HomeMy WebLinkAboutSoils Reports For Waste Heat Recapture In Rural Alaska 1983‘, . - > polarconsult alaske, ine LETTAQ OF TRANSMITTAL | 2735 East Tudor Road Sulte 201 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 (907) 561-1933 Te!sx 26708 PCA AHG B DATE JOB NO. @ ; i February 14, Tob, 8219 ATTENTION To ‘Alaska Poewr Authority Mr. Jerry Larson RE: 334 West Fifth Avenue Waste Heat Project for Various Villages in Alaska Anchorage, Alaska 99504 BEGELV SP WE ARE SENDING YOU [X Attached [1] Under separate cover via F EE 2 x: ee items: "5 poweR AUTHORITY. C) Shop drawings 0 Prints ( Plans AAS ies 0 Specifications Copy of letter (1) Change order x) Waste Heat Recapture Report Copies DATE NO. DESCRIPTION ‘J Nov. 83 1 Waste Heat Recapture in Rural Alaska oe THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: C For approval OC Approved as submitted CJ Resubmit copies for approval X] For your use (1 Approved as noted C) Submit copies for distribution K) As requested CJ Returned for corrections C Return corrected prints (For review and comment [1] ET FOR BIDS BUE. Sq 8 eRe et ee LC) PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS _ SIGNED: Teh lb. cigar, : It enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. COPY TO’ __ ad Peter Hansen ES : J NV L GEOTECHNICAL AMBE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. aretha John M. Lambe, P.E. 7127 Old Seward Highway © Anchorage, Alaska 99502 907-349-6531 March 8, 1983 Raj Bhargava & Associates 301 East Fireweed Lane Anchorage, AK 99503 Attention: Mr. Don Bassler Gentlemen: Please find in this letter additional data regarding possi- ble material sites for the AVEC waste heat recovery project. These data were compiled from three major sources: 1) the field notes obtained from Mr. Sturgulewski's site visit, 2) reference reports transmitted in our October data report, and 3) recent conversations and copies of reports recently obtained from Mr. Dan Pavee of the Aviation Division of the Department of Transpor- tation. This information presents locations of materials sites that were either previously used or were investigated for use at each village. No warranty is made, nor should this information be construed to imply that 1) material is presently available at these sites, 2) there is equipment available to transport this material or, 3) that the material is acceptable to this project. It is the contractor's responsibility to ascertain the locations and quantity of fill material required for this project. The reports obtained in this additional effort are appended to this text. SAYOONGA The material used to construct the Savoonga airstrip was reported to be from a boulder borrow pit approximately 4 miles southwest of town. The material was crushed by a machine that is reported to no longer be on the island. An additional borrow site containing Beach Sand was located in Ughkoolekuk Cove approximately 6 miles west of the townsite. These sites are shown in the Savoonga reports appended to this letter along with additional information obtained from the May 1979 Savoonga runway material investigation prepared by the Engineering Geology Section of the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOTPUF), State of Alaska. SHUNGNAK A DOWL Engineering report dated October 6, 1975 entitled "Shungnak School Site" states that as of October 1975, NFS Gravel was available from a pit 1.5 miles from the school site. A copy of this report was presented in our previous transmittal. The borrow pits reported to have been mined to upgrade the Shungnak runway are shown in a plan which is contained in the Shungnak report appended to this letter. In addition, Mr. Pavee stated that the village borrow pit was located in the NE Quarter of Sec. 8 (see project plan of U.S.G.S. Shungnak D-3 Sectional). Addi- tional information regarding the pits is included in the appen- dices. AMBLER A copy of a December 1973 memorandum issued by Dan Pavee states that possible borrow sources exist north and south of the proposed airport project area. The information pertinent to your needs is included in a memorandum attached to this letter. During my field effort, a PHS employee stated that borrow mater- ial was presently available in the village. KIANA An Alaska Geological Consultants report dated December, 1972 entitled "Geological Foundation Investigation" states that a borrow pit exists near the airport. The report also indicates that some Gravel was available from river bars and banks. However, this report was issued before the Kobuk became classi- fied as a wild and scenic river. A copy of this report was included in our previous transmittal. Information obtained from DOTPUF shows the airstrip borrow pit to be north of the village. The site plan of the report shows other possible pit locations and the body of the Kiana report attached to this letter expresses opinions regarding the quality of material available in these possible pits. ELIM It was learned in a conversation with Dan Urbach of the Fairbanks office of the Division of Aviation, DOTPUF, that the borrow pit used to surface the airstrip was located on the up- slope side of the runway. My conversations with residents of Elim indicate that granular material has been removed in the past from valleys above town. GRAYLING The school maintenance man stated that fill material was available in the village. A PHS test pit placed 0.25 miles from the site indicates Sand and Gravels with some Silt to a depth of 20 feet. This material also contained layers up to 2 feet thick of NFS Sand and Gravel. KALTAG A 1958 interoffice memo within the Alaska State Division of Aviation states that Silty Sands and Gravel were available as fill material. A 1960 Department of Aviation Index and Construc- tion Quantities Location and Vicinity Map indicates a Class 2 borrow site (Gravels) exists at the southeast corner of the village (see Kaltag report attached to this letter). A conversa- tion with a PHS employee indicated that some fill is available in or near the village. _GOODNEWS BAY In the January 1979 R&M Consultants Geotechnical Investiga- tion and Foundations Recommendations Report for the Goodnews Bay High School presented in our previous transmittal, it was stated that the Division of Aviation has developed and mined a borrow site on the east side of the village. We trust that the foregoing, along with the attached re- ports, is sufficient to meet your needs. Very truly yours, koe Roe Sturgulewski Civil Engineer Approved: YL Mo Co John M. Lambg< Civil Enginéer 4254-E “ENGINEERING: GEOLOGY: = =. i &- SOILS: REPORT a ~ ‘SHUNGNAK™ AIRPORT__ - 2 = @ © MATERIALS INVESTIGATION roPeet om LT -MARCH 1981-78 Ln eo o > ~~ “STATE OF ALASKA’. - Ss 9 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 8. We : = j PUBLIC FACILITIES - . seed rosy & peo Dae Pied. 0+ - DIVISION OF AVIATION OOS FL Ft ge oD 41 AVIATION “AVENUE eee ees Se fee Se yo BNEHORAGE. ALASKA 93502" eee ae oe a> © of the access road is very uneven due to the thawing of the underlying ice-rich material. EXISTING AIRCRAFT PARKING APRON T.H.'s 37-39 were drilled in the existing aircraft parking apron, which is’ located within the southeast corner of Borrow Site No. 1. Drilling indicates that the apron consisted of an overlay over original ground. The soils consisted of 0.3'-2.5' of sandy gravel embankment material which over- laid 0.5'-1.0' of silty organics. The silty organics overlaid a brown sandy gravel and gravelly sand. Frozen ground was encountered in T.H. 38 at a depth of 3.5'. MATERIAL SITES INVESTIGATION Proposed Borrow Area No. 1 - This area consists of an existing borrow site located adjacent to the south shoulder of the existing runway between approximate STA's 17+00 & 22+00. Material from this site was used to construct the existing runway and air- craft parking apron. Six test holes (T.H.'s 31-36) were drilled in and around the existing borrow site. T.H.'s 31-33 were drilled along the southern edge of the site, through original ground. Overburden consisted of 0.2" to 1.5" of brown organics and/or organics over sandy silt which overlaid a brown sandy gravel and gravelly sand to the max- iz: tested depth of 6". Possible frozen ground was encountered at a depth of 5.0' “xin ..H. 31, also possibly in T.H.'s 32 & 33 at depths of 6' and 4', respectively, where refusal was encountered by the drill. T.H.'s 34-36 were drilled within the ex- isting pit area. The soils consisted of brown sandy gravel, gravelly sand and gravelly silty sand to the maximum drilled depth of 6.5'. A water table was encountered in the bottom of the pit floor (T.H. 36) at a depth of 3'. Proposed Borrow Area No. 2 - This area consists of a small ridge located between STA's 10+00 and 17+00, approximately 150'-400' north of the existing runway. ; Six test holes (T.H.'s 15-20) were drilled between STA's 10+00 and 20+00 in search of suitable borrow material. - ¥ The soils consisted of 0.5' of brown organics which overlaid organic sand, sand, | sandy silt and silt. These soils were damp to wet (occasionally saturated and dilatant); and were frozen between depths of 1'-7.5'. A water table was encountered in T.H. 17 at a depth of 7'. Proposed Borrow Area No. 3 - Located between 600'-1,200' southwest of the existing borrow site; it consists of a small, tree covered knoll. Six test holes (T.H.'s 21-26) were drilled in the vicinity of this site. Overburden in T.H."s 23,25 and 26 consisted of 0.3'-0.5' of brown organics, with some roots, over 0.0" to 4.0' of sandy silt to silt. In test holes 21, 22 and 24 the overburden :onsisted of 0.2" to 0.4' of brown organics. The overburden was underlain by gravelly sand and sandy gravel, except in T.H. 25, where no gravel was encountered. The gravelly sand and sandy gravel was damp to wet. A possible water table was encountered in T.H.'s 21 & 26 at a depth of 4.0'. Frozen ground was encountered in T.H.'s 21 & 25 at depths of 6.5" & 1.5" respectively. : Proposed Borrow Area No. 4 - Located 600'-1,100' southwest of proposed Bozrow Area No. 3; it consists of a small, tree covered knoll. Two test holes (T.H.'s 27 & 28) were drilled on the knoll. The soils consisted . of 0.3'-0.4' of brown organics with roots which overlaid a brown sandy grevel, gravelly sand and sand. The sandy gravel, gravelly sand and sand were dry to damp. The organics and silt (T.H. 28, 0.4"-1.0") were damp to wet, The vegetative cover consisted of scattered stands of birch to 2" in diameter and spruce to 5" in diameter. OTHER TEST HOLES T.H.'s 5-8 were drilled on a small upland area located 200'-300" south of the west end of the existing runway. The soils consisted of 0.2'-0.4' of brown organics which overlaid a reddish brown organic sandy silt and silty sand. The organics were damp to wet, the orzanic sandy silt and silty sand were wet to saturated and occasionally dilatant. Frozen ground was encountered in each hole ranging in depth between 2.5" and 2.8'. SUMMARY 1. The existing runway was built during the summer of 1966 by pushing granular material from a small knoll, out over the surrounding tundra. In 1971/72 the runway was extended 200' to the southeast and an access road and aircraft parking apron were added. The runway embankment thickness averaged 2'-5' and contained mary cobbles (+3") and occasional boulder (+10") sized material. The embankment overlaid 0.5'-1.0' of organics and silt which, in turn, overlaid a sand and silty sand to the maximum tested depth of 8.0'. Frozen ground was typically encountered between 7'-7.5'. Zs The proposed runway extension (STA's 30+00 -40+00) will be built across typically, wet to saturated tundra. Between STA's 30+00 and 35+50 the soils consisted of an average of 1.0'- 1.4" of silty organics which overlaid a silty sand. The organics were damp to wet and the silty sand was wet down to the frost table. Frozen soils were encountered between depths of 1.0'-4.0'. Between approximate STA's 35+50 and 41+50 the proposed runway extension crosses deep organic deposits . The organics ranged between 6'-7.5' deep (See T.H. 11&12) and overlay a gray silty sand. The organics were frozen at a depth of 1.0° and contained approximately 40-60% visible ice by vol- ume. The silty sand contained approximately 20-30% visible ice by volume. Since this is a proposed cut section only that size area which can be cut to grade and backfilled immediately to prevent thawing of the underlying ice : 4 rich material should be opened up and excavated at any one time. Some thaw settlement should be anticipated in this area. 3. Four material sites have been designated for this project (See Test Hole Location Plan for their locations). =m Proposed Borrow Area No. 1 - Consists of the existing borrow site, which is Vee located on a small knoll adjacent to the southern edge of the existing runway. page 5 for soils description. ‘ Occasional cobbles (+3") and boulders (+10") will be encountered within this site. Frozen ground was encountered in T.H. 34 at 2 depth of 6.5". T.-H. 34 was drilled within the existing pit. It can be anticipeted that frozen ground will be en- countered in any future expansion of the site. Proposed Borrow Area No. 2 - Consists of a lew ridge lying adjacent to the northwest end of the existing runway. The proposed site consists of 0.5' of brown crganics (tundra) which overlays or- ganic sand, sand, sandy silt and silt. These soils were damp to wet (occasionally saturated and dilatant). Frozen ground was encountered between depths of 1'-7.5'. Due to the high content of silt and the wet cature of this material it will be hard to handle, especially shortly after bre=kup and during periods of heavy rains. Proposed Borrow Areas 3 and 4 - Consist of s=all tree covered knolls which are :ated 1,600’ to 2,600' southwest of the existing runway.- The tree cover included scattered stands of small birch to 2" in diameter and spruce to 5" in diameter. With the exception of the soils encountered in T.H. 25 the material consisted of 0.2' to 1.5" of organics and silt which overlaid sand, sandy gravel and gravelly sand. A possible water table was encountered in proposed Borrow Area No. 3 (T.H.'s21 & 26) at a depth of 4‘. Frozen ground was not encountered to the dep=h tested in proposed Borrow Area No. 4. In proposed Borrow Area No. 3 frozen ground ~as encountered only in T.H. 21, at a depth of 6.5'. 4. Existing Parking Apron —- The existing apron was built by placing an over- lay over existing ground. Drillins indicates that 0.3" to 2.5" of sandy gravel overlays 0.5' to 1.0’ of siity organics. The organic layer overlies sandy gravel to gravelly sand. i ns en 3 a q z 3 SE g a oS B — — o © oss ot a Oz uyl<t g on =~ 9 *%!1% 5 aoFa2 Fk E> x conde 535 2 © re tw 52 3le 3 v 2 fu & ° aq ua 56 6 |O =m © 9 Z gir Ot. a 5% =\< Z2i2 835 Glu» D> oe w I 5 w = Iw s ou. z|O = Ne Ke Oo a — <q w a al =q WwW a ar ¥ ud °° : ‘a uv PI BARROW FAIRBANKS ANCHORAGE Bene at pee a | ek] a | a eV a i g 8 3 ‘ = " $ £ ‘ d < NO 5 * ee eee TS OO ee APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY OF RIDGE 6 OF AREA TO BE WORKED. LimiT OF PROPOSED BORROW AREA NO. 2 ae eee oe BTM EG ne ce ace be oe ee thé ms TH? TH HATO CarsTiNG 1 ¢ wae tare PaseOstD 10 4 ai TH43 6 45a Mars APPROKIVATC BOUNDAAT OF z \ . SAPPROKIWATE BOUNDARY OF ar Penance! P80 tar ; Ct ¢ TXISTING BORROW SITE > ee BORROW AREA wt \ “Scab t ine e@ g e@ e = THs “6 TH 7 THe i PROPOSED HAUL ROAD APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY OF AIOGES B OF AREA TO BE WORKED. (TEST HOLE LIMIT OF PROPOSLO LOCATIONS APPROXIMATE, § ' : BORROW ARCAS KO 3 O4 View along the north bank of the Kobuk River southwest towards Shungnak. The sandy gravel material along the river is a possible source of surface course material. Looking at the many large cobbles & boulders which are present along the north bank of the river in this area. 45 JIA on ALASKA F VGMEE; QLD. Uff a, THR FROM: 10: | ail Clayton C. Hueners lief Design Engineer te ck Moores DATE + December 6, 1975 an Geologist 7tpQ, ye SUBJECT: Comore Materials Investigation Field Geologigt This memo covers the sub-surface investigation of the proposed runway alignment, access road, and material sites at Ambler. Field work was completed between July 18 and 20, 1973, under the supervision of Field Geologist, Dan Pavey. | : The village of Ambler is. located 125 air miles east c= Kotzebue on the north bank of the Kobuk River. The existing airfield ities along the north side of the village. Blowing sand from the surface of t>e2 runway is a continual problem within the townsite. METHODS OF INVESTIGATION A B-50 Mobile Drill mounted on an FN-60 Flextrac No¢éw211 was utilized for the sub-surface exploration. Sampling equipment consisted of six-inch solid flight auger. Samples obtained were examined iz the field and forwarded to Anchorage for further testing. Test results exe available on request. ACCESS ROAD INVESTIGATION The proposed access road begins at the village and rs northwest 3,000 feet before turning northeast and continuing on another 2,200 feet to the proposed parking apron. The first 1,700 feet of the eccess road is designed to incorporate the existing runway. STA 0+00 to 17+00 The soils profile of the existing runway consists of = fine damp silty sand overlying silt containing scattered sub-angulér rocks and cobbles. The silty sand is an average seven feet thick. fF rest was encountered below six feet at Sta 4+80 and Sta 9+34. STA 17+00 to, 25+00 Overburden consists of two inches of organics and silt over a fine silty sand. Below an average depth of 8-1/2 feet, the silty sand grades to a sandy silt containing scattered rocks. At Sta 18+34, frozen material was encountered below five feet with some free ice present. 4 wry s wo. KEMOPRAN DUM Clayton C. Hueners -3- December 6, 1973 MATERIALS SITE INVESTIGATIONS North site. . An isolated deposit of sandy gravel grading to gravelly sand is located approximately 1,500 feet northeast of the proposed centerline in the W1/2 £ 1/2 and E 1/2 .W1/2 NN 1/4 Sec. 29, Township 20 North, Range 5 East, Kateel River Meridian, Alaska. : t The total quantity of material available is 7,500 cubic yards. Overburden consists of a thin organic cover overlying 0 to 5 feet of fine sandy silt. Clearing of a thin stand of birch and spruce will be necessary. “South site. The second site investigated was the northwest end of the gravel bar immediately below Ambler. The proven deposit consists of sandy gravel grading to gravelly sand. During the time of drilling, the water table was 1 to 1,5 feet below the surface of the area investigated. Tne quantity of material available above the water table at the time of drilling was 9,000 cubic yards. The proven deposit contains in excess of 44,000 cubic yerds of material, but it would be necessary to work below the water table to obtain this quantity. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The runway embankment and access road should consist of a :eries of cut and fill sections. Material within the cuts may be utilized in the fill sections. 2 Clear the runway alignment before cut and fill operations commence. 3. Clearing along the access road between Sta. 17+00 and Sta. 62+00 will be necessary. 4. Gravel for the surface course of the runway and access road may be obtained from the material site northeast of the runway and the gravel bar immediately below Ambler. : ; 5, It will be necessary to work the gravel bar during a period of low water or utilize a dragline. It will.also be necessary to construct an access road across the narrow river channel between the village and the gravel Bar, \ : ces LY aed ; ” Z . FF ad ae eee \a esse D0" . | ( D= 10°00' ‘a a 57 T= 288.97 ert / TH.6 L= 535.30 ROAD. A \ 7 NOTE: ° / R= 573.0 T.H. 4 1S LOCATED AT THs ys ire Ale STA 18 + 34 ACCESS. C i K \ ad CABINS ) g 67°34'39" ¢ 500.00' 62 KIANA INTRODUCTION This report is presented in order to provide subsurface soils infcrmation for construction of a parking apron, taxiway, access road, and an aggregate surface course at Kiana Airport. The field investigation took pleéece between October 2 and 10, 1978, and between June 27 and 30, 1979. For added information, refer to the previously published report extitled "Kiana Materials Investigation, Existing Alignment and Borrow Site", Division of Aviation, Engineering Geology Section, July 21, 1973. FIELD STUDIES — OCTOBER, 1978 The Engineering Geology field crew consisted of Tim Taylor, drillez- operator, and Tom Ottley, field geologist. Forty-one (41) test pits were dug utilizing a John Deere 450-C cre~ler tractor with backhoe. The test pits were generally located in the rolling hills north of the airfield. They were dug in search of suit- able construction material for surfacing and embankment construction. Sixteen (16) test holes were drilled along the existing airfield u-ilizing a portable "Haines" drill and three inch solid flight auger. A nolified Shelby tube was used to take samples of soils encountered. These noles were placed in the proposed taxiway, apron and access road. All szmples taken were placed in canvas. bags'and, or moisture jars and transported to the Division of Aviation material laboratory for testing with tne exception of the quality samples which were sent to the Central Rezion Materials Laboratory. -LABORATORY TESTING Testing included a combination of the following: ee Moisture content 2. .Gradation i. FSV classification As Degradation 5. L.A. Abrasion 6. Sulfate soundness In addition, the samples were assigned AASHTO and FAA classificaticns. All testing was completed in accordance with State of Alaska, AASHTO and ASTM Test Methods. LOCATION AND TOPOGRAPHY Kiana is located approximately 60 air miles east of Kotzebue at the: junction of the Squirrel and Kobuk Rivers. The airstrip and villag= lie on a bluff 80 feet above the Kobuk River. The topography in the irme- diate vicinity of Kiana consists of low swampy stream valleys and rolling hills. SELECTED REFERENCES Patton, William W., Jr., 1973, Reconnaissance Geology of the Northern Yukon-Koyukuk Province, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 774-A, 17p. : Ferrians, Oscar J., Jr., Kachadoorian, Reuben, and Greens, Gordon W., 1969, Permafrost and Related Engineering Problems in Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey Prof. Paper 678, 37p. Kiana, Community Map, prepared by the Arctic Environmental Information | and Data Center, Univ. of Alaska, for the Alaska Dept. of Community and Regional Affairs. MATERIALS INVESTIGATION OCTOBER, 1978 Forty-one test pits were dug north of the airfield alignment during the field investigation in October, 1978. The test pits averaged 6 feet deep and usually bottomed on perennially frozen ground. Only in areas of relatively clean and well drained sands and gravels was it possible to dig 10+ feet without encountering perennially frozen ground. The pits were dug with a John Deere 450-C crawler tractor with backhoe. This method of investigation allowed for good sampling and visual classification of the soils encountered. However, due to the general wet and weak tundra which had to be transversed, not all possible sites of construction material could be explored. Therefore, testing was limited to (1) the existing material site approximately 1/2 mile north of the airstrip, (2) the waste area adjacent to the west end of the runway, (3) scattered small, upland areas just north of the runway, and (4) the low hill approximately one mile northeast of the runway. Area (1) includes the existing gravel pit. 14 test pits were dug around the small sandy gravel deposits in this area. It was found that these deposits were of limited extent and had essentially been mined during past construction projects. Because of their limited nature, it is assumed that these deposits represent either glacial in-filling or stream-worked deposits surrounded by glacial drift laid down during a past glacial advance. Except for a small amount of remaining sandy gravel (test pit 1 & 6), the material in this area is mostly a brown sandy silt, A-4(7&8), E-6, F4, with an average liquid limit of 21 and no plastic index. The sandy silt is wet, dilatant, and occasionally contains some gravel (test pits 2-5, 7-10, & 26-29). It is perennially frozen at depth, containing visible ice crystals and lenses. In July, 1973, 1 test hole was placed in the base of the existing borrow site with 4 additional TH's placed around the perimeter. These holes were located in such a manner that one was north of the site - one east — one west - and one was located south of the pit adjacent to the access road. They were all within 100" of the existing excavation with the exception of the test hole that was located west of the pit. It was 160' from the existing face behind the overburden that had been placed in that area. Other than the testhole in the bottom of the excavation which revealed gravelly sand, the test hole west of the pit was the only hole indicating usable material. The material in that hole classified as a silty’ sand containing scattered rocks. The silty sand was overlain by 3 feet of overburden (organic & silt), a water table was logged at 8.0' at that time, and frost was encountered at 10.0'. Since 1973, several thousand yards of material have been removed “from the base of the pit. The exact amount of material removed is unknown but may be in the range of 10-20,000 cubic yards. A major portion of the site has been worked to the water table. The boring in the center of this pit in July 1973 indicated the material below 4.0' was frozen at that time. Area (2) consists of the waste area adjacent to the west end of the runway. Test pits 11-18 were dug within this area. The waste material excavated from the existing runway during original construction was dumped here. It is composed of brown silty sand and sandy silt. The silty sand ‘[A-2-4(0)/A-4(0/1), E-4/5, F3, LL=NV, PI=NV] was dry to damp at the time of the investigation and averaged 5.4 feet in thickness. Directly underlying the silty sand was a gray brown sandy silt [A-4(5), E-6, F4, LL=NVJ. It was damp to wet, dilatant, and perennially frozen at depth (average 10+ feet) at the time of the investigation. Area (3) lies north of the runway. Five test pits were dug in the small hills within this area. The test pits indicated an average of one foot of organics (tundra) overlay a brown, sandy silt and silty sand. The sandy silty and silty sand was damp to wet, dilatant, and perennially frozen below an average of 2.3 feet. Area (4) consists of a small hill (approximately 150 feet higher than . surrounding terrain) which lies approximately one and one-quarter miles north-northeast of the runway. The south face of this hill was investi- gated with test pits 30 through 41. The test pits indicated that an average of 0.3 foot of organics and roots overlay 1.2 feet of brown silty sand [A-4(2), E-6, F4, LL=NV, PI=NV] and sandy silt [A-4(2), E-6, F4, LL=21.6, PI=NV]). The sandy silt had a moisture content of 16.5% at test pit 32. Underlying the above was a deposit of nested cobble and boulder-sized material containing sandy gravel to silty sandy gravel- sized material grading to a deposit of sandy gravel-silty sandy gravel- sized material with some cobbles and boulders. This material extended to an average tested depth of 7 feet. The following classifications of the sandy gravel and silty sandy gravel are based on the three inch minus material. The sandy gravel contained some silt (9-12%) and had the following characteristics: A-1-b(0)/A-1l-a(0), E-2/E-3, NFS/Fl, LL=NV, PI=NV. The silty sandy gravel had the following characteristics: A-1-b(0), E-3, Fl, LL=NV, PI=NV. Both the silty sandy gravel and the sandy gravel were dry to damp. See the test pit logs for estimated quantities of cobbles and boulders. The gravel, cobble and boulder sized material was composed of mica schist. The material was flat and angular in shape, with the maximum observed boulder sized material being 6"x20"x30", but larger material may exist. Overburden was thickest along the lower limb of ‘the hillside and gradually became thinner towards the crest of the hill. The gravel, cobble and boulder-sized material appeared to be colluvial in nature and was either derived in place er transported short distances by mass wasting. The test pits at afd near the top of the hill usually bottomed on what was either very . large boulder-sized material or bedrock. A water table was encountered in two test pits (T.P. 30 at 10 feet, T.P. 39 at 11 feet). aay MATERIALS INVESTIGATION JUNE, 1979 During June, 1979, an investigation was conducted for the purpose of finding a materials source suitable for use as surface course material. Two sites were investigated as possible sources of surface course material. “OKOK POINT Okok Point is the local name for a gravel bar located approximately 4 miles below Kiana on the north bank of the Kobuk River. At the time of the investigation, the exposed portion of the bar was approximately 1/2 mile in length and 60" wide. This width will vary with the stage of the river. Seven (7) hand dug test pits were spaced at approximately 300 foot intervals along the bar. Four samples of the material were taken. Testing indicated that the material consisted of a brown sandy gravel to gravelly sand, A-l-a, E-2/E-3, SP/SM, NFS. There was no liquid limit obtained and the material was non-plastic. A degradation value based on a combination of the samples taken from the area was 43; L.A. abrasion loss was 34.0%, grading A. In test pit 59 the sands and gravels bottomed on a gravelly silt at 4.5 feet. In test pit 64 the sands and gravels bottomed on sand at 3 feet. Where encountered, the water table averaged 4.8 feet in depth. The water table will vary with the stage of the river. Virtually the entire site was covered by approximately a 3 inch thick veneer of coarse gravel with cobbles and boulders. All the test pits contained varying amounts of +3 inch and +10 inch material throughout the depth investigated. Lorenz Schuerch, a resident of Kiana for the past 30+ years, stated that the ice is usually out by mid June, and the river is usually down during the months of July and August. By September the heavy rains begin, and the river rises during the fall, dropping just before freezeup. A limited amount of flow data is available for the water years 1976-1977 and 1977-1978 from a gauging station installed at Kiana in 1976. Some additional flow data from a gauging station located at Ambler is also available. GRAVEL KNOB 2-3 MILES NORTHEAST OF KIANA A small gravel knob which lies 2-3 miles northeast of Kiana, above the east bank of the Squirrel River was also investigated as a possible source of surface course material. The hill was roughly 600 feet long by 325 feet wide. The hill rises approximately 15 feet to 50 feet above the surrounding terrain. Three test pits (T.P. 67, 68 and 69) were dug with hand tools along the top of the hill. The average test pit depth was 4 feet. Two samples of the material were taken. Testing indicated that the small hill consisted of gravelly sand with some silt, A-l-a or A-l-b, E-2, SP-SM, F2, with a liquid limit of NA, and a plastic index = NP. The two field samples were combined for the following "quality" tests: degradation value = 0, sulfate soundness - coarse 1, fine 2. Very little +3 inch material was observed, and no +5" was seen. The site was basically void of overburden and vegetation. EXISTING AIRFIELD The original runway at Kiana was 4,000" in length. In 1973 six borings, each 10' in depth were placed along the alignment. The soils profile at of that time consisted of 1/2 foot of sand and gravel overlying a sandy silt. The sandy silt. was frozen below an average depth of four feet. One exception to this occurred on the western 500-600 feet of the airfield where one testhole indicated that two feet of ice was present between the depths of 7.0' and 9.0'. In 1973 this section of the runway was very rough with weeds and shrubs growing on the embankment. Construction of the airfield embankment was completed in 1958. Degrada- tion of the ice-rich materials underlying this area has been slow as evidenced by the 2" thick ice lense present in the test hole drilled in 1973, fifteen years after construction of the embankment. Evidence of thermal degradation is visible in this area on BLM aerial photography dated 7-6-74. Minor degradation is also evident along the north shoulder of the embankment along most of the runway. | TAXIWAY, PARKING APRON AND ACCESS ROAD INVESTIGATION Sixteen (16) test holes were drilled along the existing airfield at or neat the proposed locations of the parking apron, taxiway and access road. A John Deere tractor with backhoe was used to dig down to the perennially frozen ground. From there, a Haines, “Little Beaver" drill utilizing three inch solid flight auger was used to sample the peren- nially frozen soils. The soils types and depths tested were very similar. The following generalized test hole description indicates the soils encountered during the investigation: 13 inches of saturated, brown fibrous organics (moisture content of material tested was 270%); under- lain by 21 inches of saturated perennially frozen, brown, amorphous organics (average moisture content = 367%); underlain by a gray sandy silt which contains minor amounts of organic and clay {A-4(6), E-6, F4, LL=19.5, PI=NV]. The moisture content taken from perennially frozen samples was 73.9%, and the moisture content taken from a non-frozen sample was 24.5%. Where not frozen, the sandy silt was damp to wet and dilatant. Perennially frozen ground was encountered at an average depth - of 2 feet. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The usable construction material (gravelly sand, sand, and/or silty sand) remaining within and adjacent to the existing material site located north of the airfield is limited. The material remaining in the base of the pit will probably be beneath the water table, and frozen material may be encountered at shallow depths. 2a The upper 5.4" of material in the waste area adjacent to the west end of the runway consisted of a dry silty sand and sandy silt at the time of the investigation. This material could be used as a source for common borrow for construction purposes if it is used above the water table. It would be difficult to handle this material during times of wet weather... This material may be wet in the spring of the year when the frost is going out of the ground. : « 3. A proposed material site lies approximately one and one-quarter miles northeast of the runway. ‘€welve test pits were placed within * ? 4. 5. aN 6. the site. Underlying the overburden was a deposit of nested cobbles and boulders with some silt, sand and gravel-sized material grading to silt, sand, and gravel sized material with some cot> and boulders. The three inch minus material classified as sa gravel and/or silty sandy gravel that was dry and basically non frost susceptable. The material appeared to be colluvial in néture and was composed primarily of mica schist. Due to the properties characteristic of a schist, this site is not recommended for use as a source of surface course material. -es Soils at the proposed sites for the parking apron, taxiway and access road generally consisted of 13 inches of saturated, brcwn, fibrous organics; underlain by 21 inches of saturated or pere=- nially frozen, brown, amorphous organics; which was in turn uxder- lain by a gray sandy silt. The sandy silt contained minor e=ounts of organics and clay,’ and was either perennially frozen or else damp to wet and dilatant. The perennially frozen ground contzined small ice crystals and ice lenses and was encountered at an average depth of 2 feet. It is recommended that the top two feet of non-perennially organics not be stripped in order to help preclude thawing « accompanying subsidence of the underlying perennially frozex soils. Ice rich soils underlie portions of the existing runway erSenkment. sen The ice rich material has slowly been degrading since initie construction in 1958. Based on the slow rate of degradation it is recommended that as long as this airfield has a gravel surfece that sé maintenance efforts take care of any minor settlement, specifically on the west end of the airfield. The other option is to insulate this section of the airfield. Recommend utilizing Okok Point as the source of aggregate for surfacing material. CMP ARCH CULVERT 28°x 13° WIND CONE SEGMENTED CIRCLE PROJECT siGNn FORCE ACCOUNT SEEDING CLsss 0 BORROW KALTAG VILLAGE (GRAVEL) AVAILABLE E70 100' X 22qgo' LANDING STRIP ws Y KALTAG AIRPORT ey g WA Ou a » - q . ve < 4 Be ° ar \ Hy VICINITY MAP ivf DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION STaTC OF = ALASKA ANCHORAGE, ALASKA KALTAG = AIRPORT RaLtag, ALAA INDEX & CONSTRUCTION QUANTITIES LOCATION, & VICINITY MAPS 2 "Ad BURT" woOw CATIONS MAE ACVISIONS GRAY, ROGERS,GRAHAM & OSBORNE ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS SUM TORS Or COLECE ROAD FAIRBANKS, ALASRA Ly ea aI SET OLE ae LIMON Cr FET, iu ae = * SAVOONGA RUNWAY — a MATERIALS. LINVESTIGATION: DEPARTHENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~ - ‘-*" AND-PUBLIC FACILITIES =~ “DIVISION “OF AVIATION J 4 AVIATION AVENUE... ‘ _ ANCHORAGE, ALASKA | 99502 - oor cee ee Os OO, “N / - Savoonga 7 Cemelery, 3/8" 68.0% #4 34.3% #8 17.9% #16 10% #20 7.7% #30 5.8% #40 4.5% #50 3.5% 7100 2.2% #200 1.2% EXISTING AIRFIELD In 1964-65 a 150' x 4000' airfield was constructed at Savoonga. In addition to the airfield, a turnaround was constructed at the west end of the airfield as well as a parking apron located on the east end of the airfield. Additionally, an access road was constructed from the parking apron to the village over a distance of approximately 1/2 mile. The typical section on the runway consisted of placing a 12" sand blanket over original ground followed by placement of the primary embankment which consisted of 18" minus aggregate of variable depth. Finish grade was typically 5 to 6 feet above original ground. This embankment was covered with an eight inch lift of six inch minus aggre- gate and sand. Surfacing consisted of a four inch lift of 2 1/2 inch minus aggregate and sand. The parking apron section is similar with the exclusion of the final lift of 2 1/2 inch minus aggregate. Field work under the 1977 investigation consisted of placing a series of shallow hand-dug holes along the surface of the existing airfield to determine the thickness and type of surfacing material left on the airfield. The results of that work are shown in the appendix of this report. MATERIAL SOURCES Two sources of material were used in constructing the airfield. One was a boulder field located approximately 2.2 miles southwest of the airfield and a source of beach sand located in Ughkooleekuk Cove approximately five miles west of the airfield. Utilization of these sources required construction of access roads to both sites. These sites shared a common access road from the airfield for a distance of 1.4 miles before diverging. Both sites and access routes utilized are shown on an attached drawing. ony oom ee] aw pone Ughkooleekuk Cove - A large portion of the access road to the sand source has been destroyed by wave action along the beach. (See photos). The sand at the beach site as sampled passed the #10 sieve with 25-23 percent passing the #40 sieve and 0.1 percent passing the #200 sieve. Artifacts have been found on the banks above and behind the beach. Boulder field - Class I and Class II embankment material, 18 inch and 6 inch minus aggregate respectively, were produced from the boulder field previously described. The parent material from which the boulder fields have been derived is vesicular to non-vesicular basalt. The size of the materials ranges from silt to individual pieces six feet or greater in diameter. During August 7 to 14, 1963, Robert Krull conducted a soils investiga- tion at Savoonga for the State of Alaska, Department of Public Works, Division of Aviation. In his report, he described a boulder field ’ located approximately 3/4 mile southeast of the area actually utilized as follows: Area 8 - "Area 8 was the first area encountered that contained rock which was considered small enough for crushing. The area was divided into three ridges. Test holes were blasted in each of the three ridges to determine the nature of the sub-surface material. The average depth of the test holes was four feet. As shown in the following pictures, the rock was intermixed with soil. No perma- frost was encountered at the depth to which the test holes were blasted. Estimated area of the small rock (12 minus) is 25 acres. Water supply in Area 8 is very limited and not adequate for washing soil from the rock if it were to be crushed." The silt content or amount of soil matrix mixed with the sand, gravel and boulder-sized fractions in the site actually utilized for construc- tion is unknown. One of the problems with the surfacing material on the airfield at this time, however, is a lack of fines. The material observed immediately below the surfacing to the depth tested (1.0 feet below finished grade) also contained a low percent of fines. The borrow site was laid out over an area approximately 600 x 600 feet although the entire area was not mined. ACCESS ROAD TO BOULDER FIELD Access to this site would require reconstruction of a portion of the existing access road. The first 1.25 miles of road from the airfield is jin good condition considering that it has received no maintenance in 14 years. At this point, a small intermittent stream crosses the road. No water was flowing across the road the first day of the investigation, but after raining all night, water six inches deep was flowing across the road. 1.4 miles from the airfield, the road to the boulder field intersects with the road to the sand source. As stated previously, a portion of the road to the sand source has been destroyed by wave action along the beach. At the intersection of the two roads, the elevation is approxi- mately 50 feet, and the road gradually climbs 200 feet over a distance of .8 mile to the boulder field borrow area. Approximately 500 feet of road needed to be reconstructed at the time of the investigation. Two barrel culverts had washed out and an intermittent stream was flowing down the road for approximately 500 feet. Flow varied as radically in this stream as it did in the one previously cited. Flow here, however, was much higher, and the reader is referred to the photos in the appendix of this report for a better understanding of how the flow can vary over night after a steady rain. The day prior to the photos, this stream was next.to non-existent. ACCESS ROAD FROM VILLAGE TO AIRFIELD An access road 2,650 feet in length connects the airfield with the village. The typical section from the as-built drawings shows 12 inches of sand placed on original ground covered with a variable depth of 18 inch minus aggregate over which 12 inches of 6 inch minus aggregate was placed. Two metal culverts were placed along the alignment, and both have settled causing water to pond at the upper ends of both of them. This has caused some damage to the access road in the past when water has flowed across the top of the embankment. SILT SOURCES Throughout the past 15-16 years various individuals have looked for a source of silt with which to aid in stabilizing the surface of the airfield. Each time the results have been the same: the only silt available is permanently frozen, ice rich with a high moisture content and overlain by approximately two feet of saturated organics. This investigation produced similar results. After questioning the resident airport manager and finding that he knew of no sources, two test pits were placed in what appeared to be one of the best drained areas in the vicinity. Test pits 17A and 18A were placed on the southern exposure of the small hill located approximately 3,000' southwest of the airfield. Even though this was the highest ground in the area, the surface organics were Saturated with ponded water common. 1 1/2' to 1 3/4' of thawed organics and.silt overlaid a wet plastic clayey silt. Frozen ground was encountered at depths of 2.0' and 3.5'. During construction of the airfield, a drainage interceptor ditch was excavated west of and parallel to the runway. The excavated materials which were placed adjacent to the ditch consisted of a mixture of organics and silt with scattered rock and boulder sized material. SUMMARY Weather: The only recorded weather data for Savoonga that was located during research for this report covered the years 1922 through 1952. Some additional data was published for Northwest Cape for the period 1954 through 1960. It is the writer's interpretation of that data that the rainest period is during July, August and September. The best weather appears to be the last two weeks in June and the first two weeks of July, "best" being based on that period of time that statistically has the least amount of rain with warmer temperatures. Runway: The surface of the runway was covered with 2 1/2" minus aggregate and sand. The material was not well compacted and tended to rut under traffic. The west side was firmer than the east side. Access Road to Village: The two culverts in the access road between the village and the runway have settled and need to be replaced. Boulder Borrow Source: This site is located approximately 2.2 miles southwest of the airfield. It was used as a source of embankment material during construction of the original airfield. The material within the worked area consisted of silt size particles to boulders up to 6 feet or greater in diameter. The parent source of this material was an extrusive basalt (lava) flow. An existing access road lies between the airfield and the site but portions of it would require reconstruction if the site were to be utilized as a source of material. 10 se wee pamemee ween: se pene aes SOILS OF THE KALTAG AREA, ALASKA Robert S. Pollock and Jack D. Crout Soil Scientists Soil Conservation Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture PREFACE This soil survey is intended to serve several groups of readers. It will help those interested in farming and gardening to select suitable locations and to plan the kind of management that will pro- tect their soils and provide goo yields. It will assist community planners and engineers in selecting sites for buildings, roads, and other structures. It is also intended to provide detailed information about this part of Alaska to soil scientists and others interested in soils. ; . © 7 - >-. In making this survey soil scientists examined and described soils in every part of the Area and, on aerial photographs, prepared a map showing the distribution of the soils. Boundaries of soils are out- lined and a distinctive symbol identifies each different kind of soil. Persons interested in farming or gardening on a particular tract of land should first locate that tract on the soil map, and then identify the soils in that place. They will find descriptions of these soils in the section headed "Soils", and a discussion of the suitability of the soils for crops and good manegement practices in the section, “Use and Management of the Soils". Engineers and others concerned with construction will find general information on the physical characteristics of the soils in the section, “Engineering Appiications". Classification of the soils is discussed briefly in a section intended primarily for soil scientists. Field work for this survey was completed in 1964, and all statements in the report refer to conditions at that time. The soil survey is part of the technical assistance furnished by the Soil Conservation Service to the Alaska Soil Conservation District. Additional help in planning can be obtained from the staff of the Soil Conservation Service in Palmer. «sek ek ee ee > Alluvial Land TABLE OF CONSENTS Soils of the Kalteg pode! Alaska Settlement, Population and Industry Clim te Eow Soils are Named and Nepped Soils Bo Series. - Fresh Water Marsh Ka Series Kh Series Koyukuk Series Kuskokwin Series McCally Series Ro Series Takotna silt loan Use and Maragcement of the Soils Capability Clessificetion Engineering Applications Classification of the Soils Literature Cited Page woo nn wu Ww WM Fr NM NN NNY HHP Ye FOnNM Fw rH O nN “nN eS is Table Table Table Table Table 1. TABLES Mean monthly temperature, precipitation, and snowfall. Acreage and proportionate extent of soils. Soils of the Kaltag Area, Aleska and their estimated physical and chemical properties Interpretation of Engineering Properties of Soils in the Kaltag Area, Alaska. Soil Series of the Kaltag Area arranged according to the Comprehensive Soil Classificetion System of the United States Department of Agriculture. 21 22 26 permafrost and on the terraces of the Kaltag HKiver, mosses, sedges, low growing shrubs, and black spruce are dominant. The flood Plains of the Yukon and Kaltag Rivers support thick stands of willows, cottonwood, and alder with an admixture of peper birch and black spruce, SETTLEMENT, POPULATION, AND INDUSTRY Kaltag is an old Indien village that was in existence at the | time of the first Russian exploration of the lower Yukon River. Its name may refer to a species of salmon (2).. a United States post office was established here in 1903.. The population of the | village in 1960 was 165. ..- - - eee te. l *% .Faoilities in the village include a school, a church, and al. store. It has scheduled commercial air service from Galena, where connections can be made to Anchorage and Fairbanks. At the time of = the survey a road was under construction between Kaltag and Nulato, . 33 miles to the north. Most local transportation, however, is by river boat, dog team, and oversnow vehicle. . 1h . The principal sources of livelihood are fishing, hunting, and : trapping. Some residents are employed seasonally at fish canneries =: an the coast. lel sele) bee! | eealala Bie! femelle elles lee. | el lt dee yi * : eset ‘ 2) el level [ey oe ; . . : 6 eae, CLIMATE The Kaltag Area has a cold continental climate, with long cold winters, short warm summers, and relatively low annual precipitation. No long term temperature and precipitation date are availeble fr Kaltag, but the climate is essentially the same as that in Galena, _ about 60 miles to the northeast. Date for Galena are presented in Table 1. Maximum precipitation occurs in the summer months. Cn the average, precipitation exceeds O.1 inch: 7 or 8 jays in July end 7 August end only 1 through 5 days in other months. Only 3 years per year, normally, have precipitation in excess of 0.5 irch. 7 On the average, temp2retures fall below 32°F on 227 daye each year, and are warmer than 70° on only 28 days. The highest temperature on record is 89°F, and the lowest recorded temperature is -64°P, SOILS OF THE KALTAG AREA, ALASKA The Keltag Soil Survey Area covers about 17 square miles in the vicinity of the village of Kaltag on the Yukon River, ebout 5\ miles south of its confluence with the Foyukvk River. Included ir the Area are portions of the Yukon River flood plain, the narrow flood plain and terraces bordering the tributary Kaltag River, and rolling to steep hills west of the river. Elevations range from about 100 zor’ on the flood plains to atout 1200 feet on the highe ridges. "a : Bedrock in the uplands consists dominantly of Cretaceous shal sandstone, and conglomérate. The area has never been §laciated. The hills are covered with silty windlaid material (loess) ranging in thickness from more_ than 10 feet near the Yukon to a few inches on the high ridges Cantinat from the ‘civer Rock outcrops are common: on the ridges. The broad terraces ren the lower Keltag River consist of deep silty material except in a narrow strip bordering the flood plain, where gravel occurs at a depth of ebout 20 inches. The flood plains of both the Yukon and Kaltag Rivers ROSmAwE of deep stratified sand and silty materials. “The Yukon River floods almost every spring. Occasionally,’ after a period of prcelonged heavy raim,,midsummer floods also occur. Some of these floods reach the level of the village of Kaltag, which is located on a terrace south of the mouth of the Kalteg River. : - Se Permafrost occurs in the terraces of the Kaltag River, and on slopes affected ty seepage in the uplands. The floodplains and most of the steeply sloping uplands, however, have no permafrost. Several vegetation types exist in the Area. On slopes with mo permafrost at lower elevations, a forest of white spruce, paper birch, and quaking aspen is the principal vegetation. Much of the survey area has turned recently, however, and the regrowth includes alder, willows, other shrubs, and grasses. At’ Kigker eIevations, the forest gives way to sh=ubby alpine weer ta On. On slopes with Table 2. Acreage and proportionate area, Alaska. extent of soils of the Zaltag 107 1054 185-1054 252 181D 181E 184A 182D | 171A 1715 171¢ 171-172D 171-172 173D 173E 173F 76-1354 Alluviel lend Bo peat Bo-Ro complex Fresh weter marsh Ka silt loam, 12 te 20% slopes Ka silt loan, Kh silt loam 20 to 30% slopes Koyukuk silt loam, 12 to 20% slopes Kuskokvim silt Kuskokwin silt Kuskokwim silt Kuskokwim silt Kuskokvim silt MoCally flaggy loen, loar, loan, loan, loom, 0 to 3% slores 3 to 7% slopes .J to 12, slopes 12 to 20. slopes 20 to 30% slopes silt loam, a2) to: 20% slopes McCally fleggy silt loan, 20 to 30% slopes McCally flaggy silt loen, 30 to 45% slopes Takotna silt loam Total Land Area Approx. Froportionate Area extent (acres) (%) 320 2.9 50 -6 20 02 220 2.0 1,010 9.3 650 6.0 250. 2.3 140 1.3 1,850 17.1 530 4.9 230 2.6 230 2.1 100 9 120 1.1 600 7.4 260 2.4 4.020 36.9 10,869 100.0 HOW SOILS ARE NAMED AND Ms PPED Soils are made up of a series of nearly horizontal layers, or horizons. A soil profile is the sequence of these horizons from the surface dowm to the underlying material which has not been a altered by weathering or by plent roots. Soils that have profiles almost alike make up a soil series. All soils of one series have major horizons that are similar in important characteristics. These include (1) color; (2) texture, or relative proportions of gravel, and silt, and clay; (3) structure, or arrangement of soil particles into aggregates or clusters; (4) consistence, or degree of compaction and plasticity; (5) aeration and drainage conditions; (6) reaction, or degree of acidity or basicity; (7) thick- mess; and (8) arrangement in the profile. -Hach soil series - is nemed for a town or other geographic: feature near where it was first observed. Soil series are further subdivided on the basis of external features that are important in the use and management of the soil. These subdivisions are called phases. Where two soils occur in such intimate association that they cannot be delineated separately on a map, they are mapped as sil complexes. Areas that have little plant cover, or that are frequently inundated by tides are called miscellaneous land types rather than soils. Mapping units on the soil map of the Keltag area are soil series, a complex of two series, slope phases of some series, ard land types. Because it is not possible, even on e detziled map, to show very small areas of a soil, most mapping units contain patches of soil of some other kind that were to small to delineate separately. SOILS Eight soil series if ama two land types were rapped in the Keltag Area. The location and distritution of the soils are shown on the s0il maps at the back of the report. Their acreages and proportion- ate extent are given in Table 2. The soils and lend types are described below. Capability classes and subclesses are defined in the section, Use and Mem=gement of Soils. Alluvial Land. - / This land type consists of frequently flooded areas adjacent to the main channel of the Yukon River. Soils in these areas are mede up of silty and fine sandy alluviel meterials. In most places they support willows and other low growing vegetaticn. The areas are subject to erosion and frequently receive fresh deposits of alluvial meterials. Alluvial land is assigned to capability subclass VIIIw. Bo Series. The Bo series consists of partially decomposed sedge peat that is usvally more than 40 inches thick over a silty substratum. The peat is’ extr remely acid. These soils occur in shallow depressions on the nearly level terrace south of the Kaltag River, and are usually surrounded by the Kuskokwim-soils. In some places they occupy only the lowest parts of the depressions, with Ro soils in the higher parts. The Lo soils normally have ea frozen leyer within 24 inches of the surface that persists until ridsuzzer. 4A perennially frozen stratum occurs at depths commonly greater tkan 40 inches. THe soils are usually wet, but may dry at the surface in late summer. The vegetation on the Eo soils consists principelly of. sedges and grasses. Sphagnum moss covers the surface in most places. 1/ The soil series Gescribed in this report are tentatively nened, and ere subject to review end possiple correTetion with other soils. Four of the soils have been observed in briy smali areas. Tt They are describea as they occur in the Ealtag Area, but the series cannot yet be aedecuately defined. These series are identified only by a two letter symbol in this report. Table l. Mean monthly temperature, precipitation, and inches of snowfall, Galena, Alaska. 1/ — eg eens J F Ki A M J J A s 0 N dD ANN. Temperatures, F Mean Mex -2.4 1.6 18.5 34.0: 53.8 66.5 "6746 61.5 50.3 30.7 12.3 -5.1 © 32.4 Mean Min 19.3 “19e2 0 -4.7 «13,2 134,64 48.6 «5262 47.4 36,017.80 1,8 19.7 15.3 Mean -10.9 -8.8 7.0 23.6 44,1 57.6 59.4 54,5 43.2 24,3 5.3 -12.4 23.9 Sum Precipitation, inches of moisture : I pt 0.69 0.74 0.60 0,33 0.69 1.16 2.17 2.59 1.67 0,56 0.80 0.64 12.55 Snowfall, inches 769 |||- 7.8 6.5 2.8 9.9 Tr ‘ae -- 1.1 66.0 8.6 7.5 48.5 1/10 to 12 year record through 1960. Data from U.S. Weather Bureau My: Te dak dg pele = meme aes soe Representative profile of Bo peat, ebout 0.3 mile west of southwest end of Kaltag airstrip. . qn Dark brown (10YR 4/3) raw spagnum moss peat; extremely ecid. kan Dark reédish brown-(5YR 2/2) partially decomposed sedgeppeat; many roots in upper 20 inches; extremely acid. eateto Eo peat is mapped both separately and as part of the Bo-Ro complex. The Ro soils, which nake up 2bout 30% of the cexcplex, are described elsewhere. Both mapping units are essigaed to capability subclass VIIw. Fresh Water Versh. Areas with the water table always at or above the surface are mapped es fresh water marsh. The principal vegetation in these areas are sedges,-“but ponds of open water are common. Fresh water marsh occurs only on the broad flood plein of the Yukon River. . This land type is assigned to capability subclass VIIIw. Ka Series. The Ka Series consists of deep silt well drained soils with an intricate pattern of brown and olive colors. They occur on south Slopes of low hills bordering the Yukon River in the northern part _ of the survey area. Typically, the soils heve a mat of forest litter and moss, a thin dark upper horizon, and a streaked brown or olive brown horizon over patterned olive and brown lower horizons. Apparently, these soils are forming in fairly recently deposited windlaid materials, and will wentually develop colors similar. to those in the Koyukuk series. . The Ka soils support a forest of vhite spruce, paper birch, and quaking aspen. Many areas were burned at least once within the last 30 years, and have only shrubby regrowth, including, alder, willow, and other shrubs. Representative profile of Ka silt loam, about 2.8 miles north of the mouth of the Kaltag River. 01 2-0" Dark grayish brown (loyr 4/2) forest litter and moss; many roots; abrupt smooth boundary. Al 0-24" Brown (10YR 4/3) silt loam; wea’: very fine crumb structure with peds arranged roughly in plates; very.sriable, wit apparent low bulk density; many roots; abrupt smooth boundary. a2 24-4" Grayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) silt loam; weak very fine crumb structure; very friable; many roots; abrupt smooth bound- ary. B 4-9" Brown (7.5YR 4/4) silt loam, with streaks and patches of gray (5Y 6/1); weak very fine subangular blocky structure; very friable; roots common; clear smooth boundary. cl 9-15" Olive (SY 4/3) silt loam; coarse brown (10YR 4/3) mottiles; moderate very thin platy structure, breaking to weak very fine subangular blocky; very friable; roots common; fine - tubular pores; gradual boundary. = - c2 15-42"+ Olive (5Y 4/3) silt loam; streaks and patches of brown {10YR 4/3); moderate very thin platy structure, breaking to weak very fine subangular blocky; soft nodules with same colors; very friable, few roots. Two slope phases of Ka silt loam were mapped. They are assigned to. capability subclasses as follows: -"-- Ra silt loam, 12 to 20% slopes - subclass IVe 7 Ka silt loam, 20 to 30% slopes - subclass VIe Kh Series. © 3 | | | soe Pam ||| le e The Kh series consists of mottled silty material over a gravelly sand substratum. These poorly drained soils occur on low terraces bordering the lower course of the Kaltag River. Typically, the soils have a-thin mat of organic materials, a thin black upper mineral horizon, and mottled olive gray to dark gray silt loam over a thick substratum of gravel and sand at depths of 14 to 24 inches. Pebbles and sand grains in the upper part of the substratum are coated with iron. The soils are formed in -~6B6- ' semen s weter deposited materials, and hve e fluctuctine water table that rises and falls with changes in the strear level. They ere occasionally flooded. Beceuse of the coarse texture of the sub- stratum, there is s.0 layer of hard ice within 30 inches of the surface, but the renan 2nnuzl temperature of the soil is »robably lese than 32°P, The dominant vegetation of the Kh soils is e dense growth of willows, dwarf birch, bluejoint grass, and other shrubs snd forbs. tiost of the area has been severely turned within the cast 30 years. Representative srofile of Kh silt loam, ebout 0.5 mile southwest of the mouth of the Kaltag River.. 01 3-0" Dark: brown (10YR 3/3) m-t of straw and litter; T-¥ *- + . a". * -many roots; abruot smooth bouncary.” Al 0-2" | - Black (5¥ 2/2) silt loam; weak very fine granualar structure; very friable; many roots, extremely acid; cleer wavy boundary. cl 2-10" Olive gray (5Y 4/2) silt loem; common cedium distinct mottles of dark yellowish >brovn (10YR 3/4); weak thin pl=ty structure; very friable; few roots; extremely acid; clear smooth boundary. C2 -.. .10-20" - .Dark gray (5Y 4/1) silt loam; streaks of dark oo yellowish brown (10YR 4/3); moiterzte thin platy ams *. i structure; very friable; few roots: very strongly acid; abru»vt wavy boundary. IIC3 20-30" - Gravelly coarse sand; dirk eddish brown (5yR 3/3) a ee iron stains on pebbles. and sand greins; loose; no sO roots. . . Kh silt lo-m is assigned to capability unit IVw. Koyukuk Series. The Koyukuk series consists of brown well drained soils formed in deen silty deposits. These soils occur 04 south-facing slopes of forested hills nore than one-half mile vest o> the Yukon River in the nerthern part of the suvvey area. A typical profile hes a thin dark surface horizon, an erually thin zrayish brown second horizon, end moderately thick Gark brown to dark yellowish brown --3- - horizon over olive brown silt; materi:l thet extends to depths of 3 feet or more over bedrock. This m-terial normally contains a few angular pebbles... The soils are strongly acid. The Koyukuk soils support a forest of white spruce, paper birch, and ouaking aspen. Alder and willows ere elso cormon. Representative profile of Koyukuk silt loam, about 3 miles north of the mouth of the Kaltag River. o1 3-0" Dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) forest litter end moss; Many roots; abrupt smooth boundary. Al 0-175" Very dark brown (10YR 2/7) silt loam; weak very fine granular structure; very friable; meny lel abrupt snooth Scuneaess AQ f-2".-- Dark aiamlak brown (1orR 4/2) silt loam; weak very fine granular structure; very friable; roots comuon; abrupt smooth boundary. B21 2%-3" Dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) silt loan; weak very fine subengular blocky structure; very friable; roots common; abrupt smooth boundary. B22. 3-5" Brown (10YR 4/3) silt loam; weak very thin platy 2: a structure; very friable; roots common; clear smooth boundary. B23 5-10" Dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) silt loam; weak fine subangular blocky structure; very friable; vloautsn cus. :7:re0ts common;. few angular pebbles; gradual boundary. :: 5 sk 5 < " c 10-30" - Light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) silt loam; weak fine subangular blocky structure; very friableys roots common to few; few angular pebbles. ; Koyukuk silt loam was mapped only on 12 to 20.¢ slopes in the Kaltag Area. It is assigned to capability subcless IVe, Kuskokwim Series. The Kuskokwim series consists of poorly drained silty soils with shallow permafrost tables. These soils occur on high terraces of the Kaltag River, on low hills south of the eirstrip and on slopes of varying -spect near the base of hills in the northern part of the survey erea. Typically, they have a thick mat of moss and other organic materials on the surface and a 2902 = r li fairly thir dark upper mineral horizor over strezked or mottled greyish silty material. The soils are strongly acid. The organic mat ranges in thickness from 5 to 14 inches. Depth to permafrost generally ranges froz 6 to 14 inches from the mineral surface; the permafrost table is deepest where the orgenic mat is reletively te thin. If the mat is removed entirely, the soil thaws to depths of several feet. The Kuskokwim soils generally support a sparse forest of stunted black srruce and willows. Sphagnum and-kypnum mosses, _ low growing shrubs, and sedges make up the ground cover. = || Representative profile of Kuskokwim silt loam, ebout 500 feet ; west of south end of eirstrip. 1 i tT { ol 8-2" Dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) moss; abrupt smooth : boundary. 02 2s0" Black (5YR 2/1) finely divided organic matter; ‘Bany roots; abrupt wavy boundary. gal O=58; Very dark brown (10YR 2/2) silt loam; weak very’ fine granular structure; very friable; many roots. ' Ac 3-5" Very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) and dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) silt loam; weak thin plzty structure; very friable; roots common; clear wavy boundary. cl oS =Lon Lark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) silt loam; streaks i : Hl " .. of very dark grayish brown (10¥R 3/2) and few i medium faint mottles of light olive brown (2.5Y 5/6); - - . moderate thin platy structure; very friable, nonsticky alli and nonplastic when wet; few to no roots.: Frozen - .below-8 inches .(8/3/64)._ Five slope pheses of Kuskokwin silt loam were mapped: Kuskokwim silt loam, 0 to 3% slopes” 2, Kuskckwim silt loam, 3 to 7/4 slopes tole Kuskckwirn silt loam, 7 to 12/0 slopes le Kuskokwin silt loam, 12 to 20.2 slopes | Kuskokwim silt loam, 20 to 3 % slopes ' All are assigned to canability subcless VIIw. NcCeliv Series. i The licCally series consists of well drained stony soils developed += on high riéges. The soils are formed in silty materials with a very high proportion of shale end sandstone fregzents. They are less than -Y%o 20 inches thick over shattered bedrock, and rock outcrops are common. Typically these soils have a thin deposit of moss and plant litter over a thin gray or grayish brown upper horizon and a somewhat thicker dark brown or dark yellowish brown second horizon which grades into olive or olive brown weathered bedrock. The dominant vegetation on the McCally soils consists of low growing shrubs, sedges, and grasses. Some eclekateam ise. Magners MOSS occurs on the soil surface. Near the lower boundary of the soils, there are areas of white spruce and paper birch, but these trees Go not attain any substantial height. : z pos i s - Representative profile of HcCally flaggy silt loam, ebout 4.7 miles north- west of the mouth of the Kaltag River. ol 14-0" Bleck {lOYR 2/1) mat-of moss and organic litter; many i roots; charcoal; abrupt smoctn houndary. + A2 o-1" Gzayish brown (2.5Y 5/2) siit loam; weak very fine granular structure; verv friable; many roots; extremely acid; abrupt wavy boundary. B21 1-3" * Dark brown (7.5YR 4/4) silt loan; large patches of light _Olive brown (2.5Y 5/4) and strcesxs of dzrk yellowish | sown (10YR 4/4); weak fine subangular blocky structure; very friable; roots common; extzrenely acid; clear wavy bovadary. ° B22 3-11" Dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) flegoy silt loam; weak fine subangular blocky structure; very friable; roots common; flagstones range in size from 4 to 2 inches; extremely acid; gradual boundary. Cr i=15= Olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) very flaggy silt loam; silt loam is very friable; few roots; extremely acid; gradual boundary. c2 aS Ect Shattered bedrock. Three slope vtiases of McCally flaggy silt loam were mapped: McCally flaggy silt loam, 12 to 20% slopes McCally flaggy silt loam, 20 to 30% slopes McCally flaggy silt loam, 30 to 45% slopes ail Dis =a) mers oe #11 are assigned to capability subclass vIIe. Ro Series. The Ro series consists of somevhat poorly to poorly drained soils developed in deep silty deposits. ~ These soils occur in shallow depressions on the nearly level terrace south of the Kalteg River. The occupy the higher parts of the depressions, with Bo soils in the lower parts, Surrounding the depressions are soils of the Kuskokwim series. The profile characteristics of the Ro soils result from frequent fluctuations of the water table. above the perennially ideal ground ato Gepths of about 30 inches. This:has resulted in some leaching near the surface, and depcsition of ‘iron and organic matter from the ground water in a lower horizon. A typical profile has a dark:.or very dark grayish brown upper horizon and dark brown lower horizons with many dark reddish brown streaks and well developed granular structure. Below these is a mottled olive horizon and the perennially frozen layer. The Ro soils support a dense growth of grasses, sedges, is willow. Paper birch occupies narrow belts at the edges of the depressions. Representative profile of 0 silt loam, about 0.6 mile south of the mouth of the Kaltag River. o1 4-0" Dark brown (10YR 3/3 mat of straw. A2 0-7" Very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) silt loam; weak thin platy structure; very friable; very strongly acid; abrupt irregular boundary. B2 q=13" Dark brown (19YR 3/3) silt loam; streaks of dark reddish brown (2.5YR 2/4 and 5YR 3/3); moderate very Fine granular structure, very friable; very strongly acid; clear wavy boundarv. 7 B3 13-19 Olive brovnm (2.5Y 4/4) silt loam streaks of dark reddish brown (5YR 3/3) and olive gray (SY 4/2) moderate very fine grarular structure; very friable; very strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. cs apy ae Olive (SY 5/3) silt loam; common medium distinct mottles of brown (l0YR 4/3); irregular soft con- cretions same color as matrix; massive; friable; very strongly acid. Frozen-at 31-inches (7/30/64). Ro silt loam is mapped only as part- of the Bo-Ro complex. The comple is assigned to capability subclass VIIw. Takotna silt loam. The Takotna series consists of stratified silty and very fine sandy waterlaid materials. These soils occur on the flood plains of the Yukon ‘and Kaltag Rivers. They are considered to be well drained, but they usually are fiooded for short periods in the spring, and occasionally floo¢ after prolonged heavy midsummer rains, Because the soils are very young, profile Seveloprent is minimal. They are generally gray or olive gray’: throughout,:. but commonly have dark yellowish brown streaks and.a few lenses of buried organic materials. They are nonacid; most:of the Takotna soils on the Yukon flood plain are celcareous below 10 to 30 inches from ~the surface. There is no permelrost. ci lees 3) | _ The £lood plains are generally level, but are dissected by steep- walled sloughs and former stream channels. Several ponds and areas of xeon ‘ater marsh occupy-parts of the flood plains. 7 - i: a a The Takotna soils support a forest of willows, alder, :and cottonwood. Paper birch and black spruce also occur in a few somewhat higher areas, especially alona the Kaltag River. Horsetail, grasses, and shrubs cover : ae : | ae the forest floor. ° FRepre: =.tative profile of Takotna silt loan, about 1.2 miles northeast of the mouth of the Keltag River. ~ cz 0-4" Dark gray (10YR 4/1) silt loam; streaks of Gark yeil-dsh brown (10YF 4/4) mocéerate very thin platy structure: very friable; roots common; abrupt smooth trurdary. m6 = Ob ... 4-5" *_ Black. (10YR 2/1)- decomposed organic matter; rocts “+ - common;: —— smooth boundary. - e Dark: gray_ _10¥R: any. “silt, loam; streaks of dark yellowish brown; weak thin platy structure; very 2.00 wrt lento ofriable; reots-common;. thin. lenses of:orcanic matter; medium acid; abrupt wavy bouncary. c3 11-36" Dark gray (10YR 4/1) very fine sand; many lenses of silt loam snd few lenses of fine. sand;°weak-thin ~ platy structure; very friebie; few roots; few thin i= vzev 2-2 lenSes of? brganic matter;-moderetely alkaline; *- calcareous. ene ‘zpAt the present sind, the only crops. grown’ in- the :Kaltag-Area are: > vegetables -in:several.smail home’ gardens. . Thése:include*léttuce, cabbage, . turnips, redishes,*and.rhubarb;- .Nost:o£*these gardens are.in the. village of Kaltag, on areas of: Kuskokwim silt. loam néar- the’ bluff: along the’ -=: Yukon River in which the permafrost+table has receGed:toz great: depths. In.gencral,:however> ‘a Xuskokwim! a a for tultivation. The sont suiteble-soils inithe \Area- for: cropping: are: the Takotha soils of the flood plainst= These soils-ustaily-flood in the spring, and, in some years, may-be inun@ated for~ several days in midsrmmer; but with Proper management, including fertilization,_it should’ be~possiblé ‘to:-= obtain good yields.of forage’crops, potatoeszand haréy vegetables’. = The well drained Ka and Koyukuk soils of the uplands are mostly-too steep for cropping, but some areas can be cultivated under careful management. = | fam =a «a © 5 ten 955 i~ a | CAPABILITY CLASSIFICATION The capability grouping is a system of classification designed to sh the relative suitability of soils for crops, grazing, forestry, and wildl It is a practical grouping besed on the needs and limitations of the soil the risks of damage to them, and their-response to maragement. In this report, soils have been grouped on two levels, the capability class and subclass. The subclass designation is based on the dominant kind of limitation The letter symbol "e" means that the main limiting factor is risk of eros if the plant cover is not maintained. The symbol "w" means that excess water retards plant growth or interferes with cultivation. The symbol "s means that the soils are shallow, éroughty, or low in fertility. The “symbol “c™ means that choice of crops is limited by climatic factors. The capability class is identified by Roman numerals. All the soils in one class have limitations and management problems of ahout the same degree, but of different kinds. There are eight of these general classes in the system. In classes I, II, and III are soils that are suitable for annual or periodic cultivation of annual or short-lived crops. Class 1 st are those that have the widest range of use and the least risk of damage. Class II and claws III soils have increasingly narrower rances of use. Class IV soils should be cultivated only under very careful management. In classes V, VI, and VII are soils that no=mally should not be cultivated for annual or short lived crops Lut that can be used for pastu for woodland, or for plants that support or shelter wildlife. Soils in Class VIII have practically no agricultural value, but may be useful for wate=shed protection or for wildlife. ~ 16 - Primarily Lecause of climatic conditions, and the possibility of floods, no Class I or Class II soils are recognized in the Kaltag Area. In the section below, each subclass is described briefly, the soils in each are listed, ané@ some suggestions on use, management, and conservation are made. No specific recommendations are given for kinds and amounts of fertilizer, crop varieties, or seeding rates, because these recommendatiors change as new information is obtained and new crop varieties are developed. Soil-samples from individual fields can be mailed to the Cooperative Extension Service, University of Alaska, for laboratory tests and specific fertilizer recommendations. Subclass IIIw - Deep, well drained soils subject to periodic flooding. Takotna silt loam These are the most suitable soils in the Area for cropping. For- age crops, potatoes, and other hardy vegetables car be grown successfully on them. Some fertilization is necessary in most areas. No erosion control measures are needed. Although most of these soils are nearly level, many areas are dissected by shallow steep-walled sloughs and old stream channels. Small areas of fresh water marsh and open water are common. ‘This may result in fields with irregular boundaries. In the spring ané, much less frequently, in midsummer, the soils may be inundated by flood waters. In some years, this may delay planting and result in lower yields. Midsummer floods may destroy crops. Subclass IVe - Deep well Grained soils of strongly sloping uplands. Fa silt loam, 12 to 20% slopes Koyukuk silt loam, 12 to 20% slopes -u- Clearing and cultivation of these soils will result in a severe erosion hazard. Only grass crops can be grown safely. If other crops are planted, they should always be in narrow contour strips alternating with strips of grass. Fertilization will probably be required for adequate yields. Subclass IVw - Shallow poorly drained soils with gravelly substrata on low terraces, Kh silt loam In the natural condition, these soils are too wet for cultivated crops, They probably can be brought into cultivation if a system of drainage ditches, including ditches to intercept seep water from ad- joining higher areas of Kuskokwim soils, is constructed. Even with drainage, however, the soils are likely to be cold and wet in the early part of the growing season. It is likely that grass crops will be most successful on these soils. Subclass VIe - Deep well drained soils of moderately steep uplands. Ka silt loam, 20 to 30% slopes These soils are too steep for cultivated crops. They should be allowed to remain in forest. If the forest is removed, they should be seeded to permanent grass to protect against very severe erosion damage. Subclass VIIe - Shallow stony soils of high ridges. McCally flaogy silt 70am, 12 to 20% slopes McCally flaggy silt leam, 20 to 30% slopes McCally flaggy silt leam, 30 to 45% slopes These soils are too stony and, in many places, too steep for any kind of cropping. The soils support low growing vegetation that can be used by reindeer or grazing animals and by wildlife. Overgrazing, - 18 - especially on the steerer slopes, could result in permanent damage by erosion. Subclass VIIw - Poorly drained soils with permefrost. Bo peat Bo-Po ccmplex Kusl:okwim silt loam, 0 to 3% slopes Kuskokwim silt loam, 3 to 7% slopes Kuskokwim silt icam, 7 to 12% slopes Kuskckwim silt lcam, 12 to 20% slopes Kuskoxwim silt loam, 20 to 30% slopes These soils are nearly always wet above the permafrost, and cannot be drained economically for farming. In a few places where excess water can be carried off easily, small areas of Kuskckwim soils can be cleared for buildings or small gardens. For these purposes, the surface mat of organic materials must be removed completely and in most cases@itsnes mu: be constructed to drain the area and to intercept seepage from adjoining wet soils. The permafrost table will recede to depths of 6 feet or more after clearing and drainage. The Bo and Ro soils, which occupy depressions, generally cannot be drained. The permafrost table is deeper in these areas, however, and the soil surface may dry out sufficiently in late summer to permit the removal of grasses and sedges. The native vegetation on all of these soils is suitable as browse for reindeer and wildlife. The sedges and grasses, especially on the Bo and Ro soils, offer limited grazing for dorestic livestock. Subclass VIIIw - Freouently inundated land. Alluvial land Fresh water marsh Areas of frequentiy flooded land bordering rivers, and areas on the flood plains that are usually ponded have no agricultural uses. They support vecetation that provides food and cover for wildlife. - 19 - ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS The information in:this section, together with the soil imap and the descriptions of soils given above, can be used in a general way to determine soil conditions of significance in ergineerina. It is important to recognize that this will not eliminate the need for detailed investiga- tiors at the site ef any propu.ed construction. Many enginee=s classify soil materials in accorcéance with the system approved by the Anerican’Association of State Highway Officials (1). In this system, soil materials are classified in seven principal groups. The groups range from A-1, consisting of gravelly soils of high bearing = capacity, to A-7, consisting of clay soils having low strength when wet, Other engineers prefer to use the Unified Soil Classification - System (9) In this system, soil materials are identified as coarse graine¢ {8 classes), fine grained (6 classes), or highly organic. Both classification svstems are explained in the PCA Soil Primer (3) Estimated Physical Properties of the Soils g = Table 3 gives estimates of some of tne physical properties > significant in engineering and the probzble classification of each soil- in the Area accorfing to the AASHO and Unified systems. Specific charecteristics of soils that may effect engineering practices and estimates of the suitakilities of soils for various uses are given in Table 4. i In the southern part of the Area, silty soils with shallow permafrost tables are dominant. These soils are poorly suited for most engineering uses. Roads ard strecttres on these soils may settle unevenly unless special consturction methods are used. — 20 - - %t2- Table 3. foils of the Kaitag Area, Alaska and their Estimated Physical and Chemical Properties ——Classification _ Depth from Available surface water (typical capacity : profile) USDA2/ Permeability (in./in. Reaction Shrink-swel) Soil Name (inches) Texture Unified: AASHO (in/hour) of soil) pH Potential Bo peat 0-42 pt Pt --- wre tm 40 to 405 Low se Ka silt lozem 0-42 sil i A-4 %.6 to 2.0.18 to .23 5.0 to 5.5 Low Low k* silt loem 0-20 sil A-4 03 0.6 to 2,0. to Ty WA_to_. 23 Ato 23 110 to 1.0 to 4,5 Low 20-30 s = or GW A-1 (. .202_...0 to 5.0 a Koyukuk silt loam 0-30 sil ML fe -4 0.6 to 2. 3 -18 to .23, §,0 to 5.5 Low Kuskokwim ¢ilt loam 0-16 sil ML A=4 0.6 to 2.0 .18 to.23 5,0 to 5.5 Lew McCally fleggy silt loam 0-3 sil ML A-4 0.6 to 2.0 .18 to .23 4,0 to 4,5 ow 3-15 flsil GM A-1 0,6 to 2.0.05 to .23 4,0 to 4.5 sy Ro_silt loam 0-31 sil ML A-4 0.6 to 2,0 .18 to .23 4,5 to 5.0 —Les Takotna silt loam 0-11 sil ML A-4 0.6 to 2.0 .18 to .23 5.5 to 6,5 11-36 ____s vfs ML A=4 1.0 to 2.5 .15 to .20 7,3 to 8.3 - Ww 1/ Lower cepth refers to limit of observation in the typifying profile. The texture of the lower horizon usually continues to much greater depths. nN Ix Explanation of symbols: flsil - flaggy silt loam; gs - gravelly sand; pt - veat; sil ~ silt loam; vfs - very fine sand w Ke In the case of soils with permafrost, permeability rates are those to he expected after clearing and recession of the permafrost table. - 21 - “ Toble 4, Interpretation of Engineering Properties of Soils in the Kaltag Area, Alaska. Suitability as source of - Soil Features Affecting Engineering practices Potential Highway Soil Mame Topsoil Sand_and Gravel Roadfill Frost Action Location Alluvial land Poor; frequently Poor; freouently Poor; frequently High Frequently flooded flooded flooded flooded Bo peat Poor; organic Not suited Very poor; organic High Organic materials; materials : = materials vermafrost K silt loam Good; silty Hot suited Fair to poor; High Deep silty material silty material material; well drained Kn silt loam Fair; shallow silty Not suited in Fair to poor in High Shallow silty material material; high water upper 20 inches; upper 20 inches; Over gravel; soil table = __ 9004 below _good helow usually wet. Koyukuk silt loam Good; silty material Not suited Fair to poor; High Deep silty material; silty material wel) drained Kuskokwim silt loam Poor; shallow Not suited Poor; permafrost High Shallow permafrost permafrost table : 5 table tcCally fleggy silt loam Poor; shallow stony Poor; mixed shale Poor; shallow Low to Shallow bedrock soil fragments and silt _bedrock Medium Ro silt loem Fair to poor; usually Not suited Poor; silty material High High water table; wet usually wet permafrost _ Takotna silt loam Good; silty and very Not suited Pair to poor; silty High to Periodic floods and very fine sandy Medium . fine sandy materials material Table 4, Interpretation of Engineering Ir.z.rties of Soils in the Kaltag Area, Alaska (Corit.) ———— Soil Features Affecting Engineering Practices - Soil Name Pond Reservoir Areas Dikes and Levees Soil Drainage Waterways Remarks Alluvial lend Not needed Variable texture Low position Not needed Frequently flooded Bo peat Permafrost) natural Organic material In depressions Not neede cupies depressions ponds . Ka silt loam Moderate permeability Poor stability Not needed silty; highly “Occurs on strongly slobing to erodible noderately steepehilis Kh silt loam . Permeable substratum Silty material has poor Seepage from Silty material Low terrace position Stability; gravelly sub- higher are: erodible stratum highly permeable Koyukuk silt loam Moderate permeability Poor stability Not needed Silty; highly erodible Occurs on strongly sloping hills Kuskokwim rilt loam Permafrost Poor stability; wet in Permafrost Permafrost Shallow permafrost table natural state . NeCally flaggy silt loam Not practical lot_needed Not needed Occurs on high riiges Ro silt loam Permafrost Poor stability; usually In depressions Not needed - Occupies derressions wet Takotna silt loam Moderate permeability; Fair to poor stability Not needed Not needed - On Zlood plains sandy lenses -23¢ t Most of the northern part of the Area iS hilly. The lower slcpes have a thick silty mantle. Soils developed in this material are highly susceptible to frost heaving and erosion. Only a few ateas at the hase of the slopes have permafrost. Soils on the hich ridges are stony and shallow over beérock. On the broad flood plain east of the Yukon River and in the narrower flood plain bordering the Kaltag River, the soils consist of stratified silty and very fine or fine sandy material. These soils have no permafrost, They are susceptible to frost heaving and to periodic flooding. CLASSIFICATION OF THE SOILS The soil is a natural, three éimensional body that occurs on the surface of the earth. It contains living matter and supports or is capable of supporting piants. Its characteristics at any one place result from the combined influence of climate, living matter, parent material, relie=, and time, plus the effects of the cvittral environment and man's use of the scil. On the flood plains Several kinds of soil occur in the Kaltag >Prea. and on hills close to the Yukon River are very young so11s rhich have sinl. The few properties that were not inherited from the parent rat Takotna soils of the fiood plain are derive. irom water deperited material and the Ka soils of the hilis are developing in recent wind?.aid deposits. _ Soils in wnish there has been some modificztion of the parent materials occur on a few hilisides and in are2zs with resmafrost. The Koyulmk scils, which heve thin brown, sole-, 2>e in are2s in which the rate of deposition of loess is lower than in areas of K= soils. In the = Ob = r Koyukuk soiis soil forming processes, including some leaching of the upper horizons and the ealine et of iron oxide from minerals in the parent material, have kept pace with additions of fresh windlaid materials. In time, if the rate of deposition slows, the Ka soils will develop horizons much like those in the Koyukuk soils. In the Kuskokwim soils water is usually perched above permafrost. These soils, and the Kh soils of low terraces that are also usually saturated, have mottling and other characteristics that are typical of wet soils. Higher on the ridges, where there is only a very thin layer of windlaid silty material over flaygy residual material, and where somewhat lower temperatures ‘and higher precipitation probably result in greater leaching effectiveness, the McCally soils with distinct leached horizons and horizons of accumulation of iron and organic matter have developed. As in areas above tree line elsewhere in Alaska. These horizons are quite thin. It is likely that mean- annual temperatures in the McCally soils are below 32°F, but in these shallow coarse soils no layer of hard ice persists through the summer. A similar sequence of horizons occurs in the Ro soils, but this is primarily the result of depositions of material from ground water. The classification of the soils of the Area according to the system adopted for use in the United States in 1964 is shown in Table 5. Definitions and descriptions of the classes in each category are given by the Soil Survey Staff (4). - 2 - Table 5. Soil: Series of the Kaltag Area hrranged According to the Comprehensive Soil Cleasification System of the U. S. Department of Agriculture (4). Order __Suborder Great Group and Subgroup Family Series Entisols Pluvents Typic Cryofluvents Coarse loamy, mixed, nonacid Takotna Orthents Typic Cryorthents Coarse silty, mixed, acid Ka Histosols Hemists (Criteria: not established) Bo Inceptisols Aquepts Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts Loamy, mixed, acid Kuskokwim Pergelic Cryaquepts Loamy over sandy or sandy- Kh a skeletal, mixed, acid oe Ochrepts Typic cry ——— Coarse silty, mixed Koyukuk Spodosols Aquods peecatls Sideric Cryaquods Loamy, mixed Ro Orxthods Tithic Pergelic Cryorthods Loamy~skeletal, mixed McCally = 26) —— 2. LIT-2- TU... CITED American Association of State Highwey Officials. 1961. Standards and Specifications for Highway Materisls and Methods of Sampling and Testing. Ed. 8, 2 parts, illus. Orth, Donald J. 1967. Dictionary of Alaska Plece Names. U. S. Geological Survey Professional Faper 567. 1084 pp. U.S. Government Frinting Office, Washington, D. C. Portlend Cement Association. 1956. PCA Soil Primer. 36 pp., illus. Chicago. Soil Survey Staff. 1960 (revised in 1967, mimeo). Soil Classification, A Comprehensive System, 7th Approximation, v. &. Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Waterways, Experiment Station, Corps of Engineers. 1953. The Unified Soil Classification System, 30 pp., and charts, Vicksburg, Miss. Tech. Mema. Na. 3-357, VY. 1, EO AN RHW-AN SE-AN JRF-AN WAE-AN TJIT-FB/HO/HS ah REPORT SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION PROPOSED SCHOOL ADDITION AMBLER, ALASKA FOR STATE OF ALASKA ; . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF GENERAL DESIGN . 2 TS DAMES & MOORE JOB NO. 8514-042-22 FEBRUARY 9, 1977 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE DESCRIPTION SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Soils Ground Temperature CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Foundations “" Spread Footings “Lateral Design Alternate Foundation Design Floor Slabs i Earthwork Foundation Backfill Drainage Foundation Performance “Sewage Disposal Review of Foundation Design Inspection APPENDIX 4 Page un Mu Ww annuw J oo t i | | seater mos mong sy, tem dhie ce oo REPORT SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION PROPOSED SCHOOL ADDITION AMBLER, ALASKA — FOR STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF GENERAL DESIGN INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our soils and. foundation investigation for a proposed addition to the school facilities at Ambler, Alaska (Plate 1). The purpose of this investigation was to explore the subsurface conditions at the site and provide foundation recommendations for the new facil- ities. The work was performed in general accordance with our’ proposal to the State of Alaska submitted jointly with RoEn Design Associates on October 1, 1976. This report fulfills the requirements of Appendix B, Subsurface Investigation, of the contract dated October 15, 1976 between RoEn Design Asso- ciates and the State of Alaska. Our work was divided into two phases, an initial field reconnaissance and a subsequent subsurface investiga- tion. The results of our reconnaissance survey were included in a letter from RoEn to the State of Alaska dated November 5, 1976. Building design criteria such as seismic and climatic . ‘rameters were submitted to you in a separate letter dated December 22, 1976. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We understand that several alternatives are being considered for expansion of Ambler's school. A new school facility may be constructed, or additional classrooms or a multipurpose room with a gymnasium may be added to existing facilities. We have no specific information regarding build- ing size, type of construction or foundation loadings. How- ever, we understand that buildings are likely to be of wood frame or steel construction with light foundation loads. Floor loads are not expected to exceed 300 pounds per square foot. An important consideration. in the desiga of our investigation was the location of any construction designed using the information presented in this report. It is our understanding any such construction will be located on, school property adjacent to the existing school building. The site location is shown on the Vicinity Map, Plate 1, and the Plot Plan, Plate 2. SITE DESCRIPTION The proposed building site is located within a parcel of land approximately 4 acres in size which is controlled by the Ambler school. The existing school is situated in the east- ern one-third of the parcel. According to the information pro- vided to us, the proposed building may be constructed either adjacent to the southwest side of the existing school, or on the northwest portion of the school property. The area around the existing school facility is rela- tively flat with a grass ground cover and occasional small trees. The area west of the existing school slopes at approximately 5 percent toward the west. The ground cover in this area consists of grasses, low shrubs, and some small to medium spruce and birch trees. At the time of our investigation, the ground was covered with approximately 12 to 15 inches of snow. A cesspool approximately 12 feet by 12 feet by 12 feet is located near the southwest corner of the existing school. This cesspool is presently being used for grey water and chemical toilet disposal and is a hand-dug pit shored with 2-inch planks. It is our understanding that other abandoned septic tanks and a recently installed sewer line may be present along the southwest side of the existing school. A aes dis- ‘posal pit was a appmecinately 70 feet west of the northwest corner of the school. This pit is being used by the school | personnel. Its exact size and depth was not determined. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SOILS The subsurface soil conditions were observed in six test borings drilled to a maximum depth of 24 feet at the locations indicated on the Plot Plan, Plate 2. Logs of the soils asastaeseiei teat during drilling are presented in the Appendix, Plates A-l through A-6. Disturbed soil samples were recovered from the borings and returned to our Fairbanks laboratory for physical and chemical testing. The laboratory test procedures and results are presented in the Appendix. Similar stratigraphy was encountered in each boring. The soils at the site consist of brown silt and fine sand, pro- Ep eat bably of Eolian origin, overlying a grey, slightly plastic, sandy silt. The thickness of the brown, silty, fine sand de- creases to the west, downslope. No free ground water was encountered, and there was no evidence of permafrost. fa GROUND TEMPERATURE The test borings were logged by our field engineer as thawed. It has been our experience that drilling opera- tions in marginally frozen granular soils will sometimes cause melting of the oer soil. The three thermistors were installed in Boring AM-5 to quantify the thermal regime. Ground temperatures measured to date are. tabulated in the Appendix, Plate A-8. The temperature readings indicate that the ground is thawed, but near freezing. Temperature read- ings at 5 feet are believed to have decreased due to the advance of seasonal frost. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL It is our opinion that the proposed school additions May be constructed at the site. The absence of both permafrost and free ground water will permit the use of a conventional foundation system, providing that the importance of seasonal freezing is recognized. FOUNDATIONS our investigation indicates that conventional strip or spread footings may be used to support iim celeriac construc-— ‘tuoni. Our subsurface exploration program did not detect the presence of permafrost on the site; however, foundation excava- cions should be checked to verify that the site is permafrost free, as ced temperature conditions may vary widely over a short distance. Our analysis and recommendations assume that the soils are thawed, fine sands and silts having relatively low moisture content as encountered in the test borings. » Spread Footings s2 3° Spread footings should be constructed of reinforced concrete or treated wood and be designed for a net allowable bearing capacity of 1,500 pounds per square foot. Footing widths should not be less than 18 inches, and the footings hould not be less than 4.0 feet below final grade, to lessen the effects of seasonal frost heave. It is recommended that the footings bear on natural, undisturbed soils as compacted fill may be difficult to control. The bearing capacity is a net pressure and refers to dead loads, plus frequently applied live loads. The allowable bearing pressure may be increased by one-third for short-term loads such as those resulting from wind or seismic forces. Lateral Design Lateral loads due to wind forces or seismic forces may be resisted by friction between the foundation and the supporting soil or by passive earth pressure on the foundations. ‘For the latter, the foundations must be poured neatly against the natural soils or be backfilled with a compact: structural fill. A coefficient of friction of 0.4 may be used between the structural foundation concrete and the supporting subgrade. - The passive resistance of undisturbed natural soils and well compacted fill may be taken.as equal to a fluid having a den- sity of 150 pounds per cubic foot. Retaining walls or the walls of basements should be designed to resist a lateral load equivalent to that, exerted by a fluid having a density of 129 pounds per cubic foot. Alternate Foundation Design Mixing of Portland cement concrete may be costly at 1e village. The post and pad foundation method may be used as an alternate to concrete spread footings. The existing v ——1. = ae EE ae ee oe aw school is believed to be supported on either shallow end- bearing piling or a post and pad system. Post and pads should be constructed of treated wood timbers or precast concrete. Pads should be designed using a net allowable bearing pressure of 1,500 pounds per square foot, providing that they are to be embedded at a minimum of 4 feet below adjacent finished grade. This value may be increased to 2,000 pounds per square foot if the depth of embedment is in- creased to 6 feet. Pads should be a minimum of 2 feet by 2 feet in plan dimensions. | FLOOR SLABS * Concrete slabs on grade mae be used in areas that are continuously heated. The subgrade should consist of firm, nat- ural soils or compacted fill. A vapor barrier should be used to prevent condensation under the slab floor penetrating the surface where such moisture would be undesirable. The slabs should be separated from perimeter or interior footings with an appropriate expansion type joint. . EARTHWORK Carel If the school addition is constructed on the westerly portion of the site, cuts and/or fills of up to 5 feet in depth may be required to provide a level pad. It is our opinion that provision of structural fills for building Gueneee warpores may be impractical because of the requirement for heavy compaction equipment and stringent quality control. Where necessary, we recommend that cuts should be made to form the building pad. Founéation Backfill Backfill around all foundations should be uniformly compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density obtained by the ASTM D-1557-70 test method. Drainage Site drainage should be such that any runoff is directed away from footings. Excessive moisture permitted to accumulate in the vicinity of the foundations may accentuate seasonal heave effects. FOUNDATION PERFORMANCE -Foundations designed and constructed in accordance . with the above recommendations are expected to experience small total and differential movements caused by consolidation of the- foundation soils and by seasonal heave forces. In our opinion, consolidation of the foundation soils will take place primarily during construction, and total move- ment is unlikely to exceed 2 inches, with maximum differential movement of approximately 1 inch. We estimate that any differential movement caused by jacking during seasonal frost conditions will be less than 1 inch. SEWAGE DISPOSAL Despite the fact that the shallow, subsurface soils at the site are’ fairly fine-grained, we believe that there would be adequate percolation to support an on-site sewage disposal system relying on seepage or percolation for final disposal of effluent. It is our understanding that there is a new sewer line crossing the property and that while this system may not be functional at the present time, the require- ments for on-site effluent disposal would be of a temporary nature. REVIEW OF FOUNDATION DESIGN Because of the lack of specific structural design data availiabie at this time, we recommend that the final foun- dation design be reviewed by Demes & Moore prior to construction in order to ensure that the intent of our recommendations has been adhered to. INSPECTION We recommend that a qualified geotechnical engineer be present prior to foundation installation. He should ascertain whether soil conditions are as assumed in this report, check foundation excavations for neatness, and monitor placement of any structural fills. -o00- " -10- The following plates and Appendix complete this report: Plate 1 - Vicinity Map Plate 2 - Site Plan Appendix- Field Exploration and Laboratory Testing It has been a pleasure performing this investigation. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully submitted, DAMES & MOORE : —o— : R. H. Winn, P.E. No. 4215E Partner RHW: JRF: WAE:sed Attachments ni Sh est own SC M4 1 ay Sere Pre, PSTD, “Ee ne ~ nal gi diyt: pr eeodi 7 wNiTp , ey wrt ° on eee & wo —~ 74, XY 2 "| Fairbanks s K A CANADA 1 ; > ; ~- . . 7 ' - @ 2 Anchoredes : , = N oS FC Valdez \ . ae / 4 : -- - ys {17° ; J . VICINITY MAP DaAam=escmoconz Craig ape ee eee ee eee. | enemy A Gone mi ial a J a nt rs nme oe ————— oe PROPERTY LINE y re HOUSES 0 CACHE STORAGE BLO | | | 3 pO S LEAN TO\-°? . j GENERATOR ; BLOG. \ DAY TANK SEWAGE { DISPOSAL PIT, oO -\ phd ee ' phn? o) SCHOOL BUILDING \ CESSPOOL ° oO FUEL DAY TANK : o / a | 2 0 | / 7 a / / a a / / ye . / "FEET \ YZ ) ° 50 100 Ne \ KEY / RS Sede] — } ty BORING LOCATION . . . Ne ns ee ee -—_— -— ? ‘ } REFERENCE a SURVEY OF AMBLER SCHOOL SITE, SITE PLAN CONTOUR ELEVATION Df UNI, LOGAL 5 RoEn DESIGN ASSOCIATES, JOB NO, 6169 : ASUMED | 3 £Y | DECEMBER 1976 ' ' AMBLER SCHOOL FLOOR ELEVATION. APPENDIX FIELD EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTS FIELD EXPLORATION Our subsurface investigation, including mobilization to and from Ambler was carried out from November 22 through November 29, 1976. Exploratory borings were drilled using a portable, gasoline-powered Longyear 24 drill rig owned and operated by Northwest Exploration Services, Inc. of Anchorage, Alaska. The exploration was directed by a geotechnical engi- neer who classified the materials encountered, Ses a detailed log of each bo~ing, and obtained soil samples suit- able for laboratory testing. The logs of the borings are pre- sented on Plates A-1l through A-6. Soils were classified in \ accordance with the Unified Soil Classification, Plate A-7. The drill rig and personnel were transported to Ambler from Kotzebue, Alaska using a twin Beechcraft. B-18 and _Cessna 207. Six test borings were drilled west of the existing school facility in the general areas of the proposed construc- tion as shown on Plate 2. Borings were drilled to depths of between 20.0 and 24.0 feet below the ground surface. Disturbed soil samples were obtained using the 3-inch solid flight augers .t various depths in each boring. Since soils were qvite sandy and thawed, attempts to sample with a 3-inch diameter Shelby tube were generally unsuccessful. Three thermistors were installed in the boring desig- nated AM-5 at depths of 5.0, 8.0, and 17.5 feet below the ground surface. The Penguins were placed inside a l-inch diameter, oil-filled PVC plastic pipe. The pipe was placed vertically in the boring to a depth of approximately 18.0 feet. The bore- hole was then backfilled with sandy drill cuttings and water and covered with snow. Temperatures recorded prior to leaving the site were insufficient to reflect stable, actual ground temperatures because the boring had leen backfilled with frozen soil and water. Subsequent temperature readings, presented on Plate A-8, were taken by Mr. Paul Lowe, the school principal and teacher. The temperature readings show that the ground is thawed, but near freezing. Temperatures at 5 feet have decreased due to the advance of the seasonal frost. LABORATORY TESTS General Soil samples recovered from the borings were returned to our laboratory for testing. Our testing program included moisture determination, grain size analysis, and salinity. Moisture Content Moisture content determinations were performed on most of the disturbed soil samples. Results of these tests are shown on the boring logs at the depths from which the sam- ples were recovered. Grain Size Analysis Grain size analyses were conducted on several dis- turbed soil samples obtained from the borings for correlation purposes and to assist in correctly identifying the samples within the Unified Soil Classification System. The test re- sults are shown on Plates A-9 through A-1l. Salinity Measurements of soil salinities were made on selected samples. The relative salinity may be used as an indicator of the freezing point depression and the condition of the perma- frost soils. . The measured soil salinities were zero parts per thousand for two samples tested. The following plates are attached and complete this appendix: Plate A-r — Log of Boring AM-1 Plate A-2 - Log of Boring AM-2 Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Log of Boring AM-3 Log of Boring AM-4 Log of Boring AM-5 Log of Boring AM-6 Unified Soil Classification Chart Ground Temperature Data Grain-Size Distribution Grain-Size Distribution Grain-Size Distribution cu oO =U 2 JG AM-— |. prttzep 11/23/76 a) > meg) eel es A AIR TEMPERATURE +20°+ o~ | OS] =z 3 ie! Galen pes es Ps «8 ; oui sa} 2=]o8 2F2 Se @ e: | 2*| 52] 22 zz £5 DEPTH =O)/e 3)2 =9 4 =S- 6 ola =3 G =S° ELEVATION 93.5" (FT) 4} BROW SILT WITH A LITTLE VERY FINE TO FINE SAND & A TRACE OF ORGANICS, MOIST (ML) = 3.0 BROWN SILT & VERY FINE TO FINE SAND, MOIST (SiH-ML) K=6 5}10.9 10 12.0 - GRAY-BROWN SILTY FINE SAND (SM) WW K=6 ( WW \q@, = rm Qa Wi a 20 20.0 GRAY SANDY SILT WITH SOME FINE SAND & GRAVEL, MOIST (ML) : K=9 7 23.5 25 Wh ( 30 - B xey FlunoistunseD MODIFIED SHELBY SAMPLE K = ESTIMATED THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY ° {| oisturseo SAMPLE (BTU/ SQ. FT./IN./HR./°F) LOG OF BORING macsns 3 MOCNS —<—<ss: srr ess t 7 eres '4/7¢ ‘URE ae ITy Ve 2° s{|> 7 BORING AM-—S3 oraitrep 11/24/76 . els - a AIR TEMPERATURE +20°F+ 5 Es é : Bea 28 Sse]? ° zea at - j =S = a od a ES : DEPT! y ol 2 le = $3 % ZS ELEVATION 90.5 (FT = “J DARK BROWN SILT WITH ORGANICS (i " K=6 1.! « BROWN VERY FINE SAND WITH A TRACE OF SILT, MOIST (SM) K=6 UPS sr prea a" “a Se oO GRADES TO SILT & VERY FINE SAND (SM-ML) ‘ GRADING WITH A TRACE CF FINE DEPTH IN FEET a GRAVEL K=4 = 18.5 GRAY SILT & VERY FINE SAND WITH A 20 TRACE OF FINE GRAVEL, MOIST, 3 SLIGHTLY PLASTIC (ML) K=9 . E 24.0 eo oa : 30 . KEY [2 unoisrursed MODIFIED SHELBY SAMPLE K= ESTIMATED THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY . oe DISTURBED SAMPLE (BTU/SO. FT /1N./HR./°F) LOG OF BORING pamnsosd scongo BORING AM-4 oppttrep 11/25/76 oa > an =a I ae AIR TEMPERATURE +20°F+ °F ; Se Sie ox | Fol oz » z } Baie =WlZzolro w aso I ouléae GS se Peed ate oS — a=] x0/=% & za THIT elo iiee i a-lwo = we l DEPTH: Lo) 8} a zo < ZS ELEVATION 84,0 (FT) 1) j 3] DARK BROWN DECAYED OKGANICS(PT)K=1? 5 Ni BROWN SILT & VERY FINE SAND (ML) He K=6 ie ie 35 BROWN SILT & VERY FINE SAND, MOIST (SM) K=6 i GRADES SILTIER Al H iW wl . s = ® ( = Yale Qa uJ a 18.5 GRAY VERY SANDY SILT, MOIST, SLIGHTLY PLASTIC_ (ML) K=9 i 24.0 25 ; 30 . e KEY i F] wnoisturseD MODIFIED SHELBY SAMPLE K = ESTIMATED THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY ° Kloisturseo sampce (8TU/ SQ, FT./1N./HR./°F) LOG ||OF | BORING panizs oMCondg : i i ——~ OT emma pe Oe BB NO bet 9 BORING AM-6 oatutep 11/26/76 w 3 E i) z > > al O°F+ a ee ed Se a AIR TEMPERATURE relzs|3-l/ee]2e/&su 22 ow /S2)/ef)/o2|s5| fe 2 =e Sz) ,-|52=) <=] 32] gs =S DEP1 =Ole ale o he ee wz : 0 o}oa ES Jn =8 ELEVATION 609.5 (FT fee =] DARK BEONN DECAYING ORGANICS (PT) KE?s. HEDIUM BROWN SILT WITH VERY FINE ~ SAND (ML) K=9 5 1 8. GRAY SANDY SILT, MOIST, SLIGHTLY PLASTIC (ML) 10 K=9 TRACE OF FINE GRAVEL —— WwW WwW mw =15}22.2 ois - a ie ; iS 20 24. 25 aa Z 30 7 KEY fF? uxoistursep MODIFIED SHELBY SAMPLE K = ESTIMATED THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY JIN. /HR./ OF (] otstureeo SAMPLE (BTU/SO. FT/IN./HR./°F) LOG OF BORING rasmina oO masons DESCHiPtion HAVOR OIVISIONS WELL-CAAOLO CAAVELS OF CrAVEL-SANO MIXTURES, LITTLE Om wo Fines POOSLT-CRACED CaavELsS CR CRavEL-Sand MIXTURES, LITTLE O@ wo FINES CLOAm GRAVELS (little of no fines) SILTY CRAVELS, CRVEL-SAMO-SILT MIxTuats CLETLY GaavELsS, Caavel-Sauo-CLar MIETUPES WELL-G2aClD SamCS OF CAAVELLT Sancs, RITTAC Ca mg FINES POORLT-C2ACED SAMOS O& CAAVELLY SANCS, LITTLG Of wo FINES Fixes lepprectadle amount of fines) CLOAM Sancs (litcle of mo fines) G2AVELS wITn SILTY SamOS, SawO-SILT MIzTURES CLATEY SAMOS, SANO-CLAY MIXTURES IMORGAMIC SILTS AMO VERY Fim Samos, ROCK FLOUR, SILTY OR Citriy FINE * SAMOS OR CLATEY SILTS WITM SLIGHT PUSTICITY PwoPCAmIC CLATS OF LOw TO ACOlUM PLASTICITY, GaavELLy CLAYS, SanOT CLAYS, SILTY CLATS, LCAm CLATS ORCAMIC SILTS AMO ORCAMIC SILT-CLATS OF Low PLASTICITY INORGANIC SILTS, MICACLOUS OF OlaTOmaCLOUS FINE SamoT O8 SILTY SOILS, CLASTIC SILTS TMORGAMIC CLAYS OF MIGM PLASTICITY, Fat Curs CRCAMIC CLATS OF MEDIUM TO MIGH PUSTICITY, O@CamIC SILTS PEAT AMO OTHER MIGHLY ORCAMIC SOILS SAMOS WITH FINES (apprectadle amount of fines) SILTS ANO CLAYS LIQUID LIMIT GACATCa Tram SO SOIL CLASSIFICATION UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM SILTS ANO CLAYS LIQuiO LIMIT LESS Tram 50 Fj 3 aoe eSez % 7227 45 =a BS 24y 2349 .5 > zeel “2/15 S2 = 223= 52 )¢% S= © 285" lise 2 $=-9 32212 28 Zs=2 Suc} = ss. Rind =eel « ad z . 228165 222 2.5 isc] 233, Se ace eee ess ics “ == - «| ° Zo"-~ S2iol © 25 2s = sos 25% os = < ass= 226] 9 =- a EEl5 Flz1 0 85 32 223 ss oiv ade seme See = Qsr-¢ = z cai the no. 200 ste pecticle vi TINE-GRAINEO SOILS MOU THAM WALI OF WATCATAL IS SHALLOA THAM HO, 200 SICVE SIUC MIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS CHART pases 5 moocat PER CENT FINER BY WEIGHT 90 80 n o | | oa °o e °o > °o 30 VO gary pms penne oo ! | . +} | 4 jl — [ + J . | PLASTIC = 1 =e ain eae [ME ATAA ee T -s merry yt | rete tr Seaman nem aime =| tt} | |} it -f-p}— pf) |p [H+ =I ME EEL Ef} Ft ft} tt H+ 4! oS ——————————— Jee} Te —E—————— h- cree Li a ee cece Goo feist GRAIN SIZE RA ‘ COBBLES GRAVEL — COARSE FINE COARSE] la LIMIT ] SYMBOL + — + BROUM U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE IN. NO.4 NO. !0 NO.20 ae IN MILLIMETERS SAND ‘EDIUIA FINE SAMUOY SILT GRAYISH-SROWN SILTY BROWN SAND WITIL SOME SILY 60 100 SOIL CLASSIFICATION KEY SAUD 200 See aie a ork = ! aia : f ; 0.01 | SILT OR CLAY | RCOANIKI_CIVE NIETOIMLITriInnl PER CENT COARSER BY WEIGHT PER CENT FINER BY WEIGHT Cpt Wes SOIL CLASSIFICATION LIGHT NROW SANDY SILT 90 80 fh. 70 60 50 40 30 20 (ETT COOCLES = 4 LU 100 | GRAVEL SAND a it | | coarse U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE NO.4 NO.10 NO.20 40 60 100 TrT na Praaspe 1 we KY TT. CT + +i-}44 Y yi t | | a ee es 4-4] 1j—-— —— i ns Tha ! Ltt watt} t Te ee 44t4j—}—_1__ --|-| =|] —4—1 \ 1 i \ TT | Hi 4 4a} 4 aoe) Ley 1 l -| | rr pet ety HL L—} Hi LE — i ' HA -} 4 — yer sts i ie See i steel aod hoe HE 1 HTP hap 4 Teh fe ee HEE ee reo sos oe oe | | L | [ee (fir HH : | i | V ! 10 Lo 0.1 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS ———- z=) 34 ~oceuae woes oe ee i ecco =4— ae mana sme SILT OR CLAY FINE COARSE MEOIUM | FINE i GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION PER CENT COARSER BY WEIGHT Peerage et Tene aoe Or wer es Dewees ee vo eee IESE oe oe a verre seer savers O HOS32 Wu3NI9 4D HOSA “ eeneerne antrnteen sien mmen @ ned 7 08 Diath 20) SNaLN NED) Ry TNs AMavudOaoL 115 ORTTT : bs t ls wevw 0 ms geen a aeard : o— so Ieary waTany S| hh. i 8 pg gg gg vxsv "a7eKY , ve ' ; ‘ . \ : ‘at . 4 a ‘ oY TTS Worse wT ee Ne ” 4 = Ses eo a a oe ra = Veen re eemeneree som teens nee 2 — 19 ew . ‘ c ee ae Bean noe oT J ff — a - i oy A ! aN saypisossy uBisog ' f ad in ¢ $ \ oer ° ~4qzoYy vo Nepie momen’ | ; seh (ent { ' 6 oat ! \ to i | a : & 4 ee ota | ele Serages caine ae casi A 1 m ‘ . cl! ian i My ok Nes h fi ew thn Ta bis - Berea ope ' GEOLOGIC AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION OF THE PROPOSED KIANA AREA HIGH SCHOOL SITE . Report to W. J. WELLENSTEIN, ARCHITECT AIA ANCHORAGE, ALASKA a Prepared by ALASKA GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS : Anchorage, Alaska December 1972 | bound | heread — | ‘b-— 4 L rea bend bee INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to present the results of an investigation of geological, soils, permafrost, and foundation conditions at the site proposed ks the Regional High School at Kiana, Alaska, The field exploration program was planned by Erwin L. Long, P.E., the el foundation consultant. We were directed by Mr. Wellenstein, the project architect, to utilize the drilling equipment available at Kiana for the subsurface exploration program. The study was directed toward obtaining the following data: 1. Subsurface stratigraphy of the building site. ~ 2. Permafrost temperatures. 3. Presence of ice, i,e,, segregated or interstitial. 4. Drilling conditions in permanently frozen soils. 5. Moisture content of the various soil units by laboratory testing. 6.° Drainage and site conditions. ' © a INVESTIGATION PROCEDURE Architects for the proposed school have asked for information that will aid them in planning the foundation for the structures. Common to much construction in the past has been the differential settlement caused by melting permafrost below buildings due to conduction and radiation of heat into the ground, Accepted practice to correct or minimize this results in construction of buildings on pilings. Sometimes this is further aided by artificially freezing back the Piling into predrilled holes with refrigeration coils surrounding the piles. When- ever thawing is indicated, the equipment is activated. A take-off on this approach ‘| m4 ot we Ci }& has been the development of the thermo -pile which does the job without power by use of heat exchangers. It is understood these may be used on the project. It was necessary then to determine the amount of overburden, depth of seasonal frost, thickness of active layer, and character of materials to the . base of the piles. The original plan called for one boring to 20 feet and several to 15 feet, with actual depth dependent upon the limitations of local equipment plus a few attachments to be furnished by Alaska Geological Consultants. The drilling was accomplished utilizing a local drilling unit which we were directed to use, The drill unit consisted of a Danuzer post-hole auger attachment on a John Deere 450 tractor-backhoe, The drilling unit is capable of drilling a total depth of six feet. It was our intention to modify the auger attachment to permit drilling to 20 foot depths. The first hole, No. 2, proved that the small auger and samplers were too light for the 450 John Deere which was too clumsy and insensitive for their use. Only 7.5 feet of hole was achieved with this combination before they became useless. At this point the 8 inch auger previously used with the rig was reassembled and put to use to get some kind of hole. This auger had been split in the center and welded. The hub was also cracked badly. Four holes were drilled before the auger broke. After welding, the last two holes were completed before it broke again. A borrow source for sand was dozed at the end of the airsirip and a sample secured, With proper equipment the building site could be drilled to the a Ae full depth of the proposed piling with no unforeseen problems. Although the perma- frost is slow drilling at best, there seems to be sufficient granular character to the sand to permit penetration, Average temperature of the permafrost encountered was 22°, The only material encountered was fine sand and silt which would appear satisfactory for the proposed design. The samples were shipped to our laboratory in Anchorage where _ Moisture contents were obtained. The remaining part of the samples were turned over to Mr. Long for special shear tests. SITE DESCRIPTION a Kiana is located at the confluence:of the Kobuk and Squirrel rivers, : approximately 85 miles east of Kotzebue. The village, with a population numbering 600, has two general stores, a modern primary school and several churches. Recent construction has included government housing, a sewage treatment plant anda community well with a pump 2 Access to the village is by plane in the winter and summer, with auite freight moved up river from Kotzebue by barge during the summer months. il The proposed school site lies near the crest of a gently sloping hill on which the village is located. The site overlooks the Kobuk River and the Waring Mountains to the south, The village is built from 0 to 200 feet above the river. The school will occupy the highest point in the village. CLIMATE Situated roughly 35 miles north of the Arctic Circle, Kiana has severe and long winters with litle more than a 100 day outdoor working season, which is typical for the Arctic climatic zone of Alaska. The mean annual precipitation .-3- Ved kee} “Ta. te Eel lea hese eel iad okead =—otesa] ta for the area is 8 inches, with an average of 35 days per year when water pre- cipitation is 0,1 inch or more. Mean annual snowfall is roughly 60 inches. Kiana has a mean annual temperature of 22,5° F,, with a freezing index of 6000 degree days and a thawing index of 1750 degree days. Being within the continuous perma- frost zone, permafrost is found at shallow depths except along the streams and rivers where thaw bulbs have developed, GEOLOGY md No bedrock was observed in the village area, Unconsolidated material consists largely of fine grained alluvial and eolian sands and silts which are perennially frozen at shallow depths. A tundra mat is ubiquitous providing an effective insulation blanket. Some gravel is available locally at river level in the banks and bars, Sparse patches of dwarfed trees attest to short summers and presence of permafrost. . < SUBSURFACE MATERIALS AND CONDITIONS Specific types and depths of subsurface materials encountered at the site are shown on the enclosed boring logs. It is readily apparent that a very uniform soil profile exists at the site. An organic (tundra) mat approximately 1.5 feet thick mantles the entire area. The organic mat was saturated with - Moisture contents ranging from 56 to 286 percent with an average of 130 percent based upon dry weight. Underlying the organic mat is a silty sand which grades to clean fine sand. The silty sand and fine sand showed litile evidence of ice segregation which indicates frost susceptibility of a low degree. The ice was found to occur as a thin film of pellicular ice surrounding individual grains and AS bare as interstitial crystals, The average moisture content of the silty sand and sand was found to be 69 percent, varying from 40 to 122 percent. At the time of the. exploration (Nov. 28 & 29, 1972) the active layer had not completely refrozcn which provided an opportunity to locate the interface between the active layer and . the permafrost. On the basis of this evidence the average depth of the active layer is 2.54 feet, varying from 2. 2 to 2.8 feet. a) The permafrost at the site appears to be very stable under the present conditions. The temperature of the frozen silty sand and sand ranged from 22 to 24° F, at the time of exploration. Colder temperatures could be expected with depth, The moisture content of the silts and sands appeared low because of the lack of visible ice, The laboratory tests, however, showed that the moisture content was, in fact, very high, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ei F On the basis of information developed in our investigation, we conclude that the proposed site has geologic and soil conditions suitable for the proposed development. As anticipated, the structure must be supported on piling in order to avoid the problems associated with degradation of the permafrost by heat transfer from the school building. It is unfortunate that drilling equipment capable of attaining 20 foot depths was not mobilized to Kiana. Subsurface Gata to these depths would have gzeaily simplified the task of designing the pile foundations. Based upon the data obtained, however, we conclude that conventional timber Piles would probably be suitable for the site if they were installed during the winter months under “ad ta imal carefully controlled conditions. The utilization of thermo-piles, however, eliminates considerable risk and should ther¢fore be given due considcration, We recommend that the organic cover in the area should be left undisturbed so as not to alter the thermal regimen, _ Respectfully submitted, ALASKA GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS SSA Harold J. Moening HJM/eb. - 3 fe x . . - sl s o fe el vosl= i ” 7 ‘ on ar = 08 a = |? 2 7 a 8 x 0? R x 6 g aS Le See Pee “ 2 . ta 06 z a n a 2 + |e is ° od < i” }— 4 is bene | | no a Steel mace _— 3 5 = = : 3 see == Se : — i omens = . -—f oo Doel le “2 see sleas [ome a —- --|—_F-..}—: TIS -— SSS Z-|=-=I|=}"" ‘ | | wot Se iS=|-:|-) a ‘ , ie —— Io }** = = —— =l=la a a . — ia bsemae Bes) Gmowed jana jamais =e) | —— | cae = ic = = -o aa a ee ao oor 2 8 29g 88 80 8 $§ 8 4 oe -s Xs x eee tf ; $ Ti 9 s aTSzeD Aq paisoy, —_———_ ——_————- a A ee a ____ B68 *ON Fe] “yidaq 1 ee -- T “ON"MOTIOT + on plat oe ~ ~~~ yoeqd ATIN[s— mee = . TS045S Y TH {BudTsay eueIy 4 da/0 eae Foca ae ~~ _1004es | io H [euo}so) BI Id TOY LAD AT W.civiyVqe[eay ean WIV STMSTY AUS SG5 TSM TM WHID UNS EN SETS oe Tce SUR ERO omer tte . -_—————— bye ayliung | : . . Wneponay © LEMPUNIID © ItAWIND @ Bujusy © Mojorn buy). SOOUSISS lL" '2o porycl | Zode-LL2 L09L-e4z ruoydajay | © TM ycd wd =3v Myth Seed WE Pott pom fA x ~ r=sq rm sav wo Se BORING |SAurteleley.|w ATTeRBERG Limits/SEVE ANAL. NO. NO. | OR % RETAINED DCPTH ele FEET %” \LL | PL] PI SL exeernemsemes:| one cure cove | mmer~en | cnssnma| eases nesnasnss-losmssssar —1_j|_t n-3 | 65] 1 2 | 3-6 {103 ee ee ee ee ee a 2 |) ft, 5/286} | 2 2_}.S-3/160)_ + 2 | i=. $|Wag_in broken contai 2} 4, 5-5) 48) =— 2 4 |5-6 | 74 ‘ | | | | S| FS 2 S_ i265] 40) || 20} Sf. 5-7) SA} 3 1 jo-3| 56) | 3} 2 | 3-6) 47) _4 1_}.O-3 132). | | Ta ef se Sj 0-3 kad Sl a eared —6 |) } 0-3 juny] ||| 6 |__2_ | 3-6 122) ||| 7 |_| 0-3 116) || “7 |_| 3-6 | 86) || ne | | ff PROJECT; KIANA REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 72-127 SUMMARY OF SOIL TESTS STN TYPE G TSF FAILURE | » TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION’ = 9; 3 TSF : | | _—_ “Silty Sand af Sand a : Sand ic el ere Sand : 5; eee ee | oer oe ee | ee Organics and Silty Sand 7 ” + _Fine Sand ; . | Organic Silt and Silty S.nd <p " ‘Organic Silt and Silty Sand = Fine Sand C) Organic Silt and Silty Sand . ALASKA GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS, INC. SOIL DESCRIPTION Silty Sand Organics Silty Sand | “Silty Sand Organic Silt and Silty Sand Fine Sand _Organics and Silty Sand Fine Sand o °° 5 ; ‘ | i N —_+ | 2 oie 4 w . {2 ot a ii t so -" ls Proposed Bldg. = 2 e | N fe SITE BORING PLAN Scales 1°= 100° “0 . > : [ Bist Kr . : Orgonic silt. Orgonics t ' Bsa! Orgonic silt. . + Ly ; / : an Organic 5p, i [, Silty sand. brown. 2 L f + Silty sond, brown Silty aa oe j 2: 3 turning to gray w/depth. { 2 Minor quantity of or ‘ Son visible ice. . . 5 a, os Fine sand, some silt, Fine soncty i (a 24 F i : s Stcy: con stay. : _~ Minor ouantity of = P-net Gs . -5 : . 4 . visible ice. cf sisbie — 24°F . 22°F e silt, Orgonic silt. Orgonic silt. Silty sond, brown, Silty sond, brown. 1, brown groy w.depth. mntity of Fine sond, some silt, a . groy. Minor quontity of e. * Fine sand, some silt, OG visible ice. 5 Minor quontity of 22°F visible ice. 7 23°F A re —- 7 aoe ( : LEGEND o i | Orgonics Bi | Frozen Moterial’ - Organics, yy YzZ4sin | | somple Token 1: Silty sond, brown. 7 - ae - *Alasko Geclogical Consultants * a 2227 Spenard Rood Anchoroge Alasko Fine sond, some silt, loos groy. ae Soils Investigation Minor quantity of Lalbtie! gloks ~ Propesed Regicnal o 23 F cut ao} s es ne i) VETS (ay Uy ee nl Se [Drown: RES [Dote: Dec °72 [we Ne | Checked: [Scole- As Shown [file Ne 72-258 ee pee err ces bile we ' iB fi i uf i. HN aoe = sete | / . “\80" HOETH, OH 290° WESTYOR 750° som: Lu | ea ASsouUT 20 “_ WEST Of 250° SOU a = ~ _l SERVES ADSACEUT BAA. SCHOOL BY ~ / MICNITY MAP See Yeimue GAN . a COMPRENCING AT THE COERER COMMON TO CORNER NeS OF US.SVEVEY Lia <z2Z— AND CORNER Ve 4 CF US. SURVEY be. 47248, MOUSMENTED WITH A BESS CAP MOGUMENT; THEUCE UAON A LINE COMM CH To SD US SSvVETS S7E6r°E 2YS.08 FEET To THE FONT Or Beonamicl @7) S - TREUCE coUTUUIUG UPON SAI0 UNE IE AVE 0.00 FEET; THENCE Ss 1I719'W | YY YZO.78 FEET, THENCE NIE"41'~ 110.00 Fe=r; THEUCE A N°19'E yze78 FEET “TO THE POINT oF SBzomMNNiGa, a - CONTAINING 13,946 sQUrRS FEET. OCIATES, INC. LESEULD —- O Fooup SEs VT ALOU CoP © Ford @rass Disc. eset 3% Sse @ser 36 Kesee wre sLumiuUM cap DOW TEST HOLE of PROBE LoceTION * SOT ELEVATION MONE: VERTICAL DATOM ASSUMED Sco’ AT TOP OF AWM Car, SL comnee Steno site ERING » PLANNING - SURVEYING 1020 Woes? International Airport Read Anchorage, Alaska 99502 NGIN BOMHOFF & A i s BECTRICAL FAQUTIES= BUSTIUG ANE C SYSIEM OG. Camis. sExevice mMusT BE EXTENDED | to THs «Te. ‘ CA WATER, FAQIUITIES — EXISTING PHS. Commuirny / BUILD, ‘| SYSTEM NEW Stevice MUST BE ExTELIDED No —. PEON WATEE MAIS LOCATED asouT SOQVEE FACUMES — GUSTING PHS Conmvurry SYSCEM. LEW SERMICE MUST SE EXTEUDED FROM SEWER MLS Locar- ~— _- - GRAYUNG SCHOOL SITE SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1 MERESY CEETIPY THE SURVEY OF THE PROPERTY SHOUY ON THs PLT Vis i MACK YUSOEE WN suPrevision, AXD MAT THE DATA SHOWIN 1% TELE ALD conrect. _ STE SQVEVED 12-78 (i MIONVIY MAP mak Vernue NON 4) e : PROPOSED BuLONG Location GAL Dz y CORRENONG AT THE Co CCRLTR NeS OF US. AUD COREE US oF Yu 4748, MOUUMENTED in : . CAP MOUUMENT, THE Rey Ee 4. Common To sub U _ Wig PPR, = : 234.08 FEET TO Tu Poel “eteR D590" TMEUcE couTUUIUG a Su, ” TE AVE No.co FERN ~~. -— 48s = Ze7e8 FEET; THENCI Wie Pe=t; THENCE wi ie meet .TO THE FOoIrUT oF © oe COMTAILUNG 13,946 a LEGEUD - aes O Foounp BeBe wT —S . m © Fould Brass Di: 4 eset + Sree | ese 36 cesek ‘ > SOU TEST HOLE of EUSTING & / *® SPOT ELEVATIOU ia Sey, UNE? Verna Car COL / - AT TOP OF ALUM cw . Hoo mre Sey ELECTRICAL FAQIUTIES- Busnuse StEvVes ADdSActUT B&B / LG. CABLE. SESE + woms Tr. ih aa Teena jsocecas ret eee — FRom WATEE mans 80" KOETH, O& 250° SEVER FACUTES — ESTING if I SYSTEM. LEW stm | EXTENDED FROM + i | ED ABOUT 230" WwW ; a LocATNION 3 . “ ; ae|| | Ie s (ay) os oa ; eck ot as — AT BA FUEL ev ; (-) >, sICRAGE ° , _- ND iil 4 Bll Z omnes. : - re Disemieel r SURVEYOR'S C 2es- i 1 MERESY COETIFY THE i} ONS oor PROPETY SHOU ON i ! / Ui ~ ' ~ — és MADE UNDEE WY suPC aoa MAT THE DATA SHOW Lor ' eine, <o3n2ect. Tete: 7 Us gl Blocy I Z-EUMGue — ; i os wislial Sia! “sa SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART : a 3 = i cLavey \ of CLAYEY OR \ \ \or SILTY ww GRAVEL GRAVELLY SAND SANDY GRAVEL \/ \ \ \ 2 — ° 7\ /\. 7 /\ 5 7 GRAVELLY SAND SANDY GRAVEL GRAVEL \ V V ° 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAVEL (+=4SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT NONFROST SUSCEPTISLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: Fl GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. F2 SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER THAN 0.62 mm. F3 a. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20% FINER THAN 0.62 mm. AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILTY, SANDS) CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. FINE SILTY SANOS CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN G.02 mm. LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN 12. VARVED CLAYS. Fa arg?rs GRAYLING SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Description Gress cover 1" te 53s" A Brown, F4, wet, loose, soft, plastic Silt (ML) Sis to 9%" B Brown, F3, damp, medium-dense Silty Gravelly Sand (SM), maximum size observed 374"; hard drilling. Semples . . Std. No. Depth Blows Pen. (N) Description Group 5- 6%! 1/7/9 16 (5-5%') Brown, F4, A “wet, soft, plastic, Silt (ML) (5%-6%') Brown, F5, B medium-dense Silt Gravelly Sand TSH ‘otes Date of drilling - November 9, 1978 Seasonal frost - 6" Permafrost - None encountered Water table - None encountered Drilling problems - Sampling attempted at 9' but 3' of slough was encountered; cobble or coarse gravel at 935" stopped drilling progress, so the test hole was abandoned. a ‘ 7] HOLE) 2A -ralized Log Group Description | Ni Depth j to 1" - Grass cover 1" to 4%' A Brown, F4, wet to saturated, soft to stiff, plastic Silt (ML) 44 to 7' B Brown, F3/F2, damp, loose Silty Gravelly Sand (SM); maximum size - 3/4" loose to medium dense Silt um size - probably Brown Fl, wet, ndy Gravel (GM); maxim 7 to 8! G Sandy "+, 174 to 1/2" gravel typical. Samples ° Std- . No. Depth Blows Pen. (N) Description Group 1 S- 64s 3/4/53 7 Brown, F2, damp, B loose Silty Gravelly “i Send (SM); maximun (e size - 5/4" Notes Date of drilling - November 9, 1978 6" Seasonal frost - Permafrost - None encountered Water table - None encountered Drilling problems - Refusal driitling at 8'; ne progress because of cobble and coarse gravel; test hole termin- ated and redrilled 2' west as Test Hole 2B. toh, slaivoktt ecu cbeidhineetienliace nL it tt Taher ee “tST HOLE 3 Generalized Log Depth Group Description 0 to 2" - Grass cover 2" to 5! A Brown, F4, wet to satureted, soft, marginally plastic Silt (ML) with organic silt (OL) near surface. 5 to 12' BiG Brown, dry to damp, medium-dense, F1/F2 Silty Gravelly Sand (SM), with frequent Tenses of Silty Sandy Gravel (GM), 1" 2 maximum observed size; hard drilling 8-10'. Samples . Std. No. Depth Blows Pen. (N) Description Group 1 6-7%' 5/7/7 14 Brown, dry to damp B medium-dense, Fl Silty Gravelly Sand (SN). 2 745-9 Safle, 19 Brown, damp, medium- 65 dense, F3 Silty Gravelly Sand (SM); grain-size analysis indicated 31§ gravel, 53% sand, and 16% silt, M = 11.7%. 3 9-10 4/7/7 14 Same as sample 1; B grain-size analysis of samples 1 and 5 (combined) indicate 42% gravel, 44% sand, 14% silt; H = 9.4%. 4 10-12 3/4/3 iz Same as Sample 2 B Notes Date of drilling Seasonal frost - Permafrost - None encountered Water table - None encountered Jrilling problems - Could not sample first 5 feet because of wet to saturated silt sloughing into test hole; refusal drilling at 12 feet because of coarse gravel or cobble. - November 10, 2" 1978 seneralized Log Depth Group Description 0 to 1" - Grass cover 1" to 4%!" A Brown, F4, soft to stizf, wet, plastic Silt (NL) 44 to 7' B Brown, F2/F3, damp, loose to medium-dense Silty Gravelly Sand (Sx), 3/4" maximum size. Z| to) 10" c Brown, Fl, damp, medium-dense Silty Sandy Gravel (GH), 3/4" maximum observed size; ard drilling. Notes Date of drilling - November 9, 1978 Seasonal frost - 6" Permafrost - None encountered Water table - None encountered Drilling problems - Sampling attempted at ¢' but 3' of slough was encountered; refusal drilling at 10'; no progress because of cobble or coarse gravel; test hole terminated. TEST HOLE 4 ‘alized Log Depth Group Description 0 to 2" = Grass cover 2" to 4! A Brown, wet, F4, marginally-pastic, sloppy Silt (ML) + to 7' B,C Brown, Fl, dry to damp, medium-dense Silty Sexples eaves) Sandy Gravel (GM) with frequent lenses of Silty Gravelly Sand (SM), 1" maximum observed size; hard drilling below 5'. Std: No Depth Blows Pen. (N) 1 ) Grab Sample = 2 5- 6%! 2/1 as, 24 Notes Date of drilling - November 10, 1978 Seasonal frost - 5" Permafrost Water table - None encount2red - None encountered Description Grou Brown, wet, F4, A marginally plastic Silt (ML) Brown, Fl, damp, Gc medium-dense Silty Sandy Grevel (GM) 3/4" maximum size. Drilling problems - Refusal drilling at 7' (cobble or coarse gravel). a +5, SOLES cenetalized Log Depth Group Description 2 to 6° a Organic cover . , sto) 9" A Brown, F4, danp to wet, non-plastic to 2 marginally-plastic, loose Silt (ML). g £ to 10%' B Broxn, Fl, damp, medium-dense Silty ; Gravelly Sane (SM) i Se ee i Sexples Std. Xo. Depth Blows Pen. (NX) Description Group 1 3-7 2/2/3/3 53 Brown, F4, damp, A non-plastic, loose Silt (ML) Z 9-10% 5/10/18 28 Brown, F3, medium B dense, damp Silty Gravelly Sand (SN); maximum size - 5/4"; grain-size analysis indicated 354% gravel, 48% sand, and 18% silt; M = 9.1% notes Date of drilling - November 11, 197S Seasonal frost - 2" Permafrost - None encountered fater table - None encountered Drilling problems - Refusal drilling at 10%' (cobble or coarse gravel). 7 HOLE 6 wy in eet eee weneT2lized Log Depth Group Description 0 to 2" - Grass cover . 2° Sto 7" A Brown, F4, damp to vet, marginally-plastic, loose Silt (ML). Zz» to 8" € Brown, Fl, damp, medium-dense Silty Sandy Gravel (GM); hard drilling. Nezes Date of drilling - November 11, 1978 Seasonal frost - 3" - Permafrost - None encountered Water table - None encountered Drilling problems - Refusal drilling at &' (cobble or coarse gravel). Sampling - No samples taken toneralized Log eee ® Depth Group Description a to 2" : Grass cover : 2 to 4! A Silt (ML) Se B,C Silty Sandy Gravel (GM) and Silty Gravelly Sand (SM). a TTT Notes Date of drilling - November 12, 1978 Seasonal frost - 2" Permafrost - None encountered Water table - None encountered PROBE 2 Generalized Log Depth Group Description 0) to} 2 — Grass cover Ze) EON 228 A Silt (ML) 2°2" + BAC Silty Sandy Gravel (GM) and Silty Gravelly Sand (SM) ~—> Notes Date of drilling - November 12, 1978 Seasonal frost - 2" Permafrost - None encountered Water table - None encountered -dad- Txpical nomes : Well-craded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines | Poorly sraded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, line or no fines z g a (say Ou ao apy) SpPRATIND Sihy gravels, cravel-sznd- * sih mixtures ‘ dv) Oo puna (avis DAAIS 8] Monayy asutaa jo J) Clayey svevels, sravel- sand-cley mixtures cc ; (80 sa Well-sreded sends, gravelly sands, little or no fines ow do ayy) pus Uta i Poorly graded sands, } gravelly sends, litle | or ne fines | Sihy sands, sand-silt mixtures sP (sau 18 OZ ON arts DAD Jsyoquuds | “¢ 23) ASINOD JO J) 4 i + i i i . (aays DAMS fr "ON U veh woes ; Clayey sends, sand-clay mixicres apspeyy 1) OY Warsad 7] 0 a0 ‘WD “AAS “AD SAND Lelerciory clossifccrion eriterio (Dy) au between J znd: Du C. = — greater then 4; CG, = ° Dy x Da e = Auerberg limits below “A~ line or PI jess than 4 Above “A™ line with PI | tween 4 and 7 are bord line cases recuiring use cual symbols rc 6 2 “ “ & e s (DseF = ——— bein Da x Da ween ) and Noi meczing zl] sv2cziion requirements for SW iis below “A fess than 4 Anterderg line o7 PI ns plotting in hatched 2 with P] between 4 and 7 Lorcerline cases requiting of cuz] symbols *(a7{S DAMS ONT “ON : Inorganic silts and very: ‘fine sands, rock fiour, | silty o7 clayey fine sands, or Clayty silts ; with slight plasticity een i Inorganic clays of Jow 10 medium plasticity: i, gvavelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, Jean ys ML cL Lt £ = c £ @ s. } Organic silts and organic ; i sihy clays of low, : ‘ plasticity Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or sihy soils, elastic silts —————— MH c | Inorganic clays of high ; plesticity, fat clays, | | Organic clays of medium 10 high plasticity, organic silts x (PADIS AOE "ON tayD says sy pynbyy) sdyya pun sigs (og Win sapraad 4 OH Peat and other highly Ld organic soils * Division of GM 2nd SM groups into subdivisions of d and v are for roads 2nd zirfields only. Pewsey chore w o — Plosticity index 30 40 Liavid ima 50 60 70 Subdivision is besed on Aterburg limits; suf used when LL is 28 or less 2nd the Pl is 6 e: Jess; suffix u used when LL is greater than 28. + Borderiine clas: GW-GC, seli-gradee gravei-sané mixture with clay binder. cations, used for soils possessing characteristics of two = For exaz ours, 2re Gesignzies by combinztiens of group symbols. ty DE io CAE IE eeo aber PNG des AI Waa — K=0331-01 I. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Site Description The Elim high school site is located approximately 100 feet uphill from the existing B.I.A. school on a moderately sloping surface. There is approximately 5 feet of relief across the site, which is approximately 130 feet above the level of Norton Bay. Bedrock exposures are common on the headlands bounding both ends of the bay. The existing school is founded on a reinforced concrete foundation and has a basement. There were no signs of distress caused by differential settlement in the existing school. Residents recalled excavating blocks of rock (probably weathered limestone) from the cut. B. Environmental Data Environmental data on the Elim area is summarized in Table l. C. Soil Conditions The soils encountered in the borings consisted of approximately 1 foot of peaty tundra overlying 1 to 2.5 feet of eolian silt which was underlain by a variable thickness (2 to 5.5 feet) of fragmented rock and silt. Weathered rock becoming more competent with depth was encountered at depths ranging from 3 to 7.5 feet below the existing ground surface. The rock underlying the site consists of a series of steeply dipping, metamorphosed, schistose, hard shales and limestone. Weathering is fairly deep in the shales and shallow in the limestone. Penetrations into the rock varied from about 0.1 feet in boring B-1l to over 14.5 feet in boring B-4. The depth of the borings, which was were controlled by the rock K-0331-01 hardness, ranged from 5.1 feet in boring B-2 to 22.1 feet in boring B-4. Water content determinations were performed on selected samples obtained from the borings. The water content of the samples of rock fragments and silt ranged from 35% to less than 10% and averaged 15 percent. Grain size analyses on selected samples indicate that the silt content ranges from 10 to 50 percent. Ground water was not observed within the depth explored by the borings. At the time of our explorations, the surficial peaty tundra was frozen. The soils below this surficial © layer appeared to be thawed. Thermocouples were installed in boring B-1l, and ground temperatures measured the day after the boring was backfilled are shown in Figure 2. Air temperatures were below zero at the time the boring was backfilled and the cold temperatures, 28.5°F at 3.7 feet and 31°F at 7.7 feet,. are believed to be the result of cold backfill material. Free ice in lenses or crystals was not observed in any of the samples below the surficial tundra. D. Foundation Recommendations In our opinion, the site is underlain by locse to medium dense soils derived from in-situ weathering of the underlying bedrock. Our primary recommendation is to found the structure on conventional treated wood or reinforced concrete footings (individual spread or continuous footings) bearing in the weathered materials, and to provide a warm crawl space, as the soils are frost susceptible. The borings indicate that the soils generally become increasingly dense below a depth of 5 to 7.5 feet below the ground surface. We recommend that the footings bear at least 5 feet below the existing ground surface. Because of the variable depth of weathering K-0331-01 at the site, the footing excavations should be observed by an experienced foundation engineer. It may be necessary to Geepen some footing excavations to avoid placing the footings on loose, soft, or highly weathered and compressible material. We recommend that the bottom of the footing excavations be uniformly and systematically compacted with a hand-operated mechanical tamper or vibratory plate compactor. The recom- mended allowable bearing capacity is 2000 pounds per square foot. The minimum recommended footing width is 18 inches for continuous footings and 24 inches for individual spread footings. A minimum 4 feet depth of cover is recommended over the footings on the inside of the structure. We estimate that the settlements of footings sized and constructed in accordance with the above recommendations should be on the order of 1 inch, with differential settlements between © adjacent footings expected to be less than 3/4 inch. We understand that because of the change in elevation across the site that it may be desirable from an architectural or structural engineering standpoint to found the structure on an elevated post and pad type foundation. Our recommendations for this type of foundation system are similar to those for the heated foundation regarding footing sizes, allowable bearing capacities, estimated settlements and footing prepara- tion. The minimum recommended depth of footing burial for a post and pad system is 5 feet. Because of the frost susceptible nature of the bearing soils, special care should be taken in site grading and drainage to minimize the amount of water which will come in contact with the soils around and beneath the foundations if frost heaving is to be minimized. [In our opinion, a post and pad foundation at this site will be more susceptible to frost heaving than would be a conventional foundation with a heated crawl space. TIFIITLD K-0332—01 II. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A. Project Description The proposed Elim high school is to be a wood frame structure approximately 70 feet by 70 feet in plan. The structure will house classrooms, a central utility core and a high ceiling gymnasium/multi-purpose room. We understand that the interior column loads will be on the order of 70 kips maximum and that the perimeter column loads will be on the order of 20 to 30 kips. B. Scope of Explorations The school site was explored with 5 borings which were drilled at the locations shown on Figure 1. The field work was accomplished on February 20 and 21, 1979 by our Arctic Alaska Testing Laboratories division using hand-portable, gasoline powered drilling equipment. The surficial peats and eolian silts were sampled using Modified 3-inch Shelby tubes and dry core rotary drilling techniques. Samples in these materials were generally continuous. The underlying silt and rock were sampled at 3 foot intervals of depth with a standard split-spoon sampler in conjunction with the Standard Penetration Test. Penetration resistance values are plotted on the descriptive logs which are presented in Appendix A. The samples were sealed in airtight containers and returned to our Fairbanks laboratory for detailed visual examination and testing. The laboratory testing program for this study consisted of performing visual classifications, water content Geterminations, grain size distribution analyses and Atterberg limit tests on selected samples. The results of the laboratory testing program are presented in Appendix B. K-0331-01 C. Authorization Our work on this project wes authorized by Mr. Edwin T. Gonion of the Bering Straits REAA School District on February 5, 1979. Work in Elim was coordinated through Messrs. Cliff Soper and Doug Rendel. ~, K-0331=—01. III- ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS A. Footings We recommend minimum footing dimensions of 24 inches for square or rectangular footings and 18 inches for continuous footings. In our opinion, the bottom of all footings should be a minimum of 5 feet below existing ground level, bearing on reasonably dense or competent material. For a structure with a warm crawl space, the bottom of the footing should be at least 4 feet below the level of the crawl space or basement floor. We recommend keeping the difference in elevation between adjacent footings not greater than one-half the clear distance between the footings. We recommend that each footing bearing surface be inspected by an experienced soil engineer or technician after excavation and prior to footing placement. To minimize disturbance of the bearing soil in the event of wet weather during construction, we recommend that a 6 to 8 inch thick sand and gravel working surface be placed at each footing location after excavation and inspection. This layer of sand and gravel should be compacted with hand- operated vibratory plate or tamping compactors. B. Drainage In order to minimize the potential for frost jacking, par- ticularly if an elevated post and pad foundation is selected, special provisions should be provided to minimize the amount of surface and roof runoff which will infiltrate the soils underneath and adjacent to the foundations. We recommend that the site be graded so that all surface water and runoff is directed away from the structure. In addition, we K-0331—011 recommend that a buried membrane extending 8 feet out from the building be provided around the perimeter of the structure. This membrane should be protected with at least 8 inches of Sand and gravel. The soil beneath the membrane should be compacted and graded prior to placement of the membrane so that drainage will be away from the structure. - C. Excavation and Backfill We recommend that the stability of the excavations at the site be made the responsibility of the contractor since he _is continuously present at the site. For planning purposes, we recommend that excavation slopes of 1V on 1H be used. Figure 2 presents our recommendations for drainage and backfill requirements for footing foundations. K-0331-01 This report was prepared for the exclusive uSe of the owner and architect and/or engineer in the design of the subject facility. It should be made available to prospective con- tractors and/or the contractor for information on factual data only and not as a warranty of subsurface conditions, such as those interpreted from the boring logs and presented in discussions of subsurface conditions included in this report. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered and cannot be fully determined by merely taking soil samples or test borings. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to obtain a properly constructed project. Therefore, some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential extra costs. SHANNON & WILSON, INC. j Kt OF AO, Sater Sat . AS = 1 ~ ne Seater Fy me —tedten Ibe Zr Yat Rohn D. Abbott, P.E. 4- laf. Fs pathy Vice President & Manager Wesanec LD RDA:mhh Ee WD preeneeee WS Encls: K-0331-01 TABLE I Environmental Data for Elim, Alaska Permafrost Zone......--.----22.02--- eee ee Area Seserea yy eee ee Glaciatione > eieie = ole eee Se neice cee eee ee Unglaciated Seismicity: -..----ce = > Bole ee) eleneiatete eleeiele eevee s Zone 1 (minor structural dar Freezing Index.............-----+----+-+---- 4500 degree days below 32°} Thawing Index=.--..-- >. -.+scodesceoc ces ruees 2200 degree days above 32° Zero Degree Index. .- 2. .ss<ssescecsosssaases 200 degree days below 0° Heating) index ieee eee cen aee eee oe 14500 degree days below 65% Temperature Mean Annualie oc le sore ies aol pees 26 (OF) Mean January Minimum.........-.-.-.....- -8 (OF) Mean January Maximum........ iectenceess 8 (OF) Mean July Minimum................-...-.-. 44 (OF) Mean July Maximum............-..------.- 62 (OF) Absolute Minimum..............---.----4. =48) .- (OR) AbsQlute Maximum. «<> ssccscesssses-e6-+6 85 (OF) Precipitation Mean Annual Precipitation.... epee nena taet tate 16 inches Mean Annual Snowfall... sacc<sscsscnccscs 75 inches Design Wind Load (minimum).................-.- 30 pst Design Snow Load (minimum).........-....--... 30 psf Above values have been interpolated from data summarized in: “Environmental Atlas of Alaska" Phillip Johnson and Charles Hartman, 1971 TABLE 2 Ground Temperature, Boring B-1l Elim High School Site Depth(ft.) February 21, 1979 Air -5°r 3.7 28-1/2°F eae 31°F K-0331-01 New School QBs Existing School Bering Straits REAA School District BORING LOCATION PLAN Elim High School Elim, Alaska April 1979 K-0331-01 SHANNON & FILSOK, INC. GEQTEC-mIiCcAL COnSuttaars yacis SNTES | 6261 Tticy deat Toours us8tH BITA SQA ses2 Be “ONT NIS1In TONE TO-TEE0-% SINDIFULNOT TILINOVE ANY JOVNIVUG 2PTAISTIG Tooyr2S yyFY SITeIIs Butiag Impervious Membrane az 7 Random J Fill aay Granular ;Back£ill 54 min. v 4'min. for Heated 5'min. for Open Under Floor Area Lay Back on Stable Slopes 6-8" Compacted Sand & Gravel Working Surface Compaction Requirements N.F.S. Granular Backfill 95% Maximum Dry Density as containing less than 5% passing determined by Standard Proctor #200 mesh sieve based on 3/4" Compaction Test ASTM D698 or minus fraction AASHTO T-99 Random Fill Random Fill Silt and Rock fragments from Same as for N.F.S. Granular Backfill excavation excluding organics Gradation Requirements N.F.S. Granular Fill 2" minus Gravel or Sand 95 LO 11. APPENDIX A Field Explorations Number of Borings Date Drilling Performed Total Footage Drilled Type of Drill Drilling Subcontractor Shannon & Wilson Representative Sampling Sampling Interval Number of Samples Boring Locations Boring Logs K-0331-01 5 2/20 and 2/21/79 63.9 feet Mobile Minute Man Arctic Alaska Testing Laboratories, a division of Shannon & Wilson, Inc. John Novak, Assoc. Geologi Standard Penetration Tests and 3" Dry Core 3 feet S.P.T. 19, Dry Core 3 See Figure l See Figs. A-1l through A-5 SOIL DESCRIPTION Surface Elevation: 131 fr. - STAKE ARD “{2Q= — | — PERETRATION RESISTANCE Sls = (140 Ib. weight, 30” drop x|s= a A kices per foot oio w o Brown PEAT and organic SILT Brown SILT with scattered root fragneats Light brown, sandy GRAVEL with rock fragments Rt brown, clayey SILT w/rock frag.-decomposed bedroc} Bottom of Exploration Completed 2/20/79 NONE OBSERVED DURING DRILLING — LEGEND Impervious seal Gravel 7 water level Frozen {i s and i i Ground lF =} Piezometer tip - Thermocouple Silt I 27% 0.0. split spoon sample II 3° 0.0. dry core Clay *® Sample not recovered Atterberg limits: Peat HS —o Liquid limit Organic nhs content Centent Plastic limi 5 @ *% Water content Note: The stratification lines tepresent the approrimate boundaries beteesn soil types and the transition may be gradual. Bering Straits School District Proposed High School Elim, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-1 April 1979 K-0331-01 SHANNON 2 WILSON, INC. SEOTEDSeICAL Comsuctaars FIG.A- SOIL DESCRIPTION Surface Elevation: 131 ft. STARDARD PERETRATICK RESISTISCE (140 Ib. weight, 30” drop) Aj38ices per foot SAMPLE GROUKO WATER Brown PEAT and organic SILT Brown SILT with scattered organic fraguents Broken LIMESTONE Rock Bottom of Exploration Completed 2/20/79 LIMESTONE Bedrock NONE OBSERVED DURING DRILLING LEGEXD Gravel Frozen 3 Sand Ground KE Silt Clay Feat Organic Content Impervious seal 7 water level Piezometer tip Thermocouple 27 0.0. split spoon sample 3° 0.0. dry core Sacple not recovered *AH Qi Atterberg Limits: PO Liquid linit See content Plastic limit 25 @ % Water content The stratification lines represen the epprozizate boundaries detseen soil types and the transition may ce gracuat, Note: Bering Straits School District “ Proposed High School Elim, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-2 April 1979 K-0331-01 SHANNON £ WILSON, INC. SLOTECmmtral COasultials ~ FIG. A SOIL DESCRIPTION STARE ARD 10 = © vi2Q= PENETRATIGN RESISTANCE Ee ae == (140 1D. werght, 30” drop) =-]= = == ABsices per foot Surface Elevation: 136 ft. = {3 20 Brown PEAT and organic SILT i Brown SILT | 2 Light brown, clayey SILT with rock fragments - decomposed bedrock, becoming more competent with depth Bottom of Exploration Completed 2/20/79 NONE OBSERVED DURING DRILLING LEGEND 0 25 5 Impervious seal @ % Water content Gravel Note: The stratification lines sepresen Y Water level the approzimate dSoundaries between soil Sand 7 ‘ . types and the transition may ve gradual, Ee Phezereter) Ue Bering Straits School District Silt & Thekaccouple Proposed High School ’ I 270.0. split spoon sample Elim, Alaska IT 3% 0.0. dry core Clay * Sample not recovered LOG OF BORING NO. B-3 Feat Atterderg limits: ea saat as epee a April 1979 K-0331-01 Organic Tee ia? content SHANNON 2 WILSON, INC. Content Plastic limit SEOTECH ITAL ComSuL teats FIle & er 2 — STAKDARD SOIL DESCRIPTICK = ss]ouq | PENETRATION RESISTANCE . s|e= so] (140 Th. weight, 36" dropy . = = == rm A Bices ar foot Surface Elevation: 136 fr. i sit 20 6c Brown PEAT and organic SILT 1.0 Brown SILT 2.0 Brown SILT and Rock fragrents 2 7.5 3] Weathered Rock (yellow-red, clayey, silty SAND with rock fragments) becoming harder with depth 4] 5] J al 22.1 8 Bottom of Exploration Completed 2/20/79 NONE OBSERVED DURING DRILLING LEGEND Gravel Impervious seal \Z_ water level Sand [=] Piezometer tip 5 Thermocouple Silt a - I 270.0. split spoon sample II 3° 0.0. dry core Clay * Sarple not recovered Atterberg Limits: Peat }-—S—_« Liquid limit Organic Sse ialey content Plastic limit Content a2 50 @ % Water content Note: The stratification tines represent the approximate boundaries beteeen soil types and the transition say be gradual, Bering Straits School District Proposed High School Elim, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-4 . April 1979 K-0331-01 Shassae 2 PILSTS, INC. SEOTEDamICAlL Coasuttaars FIG a. DATS mT VE Orvipyrn REVISED. NATE VATE QAM APPROVED OATE —— DATE CHECKED SOIL DESCRIFTION Surface Elevation: 134 fr. Brown PEAT and organic SILT GRAPHIC LOG STANT ARD PENETRATICN RESISTANCE © (140 tb. weight, 30” drop) A Biows per foot tt. GROUKO WATER OEPTH Brown SILT. Brown SILT and Rock fragments Fragmented or broken Rock 15.5 Completed 2/20/79 Bottom of Exploration 10 = WN NONE OBSERVED DURING DRILLING LEGEXO Gravel Impervious seal WZ water level Sand [=] Piezometer tip Silt 8 Treat ! I 270.0. split spoon sample Il 3° 0.0. dry core Clay * Sample not recovered Feat Atterbserg liaits: rea ‘ em wr 1S Liquid limit a einer content Plastic limit 25 Su © % Water content Note: The stratification lines represent the approximate boundaries between soil types and the transition cay be gradual, Bering Straits School District Proposed High School Elim, Alaska LOG OF BORING NO. B-5 April 1979 K-0331-01 SKANSIN & WILSON, INC. SEOTESHeICAlL CousuL tears APPENDIX B Laboratory Testing Type of Test Number Water Content Determinations 17 Grain Size Distribution 3 Atterberg Limits : in K-0331-01 Results Plotted on Boring Logs, listed in Summary of Test Results Figures 3-1 & B-2 Plotted on Figure A-4 and listed in Summary of Test Results ta Jia =R BY WEIGHT PER CENT FIN SIEVE ANALYSIS HYOROMETER ANALYSIS LS IZE OF OPENING IN INCHES | NUMBER OF MESH PER INCH. U.S. STANDARD GRAIN SIZE IN MM x ees = . S$ cS Ss ° o Cn e¥ 32g s s s ss 8 S ee pameenaienatenslniecmenanbaiiatonaiannty feaaabael fees eal 116 0 sae SE pepuasmmeliimtentatialeanseraaamemanelienseed | 20 _———| | a A a j 10 ——+ aaa [secon | Saoeeoaes omnes — a0 = eee amen ——— i = eee | ee | [ome —— fees oe = sees] eal ood aaa eee ee ee Sl asl ciabielgelraeerd o 60 i—| ———$ $$ —____} ___ —}——| | | 40 = Seutamealeaeeliaasdiocaa (aasseaiatacasd scaiaiedcbaia Aine aa | exe eee eet = eerste ee nt fo ses eee —_—_—— — aaa el sae a so | | i ———}|—————{ 50 PH ER RS —— | —|—|—— se earn [eae | aoe aereet fe lacie A aa ae eT Pore = | ee | ae | ae | ee | | —_—_——- — —_——| vo 40 | | |__| ee eee ae i———— 00 - Ef (aaien ——— S22 | —— 5 | —————| a (a }—_——| o 20 SS = | ttn! 0 ay eos |e eee 1 {eer [eres ESSEra us ses ele 0 10 ae ees (|| ¢0 " W Recasdicedaeenl ree Sis Sista) | isiisiliis 22 SR SS fs ey | 7S Seis S28 :33 3 3 aos S GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS mt Shea | ss . Bering Straits School District GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION BORING 3 Proposed Flim lligh School April 1979 K-0331-01 SHANNON & WILSON : ' “uo YLlo PER CENT FINER BY WEIGHT SAMPLE no. S-6 SIEVE ANALYSIS HYONOMETER ANALYSIS LOTTA NUMBCR OF MESH PER INCH, U.S. STANDARD COBBLES = oo ine career aa —|——— = = oor = aan ss ina eRAaay cceacas aemeacsieng | asaeatianay ss | Sarees eee [eee oS a | a | eee feat creel et 27 nm GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS [coarse [rine [coarse [ weotum FE a | ee a mo ON Light brown, slightly clayey, silty SAND with Gravel Light brown, slightly clayey, silty SAND = 10 | | fh {) 20 = ma oda jal 30 Ha — ——— = x= is ali eco = eapeies! ieoeeoeal i us —|—| —_—— | 40 = Sa aaa = a aethealen Saas | = Sees —_—|- —| _ a fF ict mol mmm a tt 30 w IN Slee [esas a fata 2 ba tt Slespanat & |e este Ss —|—| —| —j—|—— o ale —|—+— 00 = Sle == = Sissons 3 ——}— eo head 70 o 4—|—| oa etal 40 ra peel Bering Straits School District GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION BORING 4 \ Proposed Elim Iligh School April 1979 | K-0331-01 SHANNON & WILSON T-€ ON SNIYOS T “ON L33HS SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS BORING NO, B= SHANNON & WILSON, INC, 0B NO, X=O331-01 — pare 4/20/79 “Brown SILT w/trace organic “Hight bYown, Sanay” GRAVEL W/FOeI FeAgment SOIL CLASSIFICATION sear! a | Light brown, clayey Silt w/rock fragments ""” c-€ “ON SNIUO & “ON L33HS SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS BORING NO, B=2 SHANNON & WILSON, INC. SOIL CLASS IFICATION ene ee UU g eT aT _|_Light brown, brok TE SUG | UE TEU EEE | EU ___|__soil-very wet AUIS UL UOT Ve TRUE TL ______|__NO_RECOVERY Light brown, broken limestone w/trace of ! ¢-@ DN SNTUOE € “ON 133HS XN SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS BORING NO, _B=3 SHANNOH & HILSON, INC. JOB NO, K-O331-01 pate 4/20/79 SOIL CLASSIFICATION -Brown_PEAT_and..organic..SILTWWU 2 ei es co eee cin eee 12 ene ee ae a ee ee oe a en se me mee p.0-4.5 | 6/13/12_|__6 | ___ ___.|________llech, Analys}s Light brown, decomposed_rock w/trace of soll _ .0-7.5 | 10/12/20| 14 | — — | Weathered Rock —“CC~C—CC“C;~;C;™;™~™ __ __|_._______|_light_brown, sandy SILT w/broken rock _ Same as_S-4 h-G@ ON SNIYOS h “ON 133HS SUMMARY OF TEST k. .ULTS SHANAOW & WILSON? HE. BORING NO, 3-4 JOB NO.K=O331-01 pate 4/20/79 ATTERBERG S71 N.0-3.0].. NAL_L...}~.30_ ————s SOIL CLASSIFICATION ~PEAT & Top Soil with 2” Rock. ~~~~S~CSC‘<S~«S*' _|. Broken rocks with brown ‘SILT 3 ae t licchsAnalysks Decomposed Rock with SILT S24 [2.02135 9/10/12] 15, || | | decomposed Rock ‘S57 SAT 6706726 | a7. | BH | a9] TO_| | | composed tock with Sit $=6_|12,5=14 | _13/23/3)_ 16 |||] bomb Analys|is_Same_as_$=5___ S=J_|15.5=17 |20/26/45|_7_ |__|] Very light brown, weathered Rock erence Sx6_|18,5=20 | 56/50/1"|_42__) [|| | Same as sg CLASSIFIED BY__TC _—cnecxen sy_tf Se er ne tenn elie TRS II. III. Iv. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Site Description B. Environmental Data Cc. Soil Conditions D. Foundation Recommendations PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A. Project Description B. _Scope of Explorations (ee Authorization ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS AS Footings B. Drainage C3 Excavation and Backfill LIMITATIONS LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES AND APPENDIXES Table 1 Environmental Data Table 2 Ground Temperature, Boring B-1l Figure 1 Boring Location Plan Figure 2 Drainage and Backfill Requirements Appendix A Field Explorations Appendix B Laboratory Testing K-0331- uP ee nN nn ol Le HARDING ~LAWSON ASSOCIATES INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of our soils invest- igation for a proposed school addition at Kaltag, Alaska, to be constructed by the State Division of Buildings. The village of Kaltag is located on the west bank of the Yukon River, about 65 miles southwest of Galena. The proposed =ciol addition will be a one-story, wood- frame structure with plan dimensions of about 115 by 130 feet and about 13,500 square feet of floor area. The site will be filled to provide drainage away from building area, and the floor will be supported above final grade. Total loads imposed on foundations supporting floor and wall girders will be on the order’of 20 to 40 kins. Our work was authorized by your letter dated November 7, 1975, to explore the soil conditions at the building site and to provide recommendations and design criteria for foundations. During our work, we have consulted with Mr. Jeff Wilson and Mr. Mike Plunkett, Project Architects. INVESTIGATION Site Conditions As shown on the Boring Location Plan, Plate 1, the proposed building site’ is located immediately west of the existing school complex on Tract A and Block 1. The vroperty 2) HARDINO-~LAWBON ABBOCIaTES has been cleared except for scattered trees on the westerly side and the ground surface slopes down to the north at about a six percent grade. Maximum relief within the building area is about eight feet. At the time of our investigation (November), the ground was covered by about two feet of snow. Field Exploration and Laboratory Tests To investigate the subsurface conditions, we drilled five borings to depths ranging from 23 to 28 feet at the locations shown on Plate 1. The field work was performed during the period November 11 to 14, 1975. The borings were drilled with small, power equipment = three-inch-diameter, continuous flight augers. Our engineer selected and surveyed the boring locations, logged the materials encountered in the borings and obtained soil samples representative of the subsurface con- ditions for visual examination and laboratory tests. The soils encountered is the borings were sampled with a two-inch- diameter, split spoon sampler driven with a 65 pound drop hammer. Loas of the Borings describing the materials encountered, sample depths and blow counts required to drive the sampler are presented on Plates 2 through 6. The soils are classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described on Plates 7 and 8. Soil samples from the borings were reexamined in our laboratory to verify the field classification and were tested 4 HARDINO-LAWSON ASSOCIATES silts also appear to contain a relatively high percentage of unfrozen pore water. Free ground water was not encountered in the borings. During spring break-up and the summer thawing period, we would anticipate that a shallow, perched ground water table would be present. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION The building site is underlain by relatively warm permafrost which appears to be gradually degrading. Warming and thawing of the permafrost is probably being caused by a combination of factors including previous clearing of ground vegetation and trees, differential thicknesses of insulating peat and winter snow cover, and the influence of the adjacent river. Because of this warming trend, conventional drilled and slurried pile Sounsixtisree in te permafrost which rely on natural freeze back for support do not appear feasible. Freeze back and maintenance of below freezing temperatures adjacent to pile foundations could be achieved by utilizing mechanical refrigeration or by installing piles which incor- porate one of the passive, self-refrigerating devices (Long- thermopiles; McDonald-Douglas-Cryo-Anchors; etc.). Mechanical refrigeration would require a large heat exchange unit which would have to be operated at least periodically over the life of the building. Self-refrigerated piles require below freezing air temperatures to cycle and withdraw heat ‘assy Kani Hh ih aks” Midrash atl ju man mont | Darevats Seta pore) HARDING “LAWSON ASSOCIATES from the ground. Consequently, if self-refrigerated piles are installed in a vre-drilled hole and backfilled in the summer, the above ground radiator sections must be temporarily chilled by a refrigeration unit to achieve freeze back of the slurry backfill. Otherwise, erection of the building superstructure must be delayed until sufficient cold weather eccurs to freeze back the slurry. Moveover, drilling of pile holes can be difficult because of the deep, unfrozen zone under portions of the building. The unfrozen soils are soft and wet and tend to squeeze and slough, and casing would probably be required to maintain an open hole for a drilled pile installation. Because of the freeze back and construction scheduling and installation problems associated with a pre-drilled and slurried pile foundation, we conclude that driven piles will be more suitable for the soils and ground temperature conditions. We believe that steel H-piles can be driven into the relatively warm, fine-grained permafrost without excessive driving resistance. Further, driven piles will introduce little, if any, heat into the ground during construction and should freeze-in rapidly even in the summer. Therefore the time - delay between foundation construction and erection of floor girders and superstructure would be minimized. To arrest S degradation and maintain the permafrost at its present or colder temperatures a small-diameter, self-refrigerating HARDINO-LAWSBON ABBOCIATES heat tube device should be installed adjacent to each pile. Accordingly, the recommendations presented in the remainder of this report pertain to a driven pile foundation. RECOMMENDATIONS .—- ; A depth of embedment-pile capacity chart for a driven, HP 8x36 steel pile is presented on Plate 9. We selected this size and shape because it is light-weight but has sufficiently thick web and flange oer whereas to withstand hard driving. Each pile should have a bracket welded on the flange or web to permit insertion of a one-inch-diameter heat tube after the pile is driven. The capacities shown on the chart are based on the ultimate adfreeze strength developed between the pile and the frozen, natural silt and includes. a factor of safety of three. The structural exgacttlon of the piles for both horizontal and Natecet) Gate should ie peed by the structural engineer. Specific recommendations are presented in the following paragraphs. 1. Provide a mess open space no less than 24-inches in height and an average of 36-inches in height between the ground surface and floor girders to permit outside air to freely circulate beneath the het Tang at all times. This space should not be skirted. 2. Piles should be installed by a qualified piling contractor experienced in driving piles in subsurface to HARDINO -LAWSON ASSOCIATES conditions such as exist at the site. His work should include layout and staking the pile locations and cut-off of the piles after driving. Piles should be installed as ae as possible in a plumb position and should not deviate from the vertical more than one-fourth inch per foot of length. The center of the top of the piles shall not deviate from the locations shown on the plans more than three inches in any direction. Piles should be driven with a pile hammer delivering not less than 15,000 foot-pound of energy per blow. © During driving operations the pile and hammer should be held steady in proper alignment by fixed driving leads. Piles should be driven continuously without interruption to the minimum embedment shown on the plans. Full length piles should be used and splicing should not be — unless approved in writing ~ by the owner. Pile heads should be cut squarely and a driving cap or cushion.blocks should be pro- vided by the contractor as necessary to prevent damage to the piles. Driving shoes can be used at the contractors description. However, driving shoes should not be larger than the cross-sectional area of the pile. HARDINO-LAWSON ASSOCIATES A bracket shall be welded to the pile so that a one-inch-diameter heat tube can be inserted to within two feet of the tip elevation after the pile is driven, The bracket should be of sufficient stiffness to prevent damage during driving and should be tapered and closed at the bottom. After the heat tube is inserted its full length, the void space should be completely filled with clean sand. To facilitate placement the sand should be placed ary and then saturated in the bracket. The contractor should submit a shop drawing of the pile bracket detail. Heat tubes should be of the vapor-convection type as manufactured by McDonnell-Douglas or approved equal. Each heat tube should be capable of removing at least 400 BTU of soil heat per — under still air conditions when the ambient air temperature is 29 degrees fahrenheit. The radiator section shall have a minimum of 30 square feet of area. A layer of rigid, closed-cell insulation, three- inches-thick, should be placed around each pile located at the perimeter of the building and exposed to solar radiation. The insulation should extend 10. ll. HARDINO-LAWSON ASSOCIATES at lens aighk feet in all directions from the pile. ne insulation should be supvorted on a level sand pad and should be covered by at least one-foot of fill. The above ground portion of all piles should be painted with a white-vinyl or epoxy type paint, at least four mils thick, to provide a reflective surface. About 25 percent of the piles should be instrumented with a thermocouple tip and sufficient lead wire to monitor soil temperatures adjacent to the piles. The thermocouple wire can be taped to the heat pipe when it is inserted. We will designate the piles to be instrumented and the tip elevation of the thermocouple sensors when we review the pile layout. a Installed piles can be loaded in accordance with the following schedule as determined by thermocouple readings. GROUND TEMPERATURE PERCENT DEAD LOAD 32°F. 10 31,.5°r. . 75 31.0°F. 100 The natural surface vegetation and peat deposit in the building area should be maintained in an Mae 10 HARDING -LAWBON ASSOCIATES undisturbed condition. If the work is performed in the summer as anticipated, the contractor should place a working pad of fill at least two feet thick before driving piles. All fill in the building area should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on the ASTM D1557-70 (c) method and — surface should be sloped to drain. Fill slopes at the perimeter of the pad should be inclined no steeper than two horizontal to one vertical.. We recommend that we review the completed plans and specifications prior to contract bidding and all shop drawings pertaining to foundations. We further recommend that we inspect the pile driving during construction to correlate driving behavior with the anticipated soil conditions and to monitor soil temperatures following pile installation. Plate - Plates 2 through 6 Plate 7 Plate 8 Plate 9 3 copies IME/DLM/ijr HARDING ~LAWSON ASSOCIATES ILLUSTRATIONS o + + + «© « - - -Boring Location Plan «© © « 6 » « « Logs of Sorings Soil Classification Chart © © © © © «© © « e& Key to Test Data 2 2+ 2 «© « © « - -Explanation of Ice Symbols | fe) [(o)) fo! | ei) fe) |) fot | se: Capacity Chart DISTRIBUTION Land-Knorr-Plunkett S05 W. Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, Alaska 99503 + wee paar || — —- BLOCK 1 —— —— usS 4485 is IL 3 ade ae l Ti its a Proposed Building Prope Li . perty ine Location CAFETERIA FNERAL SHOP WELL HOUSE OOO — jae HOUSING TANKS alll of Bluff ‘Reference: Topographic Survey by DOWL Engineers eo | eh dated Nov. 1974 : 4 \ uA River Teleentcalh AARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES >) Consulting Engineers and Geologists Appr SEI pad 1/25/75 BORING LOCATION PLAN STATE OPERATED SCHOOL it Job No_2250,001.08 Kaltag, Alaska ee LOG OF BORING 1 i Shear Strength (Ibs/sq ft) : Equipment 3" Flight Auaccr SSF Elevation *84 Dote 11/12/75 Density (pcf) Content (%) o Depth (ft) Sample Dry £< Cc cS te as wo acd ° ny Moisture * 8" seasonal frost 2' snow cover BROWN PEAT (Pt) soft, wet BROWN SANDY SILT (ML) soft, wet 5 saturated @ 8' 10 . frozen @ 14' Vx e 4 5 la 33.0 8615 with some organic content wm | \ ! { 2 Te nal 20 FROZEN i is 33.4 387 - T=32°F. 25 : i *Topographic survey by f DOWL Engineers dated 1 Nov. 1974 t 30 The frozen soils are . i relatively warm (31 to 32°F range) and a relatively high } percentage of the pore watcr 5 is unfrozen. f . . r 35 **Blows per foot using 65 ' pound hammer falling 15 { inches and two-inch OD > sampler. } a - 40 eee 5 IARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES erie PLATE B L : . eS) Conaulting Engincers and Geologists SOG OF SSNS 3 cr : STATE OPERATEN scnooL a ] aska »No:9550,001.08 Aner SMnwn11 7/9677 Kaltaq. Alaska c- Shear Strength (Ibs/sq ft) 2 | Content (% Density (p. o Depth (ft) Dry Moisture Oo oO G ~ wn = Cc 4 a 10 15 20 "34.2 35 30 35 MAARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES @) Consulting Engincers and Geologists Job No.5559,001.08 ApprfO7TUpste11/25/7 404. Sample LUG UF BUSH Equipment 3" Flight Auger TTP YT el Elevation 83 Oste 11/12/75 8" seasonal frost 1.5' snow cover BROWN PEAT (Pt) . soft, wet > BROWN FROZEN SANDY SILT (ML, Vx) . FROZEN T=31°F. ae The frozen soils are relatively warm (31 to 32°F range) and a relatively high percentage of the pore water is unfrozen. LOG OF BORING 2 STATE OPERATED SCHOOL Zaltag, Alaska Ss 8 2. LOG OF BOX. Shear Strength (Ibs/sq me t- Se . o < = 3 = 2 Equipment 3" Flight Auger = 3 > 3 26 5688 8 Elevotion_aa Date 11/14/75 0 8" seasonal frost 1" snow cover BROWN PEAT (Pt) soft, wet BROWN SANDY SILT (ML). soft, wet ; 5 ' frozen @ 8" Vx . ican 10 oe = FROZEN 20 T=31°F. 88 visible ice eroatis to 1/8" . ir The frozen soils are relatively warm (31 to 32°F range) and a relatively high percentage of the pore water ~ is unfrozen 30 35 4 é "*tARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES A PLATE $ 5 . & Consulting Engincers and Geologists LOG OF FORING r2 fF STATE OPERATED SCHOOL “i ‘ob No.. 5559, 8 4) Kaltag, Alaska YU : HS “ j . z= 3. LOG OF BORING 5 Shear Strength (Ibs/sq ft) eS > = 2 : 2 < Equipment 3” Flight Auger <a ~ ——— 25 S88 8 Elevation *5 Date 11/14/75 0 10” seasonal frost | | aj] | al 1.5' snow cover BROWN PEAT (Pt) soft, wet BROWN SANDY SILT (ML) soft, wet 5 10 frozen @14' vx - — 15 FROZ 20 The frozen soils are relatively warm (31 to 32°F range) and a relatively hia! percentage of the pore wate) is unfrozen 35 4 HARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES PLA = ® Consulting Engincers and Geologists LOG OF BORING 5 r STATE OPERATED SCHOOL i ie Kaltag, Alaska BNE nem | MAJOR DIVISONS TYFICAL NALCS WELL GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES CLAN Gaavets WITH LITTLE C8 ™O FINES .) POCRLY GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL ~ SAND ©] Mux TUaRs GRAVELS Vemma MOE THAN HALE COARSI FRACTION IS LARGIE THAN NO. 4 SIEVE SIZE SIL.Y OLAVELS, POORLY OLADED GRAVEL - SAND ~ SLT MUX TURES, (| re CLAYTY ORAVELS, POORLY GRADED GRAVEL - SAND - CLAY MIXTURES J . CAAVELS WITH Oven 1768 PINES | ddd ENAINED SOILS INCAGANIC SILTS, WICACEOUS C8 DIATOMACOUS FINE SANDY Of SILTY SOILS, ELASTIC SILTS = s oc 3 2 eutiny tarioe SW |. «| we Gtanto sanos, OLAVELLY SANDS : WITH LITTLE O8 z. j w 3 SANDS NO PINES ° = a 3 SP | « «| POORLY GtADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS . cal MORE THAN MALE COARSE FRACTION SN rH SILTY SANDS, POORLY GRADED SAND - SILT 8 3 13 SMALL. THAN SANOS WITH pL] Mix Totes NO, 4 SIEVE SIZE Ovtt 176 FINES = sc PR CLAYEY SANDS, POORLY CAADED SAND = CLAY ef) IXTURS INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY PINE SANDS, LOCK = on ML FLOUR, SILTY O8 CLAYEY FINE SANDS, CR : own CLAYTY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY 7] °o SILTS AND CLAYS V7) INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, a cL GRAVELY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, L UQUID LIAVT LISS THAN $0 J) AN CANS = " = S OL J'iltll] OkGaNic CLays AND OaCANIC SILTY CLAYS OF = _ With] Low pusnarr @ eo SILTS AND CLAYS INORGANIC CLAYS Of HIGH PLASTICITY, UOUIO LIMIT GALATER THAN 50 i. > = = HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS FINE MORE THAN HALE IS SMALLER THAN /200 SIEVE CAGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTIOTY, CaGANIC SILTS NIFIED SOIL _CLASSIFICATIO TEN | Sheer Strength, pel | iit Pressure, pel Conselidetion o's 320 (2600) Unconselideted Undrained Triealel Liquid Limite (In %) TaCU «3:20 (2400) Consolidated Undralned Trieniel Plactte Limit (in %). os 2750 (2000) Consolidated Dreined Direct Shear Speelfle Gravity evs 470 Field Vane Sheer Steve Anelysie euc 2000 Uncenlined Compression "“Undlstucbed® Semple tvs 700 Lebercatery Vene Shear Belk Semple Netess (1) All strength teste on 2. or 2.4° diameter semples wnless otherwise Indl * (2) * Indtectes 1,4° diameter sample, eo Oe8 — KEY TO TEST DATA NG- LAWSON ASSOCIATES |soit CLASSIFICATION CHART| PLA Consulting Engineers and Geologists AND c KEY TO TEST DATA | —eitbate 11/25/7 STATE OPERATED SCilOOL HARDI c : ICE DES seas’ a avseeee SUBGROUP ICE VISIBILITY & CONTENT DESCRIPTION ir SYMBOL | Poorly bonded or friable Segregated = "No excess Non | Ice not visible by eye “well- ‘ice Np . 4 i¢ bonded rexeess: ~ . ~~ “] ice . ibe . | _{ microscopic L_- ~4 Individual ice Vx crystals or | inclusions . = Segregated ice is visible’ ] Vv by eye, ice one inchor . _ Ice coatings Ve ' less in thickness . on particles Random or irregularly oriented ice - formations Stratified or distinctly oriented ice - formations -- Ice with soil inclusions | | ' Ice greater than one : soil type “inch in thickness. : Ice without soil inclusions | Be bike anally ahead akan HARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES 7 i - . . Explanation of Ice Symbols & Consulting Engineers and Geologiste | Unified Soil Classification System 55 STATE OPERATED SCIIOOL Job No.3559,001.08 ay CPU Harel 1/25/75 Kaltag, Alaska Yat hy ALLOWABLE LOAD (KIPS) i _° jo a 7° 2 0 HP 8x36 Pile . with thermal device 10 20 —__.20 feet minimum EXISTING w oO Dead Plus Long Term Live Load DEPT: 3ELO! GRADE (feet) > o | re 2 2 1/2" angle-inside clearance - 1.25"- tapered and closed at pile tip- continuous fillet weld. | | ue 1 1 : . 4 | | Aut Pee Lemos EW HW B Pid S240 Ki Ps a ABM HN U4 YaAcet ts [FF 1,-. ( : HARDING-LAWSON ASSOCIATES PILE CAPACITY CHART PL ig . g& Consulting Engineers and Geologists STATE OPERATED SCHOOL Kaltag, Alaska as = t bbl ta. 5559,001.08 Appr SM pate 11/25/7 . aid ‘ a Vorg HS ee eum Mere ' Chun y Niel : ‘ i v _ RALTAS v CANA meg! i ae 7 Oo nedvy> Bodimiify aL vriwe ae atl— 3WNd NWS x XN Yrr2r2peg ks oH usd "p25/n waa22> on . cay — a Sey. heay ys] > od taokeq (L xybipewrreys Yyflny pus spuss “7s theay y+*a TIE OBO (pues mers nis ty be+9 yy af 442 Wag YEE Joneeg “gua un de}9 watery beng yeryg ~ “ , (AN pata waypey ye s22he7 AYeiprwa2uy Wim kez esr0esy 'kerg , , = ’ GPTE | bmg mesg Tage. hirsedea Te [2°27 43124 24yS ST PSOE PYTPE”IYT, _* OFS Purser o tp Po a7 PYYS- % o ca7 SHA Pap veyer9y = “EooF ew Oo BL7-00F7 on pre = . a . . a ‘ ‘ --- - - ——= TTS — - ———— _ ‘ a a . —_ > )o—_ " —_— — ars Sire Go a aS Tudo ooo. = 92" s.. sof -_—_—— a ° _—--7 — a 0. 9 = = se GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND FOUNDATION. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR HIGH.SCHOOL SITE GOODNEWS BAY, ALASKA January 1979. By . R&M-Consultants, Inc. 5024 Cordova Street . Anchorage, Alaska 99502 For LOWER KUSKOKWIM-SCHOOL DISTRICT Bethel, Alaska : SOILS CLASSIFICATION, CONSISTENCY AND SYMBOLS CLASSIFICATION: Identification and classification of the soil is accomplished in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. Normally, the grain size distribution determines classification of the soil, The soil is defined according to major and minor constituents with the minor elements serving as modifiers of the major elements, For cohesive soils, the clay becomes the principal noun with the other major soil constituents used as modifier; i.e, silty clay, when the clay particles are such that the clay dominates soil properties. Minor soil constituents may be added to the classification breakdown in accordance with the particle size proportion listed below; i.e, sandy silt w/some gravel, trace clay. no call - 0 - 3% trace - 3 - 12% some - 13 - 30% SOIL CONSISTENCY - CRITERIA: Soil consistency as defined below and determined by normal field and laboratory methods applies only to non-frozen material, For these materials, the influence of such factors as soil structure, i.e, fissure - systems, shrinkage cracks, slickensides, etc., must be taken into consideration in making any correlation with the consistency values listed below, In permafrost zones, the consistency and strength of frozen soils may vary significantly and unexplainably with ice content, thermal regime and soil type. Cohesionless r Cohesive N*(blows/ft) Relative Density T-(tsf£) =- Loose 0-10 0 to 40% Very Soft Oo- +025. Medium Dense 10 - 30 40 to 70% Soft 0. 25.- 0.5 Dense 30 - 60 70 to 90% Stiff 0.5: 150 Very Dense - 60 90 to 100% Firm 1.0 - 2.0 *Standard Penetration "N": Blows per foot of Very Firm 2.0° - 4,0 a140-pound hammer falling 30 inches on a Hard - 4,0 2-inch OD split-spoon except where noted. DRILLING SYMBOLS WO: Wash Out” WD: While Drilling WL: Water Level BCR: Before Casing Removal: “WCI: Wet Cave In ACR: After Casing Removal DCI: Dry Cave In AB: After Boring WS: While Sampling TD: Total Depth Note: Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the boring at the times indicated. In pervious unfrozen soils, the indicated elevations are considered to represent actual ground water conditions, In impervious and. frozen soils, accurate determinations of ground water elevations cannot be obtained within a limited period of observation and other evidence on ground water elevations and conditions are required, , (fe N/A GENERAL NOTES | SRD N/A PROJNQ Cone: \ ows wQ B-Ol REM CONSULTANTS, INC. STANDARD SYMBOLS TA -Z COBBLES & BOULDERS eS IGNEOUS ROCK ZY SANDY SILT y v SILT GRADING T| CONGLOMERATE ) METAMORPHIC ROCK FG SANDY sir ° SANDY GRAVEL, SANDSTONE ICE, MASSIVE SCATTERED COBBLES (ROCK FRAGMENTS!) Ey] INTERLAYERED SAN SAND MUDSTONE ICE - SILT fo ~ & SANDY GRAVEL Y-7 7.) GRAVEL LIMESTONE ORGANIC SILT ea SILTY CLAY w/TR SA SAMPLER TYPE SYMBOLS Ss..... 1.4" SPLIT SPOON WITH 140 # HAMMER Ts... . SHELBY TUBE Sz .....14" SPLIT SPOON WITH 3404 HAMMER Tm. ... MODIFIED SHELBY TUBE S!.....25" SPLIT SPOON WITH 140 # HAMMER Pb.... PITCHER BARREL Sh.....25" SPLIT SPOON WITH 3404 HAMMER Cs .... CORE. BARREL WITH SINGLE Tut SBicciaee 2.5" SPLIT SPOON, PUSHED Cd.... CORE BARREL WITH DOUBLE Tul Reis AUGER SAMPLE . Bs .... BULK SAMPLE NOTE: SAMPLER TYPES ARE EITHER NOTED ABOVE THE BORING LOG OR ADJACENT TO IT AT THE RESPECTI\ SAMPLE DEPTH. TYPICAL BORING LOG BORING NUMBER + H. 30-15 Elev 2746 —2— ELEVATION IN FEET OATE ORILLED~w\5-\-79 All Samples Ss SAMPLER - TYPE . ORGANIC MATERIAL ° Consid. Visible ice O-7 1CE+ML ICES SILT SAMPLER TYPE®, stimate 65% Visible Ice S: 90, 56.2% ,80.5pcf, ML r AFTER BORING. gaa WATER TABLES ws wo WHILE ORILLING~ SANDY SILT STRATA CHANGE APPROXIMATE STRATA CHANGE et eed ree — = (2” Little to No Visible Ice 13-30" Vy ——/CE, DESCRIPTION 8 CLASSIFICATION 2, 571%, 85.9 pct, 289 GP (CORPS OF ENGINEERS METHOD) d \ UNIFIED OR FAA CLASSIFICATION TEMPERATURE, F ORY DENSITY WATER CONTENT FROZEN GROUND BLOWS/FOOT ‘SAMPLE NUMBER SANDY GRAVEL F : 26 Co ORE SCHIST — GENERALIZED SOIL OR ROCK DESCRIPTION SAMPLE LOCATION 30°—— DRILL DEPTH EXPLANATION OF SELECTED SYMBOLS EXPLANATION OF ICF. SYMBOLS Percentage of visible ice has been grouped for the purpose of designating the amount of svil ice content, These groups have arbitrarily been set out as follows: 0% No Visible Ice Im - 10% Little Visible Ice 11% - 20% Occasional] Visible Ice 21%: - 35% Some Visible Ice >35% Considerable Visible lee The ice description system is hased on that presented by K. A, Linel, and c. Ww. Kaplar (1966). In this system, which is en extension ot the Unified Soil Classification System, the amount and physical characteristics of the soil ice are accounted for. The following table is 4 briet summary of the salient points of their classification system: as modified to meet the needs of this study. ICE DESCRIPTIONS SUBGROUP ee DESCRIPTION ;} SYMBOL Poorly bonded or friable No excess Well uce bonded :Excess tice Individual ice crystols or inclusions ICE VISIBILITY @ CONTENT Ice not visible Ice coatings on porticies Ice visible, <50% Random or weregulorly orientedice formations —_ Strotified of distinctly onented ice formations Ice visible, >50% ieee ICE + soil type ICE Individual layer >6" thick * | icf sitRout ICE soil inclusions * In some coses where the soil is 1ce poor a thin-ice layer may be called out by special notation on the Jog, ie 2 ice lens at 7 ISM FB wa EXPLANATION Cr Se REM CONSULTANTS, ING. OF CEL N/A dmemeree coor oeete snannewe evere-one FeO IG GENE ICE SYMBOLS iwectc Boo T.H. 3-2 : 1-25-79 0° NIC MATERIAL? . ORGANIC MATERIAL . @i58 5820 ny aT Tahoe. 0.5 : SILT W/SOME CLAY, TRACE GRAVEL, TRACE SAND brown ey pe ee ' CLAYEY SILT 18.9%, SM 3.5 ee GRAVELLY SAND W/SOME SILT brown 6.0' 2227 A.B. 8.5 LOS9Z. || SHH —_- — — — — — —8$8' T.D W.D. GRAVELLY SAND WITH TRACE SILT ; brown AGN ES6 75/1118 ".6) pet. (SM No Recover 28.1' T.D 3/4-inch PVC installed to total depth Own cKO OaTE. Feb 197 SCALE 1"=4° Test Hole Logs REM CONSULTANTS, INC. Geotechnical Investigation emamenne Oscvomiere sLanweme suaverone Goodnews Bay, Alaska 9 1-26-79 an 1-26-79 5 _ ORGANIC MATERIAL 9 5: SSH. ORGANIC MATERIAL) 1 CLAYEY SILT 5% ' brown 2" SILTY SAND W/SOME GRAVE ee eee ae brown 4.0' ee ee 4' SANDY GRAVEL W/TRACE CLAY brown SANDY GRAVEL W/TRACE SILT brown 8' T.D. 8=T-D Water Table Not Encountere: im Test Hole Logs REM CONSULTANTS, INC. Geotechnical Investigation Goodnews Bay, Alaska cKO OaTE Feb 197 SCALE j"_4t eNOmeeme CsOLOCeTS mL Anweme SLavevone 1-26-79 0" ORGANIC MATERIAL SILTY SAND W/SOME GRAVEL brown 27,17.0%, 104.7 pcf, GM SANDY GRAVEL W/SOME SILT, brown Ss A 4—— — — — — —8.2' Ss |o 95, 9.5%, 126.0 pcf, SM 1255- ; A.B. Occasional cobbles 10.5'-26' 14.0' : W.D. 100+, 8.8%, 132.0 pef, SM SAND W/SOME SILT, SOME GRAVEL Ss 100+, 9.1%, SM 26°-T..D- DWN Test Hole Logs oxo REM CONSULTANTS, ING.|| | Geotechnical Investigation cate Feb 197q |[treniits eneteers cesnsene ebevevens Cocdaiave muy j KhAska SCALE y"=4! TEMPERATURE °F. 32 34 4 + = THERMISTOR MEASUREMENTS SUMMARY FB vie Thermistor Measurements fenini cxo REM CONSULTANTS, INC.|! | Geotechnical Investigation oe ae ewe-weeee eeciseere siawwene eLaverocs PROINO 95196 O4TeFeb 1979 Goodnews Bay, Alaska ——- 7 SCALE 1°-4° OwGNO 3-07 TT 0 intl | | U Percolation Test Data Test Hole 3-4 Test hole was soaked for 6 hours prior to performance of test Elapsed Incremental Cumulative Time drop . drop (minutes) (inches) (inches) 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 1/2 2 1/2 5 1/2 3 10 1/4 31/4 20 1/4 3-1/2 30 1/4 3 3/4 40 1/4 4 50 1/4 4 1/4 60 1/4 41/2 Percolation Rate: 8 minutes per inch Total drop in 24 hours: 14 inches Total drop in 48 hours: 24 inches Figure B-07 us: mapper STATIN pr Try cree emnte erymeren reper qemer wn e220 PROJECT NO, _951003 DATE 2-12-79 CLIENT: LKSD PROJECT NAME_Goodnews Village PARTY NO... PAGE NO High School oO w LAB | Zo ]aG wl oe « " . FINE WET | ORY |MOISTURE no, | Ez a= DEPTH vise") 1" 1374"! 172"! 3/8") 4 | 10 | 40 | 200] .02 | .005 | 002 | og | LL. PI. lpensityloensity [content| CLASS ao ape | Toe 2 _|3.5' - : | 100 |_73] 63 | 18.9 | [2 |3.5' = 5.0" | |__| |_40/30,2| eee ee ee ee eee 13.|5,0'. = a eee : SS | 4 |6,5' - 8,5! loo | 92] 64] 73| 56 | 49| 40/29.9 10.9 —_|__|6 j23.5'-15.0' | | | too} 93 | 72} shag} | |) 34.7} 118.6 | 13.6 | __) Lt | — ee eal eal een |-—-! |__| 5 | 3/4.0' - 5,5' |100| 93 | 89| 86| 79165 | 54] 43/31.6} | | —— 424 104.7 | 17 ——|-— L 2\6.5' - 7.5' |100| 94 | 91| 75| 62] 38 | 29] 25/16.9 eee | ee | ees —_|___| 3}9,0' -10,5' |_| 00 | 97] 88} 70 | 54) aij} = | | | 380 1226-0} 9.5 | Jf 4 24 Orn 25 50 Se ee |__| 5 j24.0'=24.5' | | 100 | 97) 93) 7 ee ee se ss SS SS eS ee ee — a a aaa . Jf ff} ff ft a |} 4} —_}—_—_ | —_ —_, __ NOTE: SIEVE ANALYSIS = PERCENT PASSING REMARKS: ; =—“.. a Crna) LOWER KUSKOKWIM SCHOOL DISTRICT VILLAGE SCHOOL SITES GEOTECHNICAL DATA SHEET R&M No. 951003 SITE: GOODNEWS BAY : DATE: 2-2-79 ARCHITECT: MAYNARD & PARTCH Te BACKGROUND INFORMATION a) Date Drilled: . January 25, 1979 © b) Make of Drill: CME 45/Skid Mounted c) Type of Drilling: 8" Hollow Stem Auger d) Type of Sampling: . 1.4 Sampler w/140 pound hammer e) Field Crew: Geologist, Dave Carlson Driller, J. Duncan Helper, T. Harmon f) Comments: GENERAL SITE CONDITIONS a) b) f) g) h) i) k) Site Soils: At proposed building .5 feet of organics overlies 1 to 3 _ feet of silt with some clay and trace sand and gravel which overlies sandy gravel with trace to some silt. Permafrost: No permafrost encountered. Seasonal frost less than 6 inches when drilled. Groundwater: Varies 4 to 14 feet across site. At building location varies 8% - 14 feet. Site Drainage: No channels. Tundra vegetation causes locally poor drainage at the site during periods of high run off, despite the average 5% gradient. Depth of Active Layer: Estimate 4 to S feet Depth to Permafrost: Not encountered Depth of Surficial Organic Layer: Approximately - 6 inches Ground Temperatures: Above 32°F Laboratory Test Data: Attached Potential for Settlement if Thawing of Permafrost Occurs: None Design Soil Classification: Moderate (thawed soil) PROJ. NO. DS 1001 oF BuiloiNg Zz 9 uva 093 re 3 veg AVATION Ry 3 > Ww St yz 15% Noy Ke P 2MPACTION D LevelNaq codgse To BE PLACED SeTING UNpistUReED NatURKal soil sueaRaA FREE OF ORGANIC MATERIAL , ICE OF « DELETERIOUS MATERIAL 2) FoR HeaTEo ENcLoseO cRAWL SPACE pelete iwWedlatioN oN ulteRiog rat ) AND, pLace FooTiING af «4 MINIMUM “ACE Below Final GRADE PROVIDED ace soi. S4UBaRAPE 15 present AND L loam CRITERIA ARE SATISFIED. FOR Footings oetefe Weoarp iNsdLaps . . o > . > © > . . © s z z < a a . . = 5 9 4 3 . e . . . . z 5 2 . GQ é oO F F 5 J H 2 0 0 2 ub gc 33 FOUNDATION DETERMINANTS a) Recommended Foundation Type Preferred: Conventional shallow foundation. Footings should be heated or otherwise protected from frost heave. Alternate 1: Alternate 2: b) Load - Settlement Data for Preferred Foundation Max Allowable Load: 2500 psf Max Expected Settlement: 1" total 3/4" differential Cc) Frost. Susceptibility & Frost Jacking Potential High if footing is unheated or not protected from frost penetration. d) Recommended Specifications: e) Special Considerations: fl H 4. CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS a) b) d) f) Trafficability Poor unless active layer is frozen Excavation Easy to moderate Borrow Material The Alaska Division of Aviation developed and mined a borrow site during construction of the airstrip in 1975. The borrow site is located on the east side of the village near the airstrip. Quantities of usable material are not known, however there should be sufficient materials for the Proposed project. An alternate source of material could be sand and gravel found along the beach. Access There are presently no roads from the village to the selected site, and due to the tundra covering this area, all terrain tracked vehicles will be required to transport materials to the site. Seasonal Considerations Winter construction preferred Site disturbance and Restoration No special considerations 5. MISCELLANEOUS GEOTECHNICAL INFORMATION a) Percolation Characteristics Alternate Site 1: Unsuitable due to fine grained soils and water table at 6 feet. Alternate Site 2: Water table at 4 feet precludes use of this site. Third alternate selected near SW corner of- building soils suitable below 4 feet. No groundwater at depth drilled (8 feet). b) Suitability of on site soil for fill Sandy gravel with trace to some silt located 1 to 8 feet below the surface may be suitable for most fills if moisture content and compaction is controlled. LOCATION SKETCH .| BORING. NUMBER Date Completed: SOIL DESCRIPTION [I LOCATION f CLAYEY SILT w/TRACE SAND and TRACE GRAVEL (ML-CL) tae, SANDY GRAVEL w/SOME SILT (GM) Numerous Cobbles 7 Slightly Moist, Very Dense Groundwater Not Encountered - NOTE: DISTANCES SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND HA\ NOT BEEN MEASURED BY SURVEYING METHOD EXPLANATION r— UNF ROZEN GROUND = ORGANIC MATERIAL : Little Visible Ice O10 Vy ap, ~/CE DESCRIPTION — SAMPLE NUMBER Ss,72, 57.1%, 85.9 pcf L “pry DENSITY WATER CONTENT BLOWS / FOOT SAMPLER TYPE WO WATER TABLE BEDROCK - ‘FROZEN GROUND wa ae DRILLING e y. TYPICAL -SOILS LOG A.B-AFTER BORING Ss 14" SPLIT SPOON WITH 140LB HAMMER Sz 147 SPLIT SPOON WITH 340 LB. HAMMER Sh 25° SPLIT SPOON WITH 340 LB. HAMMER 3p 25° SPLIT SPOON, PUSHED A AUGER SAMPLE Ts SHELBY TUSE Tm MODIFIED SHELBY TUBE Bs BULK SAMPLE SAMPLER TYPE SYMBOLS ona GRAVFL FS cuay sur BEDROCK SAND ICE, MASSIVE SOIL SYMBOLS l COBBLES & JA BOULDERS . oO : OWN KMW yS™M Percolation Test = cxo JMA REM CONSULTANTS, INC. Goodnews Bay School = DATE, 4-15-80 swOrnsees SYRSOTS CLANNEeS elavavens BRODNOO SOILS LOG DWG.NQ ; SOILS INVESTIGATION Alaska Village Electrical Cooperative Waste Heat Recovery Project ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Prepared for Raj Bhargava Associates 301 East Fireweed Lane Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Prepared by Roe Sturgulewski Civil Engineer John M<“Lambe, P.E. Civit Engineer 4254-E JM L ane AND ASSOCIATES Soils Laboratory and Geotechnical Engineering INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of the soils investigation that we performed as part of the Alaska Village Electrical Coop- erative (AVEC) waste heat recovery project. As we discussed in our meetings with Mr. Don Bassler and Mr. Rajeev Bhargava, the purpose of this study was to research soils information made available from school construction in the areas and other sources, and to correlate this data with such subsurface soils information as could be obtained in a one-day field trip util- izing an Oakfield hand auger. Information obtained in our literature search and field investigation was used to determine what, in our opinion, may be an appropriate type of routing for arctic pipe containing a 190° water-glycol mixture and running between the AVEC generators and other buildings in nine remote villages. We understand that this system will be flexible and will not be required to maintain a positive grade. This effort is in general accordance with your letter of authorization dated October 8, 1982, which we received November 1, 1982, and was limited in scope to evaluation of the surficial conditions. The investigation also endeavored to determine the soils profiles in the proposed locations of the new heat recovery modules (thought to be approximately 10 feet by 15 feet) which are to be located near existing AVEC plants. Those limitations as discussed in some detail in the text. Each village is dis- cussed individually in the text. PROCEDURE The investigation consisted of two major phases. The first being a research phase designed to determine soil conditions that predominate in the villages under study. The second phase of the investigation was site visits and direct observation of surficial conditions. Information from our 1 taembre |e eth and field effort was incorporated within the text of this report in the site descriptions. The researched information is presented in the accompanying binder on a village by village basis. Results of our field observations are presented on the site plans and boring logs within the text. TT : Data for the research phase were obtained from a number of sources including the Division of Transportation Public Facili- ties Inventory and Condition Surveys, Community Profiles, Public Health Service well logs, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture soils reports, Alaska Village Electrical Co-op routing information, previous reports from investigations done in the region by J.M. Lambe & Associates, Inc. and, finally, exploratory soils reports performed by others for the schools in the respective villages. The research phase provided data from which we determined it was, in our opinion, necessary to view the conditions in seven of the nine villages under consideration. These field observa- tions were between September 27 and October 3, 1982, for Savoonga, Shungnak, Ambler, and Kiana; and from October 11 to October 13, 1982, for Elim, Kaltag, and Grayling. The investigations began with an initial visual survey of the project being conducted by Mr. Roe Sturgulewski of our staff, and by either Mr. Ken Opsata oor Mr. Steve Stone of your staff. An initial routing location was established and contact made with local authorities to determine the feasibility of the proposed routing. Mr. Sturgulewski then performed borings along the pro- posed route using a hand-operated 1-inch 0.D. Oakfield Auger. The number and location of borings were determined in the field according to a number of factors including surface conditions, topography, total line distance, availability of alternative routes and time allowed on site. Borings were completed to depths of between 2 and 10.5 feet depending on the soil type, moisture condition and presence of permafrost. The locations of the borings are shown on the Site Plans, Plates 1 through 7, in the discussions of each village. Due to the nature of the study and the equipment being employed, the presence of permafrost and bedrock could not be conclusively determined in all instances. The boring equipment was not adequate to penetrate dense or frozen soils. Therefore, the data must be viewed as an evalua- tion of the surficial deposits only, and, for the purposes of this report, extrapolations were made to correlate the informa- tion with file data in the area. Soils profiles were logged for each of the borings. The auger was inserted into the soil, rotated, and then extracted with a soil sample on the bit. The sample was observed with the soil classification, moisture condition, presence of organics, and the presence and type of ice noted and recorded on the field logs. All soils were classified in accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System and the Textural Classification System presented on Plates 8 and 9 of this report, respectively. In all villages visited, the routing was established using surface observations to determine the most practical routing. The locations of the borings were determined by taping from existing features. Numerous pictures were taken showing possible routes in all the villages. These pictures were taken at various intervals between buildings so as to show surface topography and potential hazards which you may recognize, but may not be discussed in the report. These photographs are included behind the research material for each village. Information pertinent to the selection of routes and type of placement was also collected by Mr. Sturgulewski. This informa- tion included types of foundations employed in the area, founda- tion problems, restrictions to access in both the project area and the village, and other information important to the project. This information is included in the discussion of site conditions for each village. Ground temperature measurements were taken = number of test holes along the proposed routing using a thermistor instru- mentation cable. The data obtained with this instrumentation was not included in this report due to the generally saturated condi- tion of the test holes and the inability, due to time con- straints, for temperatures to stabilize to their pre-drilled conditions. As part of this field effort, the field logs were trans- ferred to hand lettered data summaries and were transmitted with the field site plans as the trips were completed. These data are incorporated within the text of this report under site condi- tions, and the logs are presented in the text at the end of the discussion for the appropriate village. The locations of the borings were recorded on site plans’ provided by your firm. Revisions were made on the Elim Site Plan and the logs trans- mitted with this report are to supercede the previous Erenii mittal. The site plan provided for Kiana did not agree with information obtained by Mr. sea enweHee, so a new site plan is presented for the purposes of this report. The research material, pictures, and field data were com- piled and used by J.M. Lambe and Roe Sturgulewski to formulate opinions to prepare the recommendations for each of the villages in this report. SHUNGNAK A. SITE CONDITIONS The town of Shungnak is located on a hill on the north bank of the Kobuk River about 150 miles east of Kotzebue. The pro- posed routing runs from the AVEC generator building in the north central portion of the village north to the village school and a second alignment is to the west to the PHS treatment plant. The school is founded on wooden piling, some of which are equipped with Cryo-anchors, and is located on Silty Sandy Gravel fill with tundra and 20-foot Spruce trees to the north. To the south of the school is a slight depression, consisting of tundra and small spruce trees, which acts as a drainage area for the eastern section of town. A culvert crosses the road in the middle of this field and provides drainage. Fill exists on the west side of the road except within approximately 40 feet north and south of the culvert. A barrel storage area and a sawmill exist on the west side of the road approximately 150 feet north and south of the culvert, respectively. The area between the AVEC building and the PHS plant were free of surface water, but there are some indications of the presence of standing water in the past. A building about 150 feet south of the school is used as grader storage in the winter and conflicts with above ground routing. The same problem exists with the AVEC access road and the cater- pillar maintenance yard north of the AVEC plant. The terrain slopes gently down from the school to the cul- vert and then rises towards the AVEC plant. Total elevation change was 10 to 15 feet from the school to the culvert, and 15 to 20 feet from the culvert to the AVEC plant. The PHS plant is founded on wander timbers placed on a gravel fill, while the AVEC plant is elevated with wooden columns on wooden pads. The school is founded on piling, some of which are equipped with Cryo-anchors. Numerous foundation types were observed throughout the village. The school appears to have experienced some settlement as evidenced by cracking near the northwest entrance. Utilties are generally run in Arctic pipe placed on the surface, but in some instances they are buried and in others they are elevated. Elevated utilidors were observed between the new school and the teachers' quarters. The town road system consists of Sandy Gravel fill and it appears adequate material exists to meet fill requirements. The sewer system in most of the village is reported to be frozen. A manhole 100 feet south of the school had frozen sewage at 8 feet and one foot of unfrozen sewage. A report done by DOWL Engineers indicated that the depths to permafrost beneath the school site ranged from 3 to 19 feet. A DOWL test hole near the southwest corner of the school encoun- tered Sandy Gravel fill to 1.5 feet followed by Peat to three feet and then clean Sand to 15 feet. The soil was saturated at 3.5 feet and frozen at four feet. Other borings drilled under the school showed a similar soils profile. A 24-foot BIA well log near the school site records the soils as continuously frozen to a depth of 24 feet. Borings south of the school revealed 2 to 3 feet of fill underlain by unfrozen Silty Sand to Sandy Silt to a depth of 7 feet. The low area on the west side of the school road appears to become frozen at a depth of 5 to 6.5 feet. Depth to perma- frost increases both to the north and south of this area. A boring placed on the location of the heat recovery module detected permafrost at 6 feet, but no other permafrost was observed within the depths explored near the AVEC plant. The water table along the proposed route is generally shallow, ranging from a depth of 3 to 4 feet near the school and AVEC plant, down to 0 to 1 feet for the areas near the culvert. Soils in the low area consist of Silt, Sand and Gravel fill overlaying a brown Peat layer. This Peat layer is saturated and in some instances frozen. Thawing of this layer could cause large scale settlement. B. RECOMMENDATIONS The most stable foundation system for buildings and utili- ties is likely to be elevated structures founded on self-refrig- erating piles embedded at least 10 feet into permafrost. This system is likely to be too expensive for the project, and will limit access, and for these reasons is not discussed in greater detail. An alternative foundation system would be elevating struc- tures and pipelines on sills placed on a structural fill. For the heat recovery module, we suggest the method of foundation construction may be similar to the existing method employed in the AVEC plant, thought to be post and pads founded on inorganic material. For the pipeline alignment, we envision the pipe strapped to timber sills embedded in the structural fill. Dif- ferential movement can be expected, however, excessive movements could be observed before damage occurred to the pipe and approp- riate measures could be taken to realign the pipe. Specific attention to the details of connection to fixed structures, such as the school, will be required. Again, above ground installa- tions hinder access, which is particularly of concern for the alignment to the school. The third alternative is burial of the line from the AVEC Plant to the school. Although this solution solves the access problems, it removes the alignment from direct observation and increases the costs for vertical realignment of the pipe if excessive movement occurs. We anticipate, from the literature, that relatively clean, low moisture content soils may exist at depth along the alignment, however, the nature of the exploration methods allowed for this study did not allow confirmation of this opinion. If additional exploration with drilling equipment capable of penetrating the permafrost to the anticipated depth of thaw confirms the existence of low moisture content sands at depth, or if the assumption that such soils wetmiats depth is correct, then the pipe may be buried in relatively thaw stable soils, and settlement may be within acceptable limits fora relatively low maintenance system, particularly if the pipe is insulated in such a manner as to minimize heat loss from the pipe. Ideally, the 32°F isotherm should be maintained in the insulation sheath. The existing data is insufficient to predict the amounts of settlement, however, buried pipeline embedded in the frozen peat or Silts can be expected to settle excessively, and pipelines embedded within the active layer should be expected to heave. The heave will be excessive in silts or peat. Construction problems with trenching operations are expected in the proximity of the facultative sewage lagoon adjacent to the school. The heat source provided by the lagoon may be progres- sively thawing the frozen sands and providing a source of water possibly adversely affecting the foundation for the school. Trench excavations are expected to be difficult in this area due to excess water and sloughing sands. This condition may exist in other thermally disturbed areas. We suggest that such areas be avoided if possible. Additionally, the pipe should approach the school at right angles and avoid proximity to any pile support to minimize disturbance of the pile foundation system. 10 “ @ #10 Borr€vV ~ 2 auanwer _ 2 we pwe : a Te PVE? beaver | __ SRRALE | alae STORRG 7 4 4 LOW [ ; AR Ge ——- tS" ee ARER o* 8 = 7 /S cCOLvERT Gas _—-_-_-———— = = ee se . = “ ants | oe ee ----¢-.9™" = aunon™® “550 echt <tSe a Fue sot et Loewe? Loa | - = ee ne | arse + CoO! ae S OQ | zi necess oS foe a a eee l | tol SGOHL3W AZAYNS - M .Sb_- aca ASrsEy “23407 ise NU! AG G3NIWU3L3IG LON SNOILVI01 23LON 2 en F) Sth S NA° onwoose 13M ‘44 SS aad 13M ANI Qwou sO M Ol 4223N1n> 29 S 4b QBWwAnlWs “Ws ‘ONS ALIS wad M oF IDSS'O ‘i'M nL WNeo 2h 8B RVIPIS 3% awaniys 132M. WO *WaHYVsaO ANNY ht OL aa N Q2NCSD FON NI wulw207 3Y_ 19 7 BD DesiA ON SS3naaea a Bana GWanwuprossia - GO2 WBNS -13M ‘Id LN3d mnvose $ ' . say 13M N/ QalvaNLyS ‘AW *aS pays sp oe wo lan el 9 sans 40 N CO °o (IM OMIM PRM 3283aNS NO QVnease Se ot Nazay4 TU9$ eax NBe~2~a O81 3d .S Hh WIyNIwasl -HBoa TN RSISIA NBZO8s Les gmiwaniys -IBW ‘aa yad (Nmcas eBay 13M AI aqucy ao M SI 0 seamnr> zo NM SE Ur: agivaniys IW ‘ANS 4A "SB Cace2seo sim IBM ‘NUS 'ANYS HTIONA ALIS 5 Or BI0oK NI dams oL 30 52 © CBIVNIWA3l 32 5 203 “dwys ON 20D COO QsiNvenad 4INBINOD> OTH ROIH | V3lwanys S SIW'IDIS AINYS YO ‘ws'ANYS ALIS 43239 ONIINAD AQUNSE ~O CBAAaIsBO IM | “es Tis ‘SES Gatvyrivs .2 DB a3aMm OL AS\OW * WS-aS TANES HIDES ALIS hw ‘Me T0OHSS 30 0 ANA> MS MA + Sih ANSNONNHS (34) - NOILVIISISSV19 31140ud : NOILVIO1 310H JDVTIIA 28 -0€-b ice usonV ONVH BT jyuawdinb3 SINTYOA 40 901 Downy Ss LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _].@ HAND AUGER Date 9-30- VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION : PROFILE CLASSIFICATION (ft) 0 Hin o8SFBUD OF § SuPFACE [pT] Stown PEAT. Pr. SATURATED, FROZEN TO 2" ROOTS sw ORES SILTY SANQ, SMe SATURATED aN erouin PEAT, PT, WET, Amozertic W/LAYERS OF foots + FIBERS FROZEN G4 Likeey EoB- QuilTORILUNG OS _ FROZEN VGABLE TCR ON AUGER, Ve. mast-wer = SKHUNGNAK SoS) OF CULVERT IS W OF ROAD te 6S N OF cuLveRT ea0 BRowy SILTY SANDY GRAVEL, OM. WET, FILL FRozes \S'W ot Kor GREY SILTY SAND, SNM, WET BRown PRAT. PT, wi ATURAT TR GRALEL + BROWN eee Ace WAT. OBSERVED & Y WHILE ORMUNG REY SANDY SILT. NAL, SATURATED OB- REFUSAL @7 LikeELY CIKEW FROZEN FROZEN 10 +7 leo N OF CULVERT lon] BRown SILTY SANOY GRAVEL, GN, FILL, WET : oF ROAD mm 'B GREN SILTY SAND, SM.WET eof ee AMORPHIC PERT. OT, WET- SAI RATES a EASY ORILUNS Feed “Sig SAND, SM,WET, VISIBLY FROZEN, Ve OREN SAND SP, WET, eon 8 | foe. CG’ Asean VISIBLY ERLEN. Ve #8 ZCOH#N OF CULVERT gF] Beawn rex SAND, SP-SM, MoisT TRACE Sr S WEST OF ROAD FOR- GRAVELLY DRILLING STOM RORING RANDOM GRALEGS NEAT HOLE NOTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY SURVEY METHODS VILLAGE SHUNGNAK NOTE: LOG OF BORINGS HOLE LOCATION a lag’ N OF CuLveRt 4 W OF RORD HIS ZION OF CULVERT S'W oF RomD ll 105' S OF CULVERT SSW oF CuLlveRT IN CAT STORAGE ROAD, #12 180 S oF CULVERT S’ w oF ROAD IN VEC PLANT Romo. LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY SURVEY METHODS Equipment _J.@ HAND AUGER Date 1O-\-82 PROFILE CLASSIFICATION (ft) 0 Brown GCEY SAND, $P=SM, MOIST, TRACE SILT, SOME LANGE GRAVELS NEAR HOLE SOB- GRAVELLY ORILUNG SToPs Bo®inye 5 10 Beown SILTY SAND, SM, WET TO. SAT Sy RBouT 19%, sicy URATEN 0 BROWN SAND, SP-am . moist 2" FRED SOME GEAUELS TRAE SI EN BROWN PERT, PT. MOIST TO WET W/PEPTH WT. OBSERVED OY! WHILE ORUING 5 EOR- No UlsiBLE PERMAFROST 10 FOB -§' BORING SLUMP PREVENTS ProoRess . 0 a GREY SILTY SANDY GRAVEL, GM. Maoist, FROZEN TO 2" ORGANIC SANOY SICT OL; Wer lou | PRN, eran STS WHEN DRILLING 5 OREY SILTY SAND LSM, SATURATED 10 0 EE BROWN SILTY FINE SANO, Moist, cM To CARK BROWN SILTY SAND, <M wer LT BROWN MED- coARsh SAND: SE SN, WET, TRACE SILT ORk BRAWN SILTY SAND, SMiWET EOB- SIDE SLUNAP - INPOSSIRLE Te BRILL OCCEPER 10 ot 33HI2S C2 Bnd B3DWH ANONY DBVAANKOWUNS IselaWw 43a on <~ Boz SGOHL3W AZAYNS s A@ G3NIWYSL3IG LON SNOILVIOT -3LON ONNUNAI DAM TH BGSABBSBVO BrIWYL zB “awou zo ws 13M “WS ‘GNwS ALIS ABzO as 13M 40 ISya IS JWoSKHs Maroee svat H19W “WS-ds “ANUS AITIS NMoa t82O]53} GO Ms ao S\b9 = = ' ano? 1F ot ANINNZA SUNBAIAd WWMs Bas asdysywaae ov- ZH BA E s € 8 QuvaNws ONINGQDAG 13M WS ONES 4191S Adz “ADM O'LINS sINWZO NNO AN 2g SBA 20 4am ‘id 'LeDg NMC?! sy ganze MS JO MSS SNF OL W320i naan NDB2ZOUa bIDD 9H Bn U WSnsFze -903 ED nmosd 1 ONwo2g QNITNST 3HM Sh OH 934853990 BIEVL boc Oe Calwenlss QL LaM'WS ‘ANS 4115 NMoQa h3VO ASIOWw '70 ‘ANS ANE NSAQ JSi0W "1g “sg WM INS7g DBAV 39 ZanNnzws 0 MN 30 MOl*+ S Ol Ale or ONIZ3MS 3308'S 19 HD QOIt- 13M ~ LSIOW 'WS ‘ONES ADIs NMOIa 1 yay GNe 2SM ANIWOD2e a3iow Ws'‘UNWS AIS NYO 17 JAAN 30 23INAOD 0 JN 3O 3S NZ >NNONNHS (34) <\ NOILVOISISSVO JUsoud NOILWIO1 310H JOVTIIA =1-O1 azeq usonV ONVH OT yuewdinby ‘SONTYOA 40 907 SAVOONGA A. SITE CONDITIONS Savoonga is located on the north coast of St. Lawrence Island approximately 155 air miles west-southwest of Nome. The city lies near the sea on a gradual slope to the west. The proposed line is on generally level ground and runs north from the AVEC plant to the BIA school utility building. The proposed route goes through treeless tundra with occasions of standing water. Surface water was observed through- out the village and a french drain has been installed around the perimeter of the village. Lava boulders, typically two feet in diameter, are found in numerous locations throughout the portion of the village near the sea. Outcrops were noted near the northeast and southeast corners of the utility building. The proposed line crosses a wooden pedestrian boardwalk and two existing three-wheeler trails. An on-grade utilidor con- taining electrical wire runs from the boiler to the boardwalk with bare wires running to the AVEC plant. i Typical foundations in Savoonga are either gravel pads, post and pads, wood cribs or piling. The village school, as well as the utility building, are on wood piles and neither appears to have experienced large scale differential movement. The AVEC building appears to be founded on ventilated post and pads and appears to be performing adequately. According to the school maintenance man, the ground near the village school has subsided 12 to 15 inches since 1969. This was evidenced by the ground falling below its original skirting on the school building by more than 1 foot. Due to the uniformity of its nature, the condition appears, in Mr. Sturgulewski's opinion, to be a general ground subsidence rather than jacking. Most utilities are located on elevated utilidors founded on wooden pilings. The wood pilings are typically 8 to 12 inches in diameter and are driven to a depth of 8 feet. They are reported to have experienced large differential movement and require a minimum of twice yearly leveling by maintenance men. A 1/4-mile section of elevated arctic pipe exists founded on 5-inch steel piles driven to 20 feet. This line is also reported to have experienced large differential movement. The salt air has caused problems with exposed steel surfaces, including these piling. Grease, polyethylene and thermopiles have been used on the piling in an attempt to prevent jacking, but none are reported to have been totally successful. Electrical utilities are run on poles above ground or on the ground in some instances. A utiliduct observed in the village was placed on wooden sills and appeared to be performing adequately. a - The town is connected with gravel roads and wooden walkways with the walkways typically experiencing differential movement. Gravel was reported to have been mined from a rock pit east of town and crushed in a plant that is reported to be-no longer on the island. No gravel is reported to be available for fill and no equipment is known to be available to transport it. Information obtained from Community Profiles indicates that the soil profile in Savoonga generally is an organic mat under- lain by high water content Silt. This material is continuously frozen with an active layer between 2 and 2.5 feet. The Silt in turn is underlain by basalt boulders and/or bedrock. The recent soils exploration encountered a typical soils profile as follows: 1) Brown Peat, PT, wet-saturated, to a depth of one through 3 feet; 2) Brown Silt, ML, saturated. Refusal to penetration of the auger occurred at depths of between two and four feet with one instance (Hole #3) at 6 feet. In some instances (Holes #1, 2, 4, and 7), lava boulders were observed on the surface near the test hole and were surmised to be the cause of refusal. Due to the equipment being employed, samples could not be obtained to determine whether refusal occurred to boulders or frozen silt. There appeared to be a difference in resonance between the material suspected as being permafrost and that of rock, so an assumption has been made to the cause of refusal. These assumptions are noted as likely conditions on the boring logs. The project site had a high water table which located from the surface to 2 feet. Acording to villagers, this is a normal occurrence and the water table has been known to rise on occasion. The site chosen for the heat recovery module is located on wet brown Peat which is situated over brown Silt and is likely frozen at a depth of 3 to 4 feet. B. RECOMMENDATIONS Due to high water content, ice-rich Silts in the underlying soils, any type of foundation will be subject to jacking or settling forces. Running the line below ground increases the depth of thaw bulb penetration which, in ice-rich soils, is expected to cause large differential settlement. Boulders and 12 bedrock near the surface will cause difficulties in trenching operations. Despite the use of numerous frost jacking prevention methods, all elevated pipelines within the village are reported to have experienced differential movement. The use of thermally active piles should prevent differential movement, however, this use of this system wOUdd Lewes ount ty impact the cost of the systen. Because of the above constraints, we suggest that the arctic pipe be placed on wooden sills resting directly on the existing ground surface in as direct a line as possible between the AVEC plant and the utility building. The system should be expected to move, so provisions should be made to allow for future leveling of the pipe on the sills, as required to prevent damage. As the system would be in sight, maintenance could be performed before damage occurred to the pipe. Three potential problems have been considered to be associated with this system: 1) hazards due to flooding, 2) hindrances to surface traffic, and 3) the ere damage in- flicted to the pipe from pedestrians and motorized vehicles. No observations were noted indicating the occurrence of surface flooding, but it must be recognized that the proposed system offers little resistence to the pipe moving laterally due to water forces or flooding. The proposed line crosses two ATC trails and one wooden boardwalk, so elevated crossings need to be constructed. To minimize damage, the outer shell of the arctic pipe should be metal, high strength plastic, or fiberglass resis- tant to impact damage when cold. 14 The module may probably be founded on a ventilated post on pad foundation founded on inorganic soils, similar to the AVEC building, however, differential movement can be expected. Self- refrigerating piling founded at least to a depth of 10 feet would be a foundation alternative, although boulders and shallow bedrock would severely complicate the foundation installation. Again, provisions for differential movement should be incor- porated in all building/pipeline connections. AVEC FONEA HOUSE SA] -=AT > BORINGS _oT lt “REA EA Jini LocATED BY FEOVEAY VYODLZz SURVEY CAETHODS SAVOONGA .. ProPOSED LINE rol S SGOHLIN AZAUNS S3uIans 2sSN smME_wy AG Q3NIWY3130 LON SNOILYI01 ‘sare yan 78 1 & Wsn434 - 803 asneannNd 49 ASIOW ‘ad ‘ead NMOUE aaa 3N,,=!.t + 5,0n SONDOAYS he NBA SIT .FH WsSnssa wos Qaivenies —23M "WW WIISs) NMoU A320 ONIIUNSO JVM FH Qanzasao 1M 13M ‘id ‘Awad NMC Tits 3M “AW ‘DNS BONS 49 Snongwnd 30 GINO? Bye EF SVE e* Or $ AWIwNS NO SQI|@ wav? 39887 }Y Sarg Ql Io Wwsn438 Bsnorndwng 39 ABE BWYA/mr WYOWY BBM ‘id 'aw3d noose 2g] 9 TIN89> BNe3Et a ot S (A2wNS3NS NO Sata WAY] BILAWYIG 2) ee) 4o susqMnos OL 2H = iy QsncHgwnd ao BOSSA OD DINdNOWY ‘LIM ‘1d “AWBSNMOIE aBNAVI 3N,3.3+ 501 : \ (33) NOILWIIAISSV19 31140Ud NOILYIO1 310H [d2]b 97eq usonv ONVH FT juawdinb3 SONTYOR 40 907 BIN CONUS BONQOVDAYS BINOGAYS SDVTIIA *3.LON VILLAGE SAVOONCA SAVCONGA SAVOO NGA SAVOO NGA \OTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY 5 SURVEY METHODS LIKEL LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _J’@ HAND AUGER Date Qlzgige HOLE LOCATION PROFILE CLASSIFICATION _ (ft) #S j Sos +3E€ oF NE corned , . Rp PUOn Tae OF PUMPHOUSE ]PT] BROWN PEAT. PT, Moist ~WeT. AMORPr ZAC BROWN SILT, ML, WET TO SATURATED NEAR wr OBSOLED ATS) WHE PRICING __ _ Botton Eos - REFUSAL GY’ LIKELY FROZEN 5 LIKELY FROZEN 10 +o . 0 eos + BE OF NE AT, Pt, WET, CORNER OF PumPHoUsE pr | BROWN re eS Wiles BRILLING BRowN SILT, MX, WET - SATUPATED EFOR- REFUSAL @ BS LIKELY FROZEN 5 10 #7 0 * TowaArRo AVEC BROWN Pr, MvoIsT -WeET Prom SE cORNER rare © . OF PumPHouse A BROWN SILT, MU, WET - sATULATED 51! 10 EOR- REFUSAL G@ 3° LARGE - BOULDERS (LAVA) NEARER 27 HOLE #8 So' TOWARD AVEC 0 ly BROWN PEAT, PT, WET To SATURATED | FROM 5E CORNER E_ WATER TABLE oF PuMPHOUSE rn BROWN OREY SILTs MAL , SATURATED EoB- fEFUSAL G3 LIKEW 10 FROTEN Frozen SGOHL3W AJAYNS Oot S8Siy* A@ GINIWYSLIG LON SNOILVIO1 *3LON IT 6H AYsnssya -Gos - neaas mae STHM OS ay “LM asnorxgwnd SUD qaivaniss a 13M OW Tisarcag fW] a5 ASNYOO BS WS - ‘aaa¢ novels] 9 2anw aawmou EZ BINIGOANS Ut Ot g N3z034 ° Ata417 . ABI EO AWsnaga - 803 wazees = ee WW 2S Nmoae asnoyawnd “Nima TWN TM 30 VANYO> BS Woud Ss ® Gainers OL 45M “ud sad NERS] | Dany aaWMal Oz : - NE OL 4am ‘id VaAvanivs IW “hts NMmoa NBVS HSI , SS DH Wisnsda -8o: ONT NAIa TNHM 1M-, I Doaivaniys OL LIM ‘id ‘wad NMoAd Ld] ASNoH awry 30 ABNZOD 3S Wous DIAY RWMOL OF) ax ¥ ot NaI g 347 N3w0YS HBT | _H wsns3J- BOF 2 ; ‘ agdvanius “WW SEs NMOS ONMAWAA SUM TIMMY . BNHdwng so WSNA> BS AD QBrvanis OL 13M ‘Id IB ANOS wows DaAY SauMOL II 9 be (33) NOILVIISISSV19 311 40uUd 3 NOILVI01 30H 28 -S2-lo 37eq Y GNVH @ TI Juauwdinby SONTYOA 40 901 WINOOAWS WINVOONWS SONIONYS SSVTTIA ge SGOHLAW AZAYNS Qn: nuaeed si A@ G3NIWUSL3G LON SNOILVIO1 *3.LON May7 .€ H wonsae - - 903 . Tay wntws * aw as NVWRS a DBAY SO WRNASD sB0 1M 1D Teas esd NCS Ml BN 30 Bh + SE SENSEI ; Ae G Nazod aTSayI9 N32Ws ADIT £5 =SN238 90a adiwunivs® Ww 'aUs Nou Azad DBAW 3O ABNF ! Qanaasao AN = 1 "Ds Gudiws “or mig awe NCS 9 aNae Bht “Ss BINOVAWS ANS aS max? wh DS Wsns3sa -aos ONIINAD BURM StH Gamagzsao 1M SOD Wivenleys QA 13aM'1715 ABA Noreae 1 3O BsANw> 1M ‘id Usd Nmadal idl an 3 0 3N 3° Fw SI YONSOAYS hi ot N320I4 = N33x -@OS Nazwa May £6 WS BSnoH gwna sao ANIIVIBS BUM .5'1O OFAPISES LM wNac> Bs Wedd SIO Wrvanids a. 13M ‘1g ‘ead’ NMOS 9. Dad’ sadmeL 29% WONDOAYS ; at (33) NOILWOIAISSV1D 31140ud . NOILVDO1 J10H SSVTIIA 2S-8tb azea usonv ONVH BT juaudinby SONTYOR 40 901 VILLAGE SAVQONLA SAVOGNLA SAWONGA SAVCONGA NOTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY SURVEY METHODS LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _].@ HAND AUGER Date A-28-82 HOLE LOCATION : PROFILE CLASSIFICATION ft $I7 a) ( ) 2 NORTA OF CENTER ON NORTH SIDE OF AVEC [pT |BROWN PERT, PEAT. WET WT. OBSERVED GV WHILE ORILLING BROWN SILT, ML, weT TO SATURATED @ 2° EOR-~ REFUSAL GY LIKELY FROTEN QIkELY FRoZzEN 10 - EIQ IQo' FROM SE CoRNER OF PUMPHOUSE TOWARD AVEC, LOCATED ON 0 WAN PEAT, PT, WET TO SATURATED aor BROWNSSERVED GT WHILE ORILLING BROWN SILT, ML, SATURATED Aro TRAIL BoB- REFUSAL © US" LIKELY FROZEN LIKE FREN 10 2G BROWN PEAT.PT, WET To SATURATED © 1" W.T, OBSERVED @ I WHILE ORILLING fu] BROWN SILT, ML, SATURATED EOR - REFUSAL @3' LIKELY FROZEN VBI From se corner 0 OF PUNPHOUSE TOWARD *o (ISI FROM SE comnce 0 WATER TABLE ON SURFACE ont PUMPHoust TOWARD BROWN PEAT. PT. SATURATED Vee a BROWN SILT, ML, SATURATED —oR-REFULAL SG 3 LIKELY FROZEN CIKELY FROZEN 10 LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _].@ HAND AUGER Date 4V-29-Br VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION . Peet) CLASSIFICATION ah +72 6 WT. ON SuRFRCE Sfveontom "tg Towaro Avec Row © [pelasown Pear. pr, saTuRAtes PuMPHoUusE. Cow AREA GREY SILT. ML, SATURATED / EOB- REFUSAL G35 UKE FROZEN 5 . LIKELY FROZEN j | 10 0 | - 10 10 0 NOTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY 5 SURVEY METHODS 10 AMBLER A. SITE CONDITIONS Ambler is located 135 miles east of Kotzebue on the north bank of the Kobuk River just below its confluence with the Ambler River. The town site lies on land that is typically flat but having small rolling hills and spruce forests. i. The proposed line runs from the AVEC plant, across a road and up a trail cut through a hillside (50-75 feet elevation change) having spruce and fireweed vegetation. The slope decreases near Hole #4 (Plate 3) to a slight gradient and retains this small rise until it reaches the pumphouse where it begins a gradual slope in the opposite direction. : A storage yard exists on the area near Hole #5 on land that is cleared and fairly level. The roadway existing near the Pumphouse appears to be a major thoroughfare as does the road near the AVEC plant. The area around Test Hole #7 appears rela- tively undisturbed, retaining its ground and tree cover. A tank farm exists near the school which prevents a direct line from the pumphouse to the school. The majority of buildings in Ambler are built on either wood sills or piles. The school is founded on wood piles as is the Pumphouse. The AVEC plant is founded on wood pads placed on gravel fill. Utilities are generally buried, although some electrical utilities are run above ground. An existing, but non-functional, waste heat arctic pipe system is buried from the AVEC plant to the pumphouse. The route generally follows the proposed route, although the initial and terminal stages vary somewhat. The 16 interior of the pipe is reportedly 1-inch copper pipe. The streets in Ambler are gravel but the source is reported to have been completely mined. Adequate fill is available in the form of Silty fine Sand and equipment is reported to be available to distribute it. Data obtained from a soils exploratory report done by Dames & Moore for an addition west of the existing school indicates that the soils profile consists of brown Silt and fine Sand overlaying a grey, slightly plastic Sandy Silt. Temperature readings were slightly above freezing. No permafrost was encoun- tered to drilled depths of 24 feet. The United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service shows the soil along the proposed route from 0 to 20 inches to be heavy Silt Loam and Silty Clay Loam with stratified fine Sands and Silts to 40 inches. The study shows permeability rates between .6 and 2 inches an hour, and a low shrink-swell potential. The AVEC plant is near the border of an area known to experience severe ponding and have permafrost at depths between 9 and 155 rent. The soils observed along the proposed route consist of Silty Sand, SM, to Sandy Silt, ML. Permafrost was encountered ata depth of 6 feet on the north slope near the AVEC plant and on the north side of the elementary school. Boring #5 on the flat plain revealed permafrost at 9.25 feet. PHS officials laying pipe in the area expected permafrost to be encountered at depths of 13 to 14 feet in this area. The soils were generally moist on the surface, turning wet to saturated within one foot of frozen strata. The frozen soils 17 that were observed were of low water content with visible ice coatings on particles. Soils between the pumphouse and the elementary school showed easy drilling with the auger able to penetrate the soil by pushing. B. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on our review of the existing heat recovery systen, school boring logs, conversations with PHS employees, hand borings with an Oakfield auger, the PHS policy of burying utility lines in this area, and the intense interference with surface traffic caused by above ground installation, we feel that the best compromise will be a buried alignment. The presumed low water content of the frozen soils and the depth to the frozen layer decrease both the likelihood and magnitude of damage due to degrading permafrost. The line should be buried at a depth sufficient to ensure that no damage will occur because of vehicular traffic or frost heaving, and the pipe should be suf- ficiently insulated to minimize the degradation of the permafrost. We suggest a minimum embedment of five feet. The routing crosses two major roadways and a.large storage yard, all of which experience heavy equipment travel. Placing the line below undisturbed soils on the north sloping hill will likely cause degradation of the permafrost layer. Because of the nature of this investigation and the equip- ment employed, it was not possible to determine the depth of these frozen soils, their water content with depth, nor the existing thermal regime, so it is not possible to accurately predict the extent of the permafrost degradation, nor the resulting settlement. It should be noted that because the lines AR are run underground, no visual monitoring of the line will be possible, consequently excessive differential movement of the pipe may occur undetected before failure of the line. 19 SENNE srope ANBLER Site PLAN q, SCALE I"x 100 z a ® BORING LOCATION — Nore THAT LOCATIONS NoT PRTERNUNED RY lo Sm Feet FRO et, A URYER METHODS / —— — — PRofoser LINE \| OY “ — / / ‘ / j pouce <= fo 7 < \ N, . \ \ 7 af \, \ . \ ms . ~~ ~ “" * \ ¢ LEN . c > . 3 . ' c ag? 8 AYEC : ts u mat ws PLANT ‘ ole ’ “ ; = eer ONITUSA — SLIQIHOAd - BOR 2an7S:_ SV H DTAawnNwWasa ANWoy ot SGOHL3W AZAYUNS s A@ G3NIWYFLIG LON SNOILVIO1 *3L0N -BBACT ABYD SNMOMNILNOD .€A : NWI 17 SS3BAN7D ANG SWS ASIOW "WS "ONUS ALTIS AB8O fs] SSNGHAWNd sdAayMO_L Swagta Bowst “Stow ‘1s *L8ad NMoge xvO .< ba ee 7aNY NNOAS bbe j ha Ot NAZoas AVayIT 1. AaWIN Naz? aONN Ol %WSNI3Y F ivyunivs SSD a3 coe . SagAe7 INNS IMOBE 17/M ASIOW' WS 'ANWS ALIS ASAD s3zuls k SSNOKAWIY = STyWMOL HII DIRAeWY '151IOW ‘1d “wd NMS a ANd D3AN Wo ,SbI or or s7as ABM = ASIOW' NDS. NI SBNIHS ' 9A m3ay¥n NB PYISIA .9 HD BBOnW AL WISNI3AY - VOT HIASd SiS ~H Qaivanis Wel aiewM 93 d S a3. ee 2 LBA Wridiaxew BS NMOS hae 4 ee Laer DBA NOLWoHYD aWeS JO Seadn7/M Qaoeds ‘ . . IUS NMoOYBS ABw 3sno Nd =SQUWMOL 4¥DUNI ‘asiow “ws ‘QNwS &. ESS. HaWNd Q SAW WOAS OR 973813 /™ \ id ‘1e3d NMC NWO 33 3] Asi Qw < a 1o . V1d 2 or Ssaz2OSAd MONS AL aL TANNUNODSIO ONINnNSIG (.B- acd ULSIOW WS ‘ONWS BNI ALIS ABAD S BPN s . . usow SxBais awes ‘13M ‘id awa Bsnovswng See tig JIM~ASIOW WS *ONWS BNIS ALIS Waa 17 [WS] g itis WAY Wout Ol ayaAIaWy + \ (33) NOILVII4ISSV19 31140U4d : NOILVYIO1 310H JOVTIIA —T-0 a7eq usony ONVH OT uaudinb3 SONTYOS 40 901 LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _].@ HAND AUGER Date 10-2-Rz VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION : PROFILE CLASSIFICATION as (ft) ANBLER Yoo’ FROM AVEC PLANTO GREY SILTY SANG, MOIST. SM TOWARDS PUMPHOUSE nr Or, moIeT, AMORPHIC Sits BROWN PE beanes FIBEROUS O GREY BROWN SILTY SAND, SM, Mors T wet O85" rureares O 87s" a . v Biel ro TRELE & 8.75 EoB © 925° REFUSAL TO AUGER LIKELY FROTEN LIKRLY J FISZEN ae 620" FROM, Avec Peay TOWRROS PUMPROUS! Io TO ERLE OF PuMP- BRowN SANDY HOUSE siur, Mu, Moist MUNATED & DEPTS oc TER Bae TSS ur IN HOLE 10 7 740’ FROM avec PLANT 0 BROWN PERT. PT, MoT IN RECATW. a ee BROWN SILTY SANG, SM. NXO\ST Soll. IN STAND OF BIRCH TREES. 5 EASY DRILLING Aok r RMINATED DUE TH © 10 RSP ae: ne SIDES STABLE a 7 2 SM, MOST GREY BROWN SILTY SAND, ERSY ORILLING 6S’ IN| ALONG SCHOOL EDOE. (TOWARDS _PuMP- House) AT PROPOSED ENTRY LOCATION TO FOILcerR. NOTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY SURVEY METHODS -wet BROWN PRAT, PT, MOIST ~VW GREY BROWN SILTY SANA, SM, Moist -~ REFUSAL TO.2*S Bom: MLIKELY FROZEN LIKELY. KIANA A. SITE CONDITIONS The village of Kiana is approximately 55 miles east of Kotzebue on the north bank of the Kobuk River below its con- fluence with the Squirrel River. The terrain is relatively flat with some rolling hills having isolated areas of spruce trees. The proposed line runs from the AVEC plant northwest to the pumphouse and south to the school utility building. The location of a basketball court and the elementary school prohibits a direct line being run from the AVEC plant to the utility building. Surface vegetation in this section consists of grasses and shrubs to one foot in height. An access road to the school exists on the north side. The land north of the AVEC building is similar in nature, yet modified by surface features. North of the AVEC building are storage tanks surrounded by a containment berm. West of these tanks is a recently placed containment berm and between these features lies a drainage area containing slow moving water. West of the new berm is a grass-covered hill sloping toward the school. Drainage occurs east of the pumphouse and flows along the north section of the roadway where it crosses the road through a culvert. Houses exist north of Holes 3 and 4, which are accessible by foot trails. Alternative access is available to these homes on the street near the pumphouse. Vegetation north of the road was predominately tundra with isolated trees to the west. A wooden utilidor runs from near the pumphouse towards the AVEC building. Buried arctic pipe carrying school well water was an Placed between the school and the pumphouse tn a direct line. Foundations in Kiana are generally wooden crib foundations or piling. According to local residents, certain structures in areas underlain by permafrost with high water contents have experienced settlement. The school and utility buildings are both on piles while the AVEC building is placed on wooden cribs. No settlement was observed in the school or utility buildings. Utilities are generally underground, although some elec- trical lines have been run above ground. A buried water line runs directly from the pumphouse to the school well. Fill is available in the form of Silty Sand to Sandy-Silt and equipment is available with which to distribute it. Roads are Silty Sandy Gravel placed directly over the existing organic mat. The gravel was obtained from a pit which is reported to be no longer operational. The DOT/PF inventory classified soils near the elementary school as Silty Sand with continuous permafrost, while the U.S. Department of Agricultural classified the soils as poorly-drained grey Silt, on 3-7% slopes, having an organic mat located over Sandy Loam and frozen from 1 meter. The soils report for the elementary school was not obtained, but that of the high school 1/4 mile away and on level ground shows typically a 1.5 foot organic mat overlying Silty Sand. Soils at the high school are typically frozen at and below depths of 3 and 6 feet with only a minor quantity of visible ice. Our observations of the surficial soils include 1 to 2 feet of Peat underlain by a brown Silt containing some Sand. Soil 21 profiles for holes drilled near the pumphouse, roadways, and the containment berms were modified by the addition of Silty Sandy Gravel fill. Depth to permafrost could not be conclusively determined in all borings, as samples could not be obtained in some instances from the layer causing refusal. Thermistor strings were not helpful due to the existence of excess water in all holes and the short working time in the village. Boring logs show soils near the pumphouse to have water levels 1 to 2 feet below the surface and to be frozen at and below 7 feet. Borings above the roadway had refusal to penetra- tion at 2.5 to 4 feet while below the road the depth to refusal was 4 to 5 feet. Water levels ranged between 0 and 1 foot above the road to 2 feet below the road. The deeper permafrost and lower water contents were also observed in Hole #7 whose Silt was wet, but unfrozen, at 7 feet. On the far side of the containment berm, a 3-foot water level was observed with soils frozen at 4 feet. a The run between the AVEC plant and the utility building indicates the proposed route will encounter low ice content/per- mafrost at depths below 3 to 5 feet. B. RECOMMENDATIONS The data available for Kiana is insufficient to address the geotechnical considerations. The accumulated information is conflicting and incomplete. In order to adequately address the geotechnical considerations, soils borings should be taken along the alignment, with samples obtained to determine soil type and moisture content within the depth of thermal influence of the 22 pipe. This depth is not only a function of soil type and mois- ture condition, but of the existing thermal regime. The latter should be determined by thermistor strings placed in the borings, so that insitu temperature data is available. Lacking this data, all foundation design is based on assump- tions. If the assumption is made that the soils are thaw unstable but can be penetrated with standard drilling equipment, and the active layer is 3 to 7 feet, then the self-refrigerating active piling embedded 15 feet may provide a stable pipeline alignment. Road crossings would be buried, but thermally pro- tected with additional insulation below the pipe, and convection heat removal devices placed beneath the insulation to protect the subsoils from thawing. An alternative, but less positive, solution would be to secure the arctic pipe to timber sills placed on existing ground. Maintenance would include observation and realignment of the pipe as required and the consequences of flooding would need to be anticipated. An insulated, thermally-protected road crossing would reduce the potential differential movement and the potential for damage to the pipe due to the change in geometry in the area. However, if the increased preventive maintenance cost associated with an uninsulated crossing can be accepted, then direct burial in this area may be acceptable. Our data does not correlate well with the data for the high school, however, the sites are separated by 1/4 mile. If rela- tively thaw stable soils are available within a reasonable depth along the alignment, an assumption we cannot make from existing 22 data although the data suggests it is possible, then direct burial of the pipe in the permafrost may be an alternative. We suggest that the module in Kiana be founded either on thermally active piling or in a similar manner as the existing building which appears to be ventilated posts and pad founded on permafrost. All building entrances of the pipe should allow for differential movement. on KIANA _ SCALE ("= So" Notes 1) BLOS. NOT ORAWN TR SCALE 2) LOCATIONS NOT CONE BY SURVEY METHS — —— — PRoPes& RouTE ot M3 x BHIT' SVD Awsns3e “Vs NBZSB3S & Qaayeniys WS NMOA ‘my 3O BAIS HLION > ANNNW NOUN «9 ~9. So easte — Nae aes AL GeLyavs Lam Sayers + Sisea id ‘is Piel t ow hy Lz oL N222S - =i -yOR SHAS AGB 2 O WSSYASS Sao BH “garvaruT’ IS ar n3zMa J Md Ot NBovd 3914 NADI FIBAIT'. SH WsVs3s — 8S —_ rays wats amor hanoS WWleBayw | VI1vz ey WS ‘aud avers Qarvant' a ‘auod 40, . BABBSEO = 7 va ANUS AWHM S149 aN Bad ~¥e sais Pinos cs Sh yam -2s10W “Wo ‘BAW? AGNES ALIS AUD g@rxzo> MN SIN UF or 20%} FBAITD “LS -13M ‘INS Nats ATRISIN ‘sz-s.9 WSNSBY ONIYOE » GOR S satis -dam aviasiviy Baws -S A NeW anvs awos *IBlveNayS' AW ‘UNS NOU” [AW WER ONINANA ASN ‘Wass , 1 HM, Aaveul Jaw 3 IWINSD MOTad TENS, sepaiy 2 s90u oigad NMOAG ABS TTT] NSN gO BaNw> dOL LEM WO SWaAUDID AONYS 11S A2N9 SHS) o MN ANIH3Q oh! Ne . \= (33) NOILVOISISSW19 311404d : NOILWIO1 310H iC) 97eq udonY GNVH @ T yuawdinby SINTYOR 40 907 SGOHL3N AZAUNS Sn32084_ AG GANIWUILIG LON SNOILVION :3LON SNNIY JOVTTIA LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _.@ HAND AUGER Date J1O-3-82 VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION - PROFILE CLASSIFICATION #5 _ (ft) HO TABLE CRSERVEA TV wHilL& ORILLING 2. BROWN PRAT, Pr, FROZEN TO 2” SATURATED FROM CREY-BROWN SILT. ML SATURATED, Some SANS EASY ORILLING, CAN PUSH RULED FOR- REFUSAL & 4', FROZEN VISIR Ve, wer KIANA Bs'w +N of NW 0 CORNER OF AVEC. NORTH SIDE GF RoRO, #6 1aSs' W+ 273'N. OF 0 NW CoRNG& oF AvE&¢. NORTH SIDE Roan, OFF NoOkTH- EAST PuMP House CozNER GREN SILTY GRAVELLY SANS, SN, FRSTEN TO 6", NOIsT, wer @ 1g", SATURATED O24 ho TARLE @ 247 WHILE ORICUING BROWN PEAT. PT, SATURATED BROWN GILT. ML, SATURATED, SomE SAND Eos . REEUSAL TO AULER & 7 LIKELW FiRotEN © 7 LIKELY FROZEN 10 a? VED G@ 10° WHILE DEULLING tho TABLE OBSER CaS on ee. OTe J&aS'W AND 230° N oc 0 NW CORNER oF AVEC. OFF SE CORNER OF REN SILTY GRAVEUZ S 53 et SATURATED Sic BRowN PEAT, PT, sATUR RATED PUMP HOUSE BRowN SIcT, NNts SATURATED , SOME SAND _ peRUsAL To AUGER CGS Fea" ee" LIKELY. FTOTEN LIKELY FROZEN ne WETE 12" CENTER OF ROAD, IH3 CO 5 NETS e UREY SILTY GRAVELLY SAND. SM. 6, W OF W side OF AVEC GF tho TABLE CASERVED Gave VPRTArATeD ip BROWN PEAT. PTs SATUPATESD GREY SILT, NAL, SATURATED, Some SAND toB - LIKELY FPOotEN NOTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY REFUSAL TSO AUGER &S.S SURVEY METHODS LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _].@ HAND AUGER Date IO=3=S25 VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION : PROFILE CLASSIFICATION (ft) KIANA ry 0 14G' N 490 W oF BRo EAT, Pt et NW CoRNER oF AVEC wt Seseevep Ar V.25° VVHILE ORICCING = E oF FILL a Wot 1D GREY SILT. ML, SATURATED TRACE SAND ECB - CEFUSAL @ 3.9", LIKELY FROZEN Ws LIKELY FROZEN 10 #10 0 34'E aND SS'N OF 7 a aE CORNER OF Avec [eu] GREW SILTY SANDY GRAVEL, GM, moist ~wEr PLANT. EAST se Brown PEAT, PT, MOIST oF EXISTING BERN. mu GREY SILT, ML, WET, TRACE SAND 5 i EOR- @7' DIscONTINUED DUE To SIOE SLUFF 10 7 3" BROWN PEAT, PT. Moist SomE ‘SAND 10S of SE CORNER Boney SitT, ML, Moist - WET, sATURATES &I' OF AVEC water TAKE CBSERVEQX EI WHILE DRILING 5 REFUSAL To AUGER @ 4S LIKEW FROZEN LIKELY FROZEN 10 HID loo'w +10'S SE cornep 3" BROWN PCAT (OT, MOIST OF AVEC PLANT, _ Cale ' = GREY SILT, MU, MOIST - WET, Paturoteerey 35 WT. OBSERVED © 3.5" WHILE DRILLING NOTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY FOB- REFURAL G4.9", LIKELY Free SURVEY METHODS TOI Nard 3319 SGOHL3W AZAYNS Ss A@ G3NIWH3LIG LON SNOILVIO1 *3LON . sSnaaa Naw2s FBI? 43 i) 833 LS2-ST ve Hen SONIDO on 4139M-sASIOW ‘IW “17S BBD ANN DBIAV LO ABINYOD ASIOW ‘Id ‘avad AMOAY oF 9 8S so SStE ANY mol NV, Or Narsdd wmBaAn IgM-asio-w! 2A SBM AWSIASE BH 83 . “Ss 8H 13M PW SAYS BwVl WIOW' IW ANS KB INTs DAV 30 YENBCD asiow ‘ia ‘83d NMosy 9 GE 0 3s 39 SOIL ONY M,Sb : St OL NAZI AIBy/7 4M oan . "S -203 mass 7A BD BISA NPS AI SAR S'S A AVVO? OF 1S) NGL OL on . ’ ‘ims NSIS j,- - ANSId soubnoaey Nose WWWO 49 4 s3ay 3O ABNYOD 3S nig Siow “WS ONNS ADIs | ES 9 39 SSO7 any MSOl AF or na20td m4 N32943 1347 S'S H WHNSRY S ° wt €6 1aM'¢ Nmcsyg 23xUWwI a Siow aw inis NMods 7 ASIOW “id ‘tkiad NMoay Wt Lid] uve ad DAAW SO YANAD sig ‘asiow ‘ws ‘qnes 417s .2 FEL g = aS SO SOF pt NINYLY (33) NOILVOISISSV19 31140ud : NOILVIO1 310H JOVTIIA 25-=-O] 97eq us5nv ONVH @ I juewdinbz SINTYOR 40 901 LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _].@ HAND AUGER Date 1O=s [eu VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION : PROFILE CLASSIFICATION (ft) 17 . . KIANR loo —+1ss'S OF sé 0 6 BROWN PERT, PT, MOIS CORNER OF AVEC PLANT, GREY BROWN SILT, ML, Moist, SOME SANP IN MIOPLE OF ROADWAY. WET~ sATURATED G4" J Zom- REFUSAL GS CiReLy FRotEN LIkEL? FROZEN 10 +19 ee cee ea aca a GREY SILTY SANDY GRAVEL GM MOIST, WET EAST SIDE OF EXISTING = fd e738" BILL ey ; een bade SILT. MAL, WET ~ SATURATED . SoMMT “SAND T EOR- REFUSAL SS LIKELY FPOTEN CIKELY Froztn 10 21q 12G' West + B3'N OF 0 * BROWN PEAT, CT, MOIST ; St coRNEe OF AVEC PLANT. es) sur L, wast . towne WEST SIRE Of ean SB, sATURATES REE ce rrEneAn, ae FRotEN, (co COATINGS 5 10 0 NOTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY 5 SURVEY METHODS 104 GRAYLING A. SITE CONDITIONS Graylmg is located on the north bank of the Yukon River appproximately 200 miles southeast of Nome. The proposed project is located in the center of the village and lies on the western section. The vertical profile of the site is generally flat. The proposed routing crosses existing roadways on three occasions: the first on the line between the AVEC plant and the pumphouse, the second over a PHS storage access road, and the third on the branch line running to the pumphouse. The area north of the school is gravelled and appears to be an access route for the school. A storage yard containing PHS equipment (mainly arctic pipe) is presently located on the northwest quadrant of the proposed site. Access to this site has generally been from the south. Relatively undisturbed forest exists in a direct line between the pumphouse and high school. The rest of the proposed route was deforested aban 12-15 years ago according to local residents. / The AVEC plant is founded on a post and pad system while the pumphouse appears to be founded on standard spread footings with a concrete slab on grade; no cracks were observed. The school is supported by 8-inch wooden posts spaced approximately 20 feet apart and placed on pads in hand-dug pits four to six feet below grade. The majority of the rest of the foundations in the village are wooden cribbing or post and-pad. Both pile founda- tions and standard spread footings are encountered, with a few buildings having basements. 25 Utilities are generally buried, with some electrical lines and one major water line being run above ground. Sandy Gravel, GP, is available as fill material, and vehicles are available to transfer it. Data obtained from the report by Bomhoff & Associates for the Grayling High School typically shows a thin organic layer underlain by Silts (brown Organic to grey non-plastic with depth) followed by a Silty Gravelly Sand at a depth between 4 and 9 feet. This profile agrees well with a PHS well log near the school showing Silt to 8 feet, underlain by Gravel to 15 feet, underlain by Silt to 20 feet. The borings near the high school encountered Gravel fill containing cobbles which prevented penetration with the light equipment used for this study. Undisturbed areas typically show an organic mat of 6 inches underlain by Silts (generally brown Organic Silt transitioning to grey non-plastic Silt) to a depth of between 2 and 4 feet underlain by Silty Sand with trace Gravels. These soils at depth drilled hard and became impene- trable. The depth to the Gravelly Sand layer was relatively constant at 3 to 4 feet for all locations except Hole #1 near the AVEC plant where the depth was 8 feet. The water content for the samples tested was classified as moist, while some of the soils near the school were saturated due to snow melting on the roof. We observed the soils exposed in a PHS manhole excavation 1/4 mile north of the school. The stratigraphy includes 4 feet of Silt underlain by 15 feet of alternating layers of Silty Sandy OA Gravels, GM; Sandy Gravels, GP; and Silty Gravelly Sands, SM. The layers were rarely greater than 2 feet thick and varied greatly in their color. The school maintenance man says perenially frozen ground occurs in thin layers up to two feet thick at 3 to 4 feet below the surface, which we interpret to be residual seasonal frost. Other villagers state permafrost does exist but is very loca- lized. PHS employees in Grayling state permafrost had been randomly encountered during the laying of arctic pipe. No permafrost was encountered in any of our borings. How- ever, permafrost does exist in random locations throughout the village so pockets of permafrost or residual seasonal frost might be encountered on the proposed route. B. RECOMMENDATIONS From our interpretation of the data, it is our opinion that the line may be buried at a depth of 5 feet below the surface. The Silty soils were not observed to be frozen during the period testing, although residual seasonal frost should be expected. Borings could not penetrate the Gravelly Sand to Sandy Gravel layer to depth. Frost heaving of the pipe should be expected, however, the data indicates that it should be within acceptable limits. Thaw settlement is not anticipated to be a problem since no permafrost was encountered. However, random pockets of perma- frost are known to exist throughout the village and the spacing of borings was not sufficient to guarantee that no permfrost will be encountered. a7 | LI a GRAYLING NOTE - BORING LOCATIONS ARE APPROK VATE NoT LOCATED BY SURVEY MveETHODS - fo LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _]. @ HAND AUGER Date ii) Cision VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION PROFILE CLASSIFICATION 41 (ft) ORRYLNG ISN OF NW coeneR oF 0 rer] ac BROWN PEAT. PT, “STEMS AO COOTS, FRo2E AVEC BUILOING ARK RROWN OfGANIe SILT. OL, MOIST WITH’ TRACE FIsERS GREY SILT, ML. Moist, wET @S' Eos - MEFUSRL &S" very Graver ¥ FED SICTY GRAVELLY SAND, <M, , ORILUNG ares Sep. u 10 Fed-GREEN %*- 1ST-WeE #2 eu 257) FROM NW CORNER © Ter be EAT, PT, MOIST, SMALL ROOTS, FROZEN St Avec BUILDING, 30° eee ice OF PUMPHOUSE BROWN SILT. MU, Moist TO TANG 2‘ RED _ SRowN, SILTY SAND, SM, MOIST, TRACE Bon RGB) SIT CONTENT (a—IS% | B- CeFUsAL @ 4! VERY GRAVELY ORICCIN 10 #3 BRown PEAT, PT, MOIST, FROZEN To 2° ERowN ORGANIC SILT, OL, MaIST yy NE OF NE cornerD OF HIGH SCHOOL GREY SILT, ML Moist ~ MOIST-WET &2,5' BROWN SILTY SAND Ymoist - Wer wth 63/3) Fed GRAVELS, SURAN. Fos. rércusa Sa 7 Res wat 7S" To SCUMPING 319 GRAVELLY ORILLING Wes 10 ay F NE Cy Oot on ed S¢rteol 0 Beovew atts SANDY GRAVEL, GM, WET FORBES” - SEFUSAL TO COABLES NOTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY 5 SURVEY METHODS 10 LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _]’@ HAND AUGER Date 10 -'!4-Bx VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION PROFILE CLASSIFICATION ORAYLING as (ft) NOTE: Bo WAND TN OF NE 0 7 4 CORNER OF HIGH SCHOOL EROVEN TO Gee NOY GRAVEL, Gm, WET- saTuRATES EOR (IW. reFUsAL Te coBBLEs 5 10 36 357 sof NWeoenet 0 TH ReK BROWN PEAT, PT. FROZEN TO 3". Moist OF AVEC DARKS ROW NOTES RIG SILT, OL, MOIST, TINY FIBERS » GREY BROWN SILT, ML, Most, WET © 2° eed fe ae Igy SAND, tmoet- wer, wabee 5 EOR D4 CEFUSAL To cAUING 10 7 0 264 S$ of MW CORNER RED BROWN SILTY GRAVELLY SANG, SM, MOIST, FLOTEN OF AVEC. 2'W oF PumPHoure TO 6* EOB @ 3°. sLUFF PREVENT, PROGRESS 5 10 =8 172° S OF NW CoPNER orang? Ison] BROWN SILTY SANB, SM. MOIST, FROZEN TO 6" a BROWN OREANIC SILT,OL, MOIST, FIBERS, TEACE oL| SAND | can BEOWNFER S)uTy sant morsr, TRACE SMALL SM] GRAVELS Clary i - Eot © 4,5", PEFUSAL TO GRAVELY DRILLING LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY SURVEY METHODS 5 10 LOG OF BORINGS VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION GRAYLING aq NOTE: B'S OF NE cornea oF AVEC lo BoW AND 20'N OF WE CORNER OF HIGH ScttooL LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY SURVEY METHODS ) Equipment _].@ HAND AUGER Date lo~!4-Qr PROFILE CLASSIFICATION (ft) 0 foros SILTY SANOY GRAVEL, OM. MoIsT, FROZEN ia & i2" DUE To CoBaLES 5 10 : 0 BROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL, GN, NOT, FRO al ae PEFUSALC TS COBBLEY 10 10 ELIM A. SITE CONDITIONS Elim is located on the Seward Peninsula on the northwest shore of Norton Bay and is approximately 96 miles east of Nome. The proposed project is located near the coast in the southeast section of the village. The line will ni from the AVEC plant south to the high school and then east to the elementary school. The land slopes gradually down to the high school with elevation differences of about 8 to 10 feet towards the elementary school, and 6 to 8 feet towards the AVEC plant. A three-foot elevation difference, running parallel to the school buildings, exists 15 feet west of the elementary school. Roads cross the proposed route 5 feet west of the elementary school and 10 feet north of the high school. A fuel oil pipeline 15 feet north of the playground and two well-travelled pedestrian and three-wheeler trails cross the playground area. The typical residential foundation in Elim is wood cribbing, although some of the buildings are on piles and others utilize standard spread footings with concrete slabs on grade. The Elim high school is built on 8-inch square wood piles embedded on rock to a depth of 8 to 10 feet below the surface (school custodian). The AVEC plant is placed on wooden cribs, while the elementary school is founded on spread footings and has a concrete slab on grade. Almost all utilities in Elim are buried. Some powerlines are presently run above ground and the rest of them are to be Placed above ground. The data obtained from the soils report done by Shannon & 28 Wilson for the Elim High School indicate a 1-foot layer of brown Peat and Organic Silt underlain by Silts and Clayey Silts. This was followed by decomposed bedrock encountered at depths of 3 to 7.5 feet, becoming more competent with depth. Their excavations also showed scattered rock interspaced between Silt layers. We understand that the Peats and Silts under and near the school were excavated and replaced with Silty Sandy Gravel, GM, fill. Our observations of the subsurface conditions are consistent with those described by Shannon & Wilson. In undisturbed areas, a layer of Peat and Organic Silts to 1 foot exists which lies above a layer of brown-grey Silt. This soil in turn is underlain by either Limestone rock or cobbles. Crushed Limestone was observed on the auger tip in numerous borings. The light dril- ling equipment used in our field study was incapable of pene- trating these deposits to depth to determine if the material was a random cobble, decomposed bedrock or competent bedrock. Our interpretations of the depth to Limestone varied from 3 feet, 10 feet off the southwest corner of AVEC; to 1.5 feet, 83 feet toward the high school; at 3 feet, 140 feet towards the school; and to 1.5 feet, 198 feet towards the school. In addition, a bedrock outcrop was observed 65 feet off the southwest corner of the AVEC plant. Limestone was interpreted to be one foot below the surface near a proposed entry to the elementary school and at 9 inches across the road towards the high school. Test Hole #8, located between the 2 schools, indicated limestone may be at at 3 feet. The Community Profile map for the village of Elim indicates 29 permafrost exists in the village although it is sporadic. A PHS well log for a well near the school indicates frozen soils to bedrock at a depth of 8 feet. No permafrost was encountered in this excavation nor in the excavation done by Shannon & Wilson. The school principal, Tom Gerret, indicated isolated permafrost exists in the village. The water contents of the soils sampled were all classified as moist. Villagers indicated the existence of surface springs west of the site, but, at the time of the exploration, no springs were observed that would affect this project. B. RECOMMENDATIONS The data indicates that it may be possible to bury the heat recovery pipeline on or near the surface of competent bedrock or 5 feet below the surface, whichever is less restrictive. In areas where bedrock is too shallow to allow complete embedment of the pipe with at least 18 inches of cover, we suggest fill be mounded over the pipe to mnimize damage. In all cases, the pipe should be bedded in a Gravelly Sand with no stone larger than one inch in dameter within 6 inches of the pipe. 30 / ARCTIC PIPE ce BELOW GRADE N ELEM. SCHOOL MP LAYGROLIND MOD! AVEC ee Crowernouse | - ELIM sITE PLAN Le ea SCALE? 1° 27-0" NOTE - BORING LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE + NOT LOCATED BY SURVEY METHODS, some ome ARE WoT Te sce BORING LOCATION DISTANCE FRom PTA ARCTIC PIPE EXPOSED UNDER BUILDING cS a 9 2 “ 2 x * ni LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _].@ HAND AUGER Date One -Ber VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION PROFILE CLASSIFICATION a Ct) ELIM ISN. oF HIGHSCHOoW Pen SARK BRS PEAT, Pr. OSTs Ano FIBER! TOWARD AVEC PLANT BROAN. COAWEY SILT, ML-CL, MOIST, MED. FoR — BET, wHiTE CRUSHED ROCK ON TIP Of AUGER . LINESTONG 5 4 . 10 te . o" MOIST ‘240! NN _OF HIGHSCHOo” 77 DARK BROWN PEAT PT, Wood BITS AND $1 TOWARD AVEC PLANT POOZEN 702" & gu AV! = ROWN CLAYEY SILT, ML-CL, Moist, sclenty E0B- 3.5' REFUSAL. WHITE CRUSHES Rock ON TIP OF RULER. (LIMESTONE 5 10 33 PEAT. PT, MOIST WITH foots (77° N, OF NICHKSCHOOLO +; RK RROWN zl TOWARD vee PLANT li SERS FROZEN 2" BROWN CLAYEY SILT, ML, Low PLASTICITY, mois EOB-rEFUSAL @ 1.5' WHITE CRUSHED ROCK 9 TIP OF AUGER. (LIME STONE 5 10 ay DEZ HIG ScHoOL. 0 iy AND 30'S or Ne EEN ES GREY SILTY SANOY GRAVEL, GM, MOIST, WEE OF SCHOOL FounoeP, FRozEN TO 6° EOR- BORING STOPPEO & 3" by CONTINUAL SLUFFING INTo *0LE NOTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY SURVEY METHODS 5 10 LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _] @ HAND AUGER Date —IO='2-R2 VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION Pere CLASSIFICATION ft EUM era Bs w OF NE 0 SRN SICTY SANDY GRAVEL, GN, Most, Ror! CORNER OF ScCHCOL cate & 12" PeFUSAL TO COZBLE 5 ; 10 ‘ste . . is'N AND 30' W OF NE Brown SILTY SANOY GRAVEL. GM, Moist, FROZEN CORNER OF HICK SHOE ose It" PERUSAL TR coBBLE ( 5 10 . #7? YO'N AND. 35° W OF NED Teng BROWN SILTY SANDY GRALRL, Gm, MOIST FROT EH CORNER OF HILH scHooL Eas @ 10" MEFUSAL TO coagLe 5 ; 10 #8 30's ANOS 1c = oF 6" OREY palC ey SANDY GRAVEL, OM, “NOOT N CORNER OF as Setcon, ped eerie e-em cL] PLASTIC Zo&@- MEFUSAL @ Bt. WHITE CRUSNED Sock ON TIP OF SPOON (LIMESTONE) * [EE NOTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY SURVEY METHODS LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _J @ HAND AUGER Date —lo- 12-82 __ VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION PROFILE CLASSIFICATION 2q ‘ (ft) EUIN ENTRY To BIA ScHooL BROWN ORGANIC SILT, aes PR . st TWH 3O'N OF SW ComNER SCG © 12" CeRusAL TD wHite Roce on TIP ; GER . “CLIMESTONE) 5 i 10 210 . 1a FcRose RORR FROM 0 7 oo * . ERO TO ELEN TO AIGH scttoot SOR ae eatin CHAE ene Ti OF RULER (LIMESTONE) ~~ . 5 . 10 til $2 NOF EDGE OF 07 _1Siex Reown PERI, PT, Most, FROZEN TO 4" HIGH SCHOsL BROWN CLAYEY SILT, MaL-cL= MoUs Eoa- CEFUSAL &ES' WHITE CRUSHED Rocic ON TIP oF AUGER, (LIMESTONE) 5 10 , =r 0 3S'N_ANOD BW oF cw BROWN ORGANIC SIC, CORNER OF AVEC RO, E08 PF re" fEFusac Olena Roc (Cimeéston NOTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY 5 SURVEY METHODS 10 KALTAG A. SITE CONDITIONS Kaltag is located on the north bank of the Yukon River, 200 air miles east and slightly south of Nome. The proposed site location is in the southeast quadrant of the village. The terrain behind the school slopes upward to the south, forming a small drainage basin which empties along the eastern portion of the school. From this basin the land rises to the east and the west. The eastern rise flattens out before Test Hole #3 though the gentle southward upslope still exists. The drainage basin is presently (10/14/82) carrying a two-foot wide stream 2 to 3 inches deep. Both proposed site locations for the line must cross a roadway on the southern section of the school. The roadway does not appear to be heavily travelled and seems to be used for access around the school. The easternmost site is located on ground presently occupied by a playground. According to the school principal, the equipment located on this area is owned by the city and will soon be moved. The area was blanketed by 6 inches of snow, so some existing surface features may not have been observed. The school building is founded on H piles that were driven to a depth of 20 to 30 feet (school principal) and to which convective cooling devices are attached. Most of the residential buildings in the city are on wooden cribs or post and pads, and major structures are on piling. Fill material in the form of Silty Sandy Gravel and equip- ment to move this material is available in the village. The Public Health Service representative advises that soil conditions deteriorate after thawing and the best time for exca- vation is late May or early June. Data obtained from Harding-Lawson & Associates for the Kaltag School showed a surface Peat layer to 3 feet underlain by Sandy Silts to depths of 23 feet. These Silts were continuously frozen below depths which varied between 3 to 14 feet, and continuing to be frozen to as deep as the holes were drilled (23 to 28 feet). The report concluded that the permafrost was degrading due to disturbance of the originally wooded site. A log of a PHS well located near the school showed frozen Silt toa depth of 75 feet. In Borings #1 and #2, drilled in the proposed site for the new AVEC plant, 2 feet of Peat and Organic Silt were observed to be underlain by Grey Silt which became frozen at a depth of six feet. Both holes showed a water table between 1.5 and 1.75 feet. Holes #3 and #4 encountered only a thin organic layer underlain by Silts to 10 feet at which depth they were frozen. The water level observed in these borings was 2.5 to 3 feet below the surface. Boring 7 had a similar soil profile, but no permafrost was observed to the depth drilled of 10 feet. All test borings drilled easily in the Silt layer below the water level. The 1- inch auger could be advanced by pushing without rotation in some areas. A Silty Sandy Gravel fill, GM, has been placed near the school, and proved impenetrable to the equipment we used. 20 B. RECOMMENDATIONS We understand that the AVEC generating plant will be moved to a site near the school. Based on the data, the AVEC plant and heat recovery module should be founded on thermally active pile embedded not less than 20 feet below existing grade. This recom- mendation is made not only to provide a stable foundation for the AVEC building, but to reduce the risk of adversely impacting the foundation for the existing school. The load capacity of the pile is dependent on the nature of the installation. A standard method of construction is placing piling in augered holes and filling the annular space between the pile and the boring wall with compacted slurry. Pile capacity is a function of hole diameter, pile diameter, temperature, slurry material, and, on small jobs such as these, is dependent on the equipment available to complete the task on a cost effective basis. The shallow water levels will complicate piling installation, requiring casing of the hole through the shallow thawed soils for proper installation. If pile driving equipment is available then the recommendation contained in the Harding-Lawson report may be appropriate. Due to the relatively short run of pipe between the school and the new location of the AVEC plant, we suggest that the pipe be carried by similar self-refrigerating piling at an elevation which would allow vehicular traffic to pass beneath the pipe. 33 iu | _ | £ i Ww |! APPA i Sy ~ | ee \ \ 7 {—_——" ——— 71 . A. _- eee y nH ee r ; Lecce = my S \. NS _ . G ST \ S, NS ) a _ “ELEMENTARY/ SECONDARY ut SCHOOL NEW LOCATION FOR ips EXISTING AVEC PLANT - c. ' KALTAG BOARPWALK~ SCALE I= 100! \ NOTE ~ BERING LOCATIONS APPROXIMATE NI | : Not LOCATED BY SURVEY METHODS <= SF} — — — — PROPOSED LINE . (nen ‘to | | ! got ; Ly ‘ ' LIVING . QTRS. o— Or INTO’ NaTOWT Cl ws 3 5 Nawal i “ANS -1am 0 msi OZiwod SBIUYW4 WIOYS MIU'SIA "SL b~O NIrW2 SUB-S ANG asd SGOHL3W AZAUNS EB CB WMS [LBM IW [21S 0829S A@ G3NIWYSL3G LON SNOILVIO1 +3LON ONIN Bin &€ BD WaAessso um ONITHAD BUHM 1S=—V YBHITY WANG 'ONTNYS ASwz Me! WoYDS JO BBN2> ADIOW 'N3rozW3 "IO CANS WNWNOS wh be 0 BN sO S bz ONY 2B h® Natous sya? . wes ON ANNow NaH GL WsNsBs SO! 8 GOS - (BS Bn Varsrd “ONIDIad asus S ANIDNS IVHM .S'ZH WABASSO LM SLHWBUNWS VD C11B7™SSS "ABM AWW *17tS 43 "MB wos wo Y3NZBOD ASIOW ‘NBII "IO “AAS OKA oh 0 39) 49) 5-5) one) a 29 . cr ot N320¢3 avay> INNOUW? NBs AL WsNsdI-.S'I 3P. $03 T3lve> MYISIA ‘gaLyeMLYsS -1gMm "94 Na2oad S 43 9°E Woas YBony OBHSNY AONIQIIBG ASeSN\W Valves -13M WLS ABAD 5218 SRavunivs pan 32g DM ass os ne) N320Ad ‘SYBUIs + M1004 "1s “Ag 'tw2d NMOBQ 8 [TS 'Q79 OOKDS GO YWSNrer ert iiT A SEO WS sO S05 ONY 3 «bE TF N32085 AT3¥IT ONNSSD NBAA A WSNS3A-.S'9 6 G05 QALYOD AIBISIA SBI “7%! PUSAN OF Na2023 . FLY BNIVYS -1LIM “IW ‘IIs Kao S18 ONN7I120 = wan S18 WAVES “TWAS 11S BON Ne ch 320as “$Y3Slq ONY SL00N “LSIOW ‘1d ‘lv3ag NMOUE EON 30 s 0 wnzo> 3S do N.Oh+ — OWL (33) T NOILVOISISSV19 311 40ud NOILVIO1 310H JOVTIIA ~UB=-HI- TT veg udony ONVH OT Juawdinby ‘SONTYOA JO 901 LOG OF BORINGS Equipment _J.@ HAND AUGER Date \O-14-R2 VILLAGE HOLE LOCATION PROFILE CLASSIFICATION’ 2s z (ft) ' “ROSE CopPNER KAUTAS =x ay oe 0 RED, SROWN SILTY SANDY GRAVEL, GM, FROZEN i: £OB G12" REFUSAL To coRRLE © ir 5 . 10 te . 20'N AND F SE 0 RED- Fair et wae be Ba BLD, Re B2OWwN SILTY SANQY GRAVEL, OM, FROZEN To EoB & 1 "- TEFUSAL To CoRBLE | 5 10 r =7 44° AND 95S OF sé ) bE ah cCoRNGe oF scstoot. Bu. fend BED. BROWN BENTY SANDY GRAVEL. Grn, Frozen GREY SILT, ML, Morsr WET & 2° SATURATED @ @'W.T O8SERVES WHILE ORILLING 5 MAL 10 ECR Tid'-NO PERMAFROST ENCOUNTeRED +e {7E ANDO 19'N oF SE CORNER OF SCttooL BLO, NOTE: LOCATIONS NOT DETERMINED BY SURVEY METHODS 0 ROWN SI LTY SAND A age ceoee es Y GRAVEL, OM MoIst- WET EOR -10" CEFUSAL To CoRBLE & 10% 5 10 LIMITATIONS Due to severe budget limitations curtailing both the field investigations and the report preparation, this report cannot be construed to provide detailed foundation recommendations, Our field observations were correlated with data that we gathered from numerous sources. Based on these data, conclusions were drawn and general recommendations were made. Specific recommen- dations will depend in part on the site specific designs which develop from these recommendations, such as pile loads, building penetrations and alignments. We are available to consult as the specific details of each design are determined. It is beyond the scope of our involvement to obtain the required right of ways. Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered and cannot be fully determined by merely taking soil samples or test borings. Such unexpected conditions frequently require that additional expenditures be made to obtain a properly constructed project. Therefore, a contingency fund is recommended to accom- modate such potential extra costs. If, during construction, subsurface conditions different from those encountered in the exploratory holes or interpreted from the data are observed or appear to be present beneath exca- vations, advise us at once so we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations, when necessary. If substantial awe has elapsed between the submission of this report and the start of work at the site, or if conditions have changed because of natural causes or construction operations at or adjacent to the site, we recommend that this report be 34 reviewed to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations considering the time lapse or changed conditions. We should review those portions of the plans and specifica- tions which pertain to earthwork and foundations as they develop to determine if they are consistent with our recommendations. In addition, we are available to observe construction, This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Bhargava and Associates in the design of the subject facilities. If this report is made available to prospective contractors and/or the contractor, it should be done so for information on factual data only and not as a warranty of subsurface conditions, such as those interpreted from boring logs and presented in discussions of subsurface conditions included in this report. 35 RF3A MAJOR DIVISIONS | TYPICAL. «NAMES | TYPICAL. «NAMES Pe WELL GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES POORLY GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES J SILLY GRAVELS, POORLY GRADED GRAVEL - SAND ~ SILT MUXTURES 7 e CLAYEY GRAVELS, POORLY GRADED GRAVEL - SAND ~ 1) CY MAUXTURES = WELL GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS GRAVELS MORE THAN HALF (COARSE FRACTION: 1S LARGER THAN NO. 4 SIEVE SIZE GRAVELS WITH OVE 127% FINES CLEAN SANOS WITH LITTLE Ca SANOS roa sp POORLY GRADED SANDS, GRAVELLY SANDS MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION 1S SMALLER THAN NO, 4 SIEVE SIZE COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN HALF IS LARGER THAN 200 SiEVE te SILTY SANDS, POORLY GRADED SAND - SILT. MIXTURES oa (CLAYEY SANDS, POORLY GRADED SAND ~ CLAY B33 MIXTURES “I INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK SANOS WITH OVER 12% FINES FLOUR, SILTY OR CLAYEY FINE SANOS, OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY CLAYS, 7) LEAN CLAYS ORGANIC CLAYS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY INORGANIC SILTS, MICACEOUS O8 DIATOMACIOUS FINE SANDY Of SILTY SOILS, ELASTIC SILTS ee ecoee CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY, GE clays g ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY, Ys, Cacanic SITS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS aa PEAT AND OTHER HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS NIFIED SO! IFICATI Sheer Strength, pef | pa Pressure, psf Tx 320 (2600) Uncenselideted Undreined Triexiel SILTS AND CLAYS UQUID LIMIT LESS THAN 50 SILTS ANDO CLAYS UQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 FINE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN MALF IS SMALLE® THAN 200 SIEVE Consol — Conselid ut — Liquid Limit (in %) TxCU 320 (2600) Consolidated Undrained Triexiel PL — Plastic Limit (in %) os 2750 (2000) Consolidated Dreined Direct Shear @ — Specific Gravity FYvS 470 Fleld Vene Sheer Steve Anelysis suc 2000 Unconfined Compression “Undisturbed® Semple us 700 Leberetery Vene Sheer Bulk Semple Netes: (1) All strength tests on 2 er 2.4" unless otherwise indicated. meter semples * Indicates 1.4" diameter semple. SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART AND JOHN M LAMBE P-.E. KEY TO TEST DATA Appr: Date GEOTECHNICAL J VM eee AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AND TESTING John M. Lambe, P.E. 7127 Old Seward Highway ¢ Anchorage, Alaska 99502 907-349-6531 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART 20 W 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 GRAVEL (+#4SCREEN) % BY WEIGHT a rere nS eee ee a. CORPS OF ENGINEERS FROST DESIGN SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND USCS EQUIVALENT GROUPING * peacentace FINER THAN TYPICAL SOIL TYPES FRosT 0.02 mm, UNDER UNIFIED SOIL GROUP SOIL TYPE BY WEIGHT CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Fl Gravelly soils 31010 GW, GP, GW-GM, GP-GM F2 (a) Gravelly soils 10 to 20 GM, GW-GM, GP-GM (b) Sands 310 15 SW. SP, SM, SW-SM, SP-SM F3 (a) Gravelly soils : >20 GM, GC (b) Sands, except very fine >I15 SM, SC silty sands - (c) Clays, Pi> 12 5 _ CL, CH F4 (a) All silts — ML, MH (b) Very fine silty sands >15 SM (c) Clays, Pl < 12 — CL, CL-ML (d) Varved clays and me CL and ML; other fine-grained, banded sediments CL, ML, and SM; CL, CH, and ML; CY AVEC Operating Villages 1. Alakanuk . is iaihek - Ground Cracks i 4 megan a 5. ne Ground ilidor/Underground - evi a UL Cracks 6. Eek - Ground Cracks Buried/Utilidor 7. Elim - Ground Cracks Utilidor/Buried a. Ganbett eo Deiter ase eke ~ und Cracks ilidor/Bur 3 10. Goodnews Bay Utilider/Suried 11. Grayling - Ground Cracks * Utilidor/Buried | = oe Cross , ca pee _ - Hooper Bay ' 7 und Cracks uried/Utilidor4— ~ 14, HusLia ; ~ Ground Cracks (New tuenpeea 16. , —— . Ground ea Area) Utilidor/Bu: : na - und Cra juried 47. Kivafina - Ground ae (New Hi usitiligor 18. Koyuk ; ous Ay ea) emai 19. Uppper Kalskag Utilidor/Buried util 20. Lower Kalskag ; _ Buried/Utilidor . Mars hare oF Ground Cracks - Buried/Utilidor 2. Hekoryuk - Some Ground Cracks Buried/Utilidor 236 Minto so Some Ground Cracks Buried/Utilidor 24, Mt. Village Utilidor/Buried 25. Noatak - Ground Cracks Buried ; 26. Noorvik - - Ground Cracks ~ Utilidor Jiorted 27. Nufato - Ground Cracks Utilidor/Buried — 28. Nunapitchuk : Utilidor/Buried 29. Ofd Harbor - Ground Cracks Overhead. 30. Pilot Station 4 : Utilidor 31. Pitkas Point - Ground Cracks - Overhead 32. Quinhagak Utilidor/Buried 33. St. Mary's - Ground Cracks Utilidor 34, St. Michael - Ground Cracks peer 35. Savoonga - Ground Cracks verhead/Utilidor/Bu 5 36. Scammon Bay Utilidor a 37. Sefawik _Utilidor/Buried 38. Shagefuk - Ground Cracks Utilidor/Buried 39. ShabtooLik - Ground Cracks Les San eta 40. Shishmaneg epee 41. Shungnak -~ One Bad Area B ilidor/Buried . 42, Stebbins - Some Ground Cracks pei 2 43. Togiak . as 44, Toksook Bay ee idor . .. Tununak - In Bad Area (New Housin Te i 7. Nas 2 26 Wisider/auried . New Stuyahok . Ground Cracks Ut uried 48. Wales - Ground Cracks ilidor/Buried - One Bad Mea Suried/Utilidar : tilidor/Buried Dow Oa at ae heniiiad Yh achal er = DICRNSON. OSWALD - WNICH- Le Ne 4030 B STH-ICT ANCRORACE, ALASKA 94503 rHONnE (207) = €} NGIi GER i . , October 6, 1975. 55 wo 8685 0 . ss of ination ° jer = : ; ARE ET [VW E D Division-of Buildings,_ Pebke 2 2 c/o Mr. Tom Lunsford, AIA | , MAY. 4 1976 642 "K" Street - . = : _. | DCE AK ~ 99501,. a fe wd as “DIMSIDK OF 3Ui 1835 -* eee ; Ce BAL. BARES, ALASKA 3 “Reta: ~t.. Mr. Tom Lansfora He 8 me ee oe - Subj: a Shungnak School Site, Foundation Troubleshéoting ~-Gentl emen: : : ~ Ver /< a a nS . oF Lm On — 25, 1975, John Lambe of our staff arrived on ; “the Shungnak school site-to investigate problems in the ~~ .--. ( installation of the pile foundation system. Initial evalua- ; ’ tion of the problem indicated that a zone of “deep thawed a 78 “Sf ;, soils will affect a portion. of the school” site, : 7 oe . eeefpP eee pee oe ee ee te -S wettest ee woot 2 of 5 om ge Po a = aess “At the time of arrival, seven piles’ had en installed -- : ; - labeled on the attached drawing, figure one, as E-1 and E-7: : E-1 encountered thawed materials to a depth of 19 feet. E-2 . encountered thawed materials to a depth of 13 feet. E-3 - through E-7 encountered thaw materials to no greater than 7 ‘feet.. The pile: attempt labeled E-8 was unsuccessful, however, frost was encountered at 13 feet. Table A includes the ‘ depth to aia soil for piles peced prior: to- 25) Eee 1975. , TABLE A ; ‘ Pile No.* te Depth to Frozen Soil‘in Ft. E-1 ; - : 19 feet ee E-2 ~ : . ' 13 feet Sy be - E-3 . 7 feet ‘ rn - ° i E-4 : : i: . 7 feet : -- : : E-5 5 feet ‘ ! E-6 3 feet | _E-7 - 5 feet --. . 7 E-8 13 feet . : P-1 3 feet a rm *See Figure One for location. a ReRreeys Tom Lunsford . : = ober 6, 1975 e Two ~ < = Cs P2 Were In the initial evaluation of this data (Table A) on site; ina meeting with Tom Freeman, Robert Chouinard & Don Johnson, of the: State of Alaska, division of buildings, Fairbenks; Bill Toombs oz Toombs Construction; end Paul Grant of Shannon & Wilson, the- writer hyphothesized that a trough of deeper thawed materials existed in the area defined E-1,-E-2 and E-8 of a then unknown extent which should be defined by added éxploration using “available equipment. *- It was agreed to use the contractor's highway auger.to place the probes which were to be “logged by the writer and Paul Grant -::: ts . ; a) sa The Tocation of the test holes (T.H. Series) are shown ‘on - Figure 1,-as are the locations of then existing-piles (E series) ‘and the piles installed after the test probes were placed (P - series). This drawing’ is also includes the depth of frost and the depth or water encountered in each test hole.~ A : . H | ee In ‘hie DOWL report ‘of November i8,, 1975, Ton- Huber of “the ~ Sas Alaska Testlab staff, predicted that “the depth of the active -. layer was 5-1/2 to 7 feet deep. The test hole he placed’to the south of the existing school site, shown on Figure One, encoun- tered an active layer of seven feet.. From this data, we would - -expect thawed soits to a’ depth of seven feet to eight feet when - €onsidering ‘the addition:of .a. ‘one—foot overlay- of gravel and the “subsequent compression of the* peat layer. “This -is ‘consistent. with most of the. soils observed, excluding the . thawed trough. In —— area of deeper seetaote, we are worried not ently gion the ‘lack of frozen.embedment of the piles but also with the possibility . and probability of continuing the degradation of the permafrost. In this regard, we*’recommend installation of ‘a convection thermovalve, trade name Cryo-Anchors, to prevent any further degradation of the permafrost and to reestablish over a period’ of time,.the permafrost to its original level. In this regard, we feel a priority item to installation of this’ system will be - the employment of "off the shelf items” that are readily avail- “able -- so that construction’ may continue with a minimum of interruption. ite The concept is as follows: ‘In areas where the depth of the active laver is equal to or greater than seven feet, a twenty- on2 foot length of 1.5 inch I-D. PVC pipe, {(polyethalene pipe or aluminum tubing) should be attached or placed adjacent to the pile. In areas of greater than 13 feet of thaw, two tubes should be placed adjacent to the piles, one on either side. The tube must be sealed and casped to prevent any intrusion of weter. Tne tube: is to act es a sheath for installing the “Cryo anchor” at some future date. It is absolutely imperative that ~ : cu Q §-- etig ’ Sx ~ OG t* . a op ¥ 7 ae els Het Om re wees etee wm em emacs Cocca cemmtecemmeenee centre Jaw Seyame. “4 os : . ‘ le . ‘ ey it . ’ . “ e . ® . . Wire sroasce ao $f VALE TREATULUT RUOM INCLUOLD IN BASIC BID, hl . | iis : " hiss el Sail eee ee Cr ae ’ A Mets wee . 37 io U <q — vu - eo ’ WHA CATO 577 G Dt AL N BPS me oor . . ale few 4 oe My “ [: cc . se ov ‘ i pe a ies 7, ‘ 2 PPS AS Ae 4.1% rd 3 Zp), rely @ : A ts a ' ; a 1 \ 1 . v ie ha fag" | ook] pp 2 lore $ | ey : De ee oe Kev emmseemebs eay, . sem Yow eevee - ——e ' 1 fesPaviinin, + . ty Test Hole No. 1 - . ; WwOs8685 Depth in Feet’ - ~ 2, ae —e : : From - To _— SOIL DESCRIPTION . “a 0 1.5: 82S brown Sandy Gravel, Fill . ummm 7125 “3.0 : ~ ¥F-2, brown Sil ty Sand SR 3.0 - 7 : - ¢:: . NFS brown ‘Seca _ probably finer with depth, ~ -* . sloughing beiow 4° prevented sampling of_ deeper: soils, bit advanced to 17° where aoe driller reports frost. - os “Bottom: of Test Hole: : Frost Line: .+);. .. : ~ 47 ft. 00 Free Waterlevel: | 7 8 ft. *. ; SAL: = ae eee ee oa ox: 3 , oo .! Se ever as : to NO. Depth “Blows /6" MS Sample -” _Strength Group | j :. c : — Remarks: 1). Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP=Standard Penetration a - 2) .Dry St rength: N=None,.L=Low, M=Medium, H=High - 3)" _ Group refers.to’similar material this study’ =a - 0 4) . Unified Classification, see Sheet 2 . Se ry. Test Hole No. Depth in Feet From To ortasreeaaae 1 ta 1.5 “3.5 ae ee 2 or nC i WOHB68S ~ SOIL ‘DESCRIPTION i NFS brown Sandy Gravel, fill . Peat F- 4/E-2 iets Sandy § Silt to Sacre ty Sand ars Becin Sand, frozen - ac etl . To ae Remarks:- 1) 2) a ses) icine) Bottom - Test Hole ‘7.5 ft. is ss i: - Frost Line: .-:.- USS 0TEE eae Tee ‘Free Waterlevel: None observed ~: eee SAS es ot foes - Type oF aor F ' ewer NO. Depth: ... -Blows/6" M%°" Sample. |. Other cee rea ri ert - : 20 menshele : aia Le : ; Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP=Standard Penetration — Dry Strength: N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High |: Group refers to similar material this study only. . Unified Classification,. see. Sheet 2°. se a =~ < Test Hole No. 3 Wy we lag : 7 * WOF8685 : Depth in Feet : . ~. From To - SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 “4.5 ° - NES brown Sandy Gravel, fill i Pl lel 1.5... .2.5° F+2, brown Silty Sana TT SLT 3.5 AL Sus | le _ NFS brown Sand, frozen @ 4.5 £t. . Bottom o£ ane Hole: 5.5 £t. | + Frost Line: 4.5 ft. Free Waterlevel: None observed. SA. “Type of L*a||* -- = NO. Sample - Strength Group .- . Other GP tle.) eee Remarks: “Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP= Standasa. Penetration 5 - Dry. Strength: N=None, L=Low, =Mediun, H=High-" 7 : Group refers to similar material this study only. 7 Unified (Classification, © see Sheet 2 . - .-* - || = LY : 2 a, > Test Hole No. Depth in Feet From — To 0 2 2 7 7 7.5 7 | au “Bottom of. Test ‘Hole: .. Frost Line: Free Waterlevel: - SAC Earl ide <a. 4 iy ij : Wwo28685 SOIL DESCRIPTION’ NFS brown Sandy Gravel, fill Garbage - saturated. NFS brown to gray Sand, saturated. ns Laie in ft || lea | | -2, gzay Silty Sane, frozen with much excess - i moisture es discreet ice crystals. : iyi ie ie NO. “Depth ‘ .Blows/6". MS - Sample i tee neni nls oP | tl eel, deel || | Remarks: 1) Wa 2) - 3) 4) V Type of Senwie, G=Grab, SP= biandacd Penetration Dry Strength: N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High °:. -_ | Group refers to similar material this study: only- aur Unified Classification, see Sheet 2 > Test Hole No.-5_ - THe WO28685 Repth in Feet — i ny : \ ae i i From. ~ -To - SOIL DESCRIPTION ||| |\4cu : ql NFS Sandy Geeval, Fill a 2° L Ve. F-2, brown Sil ty Sand, lie. su | - - “4 - 6 ie NES brown -Sand, wet £0 ‘saturated, —— “5.5! 6 I 1 10.5 v: NES/F- -2 gray Sil ty Sand ,, frozen with discreet eee] a ice. =a. ; a pwisieainaeee : i ee £e_- poeS es ie eaeetae = S- 5 orl j Frost Line: -- Free peered. -- Type of; | _- Sample _ : HEN |e 4 ——— . - ° Remarks:-- 1) “Type of Sample, G=Grab,; SP=Standard Penetration |. : are aN | | “"" 2)- Dry Strength:. -N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High . I “ 3): -. Group refers to similar material this study only. l mf /- Unified Classification, ° see Sheet 2 ales . a est Hole No. 6 - - . . wo38685 _ Depth in Feet i From To .. -- SOIL DESCRIPTION oO ve5 NFS brown Sandy Gravel, rill , 1.5 2.3 Peat : tS , - 3°: . AB on, ’ NFS brown, Sand, saturated, frozen @ 4", much * —— excess moisture by S25 ve e- F- -2, gray Silty Gravelly Sand pg heen. gray Silty Sand to Sandy Silt, frozen <>. -with excess TER. STE as } discreet ice crystals." oe eo “+ Bottom of Test Hole: |; 20 ft. 11, | Frost Line: -* ————— 4 £t. Free Waterlevel: .- ae Saturated 3- 5 — 4:0 ft. . Tees at —— . oe \ Aey- 55% Temp ae “Type of ~ Dry . aaa ‘7; SF. MS Sample - Strength Soza. see | matte g ATPL a 2 et Le og eee 3 — 28:5°"~ Soeice : DA : oats . : : 4 19.0 , 2 2eise ee - Remarks: 4), ‘Type of Sample, G=Grab, SP=Standard Penetration . 2 2) “Dry Strength: N=None, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High -*- 3) .* Group refers to similar material this study only. 4) Unified Clessification, see Sheet 2 - ad -. Free Waterlevel: Test Hole No. 9 aa : . viOz8685 Depth in Feet . : : . Froa To SOIL DESCRIPTION ; . 0 iS Sandy Gravel Fill i 3 Peat : '3.5.... Sandy Silt to Silty Sand 29-2 7 fe re 5... Sana eo ge ee eee uw w : ' ui 7: = = - Fine Sand — oi pee Hole: Frost Line: .* =. “Test Hole No. 10 aa Depth in rese 7 - es - a 7, Eom = : To as SOIL DESCRIPTION ‘0 = 1 Sandy Gravel Fill i a 2-3 - - Péat- 2 3. 2 - : ; ae Brown Sand © : : = 1655 eo ga Sages “Gray. Fine Sand- -o Does Bottom of ‘Test Holds. = 7-£t. <p e s Frost:Line: . - . 6.5 £t. . soso eee eee Free Waterlevel: '. 3.0. £t.; sloughing below 3.0" -".. = oe = Test Hole No. 1 oe -' | “te see Depth in Feet - oe ee Zs 7 “° ' ; From. To | - SOIL DESCRIPTION : ee Sandy Gravel Fill 7 Te. 2 Peat . : 2.% |. 3. * -+ Sandy Silt to Silty Sand =... 3 7 Sand = Bottom of Test Hole: - -7 Ets Frost Line: . 6.5 ers Prea Watarta.-.1 — Test Hole No. 12 ~ WO#8685 Depth in Feet . . . From To “ SOIL DESCRIPTION - . pet. 0 135 Sandy Gravel Fill 5 Peat - . . “ke ne : 2. “2.5 3.5 . ° Sandy Silt to Silty Sana . 3.5 . 12° . Sand ee ee ee ee 5 o-ce _. Bottom of TeSt' Hole: °° 912 ft. mts —_ Frost Line=- -. : -~ 3a fee == eS . .-: Free Waterlevel:*. -"::: | 3 £t.; sloughing below 3" .-..0 2% a op . 7 Pest Hole No- * ; . . eS "Depth in Feet -~-. eS Be ee ei Cas: From. To .. “SOIL DESCRIPTION ; : ae cry + . 00 Sandy Gravel Fill 265" 5 Tat Peat : 2 . 2 : 0 . “4 -+ Ec _* ‘Sand. ue ae . - a oo . oe . bot Bottom of Test “Hole! 11 £t. LT 2° Bey . Frost’ Linez = *: 20+ 12: W1-f£ti- Cor sore ee i Ze 2 as eee ee : Be ee G : oe BO eae Silt to silty ‘Sand 7 _ Free Waterlevel: oa: eae ft.3 Sléughing. below. 3 ft: “4 te Test Hole No. 14 oe Se pe ts ao. ot os) SS sa Sah Depth in Feet ~ °*" - 7 SSS ea 2 vO \ “ = From - To SOIL .DESCRIPTION ~ .g 150-0. Sandy Gravel Fill Sos ys Lee ee Sas 2S peat 2.5 | 3.5 Sandy Silt to Silty Sand an Boa. 10 . Sand r, Bottom of Test Hole: Ome. . Sy Frost Line: . 6.5 £e- Free Waterlevel: =: S29) ices a - = } Test Hole No. 15 - eae WlOz8685 4 % . Depth in Feet . : From LON SOIL DESCRIPTION ° : i Pi . ai | elle i Zale 0 Wie 1.5 a Gravel Fill ali Ae : SS ees Peat Ty : es ies Pamela 11 tee | | Vr Sand lr i eS * Bottom of Test Hole: (ss 3 £t. CS aE --_ , Frost, Line:-.- ; f. 3) fie mT al) ese te el a | or ie " Free Waterlevel:: None observed ‘SOIL DESCRIPTION O°:- ie 4.5 ete a6 Sahil Gravel ‘Fill Ba a7) sees I) | | 8 oe] Lael al Bottom.of Test Hole: |. 3. S ft. Frost Line:-"_. : Se eae eae ah imine - Free Waterlevel: aie 2 None observed Test Hole No. 17 ; Depth in Feet i all | | ee ara | || Gl lees From- . To .- SOIL DESCRIPTION i eeLILL bs 1 70.- | a 1 “+o Sandy Gravel Fill Bre) ||) | a el A | ge erg Pol | eave | | ear) | eter] ||) | Leer | mL BUT LIT | eis oleae TTP Lssiestl | cl rT eae I Bottom of Test Hole: . 655 | £E- = : Frost Line: ~ : PONG 5) ots : Free Waterlevel: 3 ft.; Slougning below 3 ft. : Test Hole No. 18 A . D2esth in Feet _ Froa To SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 1.5 Sandy Gravel Fill. Test Hole No. 18 Continued i = Depth in Feet 2 ‘rom To Soil Description 3 8 Sand-° eo i Ly e. ¢ - _° Bottom of Test Hole: ee ST * Frost Line: . | oS tts _ Free Waterlevel: 1s rt. “ Test Hole No. 19 » a) Ee e <= e Devth an Feet **) 7). -.e 2 = ; zs ose ota] |e |e ‘ - From ~ ia - _ SOIL DESCRIPTION Nts ae alll : _ Sandy Gravel Fill ; : : : pPeaterise ae wc a Silty. Sand | ; rt Bottom of Test Sokee 6. 5 |: : eas is 7) Exost Gines)| | |):/5 Se eee eta) eet : eel ’. Free Waterlevel: . .. °.. None.observed _- af ILD ah ae ‘ eee . ice 2 7 [i “. “Pest Role ev, aa) |.) Pe ey)" [ae ele x ‘Depth. in: Feet -. “| Ile eel tala : "From _ Be Olnaae) SOIL- DESCRIPTION - aT “9 a wl - T.5:5..° Sahay Gravel-Fill- a Bees al) || - Peat SOM eae -2-0..°0 72.3 ce Sitty Sand LT) | rim | POMEL | LT) ||| erm Bottom of Test- Hole: eis £t. Aiea +o) Foe ele ee eae) [ie A Hrost) Gaines |) 7) |) ile |) y)e (12. Suse) |: , eis ees 9) Free Waterlevel: - erase a ‘Sloughing ‘below = zee on) ie _Test Kole No. 21 v7 ee " Sits 1h fe Depth in Feet’. _ ; | eae ie te Fron Loe | |) SOIL DESCRIPTION : 3 ee . Sandy Gravel Fill un ' 12 ti Peat = 2 m Send Bottom of Test Hole: “11 «£t. r Frost Line: : 7 £t. (Hard Frozen 11°) Ace | we - = = Test Hole No. 22 , WOF 8685 Depth ia Feet . : j Froa ‘To SOIL DESCRIPTION Sandy Gravel Fill ao Peat oe . . - Silty Sand .to Sanéy Silt 7 1.5 = - Sand ~_ WO WwW me. Bottom of Test Hole: 9 ft. oo . Frost Line: 7 75 Ete Se : oo. - Free. Waterlevel: --.° +. 3.0 ft. . To on Dt a. i Lote ve - Type of - Dry : 25 SS ao . NO. Depth :.:: Blows/6"= MS Sample Strength Group... Temp - 1 3: _ Grab ‘--- 7 ee 28°F. Test Hole No. 23 oe - - . . Depth in Feet - Jo ete oe se OF tee ” Q “. From = To ‘| SOT DESCRIPTION“ : o 1. - — Sandy- Gravel Fill ~ aa . tet . . : a - 4.5 a Silty: Sand = 2 2 pea tee ie eT “ 3°: . Sand -~ : . . ee te ey, “Bottom of Test- Hole? .7" -10-ft.- < Frost Line: * wp os 9 ftu.—; - we 3 Free Waterlevel: ~ . “4.0 ftz, ienghing 3 below a fet SA. TT te Type of Dry . “ nes NO. Depth . Blows/6" Ms Sample “Strength Group .. Temp. 9 MOP te ee Grab |. == ee 2B te Test Hole No. 24° oO ms co . as. eae. _—— , "Depth in Feet °° J.e > - oo , : a From . To ~ : SOIL DESCRIPTION 0 Aes Sandy Gravel Fill . 1 : 2. - Peat : 7 . . = 2 . 3° Silty Send , ; me , 5.5 . Sand : ; - 3 “Bottom of Test Hole: 9.5 Frost Line: 9.5 ft. 4.0 . Free ‘tiaterlevel: crc £ £ a zy - SA. Strength Group Tem nO. Depth “ _Blows/6" Wt - < - . - _ nH ed 'o TO 0 w ra a T2st Hole No. 25 A wWoOz8685 Depth in Feet. - From To SOIL DESCRIPTION ~~ ate 1 * Sandy Gravel Fill an. tH tee 7 1 2. _ Peat - | "5 + i we oe e . 455 poe ee San ty? Sand to saney ‘Sait wage ae ee ao << * - Bottom of Test Hole: .. .17.5 ft. °° 5 z Frost Line:. : : Free Waterlevel: sloughing below a. 5S prevented * Sampling of deeper soils. ( Tete eee ee eA Ce eal lee aaa ere ae : >" Depth in Feet ~~. - ee 5 ee to : 2 2 Sate aia ay ee AT Pobicaeldasiels 0 a _10°. © ‘-Drilled prior to arrival. eros réported. @ 3 . oe 10°~ 20). ee : Gray silty’ Sand eas much excess water, ‘appar ttt totes zi ‘ Citta in the form of discreet ice gtrystals.~ , : SA. tar votes ; ; a Type of’. tet Dry atti Bt be NO. Depth Blows/6" .M% - Sample . Strength Group. ‘- Temp- ae ie mee nie SR tet et Die tao BB abigail rae egret (Treen ee ; ees 20 oo o—=—- _—- Grab. --- Die oe EES Soham et Be melee ett tint egg et yeep . , - Pile 2 - fs 41/4 ] wo#868S Depth in Feet : _ From - To : SOIL DESCRIPTION “0 ae. Lyi te) p NFS Sandy Gravel Eade : ri) Lt ||) See Sept dL el Tete 1) kl) I As 7 Cas: | 3 LTE} _ F-2, Silty Sana. : | [sant | 7 ace , 4 NFS acre to gray Sand i i - F-2, Silty Sand . “.* ‘Type, of MS Sample ah _Grab -—- Grab .--. Grab’ -- _ Grab “. SOIL DESCRIPTION ™.:_ waar | Clans 4 la iP D | PRs pl pti fal | | | (ete | | | | 1) ee : 1.5 > ° 20> : I "-"" NFS Sand ‘becoming NFS/F-2_ silty i) ee eT ae eoer OF See le ToT ULL] Ae Roa ey i i is % | “s - 29°F @ 13 ft: aa | oa e7 5 a 4) Pe)t ||| I. “Pi elie, pee ae) Beet es) ||| eh) | oa bl eee 8 . of * Pile 4 Depth in Feet - ; i i From ° To ° ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION ! ( 0 te Sy eel oa 1.5 2.0 Peat as 2.0 3.5 Sandy Silt to Silty Sand a. 5 2 0 Sand 29°F @ 15 ft. i = - ” From _To°- Pile‘5 . / ° Depth in Feet From To SOIL DESCRIPTION oO. 1.5 9 + Fill 125 "2:5 - =” Peat. 5 = Ww San , coe . - : 12° 20 ‘Silty Sand | wt or "Ire. =, te : 7 _v Cuttings @ 10' = 29°F = - oe’ ee! ° : . : . : . : a ‘ae: - 29°F 2 - eee - . Pile 6 oie : - : ‘Depth in Feet ‘som DESCRIPTION: o. a S00 FAL ee 450 1.2.0 1 Peat a 2.0- 3.5. °. \ Silty Sand to Sandy Silt’ , eStores. Sand. | -) 29°F @ 17 ft. “Aft. «ad (seegage) 3.5- ae :0 ft. Ge “Frost Line: Free Waterlevel:: 5 “Pile? -¢ of Loi UE Depth in Feet: ‘, = ee = eg ee ert Rg a See From ‘To -.. “SOIL DESCRIPTION. ; ewes ne atst Pas | Fill. ae 2." =" 9. a ‘3 ‘. Peat .. : : . .. a ae . Sandy Sie Eo ‘silty Sana soe se ' uo'u. UWNRO . ' uouw NUWN : | ak “Sand : _ ; Par — ew Oo. Fine Sand tone PTS Frost Line: -~ - er Se Cone . : Free Waterlevel: 4 £t., slovghing 4 to 5 ft. Temperature - | Depth 29°F | “45 28.5°F ° 19 arty tN anal. i" —! Byori Ord super PRS ORE cet coeds sateetel rarer bate ~ em r z a erGusere’ . — . ows Bee - Snes = sa - o- 14 ry ‘se 3° Redes oe SPS) 2-4 Ennt oo y-SE SENS Ju Se) busses 3218"): MZ o- 2) d abever yer Stilinice |e a) TOE k 7 . | Tom Lunsford ; SHUNGNAK November 18, 1974 Troi SAL. EB, | ee. Three portable classrooms (about 3 years old) have been Placed on gravel pads and timber sills,with the posts ele- vating the buildings approximately 3' above grade.- The entire structure is skirted with continuous plywood sheet- ing. At least one “access panel provides entry to the area_ beneath the building. Provisions have been made for jacking and leveling, however, the principal teacher and school employees indicate no . leveling has been necessary. : eae eee Several pits are located immediately to the NE of the old school site and exhibit a soil section similar to that found ij ikin TH-1 which is 6" ‘of active vegetation roots, duff and .-.... soil underlain by 2'-of layered peaty organics and fine | sands: Due to the current yasge of the pits no samples were - taken. One test hole was drilled 50' NE of the proposed site toa depth of 7- 1/2". This hole shows the following soil pro- file. : . j ) 0208) = Te S. Frozen root and organic layered fine . "sands and coarse silt (f1i11?) -1.5" - 3.5' .- Thawed, layered’ peaty banks 1/2" to 25/571 | A 1" thick in NFS fine to medium sand, coe : - . -damp to wet, low-medium density ~- . "325" -- 7.5' °- NFS buff fine to medium sands damp to. 7 > -- wet, low to medium density. Frost, was - encountered again at 7'. The following log was taken from B1A File C in Anchorage. No positive location was given but sketches and dates indi- cate that in December of 1967 the B-I.A. drilled a dry well at the southern corner of the old school. The log of that- hole is as follows: ‘ : 05017) =) | 350" Frozen dry sand 3. or - 10.0" Dry sand J ; (no frost). i 10.6" — 112..5° Frozen fine sand -12..5°| = 28.0" Frozen fine sand and brown ‘clay 28.02 —103=0" Frozen sand, gravel and brown clay -103.0° -246. ° Frozen sand, gravel and grey clay Upstream of the school 200' the bluff along the river shows at the surface an exposed section of 6' of brown to black — organic banks 6" to 1' thick interlayered with sands. This section overlies a deposit of fine sand 3' to 10' thick that is cohesionless and probably NFS. This in turn overlies a Tom Lunsford November 18, 1974 Page 4 thick deposit (10'-30') of silty sand, sandy silts and silts. The lower portions of this deposit contains random cobbles and boulders. This section is probably glacial in origin. These larger cobbles and boulders are within the range of river level: fluctuations and could be residual in origin, that is remanent from erosion of glacial deposits, or ice rafted from an upstream source. The normal graded stream of this type would not carry such large rocks as a bed load. 7 J . s The airport is constructed of gravels derived from a large- pit adjacent to. it. - This pit contains a very large volume’ of NFS-gravels and is located 1 to 1-1/2 miles from the school site. This pit-could furnish ‘all material required for a structure of the size Proposed for this site. - ele)" Upstream 6 miles and 6 nites north of the river is an addi- tional airport capable of handling Hercules type aircraft. It is located at Dahl Creek with road access to the Kobuk River and so the town of Kobuk. - Additional investigations on the final site location-will be required to determine ‘feasibility of a foundation system other t!} an piling such.as footing and posts on NFS gravel pads. More positive data-is required on soils and frost conditions to a depth of 30' for. the latter system. However, timber pile frozen in place to 30' should provide a satisfactory foundation with a- high tolerance to local surface heat gains. However, a breezeway is an integral portion of any foundation system at this . site; skirting will. aay result in significant settle- ment. , " RECOMMENDATIONS The seasonal thaw observed this fall was 5-1/2' deep and is considered normal for Shungnak. The proposed school site appears to be located on thin stable sands at least 7' thick at the-location of TH-1. These sands may extend to a depth of 28'. Below the active layer the ground is permanently frozen. All foundation systems considered for this site require protection of the permafrost by elevation of the building approximately 4' above the ground to allow air circulation and prevent building heat from thawing the ground. . The most reliable system would,be a, pile foundation. The soils observed are well suited to drilling, placing and freeze back of piling. Data on column loads and spacing and final buiding location is needed to determine pile size. é - 4: es ame Ae eh a ll b> meen TT S a oh Ss ) oF Ne . pater trs eats Skid Ween ! . eines oa ) Pei. < Oa RNONNNTHNNNNN é yas i i ALT biset a Serr eer 2 ee Y ‘ : ANT ase fl a sf a r- ia UPPER KOBUK, NW ALASKA oe =< Ceo & en i eR : : : - QO, ee U.S, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE tones Soils of the Upper Kobuk, NW Alaska By Ted E. Cox Soil Scientist U. S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service This soil survey was requested by the Northwest Alaska Native Association to provide information needed by planners, engineers, contractors, gardeners, and others involved in the development of land. This survey was financed in part by NANA, and is part of the technical assistance furnished by the Soil Conservation Service to the Alaska Soil Conservation District. Field work for this survey was completed in 1981 and all statements refer to conditions at that time. Contents Page General nature of the soil survey-------------------------------- 1 Cl imate--------------------------~~~-~--.-----------~~-------------- 1 Permafrost and frost: actlOn=-=------=------ --- - 2 - ee 1 How this survey was made----------------------------------------- 2 Soil maps for detailed planning---------------------------------- 2 Description of the mapping units--------------------------------- H § ao aaw enn nec eena saa a arene tears s eee enc senna eae ae aaa ===—e—— #2, 3------------------------------------------------------- 4 #4, 5------------------------------------------------------- 5 #6---------------------------------------------------------- 6 #7---------------------------------------------------------- 6 #8-------------------+----~---------------------------------- 7 #9---------------------------------------------------------- 8 #10--------------------------------------------------------- 9 #11--------------------------------------------------------- 10 #12--------------------------------------------------------- 10 Use and management of the soils--------------------------------- 11 Crops and gardens------------------------------------------- 12 Land clearing----------------------------------------------- 12 Land capability classification----- eee ee 13 Engineering------------------------------------------------------ 16 Building site development----------------------------------- 17 Sanitary facilities----------------------------------------- 17 Construction material s-------------------------------+------ 19 Water management-------------------------------------------- 21 Soil properties-------------------------------------------------- 22 Engineering index properties-------------------------------- 22 Physical and chemical properties---------------------------- 23 Soil and water features------------------------------------- 24 Classification of the soils-------------------------------------- 26 References------------------------------------------------------- 28 Glossary--------------------------------------------------------- 29 Soil legend------------------------------------------------------ 48 Summary of tables Page Mean monthly temperature and precipitation (table 1)------------- 36 Acreage and proportionate extent of soils (table 2)-------------- 37 Acreage and proportionate extent of soils by capability units ((tabl ens) aaa ee 38 Building site development (table 4)------------------------------ 39 Sanitary facilities (table 5)------------------------------------ 40 Construction materials (table 6)--------------------------------- 41 Water management (table 7)--------------------------------------- 42 Engineering index and physical and chemical properties (table 8)- 43. Soil and water features (table 9)-------------------------------- 46 Classification of the soils (table 10)--------------------------- 47 ii General Nature of the Survey Area The areas surveyed in this report lie within the upper Kobuk River valley in northwestern Alaska. Through preliminary photo interpretations two areas were selected for mapping near the villages of Ambler and Shungnak where the potential for small scale agriculture and timber harvests seemed greatest. Near Ambler approximately 12,000 acres were mapped along terraces adjacent to the Kobuk and Ambler Rivers. Soils deposited on these terraces generally are better drained with deeper permafrost tables than soils on adjacent upland sites. Distance from the river, soil textures, thickness of the organic mat, and slope aspect are major determining factors of permafrost depth and soil drainage. All the soils mapped along the Ambler River have mildly alkaline reactions and will effervesce upon the addition of dilute acid. The area mapped from Shungnak to above the village of Kobuk represents an additional 16,000 acres. The best soils in this area are found on the terraces upstream from Kobuk. Soils on these well drained terraces support healthy white spruce-birch forests and have excellent textures. These well drained soils are infrequently mapped downstream from Kobuk where soils become increasingly wet due to high permafrost tables. Near Shungnak the only well drained permafrost-free soils mapped are found adjacent to the Kobuk River. Soils in the Shungnak-Kobuk area all have medium acid reactions. Climate The survey area has a eee as characterized by cold winter temperatures and fairly warm summers. 3 July and August temperatures average about 60°F with an extreme of 90°F being recorded in Shungnak. Winter minimums average about -10°F to -20°F with an extreme temperature of -60°F. Average annual precipitation is low with Ambler and Shungnak recording about 16 inches. Most of this precipitation falls as rain from June to September. Snowfall averages from 60 to 80 inches. Mean monthly precipitation and temperatures’ are given in table 1. There is some possibility that a microclimate may exist up river from the village of Kobuk. Local residents have indicated it is warmer in the summer and longer between breakup and freezeup near Kobuk than it is down river at Shungnak. Better tree growth and the presence of paper birch on these upriver terraces might suggest some kind of environmental difference not documented by the available climatological data. These observations are not supported by data, but could be important to consider when selecting a gardening site. Permafrost and Frost Action The survey area lies in a region of continuous permafrost. (9) The large proportion of scils found along the Kobuk and Ambler Rivers have permafrost occurring within 3 feet of the surface. When moss or other insulating vege- tation is removed from the surface, the permafrost table will recede causing ~uneven settling of the soil and a potential erosion problem. This presents severe limitations for most urban uses. Special design and construction features are essential to prevent the degradation of the permafrost. Buildings, roads and streets, ditches, and other structures built in such a way that the permafrost is not maintained will result in high maintenance costs or possible failure. Areas where the native vegetation is disturbed should be reseeded to recommended species as soon as possible to avoid thawing and subsequent settling. Use of pilings for buildings, thick gravel subgrades for roads, and low ground pressure vehicles and construction equipment are also means of minimizing permafrost degradation. Frost action is a concern on all of the soils in the survey area. Among the soil properties that influence frost action are texture, porosity, and depth to the water table during periods of freezing. The well drained soils on alluvial plains and soils with sandy substratums have a moderate frost action potential. The soils formed in deep silty and very fine sandy material with high water tables and shallow permafrost have high frost action potential. How This Survey Was Made Soil scientists examined and described soils in every part of the survey area. They observed steepness, length and shape of slopes; the size of streams and general nature of drainages; and the kinds of native plants in the area. Many holes were dug to study soil profiles. A profile is a sequence of natural layers in a soil. It extends from the surface down into the parent material which has been changed very little by leaching or by plant roots. Characteristics of soil profiles were recorded and compared with soils in nearby areas. The eoleey escriptions of each soil horizon follow standards in the Soil Survey Manual.(4) Observations were made on each horizon's: (a) color, (2) texture or relative proportions of gravel, sand, silt, and clay; (3) structure or arrangement of soil particles into aggregates or clusters; (4) consistence or degree of compaction and plasticity; (5) aeration and drainage conditions; (6) reaction, or degree of acidity or basicity; (7) thickness; and (8) arrangement in the profile. The soils were then named and boundaries were drawn on aerial photographs. These photographs show vegetation, patterned ground, drained lakes, streams, and other details that help in drawing boundaries accurately. The maps at the back of this publication were Prepared from aerial photographs. Soil Maps for Detailed Planning The map units on the detailed soil maps at the back of this survey represent the soils in the survey area. The map unit descriptions in this section, along with the soil maps, can be used to determine the suitability and potential of a soil. They can be used to plan management for community es to plan land use; and to enhance, protect, and preserve the environ- ment. Each map unit on the detailed soil maps represents an area on the land- scape and consists of one or more soils. ’ A number identifies the mapping unit in the soil descriptions. Each description includes general facts about the soil, a brief description of the Profile, and the principal included soils. Soils that are in the same slope group and have similar profiles make up a mapping unit. Except for minor differences all the soils of a mapping unit have horizons that are similar in composition, thickness, and arrangement. - Most map units include smal] scattered areas of soils other than those for which the map unit is named. Some of these included soils have properties that differ from those of the major soil or soils. Such differences could significantly affect use and management of the map unit. 2 The included soils are identified at the end of each soil description. In some areas a few included soils are identified on the soil maps by a spot symbol. Table 3 gives the acreage and proportionate extent of each map unit. Other tables (see "Summary of tables") give properties of the soils and the limitations, capabilities, and potential for many uses. The Glossary defines many of the terms used in describing the soils. Description of the Mapping Units MU #1 This unit consists of moderately well to well drained, calcareous, dark grayish brown alluvial soils. Soils in this unit have thin organic mats over stratified silt and sandy deposits. This unit is found on the major flood- plains along the Ambler River and is closely associated with mapping unit 10. Typically, these soils have 2 inches of grass roots and forest litter over dark grayish brown and olive gray stratified sands and silts to 60 inches. Permafrost is usually deep. Slopes range from 0 to 3 percent. Taxonomic Class: coarse-loamy, mixed, calcareous Pergelic Cryorthent. Representative Profile: SE% NE%, Sec. 9, T. 20 N., R. 5 EL Oi--2-0 in; black (10YR 2/1) partially decomposed forest litter; many roots; abrupt smooth boundary. Cl--0-7 in; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) silt loam; moderate fine granular structure; very friable; many roots; mildly alkaline; clear smooth boundary. C2--7-20 in; olive gray (5Y 4/2) silty clay loam; common distinct gray mottles; massive structure; firm; few roots; calcareous; mildly alkaline; abrupt smooth boundary. C3--20-40 in; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) stratified fine sands and silts; single grain; very friable; no roots; calcareous; moderately alkaline. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from] to 5 inches. The C horizons are stratified with any number and arrangement of silty and fine sandy textures. Colors range from dark grayish brown to olive brown. Gravel content can range to 15 percent in the C horizons. Permafrost usually is below 60 inches, but patches of discontinuous frost can occur in the upper 5 feet. Water table typically is below 5 feet. In some places an overburden of heavy silts can occur. Included in mapping are small acreages of units #9 and #10. This unit is dissected by old river channels and does not occur in large acreage blocks. The best drained versions of this soil occur near to the Ambler River. Drainage becomes impaired and the permafrost table is higher further from the river. Only one slope group was mapped. Unit #1 ranges from 0 to 3 percent slope. 3 MU #2 and #3 These units consist of somewhat poorly drained, calcareous grayish soils that are stratified with sands and silts. These soils occur on old terraces along the Ambler River and occupy depressional areas and north-facing slopes. Closely associated with this soil are units #4 and #5 which occupy higher portions of the landscape and are well drained. Typically, these soils have 5 inches of partially decomposed organic material over 8 inches of grayish silts. Below this is fine sands and silts to 60 inches. Permafrost is at 4 feet. Slopes range from 0 to 20 percent. Taxonomic Class: coarse-loamy, mixed, calcareous, Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: SE, SEk, Sec. 10, T. 20N., R. 5 E. 0i--5-3 in; dark reddish brown (5YR 3/3) live spahgnum mosses; 80 percent rubbed fiber; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. Oe--3-0 in; black (10YR 2/1) partially decomposed sedge and sphagnum roots; 30% rubbed fiber; many roots; clear smooth boundary. C1--0-8 in; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) silt loam; weak fine granular structure; very friable; nonsticky, nonplastic; many fine and medium roots; neutral; clear smooth boundary. C2g--8-38 in; olive gray (5Y 4/2) stratified loamy sands; silt loam and fine sands; common medium distinct olive and dark yellowish brown mottles; single grain structure; very friable; nonsticky, nonplastic; few roots; mildly alkaline; clear smooth boundary. C3g--38-48 ‘in; olive gray (5Y 4/2) gravelly fine sandy loam; common medium distinct olive mottles; massive structure; friable; nonsticky, non- plastic; moderately alkaline. C4gf--48+ in; frozen; same as above. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 4 to 7 inches. The C-horizons have textures ranging from silt loam and fine loamy sand, with the coarser textures occurring lower in the profile. Small gravels below 20 inches can occupy up to 20% of the soil volume. Permafrost commonly occurs within 2 to 5 feet, but can range to greater than 5 feet on some steeper slopes. Water table is usually immediately above the permafrost. ue youl is similar to the Am series mapped in "Soils of the NANA Villages" 1980). Included in mapping are some sandy soils, mainly along bluffs, and some small areas of units #6 and #4. Two slope groups were separated. Unit #2 ranges from 0 to 7 percent slope. Unit #3 ranges from 7 to 20 percent slope. HMA NMI MU #4 and #5 These units consist of well to somewhat excessively drained, brown calcareous soils with silty surfaces and sandy or gravelly sand substratums. The soils in this unit occupy the highest portion of an old dissected terrace along the Ambler River. They are closely associated with with the soils found in units #3 and #6, but are well drained and lack permafrost. Typically, these soils have thin organic mats over 6 inches of brown silt loam or loam. Below this to a depth of 25 inches is an olive brown fine sandy loam. An olive gravelly loamy fine sand occurs at 25 inches and extends to greater than 40 inches. Slopes range from 0 to 30 percent. Taxonomic Class: sandy, mixed calcareous, Pergelic Cryorthod. Representative Profile: .SWs SW; Sec. 14, T. 20 N., R. 5 E. Oi--3-0 in; black (10YR 2/1) mat of forest WHGaars lichens and moss; abrupt wavy boundary.- A2--0-1 in; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) silt loam; common medium distinct brown mottles; weak fine granular structure; very friable; nonsticky, nonplastic; many fine, very fine, or medium roots; very strongly acid; abrupt irregular boundary. B2lir--1-4 in; dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) very fine sandy loam; common medium faint mottles of olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) and dark brown (7.5YR 3/4), weak fine granular structure; very friable; nonsticky, nonplastic; many fine and very fine roots; medium acid; abrupt irregular boundary. B3--4-6 in; olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) fine sandy loam; common medium faint mottles of brown (10YR 4/4) weak fine granular structure; very friable; nonsticky, nonplastic; few fine roots; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. IIC1--6-25 in; olive brown (2.5Y 4.4) fine sandy loam; common medium faint motties of olive (5Y 4/3); single grain structure; loose; nonsticky, nonplastic; few roots; calcareous; mildly alkaline; clear smooth boundary. IIC2--25-40 in; olive (5Y 4/3) gravelly loamy sand; 15% gravels; loose; nonsticky, nonplastic; no roots; calcareous; moderately alkaline. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 1 to 4 inches. Surface textures can be silt loam, loam, or very fine sandy loam and range from 4 to 10 inches over a sandy substratum. Colors range from olive to dark brown in the B horizons. The IIC horizons can be fine sandy loam or fine sand with as much as 25% gravel in the profile below 20 inches. As much as 25% of this unit is underlain by a gravelly sand at 10 to 20 inches. This ae : similar to the Ko series mapped in "Soils of the NANA Villages", 1980). Included in mapping are some small areas of unit #3 in depressional areas. Also included are a few areas of nonsandy soils. Two slope groups were mapped. Unit #4 ranges from 0 to 7 percent slope. Unit #5 ranges from 7 to 30 percent slope. MU_#6 This unit consists of poorly to very poorly drained mineral soils with thick organic mats that are frozen at shallow depths. They formed on old terraces along the Kobuk and Ambler Rivers. Typically, these soils have 8 inches of partially decomposing sedge and sphagnum peat over a stratified mineral horizon that is frozen at less than 10 inches. These soils are high in ice and have high water tables. Slopes range from 0 to 7 percent. Taxonomic Class: loamy, mixed, nonacid, Histic Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: NE% SWs Sec. 22, T. 20 N., R. 5 E. Oi--8-6 in; dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) and black (10YR 2/1) undecom- posed fibrous sedges and sphagnum mosses; 80% fiber after rubbing; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. Oe--6-0 in; black (10YR 2/1) partially decomposed sedge peat; 30% fiber after rubbing; many roots; medium acid; abrupt smooth boundary. Clg--0-9 in; dark gray (5Y 4/1) stratified fine sands and silts; common medium distinct olive mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; few fine and very fine roots; neutral; abrupt smooth boundary. C2gf--9-15 in; dark gray (5Y 4/1) frozen stratified fine sandy loam; fine sand and silt loam; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; high ice content; neutral. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 6 to 12 inches. The C horizon can range from heavy silt loams to fine sandy loam and colors range from dark grayish brown through dark gray. The frozen substratum can have up to 15% small gravels. Depth to permafrost ranges from immediately below the organic mat to 18 inches. A perched water table occurs above the permafrost. This soil is similar to the Ku series mapped in "Soils of the NANA Villages", (1980). Included in this unit in some areas are soils with silty clay loam substratums and areas of units #8 and #10. Unit #6 is sandier and more alkaline in the Ambler area. Only one slope group was mapped. Unit #6 ranges from 0 to 7 percent slope. MU #7 This unit is composed of somewhat poorly to moderately well drained alluvial soils on active gravel bars and perennially flooded bottom lands. These soils are constantly being eroded and redeposited with each flood. Typically, they have very thin or nonexistent organic mats over stratified gravelly coarse sands and sandy loams to 60 inches or more. Permafrost is deep and water tables fluctuate with the river level. Slopes are from 0 to 3 percent. Taxonomic Class: sandy-skeletal, mixed, nonacid Pergelic Cryorthent. Representative Profile: SW, NE% Sec. 10, T. 20 N., R. 5 E. C1--0-60 in; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) stratified fine and medium sands and very gravelly sands; single grain structure; loose; few roots; neutral. Range in Characteristics: Texture in the C horizon is highly variable and can be stratified with any arrangement and thickness of sands, gravelly sands and occasionally silts. Dominant texture is sand or gravelly sand. Permafrost is deep and water table varies from 3 to 5 feet during periods of low water. Included are areas of units #12 and #11. This unit is separated from unit #12 based on flooding frequency and in many places has a soil profile similar to unit #12. - ; Only one slope group was mapped. Unit #7 ranges from 0 to 3 percent slope. MU #8 This unit consists of somewhat poorly drained, nonacid, stratified soils found on the major floodplain of the Kobuk River. These soils occur in association with unit #11, but are found further back from the river and have impaired drainage. Typically, these soils have 4 inches of partially decom- posed mosses and sedges over 20 inches-of a heavy dark gray silt loam. Below this is stratified fine sandy loam and medium sand to 51 inches. A gravelly olive coarse sand occurs below this. Permafrost typically is deep. Slopes range from 0 to 3 percent. Taxonomic Class: coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: 0i--8-0 in; dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) live sphagnum mosses - 90% rubbed fiber; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. Clg--0-20 in; dark gray (2.5Y 4/N) heavy silt loam; common large prominent dark yellowish brown mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; common fine roots; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. C2g--20-26 in; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) very fine sandy loam; common medium distinct, dark brown mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; few roots; medium acid; clear smooth boundary. C3--26-51+ in; olive gray (5Y 4/2) stratified fine to medium sands and very fine sandy loams; single grain structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; no roots; medium acid; abrupt smooth boundary. 7 C4q--51-60 in; dark olive gray (5Y 3/2) gravelly coarse sand; 15 percent smal] gravels; single grain structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; no roots: medium acid. : Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 3 to 8 inches. The Cl horizon can have textures from silt loam to fine sandy loam, with colors ranging from olive gray to dark grayish brown. The lower C horizons typically are sandier, with textures ranging from very fine sandy loam through coarse sand. This soil is underlain by a very gravelly coarse sand in some areas. Permafrost is usually below 5 feet, but discontinuous patches of frost can occur higher in the profile. Water table ranges from 14 to 30 inches below the surface. This soil is similar to the Ba series mapped in "Soils of the NANA Villages", (1980). Included in this unit are small acreages of units #6 and #9. Only one slope group was mapped. Unit #8 ranges from 0 to 3 percent slope. Mu_ #9 This unit consists of very poorly drained soils that occupy low-lying positions on the major floodplains. They have very high water tables with permafrost close to the surface and are frequently flooded in times of high water. Typically, these soils have 7 inches of partially decomposed organic mats over dark gray stratified silty and sandy deposits that are frozen at shallow depths. Slopes range from 0 to 3 percent. Taxonomic Class: loamy, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: 01--7-0 in; dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) partially decomposed sedges and mosses, 70% fiber after rubbing; many roots; very strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. Clg--0-9 in; dark gray (5Y 4/1) silt loam; common medium faint dark grayish brown mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; few roots; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. C2gf--9-15 in; frozen same as above. Range in Characteristics: The organic mat ranges from 4 to 15 inches thick. Textures in the C horizons can be highly variable ranging from heavy silts to very fine sands. Depth to permafrost ranges from 1 to 4 feet. Water table can range from above tne surface to 3 feet. A high percentage of units #10 and #8 are included in mapping. Unit #9 is more alkaline along the Ambler River terraces. Only one slope group was mapped. Unit #9 ranges from 0 to 3 percent slope. 7 MU #10 This unit is composed of somewhat poorly drained silty soils with moder- ately shallow permafrost. These soils are found on the major floodplains of the Ambler and Kobuk Rivers, and are associated with Units #1 and #11. Unit #10 is found on the outside bends of the major rivers and terraces with drainages impaired by permafrost. Typically, this soil has 5 inches of : partially decomposed organic material over 18 inches of a dark gray heavy silt loam. Below this is a dark gray silt loam stratified with thin layers of fine sandy loam to 34 inches. Permafrost is at 34 inches with a water table immediately above it. Slopes range from 0 to 3 percent. Taxonomic Class: coarse-silty, mixed, calcareous, Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: SE%, SWs Sec. 12, T. 20N., R. 5 E. 0i--5-0 in; dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) partially decomposed sedges and mosses, 70% fibers after rubbing; many roots; very strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. Cl--0-6 in; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 3/2) heavy silt loam; common medium distinct olive brown mottles; weak fine grained structure; firm; slightly sticky, slightly plastic; common fine and medium roots; neutral; clear smooth boundary. C2g--6-18 in; dark gray (5Y 4/1) silty clay loam; many medium faint olive mottles; moderate subangular blocky structure; firm; slightly sticky, slightly plastic; few roots; calcareous; mildly alkaline; clear smooth boundary. C3g--18-34 in; dark gray (5Y 4/1) silt loam with strata of fine sandy loam; common medium distinct olive brown mottles; massive structure; firm; slightly sticky, slightly plastic; calcareous; mildly alkaline; abrupt smooth boundary. C4gf--34 + in; frozen (5Y 4/1) silt loam; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; high in ice; mildly alkaline. Range in Characteristics: The organic mat ranges from 4 to 9 inches. Textures in the C horizons are silt loam, very fine sandy loam or silty clay loam in the upper 30 inches. Stratas of fine sand can occur in some profiles. Permafrost ranges from 1 to 5 feet below the organic mat, with the water table immediately above the frost. These soils are not calcareous when mapped on the Kobuk River floodplains. Included in mapping are a large portion of soils with coarser textures and some areas of units #12 and #11. Only one slope group was mapped. Unit #10 ranges from 0 to 3 percent slope. —w MU #11 This unit is composed of well drained, dark grayish brown soils foun the major floodplains of the Kobuk River. These soils are found on the b drained terraces and are closely associated with units #8 and #12. Typic under 4 inches of live sphagnum and forest litter is 16 inches of dark gr brown silt loam and very fine sandy loam. Below this to 44 inches is a v fine sandy loam stratified with silts and coarser sands: At 44 inches is gravelly coarse sand. Slopes range from 0 to 3 percent. Taxonomic Class: coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryorthent. Representative Profile: 0i--4-2 in; dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) live sphagnum mosses; 100% rubbed fiber; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. Oe--2-0 in; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) slightly decomposed forest litt 90% fiber; many roots; strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. Cl--0-4 in; olive gray (5Y 4/2) silt loam; weak fine platy structure; very friable; many very fine and fine roots; medium acid; clear smooth boun C2--4-16 in; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) very fine sandy loam; commoi medium distinct brownish mottles; weak fine platy structure; very friable; fine roots; medium acid; abrupt smooth boundary. C3--16-44 in; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) very fine sandy loam with stratas of silt and fine sand; single grain structure; very friable; loose; medium acid; abrupt smooth boundary. C4--44+ in; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) gravelly. coarse sand; 15% sma gravels; single grain structure; loose; medium acid. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the 0 horizon ranges from 2 to 6 inches. The C horizons are generally siltier in the upper profile than in tt lower, but textures can range from loamy fine sand through silt loam. A gravelly coarse sand is not uncommon at 30 inches. Permafrost is usually greater than 5 feet, but patchy seasonal frost is sometimes present. Included in mapping are small areas of units #8 and #9. This soil is dissected by old stream channels in some areas and can include some soils tha are shallower over gravel. Only one slope group was mapped. Unit #11 ranges from 0 to 3 percent slope. MU_#12 This unit consists of well drained, dark grayish brown soils found on th lower portion of the floodplains along the Kobuk River. They are mapped on low terraces that are still subject to frequent overflow and are closely associated with units #11 and #7. Typically, under 2 inches of forest 10 litter is 8 inches of a very dark grayish brown silt loam over dark grayish brown stratified fine sands and silts to 60 inches. Stratas of coarse sand are found in the lower horizons. Slopes range from 0 to 3 percent. Taxonomic Class: coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid Pergelic Cryorthent. Representative Profile: 01--2-0 in; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) forest litter; many roots; strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. C1--0-8 in; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) silt loam; weak fine granular structure; very friable; many very fine and fine roots; medium acid; clear smooth boundary. C2--8-60 in; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) stratified fine sandy loam, loamy sands and silt loam; common medium distinct olive brown mottles; single grain structure; very friable; few coarse roots; medium acid. Range in Characteristics: The 0 horizon ranges from 1 to 4 inches thick. Textures in the C horizons can vary in arrangement and thickness, and range from coarse sands to silts. Average weighted texture is from 10 to 40 inches of fine sandy loam. Permafrost is greater than 5 feet. This unit is highly dissected by river channels. Included in mapping are some small areas of units #11 and #7. Also included are some areas that are shallow to gravel. Only one slope group was mapped. Unit #12 ranges from 0 to 3 percent slope. Use and Management of the Soils This soil survey is an inventory and evaluation of the soils in the survey area. It can be used to adjust land uses to the limitations and potential of natural resources and the environment. Also, it can help avoid soil-related failures in land uses. Information in this section can be used to plan the use and management of soils for crops and gardens; as sites for buildings, sanitary facilities, highways and other transportation systems. It can be used to identify the potentials and limitations of each soil for specific land uses and to help prevent construction failures caused by unfavorable soil properties. Planners and others using soil survey information can evaluate the effect of specific land uses on productivity and on the environment in all or part of the survey area. The survey can help planners to maintain or create a land use pattern in harmony with the natural soil. Contractors can use this survey to locate sources of sand and gravel, roadfill, and topsoil. They can use it to identify areas where permafrost, wetness, or very firm soil layers can cause difficulty in excavation. Health officials, highway officials, engineers and others may also find this survey useful. The survey can help them plan the safe disposal of wastes and locate sites for roads, airports and other structures. 1 Crops and gardens There are no agricultural crops grown in the NANA Region other than hardy vegetables in community or home gardens. Some of the vegetables grown include cabbage, radishes, lettuce, turnips, and potatoes. Some barley and wheat has been tried recently on a trial basis, but limited climatic data indicates that small grains might have trouble maturing in most years due to frosts that can occur at any time during the growing season. . The area from the village of Kobuk to the mouth of the Kogoluktuk River has the largest concentration of well drained soils in the survey area. Large coherent blocks of medium textured soils that could be managed as small farms exist along this section of the Kobuk River. The best stands of timber are also found along this stretch of the Kobuk River. Dominant trees are white spruce and paper birch on the secondary terraces and cottonwoods along the floodplains. Large white spruce also grow along certain stretches of the Ambler River on the well drained soils. A few of these areas are used locally for firewood and house logs. The tundra vegetation includes plants that provide browse and forage for caribou and other wildlife. Land clearing Several methods can be used to clear land in the survey area. The most suitable methods and equipment are determined by the type of plant cover on the soils, the kinds of soil, and the time of year when the soils are cleared. Suitable equipment and methods include bulldozers, hydro-axes, large roto- tillers, large breaking plows, heavy-duty disks, and controlled burning. The well drained and moderately well drained soils in the area can be cleared at any time of the year, but clearing is most efficiently done when the soils are frozen, trees, shrubs, and large roots left after logging can be pushed over and windrowed with a bulldozer equipped with a scarifier blade. Land clearing under these conditions, however, often creates windrows with large quantities of soil material. When the soil is frozen, the trees can be sheared by use of a bulldozer and piled in windrows without disturbing the soil. Most soils in the interior of Alaska are cleared by this method. Later, in spring or summer, the stumps and large roots can be moved to the windrows with a bulldozer fitted with a scarifier blade. When the soils are sloping, the windrows should be arranged diagonally to the slope. This keeps runoff from ponding on the upper side of the windrows and helps to control runoff from cleared fields. Natural drainage- ways should not be blocked by the windrows. To allow for better drainage and fire control, it is a good practice to place the windrows 200 to 300 feet apart. The trees, shrubs, and roots in the windrows should be burned when they are dry, generally about a year after clearing. Several burnings and restackings of the vegetation generally are needed to dispose of the vege- tation. When clearing the land, it is important to leave as much of the decom- posed forest litter as possible so that it can be added to the soil. Adding organic matter to the soil helps to maintain good tilth, increases the water intake rate of the soil, and reduces erosion. A heavy disk can be used to incorporate chips, small stumps, and roots into the soil. Because these materials decompose very slowly, however, the larger pieces should be removed 12 Tiaigeanniandy liicannaaellliitinaanan i Gannanecal lianas ' so that they will not interfere with the cultivation. The somewhat poorly drained and poorly drained soils in the survey area have permafrost and are covered with brush and moss or sedge tussocks. When the soil is frozen, this plant cover can most easily be removed with a bull- dozer equipped with a shear blade. The depth to permafrost will gradually increase when the insulating vegetation is removed. Before crops can be grown on some soils, the excess moisture perched above the permafrost must be removed by drainage ditches. Where soil blowing is a hazard in cultivated fields, adequately spaced windbreaks are needed to help control soil blowing and drifting. Erosion can also be reduced by using a heavy-duty disk to better mix the plant residue into the upper part of the soil profile. Land Capability Classification Land capability classification shows, in a general way, the suitability of soils for most kinds of field crops. Crops that require special manage- ment are excluded. The soils are grouped according to their limitations if they are used for field crops, the risk of damage if they are used, and the way they respond to management. The grouping does not take into account major and generally expensive landforming that would change slope, depth, or other characteristics of the soils, nor does it consider possible but unlikely major reclamation projects. Capability classification is not a substitute for interpretations designed to show suitability and limitations of groups of soils for rangeland, for woodland, and for engineering purposes. In the capability system, soils are generally grouped at three levels; capability class, subclass, and unit. Only class and subclass are used in this survey. These levels are defined in the following paragraphs. The subclass designation is based on the dominant kind of limitation. The letter symbol "e" means that the main limiting factor is risk of erosion if the plant cover is not maintained. The symbol "w" means that excess water retards plant growth or interferes with cultivation. The symbol "wp" means that the soil is wet due to a high permafrost table. The symbol "s" means that the soils are shallow, droughty or low in fertility. The symbol "c" means that choice of crops is limited by climatic factors. The capability class is identified by Roman numerals. All] the soils in one class have limitations and management problems of about the same degree, but of different kinds. There are eight of these general classes in the / system. In classes I, II, and III are soils that are suitable for annual or periodic cultivation of annual or short-lived crops. Class I soils are those that have the widest range of use and the least risk of damage. Class II and Class III soils have increasingly narrower ranges of use. Class IV soils should be cultivated only under very careful management. In Classes V, VI, and VII are soils that normally should not be cultivated for annual or short-lived crops but that can be used for pasture, for wood- land, or for plants that support or shelter wildlife. Soils in Class VIII have practically no agricultural value, but may be useful for watershed protection or for wildlife. Primarily because of climatic limitations there are no Class I, II, or III soils in the NANA Region. In the following section each subclass is described briefly, the soils in each are listed, and some suggestions are made for use and management. 13 Subclass 4c - Deep, well drained, nearly level soils - Mapping unit #11. The soils in this group represent the most suitable choice for agriculture in the region. Textures are very fine sandy loam, silt loam, or loamy fine sand over a gravelly coarse sand. Drainage is good, permafrost is deep and moisture supplying capacity is moderate. This unit occurs in large coherent blocks and is the most extensive soil along the upper Kobuk River. Areas of discontinuous frost and dissection by stream channels are present, but do not represent significant problems to management. Climate is the most important limitation when cultivating this soil. Frosts can occur at any time during the growing season, and sufficient rainfall may be a problem in some seasons. Adapted vegetable varieties can probably be grown successfully, but in most years barley and small grains may not mature. Heavy fertilization, periodic additions of organic matter and planting only adapted varieties as early in the spring as possible are practices required to obtain good yields. Raised vegetable beds and the use of plastic mulches help to warm soil temperatures and improve internal drainage. , The native vegetation growing on these soils consists mainly of white spruce forests with scattered birch. These white spruce-birch forests are key indicators of a well drained permafrost-free soil. These soils support some of the best timber growth in the area. The harvesting of firewood, house logs, and some sawtimber by local residents are presently important uses for this unit. . Subclass 4s - Deep, well to excessively drained sandy soils on nearly level slopes - Mapping unit #4. This group of soils is generally very deep to permafrost. Textures are silt loam, loam, or very fine sandy loam with a sandy subsoil at shallow depths. Drainage is good to excessive and moisture supplying capacity is low to very low. This unit is moderately extensive near Ambler on high river terraces. Droughtiness due to low rainfall and low moisture supplytng capacity are the major limitations to cropping this soil. Some areas with siltier textures may support small grains, but it is unlikely they would mature due to early - frosts. If irrigated, hardy vegetables and adapted grasses that can tolerate light frosts probably can be grown successfully. Heavy fertilization and the addition of organic matter are practices necessary to obtain good yields. The native vegetation growing on these soils consists mainly of birch- aspen forests with some white spruce. These areas are important as browse and forage for wildlife and for harvesting firewood by residents for local use. Subclass 4w - Deep, moderately well to well drained nearly level soils subject to flooding - Mapping units #1 and #12. This group consists of two mapping units that have wetness or flooding limitations associated with cropping. Unit #1 is the most extensive soil in the Ambler area and is mapped in small delineations. Wetness becomes a problem with this soil further away from the river's edge. Wetness problems may not be a major problem after land clearing and permafrost recession. Textures and soil moisture are both favorable for growing adapted varieties of cool season vegetables and possibly small grains. As with all soils in the area, climate is a major question because of early frosts. Unit #1 also is dissected by numerous small channels containing poorly drained soils. 14 —=s. come ees a, ' : ‘ Unit #12 represents a fairly extensive soil found along the floodplains of the Kobuk River. This soil is similar to unit #11 with the addition of a flooding hazard. These soils are probably flooded every few years and have numerous channels cut through them. Large delineations are uncommon and would be difficult to cultivate as a unit. Crops can be grown, but would be susceptible to flooding damage in summer after periods of prolonged heavy rainfall. Clearing along river banks should be avoided due to the accelerated erosion that could take place. If cleared, these soils should be suitable for adapted vegetable varieties, but the growing season is probably too cool and short in most years for small grains such as oats and barley to mature. To obtain good yields it is necessary to fertilize and maintain soil tilth with periodic additions of organic matter. Soil #1 supports white spruce forests with alder and willow understory. The natural vegetation is an important source of houselogs and firewood for local residents. Soil #12 supports cottonwoods, willow and scattered large white spruce. The native vegetation is useful mainly as wildlife habitat and the production of firewood and houselogs for local use. Subclass 6e - Deep, well to excessively drained, moderately steep sandy soils - Mapping unit #5. These soils are too steep for cultivation and are susceptible to severe erosion if the vegetation is removed or destroyed. They support forests of birch and aspen. Cleared or disturbed areas should be reseeded to grass to prevent erosion. Subclass 6wp - Somewhat poorly drained soils with permafrost at moderate depths - Mapping units #2, #3, #8, and #10. This group consists of soils that have wetness problems associated with permafrost tables at moderately shallow depths. These soils are not well suited for cropping and if cleared may not have adequate drainage for cultivation. Removing the vegetation and insulating organic mat will cause the permafrost table to recede and drainage may improve in many cases. Care should be taken to insure adequate drainage outlets are provided and that erosion will not be a problem. Each potential clearing site should be evaluated and treated separately. If cleared, interceptor ditches and raised garden beds may be needed to warm and drain the soil. Unit #3 in many areas is too steep to consider clearing and should be left in native vegetation. These soils support both black and white spruce forests with alder and willow understory that provides excellent browse and cover for wildlife. Subclass 7wp - Poorly and very poorly drained mineral soils with very shallow permafrost tables - Mapping unit #6. The soils in this group are not suited for agriculture. In summer, water is perched above the permafrost table and these soils are nearly always wet. If cleared the permafrost may recede, put soil settling and severe erosion problems may result. In nearly level soils this may result in the formation of ponded depressions. Native vegetation consists of scattered stunted black spruce or tundra vegetation. Soils in this group are best suited for wildlife habitat and berry picking. Subclass 8w - Very poorly drained alluvial soils subject to annual 15 r a ea | flooding - Mapping units #7 and #9. The soils in this group are totally unsuited to cultivation and should not be disturbed. Both units have : perennially high water tables and are subject to very frequent overflow during periods of high water. Any soil disturbance would result in rapidly increased erosion rates. These soils provide excellent cover and browse for wildlife and should remain in their natural vegetation. Engineering This section provides information for planning land uses related to urban development and to water management. Soils are rated for various uses, and the most limiting features are identified. The ratings are given in the following tables: Building Site Development, Sanitary Facilities, Construction Materials, and Water Management. The ratings are based on observed performance of the soils and on the estimated data and test data in the "Soil Properties" section. Information in this section is intended for land-use planning, for evaluating land-use alternatives, and for planning site investigations prior to design and construction. The information, however, has limitations. For example, estimates and other data generally apply only to that part of the soil within a depth of 6 feet or 10 inches below the permafrost table, which- ever is higher. Because of the map scale, small areas of different soils may be included within the mapped areas of a specific soil. The information is not site specific and does not eliminate the need for on-site investigation of the soils or for testing and analysis by personnel experienced in the design and construction of engineering works. Government ordinances and regulations that restrict certain land uses or impose specific design criteria were not considered in preparing the informa- tion in this section. Local ordinances and regulations need to be considered in planning, in site selection, and in design. Soil properties, site features, and observed performance were considered in determining the ratings in this section. During the fieldwork for this soil survey, determinations were made about soil reaction, depth to perma- frost, soil wetness, depth to a seasonal high water table, slope, likelihood of flooding, and natural soil structure aggregation. Estimates were made for permeability, corrosivity, shrink-swell potential, available water capacity, and other behavioral characteristics affecting engineering uses. This information can be used to (1) evaluate the potential of areas for residential, commercial, industrial, and recreation uses; (2) make preliminary estimates of construction conditions; (3) evaluate alternate routes for roads, streets, highways, pipelines, and underground cables; (4) evaluate alternative sites for detailed on-site investigations of soils and geology; (5) locate potential sources of gravel, sand, earthfill, and topsoil; (6) plan drainage systems, irrigation systems, ponds, terraces, and other structures for soil and water conservation; and (7) predict performance of proposed smal] structures and pavements by comparing the performance of existing similar structures on the same or similar soils. The information in the tables, along with the soil maps, the soil des- criptions, and other data provided in this survey can be used to make additional interpretations. 16 ae al nea) | senna) aimee Some of the terms used in this soil survey have a special meaning in soil science and are defined in the Glossary. Building Site Development Table 4 shows the degree and kind of soil limitations that affect shallow excavations, dwellings with and without basements, small commercial buildings, and local roads and streets. The limitations are considered slight if soil properties and site features are generally favorable for the indicated use and limitations are minor and easily overcome; moderate if soil properties or site features are not favorable for the indicated use and special planning, design, or maintenance is needed to overcome or minimize the limitations; and severe if soil properties or site features are so unfavorable or so difficult to overcome that special design, significant increases in construction costs, and possibly increased maintenance are required. Special feasibility studies may be requried where the soil limitations are severe. Shallow excavations are trenches or holes dug to a maximum depth of 6 feet for basements, graves, utility lines, open ditches, and other purposes. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. The ease of digging, filling, and compacting is affected by the depth to permafrost; a very firm dense layer; stone content; soil texture; and slope. The time of the year that excavations can be made is affected mainly by the frozen soil, depth to a seasonal high water table, and the susceptibility of the soil to flooding. The resistance of the excavation walls or banks to sloughing or caving is affected by soil texture and the depth to the water table. Dwellings and small commercial buildings are structures built on shallow foundations on undisturbed soil. The load limit is the same as that for single-family dwellings no higher than three stories. Ratings are made for small commercial buildings without basements, for dwellings with basements, and for dwellings without basements. The ratings are based on soil prop- erties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. A high water table, flooding, shrink-swell potential, frost action potential, and organic layers can cause the movement of footings. A high water table, depth to permafrost, large stones, and flooding affect the ease of excavation and construction. Landscaping and grading that require cuts and fills of more than 6 feet are not considered. Local roads and streets have an all-weather surface and carry automobile and light truck traffic all year. They have a subgrade of cut or fill soil material, a base of gravel, crushed rock, or stabilized soil material, and a flexibile or rigid surface. Cuts and fills are generally limited to less than 6 feet. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. Depth to permafrost, a high water table, flooding, large stones, and slope affect the ease of excavating and grading. Soil strength (as inferred from the engineeering classification of the soil), shrink-swell potential, frost action potertial, and depth to a high water table affect the traffic supporting capacity. Sanitary Facilities Table 5 shows the degree and the kind of soil limitations that affect 17 septic tank absorption fields, sewage lagoons, and sanitary landfills. The limitations are considered slight if soil properties and site features are generally favorable for the indicated use and limitations are minor and easily Overcome; moderate if soil properties or site features are not favorable for the indicated use and special planning, design, or maintenance is needed to overcome or minimize’ the limitations; and severe if soil properties or site features are so unfavorable or so difficult to overcome that special design, significant increases in construction costs, and possibly increased maintenance are required. Table 5 also shows the suitability of the soils for use as daily cover for landfills. A rating of good indicates that soil properties and site features are favorable for the use and good performance and low maintenance can be expected; fair indicates that soil properties and site features are moderately favorable for the use and one or more soil properties or site features make the soil less desirable than the soils rated good; and poor indicates that one or more soil properties or site features are unfavorable for the use and overcoming the unfavorable properties requires special design, extra maintenance, or costly alteration. Septic tank absorption fields are areas in which effluent from a septic tank is distributed into the soil through subsurface tiles or perforated pipe. Only that part of the soil between a depth of 24 and 72 inches is evaluated. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed per- formance of the soils. Permeability, a high water.table, depth to permafrost, and flooding affect absorption of the effluent. Frozen ground will interfere with installation. Unsatisfactory performance of septic tank absorption fields, including excessively slow absorption of effluent, surfacing of effluent, and hillside seepage can affect public health. Ground water can be polluted if highly permeable sand and gravel are less than 4 feet below the base of the absorp- tion field, if slope is excessive, or if the water table is near the surface. © There must be unsaturated soil material beneath the absorption field to effectively filter the effluent. Many local ordinances require that this material be of a certain thickness. : Sewage lagoons are shallow ponds constructed to hold sewage while aerobic bacteria decompose the solid and liquid wastes. Lagoons should have a nearly level floor surrounded by cut slopes or embankments of compacted soil. Lagoons generally are designed to hold the sewage within a depth of 2 to 5 feet. Nearly impervious soil material for the lagoon floor and sides is “required to minimize seepage and contamination of ground water. Table 5 gives ratings for the natural soil that makes up the lagoon floor. The surface layer and, generally, 1 to 2 feet of soil material below the surface are excavated to provide material for the embankments. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. Considered in the ratings are slope, permeability, a high water table, depth to permafrost, flooding, large stones, and content of organic matter. Excessive seepage due to rapid permeability of the soil or a water table that is high enough to raise the level of sewage in the lagoon will cause a lagoon to function unsatisfactorily. Pollution results if seepage is excessive or if floodwater overtops the lagoon. A high content of organic matter is detrimental to proper functioning of the lagoon because it inhibits 18 s aerobic activity. Slope and permafrost can cause construction problems. Sanitary landfills are areas where solid waste is disposed of by burying it in soil. There are two types of landfill - trench and area. In a trench landfill the waste is placed in a trench, it is spread, compacted, and covered daily with a thin layer of soil excavated at the site. in an area landfill the waste is placed in successive layers on the surface of the soil. The waste is spread, compacted, and covered daily with a thin layer of soil from a source away from the site. Both types of landfill must be able to bear heavy vehicular traffic. Both types involve a risk of ground water pollution. Ease of excavation and revegetation need to be considered. The ratings in table 5 are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. Permeability, depth to permafrost, a high water table, slope, and flooding affect both types of landfill. Texture, highly organic layers, and soil reaction affect trench type landfills. Unless otherwise stated, the ratings apply only to that part of the soil within a depth of about 6 feet. For deeper trenches, a limitation rated slight or moderate may not be valid. On-site investigation is needed. Daily cover for landfill is the soil material that is used to cover compacted solid waste in an area type sanitary landfill. The soil material is obtained off-site, transported to the landfill, and spread over the waste. Soil texture, wetness, and slope affect. the ease of removing and spreading the material during wet and dry periods. Loamy or silty soils are the best cover for a landfill. Sandy soils are subject to blowing. After soil material has been removed, the soil material remaining in the borrow area must be thick enough over permafrost or the water table to permit revegetation. The soil material used as final cover for a landfill should be suitable for plants. The surface layer generally has the best workability, more organic matter, and the best potential for plants. Material from the surface layer should be stockpiled for use as the final cover. Construction Materials Table 6 gives information about the soils as a source of roadfill, sand, gravel, and topsoil. The soils are rated good, fair, or poor as a source of roadfill and topsoil. They are rated as a probable or improbable source of sand and gravel. The ratings are based on soil properties and site features that affect the removal of the soil and its use as construction material. Normal compaction, minor processing, and other standard construction practices are assumed. Each soil is evaluated to a depth of 6 feet. Roadfill is soil material that is excavated in one place and used in road embankments in another place. In this table the soils are rated as a source of roadfill for low embankments generally less than 6 feet high and less exacting in design than higher embankments. The ratings are for the soil material below the surface layer to a depth of 6 feet. It is assumed that soil layers will be mixed during excavating and spreading. Many soils have layers of contrasting suitability within their profile. The table showing engineering index properties provides detailed information about each soil layer. This information can help determine the suitability of each layer for use as roadfill. The performance of soil after it is stabilized with lime or cement is not considered in the ratings. 19 The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. The thickness of suitable materials is a major consideration. The ease of excavation is affected by frozen ground, cemented pans, a high water table, and slope. How well the soil performs in place after it has been compacted and drained is determined by its strength (as inferred from the engineering classification of the soil) and shrink-swell potential. Soils rated good contain significant amounts of sand or grayel or both. They have at least 5 feet of suitable material, low shrink-swell potential, few cobbles and stones, and slopes of 15 percent or less. Depth to the water table is more than 3 feet. Soils rated fair are more than 35 percent silt- and-clay-sized particles and have a plasticity index of less than 10. They have moderate shrink-swell potential and slopes of 15 to 25 percent. Depth to the water table is 1 to 3 feet. Soils rated poor have a plasticity index of more than 10, a high shrink-swell potential, many stones, or slopes of more than 25 percent. They are wet and the depth to the water table is less than 1 foot. They have layers of suitable material, but the material is less than 3 feet thick. Sand and gravel are natural aggregates suitable for commercial use with a minimum of processing. Sand and gravel are used in many kinds of con- struction. Specifications for each use vary widely. In table 6 only the probability of finding material in suitable quantity is evaluated. The suitability of the material for specific purposes is.not evaluated, nor are factors that affect excavation of the material. The properties used to evaluate the soil as a source of sand or gravel are gradation of grain sizes (as indicated by the engineering classification of the soil), the thickness of suitable material, and the content of rock fragments. Kinds of rock, acidity, and stratification are given in the soil series descriptions. A soil rated as a probable source has a layer of clean sand or gravel or a layer of sand or gravel that is up to 12 percent silty fines. This material must be at least 40 inches thick and less than 50 percent, by weight, large stones. All other soils are rated as an improbable source. Coarse fragments of ath bedrock such as shale and siltstone are not considered to be sand and gravel. Topsoil is used to cover an area so that vegetation can be established and maintained. The upper meter of a soil is evaluated for use as topsoil. Also evaluated is the reclamation potential of the borrow area. Plant growth is affected by toxic material and by such properties as soil reaction, available water capacity, and fertility. The ease of excavating, loading, and spreading is affected by rock fragments, slope, a water table, soil texture, and thickness of suitable material. Reclamation of the borrow area is affected by slope, a water table, rock fragments, permafrost, and toxic material. Soils rated good have friable loamy material to a depth of at least 40 inches. They are free of stones and cobbles, have little or no gravel, and have slopes of less than 8 percent. They are low in soluble salts, are naturally fertile or respond well to fertilizer, and are not so wet that excavation is difficult. p Soils rated fair are sandy soils, loamy soils that have a relatively high content of clay, soils that have only 20 to 40 inches of suitable 20 material, soils that have an appreciable amount of gravel, stones, or soluble salts, or soils that have slopes of 8 to 15 percent. The soils are not so wet that excavation is difficult. Soils rated poor are very sandy or clayey, have less than 20 inches of suitable material, have a large amount of gravel, stones, or soluble salts, have slopes of more than 15 percent, or have a seasonal water table at or near the surface. The surface layer of most soils is generally preferred for topsoil because of its organic matter content. Organic matter greatly increases the absorption and retention of moisture and nutrients for plant growth. Water Management Table 7 gives information on the soil properties and site features that affect water management. The degree and kind of soil limitations are given for pond reservoir areas; embankments, dikes and levees; and aquifer-fed ponds. The limitations are considered slight if soil properties and site features are generally favorable for the indicated use and limitations are minor and are easily overcome; moderate if soil properties or site features are not favorable for the indicated use and special planning, design, or Maintenance is needed to overcome or minimize the limitations; and severe if soil properties or site features are so unfavorable or so difficult to overcome that special design, significant increase in construction costs, and possibly increased maintenance are required. This table also gives for each soil the restrictive features that affect drainage and irrigation. Pond reservoir areas hold water behind a dam or embankment. Soils best suited to this use have low seepage potential in the upper 60 inches. The seepage potential is determined by the permeability of the soil and the depth to fractured bedrock or other permeable material. Excessive slope can affect the storage capacity of the reservoir area. Embankments, dikes, and levees are raised structures of soil material, generally less than 20 feet high, constructed to impound water or to protect land against overflow. In this table the soils are rated as a source of material for embankment fill. The ratings apply to the soil material below the surface layer to a depth of about 5 feet. It is assumed that soil layers will be uniformly mixed and compacted during construction. The ratings do not indicate the ability of the natural soil to support an embankment. Soil properties to a depth even greater than the height of the embankment can affect performance and safety of the embankment. Generally, deeper on-site investigation is needed to determine these prop- erties. 7 Soil material in embankments must be resistant to seepage, piping, and erosion and have favorable compaction characteristics. Unfavorable features include less than 5 feet of suitable material and a high content of stones or boulders or organic matter. A high water table or permafrost affects the amount of usable material. It also affects trafficability. Aquifer-fed excavated ponds are pits or dugouts that extend to a ground- water aquifer or to a depth below a permanent water table. Excluded are ponds that are fed only by surface runoff and embankment ponds that impound water 3 feet or more above the original surface. Excavated ponds are 21 affected by depth to a permanent water table, permeability of the aquifer, and quality of the water as inferred from the salinity of the soil. Depth to permafrost and the content of large stones affect the ease of excavation. Drainage is the removal of excess surface and subsurface water from the soil. How easily and effectively the soil is drained depends on the depth to permafrost or to other layers that affect the rate of water movement; Permeability; depth to a higher water table or depth of standing water if the soil is subject to ponding; slope; susceptibility to flooding; subsidence of organic layers; and potential frost action. Excavating and grading and the stability of ditchbanks are affected by depth to permafrost, large stones, slope, and the hazard of cutbanks caving. The productivity of the soil after drainage is adversely affected by extreme acidity or by toxic substances in the root zone such as salts, sodium, or sulfur. Availability of drainage outlets is not considered in the ratings. Irrigation is the controlled application of water to supplement rainfall and support plant growth. The design and management of an irrigation system are affected by depth to the water table, the need for drainage, flooding, available water capacity, intake rate, permeability, erosion hazard, and slope. The construction of a system is affected by large stones and depth to permafrost. The performance of a system is affected by the depth of the root zone, the amount of salts or sodium, and soil reaction. Soil Properties Data relating to soil properties are collected during the course of the soil survey. The data and the estimates of soil and water features listed in tables are explained on the following pages. Soil properties are determined by field examination of the soils and by laboratory index testing of some benchmark soils. Established standard pro- cedures are followed. During the survey, many shallow borings are made and examined to identify and classify the soils and to delineate them on the soil maps. Samples are taken from some typical profiles and tested in the labora- tory. These results are reported in table 8. Estimates of soil properties are based on field examinations, on laboratory tests of samples from the survey area, and on laboratory tests of samples of similar soils in nearby areas. Tests verify field observations, verify Properties that cannot be estimated accurately by field observation, and help characterize key soils. The estimates of soil properties shown in the tables include the engineering classifications and the physical and chemical properties of the major layers of each soil. Pertinent soil and water features are also given. Engineering Index Properties Table & gives estimates of the engineering classification and of the range of index properties for the major layers of each soil in the survey area. Most soils have layers of contrasting properties within the upper 5 feet. Depth to the upper and lower boundaries of each layer is indicated. The range in depth and information on other properties of each layer are given for each soil series under "Soil Descriptions." Texture is given in the standard terms used by the U. S. Department of 22 Agriculture. These terms are defined according to percentages of sand, silt, and clay in the fraction of the soil that is less than 2 millimeters in diameter. "Loam," for example, is soil that is 7 to 27 percent clay, 28 to 50 Percent silt, and less than 52 percent sand. If a soil contains particles coarser than sand, an appropriate modifier is added, for example, "gravelly." Textural terms are defined in the Glossary. Classification of ghe soils is determined according to the United soil classification system (2) “and the system adopted Py the American Association of State and Highway and Transportation Officials(!). The United system classifies soils according to properties that affect their use as construction material. Soils are classified according to grain- size distribution of the fraction less than 3 inches in diameter and according to plasticity index, liquid limit, and organic matter content. Sandy and gravelly soils are identified as GW, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, SM, and SC; silty and clayey soils as ML, CL, OL, MH, CH, and OH; and highly organic soils as Pt. Soils exhibiting engineering properties of two groups can have a dual classi- fication, for example, SP-SM. The AASHTO system classifies soils according to those properties that affect roadway construction and maintenance. In this system the fraction of a mineral soil that is less than 3 inches in diameter is classified in one of seven groups from A-1 through A-7 on the basis of grain-size distribution, liquid limit, and plasticity index. Soils in group A-1 are coarse grained and low in content of fines (silt and clay). At the other extreme soils in group A-7 are fine grained. Highly organic soils are classified in group A-8 on the basis of visual inspection. The estimated AASHTO classification for soils is given in table 8. Physical and Chemical Properties Table 8 also shows estimates of some characteristics and features that affect soil behavior. These estimates are given for the major layers of each soil in the survey area. The estimates are based on field observations and on test data for these and similar soils. Permeability refers to the ability of a soil to transmit water or air. The estimates indicate the rate of downward movement of water when the soil is saturated. They are based on soil characteristics observed in the field, particularly structure, porosity, and texture. Permeability is considered in the design of soil drainage systems, septic tank absorption fields, and construction where the rate of water movement under saturated conditions «+ affects behavior. Available water capacity refers to the quantity of water that the soil is capable of storing for use by plants. The capacity for water storage is given in inches of water per inch of soil for each major soil layer. The capacity varies, depending on soil properties that affect the retention of water and the depth of the root zone. The most important properties are the content of Organic matter, soil texture, bulk density and soil structure. Available water capacity is an important factor in the choice of plants or crops to be grown and in the design and management of irrigation systems. Available water capacity is not an estimate of the quanitity of water actually available to plants at any given time. Soil reaction is a measure of acidity or alkalinity and is expressed as 23 — ~~ 7 > —=s a range in pH values. The range in pH of each major horizon is based on many field tests. For many soils, values have been verified by laboratory analysis. Soil reaction is important in selecting crops and other plants, in evaluating soil amendments for fertility and stabilization, and in determining the risk of corrosion. Shrink-swell potential is the potential for volume change in a soil with a loss or gain in moisture. Volume change occurs mainly because of the interaction of clay minerals with water and varies with the amount and type of clay minerals in the soil. The size of the load on the soil and the magnitude of the change in soil moisture content influence the amount of swelling of soils in place. Swelling was estimated on the basis of the kind and amount of clay minerals in the soil and on measurements of similar soils. Shrink-swell potential classes are based on the change in length of an unconfined clod as moisture content is increased from air-dry to field capacity. The change is based on the soil fraction less than 2 millimeters in diameter. The classes are low, a change of less than 3 percent; moderate, 3 to 6 percent; . and high, more than 6 percent. Very high, greater than 9 percent, is some- times used. Soil and Water Features Table 9 gives estimates of various soil and water features. The estimates are used in land use planning that involves engineering considerations. Hydrologic soil groups are used to estimate runoff from precipitation. Soils not protected by vegetation are assigned to one of four groups. They are grouped according to the intake of water when the soils are thoroughly wet and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The four hydrologic soil groups are: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) - when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water trans- mission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward move- ment of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils that have permafrost at a shallow depth and soils that have a permanent high water table during the spring thaw and throughout the summer. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. Flooding, the temporary inundation of an area, is caused by overflowing streams, by runoff from adjacent slopes, or by tides. Water standing for short periods after rainfall or snowmelt and water in swamps and marshes is not considered flooding. Table 9 gives the frequency and duration of flooding and the time of year when flooding is most likely. 24 ee eee eee, Frequency, duration, and probable dates of occurrence are estimated. Frequency is expressed aS none, rare, common, occasional, and frequent. None means that flooding is not probable; rare that it is unlikely but possible under unusual weather condition; common that it is likely under normal conditions; occasional that it occurs on an average of once or less in 2 years; and frequent th that it occurs on an average of more than once in 2 years. Duration is expressed as very brief if less than 2 days; brief if 2 to 7 days; and long if more than 7 days. Probable dates are expressed in months; June- August, for example, means that flooding can occur during the period June through August. . The information is based on evidence in the soil profile, namely thin strata of gravel, sand, or silt deposited by floodwater; irregular decrease in organic matter content with increasing depth; and absence of distinctive horizons that form in soils that are not subject to flooding. Also considered are local information about the extent and levels of flooding and the relation of each soil on the landscape to historic floods. Information on the extent of flooding based on soil data is less specific than that provided by detailed engineering surveys that delineate flood-prone areas at specific flood frequency levels. A high water table (seasonal) is the highest level of a saturated zone in the soil in most years. The depth to a seasonal high water table applies to undrained soils. The estimates are based mainly on the evidence of a saturated zone, namely grayish colors or mottles in the’soil. Indicated in table 9 are the depth to the seasonal high water table; the kind of water table--that is, perched, artesian, or apparent; and the months of the year that the water table commonly is high. A water table that is seasonaly high for less than 1 month is not indicated in table 9. The depth to the water table is given for undisturbed soil. An apparent water table is a thick zone of free water in the soil. It is indicated by the level at which. water stands in an uncased borehole after adequate time is allowed for adjustment in the surrounding soil. An artesian water table is under hydrostatic head, generally beneath an impermeable layer. When this layer is penetrated, the water level rises in an uncased borehole. A perched water table is standing above an unsaturated zone. In places an upper, or perched, water table is separated from a lower one by a dry zone. Only saturated zones within a depth of about 2 meters are indicated. A plus sign preceding the range in depth indicates that the water table is above the surface of the soil. The first numeral in the range indicates how high the water rises above the surface. The second numeral indicates the depth below the surface. Potential frost action is the likelihood of upward or lateral expansion of the soil caused by the formation of segregated ice lenses (frost heave) and the subsequent collapse of the soil and loss of strength on thawing. Frost action occurs when moisture moves into the freezing zone of the soil. Temper- ature, texture, density, permeability, content of organic matter, and depth to the water table are the most important factors considered in evaluating the potential for frost action. It is assumed that the soil is not insulated by vegetation or snow and is not artificially drained. Silty and highly structured clayey soils that have a high water table in winter are most susceptible to frost action. Well drained, very gravelly, or very sandy soils are the least susceptible. Frost heave and low soil strength during thawing cause damage 25 mainly to pavements and other rigid structures. Risk of corrosion pertains to potential soil-induced electrochemical or chemical action that dissolves or weakens uncoated steel or concrete. The rate of corrosion of uncoated steel is related to such factors as soil moisture, particle-size distribution, acidity, and electrical conductivity. of the soil. The rate of corrosion of concrete is based mainly on the sulfate and sodium content, texture, moisture content, and acidity of the soil. Special site examination and design may be needed if the combination of factors creates a severe corrosion environment. The steel in installations that intersect soil boundaries or soil layers is more susceptible to corrosion than steel installations that are entirely within one kind of soil or within one soil layer. For uncoated steel, the risk of corrosion, expressed as low, moderate, or high, is based on soil drainage classs, total acidity, electrical restric- tivity near field capacity, and electrical conductivity of the saturation extract. For concrete, the risk of corrosion is also expressed as low, moderate, or high. It is based on soil texture, acidity, and amount of sulfates in the saturation extract. Classification of the Soils The system of soil eget pearton used by the National Cooperative Soil Survey has six categories(5). Beginning with the broadest these categories are the order, suborder, great group, subgroup, family, and series. Classifi- cation is based on soil properties observed in the field or inferred from nose observations from laboratory measurements. In table 10 the soils of the survey area are classified according to the system. The categories are defined in the following paragraphs. ORDER. Ten soil orders are recognized. The differences among orders reflect the dominant soil-forming processes and the degree of soil formation. Each order is identified by a word ending in sol. An example is Entisol. SUBORDER. Each order is divided into suborders primarily on the basis of Properties that influence soil genesis and are important to plant growth or Properties that reflect the most important variables within the orders. The last syllable in the name of a suborder indicates the order. An example is Aquent (Aqu, meaning water, plus ent, from Entisol). GREAT GROUP. Each suborder is divided into great groups on the basis of close similarities in kind, arrangement, and degree of development of pedogenic horizons; soil moisture and temperature regimes; and base status. Each great group is identified by the name of a suborder and by a prefix that indicates a property of the soil. An example is Cryaquepts (Cry, meaning cold, tee aquept, the suborder of the Inceptisols that have an aquic moisture regime). SUBGROUP. Each great group has a typic subgroup. Other subgroups are intergrades or extragrades. The typic is the central concept of the great group; it is not necessarily the most extensive. Intergrades are transitions to other orders, suborders, or great groups. Extragrades have some properties that are not representative of the great group but do not indicate transitions to any other known kind of soil Each subgroup is identified by one or more adjectives preceding the name of the great group. The adjective Typic 26 identifies the subgroup that typifies the great group. An example is Typic Cryaquepts. FAMILY. Families are established within a subgroup on the basis of physical and chemical properties and other characteristics that affect management. Mostly, the properties are those of horizons below plow depth where there is much biological activity. Among the properties and char- acteristics considered are particle-size class, mineral content, temperature regime, depth of the root zone, consistence, moisture equivalent, slope, and permanent cracks. A family name consists of the name of a subgroup preceded by terms that indicate soil properties . An example is loamy, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryaquept. SERIES. The series consists of soils that have similar horizons in their profile. The horizons are similar in color, texture, structure, reaction, consistence, mineral and chemical composition, and arrangement in the profile. The texture of the surface layer or of the substratum can differ within a series. Soils in the Upper Kobuk area are mapped to the series level, but series were not named or established. ~ 27 ——5 —_ References American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. 1970. Standard specifications for highway materials and methods of sampling and testing. Ed. 10, 2 vol., illus. American Society for Testing and Materials. 1974. Method for Classification of soils for engineering purposes. ASTM Stand. D 2487-69. In 1974 Annual Book for ASTM Standards, Part 19, 464 pp., illus. Natural Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data and Information Center, University of Alaska. United States Department of Agriculture. 1951. Soil survey manual, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Handbook. 18-503 pp., illus. (Supplements replacing pp. 173-188 issued May 1962). United States Department of Agriculture. 1975. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. Soil Conservation Service, U. S. Dept. of Agr. Handbk. 436, 754 pp., illus. United States Department of the Interior. 1955.. Geological Survey Professional paper 264-F, 146 pp., illus. 28 = — —. GLOSSARY Alluvium. Material, such as sand, silt, or clay, deposited on land by streams. Available water capacity (available moisture capacity). The capacity of soils to hold water available for use by most plants. It is commonly defined as the difference between the amount of soil water at field moisture Capacity and the amount at wilting point. It is commonly expressed as inches of water per inch of soil. The capacity, in inches, in a 60-inch profile or to a-limiting layer is expressed as: Inches ------- 6 to 9 More than 9 Bedrock. The solid rock that underlies the soil and other unconsolidated material or that is exposed at the surface. Clay. As a soil separate, the mineral soil particles less than 0.002 millimeter in diameter. As a soil textural class, soil material that is 40 percent or more clay, less than 45 percent sand, and less than 40 percent silt. Coarse fragments. Mineral rock particles up | to 3 inches (2 millimeters to 7.5 centimeters) in diameter. Coarse textured (light textured) soil. Sand | or loamy sand. Complex soil. A map unit of two or more kinds of soil in such an intricate pattern that it is not practical to map them separately at the selected scale of mapping. The pattern and proportion of the soils are similar.in all areas. Consistence, soil. The feel of the soil and the ease with which a lump can be crushed by the fingers. Terms commonly used to describe consistence are: Loose.-Noncoherent when dry or moist; does not hold together in a mass. Friable.-When moist, crushes easily under gentle pressure between thumb and forefinger and can be pressed together into a lump. Firm.-When moist, crushes under moderate pressure between thumb and forefinger, but resistance is distinctly noticeable. Plastic.-When wet, readily deformed by moderate pressure, but can be pressed into a lump; will form a "wire" when rolled between thumb and forefinger. Sticky.-When wet, adheres to other material and tends to stretch somewhat and pull apart rather than to pull free from other matter. Corrosive. High risk of corrosion to uncoated steel or deterioration of . concrete. Drainage class (natural). Refers to the frequency and duration of periods of saturation or partial saturation during soil formation, as opposed to altered drainage, which is commonly the result of artificial drainage or irrigation but may be caused by the sudden deepening of channels or the blocking of drainage outlets. Seven classes of natural soil drainage are recognized: 29 Excessively drained.-Water is removed from the soil very rapidly. Excessively drained soils are commonly very coarse textured, rocky, or shallow. Some are steep. All are free of the mottling related to wetness. Somewhat excessively drained.-Water is removed from the soil rapidly. Many somewhat excessively drained soils are sandy and rapidly pervious. Some are shallow. Some are so steep that much of the water they receive is lost as runoff. All are free of the mottling related to wetness. Well drained.-Water is removed from the soil readily, but not rapidly. It is available to plants throughout most of the growing season, and wetness does not inhibit growth of roots for significant periods during most growing seasons. Well drained soils are commonly medium textured. They are mainly free of mottling. Moderately well drained.-Water is removed from the soil somewhat - slowly during some periods. Moderately well drained soils are wet for only a short time during the growing season, but periodically for long enough that most mesophytic crops are affected. They commonly have a slowly pervious layer within or directly below the solum, or periodically receive high rainfall, or both. Somewhat poorly drained.-Water is removed slowly enough that the soil is wet for significant periods during the growing season. Wetness markedly restricts the growth of mesophytic crops unless \ artificial drainage is provided.” Somewhat poorly drained soils commonly have a slowly pervious layer, a high water table, additional water from seepage, nearly continuous rainfall, or a combination of these. it Poorly drained.-Water is removed so slowly that the soil is saturated periodically during the growing season or remains wet for long ¢ periods. Free water is commonly at or near the surface for long | enough during the growing season that most mesophytic crops cannot be grown unless the soil is artificially drained. The soil is not continuously saturated in layers directly below plow depth. Poor drainage results from a high water table, a slowly pervious layer within the profile, seepage, nearly continuous rainfall, or a combination of these. \ Very poorly drained.-Water is removed from the soil so slowly that ; free water remains at or near the surface during most of the growing season. Unless the soil is artificially drained, most mesophytic crops cannot be grown. Very poorly drained soils are commonly level or depressed and are frequently ponded. Yet, where rainfall is high and nearly continuous, they can have moderate or high slope gradients. Drainage, surface. Runoff, or surface flow of water from an area. Excess fines. Excess silt and clay. The soil does not provide a source of gravel or sand for construction purposes. Flooding. The temporary covering of soil with water from overflowing streams, probable dates of occurrence are estimated. Frequency is expressed as none, rare, occasional, and frequent. None means that flooding is not probable; rare, that it is unlikely but possible under unusual weather 30 = —s conditions; occasional, that it occurs on an average of once or less in 2 years; and frequent, that it occurs on average of more than once in 2 years. Duration is expressed as very brief if less than 2 days; brief, if 2 to 7 days; and long, if more than 7 seven days. Probable dates are expressed in months; November-May, for example, means that flooding can occur during the period November through May. Water standing for short periods after rainfall or commonly covering swamps and marshes is not considered flooding. Flood plain. A nearly level alluvial plain that borders a stream and is subject to flooding unless protected artificially. Frost action. Freezing and thawing of soil moisture. Frost action can damage structures and plant roots. Gravel. Rounded or angular fragments of rock up to 3 inches (2 millimeters to 7.5 centimeters) in diameter. An individual piece is a pebble. Ground water (geology). Water filling all the unblocked pores of underlying material below the water table, which is the upper limit of saturation. Horizon (soil). A layer of soil, approximately parallel to the surface, having distinct characteristics produced by soil-forming processes. The major horizons of mineral soil are as follows: 0 horizon.-An organic layer of fresh and decaying plant residue at the surface of a mineral soil. A_horizon.-The mineral horizon, formed or forming at or near the surface, in which an accumulation of humified organic matter is mixed with the mineral material. Also, a plowed surface horizon, most of which was originally part of a B horizon. A2_horizon.-A mineral horizon, mainly a residual concentration of sand and silt high in content of resistant minerals as a result of the loss of silicate clay, iron, aluminum, or a combination of these. . B horizon.-The mineral horizon below an A horizon. The B horizon is in part a layer of change from the overlying A to the under- lying C horizon. The B horizon also has distinctive character- istics caused by: (1) accumulation of clay, sesquixoxides, humus, or a combination of these; (2) prismatic or blocky structure; (3) redder or browner colors than those in the A horizon; or (4) a combination of these. The combined A and B horizons are generally called the solum, or true soil. If a soil lacks a B horizon, the A horizon alone is the solum. C_ horizon.-The mineral horizon or layer, excluding indurated bed- rock, that is little affected by soil-forming processes and does not have the properties typical of the A or B horizon. The material of a C horizon may be either like or unlike that in which the solum is presumed to have formed. If the material is known to differ from that in the solum, the Roman numeral II precedes the letter C. R_layer.-Consolidated rock beneath the soil. The rock commonly underlies a C horizon, but can be directly below an A or a B horizon. Humus. The well decomposed more or less stable part of the organic matter in mineral soils. 31 Hydrologic soil groups. Refers to soils grouped according to their runoff- producing characteristics. The chief consideration is the inherent capacity of soil bare of vegetation to permit infiltration. The slope and kind of plant cover are not considered, but are separate factors in predicting runoff. Soils are assigned to four groups. In group A are soils having a high infiltration rate when thoroughly wet and having a low runoff potential. They are mainly deep, well drained, and sandy or gravelly. In group D, at the other extreme, are soils having a very slow infiltration rate and thus a high runoff potential. They have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, have a permanent high water table, or are shallow over nearly impervious bedrock or other material. A soil is assigned to two hydrologic groups if part of the acreage is artificially drained and part is undrained. Infiltration. The downward entry of water into the immediate surface of soil or other material, as contrasted with percolation, which is movement of water through soil layers or material. Infiltration rate. The rate at which water penetrates the surface of the soil at any given instant, usually expressed in inches per hour. The rate can be limited by the infiltraton capacity of the soil or the rate at which water is applied at the surface. Loam. Soil material that is 7 to 27 percent clay particles, 28 to 50 percent silt particles, and less than 52 percent sand particles. Loess. Fine grained material, dominantly of silt-size particles, deposited by wind. . Low strength. Inadequate strength for supporting loads. Mineral soil. Soil that is mainly mineral material and low in organic material. Its bulk density is greater than that of organic soil. Mottling, soil. Irregular spots or different colors that vary in number and size. Mottling generally indicates poor aeration and impeded drainage. Descriptive terms are as follows: Abundance - few, common, and many; size - fine, medium, and coarse; and contrast - faint, distinct, and Prominent. The size measurements are of the diameter along the greatest dimension. Fine indicates less than 5 millimeters (about 0.2 inch); medium, from 5 to 15 millimeters (about 0.2 to 0.6 inch); and coarse, more than 15 millimeters (about 0.6 inch). Munsell notation. A designation of color by degrees of the three simple ariables - j.e., hue, value of 6, and chroma of 4. Outwash plain. A landform of mainly sandy or coarse textured material of glaciofluvial origin. An outwash plain is commonly smooth; where pitted, it is generally low in relief. Parent material. The unconsolidated organic and mineral material in which soil forms. Peat. Unconsolidated material, largely undecomposed organic matter, that has accumulated under excess moisture. Pedon. The smallest volume that can be called a "soil". A pedon is three dimensional and large enough to permit study of all horizons. Its area ranges from about 10 to 100 square feet (1 square meter to 10 square meters), depending on the variability of the soil. Percolation. The downward movement of water through the soil. Percs slowly. The slow movement of water through the soil adversely affecting the specified use. 32 —: ‘ Sa J Permafrost. Layers of soil, or even bedrock, occurring in arctic or subarctic regions, in which a temperature below freezing has existed continuously for a long time. Permeability. The quality that enables the soil to transmit water or air, measured as the number of inches per hour that water moves through the soil. Terms describing permeability are very slow (less than 0.06 inch). slow (0.06 to 0.20 inch), moderately slow (0.20 to 6.0 inches), rapid (6.0 to 20 inches), and very rapid aca than 20 inches). pH value. (See Reaction, soil). A numerical designation of acidity and alkalinity in soil. Piping. Moving water of subsurface tunnels or pipelike cavities in the soil. Ponding. Standing water on soils in closed depressions. The water can be removed only by percolation or evaporation. Reaction, soil. The degree of acidity or alkalinity of a soil, expressed in pH values. A soil that tests to pH 7.0 is described as precisely neutral in reaction because it is neither acid nor alkaline. The degree of acidity or alkalinity is expressed as: ° pH Extremely acid---------------------- Below 4.5 Very strongly acid------------------ 4.5 to 5.0 Strongly acid----------------------- 5.5 Medium acid--- - 6.0 Slightly acid- 6.5 Neutral----------------------------- ; 7.3 Mildly alkaline--------------------- 7.4 to 7.8 Moderately alkaline----------------- 7.9 to 8.4 Strongly alkaline------------------- 8.5 to 9.0 Very strongly alkaline----------- 9.1 and higher Runoff. The precipitation discharged in stream channels from a drainage area. The water that flows off the land surface without sinking in is called surface runoff; that which enters the ground before reaching surface streams is called ground-water runoff or seepage flow from ground water. Seepage. The rapid movement of water through the soil. Seepage adversely affects the specified use. Series, soil. A group of soils, formed from a particular type of parent material, having horizons that, except for the texture of the A or surface horizon, are similar in all profile characteristics and in arrangement in the soil profile. Among these characteristics are color, texture, structure, reaction, consistence, and mineralogical and chemical composition. Shrink-swell. The shrinking of soil when dry and the swelling when wet. Shrinking and swelling can damage roads, dams, building foundations, and other structures. It can also damage plant roots. Silt. As a soil separate, individual mineral particles that can range in diameter from the upper limit of clay (0.002 millimeter) to the lower limit of very fine sand (0.05 millimeter). As a soil textural class, soil is 80 percent or more silt and less than 12 percent clay. Slope. The inclination of the land surface from the horizontal. Percentage of slope is the vertical distance divided by horizontal distance, then 33 multiplied by 100. Thus, a slope of 20 percent is a drop of 20 feet in 100 feet of horizontal distance. Small stones. Rock fragments 3 to 10 inches (7.5 to 25 centimeters) in diameter. Small stones adversely affect the specified use. Soil. A natural, three-dimensional body at the earth's surface that is capable of supporting plants and has properties resulting from the integrated effect of climate and living matter acting on earthly parent material. Soil separates. Mineral particles less than 2 millimeters in equivalent - diameter and ranging between specified size limits. The names and sizes of separates recognized in the United States are as follows: Very coarse sand (2.0 millimeters to 1.0 millimeter); coarse sand (1.0 to 0.5 milli- meter); medium sand (0.5 to 0.25 millimeter); fine sand (0.10 to 0.05 millimeter); silt (0.005 to 0.002 millimeter); and clay (less than 0.002 millimeter). Solum. The upper part of a soil profile above the C horizon, in which the processes of soil formation are active. The solum in mature soil consists of the A and B horizons. Generally, the characteriscits of the material in these horizons are unlike those of the underlying material. The living roots and other plant and animal life characteristics of the soil are largely confined to the solum. Stratified. Arranged in strata, or layers. The term refers to geologic material. Layers in soils that result from the processes of soil forma- tion are called horizons. Those inherited from the parent material are called strata. Structure, soil. The arrangement of primary soil particles into compound particles or aggregates that are separated from adjoining aggregates. The principal forms of soil structure are: platy (laminated), prismatic (vertical axis of aggregates longer than horizontal), columnar (prisms with rounded tops), blocky (angular or subangular), and granular. Structureless soils are either single grained (each grain by itself, as in- dune sand) or massive (the particles adhering without any regular cleavage, as in many hardpans). Subsoil. Technically, the B horizon; roughly, the part of the solum below Plow depth. Substratum. The part of the soil below the solum. Subsurface layer. Technically, the A2 horizon. Generally refers to a leached horizon lighter in color and lower in content of organic matter than the overlying surface layer. Surface soil. The soil ordinarily moved in tillage, or its equivalent in uncultivated soil, ranging in depth from 4 to 10 inches (10 to 25 centi- meters). Frequently designated as the "plow layer," or the "Ap horizon." Terrace (geologic). An old alluvial plain, ordinarily flat or undulating, bordering a river, a lake, or the sea. A stream terrace is frequently called a second bottom, in contrast with a flood plain, and is seldom subject to overflow. A marine terrace, generally wide, was deposited by the sea. Texture, soil. The relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles in amass of soil. The basic textural classes, in order of increasing proportion of fine particles are sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, silt, silt loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay and clay. The sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam classes 34 may be further divided by specifying “coarse,” "fine," or Very fine." Thin layer. ‘Otherwise suitable soil material too thin for the specified use. Topsoil (engineering). Presumably a fertile soil or soil material, or one that responds to fertilization, ordinarily rich in organic matter, used to topdress roadbanks, lawns and gardens. Upland. Land at a higher elevation, in general, than the alluvial plain or ‘stream terrace; land above the lowlands along streams. Water table. The Upper limit of the soil or underlying rock material that is wholly saturated with water.. Water table, apparent.-A thick zone of free water in the soil. An apparent water table is indicated by the level at which water stands in an uncased borehole after adequate time is allowed for adjustment in the surrounding soil. Water table, artesian.-A water table under hydrostatic head, generally beneath an impermeable layer. When this layer is pene- trated, the water level rises in an uncased borehole. Water table, perched.-A water table standing above an unsaturated zone. In places an upper, or perched, water table is separated from a lower one by a dry zone. 35 TABLE 1 - MEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION Ambler and Shungnak, Alaska Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May dun, Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. _ Annual) Daily maximum temperature, O°F: 5.7 5.2 11.1 26.6 45.7 63.3 68.6 58.1 48.1 30.0 9.6 ine Slal Daily minimum temperature, 0°F:-9.3 -12.8 -10.1 5.8 26.3 43.0 48.4 42.3 32.0 16.7 -5.6 -14.0 13.6 & Mean: -1.8 -3.8 0.4 16.2 36.0 53.2 58.5 50.2 40.1 23.3 2.0 -6.4 22.3 Precipitation, inches of moisture: 43 46 42 1.02 1.09 1.66 2.35 4.40 2.52 84 48 -55 16.22 Ambler and Shungnak are located in the continental climate zone which is characterized by long, cold winters and relatively warm summers. Temperature extremes of 90°F in summer and -60°F in winter have been recorded. Precipitation averages 16 inches annually, including 80 inches of snow. Additional information on climate is available at the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska. LE Map symbol Ambler Area Shungnak Area Total Acres Percent “Acres Percent Acres Percent ] 2 f ‘ Totals 968 351 305 1,215 216 3,149 689 0 1,952 1,323 50 215 13355 11,788 TABLE 2 - ACREAGE AND PROPORTIONATE EXTENT OF SOILS 8.2 — oO ow DBD Oo 16. 11.3 0.4 1.8 Mes 100.0 162 0 0 0 20 804 1,295 461 1,879 774 3,978 2,173 2,418 13,964 ae, 0 0 28.5 15.5 17.3 0.0 1,130 351 305 1,215 236 3,953 1,984 461 3,831 2,097 4,028 2,388 3,773 25,752 4.4 1.4 1.2 4.7 0. 15. 7. lis 14, 8.1 15.6 9.3 oo on FS Ow 14.6 100.0 TABLE 3 - ACREAGE AND PROPORTIONATE EXTENT OF THE SOILS BY CAPABILITY UNITS Capability Class Acres Percent 4c 4,028 15.6 4s 1,215 4.7 4w 3,518 13.7 Total Class 4 Land 85761 39.9 Total Class 6 Land 3,450 15.7 Total Class 7 Land 3,953 18.0 Total Class 8 Land 5,815 26.4 Totals 21,979 - T00.0 38 oR] slimming (unica) ai atime TABLE 4 -BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT Some terms that describe restrictive soil features are defined in the Glossary. See text for definitions of "slight," "moderate," and "severe." entry indicates that the soil was not rated. Absence of an Dwellings Dwellings Smal] Map unit Shallow without with commercial Roads and number excavations basements basements buildings streets 1 Moderate: Moderate: Moderate: Moderate: Moderate: cutbanks flooding wetness, flooding, floods, cave flooding low strength 25153 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 4 Severe: Slight Slight Slight Slight cutbanks cave 5 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: cutbanks slope slope: : slope slope cave, ’ slope 6 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 7 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: . floods floods floods floods floods 8 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: cutbanks wetness, wetness, wetness, floods, cave, floods floods floods floods wetness 9 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: floods, floods, floods, floods, floods, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 10 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: permafrost, permafrost, permafro3t, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness Uy Moderate: Moderate: Moderate: Moderate: Moderate: cutbanks flooding flooding flooding floods cave 12 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: floods, floods floods floods floods cutbanks cave 39 TABLE.5 - SANITARY FACILITIES Some terms that describe restrictive soil features are defined in the Glossary. See text for definitions of "slight," "moderate," "good," "fair," and other terms. Absence of an entry indicates that the soil was not rated. Septic tank Sewage Trench Area Daily cover Map unit absorption lagoon sanitary sanitary for number fields areas landfill landfill landfill 1 Moderate: Severe: Moderate: Moderate: Good floods, floods floods floods wetness 2, 3 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness seepage, seepage, wetness seepage 4 Slight Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: seepage seepage, seepage seepage, too sandy too sandy 5 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: slope slope, slope, seepage, slope, seepage seepage slope seepage 6 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 7 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: floods, floods, floods, floods, seepage, wetness seepage seepage seepage too sandy 8 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness floods floods floods floods 9 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: floods, floods, floods, floods, permafrost . wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness permafrost permafrost permafrost permafrost 10 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: permafrost, permafrost, wetness, floods, permafrost wetness, wetness permafrost, permafrost floods floods 11 Moderate: Severe: Moderate: Moderate: Fair: floods floods floods floods too sandy 12 Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Fair: floods floods too sandy floods too sandy 40 TABLE 6 - CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Some terms that describe restrictive soil features are defined in the Glossary. See text for definitions of "good," "fair," “poor,” "probable," and "improbable. Absence of an entry indicates that the soil was not rated. Map unit number Roadfill Sand Gravel Topsoil 1 Fair: Improbable: Improbable: Good low strength excess fines excess fines 2,3 Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: permafrost, excess fines excess fines wetness wetness 4 Good Probable Improbable: Fair: too sandy too sandy 5 Poor: Probable Improbable: Poor: slope too sandy slope 6 Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: permafrost, excess fines excess fines wetness wetness 1 7 Poor: Improbable: Probable Poor: wetness small stones small stones, area reclaim 8 fair: Improbable: Improbable: Good low strength, excess fines excess fines wetness 9 Poor: Improbable Improbable: Poor: permafrost, excess fines excess fines wetness 10 Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Fair: permafrost, excess fines excess fines thin layer, low strength too clayey 1 Fair: Improbable: Improbable: Good low strength thin layer thin layer I 12 Good Probable Improbable: Fair: too sandy too sandy 41 — ' TABLE 7 - WATER MANAGEMENT Some terms that describe restrictive soil features are defined in the Glossary. See text for definitions of "slight," "moderate," and "severe." entry indicates that the soil was not evaluated. LIMITATIONS FOR: Absence of an FEATURES AFFECTING: Pond Embankments, Aquifer-fed Map unit reservoir dikes, and excavated - number areas levees ponds Drainage Irrigation 1 Moderate: Severe: Severe: Deep to Favorable seepage piping no water water 2513 Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost: permafrost permafrost no water wetness 4 Severe: Severe: Severe: Deep to Erodes easily seepage seepage, cutbanks water piping cave 5 Severe: Severe: Severe: Deep to Slope, ‘seep slope. seepage, cutbanks water erodes easily piping 6 Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost, permafrost permafrost, no water wetness 7 Severe: Severe: - = Cc 8 Moderate: Severe: Severe: Frost Wetness seepage piping No water action 9 Severe: Severe: - Floods, Permafrost, permafrost wetness, ponding, ponding permafrost permafrost 10 Severe: Severe: Severe: Frost Permafrost, permafrost piping, No water action, wetness permafrost permafrost 11 Moderate: Severe: Severe: Deep to Favorable seepage piping no water water 12 Severe: Severe: Severe: Deep to Floods seepage piping no water water 42 TABLE 8 - ENGINEERING INDEX AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES (The _symbol<_means less than. Map unit number 1 4,5 Depth (in. ) 0-20 20-40 8-48 4-25 25-40 8-0 0-9 9-15 USDA texture heavy silt loam and silty clay loam stratified fine sands and silts silt loam, very fine sandy loam stratified loamy sands, silt loams, and gravelly fine sandy loams silt loam very fine sandy loam fine sandy loam gravelly loamy sand peat, hemic material stratified very fine sands and silts frozen stratified fine sandy loam, fine sand and silt loam Classification Unified AASHTO ML ML. SM ML SP-SM, SM ML SP-SM SM,ML SP-SM SM Pt ML A-4 A-2 A-4 A-8 A-4 43 Perme- ability (In./hr.) 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 2.0-6.0 0.6-2.0 2.0-6.0 2.0-6.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 Available water capacity (in inches of soil) Reaction -18-.23 6.6-7.8 -14-.18 7. -18-.23 6. .12-.16 7. .18-.23 5. -14-.18 7. -08-.12 7. -18-.23 6. 4-8.4 6-7.3 4-8.4 1-6.0 4-7.8 9-8.4 -1-6.0 6-7.3 -6-7.3 Absence of an entry indicates that data was not estimate Shrink swell potent Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low TABLE 8 - ENGINEERING INDEX AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Available water Perme- capacity Shrink- ,-Map unit Depth Classification ability (in inches swell number (in.) USDA texture Unified AASHTO (In./hr.) of soil) Reaction potential a7 0-60 stratified SM,GP A-1 6.0-20 < 0.2 6.6-7.3 Low [ sands, GW A-2 gravelly sands and silts 8 8-0 peat, hemic Pt ' A-8 0.6-2.0 --- 5.1-6.0 Low material 0-26 silt loam, ML A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 5.6-6.5 Low = very fine sandy loam 26-51 stratified SM A-2 2.0-6.0 .12-.16 5.6-6.0 Low [- fine sands) ML A-4 : and very fine sandy loams 51-60 gravelly SP A-2 6.0-20 <0.2 5.6-6.0 Low coarse GP,GW A-1 sand 9 0-9 silt loam ML A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 6.1-6.5 Low 9-15 frozen -- -- --- --- 5.6-6.0 --- very fine sandy loam "10 0-18 silt loam ML A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 6.6-7.4 Low \ and silty cL =a clay loam 18-34 silt loam ML A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 -6.6-7.4 Low 34-40 frozen -- -- --- --- 7.4-7.8 --- silt loam 1 0-44 stratified ML A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 5.6-6.0 Low silt loams and fine sands 44-60 gravelly SP-SM, A-2 6.0-20 <-02 5.6-6.0 Low coarse sand SM,GW A-1 TABLE 8 - ENGINEERING INDEX AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Available water Perme- capacity Shrii Map unit Depth Classification ability (in inches swel number in.) USDA texture Unified AASHTO (In./hr.) of soil) Reaction pote: 12 0-8 silt loam ML A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 5.6-6.0 Low 8-60 stratified SM A-2 2.0-6.0 -14-.18 5.6-6.0 Low fine sandy ML A-4 loam, loamy sands and silt loam 45 a --— —— eee paeseeesetie laces TABLE 9 - SOIL AND WATER FEATURES ("Flooding" and "water table" and terms such as "occasional," "brief," “apparent,” and "perched" are explained in the text. The symbol > means more than. Absence of an entry indicates that the feature is not a concern. Hydro- FLOODING HIGH WATER TABLE Potential RISK To ee CORROSION Map unit logic te frost Uncoated i (a (i tét~™* number group Frequency _— Duration Months (feet) Kind Months action steel Concrete ] B Occasional Brief May-Aug 5.0 --- --- High Low Low 259 D None --- --- 1.5-4.0 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Low 4,5 B None --- --- 7 6.0 --- --- Moderate Low Low 6 D None --- --- 0-1.5 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Low 7 A Frequent Brief May-Aug 3-5 Apparent May-Sep Moderate Low Low a 8 D Occasional Brief May-Aug 1-3 Apparent May-Sep High High Moderate 9 0 Frequent Brief Meu +1-3 Perched May-Sep High High Moderate 10 D Occasional Brief May-Aug 1-4 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Low 1 B Occasional Brief May-Aug > 6.0 “ee --- Moderate Moderate Moderate 12 B Frequent Brief May-Aug > 6.0 --- --- Moderate Moderate Moderate se TABLE 10 - CLASSIFICATION OF THE SOILS Map unit number Family or Higher Taxonomic Class 1 Coarse-loamy, mixed, calcareous Pergelic Cryorthent 2503 Coarse-loamy, mixed, calcareous Pergelic Cryaquept 4,5 Sandy, mixed, ¢alcareous Pergelic Cryorthod 6 Loamy, mixed, nonacid, Histic Pergelic Cryaquept 7 Sandy-skeletal, ‘mixed, nonacid Pergelic Cryorthent 8 Coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid Pergelic Cryaquept 9 Loamy, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryaquept 10 Coarse-silty, mixed, calcareous Pergelic Cryaquept 3] Coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid Pergelic Cryorthent 12 Coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid Pergelic Cryorthent 47 SOIL_LEGEND Soil Description mapping found unit on page: #1 0 to 3 percent slopes 3 #2 0 to 7 percent slopes 4 #3 7 to 20 percent slopes 4 #4 0 to 7 percent slopes 5 #5 7 to 30 percent slopes 5 #6 0 to 3 percent slopes 6 #7 0 to 3 percent slopes 6 #8 0 to 3 percent slopes ae 7 #9 0 to 3 percent slopes 8 #10 0 to 3 percent slopes 9 #11 0 to 3 percent slopes 10 #12 0 to 3 percent slopes 10 SOIL SYMBOLS Wet spot W/ Water oy) Perennial stream —\_--—~— Bluff Soil boundary oes. 48 ac-rPr 2591-82 een Bie Seta ul INDEX TO MAP SHEETS SOIL SURVEY OF THE UPPER KOBUK, N.W. AREA OF ALASKA 43, 360 SALED wos xcs RIMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SER’ A-1 A-3 SOIL SURVEY OF THE UPPER KOBUK N.W. AREA OF ALASKA JANUARY 1982 4000 Fr, 2000 SCALE 124,000 2000 Limit oF Soil SURVEY A-2 SOIL SURVEY OF THE UPPER KOBUK, N.W. AREA OF ALASKA JANUARY 1987 4000 FT. =24,000 scare A-4 SOIL SURVEY OF THE UPPER KOBUK, N.W. AREA OF ALASKA JANUARY 1982 2000 ° 2000 4000 FT. SCALE 124,000 JANUARY 1987 INDEX TO MAP SHEETS SOIL SURVEY OF THE UPPER KOBUK, N.W. AREA OF ALASKA MALE 1 02, D0 S-1 SOIL SURVEY OF THE UPPER KOBUK, N.W. AREA OF ALASKA JANUARY 1987 2000 o 2000 4000 FT. SCALE 1:24,000 $-2 SOIL SURVEY OF THE UPPER KOBUK, N.W. AREA OF ALASKA Januany 1982 4000 Ft. SCALE 1 24,000 S-3 SOIL SURVEY OF 1 HE UPPER KOBUK, OF ALASKA N.W. AREA ® t 3 3 $ JANUARY 1982 8000 S-4 SOIL SURVEY OF THE UPPER KOBUK, N.W. AREA OF ALASKA JANUARY 1987 2000 ° 2000 4000 FT. Seema” SOG SOIR RVEY NANA VILLAGES U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE Soils of the NANA Villages By Ted E. Cox Soil Scientist U. S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service This soil survey was requested by the Northwest Alaska Native Association to Provide information needed by planners, engineers, contractors, gardeners, and others involved in the development of land. This survey was financed in part by NANA, and is part of the technical assistance furnished by the Soil Conser- vation Service to the Alaska Soil Conservation Distirict. Included in this report are the villages of Ambler, Buckland, Kiana, Kivalina, Noatak, Noorvik, Selawik and Shungnak. Field work for this survey was com- pleted in 1980 and all statements refer to conditions at that time. Contents Page General nature of the soil survey ------------------------------ 1 Climate -------------------------------------------------------- 1 Permafrost and frost action ------------------------------------ 2 How this survey was made --------------------------------------- 2 Soil maps for detailed planning -------------------------------- 3 Description of the soils --------------------------------------- 4 An series Am series Ba series Bu series Da series Im series Kb series Ki series Ko series Ku series Mi series Mo series Mu series Na series Po series Sa series - Sh series Si SOrieS ---2-2--- nnn nnn nn oon nn nnn e nn nn eoenseeseo= 20 Td (SCN 1@$ 1osece ssa a se sana nan ann nn wae eae a a ea ee SSS == == === 21 To series ----------..-.-_-.----- nn nn new nn == eas 22 Am-Ko-Si complex ------------------------------------------ 23 Im-Da complex --------------------------------------------- 24 Im-Na complex --------------------------------------------- 24 Po-Sa complex --------------------------------------------- 24 Ta-Mi complex --------------------------------------------- 25 Ta-Mu complex --------------------------------------------- 25 Riverwash ------------------------------------------------- 25 Gravelly Beach -------------------------------------------- 26 Use and management of the soils--------------------------------- 26 Crops and gardens ----------------------------------------- 26 Land capability classification ---------------------------- 27 Engineering ---------------------------------------------------- 31 Soil potential ratings ------------------------------------ 32 Building site development --------------------------------- 32 Sanitary facilities --------------------------------------- 33 Construction materials ------------------------------------ 35 Water management ------------------------------------------ 37 Soil properties ------------------------------------------------ 38 Engineering index properties ------------------------------ 38 Physical and chemical properties -------------------------- 39 Soil and water features ----------------------------------- 40 —_- + ; ane) cen ene ——} Contents (continued) Classification of the soils ------------------------------------ 42 REGOvC COS aa a a eee een = == 44 Glossary ------------------------------------------------------- 45 Soil legend ---------------------------------------------------- 81 Summary of tables Page Mean monthly temperature and precipitation (table 1) ----------- 52 Estimated growing degree days (table 2) ----------------------- 55 Acreage and proportionate extent of the soils by village (tab Vee 3) eee 56 Building site development (table 4) ---------------------------- 58 Sanitary facilities (table 5) ---------------------------------- 62 Construction materials (table 6) ------------------------------- 66 Water management (table 7) ------------------------------------- 69 Engineering index and physical and chemical properties (table 8) 72 Soil and water features (table 9) ------------------------------ Classification of the soils (table 10) -iii- + General Nature of the Survey Area The eight villages of this report lie within the Kotzebue Sound subregion in northwest Alaska. The Kobuk and Noatak River systems are the major drainages in the region and five of the villages are located on alluvial terraces along these rivers. Selawik and Buckland are also built on low terraces adjacent to slow- moving rivers. Kivalina is located on a barrier beach across from the mouths of the Wulik and Kivalina Rivers. Elevations range from sea level in Kivalina to 250 feet in Ambler and Shungnak. Permafrost is the dominant soil feature in the region. Patterned ground and ice related features such as pingos are common in the area, especially in Selawik, Buckland, Noorvik and Noatak. Soils in these villages all have permafrost at shallow depths and are usually poorly or very poorly drained. These soils are formed in micaceous loess over medium textured alluvial deposits. Organic soils form in low positions on the landscape and are typically highly decomposed and churned with the underlying mineral soil. Permafrost is deeper on active flood- plains and areas where the organic mat is thinner. Ambler, Shungnak and Kiana have some soils with deep permafrost tables. These soils are better drained and support stands of aspen and birch or white spruce and cottonwood. The better soils in these three villages are found on old dunal forms, upland terraces, and along the active floodplain of the Kobuk River. Sandy subsoils are typical of soils with deep permafrost tables in this area. The alluvial deposits along the Kobuk are medium textured near Kiana and Noorvik, becoming coarser further upstream in Ambler and Shungnak. These deposits are calcareous and have neutral reactions as do the substratums of most well drained soils in Ambler and Shungnak. Permafrost and highly organic soils still repre- sent the dominant soil types in Kiana and Shungnak. Ambler has a substantial Proportion of well drained soils with deep permafrost tables. Soils in Kivalina are well drained and are formed in gravelly and coarse sandy beach deposits. Permafrost is below one meter, but patterned ground indicates that permafrost exists at some depth below this. Climate The villages in the region lie dominantly in the transitional climatic zone, which is characterized by long cold winters and cool summers.(3) Ambler and Shungnak have continental climates with colder winter temperatures and warmer summers. July and August temperatures average about 60°F with an extreme of 90°F being recorded in Shungnak. Winter minimums average about -10° to -20°F with an extreme temperature of -60°F. Average annual precipitation is low with Ambler, Shungnak, Kiana and Noatak recording about 16 inches. Most of this precipitation falls as rain from June to September. Snowfall averages from 60 to 80 inches. Selawik, Buckland, Kivalina, and Noatak average less than 10 inches of precipitation annually, including about 40 or 50 inches of snow. Mean monthly precipitation and temperatures for each village are given in table 1. sj oO Ol Growing degree days, shown for each village in table 2, are equivalent to “heat units". During the month, growing degree days accumulate by the amount that the average temperature each day exceeds a base temperature (40°F). The normal accumulation is used to schedule plantings of a crop between the last freeze in spring and the first freeze in fall. Permafrost and Frost Action All eight villages lie in a region of continuous permafrost.(6) The majority of soils found in the villages (with the exception of Ambler) have permafrost occuring within one meter of the surface. When moss or other insulating veg- etation is removed from the surface, the permafrost table will recede causing uneven settling of the soil and a potential erosion problem. This presents severe limitations for most urban uses. Special design and construction fea- tures are essential to prevent the degradation of the permafrost. Buildings, roads and streets, ditches and other structures built in such a way that the permafrost is not maintained will result in high maintenance costs or possible failure. Areas where the native vegetation is disturbed should be reseeded to recommended species as soon as possible to avoid thawing and subsequent set- tling. Use of pilings for buildings, thick gravel subgrades for roads, and low ground pressure vehicles and construction equipment are also means of minimizing permafrost degradation. Frost action is a concern on all of the soils in the survey area. Among the soil properties that influence frost action are texture, porosity, and depth to the water table during periods of freezing. The well drained soils on alluvial plains and upland sites with sandy substratums have a moderate frost action po- tential. The soils formed in deep silty and very fine sandy material with high water tables and shallow permafrost have high frost action potential. How This Survey Was Made Soil scientists examined and described soils in every part of the survey area. They observed steepness, length and shape of slopes; the size of streams and general nature of drainages; and the kinds of native plants in this area. Many holes were dug to study soil profiles. A profile is a sequence of natural layers, ina soil. It extends from the surface down into the parent material, which has been changed very little by leaching or by plant roots. Characteristics of soil profiles were recorded and compared with soils in nearby areas. The detailed descriptions of each soil horizon follow standards in the Soil Survey Manual.(4) Observations were made on each horizon's: (1) color, (2) texture or relative proportions of gravel, sand, silt and clay; (3) structure or arrangement of soil particles into aggregates or clusters; (4) consistence or degree of compaction and plasticity; (5) aeration and drain- age conditions; (6) reaction, or degree of acidity or basicity; (7) thickness; and (8) arrangement in the profile. The soils were then named and boundaries were drawn on aerial photographs. These photographs show vegetation, patterned ground, drained Takes, streams, and other details that help in drawing bound- aries accurately. The maps at the back of this publication were prepared from aerial photographs. Soil Maps For Detailed Planning The map units on the detailed soil maps at the back of this survey represent the soils in the survey area. The map unit descriptions in this section, along with the soil maps, can be used to determine the suitability and potential of a soil. They can be used to plan management for community gardens, to plan land use, and to enhance, protect and preserve the environment. Each map unit on the detailed soil maps represents an area on the landscape and consists of one or more soils for which the unit is named. A symbol identifying the soil precedes the map unit name in the soil descriptions. Each description includes general facts about the soil, a brief description of the profile, a listing of the mapping units, and the principal included soils. Soils that have about the same profile make up a soil series. Except for dif- ferences in texture of the surface layer or of the underlying material, all the soils of a series have horizons that are similar in composition, thickness and arrangement. Soils of one series can differ in texture, slope, stoniness, vegetation, wetness, degree of erosion, and other characteristics that affect their use. On the basis of such differences, a soil series is divided into soil phases. Most of the areas shown on the detailed soil maps are phases of soil series. The name of a soil phase commonly indicates a feature that affects use or management. For example, Na silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes, tussock tundra phase, is one of several phases in the Na series. Some map units are made up of two or more major soils. These map units are called soil complexes. A soil complex consists of two or more major soils. Areas of these soils are so intricately intermingled or so small that they cannot be shown separately on the soil maps. The pattern and proportion of the soils are somewhat similar in all areas. Im-Da low center polygon complex is an example. Most map units include small scattered areas of soils other than those for which the map unit is named. Some of these included soils have properties that differ from those of the major soil or soils. Such differences could significantly affect use and management of the map unit. The included soils are identified at the end of each soil description. In some areas, a few included soils are identified on the soil maps by a spot symbol. Areas that have little plant cover or that are frequently flooded are called miscellaneous land types rather than soils. Table 3 gives the acreage and proportionate extent of each map unit. Other tables (see "Summary of tables") give properties of the soils and the limitations, capa- bilities and potential for many uses. The Glossary defines many of the terms usec in describing the soils. Description of the Soils An Series r The An series consists of well drained, nonacid, very dark brown soils that are stratified with coarse sands and gravels. These soils occur on old stabilized beaches along the coast. Typically, An soils have organic mats 6 cm thick over a very dark brown gravelly coarse sand to 15 cm. Below this is stratified sand, coarse sand and extremely gravelly coarse sand to one meter. Some areas have the characteristic polygonal pattern associated with active ice wedges, but perma- frost is usually deeper than one meter. Vegetation consists of grasses, sedges, and herbaceous plants. Mapped in Kivalina. Taxonomic Class: Sandy-skeletal, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryorthents. Representative Profile: An gravelly coarse sand, under grass and sedges. In Kivalina 200' NE of airport runway. Depths are given in centimeters. Oi--6-0 cm; black (10YR 2/1) admixture of partially decomposed grass roots and mineral silt loam; many very fine and fine roots; medium acid; clear smooth boundary. C1--9-15 cm; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) gravelly coarse sand; 20 percent pebbles by volume; single grain structure; loose; many very fine and fine roots; medium acid; abrupt smooth boundary. C2--15-100 cm; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) stratified very gravelly sands, and extremely gravelly coarse sands; 15 to 80 percent pebbles by volume; single grain structure; loose; few roots; neutral. Range in Characteristics: The erganic mat ranges from 2 to 15 cm thick. Gravel content is highly variable in the C horizons. Stratas can be arranged in any sequence or thickness. Buried layers of organic material can occur anywhere in the profile. Permafrost is greater than one meter. Mapping Units: 1--An gravelly coarse sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes Am Series The Am series consists of somewhat poorly to moderately well drained, nonacid, grayish soils that are stratified with silts and sands. These soils occur on old terraces above the Kobuk River and occupy slightly depressed areas and northeast facing slopes with poor drainage. Intricately associated with the Am series are the well drained Ko and Kb series which occupy the higher por- tions of the dissected terrace and have sandy substratums. Typically, Am soils have 12 cm of partially decomposing organic material over 20 cm of a grayish silt. Below this is stratified fine sandy loams, silts and loamy sands to depths of about one meter. Permafrost typically is below one meter. Vegeta- tion consists of black spruce, dwarf birch, willows, horsetails and sedges. Mapped in Ambler and Shungnak. 4 Representative Profile: Am silt loam, black spruce forest. In Ambler, SE% NEk, Sec. 31, T.20N, R.5E. Depths are given in centimeters. 01--12-9 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 3/3) undecomposed sphagnum mosses, 100 percent rubbed fiber; many roots; strongly acid; abrupt wavy boundary. 02--9-2 cm; black (10YR 2/1) partially decomposed sedge roots, 40 percent rubbed fiber; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. Al--0-9 cm; very dark gray (10YR 3/1) silt loam; weak fine granular structure; very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many very fine, fine and medium roots; slightly acid; clear smooth boundary. Clg--9-22 cm; olive gray (5Y 4/2) very fine sandy loam; common medium distinct dark yellowish brown mottles; weak fine granular structure; very friable, non- sticky, nonplastic; many very fine, fine and medium roots; neutral; clear smooth boundary. C2g--22-38 cm; dark gray (5Y 4/1) very fine sandy loam; common medium distinct olive and dark brown mottles; weak fine subangular blocky structure friable, non-sticky, nonplastic; many fine and very fine roots; neutral; clear irregular boundary. C3g--38-100 cm; dark gray (5Y 4/1) stratified loamy sand, fine sandy loam and silt loam; common olive brown mottles; massive structure; friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; neutral. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 8 to 16 cm. Textures in the upper 20 cm range from silt loam to fine sandy loam. Dark organic silty layers up to 20 cm thick can occur in some areas. Below 20 cm textures can range from silt loam to loamy fine sand in stratas up to 10 cm thick. Water table ranges from 30 cm to 1 meter below the surface. Permafrost can occur on some well shaded northfacing slopes as high as 20 cm below the organic mat, but typically is below one meter. Mapping Units: 2--Am silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 3--Am silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes Two mapping units were separated based on slope group. The soils with O to 3 percent slopes have a tendency to be more poorly Jrained than those on 3 to 7 percent slopes. Included in mapping were small areas of Kb, O to 3 percent slopes in Ambler. In Shungnak included were some areas with thicker organic mats and substratums with medium and coarse sands at 60 to 80 cm. These in- clusions are mainly limited to a few drained lakes in Shungnak. Ba Series The Ba series consists of poorly drained, calcareous, dark grayish brown soils. These soils have thin organic mats over silty deposits that are frozen at moder- ate depths. This series occurs on major floodplains in lower positions on the 5 landscape than the To series. Typically, Ba soils have 8 cm of grass roots and forest litter over a very dark grayish brown silt to 50 cm. Below this is gray stratified coarse sands and silts to depths of about one meter. Vegetation is tall willows and alder with grasses and sedges. Mapped in Kiana, Noatak, Noorvik, and Shungnak. Taxonomic Class: Coarse-loamy, mixed, calcareous, Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: Ba silt loam under willows and grass. In Shungnak. SW SWe, Sec. 9, T.17N., R.8E. Depths are given in centimeters. 01--8-0 cm; very dark grayish brown (2.5Y 3/2) mat of partially decomposed grass roots and forest litter; many roots; abrupt smooth boundary. Clg--0-50 cm; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) silt loam; many medium distinct dark yellowish brown and dark reddish brown mottles; weak fine platy structure; fria- ble, nonsticky, nonplastic; many fine and very fine roots; strata of buried organic material; medium acid; clear smooth boundary. C2g--50-100 cm; dark grayish brown (5Y 4/2) stratified layers of coarse sand and silt; common medium distinct dark yellowish brown and olive brown mottles; single grain and massive structure; friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; calcareous; neutral. . Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 3 to 15 cm thick. The Cl horizon ranges from 30 to 70 cm in thickness and can be mottled with any chroma of brown or olive. The stratified C2 horizon has occasional stratas of coarse sand up to 10 cm thick and ranges in texture from silt to sand. Dominant texture is very fine sand. Drainage is somewhat poorly to poorly drained. An apparent water table ranges from 40 cm to greater than 100 cm below the surface. Permafrost is typically below one meter, but can occur at a depth of 60 cm in the profile. Mapping Units: 4--Ba silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes Included in mapping are soils that are frozen at shallow depths and some areas of extremely wet organic soils in old river sloughs. Some profiles of Ba soils will not be calcareous. Bu Series The Bu series consists of moderately to somewhat poorly drained alluvial soils that are shallow to permafrost. They formed in dark neutral silty deposits that are interlayered with organic materials. Bu soils are found on natural levees and the higher portions of the floodplain and are associated with the very poorly drained Da series. Typically, these soils have 10 cm of an organic mat overlying a very dark grayish brown silt to 50 cm. Intermixed with the mineral soil is a high percentage of river-deposited leaves and coarse wood fragments. Permafrost occurs at 50 cm. Vegetation is dense alder and grass. Mapped in Buckland. Taxonomic Class: Coarse-silty, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryaquept. 6 | Representative Profile: Profile Bu silt. Alders, grass. In Buckland. SW% NWk, Sec. 26, T.7N, R.12W. Depths are given in centimeters. 01--10-0 cm; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) decomposing sedge roots and sphagnum moss; 60 percent fiber after rubbing; high mineral content; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. Cl--0-49 cm; very dark gray (10YR 3/1) silt; 25 percent twigs and wood fragments interlayered; common medium distinct dark grayish brown and olive brown mottles; weak medium granular structure; very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many very fine and fine roots; neutral; abrupt smooth boundary. C2f--49-60 cm; very dark gray (10YR 3/1) frozen silt loam; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; high ice content; neutral. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 4 to 16 cm over the mineral horizon. Colors in the C horizons range from very dark gray to dark olive and textures are silt loam or silt. Organic fragments range from 5 to 35 percent by volume in the C horizon. Depth to permafrost ranges from 40 to 80 cm. The permafrost has a high amount of ice, but water usually does not stand above the frost. Mapping Units: 5--Bu silt, 0 to 3 percent slopes Bu occurs in an intricate pattern with Da soils and some inclusions of poorly drained soils can be expected. Ice-rafted coarse gravelly sediments sometimes overlie the silty substratum. Da Series The Da series consists of poorly to very poorly drained alluvial soils that are very shallow to permafrost. They formed in neutral, dark silty deposits with stratified layers of decomposing leaves and organic material. Da soils occupy the lower portion of the floodplain along the Buckland River. They occur be- tween the better drained Bu series and the very poorly drained soils associated with the Im-Da low center polygon complex. Typically, these soils have 20 cm of decomposing sphagnum and sedge peat over a dark grayish brown silt loam that is frozen at 20 cm. The mineral horizons have strata of decomposing twigs and leaves intermixed throughout. Vegetation is dense alder and willow with blue- berry, labrador-tea, cloudberry, and cottongrass. Mapped in Buckland. Taxonomic Class: Coarse-silty, mixed, nonacid, Histic Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: Da silt loam. Alders, willows. In Buckland. SE% NW%, Sec. 26, T.7N., R.12W. Depths are given in centimeters. 01--21-13 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) raw sphagnum moss ard sedge peat; 90 percent fiber after rubbing; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. 7 02--13-0 cm; black (10YR 2/1) partially decomposing sedge peat; 60 percent fiber after rubbing; 40 percent strata of mineral silts; many roots; medium acid; clear smooth boundary. Cig--0-16 cm; very dark grayish brown (2.5Y 3/2) silt loam; 25 percent by volume leaves, twigs and coarse wood fragments interlayered; common medium distinct dark yellowish-brown and olive gray mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; common medium and fine roots; neutral; abrupt smooth boundary. C2fg--16-30 cm; very dark gray (2.5Y 3/2) frozen silt loam; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; high ice content; neutral. Range _ in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 10 to 30 cm over the mineral horizons. The C horizon can have dark gray or dark olive colors and textures are silt loam or silt. Organic material in the C horizon is high and can range from 10 to 35 percent of the soil volume. Depth to permafrost ranges from 10 to 40 cm below the organic mat, and contains a very high content of ice. A perched water table ranges from the surface to 25 cm below the organic mat. Mapping Units: 6--Da silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 7--Da silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes Da 0 to 3 percent slopes was mapped with inclusions of the better drained Bu series in some places. Also included were soils with thicker organic mats and higher permafrost tables. Im Series The Im series consists of very poorly drained, acid peaty soils that are frozen at shallow depths. They formed in partially decomposed organic materials that are deep over loess or alluvium. These soils are found in low positions on the landscape and characteristically have a microrelief of high-centered polygons 8 to 12 meters across. They occur lower in the landscape than the Mi series and have large ice wedges and clear ice veins buried in the soil profile. Typically, these soils have 8 cm of brownish yellow very fibrous undecomposed sphagnum moss over a dark reddish brown partially decomposed sedge peat to 35 cm. Below this is a frozen decomposed sedge peat that has an extremely high ice-content. Vege- tation consists of dwarf birch, sedges, cottongrass and sphagnum mosses. Mapped in Shungnak and Selawik. Taxonomic Class: Dysic Pergelic Cryohemist. Representative Profile: Im peat. Tundra vegetation. In Shungnak. NW NWx, Sec. 9, T.17N., R.8E. Depths are given in centimeters. 0i--0-8 cm; brownish yellow (10YR 6/6) raw sphagnum moss peat, 100 percent fiber after rubbing; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. 8 =e 02--8-35 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) partially decomposed sedge peat, 40 percent fibers after rubbing; many roots; very strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. 03f--35-60 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) frozen, partially decomposed sedge peat, 30 percent fibers after rubbing; many large lenses of clear ice, strongly acid. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the fibrous organic mat over permafrost ranges from 20 to 50 cm. Colors range from reddish brown to black. A perched water table ranges from 10 cm above the surface to 20 cm below. The soil will characteristically have water standing in the troughs of the polygons with large underlying ice wedges. Mapping Units: 8--Im peat, 0 to 3 percent slopes. Included in mapping are areas of Mi peat in Shungnak and Selawik. Also included are small areas of floating sedge mats and open water. Kb Series The Kb series consists of well drained, nonacid, olive brown soils. These stra- tified soils formed on old terraces above the Kobuk River in loess and alluvium. They occur just downslope from the Ko series in Ambler and above the somewhat poorly drained Am soils. Typically, these soils have an organic mat 9 cm thick over 65 cm of stratified olive silts and fine sandy loams. Below this is a fine sand to one meter. Permafrost is deep. Vegetation consists of white spruce, black spruce, birch, dwarf birch, blueberry and lichens. Mapped in Ambler and Shungnak. Taxonomic Class: Coarse loamy, mixed, Pergelic Cryochrept. Representative Profile: Kb silt loam, spruce forest. In Ambler. NW% NWk, Sec. 32, T.20N., R.5E. Depths are given in centimeters. 01--9-0 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) partially decomposed sphagnum moss and forest litter, many roots, strongly acid, clear smooth boundary. Al--0-7 cm; very dark gray (10YR 3/1) silt loam, weak fine granular structure; very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many very fine, fine and medium roots; medium acid, clear wavy boundary. C1--7-29 cm; olive (5Y 4/3) stratified very fine sandy loam, silt loam and fine sandy loam; common medium faint olive brown mottles; weak fine subangular blocky structure; very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; few fine roots; medium acid; clear smooth boundary. C2--26-66 cm; olive (5Y 5/3) stratified very fine sandy loam and fine sandy loam; common medium distinct dark yellowish brown mottles; weak fine subangular blocky structure; very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; few roots; 5 percent small gravels; neutral, abrupt smooth boundary. S es eee a ee ee 11C3--66-100 cm; olive (5Y 5/3) loamy very fine sand, few faint light grayish brown mottles; single grain structure; loose, nonsticky, nonplastic; mildly alkaline. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 2 to 12 cm. Textures in the upper 55 to 80 cm can be very fine sandy loam, silt loam or fine sandy loam. The upper horizon can be any shade or hue of brown or olive and may contain black silty lenses. The IIc horizon ranges from loamy fine sand to a gravelly fine sand and many contain up to 10 percent small gravels. Permafrost is deeper than 1 meter. Mapping Units: 9--Kb silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 10--Kb silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 11--Kb silt loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes 12--Kb silt loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes 13--Kb silt loam, 45+ percent slopes Five mapping units were separated based on slope group. Included in the 0 to 7 percent slope groups are small acreages of Am soils. Kb soils with 20 to 45 percent slopes mapped on escarpments in Shungnak and Ambler, and tend to be sandy with no organic mats. Included in mapping in the NW portion of Ambler are soils that have silty deposits to one meter. In Shungnak Ko mapping units have sandy substratums, particularly close to the bluff. Ki Series The Ki series consists of somewhat poorly drained, nonacid gray silty soils that are mica-rich. These soils occur on old river terraces near the bluffs in Kiana and Noorvik. They are associated with the similar Sh soils, but are slightly better drained and deeper to permafrost due to their higher position on the land- scape. Typically, these soils have thin organic mats over a dark gray very fine sandy loam that is frozen below one meter. Vegetation consists of white and black spruce, dwarf birch, blueberry, and sedges. Mapped in Noorvik and Kiana. Taxonomic Class: Coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: Ki very fine sandy loam - scattered spruce, about 100' from Alascom Dish on Kiana. NE SW, Sec. 9, T.18N., R.8W. Depths are given in centimeters. 01--15-10 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 2.5/2) undecomposed sphagnum mosses, 100 percent rubbed fiber; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. 02--10-0 cm; black (5YR 2/N) decomposing sedge roots, 30 percent rubbed fiber; high mineral content; many roots; strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. ‘Clg--0-27 cm; dark gray (5Y 4/1) very fine sandy loam; common medium distinct brown and olive brown mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; many very fine, fine and medium roots; slightly acid; clear wavy boundary. 10 C2g--27-60 cm; dark gray (5Y 4/1) very fine sandy loam; many large distinct olive brown mottles and common medium distinct dark yellowish brown mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; many very fine and fine roots; neutral; clear wavy boundary. C3g--60-100+ cm; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) frozen very fine sandy loam; many medium distinct dark gray mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; few fine roots; slightly alkaline. Range in Characteristics: The thickness of the organic mat ranges from 10 to 25 cm. Depth to permafrost is inversely related to the thickness of the insulating mat and ranges from 60 cm to greater than one meter. A perched water table occurs above the permafrost. The C horizon can be either a very fine sandy loam or silt loam and contains pockets of organic material. Mapping Units: 14--Ki very fine sandy loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 15--Ki very fine sandy loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes 16--Ki very fine sandy loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes 17--Ki very fine sandy loam, 20 to 30 percent: slopes Four mapping units were used based on slope group. The soils in these mapping units are similar. Thickness of the organic mat is less and depth to permafrost is greater on the steeper slopes. Ko Series The Ko series consists of well to somewhat excessively drained, brown, calcareous soils with silty surfaces and sandy substratums. These soils occupy small knolls and ridges on dissected terraces above the Kobuk River. They are associated with the Kb soils which occur slightly lower on the landscape. Permafrost is deep. Typically, these soils have thin organic mats less than 6 cm thick over 25 cm of brown silt loam or very fine silt loam. Below this is an olive fine loamy sand to a depth of one meter. Vegetation consists of a birch-aspen forest with lichens, blueberry, willows, dwarf birch and white spruce. Mapped in Ambler, Kiana, and Shungnak. Taxonomic Class: Sandy, mixed, Pergelic Cryorthod. Representative Profile: Ko very fine sandy loam, birch, aspen forest; 100' south — of section line on ridgetop in Ambler. NW NEX, Sec. 31, T.20N., R.5E. Depths are given in centimeters. Qi--5-0 cm; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) mat of forest litter, lichens and moss; abrupt wavy boundary. A2--0-5 cm; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2) silt loam; common medium distinct _ brown mottles; weak fine granular structure; very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many fine, very fine, and medium roots; very strongly acid; abrupt irregular boundary. V1 B2ir--5-15 cm; dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) very fine sandy loam; common faint mottles of olive brown and brown (2.5Y 4/4) weak fine granular structure; very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many fine and very fine roots; strongly acid; abrupt irregular boundary. B3--15-26 cm; olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) very fine sandy loam; common faint mottles of dark yellowish brown; weak fine granular structure; very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; few fine roots; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. IIcl--26-100 cm; olive (5Y 5/3), loamy very fine sand; single grain structure; loose; calcareous; moderately alkaline. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 2 to 10 cm. The surface textures can be either silt loam or very fine sandy loam and range from 15 to 30 cm thick over a sandy substratum. Colors in the B horizon range from olive to dark brown. The IIc horizon ranges from a fine sandy loam to medium sand, but typically is fine loamy sand. A very gravelly sand occurs below 1 meter. Permafrost occurs below one meter. Mapping Units: 18--Ko very fine sandy loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 19--Ko very fine sandy loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes 20--Ko very fine sandy loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes 21--Ko very fine sandy loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes 22--Ko very fine sandy loam, 45+ percent slopes Five mapping units of the Ko series were separated based on slope group. The steeper slope groups are shallower to sandy material. In Shungnak the Ko series was mapped with a coarser substratum at shallow depths. On some knolls, coarse sand and gravel can be found at or near the surface. In Kiana, the substratum is finer textured than is typical. Ku Series The Ku series consists of poorly to very poorly drained, stratified mineral soils with thick organic mats that are frozen at shallow depths. They formed on old terraces above the Kobuk River and are mapped in association with Mi peat in Shungnak and the warmer, better drained Am and Kb series in Ambler. Typically, these soils have 35 cm of partially decomposing sedge and sphagnum peat over a Stratified gray sandy and silty mineral horizon that is frozen 10 cm below the Organic mat. These soils are high in ice and have high water tables. Tussocks up to 30 cm tall are characteristic on these soils. Vegetation consists of mosses, cottongrass, labrador-tea, blueberry, birch and dwarf willow. Mapped in Shungnak and Ambler. Taxonomic Class: Coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, Histic Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: Ku very fine sandy loam, tundra vegetation. In Shungnak. NEX SWK, Sec. 8, T.17N., R.8E. Depths are given in centimeters. 12 ae crirn, 01--37-27 cm; dark reddish brown (5Y 2/2) and black (10YR 2/1) undecomposed fibrous sedges and sphagnum mosses; 90 percent fiber after rubbing; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. 02--27-0 cm; black (10YR 2/1) partially decomposed sedges peat; 40 percent fiber after rubbing; some fine strata of mineral; many roots; medium acid; clear smooth boundary. Clg--0-10 cm; dark gray (5Y 4/1) very fine sandy loam; common medium distinct olive and olive brown mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; many very fine and fine roots; neutral; abrupt smooth boundary. C2gf--10-40 cm; dark gray (5Y 4/1) frozen stratified fine sandy loam, fine sand and silt loam; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; high ice content; neutral Range Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 25 to 50 cm over the mineral horizon. Textures of the C horizon can range from silt loam to fine sandy loam and colors range from dark grayish brown through dark gray. Mottles are variable and can range from olive brown to olive. Streaks and patches of dark organic material can occur in the C horizons. Depth to permafrost ranges from immediately below the organic mat to 40 cm. A perched water table occurs above the permafrost. Mapping Units: 23--Ku, 0-3 percent slopes 24--Ku, very fine sandy loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes Two mapping units were separated based on slope group. Profiles of these two mapping units are similar except south-facing Ku soils with 3 to 7 percent slopes tend to be thawed to greater depths with better drainage. The Ku soils in Shungnak have substratums that are more acid in reaction. Included in Ambler are small areas of soils that are thawed to greater than one meter. Mi Series The Mi series consists of poorly drained, nonacid, peaty soils. They formed in low lying areas on old river terraces in partially decomposed organic sedge peat Over loess and alluvium. They are associated with the poorly drained Na and Ku mineral soils, but have thicker organic deposits. The Mi peat occurs higher in the landscape than the Im peat and lacks the associated low center polygon pat- ~ tern. Typically, these soils have 10 cm of black, very fibrous, undecomposed sedge roots over a dark reddish brown partially decomposed peat to 40 cm. Below this is a frozen, highly decomposed peat intermixed with ice-rich silt to 60 cm. Vegetation consists of scattered stunted black spruce, dwarf birch, willows, blueberry, sphagnum mosses and sedges. Mapped in Noatak, Noorvik and Shungnak. Taxonomic Class: Euic Pergelic Cryosaprist Representative Profile: Mi peat. Stunted black spruce. In Noorvik. 200' northeast of high school. NE NE&%, Sec. 34, T.17N., R.11W: Depths are given in centimeters. 13 01--0-4 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) raw sphagnum moss peat. 100 percent fiber after rubbing; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. 02--4-39 cm; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) partially decomposed sedge peat 40 Percent fibers after rubbing; many roots; strongly acid; abrupt wavy boundary. Clgf+03f--39-48 cm; dark gray (2.5Y 4/1) frozen silt loam with considerable ad- mixture of laminated, mostly decomposed black (10YR 2/1) sedge peat, 10 percent fibers after rubbing; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; ice-rich; medium acid; irregular boundary. 04f--48-60 cm; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) frozen decomposed sedge peat with a high mineral content, 20 percent fibers after rubbing; many lenses of clear ice; medium acid. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the fibrous sedge peat ranges from 35 to 75 cm over the interlayered decomposing peat and mineral layers. Colors of the fibrous peat range from red- dish brown to black and thin lenses of gray mineral silt can occur. The under- lying peat is highly decomposed and intermixed with black mucky silts. Depth to permafrost ranges from 30 to 60 centimeters below the top of the organic material and is usually frozen at a mineral contact. Deeper fibrous peat thaws to greater depths. A perched water table occurs above the permafrost. Ice content is very high in the frozen mineral and peat horizons. A nonstratified frozen silt occurs within a meter of the surface. Mapping Units: 25--Mi peat, 0 to 3 percent slopes Included in Shungnak were soils that have deeper deposits of fibrous peat. These inclusions are thawed to greater depths and occupy drainageways. Also included in mapping were small areas of Ku, Na and Im soils. Mo Series The Mo series consists of poorly to very poorly drained, nonacid, gray somewhat sandy soils. These soils have thick organic mats and are permanently frozen at moderate depth. They occur on south facing slopes above the Kobuk River in close association with the Na series. Typically, these soils have organic mats 25 cm thick over a dark gray stratified loam or fine sandy loam to 80 cm. Below this is a frozen dark grayish brown fine sandy loam to one meter. Vegetation consists of stunted black spruce, sedge tussocks and dwarf birch. Mapped in Kiana. Taxonomic Class: Coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, Histic Pergelic Cryaquepts. Representative Profile: Mo fine sandy loam - black spruce, sphagnum mosses, sedges. In Kiana. SW SEX, Sec. 4, T.18N., R.8W. Depths are given in centime- ters. 14 01--25-17 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 2.5/2) fibrous coarse sedge roots and sphagnum mosses (90 percent rubbed fiber); many roots; strongly acid; gradual smooth boundary. 02--17-0 cm; black (5YR 2.5/1) decomposed sedge peat (30 percent rubbed fiber), Many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. Clg--0-80 cm; olive gray (5Y 4/2) stratified fine sandy loam, loam and silt loam; common medium distinct olive and olive brown mottles; massive structure; nonsticky nonplastic; common fine and medium roots in upper 25 cm; ice-rich; neutral; abrupt smooth boundary. C2gf--80-100 cm; olive brown (2.5Y 4/4) frozen fine sandy loam; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; ice-rich; neutral. Range _ in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 15 to 30 cm. The C horizons range in texture from fine sand to silt loam with colors ranging from olive brown to dark gray. Depth to permafrost ranges from 50 cm below the organic mat to greater than one meter. A perched water table ranges from the surface to 20 cm below. Mapping Units: 26--Mo fine sandy loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes One mapping unit was recognized in Kiana on south facing slopes. Included in Mapping are areas that are frozen at shallower depths. Small inclusions of Na soils can be expected. Mu Series The Mu series consists of very poorly to poorly drained, acid, highly decomposed organic soils with stratas of mucky silts. They occupy the beds of drained lakes and are associated with the very poorly drained Ta soils. The Mu series occurs on small micro-ridges a meter above the lowest portion of the drained lakes. Typically, these soils have 10 cm of decomposing sphagnum moss and grass roots over 15 cm of dark gray mucky silt loam. Below this to a depth of 80 cm is highl: decomposed black organic material stratified with brown and dark gray mucky silts. Many twigs, sedge roots and leaves are mixed in this horizon. Ice-rich permafros' typically occurs at 80 cm. Vegetation consists of tall willows, grasses, alders, sphagnum mosses and sedges. Mapped in Noatak. ~ Taxonomic Class: Euic Pergelic Cryosaprist. Representative Profile: Nu peat, willows, grass. In Noatak 200' west of housing Project. SE% SW%, Sec. 9, T.25N., R.19W. Depths are given in centimeters. 01--0-10 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) partially decomposing sphagnum mosses and grass roots, 10 percent fiber after rubbing; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. 15 Clg--10-25 cm; very dark gray (5Y 3/1) mucky silt loam; common medium distinct black and very dark brown organic stains; moderate fine granular structure; very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many fine and very fine roots; medium acid; clear smooth boundary. 02b--25-80 cm; black (10YR 2/1) and dark reddish brown (5YR 2/2) highly decomposed organic materials, 5 percent fibers after rubbing; admixture of mucky silt with many decomposing twigs and leaves; few roots; medium acid; abrupt smooth boundary. O3bf--80-100 cm; black (10YR 2/1) frozen highly decomposed organic materials, 5 percent fibers after rubbing; high mineral content; medium acid. Range in Characteristics: Arrangement and thickness of the mineral strata can vary considerably in the soil profile. Colors of the mineral layers vary from dark gray to black with olive or olive brown mottles. Layers of less decomposed material can occur in the organic portion of the soil. A perched water table occurs at 10 to 50 cm. Permafrost ranges from 60 cm to greater than one meter. Mapping Units: 27--Mu peat, 0 to 3 percent slopes Included are some areas with a mucky silt loam overburden up to 70 cm thick. These inclusions occur on the higher portions of the landscape. Also included are small areas of Ta soils and open water. Na Series The Na series consists of poorly drained, nonacid, gray silty soils that are mica-rich. These soils have thick organic mats and are permanently frozen at shallow depths. They occur on old river terraces and upland sites along major rivers. Typically, these soils have organic mats 30 cm thick over a dark gray silt loam that is frozen at about 20 cm. The vegetation consists of scattered stunted black spruce, sedge tussocks and dwarf birch. Mapped in Kiana and Noatak, Selawik, Noorvik. ; Taxonomic Class: Coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, Histic Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: Na silt loam - black spruce, sphagnum mosses, sedges, willow; 100° west of snowmobile repair shop in Noatak. SE% NWk, Sec. 16, T.25N., R.19W. Depths are given in centimeters. 01--31-14 cm; black (10YR 2/1) fibrous coarse sedge roots and sphagnum mosses; 90 percent rubbed fiber; many roots; strongly acid; gradual smooth boundary. 02--14-0 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 2.5/2) highly decomposed sapric sedge peat; 10 percent rubbed fiber, intermixed with strata of dark gray (5Y 4/1) silt; many roots; medium acid; clear smooth boundary. 16 Clg--0-21 cm; dark gray (5Y 4/1) silt loam; common medium faint very dark gray mottles; massive structure; slightly sticky, nonplastic; common very fine and fine roots; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. C2fg--21-55 cm; dark gray (5Y 4/1) frozen silt loam; massive structure; slightly sticky, nonplastic; ice-rich; slightly acid. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 25 to 40 cm thick. The C horizons range in texture from a heavy silt loam to very fine sandy loam. Depth to per- mafrost ranges from immediately below the organic mat to 30 cm. Clear ice veins and wedges are common in the mineral soil. A perched water table occurs above the permafrost. Lenses of decomposed organic material can occur throughout the C horizons. Mapping Units: 28--Na silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 29--Na silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 30--Na silt loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes 31--Na silt loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes 32--Na silt loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes 33--Na silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes tussock tundra phase 34--Na silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes tussock tundra phase Seven mapping units and two phases of the Na series were separated based on slope class and type of vegetation. On south facing slopes greater than 7 percent permafrost can occur at greater depths. Included in mapping in Noatak on 0 to 7 percent slopes are small areas of Mi soils. In Selawik, Na, 0 to 3 percent slopes was mapped in a complex with Im peat. The Na soils in this complex have acid reactions and are frozen at shallower depths but are otherwise typical. High centered polygons with large underlying ice wedges and thick peaty surfaces are typical of Na soils in Selawik. A tussock tundra phase was mapped on O to 7 percent slopes where the dominant vegetation was sedge tussocks up to 50 cm tall. This phase was separated because of the thicker organic mat resulting from the tall tussocks and the distinctive lack of black spruce. Permafrost in this phase occurs immediately below the tussocks and has a very high content of ice. Tussock are spaced at 20 to 30 cm intervals and water stands in the troughs between tussocks. The soil profile of the two vegetation phases is nearly identical and would react similarly to any disturbance or use. = Po Series The Po series consists of poorly drained, acid, gray loamy soils with thin organic mats. These soils are perennially frozen below 1 meter. They occur on gently sloping old river terraces bordering the Kobuk River. Typically, Po soil have 10 cm of partially decomposed organic material over 55 cm of dark olive gra loam or very fine sandy loam. Below this is a gravelly loam or gravelly coarse sand to 1 meter. Vegetation consists of sedges, dwarf birch, blueberry, labrado tea, and cloudberry. Mapped in Shungnak. 7 Taxonomic Class: Coarse-loamy over sandy-skeletal, acid, mixed, Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: Po silt loam, tundra vegetation. In Shungnak. NE% SW, Sec. 8, T.17N., R.8E. Depths are given in centimeters. 0--10-0 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 2.5/2) partially decomposed sphagnum peat; many roots; very strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. Al--0-10 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 2.5/2) silt loam; weak fine granular struc- ture; nonsticky, nonplastic; many very fine, fine and medium roots; 5 percent gravel; very strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. C1--10-50 cm; dark olive gray (5Y 3/2) stratified gravelly loam and very fine sandy loam; common medium prominent olive brown and dark brown mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; common fine and very fine roots; 15 percent gravel; strongly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. C2--56-100 cm; dark blue gray (5Y 3/2) gravelly coarse sand; common medium distinct olive brown mottles; single grain structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; 20 percent gravelly; strongly acid. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 8 to 20 cm thick. Depth of the silty deposits over sand ranges from 35 to 65 cm. Colors can range in the C horizon from brown to olive in hue. Gravel content ranges from 5 to 35 percent in the C horizons. A perched water table ranges from 30 to 70 cm and permafrost can range as high as 50 cm in some profiles. Mapping Units: 46--Po-Sa complex, 0 to 7 percent slopes Included in mapping were small areas of Ku and Mi soils. This series was only mapped in a complex with the Sa series. Sa Series The Sa series consists of somewhat poorly to poorly drained, acid, brownish soils that are shallow to sandy materials. These soils have thin organic mats and are generally deeper than 1 meter to permafrost. They occupy the higher portions of the landscape above the Po and Ku s2ries. Sa soils occupy relatively small areas and are influenced by a high degree of frost churning. This churning causes an intricate pattern to form with the Po soils. Typically, these soils have a 2 cm mat of very dark grayish brown lichens and mosses over 5 cm of black silt loam. Below this is a stratified dark yellowish brown loamy sand or coarse sand to 40 cm. The next horizon is a dark grayish brown coarse sand to one meter. Vegeta- tion consists of lichens, dwarf birch and an occasional black spruce. Mapped in Shungnak. Taxonomic Class: Sandy, mixed, Pergelic Cryaquept. 18 Representative Profile: Sa loamy fine sand, tundra. In Shungnak. SE NW, Sec. 9, T.17N., R.8E. Depths are given in centimeters. Oi--2-0 cm; very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) mat of decomposing lichens and mosses, 80 percent rubbed fiber; many roots; very strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. Al--0-5 cm; black (10YR 2/1) silt loam; common medium faint very dark brown mottles; weak fine granular structure; very friable, nonsticky, nonplastic; many fine, very fine and medium roots; very strongly acid; abrupt irregular boundary. B2--5-40 cm; dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/4) loamy fine sand or coarse sand; common medium distinct dark brown mottles; single grain structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; common very fine and fine roots; very strongly acid; gradual boundary. C1--40-100 cm; dark grayish brown (2.5Y 3/2) coarse sand; single grain structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; strongly acid. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 2 to 10 cm. The B horizons range in texture from silt loam to coarse sand and can have some reddish brown mottles. Depth to the sandy substratum ranges from 5 to 35 cm. Gravel content ranges from 0 to 15 percent. A perched water table typically ranges from 10 cm to 50 cm below the surface. Permafrost usually is found below 1 meter, but can occur as shallow as 50 cm. Mapping Units: 35--Sa loamy fine sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes Included in mapping are areas of Ku and Po soils. Both of these soils occur downslope from the Sa series. In some areas a high percentage of gravel is found in the B horizons. Sh Series The Sh series consists of poorly drained, nonacid, gray silty soils with thin Organic mats, that are high in mica content. These soils are perennially frozen at shallow depths. They occur on old river terraces and upland sites bordering major rivers. Sh soils are similar to the Na series but have thinner organic mat: and are thawed to greater depths. Typically, these soils have a thin organic mat over a dark gray silt loam that is frozen at 30 cm. The vegetation consists of sedge tussocks, grasses, willows and occasionally, scattered stunted black spruce. Mapped in Selawik, Buckland, and Noorvik. Taxonomic Class: Coarse-silty, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: Sh silt loam - tundra mat, black spruce; about 200 feet south of Noorvik High School. NW NE:, Sec. 34, T.17N., R.11W. Depths are given in centimeters. 19 01--7-0 cm; very dark brown (10YR 2/2), partially decomposed sedges and mosses; 80 percent rubbed fiber; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. Al--0-5 cm; dark brown (7.5YR 3/2) silt loam; massive structure; nonsticky, non- plastic; fine and very fine roots; strongly acid; clear wavy boundary. Clg--5-20 cm; dark gray (5Y 4/1) silt loam; common medium distinct brown and olive brown mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; many very fine roots; neutral; clear irregular boundary. C2g--20-33 cm; olive gray (5Y 4/2) silt loam; common medium distinct brown and olive brown mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; many very fine roots; neutral; clear wavy boundary. 02b--33-36 cm; black (5YR 2.5/1) partially decomposed sedge peat, 30 percent rubbed fiber; many roots; slightly acid; abrupt smooth boundary. C3fg--36-60 cm; dark gray (2.5Y 4/1) frozen silt loam; common medium distinct brown and olive brown mottles; massive structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; high ice content; mildly alkaline. Range in Characteristics: The thickness of the organic mat ranges from 5 to 20 cm thick. The C horizons range in texture from silt loam to very fine sandy loam, but some fine sandy loams can occur. Depth to permafrost is variable and is inversely related to the thickness of the insulating organic mat. Permafrost occurs 30 to 40 cm below the organic mat, but can range to 60 cm in some areas. Ice wedges and clear thick lenses of ice are common in the frozen mineral soil. A perched water table occurs above the permafrost. Thin layers of decomposing sedge peat can occur within the Mineral horizons. Mapping Units: 36--Sh silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 37--Sh silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 38--Sh silt loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes 39--Sh silt loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes Except for gradient and depth to permafrost, the soils in these mapping units are similar. On south facing 7 to 20 percent slopes, permafrost occurs at greater depths. Included in mapping are small areas of In peat in Selawik. In Buc'land, the Sh series is thawed to a greater depth. Si Series The Si series consists of very poorly drained alluvial soils with thick fibrous sedge organic mats. They occur in secondary drains below the Am and Kb soils in Ambler. Typically, these soils have 25 cm of very fibrous living sedge roots 20 over a meter of dark gray stratified neutral coarse sands and silts. Permafrost occurs below 1 meter. Water typically stands on the surface. These soils are flooded annually in the spring. Vegetation is dwarf birch, willows, sedges, sphagnum mosses and blueberry. Mapped in Ambler. Taxonomic Class: Sandy, mixed, Histic Pergelic Cryaquept. Representative Profile: Si fine sandy loam, sedges and bog birch, in Ambler. NW; NE%, Sec. 31, T.20N., R.5E. Depths are given in centimeters. 01--25-10 cm; black (10YR 2/1) and dark reddish brown (SYR 2/2) raw sphagnum mosses and live fibrous sedge roots; 100 percent fiber after rubbing; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth boundary. 02--10-0 cm; black (10YR 2/1) partially decomposing sedge roots; 70 percent fiber after rubbing; many roots; strongly acid; some fine strata of mineral; clear smooth boundary. Clg--0-25 cm; dark gray (5Y 4/1) stratified fine sandy loam, coarse sands, and silts; single grain structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; many very fine and fine roots; neutral; gradual smooth boundary. C2g--25-100 cm; dark gray (5Y 4/1) stratified coarse sands and silts; single grain structure; nonsticky, nonplastic; mildly alkaline. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the sedge organic mat ranges from 10 cm to 40 cm. A thin overwash of mineral can occur above the organic mat. The C horizons can have any number and arrangement of silty and sandy strata. Colors and mottles range from olive to very dark grayish brown. Layers of dark organic materials can occur in the silty strata. Permafrost can occur as high as 50 cm below the surface but com- monly is deeper than 1 meter. Water composes a high volume of the mineral soil a An apparent water table ranges from 20 cm above the surface to 20 cm elow. Mapping Units: 40--Si fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes Included in some areas with thicker organic mats and siltier mineral horizons. Open patches of water and floating sedge mats comprise 30 percent of the unit. Ta Series The Ta series consists of very poorly drained, acid, coarse sedge peat soils. They occupy the lowest portions of drained lakes, bogs, and old oxbows along major rivers. They are mapped in close association with the more decomposed Mu and Mi peats in Noatak. Typically, these soils have 65 cm of very coarse fibrous sedge peat over stratified deposits of mucky silt loam and highly de- composed organic materials greater than 1 meter thick. Permafrost occurs at 65 cm. Vegetation consists of water tolerant sedges, grasses with a few dwarf birch and willows. Mapped in Noatak. 21 Lee —— Taxonomic Class: Dysic Pergelic Cryohemist. Representative Profile: Ta peat, sedge vegetation. In Noatak. SW SW, Sec. 9, T.25N., R.19W. Depths are give in centimeters. 01--0-25 cm; very dark brown (10YR 2/2) coarse fibrous sedge and sphagnum peat, 100 percent fiber after rubbing; many roots; strongly acid; clear smooth bound- ary. 02--25-65 cm; dark reddish brown (5YR 2.5/2) coarse fibrous sedge peat, 90 percent fiber after rubbing; some thin strata of gray mucky silts; many roots; medium acid; abrupt smooth boundary. O3f and Clfg--65-100 cm; very dark gray (5Y 3/1) stratified, highly decomposed frozen organic materials and mucky silt loam, 5 percent fibers after rubbing; Many decomposing twigs and leaves; high ice content; medium acid. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the peat over permafrost ranges from 60 cm to over 1 meter. Per- mafrost is deeper in areas that have water standing over the surface. A perched water table varies from 20 cm above the surface to 20 cm below. Mapping Units: 41--Ta, 0 to 3 percent slopes Included in Noatak are small areas of Mu soils and open water. Floating sedge mats over open water are also common inclusions. In Shungnak and Kiana a varia- tion of the Ta soil was mapped in old river sloughs. These minor inclusions are similar except they are frequently flooded and the underlying material can be either sand or gravel. To Series The To series consists of well to moderately well drained, calcareous, very dark grayish brown soils. These alluvial soils have thin organic mats over strati- fied silt and sandy deposits that are not frozen within one meter of the surface. The To series occupies nearly level flood plains and is associated with the poor- ly drained Fe soils along the major rivers. Typically, these soils have 8 cm of grass roots and forest litter over very dark grayish brown stratified sands and silts to one meter. The vegetation is mostly forest dominated by stands of cot- tonwood and dense patches of alder and willow. A few areas support stands of white spruce. Mapped in Noatak, Shungnak, Noorvik, and Ambler. Taxonomic Class: Coarse-loamy, mixed, calcareous Pergelic Cryorthent. Representative Profile: To silt loam - under cottonwoods and alders in Shungnak. SW SW%, Sec. 9, T.17N., R.8E. Depths are given in centimeters. 0i--8-0 cm; dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) partially decomposed forest litter; many roots; abrupt smooth boundary. 22 C1--0-15 cm; dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) silt loam; weak fine granular struc- ture; very friable; many roots; neutral; clear smooth boundary. C2--15-100 cm; dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) stratified very fine sandy loam and fine sand; common medium distinct grayish brown and olive brown mottles; weak fine granular structure; very friable; few roots; calcareous; mildly alkaline. Range in Characteristics: Thickness of the organic mat ranges from 3 to 15 cm. The C horizons are strati- fied with any number and arrangement of silty and fine sandy textures. Colors range from dark grayish brown to olive brown. Gravel content can range to 15 percent in the C horizons. Permafrost is below one meter. Mapping Units: 42--To silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes Included in mapping are old river channels that are shallow to gravel and some wet inclusions of the Ba soils. Also included in some areas are soils that are frozen with dry permafrost within one meter. In Noorvik the To soils have been disturbed. Am-Ko-Si Complex--43 This complex of soils occurs in a karst-like topogragphy on an old river ter-~ race in Ambler. The area is characterized by rolling ridges pitted with small drained lakes and slow moving stream channels that are filling in with organic materials. Drainage patterns are poorly defined and the majortiy of runoff is into these old drained lakes. Slopes are complex and vary between 20 percent on sideslopes to 0 percent in stream channels. Fifty percent of this complex is the Am series. These soils occupy nearly level to gently sloping areas between the well drained Ko soils and the very poorly drained Si soils which occupy the majority of the drained lakes. The Am soils in this complex are somewhat poorly drained and can be frozen higher in the soil Profile than is typical elsewhere. Textures are siltier and stratas of dark highly organic material can occur in the profile. Vegetation is stunted black spruce. Twenty-five percent of the soil in this complex are represented by the Ko soils. These soils occupy the ridgetops and sideslopes and can be identified by a birch-aspen forest. Slopes are dominantly 5 to 12 percent, but can range to 20 percent on some sideslopes. A few profiles on northerly exposures contain permafrost within one meter. The remaining 25 percent of the complex is represented by nearly level, very poorly drained soils with thick organic mats. Si soils make up the majority of the soils found in the drainages and drained lakes, but some areas have thicker deposits of organic materials than is typical for the Si series. Floating mats of fibrous sedge peat occur in some places. Permafrost is usually below one meter, but can be found as high as 60 cm from the surface. Vegetation is domi- nantly sedges and sphagnum mosses. Bog birch is a major vegetation component in the drainageways. 23 Im-Da_ Complex--44 This complex of soils occurs on the old floodplains along the Buckland River. It is characterized by a permafrost related pattern of interconnected marginal microridges which surround low central areas that commonly contain standing water. The marginal ridges of adjoining polygons often are separated by crev- ices which are underlain by large ice wedges. These polygons are 7 to 15 meters across with microridges standing 30 to 80 cm above the centers. Two soils were described in this complex. One occupies the ridges and the other occupies the low central portion of the polygon. Im peat comprises 65 percent of the area and is found in the low centers of the polygons. A perched water table stands at or above the surface. Vegetation consists of sedges and sphagnum mosses. The soil profile is basically the same as described elsewhere in this report, but may be underlain at shallower depths by mineral soil. Da silt loam occupies the microridges and comprises the remaining 35 percent of the unit. Vegetation is dwarf birch, blueberry, labrador-tea, and cottongrass. The Da soils are basically the same as described elsewhere in this report, but have slightly thicker organic mats with a tundra type vegetation. Both these soils are frozen at very shallow depths and have high contents of ice in the form of wedges and clear ice veins. j Im-Na_ Complex--45 This complex of soils occurs on the upland tundra sites around the village of Selawik. Characteristically, this complex can be identified by the low center polygons that are formed by active ice wedges in the area. Interconnected Marginal microridges surround low central areas that contain standing water. Large ice wedges typically underlie the troughs which separate the microridges. These polygons are 7 to 15 meters across with microridges standing 30 to 50 cm above to the centers. Two soils were described in this complex, one occupying the ridges and the other occupying the low central portion of the polygon. Im peat comprises 65 percent of the complex and is found in the low centers of the polygons. A perched water table stands at or above the surface. Vegetation consists of sedaes and sphagnum mosses. Na silt loam occupies the microridges and composes the remaining 35 percent of the unit. It is basically the same as described elsewhere, but is more acid and is frozen at shallower depths. Ice content is high and large wedges can be expected. Vegetation is labrador-tea, sedges, and dwarf birch. Po-Sa Complex--46 This complex of soils occurs on old terraces above the Kobuk River in Shungnak. Frost churning has intricately mixed the soils in this complex. Thickness of organic mat and depth to sandy substratum are the distinguishing criteria between Po and Sa series. This complex was mapped only in the Shungnak area. 24 Po silt loam comprises 60 percent of the mapping unit and is found downslope from the shallower Sa soils. The sandier Sa series comprises 40 percent of the mapping unit and occurs on the nearly level ridgetops. Ta-Mi_Complex--47 This complex of organic soils occurs on the old terrace above the Noatak River in Noatak. Organic materials are slowly filling in over the alluvial mineral soils. Depths to mineral soil is variable in this complex and two distinct organic soils have evolved based on the thickness and amount of decomposition of the peat. Ta peat is found on the lowest portion of the landscape and occupies 60 percent of the complex. A perched water table stands at or above the surface. Vegetatior is mainly sedges and sphagnum mosses. Mi peat occupies 30 percent of the complex on small microridges 1 meter higher in the landscape. It is found in an intricate pattern with the Ta peat, but is slightly better drained and shallow to the mineral substratum. Vegetation is blueberry, cottongrass, dwarf birch, dwarf willow, sphagnum mosses, and scattered black spruce. Both of these soils are frozen at shallow depths and have ice-rich permafrost. The remaining 10 percent of the complex consists of open water and floating sedge mats. Ta-Mu Complex--48 This complex of organic soils occurs in the old drained lake west of Noatak. Fifty-five percent of the complex is composed of the very poorly drained, nearly level fibrous Ta peat. These poorly drained soils occupy the lowest portions of the landscape. They have thicker fibrous organic deposits than the Mu peat and have water standing at the surface. Vegetation consists dominantly of sedges, mosses, and grasses. Thirty-five percent of the unit is Mu peat. This poorly drained, highly decom- posed peat, occupies the higher parts of the lakebed. Vegetation is tall willows and alder, grasses, and forbs. Both these soils have shallow, ice-rich permafrost and high water tables. The remaining portion of the complex consists of open water and organic sedge mats that are floating. Riverwash This land type consists of stratified river-worked sands and very gravelly coarse sands. These areas are frequently flooded. Erosion and redeposition of water- laid sediments is common. Most areas are nonvegetated, but in places there are patches of alder and willow. 25 Mapping Unit: 49--Riverwash, 0 to 3 percent slopes Gravelly Beach Narrow gravelly beaches occur along the coast in Kivalina. They occupy positions next to the older stabilized An soils. The gravelly beaches support almost no vegetation because the lower areas are inundated by daily high tides, and storm waves frequently cover the higher areas. Mapping Unit: 50--Gravelly Beach, 0 to 3 percent slopes Use and Management of the Soils This soil survey is an inventory and evaluation of the soils in the survey area. It can be used to adjust land uses to the limitations and potentials of natural resources and the environment. Also, it can help avoid soil-related failures in land uses. Information in this section can be used to plan the use and management of soils for crops and gardens,as sites for buildings, sanitary facilities, highways and other transportaion systems. It can be used to identify the potentials and limitations of each soil for specific land uses and to help prevent construction failures caused by unfavorable soil properties. Planners and others using soil survey information can evaluate the effect of specific land uses on productivity and on the environment in all or part of the Survey area. The survey can help planners to maintain or create a land use pattern in harmony with the natural soil. Contractors can use this survey to locate sources of sand and gravel, roadfill, and topsoil. They can use it to identify areas where permafrost, wetness, or very firm soil layers can cause difficulty in excavation. Health officials, highway officials, engineers and others may also find this survey useful. The survey can help them plan the safe disposal of wastes and locate sites for roads, airports and other structures. Crops and Gardens There are no agricultural crops grown in the NANA Region other than hardy vegetables in community or home gardens. Some of the vegetables grown include cabbage, radishes, lettuce, turnips and potatoes. Heavy fertilization and additions of organic materials are needed to obtain good yields. Limited climatic data indicates that crops such as barley and oats probably will not mature in most years because of frosts that can occur at any time during the 26 ay — amas? — —_ growing season. The area around Ambler has the combination of soil and climatic features best suited for community gardens and small farming projects. Soils that are well drained, with deep permafrost and warm soil temperatures are more common in Ambler than the other villages. Shungnak, Kiana, Noorvik, Noatak and possibly Selawik have potential for small gardening projects when fertilizer and good Management are used. Buckland and Kivalina have limited potential for gardens. Cool season leafy vegetables may do well with proper fertilization and Management. Care should be exercised when clearing the organic mat from permafrost soils. The depth to permafrost will gradually increase when the insulating vegetation is removed. Before crops can be grown on these soils the excess moisture Perched above the permafrost must be removed. Site selection is critical to provide an outlet for the excess water and avoid creating an erosion problem. Soil tilth is likely to be very poor after drainage and can be improved through the incorporation of organic materials. The forests of the reaion are scattered and slow growing. Stands of timber are the best found along the major rivers and well drained upland sites near Ambler, Shungnak and Noatak. The dominant trees are white spruce, paper birch, cottonwood and aspen. A few of these are used locally for firewood and house logs. The tundra vegetation includes plants that provide browse and forage for caribou and other wildlife. Land Capability Classification Land capability classification shows, in a general way, the suitability of soils for most kinds ef field crops. Crops that require special management are excluded. The soils are grouped according to their limitations if they are used for field crops, the risk of damage if they are used, and the way they respond to management. The grouping does not take into account major and generally expensive landforming that would change slope, depth, or other characteristics of the soils, nor does it consider possible but unlikely major reclamation projects. Capability classification is not a substitute for interpretations designed to show suitability and limitations of qroups of soils for rangeland, for woodland, and for engineering purposes. In the capability system, soils are generally grouped at three levels: capability class, subclass, and unit. Only class and subclass are used in this survey. These levels are defined in the following paragraphs. The subclass designation is based on the dominant kind of limitation. The letter symbol "e" means that the main limiting factor is risk of erosion if the plant cover is not maintained. The symbol "w" means that excess water retards plant growth or interferes with cultivation. The symbol "s" means that the soils are shallow, droughty, or low in fertility. The symbol "c" means that choice of crops is limited by climatic factors. The capability class is identified by Roman numerals. All the soils in one class have limitations and management problems of about the same degree, but 27 of different kinds. There are eight of these general classes in the system. In classes I, II and III are soils that are suitable for annual or periodic cultivation of annual or short-lived crops. Class I soils are those that have the widest range of use and the least risk of damage. Class II and class III soils have increasingly narrower ranges of use. Class IV soils chould be cultivated only under very careful management. In Classes V, VI and VII are soils that normally should not be cultivated for annual or short-lived crops but that can be used for pasture, for woodland, or for plants that support or shelter wildlife. Soils in Class VIII have practically no agricultural value, but may be useful for watershed protection or for wildlife. Primarily because of climatic limitations there are no class I, II or III soils in the NANA Region. In the following section each subclass is described briefly, the soils in in each are listed, and some suggestions are made for use and management. Subclass IVc - Deep, well drained, nearly level soils. 9 - Kb silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes These soils are suitable for cultivation but limited climatic records indicate that frosts are likely to occur at any time during the growing season. Adapted grasses and hardy vegetables that can tolerate light frosts probably can be grown successfully under careful management, but it is likely that in most years small grains would not mature. Heavy fertilization, periodic additions of organic matter, and planting only adapted varieties as early in the spring as possible are important practices needed to obtain good yields. The native vegetation growing on these soils consists mainly of birch-aspen forests with some white spruce. These areas are important as browse and forage for wildlife and for harvesting firewood byresidents for local use. Subclass IVe - Deep, well to moderately well drained, gently sloping to moderately steep. 10 - Kb silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 11 - Kb silt loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes 18 - Ko very fine sandy loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 19 - Ko very fine sandy loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes 20 - Ko very fine sandy loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes These soils are suitable for the production of adavted crops, but are susceptible to erosion when cultivated. In addition, liaht frosts may occur at any time during the growing season. Adapted grasses and hardy vegetables that can tolerate liaht frost probably can be grown successfully, but in most years it is unlikely that small grains could mature. Heavy fertilization, periodic additions of organic matter, and planting only adapted varieties as early in the spring as possible are practices required to obtain good yields. 28 To prevent erosion, cultivated crops should be grown in contour strips alter- nating with strips of grass. The native vegetation on these soils is useful mainly as wildlife habitat and for the production of firewood and house logs for local use. Subclass IVw - Deep, moderately well to well drained, nearly level soils subject to periodic flooding. 42 - To silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes. These soils are located on flood plains bordering the Kobuk and Noatak Rivers. In most places, they support forests of white spruce, paper birch, or cotton- wood that produce a few logs and firewood for local use. Many areas are susceptible to shallow flooding in the spring during the ice break-up, and occasionally in summer after periods of prolonged heavy rainfall. If cleared, these soils are suitable for cropping but limited climatic records indicate that the growing season is probably too cool and short in most years for small grains such as oats and barley to mature. With careful management, however, adapted grasses and hardy vegetables that are able to survive light frosts probably can be grown successfully in-most years. In places crops may occasionally be damaged by floods. To obtain good yields it is necessary to fertilize and to maintain soil tilth with periodic additions of organic matter. Adjacent to the river these soils are subject to bank erosion. Clearing and other soil disturbances in these areas may result in accelerated erosion and should be avoided if possible. Subclass VIe - Deep, well drained, moderately steep soils. 12 - Kb silt loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes 21 - Ko very fine sandy loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes These soils are too steep for cultivation and are susceptible to severe erosion if the vegetation is removed or destroyed. They support forests dominated by white spruce and paper birch. Cleared or disturbed areas should be seeded to grass to prevent erosion. Subclass VIw - Dominantly deep, somewhat poorly drained, nearly level to gently sloping soils. 2 - Am silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 3 - Am silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 4 - Ba silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes These soils are suited for cropping, but may remain wet late in the spring and are very slow to warm up. Some areas would reauire interceptor ditches to cut off seepage from adjacent wet areas. In places crops may be damaged by flooding. 29 Seasonal frost under natural conditions may persist until middle or late summer. Adequate fertilization and good management are necessary to obtain good yields on these soils. They support forests of white spruce and alder with grass and are important as browse and forage for wildlife. Subclass VIIe - Well to excessively drained, very steep soils. 13 - Kb silt loam, 45+ percent slopes 22 - Ko very fine sandy loam, 45+ percent slopes These soils occupy the bluff positions in Ambler and Shungnak. They are too steep for cultivation and are susceptible to severe erosion. They support for- ests dominated by white spruce and paper birch, but some areas lack vegetation and are actively slumping. Disturbed areas should be seeded to grass to prevent further erosion. Subclss VIIw - Dominantly poorly and very poorly drained, mineral and organic soils with very shallow to moderately deep permafrost tables. 5 - Bu silt, 0 to 3 percent slopes 6,7 - Da silt loam, 0 to 7 percent slopes 8 - Im peat, 0 to 3 percent slopes : 14-17 - Ki very fine sandy loam, 3 to 30 percent slopes 23,24 - Ku very fine sandy loam, 0 to 7 percent slopes 25 - Mi peat, 0 to 3 percent slopes 26 - Mo fine sandy loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 28-32 - Na silt loam, 0 to 30 percent slopes 33-34 - Na silt loam tussock tundra phase, 0 to 7 percent slopes 35 - Sa loamy fine sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes 36-39 - Sh silt loam, 0 to 20 percent slopes 40 - Si fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 41 - Ta peat, 0 to 3 percent slopes 43 - Am-Ko-Si complex, 0 to 20 percent slopes 44 - Im-Da complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 45 - Im-Na complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 46 - Po-Sa complex, 0 to 7 percent slopes 47 - Ta-Mi complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 48 - Ta-Mu complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes The dominant soils in this group support tundra vegetation consisting mainly of sedges, mosses, and shrubs. In the summer, water is perched above the perma- frost table and these soils are nearly always wet. If the organic mat on the surface is removed or destroyed the soils thaw to greater depths and may settle. In nearly level soils this may result in the formation of ponded depressions. On sloping soils disturbed areas should be revegetated as soon as possible to prevent washing and gullying. : The soils in this group are not suitable for cultivation or for commercial forests. They are best suited for wildlife habitat and wild berries. Subclass VIIs - Well to excessively drained, nearly level, stony and very gravelly soils. 30 1 - An gravelly coarse sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes 49 - Riverwash, 0 to 3 percent slopes 50 - Gravelly Beach, 0 to 3 percent slopes These soils are too stony and shallow for cultivation. Native vegetation is mostly grasses and alders, but some areas are devoid of vegetation and flood frequently. Engineering This section provides information for planning land uses related to urban development and to water management. Soils are rated for various uses, and the most limiting features are identified. The ratings are given in the following tables: Building Site Development, Sanitary Facilities, Construction Materials, and Water Management. The ratings are based on observed performance of the soils and on the estimated data and test data in the "Soil properties" section. Information in this section is intended for land-use planning, for evaluating land-use alternatives, and for planning site investigations prior to design and construction. The information, however, has limitations. For example, estimates and other data generally apply only to that part of the soil within a depth of 2 meters or 25 centimeters below the permafrost table, whichever ts higher. Because of the map scale, small areas of different soils may be included within the mapped areas of a specific soil. The information is not site specific and does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation of the soils or for testing and analysis by personnel experienced in the design and construction of engineering works. Government ordinances and regulations that restrict certain land uses or impose specific design criteria were not considered in preparing the information in this section. Local ordinances and regulations need to be considered in planning, in site selection, and in design. Soil properties, site features, and observed performance were considered in determining the ratings in this section. During the fieldwork for this soil survey, determinations were made about soil reaction, depth to permafrost, soil wetness, depth to a seasonal high water table, slope, likelihood of flooding, and natural soil structure aggregation. Estimates were made for permeability, corrosivity, shrink-swell potential, available water capacity, and other behavioral characteristics affecting engineering uses. This information can be used to (1) evaluate the potential of areas for residential, commercial, industrial, and recreation uses; (2) make prelim- inary estimates of construction conditions; (3) evaluate alternative routes for roads, streets, highways, pipelines, and underground cables; (4) evaluate alternative sites for detailed onsite investigations of soils and geology; (6) locate potential sources of gravel, sand, earthfill, and topsoil; (7) plan drainage systems, irrigation systems, ponds, terraces, and other structures for soil and water conservation; and (8) predict performance of proposed 31 small structures and pavements by comparing the performance of existing similar structures on the same or similar soils. The information in the tables along with the soil maps, the soil descriptions, and other data provided in this survey can be used to make additional inter- pretations. Some of the terms used in this soil survey have a special meaning in soil science and are defined in the Glossary. Soil Potential Ratings Due to shallow permafrost, some villages may show severe or very severe ratings in the tables for most or all soils under a particular use. This does not preclude the use and development of severely rated soils with permafrost. Some severely rated soils may be better choices for development than others. In tables 4 and 5 a soil potential scale of one through five is assigned to permafrost soils with severe or very severe ratings; one representing the best potential for development, with five being the worst. This scale is applied only when a soil has shallow permafrost and is rated severe. The soil potential scale is based upon a number of factors observed in the field. Large buried ice wedges, frequency of flooding, percent ice content in the permafrost, drainage, physical characteristics of the soil and setting in the landscape were some of the factors taken into consideration when assigning a numerical value. Slope was not used in the determining criteria, but would have an influence on site selection. These ratings are based upon field judgment, not quantitative laboratory data, but when combined with common sense and onsite investigation, they provide a useful comparative tool between permafrost soils. Building Site Development Table 4 shows the degree and kind of soil limitations that affect shallow excavations, dwellings with and without basements, small commercial buildings, and local roads and streets. The limitations are considered slight if soil properties and site features are generally favorable for. the indicated use and limitations are minor and easily overcome; moderate if soil properties or site features are not favorable for the indicated use and special planning, design, or maintenance is needed to overcome or minimize the limitations; and severe if soil properties or site features are so unfavorable or so difficult to overcome that special design, significant increases in construction costs, and possibly increased maintenance are required. Special feasibility studies may be required where the soil limitations are severe. Very severe has one or more soil features so unfavorable that it is economically unfeasible to try to overcome the limitations. Shallow excavations are trenches or holes dug to a maximum depth of 2 meters for basements, graves, utility lines, open ditches, and other purposes. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. The ease of digging, filling, and‘compacting is affected by the depth to permafrost, a very firm dense layer, stone content; soil texture; and 32 slope. The time of the year that excavations can be made is affected mainly by the frozen soil, depth to a seasonal high water table and the susceptibility of the soil to flooding. The resistance of the excavation walls or banks to sloughing or caving is affected by soil texture and the depth to the water table. Dwellings and small commercial buildings are structures built on shallow foundations on undisturbed soil. The load limit is the same as that for single-family dwellings no higher than three stories. Ratings are made for small commercial buildings without basements, for dwellings with basements, and for dwellings without basements. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. A high water table, flooding, shrink-swell potential, frost action potential, and organic layers can cause the movement of footings. A high water table, depth to permafrost, large stones, and flooding affect the ease of excavation and construction. Landscaping and grading that require cuts and fills of more than 2 meters are not considered. Local roads and streets have an all-weather surface and carry automobile and light truck traffic all year. They have a subgrade of cut or fill soil material, a base of gravel, crushed rock, or stabilized soil material, and a flexible or rigid surface. Cuts and fills are generally limited to less than 2 meters. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils, Depth to permafrost, a high water table, flooding, arge stones, and slope affect the ease of excavating and grading. Soil strength (as inferred from the engineering classification of the soil), shrink-swell potential, frost action potential, and depth to a high water table affect the traffic supporting capacity. Sanitary Facilities Table 5 shows the degree and the kind of soil limitations that affect septic tank absorption fields, sewage lagoons, and sanitary landfills. The limita- tions are considered slight if soil properties and site features are generally favorable for the indicated use and limitations are minor and easily overcome; moderate if soil properties or site features are not favorable for the indicated use and special planning, design, or maintenance is needed to over- come or minimize the limitations; and severe if soil properties or site features are so unfavorable or so difficult to overcome that special design, significant increases in construction costs, and possibly increased maintenance are requried. Very severely rated soils have one or more features so unfavorable that it is economically unfeasible to overcome the limitations, Table 5 also shows the suitability of the soils for use as daily cover for landfills. A rating of good indicates that soil properties and site features are favorable for the use and good performance and low maintenance can be expected; fair indicates that soil properties and site features are moderately favorable for the use and one or more soil properties or site features make the soil less desirable than the soils rated good; and poor indicates that one or more soil properties or site features are unfavorable for the use and overcoming the unfavorable properties requires special design, extra main- tenance or costly alteration. 33 Septic tank absorption fields are areas in which effluent from a septic tank is distributed into the soil through subsurface tiles or perforated pipe. Only that part of the soil between depths of 50 cm and 2 meters is evaluated. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. Permeability, a high water table, depth to permafrost, and flooding affect absorption of the effluent. Frozen ground will interfere with installation. Unsatisfactory performance of septic tank absorption fields, including exces- sively slow absorption of effluent, surfacing of effluent, and hillside seepage can affect public health. Ground water can be polluted if highly permeable sand and gravel are less than 1.3 meters below the base of the absorption field, if slope is excessive, or if the water table is near the surface. There must be unsaturated soil material beneath the absorption field to effectively filter ae eo Many local ordinances require that this material be of a certain thickness. Sewage lagoons are shallow ponds constructed to hold sewage while aerobic bacteria decompose the solid and liquid wastes. Lagoons-should have a nearly level floor surrounded by cut slopes or embankments of compacted soil. Lagoons generally are designed to hold the sewage within a depth of 60 cm to 1.6 meters. Nearly impervious soil material for the lagoon floor and sides is required to minimize seepage and contamination of ground water. Table 5 gives ratings for the natural soil that makes up the lagoon floor. The surface layer and, generally, 30 or 60 cm of soil material below the surface are excavated to provide material for the embankments. The ratings are based On soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. Considered in the ratings are slope, permeability, a high water table, depth to permafrost, flooding, large stones, and content of organic matter. Excessive seepage due to rapid permeability of the soil or a water table that is high enough to raise the level of sewage in the lagoon will cause a lagoon to function unsatisfactorily. Pollution results if seepage is excessive or if floodwater overtops the lagoon. A high content of organic matter is detrimen- tal to proper functioning of the lagoon because it inhibits aerobic activity. Slope and permafrost can cause construction problems. Sanitary landfills are areas where solid waste is disposed of by burying it in soil. There are two types of landfill - trench and area. In a trench landfill, the waste is placed in a trench, it is spread, compacted, and covered daily with a thin layer of soil excavated at the site. In an area landfill, the waste is placed in successive layers on the surface of the soil. The waste is spread, compacted, and covered daily with a thin layer of soil from a source away from the site. Both types of landfill must be able to bear heavy vehicular traffic. Both types involve a risk of ground water pollution. Ease of excavation and revegetation needs to be considered. The ratings in table 5 are based on soil properties, site features, and observed performance of the soils. Permeability, depth to permafrost, a high water table, slope, and flooding affect both types of landfill. Texture, highly organic 34 layers, and soil reaction affect trench type landfills. Unless otherwise stated, the ratings apply only to that part of the soil within a depth of about 2 meters. For deeper trenches, a limitation rated slight or moderate may not be valid. Onsite investigation is needed. Daily cover for landfill is the soil material that is used to cover compacted solid waste in an area type sanitary landfill. The soil material is obtained offsite, transported to the landfill, and spread over the waste. Soil texture, wetness, and slope affect the ease of removing and spreading the material during wet and dry periods. Loamy or silty soils are the best cover for a landfill. Sandy soils are subject to blowing. After soil material has been removed, the soil material remaining in the borrow area must be thick enough over permafrost or the water table to permit revegetation. The soil material used as final cover for a landfill should be suitable for plants. The surface layer generally has the best workability, More organic matter, and the best potential for plants. Material from the surface layer should be stockpiled for use as the final cover. Construction Materials Table 6 gives information about the soils as’a source of roadfill, sand, gravel, and topsoil. The soils are rated good, fair, or poor as a Source of roadfill and topsoil. They are rated as a probable or improbable source of sand and gravel. The ratings are based on soil properties and site features that affect the removal of the soil and its use as construction material. Normal compaction, minor processing, and other standard construction practices are assumed. Each soil is evaluated to a depth of 2 meters. Roadfill is soil material that is excavated in one place and used in road embankments in another place. In this table, the soils are rated as a source of roadfill for low embankments, generally less than 2 meters high and less exacting in design than higher embankments. The ratings are for the soil material below the surface layer to a depth of 2 meters. It is assumed that soil layers will be mixed during excavating and spreading. Many soils have layers of contrasting suitability within their profile. The table showing engineering index properties provides detailed information about each soil layer. This information can help determine the suitability of each layer for use as roadfill. The performance of soil after it is stabilized with lime or cement is not considered in the ratings. The ratings are based on soil properties, site features, and observed p2rfor- mance of the soils. The thickness of suitable material is a major considera- tion. The ease of excavation is affected by frozen ground, cemented pans, a high water table, and slope. How well the soil performs in place after it has been compacted and drained is determined by its strength (as inferred from the engineering classification of the soil) and shrink-swell potential. Soils rated good contain significant amounts of sand or gravel or both. They have at least 1.6 meters of suitable material, low shrink-swell potential, few cobbles and stones, and slopes of 15 percent or less. Depth to the water table 35 is more than 1 meter. Soils rated fair are more than 35 percent silt-and-clay- sized particles and have a plasticity index of less than 10. They have moder- ate shrink-swell potential and slopes of 15 to 25 percent. Depth to the water table is 30 cm to 1 meter. Soils rated poor have a plasticity index of more ae ve a high shrink-swell potential, many stones, or slopes of more than cm thick. Sand and gravel are natural aggregates suitable for commercial use with a minimum of processing. Sand and gravel are used in many kinds of construction. Specifications for each use vary widely. In table 6 only the probability of finding material in suitable quantity is evaluated. The suitability of the material for specific purposes is not evaluated, nor are factors that affect excavation of the material. The properties used to evaluate the soil as a source of sand or gravel are gradation of grain sizes (as indicated by the engineering classification of the soil), the thickness of suitable material, and the content of rock fragments. Kinds of rock, acidity, and stratification are given in the soil series descriptions. A soil rated as a probable source has a layer of clean sand or gravel or a layer of sand or gravel that is up to 12 percent silty fines. This material must be at least 1 meter thick and less than 50 percent, by weight, large stones. All other soils are rated as an improbable source. Coarse fragments of soft bedrock, such as shale and siltstone, are not considered to be sand and gravel. Topsoil is used to cover an area so that vegetation can be established and maintained. The upper meter of a soil is evaluated for use as topsoil. Also evaluated is the reclamation potential of the borrow area. Plant growth is affected by toxic material and by such properties as soil reaction, available water capacity, and fertility. The ease of excavating, loading, and spreading is affected by rock fragments slope, a water table, soil texture, and thickness of suitable material. Reclamation of the borrow area is affected by slope, a water table, rock fragments, permafrost, and toxic material. Soils rated good have friable loamy material to a depth of at least 1 meter. They are free of stones and cobbles, have little or no gravel, and have slopes of less than 8 percent. They are low in soluble salts, are naturally fertile or respond well to fertilizer, and are not so wet that excavation is difficult. Soils rated fair are sandy soils, loamy soils that have a relatively high content of clay, soils that have only 50 cm to 1 meter of suitable material, soils that have an appreciable amount of gravel, stones, or soluble salts, or soils that have slopes of 8 to 15 percent. The soils are not so wet that excavation is difficult. Soils rated poor are very sandy or clayey, have less than 50 cm of suitable material, have a large amount of gravel, stones, or soluble salts, have slopes of more than 15 percent, or have a seasonal water table at or near the surface. 36 aa, The surface layer of most soils is generally preferred for topsoil because of its organic matter content. Organic matter greatly increases the absorption and retention of moisture and nutrients for plant growth. Water Management Table 7 gives information on the soil properties and site features that affect water management. The degree and kind of soil limitations are given for pond reservoir areas; embankments, dikes and levees; and aquifer-fed ponds. The li- mitations are considered slight if soil properties and sight features are gen- erally favorable for the indicated use and limitations are minor and are easily Overcome; moderate if soil properties or site features are not favorable for the indicated use and special planning, design, or maintenance is needed to overcome or minimize the limitations and severe if soil properties or site features are so unfavorable or so difficult to overcome that special design, significant increase in construction costs, and possibly increased maintenance are required. This table also gives for each soil the restrictive features that affect drain- age, irrigation, and grassed waterways. Pond reservoir areas hold water behind a dam,or embankment. Soils best suited to this use have low seepage potential in the upper 1.5 meters. The seepage potential is determined by the permeability of the soil and the depth to fractured bedrock or other permeable material. Excessive slope can affect the storage capacity of the reservoir area. Embankments, dikes, and levees are raised structures of soil material, generally Tess than 7 meters high, constructed to impound water or to protect land against overflow. .In this table, the soils are rated as a source of material for embank ment fill. The ratings apply to the soil material below the surface layer to a depth of about 1.6 meters. It is assumed that soil layers will be uniformly mixed and compacted during construction. The ratings do not indicate the ability of the natural soil to support an embank ment. Soil properties to a depth even greater than the height of the embankment can affect performance and safety of the embankment. Generally, deeper onsite investigation. is needed to determine these properties. Soil material in embankments must be resistant to seepage, piping, and erosion and have favorable compaction characteristics. Unfavorable features include les than 1.6 meters of suitable material and a high content of stones or boulders or organic matter. A high water table or permafrost affects the amount of usable material. It also affects trafficability. Aquifer-fed excavated ponds are pits or dugouts that extend to a groundwater aquifer or to a depth below a permanent water table. Excluded are ponds that are fed only by surface runoff and embankment ponds that impound water 1 meter or more above the original surface. Excavated ponds are affected by depth to a permanent water table, permeability of the aquifer, and quality of the water as inferred from the salinity of the soil. Depth to permafrost and the content of large stones affect the ease of excavation. 37 om ia ae) Drainage is the removal of excess surface and subsurface water from the soil. How easily and effectively the soil is drained depends on the depth to perma- frost or to other layers that affect the rate of water movement; permeability; depth to a higher water table or depth of standing water if the soil is subject to ponding; slope; susceptibility to flooding; subsidence of organic layers; and potential frost action. Excavating and grading and the stability of ditch- banks are affected by depth to permafrost, large stones, slope, and the hazard of cutbanks caving. The productivity of the soil after drainage is adversely affected by extreme acidity or by toxic substances in the root zone, such as salts, sodium, or sulfur. Availability of drainage outlets is not considered in the ratings. Irrigation is the controlled application of water to supplement rainfall and support plant growth. The design and management of an irrigation system are affected by depth to the water table, the need for drainage, flooding, avail- able water capacity, intake rate, permeability, erosion hazard, and slope. The construction of a system is affected by large stones and depth to perma- frost. The performance of a system is affected by the depth of the root zone, the amount of salts or sodium, and soil reaction. Soil Properties Data relating to soil properties are collected during the course of the soil survey. The data and the estimates of soil and water features, listed in tables, are explained on the following pages. Soil properties are determined by field examination of the soils and by labora- tory index testing of some benchmark soils. Established standard procedures are followed. During the survey, many shallow borings are made and examined to identify and classify the soils and to delineate them on the soil maps. Samples are taken from some typical profiles and tested in the laboratory. These results are reported in table 8. Estimates of soil properties are based on field examinations, on laboratory tests of samples from the survey area, and on laboratory tests of samples of similar soils in nearby areas. Tests verify field observations, verify properties that cannot be estimated accurately by field observation, and help characterize key soils. : The estimates of soil properties shown in the tables include the engineering classifications, and the physical and chemical properties of the major layers of each soil. Pertinent soil and water features are also given. Engineering Index Properties Table 8 gives estimates of the engineering classification and of the range of index properties for the major layers of each soil in the survey area. Most soils have layers of contrasting properties within the upper 2 meters. Depth to the upper and lower boundaries of each layer is indicated. The range in depth and information on other properties of each layer are given for each soil series under "Soil Descriptions." 38 et see ey Texture is given in the standard terms used hy the U. S. Department of Agricul- ture. These terms are defined according to percentages of sand, silt, and clay in the fraction of the soil that is less than 2 millimeters in diameter. "Loam," for example, is soil that is 7 to 27 percent clay, 28 to 50 percent silt, and less than 52 percent sand. If a soil contains particles coarser than sand, an appropriate modifier is added, for example, "gravelly." Textural terms are defined in the Glossary. Classification of the soils is determined according to the United soil classi- fication system (2) and the system adopted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (1). The United system classifies soils according to properties that affect their use as construction material. Soils are classified according to grain-size distri- bution of the fraction less than 3 inches in diameter and according to plasticity index, liquid limit, and organic-matter content. Sandy and gravelly soils are identified as GN, GP, GM, GC, SW, SP, SM, and SC; silty and clayey soils as ML, CL, OL, MH, CH, and OH; and highly organic soils as Pt. Soils exhibiting engineering properties of two groups can have a dual classification, for example, SP-SM. The AASHTO system classifies soils according to those properties that affect roadway construction and maintenance. In this system, the fraction of a mineral soil that is less than 3 inches in diameter is classified in one of seven groups from A-1 through A-7 on the basis of grain-size distribution, liquid limit, and plasticity index. Soils in group A-1 are coarse grained and low in content of fines (silt and clay). At the other extreme, soils in group A-7 are fine grained. Highly organic soils are classified in group A-8 on the basis of visual inspection. The estimated AASHTO classification for soils is given in table 8. Physical and chemical properties Table 8 also shows estimates of some characteristics and features that affect soil behavior. These estimates are given for the major layers of each soil in the survey area. The estimates are based on field observations and on test data for these and similar soils. Permeability refers to the ability of a soil to transmit water or air. The estimates indicate the rate of downward movement of water when the soil is satu- rated. They are based on soil characteristics observed in the field, particulart) structure, porosity, and texture. Permeability is considered in the design of soil drainage systems, septic tank absorption fields, and construction where the rate of water movement under saturated conditions affects behavior. Available water capacity refers to the quantity of water that the soil is capable of storing for use by plants. The capacity for water storage is given in inches of water per inch of soil for each major soil layer. The capacity varies, depend: ing on soil properties that affect the retention of water and the depth of the root zone. The most important properties are the content of organic matter, soil 39 Trt texture, bulk density and soil structure. Available water capacity is an important factor in the choice of plants or crops to be grown and in the design and manage- ment of irrigation systems. Available water capacity is not an estimate of the quantity of water actually available to plants at any given time. Soil reaction is a measure of acidity or alkalinity and is expressed as a range in pH values. The range in pH of each major horizon is based on many field tests. For many soils, values have been verified by laboratory analysis. Soil reaction is important in selecting crops and other plants, in evaluating soil amendments for fertility and stabilization, and in determining the risk of corrosion. Shrink-swell potential is the potential for volume change in a soil with a loss or gain in moisture. Volume change occurs mainly because of the interaction of clay minerals with water and varies with the amount and type of clay minerals in the soil. The size of the load on the soil and the magnitude of the change in soil moisture content influence the amount of swelling of soils in place. Swell- ing was estimated on the basis of the kind and amount of clay minerals in the soil and on measurements of similar soils. Shrink-swell potential classes are based on the change in length of an unconfined clod as moisture content is increased from air-dry to field capacity. The change is based on the soil fraction less than 2 millimeters in diameter. The classes are low, a change of less than 3 percent; moderate, 3 to 6 percent; and high more than 6 percent. Very high, greater than 9 percent, is sometimes used. Soil and Water Features Table 9 gives estimates of various soil and water features. The estimates are used in land use planning that involves engineering considerations. Hydrologic soil groups are used to estimate runoff from precipitation. Soils not protected by vegetation are assigned to one of four groups. They are grouped according to the intake of water when the soils are thoroughly wet and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The four hydrologic soil groups are: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These con- sist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils that have permafrost at a 40 shallow depth and soils that have a permanent high water table during the spring thaw and throughout the summer. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. Flooding, the temporary inundation of an area, is caused by overflowing streams, by runoff from adjacent slopes, or by tides. Water standing for short periods after rainfall or snowmelt and water in swamps and marshes is not considered flooding. Table 9 gives the frequency and duration of flooding and the time of year when flooding is most likely. Frequency duration, and probable dates of occurrence are estimated. Frequency is expressed as none, rare, common, occasional, and frequent. None means that flooding is not probable; rare that it is unlikely but possible under unusual weather conditions; common that it is likely under normal conditions; occasional that it occurs on an average of once or less in 2 years; and frequent that it occurs on an average of more than once in 2 years. Duration is expressed as very brief if less than 2 days, brief if 2 to 7 days, and long if more than 7 days. Probable dates are expressed in months; June-August, for example, means that flooding can occur during the period June through August. The information is based on evidence in the ‘soil profile, namely thin strata of gravel, sand or silt deposited by floodwater; irregular decrease in organic- matter content with increasing depth; and absence of distinctive horizons that form in soils that are not subject to flooding. Also considered are local information about the extent and levels of flooding and the relation of each soil on the landscape to historic floods. Information on the extent of flooding based on soil data is less specific than that provi- ded by detailed engineering surveys that delineate flood-prone areas at specific flood frequency levels. High water table (seasonal) is the highest level of a saturated zone in the soil in most years. The depth to a seasonal high water table applies to undrained soils. The estimates are based mainly on the evidence of a saturated zone, namely grayish colors or mottles in the soil. Indicated in table 9 are the depth to the seasonal high water table; the kind of water table--that is, perched, artesian, or apparent; and the months of the year that the water table commonly is high. A water table that is seasonaly high for less than 1 month is not indicated in table 9. The depth to the water table is given for undisturbed soil An apparent water table is a thick zone of free water in the soil. It is indica- ted by the level at which water stands in an uncased borehole after adequate time is allowed for adjustment in the surrounding soil. An artesian water table is under hydrostatic head, generally beneath an impermeable layer. When this layer is penetrated, the water level rises in an uncased borehole. A perched water table is standing above an unsaturated zone. In places an upper, or perched, water table is separated from a lower one by a dry zone. Only saturated zones within a depth of about 2 meters are indicated. A plus sigr preceding the range in depth indicates that the water table is above the surface of the soil. The first numeral in the range indicates how high the water rises above the surface. The second numeral indicates the depth below the surface. 41 Potential frost action is the likelihood of upward or lateral expansion of the soil caused by the formation of segregated ice lenses (frost heave) and the subsequent collapse of the soil and loss of strength on thawing. Frost action Occurs when moisture moves into the freezing zone of the soil. Temperature, texture, density, permeability, content of organic matter, and depth to the water table are the most important factors considered in evaluating the poten- tial for frost action. It is assumed that the soil is not insulated by vege- tation or snow and is not artificially drained. Silty and highly structured clayey soils that have a high water table in winter are most susceptible to frost action. Well drained, very gravelly, or very sandy soils are the least susceptible. Frost heave and low soil strength during thawing cause damage mainly to pavements and other rigid structures. Risk of corrosion pertains to potential soil-induced electrochemical or chemi- cal action that dissolves or weakens uncoated steel or concrete. The rate of corrosion of uncoated steel is related to such factors as soil moisture, particle-size distribution, acidity, and electrical conductivity of the soil. The rate of corrosion of concrete is based mainly on the sulfate and sodium content, texture, moisture content, and acidity of the soil. Special site examination and design may be needed if the combination of factors creates a severe corrosion environment. The steel in installations that intersect soil boundaries or soil layers is more susceptible to corrosion than steel instal- lations that are entirely within one kind of soil or within one soil layer. For uncoated steel, the risk of corrosion, expressed as low, moderate, or high, is. based on soil drainage class, total acidity, electrical 1 resistivity near field capacity, and electrical Conductivity of the saturation extract. For concrete, the risk of corrosion is also expressed as low, moderate, or high. It is based on soil texture, acidity, and amount of sulfates in the saturation extract. Classification of the Soils The system of soil classification used by the National Cooperative Soil Survey has six categories (5). Beginning with the broadest, these categories are the order, suborder, great group, subgroup, family, and series. Classification is. based on soil properties observed in the field or inferred from those observa- tions from laboratory measurments. In table 10, the soils of the survey area are classified according to the system. The categories are defined in the following paragraphs. ORDER. Ten soil orders are recognized. The differences among orders re‘lect the dominant soil-forming processes and the degree of soil formation. Each order is identified by a word ending in sol. An example is Entisol. SUBORDER. Each order is divided into suborders primarily on the basis of proper- ties that influence soil genesis and are important to plant growth or properties that reflect the most important variables within the orders. The last syllable in the name of a suborder indicates the order. An example is Aquent (Aqu, mean- ing water, plus ent, from Entisol). 42 GREAT GROUP. Each suborder is divided into great groups on the basis of close similarities in kind, arrangement, and degree of development of pedogenic horizons; soil moisture and temperature regimes; and base status. Each great group is identified by the name of a suborder and by a prefix that in- dicates a property of the soil. An example is Cryaquepts (Cry, meaning cold, Plus ae the suborder of the Inceptisols that have an aquic moisture regime). SUBGROUP. Each great group has a typic subgroup. Other subgroups are inter- grades or extragrades. The typic is the central concept of the great group; it is not necessarily the most extensive. Intergrades are transitions to other orders, suborders, or great groups. Extragrades have some properties that are not representative of the great group but do not indicate transitions to any other known kind of soil. Each subgroup is identified by one or more adjectives preceding the name of the great group. The adjective Typic identifies the subgroup that typifies the great group. An example is Typic Cryaquepts. FAMILY. Families are established within a subgroup on the basis of physical and chemical properties and other characteristics that affect management. Mostly, the properties are those of horizons below plow depth where there is much biological activity. Among the properties and characteristics considered are particle-size class, mineral content, temperature regime, depth of the root zone, consistence, moisture equivalent, slope, and permanent cracks. A family name consists of the name of a subgroup preceded by terms that indicate soil properties. An example is loamy, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryaquept. SERIES. The series consists of soils that have similar horizons in their profile. The horizons are similar in color, texture, structure, reaction, consistence, mineral and chemical composition, and arrangement in the profile. The texture of the surface layer or of the substratum can differ within a series. 43 References American Association of State Highway and transportation Officials. 1970. Standard specifications for highway materials and methods of sampling and testing. Ed. 10, 2 vol., illus. American Society for Testing and Materials. 1974. Method for classification of soils for engineering purposes. ASTM Stand. D 2487-69. In 1974 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 19, 464 pp., illus. Natural Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data and Information Center, University of Alaska. United States Department of Agriculture. 1951. Soil survey manual. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture Handbook. 18-503 pp., illus. (Supplements replacing pp. 173-188 issued May 1962). United States Department of Agriculture. 1975. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. Soil Conservation Service, U. S. Dept. of Agr. Handbk. 436, 754 pp., illus. United States Department of the Interior. 1955. Geological Survey Professional paper 264-F, 146 pp., illus. 44 GLOSSARY Alluvium. Material, such as sand, silt, or clay, deposited on land by streams. Available water capacity (available moisture capacity). The capacity of soils 7 to hold water available for use by most plants. It is commonly defined as the difference between the amount of soil water at field moisture capacity and the amount at wilting point. It is commonly expressed as inches of - water per inch of soil. The capacity, in inches, in a 60-inch profile or to a limiting layer is expressed as: Bedrock. The solid rock that underlies the soil and other unconsolidated [—~ material or that is exposed at the surface. Clay. As a soil separate, the mineral soil particles less than 0.002 millimeter ' in diameter. As a soil textural class, soil material that is 40 percent or [7 more clay, less than 45 percent sand, and less than 40 percent silt. Coarse fragments. Mineral rock particles up to 3 inches (2 millimeters to 7.5 centimeters) in diameter. Coarse textured (light textured) soil. Sand or loamy sand. Complex soil. A map unit of two or more kinds of soil in such an intricate pattern that it is not practical to map them separately at the selected scale of mapping. The pattern and proportion of the soils are similar in | all areas. | Consistence, soil. The feel of the soil and the ease with which a lump can be crushed by the fingers. Terms commonly used to describe consistence are: | Loose.-Noncoherent when dry or moist; does not hold together in a mass. = : Friable.-When moist, crushes easily under gentle pressure between thumb and forefinger and can be pressed together into a lump. l Firm.-When moist, crushes under moderate pressure between thumb and forefinger, but resistance is distinctly noticeable. { Plastic.-When wet, readily deformed by moderate pressure but can be { Pressed into a lump; will form a "wire" when rolled between thumb and forefinger. Sticky.-When wet, adheres to other material and tends to stretch | somewhat and pull apart rather than to pull free from other matter. Corrosive. High risk of corrosion to uncoated steel or deterioration of concrete. Drainage class (natural). Refers to the frequency and duration of periods of saturation or partial saturation during soil formation, as opposed to { altered drainage, which is commonly the result of artificial drainage or {_ irrigation but may be caused by the sudden deepening of channels or the blocking of drainage outlets. Seven classes of natural soil drainage are recognized: 45 Excessively drained.-Water is removed from the soil very rapidly. Excessively drained soils are commonly very coarse textured, rocky, or shallow. Some are steep. All are free of the mottling related to wetness. Somewhat excessively drained.-Water is removed from the soil rapidly. Many somewhat excessively drained soils are sandy and rapidly pervious. Some are shallow. Some are so steep that much of the water they receive is lost as runoff. All are free of the mottling related to wetness. Well drained.-Water is removed from the soil readily, but not rapidly. It is available to plants throughout most of the growing season., and wetness does not inhibit growth of roots for significant periods during most growing seasons. Well drained soils are commonly medium textured. They are mainly free of mottling. Moderately well drained.-Water is removed from the soil somewhat slowly during some periods. Moderately well drained soils are wet for only a short time during the growing season, but periodically for long enough that most mesophytic crops are affected. They commonly have a slowly pervious layer within or directly below the solum, or periodically receive high rainfall, or both. Somewhat poorly drained.-Water is removed slowly enough that the soil is wet for significant periods during the growing season. Wetness markedly restricts the growth of mesophytic crops unless artificial drainage is provided. Somewhat poorly drained soils commonly have a slowly pervious layer, a high water table, additional water from seepage, nearly continuous rainfall, or a combination of these. Poorly drained.-Water is removed so slowly that the soil is saturated periodically during the growing season or remains wet for long periods. Free water is commonly at or near the surface for long enough during the growing season that most mesophytic crops cannot be grown unless the soil is artificially drained. The soil is not continuously saturated in layers directly below plow depth. Poor drainage results from a high water-table, a slowly pervious layer within the profile, seepage, nearly continuous rainfall, or a combination of these. Very poorly drained.-Water is removed from the soil so slowly that free water remains at or near the surface during most of the growing season. Unless the soil is artificially drained, most mesophytic crops cannot be grown. Very poorly drained soils are commonly level or depressed and are frequently ponded. Yet, where rainfall is high and nearly continuous, they can have moderate or high slope gradients. Drainage., surface. Runoff, or surface flow of water from an area. Excess fines. Excess silt and clay. The soil does not provide a source of gravel or sand for construction purposes. Flooding. The temporary covering of soil with water from overflowing streams, runoff from adjacent slopes, and tides. Frequency, duration, and ‘ probable dates of occurrence are estimated. Frequency is expressed as none, rare, occasional, and frequent. None means that flooding is not probable; rare that it is unlikely but possible under unusual weather 46 conditions; occasional that it occurs on an average of once or less in 2 years; and frequent that it occurs on an average of more than once in 2 years. Duration is expressed as very brief if less than 2 days, brief if 2 to 7 days, and long if more than 7 days. Probable dates are ex- pressed in months; November-May, for example, means that flooding can occur during the period November through May. Water standing for short periods after rainfall or commonly covering swamps and marshes is not considered flooding. Flood plain. A nearly level alluvial plain that borders a stream and is subject to flooding unless protected artificially. Frost action. Freezing and thawing of soil moisture. Frost action can damage structures and plant roots. Gravel. Rounded or angular fragments of rock up to 3 inches (2 millimeters to 7.5 centimeters) in diameter. An individual piece is a pebble. Ground water (geology). Water filling al] the unblocked pores of underlying material below the water table, which is the upper limit of. saturation. Horizon (soil. A layer of soil, approximately parallel to the surface, having distinct characteristics produced by soil-forming processes. The major horizons of mineral soil are as follows: 0 horizon.-An organic layerof fresh and decaying plant residue at the surface of a mineral soil. A _horizon.-The mineral horizon, formed or forming at or near the surface, in which an accumulation of humified organic matter is mixed with the mineral material. Also, a plowed surface horizon most of which was originally part of a B horizon. A2_ horizon.-A mineral horizon, mainly a residual concentration of sand and silt high in content of resistant minerals as a result of the loss of silicate clay, iron, aluminum, or a combination of these. B horizon.-The mineral horizon below an A horizon. The B horizon is in part a layer of change from the overlying A to the under- lying C horizon. The B horizon also has distinctive character- istics caused (1) by accumulation of clay, sesquioxides, humus, or or a combination of these; (2) by prismatic or blocky structure; (3) by redder or browner colors than those in the A horizon; or (4) by a combination of these. The combined A and B horizons are generally called the solum, or true soil. If a soil lacks a B horizon, the A horizon alone is the solum. C horizon.-The mineral horizon or layer, excluding indurated bed- rock, that is little affected by soil-forming processes and does not have the properties typical of the A or B horizon. The material of a C horizou may be either like or unlike that in which the solum is presumed to have formed. If the material is known to differ from that in the solum, the Roman numeral II precedes the letter C. R layer.-Consolidated rock beneath the soil. The rock commonly underlies a C horizon, but can be directly below an A or a B horizon. Humus. The well decomposed more or less stable part of the organic matter in mineral soils. 47 Hydrologic soil groups. Refers to soils grouped according to their runoff- Producing characteristics. The chief consideration is the inherent Capacity of soil bare of vegetation to permit infiltration. The slope and kind of plant cover are not considered, but are separate factors in Predicting runoff. Soils are assigned to four groups. In group A are soils having a high infiltration rate when thoroughly wet and having a low runoff potential. They are mainly deep, well drained, and sandy or gravelly. In group D, at the other extreme, are soils having a very slow infiltration rate and thus a high runoff potential. They have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, have a permanent high water table, or are shallow over nearly impervious bedrock or other material. A soil is assigned to two hydrologic groups if part of the acreage is artifi- cially drained and part is undrained. Infiltration. The downward entry of water into the immediate surface of soil or other material, as contrasted with percolation, which is movement of water through soil layers or material. Infiltration rate. The rate at which water penetrates the surface of the soil at any given instant, usually expressed in inches per hour. The rate can be limited by the infiltration capacity of the soil or the rate at which water is applied at the surface. Loam. Soil material that is 7 to 27 percent clay particles, 28 to 50 percent silt particles, and less than 52 percent sand particles. Loess. Fine grained material, dominantly of silt-size particles, deposited by wind. Low strength. Inadequate strength for supporting loads. Mineral soil. Soil that is mainly mineral material and low in organic material. Its bulk density is greater than that of organic soil. Mottling, soil. Irregular spots or different colors that vary in number and size. Mottling generally indicates poor aeration and impeded drainage. Descriptive terms are as follows: Abundance - few, common, and many; size - fine, medium, and coarse; and contrast - faint, distinct, and Prominent. The size measurements are of the diameter along the greatest dimension. Fine indicates less than 5 millimeters (about 0.2 inch); medium, from 5 to 15 millimeters (about 0.2 to 0.6 inch); and coarse, more than 15 millimeters (about 0.6 inch). Munsell notation. A designation of color by degrees of the three simple variables - hue, value of 6, and chroma of 4. Outwash plain. A landform of mainly sandy or coarse textured material of glaciolfluvial origin. An outwash plain is commonly smooth; where pitted, it is generally low in relief. Parent material. The unconsolidated organic and mineral material in which soil forms. Peat. Unconsolidated material, largely undecomposed organic matter, that has accumulated under excess moisture. Pedon. The smallest volume that can be called "a soil." A pedon is three dimensional and large enough to permit study of ali horizons. Its area ranges from about 10 to 100 square feet (1 square meter to 10 square meters), depending on the variability of the soil. Percolation. The downward movement of water through the soil. 48 — Percs slowly. The slow movement of water through the soil adversely affecting the specified use. Permafrost. Layers of soil, or even bedrock, occurring in arctic or subarctic regions, in which a temperature below freezing has existed continuously for a long time. Permeability. The quality that enables the soil to transmit water or air, measured as the number of inches per hour that water moves through the soil. Terms describing permeability are very slow (less than 0.06 inch), slow (0.06 to 0.20 inch), moderately slow (0.2 to 6.0 inches), rapid (6.0 to 20 inches), and very rapid (more than 20 inches). PH value. (See Reaction, soil). A numerical designation of acidity and alkalinity in soil. Piping. Moving water of subsurface tunnels or pipelike cavities in the soil. Ponding. Standing water on soils in closed depressions. The water can be removed only by percolation or evaporation. Reaction, soil. The degree of acidity or alkalinity of a soil, expressed in pH values. A soil that tests to pH 7.0 is described as precisely neutral in reaction because it is neither acid nor alkaline. The degree of acidity or alkalinity is expressed as: - pH Extremely acid-------------------- +- Below 4.5 Very strongly acid------------------ 4.5 to 5.0 Strongly acid----------------------- 5.1 to 5.5 Medium acid------------------------- 5.6 to 6.0 Slightly acid----------------------- 6.1 to 6.5 Neutral----------------------------- 6.6 to 7.3 Mildly alkaline--------------------- 7.4 to 7.8 Moderately alkaline----------------- 7.9 to 8.4 Strongly alkaline------------------- 8.5 to 9.0 Very strongly alkaline---------- 9.1 and higher Runoff. The precipitation discharged in stream channels from a drainage area. The water that flows off the land surface without sinking in is called surface runoff; that which enters the ground before reaching surface streams is called ground-water runoff or seepage flow from ground water. Seepage. The rapid movement of water through the soil. Seepage adversely affects the specified use. Series, soil. A group of soils, formed from a particular type of parent material, having horizons that, except for the texture of the A or surface horizon, are similar in all profile characteristics and in arrangement in the soil profile. Among these characteristics are color, texture, struc- ture, reaction, consistence, and mineralogical and chemical <omposition. Shrink-swell. The shrinking of soil when dry and the swelling when wet. Shrinking and swelling can damage roads, dams, building foundations, and other structures. It can also damage plant roots. Silt. As a soil separate, individual mineral particles that can range in dia- meter from the upper limit of clay (0.002 millimeter) to the lower limit of very fine sand (0.05 millimeter). As a soil textural class, soil is 80 percent or more silt and less than 12 percent clay. - Slope. The inclination of the land surface from the horizontal. Percentage of slope is the vertical distance divided by horizontal distance, then 49 - multiplied by 100. Thus, a slope of 20 percent is a drop of 20 feet in 100 feet of horizontal distance. Small stones. Rock fragments 3 to 10 inches (7.5 to 25 centimeters) in diameter. Small stones adversely affect the specified use. Soil. A natural, three-dimensional body at the earth's surface that is capable of supporting plants and has properties resulting from the integrated effect of climate and living matter acting on earthly parent material, as conditioned by relief over periods of time. : Soil separates. Mineral particles less than 2 millimeters in equivalent diameter and ranging between specified size limits. The names and sizes of separates recognized in the United States are as follows: Very coarse sand (2.0 millimeters to 1.0 millimeter); coarse sand (1.0 to 0.5 milli- meter); medium sand (0.5 to 0.25 millimeter); fine sand (0.10 to 0.05 millimeter); silt (0.005 to 0.002 millimeter); and clay (less than 0.002 millimeter). Solum. The upper part of a soil profile above the C horizon, in which the Processes of soil formation are active. The solum in mature soil consists of the A and B horizons. Generally, the characteristics of the material in these horizons are unlike those of the underlying material. The living roots and other plant and animal life characteristics of the soil are largely confined to the solum. Stratified. Arranged in strata, or layers. The term refers to geologic material. Layers in soils that result from the processes of soil forma- tion are called horizons. Those inherited from the parent material are called strata. Structure, soil. The arrangement of primary soil particles into compound par- ticles or aggregates that are separated from adjoining aggregates. The principal forms of soil structure are - platy (laminated), prismatic (vertical axis of aggregates longer than horizontal), columnar (prisms with rounded tops), blocky (angular or subangular), and granular. Struc- tureless soils are either single grained (each grain by itself, as in dune sand) or massive (the particles adhering without any regular cleavage, as in many hardpans). Subsoil. Technically, the B horizon; roughly, the part of the solum below Plow depth. Substratum. The part of the soil below the solum. Subsurface layer. Technically, the A2 horizon. Generally refers to a leached horizon lighter in color and lower in content of organic matter than the overlying surface layer. Surface soil. The soil ordinarily moved in tillage, or its equivalent in uncul- tivated soil, ranging in depth from 4 to 10 inches (10 to 25 centimeters). Frequently designated as the "plow layer," or the "Ap horizon." Terrace (geologic). An old alluvial plain, ordinarily flat or undulting, bordering a river, a lake, or the sea. A stream terrace is frequently called a second bottom, in contrast with a flood plain, and is seldom subject to overflow. A marine terrace, generally wide, was deposited by the sea. Texture, soil. The relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles ina mass of soil. The basic textural classes, in order of increasing propor- tion of fine particles are sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, silt, silt 50 loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, silty clay loam, sandy clay, silty clay and clay. The sand, loamy sand, and sandy loam classes may be further divided by specifying "coarse," "fine," or "very fine." Thin layer. Otherwise suitable soil material too thin for the specified use. Topsoil (engineering). Presumably a fertile soil or soil material, or one that responds to fertilization, ordinarily rich in organic matter, used to top- dress roadbanks, lawns and gardens. Upland. Land at a higher elevation, in general, than the alluvial plain or stream terrace; land above the lowlands along streams. Water table. The upper limit of the soil or underlying rock material that is wholly saturated with water. Water table, apparent. A thick zone of free water in the soil. An apparent water table is indicated by the level at which water stands in an uncased borehole after adequate time is allowed for adjustment in the surrounding soil. Water table, artesian. A water table under hydrostatic head, gen- erally beneath an impermeable layer. When this layer is penetrated, the water level rises in an uncased borehole. Water table, perched. A water table standing above an unsaturated zone. In places an upper, or perched, water table is separated from a lower one by a dry zone. 5] TABLE 1 MEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION Ambler and Shungnak, Alaska Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. _—Ma Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. _Annual Daily maximum temperature, °F: 5.7 S52 lel 2656 45;..7.1 63.9.1. 68.6. 58) 48.1 30.0 9.6 line! 31.1 Daily minimum temperature, °F: -9.3 -12.8 -10.1 5.8 . 26.3 43.0 48.4 42.3 32.0 16.7 -5.6 -14.0 13.6 Mean: -1.8 -3.8 0.4 16.2 36.0 53.2 58.5 50.2 40.1 23.3 2.0 -6.4 22.3 Precipitation, inches of moisture: +43 46 -42 1.02 1.09 1.66 2.35 4.40 2.52 84 -48 +55 = 16.22 Ambler and Shungnak are located in the continental climate zone which is charaterized by long, cold winters and relatively warm summers. Temperature extremes of 90°F in summer and -60°F in winter have been recorded. Precipitation averages 16 inches annually, including 80 inches of snow. Additional information on climate is available at the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska. Kiana_and Noorvik, Alaska Daily maximum temperature, °F: 0.9 -0.1 10.7 22.7 44.8 62.2. 67.7 60.4 47.2 30.5 15.4 1.4 3023 Daily minimum temperature, °F: -14.7 -16.3 -6.3 Sel e244 141094702 45.1 130.4 2.3 4.1 -10.4 15.4 Mean: -6.9 -8.2 Cecil 29 HSAs O Ole lei Os sor Oest 1114 lisGil else 9.7 -4.5 22.9 Precipitation, inches of moisture: 0.96 0.63 0.65 0.32 0.71 41.05 2.78 3.09 2.84 1.24 1.05 0.88 16.20 Kiana and Noorvik are located in the transitional climate zone which is characterized by long, cold winters and cool sum- mers. Temperature extremes of 87°F in summer and -54°F in winter have been recorded, with summer temperatures averaging 60°F. Precipitation averages over 16 inches annually, including 60 inches of snow. Additional information on climate is available at the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska. TABLE 1 MEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION Buckland, Alaska Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. ‘Ma Jun. _Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Annual Daily maximum temperature, °F: -2.6 1.7. 10.2 20.4 40.3 57.5 63.4 59.3 47.8 30.6 13.0 1.4 28.6 Daily minimum temperature, °F: -19.7 -15.8 -6.7 -0.1 23.3 35.6 42.4 40.7 32.8 17.8 -3.0 -13.9 lel Mean: “11.2 -7.1 -1.8 10.2 31.8 46.6 52.9 50.0 40.3 24.2 5.0 6.0 19.9 Precipitation, inches of moisture: 0.55 0.44 1.00 0.17 0.44 0.73 1.20 1.46 1.23 0.62 0.36 0.37 8.57 Buckland is located in the transitional climate zone which is characterized by long, cold winters and cool summers. Tem- perature extremes of -60°F in winter and in the mid-80s in summer have been recorded, with temperatures in July and August averaging 60°F. Precipitation is light with less than nine inches annually, including 35 to 40 inches of snow. Additional information on climate is available at the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska. Noatak, Alaska Daily maximum temperature, °F: -4.7 200) 5.1 16.3 39.3 54.3 M M 45.0 28.1 360m) el M Daily minimum temperature, °F: -21.4 -16.4 -15.7 -6.1 24.6 35.2 M M 26.1 14.9 -7.2 -15.8 M Mean: =|35) =%07 <-5.3 5.1 32.0 44.8 M M 0.72 0.60 0.47 0.36 M Precipitation, inches of moisture: 0:41 = -0584- 0.43'- 0.26 0590 = 2.10: 2M M 0.72 0.60 0.47 0.36 M Noatak is on the border between the transitional and continental climate zones and is characterized by long, cold winters and warm summers, It is influenced somewhat by its nearness to the coast - the area is slower to warm up in the spring, and the summer temperatures tend to be cooler than at inland locations. Precipitation averages from 10 to 13 inches annu- ally, including 48 inches of snow. Additional information on climate is available at the Arctic Environmental Information and data Center, University of Alaska. fn cil anil TNT INT AT AN TT SINE IT UTNE AT OREN eT TABLE 1 MEAN MONTHLY TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION Kivalina, Alaska Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Ma dun. _Jdul. _ Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. _Annual Daily maximum temperature, °F: 2.3 -1.6 11.3 22.5 39.0 44.2 60.4 58.0 47.6 25.5 10.6 2.2 26.8 Daily minimum temperature, °F: -12.9 -16.9 -7.2 0.5 20.0 31.0 43.4 44.1 32.6 11.4 -4.9 -11.8 10.8 Mean: -10.8 -8.8 2.4 10.3 29.7 37.6 51.9 51.1 40.1 18.5 2.8 -4.8 18.3 Precipitation, inches of moisture: 47 £95 30 SS ei 07 1.75 2.96 1.25 58 +50 65 9.65 Kivalina lies in the transitional climate zone which is characterized by long, cold winters and cool summers. Even though the village is located on the coast, the climate is more continental than maritime - partly because the Chukchi is ice-covered from November to June. Precipitation is light with an average of less than 10 inches annually, including 50 inches of snow. Additional information on climate is available at the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska. Selawik, Alaska Daily maximum temperature, °F: -3.8 -6.1 6.5 24.7 43.8 60.8 61.3 57.2 46.1 27.9 13.4 -8.5 26.9 Daily minimum temperature, °F: -12.8 -23.6 -11.9 2.0 24.9 41.1 44.0 43.0 31.3 14.7 -0.8 -23.4 10.7 Mean: -8.3 -14.9 -2.7. 13.4 34.4 51.0 52.7 50.1 38.7 21.3 6.3 -16.0 18.8 Precipitation, inches of moisture: 0.12 0.07 O.17' T 0.09 0.72 2.10 3.43 2.23 0.38 0.25 0.17 9.73 Selawik is located in the transitional climate zone which is characterized by long, cold winters and cool summers. Climate records for the village are short-term and may not represent long-term averages. Temperature extremes of 83°F in summer and -50°F in winter have been recorded. Precipitation is light with less than 10 inches annually, including 35 to 40 inches of snow. Additional information on climate is available at the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska. TABLE 2 *ESTIMATED GROWING DEGREE DAYS Ambler Buckland Kiana Kivalina Noatak Noorvik Selawik Shungnak 1289 917 1354 701 900 1354 1037 1289 *1500 growing degree days is considered the minimum for large scale agriculture. 55 TABLE 3 ACREAGE AND PROPORTIONATE EXTENT OF THE SOILS BY VILLAGE Map Soil Map Soil symbol series Acres Percent symbol series Acres Percent Ambler Buckland 2 Am 201 14.6 5 Bu 158 15.5 3 Am 318 22.9 6 Da 150 14.8 9 ” Kb 28 Ze) 7 Da 39 3.8 10 Kb 197 14.2 36 Sh 12 Te2 a Kb 17 132 37 Sh 37 3°56 12 Kb 22 1.6, 38 Sh 30 2.9 18 Ko 320 2229: 39 Sh 17 1.6 19 Ko 41 2.9 41 Ta 79 7.9 20 Ku 50 3.6 44 Im-Da 251 24.9 21 Ku 9 0.7 W Water 241 23.8 40 Si 50 3.6 Totals: 1014 100.0 42 To 29 2.0 43 Am-Ko-Si 76 5.4 49 Riverwash 9 0.7 W Water 22 Waid. Totals: 1387 100.0 Kivalina 1 An 68 24.4 50 Gr. Beach ce 75.6 Kiana Totals: 90 100.0 4 Ba 30 3.4 14 Ki 30 3.4 15 Ki 13 325) 18 Ko 4 0:5 Noatak 19 Ko 40 4.4 20 Ko 40 4.4 4 Ba 7 0.3 21 Ko 33 B57 25 Mi 151 5.8 22 Ko 15 252 27 To 10 0.4 26 Mu 52 5.9 27 Mu 35 1.4 28 Na -70 7.8 28 Na 159 6.0 29 Na 239 26.3 29 Na 7 0.3 30 Na 94 10.5 30 Na i. 0.3 31 Na 44 4.9 33 Na 1095 42.4 32 Na 4 0.5 41 Ta 102 3:9 33 Na 79 8.8 47 Ta-Mi 672 26.1 34 Na 68 US 48 Ta-Mu 105 4.0 40 Si 9 1.0 49 Riverwash 53 i220 41 Ta 15 Vez W Water 183 Ta 49 Riverwash 3 0.4 W . Water 1 Wee Totals: 893 100.0 Totals: 2587 100 56 TABLE 3 ACREAGE AND PROPORTIONATE EXTENT OF THE SOILS BY VILLAGE Map Soil Map Soil symbol series Acres Percent symbol series Acres Percent Noorvik Selawik 4 Ba 83 8.3 8 Im 69 7.4 14 Ki 36 Py) 25 Mi 39 4.2 16 Ki 5 0.5 33 Na 175 18.7 7 Ki 10 fiend 36 Sh 136 14.5 25 Mi 229 2325 45 Im-Na 219 23.4 33 Na 213 21.8 W Water 298 31.8 36 Sh 3 0.3 Totals: 936 100.0 37 Sh 23 eae) 38 Sh 3 0-3 41 Ta 62 6.3 Shungnak 42 To 68 6.9 45 Im-Na 172 17.8 2 An 13 T33 W Water 71 UBS) 3 Am 9 0.8 Totals: 978 100.0 4 Ba 15 1.5) 8 Im 149 1S. 9 Kb 16 1.6 10 Kb 51 5.1 13 Kb 28 2.8 18 Ko 23 223 19 Ko 4 0.4 20 Ko 2 0.2 23 Ku 106 10.7 24 Ku 106 10.7 25 Mi 197 19.8 35 Sa 30 3.0 41 Ta 9 0.8 42 To 51 5.1 46 Po-Sa 93 9.4 W Water 93 9.4 Totals: 995 100.0 57 ia TABLE 4 BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT Some terms that describe restrictive soil features are defined in the Glossary. for definitions of "slight," "moderate, and "severe. See text Absence of an entry indicates that the soil was not rated. Potential Soil name Dwellings Dwellings Small rating for and map Shallow without with commercial Roads and permafrost symbol excavations basements basements buildings streets soils ]----------- Slight Slight Moderate: Slight Slight - An 2, 3-------- Moderate: Moderate: Severe: Moderate: Severe: - Am cutbanks wetness permafrost, wetness wetness, cave, wetness frost wetness action 4----------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: - Ba flooding, flooding, flooding, flooding, flooding wetness wetness wetness, wetness permafrost §----------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: 3 Bu permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, floods, floods floods floods floods, excess humus frost action 6, 7-------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: 4 Da permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness, floods, floods, floods, floods, excess humus, wetness wetness wetness frost action floods 8----------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: 4 Im permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness, wetness wetness wetness wetness, excess humus ] low strength 9, 10------- Severe: Slight Slight Slight Moderate: Kb cutbanks frost cave action ]]----------- Severe: Moderate: Moderate: Moderate: Moderate: - Kb cutbanks slope slope slope frost cave action 12, 13------- Severe Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: - Kb cutbanks slope slope slope slope cave, slope 58 TABLE 4 BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT Potentii Soil name Dwellings Dwellings Small rating and map Shallow without with commercial Roads and pemnafri symbol excavations basements basements building streets soils 14----------- Moderate: Moderate: Severe: Moderate: Severe: 1 Ki cutbanks wetness permafrost, wetness frost cave, wetness action permafrost 15----------- Moderate: Moderate: Severe: Moderate: Severe: 1 Ki cutbanks slope, - permafrost, slope, frost cave, wetness wetness wetness action permafrost, slope 16, 17------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: 7 Ki slope slope permafrost, slope slope, wetness .. frost a action 18----------- Severe: Slight Slight Slight Slight - Ko cutbanks cave 19----------- Severe: Moderate: Moderate: Moderate: Moderate: - Ko cutbanks slope slope slope slope cave 20, 21, 22---Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: - Ko cutbanks slope slope slope slope cave, slope 23, 24------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: 2 Ku permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 25----------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: 3 Mi permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness, wetness wetness wetness wetness, excess humus low strength 26----------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: 2 Mo cutbanks permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness, cave wetness wetness wetness frost action 27----------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: 5 Mu permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, excess humus excess humus excess humus excess humus excess humus wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness, 59 low strength TABLE 4 BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT Potential Soil name Dwellings Dwellings Small rating for and map Shallow without with commercial Roads and permafrost symbol excavations basements basements buildings streets soils 28, 29, 30,--Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: 2 31, 32 permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, Na wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 33, 34------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: 3 Na permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness “wetness wetness wetness 35----------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: - Sa cutbanks wetness wetness, wetness wetness cave, permafrost wetness 36, 37,------ Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: 2 38, 39 permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, Sh wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 40----------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: 5 Si floods, floods, floods, floods, floods, permafrost, permafrost permafrost permafrost permafrost excess humus, cutbanks cave 4]----------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: 5 Ta permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, excess humus’ wetness wetness wetness wetness 42----------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: - To flooding flooding flooding flooding flooding *43---------- Severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: 5 Am-Ko-Si_ wetness, floods, floods, floods, floods, permafrost, permafrost permafrost permafrost permafrost cutbanks cave *44---------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: 4 Im-Da permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness, floods, floods, floods, floods, excess humus wetness wetness wetness wetness *45---------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: 4 Im-Na permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness, wetness wetness wetness, excess humus *Ratings for complexes are wetness low strength based on the most limiting soil component. 60 =a TABLE 4 BUILDING SITE DEVELOPMENT : Potentia’ Soil name Dwellings Dwellings Small rating f¢ and map Shallow without with commercial Roads and permafro symbol excavations basements basements buildings streets soils *46§---------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: 2 Po-Sa permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost cutbanks wetness wetness wetness cave, wetness *47---------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: 5 Ta-Mi permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness, wetness wetness wetness wetness, excess humus low strength *48---------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: 5 Ta-Mu permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness, wetness wetness wetness wetness, excess humus Tow strength *Ratings for complexes are based on the most limiting soil component. 61 TABLE 5 SANITARY FACILITIES Some terms that describe restrictive soil features are defined in the Glossary. See text for definitions of "slight," "moderate," "good," "fair," and other terms. Absence of an entry -indicates that the soil was not rated. Potential Soil name Septic tank Sewage Trench Area Daily cover rating for [ and map absorption lagoon sanitary sanitary for permafrost symbol fields areas landfill landfill landfill soils . ]---------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: - An Poor filter seepage too sandy seepage seepage, too sandy [ 2, 3------- Severe: Severe: Moderate: Moderate: Fair: - _ Am wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 4---------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Fair: - Ba floods, floods, floods, floods, wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 5---------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Fair: 3 Bu permafrost, floods floods floods wetness, floods hard to pack » 7------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Poor: 4 ; Da permafrost, floods, floods, floods, wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness, permafrost | floods permafrost permafrost permafrost . ' 8---------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Poor: 4 | Im permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, i wetness wetness, wetness, wetness wetness excess humus excess humus 9, 10------ Slight Moderate to Moderate to Moderate to Fair to - Kb severe: severe: severe: good: poor filter, too sandy, seepage seepage, seepage seepage too sandy eens Moderate: Severe: Moderate to Moderate to’ Fair: - , Kb slope slope, severe: severe: slope | seepage too sandy, slope, : slope seepage ' 12, 13------ Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: - Kb slope slope slope slope slope 14---------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: 1 Ki permafrost, Permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 62 TABLE 5 SANITARY FACILITIES Potent Soil name Septic tank Sewage Trench Area Daily cover rating and map absorption lagoon sanitary sanitary for permaf ‘symbol fields areas landfill landfill landfill soils 15---------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: 1 Ki permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness, wetness wetness wetness slope 16, 17------ Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: 1 Ki permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness, wetness, wetness wetness wetness, slope slope slope 18---------- Slight Moderate to Moderate to Moderate to’ Fair to - Ko severe: severe: severe: poor: poor filter, too sandy, seepage seepage, seepage, seepage too sandy slope 19---------- Moderate: Moderate to Moderate to Moderate to’ Fair to - Ko slope severe: severe: severe: poor: poor filter, too sandy, seepage, seepage, seepage, seepage, slope too sandy, slope slope slope 20, 21, 22--Severe: Severe: Severe: - Severe: Poor: - Ko slope slope, slope, slope, slope seepage seepage seepage 23, 24------ Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: 2 Ku permafrost, permafrost, wetness, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness permafrost wetness wetness 25---------- Severe Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: 3 Mi permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness, wetness, wetness wetness, excess humus excess humus excess humus 26---------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: 2 f Mo wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness, permafrost permafrost permafrost permafrost 27---------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Poor: 5 Mu permafrost, excess humus, wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness permafrost, excess humus, permafrost hard to pack, wetness permafrost permafrost 63 r TABLE 5 SANITARY FACILITIES Potential | Soil name Septic tank Sewage Trench Area Daily cover = rating for and map absorption lagoon sanitary sanitary for permafrost symbol fields areas landfill landfill landfill soils 28, 29, 30,-Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: 2 Sls 2 permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, Na wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 33, 34------ Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: 3 Na permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 35---------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: - Sa wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness wetness, poor filter seepage too sandy too sandy 36, 37,----- Severe Severe: Severe: ~ Severe: Poor: 2 38, 39 permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, Sh wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness 40---------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Poor: 5 Si floods, floods, floods, floods, wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness, hard to pack, permafrost permafrost permafrost permafrost permafrost 4]---------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Poor: 5 Ta ponding, ponding, ponding, ponding, ponding, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost permafrost poor filter excess humus excess humus excess humus 42---------- Severe Severe: Severe: Severe: Good: - To floods floods floods floods *43--------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Poor: 5 Am-Ko-Si floods, floods, floods, floods, wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness, hard to pack, permafrost permafrost permafrost permafrost permafrost *44--------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Poor: 4 Im-Da permafrost, floods, floods, floods, wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness, wetness, permafrost floods permafrost permafrost permafrost *45--------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Poor: 4 Im-Na permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness excess humus, excess humus, wetness wetness wetness wetness *Ratings for complexes are based on the most limiting soil component. 64 TABLE 5 SANITARY FACILITIES poor filter excess humus excess humus 65 2 excess humus *Ratings for complexes are based on the most limiting soil component. Potential - Soil name Septic tank Sewage Trench Area Daily cover rating fo and map absorption lagoon sanitary sanitary for permafros'! symbol fields areas landfill landfill landfill soils *46--------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: Severe: 2 Po-Sa permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, wetness wetness wetness wetness wetness *47--------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Poor: 5 Ta-Mi ponding, Ponding, ponding, ponding, ponding, - permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost permafrost, | poor filter excess humus excess humus excess humus *48--------- Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Very severe: Poor: 5 Ta-Mu ponding, ponding, ponding, ponding, ponding, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost, permafrost permafrost, TABLE 6 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Some terms that describe restrictive soil features are defined in the Glossary. See text for definitions of "good," "fair," "poor," "probable," and "improbable." Absence of an entry indicates that the soil was not rated. Soil name and map symbol Roadfill Sand Gravel Topsoil ]----------------- Good Improbable: Probable: Poor: An small stones stones small stones 2, 3-------------- Fair: Improbable: Improbable: Good An wetness thin layer excess fines excess fines 4----------------- Fair: Improbable: Improbable: Good Ba wetness thin layer excess fines - excess fines §----------------- Fair: Improbable: Improbable: Fair: Bu wetness excess fines excess fines permafrost low strength : 6, 7-------------- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: Da permafrost excess fines excess fines permafrost wetness wetness 8----------------- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: Im permafrost excess fines excess fines permafrost wetness excess humus low strength wetness 9, 10------------- Good Probable Improbable: Fair: Kb too sandy too sandy 1]----------------- Fair: Probable Improbable: Fair: Kb slope too sandy too sandy : slope 12, 13------------- Poor: Probable Improbable: Poor: Kb slope too sandy slope eee Fair: Improbable: Improbable: Fair: Ki permafrost excess fines excess fines permafrost wetness | 5====———= =a Fair: Improbable: Improbable: Fair: Ki permafrost excess fines excess fines slope wetness 16, 17------------- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: Ki slope excess fines excess fines slope 66 TABLE 6 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Soil name and Map symbol Roadfill Sand Gravel Topsoil 18----------------- Good Probable Improbable: Fair: Ko too sandy too sandy 19----------------- Fair: Probable Improbable Fair: Ko slope too sandy too sandy slope 20, 21, 22--------- Poor: Probable Improbable: Poor: Ko slope too sandy slope 23, 24------------- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: Ku permafrost excess fines excess fines permafrost wetness wetness 25----------------- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: Mi permafrost excess fines: excess fines excess humus wetness , wetness low strength 26----------------- Poor: Improbable: : Improbable: Fair: Mo wetness thin layer too sandy too sandy wetness 27----------------- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: Mu . wetness excess fines excess fines wetness Permafrost excess humus low strength 28, 29, 30, 31,----Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: 32, 33, 34 permafrost excess fines excess fines permafrost Na wetness wetness 35----------------- Poor: Probable Improbable: Poor: Sa wetness too sandy wetness too sandy 36, 37, 38, 39----- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: Sh permafrost excess fines excess fines permafrost wetness wetness 40----------------- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: Si wetness thin layer too sandy wetness 4]----------------- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: To wetness excess fines excess fines excess humus low strength wetness 42----------------- Fair to good Improbable: Improbable: Good To thin layer thin layer 67 ‘ XN TABLE 6 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS Soil name and map symbol Roadfill Sand Gravel Topsoil 43----------------- Poor to good: Probable Improbable: Fair to Poor: Am-Ko-Si wetness too sandy too sandy 44----------------- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: Im-Da permafrost excess fines excess fines permafrost wetness wetness 45----------------- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: Im-Na permafrost excess fines excess fines permafrost wetness wetness low strength excess humus 46----------------- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: Po-Sa permafrost excess fines excess fines permafrost wetness wetness 47----------------- Poor: Improbable: - Improbable: Poor: Ta-Mi permafrost excess fines excess fines permafrost wetness wetness low strength excess humus 48----------------- Poor: Improbable: Improbable: Poor: Ta-Mu - permafrost excess fines - excess fines permafrost wetness wetness low strength 68 excess humus r- Some terms that describe restrictive soil features are defined in the Glossary. for definitions of "slight," "moderate," and "severe." the soil was not evaluated. TABLE 7 WATER MANAGEMENT See text Absence of an entry indicates tha LIMITATIONS FOR: FEATURES AFFECTING: Pond Embankments, Aquifer-fed Soil name and reservoir dikes, and excavated Drainage Irrigation map symbol areas levees ponds ]---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Deep to water Droughty An seepage seepage no water fast intake 2, 3-------------| Moderate: Severe: Moderate: Frost action Wetness Am seepage Piping slow refill 4---------------- Severe: Severe: Slight Floods Floods Ba seepage seepage frost action wetness 5---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Floods Floods Bu permafrost permafrost no water permafrost permafrost seepage seepage frost action wetness wetness 6, 7------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Floods Floods Da permafrost permafrost no water permafrost permafrost seepage seepage frost action wetness 8---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost Im permafrost permafrost no water frost action ponding seepage seepage ponding 9---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Deep to water Erodes easi Kb seepage seepage no water 10, 11, 12, 13----Severe: Severe: Severe: Deep to water Erodes easi Kb seepage seepage no water slope slope 14, 15, 16, 17----Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost Ki permafrost permafrost no water slope slope seepage seepage frost action 18,19,20,21,22----Severe: Severe: Severe: Deep to water Erodes easi Ko seepage seepage No water slope slope 23, 24------------ Severe Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost Ku permafrost permafrost no water frost action wetness seepage seepage 69 Si el TABLE 7 WATER MANAGEMENT. LIMITATIONS FOR: FEATURES AFFECTING: Pond Embankments, | Aquifer-fed . Soil name and reservoir dikes, and excavated Drainage Irrigation map symbol areas levees ponds 25---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost Mi permafrost permafrost no water frost action wetness seepage seepage wetness 26---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafost Permafrost Mo permafrost permafrost no water frost action wetness seepage seepage wetness 27---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost Mu permafrost permafrost no water frost action wetness seepage seepage wetness 28,29,30,31,------ Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost 32,33,34 permafrost permafrost no water frost action wetness Na seepage seepage slope slope wetness 35---------------- Severe Severe: Severe: Cutbanks cave Wetness Sa seepage seepage no water wetness 36, 37, 38, 39----Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost Sh permafrost permafrost no water frost action wetness seepage seepage slope slope wetness 40---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Cutbanks cave Floods Si seepage ponding cutbanks cave floods ponding seepage 4]---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost. Permafrost Ta seepage ponding no water frost action ponding seepage 42---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Deep to water Erodes easily To seepage seepage no water cutbanks cave floods 43---------------- Moderate to Severe: Severe: Cutbanks cave’ Erodes easily Am-To-Si Severe: ponding no water floods slope slope seepage +4---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost Im-Da permafrost permafrost no water frost action ponding seepage ponding 70 TABLE 7 WATER MANAGEMENT LIMITATIONS FOR: FEATURES AFFECTING: j Pond Embankments, Aquifer-fed Soil name and reservoir dikes, and excavated Drainage Irrigation map symbol areas levees _ponds 45---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost Im-Na permafrost permafrost no water frost action wetness seepage ponding 46---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost Po-Sa seepage permafrost no water frost action wetness wetness 47---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost Ta-Mi permafrost permafrost no water frost action ponding seepage ponding 48---------------- Severe: Severe: Severe: Permafrost Permafrost Ta-Mu seepage permafrost no water frost action ponding ponding ‘ 71 TABLE 8 ENGINEERING INDEX AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES (The symbol < means less than. Absence of an entry indicates that data was not estimated). Available water Soil name Perme- capacity Shrink- and map Depth Classification ability (In inches swell symbol (cm) USDA texture Unified AASHTO (In./Hr.) of soil) Reaction potential ]--------- 0-15 Gravelly GP, GW, A-1 6.0-20. < 0.2 5.6-6.0 Low An coarse sand SP 15-100 Stratified GP, GW, A-1 6.0-20 < 0.2 6.6-7.8 Low very gravelly SP sands and extremely gravelly coarse sands 2, 3,*43-- 0-38 Silt loam, ML A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 5.6-7.3 Low Am very fine ‘ sandy loam 38-100 Stratified ML or A-4 0.6-2.0 -14-.18 6.6-7.3 Low fine sandy SM A-2 loam to silt loam 4--------- 0-50 Silt loam ML A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 6.6-7.3 Low Ba 50-100 Stratified ML or A-4 2.0-6.0 -12-.16 6.6-7.8 Low and silt coarse sands §--------- 0-49 Silt or ML, OL A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 6.6-7.3 Low Bu 49-60 Frozen silt =, - - - 6.6-7.3 - loam and ice 6, 7,*44-- 21-0 Peat, hemic Pt A-8 0.6-2.0 - 5.1-6.0 Low Da material 0-16 Silt loam ML, OL A-4 0.6-2.0 .18-.23 6.6-7.3 Low 16-30 Frozen - - - - 6.6-7.3 - silt loam and ice *Each component of a complex mapping unit is entered separately. 72 TABLE 8 ENGINEERING INDEX AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Available water Soil name Perme- capacity Shrink- and map Depth Classification ability (In inches swell symbol (cm) USDA texture Unified AASHTO (In./Hr.) of soil) Reaction potential 8,*44,*45- 0-35 Peat, hemic Pt A-8 0.6-2.0 - 5.1-6.0 Low Im material 35-60 Frozen peat, - - - - 5.1-6.0 - hemic and sapric mate- rial and ice 9, 10,---- 0-7 Silt loam ML A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 5.1-6.0 Low Ws i2s t3 . Kb 7-66 Stratified ML or A-4 or 0.6-2.0 -14-.18 5.6-7.3 Low very fine SM A-2 : sandy loam, silt loam and fine sandy loam 66-100 Loamy very SP-SM, A-2 2.0-6.0 -08-.12 6.6-7.3 Low fine sand SM ML A-4 14, 15,---- 0-60 Very fine ML A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 6.1-7.3. Low 16, 17 sandy loam Ki 60-100 Frozen very - - - - 6.6-7.8 - fine sandy loam and ice 18, 19,---- 0-5 Silt loam ML A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 4.5-5.5 Low 2035; 21s: 225 *43 5-26 Very fine ML A-4 0.6-2.0 -18-.23 5.1-7.3 Low Ko sandy loam 26-100 Loamy very SP-SM, A-2, 2.0-6.0 -08-.12 6.6-8.4 Low fine sand SM, ML A-4 *Each component of a complex mapping unit is entered separately. 73 TABLE 8 ENGINEERING INDEX AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES - Soil name and map symbol Depth [~ 0-10 10-40 25, *47---- Mi 0-39 39-48 48-60 80-100 Classification Unified AASHTO (In./Hr.) USDA texture Peat, hemic Pt material Very fine ML sandy loam Frozen - stratified fine sandy loam, fine sand, silt loam and ice Peat, hemic Pt material Frozen silt - loam, mucky silt, and ice Frozen peat, - sapric material and mucky silts Stratified ML or fine sandy SM loam, loam and silt loam Frozen fine - sandy loam and ice A-8 A-4 Perme- ability 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 Available water capacity (In inches of soil) -18-.23 -14-.18 *Each component of a complex mapping unit is entered separately. 74 Shrink- swell Reaction potential 5.1-6.0 Low 6.6-7.3 Low 6.6-7.3 - 5.1-6.0 Low 5.5-6.0 Low 5.5-6.0 . Low 6.1-7.3 Low 7.6-7.3 - TABLE 8 ENGINEERING INDEX AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Soil name and map Depth [ symbol (cm) 27 ,*48----- 0-10 0-25 25-80 80-100 28, 29,---- 31-0 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,745 0-21 ~ Na 21-55 35,*46----- 0-5 Sa 36, 37,---- 0-36 38, 39 Sh 36-60 USDA texture Peat, sapric material Mucky silt loam Peat, sapric material, mucky silts Frozen peat, sapric material and ice Peat-fibric Silt loam, mucky silt loam, very fine sandy loam Ice or frozen silt loam Silt loam Loamy sand or coarse sand Silt loam, mucky, silt loam, very fine sandy loam Ice or frozen silt loam Classification Unified AASHTO Pt OL, PT Pt Pt ML, OL ML SP-SM, SM M1, OL A-8 A-8, A-8 A-8 A-4 A-4 A-2 A-4 Perme- ability (In. /Hr. ) 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 6.0-20 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 6.0-20 0.6-2.0 Available water capacity (In inches of soil) -18-.23 -18-.23 0.04-0.12 -18-.23 *Each component of a complex mapping unit is entered separately. 75 Reaction 5.1-5.5 5.6-6.0 5.6-6.0 5.6-6.0 5.1-5.5 5.6-7.3 6.1-7.3 4.5-5.0 4.5-5.5 5.6-7.3 6.6-7.8 Shrink- swell potential Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low TABLE 8 ENGINEERING INDEX AND PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES { Soil name and map symbol | 40, *43---- Si 41,*47,---- #48 Ta Depth (cm) 25-0 0-100 0-65 65-100 50-100 Classification USDA texture Unified AASHTO Peat, fibric Pt material Stratified Ml or fine sands, SM coarse sands and silts Peat, fibric Pt material Frozen peat, - sapric materials and mucky silts Silt loam ML Stratified SM, very fine ML sandy loam and fine sand Silt loam ML Stratified ML gravelley loam and very fine sandy loam Gravelly SP-SM coarse sand A-8 A-2, A-4 A-4 A-4 A-2 Perme- ability (In. /Hr. ) 6.0-20 2.0-6.0 6.0-20 0.6-2.0 2.0-6.0 0.6-2.0 0.6-2.0 6.0-2.0 Available water capacity (In inches of soil) -08-0.12 -18-.23 -12-.16 -18-.23 -14-.18 -02-.04 *Each component of a complex mapping unit is entered separately. 76 Reaction 5.1-6.0 6.6-7.3 5.1-6.0 5.1-6.0 6.6-7.3 6.6-7.8 4.5-5.0 5.1-5.5 §.1-5.5 Shrink- swell potential Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low TABLE 9 SOIL AND WATER FEATURES ("Flooding" and "water table" and terms such as "occasional," "brief," “apparent,” and "perched" are explained in the text. The symbol < means more than. Absence of an entry indicates that the feature is not a concern. ) Hydro- FLOODING HIGH WATER TABLE Potential RISK OF CORROSION Soil name and logic Depth frost ncoate map symbol roup _Frequenc, Duration Months Meters Kind Months action steel Concrete | o-eeeeeee---- A None eee ween <2.0 «ree ewee cee eene Moderate Low Low © An 2, 3---------- D None ween ween 0.3-1.0 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Low Am ‘ 4------------- D Frequent Brief May-Aug 0.4-1.0 Apparent May-Sep. High Moderate Low Ba 5 5------------- D Occasional Brief May-Jul 0.4-0.8 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Low Bu 6, 7---------- dD Frequent Brief May-Jul 0-0.3 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Low Da : 8------------- 0 None weer ween ene +0.1-0.2 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Low Im 9,10,11,12,13- 8B None weer ween <2.0 «eee een wee eee Mod. High Low - Low Kb 14,15,16,17---- 0D None eee ween 0.2-0.6 Perched May-Sep High High Moderate Ki 18,19,20,21,22- 8B None wee ween <2,.0 «ss weeeeee eeeeeee Moderate Low Low Ko 23, 24--------- D None eee eee eeee 0-0.3 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Low sewn 3 cco amelie, 2 — — ~—_- —— — —_ —_-— TABLE 9 SOIL AND WATER FEATURES Hydro- FLOODING HIGH WATER TABLE Potentia RISK RROSION Soil name and logic Depth frost Uncoated map symbol roup Frequenc, Duration Months Meters Kind Months action steel Concrete “rn were en nen ee D None coer eee n +0.1-0.3 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Moderate i 26------------- 1) None ss wweee ween 0-0.2 Perched May-Sep High High Low Mo 27------------- D None ss wweee ween 0.1-0.5 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Moderate Mu 28,29,30,31,--- 0D None ween eee eee +0.1-0.3 Perched May-Sep High High Moderate , 32,33,34 ; > Na ee D None wee oe 0.1-0.5 Perched May-Sep Moderate High High Sa : 36,37,38,39---- D None _otecete weeeee 0-0.3 Perched May-Sep High High Moderate Sh . 40------------- D - Frequent Brief | May-Aug +0.2-0.2 Apparent May-Sep High High Low Si AVaseceesestens D None wee ete +0.2-0.2 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Moderate Ta 42------------- B Occasional Brief May-Aug 1.5-2.0 Apparent May-Sep Moderate Low Low To 43------------- D None - Brief May-Aug +0.2-2.0 Apparent May-Sep High ~ Low - High - Am-Ko-Si Frequent High High TABLE 9 SOIL AND WATER FEATURES Hydro- FLOODING HIGH WATER TABLE Potential RISK OF CORROSION Soil name and logic Depth frost Uncoated map symbol roup Frequenc Duration Months Meters Kind Months action steel Concrete 44------------- D Frequent Brief May-Jul +0.2-0.2 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Moderate Im-Da 4§------------- D None weewe wee eene +0.2-0.3 Perched May-Sep High° Moderate Moderate Im-Na High High 46------------- D None == wenee nnn 0.3-0.7. Perched ~+May-Sep High High High Po-Sa 4] ------------- D None wee ween +0.2-0.3 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Moderate Ta-Mi 5 , ” 48----- woenn--- D None eee eee +0.2-0.5 Perched May-Sep High Moderate Moderate TABLE 10 CLASSIFICATION OF THE SOILS Soil Name Family or Higher Taxonomic Class An Sandy-skeletal, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryorthents Am Coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryaquept Ba Coarse-loamy, mixed, calcareous, Pergelic Cryaquept Bu Coarse-silty, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryaquept Da Coarse-silty, mixed, nonacid, Histic Pergelic Cryaquept Im Dysic Pergelic Cryohemist Kb Coarse-loamy, mixed, Pergelic Cryochrept Ki Coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryaquept Ko Sandy, mixed, Pergelic Cryorthod Ku Coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, Histic Pergelic Cryaquept Mi Euic Pergelic Cryosaprist Mo Coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, Histic Pergelic Cryaquept Mu Euic Pergelic Cryosaprist Na Coarse-loamy, mixed, nonacid, Histic Pergelic Cryaquept Po Coarse-loamy over sandy-skeletal, mixed, acid, Pergelic Cryaquept Sa Sandy, mixed, acid, Pergelic Cryaquept Sh Coarse-silty, mixed, nonacid, Pergelic Cryaquept Si Sandy, mixed, nonacid, Histic Pergelic Cryaquept Ta Dysic Pergelic Cryohemist To Coarse-loamy, mixed, calcareous, Pergelic Cryorthent 80 SOIL LEGEND Map Symbol Soil Mapping Unit 1 An gravelly coarse sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes 2 Am silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 3 Am silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 4 Ba silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 5 Bu silt, 0 to 3 percent slopes 6 Da silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 7 Da silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 8 Im peat, 0 to 3 percent slopes 9 Kb silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 10 Kb silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 11 Kb silt loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes 12 Kb silt loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes 13 Kb silt loam, 45+ percent slopes 14 Ki very fine sandy loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 15 Ki very fine sandy loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes 16 Ki very fine sandy loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes 17 Ki very fine sandy loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes 18 Ko very fine sandy loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 19 Ko very fine sandy loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes 20 Ko very fine sandy loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes 21 Ko very fine sandy loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes 22 Ko very fine sandy loam, 45+ percent slopes 23 Ku very fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 24 - Ku very fine sandy loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 25 Mi peat, 0 to 3 percent slopes 26 Mo fine sandy loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes Ze Mu peat, 0 to 3 percent slopes 28 Na silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 29 Na silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 30 Na silt loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes 31 Na silt loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes 32 Na silt loam, 20 to 30 percent slopes 33 Na silt loam, tussock tundra phase, 0 to 3 percent slopes 34 Na silt loam, tussock tundra phase, 3 to 7 percent slopes 81 Map Symbol Soil Mapping Unit 35 Sa loamy fine sand, 0 to 3 percent slopes 36 Sh silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 37 Sh silt loam, 3 to 7 percent slopes 38 Sh silt loam, 7 to 12 percent slopes 39 Sh silt loam, 12 to 20 percent slopes 40 Si fine sandy loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 41 Ta peat, 0 to 3 percent slopes 42 To silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 43 Am-Ko-Si complex, 0 to 20 percent slopes 44 Im-Da low center polygon complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 45 Im-Na low center polygon complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 46 Po-Sa complex, 0 to 7 percent slopes 47 Ta-Mi complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 48 Ta-Mu complex, 0 to 3 percent slopes 49 Riverwash, 0 to 3 percent slopes 50 Gravelly Beach, 0 to 3 percent slopes SOIL SYMBOLS Cemetery ah Wet spot ¥ Water w Perennial stream —~-——:-— Bluff Soil boundary 7S 2— 82 gaa} SOILS OF AMBLER VILLAGE 1 x 4 % 0 1 Mile Cc | 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 ° 5000 Feet aoe ss Orne oF rem Scale 1:24000 SOILS OF BUCKLAND VILLAGE 1 Mile 5000 Feet 1000 4000 3000 2000 5000 Scale 1:24000 wae Orne oF 18) SOILS OF KIANA VILLAGE 1 Mite 5000 Feet 3000 2000 1000 4000 5000 Scale 1:24000 va sa rorne oF reer SOILS OF KIVALINA VILLAGE 3/8 MILES 144 1/8 5 2000 FEET 1000 T 500 15840 Scale 1: SOILS OF NOATAK VILLAGE } Mite 5000 Feet 1000 000 2 000 3 4000 5000 Scale 1:24000 Wee ne oF ee: SOILS OF NOORVIK VILLAGE 1 Mile x 5000 Feet 4000 3000 2000 1000 5000 Scale 1:24000 aoe Ono oF ret SOILS OF SELAWIK VILLAGE 1 Mile 5000 Feet 3000 2000 1000 4000 5000 Scale 1:24000 wane Orne oF rem SOILS OF SHUNGNAK VILLAGE 3/8 MILES 74 1 1/8 78 1 2000 FEET 1600 500 Scale 1:15840 cae OTe On 1m