HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Unalaska Exploration Project Phase IA Final Report Geothermal 1982a ETRE RATE THE UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION PROJECT PHASE IA FINAL REPORT Prepared by Republic Geothermal, Inc. for The Alaska Power Authority April 30, 1982 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY... . INTRODUCTION. 2. 2... TASK 1 - DATA REVIEW. . Literature Survey . . Literature Available. Base Maps... 2... Air Photos. ..... Satellite Imagery, Radar, TABLE OF CONTENTS and High-Altitude Interviews... ee ee TASK 2 - TECHNICAL PLANNING MEETING TASK 3 - LAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL Status of Surface and Resource Ownership. Permitting Requirements... ...:3.2 Permitting Schedule... 2... Existing Environmental Data Base TASK 4 - LOGISTICS. sp. Introduction. ... . Personnel Transport . Equipment Transport . Overland Transportation Shelter... 2. 0. Food and Fuel... . Communications. ... Safety and Medical. . Repairs-.—. Photography ee © © © TABLE OF CONTENTS, (continued) TASK 5 - DATA SYNTHESIS AND DETAILED PLANNING - SUBTASK A Makushin Geological Data. ........... Regional Geology. ... 2... eee eee ne Makushin Geology. ..... eee ee eevee Structure... 2 ee ee ee ee ee Makushin Geochemistry ..........00-6 Geothermal Manifestations ........... Thermal Water Analyses .........20.0- Classification. ». 2... . ee ee ee ee ee Characteristics... ee ee ee ee ee Reservoir Type... 2.2.22. eee eee eae Reservoir Temperature... 2.2... 2.00 eae Isotopic Composition of Fluids. ........ Mercury and Helium Analyses. ......... Gas Analyses. 2.2... eee ee ee ee eee Makushin Geophysical Data. . 2... ue Preliminary Model of Makushin Geothermal System Makushin Geothermal Model... 2... 2 oe TASK 5 - SUBTASK BL 2 2 ee ee Surface and Resource Access. ......... TASK 5 - SUBTASK CL. ee ee ee ee Detailed Plan for 1982 Geological and Geophysical Field Work... . ee ee ee ee eens Data Collection Program... .......4. Baseline Environmental Data Collection Program. Logistics for Phases IB and II Field Work... ii 60 60 61 64 FIGURE 1 UNALASKA ISLAND VICINITY MAP » DRIFTWOOD BAY MAKUSHIN VALLEY DUTCH HARBOR ie e UNALASKA SUMMER BAY maxusuin' UNALASKA ISLAND MAKUSHIN BAY FIGURE 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS ON UNALASKA ISLAND Makushin Va A Temporary Camp Site FGI D10L ~@ TemperatureG ~ {Hole Site (TG—A thru TC el FIGURE 11 REFINED GEOLOGIC MODEL | OF THE MAKUSHIN GEOTHERMAL AREA LEGEND METEORIC RECHARGE HYDROTHERMAL FLUIO MOVEMENT FUMAROLE #7 OVALE . HOT SPRING CS: = GO7GT 74? 7% ? HYDROTHERMAL ALTERATION HEAT SOURCE , avai zone _— FRACTURES (2g makusnin voucanics ee DIORITIC PLUTON UNALASKA FORMATION = RGI £1323 The major geothermal target is the northeast-southwest linear zone. Surface manifestations, hydrothermal alteration minerals, soil mercury concentrations, and diorite reservoir rock coinciding with the zone suggest that an active, high temperature (>150°C), liquid-dominated geothermal system occurs at relatively shallow depths. E. Temperature Gradient Hole Site Selection The integration of the data obtained from the geological, geophysical and geochemical surveys resulted in development of a refined geothermal model. This model was evaluated to outline areas having maximum potential for hosting high temperature geothermal fluids. This evaluation resulted in the selection of three primary and three alternate drilling sites for temperature gradient holes (Plate VII). The six sites were then prioritized in accordance with terrain, weather, logistics, and environmental parameters. The six sites selected were Sites A, D, E, I, H, and L. These site designations reflect the identification letter assigned on the application for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Use Permit (see Appendix M, Phase IA Final Report). The D site was selected because of the close correspondence of both geophysical and geochemical (soil mercury) anomalies in Fox Canyon and because of its location close to the postulated heat source. This site also offered the possibility of testing the characteristics of the Makushin volcanic rocks and of determining the thickness of the volcanics and the nature of the underlying rock. This site initially had no unusually adverse logistical or environmental problems. Later in the project, strong winds and fog made logistics less favorable. The site located at the western edge of the pyroclastic plateau supporting the base camp, site E, was selected to test the area in which a geothermal mercury anomaly and the northeast-trending alignment of geothermal surface manifestations overlap. This site was logistically 74 APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDICES Republic's Contract with the Alaska Power Authority Bibliography Alaska Power Authority Unalaska Geothermal Project: Description of Operations Letter from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to Dames & Moore List of Subcontractors Memorandum by the Alaska Regional Solicitor of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Letters from Republic to Ounalashka Corporation and Aleut Corporation Letters from Ounalashka Corporation and Aleut Corporation to Republic Application to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a Special Use Permit for Geological and Geophysical Work Approved Special Use Permit No. AI-82-09 for Geological and Geophysical Work Application to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation for a Solid Waste Disposal Permit Application to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for a Scientific Collection Permit Application to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a Special Use Permit for Temperature Gradient Hole Operations iii TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE P WwW oOo oOo N BD ww LIST OF TABLES Agency Contacts ....... eee eee ee Permitting Schedule... ....222200- Makushin Thermal Manifestations ....... Typical Classified Thermal Waters ...... C1 and S04 Concentrations of Makushin Waters. Makushin Geothermometer Temperatures (°C) .. Makushin Stable Oxygen and Hydrogen Values. . Makushin Gas Analyses... 2.2.2. 2c ee ee eeee Water Quality Sampling Laboratory Analytical Parameters iv Page 12 19 30 42 45 45 46 51 62 Figure 1 Figures 2-11 Figure 12 Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Figure 16 LIST OF FIGURES Satellite Image of Makushin Area. . 2... Water Chemistry Summary Sheets. .... of eal. ee Cation Ratios of Makushin Waters. .... s fe site. © te Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes Commonly Associated with Geothermal Waters. ......... Isotope Values in Makushin Waters ........... Preliminary Model of Makushin Geothermal System . 47 49 50 54 LIST OF PLATES (in Pockets) PLATE I Geology PLATE II Geologic Cross Sections PLATE III Lineament Map vi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Republic Geothermal, Inc. (Republic) has been selected by the Alaska Power Authority (APA) to explore for geothermal resources on Makushin Volcano, Unalaska Island, Alaska, under the terms and conditions of Contract CC-08-2334. Phases IA and IB of Republic's exploration program will be conducted in 1982, and Phase II will be undertaken in 1983. This document describes and summa- rizes all Phase IA activities and is the final report for that Phase. In order to acquire as much relevant information as possible prior to initiation of field work, Republic conducted a comprehensive review of all published and unpublished literature, available maps, air photos and satellite imagery, and interviewed many experienced Unalaska workers. Much of this in- formation was acquired or referenced during a Technical Planning Meeting that was held in Anchorage on February 1, 1982, verbatim transcripts of which were sent to the APA on February 28, 1982. One of the most important Phase IA objectives undertaken by Republic was the determination of land status in the project area and the acquisition of all permits required by regulatory agencies. It has been ascertained that the lands in the project area have been selected by, but not conveyed to, the Aleut Corporation as part of its entitlement under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Until these lands are conveyed to the Aleuts, they will be managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). If they are not con- veyed to or are relinquished by the Aleuts, they will become part of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. Republic has examined all logistical alternatives related to transport of personnel, materials, and equipment; shelter; communications; and safety and medical considerations. The use of a helicopter has been determined to be critical to the cost-effective achievement of objectives and, accordingly, the services of an ERA Helicopters, Inc. Astar 350D have been secured. All ar- rangements have been made for installation of field camp facilities, emergency and routine communication lines, and for dealing with medical contingencies. All available geological and geochemical data have been reviewed, and a preliminary model of the Makushin geothermal system has been developed. Based on the information studied, it appears that the resource will be shallow, vapor dominated, and localized by NNE trending structural features along which plutonic rocks have been intruded. Geothermal reservoir temperatures cannot be accurately estimated until samples representative of deep (not meteoric) waters can be obtained, but they are thought likely to exceed 150°C (300°F). Republic has obtained a permit from the USFWS to conduct Phase IB geolog- ical, geochemical, and geophysical activities. All other permits have been identified and applied for, as appropriate. Republic has designed a program to collect required baseline environmental data and will implement the program concurrent with the geoscience work. The geological, geochemical, and geophysical field work will be accom- plished between April 28 and May 31, 1982. Fumarolic areas and structurally disturbed areas will be mapped, and waters, rocks, and gases will be sampled. A self-potential survey will be conducted over geothermally prospective areas. The sites of thermal gradient wells will be determined on the basis of interpreted results of mercury soil analyses, structural, and alteration map- ping as modified by logistical and environmental constraints. Data will be synthesized and interpreted continuously to facilitate decision making. All logistical planning depends to a great degree on timely transportation of personnel, materials, and equipment by helicopter. Republic plans to uti- lize the services of Dames & Moore in Anchorage and Carls, Inc. in Dutch Harbor to expedite and coordinate logistical aspects of the project. THE UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL EXPLORATION PROJECT PHASE IA FINAL REPORT Introduction The 1,400-mile-long chain of islands comprising the Aleutian Arc is part of the so-called "ring of fire" that girdles the Pacific Ocean basin. To some degree, virtually all of the islands in the Aleutians are composed of young volcanic rocks and many of the islands are sites of active volcanism. The Unalaska Geothermal Project site is on the eastern flanks of Mt. Makushin, a 6,700-foot-high active volcano located on the northern part of Unalaska Island, approximately 900 miles southwest of Anchorage, Alaska. The Mt. Makushin project area is only +15 miles west of the towns of Dutch Harbor and Unalaska. These towns are the center of the crab fishing industry for much of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea regions and, as such, they support populations of up to 7,000 people (during the peak king crab season) and require up to 10 MW of electric power to operate canning facilities. The market for relatively low-cost electric Power and the proximity of this market to geothermal energy manifestations, such as are found on the flanks of Mt. Makushin, stimulated initiation of the Unalaska Geothermal Project. In early 1981, the Alaska State Government authorized expenditures of ap- proximately $5,000,000 for geothermal exploration on Unalaska and delegated responsibility for the project to the APA. In November 1981, Republic was selected to be the general contractor. Initial contracts with the APA were executed in January 1982. The exploration program, proposed by Republic and accepted by the APA, has two phases. Phase I, to be completed in early 1983, includes technical plan- ning, field geology, geochemistry and geophysics, environmental data acquisi- tion, land status determination, permit acquisition, and thermal gradient drilling. Phase II, which is to be conducted by the end of 1983, includes environmental monitoring, permit acquisition, drilling of an exploratory well, and testing and evaluation of encountered resources. Phase I has been further subdivided into Phase IA and Phase IB. Phase IA activities are the subject of this report, and they include data review, a technical planning meeting, data syntheses, and detailed planning of Phase IB work. The report that follows has been written to address Tasks 1 through 5 on pages B-1 and B-2 of Republic's Contract CC-08-2334 with the APA (Appendix A). This is the Phase IA report referenced in the section entitled "Billing Schedule and Schedule of Deliverables" found on page B-3 of this Contract. TASK 1 - DATA REVIEW Literature Survey The literature survey conducted by Republic was expanded beyond the acqui- sition of all printed materials to include collection of: (a) all documents published and unpublished that bear on the Makushin geothermal project; (b) maps, air photos, satellite or U-2 imagery; and (c) data via interviews with past and present scientific workers and/or with interested parties (Unalaska residents, contractors, etc.). : Literature Available A bibliography of reports, references, hearings, and other literature pertaining, either directly or indirectly, to Unalaska Island's geothermal resources appears in Appendix B. Base Maps Only two published topographic base maps of Unalaska Island are available. One is the “Unalaska" U.S. Geological Survey 1:250,000 scale map, which is part of the Alaska Reconnaissance Topographic Series published in 1951, with limited revisions in 1976. The other map is one of a series of six maps pub- lished at 1:50,000 scale by the Army Map Service Corps of Engineers in 1958. The 1:50,000 scale base map used for Plates I, II, and III in this report is a composite of portions of four of the maps from the Army Map Service Series (Maps 4128 I, 4128 II, 4128 IV, and 4228 IV). The base map was pre- pared by the Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) of the Alaska State Geological Survey and made available to Republic. Air Photos The only aerial photography presently available for Unalaska Island is a series of mediocre quality, black and white 1:60,000 scale photos flown in 1951. Most of the lineaments shown on Plate II were drawn following studies of these photos by John Reeder of the Alaska DGGS. Satellite Imagery, Radar, and High-Altitude Photography Imagery and/or high-altitude photography can sometimes reveal large-scale geological structures that are not readily identified at relatively close range. Since some of the thermal manifestations at Makushin appear to be somewhat aligned with one another, it was hoped that geological features con- trolling the alignments might be visible from great heights. Accordingly, the National Cartographic Information Center (NCIC), repository for all United States satellite and high-altitude imagery and photography that is in the pub- lic domain, was visited and their extensive files searched for suitable data. It was determined that there is no U-2 or RB-70 high altitude photography available for Unalaska Island. Side Looking Aperture Radar (SLAR) imagery is available for the islands both east and west of Unalaska, but coverage inex- plicably does not include Unalaska Island. A single usable Landsat image of Unalaska was found amidst several hundred unusable images. A reproduction of the Band 7, 70 mm negative is included as Figure 1. Analysis of the image shows several interesting features that may be related to the fumaroles on Makushin. 1. There is a well-developed NNE trending lineament that defines the east side of Glacier Valley and which strikes toward Sugarloaf Cone before becoming less distinct (or offset) in Driftwood Valley. The location of this feature coincides with the roughly aligned fumarole Fields 8, 1, and 2. It is also significant that the outcrops of plu- tonic mafic rock (mapped by Reeder} fall along this feature. 2. Makushin Valley appears to be fault controlled. The fault trends WSW directly toward Sugarloaf Cone, intersects the feature described in (1) above, and then becomes indistinct beneath Makushin. Fumarole fields 8, 1, and 2 appear to be near the NW end of this structure. 3. The NW trending "Point Kadin Rift" of Drewes can be vaguely discerned on the image. It appears to be spacially related to fumarole fields 3, 4, and 5. Because the image was made in March when snow covered the area of interest, less subtle features were obscured. Nevertheless, the imagery does help us develop working hypotheses that may allow us to undérstand the Makushin geothermal phenomena. Interviews During the Technical Planning Meeting, and subsequently, Republic met with and interviewed many persons familiar with Unalaska Island, the towns of Dutch Harbor and Unalaska, Aleutian geoscience, and with Makushin specifically be- fore bidding on the APA contract. Many potential contractors have been con- tacted in order to obtain prices for the various services required to execute the exploration, and logistical input was likewise acquired from diverse sources. Republic believes that it has been in touch, to varying degrees, with virtually all parties that could be of assistance in planning and executing a cost-effective program at Unalaska. FIGURE 1 LANDSAT IMAGE MT. MAKUSHIN AREA N LEGEND DH — DUTCH HARBOR DV — DRIFTWOOD VALLEY GV — GLACIER VALLEY M — MAKUSHIN SUMMIT MV — MAKUSHIN VALLEY PKR — POINT KADIN RIFT S$ —SUGARLOAF U —UNALASKA oe” — FRACTURE SYSTEMS a 10 KILOMETERS FIGURE 1 LANDSAT IMAGE MAKUSHIN AREA LEGEND DH — DUTCH HARBOR DV — DRIFTWOOD VALLEY GV — GLACIER VALLEY M — MAKUSHIN SUMMIT Mv — MAKUSHIN VALLEY PKR — POINT KADIN RIFT S$ —SUGARLOAF U —UNALASKA oe o&# — FRACTURE SYSTEMS 6 10 KILOMETERS ee) TASK 2 - TECHNICAL PLANNING MEETING On Monday, February 1, 1982, a technical planning meeting was convened by Republic and the APA pursuant to contractual obligations. The meeting was attended by 24 representatives of federal, state, and local government enti- ties, Native corporations, the University of Alaska, and the private business sector. A 266-page verbatim transcript of the meeting proceedings was pro- duced, three copies of which were submitted to the APA on February 28, 1982. Topics covered during the meeting included: the availability, nature, and contents of existing maps and air photos; matters related to the environment; Permit acquisition and land status; geological, geochemical, and geophysical data; and information regarding weather, housing, transportation, storage fa- cilities, communication, safety, and the availability and capabilities of various types of subcontractors. The meeting was conducted in a controlled but relaxed atmosphere that resulted in free exchange of information and ideas. Several participants illustrated their discussions with 35 mm slides and/or “viewgraphs," thus enhancing the quality of the presentations. For the sake of brevity and economy, the 266-page Technical Meeting Proceedings are not reproduced herein. Copies of this document are in the files of the APA and Republic, and they are incorporated by reference in this report. TASK 3 - LAND AND ENVIRONMENTAL Status of Surface and Resource Ownership The following is a summary of the results of investigations into the status of the lands in that portion of Unalaska Island of interest to the APA lying within the following townships: 1.72S., R.118W.; T.72S., R.119W.; T.73S., R.119W.; T.73S., R.120W., Seward Baseline and Meridian. These four townships contain all of the significant geothermal features and all lands that may be required for access to the operations. Land Status History - Unalaska Island was placed into the Aleutian Islands Reservation by Executive Order 1733, dated March 3, 1913, for the purpose of preserving and encouraging the development of birds, fur-bearing animals, and fisheries. This order was revoked as to Unalaska Island by Executive Order 5000, dated November 23, 1928, thus removing Unalaska Island from the reservation. The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (ANCSA), PL 92-203, was enacted on December 18, 1971. This Act created Alaska Native village corpora- tions and Native regional corporations for the Purpose, among others, of re- ceiving patent to the surface and subsurface estates (respectively) of lands selected by the village corporations. Section 11 withdrew, subject to valid existing rights, all lands (except national park lands) within an approximate 25-township block around each Native village (including Unalaska) and allowed the Secretary of the Interior to withdraw additional acreage as necessary for Native corporation selections. Public Land Order 5175, dated March 9, 1972, implemented this section of ANCSA by reserving for selection under Section 12 of the Act by the Ounalashka Corporation (the Unalaska Village Corporation) all lands encompassed by the village of Unalaska and "all land in the Fox and Pribilof Island Group not withdrawn for the Aleutian Islands National Wildlife Refuge, containing approximately 2,150,000 acres." This order withdrew these lands, subject to valid existing rights and prior appropriations, "from all forms of appropriation under the public land laws, including selections by the State of Alaska under the Alaska Statehood Act, 72 Stat. 339, and from loca- tion and entry under the mining laws, 30 U.S.C. Ch. 2, and from leasing under the Mineral Leasing Act of February 25, 1920, as amended, 30 U.S.C. sections 181-237 (1970)...." Public Land Order 5183, dated March 9, 1972, withdrew from selection by the regional corporations under Section 12 of ANCSA all land withdrawn by Section 11 of ANCSA which was within the boundaries of the Aleutian Islands National Wildlife Refuge, among others. Public Land Order 5184, dated March 9, 1972, withdrew from appropriation under the public land laws all lands withdrawn by Section 11 of ANCSA and not also withdrawn for any part of the National Wildlife Refuge System and reserved them "for study and review by the Secretary of the Interior for the purpose of classification or reclassifi- cation of any lands not conveyed pursuant to Section 14 of said Act (ANCSA)." Section 14(hy (8) of ANCSA authorized the Secretary of the Interior to convey both the surface and subsurface rights to an undetermined amount of land (as of that date), but less than two million acres, to the regional corporations on the basis of population. According to records obtained from both the USFWS and the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (USBLM), on September 27, 1974, December 13, 1974, and December 17, 1975, the Ounalashka Corporation selected portions of the four townships under Sections 12 and 16(b) of ANCSA. On December 15, 1977, the Aleut Corporation (the Aleutian Islands regional corporation) selected all the subject townships (among many others) under Section 14(h)(8) of ANCSA (these are commonly called “overselections"). Lands conveyed to a regional corpora- tion under Section 14(h)(8) of ANCSA are unique in that title is conveyed to the regional corporation for both the subsurface and surface estates. On August 15, 1979, Interim Conveyance #233 (surface) and Interim Conveyance #234 (subsurface) were issued by the United States to the Ounalashka Corporation and the Aleut Corporation, respectively. The conveyances were primarily limited to the coastal areas along the eastern edge of the lands in question and the major river valleys extending westward toward Makushin Volcano. No lands in T.72S., R.119W. and T.73S., R.120W. have yet been conveyed to the Native corporations, although applications by the Aleut Corporation for all lands within these townships are still pending. Public Land Order 5710, dated February 11, 1980, withdrew from “settle- ment, sale, location, entry or selection under the operation of the public land laws, including but not limited to the mining laws (30 U.S.C. Chap. 2), Section 6 of the Alaska Statehood Act (72 Stat. 339), and the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 (43 U.S.C. Sections 1601 et seq.)..., (all) Federal lands under the jurisdiction or control of the Secretary of the Interior which are all named and unnamed islands, islets, rocks, reefs, and spires within the State of Alaska...." This withdrawal, for the Alaska Marine Resources National Wildlife Refuge, was to be managed for the conservation of key fish and wildlife resources and the preservation of special values repre- sented by the pristine biotic character and representative coastal ecosystems encompassed by the refuge. The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA), PL 96-487, became law on December 2, 1980. Section 102(3)(b) of ANILCA expressly defines lands selected by a Native corporation made under ANCSA to not be public lands. Section 303(1)(iii) of ANILCA defines the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, Aleutian Islands Unit (AMNWR-AIU) to be made up of the existing Aleutian Islands and Bogoslof National Wildlife Refuges, and all other public lands in the Aleutian Islands, “as generally depicted on the map entitled ‘Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge,' dated October 1979...." The October 1979 map apparently depicts Unalaska Island as within the boundaries of AMNWR-AIU, and the U.S. Department of Interior believes the island to be within the boundaries of the AMNWR-AIU. Section 906(0)(1) of ANILCA states that at such time as the entitlement of any Native corporation to land under ANCSA is satisfied, any land within a wildlife refuge selected by such Native corporation shall, to the extent that such land is in excess of its entitle- ment, become a part of such refuge and administered accordingly. Section 906(0)(2) of the Act states that all federal lands (including Native selections) within the boundaries of a wildlife refuge shall be administered in accordance with the laws applicable to such refuge. Section 15(c)(3) of the Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (PL 91-581, December 24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1566) specifically states that "Geothermal leases under this Act shall not be issued...for lands in a...wildlife refuge...." Title XV of ANILCA allows the President to transmit to the Congress a 9 recommendation that mineral exploration, development, or extraction not other- wise permitted shall be permitted in specific areas on any public lands within Alaska, as recommended, except for lands within units of the National Park System and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Summary and Conclusions - Based upon the above, the title to the surface and subsurface estates of most of the subject lands (T.72S., R.118W.; T.72S., R.119W.; T.73S., R.119W.; T.73S., R.120W., Seward Baseline and Meridian) is vested in the United States of America. The Ounalashka (village Native) Corporation and the Aleut (regional Native) Corporation have received interim conveyance of title to the surface and subsurface estate (respectively) of 25 sections in T.72S., R.118W. and T.73S., R.119W., primarily along the shore of Unalaska Bay and McLees Lake and along the lower reaches of the Makushin Valley river and the Nateekin River. The surface and subsurface estates to all the remaining lands in the four townships (the highest priority geothermal areas) have been selected by the Aleut Corporation, although no conveyance of these selections has yet taken place. All of the land has been withdrawn from all forms of appropriation under the public land laws, including selections by the State of Alaska and mineral leasing. The lands which have been selected but not yet conveyed are managed by the USFWS and will become part of the AMNWR-AIU if not conveyed to the Aleut Corporation before the Aleut Corporation's entitlement is satisfied. (The Aleut Corporation's ANCSA Section 14(h)(8) entitlement is reported to be approximately 52,000 acres.) Permission to conduct the proposed geothermal exploratory work on these lands must be obtained from the USFWS as the appropriate federal land manage- ment agency. Concurrence to the proposed operations should also be obtained from the Aleut Corporation, as potential title holders, and from the Ounalashka Corporation if there is any possibility of requiring access to their lands. Should the USFWS deny permission to conduct the exploratory operations, it may be possible to obtain access via Title XV of ANILCA, al- though this process is certain to require a great deal of time and effort. As an alternative, the Aleut Corporation may be able to obtain title to the lands with high geothermal resource potential in a timely way by requesting an interim conveyance. The USFWS would not likely be able to grant permission to conduct any operations beyond resource exploration and identification given present legis- lative restrictions on its authority. Resource development and utilization will require obtaining some type of right to develop and utilize these re- sources from the United States. Selection by the State of Alaska under the Statehood Act and leasing under the Geothermal Steam Act as presently written appear impossible. Development would be feasible if the Aleut Corporation received conveyance of title to the surface and subsurface estate of the most promising geothermal resource lands. Other alternatives to allow development and utilization could include use of Title XV of ANILCA, new legislation re- vising the boundaries of the AMNWR-AIU to allow selection by the State, revision of the Geothermal Steam Act prohibition on leasing within a wildlife refuge, or other specific legislative action. 10 Permitting Requirements Background Description - Collection of information regarding the regula- tory and permitting requirements for the geothermal exploratory project at Unalaska Island commenced with initial identification of every agency with a potential regulatory interest or responsibility for the project. This was done primarily by reviewing a copy of the "State of Alaska Directory of Permits." Each agency was then visited, given an explanation of the project, and asked to provide information to assist in the project's design and permit acquisition process. Table 1 is a list of the agencies and personnel con- tacted. In order to ensure that the staff of these agencies had a thorough under- standing of the proposed project, a pamphlet titled, "Alaska Power Authority Unalaska Geothermal Project: General Description of Proposed Field Opera- tions," was prepared and distributed at these meetings, along with other general information on geothermal resources and operations. (A copy of this pamphlet is included in this report as Appendix C.) Information obtained from the agencies included copies of laws and regulations, information on require- ments for various permits, permit application forms, and suggested “appropri- ate" environmental impact mitigation practices. Nearly all agencies responded informally to these pre-permit application inquiries, although a formal com- munication was received from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. (A copy of this letter is attached as Appendix D.) Careful review and evaluation of all this information, and use of the “State of Alaska Permit Handbook," led to the determination of the permits that would be necessary to conduct the opera- tions. Geological/Geophysical Work - The first exploration phase, geological and geophysical investigations, will be of a "casual use" nature and will raise few environmental concerns. However, some permits and approvals are required. The following is a summary: Permits Required Lead Agency Special Use U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Solid Waste Disposal Alaska Department of Environmental 7 Conservation Biological Sampling Alaska Department of Fish & Game Access to and operations on the upper eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano will require a Special Use Permit (SUP) from the USFWS. As described above, (Task 3, Status of Surface and Resource Ownership) Section 906(0)(2) of ANILCA requires this federal agency to manage these lands until conveyance to or relinquishment by the Aleut Corporation. Until the time of such conveyance or relinquishment, the lands are to be managed according to the regulations rele- vant to the Aleutian Islands Unit of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. Therefore, the USFWS is responsible for granting access to Makushin and for approving the operations proposed for geothermal exploration under this contract. Specific authority for issuance of an SUP can be found in the following: 11 Federal Bureau of Land Management U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service U.S. Minerals Management Service State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game Oepartment of Environmental Conservation Department of Natural Resources TABLE 1 AGENCY CONTACTS John Merrick Brent Northrup Curt McVee Julie Gibbons Keith Schreiner Bill Mattice John Martin Fred Zeillemaker Larry Calvert Leroy Soule Jack Allen William [sherwood Carl Yanagawa Tom Arminski Philip 8rna Ken Griffin Oan Ounaway Arnie Shaul Carl Harmon Simon Mawson James Allen Bruce Erickson Arnold VanHorn Gary Prokosch John Pereyra David Hedderly- Smith Ken Hudson 12 Area Director Resource Specialist State Director Solicitor Regional Director Chief, Division of Realty Manager, Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Manager, Aleutian Islands Unit, Alaska Maritime NWR Operations Manager, Alaska NWR System Deputy Regional Director Solicitor (U.S. Department of Interior) Oeputy Minerals Manager - Geothermal Acting Regional Supervisor, Habitat Protection Division Regional Lands Specialist, Habitat Protection Division Habitat Biologist, Office of Projects Review Commercial Fisheries Biologist Commercial Fisheries Biologist Commercial Fisheries Biologist Environmental Engineer, Air Quality & Solid Waste, Region [I Environmental Engineer, Water Quality District Supervisor, Region II Environmental Engineer Manager, Southcentral Land District Land Management Officer, Water Management Section Assistant Water Officer Deputy Director, Minerals Land Management Officer (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (415) (307) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) (907) 267-1246 267-1314 271-5076 271-5069 263-3542 263-3498 235-6546 592-2406 263-3353 276-3800 271-4131 323-8111 344-0541 344-0541 344-0541 581-1239 581-1239 486-4791 274-2533 274-2533 274-2533 274-2533 276-2653 276-2653 279-5577 276-2653 276-2653 50 CFR 25. The National Wildlife Refuge System, Administrative Provisions. 50 CFR 26. The National Wildlife Refuge System, Public Entry and Use. 50 CFR 29. The National Wildlife System, Land Use Management. 50 CFR 36. Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. No form is required for an SUP application. A letter application, includ- ing attachments as necessary, should be submitted to the Refuge Manager of the Aleutian Islands Unit of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. An SUP is a temporary permit (for a period of one to five years), and public notices may be required for larger projects. A permit fee may be assigned at the time of issuance, according to the requested use, and bonding (usually $10,000) may also be required. For the geological and geophysical investigations, the USFWS will not require public notices, fees, or bonds. The SUP application should include a description of the proposed opera- tions, a map showing the location of access and surface use, and a discussion of potential environmental impacts and mitigation measures. Prior to approval of an SUP for geothermal exploratory operations, the USFWS may request a tech- nical review of the proposed operations by the U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS). Approvals of the SUP by the USFWS will most likely contain special conditions under which the permittee must operate. The SUP is not valid unless both the permittee and the issuing officer of the USFWS have signed the permit. The approval process for an SUP may require 30 to 60 days. The SUP application should be submitted to: Mr. Fred Zeillemaker Refuge Manager, Aleutian Islands Unit U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Box 5251 NAVSTA FPO Seattle, Washington 98791 (907) 592-2406 The ADEC is the state agency responsible for the regulation of air qual- ity, water quality, and solid waste management, including sanitation. Neither air nor water quality will be an issue in the initial geological and geo- physical stage. However, because of the wastes generated at the temporary campsite, a Solid Waste Disposal Permit (SWDP) will be required for this phase of the operations. To obtain this permit, the applicant is required to submit two completed "Solid Waste Disposal-Solid Waste Management Permit" application forms, with attachments for pertinent information. For the temporary camp, the ADEC needs to know the location of the camp, the number of personnel to be housed at the camp, and the proposed disposal method for both putrescible and nonputrescible wastes. No application fee is required. In some cases, the ADEC will publish a public notice, but this will not be required for the temporary camp. Appli- cations should be submitted at least 60 days prior to commencement of opera- tions. Authority for the SWDP is found in the following: AS 46.03.020. Powers of the Department. AS 46.03.100. Waste Disposal Permit. 18 AAC 15. Administrative Procedures. 18 AAC 60. Solid Waste Management. 13 The SWDP application should be submitted to: Mr. Carl Harmon Environmental Engineer Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 E Street, Second Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 274-2533 During the time of the initial geological and geophysical work, environ- mental scientists will also be collecting data for the environmental baseline program. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) requires a Permit for Biological Sampling. This is an authorization to collect any kind of animal for scientific purposes. Authority for the Biological Sampling Permit can be found in the following: AS 16.05.340. Permits to Collect Fish and Game. A letter describing the proposed sampling program should be submitted for review to: Commissioner Alaska Department of Fish and Game P. 0. Box 3-2000 Juneau, Alaska 99802 The Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR), Division of Minerals and Energy Management, has elected not to directly regulate the operations in recognition of the federal management of the area. However, the ADNR does want to be informed of all proposed operations, and a copy of the SUP applica- tion submitted to the USFWS should be sent to: Mr. David Hedderly-Smith Deputy Director-Minerals Alaska Department of Natural Resources 555 Cordova Street Pouch 7-005 Anchorage,-Alaska 99510 Temperature Gradient Holes - Operations under the second exploration phase, the drilling of temperature gradient holes, will require temporary sur- face disturbance, movement of heavy equipment and personnel, and expansion of the temporary camp. These and related environmental impacts may necessitate obtaining regulatory approvals and permits for the operations, as follows: Permits Required Lead Agency Special Use U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Temporary Water Use Alaska Department of Natural Resources Habitat Protection Alaska Department of Fish & Game Food Service Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 14 Drinking Water Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Solid Waste Disposal Alaska Department of Environmental (Obtained at Time of Conservation Geological/Geophysical Work Phase) An SUP for these operations will be required by the USFWS. The require- ments for this permit are discussed in the section on Task 3, Permitting Requirements, Geological/Geophysical Work. Permit fees, bonds, or public notices most likely will not be required for the temperature gradient hole operations. Again, the USFWS may request a technical review of proposed oper- ations by the MMS. All proposed operations should be in compliance with the federal laws and regulations administered by the MMS (30 CFR 270, and Geother- mal Resources Operational Orders 1-7). Also, a copy of the SUP application should be sent to the ADNR. The camp and drilling operations will use water obtained from streams in the vicinity of the camp and drilling sites. The amount of water required for the drilling operations will be approximately 500 gallons per day. A Tempo- rary Water Use Permit is required for any use of 500 or more gallons of water per day for ten days or more per year from a single source. This state permit is to be obtained from the ADNR. No water right or priority is established by a Temporary Water Use Permit. The ADNR's primary concern is ownership of water rights; however, each application will be reviewed by the state's envi- ronmental agencies, ADFG and ADEC. The application for a Temporary Water Use Permit will require such information as: sites of withdrawal and use; method of withdrawal and conveyance; quantity of water withdrawn; time of year; size and nature of any impoundments, etc. Processing of the application can take up to 60 days. The ADNR may post or publish notices of the proposed use prior to approval. The permit may be approved subject to conditions which may be considered necessary for the protection of existing water rights. Authority for the Temporary Water Use Permit is found in the following: AS 46.15.030-185. Appropriation and Use of Water. 11 AAC 72, Water Use. 11 AAC 93.010-970. Water Management. The Temporary Water Use Permit application should be submitted to: Mr. Arnold VanHorn Manager, Southcentral Land District Alaska Department of Natural Resources 323 East Fourth Avenue Pouch 7-005 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 If the water will be withdrawn from an anadromous fish stream, the ADFG will require a Habitat Protection Permit. Currently, all tributaries of an anadromous fish stream are protected under the Alaska Statutes, Title 16 Reg- ulations, but the ADFG may amend the regulations to exclude portions of stream in which salmon have never been observed. However, this potential 15 amendment is uncertain and, furthermore, the exact sites of water withdrawal are not known for all exploration phases. Therefore, a letter application should be filed for the Habitat Protection Permit simultaneous with the filing of the Temporary Water Rights Permit application. This letter application should include all information from the Temporary Water Rights application; a statement that the Temporary Water Rights application has been filed with the ADNR; and plans to mitigate biological impacts (e.g., intake screens). Pro- cessing of the Habitat Protection Permit application should occur concurrently with the Temporary Water Rights Permit application. Authority for the Habitat Protection Permit can be found in the following: AS 16.20.220, .230, and .260. Fish and Game Critical Habitat Areas. The letter application should be submitted to: Mr. Carl Yanagawa Acting Regional Supervisor, Habitat Protection Division Alaska Department of Fish and Game 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 The ADEC requires a Food Service Permit for all permanent, temporary, or mobile food service operations in order to ensure that such operations meet health and sanitation standards. During temperature gradient hole operations, a camp cook will prepare the food for the drilling crews and related person- nel, so a Food Service Permit will be required. The application should be submitted on Form 06-6030, “Application for Permit for Food Service Operation," and should include information on the nature of the food service establishment. No filing fees or public notices are required. The application should be submitted at least 15 days prior to the start of the operations, and the application should be prepared in coor- dination with the camp contractor. Authority for a Food Service Permit can be found in the following: AS.18.05,040. Department of Health and Social Services, Regulations. 7 AAC 25.003. Eating and Drinking Establishments. The application should be submitted to: Mr. James Allen District Supervisor, Region II Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 E Street, Second Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 A Drinking Water Permit must also be obtained from the ADEC. This is not a formal permit; the ADEC would like to be informed of the source of drinking water and the bacterial coliform counts of the water to be used. A letter including this information should be submitted to Mr. James Allen at the above 16 address as soon as an analysis of the drinking water is available. Unless the coliform counts are unsafe (which is not expected in the Makushin area), the ADEC will simply give approval for the use of the water for drinking. An SWDP is necessary for the use of the temporary camp during drilling Operations and for disposal of drilling muds. This permit is described in the section on Task 3, Permitting Re uirements, Geological/Geophysical Work. The SWDP obtained for the geoTogical/geuphystesT work phase of the exploratory operations should be obtained to also include the temperature gradient hole phase of operations. Deep Exploratory Well Drilling - The third exploration phase, drilling a deep geothermal exploratory well, will occur in the year following the com- pletion of the geological/geophysical work and the temperature gradient hole operations. Data collected from the first two phases will be used to deter- mine the location of the deep exploratory well. Once the location or alternate locations of the well can be determined, the following permit appli- cations must be prepared: Permits Required Lead Agency Special Use U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Temporary Water Use Alaska Department of Natural Resources Habitat Protection Alaska Department of Fish & Game Solid Waste Disposal Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Food Service Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Drinking Water Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Regulatory approvals required for the exploratory well are very similar to those required for the geological/geophysical work and the temperature gradi- ent hole operations (described in Task 3, Permitting Requirements, Geological/ Geophysical Work and Temperature Gradient Holes). Information specific to the deep well drilling operation should be used for the applications for the per- mits listed above. More detailed information will be necessary due to the higher level of potential impacts from the deep exploratory well drilling and testing. Procedures and timing requirements for the permit applications will also be the same as previously discussed. Exploratory Well Testing - Testing operations for the exploratory well will be included in the selications and approvals for the exploratory drilling operations for all but one of the necessary permits, as follows: Permits Required Lead Agency Water Quality Variance Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Special Use U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Obtained at Time of Exploratory Well Drilling) 17 Habitat Protection Alaska Department of Natural Resources (Obtained at Time of Exploratory Well Drilling) Solid Waste Disposal Alaska Department of Environmental (Obtained at Time of Conservation Exploratory Well Drilling) The exception in this list is an approval for a Water Quality Variance, to be obtained from the ADEC. This variance will be required only if liquid wastes (drilling mud or geothermal fluid) are discharged into a waterway or water body. Depending on the type of resource encountered, a Water Quality Variance may or may not be necessary. The Water Quality Variance covers only short-term, single-occurrence discharges such as might occur during initial testing of a hot water or wet steam resource geothermal well. If a dry steam resource is encountered, a Water Quality Variance will not be necessary since the well can be tested directly into the atmosphere. Even if the resource is not dry steam, a variance may not be needed because the well may be tested into a storage basin and a discharge to surface waters may not occur. If circumstances dictate that a Water Quality Variance is necessary, a letter application should be submitted to the ADEC. The application should include information regarding the proposed quantity and rate of discharge, constituents of the waste, and the point of discharge. Because much of the information normally required for a variance would be unknown prior to the testing operations for which the variance is sought, best estimates of the information will need to be developed, and additional agency coordination may be required. Authority for the Water Quality Variance can be found in the following: 18.AAC.70.15. Water Quality Standards. The letter application should be submitted to: Mr. James Allen District Supervisor, Region II Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 E Street, Second Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Permitting Schedule Table 2 is a chart of the required permits for the proposed geothermal exploratory operations showing the following: dates for submission of the applications; the estimated approval periods; the duration of the permits; and the field activity dates for each phase of the Project. For a detailed de- scription of the permits in this Table, please refer to the section on Task 35 Permitting Requirements. 18 TABLE 2 PERMITTING SCHEDULE 1) GEOLOGICAL/ GEOPHYSICAL WORK, FiELD OPERATIONS ma IZ WLLL. WLLL SPECIAL USE PERMIT— USFWS SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL PERMIT— ADEC BIOLOGICAL SAMPLING PERMIT— ADFG 2) TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLES, FIELD OPERATIONS : SEEGLAL use PennrT— ‘he TEMPORARY WATER USE— WZ HASTAT SROTECTION Needle £900 SERVICE PERMIT— I\ZZFZZ pte gel WATER PERMIT— IZ 3) OEEP EXPLORATORY WELL DRILLING AND TESTING, FIELD OPERATIONS SPECIAL USE PERMIT— USFWS TEMPORARY WATER USE— ADNR ZZ ‘nz hn’ ZZ eZ MAA ‘WZ HABITAT PROTECTION PERMIT— ADFG SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL PERMIT— ADEC FOOD SERVICE PERMIT— ADEC . DRINKING WATER PERMIT— ADEC WATER QUALITY VARIANCE— ADEC MGI oll LEGEND A PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED TO LEAD AGENCY IAAI III| PERIOD FOR PERMIT APPROVAL WV); OSRATION OF PERMIT HER curation OF FIELD ACTIVITIES Existing Environmental Data Base Description of Existing Data Base - Data on the existing environment at Unalaska are very sparse. Information was obtained from the sources refer- enced in this section and the bibliography, and from discussions with Alaskan resource professionals. Proposed operations consist of geological and geophysical work, temper- ature gradient hole operations, and deep exploratory well drilling and testing. These are to be conducted on the eastern flanks of the active Makushin Volcano between the elevations of approximately 1,000 feet to 3,000 feet. The mean annual precipitation at Dutch Harbor is 58 inches per year. Most of the precipitation falls as snow during the winter months and as drizzle at other times. At elevations above 2,000 feet the snow accumulation is large and remains on the ground into late summer. Glaciers cover the summit of Makushin Volcano. Mean winter temperatures are about 30°F, and mean summer temperatures are about 52°F at Dutch Harbor. High winds are very common and are more frequent during fall and early winter. Though few records regarding air quality have been kept, there are no significant sources of air pollution in the area. The volcanic rocks of the area are highly dissected by rivers and streams, so as to create moderately rugged topography. The character of the valleys varies with their size, the ruggedness of the surrounding terrain, and the presence or absence of glaciers in the drainage basin. Soils are most likely reasonably well developed. The major rivers in the area head on the slopes of Makushin Volcano and are fed by snowmelt or melting glacial ice. Two water samples recently col- lected by geothermal investigators from the Alaska DGGS indicate that water quality in the Glacier Valley and Driftwood Bay rivers is very good (Motyka, personal communication). The area above the 1,000 foot elevation level on the slopes of Makushin Volcano is characterized by a sparse biota. Vegetated areas, consisting mostly of heath and tundra, are apparently few and scattered. Trees are apparently nonexistent on the slopes of the volcano. The atlas of wildlife, "Alaska's Wildlife & Habitat, Volume II" (State of Alaska, 1978a), indicates that two mammal species, red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and ground squirrel (Citellus undulatus), and one land bird species, rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus), are present throughout Unalaska Island. It is un- known if these species will be present at or near the exploration activities. The exploration project is not near any seabird colonies. However, the mar- bled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratum) is possibly present on the island and may nest at these elevations. Ihe USFWS is interested in any information re- garding sightings of this bird, although it is not an endangered or threatened species. "Alaska's Fisheries Atlas, Volumes I and II" (State of Alaska, 1978b) in- dicate that pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) spawn in Makushin Valley river, Nateekin River, the streams of Humpback Bay, and elsewhere on Unalaska 20 Island. However, the upstream limit to the presence of pink salmon is unknown. Coho salmon (0. kisutch) and sockeye salmon (QO. nerka) occur on Unalaska Island, but they have not been observed in the streams which may be impacted. Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) and arctic char (S. alpinus) are present in the ocean off Unalaska, but have not been reported in the streams of the is- land. Local residents conduct a purse seine salmon fishery in Nateekin and Captains Bays. Similar information is available in Alaska Department of Fish and Game Annual Reports (State of Alaska, 1979, 1980, and 1981). There are no known existing land uses in the prime geothermal area, al- though the military and/or Unalaskan Natives may have used the area in the past. Evidence of this possible use, such as burial caves or military ord- nance, may still exist. There are no known existing public facilities in the area, although remnants of a road from Broad Bay up the Makushin Valley to Driftwood Bay are still visible, and portions of the road are potentially usable. An abandoned military airstrip and outbuildings exist near the shore of Driftwood Bay. Some subsistence camps are apparently located in Makushin Valley. Adequacy of Existing Environmental Data Base - The adequacy of the exist- ing environmental data base is not simply a function of the quantity or qual- ity of the existing information, but more properly a function of the existing environment, the proposed operations, and the requirements of the regulatory agencies. The existing environment has been described above in the section on Task 3, Existing Environmental Data Base. The geothermal exploratory opera- tions and their anticipated environmental impacts were described in a pamphlet distributed to most regulatory agencies and included as Appendix C. The permit requirements of the regulatory agencies are also described above in the section on Task 3, Permitting Requirements. When combining this information of the known (or assumed) characteristics of the area's environment; the location, nature, and potential impacts of the proposed operations; and the permitting agencies' data requirements, it is our judgment that the existing environmental data base is significantly inadequate in the areas of water quality and freshwater aquatic biology. Areas of lesser inadequacy include: terrestrial habitat quality; threatened, rare or en- dangered species; cultural resources; and geotechnical data. The proposed programs to collect and monitor environmental data in these areas are con- tained in the section on Task 5, Subtask C, Design of Baseline Environmental Data Collection Program. 21 TASK 4 - LOGISTICS Introduction The geothermal exploration to be conducted on Mt. Makushin is identical with that routinely undertaken on all geothermal Prospects in the "Lower 48." Weather and accessibility greatly complicate these operations on the Unalaska project since they significantly determine the logistics related to transport of personnel, materials and equipment, on-site shelter, communications, safety, and medical considerations. The weather is typically windy, rainy, and foggy, and the ground surface in the project area can be snow or ice covered, muddy, and/or barren rock. Surface access from Dutch Harbor to the project area would require at least 25 miles of travel over rugged, roadless, uninhabited terrain. Access by air is possible but can be constrained by high wind, fog, or driving rain or snow. Access to the region (+6 miles from the project site) by sea is possible via Broad Bay beach (Makushin Valley) and Glacier Valley (Makushin Village); how- ever, landings at Driftwood Bay are virtually impossible due to the steep beach that is mantled by boulders two to three feet in diameter. With all of the above-described conditions in mind, the logistical plans described below have been made for Phase IB and tentatively for Phase II activities. A list of subcontractors to be employed during Phase IB is presented in Appendix E. Personnel Transport For the sake of this discussion, it is assumed that transportation of per- sonnel from Anchorage to Dutch Harbor can be reliably accomplished via Reeves Aleutian and Air Pacific Airlines, though there may be occasional flight de- lays due to inclement weather. Transportation of personnel from Dutch Harbor to the project site on Mt. Makushin can be accomplished in several ways: 1. Personnel can fly into Driftwood Bay aboard an Air Pac "Goose" that can land on the existing 3,000-foot runway, except when it gets too soft during mid-summer rains. From Driftwood Bay, workers would have to hike about five miles up to the proposed 1982 campsite. 2. Alternatively, personnel could be landed by boat on the beach at Makushin Valley. They would then face a +8-mile hike up the valley, over a divide, and down to the camp. This is not a preferred option. 3. Personnel can be transported by helicopter directly from Dutch Harbor to the campsite or other work sites on the mountain. Though weather constraints may frequently apply, (3) above is clearly the preferred transportation mode and, for this reason, Republic has contracted with ERA Helicopters, Inc. for the use of an Astar 350D, five-passenger heli- copter for the 1982 field season. The helicopter will be based in Dutch Harbor and will make an average of four trips per day to the project site carrying personnel and/or equipment. The craft will also be used to move geo- scientists and environmental specialists around the mountain and to move drillers between the camp and the drill sites as required. 22 Equipment Transport Equipment to be used on the Unalaska project is basically of two types: (a) light, portable geoscientific instrumentation and (b) heavy, stationary drilling machinery, pipe, and camp facilities. Transport of the former is no more of a problem than is personnel transport. Movement of camp and drilling materials can be accomplished in only two ways: 1. Theoretically, it might be possible to build a road up Makushin Valley to the project site. This was, in fact, accomplished in 1957 when Morrison-Knudsen Corp. built a temporary road that was used to facilitate construction of a radar site on the west side of Driftwood Bay. The 1957 road has been virtually eroded away by the Makushin Valley river, and it is not usable at this time. Construction of a new road and restoration of remnants of the old road are too expen- sive to consider under the existing project budget. 2. A helicopter can be used to fly materials directly from Dutch Harbor to the mountain. Again, this is clearly the preferred alternative. Republic has subcontracted with Production Services, Inc. (PSI) and Exploration Supply and Equipment (ESE) to supply camp and drilling services, respectively. During negotiations with these firms, it was determined that they could package their equipment in loads of 1,300 pounds or less to enable helicopter transport via the ERA Astar 3500. It is anticipated that food, fuel, and other supplies will be flown into the project site as required in order to expedite progress. Overland Transportation Republic has considered utilization of two-wheeled motor bikes, three- wheeled, all-terrain motorcycles, and conventional all-terrain vehicles (ATV's) for overland transportation. All of these machines are probably more trouble than help because of the swampy, rocky, and steep topography. At this time, Republic plans to rely on (a) helicopters to move people and equipment over long distances; and (b) foot travel with backpacks for short-haul trans- portation. Shelter Prime considerations for shelter of personnel on Mt. Makushin are warmth and protection from wind and rain. Structures must be sturdy enough to with- stand winds in excess of 100 mph, be totally waterproof, and be able to retain heat to a significant degree. Discussions with experienced Alaskan construction workers led Republic to choose Hansen Weatherport tents for use on the project. PSI will be the sub- contractor in charge of mobilizing, constructing, stocking, and maintaining the camp. Initially, two sleeping tents and one cook tent will be erected. When thermal gradient drilling starts, the camp will be enlarged by adding more sleeping space and laundry and bathing facilities. 23 Prior to selection of the above-described camp, Republic considered the alternatives of (a) lodging all staff in the old army barracks at Driftwood Bay, and (b) lodging all staff at Dutch Harbor in apartment(s) or motel rooms. The former option was rejected because of the poor condition of the barracks and because of their distance from the geothermal areas. The second option was rejected primarily because too much time might be lost due to weather that might preclude daily ferrying of staff to the project area. Republic believes that the PSI camp will be cost-effective on this project and that its amenities should contribute significantly to maintenance of high staff morale and high levels of work efficiency. Food and Fuel The logistics of food and fuel are not difficult once the issue of trans- portation of personnel and equipment has been resolved. Fuel can be purchased at Dutch Harbor from Reeves Aleutian Airlines for use in the helicopter and from Chevron Oil Company (in drums) for use on the mountain (for camp heaters, drills, and/or emergency helicopter fuel). Food can be purchased in Unalaska in large enough quantities to receive a discount that partially compensates for the price differential between Anchorage and Unalaska. Transportation of food to the camp will be accom- plished by helicopter. Communications volun Cations: Four communication objectives must be fulfilled on the Unalaska project: 1. Communication between camp and Dutch Harbor; 2. Communication between camp and Anchorage or the "Lower 48;" 3. Ground-to-air communication related to helicopter use; and 4. Communications between field parties and/or rig location and the base camp. Communications from camp to Dutch Harbor can be accomplished using either VHF or HF/SSB systems. Field installations are similar for both systems; how- ever, they are slightly more complex and more expensive for the HF/SSB equip- ment. Additionally, reliability of HF/SSB is a function of ionospheric con- ditions that could cause a 10-40 percent loss of reception Capabilities. For these reasons, Republic has opted to use a VHF system that incorporates one repeater station installed in the hills east of the camp to permit reliable contact between the camp and Dutch Harbor. Also planned is a 24-hour emer- gency communication link with the Unalaska Department of Public Safety (Police Department), all of whose members are trained paramedics. Communication with the "outside" will utilize the above-described system and a semi-automatic phone patch into existing commercial lines. We do not anticipate a frequent need for this patch, but its presence May expedite some activities, enable rapid transmittal of ideas and decisions, and generally minimize "downtime." 24 Ground-to-air communications will be effected via radio equipment supplied by ERA Helicopters, Inc. The system will utilize short-range “walkie-talkies" whose single frequency is received only by the helicopter. Field party to camp communications will utilize “walkie-talkies" on a frequency different than that used for helicopter communication. Republic has subcontracted with Trident of Anchorage to provide the equip- ment described above. Installation will be timed to coincide with the begin- ning of geological, geochemical, and geophysical field work in late April or early May. Safety and Medical Safety is always a prime consideration when conducting exploration in re- mote areas. Experience with the anticipated conditions is the best insurance against the occurrence of accidents. For this reason, Republic has employed only subcontractors having significant experience in Alaskan "bush" operations and in-house staff that have comparable training. Though many of Republic's personnel have had first-aid training, some reliance will be placed on the availability of paramedical help from the Unalaska Police Department. It is anticipated that radio contact with the paramedics, helicopter transportation of medical personnel to the camp, and helicopter med-evac procedures should adequately safeguard project workers. In order to minimize the chances of serious accidents related to drilling and/or helicopter activities, Republic has stressed to its subcontractors the problems involved in the operations; i.e., wind, rain, and terrain, so that only their most skilled employees will work on the project. If everyone can be kept safety conscious, it is believed that the work can be completed with- out serious accidents. Repairs There are basically only two alternatives for fixing broken equipment: repair it on site or move it back off the mountain. Obviously, the former choice is preferable. By maintaining an adequate stock of spare parts in Dutch Harbor, it is believed that all possible breakdowns can be remedied on site after helicopter transportation of parts. A worst-case situation would involve telephoning Anchorage and one-day shipment of parts to Unalaska via a commercial airline. 25 TASK 5 - DATA SYNTHESIS AND DETAILED PLANNING SUBTASK A In this section, all available geological, geochemical, and geophysical data from the Makushin area of Unalaska are reported. The data are summa- rized, and conclusions are drawn for all of the three geodisciplines. These conclusions are then integrated into a preliminary model of the Makushin geo- thermal system. Makushin Geological Data The principal sources of Unalaska Island geological information are U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1028-S by Drewes et al, 1961; U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1457-B by Lankford and Hill, 1979; and recent geological map- ping by J. Reeder of the Alaskan Geological Survey, as yet unpublished but available through personal communications. Regional Geology The oldest rocks exposed on the island and in the vicinity of Makushin © Volcano belong to the Early Miocene Unalaska Formation. This formation, which has been estimated to be several tens of thousands of feet thick, is exposed over ey of the island and contains three different facies (Drewes et al, 1961). The three Unalaska Formation facies occur on different portions of the island and are separated by transition zones which are several miles wide. In general, the Unalaska Formation south of Portage Bay (Plate I) is composed primarily of argillites and fine sediments cut by volcanic intrusives, while on the northeastern section of the island pyroclastics and intrusives are pre- dominant. The Unalaska Formation on the northwestern bulge area, which in- cludes Makushin Volcano, is principally coarse clastics (such as graywacke and conglomerate) that have been intruded by mafic rocks and then overlain by extrusive volcanic rocks. The Unalaska Formation dips gently north-northwest about 15°; therefore, the coarser clastic facies are apparently the youngest portion of the formation. The Unalaska Formation is metamorphosed to a green- schist grade. Three small batholiths and 25 smaller plutons, ranging in size from sills and dikes that are 10 feet wide to stocks that are four miles wide, exist on Unalaska. In the Makushin area, these plutonic rocks are represented as a linear trend of small stocks (Plate I). These stocks appear to have invaded the Unalaska Formation by assimilation, stoping, and forced intrusion (Drewes et al, 1961) shortly after or contemporaneous with Unalaska deposition. The plutonic rocks are irregular-jointed, holocrystalline granodiorite to gabbro with hypidiomorphic textures. Unconformably overlying the Unalaska Formation on the northwestern bulge area are the Makushin volcanics, a thick pile of unaltered and slightly de- formed basaltic to andesitic lavas and pyroclastics of Plio-Pleistocene Age. The lower surface of the Makushin volcanics is irregular due to the rugged topographic relief on top of the older Unalaska Formation. This causes the thickness of the Makushin volcanics to be highly variable, although the total thickness does not exceed several thousand feet. The age of the Makushin 26 volcanics ranges from Pliocene to Pleistocene; however, the bulk of the rocks can be dated as Late Pleistocene on the basis of their relationships with glacially modified topography and morainal deposits. Makushin Volcano is reported to have erupted at least 14 times since 1760 (Motyka et al, 1981) and is the principal source of the Makushin volcanics, although there are several other obvious vent areas of more recent Makushin extrusives, such as Pakushin Cone, Wide Bay Cone, and the Point Kadin Cones and explosion craters (which outline a linear N75°W trending rift zone). These more recent lavas and pyroclastics are predominantly basaltic in compo- sition. A recent volcanic mudflow fills the valley south of Bishop Point and may be one of the youngest deposits related to the volcanic activity of Mt. Makushin. Mudflows resulting from ash eruptions and snowmelt are one of the potential volcanic hazards to be found in the area. Studies are currently under way by the DGGS to identify other potential volcanic hazard sites in the Mt. Makushin area. Most of Unalaska Island displays the effects of glacial erosion and de- position including U-shaped valleys, cirques, arétes, ice-scour features of every size, and a variety of morainal deposits. Small glaciers and ice fields still exist on Mt. Makushin. Makushin Geology In the anticipated drilling area, which is located on the southern and eastern flanks of Mt. Makushin, the major lithology types are alluvium, Makushin mafic extrusives, gabbroic to granodioritic plutonic rocks, and the Unalaska Formation (Plate II). The plutonic rocks, which are of the same approximate age as the Unalaska Formation, have been mapped along the trend of fumaroles 1, 2, and 3 as small dikes (Plate I). These dikes may be apophyses of a larger batholith (Reeder, 1982, personal communication). The Unalaska Formation in the lower portions of Glacier Valley and the upper part of Nateekin Valley consists of over 50 percent coarse clastics dip- Ping approximately 15° north-northwest. Farther north and west near fumaroles 1, 2, and 3, breccia and lava flows within the Unalaska Formation become domi- nant (Reeder,. 1982, personal communication). This suggests that the Unalaska Formation will be composed of a layer of breccia and lava flows overlying the predominantly coarse clastic (graywacke) facies in the anticipated drilling area. Both the graywacke and plutonic rocks should be competent and able to sup- port open fractures. Fractured graywacke forms the steam reservoir at The Geysers, California, while fractured plutonic rocks provide the production at Roosevelt Hot Springs, Utah. It is highly probable, therefore, that fluid transport within the Makushin reservoir will be controlled by fractures rather than by lithologic (matrix) permeability. 27 Structure The Aleutian Ridge, of which the Aleutian Islands are the subaerial por- tion, is the topographic and structural response to underthrusting of the Pacific Plate beneath the North American Plate along the Aleutian trench. This underthrusting creates a zone of compressional stress perpendicular to the trench which results in folding, fracturing, and faulting of rocks com- prising the North American Plate. Faults, joints, and related linear features are abundant on Unalaska (Plate III), although few have been mapped in detail. Most of the faults appear to be high-angle to vertical with no low-angle thrust faulting yet recognized. These faults range from tight fractures to sheared or brecciated Zones, some of which have been mineralized with quartz, calcite, and pyrite (Drewes et al, 1961). A few faults are recognized as having some element of strike-slip movement, while most others appear to be steep, normal faults. Fault and lineation patterns (Reeder, personal communication, 1982) form several major trends (Plate III): (a) a strong N50°-75°W trending set of faults and fractures, some of which line up along explosion crater and erup- tive vent trends (Point Kadin Rift); (b) a weaker, more scattered north- northeast trending set of shorter lineations; and (c) a less abundant, roughly east-west trending set of linears. The plutonic bodies and several of the fumarole fields appear to be aligned in a northeasterly trend that may repre- sent an older zone of fracturing or weakness along which the plutonic rocks were emplaced. The area west of Makushin Volcano is relatively free of ob- served lineations mainly due to lack of air photo coverage or cloud cover on available aerial photos. Several of the fumarole fields lie on or near the major faults and linea- tions, although these faults do not seem to control the actual surface con- figurations of most of the fumaroles (Reeder, personal communication, 1982). However, fumarole fields 1, 2, and 8 lie directly on known or indicated fractures. In addition, the fumaroles seem to be controlled by fracturing along localized contacts between the Unalaska Formation and the small in- trusive bodies of gabbro or granodiorite on the east side of Mt. Makushin. This is particularly evident at fumarole fields 1, 2, and 3 (Reeder, 1982, unpublished). : Summary The stratigraphy in the Makushin Volcano area consists of Recent to Pliocene Makushin volcanics that overlie the Miocene Unalaska Formation which is intruded by small, mafic plutonic bodies. In this area, the Unalaska For- mation is composed mainly of graywackes that are covered by a layer of pre- Makushin extrusive volcanics. Small mafic plutonic bodies have intruded the Unalaska Formation at several locations. The Unalaska Formation is estimated to be several thousand feet thick, and both the graywackes and the plutonic rocks are faulted and fractured to a high degree. Recent volcanic eruptions have occurred from numerous vents in the Makushin area. These, combined with the long history of igneous activity, suggest that an active magma chamber underlies the Makushin area. 28 It appears that an excellent chance exists for encountering a fractured, geothermal system within the Unalaska Formation or plutonic rocks at Makushin. Makushin Geochemistry Geochemical exploration initially involves the sampling and analyses of gases, rocks, waters, and soils in geothermal prospect areas. The data are then interpreted to predict if a high-temperature geothermal system is present and, if so, whether the system is liquid or vapor dominated. It is also pos- sible to estimate the reservoir's minimum temperature, to provide a prelimi- nary outline of the reservoir boundaries, and to assist in tracing the fluid migration routes within the geothermal system. The fundamental basis for classifying geothermal reservoirs is the physi- cal state of the reservoir fluid phase. The two main reservoir types are liquid (hot water) and vapor-dominated (dry steam) reservoirs. Hot water systems are characterized by liquid water as the continuous, pressure- controlling fluid phase. Vapor may be present, generally as discrete bubbles, in the near-surface, low-pressure zones. Hot water systems produce brine and steam at ratios dependent on reservoir temperature, pressure, and chemistry. The second geothermal reservoir type, dry steam, produces only dry or superheated steam with no associated liquid. Vapor-dominated systems develop initially from hot water systems characterized by very high heat flow and low rates of recharge (White et al, 1971). When the heat supply becomes great enough to boil off more water than is being replaced by recharge, a vapor- dominated reservoir forms above a deeper, liquid-dominated reservoir. Hot springs and fumaroles occur where geothermal fluids leak to the surface from the reservoir. These manifestations contain liquids and gases that evolved in the reservoir. Therefore, sampling and analyses of thermal fluids provide information concerning subsurface reservoir conditions. Geothermal Manifestations The Makushin geothermal prospect contains recent volcanic rocks, hydro- thermally altered rocks, and several surface thermal manifestations which indicate geothermal activity. The thermal manifestations consist of hot springs, fumaroles, and travertine deposits. Plate I illustrates the surface location of known thermal features (the posted number is the reference number). Hot springs are represented by solid circles and fumaroles by solid squares. In several cases, a circle or square denotes groups of thermal features. There are 12 geothermal manifestation groups in the Makushin area (Motyka, 1981). These manifestations (Table 3) consist of eight fumarole fields and four hot spring groups. Surface temperatures range from 17° to 150°C. 29 TABLE 3 Makushin Thermal Manifestations Reference No. Temp. - (°C Fumarole Hot Springs Notes ] 100 X A 2 95 X A 3 100 X 4 100 X 5 ? X 6 150 X S 7 ? X 8 ? xX 9 80-87 .5 X Si02,A 10 67 X 11 76-96 X CaC03 12 17-78 X CaC03 Notes: Si02 - Silica precipitate CaC03 -- Calcite precipitate A - Alteration S - Native Sulfur The fumaroles located in the summit crater (field 6) issue 150°C super- heated steam (Maddren, 1919) at high pressures, and they are surrounded by a large solfatara field. Approximately 5.5 km east of fumarole field 6, fumarole field 1 and hot spring 10 are situated on a steep canyon wall. The fumarole field consists of numerous small vents that seep steam with a boiling-point surface temperature, and some mud pots are present. Altered ground surrounds both the fumaroles and the hot spring. The spring flows less than 10 lpm of water whose surface temperature is 67°C. Fumarole field 2 and hot spring group 9 are located 2.5 km upstream from fumarole field 1. The steam vents of fumarole field 2 occur along approxi- mately 1 km of the steeply sloping bank of the Makushin Valley river. The vents are slightly pressurized and have surface temperatures at or near the boiling point. Motyka (1981) reported boiling water below the vents. Four hot springs (No. 9), situated at the downstream terminus of the fumarole field, discharge about 40 Ipm of thermal water whose surface temperatures range from 80° to 87.5°C. Additional hot springs (80°C) occur 50 meters down- stream, and minor silica sinter deposits line the existing channels of these hot springs. Three fumarole fields (3, 4, and 5) occur on the southern slope of Mt. Makushin. All three fumarole fields are composed of numerous vents that issue only steam and noncondensable gases. The discharge pressures range from low to very high with the fumarole field 5 steam plume visible to at least ten meters above the ground. Altered ground and sublimates ring the vents. At field 3, meteoric water flowing through the field becomes heated and appears to percolate into the ground. 30 Two hot spring groups occur south of fumarole fields 3 and 4. The north- ern group (No. 11) consists of nine hot springs and several extinct spring sites. These springs have a combined flow rate of 200 Ipm of water with sur- face temperatures between 76° and 96°C. A thin layer of calcite (CaC03) lines their discharge channels. The southern hot spring group (No. 12) issues from the valley wall at five spring and three seep sites. The total water flow rate is approximately 100 1pm with surface temperatures ranging from 17° to 78°C. The ground sur- rounding the hot springs is coated with calcite. Fumarole fields 7 and 8 are relatively unexplored. Steam seeps from the ground at low pressures at fumarole field 8, while at fumarole field 7 on the north side of the mountain steam is vented at moderate pressures. Thermal Water Analyses The results of geochemical analyses of ten aqueous samples collected from Mt. Makushin are available (Motyka, 1981, personal communication) and are listed in Figures 2-11. The samples represent eight hot springs and two river waters. . Geothermal waters, which can exceed 300,000 mg/1 salinity, contain chemi- cal species that may require special analytical techniques. In addition, some constituents are unstable with temperature changes; therefore, all analyses should be checked for accuracy. The accuracy of a complete geothermal water analysis can be checked by calculating the cation-anion balance. The sum of the cations in milliequivalents should equal the sum of the anions expressed in the same units. The difference between the two sums will not exceed 7.5 percent in a proper analysis. All complete Makushin aqueous analyses have been checked for accuracy utilizing the cation-anion balance. The balance, which ranges from 0.7 to 16 percent difference, indicates that proper sampling and analytical techniques were utilized in all except one sample. This sample (No. 11-1) appears to report twice the expected HCO3 concentration (Motyka, 1982, personal com- munication). The ten aqueous chemical analyses document total dissolved solids (TDS) ranging from 15 mg/1 to 1,440 mg/l. The 15 mg/1 figure, which represents cold river water, indicates that Makushin's ground water has reacted minimally with local rocks. Makushin thermal waters have a broad TDS range from 177 to 1,440 mg/l. These thermal waters differ from river water in their high Sido, K, and S0q concentrations. In addition, the thermal waters have pH values lower than that of the river water. Classification The chemical classification of thermal waters and gases may define their origins. Water characteristics "fingerprint" the waters' interaction with rock. This interaction permits a qualitative determination of reservoir type. Cl waters commonly occur in liquid-dominated reservoir areas. S04 and HCO3 type waters may be associated with dry steam reservoirs. 31 Figure 2 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS rem: —Unalaska sampuine pate: 2/4/81 rime. samPce point: Makushin Valley Hot Spring ee LL OATE ANALYZED: ROO mC OATE REPORTED: = PRODUCTION TEMPERATURE, OC FLOW RATE WELLHEAO Lo PRESSURE (PSI) AT: SAMPLE POINT 57.5 WELL HEAD NakCa —___416§__ SAMPLE POINT $02 127, p couscton __Motyka AmSi07 —___ il Mg ALKALI 46 Na/K CATIONS =¢ i pom mmoies/| mea/l treat? ever Ca 23.3 1.16 | FAc Mg 5.5 -45 | FAC Na 24 1.04 | F K 3.23 . -0O8 | F Fe -07 -004] FAC ui -O1 -001} FAC SIC +A +Si05) . NON-IONIC: pom —. i TOS Si0> 88 FD eres V2 5 mea (C-a) (V3) C027 = :- SEOs = meq (C + a) TDS 177 Soecific Conductance ey mnosiem @ PAGE NO. 1.0. NUMBER: —2_ Repuatic: __ #10 AB: pHIN= Figto: 5.28 LAB: _ ISOTOPE = 0 ° Dd * = Sample trestment coce -—— R = raw: A = acidified; F = filtered N = nitric acid: S = suifurie: C = hydrochioric D = diluted ATOMIC RATIOS mi samoie with uu mi Ow. rT cyt 30 gg ——— 323 egy re © nye 3a cat a. Se Sener -41 FL CE ICE Cs Figure 3 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL. INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. item: _Unalaska sampuns oate: 8/13/80 tie. —————— .0. numeen: _DGGS #1 SAMPLE sont: _ Makushin Valley Hot Spring REPUBLIC: L e LAB: ee —_—_—_—_—_—_—_— OATES ANALYZED: _ Tui cronter: > PRODUCTION —___________ rewpsrature,__"c_ SCs FLOW RATE watLweas eee DH IN» PRESSURE (PS!) AT: Sampts Point 87.400 FIELO: 4 WE ga cu eee St Ht NeRGe oo 4 3 ee SAMPLE POINT SO eee ate scan ISOTOPE « courscron __Motyka than Si att ies See Ce UUM EEE Mg ALKAW toate Me etc oe are 2 8 SMe ee eee CATIONS =¢ ANIONS = 4 : >om mmoies/! mea/l treat? Oct Som mrnoies/} meal treat? ali @ |69.3 | 3.46 FAC HC33 (191 B.13 F Mg {12.2 1.00 FAC COs 0 F Na (28 1.22 JF SS. 1155.3 3.23 F : « 5.6 lets F a 5 .14 F Fe -09 -005 |Fac F iE? -O1 F | ui <.01 FAC 8 <0.5 F | Pe EIS +A + S05) | UE NONAONIC: som COMMENTS: 2) ee | eaten a ; Sioz 140 FD a ere V2 5 mec (C-a) v2 208 O72 | —_—_—— «= SS . KL = meq (C + A) Seecitic Comauctanes amnosiem 2 ou ® LL , * = Samoie treatment coce A = raw: A = acicifiec: = = filtered N = nitric acia: $ = sulfuric: C = hycroentorie Os citured LO mi samoie wien — 100 mi ow. ee eee TET ICU ATOMIC RATIOS Capt sae ee HEE FC) Nac HAIL UGE ECHL Naik ee gH ce Ca/Mg ne Fu -1- eee cv S—C~™ $e Figure 4 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. Tem: —_Unalaska sawpune oars: 8/13/80 Time: to. uumgeer: .DGGS #2 SAMPLE Point: _ Makushin Valley Hot Spring es RePvsuic: Le CS AB: —_—— ire nmcrzze: i stencronten: SPROCUCTION TEMPERATURE, °C; PLOW RATE WELLHEAQ Lo BH IN PRESSURE (PSI) AT: SAMPLE POINT 67 FIELD: 5.32 WELLHEAD Naka "WH 3 a SAMPLE POINT sO 2 —i2f \SOTOPS « courseror —__Motyka AmSi0q 1d O Mg Acxau 43 ee Na/K 308 CATIONS =¢ ANIONS = 4 : 20m mrmoies/| mea/l treat® ac Som mmoias/! mea/! treat’ Alc S& (23.1 1.15 FAC HeS3 /116 1.90 F Mg 8.0 -66 FAC 3 0 F Ne 113.9 -60 F SOe | 21.4 +45 F “ 3.4 . | .09 F a 5 -14 F ad -03 -002 FAC Fe «lly -O1 F i uo} <.ol FAC 8 <.5 F es es ee ee ee eee Nee Oa + Sz | .1o -002 | FAC | = (48.5 2.51 | = | . | i j —_— SICA +SiO>) -_ NON-IONIC: som} —s ———LS COMMENTS: Tos SiOz 88 FD | _ , V2 5 mec (Coma) (V9) -004 o27 ———___ | ———- : OS meq (C = 4) TDS - 279 SS Seecitic Cancuctanca ss mnesvern a—°* — * = Sampie treatment coce R= raw: A = acicified: F © filtered N nitric acig: $ = auiturie: C = hycroenterie mi samoie with Lo mi Ow. NL S * diluted ATOMIC RATIOS Ca —4.62 00 sou —4.28 2/1 022 —— Nac 2.78 Nak —_ 4-09 caiMg 2.89 a ee 34 . Bl Se Figure 5 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS item: _Unalaska sampung pate: 2/5/81 _ sampce point: _Makushin Glacier Valley Hot Spring Oe eS OATE ANALYZED: —W (TE eporter: = PROOUCTION temperature, CC; TIME: ——___ 1.0. NUMBER: PAGE NO. G2 TT #11 REPUBLIC: tS BS FLOW RATE WELLHEAD Wo PH IN = PRESSURE (PS!) AT: SAMPLE POINT 68 FIELD: WELL HEAD Lo NaKCa 15 LAB: CE SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 — 156 ISOTOPE = courecton ___Motyka Am Si02 —_ 34 Oa } Mg AckAU — 15 a NK 169 ——_ CATIONS = ¢ ANIONS = A : 7H, re _ CC ® pom mmoies/i mea/! treat® cei pom mmoies/! mea/! treat® A/C! PCa DS a ee Ge |258 12.87 |FAC HCO3 Mg 9.59 -79 |FAC Na 61 2.65 |F K 3.27 -08 |F Fe -02 -001;/FAC u 0.04 -O1 {FAC Ba Bin | Sx 1.08 -02 |FAC , Pp (SBS eee =__ 1333 16.43 = 494 10.30 nt a 1080 TIC + A + Si0>) . : NON-IONIC: pom eee - 1 Tos sibs 138 FD COMMENTS: J _ —_—_e -_—— V2_S mea (C-a) | v2) . coz ——___ = meq (C = A) TDS 964 ees e Seecific Conductance eu mnosiem @ —_—— * = Samoie treatment coce - A = raw: A = acidified; F = filtered N = nitric acid: S = sulfuric: C = hycrochioric 5 = diluted mi samoie with mi OW. ATOMIC RATIOS cay ct 112.2 sO4/cl 213 Fe -11 Nase: 26.5 Na/K 18.65 Ca/Mg 26.9 KIch 1.42 i 35 2 Beg Figure 6 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS na vem: Unalaska ss sampune DATE: 2/5/81 time: .O0.NuMeer: G3 SAMPLE point: __Makushin Glacier Valley Hot Spring REPUBLIC: #11-1 A Ae te _ OATE ANALYZED: _ See OATE REPORTED: ZS PROOUCTION Temperature, °C; bres antag a ee WELLHEAD 2 pHIN® PRESSURE (PS!) AT: SAMPLE POINT 79 FIELD: 6.36 wee | ULM MILNE II Na UN 2ST Lea LM SHI Samece-porrr JULI Lill | Seo SOUT Ti ISOTOPE « courscton ___Motyka Am SiOz ——_36 ee Mg ALKALI Se IMI a agi 76 —_ CATIONS =¢ ANIONS = 4 eC . pom mmoies/| mea/i treat® csc — & |208 10.34 | Fac Mg 7.8 -64 | FAC 81 3.52 |F K 4.8 / -12 |F Fe 0.2 -O1 | Fac a 0.03 -004}j FAC 2 xr a ZL -03 | FAC — = {303 14.71 n- 4K ee MICINII GLEN EINE I NON-IONIC: pom COMMENTS: Ds ee ELE Ml aU MK IH V2_ 5 meg (C—a) (v2) an aie CO Tae Ee. = meq (C + A) TDS 1440 e_ Soecific Conductance ——— su mnosicm @ ee ® LL * = Sample treatment coce in _-_--seNaeuwe R = raw: A = acidified: F = filtered es N = nitric acid; S = suifurie: C = hydrochioric -—_---_—---- O = diluted mi samoie with mi OW. ee , ATOMIC RATIOS Se MMe nga a a 03 nore WML LLIN TILI I | pet ae SLIM Cag — 26,67 pres MIME loses MUI LMCI | ey eae UE LOL IM IIL ee } Figure 7 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. Femi ngeeceecee ene) I) I I ||| eho dea ate! LS TIME: 1D. NuMeeR: __GL-C samPce point: _Makushin Glacier Valley Hot Spring REPUBLIC: #11 So LAB: wm SS —_—— Soe anayzeo: __ Oita ePorntep: S PRODUCTION ss tempsrature,__°C_ si: PLOW RATE WELLHEAD pH IN = PRESSURE (PSI) AT: SAMPLE POINT 77.5 FIELD: 4.34 WELLHEAD NakCa 67 LA EL SAMPLE POINT SiO 2 148 ISOTOPE = courscton ___Motyka Am $102 ——__ 26 Ore I Mg ALKAU 67 3 ——$—__ Na/K 201 tt rea IE T e CATIONS =¢ ANIONS = A I S— ee ' pom mrmoies/i mea/! treat® C/ci sem mrmoies/! mea/! treat? A/c aS Sar nS A Se | Ca 25.4 Reet FAC HCO3 6 -O1 F Mg 8.0 -66 FAC CO3 Na 62 2.70 F | SOg |218 4.54 F K 5.16 . aL F a Oak .17 F i. F <O.1 F a -Ol1 -OO1] FAC 8 0.0 F Ba | ar NHg POq | Sx 0.20 -005| FAC ' = |101 4.76 = 230 4.81 SIC +A + SiO) a We NON-iONIC: pom —>=—_: eo COMMENTS: i TOS Sidz 120 FD i Sno — V2_S5 mea iC-al | 12) . Coz = meq (C + A) -007 TDS 450 es Soecific Concuctance mm u mhosiem @ ss * « Sarnpie treatment coce 7 ee e R= raw: A = acidifiea: F = filtered ee N = nitric acid; S = sulfuric: C = hydrochtoric ee = diluted Mi sarmoie with mi O.W. es J ATOMIC RATIOS ay iets eee UN UM igeede eee MI I FN EL eee et ee ey came ce IM TL IL lf Fe ee SOLIS | a LT TO ee 37 I We 2 sea Figure 8 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS a item: _Unalaska sampuing oats: 8/11/80 aie. ————___ 1.9. numeen: DGGS #1 SamPLz Point: Makushin Glacier Valley Hot Spring Re=uBLC: NT Aas eo OATE ANALYZED: __ ota ert: ——— SPROCUCTION TEMPERATURE, OC. PLOW RATE wettHeao — BH IN® PRESSURE (PSI) AT: SAMPLE POINT 96.8 FIELO: 6.4 WELLHEAD Naka 79 Se SAMPLE POINT ————— S02 30 . (SOTOPE « courscron __Motyka Am Sidg i4 SIC = & + Si05) NONHONIC: Som —_— LS A MMEN 3 Tas so, 94 FD COMMENTS: =— q VIS mec (cna iv . 2 ——___ ee “Imeaqic-a) -06 Seecitic Conquctance amncvem @ NT * = Sampie treatment coce A sraw: A = acidified; F ¢ filtered N ® nitric acia: $ = suiturie: C = hydroeniorie 3 = diluted —l0_ mi sarmmoie with —100_ mi OW. Coe |- ATOMIC RATIOS cyt gaye: 12) lt, ——_—04 Nav 52200 aie —10.8 Cag 2.93 , - KIC a iy —— ee BS. aa 38 Tem: —_Unalaska Figure 9 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS SAMPLING OATS: —B/I1/20 Time: SamPcz Point: _Makushin Glacier Valley Hot Sprin vV—_em—sce sae Sy HOt Spring PAGE NO. 1.0. NUMeéR: _DGGS 22. REPUBLIC: ac HL TT ee dea MN ESSICIMIMIEIEI I ILI OTE acres: Oi ePonten: = PROOUCTION ws rempsrature,__°C_ i; PLOW RATE nn weLtHeao ae LLY SH IN © PRESSURE (PSi) AT: SAMPLE POINT 82.4 FIELD: 6.5 pee 2S pee Te SA WELL HEAO Nekes 69 a eT MMT HI SAMPLE POINT me, 2 acas aaa NLM ULL ISOTOPE « COLLscToR —_Motyka Am SiOz ——_29 RLM IL i gp ET Bo Na/K 183 —___ CATIONS =¢ ANIONS = 4 : cc ‘ pom memoies/i mea/t treat® Cfer pom | mmoies/t mea/l treat? AlCl = eee | 32.1 1.60 |Fac HCO3 [288 | 4.72 F Mg 10.6 -87 FAC CO3 0 F -26 -O1 = 1136 6.42 SIC + A + S105) Te NON-ONIC: som —=s=_—_ EE Tos V7 5 meciCma) (VW) 4 =_ mes (Cma) = meq (C + a) Seecitic Concuczance * = Samote treatment coce A = raw: A = acidified: F © filtered N = nitric acig: $ = suiturie: C = nydroentorie 9 * diluted 1 mit samoie with ATOMIC RATIOS 6.42 17.4 — ca o Nai |S ——. 1s TMOosiem @ 100 H2S - <.5 e ———s mi OW. es a ees Na/k eee COIN Ca/Mg sree eMC 3/cr —_—_—_—_—_—_— LK St eg Figure 10 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS —Unalaska samPLNne cate: 2/5/81 sie: SamPLe Point: __Makushin Glacier Valley River eee 7 OATE ANALYZED: ITEM: PAGE NO. 1.0. NUMBER: REPUBLIC: BS eee pHIN®= FIELO: LAB: _—_—_—_——_—_—____ _ ISOTOPE = Oa 0 ———— ANIONS =A mmoies/! mea/! rece DATE REPORTED: >> = PROOUCTION WO TemPgRaTurRE,_ Ct. FLOW RATE WELLHEAD Lo PRESSURE (PSi) AT: SAMPLE POINT 4.9 WELL HEAD NakCa SAMPLES POINT SiO 2 courscton ___Motyka Am Si02 } Mg ALKAU 2 Na/K CATIONS =¢ pom mrmoies/| mea/! treat’ c/ei poem 4 Ca 9 0.45 | FAC HCO3 Mg 1.9 -16 | FAC Na 4.7 -20 |F 4 K -8 -02 |F a 5.6 Fe 0.0 FAC bi 0.0 FAC Ba NH4 POs a Ss 16.4 - 83 eee UT NON-ONIC: pom Tos siog —_20_FD pReS PE” An (v2) etre ae! VTS mea (C=a) = meq (C + A) Soecific Conductance ee iu mnesiem @ : * = Sample treatment coce R = raw: A = acidified: F © filtered N = nitric acia: S = sulfuric: C = hydrochioric O = Giluted mi samoie with ou mi O.W. ATOMIC RATIOS ca 2 1.61 ees 5.18 Peas eerie |e Use UL UT .14 KA CS eS ICS 40 pete COMMENTS: Figure 11 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. WATER CHEMISTRY WORK SHEET MAJOR AND MINOR COMPONENTS PAGE NO. item: _Unalaska sapune cate: 7/1/81 TIME: 1.0. NUMBER: samPce Point: _Makushin Driftwood Bay River REPUBLIC: ee Aa: ee OATE ANALYZED: ——— “CATE REPORTED: —_ = PRODUCTION us rempsrature,__ CC; FLOW RATE _—_——— WELLHEAD Lo pHIN= PRESSURE (PSI) AT: SAMPLE POINT 3.8 BE ce aM Hit Nee ea MIMI IMI Ne Ce ML IL IU ta a SRI PORIET saccade ee re TLL ISOTOPE = courscton __Motyka Aen S09 | URL 0 Mg ALKALI Na/K CATIONS =¢ som mmoies/i mea/| treat® — ce 2.6 oa FAC Mg 5 -04 FAC OO een} iy 2 -09 | F K -06 ; -002| F Fe -06 -003/ Fac ai 0.0 FAC NHe | Sr 0.01 FAC BIC +A + Si0>) NON-IONIC: pom MMA ATH ANTI nT nee COMMENTS: TOS Sid2 4.5 ae TUR ——_ V2 mea (C—A) {Vv 2) CO eee ————_— +: LO __ = meq (C + A) TDS 15 _ Soecific Conductance sg mnosiem |S * = Samole treatment coce R = raw: A = acidified: F = filtered N = nitric acid: S = suifurie: C = hydrochtorie 3 = diluted mi samoie with mi O.W. _ ATOMIC RATIOS cay ci MUU Lees OMNES LUI selec UR SUG IMIIMIIILI LIN HL FIT peeses OUTIL Meee UO LEAL ELUILLILI I pg poe ata LLL | arate eet EU IMME HMI I peepee CI Mss 2 ha ILILCILL I peng aera E LL ee ILIMIL ILI Ip 4] ; 2 See Most chemical species of geothermal waters found in high-temperature areas can be classified under the general headings of: (a) alkali chloride; (b) acid sulfate; (c) acid-sulfate-chloride; and (d) bicarbonate (Ellis and Mahon, 1977). These classifications have successfully been applied to thermal waters in nonvolcanic as well as volcanic areas and are convenient for use in dis- cussions of the origin of hot spring waters. Examples of various hot water classifications are given in Table 4. TABLE 4 Typical Classified Thermal Waters Location Classifications Resource Type Takinoue, Hachimantai, Japan Alkali Chloride Hot Water Matsukawa, Hachimantai, Japan Acid Sulfate Dry Steam Valles Caldera, New Mexico, U.S.A. Acid-Sulfate-Chloride Hot Water Dixie Valley, Nevada, U.S.A. Bicarbonate Dry Steam The low pH and Cl values, accompanied by high SOq and HCO3 concentra- tions, allow the Makushin thermal waters to be classified as acid sulfate. Acid sulfate waters, low in chloride content, are formed when steam condenses into surface waters. Hydrogen sulfide gas in the steam is subsequently oxidized to sulfate. Acid sulfate waters are usually found in areas where steam rises from subsurface steam reservoirs and in volcanic areas where, in the cooling stages of volcanism, only carbon dioxide and sulfur gases remain in the vapors rising through the rocks. The constituents present in the waters are mainly leached from the rocks surrounding the surface hot springs. Their geochemical significance is usually minor in exploration work because of their generally superficial nature. The classification study of Makushin's thermal waters indicates that the hot springs originate from near-surface mixing of steam and ground water. This method implies that a vapor-dominated reservoir exists within the pros- pect. Characteristics The characteristics of ionic components in thermal waters are controlled by water-rock interaction. This hydrothermal exchange charges the water with chemicals. Experiments by Ellis and Mahon (1967) illustrated the ability of hot water to leach chemical constituents from rocks; therefore, thermal water characteristics aid in modeling geothermal systems. A Piper Diagram of Makushin cation chemistry is plotted in Figure 12. This figure suggests that all but three of the thermal waters have character- istics similar to the local river waters. The three non-similar thermal waters appear to be Na-rich and Ca-depleted when compared with the remaining type waters. These three thermal waters, which are located in Glacier Valley, are known to deposit calcite around their vents. Mass balance and thermo- dynamic calculations demonstrate that $hese waters are in equilibrium with calcite and that equal portions of Ca‘ and HCO3~' jons have been re- moved. This subtraction, which occurs with the deposition of calcite, sug- gests that calcite was precipitated before sample collection. 42 Ca+Mg RIVER RIVER BSD 10S OF MAKUSHIN WATERS numbers are on Plate | The characteristics of the available Makushin thermal waters indicate that the thermal waters and the meteoric waters are similar. Similarly, this usually occurs when only steam mixes with ground water to form the thermal waters. This implies that a steam cap or vapordominated geothermal system exists in the Makushin area. Reservoir Type Determination or prediction of the reservoir type (dry steam or hot water) is the initial geochemical exploration step. Chloride is the most critical single constituent in distinguishing hot water from dry steam systems. Common metal chlorides have negligible volatility at temperatures below 400°C and are not soluble in steam. Hot springs associated with known vapor-dominated reservoirs have Cl concentrations less than 50 mg/1 (White, 1970). Examples include hot springs at Matsukawa, Japan (3 mg/1), and The Geysers, U.S.A. (1.8 mg/1). Hydrothermally altered ground and naturally low discharge of waters (10-100 Ipm) are also characteristics of dry steam systems. In addition, S04 concentrations are anomalously high in hot springs whose waters are derived from vapor-dominated geothermal reservoirs. The S04 is formed when HoS gas entrained in the dry steam is oxidized near the surface. This sulfide to sulfate oxidation provides several free hydronium ions which produce the low pH and high acid springs commonly associated with dry steam areas. These high S0q concentrations combined with low Cl con- centrations generate a high S04/C1 ratio in dry steam areas; therefore, a high S04/C1 ratio is a geochemical indicator of vapor-dominated geothermal reservoirs. Hot water systems are identified by C1 concentrations exceeding 50 a The main hot springs related to hot water reservoirs always have higher C1 values than nearby cold springs and ground waters. Hot water springs tend to discharge water high in K, Na, and B and low in Mg; the pH is Couey near neutral. The Cl and S0q concentrations of Makushin thermal waters are listed in Table 5, The lowest reported Cl value (2.3 mg/1) and the highest C1 value (10 mg/1) differ by only 8 mg/l. This indicates that steam originating from a vapor- dominated reservoir or cap migrates to the surface and mixes with ground water to form the hot springs. The high S04 concentrations suggest that hydrogen sulfide gas is accompanying the steam. The S04/C1 ratios of thermal waters, as high as 213:1, indicate that only geothermal steam and gases reach the surface from the geothermal reservoir. 44 TABLE 5 Cl and SOq Concentrations of Makushin Thermal Waters Hot Spring No. Surface Temp.(°C) pH C1(mg/1) SOg(mg/1) —$04/C1 9 87.4 5.5 5 155.3 31 10 67 5.3 5 21.4 4 10 57.5 5.3 7.8 25.2 3 11 79 6.4 7.5 476 63 1 82.4 6.5 5 95 19 11 96.8 6.4 10 129 13 1 68 ND* 2.3 49] 213 11 77.5 4.3 6.1 218 36 Driftwood Bay River 3.8 ND* 2.6 3 ] Glacier Valley River 4.9 ND* 5.6 29 5 *ND - Not determined Reservoir Temperature Geochemistry is useful in predicting minimum subsurface reservoir tem- peratures of liquid-dominated geothermal reservoirs. At present, the commonly used chemical geothermometers are Si0g, Na/K, Ca/Na/K (alkali), Mg-corrected alkali, and SOq4/H20. Experience in developed geothermal fields has shown that several ionic concentrations and ratios are controlled by temperature. This dependence allows subsurface temperature prediction. Geothermal temperatures have been calculated for Makushin thermal waters and are listed in Table 6. However, several assumptions have to be fulfilled in order to obtain valid temperature estimations (Fournier et al, 1974), and these assumptions are all invalid when hot water does not escape from the reservoir. Because Makushin's thermal waters lack a deep hot water component, they cannot be utilized to accurately predict subsurface temperatures. _ TABLE 6 Makushin Geothermometer Temperatures (°C) Hot Surface Quartz Amorphous Na/K Ca/Na/K Mg/Ca/Na/K Spring No. Temp. ‘Temp. Quartz Temp. Temp. —_ Temp. Temp. 9 87.4 157 35 285 43 43 10 67 127 V1 308 43 43 10 57.5 127 V 244 46 46 1] 79 156 36 176 29 29 1] 82.4 150 29 183 69 69 1 96.8 130 14 210 79 68 11 68 156 34 169 15 15 11 67 148 26 201 67 67 45 Note: These temperatures are not representative of geothermal reservoir con- ditions since the samples analyzed contain only steam-heated meteoric waters. Isotopic Composition of Fluids The stable isotope composition of geothermal fluids can be used to esti- mate sources of recharge, circulation time, temperature, and fluid mixing paths. Since only hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope analyses are available for Makushin thermal waters, circulation time and temperature cannot be pre- dicted. These isotope values are illustrated in Table 7. TABLE 7 Makushin Stable Oxygen and Hydrogen Values (Motyka, 1982, personal communication) Sample Location 3!89(°/00) 37H 700 1 -12.1 -81 9 -11.9 -78.5 10 -12.4 -81 11 -8.9 -69.5 | -11.6 -80 1 -11.9 -82.5 11 -12.5 -82.5 11 -12.2 -80 Cold Spring -11.1 -77.5 Snow -11.2 -77 Cold Stream -12 -85 Cold Stream -13 -89 Cold Stream -14.2 -92.5 Cold Stream -11.9 -81.5 The principal stable molecular species in water are 1H, 2H, 160, and 189. A worldwide study (Craig, 1963) of fresh water showed that the isotope relation in meteoric waters is roughly expressed by 3 D=(3!80)+10. The percentage depletion of heavy isotopes in rainwater is correlated with lati- tude, altitude, and distance from the ocean. Stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope analyses have been used to determine that the source of most geothermal reservoir waters is meteoric water, since the deuterium (D) concentration of thermal water is equal to that of local ground water. The oxygen (0) values are enriched due to hydrothermal exchange with silicate rocks. Excluding D shifts which are uncommon, a diagram of D and 0 variations that are encountered in high-temperature geothermal areas is illustrated in Figure 13. Cold meteoric water (A) is heated at depth, pro- ducing a high-temperature thermal water (B) with the characteristic oxygen shift. Near-surface mixing of A and B yields waters falling on line AB. Water A may be evaporated at the surface by conductive heating, giving waters with compositions along line AX whose slope depends on the temperature and rate of evaporation. 46 Lv 6 D(°/o0) -100 “14 “12 “10 8 6 “4 2 0. «tao 6 180(°/o0) FIGURE 13 THE VALUES OF 5 D AND 6 180 THAT MAY BE FOUND IN GEOTHERMAL AREAS, ARISING FROM VARIOUS EVAPORATION, MIXING, AND MINERAL—WATER EXCHANGE PROCESSES. If the deep water (B) boils off steam, the steam's isotopic composition will be between B and C, depending upon the boiling temperature. The water composition would move slightly in the opposite direction. The steam (C) will rise to the surface unchanged and discharge from fumaroles. A further possibility is that the geothermal system is composed of meteor- ic water (F) from outside the local drainage basin. An oxygen shift will pro- duce a reservoir water having value G. Mixing of G with local water A would result in hot springs having thermal waters whose isotopic concentrations lie on line AG. i Generally, the Makushin isotope samples plot on or near the meteoric water line (Figure 14). This similar relationship of cold and hot waters indicates that thermal waters are composed of local meteoric water. The lack of an 180 shift suggests a limited thermal water-rock interaction. These conclusions support a steam mixing with shallow ground-water model. ; Mercury and Helium Analyses Several workers (Matlick and Buseck, 1976; Capuano and Bamford, 1978; Matlick and Shiraki, 1981; Dellechaie, 1977; and Hinkle et al, 1978) have illustrated that anomalously high concentrations of mercury (Hg) and helium (He) exist in soils and vapors that overlie high-temperature geothermal systems. These workers concluded that Hg and He surveys could successfully be utilized as a geothermal exploration technique. Limited Hg and He analyses (Turner and Wescott, 1982, personal com- munication) are available at Makushin (Figure 15). The single low Hg value suggests that the background concentration is approximately 7 ppb, and the two remaining Hg analyses report values of 128 and 210 ppb. These peak-to- background ratios (18:1 and 30:1) indicate an active high-temperature geo- thermal system exists at Makushin. Similar ratios have been observed to exist in developed commercial geothermal fields and usually indicate high subsurface temperatures. Eleven He analyses at Makushin report values ranging from 5.23 to 7.13; six of the 11 samples exceeded backgrounds with a maximum peak-to-background ratio of 1.4:1. These anomalous He samples also suggest that high-temperature geothermal fluids are present on Makushin. } Gas Analyses Fumarole and hot spring gases have been qualitatively utilized in geother- mal exploration to estimate reservoir temperature, reservoir type, and origin. The available gas analyses from Makushin (Table 8) only allow subsurface tem- 8 perature estimates. 48 60 —100 —120 FIGURE 14 @ THERMAL WATERS ® COLD WATERS —10 § 185 MAKUSHIN STABLE OXYGEN AND HYDROGEN ISOTOPE VALUES IN THERMAL AND NONTHERMAL MAKUSHIN AREA WATERS. (After Motyka, 1982, personal communication) act c909 0s FUMAROLE} FIELD #8 aN emcaes| OV: = QS { MAKUSHIN VALLEY STUDY AREA UNALASKA HARBOR ISLAND FIGURE 15 MECURY (Hg) AND HELIUM (He) CONCENTRATIONS AT FUMAROLE FIELDS #1 AND #8, MAKUSHIN AREA, UNALASKA ISLAND, ALASKA [After Turner and Wescott, 1982 personal communication } RGI £1207 TABLE 8 Makushin Gas Analyses Location Ho Ar 02 No CHq C09 HoS (Reference No.) 1 0.252 0.072 <.0001 5.61 0.031 91.29 2.75 2 0.49 0.083 <.0001 7.93 0.0018 89.14 2.38 At both fumarole fields 1 and 2, C02 is the dominant gas with a high percentage of HgS and H2 reported. The CHq concentrations of 0.0018 and 0.031 volume percent are relatively lower than “normal" geothermal gases. The investigation of the H20-C09-H2S-NH3-H-No-CHa gas system (Giggenbach, 1980) observed that in Equation 1 increasing equilibration tem- peratures favored the right-hand side. CHa + 2H270—————>(09 + 4Ho (1) The low values of CHq combined with the large concentrations of C09 + Ho at Makushin indicate a high temperature exists. D'Amore and Panachi (1980) suggested that geothermal gases can be utilized as a geothermometer to estimate reservoir temperatures. Although their methods are not widely accepted and must be used with great caution, a useful indication of subsurface temperatures can be obtained from their data. The two Makushin gas samples suggest reservoir temperatures of 232° and 278°C from this geothermometer. Summary Ten chemical analyses of Makushin's thermal and ground waters, combined with two gas analyses collected from Makushin's fumaroles, indicate that high- temperature steam occurs beneath the surface at Makushin. The thermal waters, which are acid-sulfate-type waters, have low C1 (<10 mg/1) and high S04 concentrations. These values, integrated with 14 stable hydrogen and oxygen analyses, suggest that Makushin's thermal waters are steam-heated ground waters. The heating appears to occur immediately below the surface. Although the thermal waters at Makushin cannot be utilized to accurately predict subsurface temperatures because of a lack of deep waters, 150°C sur- face temperatures have been reported. These artificially low temperatures and results of limited mercury soil gas analyses strongly suggest that subsurface temperatures significantly exceed 150°C. Makushin Geophysical Data To date, no well-controlled geophysical surveys have been performed in the Makushin Volcano area due to the lack of reliable topographic maps, local sur- vey data, and because of difficult access. 51 During the summer of 1981, Reeder (personal communication) conducted a reconnaissance gravity survey of the area which indicates a gravity low be- neath most of the volcano. Unfortunately, Reeder's gravity stations are few, widely spaced, and poorly controlled as to location and elevation due to the factors cited above. Therefore, the data are not adequate to allow meaningful interpretation. Preliminary Model of Makushin Geothermal System The preliminary model of the Makushin geothermal system must integrate the surface manifestation, geological and geochemical data discussed above, and the measurements and observations collected from developed geothermal fields. These measurements and observations indicate that all high-temperature com- mercial geothermal fields have three common components: (a) a heat source; (b) permeable rock; and (c) an energy transportation fluid (usually water or steam). The heat source, which charges the fluid with heat energy, is usually either an intrusion of molten rock (magma) into the near-surface crust or a "higher than normal" heat flow caused by a thin crust that heats deeply cir- culating waters. The permeable rock allows the large volume of fluid required in commercial exploitation of the resource to reach the heat. Permeable rock can have two types of permeability: (a) fracture or (b) matrix. The fluid is the agent that transports the heat from the subsurface geothermal reservoir to the surface. Makushin- Geothermal Model The magmatic heat source responsible for the Makushin geothermal resource has also been the source of the rocks of which Mt. Makushin and its associated volcanic features are constructed. As evidenced by volcanic rocks, the Unalaska Formation, the plutonic rocks, and the Makushin volcanics, igneous activity has occurred almost continuously during the last 20 million years. Recent volcanic eruptions, of which 14 have occurred since 1760, suggest that magmatic material presently exists beneath Makushin. The active eruptive history of Makushin provides evidence of a large, long-lived heat source in the Makushin area that continues to be regenerated as a result of subduction along the Aleutian trench. At Makushin, multiple igneous intrusions have heated large volumes of rock and fluid to high tem- peratures, as suggested by the numerous and widespread surface geothermal manifestations. The intensely fractured rocks at Makushin can provide the basic porosity and permeability required for a hydrothermal system. The Makushin area has been pervasively fractured as a result of great tectonic stresses imposed by the convergence and thrusting of two large tectonic plates. The evidence of fracturing at the surface and the region's eventful seismic history suggest that pervasively broken and fractured lithostratigraphic units exist beneath Makushin. Both the Unalaska Formation graywackes and the mafic plutonic rocks are competent enough to maintain open fractures created as a result of region- al stresses. Makushin fracture sets trend in three directions: (a) northeasterly; (b) northwesterly; and (c) east-west. The northeasterly fracture trend (Plate II) appears to control fumarole fields 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8. Fumarole 52 fields 3, 4, and 5 may be controlled by a northwesterly fracture. An east- west fracture could provide the permeable path for fumarole fields 7 and 8. These apparent concurrences support the postulation of a fracture-controlled geothermal reservoir model. The transfer fluid at Makushin is thought to be steam which originates at the boundary between the middle and deep sections of a threetiered reservoir system. The upper resource, which does not occur everywhere, is a thin, near- surface, liquid-dominated reservoir from which leakage constitutes the hot springs. This reservoir occurs where steam and ground water mix. The middle reservoir is vapor dominated, and it is probably situated between sea level and the surface. The lower reservoir is a liquid-dominated resource which boils to supply the steam-filled middle reservoir. The deeper hydrologic system is expected to be very similar to that found in the Hawaiian Islands, with a shallow freshwater lens overlying brackish water or a seawater-derived brine at deeper levels. Summary The Makushin geothermal model postulated, on the basis of data available to date, suggests that the developable geothermal reservoir is in fractured Unalaska graywacke or mafic plutonic rocks (Figure 16). Geochemistry suggests that the fractures contain steam above sea level and chemically modified boil- ing seawater below sea level. The temperature in both reservoirs probably exceeds 150°C. On the basis of available data, the three required components of a com- mercial geothermal system can be summarized for the Makushin geothermal system as follows: 1. Heat Source: The main heat source is probably a cooling basaltic magma body which is the parent of or a shallow subsidiary body genet- ically related to Makushin Volcano. Without P-wave delay studies or other geophysical surveys, it is impossible to determine the depth to this heat source except to say that it must be relatively shallow to provide the potency and aerial extent required for the present sur- face manifestations. 2. Reservoir: Porosity and permeability for the Makushin geothermal system are expected to be found primarily in the pervasively frac- tured graywackes and mafic plutonic rocks. From the widespread and abundant surface manifestations, it appears that the system leaks, although most of the rock overlying the reservoir is probably self- sealed by deposition of secondary minerals or sealed by overlying, unfractured young volcanic rocks. 3. Fluid: Convecting fluids in the system appear to be essentially vapor in the shallower portion of the reservoir. The steam probably emanates from a boiling, deep, hot brine. The source of the brine may be seawater or downward percolating meteoric water, both of which are abundant. 53 vs FIGURE 16 METEORIC WATERS QUoKNr ry SCHEMATIC BLOCK DIAGRAM OF PRELIMINARY MAKUSHIN GEOTHERMAL SYSTEM MODEL SEA LEVEL It is important to remember that the hydrothermal system model described above is preliminary. Its concepts are based on Republic's interpretations of data acquired by others, and Republic personnel have not yet been able to con- duct field studies. It is anticipated that Republic's knowledge and understanding of the geo- thermal system will increase rapidly as data are obtained during 1982 field activities and that interpretations of these new data will Suggest a number of refinements of the preliminary model. 55 BIBLIOGRAPHY Capuano, R. M., and Bamford, R. W., 1978, Initial investigations of soil mercury geochemistry as an aid to drill site selection in geothermal systems: University of Utah Research Institute, Earth Science Laboratory Report ID0/78-1701-b. 3.3, 32 p. Craig, H., 1963, Nuclear geology in geothermal areas: Consiglio Nazionale delle Richercho, Lab. di Geol. Nucl., Pisa, p. 17-53. D'Amore, F., and Panichi, C., 1980, Evaluation of deep temperatures of hydrothermal systems by a new gas geothermometer: Geochimica et Cosmochemica Acta, v. 44, p. 549-556. Dellechaie, F., 1977, Geothermal prospecting with helium soil gas analysis: Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting Abstract, 947 p. Drewes, H., Fraser G. D., Snyder, G. L. and Barnett, H. F., Jr., 1971, Geology of Unalaska Island and adjacent insular shelf, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1028-S, p. 583-669. Ellis, A. J. and Mahon, W.A.J., 1967, Natural hydrothermal systems and experiments hot water/rock interactions: Geochimica et Cosmochemica Acta, v. 31, p. 519-538. Ellis, A. J. and Mahon, W.A.J., 1977, Chemistry and geothermal systems: New York, Academic Press, 392 p. Fournier, R. 0., White, D. E., and Truesdell, A. H., 1974, Geochemical indicators of subsurface temperature - part 1, basic assumptions: Journal of Research, U.S. Geological Survey, v. 2, no. 3, p. 259-262. Giggenbach, W. F., 1980, Geothermal gas equilibria: Geochimica et Cosmochemica Acta, v. 44, p. 2021-2032. Hinkle, M. E., Denton, E. H., Bigelow, R. C., and Turner, R. L., 1978, Helium in soil gases of the Roosevelt Hot Springs Known Geothermal Resource Area, Beaver County, Utah: Journal of Research, U.S. Geological Survey, v. 6, No. 5, p. 563-569. : Lankford, S. M. and Hill, J. M., 1979, Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the Dutch Harbor Member of the Unalaska Formation, Unalaska Island, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1457-B, 14 p. Maddren, A. G., 1919, Sulphur on Unalaska and Akun Islands and near Stepovak Bay, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 692E, p. 283-298. Matlick, J. S., and Buseck, P. R., 1975, Exploration for geothermal areas using mercury: A new geochemical techique: 2nd U.N. Symposium on the Development and Use of Geothermal Resources, p. 785-792. Matlick, J. S., and Shiraki, M., 1981, Evaluation of the mercury soil mapping geothermal exploration techniques: Geothermal Resources Council, Transactions, v. 5, p. 95-98. 56 Motyka, R. J., Moorman, M. A., and Liss, S. A., 1981, Assessment of thermal springs sites Aleutian arc, Atka Island to Becherof Lake - preliminary results and evaluation: Alaska DGGS Open-File Report 144, p. 68-85. White, D. E., 1970, Geochemistry applied to the discovery, evaluation, and exploration of geothermal energy resources: Geothermics, Special Issue 2, p. 58-80. White, D. E., Muffler, L.J.P., and Truesdell, A. H., 1971, Vapor-dominated hydrothermal systems compared with hot-water systems: Economics Geology, v. 66, p. 75-97. 57 SUBTASK B Surface and Resource Access Following discussions with Republic concerning the proposed operations, the Alaska Regional Director of the USFWS requested the Department of Interior Regional Solicitor for Alaska to review and report on the legal and adminis- trative authority of the USFWS to permit geothermal exploratory operations on lands selected by, but not conveyed to, the Aleut Corporation and administered by the Service. The Regional Solicitor's report (Appendix F) states that the Service is not prevented by law or administrative regulations from accepting and approving permits for these types of operations. Permit applications for the geological/geophysical work and the temperature gradient holes have been _ accepted by the Service on the basis of this report. These permits are de- scribed in detail below (sections on Task 5, Subtask B, Permits for Geolo ical/ Geophysical Work and Permits for Temperature Gradient Holes). Republic also sent letters to the Aleut Corporation and the Ounalashka Corporation requesting permission to conduct geothermal exploratory activities on lands within T.71S., R.118 and 119W.; T.72S. R.118 and 119W.; and T.73S., R.119 and 120W., Seward Baseline and Meridian (Appendix G). Letters were re- ceived from both corporations stating their lack of objection to the proposed geothermal exploration activities being conducted on these lands, so long as all necessary permits were obtained and the operations followed appropriate engineering and environmental protection practices. These letters are attached as Appendix H. Permits for Geological/Geophysical Work - Republic and Dames & Moore have prepared the necessary permit applications to obtain regulatory approval for he geological/geophysical work. Attached as the referenced appendices are copies of the following: 1. Special Use Permit Application, submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wild- life Service on March 19, 1982 (Appendix I). 2. Approved Special Use Permit No. AI-82-09, received from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on April 19, 1982 (Appendix J). 3. Application for a Solid Waste Disposal Permit, submitted to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation on April 14, 1982 (Appendix K). 4. Application for a Biological Sampling Permit, submitted to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game on April 22, 1982 (Appendix L). Approval of the SWDP is anticipated by April 30, 1982, and approval of the Biological Sampling Permit is anticipated by May 7, 1982. Prior to determination of the responsible federal surface Management agency, a Notice of Intent (NOI) was submitted to the USBLM, and a rejection letter was received. This NOI was later adapted to be used as the SUP appli- cation. A copy of the NOI is not attached. 58 Permits for Temperature Gradient Holes - An application for the major per- mit necessary for these operations, an SUP, was submitted to the USFWS on April 15, 1982. A copy of the application is attached as Appendix M. Approv- al is anticipated by June 1, 1982. An application for Temporary Water Use is being prepared and will be sub- mitted to the ADNR by April 30, 1982. Approval is anticipated by June 1, 1982. The letter application for the Habitat Protection Permit will be submitted concurrently to the ADFG, and approval is expected within the same time period. A Food Service Permit Application is currently being prepared with input from the camp contractor. This application should be submitted to the ADEC by April 30, 1982, and approval is expected by May 15, 1982. A letter application to the ADEC is also being prepared for the Drinking Water Permit. It will be submitted after a water sample of the streams to be used for drinking water can be obtained and analyzed, currently anticipated to be around May 15, 1982. Permits for Exploratory Well Drilling and Testing - Much of the informa- tion necessary for permit applications for the deep exploratory well drilling and testing operations will not be available until after the data from the initial geological/geophysical work and the temperature gradient holes are collected and analyzed. Applications for those permits discussed in the section on Task 3, Permitting Requirements, Deep Exploratory Well Drilling, and exploratory Well_Testing, will be prepared during fall and winter of 1982-83 and wi e submitted to the appropriate agencies by March 1, 1983. .During the 1982 field season, Republic and Dames & Moore will attempt to anticipate what field data may be necessary for the above-referenced permit applications and obtain the information at that time. However, since the location of the deep well will not be chosen until after the summer field season is over, further site-specific work may be necessary prior to agency approval of the permit applications in 1983. We do not anticipate that this will present any problems for obtaining the required permits in a timely manner. 59 SUBTASK C Detailed Plan for 1982 Geological and Geophysical Field Work On or about April 27, 1982, Republic will initiate actual geological, geo- chemical, and geophysical field work on Mt. Makushin. A geochemist, J. S. Matlick, and a geologist, P. P. Parmentier, will study each fumarole site (as the rising snow level permits) and carefully map rock types and alteration zones (their type, size, orientation, and mineralogy) together with significant structural features, especially those identified on air Photos and satellite imagery. They will sample all important rocks and alteration pro- ducts, and they will collect thermal and nonthermal waters for detailed (40 element) analyses. Concurrent with this geological and aqueous geochemical work, the two men will collect soil samples and analyze them for mercury content. This will be accomplished in the general vicinity of each fumarole and along the trend(s) of suspected fault zone(s) in order to detect areas of anomalously high mercury-soil content that may be indicative of high heat flow. All of the above-described work will be conducted using a base camp lo- cated near fumarole field 1. The men will walk or fly by helicopter to and from this camp. They will also analyze mercury samples, plot geological features, and write field notes at the camp. Periodically, they will fly into Dutch Harbor to clean up and dry off. Geophysical work on this project will comprise a self-potential (SP) sur- vey conducted by Dr. Robert F. Corwin of Harding-Lawson Associates, beginning on or about April 28, 1982. Since the SP work can be conducted on snow, he can cover all fumarolic areas regardless of the elevation of the snow line. Dr. Corwin and Gary Arce (of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks) will run orthogonal traverse lines across each fumarole area and across suspected major fracture zones. The data collected will be reviewed daily at the camp, and it will be preliminarily interpreted to identify geothermally significant indicia. It is anticipated that the geological, geochemical, and geophysical field work will be accomplished in about one month, ending approximately May 31, 1982. Though data will not be completely evaluated for some time fol- lowing this date, preliminary interpretations adequate for use in determina- tion of the optimum sites for thermal gradient drilling will be available. Data Collection Program The design of a plan to collect the data necessary to determine the opti- mum sites for thermal gradient wells and (ultimately) the deep test well in- cludes analyses of: (a) published and unpublished information available from scientists experienced in the area, and (b) syntheses of interpreted data collected in the field by Republic. The existing information that will be most useful for choosing well sites is the geological mapping and the structural analysis accomplished by Dr. John Reeder. Also very useful is the geochemical work done by 60 Roman Motyka. Syntheses of these data will allow Republic geologists to focus their initial field work on: (a) the hottest fumarole fields; (b) the areas in which plutonic bodies are known to be in contact with Unalaska and/or Makushin volcanic rocks; and (c) areas near well-developed, persistent frac- ture zones. The data to be collected in the field by Republic (see above) will allow refinement of the regional work of Reeder and Motyka. The mercury soil analy- ses coupled with the SP interpretations should, when integrated with geologi- cal information, allow drill hole site selection based on rational considera- tions of vital parameters including heat flow, locations of permeable fluid conduits, and the anticipated location of the geothermal reservoir. Baseline Environmental Data Collection Program As described above (section on Task 3, Adequacy of Existin Environmental Data Base), the baseline environmental data collection program has been de- signed to collect additional data on the following: water quality; freshwater aquatic biology; terrestrial habitat quality; threatened, rare or endangered species; cultural resources; and geotechnical observations. In addition, impact monitoring is proposed for water quality and habitat quality. Water Quality - Water quality investigations will be directed toward es- tablishing site-specific baseline conditions in areas that would potentially receive liquid effluent resulting from geothermal exploration operations. Potential effluents include drilling fluids from the deep well and the three temperature gradient holes, camp sanitary wastes, and geothermal fluid. The surface water quality baseline study will entail two field trips of approxi- mately four days' duration for each trip and will identify water quality Characteristics for selected streams at two discharge levels. Data collected during this effort will be supplemented with existing data to provide as com- plete a water quality baseline as possible. The field trips will be coordi- nated with those for aquatic biology. Water quality samples will be collected and Preserved according to EPA's 1979 edition of "Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes." Analyses will be performed using EPA methods or methods described in the 15th edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater." Laboratory testing will be performed by an Alaska-based water testing laboratory certi- fied for quality assurance by the ADEC. Parameters to be measured in the field will include dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, conductivity, Precipitants, and alkalinity. Table 9 lists the physical, metal, and nonmetal inorganic parameters that will be analyzed in the laboratory. For streams, field Parameters are typically measured at three different points across the cross section of the sample station and averaged. Laboratory samples are composited from at least three locations at each sample station. River sample stations are divided so that samples are collected at the principal channel and at points equidistant from the mid-channel and left and right banks as three depth-integrated samples and then composited. All samples are placed in insulated containers to keep the samples cool during shipment to the laboratory. 61 TABLE 9 WATER QUALITY SAMPLING LABORATORY ANALYTICAL PARAMETERS Physical Parameters Metals Inorganics, Non-Metallics Color Aluminum Alkalinity Conductivity Arsenic Carbon Dioxide Hardness Barium Chloride pH Boron Fluoride Precipitants Beryllium Nitrogen, Ammonia Temperature Cadmium Nitrogen, Kjeldahl] Total Dissolved Solids Calcium Nitrogen, Nitrate Total Suspended Solids Chromium Nitrogen, Nitrite Turbidity Cobalt Oxygen, Dissolved Copper Phosphate, Ortho Iron Phosphate, Total Lead Silica, Dissolved Magnes ium Silicon Manganese Sulfate Mercury Sulfide Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Selenium Silver Sodium Strontium Zinc 62 The water quality baseline data collection Program will include at least three rivers that may be potentially impacted (Driftwood Bay, Makushin Valley, and Glacier Valley rivers), with a total of five or six primary sample sta- tions and five or six secondary sample stations. This plan may be modified in the field, depending on the number of stream drainages that may be impacted, the number of impact sources within a drainage, and other considerations. Selection of sampling stations will be preceded by a delineation of the drain- age basins of concern. Field parameters (flow, dissolved oxygen, pH, conduc- tivity, temperature, alkalinity, and precipitants) will be measured at all sample stations. Those items listed in Table 9, along with fecal coliform bacteria, will be measured at primary sample stations. Only total suspended solids and turbidity will be measured at secondary stations in addition to the field parameters. Freshwater Aquatic Biology - Impacts to aquatic biology can result both from the discharge or eaching of liquid waste (sanitary, drilling mud, and h geothermal fluid) into water courses and from water withdrawal or other opera- tions within the wetted perimeter of the streams. Because of the distances between points of potential discharge or water withdrawal and the ocean, im- pacts to marine biology are not thought to be an issue. The freshwater biology program will center around salmon in the streams of the exploration D area. The ADFG has identified three streams in the area as anadromous fish streams: Makushin Valley river, the Humpback Bay streams, and Nateekin River, although this does not imply that the Driftwood Bay or Glacier Valley streams do not support salmon populations. All five drainages will likely be part of the aquatic biology baseline Program. The three listed streams provide fresh- water habitat for pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha). Sampling methods will include gill nets, electrofishing, angling, and | seines. Information will be gathered on the fishes' occurrence, distribution, and relative abundance (catch per unit of fishing effort). Particular atten- tion will be given to determining which life stages of each species are Present in a zone of potential impact, the maximum upstream occurrence of each species, and the presence of barriers to upstream movement. Sampling stations will be chosen in the field, and their choice will be based on such factors as accessibility and proximity to potential impact. At least one far downstream station will be selected for each stream to document the occurrence of a particular species in that stream. The two fish sampling field trips will be timed in order to allow sampling of the pink salmon fry emergence (late May) and pink salmon adult spawning (mid-August). The sampling program will also be coordinated with the water quality baseline sampling program. Terrestrial Habitat Quality - Although the terrestrial habitat quality is » not thought to be a major issue, general documentation of the existing habitat quality, both on an area-wide and site-specific basis, will be undertaken on a casual basis. Photography will be used extensively to document conditions. Observations on vegetation distribution, mammal and bird observations, and other observations of note will be documented as appropriate and made avail- j able to the USFWS and the ADFG. However, no systematic area-wide surveys will be attempted. 63 Threatened, Rare or Endangered Species - No threatened, rare or endangered species are known to exist in the area of proposed operations. Although the indigenous peregrine falcon is not of the particular endangered subspecies, all peregrine falcon observations will be specifically noted. The USFWS has indicated that the marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratum), while not an endangered species, is of particular interest because there is little verifi- cation of its reported habit of nesting far from the seacoast high on mountain sides. Particular attention will be paid to carefully watching for and re- cording any observations of this bird. A careful field survey for any en- dangered or threatened plant species will be conducted for each specific site that may be impacted by operations. Cultural Resources - Although it is thought that there has been no pre- vious human use of the area of prime geothermal interest, a field survey (documented by photographs) will be conducted for each specific site that may be impacted by operations. Geotechnical Data - The deep geothermal resource well, to be drilled in 1983, will most Tikely require an area to be leveled, to some extent, by earth- moving equipment. In order to ensure stability of the well drilling site, limited geotechnical investigations will be conducted on each potential well site. This will most likely include observations of potential slope stability and soil characteristics, as well as collection of a bulk soil sample for pos- sible laboratory analysis. Subsurface soil or rock samples may be available if the potential site was also the site of a temperature gradient hole. Ob- servations on soil erosion potential and soil permeability will also be made at each location (camp, temperature gradient hole, and deep well sites) where earth movement or waste disposal might occur. Finally, since Makushin Volcano is considered still active, a University of Alaska investigation into poten- tial volcanic hazards is being supported (via logistics) by the project. Impact Monitoring - Impact monitoring activities will focus on water quality and habitat disturbance. Water quality impacts will primarily result from the leaching or accidental discharge of drilling mud or geothermal fluid into a stream, thereby increasing the turbidity, temperature, or salinity downstream from the source. While it is not necessary to continually sample a stream for increases in these components, aerial and/or ground inspection of potential discharge points and affected streams will be performed approxi- mately on a daily basis by operational personnel. In the event of accidental discharge, aerial photography by on-site personnel would be used to document the extent and nature of the discharge. Accidental discharges would be reported to the contractor's environmental personnel in Anchorage. They would be responsible for reporting these incidents to the Proper regulatory authori- ties and for developing and implementing mitigation measures as appropriate. Logistics for Phases IB and II Field Work The key to conducting a cost-effective exploration program on Unalaska is careful logistical planning. However, there are really very few alternatives from which to choose when selecting transportation modes and sources for supplies and services to be used in an area as remote as Makushin Volcano. 64 Transportation can be by barge, fixed-wing, or rotor-blade aircraft. Equipment can come from Anchorage or Seattle. A few goods and services can be obtained in Dutch Harbor. Republic has carefully considered the possibility of building a road into the project site from the mouth of Makushin Valley. The cost was determined to be prohibitive, and the idea has been shelved. Fixed-wing aircraft such as the Gruman Goose can be used to get personnel and equipment into Driftwood Bay. It would be necessary, however, to haul equipment at least five miles across rugged terrain before it can be used. For reasons of impracticality, this scenario has been rejected. Helicopter transportation appears to be by far the most cost-effective alternative. Republic has determined that the Astar 350D supplied by ERA Helicopters of Anchorage is ideally suited to perform the tasks that comprise Phase IB. It can hold five passengers, lift almost 1,400 pounds, and is conservatively overpowered; the price is reasonable and the craft reliable. The ERA Astar will arrive in Dutch Harbor on or about April 27, 1982, and it will be used immediately to transport camp facilities and geoscientists onto Makushin. The ship will be used to mobilize drill rigs beginning about June 1, 1982, and it will service and supply the camp and the drill sites until work is completed (approximately August 1, 1982). From time to time, Alaska DGGS staff may utilize the helicopter if their project timing can be coordinated with Republic's project activities. Mobilization of camp facilities and drilling equipment to Unalaska has been arranged by the respective subcontractors, Production Services, Inc. and Exploration Supply and Equipment, Inc. Both have elected to barge their materials to the island, then unload and store whatever is not immediately needed in facilities leased from Carls, Inc. A final logistical item is communication. As described in the Task 4 Section above, Trident of Anchorage will supply the radios and relay equipment required to maintain 24-hour contact between Makushin, Unalaska, and the "out- side." The helicopter will be used to install repeater(s) initially and to tune the system. Once installed, the facilities should be virtually mainte- nance free. Phase II logistics planning has been initiated but not finalized. Unless the Phase IB operations show that the logistics in use are not practical or adequate, they will be used again for deep hole drilling in 1983. Obvious modifications will be increases in the sizes of the camp facilities and the helicopter, since the latter may have to lift up to 4,000 pounds when bringing in the deep hole drill. The camp will have to be big enough to accommodate crews for drilling two shifts per day and other workers required for logging, cementing, etc. 65 APPENDIX B Bibliography Bibliography of Literature Available or in Preparation Related to Geothermal Resources on Unalaska Island, Alaska Alaska Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Energy and Power Development, 1977, Alaska Regional Energy Resources Planning Project - Draft Final Report. Baker, R. 0., Lebida, R. C., Pyle, W. D., and Britch, R. P., 1977, An investigation of selected Alaska geothermal spring sources as possible salmon hatchery sites: National Technical Information Service 1D0/1624-1, 173 p. Basescu, N., Bloomquist, R. G., Higbee, C., Justus, D., and Simpson, S., Alaska: A guide to geothermal energy development: Prepared for U.S. Department of Energy under Contract EY-77-C-06-1066 through OIT Geo-Heat Utilization Center. Beeland, G. V., Sebran, D. J., and Whiteright, D. K., 1978, Geothermal development on federal lands - the impediments and potential solutions: U.S. Department of Energy TID-28270. Brooks, H. T., 1979, Reserved water rights and our national forests: Natural Resources Journal, 19:2:443-433, University of New Mexico, School of Law. Brooks, C. A., Mariner, R. H., Mabey, D. R., Swanson, J. R., Guffanti, M., and Muffler, L.J.P., 1979, Hydrothermal convection systems with reservoir temperatures > 90°C, in Muffler, L.J.P., (ed.), Assessment of geothermal resources of the United States - 1978: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 790, p. 18-85. Burk, C. A., 1965, Geology of the Alaska Peninsula-island arc and continental margin, parts 1, 2, and 3: Geological Society of America Memoir 99, 250 p., 3 maps. Coats, R. R., 1950, Volcanic activity in the Aleutian arc: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 947-B, p 35-49. Coats, R. R., 1962, Magma type and crustal structure in the Aleutian arc, in the crust of the Pacific Basin: Am. Geophys. Union Geophys. Mon. Ser. 6, p. 92-109. Craig, H., 1963, The isotopic geochemistry of water and carbon in geothermal areas in Tongiorgi, E. (ed.), Nuclear geology in geothermal areas: Pisa, Italy, Consiglio Nationale Delle Richerche, Laboratorio di Geologia Nucleare, p. 17-53. Craig, H., Lupton, J. E., Welhan, J. A., and Poreda, R., 1978, Helium isotope ratios in Yellowstone and Lassen Park volcanic gases: Geophysical Research Letters, v. 5, no. 11, p. 897-900. Dames & Moore, 1980, Geothermal drilling studies near Unalaska, Alaska: Unpublished final report submitted to State of Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development, Anchorage, 5 p. Denig-Chakroff, D., 1980, Management of land, water, and hydrothermal resources associated with hot springs in Alaska: State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Research and Development. Drewes, H., Fraser, G. D., Snyder, G. L., Barnett, H. F., Jr., 1961, Geology of Unalaska Island and adjacent insular shelf, Aleutian Islands, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1028-S, p. 583-670. Ellis, H. H., and DeBraal, J. P., 1977, Federal-state relations: The Proprietary power and the reservation doctrine: in Hutchins, W. A., (ed.), Water rights laws in the nineteen western states, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 3:21:38-53. Forbes, R. B., 1969, The comparative chemical composition of continen- tal vs. island arc andesites in Alaska, in Andesite Conference, Proceedings: Oregon Department Geology and Mineral Industries Bulletin 65, p. 111-120. Forbes, R. B., and Bigger, N., Alaska's geothermal resource potential: Northern Eng., v. 5, no. 1, p. 6-10. Forbes, R. B., Utilization of Alaskan geothermal resources, energy crises - Alaska style: Geophysical Institute and Geology Department, University of Alaska. Forbes, R. B., Leonard, L., and Dinkel, D. H., 1974, Utilization of geothermal energy resources in rural Alaskan communities: Prepared for U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, 82 p. Forbes, R. B., 1976, Geothermal energy and wind power, alternate energy sources for Alaska: Alaska Energy Office and Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, 144 p. Fournier, R. 0., 1973, Silica in thermal waters: Laboratory and field in- vestigations in Proceedings of symposium on hydrogeochemistry and biogeochemistry, Japan, 1979, v. 1, Hydrochemistry: Washington, D.C., J. W. Clark Co., p. 122-139. Fournier, R. 0., 1977, Chemical geothermometers and mixing models for geo- thermal systems: Geothermics, v. 5, p. 41-50. Fournier, R. 0., 1979, Geochemical and hydrologic considerations and the use of enthalpy-chloride diagrams in the prediction of underground conditions of hot-springs systems: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 5, p. 1-16. Fournier, R. 0., 1980, Application of water geochemistry to geothermal explora- tion and reservoir engineering, in Rybach, L., and Muffler, L. P. (eds.), Geothermal systems: Principles and case histories: New York, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., p. 109-143. Fournier, R. 0., and Potter, R. W., 1978, A magnesium correction for the Na-K-Ca chemical geothermometer: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-486, 24 p. Fournier, R. 0., and Roe J. J., 1966, Estimation of underground temperatures from the silica content of water from hot springs and wet-steam wells: American Journal of Science, v. 264, p. 685-697. Fournier, R. 0., and Truesdell, A. H., 1973, An empirical Na-K-Ca geothermome- ter for natural waters: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 37, p. 1255-1275. Fournier, R. 0., and Truesdell] A. H., 1973, Geochemical indicators of sub- surface temperature - Part 2: Estimation of temperature and fraction of hot water mixed with cold water: Journal of Research, U.S. Geological Survey, v. 2, no. 3, p. 263-270. Geothermal Resources Council, 1979, Geothermal resources and the institutional maze, Proceedings: Management Survey Course No. 1, Davis, California. Godwin, L. H., 1971, Classification of public lands valuable for geothermal steam and associated geothermal resources: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 647, 18 p. Gorsuch, L. (Project Director), Federal Programs and Alaska Natives: Robert R. Nathan Associates for the U.S. Department of the Interior, Report 2(c). Hrdlicka, A., 1945, The Aleutian and Commander Islands and their inhabit- ants: Philadelphia, Wister Institute of Anatomy and Biology, 630 p. Hutchins, W. A., 1977, Water rights systems pertaining to water courses: Establishment of the Appropriation Doctrine in the west: in Ellis, H. H., and DeBraal, P., (eds.), Water rights laws in the nineteen western states: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1:159-180. Hutchins, W. A., 1977, Appendix: Summaries of the state water rights systems - Alaska: Water rights laws in the nineteen western states: U.S. Department of Agriculture, 3:141-161. Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1976, Electric Power in Alaska 1976-1995: University of Alaska. Kitchen, G. J., 1977, Geothermal leasing practices: Land and Water Law Review, 13:1:25-59, University of Wyoming, College of Law. Lankford, S. M., and Hill, J. M., 1979, Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the Dutch Harbor member of the Unalaska Formation, Unalaska, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1457-B, p. B1-B14. Laughlin, W. S., 1980, Aleuts: Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge: New York, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Lupton, J. E., and Craig, H., 1975, Excess 3He in oceanic basalts: Evidence for terrestrial primordial helium: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 26, p. 133-139. Lyons, T., 1975, Administrative requirements for development of geothermal resources (Oregon): Geothermal Energy Magazine, v. 3. no. 9, p. 16-25. Maddren, A. G., 1919, Sulphur on Unalaska and Akun Islands and near Stepovak Bay, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 692-E, p. 283-298. Mariner, R. H., Brook, C. A., Swanson, J. R., and Mabey, D. R., 1978, Selected data for hydrothermal convection systems in the United States with estimated temperatures > 90°C: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-858, 475 p. Markle, D. R., 1979, Geothermal energy in Alaska: Site data base and develop- ment status: Report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy under Contract DE-ACO3-79SF1049, v. 2, 545 p. McConkey, W., Quinlan, C., Rutledge, G., Lane, D., and Rahm, M., 1977, Alaska's energy resources: Finds and analysis: Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development, 244 p. McFadden, W. A., Jr., Wanek, A. A., and Callahan, J. E., 1971, Classification Committee, Alaska Geothermal Resources Minutes #1, Minutes of the Mineral Land Classification Board, February 22, 1971. McNamara, J., 1978, The legal and institutional Problems facing geothermal development in Alaska: Department of Energy Contract ET-78-C-03-2121, Jd. M. Energy Consultants. Miller, T. P., 1973, Distribution and chemical analyses of thermal springs in Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Map 570. Miller, T. P., Barnes, F., and Patton, W. W., Jr., 1973, Geologic setting and chemical characteristics of hot springs in central and western Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report. Miller, T. P., and Barnes, I., 1976, Potential for geothermal energy development in Alaska - summary: in Circum. - Pacific Energy and Mineral Resources, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Memoir #25. Morgan, L., 1980, The Aleutians: Alaska Geographic, v. 7, no. 3. Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc., 1981, Geothermal potential in the Aleutians: Unalaska: Submitted to Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development. Motyka, R. J., Moorman, M. A., and Liss, S. A., 1981, Assessment of thermal spring sites Aleutian arc, Atka Island to Becherof Lake, preliminary results and evaluation: Alaska Open-File Report 144, 173 p. Muffler, L.d.P., 1979, Assessment of geothermal resources of the United States - 1978: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 790, 163 p. Nakamura, K., Jacob, K. H., and Davies, J. N., 1977, Volcanoes as possible indicators of tectonic stress orientation - Aleutians and Alaska: Pure and Applied Geophysics, v. 115, p. 87-112. Nehring, N. L., Truesdell, A. H., and Janik, C. J., 1980, Procedure for collecting and analyzing gas samples from geothermal and volcanic systems: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report (in press). Ogle, W. E., 1974, Geothermal energy possibilities in Alaska: Consultant, Anchorage, Alaska. Ogle, W. E., 1976, Report of a visit to a number of Alaskan hot springs to aid in the selection of a site for the possible installation of a small binary geothermal electric generating plant. Powers, H. A., 1958, Alaska Peninsula-Aleutian Islands, in Williams H., (ed.), Landscapes of Alaska: Berkeley and Los Angeles, University California Press, p. 61-75. Presser, T. S., and Barnes, I., 1974, Special techniques for determining Chemical properties of geothermal waters: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation 22-74, 11 p. Reeder, J. W., Coonrod, P. L., Bragg, N. J., and Markle, D. R., 1980, Draft Alaska geothermal implementation plan: Report to U.S. Department of Energy, 108 p. Reeder, J. W., 1981, Preliminary Assessment of the Geothermal Resources of the northern part of Unalaska Island, Alaska: Alaska Department of Natural Resources, In Press. Reeder, J. W., Economides, M. J., and Markle, D. R., Geological and engineer- ing studies for geothermal development on Unalaska Island, 1982: Draft submitted to International Conference on Geothermal Energy, Florence, Italy. Renner, J. L., White, D. E., and Williams, D. L., 1975, Hydrothermal convection systems, in White, D. E., and Williams, D. L., (eds.), Assessment of geothermal resources of the United States - 1975: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 726, p. 5-57. Retherford, R. W. and Associates, 1979, City of Unalaska Electrification Study. Rosenbruch, J. C., and Bottge, R. E., 1975, Geothermal energy: Economic potential of three sites in Alaska: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8692, 40 p. Sacarto, D. M., 1976, Stage policies for geothermal development: Uncovering a major resource: Denver, Colorado, National Conference of State Legislatures. Selkregg, L. L., 1976, Alaska regional profiles: Prepared for federal-state land use planning commission: Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, University of Alaska. Smith, R. L., and Shaw, H. R., 1979, Igneous-related geothermal systems, in Muffler, L.J.P., (ed.), Assessment of geothermal resources of the United States - 1978: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 790, p. 12-17. State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game, 1978a, Alaska's wildlife and habitat, vol. II. State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game, 1978b, Alaska fisheries atlas, vols. I and II. State of Alaska, Department of Fish and Game, 1979, 1980, 1981, Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands annual reports. State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of land regulations and statutes pertaining to coal and other leasable minerals on Alaska lands: Alaska Statutes, Title 38. State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, 1978, Land for Alaskans: 36 p. Turner, D. L., Forbes, R. B., Albanese, M. D., Macbeth, J., Lockhart, A. B., and Seed, S. M., 1980, Geothermal energy resources of Alaska: Report to U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Geothermal Energy, Contract DE-ASO7-781D01720, UAG R-279, 19 p., 2 pl. U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 43, Public Lands: Sec. 3200 Geo- thermal Leasing, Part 2310, Withdrawals. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Community Planning and Development, 1976: Rapid growth from energy projects. U.S. Congress Geothermal Steam Act Public Law 91-581, December 24, 1970, 84 Stat. 1566. Wanek, A., 1973, Geothermal areas by meridians and acreages: U.S. Geological Survey for Alaska Land Use Planning Commission, 28 p. Wapora, Inc., 1976, Study of environmental regulations applying to geothermal exploration, development and use: Prepared for E.P.A. Waring, G. A., 1965, Thermal springs of the United States and other countries of the world, a summary: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 492, 381 p. Waring, G. A., 1917, Mineral springs of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 418. White, D. E., and Williams, D. L., 1975, Assessment of geothermal resources of the United States: U.S. Geological Survey Circular #726, 155 p. White, D. E., 1957, Thermal waters of volcanic origin: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 68, p. 1637-1658. Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1978, Impact prediction manual for geothermal development: Performed for Western Energy and Land Use Team, Office of Biological Services, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, FWS/OBS-78/77. APPENDIX C Alaska Power Authority Unalaska Geothermal Project: Description of Operations ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL PROJECT: GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED FIELD OPERATIONS February 19, 1982 Prepared by: Republic Geothermal, Inc. 11823 East Slauson Avenue Santa Fe Springs, California 90670 (213) 945-3661 and Dames and Moore 800 Cordova, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 279-0673 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL PROJECT: GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED FIELD OPERATIONS The Alaska Power Authority (APA) has contracted with Republic Geothermal, Inc. (Republic) to explore the east- ern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island for geothermal resources. If the exploration is successful, additional work beyond the scope of this contract may eventually lead to the construction of a small geothermal electric generating facility which would provide electrical energy from an indigenous source to the villages of Unalaska and Dutch Harbor. The geothermal resource exploratory oper- ations planned by Republic and the APA will be conducted in basically three stages: initial geologic exploratory work, temperature gradient hole operations (both conducted during 1982), and drilling of one deep exploratory geothermal well (drilled in 1983). The purpose of this document is to present a general overview of the probable field operations to those indi- viduals and entities which may have permit responsibilities, know of applicable regulations, or have certain environ- mental concerns with the proposed project. Because many of the operations are still in the planning stages, the de- scriptions are general and in many instances present a "worst case" situation in terms of environmental impact. It is Republic's desire to solicit information and comments from all interested parties so that environmental impact mitigation measures, which have not been included in this description, can be developed and incorporated as appropriate in the specific operational proposals and permit applications that will be submitted as the project proceeds. The initial geologic exploration work will consist of geologic mapping of special areas of interest, water sam- pling of springs and some streams, gas sampling of springs and fumaroles, a mercury soil survey, and a self-potential survey. The initial exploratory work will probably be con- ducted on foot, although helicopters will be utilized to transport the field people to distant sites, and three- wheeled all-terrain vehicles may be used if feasible. There will be two people in the area conducting the mapping, water and gas sampling, and the mercury survey for approximately REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. six weeks. Two additional people will join the team for the final thirty days to conduct the self-potential survey. A portable camp will be established at the start in the field area which will include two 12-foot by 20-foot sleeper tents, one 15-foot by 30-foot cook tent, and a portable outhouse. The camp may also be used by one or two environmental scien- tists for one to two weeks during this period. The crew and all materials, including the camp components, survey equip- ment, and individual supplies, will be transported to and from the site by helicopter. The geologic mapping will consist of ground and heli- copter field surveys of selected areas, conducted with the aid of aerial photographs. The water and gas sampling will be grab samples of springs, fumaroles, and some streams taken with sampling equipment small enough to be carried by hand. The mercury soil sampling survey will consist of taking soil samples of approximately ten grams from sites located in a grid system. The approximate location of sam- pling points will be the center and four corners of each square-mile section, although some adjustments will be made due to the topography of the area. Elevated levels of mer- cury in the soil have been correlated with the presence of geothermal resources in a number of geothermal areas through- out the world. The self-potential survey is the most sophisticated activity of the proposed initial exploration program. This type of survey technique is based on detection of natural direct electrical currents flowing in the ground. To detect these currents, one electrode is placed in a hole approxi- mately one to two feet deep and six inches in diameter, then wire (typically thirty-two gauge) on a reel is connected to the electrode and unrolled approximately three to four kilometers. Every two hundred meters the wire is connected to a second electrode, placed in a hole of the same size, and the self-potential voltage and contact resistance is recorded. The survey personnel will likely be dropped by helicopter on ridge tops, and will unroll the wire, install the electrodes, and take the self-potential measurements as they walk down the eastern flanks of the mountain. The elec- trodes will be removed from the soil and the holes filled after the completion of the measurements. The drilling of three temperature gradient holes (TGH) is planned immediately after completion of the initial ex- ploration work. The purpose of the TGH operations is to study the subsurface geologic formations and to obtain re- cords of subsurface temperatures. A TGH is a relatively REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. small diameter hole into which is placed a one- to two-inch diameter plastic tube which is capped at both ends and filled with water. The TGH is left undisturbed for a minimum of one’ week to allow the water to be heated to the temperature of the surrounding rock. The temperatures are then measured at various depths with a probe attached to a cable. After the temperatures are monitored over a period of time, the TGH are typically abandoned by cutting the pipe three feet below the surface, placing a cement plug in the top fifteen feet of the TGH, and then burying the TGH with soil. Abandonment can be accomplished without the use of a drilling rig. Each TGH will probably be drilled to a depth of approxi- mately 1500 feet by a continuous wireline coring rig typical of those used for mining exploration. The rig will likely be transported by barge to Unalaska Island and then trans- ported by helicopter to and from each drill site. Each site will probably be located close to a source of drilling fluid makeup water. The drilling fluids will be contained and re- circulated in the TGH so that surface water degradation should not occur. An area of approximately 40-feet by 60-feet will be leveled as necessary by hand labor for the temperature gra- dient hole rig. A small steel tank will be used to collect the rock cuttings and to store the drilling fluid before it is recirculated. When each TGH is completed the cuttings and waste drilling fluid (drilling mud and/or water) will likely be dried and the residue spread on the surface of the ground. The amount of waste drilling fluid is likely to be less than fifty gallons since most of the drilling fluid generated during the drilling of the TGH will be used to set the cement around the casing during completion of the well. Much of the rock cores will be sent to Republic's home office and to various agencies as samples. The remainder May be boxed and transported fromthe site by helicopter or it may be left at the site. In the latter case, the amount of rock cores left at the site would form a rock pile approximately 10-feet by 3-feet by 2-feet. Drilling operations for all three TGH's should take approximately sixty days. Drilling will occur 24 hours per day and will require two or three three-person drilling crews, one drilling supervisor, and periodically one or two supervising geologists. Food and fuel will be purchased at Dutch Harbor to the greatest extent possible. The drilling camp will be at the same location as that used for the ini- tial exploration work unless poor weather conditions preclude helicopter transport between sites. In that case, a small REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. camp may be located at the drill site. The initial camp will be expanded by adding one 15-foot by 30-foot shower and laundry tent and two additional 12-foot by 20-foot sleeper tents. Grey waste water will likely be disposed through a leach line built by the camp construction company. Black waste water may go through a leach line system, placed in a pit and treated with lime or dried and burned. The information from the temperature gradient holes will be integrated with the environmental, geologic, geo- chemical, geophysical and logistical data to determine the best site for a deep geothermal resource exploratory well to be drilled in 1983. This exploratory well is planned to be drilled to a depth of at least 4000 feet, depending on the depth of the resource and the funds available. The exploratory well will be drilled in an attempt to encounter the geothermal resource. If a resource is encountered, it will be tested in order to characterize and quantify the energy available. Further operations would be dependent upon the success of this deep exploratory well. The drilling of a geothermal exploratory well is similar to the drilling of an oil well. A rotary-type oil well dril- ling rig is typically used, with only some minor modifications to deal with the higher temperatures encountered while dril- ling in the geothermal resource. The drill rig will likely be barged to Unalaska and transported to the drill site by helicopter. All other personnel and equipment, including earth-moving equipment, drill pipe, casing, cement, and logging equipment, are also likely to be transported to the drill site by helicopter. The drill site will be a leveled area approxi- mately two acres in size and will include a sump to hold the waste drilling muds and rock cuttings. Drilling will begin using a water-base mud circulated through the well bore for cooling and lubrication of the drill bit and for bringing the drill cuttings to the surface. No toxic additives are planned to be used in the drilling mud. Geologic conditions may allow a change to air drilling as the operations progress; this method of rotary drilling uses compressed air instead of mud as the circulation medium. The hole will be completed with casing cemented in place in the upper intervals. Drilling operations are anticipated to last for approxi- mately ninety days. Three drilling crews of twelve to fifteen people will work rotating shifts so that drilling occurs 24 hours per day. All other activities related to the exploratory well drilling operations will be similar to those described for the temperature gradient hole drilling operations. At the end of operations for the exploratory well, the drill site will be REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. cleaned by removing all unnecessary equipment and probably mixing the waste drilling mud with native soil and either spreading it on the ground or burying it in the sump. If the well is successful, the site will be used during testing operations. If not, final abandonment procedures will be based on the proposed disposition of the well. Procedures for testing the well will depend upon the type of resource encountered. If a dry steam geothermal resource is found the well will be tested by discharging the steam through pressure and temperature meters directly into the at- mosphere. If a liquid geothermal resource is discovered an initial, short-term flow test (of a few hours to a few days) will probably be conducted by discharging the resource direct- ly into the drilling mud sump. A longer-term flow test (of a few days to a few weeks) would be desired but may only be possible if an acceptable method to dispose of the waste geothermal fluid can be devised. Potential alternative waste geothermal fluid disposal methods could include dis- charge to the ground, discharge into a stream, or possibly injection into a temperature gradient hole. The method chosen will depend on the composition of the geothermal fluid, environmental concerns, appropriate engineering practices, and available funds. APPENDIX D Letter from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to Dames and Moore seid fit a Suagrh JAY S. HAMMOND, GOVERNOR DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 333 RASPBERRY ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 March 10, 1982 Dames and Moore, Inc. 800 Cordova Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Mr. Stephen Grabacki, Projet Coordinator Gentlemen: Re: Unalaska Geothermal Exploratory Program The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has reviewed the Republic Geothermal, Inc. proposal to drill up to three geothermal gradient holes at Makushin Volcano near Unalaska. With respect to proximity to the area identified for drilling; the only identified anadromous fish streams are Nateekin River, Makushin Valley River and unnamed tributaries to Humpback Bay and McLees Lake. All of the aforementioned streams provide spawning for pink salmon excepting the McLees Lake tributaries which provide sockeye habitat. The entire coast of Unalaska Island is utilized by marine mammals, however, the only identified area of concentration near the drilling site is the sea lion hauling grounds at Point Tebenkof (Driftwood Bay). Waterfowl and seabirds are also present throughout the entire area although there are no known colonies in the vicinity of the exploration area. Bald eagle nests have been identified at Point Tebenkof, Winslow Island amd at a point approximately one mile south of U.S.G.S. VABM Betty (west side Unalaska Bay between Cape Cheerful and Eider Point). With respect to protection of fish and wildlife resources, we request the following precautionary measures be observed: 1. Prior to diverting water from or discharging effluents from drilling operations, etc., into and/or fording with equipment S. Grabacki -2- 3/10/82 anadromous fish streams, obtain a AS 16.05.870 (statute attached) Habitat Protection Permit. 2. 1500 feet separation be maintained between helicopter flight paths and active eagle nests and marine mammal concentrations. 3. Surface disturbance be minimized by consolidating drilling sites, * emergency shelters, fuel storage areas, etc. 4. All solid and liquid wastes be transported from the site unless onsite disposal is approved by Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. Thank you for consulting us regarding this project. Please keep us informed respective to your continuing program. Sincerely, Cah th. Carl M. Yanagéy Regional Su Habitat Division (907) 344-0541 Pedersen Griffin Calkins Arneson Eide Lechner . Daisy - Redick Trasky/K. Sundberg - cc: . ee . . mnDUAaNVOAV . BAMES & MOORE ANCHORAGE ACTION.. INFO: ——_o—. APPENDIX E List of Subcontractors APPENDIX E Phase IB Subcontractors ERA Helicopters, Inc. 6160 South Airpark Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Exploration Supply & Equipment, Inc. 6727 Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Harding-Lawson Associates 7655 Redwood Boulevard P.O. Box 578 Novato, California 94947 *North Pacific Aerial Surveys, Inc. 4241 "B" Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Production Services, Inc. 4113 Ingra Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Trident Communications P.O. Box 10-1158 Anchorage, Alaska 99511 *Subcontract not executed at time of report. Negotiations in progress. APPENDIX F Memorandum by the Alaska Regional Solicitor of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management fs 4 United States Department of the Interior a bee OFFICE OF THE SOLICITOR IN REPLY REFER TO ALASKA REGION roe 510 L Street, Suite 100 URL Anchorage, Alaska 99501 March 29, 1982 Memorandum Te: Area Director, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Anchorage, Alaska , From: Regional Solicitor, Alaska Subject: Geothermal Exploration on Unalaska Island You have requested an opinion on whether the USFWS has authority to allow the State of Alaska to conduct geothermal exploration activities on lands on Unalaska Island which are within the boundaries of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge and which have been selected by the Aleut Corporation under Section 14h of ANCSA. We conclude that the Secretary has the authority under the Refuge Administration Act, 16 U.S.C. 668dd(d)(1). FACTS The State of Alaska Power Authority has been directed by the State legislature to assess the geothermal energy potential of Unalaska Island. It has hired Republic Geothermal, Inc., a California corporation, to develop and implement an exploration program on the eastern flanks of Makushim Volcano. The plan contemplates three phases: . initial geologic exploratory work and the drilling of a température gradient hole, both to be done during the 1982 field season, and a deep exploratory well (1,000 - 1,500 ft.) to be drilled in the summer of 1983. The Aleut Corporation intends to take the land only if the geothermal energy potential is promising. Republic Geothermal, Inc. applied initially to BLM for drilling approval. BLM rejected the application on the ground that USFWS had interim management authority. Accordingly, Republic applied, on March 19, 1982, to USFWS for a permit covering the initial geologic phase of the project. They want to commence work by April 15, 1982. : DISCUSSION Two questions will be addressed: which agency has jurisdic- tion and whether authority exists to permit the exploration. were ey 2 z0E Page 2 A. Jurisdiction serisdiction Section 906(0)(2) of ANILCA which provides in pertinent part: "Until conveyed, all Federal lands within the boundaries of a conservation system unit... shall be administered in accordance with the laws applicable to such unit." Lands selected by a Native corporation but not conveyed are Federal lands by virtue of Section 102(2) of ANILCA., If the selection is determined invalid or is relinquished, the lands become "public lands." Section 102(3)(B). The Alaska Maritime NWR includes all "public lands" on Unalaska Island. Section 303(1) (iii) Federal lands on Unalaska which are not Presently but might later become "public lands" are therefore within "the boundaries of" the refuge but not yet a part of the refuge. If the "boundaries" did not encompass land which was not a part of the refuge, section 906(0)(2) would make no sense: there could be no "federal land" within the boundary of a conservation system unit, only "public land." B. Authority . The Geothermal Steam Leasing Act of 1970, 30 U.S.c. 1001-1025, specifically precludes the issuance of geothermal leases in wildlife refuges. 30 U.S.C. 1014(c). However, a geothermal lease is not requested or contemplated here. In any event, nothing in the Geothermal Leasing Act prohibits geothermal exploration activity on refuge lands. purpose . . . whenever he détermines that such uses are compatible with the Major purposes for which such areas were established. . . ." 16 U.S GC: 668dd(d)(1)(A). In fact, in 1980, the USFWS did issue a special use permit to the State of Alaska for geothermal exploration. We think this was a lawful exercise of the Secretary's general management authority. In fact, if the lands in question were a Part of the refuge today, the Secretary would be under a Congressional directive to assess their mineral and energy potential "to the full extent of his authority." Sec. 1010(a) of ANICLA. In addition, he would be authorized to enter into contracts with public or private entities to do so. Although the lands in question here will only become "public lands" if the Aleut Corporation relinquishes its selection, this section of ANILCA reflects a clear Congressional policy encouraging the kind of exploration work which the State wants to conduct. We conclude that the Secretary's management authority is broad enough to permit at) ; APPENDIX G Letters from Republic Geothermal, Inc., to Ounalashka Corporation and Aleut Corporation REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. 11623 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX . 910.586.1696 (213) 945.3661 February 17, 1982 Ounalashka Corporation P.O. Box 149 i Unalaska, AK 99685 Attention: Mr. Vincent M. Tutiakoff, Sr. President i Gent lemen: As we described at the February 1, 1982 meeting at the Alaska Power Authority's Anchorage office, the APA has contracted with Republic Geothermal, Inc. and Dames & Moore to conduct operations to explore for geothermal re- sources on the north and east slopes of Makushin Volcano in 1982 and 1983. Republic is the prime contractor and will actually guide and perform the ex- ploration operations, and Dames & Moore is charged with coordination of the Project in Alaska, logistics management, geotechnical engineering, and envi- ronmental concerns, including assistance in the permit processes. The general plan for the exploration activities calls for geological sampling, geotechnical investigations, environmental baseline data collection, and the drilling of one to three shallow (1,500 to 2,000 feet) thermal gradi- ent holes during the spring and summer of 1982. In 1983, one deep hole will be drilled (to a depth of at least 4,000 feet), with the intention of penetrating and testing the quality of the geothermal resource. At the end of the 1983 season, the deep hole will be permanently plugged or safely sus- pended. We anticipate that all operations, in both years, will be helicopter-supported. We further anticipate that temporary camps will be established on the slopes of Makushin. As the project develops and more information is obtained, specific sites for drilling and for the camp will be chosen, and specific plans for logistics will be formulated. » The geothermal exploration activities will likely occur on some of the g following lands which have been selected or conveyed to the Ounalashka Corporation: REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. Ounalashka Corporation February 17, 1982 Page 2 Township 71 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 72 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 73 South; Ranges 119 and 120 West of the Seward Meridian Therefore, we are requesting the permission of the Ounalashka Corporation for Republic Geothermal, Inc., Dames & Moore, and their associated sub- contractors (to be determined) to conduct geothermal exploration activities on these lands. The Project will proceed with all Proper permits from the con— es and with due regard for the environmental and socioeconomic concerns of the Ounalashka Corporation. Both Republic Geothermal, Inc. and Dames & Moore will work to maintain open communications i with the Ounalashka Corporation. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact: Gerald W. Huttrer ; Stephen T. Grabacki Manager - Exploration ' Project Coordinator Republic Geothermal, Inc. or Dames & Moore 11823 East Slauson Ave., Suite 1 800 Cordova Street, Suite 101 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 © ; Anchorage, AK 9950] (213) 945-3661 (907) 279-0673 Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. GL, thaitin ni G. W. Huttrer Manager - Exploration GWH:sjo Enclosures » cc: See Attached REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. Ounalashka Corporation February 17, 1982 Page 3 Mr. Wayne Lewis Aleut Corporation 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Ms. Patty DeJong Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue > Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. Carl M. Yanagawa Acting Regional Supervisor, Southcentral Region Habitat Protection Division 5 Alaska Department of Fish and Game 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Mr. Woody Angst Chief, Permit Coordination Section Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Pouch 0 Juneau, Alaska 99811 Mr. James C. Allen Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 E Street, Suite 200 : Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. Car] Harmon Air Quality & Solid Waste Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 E Street, Suite 200 i Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. Simon J. Manson Water Quality Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation » 437 E Street, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska. 99501 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. Ounalashka Corporation February 17, 1982 Page 4 Ms. Gina Sanders Permit Information Center Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 E Street, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. David Hedderly-Smith Deputy Director, Mining Division of Minerals and Energy Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-005 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Mr. Arnold Van Horn District Water Officer » Division of Forest, Land and Water Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-005 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Mr. Curtis V. McVee State Director, Alaska Bureau of Land Management U.S. Department of Interior 701 C Street, Box 13 Anchorage, Alaska 99513 Mr. John Merrick Area Manager Bureau of Land Management U.S. Department of Interior Anchorage District Office 4700 East 72nd Avenue } Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Mr. James Sourant 425 G Street Suite 960 ) Anchorage, Alaska 99501 OUNALASHKA CORPORATION TO REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC.: The Ounalashka Corporation is a village corporation organized under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971. The Ounalashka Corporation has selected the surface rights to the following townships, on Unalaska Island, as part of entitlement under ANCSA: Township 71 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 72 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 73 South, Ranges 119 and 120 West of the Seward Meridian The corporation has no objection to the geothermal explo- ration activities on these lands, as proposed by the Alaska Power Authority and conducted by Republic Geothermal, Inc. of Santa Fe Springs, California; Dames & Moore of Anchorage, Alaska; and their associated subcontractors. However, we assume that Republic Geothermal will obtain all the necessary permits for the exploration activities and will follow appro- priate engineering and environmental protection practices in their exploration. Furthermore, we expect that the explora- tion will be conducted with respect for the aesthetic and environmental qualities of the area: this specifically in- cludes the maintenance of clean camps and the proper disposal of solid and liquid wastes. Sincerely, OUNALASHKA CORPORATION Vincent M. Tutiakoff President REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. 11623 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX . 910.586.1696 (213) 945.3661 February 17, 1982 Aleut Corporation 2550 Denali Street, Suite 900 Anchorage, AK 99503 Attention: Mr. Wayne Lewis | Land Director Gent lemen: As we described at the February 1, 1982 meeting at the Alaska Power Authority's Anchorage office, the APA has contracted with Republic Geothermal, Inc. and Dames & Moore to conduct operations to explore for geothermal re- sources on the north and east slopes of Makushin Volcano in 1982 and 1983. Republic is the prime contractor and will actually guide and perform the ex- Ploration operations, and Dames & Moore is charged with coordination of the project in Alaska, logistics management, geotechnical engineering, and envi- ronmental concerns, including assistance in the permit processes. The general plan for the exploration activities calls for geological sampling, geotechnical investigations, environmental baseline data collection, and the drilling of one to three shallow (1,500 to 2,000 feet) thermal gradi- ent holes during the spring and summer of 1982. In 1983, one deep hole will be drilled (to a depth of at least 4,000 feet), with the intention of pene- trating and testing the quality of the geothermal resource. At the end of the 1983 season, the deep hole will be permanently plugged or safely suspended. We anticipate that all operations, in both years, will be helicopter- supported. We further anticipate that temporary camps will be established on the slopes of Makushin. As the project develops and more information is ob- tained, specific sites for drilling and for the camp will be chosen, and specific plans for logistics will be formulated. The geothermal exploration activities will likely occur on some of the following lands which have deen selected or conveyed to the Aleut Corporation: Township 71 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 72 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 73 South, Ranges 119 and 120 West of the Seward Meridian REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. Aleut Corporation February 17, 1982 Page 2 Therefore, we are requesting the permission of the Aleut Corporation for Republic Geothermal, Inc., Dames & Moore, and their associated subcontractors (to be determined) to conduct geothermal exploration activities on these: lands. The project will Proceed with all. proper permits from the- concerned state and federal agencies and with due regard for the environmental and socioeconomic concerns of the Aleut Corporation. Both Republic Geothermal, Inc. and Dames & Moore will work to maintain open communications with the Aleut Corporation. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact: Gerald W. Huttrer Stephen T. Grabacki Manager - Exploration Project Coordinator Republic. Geothermal, Inc. or Dames & Moore 11823 East Slauson Ave., Suite 1 800 Cordova Street, Suite 101 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Anchorage, AK 99501 (213) 945-3661 (907) 279-0673 Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. _f4 f <—- aibhe ow) G. W. Huttrer Manager - Exploration GWH:sjo Enclosures cc: See Attached REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. Aleut Corporation February 17, 1982 Page 3 Mr. Vincent M. Tutiakoff, Sr. President Ounalashka Corporation . P.O. Box 149 Unalaska, Alaska 99685 Ms. Patty DeJong Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. Carl M. Yanagawa Acting Regional Supervisor, Southcentral Region Habitat Protection Division Alaska Department of Fish and Game 333 Raspberry Road Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Mr. Woody Angst Chief, Permit Coordination Section Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Pouch 0 Juneau, Alaska 99811 Mr. James C. Allen Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation. 437 E Street, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. Carl Harmon Air Quality & Solid Waste ; Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation } 437 E Street, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. Simon J. Manson Water Quality » Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation . 437 E Street, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. Aleut Corporation February 17, 1982 Page 4 : Ms. Gina Sanders Permit Information Center Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 E Street, Suite 200 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Mr. David Hedderly-Smith Deputy Director, Mining Division of Minerals and Energy Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-005 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Mr. Arnold Van Horn District Water Officer : Division of Forest, Land and Water Management Alaska Department of Natural Resources Pouch 7-005 Anchorage, Alaska 99510 Mr. Curtis V. McVee State Director, Alaska Bureau of Land Management U.S. Department of Interior 701 C Street, Box 13 Anchorage, Alaska 99513 Mr. John Merrick Area Manager Bureau of Land Management U.S. Department of Interior Anchorage District Office 4700 East 72nd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Mr. James Sourant 425 G Street Suite 960 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ALEUT CORPORATION TO REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC.: The Aleut Corporation is a regional corporation organized under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971. The Aleut Corporation has selected the subsurface rights to the following townships, on Unalaska Island, as part of entitlement under ANCSA: Township 71 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 72 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 73 South, Ranges 119 and 120 West of the Seward Meridian The corporation has no objection to the geothermal explo- ration activities on these lands, as proposed by the Alaska Power Authority and conducted by Republic Geothermal, Inc. of Santa Fe Springs, California; Dames & Moore of Anchorage, Alaska; and their associated subcontractors. However, we assume that Republic Geothermal will obtain all the necessary permits for the exploration activities and will follow appro- priate engineering and environmental protection practices in their exploration. Furthermore, we expect that the explora- tion will be conducted with respect for the aesthetic and environmental qualities of the area: this specifically in- cludes the maintenance of clean camps and the proper disposal of solid and liquid wastes. Sincerely, ALEUT CORPORATION Wayne Lewis Land Director APPENDIX H Letters from Ounalashka Corporation and Aleut Corporation to Republic Geothermal, Inc. RECEIVED OUNALASHKA CORPORATION MAR 2 9 1982 TO REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC.: The Ounalashka Corporation is a village corporation organized under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971. The Ounalashka Corporation has selected the surface rights to the following townships, on Unalaska Island, as part of entitlement under ANCSA: Township 71 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 72 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 73 South, Ranges 119 and 120 West of the Seward Meridian The corporation has no objection to the geothermal explo- ration activities on these lands, as proposed by the Alaska Power Authority and conducted by Republic Geothermal, Inc. of Santa Fe Springs, California; Dames & Moore of Anchorage, Alaska; and their associated subcontractors. However, we assume that Republic Geothermal will obtain all the necessary permits for the exploration activities and will follow appro- priate engineering and environmental protection practices in their exploration. Furthermore, we expect that the explora- tion will be conducted with respect for the aesthetic and environmental qualities of the area: this specifically in- cludes the maintenance of clean camps and the proper disposal of solid and liquid wastes. Sincerely, a CORPO Merce TDD. buLiale} Vincent M. Tutiakoff President St. Paul > St George Nelson Lagoon @ The Aleut Corporation GTS, Akutan afew . 2550 Denali * Suite 900 * Anchorage, Alaska 99503, er a. Phone (907)-274-1506 ae = s° f , i a | oa ikolski | 2] & Vase Re? ° S SS March 4, 1982 Mr. Gerald W. Huttrer BECEIVED Republic Geothermal, Inc. 11823 East Slauson Avenue Aw G & 1982 Santa Fe Springs, California 90670 Dear Mr. Huttrer: The Aleut Corporation is a regional corporation organized under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971. The Aleut Corporation has selected the surface and subsurface rights to the following townships, on Unalaska Island, as part of its entitlement under section 14 (h)(8) ANCSA: Township 71 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 72 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 73 South, Ranges 119 and 120 West of the Seward Meridian The corporation has no objection to the geothermal exploration activities on these lands, as proposed by the Alaska Power Authority and conducted by Republic Geothermal, Inc. of Santa Fe Springs, California; Dames & Moore of Anchorage, Alaska; and their associated subcontractors. However, we assume that Republic Geothermal will obtain all the necessary permits for the exploration activities and will follow appropriate engineering and environmental protection practices in their exploration. Furthernore, we expect that the exploration will be conducted with respect for the aesthetic and environmental qualities of the area: this specifically includes the maintenance of clean camps and the proper disposal of solid and liquid wastes. Sincerely, THE CORPORATION wa LEenns Wayne F.| Lewis Land Director WEL/jh APPENDIX I Application to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a Special Use Permit for Geological and Geophysical Work REPUBLIC GEOT HERMAL, INC. 116823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX - 910.586.1696 (213) 945.3661 March 19, 1982 Mr. John L. Martin - Manager Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Homer, Alaska 99603 Dear Mr. Martin: The Alaska Power Authority (APA) has contracted with Republic Geothermal, Inc. (Republic) to explore the eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island for geothermal resources. The geothermal resource exploratory operations Planned by Republic and the APA will be conducted in basically three stages: initial geologic exploratory work, temperature gradient hole operations (both conducted during’ 1982), and drilling. of one deep exploratory geothermal well (drilled in 1983). An application to the U. S. Bureau of Land Management (USBLM) for approval of the initial. geologic exploratory work was rejected by the USBLM because they considered the area to be under the administration of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife - Service (USFWS). Because the lands to be explored were selected on December 15, 1977 by the Aleut Corporation under Section 14(h) (8) of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA), it is our understanding that these lands were not made a part of the Aleutian Islands Unit of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge (AMNWR-AIU) by the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA). However, it may be possible that these lands should be administered in accordance with the laws applicable to AWNWR-AIU. Based upon this decision by the USBLM, Republic, as contractor to the APA, is hereby requesting a Special Use Permit from the USFWS to conduct these initial geologic exploratory operations on portions of Unalaska Island. This request for a Special Use Permit covers only the initial geologic work. Separate permit applications will be filed for the second and third stages of the exploratory work as the details of the operations are finalized. REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. Letter to Mr. John L. Martin March 19, 1982 Page Two The initial geologic exploration work will consist of geologic mapping of special areas of interest, water sampling of springs and some streams, gas sampling of springs and fumaroles, a mercury soil survey, and a self-potential survey. Attached as Exhibit A to this letter is a detailed description of the proposed operations. Attached as Exhibit B to this letter is a letter from the Aleut Corporation giving their concurrence to the operations Proposed under the APA ih contract. We currently plan to commence the initial geologic exploratory work by April 15, 1982. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address and telephone ® number, or our subcontractor's representative at the following address and telephone: Mr. Steve Grabacki Dames & Moore 800 Cordova, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 279-0673 We greatly appreciate your consideration of this request for a Special Use Permit. Respectf p nth Gir Dwight L. Carey Manager, Environmental Affairs i DLC/wp Attachments EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS The Alaska Power Authority (APA) has contracted with Republic Geothermal, Inc. (Republic) to explore the east- ern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island for geo- thermal resources. Figure lis a vicinity map showing the location of Unalaska Island. Figure 2 is a map showing the location of the proposed exploratory Operations on Unalaska Island. The geothermal resource exploratory operations planned by Republic and the APA will be conducted in basically three stages: initial geologic exploratory work, temperature gradient hole operations (both conducted during 1982), and drilling of one deep exploratory geothermal well (drilled in 1983). This application covers only the initial geologic work. Separate permit applications will be filed for the second and third stages as the details of the operations finalized. The initial geologic exploration work will consist of geologic mapping of special areas of interest, water sam- pling of springs and some streams, gas sampling of springs and fumaroles, a mercury soil survey, and a self-potential survey. The initial exploratory work will probably be con- ducted on foot, although helicopters will be utilized to transport the field people to distant sites, and three- wheeled all-terrain vehicles may be used if feasible. There will be two people in the area conducting the mapping, water and gas sampling, and the mercury survey for approximately six weeks. Two additional people will join the team for the final thirty days to conduct the self-potential survey. A portable camp will be established at the start in the field area which will include two 12-foot by 20-foot sleeper tents, one 15-foot by 30-foot cook tent, and a portable out- house. The camp may also be used by one or two environmental scientists for one to two weeks during this period. The crew and all materials, including the camp components, survey equipment, and individual supplies, will be transported to and from the site by helicopter. The location of the camp site is shown on Figure 2. The temporary camp will be in- stalled by a company specialized in placing portable camps in remote areas, and they will be required to minimize sur- face disturbance. The geologic mapping will consist of ground and heli- copter field surveys of selected areas, conducted with the aid of aerial photographs. The water and gas sampling will FIGURE 1 UNALASKA ISLAND VICINITY MAP DRIFTWOOD BAY MAKUSHIN VALLEY DUTCH amon? e UNALASKA SUMMER BAY maxusiin UNALASKA ISLAND MAKUSHIN BAY FIGURE 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS ON UNALASKA ISLAND be grab samples of springs, fumaroles, and some streams taken with sampling equipment small enough to be carried by hand. The mercury soil sampling survey will consist of taking soil samples of approximately ten grams from sites located in a grid system. The approximate location of sam- pling points will be the center and four corners of each square-mile section, although some adjustments will be made due to the topography of the area. Elevated levels of mer- cury in the soil have been correlated with the presence of geothermal resources in a number of geothermal areas through- out the world. The self-potential survey is the most sophisticated activity of the proposed initial exploration program. This type of survey technique is based on detection of natural direct electrical currents flowing in the ground. To detect these currents, one electrode is placed in a hole approxi- mately one to two feet deep and six inches in diameter, then wire (typically thirty-two gauge) on a reel is connected to the electrode and unrolled approximately three to four kilometers. Every two hundred meters the wire is connected to a second electrode, placed in a hole of the same size, and the self-potential voltage and contact resistance is recorded. The survey personnel will likely be dropped by helicopter on ridge tops, and will unroll the wire, install the electrodes, and take the self-potential measurements as they walk down the eastern flanks of the mountain. The elec- trodes will be removed from the soil and the holes filled after the completion of the measurements. For a more detailed description of these operations, please refer to Attachment I, Self-Potential Survey Field Procedures. Impacts from the proposed operations will be temporary. The majority of the activities will be conducted on foot, with helicopter transport for distances greater than can be reasonably travelled by foot. Helicopter use is being pro- posed in part to avoid the surface disturbance which could result from off-road vehicles. Helicopter operations will be conducted away from the coastal areas and thus will not occur near seabird rookeries. The helicopter pilot will be instructed to avoid any other wildlife in order to minimize the adverse effect from the helicopter noise and movement upon the wildlife resources in the area. A three-wheel all-terrain vehicle with balloon (low ground pressure) tires may also be utilized if weather conditions preclude the use of a helicopter. If this vehicle is used, it will be used infrequently and only where necessary. Emergency transport of injured personnel is one of the main reasons use of this vehicle is being considered; in the event weather conditions prevent helicopter use in the upper elevations, any injured could be transported along the old road from the camp site to Driftwood Bay for helicopter pick-up at that point. -4- Food and fuel will be purchased at Dutch Harbor to the greatest extent possible. Garbage from the camp will be transported back to proper waste disposal facilities in Dutch Harbor. Grey waste water will likely be disposed through a leach line built by the camp construction company. Black waste water may go through a leach line system, placed in a pit and treated with lime, or dried and burned. ATTACHMENT I TO EXHIBIT A SELF-POTENTIAL SURVEY FIELD PROCEDURES Standard self-potential survey procedures will be used. The following is from a description written by Harding-Lawson Associates, one of the potential sub- contractors for the SP Survey. It has been adapted for Unalaska field conditions: 1. 10. Install telluric monitor, consisting of battery- operated strip chart recorder connected to dipole 100 m to 500 m in length, at easily accessible location. Select base electrode location in central part of survey area. In copper sulfate bath, measure initial polar- ization between base, measuring, and portable reference electrodes. Dig hole (1-2 feet deep, 6 inches in diameter) for base electrode deep enough to reach natural soil moisture and to allow for shading from sun. Install base electrode, attach end of wire on reel, and install sun shade. Move reel to first survey station. A reel hold- ing up to about 3 to 4 km of lightweight wire is used for surveys conducted on foot. At survey station, dig hole deep enough (6 inches to 1 foot) to reach natural soil moisture and in- stall measuring electrode. Connect negative lead of multimeter to connector on reel going back to base electrode, and positive lead of multimeter to measuring electrode. Read and record SP voltage and contact resistance. Voltage must be read for at least 20 seconds if there is any possibility of significant telluric activity. If short-period (less than 1 minute) telluric activity is seen, voltage must be read long enough to obtain a reasonable approximation of the steady-state value. Note any unusual soil, geologic, topographic, cultural, weather or other conditions in "Comments" column of data sheet. Remove electrode, clean loose soil from tip, and cap. Fill hole and flag if later reoccupation is possible. ll. 12. 13. Repeat Steps 6 through 10 until survey line is completed, About once per hour, and at end of line, measure polarization between portable reference and mea- suring electrodes in copper sulfate bath. Reel in wire if possible, remove base electrode, re-fill hole, and check electrode polarization as in Step 3. Equipment 1. Telluric monitor: Linear Model 142 (battery- operated, 2.5 megohms input impedance), or equiv- alent single-channel recorder; up to 500 m of wire for dipole; electrodes as below. Electrodes: Tinker & Rasor Model 6B (Cu-Cuso,) Meter: Fluke 8020A digital multimeter (10 megohms input impedance) or equivalent. Geonics §P meter of Keithley electrometer are available for high- contact-resistance situations (snow, frozen soil, etc.). Wire and reels for walking surveys: approximately 3 to 4 km of lightweight wire (typically 32 to 36 gauge) on chest reel; marked every 100 m. Auxiliary equipment: Shovel, pick, Cleaning brush, splice kit, spare meter and leads, etc. St. Paul Se SI. George EXHIBIT B earn 6 The Aleut Corporation Og, Akutan &, Serax ° 2550 Denali * Suite 900 * Anchorage, Alaska 99503 e ce a a... Phone (907)-274-1506 Unease Co. os se" 5 , > oa ‘ X : Teta TH, 7 ve “ Z March 4, 1982 Mr. Gerald W. Huttrer BECEIVED Republic Geothermal, Inc. 11823 East Slauson Avenue MAK 6 & 1982 Santa Fe Springs, California 90670 Dear Mr. Huttrer: The Aleut Corporation is a regional corporation organized under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971. The Aleut Corporation has selected the surface and subsurface rights to the «© following townships, on Unalaska Island, as part of its entitlement under section 14 (h)(8) ANCSA: Township 71 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 72 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 73 South, Ranges 119 and 120 West of the Seward Meridian The corporation has no objection to the geothermal exploration activities on these lands, as proposed by the Alaska Power Authority and conducted by Republic Geotherml, Inc. of Santa Fe Springs, California; Dames & Moore of Anchorage, Alaska; and their associated subcontractors. However, we assume that Republic Geothermal will obtain all the necessary permits for the exploration activities and will follow appropriate engineering and environmental protection practices in their exploration. Furthermre, we expect that the exploration will be conducted with respect for the aesthetic and environmental qualities of the area: this specifically includes the mintenance of clean camps and the proper disposal of solid and liquid wastes. Sincerely, THE CORPORATION a Wears Wayne F.| Lewis Land Director WFL/ jh APPENDIX J Approved Special Use Permit No. AI-82-09 for Geological and Geophysical Work j FREON a8S RECEIVED UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ALEUTIAN ISLANDS UNIT ALASKA MARITIME National Wildlife Refug SPECIAL USE PERMIT Permit numberSta. No. to be credited AI-82-09 74502 Contract number Date . April 8, 1982 Period of use /inciusive) Permittee (Name and address) TemagbihobaoGanes Timothy M. Evans 8 From i 19 Republic Geothermal, Inc. apetl 15, 82 11823 E. Slauson Avenue, Suite 1 Ph: (213)945-3661 To september 30, 1982 Purpose (Specify in detail Divllege 1 requessed: ‘or units of Products involved) andjor their subcontracter To permit Republic Geothermal and/or Dames and Moore,personnel to explore for geothermal resource potential on the eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano, Unalaska Island, Aleutian Islands (maps attached). This permit is for initial surficial Sie investigations and self-potential surveys, including maintenance of a portable tent campsite, i helicopter operations, @€ three-wheeled all terrain vehicle operations in the study i Oe Description (Specify unit numbers: metes and bounds; or other recognizable désignations) Activities may consist of geologic mapping, water sampling at springs, water sampling at streams, gas sampling at springs, gas —_— at fumaroles, mercury soil surveys > Re self-potential Severe 2 ; z R exR R DATA COLLECTION. ——= 3% Amount of fee $__None If not a fixed fee payment, specify rate and unit of charge: (_) Full payment C) Partial payment-Balance of payments to be made as follows: Record of Payments N/a Special Conditions 1. All appropriate Federal & State wildlife laws and regulations apply. Helicopter ops. will be inland only ané avoid any discovered wildlife concentration areas. 2. Wildlife will not be disturbed, harassed or fed. Any encounters with nesting birds, i particularly ground nesting marbled murrelets, will be reported to the issuing officer immediately (phone 592-2406/2407). 3. The letter of non-objection from the Aleut Corporation will be available on Unalaska Island throughout the period of field work (copy attached). 4. Historical/archaeological sites such as burial caves, WWII material, etc., will not B be disturbed. - 5. Searching for, digging up, tampering with, disturbing, handling or exploding any WWII ordnance or debris is prohibited. Special conditions continued on attached sheet) terms, covenants. obligations, and reservations, expressed or implied therein, and to the conditions and require- This permit is issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and accepted by the undersigned, subject to the } ments appearing on the Teverse side. Vice PresYdent SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS (continued) Permit:No.: AI-82-09 Sta. No. : 74502 Date : April 8, 1982 6. All litter and/or garbage will be removed or disposed of at authorized disposal sites. Human wastes can be buried or discharged through a buried drain field only. , 7. Any observations of unusual wildlife, including Aleutian Canada geese, will be reported to the Issuing Officer at the first opportunity. 8. A complete list of all Personnel, including their estimated period of stay. and their employer, working under this permit on Unalaska, will be provided to the Issuing Officer at initiation of field work and at any time additional personnel arrive at Unalaska. 9. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service assumes no responsibilities for accidents or injuries sustained while permittees are on Unalaska. The Issuing Officer will be notified when all field work is completed and all material is removed from the permit site. 4halez x, Refuge Manager Date fevans,Vice President in, Refuge Manager, Alaska Maritime NWR, Homer, AK qrt, Refuge Supervisor, Regional Office, USFWS, Anchorage, AK a4 won 1. Payments. All payments shail be made on or before the due date to the local representative of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service by a postal money order or check made payable to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2. Use limitations. The permittee's use of the described premises is limited to the purposes. herein specified; does not unless provided for in this permit allow him to restrict other authorized entry on to his area; and permits the Service to carry on whatever activities are ~ necessary for (1) protection and maintenance of the Premises and , adjacent lands administered by the Service and (2) the management of wildlife and fish. using- the premises and other Service lands. - 3. Damages. The United States shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to property including but not limited to growing crops, animals, and machinery; or injury to the permittee, or his relatives, or ~ of the officers; agents, employees, or any others. who are on the premises from instructions or by the sufferance of the permittee or his associates; or for damages or’ mgerference caused by wildlife or employees or representatives’ of the Government carrying out their official responsibilities. The permittee agrees. to- save the United States or any of its agencies harmless from any and all claims -for damages or losses that may arise or be incident to the flooding of the premises resulting from any associated Government river and harbor, flood’ control, reclamation, or Tennessee Valley Authority activity. _., 4+ Operating Rules. and Laws. The p “premises in a neat and orderly condition ac all times, and'shall comply’ ‘under the permit as well as all Federal laws, mules, and regulations . governing National Wildlife Refuges and the area described in this permit. He shall comply with ail instructions applicable to this permit issued by the refuge officer in charge. He shail take all reasonable Precautions to prevent the escape of fires and to suppress fires and shail render all reasonable assistance im the suppression of refuge fires. | a 5. Responsibility of Permittee. The permittee, by operating on the premises, shall be considered to have accepted these premises with: all: the facilities, fixtures, or improvements in. their existing condition’ as of the date of this permit. At the end of the period specified or upon earlier termination, he shall Give up the premises in as good order and condition as when received except for reasonable wear, tear, or damage occurring without fault or negligence. The permittee will fully repay the Service for any and all damage directly . or indirectly resulting from negligence or failure on his Part, or the part of anyone of his. associates, to use reasonable care: 6. Revocation Policy. This permit may be revoked by the Regional Director of the Service: without notice: for noncompliance with the terms hereof. or for violation ‘of general’ and/or specific. laws. or regulations governing National Wildlife Refuges or for nonuse. It is at. all times subject to discretionary revocation by the Director of the Service. Upon such revocation: the ~Service, by and through: any authorized representative, may take possession of the said premises for its own and sole-use. or may enter and possess the premises as the agent of the permittee and for his account. ° . 7..Compliance.. Failure of the Service to insist upon a strict compliance with any: of this permit's terms, conditions,’ and requirements shall not constitute a waiver or be considered as a giving up of the Service's. right to thereafter enforce any of the permit’s terms, conditions, or requirements. : permittee shall keep the GENERAL CONDITIONS : withall municipal; county, and.State laws applicable to his operations. ~~ ~the records. or the subject matter of the records, 8. Termination Policy. At the termination of this permit, the permittee shall immediately give up possession to the Service representative, reserving, however, the rights specified in paragraph 9. If he fails to do so, he will pay the Government, 2s liquidated damages, an amount double the rate specified in this permit for the entire time he withholds possession. Upon yielding possession, the permittee will stili be allowed to reenter as needed to remove his Property as stated in paragraph 9. The acceptance of any fee for liquidated damages or any other act of administration relating to the continued tenancy is not.to be considered as an affirmance of the permittee’s action nor shall it operate as a waiver of the Government's right to terminate or cancel the permit for che breach of any specified condition or requirement. . 9. Removal of Permittee’s Property. Upon the expiration or “termination of this permit, if ail rental charges and/or damage claims due to the Government have been paid, the permittee may, within a reasonable period as stated in the permit or as determined by the refuge officer in charge but not to‘ exceed 60 days, remove ail structures, machinery, and/or other equipment, etc., from the premises for which he is responsible. Within this period he must also remove any other of his property including his acknowledged share of products or crops grown, cut, harvested, stored,“or stacked on the premises by him. Upon failure to remove any of the above items within the aforesaid period. they shall become the property of the. United States. 10. Transfer of Privileges. This permit is not transferaole, and no privileges herein mentioned may be sublet or made available to any” Person or interest not mentioned in. this permit. No interest hereunder may accrue through lien or be transferred to a third party” without the approval of the Regional Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the permit shall not be used for speculative purposes. . or , 11. Conditions of Permit not Fulfilled. If the permittee fails to fulfill any of the conditions and requirements set forth herein, ail money paid under this permit shall be retained by the Government to be used to satisfy as much of the permittee's obligations as possible. 12. Officials Barred from Participating. No Member of Congress or Resident Commissioner shall participate in any part of this contract or to any benefit that may arise from it, but this provision shall not pertain to this contract if made with a corporation for its general benefit. : 13. Nondiscrimination in Employment. The permittee agrees to be bound by the equal opportunity clause of Executive Order 11246, which is attached hereto and made a part of this permit. 14. In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (PL 93-579), please » be advised that: (1.) Your participation is voluntary; however, failure to answer all questions fully may delay Processing of your application or.-result in deniat of a permit. (2.) Information will be used asa criteria for the selection of special use Permits and for identification of personnel having special use permits on National Wildlife Refuges. (8.) This information is collected under the authority of the National “+ Wildlife: Refuge System Administration Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. - 668dd-668ee), the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1954 (16 U.S.C. 742d), and Title 50, Parts 29 and 32, of the Code of Federal Regulations. (4.) In the event there is indicated a violation of a statute, regulation, rule, . order, or license, whether-civil, criminal, or tegulactory in nature, the requested information may be transferred to the appropriate Federal, State, local, or foreign’ agency charged with investigating or Prosecuting such violations. (5.) In the event of litigation involving -the requested information may be transferred to the U.S. Department of. Justice. EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS The Alaska Power Authority (APA) has contracted with Republic Geothermal, Inc. (Republic) to explore the east- ern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island for geo- thermal resources. Figure 1 is a vicinity map showing the location of Unalaska Island. Figure 2 is a map showing the location of the proposed exploratory operations on Unalaska Island. The geothermal resource exploratory operations planned by Republic and the APA will be conducted in basically three stages: initial geologic exploratory work, temperature gradient hole operations (both conducted during 1982), and drilling of one deep exploratory geothermal well (drilled in 1983). This application covers only the initial geologic work. Separate permit applications will be filed for the second and third stages as the details of the operations finalized. The initial geologic exploration work will consist of geologic mapping of special areas of interest, water sam- ‘pling of springs and some streams, gas sampling of springs and fumaroles, a mercury soil survey, and a self-potential survey. The initial exploratory work will probably be con- ducted on foot, although helicopters will be utilized to transport the field people to distant. sites, and three- wheeled all-terrain vehicles may be used if feasible. There will be two people in the area conducting the mapping, water and gas sampling, and the mercury survey for approximately six weeks. Two additional people will join the team for the final thirty days to conduct the self-potential survey. A portable camp will be established at the start in the field area which will include two 12-foot by 20-foot sleeper tents, one 15-foot by 30-foot cook tent, and a portable out- house. The camp may also be used by one or two environmental scientists for one to two weeks during this period. The crew and all materials, including the camp components, survey equipment, and individual supplies, will be transported to and from the site by helicopter. The location of the camp site is shown on Figure 2. The temporary camp will be in- stalled by a company specialized in placing portable camps in remote areas, and they will be required to minimize sur- face disturbance. The geologic mapping will consist of ground and heli- copter field surveys of selected areas, conducted with the aid of aerial photographs. The water and gas sampling will FIGURE 1 UNALASKA ISLAND VICINITY MAP DRIFTWOOD BAY FUMAROLES MAKUSHIN xX x VALLEY fs) MAKUSHIN VOLCANO DUTCH ony Xx x SUMMER BAY UNALASKA maxusuin UNALASKA ISLAND MAKUSHIN BAY be grab samples of springs, fumaroles, and some streams taken with sampling equipment small enough to be carried by hand. The mercury soil sampling survey will consist of taking soil samples of approximately ten grams from sites « located in a grid system. The approximate location of sam- pling points will be the center and four corners of each square-mile section, although some adjustments will be made due to the topography of the area. Elevated levels of mer- cury in the soil have been correlated with the presence of geothermal resources in a number of geothermal areas through- out the world. The self-potential survey is the most sophisticated activity of the proposed initial exploration program. This type of survey technique is based on detection of natural direct electrical currents flowing in the ground. To detect these currents, one electrode is placed in a hole approxi- mately one to two feet deep and six inches in diameter, then wire (typically thirty-two gauge) on a reel is connected to the electrode and unrolled approximately three to four kilometers. Every two hundred meters the wire is connected to a second electrode, placed in a hole of the same size, and the self-potential voltage and contact resistance is recorded. The survey personnel will likely be dropped by helicopter on ridge tops, and will unroll the wire, install the electrodes, and take the self-potential measurements as they walk down the eastern flanks of the mountain. The elec- trodes will be removed from the soil and the holes filled after the completion of the measurements. For a more detailed description of these operations, please refer to Attachment I, Self-Potential Survey Field Procedures. Impacts from the proposed operations will be temporary. The majority of the activities will be conducted on foot, with helicopter transport for distances greater than can be reasonably travelled by foot. Helicopter use is being pro- posed in part to avoid the surface disturbance which could result from off-road vehicles. Helicopter operations will be conducted away from the coastal areas and thus will not occur near seabird rookeries. The helicopter pilot will be instructed to avoid any other wildlife in order to minimize the adverse effect from the helicopter noise and movement upon the wildlife resources in the area. A three-wheel all-terrain vehicle with balloon (low ground pressure) tires may also be utilized if weather conditions preclude the use of a helicopter. If this vehicle is used, it will be used infrequently and only where necessary. Emergency transport of injured personnel is one of the main reasons use of this vehicle is being considered; in the event weather conditions prevent helicopter use in the upper elevations, any injured could be transported along the old road from the camp site to Driftwood Bay for helicopter pick-up at that point. -4- FIGURE 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS ON UNALASKA ISLAND T72sk 5kKm A Temporary Camp Site Food and fuel will be purchased at Dutch Harbor to the greatest extent possible. Garbage from the camp will be transported back to proper waste disposal facilities in Dutch Harbor. Grey waste water will likely be disposed ‘through a leach line built by the camp construction company. Black waste water may go through a leach line system, placed in a pit and treated with lime, or dried and burned. ATTACHMENT I TO EXHIBIT A SELF-POTENTIAL SURVEY FIELD PROCEDURES Standard self-potential survey procedures will be il used. The following is from a description written by Harding-Lawson Associates, one of the potential sub- contractors for the SP Survey. It has been adapted for Unalaska field conditions: | 2. 3. ® 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. » 10. Install telluric monitor, consisting of battery- operated strip chart recorder connected to dipole 100 m to 500 m in length, at easily accessible location. Select base electrode location in central part of survey area. In copper sulfate bath, measure initial polar- ization between base, measuring, and portable reference electrodes. Dig hole (1-2 feet deep, 6 inches in diameter) for base electrode deep enough to reach natural soil moisture and to allow for shading from sun. Install base electrode, attach end of wire on reel, and install sun shade. Move reel to first survey station. A reel hold- ing up to about 3 to 4 km of lightweight wire is used for surveys conducted on foot. At survey station, dig hole deep enough (6 inches to lL foot) to reach natural soil moisture and in- stall measuring electrode. Connect negative lead of multimeter to connector on reel going back to base electrode, and positive lead of multimeter to measuring electrode. Read and record SP voltage and contact resistance. Voltage must be read for at least 20 seconds if there is any possibility of significant telluric activity. If short-period (less than 1 minute) telluric activity is seen, voltage must be read long enough to obtain a reasonable approximation of the steady-state value. Note any unusual soil, geologic, topographic, cultural, weather or other conditions in "Comments" column of data sheet. Remove electrode, clean loose soil from tip, and cap. Fill hole and flag if later reoccupation is possible. ll. 12. 13. Repeat Steps 6 through 10 until survey line is completed. About once per hour, and at end of line, measure polarization between portable reference and mea- suring electrodes in copper sulfate bath. Reel in wire if possible, remove base electrode, re-fill hole, and check electrode polarization as in Step 3. Equipment l. Telluric monitor: Linear Model 142 (battery- operated, 2.5 megohms input impedance), or equiv- alent single-channel recorder; up to 500 m of wire for dipole; electrodes as below. Electrodes: Tinker & Rasor Model 6B (Cu-CuS0, ) Meter: Fluke 8020A digital multimeter (10 megohms input impedance) or equivalent. Geonics SP meter of Keithley electrometer are available for high- contact-resistance situations (snow, frozen soil, etc.). Wire and reels for walking surveys: approximately 3 to 4 km of lightweight wire (typically 32 to 36 gauge) on chest reel; marked every 100 m. Auxiliary equipment: Shovel, pick, cleaning brush, splice kit, spare meter and leads, etc. Se EXHIBIT B Nelson Lagoon The Aleut Corporation sagan, Akutan Saran ‘i 2550 Denali * Suite 900 * Anchorage, Alaska 99503 : ce o- ete & °, Phone (807)-274-1506 yasasna Fe oo ae | a skOlSKG = SS eee Ss March 4, 1982 Mr. Gerald W. Huttrer BECBIVED Republic Geothermal, Inc. 11823 East Slauson Avenue MA G & 1982 Santa Fe Springs, California 90670 Dear Mr. Huttrer: The Aleut Corporation is a regional corporation organized under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971. The Aleut Corporation has selected the surface and subsurface rights to the . following townships, on Unalaska Island, as part of its entitlement under section 14 (h)(8) ANCSA: Township 71 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 72 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 73 South, Ranges 119 and 120 West of the Seward Meridian The corporation has no objection to the geotherml exploration activities on these lands, as proposed by the Alaska Power Authority and conducted by Republic Geothermal, Inc. of Santa Fe Springs, California; Dames & Moore of Anchorage, Alaska; and their associated subcontractors. However, we assume that Republic Geothermal will obtain all the necessary permits for the exploration activities and will follow appropriate engineering and environmental protection practices in their exploration. Furthermore, we expect that the exploration will be conducted with respect for the aesthetic and environmental qualities of the area: this specifically includes the maintenance of clean camps and the proper disposal of solid and liquid wastes. Sincerely, THE CORPORATION Pe ea RSN SS, Wayne F.| Lewis Land Director WFL/jh REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX . 910.586.1696 (213) 945.3661 April 14, 1982 Mr. Fred Zeillemaker Refuge Manager, Aleutian Island Unit U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Box 5251 NAVSTA NPO Seattle, Washington 98791 Dear Mr. Zeillemaker: Enclosed please find Special Use Permit number AI-82-09 which has been signed by Republic and is being returned for your signature and approval. As we discussed today by phone, a number of minor changes or additions have been made in the Proposed program which we wish to bring to your attention prior to your final approval of the permit. These we have described below. In addition, although Dwight Carey remains your contact at Republic for this permit, the signer of the . permit for Republic has been changed to an officer of the company, Mr Timothy M. Evans, Vice President. So that the field crews may remain in contact with the camp and Dutch Harbor over the entire range of the field area, it will be necessary to erect a small radio repeater station (antenna) on an inland hill between the camp and Dutch Harbor. To decrease the time and personnel required for (and thus impacts resulting from) the installation of the field camp, six.camp tents (all that will eventually be required to support the temperature gradient hole drilling operations) will be initially constructed at the camp site rather than only the three necessary for the initial geologic work as was originally proposed. This would effectively double the area required for the camp site. Also, geologic and environmental field staff may at some time need to briefly investigate areas outside those shown on Figure 2, "Location of Proposed Operations on Unalaska Island," to collect more regional information, but at all times helicopter operations will be directed away from the coastal areas and will avoid any discovered wildlife concentration areas. Lastly, the environmental scientists will be conducting a limited REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. Letter to Mr. Zeillemaker April 14, 1982 Page Two environmental baseline data collection during this initial phase of the project. We believe that these modifications do not significantly alter the extent or magnitude of the Proposed operations, and believe that they can be accomplished under the Special Conditions as already proposed in the Special Use Permit. We therefore have made minor modifications to the "Purpose" and "Description" sections of the Special Use Permit, but suggest that it be approved with the conditions as they are. We also suggest that a copy of this letter be attached to and made a part of the approved permit. As before, we greatly appreciate your consideration of this request. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions. ~ tp Dwight L. Carey We Manager, Environmental Affairs DLC/1s Enclosure APPENDIX K Application to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation for a Solid Waste Disposal Permit wee he DAMES 2: MOORE °; 12023-007-20 APA-Republic Geothermal fares: ASPENS GPF wh 2am ANCHORAGE X-Ref: © \ . ~ April 14, 1982 yrmurion: $.T. Grabacki AN Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 437 E Street Anchorage, AK 99501 Attention: Mr. Carl Harmon Gentlemen: On behalf of our clients, Republic Geothermal, Inc. and the Alaska Power Authority, we are requesting a Waste Disposal Permit for their exploration camp » on Unalaska Island. The permit would be effective from April 26 through October 1, 1982. This camp will serve the two seasons of geothermal activities on Makushin Volcano. Camp wastes will be dry solids, wet solids, and sanitary. Dry solids j will be burned and buried. Wet solids will be buried and compacted by hand. Sanitary wastes will be disposed of through an outhouse system or through a leach pit system. The 1982 exploration activities are explained in Republic Geothermal's letter to ADEC of April 7, 1982. We have enclosed a copy for your reference. As explained in the letter, shallow thermal gradient holes (TGH) will be drilled at three of 11 alternative sites. These drilling operations will be helicopter- supported. Each of the three TGH operations will result in a small amount (probably less than 50 gallons) of waste drilling mud that will be disposed of, as detailed in the letter, at the TGH site, which may be some distance from the camp. We have also enclosed the completed permit application and our best estimate of the anticipated soil profile at the camp's waste disposal site. This soil profile, and the disposal sites, will be modified to conform to the actual conditions at the exact camp site. As you know, Republic Geothermal Inc.'s representative is Mr. Dwight L. Carey (213/945-3661), and the Alaska Power Authority's project manager is Ms. Patti DeJong (907/276-0001). We would appreciate it if you would direct your reply to this request to the Dames & Moore Anchorage office. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, DAMES & MOORE Stephen T. Grabacki Project Coordinator STG/cbm Enclosure xc: Dwight Carey, Republic Geothermal por REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. re 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE ( : SANTA FE SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX . 910.586.1696 (213) S45.3661 April 7, 1982 Mr. Carl Harmon Environmental Engineer : Alaska Department of Environmental : Conservation 437 E Street, Second Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Harmon: » The Alaska Power Authority (APA) has contracted with Republic Geothermal, Inc. (Republic) to explore the eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island for geothermal resources. Figure l is a vicinity map showing the location ‘i of Unalaska Island. Figure 2 is a map showing the location os, of the proposed exploratory Operations on Unalaska Island. SS The geothermal resource exploratory operations planned by fi Republic and the APA will be conducted in basically three stages: initial geologic exploratory work, temperature gradient hole operations (both conducted during 1982), and drilling of one deep exploratory geothermal well (drilled in 1983). This letter is intended to request concurrence from the Alaska Department of Conservation with the proposed waste disposal plans for the initial geologic exploratory work and the temperature gradient hole Operations. Applications for Special Use Permits have been (or will soon be) filed with : the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for these first two stages ; of the contract, and copies of these applications, giving details of the proposed operations, are attached. The infor- . mation which follows in this letter gives additional details , concerning the specific proposals for waste disposal. > The camp is proposed to be sited as shown on the attached map (Figure 2) on a broad bench of pyroclastic material in the headwaters of Makushin Valley at an elevation of approxi- mately 1300 feet. It is believed that the soil will be well developed atop this bench to a depth of at least three feet and that the depth to groundwater will be greater than twenty feet. The camp will be approximately one-half mile from the / nearest perennial river course and several hundreds of feet removed from the nearest stream channel. The camp will house a maximum of 6 people for up to 45 days, to be immediately REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. followed by a maximum of 12 people for 60 days. The camp will produce both putrescible and nonputrescible waste materials and grey and black waste waters. Putrescible wastes will either be placed in a trench of sufficient depth and volume to accomodate all the wastes or temporarily stored on site and removed via helicopter to appropriate disposal facilities in Dutch Harbor. If left on site the wastes will be covered daily to prevent scavenging by wildlife and will be buried with one foot of compacted soil at the conclusion of operations. Nonputrescible wastes will either be burned in a trench of sufficient depth and volume to accomodate all the wastes or removed via helicopter to appropriate disposal facilities in Dutch Harbor. Care will be taken to prevent the scattering of material by wind either before or after burning. I£ left on site the burned wastes will be buried with one foot of compacted soil at the conclusion of operations. | Grey waste water will be disposed through an onsite pit or a small leach line built by the camp construction company. The pit would be refilled with compacted native soil following completion of operations. Black waste water resulting from the portable outhouse will be discharged directly into a pit and periodically treated with lime. Following completion of the operations, the outhouse will be removed and the pit buried with compacted native soil. During the latter half of the operations three temperature . gradient holes will be drilled. Eleven alternative sites for these holes have been proposed as shown on the attached map (Figure 2). The actual sites for the three holes will be selected during the initial exploration work. They will be based upon additional knowledge of the location of the geo- thermal resource and such criteria as topography, logistical suitability for helicopter support of equipment and personnel, and proximity to a source of approximately 500 gallons per day of water for drilling fluid make-up. Drilling operations will require the use of from 500 to 2000 gallons of bentonite (clay) drilling mud per hole depending upon the nature of the actual drilling conditions encountered. No hazardous materials are anticipated to be used. The actual amount of waste drilling mud is likely to be less than fifty gallons since most of the mud will be used to set the cement around the casing and tubing during completion of the hole. The waste drilling mud and rock cuttings will either be mixed with native soil and buried, or dried and spread on the surface of the ground, depending upon the most environmentally appro- priate disposal technique for the site. REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. At present we desire to commence construction of the camp on or about April 15, snow conditions permitting. We hope that the information provided herein will be sufficient for your review and determination. If you do have any questions or desire any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address and telephone number, or our subcontractor's representative at the following address and telephone number: . Mr. Steve Grabacki Dames & Moore 800 Cordova, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 279-0673 We look forward to your timely response, Dwight L. Carey Manager, Environmental Affairs DLC:ko Attachments cc: S. Grabacki DRIFTWOOD BAY MAKUSHIN BAY maxusnin) UNALASKA ISLAND FIGURE 1 UNALASKA ISLAND VICINITY MAP MAKUSHIN VALLEY DUTCH aon ® UNALASKA SUMMER BAY FIGURE 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS "eS A Temporary Camp Site © Temperature Gradient Hole Site (TG—A thru TG—K) . STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION WASTE DISPOSAL PERMIT APPLICATION FOR SOLID WASTE MAKAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Part I. Background Information A. Applicant's Name: Republic. Geothermal, Inc Mailing Address: -—11823_£, Slauson Avenue, Suite] City/State/Zip Code:Santa Fe Springs, CA 9n670__ } B. Facility Location: (Use legal description of property) 1 um south, 3-1/2 km west in the northeast corner of T wp, 73 South, R. 120 West of. Seward B. & M. ; C. Application is for: (x) Anew facility . ( ) An unpermitted, existing facility . ® ( ) Renewal of existing permit no. r i ( ) Demolition Debris Exemption D. = Type of, facility: j (X} Landfilling ( ) Hazardous Waste Processing { } Land Spreading ( ) Hazardous Waste Oisposa j ( ) Oily Waste Disposal ( ) Other : eS E. Complete the following: Pet u Ay ; - QO 1. Number of people served by tie facility. 12-15 Ww 2. How much waste will be received? (tons)(cu. yds.) 2 cu.yd./week (day) (wk) (monty 3. Check the wastes received and estimate their percent of total wastes received. Type Yes No 2 of Total Domestic refuse (x) ( ) 100 % ; Commercial refuse ( ) (Xx) % e Seafood processing wastes ( ) (x) % Industrial Wastes: rota) (X.) a: Construction Wastes ( ) (X) % Demolition Wastes ()) (X ) % Vily Wastes ( ) (x) Hl % J Ash and Incinerator Residue (—) (X) il Ti 4. Will the following wastes be accepted? . Y No Seplic tank pumpings CW) (Xx ) Sewage sludge ( ) (x ) Drilling Muds ( ) (x ) Waste oi} and oil spill cleanup wastes to) iN] CX il Hazardous wastes Ca (x ) ~~ spree Incineration Baling Shredding Compost ing DOES NOT APPLY ~~ oe Veer w Other: ee y 6. The average annual precipitation in the area is 58 inches. FOR LANDFILLS OWLY #. The deposited refuse will be consolidated, compacted and Covered with soil at least 7 times per (week) KKXNKKX during the summer and at least “-- times per (week) (month) during the winter. Summer season only. 3. The maximum width of the exposed working face will be - ft, The maximum vertical height of the working face will be —- ft. DOES NOT APPLY. : ot h PART IL The applicant shall submit two copies of the following information with the completed, signed application for: A. Maps of the site and surrounding area that clearly show the D following: ( ) Geographic location ( ) Buildings : ( ) Surface contours ( ) Airports w/in 2° mi es ( ) Site boundaries ( ) All surface waters! ( ) Roads and railroads ( ) Wells w/in 1/4 mile vw f Facility Sete ere eta eee ees Hee A TMs 3. actlity plans or drawings showing: (a) the existing site conditions (b) the proposed development steps, and (c) the Proposed appearance of the completed site. The plans shall include contours of five! foot interval or less, and shall utilize a scale no Jess than one inch equals forty feet unless specifically approved by the depart-_. ment. These “plans shall include, ata minimum, the location and ae construction details of: : ( ) Surface drainage controls ( ) Visual Screening ( ) Access and on-site roads ( ) Pollution control or ( ) Disposal trenches or cells monitoring devices i ( ) Fences and gates - . ( ) Significant storage, ; ( ) Buildings & fixed equipment processing or 4 ( ) Soil Boring Locations disposal features 1+. ( ) Monitoring well construction peat details » C. A narrative description of the proposed development and Operation procedures includiny those intended to Prevent or “control ground and surface pollution, disease vectors, wild- | life access, litter, fires, odor, noise, and safety and Nuisance problems. ff 8 Jd - 8 eee rrr PME ey PGCE LIER IESS M@ sO1tS report based on test holes dug at representative locations to a depth at least four feet deeper than the lowest level of proposed solid waste deposition. The winiman number of holes based on facility size shall be: ss than 10,000 ftz2 -- ie 10,000 ft2 tu one vere 1 arye than cue acre --- - two holes coos-- two holes per acre These numbers can be yreatly reduced in large sites if the y ) gj results of initial borings i ndicate a uniform, predictable soils/hydrology situation Lhroughout the site, The report shall include: 1. graphic representation 2. a discussion of the sit of the soil profiles, os's groundwater hydrology based on the test hales and data from any wells in the nearby area, E. For all HAZARDOUS WASTE PROCESSING AND DISPOSAL FACILITIES: Detailed plans and specifications of the facility, the wastes to be accepted, methods and treatient, storage and disposal, pollution controls, safety equip- equipment for waste handling, ment and precautions, and cuergency Operating plans. F. A letter from the local goverment certifying compliance with os local ordinances, Zoning requirements, and coastal zone Manage- — ment plans and regulations. I¥ the applicant is not the owner of the property, include a written statement from the property owner detailing the arrangement Yiving the applicant contro] of the fucility for the propose Moore 1, Stephen T. Grabacki, Dames & /, cer d activity. tify under penalty or perjury, that al] cf the above informtion and exhibits are true, correct and * complete, Agplicant's Signature Z7TRp - mes & M * * * * ~ * _* for Republic Geothermal, Inc. oe ental * * x * * Submit two copies of all application materials to the appropriate regional office indicated on the map: on paye 4 PERMIT RENEWALS: A permittee that has meets the requirements specified in th New permit by submitting a signed appl and progress that has occurred during Those facilities without a curren a departnentally approved plan that is application form may apply for a icalion form and a report of the chan the preceding permit period, tly acceptable plan shal] subinit al] ___ Date April 14, 1982 pore/Project Coordinator “ * ges the planning documents and data required by this application for departmental review and approval prior to receiving a new permit. SOIL: 1/2 - 1m THICKNESS ra 2 Na: WEATHERED VOLCANICS (DENSE, GRANULAR): ae ix : 1/2 — 2m THICKNESS 2 289, GZ > (MAY INCLUDE WATER TABLE) 7) co . WA 28 RES © Aw: UNWEATHERED VOLCANICS (FRACTURED) (MAY INCLUDE WATER TABLE) Figure 1 ANTICIPATED SOIL PROFILE AT WASTE DISPOSAL SITES NEAR BASE CAMP APPENDIX L Application to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for a Scientific Collection Permit . Mon pee ety ; LA FRE y DAMES 2’ MOCORE “pie; 12023-007-20 vos" APA-Unalaska Geothermal Das In ve 2 tue ANCHORAGE | XRe: DISTRIBUTION: April 22, 1982 Alaska Department of Fish and Game Pouch 3-2000 Juneau, AK 99802 Attention: Mr. Steven Pennoyer Director, Division of Commercial Fisheries Gentlemen: Enclosed is an application for a scientific collection permit for an environmental baseline study related to a two-season (1982-83) geothermal exploration program. The exploration operations will occur on the upper slopes (above 1,000 ft altitude) of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island (Figure 1). Therefore, the observation and collection of fish will focus only on the upper portions of the Driftwood Bay stream, Makushin Valley River, Nateekin River, and the Humpback Bay streams. The exploration is being conducted by Republic Geothermal, Inc. of Santa Fe Springs, California, under contract to the Alaska Power Authority. Dames & Moore is charged with developing the environmental baseline. Thank you for your prompt review of this application. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Stephen T. Grabacki Project Coordinator STG/cbm Enclosures Submit in duplicate to Alaska Dept. of Fisa and Game, Juneau, Alaska ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME . APPLICATION for PERMIT to take, possess, hold alive, import into or export from Alaska } BIRDS OR THEIR EGGS, MAMMALS (except historically domestic birds, their eggs, and mammals) and FISH AND THEIR EGGS (except goldfish and Gecoretive tpapeeet fish): FOR SCIENTIFIC OR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES. I, __ Stephen T. Grabacki : » Of _800 Cordova Sti, Anchorage. AK 9950] ® name mailing address representing James _& Moore name of organization or institution 5 ‘hereby make application for a permit to _ take. possess, hold alive. and retain small numbers for purposes of identification specify take, possess, hold alive, export, import, band, etc. the following species of _ fish: specify birds, mammals, fish SPECIES NUMBER SPECIES NUMBER Pink Salmon less than 50 “Sockeye Salmon less than_50 - during the period May 1 to December 1 >» 1982 I wish to obtain the above by means of _gillnets, electrofishing. angling, seining traps, snares, guns, etc, from oc in the vicinity of _the upper portion of streams on the eastern (NE to. SE) flanks of Makushin Volcano, Unalaska Island. 11-S9 (10/70) favan) I wish to delegate authority to conduct activities outlined in this application to David Erikson, John Morsell, and Larry Peterson i The purpose of the activities for which a permit is being requested is environmental baseline data collection related to the geothermal exploration i activities of the Alaska Power Authority : final disposition of mammals, birds or their eggs, or fish or their eggs will be release of all specimens (except a few that do not survive capture) after counting and measurin “ I certify that all statements entered on this application are true, that I will abide by all conditions and restrictions of a permit if issued, and promise to --Ssubmit a report of activities carried out under terms of such permit within 10 days of its expiration date; I further recognize that such permit, if issued, does not authorize collection, possession, or transportation of migratory birds or their nests or eggs except as permitted by, and in conjunction with, a valid permit which may be issued by the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife of the i U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. > Signature en T. Grabacki Unless applicant is himself an Project Coordinator official of the institution or organization involved, appli- i cation p also be signed by uc : Paul W. Neff / Associate ~ ~ FIGURE } LOCATION OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS ON UNALASKA ISLAND 0 5Km A Temporary Camp Site FGI DOL = @ Temperature Gradient Hole Site (TG—A thru TG—K) APPENDIX M Application to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for a Special Use Permit for Temperature Gradient Hole Operations REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. 11823 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE SANTA FE SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 90670 TWX . 910.586.1696 (213) 945.3661 April 15, 1982 Mr. Fred Zeillemaker Refuge Manager, Aleutian Islands Unit U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service P.O. Box 5251 NAVSTA FPO Seattle, Washington 98791 Dear Mr. Zeillemaker: Please accept this letter and the attached exhibits as our Application for a Special Use Permit to conduct temperature gradient hole operations to explore the eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Islands for geothermal resources. This Application is for the second stage of operations under Republic's contract with the Alaska Power Authority (APA). Work under the second stage will consist of drilling three 1,500-foot temperature gradient holes. A detailed description of the proposed operations is attached as Exhibit A. Attached as Exhibit B is a letter from the Aleut Corporation giving their concurrence to the operations proposed under the APA contract. We currently plan to commence the temperature gradient hole operations on June l, immediately after completion of the first stage of operations which is the initial geologic exploratory work. The initial geologic work will now most likely commence about April 26, but this short delay will probably not affect the start of the temperature gradient hole operations. Should you have any questions or concerns about this Application, please do not hesitate to contact me at the above address and telephone number, or our subcontractor's representative at the following address and telephone number: Mr. Steve Grabacki Dames and Moore 800 Cordova, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 279-0673 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. Letter to Fred Zeillemaker April 15, 1982 Page Two We greatly appreciate your consideration of this request for a Special Use Permit. ST L. Carey Manager, Environmental Affairs asf’ DLC:ko Attachments ces: J. Martin, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service P. DeJong, Alaska Power Authority S. Grabacki, Dames & Moore W. Isherwood, U.S. Minerals Management Service D. Hedderly-Smith, Alaska Department of Natural Resources EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLE OPERATIONS I. Introduction The Alaska Power Authority (APA) has contracted with Republic Geothermal, Inc. (Republic) to explore the eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island for geothermal resources. Figure 1 is a vicinity map showing the location of Unalaska Island. Figure 2 is a map showing the location of the proposed exploratory operations on Unalaska Island. The geothermal resource exploratory operations planned by Republic and the APA will be conducted in basically three stages: ini- tial geologic exploratory work, temperature gradient hole operations (both conducted during 1982), and drilling of one deep exploratory geothermal well (drilled in 1983). This application covers the temperature gradient hole operations. A separate permit application has already been filed for the initial geologic work, and another will be filed for the deep exploratory well as the details of the operations are final- ized. The purpose of the temperature gradient hole (TGH) oper- ations is to study the subsurface geologic formations and to obtain records of subsurface temperatures. A TGH is a small diameter hole drilled to a relatively shallow depth, into which is placed one- to two-inch diameter plastic or steel tubing that is capped at both ends and filled with water. The TGH is left undisturbed for a minimum of one week to allow the water to equilibrate to the temperature of the surrounding rock. The temperature is then measured at regular depth in- tervals within the pipe with a thermistor attached to a cable. After the temperatures are monitored over a period of time, the TGH's are typically abandoned by cutting the pipe off three feet below the surface, placing a cement plug in the top fifteen feet of the TGH, and then burying the TGH with soil. Abandonment can be accomplished without the use of a drilling rig. II. Location of Temperature Gradient Holes Although only three temperature gradient holes will be drilled, eleven alternative sites are being proposed in this application. Because of seasonal weather constraints, we de- sire to commence temperature gradient hole operations immedi- ately after the completion of the initial exploratory work. However, the decision as to which three sites will actually be drilled can only be made after analysis of the geologic and environmental data collected during the initial exploratory work. Thus we are submitting this application, with the al- ternative sites, concurrent with the field work so that approval may be obtained in a timely manner. Approval for all eleven sites as alternatives for three TGH's is requested. -1- FIGURE 1 UNALASKA ISLAND VICINITY MAP DRIFTWOOD BAY MAKUSHIN x x VALLEY MAKUSHIN VOLCANO DUTCH aoe e UNALASKA SUMMER BAY or macusin’ UNALASKA ISLAND MAKUSHIN BAY FIGURE 2 LOCATION OF PROPOSED OPERATIONS ON UNALASKA ISLAND SON AY ) oe oe DESY ROS RUSS S oO IB SCALE FGI'0101_ @ Temperature Gradient Hole Site (TG—A thru TG-K) The eleven alternative sites are shown in Figure 2. Selection of the sites was based on topography, proximity to a source of drilling fluid make-up water, current geologic knowledge, and logistical suitability for helicopter transport of equipment and personnel. Because of the poor quality of existing maps these site locations should be considered ap- proximations. Final placement of the three TGH sites will be based upon actual field conditions and more detailed geologic data. Figure 2 also shows the location of the temporary dril- ling camp. This camp location is the same as the camp to be used for the initial geologic exploratory work. The size of the camp will be enlarged to accommodate the drilling crew and support personnel. This camp will be used by all personnel unless poor weather conditions preclude helicopter transport between the camp site and a TGH site. In that case, a small camp located at the drill site will be used as necessary. III. Discussion of Proposed Operations Each TGH will be drilled to a depth of approximately 1,500 feet by a continuous wireline coring rig typical of those used for mining exploration. Figure 3 is a drawing of the type of rig which will be used. The rig will be trans- ported by barge to Unalaska Island and then transported in sections by helicopter to and from the drill site. For fur- ther information regarding drilling procedures, please see Section IV. An area of approximately 30-feet by 50-feet will be leveled as necessary by hand labor or the use of lumber for the temperature gradient hole rig. A small mud pit or steel tank will be used to collect the rock cuttings and to store the drilling fluid before it is recirculated. The drilling operations will require approximately 500 gallons of water per day which will be obtained from snowmelt or a nearby rivulet and will be stored in a small tank on location. When each TGH is completed, the cuttings and waste drilling fluid (drilling mud and/or water) will either be dried and the residue spread on the surface of the ground or buried and covered with native soil depending upon the most environmentally appropriate dis- posal technique for the site. The amount of waste drilling fluid is likely to be less than fifty gallons since most of the drilling fluid generated during the drilling of the TGH will be used to set the cement around the casing during com- pletion of the well. Most of the rock cores will be sent to Republic's home office and to various agencies as samples. The remainder may be boxed and transported from the site by helicopter or it may be left at the site. In the latter case, the amount of rock cores left at the site would form a rock pile approximately 10-feet by 3-feet by 2-feet. Figure 4 is a sketch of a typical TGH site. -4- FIGURE 3 VERTICAL MAST CONTINUOUS WIRELINE CORING RIG fi CRTC DOS a | —— berks P< y/ EO LEN Yk ys n uw a a = zt nv wi ca 9° oO DRILLING RIG 10’X15' MUD PIT OR TANK 5°X10° FIGURE 4 TYPICAL SITE PLAN FOR TEMPERATURE GRADIENT HOLES (LAYOUT BASED ON AN AREA OF APPROXIMATELY 30’X50') 300 GALLON EQUIPMENT TENT WATER TANK 12'X20° (100°) HELICOPTER LANDING AREA SLEEPING TENT 12'X20' RGI D1z0 Drilling operations to complete all three TGH's should take approximately sixty days. Drilling will occur 24 hours per day and will require two or three three-person drilling crews, one drilling supervisor, a camp cook, and periodically one or two supervising geologists and environmental scientists. Food and fuel will be purchased at Dutch Harbor to the greatest extent possible. The drill crews, camp cook, geologists and environmental scientists will be housed at the temporary base camp, which will be at the same site as that used for the initial geologic exploratory work. The crew will commute to the drill site daily via helicopter. The helicopter pilot and mechanic will be based in Dutch Harbor, and various personnel will be staying in Dutch Harbor for short periods of time during the operations. The portable camp for the initial work will consist of two 12-foot by 20-foot sleeper tents, one 15-foot by 30-foot cook tent, and a portable outhouse. This initial camp will be expanded for the temperature gradient hole operations by add- ing one 15-foot by 30-foot shower and laundry tent and two additional 12-foot by 20-foot sleeper tents. Two 12-foot by 20-foot sleeper/storage tents (or equivalent) will also be Placed at the TGH site for use in bad weather. Garbage from the camp will be transported back to proper waste disposal facilities in Dutch Harbor or treated and buried on site. Grey waste water will likely be disposed through an onsite pit or a leach line built by the camp construction company. Black waste water may go through a leach line system, placed in a pit and treated with lime, or dried and burned. A permit for waste disposal is currently being obtained from the Alaska State Department of Environmental Conservation. The drilling crew will be transported between the camp, the drill site and Dutch Harbor by helicopter. Helicopter use is being proposed in part to avoid the surface disturbance which could result from off-road vehicles. Helicopter opera- tions will be conducted away from the coastal areas and thus will not occur near seabird rookeries. The helicopter pilot will be instructed to avoid any other wildlife in order to minimize the adverse effect from the helicopter noise and movement upon the wildlife resources in the area. A three- wheel all-terrain vehicle with balloon (low ground pressure) tires may also be utilized if weather conditions preclude the use of a helicopter. If this vehicle is used, it will be used infrequently and only where necessary. Emergency transport of injured personnel is one of the main reasons use of this vehi-- cle is being considered; in the event weather conditions pre- vent helicopter use in the upper elevations, any injured could be transported along the old road from the camp site to Driftwood Bay for helicopter pick-up at that point. Iv. Drilling Program A. Mobilize via helicopter Longyear-38 core rig with fuel and supplies to location. -7- Rig-up and rotary drill a 6-3/4-inch hole to 150 feet using a water based, bentonite (clay) drilling mud as a circulating medium. Run and cement (with Class G cement) 150 feet of 5- inch diameter F-25 or J-55, 11.5 1b., threaded and coupled casing. Wait for cement to cure at least 6 hours, then nipple up blowout prevention equipment (BOPE) consisting of a master valve and a rotating stripper head. Drill out cement using a 4-1/4-inch rotary bit with a mud circulating medium. Drill ahead as far as possi- ble or until lost circulation or hole problems force changeover to NQ size (2.980-inch diameter) wireline coring tools. After changeover, continue to core NQ size hole to total depth of 1,500 feet. Run 2-inch galvanized steel tubing with API couplings to T.D. (1,500 feet). Clabber mud with cement and circulate to fill the annulus. Fill the tubing with clean water. Cement top 20 feet of annular space. Remove BOPE's, rig down and move to next location. Cap tubing with threaded cap. Although encountering a resource is not expected while drilling to this depth, the following is a contingency plan for the event that a potentially Pproducible resource is encountered: 1. Before running 2-inch tubing, attempt limited flow test to mud tanks to clean the well and to acquire fluid samples for chemical analyses. Excess fluid may be returned to the TGH after sampling. Ze After the test, run 2-inch tubing. Cement tubing from surface to T.D. Displace cement with water using latch-down wiper plug. 3. Remove BOPE's, rig down and move to next location. Cap tubing with threaded cap. Figure 5 is attached for a schematic diagram of the proposed casing program. To abandon the TGH's, cut the tubing 3 feet below ground level, plug the top 15 feet of the tubing with cement and cover the hole with soil. FIGURE 5 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF PROPOSED CASING PROGRAM FOR 1500 FT. TEMPERATURE OBSERVATION HOLE SCREW CAP SURFACE | A CEMENT TOP 20FT. OF ANNULAR SPACE 6 3/4" HOLE 5" CASING TO 150 FT. 150 FT. 2” GALVANIZED PIPE -_——____ 4 1/2” or NQ (2.980") HOLE @———- CLABBERED MUD IN HOLE TOT.D. SCREW CAP 1500 FT. (EI | RGI oll9 St Pau ‘PO Si. George EXHIBIT B watson Lagoon o - False Pass e The Rieut Corporation aero . 2550 Denali Suite 900 + Anchorage, Alaska99503. “ay oe = a *., Phone (907)-274-1506 Unease C= —— ee . ° , p \ i & o Vase ee oe 00 | 7 ~ March 4, 1982 Mr. Gerald W. Huttrer BECBEIVED Republic Geothermal, Inc. 11823 East Slauson Avenue MAN G & 1882 Santa Fe Springs, California 90670 Dear Mr. Huttrer: Township 71 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian Township 72 South, Ranges 118 and 119 West of the Seward Meridian on these lands, as proposed by the Alaska Power Authority and conducted by Republic Geoth , Inc. of Santa Fe Springs, California; Dames & Moore of Anchorage, Alaska; and their associated subcontractors. However, we assume that Republic Geothermal will obtain all the necessary permits . for the exploration activities and will follow appropriate engineering and environmental protection practices in their exploration. Furthermre we expect that the exploration will be conducted with respect for the aesthetic and environmental qualities of the area: this specifically includes the mintenance of clean camps and the proper disposal of solid and liquid wastes. Sincerely, THE CORPORATION awe WENS mane F Lewis Land Director WFL/ jh WEST B EAST B’ 6000ft MT. MAKUSHIN _ INTERSECTION OF SECTION A-A’ 6o000oft ———-FUMAROLE FIELD#6 | ~ FUMAROLE FIELD#2(PROJECTED) | | (PROJECTED) y 4000ft / 40oott 2000ft oe Le Eo : st 2000ft SEA LEVEL oO 5 . SOUTH A | ) 6000ft ~ INTERSECTION OF SECTION B-B’ FUMAROLE FIELD#2 — 4000ft + QTm— LS an _—FUMAROLE FIELD#1 (PROJECTED) 2000ft GLACIER VALLEY Lee) Of Qm! SEA LEVEL 0 HORIZONTAL SCALE = 1:50,000 VERTICAL SCALE = 1:24,000 VERTICAL EXAGGERATION #2X LEGEND SYMBOL NAME | > he Alluvium < : ‘ = Recent Makushin Pyroclastics uu bee ‘ < | Recent Makushin Lavas o Makushin Volcanics - Unalaska Plutonics oc =e a8 Bee Unalaska Formation S PROMINENT LINEAMENT \ FAULT SHOWING : DIRECTION OF MOTION NORTH A’ 7 6000Fft ~~ 4000ft 2000ft REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. 11823 E. SLAUSON AVE. SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 90670 (212) 945-3661 GEOLOGIC CROSS SECTIONS MT. MAKUSHIN AREA, UNALASKA ISLAND, ALASKA ; bATE MARCH 1982 PLATE Il CHECKED §=JSM APPROVED LEGEND LINEAMENT OR FRACTURE z | | = -US ARMY MAP SERVICE | | 1KM GRID : shmans Hat 166° 55, 66°30 : | 54°00 +-54°00 ‘ ' \ t 4 2 a eat LOS rad Weider Point ' s : LER TY > “ee & met |. EN, |e Oi gy SF. He f pie yy Lie. reg UNALASKA BAYER eo “i pp s eg? Gh im | nv A Les i PTR get i {5 i; Ulakta Head Neadie Rock OR RDS | a " SS { i Mee a ¥ VO 2A oe | : i South Amaknok | ' 4 : Rocks a ae “CAPTAINS : ‘| 3 <email i . a 165: as as = * ! { at s { ; aN 4 ae N Ti Wai 4 ’ | ASP | > | ee | 4 NORTH ee 17905! Makushin Point | SCALE | 67°05 16 7°00" “2 : | oo | — € 1. 5S 1 2 3 KWOMETERS | . '@6°90" % ie BAY Pont “othedra: * 4 -s9%as: : be Lineaments after John Reeder, Alaska DGGS REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. ~~ LINEAMENT MAP : 2 MT. MAKUSHIN AREA, LASKA ISLAND, ALASKA Foate: APRIL 1981 Taresaf Point = a) 4 SRA genie SYMBOL NAME Alluvium Recent Pakushin Basalt Cinders and Lavas Recent Makushin Pyroclastics Recent Makushin Lavas 66°30 QUATERNARY Makushin Volcanics Unalaska Plutonics TERTIARY er nee Unalaska Formation WAL NI a Sone BK ; a eo) ide Bay yong } oN : ; i LS iia oe MIOCENE es « ‘ : en sh SS) 2) Oe Dy Gs : MF Cee a "tider Pont ee cialis ‘eS UNALASKA BAY iA AR St a 1 ipa ‘ 4 ™ + FUMAROLE GROUP _ (REFERENCE NUMBER) | -@ ~HOT SPRING GROUP | Al: | . _ (REFERENCE NUMBER) “a | h GEOLOGIC CROSS | SECTION ~ PLATE II eee ee Ss e710 b 5306; ier = es Needle Rock ete ae Shee i re eh © g Qial \. MaRushin oC { \ eine ¢ Fame * Volley F A suger oat Gone (ie. US ARMY MAP SERVICE Deviifisn Point ie _ South Amoknok h IE ip Si v3 be 5 Racks SS Chan Ey hE CAPTAINS Tes V2) a i Ay \ be eli Ela. aamammmtaatoaing, “mealies La Ni AP DY aA GC ae sf ‘ . ee - ost oe) AEE. i oe Nb Maiushin Point ABTOOG . 167205" or} 03°48 : ; : Rbraaiee se Z ; eae ‘ : at Se e TY ; ius tae i a : = ne ogtmedrg ‘ Sau REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL, INC. _ ___19823 E. SLAUSON AVE., SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA*90670 (213) 945-3661 1KM GRID — . ae a \ | | hs | a | i {