HomeMy WebLinkAboutWainwright Central District Heating & Power Generation Project Vol II 1982WAINWRIGHT CENTRAL, DISTRICT HEATING © ~ AND toy “i POWER GENERATION PROJECT EXTENDED FEASIBILITY STUDY VOLUME TWO FEBRUARY 1982 CENTRAL DISTRICT HEATING AND POWER GENERATION PROJECT Prepared for NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH VOLUME 2 EXPLORATORY DRILLING PROGRAM Prepared by Arctic Slope Technical Services, Inc. 420 L Street, Suite 406 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 February 1982 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 3.0 INTRODUCTION .ecccecccccccvevccccccccscscecccesccseseee 3m 3.1 Task 1 Exploratory Drilling Program Design and Permit Acquisition ....eceeee-e 3-2 Design of Exploratory Drilling Program .. 3-2 Permit Acquisition for Exploratory Drilling Program ..sceecesccccecesccsccese 376 3.1.3 Permit and Licensing Analysis for Project Construction and Operation ......3-ll a ww oe NH 3.2 Task 2 Contracting for Field Drilling ..........3-l2 3.2.1 Preparation of Drill Contract Specifications ....ccseecveeveccssccevccse3—-l2 3.2.2 Selection of Qualified Drill Contractors for Bidding .....ecccceeeeese 3-13 3.2.3 Selection of Drilling Contractor ........3-13 3.3 Task 3. Exploratory Drilling Program .......c0+0«¢e3-15 3.3.1 Methods of Investigation ......2.eece000 03716 3.3.2 Drilling Equipment ...ccccecccecvccccceeed-l7 3.3.3 Operation and Downhole Drill Conditions. 3-18 3.3.4 Geophysical Equipment ...ccccsecceescsee e325 3.3.5 Geophysical Logging Operation .....20+0+e37-27 3.3.6 Coal Quality Testing Program ......c+¢e+-e3-31 3.4 Task 4 Data Analysis and Geologic Interpretation .eveecccecccccccccessessee3—32 3.4.1 Introduction wocceccccccccccceccsesescess 3-32 3.4.2 Regional Geology ..ccccececccsccccveccese 3-33 3.4.3 Depositional History and Environment ....3-42 3.4.4 Drill Area - Detailed Geology ......2+++..3-44 Drill Areas A and B .eoececveee e349 Drill Areas C .ccwcccecececevee e353 Drill Areas D wcccseecccveecces 3-58 3.4.5 Interpretive Geology and Regional Correlation wicecccsccsccsececceccesceses3—04 3.4.6 Coal Quality Analysis and Rank Determination ...ccececccccccccecceccecee3 15 Bibliography ..cccccccccccccccecccccccccesvcceecsessscccces 3785 Appendix A 1-18 Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 3=1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 LIST OF TABLES Borehole Locations ........ Report of Proximate Analysis ... Report of Ultimate Analysis. ... Composite Sample Coal Quality Test Results. . 2. 2. ‘5 2 «© «© we ew we ew Elemental Analysis of Ash Results. Forms of Sulfur... «+ © « « . * Emission Mass Spectrocopy Results. Page 3-48 3-76 3-77 3-78 3-79 3-80 3-81 Figure 3-1 3-3 3-4a 3-4b 3-5 3-6a 3-6b 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 LIST OF FIGURES Overview and physiographic province map of northern Alaska. . .... « « © © « Location map of drill areas A-B, C, andD. Drill site set up... 2. 2. 2. 2 ee we eee Example of core recovery in the Corwin Formation . . . 2 6 6 © © © © © © © we ew ow Examples of core recovery in coal beds. .. Drill site rehabilitation after removal of equipment . . 2. 6. 6 © «© «© © «© © © © ew we wo Electronic configuration of the Digilog equipment . . 2. « «© «© «© «© «© © © © we we we wo Loading the geophysical probe and nuclear SOULCE,. 2 2 6 © © © © ew ew ww ww tt tw Ice description system. . ... 2. « « «© ow « Generalized stratigraphic section of the near surface deposits .......+.e«-e«e«. Beach bluff exposure of the Gubik Formation Eolian silt overlying fragments of coal... Geologic map of the western North Slope of Alaska. .« « « 6 © 6 © © © « © © © © © © © Geologic column of the Corwin Formation. . Typical outcrop of the Corwin Formation along the Kungok River south of Wainwright. Depositional History of the Nanushuk Formation during the Cretaceous ...... Prograding delta facies and variations in peat formation . ....... +e. ec «© Borehole locations for areas A-B and D.. . Borehole locations area C......ee-s Page 3-3 3-5 3-19 3-22 3-23 3-26 3-28 3-29 3-34 3-34 3-35 3-36 3-38 3-40 3-41 3-43 3-45 3-46 3-47 Figure 3-18 3-19 3-20a 3-20b 3-20c 3-20d 3-21 3-22 hid cs LIST OF FIGURES (Cont.) Coal beds 11 and 12 in the Corwin Formation . .... «6 « © « Bedding attitudes in the Corwin Formation . Fence diagrams of area A-B; boreholes A-Al to A-2 to B-3.....2.e-e Fence diagram of area A-B; boreholes B-A2 to B-l to B-3.....e-. Block diagram area C; boreholes C-1 through C-6 .....ee-. Fence diagram area D; boreholes D-7 to D-4 to.D-2 to D-1 .:. . 2s «6 « Traditional mine site to the west-southwest of drill areaC...... Relationship of sulfur content of coal beds to stratigraphic position . . ° Pag e 3-65 3-66 3-67 3-68 3-69 3-70 3-72 3-74 BE: 3.0 INTRODUCTION This report describes the work performed and the results obtained in Tasks 1 through 4 of the second phase of the Arctic Slope Technical Services' (ASTS) Wainwright Power Generation and District Heating Project. This work was conducted under the North Slope Borough Depart- ment of Public Works contract authorization of November 25, 1980, Purchase Order Number 14035. A purchase order amendment was authorized April 23, 1980 for additional professional and contractor services for the summer exploratory drilling program. 3=1 3.1 TASK 1 EXPLORATORY DRILLING PROGRAM/DESIGN AND PERMIT ACQUISITION: General The purpose of the exploratory drilling program was to gather quantitative information on the distribution, quality, and thickness of the coal seams in the Wainwright area, and to determine the depth of the overburden in the areas of poten- tial mining and power generation sites near the Village of Wainwright (Figure 3-1). The program was preliminary, in that the data gained will be utilized to determine if addi- tional predevelopment geological and geotechnical information is required for an orderly and cost-effective development of the Wainwright Power Generation and District Heating Project. The results of the drilling program are discussed in Section 3.4.4. The results of the coal sample quanitative chemical analyses are presented in Section 3.4.6. Recommendations for further geological/geotechnical investigations are presented in Section 5.6. Prior to the initiation of field drilling, a drilling program was planned and the necessary exploration permits were obtained. 3.1.1 Design of Exploratory Drilling Program The design, methodology, and scheduling of the exploratory drilling program was completed by Ertec Northwest and Ertec Rocky Mountain geotechnic and mining personnel during January 1981. Geological literature, maps, and aerial photo- graphy of the previous investigations of the coal resources in the Wainwright area were collected from federal, state, municipal, and private sources. Reports and papers on the 3-2 148° 1442 1 BEAUFORT | SEA | | *\Franklin Biutts. ARCTIC | Happy Valley wiLouy ‘giv : -*Galbraith ae AGU at * S$ as 8 vw » ee PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3~1 : Overview and physio- graphic province map of northern Alaska (After: Wahrhaftig 1965) general geological conditions of the area were also collected. Subsurface geological and coal quality information was ob- tained from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) (draft) open-file report on Preliminary Results on the Coal Strati- graphy and Resources of the Nanushuk Group from Shallow Geophysical Logging Program in the Wainwright Inlet-Beard Bay Area, northern Alaska (Martin 1980). Based on data from Martin (1980) on projected coal subcrops, probable depth and thicknesses of coal seams, and the proxim- ity to the village, four drill areas were selected. The proximity to the village was important for mining engineering power plant and environmental considerations. The four primary exploratory drill areas, A, B, C, and D, are shown in Figure 3-2. Approximately twenty primary borehole locations were selected and patterned on approximate half-mile centers. Alternate borehole locations were selected on quarter-mile centers to allow adjustment of the drilling patterns based on the actual subsurface coal intercepts as determined in the field. At the time of the exploratory drilling program design, it was determined that NX (2.5 in. diameter) core or equivalent would be required to provide a sample size of sufficient diameter for the coal quality analysis. It was also determined that the following geophysical logs would be conducted to supplement the coal data evaluation: 1) natural gamma; 2) gamma-gamma, high resolution density; and 3) cali- per. These supplemental geophysical logs would be used to confirm depth, thickness and coal seam intercept information if subsurface conditions (i.e. permafrost, fractures, bedding) resulted in poor core recovery. r PtCollie’ * Pt Marsh + = Tutolivik S Karmuk Pt "92 Omik Kilich Pt Mines - ssl x = x Neakok 7 Island a “38 Kupluruak Pt ketone Puknikruk , S $ son Kikiktausgruak . Bo R N Omalik ‘WINTER WINTER PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3-2: Location map for Drill Area A-B, C, and D (USGS Wainwright C-2 Quad.) After selection of the primary and alternate borehole sites by the geological staff, an environmental review was undertaken by ASTS personnel. This review considered the borehole loca- tions and potential core drillin operational impacts with respect to significant waterfowl habitats, anadromous fish streams, caribou calving and fox denning areas, threatened and endangered wildlife and vegetation species and description of known cultural resource, sites, including both traditional land use and subsistence activity areas. The environmental review . was conducted utilizing federal, state, municipal (NSB), and private references and maps of the Wainwright area and the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A). The environmental review determined that the exploratory drill areas (A, B, C, D) and borehole sites were not located in areas of critical, sensitive, or significant environmental and cultural | resource concern. This allowed for orderly acquisition of federal and state permits for the exploratory drilling opera- tion. 3.1.2 Permit Acquisition for Exploratory Drilling Program By use of the State of Alaska Permit Directory and telephone conversations with both state and federal agencies, it was determined that federal, state, and municipal permits and letters of permission/non-objection were required to conduct the exploratory " core drling program. These permits and letters of permission/nonobjection are outlined below. Federal © Temporary Use Permit (TUP) - This permit is issued by the Bureau of Land Management - National Petroleum Reserve- 3-6 Alaska (BLM-NPRA) project office in Fairbanks, Alaska. This permit required legal and technical information regarding the nature of the proposed exploratory drilling operation, borehole locations, proposed schedule, man- power and equipment requirements, and maps showing the areas for temporary land use. The BLM-NPR-A Temporary Use Permit was initially applied for in December of 1980 for a proposed winter, overland, tracked vehicle, air-rotary driling program. After an evaluation of cost, logistical, and technical factors concerning the proposed winter operation, Arctic Slope Technical Services (ASTS) in conjunction with the Depart- ment of Public Works (DPW)-North Slope Borough represen- tative, recommended a change in schedule in order to conduct’ a summer, helicopter supported exploratory core drilling program. In March 1981, a TUP amendment/updated operational plan was sent to the BLM-NPR-A office. The BLM-NPR-A then conducted an in-house’ Environmental Assessment regarding the drilling operation and environ- mental, archeological, and Native allotment concerns within the Wainwright area. The TUP was approved and officially authorized on May 14, 1981. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (Region x, Seattle, Washington) - The EPA was contacted regarding the use of dilute methanol-water drilling fluids, tundra disposal of the fluid, toxicity, and the potutial for surface water contamination during drilling. The EPA responded with a "letter of non-objection" due to the dilute methanol concentrations involved, the relatively small fluid volumes and mixing and evaporative effects of the meth- anol with seasonal surface waters. The Alaska Department 3s of Natural Resources and Department of Environmental Conservation were also informed of methanol disposal during drilling program. The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) - The BIA was con- tacted with regard to the location of the exploratory boreholes and surface activities in relation to Native land allotments. The environmental assessment, conducted by the BLM-NPR-A project office, indicated the presence of two Native allotments on lands adjacent to the pro- posed exploratory drill areas. The Native allottment holders were Mr. Warner Asogeak (File No. 14342B) and Mr. Byrd Kayutuk (File No. F-16266). Letters of information detailing the goals of the overall Wainwright Power Generation and District Heating Project and plans for exploratory drilling were sent to the above mentioned allotment holders. Copies of the letters were also sent to the NSB, BLM-NPR-A and BIA. Since the exploratory drilling operation did not affect the allotted lands, no further action was required. State of Alaska ° Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forests, Land and Water Management (AKDNR-DFL & WM), Fairbanks, Alaska. The department was contacted for a temporary water use permit for the surface acquisition of approxi- mately 24,000 gallons of water for use as drilling fluid. The Alaska DNR-DFL & WM manages all waters (rights, acquisition and temporary use) within the state of Alaska, including waters within the boundaries of federal lands, such as the NPR-A. Arctic Slope Technical 3-8 Services, Inc. applied for the temporary use and surface source (thaw lakes, ponds, etc.) acquisition of 24,000 gallons of water in March of 1981. The temporary water use permit (TWUP) was issued May 1981 and valid for the exploratory drill program schedule of July 1 through August 14, 1981. Alaska Department. of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Fairbanks, Alaska was contacted and informed of the proposed exploratory drilling operation, borehole loca- tions, schedule, and use of dilute methanol drilling fluids. No permit was necessary from DEC to conduct the exploratory drill program. The Alaska DEC did respond with a letter of non-objection and stipulations for dilute methanol disposal on the tundra. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Habitat Division, Fairbanks, Alaska - This department was notified both by ASTS and Alaska DNR-DFL & WM regarding the exploratory drilling operation and temporary water use permit (TWUP) application. Since no proposed exploratory activities affected the Kuk River (an anadromous stream) and its tributaries in the drill areas, no Title 16 - Anadromous Fish Act permit was required. A letter of nonobjection was issued June 1981. Alaska Department of Transportation - Airport Leasing Division, Fairbanks, Alaska - This department was con- tacted regarding a lease-type permit to place a 1500- gallon, vinyl fuel storage bladder on the apron at Wainwright village airport. This permit was granted June 12, 1981 with stipulations concerning coordination of 3-9 bladder placement with the Northern Regions Operations Manager and the requirement for an impermeable liner to prevent fuel spillage on the tundra adjacent to the airport gravel apron. North Slope Borough-Municipality ._The North Slope Borough (NSB) municipality does not have direct permit requirements for exploratory drilling activities as proposed for the Wainwright Power Genera- tion and District Heating Project. During the permit application process the NSB Department of Public Works, Planning Department, NSB Wainwright Village Coordinator, and NSB attorney were continually informed concerning the status of all permits and agency discussions. An infor- mational meeting was conducted by ASTS at the NSB head- quarters, in January, 1981 at Barrow, Alaska, regarding the drilling program and permit process. The Olgoonik (Wainwright Village) Corporation was also informed regarding the drilling program, drill-area and borehole locations, and permit status during the applica- tion process. An informational meeting was conducted in Wainwright by ASTS in April 1981 with the Wainwright Village City Council, Wainwright NSB personnel, and Olgoonik Corporation members concerning the drilling program, proposed operation, schedule, potential impacts, and permit process. A letter of non-objection from the Olgoonik Corporation was received in February 1981. 3-10 3.1.3 Permit and Licensing Analysis for Project Construction and Operation In conjunction with Task 1.2, exploratory drilling permit acquisition, a detailed analysis of the environmental permits and licenses required for the final project implementation and for the interim use of, coal for domestic non-profit purposes was conducted. This analysis, critical path schedule, and references are given in Chapter 5. 3<1r 3.2 TASK 2 CONTRACTING FOR FIELD DRILLING In the initial ASTS Wainwright Power Generation and District Heating Proposal of July 1980, ASTS recommended that the NSB directly contract the drilling services and consider it a vehicle for a local, native-owned business venture/oppor- tunity. Based on the technical, administrative and schedule requirements for drill contractor selection, the NSB requested that. ASTS directly scope, evaluate, and select the drill contractor to perform the required work for the Wainwright Power Generation and District Heating Project exploratory core drilling program. Based on this request and as contracted under Task 2, ASTS, conducted the following sub-tasks for drill contractor selection. 3.2.1 Preparation of Drill Contract Specifications The design of the exploration program led to a determination of the performance and equipment specifications which would be necessary to successfully obtain the required geologic infor- mation. The initial program consisted if winter, overland, tracked vehicle/drill rig exploration to be conducted during March-April 1981. Drill contract specifications were prepared which included, but were not limited to, the following: o The type of drill and capabilities, tracked equipment o The availability of the drill rig © The drilling method, borehole size, core barrel type o The method of mobilization-demobilization (overland, airborne) o The condition of the drill equipment Oo Geophysical logging capabilities, equipment, operator experience 3-12 o Logistical and remote camp support © Cost estimate - not to exceed - for twenty bore- hole program including fixed costs, reimbursible items, inclement weather provisions, mechanical and downtime considerations. 3.2.2 Selection of Qualified Drill Contractors for Bidding The initial solicitation for bid to conduct the winter, - overland drilling. program was sent to five potential drill contractors in February 1981. The five contractors were: Arctic Slope/Alaska General Inc., Anchorage, Alaska; Eskimos Inc., Barrow, Alaska; Exploration Supply Company, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska; Salisbury and Dietz, Inc., Spokane, Washington; and 00000 The Drilling Company, Fairbanks, Alaska. These contractors were selected to receive bids based on their previous experience in similar programs, their familiarity with North Slope climatic and drilling conditions, and on their expressions of interest to ASTS personnel to participate in the Wainwright program. As per the request of the NSB program coordinator, information regarding the NSB Nodwell mounted Acker NMP-4 drill rig and its potential for use on the drilling program included within the bid solicitation. 3.2.3 Selection of Drilling Contractor and Planned Program Modification Salisbury and Dietz, Inc., Spokane, Washington, and Explora- tion Supply Co., Inc. (EXSCO), Anchorage responded to the bid 3=13 request Arctic’ Slope/Alaska General, Inc., Eskimos, Inc., and The Drilling Company, Inc. declined to respond to the bid solicitation. Bid item evaluation and comparison showed that EXSCO did not plan to supply geophysical equipment of suffi- cient quality along with an experienced operator to perform geophysical logging as per the standards expected by ASTS technical group. Salisbury and Dietz, Inc. provided geophysi- cal services through Digilog, Inc., a Colorado based coal and uranium downhole logging firm. Equipment and operator exper- lence provided by Digilog, Inc. were of a quality acceptable to ASTS. The Salisbury and Dietz, Inc., bid response also included a rough estimate for a summer, helicopter supported drill program. The helicopter program estimate indicated lower mobilization costs, less logistical coordination problems and lower drilling costs due to the portability of the helicopter drilling equipment and less extreme climatic factors. After the ASTS evaluation and comparison of the drill bids, it was determined that a meeting with the designated NSB Depart- ment ‘of Public Works representative be held to discuss a possible change in plans and schedule to conduct a summer, helicopter supported program. ASTS believed that the signifi- cant cost savings and logistical advantages of the summer helicopter program independently proposed by Salisbury and Dietz was worthy of consideration by the program team. A meeting was held in March 1981 at the ASTS office with Mr. Irving Igtanloc, DPW-NSB. Mr. Igtanloc provided ASTS with additional information concerning the apparent onset of an earlier-than-usual breakup which could significantly hamper a 3-14 ground-mobile drilling operation. After this meeting and with the approval of the NSB, it was decided to accept the heli- copter program proposed by Salisbury and Deitz, but to ask for a more detailed, not-to-exceed cost estimate from the selected contractor. The amended bid was accepted by ASTS. Lodging and accommodation requirements were coordinated through ASTS and the NSB. The final contract was signed and approved by the NSB in June 1981. - 3.3. Task 3 Exploratory Drilling Program The exploratory drilling program began after receipt of all federal and state permits and appropriate letters of non- objection and permission. The drilling program was conducted under the direct supervision of ASTS personnel. Mobilization of equipment and personnel to Fairbanks occurred on June 27, 1981. Due to inclement weather and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) weather on the North Slope, both at Wain- wright and Anaktuvik and Atigun Passes, mobilization to the North Slope was delayed until July 3, 1981. ASTS geologists and drill contractor crews and equipment were mobilized by Pacific Alaska Airlines in a Fokker (F-27) twin turbo-prop aircraft to the LIZ-3 DEW Station near Wainwright. Alaska Helicopters Inc., Bell 206B Jet Ranger departed Fairbanks early in the morning on July 3 and arrived at Wainwright in the late afternoon of the same day. All drill equipment was unloaded at the LIZ-3 DEW station airstrip pending sling loading to drill area C for set-up and operation. The drill crew and ASTS geologists transferred personal equipment to the NSB-owned contruction camp in Wainwright via helicopter. 3-15 Accommodations were provided in this camp for the duration of the drill program, After two inclement weather days which precluded helicopter flight, drilling commenced on July 5, 1981. After drilling 19 boreholes (approximately 1953 L.F.) the program was terminated on August 3, 1981. 3.3.1 Methods of Investigation The drilling was scheduled to begin in area C due to distance from the village of Wainwright. Concurrently with moving and staging the drilling and geophysical equipment, the ASTS geologists located borehole number C-1, by Brunton compass and tape (topofil) measuring from aerial-photograph-identifiable topographic features. After locating borehole C-1l, the primary and alternate borehole grid pattern for area C was established using compass and tape triangulation techniques. All subsequent borehole locations were flagged, staked and marked to expedite helicopter supported drill equipment moves. Borehole locations were confirmed through helicopter surveil- lance at medium altitude (approximately 2,000 feet). The air photos which covered the location were then pinpricked for future use. Borehole locations and patterns in drill areas A, B, and D were similarly established. After completion of drilling in area C, necessary drilling equipment was sling loaded to area D and auxilliary equipment was left at area A (A-1) for stockpiling and to allow for an orderly drilling sequence that would terminate at A-l prior to demobilization. Drilling was accomplished sequentially in area C, area D, area B, and finally terminated in area A at the equipment stockpile location. 3-16 3.3.2 Drilling Equipment: The drilling equpment used to conduct the exploratory coal coring program consisted of the following equipment: GW-15 Winkie drill, aluminum skid mounted, (helicopter portable) modified to utilize a Hatz one cylinder diesel powerplant coupled with hydraulic pump, fluid reservoir, and hydraulic motor operating at a nominal rotary pressure of 1000-1500 pounds per square inch (psi). The GW-15 Winkie drill had an operating range of 500 rod RPM to 1300 rod RPM with torque values of approximately 70 to 40 ft.-lbs., respectively. BW 44 Christianson 5 foot and 10 foot core barrels. Christianson and JKS set and impregnated diamond core bits, reaming shells and casing shoes. BW aluminum drill rods of 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 foot lengths (200 total linear feet). BW steel, flush couple casing (1, 2, and 3 foot length), (2.875 in. OD). Honda G-150 and G-200 engines coupled with Robbins and Myers type pumps for circulation of drilling fluids and drill water acquisition. Two galvanized steel stock tanks (150 gallon and 175 gallon) for drill fluid mixing and recirculation. Ancillary tools, plywood sheets, drill and engine, spare parts, boxes, PVC pipe and drill fluid (Quick- trol and methanol). 3-17 3.3.3 Operation and Downhole Drill Conditions The drill equipment was crated for transport and mobilization and assembled in the field. All equipment was designed to break down into discreet units of less than 1,000 lbs. for movement with a Bell, 206B Jet Ranger helicopter. Movement of drill equipment was accomplished by helicopter using nylon cargo nets, nylon slings, steel cable chokers and carabiner/ chay .slings. Figure 3-3 shows a typical drill site set up. The boreholes were usually located on low and high center polygonal ground. This was done to ensure good, relatively dry ground conditions for equipment set-up and operation (including geophysical equipment), a stable work surface in the slightly marshy and hummocky tundra, and to minimize the disturbance to the vegetative mat during drilling operations. The area for the GW-15 Winkie drill rig was leveled to insure a good ground anchor and plumbness of the borehole. The galvanized steel stock tanks were placed on the rig's aluminum skids to add weight when full with water. Plywood sheets were distributed around the immediate drill area for working surface and ancillary equipment set ups. By locating both the boreholes and drill equipment set-ups near the edges of polygonal ground, the low-lying "“crack" or "fissure" was lined with vinyl tarps and utilized as a drill cuttings sump and recir- culation pit. This set-up also aided in the settlement, evaporation and dilution of the methanol-water-Quick-Trol drilling fluids. To ensure drill cuttings (sand, silt, clay) removal, diamond core bit and casing shoe lubrication, and to minimize perma- frost degradation, and drill rod icing, a mixture of surface 3-18 PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3-3: Drill site set-up water, Quick-Trol or Drill-Trol and methanol was used. Quick- Trol and Drill Trol are biodegradable polymer type drill additives. Within two to three days, the gray, sediment contaminated drill fluid would decompose to clear water with 100% drill cutting settlement. A nominal solution of approx- imately 2 percent methanol was used to depress the freezing point of water and to prevent borehole icing. When downhole icing conditions were encountered, a nominal solution of 20 percent methanol was circulated to free the drill tools. Non- phosphate detergent was added in areas of swelling clays for lubrication purposes. A nominal (approximate) 1,200 gallons of water drilling fluid was used per borehole with recircula- tion techniques used to conserve both water and methanol usage. Within the four drill areas, subsurface drilling conditions were fairly consistent. BW flush couple steel casing was drilled through the silty, sandy, gravelly overburden and collared in competent bedrock. A Christianson BW set diamond casing shoe was used to penetrate the overburden. Penetration rates were quite fast (approximately 5 ft/3-10 minutes) with some sand washouts due to the effect of the circulating drilling fluid and varying downhole ice conditions. The wash- outs were predominant where stratified and massive ice was encountered in the near surface sediments (<20 ft). In bore- holes containing significant amounts of gravel, increased drilling difficulties were encountered, including decreased penetration rates and increased pilot bit and casing shoe wear. Pilot coring was used to clean and flush the casing of uncirculated sand and gravel cuttings. A very limited amount of overburden core was recovered. Pilot coring was also utilized to determine the cmpetency and ice content of the 3-20 bedrock for casing collaring. The first few feet of bedrock was ice rich, fractured, and broken, and yielded moderate core recovery (Figure 3-4a). Inspection of the geophysical caliper logs indicated moderate annular washouts at the bottom of the casing and extensive washouts in bedrock containing stratified and random ice lenses. Drilling rates, hole conditions and bit wear varied with subsurface lithology. Generally, core recovery in non-coal bearing rock was good, with recovery ranging from 85 to 100 percent. In poorly indurated, ice-rich silty-claystones with swelling properties, penetration rates. decreased (5 £t/25 min.) and frequent rod trips were required to clean the plugged bit and core barrel. Non-phosphate detergent was added to the drill fluid to partially mitigate these problems. Swollen clay bridges were also encountered during downhole rod trips. Moderately to well indurated siltstones and sandstones were penetrated (5 £t/10 min.) and cored effectively, with some core barrel blockage in zones containing stratified and random ice lenses and thin bedded sediments. Penetration rates in the coal beds were quite rapid (5 ft/5 min.) with some core barrel blockage due to the friable and broken nature of the coal (Figure 3-4b). Coal recovery varied between 95 to 1008. Rotary drilling pressures varied from 1000 to 1300 psi in bedrock with mud pump pressures of 80-120 psi. Overburden drilling was rapid in sands and silts with penetration rates of 5 ft/3 min. and rotary and mud pressures of 500 psi and 80 psi respectively. _In fine grained overburden the drill would penetrate under its own weight, using no down pressure or crowding. All recoverd core was measured, logged, and classified in the field. Bedrock and thin, non-mineable coal seam core was boxed and labeled for storage and office evaluation. The core 3-21 S 5 PROJECT NO. 80-546 V-81 ri NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH [ WAINWRIGHT CGAL STUDY | FIGURE 3-4a: Example of core recovery in the Corwin Forma- tion 5 PROJECT NO. 80-546 11-81 T NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT CGAL STUDY FIGURE 3-4b: Examples of core recovery in coal beds from mineable coal seams was recovered, logged and double- bagged. in plastic for in situ moisture preservation and subsequent coal quality testing. All bedrock and coal core was stored in Wainwright during the field drilling program and subsequently transshipped to Seattle and Golden, Colorado for storage, evaluation and coal quality testing. In the course of the normal drilling operation, the following sequence of procedures was used to complete the borehole to the desired depth and recover rock and coal core for classification, identification, and subsequent coal quality analysis: - Locate borehole, prepare site for drill equipment; - Move drill/geophysical equipment to site; - Drill equipment set-up, assembly and daily main- tenance; - Locate and establish, using PVC pipe and pump, the surface water for drill fluid mixing; - Drill, set and collar BW steel, flush couple casing through frozen sands and gravel overburden into underlying competent bedrock. Use BW drill rods and 5 foot core barrel to clean sands from casing during the casing sequence. Pilot cores were used to establish the bedrock horizon for collaring purposes; - Bedrock and coal seam coring using 5 and/or 10 foot BW-44 core barrels depending on rock quality and permafrost conditions; - Core recovery and lithologic logging, labeling and placement in core boxes; (Figures 3-4 a and b) , - Coal core recovery, logging and sample preparation (plastic sample bags were used for in-situ moisture preservation); 3-24 - Completion of borehole to desired depth with final circulation and drill cutting flushing to clean hole for subsequent geophysical logging; - Geophysical logging using natural gamma, gamma-gamma, high resolution density, and caliper tools; - Removal of casing; - Drill equipment tear down, pre-clean up and prepara- tion for next sling move; .- Two to six day natural site drainage prior to rehab- ilitation and clean-up; - Site rehabilitation, including backfilling of bore- hole, replacement of disturbed tundra and ASTS inspection for compliance with federal and state permit stipulations. (Figures 3-5) In the course of the field drilling operation, the designated BLM-NPR-A field inspector checked the operation for compliance with federal permit stipulations. The BLM-NPR-A inspector was shown all phases of the drilling operation, including on-going drilling/coring, geophysical logging, pre-staked borehole locations, and. rehabilitated drill sites. The inspector indicated that ASTS was in compliance and running a clean operation. The Wainwright City Council and Mayor were also given the opportunity to inspect the various phases of the drilling operation. 3.3.4 Geophysical Equipment Downhole geophysical logging equipment and the geophysicist/ operator were provided by Digilog, Inc. Digilog, Inc. is a borehole geophysical exploration company providing logging and consulting service for the minerals industry. Digilog, Inc. 3=25 PROJECT NO, 80-546 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT CGAL STUDY FIGURE 3-5: Drill site rehabi- litation after removal of equip- ment provides a helicopter portable, self-contained, one piece geophysical logging unit consisting of modular digital elec- tronic units and downhole probes. Specific units comprising the helicopter-portable logging system are described below: o Rate meters - Gearhart Owens, Inc., RM-1 modular, pulse type rate meters o Chart Recorder -, Texas Instrument, four channel with digital coding capabilities © Downhole Probes - Comprobe Model 104 high resolution density probe; Comprobe Model 104 high resolution natural gamma probe and Comprobe caliper tool o Nuclear source capsule of Americium (Am-241), 20 milli- curie rating Oo Honda E-2500K generator, rated at 115 volts, 2000 watt AC output, for logging equipment power supply Figures 3-6a and b show the geophysical equipment and downhole probes used on the Wainwright coal study exploratory drilling program. Geophysical Logging Operation Upon completion of each borehole to depth, the hole was circulated clean of all drill cuttings to insure open hole conditions for geophysical logging. The geophysical logging procedures are as follows: - Generator maintenance and warm up; - Rate meter, chart recorder and electronic equipment warm up; - Installation of nuclear (Am-241) source and assembly of downhole probe. Downhole probe warm-up; 229% Ime cS cae S |r ROJECT NO, 80-546 71 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3-6a: Electronic config- uration of the Digilog equip- ment A? |: PROJECT NO. 80-546 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH C AINWRIGHT CGAL STUDY FIGURE 3-6b: Loading the geophys ical probe and nuclear source - Placement and descent of probe into the borehole; - Borehole logging upon ascent of probe; - Secondary and tertiary logging runs, if required by downhole conditions; : - Probe disassembly and equipment shut down ; - Retrieval and recording of appropriate data on log strip chart; - Field comparison, of geophysica|log and core lithology. Downhole conditions were a critical factor during the geophy- sical logging operation. Stable borehole wall conditions and relatively clean drill fluid returns are optimum conditions for the production of the geophysical log. During the Wain- wright drilling operation a number of holes were in a deter- iorated condition and only a single pass with the geophysical probe was possible. It was not possible to obtain caliper logs in 5 of the borings and no geophysical logs were obtained in three holes. Some clay-gravel bridging conditions were also encountered in holes with swelling clay seams and gravel washouts. Two significant problems were encountered during the downhole logging operation: 1) electronic short circuit of the Comprobe Model 104 high resolution density probe due to infiltration of drill fluids in the probe casing; and 2) a stuck probe due to falling gravels and swelling clays. Overshot fishing and reaming methods were used to retrieve the geophysical probe. It was retrieved undamaged. Another condition that may have effected the geophysical logs was cold (20 F) drill fluid temperatures within the borehole. Evalua- tion of the geophysical logs in comparison to the recovered core lithology confirmed the depths, intercepts and thickness of the coal seams investigated. 3-30 Coal Quality Testing Program Prior to the exploratory drilling program, a tentative coal quality testing program was planned. After completion of all core drilling and evaluation of subsurface coal data in conjunction with both the mining and power generation engi- neering group, the following coal quality testing program was implemented. All individual coal seams of mineable interest were sampled and subjected to. both an Ultimate and proximate analyses tests. Ultimate analysis determines the weight percent of the following chemical constituents: moisture, ash, sulfur, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen by difference. Proxi- mate analysis determines the weight percent of the following chemical constituents: moisture, ash, sulfur, volatile matter and fixed carbon. The heat value per pound (BTU content) was also determined. The resul of these tests are presented in Section 3.4.6 and Tables 3-2 through 3-7. After individual ultimate and proximate analyses were run, composite samples of the mineable seams in each drill area (A- B,C,D) were composed and subjected to the following tests for mining and combustion engineering determinations of various design parameters: - Composite sample ultimate and proximate analysis; - Composite sample fusion temperature of ash (oxidixing and reducing atmosphere; - Composite sample forms of sulfur; - Composite sample equilibrium moisture determinations; 3-31 - Composite sample free swelling index tests (2 sam- ples); - Composite sample Hardgrove Grindability Index tests; - Composite sample specific gravity determinations; - Composite sample. 10 elemental analysis of ash; - Composite sample trace element mass spectroscopy. Determination of the coal rank and results of these tests are presented in Tables 3-2 through 3-7, in Section 3.4.6. 3.4.0 Task 4 Data Analysis and Geologic Interpretation 3.4.1 Introduction The coal study centered around the village of Wainwright (70 , 37', 30" N. latitude, 160 00'00" longitude) on the North Slope of Alaska (Figure 3-1). Wainwright, which is approxi- Mately 100 miles west-southwest of Barrow, is located near the mouth of the Kuk river on the Chukchi sea (Figure 3-2). Wainwright is in the Arctic Coastal Plain physiographic pro- vince as defined by Wahrhaftig (1965). The Arctic Coastal Plain is a tundra environment with numerous northwest-south- east trending thaw lakes, immature drainage patterns, and an almost total lack of significant topographic relief. The maximum elevation within the study area is 92 feet. Lakes occupy 25 to 30 percent of the landscape (Walker and others 3-32 ‘ 1980). Located in the continuous permafrost zone (Figure 3- 1), the Arctic Coastal Plain is marked by numerous polygonal ground patterns created by frost wedging (Updike and Howland 1979 and Walker and others 1980). The most common of these polygonal patterns is the low-centered polygon which, together with areas of high-centered polygons, make-up the principal microrelief. Other topographic features that contribute to the microrelief of the area include hummocks’ (located primarily along river banks), pingos, active and vegetation- stabilized sand dunes near rivermouths, the slight depressions where rivers incise in to the tundra, and the bluffs along streams and the ocean. Major hydrographic features of the area are the Kuk River, Wainwright Inlet, and the Sinaruruk and Kungok Rivers. Permafrost underlies the entire area to depths ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 feet (Payne and others 1951, Ferrians 1965, Grantz and others 1980, and March 1980). The measured thick- ness of the active layer ranged from 0.8 feet to 2.0 feet. Ice was present in many forms including nonvisible, visible - less than 50 percent, and massive ice (Figure 3-7). 3.4.2 Regional Geology In the Wainwright area, the near-surface stratigraphy consists “of an organic tundra mat overlying two to five feet of Holo- cene age eolian silt and sand (Figure 3-8). This sediment mantles the Pleistocene age Gubik Formation which consists of unconsolidated beach and fluviatile deposits (Figures 3-9 and 3-10). The Gubik Formation ranges from twenty to sixty feet thick in the area and consists of ice-rich, unconsolidated 3-33 ICE DESCRIPTIONS GROUP SUBGROUP Saat ICE VISIBILITY & CONTENT Seeehen | arieor Poorly bonaed | or friable sail 1 No excess Ice not visible weir 1 bonded ; Excess ! Ice Individual ice crystals or inclusions Ice coatings ve on particies Ice visible, <50% Random or irregularly oriented ice formations Stratified or distinctly oriented ice formations Ice with soil = r ews, > 50% soil inctusions * In some cases where the soil is ice poor a thin ice layer may be called out by special notation on the log, i.e. 2” ice lens at 7‘. FIGURE 3 -7 : Ice description system, after Linell and Kaflar, 1966 a Tundra mat Gray siit FIGURE : Generalized stratigraphic section Peat andior of the near surface deposits in the organic-rich drill areas, after Walker and others silts with 1980, D. 9 segregation ice or ice wedges Sands or gravelly sands PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURES 3-7 and 3-8, PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3-3 : Beach bluff exposure of the GuLik Formation PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3-10: Eolian silt overlying fragments of coal in well to poorly stratified yellowish sands and silts of the Gubik Formation silt, sand, some gravel, coal fragments, shell Material, and wood fragments. The sediments are generally thin to mode- rately thick bedded (from 0.1 foot to 2.0 feet thick), mode- rately sorted, and often laterally continuous. There are some beds which are comprised almost exclusively of coal fragments that have been derived from the many coal seams that crop-out in the river banks. These coally beds tend to be thicker than the other beds. Fine: grain sediments underlie the detrilal coal beds in many areas. The sediments of the Gubik Formation were deposited as sheet- wash. on flood plains, as point bars along river banks, as deltas, and as ocean beaches. The sediments and structures present are indicative of low- to moderate-energy environments of deposition. The sediments are fairly-sorted, well-graded, with a moderate to high grain-matrix ratio. Shell material is usually unbroken, and fragments of plant remains are present. Sedimentary structures include fine laminations, abundant cross-bedding of variable thickness, asymmetrical and symme- trical ripple marks, lenticular bedding, and a landward or southerly dip. Pettijohn and others (1973) report that these textures and structures are indicative of deltaic-beach inter- action. The Gubik formation rests unconformably on a progradational molasse sequence of shallow marine sandstones and shales to _non-marine, deltaic and interdeltaic, coal-bearing sandstones of the early and late Cretaceous Nanushuk Group (Payne and others 1951, NPRA 1978, Ahlbrant 1979, and Martin 1980) Figure 3-11. The Nanushuk Group in this area consist of two formations, the marine sandstones and shales of the Kukpowruk Formation and the non-marine coal-bearing sandstones and 3-37 160° C ROGERS-POSTY. *¢ MONUMENT GEOLOGIC MAP OF NORTHERN ALASKA EXPLANAT 10% SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Early Tertiary Pleistocene Sagavanirktok formation Area west of the Canning River Area of Canning and Sodlerochit Rivers Nanushuk group, Ignek formation Lower and Upper Cretaceous (Lower and Lower ? Cretaceous) (includes beds of Jurassic oge) and Colville group, : (Upper Cretaceous) undifferentiated 0 MILES 50 Normal contact, dashed where location is approximate or is inferred ear Contact of unknown type; some probably Anticline, showing direction of plungey en ee eee eee normal contacts but most are thrust faults dashed where presence is inferred 7 Deligialhcbidhdeneh pluedogrcinbte provinces seo PROJECT NO. 80-540 oa Thrust fault (4, upper plate) S E U Tan D a ie <_+____ So Altitude of prominent peak in feet T rahe igh-angle fault, : hea, 1s Seacen be cacessscceeccws L DY dashed where approximately located Anticline located by seismic methods Tear fault Boundary between secti f . ear faul ions of a . physiographic province Oil seep FIGURE 3-11 :Geologic map of the showing relative movement (U, upthrown side; D, downthrown side) u es ——— 7 rs ; ‘xg Coal mine western north slope of Alaska | Syncline, showing direction of plunge, Boundary of Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 (after Payne and others 1951) Probable fault Axis of anticline and trace of reverse fault in close proximity dashed where presence is inferred shales of the Corwin Formation (Figure 3-11). This study concentrated on the coal bearing horizons of the Corwin Formation (Figure 3-12). The Corwin Formation is approximately 1,000 to 1,200 feet thick in the Wainwright area (Martin and Callahan 1978, Bird and Andrew 1979, and Mull 1979) and can be subdivided into four informal rock units. (Figure 3-12) The lowermost, designated Rock Unit One, consists of claystone, siltstone, . Sandstone, coal, and siderite (Martin 1980). The coal is thinly bedded and has a higher sulfur content than coals in the overlying units (Martin 1980). The depositional history and environments will be discussed in more detail in the following section Overlying the lowermost unit is Rock Unit Two of similar lithology to Unit One. The coal in this unit is tabular, thicker, and areally more extensive than in the underlying unit. This suggests that the swamps where the coal seam were formed were located on widespread, stable, depositional platforms (Martin, 1980). Rock Unit Three overlies Rock Unit Two and is comprised chiefly of sandstone with lesser amounts of claystone, silt- stone, coal, and ironstone (Figure 3-13). The coal beds tend to be less frequent yet thicker than those of Unit Two, indicating longer periods of stability during deposition. Rock Unit Four, the uppermost strata, occurs to the south of the study area. This unit consists predominantly of clay- stone, siltstone, sandstone, and siderite. According to Martin (1980) the. coal beds are locally much thicker, more 3-39 VERTICAL SCALE (FEET) LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION FORMATION ROCK UNIT NO. COAL BED NO. COLUMNAR SECTION “| Frozen greenish-brown to medium FORMATION “4 gray, unconsolidated, moderatly “| dense, fine to coarse grained, moderatly to poorly sorted, struct- ureless silty sands with minor rounded to subrounded gravels which occur in lenses associated with shell fragments Thinly bedded to massive medium to dark gray dense, moderately to well consolodated, well sorted very stiff claystone, siltstone, sandstone with interbedded coal seams. CRETACEOUS LOWER CRETACEOUS NANUSHUK GROUP CORWIN FORMATION PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3-12 Geologic column of the Corwin Formation. After Martin, 1980 PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3-13: Typical outcrop of the Corwin Formation along the Kungok River south of Wainwright lenticular, contain or are observed to develop frequent rock partings, and have lower sulfur contents than coals in underlying units. Rock Units Two and Three contain the coal bearing horizons (beds 1 through 8) that are of interest in this study. Units One and Four are, not of interest in this study because Unit One coal seams occur too deep to mine economically and Unit Four coal seams have been erosionally removed in the project area. 3.4.3 Depositional History and Environment The Nanushuk Group sediments record the progressive filling of the Colville basin, a deep asymmetric foredeep (exogeosyn- cline) north of the Brooks Range orogenic belt, and May be considered a typical gradational flysch to molasse (marine sedimentary facies to a partly marine, partly continental or deltaic sedimentary facies) sequence, with the rocks of the Nanushuk Group representing post-Orogenic molasse deposits (Mull 1979) (Figure 3-14). In the Wainwright area, the Kupowruk Formation represents the shallow water marine tran- sition phase of the molasse sequence. This formation is overlain by the nonmarine, continental Corwin Formation. Sediments in these formations were derived from uplifted areas ‘in the vicinity of the Brooks Range and areas west extending beneath the Chukchi Sea. Locally these sediments filled the depocenter termed the "Corwin Delta" (Martin 1980). Detailed studies by Martin and Callahan (1978), Ahlbrandt and others (1979), Mull (1979), and Stricker (1979), indicate that 3-42 LOWER MIDDLE CRETACEOUS a S | | | er MIDDLE CRETACEOUS UPPER CRETACEOUS (After: Payne and others 1951) 7 s : LOWER UPPER CRETACEOUS Depositional history of the Cretaceous coal bearing strata in the Wainwright area, showing the progression from a deep water offshore marine facies, to an inshore facies, to coastal and inland facies, to a period of non-deposition PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3-14: Depositional history of the Nanushuk Formation during the Cretaceous the majority of coals were formed on an alluvial plain con- sisting of a complex of shifting distributary channels, swamps, and floodplains. A typical prograding-deltaic -se- quence is shown in Figure ?3-15 (Pettijohn and others 1973). As more detritus is deposited, the channels move and leave behind swamps where peat can form. Peat deposits forming on the middle to lower portions of the delta-plain are collec- tively more widespread,,as are the coal beds of Rock Unit Two. Peats forming in the coastal portions of the delta-plain are thin and discontinuous relative to the inland peats (i.e. Rock Units Two and Three) due to the constant shifting of the channels. The thick mudstone and siltstone interbeds in Rock Units Two and Three are indicative of upland deltaic-plain sedimentation, as flooding would tend to blanket the area with fine grain sediment but would not alter the channel location as it might occur downstream. 3.4.4 Drill Areas - Detailed Geology Boreholes were assigned to drill areas on the basis of proxim- ity to each other and on the potential similarities of the subsurface geology (Figure 3-16 and 3-17, Table 3-1). The topography and morphology of each area differ, but the subsur- face conditions remain the same in the upper five to seven feet. The tundra mat consists of organic matter, silt, and fine sand and at the time of drilling was thawed to a minimum ‘depth of approximately eight inches and a maximum depth of two feet. Permafrost was present as massive, stratified, or nonvisible-bonded ice (see Figure 3-7 for ice descriptions). Slightly sandy silt, of the Gubik Formation, is either brownish-green or greenish-gray and underlies the tundra mat to depths up to 60 feet. There is much variation of sediment 3-44 INITIAL PROGRADATION NATURAL-LEVEE SEA LEVEL “S7 FRESH-WATER STREAM-MOUTH MARSH ‘ => °° _ DELTA-FRONT DISTRIBUTARY-MOUTH-BAR SI SILTY SAND ae AND SILTY CLAY : PRODELTA SILTY CLAY ENLARGEMENT BY FURTHER PROGRADATION DELTA-PLAIN INORGANIC SILTY CLAY . DELTA-PLAIN NATURAL-LEVEE CLAYEY SILT AND SILTY CLAY PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3-15: Prograding delta facies and variations in peat formation (after Pettijohn and others 1973 p. 468) PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3 -16 : Borehole locations for areas A-B and D (USGS Wainwright C-2 Quad.) aa —— aed Ve Karmuk Point — epee PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3-17 : Borehole locations Area C (USGS Wainwright C-2 Quad.) TABLE 3-1 BOREHOLE LOCATIONS Location Bore- Town- Range Section 1/4 1/16 1/32 Elevation hole ship . sec sec sec feet A-Al TI5N R32W 24 NE SE 45 A-2 T15N R31W 19 SW NW NW 26 B-1 TISN R31N 18 SE NW 23 B-A2 TI5N R31W 18 SW SW NW 50 B-3 T15N R31W 20 NW NE NE 25 C-1 T14N R31W 13 SE sw NE 75 C=-2 T14N R31W 13 SW SW NE 85 C=-3 T14N R31W 14 SE SW NE 85 c-4 T14N R31W 14 NE sw NE 85 c-5 T14N R31W 13 NW SW NE 85 C-6 T14N R31W 13 NE SW NE 85 D-1 T15SN R31W corner adjoining secs. 9-10-15-16 45 D-2 T1SN R31W 9 NE SE NE 50 D-3 T15N R31W 3 NW SW SW 48 D-4 TI5N R31W 4-9 on section line 50 D-A5 T15&16N R31W corner adjoining secs. 33-34-3-4 45 D-A6 T15N R31W 4 NE SW NW 35 D-7 T15N R31W 4 SW NW NW 49 D-A8 TI5N R31W corner adjoining secs. 4-5-8-9 30 3-48 type below two feet as will be discussed later in this sec- tion. Geologic columns, cross-sections, and fence diagrams have been generated from the lithologic logs prepared during field drilling. The composite lithologic logs are shown at the same scale and accompanying the geophysical logs (where possible) in Appendix A, Figures 1-18. Some of the borehole locations selected prior to the drilling program were relocated in the field because of excess surface water, distance from the water source, rough surface condi- tions at the planned site, or for geologic reasons based on the data from other boreholes. Drill Areas A and B Drill areas’ A and B will be discussed together due to the proximity of the holes to one another and the similarity of the subsurface geology. Drill areas A and B are located within two miles to the east and northeast of Wainwright. Area A includes two boreholes; Area B includes three boreholes. ( ee Table 3-1 and Figure 3- 16). Boreholes A-Al and B-A2 are situated on a low ridge that parallels the coast for several miles at approximately 45 and 50 feet of elevation respectively. Boreholes A-2, B-3, and B- l are situated at approximately 20 to 25 feet elevations on a “gentle southeasterly slope. A brief description of the geology of each hole is included. The composite lithologic columns and/or geophysical logs for areas A and B are included in Appendix A as Figures 1 to 5. Borehole A-Al was drilled to a total depth of 89.8 feet. One coal seam in excess of one foot is present from 86.7 to 89.2 3-49 feet. The tundra mat is one foot thick and the Gubik Forma- tion, which consists of silty sand with intermittant organic rich zones and gravel lenses, is 58 feet thick. A thick gravel rich zone is present from 48 to 59 feet. The Corwin Formation is present below 59 feet. A coal seam .9 foot thick is present from 61.5 to 62.4 feet. Claystone and siltstone are predominant in the lower 30.8 feet of the borehole. Some of the clays are smectitic. Massive ice is present from 1.5 to 2.5 feet. The remainder of the borehole contains nonvisible bonded with no excess ice. Due to poor hole conditions caused by gravel falling into the hole and the thawing of the borehole wall, no geophysical log was obtained. Borehole A-2 was drilled to a total depth of 130.0 feet. One coal seam in excess of one foot is present from 91.8 to 94.3 feet. The tundra mat is one foot thick and the Gubik Forma- tion, which consists of silty sand with minor gravel lenses and two very thin oil/carbonaceous bearing horizons, is 35 feet thick. Associated with the organic rich horizons are clay and silty sand. The Corwin Formation is present below 36 feet. Carbonaceous claystones and siltstones predominate down to 119 feet with two thin seams (<.4 foot) of coal at 62.9 feet and the thick coal seam from 91.8 feet to 94.3 feet. Silty sandstone is present from 119 to 130 feet. This sand- stone is very dense, dark gray, thinly bedded and/or cross- bedded. The sediments contained nonvisible-bonded with excess ice to 35 feet. From 35 to 62 feet the ice within the sediments was nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice. Visible crystals and 3-50 stratified ice is present from 62 to 96 feet. Below 96 feet the ice is all nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice. The geophysical log shows a significant peak (increase 17 density) in the gamma gamma density log at the contact between the Gubik and Corwin Formations. The density is lower below the bottom of the casing, which is steel. A significant increase in both natural gamma and gamma gamma of 8 and 11 counts per second (cps) respectively occurred at the coal bed from 91.8 to 94.3 feet. Density is lower below the coal bed. The caliper log shows that the hole retained its integrity below the casing to a depth of 110 feet, where some sloughing was recorded with the hole diameter decreased by .5 inch at 130 feet. Borehole B-1 was drilled to a total depth of 112.0 feet. ‘Two coal beds in excess of one foot are present, one from 56.0 to 57.8 feet and the other from 94.9 to 102.2 feet. The tundra mat is .8 feet thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of sand overlying sandy gravel, is 36 feet thick. The Corwin Formation is present below 37 feet. Carbonaceous siltstone and claystones grade into sandstone (<3 feet thick) at 48 feet. Siltstone predominates from 51 to 77 feet where it grades into a sandstone to a depth of 85 feet. The lower 30 feet of the borehole consists of claystone or coal. The claystone is structureless, while the siltstone is thinly laminated. ‘The upper 2 feet of the borehole was thawed. Massive ice is present from 2 to 3 feet. The sediments contains nonvisible- bonded with excess ice to 37 feet with the lower 75 feet consisting of nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice. The geophysical logs show a drop in both natural gamma and gamma 3-51 gamma below the casing. The caliper also shows that there was a significant amount of sloughing immediately below the casing. Gamma gamma density increases significantly (7 cps) at the upper sandstone and by 10 cps at the upper coal. The lower coal bed shows both natural gamma and gamma gamma increases at the lower coal bed by 9 and 17 cps respectively. Borehole B-A2 was drilled to a total depth of 133.0 feet. Two coal .seams in excess of one foot are present, one from 77.1 to 78.9 feet and the other from 117.5 to 124.0 feet. The tundra mat is one foot thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of fine to medium grained sand with a few thin gravel lenses, is 46 feet thick. The Corwin Formation is present below 47 feet. A thin (.9 foot) coal bed is present from 49.4 to 50.3 feet. Claystone and siltstone with carbonaceous material predominates to a depth of 91 feet. Silty, fine grained sandstone that is cross-bedded, thinly laminated, and contains carbonaceous material along partings is present to the top of the coal bed at 117.5 feet. Siltstone underlies the coal to the bottom of the hole. Massive ice is present in the section from 1.5 to 2.5 feet. The sediments contained nonvisible-bonded with excess ice to 22 feet and nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice present in the lower 111 feet. Visible ice crystals coating grains and interstitial ice occur pervasively between 50 and 62 feet. The geophysical logs show that natural gamma and gamma gamma densities decrease by 20 cps. The upper of the three coal beds was inside the casing and does not register as a signi- ficant density increase. The lower coal beds that are greater than one foot thick are reflected in the gamma gamma log by density increases of 10 cps for the bed at 77.1 feet and 16 cps for the bed at 117.5 feet. 3=52 Borehole B-3 was drilled to a total depth of 126.8 feet. Three coal seams in excess of one foot are present; one from 48.0 to 51.0 feet, another from 107.8 to 109.6 feet, and the deepest from 112.0 to 115.0 feet. The tundra mat is approxi- mately 1.0 foot thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of silty sand, sand, and thin organic rich zones, is 16 feet thick. The Corwin Formation is present below 17 feet and consists of interbedded. claystone, silty claystone, coal beds, carbonaceous-~ rich, thinly bedded siltstone, and shaley siltstone except between 83 and 89 feet where sandstone is present. A thin coal bed is present from 33.1 feet to 34.0 feet. The active layer was thawed to a depth of 1.5 feet. The underlying sediments were nonvisible-bonded with excess ice to 34 feet. Excessive ice occurred within thin layers of sedi- Ment containing visible ice crystals around grains, random crystals, and stratified ice. Nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice was present in the sediment from 34 to 126.8 feet. The geophysical logs show a steady decrease in the density throughout the upper 33 feet. The density increases in both the natural gamma and gamma gamma logs in the lower three coal beds and shows the split in the lower two coal beds. The upper of the three beds shows an 11 cps increase while the lower two show 7 cps increases. There is also a noticeable increase in the density from 83 feet to 89 feet due to the _presence of a very dense, well-indurated sandstone. Drill Area C Drill Area C is located approximately 8 to 8.5 miles southeast of Wainwright and approximately 4 miles south and southeast of 3-53 4 the LIZ-3 Distant Early Warning (DEW) Station (Figure 3-17). Six boreholes were drilled in this area at elevations ranging from 75 feet to 85 feet. Several large thaw lakes along with swampy terrain are present in the eastern and southeastern part of the drill area. The composite lithologic columns and geophysical logs for these six boreholes are included in Appendix A, Figures 6-11. A brief description of each bore- hole in Area C follows.. Borehole C-1 was drilled to a total depth of 94.5 feet. Two coal beds in excess of one foot are present, one from 56.9 to 65.4 feet and the other from 80.6 to 82.1 feet. Silty sandy partings (<.1 foot) are present in the lower half of the upper coal bed. The tundra mat is 1.5 to 2.3 feet thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of silt and sand layers, is 21 feet thick. The Corwin Formation is present below 23 feet and consists of interbedded claystone, carbonaceous shale, shale, siltstone, and coal beds to 70 feet. Sandstone is predominate in the lower 24.5 feet of the borehole. The upper .8 foot was thawed with massive ice from .8 to 2 feet. The sediments contained visible ice crystals, ice coatings, and random ice formations to 45 feet. Nonvisible- bonded with no excess ice was present to 85 feet with nonvis- ible-friable ice in the lower 10.5 feet. The geophysical logs show a rapid decline in gamma gamma density below the casing of 24 cps. The natural gamma log reflects the increase in density of the main coal bed by a 10 cps increase. The gamma gamma shows a low density (7 cps change) for the upper 3.5 feet of the upper coal bed and a higher density (by 5 cps) for the lower 5.0 feet of the upper coal bed. Sloughing in the hole prevent opening the calipers or descending deeper than 83 feet. 3-54 Borehole C-2 was drilled to a total depth of 89.5 feet. One coal .bed is present from 72.0 to 80.4 feet. The coal con- tains pyrite along fractures. The tundra mat is one foot thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of greenish- brown silt and sand, is 32 feet thick. The Corwin Formation is present below 33 feet and consists of siltstone, fine grained sandstone (49 feet to 72 feet), pebbly, silty sand- stone (36 to 42 feet), and thinly bedded carbonaceous rich siltstone (81 to 89 feet). The tundra mat was thawed to one foot, with massive ice from one foot to 21.5 feet. The sediments contained visible-random layers of ice, ice crystals, ice coatings on grains, and some visible-stratified ice layers. The geophysical logs indicate a rapid drop in density below the casing with a broad natural gamma peak from 74 to 83 feet. Borehole C-3 was drilled to a total depth of 97.1 feet. One coal bee is present from 85.1 to 93.1 feet. The coal is frac- tured, finely laminated, has thin clay partings and contains pyrite along fractures. The tundra mat is .8 feet thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of silty sand and medium grained sand, is 38 feet thick. The Corwin Formation is present below 39 feet and consists of silty sandstone from 39 to 43 feet, clayey siltstone from 43 to 76 feet and from 80 to 97.1 feet, and sandstone from 76 feet to 80 feet. The top one foot of the section in this borehole was thawed and graded into massive ice for 2 feet. The sediments con- tained nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice from 3 feet to the bottom of the borehole with only thin scattered layers of visible, randomly oriented ice layers and nonvisible-friable 3-55 ice. The geophysical logs indicate a change in density at the contact of the Gubik Formation with the Corwin Formation and a drop in the natural gamma and gamma gamma count at the bottom of the casing (56 feet). A large sloughed area is indicated by the caliper log and is reflected in the natural gamma and gamma gamma logs from 56 to 64 feet. Both the natural gamma and gamma gamma logs show the coal beds as a broad peak with 12 to 15 cps difference. Borehole C-4 was drilled to a total depth of 98.5 feet. One coal bed is present from 79.0 to 85.4 feet. The coal con- tained pyrite along fractures, was friable and/or brittle and thinly laminated. The tundra mat is .5 to 1 foot thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of loose sand, is 41 feet thick. The Corwin Formation is present below 42 feet and consists of silty sandstone from 42 to 50 feet, clayey silt- stone from 50 to 65 feet, and silty sandstone from 67 feet to the top of the coal at 79 feet. Siltstone underlies the coal from 85.4 to 98.5 feet. The uppermost one foot of the borehole was thawed with vis- ible, randomly. oriented and stratified ice present in the underlying sediment to 5 feet. Nonvisible-bonded sediments with no excess ice was present from 5 to 90 feet and visible, randomly oriented and stratified ice layers were present from 90 to 98.5 feet. The geophysical logs indicate sloughed areas at 36 feet and from 50 to 62 feet. The gamma gamma log indi- cates a density decrease below the casing. Both the natural gamma and gamma gamma reflect the presence of the coal bed by changes in the counts per second of 8 and 12 respectively. Borehole C-5 was drilled to a total depth of 96.5 feet. One coal bed is present between 68.7 and 76.0 feet. The coal is 3-56 moderately friable and contains a small percentage of pyrite mostly.along fracture. The tundra mat is one foot thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of silt, sand, and a thin seam of gravel, is 31 feet thick. All of the sediment between 12 and 32.2 feet was washed out when the casing was installed. The Corwin Formation is present below 32 feet and consists predominantly of silty sandstone, sandstone, and coal with thin beds of clayey siltstone (from 58 to 60 feet and from 63 to 65 feet). The upper 1.5 feet of the borehole was thawed, and sediments containing stratified and massive ice are present to 3.5 feet. The sediment contained nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice in the lower 93 feet. The geophysical logs show a steady decrease in density from the top of the hole to the bottom of the casing. From the bottom of the casing to the total drilled depth of the borehole there is an even greater decrease in the density as the caliper indicates that there are many voids and annular wash-outs. The natural gamma and gamma gamma log shows a 17 cps change as a broad peak at the coal seam. Borehole C-6 was drilled to a total depth of 90.3 feet. One coal bed is present form 54.2 to 62.0 feet. The coal was friable, had a vitreous luster and contained pyrite along fractures. The tundra mat is 1.5 feet thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of silty sand, is 24 feet thick. _The Corwin Formation is present below 25 feet and consists of siltstone from 25 to 28 feet, silty sandstone from 28 to 31 feet, sandy siltstone from 31 to 39 feet, clayey siltstone from 39 to 54.2 feet, coal from 54.2 to 62.0 feet, sandy siltstone and shale from 62 to 70 feet, sandstone from 70 to 83 feet, and clayey siltstone from 83 to 90.3 feet. 3-57 The upper 1.5 feet of the borehole was thawed, followed by massive ice to 8 feet. The sediments contained nonvisible- bonded with no excess ice in the rest of the borehole asso- ciated with intermittant layers of visible-stratified ice. The geophysical logs are of poor quality due to a short in the electricl system produced by water in the natural gamma portion of the probe. Drill Area D Drill area D is located from 3 to 4.5 miles to the northeast of Wainwright and is bordered on the north by the Sinaruruk River (Figure 3-16). - Eight boreholes were drilled at eleva- tions between 25 to 50 feet. Boreholes D-1, D-2, and D-7 were drilled on isolated dry polygonal ground that was surrounded by swampy tundra. The other boreholes were drilled in areas where the ground was hummocky or on polygons that were on broad dry ridges. A brief description of the borehole data follows with the composite lithologic and geophysical logs shown in Appendix A, Figures 12-18. , Borehole D-1 was drilled to a total depth of 97.9 feet. One coal bed in excess of one foot is present from 71.9 to 74.8 feet. The tundra mat is one foot thick and the Gubik Forma- tion, which consists of organic rich silty sand, sandy silt, and sand, is 16 feet thick. The Corwin Formation is present below 17 feet and consists of silty sandstone from 17 to 24 feet, clayey siltstone or silty claystone from 24 to 36 feet, silty sandstone from 36 to 58 feet that grades into clayey siltstone from 58 to 78 feet, and from 78 to 97.9 feet is a moderately-indurated sandstone. 3-58 } The upper 1.5 feet of the borehole was thawed and underlain by approximately 30 feet of sediment that contained variable ice conditions including nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice, visible-random and stratified ice layers, and massive ice. Sediments containing nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice were present from 30 to 97.9 feet. The geophysical tools were not functioning due to a short in the electrical system; there- fore, no logs are available for this borehole. Borehole D-2 was drilled to a total depth of 96.0 feet. A split coal seam is present from 70.8 to 76.5 feet with the 1.3 foot split occurring at 72.1 feet. The coal is friable and contains pyrite along partings. The tundra mat is two feet thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of fine grained sand, organic rich, fine grained sand, clayey gravel, and silt is 35 feet thick. The Corwin Formation is present below 37 feet and consists of sandy claystone from 37 to 40 feet, gravelly, silty sandstone from 40 to 42 feet, silty sandstone from 42 to 69 feet, and siltstone from 69 to 96.0 feet. The upper two feet of the borehole were thawed. Sediments containing nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice was present from 2 feet to the bottom of the borehole. Visible-stratified and random ice layers were frequently associated with the nonvisible ice in the lower 25 feet. The geophysical logs show a steady decrease in the density as the tool moved from inside to outside the casing. A void was present below the asing as indicated by the caliper log with both natural gamma and gamma gamma showing more counts per second. The coal beds show geophysical responses as changes of 5 to 8 cps. Borehole D-3 was drilled to a total depth of 97.7 feet. Two coal beds are present; one from 40.6 to 42.8 feet and the other from 54.9 to 59.0 feet with a .6 foot split at 55.9 feet and a .5 foot split at 57.2 feet. The tundra mat is one foot thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of three peat layers in the upper 12 feet interbedded with sandy silt is 22 feet thick. The Corwin Formation underlies the Gubik Forma- tion and consists of sandy claystone, siltstone, and shale to 40 feet, silty sandstone from 40 to 81 feet, and clayey siltstone from 81 to 97.7 feet. The tundra mat was thawed to one foot with underlying massive ice occurring to 12 feet. The sediments contained nonvisible- bonded with excess ice from 12 to 21 feet. Nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice and minor visible, stratified, or randomly oriented ice layers were present in the sediments from 21 to 97.7 feet. The geophysical equipment was not functioning due to a short in the electrical system, therefore no geophysical logs are available. Borehole D-4 was drilled to a total depth of 103.2 feet. Two coal beds are present; one from 81.3 to 85.3 feet with a .3 foot siltstone lense at 82.5 feet, and the other coal bed from 96.2 to 98.8 feet. The upper coal bed contains pyrite along partings and is friable. The tundra mat is .8 foot thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of silty sand, fine to medium grained sand, organic rich silty, gravelly sand, sandy gravel, and gravel layers, is 48 feet thick. The Corwin Formation underlies the Gubik Formation and consists primarily of clayey siltstone or silty claystone with a few thin sandstone beds. The upper one foot of the borehole was thawed and underlain by massive ice to 6 feet. The sediments contained nonvisible- bonded with no excess ice present from 6 to 49 feet. Below 49 3-60 feet the sediments showed nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice associated with visible-stratified and random layers of ice to the bottom of the hole. The geophysical logs show the contact of the Gubik and Corwin Formations by a decrease of the natural gamma count. At the bottom of the casing, the borehole is enlarged from 2.25 inches to 3.0 inches due to sloughing. The coal bed from 81.3 to 85.3 feet shows up on the natural gamma and gamma gamma density logs as changes of 6 to 12 cps, respectively. Borehole D-5 was drilled to a total depth of 98.9 feet. No coal beds are present in this borehole. The tundra mat is one foot thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of fine to medium grained sand, one thin layer containing coal fragments, and a thin bed of gravelly silty sand, is 35 feet thick. The Corwin Formation underlies the Gubik Formation and consists of silty sandstone from 36 to 38 feet, sandy silt-stone from 38 to 45 feet, silty sandstone from 45 to 76 feet, siltstone and shale from 76 to 91 feet, and sandstone from 91 to 98.9 feet. The upper two feet of the borehole were thawed with massive and visible-stratified layers of ice present from the bottom of the thawed zone to a depth of 5 feet. The sediments contained nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice from 5 feet to 77 feet. From 77 to 98.9 feet the ice present was visible- stratified and randomly oriented layers, nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice, and nonvisible bonded friable ice. The ‘geophysical log shows a rapid change at the bottom of the casing and numerous minor fluctuations from the end of the casing to the bottom of the hole. 3-61 Borehole D-A6 was drilled to a total depth of 97.3 feet. No coal beds in excess of one foot were encountered. The tundra mat is one foot thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of sand, carbonaceous fragments, and organic rich, silty sand, is 47 feet thick. The Corwin Formation is present below 48 feet and consists of sandstone and silty sandstone from 48 to 62 feet, and sandy siltstone with intermittent sandstone and claystone layers from 62 to 97.3 feet. Three thin coal beds are present at 51, 70, and 85.5 feet. The upper one foot of the borehole was thawed, below which was a 3 foot layer of massive ice. The sediments contained interstitial, nonvisible-friable ice from 4 to 33 feet. Nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice was present in the sediments from 33 to 97.3 feet with visible, stratified and randomly oriented ice also present from 83 to 97.3 feet. The geophysical logs show a decrease in density at the bottom of the casing. Changes are also apparent at each of the coal beds of 3 to 5 cps. Borehole D-7 was drilled to a total depth of 100.0 feet. One coal bed is present from 71.6 to 75.1 feet. The coal is broken, friable and contains pyrite along fractures and part- ings. The tundra mat is 1.5 feet thick and the Gubik Forma- tion is 62 feet thick. The Gubik Formation I consists of fine to medium grained sand, thin gravel layers, and silty sand. The Corwin Formation underlies the Gubik Formation. and consists of sandy siltstone from 63 to 67 feet, gravel from 67 to 68 feet, silty sandstone from 68 to 82 feet, and sandy siltstone from 82 to 100 feet. 3-62 The upper 1.5 feet of the borehole was thawed with massive ice underlying the thawed layer to 4 feet. The sediments con- tained nonvisible-bonded with excess ice present from 4 to 40 feet. Nonvisible-bonded with no excess ice was present in the sediments to 100 feet with visible, stratified and randomly oriented ice layers from 82 to 100 feet. The geophysical logs show a 20 cps change at the bottom of the casing. The caliper log indicates a void in the wall of the borehole from the bottom of the casing (58 feet) to 69 feet. The natural gamma and gamma gamma logs show a change of 7 and 11 cps at the coal bed from 71.6 to 75.1 feet. Borehole D-A8 was drilled to a total depth of 97.5 feet. No coal beds over one foot in thickness were encountered in this borehole. The tundra mat is one foot thick and the Gubik Formation, which consists of sand, is 28 feet thick. The Corwin Formation is present from 29 feet and consists of silty sandstone from 29 to 55 feet, sandy siltstone from 55 to 97.5 feet with a few thin sandstone interbeds. A thin coal bed is present from 62.0 to 62.6 feet. The upper one foot of the borehole was thawed with underlying massive ice from 1 to 6 feet. Sediments ranging between nonvisible-bonded with excess and no excess ice were intermit- tantly present from 6 feet to 97.5 feet. The geophysical logs show a gradual drop in the density from the top of the hole to the bottom of the casing with only minor fluctuations in the remainder of the borehole. 3-63 3.4.5 Regional Correlations and Interpretive Geology Martin (1980) and Martin and Callahan (1978) have demonstrated that there are many coal beds in the Wainwright area that are laterally continuous (Figure 3-12). Many of the beds outcrop along the steeper banks of the Kuk and Kungok Rivers (Figure 3-18). Attitudes measured from river bank exposures indicate that the Corwin Formation is gently folded (Figure 3-19). Approximately 10 miles south of. Wainwright, the Kuk River breaches the axis of an anticline. The anticline becomes less well developed to. the north where dips tend to be southerly. Fence diagrams constructed from the borehole data indicate a southerly dip to the Corwin Formation (Figures 3-20a through 3=-20d). Martin (1980) projects the subsurface outcropping of indi- vidual coal beds from seismic shot holes 6 to 8 miles to the east of the drill areas and from boreholes 1 to 8 miles to the south. His projections indicate that coal bed number 4 should be at shallow depth in drill area D, coal beds number 5 and 6 should be at shallow depth in drill areas A and B, and that coal bed 8 should be at shallow depth in drill area c. The borehole data in drill areas A and B indicate the presence of two beds. The upper bed, which is approximately 3 feet thick, probably correlates to Martin's coal bed number 6 and is the uppermost coal bed in Rock Unit 2. This bed is present ‘in all boreholes in this area. The lower bed, which is approximately 7 feet thick, correlates to Martin's coal bed number 5. Martin indicates that this bed is split in the area to the east. Borehole B-3, which is closest to Martin's seismic shot hole line, contains a split bed. Boreholes A-1l 3-64 Coal seams 11 and 12 in the Corwin Formation exposed along the Kuk River approximately 17 miles south of Wainwright. Clinker to the north, unburned coal to the south. Cliffs are approximately 35 feet high. PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3-18 : Coal seams 11 and 12 in the Corwin Formation Agiak Point yoreRe* Kilich Point PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE 3-19 : Bedding attitudes in the Corwin Formation ainwright — 4 -H SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1"'=500' VERTICAL 1''=50' PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE: 3-20a.Fence diagram of area A-B; boreholes A-Al to A-2 to B-3. SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1''=500! VERTICAL 1''=50! PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY FIGURE: 3-20b. Fence diagram of area A-B; boreholes B-A2 to B-1 to B-3. LOCATION MAP OF DRILL AREA C GROUND SURFACE GUBIK FORMATION C6 Pe PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY BOREHOLES ON 3 MILE CENTERS *aechane FIGURE 3-20c VERTICAL SCALE IN FEET BLOCK DIAGRAM DRILL AREA C SCALE: HORIZONTAL 1''=750' VERTICAL 1''=50' PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY IGURE 3-20d: Fence diagram for Drill Area D and A-2 did not intercept this bed. The bed does appear to thicken to the north or northwest which may be the result of the coalescence of the split bed in B-3. Boreholes B-l and B-A2 did intercept this bed although the split was not pres- ent. This lower coal bed (5) appears to be laterally continu- ous and consistent, maintaining a 6.5 foot to 7 foot thickness over several miles. There does appear to be a slight mono- clinal fold trending roughly east-west in these drill areas as indicated by the deepening of the coal bed to the south (Map 2, Area A-B Isopach Map, Chapter 4). The borehole data in drill area C indicate the presence of one major bed which is over 8 feet thick. This bed appears to be at the stratigraphic position of Martin's coal bed number 8, Rocks Unit. 3. All 6 boreholes intercepted this bed which varied very little in thickness. The attitude of the coal bed from the projections indicates a southwesterly dip of 4 to 5 S. Similar attitudes were measured at outcrops along the Kuk River .5 mile to the west-southwest of the drill area (Figure 3-17). Coal from outcrops along the river has been used for Many years by the local inhabitants (Figures 3-21). The workings include shallow adits and drifts which have exposed the 8 foot thick bed. Attitudes of N 43 W with dips of 5 to 7 to the south are prevalent. The borehole data in drill area D indicate the presence of two major coal beds. The upper bed appears to be at the “stratigraphic position of Martin's coal bed number 4; the lower bed has not been identified by Martin and appears to be laterally discontinuous. There are many partings in the lower bed particularly in borehole D-3. These beds indicate a southerly dip. 3-441 > PROJECT NO. 80-546 1 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY 11-61] FIGURE 3-21: Traditional mine s to the west-southwest of drill ite area C | The sedimentary structures and the grain size of the sediment indicates the coal beds in drill areas A, B, and D were formed in a lower delta-plain setting. Delta progradation is from west to east in this area, as indicated by the foreset dips in prodelta sediments. Coal beds associated with this type of sedimentation tend to be thinner, more laterally extensive and have higher, more erratic sulfur content than coal beds formed in upper delta and fluvial flood plains (Martin 1980). Coal beds formed in the upper delta and fluvial flood plains (such as coal bed number 8 of drill area C) tend to have low sulfur content, are often thicker, but lense or intertongue laterally with other sediments. Younger coal beds, in the Wainwright area, which occur higher in the stratigraphic column show a decrease in the mean sulfur content (Figure 3-22). This suggests that reducing conditions were more prevalent during deposition of the older rock units in the sequence. This is consistent with deposition in lower delta plain environments. The decrease in sulfur in units occurring higher in the stratigraphic column is consistent with deposition of progra- dational sequences of fluvial and upper delta sediments over the older units. 3-73 = COAL 8ED 8 COAL BED No. 4 5 6 8 DRILL AREA 0 8 A&B c MEAN +376 = «397, «358 = «295 STANDARD DEVIATION .058 .023 .066 .015 VARIANCE -0029 .0004 .0036 .0002 an FIT LINE \ e\e e © COAL BED 6 = oO o = z ° = a ° a 7 = a < c g - < a = n COAL BED 5 © COAL BED 4 45 SULFUR CONTENT (%) © Single data point PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH @ Data point where two samples WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY have the same value. * Mean value for each coal bed. FIGURE 3-22: Relationship of sulfur content of coal beds to stratigrphic position. Position (feet) is from the base of the Corwin Formation. 3.4.6 Coal Quality Analysis and Rank Determination Coal rank is defined as the degree of metamorphism to which a coal bed has been subjected. It consists of a natural classi- fication series from lignite to subbituminous to bituminous to anthracite. Generally, the "wet" coal analyses of cores from the Wainwright study area fall within subbituminous C coal category. Four samples, however, yield calorific values (BTU/1b.) in the lignite A rank. Subbituminous C coal is defined as coal having 8300 to 9500.BTU per pound in a moist, mineral-matter-free state. Lignite A coal is defined as coal containing 6300 or more BTU per pound but less than 8300 BTU per pound in a moist, mineral-matter-free state. Overall sulfur content as-received, is generally less than 0.5 percent. Overall ash content (as received) is generally less than 16 percent with as received moistures generally less than 28 percent. As previously discussed in Section 3.3.1, both individual and composite samples were tested for coal quality. Results of the coal quality analyses program are presented in Tables 3-2 to 3-7. Drill Areas A-B Two individual coal seams were analyzed in Drill Area A. The ‘following parameters show ranges of moisture from 23.05 to 24.97 percent; ash contents from 8.61 to 12.25 percent; sulfur content from 0.40 to 0.46 percent and calorific values from 8200 to 8367 BTU per pound (as received). 3-75 TABLE 3-2 REPORT OF PROXIMATE ANALYSIS (%) WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY Depth ~ Volatile Fixed Calorific Mineral Matter Borehole Sample Interval Moisture ($%) Ash (%) Matter (%) Carbon (%) Value (Btu/lb) Sulfur (%) Free (Btu/l1b) # # (Feet) As Rec'd Dry As Rec'd Dry As Rec'd Dry As Rec'd Dry As Rec'd Dry As Rec'd Dry As Rec'd Dry Area A A-A1 A-A1-1-1-3 86.7-89.2 23.05 - 12.25 15.93 28.29 36.77 36.41 47.30 8,200 10,657 0.40 0.51 - 12,884 A-2 A-2-1-1-3 91.8-94.3 24.97 - 8.61 11.47 29.53 39.36 36.89 49.17 8,367 11,152 0.46 0.61 - 12,743 Area B B-1 B-1-1-1-3 56.0-57.8 23.37 - 12.57 16.40 27.90 36.40 36.16 47.20 8,067 10,526 0.37 0.48 - 12,805 B-1 B-1-2-1-10 94.9-102.2 24.33 - 3.84 5.07 30.38 40.15 41.45 54.78 9,132 12,067 0.28 0.37 - 12,775 B-A2 B-A2-1-1-2 77.1-78.9 25.59 - 15.63 21.01 26.44 35.53 32.34 43.46 7,226 9,711 0.41 0.56 - 12,575 B-A2 B-A2-2-1-8 117.5-124.1 23.63 - 6.02 7.88 29.95 39.21 40.40 52.91 8,846 11,583 0.30 0.40 - 12,669 B-3 B-3-1-1-3 47.9-51.0 24.18 - 10.22 13.48 29.18 38.49 36.42 48.03 8,328 10,984 0.41 0.53 - 12,868 B-3 B-3-2-1-3 107.8-109.6 24.24 - 7.73 10.20 28.39 37.48 39.64 52.32 8,632 11,394 0.35 0.46 - 12,816 B-3 B-3-3-1-3 112.0-115.0 27.07 - 3.15 4.33 27.08 37.13 42.70 58.54 8,871 12,163 0.36 0.49 - 12,769 Area C c-1 C-1-1-1-8 56.9-65.4 27.28 - 4.03 5.54 29.76 40.92 38.93 53.54 8,706 11,971 0.28 0.39 - 12,741 C-2 C-2-1-1-9 72.0-80.4 26.58 - 3.48 4.74 30.27 41.23 39.67 54.03 9,007 12,269 0.32 0.43 - 12,940 c-3 C-3-1-1-9 85.1-93.0 25.04 - 4.0 5.34 29.23 39.41 41.42 55.25 9,111 12,154 0.28 0.37 - 12,906 c-4 C-4-1-1-8 79.1-85.1 25.83 - 3.23, 4.36 29.12 39.41 41.71 56.23 9,104 12,275 0.30 0.40 - 12,890 c-5 C-5-1-1-13 67.9-76.0 25.51 - 4.84 6.50 29.34 39.39 40.31 54.11 8,878 11,918 0.30 0.4 - 12,828 c-6 C-6-1-1-8 54.2-62.1 25.60 - 3.24 4.35 29.72 39.95 41.44 55.70 9,064 12,182 0.29 0.39 - 12,791 Area D D-1 D-1-1-1-4 71.9-74.8 23.45 - 4.30 5.62 29.34 38.33 42.91 56.05 9,227 12,054 0.45 0.58 - 12,846 D-2 D-2-2-1-3 73.4-76.5 26.04 - 7.12 9.63 28.36 38.35 38.48 52.02 8,448 11,422 0.38 0.51 - 12,759 D-2 D-2-1-1 70.8-72.1 27.76 - 7.79 10.79 - - - - 8,010 11,087 0.40 0.56 - 12,561 D-3 D-3-2-1-5 54.9-59.0 17.08 - 46.54 56.13 17.74 21.39 18.64 22.48 4,229 5,101 0.28 0.34 - 12,972 D-3 D-3-1-1-4 40.6-42.8 23.63 - 2.56 3.36 - - - - 9,467 12,396 0.42 0.56 = 12,875 D-4 D-4-1-1-5 81.3-85.3 22.85 - 8.24 10.68 29.98 38.86 38.93 50.45 8,740 11,329 0.38 0.49 - 12,818 D-A7 D-A7-1-1-6 71.6-75.6 26.70 - 4.23, 5.76 28.08 38.31 40.99 55.93 8,794 11,997 0.32 0.44 - 12,803 PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY TABLE 3-2: Proximate analysis % Wainwright Coal Study TABLE 3-3 REPORT OF ULTIMATE ANALYSIS (%) WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY Depth ; ; Borehole = Sample Interval Moisture (%) Carbon (8) Hydrogen (%)_ Nitrogen (%) Sulfur (%) Ash (3%) Oxygen (Diff.) Air Drying # # (Feet ) As Rec'd Dry As Rec'd Dry As Rec'd Dry As Rec'd Dry As Rec'd Dry As Rec'd Dry As Rec'd Dry Loss (%) A-A1-1-1-3 A-2-1-1-3 B-1-1-1-3 56.0-57.8 B-1-2-1-10 94 .9-102.2 B-A2-1-1-2 77.1-78.9 B-A2-2-1-8 117.5-124.1 B-3-1-1-3 47.9-51.0 107.8-109.6 112.0-115.0 oooocoo°0o°o . PoP Oe UW WONWOA~ TO WWNHWWWH . UPOUOL NOUN AT BUA D-A7-1-1-6 PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY TABLE 3-3 =: Ultimate analysis (%) of Wainwright Coal PROXIMATE ANALYSIS (8%) Moisture Ash Volatile Matter Fixed Carbon Calorific Value (Btu/l1b) Sulfur (%) Mineral Matter Free (Btu/1b) ULTIMATE ANALYSIS (3%) Moisture Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Chlorine* Sulfur Ash Oxygen (difference) Air Drying Loss (%) Free Swelling Index Hardgrove Grindability Index Specific Gravity Equilibrium Moisture, % Fusion Temperature of Ash (°F) Initial Deformation Softening Hemispherical Fluid COMPOSITE SAMPLES ~~" COAL QUALITY TEST RESULTS. AB-10 B-20 As Received Dry Basis As Received Dry Basis 24.62 - 25.12 - 11.49 15.24 4.84 6.46 27.68 36.72 28.05 37.46 36.21 48.04 41.99 ~2 6.08 T00.00 [00-00 100.00 100.00 7,999 10,612 8,859 11,831 0.41 0.55 0.32 0.42 - 12,717 * 12,728 24.62 - 25.12 - 46.74 62.01 51.79 69.16 3.57 4.74 3.63 4.84 0.97 1.29 1.02 1.37 0.41 0.55 0.32 0.42 11.49 15.24 4.84 6.46 12.20 16.17 wis 28 wl 75 100.00 [00-00 100.00 100.00 18.75 18.82 49.3. 22.38 45.8 @ 23.20 1.40 1.53 1.36 1.48 23.96 24.43 . Reducing Oxidizing Reducing Oxidizing 2000 2210 1950 2150 2270 2290 2000 2230 2410 2440 2080 2270 2510 ____2520 2150 2320 As Received 26.70 3.74 29.25 40.31 100.00 8,741 0.29 26.70 52.17 - 3.73 1.24 0.29 3.74 12.13 100.00 21.14 56.2 1.32 24.66 Reducing 2070 2100 2160 2260 C-10 Dry Basis 5.11 39.90 54.99 100.00 11,926 0.40 12,630 71.18 5.09 1.69 0.40 5.11 16.53 100.00 23.47 1.43 Oxidizing 2340 2360 2380 2410 As Received 24.08 14.95 25.45 35.52 100.00 7,635 0.33 24.08 44.92 3.31 0.94 0.33 14.95 11.47 100.00 17.84 50.5 1.39 23.31 Reducing 2120 2310 2560 2580 PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY TABLE 3 -4 D-10 Dry Basis 19.70 33.53 46.77 100.00 10,058 0.43 12,786 59.17 4.36 1.23 0.43 19.70 15.11 100.00 22.34 1.52 Oxidizing 2200 2390 2580 2640 : Composite samples coal quality test results TABLE 3-5 ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS OF ASH RESULTS WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY COMPOSITE SAMPLE NO. AB-10 Si09 A1203 Ti02 Fe 203 Cao MgO Na20 K20 P205 S03 Ash Viscosity Calculations (@) Base Content, % 22.17 26.72 26.83 16.15 Acid Content, $% 77.84 73.29 73.18 83.86 Dolomite Content, % 34.87 53.80 53.79 27.19 Base to Acid Ratio 0.29 0.37 0.37 0.20 Silica to Alumina Ratio 1.62 2.60 1.76 2.61 T250 (Temp in °F for 250 poise) 2560 2542 2449 2762 Equivalent Silica Content 76.44 73.57 69.74 87.62 Viscosity From Equivalent Silica (Poise) 432.5 268.9 143.9 3419.9 (a) "Fusibility-Viscosity of Lignite-Type Ash." A.F. Duzy, 1965. "Relationship of Coal-Ash Viscosity to Chemical Composition." W.L. Sage and J.B. McIlroy, 1960. PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY TABLE 3 -5 : Elemental analysis of ash results Composite Sample Designation FORMS OF SULFUR --———— eeEeeeeEeeSeeSSSSSSSFSMsasFseseFesese Dry Basis As Received Total Pyritic Organic Sulfate S,% S$,% s,% S,% Total S,& Pyritic S,& Organic s,% SESS AB-10 B-20 c-10 D-10 0.41 0.32 0.29 0.33 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.38 0.30 0.28 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 0.55 0.42 0.40 0.43 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.51 0.40 0.38 0.40 0. 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY TABLE 3-6 :Forms of sulfer tests Semi-Quantitative Emission Spectrographic Analysis Element WW A-2 A-2-1-1-3 WW B-l_ B-1-1-1-3 Found 91.8-94.3 7/29/81 56.0-57.8 7/26/81 PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY TABLE 3-7: Semi-quantitative emission spectrographic anal- ysis Seven samples of two coal seams were analyzed in Drill Area B. As-received samples show ranges of moisture from 23.63 to 27.07 percent; ash content from 3.84 to 15.63 percent; sulfur content from 0.28 to 0.41 percent and calorific values from 7226 to 9132 BTU per pound, Composite sample number AB-10 consists of coal ‘sample splits from coal bed 6 (Martin 1980) in Drill Area A-B and the results of analysis are shown in Tables 3-4, 3-5, and 3-6. Composite sample AB-10 calorific value is reported as 7999 BTU per pound, which is less than the average of reportedindi- vidual BTU contents. This may be the result of excess atmos- pheric moisture in the sample pulps. This BTU value yields a lignite A rank for the mineable seams. As-received moisture is reported to be 24.62 percent, ash content is 11.49 percent, and sulfur content of 0.41 percent. The forms of sulfur analysis indicate that 0.38 percent is organic sulfur with the remaining 0.03 percent consisting of pyritic sulfur. Free swelling index tests, necessary for boiler feed design purposes, are reported as 0, suggesting there will be no appreciable increase in volume upon crushing. The Hardgrove Grindability Index is defined as the relative grindability of ores and minerals in comparison with standard coal, which is assigned a value of 100, as determined by a miniature ball- ring pulverizer. Composite sample AB-10 has a Hardgrove Grindability Index of 49.3 at 22.83 percent moisture. Equili- brium moisture is reported as 23.96 percent with specific “gravity of 1.40. The fusion temperature of ash of sample AB- 10 ranges from 2000 F, upon initial deformation, to 2510 F for fluid slag. Results of the elemental analysis of AB-10 ash and emission mass spectroscopy are reported in Tables 3-4 and 3-7. 3-82 Composite sample B-20 consists of coal sample splits from coal bed 5 (Martin 1980) in drill area B, and results of analysis are shown in Tables 3-4, 3-5, and 3-6. Composite sample B-20 calorific value is reported as 8859 BTU per pound. This BTU value yields a subbituminous C rank for the mineable seam. As-received moisture is reported to be 25.12 percent, ash content is 4.84 percent and sulfur content is 0.32 percent. The forms of sulfur analysis indicate that 0.30 percent is organic sulfur with the remaining 0.02 percent consisting of pyritic sulfur. The free swelling index test was not conducted on this composite sample. The Hardgrove Grindability Index is reported to be 45.8 at 23.20 percent moisture. Equilibrium moisture is reported as 24.43 percent and specific gravity is 1.36. The fusion temperature of ash of sample B-20 ranges from 1950 F, upon initial deformation, to 2150 F for fluid slag. Results of the elemental analysis of ash for sample B-20 are reported in Table 3-5. Composite sample C-10 consists of coal sample splits from coal bed 8 (Martin 1980) in drill area C, and the results of analysis are presented in Tables 3-4, 3-5 and 3-6. Composite sample C-10 calorific value is reported as 8741 BTU per pound and yields a subbituminous C rank. As-received moisture is reported to be 26.70 percent, ash content is 3.74 percent and sulfur content is 0.29 percent. The forms of sulfur analysis indicate that 0.28 percent is organic sulfur with the remain- ing 0.01 percent consists of pyritic sulfur. The free swel- ling index for composite sample C-10 is reported as 0. The Hardgrove Grindability Index is reported to be 56.2 at 23.47 percent moisture. Equilibrium moisture is reported as 21.14 percent and specific gravity of 1.32. The fusion temperature 3-83 of ash of sample C-10 ranges from 2070 F, upon initial defor- mation.to 2260 F for fluid slag. Results of the elemental analysis of ash for sample C-10 are reported in Table 3-5. Composite sample D-10 consists of coal sample splits from coal bed 4 (Martin 1980) in drill area D and results of analysis are shown in Tables 3-4, 3-5, and 3-6. Composite sample D-10 calorific value is reported as 7635 BTU per pound. This BTU value yields a lignite A rank coal. This lower BTU value and higher ash content is due to shaley coal and coal shale partings included.as part of the coal seam sample. As re- ceived moisture is reported as 24.08 percent, ash content is 14.95 percent and sulfur content is 0.33 percent. The forms of sulfur analysis indicate that 0.30 percent is organic sulfur with the remaining 0.03 percent consisting of pyritic sulfur. The free swelling index test was not conducted. The Hardgrove Grindability Index is reported to be 50.5 at 22.34 percent moisture. Equilibrium moisture is 23.31 and specific gravity of 1.39. The fusion temperature of ash of sample D-10 ranges from 2120 F, upon initial deformation, to 2580 F for fluid slag. Results of the elemental analysis of ash for sample D-10 are reported in Table 3-5. 3-84 BIBLIOGRAPHY Ahlbrandt, T.S., ed., 1979. Preliminary geologic, petrologic, and paleontologic results of the study of Nanushuk Group rocks, North Slope, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 794, 163 p. Ahlbrandt, T.S., Huffman, A.C., Fox, S.E., and Pasternack, I., 1979. Depositional framework and reservoir quality studies of selected Nanushuk Group outcrops, North Slope Alaska,*in*Ahlbrandt, 1T.S., ed., Preliminary geologic, petrologic, and paleontologic results of the study of Nanushuk Group rocks, North Slope, Alaska: U.S. Geolo- gical Survey Circular 794, p. 14-25. Bates, R.L. and Jackson, J.A., eds., 1980. Glossary of Geology. American Geological Institute, Virginia, 749 p. Bird, J.K., and Andrews, J., 1979. Subsurface studies of the Nanushuk Group, North Slope, Alaska,in, Ahlbrandt, T.S., ed., Preliminary geologic, petrologic, and paleontologic results of the study of Nanushuk Group rocks, North. Slope, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 794, p. 32-42. Callahan, J.E., and Dearborn, L.L., 1975. Coal coring and logging near Wainwright, Northern Alaska. U.S. Geologi- cal Survey Unpublished Report, 31 p. Chapman, R.M., and Sable, E.G., 1960. Geology of the Utukok- Corwin region, northwestern Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 303-c, p. 47-174. Ferrians, O.J., Jr., 1965. Permafrost map of Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigation, Map I-445. Grantz, A., Barnes, P.W., Dinter, D.A., Lynch, M.B., Reimnitz, E., and Scott, E.W., 1980. Geologic framework; hydrocar- bon potential, environmental conditions, and anticipated technology for exploration and development of the Beau- fort Shelf North of Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File and report 80-94, 42 p. Huffman, A.C., 1979. Stratigraphy and petrography of a Measured section on the south limb of Barbara syncline, North Slope, Alaska, in Ahlbrandt, T.S., ed., Preliminary geologic, petrologic, and paleontologic results of the study of Nanushuk Group rocks, North Slope, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 794, p. 77-88. 3-85 # Linell, K.A., and Kaplar, C.W., 1966. Description and Classi- fication of Frozen Soils. Technical Report-150, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research Engi- neering Laboratory (CRREL). Lounsbury and Associates, 1973. Cooper Island Borrow Material Feasibility Study. Prepared for the North Slope Borough and Stefano and Associates, 1974. Feasibility study: coal mining for power generation, Wainwright, Alaska. Martin, G.C., and Callahan, J.E., 1978. Preliminary report on the coal resources of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey open file report 78-1033, 29 p. Martin, G.C., 1980. Preliminary results on the coal strati- graphy and resources of the Nanushuk Group from a shallow geophysical logging program in the Wainwright Inlet-Peard Bay area, Northern Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey, unpublished open file report, 28 p. Mull, C.G., 1979. Nanushuk Group deposition and the late Mesozoic structural evolution of the central and western Brooks Range and Arctic Slope, in, Ahlbrandt, T.S., ed., preliminary geologic petrologic, and paleontologic re- sults of the study of Nanushuk Group rocks, North Slope, Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 794, p. 5-13. Payne, T.G., and others, 1951. Geology of the Arctic Slope of Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Map OM-126, 3 sheets. Pettijohn, F.J., Potter, P.E., and Siever, R., 1973. Sand and Sandstone, Springer-Verlag, New York, 618 p. Rao, P.D., and Wolff, E.N., 1975. Focus on Alaska's coal. University of Alaska Mineral Industry Research Laboratory MIRL Report 37, 281 p. U.S. Department of the Interior, 1978. Physical Profile, National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, Study Report 1: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska 105(c) Land Use Study, 124 p. Updike, R.G., and Howland, M.D., 1979. Surficial geology and processes, Prudhoe Bay Oil Field, Alaska, with hydrologic implications. Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, State of Alaska, Special Report 16, 22 p. 3-86 Wahrhaftig, C., 1965. Physiographic divisions of Alaska. U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 482, 52 p. Walker, D.A., Everett, K.R., Webber, P.J., and Brown, J., 1980. Geobotanical Atlas of the Prudhoe Bay Region, Alaska. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Report 80-14, 69 Pp. : 3-87 APPENDIX A BORING LOGS WITH GEOPHYSICAL DATA S PROJECT NO. 80-540 a NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH i WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY EXPLANATION TUNDRA MAT COAL SHALEY COAL/COAL WITH PARTINGS STATIFIED ICE AND INTERSTITIAL ICE CLAY/CLAYSTONE SILT/ SILTSTONE SILT & SAND SAND / SANDSTONE SAND & GRAVEL PROJECT NO. 80-540 NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH WAINWRIGHT COAL STUDY GRAVEL WITH SAND |APPENDIX A explanation of the composite lithologic logs. CORWIN FM. GUBIK FM. AR at: i 6246 OL CORWIN FM. GUBIK FM. Q 8 9 \ > 2 r 2 3 8 8 3 ar 5 a CORWIN FM. GUBIK FM. 8 (868 OL Q Q °o ° > > r r GNVS ATIO ‘ ‘ 268 298 ‘9 9 da, ‘a Sv *A313 Lo (By "AaTa €-d Sv “Aa7a LV-V 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite =o Broomfield, Colorado 80020 Rerun Interval (ft.) (303) 466-7389 — _7/30/al : RADIATION LOG _| cemma | Density | Neutron ELECTRIC LOG sm 1b wran fi . ALASKA Logged Depth (ft.) | /26 Logged Depth (ft.) Twp: a Resistance Scale (/in.) ae Range (cps./in.) S.P. Scale (mv/in.) unt’ hw Cage “sro? Project: Counts Increasing to: 16” Normal Resistivity (Om/in.) Depth Drilled: Depth Scale (ft./in.) 64” Normal Resistivity (Onin.) Measured from: begun LEVEL Logging Speed (ft./min.) Ts Logging Speed (ft./min.) Elevation: ~/ 8 46 —_ /o 1s / Time Constant(sec.) CLIENT: S ¢D/ee7eC Drilling Co.: Geologist; Unit Operator: Unit Number: Job Number: DAVIS 7-3 640/ REMARKS: Viscosity-Density Dead Time (usec.) Rm. @ T°F K-factor (x10°) 15S Rmf. @ T°F Water Factor( Jin. hole |.04 Rmc. @ T°F Casing Factor Sp in. steel CALIPER LOG Probe Number 270 |\/550A Logged Depth (ft.) (24 Probe Dia. (in. 144 | [4 Scale: 3 DA. S0 Crystal Size (in.) b> y Print Out (ft.) Reference Source (cps.) Depth a (ft./in.) sO Logging Speed (ft./min.) /5” CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size: 2,379 in, O to /30 Bit Size: in., to Other Services Provided: CasedFrom: @Q to 46 : Dia. Cinside):2, 3. Cased From: to Dia. (inside): in., wall size 85 _in., wallsize 14- in. w Meo. GC GC-13149 CYaGILGG, NCIS eroomrieio. co so0z0u.s.a.(30- .-7388 . a 8 f ‘° | , d r o ‘Oo © © © K 2 S cr. = - ‘Ws MIEND ‘Ws NIMYOD +tH+H ttt OILY SAND OILY SAND Coates 01 04 vei 0 - 130. — T.D. + 4_1 ‘ } 1 a Fr “| os im! t + tt st a rt a > aed 1 7 | 4 49) lr a t 4 HEHE | EEE Peer EEE REEEEEEE EEE He r am t - M & - | tet mation ote tt \ | T - t t r fa] - = t an Tho +P See er PTT 4 | t 1 4 4+ a —t ort owed a} Tt - ce a bz 5 + * e ria tr ee t im 4 Mele HE t | t ti no i 1 T : ic R Poh i 4 \ 44 4 +4 t i t r : LESSEE EAE Hs - Eee oe EEEEEEEE PA HI Co oH | : Si Fs eee 1 ee L PPA " 2 E L. t ; ~ E Se Hh e Je a Perr tS r HEHEHE BAA EESSEEEC REECE CECE EEE EEE oa Se | i r 1 i 3 ’ Ty ae + am Vy 1d t i T l T T t l \ a t ! ae ‘| | \. ++ rs peo a fee Lt ae aa aS Ti oe GG et a t race amine (BY > creep: dal + 15 EOD | | ER ETS tH ty -DIGILOG, WNC. Son West 117th Avenue Suite Bi Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 466-7389 Date 7/2781 RADIATION LOG _| Gamma | Density | Neutron ELECTRIC LOG Logged Depth (ft.) U2! | 108° Logged Depth (ft.) Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (Q/in.) Range (cps./in.) Lo Lb S.P. Scale (mv/in.) : Counts Increasing to: > |-> 16” Normal Resistivity (Qm/in.) Depth Drilled: s/2 ’ Depth Scale (ft./in.) lo | 10 64” Normal Resistivity (Onvin.) Measured from: Geounlo LeveL Logging Speed (ft./min.) 15 | 5 Logging Speed (ft./min.) Elevation. “~ Time Constantlsec.) l Z Viscosity-Density CLIENT: SfD ERTEC Dead Time (usec.) Rm. @ T°F Drilling Co.: SAUSBURY £ DIETZ K-factor (x10°) 1.58 Rmf. @ ae Geologist: Sieve ROG/iKIM MARCOS Water Factor ( _ in. hole | 04 Rmc. @ T°F Unit Operator: (, DAVIS Casing Factor (@ in. steel| 4 573 ; CALIPER LOG Unit Number: T-3 Probe Nuriber: 1270 Logged Depth (ft.) /06” Job Number: 64. 01 Probe Dia. Cin.) | 14 | 1% Scale: 2" HOLE Dia. ji oryeta ous as FEY 3 Depth Scale (ft./in.) 7 rint Out (ft. ; , Reference Source (cps.) Logging Speed (ft./min.) fo REMARKS: CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size:2.875 in, O to jz! ft. Bit Size: in., to ft. Cased From: to ft. Dia. (inside): 2.385. in., wallsize 74 _ in. Other Services Provided: CasedFrom: Q to 37' ft. Dia. (inside): in., wall size in. 66-7389 HHA ATT No. GC GC-13349 - r Tritt pee t ; ey es tf + ! TI oe | T M tH EE Cee - oT + t PEL eee “HT Ht YOO ‘Wd NI oo t 4 | ly T t me oe T ot T t 4 +t iC os | ete tt say EE ttt oor ct + Cor rt ge 4 ptt cr ee | ato int Sam 1. an | T ~ — J T T | T a a: Tt co ete ee 0 ft t | | 7 7 a eet TL Yaaved. Ul o/s Tea SX10": Tea SY. LS Z We) FAPER SPLED : i lOSTSPEED= |UOGiSP TRA { ' | FIGURE 3 tat —H+FACTOR ~ | f t eines peepee ,DIGLOG NCI 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite oD a Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 466-7389 HOLE: \WWw B-A2 RADIATION LOG | Gamma | density | Neutron ELECTRIC LOG pocation ry Ril HT, ALASKA Logged Depth (ft.) 1335 | 129 Logged Depth (ft.) Sec: Twp: /SV Rng: 3/4/_ Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (/in.) StaCouby ALASKA/NoRTH SLAPE Range (cps./in.) 10_\|/0 S.P. Scale (mviin.) Project: Ww Coat SrupyY Counts Increasing to: >| > 16” Normal Resistivity (Qm/in.) Depth Drilled: /33 Sot eae Depth Scale (ft./in.) /o | (0 —{ +64” Normal Resistivity (Om/in.) Measured from: GRoyNDd Levee Logging Speed (ft./min.) IS | 15 Logging Speed (ft./min.) Elevation. ~~ 90’ Time Constant(sec,) 1 3 \Viscosity-Density CLIENT: S¢D/ERT. RTEC Dead Time (usec.) _| Bm. @TF Drilling Co. SALI a K-factor (x10) eS Rmf. @ T°F Geoloaist: 06 Water Factor( Jin. hole [£64 Rmc. @ T°F Unit Operator: @, DAYS Casing Factor fe = C ALIPE K LOG Unit Number: TT -3 Probe Number | /S59A Logged Depth (ft.) /27 JobNumber: 64 0/ Probe Dia. (in.) : | 7/4 Scale: 2” HoLE Dif. fi ervets Se x Depth Scale (ft./in.) ult li + Lo Speed (ft./min.) Reference Source (cps.) aging Spee min. ws REMARKS: Other Services Provided: CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size:J, 374 in. 0 in 1/33 ft. Bit Size: in., fit. Cased From: 0 to mei ft. Dia. (inside): 2,385 _in., wall size V4 in. Cased From: Dia. (inside): to in., wall size in. nr TURN OP RIN MOSES BAOOMFIELD. CO 80020U.S. aay . ‘e iS t a SEEE E P E E Ee CECE | 33 Ee a | Heer f z z z bas 4s ott t - 3 ie S = e 8 Ti © tm a 3 : d ~ oF E °° = R 8 = 8 8 ® & 8 8 2 g 8 be +++ : ‘Wj NIMYOO ate a f -E f Cr. 7 7 = WA yMIGndD : Ter : T t ToT Tr ‘THs, a ++ { a 1 ed e C 1 ne =r 1 ! “3. as ct ApH EEE | : : : ett rr HELE 1 aH Hee Be ; LF : HEHE Ho : Ch t + errr T TTI ! rr cH i t 44 | 1 [ ECC EGEC CCC ere [ Coo 7 C +E err | aon L z : EE + Ht al SEEEEEEEEEE re Foe eft EEE rE t a GE ce ar ty 3 Peace -,DIGILOG, INC.IINNIM ie 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite One Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 466-7389 Date @/eefa) HOLE: Ww B-3 RADIATION LOG [cone | censity | neutron ELECTRIC LOG Location WAINWRIGHT, ALASKA Logged Depth (ft.) 126 | (22 Logged Depth (ft.) Sec: 20 _ Twp: Rng: 3/W_ Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (Q/in.) State/County: ‘A TH SLOAIE Range (cps./in.) 16 |\/b S.P. Scale (mv/in.) Project: W/W Coft Sruoy Counts Increasing to: >| > 16” Normal Resistivity (Qm/in.) Depth Drilled: Be! Depth Scale (ft./in.) 16 \/o 64" Normal Resistivity (Om/in.) Measured from: LEVEL __ Logging Speed (ft./min.) 18 | 1S Logging Speed (ft./min.) Elevation: ~~ 25 ‘ Time Constant(sec.) Viscosity-Densit' Ze y a CLIENT: $ ¢D /extec Dead Time (usec.) Rm. @ TF Drilling Co.: SAUSBuRY # DIETZ K-factor (x107) AIS Rmf. @ T°F Geologist: $ z Cus Water Factor (_) in. hole | oF Rmc.@T°F Unit Operator: Ss Casing Factor (@ in. steel L573 CAIFER LOG Unit Number: 7~ Probe Number a Logged Depth (ft.) /20° Job Number: @4#0/ Probe Dain) _| (7 Scale: 2" Hel€ DIA. /iN crystal Sze tn) 2 Depth Scale (ft./in.) /O rint Out (ft. : F + Logging Speed (ft./min.) Reference Source (cps.) —_—— aa “a REMARKS: | CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size: 2.375 in. O to /26.8 ft. Bit Size: in., to 10. CasedFrom: ( to 34” ft: Dia. (inside): 2, 385° in., wall size Vg. in. Other Services Provided: ieee ee = me Dia. (inside): in., wall size in. ww DIGLGG, NCES eroomriclO. CO 60020U.S.A. (303) 468-7389 Be ; 2 TEerrrr4rry NAL + + 4-4 + T.D. 126.8 LEPTIN att: ° ° ‘N43 NIMYOO EPEEEETH ETT ea fi etal TT : 498 he ncED $i at a IGURE 5 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite rh Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 466-7389 Date 7/8/B/__— HOLE: Ww C-! RADIATION LOG _| cama | Density | Neutron ELECTRIC LOG Location W/A LASKA Logged Depth (ft.) 83 | 79 Logged Depth (ft.) Sec: / Twp: /4-4 Rng: 3'W Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (Q/in.) State/County: TH SURE BOR. Range (cps./in.) 30 | 106 S.P. Scale (mv/in.) Project: Counts Increasing to: —>\i—_ 16” Normal Resistivity (Om/in) Depth Drilled: 94,5 Depth Scale (ft./in.) 10 | 10 64” Normal Resistivity (Om/inJ Measured from: iftipeto Level. Logging Speed (ft./min.) is | 15 Logging Speed (ft./min.) Elevation: Time Constant(sec.) 2.|\2 Viscosity-Density CLIENT: ERTEC Dead Time (ysec.) Rm. @ T°F Drilling Co. SAUSBURY # DIETZ K-factor (x10") Rmf. @ °F Geologist: TEv Ka MARWS Water Factor ( Jin. hole_| |.04 Rmc. @ T°F Unit Operator: (. DAVIS Casing Factor (_)in. steel LOG Unit Number: T-3 Probe Number 11270 |1[556A Logged Depth (ft.) Job Number: 64.0] Probe Dia. (in.) 4 Scale: Crystal Size (in.) Zhe Depth Scale (ft./in.) Print Out (ft.) Logging Speed (ft./min.) Reference Source (cps.) REMARKS: dip aor - DUE 7) PUR HOLE CONDITIONS, CASING-HOLE DATA Other Services Provided: Bit Size:2,375 in, O to 949 ft. Bit Size: in., to Le CasedFrom: Q to 37 ft. Dia. (inside): 2,385 _in., wall size V4 in. Cased From: to ft. Dia. (inside): in., wall size in. U j Me. GC5C-13149 DG/66, NC REE sroomrie.o, co 80020 u.s.A. (303) 468-7389 OILY SAND T.D. 94.5 —f=}—| fini |-t betta pay bee Ee en le heen ene a eae 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite oD Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 466-7383 7 DiGi UG, NCIN Date afer RADIATION LOG _| Gemma | Density | Neutron ELECTRIC LOG Logged Depth (ft.) 89.185 Logged Depth (ft.) Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (Q/in.) , Range (cps./in.) 20 18 S.P. Scale (mv/in.) ; Counts Increasing to: > 16” Normal Resistivity (Qm/in.) Depth Drilled: Depth Scale (ft./in.) {co | lo 64” Normal Resistivity (Om/in.) Measured from epoune Level Logging Speed (ft./min.) | 1S | (5S Logging Speed (ft./min.) Elevation: Time Constantlsec,) 2 z Viscosity-Density NT: Dead Time (usec.) | Rm. @ T°F - Cae Co.: ae DIETZ K-factor x10") L155 Rmf. @ T°F Geolonist: 7) Water Factor( Jin. hole | /,04 Rmc. @ T°F Unit Operator: 7, DAVIS Casing Factor (_) in. steel CALIPER LOG Unit Number: J+Z Probe Number (ae A Logged Depth (ft.) 8B Job Number: £4 0/ Probe Dia. (in.) /4 | 14 Scale: 2in tol , ersta aus fe! Depth Scale (ft./in.) rint Out (ft. i ; Reference Source (cps.) Longiha Speci (ft.frwn} 135 REMARKS: yossy Dealsery Des 7 WeRTCEWT UniT WAR UP Time — Hak (14D 70 BE wed Manly GECAISE Or Fat RMAL DEGRADATION, _ 2nd (py = Bés? Run Buz Bormm oF rou CAVED IN, Other Services Provided: CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size: 2378 _0 to BY’ ft Bit Size: to ft Cased From: ie to 58 ft Dia. (inside): 2, 38S in., wall size 4 in Cased From: to ft Dia. (inside): in., wall size in CORWIN FM. Tosa Aas a x! 68e2-s97 (e080) + $NG « . GUBIK FM. ra) . x So re RADIATION LOG Neutron ; DIGILUG, ACI 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite o Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 466-7389 Date 7/44/81 ELECTRIC LOG Logged Depth (ft.) Logged Depth (ft.) Resistance Scale (Q/in.) Rng: 3!W_ Rerun Interval (ft.) e Range (cps./in.) S.P. Scale (mv/in.) Counts Increasing to: 16” Normal Resistivity (Qm/inJ Depthe Drilled: Depth Scale (ft./in.) 64” Normal Resistivity (Om/in.} Logging Speed (ft./min.) Measured from: Round LEVEL 85 Elevation: CLIENT: FRTeEC patna ede (ETZ Geologist:s Unit Operator: C. DAVIS Unit Number: 3 JobNumber: £4 0/ REMARKS: Logging Speed (ft./min.) Time Constant(sec.) l Viscosity-Density Dead Time (ysec.) Rm. @ T°F K-factor (x10°) | L155 Rmf. @ T°F Water Factor (Jin. hole Rmc. @ T°F Casing Factor (_) in. steel Probe Number Probe Dia. (in.) Crystal Size (in.) Print Out (ft.) Reference Source (cps.) Other Services Provided: EK LOG Logged Depth (ft.) I Scale: 2” HOLE D/A. JIN Depth Scale (ft./in.) /O Logging Speed (ft./min.) /& CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size : 2.37Sin.. Bit Size: in., Cased From: 0 to ce Dia. (inside):2,385° Cased From: to Dia. (inside): 00 97" in., wall size 7 in., wall size GUBIK FM. CORWIN FM. OILY SAND SSeS HON OTERO ; DIGILOG, ACM oon West 117th Avenue Suite ae Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 466-7389 Date 7/1 RADIATION LOG _| Gamma | Density | Neutron ELECTRIC LOG Logged Depth (ft.) 98 | 94 Logged Depth (ft.) ; ; Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (Q/in.) State/County: rH SUPER Range (cps./in.) 20 1a S.P. Scale (mvi/in.) Project: Coa Sruny Counts Increasing to: > i 16” Normal Resistivity (Om/in.) Depth Drilled: 48,5 Depth Scale (ft./in.) 16 10 64” Normal Resistivity (Om/in.) Measured from: GRounD lever Logging Speed (ft./min.) 15 | IS Logging Speed (ft./min.) Elevation: Time Constant(sec,) l 3 Viscosity-Density CLIENT: Be eee Dead Time (usec.) Rm. @ T°F Drilling Co.: SAusBukye Dietz K-factor(x10") _ ASS pnt @ TF Geologist: Steve cus Water Factor (_} in. hole |LOF Rmc. @ T°F Unit Operator: (, DAVIS Casing Factor (_)in. steel CAL PER LOG Unit Number: -T-3 Probe Number (5504 Logged Depth (ft.) 42 JobNumber: 64,01 Probe Dia. (in.) LL7 Scale: 2% 1 A Crystal Size (in.) he 2. Depth Scale (ft./in.) 72. Print Out (ft.) Logging Speed (ft./min.) £5" Reference Source (cps.) REMARKS: CASING-HOLE DATA a Bit Size: 2.375 in. O to 9B ft. Bit Size: in., to ft. CasedFrom: Q to Dia. (inside): 2.385" in., a = V4 in. Other Services Provided: Cased From: to ft. Dia. (inside): in., wall size in. _ FLRV, an ° tad GUBIK FM. 8 OILY SAND me AE bettie tt T ees CORWIN FM. eet ie 68EZ-SaP (EOE) ‘V'S'NDZOOS OO “CIS!JWOOUS RABBI HK STO ,DIGILOE IC iy 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite 0 N Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 466-7389 RADIATION LOG | camma | Density | Neutron ELECTRIC LOG Logged Depth (ft. % |42 Logged Depth (ft. Sec: : : Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (Q/in.) i Range (cps./in.) 10 Ja S.P. Scale (mviin.) Project: W Coa Stvoor —s_— Counts Increasing to: >i > 16” Normal Resistivity (Om/in.)| Depth Drilled: O° Depth Scale (ft./in.) lo lo 64" Normal Resistivity (Qm/in.} Measured from: Ggound LEVEL Logging Speed (ft./min.) 1S | 1s Logging Speed (ft./min.) Elevation: _ Time Constant(sec,) 1 3 Viscosity-Density CLIENT: StD / Er Téc Dead Time (usec.) : Rm. @ T°F ft Drilling Co.: Caus i étz K-factor (x10) Ee L565. Rmf. @ T°F Geologist: RoG/iearg MARCUS Water Factor (in. hole | /,04 Cc. @ TF Unit Operator: VIS Casing Factor (_) in. steel (i LIPER, LOG Unit Number: T° 3 Probe Number \l2 : Logged Depth (ft.) 90 Job Number: o4.0\ Probe Dia. (in.) l4- | 1/4 Scale: 2° erst aus ms Depth Scale (ft./in.) /O UNAS Logging Speed (ft./min.) Reference Source (cps.) = IS REMARKS: CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size:2,375 in. O i 90 = ft. Bit Size: in. ft. Cased From: 0 to 2 ft. Dia. (inside): 2385. in., wallsize /4 in. Other Services Provided: Coe ae S Dia. (inside): in., wall size in. GUBIK FM. = i z= = a O Oo = °o 8 “Ug C-5 ELEV.86° — ee RENT HIN ONE SOT 7, DIGILUG, INCLINE 4 om West 117th Avenue Suite as Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 466-7389 Date Y/ 14) 8l = HOLE: RADIATION LOG _| cemma | Density | Neutron ELECTRIC LOG a Location eae Logged Depth (ft.) fo | Bb Logged Depth (ft.) Sec: [3 Twp: /4n' Rng: SIE Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (Q/in.) Al State/County: Range (cps./in.) 10 /0 S.P. Scale (mv/in.) _ Project: Cont Study Counts Increasing to: > |\> 16” Normal Resistivity (Qm/in.) Depth Drilled: 90.3 Depth Scale (ft./in.) /o 10 64" Normal Resistivity (Om/in.) Measured from: GRounb LévEL Logging Speed (ft./min.) 18 | /5 | Logging Speed (ft./min.) Elevation: Time Constant(sec.) 3 3 Viscosity-Density CLIENT: siv/erec Dead Time (usec.) Rm. @ T°F Drilling Co.: ind K-factor (x10°) | 55 Rmf. @ T°F Geologist: MARCUS Water Factor( Jin. hole | 4,04 Rmc. @ T°F Unit Operator: VIS Casing Factor (_) in. steel a ALIPER LOG Unit Number: T-3 Probe Number 0 1564 - Logged Depth (ft.) 8&4 Job Number: 64,0] Probe Dia. Cin.) ¢ LU4 7 Scale: 2" Hove DIA. /IN. Crystal Size (in.) Yer! Depth Scale (ft./in.) 10 Print Out (ft.) Logging Speed (ft./min.) 15 Reference Source (cps.) REMARKS: purrevenmsre SPIKES in b06 Dus To WATER INVASION OB TooL, CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size:2,375 in.. O to 708 ft. Bit Size: in., : ft. CasedFrom: @Q to ft. ‘ Dia. (inside): 2, 38 in., ~ size ae in. Other Services Provided: —__ : J Eee Dia. (inside): _in., wall size in. No. GC GC-13149 WT EEEREESS SROOMFIELD. CO 80020 U.S.A. (303) 466-7389 TATA pisses] o 98 ANE ‘WA NIMYOO FGURE 11 tt TES | ddl 4 eee PRR ee ptt pte peep Lp a Lb . Eee eet ea Cort 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite x, rg Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 466-7389 pate 7/20/8) HOLE: Ww D-2 RADIATION LOG [conma[ oensty [newt] | ELECTRIC LOG Location WAINWRIGHT ALASKA Logged Depth (ft.) 95 | W Logged Depth (ft.) Sec: Twp:/6N_ Rng: 37W Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (Q/in.) State/County; NORTH SWPE Range (cps./in.) 10\|1/0 S.P. Scale (mviin.) Project: meee Counts Increasing to: —>|—> 16” Normal Resistivity (Qm/in.) Depth Drilled: Depth Scale (ft./in.) 10 | JO 64" Normal Resistivity (Qm/in.) Measured from: caine LEVEL Logging Speed (ft/min) | 4S | 1s” Logging Speed (ft./min.) Elevation: ~ Time Constant(sec.) | 3 Viscosity-Density CLIENT: SépD ERE Dead Time (usec.). Rm. @ T°F Drilling Co.: SAusBe é DIETZ K-factor (x10°) $5 Rmf. @ a Geologistgfeve ROG/ iim Magcos Water Factor(_in. hole |,94 Amc. @ T°F Unit Operator: C. DAVIS Casing Factor ) in. steel|, $73 CAI | PER LOG Unit Number: T- % ae ee 12.70 1/56 Logged Depth (ft.) BF" Job Number: 640! Probe Dia. (in.) oe |. Scale: 2" Hol€ DiA./1N east Suen xp Depth Scale (ft./in.)_ 70 OE nT Logging Speed (ft./min.) Reference Source (cps.) cane min) LS REMARKS: CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size:2.375 in. O to Fb ft. Bit Size: in., to ft. Cased From: 0 to 46 ft. Dia. (inside): in., wallsize 44 in. Other Services Provided: Sa hanes = a2 Dia. (inside): in., wall size in. : aa a: — baa nan ana —-- - ~s j oO Serene ae ; z aca © NO UES PRESEBES sroomrieio, co qv0z0u.s.a.ige3) 466-7389 o eshte t oe > z HBR a T 5 ° ab a ‘. ° ° ; t mt + ~ ~ ah a 7 s 8 H + as : H i ' G Qa T i . ; i Ae as, ARE =SaR02@ wl I ppp py tet ah a) a _ “Ws XIEnd Wi NIMYOO + EI Poe PREECE pee | HH boo Pere oer + 4 ett -- - oo Coat tH +4 tot t qe i Lice {+t rr cH HE tT cor re Tf t NST SPEED. CD: 109 [TIME 7 DIGILOG, ANC. 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite One Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 486-7389 Date _% f22fel HOLE: WwD-4 RADIATION LOG [amma | density | Neutron ELECTRICLOG Location ALASKA Logged Depth (ft.) 1/03 | FF Logged Depth (ft.) | Sec: 4/9 Twp, Rng: 374/_ Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (M/in.) | State/County: NORTH SLOPE Range (cps./in.) 1/0 10 S.P. Scale (mv/in.) Project: Counts Increasing to: >|—> 16” Normal Resistivity (Qm/inJ| Depth Drilled: /0,F,.2 f Depth Scale (ft./in.) Jo | /o 64” Normal Resistivity (Qm/in.J Measured from: G@ouwbd LEVEL Logging Speed (ft./min.) 1s | 18— | Logging Speed (ft./min.) | Elevation: ~ $0 i Time Constant(sec.) 1 3 _| Viscosity-Density CLIENT:SséD TEC Dead Time (usec.) Rm. @ T°F Drilling Co.: us DIETZ. K-factor (x10°) 455 ut cere Rmf. @ T°F Geologist: Srev€ ibe Water Factor (_) in. hole VA Rmc. @ T°F Unit Operator: DAVIS Casing Factor () in. steel /. $73 ; CALIPER LOG | Unit Number: 7-3 rope ener (27 ora Logged Depth (ft.) 777 JobNumber: 640/ Probe Dian) —__1 | i Scale: 2"Hore pig. /IW Crystal Size (in.) 22x fa Depth Scale (ft./in.) 70 Print Out (ft.) Logging Speed (ft./min.) /& Reference Source (cps.) | REMARKS: CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size:2,375 in. Q to /O3.2 ft. Bit Size: in., to bts Cased From:@ tov Zse: ft. Dia. (insidel:2 385 in., wall size in. Other Services Provided: Cee ont os Dia. (inside): in., wall size in. No. GC GC-13149 D-4. ELEV, 60 Cel “Wd MIENS iio OILY SAND ROSESSUERS BeSSSReeee Rees eeeeee se! “Wd NIMYOO ; DIGL0G NC). “GSR eacomiero. co 20020 u.S.A. (303 486-7389 T.D. 103.2’ HHH ++ +44 +H + eigieL im 1 i Z| | e + ct t t Tr r TtTtttt fi T B rht + ct Pee Tre t al re Tr / FH STELLA Ts i igs if - + HA TH | . Eee EB fe rc Tce a tt eet | r oH t He RPE HERES eee eer Eee EEE ra tHtet Le Ltt t - Peer ti 1 (I TT rt fete ttt te de LE itd i t TTT + 4 | +4 rt coo ane rc + t 7 4. motte t | + | EP + a Senne | =H T | sm : + os 1 sla ¢ Pee cco ee pa +++ nite HH TIME! CONST, ~, LOG SPEED | JS Ls ED. Jo [PAPER ‘SP i ! 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite = Broomfield, Colorado 80020 5 (303) 466-7389 N HOLE: WwD-A5 RADIATION LOG [con | ensty | Neutron ELECTRIC LOG ue Eastbo WanuaaceT, ALasKa Logged Depth (ft.) V7 ie Logged Depth (ft.) p: Rng: Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (Q/in.) Seen NoRTH SuofE Range (cps./in.) /o | [0 S.P. Scale (mv/in.) | Project: SrupyY Counts Increasing to: >| > 16" Normal Resistivity (Om/in.) Depth Drilled: 98,9 Depth Scale (ft./in.) 10 10 _| 64” Normal Resistivity (Om/in.) Measured from: GRouwnD LEVEL Logging Speed (Ft./min.) 1S 15. Logging Speed (ft./min.) | Elevation: 45' Time Constant(sec.) / 3 Viscosity-Density Geunias (esaseeses CLIENT: 3 , é ue Cc Dead Time (usec.) Rm. @ T°F Drilling Co.: Sau R Eee K-factor (x10) Is 75 Rmf. @ T°F Geologist: Seve R06 /iam MAeCUS Water Factor (_)in. hole WA Rmc. @ T°F Unit Operator: 0, DAVIS Casing Factor (7/4) in. steel 513 i i CALIPER LOG Unit Number: T-% Probe Number 15% _| Logged Depth (ft.) Job Number: 64 0 | eee it Scale: 2 Hore DIA AN erste Szeto. 2 Depth Scale (ft.lin.)_/p rint Ou F : Logging Speed (ft./min.) Reference Source (cps.) | eae m1 lo REMARKS: —— CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size:2.375 in, Q to 98.4 __ ft. Se Bit Size: in., to ft. S a CasedFrom: (to 47 ft. Dia. (inside): 2,335 in., wallsize ¥4 in. Other Services Provided: __ Cae a eee - Dia. (inside): in., wall size in. No. GC GC-13149 i D-AS “4 Ty Evev. 40'| | | | | ite OGILCG, ac per plate ++. rp tort Pt et Pore b+ “EER eroome <i. co 0020 u.S.A. (303) 486-7389 tH 1 fei + a a : °° ° ' ‘ q 8 THE t W4 MIEN yaagee ai T Tt? = HE HEE esesaasaas oe t 4 ~ ey t 7 t if Hy Ht Fort 131 il TT t ‘ H 44 iS 4 oo + A T | rt rH tor Heer H+H | feb bet TT i a af j | a T t Ht ap Sep ait ae +e " + t I | iL j iL L f i ni i 1 t HEH +H Ht rH ob +H Poh bie { + [ { ae t | 7 ~ i EAH a Lr H € 4 Sh : HE Tt S rt i co ti+4 Biettt ae | tt 1 Bettie TH Pea ttt fae eon 1 t 1 Bit. FECES EEEEEEEEEE ECE EHE-EEEEE-EEEEEHEH EHH FH eter Att Coy Z 7 + Coo | 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite One Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 466-7389 Date 7/24! 8/ ae HOLE: Ww D-Ab RADIATION LOG _| Gamma | Density | Neutron | ELECTRIC LOG Location WAiNw@IGHT, ALASKA Logged Depth (ft.) 97 | 93 Logged Depth (ft.) Sec: Twp: [SN Rng: Iw Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (Q/in.) State/County: swPe Range (cps./in.) 1o 10 S.P. Scale (mv/in.) Project: vpyY Counts Increasing to: > | —-> 16” Normal Resistivity (Om/in.) Depth Drilled: Fq7, 3 Depth Scale (ft./in.) lo | to 64” Normal Resistivity (Om/in.) Measured from:GRounD LtvEL Logging Speed (ft./min.) IS [1S — Logging Speed (ft./min.) Elevation. ~ $5 i Time Constant(sec,) 1 Zz Viscosity-Density _ CLIENT: Ssd /ern c Dead Time (usec.) Rm. @ T°F Drilling Co.: SAuseuR Y : mere: "teaua? 1.55 rs OTE Geologist: Steve Kei) Marcus Water Factor ( Jin. hole | 1.64 Rmc. @ T°F Unit Operator: (, DAVIS Casing Factor ( @ in. steel] /,573 Cau PERLOG Unit Number: -T- 3 Probe Number He ae Logged Depth (ft.) | Job Number: oy o| Probe Dia. (in.) ; ; 4 —| Scale: 2" Hove DA/IN arate ae mt Phx fe Depth Scale (ft./in.) 10 rt ae Logging Speed (ft./min.) Reference Source (cps.) = iS REMARKS: Other Services Provided: CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size2.37Sin.. O to 47,3 ft. Bit Size: in., = = Cased From: 0 to Dia. (inside): 2158S in., li TE n. Cased From: Dia. (inside): ‘in., = size in. TESS 444 H+ rs “peer Ter D-A6 FLEV, an ‘ 0 -t +-+} GUBIK FM. 2 = iL < >. o oO oO ae ty ta Y i se GBEL-S8p (EOE) 'V'S'N0Z008 09 ‘CUSIWOOUS BREST IRE OT SIO S¥LEL-35 59 “ON pate 25/8) DIGILOG, INC. N 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite One Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 466-7389 HOLE: WwD-7 RADIATION LOG _| comma | density | Neutron ELECTRIC LOG Location WhuluRt6HT ALASKA Logged Depth (ft.) 100 | %6 Logged Depth (ft.) iH Sec: Twp:/§M Rng: 3¢W_ Rerun Interval (ft.) Resistance Scale (Q/in.) aot State/County: lakTH StePE Range (cps./in.) lo | 0 S.P. Scale (mv/in.) Project: Coa. STmwoPr Counts Increasing to: >i > _| 16” Normal Resistivity (Qnvin.) Depth Drilled: /00’ Depth Scale (ft./in.) 10 | JO 64” Normal Resistivity (QminJ| Measured from: wy Level Logging Speed (ft./min.) 1S | [5 7 Logging Speed (ft./min.) Elevation: ~~ Time Constant(sec,) t 3 Viscosity-Density ENT: S¢ Dead Time (usec.) Rm. @ T°F i a Co.: 3 £D (ER (oe TZ K-factor (x10°) [LIF zt Rmf. @ T°F Geologist: $T#vé Roe /kim MARWS Water Factor( ) in. hole |A0¢ Rmc. @ T°F . Unit Operator: @, DAYS Casing Factor (in. steel, 5°73 = Ch L) PER LOG : Unit Number: 7-3 Probe Number (270 |/550A | Logged Depth (ft.) ; Job Number: 64 Of Probe Dia. (in.) 1/4 | 1%4 Scale: 2” Mase D af e/ Crystal Size (in.) ax fe Depth Scale (ft./in.) /o Print Out (ft.) Logging Speed (ft./min.) AS Reference Source (cps.) REMARKS: “Duewe Aw ATTEMPT FR A 2wo Loe of Hob, TEST PROBE GOT Sex ON THE why vP CO 75 Apak — Det To PRGKGS CASING-HOLE DATA HeLE DETERIORATION, ATTEMPTS 1 DISLODEF TOL WERT pwisvecbsSHL, Ss Bit Sizez. 375 in. O to /oo ft. Tt ws DECIDED To evs cAgié (100° 7.) And OURSHOOT ERELE AND Bit Size: in. ta ft. UT? Pipe TRIE TWAS sv ye AND PROBE WAS YNHARMED.Cased From: ¢ to 58 ft. (To aati faerswiwE OAYS Dia. (inside): 2.385 _in., wall size VA in. Other Services Provided: Cased From: to ft. Dia. (inside): ___in., wall size in. OILY SAND ‘Wd NIMYOO ot Be Lp CEErEEcE tae Ht r 4 ee as ogee ey I Ty 2 Pe Lit t DY “TISIE-CON Ae 4 --+-- sé¢_[ DIGILOG, (INC. LUNN EGE Ree ST he OOS SRE Rea ar PR MES ONT ts Ra ee 7001 West 117th Avenue Suite One 4 Broomfield, Colorado 80020 (303) 486-7389 Date /- HOLE: Ww D-A8 RADIATION LOG _| Gamme | density | Neutron ELECTRIC LOG Location (UAiMWRIGHT, ALASKA, Logged Depth (ft.) G7 | 43 Logged Depth (ft.) — Sec: 4§5 Twp: ISN Rng: 31 W_ Rerun Interval (ft.) ; Resistance Scale (Q/in.) _ State/County: ALugsKA /NoRTH SWE Range (cps./in.) 1) /0 S.P. Scale (mviin.) Project: [J ws Srvby —_—- Counts Increasing to: >| > 16” Normal Resistivity (Qm/in.) Depth Drilled: 5! Depth Scale (ft./in.) f0 | /0 64” Normal Resistivity (Om/in.) Measured from: Gaouw0 LEVEL Logging Speed (ft./min.) 1S. | 1S Logging Speed (ft./min.) | Elevation: ~ 49’ Time Constant(sec)) / 3 Viscosity-Density CLIENT:.$14) JERTEC Dead Time (usec.) Rm. @ T°F Drilling Co.: <S4uss BURY Py VETZ K-factor (x10°) 1.55 Rmf. @ T°F See ae ea Water Factor( Jin. hole |/ 04 Rmc. @ T°F J Geologist: Sré ve _/ye MARCUS 4 r Unit Operator: 7 DAVIS Casing Factor (A in. steell/ 573 7 CALIPER LOG Unit Number: 7-3 Probe Number 1270 _|/550. Logged Depth (ft.) 9/ JobNumber: 64 90/ Probe Dia. (in.) |LA | LG + Scale: 2" yore pip [1d Crystal Size (in.} Xa, Depth Scale (ft jin.) /0 Print Out (ft. Logging Speed (ft./min.) AS Reference Source (cps.) REMARKS: CASING-HOLE DATA Bit Size:2.375 in, O to 975 _ ft. Bit Size: in., to ft. CasedFrom: ¢ to 37 ft: Dia. (inside): 2,385" in., wallsize “/4._ in. Other Services Provided: rae 2 es Dia. (inside): in., wall size in. { ESSERE eroomricio. co 30020 U.S.A. (303) 466-7299 + = 6.19149 casa refors SRESS r LiL ECE EEE 2 . oT at re FIGURE 18 j=[ 4-4-4 t ree man ? ttt tt rg ott ttt bt aa PF +t a ae Ee + att ptt