HomeMy WebLinkAboutPreliminary Conceptual Report Tanakee Geothermal 2012PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL REPORT For: TENAKEE INLET GEOTHERMAL RECONNAISSANCE PROJECT Prepared for: /EALASKA (> ENERGY AUTHORITY 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Prepared by: FDL HATTENBURG DILLEY & LINNELL Engineering Consultants 3335 Arctic Boulevard, Suite 100 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 On Behalf of: a IPEC INSIDE PASSAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE P.O. Box 210149 Auke Bay, Alaska 99821 (907) 789-3196 DECEMBER 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION...........::cccesecccseccceeeceeeeccesecsseecneeeeueeeueeeueneanseaeeees 1 2.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION. ..........2:ccssccceseceeeeccecceesseeeeeeeeeeees 1 FIELD WORK ........ccccceceesseceeeceseeceeeeesseeenaaaeeeeeeesceceueuseeeeeeeeseeeeeeeusseeeessetececsectseceeeueeeeeeeeetess 3 3.0 REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS ..........02:cccsseccseecceececeeseseeeeseeceeeseeeeees 4 GENERAL GEOLOGY..........0.ceesceeseseessseessseeeseecsseecsseesseesssecessescseecesececseccrseccsseeceeecsssesresssesentees 4 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY .......0.cececsesseeeseseeeeceeeseeeseesececsueecesseeeceesueeececsseccecauecesersaseeneetaeesentsaeess 4 Ce ON 0 4 SOIL TEMPERATURE.........ccccccccccssecceeceeseseeeneeeeeeeeeeeeseeeseaeeeeecececsesesesuaeceseeseceeseccsseeesceeeceeeeeeees 4 SOIL DATA 5 WATER DATA 5 CO, GAS SURVEY 9 LINEATIONS 9 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Location Map Figure 2 Site Map of Hot Springs Area Figure 3 Shallow Soil Temperature Contour Map Figure 4 Soil Chemistry Map Figure 5 Plots of Water Chemistry Figure 6 Isotope plot and Geothermometry Figure 7 Major Lineation Map Figure 8 Preliminary Conceptual Model Preliminary Conceptual Report Page ii Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL MODEL TENAKEE INLET GEOTHERMAL RESOURCE TENAKEE INLET, ALASKA 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to present the preliminary conceptual model for Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource located at Tenakee Inlet, Alaska. The preliminary conceptual model presents our interpretation of the geothermal resource. A conceptual model is developed based on the available information as oppose to targeting anomalies. The most important part of the model is a predicted pattern of isotherms. Inferring the isotherm pattern is challenging with limited subsurface data. As more data is obtained through wells and/or geophysics then the isotherm pattern can be better constrained in the model. This report presents our interpretation of the data used to develop the model and identifies the variance possible within the model. An interim data report was developed for this project titled “Interim Report for Field Exploration and Laboratory Analyses, Reconnaissance Study of Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource”, dated December 2011. Additional field data was collected through 2012 and was also used in developing this model. 2.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Tenakee Inlet geothermal resource is located near the head of Tenakee Inlet on Chichagof Island in Southeast Alaska, approximately 19 miles southwest of Hoonah along an un-named river we have called Tenakee Creek. Figure 1 presents a location map for the hot springs. The area is characterized by rugged, steep terrain covered with thick vegetation typical of the southeastern Alaska rainforest. Topography limited the exploration area to the valley floors and to the first bench above the river valley. The resource is characterized at the surface by at least four small hot springs that occur together on the southeast side of the Tenakee Creek located at approximately 57° 59’ 24” N and 135° 56’ 20” W. The Tenakee Inlet springs are comprised of four small springs that flow from the base of a rock cliff approximately 40 to 50 feet in height. The hot springs area is small about 50 feet long by 20 feet wide occurring on a gravel bar that is heavily vegetated with alders, willows, and spruce trees. The gravel bar is approximately 800 feet long and 100 feet wide. The hot spring site and the location of the four hot springs are shown in Figure 2. There is an outflow creek from the spring site that leads to Tenakee Creek. A stream named the Stairway to Heaven Creek cascades down the slope and mixes with the outflow near the spring sites. Seeps occur along the shore of the gravel bar and are periodically inundated by Tenakee Creek. Preliminary Conceptual Report Page 1 Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 UL pa ed AEROMETRIC 2010 ORTHO PHOTO, rd aoara ASP ZONE Mee - FOUND HOT-SPRING ~ LAT: 57°59'20" N= LONG; 135°56'24" W Figure 1: Location map for Tenakee Inlet hot springs. Hot springs located approximately 19 miles southwest of Hoonah Alaska in southeast Alaska. There is a number of hot springs on Chichagof Island as shown by black circles on the vicinity map. Preliminary Conceptual Report Page 2 Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 DK STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN CREEK A“. Figure 2: Site map of hot springs area. Note the location of the four hot springs, the seeps at the edge of Tenakee Creek and the outflow from the hot springs. The first bench located above the hot springs is approximately 40 to 50 feet higher than the base of the slope. The field sampling grid is partially drawn for reference. The hot springs occur at grid point A4. Field Work The initial fieldwork in 2011 consisted of collecting shallow soil temperature data, as well as soil, water and rock samples from various locations surrounding the hot springs and the immediate vicinity. A grid was established to systematically collect temperature data and soil samples. Water and rock samples were more varied and were dependent upon their location with respect to the hot spring. Follow-on fieldwork in 2012 consisted of additional shallow soil temperature surveys, CO gas survey, thermal infrared imaging, and stream gaging activities. The interim report discusses in depth the methodology of how the various data was collected. Over the course of all field work, HDL collected 63 soil samples, 37 water samples, 20 CO, samples, and over 120 temperature data points. ——— Preliminary Conceptual Report Page 3 Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 3.0 REGIONAL CHARACTERISTICS General Geology The Tenakee Inlet area is composed of Devonian argillite, greywacke and limestones that were subsequently intruded by a wide variety of igneous rocks (Loney, et al 1975). These rocks outcrop near the study area and north of it. The intrusives vary in age, but are primarily Cretaceous in the study area and are mainly diorite to granodiorite in nature. These rocks are widely distributed on Chichagof Island. To the south of the study area there is a large body of Tertiary intrusives consisting of hornblende leuoconorite and troctolite. The Devonian sedimentary rocks have undergone extensive regional and contact metamorphism. The intrusives have metamorphosed the Devonian sedimentary rocks into hornfels, and marbles. The rocks are intensely folded and faulted. The fold axes trend northwest. Structural Geology The geologic structure of the area is dominated by the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather (QCF) fault system and the Chatham Strait Fault. The QCF fault system lies to the immediate west of Chichagof Island and the Chatham Strait Fault defines the Chatham strait between Chichagof Island and Admiralty Island to the east. The faults of the QCF system are active right-lateral structures with large displacements. The Chatham Strait Fault offsets rocks as young as middle Tertiary and by as much as 90 miles. (Gehrels and Berg 1994). The QCF fault system defines the boundary between the Pacific and North American plates. In the middle Mesozoic prior to and/or concurrent with the intrusion of the igneous rocks in the study area, southeast Alaska was involved in the subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the North American Plate, which over time evolved into the dominant transform plate boundary seen today. This tectonic activity has resulted in a complicated pattern of thrust, oblique slip, and strike-slip faults on Chichagof Island. The rocks in the study area are part of the Alexander Terrane, which is inferred to have continental origins (Karl, 1999). The rocks are interpreted to represent intermittent volcanic arc activity, similar to the modern day Aleutian Islands. Modern earthquake activity occurs along the QCF fault system. The most recent large magnitude earthquakes in the area of the hot springs occurred in 1927 and 1939. The epicenter of the 1927 magnitude 7.1 event occurred at latitude 57.69 and longitude -136.07. The 1939 magnitude 6 event occurred at latitude 58.00 and longitude -136.0. The hot springs are located at latitude 57.99 and longitude -135.939. The occurrence of other hot springs on Chichagof Island may also be due to this structural framework that has produced numerous faults and permeable rocks. 4.0 DATA Soil Temperature The shallow soil temperature data obtained are presented in Figure 3. The hottest temperatures occurred near the hot springs and at the seeps found at the edge of Tenakee Creek. Temperatures near the hot spring range from 81.2 to 108.9 °F. The hot springs outflow had soil temperatures of between 58.3 and 86.1°F. Seeps were observed when the water level Preliminary Conceptual Report Page 4 Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 in Tenakee Creek was lowered during a few days of no rain. The one seep had a nearby soil temperature of 130.5 °F. Temperatures on the hillside above the spring ranged from 49.9 to 46.4 °F. A relatively cool temperature of 44.3 °F was measured upstream of the hot springs located near the edge of the gravel bar that hosts the hot springs. The temperature readings in the 40’s were considered background soil temperatures. Additional temperatures above background were encountered at several spots across Tenakee Creek at the base of the slope. The hottest shallow soil temperatures across the creek from the hot springs were 88.8 °F and 59.5°F. There were several points across the creek above 50 °F with one (56.5 °F) occurring about 1,200 feet downstream of the hot springs. These temperatures do not appear to be the result of outflow from the hot springs. The temperature of the water in Tenakee Creek was approximately 40°F. Soil Data The soil chemistry was plotted for six elements: Arsenic (As); Cobalt (Co); Gold (Au); Manganese (Mn); Titanium (Ti) and Vanadium (V). These chemical species had orders of magnitude changes in concentrations across the sampling area. Data were contoured using roughly the standard deviation in a particular elements concentration. Mercury is usually used in geothermal exploration; however, the results did not indicate a large variation in mercury concentration. Figure 4 presents the soil chemistry. The species plotted indicated anomalous concentrations generally near the hot springs and along the outflow but also across Tenakee Creek where the concentrations were higher in areas of elevated soil temperatures. The highest concentration of gold was near the confluence of the hot spring outflow and Tenakee Creek. The highest concentration for arsenic was across the river from the hot springs at the grid point that recorded the highest temperature on that side of the river. In addition, vanadium had higher concentrations along the ridge above the hot springs perhaps indicating a fracture or fault. Water Data The chemical concentrations for the hot spring, seep, and surface water samples were analyzed and the temperature of the fluids obtained. The temperature of the hot spring waters averaged 170°F with Hot Spring #1 having the hottest temperature of 177 °F on two sampling events and Hot Spring #4 having the coldest at 161°F. The average water temperature for hot springs #1 through #3 was 172°F. The average surface water temperature in adjacent Tenakee Creek was 40°F. a Preliminary Conceptual Report Page S Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 LEGEND @ = SAMPLE POINT 196 SAMPLED TEMPERATURE —10— CONTOUR INTERVAL pec ann / %; 1 *., t oo me 7. eg Figure 3. Shallow soil temperature contour map. Note higher temperatures occur at the hot springs, along the seeps, and across the creek. Preliminary Conceptual Report Page 6 Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 LEGEND @ SAMPLE POINT 196 SAMPLED TEMPERATURE —10— CONTOUR INTERVAL --'7 EDGE OF BRUSH - \. oe EPA ra “Ae i @ ve “ tog ¢ e #9 Arsenic ® Gold & Manganese & Cobalt 3 Vanadium @ Titanium @ HOT SPRINGS e @ @ @. °, e “ gv 5 M5 5 25 Figure 4: Soil chemistry data with color circles indicating location of samples with significant concentrations of that particular element. Preliminary Conceptual Report Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 Page 7 A spreadsheet developed by Powell and Cummings (2010) was used to evaluate the chemistry of the water samples. Laboratory data were entered into the spreadsheet and a series of standard geothermal plots were developed. Geothermometers were calculated and ternary plots were produced. The chlorine-fluorine-boron (CL-F-B) plot shown in Figure 5 indicates that the collected hot spring waters (HS) and the surface water (SW) samples are from different populations. This is important in that the two waters clearly represent separate types of fluids. The often-used chlorine-sulfate-bicarbonate (Cl-SO,-HCOs) ternary plot illustrates the amounts of major anions present in the geothermal waters (Figure 5). This plot indicates that the hot spring waters are low in chlorine (Cl) and bicarbonate (HCOs) and high in sulfate (SO,). It also indicates that the hot spring waters are associated with volcanic waters and perhaps heated by steam from a deeper reservoir. A high sulfate spring is typically associated with deeper boiling zones. cl iia = S10. 25F 258 Stoam Heated Waters Figure S: Plots of water chemistry data. The hot springs water (HS) is clearly different from the surface water (SW) samples collected. The hot springs waters are high in SO, and low in HCO; and Cl indicating possibly waters associated with volcanic waters. The isotope plot (Figure 6) indicates that both the hot springs and surface waters are primarily meteoric and have not mixed with other fluids. The chalcedony geothermometer provides a more accurate temperature for the hot spring fluid at depth based on the concentrations of silica and potassium/magnesium (Figure 6); it shows that the hot spring fluids have been heated to 260°F. LL Preliminary Conceptual Report Page 8 Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 HCO3 log (K*7Mg) 100 200 wo | ‘i nies \ 600 Delta Deuterium - per mil SiO, mg/kg -120 140 -160 4 22 -20 18 -16 -14 12 40 8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Delta Oxygen 18 - per mil Figure 6: Isotope plot on the left indicates that the hot springs waters are primarily meteoric. The geothermometry was based on the chalcedony geothermometry due to the concentrations of silica and potassium/magnesium as shown in the plot on the right. CO, Gas Survey The carbon dioxide (CO2) gas survey consisted of collecting soil gases at a number of locations near both the hot springs and across the creek. Carbon dioxide gas is typically associated with geothermal systems and faults that leak the gas upwards. Twenty gas samples were collected. Four of the samples had carbon dioxide concentrations on the order of 10,000 parts per million or greater with the highest concentration of 16,100 parts per million. The remaining samples had carbon dioxide concentrations ranging from 643 to 8,650 parts per million. Three of the four high concentrations occurred along the base of the bluff on the northwest side of creek across the creek from the hot springs. The fourth high concentration occurred near the hot springs. Lineations Lineations were determined from stereographic aerial photographs and may represent faults or joints. The lineations were not observed on the ground due to the dense vegetation, however during the helicopter flights over the area, many of the lineations could be seen on a regional scale. Figure 7 presents the more notable lineations and the course of Tenakee Creek. The lineations are typically aligned northwesterly with some cross lineations. This alignment is typical over the entire southeast region and is due to the large QCF fault system and regional tectonics. Particularly interesting is the offset in Tenakee Creek near the hot springs. There is a set of lineations that occur northwest and the creek is offset on east-west lineations. The measurements obtained from geological maps indicated steeply dipping lineations. a Preliminary Conceptual Report Page 9 Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 ! a Figure 7: Major : lineations in the ~ Tis ; study area. Note aa f the offset of INFERRED REGIONAL FAULT a } Tenakee Creek é Ve , a near the hot XN /: % he springs possibly iS We \ a indicating a AEH hw Ne i ~: | wrenching effect \ \ nm Ved 1 7 NORTHEAST BOUNDARY STREAM creating \ nh Dl #.. a permeability for ‘ eA ST \ the springs. 7 AS - <i \ X 7 N \ \ Vd \ \ \ Z . vi iti Nl : LEGEND i \\ Bounty STREAM \. === tnesnons Va \ fh £ STRIKE DIP \ 5.0 PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL MODEL In the Tenakee Inlet Area, based on shallow temperature probe and soil analysis data there appears to be additional thermal areas across Tenakee Creek from the known four hot springs. These thermal areas would suggest that the geothermal source is larger than just the known four hot springs. The occurrence of chemical anomalies in the soil in the hotter areas across Tenakee Creek also suggests that the hot fluids are circulating near the surface indicating permeability. The lineations and general tectonics of the region suggest that the hot springs were developed due to the wrenching of the cross cutting lineations near the hot springs which led to the fracturing of the rocks. Also given the high angle nature of many of the lineations, it is reasonable to assume that high angle faults bring the geothermal fluid to/near the surface. The earthquake data suggest that the study area is tectonically active and that the igneous intrusives are permeable. Based on the water chemistry, the hot springs fluids are most likely associated with volcanic waters and perhaps heated by steam from a deeper reservoir. The chalcedony geothermometer indicates that the hot spring fluids have encountered temperatures on the order of 260°F. The average surface temperature of the hot spring waters is 170°F. These surface and subsurface temperatures are in the range that binary geothermal power plants operate. Much like Chena the site benefits from having cool waters at approximately 40°F as a sink. The geochemical ee Preliminary Conceptual Report Page 10 Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 analysis of the spring has yielded a possible maximum temperature of the source water at a depth of 260° F (127° C). Based on our reconnaissance efforts we have developed the conceptual model of the resource shown in Figure 8. The upper limit on isotherm values is the boiling point of water versus depth. The minimum depth for 260° F (127° C) would be fairly shallow at less than couple of hundred feet. Depending upon the localized geothermal gradient the 260° F could occur at a deeper depth. A high angle fault has allowed for the hotter, deeper waters to move upward creating the hot springs. The ultimate source of heat is fluid up flow in fractures. The hot spots occur due to splays in the primary fault that either reach the surface (the case of the seeps) or come close to the surface (the hot zone across the creek). The carbon dioxide results seem to suggest faults that connect to the deeper system across the creek from the hot springs. Tenakee Creek as a source of cold water may cool the system near the surface but does not appear at this point to cool the overall system. There does not seem to be a significant change in the flow regime of Tenakee Creek downstream of the resource compared to upstream of the resource. The outflow of the system is downstream towards the north following the general strike of the lineaments in the region and along the creek. The heat source is not a typical magma body as seen in places like Akutan or Mount Spurr but rather hotter deeper fluids associated with deep crustal materials. The Queen Charlotte/Fairweather fault system is a major transform plate boundary with high angle faults that cut through the crust. The Cretaceous igneous rocks provided heat during their emplacements and are still cooling as indicated by high heat flows in the region (SMU maps) A temperature gradient reported by Economides in 1982 for the separate resource (investigated by shallow wells) approximately 30 miles away at Tenakee Springs indicates a temperature gradient of 13° C/100 feet. If we assume a similar gradient with surface temperatures at about 45° F (7° C), then at the same gradient, the temperature of 260° F (127° C) would be reached in less than 1,000 feet. This is probably over optimistic; however it suggests a shallower resource than a deep resource. ee Preliminary Conceptual Report Page 11 Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 EXISTING GROUND HOT SPRING 176° TENAKEE CREEK ASSUMED HORSE-TAIL 90° FAULT SYSTEM 110°—__—_——— 130°—<—<—$<—<— 157 ee $F 190° —<————— FO NOTES 260° 1. TEMPERATURES IN FAHRENHEIT 2. TEMPERATURE CONTOUR INTERVALS 20° FAHRENHEIT LEGEND: == COLD WATER RECHARGE =e HOT WATER UPFLOW Figure 8: Preliminary conceptual model of the Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource. Note the high-angle fault allowing for upward flow of fluid. 6.0 CLOSURE AND LIMITATIONS The analysis and conclusions included in this report are based on conditions as they exist in the literature and from the gathered field data. The conceptual model presents our understanding of the system at this time. With limited subsurface data, the model is preliminary. As more subsurface data is obtained, the model will most likely change to reflect the new data. i Preliminary Conceptual Report Page 12 Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 This preliminary assessment is based on the scientific studies conducted to date and is specific to the purpose of positioning a possible power plant for a potential geothermal resource. Use of this report for a purpose other than its intent should be limited. Prepared by: Reviewed By: Hattenburg Dilley and Linnell, LLC Hattenburg Dilley and Linnell, LLC Lorie M. Dilley, PhD, PE/CPG John Fritz Principal Geologist Senior Geologist ————————— Preliminary Conceptual Report Page 13 Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5 7.0 REFERENCES Cumming W. (2009) Geothermal Resource Conceptual Models Using Surface Exploration Data. Proceedings Thirty-fourth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University. Stanford California Gehrels G.E. and H.C. Berg (1994) Geology of Southeastern Alaska. The Geology of North America Vol. G-1. The Geological Society of America. Karl, S.M. (1999). Preliminary Geologic Map of Northeast Chichagof Island, Alaska. US Geological Survey Open File Report 96-53. Loney, R.A, D.A. Brew, L.J.P. Muffler and J.S. Pomeroy. (1975) Reconnaissance Geology of Chichagof, Baranof, and Kruzof Islands, Southeastern Alaska. US Geological Survey Professional Paper 792. Motyka, R.J., M.A. Moorman, and S.A. Liss, (1983), Geothermal Resources of Alaska: Alaska Department of Geology and Geophysical Survey, Miscellaneous Publication 8, 1 sheet scale 1:2,500,000. Powell, T and W. Cummings, (2010). Spreadsheets for Geothermal Water and Gas Geochemistry. Proceedings Thirty-fifth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University. Stanford California Preliminary Conceptual Report Page 14 Tenakee Inlet Geothermal Resource IPEC/AEA HDL 11-302-5