HomeMy WebLinkAboutUnAlaska Geothermal Feasibility Study Draft Rep Vol ll 1987Alaska Power Authority | TRRARY COPY UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAFT REPORT VOLUME II June 22, 1987 Dames & Moore Une O22 UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL FEASIBILITY STUDY DRAFT REPORT VOLUME II June 22, 1987 ILLEGIBLE PAGES THROUGH OUT APPENDIX A GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING APPENDIX A GEOTECHNICAL FIELD EXLORATION AND LABORATORY TESTING FIELD EXPLORATION To assess the proposed project location, a site visit was performed on September 5, 1986. One shallow boring was drilled with a hand auger to a depth of 3 feet. The test hole was located adjacent to auger-hole location AH4 drilled as part of the Department of Natural Resources study. The field investigation was performed by a Dames & Moore senior engineer who sampled and classified the soils encountered in the boring and assessed the area. A relatively undisturbed sample of the near surface soils was obtained with a Shelby tube. The remaining samples recovered from the boring were disturbed bag samples obtained from the auger cuttings. The samples gathered are generally described on Table A-l. TABLE A-1 FIELD DESCRIPTION OF SAMPLES Sample Sample Depth Number Type (feet) Description 1 Shelby Tube 1.0 Orangish brown silty fine sand, loose ia Bag 1.5 Grayish brown silty fine sand, loose 3 Bag 2.0 Dark gray silty fine sand, loose 4 Bag 2.5 Grayish brown silty fine sand, loose LABORATORY TESTING An undisturbed soil sample and three bulk samples were obtained from the test hole. The samples were packaged in moisture-proof containers and transported to the Dames & Moore Anchorage office for laboratory testing. In the laboratory, moisture measurements were performed on all samples with a den- sity measurement on the undisturbed sample. The results of the moisture and density tests are presented on Table A-2. Atterberg Limits, organic content, specific gravity, hydrometer and mechanical grain-size tests were performed on MLF6/C60 A-1 selected samples for classification purposes. Atterberg limits, organic content and specific gravity tests results are presented on Table A-2. Mechanical grain-size and hydrometer test results are presented on grain-size distribution graphs (Plates A-1 through A-4). Unconsolidated-undrained (TX-UU) triaxial compression, direct shear and lab vane tests were performed on the undisturbed sample to determine shear strength characteristics. The TX-UU test was performed with a constant rate of deflec- tion of 0.96 inch/minute with the direct shear test performed at a constant rate of deflection of .02 inch/minute. Additional details of the triaxial com- pression and direct shear test equipment are presented in Plates A-5 and A-6. Triaxial compression, direct shear and lab vane test results are summarized in Figure l. MLF6/C60 A-2 ! ATTERBERG LIMITS, ORGANIC CONTENT AND SPECIFIC TABLE A-2 GRAVITY TEST RESULTS BORING SAMPLE SAMPLE MOISTURE couerry LIQUID PLASTIC — PLASTIC —- ORGANIC ORGANIC (a) SPECIFIC NUMBER NUMBER DEPTH (ft) CONTENT (%) _(pcf) LIMIT LIMIT INDEX CONTENT (%) CONTENT (%) GRAVITY 1 1 1.0 92.5 40 90 73.5 16.5 7.5 13.1 1 2 1.5 47.1 2.6 3.8 2.63 1 3 2.0 35.8 1 4 2.5 130.5 114.5 88.5 26 5.4 12.6 2.58 (a) Organic content with respect to solids only. MLF6/CT8 ra é ~~¥—__— DS Test Resutts 4 ‘ T tt sf) Tx-UU Test Resuits on (ke?) 1.6 2 FIGURE 1 Unalaska Geothermal Facility Site Shear Strength Lab Test Results Bek 7 v aa le e100;W 9 Soweg PER CENT FINER BY WEIGHT BORING bert] Lev. | sameve | Sia | ta” ee eee M SILTY FINE SAND SOIL CLASSIFICATION KEY Es OS Se ee iin aie 3 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE 100 3. aw. NO.4 NO.10 NO.20 40 60 100 200 : 153 eG: ae Sk ee il HEH oo Motilal | Aeeet Lb eae | HT 10 Pd tL eee Pe Ee ! hem, eo TT TTT TT TTT i TTT 20 Se ee | | HTT TT 8 eet itt +t 1 Bee Bee Te TT I | | AR ee on nee t+ tH SS ee Feblsletesbac} ca Kamen Se { fe Wien setuid tT re MTT N HT] 50 oe ee | ee IN HT me ee | ae | TTT 60 EEO Ge OME! ke ETT I] i WT ee TT Te | | Hatt | 70 PTT TT HHH | TT ee A tt | ete 20 TTT J ee obilil LT eee k | ot 7 We TT TT | yi dt + ‘ We a tT 100 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS nai ame rrp ee GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) ~ Job # 12023-026-02 PER CENT COARSER BY WEIGHT 7-8 were re] ee] Pete ee SOIL CLASSIFICATION SILTY FINE SAND 1HOI3M AB Y3ISYVOD 1N3D Y3d SILT OR CLAY LIQUID | PLASTIC U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS tt 4] GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) COBBLES LHOISM AG U3INIS 1N3D Uda Dames & Moore PLATE A-2 Job # 12023-026-02 sel €-vV 31V1d es00—K 9 SOWeG PER CENT FINER BY WEIGHT 100 soft I | Ty WE eo itt T TT Py ae wo ELL oor soit T Uti | I eo ftitT | Bd 1000 COBBLES P Ti come for] aw [ome [Om 3 IN. | | so cLassification | so cLassification Lee eee SILTY FINE SAND tf oe BeSesSiscs eed ° GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Cee ee, Peoanse J rine feoanse] weowm [rine] GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) a ° PER CENT COARSER BY WEIGHT 0.01 0.001 SILT OR CLAY Job # 12023-026-02 SOIL CLASSIFICATION SILTY FINE SAND LHOI3M AB YISYVOD 1N3D Y3d 100 0.001 Re EEE EEE EH ag ee 0.01 Po tt tet SSS CS 100 aT 40 «60 oy LIQUID PLASTIC U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZE NO.10 NO.20 Th 4 —- LHOISM AG Y3INIS 1N3D Y3d — 1 Lt | We eed de aa ee aed a eed ee go ee a dd ee a de ale sh ole of ce oben to be oh fe leat ah tele defo} 100 1000 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS SILT OR CLAY GRAIN-SIZE DISTRIBUTION (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) Dames & Moore PLATE A-4 Job # 12023-026-02 (1-75) 417.14 METHODS OF PERFORMING UNCONFINED COMPRESSION AND TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS THE SHEARING STRENGTHS OF SOILS ARE DETERMINED FROM THE RESULTS OF UNCONFINED COMPRESSION AND TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS. IN TRIAXIAL COMPRES- SION TESTS THE TEST METHOD AND THE MAGNITUDE OF THE CONFINING PRESSURE ARE CHOSEN TO SIMULATE ANTICIPATED FIELD CONDITIONS. UNCONFINED COMPRESSION AND TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TESTS ARE PERFORMED ON UNDISTURBED OR REMOLDED SAMPLES OF SOIL APPROXIMATELY SIX INCHES IN LENGTH AND TWO AND ONE-HALF INCHES IN DIAMETER. THE TESTS ARE RUN EITHER STRAIN-CCONTROLLED OR STRESS- CONTROLLED. IN A STRAIN-CONTROLLED TEST THE SAMPLE IS SUBJECTED TO A CONSTANT RATE OF DEFLEC- TION AND THE RESULTING STRESSES ARE RECORDED. IN A STRESS-CONTROLLED TEST THE SAMPLE IS SUBJECTED TO EQUAL INCREMENTS OF LOAD WITH EACH INCREMENT BEING MAINTAINED UNTIL AN EQUILIBRIUM CONDITION WITH RESPECT TO STRAIN IS ACHIEVED. TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TEST UNIT YIELD, PEAK, OR ULTIMATE STRESSES ARE DETERMINED FROM THE STRESS-STRAIN PLOT FOR EACH SAMPLE AND THE PRINCIPAL STRESSES ARE EVALUATED. THE PRINCIPAL STRESSES ARE PLOTTED ON A MOHR'S CIRCLE DIAGRAM TO DETERMINE THE SHEARING STRENCTH OF THE SOI. TYPE BEING TESTED. UM! SESS ON SAMEEEE SMPTE SEEPICIENT COMES UVNCONFINEL: COMPRESSION TESTS CAN PE opt SION SO THAT THE SOIL WiLL STAND AS AN UNSUPPORTED CYLINDER. THESE TESTS MAY BE RUN AT NATURAL MOISTURY CONTENT OR ON AKTIFICIALLY SATURATED SOILS, IN A TRIAXIAL COMPRESSION TEST THE SAMPLE IS ENCASED IN A RUBBER MEMBRANE, PLACED IN A TEST CRANE aS SP EES Ver A CONPINENG ODP SSPE THRALGHOMT THE DURATION OF THE SPECIAL TESTS IT MAY Bh VAKILI IN RLLAIION TO Litt Mis ASUKILD SinESD ES. PRIANIAL COMPRES- SION TESTS MAY BE RUN ON SOILS AT FIELD MOISTURE CONTENT OK ON ARTIFICIALLY SATURATED SAMPLES. THE TESTS ARF PERFORMED IN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING WAYS: UNCON SULIDATED-UNDKAINED: Vili, CONE ING Chet asio nd IS iMeGsi is ON Lilt, SAMPLI AT THE START OF THE TEST. NO DRAINAGE IS PERMITTED AND THE STRESSES WHICH ARE MEASURED KEPRESENT THE SUM OF THE INTERGRANULAR STRESSES AND PORE WATER PRESSURES. CONSOLIDATED-UNDRAINED: THE SAMPLE IS ALLOWED TO CONSOLIDATE FULLY UNDER ~ THE APPLIED CONFINING PRESSURE PRIOR TO THE START OF THE TEST. THE VOLUME CHANGE IS DETERMINED BY MEASURING THE WATER AND OR AIR EXPELLED DURING CONSOLIDATION. NO DRAINAGE IS PERMITTED DURING THE TEST AND THE STRESSES WHICH ARE MEASURED ARE THE SAME AS FOR THE UNCONSOLIDATED-UNDRAINED TEST. DRal : THE INTERGRANULAR STRESSES IN A SAMPLE MAY BE MEASURED BY PER- FORMID A DRAINED, OR SLOW, TEST. IN THIS TEST THE SAMPLE IS FULLY SATURATED AND CONSOLIDATED PRIOR TO THE START OF THE TEST. DURING THE TEST, DRAINAGE IS PERMITTED AND THE TEST IS PERFORMED AT A SLOW ENOUGH RATE TO PREVENT THE BUILDUP OF PORE WATER PRESSURES. THE RESULTING STRESSES WHICH ARE MEAS- URED REPRE T ONLY THE INTERGRANULAR STRESS THESE TESTS ARE USUALLY PERFORME!D ON SAMPLES OF GENERALLY NON-COHES SOILS, ALTHOUGH THE TEST PROCEDURE IS APPLICABLE TO COHESIVE SOILS IF A SUFFICIENTLY SLOW TEST RATE IS USED. AN ALTERNATE MEANS OF OBTAINING THE DATA RESULTING FROM THE DRAINED TEST IS TO PER- FORM AN UNDRAINED TEST IN WHICH SPECIAL EQUIPMENT IS USED TO MEASURE THE PORE WATER PRESSURES. THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TOTAL STRESSES AND THE PORE WATER PRESSURES MEASURED ARE THE INTERGRANULAR STRESSES, Dames & Moore PLATE A-5 417.) (rev. 12—/1) METHOD OF PERFORMING DiRECT SHEAR AND FRICTION TESTS DIRECT SHEAR TESTS ARE PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THE SHEARING STRENGTHS OF SOILS. FRICTION TESTS ARE PERFORMED TO DETERMINE THE FRICTIONAL RE- SISTANCES BETWEEN SOILS AND VARIOUS OTHER NATE- RIALS SUCH AS WOOD, STEEL, OR CONCRETE. THE TESTS ARE PERFORNED IN THE LABORATORY TO SIMULATE ANTICIPATED FIELD CONDITIONS. EACH SAMPLE IS TESTED WITHIN THREE BRASS RINGS, TWO AND ONE-HALF INCHES IN DIAMETER AND ONE INCH DIRECT SHEAR APPARATUS WITH IN LENGTH. UNDISTURBED SAMPLES OF IN-PLACE SOILS ELECTRONIC RECORDER i) ARE TESTED IN RINGS TAKEN FROM THE SAMPLING (IN SEATTLE OFFICE) DEVICE IN WHICH THE SAMPLES WERE OBTAINED. LOOSE SAMPLES OF SOILS TO BE USED IN CON- STRUCTING EARTH FILLS ARE COMPACTED IN RINGS TO PREDETERMINED CONDITIONS AND TESTED. DIRECT SHEAR TESTS A THREE-INCH LENGTH OF THE SAMPLE IS TESTED IN DIRECT DOUBLE SHEAR. A CONSTANT PRES- SURE, APPROPRIATE TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE PROBLEM FOR WHICH THE TEST IS BEING PER- FORMED, IS APPLIED NOKMAL TO THE ENDS OL THE SAMPLE THROUGH POROUS STONES. 4 SHEARING FAILURE OF THE SAMPLE IS CAUSED BY MOVING THE CENTER RING IN A DIRECTION PERPENDICULAR TO THE AXIS OF THE SAMPLE. TRANSVERSE MOVEMENT OF THE OUTER RINGS IS PREVENTED. THE SHEARING FAILURE MAY BE ACCOMPLISHED BY APPLYING TO THE CENTER RING EITHER A CONSTANT RATE OF LOAD, A CONSTANT RATE OF DEFLECTION, OR INCREMENTS OF LOAD OR DE- FLECTION. IN EACH CASE, THE SHEARING LOAD AND THE DEFLECTIONS IN BOTH THE AXIAL AND TRANSVERSE DIRECTIONS ARE RECORDED AND PLOTTED. THE SHEARING STRENGTH OF THE SOIL IS DETERMINED FROM THE RESULTING LOAD-DEFLECTION CURVES. FRICTION TESTS IN ORDER TO DETERMINE THE FRICTIONAL RESISTANCE BETWEEN SOIL AND THE SURFACES OF VARIOUS MATERIALS, THE CENTER RING OF SOIL IN THE DIRECT SHEAR TEST IS REPLACED BY A DISK OF THE MATERIAL TO BE TESTED. THE TEST IS THEN PERFORMED IN THE SAME MANNER AS THE DIRECT SHEAR TEST BY FORCING THE DISK OF MATERIAL FROM THE SOIL SURFACES. DAMES & MOORE "PLATE A-6 APPENDIX B GEOTHERMAL DRILLING PROGRAM AND COST ANALYSIS Summary Description of Two Scenarios for Geothermal Drillin on Unalaska et Praiiiting on Unalaska Scenario 3 Production Two 13 3/78" Production wells near ST-1 Nominal flow rate +1,200,000 lb/hr each Injection One 13 3/8" injection well on lower Fox Canyon Plateau Drilling Rig Hoisting Capacity: 250,000 lb Shipping weight: 450,000 lb Estimated Cost Total for drilling and testing $5,085,138 Scenario 3a Production One additional 13 3/8" Production well near ST-1 Nominal flow rate: +1,200,000 lb/hr Injection One additional 13 3/8" injection well on lower Fox Canyon Plateau Drilling Rig Hoisting capacity: 250,000 lb Shipping weight: 450,000 1b Estimated Cost Total for drilling and testing $3,829,892 TABLE 2 Assumptions Used to Estimate Costs of Drilling and Testing Geothermal Wells on Unalaska All drilling equipment is mobilized from Seattle to Unalaska Island (Driftwood Bay) utilizing a tug and barge shipping line. Investigations showed that this is the least expensive method to transport drilling equipment to Driftwood Bay if a haul road exists on the island. All drilling equipment is transported to the lower Fox Canyon Plateau by truck. This assumes that a usable road does not exist from Broad Bay to the drilling area or to Sugarloaf. All drilling equipment must still be helicopter transported from lower Fox Canyon Plateau to the Production well site. All drilling Operations are self-supported and they occur before power Plant construction begins. This means that camp, helicopter, and construction equipment are not Shared with Power plant construction personnel. The production wells will be located immediately adjacent to Well ST-1, the existing production well. The production wells will encounter the identical geothermal resource as ST-1. The injection wells will be drilled on lower Fox Canyon Plateau and a suitable injection zone will be found at 600 feet below the surface. All drilling equipment is rented or leased. (With the present drilling economy, it may be cost effective to Purchase a drilling rig, but this alternative was not evaluated). TABLE 3 Scenario 3 List of Supporting Tables and Figures for Cost Estimates of Each Drilling Scenario 1. Summary Cost Estimate bo Seattle to Unalaska Island Mobilization and Demobilization Cost Estimate 3. Helicopter and Subsistence Cost Estimate 4. Well Drilling Programs (a) Bit and Bottom Hole Assembly Programs (b) Casing, Cementing, and BoP Programs (c) Mud, Logging and Wellhead Programs S. Penetration Graph (estimated) 6. Wellbore Schematic 7. Drilling Cost Estimate 8. Drilling Cost Estimate Details 9. Professional Labor Cost Estimate Items 7 - 8 are repeated for each well in the scenario. SCENARIO 3 Two 13 375" Seattle - Unalaska TeTand Mob lization & Demobid zation Helicopter & Subsistence Draidlira Product 1 We] Productaor Wed chic Wel Travel and Ope Subtiot =] Contingency - Tated Production Wells ard Orne 13 a/s" In 3 Wel] Two 12 3/8" Production Wells and Orme 13 3, SEATTLE TO UNALASEA ISLAND MOBILISATION AND DEMOBILIZATION cost ESTIMATE enariqea 3 Modify Eva for Helicopter Transport FO.01/7b6 Urndoadina 1,100 Clb @ 0.01/16 Terminal Dutch Harbor Warehouse (4 mormitbis) Truckina on Unalaske Raa Demobtolizatiean Landina Craft Shipping to Seatti1e Spot Charge 14 comtaarer @ $125.40 per container Shop-eora Si. 000 Tb a $0.2053/7b Terminal Total Inaect aor 47,007 250,000 14.5096 14.500 Beet 47,000 an. one Weld HELICOPTER AND SUBSISTENCE COST ESTIMATE Scenarqc 3 Boerarac 3 Production Wells and Ore 13 3728" Ingectian Weli ITEM cost let Mob. 1 day 24,000 F24.000 Mob. Rag te Site 3 days m@ $24.00 72.000 let Demob. 1 day @ #24000 24.000 2nd Mob. 1 day @ #24000 E4000 md Demob., 4 day @ 24.000 24.000 Fused days & 2,000 day 17.000 Bel] 212 Mob 1.3 days @ $7,320 $7,516 a m sist Ria 115 days Demob. 1.3 days a Fue] 121 days @ S31 /day 113 daye @ $60 /mari/day F203.400 Dutch Har bere S35 day= @ 105 a. 675 13 3/78" Preliminary Production Well Program and Drilling Cost Estimates MES@UITE GROUP, INC. BIT AND BOTTOM HOLE ASSEMBLY PROGRAM WELL: Unalaska 13 ase" Proguction BITS. WEIGHTS AND SPEEDS SE STS AND! SPEELIS Bit. Weraht Cereth Interval Size (100g andvor (Inches) Type it) Fen Formatqean Name 14°3/4" sv 15/45 Sov a0 O- 7S! =4" Hi 15/45 Buy 75 o-150' 17 1/2" J-4 1S/45 45765 150 '-14a50° 12 1/4" J-4 15745 45/65 11S0'-2000° BOTTOM HOLE 4 EMBL Y Roller Feamer Roller Reaner Stab. HO Stab. Stat 20 Stab. Shock Sut Shock Sup Stace. 3be 20C 2bc cr sO Stace. Stab. DF abt abt DE - sO HO - - De DF Hit 7 OAele Opener DP Dread] Pope Have air compressors aved able to dread] wair or aerated t WELL: Unalas CASING SIZE: 20" DEFTH: o-150' MESOUITE GROUP, INC. CASING, CEMENTING, AND BOF PROGRAMS ka 13 3/75" Production CASING FROGRAM Weight Calculated Safety Factors Interval Cib/ft) Grade Joint Tyee Top Burst Bot. Burret Osi. Tenzian o-150' Sa. AFI SL-B FEBRFW 7.5 6.5 1.4 CEMENTING Sdurry Volume and Comecsitien SSS cu. ft. of Clase G cement with 40% Desired Top: Surface ro Racine Furmina & Cemerntina Instructaeans Shoe, Collars) and Joint Lockiras Use AFI SL-B pipe, pre-weld antes Su" Tenathe. . Rur pipe open-ended. Ruri Caztina at maximum rate of 15 feetvimin. Centralizers ard Scratchers-Number. Type and Srpacima: Centralizer ato 130' and Sn’ Visually center casing at Surface Freflush, Displacement Rate, Pluas., Special Procedures, etc.: Plate off top of & 3" stamager at i40', Fume 238 cu flow am anrudus. Centralize casing at surface. Pressure Testing and Landinas: Land casing at 150', Kana Casing am slips. ard visually turbulent Tentralarwze. BOF PROGR Workina Ma ritinwunm Pressure Bore Stack Arrangement (FST) Cirvckh =u" API 2000 « 20" Sow Casing Head with 2-3" AFI Zu00 flamnaed cutlets 2uug 21 °1/4 <0" Blind Ram Zug 21 1/4 20" Pape Ram Zu 2lolf4 20" Rotating Head e000 <1 1/74 MESQUITE GROWF., INC. CASING. CEMENTING, ANI BOF FROGRAMS WELL: Unalaska 13 3/8" Productien CASING SIZE: 13 °378" DEFTH: Go - 1150! CASING PROGRAM Wenght Calculated Safety Factors Interval Qle/ ft) Grade Joont Type Top Burst Bot. Buret Cod. Tensaon o-1150°' 61 K-55 Buttress 12.4 4.5 a | 13.7 CEMENTING Slurry Volume and Composition Lead Slurry - 1663 cu. ft. of Class G cement with 40% silica Flour, lil Perlite, 3% Gel, fraction reducer, and calculated % of retarder and water Tose contro based orm BHT. Yar) Slurry - 280 cu. ft. of Class G@ cement with 40% silica Flour. Desired To loon, Runnina & Cementaina Trnetruct rome 1 Collar(s) and Joint Lockiras Strar weld shoe, Float collar, and bottom four gointes of casing. Run flapper type float shoe on bottom af casina. Run statin flapper tyre float collar one joint above shine, Centralizer w and Scratchers-Number, Type and Sracirva: Centeralizers at float collar and every third Jott up ante 20" casina with only one centralizer in Zo" CafNa, &F mear BO" shoe as ible. Preflush, Displacement Rate, Fluas, Reciprocatioms, etc.: Fume 1500 cu. ft. of cold water Fume arid displace cement at rate flow im annulus. ently haah for turbulent Fre " w ure Testina and Larndina Land casing at 1150 ft. and visually centraliz cating in 20" catina. ra BOF PROGRAM Workana : Maria rar Pressure Bore Stack Arrangement (FSI) (Trvct 13°3/5" SOW >» 12" ANST ano Casting Head with 2-3" ANSI 300 Flanged outlets aoo0 lz 1/2" 1a" Master Valve 2000 le 4/5" 1S" os ZO" BO Spend =u 13 S/e" 0" Pipe Ram 200g =1 1/4" 20" Bland Ram e000 fl isa" =U" Rotating Head 2000 =1 1/4" MESCUITE GROWF, INC. MUD, LOGGINA AND WELLHEAD PROGRAM WELL: Unalaska 13 3/8" Production MUD AFI Yield Depth Interval Mud Type Weqarht Fluid Le Poaurt - FH Viz O-2000 Gel a.5 No Comt. No Comte. 9.0 S- Et O- 700% Arr oor Air Hammer 7oO- 20004 Aerated Water Remarks: * If Possible LOGGING Depth Int bog Scales o- 2000" Mud ats o-20008 Temperature 2" = 100° WELLHEALD Workorna Pressure Nome) Size (F=1) Type 12" ANSI 300 740 pea (oo1d) 13 3/75" SOW casing head with 3" s1de cut Tete 1a" ANSI 300 bi Fi Ne woo Bé€9 thouwgh-comguit type er r t valve 2" ANSI 300 " Flanged flow tee =" ~ S"ANSI 300 " Adaptor flange 3" ANSI 300 " Swab valve 12" ANSI 300 " Flanged through-comduit tyre winea Valve= (2 req'd) 0g Mesquite Group, Inc. FIGURE | WELL BORE SCHEMATIC UNALASKA 13% PRODUCTION WELL 2° 20° API 5L-B %” Wail 13 #” K-55, 61# Buttress 17%" Not drawn to scale Mesquite Group, Inc. FIGURE 2 PENETRATION GRAPH ESTIMATE UNALASKA 13%" PRODUCTION WELL 3dO8 1S3L 2 dN 3AddIN «% Et LNSN3O ® NOY «ALE 180 07 LN3N39 «ALE “THO 3dO0@ 18312 9N «02 IN3W30 9 NNY «2% OH wel “180 1 3 3 (1344) Hid3d 2500 0 300 24 22 20 16 4 12 10 DAY DRILLING COST ESTIMATE SCENARIO 3 - WELL: First Unalaska 13 3/8" Prod pare, DAYS FROM SPUD: __ 1. CONSTRUCTION eer | ll lL lf Mt ll Hl lf | ll | A. DRILLING COST ESTIMATE DETAILS First 23 378" Unalaska Productaor Wei 7 Road & Location 1. Well Fed Cometruction Assume small tractor/backhoe from Dutch Harter at £100/hr. Cemetruct wel] pad and Pope, (24 hore work plus 6€& Four at $100/hr. Conductor pipe (30" $79.43 Tesft « 20°, wevakht = 1,600 1b) Cement 40 sacks at #10. 00+ Timbers for cellar Freqaht to Seattle for 30" cand, Pope. cord os Mob / dernabs) mw Drallina Raa 1. Move-am from Dutch Harbor (See Frice Ref. #1) at $3500 /day Per Diem 13 man @ $296/day mar @ Fl54/ day @ $32500/day Fue). Water and Tranzsportataorn Services Proce A . #2) 4. Fat Liner (See Price Ref. #2: Plastic line Ta» Shaeeimna for at? c. Subtoiotad toot Seid Freductaom Weld (See Froce Ref. F000 Pei 4 a 14 a Pri] String Equipment & Hole Openers, Price Ref. #23) S Price Ref. #4) See Frice Ref. #5) - 14 3/74" Sv 24" HO =47 1/2" 3-4 3S - 12 1/4" J-4 1. Bite A ' Shopearea hot i/2 1/4" Roller Reamer 1/4" C30 day @ $17 Sub (30 days @ FLL day? et bh ee ee ee ! to > Drad] Pipe Rent (See Fri Pur che Tubing for Cemen 20! @ $3/Ft Ta Shi pears Subtiotad Tae Skhirreare Subtotad i. Fithina Tea Estimate W €&. Inzepectaon Estimate 7. Replacement Estimate Carculatina system 1. Mud and Chemicals (See Price Ref. #95) lost of Mud Estimated Additiv Depth Mud volume per bar Mud Interval (barrels) FOE Calif. FoR O-150° #1 150'-1150° S00 F1 1150'-2000' 1300 #3. ae 5 5 39 7-2 ard $77 /day Estima $3000 Sc Wedaht of Mud Additi Or=) So 15000 Lost Carculati Materrved estimated No. of Uria t. Cost sacks Frice Fe. Weaaht Product Tb/sack Required FOR Calif. Calif. be? Sawdust as 150 F2.50 £375 3 Cottam seed hulle a0 73 F10.00 #750 3 Kwok Seal 40 75 #1754 3 Multi Seal 40 75 a | 12 te fl (Tbe c Bonn Mud scale, corrazion rinast. etc. a Subtotal 2400 aoc Freqaht to Seattle. 44.100 1b @ €3/cwt F123 Mud Ereaimeer S days @ €250/day lorourd trip from Calif. wt metoot ad Tote) mad. chemivcetds., and mud enaimeer (FOR Seattle) Total for E-1 a. Mud Cooler, Separator and Gir Compreszore Froce Ref. #10) tyre mud cooler, Gey= 4 $150/day $3450 wenaht = Pon Ib? rater for air drallina, FIS0/ day 1350 wevaht = Soon Tb Frevaht to Seattle (1 truck Toad) Set Comer = scfm, 200 pe. compressor ecfm. 1000 poi booeter 1 mitt Pune 9 dayt operation @ €700/day 0 days standby @ $250/day Mok to Seattle, 45000 Tb @ €3/cwt " Compressor operators (2 men) 16 days @ #500/day 1 round trop @ €1200/mar Total 3. Solids Camtroad (See Price Ref. #11) Rent mad cleaner, 23 days @ #125/day Screens Freiaht to Seattle, S000 Tb @ $3/ewt Flue Toad cut & short hawt Total £3775 4.0 Fused 23 days =» 40 gal/day = #1.25/aa7 #1150 F. Directional Drilling 3. Survey and Toole (Sec Price Ref. Rent survey t Freight a ne < W x FE0/day Subtotad Leasing a 1. Mad Legair Mobi Tizat <7 daye @ Ref. t Fs000 24300 # a Travel plus [ein Subtoiote #13) C Diaital Thermometer Subtotal H. Cementorrea (See Price Ref. #14), Equipment rental 1? 9.5 ma a #14000/me £49005 Equapmernt mate: to Ria Vista so00 Tb @ $3/cwt : 1400 mas Ir Super b Tha. Ft. each) Tb/baga $3 cwt fraction reducer, ete. : Retarder, Service company Tabor: First man, 1.5 mo @ $1é6000/mo = B40 Sec 75 mo @ $1E000/me =? rane age to Dutch Harbor ard “ris 4 rena ETFS a Fue), 240 gal @ #1. = Temporary water sto 1 c hark (eo) (> 2000 Total FiIS.S0c (1) 0 nti equipment recomended by: ; L390" with cementina pump, etc. (13800 Tb? 1d (S00 The or for prmeumatic transfer of dry x C4000 Tb) 1 Sma17 preumatoic transfer tank for dry cement cu. ft. capacity: 2000 Th emety weraht) “eumatiac tanks for storage of dry cement . ft. capacity, S500 Tb emety > Sd (O's td 's14' hiakh) Mieco Fipina and valves (4000 Tb) (2) Incremental partion of cementing Toet circulat “so pluas (H-3) of materials 225 marncmanth of compariy Tater a o> nd oO o> a aldo I. Rentals & Equipment 1. BOF (See Price Ref. #15) (See Frice Ref. #4) 20" Rotating Head (30 da ye @ #150/day) $4500 20" Pape Ram (30 days @ #150/day) S4o 20" Blind Ram (2c day= @ €150/day) S4cc Pitcher Nipple (36 Gaye @ $12/day) 3é0 Rina Gaskets 410 nb (30 day @ €31/day) 920 < (30 days @ €100/day) Separator (30 days 4@ F75/day) Tes t Spool (30 days @ $EU/day) c * Cae Ina Head Valve Retatana Rubber 4 @ ¢550 Weldina Tax Shiprana Totad J. Teztina 1.5 Chemical analyses (4) € Viquid analyses @ FEO 4 985 analyzes @ 150 *? Other Services Total (1) (See Price Ref. #16) (2) (See Frice Ref. #17) =. ard Equipment Fatricate weir tu (wedaht + 6000 Tt) 4000 Gauges. recorder and small Valves (1) 2000 Downhole par wre monaterima system Purcnase 2000 ef aren ss = Mm FL. 30/Ft Zeé06 downhole chamber, “Way valve, off assembly, clamp helium bottle Rent Parozscientific transducer, ar computer and pranter plus SPares =.0 mo @ ¥200/day 12000 (1) Worelaine unit Rent shid-mounted unit (weight + 1500 Tb) Some @ $3000/me enon Furchase Tubricater with heads for car. tha. and electric Taine (wevaht + 200 1b) 2500 Purchase electronic teme tool, wire & spac Zeon Misc tools and supplies 2500 Seles ta» 25500 Frevaht. (Total wetght + 15000 Tbh) 1500 Total $4e0500 (1) (See Price Ref. #12) BE. Mr ecel laneous 1. Services Full-time welder /mechanic, 7 weeks @ $2500 /wh: F1i7e00 7-5 Other services, 7 week @ #500/wk Travel to D.H. for welder/mechanic Subtotal =. Supplies, 7 weeks @ $500/wk $3500 Air Freiaht. toon Subtotal F135 3. Rentals Forklift, 7 weeks @ S$1000/wk Other, 7 weeks @ $500/whk Subtotad FP. Tubulare Subhoiota Dr) ~AH a 1 wv rm t+ a o (See Price Ref. #15) Subtotal F1i0i 4. Rurrnina Services Tora Rental Estimation F000 OM. Wellhead - . wt a head‘? , LE"ANSI 300 » 13 378" Sow I 300 flanged stee] ball valves = Io200 flanged steel] check valve '~ NSI 300 Flapzed t type gate valye 1 Flanged tee ate" ANSI 300 1 Adaptor flange ? 2°23" ANSI 30 1 2" ANSI 300 companion Flarnae °7 At Req'd Studs. mutes, gasket Ss F Lee = (See Price (2) (See Price (See Frice File:Apaswell. jan N ' nm DRILLING COST ESTIMATE SCENARIO 3 | WELL: Second Unalaska 13 3/8" Progae. DAYS FROM SPUD: -_ CATEGORY CONTINGENCY ae 2. DRILL PPE RENTAL ‘ 4 OTHER RENTALS (DRILL COLLARS, ETC.) & FISHING TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & SERVICES 7. REPLACEMENT EXPENSE & RECONDITION ee TL Me te Tomrenoeat [uence OniLUBe 110101 fzeqmmert awavevsavoou ee nt SUBTOTAL Peomwnoenecrae BA ag + =~. SUBTOTAL 5 0 St 2 CASING B LINER -SECONDARY Neg J. SERVICES (WELDING. ELECTRICAL ox) aa rs OL SUPERVISION, TRAVEL, EXPENSES 110110 | fawerection fa nummnc services Ps SUBTOTAL 2 OTHER SURFACE EQUIPMENT DAYS FROM SPUD: A. DRILLING COST ESTIMATE DETAILS Second 13 Road & Location 1. Well Fad Cometructrorn Assume smal] tractor ‘backhoe from Dutch Harbor at £100/hr. Conetruct wel] pad and excavate for canmductor FXRe, (24 hours work plus 6 beware Ss moby demote) at $100/he. Conductor pape (30" $79, 4% lev ft « 20°, wexaht = 1,600 1b) Cement 40 sachs at #10.007cach Timbers for cellar Frevaht to Seattle for a0" cond. pope. Subtotad DPradlana Faia =. Daywork (See Frice Ref. #1) 25 dayt @ #4500/dey 3. Move-out to Ingection Well (See Fraice Ref. #15 10 days @ #3500/day Subtotal Fused. & ang Transportation Services her 1. Fuel (See Fraice Ref. #1) = C35 days) @ C35 days) @ Fl3/ez Pra.) Strina Equagpmernt 1. Bite & Hole cS Frice cS Frace (See Froice 1 - 14 374" sv 1 - 24" HO 4» SF 272" 3-4 3 - 12 1/4" J-4 Tax Shoprina Subtotal 2. Stablizers., (See Price Ref. #é) = - 14 35/74" - 24" - 17 172" Roller Reamer - 17 1/2" - 12 1/4" Roller Reamer 1Z 174" - BO (30 day @ €170/day) - Shock Sub (30 days @ $210/day) hoeeIina me hy me ee RD ee ' Subtotad cy ' ~ Unalatha Production Welt $3000 700 so 400 nou 4.600 #4160 Bron 5345 4540 27201 fe 4. Rentals 7 Pc after) 1 Moret Ta Stoeeimna 3. Foshome Estimate é. Inspects Estimate 7. Rerlacem Estimate Carculatana 1. Mad and (See Fro (See Price Ref. (a0) days Toole ent tyetem Chena cals ce Ref. #9) @ #55 /day? R23) (30 days @ #77U/1et day. and $77/day Subtoted FEUSE, e5000 F309 Son of Mud Weraht Estimated Additives of Miao Deeth Mud volume per barred Additives Inter ve) (barrels) FOR Calif. (ee } O-150° #1. 4500 So'-1150° Fl. ison 1150 '-2000' £3. cI Carcwlation Materied Estimated No. of Uriat Cost Barks Froce FOR Weaaht Product Tb/sach Required FOB Calif. Calif. Obs) Sawdust 25 150 $375 Cottorm seed hulle So 7S c Ewik Seal 40 S, Multa Sear 40 ito Other Etimated Werabit wb s>000 2oon syorm rymgs, ete. 400 a Subtotal $240 2000 Freiaht to Seattle, 44.100 1b @ €3/cwt #1325 Mud Enairneer dayt & $250/day 7000 1 round trip from Calif. Subtotad Total mud. chemice Es and mud enaimeer (FOR Seattle) Total for E-1 Mud Cooler. Separator and Air Comeressore (See Frice Ref. 810) Rent evar. tyre mud camer, 23 days @ €150/day (Est. 7000 Tb) Rent separ etr dradlarna, 9 days (Est. Soon Th) Freqaht to (1 truck load) Compressors H-B50 scfm. 200 pss Comeressore 1-1700 scfm, i000 per booster 1 mist pump 9 deyzt operation @ F700/ day SO deys standty A S50 day oF OFeratars (2 meni 16 days @ #500/de, coum trop @ $1500/marn Total S27 ‘Se Ren @ $1 l5/dey Scre Fre: Te @ €3/ewt EI beat Total SX dayo ou 40 gal/day «= 1.25/20) Gaye & F20/ day Suabrtint a7 Mota lizatie =9 day= @ Trével plus Fer Diem Subtootad H. Cementara (See Price Ref. #14) (iy 1 een Equaemernt rental 1) 3.5 ma @ F1L4000 ‘ton Cement /Sitica flour MIS Tr Super be i Baas (30 cu. ft. each) St /ex Tb/bag @ $3/cwt reducer, etc, '<’ ComPary Taber mans, 1.65 mo ‘Zoe FIE000/ine H- 5 3450 1200 Hots aérin F4gin F459000 42500 aer 7500 2300 24000 Second man, O.75 mo @ $16000/me Travel, Anchorage to Dutch Harbor and return, 4 round TERE @ #500 Fuel, 240 gal @ $1.25/ga1 °* Temporary water storage tank (s) (> &40/ge1) Total 12000 Fiseann (1) Cemerntina equipment recomended ty: Sainale skid" with cementira pump, etc. (13500 Thy 1 Misina skid (S000 Tbh) 1 Air compressor for preumatic transfer of dry cement. mis (4000 Th) 1 Snel] preumatic transfer tank for dry cement mos C130 cu. ft. capacity: 2000 Jb empty werabkit> 2 Large preumatic tanks for storage of dry cement ms (each SOO cu. ft. capacity, S500 Tb emety wedaht, ard 10's10's14' hoa) Fipoana and valves (4000 Th) ic ce tinea cests allocated ty on of cemen 1 eluas (H-3): ‘fo materials & #14500 fx1/da,) @ $100/day) Toted and Equaement (1) monatorina system - of 1/5" SS tha @ #1. 30/Ft t FParcscrentafic transducer, wore. computer and pranter plus spares OL. mo @ $200/day (1) Woreline urit Rent shad-mounted urat (wevant + 1500 Th) lm @ Mosc tools and supplies Salezt tax Toted (1) (See Price Be Tl arcu 1. Services Full-time welder /mecharic, 4 weeks @ ¢ /wl Other servic > 4 weeb & S500 /wh Travel te D.H. for welder ‘mechanic, Subtoted =t FE wh ra =. Supe lives. 212 4tow Air Fr ‘abit Subtoiot a Rentals. Forklift. 4 weet mM FLOW Other. 4 weebe @ €500-w) m it Subtoted Subtot ed Subhoted 4. Rurrioma Services Tonga Rental Estimataarn DM. Wellheed 1. Wellhead 1 ma heag®?) | : x 3" ANSI 300 flanaes 1 3" ANSI 200 flanaed Zéon 300% 3000 Sis Sie F646 Flsinon Flo toood Fl_s0oe $4000 yon 7 oe alee #11 1 Filanzed tee 1 Adar tor 1 =" ANSI gon Az Req'd Studs, Sales ta Fre =" ANSI 300 type gate valye flange > 1Lf"x2" ANSI companion Flanae Flanged thr ouah = comdis t. ttt ANSI 300 : tat ¢ mute, gathets. gaua u Jaht to Seattle 12000 Tb @ F$3/cwt Total (1) (See Frice Ref. #20) (2) (See Price Ref. #21) (3) (See Price Ref. #22) ms ! ” Flwa 13 3/8" Preliminary Injection Well Program and Drilling Cost Estimate MESQUITE GROUP, INC. BIT AND BOTTOM HOLE ASSEMBLY PROGRAM =4 WELL: Unalaska 13 3/5" Injection BITS, WEIGHTS AND SPEEDS Ent Weiaaght Depth Interval Size ooo and/or (Inches ) Type (1b) REM Formation Name 47 1/2" -S6V 15/45 So/7120 o-350° 12 1/4" SV 135745 Sovie0 350-600 ' BOTTOM HOLE ASSEMBLY Hole Size 17: 1/2" 12 1/4" Bit. Bit Stab. Stab. Shick Sub Shock Sub 2bc 2bc—Ct Stab. Stab. EDK éDe Ho a cP DP Stab. - Stabilizer HO - Hole Opener BC - Driqi over DF - Drill] Pipe Collar Have air compressors available to drill w/air or aerated water. MES@UITE GROWF, INC. CASING, CEMENTING. AND BOF PROGRAMS WELL: Unalatka 13 3/8" Injection SIZE: 13 3/3" 350" CASING PROGRAM Weight Calculated Safety Factors Interval Qe/ft) Grade Joint Type Top Burst Bot. Burst Coll. LE ors Surface-350' él K-SS Buttress 20.6 11.3 12.4 45.1 CEMENTING Slurry Description: Lead Slurry - 416 cu. ft. of Class G cement with 40% silica flour, 1:1 Perlite, 3% Gel, O.5% fraction retarder, and calculated % of retarder and water loss control based om BHAT. Tail Slurry - 70 cu. ft. of Class G cement with 40% silica flour. Desired Top: Sur face Esxcests 100% 7 Casing Rurmina & Cementirg Inetructions Shoe, Collar(s) and Joint Strenathenina: Weld shoe, float collar, and bottom four joints of casing. Rur flapper type float shoe on bottom of casima. Run stab-in flapper tyre float collar ome Joint above = a t + o ~ a u 1 w o a wn n ratchers-Number, Type and Spacima: Centralizers at float collar, 200, and 100 ft. Freflush, Displacement Rate, Fluat, Recapracatiyenms, ETC.: Pump S00 cu. ft. of cold water at preflush. Pump cement at highest rate possible. Pre w w ure Testing and Landing: Visually centralize casing at surface. BOF PROGRAM Workina Moa ridmurn Preecure Stack Arrangement FSI 12" ANSI 300 x 13 378" sow cating head w/2-3" ANSI 300 flanged cutlets 2000 iz ise" 12" Wellhead 2000 le 3/5" 2x ZO" XO Sood 13 S/a" Zo" Fare Ram 2000 Zi i174" 20" Blind Ram 2000 21-174" =" Rotating Head su00 21 1/4" MESCUITE GROUP, INC. MUD, LOGGING ANI WELLHEAD FROGRAM WELL: Unalaska 13 3/8" Injection MILIL: AFI Yield Depth Interval Mud Type Weiarht Fluid Lose Point FH Viz a-600 Gel 8.5 No Cont. Ne Comt. 9.0 Su G-éou0* Arr oor Air Hammer O-e6O0* Aerated Water Remarks: * If Possible LOWARING Deeth Interval Log Scales o-éoo' Mud 2" = 100' o-é0oy! Temperature 2" = 100! WELLHEAD Working Pressure Nomina) Size FSI Type 12" ANSI 300 740 psi (eold) 139 3/75" S.O.W. casing head with 3" side outlets <=" ANSI 300 F hy Theughi-comduit type master valve E"s10"10" ANSI 300" Flaraed 10" S"ANSI 300 ” Adaptor 3" ANSI 300 i" Flanged 10" ANSI 300 i Through 10" ANSI 3oG il Flanged flow tee Tlanze “swat valve comduit tyre wing valve valve stee] check File: forms2 Mesquite Group, Inc. FIGURE 3 WELL BORE SCHEMATIC UNALASKA 13 4" INJECTION WELL —eeeeeeeeeeeeEe—————————————————————————————_ eee 13%° K-55, 61# Buttress 956° K-55,36# FJ, : Slotted 25°X 0.25718 rows, 6’ centers 2%° Not drawn to scale DEPTH (FEET) Mesquite Group, Inc. FIGURE 4 PENETRATION GRAPH ESTIMATE UNALASKA 13%" INJECTION WELL RUN & CEMENT 134" NU & TEST BOPE Cc W z al e ° @ we @Q s x DRILLING COST ESTIMATE PETAILS 13 3/5" Unalaska Ingecticm Weld & Loc. 11 Pad Conmetruction Sume smal) tractor/backhoe® from Dutch Harber F100/her. Ve a A. RK 1. = +. oO’ pea well pad and ex cavate for cordate Fore, (30 hours @ €100/hr.) $3000 Co . C30" $79.43 Tb/ft 20", wetaht = 1,600 Tb) Timbers for cediar Fredaht to Seattle for 30" comd. pipe. Sutetoiotad BR. Pridlina Ria 2. Daywork 10) days @ Froice Ref. S4500/ day (See #1) Subtotad 3. Movercut to Dutch Harbor (See Price Ref. #1) 14 days @ $3500/day Trevel & Per Doem 13 men @ #3 Labor 13 men @ $154 /each Co. Fue, 1.0 Fue 4. Fat Liner (See Plastic (2 Tas Shoereing Sabretooth. a7 DPD. Drei11 String Equipinerit 1. 2 Hole Openers, Price Ref. Price e Price Re 17 1/2" S\ bz s #2) f f Vv $3000 Vv lid 1/4" Subhotad 2. Stablizers (See Froice Ref. #63 Bay a 2 - 12 1/4" 2 oo (15 days @ $170 /day) 1 - Sub (15 days @ #210/day) Ta: Shapearea DRILLING COST ESTIMATE SCENARIO 3 » WELL: _Unalaska 13 3/8" Injection pare, DAYS FROM SPUD: CONTINGENCY dh a 3 a 4 > r : : fa i HL GOTHER RENTALS (DRILL COLLARS, ETC.) 34 & FISHING TOOLS, EQUIPMENT & SEAVICES 00 7. REPLACEMENT EXPENSE & RECONDITION 3 28.650 T BIntCTiBWAL ORILUNG 110101 pepowten TTL ele aerate a omnrneroe permenant ee eee eer een ery ated — SUSTOTAL, e000 ee oeeree eee eee ei eee ee me Een ORT SE SS aces ae temine ST ae ee ee erred Sn UBT ONAL) 893, 100 LL newrase coeur) ee ea ek Re ee ni ee ee SUBTOTAL] $94 p80 Ye Sema usene) i Woe. EE iia ts, Cr LR RENTALS FORKLIFT. OUWRTER oe) POU eee Ae oe SUBTOTAL Boe o 4 eee Ee | LLIB PEREDOANNG Se eR eg i ee ee fe ERLLANEEUS EOUMENT Berm ae se ede gee Te ese mz reed ee ee Pes dee] OR Eee oa eg a oe ic ety po ager ea ae ee DAYS FROM SPUD: MESMUITE GROUP, INC. CASING, CEMENTING. AND BOP PROGRAM 3/8" Ingsection CASING FROGRAM Weight Calculated Safety Factors Interval ibs ft) Grade Joint Type Top Burst Bot. Burst Coll. Tenzin 300-600 ' 36 K-55 FJ NA NA NA NA CEMENTING Slurry Description and Properties Slurry Description: Uncemented Desired Top: Excess: Running & Cementina Inetructians wo a u om ollar(s) and Joint Strenmatheninma: Tack weld bottom four joints. Cerntralizers and Scratchers-Number., Type and Spacirva: Prefluch, Ditelacement Rate. Plugs, Reciprecations, ETC.: Pretsure, Testing and Landina BOP PROGRAM Working Marit rnurn Bore Inches Stack Arrangement None Froce Ref. #25) Rentals (See eye @ F$770/1set dey, and €77/day 7 fC (15 d after) 1 Meme? (15 day Tas Shoerara w ® on on N a o wv Subtotad #25947 Fauchama Toole Estimate $2500 Inzeectioarn Estimate #1500 rculatana tystem Mud and Chemicals Mud Cost of Mud Estimated Additives Estimated Depth Mad volume per barre? Mud Cost (barrels? FOE Calif. FOE Calof. $1023 a50' sso #1 Bho" -é00! 450 = F275 on Materiel Estimated of Uriat Cost che Proce For Wedahit Product Je/tach Required FOR Calif. Celif. Cite? Sawdust 2s 75 2.50 #1 1a75 Cettom ceed hulle Sc 35 10.00 1vs0 wok See] 40 oo FI3.3 1400 Multa Sead 40 SE, $249.02 1400 Subtoted Cite bre r E= ce Miaec. Chemicals Fico tooo Subtotal $100 Freiaht to Seattle, 12000 Ib @ €3/cwt Sg C1 Mud Enaineer 15 days @ F250/day Lo round trope from Calif. Subtotad 5 catheter Tota] mud, chemicals, and mud engineer (FOB Seattle? Total for E-] ta =. Mud Cooler, Separator and Air Comeress (Ss Price Ref. #10) Rent evar. type mud cooler. 9 days @ $150/day wedaht = 7oO00 Tb) tor for air drillina, wedaht = S000 Te) rom Seattle (1 truck Toad) cfm, 200 psi ecfm, ino p 1 mist pump = dayt operation 60 days standby Dbenmot from Seattle. 45000 Tb @ €3/ewt Compressor t mers) d a $50 1 round trop To @ $3/ cwt. 4.0 Fused Foer:t. 7 daye Fredaht kit and heat shield, I/iday Subtotad G. Loaaina 1. Mud Loeaaina 12 days @ Travel ple Demotba lization Ref. #2) SubtoiotaT neritareD Frice Ref. #14) Equiaepment rermtad 2.0 mo &@ $14000¢tm70 Equipment Demat: Seattle tea From Rio Vo $1350 SG 1500 $1125 400 Soc $2025) 1400 Sones Coop / Moe In Super baas oO Sui cu. ft. each) @ $50 /ee e= Jak t tle: 26 baae = 01 b/baa & $3/cwt Retarder, fraction reducer, etc. ‘~’ Service company Tabors Faret man. 2.25 mo @ Second man, 2.25 mo revel. Aric and return, Poured TETRE a Fuel. 240 gal @ $1.25/aa1 7 Total C1) Refer to equement ict for (2) Incremental portion of cementor Vest carculatirearn pls 45% of materials and fuel = $7700 (15 days @ $31) Fope Ran (15 dayt @ Blind Ram (15 daye @ Reotatora Head (15 days Fatcher Nipple (15 deys @ Fora Gazthete Banoo Boe (15 deys @ $100) Seperatar (15% day @ $75 Reoetaetorma Rubbers 2 @ $550 Weldana Ta Shape an| Subtoted J. Teztina 1. Servicese Chemical analyse €@ Wawquid ana 4 amt analy= Other Services Total ‘1) (See Frice Fef. #16) (2) (See Frice Ref. #17) Z. Tezttarma. Te ard Equipment Downhole pr re monitorama system Rent. Paroscientific transducer. wore, computer and printer plus teares (2.6 mo @ FFU /day Woreline unit Rent skid-mounted unit (wedaht + 1500 1b) 2 mo F3000/me Misc too and supplies Return Frevaht from Total weraht + 2000 (1) (1) (See Price Ref. #12) wo ' b 2300 Pou 1é000 4000 12000 é0 Sn Sur me welder/mechanic, = O/wk Other services, 4 week @ S500/wk Travel to DOH. for welder /mechanic Subtotked 2. Supplies, 4 weeks @ S50 /wh Arr Freiakit Subtotead 3. Rentals Forklift, 4 w Other, 4 wee w @ £1000/wh f F500/wh Subtiotad Tubular 1. & Liner FOR Seattle “jrce Ref. #7) "= A! OB SANFL, ' @ $21/Ft. Subtota 5) Mechantcal Harmger Subtotad 3 Subtota 4.0 Runnmira Ser Tora Renta Hanger Runroea Tool Rent Estimate Subtiot a7 Wellhead 1. Jna head 3" ANSI 30¢ 3" ANSI =" ANSI no flanged type gate vee 10" ANSI Flanged throwahin- comdud t type gate valy=. Flanged t bald » i © qyie siete ANSI 1 Adaptor flange ~°, 10": ANSI 1 10" ANSI Zt gd steel 1 10" ANSI 300 compardorm flari At Req'd studs. mutt, gazkets. gar S F Seattle 12000 Tb @ #3/cwt Total PE F2500 $4000 Two 23 3/8" Production Wells and Cre PROFESSICNGL LABOR Scenaris oT _ ESTIMATE Total Days Cost/Day 10s Fé 61,200 Geochemiet 3S E00 22.200 Retervoir Ernaineer ec SE. eon Dridlina Enaineer 125 én 7S, Oo Draddira Supervisor dau Sc OO, One Production Ereaineer BS Sg 42,500 Production Supervisor 73 a0 as coon lt Geoloaret 16 450 7. 20n Travel and Fer Dem Other Doarect Cost w Total $445,520 SUMMARY GOST ESTIMATE Scenarive 3A Orme 134 3/78" Production Wel] and One 123 3 Seattle - Mobalizatien & DB Teland mobrlizataorn e Helicopter & Subsistence DPradlina “Product iar Weld 1! 1 tion Weil bb tat uo to Hand lima Charge. 10% Profeseqems) Labor, Travel? and opt Subtotad Lemtiregercy - Total Ir 3 = tion Well Orme 13 375" Preductiom Well and One 13 SEATTLE TO UNALASKA ISLANI: MOBILISATION AND DEMOBILISATION Cost ESTIMATE Ware 3A ITEM C15, F Rig Mobalization to Unalaska Ieland 47.000 Shiprpairna te Unalacka Tsland Barae and Tua Loeadina 1.100.000 Te @ 0.01/16 Urndoadina 1,100,000 Tb @ $0.0177b Termina Dutch Harber Warehouse (4 morthe) 7,500 Dutch Harber Trouchirma 17,000 Ria Demobi lization 47,000 Landira Craft ao, oo Terminal Ingectioan Weld HELICOPTER ANI S Ss Super Fume let Mob. 1 day @ $24,000 Ria te Site 2.5 days @ 24.000 let Demsb. 1 day @ #24000 2rd Mob. 2 day & $24000 Mob. Raa to Inaection weld 1.5 days © F24000 2rd Demob. 1 day &@ $24,000 Fue) & days @ $2, 000/day Bell 212 Mobo 1.3 days @ $7. 320 Atzeret Ria 112 days @ #5,660 Demob. 1.3 days @ #7, 320 SubtootaT atered Camp S39 days @ $60 /marn/day Dutch Har beor Subtotad Total Ore 13 3/8" Production Well and Ome 12 3/8" Injection COST ESTIMATE eo it + i Fi4,000 édh Cong 24,000 f4.000 Be. P4000 1é6 00 $160,200 $75E, 454 Weld 13 3/8" Preliminary Production Well Program and Drilling Cost Estimate 5.3 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE-CAUSTIC-CATALYST (HPCC) SYSTEM RL ERR REAP LICMUATALIST CHPCC) SYSTEM Like the iron catalyst system, the HPCC system oxidizes H2S contained in the condensate. However, unlike the iron catalyst system, hydrogen peroxide (H202) and caustic (sodium hydroxide, NaOH) are also added to the system in addition to the iron catalyst solution. The peroxide increases the oxygen available for H7s oxidation which enables a high degree of abatement efficiency with high Hos loading. NaOH is sprayed into the after condensers to remove H2S from the noncondensable gases. The addition of NaOH also increases the pH of the condensate which in turn increases the amount of H9S absorbed into the condensate. A higher pH also favors formation of soluble sulfur compounds (sulfates) over elemental sulfur. This control system can be used as a primary or secondary removal system. The HPCC Primary System differs significantly from the HPCC secondary system. Used as a primary Hys removal system, the HPCC system is designed to maximize the amount of HyS in the condensate for subsequent liquid phase oxidation. Alternatively, where a gas phase primary HoS removal system is employed, such as the Stretford or burner/scrubber systems, the primary system is designed to maximize the amount of H9§ in the noncondensable stream. The relatively small portion of Hos remaining in the condensate is then oxidized by the secondary HPCC system. 5.4 BURNER-SCRUBBER SYSTEM In a burner-scrubber system, the noncondensable stream is incinerated thereby oxidizing Hos to sulfur dioxide (S02). The S02 formed is then scrubbed from the flue gases by various conventional SO) control technologies. 5.5 STRETFORD SYSTEM The Stretford system is currently the most widely used method of Hos abatement on newer power plants in the Geysers, California geothermal area. The Stretford system is designed for use with surface condensers although use with direct contact condensers is possible. This system removes over 99 percent of H2S contained in surface condenser noncondensable stream. Recently designed surface condensers have achieved up to 95 percent Partitioning of HjS into the noncondensable stream. Thus, approximately 95 percent overall Hos removal efficiency can be achieved. 44.45/6-8 -8- BIT WELL: Uralasha 13 BITS, WEIGHTS ANI MES@UITE GROWF, AND BOTTOM HOLE ASSEMBLY FROGRAM 3/3" Froguctier SPEEDS Inc. Bit Depth Interval Size and/or (Inches) Type REI Tat por Name 14° 3/4" SV 15745 So/di0 o-150' 24" Ht 15745 S075 o-150' 17 1/E" JI-4 15/45 45/85 WSs0'-1150° ll o1/4" JI-4 15/45 45/05 1150'-s000° ETT OM HOLE ASSEMELY 0 Abbreviatrvanis: =i" Bait 17172" le 1/4" Bait Eat Roller Feamer Roller Reamer Shab. Stab. Sheach Stee available to Shack Sut HO - Hole Opener DF - Drad] Fare drill wair or aerated MESOUITE GROWF, INC. CASING, CEMENTING., AND BOF PROGRAMS WELL: Unalaska 13 3/5" Production CASING SIZE: 20" DEPTH: o-150' CASING FROGRAM Werght Calculated Safety Factor Interval Qle/sft) Grade Joort Type Top Burst Bot. Burst Goll. Tension a-150' SZ. AFI SL-B FEBFW 7.8 6.5 1.4 6.6 CEMENTING Sturry Volume ard Composition cu. ft. of Clase G cement with 40% silica flour Desired Top: Sur face Es: 100% Catina Runnina & Cementing Inetract poms Shove, Collarts) and Joaint Lockina: recweld ante Su’ Tenath m Run catima at ma&siinan rate of 15 feety main. Centralizers and Scratchers-Number. Type and Spacamas Centralizer at 1230' and Su’ Visually center cazina at surface Frefluch, Displacement Rate, Fluas. Special Procedures, etc. : Plate off top of cazina and cement throuwah a 3" staimger at l4u’. Pure cu ft af cold water as prefluch Pume and displace cement at suffaciently hiah rate for turtudernt flow am annulus. Centralize cating at surfac Og Fretcure Testing and Landirna: Land casina at 150', hana cating in slips. and visually centralive. PROGRAM ECF 20" with 20" zo" 20" Stack Arrangement API 2000 » 20" 2-3" AFI Zzoun Blind Ram Fore Rar Rotating Head Sstw flan Ca ge sing Head d outlets Workin 2a = Soon 200d Soe Pit red rata Bore CTrvckrve2 2 2161/4 21 1/4 2161/4 Zi 1/4 MES@UITE GROWF, Inc. CASING, CEMENTING, AND BOF PROGRAMS WELL: Unalaska 13 3/8" Production CASING SIZE: 13 °3/78" DEFTH: oO - 1150' CASING FROARAM Werahit Calculated Safety Fa Interval Qle/vft) Grade Joint Type Top Burst Bot. Burst Go o-1150' 61 B-5S Buttress 12.4 4.35 Z. 13.7 CEMENTING Surry Volume and Composition Lead Slurry - 1663 cu. ft. of Classe G cement with 40% saitica flour, 1:1 Perlite. 3% mel, friction reducer, and calculated “oof retarder and water loess comtrol based om BHT. Tar) Slurry - 2180 cu. ft. of Class G@ cement with 40% sidiaca Flour. Desired Top: Sur face Excese: 100%, Ruri Shoe. Collar(s) and Joint Le & Cementing Imetruct poms china: Strap weld shoe, float collar, and bottom four gsoints of cazima. Run flapper type float. shoe on bottom of casima. Rur stab ain flapeer tyre float collar one gornt above shoe. wd ie Centralizers cratche 5 Centraliazers at float col with omly ome centralizer FPreflush, Displacement Rate, Fume 1S00 cu. ft. Fume and displace flow im annulus Fre T w cure tira wv w Land cating at 1150 fr. re-Number, and Landina and visually Tyre and Spacing: Tar and every third joint up inte casa dn 20" casina, at mear 20" shoe as etible. Plugs, Recaprecatiyens, etc. of cold water as preflush. at rate sufficrently high for turbulent centraliz qn 20" casina. BOF FROGRAM Stack Arrangemerit 13 3/78" SOW x 12" with Z-3" ANSI 300 20" Pare Ram 20" Bland Ratna 20" Reotataina Head o ANST flan a 3 OU Casina Head 20d cutlets Workara Ma rida Fre Bore (Irich Soc 42 3/2" 2000 Boon 13 Sys" 2000 21 174" 2000 21 1/4" 200d 21 1/74" MESG@UITE GROWF, INC. OWGING AND WELLHEAD PROGRAM WELL: Unalaska 13 3/6" Froductiaorn MLD AFI Yield Depth Interval Mad Type Weraht Fluad Lose Point FH VIE O-2006 Gel &.5 No Comt. No Comt. 9.0 S0-é0 Oo- 7004 Arr oor Air Hammer 7HO- 200% Aerated Water Remarks: * If Possible CWA INR Depth Interval Log Scales m-2o00' Mua eto m- 2000! Temperature Sot WELLHEAD . Workina Pres Nominal Size (p=7) 2" ANSI Zou 740 per (cold) 13 375" a4" side cut. =" ANSI 300 i Flanged thowah-comduit type Master valve =" ANSI 300 7 Flanged flow tee iz x "ANSI 300 i Adaptor flange 3" ANSI 300 : Swab valve 12" ANSI 300 i Flanaed throuah-comduit tyre wing Valves (2 req'd) Mesquite Group, Inc. FIGURE 5 WELL BORE SCHEMATIC UNALASKA 13% PRODUCTION WELL aE 13%” K-55, 61# Buttress 17%" — 1150’ Not drawn to scale Mesquite Group, Inc. FIGURE 6 PENETRATION GRAPH ESTIMATE UNALASKA 13%" PRODUCTION WELL 3dO8 LS3L 2 dN 3 KddIN «%€L LNSN3O 2 NNY ALE Ted 07 LN3W39 uA LE Wd wALE THO 3d08 1S317 NN «0% LN3W30 2 NOY «v2 OH webb THO ‘La? an wn oO m z > nD CONTINGENCY TOTAL Tiss we To en ee —_ ne eel Peomec ess ot a ee a Ts oe 2s an we ae a ce a a SUBTOTAL] $241.650_] Fy) NR aOR ALLS es a rwattnonccmnncatancs {3.671 | ane in 11st er amano CT Seee PP he wam namics SSCS SST | ener omens MLC EE | 6,055 | | Frenne Toou tome esenvics | 5,000 || ee ee H-aemaciutni tipmsr a neconoTn —} 5.000 |} Tr BUBTOTALL 4176 ald | Ll a a CT eee eso] Fs sounseornon SSS | TC ee nd Pee SUBTOTAL sts | #. DIRECTIOWAL BAILS 110101 [a oTmER-meveserc | B.900 ki : | bi | nN Hl eee, . UBTOTAL MA SUPERVISION, TRAVEL EXPENSES 110110 [ue surcnvision TRAVEL CxPUMMS 190110 Pocvovaiwrassimutcery a, 4 iit BIBLE z| |2 | |e 2 lz m i S a. PRILLING COST ESTIMATE DETAILS 13°3/&" Unalathe Production Wer) Read © Locatiarn 1. Wel) Pad Construction Azsume Emad) tracter/backhoe from Dutch Harbor @t £100/hr. Construct well pad and excavate for comductor Pipe. (24 hours work plus €& hours mob/ demote at £100/hr. Conductor pipe (30" $79.43 Tbvft x» Zo wenaht = 1,600 Tb) Cement 40 sacks at #10.00/cact Timbers for cellar Freiaht to Seattle for 30" comd. pape. Subhoted TDrallina Ria 1. Move-in from Dutch Harbor (See Price Ref. #1) : at #3500/day Fer Diem 13 man @ $2596/day mar @ $154/day Subtotead (See Froice Ref. #1) @ $4500 /day Subtotal 3. Move-out to Ingectiom Wel) (See Frice 10 dayt @ $34500/day Ff. #1: 0G a. Weter (See Frice Ref. #2: PD Water Fume (S00 apn) S00' @ F2.27/Ft Subtotad (See Frice Ref. #2) 1500 ga1, Lined PVC collapsible tank ks 4. Fit Liner (See Frice Ref. #3) Flazstic liner Tas Shofeina for all c. Subtoiot a7 10-1 Fano 700 400 400 yon $4,600 Fl1s500 FIIL5on $750 45 ssn #1347 Dread) Stramna Equipment 1. Bite & Hole Openers, (See Price Ref. #3) (See Price Ref. #4) (See Frice Ref. 85) 1 - 14 3/4" SV 1 - 24" HO 4- 17 1/5" I-4 3 - 1s 174" 4 Tax Shorea Subtoted a. Stablizers, (See Frice Ref. #6) = - 14 374" 1-2 1 - 17 1/72" Roller Reamer ain er Reamer 1 - Be || (3 a $1 70/day? 2o- Shock Sub C30 days @ €210/dey) Sho eRe Subtiot 3B. Droid) Pape Rent (See Price Ref. #7: Purchase Tubora for Cementara aiuto - 3" @ ay Ft Ta: Shoei Subtooted 4.0 Rented 7 UC ¢ after) 4 Moret Cx dayt @ ¥55/day) ax Shoaepeama ys ard £77/day S. Fothoana Toole Estimate 5000 €@. Inmteectiar Eztaimate 7. Replacement Estimate 5000 Carculatina eysetem 1. Mud and Chemicals (See Fraice Ref. 89 Mud Reet of Mud Wevahit Estomated Additives Eztame of Mud Depth Mad volume per barre) Mud Cost Additives Intervel (barrels) FOE Calif. FOR Celif. be? o-150' F1.& 4500 Wo'-1150" #1. 1S 1150'-s000' $3.39 ltrs 3yrie Lost Circulation Material Eztamat No. oof Lrna t. sacks Proace Product Sawdust Cotton seed hulle Sa 75 10 Ewok Sea 40 7S F225 Malta Seat 40 75 $24.03 Subtotal ~ Other Tras yor rames, Subtoted f2sgu0 Fresaht to Seattle. 44.100 Tb @ #2 5cwt Mad Eraqrecr lorounmd trie fron Celit. Subtotead Total mud. chemicals, and mud enaireer CF E-1 Comprezzors 3 Est. we t Rent separator for air drallina, 9 days #150 /dey (Est. wevaht = Sood Tb (1 truck Toad? 200 pe [TN ee 100 Gea tec @ $700/day @ $250 ‘day 45000 Tb CHO reer Total + #11) Seettle, Tee 4 €3/cwt cut & short haw Total St 2.50 #375 "1 $750 #1754 Required FOE Calif. Calif. Cbs) S750 S750 3000 aor 12500 Estimated Werahit vlee 200g $3450 €.400r Soi 4. Fu 7 SX day » 40 gal/day « $1.25/9a1 #1150 Fe. Directional Pridtanea 3. Survey and Tools (See Fraice Ref. #12) Rent survey tools. 23 day Freivaht m = FE0/day Subtotal G. Legqaina 1. Mud Leagaina., (See Frice Ref. #2 Mobi lization a7 days @ #3900 Travel plus Fer Diem Subtoted 3. Temperature (See Fraice Ref. Fix) Purchase 11-1507 © Praital Thermometer Ta Subtoioted H. Cemerntaira See Frice Ref. #14) 4, Equapment rental 3.5 mo @ £14000/me F459000 Eauaemerit mates to Rig Vista soa to Seattle 45200 Tb @ $2/cwt (=) 1400 CementsSilica flour mis on super beast ~ BS super bags (3 cu. ft. each) @ $500/ea Sa Te: Te/baa ob $3/cwt 7500 reducer, etc. 7! rao meery Taber Mans, 1.5 mo @ €1E000/me (ry 2400 fan, Of 75 mo @ F1e000/moa 7 ls0nn > AncThoragwe to Dutch Harbor and return, 4 round teaps @ F200 Fuel. 240 gal @ #1. te) /a= 7 Temporary water storage tark (=) (2 S400/9a7) Total (1) Cementina equipment recomended by: 1 "Sanale skid" with cementina pump, etc. 1 Te) 1 Préumatiyc transfer of dry Tk) 1 °Sme17 preumatic transfer tank for dry cement. mas: CLS cu. ft. capacity: 2000 Th empty, werabhit) = Large preumatic tanks for storage of dry cement mix (each S20 cu. ft. capacity, S500 1b empty werdabht., ard 10's10'x14' hiah) Forpina and velvet (4000 Tb? (2) remental portion of cementing costs allocated to: circulatryer plugs (H-&)s: 27% of materials & fuel 225 man-month af service commeany Tater 10-4 I. Rermtale & Equipment = Price Fef = Frice Ref Reotatina H $4500 Pipe Ram ( =O" Bland Ram Fitcher Nope O (30 day @ $31/day) Banjo Eo (20 daye @ ¥100/day) Separator (30 days #75/ day) Tezt Spool (30 days @ $60/day) = Caetina Head Valve Retatana Rubber 4 @ $550 Weldina Ta Storraimna 750 aeon rong Total Je 1. Service Chemace € 14 4 28 Uther S Totked (1) (See Ref. #16) =) (See Ref. #17) ha Teztira. and Equipment Fatroacate weir bos (werakt + 6000 Gauaet, recorder and eme11 valv Downhole pres mormrt 4000 200g Ben clamp hedoum bott Te ctentific transducer. wire, and pranmter plus spares ne A FDOO Sa y (1) Wore dime rot Rent. shid-mounted urat (weiakit + 1500 @ $30 Tubricat woth heads for oc and electric line (werabht - electronic teme tool, wire Band supplies (Total weiaht + 15000 Tb) Totad (1) (See Price Ref. #15) Be Miscellaneous 1. Service Full-time welder/mechanic. 7 weeks @ F2E00/wi Filsyenn m5 Other services, 7 week @ £500/wk Travel to DH. for welder/mechanic Subtotal S. Supplies, 7 weeks @ €500/wk Arr Frevaht Subhiote weeks @ $1000/wk ke @ $500/whk Subtooted Subtotal 4.0 Rurrora Services Torna Rental Estimation $200 OG. Wellhead 1. e11h W 1 300) sc 22 ; 2 badd Velvet oy 1 check valve 7 3 Flanged Shir cuak meridia t 1 4 ao 1 > a 1 2” companidon Flan Az Req'd rate, gasket Qe. Plugs, ete Sales ta Frevaht to Seattle 12000 Tb @ £3/cwt wv w na 4 rm v inug in t uw 7” . a tne mn mam DY Ahh #H a we Dg . a J rr iw Fale:Aradzawl. gar 10-46 13 3/8" Preliminary Injection Well Program and Drilling Cost Estimate MESGUITE GROUF, INC. BIT AND BOTTOM HOLE ASSEMBLY FROGRAM WELL: Unalaska 13 3/5" Injection BITS, WEIGHTS AND SPEEDS Bit. Wei aht Depth Interval Size loo and/or CInches) Type CE) Rem Formation Name 17 1/2" s8V 15/45 So/is0 a-350' 12 1/4" Sv 15/745 Sovi20 350-600! BOTTOM HOLE ASSEMBLY Hole Size 17 175" 12 1/4" Bit Bit. Stab. Stab. 7 Sheck Sut Shock Subs 2be 2bc Stab. Stab. ébe 6De Bo xO DP DP Abbreviations: Stab. - Stabilizer HO - Hole Opener DC - Driit “Oo - Crossover DF - Drill Fire Collar x wv 3 o ~ « ee Have air compressors available to drill w/air or aerated water. MES@UITE GROWF, INC. CASING, CEMENTING. AND BOF PROGRAMS 13° 3/8" Injection CASING PROGRAM Weight Calculated Safety Factors Interval Qe/ft) Grade Joint Type Top Burst Bot. Burst Coll. Teneren Surface-350' é1 K-35 Buttress 20.6 11.3 12.4 45.1 CEMENTING Slurry Descriptions: Lead Slurry - 416 cu. ft. of Clase G cement with 40% silica flour, lil Perlite, 3% Gel, 23% fraction retarder, and t é > @ Calculated % of retarder and water loss control based om BLH.T. Tail Slurry - 70 cu. ft. of Class G cement with 40% silica flour. Dezired Top: Sur face Excess: 100% Casing Running &@ Cementina Instructions Shoe, Collar(s) and Joint Strenathenina: Weld shoe. float collar, amd bottom four joints of casting. Rur flapper type float shoe om bottom of ng. Ruri etab-in flapper type float collar ome Joint above = ‘ Se Centralizers and Scratchert-Number, Type and Spacima: Centralizers at float collar, 200, and 100 ft. Preflush, Displacement Rate, Plugs, Recaproecations, ETC.: reflush. Pume Std cu. ft. of cold water at be. Fume cement at highest rate poss Pressure Testing and Landina: Visually centralize catina at surface. BOF PROGRAM >a head w/2-3" ma ao" 2o" ANSI 300 x 13 3/75" ANSI 300 flanged cut Ww F E R Stack ellhead 2a" #O Re Ram Tired Rain otating Head Arrangement SOW casing Workina Sure Pre FSI suo 2000 Boon S000 S000 Boo Mariana MESQUITE GROUP, INC, CASING, CEMENTING., AND BOP PROGRAM WELL: Unalaska 13 3/78" Ingection SIZE: 13 3/6" DEPTH: 600' CASING FROGRAM Wer gtit. Calculated Safety Facto Interval Qle/ft) Grade Joint Type Top Burst Bot. Burst Coll. Temsaon ao0-e00' 3é K-35 FI Na NA NA Na CEMENTING Slurry Description and Properties Slurry Description: Uncemented Desired Top: Running & Cementina Instructions Shoe, Collar(s) and Joint Strenatherima: Tack weld bottom four gointe. Centralizers and Scratchers-Number, Type and Spacina: Prefluch, Displacement Rate, Plugs, Reciprocations, ETC.: Pressure, Testing and Landina BOF PROGRAM Werkirg Maritrnurn ure Bor MESOUITE GROUP, INC. MUD, LOGGING AND WELLHEAD FROGRAM WELL: Unalaska 13 3/8" Injection MUI: API Yield Depth Interval Mud Type Weiart Fluid Lose Point FH d= a-600 Gel &.5 No Comt. No Cont. 9.0 So a-é600* Air or Air Hammer O-600* Aerated Water Remarks: * If Possible LOGGING Depth Interval o-éoo! Mud 2" = 100' o-é0g! Temperature 2" = 100° WELLHEAL: Werking Fressure Nominal Size Fst Type 12" ANSI 300 740 psi (eold) 13 3/5" S OW. cating head with 3" side 12" ANSI 300 = Thewgh-comduit type master valve e1o"s.0" ANSI 300 " Flanaed flow tee to's S"ANSI 300 = Adaptor flangae 3" ANSI 300 ” Flanged steel swab valve 106" ANSI sou 7 Through-comduit type wing valve 10" ANSI 300 u Flanged steel check valve File: forms2 Mesquite Group, Inc. FIGURE 7 WELL BORE SCHEMATIC UNALASKA 13 %" INJECTION WELL 13%° K-55, 61# Buttress 956" K-55,364 Fu, : Slotted 2.5°X 0.25; 18 rows, 6° centers 12%° Not drawn to scale DEPIA (Feel) Mesquite Group, Inc. FIGURE 8 PENETRATION GRAPH ESTIMATE UNALASKA 13%" INJECTION WELL RUN & CEMENT 13°” NU & TEST BOPE a Ww é a E ° 3B a? @ s c 4 6 6@ 0 2 4 6 18 "DAY 20 22 24 DRILLING COST ESTIMATE SCENARIO 3A Unalaska 13 3/8" j i WELL: ska 3/8" Injection DATE: DAYS FROM SPUD: CONTINGENCY TOTAL Remus 1; me ' €. DIRECTIONAL BALL UBE 10101 aegis SUBTOTAL] $29 484 4 CR ee A. DRILLING COST ESTIMATE DETAILS 1303/5" Unalaska Ingection Weld Read & Loc. 1. Well Fad Comstruction ASSumMe Smeal] tractor/backhoe from Dutch Harber at $100/hr. Cc truct well pad and e- Fiupe, hours @ #100/hr,. Comducte Pipe (320" $79.43 Tb/ft oe Bo, wedaht = 1,600 Tb) Cement 40 sacks at $10.00/sack Timbers for cellar Freqaht to Seattle for 30" comd. pipe. Subtotal avate for comductor ) Drillina Ris 1. Move-in (See Frice Ref. #1) 7 days @ F3500/day 2. Daywork (See Price Ref. #1) 10 dayt @ $45 Subtotad 3. Mt too Dutch Harbor (See Price Ref. #1) ye @ F3500/day Fer Doem 13 men @ $2:76/ 134 men @ $154/each Kt 1 ny n Subtotad and Tranmzeportation Services Ref. #1) Subtoated 4. Pot Liner (See Price Ref. #5) Flastic line Tax Shipeirna Subtotad Draidd Strina Equipment 1. Bite & Hole Operne Ss Froce Ref. #2 Frice Ref. #4) FProice Ref. #5) 17 1/2" sv lz 1/4" sv w v u ) nif if wv w ot uw ( ( 2 Tax» Shoapreara Subtoted FE) Subtoted tala = + + $3000 700 400 4c 45000 42000 soon 1ie4e on é. Rentals (¢ Price Ref. Z 7 DC (15 days @ $770/1st day, and $77/day after) 1 Monel (15 days @ $55/day) Tax Shoaeeara Subotad Fishaina Tanle Estimate Inereectian Estimate “culetina syste Mud and Chemicals Miu Most oof Mud $2500 #1500 $2500 Wevaht of Mud Additives Estimated Additives Estimated Depth Mud volume per barrel Mud Cost Int val (barrels) FOE Calif. FOE Calif. m-3s50"' $50 San’ -éco! 450 Rarculation Meterial LI mated ee oF Uri t Coz ke Price FOR Prooduct Jb/eack Required FOR Calif. Calif. Clb) Sawduet. $2.50 Lottor seed hulle Fio.lon Ewik Seal] 40 FPR, 3S Multa Sead 40 $24.03 Moiec. Chemicals Subtotad Freight to Seattle, 2000 Tb &@ €3/ecwt 15 days @ ¥250/day t lo round trip from Calif. Subhotad Totad mud. chemicals, and mud enaimeer t i (FOR Seattle) Total for E-1 11-2 H. 2. Mud Cooler, Separator ard Air Compre (See Frice Ref. #10) Rent evar. tyre mud conler. 9 day= @ ¥150/day (Est. weraht = 7000 Th) Rent. separator for air drillina, 3 days $150/day (Est. werght = Soon Tb) Freiaht from Seattle (1 truck Toad) Compreztors 2-850 scfm, 200 pei compressors 1-1700 scfm, 1000 pea be 1 mist pump = days operation @ #700/day 60 dayt standby @ €250/day eter Demob from Seattle, 45000 Jb & $3/ewt ro operators (2 mer) So days @ $500/day Lo round trip @ €1200/mar Total Ss. So = Gorteoad (Ss Frivce Ref. #11) Re mad cleaner, 9 days @ £125 /day sc ne F ht fron Se @ $3/cwt 4.0 Fused For Mad cleaners ? day For aqr «= days Tarectionad Draddana 3. Survey and T (See Frice Ref. #12) Rent saimate hit ard heat shield. 9 days @ W/dey Frevaht Subt ot ad Lesaqra 0g +h # tee 1. Mud Leaagina (See Price F 12 days @ F200 Travel plus Fer Diem Demobi Vizatior y Subtiot ad Cementara (See Frice Ref. #14) ‘ Cee a fe Equiement remtad 2.0 mo @ $14000/tm2 Equipment Demat: Seettle to Reo Vista. 45200 Tb @ £3/cwt From Ric Vista 1350 450 10 1400 15000 1350 4000 SE) ne #1125 40 Sc $2055 on 1400 Soon 7 - ; (2) Cement/Silica flour mis in super beas = wer bags cu. ft. each) @ €500/ea Sal t. Freiaht to Seattle: 26 tage « Tb/baa @ Fa75ut Retarder, friction reducer, etc. Servi company Tatars Fe mari; Ss id mari, avel., Anchora: and return, 2 round PEVRS @ $500 Fuel. 240 gal @ #1.25/9a1 ~*~ Total (1) Refer to equpment list for 13 3 (2) Incremental portion of cementir Tost circulation plugs: 45% of materials and fuel = #7700 20"s0 (15 days Fore Fam (15 0 @ $10 Bland Ram (15 days $10) Rotating Head (15 days @ £150) (15 days @ £12) Banoo Serarats (15 da Reotatina Rubbers Welodinsa Tax Shier rea #100) #75) S50 1. Services Chemical €é€ 114 4 282 Other Se Total monitorina system afc transduc Compnat Branter plus ; 20 tn @ FFU / day Wireline unit Rent shid-mounted urat (werakt + 1500 Tbh Somo @ $3000/ m2 Misc teols and supplies Return Frevaht from Seattle Total weraht + 2000 7 Total fr (1) (See Price Ref. #15) 1 11-4 acho allocated to well. 12000 ae Son Sue F_so0o KE. Miscellaneous 1. Services Full-time welder/mechanic, 4 weeks @ #25010/wk Uther services. 4 week @ $500/wk Travel to DOH. for welder/mechanic Subtootad 2. Supplies, 4 weeks @ $500/wk Air Freiaht. Subtotad 3. Rentale Forklift, 4 weeks @ $1000/wk Other, 4 weeks @ $500/wk Subtiotad Fe FOR Seattle #7) @ $30/Ft. $21/ft. Subtotad echanavcal Hamger Subhotead SPectrar Subtotal 4. Rurnima Services Toma Rental Estimation Hanger Runnima Tool Rent Estimate Subtoted Ge. Wellhead 1. Wellhead (1) 1 Casina head > LZS"ANSTI 3200 = 123 2/8 3 3" ANSI 3200 flanged steel ball valve 1 3" ANSI 300 flanged stee? che valve 1 2" ANSI 300 Flagged thrcwabki cords t. type gate valve 1 10" ANSI 300 Flanged throuakh-comdutt 1 type gate valye Flargzed tee ~~ 2"=10 Adaptor flanae » 1a" ANST 300 10" ANSI 300 flanged steel check, valve 10" ANSI 300 companion flange 97" kets, gauge 1 1 1 1 At Req'd studs, ruts, aask Ss F (1) Cs (2) ¢ C3) ¢ 10" ANSI 200 Plugs, cl #14100 $200 PROFESSIONAL LABOR CosT ESTIMATE Scenario BA Orne 13 3/8" Production Well and Ome 13 3/8" Ingection Wel) Persornme] Total Days Cost/Day Project Manager I FeO Geochemist 23 600 Reservoir Engineer Ze 600 16,800 Dradlina Engineer 39 e600 53,400 Praiddina Supervisor WF St $5,500 Production Ereaireser €7 So 33,500 Froductiom Supervieer SS 450 B4, 750 Reoloaret 14 So & w Sabet otha t Fos, Travel and Fer Diem $47,275 Other Darect Cost $46 089 Total $353,194 APPENDIX C AIR QUALITY ANALYSIS UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL PROJECT AIR QUALITY IMPACTS The Unalaska geothermal project is located near the Makushin Volcano, Unalaska Island, Alaska. The project will utilize the Maturally occurring geothermal energy potential (steam and hot water) to power electrical generation equipment. The geothermal project will not Produce the combustion gases and pollutants generated when standard fuels (coal, oil or natural gas) are burned for the production of energy. However, moncondensable gases and some particulates present in the geothermal fluid or gas stream could be released as air emissions. 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The geothermal project will consist of the following major facilities: - Geothermal well(s) and wellhead arrangements. - Flash separator upstream of the turbine. - Turbine Generator. - Air cooled condenser. - Reinjection wells. The geothermal stream will be piped from the well to the flash separator. The stream will consist of 90 percent liquid and 10 percent steam (SAI Engineers). The liquid will be sent to reinjection wells, The steam will be piped to the turbine generator for the production of electricity. After the generator, the steam will flow to air cooled condensers. The liquid condensate from the condensors will be handled through reinjection wells, and the Noncondensable gases will be routed through mufflers and discharged through stacks to the atmosphere. 44.45/6-1 -l- The initial phase in the project will include the construction of two (2) 2.5 MW single flash cycle units producing a total of 5.0 MW electricity. The initial phase will require 1,100,000 lb/hr total flow from the geothermal wells (SAI Engineering). The next phase in the project would be to add two (2) 1.0 MW binary cycle units which would utilize the liquid from the single flash cycle units. The binary cycle units would raise the generation capacity of the project to 7.0 MW electricity (SAI Engineering). The addition of the binary cycle units would Not require any additional flow from the geothermal wells. The final phase in the project would be the addition of one (1) 2.5 MW single flash cycle unit (without a coupled binary cycle unit). This would require an additional 550,000 lb/hr flow from the geothermal wells, bringing the total flow requirements to 1,650,000 lb/hr total flow (SAI Engineering). The completed project would produce 9.5 MW electricity. 2.0 AIR POLLUTANT EMISSIONS Air emissions result from venting the noncondensable gases present in the stream leaving the air condenser. The "worst case" analysis contained in this report reflects the assumption that all of the potential noncondensable gases Present in this stream will be released to the atmosphere. Current data are insufficient to determine the amount of these gases present in the liquid stream leaving the air condenser, or the amount that will be present in the brine from the flash separator. The primary noncondensable pollutant of concern is hydrogen sulfide (HyS). The HoS concentration in the Makushin Geothermal Field is 1.73 ppm by weight in the total steam flow (Republic Geothermal, Phase III Final Report, April 1985). This report notes that the three (3) samples taken in August, 1984 are believed to be accurate. These data show an average of 1.73 ppm HS. Higher and more variable H2S analyses for the July, 1984 samples are discarded because of procedural error in the laboratory analysis. 44.45/6-2 -2- 2.1 H2S EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS wee ereee ne The hydrogen sulfide emissions are calculated for 1,100,000 1b/hr total flow for the 5.0 MW and 7.0 MW systems and 1,650,000 1bs/hr total flow for the 9.5 MW system. 5.0 MW and 7.0 MW Systems 1.73 lbs HyS x 1,100,000 1bs flow = 1.90 lbs HoS 1,000,000 lbs flow hour hour 9.5 MW System 1.73 lbs Hos x 1,650,000 lbs flow = 2.85 lbs H2S 1,000,000 lbs flow hour hour 2.2 H9S YEARLY EMISSIONS a Sa eee If it is assumed that there will be continual emissions throughout the year (either on an operational basis or bypass situations), then the yearly emissions are as follows: 5.0 MW and 7.0 MW Systems 1.90 lbs HS x 8,760 hr x _1 ton = 8.32 tons H2S hr yr 2,000 1b yr 9.5 MW System 2.85 lbs HoS x 8,760 hr x_ 1 ton = 12.48 tons HS —_—____ hr yr 2,000 1b yr 2.3 PARTICULATE EMISSIONS Particulates present in geothermal steam may be released into the atmosphere from steam venting during geothermal well drilling or from venting during malfunctions or shutdowns. 44.45/6-3 -3- The current project design incorporates the reinjection of the brine. Extensive cooling towers or ponds are not anticipated. Therefore, the associated particulate emissions should be minimal compared to other geothermal projects where particulates are released as drift. Drift refers to cooling water droplets (containing dissolved and suspended solids) that are entrained in the exiting air flow. The composition of the circulating cooling water and the mass of water released determines the total amount of particulate emissions. Because these particulates are emitted as part of water droplets ranging in size from a few microns to several hundred microns in diameter, they tend to settle to the ground in the vicinity of the cooling tower or pond. 3.0 AIR QUALITY IMPACTS The air quality in the area is assumed to be good. However, because of the natural geothermal activity in the area, those air pollutants which will be released from the geothermal project may already be present in the ambient air in the surrounding area, albeit at lower concentrations than process emissions. 3.1 AIR QUALITY MODEL DESCRIPTION The USEPA-recommended Industrial Source Complex (ISC) model was utilized to estimate the potential hydrogen sulfide impacts associated with the Unalaska Geothermal Project. The ISC model was designed to simulate fugitive emission sources such as material handling activities in a variety of configurations (e.g., point, area, volume sources). For the geothermal project, the site area subject to installation was characterized as a series of point sources. Predicted concentrations were calculated for downwind receptors in micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m3), 3.2 MODEL ASSUMPTIONS The following emission factors and project assumptions will be used for modeling purposes to determine the ambient air quality impacts from the HS emissions. 44.45/6-4 -4- 1. There will be one muffler and one stack for each 2.5 MW single flash cycle unit (SAI Engineering). 2. There will be two (2) stacks for the 5.0 MW and 7.0 MW systems and three (3) stacks for the 9.5 MW system. The emissions per stack are as followings: 5.0 MW and 7.0 MW Systems 1.90 lbs Hos x 1 = 0.95 lbs Hos hour 2 stacks hour - stack 9.5 MW System 2.85 lbs HoS x 1 = 0.95 lbs Hos hour 3 stacks hour - stack 3. The stack discharge of gases and steam from each single flash cycle unit will have the following characteristics (SAI Engineering): 95 lb/hr gases 63 1b/hr air leakage 678 lb/hr steam Total 836 lb/hr discharge The 836 lb/hr discharge from each single flash cycle unit will have the following characteristics (SAI Engineering): Temperature 225°F Pressure 14.0 psia Volume 370 acfm discharge 4. The stacks are each assumed to be twenty (20) feet high with a diameter of 6 inches (SAI Engineering). 44.45/6-5 -5- 3.3 MODEL RESULTS The maximum predicted l-hour hydrogen sulfide (H9S) concentration for the 5.0 MW and 7.0 MW systems was 238 ug/m3 (0.17 ppm). The maximum predicted l-hour hydrogen sulfide (Has) concentration for the 9.5 MW system was 357 ug/m3 (0.25 ppm). Both maximum concentrations were estimated to occur 100 meters from the source. There are no state or federal ambient air quality standards for HyS. The State of Alaska has a reduced sulfur compound standard, expressed as sulfur dioxide (S05) of 0.02 ppm as an odor threshold guideline for HS. The Threshold Limit Value (TLV), as recommended by the Association of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (AGIH) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), is 14 mg/m3 (10 ppm). This TLV is based upon cases which have indicated that HS exposure at low concentations for a few hours has been associated with headaches, sleep disorders, Nausea, and corneal injury. While estimated HS impacts for the 5.0 MW, 7.0 MW, and 9.5 MW Systems exceeded the odor threshold guideline of 0.02 ppm, they are well below the TLV of 10 ppm. Modeling results indicate that the predicted concentrations drop below the odor threshold beyond 3.5 km from the source. 4.0 AIR QUALITY REGULATIONS The "worst case" emission calculations, assuming 100 percent gas libera- tion, no controls and continous emission throughout the year, showed 8.32 tons of HoS per year from the 5.0 MW and 7.0 MW systems and 12.48 tons of H»S per year from the 9.5 MW system. In addition, the facility is assumed to emit less than 250 tons per year of any criteria pollutant (No,, S09, CO, hydrocarbons or particulates). Therefore, the facility would be exempt from Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) review (18 AAC 50. 300.6). However, the facility would require a permit from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) (18AAC50.300). Because the projected maximum H2S concentrations exceed the Alaska ambient air quality standard for reduced sulfur compounds, the ADEC could not issue this permit. Issuing a permit would 44.45/6-6 -6- require that the Hos emissions be reduced from the levels shown in Section 2.0. The actual emissions may be less than these levels depending on how much Hos remains in the liquid phase. Otherwise, additional emission control would be required. 5.0 CONTROL TECHNOLOGY If it is determined that some control of the hydrogen sulfide (H95) is necessary, the following control technologies may be applicable to the Unalaska geothermal project. 5.1 IRON CATALYST PRIMARY SYSTEM The iron catalyst primary system removes H2S present in the condensate. This system uses iron to catalyze the chemical reaction of HoS to elemental sulfur. The elemental sulfur formed is removed by filtering the condensate stream after the reaction has occurred. The amount of H9s in the noncondensable gases as a fraction of total incoming H9S in the steam is referenced to as partitioning. Since the overall H2S removal of the iron catalyst primary system is limited to the H2S in the condensate, the amount of H9S in the condensate is of critical concern. For maximum H9S§ removal with this systen, minimum partitioning is desired. 5.2 IRON CATALYST SECONDARY SYSTEM The Iron Catalyst Secondary System is essentially identical to the Iron Catalyst Primary System in that iron is used to catalyze the reaction of H2S to elemental sulfur. However, the secondary system is used in combination with other H2S control methods that remove H2S from the noncondensable stream. The Iron Catalyst Secondary System removes H2S remaining in the condensate after using another control system to maximize the removal of H2S present in the noncondensable gases. 44.45/6-7 -7- 5.3 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE-CAUSTIC-CATALYST (HPCC) SYSTEM Like the iron catalyst system, the HPCC system oxidizes H9S contained in the condensate. However, unlike the iron catalyst system, hydrogen peroxide (H202) and caustic (sodium hydroxide, NaOH) are also added to the system in addition to the iron catalyst solution. The peroxide increases the oxygen available for Hs oxidation which enables a high degree of abatement efficiency with high H7s loading. NaOH is sprayed into the after condensers to remove H2S from the noncondensable gases. The addition of NaOH also increases the pH of the condensate which in turn increases the amount of Ho9S absorbed into the condensate. A higher pH also favors formation of soluble sulfur compounds (sulfates) over elemental sulfur. This control system can be used as a primary or secondary removal system. The HPCC Primary System differs significantly from the HPCC secondary system. Used as a primary Hos removal system, the HPCC system is designed to maximize the amount of HjS in the condensate for subsequent liquid phase oxidation. Alternatively, where a gas phase primary H9S removal system is employed, such as the Stretford or burner/scrubber systems, the primary system is designed to maximize the amount of HS in the noncondensable stream. The relatively small portion of Hos remaining in the condensate is then oxidized by the secondary HPCC system. 5.4 BURNER-SCRUBBER SYSTEM In a burner-scrubber system, the noncondensable stream is incinerated thereby oxidizing H7s to sulfur dioxide (S02). The SO2 formed is then scrubbed from the flue gases by various conventional S09 control technologies. 5.5 STRETFORD SYSTEM The Stretford system is currently the most widely used method of Hos abatement on newer power plants in the Geysers, California geothermal area. The Stretford system is designed for use with surface condensers although use with direct contact condensers is possible. This system removes over 99 percent of H2S contained in surface condenser noncondensable stream. Recently designed surface condensers have achieved up to 95 percent partitioning of H 9S into the noncondensable stream. Thus, approximately 95 percent overall HyS removal efficiency can be achieved. 44.45/6-8 -8- The Stretford system involves scrubbing the condenser off-gases with Stretford solution in an absorber after passing through a Venturi scrubber. The HjS-Stretford solution flows from the absorber to an oxidizing tank where air is injected to regenerate the Stretford solution and separate the elemental sulfur that is formed. The sulfur is then removed by froth flotation. 44.45/6-9 -9- APPENDIX D ECONOMIC ANALYSIS DETAILS ( EE FEE FE HEE HE HE HE HEE HEE BE HE RE HE FE FE RE HE AE EE HE IE HE SE FE HEE HE Ht HE HE HE ¢ ELFIN INPUT DATA FILI-: UNALASKA. DAT ¢ COMMAND FILE: ¢ DATE LAST UPDATED: 1/35/87 G UPDATED BY: M. FELDMAN ¢ NOTE: THIS SIMULATION IS IN KW. NOT MW ¢ ¢ ¢ y THOUSANDS, Nitl MILLIONS, OF DOLLARS EH HE AE HE TE HE HE TEE HE HE FE TEE TE TEE HE HEE HE THE EE HE HE HEE HE HE EH HE HE a HE tAGEYR O BASE CALIBRATION YEAR © 1987 PASTYR O 25 YEARS AFTER INTIA! GOETHERMAL PLANT ON LINE O 2016 PRWCEN O YEARS FOR CHOSEN RUNS 7 1988 1989 1990 1997 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 ¢ FEE AE TEE TE TERE HEHE FE HEHE HEHEHE HE TEE HEHE HE HE EAE DE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HE HEHE HE : RESOURCE CATEGORIES ¢ PEE EE EEE TE ETE ETE EE ETE TE HEHE TEE HE He aE He HEE HE EEE HE HE HE HE HEE CLIGEN O ELECTRIC GENERATION PLANT CATEGORIES 7 “DSL1’ ‘’DSL2’ “DGI3’ “DSL4’ ‘DSL5’ ’DSL6’ ’DSLA’ “GEO1’ ’SGIP’ Dist 1XX O 1450 KW DIESEL UN) DGLPXX O B55 KW DIESEL UNIT Dil 2XX O 620 KW DIESEL UNIT DE aAXX O 600 KW DIESEL UNIT Dil DXX O 3OO KW DIESEL UNIT sl SXX O 3OO KW DIESEL UNI1T Ind AXX O ADDITIONAL DIESEL UNITS GIernixx O FIRST GEOTHERMAL SGIPXX O SELF GENERATORS GI-NSUM 1 EXISTING UNALASKA DIJFSEL 7 ‘DSL1’ ’DSL2’ ‘DSI3’ ’DSL4’ ‘’DSL5’ ‘’DSL6’ GI-NGUM 2 ADDITIONAL UNALAGKA PIESEL UNITS 7 ‘DSLA’ GENSUM 3 PROPOSED APA GECITHERMAL 7 ‘GEO1’ GLNGSUM 4 INDUSTRIAL DIESFL 7 *SCGIP’ HKEEEKEKKHEKKEKKEKKKKEEKHEKHEKEKEEEE LOAD PARAMETERS EERE EERE EE EERE ERE EEE EERE EEE EEE E Aan io BASE CASE SCENAK]O--RW BECK 11/2/86 ANPEAK 1 BASE CASE CITY PFAK DEMAND SOURCE: RW BECK — 11/86 TABLE V-4B 4 2871 4895 6031 71GO0 7290 7365 7440 7517 8644 8722 83401 8881 8952 10072 10143 10214 10786 10359 10431 10505 SALES 1 BASE CASE CITY LOAD SOURCE: RW BECK - 11/86 TABLE V-3B 4 13691 20131 23387 76554 28994 29265 29539 29818 34851 34138 35431 35728 35978 40976 41226 41476 41471 42010 42279 42562 ¢ HIGH CASE SCENARIO--RW BECK 11/2/86 ANPEAK 2 HIGH C SOURCE: RW BECK —- 13/85 TABLE V-12A 4 2898 6003 8225 9414 9569 9671 9775 9882 11042 11156 31771 11391 11501 12662 12776 12697 14011 13134 13258 13388 SALES 2 HIGH ¢ SOURCE: RW BECK — 11/2/86 4 13832 26427 33444 34836 39517 39929 40353 40793 459797 45470 46959 47467 47922 53131 53606 54104 54617 55148 55703 56178 c *##£*eNEW RW BECK LOAD DATA 1/87 c NEW BASE CASE SCENAK)0--1987-2006 RW BECK ANVEAK 3 BASE CASE CITY PEAK DEMAND SOURCE: RW BECK - 1/87 TABLE V-4AB 4 2981 5157 6316 7448 7622 7708 7793 7880 9017 9105 9194 9284 9365 10496 10578 10660 10743 10827 10910 10996 SALES 3 BASE CASE CITY LOAD SOURCE: RW BECK - 11/86 TABLE V-3B 414119 21311 24517 29834 30324 30615 30909 31208 36751 35568 36881 37198 37468 42486 42756 43026 43311 434600 43889 44192 ¢ NEW HIGH CASE SCENARJO--1987-2006 RW BECK 11/2/86 ANVEAK 4 NEW HIGH UTILITY LOAD PEAK Cc SOURCE: RW BECK — 3/H7 TABLE V-12A 4 3021 6283 8528 9740 9922 10034 10148 21315 11435 11556 13684 11814 11934 13106 13231 13458 13489 13624 13761 13902 SAVES 4 NEW HIGH UTILITY LOAD ENERGY c SOURCE: RW BECK — 3/G7 TABLE V-11 4 14262 21617 29454 35286 40767 41199 41643 42103 474°7 47820 48329 48857 49332 54561 55055 45564 56087 546648 57213 57808 CIENCY 1 (1-ENERGY LOSSES): RW BECK 10/85 P. I1I-2 2 .9536 YAK 1 “WEEKS” PROPORTIGNED TO SEASONS ¢ WINTER = 5 MONTHS JANUARY TO SEPTEMBER ¢ SUMMER = 5 MONTHS MAKCH-APRIL, JULY-SEPTEMBER C FALL = 2 MONTHS MAY-JUNE 7 .4167 .4167 . 1664 C SEEKER EERE EEE EERE EER EEE EEE EE EEE EERE EEE c FUEL COST CATEGORIES ¢ FREER EERE EEE EEE EEE EEE EERE EEE EEE COILNS 2 COST OF REPLACEMENT POWER FOR ENERGY NOT SERVED ¢ CSTENS = 12000 KTU/KWH DIESEL + O&M COST 1.095 -.118 .02 .07) .02 .02 -02 .02 CSTENS 1 VALUE OF ENERGY NOI SERVED c CSTENS = BASED UN 1946 INTERRUPTABLE RATE (BURTON 10/30/86 1.108 O .0.07 .0? .o2 -02 .02 DS OFC 1 LOW DIESEL FUEL FORECAST: IMMERMAN/APA 11/86 ¢ CONVERSION = 138700 HTU/GALLON 15.41E-6 .02 .02) oP .o2 -02 .02 .02 .02 .02 0.0 M1 OFC 2 HIGH DIESEL FUEL. FORI-CAST: IMMERMAN/APA 11/86 Cc CONVERSION = 133700 KTU/GALLON 1 6. 48E-6 .035 .034 .035 . 035 -035 .035 .035 .035 .035 . 035 -035 .0O25 .035 .035 .035 .035 -035 .035 .035 0.0 EERE EERE EERE EEE EEE EEE EEE EERE ER EE EEE GENERATING UNIT CHAKACTERISTICS ee EERE REE EEE REE REE EERE EE EERE REE HERE EE HKKKHHERHHRERRER KEE KKKKKKKEHHEEREERHREHHRE EEE UNALASKA DIESEL UNJ175 (EXISTING FACILITIES) FRIESE ITH IE AI ETE IIE IIE HE EEE EEE Heae Feo DGLICP 2 LARGEST UNIT - RW BI-CK 6/85 P.10 2 1450 DGLIHA 1 AVERAGE HEAT RATE —- 14 KWH/GAL BURTON 2 9907 DSLIFR 1 EFOR = 400HRS/8760 BURTON 11/86 2 .046 DGLIMR 1 MAINTENANCE = 1440 WikS PER 15,000 HRS @ 70% LOAD FACTOR c RANDY SCHULZ, NC ENG:}NE POWER — 11/86 2 .047 DGL1FC 1 DIESEL FUEL OIL FORECAST 9 “DSLO’ DStL10M 1 1.016 0.00.0 .01 DSI eCcP 1 655 KWUNIT -— RW BECK 6/85 P. 10 2 855 DSI PHA 1 AVERAGE HEAT RATE - 14 KWH/GAL - BURTON 2 9907 DSL2FR 1 EQUIVALENT FORCED OUTAGE RATE 2 .046 DSL2MR 1 MAINTENANCE @ 70% LOAD FACTOR 2 .047 DSL2tC 1 DIESEL FUEL OIL FORECAST 9 '3SL0° DSi 20M 1 SAME REFERENCE 1.016 0.00.0 .03 DSL3CP 1 620 KW UNIT — RW BECK 6/85 P.10 2 620 : DSL 3HA 1 AVERAGE HEAT RAIL — 14 KWH/GAL 2 9907 DSL3FR 1 EQUIVALENT FORCED QUIAGE RATE 2 .046 DS! 3M 1 MAINTENANCE @ 70% LOAD FACTOR 2 .047 DSI aC 1 DIESEL FUEL OIL FOKECAST 9 ’DSLO’ Dt SON 1 SAME REFERENCE 1.016 0.0 0.0 .0) DSLEACP 1 600 KW UNIT — Rb KECK 8/85 P.10 2 600 INU AHA J AVERAGE HEAT RATI - 12 KWH/GAL 2 11558 DSL AFR 1 EQUIVALENT FORCED OUTAGE RATE 2 .046 DSL AMR 1 MAINTENANCE @ 20% LOAD FACTOR 2 .0192 DS! AFC 3 DIESEL FUEL OIL FORECAST 9 ’DSLO’ DSL 4OM 1 ESCALATE AT INFLATION - RW BECK 86/85 P. 10 1.016 0.0 0.0 .01 VEL SCrh 1 300 KWUNIT - RW BECK 8/85 P.10 2 300 Dt SA 1 AVERAGE HEAT RATE — 12 KWH/GAL # 11558 DSL OR 3 EQUIVALENT FORCI-D OUTAGE RATE 2? .046 DSL OM MAINTENANCE @ 20% LUAD FACTOR # .019 DSL OFC 3 DIESEL FUEL OIL FORECAST 9 ’“DSLO’ INS} SOM 3 SAME REFERENCE 3.016 0.0 0.0 .03 DSI SC 3 300 KWUNIT — RW BI-CK 6/85 P. 10 2 300 DSI 6A 1 AVERAGE HEAT RAL: -- 12 KWH/GAL 2 11558 DSL Abi J EQUIVALENT FORCED OUTAGE RATE 2 .046 Dil GMR J MAINTENANCE @ 20% LOAD FACTOR P .019 DSLGFC 3 DIFSEL FUEL OIL FORECAST 9 °DSLO’ Dil 60M 1 SAME REFERENCE 1.016 0.0 0.0 .03 DSLACP 1 ADDITIONAL DIESI:l UNITS = B55 KW 17 Y1988 3415 Y1989 4270 Y1990 5125 Y1994 5980 Y1995 6835 Y2000 7790 Y2001 8545 Dt ACH 2 ADDITIONAL DSL UNJ175, 1988-1990 17 Y1988 3415 Y1989 4270 Y1990 5125 DSLACP 3 ADDITIONAL DIESEL UNJTS @855 UNDER HIGH DEMAND SCENARIO--ALL DII-Ci-l 17 Y1988 5130 Y1989 6840 Y1990 7695 VSL ACP DSL ANU Dut ANU Dol ANU Dot ANU Dil AMA DSL AFR DSL AMK DSi AFC DS! AOM Cc Cc c eraice ecruice Cc Y1991 8550 ¥1995 9405 Y¥1998 10260 Y20o0o 11115 Y2003 11970 4 ADDITIONAL DIESEL UNITS @855 UNDER HIGH DEMAND SCENARIO--GEOTHE:M 17 Y1988 5130 Y1989 6840 Y1990 7695 1 ADDITIONAL DIESLL UNITS 17 Y1988 yi989 y1990 yig9o1 Y1994 Yi995 y2000 y2001 10 2 ADDITIONAL DSL UNITS, 1988-1990 17 Y1988 3 Y1989 4 Y1990 5 3 ADDITIONAL DIESLL UNITS @855 UNDER HIGH DEMAND SCENARIO--ALL DIiti 17 Y1988 6 y1989 8 y1990 9 y1991 10 Yi995 11 Y1998 12 y2000 13 y2003 14 WONGULW 4 ADDITIONAL DIESI:L UNITS @855 UNDER HIGH DEMAND SCENARIO--GEOTHEKN 17 Y1988 6 y1989 8 Y1990 9 1 AVERAGE HEAT RATE - 14 KWH/GAL - BURTON 2 9907 1 EGUIVALENT FORCI-l) OUIAGCE RATE ? .046 1 MAINTENANCE @ 70% LOAD FACTOR 2 .047 1 DIESEL FUEL OIL FORECAST 9 ‘DSLO’ 1 SAME REFERENCE 1.016 0.0 0.0 .01 EEKEKEKEKEREEEHEKELEKEKEEEEEKREERKEKKKEKEEHEEKEEEE PROPOSED UNALASKA GLOTHERMAL PROJECTS HERE EAE HE STE AE HEE AEE HE TE EE IE HE HE FEAT IE SE TEE HEHE TE HE TE TE EAE TE HEHE TE TEE HE HEHE HEHEHE EE 1 NO GEOTHERMAL UNJTS ON-LINE 20 2 9.5 MW GEOTHERMAL. FIRST UNIT ON LINE IN 1991 EACH UNIT ADDED BASED ON LOAD GROWTH 17 Y1987 0 ¥1991 3000 Y1995 7500 +7 CENnICP CLlice GLOINU GEOIFC c c GLOLFR c CEUIMR CEC10M aaanaagqneaan ‘GIPCP ¢ SGIPCP SGIPNU SCIPHA SCIPFR SCIPMR Yeo001 9500 3.5 MW GEOTHERMAL 17 Y1987 0 Y1991 5000 4 7 MW GEOTHERMAL 17 Y1987 0 v1991 5000 Y1995 6000 Y2001 7000 2 FIRST UNIT ON LIN: IN 1991 17 Y1987 y1991 Y1995 y20o0o1 Y2003 y2005 2 ROYALTY RATE FOK GE(NHERMAL STEAM, $/KWH 17 Y1987 0. 008 Y1993 0.0081 Y1995 0.0106 Y2000 0.0116 Y2001 0.0322 Ovnousod GEOIMC 2 BUSBAR COS] * .0325 ROYALTY CHARGE 2.0925 1 FORCED OUTAGE RATI Al B PERCENT SAI 11/86 THIS ALSO SHOULD INCI UDE TRANSMISSION LINE OUTAGES 2 .08 1 MAINTENANCE RATE Al 17 PERCENT SAI 11/86 2? ..47 1 ASSUME ZERO VARIAHLE O&M SAI 11/86 2.0 EREEKEE EERE EERE REE EER EERE REE EER EEE EERE RHEE EERE INDUSTRIAL DIESEL CENI-RATING CAPACITY UNISEA PROCESSOR - 1840 KW VITA PROCESSOR - 1900 KW SEA ALASKA - 610 KW PANAMA MARINE - 290 KW PAN ALASKA —- #700 KW MAJELLAN - 750 KW A.P.L. — 1370 KW EAST POINT - 720 KW FREER EEE REE EEE REE EE EEE REE EE EERE EEE EEE REE EEE J INTERRUPTIBLE CUSTOMI-RS INCORPORATED IN CSTENS 20 2 INDUSTRIAL GENERATJON UNITS - RW BECK 10/85 VII-7 2 10350 J NUMBER OF UNITS AVAII ABLE 2 30 1 SYSTEM AVERAGE HEAl RATE AS PLACEHOLDER 2 12000 1 EQUIVALENT FORCEL OUTAGE RATE 2 .046 1 MAINTENANCE = 1440 HOURS/15,000 HRS @ 70% LOAD FACTOR 2 .047 SGIPFC J DIESEL FUEL OIL FORECAST 9 ‘DSLO’ SCIPOM 1 ESCALATE AT INFLATICNN - RW BECK B/B5 P.10 3.016 0.0 0.0 .03 Cc EE AE HE THE ETE TEE HERE ME EE ETE EEE EET EEE TE EEE EEE EEE Cc HOURLY LOAD DATA FORK EACH TYPICAL WEEK Cc HERE ETE HEHE FE HEHE IE HE HE IE REE HE HE HEE TE HE TE HE HE FE HE EE I HE EE HE TE TEE HE TE HE HE HE EE HEHE HE HE HE c LOAD SHAPE — RW BFCK 11/86 WKOIG7 1 JANUARY-FEBRUARY, 0C10BER-DECEMBER 7 1.26 1.23 1.60 1.63 1.38 1.31 2.62 2.60 1.38 1.31 2.62 2.60 1.38 1.31 2.62 2.60 1.38 1.31 2 62 2.60 1.38 1.31 2.62 2.60 1.38 1.31 1.75 1.73 1.26 1.23 1.60 1.63 WKO:'H7 1 MARCH-APRIL, 7 0.91 0.89 1.16 1.18 1.00 0.95 2.36 2.34 1.00 0.95 2.36 2.34 1.00 0.95 2.36 2.34 1.00 0.95 2.36 2.34 1.00 0.95 2.36 2.34 0.91 0.89 2.25 2.27 WKO3B7 1 MAY-JUNE 7 0.95 0.93 1.21 1.23 1.04 0.99 1.54 1.52 1.04 0.99 1.54 1.52 1.04 0.99 1.54 1.52 1.04 0.99 1.54 1.52 1.04 0.99 1.54 1.52 0.95 0.93 #0 1.15 1.16 so 1. 23 1. 8 23 wd SESRS HOMDHONOHOHOM ODER em N ENN Ne ¢ TYemyyan V<oo70u 2s 93 o1 93 51 93 3) 93 -93 1. MOHOHOHOH OHO NONONONONONOHOC HH HEU ENE UMN EN ee ee v On OMOMOMOHOD 0.91 0. 1.43 1.45 1.38 1. 56 1.50 31 1.38 .30 2.12 .41°1.38 -80 2.12 31 1.38 30 2.12 -31 1.38 - 30 212 . 31 1.38 40 2.12 ?5 1.24 -73 1.72 351.16 -%6 1.50 -l? TEMBER . 43 0. 84 13 1.08 -99 1.07 -96 1.75 - 99 1.07 -96 1.75 99 1.07 -96 1.75 -99 1.07 -96 1.75 -99 1.07 96 1.75 -92 1.01 .83 1.59 . 67 0. BB 18 1.13 -96 0.97 45 1.40 -96 0.97 45 1.40 96 0.97 -45 1.40 96 0.97 -45 1.40 96 0.97 45 1.40 68 0.91 32 1.23 1.19 1.54 1.46 oS 46 05 46 os - 46 .05 - 46 os -25 74 19 54 be be ee me AY me A) me AY me RY me AY . 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O07 -i1 .53 . 26 .53 -26 - 53 -26 .53 - 26 .53 - 26 .25 -11 He be ee he he ee be be te ee be ee ee be be be te he me ee me Ye ee mM Pe Pe ee me . 54 - 51 . 68 57 . 68 . 57 . 68 57 . 68 - 57 . 68 57 - 81 . 57 - 54 - 51 -ii 10 . 40 -14 - 40 14 . 40 -14 . 40 -14 - 40 14 20 10 - 16 -14 /59 Ae 59 ae 59 -19 59 -19 - 59 .19 . 38 -14 1. oe ne eee NY ee be bee ee ee Be ee he he ee he he ee he me me ee 59 > Ww . 68 . 47 . 68 . 47 . 68 - 47 . 68 - 47 . 68 - 47 - 81 . 47 .59 - 43 15 03 - 40 - 06 . 40 06 . 40 . 06 40 06 40 - 06 24 . 03 . 20 . 08 . 58 411 . 58 11 . 58 -11 . 58 1! . 58 Ai 42 . 08 -71 1.68 .16 Ze or eee .27 4.24 . 87 1.79 .27 4.24 67 1-79 27 24 . 87 1.79 .27 4.24 - 87 1.79 39 2. 36 64 1b 6&7 99 67 99 &7 99 6&7 99 67 40 - 06 12 85 58 .&5 28 - 65 58 GS 58 ~ NEVE NNN NNN NN: 58 1.62 - 04 09 - 98 16 22 04 - 98 16 2e 04 . 98 16 22 04 98 16 22 3.04 70 69 71 36 34 37 -71 1.68 64 96 1.58 62 2.18 2.22 1% 2.12 2.04 09 WKOYRG 1 MARCH-APRIL, JUL Y-SEP TEMBER 7 -24 1.22 1.18 1.13 1.15 .-58 1.61 1.56 24 1.48 -36 1.29 1.2) 48 1.73 -93 4.91 4.44 79 3.18 - 36 1.29 2) 48 1.73 -93 4.91 4.44 79 3.18 -36 1.29 1.23 1.48 1.73 -93 4.91 44 79 3.18 36 1.29 1.23 48 1.73 .93 4.91 4.44 79 3.18 - 36 3-29 -1:2)-1.48 1.73 -93 4.91 4.44 79 3.18 -24 22 18 38 1.65 - 78 4.81 4.76 62 2.97 WKOSHG 1 MAY- JUNE 7 .29 .65 42 12 42 i2 42 12 42 12 42 12 29 1.27 24 . 97 3.00 2.74 WKOIB9 1 JANUAR Y-FEBRUARY, 0(C1 OBER-DECEMBER 7 83 1.80 1.75 33 2.38 2.30 00 971 79 44 4.40 15 00 1.91 79 - 44 4.40 15 00 1.91 79 44 4.40 1s 00 1.91 79 - 44 4.40 15 -00 1.91 1.79 55 2.52 56 83 80 7% 1.47 1.69 .33 2.38 2.30 7 2.18 WKOPBI 1 MARCH-APRIL, JUL Y- St PTEMBER Nene be bebe dur Ne bebe be ben NeVeVve de We We hr Neer Be we we Ne NEO UHWH UM VENER UNUNUNUNN 17 5i . 00 86 oo 86 - 0O 86 oo . BS fete) 86 93 . 66 bebe berber de brmw Pe bwe be be be ben Pe be bebe be bmw Wo 6) Oe Wom Ge oe NE NNNNNNNNNM& & ez . 68 .35 10 35 10 35 10 35 10 35 10 . 24 . 67 26 93 coy, - ds 93 26 93 26 93 26 93 -38 1.20 -60 1.54 .39°1.48 - 64 2.38 49 1.48 . 64 2.38 .39 1.48 - 64 2.38 -39 1.48 - 64 2.38 .39 1.48 1.60 - 64 2.38 2. 26 .?8 1.41 1.54 22 58 . 60 26 60 26 . 60 .26 60 . 26 NEW WH WH WH Wm me | QeURUe Ue We Wm mm Sehr Newb es TAY Be MD me AD me NY me A me ny me ee PJ RD A) me A) me A) mm oe -#7 2.18 -96 2.10 .75 3.38 - 96 2.10 . 75 3.38 -96 2.10 .75 3.38 - 96 2.10 75 3.38 -&1 1.60 -2 2.50 24 28 . 20 28 20 28 20 28 20 83 53 73 24 NE NNESNSVAVSNVS NeNe We We We Wun’ Nene beau bebe NE NE UNUNUNWN NEN be be be be NYO NNYNNNDVD Ns» me PD ey ey ee ee -67 1.69 1.73 1. NEVE NNNNVNNYY e °o os 54 75 54 75 54 75 54 75 . 82 30 60 os 16 5O0 54 43 54 43 54 43 54 43 54 43 38 27 -21 57 . 88 -05 . 6B .05 . 68 .O5 . 88 -05 - 05 71 -46 2.15 2.05 1. 89 71 22 67 91 67 91 67 91 67 91 -95 46 -7!1 22 PEE NE NE NEUE Nee BR NNUNUNUNONUHH eV NUONUNON ON» NE NNNONUNUNO Ns 67 . 02 oo 55 . 00 55 00 55 . 00 55 01 25 67 02 20 46 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 68 97 . 26 -53 -21 -91 21 -91 -21 A .21 -91 on - 08 95 - 74 78 16 14 71 14 -71 14 71 14 71 15 41 78 16 ry Ne NUNUONUNUNONM: PUrUHKURWR WH Whe SPNENE NE NEVE Ne NE NNNUNUNU NW N on NEN NNUNUNON WN oS 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 - 40 34 25 76 os 27 49 863 88 83 68 83 66 83 88 83 68 41 74 33 55 65 . BO 65 80 65 80 65 BO 65 80 21 66 68 19 76 55 76 .55 76 55 76 55 51 40 68 19 ~We be he be hw hmm oo Ro 0 ee oD NONNVEDSNSNSVN 94 00 94 26 94 26 94 26 94 26 44 26 94 00 - 40 -45 .31 - 64 31 . 64 31 - 64 ae} | - 64 - 31 . 64 - 94 - 45 46 51 . 89 -74 69 71 - 89 -71 89 utd 69 71 Si Si 07 14 10 42 10 42 10 - 42 10 42 61 42 07 14 ey bKe DK be he he Pm we NYNNNNENSNANDYN meme We We WY We Wee NUNNNSNVENSNSNN o9 . 06 35 14 .35 14 .35 14 35 -14 . 47 14 . 09 - 08 - 51 .49 99 .55 Bai .55 ae -55 VF .35 7 -55 Cie -49 58 . 56 18 . 62 18 . 62 18 . 62 18 . 62 18 . 62 90 56 24 . 20 S2 .29 Ss2 ee . Se 29 52 — . 64 29 . 24 20 HM aE DE bea Dee HE UNNUSN SNS De PNW We We We We NUNNVEDANSVSNN 16 94 5 J oo 35 oo 35 oo 35 oo 46 0° 16 . 94 57 . 40 99 . 45 -99 -45 .99 .45 99 .45 .99 -45 .77 . 40 . 63 . 47 18 .51 18 51 18 51 18 51 18 51 95 47 31 0B 52 14 52 14 52 14 52 14 63 14 31 08 iJ 1.32 1.30 1.27 1.71 1.23 1.25 1.24 1.69 1.72 1.66 1.64 1.58 1.62 1.61 1.45 1.38 1.29 1.57 1.81 2.09 2.63 5.06 5.04 4.57 3.91 3.30 2.98 2.55 1.45 1.38 1.29 1.57 1.61 2.09 2.63 5.06 5.04 4.57 3.91 3.30 2.98 2.55 1.45 1.38 1.29 1.57 1.81 2.09 2.63 5.06 5.04 4.57 3.91 3.30 2.98 2.55 1.45 1.38 1.29 1.57 1.61 2.09 2.63 5.06 5.04 4.57 3.91 3.30 2.98 2.55 1.45 1.38 1.279 1.47 1.61 2.09 2.63 5.06 5.04 4.57 3.91 3.30 2.98 2.55 1.32 1.30 1.27 1.46 1.74 2.02 2.46 4.90 4.93 4.35 3.73 3.07 2.77 2.37 WKO3R9 1 MAY-JUNE 7 1.95 1.92 1.87 1.78 1.81 1.65 1.62 2.49 2.54 2.4) 7.42 2.33 2.39 2.37 2.14 2.04 1.91 7.04 2.13 2.27 2.59 4.05 4.02 3.86 3.55 3.29 3.17 2.95 2.14 2.04 1.91 7.04 2.13 2.27 2.59 4.05 4.02 3.85 3.55 3.29 3.17 2.95 2.14 2.04 1.91 27.04 2.13 2.27 2.59 4.05 4.02 3.86 3.55 3.29 3.17 2.95 2.14 2.04 1.91 27.04 2.13 2.27 2.59 4.05 4.02 3.86 3.55 3.29 3.17 2.95 2.14 2.04 1.91 7.04 2.13 2.27 2.59 4.05 4.02 3.86 3.55 3.29 3.17 2.95 1.95 1.92 1.87 1.49 2.02 2.16 2.33 3.62 3.87 3.5% 3.79 2.95 2. Bb 2.69 WKOI90 1 JANUARY-FEBRUARY, OC: 1 OBER- Tee ee 7 2.19 2.15 2.07 2.00 2.03 2.07 2.04 2.79 2.84 2.75 2.71 2.61 2.68 2.66 2.40 2.29 2.14 2.40 2.62 2.88 3.44 5.95 5.91 5.52 4.90 4.34 4.06 3.64 2.40 2.29 2.14 2.40 2.62 2.88 3.44 5.95 5.91 5.52 4.90 4.34 4.06 3. 64 2.40 2.29 2.14 2.40 2.62 2.88 3.44 5.95 5.91 5.52 4.90 4.34 4.06 3.64 2.40 2.29 2.14 2.40 2.62 2.88 3.44 5.95 5.91 5.527 4.90 4.34 4.06 3. 64 2.40 2.29 2.14 2.17 2.16 2.19 2.33 3.05 3.01 3.07 3.01 2.99 3.03 2.95 2.19 2.15 2.09 2.00 2.03 2.07 2.04 2.79 2.84 2.75 2.71 2.61 2.68 2 66 WKOPYO J MARCH-APRIL, JUI Y-SI-P TEMBER 7 1.58 1.55 1.51 1.45 1.47 1.50 1.48 2.02 2.06 1.99 1.96 1.89 1.94 1.93 1.73 1.65 1.55 1.91 2.23 2.59 3.30 6.45 6.42 5.80 4.94 4.14 3.70 3.14 1.73 1.65 1.55 1.91 2.23 2.59 3.30 6.45 6.42 5.80 4.94 4.14 3.70 3.14 1.73 1.65 1.55 1.91 2.23 2.59 3.30 6.45 6. 42 5.80 4.974 4.14 3.70 3.14 1.73 1.65 1.55 1.91 2.23 2.59 3.30 6.45 6.42 5.80 4.94 4.14 3.70 3.14 1.73 1.65 1.55 1.91 2.23 2.59 3.30 6.45 6.42 5.80 4.94 4.14 3.70 3.14 1.56 1.55 1.513 1.78 2.14 2.51 3.09 6.26 6.29 5.57 4.72 3.86 3.45 2.93 WKOS90 1 MAY-JUNE i. 5. NNUNUNONONWNY NNUNNVSYSUSUSNN NYNONUNUNUNUNS NWNPVNANSNSYV Awe 29 56 24 25 24 25 24 25 24 -25 . 24 25 97 07 90 30 00 . 78 00 . 78 oo . 78 00 78 00 78 . 60 52 13 58 . 09 34 09 . 34 . 09 34 09 . 34 58 68 13 . 58 54 87 . 08 . 76 . 08 76 . 08 76 . 08 - 76 . OB .76 .76 54 1.36 1.50 1.59 1.55 3.95 4.44 1.99 1.75 3.95 4.44 1.99 1.75 3.95 4.44 1:99 3.75 3.95 4.44 1.99 1.75 3.95 4.44 1.99 1.75 3.50 4.05 1.84 1.55 2.01 2.21 2.34 2.29 3.56 3.84 2.67 2.58 3.56 3.84 2.67 2.58 3.56 3.84 2.67 2.58 3.56 3. 84 2.67 2.58 3.56 3.84 2.67 2.58 2.89 3.26 2.45 2.29 2.25 2.48 2.63 2.56 4.93 5.42 3.11 2.89 4.93 5.42 3.11 2.89 4.93 5.42 3.11 2.89 4.93 5.42 3.11 2.89 3.00 3.12 2.88 2.89 2.25 2.48 2.63 2.56 1.63 1.79 1.90 1.85 4.99 5.62 2.42 2.09 4.99 5.62 2. 42 2.09 4.99 5.62 2.42 2.09 4.99 5.62 2.42 2.09 4.99 5.62 2.42 2.09 4.45 5.15 2.24 1.65 . 62 . 59 le 65 je . 65 l2 .65 12 - 65 -12 - 65 . 83 59 Bm UT UT OT UT Ut be be _39 _35 14 44 14 44 14 44 14 44 14 44 72 35 NOYONSNENSNSNSWM 68 64 os 74 -05 74 os . 74 . O05 74 16 74 68 64 NNNUNONVEVEN OWN - 94 91 52 - 98 S2 98 52 - 98 Ss2 .98 52 - 98 17 = 0 - . 67 . 50 le 55 12 .55 le 55 le . 55 -12 -55 . 89 . 50 he me TT UT UT ee 47 22 14 28 14 28 14 28 14 28 14 28 80 22 77 48 05 5é 05 56 os 56 05 56 15 56 77 48 NUNUNONEONENENY NONANSNSNSNSNY 00 80 52 85 52 85 52 85 52 85 52 85 24 SeeeFeAeaeoen rs o o 7 225 2.271 2.10 4.05 2.08 2 12 2. 2.86 2.92 2.87 2.79 2.68 2.75 2. 2.46 2.35 2.17 2.33 2.43 2. 56 2. 4.47 4.43 4.20 3.97 3.70 3.58 3. 2.46 2.35 2.19 2.33 2.43 2 56 2. 4.47 4.43 4.28 3.97 3.70 3.58 3. 2.46 2.35 2.19 2.33 2.43 2 56 2. 4.47 4.43 4.20 3.97 3.70 3.58 3. 2.46 2.35 2.19 2.33 2.43 2. 56 2. 4.47 4.43 4.26 3.97 3.70 3.58 3. 2.46 2.35 2.19 2.43 2.43 2.56 2 4.47 4.43 4.28 3.97 3.70 3.58 3. 2.25 2.21 2.15 2.16 2.29 2.44 2. 4.20 4.26 3.96 3.66 3.30 3.23 3 WKOI9., 1 JANUARY-FEBRUARY, OC10BER-DECEMBER 7 2.61 2.57 2.50 2.38 2.42 2.47 2 3.33 3.39 3.28 3.74 3.11 3.20 3. 2.86 2.73 2.55 7.90 3.19 3.54 4. 7.56 7.51 6.97 6.14 5.39 5.01 4. 2.86 2.73 2.55 2.90 3.19 3.54 4. 7.56 7.51 6.97 6.14 5.39 5.01 4 2.66 2.73 2.55 2.90 3.19 3.54 4. 7.56 7.51 6.97 6.34 5.39 5.01 4. 2.866 2.73 255 2.90 3.19 3.54 4 7.56 7.51 6.97 6.14 5.39 5.01 4 2.86 2.73 2.55 2.59 2.57 2.61 2 3.64 3.60 3.66 3.40 3.57 3.61 3. 2.61 2.57 2.50 2.38 2.42 2. 47 2. 3.33 3.39 3.26 3.74 3.11 3.20 3. WKOVI) 1 MARCH-APRIL, JULY-SEPTEMBER 7 1.89 1.86 1.83 1.72 1.75 1.79 1. 2.41 2.45 2.37 2.844 2.25 2.31 2. 2.07 1.97 1.85 2.79 2.70 3.15 4. 7.94 7.91 7.13 6.05 5.05 4.51 3. 2.07 1.97 1.85 2.29 2.70 3.15 4. 7.94 7.91 7.124 6.05 5.05 4.51 3. 2.07 1.97 1.85 2.79 2.70 3.15 4. 7.94 7.91 7.13 6.05 5.05 4.51 3. 2.07 1.97 1.85 2.29 2.70 3.15 4. 7.94 7.91 7.13 6.05 5.05 4.51 3. 2.07 1.97 1.85 7.09 2.70 3.15 4. 7.94 7.91 7.13 6.05 5.05 4.51 3. 1.89 1.86 1.8) 2.15 2.59 3.05 3. 7.71 7.76 6.86 5.60 4.72 4.21 3. WKONIS 1 MAY-JUNE 7 2.63 2.58 2.53 2.40 2.43 2.49 2. 3.35 3.41 3.30 3.26 3.13 3.21 3. 2.868 2.75 2.57 2.72 2.81 2.96 3. 5.06 5.01 4.85 4.53 4.24 4.13 3. 2.68 2.75 2.57 2.72 2.81 2.96 3. 5.06 5.01 4.86 4.53 4.24 4.13 3. 2.88 2.75 2.57 2.72 2.81 2. 96 3. 5.06 5.01 4.46 4.53 4.24 4.13 3. 2.88 2.75 2.57 2.72 2.81 2. 9 3. 5.06 5.01 4.86 4.53 4.24 4.13 3 2.868 2.75 2.57 2.72 2.61 2.96 3. 5.06 5.01 4.86 4.53 4.24 4.13 3. 2.63 2.58 2.51 2.51 2.66 2.62 2. 4.74 4.81 4.48 4.17 3.78 3.71 3. WKKO100 1 JANUARY-FEBRUARY, OC'1OBER-DECEMBER 10 73 90 34 90 34 90 34 90 34 - 90 34 61 -O5 44 18 27 45 27 -45 27 45 -27 .45 -78 52 44 18 77 30 03 81 03 81 03 81 03 81 03 61 79 56 46 20 33 87 33 87 33 87 33 . 87 33 87 99 53 NNYYVOVWOOWUNN YNUUSUdSUsus00N VWVTVAVIVEDUNS VUUVUVUVOWUWOYUUN 19 65 35 17 35 17 35 17 35 17 35 17 . 89 86 54 . 08 le 06 12 . 06 12 06 12 06 07 44 54 os 84 23 oo -33 . 00 33 . 00 33 - 00 33 oo . 33 . 62 . 07 56 10 62 . 68 62 68 62 68 62 68 . B2 68 29 32 WNYVURUPUEUEUN NUYVWOYWWOWWUNN VYUVSUYEVEUAVAUN NINONENENONENS 31 70 97 06 97 06 97 06 97 06 - 97 06 20 60 69 13 19 74 19 74 19 74 19 74 58 43 69 13 94 27 l2 91 l2 91 12 . 943 l2 91 i2 94 48 69 . 70 15 53 . 57 53 57 53 57 53 57 . 53 57 63 26 2. 54 2.63 VUFVAVAVEAVAUVSYN NOVENENENENENN UNWOUSURUSUVOUN NUNSNSNSNANS 27 97 27 97 27 er 27 Beef . 27 ee . 60 . 63 - 96 . 06 - 83 . 46 . 83 46 83 46 83 46 72 46 96 06 14 21 90 50 90 50 - 90 50 90 50 - 90 50 35 21 97 0B 65 48 85 48 85 48 85 48 85 48 . 08 .75 -71 . 58 81 58 81 58 81 58 - B1 58 - B81 . 09 _71 19 15 . 68 27 68 27 68 27 68 27 77 27 19 15 WUYVUUNUNYNUNYY NANSNSNaNSNaNN 31 28 03 . 36 03 . 36 - 03 - 36 - 03 - 36 - 03 . 36 . 62 . 28 -21 17 18 .29 18 29 18 29 18 .29 18 29 61 3.17 SUYUGHYUDTVUUVIDW NVNONONONONOANN NYVYUNUNYNUNND NANENSNeNaNeNN NEFVBVADEVEADINWD NNNONONONONONN 84 55 57 62 57 62 57 62 57 62 57 62 18 55 30 - 96 67 oS 67 os 67 os 67 os 76 os 30 96 39 14 02 21 o2 21 02 aa 02 21 02 -21 . 69 14 32 98 17 07 17 07 17 07 17 07 17 07 72 98 WUSVOVOUDUOUUL .03 846 32 15 32 15 32 15 32 15 32 22 03 BS WKO?00 J MARCH-APR 7 WKO300 1 MAY-JUNE 7 VNDNDNINDNONNN VNAIVTVTVTUUTOWN 19 v9 - 40 - 44 40 44 - 40 44 . 40 44 . 40 44 19 18 99 82 28 63 28 63 28 63 28 63 28 63 99 27 2 WNA>WVDVXUDWOUUN YNIDIDTIVADMWWN DVHNONDNDNDNONN 7 93 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 10 16 17 W7 -93 IL, -15 84 29 40 29 40 Le 40 29 40 29 40 15 23 94 . 89 13 58 13 58 13 58 13 58 13 58 94 34 JUL Y-SFPTE -10 2.00 DHUOVOVONOVAVVUCWNSNOVOVONONWN SVENATNAN UNO N - 90 BO 96 - 40 96 40 9b - 40 96 40 95 eA 90 . BO Te 14 44 14 46 14 4& 14 46 14 46 10 Vo 8 ey 76 oP AP 9 ap 9p AP 93 Ap 9D ap Bb 99 2 3 3 7 3 v. 3. 7? 3. 7. 3. 4. e. 3 2 2 a 2 7 2 a 2 7 2 we a. 6. a 6. 3 3 2. 3 5 3 S. 3 2 3 5 2 4 76 75 ag 3B ag 38 ag 38 aug 38 00 17 76 75 72 68 17 68 17 68 17 68 17 . 68 17 od a7 73 71 08 07 08 07 08 O7 08 O07 o8 07 &5 66 WNANEUTUEUTWUN 80 61 76 43 76 43 76 43 76 43 98 14 80 61 MBER FUUVTIVAVTVTON ND PuUSUSuUSuUSuUS00N 03 61 i7 96 17 96 17 96 17 96 17 96 04 58 UP a 4 57 18 77 18 77 18 77 18 77 18 see . 00 . 24 WN>UUSUdSUSGaON PFUTUAUEVUETONN PUSUPUSWPWHUWN Bé 70 20 94 20 94 20 - 94 20 94 02 18 86 70 07 68 71 31 ae 31 Lm 31 ae .3!1 71 31 5? . 96 83 66 34 66 34 66 34 . 66 34 . 66 34 66 18 18 PSaSaS ooo >oaayNN YNSUUOTUOTUOUN WWPWDWEAWLHWDWWN 83 . 68 10 25 10 25 10 -25 10 25 23 08 83 68 .05 66 77 - 47 77 47 1 . 47 ae - 47 77 47 . 48 18 80 . 64 74 38 74 38 74 . 38 - 74 . 38 . 74 . 38 .35 79 VEVEVTVIVIVENN BNWT SO SOS 00N VUSbDhadbodoSdSdoooUN 95 57 14 77 14 77 14 77 14 77 5é 99 95 57 13 58 92 90 92 90 92 90 92 _ wo -92 - 90 48 . 60 91 53 29 17 29 17 -29 .17 -29 av -29 2? . 68 - 76 - 43 - 43 37 -25 .25 .25 39 .25 .25 -25 . 08 - O7 . 05 WPPUSHSUSUSTVW WRYNUNDNYNUNNN WUUSSNENeVEeNUYD 113. 63 37 37 43 43 37 15 98 it 63 63 39 39 39 39 Si 13 59 07 oS 07 05 07 os 07 os os . 71 3. NNNONODNODNONONN WWhhhDSODOSDS OW PUUHVUHUHUWUDW 43 54 23 . 00 23 00 .23 00 .23 - 00 . 32 00 43 54 48 56 19 - 90 19 vo 19 - 90 19 90 19 90 54 5é .39 50 42 96 42 96 - $2 96 . 42 96 42 96 54 50 VUUFYOUDUOWOUU YFVUVOVEVTUVTIVH NONVININOINONINN 70 65 29 78 29 78 -aF . 78 29 - 78 . 36 78 70 -65 68 - 64 54 74 54 - 74 54 74 54 - 74 54 74 06 64 66 60 77 74 77 74 -77 74 77 74 77 74 l2 60 VFUYMVIVIVEVEVH NOVINININONGNN WHUSFUDUVVOU OULU 83 43 28 54 28 54 28 54 28 54 36 54 83 43 77 48 53 56 53 56 53 5é 53 56 53 56 15 48 78 39 76 50 76 50 76 50 76 50 76 50 24 39 TARLE N=? ECONOMIC ANALYSIS=-ALL DIESEL CASE=-ELECTRICITY OEMANO: LOW MFNIUM DIESEL PRICE TREND AISC COSTS MILLION 1986$ $73.0 THRU 2016 $87 6 THRU 2025THRU 2025 LEVELITFD COST ($/KWH) $0 110 THRU 2016 $0 112 THRU 2025 DISC RATE 35% feecececteee GEOTHERM - DIESEL <=2---2eeeeeeeeeeeeeeneee= Dereeceeeeneeceees ~ SYSTEN - > ANNUAL 0 & ANNUAL TOTAL ANNUAL AV ANN ANNUAL 0. & MO OANNUALTOTAT —ANNIIAL AV. ANN TOTAL ANN PW AKN ANNUAL DISC ANN DISC ANN YEAR CAPITAL ~ m=-FliEL ANNUAL LOAD. —-COST/AWH CAPITAL wa--FukL ANNUAL LOAD.-—«COST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM COST ADDED «FIXED «= VARFARLE COST = COST ADDED — FIXED cast cost. COST = LOADS LOADER KWH (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (MW) (F/M) (af 1000) (x$°000) ($1000) ($1000) ($1000) (Mam) ($/mWH) (x10) (19R6 $M) (mw) (Mit) ($7 Kt) 1988 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.09 675 2k0 358 1355 2567 «22346 0.119 2667 2087-22346 20835 0.119 1989 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 225 2R0 ay 1609 2526 «= 258050 098 2526 2275 2505-23233 0.098 1990 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 00 225 2k0 507 2004 3016 = 912780 096 3016 2622-31278 27188 0 096 1991 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 225 280 SIA 1403 2426 = 317R8_ 0 076 2426 2036 «= 3178R_— 76685 0 076 1992 0 0 0 9 0 0 920 0 2R0 $29 any 2983-32090: 0.093 2983 2418 = 32090, 26012-0093 1665 ¢ 0 ct 9 0 0 0 00 0 280 538 2258 3078 = 929950 095 3078 2006 = «32395-25356 0 095 1994 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 90 225 2R0 550 2343 3398927230 108 3398 2568 «92723, 247320. 18 1995 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 225 2A6 646 2796 3965 = 789160 108 3945 207g ROH 277840108 1996 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 00 9 280 542 2R27 3750-37397 0.100 3750 2642-37337, 26911 0100 1997 0 0 ¢ 0 0 0 0 00 0 2R0 669 298R 3937 39663 0 102 3937 2679 «= -3R663— 26308 =O 102 1998 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 290 6R2 3016 4079389920. 108 4039 2656 = 38992256200 108 1999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 2R0 695 31646 4199-39279 0 105 4139 2626 «39279, 2agt7 0 108 2000 0 0 9 0 0 0 0.90 225 20 197 3666 4968 = 44515012 4968 3003 44515 27271 O12 2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 225 2R0 07 3769 50a) 44R26 0 NN 50at 3006 «= 44R26 26517 0.113. 2002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 2n0 421 3R16 497745106 0.110 agr7 2869-45106 = 25765 0 110 2003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 20 A35 3929 5104 45402012 5108 2A1§ 45402 25082 0.12 2008 0 9 0 0 9 0 690 0 2R0 £50 4106 5236 4570205 5236 279945702, 494d ONS, 2005 0 0 0 0 0 ec 0 00 0 2R0 865 429K $372, 46002, 0.117 §372 2762 46002-23658 NNT 2006 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 2a0 an5 4355 5510 46315019 $510 2776 4631522999 0.119 2007 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2R0 a5 4355 5510 46315019 5510 2662 46215222080. 119 2008 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 2P0 75 4355 $510 46315 0.119 §510 2551 46315 add 019 2009 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 2n0 a15 4355 $510 46415 0.119 $510 2064 46315 20707 0.119 2010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 280 Ans 455 $510 463150119 $510 237946315 19995 0119 201 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2n0 R15 £355 5510 463150 119 5510 2297, 4631519907 0 118 2012 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 2R0 Ans 4355 $510 46315 0.119 5510 2218 46395 186430. 119 2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ann 475 4355 5510 4611S 9 $510 2162 46315 18002, 0.119 2018 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2R0 ats 055 5510 46315019 $510 268 = 4631517989 0109 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 280 815 4355 $510 463150119 5510 1997-46315 167R5 0119 2016 0 9 6 0 a 0 0 0 2a0 a75 4355 $510 46315 0.119 $510 1928 66315 162070. 119 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2n0 Ans 4355 $510 463150119 5510 R62 46318 15650 0.119 2018 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 2a0 a15 0355 $510 46315 0.119 $510 1798 46315-15112, 0.119 2019 0 9 0 0 0 0 a 0 2a0 as 0355 5510 463150119 5510 1796-46315 14592 0.119 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 2R0 AIS 4455 $510 46315 0.119 5510 1676 46315 14090 0.119 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2R0 a15 4355 $510 469150119 5510 1619 46315 13605 0.119 2022 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a0 ars 4955 5510463150119 5510 19696395 199978 2023 c c 0 0 0 0 0 ec an R18 4355 $510 469150119 $510 190966215 12686 = C119 2024 0 9 a 9 0 0 0 0 2n0 ATS 4s 55100 O19 5510 1457 5319122890119 2025 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oan Ans 6455 $510 e635 9 $510 1407 46315 yarn 0109 ToTAL 0 a 0 0 0 0 0.900 2250 © 10680 = -29229 19126 1RORAS, 1999 «0.133 TRORAS 7601 1599 940 0199 Gin Ave Gar AVG Gat Ga ave TABLE -2 ECONCMIC: ANALYSIS=-ALi DIESEL CASE--FLECTRICITY NFMANT: HIGH MENTUM DIESEL PRICE TREND DISC COSTS MILLION 1926$ $93.5 THRU 2016 $1121 THRU 2025THRU 2025 ; LEVELITFN COST ($/KWH) $0.109 THRU 2016 $0 191 THRU 2025 OISC RATE 35% (eeeeeceee wenn BEQTHERN ---ee~-nceo--nnnnnennnnneeennncnes) (eocennnennnecnserccocersco SEL correocomesss rere a Decenececnenneneee= SYSTEM =~ O&M ANNUAL «TOTAL ANNUAL AV ANK ANNUM 0 & ANNUAL TOTAL ANNUAL AV ANN TOTAL ANN PH ANN ANNUAL DISC ANN Q1SC ANN YEAR CAPITAL FUEL ANNUAL = LOAD COST/KWH CAPITAL ~----0----2-20ooe~ Furl ANNLIAL = LOAD. COST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM = CAST ANDED —- FIXED == VARTABLE COST cast ADDED = FIXED REARLE COST cast cast cast LOAD LOAD PER Kwh (cecccecccc ewan conwccncenen ewe nooweennennen new wn nee man ene )(eccccwec een swenneren anne nen nrenn naan sone en nn rene nnn rn: Jewenn nee n enn e enn n ne nnn ner n nnn rere nnn ren nm > (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) ($1000) (x$1000) — (MWH) ($/KWH) ($1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (MWH) —($/MWH) (x$1000) (1986 $™) (MWH) = (MH) ($/KWH) TORR 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 000 1,350 aay, 163 1,582 3,535 22,666 0 156 3,535 4,296 22,666 21,938 0 156 19R9 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 000 450 2an 5m 2,085 a3 91,295 0.106 3,31 2,981 31,295 2A, 176 0 106 7990 0 q 0 9 0 0 9.009 225 20 599 2,502 3,606 36,982 0 098 3,606 3,135 36,982 32,151 0.098 1991 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 225 2n0 697 2,765 3,967 42,748 0 093 3,967 3,330 42,746 35,9820 093 1992 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 9 2R0 N90 2,875 3,267 43,195 9 090 3,R67 3,135 43,195 35,093 0.090 1993 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 220 725 2,9RR 3,992 43,658 0 091 3,992 3,125 43,658 34,17) 0.091 1994 0 9 9 0 0 0 0.000 4 220 tay 7,108 4.1254, 10200981253, 178 44,102 39,392 0.094 1995 0 0 0 0 0 Cc 9 6e6 225 no A} 3,589 4,937 49,612 0 100 4,997 3,603 49,612 36,206 0 100 1996 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 000 0 20 62 3,133 4,876 $0,123 0.097 4,876 3,436 50,123 35,321 0.097 1997 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 280 816 3,851 5,007 50,65) 0 099 5,007 3,407 50,651 34,466 0.099 1998 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 000 225 2R0 AO 3,973 $5,378 51,228 0.105 = -§,374 3,53) 51,224 33,657 0.105 1999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 2R0 915 4,095 5,290 51,719 0 102 5,290 3,356 51,719 32,813 0 102 2000 9 0 9 0 0 0 0.060 225 280 1,024 4,630 6,159 57, 184 0.108 6,159 3,773 57,184 35,032 0.108 2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 006 0 an 1,039 @,772 6.09% 57,701 0 106 6,99) 3,603 $7,701 34,133 0.106 2002 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 900 9 280 1,060 4,923 6,262 58,226 0 108 6,262 3,577 98,226 33,259 0. 108 2003 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 cco 225 20 1, GR2 5,080 6,667 58,799 0.113 6,667 3,677 5,799 32,431 0113 2008 9 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 2a0 1,195 5,268 6,629 59,383 0.112 6,629 3,530 59,383 31,627 0 112 2005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 2A0 1,127 5,416 6,828 59,970 ON 6,824 3,509 59,970 30, R41 owe 2006 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 000 ¢ 20 145 9,891 7.016 69,587 0.116 7,016 3,424 60,587 30,087 0 116 2007 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.008 6 2a0 1,145 5,591 7,016 60,587 0116 7,016 3,366 60,587 29,052 0 116 2068 0 0 9 c 0 0 0 000 0 20 1,15 §,551 7,016 60,587 0.116 7,016 3,269 60,587 28,053 0.116 2009 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.900 0 2A0 1,145 5,591 7,016 60,587 0.116 7,016 3,197 60,587 27,088 = 0.116 2010 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 cco 9 2a 1185 5,591 7,016 60,587 0.116 7,016 3,029 60,587 26, 156 0116 2011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ¢90 0 2R0 1,165 $591 7,016 60,587 0116 7,016 2,925 60,587 25,256 0116 2012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 9 a0 1148 5,591 7,016 60,587 0116 7,016 2,826 60,587 24, 388 0.116 2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 ¢ 2R0, 1,165 5,59) 7,016 60,587 0 116 7,016 2,727 60,587 23,589 0 16 2018 0 0 0 0 9 0 0.960 9 2n0 1,145 5,591 7,016 60,587 0.116 7,016 2,633 60,587 22,7390 116 2015 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 090 0 2n0 1,165 5,591 7,016 60,587 0116 7,016 2,543 60,587 21,957 0.116 2016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 RO, 1145 «5,591 7,016 60,587 0.116 7,016 2,655 60,587 21,202 0.116 2017 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 280 1,145 5,591 7,016 60,587 0 116 7,016 2,371 60,587 20,472 0.116 2018 0 9 0 9 6 9 0990 0 2a) 1,145 5,591 7,016 60,587 0 116 7,016 2,289 60,587 19,768 0.116 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ong 0 Ro 18 5,597 7,016 60,587 0116 7,016 2,211 60,587 19,088 = "16 2020 0 a 0 0 0 0 0.090 9 2R0 1145 5,991 7,016 60,587 0116 7,016 2,138 60,587 18,832 0116 2021 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 2R0 1,165 5,891 7,016 60,587 0 116 7,016 2,061 60,587 17,798 0.116 202? 5 9 9 9 9 9 0.000 0 ono V1e5 5,591 7,016 60,587 0.116 7,016 1,990 60,587 17,186 0116 2023 0 0 0 0 0 Qo 9900 a aap 1,188,891 7,016 60,587 0.116 7,016 1,922 60,587 16,595 0 116 2028 0 0 9 0 9 0 90c0 0 aap 14S 5891 7,016 6, $AT 011670 PSB 69,587 16,998 0.196 2025 4 a 0 q 0 6 69 cnn e rae tks 5861 79K GO. SAT 0116 7,016 1,792 60,587 15,4720 116 TATA 3 ) Q a 0 0 0.929 3,150 10,640 38,059 178,985 770,A4d 2,081 0131 290, RA 112,199 2,08) 1,020 0131 GWH AVG GW AVG GH GHH AVG TARIE N-3 ECONOMI®. BNATYSIS 5 YW GFOTHERMAI--RaSF CASE OFMAND NTEGE! DRICE TRENN wenciw Se: LEVELITEN COST ($/KWH) NISC RATE “a YEAR = CAPITAL S MILLION 39% “GREE EQTHERM O&M TABLE $79.4 THRU 2916 ANNUAL FUEL enst TTA ONNIAL cast (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) 1GRR 4 19896, 330 1990 30,355 199) 0 1992 0 1993 0 1998 9 1995 0 1996 0 1997 0 1998 0 1999 0 2090 9 ang 0 2002 0 2003 0 2008 0 2005 9 2906 3 2007 0 2008 0 2009 0 2070 9 2011 0 2012 4 2013 0 2018 0 2015 0 296 9 2017 0 201k 0 ang a 2070 9 2021 0 2022 9 2023 9 2n26 9 2078, 0 Tots! 95, 685 nn 422 422 422 422 622 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 429 + 422 422 022 622 472 422 422 422 422 422 422 422 42 079 ano 422 an? “4 7AS 6 0 6 176 176 179 TAY 196 +99 rai 203 205 26R 251 258 257 260 263 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 266 2h6 286 256 266 266 286 756 266 2654 5 6,235 30, 360 596 598 601 692 618 621 623 625 627 £70 673 676 679 62 685 6aR GAR §AR 688 688 6AR 6AR 6aR §AR 6RR 6aR BRR 6AR 698 5RR 6RR RR 6AR BAR BAR 60,9217 $2 1 THRU 2025 $0 104 THRU 2016 $0 094 THRU 2025 ANNUAL Loan AV ANN COST/KWH CADI TAL (MWH) —($/KWH) 9 0 9 26,810 26,903 25,008 25,118 26,293 26, 985 27,08 27,169 27,233 2R,AN1 28,917 28,973 29,079 29,131 29,216 29, 280 29,280 29, 2R0 29, 2R0 29,280 29, 280 29,280 29, 220 29, 280 29, 280 29, 2R0 29, 280 29,280 29, 2R0 29,280 29, 280 29, 280 29,280 29, 2R0 29, 2A0 295 Gwe 9 0 0 0 esesseaeeese seco eee se eo OS eos 0 peo xesa5a090 000 900 000 024 024 078 026 023 023 023 023 023 923 023 023 023 023 023 023 023 923 023 023 023 023 023 023 023 023 023 923 923 023 923 923 23 023 93 076 aya ANDED OM VaRT aR! F ATESEL ANNIIAL FEL cast sewcetecen nen cceweewec eee: Poeweececenen-e---= SYSTEM AV ANN TOTAL ANN PW ANN ANNUAL SYSTEM ensT TOTAL ANNUAL cast (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) 675 225 225 c Ssrerxseceaess ee se5se5500 epoeose ees e500 0 1,125 2R0 2R0 280 280 2R0 280 2a0 2a 20 aan 20 290 280 28 280 2R0 280 20 280 2A0 nn) 2n0 280 280 20 246 240 2R0 2R0 280 2R0 an 2A0 2a0 a0 2ac 240 2a 1,680 358 43 507 14 9 123 19R 199 195 on) 207 213 2a? a7 294 301 309 316 322 322 322 322 322 32? 322 322 322 322 322 32? 392 399 322 322 322 322 322 30? tant 1,355 1,609 2,008 460 aR 516 545 BIR 950 R96 934 an 1,295 1,338 1,387 1,435 1,490 1,548 1,896 1602 1,608 1,608 1,604 1,604 1,604 1,608 1,608 1,608 1,604 1,608 1,508 1, Ane 108 1,608 1,506 1,08 1,604 1 BAe 5,096 2,667 2,526 3,016 R56 ART 919 953 1,987 1,336 4,377 1,421 1,665 1,857 1,905 1,961 2,016 2,079 2,160 2,206 2,206 2,206 2,206 2,206 2,206 2,206 2,296 2, 206 2,206 2,206 2,206 2,206 2,206 2, 206 2,206 2,206 7,206 2,206 2,206 14,79? ANNUAL Loan COST/MWH SYSTEM (man) ($/MAH) 22,346 25,805 31,278 6,989 7,202 7,604 7,609 11,133 11,362 11,594 11,839 12,058 15,780 15,917 16,145 16, 337 16,587 16,205 17,058 17,958 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,058 17,958 17,05 17,058 505 GH poepseses ce sees ese e sees SPseseesSceSs ee oe oo ot 2 119 o9r -096 122 123 126 125 116 1k 11g 120 121 1k 120 121 123 125 127 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 124 129 129 129 128 129 199 1k ave cnst (x$1000) 2,672 8,861 33,376 1,450 1,485 1,519 1,556 1,905 1,955 1,999 2,046 2,092 2,527 2,578 2,621 2,695 2,160 2,225, 2,296 2, R06 2,298 2,296 2,294 2,896 2,294 2,A96 2,R94 2,A94 2,294 2,896 2, R94 2,896 2,096 2,806 2,894 2,AMe 2,996 2,896 128,223 (1986 $M) 2,492 7,978 29,015 4,217 1,203 1,189 1,176 1,390 1,379 1,360 1,344 1,327 1,548 1,525 1,506 1,486 1,479 1,453 1,637 1,388 1,340 1,294 1,269 1,206 1,165 1,125 1,086 1,089 1,013 978 944 917 8A0 950 21 193 765 729 AY 095 SYSTEM LOAD (MH) 22,346 25,805 31,278 31,199 32,105 32,412 32,727 3,026 38,347 38,675 39,008 39,291 46,551 46 836 45,118 45,416 45,718 46,021 46,338 46,338 46,338 46, 338 46,338 46,338 46,338 46, 338 46,338 46,338 46, 338 46,398 46,338 46,338 46, 338 46,338 46,338 46,338 af 338 46,238 1,600 GW DISC ANN SYSTEM Loan (MWH) 20,835 23,233 27, 188 26,694 26,028 25, 369 28,735 27,151 27,023 26,316 25,630 26,928 27,293 26,522 25,772 25,050 28,349 23,667 23,017 22,210 21,455 20,717 20,005 19,317 18,652 18,011 17,391 16,193 16,215 15,658 15,119 14,599 14,097 13,612 13,148 12,80 12,255 11 8 195 GWH DISC ANN cos PER (8 eceseseseese sc ese See oS eee OSs T KW > / KWH) 0.120 0.3483 1.067 0 086 9.0486 0.047 oan 050 051 952 052 053 057 057 ose 059 060 06! 062 082 06? 062 062 062 062 062 062 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 0 062 962 06? 62 169 112 AVG eres YEAR 198K 19R9 1990 1991 1992 1993 1996 1995 1995 1997 199R 1999 2090 ant 200? 2903 20048 2005 2006 2907 2008 2009 2010 20"! 2012 2013 2018 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 202) 2922 2093 226 2025 TOTAL TARIE Nt ECONOMIC ANBIYSTS § MW GEATHERMA! --HIGH DEMBNI) CASF MENTIIM NTESFL PRICE TRENT DISA CASTS MILLION $89, 193 VEVELITEN COST ($/KWH) 35% DISC RATE Capt al a 6,638 30,087 Sreseosnec ese ese eS sabe ec oS SOS SDB BSB DO OB BOOS 36, 685 GEATHERM O&M 9 0 0 0 Q 9 0 0 9 0 9 0 4 0 0 0 9 0 9 c 9 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 9 % 0 $29 2 THRU 2015 $100 2 THRU 2025 $0 103 THRU 2016 $0 96 THRU 2625 ANNUAL 0 0 9 225 228 23 193 7 250 253 255 25k 268 a 214 27 2n0 a7 7 aA 318 318 318 318 318 31 318 318 318 31a 31k 318 318 318 3A a8 31k ae 10,183 SNNLIBL east 0 6,638 30,087 647 §50 653 615 569 612 615 677 60 590 693 696 699 102 19 13 103 103 13 13 13 183 13 143 783 143 183 183 13 143 103 183 143 ma 103 61,693 ONLI oan (mal) 28,729 28,952 28, 969 27668 30,319 30,416 30,519 30,621 30,10? 31,635 1,724 31,1795 31, 886 37,956 32,063 32,111 32,111 32,191 32,191 32,111 32,111 32,111 32,111 32,111 32,111 32,111 32,111 32,111 32,111 32,111 32,111 32,191 32,191 37,101 a0 1,109 GaH ===> AV ANN COST/KWH CAO|TAL ($/KWH ) 9 0 9 ee ee ee 000 nes 000 023 923 023 972 020 022 022 922 022 922 02? 022 022 022 023 923 023 023 023 023 093 023 022 023 023 023 023 023 023 023 023 023 023 929 023 025 AVG mee MYESEL -ennnnn nonce een ne ne nnnnnn Deremnbanewimoswese SYSTEM ANNIJAL O&M ANNUAL = TOTAL ANNUAL = AY ANN TOTAL ANN PW ANN ANNUAL oecenennnen nano =o FURL ANNUAL LOAD COST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM ANNEN = FIXEN =—-VART ARIE COST cnst cost cast Loan Peewee ee ee eee ee ne nee e een ne en en ne en nn en nena nen en nnn enen enn eees Jen eenennnnn nee eeen eens ($1000) (x$1000) (xf 1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (MAH) 900 280 389 1,543 3,086 = 22, 86R 0.136 3,086 2,277 22,668 450 ann 501 2,081 3,912 97,2080. 108 995M RAGA 31, 30 450 280 599 2,503 3,832 36, 996 0.194 33,879 29,4653 36,996 0 280 22h ARQ 1,390 14,011 0 099 2,037 1,710 62,750 9 2R0 237 929 1,406 14,353 9.101 2,096 1,699 43,205 0 2R0 2a Q7R 1,592 18.701 0.1022, 188 1,687 43,670 a 280 on 1,076 1,631 16, 483 0.099 2,266 1,697 44,151 0 2R0 VR 1,365 1,978 19,311 0.102 2,682 1,92R 69,630 0 20 399-1837) 2,057 19,732 0.198 = 2,729 1,923 50, 148 0 a0 349 1,498 2,127 20,162 0.1052, AM 1,906 50,681 0 2a0 361 1,562 2,203 20,614 0.107 2,880 1,992 $1,235 0 20 372 1,627 2,279 21,030 0.108 2,959 1,877 $1,732 9 2a0 45R 2,931 2,169 25,578 0.108 3,459 2.119 §7,213 0 aan ahR 2,108 2,956 26,003 0 110 3,550 2,100 $7,732 9 Rn aR) 2,192 2,954 26,468 9112 3,650 = 2,085 58, 263 0 2n0 495 2,281 3,056 26,995 = 0.113 3,785 2,071 5A, ANN 0 280 512,375 3,166 = 27,481 0.115 3,968 = 2,060 59,397 a aan 525 2,473 3,278 27,985 0.91707 2,066 89, 988 9 2R0 539 2,575 3,394 28,499) 0.119 4196 7,058 60,610 n 2an 529 -2,51R 3,394 2h, 4990119136 1, 9RF 60610 9 2a0 539 2,518 3,398 28,499 0.119 8 138 1,915 60,610 0 2n0 5292518 3,394 28,6990 119, 136, 1,969 60,610 0 280 539 2,518 «= 3,394 28,499 0.1194, 136 1,726 60,610 0 200 539 -2,518 3,998 28,499 :119 136,724 60,610 0 240 $792,518 3,394 78,499 0.119136 «1,665 60,610 ¢ 2e0 539 2,518 3,204 R499 0.119 4,136 1,608 60,610 9 2a), 539 2,518 = 3,394 28,499 0119, 136, 1,552 60,610 0 280 539 2,518 3,398 2h, 4990119 8 138; 1,499 60,610 0 290 539 2,518 3,398 28,499 0.119 4,136 1,487 60,610 9 290 $39 -2,51R 3,398 R499 0.119 198 1,398 60,610 4 aan 539 2,518 3,39¢ 28,499 0119 4,136 1,350 60,610 0 20 539 2,518 3,398 28499 0.119 4,136 1,303 60,610 0 20 539 2,518 3,394 28,499 0.119 4,136 1,258 60,610 a 2a 539 2,518 3,394 2A 699 0.119 4,136 1,215 60,610 0 2a0 539 2,518 3,398 28,499 :119 198, 1,173, 60,610 0 290 539 -2,81R 2,398 PR.9M 0.119138 1,133 60,610 9 oan 53 2.5°R 2,300 R499 9119 4,136 1,998 60,610 ¢ an 519-7 6R 3,982 RADDA 19H 1,056 «BE BIN 1,990 10,640 17,910 AY 350192, 797 gr? 0135 170,485 100,173 2,0R2 GWH AVG GK (Mitt) 21,136 QR, 1Rb 32,163 35,887 35,021 34,181 33, 369 36,218 35,339 34 ARG 33,664 32,821 35,050 34,152 33, 280 32,438 31,634 30,250 30,098 29,063 28,963 27,098 26,166 25, 266 28,397 23,558 22,788 21,965 21,210 20,480 19,776 19,096 18,639 17,805 17,192 16,01 +830 15,479 1,039 GWE DISC ANN NTSC ANN SYSTEM Loan enst PER KWH 0.126 0 318 0.916 0 04R 0 089 0 089 0.05) 9 053 0 054 0.055 0.056 0 057 0 060 0 061 0.063 0 064 0.065 0 067 9 068 0 068 9.068 0.058 0 068 0 068 0 068 0.068 9 06R 0.068 0.068 0 068 0.068 0 06R 0 068 0.068 0 068 0 OR 9 OR 0 O68 0.112 AVS > TARLE N-§ FRONOMIC ANA' YSIS UINDHBSED 7 MW GEOTHERMAL --RASE CASF DEMAND MERTIIM NIFSFL PRICE TREND DISC COSTS MILLION 1986$ $76.2 THRU 2016 — §R9 7 THRU 2025THRU 2025 i LFVFLITEN COST ($/KWH) $0,104 THRU 2016 $0.092 THRU 2075 Nise RATE = 358 (en eeeennenneeccen St D eecnennnenennnennnennnncen DIESEL -2neeneennennnnnnnnnnnnnendanennnncneenenceee SYSTEN -------~------=-- > O&M ANNUAL = TOTAL ANNUAL = AV) ANN TOTAL ANN PW ANN ANNIAL = DISC ANN DISC ANN FUEL ANNIIAL LOAD COST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM COST cast LOAD PER KWH O&M ANNUAL = TOTAL ANNA AV ANN = FUEL ANNUAL 1.8D COST/KWH CAPITAL -- VARTARLE COST cast ADDED «= -FIXEN = VARTARLE COST cast YEAR CAPITAL ADDED (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) ($1000) (MH) ($/KWH) (x$1000) (x $1000) ($1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) — (MWH) ($/MWH) (x$1000) (1926 $M) (MWH) — (MWH) — ($/KWH) 1988 0 5 0 9 5 0 0 cen 675 2R0 358 1,355 2,667 27,346 = 0.119 2,672 2,492 22,286 = 20,835 0.120 19RQ 6, 638 5 0 0 6,663 o 60 900 225 20 413 1,609 2,526 = 25,805 0.098 9,169 = 8,256 = 25,805 = 23,233 0.355 1990) 38,056 § a 0 36,061 0 0.000 225 2R0 507 2,008 3,016 = 31,278 0.096 = 39,077 33,971 31,278 27, 188 1.249 1991 0 565 a 230 795 28,990 = 0.027 0 2a0 106 419 R026, 361 0 126 1,597 1,341 35,351 29,676 = 0.045 1992 9 565 0 234 199 29,183 0.027 0 2R0 49 201 5292, 962 0.179 1,328 1,075 32,105 26,028 0.041 1993 4 565 9 237 802 29,219 0.027 0 2R0 52 216 San 3,103 0.176 1,350 1,056 32,413 25,370 0.042 958 9 585 9 241 A056 29, 4R0 0027 0 280 55 232 567 3,247 0.175 1,373 1,038 = 32,727 28,735 0 042 1995 o 585 ¢ 263 ROR 31,920 026 0 280 108 aan R12 6,097 0136 1,660 1,211 98,025 27,7500 ae "996 9 565 0 299 R66 32,065 = 0.027 0 2R0 108 676 Be 6,281 9.138 1,727 1,217) 38,387 27,023 0 085 1997 0 565 0 302 867 32,208 = 0.027 0 280 112 50 R926, 46R 0138 1,759 1,197 38,676 = 26,317 0 085 1998 9 565 9 306 AI) 32,341 0 027 0 2R0 7 528 923 6,667 0.138 1,798 1,179 39,008 25,630 0.086 1999 4 565 0 309 A7L 32,445 0.027 C 790 121 582 953 6,847 0129-1, R271, 159 39,292 28,929 0.087 2000 0 565 0 339 897 34.576 = 0.026 0 2a0 179 any 1,280 9,978 0.128 2,177 1,334 44,558 27,2950 049 aca: c 585 0 337 902 34,707 0.028 0 2nd 182 as? 1,314 10,130 0 130 2,216 1301 48,837 26,598 0.089 2002 o 565 9 340 995 34,796 = 0 026 0 2490 PR a7 1,355 10,323 9131 2,260 1,291 45,199 25,772 (0.050 2003 0 555 0 345 910 30,939 0.026 0 2R0 193 921 1,393 10,479 0.133 2, 303 1,270 45,418 = 25,051 0 081 2008 9 585 0 349 gia 35,038 0.926 0 280 199 960 1,439 10,687 9135 = 2,353 1,253 45,721 24,951 0 051 2005 0 565 0 353 918 35,159 0.026 0 2a 20e 40g 1,489 10,986 0136 2,401 1,235 46,025 23,669 = 0.05? 2006 0 585 9 358 923 35,269 = 9.026 9 280 209 1,941 1,530 11,073 0138 = 2,453 1,218 86,342 23,013 0.053 2007 9 565 9 35h 923 35,769 (0 026 a 2R0 209 10a 1,530 19,072 0 138 2,453 1,176 46,342 23,0130 053 2008 0 565 9 358 923 35,269 = 0 026 9 280 209 7,081 1,530 11,073 -0.138 2,453 1,136 66,362 23,013 0.053 2009 0 585 4 35R 923 35,289 = 0.026 0 280 209 1,081 1,530 19,073 0,138 2,453 1,097 46,342 23,013) 0 053 2010 0 565 0 358 923 35, 269 0.026 9 280 209 1,081 1,530) 19,0730. 13R 2,453 1,059 46,342 © 23,013 0,053 oi 0 565 0 35R 923 35,269 = 0 026 0 280 209 1,081 1,530 11,073 0.138 2,453 1,023 46,342 © 23,0130 053 2012 9 565 9 358 923° 35,269 = 0.026 0 2R0 209 1,041 1,520 11,073 0.138 2,453 GRR 86,342 23,013 0 053 2083 0 565 0 358 923 35,268 = 0.926 0 2R0 209 1,061 1,530 11,073 0 138 2,652 $58 46,342 © 23,013 0.082 2018 9 555 0 358 923° 35,269 = 0.026 0 2R0 209 1,041 1,530 11,073 0.198 = 2,453 921 46,342 © 23,013 0.053 2015 0 585 0 358 923 35,269 0.026 0 aan 209 1,041 1,530) 11,073, 0 138,453 ARG 66,342 © 23,013 0 053 2016 0 555 9 358 923 95,269 = 0.026 9 280 209 1,04) 1,530) 19,073 0.198 2,453 859 46,342 © 23,013 0.053 2017 9 585 0 358 923° «38,289 0 078 0 a0 20a 1a 1,520 19,972 0198 2,453, R29 46,342 23,013 0.053 2018 0 565 9 358 923 35,2890 026 9 2R0 209 Vita 1520) 19,073) 9 138 2,453 AOO 46,342 23,013 0.053 nig 4 565 0 35R 992 -95,289 0 076 0 RO 209 1,081 1620 11.073, 9 19R 7,853 773, 48,242 -23,013 0.053 229 0 565 9 358 922 35,289 0.026 9 20 209 1,041 1,530 11,073 0.138 2,453 145 = 66,342 23,013 0.053 2021 o 565 0 358 922 25,269 0.098 0 2A0 209°1,041) 1,890 19,072 187,483 721 46,242 23,013 0.052 2029 9 5h5 0 39n 973 35,280 0 926 4 2nd 209 1,081 1,530 11,073 0.138 2,453 695 46,342 23,019 0.053 2992 a 56S 8 358 922 98,289 0.076 0 an 20g 1,081 1% = 1°,072 f 138 2,482 672 86,342 23,013 0.053 2908 9 555 9 25R 972 95,2890 99K 9 20 2190141 83N 11,0730 19R 2853 649 46,342 23,013 0.053 2098 0 565 ¢ 259 972-35, 280 6 0 20 G16) 1 FP 172 MGR SR 697 66,342 99.012 0053 “ATal = 47.694 = 19,790 0 19,636 74,199 1,103 0 029 1,125 15a 7,027 3a pee $3,902 en 9.183 128,112 AN 720 1,608 921,626 0 109 Gab AyG GH AVG GW AVG TARIE If ECONOMIC ANAI-YSTS UNPHASEN 7 MW GFOTHERMAL~-HIGH NEMANI) CASF MENIUM DIES PRICE TREND NISC CASTS MILLION 19R6$ $7 & THRU 2016 $96 5 THRU 2025 LEVELITEN COST ($/KWH) $0 100 THRU 2016 $0 090 THRU 2025 NISC RATE 35% (ooccceeeeneeeneee 2) oo Dac een ence enencn eee cnennne DIESEL. SYSTEM - ANNUAL O&M ANNUAL = TOTAL == ANNUAL AV ANN 0 & M ANNLAL © TOTAL ANNUAL = AV ANN TOTAL ANN PW ANN ANNUAL = TSC ANN DISC ANN === FIIEL ANNUAL = LOAD COST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM = COST FIXEN, VaR} AaRi F COST cost cost cast LOAD LOAN DER KWH wenn ee enn n renner nnn n nnn e een Dennen anne nnn nn nnn ene ene n ee enn een e enn eee ee =) («$1000 (x$1900) (x$1000) (x$1000) (xF1000) (MMH) (F/KWH) ($100) (x$10N0) (x$1090) ($100) (x$1000) — (MWY —($/MAH) ($1000) (19RK $M) (WHY — (MAH) ($/KWH) FUEL ANNUAL LOAD COST/KWH CAPITAL RIABLE COST cast YEAR CAPITAL ~~ annen = FIXED 1GAR 0 5 0 0 5 0 = 0.000 1,350 2a0 3630 1,378 3,367 22,668 0.149 = 3,372 3, 184 22, 66R = 21,136 0 149 1999-6, 638 5 0 0 6,643 0 C000 450 280 sot 1,951 3,182 31,304 0.1029, R25 RAAB 31,308 2A, 18h 0 31k 1990 = 36,056 5 0 9 36,061 9 0.000 225 280 599 2,371 3,475 36,996 0.094» 39,536 © 34,371 36,996 = 32,183 1.069 1991 0 565 0 307 872 34,646 = 0 025 0 2R0 122 534 986 8105 0.117 1,A1R 1,526 42,751 35, ARR 043 1992 0 565 9 312 A717 38,8230 025 0 220 VR 568 ORE BRT 0.118 1,863 1,510 43,204 35,020 0 043 1993 9 565 0 7 RRQ 35,011 0 625 0 2n0 vee 603 1,027,658 = 0.119 1,908 = 1,494 43,669 34, 1800 0b 1998 9 565 9 306 any 0 026 0 2n0 178 158 1,216 10,592 0.1152, 0RR 1,578 84,152 33,369 0.087 1995 0 565 0 402 967 0 026 0 2R0 aM 969 1,463) 12,586 = 0.116 = 2,831 1,776 69,630 36,219 0.049 1996 0 565 4 409 97a 0.026 a 2R0 222, -:1,025 1,527 12,917 0.118 = 2,590 1,762 50,147 35,338 = 0.050 1997 0 565 0 ane 979 0.026 0 2R0 229°-1,072 1,582 13,257 0.119 2,561 1,142 50,681 34,485 = 0 081 19¢R 0 565 0 ang gaa 0.026 0 a0 238 1,123 1,641 13,610 0.121 2,625 1,725 51,234 33,663 0.051 1999 8 565 0 425 990 i 0 026 0 220 247 1,175 1,701 13,983 0.122 2,681 1,707 $1,733 32,8220 052 2000 9 565 9 407 1,092 39,492 0.026 9 2n0 3 1517 2,198 17,728 0.199 3,126 1,915 57,216 35,052 0.055 2001 0 585 9 42R 993 39,704 = 025 9 280 325 1,365 1,970 18,031 0109 = 2,963 1,753 57,735 34,1530 051 2002 9 565 9 434 999 39,871 0.025 0 2R0 335° 1,423) 2,038 18,396 = 0,111 3,037 1,735 $8,267 33,289 0.052 2003 0 565 0 479° 1,048 40,088 0.076 0 2R0 3451 4R1 2,105 18,732 0.112 3,180 1,737 58,816 = 32,441 0.054 2008 0 565 9 426 1,051 69,267 (0.026 9 2a 358 1,546 2,182 19,196 0.18 3,232 1,722 59,403 31,638 = 0.054 2005 0 565 0 492 1,057 60,481 0 676 0 20 367 «1,61" 2,258 19,595 0.196 3,315 1,705 59,996 30,854 = 0.055 2006 0 565 0 agn 1,063 40,669 = 0.026 0 2an 411 1,680 = 2,337 19,951 97 3,490 1,688 60,620 30,103 9-955 2007 0 565 0 49R 1,063 40,669 = 0.026 0 2nd 377 1,680 2,337 19,951 0.117 3,400 1,630 60,620 29,088 0 C56 2008 9 565 0 4gn 1,063 40,659 0.926 9 2A 377 1,680 2,337 19,951 0.117 3,400 1,574 60,620 28,068 §=— 0.056 2009 0 565 0 49R 2 1,063 40,669 = 0 026 9 280 377 1,680 = 2,337 19,957 0.117 3,400 1,520 60,620 27,1020 056 2010 0 565 9 498 1,063 80,669 = 0.026 0 290 377 1,680 2,337 19,951 0117 3,400 1,468 69,620 26,170 0 056 2011 0 565 0 agn 1,063 60,669 = 0-026 0 arn 377, 1,680 2,337 19,951 0.117 3,400 1,417 60,620 25,270 0 056 2012 9 565 0 458 1,063 40,669 = 0 026 0 Rn 377, 1,680) 2,337 19,951 0.117 3,400 1,369 60,620 24,401 = 0.056 2a 0 565 0 4gn 1,063 40,669 = 0.026 0 Ro a1 1,680 = 2,337 19,951 0117 3,400 1,322 60,620 23,562 0. 056 2016 0 565 0 498 1,063 40,669 0.026 0 2R0 377, 1,680 2,337 19,951 0117 3,400 1,276 60,620 22,751 0 056 2015 0 565 0 498 1,063 40,669 = 0.026 a 2R0 377 1,680 = 2,337 19,957 0.117 3,400 1,232 60,620 21,969 0 056 2916 9 585 9 agp 1,963 69,669 = 0.026 0 2R0 377, 1,680 2,337 19,951 0.117 3,400 1,190 60,620 21,213 (0.056 2017 0 565 0 aan 1,063 40,669 = 0.026 0 280 a7 1,980 2,227 19,951 0117 3,400 1,149 60,620 20,488 = (0.056 2018 9 585 0 49R 1,953 60,869 = 026 0 a0 qW7 1,680 = 2,337 19,951 O17 3,400 1,109 60,620 19,779 0.056 2019 0 565 0 49R 1,063 60,669 = 0.028 0 2R0 3771, 6RN 2,337 19, 95) 0.117 3,400 1,071 60,629 19,099 0.056 2020 0 565 0 4gn 1,063 60,6659 = 9.076 0 2R0 377 9,680 2,337 19,951 9.117 3,400 1,034 60,620 18,662 © 0 056 2021 0 565 0 4gn 1,063 40,669 = 0026 0 20 377, 1,680 2,337 19,951 0.117 3,400 999 60,620 17,808 = 0.056 2022 0 565 9 4gR 1,063 40,669 0 026 9 an 317 1,620 2,337 19,951 0.117 3,490 964 «60,620 «17,195 0 055 2029 0 565 0 aan 1,063 60,869 = 0 026 0 280 3771, 680 2,337 19,981 0117 3,400 931 60,670 «16,608 = 0 054 2078 ‘ 555 9 498 1,063 60,669 0 076 0 2R0 417 1,680 2,337 19,951 O17 3,400 899 60,620 16,033 0 056 2025 ¢ 565 0 aan 1,063 40,669 0 976 0 2ng 377, 1,680 7,337 -19, 95) 0117 3,400 RGR 60,620 «18, 4a 0 056 TALE n-7 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 9 § MW GEQTHERMAL--BASF CASE NFMAND MENIUM DIESEL PRICE TREND DISC CASTS MILLION 19R6§ $20.0 THRU 2016 $5 6 THRU 2025 LEVELITEN COST (§/KWH) $0 110 THRU 2016 $0.095 THRU 2025 NISC RATE 158 (= REQTHERN — -========--~--nnnnennnnnnnnennnnnn= D(eneneceenneneennenenecenn DIESEL -2---neennenne renee neennnn Docnnneeeeenecenennne= SYSTEM -=-------2---0-2~ > ANNU O&M ANNUAL «TOTAL = ANNUAL AV. ANN ANNIIAL 06M ANNIIAL TOTAL = ANNIIAL «AV ANN TOTAL ANN PH ANN ANNUAL DISC ANN DISC ANN YEAR CADITAL ---n~n-nnnennn--n-===FUIEL ANNUAL LOAD ——CNST/KWd CAPT TAN EL ANNUAL = LOAD = CST/¥WH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM 0ST ADDED = FIXEN = VARIARLE =—0ST cast annen —FIXE ost cost cast cost Loan Loan DER KWH nn) (new een een n nen nw nen nena renee nen en nen nen n nnn nn ene nen ene n enna) eeeeeneeerenrennseneerecsenseneenen eeneeenneeee > (x$1000) (xf1000) ($1000) (x$1000) (xg 1000) (Mah) ($/KWH) ($1000) ($1000) ($1000) ($1000) ($1000) (Mai) ($/MWH) ($1000) (1986 $m) (WH) (MH) ($/KiH) 1988 0 5 0 0 5 0 0.000 618 2R0 758 1,355 2,667 22,386 0119 2,672 2,492 22,386 20,835 0 120 1629-6, 698 5 0 0 6,663 0 0 000 225 2n0 any 1,609 = 2,526 25,805 0. 098 9.169 9,256 25,805 23,233 0.355 1990 36,056 § 0 0 36,061 0 0 000 225 2R0 $07 2,004 3,016 34,278 0 096 39,077 33,971 31,278 27, 18K 1289 1991 0 6A7 0 230 917 -2R,990 0 32 0 280 108 ang an? 6, 361 0 126 1119 1,443 35,351 29,676 = 0 049 1992 0 6a7 0 238 921 29,143 0032 0 280 a9 201 529 2,962 0.179 1,450 1,175 32,105 26,028 = 085, 1999 0 a7 0 237 924 29,310 092 0 2R0 §2 216 5uh 3,103 0176 4,472 1,952 32,499 25,3700 045 1994 0 6a7 0 2a) gk 29,4800 097 0 Ro 58 232 567 3,247) 0.175 1,495 1,130 32,727 26,735 0.086 1985 0 6a7 0 263 950 31,9278 = 0.030 0 280 108 aan A320 6,970. 13K 1,782 1,301 38,025 27,750 0 047 1996 0 aT 9 299 996 «32,066 = 0:03 0 2n0, 1GR 416 Ree 6, 2A1 0.198 1,049 1,303 38,347 27,023 -0.04R 1997 0 §aT 0 2 9A9 32,208 = 0 03! 0 ne WN2 500 A926, 46R 0 TGR 1, ART 1,290 38,676 926,317 0.089 1998 0 6a 0 306 993 32,440 0.031 4 2a0, Wd 526 923 «6,467 0 138K 1,916 1,259 39,008 25,630 0 089 1999-9, 833 6a7 0 209 4,29 92, 445 0.49 0 2n0 120 552 953 6, RAT 0.139 5,782 3,664 26,9290 147 2900-7, 94k 6R7 a 332,967 38,576 0.259 0 2R0 179 aay 1,280 9,978 0.128 10,267 6,278 27,295 0.230 2001 0 6R7 0 ast 117k 60,057 0:29 0 a0, aR ang 168 = 4,779 161 1,965 1,151 26,523 0.043 2002 0 687 0 496 1,183 60, 186 0.029 0 aan 0 426 196 4,935 0 161 1,977 1,129 25,772 0 048 2003 0 6A7 0 503 1,190 40,385 0 029 0 2A n ate ai7 5,959 0.162 2,007 1,107 25,051 0 08 20ne 0 6A 0 509 1,196 40,497 (0 030 0 Rp, q7 469 Aah 5,228 M 162 2,083 1,0AR 26,951 0 04s 2005 0 6a7 0 516 1,203 40,662 0-030 0 2A0 10) 4 AME 83620 169 2,077 1, 06R 23,669 0 045 2006 0 a7 0 523 1,210 40,817 0 030 0 ag 108 §20 908 5,925 0.168 2,116 1,050 23,013 0 046 2007 0 6a7 0 $23 1,210 40,8170 070 0 2a0 108 520 got 5,525 0 164 a1 1,014 23,013 0.046 200k 0 a7 0 §23 1,210 40,817 0030 0 2R0 108 $20 904 5,528 0 164 2,16 919 23,013 0 086 2cng 0 687 0 523 1,210 40,817 0 030 0 200 108 520 gna 5,525 0. 164 2,1 us 23,013 0 086 2910 9 6a7 0 §23 1,210 40,817 0039 0 280 108 520 gna 5.595 0.164 2,16 913 23,013 0.046 201 0 687 0 §23 1,210 a0, A170 030 0 280 106 520 gna 5,595 0 164 2,18 aay 23,013 0.086 2012 9 6a7 0 $23 1,210 40,817 0.030 0 aR) 106 520 90 5,525 0 164 2,1 ast 23,013 0 066 2013 0 6a7 0 $23 1,210 40,817 0.030 0 2a0 106 520 908 5,525 0 164 21 822 23,0130 046 204 0 6a7 0 §23 1,210 60,817 0.030 0 2A0 106 520 goe 5,525 0. 164 2,16 193 23,013 0 086 2015 0 6a7 0 §23 1,210 40,817 0 030 0 20 1048 520 908 5,525 0.164 2,1 166 23,0130 046 2016 0 §A7 0 523 1,210 60,817 9 030 0 2R0 Va 570 908 5,525 0 *64 21d m0 23,013 0.086 2017 0 687 0 523 1,210 40,817 0.030 0 an 104 520 ge 55,5250 16k 2,16 m4 23,013 0.086 2018 0 6A7 0 523 1,210 40,817 0 030 0 2R0 1nd 520 904 5,525 0. 164 2,14 690 23,013 0 066 2019 0 6a7 0 523 1,210 40,817 0-030 0 20 108 520 ge 5,825 016A 2,16 666 23,013 0 086 2n20 0 a7 0 573 1,210 40,817 0 030 0 2R0 104 520 gna 5,525 0 164 2.06 643 23,013 0.086 2021 0 a7 0 529 1,210 60,8179 020 0 2n0 108 520 904 5,575 0 164 2,14 621 23,013 0 046 2022 9 6AT 0 523 1,290 40,817 0 030 0 2a0 108 570 gna 5,578 0 164 2.14 600 23,013 0 1466 2023 0 §AT 0 523 1,210 40,817 0 030 0 290 106 §20 a08 5.525 0 164 216 579 23,0130 6 anne 4 6a7 0 923 1,210 40,817 9 070 0 2A0 108 520 gna 5,575 0.164 a 589 23,017 0 045 2095 9 6a7 0 523 1,210 40,817 0.020 0 2an oe 570 gna 5,525 0 186 2,1 540 23,013 0 046 TOTAL $4,475 24,080 N 15,738 98, 269 19H 9 Oae 1,125 10,630 0,991.21, 6R0 98, 576, 27700 NAY 132,045 95,618 922, ON GH ave WH aves GH AVG TARIE Def ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 9.5 MW GEOTHERMAL--HIGH ()FMANN CASE WENTUM PIFSEL PRICE TREND DISC CASTS MILLION 19R6$ $92 7 THRU 20°% $99 7 THRI 2025 LEVELITFN COST ($/KWH) $0 108 THRU 2016 $0 N90 THRU 2025 ’ DISC RATE 7% =-GEQTHERM -----==-----2---2222en oe enne mene D (eeeeeenneneecnneenneenene DIESEL -----------2------2=-ee === Deceenereccenceenes SYSTEM ------~---------~ > ANNUAL =. & MANUAL TOTAL ANNUAL AV. ANN ANNUAL «0.8 M ANNUAL TOTAL ANNUAL AV ANN TOTAL ANN PW ANN ANNUAL DISC ANN DISC ANN YEAR CAPITAL --------==-22----+ FUEL © ANNIJAL LOAD. COST/KWH CAPITAL ANNUAL LOAD =—-«COST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM COST AnDEN FIXED = VARTABLE COST = CST apnen cast ast = eoST = LOAD. LAN RER KWH (eceeeeceenencceeneceennnnnennnneeeernecceneneeenmncnenencnens Dieewwccwanpapenwwnens: (x$1000) ($1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) — (MWK) —($/KWH) ($1000) (x$1000) (x$1900) (x$1000) (x$1000) (MAH) ($/MWH) (x$1000) (1986 $M) (MAH) (MAH) ($/KHH) 1988 9 5 0 0 5 0 9.000 1,350 280 363 1378 3,367 22,668 0.149 3,372 3166 = 22668 21136 0 149 1989 6638 5 9 0 6 643 0 0 000 450 2n) 501 1951 3,182 31,308 0.102 = 9,825 RREG 31308 PRiRe 0.318 1990 = 36056 5 9 9 36,067 9 0 900 225 2a0 599 23 3,475 36,996 0.094 = 39,536 = 34371 36996 = 32163 1.069 1991 9 687 9 307 9qt 34, 646 0.079 0 a0 132 534 946 8,105 0.117 1,980 162R = 42751 35ARR =. 085 1992 0 687 9 312 999 34, 823 0.029 0 280 138 568 9R6 R381 0.198 1,985 1609-43204 35020 0 046 1993 0 687 0 317 1,008 = 35,011 0.029 0 2a0 14g 603 1,027 8,658 0.119 2,030 1589 = 43669341800 046 1998 9 67 9 305 993 33,550 0.030 0 2R0 178 T5R 1,216 10,592 0.115 2,210 1670 44152 33369 0.050 1995 0 6R7 0 402 1,089 37,048 0.029 0 20 rar 965 1,463 12,586 0.116 2,553 1863-49630 362190 051 1996 9 687 9 £091,096 37,230 0.029 0 280 222 1025 1,527 12,917 0.19R_ 2, 622 1908 = 50147 -3533R 0.052 1997 0 67 0 aye 1,101 37,428 0.029 0 2n0 229 1072 1,582 13,257 0.119 2,683 1826 = 50681 34486 = 0 053 1998 0 687 9 ang 1,106 37,624 0.029 0 2R0 238 1123 1,641 13,610 0.121 2,747 10551238 33663 0 054 1999 3833 687 0 425 6,945 37,790 0131 0 280 267 1175 1,701 13,943 0-122 6, 686 4217 51733 32822) 0.128 2000 7948 687 0 4e7 9,082 39,492 0.230 0 2a 317 1917 2,118 17,726 0.199 11,196 6959 457216 = 38052 0.196 no! 0 687 0 683 1,370 46,540 0 929 0 280 202 780 1,762 11,196 = 0.157 3,132 1853 §7736 34154 = 0 (058 2002 9 687 0 692 1,379 46,778 0 029 0 20 209 1337 1,827 11,498 0.159 3,206 1831 5R26R = 332830 055 2003 0 687 0 630 1,317 47,049 0.028 0 280 aut 1093 1,589 11,767 0.135 2,906 1603 = §AR16 32861 0 049 2004 0 687 0 639 1,326 47,307 0 028 0 2R0 225 1106 1,651 12,098 0.136 2,977 1595 = $9405 =: 31639 0.050 2005 0 687 0 Sra 1,271 47,589 0.027 0 2a0 233 920 1,434 12,409 0116 2,708 1391 59998 30855 = 0 085 2006 9 687 9 592 1,279 47,857 0.027 0 2a0 241 969 1,490 12,765 0.117 2,769 1375 60622-30108 0.006 2007 0 687 0 592 1,279 47,857 0 027 0 ano 2a) 949 1,490) 12,765 0.117 2,769 192R 60,622 30, 108 0 046 2008 9 587 9 592 1,279 67,857 0 027 0 280 at 969 1,490 12,765 0.117 2,769 1282 60,622 30, 104 0.086 2009 0 687 0 592 4279 47,857 0 027 0 2R0 2a) 9ho 1,490) 17,765 0117 2,789 1238 «60,622 30,108 = 0.046 2010 0 687 9 592 1,279 67,857 0 027 0 2n0 24% 989 1,490 12,765 0.117 2,769 1196 60,622 30,104 = 0.046 2011 0 687 0 59? 1,279 47,857 0027 0 2n0 2a) 969 1,490) 12,765 0.117 2,769 1154 60,622 30,108 = 085 2012 0 687 0 592 1,279 47,857 0.027 0 2R0 2a) 969 1,490 12,765 0.117 2,79 1115 60,622 30,104 = 0.046 2013 0 687 0 592 1,279 47,857 0,.027 0 ano 2a) 969 1,490 12,765 0.117 2, 769 1076 60,622 30,104 = 0.086 ante 9 687 9 592 1,279 47,857 9 027 0 2A 2a) 969 1,490 12,765 0.117 2,769 1039 60,622 30,104 = 0.046 ans Q 687 0 592 1,279 47,857 0.027 0 2R0 2a) 969 1,490 12,765 0.117 2,769 1006 60,622 30,108 = 0.046 2016 0 6R7 4 592 1,279 67,857 0.927 0 2n0 2a) 969 1,490 12,765 0.117 2,769 969 60,622 30,104 = 0.046 2017 0 687 0 592 1,279 67,857 0.027 a 280 2a! 969 1,490 (12,765 0.117 2,769 936 «60,622 30,104 0.046 2018 0 a7 9 592 1,279 47,857 9 027 9 2R0 201 969 1,490 12,765 0.117 2,769 gna 60,622 30,104 = 0.046 2019 0 687 0 59) 4,979 67,857 0.027 0 2ae 20) 989 1,090 12,785 90.117 2,769 872 60,622 30,108 0 046 2020 9 6a7 5 592 1,279 87,857 0.027 4 2a0 2a) OAS 1,490 12,765 0.17 2,769 R62 60,622 30,104 = 0.046 2021 0 6a7 0 592 1,279 47,857 0.027 0 2ae. 201 965 1,490 12,785 0.1172, 788 813 60,622 30,104 0 046 2022 9 687 0 592 1,279 87,857 0.027 0 280 21 989 1,490 12,765 O47 2,759 796 = 6,622 30,104 0.046 2073 4 6a7 0 $921,270 47,857 0.027 0 pat 241 969 1,890 -12,785 01172, 789 75R 60,622 3,108 = 0 086 98 4 §A7 ’ 592 1,279 7,857 0027 0 2A0) 241 989 1,490) 12,765 0.117 2, 789 732 9,622 39,108 0.046 25 9 697 t 592197047857 0.097 0 Dag 263 geo 100 19,788 T7890 707 60.622 29,180 906. Tota; = $4875 245 0 1RRIG6 —«Q73KT 19570 040 225 = 10Rea 433 -aNt@R «2705 5059182 SGASR GRAS 2a? 1793072 107 Ga VG GwH AVG GH ave YEAR 1QRR 1989 1990 1991 1092 1993 1994 1995 1996 1907 1998 1999 2000 2001 200? 2093 20ne nes 2006 2007 2008 2009 any 2613 2018 2015 2016 207 2018 2019 2020 ont 2079 2023 226 ans TOTAL TARE 1-9 ECONOMIC SNAIYSTS--Al | DIESEL CASE--FIECTRICITY MAND. LOW 10" DIFSEL PRICE TRENT. DISC COSTS MILLION 19R6$ LFVELITES COST ($/KWH) 35% GEOTHERM O&M ANNUAL NISC RATE ADIT AL annen $60.1 THRU 2016 $0 090 THRI 2015 $0 ORG THRU 2025 (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) ($1000) Sse esS094H 0905205955555 escec2xzx0905555300 a eoerece ese os e000 2oD wwoD eseseeeo se sSe e500 Spoesez eee ceo oS a aes of esesese5 2530555908 peoesceoae eco sa os pores ors Pesseses es eS eee Se eOSSC SSeS eSB Oe SSS pose aoe $71 1 THRU 2025THRU 2025 ANNUAL Loan (i) eescece sas ee ees ose oes esesesoszceccoeos es Gwe Ay ANN ($/Kh) 90 0a 00 00 on on 00 oo 00 90 00 an 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 0 erxesesec esse ec eases eos epoeosescsces seco avs COST/KWH CAD|TAL de ESE] -nnn-nennee nnn enennn nena Deccenneenneeenenee SYSTEM ANNIIAI O&M ANNUAL = TOTAL ANNUAL «AV. ANN.TOTAL ANN PW ANN ANNU! ANNUAL = LAD = COST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM Anne cost cst = ensT = LOAN D (eeneeneeenennennn eee eneeen nnn enn nnn nnnncencnmeemnenenncene Jeemee nee (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$t000) 575 225 225 295, 0 0 225 225 ang, 20 280 280 2A ag 280 2R0 2n0 a0 Rn a0 20 280 2R0 na arn no, 2R0 290 2R0 2R0 2R0 280 2R0 2R0 2R0 2n0 2R0 290 299 290 29g 20 Dan 2a 290 ingen 358 43 507 518 529 S38 599 646 642 689 5A? 595 197 R07 a2) 835 aso R65 a5 A175 ATS 975 a5 A175 an5 R15 a5 a75 Ans a5, ans R15 a15 as a5 a5, ans RIS 29229 1222 1440 1779 1246 1900 1957 2916 2387 2393 2478 2499 2517 2856 2873 2a91 2910 2929 2949 2969 2989 2969 2969 2969 2969 2989 2969 2969 2969 2969 2989 2069 2889 2969 2889 2969 2969 299 2966 10810 2535 2358 2797 2259 2709 2778 3070 3539 3315 3427 3482 3493 4158 4185 3992 4076 460 4096 4124 nz 4128 4176 4126 4176 4128 4128 4126 4128 4126 £126 4198 4128 4178 e176 4178 oe 28 4528 142729 (MHH) —($/MAH) 22346 25R05, 31278 317AR 32090 32395 32723 32016 37937 38663 38992 39273 40515 44A26 45106 45402 45702 46002 46315 46315 46315 46315 45315 46315 46315 46215 46315 46315 45315 45315 48915 48315 45315 06215 463'5 263'5 5715, 66315 1599 WH 0113 0091 5 9R9 0071 0.088 0.086 9.098 0.093 0 9"9 0.089 9.089 0 089 0.093 0,093 0.089 ORG Ong ORG ORG oad Rg 0Rg OR 089 0.089 0.089 0.089 0 0Rg 0R9 0Rs nag MRS nag a9 589 0 £96 9 nag 0 0a 0 196 aya esesse500050 2eoesopeeos ($1000) (1986 $M) (WH) 2535 2358 2791 2259 2709 2718 3070 3539 3315 3427 3a52 3093 4158 41485 3992 4026 4060 4nga 4126 4126 4128 4126 4124 4126 4124 4128 4124 6178 4128 4126 4128 0128 012d 4178 4174 4128 4124 £128 182799 2363 2123 2426 1896 2196 2172 2321 2582 2336 2332 2275 2216 2587 2676 2280 2220 2162 2105 2068 1978 1910 1R4e 1780 1719 1660 1603 1548 1495 1483 1784 1286 1299 1255 190 1170 1120 "991 1053 71995 22346 25805 31278 31788 32080 32395 32723 3RN16 37337 39663 A992 39273 40515, 44826 45106 45402 45702 46002 46315 46315 46315 46315 46315 46315 46315 46315 46315 46315 46315 46315 46315, 46315 46315 66215 45315 e635 48315 46915, 1599 GaH NISC ANN SYSTEM Loan (WH ) 29835 23233 27188 26685 26012 25356 24732 27788 26311 26308 25620 24917 27271 26517 25765 25042 24341 23658 22999 22208 21866 20707 19995 19307 19643 18002 17383 16785 16207 15650 19112 14592 14090 12605 13937 126 R65 "7909 RR 194 HH OSC ANN enst DFR KWH ($/KWH) 0.113 0.091 0.089 0.071 0.0R4 ORG 094 093 089 089 ag ORG 083 093 089 ORd ORG ag OR ORG 089 089 Rg Rg 0g 0a9 ong ona ORG 089 Ong 089 089 Age Rg 0A ARg 099 106 AVG Sessec0s eee ee ses eS oo cC COB ODO Oo SOOO sO TARIF A-10 ECONOMIC ANBIYSIS--Al1 QIFSEL COSF--FLECTIICITY QEMAND. HIGH Me RIESE! DRICK TREKD DISC COSTS MILLION 39R5$ $773 THRU 2016 © $91 @ THRU 2025THRU 2025 LFVELIZEN COST ($/KWH) $0.090 THRU 2016 $0 O89 THRU 2025 NISe RATE 35% IESE 0 -------------------------- Decrerer enn ereennn SYSTEM ANNUAL O&M ANNUAL = TO ANNUAL = AV ANN ANNIJAL O&M ANNIAL TOTAL ANNUAL = AV ANN TOTAL ANN DW ANN ANNUIAL = DTS ANN DISC ANN YEAR CABTTAL eee ennnennn nen FUEL ANNUAL Loan COST/KWH CAPITAL - ANNUAL = LOAD COST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM = SYSTEM = -:ST anen CIXey VARTARLE COST cast ANDED FIXEN east enst enst Loan Lan DER KWH (conn nee cee e ene ee nen nnn nn nnn n nnn enn nnn nn ene n nen nee nnn e een ee eS ($1000) ($1090) ($1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) — (MWY —($/KWH) (x $1000) ($1000) (x$1000) («$1000) ($1000) (MH) ($/MHH) (x$1000) (1986 $M) (MWH) = (MAH) = ($/KWH) 19RR 9 0 0 0 9 9 9 000 1,350 2R0 363 1,260 3,232 22,666 = 0 143 3,232 3,018 22,666 = 21,134 0.143 19R¢ c 0 0 0 0 0 0 090 450 aan 501 1,766 2,977 31,295 0.9985 2,977 2,680 31,295 28,1768 = 0 095 1990 0 9 0 9 0 9 9000 225 2R0 5992, 104 3,208 36,982 0.087 3,208 = 2,789 36,982 32,151 9.087 1991 0 a 9 0 9 0 9 000 225, ane 697 2,479 3,681 42,746 0.086 3,68) 3,090 42,744 = 35,8820 ORE 1992 9 0 9 9 9 0 9 009 9 2an 113 2,557 3,550 43,195 0 OR2 3,550 2,877 43,195 35,013 0.082 1993 0 0 0 0 4 0 0.000 0 2A0 125 2,637 3,842 42,658 = RZ 3,827 2, ASM 43, 65R 94171 0.083 1904 0 9 9 9 0 9 0 con 9 2A) 144 2,719 3,740 44,102 0.085 3,740 2,827 46,102 33,332 0 085 1005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.090 225 Re 8033118 ABA 09612 0.090 dhe 3, 25R 69,612 36,206 = 1.900 1995 0 9 0 0 9 0 0.990 9 290 AB2 3,219 8355 50,123 0.087 = 6,355 9,069 50,123 35,321 0.087 1997 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 000 0 2R0 ANB 3,287 4,402 50,651 0087 4,403 2,996 50,651 34,466 = 0.087 1998 5 9 9 9 4 0 0.909 295 20g 905 2.2878 HRS 91,228 «= 0097 R53, TR 51,228 © 33,657 0.091 1960 a a 0 a Q o 0 000 0 220 915 3,398 511 84,719 0 087 asi 2,862 51,719 32,8130 087 2000 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 990 225 2an 1,928 3,655 5,198 57,188 0.091 5,198 3,182 $7,188 = 35,932 9 091 2001 0 9 0 c 0 Q 0 000 0 220 1,039 3,699 5,017 57,701 9.087 5,017 2,958 57,701 36,133 0.087 2002 a 4 0 9 9 0 69 SHO 0 290 7,960 3,732 5,972 58, 226 0087 = 5,072 2,897 58,226 33,259 0 ORT 2003 c 0 0 0 c 0 0 098 225 2an 1, 0R2 3,769 5,356 58,799 0 091 5,356 2,956 58,799 32,431 0.091 2006 0 9 9 9 5 0 2060 0 RO 1,105 3,906 5,191 59,383 9.097 5,191 2,765 59,383 31,627 0.087 2005 0 0 9 0 0 o 9000 0 2a0 4,997 3, Abd 5,252 59,970 0.naR 5,252 2,701 59,970 30,841 0 Ona 2006 9 9 9 0 9 4 0 9n0 9 Pg 1,785 7 Aad 5,306 69,587 OcAR = 5,309 2,636 69,587 30,087 = ORR 2n¢7 0 0 0 4 0 o 0.000 0 oan 1,185 3, ARG 5,309 60,587 008k = 5,309 2,566 69,587 29,0520. 08R 2008 0 9 9 9 0 9 0 000 9 280 1,165 3, ARG 5,309 60,587 9 ORR 5,309 2,058 69,587 28,053 0 ORR 2009 9 0 0 0 0 0 «0.000 6 Ro 4,145 3, ARG 5,309 60,587 0 OAR 5,309 2,373 60,587 27,08R 0. ORR 2010 0 0 0 0 0 9 0.900 9 280 1,145 3, ARM 5,309 60,587 0.088 5,309 2,292 60,587 26,155 = 0 ORA 2011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 2a0 1,185 3, ARG 5,209 6,587 0 0AR = =—5,309 2,213 60,587 25,256 0 OAR 2012 0 0 0 0 0 9 0.000 0 2°0 1185) 9,ARA 8309-60, 587-0 AMF, 309 2,137 60,587 24, 3RR OO ORR 2013, 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0.000 0 2a "165 3, ARB 5,309 60,587 0.088 =—5,309 = 2,063 60,587 23,549 0. ORR 2014 0 0 0 0 9 9 0.000 9 2A0 1,165 3,884 5,309 60,587 0.0RR §,309 1,992 60,587 22,739. ORR 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 2P0 1,105 3, ARG 5,309 60,587 0.0R8 5,309 1,926 60,587 21,9570. ORR 2016 9 9 0 0 0 5 0.000 0 2R0 1,185 3, ARE «5,309,570 MAR 5,309 1,A58 60,587 21,202 0. 0RR 2017 0 a 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 no 1,165 3,884 5,309 60,587 0.088 5,309 1,794 60,527 20,472 0. 08R 20:8 4 0 9 4 9 0 0 900 9 nt 11653, ARE 5,309 60,587 0.08 5,309 1,732 60,587 19,768 = 0. ORR 2019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 0 2A0 «1,185 3 FRE S399 HERAT OAR =H 3M@_—1,H73 «HO, 5R7 18, ORR 0 ORR 2020 4 a 8 6 9 9 0.000 0 280 1,165 3, ARG 5,799 60,587 0.988 5,309 1,615 60,587 18,4320 OAR 202" q a a 0 0 9 f one a ORO 1145 3 ARE 5,399 60,587 0.088 5,309 1,559 60,587 17,798 0.088 2022 0 4 9 d 4 9 0900 9 en 1,185 9, 8R4 5,309 60,587 OnRR = 5,309 1,596 60,587 17,186 = ORR 2023 a 4 0 0 0 4 0 090 0 2a0 115 3, PRE 5,309 60,587 0 ORR 5,309 1,656 60,587 16,595 0.088 2028 a a 4 6 0 9 nano 0 men 18S 3 ARE § 909-0, 527 = RA 99-1, ANE HN SAT 1H, 078 = NAR 2s, c 9 e 0 6 n 9 600 ¢ 2991 KF AREF 3N@ HN SAT— RA 59991, 356 HN, SAT 15,473 ORR TOTAL 9 9 4 a 4 a 0.800 3,950 10,649 = 38, ORG 191, R45 -1R3 7104 2,081 0 106 189,794 91,442 2,081 1930 0 106 GwH ays GWH aya GWH GH AVG TARIF N=1! ECONOMIT BNS'YS!S 5 MW GEOTHEMMA! --28SF CASH Te MAND '0a NTESE! ORTICE TRENT DISC CASTS MILTON 19RK§ $68 2 THRU INK = $745 THRU 2096 LFVELITED COST ($/KWH) $0 096 THRU 2018 $0 ORS THRU 2025 NISC RATE 35 GEOTHERM -----~-----------2-----nnnnnnnnnnne D(eeenen ene ennne ce ennenenees DIESEL -2-2n-2--nnnnneneeeeeene= Jeceeceneseeeeeneee SYSTEM -- O&M ANNUAL TOTAL = BWNLAL AV ANN O&M ANNIIAL TOTAL ANNUAL = AV. ANN. TOTAL ANN PW ANN ANNUAL DISC ANN NTSC ANN ANNUAL 10D COST/KWH CAPITAL FiifL ANNUAL. «18D. COST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM COST ns? ann varraRiE cost cast cost = enST~=—LOAD.=LOAN. ER KWH wn) (nnn nnn en nnn ne nee en nen enn n nnn n nnn nn nn nn nner renner nnn nn nn erenee Dennen nnn nn ene eee e een e een n een n nee nee. (x$1000) (x$1000) (xf1000) (x$1000) ($1000) — (MMH) ($/KHH) —(x$1000) (x$1000) (x19) ($1000) (x$1000) (WH) ($/MAH) ($1000) (1986 $M) (MH) (MH) ($/KWH) YEAR CADITAL annen FIXFD ny 198A 9 5 0 9 5 0 9 90 675 oan ASR 1,222 2,535 27,386 0 113 2,540 2,368 22,346 = 20,835 916 1GAQ 6, 330 5 0 0 6,335 0 Q nae 225 a0 613 1,480 7,358 — 25,895 0.091 R693 TARA 25,805 23,233 0.337 1990 = 30,355 5 4 9 30,360 0 0 009 225 299 $n? 1,119 2,791 31,278 0.089 33,151 28,A20 31,278 = -27, 18K 1.060 yagt a 422 0 167 SRO 26, R10 0.028 0 aac 6 ans 799 6,989 Oe 1,388 1,165 31,799 26,698 0 nee 1992 9 422 4 168 590 24,903 0.028 n 2R0 119 426 A25, 7,202 0.195 1418 1,148 32,105 26,026 0 Nae 1993 0 422 0 179 592 25,098 0 078 9 220 122 4a R50 7,408 0.115 1,442 1,129 32,812 28,369 0.085 1994 0 422 0 172 §g¢ 25,118 0 028 9 Tt) 128 459 A77 7,609 0,185 1,471 41 32,727 28,7350 045 1998 0 422 0 1R5 697 28.992 -0.:022 0 2a0 129 699 1,168 19.3920 105 77H 1,298 38,026 27,751 0 087 “gae 9 422 9 RT 599 = 26,985 0923 0 2a "95 798 1,208 11,262 0.106 1,813 1,27 = 38,347 27,023 0.087 1997 t 422 9 TAR 610 27,081 0 022 0 2ag ant 7163 1,228 11,594 0 196 1, R36 1,748 38,675 26,316 0 087 19QR 0 422 4 “a9 611 27,169 0 022 9 20 207 159 1,268 19,239 0.105 1,257 1,220 39,008 25,630 0 948 1994 o 42? 0 199 61) 27,083 0:099 0 pat my 1771.85 17,058 «0.105 1,877 1,191 30,791 28,928 0.048 2900 6 422 4 297 669 2A, AIT 9993 1 2a R? 1,609 1,571 15,789 9.190 2,219 1,360 46,551 27,293 0 050 2901 0 49? ¢ 201 fad 28,617 -0.:092 0 2A0 2R7-1,070- 1 5R7- 15.9170 100-2228 1,923 44,834 26,522 0.050 2002 9 422 a 228 $50 = 28,973 9022 9 a0 29a * 935 1,699 16,105 9 100 2,259 1,290 45,118 © 25,772 0 05¢ 2003 a 422 a 220 651 29,079 0 022 0 2an 301 1,087 1,698 = 16,337 0.100 2,279 1,257 45,416 25,050 0950 one 9 472 0 229 651 29,139 9.022 9 780 3ng 1,983 1,652 16,587 0 190 2,303 1,227 65,71R 24, 349 0 950 ngs 4 402 0 230, 652 29,216 0 622 a a0 w6 1,077 1,672 16,805 0 100 2,325 1,196 66,021 23,667 0.051 20068 0 402 9 240 652 29, 2R0 9 022 a 2R0 322 093 1,696 17,058 9 099 2,348 1,186 = 66,33R = 23,017 0.051 2007 0 402 0 230 652 729,280 0.022 0 pan 127-1,002 1,695 17,058 = 0.0992, 24R- 1,126 46, 33R 22,218 0:05" 2008 4 422 9 230 652 29, 2R0 9.922 9 R0 302 1,093 1,696 17,058 9 099 2,348 1,087 66,338 27,455 0.051 2009 0 472 4 230 652 29,280 A997 4 a0 422 1,993 1,695 = 17,058 0 099 2, 34k 1,050 66,338 © 20,717 0 05) 2010 9 422 9 230 652-29, 280 0 022 9 2a 122 LE 1,696 = 17,058 0.099 2,468 1014 46,338 20,005 0 051 ants 0 42) 0 230 £52.29, 2af 0092 a 2a 32? 1,093 1,696 = 17,058 0 099 2,34 979 46,338 «= 19,317 0 051 2912 a £02 0 230 §52 29, 280 0.022 0 70 322 1,093 1,696 17,058 0.999 2,34R 945 «46,338 = 18,652 9051 2013 o 499 Q 230 652 29,2R7 «0:12 0 an 222-1,002- 1,846 «17,058 = 0.0892, 4 913 46,338 «18.011 0.081 mnie 9 422 9 230 652 29,289) 022 0 2R0 329 -1,093 «1,695 17,058 = 0992, 94R RR} 46,998 17,397 9-051 2015 0 422 0 230 652 29, 280 0.022 0 20 292 1093 1,698 17,058 0099 2,468 851 46,328 = 16,793 0 051 2016 9 422 9 230 52 29, 280 9 022 9 2an 322 1093 1,195 17, N5R 0.099 2,348 R22 46,338 «16,215 0.051 2ni7 e 42 Q 230 652-99, 2an— 99 0 290 202-102-1648) 179SR 008M, 24 793 46,328 15,65R 051 291A 9 0 9 730 852 29,280 0:92 0 289 222«-1,093 «1, AQ8 17: MSR NAG 7 7H 155 46,338 15,119 0.051 201g 0 499 0 290 859 28,220 0.092 0 2A0 292-1,003 1, 68H) 17,05R NAG, 24K 140 66,338 18,599 0.051 2029 9 492 4 20, 88? 29, 280 9929 9 9R) 322 7,093 1,695 17,958 0 099 7, aR 718 66,338 = 18,097 9 05 2091 o ao f 230 £59 20,280 0.099 0 par 279-1,03 1896-17, NSR NAA HR fqn 46,33R 13,612 0051 9999 a an 1 730 £52 99.287 -.:2992 0 pan 292°0-1,992 «1,895 17,95R 9992 866 4,398 13,148 0057 209} ¢ 0? f 230 652 70.28 0.999 0 pan 277-1:002—«164H«17 SRN Age 7 te 642 66,998 17.8975 2076 0 an f nn 65920997999 9 20 1770-109 ORT SANA 7 aR 9! 8298 -17,288 9 51 298 a on 4 ne £59 20.282 N99 0 pen 197-1902 ART NHR ANG aR son 46.998 11. 8ST ied eS 4 1949 59,069 496 2H 1195 RAN 14NGY WR_NNP $9,778 598 QD1 QRdt 78,5198 70500 91M Gwe tvs Cue AVG GH GWH AVG TARIF -19 ECONOMIC ANALYSTS § MW GEOTHERMAL --H[GH OFMAND CASE (Ww AIFSFL PRICE TREND DISC COSTS MILLION $R1,772 — §R1.-R THRU 2016 = $90.7 THRU 2025 , TFVELITEN COST ($/KWH) $0 099 THRU 206 $0 NRA THRU 2025 TSC RATE 3.5% wecree cece nnerene snes ene n= Yecerernecccensenn= SYSTEM TOTAL © ANNUAL «AV. ANN. TOTAL ANN DW ANN ANNUAL DISC ANN DISC ANN ANNEAL ian COST/MWH SYSTFM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM = CST cast ST = caST = LOAD.«SsLOAN.=DER Ki (reeeeecnneneeeeee GEOTHERM ANNUAL O&M ANNUAL TOTAL ANNI YEAR PADITAL --eeeeenenenenenne FUEL ANNUAL 089 OST/MWH CDT TAL apnen FIXED «© -VARTARLE COST = cas annen kere -> ($1000) ($1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) — (MWH) —($/KWH) ($1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) ($1090) — (MH) ($/MAH) (x$1000) (1986 $M) (MWH) — (MAH) —($/KWH) 1988 9 4 4 9 9 9 0.000 900 an 363 1,280 2,783 22,668 0 123 2,789 2,595 22,868 21,135 9.123 1980 6,638 0 0 0 6638 0 0.000 450 220 601 1,747 2,97R 31,306 = 0.095) IRR 65731304 = 2K 18A 0 307 1990 = 30,047 9 9 0 30,047 0 0.900 450 2R0 599 2,105 3,438 36,996 0.093 33,481 29,107 36,995 = 32, 163 0.905 1991 0 422 0 219 fal 28,739 0.022 4 280 22 R13 1,321 14,019 0 098 1,962 1,647 42,750 35,887 0 046 1992 9 422 9 221 643 = 28, 852 0.022 9 280 237 50 1,357 14,353 9 095 2,010 1,429 43,205 35,021 0.087 1993 0 42? 9 208 646 28,969 0 022 0 220 24d ARR «1412147010096 2,05 161089, 670 3k 1R1 0.87 1994 0 422 0 190 612 27,668 0-022 0 280 277 1,075 1,572 16,483 0.095 2,181,651 40,151 93,369 0 049 1995 9 42? a 237 659 30,319 0.022 9 Rn 398-1219 1 RPT 19,911 0098 24RD 1,810 49,630 36,2190 050 1996 0 422 9 239 61 30,4168 = 9.022 0 280 399 «1,285 «1 RRA 19,792 2095-7885 1,794 50,135,339 0.051 1997 0 422 0 240 662 30,519 0 022 0 2R0 349 1,292 1,921 20,16? ons 2,583 1,758 50,681 34,486 = 0. 051 998 0 422 0 281 663 30,621 = 0.022 0 2R0 361 1,321 1,962 20,614 = 0.095 = 2,625) 1,725 51,235 33,668 = 0.051 1999 0 422 0 242 6A 30, 702 0 022 0 Rn an? 1,348 2,000 21,030 0.095 2,664 1,690 51,732 32,821, 0.081 00c 9 422 9 249 671 31,635 0.021 9 2a ase 1,440 2,377 25,578 0.093 3,048 1,867 57,213 35,050 0.053 2001 0 422 0 250 672 34,729 0.921 0 ant, 668 1,667 2,415 26,009 0.093 3,096 1,926 57,732 34,1520 053 2002 0 422 0 250 672 31,795 0.921 9 280 aR? 1,697 2,458 26,468 0 093 3,130 1,7RR 58,263 33,280 0.058 2003 0 422 Q 251 672 31,886 0.021 0 2R0 495 1,726 2,501 26,925 0 093 3,178 1,751 SRA11 32,438 0.058 2008 0 422 0 251 673 31,956 0.021 0 290 510 1,759 2,549 27,447 0 093 3,223 1,716 59,397 31,638 0.056 2005 a 422 0 282 704 = 32,043 0 022 4 280 525 1,791 2,597 27,965 0.093 3,300 1,697 59,988 30,850 0.955 2006 0 422 9 282 158 30,111 9 022 ti 2a 539 1,927 2,645 28,499 0993 3,350 1,663 60,610 30,098 9.055 2007 0 £22 c 277 104 90,191 0 922 0 Ro 539 1,719 2,645 28,499 0 093 3,350 1,606 60,619 29,063 0 955 2008 0 422 0 277 798 32,411 0 922 0 290 539 1,719 2,685 28,499 0 093 3,350 1,551 60,610 28,063 0.055 2009 0 422 0 77 76 32,111 0.022 0 2R0 539 1,799 2,665 28,499 0.093 3,350 1,698 60,610 27,098 = 0. 055 2010 0 422 9 277 708 32,101 0 022 9 220 539 1,799 2,645 28,699 0.993 3,350 1,486 60,610 26, 166 0.055 2011 0 422 0 277 1060 39,111 0 022 0 220 539 4,799 7,645 28,499 0 093 3,350 1,396 60,610 25,266 = 0.055 2012 9 422 0 277 7G4 32,111 9.022 9 a0, 539 1°9 2,685 28,499 0 093 3,350 1,348 60,619 «24,397 0955 2013 0 422 0 277 708 32,111 0 022 0 an 539 1,719 2,645 28,699 0 003 3,350 1,302 60,610 23,558 += 0.055 2018 0 422 0 277 7d 32,111 9.022 9 2n0 539 1,719 2,645 2,499 9 093 3,350 1,257 60,610 © 22, 748 0055 2015 0 422 0 277 106 32,111 0 022 Q 2R0 539 1,749 2,645 28,499 0 093 3,350 1,216 60,610 21,965 0 055 2016 0 422 0 277 108 32,911 0.922 0 2A0 539 1,719 2,645 28,499 0 093 3,350 1,172, 60,610 27,270 0.055 2917 0 422 0 a mL 32,111 0.027 0 20 539 4,719 7.645 -28,499 1923, 350 1,192,610 20,480 0.055 2018 9 22 2 211 708 32,111,092 9 299 539 -1,799 2645-78499 9:93 3,350 1,093 60,697 19,776 0.055 2019 0 422 0 217 mt 39,111 0.022 0 290 590-1710 AS 28,499 0-169 3,380 1,088 0,810 19,0968 = 0.055 2020 0 022 ? 2 me 32,111 0.022 0 2an 539 -1,799 2,645 R499 0.093 3,350 1,099 601M 18,439 0.055 2021 0 022 0 217 70k 32,111 0.27 0 2c 539 1,719- 2,845 RD 923,250 gad 80,619 17,905 0.058 2022 0 420 0 277 me 92,111,092 9 20 539 1,797,845), 899- 0.0933, 350 959 69,619 17,192 9-55 2092 0 229 0 oe me 99,191 0.999 0 280 51917907 AS RAGA 19R— 3,350 @17 69,610 16,601 0.055 2928 0 4 0 271 moe 32,111 0.092 0 pan 5391719288578, 499 0.9933, 350 AaB 60,610 16.030) 55 2098 0 429 0 nn me 37,1110 0 230, 5191710 AS PR AAD AI 3,950. 855 AN,AIN 18.47 5S TOTAL 36, 88S 14,770 0 9,196 60,685 =, 109741 NDAD 17,41) 89.5547 HT QR? 112,182,687 90,865 «2,082,039 1 GW avs GWE AVG GaH GWH AVG TORI N-17 FCONOMIC ANAIYSTS (INDHASEN 7 WW GENTHEQMA! --RASF CASE NFYANT Low NIFSEL PRICE TREND DISS CASTS MILLION 19R6$ $70 6 THR 2016 © $76.1 THRU 2N25THRU 7025 LEVELIZED COST ($/KWH) $0.98 THRU 2016 $0 ORS THRU 2025, OIGe RATE 75% kone REQTHERM ---n--- nnn nn nn nn nnn nnnn nner nnnnnnn= Dee eew enone nen enecerenere= NYESFI coe eeceenenenerewcewerenne: Yorrrorecnrecnorore SYSTEM > ANNUAL O&M ANNUAL | TOTAL ANNUAL = AV ANN \\ O&M ANNA TOTAL AV ANN TOTAL ANN PW ANN ANNIIAL = DISC ANN NTSC VEAR CADITAL eee en enennennnenen| FFE ANNEAL NAN COST/KWH CADTTAL --2-22------------| FUEL ANNUAL = LOAD COST/MWH SYSTEM = SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM = COST ANREN TARLF COST enst Annen FIXED RIARLE CAST cast cast cast Loan unan PER KWH (eence wenn eee eew eee nn en nen nn ne en ne enn nnn nnnnrnereroewnron en, ) (en neeewenenn nnn nn nnn nen nena nen cnn nn nner renee aren nnn nse nee” Ve nee enn nn nnn nen en nee n eee ee ence renee nennc nee > (x$1000) ($1009) ($1000) ($1000) (xF100) — (MMH) —($/KWH) ($1900) (xF1009) (xf10N0) (xFTAN0) (xs0ND) (HAH) ($/MMH)(x$1000) (1986 $M) (MWH) (MAH) ($/KWH) 19RA 9 5 0 9 5 a 0 9n0 675 2R0 35R 1,229 2,595 22,946 0.113 2,540 2,368 22,386 20,838 O18 19996638 5 0 0 6,AaR 0 0.009 225 2a0 412 7,880 2,95R 8AM MAT GMT AOE 5 ANG 29,2390. 249 “990 36,358 5 9 0 36,051 0 9900 225 Rn n7 1,779 2,791 31,278 = 0.089 9K, R52 33, 77K 31, 278 27,188 1.242 1991 0 565 0 221 TRR R40 0 027 0 7an 196 69 153 6,281 011A 1,539 1,292 35,351 29,676 0 048 1992 9 565 0 223 TAA 29,183 0-027 9 2R0 ag 115 504 2,962 0170 1,293 1,042 32,195 26,028 = 0 080 7003 c 565 0 226 7941 -24,.310 0 097 0 2A Ly a7 519 3,103 0.167 1,380 1.025 92,413 25,370 0 040 1908 0 565 0 229 794 2G,480- 6-07 a 7a 58 200 535 7,247 0 165 1,32R 1,006 32,727 26,7350 041 1995 0 565 ¢ 269 R16 11, 97R 07H 0 296 Ty 283 767 6,097 0.1261, SR 1, 1H 3A,025 27,7500 042 1096 9 565 0 2a2 RAT 32,065 0175 9 280 rer 99 191 ,2a1 0 126 1,68 1,158 38,247 27,023 0.083 1997 0 585 0 23 AER 39, 20K 0 026 0 2a0 112 415 R06 6, 468 0 125 1,655 1,126 38,676 26,317 0 943 199R 0 565 9 ana Pag 32,341 0.926 0 7Aa0) M7 427 A? 6670 128 1,673 1,099 39,008 25,630 0 043 1999 0 565 0 2R5 ASN 37,665 9.025 Q 2an at 039 Re 6,947 0 129 1,690 1,072 39.292 26,929 0 0e3 2000 9 585 0 308 R69 34,576 = 0 025 0 290, 179 640 1,09R 9, 978 0116 1,987 1,205 44,554 27,2950 Ode 2n0t 0 565 0 30s R10 30,707 0 025 0 en 182 649 1.992 10,130 0 110 1,982 1,172 66,837 26,576 0 0ae 2n02 9 565 0 306 ATL 34,796 0 025 9 7Rn TAR £62 1,190 10,323 0.1092, 007 1,143 05,119 25,7720 04 2003 0 565 0 ant A712 -34, 939 0 075 4 20 192 672 1,145 10,479 0 1n@ 2,017 1,192 5,418 25,059 0 nee 2008 9 555 0 30R A171} 35,074 0.025 0 a0 199 5R5 1,164 10,687 0.199 = 2,937 1,085 45,721 26,351 0.045 2008 0 565 0 309 ATe 95,159 0-078 0 ae ane 607 1,181 10, R66 0.100 2,058 1,057 66,025 23,668 (0.045 2006 0 565 0 30 A75 38,289 0.75 9 a0 ng 110 1,199 19,077 0 108 = 2,078 1,030 46,342 23,0130 45 2nn7 0 565 0 310 875 35,269 0.075 9 2an 2na 110 -1,199 14,0720. 1R_ 7,70 995 46,342 23,013 0 085 2008 9 555 9 310 A15 95,269 0.98 0 7R0 209 110 1,199 19,073 0.108 2,078 960 «46,342 23,013 0 a5 2009 0 565 0 310 A715 35,269 0.078 0 280 209 10 4,199 11,073 0-108 2,078 927 46,342 23,013 0 048 2010 0 555 0 310 A715 35,269 0.075 0 2R0 209 710 1,199 19,079 0.108 2,074 R95 46,342 23,013 0.085 2011 0 565 0 310 A15 95,289 0. 28 0 2R0 209 710 1,199 11,073 0.108 = 2,078 R65 46,342 29,013.85 2012 9 555 0 310 A15, 95,269 9 025 9 290 209 110 1,199 11,077 0.198 2,078 A35 46,342 23,0130 045 2013 0 565 0 310 A715 35,269 0 025 6 an 209 110 1,199 11,073 0.108 2,076 R06 46,342 23,013 0.085 2018 0 565 0 310 R15 35,269 = 0.025 0 2a 209 110 1,199 11,073 -0.10R 2,078 778 46,342 23,013 0.085 2018 0 565 0 310 AIS 35,269 = 0 025 0 2R0 209 710 1,199 11,073 0.198 2,078 152 46,342 23,013 0.085 2016 0 565 0 310 A715 35,259 0 025 0 Ro, 209 110 1,199 11,077 0 198 7,078 126 46,342 23,013 0.085 oni 0 SAS 0 310 A715 38, 269 025 0 pan 209 110 1,199 19,073 0 108 2,078 101 46,362 23,013 0 045 2018 9 555 0 310 R15 95,769 9-095 9 2R0 209 119 1,199 19,073 0 19k 2,078 677 46,342 23,0130 85 nia 0 565 0 U0 AIS 35,769 0.025 0 a0 20g 110 1,199 19,072 Q 108 7,078 652 46,382 23,013 0 085 ann 9 555 9 ym A715 (95,289 9 025 0 2a 209 1 1,199 19,073 0.198 2,074 631 46,242 23,013 0 045 2021 0 SAS 0 30 ANS 35,269 0 025 0 2a0 209 10 9,199 11,073 0 198 2.018 609 46,282 23,012 0 045 2099 9 585 9 0 A715 25,269 9995 0 2a 209 10 4199 -19,073 0 108 2,078 §an 46,382 23,019 0 m5 2072 n sss 0 410 R15 25,269 0 025 0 aan 209 ™0 y199°0 19,073 0 108 7,076 SRA BR 227 79.,013 ams 29948 9 555 0 319 ATS 38,289 9 995 a 2Fn 209 m0 1,599) 19,073 0 198 2,076 $09) ah, 149 29,099 0 ms 2025 f 565 0 30 ATS 35, 289 0 095 0 Pan 200 110 1.496 11,077 0 108 2,476 510 06,282 2.9,019 0 045 Tata! «47,6948 = 19,790 2 19,395 72,809 1,193 0 078 1,125 10,640 7.427 95,639 44832 an 0196 ‘*17,889 © 76,072 VAN 921,626 0 197 Gwe aye . GW AVG Gar AVG TARIF 3-78 ECONOMIC BNAEYSTS SINDMAGED 1 MW SFOTHEQMAL --4 fH NEMAN POSE 100 MIESE! DRICE TREND NIST CASTS WHI TON 10RKG LEVEN ITEM COST ($/KWE) OISe Rate 2 5t R25 THRIL 2016 $90 @ THRIT 2025 $0 N94 THRU 2016 $0 MAI THRU 2025 ANNUAL (oan (mW) 1, uM, 35, 33, 7, 37, 37, 626 y 7 39, 39, 39, “0, 49, 40, 4, 40, 40, 40 40 40 49 40 40 40 49 40 an 40, 40, 40, 49, a0, 6, 646 R23 on 560 ote 290 426 190 492 108 ant ond 267 ant 559 669 659 669 569 RO 659 689 869 869 659 659 669 569 659 5G 669 ARG 559 ay ANN COST /KWH CAOTTAL annFn IFSFL, 0 & MANNII === 616 RIARLE CAST TATAL ANNUAL east ($/Kwe) (xg 1D) Ceg19N0) CXF) (xg1ANN) (xg 10N0) 9 000 0 ona 0 000 0 075 9 025 025 126 095 025 025 025 628 028 C26 024 025 025 025 925 025 0 025 0 025 0995 0 075 0.025 0 025 0.025 0 025 n 028 0 028 0.995 0.025 0 025 0.095 9 :925 0 095 9995 epseesceeoces esa ese5a 5 (ee eee eee ne ne ne es GFATHERM ~-- ANNIIAL O&M ANNA TATA VEAR CAD]TAL --~--------------~ Fue AYN Annen = FIXEN = VARTARLF COST ensT (wewcacweceen-neweenonncccnenewecwcnenonnewcacsosecnowronense= (x$ 1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (xt1000) “GAR 0 s 9 9 5 1929, AGA 5 0 0 6,647 1990 = 36,056 5 9 0 36,061 1991 0 565 a 295 R60 1992 9 555 0 29n 953 1903 0 565 0 302 967 1998 0 555 0 291 ASS 1695 0 555 0 375 aan 1995 9 565 0 3719 gaa 1997 0 565 0 3a 946 1998 0 555 9 3A gan 1900 0 565 0 As 950 2000 0 565 9 492 967 2001 0 555 0 age 969 2002 9 565 0 406 qn 2093 0 565 0 as, 1,010 2008 9 555 9 aur 10°2 2nos 0 SAS 0 450 1,015 2006 0 SRS 0 452 1,017 2007 0 565 0 452 1,017 2008 0 565 0 452 1,017 2029 0 565 0 452 1,017 2089 4 555 0 452 1,017 ann 0 565 0 452 1,017 2012 0 565 0 452 1,017 2013 a 565 0 452 1,017 2018 9 565 0 452 1,0'7 2015 0 5A5 0 452 1,017 2016 9 565 0 452 1,017 2087 0 5$5 0 482 1,017 201R q SAS 0 45? 197 2039 9 565 0 4520 1,017 2020 0 585 9 452 1,917 2021 c 555 0 4824017 2029 0 556 a aso 017 2001 C 585 4 65200-1017 2028 a 555 4 482 1.917 2025 ¢ 585 0 452001017 569 6 598 1960 asn 28 2oos wpe rxxeseseesee90 55599090999 SD FeO SD eo Fa BOSS 290 aac 290 291 290 280 20 Lu ang 2A0 2a at 2a0 2A0 Rd 2an 290 280 29 2An ag aan 290 2n0 ag 2R0 299 290 299 Rn DA} 70 280 aan aw 2an oan 200 AY sat 599 1? 17a ‘Me 17k 2M 222 224 9a 287 yu 395 15 345 3585 367 7 377 y7 37 47 377 377 7 317 any amy 37 37 37 37 wn 37 an wn im 1,240 1,167 2,105 470 496 §22 582 790 ROR a0 a1? Age 1196 1, TER 179 1,291 1,297 1,28) 1,279 1,279 1,279 1,279 1,279 1,279 1,279 1,279 1,279 1,278 1,279 1,279 1,279 1,278 1,979 1,279 1,979 1978 1,279 1,278 3,299 2,978 4,209 AR? 14 a7 mn 1,288 1,330 1,359 1461 1,421 1,733 1,760 1,796 1,825 1,963 1, 99R 1,936 1,936 1,936 1,936 1,936 1,976 1,938 1,936 1,936 1,936 1,998 1,936 1,935 1,936 1,938 1,926 1935 1,96 1,9%5 1,936 ANNIJAL (oan ("WH ) 22,668 91,308 36,996 8,105 A, R65R 19,592 12,596 12,917 13,257 19,610 17,943 17,726 18,031 18,396 18,132 19,136 19,515 19,95 19,951 19,951 19,951 19,951 19,951 19,951 19,951 19,951 19,951 19,95 19,95 19,951 19,45 19,981 10,951 19,951 19,481 19,951 19,959 AV ANN TOTAI COST/MAH SYSTEM cast ($/mwH) 13 095 OAT 109 109 109 105 182 193 103 m2 192 O9A 098 O9R 097 97 097 097 097 097 097 097 097 997 0.097 0997 0 097 9997 0097 0097 Q 097 0.697 0.097 9.097 0.097 nna? 0 097 esse eos eee cee sae oS OO eS OOOO Cs 3,278 9,621 39,270 1,742 1,778 VA 1,967 2,228 2,278 2,305 2,339 2,370 2,799 2,720 2,765 2,236 2,875 2,912 2,959 2,983 2,953 2,953 2,959 2,954 2,953 2,953 2,953 2,953 2,959 2,953 2,953 2,959 2,953 2,953 2,953 2,957 2,989 2,953 (x$1000) (1986 $#) 3,019 £662 14140, 1,463 14a 1,420 1,686 1,623 1,603 1,569 1,537 1,508 1,654 1,618 1,579 1,564 1,531 1498 1,466 1,416 1,367 1,320 1,275 1,231 1,188 1,148 1,108 1,070 1,033 99R 963 930 AQR R67 AFR ang 7a 188 wocenn enn eceneenceeeenees Dececencnncennenne= SYSTEM ANN DW ANN ANNUIAT SYSTEM cnst SYSTEM Loan NISC ANN DISC ANN SYSTEM Loan cost PER KWH (Me) n, 2, 2, %, 6, it, vn, 7, 35, AAG 7, 2, , 34 u 26 23, 22, 21, a, 20, 19, 19, 1k, 7, 7, 16, 16, 15, "36 1k 163 AAR 020 a0 369 219 338 663 922 952 153 33, 2, , 30, 30, 29, an, 27, 26, 25, 283 au 638 ase 103 O68 068 102 170 270 401 562 151 969 23 ant 179 099 442 AOR 195 08 033 ant ($/KWH) 0 143 0.307 1.061 0.041 0.081 0 m7 0 985 0 m5 nes ms 046 6h na7 047 047 oar oar 049 089 049 04g ag 049 6 049 0 949 0.089 0.89 0 048 0 089 0.089 0.989 0 049 0.089 0 049 0 049 0 nea 0 nag 0.049 2cecos eoseosceos co TARLE 0-15 ECONOMIC ANAI-YSIS 9 5 MW GFOTHEQMAL--RASE CASE DEMAND 10h NTESEL PRICE TREND NISC COSTS MILLION 19R6$ $77 3 THRU 2016 © $92 9 THRU 2025 LEVFLIZED COST ($/KWH) $0 106 THRU 2016 $0.001 THRU 2075 DISC RATE 3.5% ~GEQTHERM -~= O&M ANNUAL = TOTAL ANNUAL = AV ANN ANNU DIESEL ------=---2-nn-nnnnnnne nnn Jonnnnnnnn eee ceneene SYSTEM > O&M ANNUAL = TOTAL = ANNUAL = AV ANN TOTAL ANN PW ANN ANNUAL DISC ANN DISC AN YEAR CAPITAL = FUEL ANNUAL = 1040) COST/KWH CAPITAL =o FUEL ANNUAL = LOAD COST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM COST ADDED cast cast ADDED = -FIXEN = VARTARILE COST east cast cast Loan Loan PER KWH (eee nen n enna nner nnn nnn n none n nnn nn nnn n nner ance rn ence en nnenneens D (renee enn e nnn n nn enn n een nnn e nnn nnn nn ere n nen e rere ee nne= Je sre eee n ew nee n enn en ene ee nn ee een een renee nn ne ne > ($1000) (x$1000) — (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) — (MWH) ($/KWH) ($1090) ($1000) (x$1000) (x$1ANM) (x$1000) — (MWH) ($/MWH) — ($100) (19R6 $M) (MH) (MW) ( $/KH) 1988 0 5 0 0 5 0 0,000 675 2R0 358 1,222 2,535 22,346 0.113 2,560 = 2,368 «= 22,346 = 20,835 01d 1989 6,638 5 0 0 6,642 0 © 0.000 225 280 413 1,440 2,358 = 25,805 0.091 9,001 8,104 = 25,805 = 23,2330 349 1990 = 36,056 5 0 0 36,061 0 0.000 225 2a0 507 1,779 2,791 31,278 0.089 38,252 33,776 31,278 = 27, 18K 1 242 1991 0 697 0 221 90a 28,990 = 0.031 0 290 104 369 753 «6,361 «0.118 1,661 1,396 35,351 29,676 = 0 087 1992 0 6A7 9 223 910 29,143 0.037 0 2a0 49 175 504 2,962 0.170 1,415 1,147 32,105 26,024 = 0 nae 1993 0 687 0 226 913 29,310 = 0.031 0 2n0 52 187 519 3,103 0.167 1,432) 1,421 32,413 25,3700 048 1998 0 687 9 229 916 «29,480 0 031 0 280 55 200 535 3,267 0.165 1,450 1,096 32,727 26,7350 4a 1995 0 §R7 0 249 936 «31,928 += 0.029 0 280 108 383 167 6,097 0-126 1,703 1,263 38,025 27,750 0.045 1996 0 687 0 2R2 969 «32,066 0.030 0 2R0 108 403 191 6,281 0 126 1,760 1,260 © 38,347 27,023 0.086 1997 0 §R7 9 2n3 970 32,208 += 0.030 0 280 119 ans A066, AGRO. 128, 777 1,209 38,676 = 26,317 0 046 1998 0 687 0 Re 971 32,381 9 030 0 240 7 427 R20 6,667 0,128 1,795 1,180 39,008 25,630 0 085 1999 3,233 687 0 a5 4,805 32,405 0. 14k 0 280 101 439 Ren 6,847 0 122 5,685 3,582 39,292 24,9290 14a 2990 7,948 687 0 304 8,939 34,576 0 259 0 280 119 640 1,098 9,978 = 110 10,037 6,149 44,554 27,295 0.225 2001 0 687 0 485 1,132 60,057 0 02k 0 2R0 86 306 6712, 4,779 0 tht 1, R08 1,067 46,826 = 26,5230 040 202 9 6a7 0 445 = 1,133 40, 1880028 0 2A0 40 316 6RE 4.935019 1,819 1,939 45,199 25.772 nan one 0 6a7 0 seR = 1,135 80,365 0.028 0 290 93 374 697 5,053 0.138 1,832 1,011 45,418 = 25,051 0.080 2008 0 §A7 9 459 1,137 40,497 0 928 9 280 7 335 112 5,228 0.136 1,269 9A5 45,721 26, 351 9 940 2005 0 687 0 452 1,139 40,662 0. 028 0 280 101 3ae 7125 5,362 0.135 1,863 958 «46,024 = 23,669 = 0 040 2006 0 687 0 453 1,140 40,817 0.028 0 2R0 104 354 739 5,525 0.134 1,879 933 46,342) 23,019 9.081 2907 9 687 0 453 1,140 40,817 0 028 0 2R0 104 354 139 5,525 0 134 1,979 901 46,342 23,013 0.041 2008 0 687 0 453 1,160 60,817 0.028 4 2R0 104 354 739 «§,525 0.134 1,879 R70, 48,342 23,013) 9.981 2009 0 687 0 453 1,140 40,817 0-028 0 290 ee 35¢ 738 5,895 0 136 1,879 R40 86,322 23,0130 041 2010 0 687 0 453 1,140 40,817 9.028 0 280 “04 354 739 5,925 0.134 1,879 All 46,342 23,013 0 081 2011 0 687 0 453 1,160 60,817 0.028 0 280 108 354 739 5,525 0.138 1,879 783 46,342 © 23,013) 0 041 2012 9 687 0 453 1,160 40,817 0.028 0 2a) 104 358 739 5,525 0.134 1,879 156 46,342 © 23,019 0.041 2013 0 687 0 453 1,180 40,817 0.028 0 2R0 104 356 139 5,525° 0.138 1,879 730 46,342 23,013) 0.041 2014 0 587 9 453 1,140 40,817 0 028 0 2n0 104 358 139 5,525 0 136 1,879 705 46,342 23,013 0.041 2015 0 6a7 0 452 1,180 40,8170 2K 0 a0 196 256 199-5528) 138 1,879 6R1 46,342 23,013 0.041 2016 0 67 9 853 1,140 © 40,817 0 02h 0 9a 108 354 129 5,525 0.134 1,879 657 46,342 23,013 0.041 2017 0 6R7 0 453 1,160 © 60,817 0 028 0 Rn 10d 354 739 5,595 0.134 1,879 635 46,342 23,013 0.04) 2018 0 5R7 9 453 1,140) 49,817 0 028 9 a0 194 358 739° «5,525 0.134 1,879 613 46,342 23,013) 0.081 2019 0 67 0 453 1,140 60,817 0.028 0 280 106 356 139 5,525 0.138 1,879 599 86,342 23,013 0.08) 2920 9 §R7 0 453 1,740) 40,817 9.028 9 an 10a 358 739 5,595 0 198 1,879 572 8,342 = 23,0190. a1 na 4 687 0 £524,140 40,8170 AR 0 2a0 104 384 19 «45,525 19 1,879 552 4,242 23,012 0 081 2n22 9 6a7 0 48% 1,140 a A17 9K 0 ag 108 354 739° «5,525 0.124 1,979 533 46,349 23,093 at 2023 0 6a7 0 453° 1,140 60,817 0.028 0 290 108 358 739 5,595 0 138 1,879 518 46,247 23,013 nat 22g 0 §a7 9 4520 1,149 aN RIT AR 0 789 198 388 739° 5,525 0.134 1,879 497 06,242 23,013) 0.081 228 0 687 n 0531180 40,8970 02K 0 2R0 104 Se 719.8950 198 +970 40 66,382 23,0120. ThTAl «= 54,875 28,069 0 33,804 42,429 1,331 99821198 1M RAN ABT 1H TAR 33, 3B 2720 187 195,819 -R2,928 1 NE 42019 GWH AVG Gwe aye, Gwe GWH AVG TARIE N-16 FPONOMTC ANALYSIS @ 5 MW GENTHERMA!--HICH OFMANN CASF LOW DIESEL PRICE TREND DISC CASTS MILLION 1985$ $A7 5 THRU 701K —-§$42-9 THRE 2025 LEVELITEN COST ($/4WH) $0 NOR THRU 2016 $0 NRA THRU 7025 nis RATE = 3.58 ee REQTHEQW, ~--------------2no nena nenn enna nnn D(eeeeeeneneeennneeneceo ees NIFSEL --2a-ra--neennnnnn=ne=== a peweecnneenecnn eens SYSTEM -- ANNUAL 06 ANNIAL = TOTAL ANNITAL = AV ANN, ANNEAL O&M ANNUAL TOTAL ANNUAL = AV ANN TOTAL ANN PW OANN ANNUAL DISC ANN NISC ANN YEAR CAPITA ---------22--nnnn=! ANNUAL Loan COST/KwH CAPITAL ---------------=--| FLIEL BNNITAL = «LOAD COST/¥wH SYSTEM SYSTEM = SYSTEM System = CAST ANNeN FIXED enst FIXEn VARTARLE CAST cast enst east {an ian DER KWH (enn e ene n enn cen e ene nen ene n en rn ene nn nnn n nen n serene rere ee Df renee nee e nnn n nnn e nnn nnn ne nn renner enn n nn rer errrnn anne nen es Daren enn nnn ener erence nen enen nner err neenen ns > (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) ($1000) (xf 1000) — (MwA) ($/MWH) ($100) (xf 1000) ($10.0) (xF1N00) ($1000) (MH) ($/MWHY (x$1000) (1986 $M) (MAH) — (MW) ($/KiWH) GRR 9 5 0 9 5 0 0 000 1,350 an 343 1740 3,233 22,668 «0. 143, 9,28 3019-22668 «= 211960. 183 1999 6998 5 0 0 6,683 0 0 000 459 200 5m 17467 -2,Q7R 310,298 959,21 A652 31908 RIAA 0.37 1990 = 38056 5 0 0 6,061 5 9 000 225 20 599 2:05 3.299 36,895 =. CRT--39,270 38140-94996 = 321531: raat t 687 0 295 GR2 34,646 = 02K i 2R0 199 e710 aa2 R105 0.109 1 R6E 15685) 42781 4saan = Nae 1999 0 §a7 0 2an 985 38,8790 2K 9 2ag 138 495 gia 8,981 0.109 1,900 1540 82208 359200 ae 1993 0 6a7 0 392 9g 35,019 0 028 4 no 14a 523 ae7 R658 0 109 1,936 1815 43689 3a 1RN 0 04 198 0 AAT 0 291 q7a 33,560 9.029 a 289 178 552 1,199 10,592 9.105 2,089 179 46152 33389 0.047 1905 a §R7 0 375 1,082 47 Cae 0 029 c ar ate 790 1,288 12,586 = =-0:102 2, 34K 1712-69630 36219 0.047 1996 9 6a7 0 319 1,085 37,230 0.029 9 an) 222 AIR 4,320 12,917 0 103 2,396 19990147 35938 = 004A 1997 0 6R7 0 3a1 1 MAR -37,428— 01.028 0 280 209 R50 1,358 19,287 0109-2, 827 1652 SNBR1. «NERS OR 19QR q §a7 9 3A3 1,070 37,628 0 028 a 2R0 238 872 1,391 13,610 0.102 2,461 1617 51238 33663 (0. 04k 1999 3833 6R7 a 354408 37,790 130 0 2n0 287 Aad 1,421 13,943 0.102 6,325 401351733 3222, 0.122 2000 1948 687 0 402 -9,037 39,4920 229 0 2R0 37 1198 1,133 17,778 0.098 10,770 659R = 57216 35052. TAR 2001 0 687 0 607 1,298 46,5400 028 0 20 2n? Q7h 1,85R 11,1968 = 01302, 752 1678 57736 «341540 UR 2002 0 6a7 0 609 «1,296 46,778 0.028 0 299 2ng QoR 14k? 11,498 0129-2, 783 1590 5R25R_ 33289. 0A 2003 0 6A7 0 559 1,286 47,089 0.026 9 2a a7 1971208) 11,767 0.1102, 540 1401 SRRIB 32441 0 043 2008 0 6a7 0 562 1,269 47,307 0.026 0 2a0 275 AIR 1,323 12,098 = =0.109 2,571 1370 «© 59405 318390 043 2005 0 687 0 520 1,207 47,589 0.025 0 280 233 a2 1,158 12,409 0.0923 2, 36? 1215 §999R 30855 0. 029 206 0 687 0 523 4,210 47,857 0.025 9 2R0 241 651 1,182 12,765 0.093 2,391 11AR = «6622. 3014039 2007 a 687 0 523 1,210 47,957 0.025 0 AO 281 561 1,182 12,785 0.093 2,391 1147 60,622 30,108 0.039 20R 9 §R7 0 523 1,210 67,857 0.075 9 2n0 241 661 1,182 12,765 0.093 2,391 1197 60,622 30,104 0.039 2099 0 a7 0 523 1,210 47,857 0 025 0 220 26) 661 1,182 12,765 0.083 2,291 1069 60,622 30, 104 0-034 2010 0 a7 0 523 1,219 47,857 0.025 0 2R0 241 661 1,182 12,765 0.099 2,391 1032 60,622 30,104 0.039 2011 0 687 0 523 1,210 47,857 0 025 0 2R0 at 681 4,182 12,768 0-093 2,391 997 60,622 30, 104 0 039 2012 0 6A7 0 523 1,210 47,957 0 025 9 2R0 241 651 1,182 12,785 0 093 2,391 963 60,622 30,104 = 0.039 2013 0 6a7 0 577 -1,210 a7, 8570028 0 2an 241 661 1,182 12,765 80922, 391 929 60,822 30,108 0039 2014 0 6A7 9 523 1,21) 47,857 0.025 9 2a, at 651 1,182 12,785 0.093 2,391 A97 60,622 30,104 = 0.039 2015 0 6a7 a) 523, 1,210 47,857 0.075 9 2R0 241 661 1,182 12,785 0993 2,391 R67 60,622 30,104 = 0 029 2016 0 §R7 0 523 1,210 67,857 9.025 0 2R0 241 6A! 1,182 12,765 0.093 2,39! A37 60,622 30,104 = 0.039 2017 0 687 0 523 4,210 67,857 0 25 0 2nd at 661 1,182 12,765 0 09% 2,391 ROR 60,622 30,108 = 0.039 2018 0 687 0 523 1,210 47,257 0 025 0 2R0 241 561 1,982 12,765 0 093 2,391 780 69,622 30,108 = 0.039 2019 0 §a7 a 523 1,210 0&7, AST 0025 a aan 281 At 1,192 12,765 0 083 2,391 183 60,622 30,108 = 0039 2020 0 687 0 523 1,270 47,857 0 025 9 2a), at 651 11R2 12,765 0.093 2,391 727 60,622 30,108 = 0.039 2074 0 ART 0 522 1,210 47,857 0.095 0 2R0 261 661 1,182 12,765 (0.099 2,391 702 60,62? 30,104 0.039 2022 0 6A 0 573 1,210 67,857 0 075 0 aan at 651 1,182 12,765 0.093 2,391 67R 60,622 30, 108 0.099 2023 0 6a7 0 523 1,200 47,857 0 025 0 2a at fot 1°82 12,785 0 093 2,391 655 60,622 30, 108 0.039 2074 9 a7 9 523 1,219 47,857 0 095 0 2a 241 651 1,182 12,785 0 093 24 622 60,822 39, 108 0039 2298 a fa? 0 599,29 47, AS70025 0 2A0, 2) 681 3,187 12,765 .:093— 2,397 611 60,692 30,198 = 030 total «= «$475 2860 0 -167GR_ 95333 1957-0098 2025 1849 qu? 19nd 5788 595 TYR ATETT. —-99RRF ana? 11919720. 100 GH AVG Bw AVG GH AVG TARIF 9-17 ECONOMIC ANAL YSIS--AIL OTESEL CASE--FIFCTRICITY DEMAND: LOW HIGH —-ATFSEL PRICE TREND. ATSC COSTS MILLION 1986$ $85 9 THR 2016 $108.2 THRU 2025THRU 2025 LEVELITEN COST ($/KWHY $0.130 THRU 2016 $0 124 THRU 2025 Nise ROTE 3k i is SYSTEM - O&M ANNUAL = TOTAL ANNUAL AV ANN TOTAL ANN PW ANN ANNUAL DISC ANN DSC. ANN GEQTHERM ANNUAL QO & M ANNUAL = TOTA! ANNUAL = AV. ANN YEAR Cap] TAL FF! ANAL LOAD COST/KWH CAPITAL F ANNUAL LOAD ~—-sCOST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM = SYSTEM SYSTEM COST ADDFN = FIXED = VARTARLE COST cas* annen VARTASLE COST cast cast cast (an Loan PER KWH es Jenene enn ------ 2-22-22 ----- = --- 22-2 -- 2-2-2) ($1000) (ef2900) (F100) (#1000) (FIA) — HAH) (F/M) (GTO) (HFTONOY GxEeADAY (HENNA) (xF4900) — (MAK) —CF/MWH) ($1000) (19RG $M) (MAH) — (HHH) ($/KRH) 19RR 9 0 9 4 0 0 9 00 675 2R0 358 14R7 2Rn0 22386 0.125 2An0n 2611 22346 20835, 0 125 1999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 on 295; an ain 1777 2895 -5R05 0. 108 2695 2427-25805 23233. 1nd ‘aga 0 9 0 0 4 9 0.09 225 280 507 222K 3280 31278 0 108 3240 QR17T 31278 2718R 0.10 1991 0 0 0 0 0 a 090 225 2an SIR 1569 2592 317RR_ ORD 2592 2176 «= 317RR_~=—-HGRS 0 OR? 1999 0 9 0 9 9 9 0 00 9 2ac 529 2487 3756 320800 101 3256 2639 = 32090960120. 01 1069 0 0 0 9 0 0 aco 0 290 538 2558 23764303081 v8 641 32395-75358 0 108 1998 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 00 225 280 550 2670 37125 32723, 0118 3725 2815 32723, 247920. 8 1995 0 0 0 0 4 0 0.00 225 at 626 3200 4352 38016 0 118 4352 3176 = 3R016 27768 016 1996 0 0 9 0 0 0 0.00 0 a0 62 WHI 41Rd 31337 0.112 41R8 2948 31337 26311 0.112 1997 a 0 0 0 a 0 0.00 9 2n0 649 3498 4447 3R662 0-115 4447 3026 «= 3R663 = 2630R— 0.115 199R 0 9 9 9 9 9 9 00 0 RO 6A? 3653 4615 329920 11R 4615 3033 3R992 25620 0.118 1994 0 0 a 4 ce 0 C00 6 280 695 3R10 47286 39273 (0.122 4726 3036 = 39273, 24917 0.122 2000 0 9 9 0 9 0 000 225 2R0 197 4477 5778 = 885150130 5778 3560) © 44515 27271 0 130 29m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 225 2a R07 4665 5978 = 44R76 139 5976 3535 44R26 = 26517 0.133 2002 4 9 0 0 0 9 0 00 9 280 ant 4A6) 5962 45106 = 0.132 5962 3405 45106 = 25765 0.132 2003 c 4 4 0 0 0 0.00 0 2a0 AI 5067 6183 454020 136 61R9 3410 = 45802 250820138 2004 9 0 a 0 0 0 090 9 2R0 a50 5282 6412 457020 180. 6412 3415 = 45702 26381 0 140 2005 0 4 0 0 0 0 000 0 2a0 RBS 5506 6651 46002 0,145, 6651 3621 46002 «= -2365R_ = 0 145 2006 0 9 9 0 0 0 9.90 0 2R0 a5, 574) 6897 46315 0.149 6297 342546315 22999' 0.149 2007 a a 9 0 q 0 6 0 aan R15 S741 6897 63150 189. 6297 330746315 22208 «= 0.149 2008 9 9 0 0 9 a 9 9 220 a5, 5741 6897463150 189 6897 3193, 46315 21644 0.1489 2609 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 20 ats 5741 6R97 46315 0 149 6897 3083 46315 20707 140 2030 4 9 0 0 ) a a 0 290 ans 5741 6297463150. 149 6897 2977 46315 19995 0.189 2011 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 4 an R75 Sat 6807 46315 0.149 6297 2875 46315 19307 0.149 2012 0 9 0 0 0 9 9 9 2a0 a5, 51a) 6297453150. 189 697 277646315 1R643 19 2013 4 0 0 0 ¢ 0 0 ¢ a0 R75 51a) 6297 46315 0.149 6897 2681 46315 180020. 189 2018 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 RO a5, §781 6897 46315 9 149 6997 25RR = 46315, 17383 0.189 2015 0 0 0 a 0 0 c 0 oan Ri5 578) R97 46315 0.149 6897 2499 46315 16785 0 149 2016 9 9 3 6 4 0 9 v} an 375 574) 6897 46315 0 149 §R97 2813 66315 16207 0.149 2ni7 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 aC. a75 5721 R97 66315, 0 149 6297 2330 66315 15650 0 149 2018 0 0 ’ 9 6 9 4 9 2A0 A175 574) fag? «R315 189 £Aa97 2950-48315 15312189 2919 4 a t 0 0 0 a 0 299 R75 5741 6RQ7 48315 0 189 6a97 2173 86215145920 149 2929 a 5 9 0 9 0 0 ’ 299 R75 57a1 6997 ah315 0 189 697 2N9R «46315 1angN 189 202" 4 4 o 0 ¢ 0 9 6 290 275 574) 62074318 149 AQ? 2026 = «4835 19605 149 202 f 4 1 ’ 9 0 9 5 240 a75 S71 $997 483150185 6997 1985 4631519197849 2992 a 8 o 4 4 0 0 a 2at R15 5741 6807 eha1S 189 fRQ7 1a9Q EHS 126RB 0. 149 2078 f 9 a a 0 a q n 20 a5 5184 §a37ah315 0 189 6997 197d 831517289 1.049 2028 o 0 f 0 a 6 o 0 an #75 ses faq? E8US 0 18G aq? 1781 G811S TRA 149 ToT! 7 5 0 9 9 . 9 onn 2250 164-9270 7HRAY —-PTRDHD 599-0 TAN 2IASHN 104196 1899 794 =) 160 Bwk avs. GW AVG GWH GW AVG, YEAR 19RR 19RG 1990 1991 "992 1993 1998 1995 1995 1997 199R 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 20) 2012 2013 2018 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2923 2026 2095 TOTAL TARIF 1-18 FCONOMIC ANAL YSIS--Al | DTFSEI CASF=-FLFCTRICTTY NFMANI. HIGH HIGH NESE: doe ANNI CAPTTAL ANDO == FIXED PRICE TRENT NISC CASTS ¥TILION 19R6$ LEVELITED COST ($/KWH) NISC RATE 35% -GEOTHERM 0 & M ANNUAL weeen eens nneeene FUEL VARTABLE COST (x$1000) ($1090) (x#1000) (x$1000) (x#1000) eareoeosees2ecese ee sec eo SoS eB OO BO OBO BO BO OBO ID OOO OSS a ee peseesesesce es esc ec eee ec oe eC OO Be Be OOO OO BO CO OOS eeseaoe »>sesesScc eee oe ee eC SSB BS OO BOSD OOOO SOO ° ee ee eee ANNUAL Loan ees0000 ee ee ee GH AV ANN $109 6 THRU 2016 $132 R THRU 2025THRU 2025 $0 129 THRU 2016 $0 132 THR 2025 COST /KWH CAPITAL ($/KWH) 9.090 9.090 0.000 0.090 9 000 0.000 9 009 0 oat 0 900 0.000 9 900 0.000 9.000 0.000 oon 900 000 000 000 ano 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 020 000 090 909 000 000 00 coo 09 co AVG 2eeseososeeeec eee se esse eo Ss aS CS ANnED NTESEL 0 & M ANNIAL FUEL VARIABLE COST TATAL ANNITAL cast (x$1000) ($1000) ($1000) (x$1000) ($1000) 1,350 450 225 295, 2R0 2a RO an 2R0 226 ORC aay 2A 2a) i) a0 2R0 280 280 280 2a0 2R0 280 2R0 2R0 2n0 2R0 2R0 2R0 2n0 2R0 2R0 2R0 280 a0 a0 Rn 2a0 an 2a0 2Rd 226 10,649 163 5m 599 697 3 125 741 a3 A? a16 296 915 1,024 1,039 1,060 1,082 1,105 1,197 1,185 1,185 1,185 1,165 1,185 1,165 1,185 4,145 1,185 1,145 41165 1,185 1,185 1,185 1,185 1765 1,165 1,145 1185 vas 1,Aad 2,418 2,900 3,052 3,192 3,338 3,499 4,061 4,258 4456 4,662 a,A74 5,595 5 ,Re5 6,113 6,390 6,682 6, 9°9 7,299 7,299 1,299 7,299 7,299 7,299 7,299 7,299 7,299 7,299 7,299 7,299 7,299 7,290 7,299 7,290 7,299 7,299 7,299 7,909 3,237 3,646 4,008 4253 4,185 4,303 4519 5,410 5,396 5,611 5,068 6,070 7,128 7,166 7,653 1,977 8066 £396 8,124 8,728 8,724 8,724 8,728 A724 R728 8128 8,728 8,728 8728 8,728 8,724 8.728 8,128 8,728 8.128 726 9,728 A798 38,069 226,128 277, 985 ANNUAL (a0 (iH ) 22,666 21,295 36,982 42,788 43,195 43,658 44,102 49,612 50,123 50,651 51,228 51,719 57,184 57,701 5R, 226 58,799 59,383 59,970 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 50,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 £0597 2,081 Gk ees 169 "7 108 100 097 099 102 109 108 mt 1k "7 125 126 128 126 136 140 144 146 144 146 146 Te 146 146 146 146 148 16 146 146 146 146 148 146 188 188 157 AVG SYSTEM cost ott ceeecbantmeweecunalun! Jenereerencenecnees SYSTEM AV ANN TOTAL ANN. PW ANN. ANNUAL COST/MWH SYSTEM cast SYSTEM LOAD cast PER KWH DISC ANN NISC ANN SYSTEM Loan ($/ KWH) 3 3 4, 4, 4, 4 4, 5 5 5 6, 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 8, a, a, a, a, 8, 8g & & 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, a, a, 2726 837 646 004 253 185 363 510 aig 396 611 064 070 124 164 453 qr 066 396 124 726 124 128 126 724 126 126 124 124 124 126 126 196 128 728 128 4 126 QA, ($/MWH) ($1000) (1986 $M) 3,571 3,293 3,481 3,511 3,392 3,399 3,409 3,948 3,903 3,AIR 3,984 3,851 4364 4,238 4,257 4,400 4,296 4,318 4,332 4,183 4,039 3,900 3,766 3,637 3,512 3,391 3,276 3, 162 3,053 2,948 2,246 2,149 2,854 2,563 2,475 2,389 2,307 2,298 132,795 (WH) 22, 666 31,295 36,982 42,788 43,195 23,658 44,102 49,612 50,123 50,65 51,224 51,719 57, 18a 57,701 58, 226 58,799 59,383 59,970 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,587 60,527 60,587 60,527 2,08 GWH (MAH) 21,134 28,176 32,151 35, 8R2 35,013 34,171 33,332 36, 206 35,321 34, 066 33,657 32,813 35,032 34,133 33,259 32,431 31,627 30,f41 30,087 29,052 28,053 27,088 26,156 25,256 24,388 23,569 22,739 21,957 21,202 20,472 19,768 19, ORR 18,432 17,798 17,186 16,895 16,028 15473 +920 GaH eesessesce sce sos sce eee eee eS Se OCOD OSD SO BO OOOO SCS -169 7 108 100 97 099 102 109 VOR WW VR 7 125 126 128 126 136 140 Md 146 144 14a NAG Ne 166 1b Maa 14a 144 148 14d 1d 14d 1a 168 148 14a 1ae 157 ave TAR F N-10 EPONOMIC ANAL YS'S 5 MW GFOTHERMAI --RASE CASF NFMANN HIGH NTESEL PRICE TREND NISC COSTS MILLION 1926$ $785 THR 2016 $87.7 THRU 2025 LEVELITEM COST ($/KWH) $0,112 THRU 2016 $0,103 THRU 2025 DISC RATE 35% (eecenec enn nee nee GENTHEQN ------------~---2---2-- none ene n == Dene eernn een rncennencene eee! DIFSEL === n= SYSTEM ------------=---- > ANNUAL O&M ANNUAL ANNUAL = AV ANN ANNIIAL O&M ANNUAL = TOTS! ANNUIAL AV BNN TOTAL ANN PW ANN ANNIIAL DSC ANN TSC ANN YEAR CAPITAL ------------------' FUEL ANNUAL LOAD COST/KWH CAPITAL ao FUEL ANNUAL LOAD COST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM COST ANDEN = FIXED «= VARTARLE COST cast ADNED = FIXED = VARTARLE COST east cast LOAD Loan PER KWH <== ) (cece ew ew een en eee nn ener nnn nn en en en ne nnn ne nnn nnn ne eneseseerees: Dereeeee= (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) ($1000) (x$1000) (MWA) ($/KWH) ($1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (HWA) ($/mwH) ($1000) (1985 $M) (MW) (MAH) ORR 5 5 0 9 5 0 = 0.000 675 nO 358 1,487 2,800 22, 346 0.195 2,805 2,615 22,386 20,895 126 Wand 6, 330 5 0 0 6,335 0 = 0.00n 295, 20 any 1,777 2,895 25,805 0 108 9.920 8.13025, 805 23,233 0.350 1990 = 30,355 5 9 0 30,360 0 0 con 225 289 5n7 2,228 3,240 31,278 9106 33,600 29,210) 31,278 27, TAR 1076 1941 0 422 Q 1A) 602 28, R10 0 028 a aan ar 515 909 6,989 0 120 1,5 1,269 31,799 26,898 0.04R 1992 0 422 0 TRE 696 = 24,903 0 028 0 2a Wg 549 gar 7,22 9.132 1,554 1,259 37,105 26,028 0.048 1903 0 422 0 1R7 619-25, 008 0 078 0 2an 193 SRE Qa? 7,406 0.193 1,596, 1,209 37,412 25,389 0.049 1966 4 422 0 190 612 25,118 = 8 4 ay 128 521 1,029 7,609 0-135 1,641 1,260 © 32,727 24,7350 050 1905 0 422 0 206 62R 26,8020 623 0 an 189 937 1,608 19,193 0 126 2,038 1,485 38,026 = 27,751 0 Ose 1996 9 422 0 219 632 26,985 0.23 0 2R0 95 993 1,468 19,362 0-129 2,100 1,480 9,247 27,023 0 055 1997 0 422 0 QM 636 © 27,081 0.029 0 a0 am 1,069 1,579 11,508 0.132 2,165 1,473 38,675 26,316 (0.056 199R 0 422 0 217 639-27, 189 0 078 9 2n0 207 1,109 1,596 11,839 9135 2,236 1,469 39,008 25,630 0.057 1994 0 422 0 221 643 27,2330 028 0 2nd 212 172166212, 958 019K 2,208 1,469 -39, 201 24,92A_— 0.058 2080 9 422 0 259 691-2, AIT 0026 9 20 R2 “582 2,149 15,780 O°3R 2, R38 1,736 64,551 27,2930 068 aon 0 422 0 276 696 «28,9170 8 0 nn 287 1,656 2,299 15,9170 14D 2,919,797 4, ABE -26, 5220 065 2002 0 422 9 279 701 28,9770 N28 0 2R0, 298 1,760) 2,318 16,145 0.143 3,015 1,722 45,118 25,772 0 087 2003 0 479 0 285, 107 29,079 0.078 0 a0 301 1,829 2,408 = 16,337 0 147 3 1,716 05,016 25,050 0.068 2008 0 422 0 290 112 29,131 (0.028 0 2A0 309 «1,917 2,506 16,587 0.151 3,211,718 45, 71 24,789 0.070 2905 c 422 0 298 T1R 29,216 = 0 078 0 2R0 W621 2,697 16,895 = 0.1559, 325 1,710 46,021 29,867 0.072 2006 0 422 0 3m 123° 29,289 0.025 0 an 322 2,198 2,717 17,058 = 0.159 3,440 1,708 66,338 = 29,011 0 976 2007 0 422 0 301 723, 29,2800 025 0 Ro 992 2,118 2,717 17,05R 0.1583, ae 1,650 46,328 27,2190 078 2008 0 422 0 301 123 29,280 0 025 9 an 422, 2,115 2,717 17,058 0.159 3,440 1,593 6,338 «21,4550 078 2009 0 422 0 301 127° 29,280 (0.025 0 an 322, 2,118 2,717 17,058 0.184 3,440 1,538 46,338 20,717 0.078 2010 0 422 0 301 123 29,280 9:5 0 2A0 322, 2,115 2,117 17,058 = 0 159 3,480 1,495 46,338 20,005 = 0. 078 nny 0 422 0 3m 723 29,280 0.095 0 290 322, 2,118 2,717 17, 05R 0158 3,48G 1,49 6, 8IR 19,2170, 078 20'2 0 422 0 301 122 29,9800 625 0 a0 322,002,198 2,717 17,058 0.1593, 4a 1,385 46,398 18,6520. 078 2913 4 422 0 301 722 29,280 0.075 0 2R0 322 2,115 2,717 17, 05R 0.159 9,440,937 6,328 18,011 0078 2018 9 429 9 301 129° 29,280 0.025 0 nn 3222, 118 2,117, 17,05R 0.1593, 480 1,291 46,338 = 17,391 0.978 2015 6 422 0 301 127 29,280 0.025 0 OR, 392, 2,418 2,717 17, 5R 0.159 3,440 1,247 46,338 16,793 (0.078 2016 9 422 0 381 723° 29,280 = (0.925 0 280 322, 2,115 2,717 17,058 9.159 9,440 1,206 46,338 16,215 (0.078 2017 0 492 0 x! 123 -29,280 0-025 $ 280 172002,115 2,717 17,068 183,840 1,162 46, 298 15,65R 0.074 2018 0 427 0 1 122 29,280 0.675 9 an 227 2,118 2,717 17,058 0.189 3,040 1,122 66,338 15,1199 0 078 2019 0 47? 0 301 72% 99,280 0.05 0 20 227-2,115 2,717 17,0589 3,840 ORE 46 33K 14,599 OTE 2090 9 072 0 301 123 29,280 0.025 0 2A0 1207,118 9,797 17,05R 9159 3,4d0 1,087 6, 338 14,007 974 202! 0 422 0 301 122, -29,28G 0.098 0 pan 2970 2.H 2.71717, 5R SG 8k 1 6,398 19,612 0078 2022 9 422 9 amt 122 29,280 0 625 9 2a 922,002,998, 717 7 MER 1543, he 976 «66,938 «13, 14d 0.078 2923 6 4? 0 31179279. 28D 098 0 296 2771-2 AT ORR THA 9k 9t2 45,338 -19,802 7 2978 : 09 4 an 777 99,2a5 0025 6 200 a9721§ TT ASR S978 91 86,298 12,255 1:78 2098 0 47? 0 401 19790, 980 0.95 0 09 129,18 977 AT ASR 8G Fae ATQ 46 9A TAM OTE TOTAL = 26,685 18, 7S 9 2368 6,999 995 9.997 $125 10,840 19,597 66,080 RB ADB: 695178 189,805 R772 1D 195 0.122 Gah ave, GwH AVG Gwe Gwe AVG YEAR 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 199R 1999 2090 200) 2002 2003 2068 26cs 2006 2007 2cor 2059 2010 ant 2012 2013 2018 2015 2016 2017 2018 2014 2090 2071 2022 9929 2078 2096 TART AL TARIF 1-90 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS § Ma GEOTHEXMA!--HIGH HIGH DIESEL PRICE TREND DISC COSTS MILLION $95,613 LEVELIZED COST ($/KWH) OISC RATE 35% (eens eee c enn en nee GEOTHERW ANNITAL, O&M ANNUAL TOTAL CAPITAL ANNUAL ADDED cast (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1090) (x$1000) (x$1000) 0 0 0 0 9 6.638 0 0 0 6,638 30,047 9 0 0 30,047 0 422 0 230 652 0 422 0 238 656 0 492 0 238 660 9 422 9 197 619 a 422 0 256 678 0 422 9 261 683 0 4? 0 285 6R7 0 422 0 270 692 0 422 0 276 696 0 422 0 RR 710 0 422 0 293 115 0 422 0 29R 720 0 422 0 ne 726 9 422 9 310 732 0 422 0 382 m 0 422 9 359 TRY 0 422 0 358 7a) 9 422 9 358 78) 0 422 0 358 78) 0 422 0 358 Tad 0 422 0 358 TRY 9 422 0 398 781 0 422 0 358 7A! 9 472 0 358 Ta) 0 £22 0 358 7A 0 £22 9 358 781 9 622 0 358 TAY 9 429 a 358 7A) 0 072 0 58 7a) 1 072 0 358 Tal 4 422 a aR 7A1 9 422 0 358 7a) £ 499 c 184 ay 8 422 a asa 74) 0 022 0 ASR 791 36,685 18770 0 19,239 «62,791 NEMAN CASE $96.6 THRI 2016 $109 7 THRU 2025 $0112 THRU 2016 $0 104 THRU 2025 VM nteteeeeeneseccoe ees ee sce IESE ANNUAL AV ANN ANNUAL 0 & M ANNUAL TOTAL LOAD —-CAST/KWH CAPITAL FUL ANNUAL ANNEN = FIXED = VARTARLE COST cast k= bin ow (MWK) —($/KWH) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) 0 0.000 900 2an, 363 1,966 3,389 0 0 000 450 2R0 50) 2.415 3,646 0 0.000 450 2R0 599 2,901 4,230 28,739 0.023 0 2a0 228 951 1,459 28,9520 023 0 220 237 1,009 1,525 28,969 0.023 0 2R0 248 1,069 1,599 27, 668 0.022 0 2R0 277 1433 1,690 30,319 0.022 0 2A0 WR SIR 2127 30,416 0.022 0 2R0 79 1,609 2,229 30,519 0 (023 0 2R0 34g 1,703 2,392 30,621 0 023 0 20 361 1,802 2,443 30,102 0 023 0 2A 372 1,905 2,558 31,635 0 022 0 2R0 A5R 2,822 3,160 31,729 0.023 0 2R0 46R 2,550 3,298 31,195 0 023 0 an an? 2,688 3,450 31, ARG 0 023 0 2R0 495 2,895 3.611 31,956 0 023 0 2R0 510 2,991 3,722 92,083 0 026 0 no 525 3,158 3,959 32,111 0 026 0 2a 539 43,323 4,142 92,111 0 028 0 2R0 5393317414 32,411 0:28 0 20 539 3,317 4,162 32,1110 028 0 2A0 539 3,317 4142 32,111 0.028 0 2R0 539 3,317 4,182 32,111 0.028 0 20 539 3,317 a2 32,101 0 074 0 2R0 539 3,317 4182 32,119 00% a 2an 539 3,317 4,182 32,111 (0 028 9 2R0 5390 3,317 4142 32,1110 028 0 2A0 $193,317 1a? 32,117 0.074 9 280 539 3,317 142 30,1110 28 0 280 539 3,917 8142 32,1310 04 0 2R9 §39 3,217 4182 Wit 0078 0 an 539 3,217 182 32,1119 04 0 2a 539 3,317 6,182 30,111 0.06 0 229 598 3,377 1a? 32,117 0028 4 2R9 539 3,277 84 W111 0 078 Q 2en §9a9,217 818? W111 0028 0 pan 519 3,317 42 wi 0. nt 0 2an §3903,317 ag? 1.100 0.078 = 1, ACD. 10,620 17,29 12,88S 193,491 Ga ava ANNUAL Load 22, 3, 36, M4, 1, M, 16, 19, 19, 20, 20, a, 25, 26, 26, 26, 21, 27, 2A, aA, 2A, 2h, 2k, 2A, 28, 2a, mm, 2, 2k, aR, 2A, 28, 2, 28, 28, 2, aR, an, 668 304 996 on 353 701 483 ant 732 162 614 040 51k 003 468 925 aay 945, 499 499 499 499 499 499 499 499 499 49g 499 499 459 499 499 69g 498 499 109 698 937 Cw COST/MWH SYSTEM (MWH) —($/MWH) ($1000) (1986 $m) 149 116 W 104 106 108 102 110 13 116 ng 122 124 127 130 134 198 142 5 145 145 145 145 165 145 145 145 M45 145 145 165 165 185 M45 145 145 148 18 159 ee Jeceecenceeenesene= SYSTEM OISC ANN SYSTEM (oan OISC ANN cast PER KWH AV ANN TOTA) ANN PW ANN ANNUAL SYSTEM SYSTEM cost ent LOAD (mw) 3,389 3,160 22, 668 10,284 9,259 31,304 34,277 29,799 36,996 2.112 4,979 42,750 2,182 1,768 49,205 2,253 1,763 43,670 2,308 1,768 44,151 2,805 2,087 49,620 2,912 2,052 50,148 3,019 2,055 50,68 3,195 2,060 51,235 3,258 2,065 51,732 3,870 2,371 $7,213 4,013 2,37 57,132 4.170 2,382 58,263 4.337 2,392 58,811 4513 2,408 59,397 4,738 -2,438 59,988 4,923 2,445 60,610 4,923 2,361 60,610 4,923 2,279 60,610 4,923 2,201 60,610 4,923 2,125 60,610 4,923 2,052 60,610 4,923 1,982 60,610 4,923 1,913 60,610 4,923 1,848 60,610 4,923 1,74 60,610 4,923 1,723 60,610 4,923 1,663 60,610 3.929 1,696 69,610 6,922 1,851 60,610 4,923 1,498 60,610 £993 1.486 60,610 £977 1,395 60,610 4,903 -1,288 60,610 4.927 1,302 60.670 £929 1,987 60,610 196,022 109,681 2,0R2 GWH ave (ait) 21,136 28, 184 32,163 35,987 35,021 34,181 33,369 36,219 35,339 34426 33,664 32,821 35,050 34,152 33, 280 32,438 31,634 30,850 30,098 29,963 28,063 27,098 26, 166 25,266 24,397 23,558 22, 748 21,965 21,210 20,420 19,776 19,096 18,439 17,805 17,192 16,60" 16,030 15,479 1,030 GaH ($/KwH) 0.189 0.329 0.927 0 049 0 050 0.052 0 052 0.057 0.058 0.060 0 061 0.063 0 068 0 079 0 072 0.078 0 076 0079 0 OR) 0 081 0 0R1 0 081 0.081 0 981 0.081 0.081 0.081 0.0n) 0 OR} 0 ont ont gat ont gay ont oa) ay QR) 126 aye ecosesoe ecco es YEAR 19RR 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 998 1999 2900 2001 2002 2003 2008 2ens 2006 2007 2008 200g 2010 ra 2012 2013 29ue 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2078 Ons TOTAL. TARY 1-21 FONOMIC ANALYSTS UINOHASED 7 MW GEOTHERMAL ~ NTESEL ORICE TREND HIGH NISC COSTS MILLION 19R6§ LEVELITED COST ($/KWH) 35% DISC RATE ANNE 0 6,638 36,956 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 0 9 9 0 9 0 47,504 5 5 5 565 565 565 565 555 565 568 555 585 55 568 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 555 565 565 565 565 565 555 585 565 565 565 565 555 585 585 565 19,790 $77 8 THRU 2016 ASE CASE $95 & THRU 2025THRU 2025 NEMANN $0 109 THRU 2016 $0 OGRA THRU 7025 TATAL ANNUAL fast Loan ST /KWH ($1000) ($1000) (x$1000) (x$1000) (x$1090) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 $ 9 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 239 24a aR 253 27 36 322 328 334 36" 36K 375 3R? 390 398 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 406 £06 05 £06 406 406 ack atk 406 an 12,947 5 6,663 36,061 ROG 09 aia AIR R42 RAY ART R93 a99 926 933 940 aur 955 962 gn gy 97 grt qn) gn gn gn gn qn qn gn gr an git 97) qu a an an 15,431 eee Cav] Tal, ADDED FIXED O&M ART ARLE ANNA FUEL cast TOTAL ANNIIAL east (MWA) ($/KWH) ($1000) (x$1000) ($1000) (x$1000) ($1000) 9 a 0 28,990 29,143 29,310 29, RO 31998 32,066 32,208 32,341 32,405 34,876 34,707 34,196 34,999 35,038 35,159 45,269 35, 269 35,269 38,769 35,269 35,259 95, 289 35,269 35,269 35,260 35,769 35,289 35,269 35,280 35,269 35,269 38,259 35,269 35,269 35,289 +93 Chit 0.000 0.090 9 900 0.028 0.028 0 028 0 02k 0 96 0027 0 078 0.028 0 028 0 027 0.027 0.027 0 027 0.027 0.027 0.028 0.028 0 028 0.928 0 028 0 02k 0 92k 0 028 9.928 0.028 0.028 0.078 0 928 0 CR 0.92R 0 028 9598 0 028 0 528 0 CR 9 970 aye 675 225 225 ¢ 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 5 1,19) 2°0 2n0 20 2ng 20 2an 2A an 2an 2an 280 an 2a0 2R0 2n0 ano 290 2a0 2an aac 280 2a) 2R0 2n0 280 280 2n9 ano 2R0 290 299 2R0 2°0 ang ORO 200 FO, Ag 10,640 35h 413 97 ee ag 52 55 198 108 12 wy 121 1719 122 TRA 193 199 208 2n9 208 209 209 209 209 209 20g 209 ana 209 209 209 209 299 ang 209 29 299 ane 7,497 1,487 1,717 2,228 468 226 205 265 513 509 5A5 625 6AG 1,003 1,058 4,112 1,170 1,235 1,301 1,379 1,373 1,373 1,373 1,373 1,373 1,373 1,37 1,373 1,373 1,973 1,373 1973 1,373 1,373 1,373 1,373 1,973 1ay 1,372 44,960 2,800 2,695 3,240 n52 555 576 599 ag? 937 977 1,021 1,086 1461 1,516 1,520 1,642 1,716 1,785 1,862 1,62 1,862 1,882 1,882 1,862 1,82 +62 1,62 1,882 1,262 1,962 1, a6? 1,862 + RHQ 1,262 1,262 1,86? 19h? 1,262 63,157 wane anne nnn nn nnn n- oe een nnn nnn e nee eneeee= Yecwercece norenee Jennnnennnncnenene= SYSTEM ANNUAL AV ANN TOTAL ANN PW ANN: | ANNITAL (nap CAST/MWH SYSTEM = SYSTFM = SYSTEM cast cast LOAD (MW) ($/MWH)—(x$1000) (1986 $m) (tH) 22,146 0.125 2,805 2,615 22,386 25,905 0 108 «9,298 4NT 28, 805 31,278 0.108 «39,301 34,167 91,278 6,361 0.134 1,656 1,391 35,351 2.952 0.187 1,963 1,105 32,105 3,109 0 18 1,390 1, ORR 92,419 3,267 0 185 1,417 1,071 32,727 6,097 0.147 1,739 1,269 38,025 6,281 0.149 1,217 1,281 38,347 6,488 0151 1, RBA 1,268 98,676 6,667 0.153 1,916 1,258 39,098 6,947 0 156 1,964 1,266 39,292 9,97R 0.1465, 2,387 1,482 66,554 10,130 0 150 2, 4g 1,409 46,897 10,329 0.153 2,520 1,440 65,119 10,479 0.157 2,590 1,428 45418 10,687 0 160 2,669 1,421 45,721 10,866 0 166 2, 74R 1,813 46,025 11,073 0. 168 2,833 1,407 46, 342 11,073 0.168 2,829 -1,95R 46, 342 11,073 0.168 = 2,833 1,312 46,242 11,073 0.168 =, 839 1,266 46,342 11,079 0.16R =—2, 893 1,223 46, 342 14,073 0 168 2,233 1,181 46,34? 14,073 0.168 =—-2, 833 1,180 66,342 11,073 0.168 ~=—-2,833 1,101 6, 942 11,073 0.168 2,833 1,063 46,342 11,073 0 168 = 2,833 1,027 46,342 14,073 0.168 = 2,833 99) 46, 342 14,073 0. 168 2,833 957 46, 342 19,073 0 168 2,833 978 46, 342 11,073 C168 2,33 R92 46, 342 19,073 9.168 2,833 A626 34? 11,073 0.188 = 2,823 R12 AB 222 11,0730 168 ~=—-2, 893 A036, 342 19,073 0 18R 2,839 116 45,342 1907970168 2,899 789 68,38? 19,0790 16R 2,899 199 8h, 34? 41) 0-190 19R,5R@ 5,367 1,68 Gt AVG GH DISC ANN SYSTEM Loan (MH ) 20,835 23,29 27, 188 29,676 26.028 25,370 0.795 27,750 27,023 26,317 25,630 24,929 27,295 26,524 25,772 25,051 26,351 23,669 23,013 23,013 23,013 23,013 23,013 23,013 23,013 23,013 23,093 23,013 23,013 23,093 23,013 23,013 23,013 23,093 23,093 23,093 23,913 23,093 971,576 DISC ANN Cast PER KWH us) ($/KWH) 0 126 9 362 1257 0.087 0.042 0 043 0.083 0 046 0 047 0.048 0 069 0.050 0.054 0 955 0.056 0 057 0.058 0 060 0.061 0 0) 0.081 0 06) 0.051 0 061 0.061 0 061 0.061 0 061 0 061 0.061 0.961 0.061 0 061 0.061 0.081 0.061 0 061 0.061 9.116 AVG 198K 1989 1990 1091 1992 1993 1998 1995 1995 1997 199R 1099 2n00 not 2002 2003 2008 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 201) 2012 2013 2018 2015 2016 2017 2018 ang 2020 2021 2922 2023 2078 2095 TARIF 1-27 FOONOMIC ANAIYSTS UNDHASED 7 MW GEQTHEQMAL~-HIGH DFMAND CASE HIGH DIFSE| PRICE TREND DISC COSTS MILLION 19R5§ LEVELITEN COST ($/KWH) NISC RATE 358 GFOTHERM O&M ANNI! RTARLE COST TOTAL ANNUAL cast ($1000) ($1000) ($1000) (x$1000) ($1090) 9 6, 638 36,056 0 ePoxvrsess ess eee see eee eC eC eC OSD CODCOD OOO DO oe 5 5 5 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 565 555 555 565 565 565 565 565 565 555 565 565 585 SAS 565 565 555 a ee 5 Q 0 320 325 3° 322 430 438 aur 455 465 491 453 461 514 574 535 565 545 545 545 545 545 545 545 545 565 545 545 54s 545 545, 565 565 as 565 565, 5 6,643 36,061 RAS 90 A96 AAT 995 1,003 1,012 1,021 1,030 1,056 1,018 1,026 1,079 1,089 1,100 1,110 1,110 1,110 1,110 1,110 1,110 4,110 1,110 1,190 1,110 1,110 4,110 4,110 1,110 1119 4,110 1,119 1110 1,110 1,110 (wn) $92 3 THRU 2016 $192.5 THRI 2075 $0,106 THR 2016 $0 096 THRI 2075 ANNIIAL Loan ay ANN COST /KWH CADTTAL 9 000 0 000 0.000 0.076 0.026 0.026 0.026 0.027 0.027 0.027 0 027 0.027 0 027 0 026 0.026 0.027 0.077 927 027 027 027 027 027 027 027 027 027 027 027 027 027 077 927 027 027 0.027 0.027 ee ee ee ceeweeneseene renee nonencen! DIESEL wenennnnennn-nnnnennnnnnnndecncnneneneneenees SYSTEM = > ANNUAL O&M ANNUAL ANNUAL AV, ANN TOTAL ANN PW ANN ANNIIAL DISC ANN NTSC ANN = ~FUIFL ANNIIAL LOAN COST/MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM = SYSTEM = COST annen = FIXEN = VARTARLE COST engt cast fst Loan Loan DER KWH Deanne newer ene enn nnn nnn nnn nn nnn nn nnn nnn nnn nn nn ne ner nnn er en Dee ence ene n ewan nena nee e eee n ee ener en en ren eee) > ($/KWH) ($1000) ($1000) ($1000) (x1000) (x1000) —(MWH) —(F/MWH) ($1000) (1985 $M) (MAH) — (MAH) ($/KHH) 1,350 2A 363 -1,509 3,502 22,668 = 0.154 9,507 3,269 22,668 = 21,136 0 155 450 anc 501 2,156 3,387 31,308 0.108 10,030 9,030 31,304 2A, 184.320 225, 2a0 599 2,636 = 3,740 36,996 = 0.101 39, R01 34,692 96,996 = 32,153 1,076 0 230 192 5q7 4,009 A105 0.126 1,294 1.590 42,751 35, ARR 0 nee 0 2R0, 158 639 1,057 A, 3at 0.126 1,948 1,579 03,208 35,020 9 085 0 ano ae 683 1,107 8,658 0. 128-2, 003 1,568 43,669 34,180 086 0 2a 17k Aba 1,322 10,592 0 125 2,209 1,669 44,152 33,369 0 050 0 280 216 1, 16k 1,642 12,586 0.130 = 2,637 1,925 69,630 36,219 0.053 0 290 222 1,299 1,729 12,917 0.133 2,727 1,921 50,147 35,338 0.054 0 20 229 -1,295 1, R08 13,257 0.196 2, R16 1,918 50,681 34, 4RB 0.056 0 280 238 1,373 1,991 13,610 0.139 2,912 1,919 51,238 33,663 = 0.057 0 aan 247 1,456 4,982 13,943 0.142 3,012 1,911 51,733 32,822 (0.058 0 2R0 37 1, R98 2,495 17,726 0.141 3,551 2,176 57,216 35,052 9 062 0 2R0 998 1,575 2,180 18,031 0.127 3,197,891 $7,725 34,153 0.055 0 2an 335 1,667 2,282 18,396 0.124 3,309 1,890 58,267 33,283 (0.057 0 20 345 1,761 2,996 18,732, 0.127 3, aR 1,911 58,916 32,401 0 059 0 2R0 356 1,865 2,501 19,136 0.137 3,590 1,912 59,403 31,638 + = 0.060 0 2n0 367 1,971 2,618 19,515 0.138 3,718 1,912 59,996 30,854 = 0.062 9 2n0 377, 2,080 2,737 19,951 0.137 3,R47 1,911 60,620 39,103 | 0.063 0 2nd 377 2,086 2,737 19,951 0 137 3,847 1,245 60,620 29, 088 0.063 9 R0 317 2,080 = 2,737 19,951 0137 3,R47 1,781 60,620 28,068 = 0.063 9 290 377 2,080 2,737 19,951 0.197 3,847 1,720 60,620 27,102 0.063 0 2R0 377, 2,080 2,737 19,951 0.197 9, R47 1,661 60,620 26,170 0.063 0 2A0 377 2,080 2,737 19,951 0.137 3,847 1,604 60,620 25,270 0.063 0 2R0 377, 2,080 2,737 19,951 0.127 3,R47 1,549 60,620 24,401 0.063 0 2R0 4 2,080 2,737 19,951 0.197 (3,847 1,095 60,620 23,562 0 063 0 20 4 2,080 2,737 19,951 0.137 3,847 1,460 60,620 © 22,751 0 063 0 a0 377 2,080 2,737 19,951 0.1373, R47 1,394 60,620 21,969 0.063 9 290 377-2, 080 2,737 19,951 0.137) 3, R47 1,346 60,620 21,213 0.063 0 2a0 377-2, 080 2,797 19,951 0.137 3,R47 1,300 60,620 20,488 = 0.063 0 2R0 3772, 08) 2,737 19,951 0137 3,Ra7 1,255 60,620 19,779 0.063 0 299 277-2, 080-2727 19,951 0.1373, RLT— 1712 G0, 620 19,089 0.063 0 20 277-208) 2,737, 19,951 01379, RAT 1,170 0,620 18,442 0.069 0 799 3772.08 «2,727 19,881 0.197 3,847,190 60,620 17, ROR 0.063 0 2R0 377 2,082,737 19,951 0.137) 3,887 1,091 60,620 «17,195 0.083 0 290 277 -2,0RD 2,737 18.951 0.1273, RAT 1,054 60,670 16,84 0.083 0 220 317 2,08) 2,737 19,957 9.137 3,RaT 1,018 60,820 16.9330 053 0 ae 277-2,080 2,737, 10,95" 0.127 3,7 OR? 60,620 15,481 0. 083 0 027 TARIF N-23 ECONOMIC ANALYSTS 9.5 MW GENTHERMAL--RASE CASE DEMAND HIGH OTFSEL PRICE TREND DISC COSTS MILLION 1986§ $R2 7 THRU 2016 $AR 9 THRU 2025 LEVEL ITED COST ($/KWH) $0115 THRU 2016 $0 099 THRU 2075 NISC RATE 75% (erseceenawenswens REQTHERN --nw-nnn2nn-nn-nnnnnn-nnnnnnnnnnnn= Doeneeenenneennnnennnnnnnne! DIESEL - ~ SYSTEM > TOTAL = ANNUAL AV ANN ANNIIAI O&M ANNUAL TOTAL ANNIIAL AV. ANN TOTAL ANN = WANN ANNIIAL DISC ANN DISC ANN YEAR CAPITAL = ANNUAL = LOAN. COST/KWH CATT AL ANNUAL = LOAD COST /MWH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM = SYSTEM = CAST annen = FIXEN VARI enst annFo cast ast cost = LOAD LOAD PER KWH ($1000) (x$1900) — (x$1000) ($1000) (x$1000) — (WHY —($/KWH) (F100) (x$1000) (xF1N0N) (x$1000) (x$1N00) — (MH) ($/MWH) — ($1000) (1986 $M) (MW) — (MW) ($/KWH) 19RR 9 5 9 f 5 0 corn 675 280, 35A 1,487 2,900 22, 346 9.125 2,905 2,615 27,346 = 20,895 0.126 TORQ 6638 5 0 0 6,643 0 = 60.0n0 225 2R0 43 1,797 2,695 25,R05 9 1d 9,338 = 8,407 25,805 23,2330. 362 1990 = 36.956 5 9 9 36,061 0 0 0n0 295 2Rn 507 2,228 3,240 31,278 0.104 39,301 34,167) 31,278 = 27, 18K 1257 1991 Q 6A7 0 229 976 «98,9008 022 0 an 1ne 458 952 6,361 0.198 1,778 1,499 -95,351 29,676 = 050 1902 9 67 9 244 931 29,143 0.992 0 289 49 226 555 2,962 0 187 1,485, 1,208 = 32,105 26,024 0 045 1993 0 §a7 0 an 935 29,310 0.022 0 280 5? 265, 576 3,103 0 186 1,512 1,189 32,813 25,3700 047 1998 0 har 0 953 940-29, 4A 0.032 0 2a 55 265 599 43,247 0 185 1,539 1,163 32,727 24,735 0 047 1995, 0 6°17 0 a7 abe 37,828 = 0.030 0 20 198 513 ag? 6,097) 147 1,961 = 1,35R 38,025 27,750 0.089 1996 9 687 0 318 1,093 32,066 0.031 0 a0 19Rr 569 937 6,2R1 0 149 1,939 1,367 = 98,347) 27,023 0051 1997 0 6aT 0 392 1,00@ «32,208» 0.020 0 290 19 595 977 6,468 0.181 1,996 = 1,951 8,676 76,3170 81 1908 0 67 0 328 1,095 32,981 0.9 0 290) 7 £25 1,021 6,667 = 0.153 2,036 1,398 39,008 + 25,630 = 0 052 1999-3833 6R7 9 4 4,956 32,405 0.150 0 2°0 121 6Re 1,066 = 6, R47 0.158 5,919 3,755 39,292 28,929 0.151 2nnn 7,94 6a7 0 Wi £995 34,576 = 0 260 0 2R0 179 1,003 1461 9,972 0.186 10,457 6,406 «44,554 27,2950 238 2001 0 687 4 826 1,223 60,057 0.031 0 9R0 a6 4q7 R638, 779— ORT 2,087 1,224 66,936 © 26,523 0.087 2002 9 §a7 0 547 1,234 40, 186 0031 0 2n0 90 532 902 6,995) 0. 1R9 2,135 1,220 65,199 25,772 0.047 2003 0 6a7 0 558 1,245 60,365 = 0.031 0 220 93 584 937 $0530 185 2, 182 1,203) 45,418 = 25,051 0 048 2008 0 687 0 569 1,256 40,497 0.039 0 20 7 60a Ort 5,228 0. 1A 2,237 1,197 65,721 28,351 0.089. 2005, 0 687 0 5A1 1,268 40,662 0 031 0 280 101 642 1,023 5,362 0 19) 2,291 1,17R 46,028 = 23,6690 050 2006 0 687 0 593 1,280 40,8170 031 0 2a 1na 6R5 1,069 5,525 0.198 2,349 1,167 66,342 23,013 0051 2007 0 687 0 593 1,280 40,817 0.031 f 2R0 106 6RS 4,969 5,525 0 198 2,369 1,127 46,342 23,013 0.051 2008 0 6a7 0 593 1,280 40,8970 031 0 280 104 695 1,989 5,525 0194 2,349 1,088 = 6,342 23,013 0.051 2009 0 a7 0 593 1,200 40,817 031 0 2R0 10a 685 1,069 5,525 0 194 2,389 1,050 46,342 23,0137 0.051 2010 0 §a7 0 599 1,280) 40,8170 031 0 Rn ine 6A5 1,069 = 5,575 0.194 2,949 1,098 06,362 23,013 0.05) 2011 0 687 0 593 1,280) 40,817 0.031 0 ann 108 685 1,080 §,825 0 198 2,349 979 66,342 23,013 0.057 2012 0 687 0 593 1,280 40,817 0.031 9 2n0 106 685 1,969 $525. 0.198 2,349 946 46,382 23,013 0:05) 2013 0 687 0 593 1,20 40,817 0.091 0 270 08 685 1,069 5,525 0.194 2,349 912 06,382 23,013 0.051 2014 0 687 9 593 1,280) 80,817 031 0 Rn 108 85 1,069 = §,525 0.198 2,349 ARQ 46,382 23,0190 051 2n15 0 6A7 0 $031,290 40,8170. 78 0 20 108 BRS 1,069 5,575 0 188 2,249 A51 46,342 23,013 0.051 20°56 9 687 0 593 1,290) 40,817 0.031 0 289 16 695 1,069 5,525 0 198 2,349 A220 46,342 23,019 0.051 2017 0 697 0 593 1,280 40,817 0031 0 2A0 104 695 1,089 = 5,525 0.198 2,249 794 46,342 23,013 0.081 2018 0 67 0 597 1,289 49,817 0.031 0 2R0 1nd BRS, 1,089 = §,575 0.194 2,389 167 46,342) 23,073 0.051 2019 0 687 0 597 1,280 60,817 0.037 0 280 106 6R5 1,049 5,595 0 104 2,349 140 66,342 23,013 0.051 2020 0 RT 0 593 1,299 49,817 9 031 0 2R0 1nd RS 1,069 = §,525 0.194 2,349 1G 86,342 23,0139) 0.051 2021 0 fR7 0 593 1,280) aN R170 G31 0 29n ne RS, 1,069 5,595 0.198 7,19 690 66,342 23,013,081 2022 0 687 9 593 1,280 4, R17 0.031 0 an 1048 6AS 1,049 5,525 0 198 2,349 656 46,942 -23,019 005) 2022 0 6a7 0 $$ 1,980 40,917 0.099 0 2an 104 BAS 1,089 5,575 108 2,249 642 46,142 23,099 0058 2nre 0 §a7 9 593 1,280) 49,8170 31 0 2R0 ine 685 1,069 5,525 0 196 2,249 621 66,382 23,013 0.051 2025 0 fAI 0 $921,280 a0 RIT 0 03t 0 an 1ne BAS 1,069,825 0 108 2,349 £00 46,342 23,013 0 051 TATA! 94,475 28,580 0 17,578 96.109 4,99 00451125 10,844 AAY 27,1729, THR 277, 0.210 139,877 AR,Q11 1,64 972, 0.11R Gwe aye Ga ave GWH GWH AVG TARIF N-26 FCONOWIC ANALYSIS 9 5 Mal GEOTHERMAL --HIGH NFMAND CASE HIGH DIESEL PRICE TREND DISC COSTS MIILION 1986$ $97 1 THRU 2016 $105 & THRI 2075 LEVELITEN COST ($/KWH) $0.109 THRU 2016 $0 096 THRU 2025 NISC RATE 35% (ee ceeencneneee neal GEOTHERM ---------------n nen nn nn nnn nnn nn Conn nnn nm nnn nnn ne NY ESP| eeeneneren nace en ennenerens Deeweeeceeeserrne ee SYSTEM ~~~ > ANNI O&M ANNUAL | TOTAL ANNCIAL AV ANN ANNUAL O&M ANNUAL TAT, ANNUAL AV BN) TOTAL ANN PHAN ANNUAL DISC ANN DISC ANN --FUFL © ANNIIAL «LOAN. = CNST/KWH CADITA] ------=-------2=-~ FUE, ANNUAL —«LOAN.-=—=«CCOST/MwH SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM COST RIARLE CAST = —-CNST cnst cSt Lan LAN PER KWH ao eeeenen eee Jeon eee wenn nnn nnen anne nnn nnnn en ne nn eneneen n= =) “ ($1000) (x$1000) ($1000) (x$1000) ($1000) (MWH) ($/KWH) (x$1000) ($1000) (x$1900) (x$1000) (x$1000) — (MWH) (S/W) (x$1000) (1986 $M) (NaH) (MW) ($/KWH) YEAR CAPITAL = apnen = FIXED == VARTARLE COST cast anpen == FIXED 19AR 0 5 9 9 5 9 UL) 1,959 2R0 383 1509 3,502 22,668 = 0. 158 3,507 3269 22668 = 21196 0.155 1989 6828 5 0 9 6,849 0 0.020 450 2A0 501 2156 3,387 91,308 0 10K 10,930 9030 «31204 = ATRL 0 320 ‘990 36056 5 0 9 36,061 0 0 000 225 2R0 599 2636 3,740 36,998 = 0.101 39,801 34602 «= 36996-32167 1.076 1991 0 687 0 320 1,007 34,646 = 0: 029 0 220 132 597 1,000 A195 0 128 2,016 1692-42751 35RAR (0.087 1992 0 697 0 325 1,092 34,893 0.929 4 2a 138 639 «1,057 8,981 0.126 2,070 1678 = 63208 = 35020 9.048 1992 0 6a7 0 A 0 2R0 a Rl -1.107—RLBSR 0 1PR 2,125 KBR AFHA@_ 74RD. 049 1996 9 AT 0 322 1,009 33,560 0.930 a 7a VR RAG 1,392 10,592 0125 2,331 1162 44152 33369 0.059 1995 0 697 0 23 1117 87,088 0.930 0 290 216 1148 1,862 -12,888 01902, 759 2014 = 49530367190. 058 1996 0 6a7 0 49a -1,925-37,230- 0:00 0 2an 222 1221-1,727 12,917 -.:199— 2, RAD 2007 «50147 «35338 0.057 1997 0 AT 0 a7 1,134 37,626 0 039 0 ond 229 1296 1,805 13,287 0.136 2,938 1999 50681 34Gb = 0.058 199R 0 §e7 0 455 1,143) 37,624 0 030 0 2R0 238 1973 1,891 13,610 0.139 3,034 1993 51236 39863 0.059 1999 3A33 6a7 0 465 4,985 97,790 0.122 0 2an 247 1656 «1,982 13,942 0.1426, 967 4620 51793-32822, 0.135, 2009 7948 637 0 agt 9,126 39,492 0.231 0 290 47 TROR 2,495 17,726 0141) 11,621 1120 $1216 35052 0 203 2001 0 fa7 0 159 «1,848 46,540 0:99 ¢ pan, 209 1392 2.CHR 11,196 0. 1RG 3,512 2078 = «457736341540 081 2002 0 §a7 9 115 1,42 46,778 9071 4 RO 2ng 1h77 2,166 17,4080 TAR 3,629 2073 SRIGR_ = 332R3— 0.062 2003 0 67 0 71 1,988 47,0890. 029 0 n0 27 198A -1,AR5 11,7670 160 3,273 1905 SRA1B. «378410 58 noe 0 §a7 0 116 1,603 67,397 0 039 9 2n9 225, 1475, 1,980 12,098 0.168 3,382 1R01 $9405 31639 (0.057 2005 0 6R7 0 6aR 1,235 07,5890 02R 0 280 233 1199 1,712 12,499 0-198 3,087 1567 99998 308580 081 2006 0 687 0 661 1,348 47,9570 028 0 2a ra 1277 1,799 12,765 0 14 3,147 1563 60622 30194 = 0.052 2007 0 6R7 0 BAY 1, 10R AT RGT 0028 o 290 2a) 4,977 1,799 12,765 0.1 3,187 1509 60,622 30,104 = 0.052 2008 0 6a7 0 661 1,368 67,857 0.028 9 280 2a) 1,217 1,799 12,765 oO. 3,147 1457 60,622 30, 108 0.052 200s 0 6A 0 661 1,348 67, R57 0.028 0 On) 2a 1,277 1,799 12,765 0148) 3,147 1607 60,622 30, 104 0.052 2010 0 687 0 661 1,348 47,857 0 028 9 Rg, 2a. 1,217 1,799 12,765 0.081 3a 1259 60,622 30,104 = 0.052 20" 0 §a7 0 661 1,348 47,857 0.028 0 2R0, 2a) 1,217 1,790 12,765 0.181 3,147 1312 60,622 30,194 = 0.052 2012 0 ART 0 661 1,348 47,257 0.028 0 2Rn ay 1,277 1,799 12,785 0.11 3,147 1267 60,622 30,198 = 0.052 2013 0 6A7 0 661 1,348 67,857 0 C28 0 ann 26) 1,277 1,799 12,765 0.141 3,17 1223 60,622 30,104 = 0 052 2018 0 a7 9 661 1,348 67,857 0.028 0 RO 261 1,277 1,799 12,765 0 141 3,147 1181 60,622 30, 108 0.052 2015 0 §a7 0 661 1,348 47,857 0 028 0 20 2a) 1,277 1,799 12,785 0 tat 3,147 1141 60,622 30, 108 0.052 2016 0 §A7 0 661 1,348 47,857 0 028 0 2an 2a 1,277 1,199 12,765 ot 3,17 1191 60,622 30,194 0 052 2017 0 67 0 fey 1,348 67,857 f 028 0 20 261 1,277 1,799 12,765 0.161 3,167 106% 60,622 30, 108 0.052 2018 0 6A? 0 681 1,248 47,957 0 028 0 2a0 2a) 1,277 1,799 12,785 0 141 3,147 1027 60,622 30,104 = 0052 2019 Cc 6A7 0 66) 1,308 47,857 007° 0 ane. 20) 1,217 1,790 12,765 141 3,147 992 60,622 30, 108 0 052 2020 0 6a7 0 66! 1,348 67,957 0.028 9 2R0 (at 1,217 1,799 12,755 0141 3,147 957 0,622 30, 104 0.052 2021 0 6a7 0 66! 1,348 47,857 0.028 0 2a 261 1,277 1,799 12,765 0 tar 3,147 925 60,622 30,108 0 052 2922 0 6A7 0 661 1,348 47,8570 OR 0 2A0 24)1,277 1,799 12,765 0.141 3,187 R93 60,622 30,108» 9.052 2023 0 6a7 0 661 -1,24R 47, R57 0.028 0 2R0 26)1,277 1,789 12,785 0 AN 3,147 ®F2 60,622 30,104 = 0.052 728 0 a7 0 651 1,348 47,9570 078 ¢ an at 4,277 1,799 12,765 0 141 3,7 A212 60,622 30,194 = 0-052 078, 0 fAT 0 661 1,248 7,57 02R 0 2an 24101977 9,709 12,785 OT 3,187 AN’ 60,622 30,104 = 052 TOTAL 54ers 24050 0 20859 Qg7AR 1557 9 941 2025 10640 9433 50107 12686 525 0.167 «171834105448 2082 1191972 Od GWH AVG GWH AVG GWH AVG