HomeMy WebLinkAboutEPA Training Materials-Island Waters Petroleum Spills 1994EPA TRAINING MATERIALS INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery LEN MARCUS ecology and environment, inc. International Specialists in the Environment 8 840 K Street, Anchorage, AK 99501 Tel. (907) 257-5000, Fax. (907) 257-5007, Imarcus@ene.com INTRODUCTION Petroleum products are used extensively throughout the world as a primary energy source and manufacturing feedstock. Vast quantities of these products ranging from volatile solvents to heavy tars are transported on our highways, rail systems, and through pipelines every day. Millions of gallons more are stored in above ground and under ground storage tanks throughout the country. Many of these transportation by-ways and storage sites are located near inland waters, sensitive fish and wildlife habitats, and municipal drinking water sources. In the past, petroleum product spills in or near such areas have caused significant impacts to the environment and local economy. Congress passed the Clean Water Act, Oil Pollution Act, and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act in response to such impacts. These laws and associated rules, regulations, and standards are designed to protect human health and the environment from the unlawful discharge of petroleum products and hazardous substances, and to provide the ability for effective spill response and emergency cleanup actions. COURSE OBJECTIVES The Inland Waters Petroleum Spills - Prevention, Contamination, and Recovery training course is designed to provide the student with sufficient knowledge and skills in the following: 1. Federal legislation, rules, regulations and standards governing petroleum spills; 2. Petroleum spill prevention techniques; 3. Petroleum spill prevention plan requirements; 4. Notification and reporting of petroleum releases; 5. Techniques used in petroleum spill containment and control, including proper safety precautions; 6. Leadership skills in organizing cleanup and recovery operations. 7. Proper usage of containment, control, and recovery equipment in inland water petroleum spills. INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Numbers Further Study of Section 3..0........sssssssessssssssnsessssessssescsssesssssssssssssusssssusesssusssssanusssssssesssuesssssscesiseesseveceseees 3.1 Section 4: Emergency Response Section 8: Boom Technique/Shoreline Protection/Containment Further Study of Section 8...........sssccsssecsssssesssssueesssnseessnssesseessssusssessusesscessssnsessssessssuvcssssueeceesueeessnneceesses 8.1 Further Study of Section 8: Equipment .. Further Study of Section 8: Options for Minimizing Env. Impacts of Freshwater Spill Response .............. 8.3 Section 9: Pre-exercise Information .................ssssssessessessessessecsessseseesueesessussscaeesusesuceseceee ) Further Study of Section 9 ............sssssssssssssssssssuesssssnssssecsscssnecssscssscsascessucssusessassesarseneseneseueesanseaseanecsueessce 9.1 Further Study of Section 9: MSDS, Gasoline Health Effects, and Site Control Section 10: Acronyms INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 1 Introduction and Objectives EPA Sponsored Inland Oil Spill 3 * Inland Waters Petroleum Spills — Prevention, Containment, and Recovery COURSE INSTRUCTED.BY A Reg + Ecology and Environment, Inc. —- Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team Contract. REGION XK * Why are you taking this course?" = * Have you been through this course before? * Do you get sea sick? wm Ih INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 2 Safety/Boat Safety Safety/Boat Safety x Safety: Sometimes what we do is risky but looks so easy. sheweesmanry Other times not so == ; STEERS - Respect Nature Exercise safely- — Safety Officer (follow their direction). — Safety Meeting (each morning). — Boat Handlers. * Exercise safely- — Buddy System — Smoking areas — Life Vests — Knife Accessible — Gloves — Life Saving device + Rope, life ring, or reach hook? mT AIT Th nD Safety Personal Protective Equipmei + Discuss the following- — Health Hazard Information: * Monitoring Equipment. — Protective Equipment: + Basic protection as a responder — Level Of Protection: + Levels A,B, C,D — Decontamination + Disposal and Health Concems Discuss Monitoring the Breathing Zone Is This Safe? Lunch and Where is the Bathroom? tap Cold/Heat Stress * Lets Discuss Heat and Cold Stress. * Worlds Largest Thermometer Baker City, Ca. Cold Stress + Frostnip + Symptoms and Treatment... + Frostbite + Symptoms and Treatment... * Hypothermia + Symptoms and Treatment... + Factors and Prevention... Frostnip Symptoms * Often on face and ears Skin red, then white Freezes skin, soft to touch Little or no pain Frostnip Treatment _ Observe others for symptoms (face, Cover frozen part with a warm, bare hand - skin-to-skin contact Do NOT rub area Move inside if possible Cover part from wind - this area may become cold first in future Frostbite Symptoms: Often on feet and hands - Skin discolored - flushed, white, yellow or blue Freezes skin and below - hard to the touch Pain, then no feeling in area Skin appears waxy and cold to touch Frostbite Treatment: ~ Shelter from cold. — Cover frozen part with clothes or blankets” — Do NOT rub the frozen part — Do NOT apply direct heat to frozen part — Warm gently in warm water (100-105°F) until red and feels warm — Loosely bandage are w/ dry, sterile dressing — Keep fingers/toes separated with gauze — Avoid breaking blisters Severe Frostbite Hypothermia Sympt + Drowsiness, glassy stare Loss of manual dexterity Heavy shivering, numbness Speech difficulty Irritability Excessive fatigue, weakness, apathy Euphoria Confusion and forgetfulness Hypothermia. Treat — Move victim to a warm place — Remove wet clothing and dry victim — Warm victim slowly by wrapping in blankets. Rapid warming can cause heart rhythms — Heat packs/hot water bottles w/ barrier (towel) — Drink warm sweet fluids (avoid alcohol and caffeine) — Seek medical help if severe Contributing Factors to Cold Stress is Fatigue - more prone to heat loss: Moisture on skin or clothes Smoking Q 6 Physical condition 9 Build mT AT TI Cold Stress Prevention * Layer clothing — Underwear layer should allow for ventilation, trap heat, and pull moisture away from skin (i.e., snug-fitting pants, long sleeved shirt) — Insulating layer to retain warmth and dryness (i.e. wool sweater and Thinsulate™) — Shell layer should be wind and waterproof but allow perspiration to pass through (i.e. Gore- Tex™, Thintech™) * Below 0°F - use mittens rather than gloves i Hypothermia Tempurature examples from TLV B + 98.6° + Normal 0 95.0° * Maximum shivering O 93.2° * Conscious, normal BP 0 89.6-—87.8° * Consciousness ?, shivering stops 0 86.0-84.2° ° Cons. loss, BP difficult to obtain 0 80.6° + Pupils non reactive to light 0 75.2° * Pulmonary edema 0 68.0° * Cardiac standstill End of Cold Stress... Or Continue for Heat — mT AT Th Heat Stress | * Heat rash... — prickly heat * Heat cramps... — loss of salts * Heat exhaustion..! — blood pooling in vessels of the skin * Heat stroke... — increase in body core temperature Heat Rash Symptoms/Treatment es * Red skin rash aggravated by chafing: — “prickly heat” * No increase of body temperature * No fluids or electrolyte loss * Rehydration and proper skin sanitation are normally sufficient Heat Cramps Muscle cramps in legs and abdomen Pain accompanies the cramps Faintness Profuse perspiration May have no body temperature increase mT AT Th Heat Cramps Treatment, * Remove to a cool place Drink fluids with electrolytes Apply manual pressure to the cramped muscle No salt tablets Watch victim for further=> heat-related signals Weak pulse stan Blood pressure decrease Rapid and shallow breathing Dilated pupils Body core temperature normal or above Profuse perspiration Headache Cold, moist, pale, clammy skin Weakness, exhaustion, dizziness Heat Exhaustion Trea i ae + Remove to a cool place (air-cond: possible) + Administer cool fluids with electrolytes (no salt tablets) * Fan the patient Provide rest by lying on back, in the face up position with feet elevated mT AT Heat Stroke Symptoms Dry, hot and ‘flushed skin (no*swe Body temp as high as 106-110 degree: Dilated pupils Sudden onset of stroke Rapid weak pulse Muscle twitching or convulsions Changes in consciousness Life threatening situation - Death! Heat Stroke Treatment — Remove to a.cool place... cx — Seek medical help immediately — Cool body in head-up position — Monitor oral temperature — Prevent hypothermia — Attempt to cool the person: wrap with wet towels, especially where blood vessels are near the surface of the skin — If conscious give 40z H,0 every 15 min. — Transport to hospital Heat Stress Monitorin: * Required when air temperature isa 70 ° F (EPA recommended) Indicators monitored — Heart rate (blood pressure) — Oral temperature (must not exceed 100.6 ° F to don PPE) - Weight loss — Visual observation (i.e., dilated pupils) mT AT Th 11 Heat Stress Monitoring Heat Stress Preventio * Maintain an optimal level of phys fitness Drink 16 oz. (water) before starting work * Take work breaks Drink 4-8 oz. (water) every 15-20 minutes — 1 to 1.6 gallons per day is recommended, though more may be necessary Heat Stress Engineering Controls Shortened work periods, longer Conducting work activities at night Building shelters for shade and/or wind Wearing cooling vests Having deluge showers Heat Stress Controls from TLV + Work/Rest % Light continuous 75w/25r 50w/50r 25w/75r 86°F 87°F 89°F 90° F Moderate 80°F 82°F 85°F 88°F Heavy TTF 78° F 82°F 86° F 13 <<28h7 INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 2.1 Further Study Safety Safety at Power Plants Safety During the Exercise Hot and Cold Stress Small Boat Handling Equipment Safety: A safety meeting will be held by your instructor and your safety officer prior to beginning the exercise. Personnel working in or near the water will wear Coast Guard approved life vests at all times. The row boat will be operated by the students. Students who handle rope should wear gloves. Hip or chest waders should be worn while working in the river. Two live rings with 25 feet of rope will be onsite for persons working in the water. Everyone is responsible for safe working habits. If you see or feel something is unsafe -_ STOP THE EXERCISE AND INFORM THE INSTRUCTOR. Work Safe ! Safety is the number one priority of the trainee, instructors and employees. It is very important for each individual involved with the training exercise be familiar with this section. Safety at Dams and Powerplants: Everyone should be aware that many of the training locations utilized for the Inland Waters Petroleum Spills course are active dams and powerplants. The main powerhouses are high voltage generating facilities and have certain electrical dangers associated with them. Under no circumstances should anyone touch any electrical equipment unless instructed by someone from the facility. Some areas are restricted for your safety. Other areas may require hard hats and steel-toed safety shoes. Noise levels may be very high in some areas and hearing protection may be required. If possible, a general tour of the facility will be provided to the trainees to develop an understanding of the facility's basic operation, identify potential spill situations, evaluate engineering controls, and to explore possible response actions. All personnel should be aware of working equipment and stand clear of them as appropriate. Safety During the Exercises: One student will be designated as safety officer for the class. This designation is to be taken Seriously. A safety meeting will be held prior to starting each exercise. The safety officer will be responsible for all safety-related aspects of the exercise and must ensure that all participants are performing their duties in a prudent and safe manner. At all times, the instructor retains oversight authority and will advise or direct the safety officer as needed. The following safety requirements will be followed for each exercise: * Class participants will explicitly follow direction of the instructor and safety officer. * Each exercise will begin with a safety meeting with all participants present. * Each power boat will be operated by persons formally trained in the safe operation of power boats and are familiar with the operation of that particular craft. Participants will remain seated while boats are under- way. * = smoking will be allowed on the power boats or anywhere petroleum products are being stored or u |. * All personnel in boats or working in the water will wear life vests. Instructors and Safety Officers shall wear fluorescent vests. * All boats and at least one shore station shall be equipped with a throw rope, life ring, or reach hook. * Personnel handling rope shall wear gloves. * Personnel handling ropes will have a sharp knife easily accessible. A first aid kit and eye wash station will be located at each area where exercises are being performed. Fire extinguishers will be located with the oil spill trailer and storage of petroleum products. Power boats with permanently installed fuel tanks or whose construction includes areas where fumes and vapors could accumulate shall have fire extinguishers onboard. Students should be aware of the potential for dehydration, and heat related emergencies even though they are working around water. Drinking water will be provided at both training locations. Take frequent short breaks and drink plenty of fluids. Good judgement is essential to avoid heat related emergencies. Pace yourself by knowing your limitations. Avoid over exertion. Watch out for your fellow workers. Look for the signs and symptoms of heat exposure including the following: Heat Cramps - Muscle pains usually in the lower extremities, and/or the abdomen following profuse sweating and salt depletion. Signs and symptoms include cramps, increased respiration and pulse rates, and pale moist skin. The body temperature will be normal. Emergency care includes moving the person to a cool environment and provide electrolyte fluids. Monitor vital signs for complications. Heat Exhaustion - This is a more severe response to salt and water loss and includes an initial disturbance in the body’s heat-regulating system. Signs and Symptoms - Heat exhaustion may come on suddenly as syncope (partial or complete temporary suspension of respiratory and cardiac function) and collapse; or more generally observed as accompanied with headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea and occasional abdominal cramping. Sweating will be profuse, pulse rate will be rapid and weak. Respirations will be rapid and shallow. The skin will be pale and clammy. Body temperature will be normal or decreased. Emergency Care - Move the person to a cool environment and remove clothing. Place the person in a supine Position with the legs elevated. Sponge with cool water. Closely monitor vital signs including the person’s level of consciousness. Observe respirations and maintain airway. Contact emergency medical services if needed. Heat Stroke - This is a profound medical emergency and is caused by a severe disturbance in the body’s heat- regulating mechanism. Mortality rates range from 25 to 50 percent. Heat stroke comes on suddenly. As the sweating mechanism fails, the body temperature begins to rise precipitously, reaching 106° F within 10 to 15 minutes. Central nervous system damage may occur at temperatures above 104°F. Signs and Symptoms - Pulse will be strong and bounding. The skin will be hot, dry, and flushed. The person may experience headache, dizziness, and dryness of mouth. Loss of consciousness, seizures, and coma may occur if the trend is not immediately reversed. Emergency Care - Contact emergency medical services immediately. Establish and maintain and open airway. Use any means available to cool the person. Speed is essential. Delay may result in brain damage. thermia - Hypothermia can be a be a serious problem for some people even in comfortably mild temperatures. Hypothermia can be life threatening cold. People in groups must assume the responsibility for monitoring each other and for taking steps to counter hypothermia. Hypothermia is a major killer of victims of aquatic mishaps. Hypothermia is the reduction of the body’s core temperature below the point where normal biological functions can occur. It represents a failure of the body’s ability to generate sufficient heat to offset losses, either because heat loss is so rapid, or heat generating mechanisms are impaired. Hypothermia is a failure of the regulatory mechanism that conserves and generates body heat. Signs and Symptoms - Watch out for the “Umbles” - stumbles, mumbles, fumbles, and grumbles which show changes in motor coordination and levels of consciousness. thermia - Core temperature is 98.6-96 degrees F. Shivering is not under voluntary control. The person can’t do complex motor functions but can still walk and talk. Periphery blood vessels are constricted so that more of the body’s heat is shunted away from the skin surface and toward the vital organs. Moderate Hypothermia - Core temperature is 95-93 degrees F. The person exhibits dazed consciousness, slurred speech, and violent shivering. There is a loss of fine motor coordination particularly in the hands. A person may not be able to do simple tasks such as zipping up a parka due to restricted peripheral blood flow. The person may also exhibit irrational behavior and an “I don’t care attitude.” Emergency Care for Mild and Moderate Hypothermia - Reduce heat loss with dry clothing, increased physical activity and shelter. Add fuel and fluids. Food types should include carbohydrates for quick release into the blood stream, proteins for sustained energy and finally fats for a body’s long term energy source. Provide hot liquids. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and tobacco. Provide external heat. Severe Hypothermia - Core temperature is 92-86 degrees F and below (immediately life threatening). Shivering occurs in violent waves and pauses. The pauses get longer until shivering finally ceases. Since the heat output from shivering is not sufficient to counteract the continually dropping core temperature the body stops shivering to conserve energy. The person cannot walk, falls to the ground and curls up into a fetal position to conserve heat. Muscle rigidity develops due to reduced peripherial blood flow and the buildup of lactic acid and CO, in the muscles. The persons skin is pale, the pupils are dilated and the pulse rate has decreased. At 90° F the body tries to move into hibernation, shutting down all peripheral blood flow and reducing breathing rate ad heart rate. At 86° F the body is in a state of “metabolic icebox.” The person looks dead but is still alive. As a person nears death, breathing becomes erratic and very shallow. Cardiac arrhythmias develop. At this point any sudden shock may set off ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest. Emergency Care - Seek immediate medical care. If necessary to move the person, do so with extreme care. During severe hypothermia the heart is hyperexcitable and may fibrillate if shocked. Attempt CPR only after a complete assessment of the heart rate. Note that the heartbeat may be very slow (2-3/minute). Be sure the pulse is absent before beginning CPR. Rescue breathing should be provided as needed. Prevention of Hypothermia - Prevention of hypothermia is relatively easy. Most of the things you can do to combat hypothermia are “common sense” things you would normally do anyway. Avoid getting wet and avoid the wind. You should make it a practice never to go into a potential hypothermia situation without having eaten a good meal. If an incident does occur and a person has missed a meal and has no ready food reserves to be converted into heat, a situation that is bad gets worse more rapidly than it would have had the victim eaten properly. Hypothermia is a condition which can tum a bad situation, or even only a mildly annoying one, into a life- threatening emergency. It is important to be aware of and sensitive to the conditions that favor the development of hypothermia, and to take prompt action to minimize risk to yourself and to others with you. If severe hypothermia is suspected, seek prompt and competent medical attention. Other medical hazards include exposure to poison ivy, insect bites/stings and sunburn. It is recommended that all participants use sunscreen. Persons with special medical conditions should inform the course instructors. Safety Considerations in Fast Water: Water craft should be operated with care in moving water situations. Allow sufficient distance from down-stream hazards when ferrying across the current. Utilize slack water and eddies to gain position. Approach strainers such as brush and debris along the banks with extreme caution. Loose ropes can cause entanglement hazards. Keep track of all rope. Ensure that a knife is readily available. Beware that rope may be under extreme tension in fast-water exercises and can pin or entrap a participant. Guard against backlash when cutting rope. If possible rope should be cut at the upstream terminal end. When working on foot in fast water, be aware of entrapment hazards. If swept into the current, back paddle to safety with your feet down stream to ward off rocks and other hazards. If approaching strainers such as brush, undercut rocks or log jams, turn and aggressively swim/climb over the obstacle. Get out of the water as quickly as possible. SMALL BOAT HANDLING Most people have some experience in small boat handling from activities such as fishing, water skiing, or duck hunting. Although these experiences are a good introduction to using boats for work, additional skills are needed before a boat can be used effectively and safely. Problems of Operating Small Boats: Like a car, a boat has a steering wheel, a throttle and a gear shift. What a boat doesn't have however, is a brake. The only means of slowing a boat is to shift the propeller into reverse. Boat operators must contend with forces of wind and water current acting on the craft. The direction a boat will move is dictated by propeller, wind, and current forces. In cases of strong wind and/ or currents. the result can be, at best, surprising for the inexperienced operator. If a boat were always operated in a perfectly calm body of water without currents, the driver would find that the boat steered similarly to a car, with a small amount of rudder needed to make a sharp turn at high speeds and a large amount to make the same change in direction at low speeds. Although both propeller and rudders are on the stern of the boat, the pivot point for a light boat may change with increasing speed. At high speeds, the pivot point in closer to the stern, as that section of the keel becomes more effective as the bow tends to plane on the water, Because the pivot point is ahead of the rudder, the stern of the boat will tend to go to the left for a right-handed turn. Participants should be prepared to fend off boats and docks on the opposite sides of a turn when maneuvering in close surroundings. Working Safely from a Boat: The operation must, at all times, be aware of the boat's position in the water in relation to other objects. If the operator's view is partially blocked, a deck hand should be stationed to relay information. Ropes, floats, and other pieces of equipment must be secure to prevent entanglement or injury. Life jackets must be worn at all times, and gloves should be worn in working with ropes or cables over the side of the boat. Knives should be handy to cut any lines that may endanger life or damage property. Persons on board should be alert to the possibilities of rope backlashing if cut or broken. Extra care must be taken when transferring equipment or personnel between boat and dock or between boats. The differential movement between floating objects can potentially crush a person or cause severe damage to vessels. Docking a boat requires an understanding of the maneuverability of the boat, the ability to stop and reverse direction and knowledge of prevailing winds and currents. Slow, deliberate movements should be used to avoid collisions. Since a boat is usually more maneuverable heading into the current, in rivers it is best to bring the craft alongside the dock heading upstream. When leaving a mooring calm water, it is usually best to push the bow away from the dock, turning out and away from the dock before placing the engine in gear. Back the boat away from collision hazards before driving forward to open water. Setting and retrieving anchors can also be problematic if proper techniques are not employed. Anchoring is necessary for positioning boom as well as for stationing a boat. Anchors should be slowly eased into the water and permitted to drop to the bottom while backing the boat downstream. Backing of the vessel is necessary to keep the anchor rope form becoming entangled in the propeller. When raising the anchor, a deck hand should be stationed at the bow to pull in the line as the boat is slowly headed upstream over the anchor. When the rope is vertical over the anchor, it is sometimes necessary to tie the rope to a cleat and propel the boat forward, pulling the anchor loose from the bottom. When the anchor is free, it can be raised into the boat by hand or winch. Boat Operation Fundamentals: 1G Yield to boats on the right (starboard). When meeting another vessel head-on, turn to the right. 2. Observe slow zones and low-wake areas. Stay clear of boats which are trolling or fishing while at anchor. 35 Ensure that all personnel wear properly fitting life jackets. 4. Personnel should remain seated while the craft is under-way. Do not exceed the boat's carrying capacity. Oil Spill Cleanup Vessels: Small boats work well for inshore spills by carrying personnel, towing boom, and by handling debris barges. For small spills in sheltered waters, outboard vessels of sufficient power and size are adequate. Small boats such as inflatable pontoon boats work well in confined spaces, but are limited in their hauling capacity. Small boats can deploy boom in short sections or work in tandem with other craft of similar size to corral spills. Summary: Experienced boat operators are necessary for safe boat handling during spill cleanup. Care should be taken while working from a vessel and when tying up, towing, or boarding a vessel. The response team should be trained under realistic conditions using vessels. When purchasing or leasing vessels, every attempt should be made to match the watercraft to the task. Boats should be maintained ready for use. Equipment: The following equipment list is provided for your facility’s consideration: 1. Two 12-foot Achilles inflatable boats with 18 HP motors 2. Two life rings or throw ropes 3. 600 feet of 6-inch diameter, slow water deflection boom 4. 200 feet of rope 5. Three rolls of 6' x 100' 6 mil plastic sheeting 6. One oil skimming pump with floating weir intake and puddle mop a Five gallons of gasoline 8. One 5 HP electric generator 9. One 100-foot and 2 50-foot electrical cords 10. Mop rope skimmer with 150 feet of mop rope and 2 floating pulleys 11. 200 feet fire hose 12. Two sorbent pad ringers 13. One oil separation system 14. One contaminated water storage basin 15. One empty 17E drum, 2 55-gallon closed-top drums, 1 85-gallon over-pac drum 16. Two drum secondary containment pallets 17: Two five gallon buckets 18. Trash bags 19. Four assorted shovels 20. One push broom 21 40 Ibs floor dri 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Two fence posts One post driver Two reflector vests Three 2-way radios One first aid kit and Eye Wash Station Two fire extinguishers One tool box with tools d. Use fire hose as deflection boom to protect stream bank INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 3 Regulatory Overview Idaho State Access to the OSLTF * Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund — One billion dollar OPA 90 fund * supported by petroleum tax- — State Bureau of Hazardous Material may set up reimbursable account for recouping costs through the EPA OSC and Coast Guard Regional Office. + Equipment, supplies, hours beyond regular hours Regulations In Fours : * I. Chemical Use Laws... = * Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) + Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act + Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) * II. Chemical Discharge Control Laws... * Clean Air Act + Clean Water Act/ FWPCA + Safe Drinking Water Act + III. Waste Management and Dispo: Laws... + Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) + Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) + Federal Facility Compliance Act (1992) + Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) + IV. Chemical Transportation Laws... + Hazardous Materials Transportation Act Chemical Use Laws * You may find as a responder tha’ OSHA are applicable to you. — TSCA- Due to the presence of Polychlorinated bipheny!’s in transformer oil. - OSHA- Specific training requirements if the oil in question is considered a hazardous material based on factors such as its ignition temperature or hazardous 29CFR1910.1200 (MSDS). Discharge Control Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FW Objective: Eliminate all pollution navigable surface waters by 1985. Provided for the NCP (40 CFR 300). Set up National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Discharge prohibitions, harmful quantities, reporting requirements, penalties, cleanup funds. mT ATT mo Discharge Control * Set standards for drinking water quality “at the tap” * Applies to groundwater + Established — MCL’s Maximum Contaminant Levels - mandatory levels — MCLG Maximum Contaminant Level Goals - health goals Discharge Control sat * Clean Water Act (CWA) + Regulations for discharges onto surface waters from all types of sources. Three portions include effluent guidelines (NPDES), water quality, and discharges. ~ Discharges of oil or hazardous substances are regulated under 40CFR110 (Discharges of Oil) and 40CFR1 12 (Oil Pollution Prevention). ~ SPCC Plans...(Reasonably discharge into a Navigable Waterway). SPCC Plans * General applicability — facility also meets one or more of the following requirements: * total aboveground oil storage capacity is >1320 gallons or * storage capacity of a single container is > 660 gallons oil or + total underground storage capacity is >42,000 gallons oil. wT A Th SPCC Facility SPCC Plans ¢ Principles — Prevention — Containment — Clean-Up — Reporting system SPCC Plans * Prevention — Standard Operating Procedures ~— Sound engineering practices — Personnel training — Equipment inspections ~ Scheduled, regular maintenance SPCC Plans + Containment — Storage tank dikes, sumps — Specific to site location — Response procedures — Requires facility analysis SPCC Plans + Clean-Up — Dependent upon affected area — Strategic placement of response materials — Personnel training Regulations - Civil Penalties * In Violation if affected facility fails’ — prepare SPCC plan — certify plan — implement plan — submit information after a spill — amend plan as required by parts 112.4, 112.6 — implement amendments mT AT Un Regulations - Civil Penalties * Penalty for Violations — up to $5,000 per day — determined by: * gravity of violation. * good faith efforts to achieve compliance. * Notice of Violation (NOV) * Request for Hearing Discharge Control — * Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA — National Contingency Plan (NCP) + Addresses worst-case discharges of oil. * Mitigation/prevention of discharges. — definition of “discharge” + Release which violates applicable water quality standards. + Release which causes film, sheen or discoloration of surface water. Regulations - Discharge of Oil * OPA/ NCP Jurisdiction — Coast Guard - coastal zones — EPA - inland zones — Dept. of Defense - all DOD facilities — Dept. of Interior - National Parks / Wildlife Refuges, etc. Waste Management and Disposal * RCRA — Regulates the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, or disposal of a hazardous waste (cradle to grave). + Under the Federal Facility Compliance Act of 1992 this requires Federal agencies to comply with RCRA. * CERCLA-established: * procedures for clean-up + National Priority List (Superfund list) + Emergency removal- — imminent threat Enforcement Action ~ PRP charged 3 times cost incurred — Remediation Process- PA/SI, HRS, RIFS, Public Comment, ROD, RA. + Reportable Quantities reporting to NRC + Primary Responsible Parties- liability Waste Management and Disposal + Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA): — includes the requirements for emergency response and community right-to-know. — Threshold Planning Quantities (TPQ) * emergency plan, inventory to local fire dept. and State Emergency Response Commission ~ Above RQ reporting mT AT TI Chemical Transportation Laws * Hazardous Materials Transportatio: + Consolidated fragmented agency requirements dealing with transportation of hazardous materials — Manifesting of Waste. — Compliance with DOT Regulations. + HM-181, continue to phase in until 2001 ~ UN hazard class definitions — New labeling/placarding requirements — New shipping papers requirements — 454/2268KG/1001LB rules for placarding All spills that exceed the reportable quanti and hazardous substances must be immediately called into the National Response Center (NRC). * Consider the SERC, LEPC, and possibly TERC if tribal land may be impacted. 1-800-424-8802- NRC’s phone number Person in charge must notify NRC as soon as possible after spill NRC will contact appropriate USCG or EPA office Regulations mT I OSS28R> INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 3.1 Further Study Chemical Use Laws Chemical Discharge Control Laws Chemical Transportation Laws Hazardous Materials Rules, Regulations, and Standard Summary Notification Information Regulation Examples OVERVIEW OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION CHEMICAL USE LAWS Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) TSCA Covers the manufacturing, importing, exposure and use of chemicals not covered by other environmental laws. Objectives: 1. Screen New Chemicals for Risk; 2. Requires Testing of Certain Chemicals that Pose Risks; 3. Collection of data for EPA; and 4. Control chemicals that pose a risk. FIFRA Registration and use of pesticides. OSHA Ensures the safe and healthful working conditions; Companies employing more than 10 employees. Hazard Communication Standard - "Worker Right to Know" Assessment of chemical hazards in the workplace; inform workers of those hazards though training and record keeping, container labeling, and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). CHEMICAL DISCHARGE CONTROL LAWS Clean Air Act Established National Ambient Air Quality Standards; Clean Water Act Regulates discharges into surface waters from all types of sources including municipal, industrial, and non-point sources. Objective - Eliminate all discharges into surface waters. Interim Objective - Make all surface waters fishable and swimmable Establishes ‘effluent guidelines, *water quality standards, and *discharges of oil and hazardous substances. 1. Effluent guidelines - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPDES (permits for municipal and industrial point source discharges. Now includes stormwater runoff from dairy farms, feed lots, salvage yards, construction sites and municipalities. 2. Water Quality Standards - Established by EPA and adopted by the State. 3. Notification and cleanup procedures for oil and hazardous material spills into surface waters. Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans (Engineering controls) required for facilities with an above-ground petroleum storage tank larger than 660 gallons or total aggregate storage of greater than 1,320 gallons (24 55-gallon drums). The SPCC Plan must be certified bya registered engineer and updated every 3 years. Safe Drinking Water Act Establish primary and secondary standards for drinking water by setting maximum contaminant levels (MCL's). Regulates injection wells, including those for irrigation return flows. WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL LAWS Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Regulates the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous waste. Objectives: Protect human health and the environment; Conserve energy and natural resources; Reduce the amount of waste generated; and Ensure that wastes are managed in an environmentally sound manner. 1984 Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments expanded RCRA to include underground storage tanks, medical wastes, and LDR’s. Hazardous waste management defined as "cradle to grave." Generator waste determinations, inspection records, labeling, and manifests. The Federal Facility Compliance Act (1992) requires all federal agencies to comply with RCRA. State and Federal agencies may now assess fines and penalties. Also, federal employees (et all) may be subject to criminal prosecution if found criminally negligent. Listed Wastes and as Characteristic Wastes. Large Quantity Generators (LQG) - >2,200 Ibs toxic and characteristic wastes or > 2.2 Ibs of acute hazardous wastes generated in a calendar month; Small Quantity Generators (SQG) - 220 to 2,200 Ibs toxic or characteristic waste generated in a calendar month or > 13,230 Ibs accumulated on-site and < 2.2 Ibs of acute hazardous waste; Conditionally-Exempt SQG’s - < 220 toxic and characteristic wastes and < 2.2 acute hazardous wastes generated in a calendar month. (Overhead) ive Envi National Contingency Plan establishes procedures for cleanup of hazardous materials spills. National Priorities List (Superfund List) Three ways EPA can clean up a site through Superfund: 1, Emergency Removal - May spend up to 1,000,000 to mitigate imminent _ threat; 2. Enforcement Action - May charge the PRP up to 3 times the cleanup costs; 3. Remediation Process - PA/SI, HRS, RIFS, Public Comment, ROD, RA. Reportable Quantities reporting to the National Response Center Primary Responsible Parties. Owner/Operator of property liable. Joint and Severable liability, etc. CHEMICAL TRANSPORTATION LAWS Hazardous Materials Transportation Act EPA Regulations require EPA I.D., manifesting of waste, and compliance with DOT Regs. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RULES, REGULATIONS, AND STANDARDS SUMMARY Congress has enacted a number of laws to protect human health and the environment. These laws cover such items as worker safety and training requirements, transportation requirements, chemical use regulations, community right- to-know, and hazardous waste management and cleanup regulations. These laws can be generally categorized as chemical use laws, chemical discharge control laws, waste disposal laws, and chemical transportation laws. As responders to spill incidents, you may be subject to many of these laws through the course of your response activities. hemical Use Law: These laws govern how chemicals may be used and include the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Asa responder to petroleum spills in surface waters, you may find that you are subject to two of these laws, TSCA and OSHA. TSCA has regulations for controlling production, use, and disposal of certain chemicals including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's). PCB's are a class of aromatic compounds with two benzene rings with chlorine replacing the hydrogen to varying degrees. PCB's may be included in transformer oils used to insulate the coils of transformers electrically and thermally. PCB-containing mineral or synthetic oils are non-flammable but are combustible. A PCB combustion by-product is dioxin, a carcinogen, mutagen and teratogen. Ifa spill event involves electrical equipment, the responder must be aware that PCB's or dioxins may be present. Wastes contaminated with PCB's and/or dioxins must be either incinerated or disposed in a hazardous waste/TSCA waste landfill. The goal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 is to ensure safe and healthful working conditions for workers of firms with greater than 10 employees. Under the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA), OSHA was required to develop standards to protect workers engaged in hazardous waste operations and emergency response activities. These requirements are published in the Code of Regulations (29 CFR Part 1910.120, and are specific to emergency response to hazardous substances as defined in section 101(14) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). Petroleum products are excluded in the definition of hazardous substances. However, since some petroleum products may qualify as hazardous wastes due to ignitability or hazardous constituency, these training requirements are applicable for some emergency response situations. Training is categorized in the following levels of expertise: 1. First Responder Awareness Level - Personnel who have been trained to recognize a hazardous substance release and who have been trained to initiate an emergency response sequence through established notification procedures. 2. First Responder Operations Level - Personnel trained to respond in a defensive fashion without actually trying to stop the release. Their function is to contain the release from a safe distance and prevent exposures. 3. Hazardous Materials Technician - Personnel who respond to a spill incident for the purpose of stopping the release by plugging, patching or decanting, etc. 4. Hazardous Materials Specialist - Personnel who respond with, and provide specific support and skills to the technician. 5. On-Scene Incident Commander - Person(s) who assume control of the incident scene. Note that an employer who is required to provide training for Tesponse activities associated with hazardous substances must also provide a personnel medical surveillance program which establishes a baseline medical exam, provides annual and specific exposure exams, and an exit exam. In 1983, OSHA issued the Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). This standard requires employers to assess the hazards of all chemicals in the work place and inform workers or the hazards associated with the chemicals in their work areas. In addition to hazard assessment, the standard requires labeling of all containers, availability of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), employee training, and record keeping. As responders, the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard is a valuable tool in determining hazardous constituents, physical and chemical characteristics, and manufacturer information. ical Disch: ntr WS The Clean Water Act (CWA) provides regulations for discharges into surface waters form all types of sources (municipal, industrial and non-point sources). The three major portions of the CWA include effluent guidelines, water quality standards, and discharges of oil and hazardous substances into surface water. Under the Act, all point sources of pollution from municipal and industrial sources are subject to effluent limits. These limits are outlined in a permit issued pursuant to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). NPDES permit establishes effluent limits as well as monitoring and reporting requirements for that specific point discharge. The CWA regulates the discharges of oil and hazardous substances through 40 CFR Part 110 - Discharges of Oil, and Part 112 - Oil Pollution Prevention. As discussed in 40 CFR Part 110, Regulated discharges of oil into or upon the navigable water of the United States or adjoining shorelines include those that violate applicable water quality standards, cause a film or sheen upon the water, cause discoloration of the surface of the water, or deposit a sludge or emulsion in the water or upon adjoining shorelines. Such unauthorized discharges are a violation of the CWA and Tequire notification to the National Response Center of the incident. This section of the CWA overlaps with the reportable quantities (RQ's) and the National Contingency Plan outlined in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) for notification and response criteria. Through the Oil Pollution Act, the CWA includes requirements for Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans to prevent discharges of oil into navigable water of the United States. SPCC plans place greater emphasis on prevention planning than after-the-fact spill response and contingency plans. Spill prevention is accomplished through evaluation of the facility to determine the inventory of petroleum substances onsite, their potential for release to navigable surface waters of the United States, and the establishment of engineering controls to mitigate such potentials. The engineering controls are usually provided as recommendations to be acted upon by the facility management. The SPCC plan must be certified by a registered engineer. The SPCC plan should also address control and countermeasures portion which includes agreements with responding agencies, notification procedures, employee training, and available spill response equipment. An SPCC plan is required for facilities with any tank over 660 gallons or with a total petroleum capacity in excess of 1,320 gallons above ground storage or 40,000 gallons below ground storage. Following the 750,000 gallon diesel fuel spill into Pennsylvania's Monongahela River from a bulk oil storage facility, EPA developed a two-phased approach to modifying the existing SPCC regulations. Phase | involves proposed changes to the application of the regulations and includes submittal of the plans to EPA for review and approval. Phase 2 directs facilities to prepare plans for a "worst case” scenario discharge of oil. An example of "worst case" would be the failure of all tanks in a system or tank farm. In such a case, owners/operators would have to design secondary containment capable of retaining the entire volume of the tank farm for a minimum of 72 hours. W: men! isposal Law: The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) was passed in 1976 and established the following goals: * Protect Human Health and the environment; * Conserve energy and natural resources; * Reduce the amount of waste generated; and, * Ensure that wastes are managed in an environmentally sound manner. RCRA and the Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA) established programs in solid and hazardous waste management, underground storage tanks, medical wastes, and land disposal restrictions. Generally, the spiller will be identified as the generator of the waste. However, the property owner or in some cases, the responding agency may become the generator of the waste if the spiller cannot be identified. A generator must determine if the waste is a regulated hazardous waste either by sampling or through other means of identification and manage it accordingly. RCRA wastes are regulated "from the cradle to the grave." Accordingly, the generator of a RCRA-regulated waste always retains some responsibility (and liability) associated with those wastes. Therefore, the generator must ensure that any such waste is managed in accordance with the regulations and in a manner which minimizes potential environmental impacts. Regulation for generators is dependent on the amount of hazardous or acutely hazardous waste generated or accumulated onsite with the larger quantities effecting the most stringent regulation. Large Quantity Generators (LQG) are those who generate greater than 2,200 Ibs toxic and characteristic wastes or greater than 2.2 Ibs of acute hazardous wastes in a calendar month; Small Quantity Generators (SQG) are those who generate between 220 and 2,200 Ibs of toxic and characteristic wastes in a calendar month or accumulate onsite greater than 13,230 Ibs of toxic and characteristic wastes and generate or accumulate less than 2.2 Ibs of acute hazardous waste; Conditionally-Exempt SQG’s are those who generate less than 220 Ibs and accumulate less than 13,230 Ibs of toxic and characteristic wastes in a calendar month and generate or accumulate less than 2.2 Ibs of acute hazardous wastes. The Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) is commonly known as the "Superfund" provides a system for identifying and cleaning up hazardous substances that are released into the environment. Provisions of the law include the following: * The National Contingency Plan (NPC) establishes procedures for the cleanup of hazardous substance spills; * The National Priority List (NPL) is a list of abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Sites are listed and prioritized by a risk assessment method called the Hazard Ranking System; * Establishment of the National Response Center (NRC) for the reporting and agency response to hazardous substance spills; and, * The Reportable Quantities (RQ) list identifies the amount of hazardous substances for which notification of the NRC is required in the event of a release. The RQ must be provided on any Bill of Lading or shipping paper. The Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA) includes the requirements for emergency response and community right-to-know. SARA requires facilities which maintain inventories of hazardous substances above their Threshold Planning Quantities (TPQ) to develop emergency plans, submit a hazardous chemical inventory to local fire departments and the State Emergency Response Commission, and notify responding agencies of any release above RQ amounts. Hazardous Materials Transportation The Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (HMTA) regulates the transportation of hazardous materials and, in conjunction with RCRA, hazardous wastes. In 1975 HMTA was passed which identifies the Department of Transportation responsible for the designation and classification of hazardous materials; prescription of safety markings, labels, and placards; packaging requirements; and inspection and enforcement of commercial vehicles. Commercial transporters of hazardous materials must comply with these marking and labeling, packaging, and placarding requirements. The transporter must also identify such hazardous materials in shipping papers or Bill of Lading available for inspection. Notification Information PHAN AARON Date and Time of the Spill Notification Person Reporting the Spill Telephone of the Person Reporting the Spill Location of the Spill Date and Time the Spill Occurred or was Discovered Cause of Spill (Don’t assume liability) Source of the Spill Amount of Spill Has the Spill been Stopped? Actions Underway Fire or Health Hazard Topography and Weather Conditions Injuries or Fatalities (Overhead) OIL OR CHEMICAL SPILL SHEET REPORTING DATA: Date reported to Environmental Compliance Office: Reported by: Agency. Tele: When did release occur? Date first reported to or discovered: Has spill been cleaned up? Who? Has area been secured for public safety? Is emergency response now occurring? Who? Was anyone injured? Who? Do emergency vehicles need to respond? Who is OSC? Tele: CHEMICALS AND CONTAINER DATA: 1 Name. Common Name Amt. 2 Name, Common Name, Amt. 3 Name. Common Name, Amt. Container type: Condition: LOCATION AND RESPONSIBLE PARTY DATA: Spill Location: Media released into: Land owner: Notified? Yes No Responsible party: Address: Tele: Description of what happened: ENVIRONMENTAL DATA: Danger to human health: Danger to fish & wildlife: Potential groundwater contamination: Potential surface water contamination: NOTIFICATION REQUIRED (list person, date and time): Nat. Response Ctr. 1-800-424-8802: Idaho Communications Ctr. 1-800-632-8000 Project manager: County Sheriff's Office: Fire Department: Local Hospital: EPA: State DEQ: Other: COMMENTS : Completed by: Date: REPORTING OIL OR CHEMICAL SPILL NOTIFICATION PHONE NUMBERS NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER: . . . 2. 1. 1. eee ee ee ee ee ee 1-800-424-8802 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY: Region 10, Seattle WA (for ID, WA and OR) Boise Operations Office... .. 2... 2. ee ee ee ee 208-378-5773 Washington Operations Office ........ 2.2... 2-2... ee. ee ee ee) 206-753-9437 Oregon Operations Office ... 6} fet fe | fey | et le] pal ter | el fet te-| tol tf ist lel fella | ol [sl fet del | el | ol le 503-326-3250 Region 8, Denver CO (for WY and ur) Montana Operations Office... ......-..-.-.2.--0--2.2. 6. 406-449-5486 IDAHO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: Boise office) (during reg. work hrs) 2... 1 es ke ee) el eilel ida gle elk 208-373-0502! Idaho Communication Center (24 hrs)... ... 2... ..202.-0202.02.-22484 1-800-632-8000 MONTANA SOLID AND HAZ. WASTE BUREAU: Regular work hours .... . 1... ee ee ee 406-444-2821 24) our poe Taare) era ey a lel fl fod Led fel fool fede | mh el tel feed el del bey ble teed Let ba tact lal feed Let hd 406-444-6911 OREGON DEPT. OF ENV. QUALITY: | 24; nour Mot) Dime || ele | le cris | la] to] |e | felt ol | od fo tel | ot Lot Lo | jet fol tm] bed ed We | lel. | oy bo] Leet al Jolet fubel Lal | [et [let 503-378-4124 WASHINGTON DEPT. OF ECOLOGY: Yakima Regional Office .. 2... 2... see ee tet te te wt tt tw tt ts 509-575-2491 Spokane Regional Office... Be eee ee ew.) 509-456-2926 DEPARTMENT OF EMERG. MANAGEMENT | le sl fe] fed tlt | =| le foe | ls] le | pew tle | ol lo! fe] le lie | bl lel le | fe 1-800-262-5990 WYOMING DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: 24 hour hot line 2. 1 16 6 we ee ee ew ew te we ee we ww ww ee) | 307-7972 7781 DENVER OFFICE (D-5510): DOM TEGABUEO To.) e'| be | ot 54.|o-laldoe,| te | fal | ots a| [a | lel [ool nd be | fol | | | sila! ter] ‘el ]elal lal | 9! [al ta || [etal le bil ot |e 303-445-2807 DEPT. OF INTERIOR REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICERS: Region 8 (WY and MT) - Mr. Bob Stewart . . Se ee ee ee ee ee ee . © 303-445-2500 Region 10 (ID, WA and OR) - Mr. Preston Sleeger Soe ee ee ee ee ee ee ew ©) $03-231-6157 AREA MANAGERS/SUPERINTENDENTS : Snake River Area Office - Jerry Gregg ............2......0002084 208-334-1460 Snake River Area East - Vacant .... 2... 1. ee ee ee eee ee ee 208-678-0461 Upper Columbia Area Office - Vacant ..........-..-..5.-..... 2... . 509-754-0211 Bphrata Field Office - Bill Gray .... 2... 2.22 2 eee este ewe naa 509-575-5848 Grand Coulee - Dave Lyngholm ..... 2... 6 6 1 we eee ee te ew we ts 509-633-9501 Hungry Horse - Ralph J. Carter . . a ier be] | od f= ds | iol | otal hel [et le fl | 5} fe) lel lates) bel | le 406-387-5241 Lower Columbia Area Office - Eric Glover ie bel led beds Lim | #1 eed tet el bel le | et fed lel let | ed [ell lad le 503-872-2797 TITLE 40--PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER I--ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) PART 110--DISCHARGE OF OIL--Table of Contents Sec. 110.3 Discharge of oil in such quantities as **may be harmful" pursuant to section 311(b)(4) of the Act. For purposes of section 311(b)(4) of the Act, discharges of oil in such quantities that the Administrator has determined may be harmful to the public health or welfare or the environment of the United States include discharges of oil that: (a) Violate applicable water quality standards; or (b) Cause a film or sheen upon or discoloration of the surface of the water or adjoining shorelines or cause a sludge or emulsion to be deposited beneath the surface of the water or upon adjoining shorelines. [61 FR 7421, Feb. 28, 1996] | Sec. 112.1 General applicability. (a) This part establishes procedures, methods and equipment and other requirements for equipment to prevent the discharge of oil from non-transportation-related onshore and offshore facilities into or upon the navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines. (b) Except as provided in paragraph (d) of this section, this part applies to owners or operators of non-transportation-related onshore and offshore facilities engaged in drilling, producing, gathering, storing, processing, refining, transferring, distributing or consuming oil and oil products, and which, due to their location, could reasonably be expected to discharge oil in harmful quantities, as defined in part 110 of this chapter, into or upon the navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines. (c) As provided in section 313 (86 Stat. 875) departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Federal government are subject to these regulations to the [[Page 291] same extent as any person, except for the provisions of Sec. 112.6. (d) This part does not apply to: (1) Facilities, equipment or operations which are not subject to the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency, as follows: (i) Onshore and offshore facilities, which, due to their location, could not reasonably be expected to discharge oil into or upon the navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines. This determination shall be based solely upon a consideration of the geographical, locational aspects of the facility (such as proximity to navigable waters or adjoining shorelines, land contour, drainage, etc.) and shall exclude consideration of manmade features such as dikes, equipment or other structures which may serve to restrain, hinder, contain, or otherwise prevent a discharge of oil from reaching navigable waters of the United States or adjoining shorelines; and (ii) Equipment or operations of vessels or transportation-related onshore and offshore facilities which are subject to authority and control of the Department of Transportation, as defined in the Memorandum of Understanding between the Secretary of Transportation and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, dated November 24, 1971, 36 FR 24000. (2) Those facilities which, although otherwise subject to the jurisdiction of the Environmental Protection Agency, meet both of the following requirements: (i) The underground buried storage capacity of the facility is 42,000 gallons or less of oil, and (ii) The storage capacity, which is not buried, of the facility is 1,320 gallons or less of oil, provided no single container has a capacity in excess of 660 gallons. (e) This part provides for the preparation and implementation of Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans prepared in accordance with Sec. 112.7, designed to complement existing laws, regulations, Tules, standards, policies and procedures pertaining to safety standards, fire prevention and pollution prevention rules, so as to form a comprehensive balanced Federal/State spill prevention program to minimize the potential for oil discharges. Compliance with this part does not in any way relieve the owner or operator of an onshore or an offshore facility from compliance with other Federal, State or local laws. [38 FR 34165, Dec. 11, 1973, as amended at 41 FR 12657, Mar. 26, 1976] Sec. 112.7 Guidelines for the preparation and implementation of a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan. The SPCC Plan shall be a carefully thought-out plan, prepared in accordance with good engineering practices, and which has the full approval of management at a level with authority to commit the necessary resources. If the plan calls for additional facilities or procedures, methods, or equipment not yet fully operational, these items should be discussed in separate paragraphs, and the details of installation and operational start-up should be explained separately. The complete SPCC Plan shall follow the sequence outlined below, and include a discussion of the facility's conformance with the appropriate guidelines listed: (a) A facility which has experienced one or more spill events within twelve months prior to the effective date of this part should include a written description of each such spill, corrective action taken and plans for preventing recurrence. (b) Where experience indicates a reasonable potential for equipment failure (such as tank overflow, rupture, or leakage), the plan should include a prediction of the direction, rate of flow, and total quantity of oil which could be discharged from the facility as a result of each major type of failure. (c) Appropriate containment and/or diversionary structures or equipment to prevent discharged oil from reaching a navigable water course should be provided. One of the following preventive systems or its equivalent should be used as a minimum: (1) Onshore facilities: (i) Dikes, berms or retaining walls sufficiently impervious to contain spilled oil; (ii) Curbing; (iii) Culverting, gutters or other drainage systems; (iv) Weirs, booms or other barriers; (v) Spill diversion ponds; (vi) Retention ponds; (vii) Sorbent materials. (2) Offshore facilities: (i) Curbing, drip pans; (ii) Sumps and collection systems. (d) When it is determined that the installation of structures or equipment listed in Sec. 112.7(c) to prevent discharged oil from reaching the navigable waters is not practicable from any onshore or offshore facility, the owner or operator should clearly demonstrate such impracticability and provide the following: (1) A strong oil spill contingency plan following the provision of 40 CFR part 109. (2) A written commitment of manpower, equipment and materials required to expeditiously contro] and remove any harmful quantity of oil discharged. (e) In addition to the minimal prevention standards listed under Sec. 112.7(c), sections of the Plan should include a complete discussion of conformance with the following applicable guidelines, other effective spill prevention and containment procedures (or, if more stringent, with State rules, regulations and guidelines): (1) Facility drainage (onshore); (excluding production facilities). (i) Drainage from diked storage areas should be restrained by valves or other positive means to prevent a spill or other excessive leakage of oil into the drainage [[Page 297] system or inplant effluent treatment system, except where plan systems are designed to handle such leakage. Diked areas may be emptied by pumps or ejectors; however, these should be manually activated and the condition of the accumulation should be examined before starting to be sure no oil will be discharged into the water. (ii) Flapper-type drain valves should not be used to drain diked areas. Valves used for the drainage of diked areas should, as far as practical, be of manual, open-and-closed design. When plant drainage drains directly into water courses and not into wastewater treatment plants, retained storm water should be inspected as provided in paragraphs (e)(2)(iii) (B), (C) and (D) of this section before drainage. (iii) Plant drainage systems from undiked areas should, if possible, flow into ponds, lagoons or catchment basins, designed to retain oil or return it to the facility. Catchment basins should not be located in areas subject to periodic flooding. (iv) If plant drainage is not engineered as above, the final discharge of all in-plant ditches should be equipped with a diversion system that could, in the event of an uncontrolled spill, return the oil to the plant. (v) Where drainage waters are treated in more than one treatment unit, natural hydraulic flow should be used. If pump transfer is needed, two ~ lift" pumps should be provided, and at least one of the pumps should be permanently installed when such treatment is continuous. In any event, whatever techniques are used facility drainage systems should be adequately engineered to prevent oil from reaching navigable waters in the event of equipment failure or human error at the facility. (2) Bulk storage tanks (onshore); (excluding production facilities). (i) No tank should be used for the storage of oil unless its material and construction are compatible with the material stored and conditions of storage such as pressure and temperature, etc. (ii) All bulk storage tank installations should be constructed so that a secondary means of containment is provided for the entire contents of the largest single tank plus sufficient freeboard to allow for precipitation. Diked areas should be sufficiently impervious to contain spilled oil. Dikes, containment curbs, and pits are commonly employed for this purpose, but they may not always be appropriate. An alternative system could consist of a complete drainage trench enclosure arranged so that a spill could terminate and be safely confined in an in-plant catchment basin or holding pond. (iii) Drainage of rainwater from the diked area into a storm drain or an effluent discharge that empties into an open water course, lake, or pond, and bypassing the in-plant treatment system may be acceptable if: (A) The bypass valve is normally sealed closed. (B) Inspection of the run-off rain water ensures compliance with applicable water quality standards and will not cause a harmful discharge as defined in 40 CFR part 110. (C) The bypass valve is opened, and resealed following drainage under responsible supervision. (D) Adequate records are kept of such events. (iv) Buried metallic storage tanks represent a potential for undetected spills. A new buried installation should be protected from corrosion by coatings, cathodic protection or other effective methods compatible with local soil conditions. Such buried tanks should at least be subjected to regular pressure testing. (v) Partially buried metallic tanks for the storage of oil should be avoided, unless the buried section of the shell is adequately coated, since partial burial in damp earth can cause rapid corrosion of metallic surfaces, especially at the earth/air interface. (vi) Aboveground tanks should be subject to periodic integrity testing, taking into account tank design (floating roof, etc.) and using such techniques as hydrostatic testing, visual inspection or a system of non-destructive shell thickness testing. Comparison records should be kept where appropriate, and tank supports and foundations should be included in these inspections. In addition, the outside of the tank should frequently be observed by operating personnel for signs of deterioration, leaks which might cause a [[Page 298] spill, or accumulation of oil inside diked areas. (vii) To control leakage through defective internal heating coils, the following factors should be considered and applied, as appropriate. (A) The steam return or exhaust lines from internal heating coils which discharge into an open water course should be monitored for contamination, or passed through a settling tank, skimmer, or other separation or retention system. (B) The feasibility of installing an external heating system should also be considered. (viii) New and old tank installations should, as far as practical, be fail-safe engineered or updated into a fail-safe engineered installation to avoid spills. Consideration should be given to providing one or more of the following devices: (A) High liquid level alarms with an audible or visual signal at a constantly manned operation or surveillance station; in smaller plants an audible air vent may suffice. (B) Considering size and complexity of the facility, high liquid level pump cutoff devices set to stop flow at a predetermined tank content level. (C) Direct audible or code signal communication between the tank gauger and the pumping station. (D) A fast response system for determining the liquid level of each bulk storage tank such as digital computers, telepulse, or direct vision gauges or their equivalent. E) Liquid level sensing devices should be regularly tested to insure proper operation. (ix) Plant effluents which are discharged into navigable waters should have disposal facilities observed frequently enough to detect possible system upsets that could cause an oil spill event. (x) Visible oil leaks which result in a loss of oil from tank seams, gaskets, rivets and bolts sufficiently large to cause the accumulation of oil in diked areas should be promptly corrected. (xi) Mobile or portable oil storage tanks (onshore) should be positioned or located so as to prevent spilled oil from reaching navigable waters. A secondary means of containment, such as dikes or catchment basins, should be furnished for the largest single compartment or tank. These facilities should be located where they will not be subject to periodic flooding or washout. (3) Facility transfer operations, pumping, and in-plant process (onshore); (excluding production facilities). (i) Buried piping installations should have a protective wrapping and coating and should be cathodically protected if soil conditions warrant. If a section of buried line is exposed for any reason, it should be carefully examined for deterioration. If corrosion damage is found, additional examination and corrective action should be taken as indicated by the magnitude of the damage. An alternative would be the more frequent use of exposed pipe corridors or galleries. (ii) When a pipeline is not in service, or in standby service for an extended time the terminal connection at the transfer point should be capped or blank-flanged, and marked as to origin. (iii) Pipe supports should be properly designed to minimize abrasion and corrosion and allow for expansion and contraction. (iv) All aboveground valves and pipelines should be subjected to regular examinations by operating personnel at which time the general condition of items, such as flange joints, expansion joints, valve glands and bodies, catch pans, pipeline supports, locking of valves, and metal surfaces should be assessed. In addition, periodic pressure testing may be warranted for piping in areas where facility drainage is such that a failure might lead to a spill event. (v) Vehicular traffic granted entry into the facility should be warned verbally or by appropriate signs to be sure that the vehicle, because of its size, will not endanger above ground piping. (4) Facility tank car and tank truck loading/unloading rack (onshore). (i) Tank car and tank truck loading/unloading procedures should meet the minimum requirements and regulation established by the Department of Transportation. (ii) Where rack area drainage does not flow into a catchment basin or treatment facility designed to handle spills, a quick drainage system should [[Page 299] be used for tank truck loading and unloading areas. The containment system should be designed to hold at least maximum capacity of any single compartment of a tank car or tank truck loaded or unloaded in the plant. (iii) An interlocked warning light or physical barrier system, or warning signs, should be provided in loading/unloading areas to prevent vehicular departure before complete disconnect of flexible or fixed transfer lines. (iv) Prior to filling and departure of any tank car or tank truck, the lowermost drain and all outlets of such vehicles should be closely examined for leakage, and if necessary, tightened, adjusted, or replaced to prevent liquid leakage while in transit. (5) Oil production facilities (onshore)--(i) Definition. An onshore production facility may include all wells, flowlines, separation equipment, storage facilities, gathering lines, and auxiliary non- transportation-related equipment and facilities in a single geographical oil or gas field operated by a single operator. (ii) Oil production facility (onshore) drainage. (A) At tank batteries and central treating stations where an accidental discharge of oil would have a reasonable possibility of reaching navigable waters, the dikes or equivalent required under Sec. 112.7(c)(1) should have drains closed and sealed at all times except when rainwater is being drained. Prior to drainage, the diked area should be inspected as provided in paragraphs (e)(2)(iii) (B), (C), and (D) of this section. Accumulated oil on the rainwater should be picked up and returned to storage or disposed of in accordance with approved methods. (B) Field drainage ditches, road ditches, and oil traps, sumps or skimmers, if such exist, should be inspected at regularly scheduled intervals for accumulation of oil that may have escaped from small leaks. Any such accumulations should be removed. (iii) Oil production facility (onshore) bulk storage tanks. (A) No tank should be used for the storage of oil unless its material and construction are compatible with the material stored and the conditions of storage. (B) All tank battery and central treating plant installations should be provided with a secondary means of containment for the entire contents of the largest single tank if feasible, or alternate systems such as those outlined in Sec. 112.7(c)(1). Drainage from undiked areas should be safely confined in a catchment basin or holding pond. (C) All tanks containing oil should be visually examined by a competent person for condition and need for maintenance on a scheduled periodic basis. Such examination should include the foundation and supports of tanks that are above the surface of the ground. (D) New and old tank battery installations should, as far as practical, be fail-safe engineered or updated into a fail-safe engineered installation to prevent spills. Consideration should be given to one or more of the following: (1) Adequate tank capacity to assure that a tank will not overfill should a pumper/gauger be delayed in making his regular rounds. (2) Overflow equalizing lines between tanks so that a full tank can overflow to an adjacent tank. (3) Adequate vacuum protection to prevent tank collapse during a pipeline run. (4) High level sensors to generate and transmit an alarm signal to the computer where facilities are a part of a computer production control system. (iv) Facility transfer operations, oil production facility (onshore). (A) All above ground valves and pipelines should be examined periodically on a scheduled basis for general condition of items such as flange joints, valve glands and bodies, drip pans, pipeline supports, pumping well polish rod stuffing boxes, bleeder and gauge valves. (B) Salt water (oil field brine) disposal facilities should be examined often, particularly following a sudden change in atmospheric temperature to detect possible system upsets that could cause an oil discharge. (C) Production facilities should have a program of flowline maintenance to prevent spills from this source. The program should include periodic examinations, corrosion protection, flowline replacement, and adequate records, as appropriate, for the individual facility. (6) Oil drilling and workover facilities (onshore). (i) Mobile drilling or [[Page 300] workover equipment should be positioned or located so as to prevent spilled oil from reaching navigable waters. (ii) Depending on the location, catchment basins or diversion structures may be necessary to intercept and contain spills of fuel, crude oil, or oily drilling fluids. (iii) Before drilling below any casing string or during workover operations, a blowout prevention (BOP) assembly and well control system should be installed that is capable of controlling any well head pressure that is expected to be encountered while that BOP assembly is on the well. Casing and BOP installations should be in accordance with State regulatory agency requirements. (7) Oil drilling, production, or workover facilities (offshore). (i) Definition: ~*An oil drilling, production or workover facility (offshore)" may include all drilling or workover equipment, wells, flowlines, gathering lines, platforms, and auxiliary nontransportation- related equipment and facilities in a single geographical oil or gas field operated by a single operator. (ii) Oil drainage collection equipment should be used to prevent and control small oil spillage around pumps, glands, valves, flanges, expansion joints, hoses, drain lines, separators, treaters, tanks, and allied equipment. Drains on the facility should be controlled and directed toward a central collection sump or equivalent collection system sufficient to prevent discharges of oil into the navigable waters of the United States. Where drains and sumps are not practicable oil contained in collection equipment should be removed as often as necessary to prevent overflow. (iii) For facilities employing a sump system, sump and drains should be adequately sized and a spare pump or equivalent method should be available to remove liquid from the sump and assure that oil does not escape. A regular scheduled preventive maintenance inspection and testing program should be employed to assure reliable operation of the liquid removal system and pump start-up device. Redundant automatic sump pumps and control devices may be required on some installations. (iv) In areas where separators and treaters are equipped with dump valves whose predominant mode of failure is in the closed position and pollution risk is high, the facility should be specially equipped to prevent the escape of oil. This could be accomplished by extending the flare line to a diked area if the separator is near shore, equipping it with a high liquid level sensor that will automatically shut-in wells producing to the separator, paralle] redundant dump valves, or other feasible alternatives to prevent oil discharges. (v) Atmospheric storage or surge tanks should be equipped with high liquid level sensing devices or other acceptable alternatives to prevent oil discharges. (vi) Pressure tanks should be equipped with high and low pressure sensing devices to activate an alarm and/or control the flow or other acceptable alternatives to prevent oil discharges. (vii) Tanks should be equipped with suitable corrosion protection. (viii) A written procedure for inspecting and testing pollution prevention equipment and systems should be prepared and maintained at the facility. Such procedures should be included as part of the SPCC Plan. (ix) Testing and inspection of the pollution prevention equipment and systems at the facility should be conducted by the owner or operator on a scheduled periodic basis commensurate with the complexity, conditions and circumstances of the facility or other appropriate regulations. (x) Surface and subsurface well shut-in valves and devices in use at the facility should be sufficiently described to determine method of activation or control, e.g., pressure differential, change in fluid or flow conditions, combination of pressure and flow, manual or remote control mechanisms. Detailed records for each well, while not necessarily part of the plan should be kept by the owner or operator. (xi) Before drilling below any casing string, and during workover operations a blowout preventer (BOP) assembly and well control system should be installed that is capable of controlling any well-head pressure that is expected [[Page 301] to be encountered while that BOP assembly is on the well. Casing and BOP installations should be in accordance with State regulatory agency requirements. (xii) Extraordinary well control measures should be provided should emergency conditions, including fire, loss of control and other abnormal conditions, occur. The degree of control system redundancy should vary with hazard exposure and probable consequences of failure. It is recommended that surface shut-in systems have redundant or “fail close" valving. Subsurface safety valves may not be needed in producing wells that will not flow but should be installed as required by applicable State regulations. (xiii) In order that there will be no misunderstanding of joint and separate duties and obligations to perform work in a safe and pollution free manner, written instructions should be prepared by the owner or operator for contractors and subcontractors to follow whenever contract activities include servicing a well or systems appurtenant to a well or pressure vessel. Such instructions and procedures should be maintained at the offshore production facility. Under certain circumstances and conditions such contractor activities may require the presence at the facility of an authorized representative of the owner or operator who would intervene when necessary to prevent a spill event. (xiv) All manifolds (headers) should be equipped with check valves on individual flowlines. (xv) If the shut-in well pressure is greater than the working pressure of the flowline and manifold valves up to and including the header valves associated with that individual flowline, the flowline should be equipped with a high pressure sensing device and shut-in valve at the wellhead unless provided with a pressure relief system to prevent over pressuring. (xvi) All pipelines appurtenant to the facility should be protected from corrosion. Methods used, such as protective coatings or cathodic protection, should be discussed. (xvii) Sub-marine pipelines appurtenant to the facility should be adequately protected against environmental stresses and other activities such as fishing operations. (xviii) Sub-marine pipelines appurtenant to the facility should be in good operating condition at all times and inspected on a scheduled™ periodic basis for failures. Such inspections should be documented and maintained at the facility. (8) Inspections and records. Inspections required by this part should be in accordance with written procedures developed for the facility by the owner or operator. These written procedures and a record of the inspections, signed by the appropriate supervisor or inspector, should be made part of the SPCC Plan and maintained for a period of three years. (9) Security (excluding oil production facilities). (i) All plants handling, processing, and storing oil should be fully fenced, and entrance gates should be locked and/or guarded when the plant is not in production or is unattended. (ii) The master flow and drain valves and any other valves that will permit direct outward flow of the tank's content to the surface should be securely locked in the closed position when in non-operating or non- standby status. (iii) The starter control on all oil pumps should be locked in the off" position or located at a site accessible only to authorized personnel when the pumps are in a non-operating or non-standby status. (iv) The loading/unloading connections of oil pipelines should be securely capped or blank-flanged when not in service or standby service for an extended time. This security practice should also apply to pipelines that are emptied of liquid content either by draining or by inert gas pressure. (v) Facility lighting should be commensurate with the type and location of the facility. Consideration should be given to: (A) Discovery of spills occurring during hours of darkness, both by operating personnel, if present, and by non-operating personnel (the general public, local police, etc.) and (B) prevention of spills occurring through acts of vandalism. [[Page 302] (10) Personnel, training and spill prevention procedures. (i) Owners or operators are responsible for properly instructing their personnel in the operation and maintenance of equipment to prevent the discharges of oil and applicable pollution control laws, rules and regulations. (ii) Each applicable facility should have a designated person who is accountable for oil spill prevention and who reports to line management. (iii) Owners or operators should schedule and conduct spill prevention briefings for their operating personnel at intervals frequent enough to assure adequate understanding of the SPCC Plan for that facility. Such briefings should highlight and describe known spill events or failures, malfunctioning components, and recently developed precautionary measures. § 114.2 PART 114—CIVIL PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION REGULATIONS NON-TRANSPORTATION RELATED ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE FACILITIES Sec. M4. 114.2 14.3 M44 114.5 114.6 14.7 Gonoral applicability. Violation. Dotermination of penalty. Notice of Violation. Request for hearing. Presiding OMcer. - Consolidation. 134.8 Prehearing conference. 114.9 Conduct of hearing. 114.10 Decision. 114.11 Appeal to Administrator. AUTHORITY: Secs. 311, 501(a), Pub. L. 92-500, 86 Stas. 868, 885 (33 U.S.C. 1321, 1361(a)). Source: 39 FR 31602, Aug. 29, 1974, unless otherwise noted. NON-TRANSPORTATION RELATED ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE FACILITIES $114.1 General applicability. (a) Applicability of section. This sec- tion shall apply to violations specified in paragraph (b) of this section which occurred prior to August 18, 1990. (b) Owners or operators of facilities subject to §112.3 (a), (b) or (c) of this subchapter who violate the require- ments of part 112 of this subchapter D by failing or refusing to comply with any of the provisions of §§ 112.3, 112.4, or 112.5 of this subchapter shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than $5,000 for each day such violation con- tinues. Civil penalties shall be assessed and compromised in accordance with this part. No penalty shall be assessed until the owner or operator shall have been given notice and an opportunity for hearing in accordance with this part. (57 FR 52705, Nov. 4, 1992) $114.2 Violation. Owners or operators of facilities shall be liable for a civil penalty for non- compliance with the requirements of part 112 of this subchapter, including but not limited to failure to: (a) Prepare a Spill Prevention Con- trol and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan in accordance with §112.3 of this sub- chapter; 13 (b) Have a SPCC plan certified by a Registered Professional Engineer as re- quired by §112.3 of this subchapter; (c) Implement the SPCC plan as re- quired by §112.3 of this subchapter; (d) Submit information after a spill as required by §112.4 of this subchapter; (e) Amend plan as required by §112.4 of this subchapter; () Implement amendment as re- quired by §112.4 of this subchapter; (g) Amend plan after change in facil- ity design as required by §112.6 of this subchapter; (h) Review plan every three years as required by §112.5 of this subchapter; (i) Amend plan after review as re- quired by §112.5; or (J) Have amendment certified as re- quired by §112.5 of this subchapter and implemented. $114.3 Determination of penalty. (a) In determining the amount of the penalty to be assessed the following factors shall be considered: (1) Gravity of the violation; and (2) Demonstrated good faith efforts to achieve rapid compliance after noti- fication of a violation. (b>) The amount of the civil penalty to be assessed may be settled by com- promise at any stage of the proceed- ings. (c) Civil penalties may be assessed by the Regional Administrator where there js no request for a hearing pursu- ant to §114.5. $114.4 Notice of Violation. The Notice of Violation shall be sent to the person charged with a violation and shall specify the: (a) Date of issuance; (>) Nature of violation, including the law or regulation that he is charged with violating: (c) Amount of the maximum penalty; (d) Amount of the proposed civil pen- alty: (e) The right. to present written ex- planations, information or any mate- rials in answer to the charges or in mitigation of the penalty. or bearing on the person's efforts to achieve com- pliance after notification of the viola- tion: ( Manner of the payment of any money which may be paid to the Unit- ed States; (g) Right to request a hearing; and (h) The procedures for requesting a hearing including the right to be rep resented by counsel. §114.5 Request for hearing. Within thirty (30) days of the date of receipt of a Notice of Violation, the person named in the Notice may re- quest a hearing by submitting a writ- ten request signed by or on behalf of such person by a duly authorized offi- cer, director, agent, or attorney-in- fact, to the Regional Administrator. (a) Requests for hearings shall: (1) State the name and address of the person requesting the hearing; (2) Enclose a copy of the Notice of Violation; and (3) State with particularity the is- sues to be raised by such person at the hearing. (b) After a request for hearing which complies with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section has been filed, a hearing shall be scheduled for the earliest practicable date. (c) Extensions of the time for the commencement of the hearing may be granted for good cause shown. §114.6 Presiding Officer. The hearing shall be conducted by the Presiding Officer. The Regional Ad- ministrator may designate any attor- ney in the Environmental Protection Agency to act as the Presiding Officer. No person shall serve as a Presiding Of- ficer where he has any prior connection with the case including without limita- tion the performance of investigative or prosecuting functions or any other such functions. The Presiding Officer appointed shal] have the ful] authority to conduct the hearing, decide issues and to assess a civil penalty as appro- priate. $114.7 Consolidation. The Presiding Officer may, in his dis- cretion, order consolidation of any hearings held under this part and aris- ing within one Region whenever he de- termines that consolidation will expe- dite or simplify the consideration oi the issues presented. The Adminis- 274 trator may, in his discretion, order consolidation, and designate one Re- gion to be responsible for the conduct of any hearings held under this part which arise in different Regions when- ever he determines that consolidation will expedite or simplify the consider- ation of the issues presented. Consoli- dation shall not affect the right of any person to raise issues that could have been raised if consolidation had not oc- curred. At the conclusion of the hear- ing the Presiding Officer shall render a separate decision for each separate civil penalty case. $114.8 Prehearing conference. The Presiding Officer may hold one or more prehearing conferences and may issue a hearing agenda which may include, without limitation, decisions with regard to any or all the following: (a) Stipulations and admissions; (b) Disputed: issues of fact; (c) Hearing procedures including sub- mission of oral or written testimony and the time allotted for oral argu- ments; and (d) Any other matter which may ex- pedite the hearing or aid in disposition of any issues raised therein. $114.9 Conduct of hearing. The hearing shall be held in the gen- eral location of the facility where the alleged violation occurred or as agreed to by EPA and the person charged. The Presiding Officer shal] have the duty to conduct a fair and impartial hearing, to take action to avoid unnecessary delay in the disposition of proceedings, and to maintain order. The person charged with the violation may offer Televant facts, statements, expla- nations, and other items which such person feels should be considered in de- fense to the charges, bearing on the person's efforts to achieve compliance after notification of the violation or which may bear upon the penalty to be assessed. The EPA or other appropriate Agency personnel shal] have the oppor- tunity to offer facts, statements, expla- nations and other items including tes- mony of other appropriate Agencies personnel in order for the Presiding Of- Ocer to be fully informed. In the event the matter cannot be resolved by set- -Uement the person charged with the violation shall be informed in writing, of the decision of the Presiding Officer and shall be advised of his right to ap- Peal. $114.10 Decision. Within thirty (30) days after the con- clusion of the hearings, the Presiding Officer shall issue findings with respect to the matter, including, where appro- priate to the amount of the civil pen- alty. In assessing the civil penalty the Presiding Officer shall consider the fac- tors set forth in §114.3. A copy of the Presiding Officer's decision shall be sent to the person charged in the No- tice of Violation. The decision of the Presiding Officer shall become the final decision of the Environmental Protec- tion Agency unless within fifteen (15) days from the date of receipt of such decision, the person assessed the pen- alty appeals the decision to the Envi- Tonmental Appeals Board, or unless the Environmental Appeals Board shall have stayed the effectiveness of the de- cision pending review. (39 FR 31602, Aug. 29, 1974, as amended at 57 FR 53h, Feb. 13, 1992) §114.11 Appeal to Administrator. (a) The Administrator delegates au- thority to the Environmental Appeals Board (which is described in §1.25 of this title) to issue final decisions in ap- peals filed under this part. An appeal directed to the Administrator, rather than to the Environmental Appeals Board, will not be considered. This del- egation does not preclude the Environ- mental Appeals Board from referring an appeal or a motion filed under this part to the Administrator when the Environmental Appeals Board, in its discretion, deems it appropriate to do so. When an appeal or motion is re- ferred to the Administrator, all parties - shall be so notified and the rules in‘ this part referring to the Environ- mental Appeals Board shall be inter- preted as referring to the Adminis- trator. (b) The person assessed a penalty in the Presiding Officer’s determination shal] have the right to appeal an ad- verse decision ta the Environmental Appeals Board upon filing a written Notice of Appeal in the form required by paragraph (c) of this section within | 275 ceipt of the Presiding Officer's sion. (c) The Notice of Appeal shall: (1) State the name and address person filing the Notice of Appeal] (2) Contain a concise statem. the facts on which the person reli (3) Contain a concise statem: the legal basis on which the pers lies; and “ (4) Contain a concise statemer ting forth the action which the: proposes that the Environment: peals Board take. (d) The Environmental A Board, after a Notice of Appeal ir er form has been filed, shall rei decision with respect to the 1 promptly. In rendering its decisic Environmental Appeals Board adopt, modify, or set aside the de of the Presiding Officer in any r and shall include in its decision : cise statement of the basis the The decision of the Environment: peals Board on appeal shall be eff. when rendered. (39 FR 31602, Aug. 29, 1974, as amende FR 53M, Feb. 13, 1992] Northwest Area Contingency Plan REQUIRED NOTIFICATIONS All spills of oil or hazardous substance into navigable waters must be immediately reported by the spiller to the National Response Center (NRC). The NRC will contact appropriate local USCG or Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offices. National Response Center (NRC) 1-800-424-8802 Toll Free “1-202-267-2675 Toll Call If it is not practical to contact the NRC, contact the nearest USCG/EPA office. The person in charge of the vessel or facility must also notify the NRC as soon as possible. All spills of oil into Washington State waters must be immediately reported to the Washington State EMD. The Washington Emergency Management Division (EMD) 24-hour Emergency Spill Response 1-800-258-5990 For spills of hazardous substances, the spiller is required to notify the nearest regional office of Ecology. The Washington State Department of Ecology 24-hour Emergency Spill Response. Northwest Office, Bellevue: 1-206-649-7000 Southwest Office, Olympia: 1-206-753-2490 Central Office, Yakima: 1-509-575-2490 Eastern Office, Spokane: 1-509-456-2926 Notifying EMD or Ecology does not relieve the responsible party from notifying the National Response Center (NRC). iii 7/1194 Northwest Area Contingency Plan All spills of oil or hazardous substances in Oregon must be reported by the spiller to: The Oregon Emergency Response System (OERS) 24-hour Emergency Spill Response 1-800-452-0311 The party responsible for a spill in Idaho State waters is required by Idaho State law to notify the following: Idaho State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)/ Idaho Emergency Medical Services (EMS) 24-hour Emergency Notification 1-800-632-8000 or 911 For spills in coastal navigable waters of Puget Sound, Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the Washington Coast north of the Queets River contact: USCG Marine Safety Office Puget Sound 1-206-217-6232 For spills occurring in coastal navigable waters of the Columbia River, the Oregon Coast, and the Washington Coast south of the Queets River contact: USCG Marine Safety Office Portland 1-503-240-9301 For spills occurring in inland waters of Washington, Oregon, Idaho contact: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Seattle 1-206-553-1263 ecology and environment iv 71194 -recycied paper Northwest Area Contingency Plan FIRST RESPONDER GUIDELINES! REMAIN UPWIND, UPHILL OR UPSTREAM OF THE INCIDENT. FROM A SAFE DISTANCE, assess the situation. Use binoculars, if available, to view the scene. Attempt to determine if radiological materials or hazardous substances are present. Observe and note the following: Effects on people, animals, and the environment; Container types, markings, placards and labels. If available, use the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook for reference; Signs of any- released or discharged substances and any unusual or pungent odors; Wind direction and prevailing weather; Distance and direction of nearby dwellings; and Distance and direction of any nearby surface water. The initial responder shall then make notifications as listed in the preceding pages. The initial responder shall not enter an area where the responder may become a victim, even to rescue another. Until help arrives, the initial responder should: Cordon off the incident area and establish a safe zone. If chemical vapors or flammable/ explosive materials are involved, evacuate all persons from the immediate area and remain upwind of the incident area; if sources of radiation or radioactive materials are suspected to be involved, use the principles of time, distance and shielding to reduce potential exposure; Enter the incident area only if properly trained and equipped with appropriate protective clothing and equipment; Render first aid to victims; be sure to notify medical personnel if radiation exposure or contamination is suspected; Serve as an on-scene communication point; Brief the response team leader or incident commander upon arrival. v 7/1194 Northwest Area Contingency Plan INITIAL INFORMATION When reporting a spill or release, it is important to collect as much information as possible. That information should include: Time of call Caller Name, Address, & Phone Number Vessel/Facility Information 1. Name 2. Type of vessel/facility 3. Nationality (Vessel Only) 4. Location of Incident 5. Time of Incident 6. Type of Incident (Explosion, Collision, Grounding, etc.) 7. Pollutant(s) 8. Estimated Amount Spilled 9. Total Potential Amount 10. Weather/Sea Conditions 11. Point of Contact (Responsible Party Name & Phone #) 12. Vessel/Facility Agent(s) (Name & Phone) ecolugy and environment recycied paper vi 7/1194 nal Response Center: Incident Repom Form search |_pome f = eee Incident Report Form Report Spills to the NRC at: 1-800-424-8802 f REPORTING PARTY SUSPECTED RESPONSIBLE PARTY |Last Name: |[Last Name: [First Name: |[First Name: | iPhone: Phone: i | i;Company: ; Company: [Position: Position: Address: i[Address: — iin _|[City: | pC: jState-Z1P: State/ZIP: | | Request Caller Confidentiality ? [7 Yes T~ No Were materials released ?7~ Yes [7 No i {Meeting Federal Requirements by Calling for Repsonsible Party ? [~ Yes T No i INCIDENT SOURCE AND CAUSE {jSource ‘Cause: ; liDate: Time: [Fr Occured I~ Discovered Type: [ Air [7 Fixed Facility [Highway [- Marine I Offshore [7 Offshore Unknown T Pipeline [~ Grade Crossing [7 Railroad [~ Unknown | IL Cause: [~ Dumping [~ Equipment Failure [~ Natural Phenomenon IT Operator Error [7 Transport Accident [7 Unknown — Railroad Hodine ?: 7 Yes [7 No [Vessel/V ehicle Number: : [Continuous Release #: Continuous Release Uy pe: ( INCIDENT LOCATION reer htelee tabs Rabat rete cba Incident Address: Location: Capacity: Facility Capacity: JContamer Pype: hetp://www.dot.gov/dotinto/uscg/ha/nre‘report.htr (Latitude: |[Longitude: Offshore AreaID:_ Block: ~ |[Milepost: MATERIAL INVOLVED Chris Code Amt___Unit___ Material Name Amtin Water___ Unit = [ Chris Code, Anmt___Unit__ Material Name. Amtin Water Unit Chris Code. Amt___Unit___ Material Name. : Amt in Water___Unit___ C Chris Code Amt___Unit____ Material Name. Amctin Water___Unit__ Chris Code. Amt___Unit___ Material Name. Amt in Water___Unit____ REMEDIAL ACTION Actions Taken: Air Corridor Closed ?: [ Yes [” No Roads Closed ?: [~ Yes T” No Number of Injuries: [Number of Fatalities: Evacuations ?: ~ Yes I~ No |[Number Evacuated: [Damage in Dollars: ‘||Damage ?: [ Yes [~ No [Medium Affected: CALLER NOTIFICATIONS [ F Environmental Protection Agency J", US Coast Guard [~ State Agency T~ Other | NRC REPORT NUMBER #: - This number is assigned by an NRC Dun Officer upon receipt of the report. = . recycled paper ecology and environment INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 4 Emergency Response Emergency Response Information Gathering ‘plesaaneanast * Safety Hazards... + Resources... * COMPASS... First Operational Thought * Think Safety First!!! Emergency Response What Should you consider?, * Types of Hazards — Chemical... — Fire and Explosion... * — Radiological... - — Biological... — Physical... mT A TI Chemical Hazards ... * Routes of exposure Acute vs. Chronic Local vs. Systemic How many are there? Thousands Where are they found? Everywhere Fire and Explosion Hazards arma Chemical reactions Ignition of flammable material so Shock-sensitive compounds Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE) * Medical equipment * Low level waste * High level waste mT AT Th KY Biological Hazards + MICROBIOLOGY — Viruses — Bacteria — Parasites * MACRO-BIOLOGY — Snakes — Poisonous insects & plants — Animals Physical Hazards ranean Slip Trip Fall Sharp Objects Low Light Electrical Noise Oxygen Deficiency Temperature Extremes Guidelines to Cope With Hazards * Use Common Sense Good Judgment Work With Breaks If Needed, Provide Shelter From Elements Dress Appropriately Recognize Limitations Be Aware of Surroundings!!!! arenas Bill of Lading Air Bill Waybill or Consist Dangerous Cargo Manifest * Must include: — D (proper shipping name, weight, volume) — Shipper’s and receiver’s name and address — Classification of shipment Resources cae * Regulatory Resources... * Printed Resources... * Hot lines and Telephone Contacts... ¢ Computer Databases... Regulatory Resources + List of Extremely Hazardous Substances 355, APPEND. A) © “Sst - Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) #2 + CERCLA List of Hazardous Substances (40 CFR 302.4) — Reportable Quantity (RQ) Releases * Toxic Chemical Release Reporting: Chemical Listings (40 CFR 372.65) - FormR + OSHA'S Hazard Communication Standard Substances (Performance Standard Only) (29 CFR 1910.1200(C)) - MSDSs Printed Resources * Contact CHEMTREC — 1-800-424-9300 Contact National Response Center (NRC) — 1-800-424-8802 NIOSH Pocket Guide MSDS Printed Resources... * Handbooks — DOT North American Emergency Response Guidebook — NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards — ACGIH Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices mT AT Th Printed Resources (continued) ama * Chemical Hazard Books — Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary — Chemical Hazards of the Workplace — CHRIS Manual... — Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials — Hazardous Chemicals Desk Reference Printed Resources (Continued) * Chemistry Books © — CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics — Merck Index — Lange's Handbook of Chemistry * Other Books — Fire Protection Guide on Hazardous Materials — Emergency Handling of Hazardous Materials in Surface Transportation — Concise Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology 7 NIOSH POCKET GUIDE. POCKET GUIDE TO CHEMICAL [-z RST Teta cs mT AT TI Emergency Response Guide Book Contacts and Hot lines + EPCRA INFORMATION LINE + FEMA LEARNING RESOURCETBE * NIOSH * NATIONAL PESTICIDE HOT LINE + RCRA/ SUPERFUND HOT LINE + OSHA INFORMATION LINE + DOT HAZMAT INFORMATION LINE + TSCA INFORMATION SERVICE + CDC HOT LINE + CMA CHEMICAL REFERRAL CENTER + CHEMTREC + NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER Computer Software CAMEO... ALOHA... ARCHIE... ADIOS... TOMES... mT * Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operations — Developed by NOAA and EPA * Over 3,300 chemicals listed — Synonyms — Types of Hazards — Emergency Response Procedures ¢ Area Locations of Hazardous A — Air dispersion model that estimates airbome pollutant concentrations downwind from the site * Developed by NOAA and EPA ARCHIE Incident Evaluation — Available from FEMA * Provides emergency preparedness personnel with several estimation methods for : — Vapor dispersion — Fire and explosion impacts ADIOS * Automated Data Inquiry for Oi s (ADIOS) developed by NOAA with ~ funding from the USCG and the EPA. — Oil Spill Response Tool + Access info on properties of crude oil or refined product + Used to find out how a particular oil or product may weather — Oil or Product Library and Short-term Fate model + Toxicology, Occupational Medicine: Environmental Series by Micromedex * Meditext and OHM/TADS + Infotext and IRIS (risk info) + HSDB- hazardous substance data bank + NJ Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets + Hazardtext + Saratext and Reprotext * CHRIS and the DOT ERG + RTECS Obtain information with least risk first. + Acronym- Compass = — A means of gathering information at an oil/hazmat spill site. — Prioritize risk associated with collecting information. COMPASS Container Shape Occupancy/Location Marking/Colors Placards/Labels Assume Hazardous Materials Shipping Papers and Documents Senses Questions or Comm mn INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 4.1 Further Study I. Protection and Safety u. Hazardous Materials Incident Response PROTECTION AND SAFETY Before committing personnel and equipment to the spill area, some careful consideration should be given to the destructive characteristics of the hazardous material. Consider: What protective clothing and equipment will be required for the responders as well as equipment operators? Will the product react with water or materials used for construction of dikes, retention structures, etc.? Will vapors accumulate after the product is controlled? Are the vapors corrosive, toxic, flammable, etc.? What are the physical limitations of the responders? Is it reasonable to ask five responders to dike spills at 1,000 gallons or more? Always consider the physical and psychological strain that they are under. What are the potential hazards to responders associated with fires or explosives at a hazardous materials incident? Hazardous Materials Incident Response This general response information is provided as a guide for safe, initial assessment of hazardous materials incidents. 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) § 1910.120 (e) requires that persons responding to hazardous materials incidents as initial responders have a minimum of 16 hours of initial hazardous materials responder training. 1. The initial responder shall assess the situation and attempt to determine if hazardous materials are present. If available, use binoculars to view the scene from a safe distance. Remain upwind, uphill or upstream and observe the following: Effects on people, animals, and the environment; Container types, markings, placards and labels. If available us the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook for reference; Signs of any released or discharged materials and any unusual or pungent odors; Wind direction and prevailing weather; Distance and direction of nearby dwellings; and Distance and direction of any nearby surface water. The initial responder shall then notify the local authorities (city or county) by dialing 911 where available..Notify EMS if medical response is needed or if hazardous materials are involved. The initial responder shall not enter an area where he/she may become a victim, even to rescue another. Until help arrives, the initial responder should: Cordon off the incident area and establish a safe zone. If chemical vapors or flammable/explosive materials are involved, evacuate all persons from the immediate area and remain upwind of the incident area; Enter the incident area only when properly trained and equipped with appropriate protective clothing and equipment; Render first aid to victims; Serve as an on-scene communications point; Brief the response team leader in incident commander upon arrival. INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 5 Incident Command System Incident Command System ICS Components . Se aE * Common terminology... Modular organization... Integrated communications... Unified command structure... Consolidated action plans... Manageable span of control... Pre-designated incident facilities... Comprehensive resource management... Common Terminology Examples "Incident Commander" "Operations Section Chief" "Division/Group Supervisor" “Task Force” “Strike Team” “Facilities” Functional Responsibilities + Overall responsibilities ~ Operations + Direct tactical actions — Planning + Prepare Action Plan + Maintain resource & situation status — Logistics + Provide support — Finance * Cost accounting and procurements IC COMMAND STAFF Safety Officer: ig m Must be designated for every 7 w Must be knowledgeable in the operations being performed @ Responsibilities: @ To assess hazardous and unsafe conditions To initiate measure to ensure personnel safety Authority to shut down any single aspect of incident response mT A Th Public Information Officer m Gathers accurate and complete int information @ Functions as sole media contact for release of information regarding incident m Speaks with one voice representing the command Liaison Officer @ Serves as point of contact for representatives from other agencies w Hazardous Materials Specialists should be trained to function in this role. + Small Incident... + Large Incident... - Command - Command + Single Resource + Sections + Single Resource + Branches + Divisions/Groups + Resources mT ATT TI Modular Organization (Small Incident Commander Modular Organization (Large Functions will determine the requi ; organization levels * Command transfers — More qualified person arrives — Jurisdiction authority ~ Normal turnover due to shift changes Integrated Communications + Establish communication system + Frequency & resource use planning + Information transfer procedures Integrated Communications ¢ Command Net Tactical Nets Support Net Ground-to-air Net Air-to-air Net @ The command function with conducted in two general ways Single Command + Incident Commander alone determines objectives. ¢ Unified Command... + Objectives determined by mutual agreement. wT A Th Unified Command Struct contribute to the process of: Determining overall incident objectives Selection of strategies Ensuring that joint planning for tactical activities will be accomplished Ensuring that integrated tactical operations are conducted Maximum use of all assigned resources Consolidated Action Plans + Put your action plan in writing w! — Resources from multiple agencies are being used — Several jurisdictions are involved — The incident will involve changes in shifts of personnel and/or equipment * The action plan should not be for >24 hours (shorter time frames are desired). Any individual with management ~ responsibility should have 3 to 7 persons reporting to them. 5:1 is the ideal ratio for "span of control" Chain of Command lines must be clear + Increase/decrease as situation dictates One person may wear more than one hat! + Divisions... * Groups... * Branches... Divisions * As more resources appear or resourci become more spread out establish divisions. + Established to divide an incident geographically (between floors, east/west). * Established to assign functional © responsibilities (salvage teams, SAR teams) ¢ Equal level as a Division Supervisor Branches ae + Used when the span of control exceed division/group levels Pre-designated Inciden Facilitieso= Command Post... Staging Area... Incident Base... Camps Helibase Helispots or Helicamps Command Post + Establish a command ‘post‘as' possible to: = ~ Provide a focal point for responding agencies — Facilitate initial decision-making — Achieve coordination and control of the incident scene — Maximize resource utilization Establish only one command post ! * Within site of the incident scene is d Not required Able to communicate with the involved personnel Within the security capabilities of personnel Large enough for all agencies to be represented Relocation of Command Post Shifting winds New information on incident escalation Problems with communications, radios, telephone capabilities, etc. Need for additional space, more jurisdictional representatives + Inability to provide security Comprehensive Resour, Manage: x * Single resources — Individual units (patrol car, fire engine) * Strike Teams — Combination of the same kind/type of resources (water tenders) * Task Forces — Different kinds of resources assembled for a specific task, combination of single resources 0 Comprehensive Resource Management 2 Semen * Resource Status — Available — Assigned — Out of service mm 11 INLAND WATERS PETROLUEM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 5.1 Further Study I: ICS Overview II. Modular One ICS INCIDENT COMMAND OVERVIEW The Incident Command System is a widely used and understood emergency management tool. It is used by local, state, and federal agencies and the military. Although originally developed to manage multi-agency response to wildland fires, the Incident Command System (ICS) has evolved into an all risk system because of its enormous success. Use of the ICS for hazardous materials incidents is required by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, Occupational Safety and Health Administration rules, and the National Fire Protection Association. It has been adopted by the National Fire Academy as the model system for the fire service. The Incident Command System is suitable for use regardless of the number or variety of jurisdiction and agencies involved in a response. It is an effective emergency management command and control system. The organizational structure is adaptable to any incident, is applicable and acceptable to users throughout a community, state, or region; and is readily adaptable to new technologies and techniques. It is a flexible and responsive system which is capable of orderly expansion if a simple initial response escalates into a major emergency. Figure | illustrates the basic structure of the Incident Command System. All functional units report to and are guided by the Incident Commander. The command function may be conducted in two ways; single command or unified command. The single command option gives one individual the authority for overall management of the incident. This is appropriate when only one agency or jurisdiction is involved in the response. When an incident crosses jurisdictional boundaries or when response from numerous agencies is required, a unified command system may be established. This requires several agencies jointly to determine objectives, strategy, and priorities. The Incident Commander, along with command staff, must prepare objectives, approve an action plan, and approve all requests for ordering and releasing of primary resources. The Incident Commander must develop a responsive organization to ensure effective incident management. That organization may be simple, or may grow increasingly complex as the incident grows. Figure 2 illustrates, in simplified fashion, how the Incident Command System expands to meet the needs of the incident. The organization develops in a modular fashion based upon the kind and size of the incident. The organization's staff builds from the top down with the responsibility and performance placed initially with the Incident Commander. As the need exists, the functional units can be developed, each with several possible subunits. The specific structure established for any given incident will depend on the management needs of the incident based on its size, complexity, location, number of agencies involved, and a host of other factors. Abbreviated ICS Glossary Incident Command System (ICS): (Incident Commander = On Scene Commander) A standardized on-scene management concept specifically designed to allow its user(s) to adopt an integrated organizational structure equal to the complexity and demands of single or multiple incidents, without being hindered by jurisdictional boundaries. Unified Command: In ICS, Unified Command is a unified team effort which allows all agencies with responsibility for the incident, either geographical or functional, to manage an incident by establishing a common set of incident objectives.and strategies. This is accomplished without losing or abdicating agency authority, responsibility, or accountability. Incident Commander: The individual responsible for the management of all incident operations at the incident site. Deputy: A fully qualified individual who, in the absence of a superior, could be delegated the authority to manage a functional operation or perform a specific task. In Some cases, a Deputy could act as relief for a superior and therefore must be fully qualified in the position. Deputies can be assigned to the Incident Commander, General Staff, and Branch Directors. Page | of 5. C:\jeannie\ics-glos.doc Command Staff: . The Command Staff consists of the Information Officer, Safety Officer, and Liaison Officer. The report directly to the Incident Commander. They may have an assistant or assistants, as needed. Assistant: Title for subordinates of the Command Staff positions. The title indicates a level of technical capability, qualifications, and responsibility subordinate to the primary positions. Assistants may also be used to supervise unit activities at camps. 3 Safety Officer: A member of the Command Staff responsible for monitoring and assessing safety hazards or unsafe situations, and for developing measures for ensuring personnel safety. the Safety Officer may have assistants. Information Officer: A member of the Command Staff responsible for interfacing with the public and media or with other agencies requiring information directly from the incident. There is only one Information Officer per incident. The information Officer may have assistants. Liaison Officer: A member of the Command Staff responsible for coordinating with representatives from cooperating and assisting agencies. General Staff: -. The group of incident management personnel reporting to the Incident Commander. They may each have a deputy, as needed. The General Staff consists of: Operations Section Chief, Planning Section Chief, Logistics Section Chief, and Finance/Administration Chief. Chief: The ICS title for individuals responsible for command of functional sections: Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration. Section: That organization level with responsibility for a major functional area of the incident, e.g., Operations, Planning, Logistics, Finance/Administration. The Section is organizationally between Branch and Incident Commander. Span of Control: The supervisory ratio of three-to-seven individuals, with five-to-one being established as optimum. Page 2 of 5. - recycle pape cooley wd Seanmeics-glos.doc Operations Section: The Section responsible for all tactical operations at the incident, Includes Branches, Divisions and/or Groups, Task Forces, Strike Teams, Single Resources, and Staging Areas. Branch: . The organizational level having functional or geographic responsibility for major parts of incident operations. The Branch level is organizationally between Section and Division/Group in the Operations Section, and between Section and Units in the Logistic Section. Branches are identified by the use of Roman Numerals or by functional names (e.g., medical, security, etc.). This level is used when span of control exceeds division or group levels. _ Director: . The ICS title for individuals responsible for supervision of a Branch Division: ‘Divisions are used to divide an incident into geographical areas of operations. A Division is located within the ICS organization between the Branch and the Task Force/Strike Team. Divisions are identified by alphabetic characters for horizontal applications and, often, by floor numbers when used in buildings. Group: Groups are established to divide the incident into functional areas of operations. Groups are composed of resources assembled to perform a special function not necessarily within a single geographic division. Groups are located between Branches (when activated) and Resources in the Operations Section. Supervisor: The ICS title for individuals responsible for command of a Division or Group. Planning Section Responsible for the collection, evaluation, and dissemination of tactical information related to the incident, and for the preparation and documentation of the Incident Action Plans, The Section also maintains information on the current and forcasted situation, and on the status of resources assigned to the incident. Includes the Situation, Resource, Documentation, and Demobilization Units, as well as Technical Specialists. Incident Action Plan: Contains objectives reflecting the overall incident strategy and specific tactical actions and supporting information for the next operational period. The Plan may be oral or written. When written, the Plan may have a number of forms as attachments (E.g., traffic plan, safety plan, communications plan, may, etc.). Page 3 of 5. C:\jeannie\ics-glos.doc Logistics Section The Section responsible for providing facilities, services, and materials for the incident. Finance/Administration Section The Section responsible for all incident costs and. financial considerations. This includes the Time Unit, Procurement Unit, Compensation/Claims Unit, and Cost Unit. Unit: The organizational element having functional responsibility for a specific incident planning, logistics, or finance/administration activity. Managers: Individuals within ICS organizational units that are assigned specific managerial “responsibilities, e.g., Staging Area Manager or Camp Manager. Single Resource: An individual, a piece of equipment and its personnel complement, or a crew or team of individuals with an identified work supervisor that can be used on an incident. Task Force: A combination of single resources assembled for a particular tactical need, with a common communications and a leader. Strike Team: Specified combination of the same-kind and type of resources, with common communications and a leader. Resources: Personnel and equipment available, or potentially available, for assignment to incidents. Resources are described by kind and type, e.g., ground, water, air, etc., and may be used in tactical support or overhead capacities at an incident. Support Position Primary Position Title eee cer omer eee Assistant [Section Chief | Dept [Branch director OL signees seseeeeee Use Unit Designation ; Page 4 of 5 - recyciea paper ecology eh BYAHTEMTEs-glos. doc Assisting Agency: An agency directly contributing tactical or service resources to another agency. Cooperating Agency: An agency supplying assistance other than direct tactical or support functions or resources to the incident control effort (e.g. Red Cross, telephone company, etc.). : Assigned Resources: Resources checked in and assigned work tasks on an incident. Available Resources: Incident-based resources which are ready for deployment. Check-In: . The process whereby resources first report to an incident. Check-in locations include: Incident Command Post (Resources Unit), Incident Base, Camps, Staging Areas, Helibases, Helispots, and Division Supervisors (for direct line assignments.) Incident Command Post: The location at which the primary command functions are executed. The ICP may be collocated with the incident base or other incident facilities. Page 5 of 5. C:\jeannie\ics-glos.doc INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM NATIONAL TRAINING CURRICULUM ICS ORIENTATION MODULE 1 I-100 ADMINISTRATOR REFERENCE TEXT OCTOBER 1994 NFES 2438 INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM ORGANIZATION Incident Command Information Safety Liaison Logistics Section Service Branch Finance/ - Administration Section Planning Section Resources Unit Operations Section Time Unit Communications Procurement Branches Air Operations Branch Situation Unit Unit Divisions 7 Unit & Air Support Medical Unit Compensation/ Groups Group ~ Demobilization Claims Unit : Unit Food Unit : trike Teams * Air Tactical Cost Unit & Group Documentation Support Branch Task Forces Unit Supply Unit Single Resources Facilities Unit Ground Support Unit : Incident Command System Organization (Figure 1-1) ecology and environment . recycled paper recycled paper Reference Text (self paced) 1-4 vealogy and environment ICS ORIENTATION I. Introduction The Incident Command System is used to manage an emergency incident or a non-emergency event. It can be used equally well for both small and large situations. The system has considerable internal flexibility. It can grow or shrink to meet differing needs. This makes it a very cost-effective and efficient management system. The system can be applied to a wide variety of emergency and non-emergency situations. Listed below are some examples of the kinds of incidents and events that can use the ICS: APPLICATIONS FOR THE USE OF THE INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM Fires, HAZMAT, and multicasualty incidents Multijurisdiction and multi-agency disasters Wide-area search and rescue missions Pest eradication programs Oil spill response and recovery incidents Single and multi-agency law enforcement incidents Air, rail, water, or ground transportation accidents Planned events; e.g., celebrations, parades, concerts Private sector emergency management programs State or local major natural hazards management Application for the Use of the Incident Command System (F. igure 1-2) ICS has a number of features which will be covered in this module. Major areas to be covered include: ICS Organization Incident Facilities The Incident Action Plan Span of Control Common Responsibilities Applications Reference Text (self paced) 1-5 II. ICS Organization Every incident or event has certain major management activities or actions that must be performed. Even if the event is very small, and only one or two people are involved, these activities will still always apply to some degree. The organization of the Incident Command System is built around five major management activities. These are depicted in Figure 1-3. COMMAND SETS OBJECTIVES AND PRIORITIES, HAS OVERALL RESPONSIBILITY AT THE INCIDENT OR EVENT PERATION, CONDUCTS TACTICAL OPERATIONS TO CARRY OUT THE PLAN DEVELOPS THE TACTICAL OBJECTIVES, ORGANIZATION, AND DIRECTS ALL RESOURCES PLANNING DEVELOPS THE ACTION PLAN TO ACCOMPLISH THE OBJECTIVES, COLLECTS AND EVALUATES INFORMATION, MAINTAINS RESOURCE STATUS LOGISTICS PROVIDES SUPPORT TO MEET INCIDENT NEEDS, PROVIDES RESOURCES AND ALL OTHER SERVICES NEEDED TO SUPPORT THE INCIDENT FINANCE/ADMINISTRATION © MONITORS COSTS RELATED TO INCIDENT, PROVIDES ACCOUNTING, PROCUREMENT, TIME RECORDING, AND COST ANALYSES Incident Command System Major Activities (Figure 1-3) These five major management activities are the foundation upon which the ICS organization develops. They apply whether you are handling a routine emergency, organizing for a major event, or managing a major response to a disaster. _ recycled paper Reference Text (self paced) 1-6 ceulogy and environment On small incidents, these major activities may all be managed by one person, the Incident Commander (IC). Large incidents usually require that they be set up as separate Sections within the organization as shown in Figure 1-4 below. Incident Command Planning Logistics Section Section ICS Sections (Figure 1-4) Finance/ Administration Section Operations Section Each of the primary ICS Sections may be sub-divided as needed. The ICS organization has the capability to expand or contract to meet the needs of the incident. A basic ICS operating guideline is that the person at the top of the .organization is responsible until the authority is delegated to another person. Thus, on smaller situations where additional persons are not required, the Incident Commander will directly manage all aspects of the incident organization. Now we will look at each of the major functional entities of the ICS organization starting with the Incident Commander and the Command Staff. A. Incident Commander and the Command Staff Incident Commander The Incident Commander is the person in charge at the incident, and must be fully qualified to manage the incident. As incidents grow in size or become more complex, a more highly qualified Incident Commander may be assigned by the responsible jurisdiction or agency. The Incident Commander may have one or more deputies from the same agency or from other agencies or jurisdictions. Deputies must always be as qualified as the person for whom they work. The Incident Commander may assign personnel for both a Command Staff and a General Staff. The Command Staff provides Information, Safety, and Liaison services for the entire organization. The General Reference Text (self paced) 1-7 Staff are assigned major functional authority for Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration. Initially, assigning tactical resources and overseeing operations will be under the direct supervision of the Incident Commander. As incidents grow, the Incident Commander may delegate authority for performance of certain activities to others as required. Taking over command at an incident always requires that there be a full briefing for the incoming Incident Commander, and notification that a change in command is taking place. Command Staff In addition to the primary incident response activities of Operations, Planning, Logistics, and Finance/Administration, the Incident Commander has responsibility for several other important services. Depending on the size and type of an incident or event, it may be necessary to designate personnel to handle these additional activities. Persons filling these positions are designated as the Command Staff and are called Officers. The Command Staff is shown in Figure 1-5. There is only one Command Staff position for each of these functions. The Command Staff does not have deputies. However, each of these positions may have one or more assistants if necessary. On large’ incidents or events, it is not uncommon to see several assistants working under Command Staff Officers. Incident Command Information Safety Liaison Planning Logistics Section Section ICS Command Staff (Figure 1-5) Finance/ Administration Section Operations Section . recycled paper ecology and environment Reference Text (self paced) 1-8 * Information Officer - The Information Officer will be the point of contact for the media, or other organizations seeking information directly from the incident or event. Although several agencies may assign personnel to an incident or event as Information Officers, there will only be one Incident Information Officer. Others will serve as assistants. ¢ Safety Officer - This individual monitors safety conditions and develops measures for assuring the safety of all assigned personnel. ¢ Liaison Officer - On larger incidents or events, representatives from other agencies (usually called Agency Representatives) may be assigned to the incident to coordinate their agency's involvement. The Liaison Officer will be their primary contact. B. The General Staff ‘The people who perform the four major activities of Operations, Logistics, Planning, and Finance/Administration are designated as the General Staff. THE INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM GENERAL STAFF Operations Section Chief Planning Section Chief Logistics Section Chief Finance/Administration Section Chief ICS General Staff (Figure 1-6) Each of the General Staff may have a deputy, or more than one if necessary. The role of the deputy position is flexible. The deputy can work with the primary position, work in a relief capacity, or be assigned specific tasks. Deputies should always be as qualified as the person for whom they work. Reference Text (self paced) 1-9 In large events, especially where multiple agencies or jurisdictions are involved, the use of deputies from other agencies can greatly increase interagency coordination. At the Section level, the person in charge will be designated as a Chief. For example, in the Logistics Section, the person in charge will always be called the Logistics Section Chief. Within the ICS organization, there are a number of organizational elements which can be activated as necessary. Each of the major Sections has the ability to expand internally to meet the needs of the _ situation. Let's start with the Operations Section of the ICS organization. 1. Operations Section The Incident Commander will determine the need for a separate Operations Section at an incident or event. Until Operations is established as a separate Section, the IC will have direct control of tactical resources. When activating an Operations Section, the IC will assign an individual as the Operations Section Chief. The Operations Section Chief will develop and manage the Operations Section to accomplish the incident objectives. There is only one Operations Section Chief for each operational period. That person is normally (but not always) from the jurisdiction or agency which has the greatest involvement either in terms of resources assigned or area of concern. The Operations Section Chief may have deputies from the same agency, or from other agencies or jurisdictions. Using deputies from other agencies often helps in the coordination of actions. Within the Operations Section, two additional levels of organization can be used as necessary. ‘These are Divisions and/or Groups, and Branches. _ recycled paper Reference Text (self paced) 1-10 —— ccatogy and environment Divisions The Operations organization usually develops from the bottom up. This is due to the need to expand supervision as more and more resources are applied. For example, the Incident Commander or the Operations Section Chief on an incident may initially work with only a few single resources. This is shown in Figure 1-7. Operations Section Chief Resources Resources Resources Single Resources in Operations (Figure 1-7) As more resources are added to the incident, another layer of organization may be needed within the Operations Section to maintain proper span of control (see page 1-20). Normally, this will be done at the Division or Group level as shown in Figure 1-8. Operations __ Section Chief Division B Resources Division A Resources Example of Two Divisions Within Operations Section (F igure 1-8) The goal is to keep the organization as simple and as streamlined as possible, and not to overextend the span of control. A Division is established to divide an incident geographically. How that will be done will be determined by the needs of the incident. Divisions covering an area on the ground are usually labeled by letters of the alphabet. Within a building, divisions are often designated by floor numbers. The important thing to remember about ICS divisions is that they describe some geographical area related to incident operations. Reference Text (self paced) 1-11 Groups Groups are established to describe functional areas of operation. The kind of group to be established will be determined by the needs of an incident. For example, in an earthquake incident with widespread structural damage, search and rescue activity would be organized geographically, using divisions. A specialized resource team, using dogs or electronic equipment in an earthquake, or a salvage group in a maritime incident may be designated as functional groups. Groups will work wherever they are needed, and will not be assigned to any single division. Divisions and Groups can be used together on an incident. Divisions and Groups are at an equal level in the organization. One does not supervise the other. When a functional group is working within a division on a special assignment, division and group supervisors must closely coordinate their activities. Division and group supervisors always report to the Incident Commander unless the Operations Section Chief and/or Branch Director positions have been established. Deputies are not used at the Division and Group level. Branches On some incidents, it may be necessary to establish another level of organization within the Operations Section called Branches. There are generally three reasons to use Branches on an incident or an event. ¢ Span of Control (see page 1-20) - If the number of Divisions and Groups exceeds the recommended Span of Control, another level of management is necessary. Span of Control will be discussed in more detail later in this module. . © Need for a Functional Branch Structure - Some kinds of incidents have multiple disciplines involved, e.g., police, fire, search and rescue, and medical, that may create the need to set up incident operations around a functional branch structure. ecology and environment — Reference Text (self paced) 1-12 ¢ Multijurisdictional Incidents - In some incidents it may be better to organize the incident around jurisdictional lines. In these situations, Branches may be set up to reflect differences in the agencies involved. For example, in flooding, earthquake, or wildfire incidents, federal, county, and city property all could be simultaneously affected. One way of organizing operations in these kinds of incidents is to designate a separate Branch for each of the agencies involved. Various kinds of Branch alignments are shown in Figure 1-9 below. ; Geographic Branches Functional Branches Operations Section Chief Operations Section Chief ulneai ee Medical Search Security | aor Division A Division B Options for Establishing Branches Within ICS (Figure 1-9) Each branch that is-activated will have a Branch Director. Deputies may be used at the Branch level. _ There are two other parts of the Operations Section that you may need to understand. Air Operations If established separately at an incident, Air Operations will be activated at the Branch level within the Operations Section. Usually this is done on incidents which may have complex needs for the use of aircraft in both tactical and logistical operations. Staging Areas Staging Areas may be established wherever necessary to temporarily locate resources awaiting assignment. Staging Areas and the resources within them will always be under the control of Reference Text (self paced) 1-13 the Operations Section Chief. Staging Areas will be discussed later under incident facilities. Summary There is no one “best” way to organize an incident. The organization should develop to meet the functions required. The characteristics of the incident and the management needs of the Incident Commander will determine what organization elements should be established. The incident organization may change over time to reflect the various phases of the incident. 2. Planning Section Planning Section Resources Unit Situation Unit Documentation Unit Demobilization Unit Technical Specialist Planning Section (Figure 1-10) Briefly stated, the major activities of the Planning Section are to: ¢ Collect, evaluate; and display information about the incident. ¢ Develop Incident Action Plans for each operational period, conduct long-range planning, and develop plans for demobilization at the end of the incident. . ¢ Maintain resource status information on all equipment and personnel assigned. to the incident. ¢ Maintain incident documentation. ecology and environment recycled paper Reference Text (self paced) 1-14 The Planning Section is also the initial place of check-in for any Technical Specialists assigned to the incident. Depending on their assignment, Technical Specialists may work within the Planning Section, or be reassigned to other incident areas. Several Planning Section Units may be established. Duties of each Unit are covered in other modules. Not all of the Units may be required, and they will be activated based upon need. Planning Section Units are shown in Figure 1-10. Logistics Section Logistics Section Service Branch Support Branch Communications Supply Unit Unit Facilities Unit Medical Unit Ground Support Food Unit Unit Branches and Units in the Logistics Section (Figure 1-11) The Logistics Section is responsible for all of the services and support needs of an incident, including obtaining and maintaining essential personnel, facilities, equipment, and supplies. The Incident Commander will determine the need to establish a Logistics Section on the incident. This is usually determined by the size of the incident, complexity of support, and how long the incident may last. Once the IC determines that there is a need to establish a separate Logistics function, an individual will be assigned as the Logistics Section Chief. Six functional units can be established within the Logistics Section. If necessary, a two-branch structure can be used to facilitate span of control. The titles of the units are self descriptive. Detailed duties of each unit are covered in other modules. Not all of the units may be required, and they will be established based upon Reference Text (self paced) 1-15 need. Branches and Units in the Logistics Section are shown in Figure 1-11. 4. Finance/Administration Section Finance/Administration Section Time Unit Procurement Unit Compensation/Claims Unit Cost Unit Finance/Administration Section Units (Figure 1-12) The IC will determine if there is a need for a Finance/ Administration Section, and designate an individual to perform that role. If no Finance Section is established, the IC will perform all finance functions. The Finance/Administration Section is set up for any incident that may require on-site financial management. More and more, larger incidents are using a Finance/Administration Section to monitor costs. Smaller incidents may also require certain Finance/Administration functions. For example, the Incident Commander may establish one or more units of the Finance/Administration Section for such things as procuring special equipment, contracting with a vendor, or for making cost estimates of alternative strategies. The Finance Section may establish four units as necessary. Duties ~ of each unit are covered in other modules. Not all of the units may be required, and they will be established based upon need. Finance/Administration Section Units are shown in Figure 1-12. ecology and environment recycled paper Reference Text (self paced) 1-16 * Camps - Incident locations where resources may be kept to support incident operations. Camps differ from Staging Areas in that essential support operations are done at Camps, and resources at Camps are not always immediately available for use. Not all incidents will have camps. ¢ Helibase - A location in and around an incident area at which helicopters may be parked, maintained, fueled, and equipped for incident operations. Very large incidents may require more than one Helibase. ¢ Helispots - Helispots are temporary locations where helicopters can land and load and off-load personnel, equipment, and supplies. Large incidents may have several Helispots. Incident Action Plan -Every incident must have an oral or written action plan. The purpose of the plan is to provide all incident supervisory personnel with direction for future actions. Action plans which include the measurable tactical operations to be achieved, are always prepared around a time- frame called an Operational Period. Operational Periods can be of various lengths, but should be no longer than twenty-four hours. Twelve-hour Operational Periods are common on many large incidents. It is not unusual, however, to have much ' shorter Operational Periods covering, for example, two- or four-hour time periods. The length of an Operational Period will be based on the needs of the incident, and these can change over the course of the incident. The planning for an Operational Period must be done far enough in advance to ensure that requested resources are available when the Operational Period begins. Large incidents, which involve a partial or full activation of the ICS organization, should have a written Incident Action Plan. Incidents extending through an Operational Period should also have a written Incident Action Plan to ensure continuity due to personnel changes. The decision to have a written action plan will be made by the Incident Commander. Reference Text (self paced) 1-19 D. Incident Facilities Facilities will be established depending on the kind and complexity of the incident or event. It is important to know and understand the names and functions of the principal ICS facilities. Not all of those listed below will necessarily be used. Incident Facilities Incident Camps Command Post (Ss) Staging Areas (H) Helibase Incident Base = Helispot H-3 ICS Facilities (Figure 1-14) Each of the facilities is briefly described below: . recycled paper Incident Command Post (ICP) - The location from which the Incident Commander oversees all incident operations. There is only one ICP for each incident or event. Every incident or event must have some form of an Incident Command Post. Staging Areas - Locations at which resources are kept while awaiting incident assignment. Most large incidents will have a Staging Area, and some incidents may have several. Staging Areas will be managed by a Staging Area Manager who reports to the Operations Section Chief or to the Incident Commander if an Operations Section has not been established. Base - The location at the incident at which primary service and support activities are performed. Not all incidents will have a Base. There will only be one Base for each incident. Reference Text (self paced) 1-18 ecology and environment Span of Control may vary from three to seven, and a ratio of one to five reporting elements is recommended. If the number of reporting elements falls outside of those ranges, expansion or consolidation of the organization may be necessary. There will be exceptions, for example in some applications specially trained hand crews may utilize a larger Span of Control. Maintain Span of Control at 1 to 5 Supervisor Recommended ICS Span of Control Guideline (Figure 1-16) Common Responsibilities There are certain common responsibilities or instructions associated with an incident assignment that everyone assigned to an incident should follow. Following these simple guidelines will make your job easier and result in a more effective operation. 1. Receive your incident assignment from your organization.. This. should include, at a minimum, a reporting location and time, likely length of assignment, brief description of assignment, route information, and a designated communications link if necessary. Different agencies may have additional requirements. 2. Bring any specialized supplies or equipment required for your job. Be sure you have adequate personal supplies to last you for the expected stay. 3. Upon arrival, follow the Check-in procedure for the incident. Check-in locations may be found at: ¢ Incident Command Post (at the Resources Unit) ¢ Staging Areas ¢ Base or Camps ¢ Helibases ¢ Division or Group Supervisors (for direct assignments) Reference Text (self paced) 1-21 Several forms have been developed to help in preparing the Incident Action Plan. These are shown in Figure 1-15. They will be discussed in other modules. Incident Action © Plan Supporting ICS 202 Forms Commonly Used in Incident Action Plan (Figure ]-15) -Essential elements in any written or oral Incident Action Plan are: ¢ Statement of Objectives - Appropriate to the overall incident. ¢ - Organization - Describes what parts of the ICS organization will be in place for each Operational Period. ¢ Assignments to Accomplish the Objectives - These are normally prepared for each Division or Group and include the strategy, tactics, and resources to be used. ¢ Supporting Material - Examples can include a map of the incident, communications plan, medical plan, traffic plan, etc. The Incident Action Plan must be made known to all incident supervisory personnel. This can be done through briefings, by distributing a written plan prior to the start of the Operational Period, or by both methods. Span of Control Span of Control means how many organizational elements may be directly managed by another person. Maintaining adequate Span of Control throughout the ICS organization is very important. Effective ecology and environment sina acute til Reference Text (self paced) 1-20 INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 6 Chemistry * Topics to consider during an oil spill Chemistry semanas * There are various characteristics ant properties of oil that can determine its behavior and effects when spilled. Chemistry * Chemical and Physical Properties of Of — Questions arise with regards to: * evaporation rate + dissolution rate + enhanced by dispersants + emulsion formation * Density (sink or float) * viscosity * safety and impact mm AT Th * The Emergency Science Division (ESD¥ Environment Canada (Canadian EPA equivalent) has been conducting research on oil since 1974. * In 1984 measures were taken to analyze not only the chemistry of oil, but the behavior of oil. + “Catalogue of Crude Oil Product Properties” was developed. Chemistry * ESD used 27 chemical analysis to: characterize oils. + Evaporation... Flash Point... Fire Point... Flammability Limits of Vapor in Air... Ignition Temperature... Reid Vapor Pressure_ Hydrogen Sulfide... Odor Threshold... Density... Pour Point... Viscosity... Emulsion. Adhesion... Volitite Organic ‘Compounds... Gas Chromatography/Flame Ionization Detection... Surface Tension and Interfacial Tension_.. Boiling point... Metal Content... Sulfur... Toxicity... Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)... Chemistry « Evaporation — Contributes to the weathering of spilled oil. + Pure products evaporate at constant rates. * Oils are made of thousands of compounds and do not evaporate at a constant rate. = Itis not uncommon for 25% of the total volume of an oil spill to evaporate within one day of the spill. mT ATT Th Chemistry + Flash Point (FP) — Temperature to which the fuel must be heated to produce a vapor/air mixture above the liquid fuel that is ignitable when exposed to flame. * Discuss safety concerns with FP. + FP is used as an index for fire hazard and DOT labeling requirements. + Fire Point — Lowest temperature at which the application of a test flame to the oil sample causes the oil vapor to ignite and continuously bum. + Is this going to be below or above the FP? ¢ Flammability Limits of Vapor in — Percent concentration in air (by volume) given for both the lower and upper explosive limit (LEL & UEL) that indicates flammability. « If the LEL is 25% and the UEL is 30% and your Explosive meter reads: + 10% 25% 100% + Are you in danger (Hint Trick Question)? Chemistry AA + Ignition Temperature (autoignition temperature) — Minimum temperature at which the material will ignite without a spark or flame present. * Reid Vapor Pressure — Pressure that a vapor exerts on its surroundings. + Higher vapor pressure materials evaporate faster then lower vapor pressure materials? — True or False? * Temperature does not effect the Vapor Presure? = True or False? g Chemistry + Hydrogen Sulfide — Hydrogen sulfide is evolved during distillation or other heating process. During an oil spill hydrogen sulfide is a safety concern. — How do you know if H2S is present? — Where can I look to find out about H2S health hazards? + IDLH is 100 ppm mT AT Th Chemistry crac * Odor Threshold — Lowest concentration in air that most humans can detect by smell. — This is a highly advantageous characteristic? + When is it and when is it not? Chemistry OTT * Density — Mass per unit volume of a substance. — The density of water changes with both salinity and temperature. — Oil will float on water if the density of the oil is less than that of water. * Discuss Specific Gravity Chemis ema * Pour Point — Lowest temperature at which the oil will flow. — From a spill response point of view, the pour point of oil is an indication, not an exact measure, of the temperature at which flow will cease. Chemistry cascceaen * Viscosity — Measure of a fluid’s resistance to flow. — In an oil spill the viscosity indicates the the rate at which spilled oil will spread, the degree to which it will penetrate shoreline substrates, and the selection of mechanical spill countermeasures equipment. * Lower the viscosity, the more easily it flows. Is this viscosity high orto: Chemistry cea * Emulsions — A Water-in-Oil emulsion is a stable dispersion of small droplets of water in oil. — Oil-in-Water Emulsion is a dispersion of small oil droplets in water. These are less stable because the water’s surface-tension quickly decreases the dispersion of oil. * During a spill you would want to find out if the oil is prone to emulsify, if the emulsification is stable, and what its chemical characteristics are. . mT AT Chemistry ea eae + Adhesion — Recognize that different oils tend to adhere to surfaces to a greater or lesser degree. + Is this temperature dependant? Chemistry ¢ Volatile Organic Compounds — Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX), and substituted benzenes are the most common aromatic compounds in petroleum. * They make up to a few percent of the total mass of some crude oils. + They are the most soluble and mobile fraction of crude and frequently enter soil, sediments, and ground water. Chemistry * Gas Chromatography with flame ionizati detection (GC/FID) and Gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry (GC/MS) — Detailed compositional analysis of petroleum can be obtained . + Fingerprint analysis allows for source identification. mn AT Th Chemistry * Surface Tension and Interfacial Tens: — Interfacial tension is the force of attraction between the molecules at the interface of two fluids. — At the air/liquid interface, this force is often referred to as surface tension. + The surface tension and viscosity affects the rate at which an oil spill spreads. = sae * Boiling Point (BP) — BP distributions data provides an indication of volatility and component distribution. — This data can be used as input to some oil spill modeling programs and in the development of equations for predicting evaporative loss. Chemistry * Metal Content gai — Can provide valuable information about the origin of the oil and ultimately identify the source of the spill. l Chemistry ae — Health and safety concern * Clean up crews. + While burning high sulfur oil, dangerous levels of sulfur dioxide can be produced. Chemistry * Toxicity —-LC 50- is the estimated concentration of a compound that will cause death to 50 percent of the test population in a specified time after exposure. Chemistry * Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD — Also called Biochemical oxygen demand. + Isa standard way of describing how much oxygen, dissolved in water, is consumed by biological oxidation of the chemical during the stated period of time. = Is a high BOD good or bad? Questions/Comments. e ae TABLE 1 Relative Velocities of Various Fluids at 60°F SPECIFIC RELATIVE FLUID GRAVITY VISCOSITY RELATIVE] VELOCITY* Across the Vertical Velocity Water Gasoline Kerosene Crude Oil Fuel Oil TABLE 2 1,800 43,000 3,600 86,000 7,200 170,000 14,000 350,000 TABLE 3 Rate of Vertical Flow of Water into Soil PERMEABILITY (Water) ft/day TYPE OF SOIL Unweathered Clay almost nil Weathered Clay or Clay with Vegetation 30 to almost nil Very Fine Silt & Sand 3 to almost oil Clean Sands 3,000 to 3 Clean Gravels 390,000 to 3,000 Mixtures of Silt & Sand with Some Clay 55 to 3 * Velocity compared to water INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 7 Oil Behavior/ Process Oil Behavior/Process the oil behave. Oil Behavior/Process * Water Environment — Standing water * low surface-dispersion levels * greater shoreline impact + more time for oil particles to emulsify and sink Oil Behavior/Process: = surface fractions of oil rapidly disperse depending on water speed ~ high level of sediment binding - results in extensive fatalities of stream bottom-living organisms - quickly moving water causes greater mixing of oil & mT A Ih + Fate and Behavior — Complex process of oil transformation in the environment start developing from the first seconds of an oil’s contact with the water. + Fate and Behavior (continued) — The progression, duration, and result of the transformations depend on: + Properties + Composition of the oil + Parameters of the oil spill + Environmental conditions — Similar to an intoxicated living organism an ecosystem destroys, metabolizes, and deposits the excessive amounts of hydrocarbons, transforming them into more common and safer substances. KY Fate and Behavior of Oil; ie * To gain knowledge of this fate we will brief review the following processes: - Physical Transport... — Dissolution... - Emulsification... - Oxidation and Destruction... — Sedimentation... - Microbial Degradation... — Aggregation... ~ Self-purification... * Oil Spills under gravitational fo + Viscosity and Surface tension of the water control the spread of the oil. * One ton of oil can disperse over a radius of 50 meters, at 10mm thick. + Finally reaching 12 square kilometers and less than 1 mm thick. * Volatile components move to a gas phase and with:a loss of water soluble hydrocarbons leaves more viscous fractions behind. * Viscous fractions slow the spread of the oil. wm IT Physical Transport. * Oil is impacted by meteorological an hydrological factors. + Power of wind, waves, and currents. * Slick thins to 0.1 mm and disintegrates into separate fragments that spread. * Finally, fine droplets are transported over large distances away from the spill. Dissolution * Most oil components are water- certain degree. + Low molecular-weight aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. * Some polar compounds that form as a result of oxidation of some oil fractions. + In comparison to evaporation, dissolution is much slower. + Environmental conditions can expedite this process. " Emulsification _ ee Water-in-oil — Stable — 30-80% water — Can exist for 100 days in the form of “chocolate mousses” * Stability increasing with decrease in temperature. mT Oxidation & Destruction: * Chemical Transformation in first 24: — Oxidative nature involving photochemical reactions under the influence of UV waves. * Reaction is catalyzed by trace elements and inhibited by sulfur compounds. ~ Products of oxidation include: phenols, ketones, aldehydes and usually results in increased water solubility. + Results in the increase of viscosity of the oil and the formation of solid oil aggregates Sedimentation * In shallow waters, up to 10-30% o adsorbed (not absorbed) by suspended material and deposited to the bottom. — Intense mixing. ¢ In deeper waters, Sedimentation is a slow process. — Less mixing. Sedimentation * In conjunction with adsorbtion, biosedimentation takes place. — Organisms absorb the emulsified oil and sediment it to the bottom with their metabolites and remains. * Once on the bottom oxidation and decomposition slows. — Can be preserved for months to years. | + In the marine environment there are‘about’ 100 known species of bacteria and fungi that use oil components to sustain their growth and metabolism. Aggregation * Oil aggregates in the form of petroleu lumps, tar balls, or pelagic tar can be found in rivers, open waters, and beaches. — They range in size 1 mm -50cm. — Can exist for weeks to years. — Complete their cycle by slowly degrading. Self Purification + Oil transforms from its original propertit hydrocarbon fractions based on the previously discussed processes. — Once thermodynamic equilibrium with the environmental parameters is reached, the transformation slows. — Eventually, the original and intermediate compounds disappear and carbon dioxide and water form. mT ATT Th Questions/ Comments? lh atmospheric _ Oxi on precipitation Water Surface OQ Oil Slick . Shorelin ological. .. .. _- assimilation THE FRESHWATER ENVIRONMENT Freshwater environments can basically be classified in two broad categories: ponds, and (2) flowing water, (1) standing water, including streams and rivers. such as lakes and Although oil spills in freshwater environments have been less publicized and studied than those in coastal areas, they are of considerable extent, as indicated by data from the EPA Region VI Office including Texas and surrounding states (personal communication). approximately 145,000 barrels (6, For example, in 1974 000,000 gallons) were spilled 80% of which was from pipeline systems. Their largest single loss reported was gallons) into a stream and lake. 600-800 spills reported per year spills (greater than 250 barrels spills reported in 1978 and 1979 data. 13,000 barrels (540,000 They show an average of of which 50-70 are major affecting water). Freshwater concur similarly with these Although few studies have been conducted on oil spilled in freshwater, indications suggest that the effects on organisms would be similiar to those observed on marine organisms. The pronounced, lethal toxic effects of gasoline and diesel fuel spilled in streams has been recorded (Bugbee and Walter, 1973; Schultz and Tebo, 1975). Most of the larger animals living in the sidements and fish have been killed shortly after these kinds of spills. In one study, fish and other animals were killed as far as two miles downstream from a gasoline tank truck spillage (Bugbee and Walter, 1973). Another study has shown that heavy bunker oil pollution in a river caused pronounced toxic effects on plankton, as well as on organisms which live in the sediments (McCauley, 1966). common organisms which might be found in a lake. the littoral zone (area close to shore), Figure 8 illustrates some of the more _ Note that like the marine environment, supports a large number of different kinds of organisms. Calm water areas which usually have more plant and animal life would probably be hardest hit since spilled oil would tend to collect in these areas and not be dispersed by wind, waves, and currents. Streams and rivers differ from lakes primarily in that they are constantly moving bodies of water. The organisms which live in these flowing masses of water differ significantly, depending on whether the water is fast of slow moving (Figure 9). Generally fast moving water channels have rockier substrates and are found at higher elevations. insect . Limnetic zone i Littoral zone Figure 8: Generalized diagram of a freshwater lake. (Modified after Smith, 1974.) F-10 Surface fractions of oil spilled in a moving freshwater environment will usually be removed from an area quite rapidly depending on the speed of the water. However, significant amounts of oil are trapped within the sediments of stream beds and are not transported away. These residues often result in extensive fatalities of stream bottom-living organisms and other animals which feed on the bottom. This residue can persit in the sediment for over a year (Schultz and Tebo, 1975). Although fast moving streams would carry oils away from the spill site faster, agitation generally disperses the oil throughout the stream, whereas a slow moving stream usually maintains the oil on the surface with only minor mixing occuring. Also a one-time spill would allow recovery of and area in time, whereas continuous additions of oil could continuously hamper the re-estabilshment of normal plant an animal life. Lastly, it is important to note that, like marine environments, some freshwater areas, such as freshwater swamps, marshes, and sloughs, and floodwater pools, act as nursery grounds and food sources for nearby streams, rivers, and lakes. They also serve as drinking water sources for terrestrial wildlife. For these reasons these seemingly unimportant areas deserve much consideration when near a spillage area. THE TERRESTRIAL ENVIRONMENT Terrestrial environments are extensive and varied, including such well known areas as grasslands, deserts, woodlands, forests, and tundra. The distribution of the different kinds of terrestrial environments is governed by many factors, including climate, terrain, altitude, latitude, etc. Oil spilled on land has been studied little, but its effects can be seen quite readily in areas, where spills have occured. Vegetation is usually sparse to non-existent in heavily soiled areas, thus leading to possible erosion problems in sloping areas. Colder environments, such as the morthern tundra, do not biodegrade oil as rapidly, and the effects are longer lasting in such climatic zones. One significantly different factor concerning oil spilled on land as opposed to that spilled in aquatic environments is that the oil comes into direct contact immediately with land plants and is not diluted or moved about, as it is in water. However, terrestrial animals, if not initially trapped in the oil can usually leave the area and go to adjacent uncontaminated areas. Other possible fates of oil spilled on land include F-11 (1) lighter refined products May enter ground water re- sources and affect nearby streams, ponds, water wells, etc., (2) oil-soaked soil can leak petroleum residues into surface fresh water environments, and (3) oil covered detritus (leaves, wood, etc.) might be washed into Nearby freshwater systems. Why Protect Marine and Freshwater Environments? The aquatic environment, as all natural environments, is a dynamic and constantly changing system. In addition to providing man with food, the aquatic environment also offers an area utilizable for transportation, recreation, recovery of mineral resources, and study. Even the smallest plants and animals within the en- vironment have an important role in maintaining the natural System in balance. If outside influences, such as an oil spill, cause the elimination of some of these seemingly insignificant organisms of the system, an eventual decrease in numbers or elimination of an important kind may occur as a result. Oil can affect potable water supplies and cause foul tastes and odors in fish and other edible aquatic animals. There are implications that certain oil fractions are carcinogenic. These areas will vary from one location to another, but with the aid of local biologists and trained engineers, these priority areas can be determined. A specific list of priority areas is difficult to make because of geographical variance, but some general statements can be made concerning all areas. Obviously, those areas which would cause human health problems would be of utmost importance - contamination of an intake for drinking water, for example. Biologically, the wetland areas would probably be of most importance. Shorelines should be protected not only for the biological damage that might result, but also for economic reasons, such as the closing down of public beaches in resort areas. Low on priority lists (biologically) would be areas of little importance or contribution to the ecosystem, such as public marinas, enclosed ship harbors, Although these areas can be unsightly with oil and can be difficult and expensive to clean, there is generally much less biological damage done in them than elsewhere. Oil Spill Studies -- Effects In The Marine Environment There are many factors which determine the extent of F-12 and similar structures. 92 i ‘ 1 t i! +4 + bien RAINFALL PUMPING LAND WELL SUR, uNU F SED TCE / WELL GROUND WATER FLOW Zone of Aeration VADOSE ARTESIAN WELL STREAM . a GROUNO WATER RN FIGURE 2 HYPOTHETICAL GROUND WATER SYSTEM INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 8 Boom technique/Shoreline Protection/Containment Boom Technique/Shoreline Protection/Containmen Saas Product Estimati ee ¢ Estimate product loss. — Table of Estimated Minimum Product loss due to small leaks (at practically nil pressure head). + Range from one drop per second - 1/16 inch stream - 1/4 inch steam. + Loss in one min - day - month (gallons). + Estimate Oil Thickness — Based on the visible characteristics an assumption can be made as to the thickness of the sheen and approximate quantity of oil per square mile. cm AT Tank Capacity. * Typical Tank Capacities Table — Based on the diameter and length of a tank the table provides estimated capacities of the tank. + Example: a tank that is 5.4 feet in diameter and 24 feet tall or wide has a capacity of approximately 4,000 gallons. Containment of Oil on Wate + Air Barriers S — Perforated pipe or manifold in the water and near the bottom. Injecting air into the pipe produces bubbles. Horizontal movement counteracts the forward movement of the oil and prevents it from passing. Air Barriers * Advantages: + Rapid startup, unrestricted vessel movement, and continuous operation. * Disadvantages: + Ineffective in high currents, silting or clogging of openings, high energy consumption, high initial cost, system design problems. mT AT KD Coherent Water Jets + Jets of water create a headwave barrier’ holds back the oil. — Consumes less energy. * Booms are a floating barrier. — Made up of: * Means of flotation + Skirt that prevents oil from being carried underneath. + Longitudinal tensile strength member (chain or cable). + Ballast to aid vertical skirt orientation. ~ Figure 4 * Example of Boom COMPONENTS OF ABOOM mas mn AT Th Boom Problems es * Carry-under — Leakage * Oil buildup is equal to the the draft of the boom. — Entrainment + the flowing water passes oil beneath the boom. The U shape causes problems when the current or force is too great. Oil will entrain under the boom. Boom Problems * Oil Splashover — Depends on the boom design, weather and wave characteristics. + Generally boom that is available is used, but keep in mind the problems of splash-over and carry-under. Boom Design * Types... + Round + Fence + Inflatable + Self Inflating * Lengths * 100-200 recommended lengths for rivers and creeks. mT AT TI Round Boom eae: « Advantage: + Good wave conformance, inherent reserve” buoyancy, tows well, allows bottom tension design, and floats with punctures. ¢ Disadvantage: + Bulky to store, hard to clean, and floats can be damaged. * Advantage: 3 + Easy to store, abrasion resistant, good freeboard performance, stored on reels, low cost, and light for its size. * Disadvantage: + Twists in corkscrews in wind and current, poor towing, poor wave conformity, and little reserve buoyancy. « Advantage: vi + Easy to store, good wave conformity, easy to clean, and small storage space required. * Disadvantage: + Requires inflation and deflation, subject to punctures, expensive, and valve problems in mT IT Th * Booms are produced in many way: available for most situations, again in most cases an initial response is conducted with the Ideal Location Crite * Easy access by truck or boat (clean access). + In the path of the oil. * Low to moderate currents which will facilitate handling and collection and reduce stress. mT AT Th Anchoring System * Boom is connected to a Rope/Line 2 . een tearm The Rope/Line is connected to a Flo: The Float is connected to an Anchor Line. Anchor Line is connected to Anchor Chain. Anchor Chain is connected to Danforth Type Anchor. * Used in drainage to stop oil and to flow. Shoreline Cleanup Techn as * Physical cleanup methods — Sediment Reworking — In-Situ Buming — Flooding — Low-pressure, cold/hot water flushing — High-pressure, cold/hot water flushing — Steam Cleaning — Sand Blasting mT AT Shoreline Cleanup Technig; * Chemical Cleanup Methods — Chemical Pretreatment + applied to habitats in advance to prevent adhesion * timing of application is critical — Cleaning Agents + lift heavy oils to enhance flushing methods Shoreline Cleanup Techni mee * Biological Cleanup Methods — Nutrient Enrichment * increase rate of natural microbial degradation * applied to affected habitat or directly to oil — Natural Microbe Seeding + addition of living microbes to oiled habitat Containment * Mitigate to prevent adverse e: public. + Confinement- methods used to limit the spread of a substance and thus reduce the area affected. + Containment- methods used to restrict the material to it’s original container. mT AT Th Containment Reco: + Air release of oil presents safety concerns. — First, contain or confine. — Second, use vapor suppression or dispersion. * Safety: upwind, air monitor, vapor pressure and public evacuation. Fog suppression (capture runoff for disposal and watch for revolatilize. Containment Reco * Land Spills — Limit mobility (if applicable do not introduce water or other material that would carry the oil). — Make note of SPPC prevention containment. — If applicable herd oil into low point with ditches and berms. * Safety! Do not contain gasoline as it poses a fire hazard. * Three techniques for controlling la — Diversion = the controlled movement of the liquid from one course or area to another where the effects to human health and environment are substantially reduced ~ Diki — the use of barrier to confine or control the movement of liquids from an area of potential harm. — Retention — temporary confinement of liquid in an area where it can be absorbed, neutralized, diluted, or pumped out. az mT AT TI Containment Reco * Diversion — Dirt used to divert a spilled liquid. + Use of construction equipment * shovels * cover drains - Think safety and where spill will go if it bypasses the diversion. * Diking — Use of available materials. + Dirt + Tree limbs * Dog Food or Kitty Litter * Tarps and plastic sheeting * Circle Diking or “V” Shape Diking * Retaining — Retention if diversion and diking are not applicable. * Due to rate of flow or limited responders. — Cover Drains + Figurel2-4 mT AT Th Questions/ Comment: ll 11 <ARS INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 8.1 Further Study Containment of Oil on Water Air Barriers Boom Boom Design Round Boom Fence Boom Inflatable Boom High Current Boom Boom Development Boom Angles Oil Recovery Device Force Calculations Safe Load/Rope Tensile Strength Spills in Rivers Improper Deployment Bend Deployment Debris Boom Windy Deployment Boom Checklist SECTION 8 CONTAINMENT OF OIL ON WATER Most containment devices are designed to hold oil “long enough” for the oil to be removed. However, no device should be expected to hold oil indefinitely. Depending on the water current, wind current and wave heights, “long enough” might be a few minutes to several days. Due to the wide variety of water conditions, containment devices can be simple “home-made” devices or sophisticated commercial booms and air barriers. AIR BARRIERS» The use of air or pneumatic barriers has been demonstrated to be an effective means of controlling the movement of floating products in water in little or no current. Air barriers can be classed as air bubblers or coherent water jets. The air bubbler is constructed by placing a perforated pipe or manifold in the water close to the bottom. Injecting air into the pipe causes bubbles to rise from the openings. The rising bubbles produce a vertical current in the water which causes a horizontal current or water flow on the surface. This horizontal movement counteracts the forward movement of the oil and prevents the oil from passing. Advantages of this system include: rapid start up, unrestricted vessel movement and continuous operation. There are a number of disadvantages as well. These include: ineffectiveness in high currents, silting or clogging of openings, high energy consumption, high initial cost and system design problems. Tests under controlled conditions have shown that the excess water at the surface tends to entrain oil droplets into the water column. This is because the water sets up a recirculating pattern near the bubble plant (FIGURE 1). When a current is present, the entrainment causes massive oil loss. Losses occur at current speeds below 0.5 knots (FIGURE 2)!. 691 — 1 2 RT OAT Pmnmn eee tt e of The Mencia cet Bat nee! Cala Peicinn FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 AIR BARRIER WITH CURRENT Under ideal conditions (no current or wave action), oil could be contained in areas such as barge ‘slips with an air barrier. Oil layers could be contained up to five inches thick. Recent experience with air barriers at an angle to the water current have shown them to be nearly as effective as containment booms. If large debris or ice is present, they may be the only chance for containment. 6/91 2 Silting of the manifold openings is a problem caused by placing the manifold system too close to the bottom. Raising the manifold off the bottom may prevent this from happening. Another problem can be the accumulation of marine growth such as barnacles and seaweed. The amount of air required to operate a system depends on the length of the perforated manifold, water depth, opening size, number and spacing of the openings and the desired surface current. Systems in the 200 to 300 feet range typically require 400 to 1200 c.f.m., depending on these variables. System cost is one of the most prohibitive disadvantages of air barriers. A complete installation can run as much as $500/foot. Even if a compressor is already available, the cost for an installed manifold system can exceed $50/foot. Add to this the annual maintenance and energy costs and the operating expenses become high. One area of new technology in air barriers is the use of coherent water jets. From above, a concentrated jet of water is directed vertically into the water column, and a large amount of air is introduced. The air rising back to the surface will act as a typical air barrier. An extra oil holding ability is produced by the splashing of the water and a standard headwave that is produced. Tests have shown that the coherent water jets (FIGURE 3) consume less energy than standard air barriers of equal effectiveness‘. ill) ° <7? [:. / WATER WITH AIR BUBBLES ete me FIGURE 3 COHERENT WATER JETS BOOMS A boom is a floating barrier designed with sufficient freeboard and draft to contain oil floating on the surface of the water. Most booms will have the following characteristics: 1. a means of flotation or freeboard to contain the oil and to resist waves splashing oil over the top, : 2. a skirt to prevent oil from being carried underneath the boom, 3. a longitudinal tensile strength member, such as chain or cable, to hold the boom together and provide a means of anchoring the boom, and 4. a ballast to aid in maintaining a vertical skirt orientation. The following discussion will primarily cover typical floating booms similar to the one shown in FIGURE 4. Fixed barrier booms, supported from the bottom of a channel, will be discussed later. To be effective, booms must float and be stable in currents, winds and waves. It should also be made of materials which are not subject to deterioration from the sun, storage and chemical attack. Floatation Unit FIGURE 4 CROSS-SECTION OF A TYPICAL BOOM SHOWING MAJOR PARTS 6/91 Oil Carryunder Booms will contain oil when placed in quiescent water. If there is only a slight velocity in the water perpendicular to the boom, and no wind or waves, the boom will still contain oil. As the current moving perpendicular to the boom becomes greater, forces begin acting on the trapped oil and will cause the oil to escape under the boom. Oil can move under the boom by two methods. “Leakage”, or sheet breakaway, occurs when oil builds up to such a depth behind the boom that the oil layer is almost equal to the draft and escapes under the skirt. “Entrainment”, or droplet breakaway, involves the carryunder of oil due to a shearing action at the interface of oil and water at the headwave (FIGURE 5). The containment effort fails when oil droplets break away from the oil layer and become entrapped in the flowing water as it passes beneath the boom. The amount of droplet carryunder is a function of the thickness of the oil layer and the velocity of water. The phenomenon is related to water velocity and the specific gravity of the oil. Thus, the greater the velocity or the greater the specific gravity of the oil, the greater the carryunder. For a given oil land skirt depth, carryunder will not occur until a critical velocity is reached. As the velocity increases above the critical velocity, the greater the carryunder will be. FIGURE 5 BOOM CONTAINMENT FAILURE CAUSED BY ENTRAINMENT OF OIL BY SHEARING ACTION Increasing the length of the skirt increases the ability of the boom to retain oil, but the advantage is not substantial. Disadvantages of a longer skirt are the increases in weight, cost, and mooring requirements to hold the boom in position. A boom should be effective regardless of skirt depth when currents are below 0.75 feet per second for a No. 2 oil. For a No. 6 oil, no droplets are formed if the velocity is less than 0.4 feet per second, but leakage will occur if the boom has a skirt of less than 12 inches. Therefore, there is no advantage in making the skirt length greater than twelve inches to prevent the movement of oil beneath a boom in slow-moving waters. A longer skirt is required in rough waters. Oil Splashover Although a boom, properly deployed, can minimize carryunder, it may be subject to another form of failure - splashover. Splashover will depend on the basic boom design, freeboard, angle of the waves to the boom, wave heights, and distance between successive waves. No boom will be capable of holding oil under all sea conditions, but some boom designs are more effective than others. Under slow swell conditions in the open ocean, most booms will be flexible enough to conform to the waves. Under choppy conditions, it is difficult to keep oil from splashing over the boom. Such conditions require a boom with a relatively high freeboard and long skirt and may still be ineffective. BOOM DESIGN 6/91 . General Criteria A bigger boom is not necessarily a better boom except for the advantage of preventing oil splashover in waves. Booms can be classified as round, fence, inflatable and self-inflating (FIGURES 6, 7, 8, and 9). Each type has specific advantages and disadvantages which are illustrated in the figures. Booms are available in different lengths. For spills in creeks and rivers, lengths of 100 and 200 feet are recommended. Each section of boom should be supplied with connector to extend the length as required. Anchor points should be constructed in the boom at several places along the length. A maximum distance of about 100 feet between anchor points is acceptable, with a 50-foot spacing preferable. Some booms are designed with handles to assist in deployment and recovery. Bright colors such as international yellow or orange make booms more visible, while dark colored booms are difficult to see, particularly at night. Dark colored booms can cause problems for the cleanup personnel and may present a navigational hazard. Several pieces of auxiliary boom equipment are important, such as line, tow bridles, boat attachments, anchor sets, floats, shovels, pipes and a sledge hammer. Much of this equipment will be used in the field exercises on boom development. Possible Advantages 1. 6/91 Good wave conformance in chop and swell Inherent reserve buoyancy Tows well Allows bottom tension design Floats with punctures FIGURE 6 GENERALIZED ROUND BOOM Possible Disadvantages 1. 2. 3. Bulky to store Not as easy to clean Floats can be damaged Representative Types 1. Kepner 2. Slickbar 3. Acme 4. Bennett 5: American Marine 6. Containment Systems 7. Parker Systems 8. Texas Boom 9. Abasco 10. American Boom and Barrier 11. Skimmex 12. Versatech Possible Advantages 1. Easy to store 2. 6/91 Abrasion resistant Good freeboard performance Can be stored on reels Low cost. Light for its size FIGURE 7 GENERALIZED FENCE BOOM Possible Disadvantages L. Twists and corkscrews in wind and current (some models) Poor towing characteristics (some models) Poor wave conformity May require stiffeners that can chafe or break Little reserve buoyancy Representative Types 1. Navy boom 2. Uniroyal 3. Bennett 4. Oilfence 5. Goodrich Rubber Impregnated Nylon Fabric Hollow Inflation FIGURE 8 GENERALIZED INFLATABLE BOOM Possible Advantages 1. Easy to store 2. Made in floating- sinking configuration 3s Good Wave conformity 4. Easy to clean 5. Small storage space requirements Possible Disadvantages 1. ° Requires inflation prior to use 2. Requires deflation after use 3. Subject.to puncture 4. Expensive 5. May have valve problems in freezing temperatures 9 Representative Tvpes 1 Vikoma 2. Goodyear 3. Ro Boom Possible Advantages 1. Easy to store 2. Compactable 3. Easy to tow 4, Self-inflating 5. Good wave conformity Possible Disadvantages Representative Tvpes I. Complex design 1. Kepner 2. Subject to puncture 2. Bennett 3. Subject to physical 3. Expandi damage 4. Expensive 5: May have valve FIGURE 9 GENERALIZED SELF-INFLATING BOOM problems in freezing weather 10 Any given boom will normally fit into one of the four previously mentioned general categories. However, some booms, while they might fit into one of these four categories, often distinguish themselves from the others by distinct designs or other feamures. For example the Oilfence, generally considered a fence boom, is unique with its folding “paddle” flotation units (FIGURE 10). The boom has some of the generic advantages associated with the typical fence boom. Distinct advantages include the relative ease with which the boom can be stored, deployed and cleaned. Also, the outrigger flotation units provide extra stability. This boom has an extraordinary amount of freeboard to help minimize splashover. Possible disadvantages include added complexity and more parts subject to damage, although experience has not shown this to be aproblem. This design will twist in high currents and has caused problems where tug boats are used close to the boom. VERTICAL STABILIZERS BOTH SIDES FIGURE 10 OILFENCE BOOM Most boom manufacturers offer at least one type of high current boom (FIGURE 11). This option consists of a round boom with short, solid containment skirts. Below this short containment skirt the boom has a large open-weave mesh or net. The netting, which allows water to pass through while the solid skirt material near the surface, is designed to contain the floating product. Distinct advantages include the boom’s ability to remain stable in swift currents and to substantially reduce the current load on the boom in high currents. 11 6/91. FIGURE 11 HIGH CURRENT BOOM Floats Boom floats should be made of solid rather than granular material so that a puncture does not result in loss of floatation. The floats should be constructed in relatively short segments to beter conform to waves. Detachable floats are easy to repair but can be ripped from the skirt. Floats within the skirt material eliminate metal or plastic connector straps but make replacement or repair difficult. A round shape.features a built-in reserve buoyancy and is more common than a square or rectangular shape. The shape and size of the float can have a significant effect on the ease of deployment and use. Inflatable floats are subject to puncture and valve malfunction but are very light weight and flexible. Tension Member , Nylon belting is strong but may stretch more than other parts of the boom. Should this occur, the parts that stretch less could break. For light service and short lengths, elaborate tension members may not be necessary. 12 Cables in a pocket of fabric or attached to the outside of the boom corrode and break or fray and become dangerous to personnel handling the boom. Chains in pockets chafe the fabric and eventually wear through unless extra care and expense are used to reinforce the fabric. Booms are available that use the fabric of the boom as the only tension member. This arrangement solves most of the problems associated with other types of tension members, except that these high strength fabrics are more expensive than the average boom fabric, and high tensile strength does not necessarily mean that the fabric has higher tear strength. Ballast Ballast should be attached to a boom so that it does not shift or chafe the skirt. Multi- metallic’ fasteners promote electrolysis and subsequent corrosion. The ballast should be non- sparking and be heavy enough to keep the skirt nearly vertical in unexpected currents. Some boom designs with stiff fabric and stable floatation do not use ballast. Skirt The skirt should be made of durable material that does not tear easily and resists chafing. The skirt should be designed to be compatible in depth to the float. In any case, a skirt length over 18 inches is rarely justified. The owner’s name should be stenciled on each section of boom or otherwise marked for easy identification to avoid confusion when more than one company supplies boom for cleanup. Skirts can be formulated or coated with an antifouling agent to retard marine growth if they are to be left in the water for long periods. Methods of Connection An ideal connector is one that could be used by one man from a small boat, is uncomplicated and quickly connected, would not have any small parts that could be lost overboard, would be leak-proof (close-coupled) and be of a unisex design. ASTM developed a standard connector based on the design of the Slickbar Slickhitch. If several booms are used from different manufacturers, it is recommended that adapters be available to facilitate connection. BOOM DEVELOPMENT To direct an effective cleanup operation, a supervisor must know what factors govern boom operation and understand how to minimize the amount of oil that splashes over or comes under a boom: The three factors that affect oil containment by booms are: 6/91 13 BOOM ANGLE 70° ¢@¢0 a CURRENT SPEED IN , i 7 Ml FEET PER SECOND ~~" 2.6.5 val 2.8 3° Wg val i - a DIVERSION TO PICKUP AREA Recovery Area Shoreline Current (kts) Current (fps) Boom Angle 1.5 2.5 70° 1.6 2.7 60° 1.7 2.8 55° 1.8 3.0 50° 2.0 3.4 45° 2.2 3.7 40° 2.5 4.2 35° 2.8 4.8 30° BOOM DEPLOYMENT ANGLES . ccology and environment ‘recycled paper 500-22 Squeeze Roller Fixed Wiper wv Rotating Porous Belt Ne Collection ‘ Trough \\ Rotating Disks OLEOPHIL SQUEEGEE u ROLLERS OLEOPHILIC ROPE MOP RECLAIMED OIL — No EET WATER SURFACE MOP SELECTIVELY SORBS THE OIL TAIL PULLEY Calm Region Leading Float | COVERY DEVICES ccolugys and envirunment 500-23 1. boom design, 2. characteristics of the oil, and 3. positional method of boom deployment. Obviously, the cleanup crew has no control over the type of oil spilled. When a spill occurs, the cleanup crew must use the available equipment. The first two factors listed above should be considered when acquiring a boom. Booms should be purchased which are compatible-with the type of oil that may be spilled and with design features that work well in the stream, river, or other type of water at a particular faciliry. After a spill occurs, the cleanup crew has only the third variable to use to its advantage. As discussed previously, oil carryunder will decrease as the velocity of the water perpendicular to the boom decreases. In currents above about 0.5 knots, the only way booms can be used effectively is by placing them at angles to the current. For any given stream condition, the velocity perpendicular to the boom will depend on how the cleanup crew angles the boom to the current. FIGURE 12 is a guide for selecting angles for use in various currents. The figure is based on a maximum water velocity perpendicular to the boom of 0.7 knots. As an example, if the velocity of the current in a stream is two knots the boom should be set at a 24 degree angle with the bank. so (64 L) 7 Boom Angle to Bank in Degrees FIGURE 12 BOOM ANGLES FOR VARIOUS CURRENTS 691 14 The force on a boom caused by the current is significant. The force can be calculated using the following formula:* F, = 1.92x (V,)? x Da F, = Force due to current in pound per linear foot of boom Vv, = Current velocity in feet per second Da = Boom skirt depth in the water in feet Assuming the worst possible case where the boom is placed perpendicular to the current, the load on rope and anchors can be calculated. For example, if 500 feet of a 24 inch boom which has a 16 inch skirt is stretched across a stream which has a 2.11 feet/second current, the equation will estimate FL = = 192x (2.11)? x 1.33 11.39 Ibs/foot ot " = 11.39 x 500° = 5,695 ibs. Although the figure estimates the worst case, it is useful in planning the types of anchors, ropes, boats, etc. that could be used during a spill (TABLE 1). TABLE 1 CURRENT LOAD IN POUNDS PER LINEAR FOOT OF BOOM FOR VARIOUS SKIRT DEPTHS rn Aeon agen VP UTA dv se TTT Piso [reper minwe [repesema[ em [| SFT eUVoee 0 1 LUM LT UEC [ue | am | sa | 936 | ee 6/91 15 The wind force can also add to boom loading, but compared to current, wind is usually negligible. In high winds, it is unlikely that a boom will be effective because of large waves. Also, human safety and equipment damage are concerns. Wind force can be calculated with the following formula.” FY = .00339 x V, x Hy Force due to wind in pounds per linear foot of boom Fy = Vy = Wind velocity in knots Hg = Height of boom above the water in feet Approximate Safe Working Loads/Tensile Strengths of New Rope Rope Manilla Nylon Polyester Inches Pounds Pounds Pounds Diameter #1.G Strand) GQ Strand) @ Strand) 5/16 200/1000 500/2500 500/2500 3/8 270/1350 700/3500 700/3500 7/16 1140/5700 12 530/2650 1250/6250 1200/6000 5/8 880/4400 2100/10500 1950/9750 3/4 1080/5400 2750/5400 2300/11500 Towing load can be significant when a boom is anchored on one end and pulled against the current. Boats must have sufficient horsepower and be properly rigged to tow. Lines must be capable of withstanding the forces, and the boom must have a tension member capable of high loads. If the boom is extended behind the tow boat and pulled free in the current, there is only the frictional drag along the boom. Because this drag is a function of boat speed, proper motor size becomes a function of boom size and length, boat size and water velocity. Although free towing drag is low, when one end of the boom is anchored to the shore a small boat may be incapable of positioning the boom because of the high current drag exerted on the boom. The boom must also be able to withstand the forces. The tension member must not become detached from the boom due to differential expansion. 6/91 16 Attempting to moor a boom in a straight line across a current (i.e., 90 degrees) is not Tecommended. The result is a sag in the boom that will trap free floating oil at a point inaccessible to the shore. In swift currents the resulting forces on moorings can cause large lines to break and present possible safety hazards. The current can be so swift that the boom may tend to dip and become completely or partially submerged. If this happens, the boom’s position should be readjusted. The total force on the moorings points will be a combination of the forces caused by currents, wind and waves. Boom positioning is an important subject. The first step is to decide where the boom should be located. It is likely that the boom would be on an angle to the current; therefore, the prime concern becomes the location of upstream end: If the selected upstream location is inaccessible, a spot further upstream can be used for access and the boat and boom allowed to drift to the selected mooring location. The boom may be secured to trees, stakes, anchors or other solid objects. Unless there is little or no current, there will always be a sag in the boom. The objective is to reduce the sag sufficiently to provide easy collection access. Intermediate anchor points may be needed to lessen the load on the end mooring points and to reduce the sag. FIGURE 13 shows a typical mooring set up with anchor, chain, rope, float and boom. The chain acts as a shock absorber, provides ballast and keeps a low angle between the bottom and the anchor line. The float keeps the end of the boom from being submerged. A practical boom location will meet the following criteria: 1. accessible by truck or boat so that the cleanup crew can collect and remove the oil 2. in the path of the oil so thar the oil will be intercepted 3. have low to moderate currents which will facilitate handling and collection and reduce stress. 6/91" Anchor Line Recommended Length 5-10 ft. Water Depth 6 Feet of Chain Anchor Danforth Type Anchor FIGURE 13 TYPICAL ANCHORING SYSTEM FOR A BOOM Spills in Creeks Deep draft booms should not be used for spills in shallow creeks, streams or ponds. They may be ineffective because they act as a dam, causing the boom to lie flat or to back up the water to such an extent that it overflows the boom. If the water is too shallow, the stream might be deepened by a dragline or backhoe, or by constructing a temporary dam downstream. These techniques may require permission of local or state agencies. This equipment can also be used to dig an oil collection pit (FIGURE 14). Oil can be directed by a boom to the pit for recovery. 18 6/91 FIGURE 14 OIL COLLECTION PIT SHOWING BOOM PLACEMENT Alternatives to expensive commercial booms may be field fabricated. These “hor booms use similar designs as commercially available booms, but instead of pli rubber, use materials such as fiberglass, plywood, metal sheeting or metal flashi: simple design uses metal roll flashing with one foot long 2 x 4 floats spaced about : apart (FIGURE 15). Floats are attached alternately. FIGURE 15 METAL FLASHING BOOM 19 6/91 NOTE: Floats should be sufficient to provide adequate floatation and attached above the midpoint of the flashing. Another device which can be used consists of wooden or metal stakes driven into the ground, spaced across a water body. Board, planks, or metal sheets can be nailed, bolted, or tied to the stakes at the surface to contain oil (FIGURE 16). FIGURE 16 WOODEN FENCE BOOM If sorbent is placed ahead of the dam, a sorbent filter fence has been created. Another kind of filter fence may be constructed by using chicken wire and stakes with synthetic sorbents or loose straw upstream of the fence. The fence should be constructed perpendicular to the current so that the sorbent will remain distributed along the entire length and not be carried to the edge of the creek. For very small creeks, a log can be placed across the water. Sorbents can be placed ahead of the log. In small creeks a dam might be constructed with an underflow pipe or conduit (FIGURE 17). This design consists of a length of pipe or culvert placed parallel to the direction of water flow with the upstream end lower than the downstream end as shown in the drawing. The dam can be constructed with a shovel, dragline, backhoe, or bulldozer. The objective is to pass water through the pipe, but retain the floating oil. The pipe must be large enough to allow water to pass without backing up to a depth greater than the dam. Several pipes at various depths or side by side may be used in the dam to carry the required flow. An alternate method is to add a valve downstream on a level pipe to control the water flow. 20 FIGURE 17 WOODEN FENCE BOOM Culverts in a creek will serve as a barrier for oil if the entire culvert is below the water surface. Existing culverts can be utilized at some locations along a creek by damming the creek downstream and thereby raising the water level above the top of the culvert. Spills in small creeks and ponds can also be contained by dams built of hay bales. The bales should be placed touching each other and perpendicular to the flow to contain and sorb the oil. Bales must be removed and disposed of as necessary. Hay bales are very heavy when soaked with oil and water and may present a handling and disposal problem. Spills in Rivers River spills may require more than one boom because strong currents or turbulence may cause oil losses beneath the boom. Booms should always be angled, otherwise a pocket will be formed in the center of the river and the loads can be excessive on the boom, mooring lines and anchors (FIGURE 18). Booms deployed completely across a river will hamper boat and ship traffic. Remember, oil slicks moving down a river will eventually drift to either side of the channel. 21 FIGURE 18 BOOM FAILURE DUE TO IMPROPER DEPLOYMENT By placing several booms at strategic points along the river one can take advantage of the oil’s tendency to accumulate naturally in certain areas (FIGURE 19). FIGURE 19 BOOM LOCATION ALONG THE OUTSIDE BENDS IN A RIVER 6/91. 22 Strategic locations can be the wide places in the river (pools) where the current speeds are lower and booms are likely to be more effective. Bends are also convenient places in the river where the floating oil can be more easily intercepted. Booms used in rivers usually do not need a skirt deeper than 12 inches. However, floating debris is a problem in large rivers. Debris can destroy booms and release oil already contained. It may be necessary to keep a patrol boat upstream of booms to protect them against floating objects. Debris booms may also be required (FIGURE 20). FIGURE 20 DEBRIS BOOM MADE OF LOGS WITH CHAIN OR CABLE STRUNG THROUGH A PIPE Spills in Lakes, Estuaries, and Bays Containment of oil on lakes and bays is complicated by the special problems caused by river currents, boat traffic, wind and tides. Changes in wind velocity and direction will effect the movement of oil ‘ FIGURE 21 illustrates the steps that can be taken to contain an oil spill in a lake or bay. After the cleanup crew deploys a boom at the proper angle downstream from the spill, as shown in the first drawing, a second boom is deployed as a backup in case any oil flows from wind generated currents. A third boom is deployed upstream of the first to completely contain the spill, as shown in the third drawing. As the oil is skimmed from the pocket, the boom crew could begin taking in the boom to reduce the size of the pocket and contain the oil in a smaller area. FIGURE 21 BOOMING A SPILL IN WINDY CONDITIONS Spills in the Ocean The most common approach for ocean spills utilizes large booms with ocean-going skimmers (see the section on skimmers). Large, strong booms are needed for this type of service. Many booms designed for offshore use are inflatable. Deployment time is not greatly increased with inflatable boom. Inflation usually takes place automatically with deployment. Some inflatable types are fabricated of vulcanized rubber-coated fabric which is sturdy and shows good tensile strength, tear strength, abrasion resistance and puncture resistance. Cleaning and Storing Boom Booms can be stored in several ways. A convenient method is on the deck of a boat so that it can be deployed as needed. When this is not available, the boom can be stored on a dock or barge and pulled into the water using a ramp or roller which provide some protection from wear and tear. Booms may also be stored in the water by attaching segments to anchors. Considerable lengths of booms can be stored in the water in a small area by folding sections back and forth similar to the way fire hoses are stored on trucks. One major disadvantage is the formation of marine organisms on the boom which add weight and drag. 24 Booms can be cleaned by separating the boom into sections and laying each section out on a clean sloping surface. Oil can be removed by washing the boom with water and steam spray. The boom washing area should direct the wash water to a sump where the oil can be collected. Cleaning a boom coated with heavy layers of viscous oil may be a time-consuming and expensive process. SUMMARY Containment devices are designed to contain oil floating on the surface of water. A properly installed containment device should contain the oil and cause the oil to move to a selected location where it can be removed from the water surface. Air barriers use currents and a mound of air and water generated by air bubbles to contain oil. They work best in little or no currents. Barriers constructed of sorbent materials can be effectively used in creeks. Dams and culverts are also useful in stopping the movement of oil slicks. Series of booms are normally used in spills in rivers and other large bodies of water because it is difficult to contain or divert large spills with one boom, especially when high currents are involved. Booms are often stored on the deck of a boat or barge which facilitated deployment. Booms are also stored on docks which lends itself to deployment using a ramp or roller to assist in launching and recovery. BOOM SELECTION CHECKLIST 1. Booms should be operational in waves with height to wavelength ratios of 8:1. Booms should work in winds equal to a Beaufort Force 5. 2.‘ At an effective current velocity of 0.7 knots, the skirt should remain within 20 degrees of the vertical. 3. The boom should be capable of being deployed at a 5 knot rate. 4. The boom should be capable of being towed at 10 knots in a straight line without twisting. It should follow behind a maneuvering tow boat without twisting at 2 knots. S: Sections should be capable of being connected and disconnected, without nuts and bolts or tools, from a small craft in not over two minutes. 6. Recovery and storage should be able to be accomplished by not more than three trained men. de In calm water the boom should have a freeboard of at least 414 inches. 8. the boom should allow 180 degrees folding at least every 10 feet of length or less. 6/91 25 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 24. 25. 26. 6/91 The boom should have reserve buoyancy of at least 200 percent. The buoyancy should double within 18 percent of the normal water line. The boom should have at least a 0.2 percent UV oxidizer/inhibitor coating or be capable of withstanding two years continuous exposure to direct sunlight. The flotation should have a smooth surface and must be puncture resistant. Puncturing or cutting of a foam float section should not significantly reduce flotation or allow escape of flotation. The flotation should be an integral part of the entire boom. Flotation should be closed cell foamed plastic resistant to hydrocarbons. Granular type flotation material is not recommended. The color should be international orange or yellow or another bright color. (Some locations use orange to identify medical waste. This color may become a poor choice for pollution control equipment). Skirt fabric should show good break strength, abrasion resistance and be oil resistant. The base fabric for the skirt should be high strength and U-V stable. No laminated materials should be used in the skirt. Stiffeners should not rust and should not wear through or puncture the fabric after use in the water with normal wave action. ; The boom should be capable of a direct tensile load, end-to-end, of not less than 3,000 pounds. The primary tension member should not elongate more than 10 percent at 60% of its ultimate tensile strength. Tension members should be attached to the boom flotation at no less than six points every 10 feet. Tension members should not be located where they would prevent the freeboard from remaining vertical when the boom is used perpendicular to a 0.7 knot current. Ballast must be non-sparking. If cable or chain is used, it should be designed to prevent chafing. The ballast should not collect static electricity. For a 0.7 knot current, the following minimum ballasts are recommended per linear foot of boom: 26 27. 28. 29. 30. Skirt Depth Ballast Ibs/ft of boom 6° 0.33 8" 0.44 10" 0.54 12° ; 0.75 The ballast should not be rigid for more than four inches in any one piece. anchor points should be placed every 100 feet on both sides and directly connected to the tension member. End connectors should not permit oil leakage. End connectors constructed of metal should only use stainless steel, anodized aluminum or other strong non-corroding material. LIST OF COMMON BOOMS The following list of boom types is intended as a guide for the trainee and is not for the purposes of recommending a particular brand. Because of space limitation, not all types are included in the list. If a type is not included, this does not mean that the boom should not be used. The following classification system can be used to distinguish among booms appropriate to inland water, bays and ocean service based on freeboard and draft. ificati Service Ereeboard - Draft I Inland Water 410° 6-12 Ir Bay 10-18’ 12-24’ I Ocean 18’ & above 24° & above LITERATURE CITED 1. 6/91 Jones, W.T., 1970. Air barriers as oil spill containment devices. Paper #SPE 3050, presented to Petroleum Engineers of AIME. Smith, M.F., 1975. Planning - Equipment and training for oil pollution control. Slickbar Inc. 98 pp. ; Texas A & I University at Corpus Christi. Spill training and educational program. United States Energy Research and Development Administration Contract No. E-(40-1)-4995. Breslin, M.K., 1981. Using coherent water jets to control oil spills. EPA-600/52-81-141. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 27 5. 6. Slickbar Corp., 1981. Handling the Slickbar oilboom. Oil spill cleanup manual, volume IV. Oil Spill cleanup technology: techniques. Exxon Corporation 1982. 28 equipment and FREEBOARD <— SKIRT ——> BALLAST WE IGHT END VIEW LELLLLL I LLL. Ooadoovd U SIDE VIEW gure 2. The basic components of an oil contaminant boon. e WATER FLOW —= | OIL DROPLETS ‘ww —_ BREAKING OFF Figure 3. CND VICW Of G00M HEADWAVE \ OIL SURFACING <= BCHIND BOOM os Heavy waves and currents may wash spilled oil under the booms;. this type of failure is khown as “entrainment." oe o oO 004 hucon , _S “Ss - — Hig: . \ Figure 8. River of moderate to deep depth and fast current. ANCHOR COLLECTION PUT Figure 7. Small river with mo to 6.1 m) and moder (5.6 to 7.4 km/h). derate depth of 15 to 20 ft. (4.6 ate to fast current of 3 to 4 kn TNITTAL BARRIER INITIAL BANRIER ANCHOR <-—— OIL MOVEMENT CURRENT (kts) CURRENT (fps) BOOM ANGLE (WITH CURRENT) 1.5 2.5 70° 1.6 2.7 60° 1.7 2.8 550 1.8 3.0 50 2.0 3.4 4s° 2.2 3.7 400 2.5 4.2 35° 2.8 4.8 30 “Salnc , : 14208-756- : 11.91 10:52 No.002 P.23. R413 Salman NF SO TEL: 17208-756-5151 Hpr 11 ed: STRAW 800M ATTACHED TO BOX ee ee : i ah + Se ain tae get a a= a c a wg te Baer sea eS eee hea SAY aoe ee EEN a STRAY AND OIL SLL “USE BALED wk AND LOOSE STRAW. te : ANCHORED BY 2x4's 4 STRAW 800M ATTACHED TO CIRCULAR CULVERTS —__— oie LOOSE STRAW AND OIL LS ——— MSE DALED ANO LOOSE STPAW 4 ANCHORED BY 2X4'3 OR STEEL STAKES : ‘ REV TUAAI IR aan ane . R413 Salmon NF $O ; TEL: 1-209-756-5151 Apr 11-91 10:52 No.002 P.22 LOOSE sTRAW a : OR HAY AND OtL "ANCHOR STAKE STREAM CLEANUP OF OIL FROM STREAK SANK TAKE ADVANTAGE C STREAMFLOW VELOC TO CONTAIN OIL AN EFFECTUATE CLEAN! ON LAND LOOSE STRAW OR HAY AND OIL BERMEO-PIT CONTAIN ADJUSTABLE HEIGHT STANDPIPE TO CONTROL FLUID LEVEL. TYMCAL 3 - STAGE GRAVITY SEPARATION SYSTEM. FEWER OR MORE TANKS MAY BE USED DEPENDING ON REQUIREMENTS, MOST SUITABLE FOR SMALL FLUID VOLUMES. OIL & WATER SEPARATION IN MULTI-HUNORED BARREL STORAGE TANK. FLUID PICKUP ON SUCTION RIGGED TO FLOAT ABOVE WATER/OIL INTERFACE. SUITABLE FOR HANDUING LARGE VOLUMES OF FLUIO. Used by peraission, courtesy of the Committee on Environmental Affairs of the American Petroleum Institute (The Migration of Petroleum Products in Soil _and Gro Water: Principles 2nd Countermeasures), December 1972. - 12 - SECTION 4 PART I ~ CONTAINMENT AND RECOVERY OF OIL IN ICE AND SNOW SPILLS IN WATER WITH THIN ICE The primary concern with oil recovery where ice is involved is personnel exposure due to extreme weather conditions which can cause frostbite, loss of limb, or loss of life. This threat along with the possibility of sudden weather deterioration makes oil containment and recovery particularly hazardous. Therefore, it is recommended that individuals working on or near icy waters have safety lines connected from themselves or their life jackets to a buddy who can pull a fallen buddy from the water. Additional cold weather survival gear, such as a warming house to limit exposure and a helicopter for emergency response, should be available at the cleanup site. Another concern with oil recovery is the oil’s movement. Oil spreading rates in cold weather are less than oil spreading rates in warm weather. Those oils that are semi-solid or solid at O°C will not spread significantly (i.e., Bunker C, heavy crude). Oil in water with thin ice will move similarly to oil in water. However, where currents are involved, oil movement will be slower where ice is encountered. Dark colored oil may be visible beneath thin ice to aid in locating the oil, but light colored oils, such as diesel or gasoline, may be difficult to observe under ice. Containment techniques are the same as for oil in water although a thick ice sheet can be manipulated to aid in oil containment. The ice can be broken so that the ice ridge acts as an oil barrier in no current situations or can be broken at an angle to the current to act as a deflection device in a current. At the recovery site, a boom or other oil barrier should be used. Oil can be recovered with either vacuum trucks or skimmers. The major problem with these is ice debris. The use of screens and the skimmer types chosen can reduce the severity of this problem. One particularly useful skimmer has been the rope mop skimmer. At subfreezing temperatures, diesel is recoverable with these skimmers. However, for higher viscosity oils, such as Bunker C, hot water baths can be used to remove oil from the mop. Another potential problem can be the pumps used with skimmers. Once started, a pump should be run continuously to prevent freeze-up of product in hosing. Since draining of pumping systems may not be feasible in freezing temperatures, antifreeze solutions should be added into the pump intake when a pump is not running. When a product is moving through the hose, product warmers, which heat the product or insulation placed below the hose (j.e., sorbent roll) can be used to keep the product moving. Since products under ice are near freezing temperature, subfreezing temperature above the ice surface can change the pumpability of products recovered. In some spills, bucket lines have been used to transport recovered oil from the skimmer to tank trucks when product in hosing has solidified. 6/91 . 17 ‘This part of the Iniaed Oil Spill Course manual was reproduced by permission of The Occupational and Enviroamental Safery Training Division of the Texas Engineering Extension Service, The Texas A&M Univeraiy Synem. SPILLS IN WATER COVERED WITH THICK ICE Oil can combine with thick ice in several ways to slow or stop its movement. Oil spilled on ice can stay on the surface or penetrate channels and cracks in the ice. Experiments with this phenomenon have recorded that as much as 25 percent of the crude oil spread on ice was absorbed in the ice. In sea water, brine channels form where salt is expelled from the ice. Generally, salt water is 31 parts per thousand (ppt) or less in salinity. Although first year ice is around 10 ppt in salinity, salinity decreases as ice ages. These brine channels can allow surface oil to rise to the surface. Oil under ice can be trapped in subsurface ice pockets or cavities. If the temperature decreases, oil will become encapsulated in the ice as the surrounding ice freezes. Oil under or encapsulated in ice can penetrate small channels that form as the ice freezes and melts to form surface melt pools. This process is accelerated when the dark oil under the ice surface absorbs radiant energy from sunlight. This can cause the ice to melt, forming more channels. Experiments have demonstrated that oil under ice can flow into channels to a height of 15 cm (5.9 in) above the water, containing about 5 percent of the spilled oil. The use of sophisticated aerial photography for detecting oil under ice has been unsuccessful or impractical; and although the use of radar and acoustic techniques have shown promise, they need more research and refinement. The most widely used technique for finding oil under thick ice involves waiting for the oil to appear on the water surface or drilling test holes through the ice and waiting for the oil to surface. In a current, maximum oil movement can be predicted by assuming that the oil will move at the current velocity. However, the oil will usually move slower than the current velocity due to its contact with the ice (FIGURE 1). When oil does move in a current, hydrocarbon monitors, explosimeters, or “sniffers” can detect the presence of oil in test holes, ice leads, or other ice openings. FIGURE 1 SUBSURFACE BARRIERS 6/91 18 Other techniques that have been used in clear water are the use of underwater divers who can monitor the ice under the surface for oil. The major difficulties with these two techniques are their inability to maneuver in fast currents and the expenses incurred. A less expensive technique used when ice is clear or translucent is using lights lowered beneath the ice to reveal oil shadows cast through the ice when dark. Darkness will occur naturally at night or can be created using large black plastic sheeting over the ice during the day. The oil in the shadows should be confirmed by drilling an auger hole. Liquid can be removed from the hole to check for oil, or gas can be sampled with a hydrocarbon monitor for oil vapors. When oil is found, the area should be marked, as additional snowfall can obscure a site and delay the cleanup response. Finding an unmarked site from memory will be difficult, as the site’s physical characteristics may be changed by snowfall. Before any oil spill control technique is initiated on ice, the ice thickness should be determined by drilling as many test holes through the ice as necessary. The weight bearing capacity of the ice should be checked, and other previously mentioned safety precautions should be observed. Choosing a containment and recovery technique will not only depend on ice thickness but also on the ice type. If ice sheets are rafted (overlapping broken ice sheets), oil may surface between sheets in the openings. However, working on sloping ice sheets that may sink or rise due to the surrounding pressure from other rafted ice can be dangerous. If access is available to oil contained by rafted ice, burning can be initiated when the oil collects to a minimum depth of five centimeters. Ice can make an effective containment device by holding the burning oil in place and keeping the burning oil from spreading as it does in open water. The main problems with burning oil are getting the oil to ignite and keeping the oil ignited. Since oil fires are always smoky, health risks are associated with dark colored particulate carbon and soot. They can cool and fall on snow or ice, where these particles readily absorb radiant energy and melt the surrounding ice, causing slippery conditions. If the oil is of high sulfur content, burning will release sulfur dioxide, which can cause respiratory problems for individuals near the smoke. All of these burning products are potential health hazards to surrounding residential areas, as smoke from oil fires has been carried 50 miles or more from the oil burning site. In areas where ice is relatively flat and stationary, oil can be contained with a number of subsurface barriers. One simple oil barrier can be made by cutting a thin slot in the ice and placing plywood or some similar barrier through the slot. Subsequent freezing will hold the material in place. These barriers should be placed at a 30° angle to the current to divert oil to a recovery point near the shoreline (FIGURE 1). Barriers can also be constructed by simply using water on first year ice. This can be accomplished by adding water to the upper ice surface where it will quickly freeze. The added weight causes the ice to sink, forming a barrier (FIGURE 2). Since the ice thickness varies due to temperature, the subsurface ice will melt slowly. Adding more water to the surface can quickly minimize the problems with subsurface ice melt. 6/91 19 be made by applying insulation to th subsurface ice to melt rapidly. ponse to temperature pockets or troughs in subsurface ice can e ice surface (FIGURE 3). However, do not expect the 6/91 ICE TROUGH 20 Auger holes and slotting can also be used in conjunction with subsurface barriers or simply by themselves. These techniques allow oil to come to the surface waters. Since surface water will freeze, continued ice removal is required. Auger holes work best in stationary oil deposits. Care should be taken in coastal areas and in entrapped oil pockets where pressure from tidal action and ice crystal growth (respectively) can cause pressures under the ice and force oil and water to spurt out of newly cut holes. In stationary or flowing waters, slots can be used. Slots cut in the ice above flowing water should be placed at angles up to 30° to the current to force contained oil toa recovery site (FIGURE 4). Typically slots are one and half times the ice thickness. This width allows oil caught in the flowing water time to surface. FIGURE 4 ICE SLOT Equipment used in making slots are chain saws, circular saws and trenching machines, while manual or hydraulic lifts, cranes, and tractors are used in removing ice blocks. The water depth will determine if ice blocks need to be removed. Shallow water, sand bars or underwater obstruction may necessitate ice removal. On the other hand, if the water is deep enough, some blocks can be pushed under the ice on the downstream side of the slot and can be utilized as an additional barrier in the spill response. Once completed, all slush and ice fragments should be removed from the slot to allow the oil to be carried down the slot by the current. Recovery equipment can be used to collect the oi] on the down current side of the slot. 691 | 21 Another oil recovery technique that has been found to have limited success is contaminated ice removal. This method is usually considered unsuccessful since recovered oil is less than one percent of the total volume recovered. Even with the use of heavy mechanical equipment scraping oil off the ice, it is impractical at best. Oil on ice or snow surfaces is relatively easy to recover. Oil can be mixed with snow which can contain 30 to 50 percent oil by volume. The use of heavy equipment or manual removal techniques on oiled snow will depend on the ice thickness. The use of snow as a sorbent material decreases when oil viscosity is high, when oil-snow temperature differences decrease, and when snow porosity decreases (wet snow). If access is not readily available, waiting for future recovery may be necessary. Due to the slow weathering of oil in cold climates, the formation of tar-like residue may take many months to form. SUMMARY A major concern with containment and cleanup of oil in icy waters is personnel safety. Oil can rise into pockets under ice sheets, freeze within ice, form surface pools, or surface between edges of ice sheets. Ina thin ice situation, conventional containment and recovery devices can be used once ice is broken. However, it may be possible to break ice in a way to aid in oil recovery. Cleanup of oil with thick ice will involve finding oil and making cleanup sites. Containment of oil can include subsurface barriers, ice barriers, ice troughs and ice slots. Oil can be removed by vacuum devices, skimmers or burning. Oil on ice can be removed by manually or mechanically scooping oil into trucks, sucking oil with vacuum devices or mixing oil with snow with removal by trucks. Since oil weathers slowly with ice, spill cleanup can be postponed until weather conditions improve if access is poor or if weather or ice conditions threaten personnel safety. FURTHER READING Department of the Navy. Oil Spill Control for Inland Waters and Harbors. Report NAVPAC, P- 908. Hoult, D.P. 1974. Oil in the Arctic. U.S. Coast Guard No. Dot. CG-42913-A, App C, Feb. 1974. Wolfe, L.S. and D.P. Hoult, 1974. Effects of oil under sea ice. J. Alacoil B. Logan, W.J., D.E. Thorton, and S.L. Ross. 1975. Oil Spill Counter Measures for the Southern Beaufort Sea. Canada Environmental Protection Service, Report EPS-3-Ec-77-6, 126 pp. NORCOR Engineering and Research Ltd. 1975. The Interaction of Crude Oil With Arctic Sea Ice. Beaufort Sea Technical Report No. 27. Beaufort Sea Project, Environmental Protection Service, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 6/91 22 Schrier, E., M.J. Miller, L. Crain, D. Maiero, P. Dibner and B.L. Westree. 1978 Cleanup Efficiency and Biological Effects of a Fuel Oil Spill in Cold Weather. The January 1977 Brouchard No. 65. Oil Spill in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts. URS 7004-05-01, 199 pp. Tsang, G. and E.C. Chen. 1978. Laboratory Study of Diversion of Oil Spilled Under Ice Cover. Report to Prairie Region Oil Spill Containment and Recovery Advisory Committee, 42 pp. 6/91 23 INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 8.2 Further Study I. | Equipment Available Inthe Equipment (Type and Name) Rope Mop Skimmers Marco Sorbent Lifting Belt (SLBs) Skimmers Description EES Te Bea Uses gravity to drain oil off the water surface. Work best when the edge of the weir is right at the water/oll Interface. Easy to handle & deploy. Good in calm water & thick layer of oll. A rope mop skimmer employs long, continuous loops of absorbent 7 oleophilic material that floats on the water. The rope loop travels through a combination scrapet/wringer removing the oil along with some water. Can be deployed with a single rope loop or several rope loops. Sizes vary. Can be used In various types of areag{ In Ice, under Ice, in sewers, etc.). mu | Design Limitations a rr Problems with debris, may need debris screens. Not very ettective for bunker C, except for the hopper archimedean Screw pump model, Rope may drip oll on land when pulled from the water. Can wear quickly if used in debris laden areas or rough shorelines. Set Up Time transport - small models are easily deployed. Very transportable, can be deployed by aircraft, trucks or ships. Ease of Deployment &] Recovery Recovery Rate Efficlency PETIT Tooting GRY AS| Fearn OSE Pre te) Re 9427 50 - 100 approximately gallons per [50% minute (gpm) Depends on |approximately size 40 % for 40 - 560 gpm | heavy oils. Disc skimmers rely on adhesion of oll to the surface of aluminum, plastic, or steel discs. The disc rotates In the oll/water interface, the oll adheres to the surface and Is removed with a scraper. Product \s collected In a common sump and pumped away. Sizes vary. Not useful when oll becomes emulsified, laden with debris or very viscous. Expensive. Small units can be transported In the trunk of a car & deployed with manpower. Large units may need a crane. SLBs are made of porous oleophilic material that allows the water to pass through. The belt Is rotated at an angle, to the water & passes through a set of rollers that remove the oil by scraping & squeezing. Can operate in varlous wave heights. Debris and water can be readily separated from the oll. Storage capacity can fill quickly, requiring backup storage. The SLBs are complex units requiring regular maintenance for highest efficiency. Units are large, requiring a major sea / alrlift effort. 600 gpm for approximately heavy oils 50 - 75 % or heavy oils. 40-60 gpm_|approximately B86 %. Printed on recycled paper g 3 a z oo pret Description Design Limitations ase of Deployment & Capabilities ‘{Type and Name) : area Ont CONTAINMENT EQUIPMENT 1:4) | HANG caRI AAS ACARD py | Yes Functions as rigid or - rigid Curtain Boom Set Up Time (capacities, efficiencies, etc.) igh ila ae aa 6 4 ee aed at REPT ETP TET A , allows loss of Relatively easy to deployiContainment capacity freeboard & draft from high can tWist In heavy depends on the length of the winds or waves If rolled away Inds. boom. from the vertical. vertical screen against oll floating on water. Provides good containment because of high freeboard, easy to clean & deploy , good abrasion resistance, Most effective when moored. ‘ Have centerline floatation provided by” alr, Inert gas, solid foam bars, flexible foam rolls, or granulated foam contained in a plastic container. They have flexible skirts which are free to move Independently of the floats. Minimize rolling problems with tension members at the waterline and the bottom of the skirt. Easy to deploy & clean, most effective when moored. Manmade, synthetic Sorbent Oleophillic (oll attractive) , used for heavy oils on or near the water. Saturate quickly. Some types can be bulky in storage, prone to damage by debris. Easy to deploy ontainment capacity depends on the length of the Pom - Pom Sorbents Will start dripping when lifted. | immediate deployment, Est. 15 minute set up time depending on oil Synthetic Sorbents have a sorption range of 13 to 43 grams of oil / grams of Sorbent ready supply Qu. STORAGE EQuipMENT PRAIA cee y Hie ir Nit FB aca LA cd DA ¢ Rallcars | ve Turn around schedules can be hour Store up to 30,000 gallons a undependable small capacity, demurrage during storage. Decontamination when finished may require tank entry. Readily available in the area & portable 15 - 30 minutes Store up to 6500 gallons | Tank Trucks Portable Tanks Yes 3 Barges Readily available in the area, can be mounted on a trailer or staged in one location Readily available in the area 1-6 hours sizes & shapes vary 1-3 hours INCIDENT CONTROL CONFINEMENT AND CONTAINMENT INTRODUCTION Tne objective of responding to Incidents Involving the relecse or potential! relecse. of hazordous matenals Is to prevent or reduce the ocverse effects that o relecse might nove on tne pudiic’s health. property, ond the environment. in order to mitigate (prevent or reduce) the Incident’s Impect, tne relecse must be contollec. Mitigating releoses means controllng them. Mecsures to control c release Invoive these processes, methods. procedures, and techniques thet ore used to prevent or reduce the dispersement of tne moterial or Its by-products Into the environment. These control measures may Include fire extinguisnment, controlled buming. neutralization, construction of temporary coms, berms, or dikes, plugging leaking contoiners. misting or togging tox vapors or gases, sorbent moterials, and others. Two genera contol techniques frequently used by first responders cre confinement end containment. ; - CONANEMENT consists of methods used to imit the physical size of the creo of the release. Hazerdous moaterais can be relecsed (directly or Indirectly), to air, surfcce water, groundwoter, or land surface. Depending on the media oftfected, verious methods cre cvalladie that might help restrict the spread of moteriais. - CONTAINMENT 's defined as those methods used to resizict the meteria! to tts original contciner. Until the relecsed motenais cre contained, tne area of involvement wil grow larger, and Clecnuo will become comespondingly more difficult. Whenever possibie, It s Important to contain the matertots In order to limit the sze of tne areca Invoived and minimze ciecnup difficulties. Controlling a relecse may be os simple os uprighting on overtumed drum leaking from Its bung or turning off a voive. It may be os difficult cs patching a large tecr In on ocd Tonk or repairing a Nigh-pressure tronster line. Many times. for smal leaks, just snoving a wooden wedge Into a hole can temporarily siow or stop a leck. Generally. hignly voictile Iquids and liquified gcses cre the most cifficult to deci with. io tonk car hes Deen involved In an accident or If Its structural Integrity is suspect, then Its contents may need to be transfered to another tank car. Fire might also be Involved which further complicates tne prodiem. 20 Me COMFINING HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RELEASES Techniques tor confining Nezerdous materials dedend upon wnether the release Is Into the alr. on lane, into suriace waters, or Into tne groundwater. A. Alr Releases omer wectner concitions, and teretore hes tne Cspeaility of otecting o lorge physica! cree. The Clouc of maternal produced mey be fammabie, techniques mey work Cepending on the Quantity being released, Wecther conditions such as humidity, temperature, and wind speed and direction can Qrectly cttect cloud fomation ond dispersion. ff tne Cloud |s large. tnen Initial Consideration mus? be given to Immediately evecucting the area which hes the potential tor deing Impacted. [acavaled and Dikew Ares for Callection FIGURE 12-1 MIST KNOCKDOWN 21 Alr relecses or suspected al relecses should ciwcys De ccutiously epproacnes trom the upwind direction wnenever possidie. Personnel must also be on the ciert for changes In’wind direction. Visuc!i observations or Clrect-reading Insituments may give some Indication of the type ond Quoniities of materials being relecsed. and whether vapor suppression will work. Motericls thet ore lignter than alr (vepor density less thon ombient aimospnere). will cnft upwarcs Into ine atmosphere ond be driven by the wind In ¢ cownwind clrection. Heavier than ar moterat will tend tc hug the grounc, folowing the conrours of the land trom higher to lower elevations or be pusnec by the wind movement. Lond Spills Generclly. solics (even in the form of particulates) that spill on the lend cre tne ecsiest materats to confine. Even If shipping containers rupture. soles ordinanly don’t move far. The relecse creo should be closed off to avoid heaving the matenols tacked cwoy from tne site on shoes, clothing. or vehicle tires. It s atso Imporant not to Increcse the mobility of tne material by the Indlscrmincte cppiicction of water or other liquids. Covering tne meoteral with pliestic. torps. or other means can help prevent tt trom becoming wincbome. Uquids spilled on the land may be somewhat more difficult to confine. In some ccses. confinement may alreacy be In pioce. For excmple, most tank farms hove oc berm around thelr periphery tor confining major leaks. ita tronster line breaks or If an accident occurs In transporting or loading a liquid, there will be no ‘cutomatic’ containment. On concrete. blacktop. or other hord surtoces. Derms can be constructed with dirt, sond, adsorbents. or uretnone foam pocks specifically designed for this purpose. If the spill Is on the ground. berms ccn be constructed by simply mounding the soll Itself. In mony ccses, thougn. It mey be more cavontageous to “hera* the liquics by citcnes. swaies. anc Derms to on exsting low point or constuct a catch basin. This allows the maternal to pool and may make cleanup easier. There are tree techniques for controlling spills on the land: - ‘Diversion: The controled movement of the liquid from one course or area tO onother where the effecss to Numon hectin and tne environment ore substantially reduced. ~ - Dking: The use of a bamier to confine or control the movement of Iiquics from an oreo of potentic! harm. : Retention: The temporary confinement of the Iquid In an area (e.g.. Inc pond) where It can be adsorbed. neutralzed, diluted. or pumped out. : Determining which of these three techniques should be used to confine a spil of hazardous materials depends on several! factors: time; personne!: equipmenr, suppiles and the potential harmtui ettects of the leaking material. 22 For exomple, response personne! moy determine inct diversion romer than dlking ond retaining ls more appropnete for controlling the movement of tuel of that could enter o storm crain. In this situction. response personne! may determine tnct diversion shouid be used to control tne movement of oll becouse the oll ls flowing toward the storm crcin ct ¢ rote that will not permit the timely construction of a dike. Or. response personnel may determine that cvalicdie personnel anc equipment |s Insufficient to Construct c dike or a retention pond. In mony ccses, however, clking and retention techniques will follow the clversion tecnnique. Thet 's. diversion csn Degin Immecictety. while diking anc rercining work may Degin cs resources ormive. 1 Diversion Usually dirt ls used os o bemler to divert a spilled liquid. Secouse diversion requires that Damiers be constructed In advance of tne flow, using dirt trom tne area ls practical becouse It ls generally readily avelicbie, end a barmier can dé quickly constructed. in order for diversion to be effective, response personnel should hove a pre-pian tor constructing diversion wols or bamiers. For example. for o small barier, eoch participating response personnel shouid De equipped with o nand tool tor digging and o pick for breaking the ground. As the first responder breoks the ground with a pick. o second responder snouid place the dit on a pile, while o tmird responder packs tne dirt tigntty. This process should continue untill the diversion borer ts completed. In constructing the diversion wall. the speed cond the engie of the oncoming. flowing spill must be considered. For fast moving spills. engies of 60° of more should be used for intercepting the spill. Genercity. the greater the speed of the flow. the greater the distance and angie required to slow It down. Consiruction equipment moy be needed fo bulld a diversion bamier if lerge quantities of liquics cre Involved. This l& procticai wnen the equipment cnd toined personne! cre ovoilasie ct the scene. 2. Diking Dikes con be constructed trom practically ony ovalicdie mctericis. The matericis and manpower to construct o typical dike ore usuclly reodity avalicbie and Inexpensive. Severcl common Items are: dirt, tree limbs. boards. root ladders, pke poles. anc salvage covers. Ina severe emergency. bo¢gec moterais such cs tree bork, sand, dog food, kitty Iter, ond charcoal could be commandeered from a necpy food or garden store. Over time. however, both vertical and horzontal seepage through end around the dike wil occur. This process con be siowed by the use of “visqueen’ or ‘poly’ picstics (c form of Potyethyiene). These Polyethylene sheets or tarps provide a base for construction of o dike or a arainage ditch. Becouse some liquid motericis may degrade or ‘ect through’ a plastic sheeting. response personne! must ccrefully select the picstic that Is to be used. Or. an citemotive metnod to diking Is to tonsfer the product remaining in the vesse! to cnother container. It still may be necessary to build a dike cround tne original spill. while walting for the second container to omive. ~ 23 When possidie, dike construction should begin with heovier motericts tor reintorcement, tollowed Sy cn outer layer of lighter maternal such cs din. If time permis. plastic runners or sooge covers can be placed between the inner ond outer walls of the dke. The process of constructing o clke very similar to the process of Consmucing © diversion bomer. Response personnel must consider the time required to confine the Icnd spill. the resources evailleble (Le.. response personnel cnd equipment), and the quantity of tne Nezercous motericl. If ft s determined nat ching ls c practical option, response personnel shouid consider whether to consttuct c clke using hand tools or power equipment. When o dke ls to be constructed usng heavy (power) equipment, the sicte or loca! highway ceparment or cppropricte controctors should be notified and orangements mace to ensure that the equipment Is evallabie and |s propeny used. Also, utility companies should be contacted conceming underground electrical cables or product piping to ensure thet the equipment coes not tear hole In any cables or piping. The type of dke to be constructed wil depend largely on the rote thot tne hazardous material ls moving cs well as the quaniity of material Involved. For example, sow moving or heavy materats should be confined by duiiding a circle dike. (See Figure 12-2). SW PDS DS EL CUS INNIS Side View FIGURE 12-2 CIRCLE DIKE 24 Fester moving products con be confined by constructing a V-sheped cke In o low crea. (See Figure 12-3). Confined Material Too View FIGURE 12-3 V-SHAPED DIKE 3. Retaining In sttuctions where motericts cannot be diverted or diked. or If Is not fecsible to do so. retention In a pit. basin or pond provides an ottemative. For excmple, ot on incident involving cn overtumed tonk truck lecking fue! of onto o highway. response personnel moy determine thot unless the fuel oll ls confined. It will enter o storm drain. Becouse of the rate of the fiow of the fue! of and the limited number of response personne! at the scene, construction of o dike or 0 Giversion bermler may not De procticat In this sttuction. retention ot the dran s o workedie attemative. Drain retention (see Figure 4) may Involve the following process: c. Salvoge covers or tarps should be pieced over the crain onc weignted down with . 25 ony neovy obdjecss. db. it time permits. sond. stone. etc. should be shoveled onto the coves. c The crea should be flooded with water to o Geptn of four to 10 Inches. Ths flow should be maintained. When this process Is used, minimum of will enter tne drain. Most of the ol wil foct on top of the water. If response personne! maintain the flow of water In the crea, mostly water. and o minimum cmount of of, wil enter the storm croim This technique Is an effective mecsure only for motenials lignter than water or tor materials tnat are Insoluble In woter. The solubilities of specific materials can be obtcined from material satety data sneets, chemical texts. or computerzed sources. Storm System FIGURE 12-4 DRAIN RETENTION 7 26 — ad Response personne! shoud consder vaictie liquids ond protect egainst alr nazercs thot moy occur when using ony confinement method. For exompie. If volatile Iquics ore solied onto the ground. cn or hazard may be crected. It the spill s small. response personnel need only cover the material with o soivage cover of torp to contain the motericL if the spill 's large. response personnel moy hove to sprey the material with foam In orcer To prevent the formation of nezordous vopors. In some ceoses, It moy be more epproprate to retcin hazordous meterials In en excavated pit. pond or besin. (See Figure 12-5). Constructing o retention pit. pond or besin could mecn simply placing co fve-gotion bucket under a Cripping valve or excovoting o retaining smucture using construction equipment. Orain. FIGURE 12-8" EXCAVATION Uke diversion bortiers and dikes, whether retaining structure may be constructed depends primarily upon the time and the resources (Le. ‘and equipment) avaiable for construction. ond the amount of construction needed. in an emergency. portable woter tanks and heiding motericts. Generally, ony above ground structure offers 6 quicker solution than-a below grode structure that must be built. 27 c. Releases into Water Relecses of motericis Into woter may be controled using several dierent mecsures. For example, If the mcterial in water is insoluble or sligntly soluble In water, ond fs specific grevity ls greater nan that of weter cousing tne motenal to snk, o method tor confinement mignt be on overflow dam. Gee Figure 12-4). . Confined Overflow FIGURE 12-6 OVERFLOW DAM An overfiow dam is used to trap heavier then water moterial by causing the motenial to sink to the bottom of the stream behind the dam. When the meteral 5 tropped. reictively uncontominated water flows over the barier. Care. therefore, must be token in Building the Damier becouse If It breaks. It Anc A flocting boom (see Figure 12-7) ls o second confinement mecsure tor a solied moterici thot flocts ond |s Insoludie or signtty soludie In woter. Once the spilled matenal hes been contained. tt con be herded to c collection point. There it con be skimmed from the surfoce using severc! citterent types of sdmmers. Alttematively, the spilled material con be collected tor Cispesai by sorbents. which con be loose or in sheets or pods. In the case of © viscous liquid. sow may be used. There cre several different types of booms on the morket, Including some which cbsord the ‘spl insteod of confining It. Booms cre not usuclly effective In rough woter. Rother, booms cre usually the fostest metnod of containment In small, sow-moving streams. FIGURE 12-7 DEFLECTION BOOMS Motenc! that 8 highly soluble In water is very difficult to confine ond contain. This §s especicily tue in o strecm thot 5 forty wide. deep ond hes a mocercte to fast flow rate. In fact. even flocting mcteral s difficult to control in such o strecm. For potutants thot are Iighter then woter (specific grovity <1). I ls possible to confine and contain the materia! by discharging Clecn woter info the strecm while retcining the flocting moterici This method only works If the moterial Is not soluble In water. , 29 Another confnement option for woter discharges is the use of cn underflow dom or spnon cam. (Gee Figure 12-8). Tg gsegsaee Boe OES BEES eR Hah Hen GhGh pepe by fost e a bles oBogee pp Be esp: stay ale §RE2 S33 ag 38 et Ge ass} “A Absord 0i1 FIGURE 12-9 FILTER FENCE i the moteriai spilled 's soluble. there !s very Htle thot the first responder con __do.__It_tne waterway _|s smal. the responder moy install ¢ dem which wil help fo recover of fiter the water. The other option ls to neutrcize me chemical, rendering It inert. This wil require the resources of the EPA and/or State environmental agency for technical cssistance. Il, CONTAINING HAZAROOUS MATERIAL RELEASES A vorety of techniques for emergency leck containment hove been developed. Most of these techniques Involve the use of tools cond motenais thot cre readily avaliable or can De mode easily and inexpensively. The type of motericis ond tools needed to temporarily pcrtcn a leak ls dependent upon the kind of container. A practical way of determining whct equipment may be required |s to plan cheod. A preamanged orrsite visit win the facillty manager, for exemple, can be votucbie in determining what leak contol probiems there could De cand the motercis evaliapie on locstion for use. Leak control equipment Ittercture. equipment used by estaplsned response tecms. cnd a facility survey can provide the mojor elements of c shopping lst. A Primary Tool Kit Otten ¢ leak may be controlied by simply tightening fittings such cs Dungs, cops. pipes or flange bolts. A vorety of tools may be necessary to occompllsn this. A desic tool kit should be camed on response vehicies and should contain. ct a minimum, the folowing Items: rubber maoliet nyion mailet 18° ond 36° pipe wrench open ond wrencn set box end wrench set sid joint pliers (2 pair) common plers 18° or 24° flat bicde screwdriver with plestic handle medium weignt bail peen hammer linoleum knife pocket knife for carving acai plugs 8 vise grip pliers : 6 pry bar or pinch ber lock back knife . portedie explosion proof handlight 18° to 36° bolt cutters bung wrenches (2) diagonal sde cutting piers needie nose pilers screwdriver set — common screwdriver set — crosspoint tin snips wire Brush with long nondie hacksaw with quick disconnect for biedes hecksaw bicades. Or ee ee Oe In acdltion, first responders should cary other materiais or ot lecst hove access to the following: : Teflon tape — avaliable In c variety of widths and used for wrapping threces on fittings and connections. e 32 - Leod wool — Inexpensive and useful for wedging into small crock cnc¢ leaking crum chimes. - Duct tcpe — usec to sow leakage from pipes. fittings. etc. by wrapping tigntly cround the attectec crec — olso con be used as 0 gasket with wedges or plugs. - Rubber sheeting (cid Inner tubes work well) - useful cs gasket motenal for any type of patch or plug. - Lead toll — ccn be wedged Into breaches — also good for wrapping weages or plugs — of fillng spaces cround plugs. - Ockum — fibrous. resin impregnated substance that swells when wef - - useful cs filler material or wrap on wedges and plugs. - Wooden toper plug assoriment. - Wooden wedge cassoriment. - Assorted sheet meta! screws — when backed by fiat woshers and rubber gaskets, useful for small holes. pinnoles and some crock. - Assosted pipe caps — con be used on threaded pipe encs. - Bungs — used to secure drums. - Assorted automotive camps — used to secure rubber sheeting ov pipe encs, etc. - Assorted threaded pipe plugs — used on Intemaly threaded pipe ends. - Riot woshers for sheet metal screws. - Epoxy compounds — con be used os c patch or binder and Tiler. Once tools are obtained. response personne! shouid ‘practice’ wiih them to determine wnetner there are any special problems. For example, If a hand tool Coes not nave enough leverage. on extension am may have to be mode trom a pipe. Snap-on extension arms are aiso avolicole. fa nend tool Is cwkward to use while wearing proteciive gioves. response personnel mey hove to enlarge the handles on the small tools and practice potching leaks and some of the plugging techniques while wearing gioves. If hand tools cre difficult to see while wearing respirators and face pieces. response personne! may hove to repioce the taceplece or color-code ai fools according to, for exemple, sze. Consideration shoud also be given fo having c varety of spark-proof foo’. Personne! must be cdle to hand-camy tools ond be mobile within ine response area. A canves meson’s bag can be used to hanc-cary the tools. Using @ canves mason’s bag fo tronsport a Iimited number of nond tools within the response Grea frees response personne! fo work on sev 33 problems ct once. onc ensures thot onty a few tools required for the job. rather then the entire tool Dox. are contaminctec. Controlling Leaks from Drums - Equipment and Tools Leaking drums are ¢ fairy common type ot accident. A typical low-pressure metal crum Is a fict piece of metal rolled Into a tube with two capped ends. It may be weiced at Doth ends or clamped ct tne top te: occess 10 the contents. A nm or lip nuns crounc the outer ecge of ecen end. Sometimes. various cecess holes are found on different drums. oitnougn typicatty, the main opening Is found at the top. These openings or access holes are closed with a right-handed screw cap referred fo cs o DUNG. On some crums the Dung |s ine only metnod of Identitying the top. Because gravity dictates that a hazardous maoteric! will follow the po*n of leost resistance. problems may be crected when a drum Is accidentally breached. Any leaks inat are a resutt of the hole In the drum can be controlled by providing some method of resistance fo the leaking materials. One coproacn to controlling leaks In a crum Is to raise ine nole above the level of the liquid or solic. This con be done quickty by rolling the drum so that the nole Is on top or by standing the drum on end. When minor lecks occur at openings such cs the bung or lid, these lecks cre ecsiy stopped by tightening the dung clockwise. If a Dung wrench |s unavailable. a long-handled screworiver can be used. Drum rim clamps con be tightened witn pllers and a screwdriver If the clamp |s ploced propery over the rm of the Crum. if a leaking drum hes to De patched, response personne! snouid first remove cil of the paint in the arec of tne nole In the crum fo the bare metal with co wire brush. (Before crecting friction with the Drusn. response personne! should rule out the potential tor o fiemmaoie situction.) Then. a wooden wedge snouid be driven partially Into the hole win o hammer. if lead wool ls ovallcole, It should be packed cround the wedge so os to provice for c tight seal. The wooden wedge snoulc then be cut flush with the drum. Next, response personnel snouid piace ciuminum tepe over the wedge. and epoxy over the tepe. The surfcce of the fope should De smoothed even with the drum. Typically, holes or geses In crums cre the resuits of punctures. Oftentimes. these ounctures are caused by forklfts. If the hole or gash Is large. a plug or wedge con be usec. Homemade drum clamps can aiso be used To patcn holes up to apsroximartely s-inchnes In diameter. These drum cicmps or patcnes consist of three parts: a neoprene gosket. c metal backing, and oe ciamo. A drum ciemp Is used to patch ¢ hole In a drum In the tolowing manner. 1. Bend the end :cb of the one-piece. T-shaped sheet metal packing over the main section. 2. Insert the clema stop through the siot that was made dy pending over *he ‘aD on the sheet metal Decking. (The scp ls o large version of a simple rodictor-nese cicmp.) 34 3. Giue the neoprene gasket directly to the sheet metal backing to make the sec! once me pcrcn |s In piece. 4, Place the ciemp around the drum. putting the patch over the nole. ond tignten the ciamp. Becouse patching holes In drum may be frequently done by responders ct co hazardous moteriais incicent, it ls recommended that a number of crum clamp potcnes of varying szes be made In advance ond camied In o kit on tne response venicie. Smail punctures or pinnole leaks can be stopped by Inserting a sneet metal screw with one or more washers ond o rubber gcsket Into the hole. Other metnoes tor plugging smail noles Inctude boller plugs. vulconking repair-kt (tire patches). and ruober plugs. Al of these Items cre evallable ot plumbing and automobile part stores. Response personnel may also pertorm o ‘drum to drum transfer.’ This metnod Involves hand-pumping the contents of a damaged drum Into o new and empty crum. or Into a drum containing the some material. Usually, more sophisticated plugs and patches are reodily ovollable or can bea locally manutoctured from sheet metal with rubber gasket moternal end toggle bolts (T-patcnes). (See Figure 12-10). They can be fedrcoted In a variety of sizes. Each works well on different types of container breaches. The only limiting foctor Is that the fissure must be large enough for the toggie to pess through. These devices should not be snugged down too tigntty becouse the toggles will not tolercte o great deal of torque. For devices that con be applied using more torque, a T-bolt (see Figure 12-11) may substitute for the toggle bolt. But once again. too much torque con pull the ‘T tMrough thin walled containers. 35 FIGURE 12-10 T-PATCH T Section Welded to Threaded Shank \ Rubber Gasket FIGURE 12-11 5-BOUT 36 destination cre mace owcre of the hazardous materia! stored Inside. Follure to mork the recovery drum could be In vioiction of state ond tederal requiations. Property packaged recovery crums wil be suitodie for transportation to o recycling fociltty or waste dump. Controfing Leoks trom Piping — Equioment and Tools Leaks from piping present cnother problem. An expanding plug |s useful for stopping most leaks trom piping. Gee Figure 12-12). Flat Washer FIGURE 12-12 VENTED PIPE PLUG 37 The plugs con de vented or unvented. aitnougn If system pressure exceeds 2 esi. vented plugs will sropcdly be necessary to focilltcte plug Installation. One type of plug inciuces ¢ tmreaced nipple on the vent tube which o valved nose CaN be cmocned to. This cilows responders to pipe off the metenal to o suitapie container cfter plug Instaliction. Plugs are ecsy to apply. The plug, with the vent open. Is Inserted Into the pipe. The hex nut Is then crown tight. cousing the mudber stoppers to be comoressed ciong thelr longitudinal axis. The stoppers will then expond Circumferentially. After the piug Is In piace. the vent may de closed, snutting off ine product flow from tne applicnce. or ‘ne Sroduct may de pipes to ¢ suttebie container. Plugs such os these cre most effective on low pressure systems. A word of caution: Personnel snouid stand clecr of the plug If the vent is fo De closed. Just In case the plug Is elected trom the pipe dy system pressure. Controlling Leaks trom Tank Trucks — Equipment and Tools Tank truck lecks usucily occur In the tank shell or Its Installed pipe and valve system. Breaches in ine cargo tank Itself normally occur from stress caused on Impoct such os the venicie overtuming. Typical holes In the tank shell take the form of punctures ond tears. Because tanks may De breacned In severai locations. they should ciways be inspected on as mony sices as possible. Genercily specking, the lower tne leck on the tank the more serious the problem. Noturalty, lecks located below the liquid level should be conrolled first: however, holes cDove the liquid should not be overcooked. Vapors may be relecsed through the hole to the surrounding crea or fresh ctr con be drown inside the tank, possibly plocing the vapor space In the expicsive range if flammenie or compustibie liquics ore involved. Miner leaks ccn be quickly confined by placing a bucket Cclrecity under the hole to catch the liquid before It contacts the ground. Picstic tood buckets. for exemple, ore hancy leck contro! devices since they are lightweight, can be cut Cown to fit tignt spots. ond moy be discarded ofter use. Because some chemicais may react with piestics ccusing the structural Integrity of the container to be diminisnec, a stciniess steel milk bucket or Container. or giess container s preterabie for catching a liquid other than on acid. Small holes in the tank ore usucily found ot a weld seam or crease in the metal. A goif tee. or any small piece of wood. can be effective In this sie leak. Large holes con be plugged with tapered wooden piugs or wecges. In the opsence of smilcr homemoce plugs. o rag, stick. 2% 4°, etc. can be jJommed in the hole until something more sopnisticcted Is availatie. Generally, It ls a very good idea for responders to camy severci wooden Plugs or wedges In various snapes and sizes to protect against most kincs of leaks. (See Figure 12-13). These plugs or wedges should be mode from cedar, redwood or pine Decause these wood motena’s swell when wet fo fll holies or seams. Soop may aiso be used fo stop a leak because If can be cored Into Ireguiar snopes. 36 FIGURE 12-13 WEDGE AND PLUG ASSORTMENT 39 Breaches In product transter pipe wells. vaives anc caps seldom occur on Tonk tucks In norfire stuctions. Smal pin noles. however, moy be encounrered due to stress cracking or cormosion. Most vehicies are equippec witn emergency shut-down vaives. The types of systems ore foiny Stancarezed by DOT venicie class. tf the hole In the pipe ls between one or more volves, the vcives can be Closed to further lsoicte tne leck trom the remaining cargo. Once pressure ond produc? flow nes deen reduced, It Moy de possidie to stop me leak dy Inserting ¢ small piug In tne hole. Sma, anpping leak con be wrcoped win Q reg anc uct or achesive tape. A Ducket ploced under tne hole can de Used To CcICn slow Crips until the line is repaired or the product |s otfloaded. VatNves end caps on product lines can be on effective control method If the responders are familiar witn the operation of tne venice. Generally speoking. butterfly valves ond boll vatves are closed when the operating handle ls NOT In Ine with the pipe. Most tonk trucks have welkiadeled valves wnicn may include detailed procecures tor routine shut-down. Screw- on caps con be tightened to contol a leak on pipes of the discharge or Intake. Most tank trucks hove fright hand threoas (NQNT-to-tgnt, lett-to- loosen). When used In conjunction with Closing © vaive on the line, this tecnnique can be effective. A damaged vaive Inocvertentty opened may Not Case ecsily due to pressure or damage. if there Is ony doubt cbout the Proper position of a valve or cap, It Is best to leave It aione untll someone witn knowiedge of the venicie artves. Speciaity Tools Some speciatty devices. such as air bags. are available commercicity. They Conssi of Inflatcdie patch systems for large vessels. These patcn systems cre secured against the container breacn with chains or weboing ond then Inflctec. Devices similar to air bags are available for use on pipes and small Clameter container systems. Al Dag devices cesigned tor controlling leaks. opercte on reictively low Inflation pressures. They ore befter tnan itting Cevices, which might crush container walls when Inflated. Speciatty dts such cs Chiorine A. 8 and C are avalicbie trom the Chiorine Institute, attnougn they require special training To use and hove Ilmited capication. The Chionne A kt Is for 150 pound cylinders and can be used to temporarily repalr valve cnd wall leaks. The B kit Is designed for use on Ton Contciners of cnionne ond the C kt Is for emergency leck stoppage trom cnionne tcnk car comes. For additional information contact: Chlorine Institute 70 West 40th Street New York, New York 10018 Resdonders must be trained specifically on the use of chlorine kits. Entering Qo site€ tO poTcnN Nczorcous motenas leaks requires special training. Responcers should be fomiller with nazard recognition end tne use of protective clothing cnd equipment before attempting to use chionne kits. It 8 recommended thet training on leak abatement and spill control be Conauctec with personne! wearing the protective gecr that they would wear 40 ct an incident. Because protective clothing used at chemical incidents resmicts vision. moollity, and advessely ottects normal dexterity, the need for ail personne! to receive prior training in the use of cniorine kits Is very Imporant. PROTECTION AND SAFETY Before committing personnel cnd eculoment to the solll area, some ccretul consideration snouid be given fo me cestmractive characteristics of the hazardous moternal. Consider . What protective clothing ond equipment will be required for the responders os well cs equipment operators? ° Wil the product react with water or moternais used for constuction of dikes. retention stmuctures, etc.? ° Wil vapors eccumuicte after the product |s controlled? Are the vepors corrosive, toxic, flammabie, etc.? e What ore the physical imitations of the responders? Is It reasonable to ask five respondess fo dike spills of 1.000 gallons or more? Always consider the physical and psychologicai strain that they cre under. ° wnat ore the potential hazards to responders essocicted with fires or explosives ot o hazardous moteriats incident? CONCLUSION personne! must be prepared, on arrival ot the incident, to confine motenals thct hove been relecsed into the ar. spilled on the land. Into surface woters. ond. sometimes. into grouncworer. Personne! must aso be prepared fo contein motericis that have been released by mocking sure thot a variety of leak control tools ond t Is cvelladie on the response venicie. When response personne! cre prepered to confine ond contain motericis In en emergency. tney are In the Dest position to mitigate (prevent or reduce) whe incident’s Impact on public hectin. 41 INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 8.3 Further Study Options for Minimizing Environmental Impacts of Freshwater Spill Response Options for Minimizing Environmental Impacts of Freshwater Spill Response NATIONAL OCEANIC & ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RESPONSE ¢ ASSESSMENT DIVISION AMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE SEPTEMBER 1994 2.0 SUMMARY OF RESPONSE METHODS AND HABITATS Tables 6 through 13 provide overviews of the physical, chemical, and biological response methods for four different oil types as applied to all water environments and shoreline habitats. Detailed information regarding specific habitats is provided in Section 3. Users of this guide should consult the matrices and summaries in Section 3 for descriptions of assumptions and circumstances applicable to the various methods. We encourage you to refer to Section 4 for more information on each response method. Also, the references listed in Appendix A can provide valuable, detailed information on specific topics or applications. It is important-to note that the classifications primarily reflect the likely relative environmental impact resulting from properly implementing a response method within each habitat. However, when there are overriding effectiveness or safety issues associated with a specific oil type or habitat, these methods have been classified as “not applicable” and are denoted with a dash (—) on the matrices. In the case of response to gasoline-type spills, many methods have been classified as “not applicable” because of the fire hazard to the responders. Although responders have used many of these methods at gasoline spills to protect resources or clean up the spill, discussion of the spill-specific circumstances that made their use possible are beyond the scope of this document. Natural recovery is included in the tables since natural processes can be adequate, on their own, to remediate impact from an oil spill. It also presents no added environ- mental stress due to human spill response activities. Therefore, natural recovery is often classified as having the least adverse habitat impact in the summary tables. Since there is little information regarding the environmental impact of in-situ burning, chemical treatment, and biodegradation enhancement in freshwater habitats, the evaluation and discussion are based on the best available knowledge on how they work and any past use. In most cases this knowledge results from past experience with marine spills. Where there is too little information to evaluate a technique (e.g., chemical shoreline pretreatment), an “I”, for insufficient information, is used in the tables. " Spill response techniques described in this guide for inland water habitats include protection, recovery, and cleanup methods. The main objective of protection is keeping oil out of a habitat, or reducing the amount of oil that enters. Recovery consists of removal of floating oil from the water surface. Cleanup consists of removal of stranded oil. Frequently, these methods may be used for several response phases, such as 13 deploying boom for protection or for containing oil washed off a river bank during cleanup. Table5. Key to ESI codes used in Tables 7, 9, 11, and 13. a. No. Shooting Type. flats eS Sats Sear Sete “9A tt Sheltered ret vet iow SL 14 recycled paper : coology and environment Table 6. GASOLINE PRODUCTS: Summary of relative environmental impact from response methods for spills in water environments. WATER ENVIRONMENT Response Open Lorge Small Small Method Woter Rivers Lokes/Ponds Rivers/Streams PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHODS Natural Recovery Fy Teen oe oA, Ae A A Booming - Containment - - = - mre grating a ee: - Booming — Deflection/Exclusio ene a GERACE AS Skimming ot - - ry seep neon ecm neo ane Lome Physical Herding B Cc ; Mechanical Oil Removal - - - - Low-| essure, Cold-Water = - - - RE Te Tam TEI *." = Not applicable for this oil type. 15 Table 7. GASOLINE PRODUCTS: Summary of relative environmental impact from response methods for spills in shoreline habitats. SHORELINE HABITAT Response Man- Vegetated Sandand Method Bedrock Made Sand Shores Gravel Grovel Mud Wetlands PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHODS 1,2,8° 18 34 Barriers/Berms a A AAAOSIA As aI - - - 7 . met SOP game Physical seating 4 ae ee Mechanical Oil Re Removal pecan mai <—— + Deenegte een Low-Pressure, Cold—Water | 1. Flushing - ia = het Pmt wn a a eambe High-Pressure, Cold-Water Flushing 8 SHES rene cia ccea: Bee oe "Key ESI codes in Table 5.on page 12. 3 12s on, weeetemcnmere ae SE FAL Pecime be ce Ihe tollowing categories are used to compare the relative crmronmenital impact of each response “method tor the Specitic triviroriment ~ or habitat tor each oil type, using the ssn definitions: Be May cause some adverse habitat impact. - C= May cause’ significant adverse habitat impact. vcs, ay cause.sign D = May cause the most adverse habitat impact. | = Insufficient information — impact or effectiveness of.the method could not be evaluated at this time.. a oi ean Mt i et a atom Se naa ‘= Not applicable for this oil type. recycled paper ecology and environment Table 8. DIESEL-LIKE OILS: Summary of relative environmental impact from response methods for spills in water environments. WATER ENVIRONMENT Response Open Llorge Small Small Method Water Rivers Lokes/Ponds Rivers/Streams PHYSICAL "RESPONSE | METHODS Natural Recovery 4 ee Barrers/Berms Manual | Oil RemovallCleaning 5 poe ” Mechanical | oil Removal Sorbents _ Vegetation Removal cms ne ne ne pameeengramn ~ Low-Pressure, Cold-Water Flushing _High- -Pressure, Cold-Water Flushing - Soon goties‘are used-to compare the | t or habitat for each oil type, using the following inners: a roe itat impact: oe I eee Peete ened [noir eaten bans : Be May cause some adverse habitat impact "= May cause significant t adverse habitat impacts <a ~ S- May cause the most adverse habitat impact. ks asittigient Information ~ impact of effective ‘Of the method:could ‘not be evaluated at this time.” een ae oie ent: emer mms we aan en ern mi Ts naan haa -" = Not applicable for this oil type. 17 Table 9. DIESEL-LIKE OILS: Summary of relative environmental impact from response methods for spills in shoreline habitats. SHORELINE HABITAT Response Man- Vegetoted Sandand Method Bedrock Mode Sand Shores Grovel Grovel Mud Wetlands PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHODS 1,2,8° 18 34 9 5 6 79 10 > Natural Recovery A AA A Ac A ASA Booming amsna thes pqusnepnna ronepeaniecamanse eter oe Ceteve re comme 7 cam ee ee ee Barriers/Berms Physical jerding : 7 we " Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning - Mechaniéal Oil Removal Low-Pressure, Cold-Water i High-Pressure, Cold-Water Flushing Low-Pressure, Hot-Water Flushing : “High-F Pressure, Hot-Water | Flushing Steam Cleaning . ‘Sand Blasting: ee CHEMICAL RESPONSE METHODS May cause Se Insufficient t Information - impact or effectiveness of the method could not be be evalunted at this ti time. ne re ee I TT TE I ‘= Not appliable for this oil type. ~ ycled paper coologs vie " recycled pi ecology and environment 18 Table 10. MEDIUM OILS: Summary of relative environmental impact from response methods for spills in water environments. WATER ENVIRONMENT Response Open Lorge Small Small Method Water Rivers Lokes/Ponds Rivers/Streams ——— PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHODS Barriers/Berms: - Physical Herding - = atthe cee Manual il Removal/Cleaning a ae mmgncreg i a HE HS Sree age wing cat Siics wre ised to compare the: . Seca Rte oe g categories are. aia aenalne ins DO Enea ‘or fas speci jc environment or habitat for each oil ype, using the following definitions: D- May cause the most adverse habitat impact. insufficent Information ~ impact impact or effectiveness of the method could not be evalua = Not applicable tor this oil type. 19 Table 11. MEDIUM OILS: Summary of relative environmental impact from response methods for spills in shoreline habitats. SHORELINE HABITAT Response Man- Vegetated Sandond Method Bedrock Mode Sand Shores Grove! Gravel Mud Wetlands PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHODS eee 1,2,8° 18 34 7 9 | it 5 6 7 79 10 Debris Removal Sediment Reworking hound Vegetation Removal Sand Blasting a CHEMICAL RESPONSE METHODS Keys 5 F a < = ” Fine as 2 ie % a > the sowing categories are are used to compare the relative environmental impact ‘ot wach response E method tor the specitic environment A= - “May cause the Teast adverse habitat impact “Ce May cause significant adverse habitat impact. ‘May Causé the ‘most sdverse habitat impact >= SY cpr Sm et Insufficient Information - impact or effectiveness of the method ‘could not be evaluated at thi a exomeren cme LLY LTT TTT IF recycled paper ecology and environment Table 12. HEAVY OILS: Summary of relative environmental impact from response methods for spills in water environments. WATER ENVIRONMENT Response Open large Small Small Method Water _— Rivers Lokes/Ponds Rivers/Streams PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHODS - Natural Recovery Cc Booming | - “Skimming: See on Rasa Barriers/Berms Physical Herding - Manual Oil RemovallCleaning Mechanical: oil Rerfioval Low-Pressure, ; Cold—Water, Flushing High- -Pressure, Cold-Water Flushing Low-Pressure, Hot-Water Flushing: . Sie Ate htt sis eed aia High-Pressure, Hot-Water Flushing Sand Blasting CHEMICAL RESPONSE METHODS — pe tall ‘The following categories are used to’compare the relative environmental for the specific environment or habitat for each oil type, ies used te oa following definitions: (D- “May cause the most adverse habitat i impact . insufficient Information — impact or effectiveness of the ati Could not’ be evaluated at this time: *." = Not applicable for this oil. type. Table 13. HEAVY OILS: Summary of relative environmental impact from response methods for spills in shoreline habitats. SHORELINE HABITAT Response Man- Vegetoted Sandand Method Bedrock Made Sand Shores Gravel Grovel Mud Wetlonds PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHODS 2, B 34 High-Pressu , .Cold-Water Flushing soe ceon omega a eco arom: CHEMICAL ‘RESPONSE: METHODS ~ The following categories are used ry compa} “Ae May cause the least adverse habitat a rs i se-some adverse habitat impact ~ C = May cause significant adverse habitat oe | Da = "May Cause the most adverse! habitat'impact =* Theanine a ae tan a |= Insufficient Information - impact or effectiveness of the method could no} be evaluated at this t time. $2*'=" Not applicable for: this ‘oil type: Tey recycled paper ecology and environment 22 3.3. LARGE RIVERS Habitat Description Large rivers have varying salinities, meandering channels, and high flow rates (currents usually greater than one knot). These rivers are not necessarily navigable to large vessels. If they are, the environment can include associated locks, dams, pools, and other manmade structures. Examples of large rivers include the Mississippi River and its major tributaries, the Hudson River, the Delaware River, and the Columbia River. Water levels vary seasonally, with potential for reversal of water flow up tributaries and into backwater lakes during high water. Floodplains are common characteristics of large rivers. Floods generate high suspended sediment and debris loads. In northern regions, ice covers the surface in winter. River banks or bars are discussed in the sections on shore habitats (Sections 3.6 to 3.13), and backwater lakes are discussed in Section 3.4. Sensitivity Large rivers have medium sensitivity to oil spill impact because, even though they have high natural removal rates, they also have extensive biological and human use. Biological resources of concern include concentrations of migratory waterfowl and shorebirds, fish, and endangered mussel beds. Under flood conditions, river floodplains contain highly sensitive areas that are important habitats for many valuable species. Floating vegetation is present in areas of low flow. Recreational use of rivers is very high, and many are major transportation corridors. Drinking, industrial, and cooling water intakes are quite vulnerable to oil spills in this environment because of turbulent mixing, and they often shut down when slicks are present. High currents, eddies, mid-river bars, ice formation, and flooding may complicate response measures in this habitat. Water flow across weirs and dams is of special concern because it is often turbulent and likely to emulsify oil slicks as they pass over these structures. Emulsified oil has a density close to water; it can readily suspend beneath the surface and remain in the water column as it moves through a series of locks and dams. Also, oil can adsorb onto sediment particles, which then settle out in quiet backwaters, potentially contaminating these habitats. LARGE RIVER Flowing Water ~<+— Flood Plain —> |< Channel ——————— 29 30 Table 15. Relative environmental impact from response methods for LARGE RIVER environments Gasoline Diesel- Medium Heavy Response Method Products Like Oils Oils Oils Booming - Deflection/Exclusion. A LA Booming - Containment - Skimming/Vacuum Natural Recovery Physical Herding Sorbents In-Situ. Burning Emulsion Treating Agents - Vegetation Removal on Debris Removal . / Visco-Elastic Agents/Solidifiers Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning Mechanical Oil Removal Dispersants Herding Agents Nutrient Enrichment Natural Microbe Seedin (opt A A A A B B B B B B B !' owl DOWOWWNWOXx Yb 1oo1 oo! \ A A B B B B B B B B B B Cc -D | | The following categories are used to compare the relative environmental impact of each response method for the specific environment or habitat for each oil type, using the following definitions: A= May cause the least adverse habitat impact. B = May cause some adverse habitat impact. C = May cause significant adverse habitat impact. D = May cause the most adverse habitat impact. | = Insufficient Information - impact or effectiveness of the method could not be evaluated at this time. *.* = Not applicable for this oil type. recycled paper ecology and environment RESPONSE METHODS: -LARGE RIVER ENVIRONMENTS Least Adverse Habitat Impact Booming * Used primarily for diverting slicks towards collection points in low-current areas * Safety concerns limit the containment of gasoline spills; however, booms can be used to exclude or deflect the spill away from sensitive resources Skimming/Vacuum * Not applicable to gasoline spills because of safety concerns Some Adverse Habitat Impact Natural Recovery * For small gasoline and diesel-like spills, evaporation and natural dispersion would rapidly remove surface slicks * For all other types and sizes of spills, oil recovery and/or protection of sensitive resources should be attempted Physical Herding * May be needed to flush oil trapped in debris, eddies, etc. toward recovery devices ° Water spray onto gasoline spills will likely enhance mixing of the product into the water column Sorbents * Not applicable to gasoline spills because of safety concerns and inhibition of evaporation * May not be practical for large rivers because oil will spread and drift rapidly © Overuse results in excess waste generation In-Situ Burning . * May not be practical in rivers because oil will spread rapidly ¢ Containment and maintenance of minimum thickness for burning (1-3 millimeters) is difficult in fast currents Emulsion-Treating Agents * Not applicable for gasoline products, which do not emulsify 31 Vegetation Removal * May be considered where oil is trapped in floating vegetation along shore and in eddies * Removal of oiled vegetation may be required to prevent secondary oiling of wildlife or chronic sheening Debris Removal e River debris can trap persistent oils, causing chronic sheening and exposure of aquatic resources Visco-Elastic Agents/Solidifiers ¢ Not applicable to gasoline spills because of safety concerns during application and inhibition of evaporation ¢ Recovery of treated oil may be difficult * May not be practical in rivers because oil will spread and drift rapidly ¢ Not effective on heavy oils, which are too viscous to allow the product to mix into the oil Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning ¢ Concentrations of heavy oils that have hardened into solid or semi-solid masses can be manually picked up, from boat or shore / ¢ Hand tools can be used to pick up small accumulations of oiled debris ¢ Operations conducted from boats minimize potential for habitat disruption by trampling onshore Mechanical Oil Removal / * May be needed to recover large amounts of oil/oily debris trapped in booms or along shore ¢ Equipment can be operated from barges with less impact; shore-based operations are likely to cause localized disruption of shoreline habitat Probable Adverse Habitat Impact Dispersants ' ¢ Inhibit the evaporation of gasoline spills ¢ Not effective on heavy or weathered oils ¢ For large spills, limited dilution of dispersed oil in rivers likely to raise toxicity concerns ¢ Impacts on water intakes downstream would have to be evaluated ecology and environment 32 recycled paper Most Adverse Habitat Impact Herding Agents ¢ High currents make proper application difficult and carry product away ¢ Not applicable to heavy oils because oil must be fluid Insufficient Information Nutrient Enrichment and Natural Microbe Seeding ¢ Not applicable to gasoline and diesel-like oil spills because they rapidly evaporate ¢ There is insufficient information on impact and effectiveness for other oil types, particularly for applications in rivers 33 3.4 SMALL LAKES AND PONDS l-labitat Description Lakes and ponds are standing bodies of water of variable size and water depth. Waves and currents are generally very low, although the water surface can become choppy. Water levels can fluctuate widely over time, particularly on manmade lakes. Smaller ponds can completely freeze over in winter. The bottom sediments close to shore can be soft and muddy, and the surrounding land can include wet meadows and marshes. Floating vegetation can be common. The rate of water exchange is highly variable within this group, ranging from days to years. These water bodies can include sections of a river with low flow rates (e.g., behind diversion dams) or that are somewhat isolated from regular flow (e.g., backwater lakes or oxbow lakes). Isolated water bodies, such as kettle lakes, are unique members of this category because they have no surface water outflow, and therefore have very low flushing rates. In shallow water, boat operations would be limited and most response operations would be conducted from shore. Sensitivity Small lakes and ponds have medium to high sensitivity to oil spill impact because of low physical removal rates, limited dilution and flushing of oil mixed into the water column, and high biological and human use. They provide valuable habitat for migrating and nesting birds and mammals, and support important fisheries. Small lakes can be the focus of local recreational activities. Associated wetlands have higher sensitivities and are discussed in Section 3.13. Wind will control the distribution of slicks, holding the oil against a lee shore or spreading it along shore and into catchment areas. Wind shifts can completely change the location of slicks, contaminating previously clean areas. Thus, early protection of sensitive areas is important. The inlet and outlet are key areas for focusing protection efforts. Oil impacts on floating vegetation depend to a large degree on dose, with possible elimination of plants at high doses. Section 5 addresses sinking oils and response under ice conditions. recycled paper ceologs and environment 34: —+— Submerged —> Table 16. Relative environmental impact from response methods for SMALL LAKE and POND environments. Gasoline Diesel: Medium Heavy Response Method Products Like Oils _ Oils Oils —— - ee Booming - DeflectioWExciusion A A A Booming - Containment - Skimming/Vacuum - Sorbents Natural Recovery In-Situ Burning Herding Agents Debris Removal Vegetation Removal _ Physical Herding . Visco-Elastic Agents/Solidifiers Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning - Mechanical Oil Removal - Dispersants D Emulsion Treating Agents - Nutrient Enrichment - Natural Microbe Seeding - The following categories are used to compare the relative environmental impact of each response method for the specific environment or habitat for each oil type, using the following definitions: A= May cause the least adverse habitat impact. B = May cause some adverse habitat impact. C = May cause significant adverse habitat impact. D = May cause the most adverse habitat impact. | = Insufficient Information - impact or effectiveness could not be evaluated at this time. *." = Not applicable for this oil type. > 1worii Oo: t ' —-—--V0O0ODWWDDBDVMWOWOSYD —--—-—-V0N00WWDWDWDWWDO YS YY —-—--—-1900!10DNDDIWDWOYY>Y recycled paper ecology and environment 36 RESPONSE METHODS: SMALL LAKE AND POND ENVIRONMENTS Least Adverse Habitat Impact Booming ¢ Use containment booms to keep oil from spreading ¢ Safety concerns limit the containment of gasoline spills; however, booms can be used to exclude or deflect the spill away from sensitive resources Skimming/Vacuum ¢ Not applicable to gasoline spills because of safety concerns ¢ Land-based operations need site-specific restrictions and monitoring to minimize physical destruction Sorbents ¢ Overuse results in excess waste generation ¢ Inhibit the evaporation of gasoline spills Some Adverse Habitat Impact Natural Recovery ¢ Low impact for light oils but may have significant impact for medium crudes and heavier fuel oils because they persist and affect shoreline habitats In-Situ Burning e Less environmental impact in winter when snow and ice provide some protection, plants are dormant, and fewer animals are present ¢ Safety concerns limit containment of gasoline, but may be safely used with natural containment, such as gasoline trapped in ice Herding Agents ¢ Most effective under calm conditions: ¢ Should be coupled with recovery when used to protect sensitive habitats. ¢ Not effective on heavy oils because oil must be fluid 37 Debris Removal * Debris may be associated with nests or living areas (e.g., beaver lodges), so impacts on resident animal habitat may need consideration ¢ Operate from small boats to minimize substrate disruption Vegetation Removal * If oil is trapped in floating vegetation, may be only way to recover the oil in the absence of water currents ¢ May be appropriate to prevent secondary oiling of wildlife Physical Herding e¢ Care should be taken not to drive oil into the water column or sediment Visco-Elastic Agents/Solidifiers ¢ Visco-elastic agents, by improving overall oil recovery from the water surface, reduce secondary shoreline oiling * Not applicable to gasoline spills because of safety concerns during application and inhibition of evaporation ¢ Not effective on heavy oils, which are too viscous to allow the product to mix into the oil Probable Adverse Habitat Impact Manual Oil Remoual/Cleaning ¢ Inherent inefficiency of manual removal of fluid oils would require large crews or repeated entries, resulting in disruption to substrate and wildlife ° Not applicable for gasoline spills because of safety concerns Mechanical Oil Removal ¢ May be needed where oil has heavily contaminated bottom sediments ° May require very intrusive recovery techniques Most Adverse Habitat Impacts Dispersants ¢ Inhibit the evaporation of gasoline spills ¢ Shallow water depths and low dilution rates may result in high aquatic toxicity from oil/dispersant mixtures 2 ecology and environment 38 recycled paper Insufficient Information Emulsion-Treating Agents ¢ Not applicable to oils that do not form emulsions, such as gasoline * Insufficient toxicity data to evaluate environmental impact of shallow freshwater environment use Nutrient Enrichment and Natural Microbe Seeding * Not applicable to gasoline spills because they rapidly evaporate © There is insufficient information on impact and effectiveness for other oil types e There are special concerns about nutrient overloading in small, restricted water bodies . 39 3.5 SMALL RIVERS AND STREAMS Habitat Description Small rivers and streams are characterized by shallow water (generally 1-2 meters) and narrow channels. Water flow can be highly variable, both throughout the seasons and with distance downstream. This grouping includes a wide range of waterbodies, from fast-flowing streams with low falls and numerous rapids over bedrock and gravel, to slow-moving bayous bordered by low muddy banks and fringed with vegetation. Sections of the channel may be choked with log jams and debris, and mid-channel bars and islands can divide water flow into multiple channels. Both boat and vehicular access can be very limited; often the only access will be at bridge crossings. Ice may further complicate response measures in this habitat. Sensitivity Small rivers and streams have medium to high sensitivity to oil spill impact. Oil spills may have more of an impact on small rivers and streams than on large rivers due to a variety of conditions, such as lower flow conditions, lower dilution rates, lower overall energy, and greater range of natural habitats. Fish spawn in streams and the tributaries of larger rivers; thus, the most sensitive, early life stages can be present. Fringing wetlands and adjacent floodplains are closely connected to small rivers and streams, and they are areas of high biological use and low natural removal rates. Slicks usually contaminate both banks, and non-viscous oils are readily mixed into the entire water column in shallow streams, potentially exposing both aquatic and benthic organisms to oil. Initial weathering rates may be slower because spreading and evaporation are restricted in narrow channels and heavy vegetation cover. Fish kills are possible for spills ranging from gasoline to medium crude oils. Many different kinds of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians use the stream bank habitats, and there can be localized high mortality rates of these animals. Spills can cause closure of water intakes for drinking water, irrigation, or industrial use along small rivers. A more aggressive Tesponse may be appropriate to prevent contamination of downstream habitat, particularly if water intakes, populated areas, or special habitat resources are present. 40 recycled paper ecology and environment SMALL RIVERS / STREAMS Flood Plain 41 Table 17. Relative environmental impact from response methods for SMALL RIVER and STREAM environments. Gasoline Diesel- Medium Heavy Response Method Products Like Oils Oils Oils Booming - Defiection/Exclusion A Skimming A Booming - Containment - Vacuum Sorbents Barriers/Berms Physical Herding Natural Recovery Debris Removal Visco-Elastic Agents/Solidifiers Vegetation Removal In-Situ Burning Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning Mechanical Oil Removal Dispersants i Herding Agents Emulsion Treating Agents Nutrient Enrichment Natural Microbe Seedin : . ; > 1otwtrowi 'OwWUDWD! wWOwrYrYYYyDD 1ouot ---VVN0VD0DHABWDOFHHHeDB ---1 ---VOUV9N NO TWMAWOAWYYYY yD The following categories are used to compare the relative environmental impact of each response method for the specific environment or habitat for each oil type, using the following definitions: A= May cause the least adverse habitat impact. B = May cause some adverse habitat impact. C = May cause significant adverse habitat impact. D = May cause the most adverse habitat impact. | = Insufficient Information - impact or effectiveness of the method could not be evaluated at this time. *.* = Not applicable for this oil type. ecology and environment 42 recycled paper RESPONSE METHODS: SMALL RIVER AND STREAM ENVIRONMENTS Least Adverse Habitat Impact Booming ¢ Used primarily to divert slicks towards collection points in low-current areas * Safety concerns limit the containment of gasoline spills; however, booms can exclude or deflect the spill away from sensitive resources e Expect low effectiveness with fast currents, shallow water, and steep banks Skimming/Vacuum ¢ To protect public health and downstream resources where spreading is limited, recovery of large gasoline spills could be attempted with firefighting foam to suppress vapors and respiratory protection for workers Sorbents ¢ Deploy in booms to recover sheens in low-current areas and along shore e Trampling of stream bank and bed habitats during deployment and recovery of sorbents can disrupt streamside vegetation and drive oil into the sediment © Overuse results in excess waste generation Barriers/Berms ¢ Potential for physical disruption and sediment contamination in immediate area _ of the barrier /berm ¢ If all or most of the flow is diverted, may need to monitor water requirements to habitats downstream of the barrier to mitigate potential impacts ¢ Safety concerns limit actions at gasoline spills, although berms built ahead of the slick could be used to exclude oil from sensitive areas, such as side channels Some Adverse Habitat Impact Physical Herding © May be only means to flush oil trapped in log jams, beaver dams, behind rocks, and in vegetation/debris along banks to downstream collection areas ¢ Spraying of gasoline spills can mix the oil into the water column Natural Recovery * For small gasoline and diesel-like oil spills, evaporation and natural dispersion would rapidly remove surface slicks ¢ For all other types and sizes of spills, recovery of free or pooled oil and/or protection of sensitive resources should.be attempted Debris Removal ¢ Will release trapped oil and speed natural flushing rates Visco-Elastic Agents/Solidifiers ¢ Visco-elastic agents may speed recovery of contained oil when time is critical * Solidifiers may immobilize even gasoline spills, preventing their transport downstream and further impact * Ineffective on heavy oils, which are too viscous to allow the product to mix into the oil Vegetation Removal ° May be needed to remove oil trapped in floating and fringing vegetation ¢ Remove oiled vegetation to prevent chronic sheening in sensitive areas or secondary oiling of wildlife * Monitor crews to minimize physical disturbance, which can be severe In-Situ Burning * May be difficult to protect stream-side vegetation * Safety concerns limit containment of gasoline, but may be safely used if natural containment is present * Less impact in winter when snow/ice provide some protection, plants are dormant, and fewer animals are present ¢ May not be practical in fast flowing streams where containment and maintenance of minimum slick thickness (1-3 millimeters) may be difficult Probable Adverse Habitat Impact Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning ¢ Viable for heavy oils that have solidified versus fluid oils that have spread ¢ Stream bank disruption likely from movement of work crews recycled paper ecology and environment Mechanical Oil Removal * Only consider when large amounts of solidified oi] have accumulated in the stream channel and need to be removed quickly Most Adverse Habitat Impact Dispersants ¢ Enhanced mixing of oil into the water column with restricted dilution will increase acute toxicity to aquatic organisms tlerding Agents * Toxicity concerns when early life stages are present * May not be practical due to fast currents and rough water surface ¢ Oil must be fluid, so not appropriate to heavy oils Insufficient Information Emulsion-Treating Agents ¢ Insufficient toxicity data to evaluate environmental impact of shallow freshwater environment use * Not applicable to oils that do not form emulsions, such as gasoline Nutrient Enrichment and Natural Microbe Seeding * Not applicable to gasoline spills because they rapidly evaporate ¢ There is insufficient information on impact and effectiveness, particularly for applications in small rivers and streams 45 a nee ee an tame PTET SS RISE TASS ase Eee a 4+.0 SPILL RESPONSE METHODS This section describes methods previously categorized for use during response to oil spills in inland environments and habitats. The methods are used in the protection, recovery, and cleanup phases of a response. The main objective of protection is to keep oil out of a habitat or to reduce the amount that enters. Recovery consists of removing floating oil from the water surface. The cleanup phase consists of removing stranded oil from shoreline habitats via physical, chemical, and enhanced biological means. In most spill response situations, protection and oil recovery are the immediate goals. Combinations of protection, recovery, and cleanup methods are commonly used though these guidelines treat each method separately. The following section includes a summary of the objective in using the method, a general description of the method, applicable habitat types, conditions under which the methods should be used, biological constraints commonly applied to the use of the method to protect sensitive resources, and the environmental effects expected from the proper use of the method. Some of the methods listed require special authorization for use during a spill; the appropriate agency must be contacted about the need for special approvals. We encourage you to refer to the references listed in Appendix A for further information. lhysical Response Methods 1 Natural Recovery 11 Sediment Reworking 2 Booming 12 Vegetation Removal 3 Skimming 13 In-Situ Buming . 4 Barrier/Berm 14 Flooding 5 Physical Herding 15 Low-Pressure, Cold-Water Flushing 6 Manual Oil Removal/Cleaning 16 High-Pressure, Cold-Water Flushing 7 Mechanical Oil Removal 17 Low-Pressure, Hot-Water Flushing 8 Sorbents 18 High-Pressure, Hot-Water Flushing 9 Vacuum 19 Steam Cleaning 10 Debris Removal 2. Sand Blasting 95 Chemical Response Methods 21 Dispersants & Solidifiers 2 Emulsion Treating Agents 2 Chemical Shoreline Pretreatment 23 Visco-Elastic Agents 2 Shoreline Cleaning Agents 24 Herding Agents Biological Response Methods 2 Nutrient Enrichment 2 Natural Microbial Seeding 1. Natural Recovery Objective No attempt to remove any stranded oil in order to minimize impact to the environment, or because there is no proven effective method for cleanup. Description No action is taken, although monitoring of the incident continues. Applicable Habitat Types Can be used on all habitat types. When to Use On remote or inaccessible habitats, when natural temoval rates are very fast-(e.g., the evaporation of gasoline), when the degree of oiling is light, or when cleanup actions will do more harm than natural removal. Biological Constraints This method may be inappropriate for areas where high numbers of mobile animals (birds, terrestrial mammals) or endangered species use the body of water or shoreline. Environmental Effects Same as from the oil alone. % logy and environment recycled paper il oi 7. Mechanical Oil Removal Objective Removal of oil from water surface, bottom sediments, and shorelines with heavy cquipment. Description Oil and oiled sediments are collected and removed using backhoes, dredges, graders, bulldozers, draglines, etc. On land, the oiled material is pushed into piles and transported offsite for treatment/disposal. On water, the equipment is operated from shore or barges to recover large amounts of heavy or solidified oil. Applicable Habitat Types On land, possible wherever there are surface sediments accessible to heavy equipment. On water, used in lakes, rivers, etc., where oil accumulates. When to Use When large amounts of oiled materials have to be collected and removed. Along shorelines, care should be taken to remove sediments only to the depth of oil penetration, which can be difficult with heavy equipment. Should be used carefully where excessive sediment removal may erode the beach. Will need special permission to use in areas with known cultural resources. 1siological Constraints Heavy equipment may be restricted in sensitive habitats (e.g., wetlands, soft substrate) or areas containing endangered plants and animals. Environmental Effects The equipment is heavy, with many support personnel required. May be detrimental if excessive sediments are removed without replacement. All organisms in the sediments will be affected, although the need to remove the oil may make this response method the best overall alternative. Runoff from exposed oil and fine-grained oily sediments can affect adjacent bodies of water. 101 8. Sorbents Objective To remove floating oil by adsorption onto oleophilic material placed in water or at the waterline. Description Sorbent material is placed on the water surface, allowing it to absorb oil as it is released by natural processes. Forms include sausage boom, rolls, sweeps, pads, and snares. Efficacy depends on the capacity of the Particular sorbent, energy available for lifting oil off the substrate, and stickiness of the oil. Recovery of all sorbent material is mandatory. Applicable tabitat Types Can be used on any habitat or environment type. When to Use When the stranded oil is mobile and transport of oil is expected on or off the site.. The oil must be viscous and thick enough to be released by the substrate and absorbed by the sorbent. Often used as a secondary treatment method after gross oil removal and in sensitive areas where access is restricted. Biological Constraints Access for deploying and retrieving sorbents should not affect soft or sensitive habitats or wildlife. Sorbent use should be monitored to prevent overuse and generating large volumes of waste. Environmental Effects Physical disturbance of habitat during deployment and retrieval. When the sorbents are no longer effective, oil may remain in critical habitats during sensitive periods. 9. Vacuum Objective To remove free oil pooled on the substrate or from the water in sheltered areas. Description A vacuum unit with a suction head recovers’free oil. The equipment can range from small, portable units that fill individual 55-gallon drums to large supersuckers that are 102 recycled paper ecology and environment truck-mounted and can lift large rocks. Can be used with booms and flushing systems to move the oil toward the suction head. Removal rates from substrates can be extremely slow. Applicable Habitat Types Any accessible habitat type. May be mounted on barges for water-based operations, on trucks backed to the recovery area, or hand-carried to remote sites. When to Use When free, liquid oil is stranded on the substrate (usually in depressions), trapped in vegetation and is readily accessible, or concentrated on the water surface. Often used instead of skimmers for floating oil recovery. Usually requires shoreline access points. Used in recovery of gasoline spills only with special precautions such as: applying foam to suppress vapors, testing for flammable vapor, locating the vacuum truck a safe distance from spill, and venting the pump discharge safely. Biological Constraints Special restrictions should be identified for areas where foot traffic and equipment operation should be limited, such as soft substrates. Operations in wetlands need to be very closely monitored, with a site-specific list of restrictions. {[:nvironmental Effects Minimal if foot and vehicular traffic is controlled and minimal substrate is removed. 10. Debris Removal Objective To remove contaminated debris from the shoreline or water surface. Description Manual or mechanical removal of debris from the shore or water surface. Can include cutting up and removal of oiled logs. Applicable tiabitat Types Can be used on any habitat or environment type where safe access is allowed. When to Use 103 When driftwood and debris are heavily contaminated and Provide a potential source of chronic oil release, an aesthetic problem, a source of contamination for other organisms in the arca, or skimmer clogging problems. Biological Constraints Disturbance to adjacent areas should be minimized. Foot traffic over sensitive areas (wetlands, spawning grounds) needs to be restricted. May be periods when access should be restricted (spawning periods, large numbers of migratory waterbirds). Environmental Effects Physical disruption of substrate, especially when equipment must be deployed to recover a large quantity of debris. 11. Sediment Reworking Objective To rework oiled sediments to break up the oil deposits, increase its surface area, and mix deep subsurface oil layers, which will expose the oil to natural removai processes and enhance the rate of oil degradation. Description The oiled sediments are roto-tilled, disked, or otherwise mechanically mixed using heavy equipment. Along lake shores, oiled sediments may also be pushed lower on the shore to enhance natural cleanup from teworking by wave activity. The process may be aided with high-volume flushing of gravel. Applicable Habitat Types On any sedimentary substrate that can support heavy equipment. When to Use On sand to gravel beaches with subsurface oil, where sediment removal is not feasible (due to erosion concerns or disposal problems). Also where surface oil deposits have started to form pavements or crusts. Appropriate for sites where the oil is stranded above the normal water level. ecology and environment 104 recycied paper sigelogical Constraints Avoid use on shores near water intakes, fish-spawning areas, or near bird-nesting or concentration areas because of the potential for release of oil and oiled sediments into adjacent bodies of water. Environmental Effects Due to the mixing of oil into sediments, this method could further expose organisms that live below the original layer of oil. Repeated mixing over time could delay re- establishing organisms. Runoff from treated sites could contaminate downslope areas. 12. Vegetation Removal Objective To cut and remove oiled vegetation to prevent oiling of wildlife or chronic oil releases. Description Manual cutting of oiled rooted vegetation using weed eaters. Cut vegetation is raked up. Floating vegetation is removed either manually or mechanically. Applicable Habitat Types Wetlands composed of emergent, herbaceous vegetation and floating aquatic vegetation. When to Use When the risk of oiled vegetation contaminating wildlife is greater than the value of the vegetation that is to be cut, and there is no less destructive method that removes or reduces the risk to acceptable levels. Biological Constraints Operations must be strictly monitored to minimize the degree of root destruction and mixing of oil deeper into the sediments. Access in bird-nesting areas should be restricted during nesting seasons. Environmental Effects Vegetation removal will destroy habitat for many animals. Cut areas will have reduced plant growth. Along exposed sections of shoreline, the vegetation may not regrow, eroding and destroying the habitat. Trampled areas will recover much more slowly. 105 13. In-Situ Burning Objective To remove oil from the water surface or habitat by burning. Description Oil floating on the water surface is collected into slicks at least 2-3 millimeters thick and ignited. The oil can be contained in fire resistant booms, or by natural barriers such as ice or the shore. On land, oil in the habitat is burned, usually when it is on a combustible substrate such as vegetation, logs, and other debris. Oil can be burned off non-flammable substrates using a bum promoter. On sedimentary substrates, it may be necessary to dig trenches for oil to accumulate in pools thick enough to burn efficiently. Heavy and emulsified oils are harder to ignite and sustain an efficient burn, but are still burnable. Applicable Habitat Types On any habitat type except dry muddy substrates where heat may impact the biological Productivity of the habitat. When to Use On floating slicks, early in the spill event when the oil can kept thick enough (2-3 millimeters). On land, where there is heavy oil in sites not amenable or accessible to physical removal and it is important to immobilize the stranded oil quickly. In wetlands and mud habitats, a water layer minimizes impacts to sediments and roots. Many potential applications for spills in ice. Biological Constraints Large volumes of smoke are generated, and its effect on nesting birds and populated areas should be evaluated. Environmental Effects Temperature and air quality effects are likely to be localized and short-lived. Toxicological impact from burn residues have not been evaluated. There are few studies on the relative effects of burning oiled wetlands compared to other techniques or natural recovery, but the limited data indicate little impact of burning relative to natural recovery when the soils are saturated. ie ecycied paper ecology and environment recy 14. Flooding Objiechue ‘To wash oil stranded on the land surface to the water’s edge for collection. Description A perforated header pipe or hose is placed above the oiled shore or bank. Ambient water is pumped through the header pipe at low pressures and flows downslope to the water. On porous sediments, water flows through the substrate, pushing loose oil ahead of it (or floats oil to the water’s surface) then transports the oil down the slope for pickup. Flow is maintained to remove the majority of free oil. Oil is trapped by booms and is recovered by skimmers or other suitable equipment. Applicable Labitat Types All habitat types. When to Use In heavily oiled areas when the oil is still fluid and loosely adheres to the substrate, and where oil has penetrated into gravel sediments. This method is frequently used with other washing techniques (low- or high-pressure, cold water). Biological Constraints Not appropriate where nearshore sediments contain rich biological communities. Linvironmental Effects ITabitat may be physically disturbed by foot traffic during operations and smothered by sediments washed down the slope. Oiled sediment may be transported to shallow nearshore areas, contaminating them and burying benthic organisms. 15. Low-Pressure, Cold-Water Flushing Objective To remove liquid oil that has adhered to the substrate or manmade structures, pooled on the surface, or become trapped in vegetation. Description 107 Ambient water is sprayed at low pressures (<50 psi), usually from hand-held hoses, to lift oil from the substrate and direct it to the water's edge for pickup. Can be used with a flooding system to prevent released oil from re-adhering to the substrate. Applicable Habitat Types On heavily oiled substrates, riprap, and seawalls where the oil is still liquid. In wetlands and along vegetated banks where free oil is trapped in vegetation. When to Use Where free, liquid oil is stranded onshore or floating in very shallow areas. 2iGlogical Constraints Not appropriate where nearshore sediments contain rich biological communities: May need to restrict use so that the oil/water effluent does not drain across sensitive habitats. Use from boats will prevent foot traffic in soft substrates and vegetation. Released oil must be recovered to prevent further oiling of adjacent areas. Environmental Effects If containment methods are not sufficient, contamination may be flushed into downstream areas. Some trampling of substrate and vegetation is unavoidable. 16. High-Pressure, Cold-Water Flushing Objective To remove oil that has adhered to hard substrates or manmade structures. Description Similar to low-pressure flushing except that water pressure is 100-1,000 psi. High- Pressure spray will more effectively remove sticky or viscous oils. If water volumes are low, sorbents are placed directly below the treatment area to recover oil. Applicable Habitat Types Bedrock, manmade structures, and gravel habitats. When to Use When low-pressure flushing is not effective at removing adhered oil, which must be removed to prevent continued oil release or for aesthetic reasons. When a directed water jet can remove oil from hard-to-reach sites. ms recycled paper ecology and environment Pilot CONSIFAINIS May need to restrict flushing so that the oil/water effluent does not drain across sensitive habitats. Released oil must be recovered to prevent further oiling of adjacent areas. Linvironmental Effects May drive oil deeper into the substrate if water jet is improperly applied. If containment methods are not sufficient, contamination may be flushed into downstream areas. Some trampling of substrate and vegetation is unavoidable. 17. Low-Pressure, Hot-Water Flushing Objective To remove non-liquid oil that has adhered to the substrate or manmade structures, or pooled on the surface. Deseription Hot water (90°F up to 170°F) is sprayed with hoses at low pressures (<50 psi) to liquefy and lift oil from the substrate and direct it to the water’s edge for pickup. Used with flooding to prevent released oil from re-adhering to the substrate. Applicable labitat Types On heavily oiled bedrock, sand to gravel substrates, and manmade structures. When to Use Where heavy, but relatively fresh oil is stranded onshore. The strategy is to heat the oil to above its pour point, so it will flow. Less effective on sticky oils. iological Constraints Avoid wetlands or nearshore sediments with rich biological communities. Use should be restricted so that the hot oil/water effluent does not contact sensitive habitats. Boat use will prevent foot traffic in soft substrates and vegetation. Released oil must be recovered to prevent further oiling of adjacent areas. 109 Environmental Effects Hot water can kill all organisms in direct contact. If containment methods are not sufficient, contamination may be flushed into downstream areas. Some trampling of substrate and vegetation is unavoidable during the response. 18. High-Pressure, Hot-Water Flushing Objective To mobilize weathered and viscous oil adhered to surfaces. Description Hot water (90°F up to 170°F) is sprayed with hand wands at pressures greater than 100 psi. Used without water flooding, this procedure requires immediate use of vacuum or sorbents to recover the oil/water runoff. When used with a flooding system, the oil is flushed to the water surface for collection by skimmers or sorbents. Applicable Habitat Types Gravel habitats, bedrock, and manmade structures. When to Use When oil has weathered to the point that even warm water at low pressure no longer effectively removes oil, to prevent continued release of oil. To remove viscous oil from manmade structures for aesthetic reasons. Biological Constraints Use should be restricted so that the oil/water effluent does not drain across sensitive habitats (damage can result from exposure to oil, oiled sediments, and hot water). Released oil must be recovered to prevent further oiling of adjacent areas. Environmental Effects All attached organisms and plants in the direct spray zone will be removed or killed, even when used properly. Oiled sediment may be transported to shallow nearshore areas, contaminating them and burying benthic organisms. vy ecology and enviroriment recycled paper 19. Steam Cleaning Objective To remove heavy residual oil from solid substrates. Descripuion Steam or very hot water (170°F to 212°F) is sprayed with hand wands at high pressure. Water volumes are very low compared to flushing methods. Applicable tabitat Types Manmade structures such as seawalls and riprap. When to Use When heavy oil residue remaining on a shoreline needs to be cleaned for aesthetic reasons, and when hot-water wash is not effective. Biological Constraints Not to be used in areas of soft substrate, vegetation, or high biological abundance directly on or below the structure. Environmental Effects Complete destruction of all organisms in the spray zone. Difficult to recover all released oil. 20. Sand Blasting Obj Clive To remove heavy residual oil from solid substrates. Description Use of sandblasting equipment to remove oil from the substrate. May imclude recovery of used (oiled) sand in some cases. Applicable Habitat Types Manmade structures such as seawalls and riprap. 111 When to Use When heavy oil residue is remaining on the shoreline, which needs to be cleaned for aesthetic reasons, and even steam cleaning is not effective. Biological Constraints Not to be used in areas of soft substrate, vegetation, or high biological abundance directly below or adjacent to the structures. Environmental Effects Complete destruction of all organisms in the blast zone. Possible smothering of downstream organisms with sand. When the used sand is not recovered, introduces oiled sediments into the adjacent habitat. 21. Dispersants Objective To remove floating oil from the water surface and disperse it into the water column, to reduce impact to sensitive shoreline habitats and animals that use the water surface. Description Specially formulated products containing surface-active agents are sprayed at concentrations of about 5 percent by volume of the oil onto the slicks by aircraft or from boats. The products can be applied undiluted or mixed with water. The dispersants reduce the oil/water surficial tension and decrease the energy needed for the slick to break into small particles and mix into the water column. Some turbulence is needed to mix the dispersant into the oil and to mix the treated oil into the water. Applicable Habitat Types Open water and large rivers with sufficient depth and volume for mixing and dilution. When to Use When the impact of the floating oil has been determined to be greater than the impact of mixing of oil into the water column. Biological Constraints Use in shallow water could affect benthic resources. The potential impact of dispersed oil on water intakes should be thoroughly considered prior to use. 7 recycled paper ecology and environment Environmental Effects May increase effects on water-column organisms, particularly plankton and larval fish. Dispersion will only be partially effective, so some water surface impact will still occur. 22. Emulsion-Treating Agents Objective To break or destabilize emulsified oil into separate oil and water phases. Can also be used to prevent emulsion formation. Description :mulsion-treating agents are surfactants that are applied to emulsified oil at low concentrations (0.1-2 percent). They can be injected into skimmer reservoirs to break the emulsion to separate excess water from recovered oil. They also can be sprayed (similar to dispersants) directly onto slicks to break or prevent emulsions. Applicable Mabitat Typcs On all water environments where emulsified oil is present. . When to Use For recovered oil, where storage capacities are very limited, to separate the oil and water so that the water can be treated and discharged. On floating slicks, where emulsified oil can reduce skimmer efficiency. Biological Constraints There is insufficient information to evaluate at this time. Environmental Effects Because this is a new application approach, there are very few data available to evaluate environmental effects. Effective dosages are one to two orders of magnitude lower than dispersants. Environmental concerns regarding application to slicks are: how treatment might adversely change the physical or chemical properties of the oil; whether the oil will be more readily dispersed; and how the treated oil will behave upon contact with birds, mammals, and shorelines. 113 23. Visco-Elastic Agents Objective To impart visco-elastic properties to floating oil and increase skimming rates. Description Chemical agent is applied as a liquid spray or a slurry onto the oil in the Proper dosage. Some mixing is required and is usually provided by the water spray during application. Treated oil is rendered visco-elastic, but still fluid, gelatinous, or semi-solid; there is no chemical change in the oil. The primary purpose is to increase the efficiency in skimmer removal rates while minimizing amount of water. Increases the recovery by drum skimmers, but can clog weir-type skimmers. Applicable Habitat Types On all water environments where oil can be contained for recovery with skimmers. Not for use near wetlands or debris because of an increase in adhesive behavior of the treated oil. When to Use When recovery efficiency of skimmers needs to be increased. Must be used with booming or other physical containment. Not for use on heavy oils, which are already highly viscous. 13i0logical Constraints Not suitable for vegetated shores or where there is extensive debris mixed in the oil. Should be avoided when birds or other wildlife that may be more adversely affected by the treated oil cannot be kept away from the treated oil. Environmental Effects May enhance the smothering effect of oil on organisms. Therefore, the treatment should be considered only where recovery of the treated oil is likely. i ecology and environment recycled paper 24. Herding Agents Objective To collect or herd oil into a smaller area and thicker slick in order to increase recovery. Also can be used to herd oil away from sensitive areas or used inside containment booms when it is necessary to move the boom. Description Chemical agents, which are insoluble surfactants and have a high spreading pressure, are applied in small quantities (1-2 gallons per lineal mile) to the clean water surrounding the edge of a fresh oil slick. They contain the oil, prevent spreading, but do not hold the spill in place. Hand-held, vessel-mounted, or aircraft systems can be used. Must be applied early in spill, when oil is still fluid. Applicable Habitat Types On all stillwater environments. When to Use Potential use for collection and protection. For collection, used to push slicks out from under docks and piers where it has become trapped, or in harbors, where the equipment is readily accessible for use early in the spill. For protection in low-current areas, use to push slicks away from sensitive resources such as wetlands. Not effective in fast currents, rough seas, or rainfall. Biological Constraints Not suitable for use in very shallow water or fish-spawning areas. Linvironmental Effects Direct acute toxicity to surface layer organisms possible, though available products vary greatly in their aquatic toxicity. 25. Solidifiers Objective To change the physical state of spilled oil from a liquid to a solid to reduce impact of oil to shorelines. 115 Description Chemical agents (polymers) are applied to oil at rates of 10-45 percent, solidifying the oil in minutes to hours. Various broadcast systems, such as leaf blowers, water cannons, or fire suppression systems, can be modified to apply the product over large areas. Can be applied to both floating and stranded oil. Applicable Habitat Types All water environments, bedrock, sediments, and manmade structures. When to Use When immobilization of the oil is desired, to Prevent refloating from a shoreline, penetration into the substrate, or further spreading. However, the oil may not fully solidify unless the product is well mixed with the oil, and may result in a mix of solid and untreated oil. Generally not used on spills of heavy oil because the Product cannot be readily mixed into viscous oils. Biological Constraints Must be able to recover all treated material. Environmental Effects Available products are insoluble and have very low aquatic toxicity. Unrecovered solidified oil may have longer impact because of slow weathering rates. Physical disturbance is likely during application and recovery. 26. Chemical Shoreline Pretreatment Objective To prevent oil from adhering to or penetrating the substrate. Description Various types of film-forming agents or wetting agents are applied to habitats in advance of the oil to prevent oil adhesion and penetration. Application must occur just prior to stranding of the oil so timing is critical. It should be noted that there are no products now being sold as shoreline pretreatment agents. Applicable Habitat Types Bedrock, sand and gravel habitats, and manmade structures. + ia led paper ecology and environment recyc! When to Use When oil is projected to impact an applicable shoreline, particularly those that have high recreational or aesthetic value. However, lack of information on the availability, effects, and effectiveness of products greatly limits their use. Biological Constraints Unknown at this time but there are likely to be constraints based on product toxicity and persistence. Environmental Effects Unknown at this time since there are no commercially available products. There are concerns about toxicity and smothering since these products could be applied directly on clean substrates. 27. Shoreline Cleaning Agents Objective To increase the efficiency of oil removal from contaminated substrates. Description Special formulations are applied to the substrate, as a presoak and/or flushing solution, to soften or lift weathered or heavy oils to enhance flushing methods. The intent is to lower the water temperature and pressure required to mobilize the oil from the substrate during flushing. Applicable Habitat Types On any habitat where water flooding and flushing procedures are applicable. When to Use When the oil has weathered to the point where it cannot be removed using warm to hot water. This approach may be most applicable where flushing effectiveness decreases as the oil weathers. Biological Constraints The released oil should be recovered rather than dispersed into the water column. Use may be restricted where suspended sediment concentrations are high, near wetlands, sas ¥ and near sensitive nearshore resources. 117 Environmental Effects If more oil is dispersed into the water column, there could be more oil sorbed onto suspended sediments and transferred to nearshore habitats, particularly along sheltered shorelines. The toxicity of shoreline cleaners is similar to the toxicity of dispersants. 28. Nutrient Enrichment Objective To speed the rates of natural microbial degradation of oil by adding nutrients (generally nitrogen and phosphorus). Description Nutrients are applied to the habitat in one of several methods: soluble inorganic formulations, which are dissolved in water and applied as a spray, Tequiring frequent applications; slow-release formulations, which are applied as a solid; and oleophilic formulations, which adhere to the oil itself and are sprayed directly on the oiled areas. Applicable Habitat Types Could be used on any habitat type where safe access is allowed and nutrients are deficient. When to Use On moderately to heavily oiled substrates, after other techniques have been used to remove as much oil as possible; on lightly oiled’ shorelines where other techniques are destructive or not effective; and where nutrients limit natural degradation. Most effective on diesel-type and medium oils that do not have large amounts of high molecular weight, slowly degrading components. Less effective where oil residues are thick. Not considered for gasoline spills, which will be completely removed by evaporation at faster timeframes than by microbial degradation. Biological Constraints Not suitable in shallow water or restricted waterbodies where nutrient overloading may lead to eutrophication, or where toxicity of nutrients, particularly ammonia, is of concern. Contact toxicity of oleophilic formulations may restrict areas of direct application. Toxicity tests should be evaluated carefully, as other chemicals in the product could be toxic to aquatic organisms. a“ ecycied paper ecology and environment if tinvironmenial Effecis Very little information is available on effects in freshwater. 29. Natural Microbe Seeding Objective To speed the rates of microbial degradation of oil by adding live microbes with enhanced oil-degrading abilities. Description Formulations containing hydrocarbon-degrading microbes (usually with fertilizers) are added to the oiled area. The argument is made that indigenous microorganisms will be killed by the oil or will be slow to degrade the oil, so new microbial species need to be added to speed the process of biodegradation. Little information is currently available to show whether natural microbe seeding increases biodegradation more than nutrient enrichment alone. Applicable Habitat Types Could be used on any habitat type where safe access is allowed and additional microbes are needed. When to Use On moderate to heavily oiled substrates, after other techniques have been used to remove as much oil as possible; on lightly oiled shorelines where other techniques are destructive or not effective; and where existing microorganisms are not present or effective. Most effective on diesel-type and medium oils that do not have large amounts of high molecular weight, slowly degrading components. Less effective where oil residues are thick. Not considered for gasoline spills, which will evaporate faster than they would degrade. 13idlogical Constraints If product contains fertilizers, not suitable in shallow water or restricted bodies of water where nutrient overloading may lead to eutrophication, or where toxicity of nutrients, particularly ammonia, is of concern. Toxicity tests should be evaluated carefully, as other chemicals in the product could be toxic to aquatic organisms. + 119 I:nuronmental Effects Very little information is available on effects in freshwater. 120 recycled paper ecology and environment 6/91 Motor grader/ front-end loader Bulldozer/ rubber-tired front-ead loader SHORELINE CLEANUP TECHNIQUES Motor grader forms windrows for pickup by elevating scraper. Elevating scraper picks up contaminated material direcuy off beach. Motor grader forms windrows for pickup by front-end loader. Front-end loader picks up materials directly off beach and hauls it to unloading area. Bulldozer pushes contaminated submrate into piles for pickup by front-end loader. Operates from wp of a bank or beach to remove contaminated sediments and loads into trucks. Operates from top of contaminated area to remove oiled sediments. APPENDIX I Primary Use of Cleanup Technique Used primarily on sand and gravel beaches where oil penetration is 0 to 3 cm, and trafficability of beach is good. Can also be used on mudflas. Used on sand and gravel beaches where oil penetration is 0 to 3 cm. Can also be used to remove tar balls or flat patties from the surface of a beach. Used on gravel and sand beaches where oil penetration is less than 2 to 3 cm. This method is slower than using a motor grader and elevating scraper but can be used when elevating scrapers are not available. Can also be used on mudflats. Used on mud, sand or gravel beaches when oil Penetration is moderate and oi] contamination is light to moderate. Rubber-tired front-ead loaders are preferred because they are faster and minimize the disturbance of the surface. Front-end loaders are the preferred choice for removing cobbie sediments. If rubber-tired loader cannot operate, tracked loaders are the next choice. Can also be used to remove extensively oil-contaminated vegetation. Used on coarse sand, gravel or cobble beaches where oil penetration is deep, oil penetration is deep, oi] contamination extensive and wafficability of the beach is poor. Can also be used to remove heavily oil contaminated vegetation. Used to remove oil contaminated sediment (primarily mud or silt) on seep banks. Used on sand, gravel or cobble beaches where trafficability is very poor (i.e., tracked equipment cannot operate) and oil coptamination is extensive. 45 Technique Requirements Good Trafficability. Heavy equipment access. Fair to good trafficability. Heavy equipment access. Fair to good trafficability. Heavy equipment access. Fair to good trafficability for rubber-tire loader. Heavy equipment access. Heavy equipment access. Fair to good trafficability for front-end loader. Heavy equipment access. Stable substrate at top of bank. Heavy equipment access to operating area. Equipment reach covers contaminated area. 6/91 High pressure flushing (hydro- blasting) Steam cleaning Sand-blasting Manual scraping Sump and pump/vacuum Manual removal of oiled materials Low pressure flushing SHORELINE CLEANUP TECHNIQUES High pressure water sreams remove oil from substrate where it is channeied to recovery area. Steam removes oil from substrate where it is channeled to recovery area. Sand moving at high velocity removes oil from substrate. Oil is scraped from substrate manually using hand wols. Oil collects in sump as it moves down the beach and is removed by pump of vacuum truck. Oiled sediments and debris are removed by hand, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, cic. Low pressure water spray flushes oil from substrate where it is channeled to recovery points. Pulled by tractor or self- propelled across beach, picking up tar balls or patties. Sorbents are applied manually to contaminated arcas to soak up oil. APPENDIX I Primary Use of Cleanup Technique Used to remove oil coatings from boulders, rock and manmade sructures; preferred method of removing oil from these surfaces. Used to remove oil coatings from boulders, rocks and manmade structures. Used to remove thin accumulations of oil residue from manmade structures. Used to remove oil from lightly contaminated boulders, rocks and manmade structures or heavy oi] accumulation when other techniques are not allowed. Used on firm sand or mud beaches in the event of continuing oil contamination where sufficient long-shore currents exist and on streams and rivers in conjunction with diversion booming. Used on mud, sand, gravel and cobble beaches when oi] contamination is light or sporadic and oil penetration is slight or on beaches where access for heavy equipment is not available. Used to flush light oils that are not sticky from lightly contaminated mud substrates, cobbies, boulders, rocks, manmade structures and vegetation. Used on sand or gravel beaches, lightly contaminated with oil in the form of hard patties or tar balls. Used to remove pools of light, non-sticky oil from mud, boulders, rocks and manmade structures. 46 Technique Requirements Light vehicular access. Recovery equipment. Light vehicular access. Recovery equipment. Fresh water supply. Light vehicular access. Oi] must be semi-solid. Supply of clean sand. Foot access. Scraping twols and disposal containers. Heavy equipment access. A long- shore current present. Foot or light vehicular access. Light vehicular access. Recovery equipment. Cleanup Technique Manual cutting 18. Burning 19. Vacuum trucks Disc into sub- 6/91 APPENDIX I SHORELINE CLEANUP TECHNIQUES Primary Use of Cleanup Technique Oiled vegetation is cut by hand, collected and stuffed into bags or containers for disposal. Used on oil contaminated vegetation. Used on any subsrate or vegetation where sufficient oil has collected to sustain ignition; if oil is a type thar will support ignition and air pollution regulations so allow. Upwind end of contaminated arca is ignited and allowed to burn to down-wind end. Truck is backed up to oil pool or recovery site where oil is picked up via the vacuum hose. Used to pick up oil on shorelines where pools of oil have formed in natural depressions, or in the absence of skimming equipment to recovery floating oil from the water surface. Bulldozer pushes contaminated substrate into surf zone to accelerate natural cleaning. Used on contaminated cobble and lighuy contaminated gravel beaches where removal of sediments may cause erosion of the beach or backshore area. Tractor fined with a ripper is operated up and down beach. Used on low amenity cobble, gravel or sand beaches or beaches where substrate removal will cause erosion where thick layers of oil have created a pavement on the beach surface. Tractor pulls discing equipment along contaminated area. Used on nonrecreational sand or gravel beaches that are lightly contaminated. No action taken. Oil left to degrade naturally. Used for oil contamination on high energy beaches (primarily cobble, boulder and rock) where wave action will remove mos oil 47 Technique Requirements Foot or boat access. Curing wols. Light vehicular or boat access. Fire control equipment. Heavy equipment access. Large enough pools on land or thick enough oil on water for technique to be effective. Heavy equipment access. High energy shoreline. Heavy equipment access. High energy shoreline. Heavy equipment access. Fair to good trafficability. High energy environment. Elevating scraper Front-end loader - rubber-tired or tracked Bulldozer/ rubber-tired front-end loader Motor grader forms windrows for pickup by elevating scraper. Elevating scraper picks up contaminated material directly off beach. Motor grader forms windrows for pickup by front-end loader. Front-end loader picks up material directly off beach and hauls it to unloading area. Bulldozer pushes contaminated substrate into piles for pickup by front-end loader. Operates from wp of a bank or beach to remove contaminated sediments and loads into trucks. Operates from wp of contaminated area to remove oiled sediments. High pressure water reams remove oil from submrate; oil is channeled to recovery arca. APPENDIX II Removes only upper 3 cm of beach. Removes upper 3 w 10 cm of beach. Minor reduction of beach stability. Erosion and beach retreat. Removes only upper 3 cm of beach. Removes 10 to 25 cm of beach. Reduction of beach stability. Erosion and beach retreat. Removes 15 to 50 cm of beach. Loss of beach stability. Severe erosion and cliff or beach retreat. Inundation of back- shores. Removes 25 to $0 cm of beach or bank. Severe reduction of beach suability and beach retreat. Removes 25 to SO cm of beach. Severe reduction of beach mabilay. Erosion and beach retreat. Can disturb surface of subsrate. IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH CLEANUP TECHNIQUES Removes shallow burrowing Polychactes, bivalves and amphipods. Recolonization likely to rapidly follow natural replenishment of the substrate. Removes shallow and deeper burrowing polychaetes, bivalves and amphipods. Restabilization of substrate; reestablishment of long- lived indigenous fauna may uke several years. Removes shallow burrowing polychaetes, bivalves and amphipods. Recolonization likely to rapidly follow natural replenishment of the substrate. Removes almost: all shallow and deep burrowing organisms. Restabilization of the physical environment slow; new faunal community could develop. Removes all organisms. Restabilization of substrate and repopulation of indigenous fauna is extremely slow; new faunal community could develop in the interim. Removes all organisms. Restabilization of substrate and repopulation of organisms is extremely slow; new faunal community could develop in the interim. Removes all organisms. Restabilization of substrate and repopulation of indigenous fauna is extremely slow; new faunal community could develop in the Removes some organisms and shells from the substrate, damage to remaining organisms variable. Oil not recovered can be toxic to organisms downslope of cleanup activities. Sump and pump/vacuu m Manual removal of oiled materials Low- pressure flushing 6/91 Steam removes oil from substrate where it is channeled to recovery area. Sand moving at high velocity removes oil from substrate. Oil is scraped from substrate manually using hand wols. Oil collects in sump as it moves down the beach and is removed by pump of vacuum truck. Oiled sediments and debris are removed by hand, shovels, rakes, wheelbarrows, etc. Low-pressure water Spray flushes oil from substrate and is channeled to recovery points. Pulled by tractor or seif- propelled across beach picking up tar balls or patties. Sorbents are applied manually to contaminated areas to soak up oil. APPENDIX II Adds heat (> 100°C) to surface. Adds material to the environment. Potential recontamination, erosion and deeper penetration into substrate, Selective removal of material. Labor-intensive activity can disturb sediments. Requires excavation of a sump 60 to 120 cm deep on shoreline. Some oil will probably remain on beach. Removes 3 cm or less of beach. Selective. Sediment disturbance and erosion potential. Does not disturb surface to any great extent. Potential for recontaminatioa. Disturbs upper 5 to 10 cm of beach. Selective removal of material. Labor intensive activity can disturb sediments. 50 Removes some organisms from substrate but mortality due to the heat is more likely. Empty shells remaining may enhance repopulation. Oil not recovered can be toxic to organisms downslope of cleanup activities. Removes all organisms and sheila from the substrate. Oil not recovered can be toxic to organisms downslope of cleanup activities. Removes some organisms from the | substrate, crushes others. Oil not removed or recovered can be toxic to organisms repopulating the rocky substrate or inhabiting sediment downslope of cleanup activities. Removes organisms at sump location. Potentially toxic effects from oil left on the shoreline. Recovery depends on persistence of oil at the sump. Removes and disturbs shallow burrowing organisms. Rapid recovery. Leaves mos organisms alive and in place. Oil not recovered can be toxic to organisms downslope of cleanup. Disturbs shallow burrowing organisms. Foot traffic may crush organisms, Possible ingestion of sorbents by birds and smail mammals. Technique Break up pavement 6/91 . Oiled vegezation is cut by hand, collected and stuffed into bags or containers for disposal. Upwind end of contaminated area is ignited and allowed to burn to down-wind. Truck is backed up to oil pool or recovery site where oil is picked up via vacuum hose. Bulldozer pushes contaminated submrare into surf zone to accelerate natural cleaning. Tractor fined with a Tipper is operated up and down beach. Tractor pulls discing equipment along contaminated area. No action taken. Oil left to degrade naturally. APPENDIX II IMPACTS ASSOCIATED WITH CLEANUP TECHNIQUES Disturbs sediments because of extensive use of labor; can cause erosion. Causes heavy air pollution; adds heat to substrate, can cause erosion if root system damaged. Some oil may be left on shore- line or in water. Disruption of top layer of substrate; leaves some oil in intertidal area. Potential recontamination. Disruption of sediments. Leaves oil on beach. Leaves oil buried in sand. Disrupts surface layer of substrate. Some oil may remain on beach and could contaminate clean Removes and crushes some organisms. Rapid recovery. Heavy foot traffic can cause root damage and subsequent slow recovery. Kills surface organisms caught in burn area. Residual mamer may be somewhat toxic (heavy metals). Removes some organisms. Potential for longer-term toxic effects associated with oil left on the shoreline. Recovery depends on persistence of oil left in the pools. Kills mos of the organisms inhabiting the uncontaminated substrate. Recovery of organisms usually more rapid than with removing substrate. Disturbs shallow and deep burrowing organisms. Disturbs shallow burrowing organisms. Possible toxic effects from buried oil. Potential toxic effects and smothering by the oil. Potential incorporation of oil into the food web. Potential elimination of habitat if organisms will not seale on residual oil. 51 i TABLE 5.5-D COLUMBIA RIVER COUNTERMEASURE MATRIX Light Oils (Diesel, No. 2 Fuel Oils, Light Crudes) + Moderately volatile; will leave residue (up to 1/3 of spilled amount) + Moderate conservation of toxic (soluable) compounds + Will “oil” intertidal resources with long-term contamination potential + Has potential for subtidal impacts (dissolution, mixing, sorbtion onto the suspended sediments) + No dispersion necessary + Cleanup can be very effective COUNTERMEASURE ~ SHORELINE TYPES _ per Peerey erg ert ete dae aes ee Ee Eek 20d et "D No Action TR[alalalalalala]la]a 2) Manual Removal pata[PlalalPl P| P| p 3) Passive collection (sorbents) pepe eee RR R 4) Debris Removal/Heavy Equipment 5) Trenching (recovery wells) 7) Cold Water Flooding (deluge) : 8) Cold Water Washing Low Pressure (< 50 psi) High Pressure (< 100 psi) 9) Warm Water Washing (ambient to 90°F) 10) Hot Water Pressure Washing (> 90°F) 11) Slurry Sand Blasting 13) Cutting Vegetation® 14) Chemical Treatment + a) Oil Stabilization b) Protection of Beaches 15) Burning + 16) Nutrient Enhancement + 18) Sediment Reworking + 19) Shore Removal/Replacement + SHORELINE TYPE CODES R - Recommended 1 - Seawalls, piers 6 - Coarse sand beach (including gravel) A - Applicable 2 - Eroding bluffs, wavecut platforms 7 - Exposed tidal flas P_- Possibility 3 - Ripraps 8 - Sheitered tidal flats Bil - Do Not Use 4 - Vegetated river bank 9 - Freshwater marshes 5 - Fine sand beach 10- Fringing and extensive salt marshes 11- Vegetated tidal flats * Cutting will depend upon time of year. Consider only if reoiling of birds possible. + Requires RRT approval. This countermeasure advisability matrix is only a general guide for removal of oil from shoreline subsiraies. It must be used in conjuncion with the entire Shoreline Countermeasures Manual plus field observations and scientific advice. The countermeasures listed are not pecessarily the best under all circumstances, and any listed technique may aced to be used in conjunction with other lechaiques (including cones not listed herein). The Federal On-Sceac Coordinator (FOSC) or the ste OSC operating with the FOSC"s auiborization has the responsibility for end ausbority to deiermine which countermeasure(s) are appropriaie for the various situations encouatered, Selection of countermeasures is based on tbe degree of od] contamination, the shoreline type, and the presence of sensitive resources. ee) —e = fl TABLE 5.5-D 8) Cold Water Washing 10) Hot Water Pressure Washing (> 90°F) 2 COLUMBIA RIVER COUNTERMEASURE MATRIX Light Oils (Diesel, No. 2 Fuel Oils, Light Crudes + Moderately volatile; will leave residue (up to 1/3 of spilled amount) + Moderate conservation of toxic (soluable) compounds + Will “oil” intertidal resources with long-term contamination potential + Has potential for subtidal impacts (dissolution, mixing, sorbtion onto the suspended sediments) * No dispersion necessary + Cleanup can be very effective ~ COUNTERMEASURE SHORELINE TYPES Gat Nati amar oteewimnet [TTS TST «Ts tel [to] ea 1) No Action Jeietatatavaqavavalaya 2) Manual Removal se/alalrlaltalrelel[e(ele 3) Passive collection (sorbents) pp R 4) Debris Removal/Heavy Equipment 5) Trenching (recovery wells) 6) Sediment Removal 7) Cold Water Flooding (deluge) Low Pressure (< 50 psi) High Pressure (< 100 psi) 9) Warm Water Washing (ambient to 90°F) 11) Slurry Sand Blasting 12) Vacuum 13) Cutting Vegetation® b) Protection of Beaches c) Cleaning of Beaches 17) Bacterial Addition + 18) Sediment Reworking + 19) Shore Removal/Replacement + SHORELINE TYPE CODES il R - Recommended 1 - Seawalls, piers 6 - Coarse sand beach (including gravel) A - Applicable 2 - Eroding bluffs, wavecut platforms 7 - Exposed tidal flats P_- Possibility 3 - Ripraps 8 - Sheltered tidal flats Bl - Do Not Use 4 - Vegetaied river bank 9 - Freshwater marshes 5 - Fine sand beach 10- Fringing and extensive salt marshes 11- Vegetated tidal flats * Cutting will depend upon time of year. Consider only jf reoiling of birds possible. + Requires RRT approval. This countermeasure advisability matrix is only a geoeral guide for removal of oil from shoreline substrates. [1 must be used in conjunction with the enure Shoreline Countermeasures Manual plus field observations and scientific advice. The countermeasures lisied are not necessarily the best under all circumstances, and any listed technique may aced to be used in conpmction with ather techaiques (including nes ect listed herein). The Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) or the state OSC operating with the FOSC's authorization has the responsibility for and aumbority to determine which coustermeasure(s) are appropriase for the various situations encoumered. Selection of countermeasures is based on the degree of oi] contamination, the shoreline type, and the presence of sensitive resources. — INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 9 Pre-exercise Information Incident Control + Confinement — methods to limit physical size of area of release + Containment — methods used to restrict the material to its original container Incident Control + Land Spills — Diversion — Diking — Retention * Releases into Water — Overflow / underflow dam — Booms — Filter Fence Incident Control . Et She * Containment — Leaking drums — Leaking piping — Leaking tank trucks Site Control - Work Z * Control at the site — reduce contact with contaminants — translocation of contaminants off-site * Methods of control: — site security — minimize personnel & equipment on-site — establish work zones & control points — proper PPE for all personnel — implementing decon procedures Site Work Zones Serna: ¢ Exclusion (Hot) Zone ~ Area immediately surrounding contamination. — Outer boundary is the “hotline”. — Entry and exit checkpoints must be established. — Size of hot zone. — Physically secured zone. — Sub-areas and levels of PPE. Site Work <=> * Contamination Reduction Zone = — transition area between hot and support zones — decontamination of: * personnel * samples * equipment — equipment supply — sample packaging — worker’s rest area Site Work Zones + Support (Cold) Zone — command post — medical station — equipment storage — field laboratory — consider: + wind direction + accessibility * resources Decontamination * Standard Operating Procedures — established & implemented prior to waste handling — all workers leaving hot zone must be decontaminated — monitored by site safety & health officer * Location — minimize exposure to contaminants — upwind & at right angle to Hot zone ta Decontamination. « ¢ Equipment — decontaminate or dispose of. + PPE — decon, cleaned, disposed of before leaving site * Contamination Reduction Corridors — workers must wear appropriate PPE — established before any work in hot zone Decontamination Plan cca * minimize contamination or contact limit migration of contaminant : proper disposal of contaminated materials implemented immediately at incident provide adequate # of personnel describe method of decon for: — workers — PPE — equipment Decontamination em + Methods: a — absorption — adsorption — chemical degradation — dilution — disposal — isolation — neutralization — solidification Disposal Recovered Oil Oily Debris Interim Storage Final Disposal Recovered Oil considered a solid waste transported using registered handler recycled or re-used top priority treatment for re-use 1° Oily Debris * 5 Categories: — recyclable — reusable — treatable — burnable — non-bumnable * segregate debris as it’s collected Interim Storage Predesignated for use during spill planning Topography considerations Public access Possible emissions Designed to use best achievable technology Final Disposal + Waste minimization — recovery — reuse — recycling + Landfill - TSDF Training Requirements + All personnel on-site shall be traint * Training will cover: — Names of site safety personnel — safety, health & other hazards present — use of PPE — safe work practices — safe use of equipment & engineering controls — medical surveillance requirements Initial Training * OSHA 40-hour: — general site workers in removal * equipment operators + laborers * supervisory personnel * OSHA 24-hour: — task workers * groundwater monitoring + land surveying Initial Training * OSHA 40-hour +3 days field experience: — on-site management — on-site supervisors * OSHA 8-hr Refresher training: — general site workers — management Authorities Planning Response Operations Area Assessments Area Resources Alternative Technologies Health and Safety Area Contingency Plany | i Spill Scenario = Plan Review Exercise and Training Memoranda of understanding SUMMARY OF AREA RESOURCES Discussion What’s Appropriate for Your Area Lets put this to good usels: ee Hands-On Exercise 10 MASge<2ee7 == INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 9.1 Further Study Preliminary Considerations Extent of Decontamination Required Decontamination During Medical Emergencies Protection for Decontamination Workers Decontamination Equipment Site Control Work Zones Confinement and Containment Hazardous Materials Containment Container Containment PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATIONS A. Initial Planning The initial decontamination plan assumes all personnel and equipment leaving the Exclusion Zone (area of potential contamination) are grossly contaminated. A system is then set up for personnel decontamination to wash and rinse, at least once, all the protective equipment worn. This is done in combination with a sequential doffing of protective equipment, starting at the first station with the most heavily contaminated article and progressing to the last station with the least contaminated article. Each procedure requires a separate station. The spread of contaminants during the washing/doffing process is further reduced by separating each decontamination station bya minimum of 3 feet. Ideally, contamination should decrease as a person moves from one station to another further along in the line. While planning site operations, methods should be developed to prevent the contamination of people and equipment. Use remote sampling techniques instead of opening containers by hand. Bag all monitoring instruments. Water down dusty areas and do not walk through areas of obvious contamination. The initial decontamination plan is based on a worst-case situation or assumes no information is available about the incident. Specific conditions at the site are then evaluated, including: - Type of contaminant including associated toxicology - The amount of contamination - Levels of protection required - Type of protective clothing wom - Type of equipment needed to accomplish the work task The initial decontamination plan is modified, eliminating unnecessary stations or otherwise adapting it to site conditions. For instance, the initial plan might require a complete wash and rinse of chemical protective garments. If disposable garments are worn, the wash/rinse step could be omitted. Wearing disposable boot covers and gloves could eliminate washing and rinsing these items and reduce the number of stations needed. Changes in the decontamination procedure must be noted in the Site Safety Plan. B. Contamination Reduction Corridor The area within the Contamination Reduction Zone which controls access into and out of the Exclusion Zone and confines decontamination activities to a limited area is known as the Contamination Reduction Corridor (CRC). The size of the corridor depends on the number of stations in the decontamination procedure, overall dimensions of work control zones, and amount of space available at the site. A corridor of 75 feet by 15 feet is the minimum area for full decontamination. Whenever possible, it should be a straight path. The CRC boundaries should be conspicuously marked, with entry and exit restricted. The far end is the hotline, the boundary between the Exclusion Zone and the Contamination Reduction Zone must go through the CRC. Anyone in the CRC should be wearing the Level of Protection designated for the decontamination crew. Another corridor may be required for heavy equipment needing decontamination. Within the CRC, distinct areas are set aside for decontamination of personnel, portable field equipment, removed clothing etc. These areas should be marked and personnel restricted to those wearing the appropriate Level of Protection. All activities within the corridor are confined to decontamination. Personnel protective clothing, respirators, monitoring equipment, and sampling supplies are all maintained outside of the CRC. Personnel don their protective equipment away from the CRC and enter the Exclusion Zone through a separate access control point at the hotline. III. EXTENT OF DECONTAMINATION REQUIRED A. Modifications of Initial Plan The original decontamination plan must be adapted to specific conditions found at incidents. These conditions may require more or less personnel decontamination than planned, depending on a number of factors. 1. Type of Contaminant The extent of personnel decontamination depends on the effects the contaminants have on the body. Contaminants do not exhibit the same degree of toxicity (or other hazard). Whenever it is known or suspected that personnel can become contaminated with highly toxic or skin-destructive substances, a full decontamination procedure should be followed. If less hazardous materials are involved, the procedure can be downgraded. 2. Amount of Contamination The amount of contamination on protective clothing (and other objects or equipment) is usually determined visually. If. on visual examination, it appears grossly contaminated, a thorough decontamination is generally required. Gross material remaining on the protective clothing for any extended period of time may degrade or permeate it. This likelihood increases with elevated concentrations and amounts. Gross contamination also increases the probability of personnel contact. Swipe tests may help determine the type and quantity of surface contaminants. 3. Level of Protection The Level of Protection and specific pieces of clothing wom determine on a preliminary basis the layout of the decontamination line. Each Level of Protection incorporates different problems in decontamination and doffing of the equipment. For example: decontamination of the harness straps and backpack assembly of the self-contained breathing apparatus is difficult. A butyl rubber apron wom over the harmess makes decontamination easier. Clothing variations and different Levels of Protection may require adding or deleting stations in the original decontamination procedure. 4. Work Function The work each person does determines the potential for contact with hazardous materials. In tur, this dictates the layout of the decontamination line. For example, observers, photographers, operators of air samplers, or others in the Exclusion Zone performing tasks that will not bring them in contact with contaminants may not need to have their garments washed and rinsed. Others in the Exclusion Zone with a potential for direct contact with the hazardous material will require more thorough decontamination. Different decontamination lines could be set up for different job functions, or certain stations in line could be omitted for personnel performing certain tasks. 5. Location of Contamination Contamination on the upper areas of protective clothing poses a greater risk to the worker because volatile compounds may generate a hazardous breathing concentration both for the worker and for decontamination personnel. There is also an increased probability of contact with skin when doffing the upper part of clothing. 6. Reason for Leaving Site The reason for leaving the Exclusion Zone also determines the need and extent of decontamination. A worker leaving the Exclusion Zone to pick up or drop off tools or instruments and immediately returning may not require decontamination. A worker leaving to get a new air cylinder or to change a respirator or canister, however, may require some degree of decontamination. Individuals departing the CRC for break, lunch, or at the end of day, must be thoroughly decontaminated. B. Effectiveness of Decontamination There is no method to immediately determine how effective decontamination is. Discolorations, stains, corrosive effects, and substances adhering to objects may indicate contaminants have not been removed. However, observable effects only indicate surface contamination and not permeation (absorption) into clothing (tools or equipment). Also many contaminants are not easily observed. A method for determining effectiveness of surface decontamination is swipe, or wipe testing. Cloth or paper patches (swipes) are wiped over predetermined surfaces of the suspect object and analyzed in a laboratory. Both the inner and outer surfaces of protective clothing should be swipe tested. Positive indications of both sets of swipes tested. Positive indications of both sets of swipes would indicate surface contamination has not been removed and substances have penetrated or permeated through the garment. Determining permeation of contaminants into protective garments requires laboratory analysis of a piece of the material. Both swipe and permeation testing provide after-the-fact information. Along with visual observations, results of these tests can help evaluate the effectiveness of decontamination. In many cases, depending on the substances involved, chemical protective clothing (or naturally absorbable materials) may have to be discarded. If it cannot be determined that clothing or other items, for example, tools and equipment ave been completely decontaminated, the only safe action is to consider them hazardous wastes and have them disposed of properly. C. Equipment Decontamination equipment, materials, and supplies are generally selected based on availability. Other considerations are ease of equipment decontamination or disposability. Most equipment and supplies can be easily procured. For example, soft-bristle scrub brushes or long-handled brushes are used to remove contaminants. Water in buckets or garden sprayers is used for rinsing. Large galvanized wash tubs or stock tanks can hold wash and rinse solutions. Children's wading pools can also be used. Large plastic garbage cans or other similar containers lined with plastic bags store contaminated clothing and equipment. Contaminated liquids can be stored temporarily in metal or plastic cans or drums. Other gear includes paper or cloth towels for drying protective clothing and equipment. D. Decontamination Solution Personnel protective equipment, sampling tools, and other equipment are usually decontaminated by scrubbing with detergent- water using a soft-bristle brush followed by rinsing with copious amounts of water. While this process may not be fully effective in removing some contaminants (or in a few cases, contaminants may react with water), it is a relatively safe option compared with using a chemical decontaminating solution. This requires that the contaminant be identified. A decontamination chemical is then needed that will change the contaminant into a less harmful substance. Especially troublesome are unknown substances or mixtures from a variety of known or unknown substances. The appropriate decontamination solution must be selected in consultation with an experienced chemist. E. Establishment of Procedures Once decontamination procedures have been established, all personnel requiring decontamination must be given precise instructions (and practice, if necessary). Compliance must be frequently checked. The time it takes for decontamination must be ascertained. Personnel wearing SCBA’s must leave their work area with sufficient air to walk to CRC and go through decontamination. IV. DECONTAMINATION DURING MEDICAL EMERGENCIES A. Basic Considerations Part of overall planning for incident response is managing medical emergencies. Planning should include: - Training of response team members in advanced first aid and emergency lifesaving methods - Arranging with the nearest medical facility for transportation and treatment of injured, and for treatment of personnel suffering from exposure to chemicals - Providing consultation services with toxicologists and other medical specialists - Having specialized equipment at the incident, for example emergency eye washes, showers, first aid kits, blankets, stretcher, and a resuscitator. In addition, the plan should establish procedures for decontaminating personnel with medical problems and injuries. There is the possibility that decontamination may aggravate or cause more serious health effects. If life threatening injuries are received, prompt life-saving first aid and medical treatment should be administered without decontamination, or concurrently with it. Whenever possible, response personnel should accompany contaminated victims to the medical facility to advise on matters involving decontamination. B. Physical Injury Physical injuries can range form a sprained ankle to open fracture, from minor cut to massive bleeding. Depending on the seriousness of the injury, treatment may be given at the site by trained response personnel. For more serious injuries, additional assistance may be required at the site or the victim may have to be treated at a medical facility. Life-saving care should be instituted immediately without considering decontamination. The outside garments can be removed (depending on the weather) if they do not cause delays, interfere with treatment, or aggravate the problem. Respirators and backpack assemblies must always be removed. Fully encapsulating suits or chemical-resistant clothing can be cut away. If the outer contaminated garments cannot be safely removed, the individual should be wrapped in plastic, rubber, or blankets to help prevent contaminating the inside of ambulances and medical personnel. Outside garments are then removed at the medical facility. No attempt should be made to wash or rinse the victim at the site. One exception would be if it is known that the individual has been contaminated with an extremely toxic or corrosive material which could also cause severe injury or loss of life. For minor medical problems or injuries, the normal decontamination procedure should be followed. C. Heat Stress Heat-related illnesses range from heat fatigue to heat stroke, the most serious. Heat stroke requires prompt treatment to prevent irreversible damage or death. Protective clothing may have to be cut off. Less serious forms of heat stroke. Unless the victim is obviously contaminated, decontamination should be omitted or minimized and treatment begun immediately. D. Chemical Exposure Exposure to chemicals can be divided into two categories: - Injuries from direct contact, such as acid burs or inhalation of toxic chemicals - Potential injury due to gross contamination on clothing or equipment or chronic exposure For inhaled contaminants treatment can only be by qualified physicians. If the contaminant is on the skin or in the eyes, immediate measures must be taken to counteract the substances's effect. First aid treatment usually is flooding the affected area with water; however, for a few chemicals, water may cause more severe problems. When protective clothing is grossly contaminated, contaminants may be transferred to treatment personnel or the wearer and cause of injuries. Unless severe medical problems have occurred simultaneously with splashes, the protective clothing should be washed off as rapidly as possible and carefully removed. V. PROTECTION FOR DECONTAMINATION WORKERS The Level of Protection worm by decontamination workers is determined by: - Expected or visible contamination on workers - Type of contaminant and associated respiratory and skin hazards - Total vapor/gas concentrations in the CRC - Particulate and specific inorganic or organic vapors in the CRC - Results of swipe tests A. Level C Use Level C includes a full-face, canister-type air-purifying respirator, hard hat with face shield (if splash is a problem), chemical- resistant boots and gloves, and protective clothing. The body covering recommended is chemical-resistant overalls with an apron, or chemical-resistant overalls and jacket. A face shield is recommended to protect against splashes because respirators alone may not provide this protection. The respirator should have a canister approved for filtering any specific known contaminants such as ammonia, organic vapors, acid gases, and particulates. B. Level B Use In situations where site workers may be contaminated with unknowns, highly volatile liquids, or highly toxic materials, decontamination workers should wear Level B protection. Level B protection includes SCBA, hard with face shield, chemical-resistant gloves and boots, and protective covering. The clothing suggested is chemical-resistant overalls, jacket, and rubber apron. The rubber apron protects the SCBA harness assembly and regulator from becoming contaminated. VI. DECONTAMINATION OF EQUIPMENT Insofar as possible, measures should be taken to prevent contamination of sampling and monitoring equipment. Sampling devices become contaminated, but monitoring instruments, unless they are splashed, usually do not. Once contaminated, instruments are difficult to clean without damaging them. Any delicate instrument which cannot be easily decontaminated should be protected while it is being used. It should be placed in a clear plastic bag, and the bag taped and secured around the instrument. Openings are made in the bag for sample intake and exhaust. A. Decontamination Procedures 1. Sampling devices Sampling devices require special cleaning. The EPA Regional Laboratories can provide information on proper decontamination methods. 2. Tools Wooden tools are difficult to decontaminate because they absorb chemicals. They should be kept on site and handled only by protected workers. At the end of the response, wooden tools should be discarded. 3. Respirators Certain parts of contaminated respirators, such as the harness assembly and leather or cloth components, are difficult to decontaminate. If grossly contaminated, they may have to be discarded. Rubber components can be soaked in soap and water and scrubbed with a brush. Regulators must be maintained according to manufacturer's recommendations. Persons responsible for decontaminating respirators should be thoroughly trained in respirator maintenance. 4. Heavy Equipment Bulldozers, trucks, back-hoes, bulking chambers, and other heavy equipment are difficult to decontaminate. The generally used is to wash them with water under high pressure and/or to scrub accessible parts with detergent/water solution under pressure, if possible. In some cases, shovels, scoops and lifts have been sand blasted or steam cleaned. Particular care must be given to those components in direct contact with contaminants such as tires and scoops. Swipe tests should be utilized to measure effectiveness. B. Sanitizing of Personnel Protective Equipment Respirators, reusable protective clothing , and other personal articles not only must be decontaminated before being reused, but also sanitized. The inside of masks and clothing becomes soiled due to exhalation, body oils, and perspiration. The manufacturer's instructions should be used to sanitize the respirator mask. If practical, protective clothing should be machine washed after a thorough decontamination; otherwise it must be cleaned by hand. C. Persistent Contamination In some instances, clothing and equipment will become contaminated with substances that cannot be removed by normal decontamination procedures. If persistent contamination is expected, disposable garments should be used. D. Disposal of Contaminated Materials All materials and equipment used for decontamination must be disposed of properly. Clothing, tools, buckets, brushes, and all other equipment that is contaminated must be secured in drums or other containers and labeled. Clothing not completely decontaminated on-site should be secured in plastic bags before being removed from the site. Contaminated wash and rinse solutions should be contained by using step-in-containers (for example, child's wading pool) to hold spent solutions. Another containment method is to dig a trench or basin and line it with plastic. In both cases the spent solutions are transferred to drums, which are labeled and disposed of with other substances on site. SITE CONTROL - WORK ZONES I. INTRODUCTION Onsite activities required during incident responses involving hazardous substances may contribute to the unwanted movement of contaminants from the site to uncontaminated areas. Response personnel and equipment may become contaminated and transfer the material into clean areas. Material may become airborne due to its volatility or to the disturbance of contaminated soil causing it to become windblown. To minimize the transfer of hazardous substances from the site, contamination control procedures are needed. Two general methods are used: establishing site work zones and removing contaminants from people and equipment. II. CONTROL AT THE SITE A site must be controlled to reduce the possibility of: 1) unprotected contact with any contaminants onsite, and 2) removal of contaminants from personnel or equipment leaving the site. The possibility of exposure or translocation of substances can be reduced or eliminated in a number of ways, including: - Setting up site security to exclude unnecessary personnel from the general area. - Minimizing the number of personnel and equipment on-site consistent with effective operations. - Establishing work zones within the site. - Establishing control points to regulate access to work zones. - Conducting operations in a manner to reduce the exposure of personnel and equipment and to eliminate the potential for airborne dispersion. - Implementing decontamination procedures. Ill. WORK ZONES One method of preventing or reducing the migration of contaminants is to delineate zones on the site in which prescribed operations occur. Movement of personnel and equipment between zones and onto the site itself would be limited by access control points. Three contiguous zones (Figure |) are recommended: Zone 1: Exclusion Zone Zone 2: Contamination Reduction Zone Zone 3: Support Zone A. Zone 1: Exclusion Zone The Exclusion Zone, the innermost of three areas, is the physical area where contamination does or could occur. All people entering the Exclusion Zone must wear prescribed Levels of Protection. Entry and exit check points must be established at the periphery of the Exclusion Zone to regulate the flow of personnel and equipment into and out of the zone and to verify that the procedures established to enter and exit are followed. The outer boundary of Zone 1, the Hotline, is initially established by visually surveying the immediate vicinity of the incident and determining where the hazardous substances involved are located; where any drainage, leachate, or spilled material is; and whether any discolorations are visible. Guidance in determining the boundaries is also provided by data from the initial site survey indicating the presence of organic or inorganic vapors/gases or particulates in air, combustible gasses and radiation, or the results of water and soil sampling. Additional factors that should be considered include the distances needed to prevent fire or an explosion from affecting personnel outside the zone, the physical area necessary to conduct site operations, and the potential for contaminants to be blown from the area. Once the Hotline has been determined it should be physically secured, fenced, or well-defined by landmarks. During continuing site operations the boundary may be modified and adjusted as needed. B. Subareas Within the Exclusion Zone All personnel within the Exclusion Zone must wear the required Level of Protection. Personnel protective equipment is designated based on site-specific conditions and the hazards that might be encountered. Different Levels of Protection are frequently justified within the Exclusion Zone. Subareas are specified and conspicuously marked as to whether Level of Protection A, B, or C is required (Figure 2). The Level of Protection is determined by the measured concentration of substances in air, potential for contamination, and the toxicity of known or suspected substance onsite. The job assignment or the type of work to be done might also dictate the Levels of Protection to be wom. For example, collecting samples from open containers might require Level B protection, while for walk-through ambient air monitoring, Level C protection may be sufficient. The assignment, when appropriate for different Levels of Protection within the Exclusion Zone generally makes for a more flexible, effective, and less costly operation while still maintaining a high degree of safety. C. Zone 3: Support Zone The Support Zone, the outermost part of the site, is considered a non-contaminated or clean area. Support equipment (command post, equipment trailer, etc.) is located in the zone; traffic is restricted to authorized response personnel. Since normal work clothes are appropriate within this zone, potentially contaminated personnel clothing, equipment, and samples are not permitted, but are left in the Contamination Reduction Zone until they are decontaminated. The location of the command post and other support facilities in the Support Zone depends on a number of factors, including: - Accessibility: topography; open space available; location of highways; railroad tracks; or other limitations. - Wind Direction: Preferably the support facilities should be located upwind of the exclusion Zone. However, shifts in the wind and other conditions.may be such that an ideal location based on wind direction alone does not exist. - Resources: Adequate roads, power lines, water, and shelter should be available in close proximity to the site. D. Zone 2: Contamination Reduction Zone Between the Exclusion Zone and the Support Zone is the Contamination Reduction Zone which provides a transition between contaminated and clean zones. Zone 2 serves as a buffer to further reduce the probability of the clean zone becoming contaminated or being affected by other existing hazards. It provides additional assurance that the physical transfer of contaminated substances on people, equipment, or in the air is limited through a combination of decontamination, distance between the Exclusion and Support Zones, air dilution, Zone restrictions, and work functions. Initially, the Contamination Reduction Zone is considered a non-contaminated area. At the boundary between the Exclusion and Contamination Reduction Zones, Contamination Reduction Corridors (consisting of an appropriate number of decontamination stations) are established, one for personnel and one for heavy equipment. Depending on the size of the operation, more than two corridors may be necessary. Exit from the Exclusion Zone is through a Contamination Reduction Corridor. As operations proceed, the area around the contamination station may become contaminated, but to a much lesser degree than the Exclusion Zone. Ona relative basis, the amount of contaminants should decrease from the Hotline to the Support Zone due to the distance involved and the decontamination procedures used. The boundary between the Support Zone and the Contamination Reduction Zone, the Contamination Control Line, separates the possibly low contamination area from the clean Support Zone. Access to the Contamination Reduction Zone from the Support Zone is through a control point. Personnel entering this zone should wear the prescribed personnel protective equipment, if required, for working in the Contamination Reduction Zone. Entering the Support Zone requires the removal of any protective equipment worn in the Contamination Reduction Zone. IV. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS A. The use of three-zone system, access control points, and exacting decontamination procedures, provides a reasonable assurance against the translocation of contaminating substances. This site control system is based on a worst case situation. Less stringent site control and decontamination procedures may be utilized if more definitive information is available on the types of substances involved and the hazards they present. This information can be obtained through air monitoring, instrument survey and sampling, along with available technical information concerning the characteristics and behavior of the material present. B. Area Dimensions The distance between the Hotline, Contamination Control Line, and Command Post and the size and shape of each zone have to be based on conditions specific to each site (Figures 2 and 3). Considerable judgment is needed to assure that the distances between zone boundaries are large enough to allow room for the necessary operations, provide adequate distances to prevent the spread of contaminants, and eliminate the possibility of injury due to explosions or fires. Long-term operations would involve developing reasonable methods (for example, air surveillance, swipe testing, and visible deterioration) to determine if material is being transferred between zones and to assist in modifying site boundaries. The following criteria should be considered in establishing area dimensions and boundaries: - Physical and topographical features of the site - Weather conditions - Field/laboratory measurements of air contaminants and environmental samples - Air dispersion calculations - Physical, chemical, toxicological, and other characteristics of the substances present - Cleanup activities required - Potential for fire - Size of area needed to conduct operations - Decontamination procedures - Potential for exposure - Proximity to residential or industrial areas. C. Monitoring and Sampling To verify that site control procedures are preventing the spread of contamination, a monitoring and sampling program should be established. The Support Zone should be periodically monitored for air contaminants using direct-reading instruments and by collecting air samples for particulate, gas or vapor analysis. Analysis of soil samples collected in the most heavily trafficked areas would indicate contaminants being carried from the Exclusion Zone by personnel, equipment, wind, or surface water runoff. Occasional swipe tests should be taken in trailers and other areas used by personnel. INCIDENT CONTROL: CONFINEMENT AND CONTAINMENT I. INTRODUCTION The objective of responding to incidents involving the release or potential release of hazardous materials is to prevent or reduce the adverse effects that a release might have on the public's health, property, and the government. In order to mitigate (prevent or reduce) the incident's impact, the releases must be controlled. Mitigating releases means controlling them. Measures to control a release involve those processes, methods, procedures, and techniques that are used to prevent or reduce the dispersement of the material or its byproducts into the environment. These control measures may include fire extinguishment, controlled burning; neutralization; construction of temporary dams, berms, or dikes: plugging leaking containers; and misting or fogging toxic vapors or gasses, sorbent materials, and others. Two general control techniques frequently used by first responders are confinement and containment: - CONFINEMENT consists of methods used to limit the physical size of the area of the release. Hazardous materials can be released (directly or indirectly) to air, surface water, ground water, or land surface. Depending on the media affected, various methods are available that might help restrict the spread of materials. - CONTAINMENT is defined as those methods used to restrict the material to its original container. Until the released materials are contained, the area of involvement will grow larger, and cleanup will become correspondingly more difficult. Whenever possible, it is important to contain the materials in order to limit the size of the area involved and minimize cleanup difficulties. Controlling a release may be as simple as uprighting an overtumed drum leaking from its bung or tuming off a valve. It may be as difficult as patching a large tear in an acid tank or repairing a high-pressure transfer line. Many times, for small leaks, just shoving a wooden wedge into a hole can temporarily slow or stop a leak. Generally, highly volatile liquids and liquified gasses are the most difficult to deal with. If a tank car has been involved in an accident or if its structural integrity is suspect, then its contents may need to be transferred to another tank car. Fire might also be involved which further complicates the problem. II. CONFINING HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RELEASES Techniques for confining hazardous materials depend upon whether the contaminants are released into the air, on land, into surface waters, or into the ground water. A. Air Releases Releases of gas, vapors, or particulates into air present a serious threat (depending particularly on the identity and quantity of chemical released). Once in the air, the material can move rapidly depending on wind and other weather conditions and, therefore, has the capability of affecting a large physical area. The cloud of material produced may be flammable, toxic, corrosive, or have other hazardous properties. Controlling airborne materials is very difficult, especially if large quantities are involved. The first step is to determine if it is possible to prevent or reduce the amount of materials from becoming airborne by containing or confining it. If this cannot be done, then some vapor suppression or dispersion techniques may work depending on the quantity being released. Weather conditions such as humidity, temperature, and wind speed and direction can greatly affect cloud formation and dispersion. If the cloud is large, then initial consideration must be given to immediately evacuating the area which has the potential for being impacted. With some materials the use of fog patterns to disperse the vapor cloud can work. When a fog stream is used, the material is condensed and a collecting area such as a dike should be used to capture the water. This collected material should be pumped into a container and disposed of properly. Responders must also be certain that the liquid does not revolatilize. (see figure 12-1). This use of fog patterns to disperse a vapor cloud should be used judiciously because extensive ground-water contamination as well as excessive cleanup and disposal costs can be associated with this method. FIGURE 12-1 MIST KNOCKDOWN Air releases or suspected air releases should always be cautiously approached from the upwind direction whenever possible. Personnel must also be on the alert for changes in wind direction. Visual observations or direct-reading instruments may give some indication of the type and quantities of materials being released and whether vapor suppression will work. Materials that are lighter than air (vapor density less than ambient atmosphere) will drift upwards into the atmosphere and be driven by the wind in a downwind direction. Heavier than air materials will tend to hug the ground, following the contours of the land from higher to lower elevations or be pushed by the wind movement. Materials that are heavier than air may displace oxygen in lower elevations. An explosive gas/oxygen meter should be used when responding to spill events where such volatized gasses may be generated. B. Land Spills Generally, solids (even in the form of particulates) that spill on the land are the easiest materials to confine. Even if shipping containers rupture, solids ordinarily don't move far. The release area should be closed off to avoid having the materials tracked away from the site on shoes, clothing, or vehicle tires. It is also important not to increase the mobility of the material by the indiscriminate application of water or other liquids. Covering the material with plastic tarps or other means can help prevent it from becoming welcome. Liquids spilled on the land may be somewhat more difficult to confine. In some cases, confinement may already be in place. For example, most tank farms have a berm around their periphery for confining major leaks. If a transfer line breaks or if an accident occurs in transporting or loading a liquid, there will be no “automatic” containment. On concrete, blacktop, or other hard surfaces, berms can be constructed with dirt, sand, absorbents, or urethane foam packs specifically designed for this purpose. If the spill is on the ground, berms can be constructed by simply mounding the soil itself. In many cases, though, it may be more advantageous to "herd" the liquids by ditches, swales, and berms to an existing low point or construct a catch basin. This allows the material to pool and may make cleanup easier. There are three techniques for controlling spills on the land: - Diversion: The controlled movement of the liquid from one course or area to another where the effects to human health and the environment are substantially reduced. - Diking: The use of a barrier to confine or control the movement of liquids form an area of potential harm. - Retention: The temporary confinement of the liquid in an area (e.g., in a pond) where it can be absorbed, neutralized, diluted, or pumped out. Determining which of these three techniques should be used to confine a spill of hazardous materials depends on several factors: time, personnel, equipment, supplies, and the potential harmful effects of the leaking material. For example, response personnel may determine that diversion is more appropriate for controlling the movement of oil that could enter a storm drain instead of diking and retention. Also, response personnel may determine that diversion is more effective in controlling the movement of oil because it is flowing toward the storm drain at a rate that will not permit the timely construction of a dike. Or, response personnel may determine that available personnel and equipment is insufficient to construct a dike or a retention pond. In many cases, however, diking and retention techniques will follow the diversion technique. That is, diversion can begin immediately, while diking and retaining work may begin as resources arrive. 1. Diversion Usually dirt is used as a barrier to divert a spilled liquid. Because diversion requires that barriers be constructed in advance of the flow, using dirt from the area is practical because it is generally readily available, and a barrier can be quickly constructed. In order for diversion to be effective, response personnel should have a pre-plan for constructing diversion walls or barriers. For example, for a small barrier each participating response personnel should be equipped with a hand tool for digging and a pick for breaking the ground. As the first responder breaks the ground with a pick, a second responder should place the dirt on a pile, while a third responder packs the dirt tightly. This process should continue until the diversion barrier is completed. In constructing the diversion wall, the speed and the angle of the oncoming, flowing spill must be considered. For fast moving spills, angles of 60 degrees or more should be used for intercepting the spill. Generally, the greater the speed of the flow, the greater the distance and angle required to slow it down. Construction equipment may be needed to build a diversion barrier if large quantities of liquids are involved. This is practical when the equipment and trained personnel are available at the scene. 2. Diking Dikes can be constructed from practically any available materials. The materials and manpower to construct a typical dike are usually readily available and inexpensive. Several common terms are: dirt, tree limbs, boards, roof ladders, pike poles, and salvage covers. In a severe emergency, bagged materials such as tree bark, sand, dog food, kitty litter, and charcoal could be commandeered from a nearby food or garden store. Over time, however, both vertical and horizontal seepage through and around the dike will occur. This process can be slowed by the use of "visqueen" or "poly" plastics ( a form of Polyethylene). These Polyethylene sheets or tarps provide a base for construction of a dike or a drainage ditch. Because some liquid materials may degrade or "eat through" a plastic sheeting, response personnel must carefully select the plastic that is being used. Or, an alternative method to diking is to transfer the product remaining in the vessel to another container. It still may be necessary to build a dike around the original spill, while waiting for the second container to arrive. When possible, dike construction should begin with heavier materials for reinforcement, followed by outer layer of lighter material such as dirt. If time permits, plastic runners or salvage covers can be placed between the inner and outer walls of the dike. The process of constructing a dike is very similar to the process of constructing a diversion barrier. Response personnel must consider the time required to confine the land spill, the resources available (i.e., response personnel and equipment), and the quantity of the hazardous material. If it is determined that diking is a practical option, response personnel should consider whether to construct a dike using hand tools or power equipment. The state or local highway department or appropriate contractors should be notified and arrangements made to ensure that the equipment and personnel are available. Also, utility companies should be contacted concerning underground electrical cables or product piping to ensure that the equipment does not tear a hole in any cables or piping. The type of dike to be constructed will depend largely on the rate that the hazardous material is moving as well as the quantity of material involved. For example, slow moving or heavy materials should be confined by building a circle dike (see figure 12-2). Faster moving products can be confined by constructing a V-shaped dike in a low area (see figure 12-3). FIGURE 12-2 CIRCLE DIKE FIGURE 12-3 V-SHAPED DIKE 3. Retaining In situations where materials cannot be diverted or diked, or it is not feasible to do so, retention in a pit, basin, or pond provides an alternative. For example, at an incident involving an overtumed tank truck leaking fuel oil onto a highway, response personnel may determine that unless the fuel oil is confined, it will enter a storm drain. Because of the rate of the flow of the fuel oil and the limited number of response personnel at the scene, construction of a dike or a diversion barrier may not be practical. In this situation, retention at the drain is a workable alternative. Drain retention (see figure 12-4) may involve the following process: a. Salvage covers or tarps should be placed over the drain and weighted down with any heavy objects b. If time permits, sand, stone, etc., should be shoveled onto the covers c. The area should be flooded with water to a depth of 4 to 10 inches. This flow should be maintained. When this process is used, minimum oil will enter the drain. Most of the oil will float on top of the water. This technique is an effective measure only for materials lighter than water or for materials that are insoluble in water. The solubilities of specific materials can be obtained from material safety data sheets, chemical texts, or computerized sources. FIGURE 12-4 DRAIN RETENTION Response personnel should consider volatile liquids and protect against air hazards that may occur when using any confinement method. For example, if volatile liquids are spilled onto the ground, an air hazard may be created. If the spill is small, response personnel need only cover the material with a salvage cover or tarp to contain the material. If the spill is large, response personnel may have to spray the material with foam in order to prevent the formation of hazardous vapors. In some cases, it may be more appropriate to retain hazardous material in an excavated pit, pond, or basin (see figure 12-5). Constructing a retention pit, pond, or basin could mean simply placing a 5-gallon bucket under a dripping valve or excavating a retaining structure using construction equipment. Like diversion barriers and dikes, whether a retaining structure may be constructed depends primarily upon the time and the resources (i.e., personnel and equipment) available for construction and the amount of construction needed. In an emergency, portable water tanks and "kiddy" swimming pools are alternatives that provide for a quick solution for blocking materials from entering storm drains, or for holding materials. FIGURE 12-5 EXCAVATION C. Releases Into Water Releases of materials into water may be controlled using several different measures. For example, if the material is insoluble or slightly soluble in water, and its specific gravity is greater than that of water causing the material to sink, a method for confinement might be an overflow dam (see figure 12-6). FIGURE 12-6 OVERFLOW DAM An overflow dam is used to trap heavier than water material by causing the material to sink to the bottom of the stream behind the dam. When the material is trapped, relatively uncontaminated water flows over the barrier. Care, therefore, must be taken in building the barrier because if it breaks. It will release the contaminants. A depression in the waterway may be dug to trap the spilled material. Generally, however, a natural pool is used for this purpose. An overflow or confinement dam works best on slow- moving and relatively narrow waterways. The faster the waterway, the less likely this method will work. A floating boom (see figure 12-7) is a second confinement measure for a spilled material that floats and is insoluble in water. Once the spilled material has been contained, it can be herded to a collection point. There it can be skimmed from the surface using several different types of skimmers. Alternatively, the spilled material can be collected for disposal by sorbents, which can be loose or in sheets or pads. In the case of a viscous liquid, straw may be used. There are several different types of booms on the market, including some which absorb the spill instead of confining it. Booms are not usually effective in rough water. Rather, booms are usually the fastest method of containment in small, slow-moving streams. FIGURE 12-7 DEFLECTION BOOMS Material that is highly soluble in water is very difficult to confine and contain. This is especially true in a stream that is fairly wide, deep, and has a moderate to fast flow rate. In fact, even floating material is difficult to control in such a stream. For pollutants that are lighter than water (specific gravity < 1), it is possible to continue and contain the material by discharging clean water into the stream while retaining the floating material. This method only works if the material is not soluble in water. Another confinement option for water discharges is the use of an underflow dam or siphon dam (see figure 12-8). FIGURE 12-8 SIPHON DAM An underflow dam is like a dike constructed with a pipe placed lower on the upstream side and higher on the downstream side. This creates a waterway through the piping and traps the contaminants on the upstream side. As with the overflow dam, it is necessary to have additional manpower and supplies downstream just in case the dam breaks. Hay can be used as a temporary measure to create a fixed barrier. An underflow dam is generally limited to smaller waterways and is particularly useful for controlling and confining hazardous material that floats on the surface of the stream of water. A filter fence is also a confinement option for water discharges involving oil (see figure 12-9). Generally, this type of fencing is difficult to set up. Items which may be used to construct a filter fence include chicken wire or any type of wire fencing. Straw or hay may also be used. However, a great deal of saturated material is generated as a result of using straw or hay which can be costly to dispose. Filter fences are typically used on faster running streams and are only partially successful in removing oily contaminants. If the material spilled is soluble, there is very little that the first responder can do. If the waterway is small, the responder may install a dam which will help to recover or filter the water. The other option is to neutralize the chemical, rendering is inert. This will require the resources of EPA and/or the state environmental agency for technical assistance. FIGURE 12-9 FILTER FENCE D. Ground-Water Contamination Ground-water contamination is not usually handled by first responders. Occasionally, they may be required to take samples to ensure that a release does not contaminate ground water. Because ground-water cleanups often involve millions of dollars. any incorrect actions taken by responders may contribute to the cost of the cleanup. It is very important, therefore, that response personnel take special precautions when conducting response operations to ensure that ground water is not affected by their actions. Il. CONTAINING HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RELEASES A variety of techniques for emergency leak containment have been developed. Most of these techniques involve the use of tools and materials that are readily available or can be made easily and inexpensively. The type of materials and tools needed to temporarily patch a leak is dependent upon the kind of container. A practical way of determining what equipment may be required is to plan ahead. A prearranged onsite visit with the facility manager, for example, can be valuable in determining what leak control problems there could be and the materials available on location for use. Leak control equipment literature, equipment used by established response teams, and a facility survey can provid: the major elements of a shopping list. B. Controlling Leaks From Drums - Equipment and Tools Leaking drums are a fairly common type of accident. A typical low-pressure metal drum is a flat piece of metal rolled into a tube with two capped ends. It may be welded at both ends or clamped at the top for access to the contents. A rim or lip runs around the outer edge of each end. Sometimes various access holes are found on different drums although, typically, the main opening is founc at the top. These openings or access holes are closed with a right-handed screw cap referred to as a bung. On some drums the bung is the only method of identifying the top. Because gravity dictates that a hazardous material will follow the path of least resistance, problems may be created when a drum is accidentally breached. Any leaks that are a result of the hole in the drum can be controlled by providing some method of resistance to the leaking materials. One approach to controlling leaks in a drum is to raise the hold above the level of the liquid or solid. This can be done quickly by rolling the drum so that the hole is on top or by standing the drum on end. When minor leaks occur at openings such as the bung or lid, these leaks are easily stopped by tightening the bung clockwise. Ifa bung wrench is unavailable, a long-handled screwdriver can be used. Drum rim clamps can be tightened with pliers and a screwdriver if the clamp is placed properly over the rim of the drum. If a leaking drum has to be patched, response personnel should first remove all of the paint in the area of the hole in the drum to the bare metal with a wire brush. (Before creating friction with the brush, response personnel should rule out the potential for a flammable situation.) Then, a wooden wedge should be driven partially into the hole with a hammer. If lead wool is available, it should be packed around the wedge to provide a tight seal. The wooden wedge should then be cut flush with the drum. Next, response personnel should place aluminum tape over the wedge and epoxy over the tape. Typically, holes or gasses in drums are the result of punctures. Oftentimes, these punctures are caused by forklifts. If the hole or gash is large, a plug or wedge can be used. Homemade drum clamps can also be used to patch holes up to approximately 3 inches in diameter. These drum clamps or patches consist of three parts: a neoprene gasket, a metal backing, and a clamp. A drum clamp is used to patch a hole in a drum in the following manner: 1.Bend the end tab of the one-piece, T-shaped sheet metal backing over the main section 2.Insert the clamp strap through the slot that was made by bending over the top of the sheet metal backing (the strap is a large version of a simple radiator-hose clamp) 3.Glue the neoprene gasket directly to the sheet metal backing to make the seal once the patch is in place 4.Place the clamp around the drum, putting the patch over the hole, and tighten the clamp Because patching holes in drums may be frequently done by responders at a hazardous materials incident, it is recommended that a number of drum clamp patches of varying sizes be made in advance and carried in a kit on the response vehicle. Small punctures or pinhole leaks can be stopped by inserting a sheet metal screw with one or more washers and a rubber gasket into the hole. Other methods for plugging small holes include boiler plugs, vulcanizing repair kit (tire patches), and rubber plugs. All of these items are available at plumbing and automobile part stores. Response personnel may also perform a “drum-to-drum” transfer. This method involves hand-pumping the contents of a damaged drum into a new and empty drum or into a drum containing the same material. Usually, more sophisticated plugs and patches are readily available or can be locally manufactured from sheet metal with rubber gasket material and toggle bolts (i-patches) (see figure 12-10). They can be fabricated in a variety of sizes. Each works well on different types of container breaches. The only limiting factor is that the fissure must be large enough for the toggle to pass through. These devices should not be snugged down too tightly because the toggles will not tolerate a great deal of torque. For devices that can be applied using more torque, a T-bolt (see figure 12-11) may substitute for the toggle bolt. But once again, too much torque can pull the “T” through thin walled containers. Successfully patched drums should be removed from normal service and placed inside a recovery drum (also referred to as an overpac drum) designed to fit over the damaged 55-gallon container. Additional protection is obtained by first placing the damaged drum inside a large polyethylene bag. The final package must be clearly marked so that all persons handling the drum are aware of the drum’s contents. Failure to mark the recovery drum could be in violation of state and Federal regulations. Properly packaged and labeled recovery drums in good condition are suitable for transportation to a recycling facility or waste dump. Refer to the 49 Code of Federal Regulations for packaging, marking, and labeling of containers for the transportation of hazardous materials, substances, and wastes. FIGURE 12-10 T-PATCH FIGURE 12-11 T-BOLT C. Controlling Leaks From Piping - Equipment and Tools Leaks from piping present another problem. An expanding plug is useful for stopping most leaks from piping (see figure 12-12). FIGURE 12-12 VENTED PIPE PLUG The plugs can be vented or unvented, although if system pressure exceeds 2 psi, vented plugs will probably be necessary to facilitate plug installation. One type of plug includes a threaded nipple on the vent tube to which a valved hose can be attached. This allows responders to pipe off the material to a suitable container after plug installation. Plugs are easy to apply. The plug, with the vent open, is inserted into the pipe. The hex nut is then drawn tight, causing the rubber stoppers to be compressed along their longitudinal axis. The stoppers will then expand circumferentially. After the plug is in place, the vent may be closed, shutting off the product flow from the appliance, or the product may be piped to a suitable container. Plugs such as these are most effective on low pressure systems. A word of caution-- personnel should stand clear of the plug if the vent is to be closed, just in case the plug is ejected from the pipe by system pressure. D. Controlling Leaks From Tank Trucks - Equipment and Tools Tank truck leaks usually occur in the tank shell or its installed pipe and valve system. Breaches in the cargo tank itself normally occur from stress caused on impact, such as the vehicle overturning. Typical holes in the tank shell take the form of punctures and tears. Because tanks may be breached in several locations, they should always be inspected on as many sides as possible. Generally speaking, the lower the leak on the tank the more serious the problem. Naturally, leaks located below the liquid level should be controlled first; however, holes above the liquid should not be overlooked. Vapors may be released through the hole to the surrounding area or fresh air can be drawn inside the tank, possibly placing the vapor space in the explosive range if flammable or combustible liquids are involved. Minor leaks can be quickly confined by placing a bucket directly under the hole to catch the liquid before it contacts the ground. Plastic food buckets, for example, are handy leak control devices since they are lightweight, can be cut down to fit tight spots, and may be discarded after use. Because some chemicals may react with plastics causing the structural integrity of the container to be diminished, a stainless steel milk bucket or container or a glass container is preferable for catching a liquid other than an acid. Small holes in the tank are usually found at a weld seam or crease in the metal. A golf tee, or any small piece of wood, can be effective in this size leak. Large holes can be plugged with tapered wooden plugs or wedges. In the absence of similar homemade plugs, a rag, stick, 2 by 4, etc. can be jammed in the hole until something more sophisticated is available. Generally, it is a very good idea for responders to carry several wooden plugs or wedges in various shapes and sizes to protect against most kinds of leaks (see figure 12-13). These plugs or wedges should be made from cedar, redwood, or pine because these wood materials swell when wet to fill holes or seams. Soap may also be used to stop a leak because it can be carved into irregular shapes. Breaches in product transfer pipe walls, valves, and caps seldom occur on tank trucks in nonfire situations. Small pinholes. however, may be encountered due to stress, cracking, or corrosion. Most vehicles are equipped with emergency shutdown valves. The types of systems are fairly standardized by Department of Transportation vehicle class. FIGURE 12-13 WEDGE AND PLUG ASSORTMENT If the hole in the pipe is between one or more valves, the valves can be closed to further isolate the leak from the remaining cargo. Once pressure and product flow has been reduced, it may be possible to stop the leak by inserting a small plug in the hole. Small, dripping leaks can be wrapped with a rag and duct or adhesive tape. A bucket placed under the hole can be use to catch slow drips until the line is repaired or the product is off loaded. Valves and caps on product lines can be an effective control method if the responders are familiar with the operation of the vehicle. Generally speaking, butterfly valves and ball valves are closed when the operating handle is NOT in line with the pipe. Most tank trucks have well- labeled valves which may include detailed procedures for routine shutdown. Screw-on caps can be tightened to control a leak on pipes at the discharge or intake. Most tank trucks have right- hand threads (right to tighten, left to loosen). When used in conjunction with closing a valve on the line, this technique can be effective. A damaged valve inadvertently opened may not close easily due to pressure or damage. If there is any doubt about the proper position of a valve or cap, it is best to leave it alone until someone with knowledge of the vehicle arrives. E. Specialty Tools Some specialty devices, such as airbags, are available commercially. They consist of inflatable patch systems for large vessels. These patch systems are secured against the container breach with chains or webbing and then inflated. Devices similar to airbags are available for use on pipes and small diameter container systems. Airbag devices designed for controlling leaks operate on relatively low inflation pressures. They are better than lifting devices, which might crush container walls when inflated. CONCLUSION Controlling a release using confinement and containment measures requires response personnel to pre-plan the use of general control measures. Response personne! must be prepared, on arrival at the incident, to confine materials that have been released into the air, spilled on the land, into surface water, and sometimes into ground water. Personnel must also be prepared to contain materials that have been released by making sure that a variety of leak control tools and equipment is available on the response vehicle. When response personnel are prepared to confine and contain materials in an emergency, they are in the best position to mitigate (prevent or reduce) the incident’s impact on public health, property, and the environment. ont INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 9.2 Further Study MSDS Example Gasoline Health Effects Site Control and Work Zones MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEE) g6PSNo REGULAR UNLEADED GASOLINE Rev. Oats — 10/as U. S. OIL & REFINING CO. parca wf enoourg of Pas res Puss 3001 Marshall Avenue (Pas itormEBOn on tO emEIoyems, CLUSIOMer. Tacoma, Washington 98421 os eens ere Trade REGULAR UNLEADED GASOLINE EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE Name Company 206 3853-1651 CHEMTREC 800 424-9300 Chemical Farmuty HYDROCARBONS enatw macare Genenc Name : PETROLEUM KAPHTHAS (BLENDED) : FLAMMABLE LIQUID OOT Hazarcous Matenais Proper Shipping Name GASOLINE " Health Information nmary INHALATION OF VAPORS. INGESTION, OF LIQUID AMD ASPIRATION INTO THE LUNGS MAY RESULT IN Hazard CHEMICAL PNEUMONIA ROUTE OF EXPOSURE SIGNS ANO SYMPTOMS innatavon PROLONGED EXPOSURE MAY CAUSE SYMPTOMS OF CENTRAL MERYOUS SYSTEM DEPRESSION (DIZZINESS, INCOORDIMATION, OROWSINESS, COMA AND DEATH). ee oe EYE IRRITATION MAY RESULT FROM CONTACT WITH LIQUID, MISTS, AND/OR YAPORS. SKIN IRRITATION LEADING TO DERMATITIS MAY OCCUR UPON PROLONGED COMTACT DUE TO SKIN DEFATTING. ingesvon NAUSEA, YOMITING, OLARRHEA, AND RESTLESSNESS. EXPOSURE TO HIGH LEVELS OF GASOLINE YAPORS MAY CAUSE ASPHYXIATION. EYE IRRITATION, SKIN ee IRRITATION LEADING TO DERMATITIS, CENTRAL MERYOUS SYSTEM DEPRESSION, AND CHEMICAL PMELMONIA - ARE OTHER EFFECTS. rc ener ee ee I. Occupational Exposure Limits * GASOLINE Exposure Limit Vaiue/ Time 300 PPM / 715 MIMUTES MSCS No. We — A En Ths comonews 7 Components (“Zu Seewm) eee poner Name . CAS No. Compoarton amount (VoL) : (See Noes on Page 4} GASOLIME IS A COMPLEZ COMBIXATION OF 8006-61-93 100 HYDROCARBOMS PRODUCED 8Y THE PROCESSING OF CRUDE OIL. IT CONTAINS PRIMARILY ALIPHATIC, OLEFINIC AMD AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IM THE PANE OF Cy-Cy9. Compositons grren are typscal vaiues, not specficssons. a _ ' Fire and Expicsion wusuai EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE! THIS MATERIAL RELEASES VAPORS AT OR BELOW AMBIENT TEMPERATURES. \HEN AIIED rearc YITH AIR LN CERTAIN PROPORTIONS AMD EXPOSED TO AM IGHITION SOURCE, THESE VAPORS CAN BURN IN THE tOlomon Opey OR EXPLODE IN CONFINED SPACES. BEING HEAVIER THAN AIR, FLAMMABLE YAPORS MAY TRAVEL LONG DISTANCES ALOMG THE GROUND BEFORE REACHING A POINT OF [GRITION AMD FLASHING SACK. ronquanng OT CHEXICAL, FOAM, CARSON DIOXIDE, MALOM. MATER FOG OR WATER SPRAY ARE OF YALUE FOR COOLING, on BUT MAY NOT ACHIEVE EXTINGUISHMENT. FOR FIRES INYGLYIKG THIS MATERIAL, DO MOT EXTER AMY ELCLOSED FIRE SPACE WITHOUT PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING SELF-CONTAINED SREATHING APPARATUS. COOL TANKS AMD COMTAIKERS rehgnong EXPOSED TO FIRE WITH WATER. rocedures nt me owe REGUUAR UNLEADED GASOLINE Rev. Date 1078s pr VI. Employee Protection LL el AM APPROVED ORGANIC VAPOR RESPIRATOR, SUPPLIED AIR, OR SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS (SCRA) Respwatory UST BE USED WHEN VAPOR COMCEXTRATIONS EXCEED THE OCCUPATIOWAL EXPOSURE LIMITS. i USE ADEQUATE VENTILATION TO KEEP VAPOR COMCENTRATIOMS OF THIS MATERLAL BELOW THE OCCUPATIONAL Venalaton = EXPOSURE LIMITS. fa | EYE PROTECTION (CHEMICAL-TYPE GOGGLES AMD/OR FACE SHIELD) SHOULD 8& WORM KHENEVER THERE IS A Eye LIKELIHOOD OF SPLASHING OR SPRAYING LIQUID. CONTACT LEXSES SHOULD MOT BE WORN. EYE WASH KATER SHOULD BE PROVIDED. AVOID PROLOMGED OR REPEATED SKIN CONTACT. IF COMDITIOMS OR FREQUENCY OF USE PRESENT OANGER OF | Skin EXPOSURE, CLEAM AMD IMPERYIOUS PROTECTIVE CLOTHING SUCH AS GLOVES, APROM, BOOTS, AMD FACLAL PROTECTION SHOULD BE WORK. USE BOUo So EX! PRACTIC! TXSE U Kx co WASH WITH ALLD SOAP AAD RATER WATERLESS HAND CLEAMER. IMMEDLATELY REMOVE SOILED CLOTHING AMD WASH THOROUGHLY BEFORE REUSE. clad DISCARD GASOLINE-SOAKED SHOES. Emergency and First Aid TM@EDLATELY REMOVE FROM CONTAMINATED AREA TO FRESH AIR. FOR RESPIRATORY DISTRESS, GIVE OXYGEN OR tamaianon ADMINISTER CPR (CARDIOPULMOMARY RESUSCITATION), IF NECESSARY. OSTAIN PROMPT MEDICAL ATTENTION. FLUSH WITH CLEAM LOW-PRESSURE WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MIMUTES. cy MEDICAL ATTENTION. Contact IF IRRITATION PERSISTS, OSTAIN IMMEDIATELY REMOVE COMTAMIMATED CLOTHING. WASH AFFECTED AREA THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP AMD WATER. IF Skin IRRITATION PERSISTS, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. WASH CLOTHING THOROUGHLY BEFORE REUSE, SUT DISCARD Conmet CONTAMINATED LEATHER 6000S. | DO MOT INDUCE YOMITING, SINCE ASPIRATION INTO THE LUNGS WILL CAUSE CHEMICAL PREUMOMIA. MUST \ngeston = QETAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION PROMPTLY. TOXIC SIGNS AMD SYMPTOMS MAY FOLLOW CONTACT WITH THE SXIN OVER LARGE AREAS OF THE BODY, IMHALATION OF YAPORS OR INGESTION. Vill. Spill and Disposal CONTAIN SPILL. REMOVE ALL IGRITIOM SOURCES AMD SAFELY STOP FLOW OF SPILL. IM URBAN AREAS, CLEANUP ASAP; IN NATURAL ENVIRONMENTS, SEEK ADVICE FROM ECOLOGISTS. EYACUATE ALL NON-ESSENTIAL Aczons PERSOMNEL. USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. BLANKET WITH FOAM OR USE WATER FOG TO DISPERSE it Matenai VAPORS. PAOS/ABSORBENT MATERIAL CAN BE USED. GASOLINE WILL FLOAT OM WATER AMD RESULTING RUNOFF is Soulea MAY CREATE AM EXPLOSION OR FIRE HAZARD. MOTIFY THE MATIONAL RESPOMSE CENTER (800/424-8802) AND or leaked = COMPLY WITH ALL LAWS. GASOLINE OR CONTAMINATED MATERIALS MAY SE HAZAROOUS TO HUMAN AMD OTHER LIFE. MAXIMIZE PRODUCT RECOVERY FOR REUSE PRIOR TO DISPOSAL. DISPOSE OF PRODUCT, CONTAMINATED MATERIAL, AMD STORAGE TANK MATER BOTTOMS AS AM EPA “IGRITASLE HAZARDOUS WASTE® (DOO1), UNLESS PROVEN OTHERWISE. USE APPROVED TREATMENT, TRANSPORTERS, AMD DISPOSAL SITES IM COMPLIANCE WITH se ALL LAWS, TANK BOTTOMS AMD TANK WATER BOTTOMS MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO HUMAN, ANIMAL AMD AQUATIC viscosa) = LIFE. IF SPILL IS INTRODUCED INTO A WASTENATER SYSTEM, THE CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL OXYGEN Methods = DEMAND WILL LIKELY INCREASE, PROPERLY ACCLIMATE BIOMASS TO SPILL. POTENTIAL TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL METHOCS INCLUDE LAKD FARMING, INCINERATION AMD LAND DISPOSAL, IF PERMITTED. el Physicaj and Chemical Data jing Eveporavon Rate (Race ot Tune) Ory Powrt SLOWER THAN BUTYL ACETATE Vaoor Pressure (REID-PSIA AT 100° F) AP & TO 15 soc Gray (H,O = 1 at 39.2°F) | Vaoor So. Ge. War» 1.0 at 60° — 90°F) AP 0.72 TO 0.77 | AP 3.5 Sotutelity wn Water SLIGHT saroous Potymenzanon pierce pH yOcaurC] Will Not Occur N/AP R/AP ver Ptrywcal | Chemcas Properves : - pearance COLORLESS TO STRAM-COLORED LIQUID; PETROLELM MAPHTHA O00R \ 1 Odor n¢rmons hvowd HEAT, SPARKS, AND OPEN FLAME tensis REACTS WITH STRONG ACIDS AND STRONG OXIDIZING MATERLALS vod bepalenoeed BURNING OR EXCESSIVE HEATING MAY PRODUCE CARSON MOMOXIDE aes AMD OTHER HARMFUL GASES AMD YAPORS Additional Precautions a STORE AND TRANSPORT IM ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS. KEEP AMAY FROM HEAT, SPARKS, AND OPEN FLAME! KEEP CONTAINERS CLOSED! G2OUMD ALL DRUMS AMD TRAASFER YESSELS WHEN HANDLING. THE PRESEXCE OF BLEMDING COMPCLMDS IM THIS CASOLIME MAY REQUIRE USE OF SPECLAL PROCEDURES AND PRO- a TECTIYE EQUIPMENT FOR TANK, VESSEL, OR THER ENCLOSED SPACE SNTRY. REFER TO AMERICUN PETROLELM wage INSTITUTE PUBLICATIONS RP 2015 AMD ZO1SA FOR SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS. ALL ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IM GASOLINE STORAGE AMD/OR HANDLING AREAS SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDAMCE WITH APPLICABLE RE- QUIREMEXTS OF THE KATIOMAL ELECTRICAL COOE, N.F.PA. KEEP QUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. a FOR USE ONLY AS A MOTOR FUEL. 00 ROT USE GASOLINE AS A CLEANING AGEAT. meral omment A LASGRATORY STUDY SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN PETROLELM INSTITUTE HAS SHOMM THAT RATS AMD MICE DEVELOPED CANCER FOLLOWING CHRONIC IMHALATION EXPOSURE TO THE YAPORS OF A SAMPLE OF UNLEADED GASOLINE. THE EXACT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THESE RESULTS AMD POSSIBLE HUMAN EFFECTS [5 OT SOME OF THE INFORMATION PRESENTED AMD COMCLUSIOMS DRAM HEREIN ARE FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN DIRECT TEST DATA OM THE MIXTURE ITSELF AP © Agoroxmatty N/AV = Not Aveiable EQ » Equal - - Note - - - Qualifications LT = Less Than UK » Unknown N/AP = Not Appicapte GT = Greater Than >*TR = Trace N/OA * No Oats Aveilabie ‘The intormanon wn thes MSDS wes cotsned from sources Aaty REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESS OM IMPLIED, REGARDING ITS ACCURACT OR CORRECTNESS. The concrtons or metnods of handling, sorage. use and diapoesi of the product are beyond our Conarct Tee ee STuER REASONS. WE DO NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY AMD EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM LIASILITY FOR LOSS. OAMAGE OF AntsnG OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE HAMDUNG, STORAGE, USE OR DISPOSAL OF THE PROOUCT. _EXPDSSE ARISING OUT OF OF ANT WAY CONES ee inn. A MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 7 xs Rev. 6/88 U. S. OIL & REFINING CO. RESSTANT: Read tea MSDS basore 1 3001 Marsnail Avenue Pa een Oe erect Pom Tacoma, Washington 96421 and proguct wera a. Pian ery g PT we Te mare (-@ourre - Ones ++ Cus 3- ow as Genenc Name — ‘ame meee PET ROW Filme TE FUFy Phased = C+ agT eee OOT Harars Class aucreve euSile ae ree moe wae COT Hazarcous Matenais Prover Shrocang Name UN/NA ID Na, |S mare emacme a FUEL OIL, OLESEL 1993, | F "Seca — I. Heaith Information Primary LIQUID, MIST, OR VAPOR CONTACT Cay TRQITATE EYES, SxIM, Aug THE RESPIRATORY UO OLGESTIVE Hazard part: s2teatiow retn ip p05 tun Suc ROUTE OF EXPOSURE SIGNS ANO SYMPTOMS VAPORS OR MISTS FROM THIS MATERIAL CAM IRRITATE THE NOSE, THROAT, AO CUWGS, AMO CAM CAUSE = lanatacon SIGNS AMD SYP TORS OF CENTRAL WERYQUS STSTEX CEPRESSTOm, CEPEMOIMS oy THE COMCONTRATION Axo a 2 MILO EYE [RRITATION MAY REST FROM CONTACT WITH LIQUID, MISTS, Agn/oR VAPORS. eal THIS MATERIAL [S LIKELY TO 0G A MODERATE SCIM IRRITANT. IRRITATION LEAOTIE TO OERMATITIS ~ 3 Po oa 4 i PY Le be’ Le Sed lngeseon THIS MATERIAL CAM IRRITATE THE MOUTH, THROAT, STORCH, uD CUSE WUSEA, YOUTING, ouunerca | oO it Fe s . ede cA i] is oie oo o Overexposure a THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS PETROLEUM OISTILLATES SIMILAR TO THOSE Seoul TO PRODUCE XIN THORS | Omer CAUTION 1S RECOMENDED FOR PRE-EXISTING CEOTRAL MERYOUS STSTEN DISEASES. PeRsomeL WITH | PRE-EXISTING CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM OISEASE, SIM DISORDERS, OR CuramlC FES 1RATORY NISFAS SHOULD Ol) Frosmr mn Peary 7] i. Occupational Exposure Limits STOOQARO SOL YEXT ACEIE s0 Exposure Linn Vatue/ Tene Short Time Une Time Peak Lieut = liv. Components (oa Comoonen Name CAS Na. Comecmton amount (VoL) HYOROCARBOMS WITH A BOILING 68476-H-S AP 100 POINT RANGE OF J2S°F To 700%. Unusumi MODERATELY COMBUSTIBLE: WHE HEATED ABOVE THE FLASH POINT, THIS MATERIAL WILL RELEASE FLBOMSLE Fire and VAPORS WHICH IF EXPOSED TO AN IGMITION SOURCE CAM BURN IM THE OPEN OR SE EXPLOSIVE IN ComFINED Exotomon pacts. MISTS OR SPRAYS MAY SE FLAMMABLE AT TEMPERATURES BELOW THE NORMAL FLASH POINT. FOAM, ORY CHEMICAL, HALOM, CARSON DIOXIDE, aTER F06. FOR FIRES IMVOLYING THIS MATERIAL, 00 MOT ENTER ANY EMCLOSED OR COMFIMED FIRE SPACE WITHOUT PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING SELF-CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS. COOL TANKS AMD beste CONTAINERS EXPOSED TO FIRE WITH MATER. een Vi. Employee Protection THIS MATERIAL [S MOT EXPECTED [O PRESENT A RESPIRATORY HAZARD BECAUSE OF [TS Low vapcR PRESSuee. Resoratory BUT, (F EXCESSIVE MIST OR YAPORS RESULT FROM COMDITIOMS OF USE, WEAR PROPER NLOSH /)SHA- APPROVED t T ca USE ADEQUATE VENTILATION TO KEEP YAPOR COMCENTRATIONS OF THIS MATERIAL BELOW THE OCCUPATIONAL Veneiason EXPOSURE LIMITS. EYE PROTECTION (CHEMICAL-TYPE GOGGLES AMO/OR FACE SHIELD) HOD GE WORM WHENEVER THERE IS 4 Ere LIKELIHOOD OF SPLASHING OR SPRATIMG LIQUID. CONTACT LENSES SHOR BOT aE MGM. ETE WASH MATER SHOULD 8€ PROVIDED. AVOID PROLONGED OR REPEATED SXIM CONTACT. IF CONDITIONS OR FREQUEMCY OF USE PRESENT GAMGER OF Sun EXPOSURE, CLEAM AMD IMPERYIQUS PROTECTIVE CLOTHING SUCM AS GLOVES, APRON, BOOTS, Mao FACIAL PROTECTICM SHOULD BE WORM. T » MAKI, OR US TOILET FACILITIES. IMMEDIATELY REMOYE SOILED CLOTHING UD WAH THOROUGHLY BEFORE REUSE. OIscuzn COMTAMIMATED LEATHER GOOOS. | Vil. Emergency and First Ald : (MEDIATELY REMOVE FROM CONTAMINATED AREA TO FRESH AIR. FoR RESPIRATORY OLSTRESS, GIVE axTGEy = innatapon ADMINISTER CPR (CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION), IF MECFSsaRy. OSTAIN PROWT MEDICA ATTONTIO ( ~ — FUUSA WITH CLEAM LOM-PRESSURE WATER FOR AT LEAST 15 MIMITES. IF [AMITATION PERSISTS, OBTAIN Ere MEDICAL ATTENTION. Contact [ -~—«sCMMEDIATELY REMOVE CONTAMINATED CLOTHING. WASN AFFECTED AREA THOROUGHLY WITH SOAP AMD MATER. IF Stin (RRITATION PERSISTS, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION. WASH CLOTHING THORCUGEY SEFORE REUSE, au oLscany brett CONTAMINATED LEATHER GOOOS. fo QO MGT IMOUCE YOMITING, SIMCE ASPIRATION [NTO THE LIMGS WILL CAUSE CHEMICAL PRELMEMIA. UST Ingqesan C8TAIM MEDICAL ATTEXTION PROMPTLY. PERSCMNEL WITH PRE-EXISTING SXIM DISORDERS OR CHRONIC RESPIRATORY DISEASES SHOULD AVOID Ovcsuar TO THIS PROOUCT. Vil. f Spill and Disposal COMTAIM SPILL. REMOVE ALL IGNITION SOURCES aap SAFELY STOP FLOM OF SPILL. SPILL MAY CREATE SLIPPING HAZARDS, PREVENT FROM ENTERING ALL MATER SOOIES IF POSSIBLE. EVACUATE ALL Actons MOM~ESSENTTAL PERSOMIEL. IM URRAM AREAS, CLEANUP AS SOOM AS POSSIBLE: IM MATURAL EXYIROIOENTS, d Mama CLEAMUP OM AOVICE FROM ECOLOGISTS. THIS MATERLAL WILL FLOAT OM WATER. ASSORSEXT MATERIAL AD fa Souted PAQS CAM BE USED. COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICIBLE Lins, SPILLS MAY NEED TO BE REPORTED [TO THE or toaee MATIOMAL RESPONSE CENTER (800/424-8802). THE SPILLED MATERIAL AMD ANY WATER OR SOIL WHICH IT HAS CONTACTED MAY BE HAZARDOUS TO AMIMAL/AQUATIC LIFE. — \ MAXIMIZE PRODUCT RECOVERY FOR REUSE OR RECTCLING. WAMISED LIQUID PRODUCT [S LIKELY AM EPA . “TGMITABLE HAZARDOUS WASTE (D001). USE APPROVED TREATMENT, TRAMSPORTERS, AMO OISPOSAL SITES I wes COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS. IF SPILL Is TNTROOUCED INTO A WASTEWATER SYSTEN, THE Ciapona CHEMICAL AMO BIOLOGICAL OXYGEN OEMAMD WILL LIKELY TMCREASE. SPILL MATERIAL IS SIODESRADASLE IF GRADUALLY EXPOSED TO WICROGRGANISNS, POTENTIAL OLSPCSAL METHODS INCLINE [MCT RATT smn scum Physical and Chemical Data Soeatic Gravity (0 + 1 at 19.2°5) AP 0.84 TO 0.88 Hazardous Potymenzzson Occur] Wit Not Occur OY SULFUR CONTENT LT 0.5 wT.s Viecosry Unie, Temo_ Menog AP 4 CST AT 100°F (445) LIGHT YELLOW TO AMBER COLORED LIQUID; KEROSENE QooR HEAT, SPARKS. TPEM FLAME AMD OTHER [GMITION SOuUaCES REACTS WITH STROMG ACIDS, STROMG GXIDIZING MATERIALS AMD ALXALIES BURNING OR EXCESSIVE HEATING MAY PRODUCE Cinsa MOMOXIOE AMD OTHER oF Progucts GASES/VAPORS INCLUDING OXIDES A /OR OTHER COwonm@s oF SLFur. & Additional Precautions SPECIAL SLOW LOAD PRoceDuRes FOR “SWITCH LOADING? MUST BE FOLLOWED To AVOID THE STATIC IGMITIOM HAZARD THAT Cam EXIST WHEN THIS MATERIAL TS LOADED Into TAMKS PREYIQUSLY CONTAINING Hanating GASOLINE OR OTHER Low FULSH POINT PRODUCTS. (SEF A.? 1. PUBLICATION 2003.) KEEP CONTAINERS and CLOSED AMD AWAY FROM HEAT AMD [GMITION SOURCES: AL ELECTRICM EQUIPMENT IM AREAS WHERE Sorege PRODUCT IS STORED/HAMOLED SHOULD BE INSTALLED TM ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE REQUIRENEXTS oF THE WATICMAL ELECTRIC CODE, NFLPA. OO WOT USE THIS PRODUCT AS A CLEANING AGENT. MATERIALS SIMILAR TO SOME COMPONENTS Iu THIS PROOUCT WERE Fou To se MUTAGENIC [mM °Im VITRO Commerres AmQ °IM VIVO* TESTS. THE OucT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THESE RESULTS AuQ POSSIBLE MuRMa EFFECTS IS MOT Kucal. “PETROLEUM OLSTILLATE"~—16 CFR 1500.14(8)(3). USE SPECTAL FEDERAL UASELING IF INTENDED, of PACKAGED, FOR USE IN THE HOUSEHOLD on BY CHLOREe. SORE OF THE INFORMATION PRESEXTED AMO COMCLUSIONS ORAM HERETN ARE FRON SOURCES CTMER Tula OLRECT TEST OATA OM THE AIXTURE ITSELF. The conaitons or metnods of handling, sorage, use and dlapoeal of the product are bevand eur eect wut oan ne THEB AND OTHER REASOwn we an we --——— --- Health Effects * Gasoline is a mild skin, eye, and respiratory-tract irritant. + Systemic effects of gasoline exposure are mainly a result of CNS depression. Acute Exposure Most adverse health effects from acute exposure to gasoline are caused by the hydrocarbon component. However, persons who have repeated or massive exposure (e.g., inhalation abuse, pro- longed skin contact) to leaded gasoline may develop lead poison- ing. CNS Acute gasoline exposure can cause transient CNS excitation followed by CNS depression. Confusion, giddiness, nausea, headache, blurred vision, dizziness, weakness, and loss of appe- tite can occur. In massive exposures, rapid CNS depression, respiratory depression, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, and death have been reported. Respiratory Gasoline can irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Nosebleed, shortness of breath, chest pain, and bloody sputum have been reported in severe exposures. Pulmonary aspiration of ingested gasoline may cause inflammation of the lungs. Cardiovascular If irregular heartbeat and low blood pressure occur, they are probably from lack of oxygen due to aspiration or an oxygen- deficient environment. Renal Inhalation of massive amounts of gasoline or massive skin burns may result in renal failure. Dermal Gasoline vapors can cause inflammation of the skin. Prolonged contact with liquid gasoline causes significant irritation (i.e., irritant contact dermatitis), defatting, and burns. Redness and blisters may occur. , Ocular Eye irritation from gasoline vapors begins at about 200 ppm. Inflammation is generally slight. When splashed in the eye, gasoline may cause burning pain, corneal injury, and sloughing of surface of the eye. ATSDR °¢ Health Effects 5 Gasoline _— — Potential Sequelae Chronic Exposure Carcinogenicity Reproductive and Developmental Effects Acute hydrocarbon-induced CNS depression generally is com- pletely reversible after exposure ceases unless the episode has been complicated by lack of oxygen. Chronic lung dysfunction may result from pulmonary aspiration. No health effects are expected from normal use of gasoline as a fuel. Chronic, excessive exposure such as occurs in intentional gasoline abuse can cause irritability, tremor, nausea, insomnia, loss of memory, drowsiness, mental dullness, confusion, sei- zures, muscle spasms, altered vision, hallucinations, impaired gait, inflammation of the optic nerve, dizziness, and involuntary eye movements. Sudden deaths have been reported. Chronic abuse of gasoline may cause kidney disease (i.e., renal tubular dysfunction). Nerve disorders with increased sensitivity to touch of the distal extremities, motor weakness, muscular degeneration, and diminished tendon reflexes can also occur in gasoline abusers. Abuse of leaded gasoline has been Teported to cause brain disease (i.e., lead encephalopathy). Defatting dermatitis with skin cracking and peeling results when skin has repeated or prolonged contact with gasoline. The-International A gency for Research on Cancer has determined that gasoline is possibly carcinogenic to humans. The hydrocarbons found in gasoline can cross the placenta. There is no direct evidence that maternal exposure to gasoline causes fetotoxic or teratogenic effects. Gasoline is not included in Reproductive and Developmental Toxicants, a 1991 Teport published by the U.S. Genéral Accounting Office (GAO) that lists 30 chemicals of concern because of widely acknowledged Teproductive and developmental consequences. 6 HealthEffects + ATSDR Gasoline Prehospital Management + Victims exposed only to gasoline vapors do not pose contamination risks to rescuers. Victims whose clothing or skin is contaminated with liquid gasoline can secondarily contaminate response personnel by direct contact or through off-gassing vapors. Gasoline is a skin, eye, and respiratory-tract irritant and a CNS depressant in acute exposures. Pulmonary aspiration of even small amounts of ingested gasoline can cause chemical pneumonitis. + There is no antidote for gasoline. Treatment requires supportive measures. Hot Zone Rescuers should be trained and appropriately attired before entering the Hot Zone. If the proper equipment is not available, or if rescuers have not been trained in its use,assistance should be obtained from a local or regional HAZMAT team or other properly equipped response organization. Rescuer Protection Gasoline vapors are mild respiratory-tractirritants that are absorbed well by inhalation. The liquid is a mild skin irritant with slow skin absorption. Respiratory Protection: Pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is recommended in response situations that ‘involve exposure to potentially unsafe levels of gasoline vapors. Skin Protection: Chemical-protective clothing is not generally required when only vapor exposure is expected because gasoline vapors are neither irritating nor absorbed well through the skin. Chemical-protective clothing is recommended when repeated or prolonged contact with liquid gasoline is anticipated because skin imitation and dermal absorption may occur. Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive. In case of fire, SCBA and chemical-protective clothing will provide limited or no thermal protection. ABC Reminders Quickly ensure a patent airway. If trauma is suspected, maintain cervical immobilization manually and apply a cervical collar and a backboard when feasible. Victim Removal If victims can walk, lead them out of the Hot Zone to the Decontamination Zone. Victims who are unable to walk may be removed on backboards or gumeys; if these are not available, carefully carry or drag victims to safety. ATSDR ° Prehospital Management 7 Gasoline eee Decontamination Zone Rescuer Protection ABC Reminders Basic Decontamination Transfer to Support Zone Support Zone ABC Reminders Victims exposed only to gasoline vapors do not pose contamination risks to rescuers; transfer them immediately to the Support Zone. For all others, see Basic Decontamination below. If exposure levels are determined to be safe, decontamination may be conducted by personnel wearing a lower level of protection than that worn in the Hot Zone (see Rescuer Protection, page 7). Quickly ensure a patent airway. Stabilize the cervical spine with a collar and a backboard if trauma is suspected. Administer supple- mental oxygen as required. Assist ventilation with a bag-valve-mask device if necessary. Victims who are able and cooperative may assist with their own decontamination. Remove and double-bag contaminated clothing and personal belongings. Flush exposed skin and hair with plain water for 2 to 3 minutes, then wash with mild soap. Rinse thoroughly with water. Irrigate exposed or irritated eyes with plain water or saline for 3 to 5 minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easily removable without additional trauma to the eye. In cases of ingestion, do not induce emesis and do not administer activated charcoal. Gasoline is poorly absorbed from the stomach. If massive doses have been ingested, spontaneous vomiting and diarrhea are likely to occur. Watch for signs of pulmonary aspiration. As soon as basic decontamination is complete, move the victim to the Support Zone. Be certain that victims have been decontaminated properly (see Decontamination Zone above). Victims who have undergone de- contamination or who have been exposed only to vapor pose no serious risks of secondary contamination to rescuers. In such cases, Support Zone personnel require no specialized protective gear. Quickly ensure a patent airway. If trauma is suspected, maintain cervical immobilization manually and apply a cervical collar and a backboard when feasible. Ensure adequate respiration; administer supplemental oxygeras required. Ensure a palpable pulse. Establish intravenous access if necessary. Attach a cardiac monitor. 8 Prehospital Monaement + ATSDR Gasoline Additional Decontamination Advanced Treatment Transport to Medical Facility Multi-Casualty Triage Continue irmigating exposed skin and eyes, as appropriate. In cases of ingestion, do not induce emesis and do not administer activated charcoal. Gasoline is poorly absorbed from the stomach. If massive doses have been ingested, spontaneous vomiting and diarthea are likely to occur. Watch for signs of pulmonary aspiration. Intubate the trachea in cases of respiratory compromise. When the patient's condition precludes endotracheal intubation, perform cricothyroidotomy if equipped and trained to do so. Treat patients who have bronchospasm with aerosolized broncho- dilators. Report to the base station and the receiving medical facility the condition of the patient, treatment given, and estimated time of arrival at the medical facility. If gasoline has been ingested, prepare the ambulance in case the victim vomits toxic material. Have ready several towels and open plastic bags to quickly clean up and isolate vomitus. Consult with the base station physician or the regional poison control center for advice regarding triage of multiple victims. Patients who have evidence suggesting substantial exposure (e.g., coughing or coma) should be transported to a medical facility for evaluation. Patients who did not experience significant symptoms are not likely to have had serious exposure. After their names, addresses, and telephone numbers are recorded, they may be discharged from the scene and advised to seek medical care promptly if symptoms develop or recur (see the reverse side of Gasoline—Patient Infor- mation Sheet). ATSDR . Prehospital Management 9 Gasoline ecology and environment 10 Prehospital Management ° ATSDR Gasoline Emergency Department Management vomitus. ¢ Gasoline is a mild skin, eye, and respiratory-tract irritant and a CNS depressant in acute exposures. Pulmonary aspiration of even small amounts of ingested gasoline can cause chemical pneumonitis. ¢ Patients do not pose risks of secondary contamination if they have been exposed only to gasoline vapors. However, hospital personnel in an enclosed area can be secondarily contaminated by vapors off-gassing from heavily soaked clothing or skin or from ¢ There is no antidote for gasoline. Treatment requires supportive measures. Decontamination Area ABC Reminders Basic Decontamination Patients who have been decontaminated previously and patients exposed only to gasoline vapors who have no skin or eye irritation may be transferred immediately to the Critical Care Area. Other patients will require decontamination as described below. Evaluate and support airway, breathing, and circulation. Intubate the trachea in cases of respiratory compromise. If the patient's condition precludes intubation, surgically create an airway. Patients who are able and cooperative may assist with their own decontamination. If the patient's clothing is wet with gasoline, remove and double-bag the contaminated clothing and personal belongings. Flush exposed skin and hair with plain water for 2 to 3 minutes (preferably under a shower), then wash with mild soap. Rinse thoroughly with water. Irrigate exposed eyes with plain water or saline for 3 to 5 min- utes. Remove contact lenses if present and easily removable without additional trauma to the eye. Incases of ingestion, do not induce emesis or administer activated charcoal. Gasoline is poorly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract. If a massive dose has been ingested, spontaneous vomiting and diarthea are likely to occur. If the patient is coughing or dyspneic, pulmonary aspiration may have occurred. Treat accordingly. ATSDR . Emergency Department Management 11 Gasoline COrreoeoooeeeeses >: nn rere Critical Care Area ABC Reminders Inhalation Exposure _Skin Exposure Eye Exposure Ingestion Exposure Antidotes and Other Treatments Laboratory Tests Be certain that appropriate decontamination has been carried out. (See Decontamination Area on page 11.) Evaluate and support airway, breathing, and circulation as in ABC Reminders on page 11. Establish intravenous access in seriously symptomatic patients. Continuously monitor cardiac thythm. Administer supplemental oxygen by mask to patients who have respiratory symptoms. Patients in respiratory distress or who have abnormal pulmonary examination will require pulse oximetry (or ABG measurements) and chest radiography. Treat patients who have bronchospasm with aerosolized broncho- dilators. If liquid gasoline comes in contact with the skin for a prolonged period, chemical bums may occur; treat as thermal burns. If eye irritation or injury is evident, test visual acuity. Examine the eyes for comeal damage using a magnifying device oraslit lamp and fluorescein stain. For small comeal defects, use ophthalmic antibi- Otic ointment or drops, analgesic medication, and an eye patch. Immediately consult an ophthalmologist for patients who have severe corneal injuries. Do not induce emesis or administer activated charcoal. Gasoline is poorly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract. If a massive dose has been ingested, spontaneous vomiting and diarrhea are likely to occur. If the patient is coughing or dyspneic, pulmonary aspiration may have occurred. Treat accordingly. There is no antidote for gasoline. Treatment is supportive. Routine laboratory studies for all exposed patients include CBC, glucose, and electrolyte determinations. Additional studies for pa- tients exposed to gasoline include ECG Monitoring and renal- function tests. Chest radiography and pulse oximetry (or ABG measurements) are recommended for severe inhalation exposure or if pulmonary aspiration is suspected. Identification or measurement of hydrocarbons in blood is not clinically useful; however, such tests may be used to document exposure. 7 lt pn ecology and environment ° ATSDR 12 Emergency Department Management Gasoline Disposition and Followup Delayed Effects Patient Release Followup Reporting Consider hospitalizing patients who have had significant inhalation exposure and patients who have symptoms of chemical pneumonitis. Patients who have ingested gasoline should be observed for at least 6 hours for signs of chemical pneumonitis. Patients who are asymptomatic may be discharged and advised to seek medical care promptly if symptoms develop (see reverse side of Gasoline—Patient Information Sheet). Patients who have aspirated gasoline should receive follow-up pulmonary function tests. If a work-related incident has occurred, you may be legally required to file a report; contact your state or local health department. Other persons may still be at risk in the setting where this incident occurred. If the incident occurred in the workplace, discussing it with company personnel may prevent future incidents. If a public health risk exists, notify your state or local health department or other responsible public agency. When appropriate, inform pa- tients that they may request an evaluation of their workplace from OSHA or NIOSH. See Appendix III for a list of agencies that may be of assistance. ATSDR . Emergency Department Management 13 Gasoline Gasoline Patient Information Sheet This handout provides information and follow-up instructions for persons who have been exposed to gasoline. What is gasoline? Atroom temperature, gasoline is a clear liquid that contains a mixture of hydrocarbons (from crude oil) with a variety of substances added to improve its performance as a fuel. It is used as a fuel in cars, trucks, and light aircraft. What immediate health effects can be caused by exposure to gasoline? Breathing gasoline vapor can cause headache, nausea, and dizziness. Extremely high levels can cause fainting and even death. Gasoline in the air can also irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. Gasoline splashed in the eyes can cause eye injury. When liquid gasoline contacts the skin, it may cause redness and blisters. Generally, the more serious the exposure, the more severe the symptoms. Can gasoline poisoning be treated? There is no antidote for gasoline, but its effects can be treated and most exposed persons get well. Persons who have experienced serious symptoms may need to be hospitalized. Are any future health effects likely to occur? A single small exposure from which a person recovers quickly is not likely to cause delayed or long-term effects. Repeated exposure to very high levels of gasoline can cause poor appetite, weakness, and even brain or kidney damage. Gasoline contains benzene and other additives that may cause future health problems after repeated, high-level exposures. What tests can be done if a person has been exposed to gasoline? Specific tests for the presence of gasoline in blood generally are not useful to the doctor. If a severe exposure has occurred, blood and urine analyses and other tests may show whether the nervous system, heart, kidneys, liver, or lungs have been damaged. Testing is not needed in every case. Where can more information about gasoline be found? More information about gasoline can be obtained from your regional poison control center; your state, county, or local health department; the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR); your doctor, or a clinic in your area that specializes in occupational and environmental health. If the exposure happened at work, you may wish to discuss it with your employer, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Ask the person who gave you this form for help in locating these telephone numbers. ATSDR ° Patient Information Sheet 15 Gasoline : LL Follow-up Instructions Keep this page and take it with you to your next appointment. Follow only the instructions checked below. { ] Call your doctor or the Emergency Department if you develop any unusual signs or symptoms within the next 24 hours, especially: * stomach pain or vomiting * coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath * confusion or fainting * increased pain or a discharge from exposed eyes * increased redness pain or a pus-like discharge in the area of a skin burn [ ] No follow-up appointment is necessary unless you develop any of the symptoms listed above. [ ] Call for an appointment with Dr. in the practice of. When you call for your appointment, please say that you were treated in the Emergency Depart- ment at Hospital by and were advised to be seen again in days. { ] Return to the Emergency Department/, Clinic on (date). at AM/PM for a follow-up examination. { ] Do not perform vigorous physical activities for 1 to 2 days. { ] Youmay resume everyday activities including driving and operating machinery. { ] Donotreturn to work for. days. { ] You may return to work on a limited basis. See instructions below. { ] Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke for 72 hours; smoke may worsen the condition of your lungs. { ] Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours; alcohol may worsen injury to your stomach or have other effects. [ ] Avoid taking the following medications: [ ] You may continue taking the following medication(s) that your doctor(s) prescribed for you: { ] Other instructions: Signature of patient Date > Signature of physician Date recycied paper 16 Patient Information Sheet . ATSDR Gasoline Health Effects ¢ Gasoline is a mild skin, eye, and respiratory-tract irritant. ¢ Systemic effects of gasoline exposure are mainly a result of CNS depression. Acute Exposure CNS Respiratory Cardiovascular Renal Dermal Ocular Most adverse health effects from acute exposure to gasoline are caused by the hydrocarbon component. However, persons who have repeated or massive exposure (e.g., inhalation abuse, pro- longed skin contact) to leaded gasoline may develop lead poison- ing. Acute gasoline exposure can cause transient CNS excitation followed by CNS depression. Confusion, giddiness, nausea, headache, blurred vision, dizziness, weakness, and loss of appe- tite can occur. In massive exposures, rapid CNS depression, respiratory depression, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, and death have been reported. Gasoline can irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Nosebleed, shortness of breath, chest pain, and bloody sputum have been reported in severe exposures. Pulmonary aspiration of ingested gasoline may cause inflammation of the lungs. If irregular heartbeat and low blood pressure occur, they are probably from lack of oxygen due to aspiration or an oxygen- deficient environment. Inhalation of massive amounts of gasoline or massive skin burns may result in renal failure. Gasoline vapors can cause inflammation of the skin. Prolonged contact with liquid gasoline causes significant irritation (i.e., irritant contact dermatitis), defatting, and burns. Redness and blisters may occur. Eye irritation from gasoline vapors begins at about 200 ppm. Inflammation is generally slight. When splashed in the eye, gasoline may cause burning pain, corneal injury, and sloughing of surface of the eye. * ATSDR °¢ 4HealthEffects 5 Gasoline LE Potential Sequelae Chronic Exposure Carcinogenicity Reproductive and Developmental Effects Health Effects ATSDR Acute hydrocarbon-induced CNS depression generally is com- pletely reversible after exposure ceases unless the episode has been complicated by lack of oxygen. Chronic lung dysfunction may result from pulmonary aspiration. No health effects are expected from normal use of gasoline as a fuel. Chronic, excessive exposure such as occurs in intentional gasoline abuse can cause irritability, tremor, nausea, insomnia, loss of memory, drowsiness, mental dullness, confusion, sei- zures, muscle spasms, altered vision, hallucinations, impaired gait, inflammation of the optic nerve, dizziness, and involuntary eye movements. Sudden deaths have been reported. Chronic abuse of gasoline may cause kidney disease (i.e., renal tubular dysfunction). Nerve disorders with increased sensitivity to touch of the distal extremities, motor weakness, muscular degeneration, and diminished tendon reflexes can also occur in gasoline abusers. Abuse of leaded gasoline has been reported to cause brain disease (i.e., lead encephalopathy). , Defatting dermatitis with skin cracking and peeling results when skin has repeated or prolonged contact with gasoline. The Intemational Agency for Research on Cancer has determined that gasoline is possibly carcinogenic to humans. The hydrocarbons found in gasoline can cross the placenta. There is no direct evidence that maternal exposure to gasoline causes fetotoxic or teratogenic effects. Gasoline is not included in Reproductive and Developmental Toxicants, a 1991 Teport published by the U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) that lists 30 chemicals of concern because of widely acknowledged reproductive and developmental consequences. Prehospital Management + Victims exposed only to gasoline vapors do not pose contamination risks to rescuers. Victims whose clothing or skin is contaminated with liquid gasoline can secondarily contaminate response personnel by direct contact or through off-gassing vapors. Gasoline is a skin, eye, and respiratory-tract irritant and a CNS depressant in acute exposures. Pulmonary aspiration of even small amounts of ingested gasoline can cause chemical pneumonitis. * There is no antidote for gasoline. Treatment requires supportive measures. Hot Zone Rescuers should be trained and appropriately attired before entering the Hot Zone. If the proper equipment is not available, or if rescuers have not been trained in its use,assistance should be obtained from a local or regional HAZMAT team or other properly equipped response organization. Rescuer Protection Gasoline vapors are mild respiratory-tract irritants that are absorbed well by inhalation. The liquid is a mild skin irritant with slow skin absorption. Respiratory Protection: Pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) is recommended in response situations that involve exposure to potentially unsafe levels of gasoline vapors. Skin Protection: Chemical-protective clothing is not generally required when only vapor exposure is expected because gasoline vapors are neither irritating nor absorbed well through the skin. Chemical-protective clothing is recommended when repeated or prolonged contact with liquid gasoline is anticipated because skin irritation and dermal absorption may occur. Gasoline is highly flammable and explosive. In case of fire, SCBA and chemical-protective clothing will provide limited or no thermal protection. ABC Reminders Quickly ensure a patent airway. If trauma is suspected, maintain cervical immobilization manually and apply a cervical collar and a backboard when feasible. Victim Removal If victims can walk, lead them out of the Hot Zone to the Decontamit nation Zone. Victims who are unable to walk may be removed on backboards or gumeys; if these are not available, carefully carry or drag victims to safety. eT ATSDR ¢ Prehospital Management 7 Gasoline Decontamination Zone Rescuer Protection ABC Reminders Basic Decontamination Transfer to Support Zone Support Zone ABC Reminders Victims exposed only to gasoline vapors do not pose contamination Tisks to rescuers; transfer them immediately to the Support Zone. For all others, see Basic Decontamination below. If exposure levels are determined to be safe, decontamination may be conducted by personnel wearing a lower level of protection than that wom in the Hot Zone (see Rescuer Protection, page 7). Quickly ensure a patent airway. Stabilize the cervical spine with a collar and a backboard if trauma is suspected. Administer supple- mental oxygen as required. Assist ventilation witha bag-valve-mask device if necessary. Victims who are able and cooperative May assist with their own decontamination. Remove and double-bag contaminated clothing and personal belongings. Flush exposed skin and hair with plain water for 2 to 3 minutes, then wash with mild soap. Rinse thoroughly with water. Irrigate exposed or irritated eyes with plain water or saline for 3 to 5 minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easily removable without additional trauma to the eye. In cases of ingestion, do not induce emesis and do not administer activated charcoal. Gasoline is poorly absorbed from the stomach. If massive doses have been ingested, spontaneous vomiting and diarrhea are likely tooccur. Watch for signs of pulmonary aspiration. As soon as basic decontamination is complete, move the victim to the Support Zone. Be certain that victims have been decontaminated properly (see Decontamination Zone above). Victims who have undergone de- contamination or who have been exposed only to vapor pose no serious risks of secondary contamination to rescuers. In such cases, Support Zone personnel require no specialized protective gear. Quickly ensure a patent airway. If trauma is suspected, maintain cervical immobilization manually and apply a cervical collar and a backboard when feasible. Ensure adequate respiration; administer supplemental oxygen as required. Ensure a palpable pulse. Establish intravenous accessif necessary. Attach a cardiac monitor. CC rr 8 Prehospital Management ¢ ATSDR Additional Decontamination Advanced Treatment Transport to Medical Facility Multi-Casualty Triage Gasoline Continue irrigating exposed skin and eyes, as appropriate. In cases of ingestion, do not induce emesis and do not administer activated charcoal. Gasoline is poorly absorbed from the stomach. If massive doses have been ingested, spontaneous vomiting and diarrhea are likely to occur. Watch for signs of pulmonary aspiration. Intubate the trachea in cases of respiratory compromise. When the patient's condition precludes endotracheal intubation, perform cricothyroidotomy if equipped and trained to do so. Treat patients who have bronchospasm with aerosolized broncho- dilators. Report to the base station and the receiving medical facility the condition of the patient, treatment given, and estimated time of arrival at the medical facility. If gasoline has been ingested, prepare the ambulance in case the victim vomits toxic material. Have ready several towels and open plastic bags to quickly clean up and isolate vomitus. Consult with the base station physician or the regional poison control center for advice regarding triage of multiple victims. Patients who have evidence suggesting substantial exposure (e.g., coughing or coma) should be transported to a medical facility for evaluation. Patients who did not experience significant symptoms are not likely to have had serious exposure. After their names, addresses, and telephone numbers are recorded, they may be discharged from the scene and advised to seek medical care promptly if symptoms develop or recur (see the reverse side of Gasoline—Patient Infor- mation Sheet). ATSDR °¢ _ Prehospital Management 9 Gasoline Emergency Department Management ¢ Patients do not pose risks of secondary contamination if they have been exposed only to gasoline vapors. However, hospital personnel in an enclosed area can be secondarily contaminated by vapors off-gassing from heavily soaked clothing or skin or from vomitus. Gasoline is a mild skin, eye, and respiratory-tract irritant and a CNS depressant in acute exposures. Pulmonary aspiration of even small amounts of ingested gasoline can cause chemical pneumonitis. ¢ There is no antidote for gasoline. Treatment requires supportive measures. Decontamination Area Patients who have been decontaminated previously and patients exposed only to gasoline vapors who have no skin or eye irritation may be transferred immediately to the Critical Care Area. Other patients will require decontamination as described below. ABC Reminders Evaluate and support airway, breathing, and circulation. Intubate the trachea in cases of respiratory compromise. If the patient's condition precludes intubation, surgically create an airway. Basic Decontamination Patients who are able and cooperative may assist with their own decontamination. If the patient's clothing is wet with gasoline, remove and double-bag the contaminated clothing and personal belongings. Flush exposed skin and hair with plain water for 2 to 3 minutes (preferably under a shower), then wash with mild soap. Rinse thoroughly with water. Irrigate exposed eyes with plain water or saline for 3 to 5 min- utes. Remove contact lenses if present and easily removable without additional trauma to the eye. Incases of ingestion, donot induce emesis or administer activated charcoal. Gasoline is poorly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract. If a massive dose has been ingested, spontaneous vomiting and diarrhea are likely to occur. If the patient is coughing or dyspneic, pulmonary aspiration may have occurred. Treat accordingly. ATSDR . Emergency Department Management 11 Gasoline eee CO err Critical Care Area ABC Reminders Inhalation Exposure Skin Exposure Eye Exposure Ingestion Exposure Antidotes and Other Trearnents Laboratory Tests Be certain that appropriate decontamination has been carried out. (See Decontamination Area on page 11.) Evaluate and support airway, breathing, and circulation as in ABC Reminders on page 11. Establish intravenous access in seriously symptomatic patients. Continuously monitor cardiac rhythm. Administer supplemental oxygen by mask to patients who have respiratory symptoms. Patients in respiratory distress or who have abnormal pulmonary examination will require pulse oximetry (or ABG measurements) and chest radiography. Treat patients who have bronchospasm with aerosolized broncho- dilators. If liquid gasoline comes in contact with the skin for a prolonged period, chemical burns may occur; treat as thermal bums. If eye irritation or injury is evident, test visual acuity. Examine the eyes for comeal damage using a magnifying device oraslit lamp and fluorescein stain. For small corneal defects, use ophthalmic antibi- otic ointment or drops, analgesic medication, and an eye patch. Immediately consult an ophthalmologist for patients who have severe comeal injuries. Do not induce emesis or administer activated charcoal. Gasoline is poorly absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract. If a massive dose has been ingested, spontaneous vomiting and diarrhea are likely to occur. If the patient is coughing or dyspneic, pulmonary aspiration may have occurred. Treat accordingly. There is no antidote for gasoline. Treatment is supportive. Routine laboratory studies for all exposed patients include CBC, glucose, and electrolyte determinations. Additional studies for pa- tents exposed to gasoline include ECG monitoring and renal- function tests. Chest radiography and pulse oximetry (or ABG measurements) are recommended for severe inhalation exposure or if pulmonary aspiration is suspected. Identification or measurement of hydrocarbons in blood is not Clinically useful; however, such tests may be used to document exposure. s’ nn 12 Emergency Department Management ° ATSDR Disposition and Followup Delayed Effects Patient Release Followup Reporting Consider hospitalizing patients who have had significant inhalation exposure and patients who have symptoms of chemical pneumonitis. Patients who have ingested gasoline should be observed for at least 6 hours for signs of chemical pneumonitis. Patients who are asymptomatic may be discharged and advised to seek medical care promptly if symptoms develop (see reverse side of Gasoline-Patient Information Sheet). Patients who have aspirated gasoline should receive follow-up pulmonary function tests. If a work-related incident has occurred, you may be legally required to file a report; contact your state or local health department. Other persons may still be at risk in the setting where this incident occurred. If the incident occurred in the workplace, discussing it with company personnel may prevent future incidents. If a public health risk exists, notify your state or local health department or other responsible public agency. When appropriate, inform pa- tients that they may request an evaluation of their workplace from OSHA or NIOSH. See Appendix ITI for a list of agencies that may be of assistance. ATSDR ¢ Emergency Department Management 13 Gasoline 14 Emergency Department Management Caso.ine Gasoline Patient Information Sheet This handout provides information and follow-up instructions for persons who have been exposed to gasoline. What is gasoline? At room temperature, gasoline is a clear liquid that contains a mixture of hydrocarbons (from crude oil) with a variety of substances added to improve its performance as a fuel. It is used as a fuel in cars, trucks, and light aircraft. What immediate health effects can be caused by exposure to gasoline? Breathing gasoline vapor can cause headache, nausea, and dizziness. Extremely high levels can cause fainting and even death. Gasoline in the air can also irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. Gasoline splashed in the eyes can cause eye injury. When liquid gasoline contacts the skin, it may cause redness and blisters. Generally, the more serious the exposure, the more severe the symptoms. Can gasoline poisoning be treated? There is no antidote for gasoline, but its effects can be treated and most exposed persons get well. Persons who have experienced serious symptoms may need to be hospitalized. Are any future health effects likely to occur? A single small exposure from which a person recovers quickly is not likely to cause delayed or long-term effects. Repeated exposure to very high levels of gasoline can cause poor appetite, weakness, and even brain or kidney damage. Gasoline contains benzene and other additives that may cause future health problems after repeated, high-level exposures. What tests can be done if a person has been exposed to gasoline? Specific tests for the presence of gasoline in blood generally are not useful to the doctor. If a severe exposure has occurred, blood and urine analyses and other tests may show whether the nervous system, heart, kidneys, liver, or lungs have been damaged. Testing is not needed in every case. Where can more information about gasoline be found? More information about gasoline can be obtained from your regional poison control center; your state, county, or local health department; the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR); your doctor, or a clinic in your area that specializes in occupational and environmental health. If the exposure happened at work, you may wish to discuss it with your employer, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Ask the person who gave you this form for help in locating these telephone numbers. EEE! ATSDR ° Patient Information Sheet 15 Gasoline ——_—_—_—_—_-_-—————————————— *ollow-up Instructions Keep this page and take it with you to your next appointment. Follow only the instructions checked below. [ ] Call your doctor or the Emergency Department if you develop any unusual si gns Or symptoms within the next 24 hours, especially: * stomach pain or vomiting * coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath * confusion or fainting * increased pain or a discharge from exposed eyes * increased redness pain or a pus-like discharge in the area of a skin burn [ ] No follow-up appointment is necessary unless you develop any of the symptoms listed above. {] CallforanappointmentwithDr...— ss —CSCSCSéin thee practice of. When you call for your appointment, please say that you were treated in the Emergency Depart- ment at Hospital by. and were advised to be seen again in____days. { ] Return to the Emergency Department/ Clinic on (date) at AM/PM fora follow-up examination. [ ] Do not perform vigorous physical activities for 1 to 2 days. [ ] You may resume everyday activities including driving and operating machinery. { ] Do notreturn to work for____days. [ ] You may return to work on a limited basis. See instructions below. [ ] Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke for 72 hours; smoke may worsen the condition of your lungs. [ ] Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours; alcohol may worsen injury to your stomach or have other effects. [ ] Avoid taking the following medications: { ] You may continue taking the following medication(s) that your doctor(s) prescribed for you: ee { ] Other instructions: ee Signature of patient Date Signature of physician : Date a ar ce ee AA A RE RR SRR ME a LE one ee eer 16 Patient Information Sheet ° ATSDR SITE CONTROL - WORK 20K=S INTRODUCTION The activities required during responses to incidents involving hazardous substances may contribute to the unwanted movement of contaminents from the site to uncontaminated reas. Response personnel and ecuipment may become contaminated and transfer the material into clean areas. Material may become airborne due to its volazility or to the @istursSance of contaminated soil causing it to become wind- blown. To minimize the transfer of hazardous substances from the site, contamination control procedures are needed. Two general methods are used: establishing site work zones and removing contaminants Zrom people and equipment. CONTROL AT TEE SITE A site must be controlled to reduce the possibility of: 1) contact with any contaminants present, and 2) removal of contaminants by personnel or equipment leaving the site. The possibility of exposure or translocation of substances can be reduced or eliminated in a number of ways, including: - Setzing up site security to exclude unnecessary personnel from the general area. - Minimizing the number of personnel and equipment on-site consistent with effective operations. - Establishing work zones within the site. - Establishing concrol points to regulate access to work zones. - Conducting operations in a manner to reduce the exposure of personne! and equipment and to eliminate the potential for airborne cispersion. - Implemenzing decontamination procedures. —_<—____—_|—- WIND DINECTION HOT LINE x \ CONTAMINATION Va CONTROL LINE \ \ Id vw ACCESS CONTROL POINTS MMe: NTAMINATION PENSONNEL DECONTAMINATION STATION COMMAND Post EXCLUSION CONTAMINATION / SUPPORT ZONE REDUCTION ZONE yt ZONE 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 WL 2SNOdS3¥ TVLN3SWNOXIAN? Yo 7 1. DIAGRAM OF SITE WORK ZONES _ FIGURE WORK ZONES One method of preventing or reducing the migration of contaminants is to delineate zones on the site in which prescribed operations occur. Movement of personnel and equipment between zones and onto the site itself would be limited by access control points. Three contisuous zones (Figure 1) are recommended: Zone 1: Exclusion Zone Zone 2: Contamination Reduction Zone Zone 3: Support Zone A. Zone 1: Exclusion Zone The Exclusion Zone, the innermost of three areas, is the physical area where contamination does or could occur. All people entering the Exclusion Zone Must wear prescribed Levels of Protection. Entry and exit check points must be established at the periphery of the Exclusion Zone to regulate the flow o- personnel and equipment into and out of the zone and to verify that the procedures established to enter and exit are followed. The outer boundary of Zone 1, the Hotline, is initially established by visually surveying the immediace vicinity of the incident and determining where the hazardous substances involved are located; where any crainage, leachate, or spilled material is; ane whether anv discolorations are visible. Guidance in determining the boundaries is also provided by data from the initial site survey indicating the presence of organic or inorganic vapors/gases or particulates in air, combus<ible gases, and raciation, or the results of water and soil Sampling. Additional factors that should be considered include the Cistances needed to prevent fire or an explosion from affeczing personnel outside the zone, the physical area necessary to conduct site operations, and che potential for contaminants to be blown from the area. Once the Hotline has been determined it should be physically Secured, fenced, or well-defined by landmarks. During Subsecuent site operations, the boundary may be modified and adjusted as more information becomes available. Subareas within che Exclusion Zone All personne) within the Exclusion Zone must wear the required Level of Protection. Personnel provecuive equipment is designated based on site-specific coneivicas and the hazards that might be encountered. Frequenzly within the Exclusion Zone, difzerent Levels of Protection are justified. Subareés are specified and conspicuously marked as to whether Level A, B, oF C proteccion is required (Figure 2). The Level of Protection is determined by the measurec concent: tion of substances in air, potential ‘for contamination, and the known or suspected presence of toxic substances. The job essignment or the type of work to be done might also dictate tne Levels of Protection to be worn. For example, collecting samples from open containers might require Level 5 protection, while ‘for walk-througn ambient aiz monitoring, Level C protection mignt be sufficient. The assignment, when appropriate of ditferent Levels of 2rotection within the Exclusion Zone generally makes for a more flexible, effective, and less costiy operation while still maintaining a high cegree of safecv. Zone 2: Support Zone The Support Zone, the outermost part of the site, is considered a non-contaminated or clean area. Suppor= ecuipment (command post, equipment trailer, etc.) is located in the zone; traffic is restricted to authozizec response personnel. Since normal wor clothes ze appropriate within this zone, potentizlly contaminaczec personnel clothings, equipment, and, samples are Act permitted, but are left in the Contamination Reduction Zone until they are decontaminatec. The location of the commanc post and other suppor: facilities in the Support zone depends on a number oz factors, including: - Accessibility: topography; open space available; location of highways; railroad tracks; or ovhe> limitations. - Wind Direction: Preferably the support facilities Wong verec=-ch Snoula be located upwind of the exclusion Zone. However, shifts in the wince and other concéitiors may be such that an ideal location based on wind Gizrection alone does not exist. - Resources: Adequate roads, power lines, water, and snelter snould be available in close proximity to the s.te. Zone Z: Contamination Reduction Zone Between the Exclusion Zone and the Support Zone is the Contamination Reduction Zone which provides a transition detween contaminated and clean zones. Zone 2 serves as a buifer to further reduce the probability of the clean zone beccoming contaminated or being affected by other existing nhazarcs. It provides additional assurance that the physical transfer of contaminated substances on people, ecuipment, or in the air is limited through a combination of decontamination, distance between the Exclusion and Support Zones, air dilution, zone rescrictions, and work functions. Initially, the Contamination Reduction Zone is considered @ mon-contaminated area. At the boundary between the Exclusion and Contamination Reduction Zones, Contamination Reduction Corridors (consisting of an appropriate number of decontamination stations) are established, one for personnel and one ‘for heavy equipment. Depending on the size of the operation, more than two corriders may be necessary. Exit ‘from the Exclusion Zone is through a Contamination Reduction Corridor. As operations proceed, the area around the contamination station may become contaminated, but to a mucha lesser degree chan the Exclusion Zone. On a relative Dasis, she amount of contaminants should decrease from the Hotline to the Suppor= Zone due to the distance involved anc che decontamination procedures used. The dSouncary Setween the Suppor= Zone and the Contaminétion Reduccion Zone, the Contamination Control Line, separates the possibly low contamination area from the clean Suppor= Zone. Access to the Contamination Reduction Zone =rom the Support Zone is through a control point. Personnel entering this zone snould wear the prescrisbec personnel protective ecuipment, if required, for working in the Contamination Reduction Zone. Entering che Suppor= Zone requires the removal of any protective equipmen= worn in the Contamination Reduction Zone. uw Iv. CTHER CONSIDERATIONS A. The use of the three-zcne system, access control points, and@ exacting ¢econtamination procedures, provides a reasonable assurance against the translocation of contaminating substances. This site control system is based on a worst case situation. Less stringent site Contrel and decontamination procedures may be utilized if more ¢efinicive information is available on the types of substances involved and the hazards they present. This information can be obtained through air monitoring, instrument survey and sampling, along with available technical infermation concerning the characteristics and behavior of the material present. Area Dimensions The cistance between the Hotline, Contamination Control Line, and Command Post and the size and shape of each zone have to be based on conditions specific to each site (Figures 2 and 3). Considerable judgmens is needed to assure that the distances between zone boundaries are large enough to allow room for the necessary operations, provide adequate distances to prevent the spread of Contaminants, and eliminate the possibility of injury due to explosions or fires. Long-term operations would involve developing reasonable methods (or example, ai surveillance, swipe testing, and visible deterioration) to determine if material is being transferrec between zones and to assist in modifying site boundaries. The following criteria shoulc be considered in establishing zrea dimensions and boundaries: - Physical and topographical features c= the site. - Weather conditions. - Field/leboratory measurements of aiz contaminants and environmental samples. , - Air dispersion calculations. - Physical, chemical, toxicological, ané other characteristics of the substances presence. - Cleanup activities required. - Potential for fire. ~- - size of area needed to conduct cperations. - Decontamination procedures. - Potential for exposure. - Proximity to residential or industrial areas. Monitoring and Sampling To verify that site control procecures are preventing the spread of contamination, a monitoring anc sampling program should be established. The Support Zcne snould be periodically monitored for air contaminants using éirecz-reading instruments and by colleccing aiz samples for particulate, gas or vapor analysis. Analysis of soil samples collected in the most heavily trafficked areas would indicate contaminants being carried ‘from the Exclusion Zone by personnel, equipment, wind, or surface water runof‘. Occasional swipe tests should be taken in erailers and other areas used by personnel. These same types of samples should be collected and the is monitored in the Contamination Reduction Zone. Increased concentrations in air or other environmental media may indicate a breakdown in control over the Contamination Reduction Corzider, ineffeczcive decontamination procedures, or failure to restrict site access. 8 7 WEL 3SNOdS3u TVLNSWNOWIANS vWdse CONTAMINATION REDUCTION ZONE EXCLUSION ZONE LEVELC SUPPONT ZONE RR LEGENO ACCESS CONTROL POINT DECONTAMINATION STATION 8 ACRE EXCLUSION ZONE LEGENO -OCCttee NAILNOAD TNACK ACCESS CONTROL POINT DECONTAMINATION STATION 8% ACNE FENCED EXCLUSION ZONE SUPPORT ZONE BUILDINGS EXCLUSION ZONE CONTAMINATION NEDUCTION ZONE Wv21 3SNOdS3¥ IVLN3WNOKIANS W4Ie CENTER FIGURE 2 LOCK HAVEN WASTE SITE INLAND WATERS PETROLEUM SPILLS Prevention, Containment, and Recovery SECTION 10 Acronyms ACRONYMS ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists AIHA - American Industrial Hygiene Association ALOHA- Area Location of Hazardous Atmospheres ANSI - American National Standards Institute API - American Petroleum Institute APF - Assigned Protection Factor APR - Air-Purifying Respirator ARCHIE - Automated Resource for Chemical Hazard Incident Evaluation ASR - Atmosphere Supplying Respirator ASTM - American Society of Testing and Materials ATM - Atmosphere autoign - Autoignition Avg - Average BLEVE - Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion BOD - Biological Oxygen Demand BP - Boiling Point *C - Degrees Celsius C- Ceiling ec - Cubic Centimeter CAA - Clean Air Act of 1977, as Amended DOJ - Department Of Justice DOL - Department of Labor DOT - Department of Transportation DOT-ERG - Department of Transportation - Emergency Response Guidebook DRI - Direct-Reading Instruments EAG - Emergency Action Guides, ARR and BOE EBS - Emergency Broadcasting System EMS - Emergency Medical Service EMT - Emergency Medical Technician EOP - Emergency Operation Plan EPA - Environmental Protection Agency EPCRA - Emergency Planning an Community Right-to-Know ERG - Emergency Response Guidebook EROS - A central computer complex which controls a data base of over 6 million images and photographs of the earth's surfaces, it provides a chronological overview of an area, and includes research and training in the interpretation and application of remotely sensed data. Run by the U.S. Geological Survey. ERT - Environmental Response Team EWS - Early Waring System CAMEO - Computer Aided Management of Emergency OperationsEXP - Explosive materials CAS - Chemical Abstract Service CDC - Center for Disease Control SF - Degrees Fahrenheit FAA - Federal Aviation Administration CERCLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensatio#CP - Federal Contingency Plan and Liability Act (1980) CESQG - Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator CER - Code of Federal Regulations CGI - Combustible Gas Indicator CHEMTREC - Chemical Transportation Emergency Center FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency FHWA - Federal Highway Administration FID - Flame Ionization Detector FIFRA - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act flam - Flammable CHRIS - Chemical Hazard Response Information System, by Coastflash p - Flash Point Guard cm’ - Square Centimeter CNS - Central Nervous System CO, - Carbon Dioxide cone - Concentration, Concentrated COR - corrosive CPC - Chemical Protective Clothing CPR - Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation EP - Flashpoint fp - Freezing Point or Fusion Point FR - Federal Register FWPCA - Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, as Amended GC - Gas Chromatograph GC - EC - Gas Chromatography Electron GC - FID - Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Dectection GM - Geiger - Mueller CRC - Chemical referral center - A publisher of scientific reference gm - Grams books CRC - Contamination Reduction Corridor CRP - Community Relations Plan CRZ - Contamination Reduction Zone CWA - Clean Water Act d- Density GBA - Decibels-A-weighted decomp,dec - Decomposition dil - Dilute DEA - U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration DECON - Decontamination DOD - Department of Defense DOE - Department of Energy DOI - Department of the Interior IAEA - Intemational Atomic Energy Agency GSA - General Service Administration gm/mL - Grams per Milliliter HASP - Site - Specific Health and Safety Plan, by Environmental Protection Agency HazCom - Federal Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 HAZMAT - Hazardous Material HAZWOPER - Hazardous Waste Operation and Emergency Response, 29 CFR 1910.120 HEPA - Common use: "HEPA Filter" High Efficiency Particulate Air filter. bmn - Human HMTA - Hazardous Material Transportation Act of 1975 HRS - Hazard Rating System HSWA - Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments IC - Incident Commander ICS - Incident Command System IDLH - Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health iL - Inhalation immisc - Immiscible incomp - Incompatible insol - Insoluble PP - Ionization Potential IRIS - Integrated Risk Information System kg - Kilograms (1000 grams) LC - Lethal Concentration LCy, - Lethal Concentration Low LCs - Lethal Concentration, 50% LD - Lethal Dose LDy - Lethal Dose Low LDso - Lethal Dose, 50% LDR - Land Disposal Restrictions LEL - Lower Explosive Limit LEVEL A - Personal protective equipment to be selected when the HIGHEST LEVEL of SKIN, RESPIRATORY and EYE protection is REQUIRED. LEVEL B - Personal protective equipment to be selected when the HIGHEST LEVEL of RESPIRATORY protective is NECESSARY but a lesser level of skin protection is needed. LEVEL C - Personal protective equipment to be selected when concentration(s) type(s) of airborne substance(s) is KNOW and the CRITERIA for using APR's are met. LEVEL D - A work uniform affording minimal protection: used for nuisance contamination only. LEL - Lower Flammable Limit lig - Liquid LNG - Liquid Natural Gas LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas LOG - Large Quantity Generator M- Meter mm) - Cubic Meter MCLs - Maximum Contaminant Levels of - Molecular Formula mg - Milligram mg/cm’ - Milligrams per Cubic Centimeter mg/cm? - Milligrams per Square Centimeter mg/kg - Milligrams per Kilogram mg/L - Milligrams per Liter mg/m’ - Milligrams per Cubic Meter misc - Miscible mL wl - Milliliter MLD - Mild or Median Lethal Dose mm - Millimeter mmHg - Millimeter of Mercury mod - Moderate(ly) MOU - Memorandum of Understanding MP - Melting Point MpH - Miles per Hour mR/hr - Milliroentgens per Hour MSDS - Materials Safety Data Sheets MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration mw - Molecular Weight RIS - Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study ROD - Record of Decision NA/UN - North American / United Nation Hazardous Materials four digit Numbers. NCP - National Contingency Plan ND - None Detected NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act NESHAP - National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NEA - National Fire Academy NEPA - National Fire Protection Association NEPA 704-M - National Fire Protection Association, hazard identification system NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Hez NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration nonflam - Nonflammable NOS or n.0.s. - Not Otherwise Specified NPDES - National Pollution Discharge Elimination System NPL - National Priorities List NR - Not Rated or Not Recommended NRC - National Response Center NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRT - National Response Team NWPA - National Waste Policy Act of 1982 OPA - Oil Pollution Act ong - Organic gr.orl - Oral ORM - Other Regulated Material. Various specific classes such as ORM-A.B,C,DE,. OSC - On-Scene Coordinator OSC/RPM - On-Scene Coordinator/Remedial Project Mang: QSHA- Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSWER - Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response OVA - Organic Vapor Analyzer OXY - Oxidizer or Oxidizing properties PA/SI - Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation PCB - Polychlorinated Biphenyl PDS - Personnel Decontamination Station(s) PE - Polyethylene . PEL - Permissible Exposure Limit petr - Petroleum PE - Protection Factor Pg - Picogram (trillionth of a gram) pH - a unit of measurement for corrosive materials PID - Photoionization Detector PIO - Public Information Officer PPE - Personal/Personnel Protective Equipment PMS - Photoionization Mass Spectrometer ppb - Parts Per Billion Dom - Parts Per Million pot - Parts Per Trillion QA/OC - Quality Assurance/Quality Control RAD - Radiation RCP - Regional Contingency Plan RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act REL - Recommended Exposure Limits REM - Roentgen Equivalent to Man R/Hr - Roentgen per Hour RQ - Reportable Quantity RRP - Regional Response Plan RRT - Regional Response Team SARA - Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 SAX - Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials SCBA - Self Contained Breathing Apparatus SDWA - Safe Drinking Water Act SERC - State Emergency Response Commission SIC - Standard Industrial Codes sLslt.sitly - Slightly SOL - Solubility soln - Solution solv(s) - Solvent(s) SOPs - Standard Operating Procedures SpG - Specific Gravity SPCC - Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures spont - Spontaneous(ly) SQG - Small Quantity Generator STEL - Short Term Exposure Limit STP - Standard Temperature and Pressure subl - Sublimes SWDA - Solid Waste Disposal Act t!? - Half Life TAT - Technical Assistance Team, under contract to Envornmental Protection Agency TCy - Toxic Concentration Low TCyy - Toxic Concentration HI TCE - Trichloroethylene TCLP - Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure TD - Toxic Dose Low TDyy - Toxic Dose Hi THR - Toxic Hazard Rating TIER I - SARA Title II reporting requirements of hazardous chemicals that facilities must submit for each applicable OSHA category of health and physical hazard of chemicals at each location. TITLE I - Part of SARA of 1986 known as emergency planning and community right-to-know. TLD - Thermoluminescent Dosimeter TL - Median Threshold Limit TLVs - Threshold Limit Values TLV/C - Threshold Limit Value - Ceiling TLV/STEL - Threshold Limit Value - Short Term Exposure Limit TLV/TWA - Threshold Limit Value - Time Weighted Average T.O.C. - Threshold Odor Concentration TPQ -Threshold Planning Quantity TRI - Toxic Release Inventory TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act TSD - Treatment, Storage, and Disposal TSDF - Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility TWA - Time Weighted Average u- Micro UEL - Upper Explosive Limit ULL - Upper Flammable Limit ug - Microgram USGS- United States Geological Survey UST - Underground Storage Tank yap - Vapor vap d - Vapor Density YP.vap press - Vapor Pressure VD - Vapor Density vol - Volume vise - Viscosity ysol - Very Soluble W - Water Reactive Pre-Exercise Informati Material Safety Data Sheet =-Qil a aN? + Exposure Routes and Symptoms — Inhalation * chronic-central nervous system depression — Ingestion * nausea, vomiting, diarrhea — Absorption * chronic - dermatitis Material Safety Data Sheetizs Pe * Exposure Limit and PPE — OSHA-PEL = 300 PPM — APR, SCBA, or SAR must be used when level exceeds PEL — eye protection when splash hazard exists — gloves, apron, boots, facial protection should be wom Te Material Safety Data Sheet; + Emergency & First-Aid — respiratory distress: * give oxygen — eye contact: + flush with water for 15 min. — skin contact * remove contaminated clothing + wash affected area with soap and water — Ingestion + do not induce vomiting, obtain medical attention _* Material Safety Data Shee: * Spill — remove all ignition sources — evacuate all non-essential personnel — use water fog to disperse vapors — absorbent pads may be used * Disposal — label waste as “ignitable hazardous waste” — use approved TSDFs Decontamination charertens Inhalation * Dermal + Eye Exposure Oral / Parenteral Exposure