HomeMy WebLinkAboutLand Disposal Info LAN011 1979LAN 011 LAND DISPOSAL INFORMATION eos and 'muskeg. Local temperatures average 44° to 68° in summer and 0° to 49° in winter with extrem es of — 48° to 97°F. Annual Precipi including 102 inches of snow. tation is 29 inches Reservation Purchase Unit No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Price T.23N., R.4W. SM Sec. 27 281 SWYNWY% 30 40.00 A 42,000 00" Rw \ Per. Apia 79951 "50" Section Line Fosement 33 & 50° Pedestrion Sf ie ‘OHW 4 Sheep Creek fe 30'§ Public Access 8 Utility Eosement a 1 Choin = 66 Feer SUBDIVISION LOTTERY SOUTHCENTRAL MAP NO. 29 : > - - 8 ge Ee — - . S ) ~— J ~oy > . = e = oS i tos ? 3 - ficbdaeceitaber ——— ss {seo ae (CoO 4 - : ' - ot ets C wm Noe ~/ “e's / Us ; N ~o a Sie an ‘ s « 4 s * i jf: \ Le >) 4 KR - -S- <q N ‘ : o... “1. o----7 Zw. a - w-? a a i a Ds i< be : tye eto 4x 5 2 : 2 £ 3° 's}° = uo > a) . vt «x SL ! ‘oO rom ;— 1 z v2 '24) 16 <2 mo | 4 R t . ON ° za a o* a t me Qo SIE NI BL F.1g8 | “ey, i> 4] 7 Qo 55 ! on | . = a at a jan-ntnannand P= oe $2000 ° T23N T22N hae "Township 23 N J—-——~-——f. - 4 ALKEETNA A-I, TALKEETNA MTS A-6 a bale : Te fl E | 8853 tot 92 12 sla 5 < E ; 8854 Lot 59 152 423 $944 : [eer 3 8855 Lot 66 152 4.05 $875 aes Sap Ee 8856 . tot 81 152 3.88 $838 8857 lot 82 - 182 487 $1052 ; ey acleerae 8858 lot 93 182 461 s $996 i _ ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY NO. 79-168 for wcmiTy SCE MAP Ho. 7S q | PANGUINGUE CREEK. ALASKA SUBDIVISION ad secant menue Sie 40.4.8 0 Topi sOWTn, aa 8 SEE STI cmonan, ALAS i | total anga SURVEYED: 2,520.99 ACRES OF 1.02024 MECTARES ; | Iw ADOITION TO THE UTILITY EASEMENTS SOs WEREOM, THE FOLLOWING EASEMENT RESER 3 VATIONS ARE MADE: : 8.1 A 3D Feet nani CASEPENT AT Beet FUTIPE PORE LOCATION TS RESERVED FOR : 7 Ee eee ree te, Ne mo LONG OR OFTHE “UCLA 7 TREES AS IDENTIFIED BY THE UTILITY. i B.3 UTILITIES MAY CHOSS ANY DEDICATED. RIGIT-OF-WAY ITH EITHER OVEMEAD OR ? | sere eeracicinits as MEE. : Jak LOS CROPASSED BY THIS SLEEY nat RECT TO A FIFTY FOOT MIDE ACCESS : | CASEMENT BLOG TE MONE ICs WATER OR CIDINARY WIG HATER LINE OF ANT HATER gos oe sat Jeeats — at —_ —_— Ee me Bt ali ij | | g842)8843 |! | i ., nae 1. 45960) 459 Ac] 4.5906 | 4.59.Ae boos 1 Y 7) aoe Tet Satine es Hrs \ sai ac_| aga net! ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-165 MAP NO. 150 |! | Teor av i j i | DP i otk JACK TRACT F : BN 6.02 acl507 A = Parcel Reservation Platting / SA sr0 2] No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs \2 A.S.LS. 79-165, T105,R11E, F.M. Bell Wea 8835 Block 1, Lot 2 150 467” 5 $285 pare : 8836 Block 4, Lot 2 150 4.67 $285 39 Ae ‘ie S 8837 tot 21 150 467 5 $285 ad ie 8838 Block 6, Lot 3 150 434 5 $265 a jal 8839 lot 4 150 433 s $264 sth den ae // j 8840 Block 7, Lot 4 150 ~ 49d s $301 AOE eenet Bt / 8841 - Lot 5 150 494 s $301 we / 8842 Block 8, lot 13 150 459 5 $278 : 8843 lot 14 150 459 5 $278 Pre eT . 7 2° FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No 80 Fightmite es Allowable - Olsposal Acreage — 520 Maximum Staking Acreage © Per Application ‘ 40 Entry Limit (9 €ntries ina") 13 {4 Entries in" B") 5 es) f z | ) #8. ‘ ks Meridian et: Units traversed by section fines are subject to 50' easement each side of ‘the section line. All units are subject to a 50' public occess easement along the ordinary high water line of any water frontage of any sort. aN a UNIT 20048 } al 2 sls 74-23 S. Pot. 57311 WHLNSOSHLYON S15 0uVd SLOWSY NORTHCENTRAL — eee nntnanennnacentnecnreenersentcenerereeee: Rock Creek The Rock Creek land disposal area is located approximately 40 miles south of Anderson and 5 miles west of Healy. The area has varied terrain with gentle to very steep slopes. Access is from the Stampede Trail and the road to Otto Lake. Other trails exist in the area and the Parks Highway is near the eastern portion. Vegetation occurring in the area includes upland Spruce, hardwoods, and bottomland spruce and poplar forests. Tem- peratures in the area average 35° to 66°F in summer and —7° to 27° in winter, with extremes of —54° and 89°F recorded. Local annual Precipitation is about 14 inches including 61 inches of snow. The staking period for successful applicants will be March 5, 1980 through March 4, 1981. Nee CISA Ny SRY * MAP. NO, 123}: SE TY eran iier ‘ Uva pita. is ea Sadit . Entries ‘Authorized : 00 Entrie ee Ip REMOTE PARCELS SOUTHCENTRAL 911 ON dV¥W Ree OHO, 5 sosn UNIT 2001 8 by section lines are — eg \ Paes osement each side of j VON SS a ubject to a 50° ‘public 2) at olong the ordinary |. of any water frontoge UNIT 20018: “South of Beaver Cr. No, of Entries Authorized: 300 Maximum Parcel Size: 40 Acres T} Active Mining Claims staking subject to mining _ activity and surface | < + = L Ano AEN, TET ee po % > il F \ 4 d 4 i \ es eee en Pah gs irs \ E) CREEK/McDOW : Y i 0% ent MAP’*NO. 112 re SCALE]: 1: 250,000 10 UNIT 2001 he : North of Beaver Cr. sae 4 _ No. of Entries Authorized ; 100.7 7 Maximum Parcel Size: 40 Acres ™VActive Mining Claims pee | LT staking subject to mining oS ; activity and surface modification ‘ ai oe hee ety Ay “Units traversed by section lines are. © ie subject to 50' easement each side of | °° the section line. oF All units are subject to a 50° public 4% access easement along the ordinary “Ts } high woter line of any woter frontage) ye / ef any sort. e 7 « ‘ UNIT 2001 A: North of Beaver Cr. Hy No. of Entries Authorized: 100 | Moximum Parcel Size: 40 Acres UNIT 2001 B: South of Beaver Cr. © + No. of Entries Authorized: 300 4 Maximum Parcel Size: 40 Acres | es} age Mining Claims HH A: tokin sublect. to mining hiv Wy surface modit cation IWHLNSOHLNOS S 1a0uVd SLOWS ge See page 37. Sec. 2,11, 12,13,&14,T24N, R4W, S.M.,Ak. AGRICULTURAL LOTTERY Sec. 16, T24N, R4W, S.M, Ak. AGRICULTURAL LOTTERY UNIT 727 116.69 Ac 130) 80m | | UNIT 728 120.99 Ac {Tract 34c Jp UNIT 732 9482 Ac. UNIT 731 50.61 Ac UNIT 729 624.43 Ac. $0" Section Jivne Easement att wontana caate BARTLETT HILLS ALASKA SUBDIVISION ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-109 (Sheet 6 300_ 10001500 3200 ee ey oe BARTLETT HILLS ALASKA SUBDIVISION ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-109 (Sheet 5 of 6) ©1000 2000 3000 4000 S000 ies ‘Seole in Feet MAP NO. 74 2l Sec.27, Township IIS _, Range !2E, Fairbanks Meridian, I7 Sec. 18 , Township 11S , Range I2E, Fairbanks Meridian, Ak. 2 Six Creeks Agricultural Lottery Six Creeks Agricultural Lottery S$ (Township 26 N Range 5 W Seward Meridian, Ak Sec.!8 , Township IIS, Range IZE, Fairbanks Meridian, Ak. 22. 6Sere9 «ie AGRICULTURAL. LOTTERY Six Creeks Agricultural Lottery 52 : I TALKEETNA AGRICULTURAL SITE Sore tar F ‘ 4 i _ 400" R/w ao ol i _ af fete Revirooe tort j ‘ IN 22° Seerenif une | y server 1 , ql ~S f- : : e sors PS LOU Pate decom OS) atthe: il Kor | *4) Wy oe » orl a po SOE Satan Line Fosennt g > I! | p n I vcore | IP] 20° & Peare access Z De \ Urinap Cosemeat =| " | 14 yo! 13 z Kors i { 8 Hf | i ; Tors t ! Unit 733 6417 Ac MAP No. 78 26 87, Township NS, Range I2E, Fairbanks Meridian, Ak. 35 Six Creeks Agricultural Lottery mr. 8 N3YYVM juewssae soi 2083 os 3LIS TVuNLINONOV “MY ‘UDIPIZEW SyUDqsIDY ‘3 |) ebuDY ‘sg OF diysumoy UNIT 758 UNIT 759 ec ca SOUTHCENTRAL juses > Talkeetna SH MAP NO. 71 py 8% UNITS 707-712 \Y Yh 1 | ! 6 | UNITS 7I3—71 | f f \ IN | oy TALKEETNA AGRICULTURAL UNITS, BARTLETT HILLS ALASKA SUBDIVISION “ASLS. No. . 79-106 (Sheet lof) 2 hes "MAP NO. 73 UNITS 718—725 Cree MAP. NO. 75 ~. UNITS 727-728 Surmhine bg Sf eee i i ' j i ; Sedtion Hour MAP NO. 74 UNITS. 726—732 25 AGRICULTURAL LOTTERY AL SOUTHCENTR eel LINN » 9L'ON dVW Wah AL ) reel Ivuninoiusy VNLaa»y dVW ALINIOIA Sec. 25, 26, 27, 34,35 & 36, T26N, R4W, SM be Sec. 1&2, T25N,R4W, SM, Ak. AGRICULTURAL LOTTERY on ut Mt N | | cuz Crees’ | BARTLETT HILLS ALASKA SUBDIVISION 3KA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-106 (Sheet 2 of 6) Acres to be developed yr. 6-10 81 55 70 Zi 27 70 98 31 21 30 203 58 59 45 79 96 28 18 32 25 19 23 153 17 12 14 & Munir 7os 352,79 Ac. | & 100" Aecoss) foreman —* UNIT 709 414. 96 Ac. Total Acres to be dvipd. By yr. 10 162 110 140 154 54 140 196 62 42 60 406 116 118 90 158 192 56 36 64 50 38 46 306 34 24 28 Tract 10 @ 1000 2000 3000 4000 $000 et Scoww in Feet lon; UNIT 712 397.46 Ac MAP NO. 71 Sec. 2,11, 12,13, 14,15 & 24, T25N,R4W, S.M., Ak. AGRICULTURAL LOTTERY UNIT 715 126.16 Ac. Seole in Foot BARTLETT HILLS . ALASKA SUBDIVISION ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-106 (Sheet 3 of 6) f MAP NO. 72 Sec. 22, 23, 26,27, 34 & 35, T25N, R4W, S.M., Ak. AGRICULTURAL LOTTERY Eosement BARTLETT HILLS ALASKA SUBDIVISION 2 ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-106 (Sheet 4 of 6) Smt ES 29a 3QOP_ 49020 19000 MAP NO. 73 ‘Seate in Feet vz | SOUTHCENTRAL Talkeetna The Talkeetna agricultural disposal area is located about § miles east and from 1 to 10 miles south of Talkeetna. Access is by foot or off road vehicle with some existing roads. The terrain is generally flat with interspersed muskeg. pockets, Steep ridges and morainal escarpments. Vegetation is Primarily birch with mixed Spruce and alder and willow stands along the drainages. Agriculture soil capbility has been determined by detailed soil i survey described in the USDA Soil Conservation Service publication q “‘Susitna Valley Soil Survey,’? Siar will be required to submit a Farm Conservation Plan. The Farm Conservation Plan will ha ve to be approved by the Division of Agriculture and will be incorporated as Part of the sales contract, Reservation Purchase Unit No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Price A.S.L.S. 79-106 T.S 24, 25, 26N R.4W SM _707 Tract 2 71 403.62 A,K,L,R,S 40,362 708 Tract 4 71 352.79 A,J,L,M,N,R,S,T 35,279 709 Tract 6A 71 414.96 A,J,L,M,R,S,T 41,496 710 Tract 8 71 445.44 A,J,K,L,N,R,S 44,544 711 Tract 9 71 196.81 A,J,L,N,R,U,S 19,681 712 Tract 10 71 397.48 A,J,L,N,O,,R,S 39,748 713 Tract 13 72 553.33 A,J,K,L,M,R,S 55,333 714 Tract 14B 72 141.89 A,K,L,R,S 14,189 715 Tract 16A 72 126.16 A,K,L,R,S 12,616 716 Tract 18 72 296.94 A,K,L,N,O,R,S 29,694 717 Tract 17 72 886.79 A,K,L,M,N,R,S 88,679 718 Tract 20 73 413.75 A,L,M,N,O,R,S 41,375 719 Tract 21 73." 235.95 A,K,L,R,S 23,595 720 Tract 22 73 413.73 A,K,L,R,S 41,373 721 Tract 23 73 406.52 A,J,K,L,M,R,S 40,652 722 Tract 24 73 465.25 A,J,K,L,M,N,O,R,S 46,525 723* Tract 26 73 183.58 A,K,L,N,O,R,S 18,358 724 Tract 27 73°: 101.73 A,J,K,L,N,O,R,S 10,173 25-1 Tract 28 73 247.24 A,K,L,M,R,S 24,724 726* Tract 30 74 282.54 A,J,L,M,N,R,S 28,254 127* Tract 4] 75 116.89 A,R,S 11,689 728* Tract 42 75 120.99 A,R,S 12,099 729* Tract 31 7 74 623.43 A,J,K,L,M,N,R,S 62,443 730* Tract32 74 74.94 A,K,L,R,S 7,494 731* Tract 33 74 73.08 AKERS 7,308 732* Tract 34A 74 132.20 A,J,K,L,N,O,R,S 13,220 T26N, R5W SM Sec. 14 ‘ , 733°* Lot 4, SF':SEY% 76 64.17 A,B 6,417 *Served by roc ‘. will be subject to a development schedule immediately. **No develope. MGN Es vecrtired far Pluie 794 = a_i — aa Page 100 Sections 19 & 30, T.1IOS, RAIE, FM, ALASKA ! ty it GREELY SUBDIVISION : NOTE: ' THERE 1S A 15‘ puBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT | EACH SIDE OF ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES. | THERE 1S A 30’ RADIUS KEY EASEMENT AT | EACH POLE LOCATION AS NECESSARY FOR ty \ SUPPORTIVE DEVICE, it Se oe er i! APPROX. CENTERLINE OF 54° ESMT | | Paar. FOR PROPOSED 48° NORTHWEST GAS LIN. 1 | 24! us ST ee — — +150 88 LINE ROAO ESMT = =F 25 “le Tr tio 6 2 UTK ESMT i . il ' 50° Rs Ww Per! \ 1 0 ON, 7 3.84 Acl3.84 Ac|3.84 Ac| 3.84 Ac] 3.85 Ac| 3.85Ac|3.85 Ac|3.85 Ac|4.81 Ac! " / i ' ms 4.87 Ac| 4.87 Ac|4.87 Ac uss 1/2626 FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No. 83 * 44 if ° 300 600 900 1200 NX Sie peer — pret ot ‘ 4 op ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-164 MAP NO. 149 Yq r \ GREELY Parcel Reservation Platting / No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code, Sur. Costs PANGUINGUE CREEK 8831 8832 MOTE: Tere is a 15° UTILITY EASE MENT EACH SIDE OF ‘CoMmON T pwieatoa cor canes. KO LOTS within BEC saaun A.S.LS. 79-164 T10S RITE, FM. Parcel Reservation Platting / Section 19, Lot 3 149 4.93 Ww $301 No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs lors 49 499 AS 5304 A.S.L.S. 79-168 T12S REW, FM. . 8844 Block 4, lot 3 151 5.04 WwW $363 Sections 6&7, T.10S, RANE. FM, ALASKA 8845 lot S 151 5.00 $360 - 8846 Block 5, lot 5 151 5.00 u $360 JACK SUBDIVISION ‘| 8847 Lot 6 151 5.00 U $360 i 8848 Block 6, Lot 1 15} 4.96 U $357 8849 lot 2 151 491 $354 7 Fa 3 “ > ieee WORTH GOMNCTOEA aa TRAPPER CREEK GLEN Parcel Reservation Platting / No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs A.S.L.S. 79-242, T26N ROW, S.M. 8752 Block 13, Lot 1 147 3.38 $896 8753 lot 2 147 3.35 $888 8754 lot 3 147 3.54 $935 8755 lot 4 147 3.54 $938 8756 lot 5 147 3.56 $943 8757 lot 6 147 3.87 $1026 8758 lot 7 147 3.44 $912 8759 lot 8 147 2.72 $721 8760 lot 11 147 3.43 $909 8761 lot 12 147 3.95 $1044 8762 lot 13 147 4.77 $1264 8763 lot 14 147 4.93 $1306 8764 Block 16, Lot | 147 4.42 gui 8765 lot 2 147 4.59 $1216 8766 : lot 3 147 — 4.95 $1312 8767 lot 4 147 4.98 $1320 8768 lot 5 147 4.70 $1246 8769 lot 6 147 455 $1206 8770 lot 7 147 4.98 $1320 8771 lot 8 147 4.8) $1275 8772 lot 9 147 4.74 $1256 8773 Block 18, Lot | 147 4.14 $1097 ows 8774 lot 2 147 4.16 $1102 = 8775 lot 3 147 4.89 $1296 4s 8776 tot 4 147 499 $1322, Su 8777 Block 32, Lot | 147 4.98 $1320 ela 8778 lot 2 147 5.00 $1322 “a 8779 lot 3 147 4.60 $1219 HT 8780 lot 4 147 4.76 $1259 8781 lot 5 147 4.77 $1264 8782 lot 6 147 3.81 $1010 8783 lot 7 147 3.79 $1004 8784 lot 8 147 3.99 $107 8785 lot 9 147 4.82 $1277 8786 Block 33, Lot | 147 4.68 $1240 8787 lot 2 147 4.82 $1277 8788 lot 3 147 4.82 $1277 K \ Oe 8789 tot 4 147 4.80 $1272 << : ‘ 8790 Block 34, Lot 1 147 4.98 $1320 %, ! 8791 tot 2 147 4.98 $1320 TRACT _K ‘ uy 1.26,Ac. (STATE LANO) { ‘a SWAN LAKE o . Parcel Reservation Platting / y SK de ; i - No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs oe A.S.LS. 79-145 T28N RSW, S.M. 8792 Block 1, Lot | 148 4.70 $1243 . ” 8793 lot 2 148 4.72 $1251 . * 8794 lot 3 148 4.40 $1166 red 8795 fot 4 148 3.73 $988 ¥ 8796 lot 5 148 dol $957 ‘<b, & 8797 Block 3, tot 4 148 £02 8B $1068 = } * ri Biwow +3 WLOTy r 2 ld a By SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA i 4 Ss 7 NOTE: Located within Sections 7 ond 18 iZ ALL LOTS ARE suBJEcT To A 15" UTILITY a EASEMENT TRACT F 145 = — (COMMON AREA). wee | 7 : | if | OOOO-Parcet No. OOOO -rarcet No 7 ~ | vA VICINITY SEE MAP No. 63 J, (KEY MAP | J NOTE: | fo\e ALL LOTS ARE SuBVEcT TO A I5’uTILiTY EASEMENT | A é ae ez} ASLS. 79-242 Li_| ASLS. 79-145 APPER CREEK GLEN, ALASKA SUBDIVISION Teal SWAN LAKE, ALASKA SUBDIVISION T26 & 27N REW, SM AK UNIT NO. | MAP NO. (47 MAP NO. 148 FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No 62 = a atm Fs tak LOT LES Ane ALKCT TOA IO UTILITY ASOT \ BNE woo sie ° 100" 200" 300m 363m TR \ 9 100 ag no _ncorres \ FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No. 5] OOOO-Parcet no. SKWENTNA STATION ALASKA SUBDIVISION ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY NO. 79-205 MAP No. l45 TOWNSHIP 22 NORTH, RANGE II WEST, S.M. ALASKA HEWITT-SKWENTNA STATION Parcel Reservation Platting / No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs A.S.LS. 79-205 122N, RITW, S.M. 8722 Block 3, Lot 6 145 4.97 $1071 8723 lot 7 145 4.90 $1056 8724 lot 8 145 4.90 $1056 8725 lot 9 145 5.00 $1080 8726 lot 10 145 4.99 $1078 8727 tot 1] 145 4.9% ~ =~. $1071 8728 ; lot 12 145 488g a i “~@ $1052 8729 Lot 13 "145 4.80 7 , 3 $1037 8730 Lot 14 145 4.90 Brat “~ $1058 8731 Lot 15 145 4.86 $ woe $9048 8732 lot 16 145 4.86 LOH $050 8733 lot 17 145 4.86 sf t $1048 8734 lot 18 145 484 7% : $1045 8735 lot 19 145 4.85 $1048 8736 lot 20 145 4.83 $1043 8737 lot 21 145 4.92 $1039 8738 lot 22 145 4.9) $1061 8739 lot 23 145 4.86 ; $1050 8740 Block 4, Lot 12 145 4.89 ; $1056 8741 lot 13 145 4.9m $1069 8742 : lot 14 145 4.95 4 : $1069 TALKEETNA-BARTLETT HILLS Parcel : Reservation Platting / No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs A.S.LS. 79-143, Tract D, T24N, R4W, S.M. 8743 Block 9, Lot 9 146 5.00 7 $975 8744 lot 10 146° 5.00 ° $975 8745 lot 11 146 5.00 $975 8746 lot 12 146 5.00 x $975 8747 lot 13 460 47\ o> $918 8748 lot 14 146 4.76 7 $928 8749 lot 15 146 5.00 . ; $975 8750 lot 16 146 4.08 $79% 8751. lot 17 146 5.00 $975 Township 24 North, Range 4 West, Seward Meridion, Aloska TRACT "D" . ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY NO. 79-143 —WNVINOWTSVT” TR. D-1 168.16 AC (159.594C) 1 ee —3E- OE TT 3.0046 ED 1 + i 3.00 aC je) & | rn Big_soose |. sooac | | | S.00ac Bre 3, | i | siooac .) a.g7ac ° SU aL soon PIF 1, im EK | 4.9940 Ney ag7 ac SV . Frey \\\ fF S.0046 | \\49eac FOR VICINITY SEE MAP Wo. 55 BARTLETT HILLS ALASKA SUBDIVISION ° 00" wot 1900 soo" 2000" seco" amo Fert NOTE: OOOO-PARCEL Ne THERE 1S A FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITY EASE- ee SIDE OF COMMON INTERIOR LOT MAP No. 146 , PP Page 98 GREENSWARD Parcel Reservation Platting / No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs A.S.L.S. 79-154 T18N,R2W, S.M. 8672 Block 6, Lot 1 143 1.87 $920 8673 lot 2 143 1.90 w $935 8674 lot 3 143 1.59 Ww $782 8675 tot 4 143 . 173 Ww $851 BRUCE LAKE Parcel Reservation Platting / No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs A.S.L.S. 79-155 T18N,R2W, S.M. 8676 Block 4, Lot 11 144 2.42 Ww $1,191 8677 tot 12 144 77 W $871 8678 lot 13 144 1.89 WwW $930 8679 lot 14 144 1.43 $704 8680 lot 15 144 1.12 Ww $551 8681 Lot 16 144 1.72 Ww $846 8682 lot 17 144 1.34 w $659 8683 lot 18 144 1.89 Ww $930 8684 lot 19 144 1.27 Ww $625 8685 lot 20 144 152 W $748 8686 lot 21 144 1.20 WwW $590 8687 lot 22 144 1.42 WwW $699 8688 Block 5, Lot | 144 1.08 LW $531 8689 lot 2 144 93 iW $458 8690 lot 3 144 2.29 W $1,127 8691 lot 4 144 © 1,38 $679 8692 tot 5 148 12 w _ $600 BRUCE LAKE Parcel Reservation Platt No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. A.S.LS. 79-155 TI8N,R2W, S.M. 8693 Block 5, Lot 6 144 119 Ww 8694 lot 7 144 113 BW 8695 Block 6, Lot 15 144 WS Ww 8696 lot 16 144 1.09 8697 tot 7 144 1.22 8698 Block 9, Lot 1 144 1.23 8699 Block 10, lot 144 95 8700 lot 2 144 116 8701 Block 11, lot } 144 2.62 8702 Block 12, Lot 1 144 149 8703 lot 2 144 1.50 8704 lot 3 144 1.40 8705 lot 4 144 1.46 8706 lot 5 144 2.80 8707 lot 6 144 292 8708 lot 7 144 1.28 8709 lot 8 144 2.53 8710 lot 9 144 1.32 8711 lot 10 144 1.60 8712 tot 1 144 191 8713 Block 13, Lot 1 144 1.43 8714 lot 2 144 1.61 8715 lot 3 144 1.23 8716 lot 4 144 1.26 8717 lot 5 144 1.53 8718 lot 6 144 2.09 8719 lot 7 144 1.57 8720 Block 14, Lot 1 144 12 8721 lot 2 144 1.46 20 a 22 59 £ 107 Z 10) ert chi eel Se9$ SEIS Se9s £59 M 15% 1 10) ‘p og = FRFFRE EFEE “SseareF 2 % » SSecer S2eeg8 XSwene F “ - Sad “ Seo 2 ro ¥ BoSsSaa — w ab -_ = 3 ea = * wow RRsrra ws = ” s=<<= eersss nee Ss cD Vo weoe BESSee eeee Sees EES fSSF £998 9998 8s BSSESEEEE . 3a > == a) Ba Baas Q o za 8 38 ~sS === as oe 2 = ° 3 ez 3 a = «~ O65 Suseres ge? SESESES BF ~ Luls $998 S$ vu Q Ses Ps “oN [?240, GUVMSN33uS uondisosag jp6a7 apo> eBoany dow uoHDasasay sysoD “4nS / Sunse}d TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 2 WEST, SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA Located within Section 36 IS’ PUBLIC UTILITY ESMT. 50’ SECTION LINE ROAD ESMT—> ACCESS ESMT TRACT & | COMMON, AREA) 72.30 Ae. BRUCE LAKE 26.40 Ac 20° DRAINAGE ESMT——_ TRACT A (COMMON AREA) 72.30 Ac. 15' PUBLIC Q' ORAINAGE_ ESMT (Typical) ORAINAGE ESMT TRACT 8B (COMMON AREA) 9.66 Ac, 20" DRAINAGE SMT TS” PUBLIC 20" DRAINAGE ESMT: NS’ PUBLIC UTILITY ESMT. eee weree scat TRACY (STATE S18) PUBLIC GOOOD-rarcet Wo asa aman FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No. 49 SS a reer eae ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-155 BRUCE LAKE SUBD/IV/SION MAP NO. 144 TRACT C stave Lancy 22.39Ac @ 15 26Ac : GREENSWAFD ALASKA STATE LAND won SECTION 23 TI8N, R2W, SM, AK. Cts of UP TLE gusiTNA ma oo "teak F008 tim tows" | —_[tStursebry esety 100’| R/w PUTT MAN acy a Sey, ROS ONO OD -Parcet no SCALE FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No 48 SUBDIVISION SURVEY No. 73-154 map no 143 Bog “ - a ° VU . > nw Map Acreage $1.5. 79-156 TISN,R2W SMA. Code fion Legal Descrip No. awneaer25e2nro Ssssersers egesSsss gsoeSsSts2% Block 2, Lot 14 8636 A. 8637 8638 8639 lot 19 lot 2 tot 3 tot 4 Block 3, Lot 1 8640 864 8642 8643 goad $630 $620 $630 $556 $531 _ $812 $743 3SE3E3= one, 2AaRK eens 2 egg Segessts tA om 2 a 3s a see" = o a 2 ee 2 3 @o 4 i =<S2ad: ag 2 3: SSZSsase MEADOW LAKES-GOLDSTREAK Parcel No. 8621 8622 8623 8624 8625 8626 8627 8628 8629 8630 863 8632 8633 8634 8635 20! DRAINAGE ESMT. \sorr TEMPORARY SO'ESMT EA. SIDE URNAROUND (TYP) SECTION LINE FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No. 120 SEC 5, 6 TIGN R4W, SM AK GOLDSTREAK SUBD/V/SION ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-156 Parcel Reservation Platting / No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs A.S.L.S. 79-156 T18N,R2W S.M. 8636 Block 1, tot 15 142 1.28 so30 | (SOS) lot 16 142 126 w $620 oe Lot 17 142 1.28 Ww soso |? lot 18 23 Ww $555. | 600 lot 19 142 1.08 w $531] baht Block 2, Lot 4 142 1.65 Ww $3812 bene Lot 5 142 151 Ww $743 ~ lot 6 142 139 Ww $684 “ lot ? 142 1.29 LW $635 “ lot 8 142 151 LW $743 lot 9 14? 1.28 Ww $630 lot 10 142 1.04 w $512 tot 11 142 1.03 W $507 lot 12 142 1.20 $590 lot 13 142 1.52 1 $748 Niot DRAINAGE ESMT or DRAINAGE ESMT OOO0-Parcer no. A per ns 100) ° 100 30orT MAP NO, 142 Reservation Platting / Legal Description Map Acreage A.S.LS. 79-156, T18N,R2W, S.M. Block 2, lot 14 lor 15 lot 16 lot 17 lot 18 lot 19 Block 3, Lot lot 2 lot 3 lot 4 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 142 1.02 1.07 101 1.01 1.06 1.13 1.07 1.26 1.56 1.42 Code > StS EZEESE=z=E AW Sur. Costs $502 $526 $497 $492 $522 $556 $526 $620 $768 $699 8226 8207 8228 8229 8230 8231 8732 8233 8734 8235 8236 8737 8238 8239 8240 B24 lot 4 lot 5 lot 6 lot 7 lot 8 lot 9 tot 10 lot 11 lot 12 lot 13 lot 14 lot 15 Block 22, Lot 1 lot 2 lot 3 lot 4 125 4.09 125 435 125 ANB 125 47 125 3.40 125 455 125 4a 125 437 125 497 125 3.70 125 3.72 125 344 125 482 125 482 125, 482 125 49 NORT Sections 19 & 30, T.1I0S., GREELY SUBDIVISION . NOTE: $1,084 $1,153 $1,108 $1,251 $901 $1,206 $1,185 $12 $1,317 $981 $986 $912 $1,277 $1,277 $1,277 $1,301 he APPROX. CENTERLINE OF 54° ESMT FOR PROPOSED 48° NORTHWEST GAS LIN 8251 tot 14 125 3.4 $904 8252 tot 15 125 3.28 ; ‘ $869 SWAN LAKE Parcel Reservation Platting / No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs A.S.LS. 79-145 T28N, RSW, S.M. : 8253 Block 3, Lot 2 126 4.46 $1,182 | 8254 Block 4, Lot 14 126 3.60 "$957 8255 Block 5, tot 1 126 4.70 $1,246 8256 lot 2 126 4.07 $1,079 8257 tot 3 126 48 $1108 8258 lot 4 126 4.68 $1,235 8259 lot 5 126 4.63 $1,227 $260 lot 6 126 4.93 $1,306 $26! tot 7 126 3.97 $1,052 HCENTRAL RIE. FM. ALASKA qHere 18 A 15’ PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT EACH SIDE OF ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES. THERE 18 A 30’ RADIUS KEY EASEMENT AT EACH POLE LOCATION AS NECESSARY FOR SUPPORTIVE DEVICE. \aceres CENTERLINE OF 25°ESNT Ie FOR EXISTING 8" PIPELINE 88 SEC LINE ROAD ESMT 50°R/# Per. /' 7 Apia 400635)! / ° 300 600 900 1200 ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-164 4.87 Ac|4.87 Ac|4.87 Ac FOR VICINIKY SEE MAP No. 83 OOOO- PARCEL , No. \ : MAP. NO. 127 \ rk TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST. SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA Located within Sections 7 and 18 ALL LOTS ARE SUBJECT TO A 15’ UTILITY “EASEMENT or co QOOO-PARCEL No FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No.63 % 2 NOTE: “ _ : \ Ls ALL LOTS ARE SUBJECT TO A 15‘uTILITY re We AS.LS. 79-145 SWAN LAKE.ALASKA SUBDIVISION UNIT NO. | TRAPPER CREEK MAP. NO. 126 Parcel - Reservation Platting / Parcel Resirvation Pl No. Legol nT enh . aoe cee sib Code oe. Came No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code & os seis — a sy ’ A so AS.LS. 79-242 126H,ROW, Sm. 218 lot 2 15 363 soz O24? Block 72, ot § 125 pe “8219 lot 3 128 431 gigs OMS tot 6 15 381 3220 lot 4 125 a5 5994 nu tor? 1% pel a a 9948045 tot 8 125 482 ann l rm Vv ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY NO. 79-143 TR. 0-1 168.16 aC ($9.58a¢) L___3.00 ac i_$.00 ac Sceac °° 7 po I 3.00 AC. je) 8 je BL@_so0ac 4s _s.00ac |__ 5.006 i 5, FF lz $.00ac_})} a g7ac wh & $00 ac prs ‘a SEK 3 jSSs. | 4.99 AC Sra g7 ac Vy S.00AC si 7 Sh \\ \ss 8, So0ac | \\aseac BARTLETT HILLS ALASKA SUBDIVISION Eo = =o = 0" roo 1200" B40" 3000" 2600" moo reeT NOTE; THERE SS A FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITY EASE- MENT EACK SIDE OF COMMON INTERIOR LOT LINES, CINITY SEE MAP No. 55 |-PARCEL No. MAP NO 124 eave TINA SIATION Parcel Reservation Platting / No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs A.S.LS. 79-205 T22N,R11W, 5.24. 8182 Block 4, Lot 15 123 4.95 $1,095 8183 lot 16 123 4.93 $1,065 8184 tot i? 123 4.93 $1,065 8185 Lot 18 123 4.92 $1,063 8186 lot 19 123 4.83 $1,043 8187 lot 20 123 4.88 $1,054 8188 tot 21 123 4.88 $1,054 8189 lot 22 123 4.89 » $1,056 8190 lot 23 123 4.85 ; $1,048 819) lot 24 123 4.83 4 $1,043- 8192 Block 3, Lot 24 123 4.88 $1,054 8193 Lot 25 123 5.00 $1,080 8194 lot 26 123 4.19 $905 8195 tot 27 123 4% $1,071 819 lot 28 123 4.84 $1,045 8197 Lot 29 123 4.84 $1,045 8198 lot 30 123 4.99 $1,078 8199 lot 31 123 5.00 $1,080 8200 lot 32 123 4.90 $1,058 8201 lot 33 123 5.00 $1,080 8202 lot 34 123 5.00 $1,080 TALKEETNA-BARTLETT HILLS Parcel Reservation Platting / No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs A.S.LS. 79-143 Tract D T24N,R4W, S.M. 8203 Block 6, Lot 1 124 5.00 $975 8204 lot 2 124 5.00 $975 8205 lot 3 124 5.00 $975 8206 lot 4 124 5.00 $975 8207 Block 9, Lot 2 124 4.78 $932 8208 lot 5 124 5.00 5975 8209 lot 8 124 5.00 $975 8210 Block 11, Lot 1 124 4.48 $874 8211 lot 2 124 4.94 $963 TRAPPER CREEK GLEN Parcel Reservation Platting / No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Sur. Costs A.S.L.S. 79-242 T26N,ROW, S.M. ; 8212 Block 17, Lot } 125 4.38 A $15,161 8213 lot 2 125 4.46 A $1182 8214 lot 3 125 4.53 A $1,200 8215 Block 19, Lot 1 125 448 $1,187 8216 lot 2 125 3.14 $1,187 6 mL H, i TRIRBANKS, BIG DELTA POTLATCH PONDS USGS MAP NO. 106 POTLATCH PONDS AGRICULTURAL INTEREST RIGHTS LOTTERY This acreage is located immediately east of Fairbanks between mile 3 and 25 on Chena Hot Springs Road. The land is not considered to be prime agricultural land because less than 50% of its soils are Class li & iil. Much of this land is low, wet, is perennially frozen and presents special drainage problems. However, with proper farming practices much of this land can become productive farmland. Access is provided by improved rouds near the disposal areas. The temperature averages from 33° to 73° F in the summer to -16° to 44° F in the winter. Annual precipitation averages 12 inches with 61 inches of snow. Groundwater availability and quality is highly variable for these tracts. SPECIAL RESERVATIONS Parcels 7141 and 7142 are subject to existing, roads. Parcels adjacent to the Chena River, the Little ‘Chena River and Jenny M Creek are subject to a 200 foot greenstrip reservation along the watercourse that is fo remain undeveloped. All lots are “paper platted”. Determination. of lof corners is the responsibility of the purchasers. werteae eet cere 7 adda hb abd de For all parcels legal access easements exist, but development of such access moy not be feasible because of wet soils and permafrost condition in certain areas. A 50 foot wide public access ond utility easement is reserved along all section lines encompassed by this disposol. A 50 foot wide public access and utility easement is dedicated along cll interior lot and tract boundaries. A 50 foot wide public access is reserved on both sides and along all creeks, streams and water bodies of any kind. POTLATCH PONDS Parce’ Reservation Purchase No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Price THM, RIE, FM. 7100 Sec. 34, £4 107 320 HHT $32,000 7101 Sec. 35 SW, WY NWK, 107 320 HHT $32,000 SEY NW'%, SW SEM 7102 Sec. 36 NWY%, NEw SW 107 200 HHT $20,000 7103 Sec. 36 NEM 107 160 HHT $16,000 7104 Sec. 36 SEM 107 160 T $16,000 ~ TIM,R2E, FM. 7105 Sec. 24 Ni NEY 10 80.11 MT $8,011 7106 Sec. 24 S's NEY 10 80.11 MT $8,011 7107 Sec. 24 NY SEM 0 80.13 JT $8,013 7108 Sec. 25 Ei SEY, SW% SEM 10 120.12 MT $12,012 7109 Sec. 27 W% SEY, NEM SEM 109 120 T $12,000 710 “See. 27 SWY% 109 160 T $16,000 mn Sec. 28 S% SEM 109 79.94 HH,T $7,994 M2 Sec. 28 Se SWiK 109 79.94 HH,T $7,994 7113 Sec. 32 NEY NW, El NWA 109 77.50 HHT $7,750 NW'%, SW NWA NW% 4 Sec. 32 W% NEY 109 80 YT $8,000 ns Sec. 32 E% Eh 109 160 YT $16,000 7116 Sec. 34 NW% 109 160 HH,T $16,000 m7 Sec. 34 SW% 109 160 T $16,000 m8 Sec. 35 SEY, Sih NEM 109 239.94 HHJJT $23,994 m9 Sec. 36 NEY 110 160.10 MT $16,010 7120 Sec. 36 SW'%, Sh NWA 109 240.06 HHJJT $24,006 N21 Sec. 36 SEM 10 160.03 HH,T $16,003 TIN,R3E, FM. 7122 Sec. 30 SWA 10 158.72 NNT $15,872 1123 Sec. 31 NEY 0 160 T $16,000 7124 Sec. 31 NW 0 158.28 T $15,928 7125 Sec. 31 SW% 0 159.76 T $15,976 712% Sec. 3) SEY 0 160 fi $16,000 TIN,R4E, FM. 7127 Sec. 31, Sh 108 319.82 HHT $31,982 7128 Sec. 32, [4 NW Wh WK 108 140.03 KK,T $14,003 NEY W'% E% Wi NE 29 Sec. 32 Wh NWK 108 80.02 KK,T $8,002 TIS,R1E, F.M. 731 Sec. 2 NY 107 320 $32,000 7132 Sec. 2 SW 107 160 $16,000 00z'2$ : g's ae : ooz'§ has . pe mL SS O00 wo eae aie : Ut ores aca : Si. ty 6¢ 107 da ZU. = »_ bee’es : Page 80 SEC. 1,2, t1@12, T 25N, R4W, S.M. TOWNSHIP 26 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST, SEWARD MERIDIAN AGRICULTURAL LOTTERY NITY SEE MAP No. 103 FOR VICINITY SEE ~ MAP No. [03 FoR Vici OOOO- PARCEL No \ 50' G SECTION LINE ESMT 310.05 Ac A<cESS| ul 4 BARTLETT HILLS ALASKA SUBDIVISION . g tee 2000 2 GOOG -PARCEL No. ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-109 SEALE IN FEET =e | MAP NO. 104 MAP No. 105 ALKEETNA TALKEETNA \e Talkeetna residential! land offering is the second phase of a integrated project fo of ot lend agricultural and residential lands in a rural setting. Five separate subdivisions ore Parcel oe ‘ — veae i ‘cated within the area sold in the 1979 Agricultural lottery. This land is bordered to the No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code nee - ast by the Talkeetna Mountains and to the west by the Susitna River. These subdivisions " re ciueted 52 to 64 miles directly north of Anchorage and about 5 miles east and I te A.S.LS. 79-109 T25H,R4W, SM. 0 miles south of the town of Talkeetna. At this time only one of the sites has direct road = 7004 Troct 144, 15 & 168 Yo 310.05 4,81 $31,005 ccess (Yonder Road); all others may be reached by foot, snowmobile or ATV along - T26N, RSW, S.M. , Sec. 2 SW NEY 105 40.00 mT $4,000 tatted rights-of-way or section lines. 7005 he terrain varies in this area from hilly or ridge topography with some steep crosscutting ream gullies, to generally flat alluvial terraces. Soils are well drained, strongly acid and re everlain by a poorly drained peat layer which freezes in winter. Large gravel deposits V | Cc { N iTY M A P re known in the area. Water availability and quality is expected to be good, and the lepartment of Environmental Conservation has approved these parcels for on-site sewage yttems. empreatures ia the area range from 44° to 68° in summer, to -9° to 18° in winter with xtremes of between -49° to 91°. Annual precipitation is 29 inches with 102 inches of now and winds may exceed 33 knots. \ny subsequent owners of property within each of these subdivisions automatically lecomes a member of the Homeowners Association created to manage any common weas. }PECIAL NOTES: Al lots are subject to a building setback of 10 feet from any lot line as well as a 25 foot etback from eny right-of-way boundry. All lots are subject to a 15 foot utility easement on each side of common interior lot lines. tome lots may be subject to a slope maintainence easment for road construction urposes. No development plan will be required on parcel = 7005. Cs N _ BARTLETT HILLS A Farm Conservation and Development plan will be required for the successful applicant on the Talkeetna Agricultural parcel No. 7004. Development of this parcel will be required upon construction of a feasible access road as determined by the Director of Agriculture. The development of a parcel will be based on the amount of usable Class Il or Class Ili soils within the parcel. Twenty-five percent of the Class il and Class fil soils must be developed within a 10 year period starting of the time a feasible road access is available. Agricultural developme:! for the purposes of this sale will be defined as actual production of crops or pasture improvement. + | | | i | | | Fish enoplquy The successful applicant, regardless of availability of road access to the parcel, will be required to submit a Farm Conservation Plan. The Farm Conservation Plan will hove to be approved by the Division of Agriculture and will be incorporated as part of the sales contract. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE (parcel 7004) = -ySGS 1:250,000: ~ TALKEETNA, TALKEETN MAP No. 10 Acreage of Useable Acres to be Acres to be TOTAL x Ciass and ill soils Developed 1-5 years Developed 6-10 years 120 30 30 60 ht al Nw Ac Geass 498 ac. 84599 5.55 Ac, ” 4591 + 4616 4oll aaa 4003 538 Ac c— aie 7 P 4sca TRACT I 547 Ac. 3 499 Ac 4 So 2 a : 4.99 Ac, 6 “151 Ac 4605 a a a un i , } TSO? puBLIe access F 10 5 4594 | 4:99 Ac 5.44 Ac 4595 es ) 5.00 Ac . NOTE TRACT O === 20’ UTILITY EASEMENT] | TRACT E | \ - Seate TRACT B a) elles sad ent | and ane | Haein 4465 4466 F | ati nn ee re, [499 Ac 5.53 Ac. ign "4468 "4467 499 Ac. 553 ac TRACT C 4471 TRACT A 4474 4477 75.89 Ac, 26 Se NGUINGUE CREEK Parcel Reservation Purchase : ; No. Legal Descri tion Ma Acreage Code Price 4 Reservation Purchase hy p cel egal Deseripti Map Acreage code! pice ‘ 79-168 T125,R8W, FM. Sec. 5, 8, 9, 16 & 17 °. g scription P 9 4606 lot 4 80° $.\7 $5,000 AS.LS. 79-168 T128,R8W, EM. Sec. 5, 8, 9, 16 & 17 4607 Aas 80 501 $5,000 tot 10 20 t«C 8 499 . u $5,000 4608 rage} 80 5.95 $5,000 2 tot 80 5.00 u $5,000 4609 Block 13, tot | 80 10.40 $ $15,600 , ot 12 80 5.18 U 35000 «610 lot 2 80 10.00 U $7,150 ? tot 13 80 497 u gso00 | MON lot 3 80 5) u $17,250 8 ot 14 80 5.25 u 500 MN? Block 14, Lot | 80 10.00 $7,150" 4 Block 11, lot 1 80 5.34 sgooo 8813 lot 2 80 ~ 10.00 - $7,150 6 tot 2 80 5.28 gso00 «MONA lot 3 80 10.00. + u $7,150 ” lot 3 80 5.2% gsoo0 M85 lot 4 80 9.99 u $7,150 2 tot 4 80 5.16 g5o00 SNE tot 5 80 10.00 u $7,150 03 Block 12, Lot | 80 5.38 vu $8,050 a6\7 Lot 6 80 9.99 u $7,150 04 lot 2 80 5.47 U $5,000 4618 Block 15, Lot \ 80 11.05 $7,900 05 lot 3 80 5.80 U $5,000 4619 lot 2 80 14.28 u $10,200 Ca Rap — 7 | ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY NO. 79:168 | | PANGUINGUE CREEK, ALASKA SUBDIVISION , LOCATED WITHIN SURVEYED SECTIONS 5: 8,9, 16 617, TOWNSHIP 12 SOUTH. RANGE 8 WEST. FAIRBANKS MERIDIAN, ALASKA | ToTAC AREA SURVEYED 2,520.99 ACRES OR 1,020.24 HECTARES TRACT K | Iu ALOITION TO TE UTIciTY EASEMENTS eos HEREON, THE FOLLOWING EASEMENT RESER VATIONS ARE AES NT AT AY FUTURE POLE LOCATION 1S RESERVED: FOR 1. AS REQUIRED. a AND LEANING 08 OVERHANGING DANGER” DEDICATED RIGIT-OF “HAY wit ELTHER oven ee AE MECESENY. Wee SUBJECT To A FIFTY pOOT WIDE Access OR ORDINARY HIGHNATER Line OF WY WATER ° 54630 —_ oi 4629 TRACT J 430 | LbOL Ae. 835 AE” 495% - TRACT M Zoe 10 #298; Ss Ko) 2397, 4550 ae (* @)__a908¢ gosne 4 27 ke. (po 2313 9 73 { 1s (* ( 4, 482 \ iy L098 As. Seger Acy| 10.08 Ac a ts \ @ 452 | 4518 3515 q 10.00 Ac. 9.99 Ac. 2 as 3 van, 4553 42% 477 Ac, 5.05 Ac. 4499 |" 7 T gon ar || 4496 3 499 - page 65 \ \ 1D ig 2 z nyt 6 . LoT "A z . 5714 Ac os ac L \ fo) ea | /asi2 | | / saine. 4498 > ~so2ac!/ 4497 44 |{' 451i 2 «| ee 479] | 4451 esnt \EADOW LAKES ‘© Meadow Lakes dispose! area is comprised of three separate residential subdivisions, l of which ore located in the Wasilla-Big Lake arec, approximately 20-30 miles north of achorage. The area is bounded to the north by the Tolkeetna Mountains and on the uth by the Knik Arm of Cook Inlet. - \e Greensward project is located on the south shore of the Little Susitna River and is rectly accessible by the Pittman-Schrock Road. se Bruce Lake Subdivision is located 2 miles south of Greensward, adjacent to Kalback rke ond is accessible by Beverly Lake Road and on section line rights-of-way. he Goldstreak Subdivision is located southwest of Big Lake and is directly accessible from cuth Big Lake Rood. he Greensward and Bruce Lake Subdivisions are a mix of homesites and regular lottery ale parcels while the Goldstreak subdivision is being offered totally as homesites. he terrain of these areas is typically comprised of low rolling hills and swamp or bog lominated lowlands. The vegetation is predominately birch and spruce with some aspen ind alder. A few oreas, such as in the Greensward Subdivision, are not extensively orested but are instead dominated by low brush (alder) or grass cover. Soils are ususally well drained, gravelly, gray soils and may be covered by a poorly drained fibrous peat ayer, which freezes in winter. Water availability and quality are expected to be good in these areas and the Department of Environmental Conservation has approved all parcels for on-site sewage. Some parcels may be within the 100 yr. flood plain of the Little Susitna River. om 46° to 70° in summer, to 0° to 40° in winter with Local temperatures range fr: precipitation is 30 inches including 92 extremes of between -40° ond 90° F. Annuol inches of snow. erty within each of these subdivisions automatically Any subsequent owners of prop ated to manage any common becomes a member of the Homeowner's Association cre areas. SPECIAL NOTES: All lots are subject to a building setback of 10 feet from any lot lines as well as a 25 foot setback from any right-of-way boundary. RaW Weel ORS Wee | M2 j “VICINITY ae BIG LAKE . ' MAP NO. 46 lak IDITAROD 3 MAP NO, 45 0 De “12 MILES a USGS 1:250,000-ANCHORAGE & TYONEK MAP No. Aa ef SUSITNA | Parcel Reservation No, Legal Description Map Acreage Code TION, R3W, Sec. 15 S.M. 1201 Wh SWh 45 80.00 AMY : 1m, R4W, Sec. 28 S.M. 1202 Nis Si NW NY, 46 45.00 A NWY, BEY, Aran Purchase | r Page 31 TOWNSHIP 16 NORTH, RANGE 3 WEST, SEWARD MERIDIAN 25'R/W PER APLN 63389" 14 j 30€ PUBLIC ACCESS | UTILITY ESMT | DT hay 21 22 an . | Hl 7 OCOOQ-PaRCEL No i WHITE nieaee! ) - J SP 20P2_, 200 4090 FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No.44 MAP No.45 SCALE IN FEET / Tse SECTION LINE ROAD) ESMT TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGE 4 WEST, SEWARD MERIDIAN go SECTION LINE ROAD ESMT NOY ne TSE TORS pn guey, Page 44 SWAN LAKE Parcel No. Lega! Description 2062 Block 9, Lot 4 2063 lot 5 2064 lot 6 2065 lot 7 2066 lot 8 2067 Block 19, Lot 1 2068 lot 2 2069 lot 3 2070 lot 4 2071 lot 5 2072 lot 6 2073 lot 7 2074 lot 8 2075 lot 9 2076 lot 10 2077 tot 11 63. 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 Map Acreage A.S.L.S.79-145 T28N,R5W S.M. 4.67 4.63 3.67 4.09 4.4) 2.83 3.12 371 4.29 4.58 4.58 4.97 4.71 2.64 2.63 3.20 Reservation Code Pr ren Purchase’ Price $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $5,500 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $5,500 $5,500 $6,000 ° peeuert | VICINITY Map \ BASEO ON USGS TALKEETNA _ AND TALKEETNA MINS 8-6 SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA a) 2000. eocorcer ALASKA STATE LAND. CHASE \ SUBDIV VEY No. 79-149 SON rcei Legal Description map acreage Loge rice lo. A.S.LS. 79-242 T26N,ROW, S.M. 1 Block 31, Lot 2 62 4.98 $7,000 2 lot 3 62 3.90 $7,000 3 lot 4 62 444 $7,000 4 lot 5 62 2.63 $7,000 5 lot 6 62 2.82 $7,000 6 lot 7 62 4.49 $7,000 7 lot 8 62 482 $6,000 . 8 Lot 9 62 4.10 $9,000 wrcel ; Reservation Purchase No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Price A.S.L.S. 79-145 T28N RSW S.M. H Block 1, tot 6 63 3.88 j $6,000 V3 tot 7 63 4.70 $6,000 3 Block 2, Lot | 63 3.08 $6,000 a4 lot 2 63 4.22 $6,000 16 lot 4 63 3.35 $5,500 "7 lot 5 63 3.42 A $6,000 ne Block 3, Lot | 63 457 88 $10,000 ne lot 3 63 3.20 BB $12,000 M20 Block 4, Lot 1 63 4.83 A $6,000 a1 lot 2 63 4.92 BB Siv,c00 024 j tot 5 63 4.80 8B $14,000 025 Lot 6 63 4 BB $14,000 026 lot 7 63 3.98 BB $14,000 027 lot 8 63 3.16 8B $14,000 028 lot 9 83 4.07 B $14,000 1029 lot 10 63 4.40 BB $14,000 2031 Lot 15 63 3.76 $7,000 2032 Block 5, Lot 8 63 3.74 $7,000 2033 Block 6, Lot 1 3 an $7,000 2034 lot 2 63 4.49 $7,500 SWAN LAKE Parcel No. Legal Description 2035 Block 6, Lot 3 2036 lot 4 2037 tot 5 2038 lot 6 2039 lot 7 2040 Lot 8 2041 lot 9 2042 Lot 10 2043 lot 11 2044 lot 12 2045 Block 7, lot} 2046 lot 2 2047 lot 3 2048 lot 4 2050 lot 6 2051 lot 7 2052 lot 8 2053 lot 9 2054 tot 10 2055 Block 8, Lot 1 2056 lot 2 2057 lot 3 2058 lot 4 2059 Block 9. Lot 1 2060 lot 2 2061 lot 3 Map Acreage 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 4.61 4.32 4.23 4.23 3.70 4.90 4.48 4.30 3.95 3.59 4.00 417 4.09 487 4.51 4.13 4.76 4.48 4.29 3.43 3.67 4.39 3.93 4.99 4.64 4.60 Reservation Purchase Code Price $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,500 $7,000 BB $10,000 8B $15,000 BB $10,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $7,000 $6,000 $6,000 $7,000 $6,000 $6,000 oreo = TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST, SEWARD MERIDIAN, ALASKA Locaied within Sections 7 and 18 2018 YZ : "100" ee y {beso section Line Roan Esut . eR \ | @R —E 8 tt tf e€ & | * react ¢ S =~ a owe Sos | mes al 2321 Ac. ”A_50) PEDESTRIAN ESMT | f GL ae | A486 Ac | poe S | | | Tract 0 crtn space 11,32 Ac, 20' PEDESTRIAN — WALKWAY (TYPICAL) RM Ki ox x Naot Ae 2032 Ne Z/\ \375 Ae, 50' PEDESTRIAN ESMT 2048 \\\_— /\ 09 ‘ /\ 48a ac. \i\ DC . “ SUNNY LAKE < : 6199 Ac i \ = OD) \\ a3 Ac " { J 3 "ong eZ a \ - ‘bon = be 2 Yb. | \ SM Eas | / ‘ | XN | < \ = | | | | | i taact 8 oven space he . 134.59 Ac ve 460 Ac. 464 Ac.| 500 Ac 4 NOTE: ALL LOTS ARE SUBJECT TO A ]5‘UTILITY EASEMENT OOOO -PaRCEL No. A.S.LS. 79-145 SWAN LAKE.ALASKA SUBDIVISION — MAP NO. 63 a UNIT NO. | | 50.73 Ac FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No. 61 ae $ i i ROTE: ; ' - 1 ALL LoTs age supuect to a 1S? uriuity | OOOO-rarcer ne ASLS. 79-242 | , TRAPPER CREEK GLEN,ALASKA SUBDIVISION vs f : -T26 & 27N REW, SM AK se 4 FOR VICINITY SEE MAP NO. 61 ) . | EOE 3/8 Bs PSrSrs Tt rekeke + 8 | | | |. | © { | ‘ | MAP NO. 62 | : jo fw —— 4p8 eff 4.0046} — — a]|ie Page 42 a7 | 26 enrannn == = By 1988198 WORESITES Lb TRACT | (STATE LAND! “Te ac. P sat (STATE LAND) TRAPPER CREEK Parcel Reservation No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code A.S.LS. 79-242 T26N,R6W, S.M. 1878 Block 6, Lot 4 62 4,37 1879 lot 5 62 3.81 1880 lot 6 62 3.73 188) tot 7 _ 62 2.85 SWAN LAKE/ SUBDIVISION . } po * aul fy Le \ Tote I ! ( : Scale in Miles pe \ | | \\ ne NY { USGS, TALKEETNA(B-! &C-l) Purchase ( | Price $6,000 $6,000 ” $6,000 $5,500 Parcel No. 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 19 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 197 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 i978 Legal Description Block 7, Lot | Block 8, Lot | lot 2 lot 3 Block 9, Lot | lot 2 lot 3 Block 10, Lot 1 lot 2 Block 12, Lot | lot 2 lot 3 lot 4 lot 5 lot 6 lot 7 lot 8 lot 9 lot 10 Block 14, Lot 1 lot 2 lot 3 lot 4 lot 5 lot 6 lot 7 Block 15, lot 1 lot 2 Block 23, Lot 1 i lot 2 lot 3 Block 24, Lot 1 lot 2 lot 3 tot 4 lot 5 lot 6 lot 7 lot 8 lot 9 lot 10 ~ Block 25, tot 1 lot 2 tot 3 lot 4 lot 5 Map Acreage 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.82 4.85 4.09 4.09 4.42 4.99 4.73 4.21 4.65 4.62 4.36 4.33 4.81 461 4.98 4.99 4.99 4.06 4.95 5.00 4.99 5.00 4.87 4.86 492 492 4.84 4.99 4.43 443 4.89 5.00 4.77 482 48 4.82 4.35 3.93 319 4.18 4.87 Page 41 Reservation Purchase Code Price $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 A $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 A $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $7,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,006 59,000 $9,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 46,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 sembly. The proposal, initiated by local londowners, was presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission \ which voted not to recommend edoption of the designation by the \ Assembly. To date, no public heor- ! ings or Assembly action on the designation have been scheduled. | | \ \ \ TRAPPER «CREEK GLEN SUBDIVISION \ 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 lot 2 lot 3 lot 4 lot 5 lot 6 tot 7 lot 8 Block 28, Lot } lot 2 lot 3 lot 4 lot 5 lot 6 lot 7 lot 8 lot 9 lot 10 let 11 lot 12 lot 13 tot 14 tot 15 lot 16 lot 17 Lot 18 Block 29, Lot 1 lot 2 lot 3 fot 4 lot S lot 6 lot 7 lot 8 lot 9 lot 10 lot 11 lot 12 lot 13 lot 14 lot 15 lot 16 Block 30, Lot 1 lot 2 lot 3 lot 4 lot 5 lot 6 lot 7 lot 8 lot 9 lot 10 lot 11 lot 12 lot 13 lot 14 Block 31, Lot 1 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 46) 443 412 3.2% 3.92 3.36 3.13 3.10 2.50 3.72 4.05 3.31 4.29 4.63 5.00 ~ 4.80 4.99 455 4.76 4.03 4.16 4.57 31) 3.31 2.87 5.00 4.99 4.82 4.82 4.97 4.29 4.51 3.45 4.40 4.60 4.80 4.65 4.88 4.70 4.96 4.64 5.00 4.99 4.61 498 5.00 4.83 4.83 4.65 4.99 5.00 5.00 4.89 4.25 4.28 4.66 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,006 $9,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $7,000 $7,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,00€ $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $6,000 $9,000 $7,000 { Ban Page 40 P BARTLETT HILLS - TRACT A MONTANA CREEK ; : . The Montana Creek disposal area is located about 10 miles south of Talkeetna. Thoug 1 Parcel Reservation Purchase legal access exists to this site, physical access is by foot or all-terrain vechicle only. Th . . . 9 No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Price terrain is generally flat with some low lands and muskeg. A total of 55% of the parc A.S.L.S. 79-143 Tract A T26N,R4W, S.M. soils are acceptable for building of improvements. Vegetation ranges from low lon 1789 Block 2, Lot 4 58 5.00 $5,000 spruce-hardwood forests and muskeg. Local temperatures average 44° to 68° in summ 1790 " tot 5 58 497 $5,000 and 0° to 40° in winter with extremes of -48° to 91° F. Annual precipitation is 29 inchi 1791 Lot 6 58 5.00 \ $5,000 including 102 inches of snow. 1792 lot 7 58 5.00 BB $5,000 Parcel Reservation Purchas 1793 lot 8 58 5.00 BB $5,000 No. Legal Description | Map Acreage Code Pri 1794 lot 9 58 5.00 8B $5,000 123N, R4W, S.M. Host 7 ‘ 7 5.00 88 $5,000 1831 Sec. 21, Wi SW 59 80.00 ABM $93,¢ a 7 \) 7 5.00 8B $5,000 1832 Nih SE% 39 80.00 A,M,Y $65,( ae ais i; 5.00 88 $5,000 1833 Shh SEM 59 80.00 AMY $65, i a 5.00 88 $5,000 1834 Sec. 22, NW SW 59 40.00 ALM $36, ; 7 38 5.00 $5,000 1835 Sec. 27, NWY% NW% 59 60.00 A $64, 1800 lot 15 58 5.00 $5,000 Wh NEY NW : = Lot 7 98 9.00 $5,000 1836 stm NW 39 40.00 M $45, Hoe 7 it 38 5.00 $5,000 1837 NW SW 59 40.00 A $49, ee c i. 98 5.00 $5,000 1838 SW SWi 59 40.00 A $42, He ts 58 5.00 $5,000 1839 Sec. 25, 6% NWM 60 80.00 AM $72 a ot 7 58 5.00 $5,000 1840 SW NEM 60 40.00 ABM $54 ie 0 y 58 5.00 $5,000 1841 NWY SEY 60 40.00 M $50 ae a fe a oo Nees 1842 SW SEM 60 40.00 AM $46 1809 Lot 25 58 5.00 BB $5,000 1810 lot 26 58 5.00 BB $5,000 SWAN LAKE ARE 1811 lot 27 58 5.00 - BB $5,000 The terrain of the area consists of hill and ridge topography cut by small stream vali 1812 lot 28 58. 5.00 BB $5,000 Elevated, well drained areas are covered with birch and spruce forests, while lowlc 1813 lot 29 58 5.00 BB $5,000 are dominated by musky bogs, lakes, and swamps. Most of the topography is orie: 1814 Block 3, Lot 1 58 5.00 $5,000 linearly north-south which gives the majority of the parcels and east-west exposure. ! 1815 lot 2 58 5.00 $5,000 are generally well drained, acidic and alluvial-in origin and may be covered by a po i i 58 5.00 $5,000 drained peat which freezes in winter. Water availability and quality in this ore ot 58 5.00 $5,000 expected to be good. 1818 tot $ 58 5.00 $5,000 f . 1819 Lot 6 58 5.00 $5,000 Access is provided by reserved rights-of-way to the Parks Highway, 2 mile to the eas 7 . . this time, physical access to these subdivisions may be gained by foot, ski, AT’ { TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 WEST, snowmachine along reserved rights-of-way or other public lands. ‘ SEWARD MERIDIAN Temperatures in the area ronge from 45° to 69° in summer fo -4° to 40° in winter \ extremes of between -48° to $0°. Annual precipitation is 29 inches including 102 inch \ $00" R/W PER Varn 7995! snow. 30 Esmt\ _30@ Pusric| access & UTILITY ESMT Any subsequent owners of property within each of these subdivisions automat: WS) SF 5 pee mncss 22 becomes a member of the Homeowner's Association created to manage any con “ area. rt , 1834 .. its TRAPPER CREEK GLEN eo natin ant The Trapper Creek Glen Subdivision is located on the west side of the Susitna | ofan a Approximately 90 miles directly north of Anchorage and 8 miles northwest of the to Talkeetna. . SWAN LAKE The Swan Lake Subdivision is located on the west side of the Susitna River, approxim 100 miles directly north of Anchorage and 15 miles northwest of the town of Talkeei wie cant ~f Equlecamantel Cantervetion hos aperoved only the following Ic tb. ae-os S¥, 0704-6700, 0100-8707, 8771-0775, 8761-8785, 0707-87 00, ; | | (- 8790- 8791, 8212- 8214, 8233-8237, 8241-8452 | 2s |_| i SWAN LAKE _f Lottery: ° . 2011-2017, 2020-2021, 2024-2029, 2034-2042, 2046-2054, 2058, 2060-2677 Homesites: 8792-8800, 8253-8261 © 1000 2000 3000 4000 tat SCALE IN FEET All other parcels are approved for non-woter sewage systems only. Any other methods of FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No. 54 waste disposal must be approved by the Department of Environmental Censervation. OOGO-ParcEL No. MAP No. 59 SPECIAL NOTES: TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 WEST, All parcels will be subject to: 10 fe a 15 foot wide utility easement on both sides of all lot lines building setbacks 0 et SEWARD MERIDIAN from any lot line and 25 feet from any road right-of-way boundary. 5O€ SECTION LINE ROAD ESMT TRAPPER CREEK Reservation Purchase Parcel Legal Description Map Acreage Code Price No. A.S.LS. 79-242 T26N, ROW S.M. 1851 Block 1, Lot | 62 487 A $6,000 + Ac. 1852 lot 2 62 4% $6,000 26 229 5a 1853 lot 3 62 4.96 $6,000 1854 Block 2, Lot 1 62 4.87 A $6,000 SECTION LINE 1855 lot 2 62 4.9% $6,000 1856 lot 3 62 4% $6,000 1857 lot 4 62 48) $6,000 | 1858 lot $ 62 4.64 $6,000 | 1859 lot 6 62 4.02 $6,000 f —_—f 1860 lot 7 62 474 $6,000 | : 7 1861 Bloc 3, Lot | 62 4.68 $9,000 | 50@ SECTION LINE R0AD ESMT 1862 lot 2 62 4.96 $9,000 | 1863 lot 3 62 4.86 $9,000 | | | 1864 lot 4 62 457 $9,000 | | | 1865 lot 5 62 448 : $9,000 i 35 36 | 1865 Block 4, Lot | 62 4.60 $9,000 | | 1867 tot 2 62 4.22 $9,000 | 1868 tot 3 62 4.53 $9,000 | 1869 tot 4 $2 434 $9,000 | 1870 Block 5, Lot } 62 4.25 $9,000 | 1871 tot 2 $2 5.00 $9,000 . . pee mns - 1872 lot 3 449 9,000 GE Be 1873 tot 4 388 uae SCALE IN CHAINS 1874 tot 5 2.94 FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No. 54 MAP No. 60 1875 Aipck 6, . $27 QOQG-PARCEL Ne. © od 1739 1740: 1744 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 17S1 1752 4753 1754 155 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 BARTLETT HILLS - TRACT A Parcel No. 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 Wnt 1772 1773 774” 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 4783 784 i785 1786 1787 1788 aeye: + Block 3, Lot 17 lot 18 tot 19 lot 20 tot 21 lot 22 lot 23 lot 24 lot 25 lot 26 ° lot 27 lot 28 Block 4, tort lot 2 lot 3 Lot 4 lot 5 lot 6 lot 7 lot 8 lot 9 lot 10 tot 11 tot 12 lot 13 lot 14 Legal Description $7 57 57 57 57 57 s7 Ss? $7 5? 57 57 57 57 57 s7 57 7 37 57 57 57 57 57 s7 by 3.94 3.94 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.45 4.99 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Map Acreage A.S.LS. 79-143 Trect B, T24N,RAW, 5.0. A A8 8B BB Reservation Code A.S.LS. 79-143 Tract A, T26N, R4W, S.M. Block 1, Lot 1 lot 2 lot 3 lot 4 tot 5 lot 6 lot 7 lot 8 lot 9 lot 10 tot 11 lot 12 lot 13 Lot 14 lot 15 lot 16 lot 17 lot 18 lot 19 Lot 20 lot 21 Block 2, lot } lot 2 lot 3 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 £8 56 58 fa 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 - 58 58 58 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.99 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 - 5.00 4.97 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.43 5.00 5.00 5.00 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000. $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Purchase . Price $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 ~ $5,000 $5,2%0 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 . $2,000 $1,372 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Township 26 North, Range 4 West, Seward Meridian: TRACT "A" ALASKA STATE LAND. SURVEY No 79-145 i. v 7] FTeMPORARY TURNAROUND | . Z "I $ . 200 0 400 800 1200 FEET TRACT A-6 ater teeter poe preg 5.75 Ac 1 TATE LAND t (COMMON AREA) t TRACT A-! i ' NOTE: 77.80 Ac ( ' [COMMON | THERE 18 A FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITY EASE- ®@ area) ile MENT EACH SIDE OF COMO! RIOR LOT Ves é De OMMON INTE! Lo react a-2o LINES. Tle _ Lots 27,28,29 & tract A-3 oF sock 2 15.28 Ac }/S MAY TAKE ACCESS DIRECTLY FROM LIARD Nw ROAD. ALL OTHER LOTS AND TRACTS ‘ = ARE RESTRICTED TO ACCESS FROM ; 2ITZEANA ROAD OR VETA LOOP |e ie ae jo We Ne (STATE LANO) ae TRACT A-5 : q ' ! 1 ' ~--25}30 ~-36] 31 1 1 ACCESS! eset ! “1007: TRACT A-3 15.82 Ac , (common AREA) > SUBDIVISION OF MAP NO. 58 TRACT 1, ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-109 BARTLETT HILLS ALASKA SUBDIVISION FOR VICINITY SEE MAP Ko. 54 LIARD ROAD Sections | & 2, Township 25 North , Range 4 West ALASKA | STAT NIT NOTLI3S ,0S TRACT "B" 51.61 Ac LAND — SURVEY NL ) NOTE: TRACT B-I , Seward Meridian No. 79-143 THERE 1S A FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITY EASE~ Nha (STATE LANO) iT EACH SIDE OF COMMON INTERIOR LOT T “WP 12 TRACT B-4 1.42 Ac (common AREA) FEET 200 O 400 OO00-Parcer a 600 nS ' ~ Lin “ J is 1764 {8 OT FOR SALE) STATE LANO le 5.00 Ac 5.00. Ac. 1/7 16 Ss We 79 (NOT FOR SALE 1738 (not FoR save)! e 2 » 5.00 Ac 5.00 Ac 5.00 Ac u s es 16 Cia 1740 (wot For save) | 2 £3.94 Ac | 5.00 ag i} é SO’ SECTION 1.INE ROAD ESMT iO’ SLOPE MAINTENANCE ESMT 12/17 A SUBDIVISION OF TRACT 10, ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. 79-109. MAP NO. 57 BARTLETT HILLS ALASKA SUBDIVISION FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No 54 Page 39 act D Reservation Map Acreage » Code Tract D 124N,R4W, S.M. $5 3.00 88 55 5.00 55 5.00 BB 55 5.00 BB SSue 5.00 55 5.00 55 5.00 A 55 5.00 A 55 5.00 ok 55 5.00 A 55 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 +" oo BB 5.00 gp “$00 “BB 5.00 BB 5.00 BB 4.76 BB 4.61 BB 4.83 BB 5.00 BB 5.00 BB 5.00 a BB 5.00 BB ‘ 5.00 BB 55 4.60 55 4.68 5S 4.88 55 4.63 55 4.90 36 4.95 58 4.95 55 4.95 eg 4.99 6 5.00 8 5.00 5 5.00 Sar 5.00 - ise 5.00 Rae 5.00 S 5.00 S$ 5.00 § 475 CTC Reservation Aap Acreage Code Tract C, T24N, RAW, S.M. 56 5.00 A 6 5.00 A 6 5.00 A 4 5.00 A 6 5.00 A 6 5.00 A 6 5.00 ~ A 16 4.63 $ 5.00 4 5.00 6 5.00 ‘ 6 at § 3.36 4 4.96 6 4.80 $ 4.16 6 498 5 3.76 6 3.76 6 5.00 6 5.00 6 3.18 6 5.00 6 5.00 16 3.40 £6 3.40 § 5.00 BB 6 5.00 “BB 6 5.00 8B 6 5.00 88 6 5.00 8B 6 5.00 he $ 5.00 5.00 »Purchase Price $1,200 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 » $5,000 ~ $5,000 - $5,000 * $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000- $5,000 - $5,000°* $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 ~ $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 ~ $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 . $5,000 * $5,000 “2. $$,000 $5,000 “2 $5,000 $5,000 Purchase Price $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 ~ $5,000 * + $5,000 $5,000... $5,000 $5,082 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000" $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $5,000 $5,000. Township 25 North, Range 4 West, Seward Meridian T RACT ten ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY No. awe FOR MicINITY SEE MAP Wo 7 NOTE: "1694 THERE 1S A 15° 5.00 Ac (COMMON AREA)'7/ UTILITY EASE~ 2 eee MENT EACH $1DE 1695 TRAET 65) OF COMMON . 5.00 Ac INTERIOR LOT 3 Lines. i 1696 iyi NO LOTS WITHIN 5.00 Ac Md tract C SHALL _|} 60° R/w if: TAKE DIRECT s 1 ACCESS -FROM STATE LAND i. MASTODON ROAD, +4 sor. 7 s er = “ t : access | oooo: 3 STATE LAND’ J ‘|! ESHT. ‘ i PARCEL No. 2 cfg ' ey}: “4/100 g | [stare eano Hi 3 z fi iy — |; 1667 {i678 @ |i 5.00 Ac 5.00 Ac oS fis 10 Ra 1666 (i677 3 76 "5.00 Ac 5.00 Ac 1 a... 1 et 7 eel] '¥676 1882] 1853} geahisssl| i676 4.16 Ac | 4.99 Ac|3.77 Ac]3.76 Aclo|__ Ti | 6 i ied ; 411675 REGAL —CIRELE : ' ON Te 1659) | 18100 Ae #1699 3.36 Ac Tract 19, ALASKA. STATE “CANO. SURVEY: ‘No. 79-1 109 2 BARTLETT: HILLS ALASKA SUBDIVISION” “” Y SEE MAP”No: 54 o000- PARCE L = k ‘Suaoivision FOR | VICINIT Pape Parcel | : Reservation | No. Légal Description Map . Acreage - Code . A.S.LS. 49-143 Tract C, T24N,R4W, S.M. 1692 Block 4; lot 4 56 5.00 1693 Lot 5 56 4.33 1694 Block 5, Lot 1 56 5.00 A 1695 lot 2 56 5.00 . 1696 lot 3 56 5.00 1697 lot 7 56 5.00 1698 lot 8 56 500 1699 lot 9 56 5.00 1700 lot 10 56 5.00 A 1701 lot 11 56 5.00 A 1702 lot 12 56 5.00 1703 lot 13 56 5.00 1704 lot 14 56 5.00 1705 lot 15 i. 5.00 1706 lot 1 454 BARTLETT HILLS. - TRACT B - Parcel é Reservation No. iegal Descripiion Mup Acreage Code A.S.L.S. 79-143 Tract B, T25N, RAW, S.M. 1708 Block 1, Lot 1 $7 4.33 A 1709 lot 2 57 4.85 A 1710 lot 3 57 5.00 ¢ Ww lot 4 57 4.99 ig 1712 lot 5 57 5.00 1713 lot 6 57 5.00 1714 lot 7 57 » 4,99 A WS Block 2, lot 1 $7 5.00 A 1716 lot 2 57 5.00 1717 lot 3 57 5.00 1718 lot 4 37 5.00 1719 lot 5 57 5.00 1720 lot 6 s7 5.00 1721 lot 7 57 5.00 1799 lot 8 57 4.35 lot 9 57 3.73 i lot 10 97 5.00 We tot 1 S? 1726 lint 19 ro) Purchase’ Price 2 $5,000 $5,000 "$5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Purchase Price, $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,900 Agee 19-143 SO SEC. LINE SMT. Range 4 West, Seward Meridian, Alaska TRACT "D" ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY NO. Township 24 North, em m/s cor —4 Cbs prasy MALASPINA 31VS YOd LON ————__ 19) av 00'S ov00's gsr 9 2v00S SSI dv 00S ESo1 Sv 66 “257 avoos YE pS (rs s ’ € IShl sure js AITE|R IAL \ —— —— —— WAL aséins —L00P o 50’ SEC.LINE ESMT A SUBDIVISION OF 37B, 38, 39A, 39B, 39C, & 40, RO. MONTANA CREEK west r v MAP NO. 55 ALASKA STATE LAND SURVEY NO. 79-109 ? Z ed 2 o OQ a > n < x ” <x a < wn wl = = a= - Lu a i a < a 36, 37A 35, TRACTS 34C, 0000 -PARCEL No. MENT EACH SIDE. OF COMMON INTERIOR LOT LINES. FOR VICINITY SEE MAP No. 54 NOTE: . THERE (1S) A FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITY if GE aa ean No. MONTANA CREEK The Montana Creek subdivision area is located about 10 miles south of Talkeetna. rcs ‘ Though legal access exists to this site, physical access is by foot or all-terrain vehicle . only . The terrain is generally flat with some low lands and muskeg. A total of 35% fe : > of the parcel soils are acceptable for building of improvements. Vegetation ranges j M ONTANA CRE E K | from low land spruce-hardwood forests to muskeg. Local temperatures average 44° ae : s ‘di to 68° in summer and 0° to 40° in winter with extremes of -48° to 91°F. Annual Rai 4 West,Seward Meridi Saqtion 27; eer. er. og - oe precipitation is 29 inches including 102 inches of snow. Parcel Reservation Purchase Hl z No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Price u 4 : T23N, RAW, S.M. Nqensneghcenes 86 , 86 SW% NW% of Sec. 27 3 40.00 A \ ¥ 40 Ac st od nr qyree ham 7990 A 4 * $42,900 26 i 30" Pattie Access Om deen nae " 4 4 33 26 -.-T23N_| T22N ~ conor ree 19 Feet USGS QUADS TALKEETNA MTNS A-6 AND TALKEETNA A-I For Location See Map No. |5 MAP No.3 NORTHCENTRAL TOK SUBDIVISION 91 92 Township 18 North, Range 12 East, C.R.M., Aloska Aso rennalsaeens © ery Eomt Sections 16,21,22 & 23 Re id Ft) $3] For Location’ See Map No. 15 | le E | las Lcciaucl ll s - = eel : : ee peepee I nen age a aoe et — * Sle ie ate =a = 7 4 ao = * gee ae : ~ + week & be ti % Pa Seas om ie : Bodie ao al Sees epprvaunuiety . settee ciiy Anchorage. ihese disposal areas cre bounded to the east by the Talkeetna Mountains and to the south by the Talkeetna River. Access is provided by foot, ATV, ski, or floatplane on a few lakes located in the area. Access to the general area may also be provided by the Alaska Railroad. Public use of this right-of-way is prohibited except for access by train. The number of stops made in the area will be limited. For information regarding rail service, contact the nearest Alaska Railroad agent or superintendent of Transportation at 265-2643. Terrain is typically moderate to large rolling foothills th . ENTNA REMOTE von a MAP NO. I6l oe” ye | 5) Wolverine orse < © 10 SCALE IN MILES 7) | uses uADRANGLE-tTYONEK (ia 1:250,000 SERIES 8 cm: \ ‘2 ; = Brel Strmp | Lake } t bad jat climb steadily to the low | ka hen “MAP. No.159 pe . eeeGus vuuey ispograpny is aiso quiet common as well as medium to small lake filled basins. Low lands are usually well vegetated with spruce, birch, aspen, and alder. The upper reaches to the east usually exhibit less coverage with well elevated areas being alpine meadows. Temperatures in the area usually range from 40°to 68° in summer, to -5° to 35° in winter with extremes of between -48°to 90°. Annual precipitation is about 27 inches with between 50 and 100 inches snow. ° The staking period for sucessful applicants will be September 13, 1980 through OY KE ae PZ NICINITY MAP > Ss ve RF ape fe fern 2 - SCALE IN MILES ra av neers rh et a ee F r USGS QUADRANGLES -TALKEETNA & TALKEETNA MTS. g 4! 0000C SOL HL: WR as [MAP No.i60. 1474 1475 1476 4477 1478 4479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 isi 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 152! 1522 1523 ivi 2 lot 6 lot 7 lot 8 lot 9 tot 10 tot 11 tot 12 lot 13 lot 14 lot 15 tot 16 lot 17 Lot 18 Block 5, Lot 1 lot 2 lot 3 lot 4 lot 5 lot 6 lot 7 lot 8 lot 9 tot 10 tot 11 lot 12 lot 13 lot 14 lot 15 lot 16 lot 17 lot 18 lot 19 lot 20 lot 21 lot 22 lot 23 tot 24 lot 25 lot 26 lot 27 lot 28 lot 29 lot 30 lot 31 lot 32 Block 6, Lot 5 lot 6 lot 7 lot 8 lot 9 33 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 58 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 “$5 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 5S 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 2. 3.91 5.00 3.67 459 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.28 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.91 5.00 5.00 449 3.51 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.92 5.00 48) 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.54 3.02 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.95 8B 8B 88 8B 8B BB BB BB BB 8B BB 8B BB BB BB 88 8B BB 8B BB BB 99,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $4,000 $5,000 $5,000 $4,000 $4,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $2,000 $2,000 $5,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $5,000 $5,000 $4,000 $2,000 $4,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 i207 1540 1541 1842 1$43 1544 1545 1$46 147 “1548 1549 1550 155) 1552 1553 1554 1555 1856 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1707 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 lot 26 lot 27 lot 28 lot 29 Lot 30 tot 31 lot 32 lot 33 lot 34 lot 35 lot 36 tot 37 lot 38 lot 39 lot 40 tot 41 lot 42 lot 43 tot 44 lot 45 Lot 46 Lot 47 lot 48 Lot 49 lot 50 lot 51 lot 52 lot 53 lot 54 lot 55 lot 56 lot 57 lot 58 lot 59 lot 60 lot 62 lot 63 Lot 64 lot 65 lot 66 lot 67 lot 68 Block 7, Lot 1 lot 2 lot 3 lot 4 lot $ lot 6 Block 8 Lot 1 lot 2 tot 3 23 55 $5 55 55 58 55 55 55 55 55 5S 55 55 55 55 55 55 5S 55 55 55 5S 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.76 3.76 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 88 BB BB 88 8B BB BB BB au 35,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000, $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 ~ $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 - $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 go 36 \LKEETNA Tolkeetna residential land offering is the second pho nd agricultural and residential lands in a rural setting. ated within the arec sold in the 1979 Agricultur: the Talkeetna Mountains and to the west by the Susi to 64 miles directly north of Anchorage and about 5 mi uth of the town of Talkeetna. Only one of the sites has direct roa | others may be reached by foot or A.T.V. along P re terrein varies jn this area from hilly or ridge topography wi Soils are well re overlain by @ poorly drained pest layer which freezes in winter. ire known in those areas. Water ovailability and qua department of Environmental Conservation has opp ‘ream gullies to generally flat alluvial terraces. Temperatures in the area range from 44° to 68° extremes of between -49° to 91°. Annual precip snow and winds may exceed 33 knots. Any subsequent owners of property within each of thes becomes @ member of the Homeowner's Association created to oreas. SPECIAL NOTES: in summer, to itation i All tots are subject to o building setback of 10 feet setback from ony right-of-way boundary. All lots are subject to o 15 foot utility easement on each side of com Some lots may be subject a slope maintenance easem BARTLETT HILLS - TRACT D Parcel No. Legal Description Map Acreage A.S.LS. 79-143 Tract p T24N,R4W, S.M. 145) Block 2, Lot } 55 1452 lot 2 55 1453 lot 3 55 1454 Lot 4 55 1455 Lot 5 55 1456 Lot 6 55 \4sT lot 7 55 1458 Block 3 Lot } 55 1459 tot 2 $5 1460 lot 3 55 146) tot 4 55 1462 tot § 55 ann tot 6 55 “ 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 499 2.88 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.75 3.15 d 1 to {Yoder Road); or section lines. d access latted rights-of-way crosse ly acid and el deposits d, and the th some steep drained, strong’ Large grav be goo site sewage lity is expected to roved these parcels for on- -9° to 18° s 29 inches with 102 inc from any lot line as well ent for road construction Reservation Code @ integrated project to e subdivisions ore d to the east situated in winter with hes of e subdivisions automatically manage ony common as a 25 foot mon interior lot lines. purposes. Purchase Price $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $4,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 AR SE WEES TALKEETNA MTNS. Parcel Reservation Purchase No. Legal Description Map Acreage Code Price A.S.LS. 79-143 Tract D T24N,R4W, S.M. 1524 Block 6, Lot 10 55 5.00 $5,000 1525 lot 11 55 5.00 $5,000 1526 lot 12 55 5.00 $5,000 1527 tot 13 55 5.00 $5,000 1528 lot 14 55 5.0 $5,000 1529 tot 15 55 3.41 8B $5,000 1530 lot 16 55 5.00 $5,000 1531 tot 17 55 5.00 $5,000 —= Lot 18. 5S oi SOO ma i 5s $5,000.