HomeMy WebLinkAboutPreliminary Environmental Analysis of the Unalaska Geothermal Power Project 1986 UNA 046 Preliminary Alaska Energy Authority LIBRARY COPY PRELIMINARY .ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL POWER PROJECT by Kimbal A. Sundberg, Brad L. Hahn, Len J. Vining, and C. Wayne Dolezal State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game Habitat Division, Region IV Lance L. Trasky, Regional Supervisor Submitted to Alaska Power Authority December 1986 UNA OY STATE OF ALASKA /rne ove i DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 333 RASPBERRY ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-2392 December 5, 1986 Mr. David Denig-Chakroff Unalaska Geothermal Project Manager Alaska Power Authority P.O. Box 190869 Anchorage, AK 99519-0869 Dear Dave: The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is pleased to provide ten copies, of our report entitled, "Preliminary Environmental Analysis of the Unalaska Geothermal Power Project" to the Alaska Power Authority (APA). In the preliminary report we have addressed several potential project alternatives, knowing that the alternatives will be narrowed down as the feasibility study proceeds. We will need your continued guidance and suggestions to ensure that we address the most appropriate project features in our final report. We have enjoyed working with both you and Brent Petrie on the Unalaska Geothermal Power Project and hope that our participation has helped the APA in assessing the feasibility of this project. Please contact Kim Sundberg (267-2334) if you have any comments. or questions concerning this report. Sincerely, bang L. asky Regiohal 6upervisor Region IV Habitat Division Enclosures cc: Norman A. Cohen PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL POWER PROJECT by Kimbal A. Sundberg, Brad L. Hahn, Len J. Vining, and C. Wayne Dolezal State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game Habitat Division, Region IV Lance L. Trasky, Regional Supervisor Submitted to Alaska Power Authority December 1986 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page INTRODUCTION... ccc ec eee c cece ccc r ccc ccc ccccccccccccceeee lL PART I: FISH HABITAT SURVEY I-1.0 Executive Summary......... Swen esses sw sapeccsse cess I=-2.0 Methods... cece ccc ccc cere cece ccc cece ccc ese rscecees I-3.0 Results and Discussion..... os cic eo cee s eee se esse ces 3.1 Makushin Valley......... cc ccc cece cee cee ee eee o 3.1.1 Pink Salmon... cc cece wee cece cee ween 3.1.2 Coho Salmon...... cece eee cece cece eee eee 3.1.3 Chum Salmon........ cece ec eee eee eee wees 3.1.4 Dolly Varden....... 2... cece eee eee ee eee eee Ll 3.2 Driftwood Valley...... wcrc ccccccccccsccccoscces LI 3.2.1 Pink Salmon......... cece eee ee eee eee eee 11 3.2.2 Coho Salmon... ... cece eee ee ee eee eee eeee 14 3.2.3 Dolly Varden.............. eo ceceescone -. 14 3.3 Glacier Valley... cc cece eee eee ce ee eee reece 14 3.3.1 Pink Salmon....... ccc cece cece ec eee seen 14 3.3.2 Dolly Varden... .... cee cece eee eee eee eeee LS Nateekin Valley.......... cece eee e cece eee eee eee LS Water Quality. .cwcereeevecceseeveceseeseccseees 15 Human USC... cece cc cccccc ccc cccccc ccc cc cccecccce 20 WUWONDANNN WWW oe an PART II: POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL POWER PROJECT ON FISH AND WILDLIFE II-1.0 Executive Summary............ccceecceees wieocsoece 23 TI-2.0 Methods... cece ccc ccc cc cc ccc ccccccccccccceeee 24 II-3.0 Development Scenario..... ccc cece cece cree cesecee 25 II-4.0 Potential Effects... cccccccccrcccccccccccscese 25 4.1 Direct Physical Effects............cce eee eeeeeee 25 4.1.1 Stream Crossings.......... og ees os oss ccs 26 4.1.2 Surface Drainage Patterns............... 27 BEOSIGH 6 eho oc ok teres cece cts sbeceecseesscoes 27 Surface Water EffectS......... cece ees ccecces “ee. 28 4.3.1 Temperature... .... ccc cee ee ce eee eee eee ee 29 4.3.2 AYSENIC.... cece ce ec cece rece c rece eeevee 30 4.3.3 Hydrogen Sulfide..............02e eee eee 31 4.3.4 Supersaturated Gases..........-22222---- 31 4.3.5 Lead, Mercury, and Cadmium..... ee csasees 32 Ground Water Effects... ..... cece eee cece rece ecee 32 Air Pollution... ...ccccceccccccccccsccrccvcs eee. 33 Noise......... cece ccc cee c cc eccccenes beescsescoce 33 Human PresSence...... cece cccecccces iste ew Gecsss 3S AcCIideNtsS. coc ere ccc ccc cere cc ccecccces eececene -. 34 > > ee Wn PPP PL ee ONIHDWN eee ii Table LIST OF TABLES Results of Minnow Trapping, Electrofishing, and Observations in Makushin, Driftwood, and Glacier Valley Streams (September 2-5, 1986)... ccc cccccvcccvccccces eee c ccc ccccscccce Pink Salmon Escapement Estimates for Makushin Valley............... Pink Salmon Escapement Estimates for Driftwood Valley.......... 2. cee cece cece eens Pink Salmon Escapement Estimates for Glacier Valley......... ccc cece cece ce ee wees Salmon Escapement Estimates for Nateekin River...... tlolelelcllelsle a6 oe lols so & ole lalolels co 4 eo wlelels oi |e Water Quality at Fish Sampling Sites in Makushin, Driftwood, and Glacier Valleys (September 3, 1986) ....... ce eee cece cence eens Pink and Coho Salmon Commercial Catch for Unalaska Bay and Makushin Bay Statistical Aveas, 1979=86. 2... cc cee cece ccc ccs ec ese sews cs List of Environmental Permits That May Be Required for Construction and Operation of the Unalaska Geothermal Power Project........ iii 13 16 17 19 21 Figure LIST OF FIGURES Page Length Frequency Histogram for Juvenile Coho Salmon Captured in Makushin Valley (September 2-3, 1986).......... aes eles! al ellelsllerelie's 10 Length Frequency Histogram for Dolly Varden Char Captured in Makushin Valley (September 2-3, 1986) . cee cwecrcccccccccesccccccccccesces bf iv Appendix LIST OF APPENDICES Scale Analysis of Coho Salmon Collected from Makushin and Driftwood Streams ‘Fish Collected by Electrofishing and Minnow Trapping in Makushin Valley (September 2-3, 1986) Fish Collected by Electrofishing in Driftwood Valley (September 2-3, 1986) Fish Collected by Electrofishing and Minnow Trapping in Glacier Valley (September 2-4, 1986) ADF&G Culvert Installation Guidelines LIST OF PLATES Plate Location bt Makushin Valley Area................... Map Pocket 2 Driftwood and Glacier Valley Areas..... Map Pocket vi INTRODUCTION In September, 1986 the Alaska Power Authority (APA) contracted with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), Habitat Division to assist in identifying potential impacts, mitigation, and permitting requirements for six rural energy development projects in southwestern Alaska, including the Unalaska Geothermal Power Project. The scope of work for Unalaska Geothermal Power Project includes: conducting limited field surveys as necessary to obtain . information on fish and aquatic resources to evaluate the potential effects of the proposed geothermal project, identifying project-related fish and wildlife issues, determining how geothermal fluids may affect important aquatic resources, reviewing and commenting on appropriate project documents, summarizing literature, and developing contacts with persons familiar with similar projects outside of Alaska. This preliminary report is divided into two parts. Part I contains the results of a fish and aquatic habitat survey conducted during September 2-5, 1986 in the Makushin, Glacier and Driftwood valleys and summarizes salmon escapement data for Nateekin Valley. Part II contains a preliminary discussion of the potential effects of the Unalaska Geothermal Power Project on the fish and wildlife resources of Unalaska Island. Recommendations for mitigating project impacts and further study are also provided. At present, neither the retrieval of literature nor the evaluation of potential effects is completed. However, this preliminary report provides a clear indication of the direction and scope intended for the final report. PART I FISH HABITAT SURVEY I-1.0 Executive Summary The distribution and relative abundance of salmonids were evaluated in the Makushin, Glacier, and Driftwood valleys. Juvenile fish were sampled by electrofishing and minnow trapping. Helicopter surveys were flown to enumerate adult salmon and to determine salmon spawning areas. Weather and visibility conditions were favorable during the survey which allowed the entire study area to be examined. Makushin Valley contained pink, chum, and coho salmon and Dolly Varden char. Both chum and coho’ salmon were previously undocumented for this valley. Spawning by salmon was observed in the lower 5.3 miles of the main stem and side tributaries. Spawning by char was observed in the vicinity of River Mile (RM) 6.3. Driftwood Valley contained pink and coho salmon and Dolly Varden. Spawning by pink salmon was observed in the vicinity of the lower road crossing and up to approximately RM 2.5. Young-of-year juvenile coho salmon and Dolly Varden were found in the vicinity of the lower road crossing. No fish were found in the vicinity of the upper road crossing. Glacier Valley contained pink salmon and Dolly Varden. The largest number of pink salmon were found in the lower 1.5 miles of a tributary on the east side of the valley. Dolly Varden were found in spawning colors and in suitable spawning habitat in the vicinity of RM 5.3. I-2.0 Methods During September 2-5, 1986 aerial surveys of fish habitat in the Makushin, Glacier, and Driftwood valley streams were ‘conducted using a Bell 206-B helicopter. The Nateekin River was not surveyed because it has not been identified for geothermal project impacts and because of time limitations. The objectives of the survey were to: (1) determine adult salmon distribution and abundance (escapement) , (2) determine streams and portions of streams used for spawning by resident and anadromous fish, and (3) identify potential rearing areas for juvenile fish. Based on visual assessments during aerial surveys, eight sampling sites were selected in potential salmon rearing areas (i.e., side sloughs, pools, and spring fed tributaries). Sampling sites are shown on Plates 1 and 2. -2- At each sampling site, an effort was made within the time allowed to sample sufficient areas to determine the general distribution and upper limits of salmon in the valley streams. :. The sites were sampled using a backpack electrofisher (Smith & Root Model 11-A) and minnow traps baited with cured salmon eggs. All captured fish were identified to species and their fork length was measured to the nearest millimeter (anterior extremity to fork in tail). Juvenile salmon from each sampling site were sacrificed and preserved in 75 percent propanol for later scale analysis. The remaining fish were returned to the stream. Water quality parameters including temperature, conductivity, pH and dissolved oxygen were measured in situ using a Hydrolab Digital model 4041 portable water sampler. The water sampler was calibrated prior to field data collection. Aerial surveys were conducted from both a helicopter and a Grumman Goose. From the helicopter, streams were surveyed from approximately 100 feet (ft) above ground level (AGL), with two observers wearing polarized glasses. Escapement estimates for the Driftwood and Makushin valleys were made from the helicopter flying at approximately 50 knots and counting individual and groups of fish with a hand tally counter. Escapement estimates for Glacier Valley were made -by a single observer flying in a Grumman Goose at approximately 400 ft AGL and 100 knots. Aerial survey data is an estimate of actual adult salmon numbers. Widely varying survey conditions including weather, type of aircraft, ambient light, stream transparency, sinuosity, and differences between observers all affect the accuracy of counts. Comparisons of data between different streams and different survey years can be useful for determining relative abundance and trends but conclusions should be qualified in light of the survey conditions noted in the remarks. I-3.0 Results and Discussion Survey conditions were favorable during September 2 and 3. Adequate light and mild weather allowed for electrofishing, minnow trapping, and stream observations in the Makushin, Driftwood, and Glacier valley streams. However, minnow traps that were set in Glacier valley streams on September 3 could not be retrieved until September 5 because high winds on September 4 prohibited use of the helicopter. The results of electrofishing, minnow trapping, and stream observations are shown in Table 1. Table 1. Results of Minnow Trapping, Electrofishing, and Observations in Makushin, Driftwood, and Glacier Valley Streams (September 2-5, 1986). Sampling 1/ Site Sampling Method Catch CPUE= Makushin M1 Electrofish (5.3 min) 27 DV- 5.1 M1 Minnow Trap (2 traps, 10 DV each fished 20 hrs) M2 Electrofish (11.6 min) 88 DV 7.6 M2 Minnow Trap (2 traps, 19.-DV. each fished 20 hrs) M3 Electrofish (18.0 min) 79 DV 4.4 5 CO 0.3 M3 Minnow Trap (2 traps, 41 DV each fished 19.5 hrs) 7 CO M3 Ground Observation 100 P adults 3 CH adults 1 CO adults M4 Electrofish (6.0 min) 13 DV 2.2 13 co 2.2 M4 Minnow Trap 22 DV (2 traps, each 18 CO fished 17 hrs) M4 Ground Observation 50 P adults M-A . Aerial Observation 7,800 P adults Driftwood D1 Electrofish (8.7 min) 7 DV 0.8 3 CO 0.3 D2 Electrofish (1.8 min) No fish 0.0 D-A Aerial Observation 1,000 P adults Glacier Gl Electrofish (1.7 min) 8 DV 4.8 Table 1 continued. Sampling : 1/ Site Sampling Method Catch CPUE = Gl Minnow Trap 22 DV (2 traps, each fished 43 hrs) G2 Minnow Trap 27 DV (2 traps, each fished 45 hrs) G2 Ground Observation 200 P adults G-A Aerial Observation 43,000 P adults 1/ =" Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) = Number of fish caught divided by number of minutes of shocking. P = Pink salmon CO = Coho salmon CH = Chum salmon DV = Dolly Varden char 3.1 Makushin Valley Makushin Valley streams contained pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha), coho (O. kisutch), and chum (0. keta) salmon and Dolly Varden char (Salvelinus malma). Chum and coho salmon have not previously been documented in the Makushin Valley. During this sampling period, salmon were distributed in the main stem and side tributaries from tidewater up to RM 5.3. Dolly Varden were distributed throughout the main stem and tributaries from tidewater up to at least the mouth of Makushin River Canyon (RM 7.2). A previous study (Dames & Moore, 1983) documented Dolly Varden in the canyon up to a point below the ST-1 well site (Plate 2) where a fish passage barrier exists. 3.1.1 Pink Salmon Pink salmon were observed spawning in the main stem, side channels, and tributaries of the Makushin River. Additional pink salmon were schooled and moving upstream during the survey. Small numbers of carcasses and moribund fish were also seen indicating that the spawning period had already commenced. Historical information indicates the period for pink salmon spawning in the Unalaska Bay area is between July 20 - September 30. The most concentrated spawning activity appeared to be in the main stem and side tributaries below RM 3. The upper limit of concentrated spawning activity in the Makushin Valley was approximately delineated by the remains of a wooden bridge that was part of the road linking Broad Bay and Driftwood Bay during World War II. Moderate spawning activity was noted in side channels and tributaries up to approximately RM 4.5. Light spawning activity was observed between RM 4.5 and RM 5.3. Based on past aerial surveys, ADF&G biologists have noted that the upper limit of salmon spawning is near to a lone spruce tree at approximately RM 5.3. However, suitable spawning habitat appears to occur upstream of this tree to the mouth of Makushin Valley Canyon. Whether salmon use this upper valley habitat for spawning is probably dependent on the magnitude of escapement. Table 2 summarizes adult pink salmon counts for the Makushin Valley from 1961-1986. On September 2, 1986, a detailed helicopter survey of all the waters within the Makushin Valley produced a total estimated escapement of 7,800 pink salmon. In recent years, the largest runs of pink salmon have occurred during the even-numbered years. The peak recorded escapement for the Makushin Valley occurred in 1960 when 100,000 pinks were estimated. The decline in even-year escapements since 1982 cannot be explained from existing data. However, pink salmon escapements are affected by many -6- Table 2. Date 8-12-61 8-09-62 7-26-63 8-13-64 7-19-67 7-31-67 8-02-68 8-10-68 8-18-68 7-30-69 8-05-69 8-08-70 1 mp Wr ‘ SN 9-11-72 8-14-73 8-09-74 8-02-75 8-08-75 7-28-77 9-07-77 7-28-78 Pink Salmon Escapement Estimates for Makushin Valley. . Count2/ 7.0 - 8.0 0.0 9 15.0 NA NA 100.0 25.0 60.0 - 75.0 NA NA 10.0 NA NA 0.15 NA 2.0 - 3:0 NA NA NA 0.05 0.5 - 0.7 Davenport Hennick Hennick Davenport Wienhold Davenport Davenport Davenport Davenport Davenport Davenport Tamburel1 Davenport Shaul Davenport Davenport Davenport Davenport Davenport Nelson Observer(s) Lall & Hennick i Remarks=/ Fair escapement Muddy, fish in lst 2 mile Glacial, visibility nil Too muddy for survey Too muddy for survey Most in 1st 1.5 mile Muddy, nothing new in Poor light, dark bottom Very muddy Too muddy for survey Estimate - counted only 2,300 because water murky Water murky - no fish seen Muddy water, no fish evident, fish utilize stream to where road switches back up mountains and probably up left fork above road Poor visibility, dark bottom, probably more fish Muddy, no sign of fish anywhere Estimate, murky, counted only 200, channel unstable Too muddy for survey Muddy but no sign of fish Too muddy for survey All spawnouts, very turbid All 1/3 - 1/2 mile up Table 2 continued. Date Count2/ 8-06-78 0.3 - 0.4 9-05-79 62.0 7-30-80 NA 8-06-80 NA 8-12-80 3.0 8-19-80 2.8 9-09-80 34.0 8-10-81 2.0 8-22-81 3.2 9-09-81 3.3 7-23-82 0.7 8-02-82 8.0 8-12-82 71.0 9-03-82 37.0 9-19-82 13.5 + 10,000 carcasses 8-20-83 NA 9-04-83 NA 8-07-84 21.0 8-31-84 31.0 9-02-86 7.8 1/ Observer(s) Griffin Shaul Shaul Shaul Shaul Shaul Shaul Shaul Malloy Shaul Griffin Shaul Malloy Shaul Holmes Griffin Shaul Shaul Shaul Shaul Remarks2/ Very murky Too muddy for count Too muddy for count Very clear, 3 boats 300 in upper portion 7 boats All in clear tributary, main stem muddy Good visibility Helicopter survey, some spawning Helicopter survey Helicopter survey, lower stream only Stream murky Nothing in stream or at mouth Many spawning Helicopter survey, good visibility 2/ Estimated escapement in thousands of pink salmon. =’ Unless otherwise noted, all counts are from fixed wing aircraft. NA = Not attempted. Source: ADF&G, 1979-1985 and this survey. factors including egg survival, ocean survival, and harvest. Pink salmon have a two year life history with no freshwater rearing phase. The juvenile .fry/smolts are believed to outmigrate from Makushin Valley between February 21 - April 15 (Arnie Shaul, pers. comm.). 3.1.2 Coho Salmon Except for one adult coho salmon observed at sample site M3, all of the coho salmon observed or captured were juveniles. Coho salmon were found in clear water tributaries in the Makushin Valley below RM 5. Based upon information from Unalaska Creek, the spawning period for coho salmon in this area occurs from July 15 - January 15. The densities of rearing coho salmon appeared to increase in the lower portions of the valley. The Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) for coho salmon was seven times higher at sample site M4 than at site M3. A length frequency analysis for 32 juvenile coho salmon collected from the Makushin Valley is shown in Figure 1. This analysis shows a strong maxima in the 50 mm range, and a weak maxima in the 90-100 mm range which suggests that two age classes of juvenile cohos may be present in the system. However, scale analysis (Appendix A) failed to confirm a definitive second year age class. Scales from fish over 80 mm in length- did not exhibit a growth check, which is typically caused by slow growth during the winter months. The absence of a winter check in the larger size range of fish may indicate either: (1) extraordinary growing conditions in the Makushin Valley, or (2) very stable water temperatures which allow fish to remain active and feeding throughout the winter. One possible explanation for the second hypothesis is that groundwater contributes appreciable temperature and flow stability to coho rearing habitat in the Makushin Valley. Winter stream temperature data and fish sampling are needed in order to test this hypothesis. The time of emergence and outmigration timing is not known for coho salmon in this area. Because of the extended spawning period, emergence is likely extended over a long period of time, perhaps from April - July. Outmigration of coho smolts may occur during late spring and early summer, perhaps May - June. 3.1.3 Chum Salmon Three adult chum salmon were observed at sample site M3. The fish were lying under a deep overhang cutbank and could not have been observed from the air. Chum salmon are known to spawn in streams that have groundwater upwellings. -9- for Juvenile Coho Salmon Captured equency Histogram in Makushin Valley (September 2 - 3, 1986). Figure 1. Length Fr Makushin Valley Coho LENGTH FREQUENCY Peniegqo sequinu -10- Although no census of chum salmon has been performed in Makushin Valley, it is probable that small numbers spawn in streams below about RM 5. Their spawning timing is believed to be similar to pink salmon (i.e., July 20 - September 30). Like pink salmon, chum salmon have no freshwater rearing phase; the fry/smolts outmigrate to the estuary soon after hatching. The timing for chum salmon outmigration is not known for the Makushin Valley but it is likely to be similar to pink salmon (i.e., February 21 - April 15). 3.1.4 Dolly Varden Dolly Varden char were found at all sample sites within the Makushin Valley. The stream appears to have both resident and anadromous populations. Several large (300-400 mm) Dolly Varden were captured in bright spawning colors at sample site M2. The large size is indicative of anadromous fish. Dolly Varden are fall spawners and migrate upstream to spawning grounds during August and September. The CPUE indicates a trend of increasing densities towards the upper end of the valley. A length frequency analysis for Dolly Varden (Figure 2) suggests five to seven size classes are present in the system. However, additional growth data and scale analysis would be required in order to determine the age and residence time of Dolly Varden in the Makushin Valley. 3.2 Driftwood Valley Streams in Driftwood Valley contained pink and coho salmon and Dolly Varden char. These species were previously documented in these streams by ADF&G and Dames & Moore. Dolly Varden, coho and pink salmon were found at the lower road crossing (sample site Dl). No fish were found at the upper road crossing (sample site D2). 3.2.1 Pink Salmon Pink salmon were observed in small numbers in the main stem and side tributaries from the mouth up to approximately RM 2.5. Although some spawning was occurring, most pink salmon were still. concentrated in schools in the lower 0.5 mile of the main stem. Time did not allow for a detailed helicopter survey of all waters within the valley. However, the main stem and the major (east) tributary were surveyed and an estimated 1000 pink salmon were present in these streams. Table 3 summarizes six years of escapement records for adult salmon in Driftwood Valley. The record peak escapement occurred in 1982 when 6,800 pink salmon were estimated. The decline in escapement since 1982 follows a similar trend in the Makushin Valley data. Several pink salmon were found at sample site Dl in the vicinity of the -11- Length Frequency Histogram for Dolly Varden Char Captured in (September 2 - 3, 1986). Makushin Valley Dolly Varden Makushin Valley Figure 2. ee SN nO a om en i 35 50 65 80 95 110 125 140 155 170 185 200 215 250 245 260 275 290 305 320 335 350 Pesiesqgo sequinu =] 3= length in 5 mm Increments Table 3. Pink Salmon Escapement Estimates for Driftwood Valley. 1/ 2/ Date Count= Observer (s) Remarks— 8-12-61 0.2 Lall & Hennick Two forks 7-19-67 0 Davenport 9-11-72 0.01 Shaul 7-30-80 NA Shaul Nothing 9-03-82 6.8 Shaul Helicopter +2,000 carcasses survey 9-19-82 1.5 Holmes +400 carcasses 9-03-86 1.0 Sundberg & Helicopter Dolezal survey . 3 Estimated escapement in thousands of pink salmon. Unless otherwise noted, all fixed-winged aircraft. NA = Not attempted. Source: ADF &G, 1979-1985 and this survey. -13- counts are from lower road crossing indicating that spawning likely occurs in this area. The stream in this area is cutting through an old garbage dump left from World War II and numerous metal debris are spread throughout the streambed. This dump should be stabilized or preferably removed to a location out of the floodplain to prevent hazardous materials from entering the stream. 3.2.2 Coho Salmon Juvenile coho salmon were collected at sample site Dl. The small size of these juveniles (36-38 mm) suggests that they had recently emerged from a spawning bed close by or had moved down stream from spawning beds upstream of the site. No adult coho salmon were seen at the site. However, the substrate appears favorable for spawning and it is likely that they spawn in this area. 3.2.3 Dolly Varden Juvenile Dolly Varden char were collected at sample site Dl. Dames & Moore, found Dolly Varden at the same location (their sample site DW) in 1982. No fish were collected at sample site D2 above the valley floor. It is probable that Dolly Varden occur in all stream systems within the valley but upstream migration is limited by physical barriers (i.e., falls). As in Makushin Valley, both anadromous and resident forms of Dolly Varden probably occur in Driftwood Valley, although our survey did not confirm an anadromous population. 3.3 Glacier Valley Glacier Valley streams contained pink salmon and Dolly Varden. Pink salmon were found at sample site G2 and in clear water side tributaries up to approximately RM 2.5. Dolly Varden were found at both sampling sites Gl and G2. 3.3.1 Pink Salmon = Forty-three thousand adult pink salmon were estimated to be present in Glacier Valley. The major concentration of pink salmon occurred in the lower 1.5 miles of a clear water tributary on the east side of the valley. Less than 1,000 occurred in a clear water tributary on the west side of the valley. Several hundred pink salmon were seen in the glacially turbid main stem; however, visibility was limited. Spawning was observed at sample site G2. However, 20,000-30,000 pink salmon were still schooled in the lower river near the ocean and were moving upstream. “-14- Table 4 summarizes eight years of escapement records for pink salmon in Glacier Valley. The 1986 estimate was the second highest escapement on record for Glacier Valley and was the highest pink salmon escapement this year for the four major stream systems: Makushin, Driftwood, Nateekin, and Glacier. The highest estimate of 50,000 pink salmon was recorded in 1984, the parent year for these fish. The escapement has not significantly declined since 1982 as has been the trend in both Driftwood and Makushin valleys. Historically, the east side tributary stream has been the major spawning area for pink salmon in Glacier Valley and a major pink salmon producer for Makushin Bay commercial fisheries. 3.3.2 Dolly Varden Dolly Varden char were found up to RM 5.3 (sample site Gl) in both the glacially turbid main stem and clear water tributaries. Adults were captured in spawning colors at sample site Gl indicating that spawning by resident Dolly Varden was occurring at this time. It is likely that Dolly Varden occur throughout Glacier Valley streams up to the point where physical barriers (i.e., falls) block upstream migration. 3.4 Nateekin Valley The Nateekin Valley is documented to contain pink and coho salmon and Dolly Varden char. Table 5 summarizes 21 years of record for salmon escapement estimates in the Nateekin Valley. The peak spawning escapement occurred in 1982 when 242,000 pink salmon were estimated. The Nateekin River is a major salmon producer in the Unalaska Bay area. The current plans for the Unalaska Geothermal Power Project are not expected to affect the Nateekin Valley. If plans were changed in a way that would affect this drainage basin, additional fish habitat studies would be required to define and protect fish resources. 3.5 Water Quality Table 6 contains water quality data for the Makushin, Driftwood and Glacier Valley sampling sites on September 3, 1986. Stream temperatures ranged from a low of 5.9° C in upper Glacier Creek (sample site Gl) to a high of 8.7° C in lower Glacier Creek (sample site G3). The temperature in the east side tributary where most pinks were spawning was about one degree celsius cooler than the glacially turbid main stem. Stream temperatures in the Makushin = and Driftwood valleys ranged from 6.3° C to 7.3° C. There was no apparent gradient of temperature by elevation in these -15- Table 4. Pink Salmon Escapement Estimates for Glacier Valley. Date Count+/ Observer (s) Remarks=/ 8-21-61 2.0 Lall & Hennick 8-09-62 9 Davenport Glacial 7-26-63 9 Hennick No fish in stream 8-13-64 9 Hennick Stream appears glacial - no fish 9-09-80 25.0 Shaul All in clear right tributary 8-12-82 0.3 Malloy East fork only 9-03-82 17.5 Shaul Helcopter survey, 13,700 in east fork 9-19-82 24.0 Holmes Helicopter survey, + 3000 carcasses 7-29-84 NA Malloy Nothing 8-31-84 50.0 Shaul + 3000 pinks at mouth spawning in clear : tributary 9-02-86 43.0 Shaul 1/ Escapement estimates in thousands of pink salmon. 2/ = Unless otherwise noted, all counts are from fixed-winged aircraft. NA = Not attempted. Source: ADF&G 1979-1985 and this survey. -16- Table 9. Date 8-12-61 8-09-62 7-26-63 8-13-64 7-19-67 7-31-67 8-02-68 8-10-68 8-18-68 7-30-69 8-05-69 8-08-70 8-03-71 8-02-72 8-13-72 8-23-72 9-11-72 8-14-73 8-09-74 8-02-75 8-08-75 won os on TP NN NN 7-28-78 8-06-78 Salmon Escapement Estimates for Nateekin River. Co 25 75. 10. 12. 2. 7. 40. 40. 75. 17. N 106 14 1 0 0 3 1 3 8 20 20 10. 80. 0. 15 1/ unt— 3 0 -45.0 Oo ooo oO oO oO A 0 -0- 5.0 -025- 0.05 +25 0 75 25 -5-10.0 0 .0-23.0 0 0 2 -0 Observers Lal] & Hennick Davenport ~ Hennick Hennick Davenport Wienhold Davenport Davenport Davenport Davenport Davenport Davenport Davenport Tamburel 1i Tamburel1i Davenport Shaul Davenport Davenport Davenport Davenport Davenport Tate Nelson Griffin -17- Results=/ Good escapement Large schools of pinks All fish in first two miles of stream Boat fishing along beach with skiff, moderate size schools Most all in first mile Estimate Fish along beach, fish fresh and moving up, none above 4 miles Too turbulent to fly Most in first 2.5 miles Scattered up 5 miles, most .5 to 1 mile up Just entered river, moved upstream fast Just inside mouth of river Scattered up 2 miles, 4 skiffs in creek with one seine aboard Pinks spawning mostly in lower portion, a few carcasses Estimate Most in lower end, additional pinks at mouth Fish up 3 miles, most in lower 1 mile Fish slowly moving up in lower 1.5 mi Additional 2,000 pinks at mouth Includes many carcasses, distribution heavy in 2/3, moderate in upper 1/3 Scattered schools in lower 1/2 mile, additional 300 at mouth Count might be conservative, 50 additional at mouth Table 5 continued. Date 8-23-78 2/ Count// 40.0-50.0 122.0 90.0 8.0 12.0-15.0 75. 132. 131. 69. oooo°o 50. 48. 22. 30. 103. 222. 243. 150. 40 ooo°o°o Oo oom on wo . oo °o => °o NA 78.0 151.0 145.0 12.0 11.5 + 200 coho NA = Not available. Source: ADF&G@ 1979-1985. Observers Nelson Shaul Shaul Shaul Shaul Shaul “Shaul Shaul Shaul Shaul Shaul Malloy Shaul Griffin Griffin Shaul Malloy Tyler & Gallis Vinyard Shaul Griffin Malloy Shaul Shaul Griffen Shaul -18- Results</ Estimate from foot survey, pinks concentrated at mouth up to hole by hill approximately 1 mile up, bright pinks in lower stream Most in lower end, additional 12,000 at mouth Some still schooled Lower 2 miles More in lower 200-300 yards Looks good Only surveyed lower 2 miles, probably 30,000 above, many schooled Very murky, count low No boats Probably another 10,000 above where survey ended All spawning Looks tremendous Foot survey Foot survey, didn't count pinks 200-300 pinks at mouth, but stream too murky Many in lower end, looks good very poor Escapement estimates in thousands of pink salmon. Unless otherwise noted, all counts are from fixed-wing aircraft. Table 6. Water Quality at Fish Sampling Sites in Makushin, Driftwood, and Glacier Valleys (September 3, 1986). Dissolved Sample Temperature Oxygen Conductivity Site (°C) pH (mg/1) (umho/cm*) Makushin M1 7k 6.5 10.6 77 M2 - - - - M3 6.3 5.3 10.8 102 M4 7.3 5.8 935 193 Driftwood D1 6.7 6.1 t2—1 39 D2 6.8 6.4 11.3 73 Glacier Gl 5.9 6.6 22-5 60 G2 7.8 5.9 10.9 80 @32/ rs 6.0 cia 140 27. No fish were sampled at this site. -19- valleys. Two sample areas where salmon were spawning varied in temperature by one degree celsius. The pH for all sample sites was slightly acidic ranging from 5.3 to 6.6. Dissolved oxygen (DO) for all sampling sites was below 100 percent saturation levels. The lowest DO occurred at site M4. Conductivity ranged from a low of 39 umho/cm” at the, lower Driftwood Valley site (Dl) to a high of 193 umho/cm” at the lower Makushin Valley site (M4). Site M4 had visible orange colored staining in the water and on the streambed, presumably from mineralized iron. The high conductivity and low DO at sample site M4 supports speculation that this tributary is largely groundwater fed. Conductivity decreased with higher elevations in both the Makushin and Glacier valleys. 3.6 Human Use Aquatic habitats within the Makushin, Glacier, Driftwood, and Nateekin valleys produce fish resources of importance to commercial, sport, and subsistence fisheries on Unalaska Island. Unalaska Island is the major salmon producing area in the Aleutian Islands (ADF&G, 1982). Table 7 presents the past eight years of commercial pink and coho salmon catches for two ADF&G statistical areas on Unalaska Island, Unalaska Bay and Makushin Bay. ADF&G catch statistics do not break down catches by individual streams. Unalaska Bay catch figures contain production from both Makushin and Nateekin valley streams which are both felt to contribute significantly to statistical area 302-31. Broad Bay, at the mouth of the Makushin River supports three to four seine boats during an average even-year pink salmon fishery. During an exceptionally large run in 1982, up to twelve seining vessels were observed fishing in Broad Bay (Arnie Shaul, pers. comm.). Makushin Bay catch figures contain Glacier Valley streams which are felt to produce approximately 50 percent of the pink salmon catch in statistical area 302-24. The low catch in 1986 has been attributed to a poor even-year return of pink salmon to Unalaska Island streams. The reason for the poor return is not known but may include poor ocean survival for the 1984-85 cohort. In addition to commercial fisheries, subsistence and sport fisheries occur in Makushin and Nateekin valley streams. Coho salmon are the principal target species for subsistence and sport fisheries although Dolly Varden are also taken. Because of difficult access, the subsistence and sport catch of coho salmon in the Makushin River is low compared to catches from streams along the Unalaska-Dutch Harbor road system. The number of fishing parties using the Makushin Valley area on any day during the peak of the coho run is -20- Table 7. Pink and Coho Salmon Commercial Catch for Unalaska Bay and Makushin Bay Statistical Areas, 1979-86. Catch (in numbers of fish) Year Areat/ Pink Coho 1979 302-31 511,982 0 302-24 . 25,004 0 1980 302-31 554,049 1 302-24 2,028,421 1 1981 302-31 237,630 188 302-24 65,152 0 1982 302-31 551,419 28 302-24 767,790 0 1983 302-31 NA NA 302-24 1,890 : 0 1984 302-31 914,310 0 302-24 1,166,605 23 1985 302-31 0 0 302-24 0- 0 2/ 302-31 20,709 10 1966 302-24 17,494 6 1/ = 302-31 includes all of Unalaska Bay. 302-24 includes all of Makushin Bay. z Preliminary data. NA = Not Available. Source: ADF&G 1979-1985, 1986 data from Arnie Shaul, pers. comm. -21- generally less than three (Ken Griffin, pers. comm.). There is no known subsistence or sport fishery in either Driftwood or Glacier valleys although fishing may occasionally occur in these streams. Access to these areas from Unalaska-Dutch Harbor is significantly more difficult than the Makushin Valley area. Hunting and trapping also occur within the project area. Waterfowl including mallard and pintail are hunted during the fall in the side sloughs and wetlands along the Makushin River. Emperor geese are taken along the beaches of Broad Bay. Ptarmigan are hunted during winter along the side slopes of the Makushin Valley. Red fox are hunted and trapped in both Makushin and Driftwood valleys. Razor clams attract clam diggers from Unalaska-Dutch Harbor to Broad Bay beaches during spring tides. Broad Bay contains the only significant razor clam resource in Unalaska Bay. At the present time, overall human use levels in Makushin Valley could be described as low, primarily because of difficult access. Improved access would more than likely increase the human use of the area. -22- PART II POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL POWER PROJECT ON FISH AND WILDLIFE II-1.0 Executive Summary The ADF&G, Habitat Division conducted a preliminary evaluation on the potential effects of the proposed Unalaska Geothermal Power Project on the fish and wildlife resources on Unalaska Island. This evaluation was conducted by synthesizing information from: published literature, federal and state water quality standards, and contacts with appropriate agency personnel. For purposes of the analysis, it was assumed that a 12 MW generating facility will be constructed near Fox Canyon Creek. Operation of the facility would require construction of several miles of new road, the upgrading of an existing road, and_ the installation of a buried transmission line. Geothermal effluent was also projected to be discharged into Fox Canyon Creek at a rate of 5 cfs. Although the analysis is incomplete, it appears that the potential effects on surface waters pose the greatest environmental concern, with direct physical effects posing significant, but lesser concerns. Potential environmental effects resulting from noise, air pollution, and increased human presence are, at this point, judged to be of least concern. In terms of water quality variables, the potential for increased water temperatures to reduce the incubation period of salmonids is a major concern. Even a one degree rise of water temperature over the incubation period can result in accelerating the development of salmonids by approximately one month. If fry emerge prematurely, availability of food may be limited resulting in significantly reduced survival rates. Two other potentially harmful components, arsenic and hydrogen sulfide, are also of major concern, because even after considering a dilution rate of five to one they exceed current U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) water quality standards by 12 and 170 times, respectively. Further investigation and analyses are required to determine the potential for harmful effects resulting from increases in total gas pressure and increased concentrations of lead, mercury, and cadmium. Based on the analysis to date, the most environmentally preferable approach for mitigating potential surface water impacts is to reinject the geothermal effluent into a hydrologically isolated underground formation. Other -23- alternatives to mitigate potential surface water effects could include: (1) piping the geothermal effluent to the coast where it could be discharged into the ocean, or (2) constructing cooling towers, chemical treatment facilities, and possibly gas-stripping towers to reduce effluent temperatures and remove hazardous contaminants from the geothermal effluent. The first alternative would potentially make the heat from the effluent available for other projects including aquaculture and agriculture. II-2.0 Methods Four sources of information are being used to evaluate the Unalaska Geothermal Power Project: (1) a literature review of potential geothermal development impacts, (2) a description of fish and wildlife resources in the affected area, (3) the chemical composition of the geothermal reservoir fluid, and (4) an assumed project scenario. Specific methods used to collect each of these sources of information are summarized below. Literature was obtained from ADF&G's Habitat Division Library in Anchorage, and through a computer-assisted search of the DIALOG data-base. As a result of the DIALOG search, 147 literature items were requested from other libraries. Also, a letter of inquiry was sent to Dr. Don Forsythe of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research in Taupo, New Zealand requesting information related to the Wairakei and proposed Ngawha geothermal projects undertaken in---that*> country. Personal contacts were made with Mr. Haukor Tomasson, Dr. Hakon Adolsteinsson, and Mr. Ulfar Antonsson to discuss environmental effects of geothermal power plants in Iceland. Also the Hitaveita Sudurnes, a geothermal power and heat cogeneration project was visited in Svartsengi, Iceland. Additional requests for literature were made to several government agencies in Alaska including the EPA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. A description of the aquatic resources in the Unalaska area was primarily derived from Part I of this report. Background water quality data for the Makushin Valley area was obtained from the Department of Natural Resources' (DNR) Engineering Geology Technical Feasibility Study (DNR, 1986). Composition of the geothermal effluent was obtained from the 1985 Republic Geothermal Inc. Phase III Final Report. The project scenario was developed through personal contact with David Denig-Chakroff, APA. Additional technical information was obtained from Thomas Krzewinski, Dames & Moore; Don Michels formerly with Republic Geothermal Inc.; and Stan Carrick, Division of Geology and Mining, DNR. -24- II-3.0 Development Scenario Because the development scenario for the Unalaska Geothermal Power Project is currently evolving under the APA feasibility study, we considered several scenarios for the plant site, road access, and waste water disposal. One development scenario used in this analysis calls for a 12 megawatt (MW) generating facility to be constructed on the bench near the existing geothermal resource well, ST-1 (Plate 2). Access to the site would be gained by repairing and upgrading the existing road from Driftwood Bay. An alternate road access would parallel the transmission line in the Makushin Valley. Final access would either be via a road constructed across Fox Canyon or by helicopter from a road accessible staging area. An alternative scenario would place the generation facility on the north side of Fox Canyon Creek. This configuration would eliminate the need to develop road access across Fox Canyon but would require directional drilling in order to reach the reservoir. The transmission line would be buried from the generation facility to Broad Bay where it would go by submarine cable to Unalaska - Dutch Harbor. Waste geothermal water would be discharged into Fox Canyon Creek in the upper Makushin Valley at a rate of 5 cfs. An alternative disposal scenario would reinject the waste geothermal water into a hydrologically isolated formation on the north side of Fox Canyon Creek or pipe the waste geothermal water to Driftwood Bay for ocean disposal. II-4.0 Potential Effects Based upon our initial literature review, we have identified eight potential effects of geothermal energy development on fish and wildlife resources. These effects include: (1) direct physical (construction) effects on habitat, (2) erosion, (3) surface water effects, (4) groundwater effects, (5) air pollution, (6) noise, (7) human presence, and (8) accidents. Additional literature review is currently ongoing to obtain more specific information on these potential geothermal development effects. Following is a summary of the information we have assimilated to date. 4.1 Direct Physical Effects Direct physical effects on habitat would primarily result from site clearing activities (e.g., power plant, staging area, road and transmission line right-of-way (ROW)) during the construction phase of the project. Site clearing for the power plant and staging areas is not believed to present a significant impact for fish and wildlife habitat at this time because: (1) the area to be cleared is relatively small compared to the habitat available to fox, ground -25- squirrels, and birds that inhabit the area; (2) no unique aquatic or wetland habitats occur at the plant site; and (3) no sensitive or critical habitats are believed to occur at the plant site. However, the construction of roads and burial of the transmission line is likely to present significant potential impacts to fish and wildlife habitats. These activities will disturb significant amounts of acreage and may result in several stream crossings, substantial erosion, and alteration of surface water drainage and groundwater flow patterns. 4.1.1 Stream Crossings The impact from stream crossings is a concern, because it can directly affect the migration of fish as well as the quality of spawning and rearing habitats. Where stream crossings must be located within spawning areas, it is important to minimize alteration of streambed materials, flow characteristics, and water levels in order to maintain conditions that provide for successful spawning and incubation. In rearing areas, the goal is to avoid removing important cutbanks and streamside vegetation which supply protective cover for juvenile salmonids. It is also important to ensure that water velocities within stream crossings are low enough to allow for unrestricted upstream migration by fish. Culverts which accelerate stream flows above the swimming capabilities of fish or destabilize the stream bed causing scour and perching can block fish migration. Mitigative measures for minimizing stream crossing impacts are similar for both spawning and rearing areas. Clear span bridges are the preferred stream crossing structure in either of these areas. Open bottom culvert designs (e.g., bottomless arch and box) may be approved where they do not constrict the active stream channel or lead to unacceptable changes in the stream bed. Round or elliptical culverts are generally not approvable in spawning areas and significant rearing areas because they can produce undesirable changes in the channel bed and flow characteristics. ADF&G has developed culvert installation guidelines that should be followed to minimize impacts from culverted crossings in fish habitat (Appendix E). Available information for the Makushin and Driftwood valleys indicates that salmon spawning and rearing habitat are coincident in both streams and that cutbanks provide important rearing habitat. Therefore, road crossings within portions of Makushin valley streams including side tributaries below RM 5.6 and portions of Driftwood Valley streams including side tributaries below RM 3_ should incorporate either bridge or open bottom culvert designs to -26- Maintain the existing bed and bank morphology. Above the upper limit of salmon habitat and within portions of streams that support Dolly Varden, round or elliptical (CMP) culverts would be approvable. However, bridges or open bottom culverts are preferable below the Makushin River Canyon (RM 7.2) where Dolly Varden spawning was observed and potential salmon spawning habitat occurs. Where road construction or installation of the transmission line is required in spawning areas, the instream work should be timed to avoid disturbing fish eggs and alevins which may be present in spawning beds (i.e., the instream construction window is July 1-20). Additional precautions must be taken to minimize sedimentation downstream and to restore the streambed to a stable and productive condition when the installation is completed. 4.1.2 Surface Drainage Patterns Alterations to surface drainage patterns are of concern because they can adversely affect wetland areas, create impoundments in areas containing springs and seeps, and increase sediment transport into streams. General mitigative measures to minimize impacts from alteration of surface drainage patterns include: (1) minimizing excavation, filling, grading, channelization, or removal of vegetation in wetlands, such as those located in the lower Makushin Valley; (2) grading construction areas to ensure that the flow of surface waters is along natural drainage courses; (3) providing adequate cross drainage especially in areas containing springs or seeps; and (4) directing run-off waters with high sediment loads thru vegetated areas to allow filtration and settling of suspended solids prior to their discharge into streams. There may be potential for improving waterfowl habitat in the Makushin Valley through the creation of additional ponds. However, this type of mitigation would need to be carefully planned to be compatible with fish resources (i.e., to ensure that needed flows were not disrupted). 4.2 Erosion Erosion of land surfaces in the project area may be caused by wind, water, gravity, and freeze-thaw. Disturbed land surfaces, including cuts and fills, work pads, and roads, are particularly vulnerable to erosion. The volcanic soils, steep slopes, numerous springs, heavy rainfall and high winds in the project area may compound erosion problems if they are not carefully considered when facilities are designed and constructed. -27- Erosion control will be required to maintain the stability of permanent structures placed in aquatic habitats and to protect disturbed lands and earth structures that could introduce’ sediments into important aquatic habitats. Streams that are particularly sensitive to erosion include clear water tributaries in the Makushin Valley. Engineering standards applied to structures placed in flood plains should incorporate erosion control measures including scour protection, drainage, and filter blankets to ensure that they remain stable under extreme flooding conditions. An erosion control plan including measures to capture and treat sediment laden water and to stabilize and revegetate disturbed soils, particularly adjacent to aquatic habitats should also be developed before the project is constructed. The APA Best Management Practices Manual for Erosion and Sedimentation Control provides a good basis for developing an erosion control plan for the project. 4.3 Surface Water Effects Surface water effects on aquatic habitats may occur from direct sources, such as the discharge of geothermal fluids into surface waters, and indirect sources, such as drainage from the plant, roads, and staging areas, including hazardous materials spills. The indirect sources can be controlled to minimize impacts by incorporating procedures ‘discussed under the Erosion and Accident sections of this report. Controlling direct sources to minimize adverse impacts may be more complex if geothermal effluents are discharged to surface waters. We are currently investigating the potential effects to fishery resources from discharging geothermal effluent into the Makushin River. Based upon our initial review, we have identified the following geothermal effluent components which may present a significant threat to Makushin River fish populations: (1) temperature, (2) arsenic, (3) hydrogen sulfide, (4) supersaturated gases, (5) lead, (6) mercury, and (7) cadmium. Each of these components are briefly discussed below. In terms of mitigating potential surface water effects, our preliminary analysis clearly indicates that reinjecting the geothermal effluent into a hydrologically isolated formation would be the most environmentally preferable approach. Other alternatives might include: piping the geothermal effluent to the coast where it could be discharged into the ocean, or constructing cooling towers, chemical treatment facilities, and possibly gas stripping towers to reduce effluent temperatures and remove hazardous contaminants from the geothermal effluent. -28- 4.3.1 Temperature Temperature is a component of paramount concern because fish and aquatic life are . temperature dependent. Water temperature requirements play an important role in the salmon life cycle and encompass an extremely wide range of temperatures, 0 to 25° C. The ability to survive within this temperature range and specific requirements, however, vary by: life stage (i.e., egg, alevin, juvenile, and adult), the temperature to which the fish have been acclimated, and adaptions that specific stocks have made over the course of their evolutionary history. The period of time needed for salmon eggs to incubate and hatch is dependent upon the stream temperature. Normally, 850-950 Temperature Units (TU) are required for salmon egg and alevin incubation until the fry emerge from the gravel (Each °c of the average daily water temperature equals one TU. TUs are accumulated daily). Even a one degree rise of water temperature in a spawning bed over the incubation period can result in significantly accelerated development. For example, at an average daily stream temperature of 5° C (41° F) the development period for pink salmon is about 190 days. At 6° C (42.8° F), the development period is 158 days, a difference of 32 days. Various stocks of wild salmon have evolved to take advantage of optimum conditions in the environment where they spawn, rear, and feed. Timing changes in one portion of the life cycle can significantly affect other portions of the life cycle. In pink salmon, the fry outmigrate to the estuary shortly after emerging from the gravel. Through years of evolution within a particular fish stock, the emergence is timed to take advantage of seasonal plankton blooms which provide the necessary food when the smolts reach the estuary. For example, if emergence is accelerated by four weeks, fry could conceivably arrive at the estuary during a low level in the plankton cycle and the smolts could subsequently perish. Juvenile salmon are also very sensitive to rapid temperature changes, such as might occur if a geothermal plant discharging heated water were shut-down for repairs and then restarted. Temperature shock can be induced with instantaneous water temperature changes of as little as two degrees celsius. The rate of change of temperature determines the degree of temperature shock. Generally salmon can tolerate water temperatures up to about 16° C (61° F) without suffering ill effects so long as the temperature changes are gradual. The current water quality standards for the State of Alaska identify two measures of water temperature for freshwater environments: (1) maximum water temperatures, and (2) weekly average temperatures -29- (DEC, 1984). Twenty degrees celcius is the maximum allowable water temperature, not to be exceeded at any time. Fifteen degrees celcius is identified as the maximum temperature for fish migration routes and rearing areas, and 13° C for spawning and incubation areas (egg and fry). Weekly average temperature criteria are also applied to Alaska waters and are based on site-specific requirements needed to preserve normal species diversity or to prevent nuisance organisms. To date the site-specific requirements for the affected area have not been established. In the final report, the State of Alaska water temperature criteria will be evaluated in light of current EPA criteria and recommendations specific to the proposed project will be presented. 4.3.2 Arsenic Arsenic is identified as one of EPA's priority pollutants and is highly toxic to aquatic fauna. Arsenic concentrations in the Makushin geothermal effluent were reported to be 11.2 mg/L which exceeds EPA's’ chronic exposure criterion for freshwater organisms (190 ug/L) by 59 times. Under normal practices, EPA applies water quality criteria to end-of-pipe discharges, however upon request a mixing zone variance may be incorporated into a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Under this approach, EPA would apply the national water quality exposure criteria at the end of the mixing zone. The length or size of this mixing zone is generally determined by a computer generated discharge plume model (Dan Robison, pers. comm.) . We do not anticipate being able to accurately determine how far downstream this mixing zone might extend. However, for preliminary planning purposes, we _ have evaluated two mixing zone scenarios. The first would only include the Fox Canyon Creek drainage which has an approximate low winter flow of 10 cfs (Stan Carrick, pers. comm.). The second scenario would extend the mixing zone downstream to include the junction of the Makushin River and Fox Canyon Creek, which would produce a low winter flow rate of approximately 25 cfs. If we assume a 5 cfs geothermal effluent discharge rate, these two mixing zone scenarios could provide a two-fold or five-fold dilution factor, respectively. Both of these potential dilution rates are clearly insufficient to meet water quality standards for arsenic concentrations. Treatment technologies for aqueous arsenic removal fall into three major categories: ion exchange, activated alumina absorption, and precipitation or absorption by metal hydroxides (prominently ferric hydroxide). Ferric hydroxide -30- floc appears to be the most cost effective and efficient method of arsenic removal (Krapf, 1983). 4.3.3 Hydrogen Sulfide Hydrogen sulfide a soluble, highly poisonous, gaseous compound exniticing a characteristic odor of rotten eggs. The degree of hazard exhibited by hydrogen sulfide to aquatic fauna is dependent on the pH, dissolved oxygen, and temperature. The EPA has established an exposure criterion of 2 ug/L undissociated H,S for both fresh and marine waters. The geothermal effluent is reported to contain 1.7 mg/L of H4S which exceeds the EPA criterion by 850 times. However, this concentration of H,S will rapidly decline once the geothermal water is discharged into freshwater streams. To assist in determining the persistence of hydrogen sulfide after discharge, Don Michels, formerly with Republic Geothermal Inc., suggested modelling the chemical reactivity and gas equilibrium shift of H,S under the expected conditions to determine its approximate half-life. Discussions concerning this approach are currently on-going. Preliminary investigations indicate that gas stripping towers or possibly cooling towers could remove hydrogen sulfide from the geothermal effluent prior to discharge. Additional research will be conducted to more fully evaluate the potential problems associated with the high hydrogen sulfide concentrations. 4.3.4 Supersaturated Gases Only preliminary investigations have been made on the potential for supersaturated gas conditions to result from discharging geothermal effluent into local streams. Two factors must be assessed when evaluating this potential problem. The first factor involves the level of gas saturation and the composition of the gases in the effluent proposed for discharge. Geothermal fluids are commonly supersaturated with total dissolved gases, however, there appears to be insufficient data with which to determine the level of gas saturation in the Makushin geothermal fluid. The second factor is that temperature indirectly affects dissolved gas concentrations by changing the solubilities of dissolved gases. Because gas solubility decreases with an increase in water temperature, the heating of cold water will result in an increase in the total dissolved gas concentration. Since Makushin Valley streams have high levels of gas saturation (DNR, 1986), heating of these waters from geothermal discharge may result in aé gas supersaturated condition. -31- Supersaturation can cause gas bubble disease in a wide variety of fish and invertebrate species. The disease is the result of a noninfectious, physically induced process where gases may form emboli in the blood resulting in blockage of blood vessels, tissue damage, and eventual death (Bouck 1980). Susceptibility to the disease varies with species, life-stage, size of fish, duration of exposure, and the ability of the fish to change water depths. In general, alevin and fry stages appear to be relatively more sensitive to the disease than the egg or adult stages (Weitkemp and Katz, 1980). Gas bubble disease has been observed in hatchery alevins and fry at total gas pressures in the range of 101-105 percent, resulting in the general recommendation that total dissolved gas pressure in hatchery water supplies should not exceed 103 percent (SIGMA Environmental Consultants LTD 1983). Initial review and discussions suggest that gas saturation problems could be mitigated through the installation of gas stripping towers or possibly water cooling towers. Additional research will be conducted to assess the potential for supersaturated gas conditions to occur and to evaluate possible mitigative measures. 4.3.5 Lead, Mercury, and Cadmium Lead, mercury, and cadmium are also classified as priority pollutants by EPA, and are of particular concern due to their extremely high toxicity and bioconcentration characteristics. The EPA freshwater four-day average exposure criterion for lead, mercury, and cadmium is 3.2 ug/L, 0.012 ug/L, and 9.3 ug/L, respectively. We have been unable to determine whether the concentration of these elements in the geothermal effluent exceeds the EPA exposure criteria, because the detection limits in Republic Geothermal's water quality analyses exceed the respective EPA criteria. The detection limits for lead, mercury, and cadmium were 244 ug/L, 0.2 ug/L, and 61 ug/L, which exceed the respective EPA criterion by approximately 76, 17, and seven-times. Additional water chemistry tests for these elements will need to be conducted to determine the potential threat of these compounds to fish populations and to meet permitting requirements. 4.4 Ground Water Effects In terms of aquatic life, groundwater effects are similar to surface water effects except they are more diffused. Some of the spawning areas in the Makushin, Driftwood, and Glacier valleys (i.e., the clear water tributaries) appear to be groundwater fed. Contamination of groundwater in the reservoir area could eventually resurface in aquatic 39- habitats downstream. Of perhaps greater concern, roads or a buried transmission line could disrupt groundwater flow into important spawning and rearing habitats by intercepting, rechanneling, or contaminating springs. These spring fed streams appear to be important to fish populations in the area both as spawning and rearing habitats. Formation of aufeis by intercepting groundwater and exposing it to surface cooling (e.g., along trenches and road cuts) may also disrupt groundwater movement. 4.5 Air Pollution Geothermal plants can emit gases and vapors containing carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen flouride, hydrogen bromate, mercury, radium, radon and arsenic (Woodward Clyde Consultants, 1978). The condensed components of air emissions enter the environment through runoff and should be considered when determining surface water effects. Fall-out of components in air emissions can also affect vegetation and soils, particularly in the local area. However, the high precipitation in the plant area would probably help to dilute the pollutants and slow their buildup in the soil. At this time, it is not felt that air pollution from construction or operation of the plant would pose a significant impact to fish and wildlife. 4.6 Noise Geothermal power plants emit an intense level of noise, particularly in the higher audible frequencies. Initially, noise could be a factor in affecting the distribution of wildlife (e.g., ground squirrels, fox, birds) in close proximity to the plant. However, it is expected that most species would become habituated to certain types of noise (for example, fox frequent many industrial sites in Alaska) and in time it may not play a significant factor in their distribution. Noise levels also decline exponentially with distance. Because no particularly sensitive wildlife habitat has been identified in the plant area, noise is not expected to create a significant impact on wildlife. 4.7 Human Presence Increased human presence in the Makushin and Driftwood valleys is expected to affect fish and wildlife because human presence is currently limited by difficult access. Access improvements will allow more people to hunt, trap, and fish in the area. Presumably the greatest influx of people will occur during the construction phase of the project. Many construction -33- workers will undoubtedly participate in recreational fishing for salmon and Dolly Varden. Workers may also engage in waterfowl and ptarmigan hunting and shooting or trapping fox. Harvest activities are likely to decline as construction workers leave the area. During the operation of the project, it is likely that Maintenance and operation personnel will continue to hunt, trap, and fish in the area. Depending on access improvements (e.g., a road from Broad Bay), the use of the area by Unalaska - Dutch Harbor residents will also likely increase. It is not expected that increased harvest either during the construction or operation phase of the project will deplete any fish or wildlife species in the area. However, additional management attention by ADF&G may be needed to ensure that harvest restrictions are adequate to protect sustainable populations of fish and wildlife. Increased -human presence both within and outside of the project area may also cause some disturbances of sensitive fish and wildlife (e.g., waterfowl, bald eagles, hawks, falcons, spawning salmon). These disturbances would be most frequent during the construction phase of the project as a result of increased aircraft traffic, equipment operation, and workers on the ground. However, the disturbances should be temporary and should not be expected to significantly affect fish or wildlife use of the area. Areas of _particular sensitivity such as raptor nests and spawning areas should be identified and posted to protect them from disturbance. Some wildlife in this area (e.g., fox, ravens, magpies, gulls) may be attracted to humans in order to obtain food. Fortunately, fox in this area are not believed to be infected by rabies. Proper disposal of garbage and an environmental training program for workers could reduce the overall impact of human presence on fish and wildlife in the area. 4.8 Accidents Accidents associated with this type of project which could significantly impact fish, wildlife, and aquatic habitats include: (1) a catastrophic spill of fuel or other toxic substance which enters marine waters or a stream; (2) a blowout of a well or failure of control systems that releases large volumes of geothermal fluids into a stream, or (3) a landslide that introduces a large quantity of sediment into important fish habitat. The handling and storage of all significant quantities of fuels, explosives, and toxic substances should be covered by a hazardous materials plan. The plan should address the siting of bulk -34- storage facilities, procedures for handling hazardous materials, and contingency plans for reporting, containing, and cleaning up spills. The APA Best Management Practices Manual for Fuel and Hazardous Materials provides a good basis for the preparation of such a plan. Blowouts of geothermal wells are infrequent but can occur when unexpected formation pressures or faults are encountered in drilling or when equipment such as mud systems or blowout preventors malfunction. Other equipment and systems malfunctions that may occur during operation of the project include broken pipes or valves, containment failure of a reservoir such as a cooling pond, pump failures, and breakdowns in the water treatment system. The type of impacts to fish and wildlife would depend upon the severity of the accident, but would include those described previously under surface water and groundwater effects. The chances of accidents of this type occurring can be minimized by employing experienced well drillers and competent operations and maintenance personnel for the project. Contingency plans (e.g., blowout prevention plan) and Management procedures should be in place to reduce risks and solve problems before they develop into accidents. Landslides may occur as a result of the steep slopes and unstable soils in the area (DNR, 1986). The clear water tributaries and springs in the Makushin Valley are particularly vulnerable to impacts from landslides and other slope failures. These impacts are discussed under erosion effects. Accidents of this type can be minimized by routing the road and transmission line ROW to avoid areas of slope instability as well as incorporating high levels of engineering and construction standards in the project. II-5.0 Permitting Requirements Based upon our preliminary analysis, it appears that the environmental protection permits identified in Table 8 will be required for the project to be constructed and operated. This list is preliminary and, other than the ADF&G Fish Habitat Permit, does not officially represent any other agency's permit jurisdiction. Individual agencies should be contacted to determine their permitting authorities and requirements. -35- Table 8. List of Environmental Permits That May Be Required for Construction and Operation of the Unalaska Geothermal Power Project. Federal Agency U.S. Environmental Protection Agency U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service State Agency Office of Management and Budget* Department of Fish and Game Permit NPDES New Source Performance Standards 404 Wetlands Protection Section 10 Navigable Waters Refuge Permit Permit Coastal Consistency Determination Fish Habitat Permit -36- Activity Wastewater Discharge Air Emissions Construction of roads, fills, and transmission line in wetlands and streams Construction of docks, landings, and submarine cable in navigable (marine) waters Any surface disturbing activities on Alaska Maritime Refuge lands Activity Consistency of the project with Standards of the Alaska Coastal Management Program Construction activities (e.g., stream crossings, bank stabilization, transmission line) and equipment fording in fish streams Table 8 continued. State Agency Department of Environmental Conservation " " " " " " Permit Air Quality Control Wastewater Discharge Hazardous Materials Solid Waste Activity Air emissions Geothermal Effluent and Sewage Disposal Fuel and Other Hazardous Materials Storage and Handling Disposal of garbage, construction wastes, and drilling muds Department of Tidelands Placement of docks, Natural barge landings, and Resources submarine cable on tide and submerged lands : i tt Water Withdrawal and use Appropriation of surface or groundwater * Because this project is located within the coastal zone, the Division of Governmental Coordination within OMB will be the coordinating agency for all state permits. -37- REFERENCES CITED Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). Finfisheries Annual Report, 1979-1985. Islands Areas 1979-1985. Alaska Peninsula-Aleutians State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game Commercial Fishery Division. Alaska. Juneau, ADF&G. 1982. Aleutians Study: Islands Salmon Stock Assessment Special Report to the Alaska Board of Fishery. Patrick B. Holmes, auth. State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game, Anchorage, Alaska. 83 pages. ADF&G. 1985. Alaska Habitat Management Guide, Region, Volume I: Southwest Fish and Wildlife Life Histories, Habitat Requirements, Distribution, and Abundance, 545 pages; Volume II: Human Use of Fish and Wildlife, 639 pages; Map Atlas, 66 maps. State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game, Habitat Division. Juneau, Alaska. Bouck, G.R. 1980. Etiology of gas bubble disease. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109:703-707. Carrick, S. 1986. Personal Communication. ADNR, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, Eagle River, Alaska. Dames and Moore. 1983. 1982 Environmental Baseline Data Collection Program Final Report. Prepared for Republic Geothermal Inc., Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska. 55 pages. Denig-Chakroff, D. 1986. Personal Communication. Alaska Power Authority. Anchorage, Alaska. Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). Chapter 70 1984, Water Quality Standards. 70.020(c) (5). , 18 AAC Department of Natural Resources (DNR). 1986. Engineering Geology Technical Feasibility Study Makushin Geothermal Power Project Unalaska, Alaska. Vol. I. File 86-60. Prepared for Public - Data Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Power Authority, Griffin, K. 1986. Personal Communication. ADF&G. Commercial Fisheries Division. Unalaska, Alaska. Krapf, N.E. 1983. Commercial Scale Removal of Arsenite, Arsenate, and Methane Arsonate from Ground and Surface -38- Water. In: Arsenic: Industrial, Biomedical, Environmental Perspectives, W.H. Lederer and R.J. Fensterheim, eds., Van Nostrand Reihold Co. Inc. New York, N.Y. pages 269-281. Michels, D. 1986. Personal Communication. Don Michels Associates, Los Angeles, California. National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering. 1974. Water quality criteria, 1972. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Republic Geothermal Inc. 1985. Unalaska Geothermal Project Phase III Final Report. Prepared for Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage, Alaska. 107 pages. Robison, D. 1986. Personal Communication. EPA, Anchorage, Alaska. Shaul, A. 1986. Personal Communication. ADF&G, Commercial Fisheries Division, Kodiak, Alaska. SIGMA Environmental Consultants LTD. 1983. Summary of water quality criteria for salmonid hatcheries. Prepared for the Department of Fisheries and Ocean, Canada. Weitkamp, D.E., and M. Katz. 1980. A review of dissolved gas supersaturation literature. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc., 109:659-707. Woodward Clyde Consultants. 1978. Impact Prediction Manual for Geothermal Development. Prepared for U.S. Dept. of “Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, Western Energy and Land Use Team. FWS/OBS - 78/77, Lccc #78-600108, EPA-IAG-D6-E685, 118 pages. -39- Appendix A. Scale Analysis of Coho Salmon Collected from Makushin and Driftwood Streams. Fish Location Length (mm ) Circuli Checks 1 M3 46 1 0 2 M3 47 1 0 3 M3 40 nsi/ 4 M3 60 4 0 5 M3 45 0 0 6 M3 50 2 0 7 M3 55 4 0) 8 M3 84 12 0 9 M3 58 4 0 10 M3 85 su2/ 11 M3 92 10 0 12 M4 50 4 0 13 M4 45 1 0 14 M4 36 NS 15 M4 42 NS 16 -. M4 42 4 0 17 M4 45 NS 18 M4 44 4 0 19 M4 42 3 0 20 M4 39 0 0 5 NS = No Scale. oa SU = Scale Unreadable. Appendix A continued. Fish Location Length (mm) Circuli Checks 21 M4 35 0 0 22 M4 120 14. 0 23 M4 98 12 0 24 M4 104 12 a/ 25 M4 70 su 26 M4 75 9 0 27: M4 70 7 0 28 M4 55 6 0 29 M4 51 3 0 30 M4 55 6 0 31 M4 60 6 0 32 M4 45 1 0 33 D1 38 Ns 34 D1 36 NS 35 D1 36 Ns 3/ = A check was found on one scale but other scales from this fish did not show a check. aie Appendix B. Fish Collected by Electrofishing and Minnow Trapping in Makushin Valley (September 2-3, 1986). Species and Fork Length (in mm) Dolly Dolly Location Varden (E) Varden (T) Coho (E) Coho (T) M1 254 140 125 120 94 120 53 115 52 110 42 110 105 110 100 90 95 115 123 90 119 110 99 95 110 115 135 110 135 110 115 110 140 110 140 115 134 115 100 140 122 i415 110 135 110 85 85 M2 240 110 135 115 120 120 125 90 230 115 130 102 115 125 115 90 105 115 50 120 95 95 Appendix B continued. Dolly Dolly Location Varden (E) Varden (T) Coho (E) Coho (T) M2 cont. 85 85 80 90 75 95 90 80 80 75 85 80 85 60 55 40 45 50 40 - 50 + approx. 50 more + 2 @ 350 mm in spawning colors M3 100 120 47 50 90 115 46 84 85 60 40 2 110 120 60 45 60 70 45 92 70 70 85 60 115 58 100 110 45 115 60 115 80 120 45 135 50 115 65 115 40 110 60 125 50 120 40 95 45 90 40 115 45 85 70 80 60 110 40 120 40 105 40 110 45 110 -B2- Appendix B continued. Dolly Dolly Location Varden (E) Varden (T) Coho (E) Coho (T) 40 85 M3 cont. 35 103 + approx. 50 more 85 104 65 113 75 76 70 70 65 75 70 62 M4 110 85 42 120 85 100 50 98 85 95 60 104 80 90 42 70 76 7 45 15 77 80 39 60 84 . 95 44 70 79 90 40 50 68 70 49 55 65 110 45 oe 80 75 42 45 50 50 35 45 60 36 85 110 75 80 140 80 85 110 60 (E) (T) Captured by electrofishing. Captured by minnow trapping. -B3- Appendix C. Fish Collected by Electrofishing in Driftwood Valley (September 2-3, 1986) Species and Fork Length (in mm) Dolly Location Varden Coho D1 107 36 52 36 46 38 40 45 48 52 D2 No Fish Found Appendix D. Fish Collected by Electrofishing and Minnow Trapping in Glacier Valley (September 2-4, 1986). Species and Fork Length (in mm) Dolly 1/ Dolly 2/ Location Varden (E)= Varden (T)= Gl 128 120 135 145 190 100 177 135 135 120 130 135 112 155 100 115 + 2 @ 150 mm 125 in spawning 140 colors 135 115 145 130 135 130 135 95 105 80 115 95 G2 160 110 80 95 115 80 88 58 80 80 75 85 78 80 65 85 67 75 67 65 70 55 65 63 57 55 1/ 88 z/ Captured by electrofishing. = Captured by minnow trapping. APPENDIX E ADF&G CULVERT INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Culverts should be installed so that at least one-fifth of the diameter or 18 inches of the diameter, whichever is less, of each round culvert or at least 12 inches of the height of each elliptical or arch type culvert, is set below the streambed at both the inlet and outlet of the culvert. This guideline does not apply to bottomless culverts. Culverts should be installed so that water velocities do not impede fish passage. Table E-1 represents water velocities through different culvert lengths which can be successfully negotiated by several Alaska fish species. Factors to be considered in the application of this table include: ie average cross sectional velocities at the outlet of the culvert should not exceed the velocities in the table except for a period not exceeding 48 hours during the mean annual flood; 2. the culvert should be designed to accommodate upstream movement of the fish group in Table E-1 that includes the slowest swimming fish species present. Each culvert should be placed in and aligned with the hydraulic gradient of the natural stream. The effective slope of the culvert at any point along its length should not exceed 1.0 percent for culverts less than or equal to 80 feet long nor exceed 0.5 percent for culverts greater than 80 feet long. Each bank cut, slope, fill, and exposed earth work attributable to culvert installation in streams, rivers or lakes, should be stabilized with approved materials properly installed to prevent erosion during and after the project. An alternative drainage structure should be installed if the requirements of these guidelines cannot be met. An alternative drainage structure may include a bridge or a modified culvert. Culverts should not be installed in fish spawning areas or significant rearing habitats. TABLE E-1: MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE AVERAGE CROSS SECTIONAL VELOCITIES IN FEET/SECOND MEASURED 1/ AT THE OUTLET OF THE CULVERT — Length of culvert in feet Velocities in feet/second Group 12/ Group 113/ Group r1r4/ 30 4.6 6.8 9.9 40 4.5 5.8 8.5 50 4.0 5.0 7.5 60 3.6 4.6 6.6 70 3.3 4.2 6.0 80 3.0 3.9 5.5 90 2.8 3.7 5.1 100 2.5 3.4 4.8 150 1.8 2.8 3.7 200 1.8 2.4 3.1 200+ 1.8 2.4 3.0 1/ Velocities may not be exceeded for more than 48 consecutive hours during the mean annual flood. Group I--Adult and juvenile low performance swimmers: including such species as grayling, longnose sucker, whitefish, burbot, sheefish, Northern pike, Dolly Varden/Arctic Char, nine-spine stickleback, slimy sculpin, and upstream migrant salmon fry. Group II--Adult moderate performance swimmers: including such species as pink salmon, chum salmon, rainbow trout, and cutthroat trout. Group III--Adult high performance swimmers: including such species as chinook salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon, and steelhead. ~E2- 166°50' Cp" _PLATE-2- Topographic Map of A Portion of THE NT. MAKUSHIN AREA UNALASKA, ALASKA Produced for THE ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL INC. Map Completion Date: October [982 Contour Interval: 40' Date of Photography: 8-1- 82 4000. Magnetic Declination: |5° East S bd 1 / Woy, WE )) ) (US : PE STNG a = = Gy , 7 | Sas 4 " SS yy) a TS J CF S iP 9 n \ hi ENS ot Wai yf & & ‘ Z EN § i iy} Le : KUW 5 f ! 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