mine Study was commissioned by the Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) to examine the commercial feasibility of developing western arctic coal for export to the Pacific Rim Nations. The study takes a conservative approach to development presenting a "Base Case” scenario that looks at, a mine located at the Deadfall Syncline coal prospect site of the Western Arctic Coal Fields producing at the rate of one million tons per year, coal haulage from the mine overland to the existing Red Dog Mine port facilities near Kivalina, Alaska, and delivery of coal to Japan and Korea. The report represents the first step towards reaching a decision regarding project development. Pacific Rim Coal Market The Asian-Pacific coal market forecasts significant growth in bituminous coal imports throughout the 1990’s. It may be possible for ASRC coal to penetrate this market around the mid 1990's. Coal Field Investigations A study of coal deposits in the Western Arctic proximal to the proposed transportation corridor from the Deadfall Syncline to the Red Dog mine was investigated to determine potential minable coal sites closer to the Red Dog Mine. The results of the investigation showed the Deadfall Syncline offered the best opportunity for future development. ii Mine Engineering Analysis The Deadfall Syncline contains reserves adequate to support a mining operation of one million tons per year for 2@ years. It would not support production levels much greater than one million tons. The Aluag Mine is anticipated to have a maximum production crew on site of 165 persons when operations are at full force. Overall this will generate an estimated 333 permanent employment positions. Production levels down to 500,000 tons per year would not result in significant change in the estimated mining cost, although the unit cost to retire infrastructure construction would increase. The estimate for mining and hauling costs for coal delivered to the port is $50.00 per ton for the "base case" scenario. Of the $5@.0@ per ton, $22.4@ per ton was estimated for the operations and maintenance of the selected truck haulage system. Infrastructure Evaluation The infrastructure components of the Aluagq Mine include a 168 man camp and supporting utilities, vehicle and equipment maintenance/warm storage facilities, 92 mile haul road and fuel storage facilities. The total cost for the infrastructure development was estimated at $89,700,000. The major item being the 92 mile road which was estimated to cost $80 million dollars. iii Marine Transportation Analysis The Marine transportation system required to load and move coal from the port site near Kivalina, Alaska to users in the Far East involved loading coal from shore onto lightering barges with subsequent transfer to ocean carriers at the offshore location. The total cost of loading and transporting coal by sea was estimated at $14.2 million. This equates to $14.20 per ton. Three lightering barges (550@ short tons (s.t.) carrying capacity each) will be used to load coal on board Panamax Class Ships (60,500 s.t. carrying capacity). A crane mounted on a 250’ barge would be used to transfer coal from lighterage barge to ship. Loading would take 3.8 days for each ship to load, with a nominal loading rate of 15,900 s.t. per day. The shipping season is assumed to be 9@ days long, from July 15 to October 15. Sailing distances of 2950 nautical miles (n.m.) and 3280 n.m. were calculated from Kivalina to Yokohama, Japan and Busan, Korea respectively. This compares with 4300 n.m. from the export terminal at Roberts Bank, Canada to Yokohama. Financial Analysis The financial Analysis evaluated two cases. Case 1 being the "base case” scenario and Case 2 proposes to haul coal from the mine site 5.4 miles to Omalik Lagoon on the Chukchi Sea coast. Case 2 was developed for economic comparison with Case 1 and its technical feasibility was not established in this report. iv The Case 1 estimated the delivered price of coal to be $87 per ton or $3.63 per million Btus. Case 2 estimated the delivered cost to be $49 per ton or $2.04 per million Btus. Conclusions and Recommendations The Aluag Mine Study concludes the "base case" scenario was technically feasible as proposed, however the cost of the overland transportation system made the commercial feasibility uneconomic. Both the capital cost of the 92 mile haul road and the operation and maintenance cost of a truck haulage system were prohibitive to the viability of the project. It was recommended to investigate other methods of overland transportation including a railroad and possibly a slurry pipeline as a second option. In addition to evaluating these scenarios it was recommended to investigate government assistance in infrastructure development. The Marine transportation system proposed for Case 1 and Case 2 proved technical feasibility for Case 1 and economic feasibility for both cases. Of concern is the fact it has not been determined whether a market can be developed to receive a relatively large volume of coal (1 million tons) in such a short shipping season (Case 1, 90-120 days, Case 2, 75-90 days). This report recommends investigating the use of ice-breakers and/or reinforced ice barges to extend the shipping season as proposed by ESCO, a Soviet bulk carrier company. Another option is to transport coal to a year round open port such as Dutch Harbor, Alaska with subsequent shipments of coal made to market throughout the year. In addition, since Case 2 met the economic competitive benchmark for coal delivered to market it was recommended to investigate this option further and determine if the Pacific Rim market could accommodate the delivery constraints posed by the short shipping season at an annual production volume between 500,000 to 1 million tons. Other recommendations of the report to advance the project were to: perform a resource evaluation of the Deadfall Syncline area to establish a reserve block in sufficient size to improve upon the mining economics; conduct a Pacific Rim marketing effort to establish potential demand and a marketing strategy; assess the implications of the 7i provision of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act on ASRC’s active participation in developing its coal resource; and continue to pursue an in-state market to better establish the reliability and economics of mining in the Western Arctic and increase the knowledge and interest in ASRC coal. With the potential mining cost in the $20 - $25 per ton range it is conceivable that the Aluaq Mine could deliver coal at a competitive price to the Pacific Rim market. To meet this challenge significant technical and market development efforts must be performed in order to prove commercial feasibility. If these efforts are pursued there is a high degree of probability ASRC will one day realize a revenue producing coal industry with potentially a very long productive life. vi GEOLOGY OF THE WESTERN ARCTIC COAL BASINS AND POTENTIAL OF COAL BASINS AS DEVELOPABLE DEPOSITS A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION vee* Chukchi Sea JUNE 29, 1989 ) ARCTIC SLOPE CONSULTING GROUP anaser . wScientists . Surveyors EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Arctic Slope Regional Corporation is interested in developing coal deposits located near a proposed transportation corridor from a currently mined Deadfall Syncline coal deposit to the Red Dog Mine (see Figure 1). The Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC) is investigating the potential for developing ‘its coal resources for export to the Pacific Rim nations. The recent surface transportation and port facilities developed for the Red Dog Mine project 85 miles (138 kilometers) south of the western arctic coal deposits have presented an enhanced opportunity to economically exploit the ASRC coal deposits. A study of coal deposits in the western Arctic proximal to the proposed transportation corridor comprise this report. The focus of the study is on potentially minable coal deposits south of the Deadfall Syncline. Data studied in this report included proprietary Chevron USA seismic, well log and shot point hole log data in addition to previous field data by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (ADGGS) and Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers. The study results included herein conclude that there are several coal bearing “basins” which offer potential for minable coal in the western Arctic. These basins have been prioritized by level of minable potential in this report. Field studies are recommended to further investigate this potential. Of the coal-bearing basins which appear most attractive in this report, the Coke Basin located approximately 20-25 miles (32-40 kilometers) south of the Deadfall Syncline coal deposit, contains the most potential. Seismic data indicate that the structure of the Coke Basin is simple and coal bearing strata are gently inclined and near surface. The Coke Basin is also located within a 0.5-5 mile radius of the proposed transportation corridor to the Red Dog Mine and are within lands owned by ASRC (See Figure 1). Comparison of the coal occurrence and stratigraphy at Coke Basin with Cape Beaufort and Deadfall Syncline suggests that a coal bed with an average thickness of eight feet may be present in the Coke Basin in the upland area west of the Kukpowruk River. Due to a lack of field data, it is difficult at this time to estimate the quantity of potential coal reserves at Coke Basin, but comparisons with Deadfall Syncline and Cape Beaufort suggest similarly sized reserves of high rank (B-A bituminous) and quality (12,772 BTU;7,096 Kcal/Kg), low ash (7.62%) and low sulfur (0.19%) coal. Western Arctic Coal Basins Preliminary Investigation June, 1989 Department of Community and Reaional Affairs 949 E. 36th Avenue, Suite 400, Anchorage, Alask@ 99508 A Alaska Native Foundation WS 4101 University Drive, Anchoraae. Alaska 99508 Wesiern Arctic | Coal Development Project Q arctic slope consulting engineers April, 1988 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Western Arctic Coal Development Project (WACDP) was established to determine the feasibility of developing a coal industry in the Western Arctic providing an abundant, economic, stable priced energy alternative to fuel oi] to communities, military installations, and industries along the northern and western coasts of Alaska. The WACDP assessment was divided into 3 phases. Phases I and II provided the information necessary to evaluate the economic, technical, and environmental feasibility of the selected mining site. The WACDP Phase III was initiated to augment the efforts of Phases I and II by providing special studies identified in the Phase II report as being necessary prior to a development decision being made on the project. Phase III initiated: the process of gathering baseline physical data for the Mormon West Block mining unit for mine engineering; the performance of the first extensive and continuous environmental observation of the WACDP environs; a marketing effort establishing the start up and near term development of the mine; and a domestic stove and furnace combustion test and analysis using Deadfal] Syncline coal. The remainder of this section will present a summary of the major findings of this report based on each major task of the project. Environmental Assessment Results of the Phase III Environmental Assessment Appendix D, indicates that there are no major environmental constraints to further consideration of the project. Continuous ecological studies of the WACDP environs were conducted during June 20, to October 5, 1987. Information and reports were gathered on belukha, caribou, waterfowl and shorebirds, brown bears, furbearers, and incidental animal populations. Input from Point Lay residents, resource agencies, and fisheries and archaeological consultants were integrated into the report. iit Major tindings reported from the field studies were: Beluhka arrived at Omalik Lagoon on June 27. They receded north and were absent from the area by July 13; Brown bear sitings occurred mostly during July and August, with several incidents of bears present in the Deadfall Syncline camp. No salmonoid fisheries were captured or observed in Kuchiak Creek during brief fishing efforts, suggesting that fish use of the creek is limited. Coal Demonstration Program The Mineral Industry Research Laboratory conducted a coal combustion test of Deadfall Syncline coal in selected residential coal combustion heating units. Combustion testing was performed on a Chippewa Trader Mountain Man 85 furnace and a Harmon Mark III stove. The mechanical performance of the furnace system was acceptable. Furnace efficiency was no more than 40%, apparently due to low feed rate into the furnace. The stove performed well achieving an efficiency of 64%. Analyses of the furnace and stove stack gases indicate that pollutant concentrations are reasonably low for the observed burn rates. Sulfur emissions from the stove were found to be substantially lower than that produced by oi] heating. Oi] was estimated to produce 76.7 1b of SOz per year. Coal was estimated at only 6.9 1b of SOz per year. Market Evaluation The basic findings of the Phase III marketing effort indicate the development of the WACDP should be viewed in stages with the start up production rate of 30,600 tpy based on the coal demands from three North Slope villages and the power utilities of Kotzebue and Nome. These communities and organizations have shown the highest interest in the project and are logical choices based on their close proximity to the mine site and high energy costs associated with their areas. Over a five year period the market will see iv expansions to an annual tonnage rate of about 47,590 tpy, the additional tonnage consisting of the Bethel Utility demand as wel] as various institutional demands in Kotzebue, Nome and Bethel. Staged development will allow time for the mining and shipping operations to gain experience and improve upon performance prior to the operations reaching full capacity. Once the market has reached the second stage of development the project will begin to make additional inroads into the total potential market, first in the villages surrounding the major communities, as well as the coastal villages convenient to shipping. With the continued development of the mine, both hardrock mining interests and military installations in the region could be developed to use Western Arctic coal. Coal Field Geology The purpose of the Coal Field Geology Program was to expand on the coal geologic database within the selected Mormon Block West Mining Unit of the Deadfall Syncline. Several geologic factors brought to light by the bulk sampling programs and additional exploration drilling indicated that the reserve estimate for the Mormon West mining unit should be revised. The two factors that have the greatest impact on the reserve estimates are, the coal dips appear to be significantly greater than what was assumed originally and that the recovery of coal from DFS 4 Seam will likely be greater than had originally been assumed. To assess the overall effect of all the new geologic information on the reserve base, new cross sections of the mine area were taken and analyzed for coal reserves at various stripping ratios. The net effect of the analysis is that the estimated reserve base for the base case stripping ratio of 4:1 is reduced to approximately 1,050,000 tons, down from the Phase II estimate of 1,170,000 tons. This amount of coal is still adequate to cover the first ten years of mine production. Mine Engineering New geologic information and the new topography data dictated that certain revisions should be made to the base case preliminary mining plan. Information regarding the spoil characteristics suggest that the top 5 feet of the spoil can be successfully ripped without blasting. This results in an estimated savings in mining cost of about $0.48 per ton. The cost for a steady state production level of 20,000 tpy was investigated. It was found that adequate reserves of coal could be uncovered with hydraulic excavator, without the need for spoil hauling equipment. The 20,000 tons could be produced in the fall of the year, taking advantage of maximum thaw depth in early fall and frozen surface conditions in the late fall. The coal could be mined in about three months with a maximum crew of 9 persons and stockpiled at the port, for shipment to markets the foilowing year. The estimated mining cost for the 20,000 tpy production rate is $42.00 to $46.00 per ton for mining and delivery of uncrushed coal to the port stockpile. Infrastructure Development In response to permitting agency comments, the relocation of the proposed marine berthing facility (described in the Phase II report) to the northeast corner of Omalik Lagoon, was estimated instead of to the northwest corner as was initially proposed. The analysis determined that this option would decrease mining haul road construction costs by about $85,000 but that it would necessitate an increase in initial dredge excavation costs by about $186,000. Thus, the capital expense of this project would increase by about $100,000. Further, permitting the new option may be more difficult to do than the northwest corner option. vi Alternatives to a berthing facility were examined such as lighterage of coal to line haul barges and use of slurry pipelines or conveyor systems. The analysis showed lighterage of coal to be the most attractive option, especially at the lower tonnages. Camp facilities and associated costs were examined in considerable detail. Revised cost estimates are presented for the road, airstrip, camp, and port facilities. Under the 50,000 tpy scenario, the revised Phase III infrastructure capital cost requirements were estimated to be $6,230,000; under the 20,000 tpy scenario, the capital cost is estimated at $4,730,000. The revised Phase III infrastructure operating, maintenance, and fuel costs are estimated at $505,000 annually under the 50,000 tpy scenario, and $203,000 per year under the 20,000 tpy scenario. Significant savings were realized through size reduction of the camp facility and in the use of lightering in lieu of a dredged marine berthing facility within Omalik Lagoon. Financial and Economic Analysis The financial and economic analyses focused on changes due to project design and scale modifications. The staged development assumes an initial production rate of 30,600 tpy (stage I) increasing to 47,590 tpy (stage I1) over a five year period. These production levels are achieved with essentially the same fixed capital outlay as the 20,000 tpy base case. Fixed costs represented by the initial capital cost were held constant with the exception of the bulk fuel storage costs, and stockpile loading costs. By holding capital cost relatively constant while substantially increasing production rates it provides corresponding economies of scale. As a result the cost per ton drops from $106.72 for the 20,000 tpy base case to $82.81 for stage I and to $67.57 for stage I1. This represents a price reduction of $23.91 and $39.15. vii Total cost for coal use are Jess than oi] over the 20 year time period, however the large capital investments, for coal conversions, required in the initial years of the project affect the operational savings. If generation equipment capital costs are excluded from the analysis savings over the 20 year time frame exceed $26 million. Without state assistance in the area of power plant capital costs the project would still achieve positive benefits at a higher production level during initial development and/or higher oil prices. Results of Phase III produced lower overall capital costs and production costs than those previously reported in Phase II. In addition the report presents a near term development strategy that indicates two stages of development to be the preferred approach to project. development. This approach takes advantage of increasing annual coal volumes while decreasing production costs. With state assistance jin the area of power generation facilities, the WACDP project can be developed in the near term and at the lower tonnages while placing the WACDP in a position to penetrate the market further, again increasing the annual production rate while reducing the unit cost of coal. With the project in full production many long term benefits to the state and region can be realized, such as: providing an abundant stable price energy source; providing long term permanent employment in an area of high unemployment; reducing the states participation in energy assistance in the region; and stimulating and diversifying the regional and state economy. vat Department of Community and Regional Affairs 949 E. 36th Avenue. Suite 400, Anchorage, Alaska 99508 9 Alaska Native Foundation Wav 733 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 2, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Western Arctic _ Coal Development Project T - VOLUME | 3 arctic slope consulting engineers June, 1986 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction This Executive Summary presents the highlights of the Western Arctic Coal Development Project (WACDP) Phase II feasibility study. This study, which was conducted from July 1984 through June 1986 addressed the potential for developing coal deposits of the western Arctic as a substitute for the fuel oil currently used as a source of energy in communities along the northern and western coasts of Alaska. In these areas fuel oil is the predominant energy source. However, rural residents face the highest energy prices in the nation, a situation that has created hardships, altered lifestyles of the residents, and suppressed economic development throughout the area. The energy problem of rural Alaskan residents is complex. Although solving the problem will require consideration of many important issues, solutions must focus on two critical concerns to meet the needs of the region's residents: 1) development of a dependable and economical source of energy, and 2) development of additional employment opportunities within the region. The State of Alaska and local governments began to address the rural energy dilemma in the early 1970's. Seven preliminary studies (performed from 1979 through 1983 by the Alaska Power Authority, the State of Alaska Division of Legislative Finance, and the North Slope Borough) indicated that the western Arctic coal resource represents a potentially feasible and cost-effective substitute for fuel oil for rural communities in the region. Preliminary geologic investigations (performed by the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Bureau of Mines, the State Division of Geological and Geophysical Survey, and the Mineral Industry Research Laboratory at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks) determined that western Arctic coal deposits were bituminous in rank, high quality, and included some of the iv best coals in Alaska. Average heating values of the coal are in excess of 12,000 Btu/1b (on an as-received basis) with a moisture content of less than 5 percent and a sulfur content averaging less than 0.3 percent. Western Arctic Coal Development Project The Alaska Native Foundation (ANF) decided to further evaluate the poten- tial of western Arctic coal as a fuel source for northern and western Alaska. The ANF submitted a proposal to the 1984 Alaska State Legislature to fund an in-depth study. In June 1984 the state appropriated funds for the project with the State Department of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA) acting as the sponsoring agency. The DCRA awarded a contract to the ANF to administer the project. Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers (ASCE) was retained by the ANF to perform the technical portion of the project and was directly responsible to the ANF for overall project performance. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of this project, ASCE assembled a project team that included a wide variety of specialists from many different firms. The main objective of the WACDP was to evaluate the feasibility of develop- ing a coal industry in the western Arctic, an industry that would supply an energy substitute for fuel oi] in rural communities along the northern and western coasts of Alaska and provide employment for the construction and operation of the mine and distribution of coal to and within the communi- ties in the region. To achieve this goal, all key aspects of the industry were to be examined, from an evaluation of the coal reserves to an assess- ment of coal usage in the communities. Work on the project was divided into two phases, with Phase I beginning in July 1984. This five-month effort involved evaluating the coal resources of the area, selection of a potential mine site, a preliminary environ- mental investigation, and evaluation of the overall economic viability of the project. The results of Phase I were encouraging and prompted both the ANF and DCRA to advance the project to Phase II. Phase II began in December 1984 and ended in June 1986. The primary objective of Phase II was to perform in-depth: analyses of the planned components of the WACDP to determine whether the project was feasible in terms of technical, social, environmental, and economical considerations of the selected site. Overview of the Study Results Throughout the WACDP feasibility study, information and opinions were sought from residents, institutions, potential’ mining development firms, both profit and non-profit organizations and corporations throughout the study area, and various units of federal, state, and local governments. Based on the results of the Phase I and Phase II studies, including the review comments of agencies and organizations, it appears that development of a coal industry in the western Arctic to serve in-state energy needs is technically feasible and can be accomplished in an environmentally and socially acceptable manner. Further, this development can make significant contributions toward meeting the social and economic objectives of local and state governments. These objectives include developing an abundant and stable alternative to oil-based heating and electric power, creating long-term employment, stimulating the regional economy while diversifying the state economy, reducing participation in energy and power subsidy programs, and creating infrastructure in rural Alaska. These findings have led the project team to recommend that the state endorse coal as a viable energy alternative in the region and support regional energy resource development that would establish energy self- sufficiency and enhance the regional economy. This assessment provides information on: alternative designs for mine and infrastructure development; field data from collection programs at the sites of project components; a marketing survey; a village end use technology assessment; and transportation, environmental, socio-economic, vi financial, and economic analyses. The WACDP Phase II Final Report can be used to assist in project permitting, scheduling, final design, and project construction. The investigations and results of Phase II are described in this two volume report entitled, Western Arctic Coal Development Project Phase II Final Report and in two supplemental reports entitled, Western Arctic Coal Development Project Village End Use Technology Assessment, and Western Arctic Coal Development Project Environmental Assessment. Highlights of Conclusions and Recommendations Proposed Project After evaluating numerous potential components and combinations of compo- nents, the project team has recommended that the WACDP consist of the following: ° Mining in the Deadfall Syncline area of the Western Arctic Coal Region; ° Establishment of infrastructure and support facilities that would include a haul road, a mining camp, landing facilities for aircraft, freshwater supplies, and water treatment facilities; ° Coal transport by truck from the mine to the coastline; and ° Marine transport of coal by tug and barge to consumers or distributors in the region, including establishment of an on-site marine berthing facility for barges. vii Project Area The selected mining area, known as the Deadfall Syncline, is located within the Arctic Foothills Province near the base of the Amatusuk Hills. This area is approximately six miles from the Chukchi Sea and about 40 miles south of the North Slope Village of Point Lay. The western boundary of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska is about 35 miles east and the Cominco- NANA Red Dog mineral deposit is about 70 miles south of the prospect area. The entire mine development area, including subsurface rights, is under the ownership of the Arctic Slope Regional. Corporation. The Deadfall Syncline area has relatively low relief with gently rolling hills accented by hogbacks formed of weather-resistant sandstone. Charac- teristic of the foothills province are the bedrock materials consisting of sandstone, siltstone, and shale. Bedrock materials will be the primary material encountered when mining, thus allowing the use of conventional methods of coal mining. The project area has an arctic marine climate characterized by long, cold winters and short, cool summers. The mean temperature of the area is 10 degrees F. A continuous permafrost layer approximately 1,000 feet deep underlies the entire area. The sea bed of the Chukchi Sea abutting the western shoreline of the project area is very flat and water depths 2,800 feet from the coast are only 13 feet. In addition, the Chukchi Sea is frozen or clogged with ice nine months of the year. Coal Resource The Deadfall Syncline prospect is within the Western Arctic Coal Region, a region that forms the western tip of the Northern Alaska Coal Province. This province represents the largest coal bearing area in Alaska and perhaps in the world. Coal occurs in the sedimentary rock sequence, the Nanushuk Group of Early to Late Cretaceous Age, and may underlie 30,000 viii square miles of northern Alaska. Coal resource estimates range from 402 billion to 4 trillion tons, an amount with potential for meeting energy needs of the entire nation for over 300 years. The Deadfall Syncline prospect was selected as the preferred mining area after five regional mining sites were evaluated. Nine coal seams ranging in thickness from 4.5 to 18.0 feet were identified in the Deadfall Syncline prospect during the 1984 WACDP Exploratory Drilling Program. Bedding dips range from 11 to 24 degrees. Deadfall Syncline coal is considered high quality fuel. Its ASTM ranking is High Volatile "B" Bituminous with an average (as-received) heating value in excess of 12,000 Btu's per pound (13,000 to 14,000 Btu's per pound on an ash-free basis). The average ash content of the coal is about 10 percent, with a moisture content of 4 to 5 percent. Coal from this deposit has a total sulfur content of 0.1 to 0.3 percent with pyritic sulfur less than 0.03 percent and little or no sulfate sulfur. The coal also has coking qualities. As part of the Phase II study, the estimated sulfur dioxide emissions from the combustion of Deadfall Syncline coal were compared with sulfur dioxide emissions from fuel oi] combustion. These data indicate that the sulfur dioxide emissions from the combustion of this coal will be approximately 20 to 50 percent lower than the fuel oi] currently used in the region. The coal reserves present in the Deadfall Syncline, assuming a production rate of 100,000 tons per year (tpy), are listed below for three different stripping ratios. ix Reserves by Stripping Ratio Sel Sal 10:1 Coal Supply Coal Supply Coal Supply ars Classification (tons) ears (tons) (ye ) (tons) (years) Indicated 10,973,000 110 24,253,000 242 57,864,000 579 Inferred 11,000 ,000 110 25,000,000 250 58 ,000 ,000 580 Total 21,973,000 220 - 49,253,000 492 115,864,000 1159 Significant coal reserves probably exist in unmeasured seams which have been mapped. Additional field work will increase the lateral extent and measured reserves present in these seams. Further, significant reserves probably exist within seams which, due to the low density of field data throughout most of the Deadfall Syncline area, have yet to be identified and measured. Mining and Reclamation Plans The first 10 years of mining will occur in the Mormon Block West mining unit located along the western section of the northern limb of the Deadfall Syncline structure. This mining unit is approximately 6,800 feet long and extends west from the Mormon Benchmark. Within this unit, three parallel coal seams with a thickness range of 7 to 11 feet will be mined indivi- dually at a 4:1 stripping ratio. The coal structure is non-complex. The Mormon Block West mining unit was selected as the preferred initial mine site for three reasons. First, this mining block is closer to the port site than the Kuchiak Block which is located to the east of the selected site. Thus, the initial infrastructure costs could be lower. Secondly, the potential for environmental impacts is lower at the Mormon Block West. During mining of this area, mitigative measures can be devel- oped that will minimize the effects of mining in the more sensitive Kuchiak Block. Finally, the development of this mining unit will result in better management of the Deadfall Syncline coal field. The coal seams are thicker and can be mined at lower. ratios than at the Kuchiak Block. Further, due to the low production level expected during the initial years of production, the Kuchiak deposit can be mined in a more cost-effective manner in the future when production levels are expected to increase. During Phase I, the preliminary financial analysis indicated that the economic cutoff point for the project would require a minimum production of approximately 50,000 tpy. Although production may be lower during the initial years of development, this level has been defined as the “base case" in the Phase II studies. To achieve this level of production or a higher level if market conditions dictate, cut-and-fill mining techniques were selected. The complexity and scale of this mining method is directly comparable to those currently used by Eskimos, Inc. at the Barrow gravel pit. Use of the cut-and-fill technique will minimize the active mining area and is expected to minimize the impacts on wildlife movement. In addition, this method will allow revegetation to occur in one portion of the mine site while mining con- tinues elsewhere, thus limiting the time when the mine area is biologically non-productive. Prior to removal of overburden, topsoil will be removed and stockpiled for use in revegetation. Mining will entail removing overburden using drilling and blasting techniques to break the sandstone and siltstone. Dozers, a power shovel, and trucks will be used to transfer overburden from the initial cut to a temporary stockpile. To the extent possible, this overburden and the dredged material from the marine terminal and entrance channel, will be used in the construction of infrastructure facilities. After overburden removal, the equipment will be used to excavate the coal and transport it to the marine terminal. Prior to final stockpiling at the terminal, the coal will be reduced to the desired size in a portable crusher. From the crusher, coal will be discharged into the stockpile via the radial stacker used to load the barges. After coal is removed from the initial cut, mining will progress to the next cut, with overburden from this cut used to backfill the previous cut. Stockpiles of topsoil will be redistributed over the backfilled area prior to revegetation. If there is not sufficient topsoil to provide an adequate upper soil layer for revegetation, crushed siltstone and sandstone, nutrients, and other additives will be placed over the backfill. This process will be repeated during active mining, with an average area of six new acres disturbed each year at the base case production rate of 50,000 tpy. Since it has been assumed that production will increase to as much as 250,000.tpy, mining is expected to disturb a total area of approxi- mately 180 acres during the first 10 years of operation. The following major equipment will be used during mining: ° 4 cubic yard hydraulic front shovel ° 450 hp ripper dozer ° 200 hp winch dozer ° Three 35-ton off-highway trucks ° overburden drill ° powder truck ° 300 ton-per-hour coal crusher (at port stockpile) Mobile equipment was selected to ensure flexibility for operations sched- uling and to facilitate production increases. The initial equipment fleet is expected to have sufficient capacity to handle the planned production for the first 7 years of operation. During the seventh year, 2 tractor- trailer coal haulers and a front-end loader will be added to accommodate the anticipated production through the end of the tenth year of operation. The low annual precipitation, the presence of a continuous layer of permafrost, and the lack of major streams in the area of the project will minimize runoff. To control this runoff, sediment ponds will be estab- lished on thaw-stable ground within the mine site. After initial settling xii has occurred, runoff from the ponds will be directed into the channel of an ephermal stream that traverses the mine site and discharges into a 25-acre lake filtered from the water. The mining and barge loading operation will consist of a single 12-hour shift, 7 days per week, 6 months of the year for the “base case" production rate. The mining operation will begin on April 1 and end August 15 of each year, and the barging operation will begin in mid-July and end about September 30. Mining and barge loading will require 20 people and approxi- mately 26,250 crew hours. Infrastructure Development The infrastructure requirements of the project will consist of a 5.4 mile haul road from the mine to the coastline, a 4000 foot private airstrip, the marine berthing facility consisting of a basin and channel dredged to a depth of 13 feet, and a 24-person work camp and support facilities. Onshore support facilities at the marine berthing site will be constructed from the dredged material to the extent possible and will be located adjacent to the basin. A general description of each component is pre- sented in Section 2.0, Project Description. Marine Transportation Coal will be shipped from the marine terminal on towed barges. The sizes of tugs and barges used will be dependent on market conditions and the physical limitations of the terminal and the entrance channel. A shipping season of 75 days (1,800 hours) is possible, extending from about July 15 to September 30 depending on sea ice coverage and distribution. As a result of the short working season and lack of adequate drafts at receiving ports, the estimated costs for coal shipment are relatively high. xiii Potential Component Impacts The results of the comprehensive environmental evaluation of the WACDP mine and infrastructure components continue to indicate that there are no major environmental constraints to further consideration of the project. Although the project area and planned facility sites have been investigated since 1984, additional information is needed regarding soil behavior under site-specific conditions to evaluate erosion, soil transport by surface waters, and revegetation practices. These data will also be useful in further assessments of water quality considerations. To more completely understand potential impacts and to develop mitigative measures, more detailed site-specific information should be obtained. Recommended studies include an evaluation of the anadromous fish habitat of Kuchiak Creek, belukha and caribou surveys, important hydrological characteristics in the Mormon Lake drainage, site-specific vegetative surveys, and reported cultural resources in the area of Omalik Lagoon. The project team has recommended that these studies be done to augment the environmental data base ensuring compliance with the environmental assessment requirements of the Alaska Surface Coal Mining Program and other regulatory agency require- ments. Another concern is that the mining operations cause no significant impact on the subsistence activities of the community of Point Lay. Potential Socio-Economic Impacts The Village of Point Lay, located approximately 40 miles north of the proposed project area is the community most likely to be affected by project development. Residents of Point Lay have expressed their concerns regarding numerous issues important to their social and cultural customs. These concerns, which have been addressed in the Final Report, include the potential effects of the project on Kuchiak Creek, the impacts on belukha whales if there is marine transport activity in late June to early July, the influence of disturbance and human activity on caribou movements in the Deadfall Syncline area, and the impacts of mine development on furbearers, xiv especially wolverine and marmot. Construction and operation of the project are not expected to result in any significant impacts on the existing social or economic conditions of the area. Point Lay currently has relatively low levels of unemployment; however, some Point Lay residents are expected to seek employment at the mine. Although mining skills are available in Point Lay, the village workforce will not be able to fill all of the positions required for project opera- tion. Market Evaluation The potential market area of the WACDP included a geographic region of the state stretching from Wainwright on the northern coast of the Chukchi Sea south to Kodiak Island and including all of the Aleutian Chain. Military bases, industrial users, and 130 communities within the market area were identified as the potential demand for coal heating and power generation. The annual total potential demand for coal in this region is estimated to be in excess of 500,000 tons per year. At this demand level the WACDP has the potential to displace over 80 million gallons of fuel oi] annually. The WACDP study evaluated the near term potential of developing a coal industry in the western Arctic. From the preliminary marketing and economic analysis performed in Phase I, the study “base case" or initial mine production level was established at 50,000 tons per year (tpy). This is only 10 percent of the total potential demand of 500,000 tpy and therefore, it is reasonable to postulate there is enough potential market volume to accommodate a coal industry in the western Arctic. Actual demand will be primarily determined upon the relationship between the price of fuel oil or diesel in the community relative to the price of western Arctic coal in the same community. These factors are in turn dependent upon the world price of crude oi] relative to the price of WACDP coal. The latter is significantly affected by the economies of scale associated with the annual production level of the mine. As the production level increases, the cost of coal decreases. For instance, at the study "base case" 50,000 tpy production level, it is anticipated WACDP coal can be delivered to the City of Nome at about $113 per ton ($4.71/MMBtu). At a production level of 100,000 tpy coal can be delivered to Nome at about $68 per ton ($2.83/MMBtu). As a comparison to oil prices, from a June 1986 survey of oil distributors, oi] is being sold in Nome for $1.51 per gallon ($10.94/MMBtu) . Two important factors are demonstrated by the Nome example. First, there is sufficient disparity between coal and oil prices to anticipate a certain level of coal demand based on economic considerations. The significance of this factor in the decision to use coal in the market area can be supported by the results of the Phase II market analysis. The analysis shows the clear majority of potential customers interviewed would base their willingness to use coal on its overall economic value. The second important factor is that expansion of the annual production tonnages will provide considerable economic benefits to the consumer. The potential of this occurring throughout the life of the project is high due to the following facts: (1) the total potential demand is large enough to provide opportunities for expansion of the project to accommodate future market demand; and (2) the Deadfall Syncline coal resource is sufficient to handle any increases in the production level within the study area. For instance, at a production level of 100,000 tpy and a stripping ratio of 5:1, the coal prospect has a supply life in excess of 400 years. With such a large resource and relatively high potential demand available to the project, there is a high degree of flexibility in developing a market strategy. The findings of the WACDP study recommend that the initial marketing effort be directed toward the larger institutional and commercial space heating energy market. This strategy has been recommended for the following reasons: (1) since most of the larger institutions and commercial users do not receive major energy subsidies, they are expected to have greater incentive to convert to a more economic energy alternative; (2) large single space heating users will provide the highest return on xvi investment; (3) large single users optimize on transportation equipment thus reduce coal costs; (4) coal space heating technology is highly developed and easy to install; and (5) institutional/commercial space heating conversions are easy-to-implement programs. Further, once the economics and mechanics of coal uSage are proven within a community, additional conversions are likely to occur and marketing efforts can be redirected toward smaller institutions as well as residential customers. Another large single user market exists that warrants consideration. Development of coal-fired power generation in the larger communities, industries, and military complexes within the study area would substan- tially increase the production level, thus lowering overall coal cost to all consumers. There are, however, drawbacks when considering power generation conversions to coal in the near term. They are: (1) there are only a few locations available due to the lack of small scale (1-500 kW) coal-fired power generation technology; (2) even though it can be shown that conversion to coal would substantially reduce annual operating costs, the initial capital expenditures for coal-fired power generation equipment is relatively high; and (3) the amount of time associated with the develop- ment of new power generation facilities is considerably longer and more complex compared to space heating conversions. Power plants are the largest single consumers of energy in the market area. Although the process of converting these facilities to coal-fired technol- Ogy may have near term drawbacks, the benefits in pursuing such conver- sions can lead to: (1) decreased cost of coal to all consumers; (2) reduction in the level of state financial participation in the Power Cost Equalization Program. There are several factors other than production level and oil prices that affect marketability of coal. They are: (1) instability of government regulatory and taxation policies increases production costs, changes the feasibility of the project, and impairs the ability of the mine operator to secure long-term contracts with set prices; (2) current state subsidy programs favor the use of oi] and reduce the incentive of local utilities xvii and homeowners to conserve or develop alternative local resources such as coal; (3) the market area is characterized by high unemployment and therefore, many residents and institutions lack the capital to take advantage of a more economic energy alternative; and (4) acceptance of coal by potential consumers is important in determining the marketability of coal in the region. Many people in the study area were found to have a relatively high awareness of coal use. Of the people interviewed in the Phase II Market Survey, 34 percent said they had experience in the use of coal. Historically, many individuals harvested coal locally or purchased it through the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Financial Analysis Mine development costs will require a capital expenditure of about $16,000,000 at the 50,000 tons per year (tpy) production level. This cost estimate includes the component costs associated with pre-development, mine and infrastructure development, and non-production costs such as insurances, taxes, royalties, and profit. The yearly operating costs amount to about $2,000,000. The total annual cost, including operating and annual capital costs, is estimated at less than $4,600,000 resulting in a cost per ton of coal of about $91 per ton FOB at the shipping port and loaded on the barge. Unit costs for transportation, exclusive of handling or port charges, will range from $10 to $14 per ton for higher volume shipments between developed port sites. For middle volume shipments between developed or partially developed port sites, transportation costs will range from $23 to $28 per ton. Transportation costs may be as high as $50 per ton for lower volumes and over-the-beach unloading operations. The cost of coal in several communities throughout the study area are presented in Table 1. The coal costs are compared to the diesel costs for space heating on a per million Btu basis. The coal costs shown here represent the retail basis within the community and include FOB costs at xviii the mine port site, transportation costs, and a 20 percent mark-up for retail handling and profit. At demand levels greater than 50,000 tons per year the cost of coal will be reduced significantly. TABLE 1 _ Comparison of Coal and Diesel Sold for Space Heating (50,000 tpy Production Level) Coal Diesel Per Per Per Per Community Ton . MMBtu Gallon MMBtu Kotzebue $ 108 4 4.50 $1.60 $ 11.60 Nome 113 4.71 1.51 10.95 Bethel 121 5.04 1.24 8.99 Dillingham 124 5.17 1.07 7.76 Dutch Harbor 125 5.21 0.79 5.73 Kodiak 137 5.71 0.74 5.37 Note: Assumes 12,000 Btu per pound coal and 138,000 Btu per gallon diesel fuel. During the initial years of the project, the market demand may not require that production levels exceed or even meet the base level of 50,000 tpy. Under these conditions, there could be a net loss to investors, or at best, a small profit. As both market demand and production increase, the return on investment will improve, with a positive return on investment expected over the life of the project. Finally, there are two major projects in the region that will require large amounts of energy and can substantially influence the economics of the project. Both the Red Dog and Lik mining and mineral processing projects will have high energy demands. Even if no other residential, institu- tional, or commercial energy users convert to coal usage, implementation of the WACDP can be justified if either of these two projects is developed to use coal as the primary source of fuel. Thus, if either or both of these projects uses western Arctic coal for fuel, production levels would increase and the unit cost of coal for all customers would be substantially decreased. Economic Analysis Rather than attempt to forecast the price of crude oi] in 1990 and deter- mine if coal will be competitive with oil, a "threshold" or “break even" approach has been developed which determines the relationship between crude oil prices and coal prices at various production levels. Crude oil pricing and coal production costs associated with economies of scale are the two major factors in determining a break even point. If the price of oil remains low or inflates at the same rate as coal, coal will be competitive with oi] at higher coal production volumes. However, if the price of oil begins to inflate at a greater rate than coal, western Arctic coal will become economical compared with oi] at all levels of production. During the economic analysis costs were adjusted from those developed in the financial analysis to approximate the true economic costs and benefits that would arise from the use of western Arctic coal rather than oil. At a production level of 50,000 tpy the project is economically viable compared with crude oi] at a market price of $20 per barrel. Adjusting for an economic cost of capital at 10 percent per year, i.e., that the state should receive a return of 10 percent per year on its investments, the project becomes economically viable at a crude oil price of about $17.50 per barrel. At an economic cost of capital of 5 percent, the project would be viable with crude oi] prices of about $15.50 per barrel. At demand levels greater than 50,000 tpy, the economic price would be significantly lower. For instance, at 100,000 tpy the project becomes economically viable, without economic adjustments, at around $15 per barrel of crude oil. With a vast resource and relatively large potential demand available to the project it appears the WACDP is sufficiently promising economically to warrant further state support for additional investigation to bring the project to the point where a firm decision can be made with a reasonably high degree of confidence. Implementation Plan Implementation of the WACDP will entail numerous activities as discussed in the Phase II Final Report... These activities consist of marketing, obtain- ing the required permits, performing final design efforts, and construction and operating the selected mining and transportation systems. The market analysis conducted as part of the Phase II studies has identi- fied many prospective customers in a large potential market area. Prior to project implementation, marketing and sales efforts must be undertaken and sufficient contractual commitments must be obtained to justify further development of the WACDP. A total of 24 permits will be required for project implementation includ- ing 11 federal and 12 state permits and 1 permit from the North Slope Borough. Completion of the permitting process is expected to take from 12 to 24 months for the federal permits, and from 7 to 8 months for the state and local permits. Since applications for the state and local permits can be submitted concurrently with the federal permits, the entire permitting process can be completed within 2 years of initiation. Site related activities required before the project can be implemented include the detailed site-specific vegetation surveys previously discussed and additional drilling and bulk sampling to verify the quality of the coal. (The quality of western Arctic coal is well known; however, large power plant users require bulk samples in order to match the power plant requirements to fuel quality.) Final mine and infrastructure designs, which will be based on the Phase II findings, must be prepared, and purchasing and shipping agreements must be completed for equipment and materials. Once the necessary equipment, materials, and personnel are on the site, construction of the facilities can begin. xxi All of the above activities, including construction, can be completed within approximately four years of initiation of the project. Therefore, if project implementation were to begin in the third quarter of 1986, coal could be available for transport from the marine terminal in the third quarter of 1990. xxii WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE II PRELIMINARY REPORT COMPONENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT Wesiern Arctic Coal Development Project 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Overview of Study Results A framework was developed for documenting the evaluation of po- tential environmental impacts of WACDP components that was con- sistent with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidelines. Engineering, environmental, social, and economic options for various project components were screened for environmental im- plications and then integrated into logical alternatives. Three alternatives for each of the mine and supporting infrastructure plans were then evaluated according to nine criteria that were broad in scope and yet sufficiently comprehensive to satisfy extensive considerations of the options. Discussion of alter- natives, components, and options is sufficiently detailed to illustrate the overriding environmental concern that led to selection of preferred items. A preliminary mine plan selected the preferred alternative of a mine located in the Mormon Block West area for purposes of avoiding the Kuchiak Creek drainage during the initial ten years of mining activity and shorter haul distance to the coastal port site. Significant details that remain to be considered include water quality aspects of sedimentation ponds, behavior of the silty soils under site-specific mining conditions, and revegeta- tion program. Infrastructure alternatives were complicated by extensive dredg- ing costs required by construction of a port facility. An initial preference selected an over-the-beach offshore loading facility to be used during the first few years of operation, later opting for a larger facility within a diked portion of Omalik Lagoon. Confirmation of the "perched" nature of the la- goon (in reality a thaw lake being claimed by the sea) during the 1985 Site Investigation requires a dike to mitigate environ- mental impacts ‘of draining the "lagoon" through an entrance chan- nel. Infrastructure components other than the port meena were essentially the same for all three alternatives. A 5.4-mile roadway alignment was selected by engineering and environmental consultation during the 1985 summer site investi- gation. The route considered soil types, drainage, habitat types, snow drifting, expected wildlife populations, and anti- cipated environmental costs. The latter included estimated numbers of resident and migrant animals to be displaced by hab- itat disruption. Mitigative measures are discussed to illus- trate the advantages of predevelopment cooperation of engineer- ing and environmental personnel. 1-1 Two airstrips (one 4000' long by 100' wide, the other 4000'- by 150'), a 20-man camp with vehicle maintenance facilities located near the mine site,and a potable water source situated midway between the mine and port are expected to have generally less environmental impacts than other project components. The linear nature of the airstrips made their projected environ- mental impacts generally similar to roadways. A source of gra- vel or other construction material has not been established. 1.2 Highlight of Conclusions and Recommendations Integrated consideration of WACDP components provided effective analysis of environmental implications and practical approaches to mitigation. Expansion of the environmental data base pro- vides a more comprehensive evaluation that continues to indicate that there are no major environmental constraints to further consideration of the project. Additional information is needed regarding soil behavior under site-specific conditions to evaluate erosion, transport by sur- face waters, and revegetation practices. These data also have application to water quality considerations. A source for gra- vel or other substrate material for airport and road construction needs to be clearly identified. Recommendations are made to maintain the effective direction of the WACDP; evaluate anadromous fish habitat on Kuchiak Creek; estimate vital hydrological parameters in the Mormon Lake drain- age; perform site-specific vegetative surveys; ascertain the status of peregrine falcons in the project environs; examine re- ported cultural resources in the area of Omalik Lagoon; and generally to augment the environmental data base in areas of needed information for imput to the Alaska Surface Coal Mining Program and other regulatory agency requirements. WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN PRELIMINARY REPORT Western Arctic Coal Development Project 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Overview of the Study Results Phase I of the Western Arctic Coal Development Project (WACDP) Feasibility Study concluded that the project was economically and technically feasi- ble. Based on these conclusions, Phase II of the project was initiated. The Alternative Assessment Interim Report of Phase II of this project, specifically Infrastructure Development (Task 5) (March, 1985), presented conceptual designs for selected facilities which would be required to support mining operations. This Phase II Infrastructure Development Preliminary Report will present conceptual design alternatives based on refinement of designs made in the preliminary report and on field data collected during 1985. Additionally, this report will present the costs of selected facility options. 1.2 Highlight of Conclusions and Recommendations Based on bathymetry and operational plans for the port facility, it was determined that the best location for the marine berthing components would be in the vicinity of and integral to Omalik Lagoon. The dredging of a channel offshore and a turnaround basin within the lagoon would be re- quired. It was also determined that the best location for the coal stockpile would be within the lagoon at the most efficient point of delivering the coal to shipping operations. It was determined that the most desirable location for a road connecting the marine berthing facility and the mine would be based on four factors. First, it was assumed that the mine would be located at the start of West Mormon Block. Second, it was necessary to locate the road in proximity to the source of potable water near the proposed camp site. Third, the road 1-1 alignment would have to be located away from the thermally unstable polygonal ground areas. And fourth, the road would have to link the mine with the marine berthing facility on Omalik Lagoon. It was also determined that capital costs could be reduced by using mine equipment for the construction of the road and that dredge spoil materials could be used to construct the roads and portions of the port facility, and coal stockpile pad. Design alternatives for the airport were refined to integrate infrastruc- ture elements thus reducing construction and operating costs. It was also determined that airfield costs could be reduced by using mining equipment for airstrip construction. Further, placement of the airfield near the mine site would enhance the efficiency of both facilities. The size of the required work camp was based on the estimated manpower needed for the mine and related facilities and that placement of the camp facilities near the mine would reduce travel time for mining personnel and thus overall operations costs. For efficiency, it was decided that the coal stockpile should be located near the marine berthing facility and that a hopper-feed, stacker-conveyor system would be most efficient in the formation of the 50,000 ton coal stockpile. Also, conveyors or front-end loaders would be used to reclaim the stockpile and to load the coal onto the barges. From an economic standpoint, it was determined that the most reasonable alternative included: a 13 foot dredged marine berthing facility, con- structed in phases; a private airfield along the road alignment; used camp facilities and a conveyor loading facility. Initial capital costs of the entire infrastructure system were estimated at $7,234,000 with operating costs of $656,000 per year. Economic and operational efficiency of this system's components was judged to be high while construction and mainte- nance difficulty was judged to be low. Further, ready expansion of this system is anticipated. WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE II TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM PRELIMINARY MINE DESIGN arctic slope consulting engineers Western Arctic Coal Development Project 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Phase II of the Western Arctic Coal Development Project (WACDP) was initiated based upon the preliminary finding of technical and economic feasibility for the project in the Phase I part of the study. The Phase I report was a preliminary economic evaluation and the results indicated that coal from the Deadfall Syncline could reasonably be expected to provide Western Alaska consumers with an economically attractive energy option to fuel oil. The goal of the Phase II effort is to perform an economic and technical feasibility study for development of the Deadfall Syncline coal resource in sufficient detail to allow the potential mine developer to reach a decision on whether or not to proceed with mine development. This preliminary mine design technical memorandum provides a preliminary design and cost analysis for the mining portion of the overall project scope. The following narrative describes the findings for the various components reviewed by this study. Mine Development ° The Deadfall Syncline resource area may be logically divided into two general mining units. The Kuchiak Block, located east of Kuchiak Creek; and the Mormon Block, named after the USCGS monument "Mormon" nearby, located west of Kuchiak Creek. ° Mining costs are expected to be nearly equal for either the Kuchiak Block or the Mormon Block and reserves at either location appear to be adequate for at least the first ten years of production. ° The Mormon Block was chosen as the preferred initial mine site due to its proximity to the port site, resulting in lower infrastructure costs, and the potential for reduced environmental impact. ° Mining at the Mormon Block would begin near its western-most end and proceed in an easterly direction towards the drainage divide between the coastal plain and Kuchiak Creek. ° The first ten years of production are expected to occur in the area west of the Kuchiak Creek/Coastal Plain drainage divide. This will result in little or no impact to the Kuchiak Creek drainage. Site specific data and experience obtained during the initial 10 years of operation should provide the knowledge which will allow for future development of the Deadfall Syncline area while providing a high level of protection for the existing environmental resources. ° Development of the Mormon West Block for initial mining will result in better management of the Deadfall Syncline coal field. Development of reserves in the Kuchiak Block would necessitate mining at lower stripping ratios to offset higher hauling costs. Depletion of lower ratio reserves at this time in the Kuchiak Block could result in reduction of overall coal tonnage which could be recovered from the Deadfall Syncline and impair future production at higher annual rates. Mining System ° 35 ton off-highway trucks and a 4 cubic yard hydraulic front shovel system is chosen as the technically and economically appropriate system for overburden removal and coal production. ° Overburden material breakage will best be accomplished by drilling and blasting, which provides a flexible as well as economically attractive alternative to dozer ripping. ° The same loading and hauling equipment will be used for both spoil and coal removal. Trucks and loaders should be purchased with both coal and rock attachments to provide for efficient production in both operating modes. ° The initial equipment fleet should be able to produce coal at the annual demand anticipated for the first 10 years of operation with only the addition of two tractor-trailer coal haulers and a front end loader about year 7. Mine Schedule ° A six month, single 12 hour shift operation is the preferred annual operating schedule for the base case production rate of 50,000 tons per year. ° The six month schedule will actually provide for production of approximately 75,000 tons of coal annually without resorting to a double shift or adding to the equipment fleet. ° A single shift operation will result in higher average equipment productivity and thus lower per ton mining costs. ° The increased production rates anticipated over the initial 10 years of operation can most economically be achieved by increasing the operating season to 8 months followed by addition of a coal haul dedicated equipment fleet, without resorting to a double shift operation. ° A production surplus or net stockpile of 14 percent of the cumulative coal demand over the initial 10 years can be created without resorting to a double shift operation or increasing the annual schedule beyond the 6 or 8 month operating season. : Drainage Control The low annual precipitation and continuous permafrost typical of the project area will result in relatively low drainage volumes which must be handled by the mine drainage control system. Spoil materials were found to contain very low levels of potentially toxic metals and to be slightly basic in character. Therefore, no chemical treatment of mine discharge should be required to meet state and federal water quality standards for acidity or metal content. Water treatment will therefore be limited to removal of sediments from mine drainage. Sediment ponds are the preferred method of controlling water quality in drainage from areas disturbed by mining. The small stream which crosses the Mormon West Block was observed by the WACDP field crew to be dry during July 1985. This would tend to indicate that the stream is ephemeral in nature, that is, flowing only in response to precipitation events. Therefore, mining through this small drainage should not be a serious technical problem and because it is ephemeral, should be permissible under current regulatory constraints. A small lake and bog west of the Mormon pit area collects all drainage from the proposed initial mine site and is recommended as the location where final sediment removal from mine drainage is accomplished. Reclamation The total surface disturbance for the pit area at the Mormon West Block is expected to be about 180 acres for the initial 10 years of mine operation. Approximately 6 acres per year of new disturbance will occur at the 50,000 ton per year production rate. Backfilling and grading of mine spoils can be accomplished contemporaneously with coal removal. Use of a truck/shovel mining system allows the operator to selectively place overburden without increasing costs and results in minimal need for regrading after backfilling is complete. The mining operation will be conducted as a cut and fill operation after creation of the initial cut. In this way, a minimum amount of area, about 18 acres, will be involved in the open cut at any given point in time. This should minimize impact to movement of wildlife, such as caribou, and provide for contemporaneous revegetation of the backfilled pit, which will decreasé the amount of time in which the land is biologically non-productive. ° Initial cut spoils not used for construction of infrastructure facilities will be stockpiled and used for backfill in the final cut. ° Topsoil salvage and redistribution can be accomplished with a reasonably low level of effort if existing topsoil materials are judged to be the most suitable material for resurfacing of mine spoils. The top 12 inches of soil on the hogback ridges appears to be the only suitable surface material for use as topsoil. There may be an insufficient quantity of this material for adequate coverage over the entire disturbed area. Therefore, in portions of the pit where a hogback ridge is not encountered, properly amended sandstone and siltstone materials may need to be used as a topsoil substitute. Labor Requirements ° A maximum crew size over the initial 10 years of the mining and hauling operation is expected to be 20 persons actually at the mine site, including the cook and bullcook, but excluding shipping and barge loading personnel. 18 persons will be required, for at least a portion of the season, at the base coal production rate of 50,000 tons per year. ° Average hourly cost for production and supervisory personnel is expected to be from 39 to 50 dollars per hour. ° Many of the mine workers, especially in the area of maintenance, will need to be able to perform a variety of tasks. Flexibility of the work force will greatly enhance the efficiency of the overall operation. Mining Costs ° Direct mining costs, excluding contingencies and infrastructure costs, are expected to be $43.17 per ton broken down as follows: Capital Recovery $ 9.21 per ton Operating $10.85 per ton Labor $21.55 per ton Reclamation $ 1.56 per ton ° Unit labor plus operating cost for coal mined from the Mormon West Block are calculated to be $5.43 per bank cubic yard for overburden stripping and $10.90 per ton for coal mining. These costs include allocation of the maintenance and support costs associated with the stripping and mining function. ° There are several measures which could be taken to reduce the average overall stripping and mining cost of $43.17 per ton for the base case production rate. The measures which were identified and the anticipated cost reduction for each are as follows: 1) Increase coal haul speeds by construction of a wider haul road. Reduce cost by $1.10/ton 2) Utilize 179,000 bank cubic yards of spoil materials for infrastructure construction. Reduce cost by $1.12/ton 3) Purchase of remanufactured equipment as opposed to new. Reduce cost by $1.70/ton 4) Purchase of stockpiles, in excess of consumption, by consumers totalling 14 percent of the projected cumulative consumption over the initial 10 years of operation. Reduce cost by $1.08/ton 5) Reduce the daily operating schedule from 12 hours per day to 10 hours per day. Reduce cost by $0.55/ton Regulatory Compliance ° Analysis of applicable regulations governing coal mining operations was performed and considered in development of the preliminary design proposed herein and it is anticipated that the mine can be permitted essentially as proposed. ° Assuming the mine is permitted, as proposed herein, there do not appear to be any fatal flaws in the development plan that would result in non-compliance with applicable performance standards. A typical mining scene for the proposed mining plan is depicted in Figure 1-1. In this drawing the coal has been removed from the open cut and stripping of the next cut is underway. The shovel and trucks are removing blasted overburden from a portion of the next cut while drilling and explosive loading is underway on the remainder of the cut. The dozer is preparing a ramp to the bottom of the pit for access to the coal which will be uncovered next and the trucks are beginning to backfill the pit from which coal was recently removed. A grader is performing final regrading on the most recent backfill and topsoil has been stockpiled adjacent to the active pit area awaiting redistribution after completion of backfilling. The scale of the drawing is reasonably representative of a typical cut in either of the three seams to be mined and exemplifies the relatively low amount of area involved in the active part of the mine. SWAN WW OS 1 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM PHASE II - TASK 5 PORT COAL HANDLING UNIT AUGUST 29TH, 1985 Prepared for :. Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers 313 E Street, Suite 2 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Prepared by : Swan Wooster Engineering Inc. Suite 950 Lloyd Five Hundred Building 500 N.E. Multnomah Portland, Oregon 97232 swan woostet a 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Western Arctic Coal Development Project Team requested a review of the Port Coal Handling Unit in the light of a change in the original design parameters and operating criteria. This technical memorandum presents the results of a review of the materials handling systems proposed for the Onalik Lagoon Port based on handling 50 000 tons of bulk coal per year, with no provision for unitized coal handling. ‘ The results of this review indicate that the basic bulk materials handling systems proposed in the June 12th report are suitable for handling 50 000 tons of bulk coal per year with revised operating procedures. Capital and operating cost for the revised system are presented in the memorandum together with revised personnel requirements. 85TRS6 VILLAGE END USE TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT FOR WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT October 22, 1985 Prepared for: Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers 313 E. Street, Suite 2 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Prepared by: Mechanical Technology Incorporated 968 Albany-Shaker Road Latham, New York 12110 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Village End-Use Technical-Assessment evaluates the technologies avail- able for converting coal to electric power and heat for the Western Arctic Coal Development Project (WACDP). Kivalina and Nome were selected as the model communities. Kivalina represents an isolated village with little infrastructure whereas Nome represents a larger, well-established community. The source of the coal is the Deadfall-Syncline coal deposits, located approx- imately 40 miles south of Point Lay. The recommended coal-burning technology for burning the high-grade WACDP coal is a chain grate stoker. Although the low sulfur content of the coal elimi- nates any requirement for a sulfur removal system, new Alaskan air quality control regulations require the installation of a baghouse to control the release of particulate matter from the exhaust. Conversion of the heat energy released in the combustion process is best accomplished by either a steam- injected, externally fired gas turbine or a conventional condensing steam turbine. Coal-fired power systems can reduce the operating cost of providing electricity to Alaskan communities by as much as 502. Heat may be recovered from the exhaust of these systems and delivered to a large building(s) in the community through a district heating system. The district heating system is very attractive because heat is supplied without burning additional fuel. To provide coal-fired residential heat, the modern, air-tight coal stoves offer a clean, economical solution. Many of the rural Alaskan ‘natives are familiar with burning coal; this having been a common practice 20 years ago. The current technology in residential coal-burning stoves would provide up to a 602% reduction in annual fuel cost to the user and a 2 year return on his coal conversion investment. Demonstrating that the new stoves now available are efficient, clean, and safe will make acceptance of coal burning a reality. Currently, available technologies do not offer a coal-fired alternative that is economically comparable to a diesel engine in the small size required in a village the size of Kivalina. Connecting many of these villages in a power grid provides a method to deliver coal-fired power at a price less than the Current cost of operating individual diesel engines and reduces the total number of skilled power plant operators required. 1-1 WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE Il 1985 FIELD PROGRAM REPORT PREPARED FOR: ALASKA NATIVE FOUNDATION 733 W. 4TH. AVENUE , SUITE 2 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 . PREPARED BY: HOWARD GREY AND ASSOCIATES , INC. 3105-A LAKESHORE DRIVE, SUITE 103 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99517 AUGUST, 1985 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Overview of Study Results This report presents the results of our preliminary 1985 subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering study for the Western Arctic Coal Development Project (WACDP). This phase of the project was performed offshore of Omalik Lagoon and within two physiographic provinces north of Cape Beaufort in northwest Alaska. This study concentrated on developing geotechnical parameters for proposed marine berthing facilities, roadways and mine plant support structures. Preliminary results indicate the proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided standard arctic engineering principles are followed. A critical aspect is the development of a marine berthing facility. Additional studies will be required to identify and evaluate geomorphologic conditions of the shore and near-shore locales. 1.2 Highlights of Conclusion and Recommendations The following is a brief review of surficial soil conditions encountered during the field exploration program and design considerations developed from the field data. Exploration in the offshore area seaward of Omalik Lagoon revealed recent sediments varying from very dense silty clayey sands to hard sandy silty clays. The engineering characteristics of these soils do not appear to be a limiting factor in construction of the various proposed offshore facilities. However, it is recommended that this preliminary information be supplemented by detailed studies prior to final design, including a thorough review of beach and near-snore geomorphology and processes. Cursory examination of the coastal plain soils (those recently combined marine and terrestrial deposits between the Arctic Ocean and the northwestern edge of the Amatusuk Hills), disclosed a mixture of frozen organics, silts and clays. Sediments within the Omalik Lagoon borings were frozen beneath a thin seasonal frost layer and bottom fast ice. Construction in this area is feasible using standard arctic permafrost design parameters. This will require thick fill sections or other means to resist thermal degradation of the Ld, underlying ice-rich soils, particularly where foundation and roadway stability is critical. Within the foothills region, two distinct soil types were encountered. These consisted of bedrock and scree materials from the Cretaceous Corwin formation and intervening recent fine grained deposits of silts and clays overlain by thin organics. These latter soils occupy erosional depressions in the bedrock sequence. Facilities located on bedrock and the less-frost-susceptible scree materials may utilize more conventional construction methods by reducing the need for protection against thermal degradation and frost heaving. Construction methods followed in the areas of fine grained soils wiil be similar to those recommended for the adjacent coastal plain. The exploration program included a search for borrow material sites to be used in construction of the proposed facilities. No significant gravel sources were identified by this preliminary effort. As an alternative, limited gravel reserves may be obtained from recent beach deposits. In addition, the abundant sandstone bedrock within the foothills area could be usead as a borrow source, recognizing additional processing may be required. WESTERN ARCTIC COAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PHASE II PRELIMINARY INSTITUTIONAL MARKET ASSESSMENT Wesiern Arctic Coal Development Project 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Report Description The economics of mining and transporting western Arctic coal to market is highly dependent on the scale of operation. Therefore, the most likely “worst case" production level will occur at start-up of the mine. This low level demand places limitations on the market area and potential users within the area. The initial market most likely will be met by either a single large or group of moderate size institutional users.The insti- tutional market is focused on in this report because it has similar problems associated with the high cost of oi] as do the residents of rural Alaska, however, it is made up of relatively large energy demands and has the resources to evaluate and convert its existing energy systems to coal. For this report, the market area was modified from the Western Arctic Coal Development Project (WACDP) Phase I Final Report to establish a market area that would have the highest probability of being competitively supplied with coal. The selected market extends from the village of Wainwright in the North Slope Borough region to the Yukon River in the Calista Region as far up the river as Pilot Station. This report provides estimates of the start-up demand for the institutional market and discusses various factors that influence the potential use of coal by the institutional market and the development of coal. The remainder of this section will present a summation of the major findings of this report based on each major task of the report. Market Demand ° It was difficult to determine the individual energy consumption for most of the community institutions except for the school districts, and the Nome and Kotzebue Utilities. Therefore, only those institu- tions mentioned above were considered in the analysis thus making the analysis conservative. The school district's energy demand for space heating totaled 7,156 tons of coal per year. The energy demand for the Nome Joint Utility and the Kotzebue Electric Association was 25,007 tons of coal per year. The community institutional demand composed of the school districts and two utilities makes up sixty (60) percent of the total potential community demand. ° The total potential demand for all communities in the selected study area is 54,599 tons per year. ° The potential demand for the military in the selected study area is 10,297 tons per year. ° The potential demand for the industry in the selected study area is 121,900 tons per year. ° The total potential demand in the selected study area is 186,696 tons per year. The mining industry represents sixty-five (65) percent of this demand and thus will have a significant impact on the overall economics and marketability of western Arctic coal. Considerations Affecting Marketability e Federal, state, local policies in the area of taxation, regulation, and assistance have a significant impact on the development, opera- tion, and use of coal. Stability in legislation and taxation policies are important to identify all costs of production and operation that percent of the energy consumed in a rural community is burned to produce electricity. Efforts along these lines have been made in foreign countries where their small scale communities and other conditions are very similar to Alaska. Therefore much of their research and development efforts may be applicable to rural Alaska. . Coal distribution is a critical factor in the economics and accept- ability of coal. Large institutions are favorable for the initial development of coal because its users optimize on the coal handling, transportation, and distribution of coal by having a single large demand and preference for coal delivered in bulk form. The cost of coal packaging appears to be prohibitive at the initial operation of the mine. . If the proposed Red Dog Project imported coal from British Columbia for their use and sold coal to the larger institutions in the study area, this would substantially impact the marketability and possibly the viability of developing western Arctic coal. This appears to be the only significant factor that could impede the development of western Arctic coal. ° Oil prices have a significant influence on the marketability of coal and feasibility of its development. Oi] prices have dropped in the area and bear monitoring. Start-up Production Level ° The initial start-up production level of 20 thousand tons per year verifies the results of the Phase I Final Report but may prohibit the development of the mine without short-term assistance. ° Inclusion of the Red Dog Project into the start-up scenario increase the initial demand for coal by a factor of five. The Red Dog Project alone can justify the development of western Arctic coal. 1a & ° The development of the western Arctic coal can be expected to occur in phases. The initial phase will lay the groundwork for the development of the mine and would be made up of one or a small group of relatively large institutional users that are willing to receive coal in bulk form and are in relatively close proximity to the coal development. Once the mine becomes established as a viable coal supplier, the development will enter into the next phase which is likely to include incremental additions to capacity to serve a wider range of custo- mers. e The North Slope Borough, North Slope Borough School District, and the Nome Joint Utility expressed the most interest and willingness to convert to coal. Their total energy demand for coal is 17,917 tons per year. ° There are many questions surrounding the Red Dog Project such as, when, what energy source, if coal is selected as the energy source then whose coal. With the Red Dog Project having such a large energy demand this leaves the same degree of uncertainties with the WACDP in terms of marketability, viability, demand forecasting, and market penetration. This report represents the first contact by the WACDP with potential coal users. The acceptability of coal does not appear to be an obstacle to the development of western Arctic coal. Based on these findings, it appears further contact with the institutional market will be beneficial upon completion of several tasks in the WACDP Phase II effort that will deter- mine cost delivered to market and cost of conversion. Department of Community and Regional Affairs 949 E. 36th Avenue, Suite 400, Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Alaska Native Foundation 733 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 2, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Western Arctic _ Coal Development Project etlen 2 hae ee arctic @tgpe consulting ¢ st EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Project Description The Western Arctic Coal Development Project is evaluating the potential of substituting western arctic coal for fuel oi] presently used for space heating and power generation in western Alaska. This Phase I Document provides a summary of the results of the 1984 Field Program which includes; logs of all holes drilled; analytical data; an estimate of strippable reserves present in two project areas; and a review of various data collected to date. Based on existing data, two project areas were identified and targeted for field investigation in 1984. The two sites are referred to as Cape Beaufort Project Area and Deadfall Syncline Project Area. Cape Beaufort is located adjacent to the Chukchi Sea while the Deadfall Syncline area lies about 6 miles inland and about 20 miles northeast of Cape Beaufort. Helicopter supported field work was based out of an abandoned DEW-Line camp at Cape beaufort. Field work began in early August and was terminated at the end of September. A Nodwell mounted Simco 2800 HS drill was used to drill 27 holes up to 150 feet deep in the Cape Beaufort area. A total of 47 holes up to 110 feet deep were drilled in the Deadfall Syncline area. Geologic mapping, surface sampling, and bulk sampling were carried out concurrent with drilling operations. Project Objectives The overall objectives of the 1984 Pre-Development Site Investigation were to evaluate the coal resources at Cape Beaufort and the Deadfall Syncline areas of the western arctic. This included reviewing existing geologic data pertinent to the project area, conducting an on-site geologic recon- naissance of the proposed drilling area, obtaining all permits and permis- sions necessary, and through the drilling program determine lithology a 2d | identification of coal seams, record subsurface waters, gather coal samples for laboratory analysis, determine mining parameters such as coal thick- ness, continuity, strike length, overburden depths and estimation of mineable reserves. The amount of reserves at any one site was to be sufficient to supply the market area for a thirty year period. Results of the Field Program provided critical input into the mine site selection Process and the preliminary economic evaluation. All.the objectives for the 1984 Field Program were met and the results of which are presented in this document. Project Results Various reserve estimates for the two areas are presented based on strip- ping ratios of 10:1, 7:1, and 5:1. Final mining parameters may vary from those used in calculating the reserves. Within the Cape Beaufort area, four seams were identified and drilled resulting in an estimate of 22,409,000 tons of mineable coal at a maximum 10:1 stripping ratio. However, if the high ash seam 7 is left in place, reserves are reduced to about 5,737,000 tons. A preliminary estimate of coal reserves within the Deadfall Syncline project area is based on seven seams and totals 15,810,000 tons of strippable coal predicated again on a maximum 10:1 stripping ratio. If reserves are projected beyond the limits of the measured reserves and the same mining parameters are applied, additional stippable reserves of some 25 million tons are possible in the Cape Beaufort area. Similarly, some 59 million tons of stippable coal reserves are possible in the vicinity of Deadfall Syncline. It is likely that additional field work can significantly expand the present reserves estimates. After review of the preliminary data, it was assumed that the Deadfall Syncline area was a preferred site for initiating coal mining operations. Although the proposed Deadfall mining area is located several miles further from tidewater, coal quality and mineability appear to outweigh the - iii - transportation factor. This data was presented at the Mine Site Selection Follow-up Meeting where the Deadfall Syncline site was selected for further evaluation for the Western Alaska Coal Development Project. - iv - Bethel Area Power Plan ' Feasibility Assessment APPENDIX C-1 COAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT DRAFT Prepared for Harza Engineering Company and the Alaska Power Authority by Marvin L. Feldman Glenn R. Cass of Dames & Moore San Francisco Draft April 1984 os DRAFT Chapter I INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of using coal to supply part or all of the electrical generation and space heating needs of the study area.* This information is developed as part of the Bethel Area Power Plan,- a feasibility study conducted by Harza Engineering Company and sponsored by the Alaska Power Authority. The economic component of the analysis will provide input to one or more energy supply plans which are presented in the Regional Report. This will allow an economic comparison of coal energy supply plans with plans based on other energy sources. An energy supply plan is defined as one or more energy supply options which together meet a specified demand for electricity and space heat. Scope The scope of this study includes analysis of: re Coal resources available to the study area. 2. Costs to mine and transport coal from source. 3. Conceptual design and cost of coal handling facilities in Bethel. 4. Determination of end-use cost per ton of coal from each of the identified coal sources. 5. Determination of the net present value of the costs of the designated coal supply system over the life of the project. 6. A preliminary assessment of the environmental impacts and regulatory complexity of the proposed coal energy supply plan(s). tS The study area comprises the City of Bethel plus 12 nearby villages. DRAFI The cost analysis is economic rather than financial in nature. This means that costs are determined without considera- tion of the sources of revenue or ownership of capital facili- ties. This economic analysis, therefore, indicates the total cost to the State of Alaska and the citizens of the study area without consideration of institutional mechanisms or con- straints. Once the energy supply plan with the lowest economic cost is identified, the Alaska Power Authority can proceed to detailed feasibility studies. Major Assumptions Specific assumptions appear throughout this study. For convenience, the most basic economic and conceptual modeling assumptions are listed below. Economic Assumptions Key economic assumptions are as follows: 1. Inflation rate: zero. 2. Inflation-free present value discount rate: 3.5 per=- cent. 3. Project life: 58 years. 4. Profit or rate of return on capital investment: Zero. Modeling Assumptions Key modeling assumptions are as follows: ie Coal supplies all of the area's electrical require- ments by a central steam turbine power plant in Bethel with interties to all twelve villages in the study area. It was later found that it was not economically feasible to intertie some villages (see Appendix £). However, because of the small electrical requirements of these villages, it would affect the total coal demand by less than 1 percent, which is negligible. 2. Eighty percent of the space heating requirements are met by direct combustion of coal. 3. The electrical and space heating requirements are those specified by Darbyshire & Associates in their report of 10/15/82. arccic Slope Consulting Eng. A@PSTORN ARCTIC COAL Piwuecr 34034— 2a AN ECONCMIC AND TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE MARKETABILITY OF WESTERN ARCTIC SLOPE COALS Dames & Moore B2OMLF#10 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 PROBLEM SETTING The people of rural Alaska are faced with burdensome energy costs, costs which consume a disproportionate share of most families’ cash income. Recent studies conducted for the Alaska Power Authority, such as the Northwest Alaska Coal Feasibility Study (Dames & Moore, 1981), The Kotzebue District Heating Study (ASTS et al 1982), and the Bethel Area Power Plan (Dames & Moore, 1982) indicate that the vast resources of the Western Arctic Slope coal deposits are the most cost-effective energy source potentially available. Development of a coal mine in this area, whether at a large scale for export or at a small scale for domestic use would profoundly affect Northwestern Alaska, bringing with it needed jobs and revenues. However, the marketability and consequent economic viability of such a mine has not been previously determined. 1.2 PURPOSE, SCOPE, AND STUDY ORGANIZATION The purpose of this study is to make a preliminary determination of the marketability of Western Arctic Slope coals, both in the Alaska domestic market and in the international market. To accomplish this task, Dames & Moore has drawn upon existing literature and on the Western Arctic Coal Resource Assessment recently completed by Arctic Slope Consulting Engineers. This is a level-of-effect reconnaissance study. The level of funding and the preliminary nature of the data on which the marketability findings are based preclude any rigorous determination of marketability. Another important task of this study therefore, is to identify the areas of uncertainty which could significantly influence marketability. The reader is referred to Section 4.2 for a list of these areas. The study is organized into three main sections. Section 2.0 addresses the marketability of Western Arctic Slope coal in Alaska. Section 3.0 addres- ses the marketability on an international market. Findings and recommenda- tions are presented in Section 4.0. Section 5.0 consists of a bibliography. ist B21MLF#10 1.3. AN OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY METHODOLOGY The following steps outline the analytic approach used in determining the extent of domestic (Alaskan) marketability: 1. 10. Define the potential market area for Western Arctic Slope coal. Determine existing diesel fuel usage. Project future (year 2000). deisel fuel usage in the potential market area.* Convert future demands to coal equivalents. Postulate high medium and low demand scenarios. Determine competitive coal sources. Determine the costs of transporting and handling coal from the Arctic Slope and from competing sources. Compare the delivered cost of coal from the competing sources to the cost of Arctic Slope coal. Compare the cost of Arctic Slope coal to the cost of existing diesel fuel uses. Explore social and political and environmental factors affecting Alaskan marketability. The methodology for determining the international marketability of Arctic slope coals involves: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Analysis and projection of Asian demand for both metallurgical and thermal coal. Analysis of quality requirements and contract terms. Determination of the price structure of competiting coal sources. Estimation of costs to ship Arctic Slope coal to Asian markets. Determination of the maximum competitive price per ton F.0.B. Cape Beaufort. Comparison of the competitive price with the cost of production. * The potential market area (shown in Figure 2-10) encompasses most coastal communities north of the Alaska Peninsula. B22MLF#10 1.4 SUMMARY OF RESULTS AND POLICY IMPLICATIONS Our analysis of international coal markets indicates that quantities of Arctic Slope thermal coal up to five million tons would be potentially competitive at a price of about $49 per ton F.0.B. Cape Beaufort. Metallur- gical grade coal (up to one million tons) would also be marketable and would command an additional $3-4 per ton premium over thermal coal. The preliminary cost estimates in ASCE (1982) indicate that a mine operating at a scale of about 2 to 5 million tons per year could produce coal at the above price. However, both the cost estimates and the resource availability to sustain these levels of production are not yet firmly established. If a Western Artic Slope mine of export scale were operational (even at a one million ton per year scale), coal from such a mine would be the least expensive source of coal available to the coastal communities north of the Alaska Peninsula. By the year 2000, the fuel cost savings for switching from the existing diesel fuel-based energy system to one largely fired by coal would amount to as much as $88 million per year* (in constant 1982 dollars). Coal from a smaller scale mine--one designed to serve only the demands of coastal Alaska--would be of questionable marketability. A mine producing only 100,000 tons per year would be adequate to serve 30 percent of the space heating needs of the area as well as 80 percent of the electrical demands of Kotzebue, Nome, and Bethel (our low demand scenario). However, such a mine would produce coal at about $103 per ton according to ASCE's preliminary estimates (Table 2-6). At this price, and given the marine transport and handling cost estimates developed in Section 2.4, Arctic Slope Coal would not be competitive with coal from Canada (Prince Rupert) for the southern two dis- tribution centers (Bethel and Dillingham). Since these two areas account for 63 percent of the low scenario demand, the market for Arctic Slope coal all but vanishes at this price. * Based on the energy demands in Table 2-1 and the coal versus oil cost comparison in Table 2-11. B23MLF#10 Lowering the cost of Arctic Slope coal to $90 per ton (as assumed in our medium demand scenario), does not materially change the marketability picture. Bethel and Dillingham could still obtain coal from Canada at a much lower cost. Only if coal were available from Cape Beaufort (or other Western Arctic Slope deposits) at about $50 per ton would it be competitive with coal from Prince Rupert in crucial southern distribution centers. This again, as with the export market demand, suggests a scale of operation on the order of two million tons per year. If the conclusion that a small scale mine is uneconomic is substantiated by further analysis (subseqent to this study), two policy options emerge with regard to the development of Western Arctic Slope coal: 1. The mine must operate at a scale of about 2 million tons per year from the outset; or 2. If a small scale operation is necessary to establish mining experi- ence and export contract credibility, the output of such a mine must be sold at a subsidized price at least to Bethel and Dillingham users. The findings in this study are based on a careful analysis of existing information. We have identified the following policy-sensitive issues needing further research, in order to more accurately determine the marketability of Western Arctic Slope coal. Vo Establish extent of economically mineable coal reserves. Vo Accurately determine that heat content of the coal. —o Accurately estimate costs to mine the coal. ° Determine air quality impacts of extensive coal use. —o Determine costs to retrofit facilities to burn coal. —o Refine coal transportation and handling costs. -o Analyze social and institutional impediments to coal utilization. Dames & Moore in Association With Resource Associates of Alaska, Inc. Prepared for: ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ASSESSMENT OF COAL RESOURCES OF NORTHWEST ALASKA - PHASE I VOLUME II - TASK 2: COAL RESOURCES OF NORTHWEST ALASKA December 1980 Dames & Moore Job No. 12023-003-20 a ABSTRACT This investigation of the coal resources of northwest Alaska was undertaken by Resource Associates of Alaska, Inc. (RAA) as a subcontract to Dames and Moore, who is to provide the Alaska Power authority with a “Phase I" assessment of the possibilities and options regarding potential use of coals in northwest Alaska for local sources of energy. A substan- tial effort has been made in a short time to assemble available infor- mation on coals in northwest Alaska. This includes documentations fron public and private sources, native corporations, RAA internal files, and personal contact with leading individuals who have worked in the area. Over 400 references have been utilized. Compilation of information about the project area revealed three general coal-bearing areas in northwest Alaska. These include: (1) Vast bituminous coal resources in Cretaceous and Mississippian sediments on the North Slope and Lisburne Peninsula west of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, (NPRA), (2) potential for large lignitic coal deposits in Tertiary basins of the Seward Peninsula and (3) smaller, but significant occurrences of generally subbituminous to bituminous coals of Cretaceous age in the Kobuk River area. Forty-nine coal-bearing areas and occurrences in northwest Alaska are discussed in some detail in the 182 pages of text. This presentation is illustrated by 30 figures, 43 tables and 4 plates. A brief summary of information on coal resources of northwest Alaska and a very general rating of potential based on size and other geological aspects is present on Plate IV. cearemng YE ALASKA INC