HomeMy WebLinkAboutSelawik Waste Heat Recovery Report And Concept Design 1990 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN Prepared for Alaska Energy Authority 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99519 Prepared by Fryer/Pressley Engineering, Inc. 560 East 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 FEBRUARY 28, 1990 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ] 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF SITE VISIT 4 4.0 POWER PLANT DESCRIPTION 5 5.0 POTENTIAL WASTE HEAT USER BUILDING DESCRIPTIONS 12 6.0 RIGHT-OF-WAY/EASEMENT 23 7.0 CONCEPT DESIGN 24 8.0 ECONOMIC DATA 45 9.0 FAILURE ANALYSIS 48 10.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 58 APPENDICES 1 Calculations a Contact Names 3. Cost Estimates 4. Raw Data LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Power Plant Photographs Power Plant Photographs Power Plant Photographs Power Plant Photographs Table 1 - Selawik Power Generation - 1989 Safe Water/Washeteria Photograph High School Building Photograph High School Interior Photographs Table 2 - Fuel Oil Use Table 2 Cont. Grade School Interior Photographs PHS Clinic Photograph Figure 1 - Legend Figure 2 - System Site Plan Figure 3 - System Schematic Figure 4 - Power Plant Cooling Schematic Figure 5 - Power Plant Floor Plan Figure 6 - Power Plant Floor Plan Figure 7 - Safe Water/Washeteria Floor Plan Figure 8 - Safe Water/Washeteria Schematic Figure 9 - High School Floor Plan Figure 10 - High School System Schematic Figure 11 - Grade School Floor Plan Figure 12 - Grade School Boiler Schematic Figure 13 - Arctic Pipe Cross Section Graph 1 Graph 2 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN 10 am] 13 15 16 17 18 22 25 26 3] 32 33 35 37 38 39 59 FEBRUARY 28, 1990 1.0 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A potential for waste heat recovery exists In the community of Selawik. Selawik Is lo- cated on the Selawik River near where It empties into Selawik Lake approximately 48 miles southeast of Kotzebue and 602 miles northwest of Anchorage by air. The heat energy could be recovered from the diesel engine-generator sets operated by Alaska Village Electric Cooperative and circulated to user buildings in the community. Three possible waste heat users have been identified: the Safe Water/Washeteria, the High School, and the Grade School. It appears as if the most economical system will provide heat only to the Safe Water/Washeteria building as year round heat utilization and least construction costs favor this concept. A summary of the construction cost estimates along with design and SIA costs Is included in the Cost Estimate Appendix. If only the base bid system Is in- stalled connecting the Safe Water/Washeteria to the generating plant, the following are the estimated results: Estimated Project Cost $179,188 Total Fuel Oil Savings 14513 gallons Total Annual Dollar Savings $18,141 Page 1 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2a 2.2 2.3 Objective The objective of the field investigation and report is to ascertain the viability of waste heat recovery and use in the community of Selawik. It has been estab- lished that there is a potential source and use for the heat energy, and that the community Is Interested in pursuing the matter. Methodology The approach for investigation and analysis has been as follows: Ik Pre-site visit information gathering: this has consisted of contact with the community officials, owners/operators of potential user buildings, and contact with the local utility. The site visit was coordinated with the local building owners/operators. 2; Field Investigation: a visit was made to the community to view the site. Photographs of the potential user buildings were taken as well as of the electrical generation buildings and equipment. Sketches were made of the equipment and piping connections. The project was discussed with local interested parties. 3. Office Analysis: additional information was collected regarding weather and historical electrical energy production. This was used in a model to predict the system performance and the amount of energy recovered. 4. Report Preparation: a draft version report was prepared for the expected audience - users and agencies with an interest. Community Description Selawik is a community of 683 persons located on both banks of the Selawik River near where the river empties into Selawik Lake, approximately 48 miles southeast of Kotzebue and 602 air miles northwest of Anchorage. Selawik is typically level tundra in the arctic transitional climate zone with underlying continuous per- mafrost. See Figure 2 in Section 7 for a partial community site plan. Page 2 2.4 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Applicable Codes and Regulations The most recently State of Alaska-adopted editions (1985 for all except as noted) of the following codes and regulations have been used in the preparation of the concept design. These are listed below: Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC - 1979) Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) Uniform Building Code (UBC) Uniform Fire Code (UFC) National Electrical Code (NEC - 1987) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes Page 3 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 3.0 DESCRIPTION OF SITE VISIT 3.1 3.2 Field Notes Contact names are included as part of the Appendix at the end of this report. They include both field contacts and contacts made by phone. Field Contacts The following people were contacted in the field: Roger Clark, City Administrator of Selawik Leo Fiebiger, Principal at Selawik High School Warren Ramoth, Public Utility Manager and AVEC Operator Henry Coaltrain, City Safe Water Plant Operator Page 4 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 4.0 POWER PLANT DESCRIPTION 41 Narrative Description Tne Selawik power plant Is located approximately two hundred feet from the Selawik River bank and centrally located within 400 feet of the principal buildings of the community. The power plant facilities include a Butler building housing two CAT 3412 generator sets, another module containing a single CAT 3406, and a small storage shed. On an adjacent property is the AVEC Operator’s house. Next to the power plant main buildings is the fuel oil storage tank farm. There are six- teen fuel oil storage tanks in two groups of eight varying in capacity from 5600 gallons to 9500 gallons for a total capacity of 130,000 gallons. The two larger generators in the Butler building of the Selawik plant are 325KW Caterpillar 3412DITA, 1200 RPM diesel engine generator sets. The smaller engine/generator housed in the SMI" module building is a 200 KW Caterpillar 3406 DITA. These generators use #1 fuel oil brought in by barge once a year. Presently there is a project underway at the Selawik power plant to install remote mounted radiators. One remote mounted radiator will serve the two engine/generator sets in the Butler building and two remote radiators now serve the SMI module single generator set. The remote mounted radiators are con- nected to the generator sets through a heat exchanger to utilize waste heat from the engine Jacket cooling water to heat the SMI module and Butler building. Tne remote radiators are piped separately for each building but the waste heat piping is inter-connected to provide heat for both buildings. The SMI module remote radiator and heat recovery system was installed at the time of the site- visit but the Butler building installation was not complete. The Butler building remote radiator will be connected to only one generator set initially. An engine skid mounted radiator will remain on the other generator set. The power plant Butler building and SMI module appear to be in good condition as are the generators. There Is limited space available for equipment should an additional waste heat system be installed. * Sheet Metal Inc. Page 5 4.2 43 4.4 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Floor Plan and Schematics See the Figures 4.5 and 6 for a simple floor plan and schematic of the system (located in Section 7). Photographs See the attached copies of the original color photographs. Available Load Information Refer to the attached Table 1 indicating historical power production. This infor- mation is from the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative for the year 1989. Figures for other years are also available. Page 6 Se PHOTO 1: POWER PLANT Butler building module with remote radiator PHS clinic in background to the right PHOTO 2: POWER PLANT Butler building module and tank farm Page 7 PHOTO 3: POWER PLANT Butler building module Engine Number 1 PHOTO 4: POWER PLANT Butler building module Engine Number 3 Page 8 PHOTO 5: POWER PLANT SMI module to left PHOTO 6: POWER PLANT Butler module to left SMI module to right Page 9 PHOTO 7: POWER PLANT SMI module Engine Number 4 PHOTO 8: POWER PLANT SMI module heat recovery pipe and equipment Page 10 TABLE 1 SELAWIK POWER GENERATION 1989 MONTH | PRODUCTION] HOURS/ | AVG. LOAD KWH MONTH JAN 105,600 744 142 FEB 99,600 672 148 MAR 114,960 744 155 APR 87,360 720 121 MAY 84,480 744 114 JUNE 66,000 720 92 JULY 66,240 744 89 AUG 78,000 744 105 SEP 92,880 720 129 OCT 107,520 744 145 NOV 114,240 720 159 DEC 122,800 744 165 ANNUAL 1,139,680 8760 130 Page 11 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 5.0 POTENTIAL WASTE HEAT USER BUILDING DESCRIPTIONS 5.1 5.2 General During the site visit, all buildings within a reasonable distance of the power plant, and with a significant heating load were considered. The buildings were visited and information about them gathered. The information is presented below. Photographs accompany each building description. Plans and schematics can be found in Section 7. Selawik Safe Water/Wasteteria Building General The building is on piles, and is constructed of wood and steel framing with a metal roof and siding. The actual age is unknown but an extensive remodel was done in 1985. The building is in good condition and is about 51 feet by 63 feet, for a 3200 square foot area. The building houses the equipment used for community water treatment, the community washeteria and showers. The water treatment equipment includes a 7400 gallon raw water tank, a 11,000 gallon treated water tank, filtration and chlorination system, and pumping system. . Heating Energy Use Besides the energy required for space heating of the building, there is water heating for the washeteria and showers, heating coils in the clothes driers, and utilidor freeze protection. The system is a single glycol/water loop with zone branches and control valves for the various loads and temperature require- ments. Tne heating energy is used via two hydronic boilers located in a separate boiler room. The hydronic system serves all the building heating requirements including domestic water and clothes drying. The domestic water heater is a storage tank with a heat exchanger tube bundle and the washeteria clothes driers have glycol coils which are their heat source. The utilidor freeze protection glycol trace system is through a shell and tube heat exchanger. Page 12 PHOTO 9: SAFE WATER/WASHETERIA Exterior View Safe Water/Washeteria on left High School on right (partial) Page 13 5.3 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Selawik High School General The building is a wood and steel structure on piles with approximately 20,000 square feet of conditioned space. The building is used mostly for educational purposes although there is some use of the gym and kitchen area for special events. The main portion of the building was constructed approximately 15 years ago. An addition was made 10 years ago which added three classrooms , toilet rooms and a boiler room . The building appears to be In good condition. Heating Energy Use The original portion of the school is heated with four indirect fuel oil-fired furnaces each located in separate fan rooms on the upper level. A fuel oil-fired water heater is located adjacent to the original toilet rooms. The equipment appears to be in good condition. The space added 10 years ago is heated separately through the use of two boilers located in the boiler room of the addition. The boilers are equiped with side arm heaters which heat domestic water through a storage tank. The hydronic system also provides utilidor freeze protection through a shell and tube heat exchanger. The equipment appeared to be in good condition. See the attached Table 2 showing fuel use for the High School recorded by the school district for 1989. Page 14 PHOTO 10: HIGH SCHOOL Exterior View Page 15 PHOTO 11: HIGH SCHOOL Boiler Room PHOTO 12: HIGH SCHOOL Typical Furnace Page 16 JAN FEB APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP NOV DEC TABLE 2 SAFE WATER BUILDING FUEL OIL USE - 1989 BUILDING: YEARLY FUEL USE: REDUCTION FOR DHW: HEATING 2401 2319 2101 1548 794 438 377 452 782 1347 1756 2513 16,828 BUILDING: DEGREE DAYS DOM. WATER HEATING GALLON: Oo oooooooo°c°o°o°o YEARLY FUEL USE: REDUCTION FOR DHW: HEATING DEGREE DAYS 2401 2319 2101 1548 794 438 377 452 782 1347 1757 2513 16,829 DOM. WATER HEATING jALLON: 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 1,090 SAFE WATER 16,716 0% NET HEATING |TOTALUSE USE (GALLONS)|(GALLONS) CALCULATED 2385 2304 2087 1538 789 435 374 449 777 1338 1744 2496 16,716 HIGH SCHOOL 21,800 5% NET HEATING USE (GALLONS) ALCULATED 2955 2854 2586 1905 977 539 464 556 962 1658 2162 3093 20,710 Page 17 TOTAL USE (GALLONS) 3046 2945 2676 1996 1068 630 555 647 1053 1748 2253 3183 21,800 NET HEATING USE (GALLONS) ACTUAL 2470 1484 1320 994 1460 966 498 921 841 1460 2430 1872 16,716 NET HEATING USE (GALLONS) ACTUAL 5484 1500 3129 981 1278 591 1818 3242 3095 21,800 TABLE 2 (continued) GRADE SCHOOL BUILDING FUEL OIL USE - 1989 BUILDING: GRADE SCHOOL YEARLY FUEL USE: 7,562 REDUCTION FOR DHW: 0% MONTH |HEATING DOM. WATER |NET HEATING See USE|NET HEATING DEGREE DAYS|HEATING USE (GALLONS)|(GALLONS) |USE (GALLONS) ALCULA ACTUAL JAN 0 1079 1079 1125 FEB 0 1042 1042 662 MAR 0 944 944 1126 APR 0 696 696 597 MAY 0 357 357 511 JUNE 0 197 197 0 JULY 0 169 169 0 AUG 0 203 203 185 SEP 0 351 351 444 OCT 0 605 605 941 NOV 0 789 789 958 DEC 0 1129 1129 1013 0 7,562 7,562 7,562 Page 18 5.4 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Grade School General The grade school is a wood structure on a pile foundation. It is currently used for elementary school activities. The building has classrooms and some administra- tive space. The school was built in 1963 and Is approximately 6,500 square feet in area, It Is in generally good condition. Heating Energy Use A single mechanical room in the school building houses two fuel-oil fired boilers which provide all of the heating for the school. Domestic hot water is produced using tankless heaters mounted in the boilers and a storage tank. In addition glycol is circulated through a shell-and-tube heat exchanger for freeze protec- tion of the community water distribution utilidor. - Refer to Table 2 for the yearly fuel oil use for the building. Monthly figures for fuel consumption were provided by the School District. Page 19 PHOTO 13: GRADE SCHOOL Utilidor heating equipment v7 PHOTO 14: GRADE SCHOOL Boiler Room Page 20 5.5 5.6 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 PHS Clinic General The PHS clinic Is located near the AVEC generator modules. The clinic is a wood frame structure on piles approximately 1050 square feet. The building has an exam room, office space, storage space, and a boiler room. Heating Energy Use A single fuel-oil fired boiler serves the PHS clinic. The boiler is with a tankless heater for domestic water heating. Connecting the PHS clinic to the heat recovery system cannot be justified based on energy savings or economic criteria. The PHS clinic however is the closest building to the AVEC generators and does have a problem with it’s domestic water utility connections freezing up on occasion. Consideration should be given to connecting the PHS clinic to the heat recovery system as a public service. It and the Safe Water buildings are two of the most important buildings in the com- munity. Other Buildings Other buildings that were within a reasonable distance of the AVEC generator plant and were identified as potential waste heat users included: the City Office building, the Teachers Quarters, and a School Shop building. Including these buildings in the waste heat recovery system cannot justified however as all the available waste heat can be utilized by the buildings proposed in the concept design. The energy use computer model was run on these buildings to determine the possible fuel savings but since there were no additional savings it is not in- Cluded in this report. Page 21 PHOTO 15: OTHER BUILDINGS City Offices and Tank Farm PHOTO 16: PHS CLINIC Boiler ROOOM SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 6.0 RIGHT-OF-WAY/EASEMENT 6.1 Narrative Description The issue of right-of-ways and easements were not addressed as part of this report. Page 23 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 7.0 CONCEPT DESIGN Tel System Narrative In keeping with the previous AEA recommendations, the current concept design includes a single three chamber flat plate heat exchanger at the power plant. The flow will be without any booster pump on the engine side of the system. Since the actual operating points of the engine-mounted pumps are not known it Is assumed that there is some allowance for a low pressure drop heat ex- changer. On the primary loop, a main circulation pump will be designed for the pressure drop of the furthest connected building. In addition, an air separator, and ex- pansion tank, and a glycol make-up system Is required. The pump’s design flow rate will be for the maximum heat available at a 20 degree temperature drop. The piping to each of the connected buildings will be through arctic pipe placed on wooden cribbing as the local soils are continuous permafrost. Two separate arctic pipes are envisioned, one for supply to the building, and one for return to the power plant. See the attached Figure 2 for the system schematic. Balancing valves are used at the connection to existing piping for two reasons. The first is to allow balancing of the flow to the heat exchanger; the second is to provide a means of measuring the flow rate at that point in the piping. All connections to the user buildings will be using flat plate heat exchangers. This will limit problems associated with damage of distribution piping and intercon- nection of systems. Precautions must be taken to prevent overcooling of the generator jacket water and to prevent building system boilers from heating the waste heat distribution system. Each of these issues can be addressed with controls and valving. They can also be automated to some degree but the solutions must be carefully balanced with the need for system simplicity. Page 24 BALANCE VALVE GATE VALVE 2—WAY CONTROL VALVE 3-WAY CONTROL VALVE CHECK VALVE STRAINER UNION CIRCULATING PUMP THERMOMETER [>-=O-27mPXs AIR SEPARATOR LOW WATER CUTOFF FLOW ARROW PIPE DOWN PIPE UP NEW RETURN LINE NEW SUPPLY LINE EXISTING RETURN LINE EXISTING SUPPLY LINE NEW EQUIPMENT/VALVES IN THIS COLOR EXISTING EQUIPMENT/VALVES IN THIS COLOR SYSTEM SCHEMATIC USES ADDITIONAL COLORS TO DEFINE SYSTEMS DYN BY: MD. P’ symBot LEGEND TKD BY FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING [pae— ANCHORIGE ALASKA 69603" ” (o07)501-1006 2/28/90 Page 25 SELAWIK RIVER WATER UTILIDOR (9 ~~ Jf AVEC MODULES 7 | PHS CLINIC GRADE SCHOOL oO AVEC FUEL TANKS TEACHER'S QUARTERS SCHOOL COMMUNITY BLDG. ay SAFE WATER PLANT NOTE: IF CONCEPT #1 IS THE ONLY INSTALLATION MADE (SAFE WATER ONLY) THEN HEAT RECOVERY ARCTIC PIPE SIZE WILL BE 2” FOR SUPPLY AND RETURN. DWN BY: MD FP sevawn site PLAN CKD BY . FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING [par G00) Bast. 24th AVENUE! STE 900 jeoviset ines 2/28/90 Page 26 7.2 7.3 74 75 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Site Plan/Routing The routing will be as shown on the attached plan. Concept 1 is for connection only to the Safe Water/Washeteria building. Concept 2 also connects to the High School. Concept 3 is connection also to the Grade School. The routing is shown on Figure 2. Generator Room Plans/Schematics To facilitate the new waste heat recovery heat exchanger, a module extension to the Butler building would have to be constructed. The module extension would be similar to the extension built for the remote radiator mounting which consisted of a cantilevered shed roof platform. The new cantilevered platform would be an insulated enclosure approximately 5’ X 15’ with a separate external entrance to house the heat exchanger only. See the attached Figure 3 for the design con- cept for changes to the power plant. User Building Plan/Schematics The waste heat recovery primary circulating pumps, expansion tank and glycol mix tank will be located in the Safe-Water building boiler room. AVEC has re- quested that the pumps and auxilary equipment not be located in the power plant. See the attached Figures 7 through 12 for proposed changes to each of the potential user buildings. The High School space heating hot air furnaces will be fitted with new waste heat recovery Coils. The new Coils will be mounted down straem of the furnace section for ease of installation and minimal duct and furnace moodification. The coil valve control sequence will utilize a staged thermostat that will not allow the fur- nace to fire while the valve coil is open. This will prevent the waste heat recovery system being heated by the furnace. Arctic Pipe Section Because of the unstable nature of the soils and the continous permafrost layer in Selawik all utilities are routed above ground. The waste heat recovery system arctic pipe would be run above ground supported on wooden cribbing. There are also no vehical roads as such in Selawik but a system of elevated Page 27 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 boardwalks. The arctic pipe would pass under the elevated boardwalks where they cross. A cross section of the arctic pipe configuration is shown in the Figure 13. Page 28 YsALVM avs | wag08| §=jyaz08 \ “3did OUOYV NI SI SONITTING [ —-t00HOs 3avu9 | YaN08} =| yIT108 YBONVHOXZ LV3H Y3SNVHO TIYHL AYIAOISY LV3H FLSVM —— | a TOOHOS HO! 3GISLNO NNY NMOHS ONidid TV ><1 4 ciaaeemaed ——— ——— = |e nina WALSAS ONITIUING WALSAS NOLLNGIMLSIC WALSAS YOLVYINID yai08 1 yao dnd ONLWINIYID ¥ as bans WAISAS AY3A093Y LV3H GISWM aaa LNV1d YsMOd y YOLVYINID £ YOLVYINIO | | YOLVYIN39 | | 4 | | = | "| > pe Ld = So © ud ac KE <x ud = Lu ee ”n <x = x = < pa | i ”n oO — <x = uJ a oO nn = Lu ke nn > Yn oO S Ao ea) x] yd 4 Oo a ca Pt fq 4 Ya n fe N ee = or fy ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 660 EAST 34th FIP Page 29 STINGOW OL NYNLIY ONY Alddf'S V3H SVR jf pas re \ YaLV3H 40078 é SINOUGAH 3NIONS OL eae mae a =n ———— | ef ON —D><+ AWA BI ony OXLNOD LONY > XO z 0 ‘dl ‘SMOLVIGVY SLON3Y a NOISNALX3 SINGOW NI ONIdid SNNO0D GaL¥901 4YOM M3N YOLVYINSD .% ONUSIXS 3did OLIV SSWdA@ ON oO a — e ; ea & ! Z wous/OL | eae O SdWNd ONLWINOYID ' ol] MBONVHOX3 LV3H ' Fl 3 I ' a <x 1 ' ! 3 i \ = zs > 3 ! eSS=S SSS SSS SSeS eS Se See See SSS — ol ca § ' \ wi Ol, | 1 Z”Y|N8 | hy! c# YoLvu3N3o WF YOLVUaN30 Hy s/n | 'aWoldAL ‘NaLY3H ij/E)gs ' 1 : | | 0078 3NONI OL 5 He 3 1 1 = = Que | \ jYINS STINGOW OL NYNLIY ONY ! 1 2 ols UBONVHOXS LW3H AlddNS 13H 3LS¥M ! \ Zz Sau Aw3A0038 L3H ‘| ' ' oS BR Cd oe, ! ' 5 ia [aes ' = 2 om o Sirs ! \ a oO} ' \ | 1 e \ \ ' ' ' 1 hea ite > = Af FIP i ONIdid nro” MOLVYINID .” ONILSIXS ULNOD LOWY Page 30 GENERATOR #4 MODULE HEATING HEAT EXCHANGER SPEED CONTROL [ RADIATOR VARIABLE — a DWN BY: SMI MODULE. PLAN rn F|P setawk Power PLANT ci BE . FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING [ie 660 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE 300 2/28/90 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 996503 (907)561—1666 Page 31 YaLV3H LINN JYNSOTONS YJONVHOXS LV3H NOISNILX3 t— JINGOW G3YSAFIWLNVO M3N c# YOLVYANID E it YV39 HOLIMS WN YOLVYINID t re nm QNV AlddNS ddld OLOYY NN“ YOLVIOWY SLOWSY )—y3onv HOX4 $| YSONVHOXI LV3SH ONLLV3H FINGON Y30V3H ONNOOD SNIONS YOLVIGVY ALOWSY ONILSIXS LV3H YSaNVHO F3YHL AYIAODSY y JOMLNOD aaads 4 LW3H ALSVM M3N FIAVINVA YOLVIGVY BUTLER BUILDING PLAN SELAWIK POWER PLANT FIP FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING Page 32 HEAT RECOVERY CIRCULATING PUMPS SUPPLY AND ARCTIC PIPE RETURN BOILER ROOM HEAT RECOVERY EQUIPMENT LOCATION FOR NEW FIP. sare wAteR/WASHETERIA FLOOR PLAN . FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561-1666 2/28/90 Page 33 Adid ILIV WOus/OL SdWNd ONILYINOYID AM3A003Y LY3H SLSVM ysl08 | vy 40 WOIdAL dWMd NYNLIY Y3ANd S3HLOTO VINSLIHSWM | J > u30V3H YHD YH .Y 3 Y31108 ~~ : u30V3H SHO | —>1{ jos ONUW3H ONIMING OL ® YALV3H YSLVM OILSSNO0 OL 6 40 WOldAL ‘Wald SSHLOTO VINALIHSVM OL ——. sa 4 ANVL NOISNVdX3 (907)561-1666 FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING 560 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE 300 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA SYSTEM SCHEMATIC SAFE WATER FP Page 34 ARCTIC PIPE SUPPLY AND —s eu J (4 Yo ov HEAT RECOVERY EQUIPMENT LOCATED, IN UPPER LEVEL FURNACE ROOM ad | | O ry BOILER ROOM DWN BY: MD. FIP uick scHoot Floor PLAN or . FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING |i GRCHORAGE ALASKA, 9603" (o07)se1-1666 2/28/90 Page 35 % 4O ‘dAL ‘“SOWNUNA O34l4 110 40 WY34LS NMOO OD AY3A093Y4 1V3H woud v/a N¥4 AlddNS d001 A¥3A0034 1V3H 1100 M3N woud v/¥ v/O oomeee WALSAS Ci— WOus V/4 woud ¥/Y v/o — SY3L As OL v/S W3LSAS OL v/s Su31108 ONULSIX3 OL dOO?) AW3A003Y LV3H S3NOZ WOU 7 f Lf YOM MIN TT YY WOOY JOWNYNI NI G3L¥907 YSONVHOX9 1V3H AY3A0034 Lv3H > ddld OWLONY OL ya08 | | | | | | | | L t 3NOZ WOU 1 YNVL “dXZ 3NOZ OL 3NOZ OL 3NOZ OL HIGH SCHOOL SYSTEM SCHEMATIC FIP FRYER /PRESSLEY ENGINEERING 560 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE 300 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 Page 36 BOILER ROOM WATER /SEWER UTILIDOR ENTRANCE \ EXISTING BOILERS ——— ——— LOCATION OF NEW -—3— ~—! HEAT RECOVERY ARCTIC PIPE EQUIPMENT SUPPLY AND RETURN F\P crave scHoon PLAN FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING 560 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE 300 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99603 (907)561-1666 Page 37 1 YOM MIN ee ~~ SSNOZ WOuS ya108 v ae (907)561-1666 FRYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING 560 EAST 34th AVENUE SUITE 300 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 GRADE SCHOOL SYSTEM SCHEMATIC J SNOZ OL JNOZ OL FiP ! ANOZ OL ANOZ OL Page 38 WASTE HEAT SUPPLY AND RETURN PIPING 24” X 24” CRIBBING STACK OF 4” X 4” TREATED LUMBER, _ LAYERED IN ALTERNATING LEE | SX DIRECTION BO eS) &0 QR sy PIPE CLAMP HEIGHT AS REQUIRED GRADE = J _ A Ss “ec a Ae TIE i ee PTE, ET et DWN BY: MD CKD BY: Tw DATE: 2/28/90 ARCTIC PIPE F\P cross section . ERYER/PRESSLEY ENGINEERING ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 996503 (907)561-1666 Page 39 7.6 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Outline Specifications The outline specifications for the major components of the system are shown below. 15010 GENERAL CONDITIONS The system shall be balanced by the Contractor to the flow specified in the construction documents. 15050 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS Valves: Valves for isolation use shall be gate type rated for 150 psig. Piping: Piping inside buildings shall be type "L" copper or steel schedule 40 with dielectric unions at connection points of dissimilar metals. 15120 ARCTIC PIPE Arctic Pipe: Carrier pipe shall be schedule 40 steel. Insulation shall be foamed polyurethane with no voids. Thickness of insulation to be mini- mum of 2 inches. Jacket pipe shall be steel or high density polyethylene. Arctic pipe system shall include kits or fittings for take-off connections to main loop that provide water-tight seal. 15250 MECHANICAL INSULATION Piping insulation: Pipe insulation shall be fiberglas with an all-service Jacket. Minimum insulation thickness shall be 1-1/2 inches. 15750 HEAT TRANSFER Heat Exchangers: Heat exchangers shall be plate and frame type with minimum 20 gage stainless steel plates, painted steel frame with head and end support, top carrying bar, and bottom guiding bar. Ports shall be international pipe thread. Capacity shall be as specified. Accept- able manufacturers are Bell & Gossett, APV, Tranter, and Alfa Laval. Page 40 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Circulation Pumps: The primary loop circulation pump shall be an in-line centrifugal pump capable of 40 GPM at 30 feet of head. All pumps shall be compatible with a glycol heating fluid. 15900 CONTROLS Sequence of Operation: All of the pumps shall be manually switched. 16010- GENERAL This Section of the Division 16 Specifications will include the following sub- headings with appropriate explanations of the requirements covered in each. GENERAL AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS Refers the Contractor to the Project Specifications’ General and Special Conditions. DRAWINGS Explains the nature of the Drawings and how the information depicted on the Drawings should be used and interpreted when viewed in the context of the entire set of Contract Documents. DEFINITIONS Defines some of the major terms used in writing the Specifications. SUBMITTALS AND APPROVALS Defines the acceptable information considered to constitute the material submittals required for verifying the actual equipment and materials proposed for use in the Project’s electrical systems. Page 41 16020- 16021- SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Directs caution in the storage and handling of materials to ameliorate their possible damage prior to their installation. JOB CONDITIONS Advises the Contractor to visit the site to acquaint himself with the actual conditions at this Project's location. PRODUCTS Establishes general criteria and standards of quality for the Project which apply to all of the materials proposed for the Project. This sub-section also requires all electrical materials to be labeled for their intended use and environment by UL. CLEANING The Contractor is required to clean all surfaces of equipment and remove debris and unused materials in this sub-section. WORK INCLUDED This area of the Division 16 Specification lays out the generalized descrip- tions of the electrical systems and work required in this Project. It also covers which area of the Specifications will define the requirements for equipment or installations which must be coordinated with other building trades. WORK NOT INCLUDED This Section deals with those items which will definitely be provided within other areas of the Project's various disciplines. An example of such an item would be the motors provided on a fan unit (obviously specified in Division 15) which is specified complete with a motor starter, disconnect or other accessories normally found in Division 16. Page 42 16032- 16111- 16120- 16131- 16147- SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 MANUALS AND AS-BUILT DRAWINGS Sub-paragraphs describing the required contents of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals, defining the periods of instruction for the Owner's designated personnel and the updating of information necessary to prepare record drawings of this Project's final configuration are con- tained in this Section. CONDUIT All types of raceways and their associated appurtenances will be covered in this Section of Division 16. Galvanized rigid steel conduit, PVC-coated galvanized rigid steel conduit, intermediate metallic con- duit, electrical metallic tubing, flexible metal conduit and liquid-tight flexible conduit will be specified. Fittings, couplings, grounding and where each type of raceway may be used will be specified. WIRES AND CABLES Building wires and cables for the distribution, feeders and branch circuits required for this Project are defined in this Section. This Section typically covers only wire with voltage ratings below 600 V. PULL BOXES AND JUNCTION BOXES The various types of pull boxes and junction boxes which will be allowed and/or required for installing the systems defined within Division 16 are specified in this Section. DEVICE PLATES AND COVERS Surface mounted boxes shall be galvanized steel plates. Weatherproof installations will have gasketed metal plates. Page 43 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 16155- MOTOR STARTERS This Section will specify the motor contactors and controllers required by mechanical equipment. All controllers will be specified to have integral thermal overloads for motor overload protection. Combination starters utilizing circuit breakers or motor circuit protectors and that are UL listed for the application, will be acceptable. Combination starters utilizing fuses will not be allowed. 16161- GROUNDING This Section expands on the National Electrical Code requirements. 16164- BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELBOARDS Branch circuit breakers required to connect new equipment to existing panelboards will be specified in this Section. All circuit breakers will be bolt-on molded case circuit breakers of the rating and configuration necessary to serve general branch circuits and other defined loads. 16170- MOTOR AND CIRCUIT DISCONNECTS Unfused switches will be specified. Disconnects for motor applications will be required to be horsepower rated. Other disconnects will be specified to have ratings as necessary for the application. Enclosures will be NEMA 1 except where otherwise required. 16190- SUPPORTING DEVICES This Section will contain the requirements for hardware, anchors and fas- teners used to support raceways, equipment and any other electrical apparatus. Page 44 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 8.0 ECONOMIC DATA 8.1 8.2 Current Fuel Oil Costs Fuel oil prices for Selawik varies depending on the source. The city pays $1.25/gallon to the school district for oil used by the Safe Water building but for the city offices fuel must be bought by the drum which costs about $1.88/gallon. Fuel oil costs for the school district are $1.08/gallon. Displaced Costs Due to Heat Recovery The calculations that model the waste heat system are shown in the Appendix at the end of this report. These calculations essentially make comparisons of the waste heat available to the waste heat demand of the connected buildings. These comparisons are made for each hour of an average day of each month of the year. Since it may not be economically feasible to connect all of the potential build- ings, the calculations were made in order of building connection based on economic recovery potential, that is, the building that paid off the earliest was connected first. In this proposed order, the Safe Water/Washeteria building was connected first, then the High School, and last the Grade School. The results of the calculations based on the most recent fuel oil costs were as fol- lows: CONCEPT GALLONS SSAVINGS 1 14513 $18,141 2 18,598 $22,553 3 18,965 $22,949 Page 45 8.3 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Summary Cost Estimate The assumptions for the cost estimate was that bidding would take place in April of 1990. Prevailing local wages as defined by the Department of Labor were used. The cost estimate Is presented with costs identified for the total project, but broken out separately to show the component costs for the work at the power plant, for the arctic pipe, and for each of the connected buildings. Since there can be much more energy demand than is available with the con- nected buildings, the cost estimate is organized in an additive alternate form. Energy Authority SIA (Supervision, Inspection, and Administration) costs are in- cluded in the figures shown below. CONCEPT COST 1 $179,188 2 $273,800 3 $304,743 Page 46 8.4 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 8, 1990 Estimated Component Life and Maintenance Costs The following estimates of maintenance cost were made based on the in- cremental cost of a technician who is already on-site. Assumptions were made for each of the pieces of equipment regarding frequency of inspection and repair. The total yearly maintenance cost will depend on the scope of installa- tion. The costs for all buildings connected is shown. tem Life (yrs) Maint, Cost ($/Y) Heat Exchangers 20 $126 (each, 4 total Circulation pumps 15 $112 (each, 2 total Arctic Pipe 15 $700 (total Interior piping 15 $70 (each location, 4 total) Interior valves 15 $140 (each location, 4 total) Expansion Tank 15 $70 (each, 2 total) Air Separator 15 $35 (each, 2 total) Glycol 15 $300 (total) TOTAL (base bid) $2,778/year Page 47 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 9.0 FAILURE ANALYSIS 91 General The purpose of this section is to analyze the reliability if the various components of the proposed waste heat recovery system. The analysis of the system will help guide the direction of the design to avoid systems with increased failure rates and repair costs and reduced waste heat recovery effectiveness. 9.2 Identification of Major Components The following components are those whose failure is likely in the normal course of operation and whose failure could affect the operation of the generator or waste heat recovery systems. A brief description of the component follows the identification. Circulation pump(s): This is the pump (centrifugal) that will be used to cir- culate fluid from the heat exchanger in the power plant to the user buildings through the arctic pipe. This discussion also applies to booster pumps (in-line type) that can be used in the user buildings to help overcome the additional pressure drop of the waste heat recovery system heat exchanger. A pump may also be used on the generator side of the system to help overcome the added pressure drop of the heat exchanger or the case where hydronic coils have been added to an all air system. Jacket Water Heat Exchanger: This component is the device used to transfer heat from one liquid to another. In the design presented here, it is a flat plate, or plate and frame type heat exchanger. The device consists of vertical plates separated by gaskets with the fluid of one system flowing in alternate plates heating (or cooling) the other fluid. There are no moving parts during operation. Stack Gas Heat Exchanger: This is a device similar in concept to the jacket water heat exchanger with the exception that the fluids being considered include both a liquid (the waste heat recovery transfer medium) and a gas - the exhaust gases from the engine. Although there are no moving parts, the heat exchanger surface is subject to very high temperatures from the exhaust gases (to 1400 degrees F). Radiator(s): Tnese devices are part of the generation system rather than the waste heat recovery portion. They are used to provide cooling for the engines by transferring heat from the engine coolant to the atmosphere. In conjunction Page 48 9.3 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 with the waste heat recovery system, they would be used only when cooling is required beyond the cooling that has occurred through the use of waste heat by the recovery system. Control Valve(s): Control valves are used to maintain a setpoint tem- perature at a specific location in a piping system. In the case of the generation system, they often are the self-contained type as manufactured by Amot. The valve operator movement Is based on the expansion of wax in the valve case. Alternatives are an electrically operated valve to serve the same function. Exterior piping (arctic pipe): The arctic pipe is a pipe-within-a-pipe system used for transferring fluid between locations. The center pipe, or carrier pipe is used for fluid transfer. The carrier pipe is insulated to reduce heat transfer. Outside the insulation is a second pipe called the jacket. This is used to protect the insulation. Interior piping/valves: This portion of the system is found at the power plant or at the user buildings. Its purpose is to transfer and control the fluid to the com- ponents of the system. Failure Mode and Impact For each of the components identified above, the likely mode or modes of failure is discussed. These failure modes have been surmised based on conversations with equipment manufac- turers and based on engineering experience and judgment. In addition, the impact of failure on the generation and the waste heat recovery system Is gaged as is the environmental effects. Recommended immediate actions by the system caretaker are also noted. Circulation pump(s) Failure Mode: The pump assembly can fail by the failure of its in- dividual components. These include shaft seals, shaft bearings, motor, impeller, or casing. Impeller or casing failure is not expected to occur before the life of the com- ponent has been reached. This life is expected to be 15 years. Generator Operational Impact: Since failure of a booster pump used on the gener- ator side of the system could result in a high-temperature shut-down of the engine, its use is not recommended. The likely reason for the addition of a booster pump is to over- come additional pressure drop imposed by the system by new heat recovery equip- Page 49 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 ment. To avoid the need for the pump, the system should be designed to keep addi- tional pressure drop below the maximum rated pressure drop of the engine mounted pump. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: Where only a single circulation pump has been installed for heat transfer services, its failure could result in complete suspension of heat recovery. Shaft seal and shaft bearing failures in their early stages would have little effect on operation but could eventually reduce heat recovery to zero after complete failure. When duplex pumps have been installed, the heat recovery will be affected only until the standby pump can be put into service which can occur minutes after the failure is noted. Environmental Impact: Minor - a shaft seal failure could result in a slow fluid leak that could reach the ground outside. Required Immediate Actions: If no significant loss of fluid has occurred (due to shaft seal failure), replacement of the pump will restore the system to service. The pump should be isolated with the valves on either side of the pump, fluid checked and proper fluid level restored as needed, and the back-up pump (if installed) started. Jacket Water Heat Exchanger Failure Mode: Since there are no moving parts, the failure of this component can occur from failure of the gaskets, or failure on the frame or plates. Since the plates are generally of stainless steel, failure is unlikely during the rated life of the equipment - or approximately 20 years. The frame is also unlikely to fail during the 20 year life. The only probable failure during the life would be the gaskets, probably exhibited as a slow leak that worsens with time. Generator Operational Impact: If the gaskets failed serving the generator cooling system fluid, enough fluid could leak out to cause a low water shut-down of the engine. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: Similar to the scenarios above, if fluid from the waste heat system were to leak from failed gaskets, the system could be in- capacitated. Page 50 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Environmental Impact: A major loss of the fluid, most likely an ethylene glycol mix- ture could have some environmental impacts. Ethylene glycol Is toxic. The problem could be reduced by using propylene glycol which is potable. The problem that often results when using propylene glycol is failure of operating or maintenance personnel to use compatible glycol for system make up. Required Immediate Actions: If an engine side gasket has failed, the heat ex- changer should be bypassed and manual shut-off valves used on the leaking side. If the leak occurs on the waste heat side, isolation valves should be closed and the circulation pump shut off. Stack Gas Heat Exchanger Failure Mode: Three mechanisms can lead to this component failure. The first is through operational wear. This wear is caused by the passage of hot exhaust gases over the heat exchanger surface. The failure through this mechanism determines the life of the equipment which is approximately 5 years. Two other forms of failure can occur: the first is through thermal shock by passage of relatively cold fluid into the exchanger which has been heated to the exhaust gas temperature. Sudden contraction will destroy the heat exchanger. The second type of failure could occur if the heat exchanger is kept at too low of a temperature allowing sulfuric and hydrochloric acids to form from the exhaust gases. Rapid corrosion would result in the heat exchanger failure. Generator Operational Impact: If the heat exchanger is located away from the generator, its failure would probably not release glycol onto the engines surface. Since the flow path of the exhaust gases would not be any more restricted after failure, no significant backpressure is expected to develop. If the stack gas heat exchanger is used to heat fluid after passing through the main jacket water heat exchanger, no loss of en- gine coolant will occur. However, to avoid pipe contamination, the generator should be shut down. If available or designed, a bypass device that allows exhaust gases to fol- low a path away from the heat exchanger would allow generator operation with a damaged or missing heat exchanger. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: Tne waste heat system would be disabled by a sudden stack gas heat exchanger failure. Environmental Impact: The loss of fluid to the environment could represent a problem as outlined in previous discussions. Page 51 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Required Immediate Actions: After failure of the stack gas heat exchanger, the exchanger should be Isolated with valves and a bypass mechanism used for the stack gases. Fluid should be added to make up for losses, and lost fluid collected where pos- sible. Radiator(s) Failure Mode: The main component of the radiators is the heat exchanger for cooling of the liquid. The heat exchanger Is expected to last the life of the radiator or 15 years. The other modes of failure are similar to for circulation pumps: shaft bearings or motors, or controls. The controls in this case are assumed to be variable speed controls for the fan motor. Generator Operational Impact: Failure through leakage would drain the fluid and cause a low water shutdown of the generator. Failure of the fan-related hardware would result In Insufficient cooling and a high-temperature shut down. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: There would be no effect on the waste heat system until generator shut down. At that time of course, no more heat would be avail- able for recovery. Environmental Impact: Tne only environmental impact would be if a leakage failure occurred which is not the highest probability failure. Required Immediate Actions: The radiator should be isolated and an alternate radiator used for cooling until repairs can be made. Control Vaive(s) Failure Mode: The valve casing is expected to last the life of the valve or 20 years. The most likely failure before the life is reached is that of leaking seals or seats, or failure of the operating mechanism. The seal or seat failure will normally result in a low-loss leak of fluid until repaired. The control mechanisms that can be used in this instance include Amot type operators which use the expansion characteristics of wax to operate the valve or electric motor driven operators. Although Amot-type operators fail less fre- quently than electric motor operators, they have the disadvantages of less control (which means less heat recovery) and do not indicate current control position. Page 52 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Generator Operational Impact: Failure of the operators will normally result in loss of control. Often time these failures can occur at a mixing condition which may not im- mediately cause a system failure. The extreme cases would result in overheating. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: As discussed above, a failure in a mixing mode may not cause complete failure, but it is possible. Environmental Impact: Minor - only small leaks normally develop through seal and seat failures. Required Immediate Actions: The valve should be isolated as soon as the seat or seal failure is discovered. If the failure is an electric operator, the valve could be manually positioned to an acceptable position until the operator can be replaced. When an Amot-type valve is used, manual bypass valves can be used. Exterior piping (arctic pipe) Failure Mode: The only failure mode likely to interfere with the system operation would be a fluid leak at a joint. Generator Operational Impact: None. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: A significant leak would shut down the sys- tem. Environmental Impact: The leaking fluid could drain the entire piping system. Required Immediate Actions: The pump would be turned off, the system drained as much as possible, and the leaking line isolated as close to the leak as possible. Interior piping/valves Failure Mode: Interior piping joints will normally last the length of the pipe life - about 20 years - unless physically damaged. The valves may suffer the same failures as men- tioned above for control valves. Generator Operational Impact: A fluid leak would generally be small but it is pos- sible that enough fluid would leak until a low water shut down occurred. Waste Heat System Operational Impact: Same as for Generation system effect. Page 53 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Environmental Impact: Minor. Required Immediate Actions: Isolate the leaking valve, shut off pump if fluid loss is significant. 94 Failure Frequency and Cost Frequencies of failure have been estimated based on conversations with manufacturers and on engineering judgment. Assumptions made regarding the repair include: 1 On-site operator's skill are that of a “caretaker.” 2. Skilled preventive maintenance is performed 3 times yearly. 3. A one day weather delay is included for all winter repair trips. 4. Travel to site for repair is via jet, and then charter. 5. Skilled mechanics are mobilized from Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau as ap- propriate. 6. Costs are based on $43/hour labor costs. % Travel time is 12 hours round trip. 8. Travel cost is $600 round trip. 9 Subsistence costs are $100 per day. Circulation pump(s) Most common failure: Shaft seal, shaft bearings, or motor. Frequency of Occurrence: 0.1 per year Repair Cost: $1900/occurrence Estimate of Down Time: 2 days after discovery Effects of System Life on Frequency: Increase in probability only. Page 54 Jacket Water Heat Exchanger Most common failure: Frequency of Occurrence: Repair Cost: Estimate of Down Time: SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Gasket failure. 0.1 per year $1900/occurrence 9 days Effects of System Life on Frequency: Increasing probability. Stack Gas Heat Exchanger Most common failure: Frequency of Occurrence: Repair Cost: Estimate of Down Time: Operator error - damage to heat exchanger 1 per year $6600/occurrence 30 days Effects of System Life on Frequency: No effect due to frequent expected replacement Radiator(s) Most common failure: Frequency of Occurrence: Repair Cost: Estimate of Down Time: Motor failure 0.1 per year $1800/occurrence 5 days Effects of System Life on Frequency: Increased probability. Page 55 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Control Valve(s) Most common failure: Electric operator (seal for Amot valve) Frequency of Occurrence: 0.33/year (0.1 for Amot valve) Repair Cost: $1800/occurrence Estimate of Down Time: 3 days Effects of System Life on Frequency: Increasing likelihood due to wear Exterior piping (arctic pipe) Most common failure: Accidental damage Frequency of Occurrence: 0.1 per year Repair Cost: $1800/occurrence Estimate of Down Time: 21 days Effects of System Life on Frequency: None Interior piping/vaives Most common failure: Valve seat/seal failure Frequency of Occurrence: 0.25 per year Repair Cost: $1800/occurrence Estimate of Down Time: 2 days Effects of System Life on Frequency: Increased likelinood due to wear Page 56 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 95 Design Decisions Impact on current concept design from the above failure analysis includes the recommenda- tion that stack gas heat exchangers not be used in a location where the operator is a not a skilled maintenance person. This recommendation Is due to the sensitivity of the equipment to operator error and the delay that could be encountered In returning the system to service. Other recommendations include design of duplex pumps so that damaged pumps will not halt service for any length of time. This type of approach can also be extended to spare parts stock so that some failures may be attended to during the preventive maintenance visits to reduce costs. To avoid compromising the reliability of the generation system, booster pumps of the generator side should be avoided. A way to avoid the need for the pumps is to design the heat ex- changer and piping system to be as low as possible and to be less than the maximum recom- mended external pressure drop as listed by the engine manufacturer. Although the failure rate of the electric motor operators on control valves is higher than for self- contained Amot-type valves, the additional control and heat recovery may provide incentive for their use. To keep an increased level of reliability of building heating systems, it is also recommended that any building connected the waste heat recovery system use a heat exchanger. In the event of a distrioution piping failure, the building’s heating system would continue to operate without in- terruption. Page 57 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 10.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The final economics will be completed by the Alaska Energy Authority so a definitive conclusion is not made at this time concerming the feasibility of a waste heat installation at Selawik. Some conclusions that can be made are that the project is technically feasible, that the people and agencies in the community seem interested in the project, and that if the economics prove acceptable, a waste heat system for the community can be recommended. Two graphs follow this page that illustrate the current waste heat situation in Selawik. The first graph entitled "Heat Available Vs. Heat Required" shows the relationship be- tween these two quantities for each month of a year. The lowest line represents the heat available from the power plant in terms of equivalent gallons of fuel oil. Each of the other three lines represent a construction option: concept 1, concept 2, and con- cept 3. The second graph Is entitled "Fuel Oil Displaced" and shows the amount of recovered energy in equivalent gallons of fuel oil for each of the three construction options for the year. A similar shape as was shown in the previous graph is displayed. Page 58 6S ebeg SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY HEAT AVAILABLE VS. HEAT REQUIRED FUEL OIL EQUIVALENT (GALLONS) 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 |- 2,000} 1,000 0 1 | | | | | | JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH OF THE YEAR LEGEND —— HEAT AVAILABLE —*— HEAT REQ. - 1 —4— HEAT REQ. - 2 —=— HEAT REQ. - 3 2/28/90 09 ebed 2/28/90 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY FUEL OIL DISPLACED FUEL OIL EQUIVALENT (GALLONS) JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTH OF THE YEAR LEGEND E29 CONCEPT1 (CONCEPT 2 CONCEPT 3 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 APPENDIX lL Calculations 2. Contact Names 3. Cost Estimates 4, Raw Data SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Calculations EA SF FPE _consuttine eNGINcERS — 560 E, 34th Avenue, Suite 300 Stee TNC - or 2 . (807) marie CALCULATED BY, Tew DATE Lesa FAX (907) 561-7028 CHECKED BY DATE SCALE | Mopihie_ etek EEL 4 | Asvume 4" Bot ® Bell iw wars ¢ Poor | No Fuot IMsuraTial Wer wine ¢feor fegnz [3109+ 5004 (824 * Win = Ya Rum 74 Reo Ux A Fm. 214 ee Mea ye kate gh ae Fim re Ye~ 0.004 a ge .9 + KL _ bewse Yell Poe Ur 0.6 J ase (0. 084% 192441. 1K 508 + 2. GeZl+ I; 18612 eae E Ss 200: a et asset —_ 30 ea 4 Ae l SS |e ee war bund toeal thor. = | _ezzt 249) ; TLL | ste! ~ 219% lovee +125 + Feat 2 Sa UW tere + Ya Fim b LEE TTT el el 7 | é ey at ie et aed ee Of/afum | 12 | | | see joj} | tt tt ee | dette | ls Gt Oo. Lee ad PRODUCT 206-1 (WEBS) ine. Groton, Mam. 01471. FPE _consuurne encineers = AER “idee 20086 560 E. 34th Avenue, Suite 300 SHEET NO: Z oF Zz Ph. (507) 3611666 CALCULATED BY Tew DATE ZA FAX (907) 561-7028 CHECKED BY SCALE : OMI Moe Cot, __hoeeteation & 72. AL/me. 1 UA. ZOXI7XIC) C5) 4 Loe + Z2L6 Se Se ee ee ee bbe tee a “Tete + (0.0082 % 37\+4 Ll 2A+ O.G#Z1+ 1112.5 )= 397. 7 B59.7+21.6 2 38) wu/neor UA ot: Sol CGS-18.6)2 17.678) Fru/ne [teat Exortnge Movure — Same Ag SMI Morice _WITA ZemceDd /utieTerTiON S10 fe Adie = ___UA= C0. 06872% 884+ I. Regs neDe 346.8 Ke 12410) C999) 6 Lom | Ad th mee 4 340.8444 2 362 eal Cun- 1B.6) = 2 [g0°8 Buu | elo. 8. roe a ae _G5S2 de Proouct 206-1 (WEBS) inc. Croton, Mam. 01471. SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY CALCULATION METHOD Input Before the calculation of recovered waste heat can take place, the user must input in- formation about power production, fuel use, and system heat loss. The information is for each month of a year. The year is assumed to be either an average year or a represen- tative year. The power production information must include the amount of power produced for each month of a year and the amount of heat rejected to the jacket water for each KWH of power produced. The power production is from historical records and the heat rejection data is from the manufacturer of the engine/generators being used for power production. The fuel use data Is for each of the potential waste heat user buildings. It is fuel oil use for each month of the “average” year. It is also assumed that the fuel oil use reported here Is only for heating energy that can be displaced by waste heat recovery. It would not include fuel oil used by a separate fuel oil-fired water heater. The information ideally should be based on historical information but can also be estimated on a monthly basis for yearly fuel oil use. The system heat loss is a number that represents the energy that is rejected to the jacket water, but is lost or used before it can be used by the end user buildings. Examples of this system loss can include: heat loss of the generator cooling system piping, heat loss from the arctic pipe, and heat recovery in the power plant for space heating or fuel oil heating. This figure must be estimated based on available information. Assumptions The most important assumptions made in this model are the diumal variation of the heat demand, and the power production. The figures shown in the calculations represent a “typical” pattem for rural environments. The heating demand follows an approximate sine curve with minimum demand at solar noon, and maximum demand at solar mid- night. The diurnal variation for power plant production is less regular. The variation as- sumed has peaks in the moming (around 8:00) and near noon and at 6:00 pm. The lowest power production occurs near midnight. SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 When calculating the energy demand for the buildings based on their fuel oil use, it is as- sumed that each gallon of fuel oll Corresponds to 100,000 BTU. This represents ap- proximately a 71% efficient boiler or furnace. Actual efficiencies will vary. Calculations Tne heat available is calculated by dividing the monthly power production by the num- ber of days in the month - yielding the power production on an average day, then by multiplying that figure by the hourly power production variation for each hour. This is the power produced for each hour of the average day of the month. This figure is multiplied by the manufacturer's factor for heat rejected to the jacket water. The result is the gross heat available at the power plant on an hourly basis. The system heat loss is subtracted from the gross amount, leaving the amount available for building use. The heat required by the buildings is accomplished in a similar manner. The sum of all the buildings fuel use is multiplied by 100,000 BTU/gallon and adjusted to yield the hourly heat demand for the average day of the month. The heat recovered is just the smaller number of the heat available and the heat demand; if the heat available Is larger than the heat demand, all of the heat available will be used. If the reverse is true and much more heat Is available, then all of the build- ing heat demand requirements will be met. The number of gallons displaced also as- sumes that each 100,000 BTU corresponds to one gallon of fuel oil. SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ESTIMATION PAGE 1 CONCEPT 1 WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. Location: SELAWIK Date: FEBRUARY 28, 1998 Heat rate: 2453 Btu/kwh produced System loss: 165,588 Btu/hour (FOR ALL SYSTEMS CURRENTLY CONNECTED) Total generation: 1,139,688 kwh/year ANNUAL Local degree days 2481 2319 2168 1548 794 438 377 452 782 «1347-1757 2513 16,828 Assumed diurnal heat Power plant monthly generation: demand variation: a Monthly JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN = JUL AUG SEP ocT NOV DEC CHECKSUM Fraction:8.89265 8.08739 8.16887 8.67665 6.6741 6.0579 6.0581 6.0684 8.0814 6.0943 8.1002 8.10774 1 Winter Summer Hour Kwh: 105688 996088 114968 87368 84480 66000 66248 78008 92880 107528 114248 122808 1,139,680 Diurnal 6.0494 8.8494 1 variation 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 8.045 6.038 8.038 6.0477 6.0477 2 6.036 6.036 6.036 8.036 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.036 0.036 6.0460 6.0460 3 8.034 8.034 6.034 8.034 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 8.034 0.034 6.0443 6.0443 4 6.034 8.034 6.034 6.034 6.035 8.035 8.035 6.035 6.035 6.035 6.034 6.034 6.0428 6.0428 5 8.033 8.033 6.033 6.033 0.035 6.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.033 0.033 6.0414 6.0414 6 6.034 6.034 6.034 6.034 6.038 6.638 8.038 6.038 6.038 0.038 6.034 6.034 6.0401 6.0401 t 8.038 8.038 8.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 8.038 8.038 6.038 6.038 0.0398 8.0390 8 6.042 6.042 6.042 6.042 6.046 0.046 0.040 6.040 6.040 6.040 6.042 6.042 6.0381 6.6381 9 6.042 6.042 6.042 6.042 6.045 6.045 0.045 8.045 6.045 6.045 6.042 8.042 6.0374 6.0374 16 0.047 8.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 8.047 6.047 6.047 9.0376 6.0370 ab 8.048 6.048 6.048 0.048 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 6.040 0.040 0.048 0.048 6.0367 6.0367 12 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 0.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 06.047 6.047 6.0367 6.0367 13 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.058 8.056 8.050 6.050 6.050 0.050 6.045 8.045 6.0378 6.0378 14 8.047 8.047 6.647 6.047 6.052 6.052 8.052 8.052 6.052 8.052 0.047 06.047 6.0374 6.0374 15 6.048 6.048 8.048 6.048 8.058 8.050 6.050 6.050 6.058 6.050 6.048 06.048 6.0381 6.0381 16 8.048 6.048 6.048 8.048 0.050 6.050 8.050 8.058 8.050 0.050 6.048 9.048 6.0398 6.0398 17 6.049 6.049 6.049 6.049 6.045 8.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.049 6.049 6.0461 6.0401 18 6.046 6.046 6.046 6.046 0.047 8.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 0.047 6.046 6.046 6.0414 6.0414 19 8.043 6.043 6.043 6.043 0.050 0.050 6.050 0.050 0.058 0.050 0.043 0.043 6.0428 6.0428 26 9.038 6.038 6.058 6.038 8.045 8.045 6.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.038 0.038 6.0443 6.0443 ral 6.038 6.038 8.038 6.038 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.638 6.038 6.0466 6.0468 22 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.641 8.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.0477 6.0477 23 6.045 6.045 8.045 6.045 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.045 6.045 6.0494 6.0494 24 6.040 6.046 6.040 0.046 6.043 8.043 0.043 6.043 0.043 6.043 6.040 0.040 Building use per month, gallons of fuel oil BUILDING 1 - SAFE WATER 2385 2304 2087 1538 789 435 374 449 777 «1338 =—-1744 2496 16,716 BUILDING 2 - HIGH SCHOOL 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 8 6 6 8 6 8 BUILDING 3 - GRADE SCHOOL 8 6 8 8 a a 8 8 8 6 0 8 a BUILDING 4 - TEACHERS QUARTERS 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 8 8 BUILDING 5 - PHS CLINIC a 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 a 6 BUILDING 6 - UTILIDOR 6 6 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 6 6 8 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ESTIMATION BUILDING 7 - CITY OFFICES 6 BUILDING 8 6 BUILDING 9 6 6 TOTAL 2385 2304 2087 PAGE 2 1538 789 Heat available per hour by month (BTU) JAN 1 218883. 2 261852. 3 184821. 4 184821. 5 175506. 6 184621. 7 218883. 8 252144. 9 252144. 18 294721. 11 383236. 12 294721. 13 277696. 14 294721. 15 383236. 16 383236. 17 311751. 18 286285. 19 268659. 26 218883. 21 218883. 22 243629. 23 277696. 24 235113. FEB 199697. 183634. 167571. 167571. 159548. 167571. 199697. 231823. 231823. 271981. 280012. 271981. 255918. 271981. 286812. 280012. 288044. 263949. 239855. 199697. 199697. 223792. 255918. 215768. MAR 246764. 228224. 209683. 209683. 200413. 209683. 246764. 283844. 283844. 336195. 339465. 336195. 311655. 330195. 339465. 339465. 348735. 326925. 293114. 246764. 246764. 274574. 311655. 265364. APR 162191. 148182. 134013. 134813. 126968. 134813. 162191. 198369. 198369. 225592. 232636. 225592. 211583. 225592. 232636. 232636. 239681. 218547. 197414. 162191. 162191. 183325. 211583. 176286. MAY 281052 166991 139741 132929 132929 153366 153366 166991 261052 214676 166991 221489 235113 248738 235113 235113 261852 214676 235113 261052 1738083 173883 173883 187427 5991868 5567558 6747384 4519557 SE+06 Heat demand by hour by month (BTU) JAN 1 387429. 2 373848. 3 360521. 4 347694. 5 335668. 6 324488. 7 314539. 8 305949. 9 298876. 18 293453. 11 289788. 12 287927. 13. 287927. 14 289788. FEB 374271. 361151. 348277. 335886. 324218. 313467. 303857. 295558. 288726. 283487. 279939. 278148. 278148. 279939. MAR 339028. 327137. 315474. 364251. 293675. 283944. 275238. 267721. 261532. 256787. 253573. 251951. 251951. 253573. APR 249839. 241881. 232487. 224215. 216421. 269258. 202835. 197295. 192734. 189237. 186869. 185673. 185673. 186869. MAY 128168 123675 119266 115623 111825 187346 104055 101213 98873. 97679. 95864. 95251. 95251. 95864. 435 JUN 133994 187383 86895. 88773. 80773. 96739. 96739. 187383 133994 144638 167383 149968 160604 171248 160604 160604 133994 144638 166604 133994 112765 112785 112785 123349 3E+O6 JUN 78663. 68186. 65755. 63416. 61211. 59183. 57368. 55802. 54512. 53522. 52853. 52515. 52515. 52853. 374 JUL 134864 188157 86791. 81450. 81458. 97474. 97474. 188157 134864 145547 188157 150889 161572 172255 161572 161572 134864 145547 161572 134864 113499 113499 113499 124182 3E+86 68754. 58624. 56534. 54523. 52627. 50884. 49324. 47976. 46867. 46017. 45441. 45156. 45158. 45441. 449 AUG 177538 146889 126938 114641 114641 133518 1335168 146889 177538 198117 146089 196487 208987 221566 268987 208987 177538 198117 268987 177538 152379 152379 152379 164958 4E+06 AUG 72937. 70380. 67871. 65457. 63181. 61088. 59215. 57597. 56266. 55245. 54554. 54205. 54265. 54554. 777 SEP 231533 194085 164126 156637 156637 179186 179186 194885 231533 246512 194885 254062 268981 283968 268981 268981 231533 246512 268981 231533 261574 201574 201574 216554 5E+O6 SEP 126219 121794 117452 113274 109336 105713 182472 99674. 97369. 95683. 94406. 93882. 93862. 94406. 1338 ocT 284657 241306 206626 197955 197955 223966 223966 241306 284657 361997 241306 310668 328888 345348 328088 328888 284657 301997 328868 284657 249976 249976 249976 267317 TE+86 ocT 217358 209731 202254 195859 188278 182839 176458 171639 167671 164629 162568 161529 161529 162568 CONCEPT 1 eeoas eaaoas aaan 1744 2496 16,716 NOV-DEC 244558 278787. 226133 258983. 267789 231178. 287769 231178. 198497 221276. 267769 231178. 244558 270787. 281486 310397. 281486 318397. 327466 359988. 336678 369811. 327466 359988. 389842 340104. 327466 359908. 336678 369811. 336678 369811. 345898 379713. 318254 350006. 298618 328299. 244558 276787. 244558 270787. 272194 360494. 369842 340104. 262982 298592. ANNUAL 7E+86 7388216 1923945098 NOV-DEC 283302 405460. 273371 391247. 263626 377300. 254247 363876. 245489 351228. 237277 339590. 230083 329178. 223721 326188. 218549 312786. 214584 387111. 211898 385267. 218543 361327. 210543 381327. 211898 383267. SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ESTIMATION 15 293453. 16 298876. 17 305949. 18 314539. 19 324488. 28 335608. 21 347694. 22 360521. 23 373848. 24 387429. Heat delivered by hour by month JAN 1 218883. 2 261852. 3 184821. 4 184821. 5 175566. 6 184621. 7 218883. 8 252144. 9 252144. 18 293453. 11 289788. 12 287927. 13 277698. 14 289788. 15 293453. 16 298876. 17 305949. 18 286285. 19 268659. 26 218883. 21 218883. 22 243629. 23 2776968. 24 235113. 283487. 288726. 295558. 363857. 313467. 324218. 335886. 348277. 361151. 374271. FEB 199697. 246764. 228224. 269683. 269683. 208413. 209683. 246764. 267721. 261532. 256787. 253573. 251951. 251951. 253573. 256787. 261532. 267721. 275238. 283944. 246764. 246764. 274574. 311655. 265304. 183634. 167571. 167571. 159548. 167571. 199697. 231823. 231823. 271981. 279939. 271981. 255918. 271981. 290812. 290012. 288844. 263949. 239855. 199697. 199697. 223792. 255918. 215768. 256787. 261532. 267721. 275238. 283944. 293675. 304251. 315474, 327137. 339828. 7848236 7573964 6860618 5055884 MAR PAGE 3 189237. 192734. 197295. 282835. 289258. 216421. 224215. 232487. 241681. 249839. APR 162191. 148182. 134813. 134013. 126968. 134813. 162191. 1908369. 190369. 189237. 186869. 185673. 185673. 186869. 189237. 192734. 197295. 262835. 197414. 162191. 162191. 183325. 211583. 176288. 97679. 53522. 98873. 54512. 181213 55882. 184055 57368. 187346 59183. 111825 61211. 115823 63416. 119266 65755. 123675 68186. 128168 76663. 3E+06 1E+06 (BTU) MAY ‘JUN 128168 70663. 123675 68186. 119266 65755. 115823 63416. 111825 61211. 187346 59183. 184055 57368. 161213 55862. 98873. 54512. 97879. 53522. 95864. 52853. 95251. 52515. 95251. 52515. 95864. 52853. 97879. 53522. 98873. 54512. 161213 55882. 184055 57368. 167346 59183. 111825 61211. 115823 63416. 119266 65755. 123675 68186. 128168 70663. 5945457 5507476 6838597 4191566 3E+06 1E+6 FUEL OIL CONSUMPTION DISPLACED (GALLONS) JAN 1889 FEB 1675 MAR 1837 APR 1275 MAY = JUN 789435 46017. 46867. 47976. 49324. 50884. 52627. 54523. 56534. 58624. 68754. 1E+86 JUL 60754. 58624. 56534. 54523. 52627. 50884. 49324. 47976. 46867. 46017. 45441. 45158. 45150. 45441. 46017. 46867. 47976. 49324. 50884. 52627. 54523. 56534. 58624. 60754. 1E+O6 JUL 374 55245. 56266. 57598. 59215. 61088. 63181. 65457. 67871. 70388. 72937. 1E+06 AUG 72937. 70380. 67871. 65457. 63181. 61088. 59215. 57597. 56266. 55245. 54554. 54205. 54265. 54554. 55245. 56266. 57598. 59215. 61688. 63181. 65457. 67871. 70380. 72937. 95603. 164629 97369. 167671 99674. 171639 182472 176458 185713 182039 189336 188278 113274 195859 117452 202254 121794 289731 126219 217358 3E+B6 4E+06 SEP OCT 126219 217358 121794 269731 117452 202254 113274 195059 189336 188278 105713 182039 162472 176458 99674. 171639 97369. 167671 95683. 164629 94486. 162568 93882. 161529 93882. 161529 94406. 162568 95683. 164629 97369. 167671 99674. 171639 162472 176458 105713 182839 169336 188278 113274 195059 117452 262254 121794 289731 126219 217358 1E+86 3E+66 4E+06 AUG 449 SEP OCT 777~=«1338 214584 218549 223721 230083 237277 245489 254247 263626 273371 283382 6E+06 NOV 244558 226133 207789 207789 198497 207789 230003 223721 218549 214584 211898 210543 216543 211898 214584 218549 223721 230083 237277 244558 244558 263626 273371 262982 SE+O6 1654 CONCEPT 1 307111. 312786. 320188. 329178. 3395908. 351228. 363876. 377368. 391247. 405468. ANNUAL 8205128 1671600000 DEC 270787. 258983. 231178. 231178. 221276. 231178. 276787. 310397. 318397. 37111. 303267. 361327. 361327. 303267. 307111. 312786. 326188. 329178. 328299. 278787. 270787. 300494. 340104. 290592. ANNUAL 6906799 1451307148 DEC ANNUAL 2181 14,513 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ESTIMATION PAGE 1 CONCEPT 2 WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. Location: SELAWIK Date: FEBRUARY 28, 1998 Heat rate: 2453 Btu/kwh produced System loss: 105,588 Btu/hour (FOR ALL SYSTEMS CURRENTLY CONNECTED) Total generation: 1,139,688 kwh/year ANNUAL Local degree days 2481 2319 2108 1548 794 438 377 452 782 «1347 =—«1757 2513 16,828 Assumed diurnal heat Power plant monthly generation: demand variation: Se Monthly JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT NOV DEC CHECKSUM Fraction:8.89265 8.08739 6.10687 6.87665 8.6741 6.0579 0.0581 6.0684 8.0814 8.0943 8.1002 0.10774 1 Winter Summer Hour Kwh: 105688 99608 114968 873608 8448 66008 66240 78002 92880 107528 114248 122888 1,139,680 Diurnal 6.0494 8.0494 1 variation 6.038 6.038 9.038 6.038 6.045 6.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.038 0.038 6.0477 6.0477 2 6.036 6.036 6.036 6.036 0.040 0.040 0.040 8.040 6.040 0.040 0.036 6.036 8.0460 6.0468 3 0.034 8.034 8.034 6.034 6.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.034 0.034 6.0443 6.0443 4 0.034 6.034 6.034 6.034 6.035 06.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 6.034 0.034 6.0428 6.0428 5 8.033 6.033 6.053 6.033 6.035 6.035 8.035 6.035 6.035 8.035 8.033 6.033 0.0414 6.0414 6 6.034 6.034 6.034 6.034 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 06.034 0.034 6.0401 6.0401 7 8.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 0.038 0.038 8.038 8.038 0.038 0.038 6.038 6.0398 8.0398 8 6.042 6.042 6.042 6.042 0.040 6.046 0.040 6.040 6.040 0.040 6.042 8.042 0.0381 6.0381 5 8.042 6.042 6.042 6.042 6.045 8.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.042 8.042 0.0374 8.0374 18 8.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 0.047 0.047 6.047 0.047 0.047 6.047 6.0378 6.0370 an] 6.048 6.048 6.048 0.048 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.048 08.048 6.0367 6.6367 12 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.648 8.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.047 06.047 6.0367 8.0367 13 8.045 8.045 6.045 8.045 6.050 6.050 0.050 0.058 0.050 8.050 0.045 8.045 8.0378 6.0376 14 8.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.052 6.052 8.052 6.052 6.052 6.052 6.047 6.047 6.0374 6.8374 15 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 6.056 6.050 6.050 0.058 06.050 0.058 0.048 6.048 0.0381 8.0381 16 8.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 0.050 8.050 8.050 8.058 6.058 6.050 6.048 6.048 0.0398 8.0398 17 8.049 6.049 6.049 6.049 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 6.045 6.045 6.049 6.049 6.0401 9.0481 18 9.046 6.046 6.046 6.046 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.046 0.046 6.0414 8.0414 19 8.043 6.043 6.043 6.043 0.050 6.050 6.050 8.058 8.050 8.058 8.043 9.043 6.0428 6.0428 28 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 06.045 0.038 08.038 6.0443 6.0443 21 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.038 8.038 6.0466 8.0468 22 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 0.041 8.0477 6.0477 23 8.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 0.041 6.041 8.041 0.041 0.041 6.041 6.045 8.045 8.0494 6.0494 24 8.046 6.046 6.046 0.040 0.043 6.043 0.043 0.043 6.043 0.043 6.040 6.048 Building use per month, gallons of fuel oil BUILDING 1 - SAFE WATER 2385 = 2304 2087 1538 789 435 374 449 777-1338 «1744 2496 16,716 BUILDING 2 - HIGH SCHOOL 2955 2854 2586 1985 977 539 464 556 962 1658 2162 3093 26,711 BUILDING 3 - GRADE SCHOOL 6 8 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 6 8 6 a BUILDING 4 - TEACHERS QUARTERS 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 6 8 6 8 8 BUILDING 5 - PHS CLINIC 8 8 8 6 6 8 6 8 6 6 8 8 6 BUILDING 6 - UTILIDOR 6 6 6 8 6 6 6 8 6 6 8 a 4 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ESTIMATION BUILDING 7 - CITY OFFICES BUILDING 8 BUILDING 9 TOTAL 5348 5158 aaoea 4673 PAGE 2 3443 1766 Heat available per hour by month (BTU) JAN 218883. 201052. 184821. 184621. 175566. 184821. 218883. 252144. 252144. 294721. 303236. 294721. 277698. 294721. 303236. 303236. 311751. 286285. 260659. 218883. 218883. 243629. 277696. 235113. wornanueun = PRBRRSSIAGEGSTS FEB 199697. 183634. 167571. 167571. 159548. 167571. 199697. 231823. 231823. 271981. 280812. 271981. 255918. 271981. 280812. 286612. 288044. 263949. 239855. 199697. 199697. 223792. 255918. 215766. MAR 246764. 228224. 289683. 289683. 200413. 269683. 246764. 283844. 283844. 3380195. 339465. 330195. 311655. 330195. 339465. 339465. 348735. 326925. 293114. 246764. 246764. 274574. 311655. 265384. APR 162191. 148162. 134613. 134613. 126968. 134813. 162191. 198369. 190369. 225592. 232636. 225592. 211583. 225592. 232636. 232636. 239681. 218547. 197414. 162191. 162191. 183325. 211583. 176286. MAY 261052 166991 139741 132929 132929 153366 153366 166991 261052 214676 166991 221489 235113 248738 235113 235113 261052 214676 235113 261052 173883 173883 173883 187427 5991868 5587558 6747384 4519557 SE+66 Heat demand by hour by month (BTU) JAN 1 867451. 2 837044. 3 807284. 4 778486. 5 751426. 6 726526. 7 704252. 8 685018. 9 669182. 10 657046. 11 648817. 12 644667. 13 644667. 14 648817. FEB 837886. 808516. 779693. 751954. 725815. 761764. 686249. 661671. 646375. 634646. 626784. 622695. 622695. 626784. MAR 759161. 732492. 766379. 681248. 657568. 635778. 616286. 599455. 585597. 574971. 567776. 564144. 564144. 567776. APR 559294. 539698. 520458. 581934. 484486. 468432. 454071. 441678. 431459. 423631. 418329. 415653. 415653. 418329. MAY 286876 276828 266951 257454 248505 240278 2329684 226543 221306 217298 214571 213199 213199 214571 eaaoae 974 JUN 133994 187383 86095. 88773. 80773. 96739. 96739. 187383 133994 144638 187383 149968 160684 171248 160604 160604 133994 144638 160604 133994 112785 112785 1127685 123349 SE+O6 JUN 158228 152674 147231 141993 137057 132516 128453 124945 122056 119842 118342 117585 117585 118342 838 JUL 134864 188157 86791. 81458. 81458. 97474. 97474. 188157 134864 145547 188157 150889 161572 172255 161572 161572 134864 145547 161572 134864 113499 113499 113499 124182 3E+06 JUL 136128 131356 126673 122167 117928 114812 110517 187499 105014 183168 161818 161166 181166 161818 maaaoa 1085 AUG 177538 146089 126936 114641 114641 133510 133518 146889 177538 198117 146089 196487 208987 221566 268987 268987 177538 196117 268987 177538 152379 152379 152379 164958 4E+86 AUG 163256 157533 151917 146512 141428 136733 132541 128922 125941 123656 122168 121327 121327 122168 aoaasn eaas eoaoaos 1739 2996 §=—- 3986 SEP OCT NOV 231533 284657 244558 194885 241386 226133 164126 206626 207769 156637 197955 267769 156637 197955 198497 179186 223966 267769 179186 223966 244558 194885 241386 281406 231533 284657 281406 246512 301997 327466 194885 241386 336678 254062 310668 327466 268981 328088 309042 283968 345348 327466 268981 328008 336678 268981 328008 336678 231533 284657 345898 246512 361997 318254 268981 328008 296618 231533 284657 244558 261574 249976 244558 281574 249976 272194 261574 249976 309042 216554 267317 262982 5E+O6 7E+66 7E+06 SEP OCT NOV 282498 486682 634506 272588 469622 612265 262878 452881 596438 253518 436768 569432 244705 421586 549638 236597 487616 531425 229343 395119 515133 223079 384328 561064 217923 375444 489488 213968 368631 480599 211291 364818 474584 269939 361689 471549 269939 361689 471549 211291 364818 474584 CONCEPT 2 5589 37,427 DEC 276787. 256983. 231178. 231178. 221276. 231178. 270787. 310397. 318397. 359988. 369811. 359908. 340104. 359968. 369811. 369811. 379713. 356006. 326299. 278787. 276787. 306494. 346104. 298592. ANNUAL 7388216 1923945098 DEC 907899. 876675. 844843. 814786. 786464. 760404. 737091. 716968. 700386. 687677. 679871. 674728. 674728. 679671. SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ESTIMATION 15 657048. 16 669182. 17 685618. 18 784252. 19 726526. 20 751426. 21 778486. 22 887264. 23 837044. 24 867451. 2E+87 Heat delivered by hour by month JAN 1 218883. 2 261052. 3 184621. 4 184821. 5 175586. 6 184821. 7 218883. 8 252144. 9 252144. 16 294721. 11 383236. 12 294721. 13 277696. 14 294721. 15 383236. 16 383236. 17 311751. 18 286285. 19 268659. 26 218883. 21 218883. 22 243629. 23 277696. 24 235113. 634646. 646375. 661671. 680258. 761765. 725815. 751954. 779693. 808516. 837886. 2E+87 FEB 199697. 183634. 167571. 167571. 159548. 167571. 199697. 231823. 231823. 271981. 280012. 271981. 255918. 271981. 280612. 288812. 288044. 263949. 239855. 199697. 199697. 223792. 255918. 215766. 574971. 585597. 599455. 616286. 635778. 657568. 681248. 786379. 732492. 759181. 2E+87 MAR 246764. 228224. 269683. 269683. 208413. 269683. 246764. 283844. 283844. 336195. 339465. 336195. 311655. 330195. 339465. 339465. 348735. 320925. 293114. 246764. 246764. 274574. 311655. 265304. PAGE 3 423631. 431460. 441678. 454071. 468452. 484486. 581934. 520458. 539698. 559295. 1E+87 APR 162191. 148182. 134013. 134013. 126968. 134813. 162191. 198369. 198369. 225592. 232636. 225592. 211583. 225592. 232636. 232636. 239681. 218547. 197414. 162191. 162191. 183325. 211583. 176288. 217298 221366 226543 232964 240278 248505 257454 266951 276828 286876 6E+06 (BTU) MAY 201052 166991 139741 132929 132929 153366 153366 166991 201852 214676 166991 213199 213199 214571 217298 221386 201052 214676 235113 201052 173803 1738083 173883 187427 5991868 5507558 6747384 4519557 4E+06 119842 122856 124945 128453 132516 137857 141993 147231 152674 158228 3E+86 JUN 133994 187383 86095. 86773. 88773. 96739. 96739. 167383 122056 119842 167383 117585 117585 118342 119842 122856 124945 128453 132516 133994 112785 112785 112785 123349 3E+O6 FUEL OIL CONSUMPTION DISPLACED (GALLONS) JAN 1823 FEB 1675 MAR 2053 APR 1375 MAY 13668 JUN 826 103168 105014 167499 110517 114813 117928 122167 126673 131356 136128 3E+06 123656 213968 125941 217923 128922 223880 132541 229343 136733 236597 141428 244765 146512 253518 151917 262878 157533 272588 163256 282498 3E+86 © 6E+06 JUL 134864 168157 86791. 81458. 81458. 97474. 97474. 187499 105014 183168 161818 161166 181166 161818 103168 105814 187499 118517 114613 117928 113499 113499 113499 124182 3E+O6 AUG 163256 146089 126938 114641 114641 133518 132541 128922 125941 123656 SEP 231533 194885 164126 156637 156637 179186 179186 194885 217923 213968 122188 194885 121327 269939 121327 269939 122188 211291 123656 213968 125941 217923 128922 223088 132541 229343 136733 236597 141428 231533 146512 201574 151917 261574 152379 281574 163256 216554 3E+06 SE+06 AUG 972 SEP 7768 1486 368631 480599 687677. 375444 489480 700386. 384328 501064 716968. 395128 515133 737091. 407616 531425 760404. 421586 549638 786464. 436768 569432 814787. 452881 596438 844844. 469622 612265 876875. 486682 634506 967900. 1E+87 1E+87 oct NOV 284657 244558 241306 226133 286626 267789 197955 267789 197955 198497 223966 287769 223966 244558 241306 281406 284657 281406 381997 327466 241386 336678 318668 327466 359988. 328008 369042 340104. 345348 327466 359908. 328088 336678 369811. 328088 336678 369811. 284657 345898 379713. 381997 318254 350006. 328088 298618 328299. 284657 244558 270787. 249976 244558 270787. 249976 272194 300494. 249976 369642 340104. 267317 262982 298592. DEC 276787. 256983. 231178. 231178. 221276. 231178. 276787. 310397. 310397. 359968. 369811. CONCEPT 2 ANNUAL 2E+87 3742700000 ANNUAL. 7E+06 =7E+86 7386216 1859787066 OCT NOV 1978 2835 DEC 2245 ANNUAL, 18,598 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ESTIMATION PAGE 1 CONCEPT 3 WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. Location: SELAWIK Date: FEBRUARY 28, 1998 Heat rate: 2453 Btu/kwh produced System loss: 185,508 Btu/hour (FOR ALL SYSTEMS CURRENTLY CONNECTED) Total generation: 1,139,688 kwh/year ANNUAL Local degree days 2481 2319 2188 1548 794 438 377 452 782 «1347 =—«1757 2513 16,828 Assumed diurnal heat Power plant monthly generation: demand variation: — = Monthly JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC CHECKSUM Fraction:8.89265 6.88739 6.10887 6.67665 6.6741 8.0579 6.0581 8.0684 6.0814 8.6943 8.1062 8.10774 1 Winter Summer Hour Kvh: 105608 99608 114968 87368 84480 66000 66248 78008 92888 187528 114248 122808 1,139,680 Diurnal 6.0494 6.6494 1 variation 6.038 9.038 6.038 6.038 6.045 0.045 6.045 8.045 8.045 6.045 8.038 6.038 6.0477 6.0477 2 8.036 8.036 8.036 8.036 0.040 6.048 8.040 8.046 8.040 0.040 8.036 6.036 0.0466 6.0468 . 0.034 6.034 6.034 6.034 06.036 0.036 0.036 9.036 8.036 0.036 8.034 6.034 6.0443 8.0443 4 6.034 8.034 8.034 6.034 6.035 6.035 0.035 8.035 8.035 8.055 8.034 8.034 6.0428 6.0428 5 6.033 6.033 6.033 8.033 6.035 0.035 6.035 6.035 8.035 8.035 0.033 6.033 6.0414 6.0414 6 6.034 6.034 6.034 6.034 6.038 8.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 8.034 6.034 6.0401 6.0401 7 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.058 6.038 8.038 6.038 6.038 8.038 8.038 6.038 0.0398 8.0398 8 6.042 6.042 6.042 6.042 6.040 0.040 0.040 6.040 06.046 0.040 6.042 6.042 6.0381 6.0381 9 0.042 8.042 8.042 6.042 6.045 6.045 6.045 0.045 8.045 6.045 6.042 8.042 6.0374 6.0374 18 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.647 6.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 6.047 08.047 6.0378 6.83768 W 6.048 86.048 6.048 8.048 8.040 6.046 0.040 6.040 6.046 0.040 06.048 6.048 6.0367 6.0367 12 6.047 8.047 8.047 6.047 6.048 0.048 0.048 6.048 6.048 0.048 6.047 0.047 6.0367 6.0367 13 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.045 6.058 0.058 6.050 6.050 6.050 6.050 6.045 6.045 6.0376 6.0378 14 6.047 6.047 8.047 6.047 6.052 6.052 6.052 6.852 6.052 6.052 6.047 6.047 6.0374 6.0374 15 6.048 8.048 6.048 6.048 8.058 6.058 8.058 8.050 8.058 6.050 6.048 6.048 0.0381 8.0381 16 0.048 6.048 6.048 6.048 0.050 0.058 0.058 0.056 0.058 8.056 6.048 08.048 6.0398 6.0398 17 8.049 6.049 6.049 8.049 8.045 8.045 6.045 8.045 6.045 0.045 0.049 0.049 6.0481 6.0401 18 6.046 6.046 6.046 6.046 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.047 6.046 6.046 6.0414 6.0414 19 6.043 6.043 6.043 6.043 6.058 6.058 0.050 8.056 8.050 8.056 6.043 6.043 6.0428 6.0428 28 6.038 8.038 6.038 8.038 6.045 6.045 6.045 8.045 6.045 8.045 6.038 6.038 6.0443 6.0443 21 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.038 6.041 6.041 8.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.038 6.038 6.0466 6.6460 22 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.641 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.641 6.041 6.641 6.041 6.0477 6.8477 23 6.045 6.045 6.045 8.045 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.041 6.045 6.045 8.0494 6.0494 24 6.046 6.040 8.046 6.040 0.043 6.043 0.043 8.043 6.043 6.043 6.040 08.040 Building use per month, gallons of fuel oil BUILDING 1 - SAFE WATER 2385 2304 2087 1538 789 435 374 449 777-1338 «1744 2496 16,716 BUILDING 2 - HIGH SCHOOL 2955 2854 2586 1985 977 539 464 556 962 «(1658 «= 2162 3093 20,711 BUILDING 3 - GRADE SCHOOL 1879 1042 944 696 357 197 169 203 351 605 789 1129 7,561 BUILDING 4 - TEACHERS QUARTERS 6 6 a 8 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 a BUILDING 5 - PHS CLINIC 8 8 8 6 6 a 8 8 6 a 6 B 8 BUILDING 6 - UTILIDOR 6 6 8 6 8 8 8 a a 6 6 6 6 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ESTIMATION BUILDING 7 - CITY OFFICES BUILDING 8 BUILDING 9 6419 6288 = 5617 Heat available per hour JAN 1 218883. 2 281852. 3 184021. 4 184821. 5 175566. 6 184821. 7 218683. 8 252144. 9 252144. 16 294721. 11 383236. 12 294721. 13 277698. 14 294721. 15 383236. 16 303236. 17 311751. 18 286285. 19 268659. 28 218883. 21 218883. 22 243629. 23 277698. 255918. 311655. 24 235113. 215760. 265304. 5991868 5587558 6747384 FEB 199697. 183634. 167571. 167571. 159548. 167571. 199697. 231823. 231823. 271981. 280812. 271981. 255918. 271981. 280012. 280812. 288044. 263949. 239855. 199697. 199697. 223792. MAR 246764. 228224. 209683. 269683. 200413. 209683. 246764. 283844. 283844. 336195. 339465. 330195. 311655. 338195. 339465. 339465. 348735. 328925. 293114. 246764. 246764. 274574. PAGE 2 4139 21230 «1171 1887 by month (BTU) APR 162191. 148182. 134013. 134613. 126968. 134813. 162191. 198369. 198369. 225592. 232636. 225592. 211583. 225592. 232636. 232636. 239681. 218547. 197414. 162191. 162191. 183325. 211583. 176288. 4519557 MAY 261052 166991 JUN JUL 133994 134864 187383 168157 139741 86095. 86791. 132929 86773. 81458. 132929 86773. 81458. 153366 96739. 97474. 153366 96739. 97474. 166991 187383 188157 281852 133994 134864 214676 144638 145547 166991 187383 108157 221489 149968 150889 235113 168664 161572 248738 171248 172255 235113 160604 161572 235113 168664 161572 261852 133994 134864 214676 144638 145547 235113 160604 161572 281852 133994 134864 173883 112785 113499 173883 112785 113499 173883 112785 113499 187427 123349 124182 SE+O6 3E+06 3E+06 Heat demand by hour by month (BTU) JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL eooaa 1268 AUG 177538 146889 120938 114641 114641 133518 133518 146089 177538 196117 146089 196487 268987 221566 288987 268987 177538 198117 268987 177538 152379 152379 152379 164958 4E+06 5SE+06 = 7E+06 AUG 2698 SEP 231533 194885 164126 156637 156637 179186 179186 194885 231533 246512 194885 254002 268981 283968 268981 268981 231533 246512 268981 231533 281574 261574 281574 216554 SEP 3661 4695 6718 ocT NOV DEC 284657 244558 276787. 2413686 226133 256983. 206626 287789 231178. 197955 267789 231178. 197955 198497 221276. 223966 287789 231178. 223966 244558 270787. 241306 281406 310397. 284657 281486 310397. 381997 327466 359988. 241386 336678 369811. 318668 327466 359908. 328088 369042 340104. 345348 327466 359908. 328008 336678 369811. 328008 336678 369811. 284657 345898 379713. 381997 318254 350006. 328068 298618 320299. 284657 244558 276787. 249976 244558 276787. 249976 272194 300494. 249976 369042 340104. 267317 262982 298592. 7E+06 7388216 ocT NOV DEC 1 1842728 1087153 912448. 672356. 2 1686178 3 970368. 4 935787. 5 983259. 6 873328. 7 846553. 8 823433. 9 804397. 18 789882. 11779917. 12 774929. 13 774929. 14 779917. 971849. 937283. 903868. 872442. 843532. 817671. 795339. 776953. 762855. 753308. 748498. 748498. 753368. 880464. 849076. 818868. 798484. 764213. 740784. 720552. 783895. 691122. 682473. 678188. 678108. 682473. 344868 332788 326916 389499 298741 288841 279986 272339 266044 261216 257947 256297 256297 257947 648788. 625659. 603406. 582425. 563126. 545861. 530953. 518679. 509267. 562894. 499677. 499677. 502894. 196222 183554 177618 176713 164779 159318 154434 158216 146744 144081 142278 141368 141368 142278 163581 157847 1522268 146804 141781 137086 132805 129178 126192 123962 122351 121569 121569 122351 196232 339588 584961 189353 327687 564456 182683 315928 544334 176187 384688 524968 169985 294897 586728 164352 284352 489929 159314 275634 474988 154962 268186 461938 151388 261988 451259 148633 257156 443071 146773 253938 437526 145834 252313 434728 145834 252313 434728 146773 253938 437526 762674 1691299 735941 1053046 769785 1615585 684456 979377. 668663 945333. 638772 914008. 619188 885986. 662277 861789. 588354 841867. 577678 826591. 576449 816246. 566808 811625. 566806 811025. 578449 816246. CONCEPT 3 aaaan 44,988 ANNUAL 1923945898 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ESTIMATION 15 789862. 16 864397. 17 823433. 18 846553. 19 873328. 26 983259. 21 935787. 22 970388. 23 1886178 24 1842728 2E+87 Heat delivered by hour by month JAN 1 218883. 2 261052. 3 184821. 4 184821. 5 175586. 6 184821. 7 218883. 8 252144. 9 252144. 16 294721. 11 383236. 12 294721. 13 277698. 14 294721. 15 383236. 16 383236. 17 311751. 18 286285. 19 260659. 28 218883. 21 218883. 22 243629. 23 277698. 24 235113. PAGE 3 762855. 691122. 509267. 776953. 703895. 518679. 795339. 720552. 530953. 817671. 740784. 545861. 843532. 764213. 563126. 872442. 798484. 582425. 903861. 818868. 603400. 937203. 849876. 625659. 971849. 880464. 648788. 1887153 912448. 672356. 2E+87 «= 2E+87 — 1E+87 FEB MAR APR 199697. 246764. 162191. 183634. 228224. 148102. 167571. 269683. 134813. 167571. 289683. 134813. 159540. 208413. 126968. 167571. 269683. 134813. 199697. 246764. 162191. 231823. 283844. 198369. 231823. 283844. 198369. 271981. 338195. 225592. 288812. 339465. 232636. 271981. 338195. 225592. 255918. 311655. 211583. 271981. 338195. 225592. 280812. 339465. 232636. 280012. 339465. 232636. 288044. 348735. 239681. 263949. 328925. 218547. 239855. 293114. 197414. 199697. 246764. 162191. 199697. 246764. 162191. 223792. 274574. 183325. 255918. 311655. 211583. 215768. 265304. 176280. 261216 266044 272339 279986 288842 298741 389499 320916 332788 344868 7E+06 (BTU) MAY 201052 166991 139741 132929 132929 153366 153366 166991 201052 214676 166991 221489 235113 248738 235113 235113 201052 214676 235113 201052 173803 173803 173803 187427 5991868 5507558 6747384 4519557 SE+06 144081 123982 146744 126192 156216 129178 154434 132805 159318 137006 164779 141761 178713 146804 177618 152228 183554 157847 196222 163581 4E+06 = 3E+06 JUN JUL 133994 134864 187383 168157 86095. 86791. 88773. 81450. 80773. 81450. 96739. 97474. 96739. 97474. 187383 188157 133994 126192 144681 123962 167383 168157 141368 121569 141368 121569 142278 122351 144881 123962 146744 126192 133994 129178 144638 132805 159318 137006 133994 134864 112785 113499 112785 113499 112785 113499 123349 124182 3E+O6 § 35E+06 FUEL OIL CONSUMPTION DISPLACED (GALLONS) JAN 1823 FEB MAR APR 1675 =. 2853 1375 MAY 1389 JUN JUL 898 842 148633 257156 443071 577678 826591. 151388 261988 451259 588354 841867. 268166 461938 662277 861789. 275634 474908 619188 885986. 284352 489929 638772 914008. 294897 586728 660663 945333. 304688 524968 684456 979377. 154962 159314 164352 169985 176187 182683 189353 196232 4E+06 AUG 177538 146889 126936 114641 114641 1335108 133518 146689 151388 148633 146689 145834 145834 146773 148633 151388 154962 159314 164352 169985 152379 152379 152379 164958 4E+O6 AUG 1878 315928 544334 327687 564456 339588 584961 TE+O6 1E+07 SEP = OCT 231533 284657 194885 241306 164126 206626 156637 197955 156637 197955 179186 223966 179186 223966 194885 241306 231533 284657 246512 381997 194885 241306 252313 318668 252313 328008 253938 345348 257156 328088 261968 328008 231533 284657 246512 361997 268981 328008 231533 284657 281574 249976 281574 249976 281574 249976 216554 267317 5E+O6 9 7E+06 SEP OCT 1583-1978 709765 735941 762675 2E+87 NOV 244558 226133 207789 207789 198497 207789 244558 281406 281406 327466 336678 327466 309042 327466 336678 336678 345898 318254 296618 244558 244558 272194 389842 262982 1615585 1053046 1691299 CONCEPT 3 ANNUAL 2E+87 4498800008 DEC 276787. 250983. 231178. 231178. 221276. 231178. 276787. 318397. 3106397. 359968. 369811. 359968. 340104. 359968. 369811. 369811. 379713. 350006. 326299. 276787. 2706787. 360494. 346104. 298592. ANNUAL 7E+86 7388216 1896519115 NOV 2035 DEC 2245 ANNUAL. 18,965 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Contact Names The following people were contacted in the field: Roger Clark, City Administrator of Selawik - 484-2132 Leo Fiebiger, Principal at Selawik High School - 484-2142 Warren Ramoth, Public Utility Manager and AVEC Operator - 484-2134 Henry Coaltrain, City Safe Water Plant Operator - 484-9921 In addition the following people were contacted from Anchorage: John Lyons, AVEC - 561-1818 Dave Biegel, AVEC - 561-1818 Dan Coffey, Maintenance Director NW Arctic School District - 442-3476 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Cost Estimates SIMPLE ECONOMIC SUMMARY COST SUMMARY CONCEPT 1 $137,837 $0| $41,351] $179,188 CONCEPT 2 $210,615 $0| $63,185] $273,800 CONCEPT 3 $234,418 $0] $70,325] $304,743 CONCEPT $0 $0 $0 $0 CONCEPT $0 $0 $0 $0 CONCEPT $0 $0 $0 $0 FUEL OIL SAVINGS SUMMARY CONCEPT 1 $18,141 CONCEPT 2 $22,553 CONCEPT 3 $22,949 CONCEPT $0 CONCEPT $0 CONCEPT $0 CONCEPT 1 $179,188 $18,141 CONCEPT 2 $273,800 $22,553 = : CONCEPT 3 $304,743 $22,949 13.3 CONCEPT 0.0 CONCEPT 0.0 CONCEPT 0.0 HMS 9015 CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM SELAWIK, ALASKA Cost Consultant Engineer HMS, Inc. FPE Consulting Engineers 4103 Minnesota Drive 560 East 34th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Anchoraye, Alaska 99503 (907) 561-1653 February 26, 1990 (907) 562-0420 FAX WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 1 SELAWIK, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY FEBRUARY 26, 1990 NOTES REGARDING THE PREPARATION OF THIS ESTIMATE This study has been prepared from thirteen (13) 8 1/2"xll" sketches, and narratives linking four (4) buildings and provided by FPE. This study is divided into three (3) concepts. The estimate is priced using A.S. Title 36 prevailing labor rates and current materials and equipment prices to reflect a competitively bid date of Spring 1990. This is a statement of probable construction cost only and excludes the following costs, l. A/E fees 2. Administrative costs 3. Cost for any other remodel work 4. Cost of asbestos abatement, if found in existing pipes/equipment. WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM SELAWIK, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY GENERAL SUMMARY #1 or 1. Arctic Pipe 31,965 2. Power Plant Modifications 35,635 3. Washeteria Modifications 17,066 4. High School Modifications . 0 5. Grade School Modification 0 SUBTOTAL 84,666 8. General Condikiens, Overhead & Profit 48% 40,640 9. Contingencies 10% 12753) TOTAL 137,837 OR CONCEPTS #2 or #3 51,475 60,595 35,635 35,635 17,066 17,066 25,194 25,194 0 5,501 129,370 143,991 62,098 69,116 19,147 203i! 210,615 OR 234,418 NOTE: Concept 1: Work in AVEC Module and Washeteria Concept 2: Connection to High School Concept 3: Connection to Grade School PAGE 2 FEBRUARY 26, 1990 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 3 SELAWIK, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY : FEBRUARY 26, 1990 1. ARCTIC PIPE QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST CONCEPT 1 Overall 24"x24" pressure treated timber cribbing set on grade at 10'0" o/c comprising (6) 4"x4"x24" planks one direction and (6) 4"x4"x24" other direction 45 EA 115.00 b175 Arctic pipe comprising 2" schedule 40 steel pipe, 2" polyurethane insulation and 6" PvC jacket pipe all anchored to cribbing at 10'0" o/c (2) 900 LF 28.50 25,650 2" bend 6 EA 110.00 660 Connect arctic pipe to buildings 4 EA 120.00 480 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 4 SELAWIK, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY FEBRUARY 26, 1990 1. ARCTIC PIPE QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST CONCEPT 2 NOTE: 2" Arctic pipe from Concept 1 substituted with 2 1/2" pipe in Concept 2 ADD Overall 24"x24" pressure treated timber cribbing set on grade at 10'0" o/c comprising (6) 4"x4"x24" planks one direction and (6) 4"x4"x24" other direction 65 EA 115.00 7,475 2 1/2" schedule 40 arctic pipe, 2" insulation and 7" PVC jacket (2) 1,300 LF 321550) 42,250 2 1/2" tee 1 EA 160.00 160 2 1/2" bend 6 EA 125.00 750 Connect arctic pipes and buildings 6 EA 140.00 840 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 5 SELAWIK, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY FEBRUARY 26, 1990 1. ARCTIC PIPE QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST CONCEPT 3 ADD Artic pipe as Concept 2 1 LOT 51,475 Overall 24"x24" pressure treated timber cribbing set on grade at 10'0" o/c comprising (6) 4"x4"x24" planks one direction and (6) 4"x4"x24" other direction 10 EA 115.00 1,150 1 1/2" schedule 40 arctic pipe, 2" insulation and 6" PVC jacket 300 LF 25).25 po) 2 1/2"x1 1/2"x2 1/2" tee 1 EA 145.00 145 Connect arctic pipes and buildings 2 EA 125.00 250 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 6 SELAWIK, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY FEBRUARY 26, 1990 2. POWER PLANT MODIFICATIONS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST CONCEPT 1 Attach 5'x15'x8' prefabricated insulated module to existing structure (contact area) 470 SF 28.50 13,395 Extra for 3'x4' outside air louver 1 EA 550.00 550 Cut existing pipes for new equipment 4 EA 110.00 440 400 MBH, 20 gauge stainless steel plate (3) chamber heat exchanger 1 EA 6700.00 6,700 40 GPM, 10' head, 1 1/2 HP circulation pump 2 EA 2100.00 4,200 4" insulated schedule 40 steel header 120 LF 42.00 5,040 4" gate valves 6 EA 310.00 1,860 4" check valves 2 EA 290.00 580 4" balance valves 2 EA 185.00 370 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 7 SELAWIK, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY FEBRUARY 26, 1990 2. POWER PLANT MODIFICATIONS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST CONCEPT 1 (Continued) 4" tees and elbows 14 EA 110.00 1,540 Connections to equipment and piping 12 EA 80.00 960 SUBTOTAL: WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 8 SELAWIK, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY FEBRUARY 26, 1990 3. WASHETERIA MODIFICATIONS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST CONCEPT 1 Cut existing pipes for new equipment 2 EA 85.00 170 300 MBH, 20 gauge stainless steel plate heat exchanger 1 EA 5250.00 5,250 40 GPM, 20'0" head main circulating pump 2 EA 2100.00 4,200 Expansion tank 1 EA 1150.00 1,150 Air separator 1 EA 400.00 400 Glycol mix, tank and hand pump 2 EA 520.00 1,040 1" pipes to above 15 LF 15.00 225 2" insulated steel header 70 LF 21490 1,491 2" gate valves it EA 150.00 1,050 2" balance valves 2 EA 95.00 190 2" tees and elbows 14 EA 60.00 840 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 9 SELAWIK, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY FEBRUARY 26, 1990 3. WASHETERIA MODIFICATIONS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST CONCEPT 1 (Continued) 16,006 Connect to equipment 12 EA 70.00 840 Connect to arctic pipe 2 EA 110.00 220 SUBTOTAL: WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 10 SELAWIK, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY FEBRUARY 26, 1990 4. HIGH SCHOOL MODIFICATIONS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST CONCEPT 2 All work at power plant 1 LOT 35,635 Ditto at Washeteria 1 LOT 17,066 Cut and install new 2'0"x3'0"x50 MBH heat recovery coils in existing furnaces 4 EA 450.00 1,800 400 MBH, 20 gauge stainless steel plate (3) chamber heat exchanger 1 EA 6700.00 6,700 Glycol mix, tank and hand pump 1 EA 520.00 520 Air separator 1 EA 400.00 400 15 GPM, 15" head circulation pump 2 EA 1450.00 2,900 Expansion tank 1 EA 1150.00 1,150 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM PAGE 11 SELAWIK, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY FEBRUARY 26, 1990 4. HIGH SCHOOL MODIFICATIONS QUANTITY UNIT UNIT RATE ESTIMATED COST CONCEPT 2 (Continued) 1 1/2" insulated pipe 260 LF 17.40 4,524 1 1/2" gate valves 15 EA 105.00 1,575 1 1/2" check valve 1 EA 95.00 95 1.1/2" balance valve 6 EA 85.00 510 1 1/2" (3) way control valve 4 EA 225.00 900 1 1/2" tees and elbows 34 EA 75.00 2,550 Connect pipe to arctic pipe 2 EA 110.00 220 Connect to equipment 18 EA 75.00 1,350 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM SELAWIK, ALASKA CONSTRUCTION COST STUDY 5. GRADE SCHOOL MODIFICATIONS CONCEPT 3 All work at Power Plant Ditto at Washeteria Ditto at High School Cut existing pipes for new equipment 150 MBH, 20 gauge stainless steel plate heat exchanger 1 1/2" insulated steel header 1 1/2" gate valves 1 1/2" balance valves 1 1/2" tees and elbows Connect to equipment Connect to arctic pipe QUANTITY LOT LOT EA EA LF EA EA EA UNIT RATE 80.00 2870.00 17.40 105.00 70.00 65.00 PAGE 12 FEBRUARY 26, 1990 ESTIMATED COST 35) i635 17,066 25,194 160 2,870 696 SS 210 SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Raw Data POWER PLANT Generators: Caterpillar 3412 325KW (2 each) Radiators: Not recorded Operating Conditions during site visit: Not recorded, avail. from AVEC. Min. Return Temp to Generator: Not available. Engine Design Flow and Max External Pressure: Not available. Generators: Caterpillar 3406 300KW Radiators: Not recorded Operating Conditions during site visit: Not recorded, avail. from AVEC. Min. Retum Temp to Generator: Not available. Engine Design Flow and Max External Pressure: Not available. USER BUILDINGS Safe Water/Washeteria Building Boiler: 2 ea. MBH Boiler Supply Setpoint Temp.: 180 Actual Boiler Return/Supply Temp.: Circ Pump(s): Zone Pumps Grundfos UMS 65-80 (Typ. of 6) Circ Pump(s) Pressure: Not available. High School SELAWIK WASTE HEAT RECOVERY REPORT AND CONCEPT DESIGN FEBRUARY 28, 1990 Boiler(s): 2 ea. Weil McLain P466 HE WT, 151 MBH Boiler Supply Setpoint Temp.: Not recorded. Actual Boiler Return/Supply Temp.: Not available. Circ Pump(s): CP-1A.B Taco Circulator, 1600 Series Circ Pump(s) Pressure: Not available. Grade School Boller(s): 2 ea. Weil McLain BL-876-SW, 552 MBH Boiler Supply Setpoint Temp.: 180 Actual Boiler Return/Supply Temp.: Not recorded. Cire Pump(s): P-1A.B: Grundfos UPS 15-42 P-2A,B: Bell & Gosset Series 1522 P-3A,B: Bell & Gosset Series 1522 Cire Pump(s) Pressure: Not available.