HomeMy WebLinkAboutGround-Water Levels in AK, Water Year 1983Alaska Power Authority LIBRARY COPY GROUND-WATEK LEVELS IN ALASKA, WaT WATER YEAR 1983 005 86-56 U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OPEN-FILE REPORT 86-56 Prepared in cooperation with the ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BOROUGH KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GROUND-WATER LEVELS IN ALASKA, WATER YEAR 1983 by Jilann 0. Brunett OPEN-FILE REPORT 86-56 Prepared in cooperation with the ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES, DIVISION OF GEOLOGICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR BOROUGH KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH MATANUSKA-SUSITNA BOROUGH MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Anchorage, Alaska 1986 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DONALD PAUL HODEL, Secretary Dallas L. Peck, Director GEOLOGICAL SURVEY For additional information write to: District Chief U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division 4230 University Drive, Suite 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99508-4664 ii Copies of this report can be purchased from: Open-File Services Section Western Distribution Branch Box 25425, Federal Center Denver, Colorado 80225 Telephone: (303) 236-7476 CONTENTS Introduction ..cccccccccccscvccccccccscsccesececcceecseeescceeseeescees Cooperation cecccccccccccvcvcccvccseseccssccecsesvsccvcsvccccccccce Definition of terMS ..cececceeccccccccecccceccevcccseesesesssesess Explanation Of MapS cesececcccccccccccscccccccescccsscsssecseceees Index map, state Of Alaska ..cececceccccccccccccccccccceceesecceccecees Fairbanks area .ccccccccccccccccccc ccc cc ccccccccccccccc csc ceesccccccece Delta area cecccccccccccccccccccccccccccsscvccvcscccccccseccesccccccces Denali National Park and Preserve area .eceeeccecccccccccccscceccescccs Kenai-Soldotna area weccecccccccccccccccccccccsccececsecsccscsesesseces Lower Kenai Peninsula area .ecceccccccccccccccccecccecccccesceecceeeees Seward aed .ccccccccccccccrccccccccevcccccecscsseesssscccccccccccsscces Tyonek aTea cevccccccccccccccccccccccccccvccccccccc cesses esecccccccccce Willow-Wasilla—Palmer area ...cecccccccccccccccccccccccccsceceseseccees Anchorage-Point MacKenzie area weseeecccccccccccccccccvcccscccccccscecs Valdez area coccccccccccccccccccccccccccscesccescsceccseeesceseeseesees COTdOVA ATCA ceccccccccrcccccccvvcccccccsceesceeeceeeseeeeeseeeeeeeesees Klukwan-Haines-Skagway area cecccccsccccccccvcvcccceccccscccssssssccces JUNEAU ATCA cecccccccccccccccccccvcscveccccvcessssscsscesscesccceeeeees Index of Wells ..ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccreccccccescccccsecsees iii GROUND WATER LEVELS IN ALASKA, WATER YEAR 1983 By Jilann O. Brunett INTRODUCTION The primary objectives of any ground-water level measurement program are to monitor fluctuations of hydrostatic head in aquifers and to detect significant water-level changes in wells. For maximum effectiveness, a water-level measurement program should provide a means for storage, retrieval, and dissemination of the data. It is especially important that potential users of water-level data know that those data are readily available in a useable and understandable format. This report summarizes ground-water level data for the 1983 water year (October 1, 1982 to September 30, 1983) for observation wells at which water levels are either recorded continuously or measured intermittently. For wells at which water levels are measured semi-annually, 10-year summaries are presented. All the data are available upon request from the U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, in Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau, Alaska. The report is divided into sections. Each section begins with a location map or series of location maps followed by well information, including a description of each well and a graph of water-level data for each well. Water levels that were measured intermittently are shown in the hydrographs as *'s and are connected by a dashed line. Water levels that were measured by a continuous recorder are shown as a solid line. Each well is identified by a station number and a local number. The station number consists of 15 digits which describe each well's location based on latitude and longitude. The first six digits denote the degrees, minutes, and seconds of latitude, the next seven digits denote the degrees, minutes, and seconds of longitude, and the last two digits identify the well within a l-second grid and are assigned sequentially. The local number is based on the well's location within the rectangular subdivision of public lands (see diagram). The first two letters indicate the principal meridian and the quadrant formed by the intersection of the base line and the principal meridian. The first three digits indicate the township in which the well 1s located, the next three digits the range, and the following two digits the sec- tion. Letters following the section number indicate the quarter section, the ‘werter-quarter section and so forth to the fourth-order subdivision. The quarter-section subdivisions are lettered counter-clockwise from the northeast Denes Each well within the smallest order of subdivision has a sequential aumber. Finally, each well within a section is assigned a map number. The map aumber is a U.S. Geological Survey office number which is assigned sequentially to the fourth-order quarter subdivision within each section. Thus, SD00200310CDAD1 “01 indicates the Seward meridian (S), the southeast quadrant (D), township 2 south, range 3 east, section 10; and the well is in the SE} of the NE} of the SE} ot tne SWE of the section (CDAD). It was the first well in the fourth-order jvecter subdivision assigned a sequential number (1). The next three digits, 001, indicates it was the first well plotted in the one-square-mile section. R1iW_ RIE R5E ae TeIpiow pie, mas soi Diagram showing derivation of local number from the official rectangular subdivision of public lands. Cooperation The U.S. Geological Survey collects and compiles observation-well data in cooperation with the following: Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) City and Borough of Juneau (JUNEAU) Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB) Kenai Peninsula Borough (KENAI PB) Matanuska-Susitna Borough (MAT-SU) Municipality of Anchorage (MUN. ANCH) In addition to assisting the Survey, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) maintains its own observation-well network. Data from DGGS observation wells are published in this report. Observation wells and the agency providing funds to monitor the wells are listed in the index. Definition of Terms Terms related to wells and water levels, as used in this report, are defined below: Aquifer is a geologic formation, group of formations, or part of a formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable materials to yield useable quantities of water to wells and springs. Hydrologic unit is a geographic area representing part or all of a surface drainage basin or distinct hydrologic feature as delineated by the Office of Water Data Coordination on the State Hydrologic Unit Maps; each hydrologic unit is defined by an eight-digit number. Water year is a 12-month period beginning October 1 and ending September 30. Explanation of Maps Scales: On index maps (1:250,000), 1 inch equals 4 miles. On area maps (1:63,360), 1 inch equals 1 mile. Exceptions will have scale on map. Location Number: This number references the fourth-order quarter subdivision where wells are located. If more than one well occurs in that sub- division, the number of wells is indicated in parentheses. ¢ BARROW ! C T °o fe, R 4 A \ POINT HOPE ‘ \ / ! ’ \ / KOT ZEBUE 2 , 4 BETTLES | | NOME Page 6 \ W URFAIRBANKS , ® 7 Page 60[] & \ ~ age 600] Page 56 \ + ¥ \ McGRATH ‘ \ ‘ BETHEL \ Pa DILLINGHAM (4 pa CclFric e eo Index to maps on pages indicated. ES NS Si MNS Ry Fairbanks area. (0100208BBBC; Ws ses 500 Location of weils on pages 8 - 11. 645129147582101. Local number, FCO0100204BCDB2 021. LOCATION.--Lat 64°51'29", long 147°58'21", Hydrologic unit 19030004, Lot 1, Block 5 of Bluebird Subdivision, 4 mi west of Fairbanks. ,Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER: Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 180 ft, casing information not available. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 780 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1978 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 80.95 ft below land-surface datum, May 8, 1978; lowest measured, 84.14 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 27, 1983. REMARKS.--U.S. Geological Survey Test Well 2. Well is located 50 ft from a well that is pumped for domestic purposes. 645054148003901. Local number, FCO0100208BBBC1 014. LOCATION.--Lat 64°50'54", long 148°00'39", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 0.5 mi uphill from post office in Ester. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 189 ft, casing information not available. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 730 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 131.15 ft below land-surface datum, July 16, 1977; lowest measured, 137.27 ft below land-surface datum, May 16, 1983. REMARKS .--U.S. Geological Survey Test Well 1. WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 1962 FCO0100204BCDB2 O21 FCOO100208B6BC1 O14 644739147581001. Local number, FC00100228CCDC1 006. LOCATION.--Lat 64°47'31", long 147°58'28", Hydrologic unit 19030004, Edenella Heights Subdivision, Chena Ridge Road, near Fairbanks. Owner: Malcolm Pearson. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 205 ft, perforated 177 to 192 ft, open 192 to 205 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 690 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1978 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 116.44 ft below land-surface datum, June 13, 1978; lowest measured, 138.52 ft below land-surface datum, July 25, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 10 FCOO1002280GDG1 006 DEC JAN FEB NAR APR JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 1982 FANRAARAAAS dS" MONG Ld NI “TSA1 YSLUM 11 €1 Location of wells on pages 14 - 17. 645546148013501. Local number, FBO0100207ACDB1 011. LOCATION.--Lat 64°55'46", long 148°01'35", Hydrologic unit 19030004, Lot 11 Block 4 of Spinach Creek Subdivision, off Murphy Dome Road, near Fairbanks. Owner: Ken Dean. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 220 ft, perforated 183 to 198 ft, open 198 to 220 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurements with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 825 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1979 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 172.40 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 18, 1983; lowest measured, 176.98 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 25, 1982. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic purposes. 645531147524001. Local number, FBO0100212CBCC1 004. LOCATION.--Lat 64°55'31", long 147°52'40", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 2330 Stevens Avenue in Goldstream Acres Subdivision, near Fairbanks. Owner: Dennis Trabant. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 280 ft, perforated 249 to 264 ft, open 264 to 280 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurements with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 950 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 231.00 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 9, 1977; lowest measured, 250.83 ft below land-surface datum, July 24, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 14 WATER LEVEL,» IN FT BELOW LSD WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD a a V9 4 Heeeeee FBOO100207A0DB1 O11 FBOO100212C8CC1 004 15 645442147461601. Local number, FBO0100117DDAB1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 64°54'38", long 147°46'45", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.4 mi northwest of intersection of Farmers Loop Road and Ski Boot Hill Road, near Fairbanks. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 565 ft, open 370 to 565 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 1,283 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1975 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 473.53 ft below land-surface datum, May 28, 1975; lowest, 500.70 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 15-25, 1983. REMARKS.--U.S. Air Force B-61 site. 645312147505001. Local number, FBO0100225ADDD1 006. LOCATION.--Lat 64°53'12", long 147°50'50", Hydrologic unit 19030004, corner of Dalton Trail and Nottingham Loop, near Fairbanks. Owner: Fred Pratt. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 5 in. to 118 ft, 4 in. liner to 263 ft., depth 263 ft, perforated and open from 227 to 263 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 810 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1979 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 139.42 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 25, 19813; lowest measured, 149.02 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 21, 1979. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from well for domestic uses. 16 FBOO10011700AB1 OOL WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 8 Oct NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 FBOO100225ADD01 006 WATER LEVEL, IN FI BELOW LSD 17 XN) S ‘es: SOOO a. 4 0010012 2BAAC: FA00100129BAAD eee Ge 'FA00100129BADD; eee 64°50" FC00100126BAAD » FC00100126BACB(2) Location of wells on pages 20 - 51. 19 645434147385101. Local number, FBO0100113DDBC2 001. LOCATION.--Lat 64°54'34", long 147°38'51", Hydrologic unit 19030004, in the right-of-way of McGrath Road, 2.2 mi north of Farmers Loop Road, near Fairbanks. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.-- Diameter 6 in, depth 100 ft, perforated 88 to 98 ft, open 98 to 100 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 748 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 39.25 ft below land-surface datum, July 22, 1983; lowest measured, 41.39 ft below land-surface datum, June 7, 1983. REMARKS .--U.S. Geological Survey McGrath Estates well. This well replaces old observation well 645426147383801 which was abandoned. 645205147395201. Local number, FBOO100136CACC1 016. LOCATION.--Lat 64°52'05", long 147°39'52", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 0.5 mi east of intersection of Farmers Loop Road and Steese Highway, near Fairbanks. Owner: Ken Doyle. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.-- Diameter 6 in, depth 165 ft, perforated 137 to 152 ft, open 152 to 165 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 610 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 112.60 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 18, 1983; lowest measured, 121.40 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 26, 1977. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 20 IN JL UG SP FBOOIOOLLSO0BC2 OOL OC JFN FEB MAR APR aw FF 8 OS MOTSE 14 NI “THAT] YSIUN FBOOLOOLS6CACC1 016 1 83 3 93 3 GS MOTHS L4 NI ‘AST USLUN 21 645429147360401. Local number, FAO0100117CCDB1 020. LOCATION.--Lat 64°54'29", long 147°36'04", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 0.3 mi south of Hagelbarger Road in Grandview Subdivision, near Fairbanks. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 243 ft, open 60 to 243 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurements with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 1,000 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 126.74 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 29, 1980; lowest measured, 134.07 ft below land-surface datum, June 22, 1983. REMARKS .--U.S. Geological Survey Test Well 3. 645407147354301. Local number, FAO0100120BDBD1 010. LOCATION.--Lat 64°54'07", long 147°35'43", Hydrologic unit 19030004, in right-of-way of Steese Highway, 0.3 mi south of Hagelbarger Road, near Fairbanks. Owner: Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 190 ft, cased to 140 ft, open to 190 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurements prior to 1983 made by Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities personnel. Monthly measurements with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape made by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 964 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 153.50 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 26, 1983; lowest measured, 169.50 ft below land-surface datum, May 20, 1980. REMARKS.--Alaska DOT Well No. 1. 22 FAQO1001170C081 020 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD FAOO100120B0801 010 WATER LEVEL, IN FI BELOW LSD B oct NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 23 645335147354201. Local number, FAO00100120CDCD1 038. LOCATION.--Lat 64°53'35", long 147°35'42", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 0.7 mi northeast of corner of Steese Highway and Chena Hot Springs Road, near Fairbanks. Owner: Jon Lundquist. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 205 ft, open 195 to 205 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with calibrated electric tape by personnel from State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys or Division of Land and Water Management. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 850 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 109.35 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 30, 1982; lowest measured, 135.67 ft below land-surface datum, July 8, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 645328147353501. Local number, FAO0100129BAAC1 017. LOCATION.--Lat 64°53'28", long 147°35'35", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.0 mi Chena Hot Springs Road, near Fairbanks. Owner: Doug Kansky. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 280 ft, open 275 to 280 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with calibrated electric tape by personnel from State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys or Division of Land and Water Management. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 880 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 149.30 ft below land-surface datum, May 11, 1983; lowest measured, 227.10 ft below land-surface datum, July 25, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from well for domestic uses. 24 FAROOIOOL20C0CD1 038 DEC JAN FEB NAR APR JN JUL AUG SEP oct NOV 1962 H # BR R B OS" MOTGE Id NI “GAS YSLUN FAOOIOO129BAAC1 017 ERS ARAN R aS1 MOTE Ly NI ‘GA37 UaLUN 25 645328147352601. Local number, FAO0100129BAADI 005. LOCATION.--Lat 64°53'28", long 147°35'26", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.0 mile Chena Hot Springs Road, near Fairbanks. Owner: James Owen. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 240 ft, open 219 to 240 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with calibrated electric tape by personnel from State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys or Division of Land and Water Management. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 890 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 176.60 ft below land-surface datum, Feb. 16, 1983; lowest measured, 187.11 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 8, 1983. REMARKS.--Water pumped from well for domestic uses. 645322147352801. Local number, FAO0100129BADD1 016. LOCATION.--Lat 64°53'22", long 147°35'28", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.0 mi Chena Hot Springs Road, near Fairbanks. Owner: Dave Johnson. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in. to 323 ft, 5 in. to 403 ft, depth 403 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with calibrated electric tape by personnel from State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys or Division of Land and Water Management. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 920 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 244.10 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 15, 1982; lowest measured, 267.97 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 28, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from well for domestic uses. 26 005 JUN JUL AUG SEP FAOO100129BAA01 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR 1962 BR 8€8s§ 8 & OS] MOTE Id NI “SAR] YaTUN JUN JUL AUG SEP FAOOI00123BA001 016 MAY 1983 CEC JAN FEB NAR APR OCT NOV 1982 eRe RA RAE GS MOTHS Ld NI ‘GAS USLUM 27 645315147360501. Local number, FAO0100129BCAC1 018. LOCATION.--Lat 64°53'15", long 147°36'05", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.0 mi Chena Hot Springs Road, near Fairbanks. Owner: David and Vera Dance. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 160 ft, open 150 to 160 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with calibrated electric tape by personnel from State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys or Division of Land and Water Management. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 680 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 86.77 ft below land-surface datum, July 8, 1983; lowest measured, 89.83 ft below land-surface datum, Feb. 25, 1983. REMARKS .--Water pumped from well for domestic uses. 645315147355701. Local number, FA00100129BCDA1 002. LOCATION.--Lat 64°53'15", long 147°35'57", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.0 mi Chena Hot Springs Road, near Fairbanks. Owner: Cynthia S. Rinear. AQUIFER.--Metamorphic bedrock of pre-Jurassic age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 63 ft, open 60 to 63 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with calibrated electric tape by personnel from State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys or Division of Land and Water Management. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 720 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 32.72 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 15, 1982; lowest measured, 35.04 ft below land-surface datum, June 22, 1983. REMARKS .--Water pumped from well for domestic uses. 28 FAROCLOO1L29B0AC1 018 DEC JAN FEB NAR APR AN JL fl SEP NOV 1962 act #8 8 8 8 B&B OS MOTHS Id NI “TAS YALU FROOLCOL29BCDR1 002 CEC JAN FEB MAR APR JUN JUL AUG «SEP act NOV 1982 6B B FF B BRB OS1 MOTHS Ly NI ‘TGAS7 MIUM 29 644944147402501. Local number, FCO0100113BCCC1 022. LOCATION.--Lat 64°49'44", long 147°40'25", Hydrologic unit 19030004, one block southwest of Bassett Army Hospital, Ft Wainwright. Owner: U.S. Army, Fort Wainwright. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 8 in, depth 113 ft, screened 100 to 113 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder operated from August 1964 to June 1970, and March 1976 to current year. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 442.8 ft (determined by altimeter). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1964 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 6.87 ft below land-surface datum, July 27, 1967; lowest 9.90 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 11, 1969. 644820147420001. Local number, FCO0100126BAAD1 007. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'18", long 147°41'29", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.3 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street at Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: Fairbanks North Star Borough. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 22 ft, perforated 17 to 22 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 441.1 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 6.94 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 23, 1983; lowest measured, 9.04 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 30, 1983. REMARKS .--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No. 1. 30 u a a in oct WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD NOV 1962 FOOOI00113BC0C1 22 DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP FCOO100126BAAD1 007 31 644912147423202. Local number, FCO0100122AAAA2 002. LOCATION.--Lat 64°49'12", long 147°42'32", Hydrologic unit 19030004, at intersection of 30th Avenue and South Cushman Street, in Fairbanks. Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 1.5 in, depth 18 ft, casing information not available. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 437.40 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1972 to 1976, 1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 5.18 ft below land-surface datum, July 19, 1975; lowest measured, 10.22 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 19, 1974. REMARKS.--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Piezometer 53. 644848147423101. Local number, FCO0100122DAAA1 003. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'48", long 147°42'31", Hydrologic unit 19030004, at intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street, in Fairbanks. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 20 ft, casing information not available. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder operated in 1973. Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 438.20 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1967 to 1974, 1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 0.82 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 29, 1967; lowest measured, 9.32 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 19, 1974. REMARKS.--U.S. Geological Survey well Flood 34. 32 FOOOLOOL22ARAR2 O02 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD FCOO100122DAAAL 003 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 33 644827147432201. Local number, FC00100122DCCAl 005. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'27", long 147°43'22", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.0 mi northwest of South Cushman Street and Landfill Road, in Fairbanks. Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 1.5 in, depth 20 ft, casing information not available. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 437.60 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 4.61 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 2, 1982; lowest measured, 6.26 ft below land-surface datum, Feb. 17, 1983. REMARKS.--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Piezometer 178. 644825147432401. Local number, FC00100122DCCC1 006. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'25", long 147°43'24", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.0 mi northwest of South Cushman Street and Landfill Road, in Fairbanks. Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 1.5 in, depth 20 ft, casing information not available. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 437.60 ft (detemined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1972 to 1975, 1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 4.73 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 2, 1973; lowest measured, 9.06 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 19, 1973. REMARKS.--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Piezometer 179. 34 FOOO1001220CCAR1 O05 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD FCOO10012200CC1 006 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 35 644751147423501. Local number, FCO0100127AAAA1 004. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'20", long 147°42'30", Hydrologic unit 19030004, SW corner of South Cushman Street Extension and Landfill Road at drainage ditch 'A', in Fairbanks. (25 ft north of 644749147423401). Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 17 ft, perforated 15 to 17 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 439.2 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 5.84 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 23, 1983; lowest measured, 7.96 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS .--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No 13. 644749147423401. Local number, FCO00100127AAAA2 004. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'19", long 147°42'31", Hydrologic unit 19030004, SW corner of intersection of South Cushman Street Extension and Landfill Road at drainage ditch 'A', in Fairbanks. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 50 ft, perforated 48 to 50 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 438.7 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 5.37 ft below land-surface datum, July 27, 1983; lowest measured, 8.32 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS ..--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No. 12. 36 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD oo ~e ~ FCOOLOOL27ARARL 004 Ne ier Pe Tell oct 0EC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY UN JUL AUG SEP FCOO1GO0127ARAA2 O04 37 644820147421401. Local number, FCO0100126BABB1 005. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'21", long 147°41'58", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.3 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street at Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: Fairbanks North Star Borough. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 17 ft, perforated 12 to a7 fe. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 440.3 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 6.11 ft below land-surface datum, June 22, 1983; lowest, 9.24 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS .--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No. 3. 644821147420801. Local number, FCO0100126BABB2 005. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'21", long 147°41'55", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.3 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street at Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: Fairbanks North Star Borough. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 17 ft, perforated 12 to 17 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 440.2 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 6.85 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 23, 1983; lowest measured, 8.85 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS.--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No. 2. 38 FOOOL0OL268RBB1 00S w a ~ a ta 3 OS MOTSE Id NI “AS YSIUN FCOOI00126BRBB2 005 ost MOTE Li NI . 3 “HAST USLUN 39 644818147421801. Local number, FCO0100126BABB3 005. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'21", long 147°42'00", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.3 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street at Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: Fairbanks North Star Borough. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 17 ft, perforated 12 to a7 ee. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 440.8 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 7.29 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 23, 1983; lowest measured, 9.40 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS.--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No. 4. 644752147420201. Local number, FCO0100126BAAB1 004. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'21", long 147°41'39", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.3 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street at Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 14 ft, perforated 12 to 14 £t. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 441.2 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 7.01 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 23, 1983; lowest measured, 8.31 ft below land-surface datum, June 22, 1983. REMARKS.--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No. 10. 40 FCOOL00L266R683 00S WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSO FCOO100126BARAB1 004 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 41 644751147415401. Local number, FCO0100126BAAA1 016. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'20", long 147°41'36", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.3 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street at Fairbanks North Star Rorough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: Fairbanks North Star Borough. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 90 ft, screened 80 to 90 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 443.6 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 10.04 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 11, 1983; lowest measured, 12.50 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 26, 1983. REMARKS.--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Baler building well. Water is pumped from well for institutional uses. 644752147415801. Local number, FCO0100126BAAA2 016. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'22", long 147°41'30", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.3 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street at Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 14 ft, perforated 12 to 14 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 441.3 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 5.55 ft below land-surface datum, Jan. 26, 1983; lowest measured, 9.09 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS.--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No. 11. 42 FCOOLOGL26BRARL O16 vv" a azaaas GS MOTE Ld NI “THAT] USLUM FCOO1OO126BAAA2 016 a a ~ a a | GS1 MOTE Ly NI “TART MSIUN 43 644809147421501. Local number, FCO0100126BACB1 008. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'14", long 147°41'59", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.4 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street at Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: Fairbanks North Star Borough. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 17 ft, perforated 12 to 17 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 439.2 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 5.63 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 27, 1982; lowest measured, 7.74 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS .--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No. 6. 644813147421701. Local number, FCO0100126BACB2 008. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'16", long 147°41'59", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.3 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street at Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: Fairbanks North Star Borough. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 17 ft, perforated 12 to 17 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 439.1 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 5.30 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 23, 1983; lowest measured, 7.27 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS.--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No. 5. 44 FOOOIO0L26BRC81 008 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD FCOO100126BACS2 008 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 45 644808147420801. Local number, FCO0100126BDRB1 010. LOCATION.--Lat 64°48'09", long 147°41'59", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.4 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street at Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: Fairbanks North Star Borough AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 17 ft, perforated 12 to Ay ee INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 440.4 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 6.35 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 15, 1982; lowest measured, 8.51 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS .--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No. 7. 644804147415901. Local number, FCO0100126BDCC1 O11. LOCATION.--Lat 64°47'58", long 147°41'55", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.5 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street at Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: Fairbanks North Star Borough. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 17 ft, perforated 12 to 17 fe. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 440.0 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 4.82 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 23, 1983; lowest measured, 7.31 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS .--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No. 8. 46 FOOOI001L2680651 010 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSO FCOO100126B0CC1 OIL WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 47 644806147413601. Local number, FC00100126BDCD1 012. LOCATION.--Lat 64°47'58", long 147°41'47", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.5 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street at Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: Fairbanks North Star Borough. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 17 ft, perforated 12 to i? 2, INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 440.0 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 5.31 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 23, 1983; lowest measured, 8.09 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS.--Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill Well No. 9. 644745147411401. Local number, FCOO100126CAAB1 014. LOCATION.--Lat 64°47'53", long 147°41'41", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.3 mi southeast of the intersection of Van Horn Road and South Cushman Street near Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 1.5 in, depth 23 ft, screened 18 to 23 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 441.3 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 3.02 ft below land-surface datum, July 27, 1983; lowest measured, 5.85 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS.--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers well P-288. 48 FOOOIOOL2680C01 012 oD ~ fen an - WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD FCOO100126CAFB1 O14 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 49 644741147411501. Local number, FCO0O100126CAAC1 006. LOCATION.--Lat 64°47'52", long 147°41'41", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.1 mi southeast of the intersection of South Cushman Street and Van Horn Road near Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 1.5 in, depth 24 ft, screened 19 to 24 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 443.4 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 5.89 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 23, 1983; lowest measured, 9.95 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS.--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers well P-289. 644739147411501. Local number, FCO0100126CAAC2 006. LOCATION.--Lat 64°47'51", long 147°41'41", Hydrologic unit 19030004, 1.1 mi southeast of the intersection of South Cushman Street and Van Horn Road near Fairbanks North Star Borough Sanitary Landfill. Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 1.5 in, depth 29 ft, screened 24 to ae ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape or calibrated electric tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 448 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 12.74 ft below land-surface datum, July 27, 1983; lowest measured, 15.67 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS.--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers well P-290. 50 FCOO100126CRAG1 O06 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 FCOO100126CAAC2 006 WATER LEVEL, IN FI BELOW LSD 51 o 64°40’ Location of well on pages 54 and 55. 643916147043501. Local number, FD00300314ADCC1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 64°39'11", long 147°04'35", Hydrologic unit 19030004, Building 4355, Eielson Air Force Base. Owner: U.S. Air Force, Eielson Air Force Base. AQUIFER.--Chena Alluvium of Quaternary age. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 8 in, depth 101 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 540 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1965 to 1975, 1976 to 1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 6.87 ft below land-surface datum, July 27, 1967; lowest, 9.90 ft below land- surface datum, Nov. 11, 1969. 54 FOOOS0031L4ADCC1 OL O6C JN FEB MAR APR IN JL MUG SEP Oct OS7 MOTSE Id NI “TAS YSLUN 55 Delta area. Index to map on page 57. 145°20° 145°30' Zz _ = < > x & wg me MILITARY | 63°55’ Location of well on pages 58 and 59. 57 635548145201101. Local number, FDO01101226DBCC1 002. LOCATION.--Lat 63°55'48", long 145°20'11", Hydrologic unit 19030004, mile 14.08, Richardson Highway, near Delta Junction. Owner: State of Alaska. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 200 ft, perforated 130 to 140 ft and 185 to 200 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder operated from February 1978 to current year. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 1,225 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1978 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 138.52 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 25, 1980; lowest, 142.40 ft below land-surface datum, July 19, 1979. REMARKS .--Observation well was drilled by U.S. Geological Survey and is designated Delta Barley Project Well No. 3. 58 MAY JUN JUL fl SEP 983 FOOLI01226080G1 002 7 EC JAN FEB NAR APR A 2 #¢ § 8 QS] MOTE 24 NI “SAT] USLUN 59 ay iD! ( = a a OLS S fimo TFN =~ xe . A o J e : : t ba) : ey " , fi Ap \3)\ (WN {zx aN GR BI o/ & IN) % \ & <LG ) 7 IN CREP ee Ss ) ENS hy ) z / ( A Y BIS \s( ° ‘ =, : 3 \ zi xz 3 DF. CQ ° 4 hy | \ top m ds a S oe 5 PQ ; A J 8 r-) VA 7 3 AS Ne VIN \\ , ) LAN ac AYN Ne 149°00' 148°50 63°45" ) LN y iy ‘ We ZL, { 7 \ © we bs XO eI dos bl PeoavOTOAABRC | =AlESs oF i FC01400704BDAB Bl La Oy, eS ss 1 2 INE Mcki i+) 2) TS @|\. | . 4 Ze | gine \. \ n 1 Q Ss A HANA RSS = t AY \ _ ENS 7 | \ 1 e 14 » \e 3454 Ls t i SEY ==] oe < © 5p 5 2h M9 g RR ¢ : va } 0 2 0, > \ tlie "4 \ Fe O ! - A 2 (i i 2 7 2 o)? 0 4 \ . < 63°40" ws > Soy | . “ CS “Ni ae DSA N I ( po te ! lL. S 31 2 4 1 i x < “M ill ASS * 2000 3 \ 1°. ? ° = | (it ~-1y-- + Location of wells on pages 62 and 63. 61 (~e 634359148545401. Local number, FCO1400704ABCC1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 63°43'59", long 148°54'54", Hydrologic unit 19030004, near Denali National Park Hotel. Owner: U.S. National Park Service. AQUIFER.--Fractured schist of Precambrian era. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 8 in, depth 253 ft, cased to 204 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by personnel from U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. National Park Service. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 1,750 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1964 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 81.33 ft below land-surface datum, June 2, 1980; lowest measured, 109.42 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 10, 1966. 634355148550501. Local number, FCO1400704BDAB1 002. LOCATION.--Lat 63°43'55", long 148°55'05", Hydrologic unit 19030004, near Denali National Park Hotel. Owner: U.S. National Park Service. AQUIFER.--Fractured schist of Precambrian era. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 8 in, depth 307 ft, cased to 304 ft, perforated 150 to 199 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by personnel from U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. National Park Service. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 1,750 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1965 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 89.26 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 4, 1969; lowest measured, 100.60 ft below land-surface datum, June 22, 1974. 62 FOO1L400704fBCG1 O01 S8Be 8S BE OS MOTGS Ld NI “HAT] USI FC0140070480fB1 002 8s 45 8388 8 8 B OS) MOTHS La NI ‘GAS USLUN 63 Kenai-Soldotna area. 64 oa }$800701215D¢ ca ah fe 3 ae ] Wee 2 Ea \ > Bs. $B00701221DDBC | DP \ $B00701223CCD&. “ ee | i\ ©. -g.$800701223cD0 ps! \w bin\ Ly CTs - \ \ 27 Location of wells on pages 66 - 73. 65 604133151214802. Local number, SB00701215DCBC2 004. LOCATION.--Lat 60°41'33", long 151°21'48", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Bernice Lake campground, North Kenai. Owner: State of Alaska. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 202 ft, cased to 191 ft, screened 191 to 196 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Digital recorder -- 30-minute punch. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 84.6 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1972 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 8.23 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 3, 1980; lowest, 14.08 ft below land- surface datum, Sep. 10, 1978. 604133151214803. Local number, SB00701215DCBC3 004. LOCATION.--Lat 60°41'33", long 151°21'48", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Bernice Lake campground, North Kenai. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 52.4 ft, cased to 52.4 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 84.6 ft (determined from levels survey). 7 PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 7.74 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 2, 1980; lowest measured, 13.38 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 7, 1978. REMARKS.--Well is 4 ft east of well SB00701215DCBC2 004. 66 SB8007012150G8C2 004 O6C JAN FEB NAR APR AN JL AUG SEP CT -_ s 32 8 98 OS MOTSE Id NI “TSAS] USIUN SB00701215DCBC3 004 = = a 3 s GS MOTE Ly NI ‘T3A37 MGLUN 67 604111151220003. Local number, SB00701222BDAB3 008. LOCATION.--Lat 60°41'14", long 151°22'00", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Tesoro Alaska Refinery, North Kenai. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 332 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 125 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 116.75 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 29, 1977; lowest, 151.56 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 26, 1979. 604041151230701. Local number, SB0O0701221DDBC1 008. LOCATION.--Lat 60°40'41", long 151°23'13", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Union Chemical Plant, North Kenai. Owner: Union Chemical Company. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 10 in, depth 382 ft, screened 342 to 382 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 118 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 99.68 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 30, 1977; lowest, about 156 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 26-27, 1979. 68 WATER LEVEL,» IN FT BELOW LSD WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD BP RERE SE GR e E act oct NOV S80070122260AB3 008 OC JAN FEB NAR APR JN JL AUG SP $80070122100B8C1 008 OEC JAN FEB MAR APR 69 JUN JUL AUG «SEP 604034151200601. Local number, SB00701223CDDD1 006. LOCATION.--Lat 60°40'34", long 151°20'06", Hydrologic unit 19050002, mile 1.5, Miller Loop Road, North Kenai. Owner: Union Chemical Company. AQUIFER.--Sand of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 10 in, depth 408 ft, perforated 150 to 155 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 130 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 72.03 ft below land-surface datum, July 27, 1983; lowest measured, 77.37 ft below land-surface datum, May 9, 1979. 604031151200607. Local number, SBO0701226BAAA7 003. LOCATION.--Lat 60°40'31", long 151°20'06", Hydrologic unit 19050002, mile 1.5, Miller Loop Road, North Kenai. Owner: Union Chemical Company. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 12 in, depth 90 ft, screened 55 to 65 ft, screened 65 to 75 ft, screened 85 to 90 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 118 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1970 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 20.01 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 2, 1980; lowest measured, 28.20 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 20, 1971. 70 SB0070122300001 O06 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD w 3B00701226BAAA7 003 WATER LEVEL, IN FI BELOW LSD 71 604038151204303. Local number, SB00701223CCDB3 008. LOCATION.--Lat 60°40'38", long 151°20'43", Hydrologic unit 19050002, mile 1, Miller Loop Road, North Kenai. Owner: Union Chemical Company. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 112 ft, screened 106 to 110 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 129.7 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--December 1967 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 46.52 ft below land-surface datum, Feb. 7, 1968; lowest, 65.94 ft below land- surface datum, June 16, 1978. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. Well is also known as Union Chemical 5B. 72 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 2@@ae2? 8 @ oct NOV 1962 $800701223CCDB3 008 DEC JAN FEB NAR APR 73 MAY. 1983 JUN JUL fuG SEP Location of well on pages 76 and 77. 75 603846151002701. Local number, SBO0601003ABAC1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 60°38'46", long 151°00'27", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Marathon Oil Well Road in Beaver Creek basin, Kenai area. Owner: Marathon Oil. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 65 ft, cased to 65 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Digital recorder -- 30-minute punch. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 150 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--August 1968 to November 1973, April 1976 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 8.66 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 15 and 16, 1979; lowest, 14.26 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 4, 1969. 76 SBOOG01003ABAG1 O01 ( ~ BS WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSO & OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL FUG SEP 1962 1985 77 79 Location of wells on pages 80 and 81) 602926151042201. Local number, SB00501029CDAC1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 60°29'26", long 151°04'22", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Mt. Redoubt Way, Soldotna. Owner: Charles S. Parker. AQUIFER.--Gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 8 in, depth 100 ft, cased to 100 ft, perforated 81 to 97 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 94 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--March 1963 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 2.38 ft below land-surface datum, June 28, 1963; lowest, 13.11 ft below land- surface datum; occurred sometime between Feb. 15 and Apr. 15, 1976. 603334151103001. Local number, SBO0501103AAAAl1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 60°33'34", long 151°10'30", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Swires Street, Kenai. Owner: City of Kenai. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 273 ft, perforated 177 to 182 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Digital recorder -- 30-minute punch. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 80 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1970 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 8.64 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 3-4, 1979; lowest, 16.53 ft below land- surface datum, Apr. 15, 1972. 80 SBO0S0102900AG1 O01 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1963 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD SBOOSO1103ARAAL 001 12 14 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD & OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 81 Ys ye (sy C 3 3 ANOS (OP ae: th oe % Lower Kenai Peninsula area. Index to map on page 83. 82 0% 6S Location of wells on pages 84 and 85. 83 a St06S 594515151492201. Local number, SC00501510CCAC1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 59°45'15", long 151°49'22", Hydrologic unit 19050002, mile 161, Old Sterling Highway, near Anchor Point. Owner: Raymond Williams. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary or Tertiary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 100 ft, perforated 91 to 100 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 240 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--May 1962 to September 1970, May 1972 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 35.85 ft below land-surface datum, May 31, 1963; lowest measured, 47.89 ft below land-surface datum, June 20, 1964. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 594019151351201. Local number, SC00601412CAAB1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 59°40'19", long 151°35'12", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Pitzman Avenue on Diamond Ridge, Homer. Owner: Becky Fox-Krogstad. AQUIFER.--Sandstone and conglomerate of the Tertiary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 56 ft, cased to 47.5 ft, backfilled with gravel to 49 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 1,150 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1978 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 6.57 ft below land-surface datum, May 8, 1979; lowest measured, 11.74 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 16, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 84 SCOOSOISLOCGAG! O01 & 6 € 4 @ &K WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSO OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 S$C00601412CAFB1 001 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 85 60°15" b Seward area. Index to map on page 87. 86 NI 60°10° | | SAS 149°25' WET 7 | Wy ; x Ae : | \/ € i) Shs tc) Cl 8 RC SRT Wi TES Peet) I Oa eZ N FES 60°05’ BAY By J Location of wells on pages 88 and 89. 87 600808149254802. Local number, SB00100134CADC2 003. LOCATION.--Lat 60°07'52", long 149°25'56", Hydrologic unit 19050003, at Fort Raymond Recreation Camp, near Seward. Owner: City of Seward. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 8 in, depth 141 ft, screen reportedly installed at bottom of well. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 46 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--July-August 1964, October 1976 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 13.07 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 1, 1976; lowest, 27.72 ft below land- surface datum, Apr. 14, 1979. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 600546149204301. Local number, SDO0100118BADB1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 60°05'46", long 149°20'43", Hydrologic unit 19050003, near Fourth of July Creek, near Seward. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 78 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 55 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1981 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 13.79 ft below land-surface datum, June 2, 1983; lowest, 28.81 ft below land- surface datum, Apr. 27, 1983. REMARKS.--Water level fluctuates with river stage. 88 Tyonek area. Index to map on page 91. 90 151°20' Location of well on pages 92 and 93. 91 Lp 4 og __ | 610647151153001. Local number, SB01201120DBDD1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°06'47", long 151°15'30", Hydrologic unit 19050002, 4 mi northwest of Tyonek. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Claystone and coal of Tertiary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Hole depth 320 ft, 6 in steel casing to 43 ft, 4 in plastic pipe to 206 ft, perforated 106 to 206 ft, clay plug in pipe 194 to 206 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 210 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--December 1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 20.06 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 27, 1978; lowest, 32.44 ft below land-surface datum, July 30 and 31, 1980. 92 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 6 8 B ® B B 2 { SB801201120D8001 001 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 93 Willow - Wasilla - Palmer area. Location of well on pages 96 and 97. 95 614147150013801. Local number, SB01900432ADBD1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°41'47", long 150°01'38", Hydrologic unit 19050002, northwest corner of Nancy Lake Recreation maintenance facility, 3 mi south of Willow. Owner: State of Alaska. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 69 ft, screened 64 to 69 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 260 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--March 1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 46.89 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 15, 1980; lowest measured, 50.54 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 4, 1979. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for institutional uses. 96 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSO $B801900432A08D1 001 97 He ei d 2 Sanh oS at r 61°35" fk J ey ASD < oh LZ, JM oe! KB Py Thee le a 5, Fo) Y AT, 7 2. Il OSs A4 / J SKO1100110C DBCE (2 EBAY FE 200-@/ SA01700115BACD\2 SA0170011SBDAB, 32% ; 7 1a Lo 66 Location of wells on pages 100 - 105. 613406149152103. Local number, SA01700115BACD3 004. LOCATION.--Lat 61°34'06", long 149°15'21", Hydrologic unit 19050002, University of Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station, 5 mi southwest of Palmer. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 313 ft, cased to 313 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Digital recorder -- 30-minute punch. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 172 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--September 1955 to August 1974, February 1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 5.42 ft below land-surface datum, June 28, 1962; lowest, 31.50 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 1, 1964, 613406149152102. Local number, SA01700115BACD2 004. LOCATION.--Lat 61°34'06", long 149°15'21", Hydrologic unit 19050002, University of Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station, 5 mi southwest of Palmer. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Depth 259 ft, 6 in casing to 49 ft, 4 in casing from 29 ft to unknown depth, perforated 155.5 to 156.5 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 172 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--September 1955 to August 1974, February 1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, flowing over top of casing (3.5 ft above land-surface datum), Aug. 1962 to Mar. 1964; lowest measured, 2.33 ft below land-surface datum, July 26, 1979. 100 a SAOL7O01LSBACD3 004 - 5 at mam Ea ia =z “HH a i > ay fd g OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 a SAOL70011L5BACD2 004 — q ma a ro ia fa a & © OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 198% 101 613425149152601. Local number, SA01700110CDBC1 003. LOCATION.--Lat 61°34'25", long 149°15'26", Hydrologic unit 19050002. Owner: Larry L. Dearborn. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 333 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 290 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1974 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 123.54 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 8, 1982; lowest measured, 128.65 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 23, 1976. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 613403149151001. Local number, SA01700115BDAB1 003. LOCATION.--Lat 61°34'03", long 149°15'10", Hydrologic unit 19050002, University of Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station, 5 mi southwest of Palmer. Owner: University of Alaska. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Depth 40 ft, diameter unknown. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 173 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--December 1955 to August 1974, March 1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 25.61 ft below land-surface datum, July 10, 1956; lowest measured, 29.75 ft below land-surface datum, Feb. 5, 1971. 102 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD SAG17001L0C0BG1 003 125 127 128 128 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 a SAC170011560AB1 003 =z 23 2 A Maen ene ne coe ae d a7 fa I fi 2n c OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 103 613417149065401. Local number, SA01700209CCCB1 009. LOCATION.--Lat 61°34'17", long 149°06'54", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Springer Road, 2 mi south of Palmer. Owner: Glenn Woods. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 4 in, depth 83 ft, cased to 82 ft, slotted at bottom. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 170 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--July 1949 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 69.58 ft below land-surface datum, July 29, 1964; lowest measured, 77.36 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 26, 1975. 104 SAO170020S0GC81 Ong WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 105 149°30’ <Fossfy sO 61°15" Gri ; me : Pag bree (ONSS SS e+ Page 191 | VSR r VP Bee NSS NG = < NAZS S'S) US 61°00° Anchorage - Point MacKenzie area. 106 ‘, e 2 S$B01600535DBDA “Ye SB01500523ACCC ie 7) §B01500423DAAA - 3 By o 19 d- ye 2 @ _ #* §B01500427ADAC 3 { 2 ie d | @s B01400433CCCC \ \i26 eee FO. Location of wells on pages 108 - 115. 107 612556150064701. Local number, SBO1600535DBDAl 002. LOCATION.--Lat 61°25'56", long 150°06'47", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Dairy West, Point MacKenzie agricultural area. Owner: Karen Lee. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 50 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 120 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1983 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 26.67 ft below land-surface datum, June 16, 1983; lowest measured, 27.38 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 19, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 108 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD & oct NOV 1982 SBOL600S35080A1 002 DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 612231150015501. Local number, SB01500420CAAA1 001.- LOCATION.--Lat 61°22'31", long 150°01'55", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Point MacKenzie agricultural area, Holstein Avenue. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 318 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Digital recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 185 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Oct. 1982 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 88.87 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 1, 1983; lowest, 90.44 ft below land- surface datum, Apr. 28, 1983. 612235150070801. Local number, SB01500523ACCC1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°22'35", long 150°07'08", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Point MacKenzie agricultural area, Holstein Avenue. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 231 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 140 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Aug. 1983 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 11.32 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 7, 1983; lowest measured, 11.40 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 19, 1983. 110 R SBO1S00420CRAAL OOL J 5 ia m ee a. a YY a 8 S a SBO1500523ACCC1 O01 a a M2 1p i Su d 12 is fi 1s S OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 111 612232149553201. Local number, SB01500423DAAA1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°22'33", long 149°55'38", Hydrologic unit 19050002, 10 mi north northwest of Point MacKenzie. Owner: John Faeo. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 73 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 65 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1983 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 58.95 ft below land-surface datum, June 16, 1983; lowest measured, 59.12 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 19, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 612148149572602. Local number, SB01500427ADAC2 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°21'52", long 149°57'35", Hydrologic unit 19050002, 9 mi north of Point MacKenzie. Owner: Greg Bell. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, hole depth 400 ft, cased to 361 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 200 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1983 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 141.21 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 19, 1983; lowest measured, 144.33 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 1, 1983. REMARKS.--From July 1982 to September 1983 the station number was 612148149572601, the local number was SBO1500427ADAC1 001, and the well depth was 363.5 ft. 112 SB01500423DAAR1 001 q 2 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD @ SB01500427A0AC2 O01 é 141 143 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 113 611659149572001. Local number, SB01400423CCCC1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°16'59", long 149°57'20", Hydrologic unit 19050002, 3.5 mi, northeast of Point MacKenzie. Owner: Mat-Su Borough. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 398 ft, screened 379 to 398 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 127 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--September 1981 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 103.60 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 11, 1981; lowest, 105.55 ft below land-surface datum, July 28, 1982. REMARKS .--Tide-effect on water levels is about 0.5 ft. 114 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD S8014004230G0G1 OOL ‘ OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR 115 nny JN JUL FUG SEP LIT 149°40' ort [lr ae hi oy ry el ae f cae $801300207DBCC i Cae Ch ae Me fe TT pin Loe mee x Thi lig "¥@ s8012009134AA0/ 5 SW RF = \ = -SBO1 O25 7ACB: a Ce ay ay | =F i aiein= @, 880130051 7EDad $y . ‘ fp HS ag ) \ a 15. a ps3 18 lau 8 aod "3801300317DADA EScorfonitcad! te sonjoodrsobaot2) 50 ge jstal BOOSOOOOG. O00! ~ ie ap ee ice test snail | gue SE | jAirpo | Pie 8) $B01300918 COBB) sB013 ee ett aa Ze : « Tedbond ‘Fiison Farmé# $B01300323BAAA a | oe eH HEE SHS ET SSS TY = ) TPs v Chesed $80130 300333AADA SBO1 300336AAAD| )| Ly \ & nF 2 SIA 2 1K / ij ( $30130035 300333ADAD ee $B01300336AD We S347 VI - so ‘ 1 / } (LEY Bes [LIM Cae SBO1 ssa poce ~ { 7 ”g GY é | LIES ¢ Location of wells on pages 118 - 151. 611444149415401. Local number, SB01300206DBBAl 004. LOCATION.--Lat 61°14'41", Long 149°41'54", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Arctic Valley Road, Fort Richardson. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 670 ft, cased to 134 ft, backfilled with gravel to 134 ft and plugged, perforated 90 to 120 ft and 130 to 134 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Digital recorder -- 30-minute punch. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 294 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--August 1954 to June 1962, September 1966 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 42.15 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 28, 1960; lowest, 66.49 ft below land-surface datum, May 15, 1971. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 611347149401601. Local number, SB01300208DBCB2 006. LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'47", long 149°40'16", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Ship Creek at Fort Richardson. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL. CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 190 ft, perforated 110 to 116 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 370 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1973 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 50.46 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 20, 1975; lowest, 79.55 ft below land- surface datum, Apr. 15, 1979. REMARKS.--Water levels were affected by ground-water recharge operations from 1973 through 1975. 118 by g 7 : z : EE & E a. e B ee c i 58 x B 933 868& BB OS MOTE Id NI “TSAST YSLUM JUN JUL UG «SEP SB0130020808C62 006 OGG JAN FEB MAR APR oct NOV 1982 éeerRRERE! OS1 MOTHS IJ NI ‘TSA37 MGLUM 119 611345149420201. Local number, SB01300207DBCB1 003. LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'45", long 149°42'02", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Oilwell Road, near water-treatment plant, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 128.5 ft, screened 109 to 124 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 309 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1969 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 66.37 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 26, 1982; lowest, 89.77 ft below land- surface datum, June 15, 1971. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 611344149420501. Local number, SB01300207DBCC1 005. LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'44", long 149°42'05", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Oilwell Road, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 43 ft, screened 40 to 43 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 307.2 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--September 1970 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 1.26 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 19, 1975; lowest measured, 37.76 ft below land-surface datum, May 17, 1971. REMARKS.--Water levels were affected by ground-water recharge operations from 1973 through 1975. 120 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD RBBIISNIBAe WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD @URBRFRAEBEE act NOV 1982 SB0130020708081 003 UEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY UN JUL AS SEP 1963 $60130020708CC1 005 121 611355149500201. Local number, SB01300309BCCD1 006. LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'55", long 149°50'02", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near west power plant, Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 336 ft, open end. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 144 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1953, 1964, 1970 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 40.21 ft below land-surface datum, May 26, 1953; lowest, 96.32 ft below land- surface datum, June 16, 1975. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 611331149493001. Local number, SB01300309CDCD2 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'31", long 149°49'30", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Municipality of Anchorage's public-water supply well number 4, Commercial Drive, Anchorage. _Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 370 ft, perforated 270 to 293 ft and 295 to 320 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 142 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1956 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 44.22 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 26, 1957; lowest measured, 133.82 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 25, 1972. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 12. SBOL30030SBCC01 O06 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 985 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR OCT NOV 1982 “a @ &@ RF KF B SB OS MOT Id NI “T3Ad1 YaLUN 1980 1981 1962 1978 19798 SBO130030SCDCD2 001 1977 1975 19876 1974 BERBRBRARRS as] MOT Ld NI ‘A931 USLUM CALENDAR YEAR 123 611400149460501. Local number, SB01300311BDCB2 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°14'00", long 149°46'05", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Oilwell Road, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 52 ft, perforated 49 to 52 ft. . INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 197 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1969 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 27.95 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 22, 1980; lowest measured, 37.72 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 22, 1971. 611357149444401. Local number, SB01300312BCCC1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'57", long 149°44'44", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Oilwell and Walton Roads, Fort Richardson, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Army, Fort Richardson. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 145 ft, perforated 145 to 146 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 224 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1956 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 14.69 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 28, 1960; lowest measured, 35.45 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 25, 1971. 124 SBO1L300311B00682 O01 1975 1976 1977 1978 19739 1980 1981 1982 1974 RARBBR HS OS MOTE Id NI “THAS) YalUM CALENDAR YEAR 1962 1981 1978 19878 1980 1977 CALENDAR YEAR SBO1L300312BCCC1 O01 1975 1976 1974 SRAARARHR AB GS71 MOT Ly NI “T3A37 Ua1UM 125 611336149454401. Local number, SBO1300311CDAD1 003. LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'36", long 149°45'44", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Glenn Highway and Boniface Parkway, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Air Force. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 187 ft, cased to 187 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 210 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--September 1959 to October 1962, September 1966 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 14.88 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 28, 1960; lowest measured, 34.77 ft below land-surface datum, May 14 and 18, 1971. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of wells in the Anchorage area. 611335149470401. Local number, SB01300310DCDAl1 002. LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'35", long 149°47'04", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Mountain View Drive between McCarrey Street and Boniface Parkway, Elmendorf Air Force Base, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Air Force, Elmendorf. AQUIFER.--Unknown deposits of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 159.5 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 180 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1961 to 1970, 1972 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, flowing over top of casing (1.6 ft above land-surface datum), Oct. 3, 1961 and Sep. 26, 1962; lowest measured, 14.39 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 1, 1964. 126 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 983 SB01300311CDAD1 003 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR ~- NOV 8 AaNSNRRAAAR OS MOTHS 14 NI “T3AF1 SIUM SBO1300310DCDA1 002 1978 1879 1980 1981 1962 CALENDAR YEAR 1975 1976 1977 1974 nunmnwr pan 2 ee 8 OS1 MOT Li NI ‘T3A37 Ya1UM 127 611323149430103. Local number, SB01300313AAAD3 044, LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'23", long 149°43'01", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Peck Avenue and North Eklutna Street, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 30 ft, perforated 27 to 30 ‘ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 272 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--March 1976 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 2.98 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 28, 1980; lowest measured, 10.13 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 23, 1983. 128 SBOL300313ARADS 044 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 129 611259149432901. Local number, SB01300313DBAD1 045. LOCATION.--Lat 61°12'59", long 149°43'29", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Rangeview Trailer Court, near East 6th Avenue and North Valley Road, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 30 ft, perforated 27 to 30°.£t. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 260 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1969 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 12.09 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 19, 1975; lowest measured, 15.41 ft below land-surface datum, June 25, 1971. REMARKS.--Well responds sluggishly to water level changes. 611259149432902. Local number, SB01300313DBAD2 045. LOCATION.--Lat 61°12'59", long 149°43'29", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Rangeview Trailer Court, near East 6th Avenue and Valley Street, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Silty gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 31 ft, perforated 28 to 31 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 260 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1976 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.-~-Highest water level measured, 12.29 ft below land-surface datum, Jan. 19, 1978; lowest measured, 13.36 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 23, 1976. 130 SB013003130BF01 045 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1962 CALENDAR YEAR WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSO SBOL3S00313DBAD2 045 14 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD & OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG «SEP 131 611243149500701. Local number, SB01300316CCBC1 006. LOCATION.--Lat 61°12'43", long 149°50'07", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Merrill Field Landfill, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary Systen. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 95 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 101 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1974 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 12.79 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 21, 1980; lowest measured, 61.89 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 28-29, 1976. 611243149500703. Local number, SB01300316CCBC3 006. LOCATION.--Lat 61°12'43", long 149°50'07", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Merrill Field Landfill, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 17 ft, screened 13 to 17 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 102 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1974 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 6.76 ft below land-surface datum, May 3-4, 1975; lowest measured, 10.27 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 22, 1980. 132 R SB0130031L6CCBC1 006 x is gq a i 2s = 30 a a a 40 YY gs ft a So S OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 a SBO1300316CCBC3 006 q a cS = a fa J & S OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 133 611252149491801. Local number, SB01300316CADD1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°12'52", long 149°49'18", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Municipality of Anchorage public-supply well number 1, near Merrill Field Drive and Airport Heights Road, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 8 in, depth 470 ft, perforated 165 to 180 ft, 190 to 200 ft, and 269 to 274 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 117 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1956 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 6.14 ft above land-surface datum, Nov. 26, 1957; lowest measured, 119.35 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 19, 1976. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 611254149501301. Local number, SB01300317DADAl1 012. LOCATION.--Lat 61°12'54", long 149°50'13", Hydrologic unit 19050002, at Merrill Field, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 305 ft, open end. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 129 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1969 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 37.24 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 29, 1969; lowest, 91.95 ft below land- surface datum, June 16, 1975. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 134 SBOL300316CADD1 001 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1974 ARSBBERBSRSRR GS] MOTE Ld NI “THAS] USLUN CALENDAR YEAR 012 MAY 983 $B01300317DADA1 @BRa sR, dS1 MOT Li NI “TART YSLUM 135 611313149510401. Local number, SB01300317ACBB1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'13", long 149°51'04", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Municipality of Anchorage's public water-supply well number 3, East 3rd Avenue near Concrete Street, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 8 in, depth 142 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 128 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1957 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 20.80 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 24, 1981; lowest measured, 132.81 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 19, 1976. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 611311149510401. Local number, SB01300317BDAD1 003. LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'11", long 149°51'04", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Municipality of Anchorage's public water-supply well number 3, East 3rd Avenue and Concrete Street, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 8 in, depth 230 ft, slotted 162 to 182 ft and 190 to 201 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 129.3 ft (determined by levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1956 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 28.88 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 29, 1957; lowest measured, 128.17 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 19, 1976. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. Datum was established prior to the 1964 earthquake; no adjustments have been determined. 136 SB01300317ACBB1 001 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1974 5° RS BB ERS OS MOTE Jd NI “AST USLUN CALENDAR YEAR 003 3B01300317B0AD1 @88R B88 BS aS] MOTH Li NI ‘GAS") YaLUM 137 611305149531401. Local number, SB01300318BDCC1 008. LOCATION.--Lat 61°13'05", long 149°53'14", Hydrologic unit 19050002, 6th and D Streets, Anchorage. Owner: J C Penney AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 10 in, depth 190 ft, screened 185 to 190 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 103 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1969 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 75.90 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 22, 1980; lowest measured, 90.63 ft below land-surface datum, July 9, 1976. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 611248149531201. Local number, SB01300318CDBB1 009. LOCATION.--Lat 61°12'48", long 149°53'12", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Anchorage Park Strip, near 10th and D Streets, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 28 ft, screened 25 to 28 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 102 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1970 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 17.48 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 21, 1982; lowest measured, 19.88 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 24, 1978. 138 os $B01300318BDCC1 9008 —J 5 a oO es KL Ss d 7 yi Ee 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 CALENDAR YEAR q $B01300318CDBB1 009 5 oO E z dl 5 oa 85 s 1974 1975 19876 1977 1978 1978 1980 1981 1982 CALENDAR YEAR 139 611236149453701. Local number, SB01300323ABBB1 013. LOCATION.--Lat 61°12'36", long 149°45'37", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Nunaka Valley Park, near Debarr Road and Atkinson Drive, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 20 ft, perforated 17 to 20 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 213 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1969 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 10.14 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 22, 1971; lowest measured, 13.41 ft below land-surface datum, July 23, 1971. 611235149454001. Local number, SB01300323BAAAl1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°12'34", long 149°45'43", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Nunaka Valley Park, near Debarr Road and Atkinson Drive, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 10 in, depth 150 ft, screened 147 to 150 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 216 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1959 to 1969, 1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 16.17 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 3, 1961; lowest, 54.70 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1979. 140 RB $B01300323ABBB1 013 a s a oo kw i S = oe E 1974 1975 1976 1977 19768 1979 1980 1981 1982 CALENDAR YEAR a SBO1L300323BAAA1 001 > a 32 mo & ES - 2 ~ 49 js hf Ei 4 os 4s & 48 eee enced S OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 141 611146149492301. Local number, SB01300321CDDC1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°11'46", long 149°49'23", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Municipality of Anchorage's public water-supply well number 8, in Goose Lake Recreational Area, near East Northern Lights Boulevard and UAA Drive, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 166 ft, screened 163 to 166 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 140 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1964 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 22.11 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 21, 1969; lowest measured, 69.28 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 22, 1975. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 611146149492303. Local number, SB01300321CDDC3 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°11'46", long 149°49'23", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Municipality of Anchorage's public water-supply well number 8, in Goose Lake Recreational Area, near East Northern Lights Boulevard and UAA Drive, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 21 ft, screened 18 to 2) ft INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 140 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1970 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 8.27 ft below land-surface datum, July 23, 1973; lowest measured, 12.59 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 22, 1971. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 142 SB01300321CDDG1 001 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1962 €4BBIIRRBAR QS] MOTG@ Id NI “T3AT1 YSLUM CALENDAR YEAR 19680 1981 1962 3B01300321CDDC3 001 1875 1976 1977 1978 1979 1974 QS1 MOT3G La NI ‘T3A37 UalUM CALENDAR YEAR 143 611150149490501. Local number, SB01300321DCCAl 009. LOCATION.--Lat 61°11'50", long 149°49'05", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Goose Lake Recreational Area, near East Northern Lights Boulevard and UAA Drive, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sandy gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 28 ft, screened 25 to 28 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 145 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1969 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 15.86 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 26, 1979; lowest measured, 23.04 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 22, 1971. 611106149522801. Local number, SBO1300330DBDD1 030. LOCATION.--Lat 61°11'06", long 149°52'28", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near East 39th Avenue and Denali Street, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Unknown deposits of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 261 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 108 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1974 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 2.51 ft above land-surface datum, Sep. 24-25, 1976; lowest, 48.11 ft below land-surface datum, July 21, 1982. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by nearby pumping. 144 SBO1300321DGCA1 009 1974 1975 1976 1977 1976 1979 1980 1981 1962 CALENDAR YEAR WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD S$BO1300330D5D01 030 1D 15 25 a \ OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD “ 145 611046149482402. Local number, SB01300333AADA2 023. LOCATION.--Lat 61°10'46", long 149°48'24", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Municipal Animal Shelter, 3600 Tudor Road, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Unknown deposits of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 40 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 171 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1977 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 4.05 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 22, 1980; lowest measured, 9.40 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 13, 1983. 611036149482201. Local number, SB01300333ADAD1 027. LOCATION.--Lat 61°10'36", long 149°48'22", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Municipal Animal Shelter, 3600 Tudor Road, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 194 ft, screened 190 to 194 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 173 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1976 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 33.01 ft below land-surface datum, Jan. 25, 1981; lowest, 59.76 ft below land- surface datum, June 28-29, 1983. 146 SBOL3O0333AADA2 023 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 aS ee | ee 8 OS MOTI Id NI “T3AS1 SLUM CALENDAR YEAR SBOL3S00333ADAD1 027 FRVABHE BR SB GS MOTHS Ly NI “T3A31 YGLUM 147 611048149461101. Local number, SBO01300335BBAD1 004. LOCATION.--Lat 61°10'48", long 149°46'11", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Tudor Road and Boniface Parkway, Anchorage. Owner: State of Alaska. AQUIFER.--Gravelly sand of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 224 ft, screened 219 to 224 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 242 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1967 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 63.39 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 20, 1968; lowest measured, 78.76 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 13, 1983. 611002149453802. Local number, SB01300335DCCC2 005. LOCATION.--Lat 61°10'02", long 149°45'38", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Stuckagain Heights Road, near South Fork Campbell Creek, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 48 ft, screened 45 to 48 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 286 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1969 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 6.26 ft below land-surface datum, May 24, 1973; lowest measured, 11.64 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1975. 148 SBOL3O0335BBAD1 004 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 $SB8SBRARERFRRB OS MOT Id NI “THAS] YSLUN CALENDAR YEAR SBO1L300335DCCC2 005 1975 1976 1977 19768 19878 1980 1981 1962 1874 OS1 MOTHS L4 NI ‘T3A37 UaLUM CALENDAR YEAR 149 611047149430001. Local number, SB01300336AAAD1 010. LOCATION.--Lat 61°10'47", long 149°43'00", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near Tudor Road and Muldoon Road, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Clay, sand, and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 151 ft, perforated 75 to 78 ft, open hole 101 to 151 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 385 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1974 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 11.21 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 15, 1977; lowest, 30.12 ft below land- surface datum, Sep. 20, 1976. 611033149430101. Local number, SB01300336ADDA1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°10'33", long 149°43'01", Hydrologic unit 19050002, 0.5 mi southeast of intersection of Tudor Road and Muldoon Road, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 112 ft, perforated 61 to 64 ft and 73 to 76 ft, screened 76 to 90 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 414 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1968 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 34.29 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 10, 1972; lowest measured, 69.43 ft below land-surface datum, Jan. 14, 1974. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 150 RB SBO1300336ARAD1 O10 owl 12 5 a 14 - 15 = a 1B es & ba 22 c OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1883 a SBO1300336ADDA1 O01 4 40 8 sy = . 55 d is 60 at & os 5 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 151 aaa Aes IS g if s-] Neigants SK FOD 01300423DDDB, Radio Station =} ‘Krae” J Wl AA — ne Base SBOT300436BAAC| ow | a a cee = e oefecct 61°10 Poy } 10403 BA per ae = =i IIs BOI 20042448 B B $B01200414DDAA 2S ‘ $B01200414DDDD- d '$B01200424ABCB- $B01200423A ADD > a $B01200424BACC $B01200424BDBC- 1 $B01200424ABCC 2 SB01200424ABCD 3 SB01200424ACAA 4 SB01200424ACAD 5 SB01200424ACBC 61°05" Location of wells on pages 154 - 175. 153 611149149553901. Local number, SB01300423DDDB1 002. LOCATION.--Lat 61°11'49", long 149°55'39", Hydrologic unit 19050002, West Northern Lights Boulevard and Lahonda Drive, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 283 ft, screened 278 to 283 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 44 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--September 1962 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, flowing over top of casing (2.8 ft above land-surface datum), 1962 to 1963; lowest, 13.02 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 2, 1964. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of wells in the Anchorage area. Tide effect in the well is about 0.2 ft. 611049149545101. Local number, SB01300436BAAC1 041. LOCATION.--Lat 61°10'49", long 149°54'51", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Harding Drive and 45th Street, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 18.5 ft, screened 13.5 to 18.5. £€. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 88 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1974 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 11.50 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 21, 1980; lowest measured, 13.52 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 23, 1974. 154 SB0130042300081 002 es Ee - @B WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1885 SBOL3004¢36BAAC1 O41 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 155 611013149550801. Local number, SB01300436CCAAl 036. LOCATION.--Lat 61°10'13", long 149°55'08", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Greater Anchorage Area Borough Landfill, near Minnesota Drive and International Airport Road, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 4 in, depth 46 ft, perforated 38 to 46 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 96.6 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1973 to 1981, 1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 16.17 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 16, 1981; lowest measured, 20.54 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 26, 1975. REMARKS.--Well is located in landfill. Altitude of top of casing is 103.4 ft. 611013149551101. Local number, SB01300436CCAA2 036. LOCATION.--Lat 61°10'13", long 149°55'11", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Greater Anchorage Area Borough Landfill, near Minnesota Drive and International Airport Road, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 145 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 96.0 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1974 to 1976, 1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 35.89 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 15, 1975; lowest measured, 39.54 ft below land-surface datum, June 26, 1974. REMARKS.--Well is located in landfill. Altitude of top of casing is 104.0 ft. 156 SBO1300436CGAR1 O36 - mn ro ™ - we OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD SBO1L300436CCAA2 O36 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD y 157 611013149551601. Local number, SB01300436CCAB1 035. LOCATION.--Lat 61°10'13", long 149°55'16", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Greater Anchorage Area Borough Landfill, near Minnesota Drive and International Airport Road, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 4 in, depth 29 ft, perforated 24 to 27 #t. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 96.0 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1973 to 1975, 1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 17.50 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 15, 1983; lowest measured, 21.27 ft below land-surface datum, June 12, 1974. REMARKS.--Well is located in landfill. Altitude of top of casing is 103.8 ft. 610958149580801. Local number, SB01200403BABD1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°09'58", long 149°58'08", Hydrologic unit 19050002, International Airport, Anchorage. Owner: Alaska Air National Guard. AQUIFER.--Gravelly sand of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 10 in, depth 268 ft, screened 243 to 268 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 106 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1961 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 85.17 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 31, 1961; lowest measured, 91.70 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 18, 1981. 158 JUN JUL AUG SEP SBO1L300436CCAB1 035 4 a a a a OS MOTE Id NI “T3AT1 SLUM 1962 19680 1981 3B01200403BAB01 001 19875 1876 1877 1978 1878 1874 88s 8 88 8 8 OS] MOTE Ld NI ‘TGA ULUM CALENDAR YEAR 159 610920149532601. Local number, SB01200401DDAA1 004. LOCATION.--Lat 61°09'20", long 149°53'26", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Pierce Subdivision, near Arctic Boulevard and West 74th Avenue, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Unknown deposits of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 8 in, depth 243 ft, screened 233 to 243 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 98 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1979 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, flowing over top of casing (3 ft above land surface) Jan. 27, 19813; lowest, 28.85 ft below land-surface datum, June 24, 1983. REMARKS.--Well is reported to have flowed before the 1964 earthquake. 610852149562701. Local number, SB01200411BDBC1 010. LOCATION.--Lat 61°08'52", long 149°56'27", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Shady Birch Park, near West 82nd Avenue and Blackberry Street, Anchorage. _ Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Gravel and sandy clay of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 8 in, depth 307 ft, screened 297 to 307 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 112 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1971 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 55.86 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 7, 1971; lowest, 70.86 ft below land- surface datum, May 15, 1969. 160 SBO1200401D00AR1 004 io 12 : jae Ag V 8 Oct NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1985 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD S$B01200411B068C1 010 ae OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD x 3 8B 2 @ B 161 610737149551301. Local number, SBO1200414DDAA1 015. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'37", long 149°55'13", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: Carr-Gottstein AQUIFER.--Peat of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 9 ft, perforated 2 to 9 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 63 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 1.18 ft below land-surface datum, May 4, 1983; lowest measured, 2.52 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 3, 1983. 610726149551201. Local number, SBO1200414DDDD1 016. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'26", long 149°55'12", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: Carr-Gottstein AQUIFER.--Peat of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 9 ft, perforated 2 to 9 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 62 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 0.70 ft below land-surface datum, May 4, 1983; lowest measured, 1.56 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 3, 1983. 162 BR SB01200414D0AR1 O15 aad 5 a a be G. & d My & & § a $B01200414D0001 O16 4 4 m 4 i % S42 Mee i 2 és Gs = OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 198% 163 610724149544201. Local number, SB01200424BABB1 028. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'24", long 149°54'42", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Bureau of Land Management. AQUIFER.--Peat of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 1.25 in, depth 8 ft, perforated 2 to 8 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 65 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 0.27 ft below land-surface datum, May 13, 1983; lowest measured, 0.85 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 3, 1983. 610713149551301. Local number, SB01200423AADD1 003. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'13", long 149°55'13", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: Carr-Gottstein. AQUIFER.--Peat of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 9 ft, perforated 2 to 9 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 62 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 0.19 ft below land-surface datum, May 4, 1983; lowest measured, 1.65 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 3, 1983. 164 R SB01200424BABB1 028 as =-1 & a mo o be WIE (oo HOty, SG 1 we a d, me mS Ss E OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 a $B01200423ARD01 003 4 a = = a fa on & S OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 165 610724149541701. Local number, SBO1200424ABBB1 021. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'24", long 149°54'17", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Bureau of Land Management. AQUIFER.--Peat of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 1.25 in, depth 7 ft, perforated 2 to 7 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 70 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 0.22 ft below land-surface datum, June 15, 1983; lowest measured, 0.75 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 3, 1983. 610717149541601. Local number, SB01200424ABCB1 022. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'17", long 149°54'16", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Bureau of Land Management. AQUIFER.--Peat of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 18 ft, perforated 2 to 18 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 70 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 1.30 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 30, 1983; lowest measured, 1.30 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 30, 1983. 166 S801200424ABBB1 O21 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 3B01200424ABCB1 022 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 19862 1983 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 167 610712149544301. Local number, SB01200424BACC1 029. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'12", long 149°54'43", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Bureau of Land Management. AQUIFER.-—Peat of the Quaternary Systen. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 1.5 in, depth 9 ft, perforated 2 to 9 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 65 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 0.10 ft above land-surface datum, May 13, 1983; lowest measured, 1.30 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 3, 1983. 610706149544301. Local number, SB01200424BDBC1 031. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'06", long 149°54'43", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Bureau of Land Management. AQUIFER.--Peat of the Quaternary System. WELL” CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 1.25 in, depth 9 ft, perforated 2 to 9 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 66 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 0.29 ft below land-surface datum, June 23, 1983; lowest measured, 0.70 ft below land-surface datum, June 2, 1983. 168 SB012004248A0C1 029 ob ~~ weeny! Bal OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1965 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD SB01200424B0BC1 O31 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 169 610712149541701. Local number, SB01200424ABCC1 023. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'12", long 149°54'17", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Bureau of Land Management. AQUIFER.--Peat of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 9 ft, perforated 2 to 9 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 69 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 0.92 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 30, 1983; lowest measured, 1.91 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 3, 1983. 610712149540401. Local number, SB01200424ABCD1 024. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'12", long 149°54'04", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Bureau of Land Management. AQUIFER.--Peat of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 9 ft, perforated 2 to 9 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 69 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 0.83 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 30, 1983; lowest measured, 1.68 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 3, 1983. 170 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD SB01200424ABCC1 023 oh wor OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR NAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 19685 SB01200424ABCO1 024 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 171 610711149535101. Local number, SB01200424ACAA1 025. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'11", long 149°53'51", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Bureau of Land Management. AQUIFER.--Peat of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 2 in, depth 9 ft, perforated 2 to 9 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 72 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. _EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 0.42 ft below land-surface datum, May 12, 1983; lowest measured, 1.54 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 3, 1983. 610705149535401. Local number, SB01200424ACAD1 026. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'05", long 149°53'54", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Bureau of Land Management. AQUIFER.--Peat of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 1.5 in, depth 9 ft, perforated 2 to 9 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 73 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 0.78 ft below land-surface datum, May 18, 1983; lowest measured, 1.69 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 3, 1983. 172 R $B01200424ACGAR1 025 wl) 4 a ao Bes i 7 & on @ E OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1963 R $B01200424ACAD1 026 4 4 om op i = 1 d 2 4 os S OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 173 610706149541701. Local number, SBO1200424ACBC1 027. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'06", long 149°54'17", Hydrologic unit 19050002, in Klatt Bog, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Bureau of Land Management. AQUIFER.--Peat of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 1.25 in, depth 9 ft, perforated 2 to ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 69 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1983. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 0.43 ft below land-surface datum, June 2, 1983; lowest measured, 0.84 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 3, 1983. 174 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD $B01200424ACGBC1 027 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 175 61°05" 7+ Az s I Is Z iz “ 5 [rhe @y- | \2 \ \ lo 6012003020080 fp waa “Ihe 149°45' Gaging Stati Q ‘i 10 mmpbell” Crs! Jo} wy me | a ve, oN. urnagainis childrens Haine _.© SB01 200320CCDA 7 ers SB01 2003228 A BA, 5 [HUFF ees wets ? ORR Sake //— Grave Ph k - t Q2 i ee : 12 x) Location of wells on pages 178 - 189. 177 610917149444701. Local number, SB01200302DDBD1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°09'17", long 149°44'47", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Stuckagain Heights Road, near South Fork Campbell Creek, Anchorage. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 260 ft, screened 173 to 200 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 395 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1968 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 92.43 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 20, 1981; lowest measured, 99.64 ft below land-surface datum, June 15, 1978. 178 SBO1L200302DDB01 O01 1978 1979 1980 1981 1962 CALENDAR YEAR 1975 1976 1977 1974 OS MOTE I4 NI “T3AF1 YSLUM 179 610825149501001. Local number, SBO1200308DACAl1 025. LOCATION.--Lat 61°08'35", long 149°50'10", Hydrologic unit 19050002, 2347 East 86th Court, near Lake Otis Parkway, Anchorage. Owner: Jake and Warner Anderson. AQUIFER.--Sandy gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 153 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 195 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1979 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 59.08 ft below land-surface datum, Feb. 18, 1981; lowest measured, 91.51 ft below land-surface datum, June 24, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 610835149480401. Local number, SB01200310CBCB1 029. LOCATION.--Lat 61°08'35", long 149°48'04", Hydrologic unit 19050002, 8640 Solar Drive, Anchorage. Owner: Norman Hudec. AQUIFER.--Gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 162 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 275 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1979 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 99.78 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 19, 1979; lowest measured, 117.75 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 21, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 180 SBO1200308DRCA1 025 3 &8 8 RF B a WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD $B0120031008C81 029 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 181 610707149502501. Local number, SB01200320ACAD1 028. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'07", long 149°50'25", Hydrologic unit 19050002, 11220 Reader Road, near Forest Drive, Anchorage. Owner: William Dewey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 236 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 250 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1979 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 72.50 ft below land-surface datum, Oct. 22, 1982; lowest measured, 87.35 ft below land-surface datum, June 24, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 610723149473001. Local number, SB01200322BABAl 005. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'23", long 149°47'30", Hydrologic unit 19050002, 4700 O'Malley Road, near Lipscomb Street, Anchorage. Owner: John Clare. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 230 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 412 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1969 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 211.80 ft below land-surface datum, Feb. 19, 1970; lowest measured, 227.32 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 14, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 182 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD SBBRSRRBAIARNY 214 © & = aos BREANRE 1974 SBO1200320AGAD1 028 $B01200322BABA1 O05 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 CALENDAR YEAR 183 1980 1981 1982 610724149451701. Local number, SB01200323ABBAl 015. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'24", long 149°45'17", Hydrologic unit 19050002, near O'Malley Road and Ridgecrest Drive, Anchorage. Owner: Garnet Roehm. AQUIFER.--Unknown deposits of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 170 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 722 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1969 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 123.64 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 23, 1969; lowest measured, 139.67 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 23, 1975. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 610720149434201. Local number, SB01200324BAAD1 015. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'20", long 149°43'42", Hydrologic unit 19050002, on Upper O'Malley Road and Trails End Road, Anchorage. Owner: Wayne Boedecker. AQUIFER.--Fractured bedrock. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.-Diameter 6 in, depth 75 ft, open 24 to 75 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Semi-annual measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 1,060 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1971 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 13.65 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 22, 1978; lowest measured, 25.88 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 25, 1972. REMARKS.~--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 184 SBO01200323ABBA1 015 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1962 RRA RRA SE QS" MOT L4 NI “AT] YaluM CALENDAR YEAR 1982 1981 ‘i ® 5 ey 5 5 : § g ‘ R 2 * 3 ¥ oa x § r ; f & 3° 3. 8°22 86.8.0 -8 OS] MOT38 Li NI ‘A971 YGIUM CALENDAR YEAR 185 610638149512201. Local number, SB01200320CCDA1 026. LOCATION.--Lat 61°06'38", long 149°51'22", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Huffman Business Park, on Huffman Park Drive between Old and New Seward Highways, Anchorage. Owner: Carr-Gottstein. AQUIFER.--Clay and silt of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 298 ft, perforated 297 to 298 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 160 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1974 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 9.61 ft below land-surface datum, May 20, 1980; lowest measured, 19.58 ft below land-surface datum, Feb. 23, 1983. 610600149501801. Local number, SB0O1200329DBAD1 016. LOCATION.--Lat 61°06'03", long 149°50'26", Hydrologic unit 19050002, South Manor Well #1, off Elmhurst Drive, Hamilton Drive, and Old Seward Highway, in Hamilton Park, Anchorage. Owner: Municipality of Anchorage. AQUIFER.--Sand of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.—-Diameter 10 in, depth 140 ft, screened 130 to 140 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 200 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1971 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 82.46 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 27, 1973; lowest measured, 104.61 ft below land-surface datum, June 24, 1983. 186 A SBO1200320CCDA1 026 al 15 4S ows me 47 =z it a 18 i 20 % B SBO1200329DBAD1 016 ar) <i) B 101 = 103 ~ 308 104 sos £3 108 - * 187 610608149442301. Local number, SBO1200325BCCD1 028. LOCATION.--Lat 61°06'08", long 149°44'23", Hydrologic unit 19050002, 13140 Midori Drive, near Upper DeArmoun Road, Anchorage. Owner: Robert Laughlin. AQUIFER.--Sandy and silty gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 173 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 970 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1979 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 120.74 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 22, 1982; lowest measured, 132.57 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 22, 1982. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 610520149451601. Local number, SBO1200335ACCA2 015. LOCATION.--Lat 61°05'20", long 149°45'16", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Upper Rabbit Creek, 6700 Fernwood Drive, Anchorage. Owner: Jon Severson. AQUIFER.--Fractured bedrock. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 190 ft, open 115 to 190 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 910 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1979 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 105.52 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 24, 1980; lowest measured, 128.32 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 23, 1982. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 188 SB01200325BC001 026 a a | as] MOTE Id NI DEC JAN FEB NAR APR JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 1962 § 8G “BAT] USLUM m 5 N Bs e B B 5 R n a 3 3 as] MOT3@ Li NI JUN JUL AUG SEP DEC JAN FEB MAR APR OCT NOV 1962 ~ 2 ea ww wt ww «A “ ww “THAR MGLUM 189 149°50' Hee La Sey ete TTT AY hs ZK SSCS pA $B01100301ACAA 7 LZ —= $B01100301CABB WY aS) a) '$B0110031 AY 61°00" Location of wells on pages 192 - 195. 191 610434149431501. Local number, SBO1100301ACAA1 025. LOCATION.--Lat 61°04'34", long 149°43'15", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Little Rabbit Creek Valley, near Leo and Genevieve Streets, Anchorage. Owner: Douglas Lewsader. AQUIFER.--Fractured bedrock. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 155 ft, open 15 to 155 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 1,280 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1981 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 8.99 ft below land-surface datum, Sep. 24, 1982; lowest measured, 22.30 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 23, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 610422149440101. Local number, SBO01100301CABB1 024. LOCATION.--Lat 61°04'22", long 149°44'01", Hydrologic unit 19050002, Little Rabbit Creek Valley, 7840 Marino Drive, Anchorage. Owner: Wolfgang and Kathy Steinborn. AQUIFER.--Gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 58 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 1,215 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1981 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 3.27 ft above land-surface datum, Sep. 3, 1981; lowest measured, 12.25 ft below land-surface datum, June 24, 1983. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 192 SBO1100301ACAA1 025 DEC JAN FEB NAR APR JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 1962 yw ASARAARRA S OS MOTE Id NI “T3AT] YaLUM SBO1100301CABB1 024 OS1 MOTE Li NI “TSAI UaLUM 193 610326149452901. Local number, SB01100311CAAD2 003. LOCATION.--Lat 61°03'26", long 149°45'29", Hydrologic unit 19050002, 6510 Switzerland Drive, Anchorage. Owner: Jon Olsen. AQUIFER.--Bedrock. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.—-Diameter 6 in, depth 150 ft, open 28 to 150 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Monthly measurement with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 1,020 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--1981 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 14.26 ft below land-surface datum, May 23, 1983; lowest measured, 40.35 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 22, 1982. REMARKS.--Water is pumped from the well for domestic uses. 194 SB01100311CAAD2 003 DEC JAN FEB NAR APR JUN JUL fUG SEP NOV 1962 oct SSRARANAAAB OS] MOTHE Id NI “THAd1 Yalu 195 96T 61°00" Valdez area. Index to map on page 197. 146015" 61°10'| 61°05’ be JG its ~ es 146°10° Slater a Ho Ss ® CC00800531DACCi SeaSo /EGFF a 6) ope SONS CCOOS00506CADA' AP S8ke ee Location of wells on pages 198 and 199. 197 /} f 146°05' 610745146105001. Local number, CC00800531DACC1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°07'45", long 146°10'50", Hydrologic unit 19050003, 2 mi east of Valdez airport. Owner: The Alpetco Company. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.—-Diameter 6 in, depth 76 ft, sediment in well to about 75 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 154.8 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--October 1979 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD.OF RECORD.--Highest. water level, 42.07 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 17, 1981; dry at about 75 ft Mar. 12 to to May 7, 1981, latter part of Jan. to Apr. or May 1982 and Jan. 21 to May 8, 1983. 610645146105701. Local number, CCOO900506CADA1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 61°06'54", long 146°10'57", Hydrologic unit 19050003, 2.2 mi southeast of Valdez airport. Owner: The Alpetco Company. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, hole depth 85 ft, cased to 56 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 84.6 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.-- October 1979 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 0.27 ft above land-surface datum, Aug. 7, 1981; lowest recorded, 24.79 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 16-19, 1983. 198 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD eR BRSE aaqaa 8&8 @ & oct OCT NOV 1962 NOV CCOO800S31DACG1 O01 a a ee CCOOSOCSO6CADAI O01 DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 199 Cordova area. Index to map on page 201. 200 Y ZL, eA LEEDS. ME Location of well on pages 202 and 203. 201 603228145442601. Local number, CC01500327BDCB1 004. LOCATION.--Lat 60°32'28", long 145°44'26", Hydrologic unit 19050003, Lefevre Street near west end of Eyak Lake, Cordova. Owner: City of Cordova. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 10 in, depth 82 ft, backfilled to 71 ft, screened 48.5 to 71 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 32 ft (determined from topo- graphic map). PERIOD OF RECORD.--February 1973 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 5.60 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 15 and 16, 1981; lowest, 46.88 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 28, 1975. REMARKS.--Water levels are affected by pumping of nearby wells. 202 CC0150032760081 004 NV S - bell - a OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1963 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSO 203 . Les 39, yee » BUR Cathetadhity (4 i bP \ ENG Ay * ats i * 4 OC \\ i YS ao RUE NZ 1 4 jase, PR, | 27) 1 SS cba ~CD029 WSN ed 10 Yj Ves WES yy Z Z, Ay ZA eo I Location of wells on pages 206 - 217. 205 592341135535501. Local number, CD02905601ABAA1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 59°23'41", long 135°53'55", Hydrologic unit 19060000, 0.3 mi south of Klukwan on Tsirku River alluvial fan. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 258 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder December 1982 to August 1983. Digital recorder August 1983 to September 1983. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 116.81 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 1.73 ft below land-surface datum, June 27-28, 1983; lowest, 12.79 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 24, 1983. REMARKS .--Well is designated AR-3 in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-618. 592242135544001. Local number, CD02905612BACB1 002. LOCATION.--Lat 59°22'42", long 135°54'40", Hydrologic unit 19060000, 1.5 mi southwest of Klukwan on Tsirku River alluvial fan. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.-- Diameter 6 in, depth 220 ft, perforated 123 to 138 ft, open 198 to 220 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Continuous strip-chart recorder December 1982 to August 1983. Digital recorder August 1983 to September 1983. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 161.63 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 24.14 ft below land-surface datum, Aug. 1-2, 1983; lowest, 47.72 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 4, 1983. REMARKS .--Well is designated AR-1 in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-618. 206 CDO2305601ABAR1 O01 S ss ews - ba - ro OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD CDO2905612BACB1 002 Pras Minden _/ OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 48 6 &H Sw B 207 592336135544901. Local number, CD02905601BBAC1 002. LOCATION.--Lat 59°23'36", long 135°54'49", Hydrologic unit 19060000, 0.8 mi southwest of Klukwan on the Tsirku River alluvial fan. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 38 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 122.09 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 11.72 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 23, 1982; lowest measured, 15.65 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 30, 1983. REMARKS.--Well is designated AR-10 in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-618. 592341135535502. Local number, CD02905601ABAA2 001. LOCATION.--Lat 59°23'41", long 135°53'52", Hydrologic unit 19060000, 0.3 mi south of Klukwan on Tsirku River alluvial fan. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 38 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 117.01 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 8.05 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 7, 1982; lowest measured, 12.70 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 30, 1983. REMARKS .--Well is designated AR-4 in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-618. 208 CDO2390560168AC1 O02 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1985 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD CDO2S05601ABAA2 O01 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 209 592242135544002. Local number, CD02905612BACB2 002. LOCATION.--Lat 59°22'42", long 135°54'40", Hydrologic unit 19060000, 1.5 mi southwest of Klukwan on Tsirku River alluvial fan. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 18 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 175 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 8.29 ft below land-surface datum, July 3, 1983; lowest measured, dry, Nov. 23, 1982 to Apr. 30, 1983. REMARKS.--Well is designated AR-11 in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-618. 592225135533001. Local number, CD02905612ADDD1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 59°22'25", long 135°53'30", Hydrologic unit 19060000, 1.7 mi south of Klukwan on Tsirku River alluvial fan. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL: CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 38 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 175 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 30.12 ft below land-surface datum, June 5, 1983; lowest measured, dry, Dec. 1, 1982 to May 10, 1983. REMARKS.--Well is designated AR-9 in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-618. 210 CDO2905612BACB2 002 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1965 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD CDO2905612ADDD1 OO1 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1982 1983 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD @# @he &@ B 211 592308135540401. Local number, CD02905601DBCAl 003. LOCATION.--Lat 59°23'08", long 135°54'04", Hydrologic unit 19060000, 0.9 mi south of Klukwan on the Tsirku River alluvial fan. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 108 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 143.84 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 27.48 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 6, 1982; lowest measured, 36.90 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 30, 1983. REMARKS .--Well is designated AR-2 in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-618. 212 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD & # &S© BR B & oct NOV 1962 CDO23905601D8CA1 003 DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 213 592314135522201. Local number, CD02905706DBAD1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 59°23'14", long 135°52'22", Hydrologic unit 19060000, 1.1 mi southeast of Klukwan on the Tsirku River alluvial fan. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 38 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 117.03 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 10.94 ft below land-surface datum, Nov. 7, 1982; lowest measured, 16.30 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 1, 1983. REMARKS.--Well is designated AR-5 in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-618. 592248135531001. Local number, CD02905707BBAAl 002. LOCATION.--Lat 59°22'48", long 135°53'10", Hydrologic unit 19060000, 1.3 mi south of Klukwan on Tsirku River alluvial fan. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 38 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 136.50 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 30.87 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 1, 1982; lowest measured, 34.50 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 1, 1983. REMARKS.--Well is designated AR-8 in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-618. 214 CDO2305706DBAD1 O01 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1985 CDO2905707BBAAL 002 @4¢e8e8er8ek8 RB WATER LEVEL, IN FI BELOW LSD 215 592246135515401. Local number, CD02905707AAAD1 001. LOCATION.--Lat 59°22'46", long 135°51'54", Hydrologic unit 19060000, 1.6 mi southeast of Klukwan on the Tsirku River alluvial fan. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 38 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 107.78 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 9.70 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 26, 1983; lowest measured, 12.15 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 1, 1982. REMARKS .--Well is designated AR-6 in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-618. 592222135521601. Local number, CD02905707DBAD1 003. LOCATION.--Lat 59°22'22", long 135°52'16", Hydrologic unit 19060000, 1.8 mi south of Klukwan on Tsirku River alluvial fan. Owner: U.S. Geological Survey. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 38 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Intermittent measurements with chalked steel tape by U.S. Geological Survey personnel. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 119.94 ft (determinined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--Current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level measured, 19.92 ft below land-surface datum, Dec. 1, 1982; lowest measured, 22.90 ft below land-surface datum, Apr. 1, 1983. REMARKS: Well is designated AR-7 in U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 84-618. 216 CD023905707AAAD1 O01 rs & -= ws - om WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1985 C002905707D8AD1 003 WATER LEVEL, IN FI BELOW LSD 217 58°15" eX oN Juneau area. Index to map on page 219. 218 134°a8° y . (or Zz Z ce Ne) i ’ ; / iy et per ty p Ye ; i) 58°25’ Wy ei Ks ae DESY. | FE iS ‘| [ = aS) . w Pee | [et 2 \ ts 4 Ae = \, \A\ = —— aS FH \ Pe ¢ yy . a E / mw act ) r A ce —\ Ss oR a ex) ale 6 ees oe! cle Location of well on pages 220 and 221. 219 582422134342001. Local number, CD04006618ABDB1 003. LOCATION.--Lat 58°24'24", long 134°34'23", Hydrologic unit 19060000, Mendenhall Loop Road, near Juneau. Owner: U.S. Forest Service. AQUIFER.--Sand and gravel of the Quaternary System. WELL CHARACTERISTICS.--Diameter 6 in, depth 100 ft, screened 90 to 100 ft. INSTRUMENTATION.--Digital recorder. DATUM.--Altitude of land surface is 69 ft (determined from levels survey). PERIOD OF RECORD.--June 1967 to current year. EXTREMES FOR PERIOD OF RECORD.--Highest water level, 4.48 ft above land-surface datum, Sep. 13, 1981; lowest, 10.26 ft below land-surface datum, Mar. 23, 1969. 220 CDO4006618ABDB1 003 OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB NAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP 1962 1983 WATER LEVEL, IN FT BELOW LSD 221 Station ID 582422134342001 592222135521601 592225135533001 592242135544001 592242135544002 592246135515401 592248135531001 592308135540401 592314135522201 592336135544901 592341135535501 592341135535502 594019151351201 594515151492201 600546149204301 600808149254802 602926151042201 603228145442601 603334151103001 603846151002701 604031151200607 604034151200601 604038151204303 604041151230701 604111151220003 604133151214802 604133151214803 610326149452901 610422149440101 610434149431501 610520149451601 610600149501801 610608149442301 610638149512201 610645146105701 610647151153001 610705149535401 610706149541701 610706149544301 610707149502501 610711149535101 610712149540401 610712149541701 610712149544301 610713149551301 610717149541601 Local number CD04006618ABDB1 CD02905707DBAD1 CD02905612ADDD1 CD02905612BACB1 CD02905612BACB2 CD02905707AAAD1 CD02905707BRAA1 CD02905601DBCA1 CD02905706DBAD1 CD02905601BBAC1 CD02905601ABAA1 CD02905601ABAA2 $C00601412CAAB1 $C00501510CCAC1 $D00100118BADB1 $B00100134CADC2 $B00501029CDAC1 CC01500327BDCB1 S$B00501103AAAA1 SB00601003ABAC1 SB00701226BAAA7 $B00701223CDDD1 $B00701223CCDB3 $B00701221DDBC1 $B00701222BDAB3 $B00701215DCBC2 $B00701215DCBC3 S$B01100311CAAD2 S$B01100301CABB1 SB01100301ACAA1 SBO1200335ACCA2 $B01200329DBAD1 $B01200325BCCD1 $B01200320CCDA1 CC00900506CADA1 $B01201120DBDD1 SB01200424ACAD1 $B01200424ACBC1 SB01200424BDBC1 $B01200320ACAD1 SB01200424ACAA1 $B01200424ABCD1 SB01200424ABCC1 $B01200424BACC1 $B01200423AADD1 $B01200424ABCB1 INDEX OF WELLS 003 003 001 002 002 001 002 003 001 002 001 001 001 001 001 003 001 004 001 001 003 006 008 008 008 004 004 003 024 025 015 016 028 026 001 001 026 027 031 028 025 024 023 029 003 022 Funding USGS DGGS/USGS DGGS/USGS DGGS/USGS DGGS/USGS DGGS/USGS DGGS/USGS DGGS/USGS DGGS/USGS DGGS/USGS DGGS/USGS DGGS/USGS USGS usGs KENAI PB/USGS USGS USGS USGS DGGS/USGS USGS DGGS/USGS DGGS/USGS USGS DGGS/USGS USGS USGS USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS USGS USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS MUN ANCH/USGS 222 Page 220 216 210 206 210 216 214 212 214 208 206 208 84 84 88 88 80 202 80 76 70 70 J2 68 68 66 66 194 192 192 188 186 188 186 198 92 172 174 168 182 172 170 170 168 164 166 Station ID 610720149434201 610723149473001 610724149451701 610724149541701 610724149544201 610726149551201 610737149551301 610745146105001 610825149501001 610835149480401 610852149562701 61091714944470] 610920149532601 610958149580801 611002149453802 611013149550801 611013149551101 611013149551601 611033149430101 611036149482201 611046149482402 611047149430001 611048149461101 611049149545101 611106149522801 611146149492301 611146149492303 611149149553901 611150149490501 611235149454001 611236149453701 611243149500701 611243149500703 611248149531201 611252149491801 611254149501301 611259149432901 611259149432902 611305149531401 611311149510401 611313149510401 611323149430103 611331149493001 611335149470401 611336149454401 INDEX OF WELLS--Continued Local number $B01200324BAAD1 $B01200322BABA1 SB01200323ABBA1 SB01200424ABBB1 S$B01200424BABR1 $B01200414DDDD1 SB01200414DDAA1 C€C00800531DACC1 SB01200308DACA1 $B01200310CBCB1 $B01200411BDBC1 $B01200302DDBD1 SB01200401DDAA1 $B01200403BABD1 $B01300335DCCC2 SB01300436CCAA1 $B01300436CCAA2 SB01300436CCAB1 SB01300336ADDA1 $B01300333ADAD1 SB01300333AADA2 SB01300336AAAD1 $B01300335BBAD1 SB01300436BAAC1 $B01300330DBDD1 $B01300321CDDC1 $B01300321CDDC3 $B01300423DDDB1 $B01300321DCCA1 SB01300323BAAA1 SB01300323ABBB1 $B01300316CCBC1 $B01300316CCBC3 $B01300318CDBB1 $B01300316CADD1 $B01300317DADA1 $B01300313DBAD1 $B01300313DRAD2 $B01300318BDCC1 §B01300317BDAD1 $B01300317ACBB1 $B01300313AAAD3 $B01300309CDCD2 $B01300310DCDA1 §$B01300311CDAD1 015 005 015 021 028 016 015 001 025 029 010 001 004 001 005 036 036 035 001 027 023 010 004 041 030 001 001 002 009 001 013 006 006 009 001 012 045 045 008 003 001 044 001 002 003 Funding 223 ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS uSsGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS ANCH/USGS USGS Page 184 182 184 166 164 162 162 198 180 180 160 178 160 158 148 156 156 158 150 146 146 150 148 154 144 142 142 154 144 140 140 132 1$2 138 134 134 130 130 138 136 136 128 122 126 126 Station ID 611344149420501 611345149420201 611347149401601 611355149500201 611357149444401 611400149460501 611444149415401 611659149572001 612148149572602 612231150015501 612232149553201 612235150070801 612556150064701 613403149151001 613406149152102 613406149152103 613417149065401 613425149152601 614147150013801 634355148550501 634359148545401 635548145201101 643916147043501 644739147411501 644739147581001 644741147411501 644745147411401 644749147423401 644751147415401 644751147423501 644752147415801 644752147420201 644804147415901 644806147413601 644808147420801 644809147421501 644813147421701 644818147421801 644820147420001 644820147421401 644821147420801 644825147432401 644827147432201 644848147423101 644912147423202 INDEX OF WELLS--Continued Local number $B01300207DBCC1 $B01300207DBCB1 SB01300208DBCB2 S$B01300309BCCD1 §B01300312BCCC1 $B01300311BDCR2 SB01300206DBBA1 S$B01400423CCCC1 $B01500427ADAC2 SB01500420CAAA1 SB01500423DAAA1 $B01500523ACCC1 SB01600535DBDA1 SA01700115BDAB1 $A01700115BACD2 S$A01700115BACD3 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