HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnalaska Geothermal Project-A proposal to perform an independent cost est 1987 | ane DUUEL 038 Engineers Incorporated August 19, 1987 if boo AUG 20 1387 Alaska Power Authority WACAEBAWIEH CATIA TR P.O. Box 190869 ALE FESR ATOR 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Attention: Mr. David Denig-Chakroff, Project Manager Subject: Submittal of a Proposal to Perform an Independent Cost Estimate of the Unalaska Geothermal Project - In Accord With RFP # APA-87-R-34 Dear David: Enclosed are four copies of POWER Engineers, Inc. (POWER’s) proposal to perform an independent cost estimate for the Unalaska Geothermal Project. We have been enthusiastic about this project since proposing on the Feasibility Study and hope to have an opportunity to work with the Power Authority once again to bring the project to life. Together with Hart Crowser, Inc. of Anchorage, we are proposing a cohesive project team with the knowledge and experience to expertly meet the Power Authority’s needs as outlined in the Work Plan section of the RFP. Over the past nine months, POWER and Hart Crowser have worked closely together on the seals. Transmission Feasibility Study. And both of our firms have considerable arctic and subarctic engineering experience in a range of settings. We anticipate that our experience with similar projects, combined with a fresh outlook on the Unalaska Geothermal Project, will result in a thorough review of the Feasibility Study with recommendations for cost savings wherever possible--without compromising the efficiency, reliability and safety of the power system. POWER’s full-service approach to geothermal projects sets us apart from other firms within the industry. We are recognized as one of the leading electrical utility consulting firms in the West. Our success has proven that maintaining a range of multidisciplinary personnel under on roof enhances creativity and communication, and also eliminates time-consuming communication among satellite offices or a host of subcontractors. The following information is presented is response to the request in Letter of Transmittal subsection of the RFP: POWER Contact Person POWER’s contact for the Unalaska Geothermal Independent Cost Estimate Project will be Mr. Bill Lewis, P.E. He is the proposed Project Manager and also the lead Project Engineer for the project, and can be reached at; 1020 Airport Way ¢ P.O. Box 1066 © Hailey, Idaho 83333 ¢ (208) 788-3456 Alaska Power Authority August 19, 1987 Page Two POWER Engineers, Inc. P.O. Box 1066 1020 Airport Way Hailey, ID 83333 (208) 788-3456 (office) (208) 788-2082 (telecopy) (208) 788-9724 (home) Proposal Expiration The enclosed proposal shall be honored as effective for 120 days following its receipt by the Power Authority. Alaska Licensing POWER Engineers, Inc., an Idaho corporation, is duly registered and licensed to perform engineering services in the state of Alaska. Contract Review POWER Engineers, Inc. acknowledges the receipt, review, and agreement with of the Alaska Power Authority’s sample “Professional Services Contract” and addendums listed as Appendix items A, B, C, and D in RFP # APA-87-R-034. Fixed Price Offer POWER Engineers, Inc. proposes to undertake the performance of the work stipulated in the “Work Plan” section of the attached proposal for the fixed cost shown in the “Budget” section of the same document. It is understood that this will be a “fixed price” budget not to exceed the amount shown. The following proposal represents the sincerity of POWER’s interest in your project as well as our dedication to providing thorough, client-oriented services and high-quality finished projects. Thank you for the opportunity to propose on the Independent Cost Estimate of the Unalaska Geothermal Project, and please consider POWER carefully. I'll look forward to hearing from you soon, and please don't hesitate to call if you have any questions. Sincerely, POWER Engineers, Incorporated William E. Lewis P.E., Project Manager WEL:dm enc:as noted cc: File 192IND BD8753-15 ee DOMES ) Engreess ncoworaied PROPOSAL NO. 8D8753-15 COPY NO. ISSUED TO: A PROPOSAL TO PERFORM AN INDEPENDENT COST ESTIMATE OF THE UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL PROJECT FOR THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY RFP NO. APA-87-R-034 AUGUST 1987 FOR INFORMATION REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT CONTACT: e@ BILLLEWIS @ JOHN McGREW @ AIRPORT WAY @ P.O. BOX 1066 @ HAILEY, IDAHO 83333 © (208) 788-3456 @ ° TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION THE PROJECT PROJECT APPROACH . i PROJECT MANAGEMENT Mm WORK PLAN Iv SCHEDULE v BUDGET vi @) provect team vi PROJECT EXPERIENCE vit COMPANY PROFILE Ix APPENDIX x SAMPLE COST ESTIMATES \ 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) i CLUE reer rae Il. THE PROJECT The purpose of the Unalaska Geothermal Independent Cost Estimate Project is to provide the Alaska Power Authority (the Power Authority) with a comparison of engineering concepts and costs associated with the potential development of a geothermal resource on Unalaska Island. The resource is a water-dominated geothermal reservoir of 382° F discovered at a depth of 1,950 feet at the base of Mount Makushin, approximately 14 miles west of the Unalaska/Dutch Harbor fishing community. During the summer of 1986, the Power Authority secured the services of Dames and Moore and two subcontractors to develop: (1) a feasibility analysis, (2) a conceptual design, and (3) a detailed cost estimate for the Unalaska Geothermal Project. The resulting report, titled the “Unalaska Geothermal Feasibility Study,” will be the basis for the comparisons that will result from this project. The primary concerns of the Power Authority, as stated in the RFP and echoed in conversations with the agency's staff, are a thoughtful review and estimating of all costs associated with the project--for both the generating plant and the transmission LL 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) 1-1 e zoe) line--and a consideration of the conceptual design of the overhead portion of the transmission line. Additionally, the @ Power Authority has expressed an interest in alternatives that could result in significant cost savings within any portion of the project “without adversely affecting the integrity of the system,” according to the RFP. Other project considerations include the apparent lack of design data upon which the Dames and Moore cost estimate was based. For example, there is reportedly a detailed material take-off for the facility in Volume II of the report. However, the design drawings and related work required to prepare a detailed take-off are not presented. As can be seen from the conceptual P&ID in Volume |, not even the line and valve sizes are shown. POWER will prepare design data adequate to support the cost estimate we will prepare. @ 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) 1-2 @ Dove) \ 192IND BO8753-15 (08/07/87) ll. PROJECT APPROACH INTRODUCTION POWER has divided the Unalaska Project into a series of discrete components. Each of these components is required to have a complete system, and each represents areas with widely divergent technical expertise requirements. These specific component areas are as follows: @ Geothermal Power Plant ® Transmission Line @ Substations @ SCADA and Communications @ Environmental Impacts and Permitting (Including Offsite Access Roads and Structures) POWER will assign engineers with specialized experience in each area to: (1) do a general design review, (2) perform sufficient conceptual design work to provide an adequate basis for the cost estimate, and (3) prepare a capital and operating and maintenance (O&M) cost estimate. The results developed by the various design groups will be assembled into a draft report and submitted to the Power Authority for review. Upon receipt of the Power Authority comments, a final report will be issued. Y e2oier ) QOS PETIT L 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) Coordination of the various groups and tasks will be performed by the Project Manager. The POWER team has sufficient staff and a wide enough technical base to allow each of the project areas to be addressed concurrently. This means that a quality report will be prepared within the limited amount of time available to perform the work. The project deliverable, the report, will provide a description of the design review work, the documents and basis for the cost estimate, and the cost estimate itself. Concerning the estimate, the American Association of Cost Engineers has defined the following five levels of cost estimates: (1) Order of Magnitude Estimate (Ratio Estimate) - Rule-of- thumb method based on cost data for similar types of plant; probable error is 10 to 50 percent. (2) Study Estimate (Factored Estimate) - Better than Order of Magnitude; requires knowledge of major items of equipment and is commonly used for feasibility studies; probable error up to 30 percent. (3) Preliminary Estimate (Budget Authorization Estimate) - Requires more detailed information than Study Estimate; probable error up to 20 percent. (4) Definitive Estimate (Project Control Estimate) - Based on considerable data prior to completion of all drawings and specifications; probable error within 10 percent. (5) Detailed Estimate (Firm or Contractor's Estimate) - Requires completed drawings, specifications, and site surveys; probable error within five percent. Ne eDouel ) Coreen Porat eee The cost estimate POWER will prepare will be a eS} Study/Preliminary Estimate hybrid, and thus will have a probable error between 20 and 30 percent. The assumption as to the accuracy of the estimate is based on the quantity and type of data that will be prepared for input per the Association of Cost Engineers’ definitions. However, based on the depth of POWER’s experience with geothermal systems and transmission lines, we anticipate that the accuracy of our estimate to be better than 20 to 30 percent. GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT This discussion addresses the activities POWER plans to perform to accomplish the design review and cost estimate activities for the geothermal power plant. Following an examination of the resource data and Dames and 6 Moore plant design, flash calculations based on fluid enthalpy will be done to confirm the steam and liquid flows to the power plant. A conceptual Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID), with major control loops shown and the valves and piping sized, will be prepared. An equipment list showing the name, quantity, material of construction, design conditions, and size or horsepower rating of each of the major equipment components will be prepared next. The following is an example of a typical entry in a mechanical equipment list: Name: Wellhead Separators Quantity: Two Type: Vertical, Bottom Steam Out Cyclone Separator Design Conditions: 250 psi, 450°F Material: 2 1/4 Cr, 1 Mo r Size: 36” ID, 15° 4" S-S Weight: 11,000 # 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) l-3 CLUE ‘Oagress roopoees (— | For the items on the mechanical equipment list, price quotations will be solicited from vendors. These quotations, along with freight costs for truck or rail transport to Seattle and barge to Unalaska Island, will form the mechanical equipment costs. A site plan drawing illustrating the plant, wellpads, and gathering and injection system pipe routes will be prepared to assist in preparation of the material take-offs. Major systems and components of piping, concrete, structural steel, valves, etc., will have take-offs done. Quantities for small systems and subsystems will be found by factoring. Material unit costs will be determined by soliciting quotations from suppliers and from standard estimating references such as the Richardson Rapid Estimating System and corrected as necessary to account for transportation costs. Labor hours will be factored based on equipment and material quantities using standard estimating references. The hours will be checked by referring to similar jobs. A composite labor rate and per diem costs will be developed for the project and applied to the labor time to arrive at labor costs. Certain line item plant costs such as engineering and procurement, spare parts, fee, construction management, and contingency will be calculated as a percentage of the total plant cost. All land and right-of-way costs, owners’ costs, well drilling, and well field development costs are assumed to be supplied by the Power Authority. Re 192IND B08753-15 (08/07/87) ll bas 4 CDM OY The most significant portion of the O&M costs is the personnel @ component. To determine this, POWER will first develop the operating, maintenance, and support/management staffing requirements based on the assumption of partially unattended operation. The salary requirements and payroll burden for these personnel will be based on the wage scale for the existing diesel power plant personnel adjusted for level of expertise. An annual maintenance shutdown requiring additional maintenance staff will be assumed. Costs to bring in and use contract maintenance personnel will be developed and included in the total personnel costs. Maintenance parts will be factored as a percentage of maintenance labor. Plant supplies will be estimated based on previous jobs. Transportation costs to the plant will be calculated based on the type of transport, distance, and number of trips per year. @ The above costs will be summed to develop the total plant O&M costs. O&M costs for the roads, docks, and transmission line will be developed in their respective areas. TRANSMISSION LINE The following are POWER’s objectives for our analysis of the transmission line: @ A thorough analysis of data prior to and throughout the Unalaska Geothermal Feasibility Study. @ Adetermination of the adequacy of the transmission design criteria used in the Feasibility Study. @ Recommendations for favorable design alternatives, if any. @ The preparation of detailed cost estimates for the preferred ° alternatives listed in the Feasibility Study. 192IND 808753-15 (08/07'87) -5 CLM Ores PooDoeee a 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) @ The preparation of detailed cost estimates for any favorable design alternatives proposed by POWER. @ A compilation of the above with recommendations assembled into a comprehensive final report. POWER’s review and analysis of the transmission system will include a field trip to Unalaska/Dutch Harbor and to the plant site. We plan to video tape and photograph the power plant site, access roads and proposed transmission line route. The information gathered during the review of existing data and the field visit will be compiled and analyzed. If, during the course of POWER’s investigations, an alternative route appears to be most cost effective and/or pose less environmental concerns than the preferred route referred in the existing study, then POWER will provide a description of the alternative route (with a map) with the rationale for the alternative. If, during the analysis of the line, conductor, structure and station designs presented in the existing study, POWER determines that a more cost effective design of the conductor, cables, and structure configurations could be utilized, we will provide a detailed cost estimate of the recommended changes. POWER will prepare a detailed cost estimate of the preferred alternative described in the existing study. POWER’s detailed transmission cost estimates will be in table form with explanations of estimates, methods, assumptions, etc. The estimates will be prepared on a real, 4th quarter 1986 cost basis. The estimates will depict quantities and unit prices. Mobilization and demobilization will be broken out as a separate item. POWER will also provide a breakdown of labor hours and costs, equipment costs, material cost, and indirect costs. "re @ Dales _) Sper rare a a aaa SUBSTATIONS e POWER will review the existing feasibility study to determine the adequacy of the station designs considering project design criteria as defined in the existing study. POWER will analyze the cost effectiveness and operability of the stations considering the reliability required because of the remoteness of the substation and switch stations. Major equipment identified in the feasibility study will be evaluated for the functionability and operating life expectance. Detailed cost estimates will be prepared for the proposed station configurations and design as defined in the feasibility study. If the design criteria change and/or other alternative designs appear to be more reliable than those presented in the feasibility study, POWER will cost out the alternatives. SCADA and COMMUNICATIONS POWER will review the proposed SCADA and communications systems for both the geothermal plant and substation(s). The SCADA monitor, control point count, and equipment selection will be reviewed for adequacy. The communications review includes SCADA and voice communication requirements, communications termination points and a cost breakdown of equipment including the carrier, such as wire, coax, fiber optics or microwaves. Recommendations for SCADA and Communication system alternatives and/or cost savings will be presented in the review, if applicable. 192INO 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) = 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND PERMITTING Under the overall project direction of POWER, Hart Crowser personnel based in Anchorage will review the planned access road routing, dock siting, environmental studies, and permitting. This review will entail a cursory investigation of preliminary design parameters and developing cost estimates. Of special concern will be the assumptions used as a basis for assessing access impacts, and the costs associated with project environmental and permitting tasks. The Dames and Moore study determined the costs associated with environmental and permitting work to be “not significant”. Hart Crowser feels that the Power Authority should be appraised of realistic cost estimates for environmental and permitting services. 1-8 @ Dower) NX 192IND BD8753-15 (08/0787) lll. PROJECT MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION POWER’s Project Management System is structured to ensure our projects are completed on schedule and within budget for satisfied owners. This system has been a key element responsible for POWER’s reputation and growth. CONCERNS Project overruns and schedule slippages are the problems most commonly encountered in the industry today. Problems related to inaccurate project definition, scheduling, or budgeting are generally the cause of project overruns and schedule slippages. These are interdependent concerns and will be faced by most owners, to one degree or another, on nearly every project undertaken. Additionally, the risks inherent in conducting a successful project are compounded by the complexity, schedule and participation levels required. The answer to successful project management of complex and simple projects alike lies in reducing projects to manageable divisions that are independently defined, scheduled, budgeted, tracked, and managed. Wh- 4 e2ue eS OWNER PARTICIPATION POWER encourages owners to actively participate in project management as an integral part of each project management team. In recognition of the value of active owner participation, POWER provides owners with the elements of our interactive Project Management System that incorporates Project Work Plans, Schedules, and Budgets in a cross-referenced system developed in-house specifically for the management of utility and industrial engineering projects. The primary purpose of the system is to provide accurate information quickly and easily, enabling project owners, managers, and engineers to make informed, accurate decisions without unnecessary delays. MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES The four fundamental project management processes necessary for successful project initiation and completion are: @ Complete and accurate definition of the Work Plan. @ Generation of a realistic and definitive Schedule. ®@ Development of a comprehensive and accurate Budget. @ Execution and follow-through of the Project Plan. Together, the project Work Plan, Schedule, and Budget constitute the Project Plan. Ne 192IND BOD8753-15 (08/07/87) Il-2 eC DUe DR Pore PROJECT PLAN Once POWER’s project team has been defined, responsible individuals and departments generate their respective parts of the Project Plan by implementing the steps of our Project Management System outlined below. WORK PLAN For the Unalaska Geothermal Independent Cost Estimate Project, the Project Work Plan is comprised of the Task Outline and Task Descriptions. @ The Task Outline is developed to serve as a quick reference for all project participants. ® Project specific Task Descriptions are developed to serve as a definition of all activities or events that must take place or be accomplished in order to complete a specific task. @ All activities required to provide for a complete process are shown for clarity and completeness, irrespective of whether or not a specific individual or entity has been identified as responsible for such activities. PROJECT SCHEDULE @ Preparation of a Project Schedule is critical for describing overall project dimensions to both management and the project team personnel. Schedule preparation takes place coincidentally with Work Plan preparation. ® @ As the project proceeds, standard Schedule maintenance procedures are employed as project Status Reports are issued. 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) IIl-3 CLUE (Eee PTEOBE r — This process ensures the Project Schedule reflects the actual project status at any given time. PROJECT BUDGET @ Subsequent to the development and review of Task Descriptions and Project Schedule, man-hour and expense budgets are generated. ®@ Budgets are prepared using the Task Description Worksheets, in the Project Control Document, and man-hours and expenses are entered for each Task. @ A Summary Report is generated combining labor and expenses. Using this system, adjustments to the budget due to schedule or work scope changes can be easily accommodated. A new budget can be generated whenever required. This feature allows POWER to respond quickly to the Owner's needs. STATUS REPORTS Project Status Reports are generated weekly, monthly, and quarterly to assess budgeted and actual project progress. These reports provide management with the following information: e Budget -Allocated for the current reporting period. -Allocated to date. -Total allocated. -Average labor cost per hour budgeted. YS 192IND 808753-15 (08/0787) Hl * 4 CDM \ 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) EE —=— ee e Actual -Expenditures for the current reporting period. -Expenditures to date. -Actual average labor cost per hour. e Status -Variation between budgeted and actual expenditures of dollars or man-hours to date. -Budgeted dollars or man-hours remaining as the reporting date. -Scheduled percentage of completion to date. -Percentage of budgeted dollars or man-hours expended to date. -Actual percentage of completion, as reported to date. e Projection -Percentage variation--expended versus actual percentage of completion to date. -Dollar or man-hour variation--expended versus actual percentage of completion to date, projection through project completion. TASK IDENTIFICATION POWER’s Project Management System uniquely defines, schedules, budgets, and describes each work segment by an identification number that allows management to monitor completion status. These numbers then cross-reference the schedule and budget. Wl-5 eZee Copan remo eee THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Once the Project Plan has been reviewed and approved, it is entered in the Project Management System. Other inputs to the system are: @ Time Cards-Weekly @ Expense Vouchers-Weekly @ Material Costs-Monthly @ Equipment Costs-Monthly @ Percent Completion Reports-Monthly @ Change Orders-As Required All inputs are coded and charged against specific Task numbers. Preparation of the Project Status and Exception Reports is an automatic function of the System. Once the Schedule and Budget parameters have been defined for each Task, and following approval by management, the system produces Exception Reports as a part of the Status Reports. These Exception Reports identify Tasks that approach or exceed preset parameters. PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROCESS The pictogram on the following page graphically depicts POWER’s Project Management System and the interactive relationships of the system’s components. The process is effectively designed to handle even large scale projects with multiple Segments and/or multiple Service requirements (Siting, Studies, Design, Construction Management, Procurement, etc.). \ 192INO 808753-15 (08:07 87) ll-6 @ Due ) Spree Pea PROJE C T INITIATION © OWNER - POWER Mi TIME CARD S & EXPENSE CHITS PROPOSAL REVIEW & REVISION POWER ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM be NX 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) IV. WORK PLAN INTRODUCTION This section contains POWER’s scope of work for the execution of the Unalaska Geothermal Independent Cost Estimate Project. At the proposal stage of project planning, a detailed Work Plan serves as a checklist and a basis for developing a definitive project approach for POWER’s Project Management team and the Power Authority. For this project, POWER’s Work Plan is composed of Project Task Descriptions that specifically describe each of the work components POWER will perform. TASK DESCRIPTIONS - GENERAL Project specific Task Descriptions serve as a definition of all activities or events that must take place in order to complete a project. Task Descriptions (as well as the Schedule, Budget, and Status Reports) are numerically coded to facilitate reference and tracking, as described in detail in the Project Management section of this proposal. ve @Douel 192iND 8O8753-15 (08/07/87) TASK OUTLINE The following Task Outline provides is a summary of POWER’s proposed scope of work for this project. TASK 1 TASK 2 TASK 3 TASK 4 TASK 5 TASK 6 TASK 7 TASK 8 IV - PROJECT MANAGEMENT STARTUP AND FIELD INVESTIGATION PLANT COST ESTIMATE TRANSMISSION LINE ANALYSIS AND COST ESTIMATE SUBSTATIONS SCADA AND COMMUNICATIONS ENVIRONMENTAL AND PERMITTING/ ACCESS ROADS AND DOCK FACILITIES FINAL REPORT ; er Daler) Sees PETAR eS TASK 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Responsibility: POWER Objective: To monitor, track, and report project status to the Power Authority and coordinate activities between groups and the subcontractor. Key Elements: The project manager will be one of the primary working members of the project team. As such, he will be familiar with the ongoing work. Thus, only a minimal amount of additional time will be required to monitor and manage project activities. Some key project management elements are as follows: @ 1. Receive reports and data from the Power Authority and distribute to the project team. 2. Discuss project status with team members on a weekly basis. 3. Review and justify, as required, the weekly project billing reports. 4. Interface with the Power Authority and coordinate project activities and schedule maintenance. Prerequisites: Notice to Proceed Assumptions: Project duration of six weeks. This includes time for the Power Authority to review the draft report. No trips associated specifically with scope definition or project reporting are required. 192IND BD8753-15 (08/07/87) IV-3 CLUE = 192iND 8D8753-15 (08/07.87) Deliverables: 1. Project Status and Reporting 2. Project Coordination IV-4 cere eee eee TASK 2 STARTUP AND FIELD INVESTIGATION Responsibility: POWER Objective: To establish thorough familiarity with previous reports and background data, and field review transmission line and road routing as well as plant and substation siting. Key Elements: Startup activities will entail gathering, reviewing and analyzing Volumes | and II of the Unalaska Geothermal Feasibility Study Final Report. POWER will also review two studies that provided data for the feasibility study. These are an engineering investigation conducted by the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical surveys (ADNR, 1986) and, an environmental analysis conducted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (Sundberg, 1986). In addition, POWER will review topographical data and earlier resource studies to gain a thorough familiarity with the project background. The Startup Task will also involve reviewing all the gathered data prior to conducting field investigations. The data gathered during this Task will be reviewed as expeditiously as possible so that the field investigation and office analysis can be initiated as soon as possible. The field investigations will consist of meeting with Power Authority staff at Unalaska/Dutch Harbor including a flight to the proposed well-site and power plant site and over the road and transmission line routes. YS 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) IV-5 CLUE es ee The purpose of this on-site investigation will be to confirm existing data and evaluate the selected routes, station sites, and plant sites. POWER will be evaluating the proposed locations in terms of the impact to the environment and project costs considering topography, geologic and climatic conditions. If it appears from the field investigations that a route(s) and/or site(s) that may be preferable over those presented by the feasibility study, then POWER would note these proposed changes for further analysis. Prerequisites: Notice to Proceed. Assumptions: The Power Authority will make arrangements and cover the costs of a round trip from Anchorage to the project site. No delays associated with weather impacting project costs or schedule. Deliverables: Familiarity with project background for all project team members. Report on field trip and video tape of transmission line and access road routes, wellpads, and power plant sites for use by other project team members who did not participate in the field trip. — 192IND 808753-15 (08/0787) IV = 6 CDE TASK 3__ PLANT COST ESTIMATE Responsibility: POWER Objective: The preparation of the materials used as the basis for the plant estimate followed by the preparation of capital and O&M estimates. Key Elements: The power plant capital and O&M costs will be prepared in this Task. To accomplish this, a conceptual P&ID with line and valve sizes will be prepared along with a site plan. These will be based on the Dames and Moore study process flow diagram, but will be checked for technical adequacy. This will be the basis for the take-off for the major piping systems, valves, and } equipment items. A mechanical equipment list will be prepared and vendor budgetary quotations solicited. Quantities for major materials will be from take-offs; minor items, such as small-bore piping, will be factored. Unit costs FOB the project site will be developed. Labor hours will be factored based on material quantities. A composite labor rate for Unalaska Island will be developed for use in the estimates. Line item costs--such as engineering and procurement, spare parts, fee, construction management, contingencies, etc.--will be factored. For the O&M estimate, staffing requirements will be developed for the operating, maintenance, management, and support personnel. Labor rates and burden for the present power plant personnel at Dutch Harbor/Unalaska will be used along with any adjustments required by the remote location or required @ skill level of the personnel. Maintenance parts will be factored, and supplies will be estimated based on previous jobs. \ 192IND BD8753-15 (08/07/87) IV-7 CLUE \ 192iNO 808753-15 (0807-87) Additional manpower, such as contract maintenance for an annual shutdown, will be determined and included in the estimate. Transportation costs to the plant site will also be included in the estimate. Prerequisites: Review of Dames and Moore study and earlier studies sufficient to determine site characteristics and access, plant conceptual design, and resource characteristics. Assumptions: The Power Authority will provide land and right-of-way costs, owner's costs, and well drilling and well field development costs for both the production and injection wells. Deliverables: 1. Plant conceptual P&ID, Equipment List and Site Plan Completed 2. Plant Capital Cost Estimate Completed 3. Plant O&M Estimate Completed = e Dole) ( | TASK 4 TRANSMISSION LINE ANALYSIS @ AND COST ESTIMATE Responsibility: POWER Objective: To review transmission line routing and design, and prepare new conceptual design(s) as required. Also, to prepare a transmission line cost estimate. Key Elements: POWER will analyze the existing data compiled in conjunction with its field activities to determine whether alternate line routes and stations sites should be considered. POWER will evaluate the transmission line design criteria included in the feasibility study and make recommendations, if } applicable, for changes. The transmission voltage, conductor type and size, structure configurations, and selection of underground and submarine cables proposed in the feasibility study will be analyzed for adequacy. If it is determined that transmission line design criteria need to be changed, POWER will recommend changes and supply the necessary supporting data. The existing study will be reviewed to determine the parameters used to prepare the existing study cost estimates. Additionally, cost estimates will be prepared for any recommended alternatives. These cost estimates will show any cost savings or additions over the originally proposed design criteria. Detailed cost estimates will be prepared for the transmission @ line based on the design included in the existing study and \ 192IND 808753-15 (0807.87) IV-9 CLUE pn — 192IND BD8753-15 (08/07 87) from any recommendations resulting from POWER’s analysis. This will involve tabulating the major construction units for the lines and include unit estimates for both labor and materials. An extension will be developed based on the quantity required for each unit. The independent cost estimate will include all direct and indirect construction costs, engineering, construction management costs, and contingencies. The land and right-of-way costs to be supplied by the Power Authority will be included in the detailed cost estimate. Prerequisites: Review of previous studies and field investigation complete. Deliverables: 1. If applicable, recommendations for new design line criteria and supporting criteria. 2. Transmission line cost estimate. IV- 10 ezue ) Ser Poa ee (eek: TASK 5 SUBSTATIONS Responsibility: POWER Objective: To review the preliminary station design and develop cost saving alternatives with a detailed cost estimate. Key Elements: The existing study will be reviewed to determine the reasoning for the station requirements and evaluate the adequacy of the recommended substation, Switching Station A and the two switching stations for the bay crossing. Alternatives that may result in significant cost savings will be addressed, and estimated savings resulting from alternatives will be presented. Detailed cost estimates for the stations will be prepared based on the One-Lines and General Arrangements. Major construction units for the stations will be tabulated and include unit estimates for both labor and material. An extension will be developed based on the quantity required for each unit with a 15 percent contingency. Any assumptions made for these cost estimates will be indicated with a discussion of the significance of each assumption. The independent cost estimate will include all costs attribute to the station designs including direct and indirect construction costs, engineering, constructive management costs, and contingencies. Prerequisites: Review of previous studies and field investigation complete. Deliverables: 1. Identification of any cost saving alternatives. 2. Stations cost estimate. \ 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) IV-11 CDE Pees POTS TASK 6 SCADA AND COMMUNICATIONS Responsibility: POWER Objective: To review the planned SCADA and communications system. Key Elements: The objects of this Task will be to review the proposed SCADA and communications system(s) for the Geothermal Plant and Substation. The review will include the application of SCADA to the Geothermal Plant and Substation and developing the SCADA cost estimate. The minimum items required for the review are a SCADA monitor and control point count for the Geothermal Plant and Substation with a cost breakdown for the RTU(s) and master station. Recommendations for SCADA alternatives and/or cost savings will be presented in the review ® if applicable. The review will also include communication requirements for SCADA and voice for the Geothermal Plant and Substation and a review of the communications system cost estimate. The minimum items required for the review are the SCADA and voice communication requirements, communication terminal point, and a cost breakdown of communication equipment including the carrier such as wire, coax, fiber optics, or microwave. Recommendations for communications system alternatives and/or cost savings will be presented in the review, if applicable. Prerequisites: Review of previous studies and field investigation complete. e NS 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) IV-12 CDUE Corer eT | | Deliverables: @ Recommendations for any SCADA or communications system alternatives and/or cost savings and estimates. \ 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) IV-13 eC Due XV 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) TASK 7 ENVIRONMENTAL AND PERMITTING/ACCESS ROADS AND DOCK FACILITIES Responsibility: POWER/Hart Crowser Objective: To review proposed access road routing and dock siting; make recommendations for changes, if any; prepare cost estimates; and also prepare cost estimates for environmental and permitting services. Key Elements: This Task has three logical components: @ A review of planned road routing, dock and plant siting for civil and environmental integrity. @ Developing recommendations for any changes to the routing, siting, or designs, as planned. e@ The preparation of cost estimates for the roads and dock as well as environmental and permitting work. Prerequisites: Review of previous studies and video tape of project area. Deliverables: Cost estimates, and, if necessary, recommendations for road routing, dock siting, or environmental planning changes. IV-14 e Zoe) TASK 8 FINAL REPORT Responsibility: POWER Objective: Issue draft report and final reports to the Power Authority. Key Elements: This Task will cover the preparation of the report documenting the findings of the study to the Power Authority. The report will include the cost estimate in tabular form as well as the necessary narrative to explain the estimate, the methods of attaining it, and the underlying assumptions. It will also include drawings, sketches, or other design work developed as the basis for the estimate. The project team members will be working closely with the Power Authority through the course of the study. Therefore, it is assumed that the Power Authority comments on the draft report will not be substantial, and a minimal amount of time will be required to incorporate the comments and issue the final report. This Task will consist of pulling all the components together, sufficient writing and editing to make them a cohesive unit and production work. Prerequisites: Design review and cost estimating complete. Assumptions: Primary submittals, such as drawings, cost estimate tables, sketches, descriptions, etc., will be prepared in the individual tasks by the responsible team members. \ 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) IV-15 C2Ue Sarees Poa L 192IND BD8753-15 (08/07'87) Deliverables: 1. Draft Report 2. Final Report with the Power Authority Comments Incorporated — e zou) Does Pore 192808753-15 (08/07/87) V. SCHEDULE INTRODUCTION The following Project Schedule is a time-phased representation of POWER’s Work Plan for the Unalaska Geothermal Independent Cost Estimate Project. POWER personnel understand that scheduling is a vital part of project planning. Project manpower and cashflow requirements are developed in conjunction with the detailed Task Descriptions shown in the previous section. The result is a realistic and accurate schedule that provides the structure to manage all projects smoothly. The Tasks listed at left on the schedule are task headings. Numerical coding ties the Tasks to our Project Management System. The Project Manager will review the work progress and expenditures at the start of each week and compare them to the budget and schedule. Corrections, such as redirection of effort or relocation of manpower, will be taken as needed to remedy deficiencies or deviations from plan. al 192808753-15 (08/07/87) SCHEDULE COMMENTS The Schedule for this project is very tight. However, as POWER has the expertise in-house for the major components of the project, the geothermal power plant, the communications system, and the transmission and distribution system, coordination of Project activities and communication between personnel will be easily accomplished. In addition, because POWER has worked with Hart Crowser on a number of projects, our firms have developed a strong working relationship that enhances project performance. The most significant factor that could jeopardize the project Schedule is one that we will have no control over during this project--this factor is the weather. Should inclement weather delay the site visit by POWER’s engineer, then we will be set back in beginning the tasks to follow. Similarly, if weather causes an extended layover in the Dutch Harbor area, the Schedule will also be impacted. ARsxa UNALAgA GEOTHERMAL @ vscct POWER AUTHORITY INDEPENDENT COST ESTIMATE PROJECT SCHEDULE TASK TASK 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT TASK 2 STARTUP ACTIVITIES AND FIELD INVESTIGATION TASK 3 PLANT COST ESTIMATE TASK 4 TRANSMISSION LINE ANALYSIS AND COST ESTIMATE TASK 5 SUBSTATIONS TASK 6 SCADA AND COMMUNICATIONS TASK 7 ENVIRONMENTAL AND PERMITTING/ACCESS ROADS AND DOCKS TASK 8 FINAL REPORT SEPT.8 SEPT. 10 OCT. 13 OCT. 20 NOTICETO FIELD TRIP DRAFT COMMENTS FINAL RE- PROCEED ‘TO SITE REPORT RECEIVED PORT ISSUED. ISSUED FROM APA TO APA 192IND 88753-15 (08/07/87) V-3 Vi. BUDGET INTRODUCTION This section contains a summary of the overall project cost for the performance of the Tasks described in detail in the “Work Plans” section of this proposal. ¢$ As stated in the cover letter, POWER will perform the Tasks described in the Work Plan section of this proposal for a fixed price not to exceed $25,000. Even though this is a short-term, fixed-price contract, POWER has implemented its normal budgeting procedure for the Project. Based on the Work Plan, the manpower requirements, computer time, and other expenses were estimated for each task. These estimates then form the budget for their respective tasks. Through the course of the project, the costs expended will be tracked on the Task level. Internal reports detailing the previous week’s expenditures on a task-by-task basis are prepared at the first of each week and submitted to the Project Manager. This allows the Project Manager to stay current with @ the status of the project so that corrections can be made as a 192 IND BD875315 (08/07/87) Vi-1 ezue S 192 IND BD875315 (08/07/87) needed to maintain the Budget and Schedule. This is especially important on a short-term project as an inappropriate application of manpower or resources over even a two-week period can cause significant deviations from the Project Plan. POWER’S BUDGETING PROCESS The Budget included in this section is a product of POWER’s integrated Project Management System. Like the Work Plan and Schedule, it is subject to the Power Authority's review and approval. POWER’s project team personnel use a computer-generated budgeting input form to enter projected labor hours and expenses for each Task. Task descriptions from the Work Plan and the Project Schedule are used as guidelines for estimating manpower requirements and any expense costs. Labor for each Task is estimated in man-hours for each of POWER’s eight job classifications. These man-hour estimates are then entered into the computer where labor costs are calculated through the application of POWER’s current fee schedule. POWER’s standard expense costs include air fares, per diem, car rentals, reproduction, communication, field office costs, lease vehicles, computer costs, and other miscellaneous costs. These costs are entered into the computer in unit formats, such as number of trips, days, hours, etc. a e Dole) XN 192 IND BD875315 (08/07/87) BUDGET SUMMARY The following sheets itemize POWER’s Task costs for the Unalaska Geothermal Independent Cost Estimate Project. For the Task to be performed by Hart Crowser--Environmental, Permitting, Access Roads and Docks--the cost is a line item adjacent to the subcontractor category. Therefore, the Hart Crowser work is shown simply as an expense to the Project. M3 eDoler Cees MIDI 4 as ~ ” \ w=! tow | ; i i ow : i iow i i tow ft ' ' ‘ wort ; i i HN oss it i a ‘ i i : ot : ! i i : ' { 2 ' 3 i { i : ' { ! es { { { ! 2 i i { | m3 pany LR PF oop PROJECT: WLAGLA. ISLA SAQIECT MNLESENT 1 ' 1 ‘ t i { t ' PRASE : a 3.4.0 2 ey one AS. 3 470. _ WES! vim x 2 1,985 4,60 ESTIMATES. __ cast +e aut 4oaos A. 0 T-LIME AALYSIS 2-COSE ESE LL 28 3 8 =< ow 4.3 | £20 260... & SCADA. COMWNICATIONS —— EMV. PER.JACCESS ROAO.2 DOCK 0. REPORT 9 0) 0 _s £ dene a i 3 whe 3 INPUT BUDEET DATA et v 0 -PROJECT MANAGER. 1 -PROJECT ENGINEER < ~SENLOR ENGINEER _. 3 ~ENGINEER _ S ~DESIGNER ~G-ORAETSMAN. _. - 0 1 0 : 0 4 SENIOR DESIGNER... 0 a0) -7 -TYFIST esl oe STAR. ~ PERICD. —- DURATION HOURS - are) WA rae eee rac _ ee ECT : oO TOTAL TASK 0 1 -PROJECT.ENMGINEER = = 2 dd BL 2 ~SENIOR ENGINEER ms 0: = 3-ENGIMEFR. 8 4 -SENIOR DESIGNER =e 0. 5 -DES! ee lees Oba ae 6 -DRAFTSKAN i ios 2 _].-TYPIST 1 ete 42 SUAS IS NO ope otra roe tee é START. - TOTAL. -FEE CLASS ©. 2 PERIOD. DURATION _ POURS. 9 ~PROJECT MANAGER ct 1 -PROVECT ENSINEER t 2 -SENIOR ENGINEER g 3 ~ENGINEER, 9 4 -SENIOR DESIGYES Zs S ~DESIGNER mel 6 -DRAFISMAN — 9 7 -TYPIST 1 TASK Sk CEsc. cu 0 “AIRFARE... 1 - 4 5 “FER OLEH 2 -VERICLE - 3 -SUBCONTRAC TOR ~ (Ade COMPUTER & -REPROCUCTION 7 & ~PHONE 9 -MSGaLmEns DESC. : EXPENSE (LAS 1 2 3 ~SVECONTRACTOR 0 -AIRFARE “PER CIEM.. ~VERICLE 4 -CADD 5 -COMPUTER 6 “REPRODUCTION 7 -PHINE 8 a DE Geet TMISCELLANE'S EXPENSE CLASS i WwoehF esas ' SS m, PROJECT START- PLANT COST. ESTIMATES ‘ ' 1 1 ‘ i 4 lh ' 1 START © “UP ACT SARs iene -_ Fen DARATION WITS |S. MANAGEMENT i ‘ | | —|E noovcrocon 3°3 i ACT. & FIELD INVEST --—- TOTAL ee are Oren OO, 0 CC — C= O10: 2 SS a a0: 0 Linasaenied 9) mera os : : eae keene See = 0 1 START TOTAL PERIID _. DURATION _ UN. ae - 0 ~ALRFARE % Dra 1 -PER CIEM 0. 0. 2 -VERIOLE , =o 0 Qs seercas 3 ~SUBCONTRACTOR 0 0. 4-CAD ae 7 eee ees 5 -COMPUTER 0 0 § -REPROCCTION a2 20 7 ~PUINE 1 400 Sa 5 9 ¢ 9 ~ESCELLANEOUS 0 0 TASK NO. 31.4. - START FEE Chass FES100 © PROJECT. MANAGER 0 1 PROJECT ENGINEER... 2... 2 -SENIDR ENGINEER - 6 - 3 ENGINEER... =o) 4 -SENIOR DESTONER 0 --§ -GESIGNES - i & DRAFTOUN =O as 2.-PPIST .. --- 0 SAMLAS EA oS °° DURATION HRS 0 0 4 in " 0 G8 0 3 a) 0 5 ns 0 -AIRFARE 4 PER CLE! 2 -VERILE 3 -SUBCON RAC 4 (200 5. -COMPUTER & -REPROOT 7 PHONE g- TALINS TR 9 -RISCELLANEOUS 31 .5...0..— TASK DESC. +: SUI ! j ud oc | 1 ANALYSIS TACT oeopoocscese eoeroceocestco Task NO. IESTATIONS ‘sTaRr TOTAL START ToT — FEE. CLASS... PERIOD. URATLON_HO-RS = EXPENSE CLASS... PERLOD DAHA IMLS 0 PROJECT MANAGER sg oA. 1 -PROJECT EMGIMER 0... 0. A 1 -PER DIEM er corer wane mane 2 -SENIOR DICER. Gg 2-VEIE. 3 -EMSIMEER 0 0 0 3 -SUBCONTRACTOR 0-0-0. _A-SENLOR DESI@ER do tb 400 gg “S-DESIOMER. S-OnTR. SC 6 -ORETM 6--REPRIOUCTION-— —) -TPIST Sree 7 FROME tO sea ame mailsy SUuIieENMTINETER teoncnenerneeninenie i [= - 8 9 -ASCILLES 0 — a 2 on — 0 -PROJECT MANAGER . 0 -1 -PROJECT EXCOCER é 2 -SENIOR ENGINEER 0 —3--BGDER. -.. .---- . 9 4 -SENIOR DESIGNER 0 0 0 0 S-ESIGER.. = = -—---- 6 DRAFTSMAN 7 -TYPIST <= - 16 — -—0 i 9 Ens If 4 0 _ . TASK DESC.. -: 0 -AIRFARE 1 -PER OI 2 -VENICLE 3 -SUBCONTRAC 4 -CA0DD 5 -COMPUTER. TR - 6 ~REPRODUCTION 7 -PHONE g- 9 -MISCELLANES EI, oe & COST FST ToT OVRATION UNITS TReUT CUINEET . PROIECT 99 Sus . PHASE NO. 0 PURSE: TASK NG. 31.7.0 TASK DESC. : ENV. PER./ACCESS ROAD & DUCK oo, START Teva sTeT. TOT FEE (Lass PERIOO | OLRATION HERS EXPENSE chase PERIOD DURATION. UNITS (0 -PROJECT MANAGER a 0 0 -AIRFARE 0 0 4 1 -PRIECT ENGINEER ¢ 1 -FER DIEM 6 Q ) 2 -SENIOR ENGINEER 0 0 2 -VERICLE 0 0 Q 3 -ENGINEER oe 3 -SUBCINTRACTOR a. 8 oe A -SENIOR OESIGER =O 0 4-0) - 0 6 9 5 DESIGNER. oo 5 -CONSUTER OQ 8 6 -DRAFTSHAN 0 0 6 -FEPSOELCTION 0. 0 0 7 -TPIST_ - od oe TUNE ; . 8 - 0 0 0 ara 9 -MISCELLANEDUS. 2. 0. TASK NO. 31 .8._0 |..... TASK DESC. : REPORT... ra _ sist TOTAL staat TOIL FEE CLASS _ DURATION BRRRS. EXPENSE CLASS... PERIOD. _ DURATION ANITS 0 -PROJECT MANAGER. O-AIRFARE 1 -PROJECT ENGINEER SPER OTN ae og a Oo pee ne 2 =SENIOR ENGINEER _ DEY ere pee Oe 3 ENGINEER S 3. ~SUBCONTRACTOR a 0 6 3101 eet Oe ee f -SENIOR DESIGNER 2. (AD eases oe 8 = 5 -DESIGMER : 5 -COMFYTER Soe 0 eae sien Sees OE 6 DRAFTS 6 -REPRODNCTION 28 dang 7 -TWPIST ; 7 PARE 0 ee oS "9 -mnsceieous =” = Vil. PROJECT TEAM INTRODUCTION POWER’s staff of 100 engineers, designers and support personnel includes individuals with experience in all aspects of geothermal engineering--from conceptual design, cost estimating, and feasibility analyses through detailed design and start-up. Our transmission and substation engineering @ staffs have distinguished POWER as the West's leading transmission engineering consultant. Together with Hart Crowser’s Alaska personnel, POWER is proposing a Project Team capable of performing the required Tasks with expertise and confidence developed on numerous similar projects. PROJECT ORGANIZATION All projects undertaken by POWER are organized and carried out under the overall direction of a project manager or project engineer. This individual is selected from among senior engineers for his/her proven management ability and technical expertise in the types of services to be provided. For the Unalaska Geothermal Independent Cost Estimate @ Project, POWER is proposing Mr. Bill Lewis as Project \ 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) Vil ” 1 CDUE Expres POLS XM 192IND BD8753-15 (08/07/87) ee eee, Manager/Engineer. He will be personally responsible for ensuring that the project is completed within budget and as scheduled. Please refer to the Project Organization Chart and the capsule descriptions of each Project Team member's professional experience below. CAPSULE PERSONNEL DESCRIPTIONS Bill Lewis, P.E., Project Manager/Engineer - With more than 11 years of specialized experience in geothermal and chemical process engineering, Mr. Lewis will serve as Project Manager/Engineer for this project. He has experience with single-flash, double-flash, binary, and hybrid system design for utilization of geothermal resources. He has handled projects from the conceptual design stage through final acceptance testing and startup. A portion of Mr. Lewis’ applicable experience includes the design of a 10 MW double-flash geothermal plant for Union Oil; the conceptual design and study for a 10 MW double-flash plant for Imperial Energy; the detailed design of a steam gathering system at the Geysers for Aminoil (now Geysers Geothermal) which supplies PG&E Unit 16; the feasibility evaluation of a 5 MW binary geothermal plant and its subsequent privatization in Idaho; the conceptual design and feasibility study for a wellhead-type binary system for several geothermal resources; and the conceptual design for a 60 MW gross-hybrid geothermal system incorporating reheat for a plant in Nevada. Mr. Lewis will be responsible for conceptual design review and cost estimating of the power plant. He will also supervise each of the discipline leaders and will ensure that all tasks are completed on schedule and within their designated cost ad Vil-2 @ Due Deen Pacman XS 192IND BD8753-15 (08/07/87) parameters. He will frequently interface with the Power Authority's project manager for this study. John McGrew, Lead Transmission Engineer - As Lead Transmission Engineer, Mr. McGrew will be responsible for the review of the routing and conceptual design of the Unalaska transmission facilities. He will also be responsible for the cost estimates developed for the line. Mr. McGrew is a seasoned project engineer with notable Alaska experience. He recently served as Project Engineer on POWER’s Anchorage - Kenai Transmission Intertie Feasibility Study for the Power Authority and also completed the design of a 24.9kV line across Kodiak Island. His combination of field experience, technical competence, and Alaska experience will be invaluable for this project. His responsibility will include coordinating design reviews by POWER'’s substation and SCADA/communications personnel. James Gill, P.E., Geotechnical Engineer - Mr. Gill is a registered professional engineer in Alaska with over 20 years of civil and geotechnical engineering experience. He recently managed the Hart Crowser work on the Anchorage - Kenai Transmission Intertie, which included route selection and environmental and permitting studies. He is also the Project Manager for the design and construction of the Eklutna Water Project Lake Diversion Tunnel. He has been involved in numerous remote site projects in Alaska, including the construction feasibility study for three North Warning System radar sites. From 1980 to 1983, he directed all of the field programs and participated in the feasibility and licensing work for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Vil-3 eD0uel ) EP e PTLIOR ALASKA UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL POWER ENGINEERS, INC. POWER AUTHORITY INDEPENDENT COST KEY PERSONNEL ESTIMATE PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHART APA PROJECT MANAGER DAVID DENIG-CHAKROFF POWER PROJECT MANAGER/ENGINEER BILL LEWIS, P.E. ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING/ACCESS ROADS AND DOCKS JIM GILL, P.E. HART-CROWSER GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT TRANSMISSION LINE SUBSTATIONS SCADA AND COMMUNICATIONS JOHN McGREW DON ANGELL, P.E. BILL LEWIS, P.E. RON SCHRODER, P.E. 192IND BDB8753— @ @ ‘ @ WILLIAM LEWIS, P. E. POSITION: PROJECT MANAGER/ENGINEER EDUCATION: BS, Chemical Engineering, University of Idaho, 1975 REGISTRATION: Idaho, Utah, Nevada EXPERIENCE: Mr. Lewis has 12 years experience in chemical process engineering including estimating, supervision, scheduling, design, construction, start-up, operations and project controls. His background includes work as a project engineer and lead discipline engineer for design firms, as well as an operations and maintenance engineer for hydrocarbon production firm. His area of expertise include gas, liquid and two-phase line sizing; heat transfer calculations; condensate collection and steam distribution system design; process equipment; and all aspects of geothermal system design. He has been responsible for process flow diagrams, material and energy balances, piping and instrumentation diagrams, hazardous waste assessment, equipment sizing and selection, and material specification. In addition, Mr. Lewis has performed construction inspection for a cogeneration hydrocarbon process project valued at over $100 million. His varied experience includes the following: e@ §=Navy I, Units 2 & 3 Geothermal Project, California Project Engineer for preliminary engineering services of the fluids gathering and injection system for these two 25 MW geothermal Units. Responsible for process flow diagrams and ] P&ID’s, defining the control logic, sizing the single and two-phase lines, materials selection, defining pressure classes, and all drawings and process equipment selection. @ Oxbow Geothermal Pilot Plant Scaling Test, Nevada Project Manager for an injection system scaling test for Oxbow Geothermal. Project consists of complete design, specification, purchasing and supply of a test system module consisting of a two-phase flow separator, test beds, control and sampling system. Analytical equipment is also being supplied and analytical procedures prepared for the test. @ Ormesa Geothermal Project, California Project Engineer responsible for acceptance test preparation and testing of a 30 MW geothermal power plant in Southern California utilizing a low temperature pumped liquid resource. Responsible for review, development and approval of test procedures and specifications prepared by the contractor, witnessing tests for individual plant components, capacity and overall performance tests. A comprehensive report detailing overall plant workmanship, operability, performance and deficiencies with a recommendation whether to assume the long term debt, will be submitted to the term lenders. e Salton Sea Steam Gathering System, California Lead Process Engineer for a 10 MW geothermal flash plant with a brine processing system. @ This first-of-a-kind plant employed a crystallization system with seed recycle to control the IND GEOTH (08/05/87) CDE OS PETEBET PUTA TMII Ene TTS WILLIAM LEWIS, P. E. 2 scaling problems that had previously prohibited use of this geothermal resource. The plant came up to design rates within one week of the initial start-up. Responsible for process flow definition, P&IDs, material and equipment specification and selection, direction of project mechanical and chemical engineers doing process work. e Navy I, Unit 1_25 MW Geothermal Plant, California Project Engineer responsible for design review of two-phase gathering system for this plant. Also performed engineering support services for client in conjunction with development of overall 240 MW resource. @ Salton Sea Geothermal Project, California Project Engineer and Lead Process Engineer for the conceptual design of this 49 MW power plant for Kennecott. The design of this geothermal power plant was unique in that it utilized a highly saline brine with an associated minerals recovery system. Responsible for preparing process flow diagrams, site layout, equipment sizing, capital and O & M cost estimates, and coordination of all project activities. @ = Imperial Energy 15 MW Geothermal Power Plant, California Project Engineer responsible for conceptual design and capital cost estimate for a 15 MW power plant. This project also included assisting with the negotiation of a power sales agreement between the client and Southern California Edison. e@ Geyser Unit 16 Geothermal Steam Gathering System, California Lead Engineer for this 15,000-foot, cross-country steam gathering system including a buried condensate gathering system. Responsible for coordination of all process and mechanical activities, including piping and instrumentation diagrams, vessel process design, mechanical specifications, bid evaluations, and vendor drawing review. Specific duties included pipe transient analysis, pipe sizing, heat loss calculations, and control system design. The system was the first in the Geyser’s Geothermal Area in which the steam gathering system for one unit was interconnected with another unit. This allows a computerized transfer of steam in the event of a shutdown of one unit. Also, steam loss is minimized along with the associated energy waste in the event of a turbine trip. This also minimizes the quantity of H.S that is released into the environment. e@ Vulcan 20 MW Power Plant, California Process Engineer associated with conceptual design and capital cost estimate for Magma Power's proposed 20 MW power plant. Detailed tasks included the development of the process flow diagram and portions of the capital cost estimate. @ Geothermal Permitting Program, Idaho Program Manager responsible for directing the geothermal permit program for the State of Idaho. Primary duties included permit application review, application requirements, and e review of applicant's facilities for compliance. Se IND GEOTH (08/05/87) CDUE JOHN McGREW POSITION: LEAD TRANSMISSION ENGINEER EDUCATION: _— Mechanical Engineering, San Diego State University EXPERIENCE: _ Prior to becoming a Transmission Engineer, Mr. McGrew acquired valuable practical experience in the electrical engineering field, first as a construction supervisor and then as a transmission/distribution designer. This solid background in construction and design has proven invaluable in the performance of his present duties, which involve the day-to-day coordination and facilitation of all tasks involved in the conduct of a utility project, from conceptual planning through energization of facilities. Mr. McGrew’s knowledge of the design and construction process allows him to anticipate and address potential problems in those critical project areas, thus avoiding costly delays and ensuring a project's timely and successful completion. Specific project engineering responsibilities include project scheduling and cost estimating; monitoring and expediting the permitting and right-of-way acquisition processes; design coordination and final review; interfacing with the client, contractor and other involved agencies;and budget and schedule monitoring. Mr. McGrew has served as the Project Engineer for several recent POWER utility projects, including the following: e@ = City of Redding North Loop 115kV Line, California Project Engineer to design and construct a 14-mile link and five substations in a transmission line loop serving the northern area of Redding, California. Supervised surveying, mapping, material procurement, right-of-way preparation drawings, and all phases of line and structure design. Responsible for construction services including contract preparation, cost estimates, and engineering support. This project required detailed conformance to the California Environmental Quality Act. Specific environmental constraints included endangered species protection for osprey nests and preservation of an archeological site. This project crossed highly urbanized areas and visual impact concerns also had to be considered in route mapping and line design. e Anchorage-Kenai Transmission Intertie Feasibility Study, Alaska As Project Engineer for this major Alaskan intertie study, Mr. McGrew was responsible for determining the need for a new transmission line between Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula. This project required an examination of all possible routing and cost scenarios, as well as determining the feasibility of system upgrade and expansion. @ Grouse Creek -Wendover 138kV Transmission Project, Utah and Nevada Project Engineer for this fast-track project to design and construct 76 miles of an H-frame 138kV transmission line, two 138-24.9kV substations and a 138kV switching station, as well as modification of an existing substation to accommodate the new power supply system. Project required fast tracking due to rapidly increasing loads that were projected to exceed the capacity of the existing system supplying power to the city of Wendover, Nevada, by the summer of 1984. Mr. McGrew coordinated all phases of project from preliminary line routing through energization and project closeout. He also coordinated and interfaced with two owners, two BLM agencies, the BPA and REA, and various federal, state and county agencies during the permitting and licensing phase of the project. He successfully negotiated mutually acceptable agreement with BLM during Section 7 Consultation concerning the project's impact in the reintroduction of the peregrine falcon. Project was completed one month ahead of a fast - track schedule and under budget. \ suas CL JOHN McGREW 2 @ Kauai Electric 57kV Transmission Line Study, Hawaii Lead Transmission Engineer to determine the structural integrity of a 46-year-old 57kV steel structure transmission line, evaluate the line's adopted maintenance program, and create a procurement package to procure steel members for corroded structure members. This 32-mile line was constructed by the McBryde Sugar Company to supply power from their Wainiha hydro power plant on the north end of the island to their sugarcane plantations located on the south end of the island. This transmission line is also important to Kauai Electric, which serves the Hanalei/Princeville area. Because the demand for power is exceeding capacity, the line provides for the additional capacity needed to serve the Hanalei/Princeville area. The line's importance, combined with the common occurrence of hurricanes in the area and high incidence of corrosion, provoked concern by Kauai Electric on the line's integrity and the adequacy of its maintenance program. Mr. McGrew’s responsibilities included determining the expected life span of the line given its condition and making specific recommendations for modifying the towers. He inspected 148 lattice steel towers along the line, coordinated survey work to determine actual sags, and identified steel members for metallurgical corrosion testing. He also conducted profile, structural and metallurgical analyses with the aid of POWER’s in-house computer programs. @ CUC- Vermont Highgate - Boise Cascade 46kV Project, Northern Vermont Mr. McGrew was involved in the preliminary engineering phase to upgrade CUC's 46kV facilities located near the Highgate area in Northern Vermont. The primary objective for the upgrade was to provide greater reliability and increased capacity to the area. The upgrade consisted of replacing five miles of single circuit 46kV transmission line with a double circuit 46kV transmission line and constructing a new substation adjacent to the existing VELCO Highgate Substation. Line design included a special steel pole structure & foundation to accommodate a river crossing as well as withstand submersion in 25 feet of water. @ §©Chiniak-Pasagshak 14.4/24.9kV Distribution Line, Alaska Project Engineer for all phases of design for 40 miles of 14.4/24.9kV distribution line on Kodiak Island. Mr. McGrew supervised line routing, survey, design and construction management, including material procurement and contract administration through closeout. Design includes 3000 feet of 24.9kV underground and several single-phase taps and services. @ Wallace CUC Conversion Project Design Engineer for a complex distribution project involving conversion of the town of Wallace, Idaho, from 2.4kV to 13.8kV. Responsibilities included coordination of studies, planning, fielding, preliminary planning, design, interaction with various agencies, preparation of the contract and specification documents and construction inspection. es RON SCHRODER, PE POSITION: EDUCATION: REGISTRATION: EXPERIENCE: SUB8 LEAD SUBSTATION ENGINEER BS, Engineering, US Naval Academy, 1971 Professional Engineer, California, idaho Mr. Schroder has ten years of experience in the electric utility field. Most recently, he was the Project Engineer for a 230kV substation in Alaska, involving a 300 MVA transformer, four breakers and the associated structures, relaying and instrumentation, and interface with the SCADA system. He has also served as project engineer for several substations in Nevada and California, featuring underground distribution feeders. Mr. Schroder has worked for idaho Power Company as a top metering and instrumentation engineer. Starting as a distribution engineer, and moving to Division Meter Supervisor, he was responsible for overseeing all metering personnel. He was also responsible for the testing, installation and maintenance of electric meters. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Schroder became Meter Engineer for idaho Power, establishing metering policies for the areas of interchange metering, testing, training and energy theft. He reorganized the metering structure of the company for better efficiency. He was also a member of task forces that selected equipment for PURPA load survey and electronic meter reading. Mr. Schroder also served as an office in the US Navy for five years. As the Main Propulsion Assistant on a nuclear submarine, he was responsible for maintaining the nuclear reactor mechanical and support systems. Most recently, Mr. Schroder has been involved in developing and establishing procedures to save electricity in existing buildings. He has been responsible for audits and improvements in lighting, HVAC, motors and other electrical devices. Specific experience includes the following: e = Bunkerville 69-12.47/7.2 Substation, Nevada Project Engineer for this new substation for Overton Power District No. 5. The substation involved one (1) 7.5 MVA transformer with load tap changer, two (2) 12.47kV reclosers, one (1) 69kV group operated air break switch, 69kV power fuses, 2 underground feeder bays, and provisions for future regulators, a second transformer, and 2 future underground feeders. Responsible for overall development of drawings and specifications. Also responsible for selection of contractor and inspection during construction. Substation was liked so well that Overton decided to install a second one just like it in Logandale, Nevada. @ Beckwourth and Chilcoot 69-12.47/7.2 Substations, California Project Manager for these two substations for Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative. Chilcoot Substation required a new 7.5 MVA transformer, a new recloser, new metering and controls and removal of some old equipment. Beckwourth Substation is a new substation with a steel secondary structure which allows for three (3) 12.47kV underground feeders. Responsible for overall development of drawings and specifications. Attended pre-bid conference and monitored construction progress. E9FeOs POTTS RON SCHRODER, PE \. suse Leavitt and Quincy 69-12.47/7.2 Substations, California Project Engineer for these substation upgrades which involved new transformers, reclosers, and associated switches metering and control panels. Responsible for transformer and recloser specifications, bus arrangement, metering equipment selection and instrument panel layout. Also responsible for checking accuracy of all drawings. Beluga 138-230kV Station Alaska Project Engineer for this new 230kV substation connecting an existing 138kV substation near Anchorage. Mr. Schroder is supervising design and station interface, construction specifications and drawings, and final inspection services. Station configuration is a five-terminal, breaker and one-half scheme with a microwave-based SCADA system. Equipment and structural elements have been designed to withstand Zone 4 (.5g) seismic forces. New station will upgrade existing system to 230kV and provide voltage transformation, metering, line protection and switching for existing and future transmission from Beluga Generating Plant to load centers in the Anchorage area. West Wells 138-24.9/14.4kV Substation, Nevada Metering Engineer responsible for design and installation supervision of the station metering for this Wells Rural Electric Company substation. The metering involved both real and reactive power and included magnetic tape recorders. Scoville 69-12.5kV Substation, Idaho Metering Engineer for substation built to service the idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) in southern Idaho. The station is fed at 69kV via two transmission feeds, one from Idaho Power and one from Utah Power & Light. He was responsible for metering design an installation supervision of the station. Utilized Scientific Columbus “JEM-II” meters for the station to isolate two UP&L customers from INEL metering totals. Since it was possible for INEL to generate more than the site load, these meters had to be bi-directional, also. Summing of the usages was performed by a computer using magnetic tape input. WYE 69-34.5 Substation and Ustick 69-34.5kV Substation, Idaho Distribution Engineer for two Idaho Power Company distribution substations located six miles apart. Responsible for system protection analysis, fault and relay coordination study, installation of new reciosers and sectionalizers and partial conversion of feeders to 34.5kV. Borah 230-138kV Substation, Idaho Metering Engineer for an Idaho Power ring bus station designed for an interconnection with Utah Power & Light. Responsible for all metering design and installation supervision, including final testing. Station required two sets of bi-directional meters and a digital pulse recorder to accurately measure all the possible energy flows. Station required metering accuracy, capacitive- coupled voltage transformers and current transformers on the 230kV bus. Metering was designed with telephone communication and interfaced with SCADA. pores a ee iain aia ee, DONALD ANGELL, PE POSITION: SYSTEMS ANALYST EDUCATION: MS, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of idaho, 1984 BS, Engineering and Applied Science, UCLA, 1959 REGISTRATION: Alaska, California, idaho, Nevada EXPERIENCE: Mr. Angell performs a full spectrum of studies and analyses related to electrical system design and system protection, and fiber optic communication systems. For utility and industrial clients, he has conducted numerous system feasibility and planning studies, work plans, long-range plans, load flow studies, short circuit and protection analyses, SCADA system designs, and communication system studies and designs. He has designed sophisticated relaying packages for looped transmission systems, protective schemes for radially fed transmission and distribution lines, and station protective relaying, metering and control systems for several station facilities. Other systems engineering experience includes determination of BIL and insulation coordination requirements for line and station components, large cyclic loads on rural distribution systems and DC excavator impacts on electrical systems. Representative projects that illustrate the extent and diversity of Mr. Angell’s system engineering and protection experience follow. @ Wells Rural Electric Company Long-Range Plan Project Engineer responsible for the execution of the Long-Range Plan Study that would . analyze specific problems within this cooperative’s electrical system. e Surprise Valley Electrification Corporation Sectionalizing Study Project Engineer for this moderate size REA cooperative that was experiencing frequent outages due to inadequate power design. Recommendations made include upgrades to existing lines and an increased number of breakers for the switching stations as will as constructing a new substation. @ Salmon River Electric Cooperative Sectionalizing Study Systems Engineer assigned to generate a complete Sectionalizing and Coordination Study for Salmon River Electric Cooperative (SREC). Utilized the Power System Analysis (PSA) and DPAS programs to analyze necessary data,, located and relocated protective devices, and provided recommendations that would alleviate existing problems. @ = Dry Creek-Tincup Communication Link, Wyoming Systems Analyst for a fiber optic communication system for 30 miles of new, double-circuit 161kV transmission line POWER designed near Afton, Wyoming. This system links Lower Valley Power & Light's Afton and Jackson offices, to serve as a medium for communications, switching, and remote metering. \ $167 C DUE DONALD ANGELL, PE \ 167 Cyprus - Thompson Creek Mine Power Supply Project, Idaho Systems Engineer responsible for system feasibility, protection and planning studies and long- range plan to determine optimum power supply to provide reliable service to a $460 million molybdenum mine in central Idaho. Major components of the power system Mr. Angell recommended consisted of 96 miles of 230kV transmission line, 40 miles of 69kV transmission line with 24.9kV underbuild, a 230kV switching station, two 230-69kV substations, two 69- 24.9kV substations, a 69kV mine loop feed with 24.9kV underbuild, complete pit electrics, and upgrades to existing station facilities - all of which were subsequently designed and constructed. Wells Rural Electric Company SCADA System, Nevada Project engineer for this utility's new SCADA system. The system utilizes five “smart” Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) that are capable of time tagging events with a system-wide accuracy of + 10 milliseconds. The Master Control Unit (MCU) allows Wells personnel to monitor and control all station parameters for five stations. Communications are carried over the public- switched telephone network, and the RTUs are capable of initiating communications with the MCU and reporting alarm conditions. Responsible for feasibility study, communications interface, equipment specification, SCADA system interface design, installation and testing. Salmon River Electric Cooperative SCADA System, Idaho Systems Engineer for this SCADA system for a cooperative in mountainous central Idaho. The SCADA system is used to control and monitor a 100 MVA 230-69kV substation. Responsibilities include SCADA system operation design, interface design, installation and testing. Like the system above, this unique SCADA system employs “smart” RTUs and a MCU to monitor and control sytem-wide station parameters. Communication is carried over the public-switched telephone network, and RTUs are capable of initiating communications with the MCU and reporting alarm conditions. Spar Canyon 230kV Switching Station, Idaho Systems Engineer responsible for design of protective relaying and control circuits for this primary switching/sectionalizing facility constructed as part of a major power supply system for a large molybdenum mine in mountainous central Idaho. Designed zone distance protective relaying system as well as relaying for a 25 MVA reactor. Also designed and supervised the installation and checkout of protective relay, control and metering systems for two other stations in the new system. City of Redding North Loop 115kV Transmission Line, California Responsible for studying possible radio frequency interference from a proposed transmission line in Redding, California. Communication facilities which voiced concern over the line included a local radio station and the California Highway Patrol System. Mr. Angelll performed analytical studies using a BPA computer application program, COMBINE, which aids in predicting radio and television interference. PT TH Pee TEU ETI tm KEN LAGERGREN e POSITION: TRANSMISSION ENGINEER EDUCATION: BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah, 1975 REGISTRATION: Engineer-in-Training, idaho EXPERIENCE: Mr. Lagergren has been responsible for the structural design of wood-pole and steel-structure distribution and transmission lines ranging in voltage from 13.8 to 230kV and in length from 4 to 96 miles. His steel design experience extends to 500kV steel configurations for specialized applications. In addition, he has designed several types of reinforced foundations for these structures. Mr. Lagergren performs his design calculations on computer software programs, many of which he has developed and implemented in-house. These programs encompass analysis and design of steel lattice towers, steel pole sizing, foundation sizing, wood-pole structure design, ground profile plotting, stringing sag tables and spotting of transmission line structures. Other structural/mechanical duties include design document preparation of conceptual design drawings. In addition to his design duties, Mr. Lagergren has also been involved in project coordination, field engineering and field troubleshooting, surveying, structure spotting and construction inspection on various POWER projects. As a result, he possesses a well-rounded knowledge of the electric utility engineering/construction process, which greatly enhances his design capabilities. Representative POWER projects that illustrate Mr. Lagergren’s structural design experience and expertise follow. @ @ City of Redding North Loop 115kV Transmission Line, California Transmission Engineer for 14-mile link in Redding’s Transmission Loop System. Responsible for structure selection and design, structural analysis foundation design, sag and tension data, material specifications and design manual preparation. Because of tight ROW and routing restrictions, the project presented many unique design problems and required a “custom fit” for many of the structures. Short guy easement space required numerous sidewalk guy situations and special pole stress considerations. @ Geothermal Public Power Line (GPPL) 230kV Project, California Mechanical/Structural Design Engineer responsible for development of design criteria and methodology of design associated with the preliminary engineering phase of this major 230kV transmission project in northern California. High wind conditions and the location of portions of the line in a Zone 4 (.5g) seismic region necessitated developing special design criteria for the steel-lattice structures for the double-circuit transmission facility. @ Kennecott-UCD Bingham Canyon Mine Modernization Project, Utah Structural Design Engineer for new 44kV transmission spur lines supplying power to the pit area of the world’s largest open-pit copper mine. Performed all structural design calculations and prepared design data document. Reviewed structure drawings, including specially design self- supporting steel A-frame structures developed to handle high winds and heavy ice loads. N CLUE SUB8 Piper Pare aa KEN LAGERGREN SUB8 Lost River-Round Valley and Spar Canyon-South Butte 230kV Transmission Lines, Idaho Structural Design Engineer for 96 miles of 230kV wood-pole transmission line routed through rugged, mountainous terrain in central idaho. Responsible for conceptual design of structures, structure drawing review and design data document preparation. Terrain constraints and extreme weather conditions required design of braced H-frame, wood-pole structure with steel crossarms. In addition, one 5,500-foot canyon crossing on the Spar Canyon-South Butte line dictated the use of 500kV steel towers to obtain sufficient strength and conductor separation factors. Grouse Creek-Wendover 138kV Transmission Project, Utah and Nevada Structural Design Engineer responsible for design of structures for 76 miles of 138kV braced H- frame transmission line from Grouse Creek, Utah, to Wendover, Nevada. Project responsibilities included development of in-house computer programs for complete design of wood, single-pole and crossbraced H-frame line structures from horizontal and vertical structure strength to guying arrangements and plotting of conductor sag templates. These programs also performed electrical calculations such as insulator swing, differential ice loading and galloping analysis. Dry Creek-Tincup 161kV Transmission Line, Wyoming Structural Design Engineer for 32 miles of double-circuit, steel-pole 161kV transmission line routed through mountainous western Wyoming. Responsible for structural design of 16 types of single and multiple-pole structures, including complex switch structures and a modified A-frame configuration for an increased ruling span section of the line. Also prepared design data document and performed structure spotting for the line using STRSPOT, a computer program he developed. Kauai Electric 57kV Transmission Line Study, Hawaii Transmission Engineer to determine the structural integrity of a 46-year-old 57kV steel structure transmission line, evaluate the line’s adopted maintenance program, and create a procurement package to procure steel members for corroded structure members. This 32-mile line was constructed by the McBryde Sugar Company to supply power from their Wainiha hydro power plant on the north end of the island to their sugarcane plantations located on the south end of the island. This transmission line is also important to Kauai Electric, which serves the HanaleiPrinceville area. Because the demand for power is exceeding capacity, the line provides for the additional capacity needed to serve the Hanalei/Princeville area. The line's importance, combined with the common occurrence of hurricanes in the area and high incidence of corrosion, provoked concern by Kauai Electric on the line's integrity and the adequacy of its maintenance program. Mr. Lagergren’s responsibilities included determining the expected life span of the line given its condition and making specific recommendations for modifying the towers. He inspected 148 lattice steel towers along the line, coordinated survey work to determine actual sags, and identified steel members for metallurgical corrosion testing. Mr. Lagergren also conducted profile, structural and metallurgical analyses with the aid of POWER’s in-house computer programs. CDM) ee EE ete Tie 4 ROBERT CANO, P.E. POSITION: MECHANICAL ENGINEER EDUCATION: BS, Mechanical Engineering, San Jose State University HVAC System Design Seminar - American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers Energy Efficient HVAC Systems - American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers Professional Development and Management Seminars - Morrison Knudsen Company, Inc. REGISTRATION: California PROFESSIONAL Member: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and SOCIETIES: Air-Conditioning Engineers EXPERIENCE: Mr. Cano has more than nine years experience in design and specification of piping and HVAC systems for power generation and process facilities. Experience includes finite element stress analysis of piping systems to ANSI B31.1 and B31.3 codes, design of piping system hangers and supports, piping materials selection and specification, and piping system layout and routing. Also experienced in heating and cooling load calculations, equipment selection, and system design and specification. Background includes annual operating cost determinations and preparation of economic analysis of projects and systems based upon cost estimates, projected cash flows, and @ sensitivity to economic upset. Familiar with use of micro and mini computers for both engineering and economic analysis applications. Representative project experience includes the following: @ Geyser Unit 16 Geothermal Steam Gathering System, California Mechanical Engineer responsible for pipeline routing, material selection, piping system stress analysis, pipe support design, valve specifications, and bid evaluations for this 15,000 foot cross country geothermal steam gathering system in the Geysers area of northern California. In addition, responsible for the underground condensate return and reinjection system. Pipe sizes varied from 4” through 42” diameter. Also served as field startup engineer during system checkout and commissioning. @ §6Navy I, Units 2 & 3 Geothermal Project, California Staff Mechanical Engineer for preliminary engineering services of the fluids gathering and injection system for these two 25 MW geothermal Units. Responsible for the Piping Stress Analysis review for these units. @ Thule AFB Power Plant, Greenland Mr. Cano performed the layout and routing of the heat recovery piping for this 20 MW internal combustion engine plant for the Thule Air Force Base in Greenland. He was also @ responsible for the piping and valve specifications for the plant. IND GEOTH (08/05/87) CLUE Eyres PORES NX ROBERT CANO, P.E. IND GEOTH (08/05/87) Kettle Falls Generating Station, Washington Staff Mechanical Engineer responsible for piping system stress analysis materials specification, bid evaluation, hanger and support design and specification, and system startup procedure preparation, for this 46 MW, wood-fired power plant. Champlin Refinery, California Mechanical Engineer responsible for piping layout, pipe stress analysis, and pipe support design for major refinery expansion. Piping included liquid and vapor flare lines subject to slug flow and other transient flow conditions. University of Alaska Boiler Plant Expansion, Alaska Staff Mechanical Engineer responsible for piping systems analysis layout and specification, process equipment specification, and startup procedure preparation for this 100,000 Ib/hr. 650 p.s.i.g steam boiler plant expansion which included integration of systems into existing 250,000 Ib. hour plant. Also responsible for load calculations, equipment selection, and layout and specification for HVAC systems for boiler plant and 3000 square foot office area. Also developed plumbing system layout and specifications. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant, Vermont Staff Mechanical Engineer responsible for load calculations, system design and specification, and controls optimization for HVAC systems and plumbing systems for a two-story 18,000 square foot administration and decontamination building. Shippingport Nuclear Plant Decommissioning, Pen nsylvania Lead Mechanical Engineer responsible for design of HVAC systems to convert existing operations building to new administration building. Also designed ventilation and filtration systems for temporary contaminated warehouse facilities. Fort Ord Energy Audits, California Project Analysis supervisor responsible for analysis and evaluation of various energy conservation and facility improvement projects. Duties included evaluation of merits, development of cost estimates, and economic analysis of projects before they were contracted for design and construction. SMUD/McClellan AFB Power Plant, California A black start diesel generator was used to provide emergency start-up power for the plant. Mechanical Engineer responsible for the review of the drawings and specifications for the diesel generators and the pipe and valve specifications at this 50 MW dual fuel combustion turbine peaking plant. fee JOHN CAVANAUGH, P. E. POSITION: INSTRUMENTATION/CONTROLS ENGINEER EDUCATION: BS, Electrical Engineering, Montana State University, 1978 REGISTRATION: idaho EXPERIENCE: With nine years experience in electrical and controls design, Mr. Cavanaugh’s responsibilities include project engineering functions such as coordination among service groups, scheduling, budgeting and directing multidisciplinary engineering personnel. His electrical and control expertise encompasses design, installation, calibration and testing of analog, digital and pneumatic control systems. He has been responsible for the specification, evaluation, selection and installation of instruments, controls, monitoring equipment and electrical systems up to 69kV. Additionally his background includes specialized experience in the design, construction and start-up of fossil fuel and geothermal power plant. Representative project experience is listed below: e@ Salton Sea Steam Gathering System, California Lead Instrumentation/Controls Engineer for this 10 MW flash plant with a brine processing system. Responsible for development of entire control system including specification, selection and evaluation of controls, instruments and monitoring equipment. Also responsible for installation supervision, calibration, testing and start-up of controls and instrumentation. A scaling problem that previously prohibited use of this highly saline resource was solved by @ applying a brine processing system utilizing a seed recycle system. @ SMUD/McClellan Gas Turbine 50 MW Power Plant, California Lead Electrical/Control Engineer for this 50 MW power plant to serve the Sacramento Municipal Utility District and McClellan Air Force Base near Sacramento, California. Responsible for specification and evaluation of electrical control equipment; design of plant electrical distribution; construction support and preoperational testing of switchgear, transformers, and motor control centers. The electrical system includes two 13.8kV, 4000 ampere breakers; 13.8, 12.47, and 4.16kV switchgear; several transformers, motor control centers, gas compressor controls; generator protection controls, and a GE Mark IV system. @ FMCNo. 2 Furnace Rehab. Project, Idaho Project Engineer for the electrical and instrumentation/control design associated with the rehabilitation of a phosphate furnace in Pocatello. Project involved 2.4kV switchgear, motor control center and distribution systems. Coordinated the application of a new Honeywell TDC-3000 control system and programmable controllers as well as high-pressure sodium lighting. Design package included: - Design and Specification of System and Components - Power Lighting and Instrumentation Plans @ - One-Line Diagrams - Wiring and Control Schematics \ IND GEOTH (08/05/87) C DUE (apres reopoeee Be JOHN CAVANAUGH, P. E. 2 - Interconnection Diagrams - Loop Diagrams - Conduit Plans - Installation and Detail Drawings - Cable and Conduit Schedules e@ = Kettle Falls 46 MW Wood-Fired Power Plant, Washington Senior Electrical/Controls Engineer for this 46 MW wood-fired gas-ignited unit utilizing a microprocessor based control system with interactive graphic terminals and programmable controllers. Responsible for material and equipment selection, erection supervision, testing and start-up of instrumentation and controls. e@ Fair Station Balance Draft Conversion, lowa Lead Instrumentation/Controls Engineer for this project to convert a 33 MW forced draft boiler to a balanced draft boiler. The conversion included the addition of an induced draft fan, implosion protection, and draft controls. Responsible for the design of implosion protection, boiler draft controls, and the specification and selection of controls to complement existing pneumatic controls. @ Spurlock Unit #2 500 MW Coal Fired Unit, Kentucky Instrumentation/Controls Engineer for this 500 MW coal-fired plant in Kentucky. Responsible for design, testing, and start-up of the plant interlock logic system, computer input and output lists, control loop diagrams and systems interfacing. @ FMCNo. 4 Furnace Digout Project, Idaho Project Manager/Engineer for the electrical/control design associated with the digout and modernization of an electric arc furnace in Pocatello. Project involved design of one-line diagrams, schematic control diagrams and wiring diagrams for the furnace electrical system. Loop schematic and wiring diagrams were developed to interface a Honeywell TDC 3000 control system to the furnace instrumentation and electrical equipment. POWER’s engineers also developed software to provide FMC with comprehensive instrument, circuit and conduit lists. @ Washington Water Power Hydro Plants, Washington instrumentation and Controls Engineer responsible for developing SAMA Logic for generator voltage regulation. Logic included defining generator limitation curves, overspeed and loss of excitation protection. Logic was designed to allow both manual and automatic voltage regulation to meet bus voltage demand and system MVAR demand. IND GEOTH (08/05/87) C DUE rer Poaceae FAN SINTON THETA HT TA NETTITPIEMIN ITT FTAIHT IT MARK FORBORD, P. E. POSITION: CIVIL/STRUCTURAL ENGINEER EDUCATION: BS, Civil Engineering, Montana State University, 1978 REGISTRATION: _ Idaho, Washington, Oregon EXPERIENCE: Mr. Forbord has nine years experience in the engineering of industrial and power plant projects. He is experienced in specification writing, design team coordination, civil and structural analysis and design in all areas of power plant and industrial support systems. Specifically, Mr. Forbord has engineering expertise in sitework, buildings, power plant and support facilities, structural steel and reinforced concrete structures. He has been extensively involved in the static and dynamic analysis of equipment foundations. He has a comprehensive grasp of computer- assisted design and analysis. He is also experienced in the coordination of civil, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering personnel; and in the scheduling and execution of “fast track” design and construction projects. Mr. Forbord’s project experience includes the following: e@ Geyser Unit 16 Steam Gathering System CiviVStructural Engineer for the design of PG&E Unit #16 geothermal steam pipeline. Responsible for overland pipe support design and associated steam collection structures for @ Aminoil USA, Inc. @ Thule AFB, Greenland Civil/Structural Engineer for this 30 MW diesel-fueled power plant. Engineered arctic foundations, powerblock structure, and support facilities, Corps of Engineers, Thule, Greenland. e = Kettle Falls, Washington Civil/Structural Engineer for this 46 MW wood-fired power plant. Responsible for design of boiler, powerblock, yard foundations and superstructures including stack, cooling tower and wood handling facilities, for The Washington Water Power Co., Kettle Falls, Washington. @ Ore-ida Foods, Inc., Food Processing Plant Expansion Civil/Structural Engineer responsible for plant layout planning, sitework, civil/structural specifications, and the design of foundations, precast concrete, masonry and structural steel. Also completed a feasibility study for cogeneration. @ Colorado Ute Unit 3 Civil/Structural Engineer for this 450 MW coal-fired unit. Responsible for structural design of main powerblock, foundations and yard facilities, Colorado Ute Electrical Association. e IND GEOTH (08/05/87) e Daler) (Eyres PITRE NS MARK FORBORD, P. E. IND GEOTH (08/05/87) Spurlock 2, Kentuck CiviV/Structural Engineer for this 650 MW coal-fired unit. Responsible for the design of chimney, coal handling facilities and misc. structures for Kentucky Rural Electrical Association. Muscatine Civil/Structural Engineer for this 150 MW coal-fired unit. Responsible for the design of T-G foundation, boiler steel, powerblock and coal handling facilities for Muscatine Power and Water. Sacramento Municipal Utility District, California CiviV/Structural Engineer for this 50 MW gas turbine power plant. Responsible for the design of gas turbine foundation and miscellaneous structures. University of Alaska Boiler Addition, Alaska Civil/Structural Engineer for the addition of a 10 MW boiler and steam turbine. The project included the addition of boiler steel superstructure at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska. Shippingport Station, Pennsylvania Civil/Structural Engineer for this 80 MW nuclear reactor generating station decommissioning project. Responsible for determining grouting, shielding and lifting requirements of reactor and neutron shield tank. Involvement with demolition requirements and procedures, U.S. Department of Energy, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Vermont Yankee Reactor Recirculation Piping System Replacement, Vermont Civil/Structural Engineer for this 500 MW nuclear plant steam piping removal and replacement project. Designed new office facilities at plant including structural design for piping removal for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corporation. Point Beach Steam Generator Replacement, Wisconsin Civil/Structural Engineer for the replacement of two nuclear steam generators and piping. Designed temporary containment structure for contaminated steam generator storage for Westinghouse Electric Corporation at Point Beach, Wisconsin Idaho Portland Cement Co. Project, Idaho CiviV/Structural Engineer responsible for the design and sitework for Idaho Portland Cement Company. Project included cement pumping station design, manholes, valve pits, sitework and railway facilities. Pees PODOBOT CLUE X DALE KRAMER POSITION: ELECTRICAL ENGINEER EDUCATION: BS, Electronic Engineering Technology, Lake Superior State College, 1974 Associate Degree, Computer Engineering Technology, Lake Superior State College, 1974 REGISTRATION: __ Engineer-in-Training, idaho EXPERIENCE: Mr. Kramer has 14 years experience as an electrical design engineer and construction manager for IND GEOTH (08/05/87) generation, substation and transmission line projects. Career experience includes two years with the Detroit Edison Company as a distribution substation designer; six years with Gilbert/Commonwealth as a substation, distribution line and construction manager; one year with Spectrum Engineering as a transmission line, substation design engineer; four years with Morrison-Knudsen Company as a project engineer for generation plant design and construction management activities; and two years with POWER as a project engineer. Job experience includes all areas of project management and detailed design engineering. Project management experience includes client liaison, project cost estimating, project scheduling, manpower resource allocation, personnel supervision and project cost control. Detailed design engineering experience includes preparation of conceptual plans and detail drawings, engineering calculations, general contract conditions, technical procurement and installation specifications, electrical systems testing and construction management activities. Selected projects Mr. Kramer has worked on include: @ Uranium Enrichment Plant 345kV Substation, Ohio Substation Design Engineer for the design of control, instrumentation and relay diagrams for a 345kV, 400 MVA substation and 15kV power distribution system for a U.S. Department of Energy uranium enrichment plant in Ohio. Also oversaw in-service testing of components. @ Tyee Lake Hydroelectric Project, Alaska Senior Electrical Engineer in charge of the construction management of four 138kV substations and a central SCADA generation control facility. Oversaw construction of all facilities from site preparation through testing and energization. Supervised crew of quality control inspectors and handled field engineering duties. @ = Travis 69-13.8kV Substation, Texas Senior Design Engineer responsible for complete electrical design of this major distribution substation in downtown Beaumont, Texas. Work included maintaining substation in an energized condition throughout modification work. The existing underground cable network was spliced into new cables from a new 16-breaker, common-aisle switchgear unit. @ Seward Upgrade Project, Alaska Project Engineer for the preliminary engineering phase of an existing substation and diesel generation power plant. Conducted field survey of facilities and made recommendations concerning the addition of generation equipment and substation upgrade improvement plans. CDalel DALE KRAMER 2 @ Washington Water Power Generating Station Controls and Monitoring Systems Modernization Project Engineer for controls and monitoring systems modifications for five hydrogenerating facilities in northwestern Montana, northern idaho and northeastern Washington. Work consists of re-designing voltage regulation systems, spillgate drives and controls, temperature monitoring devices, draft chest controls, instrument air systems and HVAC systems. e@ = Kettle Falls 46 MW Wood-Fired Power Plant, Washington Senior Electrical Engineer responsible for designing the plant electrical system for this water power company plant in Kettle Falls, Washington. Responsibilities included preparing electrical drawings for all systems. This included boiler control systems; turbine generator control systems; wood handling conveyor systems; ash handling conveyor systems; providing central control through the use of Modicon 584 Programmable Controllers and Bailey Network 90 Coordinated Control Systems with auto/manual stations and operator interface consoles. Also prepared equipment specification for high voltage equipment including a 50 MVA main power transformer, 15kV switchgear, 5kV switchgear, 480V motor control centers, uninterruptable power supplies, batteries and battery chargers. @ University of Alaska Boiler Addition, Alaska Lead Electrical Engineer for the electrical design of a 100,000 lb/hr. boiler and new full-steam baghouse. Responsible for the design and specifications for electrical and control systems necessary to control the boiler from a central control facility. This included utilization of a Bailey Network 90 Coordinated Control System, design of instrumentation controls for manual operation, lighting for conduit and cable and all other electrical system requirements. e@ Sun Valley Lodge Remodel, Idaho Project Manager for this commercial project involving the complete electrical rehabilitation of the 50-year-old Sun Valley Lodge. Responsible for coordinating the design of new electrical systems including lighting, cable and wiring for power supply to all mechanical equipment. @ Grant County Public Utility District - Wanapum/Priest Rapids Hydroelectric Modernization Project, Washington Project Manager for the modernization of two (2) major hydroelectric plants located in Washington on the Columbia River. The combined capacity of the two hydroelectric plants is approximately 1800 MW. Engineering services include providing equipment specification and drawings for the installation of a microprocessor based distributed control system. The control system included 24 remote terminal units, four D E C mini-computers, two engineering work stations and two operator interface consoles. LL IND GEOTH (08/05/87) @ HART CROWSER, INC. JAMES D. GILL, P.E. Senior Associate Engineer EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION B.S. Civil Engineering, 1966 Professional Civil Engineer University of Manitoba, Canada State of Alaska M.S. Geotechnical Engineering, 1970 State of New York University of Manitoba, Canada British Columbia Alberta PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES American Society of Civil Engineers Canadian Geotechnical Society International Society for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering e@ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Mr. Gill, Alaska Manager for Hart Crowser, has over 20 years of experience in the geotechnical and civil engineering field, of which the last seven years have been in Alaska. Areas of experience include: hydroelectric dam projects, transmission line route selection and design, offshore arctic geotechnical investigations, design of arctic foundations, foundation investigation and design, sheet pile structures, hazardous waste, deep drilling programs in rock, design and construction of tunnels, tailings dam design, construction supervision, and project management. He was previously the Chief Civil Engineer for Power and Heavy Civil Projects for Acres International, Buffalo, New York, a visiting lecturer in Soil Mechanics at the State University of New York in Buffalo, Resident Manager for the Susitna Hydroelectric Project, and managed the Alaska office of the Earth Technology Corporation. REPRESENTATIVE PROJECT EXPERIENCE Multidisciplinary Projects ° Anchorage to Kenai Transmission Line Intertie Feasibility Study. Project Manager for environmental permitting and geotechnical studies for Power Engineers and the Alaska Power Authority. @ ° Eklutna Water Project Lake Diversion Tunnel. Project Manager for the 8,500 foot long soft-ground water tunnel including intake and portal valve JAMES D. GILL, P.E. Page 2 shafts, with responsibility for shop drawing review, lining design, and coordination of subconsultants' work. Endicott Project. Review of five construction alternatives to develop least-cost mitigation of environmental concerns for the Standard Alaska Production Company Endicott Development, Alaska Beaufort Sea. North Warning System, U. S. Air Force. As part of the EIS, conducted constructability study and developed initial site development plans for five new remote radar sites. Seward Coal Handling Facility. Project Manager for geotechnical investigation and environmental permitting. Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Resident Manager for the FERC licensing phase of the Susitna Project. Responsibilities included management of all environmental, geotechnical, seismic geology, and surveying field programs, as well as access and transmission line routing studies. Conducted a detailed study of reservoir slope stability and prepared portions of the FERC license Environmental Exhibit E on soils and geology. Geotechnical Engineering Projects ° Foundation investigation and recommendations for the expansion of Cook Inlet Housing Authority facility in Anchorage. Geotechnical investigation for the expansion of the Pratt Museum in Homer, Alaska. Yukon Flats School District. Foundation investigation for new structure in Fort Yukon and foundation designs at Venetie and Fort Yukon. Investigation and foundation recommendations for Mekoryuk School addition to be constructed on thermo-piles in marginally stable permafrost. Pt. Woronzof Wastewater Treatment Plant. Evaluation of large revetment stone performance during freeze-thaw cycles. Standard Alaska Production Company. Project manager for major offshore geotechnical investigation in the western Beaufort Sea. Exxon Production Research. Geotechnical research program in the Bootlegger Cove Clays in Anchorage involving piezo-cone calibration. Alaska DGGS. Cone penetrometer study for the Alaska DOT/PF in the A Street slide area and the upper end of Turnagain Arm, Anchorage. ERA Helicopters, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Designed stabilization measures for existing slab-on-grade aircraft hangar utilizing thermo-probes. JAMES D. GILL, P.E. Page 3 ° Canadian Arctic Gas Pipeline. Managed all geotechnical programs for construction-related aspects including roads, railroads, and staging areas. Dams and Dikes ° Twin Falls Hydro Project, Washington. Review of stability of proposed Twin Falls dam on the Snoqualmie River. ° Uravan Tailing Stabilization Project, Colorado. Developed stabilization measures for existing 160-foot-high tailings dam. ~ ° Hot Springs Tailings Dam, Arkansas. Design of the raising of the tailings dam for this major mining operation. ° Sturgeon Pool Dam, Poughkeepsie, New York. Review and analysis of the stability of concrete gravity structure on the Walkill River. ° Trenton Falls Dam, New York. Stability analysis and remedial measures for this existing gravity concrete dam. ° Dan River, Virginia. Review of two gravity dams on the Dan River. ° Amos Fly Ash Retention Dam, Winfield, West Virginia. Design and construc- tion specifications for this three-stage, 250-foot-high earthfill dam. ° Big Blue River Dams, Nebraska. Reviewed the stability of two operating dams and preliminary design of dams at five other sites. ° Vermont Electric Cooperative. Feasibility study for a dam on the Connecticut River. as . ° Hudson and Black Rivers Regulatory District, New York. Preliminary design and feasibility study for two dams on the Black River in New York State. ° Waba Dam, Arnprior, Ontario. Design of saddle dam over deep deposits of sensitive Leda clay. ° Sirikit Hydroelectric Project. Monitoring of instrumentation of a 300-foot high dam. ° Design of a tailings dam in the Yukon Territory, Canada. ° Lower Notch Dam, Montreal River, Canada. Conducted geotechnical investiga- tions at this 200-foot-high dam with 200-foot cutoff below river level. ° Red Deer River. Preliminary design for off-stream storage scheme to supply water for coal processing. ° Design of settlement ponds for Union Carbide Linde Division, Ashtabula, Ohio. JAMES D. GILL, P.E. Page 4 Assessment of slope stability of waste disposal pond for Union Carbide at Marietta, Ohio. Design of mine runoff containment ponds at Union Carbide's Wilson Creek Pit in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Conducted investigation into the use of sprayed-on sealants for petroleum containment dikes. Commercial and Industrial Projects ° Midas Muffler Shop, Old Seward Highway, Anchorage. Foundation design and recommendations. Bethlehem Steel Company, Lackwanna, New York. Designed major tied-back sheet pile retaining structures utilizing 72-foot-long sheet piles. Bethlehem Steel Wastewater Treatment Facility. Foundation design including several braced excavation designs for below grade retention sumps. New York State Electric and Gas. Responsible for the development of geologic siting criteria for fly-ash disposal sites. Power Generation and Water Resources ° ° Design of cofferdams on the Okanagan River, Tonasket, Washington for construction of an irrigation project. Conducted siting studies for underground pumped hydro and compressed air energy storage for Boston Edison and the Tennessee Valley Authority. Conducted major statewide siting study for underground energy storage projects for the California Energy Commission. Fort Smith to Hay River Transmission Line. Geotechnical investigation in Northwest Territories, Canada. Construction supervision of Winnipeg Floodway Control Works in Manitoba. Hazardous Waste Projects ° Project Manager for the Merrill Field Landfill Gas Assessment Study, Anchorage. Developed controlled consolidation method of disposal of fly-ash over deep peat deposits, New York State Electric and Gas. Conducted investigation and developed isolated design of board waste site for Weyerheuser in North Carolina. JAMES D. GILL, P.E. Page 5 Wrote siting and screening criteria for suitable host rock sites in the Middle Piedmont for Savannah River Laboratories for a nuclear waste repository. Developed cleanup and isolation techniques for coal tar waste site in Plattsburg, New York for New York State Electric and Gas. Tunnel and Rock Experience ° Consultant on the construction of the access tunnel and manifold in the oil storage project in the Weeks Island salt mine, Louisiana. Design of major underground chambers for underground pumped hydro and compressed air energy storage projects for Potomac Electric Company. Construction engineering for a 9-foot-diameter machine bored sewer interceptor tunnel, including design of access shaft support. Buffalo, New York. Tunnel Feasibility Study, Trenton Falls Hydro Project. New York State. Reviewed the suitability of Wabana mine for oil storage, Newfoundland, Canada. Reviewed design and field performance of Amos Fly-Ash retention dam, 8-foot-diameter machine bored service spillway tunnel. Special consultant on construction supervision and blast monitoring of the 600-meter-long Nilo Pecana drainage tunnel near Rio de Janiero, Brazil. Responsible for construction supervision of power tunnels, drainage tunnel, and grouting at the Sirikit Hydroelectric Project, Thailand. Transportation Projects ° Environmental impacts and geological assessment of various routes for the Elmendorf/Fort Richardson access to the proposed Knik Arm Crossing. ° Foundation investigation and design for the White Lake Road Bridge, Arnprior Hydroelectric Project, Ontario, Canada. ° Construction supervision of a 16-mile mine access road in the Yukon Territory. PUBLICATIONS “The Bulk Modulus and Shear Modulus of a Lake Agassiz Clay", M.S. Thesis, @ University of Manitoba, Canada, 1969 (unpublished) JAMES D. GILL, P.E. Page 6 "The Foundation of the Sirikit Powerhouse", J.D. Gill and L. Wolofsky, presented to the ASCE Geotechnical Specialty Conference on Rock Foundations and Slopes, Boulder, Colorado, 1976. "Economical Investigation for Energy Storage Projects", J.D. Lawrence, J.J. Hobson, and J.D. Gill, presented to the 18th Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Keystone, Colorado, 1977. “Water Compensated CAES Cavern Design", J.D. Gill and M.J. Hobson, presented to Asilomar Conference on Compressed Air Energy Storage, 1978. "National Strategic Crude Oil in the Weeks Island Silt Dome Mone: I. Geotechnical Evaluation", S. Mahtab, D.W. Lamb, L. Van Sambeek, and J.D. Gill, ASME Energy Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, 1979. "Geotechnical Investigation - Susitna Hydroelectric Project", J.D. Gill and R.R. Henschel, Pan American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Kngineering, Vancouver, B.C., June 1983. “Permafrost Distribution at the Watana Dam Site", J.D. Gill and M.P. Bruen, Fourth International Conference on Permafrost Engineering, Fairbanks, Alaska, 1983. "Foundation Stabilization of an On-Grade Structure", J.D. Gill,~ Third international Specialty Conference on Cold Regions Engineering, Kdmonton, Alberta, 1984. A/G/4-87 Linda Perry Dwight Consultant P.O. Box 103613 @ Anchorage, Alaska 99510 (907) 345-6278 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Expertise Project management of environmental assessments. Implementation of environmental compliance requirements for construction projects. Contract management and negotiation. Evaluation of regulations, permit requirements, and agency procedures. Analysis of water use policy and legislation. Identification and analysis of water resources data and information. Organization of technology transfer and public participation activities. Education Colgate University, Marine Biology and Environmental Science, B.A., 1971. Phi Beta Kappa, Magna cum laude, Honors in Marine Biology. Cornell University, Natural Resources, M.S. program. eo” Consultant, January 1981 to present. Provides management, negotiation, contract compliance, research, and public participation services to the public and private sectors for ongoing and proposed development projects. University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, Anchorage, 1973 to 1980. Joint appointment with Institute of Water Resources, Fairbanks, 1975 to 1980. Principal investigator on water resources research projects. Responsibility for contractual studies included con- tract negotiations, budget management, research scheduling, and report delivery. Supervised AEIDC informa- tion services staff and IWR information dissemination and publications staff. Developed and managed infor- mation referral programs. FY 80 budget: $1,265,000. Staff. 16. US. Geological Survey, Office of Marine Geology, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Summers 1972 and 1973. Cornell University, Department of Natural Resources, Ithaca, New York. 1972 to 1973. Environment Information Center, New York, New York. 1971 to 1972. Professional Memberships Alaska Geological Society Alaska Ground Water Association American Water Resources Association nchorage Water & Wastewater Advisory Commission oe." Bidding Review Board Interagency Hydrology Committee for Alaska National Water Well Association Significant Projects Management of Tyee Lake hydroelectric project environmental assessment. Conducted for International Engineering Company, Inc., on behalf of the Alaska Power Authority to obtain the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license. Implementation of environmental studies for Terror Lake hydroelectric project construction and operation. Negotiated memorandum of agreement for Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and expedited study plan preparation and review to comply with FERC license stipulations. Contract management and negotiation. Negotiated and managed a $976,000, two-year contract for instream flow studies on the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project. Evaluation of environmental legislation, regulatory agencies, permitting procedures, and institutional controls. Reviewed permitting functions of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, analyzed operations, and presented recom- mendations. Advised mining firm on permit and agency requirements for placer development. Analysis of Alaska’s water use act. Recommended strategies to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources for im- proving regulations and reserving instream flows. Examined effects of proposed Susitna hydroelectric project flows on Susitna basin water rights. Regional environmental information and analysis. Prepared reports and bibliographies for feasibility studies, engineering design and construction documents, third party environmental impact statements, and license applications for projects including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's underground injection control program for Alaska, the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project, Sohio’s Endicott development, the Seward industrial park railroad extension, and the Deadhorse airport taxiway/pad extension. Technology transfer and public participation activities. Conducted survey to identify concerns about effects of the proposed Susitna hydroelectric project on instream flows; results used to design study plan. Recommended measures to implement an information dissemination program at the University of Guam’s Water Resources Research Center. Coordinated committee report on Alaska’s water resources research needs. Representative Clients Alaska Council for Science and Technology Acres American Inc. Century Engineering, Inc. EG&G, Inc. E. Woody Trihey & Associates Hawley Resource Group, Inc. International Engineering Company, Inc. Kodiak Electric Association, Inc. Northern Technical Services Peratrovich, Nottingham & Drage, Inc. R&M Consultants, Inc. Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation University of Alaska, Institute of Water Resources University of Guam, Water Resources Research Center Woodward-Clyde Consultants. Selected Publications Alaska, University, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center. 1974-1976. Alaska Regional Profiles. Anchorage, AK. Report for Alaska Office of the Governor. 6 vols. @ Johnson, R.A., and L.D. Dreyer. 1977. North Slope Borough Water Study; A Background for Planning. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center and Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska, Anchorage, AK. Report for Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources. 115 pp. Wilson, W.J., et al. 1977. Winter Water Availability and Use Conflicts as Related to Fish and Wildlife in Arctic Alaska -A Synthesis of Information. Report for Office of Biological Programs, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage, AK. 222 pp. Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation. 1979. Transportation Corridors: Water Quality Management Study. Draft. Juneau, AK. Prepared by R&M Consultants, Inc., and Linda Perry Dwight. 1 vol. Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources, Div. of Forest, Land, and Water Mangement, Water Management Section. 1979. Federal Lands in Alaska and Their Reserved Water Rights: Discussion, Policies, and a Partial Inventory. Anchorage, ” AK. Chapter 1 prepared by Linda Perry Dwight. Open File Reference Report 79-1. Curran, H.J., and L.P. Dwight. 1979. Analysis of Alaska’s Water Use Act and its Interaction with Federal Reserved Water Rights. Institute of Water Resources, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK. Report 98. 33 pp. Alaska, University, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center. 1980. An Assessment of Environmental Effects of Construction and Operation of the Proposed Tyee Lake Hydroelectric Project, Petersburg and Wrangell, Alaska. Anchorage, AK. Report for Robert W. Retherford Associates Div., International Engineering Company, Inc. 1 vol. Alaska, University, Institute of Water Resources. 1980. Alaska’s Water Resources Problems and Research Needs - Five Year Plan. Fairbanks, AK. 1 vol. Seifert, R.D., and L.P. Dwight. 1980. A Builder's Guide to Water and Energy. \nstitute of Water Resources, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, AK. Report 100. 78 pp. oe L.P. 1981. An Overview of Alaska Communities Utilizing Underground Sources of Drinking Water. Report for Region X, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Seattle, WA. 47 pp. Dwight, L.P. 1981. Recommendations for Implementing an Information Dissemination Program. Report for Water Resources Research Center, University of Guam. 1 vol. Dwight, L.P. 1981. Review of Existing Water Rights in the Susitna River Basin. Report for Acres American Inc., Buffalo, NY. 1 vol. Dwight, L.P, and EW. Trihey. 1981. A Survey of Questions and Concerns Pertaining to Instream Flow Aspects of the Proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project. Report for Acres American Inc., Buffalo, NY. 1 vol. Hawley, J.P, et al. 1982. Authorization Procedures (Strengths and Weaknesses, Issue Papers, and Recommendations). Hawley Resource Group, Inc. Report for Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources, Anchorage, AK. 1 vol. Hawley, J.P, et al. 1982. Authorization Procedures and Catalog of Stipulations, Conditions, and Mitigating Measures. Hawley Resource Group, Inc. Report for Alaska Dept. of Natural Resources, Anchorage, AK. 3 vols. R&M Consultants, Inc. 1982. Reservoir Sedimentation. Prepared with the assistance of Linda Perry Dwight. Report for Acres American Inc., Buffalo, NY. 1 vol. Trihey, EW. 1982. instream Flow Assessment for the Proposed Susitna Hydroelectric Project; Issue Identification and Baseline Data Analysis; 1981 Summary Report. Prepared with the assistance of Linda Perry Dwight. Report for Acres American Inc., Buffalo, NY. 108 pp. X 192iND BD8753-15 (08/07/87) Vill. PROJECT EXPERIENCE INTRODUCTION The following projects illustrate the depth of experience relative to this project shared by POWER’s Industrial and Utility Departments. A few of these projects were completed by our staff prior to their joining POWER. However, the principal members of our geothermal services team have worked together on nearly all of the projects listed below. Also, the project experience on the following pages includes POWER’s team experience in all areas of detailed power plant design encompassing the electrical, structural, civil and mechanical disciplines. Following the geothermal project briefs are a number of transmission and substation project briefs that outline POWER’s experience with many similar projects. Hart Crowser, Inc. is a consulting firm providing professional services in geotechnical engineering and environmental sciences. The firm has demonstrated expertise in marine engineering as it relates to the geotechnical disciplines in design of harbor and general waterfront facilities, shoreline protection, marine outfalls, and underwater pipelines. Speer rar VIll-1 ezue fe A number of project briefs included in this section demonstrate Hart Crowser’s and key staff experience in Alaska. These projects exemplify experience with diverse geological and climatic conditions throughout the state. a 192iND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) VII - 2 CLUE GEOTHERMAL PROJECT EXPERIENCE a PROJECT: COSO HOT SPRINGS - NAVY 1 UNITS 2 AND 3 @ CLIENT: California Energy Company 3333 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 94505 (707) 526-1000 Attention: Mr. Dave McClain COMPLETION: May 1987 POWER performed complete preliminary engineering services for the geothermal fluids gathering and injection system for these two-25 MW power generation units. Scope of services included development of process flow diagrams and P&ID’s including defining the control logic, sizing of single phase and two-phase lines, materials selection, defining pressure classes and insulation values, selecting process equipment including pumps, control and manual valves, silences, separators, and compressors, preparing general arrangement drawings, preparing outline specifications, and developing material quantity lists. Design philosophy is dual flash steam. System network included two phase geothermal fluids from 12 supply wells, high and low pressure steam, liquid injection fluids to five injection wells, and non-condensable gas injection for H2S abatement. All systems were designed to conform to ASME/ANSI B31.1 Code for Pressure Piping. PROJECT: DIXIE VALLEY 50 MW GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT BRINE @ GATHERING/INJECTION SYSTEM CLIENT: Calpine Corporation 2001 Gateway Place Suite 650 W San Jose, CA 95110 (408) 280-5811 Attention: Mr. Ron Walter COMPLETION: November 1986 POWER was retained to perform a conceptual design of the brine and steam gathering systems for the 50 MW geothermal power plant in the Dixie Valley area of central Nevada. The work scope included sizing and configuring the wellhead piping, the two-phase supply piping to the separators, and the steam line from the separators to the plant boundaries. Services provided included preparation of layout drawings, complete materials takeoffs, development of a preliminary piping material specification, selecting valve types and sizing wellhead control valves as well as separator level control valves. Scope of services also included sizing the spent geothermal liquids pumps and piping to deliver the fluids to an injection well system. The plant process technology is two-stage flashed steam. The gathering system serves the plant from two different areas. In the first, both the high pressure e steam and the liquid was delivered to the plant by gravity flow. The second area, because of the distances and the elevational differences, required liquid pumping for delivery to the plant. Ne 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) C DUE (CO PROJECT: AMEDEE GEOTHERMAL PLANT CLIENT: TransPacific Geothermal Corporation @ 1330 Broadway Suite 1525 Oakland, CA 94612 (415) 763-7812 Attention: Mr. Tsvi Meidav COMPLETION: October 1986 POWER was selected to perform complete engineering design and construction management for this 1 MW fececerne power plant located on the shores of Honey Lake east of Susanville, California. Scope of the project included selecting and specifying the geothermal fluid pump, design of the liquid transfer system from the wellhead to the power plant, selection of accessory equipment to support the two nominal 750 kilowatt Ormat packaged binary generation modules, designing and specifying equipment foundations and enclosure and maintenance buildings, plus supervising procurement of materials and the installation and construction processes for the project. POWER was also responsible for interface to the transmission grid of CP National Corporation, who wheeled the power to Pacific Gas & Electric in the California area. The ultimate plant will be 5 MW, however, it is being incrementally built because of present limitations of the transmission system. PROJECT: NAVY I, UNIT1 25 MW GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT CLIENT: California Energy Corporation 3333 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 94505 (707) 526-1000 Attention: Mr. Dick Adams COMPLETION: Ongoing POWER was selected by California Energy Corporation to perform ongoing design review services in conjunction with turnkey construction by Atkinson-Mitsubishi Joint Venture (AMJV) of the 25 MW Unit No. 1 on the Navy I resource. Services performed include review of the two-phase gathering system designed by AMJV in conjunction with their contract, and assisting the client in negotiating final scope of the installation. POWER also performed engineering support services in conjunction with overall development of the total 240 MW resource. Another task included preliminary design of the two-phase flow gathering system and single phase flow steam and injection systems for Units II and III on the same resource. @ \ 192IND B08753-15 (08/07/87) CLUE LMT MII AITIT TIMI LMI HA IMAI TANNIN ten PROJECT: COSO HOT SPRINGS 25 MW GEOTHERMAL PLANT AND 115kV TRANSMISSION LINE @ CLIENT: Calpine Corporation Atkinson/Mitsibushi 2001 Gateway Place Joint Venture (AMJV) Suite 650W P.O. Box 939 San Jose, CA 95110 Ridge Crest, CA 93555 (408) 280-5811 (619) 764-2286 Attention: Lauri Knox Attention: Robert Wunderlich COMPLETION: June 1987 Under two separate contracts, POWER is providing engues ing services for the Coso Hot Springs 25MW Geothermal Plant and a 115kV transmission line which transports power from the plant. Under the first contract for Calpine, Corp., POWER is providing engineering review and support services on an ongoing basis for this 25 MW plant, currently in the construction phase. POWER recently completed design review of the stress analysis and slug flow calculations for the two-phase gathering system. The design was analyzed with respect to conformance to the Power Piping Code and overall adequacy of the piping and pipe support design. Under the second contract for AMJV, POWER designed 28.5 miles of 115kV transmission line running from the plant to a Southern California Edison substation. The line is routed across lava beds and a sensitive archaeological area, causing @ POWER personnel to develop special design criteria for the line and its structures. PROJECT: SALTON SEA STEAM GATHERING SYSTEM (Personnel Experience) CLIENT: Union Oil Company Indio, California COMPLETION: 1982 This 10 MW double-flash geothermal plant, located in California’s Imperial Valley, utilizes a crystallization system with seed recycle in a first-of-a-kind geothermal brine processing system. The seed recycle system resolved the extreme scaling problems that had previously prohibited use of this high-energy, highly saline geothermal resource. . POWER geothermal personnel were responsible for process flow definition, P&IDs, two-phase flow gathering system as well as all other fluid handling and process systems, equipment specification and selection. The development of the complete control system including specification, selection and evaluation of controls, instruments, and monitoring equipment. Instrumentation and control system @ construction and start-up work, installation supervision, calibration and testing, were also performed by POWER personnel. A 1921ND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) CDM (OOS POTATOES XN PROJECT: GEOTHERMAL PILOT PLANT SCALING TEST CLIENT: Oxbow Geothermal Company Suite 450 200 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 89501 Attention: Mr. Doug Powell COMPLETION: August 1986 POWER contracted with Oxbow Geothermal Company to perform testing to determine the potential for silica scale problems in injection piping and injection wells at a central Nevada plant site. The project consisted of complete design, specification, fabrication, supply, and start-up of a test system module. The module, which was totally skid mounted, consisted of a 30 inch diameter by six foot high, centrifugal two-phase flow separator (designed by POWER) with level and pressure control, cooling tower (also designed by POWER), sample system, and temperature and pressure indication. The contract was signed for the test skid in the third week of June, 1986. By August 9, 1986 the unit had been peuee: all equipment procured, built, transported to Dixie Valley, Nevada, and placed in operation. PROJECT: GEOTHERMAL SYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES CLIENT: Oxbow Geothermal Company Suite 450 200 S. Virginia St. Reno, NV 89501 Attention: Mr. Doug Powell COMPLETION: Ongoing POWER is providing engineering review and support services on an as-requested basis for Oxbow Geothermal. Work to date has included (1) evaluation of a two- phase flow gathering system versus a single-phase flow gathering and (2) determination of flow reaction forces and support design for a well flow test een to be used on a two-phase flowing well producing 1.0 - 1.5 million pounds per hour. 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) CLUE Eee POSES a PROJECT: GEOTHERMAL SYSTEM SUPPORT SERVICES @ CLIENT: Geysers Geothermal Company 1160 No. Dutton Suite 200 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Attn: Mr. Jake Rudisill COMPLETION: March 1987 POWER contracted with Geysers Geothermal Company to perform testing and trouble shooting with respect to operational problems which had developed at the rock muffler steam release facility. PROJECT: ORMESA GEOTHERMAL PROJECT CLIENT: Ormat Systems @ 500 Dermody Sparks, NV 89431 Department of Energy COMPLETION: Ongoing POWER is currently providing engineering review service for Ormat Systems for a 30 MW geothermal plant project in southern California. POWER is responsible for acceptance testing to ensure that the plant will meet the design performance requirements thus assuring that long term lenders and loan guarantors can anticipate the projected return on their investments. POWER is reviewing, approving, and revising test procedures and specifications prepared by the contractor, conducting tests of the individual plant components, and conducting capacity and overall performance tests. \ 192IND 8087S3-15 (08/07/87) CDUWE Pages Mae — ( PROJECT: SODA LAKE 10 MW GEOTHERMAL PLANT COST ESTIMATE AND ECONOMIC EVALUATION CLIENT: Emma Wagner P.O. Box 2648 Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274 (213) 377-8910 COMPLETION: Ongoing For a private individual client in California, POWER developed an operating and maintenance cost estimate and potential anergy sales projection for a 10 MW aoe is ie geothermal plant, potentially to be located in Churchill County, Nevada. The O&M estimate addresses labor requirements and costs, maintenance parts, utilities, supplies and miscellaneous expenses. Potential power customers were contracted to determine probable power sales rates. An overall report summarizing project findings was provided. PROJECT: SALTON SEA 49 MW GEOTHERMAL PLAN (Personnel Experience) CLIENT: Kennecott Minerals Corporation Salt Lake City, UT COMPLETION: 1985 POWER Geothermal Project Team personnel performed a detailed conceptual design and capital cost estimate for this generating plant located in the Salton Sea KGRA which utilized high temperature, high salinity geothermal brine as the heat source for a 49 MW double -flash plant. The conceptual design report included a general arrangement plan, gathering system routing, site layout, equipment sizing, capital and O&M cost estimates, and the preparation of a process flow diagram wit a detailed material and energy balance. 192IND BD8753-15 (08/07/87) C DUE a .lCU Ue IT * OT Ut~‘“‘(‘(C‘CS;..SCéCTSSSC‘}SC PROJECT: PG&E UNIT 16 STEAM GATHERING SYSTEM e} CLIENT: Geysers Geothermal Co. Santa Rosa, CA COMPLETION: April 1985 For this 15,000-foot, cross-country steam gathering system, POWER geothermal personnel provided design services including all civil/structural and mechanical plan and profile drawings and support designs. Mechanical activities also included pipe stress analysis and design for both above ground and buried piping, P&IDs, process vessel design, specifications, bid evaluations and vendor drawing review. The system was the first in the Geysers Geothermal Area in which the steam gathering system for one unit was interconnected with another unit utilizing an automated crossover. This allowed a computerized transfer of steam in the event of a shutdown of one unit, thus minimizing the steam loss, associated energy waste, and amount of H,S released to the environment in the event of a turbine trip. Project duration was from February 1984 to April 1985. The engineering services were performed concurrently with a fast-track construction schedule, and the project was completed on time and under budget. : PROJECT: IMPERIAL ENERGY 15 MW GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT @ CLIENT: Imperial Energy Westlake Village, CA COMPLETION: 1984 POWER Geothermal personnel were responsible for the conceptual design and capital cost estimate for this 15 MW facility also using highly saline brines. The roject also included assisting with the negotiation of a power sales agreement etween client and Southern California Edison. PROJECT: VULCAN 20 MW POWER PLANT, (Personnel Experience) CLIENT: Magma Power Company Los Angeles, CA COMPLETION: 1980 POWER Geothermal personnel provided conceptual design and capital cost estimate r services for Magma Power's proposed 20MW single-flash power plant. Detailed tasks included the development of the process flow diagram, major equipment specifications and assessments and a capital cost estimate. \ 192IND 808753-15 (08/0787) CDUWE Sere PETAR UTILITY PROJECT EXPERIENCE @ DWE A ANCHORAGE-KENAI TRANSMISSION INTERTIE FEASIBILITY STUDY KENAI PENINSULA, ALASKA CLIENT generation. The APA and these other utilities are investigating the possibility of constructing a new intertie or upgrading the existing one. The APA contracted POWER to conduct a feasibility study for this purpose. The utility's . concern is whether the potential increase in CLIENT'S NEED capacity and reliability is worth the cost associated with engineering, permitting, right- of-way acquisition, construction, and operating and maintaining the facilities over its useful life. Alaska Power Authority (APA) Conduct a feasibility study needed to determine the desirability of constructing a new intertie and/or upgrading the existing intertie between Anchorage. ahd tie ena Parasia APA has specified five aspects for POWER to address: (1) determine the need for a new PROJECT SERVICES transmission line between Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula and determine a complete field of options if such a line is needed; (2) assess upgrading the existing Chugach Electric Association and Homer Electric Association lines; (3) conduct a transmission route selection study for a new transmission line; (4) determine envionmental and permitting requirements for recommended routes; and, (5) prepare a cost estimate for the recommended new line and or upgrade of the existing line. @ Route Study @ Field Surveys @ Land Ownership Analysis @ Study Area Mapping @ Cost Estimating @ Transmission System Studies @ Reconnaissance Studies @ Environmental Assessment ISSUES & CONCERNS After existing studies of the utility have been reviewed, POWER conducted its own transmission system studies using an in-house system specifically designed for scientific and engineering applications. The POWER System Analysis (PSA) programs are run on @ Avalanche and Wind Damage @ Submarine Cable Placement @ System Stability @ System Reliability @ System Capacity @ Schedule Constraints BS Environmental Ganciraint? POWER’s network of Apollo supermini computers. These programs included Load Flow Studies to evaluate the existing and proposed PROJECT DESCRIPTION transmission system and a Stability Study to analyze the voltage and phase conditions during and immediately following a system disturbance. The results of these studies were analyzed to determine the optimum voltage level, conductor size, line configuration, switching requirements, and reactive compensation requirements for the proposed intertie. A 115kV transmission intertie between Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula experiences extended outages because of avalanche and wind damage in the winter. Although the generation capacity on the peninsula is able to meet the peak load during these outages, connected railbelt utilities wish to maintain a reliable and stable transmission system because the existing transmission system is weakly interconnected with widely dispersed POWER also researched the land use and environmental issues concerned with this NX CDE ) OO PFA project and developed cost estimates for land services and geographic conditions for right of way acquisitions, permits, engineering, material construction management, submarine cable construction, and maintenance costs for each alternative route. POWER selected a preferred route among four possible routes: the existing line, upgraded to 230kV and three other proposed routes. POWER also determined the design criteria for the transmission system. Because the Cook Inlet must be crossed to reach the Peninsula from Anchorage, an added feature which POWER will address in these steps will be the design and routing for submarine cabling . POWER conducted this study in conjunction with Hart-Crowser, which provides environmental, land, and geotechnical services and has extensive Alaskan and arctic experience. PROJECT COMPLETION: Ongoing PROJECT COST: CONTRACT COST: CLIENT CONTACT: CLIENT PHONE: $300,000 $300,000 Mr. Afzal Khan (907) 261-7248 KEY TEAM MEMBERS: Project Manager -- Project Engineer -- Technical Review -- Economic Analysis-- Systems Analysis -- Transmission - Hart Crowser - Pete Van Der Mulen John McGrew Randy Pollock, P.E. Jeff Rostberg Don Angell, P.E. -- John Henning Larry Henriksen -- Ken Lagergren Jim Gill -- Linda Dwight Perry eer PETA (a USAF OTH-B RADAR PROJECT GLENALLEN, ALASKA CLIENT Copper Valley Electric Association (CVEA) Glenallen, Alaska CLIENT'S NEEDS Provide assistance to CVEA in the preparation of a proposal to provide electrical power to the United States Air Force (USAF) Over the Horizon Backscatter Radar System (OTH-B) in Alaska. Prior to the preparation of proposal POWER is performing conceptual design and evaluation of generation and transmission options to supply power to the USAF. PROJECT SERVICES Conceptual Design Process Flow Diagrams Equipment Selection Cost Estimates Reliability Analysis Economic Analysis Proposal Preparation ISSUES AND CONCERNS ' Economic Feasibility t System Reliability t Cost of Service PROJECT DESCRIPTION The USAF is seeking to purchase very reliable power with an estimated total demand at the transmitter site of 10 MW (5 MW demand at each transmitter sector). A maximum unscheduled electrical service outage time of 1/2 hour per year will be allowed (99.9943% availability factor). More specifically, the maximum allowable electrical service interruptions are two (2) 30 cycle outages per year or one (1) 15 minute outage of electrical service to either transmitter sector. POWER’s approach for assisting CVEA in preparing a proposal to the USAF for the OTH- B Radar Project is broken into two phases. PHASE I POWER, after reviewing the existing data pertinent to the Project, is performing a study of potential service scenarios. The service scenarios include a “do-nothing” service scenario that is used as a base case to compare the other scenarios against. POWER is investigating viable generation alternatives within each service scenario and is developing a preferred generation alternative for each scenario. Options being studied include construction of a 138kV transmission line to the site and additionally providing either (1) on-site generation for back-up generation or (2) expanding the existing power plant at Glenallen. Generation options under evaluation include internal-combustion engine-generator sets, combustion turbine- generator sets, expansion of hydroelectric capacity, and construction of a coal-fired power plant. In addition, the possible incorporation of a large scale Uninterruptible Power Supply into the system to provide the required reliability is being evaluated. PHASE II Phase II will consist of preparing a formal Proposal to the USAF based upon the results obtained in Phase I. PROJECT COMPLETION: September 1987 PROJECT COST: Estimated $25 million CLUE OPS POTTER ee ee UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA BOILER ADDITION FAIRBANKS, ALASKA systems. Activities and areas of responsibility included specification preparation and conformation, bid evaluations, HVAC, fire CLIENT protection, P&ID’s, layout, and related activities. University of Alaska POWER personnel also were responsible for the design and specifications for electrical and CLIENT'S NEED control systems necessary to control the boiler from a central facility. The additional boiler Design and specification of new oil-fired also required modifications to the existing boiler and boiler building addition, plus power distribution and lighting systems. The interface tie-ins with existing system. new control system required interface design between the remote field devices and distributed control equipment; the control ENGINEERING SERVICES system used was a Bailey Network 90 Coordinated Control System. @ Boiler Specification and Selection @ HVAC Design The preliminary study for this project involved @ Piping Analysis and Design a total campus energy audit and evaluation of @ Building and Foundation Design the utilities district heating system. @ Process Design e Electrical Design @ Instrumentation and Controls PROJECT TEAM KEY MEMBERS @ AlMunio PROJECT DESCRIPTION @ Mark Forbord @ Dale Kramer POWER employees participated in the @ Bill Lewis engineering and design of a central steam @ BobCano boiler plant expansion, which included the addition of a building and 100,000 !b./hr. oil- fired boiler at the University of Alaska in PROJECT COMPLETION: July 1985 Fairbanks. Scope of the project included interfacing with existing turbine generator equipment, central steam heating PROJECT COST: $4million distribution, and fuel and boiler feed water Dope Meroe SSS ean Ree An PRIBILOF ISLAND SWITCHGEAR FOR ENGINE & GENERATOR CONTROL PRIBILOF ISLANDS, ALASKA CLIENT NOAA, NMFS, Pribilof Island Program CLIENT'S NEED Design and supervise installation of new switchgear to automatically control a generation facility for the Pribilof Islands. ENGINEERING SERVICES System Design System Start-Up Operator Training Materials Specifications Operator Manual Preparation Maintenance Manual Preparation PROJECT DESCRIPTION POWER’s Alaskan project experience includes the design and supervision of the installation of generator switchgear in the Pribilof Islands. The switchgear automatically controls a generation facility providing power through eight diesel generators ranging in size from 175 KW to 350 KW. Since the demand for power on the islands varied during the day, more generators than necessary were kept online to prevent power failures. The switchgear provided voltage, frequency stability, and load sharing. POWER insured that the switchgear was installed in less than three hours, as the client had specified. POWER designed the load-shedding system to keep on-line only the power needed to serve immediate system loads. To meet the varied daily demand, the generators are now automatically started and stopped. POWER’s design included a predetermined selection to cycle the different generators on and off so that all generators are used periodically. If a partial power failure occurs, the load is shed to prevent complete power failure. If complete failure does occur, the load is isolated, one generator is started for station power, and an alarm is automatically sent to the operator by telephone. To ensure total success of this new system, POWER handled all equipment selection and procurement responsibilities, conducted the Start-up procedures, trained the operators, and prepared operating and maintenance manuals. PROJECT COMPLETION: October 1984 PROJECT COST: $170,000 \ 025MKT e€ Dollel ) eee POM Ores PDAS eee CHENA STATION STUDY FAIRBANKS, ALASKA CLIENT Fairbanks Municipal Utility System CLIENT'S NEED Determine most cost efficient methods of upgrading generation capacity. ENGINEERING SERVICES Heat Rejection Study Heat Balances Cost Estimates Economic Analysis Power Generation System Conceptual Design DESIGN FEATURES § ~Avoid Rise in Chena River Temperature Minimize Formation of Ice Fog 1 Prevent Freeze-Up of Heat Rejection Equipment 1! Comparison of Upgrading Existing Systems Versus Installing New System PROJECT DESCRIPTION POWER personnel performed power plant heat rejection study for the coal-fired Chena Station located in Fairbanks. A key consideration in the Chena Station plant modernization and expansion plans was development of a suitable method of heat rejection from condensing steam turbine units. The existing plant used Chena River water in a once-through cooling system. The warm water from the power plant resulted in thermal degradation of the river and winter ice fog problems. The potential for increasing the severity of these problems precluded the expansion of the once-through system. Alternatives investigated included using a once-through system and discharging the heated water to the Fairbanks city water system or through an existing sewer system utilidor to the Tanana River as well as using dry or wet/dry condensers. Also for this project, several power generation options were considered as methods of increasing the output and improving the reliability of the plant. POWER personne! also performed an economic analysis to determine which of the options was most economically attractive. PROJECT TEAM KEY MEMBERS @ AlMunio @ Bill Lewis ®@ Bob Cano PROJECT COMPLETION: June 1984 PROJECTCOST: $200,000 [Og NN BELUGA 138-230KV STATION COOK INLET, ALASKA CLIENT Chugach Electric Association (CEA) CLIENT’S NEED Design and construct a facility to provide voltage transfor- mation, metering, line protection and switching as part of a major project to convert CEA’s 138kV transmission system to 230kV. DESIGN SERVICES Access Road Steel Structures Station Layout Foundations Oil Spill Containment Cable & Conduit Grounding Station Service Station Lighting DESIGN FEATURES Three-breaker ring bus convertible to breaker-and-a-half Extensive site preparation Zone 4 seismic area Special foundation design Oil spill containment system Design interface with existing facility SCADA system interface Station annunciator with local and remote alarms Lightning Shielding Equipment Specifications Insulation Coordination Protection Coordination Relaying & Control Metering SCADA System Interface System Monitoring Construction Drawings MAJOR EQUIPMENT @ 3-phase, 138-230kV, 180/240/300-MVA autotransformer (existing) @ 3-phase, 230kV, 2000-amp oil circuit breakers @ 3-pole, 230kV, 1200-amp motor-operated airbreak switches @ 3-pole, 230kV, 1200-amp manual-operated air- break switches @ 230kV capacitor voltage transformers PROJECT DESCRIPTION Chugach Electric Association, Alaska’s largest utility, selected POWER Engineers to design a new switching- substation facility at its Beluga Generating Plant. The Beluga 230kV Station will provide voltage transformation, metering, line protection and switching for existing and future 230kV transmission from the gas-fired generating plant to expanding load centers 40 miles away in the Anchorage area. The project is being designed and constructed in two phases. Phase | consisted of the design of a three- breaker ring bus scheme to provide protection and switching for an existing 138-230kV, 300-MVA autotransformer, a 230kV line and a 138kV line to be con- verted to 230kV. Phase II design involves the addition of a second 230kV, 300-MVA autotransformer bay and three more circuit breakers to convert the station to a breaker-and-a-half scheme. Design provision is also being made for addition of a future 230kV line terminal. 7) x N 7-9 ar both Bd bate She ttn a cof la ot? Severe space constraints in the heavily forested project area dictated siting of the 380’ x 270’ station addition on an active streambed. This constraint, as well as the Station’s location in the subarctic zone in a Zone 4 seismic area, required that extensive geotechnical investigation be conducted and elaborate site prepara- tion be performed during Phase |, including stripping of the overburden and use of non-frost-susceptible fill material. In addition, two 60” x 46” flat-bottomed galvanized steel culverts were specified to channel the stream under the north end of the yard and a French CLUE EAFes PDT drain system was designed to lower the water table. A 10-foot step was incorporated in the station grade to minimize the amount of fill required. 8, 9 VERTICAL REBARS AT 1°-3 0/C F 04 TIES, TYPE B, AT 12°O/C #4 TIES, TYPE AAT 12°0/C DATUM 100.0" (SEE NOTE 3)] ‘SUBGRADE 09 veRTICAL = REBARS AT 1°-3 0/C-—F Sees Sees =a 2-4" RIGIO INSULATION LAYERS 04 TIES, TYE A 6 8. aes plae ge EXTENDED 4-0 PAST EDGE OF FNO BASE. SPLICES TO BE OVERLAPPED 21, 08 REBARS AT 6°0/C EACH way— Qe \ ° \ 2, es 20 °S Im SECTION C-2 TYPE "A" The high water table at the site and the site's susceptibility to frost heaving necessitated special foundation considerations. Shallow-bottomed spread footings were designed to avoid high water-table problems, while buried styrofoam insulating board was specified to prevent frost penetration. To protect the nearby stream from accidental oil contamination, POWER designed a sophisticated oil spill containment system which features concrete-walled catch basins with impermeable membrane liners and imbiber bead drains around all oil containing equipment. Koa Electrical design for Phase | of the Beluga 230kV Station was complex. It involved extensive relaying and control interface with existing station facilities to provide integrated protection coordination. The state-of-the-art protection scheme designed by POWER utilizes dif- ferential and sudden pressure protective relaying for the transformer and bus, breaker failure relaying for each circuit breaker, and distance relaying for the lines. Design interface was also required for the station’s new microwave-operated SCADA system. POWER was responsible for placement of the remote terminal unit in the control house and schematic wiring. Other electrical design tasks included a contro! house annunciator with both local and remote alarms. Structurally, the new station is designed to withstand Zone 4 seismic loads and features tubular steel station structures designed for both strength and aesthetics. Over 300,000 Ibs. of steel were required for the sturdy yet architecturally streamlined structures. Additional POWER responsibilities on the estimated $6.1 million project include design of the line reroutes necessary for proper station-line interface, survey supervision and limited contract administration and construction monitoring services. PROJECT COMPLETION: Phase | - November 1985 Phase Il - October 1986 * PROJECT COST: Phase | - $3.2 million Phase II - $2.9 million * * Estimated CDaller / MAPCO MAIN PLANT 69-13.8KV SUBSTATION NORTH POLE, ALASKA CLIENT MAPCO Petroleum, Inc. CLIENT’S NEED Provide, on a compressed schedule, an upgraded power supply for existing and new facilities comprising a $60 million expansion of MAPCO’s North Pole Refinery near Fairbanks, Alaska. DESIGN SERVICES Station Layout Site Preparation Steel Structures Foundations Oil Spill Containment Cable & Conduit Grounding Control Building Station Service Station Lighting DESIGN FEATURES Foundation design for frost heaving Oil spill containment system Extreme-temperature provisions Protective schemes for reverse power flow VAR fluctuation control SCADA system interface @ Compressed design-construction schedule Lightning Shielding Equipment Specifications Insulation Coordination Protection Coordination Relaying & Control Metering SCADA System Interface Design Manual Preparation Construction Drawings Testing & Energization MAJOR EQUIPMENT = Dual 3-phase, 69-13.8/8kV, 10/12.5-MVA power transformers with LTC 3-phase, 69kV, 1200-amp SF, gas circuit breakers 69kV, 1200-amp group-operated airbreak switches 69kV, 600-amp group-operated airbreak switches 13.8kV capacitor banks 13.8kV metal-clad switchgear PROJECT DESCRIPTION The MAPCO Main Plant Substation was designed by POWER Engineers as part of a $60 million project to expand MAPCO’s North Pole Oil Refinery near Fairbanks to process asphalt and sulpholane and increase crude oil processing capacity. The new dual-transformer, 25-MVA station supplies power to all refinery facilities via six underground feeders, with design provision for two additional feeders. Its main-with-bypass bus scheme allows for isolation of the power circuit breakers for maintenance, or total station bypass if required. Design of the facility, located in Alaska’s subarctic zone, presented several engineering challenges. The most significant of these involved site preparation. Sited out of necessity on an old riverbed with a shallow water table, the station would have been extremely susceptible to frost heaving during the frigid Alaskan winters. To eliminate this potentially serious problem, POWER civil engineering personnel specified excavation of the entire substation site, placement of a special fabric lining under foundations, and backfill with non-frost-susceptible fill material. In addition, special spread-footing foundations with frost barriers were designed to neutralize the site’s teegereesggunscgee high water table and severe winter freezing problems. Due to its proximity to the existing river, the new facility also required an oil spill containment pit around each of the transformers. The subarctic climate imposed other special design considerations. Winter temperatures in the -40°F to -70°F range required specification of two oil heaters per transformer, extra equipment insulation and placement of the 13.8kV metal-clad switchgear inside the station’s super-insulated control building. Interface with other plant electrical systems provided additional engineering challenges. Special relaying arrangements were designed to protect the station and utility supply against reverse power flow from in-plant generation, while two capacitor banks were specified to control VAR-induced voltage fluctuations on the feeders caused by the plant generation. Complex design interface was also required with the local utility’s SCADA system and the main plant Foxboro Spec- trum Coordinated Control System. POWER coordinated its design effort closely with the local utility, MAPCO and the other electrical contractors on the project to ensure proper systems interface. Additional POWER responsibilities with regard to the main plant substation included design of the 69kV transmission source loop, material procurement, construction inspection, and testing and ener- gization. Designed and constructed on a fast-track schedule, the modern facility was energized on time. PROJECT COMPLETION: September 1984 PROJECT COST: $1.8 million NLM EF Cope Peps CLIENTS City of Santa Clara City of Alameda City of Palo Alto NASA-Ames Research Center CLIENTS’ NEED Identify corridor alternatives for a transmission line to ser- vice the cities of Santa Clara, Alameda, and Palo Alto, and the NASA-Ames Research Center. LAND SERVICES @ Routing Studies @ Land Value Assessment ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES @ Constraint Mapping @ Agency Scoping @ Preliminary @ Alternative Corridor Environmental Analysis Assessment @ Project Area Mapping PU ee ela Eee eee Se SELL CL En) eel en LAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES TRACY TO BAY AREA TRANSMISSION PRESCREENING STUDY SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, CALIFORNIA ISSUES AND CONCERNS Multiple Agency Coordination Endangered Species Protection Visual Impact Constraints Preservation of Historic Sites Increased Population Growth High Land Values STUDY DESCRIPTION All project participants in this study needed additional power to meet growing demand and also sought to eliminate extra costs incurred in the wheeling of pur- chased power from the Western Area Power Administra- tion’s (Western) Tracy Substation over transmission lines owned by a third party. A proposed new direct connec- tion to the Tracy Station would provide more power, allow substantial savings, and also provide greater system reliability. The participants contracted POWER Engineers to identify transmission line corridor alternatives with the highest probability of providing acceptable locations for the project. POWER also conducted preliminary electrical system analyses. For each identified route alternative, POWER provided cost estimates for comprehensive environmen- tal studies, engineering and design services, right-of-way acquisition, and construction services. In addition, POWER also identified activities necessary to complete the Tracy Station-Bay Area Transmission Line and developed two project schedules. During this study, POWER consulted many city, county, and private agencies to determine which areas within the overall study area would be most in conflict and which would be most compatible to the proposed project. As a result of these consultations, several areas of special environmental concern to be avoided were identified. FUTURE 4a ae SANTA CLARA Based on the findings from this study, POWER recom- mended routes that shared existing linear utilities and right-of-ways. POWER concluded that a number of reasonable alternatives existed and that further com- prehensive and detailed environmental and engineering studies should be conducted. ( SUMMARY POWER's clients needed a focused direction in which to further pursue a complex transmission line project. POWER identified the major stumbling blocks to be avoided and a general workable route that significantly contributed to the project progression. SERVICE COMPLETION: January 1987 TOTAL PROJECT COST: $216,000,000 SPOS PETRI —_ CHINIAK-PASAGSHAK 14.4/24.9KV DISTRIBUTION LINE KODIAK, ALASKA CLIENT Kodiak Electric Association CLIENT’S NEED Provide design and construction management services for a 44-mile 14.4/24.9kV distribution line on Kodiak Island, Alaska. The line crossed through rugged and environmentally sensitive terrain with severe weather conditions, requiring helicopter-transport construction. POWER Engineers completed this project on time and within the budgeted amount. DESIGN SERVICES Route Selection Survey Coordination Cost Estimating Structure Selection Structure Design Structure Spotting Plan & Profile Prep Service Design Design Document Prep Construction Drawings Structure & Removal List Material Specifications Project Scheduling Project Coordination Cost Tracking 7 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Contract Preparation @ Progress Payment Review Contractor Selection @ Equipment Spec Prep Record Drawings @ Equipment Purchase Contract Negotiation @ Invoice Reconciliation Material Takeoff @ Final Inspection Material Purchase @ Project Closeout PROJECT DESCRIPTION Kodiak Electric Association contracted POWER Engineers to provide design and construction management services for a 44-mile 14.4/24.9kV distribution line. The completion of this project brought new service to the remote areas of Cape Chiniak and Narrow Cape on Kodiak island, as well as provided more reliable service to existing customers. In conjunction with the preliminary and final design of the 44-mile “back bone” line, POWER designed the single- and three-phase taps, three-phase step-up transformer bank, two three-phase underground segments, and both overhead and underground secondaries and services. CLUE Exes POOR (| Design Features for a Rugged Environment. Kodiak Island’s remoteness and severe climate presented interesting challenges for POWER’s design team. High winds and winter icing conditions in the project area required NESC “Heavy” loading criteria to be applied to structure design. POWER designed the distribution line to use predominantly single-pole wood structures with 4/0 and 1/0 ACSR conductors. For the extremely rugged areas, however, POWER determined that the sturdier H-frame structures would be more appropriate. Because of a history of vandalism in the area, POWER recommended polymer insulators. Environmental Concerns. Several design features were based on environmental factors. To design the REA structures for raptor safety, POWER lowered the crossarm on a standard REA base structure to increase conductor separation. The line also followed a raised causeway bordering a salmon migration route. Because the causeway did not provide adequate easement for the structures, POWER designed a special pole-peninsula foundation in the water. These peninsulas were designed to minimize the impact along this environmentally sensitive area. Radio Interference. Aware of the United States Coast Guard’s concerns of radio frequency interference, ~ POWER designed the segment of line at the Holiday Beach site to maintain the required one-mile distance from the Guard’s communication facilities. Construction Management at a Remote Site. POWER’s construction management team performed bidder prequalification, including specifications to ensure that the contractor had recent experience with remote locations and possessed adequate Alaska licenses and bonding. Although managing a construction job at a distant site presents added difficulties, POWER successfully handled the extra challenges. POWER allowed extra lead time to procure and ship materials to Kodiak Island; when unexpected right-of-way constraints required a redesign of 25 percent of the structures throughout the line, design and orders for new structures and equipment were handled expeditiously. Rugged Terrain and Construction Techniques. Because of the severe, rugged terrain in certain portions of the route, the contractor framed the structures in yards and transported the structures via helicopter to the structure site. At that time, specially equipped track vehicles set the structures. This method of construction minimized impact to the environment by reducing the need to cut in access roads. PROJECT COMPLETION: September 1986 PROJECT COST: $4,000,000 TERROR LAKE—PORT LIONS 24.9KV LINE KODIAK ISLAND, ALASKA CLIENT Alaska Power Authority (APA) CLIENT’S NEED Obtain a more economical power supply to replace ex- isting diesel generation serving the community of Port Lions on Kodiak Island, Alaska. DESIGN SERVICES @ Route Selection @ Plan-Profile Preparation @ Structure Selection @ Material Specifications @ Structure Design © Structure List @ Conductor Selection @ Design Manual Preparation e Structure Spotting © Construction Drawings DESIGN FEATURES @ Contamination mitigation @ Raptor protection @ Oil circuit recloser bypass structure mw NESC “Heavy” loading PROJECT DESCRIPTION POWER Engineers designed 14 miles of 14.4/24.9kV ex- press distribution line from the Terror Lake Hydroelec- tric Powerhouse site to the town of Port Lions on Kodiak Island. Unreliable and expensive diesel-generated power at Port Lions prompted the Alaska Power Authority to | Cs) THis < (3) (@) SN & POLE NUMBERING SIGN TYPICAL BOTH SIDES. rrpicat 2 PLACES ~ © (s) © | ©) Lope ye “2 LG Spee or oS : ) MG OTA NCE: ef le Oto FS Ci: oS 02 <A, = pos we f SS«& SV h i ENS Ss Bie Gd ; AC VAAN): SOUS ed iy ct wy RES IN Seg. No’ authorize design and construction of a distribution line to be fed from a new hydroelectric generation source on the island. The new facility was constructed for incorpora- tion into the Kodiak Electric Association system. Routed along the west side of Kizhuyak Bay, the line required several special design considerations. Recorded winds in excess of 138 mph and heavy icing conditions in the area required design to NESC “Heavy” loading criteria. Salt, sea spray and fog contamination required specification of extended leakage post insulators to reduce the increased flashover potential created by these conditions. To provide raptor protection for bald eagles and other birds of prey on the island, the crossarm on the delta-configured, standard Rural Electrification Administration VC1 structure used for the line was lowered to allow for additional conductor separation. Underground entry at the Port Lions distribution substation involved design of a 550-foot underground run ad ee VM3-25R utilizing directly buried 4/0 URD cable. Other special design features included specification of a three-phase oil circuit recloser for line protection and design of a recloser bypass structure at the Port Lions termination. POWER’s design of the express distribution facility in- volved coordination with the hydroelectric powerhouse contractor to ensure proper systems mechanical and LIST OF MATERIALS DESCRITION aap = & |p] Pet pet [bt bid [=fetf-| -[-[8 TERE 36 Fama SE SS eios BeY Ech AeaPitn aor thee RD spec] Sieh Lea ae REGLOSER CABLE (REFER TO SPEC) [SoRRELT-O-SWITE! 600 ANP c “2281 F150 Kv BC Tine ale] =le Pre] |- seta ale et left | AS REQURED NOTES BOLT LENGTHS ARE APPRGXMATE, SIZES MAY VARY POLE Sizes, 2 VARIOUS SPRING CIP WASHERS ARE SHOWN VERTICAL: Pom Raver STALL "ALL SPRING CoP MASNERS HencowTALy "TO Toe LEFT 3 BPN CINE AND T8FTOOWN FROM TOP OF POLE WHERE STA RES ‘SHALL’ Be SPACED C(SIX) INCHES APART 4 Big MEVTRAL AT TAGANENT 6 FEET FROM STAN 5. LTA aroun wae TO RECLOSER RACK AS PER ISSED FOR CONSTRUCTION SED FOR BONG rz © = 7A_[ ISSUED FOR APPROVAL 0 Fan |Z = Reveoe. lone] ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY TERROR LAKE- PORT LIONS 14.4/24.9KV LINE 3.© OIL CIRCUIT RECLOSER BY-PASS SECTION A-A. NTS. — cs ewe electrical interface. In addition to its design respon- sibilities, POWER conducted required system studies and provided various land services for the project, which was completed on schedule and under estimated cost. PROJECT COMPLETION: September 1983 PROJECT COST: $986,000 CLIENT Sacramento Municipal Utility District Northern California Power Agency City of Santa Clara Modesto Irrigation District CLIENT’S NEED Conduct preliminary engineering required to satisfy the requirements of the California Energy Commission for licensing a proposed 230kV jointly owned steel tower transmission line known as the Geothermal Public Power Line (GPPL). DESIGN SERVICES Route Selection @ Conductor Optimization Structure Selection @ Conductor Selection Geotech Investigation ® Sag-Tension Data Structure Design @ Insulation Structure Analysis @ Structure Spotting Foundation Design DESIGN FEATURES Conductor and ruling span optimization study Ecomonic analysis of alternatives Preliminary construction cost estimate Double circuit with bundled conductor 13.5 miles of collector system 230kV line Seismic Zones 3 and 4 design criteria California “Heavy” and “Light” loadings PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Northern California Power Agency, City of Santa Clara and Modesto Irrigation District proposed to construct a jointly owned 230kV transmission line to deliver power from several existing and planned geothermal power plants in the Geysers area of Sonoma County, California, to a new switching station located near the town of Williams in the Sacramento Valley, where it will be wheeled on the Western Area Power Administration’s existing system to the joint owners’ respective systems. The line is needed to provide an outlet for projected joint-owner generation that will exceed existing Geysers area transmission outlet capacity. Line facilities will consist of 61 miles of 230kV 6 transmission line and 13.5 miles of 230kV collector line in the Geysers area. POWER Engineers has provided \ 2 GEOTHERMAL PUBLIC POWER LINE (GPPL) NORTHERN CALIFORNIA all preliminary engineering services required to license the project with the newly formed California Energy Commission (CEC). The first phase of the two-phase licensing process involved submission of a Notice of Intent (NOI) document that was designed to provide the CEC and other interested groups with general decision-making infor- mation regarding the project. Upon CEC review and approval of this document, phase two was initiated. This phase involved preparation and submission of the Application for Certification (AFC), a document that more precisely defines all project aspects. Certification for the project is contingent upon the CEC’s extensive review and final approval of this document. During the NOI phase of the $60 million-plus transmis- sion project, POWER performed a spectrum of preliminary engineering tasks necessary to identify the following: routing for each of the alternative corridors, voltage levels of proposed lines, tower types and configurations, ruling spans, conductor types and config- urations, code requirements, design criteria, operating criteria, construction methods and schedules, and corona and electrical field effects. In addition, an extensive economic analysis of alternatives and construction cost estimate and was prepared that included ruling span and conductor optimization studies. The vital NOI document CLUE Epees POTOBeS Lam cost tora: eT | MR rat ms: assisted the joint owners in selecting a preferred route and provided the CEC with an important body of economic information concerning the alternatives. For the AFC, POWER transmission design personnel conducted in-depth studies and calculations required to establish the design parameters to be utilized for final design of the line facilities. These included recom- mended tower types and configurations, mechanical- structural design criteria, conductor configuration, tower height requirements, phase spacings and other pertinent design aspects. In addition, preliminary structure spotting ( was performed during this stage to assist in establishing a definite route to be submitted in the AFC as the joint owners’ preferred route. Recommended design features of the 61-mile main transmission line include 57 miles of double-circuit, vertically configured steel lattice towers through the mountainous portion of the line and 4 miles of double- circuit, tubular steel poles leading into the new switching Station in the Sacramento Valley. Two-conductor bundled ACSR “Seahawk” was identified in POWER’s conductor optimization study as the best conductor application for the 1000-MW-capacity line. Due to high recorded winds and elevation in excess of 3000 feet, California “Heavy” loading was identified for portions of the line. The pro- posed GPPL's location in Zone 3 and 4 seismic areas required additional final design loading criteria to be recommended. POWER design personnel identified both single- and double-circuit, single- and bundled-conductor segments for the 13.5-mile steel tower collector line in the Geysers area, based on projected generation loads. The optimum conductor identified for this line was AAC “Marigold.” Recorded winds near 100 mph in the Geysers area will require application of a special high-wind loading con- dition to final design, along with additional seismic Zone 4 loading considerations. In addition to preliminary design of the transmission facilities for the GPPL, POWER also provided preliminary design and cost estimates for the various station alter- natives and conducted all land and environmental services associated with this phase of the project. PROJECT COMPLETION: in progress PROJECT COST: $61 million (estimated) CLUE Eres PoaT at ? af == c Sate ieee ee en ce ee " lle tad aa - CLIENT Raft River Electric Cooperative (RREC) CLIENT’S NEED Supply 138kV power to two new 138-24.9kV distribution substations constructed to handle rapidly increasing demand in the southwestern portion of RREC’s service area. DESIGN SERVICES Route Selection @ Structure Spotting Structure Selection @ Plan-Profile Preparation Structure Design @ Material Specifications Conductor Selection @ Structure List Sag-Tension Data’ @ Design Manual Preparation Insulation @ Construction Drawings @ DESIGN FEATURES mw Compressed design-construction schedule mw Standard REA structures = Special transposition structure Be GROUSE CREEK - TECOMA 138KV LINE UTAH AND NEVADA @ Polymer insulators mw Non-specular conductor m NESC “Heavy” loading PROJECT DESCRIPTION POWER Engineers designed 32 miles of wood pole H-frame 138kV transmission line between Grouse Creek, Utah, and Tecoma, Nevada, as part of its design respon- sibilities on a major joint-utility project involving 76 total miles of transmission line, two 138-24.9kV substations and a new 138kV switching station. Originating at a tap of an existing 138kV circuit near the rural community of Grouse Creek, the line is routed in a southwesterly direction approximately 8 miles to feed Raft River’s new Grouse Creek 138-24.9kV Substation. From there the line runs south and then southwest through 24 miles of high- desert valley and rolling foothills to the new Tecoma 138kV Station, which houses another RREC 138-24.9kV substation and a 138kV switching station owned by Wells Rural Electric Company. CDallel_/ oS oe oe The Grouse Creek-Tecoma Line was designed and constructed on a very compressed schedule, both to upgrade an overtaxed, unreliable distribution circuit in this area of RREC’s service territory and as the first leg of a new 138kV power source for Wells Rural’s isolated West Wendover Substation, projected to be incapable of serving burgeoning power demand in the Wendover, Nevada, area by the summer of 1985. Funded by the Rural Electrification Administration, the line was designed to utilize standard REA transmission structures. However, design of a special transposition ELEVATION ———— LOOKING AMEAD ON LINE ll structure using a modified REA TH-15 configuration was required to satisfy Bonneville Power Administration wheeling requirements. In addition, high wind and winter icing conditions necessitated use of NESC “Heavy” loading criteria and side guying of structures in exposed wind spans. Other special design features included use of polymer insulators and non-specular conductor. POWER recom- mended use of polymer insulators on the line in order to combat a historical pattern of line damage in the area — SEE NOTE Nos IN due to vandalism, as well as to minimize flashover potential due to blowing dust contamination at the relatively high (4200-6000 ft.) altitude. Non-specular 477-kcmil ACSR conductor was specified to satisfy Bureau of Land Management visual impact mitigation requirements. In addition to design of the Grouse Creek-Tecoma Line and all other power supply facilities associated with the larger Grouse Creek-Wendover 138kV Project, POWER also provided required system studies, land and environmental services, survey and construction LIST OF MATERIALS STATON POST BEUATOR 650 Ow |iomo BRass.232838-3001 JwoRZOMTAL INSULATOR MOUNTING BASE cme wart 8) SULA TSR: viseoms, s0-41$20" "° | i SAF [CORONA BELL, TYPE av. Kiseons .c@ $743) NE RAS edad ee EM T [eogzep coursen. 5 SVPE Avia (6IBBORS, ROUND WASHERS 16 [ROUND WASMER,S/8”STAMLESS STEEL 16 [LockwaSweR,5/@” STAINLESS STEEL 16 Pex MOT, S/@ STAINLESS STEEL LocKnuT, 374 [GROUND WIRE CLAMP, 3" i [COMPRESSION CONNECTOR, Ne 6 CTO N06 Gy "= CUT BUS AND USE TWO 11-0" SECTIONS. FOR REFERENCE ONLY PHOTO REDUCED NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION notes. 1 MORK THis DRAWING WITH TH-I5T FOR OETAI Tab SARIS Uae a 2 BOLT LENGTHS ARE APPROXIMATE, SIZES MAY VARY > VARIOUS smn cup wasvERS ane shown veRTICALL| RLRMEARS A Be rome SPS + SRORR WIE STAPLES SHALL Be 4 waxna oF 5 CONNECTIONS AND CLAMPS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER ‘Tre MAMIF ACTURERS: RECOMENOATIONS 6 PRE. STRAIOHTENED DAMPING CONDUCTOR CABLE Ge INSTALLED. wiTHiN Tre ENTIRE LENGTH OF MORIONTAL RIGIO BUS (477 ACSA) RAFT RIVER ELECTRIC CO-OP GROUSE CREEK TO TECOMA {38KV TRANSMISSION LINE TRANSPOSITION STRUCTURE CONVERSION FROM TH-IST TO TH-IST/T| ports PZ oe iS pF att management. Designed and constructed on a fast-track schedule, the 138kV line was completed one month ahead of schedule and under budget. PROJECT COMPLETION: October 1984 PROJECT COST: $1.6 million Exes POOR SUNBEAM - STANLEY 69KV LINE CENTRAL IDAHO CLIENT Salmon River Electric Cooperative (SREC) CLIENT’S NEED Replace the last 12-mile segment of SREC’s aging distribution line from Clayton to Stanley with a 69kV transmission line designed for 24.9kV underbuild. DESIGN SERVICES Route Selection @ Structure Spotting Structure Selection @ Plan-Profile Preparation Structure Design © Structure List UG System Design @ UG Staking Sheet Prep. Conductor Selection @ Material Specifications Sag-Tension Data’) @ Design Manual Preparation e Insulation Construction Drawings DESIGN FEATURES Specially designed single-pole structure Underbuild design provision with neutral installed Underground design Tap-service design Visual impact mitigation NESC “Heavy” loading PROJECT DESCRIPTION POWER Engineers was retained by Salmon River Electric Cooperative to design a 69kV transmission line with 24.9kV underbuild capability from Clayton to Stanley in central Idaho. The new line was designed to replace a rapidly deteriorating 24.9kV line constructed in 1952. Though originally conceived as a single 32-mile line, revised demand projections caused the line to be designed and constructed in three separate phases. The Sunbeam-Stanley 69kV Line represented the final phase of this project. Originating at the small community of Sunbeam on the scenic Salmon River in central Idaho, the wood single- pole and H-frame line runs westward for approximately 12 miles through the Salmon River Mountains adjacent the river to just outside the town of Stanley. There the 69kV overhead line ends and is converted to an 1800-foot, three-phase underground tie to existing @ distribution. \ Located in the Sawtooth National Recreational Area in extremely rugged terrain, the new line necessitated special routing and design considerations. Though primarily routed along the right-of-way of the existing line, a Forest Service requirement to minimize visual impacts dictated a major reroute around a campground. To further minimize environmental impacts, non-specular conduc- tor and forest-green guy guards were specified by POWER transmission design personnel, and structures spotted from ridge to ridge where possible. Due to high wind and severe winter conditions in the project area, NESC “Heavy” loading criteria were used for design of the wood structures utilized on the line. A specially designed, reinforced single-pole structure was C Dole TH-IR WITH VCIH U.B. employed for short ruling span sections of the line to accommodate the use of 336-kcmil ACSR transmission conductor and future 4/0 ACSR underbuild on the same structure. H-frame structures were used in longer ruling span sections of the line for canyon and river crossings and ridge-to-ridge spans. Besides complete design responsibility for the high- altitude line, POWER also conducted required system Studies, land services, survey and construction manage- ment through project closeout. The new facility was completed within budget and on schedule despite difficult access and terrain conditions that required considerable helicopter construction. Planned for eventual transmission at 69kV, the Sunbeam-Stanley Line was initially energized at 24.9kV with several existing taps and services incorporated into its design. PROJECT COMPLETION: September 1984 PROJECT COST: $1.5 million Ce POTRIRES CLIENT Salmon River Electric Cooperative (SREC) CLIENT’S NEED Replace the middle segment of SREC’s 33-year-old 24,9kV distribution line from Clayton to Stanley with a 69kV transmission line designed for 24.9kV under-build to serve projected residential and mining loads between the two central Idaho communities. DESIGN SERVICES Route Selection @ Structure Spotting Structure Selection @ Plan-Profile Preparation Structure Design © Material Specifications Conductor Selection @ Structure List Sag-Tension Data) @ Design Manual Preparation Insulation @ Construction Drawings DESIGN FEATURES @ Specially designed single-pole structure @ mw Underbuild design provision with neutral installed @ Visual impact mitigation m@ Routing constraints na THOMPSON CREEK - SUNBEAM 69KV LINE CENTRAL IDAHO w Rugged terrain @ Tap-service design m@ NESC “Heavy” loading PROJECT DESCRIPTION Physical deterioration and excessive outages on its 32-mile 24.9kV distribution line between the remote central Idaho communities of Clayton and Stanley prompted Salmon River Electric Cooperative to retain POWER Engineers to design a 69kV line with 24.9kV underbuild provision to replace the 33-year-old line. The Thompson Creek-Sunbeam Line was designed and constructed as the second phase of a three-phase project to accomplish this upgrade. Intended for future 69kV transmission with 24.9kV distribution underbuild to accommodate system expansion, the line was initially energized at 24.9kV and included design of numerous services and taps to customers along its 12-mile length. Routing of the line through the scenic Salmon River Gorge on primarily Forest Service land required several environmental and visual impact mitigation measures to be taken. Non-specular 336-kcmil conductor and forest- green guy guards were specified to reduce visual impacts, along with careful routing around campground facilities. Care was also taken to route the line behind natural cover wherever possible to minimize its visibility from the nearby state highway. Further impact mitigation CDallel measures included use of H-frame structures in mountainous terrain to allow for longer spans and ridge- to-ridge structure spotting. Other routing constraints were imposed by the narrow river gorge and extreme-terrain sections that necessitated several river crossings and helicopter-assisted construc- tion along portions of the line. The rugged terrain and severe winters required use of a specially designed, extra-sturdy single-pole structure to support the transmission and future underbuild conductors in the NESC “Heavy” loading area. The rein- forced delta-configured structure, modeled on the Rural Electrification Administration's TP-3 structure, features a heavier crossarm and additional pole hardware with higher strength ratings. =| lull [nee] |nle|s|ale|>|e|a [0] =|5|= ae ee eel ltl In addition to its design responsibilities, POWER also performed all required system studies, land services and construction management through energization and project closeout. For its close coordination with the Forest Service and careful adherence to Forest Service environ- mental strictures and requests during the design and construction of the transmission facility, POWER received a letter of commendation from that government agency upon timely completion of the project. PROJECT COMPLETION: August 1983 PROJECT COST: $991,000 CITY OF BOUNTIFUL 46KV TRANSMISSION LINE NORTHERN UTAH CLIENT City of Bountiful Light & Power CLIENT’S NEED Provide land, engineering design, and construction ser- vices for a 26-mile, 46kV transmission line, consisting of single-pole and H-frame wood structures, located be- tween two hydroelectric projects and Bountiful, Utah. The line passes through the Wasatch Mountain Range, re- quiring design and construction features for steep, rug- ged terrain that also minimized land and visual impacts. LAND SERVICES @ Routing Studies © Rights of Entry @ Public Involvement @ Appraisal @ Recordkeeping @ Compliance Monitoring @ Title Work @ Expert Testimony @ Legal Descriptions @ ROW Acquisition @ Impact Mitigation @ Progress Reporting @ Condemnation @ Claims Settlement DESIGN SERVICES @ Route Selection @ Plan & Profile Preparation @ Structure Selection @ Structure Spotting @ Structure Design © Material Specifications @ Sag & Tension Data @ Structure List @ Design Document @ Construction Drawings Preparation CONSTRUCTION SERVICES @ Contract @ Invoice Payment Preparation ® Contract Administration @ Contractor @ Invoice Reconciliation Selection @ Progress Payment Review @ Record Drawings @ Material Receipt/Transfer @ Contract @ Construction Inspection Negotiation @ Final Inspection @ Material Takeoff @ Testing/Energization @ Material Purchase @ Project Closeout PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of Bountiful Light and Power had determined that a new transmission line from two new hydroelectric facilities would help meet the city’s increased power de- mand at a lesser expense than from their current source of electricity. POWER Engineers was contracted to pro- vide a full range of professional services for the 46kV line, which would start from Echo Dam with a tap to the East Canyon Dam and continue to a point on the east side of Bountiful. Each project phase (land services, design, and construc- tion management) could have been performed by separate firms. By using POWER’s multiple services, however, the client received the additional benefits of pro- ject continuity and consistency, with a minimum of lost time that results from redundant review of the same data. C2allel Landowner Contact Continuity. POWER’s land ser- vices team, conducting easement acquisition and per- mitting for right-of-ways, contacted approximately 50 private landowners of farms and ranches, as well as representatives of land owned by the Utah Department of Wildlife Resources, the Bureau of Land Management, and the Wasatch-Cache National Forest. Consequently, when the construction contractor, whom POWER manag- ed, began work for this project, POWER’s already established rapport with the landowners and agencies improved the progress for construction. Environmental Concerns Identified. When performing land services, POWER identified several environmental concerns voiced by the county, the Forest Service, and private landowners. These included visual impact con- cerns and concern about increased accessibility to previously remote areas. Consequently, POWER’s land services team’s deep understanding of the environmen- tal issues could be accurately communicated to POWER’s design and construction support teams. Design Features and Environment. POWER’s design staff effectively designed the line with a sensitivity for the line’s visual and environmental impact without com- promising system integrity. When ascending the scenic Wasatch Front, single-pole structures were used to minimize the visual effect. When the line went out of view into the steep valleys, however, longer spans were re- quired. H-frame structures were used to permit these longer spans. Throughout the route, POWER’s design minimized the amount of clearing that was needed through the aspen and scrub oak forests. During con- struction, to minimize impact on both private and public property, helicopter transport was used over large por- tions of the line. Routing Constraints Affecting Design. During the in- itial routing studies, POWER identified the client’s re- quirement that the route follow an existing pipeline as much as possible. Consequently, approximately half the route used the pipeline’s right-of-way. This requirement influenced structure location and required special con- sideration during the design process. Quick Response to Reroutes. During the project, a short unexpected reroute was necessary because of a landowner’s sudden change on a right-of-way decision. Fortunately, POWER’s land services and design teams could respond quickly to make the reroute and incor- porate it into the design; POWER’s construction manage- ment team, having immediate knowledge of the changes, could process the necessary change orders expeditiously. Other Design Features. POWER designed the 46kV line for 69kV because of the 9000-foot Wasatch Range eleva- tion. The line consisted of both single-pole and H-frame wood structures, using 266 ACSR “Partridge” conduc- tors and special NESC “Heavy” loading to accommodate the high winds and ice during the area’s winters. Light- weight, easy-to-handle polymer insulators were chosen because of their resistance to gunshot damage; this add- ed feature minimized the effects of potential vandalism. Rugged Terrain and Construction Techniques. The rugged Wasatch Mountains and limited access to the line’s right-of-way required special construction tech- niques. The contractor used off-the-road equipment and several different helicopters to move men and materials along the line. For the mountainous portion of the line, most structures were framed in assembly yards and flown to the structure site. Despite early snow and resulting mud, the construction was completed on time and with minimum impact on the autumn deer hunting in the area. PROJECT COMPLETION: November 1986 PROJECT COST: $2,500,000 C2adlel HART CROWSER PROJECT EXPERIENCE Public Facilities Piers & Bulkheads} Utilities & Pipelines Experience Buildings & Structures & Earth Structures HART associates inc. Firm & Key Staff 15 Story Frontier Building & Parking Garage, Anchorage GVEA Microwave Transmission Towers, interior 6 Story Resolution Plaza, Anchorage 13 Story SOHIO Office Building, Anchorage ADOT Maintenance Facility, Happy Valley Office Building & Parking Garage, Juneau 7 Story Doubletree Hotel, Anchorage North Star Borough Admin. Building. Fairbanks Anchorage Headquarters Library, Anchorage Tanana Chiefs Patient Hospital, Fairbanks North Point Higgins Elementary School, Fairbanks University of Alaska Campus Solls Study, Fairbanks ADOT Permatrost Stabilization, Hess Creek Jet Fuel Storage & Containment Berm, NAS Adak Cape Fox Hotel Rock Fill Stabilization, Ketchikan Exxon Temporary Gravel Drilling Pad, North Slope Quartz Hill Access Road, Ketchikan State Fairgrounds Gravel Access Road, Fairbanks U.S. Borax Road and Tunnel, Bakewell Townsite North & South Fork Tunnel Creek Bridges, Ketchikan Ft. Wainwright Water Reservoir & Sewer, Fairbanks Northwest Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline, interior Eklutna Water Project Tunnel, Anchorage Thomas Bay Hydroelectric Dam, Petersburg Hydaburg Water Reservoirs Remedial Bulkhead Redesign, Kake Alaska Projects w) |) feel if 1] ded] lelek lele beHseibe] a (S| Pe) 243 | jelele| | Slope Stability Analysis Japonski Harbor Marina, Sitka Shemya Pier Rehabilitation, Aleutian tslands Quartz Hill Bulkhead Redesign, Ketchikan Roads and Utilities Quartz Hill Mine Access Roads, Ketchikan Hart Crowser, Inc. completed three projects for U.S. Borax and Chemical Corporation pertaining to roads, including bridge and tunnel sections, for the proposed Quartz Hill Mine. Hart Crowser, Inc. conducted subsurface explorations and geotechnical design studies for two highway bridges at Tunnel Creek. Design recommendations included vertical and lateral pile capacities, estimated settlements, lateral earth pressures on abutment walls, and structural fill characteristics. A geotechnical engineering report was prepared for the 9-mile access road for the mine site to a deep water pier on Wilson Arm. This work included geologic field observations, review of geologic data collected by others, and extensive interaction with the Forest Service and others. Hart Crowser, Inc. accomplished geologic reconnaissance and mapping for a feasibility assessment of alternative routes from the deep water pier to the proposed Bakewell Townsite. Special considerations included avalanche chutes and massive bedrock cliffs with deposits of loose, unstable talus. Tununak Water Project, Tununak, Alaska Hart Crowser, Inc. is providing recommendations for installation of water and sewer lines to a large portion of this Nelson Island village. The project includes over 2000 feet of water and sewer lines to be installed in ground conditions ranging from thawed and marginally frozen fine-grained soils to extremely ice-rich organic deposits. Hart Crowser provided field exploration and permafrost characterization in the development area and is presently providing thermal analysis for both above- and below-grade installation schemes. Through J.M. Lambe & Associates, Inc., Hart Crowser has provided services on the following projects: ° Sewer System, Kodiak - Investigation of trench failures which occurred during installation of pressurized water lines. Included evaluation of lateral strength capacities of native peat and imported pipe bedding as well as project plans and specifications and contractors installation practices to determine the factors contributing to the trench failures. ° Sewer System, Aniak - Soils investigation to determine soil type in sewer system alignment. ° Recommendations for Alaska Power Authority heat recovery systems at Savoonga, Shungnak, Ambler, Kiana, Grayling, Elim, and Kalskag. ° Utility design at Russian Mission, Sheldon Point, and Scammon Bay. ° Wind generating facility on St. Paul Island involving foundation designs for vertical rotor wind turbines. ° Road and dock facility, Alakanuk - Subsurface exploration. ° Chugiak Road Improvements, Peters Creek. @ Tunneling Projects Eklutna Water Project Lake Diversion Tunnel Hart Crowser, Inc. provided final design and construction specifications and geotechnical consulting during construction for the Lake Diversion Tunnel for the Municipality of Anchorage's Eklutna Water Project. This project will tap into the existing Alaska Power Administration's Hydroelectric Plant intake tunnel to divert flow to the Eklutna Water Project distribution system, presently under construction. The project includes a 8,500-foot-long, 72-inch finished diameter tunnel. Hart Crowser accomplished geotechnical explorations and an extensive groundwater pump testing program, while coordinating a multi-disciplinary design team consisting of four Alaskan firms as well as outside @ tunneling experts. Geotechnical exploration for the tunnel utilized several different drilling and sampling techniques to accommodate boulders. Unanticipated groundwater conditions were discovered during the work, and required a timely, cost-effective change in exploration with little disruption to the design schedule. Hart Crowser developed the soil and groundwater data needed for design engineering for the tunnel as well as valve shafts, short pipeline and culvert sections, and 6,500 lineal feet of access road. Marine Facilities Remedial Geotechnical Consulting Services, Kake Bulkhead, Kake Hart Crowser, Inc. was retained as a special consultant to determine potential causes of the failure of an anchored bulkhead during construction in Kake, Alaska. Based on our observations and analyses, a comprehensive geotechnical engineering study was accomplished for reconstruction of the Kake Public Dock bulkhead. Our analyses included modifying the bulkhead location, slope configuration and shot rock backfill requirements. Design modifications for the bulkhead piles and deadman anchor support were provided. Homer Fish Dock, Homer J.M. Lambe & Associates, Inc. was retained as an expert witness to provide information regarding the Homer Fish Dock as-built. Our involvement included drilling test borings, obtaining and analyzing samples ‘from the borings, establishing and monitoring four observation wells, coordinating an underwater inspection of the slope, coordinating inspection of the earth slopes at and above the waterline at extreme low tide, and coordinating bathymetry. Our future involvement will include expert testimony regarding the present conditions of the dock and the subsurface. Shemya Wharf/Bulkhead Remedial Design Services, Shemya AFB Hart Crowser, Inc., working with CH2M Hill, provided geotechnical services, including subsurface exploration, soil testing, and engineering analyses and remedial design recommendations for the USAF Shemya Wharf/Bulkhead project, located in the Aleutian Islands. Environmental Services Over the Horizon Backscatter EIS Project, Alaska Hart Crowser has been retained by SRI International as the major Alaska subcontractor for preparation of an EIS on the Air Force's OTH-B radar project in the Copper and Tanana River basins. In association with the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC) of the University of Alaska, Hart Crowser is responsible for preparing the draft and final EIS in the following topical areas: land and minerals, including geological and permafrost conditions; surface water and ground water hydrology; vegetation and wetlands; fisheries and wildlife; subsistence; and cultural resources. The project involves a number of alternative study areas ranging from 1,500 to 4,300 feet in elevation and from 10 to 230 square miles in area. North Warning System EIS, Alaska Hart Crowser was retained to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the North Warning System in Alaska. This project involves the installation of a total of eight long-range and short-range radar facilities both at existing DEW Line Stations on the North Slope and at high altitude locations in undeveloped, remote areas throughout the state; in addition two existing DEW Line Stations will be decommissioned. In association with the Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center (AEIDC) of the University of Alaska, Hart Crowser has assessed the effects of electromagnetic (radio frequency) radiation on humans, electroexplosive devices, plants and animals, and communication systems. Other issues addressed in this document include the effects of new site development on wildlife, subsistence and recreational opportunities and the effects of facility decommissioning on native communities. The program has included three site survey trips and numerous meetings in Alaska communities with federal, state and local agencies, village organizations, and the general public. Hart Crowser personnel also developed detailed plans for mobilizing equipment and materials and for constructing the facilities in remote locations. XN 192iIND BD8753-15 (08/07/87) IX. COMPANY PROFILE INTRODUCTION POWER Engineers, Inc. (POWER) is an engineering consulting firm specializing in facilities engineering and associated services. POWER’s growth from two engineers to a staff of over 120 in 10 years is due to the high quality of workmanship, professionalism and the ability of our staff to provide clients with outstanding services within their schedules and budgets. We have fielded a team of professionals to supply the full range of services for clients--from project conception to planning, right-of-way services, permitting, design, contract preparation, equipment procurement, construction management and project closeout. POWER’ staff is composed of professional engineers, managers and support staff experienced in all phases of project development including conceptual design, feasibility studies, detailed design, siting and permitting, start-up, commission and performance testing. The depth and experience of our staff allow us to respond quickly to changes in schedule or project scope, ensuring timely project completion. POWER’s in-house capability enables us to provide services for any project, regardless of size or location. We have provided i eC Douel ) Eee PATI services to clients throughout the United States from Vermont to Alaska and Hawaii. POWER offers complete services in the following areas: Project Management Resource Utilization Analysis Permitting Land Services Generation Engineering Transmission and Distribution Engineering Substation Engineering Surveying Procurement Construction Management Construction Inspection Utility Analysis Industrial Engineering GEOTHERMAL ENGINEERING SERVICES A successful geothermal project is the product of an effective design effort by a specialized team of professionals with extensive experience in geothermal resource utilization. POWER Engineers Inc. (POWER)’s Industrial Group has the academic talent and geothermal engineering experience to provide clients with the full range of services for both vapor- dominated and liquid-dominated geothermal resource recovery systems. POWER personnel are well-versed in Dry-Steam, Flashed-Steam, Binary-Cycle, Hybrid System and Modular (“well-head”) technologies. And POWER’s project team experience in geothermal systems design covers all phases of cycle and system \ 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) IX-2 C DUE Sprer Taraee YS 192IND BD8753-15 (08/07/87) optimization and includes the following techniques unique to geothermal applications. POWER’s geothermal services begin with studies and economic reviews for resource evaluation and project feasibility. Siting, environmental and regulatory studies are implemented to assure an environmentally acceptable project in compliance with federal, state and community requirements. Next, our preliminary engineering services narrowly define projects in term of engineering requirements, cost, expected output, land services, permitting, etc. POWER’s detailed geothermal engineering services are performed as an in-house, coordinated effort and sequenced to facilitate efficient construction. Specifications, documents and drawings are produced according to client standards and specifications with considerations for costs, schedule constraints and operability. POWER also has a fully staffed construction management department, offering construction management, inspection, procurement, and expediting services. In-depth descriptions of POWER’s geothermal services are included below. fee Steam Gathering Systems Two-Phase Flow Systems Brine Handling Scale Control Corrosion Control Noncondensable Gas Removal Hydrogen Sulfide Abatement Injection Systems IX -3 ezue ) XM 192iIND BD8753-15 (08/0787) a a ns, CAPABILITIES AND SERVICES Project Studies Based on design and economic criteria provided by our clients, POWER’s experienced staff will address a full range of geothermal project studies including: Market Assessments Siting Studies Economic Analyses Regulatory and Economic Assessment Project Feasibility Power Availability Technology Evaluations Conceptual Design and Cost Estimates Risk Assessments Environmental Impact Evaluations Conclusions from project studies provide a comprehensive basis for design of the total project. Plant Improvement In offering engineering services specifically oriented to plant improvement, POWER reviews all aspects of operating reliability, efficiency and energy conservation. Plant improvement begins with the collection of data on plant equipment, interviews with plant personnel, and review of operating data logs. Performance tests are specified when additional information is required. Problem areas are then defined and modifications for improvement outlined. Effects of modifications on plant efficiency, resource utilization, generating capability, Cee PETRI is fo XM 192iINO 8D8753-15 (08/07'87) availability, and operation and maintenance are evaluated. Final recommendations for plant improvements include conceptual designs and cost estimates of modifications. Preliminary Engineering For preliminary engineering, POWER prepares definitive planning packages for use during project permitting and financing phases. This approach reduces the amount of capital committed prior to permitting and also alleviates risks resulting from early commitment of funds. Preliminary engineering tasks develop the detailed information necessary to proceed with permitting, licensing, financing and detailed design. POWER’s preliminary engineering package includes: Feasibility Report Design Descriptions, Including Criteria and Assumptions Reports on Discussions with Regulatory Agencies Preparation of Specifications for Major Equipment Bid Evaluation and Selection of Major Equipment Resource Requirements Process Flow Diagrams Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams Site Considerations Plant Layout Schedule for Design and Construction Preliminary Cost Estimate Cash Flow and Investment Analysis Electrical One-line Diagrams Process Instrument and Control Logic Diagrams Instrument and Equipment Lists The preliminary engineering procedures above define major design, schedule and cost elements that control the project. Plant descriptions provide a basis for capital cost estimates. rea CLUE OOO PETRIE xl 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) Because the preliminary engineering package forms a basis for detailed design, it offers great flexibility for incorporation of client requirements. Also, adjustments and changes can be made during preliminary engineering to accommodate permitting and licensing. At the conclusion of preliminary engineering, the permitting process should be well underway. The risks inherent in further committing funds are considerably reduced. Detailed Engineering Based on client criteria and the preliminary engineering package, POWER’s detailed engineering activities are directed to the preparation of all production engineering documents required for project construction. These include: Finalized Process Flow Sheets Final Designs, Plans and Bills of Material Material, Equipment and Construction Specifications Detailed Design Drawings, Including Piping Isometrics, Interconnection Diagrams, Foundation Drawings, etc. Piping Stress Analysis Results Recommended Methods of Construction and Reviewed Construction Plans Material Take-offs Project Specifications in Bid Documents for Approved Vendors Purchase Orders for Engineered Equipment and Materials Vendor Drawings and Equipment Code Calculations Quality Control Procedures Detailed Project Schedules and Project Control Functions Definitive Cost Estimates and Monthly Reports for Budget and Construction Forecasting Prompt Notifications of Changes pare eC Daler) (0 @ Required Documentation with Governmental Authorities @ @ Record (or “as-built”) Drawings and Documents @ Unit Operating Manuals Start-Up POWER’s experienced specialists coordinate the activities of start-up engineers, construction forces, start-up representatives of equipment manufacturers, and plant operating personnel. Typical services we provide include: @ Preparation of Support Documentation, including Unit Start-Up Schedules, Pre-Operational Procedures and Start- Up Test Procedures Assurance of Construction Completion Instrumentation Checkout, Calibration and Testing Control Software Checkout and Verification Chemical Cleaning, Steam Blows and Other Pre-Operational e Cleaning HVAC System Test and Balance Fire Protection System Validation e@ Electrical Equipment Checkout, including Meggering and Rotation Checks. @ OSHA Compliance Verification @ Equipment and System Performance Testing and Verification CORPORATE MANAGEMENT POWER is organized under a Board of Directors responsible for establishing firm direction and policies. The Board comprises key personnel who are principals in the firm and also share major project management and engineering responsibilities. @ This unique corporate structure ensures all projects are managed by individuals with top level management abilities as LS 192IND BO8753-15 (08/07'87) IX = Z C20el \ 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07'87) a well as significant involvement in corporate operations and direction. POWER clients have realized the benefits of dealing directly with project managers and engineers with the authority to make decisions and to personally resolve problems quickly. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Project Management services are offered on all POWER projects regardless of size. POWER has assembled a team of professionals experienced in the management and coordination of projects of all types who are responsible for the overall direction of projects. On large projects, a Project Engineer is assigned to assist the Project Manager. Project Engineers retain responsibility for day-to-day project tracking and the allocation of resources, generally overseeing a multidisciplinary team of engineers, designers and drafters from our various service departments. Departmental personnel, in turn, are directed by department heads who are also lead engineers. Please refer to “Project Management”, Section Il of this document, for a comprehensive description of our distinctive project management system. COMMUNICATION Good communication is key to the success of all projects. POWER personnel are committed to open communication and quick responses to our clients’ needs. Our office in Hailey, Idaho, is readily accessible to the western United States by commercial airline and by our company aircraft--our staff includes full-time pilots to facilitate rapid, person-to-person communication when necessary. Ke eZee ) OMe POTAISB @ i 192IND BO8753-15 (08/07/87) However, physical proximity does not ensure good communication. More important is knowing when and how to communicate effectively. Whether the need is for written communication, telephone (or telecopier) contact, or in-person consultation, POWER professionals are available and know the importance of the timely exchange of information--a corporate priority. QUALITY ASSURANCE POLICY AND PROCEDURES POWER was founded on the strong belief that the long-term growth and prosperity of any business is directly dependent on conscientious work habits consistently resulting in a high- quality product. Our commitment to these standards remains alive today. Before projects are initiated, detailed task descriptions and checklists are developed to specifically define project requirements and to ensure engineers and support personnel have an accurate base upon which to build their planning. POWER personnel recognize that systematic and conscientious checking and control of documents and drawings are imperative on all projects, regardless of size. All personnel adhere to document generation, checking and filing procedures outlined in our Quality Assurance Manual. This Quality Assurance program is directed toward compliance with the requirements of all technical, local, state and federal design, construction, safety and environmental codes. Additional requirements of the client are always considered to ensure satisfaction. Moreover, client review and approval milestones are built into project schedules to ensure clients have input and, therefore, receive the products they desire. IX-9 DUE ote os COU CCS COMPUTER FACILITIES POWER is dedicated to the ongoing development of computer literacy and automation. We have confirmed that computer facilities improve efficiency and accuracy, enhance innovation and creativity, and lead to high-quality finished products. Our computer facilities consist of various operating systems using an Ethernet “LAN” (Local Area Network) system to allow the flexibility of on-line communications and data sharing among a wide variety of hardware systems and software application programs. Additionally, our design staffs are trained in Computer-Assisted Drafting and Design (CADD) operation. In- house computer hardware facilities include the following: Xerox 8000 Network System The Xerox 8000 Network hardware consists of thirteen 6085 workstations and two print servers with high-speed laser printers. The Xerox 6085 word processing stations are capable of superior word processing and enhanced graphics capability. Nine of the 6085 stations can emulate the IBM PC environment. Any IBM PC-compatible software can be used on these enhanced workstations. The central processing unit of the Xerox 8000 Network System consists of one 1.5MB RAM/20MB server processor with two 300MB removable hard disk storage devices. This unit has a modem and external communications software, for dial-up file transfers to our clients. Interface Capability: Xerox 2285, Cipher Microstreamer, IBM Micro Computer System, AUTOCAD Drafting System. ke 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) IX- 10 CDM a Xerox 2285 Engineering Workstation This network of ten 2285 workstations is ideally suited to engineering applications. Each workstation has a Hi-Res (high- resolution, 1024 X 1024) color monitor , 4MB of RAM memory and 86MB of hard disk storage. In addition, each station has application software for drafting (2 & 3D), solids modeling, and Fortran & “C” compilers for software development. Interface Capability: Xerox 8000 Network System (includes 6085 Workstations and File Server/Manager with Mail and Print Services); Apollo Computer System (includes Network File Server/Manager); Cipher Microstreamer; HP 7580B Plotter, Summagraphics Microgrid Digitizer, Printronix MVP Matrix Printer. @ Apollo Computer System This network of three supermini computers was designed specifically for scientific and engineering applications requiring extensive computational capacity and speed, e.g. PSA (Power System Analysis) foundation design, and conductor sag and tension. Interface Capability: Xerox 2285 Workstation; Cipher Microstreamer; Summagraphics Microgrid Digitizer; HP 7580B Plotter, Printronix MVP Matrix Printer. IBM Micro Computer System @ Five IBM ATs are used in combination with three types of printers for spreadsheet, engineering, word processing, and Se 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) Ix - 1 1 CLUE (Crees PETA (CO other functions, using both in-house and packaged software. A math co-processor aids in speeding the complicated @ engineering calculations. Interface Capability: Xerox 8000 Network System (includes File Server/Manager with Mail and Print Services); HP Laser Jet Printers; HP 7580B Plotter, Printronix MVP Matrix Printer. AUTOCAD Drafting System This system consists of an IBM-AT with many additional features including expanded RAM to 1MB, a math coprocessor, and a 19-inch, Hi-Res (high-resolution, 1024 x 1024 ) Mitsubishi Color Monitor driven by Graphax 20/20 graphics card containing two megabytes of graphics memory. A Hitachi Bit Pad and Stylist Pen is used for data entry. Interface Capability: Xerox 8000 Network System (includes File Server/Manager with Mail and Print Services); HP Laserjet Printers; HP 7580B Plotter, Summagraphics Microgrid Digitizer. Hewlett-Packard 7580B Plotter This high-resolution drafting plotter has a mechanical resolution of 0.00012 in. With its eight-pen capacity, it can produce precise drawings quickly on either paper or film media up to 24 x 48 inches. Interface Capability: Xerox 2285 Workstations; Apollo Computer System; AUTOCAD Drafting System; and IBM Micro Computer System. @ LL s921no 808753-15 1080787) IX-12 CDM [i __——L_—_—L LL LN Hewlett-Packard Laserjet Printers Two compact and fast laser printers generate documents of the highest quality. A number of type font cartridges can be selected for varied type sizes and effects. Interface Capability: IBM Micro Computer System; AUTOCAD Drafting System. Summagraphics Microgrid Digitizer Typical applications for the Summagraphics Microgrid Digitizer include transferring maps and drawings, equipment drawings, and one-lines and schematics. This manual input device translates graphic information into digital information suitable for electronic modification. It has a resolution of 1,000 lines per @ inch, providing very accurate data transfers. Interface Capability: Apollo Computer System; Xerox 2285 Workstations; AUTOCAD Drafting System. Cipher Microstreamer This 1,600 BPI magnetic tape drive is used primarily for safely storing drawing files. It also provides a vehicle for importing and exporting data out of house. Interface Capability: Apollo Computer System; Xerox 2285 Workstations; Xerox 8000 Network System. \ 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) IX- 13 CDUe ) (EOS PTOBET eee Printronix MVP Matrix Printer This high-speed dot matrix printer is capable of 80 - 200 characters per second (cps) and does letter-quality printing. It also supports some plot features for certain application software. Interface Capability: Apollo Computer System; Xerox 2285 Workstations; IBM Micro Computer System. \ 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) IX-14 C DUE nanceD 108 4008 HARD O1SK on ‘COLOR TEs POWER Engineers, ETHENHESE EuEaS “AREER ee 208 O1SK W/FLOPPY XEROX PRINT SEAVER {Sec manor ewe ola wiow ewe cm wnew auc ¢ wit (COLOR GRAPWICS MONITOR COLOR TERMINAL cma PC eMAATOR e Inc. (COLOR TERMINAL COLOR TERMINAL COLOR TEAWINAL = COLOR TERIAL PC OAKATOR Oe) (LAN) . 208 O1SK W/FLOPPY 2008 DISK /FLOPPY 208 DISK M/FLOPPY TURE HOWTEA” 000 GIR MTLOWY OBO OTe MTLOWY OOO DI WrLEPYY One Cem WTLEPTY eLuck wate AK 6 MITE, AK 6 TE [|g zg S ceeee e e 1 Mano O1SK M/ 6 360K FLOPPY al! tons 5-2-1 6 FOR THE IBM-AT sro APPLICATION SOFTWARE FOR THE 6085 WORKSTATIONS iweat Sone HARD DISK H/ FOR THE 2285 WORKSTATIONS 1.30 6 360K FLOPPY = 5005, WORK Re cee ra (BASIC INTERPRETER carssow (E1S (EXTERMAL TERMINAL SERVICE) ‘Tori? PROTOCOL. C 6 FORTRAN COMPILERS PROPLOT TTS (INTERACTIVE TERMINAL SERVICE) (PROCAD CRAFTING (RGASE SYSTEN IV MUTSELL all SERVICE Too. KIT 1 ASSEROLY LANGUAGE TIMBER IE (PRINT SERVICE ‘SOLI0S MODEL IMG SRE anna t nestarel metioe ore ranean (nies nea Sonia as PAS (POMER ANALYSIS SYSTEM) WICK BASIC ‘SPELLCHECKER FORTRAN 6 C COMPILERS © COPIES/HIN. Lorne wert ae eee etree neces rena pes ices rae Sil ea eanece pas fore eie magi rat ona ane ape VP EQUATIONS 6 SPREADSHEETS ‘MITO-FEED COMPUTER FORMS: peninel ite secs cree = ea Tevener tee mi oe ere an a [ve oes [= fees foes ces (ces ocs a) as ie a aE ==} wo ee eee fel a noes on liaeal ou ae ieel we teen as soa tem Untaey’ te bee tLe? Sas san Grane ven SATS Ome se Oro] ane oat ret! Oe set awe aoa soa laptl ous sei titers) Scr Centr orton eer oun soe ru ars tan lnten boonies einstein eer e ural ciaiare ore RE RR: eTeoM “eenie) "seus; coun ices Ss epamey cesses, ‘vcoume, = enon some ae i} eeeoae ieee a ae ~e —_ : elaa APOLLO (OMA IN) SYSTEM SOF TWARE CIPVER 9 TRACK AG TAPE 48 WOVTE CAPACITY 1600 BPI, s001°8 AGES OPERATING SYSTER O9/1P ~ TELNET 6 FTP PAFEC (0068) ELECTROCON SA) FORTRAN COMPILERS POLLO 0NB00 4.5 rOrTes 70 vevTE 01S w/o FLOPPY XN 192iND BD8753-15 (08/0787) SOFTWARE LIBRARY ADLPIPE For stress analysis of complex piping systems in accordance with the latest ANSI and ASME codes. The piping system is modeled as a network of pipe super elements composed of straight and curved pipe, valves, reducers, ties, rigid members and beams. SIMFLEX - Il Static and dynamic pipe stress computer program designed for evaluating pipe stress caused by thermal expansion, pressure, thermal bowing, weight, wind, earthquake, support displacement, support friction, external force and other loads. It compares stresses to code allowables. Its ability to model non-linear and skewed piping and restraints make it well- suited for cross country pipelines. VALVES FISHER control valve software package calculates CV, flow, pressure drop and sound pressure levels for various valve types. Program checks for cavitation and flashing and alerts the operator when they occur. STEAM DP Developed specifically for cross-country geothermal piping systems with saturated or slightly superheated steam; based on pipe size, length, steam pressure and flow, program calculates pressure drop per hundred feet, velocity, straight pipe, fittings and total pressure drop for steel pipe. IX- 16 & OWES TWO-PHASE Two phase flow program for flashing liquid-vapor flows calculates length of pipe for a given pressure drop and superficial vapor and liquid velocities. Input to the program is the mixture enthalpy, pipe inside diameter, upstream and downstream pressures, number of pressure intervals the analyst wants run and flow. Fraction flash and liquid and vapor enthalpies and specific volumes are calculated by the program at the various flowing pressures and then used to compute the pipe length for the given drop. LIQUID DP Using the Darcy equation, calculates liquid pressure drops and velocities. With an equivalent resistance coefficient inputted, the program will also determine fittings pressure drop. REINF PAD Based on the requirements of ANSI B31.1, program calculates reinforcing pad width for branch attachments to header piping. Program is suitable for use with attachments which are other than 90 degrees so is appropriate for vertical drip legs and condensate pots on sloping lines (such as are found in mountainous terrain). Program also calculates minimum pipe wall thickness based on given material, joint efficiency, pressure, temperature and corrosion allowances. FLASH e@ Based on mixture and component phase enthalpies, program calculates fraction of liquid and vapor in a flashed stream. Ne 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) IX- 17 ez) Sores Monae? \ 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) DOE-2 Energy analysis program which can simulate the hour by hour performance and response of a building and its energy using systems. Provides an economic analysis of the energy use and the costs and benefits of retrofit projects and alternations in design. CARRIER E400 Software package for calculating heating and cooling loads, operating cost analysis equipment selection, cost/benefit analysis, and heat pump comparison. MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous calculator programs which determine Reynolds number, specific volumes, friction factors, enthalpies, etc. are also in use at POWER. POWER FLOW Highly efficient for studying load flows, voltage profiles, transformer tap settings and reactive-compensation requirements. SHORT-CIRCUIT ANALYSIS Produces accurate short-circuit studies at different operating points for both balanced and unbalanced faults. IX- 18 e Due) SATB PLODOBRC TRANSIENT STABILITY ANALYSIS Simulates the response of a system to transient faults, both balanced and unbalanced. TOWER For analysis and design of steel lattice transmission towers. The space truss three-dimensional analysis meets additional design requirements in ASCE Manual 52 “Guide for the Design of Steel Transmission Towers, 1971“. Permits the analysis of complex structures with up to 300 joints, 800 members, and 25 loading conditions. PROPLOT Plots ground profiles from stationing and elevation data, labels @ planimetrics centerline data. Horizontal and vertical scales are adjustable for various topographic considerations. STRINGSAG Creates stringing sag tables from sag and tension data. STRGSG2 Calculates location and elevation of belly of sag between two structures with uneven attachment point elevations. 192INO 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) IX ™ 19 CLUE Cipres romoaee Ne. 192IND 808753-15 (08/0787) STRSPOT Determines horizontal and vertical spans on each transmission line structure during spotting. TREELOAD Calculates structure load trees from input conductor data, load zone, horizontal and vertical spans. PEI LINE DESIGN, STEEL A program for complete structure configuration design and analysis for steel structures. FOUNDATION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN PROGRAMS FEEF Finite element program for beams, rings, sheet piles and laterally loaded piles as a beam on elastic foundation. The theoretical basis for a finite element analysis of a beam on elastic foundation may be modified slightly to include other types of structures. Thus, this program contains options and modified routines to analyze the following: 1) Beam Foundations 2) Ring Foundations 3) Sheet Pile Walls 4) Braced Excavations 5) Laterally Loaded Piles & Caissons IX - 20 e DUE fe as The program output includes: 1) Title and Problem Type 2) Summary of the Standard Input Data 3) Member No., Length, Width, Thickness and Inertia 4) Member No., Soil Modulus and Spring Values 5) Load Matrix Includes Member Moments (back and ahead), Member Soil Reaction (back and ahead) and Node Soil Reaction. DPP Drilled Pier and Piling program for the calculation of the ultimate lateral resistance and lateral deflections at working loads of single piles and pile groups installed into saturated and unsaturated, cohesive and noncohesive soils. The ultimate lateral resistance is calculated assuming that failure takes place, e either when one of two plastic hinges form along each individual pile or when the lateral resistance of the supporting soil is exceeded along the total length of the laterally loaded pile. Lateral deflections at working loads are calculated using the concept of lateral subgrade reaction taking into account edge effects, both at the ground surface and at the bottom of each individual pile. This computer program was developed by mathematically modeling the results and findings presented in the Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, Proceeding of the American Society of Civil Engineers, by Bengt B. Broms and Design Criteria for Embedment of Piers, The Fluor Corporation Ltd., by E. Czerniak. 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) IX-21 CDE Copan remoees \ 192IND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) PGA The Pile Group Analysis computer program computes individual pile forces and displacements for a pile group of any configuration, combined vertical and battered piles, and any number of piles. A three dimensional matrix approach is used for obtaining the individual pile forces. General loading conditions can be used at the pile cap and may include loads and moments specified in the X, Y and Z directions at any location on the pile cap. Variable top of pile, length and batter may be input into the program for analysis. The computer program used was adapted from Analytical and Computer Methods in Foundation Engineering, by Joseph E. Bowles, Professor of Civil Engineering, Bradley University. RETWAL Retaining Wall computer program was developed to analyze and design cantilever retaining walls, with or without counterforts. Design assumptions are that the backfill and soil are isotropic and homogeneous material. Earth pressures and the coefficient of internal friction are evaluated based upon the Rankine Theory of Lateral Earth Pressure. The design criteria assumes a ruptures plane soil wedge for active pressure loading with the angle of internal friction being independent of the soil cohesion. This program is an adaptation of a computer program developed by Joseph E. Bowles and has been modified to include counterfort design, seismic loading criteria and high water design conditions. SPFTG Spread footing is a computer program to analyze underlying soil stresses due to multiple eccentric loading conditions on a IX- 22 eZee) Eyes Pe arate [CO spread footing. Any number of piers and pier loadings can be placed on the spread footing and the program develops a soil e stress profile at each corner of the footing or locates the line of zero pressure and maximum soil stress. A rigid foundation is assumed in this type of analysis. This program was developed by mathematically modeling analysis techniques contained in the Foundation Engineering Handbook by Winterkorn & Fang. BOX FRAME This computer program was developed using slope deflection analysis techniques to analyze and design underground tunnels. Input includes the soil overburden on the tunnel roof and sidewall soil pressures. Output consists of moments and shears of roof, walls, and base slabs. @ DDEF The Dynamic Analysis of Block Type Equipment Foundations program is capable of computing the vertical, twisting, rocking and rolling frequencies of equipment foundations whether they are supported on soil, piles or drilled piers. Unbalanced machine forces may also be input and the amplitudes of the foundation deflections are computed and should be checked against allowable limits set by the equipment manufacturer. Input: @ Equipment Operating Speed @ Equipment Unbalanced Forces and Moments @ Dimensional Properties and weights of bodies located on the base slab @ Base slab support conditions; soil, pile or drilled pier properties 1921ND 808753-15 (08/07'87) IX - 23 eC2Ue ees PDI 1921ND 8D8753-15 (08/07/87) Output: @ Undampened vertical, twisting, rocking and rolling frequencies of the foundation assuming uniform and non- uniform support conditions. e@ Amplitude, angle of rotation and displacement of center of gravity due to the unbalanced machine forces. This program was developed by adaptation of mathematical models and theory found in Handbook of Machine Foundations by P. Srinivasulu and C. V. Vaidyanathan. CONCRETE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN PROGRAMS RCCOL The Rectangular Concrete Column program is capable of generating concrete column ultimate load vs. moment interaction diagrams for the following variable input parameters: 1) Rectangular dimension 2) Area of reinforcing steel and placement 3) Concrete compressive strength 4) Yield strength of reinforcing steel 5) Spiral or tied column The interaction diagrams are developed in compliance with codes ACE 318-83 and CRSI-81. IX- 24 Ce Due FTA ee CCCOL The Circular Concrete Column program description is identical to RCCOL with the exception that this program addresses circular concrete column interaction diagrams. STEEL ANALYSIS AND DESIGN PROGRAMS STCOL The structure Steel Column design program provides an expedient means of designing structural steel wide flange columns in accordance with the American Institute of Steel Construction, AISC. The column shapes available are W14, W12, W10, or W8 and the user may specify the yield strength of the steel. The program will accept loads and moments at e various elevations and any span moments between the elevations. Support conditions at each elevation may be specified in the X or Y direction. Various loading cases may be specified and combined for the design process. Column sections are selected for the various loading conditions and the governing case and column section are printed out. FLOOR The Floor Framing program provides the engineer/designer an expedient means of designing or checking complex structural steel floor framing systems. The method of design is in accordance with the AISC “Manual of Steel Construction”, eighth edition. Properly implemented, this program eliminates routine @ calculations, reduces the chance of calculational errors, and enables the designer a rapid means of handling layout or 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) Ix ” 25 CLUE Digna PeoDOeeT XM 192IND 808753-15 (08/07.87) design changes requiring a redesign of the floor members. This program is also capable of analyzing existing floor framing systems thus performing a design check. This program uses a sophisticated means of distributing floor area loading to the beams, namely trapezoidal and triangular contributing areas of the floor slab. Beam design heirarchy determination is incorporated into the program which eliminates design sequence order input from the programmer. Input data required: 1) Run identification 2) Yield Strength of steel (ksi) 3) Maximum depth of members 4) Live load reduction for column reactions (ex. 25%) 5) No. of joints and join coordinates (ft) 6) No. of beams and beam incidences 7) Lateral beam support options 8) Floor area loadings (PSF) 9) Concentrated loads on beams (k) 10)Line loads on beams (k/ft) 11)Axial loads in beams (k) 12)Non-accumulating loads for beams and girders (k) Input of beam loadings is minimized. Floor area loads may be input over the entire floor and portions thereof. The program automatically distributes the contribution floor area loads to the respective beams. Axial, concentrated or line loads may be input separately on any beam. Non-accumulating contingency loads for beam and girder design may be specified. The output from the program is structured so that the dead and live load reactions at the columns are tabulated enabling the designer ease in setting up column analysis and design loads. IX -26 @ Daler ) @ Industrial Clients Ormesa Geothermal Company Energy Research and Development Admin. Westinghouse Corporation Morrison-Knudsen Company EG&G, Idaho INEL Contractor Monsanto Chevron/Stillwater Mining Co. AMAX Magnesium FMC Corporation MAPCO J.R. Simplot Amoco Minerals Cyprus Mines Brooks Minerals, Inc. Bunker Hill Mines, Inc. Day Mines, Inc. Homestake Mines JUB Engineers State of Idaho-Div. of Public Works Burley Irrigation District Industrial Power Technology Westmoreland Coal Washington Water Power Company Western States Minerals Bateman Process Services The Amalgamated Sugar Company California Energy Company Utility Clients Bonneville Power Administration Western Area Power Administration Alaska Power Authority El Paso Electric Company U.S. Department of Energy Salmon River Electric Cooperative Wells Rural Electric Cooperative Colorado-UTE Electric Assn., Inc. Sacramento Municipal Utility District Modesto Irrigation District Chugach Electric Association Citizens Utilities Company Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power Kodiak Electric Association City of Bountiful Gilbert/Commonwealth City of Redding Arizona Public Service Company City of Lodi, CA City of Austin, TX Pacific Power & Light Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Lincoln County Power District REPRESENTATIVE CLIENT LIST Geysers Geothermal Company Stan Burns and Associates, Inc. Exxon Minerals Company Exxon Coal Exxon Research and Engineering Occidental Petroleum Mobil Research and Development Kennecott Minerals Corporation Santa Fe Coal Corporation Gold Fields Mining Corporation Ranchers Exploration & Development Bennett Lumber Products Spokane Steel Foundry, Inc. Mountain States Telephone Company U.S. Forest Service Bonneville Pacific Corporation Beker Industries Corporation Stauffer Chemical Company Newmont Mines, Ltd. State Line Casino U.S. Energy Corporation Oxbow Geothermal Company The Sun Valley Company Calpine Corporation John Hancock Mutual Insurance Hewlett-Packard Geothermal Development Associates Raft River Rural Electric Coop. Lower Valley Power and Light Lost River Electric Cooperative Mt. Wheeler Power Ferry County PUD White River Electric Cooperative Prairie Power Cooperative Bridger Valley Electric Assn., Inc. Northern California Power Agency City of Santa Clara Plumas-Sierra Rural Electric Co-op. City of Gillette Imperial Irrigation District Surprise Valley Electric Association Christenson Electric Umatilla Electric Cooperative Price City Utilities Southside Electric Lines, Inc. Petersburg Municipal Electric System Idaho County Light & Power Rupert Electrical Distrib. System Grant County Public Utility District Lewis County Public Utility District \ 192IND 808753-15 (08/07/87) IX-27 CDE Pee rao SAMPLE COST ESTIMATES ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE - KENAI TRANSMISSION INTERTIE FEASIBILITY STUDY ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Project Name: ANCHORAGE-KENAI TRANSMISSION INTERTIE FEASIBILITY STUDY Brief Description: POWER conducted a feasibility study to determine the desirability of constructing a new intertie and/or upgrading the existing intertie between Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula. Scope of Estimating Effort: Cost Estimates were prepared for a wide range of transmission components, including: @ Steel and Wood Transmission Lines @ Submarine Cable @ Underground Cable @ Terminal Switching Stations @ Substations Name, address, and current phone number of client - including name and title of contact individual: Don Shira Alaska Power Authority 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Phone: 907/561-7877 UNIT DESCRIPTION A-PRACED TUBULAR (TANGENT) X-BRACED TUBULAR (LIGHT ANGLE) X-BRACED TUBULAR ‘MEDIUM ANGLE) X-BRACED TUBULAR(HEAVY ANGLE) X-BRACED TUBULAR {DEAD END) H-PILING, {PER STRUCTURE) HARDWARE AND INSULATORS (TANGENT) HARDWARE AND INSULATORS(LIGHT ANGLE) HARDWARE AND INSULATORS(MEDIUM ANGLE) HARDWARE AND INSULATORS{HEAVY ANBLE) HARDWARE AND INSULATORS (DEAD END) CONDUCTOR ASSEMBLY (DRAKE 795 ACSR) GROUNDING ASSEMBLY COST ESTIMATE 230KV TRANSMISSION LINE APA ENSTAR RGUTE LINK 1 SUYED TUBLLAR 1-FRAME LABOR QUANTITY UNIT © SUBTOTAL 575,800 1 7,500 4 8,000 4 8,200 4 8,800 727,200 59 1,400 1 1,700 4 1,900 4 2,300 4 3,200 259 2,020 72 219 330,400 7,500 32,000 32,800 35,200 518,400 82,600 1,700 7,600 9,200 12,800 523,180 15,120 COST/MILE HATERTAL UNIT SUBTOTAL 8,400 495,600 10,200 10,200 10,700 42,800 11,200 44,800 12,000 48,000 1,300 93,600 1,000 59,000 1,300 1,300 1,300 5,200 1,500 900 2,200 8,800 1,105 286,195 110 7,920 TOTAL COST FOR 16.10 MILES LABOR AND MATERIAL UNIT 14,000 17,700 18,700 19,400 20,800 8,500 2,400 3,000 3,200 3,800 5,400 3,125 320 SUBTOTAL 326,000 17,700 74,800 77,600 83,200 612,000 141,600 3,000 12,800 15,200 21,600 809,375 23,040 $2,718,000 $149,820 International-Substation Alternate Link Length Configuration Estimated Costs Soldotna - Railroad R-O-W Subtotal $41,478,000 7 8.4 mi. Single Pole with concrete 2,387,000 bolt clusters for angle poles Mobilization - demobilization 1,100,000 R-O-W Clearing - Access Roads 1,500,000 Subtotal $46,465,000 Design @ 10% 4,646,000 CM @7% 3,252,000 Admin. @5% 2,323,000 Total Miles = 73.125 Subtotal 56,687,000 Contingency @ 15% 8,503,000 TOTAL ENSTAR ROUTE International Substation Alternate = $65,190,000 Annual Operating and Maintenance Costs @ 1.5% = $ 977,000 T & 051 1064 Part #2 (5/14/87) 3-8 3.3.1 Cost Summary - Enstar Route Link Length Configuration 1 16.10 mi. Guyed tubular weathered steel 2 33.75 mi. Wood H-Frame x braces TH230 3 5.125 mi. Underground cable 4 conductors 4 9.10mi. Submarine cable 4 conductors 5 65 mi. Underground cable 4 conductors Total Miles 64.725 mi. Soldotna - Railroad R-O-W and Ptarmigan Sec Line Subtotal Huffman Substation Alternate 6 2.95 Single pole with concrete boit clusters for angle poles Mobilization - demobilization R-O-W Clearing - Access Roads Subtotal Design @ 10% CM @7% Admin. @ 5% Total Miles = 67.675 Subtotal Contingency @ 15% Huffman Substation Alternate Annual operating and maintenance costs @ 1.5% T&D 51 1064 Part #2 (5/14/87) \ 3-7 Estimated Costs = $ 2,718,000 = 4,840.000 = 6,658,000 = 26,345,000 = 917,000 $41,478,000 = 827,000 1,100,000 1,500,000 $44,905,000 4,490,000 3,143,000 2,245,000 54,784,000 8,217,000 = $63,001,000 = $945,000 COPPER VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION USAF OTH-B RADAR PROJECT GLENALLEN, ALASKA Project Name: USAF OTH-B RADAR PROJECT Brief Description: | The USAF is seeking to purchase very reliable power for a radar transmitter site. POWER assisted the Copper Valley Electric Association with evaluating the possibility of supplying the power. Scope of Estimating Effort: The cost estimates POWER provided for this project included the following power generation and transmission components: e Transmission Line e Substations e Hydroelectric Generation e Diesel Generation e Coal-Fired Generation In addition, POWER performed an economic evaluation of the various power supply alternatives. Name, address, and current phone number of client - including name and title of contact individual: Frank Bettine Copper Valley Electric Association P.O. Box 45 Glenallen, AK 99588 Phone: (907) 822-3211 LABOR MATERIAL LABOR AND MATERIAL Unit CESCRIPTICN QUANTITY UNIT SUBTOTAL UNIT SUBTOTAL UNIT SUBTOTAL : o 1,329 0 1,120 0 2,440 - 9 Pole 6 = 1,370 0 1,400 0 2,770 0 Fal 224 1,400 313,600 1,700 380, 800 3,199 694,800 Pol ; 0 1,920 0 2,200 0 = 4,120 0 PIB, TP-LGB(TANGERT, SINGLE-POLE) 215 1,680 161,200 740 159,100 2,420 520,300 FIA, TP-LTEB(SMALL ANGLE, SINGLE-FOLE) 4 1,290 7,200 800 3,200 2,600 10,409 FTA, TS-SA(MEDIUM ANGLE, SINGLE-POLE) 2 1,860 3,720 860 1,720 2,720 5,440 FTA, TS-SILARSE ANGLE, DOUBLE DEADEND) i 1,860 1,860 860 860 2,720 2,720 PTA. TS-SA(TANGENT, DOUBLE DEADEND) 3 3,540 10,626 1,400 4,200 $,940 14,520 H-PILE ASSEMBLY 224 51d 114,240 B10) - 181,440 1,520 295, 680 BUYING ASSENELY BS] 320 12,480 50 1,950 370 14,430 ANCHCR ASSEMBLY 9 450 17,550 510 19,890 960 37,440 CONDUCTOR ASSEMBLY, S5é.5 ACER "DOVE" a 1,200 289,200 850 204,850 2,050 494,050 GROUNDING ASSEMBLY 224 180 40,320 110 24,640 290 64,960 CLEARING 45.22 B, 099 121,720 0 9 8,000 121,720 r suaTaTaL “32,278,380 LABOR & MATERIALS COST/MILE (15.22 MILES) $149,613 DESIEN @ 10% $227,636 CONSTRUCTION MANASEMENT @ 9% $204,872 ADMINISTRATION @ 7% $159,345 R-o-8 COST $76,075 R-O-W ACQUISITION $76,075 slat HS Fad, Hee CONTINGENCY @ 15% i $453,055 ii TA TOTAL COST/MILE (15,22 MILES) $229, 269 ay £69, 442 STATION COST ESTIMATE STATION: CVEA-USAF OTH-B RADAR PROJECT (GLENNALLEN STATION) UNIT COST LABOR & EXTENDED CONSTRUCTION UNIT QTY. LABOR MTRL. MTRL. COST Buswork: Rigid Lot 1,800 1,720 3,520 3,520 Flex Lot 3,040 810 3,850 3,850 Grounding Lot 6,600 4,050 10,650 10,650 Cable and Conduit AC/DC Lot 8,400 8,040 16,440 16,440 Control Lot 12,600 12,000 24,600 24,600 Transmission Entry/Exit zi Lot 15,750 4,500 20,250 20,250 Testing ; Lot 15,000 ---- 15,000 15,000 Co $451,040 Station Cost Estimate STATION: CVEA-USAF OTH-B RADAR PROJECT (GLENNALLEN STATION) CONSTRUCTION UNIT Site Work: Grading Surfacing Fence Foundations: A-Frame Str. Bus Str. CVT Str. Structures: A-Frame Bus Str. @ CVT Str. Switch Platform Equipment: Circuit Breaker CBV Sw. VBV Sw. Surge Arrester CVT CVT's w/ Accessories Control Building Switchboards SCADA & Communications QTY. _LABOR Lot 11,250 Lot 5,400 Lot 6,400 4 3,000 4 1,700 3 1,700 1 10,500 4 450 3 600 4 300 1 15,000 2 4,500 1 6,000 3 600 1 1,500 2 2,500 1 5,000 Lot 9,000 Lot 17,200 UNIT COST MTRL. 500 2,000 960 460 460 19,200 600 660 600 72,000 8,640 11,640 1,440 4,200 10,000 10,000 24,000 25,800 LABOR & MTRL. 11,250 5,900 8,600 3,960 2,160 2,160 29,700 1,050 1,260 900 87,000 13,140 17,640 2,040 5,700 12,500 15,000 33,000 43,000 EXTENDED COST 11,250 5,900 8,600 15,840 8,640 6,480 29,700 4,200 3,780 3,600 87,000 26,280 17,640 6,120 5,700 25,000 15,000 33,000 43,000 CASE 1: GENERATION SCENARIOS BASE CASE Assumptions CASE 2: CASE 3: CASE 4: e e e : e Solomon Gulch output increased to 56,000 MWH in 2005. Solar turbine relocated to Valdez in 1989. Engine generators retired are operated at 0.57 load factor and retired at 80,000 hours. Units relocated from Valdez to Glenallen in 1988 and 2004. New units are added in 2007 and 2014. Costs for relocation of existing units are based on estimates provided by CVEA and increased 25% for contingency. Costs of new engine generator sets based on manufacturers budgetary price quotes plus allowance for engineering, administration, installation, and contingency. DEVELOPMENT OF ALLISON LAKE AND USAF SITE All diesel engine generators, the gas turbine, and major ancillary equipment relocated to USAF site. Hydroelectric output increases to 100,000 MWH in 1994. Two new diesel units added in 1994. An additional unit is required in 2001. 30 days fuel storage at USAF site. Other assumptions same as Base Case. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) added. Cost estimate obtained from General Electric and Exide. Allison Lake estimate furnished by CVEA. 20 MW COAL-FIRED POWER PLANT New coal-fired plant constructed at USAF site. Plant on-line in 1994. Solar turbine relocated to Valdez. After 1994 diesels used for peaking only. Coal is $30/ton delivered to site. NEW DIESEL PLANT AT USAF SITE No transmission line. Plant dedicated to USAF. 90 days fuel storage on-site. -—Units retired at 80,000 hours. --- > ~ After 2014 diesel units can be relocated to Glenallen. 117IND 1124 (06/04/87) CASE 2 RELOCATION OF CVEA GENERATION TO USAF SITE COST ESTIMATE Site Preparation Topsoil Removal, Excavation, Backfill, Fencing, Paving $130,000 Site Utilities Drains, Water Lines, Site Electrical, Lighting, Fire Protection 80,000 Buildings and Structures Pre-engineered Building, Foundations 450,000 Fuel Tanks 99,000 30 days Fuel Storage Piping 120,000 Electrical Bus, Switches, misc. 100,000 Instrumentation and Controls Valves, Gauges, Relays, Air Piping 100,000 Equipment Relocation Valdez Units 4 & 5, Glenallen Units 6, 7, & 8, Transformer, Control Console, Compressor, etc. 700,000 Uninterruptible Power Supply 6 MW Inverter Package, Battery Backup (30 Min. @ 6 MW), Controls 2,000,000 Total Construction Cost 3,779,000 Design Engineering 377,900 Construction Management 340,110 Administration 264,530 Subtotal 4,761,540 Contingency 714,231 Total Estimated Cost (+ 25%) 5,475,771 117IND 1124 (06/04/87) CASE 3 20 MW COAL-FIRED PLANT Site Preparation Topsoil removal, excavation, fencing, roads, storage yard paving $200,000 Site Utilities Storm drains, potable water lines, fire mains, site electrical distribution, lighting 170,000 Buildings and Structures Foundations, retaining walls, powerhouse 3,250,000 Coal Handling Equipment Truck scale, coal bunker, reclaimer, conveyors 1,200,000 Steam Generator Boiler fuel hoppers, spreader-stoker, FD and ID fans, aux burner, mechanical dust collector, ducts, flues, insulation, associated instrumentation and controls, flue gas scrubbers, baghouse, stack 9,600,000 Turbine - Generators Turbine, generators, condensers, extraction ports, exciter, lube oil and gland steam systems, supervisory instrumentation 7,100,000 Heat Rejection Equipment Wet-dry cooling tower, circulating pumps 2,100,000 Boiler Feedwater Equipment Condensate pumps, boiler feed pumps, deaerator, feedwater heaters, feedwater treatment, feedwater storage, condensate polish 600,000 Piping, Supports, and Valves 1,600,000 Control Equipment Ash-handling system, waste water treatment, chemical feed systems 450,000 Electrical Equipment Excluding Substation 750,000 Instrumentation and Controls 550,000 Total Construction Costs 27,570,000 Design Engineering 2,757,000 ‘Construction Management 2,481,300 117IND 1124 (06/04/87) CASE 3 (CONT.) Administration 1,929,900 Subtotal 34,738,200 Contingency 5,210,730 Total Estimated Cost (+ 25%) 39,948,930 117IND 1124 (06/04/87) CASE 4 NEW DIESEL PLANT AT USAF SITE Site Preparation Topsoil Removal, Excavation, Backfill, Fencing, Paving $150,000 Site Utilities Drains, Water Lines, Site Electrical, Lighting, Fire Protection 80,000 Buildings and Structures Pre-engineered Building, Foundations 475,000 Fuel Tanks 300,000 90 days Fuel Storage Piping 175,000 Electrical Bus, Switches, misc. 170,000 Instrumentation and Controls Valves, Gauges, Relays, Air Piping, Console, Compressor Equipment Racks, Instrumentation 450,000 New Engine Generators Six 2500 KW Units Installed 9,600,000 Uninterruptible Power Supply 6 MW Inverter Package, Battery Backup (30 Min. @ 6 MW), Controls Total Construction Cost 11,400,000 Design Engineering 1,140,000 Construction Management 1,026,000 Administration 798,000 Subtotal 14,364,000 Contingency 2,154,600 Total Estimated Cost (+ 25%) 16,518,600 117IND 1124 (06/04/87) STAN BURNS & ASSOCIATES, INC. LEE RANCH MINE NEW MEXICO Project Name: LEE RANCH MINE Brief Description: POWER prepared a feasibility study to determine the cost effectiveness of installing a 7.5 MW cogeneration unit at Santa Fe Coal Co.’s Lee Ranch Mine for Stan Burns and Associates. The project consisted of a conceptual design for the unit, a capital and operating and maintenance cost estimate, and an economic analysis. Scope of Estimating Effort: Basically this was a + 30 percent accuracy estimate suitable for preliminary feasibility analysis. POWER secured cost estimates for the major equipment components and factored the balance of the equipment and installation costs. Name, Address, and current phone number of client - including name and title of contact individual: Stan Burns Stan Burns & Associates, Inc. 5300 Hollister Suite 230 Houston, TX 77040 Phone: 713/462-4365 III. COST ESTIMATE All cost estimates included in this section are in first quarter, 1986 dollars. As these are budgetary estimates, the accuracy range of the capital and operating and maintenance cost estimates is + 25%. Although the costs are in present day dollars, it is assumed that by the time the decision was made to go ahead with the project, the engineering, construction and commissioning of the plant would take until the end of 1987 and the plant would go on-line at the start of 1988. Capital Cost The estimated capital cost for this 7.5 MW plant is $11,795,000. This is felt to be a reasonably accurate estimate, more so than would normally be anticipated with the estimating methodology used. This is due to the fact that this estimate compares very favorably with a recently completed plant using similar technology. Exclusions to the estimate are land costs, owner's costs for financing and administration and owner's costs for startup (operator training, home office technical assistance, etc.). To develop the estimate, vendor budgetary quotations were secured for the following equipment and systems: ° Turbine-Generator Set with Auxiliaries ° Fluidized Bed Combuster and Boiler with Fuel Handling, Ash Handling, Fans, Pollution Abatement, Duct and Related Steam Generation Systems (Installed Price) Cooling Tower (Erected) Circulating Water Pumps Deaerator Condensate Pumps Boiler Feedwater Pumps 2738K (7) Other mechanical equipment and systems costs were factored from similar plants using the sixth-tenths rule or were prepared using comparable estimating methods. These are as follows: Condenser Flash Tank Feedwater Preheater Make-up Treatment System for Boiler Feedwater Cooling Tower Water Treatment System Crane Firewater Pumps The steam generation train is an installed cost so it was set aside as a separate item along with the erected coolng tower (which did not include the basin) in the initial stages of the capital cost preparation. The total of the costs for the other equipment was then used as the basis to calculate the remaining costs for installation, support systems, etc. The installed equipment costs quoted by the suppliers were then summed with the calculated balance of plant costs to determine the total plant capital cost. The total capital cost was then spread over the various categories of direct and indirect costs which would make up the project to illustrate the anticipated cost breakdown. The results are shown in Table 1, Capital Costs. Operating and Maintenance Cost The annual operating and maintenance (O & M) cost summary in first quarter, 1986 dollars is given in Table 2, Power Plant Operating & Maintenance Cost Summary. The discussion which follows provides the background for each of the line items in the O & M summary. Labor Labor costs consists of 3 components, operating, maintenance and supervisory/administrative labor. For operations, the plant has 4 shifts which will operate the plant 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Each shift will consist of one operator (the plant is designed to run with a minimal operating staff). An extra operator is included in the staff as a "floater" to cover vacations and sick leave. A salary of $40,000 per year, which includes fringe benefits, was used for the operators. For maintenance, it was assumed that two full time maintenance technicians are required to support the plant. Their salary, including fringes, was also figured at $40,000 per year. It was also assumed that a contract crew or maintenance people borrowed from the mine would be required for the 2 week annual shutdown. To derive this expense, it was assumed that a 4 man crew would work 10 hours per day for 14 days at $20 per hour per person. Supervision for the operating and maintenance staff will be provided by the plant engineer. This individual's salary was figured at $55,000 per year including fringes. Administrative duties, such as payroll, personnel, etc., were assumed to be handled by the mine at no charge to the power plant. 2738K (8) Table | e CAPITAL COSTS Cost lst Qtr., '86 Description ($ 1,000) Direct Costs Purchased Equipment $ 3,622 Purchased Equipment Installation 1,461 Instrumentation and Controls (Installed) 502 Piping (Installed) . 1,087 Electrical (Installed) 678 Buildings 360 Yard Improvements 117 Service Facilities 175 Land 0 Total Direct Costs $ 8,002 @ Indirect Costs Engineering and Supervision $ 1,169 Construction Expense 1,297 Contractor's Fee 351 Contingency @ 7.5% 876 Permitting 100 Total Indirect Costs $ 3,793 Total Costs $11,795 2738K (9) Table 2 POWER PLANT OPERATING & MAINTENANCE COST SUMMARY Ist Qtr., '86 _($1,000/ Yr.) Labor $ 346 Maintenance Parts 91 Fuel - Coal 722 Natural Gas 3 Limestone 59 Supplies : 30 Power 9 Total $1,260 Note: No costs were assumed for water supply to the plant, for waste water treatment, or for ash disposal. 2738K (10) Maintenance Parts For maintenance parts, 100% of maintenance labor costs were assumed. This includes both Santa Fe Coal and contract maintenance costs. Fuel To find annual coal costs, an operating time of 7446 hours, which is based on an 85% availability, was multiplied by the 6.46 ton per hour feed rate and $15 per ton coal cost. The natural gas is required to heat the bed for startups. A unit price of $3.50 per thousand standard cubic feet and 21 startups per year were assumed to arrive at the annual natural gas cost. Limestone Limestone, which is added to the fluidized bed to control sulfur dioxide, is dependent on the quantity of sulfur in the coal feed stream. From the ultimate analysis, the highest sulfur concentration was 0.87 weight percent, so the total sulfur was found using the annual coal feed which was previously calculated. A limestone addition rate three times that required by the reaction stoichiometry was used along with a $15 per ton cost to get the annual limestone expense. Supplies The supplies category covers costs for those miscellaneous things required for plant operation. This includes janitorial services at $1,500 per month, telephone at $100 per month, paper supplies, water treatment chemicals, etc. Power The power plant will consume some power when it is off-line. This power consumption rate will be quite low when the plant is completely down but will approach the full parasitic load when the fans and pumps are running such as will occur during startup. The total annual off-line time of 1314 hours was used along with a 100 kw per hour usage rate and $.067663 per kwh energy cost to calculate the power cost. Demand charges were ignored but the use of the highest on-peak energy rate should compensate for this simplification. 2738K (11) FILE C DUE TELEPHONE RECORD project ce 22 cc: PILE @ DOWEL TELEPHONE RECORD @ : ; Projecto z JobNo. ZY9¢g/ To > Phone No. U3 Lede - 4265 owe 2helen From 1 0 Time ——$$___ | =_ EAU TELEPHONE RECORD projet 20% Ze Lan Co. 2 LL mM WEL, La To A 4h or band Ge ae ) Soy) gap tied L . ~ [rs A \eCha. chm ; 8s Date 2/2. 55) 6G From AJ@w WMearyou Pe élic Servico COMNAE2.£ Subject Ljher 4 ; at Pal ne Por tear P— tees Leer under [Odie W% Sr ary? Secon sor ~~ C, ,O2 kwh -O%337 Jkwh WUT meN Wie, 041725 [kwh -O¥Soy/ kW FILE EAU TELEPHONE RECORD ‘Cngneers hoorparated Projects Cee TELEETEL ei Hey JobNo. Z CENCE aa i C DOE! ant | LE EAU TELEPHONE RECORD ‘Engneers corporate] Project JobNo. 24 960/ To A ~ / Phone No. Date z/ From Zit Leeds *s —E Te a a Time. cc: ELUM TELEPHONE RECORD lenges heaped Project Lee Mai 47. EAU TELEPHONE RECORD LK IY, ‘Engneers incorporated ie To Tel fe ep A he 27, qi. hae? ~ ROLE P20 TELEPHONE RECORD . @C DOUE/ coal ULE cc: -. A LLU TELEPHONE RECORD Engrees hcoporaed Project_Lec Zach FILE ip @ DUG TELEPHONE RECORD or Z ngneers Incopporared ject a-¢ e ; . Job No. Za éal To 4 eu r Phone No. 7/3 Ls 2-249 ne 2 Date _2/¢/ag From Time. Subject + T JS - of Z fh Si @ ZDOUE/ TELEPHONE RECORD cc: a\) nR CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMPANY COSO UNIT I WELLHEAD PIPING MODIFICATIONS SANTA ROSA, CALIFORNIA Project Name: COSO UNIT I WELLHEAD PIPING MODIFICATIONS Brief Description: After consultation with POWER Engineers, California Energy Company decided to modify the wellhead piping portion of their Coso Unit I gathering system. These modifications included changes to the flow monitoring and controls and piping arrangement. Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams and piping arrangement drawings illustrating the changes were prepared. Using these documents, a detailed material take-off was done, unit and total material costs determined, and installation labor estimates prepared by POWER. Using the estimate prepared by POWER, the client was able to ceo a $90,000 savings in the installed cost of the wellhead piping with the construction contractor. Scope of Estimating Effort: Detailed material take-off followed by development of labor requirements and unit costs using the Richardson Rapid Estimating Method. Estimate was used to negotiate material and installation costs with the construction contractor. Name, address, and current phone number of client - including name and title of contact individual: @ Mr. Dave McClain California Energy Company 3333 Mendocino, Suite 100 Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Phone: 707/526-1000 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CO. WELLHEAD PIPING ADDITIONS Large Well Estimate COSO HOT SPRINGS Page 1 of 2 Material and Labor Material ,$ Labor, MH Unit Total Unit Total 40’ 10” sch 40 pipe A-53 23.23 = 929.20 --- --- 10’ 11/2” sch 80 pipe A-106 2.25 22.50 --- a 4’ 1" sch 80 pipe A-106 1.56 6.24 a Ee 20’ 3/4” sch 80 pipe A-106 1.36 27.20 Ll a 2 1” thermowell x 34+long w/4" extension 32.40 64.80 0.5 1.0 2 10"std. wt 90° weldells 131.10 262.20 --- --- 1. 18x 10std wt red weld cross (A price) 231.80 231.80 --- --- 2 12" 300# W.N. Fig std. bore 274.50 549.00 --- --- 6 10” 300# W.N. Fig std. bore 218.50 1311.00 --- --- 2 11/2” 3000* sockolet 8.04 16.08 --- --- 4 1” 3000* sockolet 5.15 20.60 --- --- 4 3/4" 3000* sockolet » 4.50 18.00 --- --- 2 1” 3000* thredolet 4.95 9.90 --- --- 1 12” 300* fig’d. gate valve 8435.00 8435.00 5.0 5.0 2 10” 300* flg’d. gate valve 6781.00 13562.00 4.4 8.8 2 11/2" 3000* socket weld 90° elbows 9.99 19.98 1.2 2.4 24 3/4” 3000* socket weld 90° elbows 4.02 96.48 1.0 24.00 6 3/4" 3000* socket weld tees 5.69 34.14 15 9.00 4 3/4" 3000* socket weld unions 8.49 33.96 0.95 3.80 1. Allangle thermometer 107.10 107.10 0.7 0.70 2 12” 300* flg joints (bolts and gaskets) 69.81 139.62 --- --- 4 10” 300) fig Joints (bolts and gaskets) 51.70 206.80 --- --- 1 10” 300* orifice joints (bolts and gaskets) 61.84 61.84 --- --- 1. Thermal element/temp transmitter 655.00 655.00 8.5 8.5 4 11/2" 800* socket weld ball valve 135.41 541.64 2.0 8.0 4 1” 800* socket weld ball valve 70.93 283.72 1.8 7.2 8 3/4” 800* socket weld ball valve 58.03 464.24 17 13.6 2 APindicator & recorder:- local 1098.00 2196.00 6.9 13.8 Ind 1085Wellhead Bid (01/21/87)AM 12” std wt field shop buttwelds 10” std wt field shop buttwelds 10” std wt field buttweld (position) 12” 300% flg jt bolt up 10” 300* fig jt bolt up 10” 300* orifice flg jt bolt up 1 1/4" thredolet attachment welds 1 1/2" sockolet attachment welds 1” sockolet attachment welds 3/4" sockolet attachment welds 10” on 18” 45° reinf nozzle weld 4" sch 40 pipe cu yd concrete 10” pipe shoe fabricate stanchions from pipe pand o=pann-an-on Ind 1085Wellhead Bid (01/21/87)AM Material, $ Unit Total 6.33 126.60 200.00 400.00 59.10 236.40 Totals $31,069.04 (Per Well) Page 2 of 2 Labor, MH Unit Total 5.3 10.6 4.4 39.6 9.4 9.4 5.4 10.8 4.3 17.2 4.3 4.3 1.3 2.6 1.8 3.6 1.7 6.8 1.6 6.4 13.2 13.2 1.00 4.00 1.50 6.00 240.30 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CO. WELLHEAD PIPING ADDITIONS © Small Well Estimate COSO HOT SPRINGS Page 1 of 2 Material, $ Labor, MH Unit Total Unit Total 40' 6"sch 40 pipe A-53 10.79 431.60 --- --- 10’ 11/2" sch 80 pipe A-106 2.25 22.50 a at 4’ 1"sch 80 pipe A-106 1.56 6.24 a a 20’ 3/4" sch 80 pipe A-106 1.36 27.20 --- --- 2 1” thermowell x 34long w/4" extension 32.40 64.80 Bt 1.0 2 6"std. wt 90° weldells 39.57 79.14 --- --- 1 10x 6std wt red weld cross (A price) 134.90 134.90 --- --- 6 6” 300* W.N. Fig std. bore 60.00 360.00 --- --- 2 11/2" 3000* sockolet 8.04 16.08 --- w= @} 4 1” 3000* sockolet 5.15 20.60 --- --- 4 3/4" 3000* sockolet 4.50 18.00 --- --- 2 1” 3000* thredolet l 4.95 9.90 --- --- 2 6” 300% flg’d gate valve 3821.00 7642.00 3.1 6.2 2 11/2" 3000* socket weld 90° elbows 9.99 19.98 1.2 2.4 24 3/4" 3000* socket weld 90° elbows 4.02 96.48 1.0 24.0 6 3/4" 3000* socket weld tees 5.69 34.14 1.5 9.0 4 3/4" 3000* socket weld unions 8.49 33.96 95 3.8 1. Allangle thermometer 107.10 107.10 ZT if 4 6" 300* fig joints (bolts and gaskets) 21.43 85.72 --- --- 1 6” 300% orifice joints (bolts and gaskets) 27.61 27.61 --- --- 1. Thermal element/temp transmitter 655.00 655.00 8.5 8.5 4 11/2" 800* socket weld ball valve 135.41 541.64 2.0 8.0 4 1" 800* socket weld ball valve 70.93 283.72 1.8 7.2 8 3/4" 800* socket weld ball valve 58.03 464.24 1.7 13.6 2 <APindicator & recorder - local 1098.00 2196.00 6.9 13.8 Ind 1085Wellhead Bid (01/21/87)WEL BANE apaNNoB=0 Material, $ Unit Total 6” std wt field shop buttwelds 6" std wt field buttweld (position) 6” 300* fig gjt bolt up 6” 300% orifice fig jt rial up 1 1/4" thredolet attachment welds 1 1/2" sockolet attachment welds 1” sockolet attachment welds 3/4" sockolet attachment welds 6" on 10” 45° reinf nozzle weld 4" sch 40 pipe 6.33 126.60 cu yd concrete 200.00 400.00 6” pipe shoe 46.63 186.52 fabricate stanchions from pipe --- --- Totals $14,091.67 (Per Well) Ind 1085Wellhead Bid (01/21/87)WEL Page 2 of 2 Labor, MH Unit Total 2.8 25.2 6.3 6.3 2.4 9.6 2.4 2.4 1.3 2.6 1.8 3.6 AG? 6.8 1.6 6.4 8.4 8.4 95 ii) 0 ES 6.0 178.5