HomeMy WebLinkAboutBasic Data Appendix- Gethermal Energy Development at Pilgrim Springs, AK 1983Basic Data Appendix Results of Drilling, Testing and Resource Confirmation Geothermal Energy Development at Pilgrim Springs, Alaska Prepared for Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development April 15, 1983 Woodward-Clyde Consultants & 00 Pringle Avenue Woodward-Clyde Consultants Walnut Creek, CA 94596 415-945-3000 April 15, 1983 Divisio of Energy and Power Development 7th Floor Frontier Building 3601 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attentiam: Mr. Dale Rusnell Gentlemen: Woodward-Clyde Camsultants is pleased to submit as completia of our Contract No. 82-0782 with the Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development, this final Phase II report "Results of Drilling, Testing and Resource Confirmatio--Geothermal Ener Development at Pilgrim Springs, Alaska", in two volumes. This Basic Data volume serves as an appendix to the interpretive volume which contains the background, descriptions, and resource assessments of Woodward-Clyde's 1982 drilling and testing program at Pilgrim Springs. This volume includes all the uninterpreted basic data collected during the 3-month field investigatio. For a detailed discussio of the geothermal resource potential at Pilgrim Springs, the reader is referred to the interpretive volume of this report bearing the same title. Very truly yours, oO ai i Ben E. Lofgren Project Manager BEL: rm PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Consulting Engineers, Geologists and Environmental Scientists @ Offices in Other Principal Cities 15267A GEOTHERMAL ENGERGY DEVELOPMENT at PILGRIM SPRINGS, ALASKA PHASE II: Results of Drilling Testing and Resource Confirmation Basic Data Appendix April 15, 1983 Submitted to State of Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development 3601 "C" Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 by Woodward-Clyde Consultants One Walnut Creek Center 100 Pringle Avenue Walnut Creek, CA 94596 TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDICES: A Inventory List of Supplies Left at Pilgrim Springs, August 1, 1982 B Borings Logs Cc Equilibrated Temperature Logs of Six Geothermal Wells D Flow Test Data E Hydraulic Field Data Appendix A - APPENDIX A INVENTORY LIST OF SUPPLIES LEFT AT PILGRIM SPRINGS (August 1, 1982) A.1 LUMBER A.2 PIPES AND FITTING APPENDIX A INVENTORY LIST OF SUPPLIES LEFT AT PILGRIM SPRINGS (August 1, 1982) TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX A INVENTORY LIST OF SUPPLIES LEFT AT PILGRIM SPRINGS (August 1, 1982) A.1 LUMBER The following list is provided in two sections: loose lumber, and lumber that was nailed together in an elevated deck used to support the drill rig. All lumber was stacked in the trees near well PS-l. Total Size Length Length Quantity (inches) (feet) (feet) Loose 47 ea 4x12 14 658 5 ea 2x 12 14 78 6 ea 4x4 14 84 4 ea 8x8 14 56 2 ea 8 x 8 10 20 Nailed Together in Elevated Deck 70 ea 4x12 14 980 65 ea 4x12 6 390 Miscellaneous Material 18 ea Wooden pallets 2 ea Saw horses built with 4" x 4" legs and 4" x 12" crossback. Approximately 30 pieces of 4" x 12" lumber, from 4 feet to 6 feet long. A.2 PIPE AND FITTINGS All pipe was stacked in the trees near well PS-1l. Length (welded) Total Size Slotted/Threaded and Length Quantity (inches) Coupling (T&C) or Solid (feet) 6 ea 6 20-foot, weld-end, slotted 120 17 ea 3 21-foot, T&C, slotted 357 5 ea 6 10-foot, weld-end, slotted 50 8 ea 6 20-foot, weld-end, slotted 160 8 ea 1 21-foot, T&C, solid 168 Tea 3/4 21-foot, T&C, solid 147 3 ea 1/2 21-foot, T&C, solid 63 1 ea 10 9-foot, 4-inch, weld-end, solid 9.3 7 ea 8 Random lengths from 18- to 28-foot long weld-end, solid 164 10* ea 8 10-foot, T&C, solid 80 6* ea 5 10-foot, T&C, solid 60 1* ea 6 Slip on 150# raised face flange 1* ea 8 Weldneck 150# raised face flange lea 10-inch 2000# x 10-inch 150# raised face with 4-inch 150# raised face drilling tee lea 10-inch tee with 4-inch branch flanged and 10-inch flange one end 150# raised face * Material already at Pilgrim Springs before drilling commenced in June 1982. A-2 Appendix B APPENDIX B BORING LOGS Boring Log Legend Log of Boring No. MI-1 Log of Boring No. PS-3 Log of Boring No. PS-4 Log of Boring No. PS-5 Resistivity/Spontaneous Potential Logs, PS-3, July 1 Spontaneous Potential/Resistivity Logs, PS-3, July 4 Natural Gamma Log, PS-4, July 9 Natural Gamma Log, PS-3, July 4 APPENDIX B BORING LOGS (1 page) (4 pages) (4 pages) (11 pages) (12 pages) (In pocket) (In pocket) (In pocket) (In pocket) Woodward-Ctyde Consuttants @ PROJECT NAME Ri degirn Springs no, 1526+ DESCRIPTION Prezometer Installation REMARKS Data (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) Piezometer sangsnne Tt Con QLOMER ATE siuty sP~DSTOVNE sity ChAY Boring Log Legend SHEET_L of DATE STARTED Joy 1S, ABZ DATE FINISHED ASL COMPLETION fe" SAMPLER DRILL BIT | NO. OF DIST. ;UNDIST. SAMPLES i MEFti) c+o Dost | Rete fo TD SIZE AND TYPE OF CASING WATER |FIRST \COMPL. 124 HRS Vo - ind 4 28 5 B-rdn tw ISLA bind to 2328) Sink to SHS ELev. | pl i TYPE OF PERFORATION TF om TO FT.) LOGGED BY CHECKED By: 4 SIZE AND TYPE OF PACK {FROM TO FT, Ben Lolegrend t TYPE OF SEAL iFROM REMARKS Data DESCRIPTION Piezometer Installation Piezometer (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) le- Lach steel <caxna ’ \ Some re Me GE Grows of quart: ie Treg bees coors Yo Cine. gh’ 2 t ‘few Geert Freuyments Ward indh rounded. -? 20 Tp Biety SAND, Aark brenn, fine grained 7 Ly Grete manentiy quetts enh medium te cocurse qracned ,e ee ments 1 Fy-inde d) mice ahask, i fealty qe’ Lie, mice: tb - doundarnt fre ppite (a4 as 1 quarts + Argent hounded? chars! Snot BD To abrugls becomes fine T- medisen te warse grained, trace oF i Pycite, \re +o rein genre . Simch greek Cosine +o surlece cond Qanec wih medium grained * paye Ss. LOG OF BORINGNO._MX- | SHEET _L of r a erin | _GRAPHICLOG | SAMPLES REMARKS Lithology | Piezometer £ Installation 5} (Drill Rate, Fiuid loss, Odor, etc.) Piezometer Data Water Content -Wvace oS medium to carse sand SAND and SANDY SUT, eA y abkerncking ere meduim ard silk rs pony sig tb mie une Ty Ga Le eye Monts, shi) cones $ woohy cteel LOG OF BORINGNO.__MI-{ Ss SHEETLof A Woodward-Clyde Consultants @ PROJECT NAME_Pdayi ‘ NO, JSQ267A tel GRAPHIC LOG u/s SAMPLES eG unoteay |Pezomeer| $2 | £2] 2 [E122 REMARKS ae Se aed ial 38 ge * 3 Eee: (Drill Rate, Fluid toss, Odor, etc.) e [cl* — + SAND Continued) open Coane yratned Predominant, dak ver dere cured we Sema stene aRk schit des t of hiokke “fe , < Hob brace a eurite barre a as) ~ Se mica, no feels 70 hee + tome rots om regent 40 Mende Tae 1s a SANDSTONE and QUT) yews fre om ed A sardckone and Gmenkd <) ve ‘ | Pyrite. ; Iss if : £ 135 | 5 fo é le - iu ma =| i fi ae ¥ a | g j2c0 = -S zeke oO SANDSTONE ara sHPLE very Yere qrered = _ ct poS” Semdorone , Grwrank duewts | seme agile. r. .? Sas3, Course te very Conroe Ferd, E P BOW Rook, ¢ he es ; qe - Some biotte ,Mrdium te coame sank Tat a aals- or cocks eta Ol dork schict oat lo2h 5 et i i re Aye [t ite, _ bee | ee Anil rake Ae pee % Ys il _ ale Ar rete Behe 3 Dah it 8 oa Fy Be- AILTSTONE , gawk ukor A 0 1 4740 LOG OF BoRINGNO.__MI-) SHEETS of A DESCRIPTION Prezometer Installation DANDY SiLTSTONE , dale Le Wie B-nch slotted Casme sit ANYSTC KE 1 COIH «eck, ern LOG OF BORINGNO._Mi- 4 SHEET AL of A BORING LOCATION Pcl 3 ~OSFt » HOU DRILLING AGENCY f . DATE STARTED Are 28,1 \ m4 . . DATE FINISHED > 4 i DRILLING EQUIPMENT 4 COMPLETION DEPTH SAMPLER Se Dad C DRILLING MEDHOD fore BIT NO.OF [DIST. Fit. Relew SAMPLES | AA jUneiet- oO PE OF CASING 7 WATER |!FIRST !COMPL. 124 HRS He 10-4 : 34 t-260 ft, Elev. | ' I i TYPE OF PERFORATION TO FT.) LOGGED BY [enecxen BY: SIZE AND TYPE OF PACK TO FT] David Ai cdinec] TYPE OF SEAL 1 Sheilee Roebuck DOTY to DESCRIPTION REMARKS Piezometer Installation Piezometer Data (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) q We@acie, Suy SAPD dorkbrmn, fine to “oy Ttre < cane micceows Guarte solv Zimby SLT devk nhdacks wety Pgh Cleve, SAND ord GRaver 5 Granby b Subs. 2AND ee hove SO to Bq he 0! ‘8 o ; RF tome mandy dark rocks and Hoey cee QL eyyite | T Ho 4 <— binhsecl Casing —a| ARH 3S Er arilton rere Sitike 5 i i i y Srl e rete i [we 3 NDDSTENE |g a v ne Cw \mederatetys Tarde +e ery {) e x med , GRAvELLy SAND | a ) re to Yer) Comnse send fp git , es ats We wurde, q deve racks, teria payer mediven 4s Coors Sond rinch steel cersi ng <—_—__—___———__ 10 PANDSTENE ave ine oes eekly wel mtaurcked one occesbioncS GRavet , yes gods v draces ¢ evcaned pyrite. Crates see's, senacieteb” £ § — bind steel casing — ° a oO}. n aD 3 7 2 a 2 ° YU -> SHEET_t of AL Woodward-Clyde Consultants @ provect Name_Clavien Spr GRAPHIC LOG DESCRIPTION Lithology | Piezometer Installation REMARKS Content (Drill Rate, Fluid toss, Odor, etc.) SANIETNE, ave veg ns frared moder. yrek md se wip ey a Syston ER deat, es 7 intone, res ia! pe * 1 atts Senet ccs J Aon Ayouned trite — RANDATUNE ar SLTSICNE rc ae Mordsore , dricble Stat siltstone comed SANDSTONE 1 we ogre yer'y Strdstene in WAS Semd 5, ek fredrnets PAG 1k hy drat rere 244 | ber 5 & -imch steel Casiery DAWDSIOVE WH Ciccasicnc® GRAVEL 7 emptor 7) h ‘ +o “aornter PredomunctL, 4 oot ok . a ‘Sirf = - \3e- WSL Edn ass +c arene ‘dad wicks stead mice FIELD LOG OF BORINGNO..__PS*> SHEET 2 of 4. Woodward-Clyde Consultants @ DESCRIPTION SANPSTRVE Wie ceccsricr Graver : orator 40 subanguior, predemi nant qoror's Ord es a rocks. ) J dreces % mrces « SANTSTENE with interbedded SUTSPVE , KIA Coane med vend te gevote Sze AY wert, semdstene ond sil angen Heer % freagerve ds rome bt eck Gea » Wee cf ryite Y ‘ 226 hs hey MKS GRAPHIC LOG Lithology PROJECT NAME Prezometer Installation Sunk cliled steel Casings Piezometer > |< b-inch steel cen ny —| ES N + REMARKS (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) Sb - 1% fy drilling wre 'S fhe L it¢- ASU AwriMirg rere Whe han 2e3- 2c Hy dvd a) vote 4 4t/ ler 205-230, dvilting mere 1S fk/bv FIELD LOG OF BORINGNO.__PS-S SHEET 3 of 4 Woodward-Clyde Consultants S$ PROJECT NAME_(ulgvim Spring No, JSabas GRAPHIC LOG DESCRIPTION REMARKS Piezometer Installation Piezometer Data (Drill Rate, Fiuid loss, Odor, etc.) SANDSTONE with interbeddca SUTE TNE very ; 7 r 2tto TBP Pi det king Cowrse roomed ca Seoret to gebble sige Sou 2 te reke 2c\¢ |e, Ah? Sandstone ond SE ¢ fegrete, Some dah cocks (4 a 5 \ eee eye (continua) “st Vey inberbedl - rh “Untey bed K— Brindh sloHecd stee! casi FIELD LOG OF BORINGNO._t2>> 3 SHEETAL of AL DATE STARTED DATE FINISHED Em >, Wve COMPLETION DEPTH a DRILLING MFTHOD Ruger SIZE AN TYPE oO! ie-ha AE aban TYPE OF TERRES Rano 20S ACING DRILL BIT so ag xt. | TLL BI WSCS 1 4, Five to (OEY Se TFROM 4. NO. OF DIST. SAMPLES | IDG WATER [FIRST ELEV. | FT. LOGGED BY SIZE AND TYPE OF PACK 1FROM FT Savik Kucch ine - TYPE OF SEAL DESCRIPTION TePxie, barkiomen, 1 Sal Se. Srcry GRAVE > medivrn to very cate ¢ SAND yr 7 Fee gee 7 pases wel cock UE er muscovite ea. E i L |FROM 1 nays ithe cy gait a 7 mask , we. e wy GRAPHIC LOG Lithology FT, Sheil Rodan k Piezometer Installation Water Content Piezometer Data 1O- mdh steel Cosi LOG OF BORINGNO._fS-4 ;YNDIST. € 3S {COMPL. "[enecKeo BY: REMARKS (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) O- Nite rd ing © WE far 42, Coan roke' Delt [hv > 41- SS ff) drillers coke | 2s\r {\er SS "5 node fun » Ailing S SHEET_L of LL PROJECT NAME_= [ _GRAPHICLOG _] [ _GRAPHICLOG _] DESCRIPTION SAND lantinwead, Rag gine yon b Gyere sixgo omnia | trees A tyre end muscovite ' predernt Nek eN sends tonc poe ok aks, Oop SANDSTONE - Fro co mog Set Ay nape sed : 7 ~ Srery saps tuve Unter Prezometer Installation Prezometer (Oinchsteel Cascio —— REMARKS (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) f St-92 Ly fore core, pen <io- AZ S(t xem Cove Raw F as-u2h 1 dev iKing eke Isp [hr WE ey drilling cde (LQ [he r We ~ (Bsr ariln % EC 22 |r) FBS -1s2y, willing rote. "Ut Jha ISL-ISS Ep ae robe ai/ke y LOG OF BORINGNO._*S-“ SHEET Dot 4 PROJECT NAME REMARKS DESCRIPTION Lithology | Prezometer Installation (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) iss - U% (ta Avilla rere Me fe flo a theta fet +444 b- pyrite 2-59 T \*S + 2c8 ir dete acke IS bE fle » \e i r |<—__—_ Brinch steel Cowairyy SAND TINE and GRAVEL Unter beds ) median opened Semdstore , regrets et, ern dear te Predominant ques ord Ve Witly come ree . 205 “UF Avi rede 8 , 9 AUA-UsSspy adnth& coke Be MeL be S b 215-220 Fe, hriltin, TE NUE / be ) P 220-224 (ty Avilline veke Gft/ 2 fF 224 -23SK, arith wee 2a be ») : as “240 fF drilling amter beds yy ANPETONE j ver Kone gama, . : e woke ei [hoe UW) GRAVEL; to Ke -taly erghary and “CoAger| SictTsRvVe, a ‘ ) LOG OF BORINGNO. 13-4 SHEETS of HL DESCRIPTION r Lrder beds Y SAMINTSTOIVE , wantyne cqrained , t+ 6=GRevEL, te Ya-nk vr) CLANEY SutsPWE sir (continued) Y SAMDSRRE , harkaren, very dine + \ Wr ouned | sebong tin) nce aes chee, + 4 Predomi Rowdy yes, “7 Coonse somk sing Apeagmerts 1, MWDrordA |” corey og mec, aoned send . sit NDSBNE , oe . , Sabato Nie ae a reine, hs , +0 Sub SAND y medium + corse eyed pwede dycegrne nts 4 Lay £y Sv, SARD ‘ diieven ¢ : SREEEE mE migiyy wag IND , Conte +o NENW Coes. Sa Sie ze r frggrents , medium sand, Suba ue Wwe mtb midis roundik pub ang Gee qriwa Ne CeAyey ST dark with dunked fee 1 ofr +p seryaee’ 0 | SKA EL Levereds 4% SANDSTONE Cink Chayey, SucTSTCNE » dark wy “ny Sane Bas wed SI ec. my Course Frewred Se LOG OF BORINGNO.__e >= 4A Prezometer Installation REMARKS (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) - 240 ~ 2442, KF Arilling rote: Vg few. ‘s fF 243-246, +, ville, | Te SLE hw 24S 25K ,dvilli re voke SOE fue J f 2m - ESSIt der irg veke SK /we [ 2%ss- 275% Fi driWing nck. AYE Ihr P 2956-265 drdling nok Gf [wr P 2AS - 23s {¢, drei Ntonns, | ee (2 Eb 2to- ZEEE Ae a) coe ANE (ber Bo - TSH, AvMi a rore Voit (bere 283- ZAG & dri ry Mee. FE fhe 313-315, drilling wate UF /\w BiS- 313 drilling ok Sf be [31-820 ke Arilling F he[ he [ 320-32) dril\era, ree (5 [be BUS- Bap fF, drilliv: abe 204 he yp) SHEET AL of UL Woodward-Clyde Consultants @ x = a o a (FEET) Lalirbeds 4 SANDSTONE ond CLA Layey Sit stone » dark Soe ee SR DESCRIPTION PROJECT NAME Prezometer Installation Water Content Piezometer Data Sm, Medevac Sordio an Protts wth - Sand Ke ¢ ar anced Soap CEPYEY SUT eens) with very fre yreered wel 40 weet serted, we te SubroundeR € dak rocks, kot Coens wad Ty rT SAND , Course tp very Coco-rbe. graeme Sard ey Sturdisttme curt, te are he 242.- ASK {hy drilling 1 RTChom nvnt REMARKS (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) F B2S-Bde jf dvli robe ~ 20 | be i) 320-3354, drilling rote 3b (hw 7 335 - BZ (e an PckE As hr okt 3b [hr B4S- 350 FTN ns) rake Lele fhe Fo- 35 pit. maybe Be k/ br - 35S- SEC AWN wy aate Got Jb 3 Bee- BES |e, dees re zop yur ib f 26 - 320 f, arlng Acke F5[¢-/e Bite - BIS, ani Wing eokre sopl ke. - 345-320 pQain tre. Wyle) Be - FISH ) drwy coke Leh [ewe 5 FAS -NSKE dvr reye Hof flee ) mud ab yene tp Min cur) gibcbly duc tees OL boven ction LOG OF BORINGNO._ 4-4 SHEET Sof I PROJECT NAME | _GRAPHICLOG _| LOG DESCRIPTION Lithology | Piezometer Installation SAND, coante wey wurde. ogre : REMARK: 2 s & (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) 2 PIS HAS EE drill robe 2344 / bor ‘ Piezometer , an ne 1 Goe —- VR ah mice “some WW wckerich Ghd ) (cow nued) SBS Ges idvraking rok TALE Jher P Ais -4as Wi vere el ») MAS SAS aeitlieg roikre tS }¢| ber LOG OF BORINGNO.__tS> 4 SHEETS of UL SAND , comrse ze Quease POH | ore ser, Sandstone, quae otto oe ete ond eeent et BS Veet ack Send Suet ( Conti nued) PEOPLE GRAVEL Very, bine cord \ sens Corn | ne Act Ss ebon mud + ok yt Arveces tite ord mite. | _GRAPHICLOG | Lithology | Piezometer Installation Smterteddcd SAND, SANDETNT awk SAND Brred,, predernin ame. Lowy ks, traces, § LOG OF BORINGNO,.__?S-4A_ Water Content REMARKS (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) ~ SIS 62t + da iWin roe He hee ) f S2F- SHOP, drilte rs ore 42 (¢/ he S4%- Set, 1 drake ve, wae Be “Ebon Sbt- Sv? p drilling noke ne SHEET-+ of IL GRAPHIC LOG DESCRIPTION Lithology | Prezometer Installation REMARKS Water Content (Drill Rate, Fiuid toss, Odor, etc.) Piezometer Data r SAD , Coomtinued), ey Dladk, hike, a) im. 4P medion reened, moderet 1 thor nentity warts ond dad treks ih sits x Rayite wth Anterbeds —AEY Set cna Ceevrse 40 very eee “Yreumed saw - S4F-CCOKL cy ome SAE | ber - GOR -GCOVE de Ue abe 45 fier " SAND with te cbeas & CARY end AY a Sut, \ semdos chee, ban Claw ema cus pssek, very : r ct Wide saris ty Sele. ve 5 eo doy at: scale ~ Decames Seomdier Pca ane ae coke ‘St [we BUT with interbedded Spd | ary, whe | median, 40 very Coe eprenned Sew , PE mincs ioe, a owek oak rece, Awraces a,b oH LOG OF BORINGNO._PS- 4 SHEETS of LL | GRAPHICLOG _| LOG DESCRIPTION Lithology | Piezometer Installation 4/477) REMARKS Piezometer 4 Data (Drill Rate, Fiuid loss, Odor, etc.) - GE - CSE Eady hin roke ah a ) DAWD wit inter beled DLT ena C Sut, gerd he Gp «Black | (redomi mandy wae Ord der necks Ay Sandstone, Hft8), Payvike (22%) rwek Aeoces eh bictite, eh CHE + +o sebn. silks C0 FSF eT (ty Lritlare ) ore& Odney silts , . « te bomen mira, OF PO fe re 294 Thee ‘S a sity ew inter bea, ve m4 Sol - he ite a CA er prtee ns . 0 . For ALY i Avilling Coke Bu ef bar I~ 424 -¥4t \ idatllirg rate I2(E [We 4% - HH [t 1deitling woke 2 (rl LOG OF BORINGNO.__PS- 4 SHEET Q of ML Woodward-Ciyde Consultants = [GRAPHIC LOG _| LOG ze 35 ad DESCRIPTION Lithology | Prezometer S§ ae Installation] = 8 SAND wrerbeaded with SuT and CLAYEYy Sct » Kormhnued) , 2 cwaloke y mediien teseny Cocueye 2 Syroumed ne) premier Bn aA dark roiks cy reat . en) es okt, bok o Undurcred "Deke make up 25-Se% Ff Cakkings cehwenect 7 Rh netice tok 41 ~~ ond ay we 25% cuttings ra ly © hts avd sity che ottings Ssrurred “ Base tok Woe LOG OF BORING NO.___>- “tO PROJECT NAME_ havi NO. \S2CIA REMARKS Piezometer (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) at “MTG aetling rete au\t [wr Soren rere 25 (F Jb SHEETIC of 4 REMARKS DESCRIPTION Lithology | Prezometer Installation Data (Drill Rate, Fiuid loss, Odor, etc.) Piezometer PT PAND interbedded wile Suet and ceaye 1 us Catone, ee cody oe Otcassioncd 1 i SANDY CLAY Vkerled , « . ‘ sx pees i seed foo apreiredquethy SANIDSTENE interbedded wit SAND, dak Mey, ’ rs sgreured WERE Sorted, arcuiccr to wy predeminanthy “ty wie * mMenerds , wice, herd, weil comenked wht Sio25 Send, 1 Rye: amd white » fre +o re =e ok yeoned monharereSu yaa LOG OF BORINGNO.__23-“ SHEET LL of Woodward-Clyde Consultants = PROJECT NAME__Filar tan S003 No. (SactA Su; - , "2S Se S v a Shee Het DRILLER DATE STARTED Suly MSZ it : DATE FINISHED Tuy Qo, 462 COMPLETION DEP: nana LOO} Lo DRILLING METHOD DRILL BIT NO.OF ]DIST. 7 Auger te tk. Reto to TD SAMPLES | iS SIZE Eee F CASING 540-461 fe. |COMPL. 124 HRS -| LOGGED BY CHECKED By: SIZE AND TYPE OF PACK FT| Ben Lokgren / TYPE OF SEAL er A. Dugan ,;UNDIST. TYPE OF PERFGRATION FT MARK: DESCRIPTION Piezometer i" ’ Installation Data (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) Piezometer AOPSe fF SHeTY SAISD dark ove “grey New) Sine Sree med Milececus oeedes +c SAND, dank? : yi brewn met les, Ses ‘ina aR mederokad.y wel sectedt, ah Serounded 7 ell ut demi ncnil - en Pine Cormpunts ete) 7 band dark qrcuns (ot pets > tb 7 Sant fine te med sree precited bed yy VO-inch dee ( ce-si 6 +44 Brilling rake ers iW Sicty SAD, Sa silt +o fine card, scrteA , moter cath Subroundet te aoa yy apart tly Laci, with traces of vortate Mic, Medd minerally end Silt : Shtermittent Oyrovel ier wee df mond bol [or | dell ney Aet~< wy [he Decoming comer frotned, sity te owe ly , dv Sod viner ined, silt to medium aed. sri = ft AW oc ke aoirlh? B-unch heel Casi . LOG OF BORINGNO.._45-S SHEET _Lof IZ DEPTH (FEET) Woodward-Clyde Consultants @ | _GRAPHICLOG __| DESCRIPTION Lithology | Prezometer Installation ND Sep ean leone ey aa qrouned care SO, 4 Vy 7 t sete jeans, i. aaa f 7, TT St ets we ke} Ah Dae WS - dvace of ae sn Ny. yk fae. a4 LOG OF BORING NO. $-umnch steel Cosi ng . ; ‘ aN ; 5 REMARKS. 2 3 | (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) wg ~-S E darlin 5 vee 4q¢ [hr bdrilling cate 2ale Wee 7 SHEETS of 12. PROJECT NAME é DESCRIPTION Lithology | Piezometer Installation wT IA SiLTy SAND, Contaned) ea alk te case |, yo phan Nieves sorted anquar + Pyahe nf FES 96 % race ot yokes Meter tte Groneel dangers. Woodward-Clyde Consultants @ REMARKS Water Content (Driti Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) —> |<—_——._ F-inch steel ceri 04) ——_| ~ colobte se COMGLOMERME | derk gj €. rfere tered to Cobble, gocvly sorted, ko sebemansiex, verte and quovtate cbbles in « ae ae Tae eee ~ Cok white « te dole Wack ; SOS > ack, Gnultite ) ely yo Cs im bole As ond png l G-inch steel casine 20 Star, wth ccc aasioneQ Bork avd Gok ote LOG OF BORINGNO.._V2-S SHEET Sofa Woodward-Clyde Consultants S PROJECT NAME_Pbaw' i No. IS2e+ REMARKS DESCRIPTION Prezometer Installation Piezometer (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) Sut, (cominsed) BB WW caccesionck cord mews on eo Washed ont rocks aks 0, nd e te ie bo), don cocks *.), ond eyrite (K 10%) eee SUN SOND) ore | Coorse to Ce oe eyreaned, tnederck He teamaater | quarts ond foorkgite e 152) dark, rocks (Schistor pny Ih ite?) (£10%), and exte (<5%), AM vy coe 4eleller inch steel Casin b diving accte oe | qe ee ayoened » Mechiom bo comme Ar oH tay, medium fo Cac Z| t= time somdy Roor Ay Sabo emote fo /°: etek, eth ae and de ocks [77 (3A) , races gh Pept ode , Non -glastic . Zig LOG OF BORINGNO.__42-5S ss SHEETAN of 1 Woodward-Clyde Consultants @ DEPTH (FEET) 325 SANDY CLAYEN SiLT » Ceambinurd) are Yo coarse x qimeck Sek Roor Oe, aoe Sub, wr te subrouy. ded, Cork diewk, rocks (or 2), trace st y Mer. fladic 2 *} egrite, n [__GRAPHICLOG _] 35 DESCRIPTION Lithology | Piezometer| = = installation] = § » oewta, on) PROJECT NAME Piezometer Data D7 7 TY eLy, ZL -7 re, pA G - ick steel casin LOG OF BORINGNO.__*9-5 a4 (el REMARKS. (Drill Rate, Fluid loss, Odor, etc.) veh SHEETS of 12 Content PE Installation NO. 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OWic-sioncR cobble laners. LOG OF BORING NO. Prezometer Installation REMARKS (Drill Rate, Fiuid toss, Odor, etc.) Banc. slotted street caning PSS SHEET LO of 12 Woodward-Ciyde Consultants S PROJECT NAME__Vkayum i NO, IS2EFR [ _GRaPHICLOG | APHI [ _GRaPHICLOG | LOG DESCRIPTION Lithology | Piezometer Installation Sie sam), Continued) gre fre te coms Boas WA eg) Je oe h predomi ta . o 40 otha, 4 ort ote anter} ¥ cemented * ded wel OC Bien, cable layers ’ Sf 7 REMARKS DEPTH (FEET) Data (Drill Rate, Fiuid loss, Odor, etc.) Piezometer q . 7 SANA SUT, Grey, Lime rained, weil Sorted 4/7 i . se 1 woncee s vers aa a CLS 3 t. LY ; trice \ oes : w YF iy wy el < $2 00S = 4.7 4 Ss: 27% + ee gy rae te red arn acne, . 0 PP r delhi tq oe 20 ly [ho subriundedy mo hecatel trnety Sets 2 M) Comenkert. Seat Phe ond LOG OF BORINGNO.__-¥5"S SHEETLL of 12. REMARKS DESCRIPTION Prezometer Installation Piezometer Data (Drill Rate, Fiuid loss, Odor, etc.) SAN), Ceomtinuedt ay)! \ne + med Cans ered ) Sub rt Sworoacnded £ | i Pyite ek eae ee ip CEAYEY DICT and SAND > YaPeres fre grtdomin, Feo Taney very eke serteds Aoumdid, ie hy aE “ve 31 een) eg re A$ AAA te slotte t deel corn TD. 1001 k- LOG OF BORINGNO._P2-S Ss SHEETIZ of 12 Appendix C APPENDIX C EQUILIBRATED TEMPERATURE LOGS OF SIX GEOTHERMAL WELLS APPENDIX C EQUILIBRATED TEMPERATURE LOGS OF SIX GEOTHERMAL WELLS LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title c-1 Hydrothermal Tests of Well PS-1, September 25, 1982 Cc-2 Hydrothermal Tests of Well PS-2, September 26, 1982 c-3 Hydrothermal Tests of Well PS-3, September 25, 1982 (2 pages) c-4 Hydrothermal Tests of Well PS-4, September 27, 1982 (2 pages) c-5 Hydrothermal Tests of Well PS-5, September 26, 1982 (2 pages) Cc-6 Hydrothermal Tests of Well MI-1, September 25, 1982 (2 pages) APPENDIX C EQUILIBRATED TEMPERATURE LOGS OF SIX GEOTHERMAL WELLS In the following six tables, the results of three types of hydrothermal tests are recorded. These are: 1) a depth versus temperature profile of the water column in the well when the equilibrated well was in static (no flow) condition; 2) a series of temperature versus time measurements of the flowing water at the well head when the well was open and permitted to flow; and 3) after the temperature of discharging water stabilized, a vertical profile of temperature versus depth of a flowing water column to record the possible influx of either hot or cold water at various depth zones. The first and third sets of these temperature data for each well are shown graphically in Figures 13 to 19. The down-hole temperature thermister used was model UUT-51J1, manufactured by FENWAL. It has a 100,000-ohm resistance at 25°C and 5,570-ohm resistance at 100°C. Although the absolute accuracy of this equipment may not be closer than about 19°C, the differential accuracies during a series of tests is probably better than 0.02°C. TABLE C-1 HYDROTHERMAL TESTS OF WELL PS-1 (September 25, 1982) Depth Temperature (in feet) (in °c) Time Static (No Flow) Conditions 0 44.9 1010 5 51.5 1015 10 58.0 1017 15 64.2 1020 20 67.8 1022 25 71.7 1024 30 75.5 1027 35 79.2 1030 40 82.4 1033 45 85.1 1036 50 87.5 1038 55 89.5 1040 60 90.7 1043 65 90.7 1046 70 90.8 1050 75 90.8 1053 75.3" 90.8 1055 Well Flowing: Estimated 8 to 10 gpm im Well opened: 1055 75.3 90.8 1105 70 90.8 1110 65 90.7 1115 60 90.7 1117 55 90.5 1118 50 90.4 1120 45 90.3 1122 40 90.2 1124 35 90.1 1126 30 89.9 1128 25 89.7 1130 20 89.3 1132 15 89.1 1133 10 88.8 1134 5 89.3 1135 0 87.4 1136 * Bottom of hole TABLE C-2 HYDROTHERMAL TESTS OF WELL PS-2 (September 26, 1982) Depth Temperature (in feet) (in °C) Static (No Flow) Conditions 0 37.6 5 53.8 10 61.1 15 67.6 20 74.6 25 80.0 30 84.0 35 86.4 40 88.9 45 89.8 50 90.2 55 90.3 60 90.5 65 90.6 75 90.4 80 90.4 85, 90.5 87.3 90.4 Well Flowing: Estimated 30 gpm 80 90.5 70 90.4 60 90.5 20 90.1 0 86.9 Bottom of hole TABLE C-3 (page 1 of 2) HYDROTHERMAL TESTS OF WELL PS-3 (September 25, 1982) Static (No Flow) Conditions Depth (in feet) (Start Time: Temperature (in °c) 1615 hours) 0 50.6 5 63.4 10 70.5 15 75.5 20 79.6 25 82.0 30 84.3 35 85.6 40 86.9 45 87.8 50 88.2 55 88.3 60 88.4 65 88.6 70 88.6 75 88.3 80 87.2 85 85.1 90 83.6 95 81.9 100 80.4 105 79.1 110 77.7 115 76.3 120 75.7 125 74.9 SS Depth Temperature (in feet) (in °c) 130 74.4 135 73.9 140 73.5 145 72.9 150 72.5 155 72.2 160 71.7 165 70.9 170 69.8 175 69.0 180 68.5 185 67.8 190 64.8 195 64.2 200 62.2 205 62.0 210 61.5 215 60.2 220 56.6 225 55.0 230 52.5 235 51.5 240. 50.0 245 49.1 TABLE C-3 (page 2 of 2) HYDROTHERMAL TESTS OF WELLS PS-3 (September 25, 1982) Well Flowing: Estimated 60 gpm Depth Temperature (in feet) (in °c) Time (Hours) Sur face 85.0 1714 Surface 82.2 1715 Sur face 76.6 1717 Surface 73.9 1719 (48.3) Surface 71.1 1720 Surface 69.4 1724 (48.3) 245* 48.3 1725 225 51.5 200 60.9 175 64.4 150 66.9 125 68.0 100 68.4 75 68.7 50 68.9 25 69.2 0 65.3 * Bottom of hole TABLE C-4 (page 1 of 2) HYDROTHERMAL TESTS OF WELL PS-4 (September 27, 1982) Static (No Flow) Conditions Depth Temperature Depth Temperature Depth Temperature (in feet) (in °c) (in feet) (in °c) (in feet) (in °c) 0 44.7 175 58.8 520 49.6 5 49.8 180 54.6 530 49.8 10 53.2 190 49.4 540 49.6 15 56.2 200 47.8 550 49.6 20 59.2 210 45.8 560 49.6 25 62.3 220 44.2 570 49.5 30 65.6 230 44.5 580 49.5 35 67.9 240 43.8 590 49.6 40 71.1 250 43.8 600 49.5 45 72.8 260 43.8 610 49.4 50 74.7 270 44.0 620 49.6 55 75.7 280 44.0 630 49.4 60 76.7 290 43.9 640 49.5 65 77.3 300 45.1 650 49.4 70 78.0 310 44.1 660 49.3 75 78.0 320 44.1 670 49.3 80 78.0 330 44.4 680 49.8 85 78.4 340 44.9 690 49.7 90 78.9 350 44.7 700 49.8 95 79.7 360 45.2 710 49.7 100 80.4 370 45.5 720 49.5 105 80.5 380 45.6 730 49.3 110 78.3 390 46.0 740 49.4 115 77.4 400 46.5 750 49.4 120 77.4 410 46.8 760 49.5 125 77.7 420 47.2 770 49.6 130 78.0 430 47.5 780 49.8 135 76.0 440 48.0 790 49.5 140 74.8 450 48.2 145 73.1 460 48.7 150 68.5 470 49.3 155 64.5 480 49.5 160 62.4 490 49.6 165 60.2 500 49.6 170 58.9 510 49.6 TABLE C-4 (page 2 of 2) HYDROTHERMAL TESTS OF WELL PS-4 (September 27, 1982) Well Flowing: about 30 minutes Probable Depth Temperature (in feet) (in °C) 425 50.0 375 49.3 325 47.9 275 46.4 225 44.8 175 43.9 125 43.8 a 44.9 25 44.8 TABLE C-5 (page 1 of 2) HYDROTHERMAL TESTS OF WELL PS-5 (September 27, 1982) Static (No Flow) Conditions Depth Temperature Depth Temperature Depth Temperature (in feet) (in °c) (in feet) (in °c) (in feet) (in °c) 0 50.7 5 56.1 260 26.5 610 34.5 10 59.6 270 29.2 620 34.1 15 60.1 280 26.5 630 34.1 20 62.0 290 26.6 640 34.8 25 63.4 300 29.0 650 34.8 30 65.0 310 31.2 660 34.9 35 65.9 320 27.3 670 35.5 40 66.7 330 27.6 680 35.2 45 68.8 340 27.8 690 35.6 50 69.4 350 28.1 700 36.4 55 70.4 360 28.7 710 36.3 60 71.5 370 29.0 720 37.8 65 72.2 380 29.4 730 38.7 70 72.7 390 30.2 740 39.2 75 73.1 400 32.3 750 39.2 80 71.1 410 29.9 760 39.1 85 67.8 420 30.1 770 38.2 90 66.7 430 32.3 780 39.4 95 66.6 440 30.6 790 38.8 100 66.5 450 31.0 800 39.4 110 61.3 460 31.5 810 41.8 120 57.5 470 32.5 820 42.1 130 53.3 480 32.7 830 43.5 140 50.6 490 33.1 840 43.9 150 45.3 500 33.8 850 44.3 160 31.7 510 36.6 860 44.8 170 29.5 520 34.1 870 45.9 180 29.9 530 36.8 880 45.7 190 28.1 540 34.6 890 46.8 200 27.8 550 34.8 894 48.1 210 31.6 560 34.8 220 31.1 570 34.7 230 27.9 580 37.7 240 26.6 590 33.2 250 26.5 600 34.2 TABLE C-5 (page 2 of 2) HYDROTHERMAL TESTS OF WELL PS-5 (September 27, 1982) Well Flowing Several Hours: Estimated 50 gpm Depth Temperature (in feet) (in °C) 894 47.2 870 46.6 750 41.9 650 37.8 560 35.9 450 34.7 350 34.0 250 34.4 150 31.2 50 32.4 0 30.1 TABLE C-6 (page 1 of 2) HYDROTHERMAL TESTS OF WELL MI-1 (September 25, 1982) Static (No Flow) Conditions Depth Temperature Depth Temperature Depth Temperature (in feet) (in °c) (in feet) (in °c) (in feet) (in °c) (Start Time: 1240) 0 39.2 5 44.8 105 69.5 205 34.2 10 49.7 110 66.4 210 33.6 15 53.5 115 63.8 215 33.1 20 57.8 120 61.3 220 35.0 25 60.4 125 58.8 225 33.3 30 63.9 130 57.1 230 32.9 35 66.2 135 54.6 235 32.9 40 68.9 140 52.6 240 34.2 45 71.5 145 50.8 245 32.7 50 73.5 150 49.0 250 32.5 55 75.6 155 47.8 255 27.5 60 77.3 160 45.4 260 21.1 65 78.5 165 43.5 265 20.6 70 79.7 170 42.8 270 20.4 75 80.4 175 41.2 275, 20.4 285 20.0 (End Time: 1455 hours) 80 80.7 180 40.4 * Well bottom 85 80.1 185 39.0 90 78.5 190 39.0 95 76.0 195 36.0 100 73.1 200 34.8 TABLE C-6 (page 2 of 2) HYDROTHERMAL TESTS OF WELL MI-1 (September 25, 1982) Well Flowing: Estimated 40 gpm Well Flowing: Estimated 86 gpm Depth Temperature Depth Temperature (in feet) (in oc) Time (in feet) (in °C) Surface 73.9 1500 250 24.1 Sur face 71.1 1505 225 25.2 Surface 65.6 1507 200 27.1 Surface 60.0 1508 175 25.1 Surface 54.4 1509 150 27.1 Surface 48.9 1510 125 26.5 Surface 43.3 1511 100 28.2 Surface 37.8 1512 75 27.3 Surface 30.0 1516 50 27.7 25 28.0 0 28.0 Appendix D APPENDIX D FLOW TEST DATA APPENDIX D FLOW TEST DATA LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title D-1 Data for Flow Test of PS-2, July 1 - 3, 1982 D-2 Data for Flow Test of PS-4, July 23, 1982 D-3 Data for Flow Test of MI-1, July 25, 1982 D-4 Data for Flow Test of PS-3, July 27, 1982 D-5 Data for Flow Test of PS-5, September 27, 1982 D-6 Data for Flow Test of PS-1, July 27, 1982 D-i APPENDIX D FLOW - TEST AND SURFACE HYDROLOGY DATA The following tables present the test data used to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics of the water-bearing deposit tapped by wells at Pilgrim Springs, Alaska. Data are presented only for the tests analyzed. The analytical results are described in Section 4.2. D-1 TABLE D-1 DATA FOR FLOW TEST OF PS-2 (July 1 - 3, 1982) Time Since Start of PS-2 Head in Plow Test Flow Rate PS-2 (minutes) (gpm) (feet) Remarks July 1, 1982 (Start of test: 0801 hours)? 0 4.92 1 40.7 4.17 (a) 3 40.7 4.00 (a) 15 37.7 3.33 (a) 31 3.33 39 3.17 49 3.17 77 25 3.17 (b) 134 3.17 194 3.00 374 30 2.92 (b) 434 30 2.83 (b) 494 30 2.92 (b) 554 30 2.83 (b) 614 30 2.83 (b) 674 30 2.83 (b) 794 30 2.75 (b) 897 24 (b) (c) 899 30 1.75 (b) July 2, 1982 1029 30 1.42 (b) 1079 30 1.50 (b) 1189 30 1.58 (b) 1339 30 1.67 (b) 1474 30 2.00 (b) 1579 30 2.33 (b) 1689 30 2.00 (b) 1819 36 2.19 (b) 1934 36 2.17 (b) 2184 36 1.83 (b) 2294 36 1.50 (b) July 3, 1982 2402 36 1.42 (b) 2564 36 1.83 (b) 2671 36 1.67 (b) 2899 36 1.67 (b) 3014 36 2.00 (b) 3139 36 2.00 (b) 3254 36 2.50 (b) 3414 36 2.00 (b) 3509 26 1.83 (b) 3518 (End of test: 0639 hours) (a) Plow measured with orofice gage (b) Flow rate measured by bucket, accurate to + 10 percent (c) Valve opened to maintain constant flow 1 Well PS-2 flawed continuously about 28 gpm from 7 p.m. June 25 to 11:54 a.m. June 30. No flow from 12 noon June 30 to start of test. TABLE D-2 DATA FOR FLOW TEST OF PS-4 (July 23, 1982) Time Since Start of PS-4 Head in Head in Flow Test Flow Rate Ps-4 PSs-3 (minutes) (gpm) (feet) (feet) Remarks (Start of test: 1017 hours) 0 10.79 12.54 0.33 60 9.25 2.5 8.93 3.5 50 8.60 4.2 8.50 6.0 8.33 7.0 8.15 11.2 7.52 13.0 7.46 15.0 7.42 16.8 7.29 21 50 7.16 32 7.09 Temperature = 119°F 37 50 38 7.04 41 7.00 60 50 6.97 Temperature = 119° 65 6.96 95 49 6.92 Temperature = 119° 215 48 6.83 12.27 Temperature = 115°F 226 6.80 Flow rate increased 226.5 5.32 228 5.10 229 5.05 230 120 4.90 12.12 Temperature = 114°F 233 4.89 244 120 4.88 12.05 Temperature = 116° 254 4.90 270 4.88 292 120 4.84 Temperature = 116°F 305 4.83 355 120 4.80 Temperature = 116°F 373 4.78 11.95 (Well closed at 1630 hours) 2 0 7.95 5 8.05 8 8.10 16 8.25 20 9.34 14.18 hours 10.38 42 hours 11.11 12.39 TABLE D-3 DATA POR PLOW TEST OF MI-1 (July 25, 1982) Time Since Start of Flow Test Flow Rate Head Level (minutes) (gpm) (feet) Remarks (Start of test: 1728 hours) 0 10.31 0.33 21 9.44 1.67 9.18 130°F 1.75 2.50 9.13 2.67 9.11 2.92 9.08 3.17 9.06 3.50 9.04 4.0 8.95 140°F 44 8.93 5.0 8.90 5.2 8.85 5.5 8.81 6.0 150°F 6.2 8.74 6.5 8.71 6.7 8.66 7.2 8.63 7.7 8.60 8.2 8.55 8.8 8.50 9.1 8.47 160°F 9.6 8.40 10.0 10.2 8.35 10.6 8.30 11.1 8.27 12.2 8.18 12.9 8.12 13.3 8.07 13.5 14.5 14.6 7.98 15.0 150°F 15.8 7.92 16 16.5 7.86 7 7.82 17.5 7.79 18 18.3 7.75 140°F 1g 7.72 20 7.66 21 7.61 22 7.58 130°F 23 7.54 24 7.52 25 7.48 26 7.45 28 29 7.33 30 7.31 120°F 31 7.28 32 7.25 33 21 7.23 35 7.18 38 FA 39 7.10 100°F 40 7.08 68 6.85 70 6.85 70.5 21 Flow rate increased 72.5 75 3.56 90°F 74.0 3.52 79.5 3.33 82.5 80°P 85.5 3.33 172.5 3.31 (Well shut 2024 hours) T 0 7.05 3.25 7.25 32 7.68 TABLE D-4 DATA FOR FLOW TEST OF PS-3 (July 27, 1982) Time Since Start of Flow Test Flow Rate Head Level (minutes) (gpm) (feet) Remarks (Start of test: 1047 hours) 0 21 12.45 0.1 9.63 0.5 9.63 1.0 9.62 1.5 9.61 2.0 9.60 3 9.54 4 9.45 Temperature = 173°F 5 9.40 Temperature = 180°F 6 9.35 Temperature = 186° 7 9.29 8 9.20 Surging 9 9.09 Temperature = 180°F 10 9.05 11 9.05 12 9.03 16 8.89 17 21 8.85 19 8.75 20 8.71 Temperature = 166° 22 8.71 23 8.68 Temperature = 160°F 25 8.68 40 8.60 Temperature = 155°F 48 8.60 61 21 8.58 63 43 Flow Increased 64 5.30 65 5.36 66 5.35 67 5.35 68 5.35 70 43 5.34 162 5.38 (Well closed: 1332 hours) 0 0 5.38 108 11.77 TABLE D-5 DATA FOR FLOW TEST OF PS-5 (September 25, 1982) Time Since Start of Flow Test (minutes) PS-5 Head in Flow Rate PS-5 _(gpm) (feet) (Start of Test: 1420 hours) 0 Well opened 9 15 20 31 40 53 148 0 20.33 54.5 0 54.5 0 50.0 0 46.2 0 42.9 0 40.0 0 37.5 0 On July 28, 1983, 2 hours after completion of drilling, and casing, PS-5 was shut in for 2 hours. Shut in head was 3.24 feet. TABLE D-6 DATA FOR FLOW TEST OF PS-1 (July 27, 1982) Time Since Start of Flow Test (Hours) 0 Flo Rate Head in of PS-1 PS-1 (gpm) (feet) 0 1.46 Well partially opened 4 6.2 1.10 Appendix E APPENDIX E HYDRAULIC FIELD DATA APPENDIX E LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title E-1 Hydraulic-Test Data From 5 Geothermal Wells, June-July 1982 E-2 Surface Hydrology Data TABLE E-1 HYDRAULIC-TEST DATA FROM 5 GEOTHERMAL WELLS, JUNE-JULY 1982 COMPILED BY PAUL CHAMBERLIN, UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA June 25, 1982 Friday Temperature vs. Depth for wells PS1 and PS2. These two wells have been shut in since November of 1979 when they were drilled. Casing was set at that time but never perforated. Mud filled both well bores up to 105 feet below the master valve. Well PS1 was logged first today. An electronic temperature probe was lowered into well PS1 but found to be useless because of water leakage into the probe. An alternate method of getting the temperatures was to lower a maximum reading thermometer to the desired depth and letting it set there for a minute or so. Upon retrieval the temperature was read and recorded. At PS2 the same method described above was used to get the temperatures. Unfortunately, the counter on the cable spool failed and the probe reached the mud at 105 feet while the counter showed only 70 feet. Thus, much of the logging had to be redone in PS2. By then the water in the well bore was disturbed. A reversal in th geothermal gradient was found in well PS2. This reversal was found on the first trip in, but the exact depth of the reversal is not known due to the counter problem. Well PS1 was perforated before PS2. Perforation is at 70-100 feet on the first set, spacing is 6 inches. The second perforation set was from 60-90 feet with a spacing of 6 inches. Sixty charges were used each time. Orientation of the perforations is unknown. Well bore fluid was pure water. Well PS2 is perforated from 60-90 feet, spacing is 6 inches. PS1 was allowed to flow for a few hours after perforating. It was estimated that PS1 flowed at 150 gpm after the first perforation and only 35 after the second perforation. PS2 did not flow immediately after perforating even though the master valve was wide open. It did develop after a few minutes. Approximately 60 feet of 1/4 or 3/8 inch nylon rope were lost in the well bore and is still there. It was estimated that PS2 flowed at about 250 gpm after perforating. Well shut in. PS3 was begun today. A temperature of 170 degrees F was encountered at 17 feet. June 26- Saturday Interference Test Data Time Elapsed PS2 (shut in) PS1 (flowing) 0 min 3.5 psig 30-35 gpm 8 2.9 " 12 2.4 7 14 2.3 . 16 2.1 . 17 2.0 . 18 1.9 20 1.6 . 22 1.5 . 24 1.3 . 27 1.1 . 29 1.0 " 30 0.9 " 31 0.8 . Distance between PS1 and PS2 is approximately 269 feet. Time zero = 4:20 pm. PS1 shut almost all the way at 10:05 pm. June 27- Sunday I found this morning that PS1 did not completely close last night and was still running at about 2 gpm. The master valve on PS1 has gone sour and no longer seals shut. June 28- Monday PS2 was flowed for several hours starting at 1:30 pm this afternoon. The test was to investigate flow and temperature vs. time. Flow was stable at 60 gpm from start to stop. Temperature was stable between 89.4 and 89.6 degrees C. PS1 was shut in during this test. PS3 was down to about 200 feet at the time. June 29- Tuesday PS2 continued to flow throughout today. June 30- Wednesday I have no data for today. July 1- Thursday 0730 Psl Shut-in Well Head Pressure (SIWHP) = 15.8" 0747 PS2 SIWHP = 59" 0801 PS2 opened for 58.5 hour constant flow test Time Elapsed FWHP Rate PS1 SIWHP 0 min 59" 0 gpm 15.8" 1 50 14"=40.7gpm --- 3 48 14" --- 15 40 12"=37.7gpm --- 31 40 --- 39 38 --- =--= 49 38 --- --- 77 38 25 gpm --- (bucket) 134 38 --- === 194 36 oom —= 374 35 --- 434 34 . --- 494 35 . --- 554 34 . —= 614 34 . --+ 674 34 . --- 794 33 7 --- Jay Kunze found discharge had dropped considerably. He opened valve to maintain constant flow. 899 21 = 1.30' = 15.6" July 2- Friday Jay told me that he opened the valve on PS2 last night between 2200 and 2300 hours. Time Elapsed FWHP Rate PS1 SIWHP 1029 min 17" 30 gpm 1.06' 1079 18 " 1.09 1189 19 7 1.16 1339 20 * 1.14 1474 24 " 1.15 1579 28 . 1.15 1689 24 7 1.20 1819 26 36 gpm 1.19 1934 26 7 1.20 2184 22 . 1.21 2294 18 = 1.03 July 3- Saturday PS2 test continues, Time Elapsed FWHP Rate PS2 SIWHP 2402 min 172 36 gpm 1.32! 2564 22 . 1.10 2671 20 . 1.14 2899 20 7 1.07 3014 24 . ---- 3139 24 . 1.09 3254 30 . ---- 3414 24 . 1.13 3509 22 1.15 Well PS2 shut-in at 6:39 pm. Elapsed Time = 3518 minutes. Build Up Data Elapsed Time PS2 PS1 0 sec 22" 1.14' 10 40 ---- 20 41 ea 30 42 ---- 60 43 ooo 2 min 43.5 ---- 3 43.9 ---- 4 come 1.15 10 44 ---- 13 ---- 1.15 20 46 ---- 25 48 cco 30 49 1.15 60 50 1.21 90 50 1.28 120 min 50" 1.29! 271 50 1.21 366 o-- 1.20 441 48 1.48 926 45 ees July 4- Sunday PS2 flowed at full capacity today starting at 10:34 am this morning. Later in the day the taps for the orofice gage were found to be plugged. Therefore, the data was deemed incorrect and subsequently thrown out. PS2, however, was left flowing. PS3 was completed today and the rig moved off to the site for PS4. PS3 is completed with 3 inch slotted casing from 167.5 to 260 feet. The well started flowing at 1:30 pm but was restricted by mud and drill string in the well bore. By 3:00 pm it was flowing at about 50 gpm. Well PS1 shut in. Well PS2 is flowing. Transient Flow Data on PS3 Time Temp Flow 4:20 pm 66 C 65 gpm 4:45 67.5 an 4:50 68 -- 5:00 68 ait 7:30 71 54 8:36 73 te 9:10 - 52.8 11:30 pm 164 F 51.6 8:50 am a 51.6 (July 5) July 5-Monday PS1- shut in since june 27. PS2- shut in at 5:00 pm today. PS3- shut in at 4:20 pm today. PS4- spudded early this morning (2:00 am?) July 6- Tuesday Core sample taken at PS4 this evening. Sample interval was 87 to 95 feet. Two cores were taken, the first came from 87-90 feet and consisted of what appeared to be cemented cuttings on top of hardened cement from casing cement job. The second core sample appeared to be more cement and some frail conglomerate formation. The conglomerate came from the 95 foot level. Coring fluid was fresh water from nearby natural pond. Temperature log of PS4. No circulation of drilling fluids had occurred for about two hours. Depth Temp 10 feet 86 F 20 104 30 112 40 114 50 114 60 115 70 115 84 118 (on bottom for 5 minutes) July 7- Wednesday Just drilling, no testing. July 8- Thursday Went to Fairbanks to do analysis on cores taken Tuesday night, July 11- Sunday I returned to Pilgrim Springs, arriving at 10:30 am. The drill was stuck when I arrived but was freed later in the day and tripped out. Went back in this evening with a homemade stabilizer/reamer. I spent the day helping Mary Moorman with her gas composition testing. The etepoaeieas be done at her lab. All she could tell me at the site is the gas amounts to 20 percent by volume of the flow at the well head This i t Bou ias tenia is at PS2 and Ps3, PS3 flowed full open from 1:50 pm to 3:40 pm while Mary was doing her sampling. Flow spilled out from top of master valve, reaching a height of about 1 inch--Whoopee!!! Seen stabilized at 73 C and the Hydrogen sulfide content s ppm. July 12- Monday Drilling at PS4 today. Stuck after lunch. July 13- Tuesday Perforated PS2 this afternoon at 3:40. Perf for 30 feet of 6 inch spacing. Total number Of shots is 60. oP Perforated from 75 to 105 feet. Flowed PS2 for about ten minutes after perforating to clear out trash, mud, etc. Flow cleared up after about 10 minutes and well was shut in after that. Flow after perforation was 75 gpm by bucket method. Manometers set up on PS2 and PS3. 0-30 psig Ashcroft gage on PS3 found to incorrect. Actual shut in well head pressure is 6.0 +-0.2 psig. Gage location is 16inches below top of master valve flange. July 14- Wednesday Still stuck in PS4. PS1,2,3 are shut in. PS4 began flowing at a trickle around 1:00 pm this afternoon. Time Flow Temp 1410 (2:10) 10 gpm 149 F 1423 15 162 1435 -- 140 1442 30 134 1451 30 (bucket) 128 1457 -- 129 1502 -- 129 1530 -- 127 1545 50 124 1600 == 124 1705 50 122 1725 -- 121 1930 67 114 began hammering again at 2200. 2200 -- 122 2400 100 114 It was noticed that when hammering resumed on the drill string, the flow would muddy and the the temperatuure would increase. SIWHP at PS2 dropped 0.33' from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. Jay and I measured a maximum temperature in PS4 of 168 degrees F using a maximum reading thermometer. This exists somewhere between 0 and 695 feet. July 15- Thursday Pressure at PS1,2,and 3 has dropped since PS4 started flowing. Water out of PS4 has no salt taste and a faint sulfur taste. Drill rig moved over to drill Mary's Igloo well (MI-1). Still stuck in PS4. Time Psl PS2 PS3 PS4 Flow Temp 0020 --- --- 11.98' 100 gpm 114 F 0800 --- --- 11.98 90 115 0815 -83' 4.42! 11.98 90 115 1015 83 4.44 11.96 90 115 1100 --- --- ---- 90 114 1105 83 4,44 11.97 -- --- 1300 87 4.46 11.96 90 -—- 1640 --- 4.52 12.07 -- 114 2000 91 4.52 12.07 100 114 2400 --- 4.50 12.07 -——- 114 July 16- Friday Drilling MI-1. PS4 still flowing. All other wells shut in. Time Psl PS2 PS3 PS4 Flow Temp 0840 -93' 4.46' 12.02 94 gpm --- 1045 88 4.46 12.03 -- --- 1115 88 4.45 12.05 100 114 1325 -90 4.50 12.07 -- 114 1600 91 4.50 12.09 --- --- 1800 92 4.84 12.12 103 114 2040 91 4.66 12.08 -- 114 July 17- Saturday Still drilling MI-1. PS4 still flowing. All other wells are shut in. Time Psl PS2 PS3 PS4 Flow Temp 0300 -90' 4.54' 12.05' 103 gpm 114 F 0905 - 83 4.46 12.00 ua 114 1055 85 4.48 12.00 --- 114 1200 - 4.50 12.03 -—— 114 1305 -88 4.48 12.03 ——— 115 1440 -- mee- eee 111 1630 -83 4.45 12.04 114 1840 83 4.55 12.33 53.5 115 special flow spool put on Ps4, discharge now from 2 inch pipe 1.80 feet above master valve. 1900 --- wee eee shut in --- 1901 --- IL) | ce 1.5 psig 1905 --- aT 12.51 1.5 psig 1908 --- ---- 12.52 1.3 psig 1910 --- ---- 12.54 1.4 psig 1912 --- en 12.55 1.4 psig 1914 --- ---- 12.56 1.5 psig gage located about 4.5 feet above mas- ter valve. 0.43ft/psi Time Elapsed PS3 Ps4 0 = 1915 12.55" opened 30 sec 12.50 100 gpm 45 12.49 "| 60 12.48 rn 80 12.47 ql 96 12.46 i 110 12.41 qi 135 12.44 i 170 12.42 ‘i 270 12.40 i New build up test, PS4 shut in at 1925. Time Elapsed PS3 PS2 12 sec 12.41 4.67 16 12.43 or 39 12.45 ---- 70 12.47 4.63 80 ---- 4.65 93 12.49 oom 110 coo- 4.67 120 12.50 ---- 155 oo-- 4.54 180 12.52 ---- 200 o--- 4.55 210 12.53 ---- 215 “<== 4.56 270 12.55 4.56 10 min 12.66 4.48 PS1=.82' PS4= ---- July 18- Sunday Ben, Ray, and I did a short interference test on PS§2,3, and 4 by flowing PS2. This occurred from 9:30 to 9:50 this worn’ Jay and I opened PS4 this morning at 11:30 and measured its flow and temperature. From this we got an approximate temperature profile for PS4. We assumed that the water was in thermal equilibrium with the adjacent formation and slug flow (no mixing) prevailed. MI-1 was completed this morning. Time Psl PS2 Ps3 ps4 MI-l Flow Temp 0500 --- --- --- --- 1 gpm --- 0524 --- --- --- --- 3 114 0700 -83' 4.52' --- --- 40 92 0720 o-- --- 12.36' 10.01' --- --- 0726 --- --- --- --- 79 92 0805 --- --- 12.15 9.78 --- --- 0820 82 4.49 --- 9.78 --- --- 0915 --- --- 12.16 --- canto --- 0930 Interference test begins Interference Test Note: PS1,3,4 shut in. MI-1 and PS2 flowing. Elapsed Time PS2 PS3 ps4 0 sec SIWHP= 4.53' 12.09' air bubble 60 3.00 ---- . 120 2.68 coon . 180 2.55 ---- . 220 ---- 12.16' . 240 2.48 ---- . 270 ---- 12.19 . 300 2.38 12.22 9.78' 345 ---- 12.26 -—-- 360 2.36 ---- 9.84 375 -<-- 12.28 worn 420 2.36 12.30 9.87 450 o-oo 12.32 ---- 480 2.35 12.33 9.89 510 <== 12.34 -o-- 540 2.35 12.35 9.92 580 ---- 12.33 ———- 600 2.34 -o-- 9.93 610 ---- 12.29 ---- End of drawdown Beginning of Build up Time Elapsed PS2 PS3 Ps4 0 sec FWHP= 2.34' 12.29' 9.93 20 4.80 coe ---- 30 ---- ---- 9.88 35 cone 12.26 ---- 50 ---- 12.24 ---- 60 ---- ---- 9.85 80 110 120 140 170 180 200 230 240 260 290 320 350 360 380 410 420 440 470 480 500 530 540 560 590 600 620 650 680 860 5.53 5.75 4.94 4.92 ee é21 ‘93 4.93 4.93 ‘93 4.82 12.22 12.20 12.19 12.19 12.17 12.16 12.16 12.15 12.15 12.14 12.14 12.13 12.13 12.13 12.13 12.12 12.12 12.12 12.10 12.10 12.10 Data for temperature profile of PS4. Time 0=11:33 am Time Elapsed 0 sec 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 Temp 108 124 138 151 151 150 149 151 151 146 F Flow 000 75 71.4 68.2 61.2 61.2 58.8 56.6 54.5 gpm 58a ue 5.78 5.76 am 5.73 573 573 40 540 570 600 660 690 720 750 780 810 840 870 900 930 960 990 1020 1050 1080 1110 1140 1200 1320 1440 1470 143 141 139 137 135 133 132 129 127 126 126 126 125 46.9 (bottom of casing) to reach the surface. 8 inch casing to 183 feet. 7 7/8 inch hole from 183 to +800 feet. 2.75 inch drill pipe from surface to +800 feet. Time 1200 1430 1620 July 19- Monday MI-1 MI-1 PS3 MI-1 120 gpm 78 F 120 gpm 78 F 11.60' 77 F increased substantially after this. Time 0530 0815 1330 1540 2000 Psl 72 <.72 <.72 PS2 4.39' 4.36 4.37 4.36 4.27 PS3 11.43' 11.45 11.38 11.35 11.31 ps4 116 116 It takes 390 seconds for the water at 183 feet Blew off stuck drill pipe this evening. Flow in PS4 MI-1 76 F Flowing for about 24 hours now. &3.1 sec for 5 gal Time MI-A Inside Outside MI-Weir 0815 1.90' 3.35' --- 1330 2.06 --- --- 1540 2.08 3.35 --- 2000 2.09 3.35 --- MI-1 shut in at 2220 hours. July 20- Tuesday Ben Lofgren and I flowed MI-1 to get a temperature profile. Elapsed Time Temp Flow 30 sec 90 F -——< 65 108 --- 75 110 --- 106 116 oo 146 120 --- 153 122 --- 170 123 2.8 & 2.9 sec for 5 gal 250 110 --- 296 106 --- 324 104 --- 355 101 --- 383 100 --- 440 98 --- 480 --- 2.8 & 3.0 sec for 5 gal 545 94 --- 596 90 --- 682 83 --- 782 82 --- 845 82 --- 900 -—- 2.8 & 2.9 sec for 5 gal 978 80 --- 1035 79 --- 1607 77 3.2, 3.0, Time 1000 PS2 4.26 PS3 11.63 1035 MI-1 opened 1055 MI-A Inside:1.96' Outside:3.35' MI-Weir .195' drowned 1300 PS1 <.72' PS2 4.25 PS3 11.17 PS4 114 F MI-1 77 F MI-A Inside:2.00 Outside:3.35 MI-Weir -18' 100 F drowned July 21- Wednesday Drill rig moved to PS5 site today. I calculated a flow rate for PS4 this morning. Width= 1.3' Depth= 0.25' 12 Velocity= 2 fps at center of surface. Ben advised to apply a correction factor to account for the slower water velocities found at the earth/water interface, etc. Using the 0.70 factor he gave me I calculated a dicharge of 207 gpm from PS4. MI-1 was shut off from approximately 4:00 am to 6:00 am this morning to retreive a mud tank. Reopened at 6:00 am. Time Well 0600 PS2 4.15 PS3 11.42 0700 PS3 11.08 0808 PS4 shut in 0824 MI-1 5 gal/3.1 sec 78 F 0825 MI-1 shut in 0827 MI-A Inside: 1.96' from top Outside: 3.35' from top 0835 PS3 12.06 0837 PS2 4.19 0840 PS1 <.72' 0846 PS3 12.18 0847 PS2 4.19 0848 PS2 gas bubbles escaping from manometer 0850 PS2 4.45 0852 PS2 4.22 0900 PS1 <.72 0902 PS3 12.26 0919 PS2 4.25 0923 PS3 12.34 0937 PS3 12.34 0939 PS2 4.28 0940 PS1l <.72 1001 MI-A Inside: 2.00' Outside: 3.35 1004 MI-Weir .18' drowned 97 F 1256 PS1 <.72 1257 PS2 4.36 1302 PS3 12.54 1307 MI-Weir .18' drowned 97 F 1309 MI-A Inside: 1.94' Outside: 3.35' 1500 MI-Weir .18' drowned 98 F MI-A Inside: 1.91' Outside: 3.35' 1516 PS3 12.53 1518 PS2 4.35 1520 PS1 <.72 2043 PS1 <.72 2045 PS2 4.31 2047 PS3 12.53 2050 MI-A I:2.12 0:3.35 2053 MI-Weir -18' drowned 93 F chilly evening July 22- Thursday 13 Time Well 0715 MI-1 Opened for Mary Moorman 0735 Ps4 i 7 , n 0840 ps4 shut in 1005 MI-1 shut in 1200 Ps4 opened for Mary Moorman ps2 LJ . . s MI-1 ns ns a n 1245 Ps4 shut in 1305 MI-1 shut in 1315 PS2 shut in July 23- Friday Ben and I conducted a Productivity Test on PS4 today. Time Well 0922 Ps4 10.78 0955 MI-1 9.66 1006 PS3 12.59 1010 Psl -32' below TBM Temporary Bench Mark is 1.03' above Master valve flange NOTE: Hereafter, all head values for PS1 are measured in feet below a Temporary Bench Mark established at 1.30 feet above the top master valve flange. Elapsed Time Psl PS2 PS3 Ps4 MI-1 0 sec = 1017am_ .32' 4.45' 12.59' 10.79' 9.66' 20 Sear a a 9.25 q=60gpm --- 30 Ste -—~ 12.54 ae --- 60 ee --- 12.50 --- --- 90 cana --- 12.49 --- ana 120 iat alas 12.48 TT aaa 150 --- oo cg 8.93 arate 210 ni aii a 8.60 g=50gpm --- 240 iain a iia TIBI 9.45 250 --- --- --- 8.50 cana 300 cant --- a oes 9.45 360 Tea --- on 8.33 cae 420 --- --- a 8.15 -- 480 rin --- a aah 9.43 570 nal 4.45 --- -- --- 630 oo --- 12.42 — er 675 --- a --- 7.52 --- 720 arn --- 12.41 -=- --- 780 ae --- 12.41 7.46 --- 900 aan Tai ao 7.42 --- 960 nil Ti “oe an 9.40 1005 mn --- a 7.29 --- 1080 cr nmin --- --- 9.40 1140 --- --- 12.40 --- --- 21 min --- 23 --- 24 --- 25 --- 27 las 29 --- 32 --- 33 --- 35 --- 37 --- 38 --- 41 --- 44 --- 47 --- 48 --- 50 --- 54 .40 55 --- 60 --- 65 --- 70 --- 75 --- 95 --- 100 .38 208 43 212 --- 215 --- 226 --- At 2:03 pm (ET= Time Elapsed Psl 0 min --- 5 --- KFPwoOON TR RWWNHNEH eeeeee mie eo eee ee OWNOUW oumouou ! ! ' Hee E AuUWN oo 7.16 gq=50gpm 7.09 T=119F q=50gpm 7.04 7.00 6.97 g=50gpm T=119F 6.96 6.92 q=49gpm T=119F 6.83 q=48gpm T=115F 6.80 9.34 226 min), PS4 flow rate was increased. PS3 12.27 12.20 12.17 12.15 12.14 12.13 12.12 PSs4 6.80 5.32 5.10 5.05 4.90 g=120gpm T=114F 4.89 MI-1 9.34 17 18 22 25 28 30 35 40 44 45 50 66 71 76 79 100 129 140 142 145 147=4:30pm Ps4 shut in Elapsed Time 0 min WONURWWNHNE FE: e . . uw uw u uo HH HO Hee EE NOUW Ph NUNN WO NNN Now T=116F 4.90 4.88 4.84 120gpm 116F 4.83 4.80+-.20 120gpm 116F 4.78 7.95 --- 4.88 gq=120gpm 28 31 32 33 34 35 38 42 45 48 65 220=8:10pm July 24- Saturday No testing t Time Wel 0638 ps4 0840 ps4 PS2 PSl July 25- Sunday oday. 1 10. All wells shut in. 38 10.50 4.47 -39' below TBM Long term drawdown test on PS2. shut in. Time 0=11:02:30 this morning. Elapsed Time 0-13 min 16-30 35 min 40 45 75 78 122 Elapsed Time 125 min 129 132 135 6hr.25min 6hr 35min 6hr 38min 6hr 40min 6hr 44min July 26- Monday PS3 12.48 12.47 12.46 12.45 12.45 Well Psl PS2 PS3 MI-1 PSsl PS2 Ps4 PS3 MI-1 All MI-1 ps4 10.11 11.09 10.11 -- 10.10 -- --- 11 -56 below TBM 2.27+-.05 12.45 10.08 63 2.21+-.05 11.08 12.37 10.07 -08 198F 198F other wells are /7 0800 0834 PS2 2.20 0835 PS2 shut in Elapsed Time 20 sec 30 45 60 65 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 205 300 15 min 20 min Elapsed Time PSsl PS2 2.18+-.05 PS3 12.34 ps4 11.17 MI-1 10.14 = 20hrs 57.5min 48GPM PS2 4.80' 4.90 4.93 4.62 4.55 4.57 4.55 4.54 4.55 4.57 4.58 4.59 4.61 4.62 4.78 Productivity Test on MI-1 Elapsed Time 0 sec =5:28:30pm 20 70 105 150 160 175 190 210 240 265 300 315 330 360 375 390 400 435 460 495 sec MI-1 10.31' 9.44 9.18 9.13 9.11 9.08 9.06 9.04 8.95 8.93 8.90 8.85 8.81 8.74 8.71 8.66 8.63 8.60 8.55 198F 130F 130F 135F 140F 145F 150F 152F 154F 158F PS1 .61'below TBM PS3 12.35 ps4 11.25 525 8.50 545 sec 8.47 160F 575 8.40 600 --- 160F 615 8.35 640 8.30 665 8.27 158F 735 8.18 775 8.12 800 8.07 810 a 155F 870 --- 152F 875 7.98 900 sec “= 150F 950 7.92 16 min oon 148F 16.5 7.86 17 7.82 145F 17.5 7.79 18 --- 142 18.33 7.75 19 7.72 139 20 7.66 136 21 7.61 133 22 7.58 130 23 7.54 128 24 7.52 127 25 7.48 126 26 7.45 28 --- 121 29 7.33 30 7.31 120 PS3 12.41 31 7.28 119 32 7.25 117 33 7.23 21gpm 35 7.18 115 38 7.11 39 7.10 112 40 7.08 60 --- PS3 12.39 Ps4 11.29 68 6.85 95 70 6.85 21gpm Flow increased to 75gpm at 6:39 pm Elapsed time = 70.5 min Elapsed Time MI-1 2 min 3.56 3.5 3.52 9 3.33 86F 12 --- 80 15 3.33 80 102 3.31 79 PS3 12.11 ps4 11.13 Shut in at 8:24 pm 105 min Elapsed time = Elapsed Time 30 sec 40 50 60 90 195 270 sec 32 min 76 min July 27- Tuesday MI-1 6.95 7.00 7.03 7.05 7.10 7.25 7.29 7.68 PS3 12.46 Ray opened PS4 for an undetermined number of hours this morning. PS4 shut in at 8:30 am. Ps5 reached 1000 feet this morning. Productivity Test on PS3. Elapsed Time O = 10:47 am 10 sec 1 min uw WOYNHU WHE 10 min 11 12 16 17 19 20 22 23 25 40 48 61 Flow increased about 30 seconds so Elapsed Time PS3 12.45' PS4 9.22' 9.63 9.63 9.62 9.61 9.60 9.54 9.45 9.40 9.35 9.29 9.20 9.09 9.05 9.05 9.03 8.89 8.85 8.75 8.71 8.71 8.68 8.68 8.60 8.60 8.58 173F 180F 186F (surging) 180F 21gpm 166F 160F 155F MI-1 9.52 21lgpm at 11:50 am. Too greaat for the valve was closed some. PS3 MI-1 ps4 11.25 9.53! 0 ——-— nl 5.30 2 5.36 3 5.35 4 5.35 155F 5 5.35 7 5.34 43gpm 99 min 5.38 PS4 9.72 PS3 shut in at 1:32 pm. Elapsed Time PS3 11.25 11.26 11.27 11.27 11.28 11.28 11.36 11.38 . 3 HPOWWNNHHO . . uw uw wg oO July 27- Wednesday Finished setting casing in PS5 this morning. Began clean up and demobilization in earnest. July 28- Thursday PS5 flowing since casing was set yesterday morning. Flow is about 30gpm at 94F. Shut in well head pressure 3.24' at an elapsed time of about 5 minutes. To my knowledge, this well was not swabbed or circulated with clean water. July 29- Friday Everyone left Pilgrim Springs today. 2/ TABLE E-2. - SURFACE HYDROLOGY DATA ° A. Water Temperature, C Date (1982) Spa Camp SE 3.5 S Big Lake River Mary's Igloo Spr. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 6/25 48.7 35.0 31.9 6/28 48 29.5 26 28 22 8 7/2 46 26 25 27.5 19 7/5 42 28.5 24 30 22 7/10 44 28.3 24.4 35.1 22.8 7/14 44.5 32 29 35 26 7/17 45.2 29.8 7/20 40.1 30.1 29 38.5 7/21 40 24.6 22.6 39 24.5 37.5 B. Specific Conductivity, at Ambient Temperature, Micromhos/Centimeter 6/25 11,500* 8400+) 8, 4004 6/28 4,060 3,160 3,010} 3,120 7/2 3,940 3,010 2,940} 3,050 2,570 7/5 4,550 3,970 3,680} 4,020 3,080 7/10 5,020 4,220 4,000} 4,490 3,440 7/14 4,890 4,490 4,380] 4,530 3,720 7/21 4,870 4,240 4,050} 4,660 3,730 4,820 C. Weir Height, Feet Above 90° v-Notch ‘ 6/25 | 0.24 0.22 6/28 0.26 0.52 7/2 0.25 0.52 7/5 0.25 0.29 0.52 7/10 0.19 0.24 7/14 0.15 0.20 0.53 7/17 0.20 7/21 0.13 0.19 0.53 0.18 D. Stream Discharge, Cubic Feet Per Second. Calculated from Weir Heights 6/25 0.071 0.058 6/28 0.087 0.48 7/2 0.078 0.48 7/5 0.040 0.112 0.48 7/10 0.040 0.071 7/14 0.020 0.044 7/17 0.044 0.5 7/21 0.013 0.040 0.5 0.037 * Measured with Markson temperature - corrected meter TS | 4 “V'S'N ‘SYXSL 'NOLSNOH ‘GSALVHOdHOON! SLNAWNYLSNI SvX3L £HM ON LYWHD WS'T.NI JOVIN “W°S'N ‘SVX3L ‘NOLSNOH ‘G3LVYHOdHOON! SINSINNYLSNI SV¥X3L CHM ‘ON LHVHD a to ———— aa E i ‘ - 5 * ‘WSN ‘SYXSL ‘NOLSNOH ‘GaLVHOdHUOON! SLNSWNYISN! SYXaL £HM ON LYVYHOD “WwS'A NI IOV ‘v'°S'N ‘SVX3L ‘NOLSNOH ‘GALVYOdHOONI SLNAWNUYLSNI SVX3L £HM ‘ON LYVHD “V'S ‘A NI ZGVN £ HM "ON LYVHD “v°Ss'nN ‘Svx3aL *“NOLSNOH “GALVYHOdUODN! SINSWNYLSN! SYXSL & RS ELL. P53) Mi RECONMAUAN CE, 0 C TULY 1982 7M. WELL. UPMENT? WEL "W'S'N 'SVX3L 'NOLSNOH ‘'GALVHOdHOON! SLNSWOYISNI SVX3L ‘ws MI SOV LHM ‘ON LHWHSD ‘W'S'N 'SVXAL 'NOJSNOH ‘GALWHOdMOONI SLNA