HomeMy WebLinkAboutToksook Bay Bulk Fuel, Wind & Tie Line Project Environmental Review Records 2004 ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel, Wind and Tie-line Project Environmental Review Records 4831 Eagle Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 - Phone (907) 561-1818 - In State (800) 478-1818 -» Fax (907) 562-4086 * GU-EFl NEPA EFI Environmental Checklist Page 1 of 3 (2708/02) GOLDEN FIELD OFFICE ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST (To Be Completed by Potential Recipient) corr! U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY @ PART I: General DOE Project Officer: Keith Bennett Date: 9/11/2006 Information } Project Title: Alaska Wind Energy Project-Task 3 Toksook Bay Foundations ST: AK Organization Name: Alaska Energy Authority Solicitation Number: Award No: GO85038 1. Please describe the intended use of DOE funding in your proposed project. For example, would the funding be applied to the entire project or only support a phase of the project? Describe the activity as specifically as possible, i.e. planning, feasibility study, design, data analysis, education or outreach activities, construction, capital purchase and/or equipment installation or modification. If the project involves construction, also describe the operation of the completed facility/equipment. Funding will be used in its entirety to supplement the cost of constructing and testing the wind turbine foundations in this remote Alaska location. A more detailed description of the work is included in the Statement of Work 2. Does any part of your project require review and/or permitting by any other federal, state, regional, local, environmental, or regulatory agency? Yes T1No ey ‘Has any review (e.g., NEPA documentation, permits, agency consultations) been completed? Yes CUNo If yes, is a finding or report available and how can a copy be obtained? A Section 7 consultation with the USFWS was made during the design to determine the impact of the wind turbines on endangered species in the area. The findings of the consultion was that there will likely be no impacts to endangered species as a result of this project. 4. Is the proposed project part of a larger scope of work? Yes CINo Ifyes, please describe. This project was.a component of an overall power facility upgrade in Toksook Bay. New diesel generators, bulk fuel storage and electrical transmission lines were also constructed as part of the overall project. Do you anticipate requesting additional federal funding for subsequent phases of this project? OYes MINo Ifyes, please describe. 5) Does the scope of your project only involve one or more of the following: C1 Information gathering such as literature surveys, inventories, audits, 0 Data analysis including computer modeling, C1 Document preparation such as design, feasibility studies, analytical energy supply and demand studies, or 1 Information dissemination, including document mailings, publication, distribution, training, conferences, and informational programs. Preparer: Phone: Email: Ben Momblow 907-276-6664 momblow@coffman.com Business Contact: Phone: Email: Brent Petrie 907-565-5358 bpetrie@avec. org https://www.cere-pmc.energy.gov/NEPA Recipients/EF | atbI NEPA view.asp?Key=2794 9/11/2006 ° GU-Brt NEVA EF) Environmental Checklist Page 2 of 3 PART I: Environmental Considerations Section A Conditions or special areas are present, required, or could be affected by your project: 1. Clearing or Excavation 200 cubic yards was placed tor access roads to the turbines. This resulted in approximately 0.37 acres of fill area. A US Army Corps of Engineers Generat Permit was granted for this work. 9. Navigable Air Space Maximum height of above ground surface was 142 feet. An FAA 7460-1 was documented for each of the three towers. 13. Threatened/Endangered A Section 7 consultation was made with USFWS. A finding of “Not Likely to Adversly Impact Endangercd Species” was concluded. 12. Archeological/Cultural Resources The State of Alaska State Historic Preservation Office was consulted and the area was noted as not likely to have historic significance. 21. Noise 'tis possible that the local residents will be concemed by wind turbine noise. 23. Aesthetics Itis possible that the local residents will be concemed with the appearance of the wind turbine systern Section B. Would your project use, disturb, or produce any chemicals or biological substances? (i.e., pesticides, industrial process, fuels, lubricants, bacteria) Section C. — Would your project require or produce any radiological materials? https://www.eere-pmc.energy. gov/NEPARecipients/EF latbINEPA view.asp?Key=2794 9/11/2006 Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel, Wind and Tie-line Project Environmental Review Records Introduction NEPA Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Environmental Assessment Corp of Engineers Permit Coastal Project Questionnaire State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) US Fish & Wildlife Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. January 8, 2004 The Honorable Felix Lincoln Mayor City of Toksook Bay PO Box 37008 Toksook Bay, Alaska 99637 Subject: _Toksook Bay — Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Bulk Fuel, Power Plant, Wind Generation, and Intertie Project Dear Mayor Lincoln: Please note | have attached a copy of the FONSI, Environmental Assessment (EA) and the back up material for those two items. The FONSI needs to be stamped with the postmaster’s postal services stamp the day that it is posted in a public place (probably it would be best to post it in the City offices). The Notice needs to be left up for a minimum of 14 days from the initial date of posting. Once that timeframe has passed the FONSI will need to be taken down and it needs to have it stamped again by the postmaster’s postal services stamp illustrating the date it was removed. There is space at the bottom of the FONSI to stamp it twice (see the circles). You should make a copy of the FONSI for the City files and then send the original to: ATTN: Brent Petrie, AVEC, 4831 Eagle Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99503. The support material and the EA should be retained by the City. If you have any questions concerning the posting of the FONSI please feel free to give Molly Sheldon a call at 565-5357. Thanks for your assistance in this effort. Sincerely, Brent Petrie, Manager Community Development & Key Accounts Enclosure(s): as stated cc: Molly Sheldon, AVEC Eric Marchegiani, AVEC 4831 Eagle Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99503-7497 - Phone (907) 561-1818 - In State (800) 478-1818 - Fax (907) 562-4086 ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE RECEIVED 4831 Eagioc Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ep 13 2004 National Environmental Policy Act F Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) AVEC TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPS, AND PERSONS: Project Title: Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm, Power Plant Upgrade, Wind Generation & Intertie to Tununak. _ Purpose of Project: To upgrade the bulk fuel facilities and improve the power generation and sharing of those resources in Toksook Bay and Tununak. Project Address, City, Country, State: City of Toksook Bay PO Box 37008, Toksook Bay, Alaska 99637 Lead Federal Agency: Denali Commission An Environmental Review Record for this project has been made by the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) which documents the environmental review of the project and sets forth the reasons for a FONSI. This Environmental Review Record is available for public examination and copying upon request at AVEC’s Anchorage, Alaska office (see letterhead). No further environmental review of this project is proposed to be conducted. AVEC is certifying that its responsibilities and the responsibilities of the lead federal agency under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 have been satisfied and the project may proceed. AVEC will accept an objection to its approval of this certification if it is on one of the following bases: a) That the certification was not in fact executed by the certifying officer(s); b) That AVEC has omitted one or more steps in preparing the environmental review, and that correcting the omission may result in a finding of environmental significance. All interested agencies, groups and persons disagreeing with this decision are invited to submit written comments for consideration by AVEC to its office in Anchorage, Alaska (see letterhead). Such written comments must be received at AVEC Anchorage, Alaska office not less than 15 calendar days (beginning the day after the day this Notice was published) or 18 days (if this notice is posted instead of published). All such comments so received will be considered and AVEC will not take any administrative action on the project until the comment period has ended. Objections to this project on any basis other than those stated above will not be considered by AVEC. No objections received after the comment period will be considered by AVEC. Denali Commission (907) 271-1414 Meera Kohler, CEO (907) 561-1818 (Lead Federal Agency Certifying and Telephone Number) (AVEC Certifying Officer and Telephone Number) 510 L Street, Suite 410 Anchorage, AK 99501 4831 Eagle Street, Anchorage, AK 99503 (Address: City, State) (Address: City, State) POSTMASTER, please provide two postmarks: 1) Dated Posted Up 2) Date Posted Down ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 42831 Eagic Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 National Environmental Policy Act Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, GROUPS, AND PERSONS: Project Title: Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm, Power Plant Uparade. Wind Generation & Intertie to Tununak. Purpose of Project: To upgrade the bulk fuel facilities and improve the power generation and sharing of those resources in Toksook Bay and Tununak. Project Address, City, Country, State: City of Toksook Bay, PO Box 37008, Toksook Bay, Alaska 99637 Lead Federal Agency: Denali Commission An Environmental Review Record for this project has been made by the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) which documents the environmental review of the project and sets forth the reasons for a FONSI. This Environmental Review Record is available for public examination and copying upon request at AVEC’s Anchorage, Alaska office (see letterhead). No further environmental review of this project is proposed to be conducted. AVEC is certifying that its responsibilities and the responsibilities of the lead federal agency under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 have been satisfied and the project may proceed. AVEC will accept an objection to its approval of this certification if it is on one of the following bases: a) That the certification was not in fact executed by the certifying officer(s); b) That AVEC has omitted one or more steps in preparing the environmental review, and that correcting the omission may result in a finding of environmental significance. All interested agencies, groups and persons disagreeing with this decision are invited to submit written comments for consideration by AVEC to its office in Anchorage, Alaska (see letterhead). Such written comments must be received at AVEC Anchorage, Alaska office not less than 15 calendar days (beginning the day after the day this Notice was published) or 18 days (if this notice is posted instead of published). All such comments so received will be considered and AVEC will not take any administrative action on the project until the comment period has ended. Objections to this project on any basis other than those stated above will not be considered by AVEC. No objections received after the comment period will be considered by AVEC. Denali Commission (907) 271-1414 Meera Kohler, CEO (907) 561-1818 (Lead Federal Agency Certifying and Telephone Number) (AVEC Certifying Officer and Telephone Number) 510 L Street, Suite 410 Anchorage, AK 99501 4831 Eaal Anchi K (Address: City, State) (Address: City, State) POSTMASTER, please provide two postmarks: 1) Dated Posted Up 2) Date Posted Down AVEC-Toksook Bay BFU Environmental Review Checklist Section 1 - Project Data Project Name: Toksook Bay Project Project Site Address: Section 17, TOO5N ROQOW, Seward Meridian pity: Toksook Bay, Alaska 99637 County: Unorganized Borough Project Descri ption: (Provide a brief description of the proposed project, Including a description of the present use of the property and a summary of the impacts to the surrounding community. Use additional pages if necessary.) The project will consist of a new bulk fuel facility for the Utility (AVEC), the Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD), the City and Corporation. Retail sales for the community will be made available through dispenser facilities also. Additionally, a new power plant will be constructed along with three wind generation towers and units. An intertie between Toksook Bay and Tununak will be constructed to share the availability of diesel and wind generation located in Toksook Bay. Additional detail concerning each of the components is included within the Project Summary in the DGC Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement. Purpose and Need (Provide an explanation of the problems completion of the proposed project is intended to address.) The existing power plant and community fuel facilities do not meet current life, health, and safety codes, and poses a risk to public safety and the environment. A new fill pipeline is required to provide a permanent solution for providing fuel from the Pacific Ocean/ Kangirlvar Bay to the new power plant and community fuel facility. The school facilities will also be upgraded for the elementary and high school. Security fencing to enclose the tank farm and power plant is essential to public safety. An intertie between the communities of Toksook Bay & Tununak will allow for a sharing of the diesel and wind generation for both communities. It will also decrease the need for duplicate reserve capacity within both communities. The facility is designed to meet the long-term fuel storage and handling needs of both communities and the utility along with future electrical generation. Project Alternatives: (Provide a brief description of possible alternatives to the proposed project, including a description of the impact if no action were taken.) There are no practicable alternatives to this project. A code compliant and reliable fuel storage and handling facility is requisite to support essential electric power generation for community facilities, infrastructure, and residential use. Consequences of not implementing the project include: continued increased risk to public safety and the environment from spills, fines for non-compliant fuel facilities, and potential for denial of necessary fuel deliveries by fuel companies. Attach (if available) a community map showing the project location, a drawing describing the proposed project, and photographs of the existing site and surrounding properties Refer to Corps of Engineers Request for Jurisdictional Determination included in the Flood Plain/Wetlands section of this Environmental Review Record. Section 2 - Environmental Review Preparation AVEC Review / Preparation Name: Eric A. Marchegiani, P.E. Title: Project Development Engineer Address: 4831 Eagle Street City: Anchorage State: Alaska Zip: 99503-7497 Phone: (907) 561-1818 Fax: (907) 562-4086 E-Mail: emarchegiani@avec.org Signature: é e A Ms: = Date: _/ / ‘O Y Preparer (If not AVEC) Name: Company: Address: City: State: Alaska Zip: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Signature: Date: Environmental Review Check List Page 1 of 4 AVEC-Toksook Ba BFU Environmental Review Checklist Resource Potential Impact Discussion/Documentation (Provide a discussion of the reasoning behind the impact evaluation and document the resources used for the evaluation. This includes agency consultations and other references. Social / Economic Economic Impacts The project will reduce the likelihood of fines for non-code compliant fuel facilities/operations. Short-term benefits include: increased local employment and use of local services and retail outlets during construction. Long-term economic benefits include: code compliant fuel storage and handling facility to support electric generation for community infrastructure and residential use. A new, code compliant facility will reduce operations and maintenance costs, and help reduce the cost of electricity to residents and business. The project is planned to facilitate estimated population growth D hi hareateristc and infrastructure development beyond the next 10 years. Characteristics and Changes The Existing fuel storage and handling system does not meet code. Replacement of the existing facility with a code-compliant facility will improve fuel storage capacity and handling, as well as spill and fire safety. The facility will provide reliable, long-term, code compliant fuel storage for community electrical generation. Community Facilities, Services, or Safety Displacements There will be no displacements caused by the project. The project is designed to comply with state and federal codes and environmental regulations. The result of this project will be to reduce potential negative impacts to human health and the environment of minority and low-income persons, as well as to help provide reliable electrical generation to all persons in the community. No Historic Properties Affected. Refer to attached correspondence from SHPO's office located in Historic Preservation section. Environmental Justice Cultural Resources Archaeological Sites No Historic Properties Affected. Refer to attached correspondence from SHPO's office located in Historic Preservation section. The project will not impact air quality. The project is not located adjacent to any water bodies. All regulated fuel tanks are located within secondary containment. The tank farm dike is lined with a membrane compatible with diesel and gasoline and sized to contain the contents of the largest tank, plus 6-inches freeboard for precipitation. Storm water discharge from secondary containment will be conducted and documented in accordance with EPA SPCC regulations. Fuel tanks are located greater than 100-feet from public wells, and greater than 25-feet from private wells, in accordance with State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Historic Buildings or Districts Air Quality Water Quality Surface Water Groundwater Drinking and Waste Water regulations. Environmental Review Check List Page 2 of 4 AVEC-Toksook Bay BFU Environmental Review Checklist Potential Impact + 0 - Resource lil Noise f Solid and Hazardous Waste 0 Natural Resources Threatened and Endangered Species Essential Fish Habitat Farmland Protection Geomorphology Wetlands | fo Coastal Zone Management |. Discussion / Documentation Consultation with the Corp of Engineers, DGC, FAA, USF& W Service and the SHPO have not raised any serious concerns on the project development. Additionally, the Corp and DGC also coordinate with other Federal and State agencies to insure that the development meets their requirements also. Tank farm operation will not generate noise. Project construction will generate noise associated with the operation of heavy equipment. The new power plant will have the appropriate mufflers to decrease the overall noise generated by the engines. The noise level is anticipated to be less than or equal to that generated by existing adjacent facilities. There are no known underground storage tanks (USTs) within Toksook Bay. There are no known leaking underground storage tanks within one-half mile of the project. No hazardous wastes will be generated by the project. Solid wastes generated during construction will be disposed of in accordance with state and federal regulations. The project is not located in a designated State Game Refuge, Critical Habitat Area or State Game Sanctuary. Refer to Endangered Species section. The Intertie between Toksook Bay and Tununak will cross the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge. Consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been completed and it has been categorized as “no likely adverse affects”. Refer to correspondence included in Endangered cies section. There is no Essential Fish Habitat near the project area. fo] | No farmland exists at, or near, the project area. The tank farm site is an existing tank farm site. The tank farm area has been previously cleared of vegetation and consists primarily of a gravel-filled pad. The project does not increase the potential for erosions or landslides. A General Permit was applied for and obtained for the project see the approval letter. Wild and Scenic Rivers | ol | There are no Wild and Scenic Rivers in, or near, the project area. Refer to Wild and Scenic Rivers section. A Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement were submitted to the Division of Governmental Coordination (DGC). DGC responded “Review Not Required”. Refer to Coastal Zone Review section. Sole Source Aquifer 2 Floodplain Other Issues Environmental Review Check List | fo None identified. = are no Sole Source Aquifers located near or around the project area. The project is not located within the 100-year floodplain. Page 3 of 4 - AVEC-Toksook Bay BFU Environmental Review Checklist Section 4.Summary Environmental Consequences Summary (summarize The checklist items that identified negative impact and describe the potential impact.) No potential negative impacts have been identified as part of this project. Environmental Commitments (describe the measures that will be taken to mitigate the Environmental Consequences summarized above, if any) Not Applicable Environmental Permits (cist any state, federal, or local permit required.) Permits required for construction include: Fire Marshal plan review Corp of Engineers — General Permit 96-07 Division of Governmental Coordination Consistency Determination US Fish & Wildlife Service, Section 7 Consultation FAA Form 7460 — Notice of Proposed Construction Public Involvement (Describe the public involvement activities performed for this project, if any.) A number of community meetings were held in Toksook Bay to establish the best site for the community for the new bulk fuel tank farm, new power plant, wind generator, and the intertie to Tununak along with discussing various aspects of the project. There was substantial discussion by local community residents. Conclusion: A finding of no significant impact is recommended for the above project. This finding would be based upon the project being completed as described above and in conjunction with the Environmental commitments presented above. Or QO Preparation of an Environmental Assessment /Environmental Impact Statement is recommended for the project. FG 41 & 12004 Certifying Officer Title | Eric A. Marchegiani, P.E. Date Environmental Review Check List Page 4 of 4 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA P.O. BOX 6898 oe ELMENDORF AFB, ALASKA 99506-6898 ATTENTION OF: 1 4 JAN 2005 Regulatory Branch North Section JAN 19 2005 POA-2003-891-D Mr. Ben Momblow Coffman Engineers, Inc. 800 F Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Momblow: This is in response to your November 5, 2004, application for a Department of the Army (DA) permit on behalf of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, to place approximately 1,200 cubic yards of gravel on 0.37 acres of wetlands to construct three wind generation units to supplement the power requirements for the community. It has been assigned file number POA-2003-891-D, which should be referred to in all future correspondence with this office. The project is located approximately 60.53 N. latitude and -165.10 W. longitude in section 17, T. 5 N., R. 90 W., Seward Meridian; in Toksook, Alaska. DA permit authorization is necessary because your project would involve placement of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the U.S. under our regulatory jurisdiction. Based upon the information and revised project plans you provided, we hereby verify that the work described above, which would be performed in accordance with the enclosed plan (1 sheet), dated 11/2/2004, is authorized by Nationwide Permit (NWP) #12, Utility Line Activities. NWP #12 and its associated Regional and General Conditions can be accessed at our website at www.poa.usace.army.mil/reg or, at your request, a paper copy will be provided to you. Regional Conditions A-F, I, and K-O apply to your project. You must comply .with all terms and conditions associated with NWP #12, as well as with the.special condition listed below: ~ wly To prevent impacts to nesting birds, no vegetation clearing, fill . . Placement, excavation, or other construction activities shall be conducted’ between April 15 and July 15, except at sites which have been sufficiently disturbed or altered (e.g., with fill, plastic, or other materials that will cover nesting habitat) by April 15 to eliminate suitable nesting habitat. Further, please note General; Condition 14'réquires that you submit a signed certification to us once any work and required mitigation are completed. Enclosure 1 is the form for you to complete and return to us. This verification will be valid for two years from the date of this letter, unless the NWP authorization is modified, suspended, or revoked. Please take a moment to complete and return the enclosed questionnaire. Our interest is to see how we can continue to improve our service to you and how best to achieve these improvements. Upon your request, you may also provide additional comments by telephone or a meeting. We appreciate your efforts and interest in evaluating the Regulatory Program. Nothing in this letter shall be construed as excusing you from compliance with other Federal, State, or local statutes, ordinances, or regulations which may affect this work. Please contact me at the letterhead address, ATTN: CEPOA-CO-R-N, at (907) 753-2716, toll-free from within Alaska at (800) 478-2712, by FAX at (907) 753-5567, or by email at Tracy.T.DeGering@poa02.usace.army.mil, if you have any questions or to request a paper copy of the terms and conditions of NWP #12. For additional information about our Regulatory Program, please visit our web site at www.poa.usace.army.mil/reg. Sincerely, Frac Beteneied Tracy DeGering Regulatory Specialist Enclosures Enclosure 1 US Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District Permit Number: POA-2003-891-D Name of Permittee: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Date of Issuance: 14 JAN 2005 Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District Regulatory Branch CEPOA-CO-R-N Post Office Box 6898 Elmendorf AFB, Alaska 99506-6898 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by an U.S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. If you fail to comply with this permit you are subject to permit suspension, modification, or revocation. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above-referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date AK i XS \ \ Vi \ Y, io th Ay <x Wy ra a 1; Y ay So i; Vn ALLE KANGIRLVAR BAY WIND TOWER SITE PLAN Revised 8/13/04 JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ASTRICT: Alaska ILE NUMBER: POA-2003-891 PROJECT LOCATION INFORMATION: State: Alaska Borough: Center coordinates of site (latitude/longitude in degree decimal format): Lat. 60.53° N., Long. -165.10° W. Approximate size of area (parcel) reviewed, including uplands: 0.37 acres. Name of nearest waterway: Kangirlvar Bay JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION Method: Office determination a Onsite determination Date Form Completed: 1/12/2005 Jurisdictional Determination (JD): w & Preliminary JD - Based on available information, & there appear to be (or) (] there appear to be no “waters of the United States” and/or “navigable waters of the United States” on the project site. A preliminary JD is not appealable (Reference 33 CFR part 331). Approved JD — An approved JD is an appealable action (Reference 33 CFR part 331). Check all that apply: I There are “navigable waters of the United States” (as defined by 33 CFR part 329 and associated guidance) within the reviewed area. Approximate size of jurisdictional area: There are “waters of the United States” (as defined by 33 CFR part 328 and associated guidance) within the reviewed area. Approximate size of jurisdictional area: Ol There are “isolated, non-navigable, intra-state waters or wetlands” within the reviewed area. Decision supported by SWANCC/Migratory Bird Rule Information Sheet for Determination of No Jurisdiction. BASIS OF JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: > ao oF wooo Waters defined under 33 CFR part 329 as “navigable waters of the United States”: The presence of waters that are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide and/or are presently used, or have been used in the past, or may be susceptible for use to transport interstate or foreign commerce. Waters defined under 33 CFR part 328.3(a) as “waters of the United States”: (1) The presence of waters, which are currently used, or were used in the past, or may be susceptible to use in interstate or foreign commerce, including all waters which are subject to the ebb and flow of the tide. (2) The presence of interstate waters including interstate wetlands’. (3) The presence of other waters such as intrastate lakes, rivers, streams (including intermittent streams), mudflats, sandflats, wetlands, sloughs, prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or natural ponds, the use, degradation or destruction of which could affect interstate commerce including any such waters (check all that apply): 2 (i) which are or could be used by interstate or foreign travelers for recreational or other purposes. 1 (ii) from which fish or shellfish are or could be taken and sold in interstate or foreign commerce. 2 (iii) which are or could be used for industrial purposes by industries in interstate commerce. (4) Impoundments of waters otherwise defined as waters of the US. (5) The presence of a tributary to a water identified in (1) — (4) above. (6) The presence of territorial seas. (7) The presence of wetlands adjacent” to other waters of the US, except for those wetlands adjacent to other wetlands. Rationale for the Basis of Jurisdictional Determination (applies to any boxes checked above). /f the jurisdictional water or wetland is not itself a navigable water of the United States, describe connection(s) to the downstream navigable waters. If B(1) or B(3) is used as the Basis of Jurisdiction, document navigability and/or interstate commerce connection (i.e., discuss site conditions, including why the waterbody is navigable and/or how the destruction of the waterbody could affect interstate or foreign commerce). If B(2, 4, 5 or 6) is used as the Basis of Jurisdiction, document the rationale used to make the determination. If B(7) is used as the Basis of Jurisdiction, document the rationale used to make adjacency determination: The proposed project site contains wetlands adjacent to the navigable U.S. waters of Kangirlvar Bay. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA P.O, BOX 6898 ELMENDORF AFB, ALASKA 99506-6898 OCTOBER O 1 263 Regulatory Branch North Section D-2003~0891 Mr. Percy Frisby Chief Executive Officer Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC P.O, Box 24922 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Dear Mr. Frisby: This is in response to your July 28, 2003, request for a Department of the Army (DA) permit, on behalf of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, to place approximately 2,000 cubic yards of gravel on .5 acres of wetlands to construct three wind generation units to supplement the power requirements for the community. It has been assigned file number D-2003-0891, which should be referred to in all future correspondence with this office. The project is located in section 17, T. 5 N., R. 90 W., Seward Meridian, in Toksook Bay, Alaska. DA permit authorization is necessary because your project would involve placement of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the U.S. under our regulatory jurisdiction. Based upon the information and plans you provided, we hereby verify that the work described above, which would be performed in accordance with the : enclosed plan (sheets [1-3]), is authorized by Nationwide Permit (NWP) #12, Utility Line Activities. NWP 12 and its associated Regional and General Conditions can be accessed at our website at www.poa.usace.army.mil/reg or, at your request, a paper copy will be provided to you. Regional Conditions A-F, I, and K-O apply to your project. You must comply with all terms and conditions associated with NWP 12, as well as with the special conditions listed below: To prevent impacts to nesting birds, no vegetation clearing, fill placement, excavation, or other construction activities shall be conducted between April 15 and July 15, except at sites which have been sufficiently disturbed or altered (e.g., with fill, plastic, or other materials that will cover nesting habitat) by April 15 to eliminate suitable nesting habitat. Further, pleage note General Condition 14 requires that you submit a signed certification to us once any work and required mitigation are completed. Enclosure 1 is the form for you to complete and return to us. This verification will be valid for two years from the date of this letter, unless the NWP authorization is modified, suspended, or revoked. SCANNED Please take a moment to complete and return the enclosed questionnaire. Our interest is to see how we can continue to improve our service to you, our customer, and how best to achieve these improvements. Upon your request, you may also provide additional comments by telephone or a meeting, We appreciate your efforts and interest in evaluating the Regulatory Program. Nothing in this letter shall be construed as excusing you from compliance with other Federal, State, or local statutes, ordinances, or regulations which may affect this work. Please contact me by mail at the letterhead address, ATTN: CEPOA-CO-R-N, at 753-2716, ox by FAX at 753-5567, if you have any questions or to request 4 paper copy of the terms and conditions of NWP23. For additional information about our Regulatory Program, visit our web site at www. poa.usace.army.mil/reg. Sincerely, CONCUR L043: Crpoa-co Wolfe/cmp/3-2716 SIG MJIW(030891nw) /30 Sep 03 (1145b) Jim Wolfe . Project Manager Enclosures BCF: Mr. Tim Rumfelt, DEC, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2617 Project Coordinator, OPM&P, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3510 Ms. Ann Rappoport, USFWS, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2249 Supervisor, Western Alaska Ecological, NMFS, Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7577 Ms, Judith Bittner, ADNR, SHPO, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3565 Mr. Richard B. Thompson, ADNR, Division of Land, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3577 Mr. Gary Prokosch, ADNR, Division of Water, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3577 Ms. Robin Willis, ADFG, Anchorage, Alaska 99518-1599 Alaska Operations Office, EPA, Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7588 Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC July 28, 2003 Ms. Mary Leykom 2 Regulatory Specialist . I XH ATTN: CEPOA-CO-R-N — ay, <@ U.S. Army Corp of Engineers PO Box 6898 ‘Anchorage, Alaska 99506-6898 Subject: AVEC — Toksook Bay — Wind Generation Site Dear Ms. Leykom: Arctic Pacific Enterprises is working on behalf of the AVEG in the Community of Toksook Bay to complete the installation of a minimum of four(4) and up to as many as seven(7) wind generators. : 1. Vicinity Map & Legal Description: ‘ Please reference the design drawings for the vicinity map: The tank farm will be located at Sec. 17, TOO5N, RO9OW, Seward Meridian {USGS Quad — Inunivak Island C-1). } 2. Location & Vicinity and Plan Views of the project area: ; 1 See Drawings 1 and 2 (Appendix A) of the proposed wind farm. 3. Aerial Photographs: See Appendix B for photographs of the area. 4. Description of the Work: Toksook Bay is in a high value area with a class 7 wind ‘regime for wind power generation. It is estimated that one Atlantic Orient Corporation(AOC) AOC 15/50 machine in Toksook Bay could produce approximately: 200,000 kwh per year. Presently, the proposed project is evaluating the installation of four (4) and up to seven (7) machines in Toksook Bay, which relate to displacing diesel generation between 800,000 kwh and 1,400,000 kwh per year respectively. Based upon an anticipated diesel efficiency of approximately 13:5 kwh!per gallon; the potential displacement is approximately 59,000 gallons for the four machine configuration and 103,700 gallons for the seven machine configuration. - P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Oa le PAPI E Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 = {AVEC — Toksook Bay — Wind Generation Site July 28, 2008 , - Page 2 : : - .: The towers would be approximately 80 feet high with three blades: ‘The designation AOC 15/50 stands for the 15 meter diameter blades and the 50-kw output of the generating units. So at four units, the maximum output would be approximately 200 kw and at seven units the proposed development could potentially generate approximately 350 kw. Please reference Appendix C for additional information on the AOC 15/50. 5. Project Purpose: To construct four to seven wind generation units which will connect into the existing distribution system in order to supplement the power requirements in Toksook Bay and possibly Tununak. The project will result in a wind/ diesel hybrid generation system which will decrease the overall diesel emission in the area. The State of Alaska FY 2002 PCE report indicates the average cost of fuel used in Toksook Bay to be approximately $1.26 per gallon. Based upon that costs andthe - above savings in fuel used, it would relate to $74,340 (4 machines) or $130,660 (7 machines) in fuel savings per year. In addition, fuel costs have been increasing and ~ consequently the potential could be even greater in future years. Besides the financial savings, it would also improve the air quality since the diesel generators would have decreased emissions to the atmosphere. The wind turbines would offer a much needed source of renewable electrical energy to Toksook Bay and potentially to Tununak (assuming they are interconnected). It - would also decrease their dependency upon diesel fuel, which is’ difficult and expensive to deliver. Now that wind turbines are available, which can withstand the harsh conditions of the arctic environments, they can be a cost-effective choice for isolated communities. Wind turbines in combination with diesel generation offer these two communities a way to reduce their dependence on diesel fuel and cut their electrical costs. Typically rural Alaskan community electrical costs can be many times the residential electrical cost for Anchorage or Fairbanks. : 6. Dimensions of Fill Pads: The towers would be placed on pile foundations which would not require any fill. However, there would need to be an access road constructed to the site from the existing dump road. The proposed road would be approximately 1000 feet long, 16 feet wide and require approximately 3 feet of fill. This works out to just under 2,000 cubic yards of material to be placed and an area of approximately 16,000 square feet. . : 7. Acreage and Amount of Fill: : The area to be filled will be approximately 0.37 Acres and about 2,000 cubic yards of fill is proposed to be place to form the roadway. 8. Volume and type of Material removed: There is no brush or trees to clear the area of. The road willbe constructed by placing geofabric over the tundra and then placing the fill over it to develop the road JKVEC —Toksook Bay - Wind Generation Site , duly 28, 2003 - Page3 to the site. The wind towers will be placed on piling which will be driven to refusal as illustrated on the drawings. 9. Location of Overburden Disposal: Since there will not be any scraping off of the over burden, there will not be any need for a disposal location. 10. Type of Fill Material, Location, and Source: - The Alaska Department of Public Transportation (ADOT&PF) presently has a contractor constructing a new runway in the community. The contractor is utilizing a gravel pit located approximately 1 mile from the project site. . There are ample materials available to provide the necessary fill to construct the road to the wind site. 41. Stabilization and restoration methods: The local gravel will be utilized as the base for the road. This will establish a solid - base that should be resistant to erosion. If necessary, culverts will be placed in the roadway to channel the flow of water away from the the wind generation site and the roadway. Additionally, those areas that may be disturbed will be re-seeded and new grass will be established to allow for stabilization of those areas. : 42. A Description of Alternative Locations & Justification of Discharge / Removal of Materials from a Wet Lands: Three different locations adjacent or within the community were reviewed. Discussion with the community at a City public meeting resulted in the community selecting the proposed site from the other two possible alternatives. The one of the other proposed sites was too close to the new airport and the other alternative was located within the adjacent Yukon Delta Wildlife. Refuge. Neither. of these alternatives provided the advantages that the proposed site presents. 13. A Plan to Avoid or Minimize Disturbance to Wet Lands & Any Plan for Re- Vegetation: We have minimized the width of the road down from the originally proposed 24 feet to the 16 foot width. This will decrease the foot print and the amount of fill necessary to be placed. AVEC — Toksook Bay - Wind Generation Site July 28, 2003 Page 4 se If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me at 277-6442. We look forward to your issuance of the subject permit. Thanks ahead of time for your work. Sincerely, Percy risby ; Chief Executive Officer Attachments: 1. Appendix A . a. Location & Vicinity Map b. Plan View - Wind generation configuration on Block 10 c. DNR mapping for Block 10 2. Appendix B a. Oblique photo from airplane of the general area b. On the ground photo of the general area c. Closer view of ground area d. Fill material proposed to be used for the access road to the site. 3. Appendix C Atlantic Orient (AOC) 15/50 Wind Turbine Generator Information cc: Cynthia Zuelow, Division of Governmental Coordination, w/ Attachments Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachments Marie Becker, AVEC, w/ Attachments Brent Stonebraker, AVEC, w/ Attachments Bruce Hicks, CE2 Engineers, w/ Attachments Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, w/o Attachments _ Appendix A Project Mapping D x Oo O ” x O f— ORIGINAL 7 ~ @ * : Sheet 4 of 4 U.S. SURVEY No. 5024, ALASKA TOKSOOK BAY TOWNSITE maar ne re mumciPaL —«RERERVE Reference shoulA ba made to Sheet Mo, 1 for survey tnformat ton. ' Washington, D.C. May 21, 1973 ‘This plat ts strictly conformable to the spproved field notes, and the survey, having been correctly executed in accordance with the requiresents of law and the regula~ thons of this Bureau, ie hereby accepted. * Yor the: Director Bonadll, olor | (hint, Division of Cadastral Survey @ BRASS CAPPED IRON POST © COPPERWELO MONUMENT © IRON ROO, ALUMINUM CAP POF - www.fastio.com Appendix B Photos of Wind Generation Site & Fill Material for the Proposed Road Proposed wind generator location. Approximate location and quantity shown. Future tank farm and power plant location. a ae Photo #1 Aerial Oblique View Wind generator site Photo #2 Wind site topography Photo #3 Wind site topography Appendix C Atlantic Orient 15/50 Wind Turbine Generator Information ATLANTIC ORIENT CORPORATION Photo Courtesy of KEA Customer Information Packet PO BOX 1097 Farrell Farm Road Norwich Vermont - Tele-1.802.649.5446 Fax- 1.802.649.5404 goc@vermoniel.net www.aocwind.net — AOC 15/50 50 Hz WIG Design Specifications Type Grid Comected Rotor Diameter 15 m (492 8) Centerline Hub Height 25 m (82 ft) Rated Electrical Power 50 kW @12.0 m/s (26.8 mph) ‘Wind Speed @bub height 25 m (82 ft) cut-in 4:6 m/s (10.2 mph) shut-down (high wind) 22.4 m/s( 50 mph) peak (survival) 59.5 m/s (133 mph) Calculated Annual Output ‘ @ 100 % availability 5.4m/s(12 mph) 85,000 kWh 6.7 mvs (15 mph) 145,000 kWh 8.0 m/s (18 mph) 199,000 kWh ROTOR_ Type of Hub Fixed Pitch Rotor Diameter 15m (492 ft) Swept Area 177m 71902 ft) ‘Number of Blades 3 Rotor Solidity 0.077 Rotor Speed @ rated wind speed 9 62 pm. Location Relative to Tower Downwind Cone Angle 6 Tit Angle vr Rotor Tip Speed 48.6 m/s (109 mph) @ 50 Hz Design Tip Speed 6.1 BLADE . ‘Length 7.2m (23.79) Material ‘Wood/epoxy laminate or Epoxy/giass fibre Airfoil (type) NREL, Thick Series, modified ‘Twist 7° outer blade 457mm (18 in)@ 4% 279 mm(1lin) 749 mm (29.5 in) @ 39% 2925 mm (115 in) 406 mum (16 in) @ 100 % 7500 mm (295 in) 22:1 Root Chord Max Chord Tip Chord Chord Taper Ratio Overspeed Device Electro-magnetic tip brake Hub Attachment Embedded female bolt receptors Blade Weight 150 kg (330 Ibs) approximate. , GENERATOR . ‘Type 3 phase/4 pole asynchronous _ Rated Temperature -25"c Frequency (Fiz) 50 He Voltage (V) 400, 3 phase @ 50 Hz (380V,415V also avail) KW @ Rated Wind Speed 50 kW KW @ Peak Continuous S5&W Speed RPM (nominal) 1500 @ 50 Hz 7 ‘Winding Configuration ‘Ungrounded WYE Insulation Class F Enclosure Totally Enclosed Air Over (TEAO) Frame Size 365 TC . Mounting Direct mount to transmission Options Arctic low temp. shafting (40°) TRANSMISSION ‘Type . Planetary Ratio (rotor to gen. speed) 1 to 24.57 (50 Hz) Rating, output horse power 88 ‘Lubrication Synthetic gear oi/non toxic “Heater (option) Arctic version, electric XAW SYSTEM Normal Free, rotates 360 degrees ies Optional ‘Yaw damping-required when known conditions frequently exceed 50° yaw rate per second. Structural ‘Yaw bearing mounted on tower top casting Electrical ‘Twist Cable TOWER : Type Galvanized 3 legged, bolted lattice , self-supporting Tower Height 24.4 m (80 ft) i Options 30.5 m (100 f), Tilt down 24.4 m (80 ft) FOUNDATION Type Conerete or special Anchor Bolts Certified ASTMA-A-193-Grade B7 CONTROL SYSTEM ‘Type PLC based Control Inputs Wind speed, generator shaft speed Control Outputs ‘Lime imtercomnecticn, brake deployment Communications Serial link to central computer for energy monitor and maintenance dispatch (optional Enclosures NEMA 1, NEMA 4 (optional) Soft Start Optional ‘Normal Start up Acrodynamic, electrical boost if necessary deploys tip brakes. Parking brake brings rotor to standstill. Back-up Overspeed Control: Centrifugally activated tip brakes deploy BRAKE SYSTEM CONTROL Fail-safe brakes automatically deploy when grid faiure occurs. Tower 3,210 kgs (7,080 Ibs) Rotor & Drivetrain 2,420 kgs (5,340 Ibs) Weight on Foundation 5,630 kgs (12,420 Ibs) DESIGNLIFE: 30 Years SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE: Semi-annual or after severe events. NOTE }:Atlantié Orient Corporation and its affiliates are constantly working to improve their products, therefore, product specifications are subject to q Y fl NOTE 3: For design options to accommodate severe climates or umusual circumstances please contact the corporate office in Norwich, Vermont USA NOTE 4: For integration into high penetration wind~diesel -systems and village electrification schemes contact the corporate office in Norwich, VT ‘USA for technical support and systems design. u REV. September 19", 2000 NOTICE: All content subject to notes and disclaimers specified on page 1 of this manual. WKRELEIVEU Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC June 16, 2003 Ms. Mary Leykom Regulatory Specialist ATTN: CEPOA-CO-R-N U.S. Army Corp of Engineers PO Box 6898 ; Anchorage, Alaska 99506-6898 Subject: Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm — Final Consistency Determination - Division of Governmental Coordination . Permit No. 4-2003-0241, Kangirlvar Bay 7 Dear Ms. Leykom: Please reference your letter datéd: May’5, 2003 transmitting'the Department of Army Permit to us. We have signed both copies of the permit on behaif of the City of Toksook Bay and Alaska Village Electric Cooperative and are returning them to you for your signature and approval. The Division of Governmental Coordination has issued: its. “Final Consistency Determination” (6/12/03) as required by your permit. We have also included a copy of that determination for your files. Please process the Department of Army Permit and return a copy to us so we may proceed.with construction. : If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 277-6442. Again, we appreciate your hard work to expedite the process of the permit. - incerely - Percy Frisby Chief Executive Officer Attachments as stated , ce: Brent Stonebraker, MacTec, w/ attachments Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ attachments P.O. Box 242912: | 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 : Telephone: (907), 277-6409/6426. Facsimile:. (907) 277-6443 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Permittee: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Permit No.: 4-2003-0241, Kangirlvar Bay 7 Issuing Office: U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska NOTE: The term "you" and its derivatives, as used in this permit, means the permittee or any future transferee. The term “this office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted activity or the appropriate official of that office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. You-are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below. Project Description: Construct a new consolidated bulk fuel tank farm and by-pass road in Toksook Bay, Alaska. The dimensions of the tank farm foundation fill pad will be 495° by a maximum 158’ top width (118,100 square feet) and will require 25,900 cubic yards of fill material to construct. The by-pass road will be 31’ by approximately 990’ top width (29,700 square feet), and will require 3,025 cubic yards of fill material. Three culverts will be installed to maintain surface water drainage. Foundation fill pad and road side slopes will be 2%:1. Project side slopes and disturbed areas will be stabilized using either vegetated mats preserved from site preparation stripping or by applying preserved organic soils and seeding. Excess overburden will be disposed of at the existing borrow pit. Approximately 3.39 acres of wetland would be filled as a result of the project. All work will be performed in accordance with the attached plan, sheets 1-2, dated March 13, 2003. Project Location: In Toksook Bay, Alaska; Section 17, T. 5 N., R. 90 W., Seward Meridian at Latitude 60°31'47” N., Longitude 165°06'08" W. . Permit Conditions: General Conditions: 4. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on April 30; 2006. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease’to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. ENG FORM 1721, Nov 86 EDITION OF SEP 82 IS OBSOLETE (33 CFR 325 (Appendix A)) 6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. Further Information: 1. Congressional Authorities: You have been authorized to undertake the activity described above pursuant to: () Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). (x) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). () Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413). 2. Limits of this authorization. a. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, state, or local authorization required by law. b. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. c. This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. d. This permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. 3. Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: a. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes. b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in the public interest. c. Damages to persons, property, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit. d. Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. . 5. Reevaluation of Permit Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a revaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a. You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (See 4 above). c. Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the -2- issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. 6. Extensions. Gerieral Condition 1 establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this permit. Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision, the Corps will normally give favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time limit. Your signature below, as permittee, indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. G- (@-Aee¢ 3 (DATE) (PERMI E) AND TITEE Percy Frisby, CEO, Arctic Pacitic Enterprises’ On behalf of the vity of Toksook Bay & AVEC This permit becomes effective when the Federal official, designated to act for the Secretary of the Army, has signed below. . os For (DISTRICT ENGINEER) COL Steven T. Perrenot (DATE) Mary Leykom, Regulatory Specialist North Section, Regulatory Branch When the structures or work authorized by this permit are still in existence at the time the property is transferred the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions have the transferee sign and date below. (TRANSFEREE) (DATE) LATITUDE: 60° 31°51"N LONGITUDE: 165° 06'30°W LEGEND —— CULVERT CALL AREA DEPTH VARS FILL AR UM [ANK FARM PAD: AREA = 118,100 SF (2.71 ACRE) FILL VOLUME = 25,900 CU YDS RELOCATED ROADS: AREA = 29,700 SF (0.68 ACRE) . FILL VOLUME = 3,025 CU YDS- A7 We \ /PLAN VIEW ———"_1 \, 0 50 100 100 300 1"=100’-0" Corps’ No. 4-2003-0241, Kangirlvar Bay 7 CUENTS: ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERA (AVEC ) | PROJECT: FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE LOCATION: : | | || DATE: 3/13/03 DRAWN. EV. SHEET= . TOF2 wy COMPACTED FILL 44.00 W200. MATCH (E) nn SK Leek ccc cece cece eee eee eee cence een eee eee seen eeeeeeeneensereessseceeeseeeseereregereess 48.00 Q0- enc cee cece e eee cette en ete esse eee eens eee eeeeesaeeeneeseeseeetaeeecererssssesaeseseeeen sess: : ad COMPACTED FILL Se Si WAX LOBE U7 4200 “TYP: BO.00+ ses sree (E) . GRAD rrr Serr 28.00 ee tee ee eee eee ee eee e eee e ete eee ae aene eens 26-00: ere tee eee ee 24.00 cece ewe ee ewe ete eee ew eter ewes ee eeteeeeneasasesssaseasssesssssassnusssacescscacusesasescscs cscs © 22. 00 ccc cece cece cece see e tees e nese ascnres sere ser eesassssesesssecesenessascascsesecsescsesarecsseree se Corps’ No. 4-2003-0241, Kangirlvar Bay 7 CLIENTS: ° : ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (AVEC) SITE CROSS SECTIONS ° | PROJECT: | | HORZ. 1"=100'—0" VERT. 1°=10'-0 FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE LOCATION: . SECTION 17 TOOSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN | WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR_BAY | DATE: 3/13/03 DRAWN. | = 2 OF 2 - PROVISIONAL PERMIT NOT VALID DO NOT BEGIN WORK This PROVISIONAL PERMIT is NOT VALID until: 1) You obtain: Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation . , x a Coastal Zone Consistency: determination concurrence from the Division of Governmental Coordination 2) You sign and return the enclosed provisional permit with the State Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Coastal Zone Management concurrence and the appropriate permit fee as indicated below: $10.00 $100.00 x No fee required Your check or money order should be made payable to FAO, USACE, Alaska District. 3) The Corps signs the permit and returns it to you. Your DA permit application file will be closed if the State denies your Section 401 Water Quality Certification and/or does not concur with your Coastal Zone Management consistency determination. DO NOT BEGIN WORK “7 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OFFICE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT & PERMITTING “ALASKA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Q PIPELINE COORDINATOR’S OFFICE ™ SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE Q CENTRALOFFICE : 550 W. 7™ AVENUE, SUITE 1660 ; P.O. BOX 110030 411 WEST 4™ AVENUE, SUITE 2C ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 JUNEAU, ALASKA 99811-0030 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501-2343 PH: (907) 269-7470 / FAX: (907) 269-3981 PH: (907) 465-3562 / FAX: (907) 465-3075 PH: (907) 257-1351 / FAX: (907) 272-3829 June 12, 2003 Eric Marchegiani — ‘ § 2003 Alaska Pacific Enterprises, LLC RECEIVED JUN if ; 2702 Gambell St., Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ~ Dear Mr. Marchegiani: SUBJECT: KANGIRLVAR BAY 7 STATE ID NO. AK 0304-08AA Final Consistency Response Dear Mr. Marchegiani: The Office of Project Management & Permitting (OPMP) has completed coordinating the State’s review of your proposed project for consistency with the Alaska Coastal Management Program (ACMP). OPMP has developed the attached final consistency response based on reviewers’ _ comments. Based on an evaluation of your project by the Alaska Departments of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Game, and Natural Resources and the Cenaliuriit Coastal District, the State concurs with your certification that the project is consistent with the ACMP and affected coastal district’s enforceable policies. This is the final decision for your project. This consistency response is only for the project as described. If you propose any changes to the: approved project, including its intended use, prior to or during its siting, construction, or _ operation, you must contact this office immediately to determine if further review and approval of the revised project is necessary. By copy of this letter, I] am informing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of OPMP’s final finding. ~ . : If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact me at 907-269-7476 or email don_perrin@dnr:state.ak.us. : Sincerely, Don Perrin’ Project Review Coordinator Distribution List: Julie Raymond-Y akoubian, DNR/SHPO, Anchorage Karlee Gaskill, ACMP Liaison, DNR/DOL, Anchorage Linda Markham, ADOT/PF, Anchorage Ed Weiss, DFG, Anchorage Tim Rumfelt, DEC, Anchorage John Oscar, Coastal Management Coordinator, Cenaliulriit CRSA, Mekoryuk Mary Leykom, COE FINAL CONSISTENCY RESPONSE . PAGE2 © ALASKA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FINAL CONSISTENCY RESPONSE: CONCURRENCE DATE ISSUED: JUNE 12, 2003 PROJECT TITLE: KANGIRLVAR BAY 7 STATE In. No.: AK 0304-08AA AFFECTED COASTAL RESOURCE DISTRICT: Cenaliuriit . PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF THE PROJECT SUBJECT TO REVIEW: The project subject to this consistency review is a consolidated bulk fuel tank farm and dispensing facility. This facility would house bulk fuel tanks, in a code compliant storage facility, for the City, AVEC, the Lower Kuskokwim School District and Nunakauiak Yupik Corporation. The project would require the placement of 28,925 cubic yards of foundation fill material into 3.39 acres of wetland to construct the tankfarm pad and new road. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: The State of Alaska proposes to concur with the consistency certification submitted by Percy Frisby, CEO, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC for the City.of- .. Toksook Bay and Alaska Village Electric Cooperative. : AUTHORIZATIONS: The project must be found consistent with the ACMP before the following State and Federal authorizations may be issued: , . U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit No. 4-2003-0241 The Department of Environmental Conservation advised OPMP on March 26, 2003 that they intend to waive the Certification of Reasonable Assurance under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for this project. Agencies will issue permits and authorizations only if they find the proposed project complies with their statutes and regulations in addition to being consistent with the coastal program. An agency permit or authorization may be denied even though the State concurs with the ACMP. Authorities outside the ACMP may result in additional pemmit/lease conditions. If a requirement set out in the project description (per 6AAC 50.265) is more or less restrictive than a similar requirement in a resource agency authorization, the applicant shall comply with the more restrictive requirement. Applicants may not use any State land or water without DNR authorization. FINAL CONSISTENCY RESPONSE PAGE3 APPEAL: This final consistency response is a final administrative order and decision under the ACMP and for purposes of Alaska Appellate Rules 601-612. Any appeal from this decision to the superior court of Alaska must be made within thirty (30) days of the date this determination is issued. ENFORCEMENT: Pursuant to 6 AAC 50.485(e), if after receiving this final consistency response, the applicant undertakes a project modification not incorporated into the final determination and ~ not reviewed under 6 AAC 50.800-6 AAC 50.820, State‘resource agency may take enforcement action according to the resource agency’s statutory and regulatory authorities, priorities, available resources, and preferred methods. ADVISORIES: The proposed barge landings will be taking place on state-owned tidelands. Applicant is advised that its proposed barge landing site is located on or near a barge landing site for which the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOTPF) holds a permit. Applicant is advised to contact DOTPF to coordinate any use of the area. . Please be advised that although the State concurs with your certification that the project is consistent with the ACMP, you are still required to meet all applicable State and federal laws and regulations. Your consistency finding may include reference to specific laws and regulations, but this in no way precludes your responsibility to comply with other applicable laws and regulations. If the proposed activities reveal cultural or paleontological resources, please stop any work that would disturb such resources and immediately contact the State Historic Preservation Office (907-269-8720) and the U.S. Amy Corps of Engineers (907-753-2712) so that consultation per section 106 of the National Historic. Preservation Act may proceed. Final Consistency Determination Prepared By: Don Perrin Project Review.Coordinator 550 W. 7” Ave., Suite 1660 Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 269-747, LZ , Dn June 12, 2003 FINAL CONSISTENCY RESPONSE PAGE 4 ACMP CONSISTENCY EVALUATION Pursuant to the following evaluation; the project as proposed is consistent with applicable ACMP statewide and affected coastal resource district enforceable policies (copies of the policies are available on the DGC web site at http://www.alaskacoast.state.ak.us). 6 AAC 80.040. Coastal Development _ Evaluation: The project is water-related due to the link between the tank farm/dispensing facility and the barge landings, there is significant public need, and the project meets the standards contained in Parts 320-323, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations. + 6 AAC 80.050. Geophysical Hazard Areas . ; Evaluation: The Cenaliuriit coastal district has not identified the project location as being in geophysical hazard area. In, addition, the facility would be designed and constructed in accordance with the International Fire Code with secondary containment provided via a liner and dike to minimize environmental and property damage, and protect against loss of life in the event of a geophysical hazard occurrence. ; i | 4 6 AAC 80.060. Recreation Evaluation: The project is not located in a designated recreation area. 6 AAC 80.070. Energy Facilities ; . Evaluation: NA F 4 6 AAC 80.080. Transportation & Utilities Evaluation: NA | 6 AAC 80.090. Fish & Seafood Processing Evaluation: NA 6 AAC 80.100. Timber Harvest & Processing Evaluation: NA 6 AAC 80.110. Mining & Mineral Processing Evaluation: NA . 6 AAC 80.120. Subsistence -__ Evaluation: The project is not located in a designated subsistence area. ; a € AAC 80.130. Habitats Evaluation: The project does not conform to (b) or (c)(3), however, the project meets the 3 part test provided in (d): (1)There is a significant public need as described in the project description, (2) there is no feasible and prudent alternative, and (3), the project would maximize conformance with the Habitats standard through the following methods: Organic material would be stripped from areas to be filled, preserved, and used to revegetate the project side slopes. Other disturbed areas would be seeded. 6 AAC 80.140. Air, Land & Water Quality Evaluation: This facility would house bulk fuel tanks, in a code compliant storage facility. FINAL CONSISTENCY RESPONSE . PAGE 5: The purpose of the proposed project is to locate all bulk fuel tanks in one code compliant . facility and to provide a safe and clean dispensing system. The facility would be designed and constructed in accordance with the International Fire Code with secondary containment provided via a liner and dike. 6 AAC 80.150: Historic, Prehistoric, and Archaeological Resources Evaluation: No historic, prehistoric, or archaeological resource issues have been identified through this review and if the proposed activities reveal cultural or paleontological resources, work would be stopped that would disturb such resources and the applicant and/or their agents would immediately contact the State Historic Preservation Office (907-269-8720) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (907-753-2712) so that consultation per section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act may proceed. AFFECTED COASTAL RESOURCE DISTRICT.ENEOR POLICIES The Cenaliuriit coastal district did not provide any comments or concerns regarding this | project. << FINAL CONSISTENCY RESPONSE PAGE 6 ‘DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER DISTRICT, ALASKA P.O. BOX 6898 ; ELMENDORF AFB, ALASKA 99506-6898 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF: Regulatory Branch MAY, 0 5 2003 North Section 4-2003-0241 RECEIVED MAY 0 6 2003 Mr. Percy Frisby Chief Executive Officer Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC Post Office Box 242912 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Dear Mr. Frisby: We have completed our review of your permit application identified as 4- 2003-0241, Kangirlvar Bay 7, for the following proposed work: construction of a consolidated bulk fuel tank farm and dispensing facility in Toksook Bay, Alaska. The facility would house fuel tanks, in a code compliant storage facility, for the City of Toksook Bay, Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC), the Lower Kuskokwim School District and Nunakauiak Yupik Corporation. The location would be in Section 17, T. 5 N., R. 90 W., Seward Meridian at Latitude 60°31’47” W., Longitude 165°06'08” W. Enclosed are two unsigned copies of a “PROVISIONAL PERMIT.” The provisional permit is NOT VALID and does not authorize you to do your work. The provisional permit describes the work that will be authorized, and the General and Special Conditions (if any) which will be placed on your final Department of the Army (DA) permit, if the State of Alaska Coastal Zone Management (CZM) consistency requirements are satisfied as described below. No work is to be performed in the waterway or adjacent wetlands until you have received a validated copy of the DA permit. Additionally, we have enclosed a Notification of Administrative Appeals Options and Process and Request for Appeal form regarding this DA Permit (see section labeled “Initial Proffered Permit”). By Federal law no DA permit can be issued until a State Section 401 Water Quality Certification has been issued or has been waived and/or the State has concurred with a permit applicant's CZM consistency determination or concurrence has been presumed. The State waived 401 Certification on March 26, 2003. As of this date the Alaska Department of Natural Resources Office of Project Management/Permitting (DNR), has not concurred with your CZM consistency determination. If DNR neither concurs nor provides written objections to the certification statement by September 20, 2003, then concurrence with your CZM consistency determination may be presumed. Should the State's action on the required concurrence preclude validation of the provisional permit in its current form, a modification to the provisional permit will be evaluated and you will be notified as appropriate. Substantial changes may require a new permit evaluation process, including issuing a new public notice. Once the State has concurred with your CZM consistency determination or the date above has passed without the State acting, and you agree to the terms and conditions of the provisional permit, you should sign and date both copies and return them to us. Your DA permit will not be valid until we have returned a copy to you bearing both your signature and the signature of the appropriate Corps official. If the State does not concur with your CZM consistency determination, then the DA permit application file will be closed. If you should subsequently obtain a CZM consistency determination concurrence, you should contact this office to determine how to proceed with your permit application. If you have any questions concerning your CZM consistency determination, please contact the DNR at the Office of Project Management/Permitting, 411 W. 4% avenue, Suite 2C, Anchorage, AK 99501 or by calling (907) 257-1351. If you have any other questions concerning your application for a DA permit, please contact me, at 753-2716, or by mail at the letterhead address, ATIN: CEPOA-CO-R-N. For additional information about our Regulatory Program, visit our web site at www.poa.usace.army.mil/reg. Sincerely, A Mary LeYkom Regulatory Specialist Enclosures DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT Permittee: . Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Permit No.: 4-2003-0241, Kangirlvar Bay 7 Issuing Office: U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska NOTE: The term "you" and its derivatives, as used in this permit, means the permittee or any future transferee. The term "this office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers having jurisdiction over the permitted activity or the appropriate official of that office acting under the authority of the commanding officer. You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below. Project Description: Construct a new consolidated bulk fuel tank farm and by-pass road in Toksook Bay, Alaska. The dimensions of the tank farm foundation fill pad will be 495’ by a maximum 158’ top width (118,100 square feet) and will require 25,900 cubic yards of fill material to construct. The by-pass road will be 31’ by approximately 990’ top width (29,700 square feet), and will require 3,025 cubic yards of fill material. Three culverts will be installed to maintain surface water drainage. Foundation fill pad and road side slopes will be 2%:1. Project side slopes and disturbed areas will be stabilized using either vegetated mats preserved from site preparation stripping or by applying preserved organic soils and seeding. Excess overburden will be disposed of at the existing borrow pit. Approximately 3.39 acres of . wetland would be filled as a result of the project. All work will be performed in accordance with the attached plan, sheets 1-2, dated March 13, 2003. Project Location: In Toksook Bay, Alaska; Section 17, T. 5 N., R. 90 W., Seward Meridian at Latitude 60°31'47” N., Longitude 165°06'08" W. Permit Conditions: General Conditions: 1. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on April 30, 2006. If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submit your request for a time extension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above date is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requirement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you may make a good faith transfer to a third party in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease to maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you must obtain a modification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you-discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must immediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal and state coordination required to determine if the remains warrant a recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the signature of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned water quality certification has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions to this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. ENG FORM 1721, Nov 86 EDITION OF SEP 82 IS OBSOLETE (33 CFR 325 (Appendix A)) 6. You must allow representatives from this office to inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. Further Information: 1: Congressional Authorities: You have been authorized to undertake the activity described above pursuant to: () Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). (x) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). () Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413). 2. Limits of this authorization. a. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, state, or local authorization required by law. b. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. c. This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others. d. This permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal project. 3. Limits of Federal Liability. In issuing this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the following: a. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unpermitted activities or from natural causes. b. Damages to the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current or future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in the public interest. c. Damages to persons, property, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit. . d. Design or construction deficiencies associated with the permitted work. e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. 4. Reliance on Applicant's Data: The determination of this office that issuance of this permit is not contrary to the public interest was made in reliance on the information you provided. 5. Reevaluation of Permit Decision. This office may reevaluate its decision on this permit at any time the circumstances warrant. Circumstances that could require a revaluation include, but are not limited to, the following: a. You fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete, or inaccurate (See 4 above). c. Significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it is appropriate to use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contained in 33 CFR 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the -2- issuance of an administrative order requiring you to comply with the terms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail to comply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209.170) accomplish the corrective measures by contract or otherwise and bill you for the cost. 6. Extensions. General Condition 1 establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this ‘permit. Unless there are circumstances requiring either a prompt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interest decision, the Corps will normally give favorable consideration to a request for an extension of this time limit. Your signature below, as permittee, indicates that you accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. (PERMITTEE) AND TITLE (DATE) This permit becomes effective when the Federal official, designated to act for the Secretary of the Army, has signed below. For (DISTRICT ENGINEER) COL Steven T. Perrenot (DATE) Mary Leykom, Regulatory Specialist North Section, Regulatory Branch When the structures or work authorized by this permitare still in existence at the time the property is transferred the terms and conditions of this permit will continue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the property. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its terms and conditions have the transferee sign and date below. (TRANSFEREE) (DATE) fT GLP SEE SECTION A—A’ \ = ON PAGE 2 y. \ A LATITUDE: 60" 31’51"N LONGITUDE: 165° 06'30"W LEGEND —— CULVERT C=] FLL AREA DEPTH VARIES SEE SECTION B-B ON PAGE 2 PI AR UM TANK FARM PAD: AREA = 118,100 SF (2.71 ACRE) § FILL VOLUME = 25,900 CU YDS AREA = 29,700 SF (0.68 ACRE) \_/PLAN VIEW A FILL VOLUME = 3,025 CU YDS: —— 7 = "=100'-0" Corps’ No. 4-2003-0241, Kangirlvar Bay 7 CLIENTS: ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERA (AVEC ) PROJECT: FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE LOCATION: : | SECTION 17 ]| WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY | DATE: 3/13/03 DRAWN. | SHEET: REV. 1 OF 2 COMPACTED FILL 2.551 MAX. SLOPE. 42.00 +++ 40.00 Dale lll ad alles lol. ©) RAE neces COMPACTED FILL (E) GRADE Corps’ No. 4-2003-0241, Kangirlvar Bay 7 CLIENTS: . ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (AVEC) ” J PROJECT: FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE LOCATION: . SECTION 17 TOOSN, ROSOW |/SEWARD MERIDIAN | WATEREODY-KANGRIVAR BAY [ore s/s PALE ree Lee SITE CROSS SECTIONS HORZ. 1"=100'-0" VERT. 1"=10'-0" PROVISIONAL PERMIT NOT VALID DO NOT BEGIN WORK This PROVISIONAL PERMIT is NOT VALID until: 1) You obtain: Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation xX a Coastal Zone Consistency determination concurrence from the. Division of Governmental Coordination 2) You sign and return the enclosed provisional permit with the State Section 401 Water Quality Certification and Coastal Zone Management concurrence and the appropriate permit fee as indicated below: $10.00 $100.00 xX No fee required Your check or money order should be made payable to FAO, USACE, Alaska District. 3) The Corps signs the permit and returns it to you. Your DA permit application file will be closed if the State denies your Section 401 Water Quality Certification and/or does not concur with your Coastal Zone Management consistency determination. DO NOT BEGIN WORK J A PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or object to the permit. Applicant: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative File Number: 4-2003-0241 Date: 05 May 2003 Attached is: x [INITIAL PROFFERED PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) See Section below PERMIT DENIAL APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION TFET De PERMIT (Standard Permit or Letter of permission) A B Cc D E ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. OBJECT: If you object to the permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may request that the permit be modified accordingly. You must complete Section II of this form and return the form to the district engineer. Your objections must be received by the district engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice, or you will forfeit your right to appeal the permit in the future. Upon receipt of your letter, the district engineer will evaluate your objections and may: (a) modify the permit to address all of your concerns, (b) modify the permit to address some of your objections, or (c) not modify the permit having determined that the permit should be issued as previously written. After evaluating your objections, the district engineer will send you a proffered permit for your reconsideration, as indicated in Section B below. B: PROFFERED PERMIT: You may accept or appeal the permit ACCEPT: If you received a Standard Permit, you may sign the permit document and return it to the district engineer for final authorization. If you received a Letter of Permission (LOP), you may accept the LOP and your work is authorized. Your signature on the Standard Permit or acceptance of the LOP means that you accept the permit in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the permit, including its terms and conditions, and approved jurisdictional determinations associated with the permit. APPEAL: If you choose to decline the proffered permit (Standard or LOP) because of certain terms and conditions therein, you may appeal the declined permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. C: PERMIT DENIAL: You may appeal the denial of a permit under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. D: APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You may accept or appeal the approved JD or provide new information. ACCEPT: You do not need to notify the Corps to accept an approved JD. Failure to notify the Corps within 60 days of the date of this notice, means that you accept the approved JD in its entirety, and waive all rights to appeal the approved JD. APPEAL: If you disagree with the approved JD, you may appeal the approved JD under the Corps of Engineers Administrative Appeal Process by completing Section II of this form and sending the form to the division engineer. This form must be received by the division engineer within 60 days of the date of this notice. E:. PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION: You do not need to respond to the Corps regarding the preliminary JD. The Preliminary JD is not appealable. If you wish, you may request an approved JD (which may be appealed), by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Also you may provide new information for further consideration by the Corps to reevaluate the JD. : 1 REASONS FOR APPEAL OR OBJECTIONS: (Describe your reasons for appealing the decision or your objections to an initial proffered permit in clear concise statements. You may attach additional information to this form to clarify where your reasons or objections are addressed in the administrative record.) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The appeal is limited to a review of the administrative record, the Corps memorandum for the ‘ecord of the appeal conference or meeting, and any supplemental information that the review officer has determined is needed to clarify the administrative record. Neither the appellant nor the Corps may add new information or analyses to the record. However, i arify the location of informa’ FORMATION If you only have questions regarding the appeal process you may also contact: questions regarding this decision and/or the appeal process you may contact: Commander ATTN: ET-C/Michael Lee USAED, Pacific Ocean Building 230 Fort Shafter, HI 96858-5440 Mary F. Leykom, Regulatory Specialist Alaska District Corps of Engineers CEPOA-CO-R-E/N/S PO BOX 6898 Elmendorf AFB, AK 99506-6898 (907) 753-2712 (800) 478-2712 (toll free in AK) RIGHT OF ENTRY: Your signature below grants the right of entry to. Corps of Engineers personnel, and any government consultants, to conduct investigations of the project site during the course of the appeal process. You will be provided a 15-day notice of any site investigation, and will have the opportunity to participate in all site investigations. Date: Telephone number: —_— Signature of appellant or agent. Mail to: “ommander TIN: ET-C/Michael Lee SAED, Pacific Ocean Building 230 Fort Shafter, HI 96858-5440 Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC March 14, 2003 Ms. Mary Leykom Regulatory Specialist ATTN: CEPOA-CO-R-N U.S. Army Corp of Engineers PO Box 6898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506-6898 Subject: Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Revised Pad Drawings Dear Ms. Leykom: Please reference your recent conversations with Mr. Marchegiani concerning the Toksook Bay project. We have revised the drawings to illustrate the composite pad for AVEC and the Community, in accordance with your recommendations and have attached them for your use. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Eric Marchegiani of my staff at 277-6413. Again thanks for your time. — Sincerely, Percy‘Frisby Chief Executive Officer Attachments as stated cc: Brent Stonebraker, MacTec, w/ attachments | Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ attachments Cynthia Zuelow-Osborne, DGC, w/ attachments Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, w/ attachments Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, Inc., w/ attachments RECEIVED MAR 17 2008 P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 @ DL, SEE SECTION AA’ VW ON PAGE 2 \ A LATITUDE: 60° 31°51"N LONGITUDE: 165° 06’30°W LEGEND >— —~ CULVERT TANK FARM PAD: AREA = 118,100 SF (2.71 ACRE) FILL VOLUME = 25,900 CU YDS RELOCATED ROADS: AREA = 29,700 SF (0.68 ACRE) FILL VOLUME = 3,025 CU YDS CITY_OF TOKSOOK BA SHOWS GENERAL LAYOUT OF CITY ONLY NOT TO SCALE pe RD [WATEREODY:CNGRLIAR BA | ALASKA [bare 5150s PRAQE “~ SHEET: eee TE COMPACTED FILL CLIENTS: SITE CROSS SECTION HSK VALAGE ELECTC COOPERAINE HORZ. 1°=100'-Q" PROJECT: RECEIVEU Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC March 4, 2003 Ms. Mary Leykom Regulatory Specialist ATTN: CEPOA-CO-R-N U.S. Army Corp of Engineers PO Box 6898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506-6898 Subject: . City of Toksook Bay, LKSD & NYC — Bulk Fuel Storage Facilities General Permit 96-07 Dear Ms. Leykom: Arctic Pacific Enterprises is working on behalf of the Community of Toksook Bay to complete a bulk fuel facilities for the City of Toksook Bay, Lower Kuskokwim School District(LKSD), and the Nunakauik Yupik Corporation (NYC). In an effort to design and construct those facilities we are applying on behalf of the City of Toksook Bay for a permit as referenced above. Per the general permit requirements we are submitting the following information and attached design drawings: 1. Vicinity Map & legal Description: Please reference the design drawings for the vicinity map. The tank farm will be located at Sec. 17, TOO5N, RO9O0W, Seward Meridian (USGS Quad — Inunivak Island C-1). 2. Plan Views and Typical Cross-Sections: See Drawings 1 and 2 for the plan and-cross-section views. (Appendix A) of the tank farm and associated structures. - 3. Aerial Photographs: . , / See Appendix C for FAA 1996 aerial photo of the area. 4. Description of the Work: To construct a code compliant bulk fuel and dispensing facilities. These facilities will support Toksook Bay fuel needs. The project will consist of eleven bulk fuel tanks, two dispensing tanks, and space for a future tank. P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm March 4, 2003 General Permit 96-07 — 5. Project Purpose: © To construct a new bulk fuel facility to current codes and standards which would mitigate much of the present environmental, safety and shortage risks associated with the existing gasoline and diesel storage. The new facility would consolidate all of Toksook Bay’s bulk fuel storage and provide for code compliant dispensing facilities for both communities. 6. Dimensions of Fill Pads:- The following are approximate dimension for the respective pads. Please reference the drawings and cross sections to obtain more exact dimensions. The “H” depth of fill will vary across the pad due to the terrain so we have provided below an average value for this variable. Tank Farm and Dispensing Area: L = 215 ft, W = 158 ft, H = 10 ft. Roadway Area: _ L= 560. ft, W= 31ft.,H = 3-ft 7. Acreage and Amount of Fill: The area to be filled will be approximately 1.69 Acres and about 14,100 cubic yards of fill. 8. Volume and type of Material removed: There is no brush or trees to clear the area of. The geotechnical report indicates that there is approximately 1 to 2 feet of organics which should be removed. These organics will be scraped off of the site and a portion of the organics will be utilized to landscape the side slopes of the pad while the balance of the organics will be hauled back to the gravel pit for site reclamation. The amount of overburden is expected to be approximately 4,750 cubic yards. 9. Location of Overburden Disposal: A portion of the organics will be utilized to landscape the side slopes of the pad while the balance of the organics will be hauled back to the gravel pit for site reclamation. 10. Type of Fill Material, Location, and Source: The Alaska Department of Public Transportation (ADOT&PF) presently.has a contractor constructing a new runway in the community. The contractor is utilizing a gravel pit located approximately 1 mile from the project site. There are ample materials available to provide the necessary fill to construct the various pads and road segments around the tank farm. See Appendix B, which shows the fill material. Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm March 4, 2003 General Permit 96-07 . 11. Stabilization and restoration methods: ; The local gravel will be utilized as the base for the pads and road. This will establish a solid base that should be resistant to erosion. The stripped organics will be utilized to assist in stabilizing the side slopes and allow for re- vegetation. Any excess organics will be hauled back to the gravel pit for site reclamation. If necessary, culverts will be placed in the roadway to channel the flow of water away from the tank farm pads and the roadway Additionally, those areas that may be disturbed will be re-seeded and new grass will be established to allow for stabilization of those areas. 12. A Description of Alternative Locations & Justification of: Discharge / Removal of Materials from a Wet Lands: A number of different locations have been studied over the past four or five years. The conclusion of all that research, and coordination with the community has resulted in the presently selected site. The only materials which are expected to be removed from the Wet Lands, would be the overburden. | It will be handled as discussed above. We expect to discharge approximately 14,100 cubic yards into the area, which will allow for a code compliant bulk fuel facility to be constructed. Presently none of the fuel facilities are in compliance and there continues to be a problem with the transfer of fuels. This new facility will eliminate the poor conditions that presently exist at the expense of discharging fill into these wet lands. 13. A Plan to Avoid or Minimize Disturbance to Wet Lands & Any Plan for Re- Vegetation: We will minimize the size of the pads where possible. Where there are disturbances and around the sides of the pads will be landscaped with previously removed organics and we will re-seed the area to encourage the vegetation to grow back and stabilize the area. 14. Description of Existing Fuel Tank Farms in Community (Including number of tanks and capacities): #of | Capacity Entity Tanks (Gal) | \City of Toksook Bay 2|_ 18,500 Nunakauiak Yupik Corporation(NYC) 16 142,600) Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD) | | Elementary School Het 8| 53,400 High School 7|__ 35,900 Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC)| 11} 102,300) Total Existing number of Tanks Total Existing Capacity — 352,700 Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm March 4, 2003 General Permit 96-07 If you have any further questions please feel free to contact Mr. Eric Marchegiani at 277-6427. We look forward to your issuance of the subject permit. Thanks ahead of time for your work. Sincerely, t Yt Percy‘ Frisby Chief Executive Officer Attachments as Stated Cc: Cynthia Zuelow, Division of Governmental Coordination, w/ Attachments Brent Stonebraker, MacTec, w/ Attachments Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachments Marie Becker, AVEC, w/ Attachments Bruce Hicks, CE2 Engineers, w/ Attachments Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, w/o Attachments Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, w/o Attachments Appendix A Plan & Section Drawings C ON LATITUDE: 60° 31'51'N. \\ \\ LONGITUDE: 165° 06'30°W \ \ \ SEE SECTION A-A | \. \\. ON PAGE 2 LEGEND 2 ESSE FILL AREA DEPTH VARIES \ A [~~ \ \ es \ \ \ oN \ \ ™~N SEE SECTION B- ON PAGE 2 Ss APPROXIMATE FILL AREAS/VOLUME! TANK FARM PAD: , AREA = 57,200 SF (1.31 ACRE) FILL VOLUME = 12,250 CU YDS ATED Ri : AREA = 16,800 SF (0.38 ACRE) FILL VOLUME = 1,850 CU YDS R CLIENTS: CITY OF TOKSOOK BAY LOWER KUSKOKWIM SCHOOL DISTRICT (LKSD) NUNAKAULAK YUPIK CORP. (NYC) PROJECT: FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE LOCATION: SECTION 17 TOOSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY DATE: 2/26/03 SHEET: 1 OF 2 PROJECT LOCATIO! CITY_OF TOKSOOK BAY SHOWS GENERAL LAYOUT OF CITY ONLY NOT TO SCAE | 26.00- 24.00- 2.5:1 MAX SLOPE COMPACTED FILL GRAI : ~ cece cetera tee eeeeee (E) GRADE ccc lec cece ee DPe ese e cc ceeeeeeeeeees 24.00 COMPACTED FILL 1° MAX ‘SLOPE Moo fe: RELOCATED ROAD. . 30 gq MATCH (E) CLIENTS: CITY OF TOKSOOK BAY SITE CROSS SECTIONS LOWER KUSKOKWIM SCHOOL DISTRICT (LKSD) HORZ. 1"=100'-0" : NUNAKAUIAK YUPIK CORP. (NYC) VERT. 1"=10'-0" ——] PROJECT: . : ‘ FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE LOCATION: SECTION 17 TOOSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY DATE: 2/26/03 SHEET: . 20F 2 Appendix B Photos of Fill Materials Over view of material used for road. Note the proposed pad is to be placed approximately where blue connex is located in the left portion of picture. Appendix C FAA Aerial Photo of Toksook Bay : min its ne Dafe es Mee Faded ha ear Runway porist standard | ba ect Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC March 3, 2003 Ms. Mary Leykom Regulatory Specialist ATTN: CEPOA-CO-R-N U.S. Army Corp of Engineers PO Box 6898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506-6898 Subject: AVEC — Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm General Permit 96-07 Dear Ms. Leykom: Arctic Pacific Enterprises is working on behalf of the AVEC in the Community of Toksook Bay to complete a bulk fuel facility for their power plant. In an effort to design and construct those facilities we are applying on behalf of AVEC for a permit as referenced above. Per the general permit requirements we are submitting the following information and attached design drawings: 1. Vicinity Map & Legal Description: Please reference the design drawings for the vicinity map. The tank farm will be located at Sec. 17, TOO5N, ROQOW, Seward Meridian (USGS Quad — Inunivak Island C-1). 2. Plan Views and Typical Cross-Sections: See Drawings 1 and 2 for the plan and cross-section views (Appendix A) of the tank farm and associated structures. 3. Aerial Photographs: See Appendix C for FAA 1996 aerial photo of the area. 4. Description of the Work: To construct a code compliant bulk fuel. These facilities will support AVEC’s fuel needs. The project will consist of twelve bulk fuel tanks and provisions for two additional tanks in the future. P.O, Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 AVEC — Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm March 3, 2003 General Permit 96-07 : 5. Project Purpose: To construct:a new bulk fuel facility to current codes and standards which would mitigate much of the present environmental, safety and shortage risks associated with the existing diesel storage. The new facility would consolidate all bulk fuel storage in one central location and provide for code compliant for the electrical generating plant. 6. Dimensions of Fill Pads: The following are approximate dimension for the respective pads. Please reference the-drawings and cross sections to obtain more exact dimensions. The “H” depth of fill will vary across the pad due to the terrain so we have provided below an average value for this variable. Tank Farm Area: L = 280 ft, W = 137 ft, H = 9 ft. Roadway Area: L = 430 ft, W= 31 ft, H=3 ft 7. Acreage and Amount of Fill: The area to be filled will be approximately 1.70 Acres and about 14,825 cubic yards of fill is proposed to be place to form the pad and roadways. 8. Volume and type of Material removed: There is no brush or trees to clear the area of. The geotechnical report indicates that there is approximately 1 to 2 feet of organics which should be removed. These organics will be scraped off of the site and a portion of the organics will be utilized to landscape the side slopes of the pad and road areas while the balance of the organics will be hauled back to the gravel pit for site reclamation. The amount of overburden is expected to be approximately 4,750 cubic yards. 9. Location of Overburden Disposal: A portion of the organics will be utilized to landscape the side slopes of the pad while the balance of the organics will be hauled back to the gravel pit for site reclamation. 10. Type of Fill Material, Location, and Source: The Alaska Department of Public Transportation (ADOT&PF) presently has a contractor constructing a new runway in the community. The contractor is utilizing a gravel pit located approximately 1 mile from the project site. There are ample materials available to provide the necessary fill to construct the various pads and road segments around the tank farm. See Appendix B, which shows the fill material. AVEC - Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm March 3, 2003 General Permit 96-07 11. Stabilization and restoration methods: The local gravel will be utilized as the base for the pads and road. This will establish a solid base that should be resistant to erosion. The stripped organics will be utilized to assist in stabilizing the side slopes and allow for re- vegetation. Any excess organics will be hauled back to the gravel pit for site reclamation. If necessary, culverts will be placed in the roadway to channel the flow of water away from the tank farm pads and the roadway Additionally, those areas that may be disturbed will be re-seeded and new grass will be established to allow for stabilization of those areas. 42. A Description of Alternative Locations & Justification of Discharge / Removal of Materials from a Wet Lands: A number of different locations have been studied over the past four or five years. The conclusion of all that research and coordination with the community resulted in the presently selected site. The only materials which are expected to be removed from the Wet Lands would be the overburden. It will be handled as discussed above. We expect to discharge approximately 14,825 cubic yards into the area, which will allow for a code compliant bulk fuel facility to be constructed. Presently none of the fuel facilities are in strict compliance and there continues to be a problem with the transfer of fuels. This new facility will eliminate the poor conditions that presently exist at the expense of discharging fill into these wet lands. 13. A Plan to Avoid or Minimize Disturbance to Wet Lands & Any Plan for Re- Vegetation: : We will minimize the size of the pads where possible. Where there are disturbances and around the sides of the pads will be landscaped with previously removed organics and we will re-seed the area to encourage the vegetation to grow back and stabilize the area. 14. Description of Existing Fuel Tank Farms in Community (Including number of tanks and capacities): #of | Capacity Entity Tanks _| (Gal) City of Toksook Bay _| 2|_ 18,500) Nunakauiak Yupik Corporation(NYC) 16| 142,600) Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD) Elementary School . | 8|__ 53,400) High School 7|___ 35,900) Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) 11] 102,300 Total Existing number of Tanks 44) Total Existing Capacity 352,700) AVEC — Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm March 3, 2003 General Permit 96-07 i If you have any further questions please feel free to contact Mr. Eric Marchegiani at 277-6427. We look forward to your issuance of the subject permit. Thanks ahead of time for your work. Sincerel \ Percy Frisby Chief Executive Officer Attachments as Stated cc: Cynthia Zuelow, Division of Governmental Coordination, w/ Attachments Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachments © Marie Becker, AVEC, w/ Attachments Brent Stonebraker, MacTec, w/ Attachments Bruce Hicks, CE2 Engineers, w/ Attachments Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, w/o Attachments Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, w/o Attachments Appendix A Plan & Section Drawings SEE SECTION A— ON PAGE 2 LATITUDE: 60° -31’51"N LONGITUDE: 165° 06'30"W LEGEND >——~ CULVERT 5 SO S (SREB FILL AREA DEPTH VARIES / ] . NJ N _/ / ~ ~ /\ SEE SECTION B-B ~N Ly \ ( Fe ON PAGE 2 a \. \ / = ——— \ \ 7 = ~N os ——— se eo_ \ \ ™~ ~— ~ wos A ~ ~~ Ne \ +N o/ \ APPROXIMATE FILL_AR Ye \ TANK _FARM_PAD: NL \ AREA = 60,900 SF (1.40 ACRE) \ ~ \ FILL VOLUME = 13,650 CU YDS RELOCATED ROADS: Ne —y AREA = 12,900 SF (0.30 ACRE) \ PLAN VIEW FILL VOLUME = 1,175 CU YOS ‘00 soa 7 CLIENTS: ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (AVEC ) : PROJECT: FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE LOCATION: SECTION 17 TOOSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY DATE: 2/26/03 2.5:1 MAX SLOPE 4.00: veveeeceeeeeeeeeteses\eeses COMPAGTED OL Tce ccf tetetsieieees 54.00 E) GRADE 3400 ceeeeeceeeveseeeree fF) cpmeeeeteecuseccgueceseuceeseses 34. MATCH (E) a ficeeeecee es * 32.00 CLIENTS: ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (AVEC) PROJECT: FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE SITE CROSS SECTIONS HORZ. 1"=100'-0" VERT. 1"=10'-0" LOCATION: SECTION 17 TOOSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY DATE: 2/26/03 SHEET: 2 OF 2 Appendix B Photos of Fill Materials Over view of material used for road. Note the proposed pad is to be placed approximately where blue connex is located in the left portion of picture. Appendix C FAA Aerial Photo of Toksook Bay GRATE OF ALASIGA, /nsnone ne RECEIVED DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OFFICE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND PERMITTING NOV 05 2003 ALASKA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM a SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE CENTRAL OFFICE 2 PIPELINE coorDINAToR's orFriceA V E C 550 W 7" AVENUE SUITE 1660 302 GOLD STREET, SUITE 202 411 WEST 4™ AVENUE, SUITE 2C ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 JUNEAU, ALASKA 99801 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 PH: (907) 269-7470 FAX: (907) 269-3891 PH: (907) 465-3562 FAX: (907) 465-3075 PH: (907) 2857-1351 FAX: (907) 272-3829 November 3, 2003 Mr. Eric Marchegiani, Project Development Engineer Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Incorporated Community Development and Key Accounts 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99505 SUBJECT: ACMP REVIEW NOT REQUIRED Tooksook Bay Wind Generation Units, Section 17, TOOSN, RO90W, Seward Meridian; COE # D-2003-0891. Dear Mr. Marchegiani: The Alaska Office of Project Management and Permitting, Alaska Coastal Management Program has reviewed the Coastal Project Questionnaire and other pertinent information regarding the above referenced project. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's (COE) has authorized activities included in your proposed project under Nationwide Permit (NWP) #12, Utility Line Activities The activities authorized under this NWP, as modified by the Regional Conditions, are consistent with the Alaska Coastal Management Program (ACMP). The COE has provided you with a copy of the NWP and the associated regional conditions. Your project does not require additional State review for consistency with the ACMP providing you comply with these conditions. Please note that you are not relieved from obtaining required permits and approvals from state, federal or local agencies, before you begin the proposed work. Nothing in this letter excuses you from compliance with other statutes, ordinances, or regulations that may affect any proposed work. This decision is only for the proposed project as described. If there are any changes to the proposed project, including its intended use, prior to or during its siting, construction, or operation, contact this office immediately to determine if further review and approval of the revised project is necessary. “Develop, Conserve, and Enhance Natural Resources for Present and Future Alaskans.” Thank you for your cooperation with the ACMP. Sincerely, hei f Cbennur- Cyrthia Zuelow-Osborne Project Review Assistant enc: Pagel1&2CPQ ce: Mr. John Oscar, Cenaliulriit Coastal District Mr. Stewart Seaberg, ADNR/OHMP Ms. Karlee Gaskill, ADNR/MLW Ms. Julie Raymond-Yakoubian, ADNR/MLW Mr. Tim Rumfelt, ADEC Mr. Jim Wolfe, US Army Corp of Engineers Regulatory Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement Please answer all questions. To avoid a delay in processing, please call the department if you answer "yes" to any of the questions related to that department. Maps and plan drawings must be included with your packet. An incomplete packet will be returned. @ APPLICANT INFORMATION 1. Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, Attn Percy Fris! by Name of Applicant Agent (or responsible party if other than applicant) 4841 Eagle Street 2702 Gambell S: Suite 101 Address Address Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 City/State Zip Code City/State State Zip Code Zip Code -561-1818 907-646-8801 Daytime Phone Daytime Phone 907-277-644 frisb i ific.com Fax Number E-mail Address Fax Number E-mail Address = PROJECT INFORMATION Yes No 1. This activity is a: Hi new project O modification or addition to an existing project If a modification, do you currently have any State, federal or local approvals related to this activity? .....sssssscsssessssssssssssssseesssssssssssssssssseeseseussseseessssssssunsssesesssussssnsssseseesssuasssnnsee oO oO Note: Approval means any form of authorization. If "yes," please list below: Approval Type Approval # Issuance Date Expiration Date 2. Ifa modification, has this project ever been reviewed by the State of Alaska under the ACMP?......... Oo oO Previous State I.D. Number: AK. Previous Project Name: = PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Provide a brief description of your entire project and ALL associated facilities and land use conversions. Attach additional sheet(s) as needed. (See attached Executive Summary of Project) Proposed starting date for project: September 1, 2003 Proposed ending date for project: November 2004 2. Attach the following: e a detailed description of the project, all associated facilities, and land use conversions, etc. (e specific, including access roads, caretaker facilities, waste disposal sites, etc.); © a project timeline for completion of all major activities in the proposal; ¢ a site plan depicting property boundary with all proposed actions; @ other supporting documentation that would facilitate review of the project. Note: If the project is a modification, identify existing facilities as well as proposed changes on the site plan. Revised 1/99 Page 1 @ PROJECT LOCATION 1. Attach a copy of the topographical and vicinity map clearly indicating the location of the project. Please include a map title and scale. (See attached drawings.) The project is located in which region (see attached map): O Northem O Southcentral O Southeast Q) within or associated with the Trans-Alaska Pipeline corridor Location of project (Include the name of the nearest land feature or body of water.) Kangirlvar Bay Township TOOSN Range _R090W_ Section _17 Meridian Seward Latitude/Longitude 60-31 N/165-06 W USGS Quad Map: C-1, Inunivak Island ; i Is the project located in a coastal district? -Yes Mi NoQO If yes, identify: (Coastal districts are_a municipality or borough, home rule or first class city, second class with planning, or coastal resource service area.) Note: A coastal district is a participant in the State's consistency review process. It is possible for the State review to be adjusted to accommodate a local permitting public hearing. Early interaction with the district is important; please contact the district representative listed on the attached contact list. l Identify the communities closest to your project location: Toksook Bay The project is on: 0 State land or water* ©) Federalland 1 Private land 4A Municipal land O Mental Health Trust land : *State land can be uplands, tidelands, or submerged lands to 3 miles offshore. See Question #1 in DNR section. Contact the applicable landowner(s) to obtain necessary authorizations. = DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (DEC) APPROVALS 1. Will a discharge of wastewater from industrial or commercial operations occur? .......... Will the discharge be connected to an already approved sewer system?.. Will the project include a stormwater collection/discharge system? mune Do you intend to construct, install, modify, or use any part of a wastewater (sewage or greywater) disposal system? ..............ssssesssecssssssesssessessuececsecsoees a) If so, will the discharge be 500 gallons per day or greater? .. b) Ifconstructing a domestic wastewater treatment or disposal system, system be located within fill material requiring a COE permit? ..0......ssssessscosssssssssssessssssssesscssssescesses Oo oo Sn If you answered yes to a) or b), answer the following: N/A 1) What is the distance from the bottom of the system to the top of the subsurface water table? 2) How far is any part of the wastewater disposal system from the nearest surface water? 3) Is the surrounding area inundated with water at any time of the year? ..........ssessssssescsssssssssesccsoneecece oO o 4) How big is the fill area to be used for the absorption system? (Questions 1 & 2 will be used by DEC to determine whether separation distances are being met; Questions 3 & 4 relate to the required size of the fill if wetlands are involved.) Do you expect to request a mixing zone for your proposed project? (If your wastewater discharge will exceed Alaska water quality standards, you may apply for a If so, please contact DEC to discuss information required under 18 AAC 70.032.) Revised 1/99 Page 2 . Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC July 29, 2003 RECE"’ED Ms. Cynthia Zuelow-Osbome , . Office of the Governor. JUL 3 0 2003 Division of Governmental Coordination AVEC 550 West 7" Avenue, Suite 1660 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: Toksook Bay Bulk — Wind Generation Project. : Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement Dear Ms. Zuelow-Osborne: We are working on behalf of Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) to assist them in completing their permitting requirements. As part of that process | am attaching a completed Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement. In addition, we have requested the Corps of Engineers (Letter dated .7/28/03) to complete a jurisdictional determination on the proposed wind generation site. | have copied you on our transmittal to Corp of Engineers. | We will be applying to the SHPO to determine if there are any know historic materials at the proposed site. © - : If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 646-8801, Again thanks for your time. a 4 Percy Frisby . Chief Executive Officer Attachment as stated cc: Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachment Brent Stonebraker, AVEC, w/ Attachment Marie Becker, AVEC, w/ Attachment cM Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, Inc., w/ Attachment = = fa Bt P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Soh sey caiat? Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 Please answer all questions. To avoid a delay in processing, please call the department if you answer "yes" to any of the questions related to that department. Maps and plan drawings must be included with your packet. An incomplete packet will be returned. = APPLICANT INFORMATION City/State Zip Code City/State State Zip Code Zip Code 907-561-1818 907-646-8801 Daytime Phone Daytime Phone 907-277-6443 frisb acific.com Fax Number E-mail Address Fax Number E-mail Address ™ PROJECT INFORMATION Yes No 1. This activity isa: Ml new project O modification or addition to an existing project If a modification, do you currently have any State, federal or local approvals . related to this ACtiVity?..........scssscssssssececsssssssesesssesssesesesessssesssessssesnesesesseeseaesessessacsssassssssesesessesesseeesecees o oOo Note: Approval means any form of authorization. If "yes," please list below: Approval Type Approval # Issuance Date Expiration Date 2. Ifa modification, has this project ever been reviewed by the State of Alaska under the ACMP?........... Oo Oo Previous State I.D. Number: AK Previous Project Name: m= PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Provide a brief description of your entire project and ALL associated facilities and land use conversions. Attach additional sheet(s) as needed. See attached Executive Summary of Project) Proposed starting date for project: September 1, 2003 Proposed ending date for project: November 2004 2. Attach the following: a detailed description of the project, all associated facilities, and land use conversions, etc. Revised 1/99 1. Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Name of Applicant 4841 Eagle Street Address Anchorage, Alaska 99503 2. Arctic Pacific Ent Attn Pi Frisb’ Agent (or responsible party if other than applicant) . 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Address Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (Be specific, including access roads, caretaker facilities, waste disposal sites, etc.); ¢ a project timeline for completion of all major activities in the proposal; ¢ a site plan depicting property boundary with all proposed actions; ¢ other supporting documentation that would facilitate review of the project. Note: If the project is a modification, identify existing facilities as well as proposed changes on the site plan. Page 1 & PROJECT LOCATION 1. = DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (DEC) APPROVALS 1. Witla discharge of wastewater from industrial or commercial operations occur? ...... Attach a copy of the topographical and vicinity map clearly indicating the location of the project. Please include a map title and scale. (See attached drawings.) The project is located in which region (see attached map): 01 Northern 0 Southcentral O Southeast O) within or associated with the Trans-Alaska Pipeline corridor Location of project (Include the name of the nearest land feature or body of water.) _Kangirlvar Bay Township TO0SN Range __R090W' Section _17 Meridian Seward Latitude/Longitude 60-31 N/165-06 W USGS Quad Map: C-1, Inunivak Island : Is the project located in a coastal district? Yes M NoO If yes, identify: (Coastal districts are a municipality or borough, home rule or first class city, second class with planning, or coastal resource service area.) Note: A coastal district is a participant in the State's consistency review process. It is possible for the State review to be adjusted to accommodate a local permitting public hearing. Early interaction with the district is important; please contact the district representative listed on the attached contact list. Identify the communities closest to your project location: Toksook Bay The project is on: C1] State land or water* [Federalland C1 Private land 4A Municipal land O Mental Health Trust land . *State land can be uplands, tidelands, or submerged lands to 3 miles offshore. See Question #1 in DNR section. Contact the applicable landowner(s) to obtain necessary authorizations. Will the discharge be connected to an already approved sewer system?... Will the project include a stormwater collection/discharge system? noo¢s maes Do you intend to construct, install, modify, or use any part of a wastewater (sewage or greywater) disposal system? Od a a) Ifso, will the discharge be 500 gallons per day or greater?.. Od a b) Ifconstructing a domestic wastewater treatment or disposal system, will the oO a system be located within fill material requiring a COE permit?....... If you answered yes to a) or b), answer the following: N/A 1) What is the distance from the bottom of the system to the top of the subsurface water table?_. 2) How far is any part of the wastewater disposal system from the nearest surface water? 3) Is the surrounding area inundated with water at any time Of the year? .........ssssssscsseesseessssneessesenseenes o Oo 4) How big is the fill area to be used for the absorption system? (Questions 1 & 2 will be used by DEC to determine whether separation distances are being met; Questions 3 & 4 relate to the required size of the fill if wetlands are involved.) Do you expect to request a mixing zone for your proposed project? (your wastewater discharge will exceed Alaska water quality standards, you may apply for a mixing If so, please contact DEC to discuss information required under 18 AAC 70.032.) . Revised 1/99 Page 2 Will your project result in the construction, operation, or closure of a facility for the disposal of SOlid Waste? .....-sssccsssesssnssssssssnsssssssssssesesesssnseeeessnssseenansereensnnnnannecepeeeeennnnaneenasansett Oo (Note: Solid waste means drilling wastes, household garbage, refuse, sludge, construction or demolition wastes, industrial solid waste, asbestos, and other discarded, abandoned, or unwanted solid or semi-solid material, whether or not subject to decomposition, originating from any source. Disposal means placement of solid waste on land.) Will your project result in the treatment of solid waste at the Site? .......sssssssssssssnsseessssssssssessensees Oo (Examples of treatment methods include, but are not limited to: incineration, open burning, baling, and composting.) Will your project result in the storage or transfer of solid waste at the Site? .........--.ssssssesssssseeens oO Will the project result in the storage of more than 50 tons of materials for reuse, recycling, or resource recovery? Will any sewage solids or biosolids be disposed of or land-applied to the site? .... (Sewage solids include wastes that have been removed from a wastewater treatment plant system, such as a septic tank, lagoon dredge, or wastewater treatment sludge that contain no free liquids. Biosolids are the solid, semi-solid, or liquid residues produced during the treatment of domestic septage in a treatment works which are land applied for beneficial use.) 5. Will your project require the application of oil, pesticides, and/or any other broadcast Chemicals? .......sssssessecosseccssssesssssessscsssessssseesssnsecssnsccanecesnsccasesescussecsenunecessensecsssneesssnecssse acanvsssansesssasesseases Oo 6. a) b) c) qd) e) f) g) h) 8. a) b) Revised 1/99 Will you have a facility with industrial processes that are designed to process no less than five tons per hour and needs air pollution controls to comply with State emission standards? Will you have stationary or transportable fuel burning equipment, including flares, with a total fuel consumption capacity no less than 50 million Btu/hour? .............-ssssssssssesseeeeeeeene Oo Will you have a facility with incinerators having a total charging capacity of no less than 1,000 pounds per hour? Will you have a facility with equipment or processes that are subject to Feder: ew Source Performance Standards or National Emission Standards for hazardous air pollutants? ......O i) Will you propose exhaust stack injection? ............ssssesssssssssssscecesssseceeeeeeseenecesneseesserenseessesseetes oO Will you have a facility with the potential to emit no less than 100 tons per year of any regulated air COMTAMINANE? .........cceescesecesceesecsseessneescseaesnsesesensensensenseesesenessasanaasens aessesennsesensanssensens Oo Will you have a facility with the potential to emit no less than 10 tons per year of any hazardous air contaminant or 25 tons per year of all hazardous air contaminants? ...........-sssssssesss+ Oo Will you construct or add stationary or transportable fuel burning equipment of no less than 10 million Btu/hour in the City of Unalaska or the City of St. Paull? ...........:.ccssessssssssssensensees Oo Will you construct or modify in the Port of Anchorage a volatile liquid storage tank with a volume no less than 9,000 barrels, or a volatile liquid loading rack with a design throughput no less than 15 million gallons?... Will you be requesting operational or physical igned to reduce emissions from _ an existing facility in an air quality nonattainment area to offset an emission increase from another new Of modified facility? ........sssecsessessseesnseneeeseeneeeneeeneeneesessnessesonsnesaesenesaneanecsneenennes oOo Will your project involve the operation of waterborne tank vessels or oil barges that carry crude or non-crude oil as bulk cargo, or the transfer of oil or other petroleum products to or from such a vessel or a pipeline system?...............+. Will your project require or include onshore or offshore oil facilities with an effective aggregate storage capacity of greater than 5,000 barrels of crude oil or greater than 10,000 barrels of non-crude Oil?.......sssssseeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeceeesnnnensnsnessssassnnnassssnnnnsnnennsets Oo Page 3 Yes No c) Will you be operating facilities on the land or water for the exploration or production of hydrocarbons?.... a If you answered "NO" to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered "YES" to ANY of these questions, contact the DEC office nearest you for information and application forms. Please be advised that all new DEC permits and approvals require a 30-day public notice period. DEC Pesticide permits take effect no sooner than 40 days after the permit is issued. Based on your discussion with DEC, please complete the following: Types of project approvals or permits needed Date application submitted NONE 9. Does your project qualify for a general permit for wastewater or SOlid WASte? ........ssssssessssessssenneeeecesnens Oo a Note: A general permit is an approval issued by DEC for certain types of routine activities. If you answered "YES" to any questions in this section and are not appl (EC contact) told me on Oo on this project because. lying for DEC permits, indicate reason: that no DEC approvals are required O Other: ™ DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME (DFG) APPROVALS 1. Will you be working in, removing water or material from, or placing anything in,:a stream, river or lake? (This includes work or activities below the ordinary high water mark or on ice, in the active flood plain, on islands, in or on the face of the banks, or, for streams entering or flowing through tidelands, above the level of mean lower low tide.) Note: If the proposed project is located within a special flood hazard area, a floodplain development permit may be required. Contact the affected city or borough planning department for additional information and a floodplain determination.) ......+..+++-++++ Oo a Name of waterbody: : 2. Will you do any of the following: .........sccssssesecsnsesssseesssessnsessneessssssssssssasecsansesssnnsecsnsecnnsssennecnnneseggsensssies o a Please indicate below: OD Build a dam, river training structure, other instream impoundment, or weir 0 Use the water O Pump water into or out of stream or lake (including dry channels) Cl Divert or alter the natural stream channel CO Change the water flow or the stream channel C1 Introduce silt, gravel, rock, petroleum products, debris, brush, trees, chemicals, or other organic/inorganic material, including waste of any type, into the water CO Alter, stabilize or restore the banks of a river, stream or lake (provide number of linear feet affected along the bank(s) O Mine, dig in, or remove material, including woody debris, from the beds or banks of a _waterbody CO Use explosives in or near a waterbody Revised 1/99 Page 4 O Build a bridge (including an ice bridge) 0 Use the stream, lake or waterbody as a road (even when frozen), or cross the stream with tracked or wheeled vehicles, log-dragging or excavation equipment (backhoes, bulldozers, etc.) O Install a culvert or other drainage structure O Construct, place, excavate, dispose or remove any material below the ordinary high water of a waterbody O Construct a storm water discharge or drain into the waterbody O Place pilings or anchors O Construct a dock O Construct a utility line crossing O Maintain or repair an existing structure 0 Use an instream in-water structure not mentioned here Revised 1/99 3. Is your project located in a designated State Game Refuge, Critical Habitat Area or State Game Sanctuary? .......cssssessssccssessessnessneesscenecssssssessnssssecenscsuscessecsuecenssnsesuesanesesssnssensnussanecsnecsnsenestae® Oo 4. Does your project include the construction/operation of a salmon hatchery? .......-.ssssssssssssssseeeeeenensssees Oo 5. Does your project affect, or is it related to, a previously permitted salmon hatchery? .........sssssssssseseesees Oo 6. Does your project include the construction of an aquatic farM?........ssssssesssssssssesesescecnnesessessessenssnsnsssess oO If you answered "No" to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered "Yes" to ANY questions under 1-3, contact the Regional or Area DFG Habitat and Restoration Division Office for information and application forms. If you answered "Yes" to ANY questions under 4-6, contact the DFG Commercial Fisheries Division headquarters for information and application forms. - Based on your discussion with DFG, please complete the following: Types of project approvals or permits needed Date application submitted NONE If you answered "YES" to any questions in this section and are not applying for DFG permits, indicate reason: oO : (FG contact) told me on that no DFG approvals are required on this project because. O Other: = DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR) APPROVALS 1, Is the proposed project on State-owned land or water or will you need to cross State-owned land for access? ("Access" includes temporary access for construction purposes. Note: Jn addition to State-owned uplands, the State owns almost all land below the ordinary high water line of navigable streams, rivers and lakes, and below the mean high tide line seaward for three miles.) ......+..++--++00 a) Is this project for a commercial activity? .. 2. Is the project on Alaska Mental Health Trust land (AMHT) or will you need to cross AMHT land? Note: Alaska Mental Health Trust land is not considered State land for the purpose of ACMP reviewS........s0ssseessssseesrseensresenes o 3. Do you plan to dredge or otherwise excavate/remove materials on State-owned land? ..........:.sssereeeeee o Location of dredging site if different than the project site: Township Range Section Meridian USGS Quad Map 4, Do you plan to place fill or dredged material on State-owned 1and?.........s.ssssssssccnsessenseernseessssneecennessees Oo Location of fill disposal site if other than the project site: : : Township Range Section Meridian USGS Quad Map Source is on: L) State Land [J FederalLand LC) PrivateLand C1 Municipal Land 5. Do you plan to use any of the following State-owned FeSOUFCES?.......ssseseeseeeseeeeeceessesesenessensesenenenes O Timber: Will you be harvesting timber? Amount: CO Materials such as rock, sand or gravel, peat, soil, overburden, €tC.2......s.s..vesssveresreresnerveenenseneereenenes Which material? : Amount: _ Location of source: 0 Project site [1 Other, describe: Township Range Section Meridian USGS Quad Map Page 5 ” 7. Will you be building or altering a dam (regardless of land ownership)?.. Yes No 6. Are you planning to divert, impound, withdraw, or use any fresh water, except from an existing public water system or roof rain catchment system (regardless of land ownership)? ........sssssssssssesessssees oO Amount (maximum daily, not average, in gallons per day): Source: Intended Use: If yes, will your project affect the availability of water to anyone holding water rights to that water? ...0] @ 8. Do you plan to drill a geothermal well (regardless of land ownership)? .........ss-sssssssssssseesessuseesssssnseesssses Oo a 9. At any one site (regardless of land ownership), do you plan to do any of the following?... O Mine five or more acres over a year's time © Mine 50,000 cubic yards or more of materials (rock, sand or gravel, soil, peat, overburden, etc.) over a year's time 0 Have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of five or more acres If yes to any of the above, contact DNR about a reclamation plan. If you plan to mine less than the acreage/amount stated above and have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of less than five acres, do you intend to file a voluntary reclamation plan for approval? .....O 10. Will you be exploring for or extracting COAI?.........ssssssssssessssseeeees .O 11. a) Will you be exploring for or producing oi] and gas? .....ssssscsssccsssesesnecsneesssesssneessesnuecsssneeessssnseessses oO b) Will you be conducting surface use activities on an oil and gas lease or within an oil and gas unit?0) 12. Will you be investigating, removing, or impacting historical or archaeological or paleontological resources (anything over 50 years old) on State-owned 1and?..........ssecssessssssssseesessseneeessessnecnccnneceneeaenee Oo 13. Is the proposed project located within a known geophysical hazard area?.. Note: 6 AAC 80.900(9) defines geophysical hazard areas as “those areas which present a threat geophysical or geological hazards, including flooding, tsunami run-up, storm surge run-up, landslides, snowslides, faults, ice hazards, erosion, and littoral beach process." "known geophysical hazard area" means any area identified in a report or map published by a federal, state, or local agency, or by a geological or engineering consulting firm, or generally known by local knowledge, as having known or potential hazards from geologic, seismic, or hydrologic processes. 14, Is the proposed project located in a unit of the Alaska State Park System?...........-ssssssssssssscsssesenseseneeenes Oo If you answered "No " to ALL questions in this section, continue to Federal Approvals section. If you answered "Yes" to ANY questions in this section, contact DNR for information. Based on your discussion with DNR, please complete the following: Types of project approvals or permits needed Date application submitted NONE If you answered "YES" to any questions in this section and are not applying for DNR permits, indicate reason: o : (NR contact) told me on that no DNR approvals are required on this project because. O Other: Revised 1/99 Page 6 ™ FEDERAL APPROVALS U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) 1. Will you be dredging or placing structures or fills in any of the following: tidal (ocean) waters? streams? lakes? wetlands*?.........sssesseeee If yes, have you applied for a COE permit?__Request for Juris ional Determination ............ ® Date of submittal: July 28, 2003 (Note: Your application for this activity to the COE also serves as application for DEC Water Quality Certification.) *If you are not certain whether your proposed project is in a wetlands (wetlands include muskegs), contact the COE, Regulatory Branch at (907) 753-2720 for a wetlands determination (outside the Anchorage area call toll free 1-800-478-2712). Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 2. Is the proposed project located on BLM land, or will you need to cross BLM land for access?............. oO If yes, have you applied for a BLM permit or APPTOVA? ......ssecsssessesssseeseensecsnecesentenseneecncsersssnessnsenees Oo Date of submittal: . U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) 3. a) Will you be constructing a bridge or causeway over tidal (ocean) waters, or navigable rivers, streams or lakes? . : b) Does your project involve building an access to an island?... c) Will you be siting, constructing, or operating a deepwater port?.. If yes, have you applied for a USCG permit? .......seccesecssseeneeeeees Date of submittal: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 4. a) Will the proposed project have a discharge to ay Waters?..........-s:ssssssssesssessseteeees b) Will you be disposing of sewage sludge (contact EPA at 206-553-1941)?....... 7 - Jf you answered yes to a) or b), have you applied for an EPA National Polk ge Elimination System (NPDES) permit? .........ssscsisssssesssscnssesssnessseessnesnessnnessnecencenecnssensennnseseanessnees Oo Date of submittal: : (Note: For information regarding the need for an NPDES permit, contact EPA at (800) 424-4372.) c) Will construction of your project expose 5 or more acres of soil? (This applies to the total amount of land disturbed, even if disturbance is distributed over more than one season, and also applies to areas that are part of a larger common plan of development or Sale.) ....sssseosssvssreesrnnseseesinsesnsonessnnnnesesenarsssnsngeengnentenneenaessstet Oo d) Is your project an industrial facility which will have stormwater discharge which is directly related to manufacturing, processing, or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant?............ Oo If you answered yes to c) or d), your project may require an NPDES Stormwater permit. Contact EPA at 206-553-8399. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 5. a) Is your project located within five miles of any public airport? b) Will you have a waste discharge that is likely to decay within 5,000 feet of any p' If yes, please contact the Airports Division of the FAA at (907) 271-5444. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 6. a) Does the project include any of the following: 1) anon-federal hydroelectric project on any navigable body of water... 2) a location on federal land (including transmission lines)............+ 3) utilization of surplus water from any federal government dam b) Does the project include construction and operation, or abandonment of natural gas pipeline facilities under sections (b) and (c) of the Federal Power Act (FPA)?........ odeszones Revised 1/99 Page 7 “ c) Does the project include construction for physical interconnection of electric transmission facilities under section 202 (b) of the FPA?.........s:sscsssssssssssssssnessssesseessasseseesesecseesscnscssssesesssaenenenessess oOo B If you answered yes to any questions under number 6, have you applied for a permit from Date of submittal: (Note: For information, contact FERC, Office of Hydropower Licensing (202) 219-2668; Office of Pipeline Regulation (202) 208-0700; Office of Electric Power Regulation (202) 208-1200.) U.S. Forest Service (USFS) 7. a) Does the proposed project involve construction on USFS land?.... a b) Does the proposed project involve the crossing of USFS land with a wa mB If the answer to either question is yes, have you applied for a USFS permit or approval? a Date of submittal: 8. Have you applied for any other federal permits or authorizations? .............+sssssssssessesssessesssnessssessenennneees a oO AGENCY APPROVAL TYPE DATE SUBMITTED US Fish & Wildlife Service Section 7 Consultation 7/29/03 Please be advised that the CPQ identifies permits subject to a consistency review. You may need additional permits from other agencies or the affected city and/or borough government to proceed with your activity. Certification Statement The information contained herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that the proposed activity complies with, and will be conducted in a manner consistent with, the Alaska Coastal Management Program. ; feed or Agent! D Percy Frisby, CEO, Artic Pacific Enterprises, LLC On Behalf of AVEC Note: Federal agencies conducting an activity that will affect the coastal zone are required to submit a federal consistency determination, per 15 CFR 930, Subpart.C, rather than this certification statement. DGC has developed a guide to assist federal agencies with this requirement. Contact DGC to obtain a copy. T-aq- 4005 This certification statement will not be complete until all required State and federal authorization requests have been submitted to the appropriate agencies. = To complete your packet, please attach your State permit applications and copies of your federal permit applications to this questionnaire. : : Revised 1/99 Page 8 Attachments 1. Project Summary 2. Drawings 3. Photos 4. AOC 15/50 Wind Turbine Generator - Information Revised 1/99 Page 9 PROJECT SUMMARY Toksook Bay is in a high value area with a class 7 wind regime for wind power generation. It is estimated that one Atlantic Orient Corporation(AOC) AOC 15/50 machine in Toksook Bay could produce approximately 200,000 kwh per year. Presently, the proposed project is evaluating the installation of four (4) and up to seven (7) machines in Toksook Bay, which relate to displacing diesel generation between 800,000 kwh and 1,400,000 kwh per year respectively. Based upon an anticipated diesel efficiency of approximately 13.5 kwh per gallon; the potential displacement is approximately 59,000 gallons for the four machine configuration and 103,700 gallons for the seven machine configuration. The towers would be approximately 80 feet high with three blades. The designation AOC 15/50 stands for the 15 meter diameter blades and the 50 kw output of the generating units. So at four units, the maximum output would be approximately 200 kw and at seven units the proposed development could potentially generate approximately 350 kw. Please reference the attached AOC1 5/50 Wind Turbine Generator Information for additional details on these units. , A short roadway would be constructed from the existing road (which runs to the City’s Land Fill) approximately 1,000 feet to the generating units. Each of the towers will be anchored via piling, which will be driven into the ground for the required foundations. The State of Alaska FY 2002 PCE report indicates the average cost of fuel used in Toksook Bay to be approximately $1.26 per gallon. Based upon that costs and the above savings in fuel used, it would relate to $74,340 (4 machines) or $130,660 (7 machines) in fuel savings per year. In addition, fuel costs have been increasing, consequently the potential could be even greater in future years. Besides the financial savings, it would also improve the air quality since the diesel generators ‘ would have decreased emissions to the atmosphere. : The wind turbines would offer a much needed source of renewable electrical energy to Toksook Bay and potentially to Tununak (assuming they are interconnected). It would also decrease their dependency upon diesel fuel, which is difficult and expensive to deliver. Now that wind turbines are available, which can withstand the harsh conditions of the arctic environments, they can be a cost-effective choice for isolated communities. Wind turbines in combination with diesel generation offer these two communities a way to reduce their dependence on diesel fuel and cut their electrical’'costs. Typically rural Alaskan community electrical costs can be many times the residential electrical cost for Anchorage or Fairbanks. Drawings o x Oo O e) x O Ee ORIGIN. ma xe Sheet 4 of *) mae . Us. SURVEY No. 5024, ALASKA TOKSOOK BAY TOWNSITE (4) aot vere rae) x MUNICIPAL RESERVE Reference shoul’ be made to Sheet No, 1 for survey information. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR May 21, 1975 ‘This plat Ls strictly conformable to the approved field notes, and the survey, having been correctly executed in accordance vith the requireseats of lav and the regula- tlons of this Bureau, is hereby accepted, ae For the Director onwkll, hig Chief, Division of Cadastral Survey @ BRASS CAPPED IRON POST © COPPERWELD MONUMENT © IRON ROD, ALUMINUM CAP Photographs Proposed wind generator location. Approximate location and quantity shown. Future tank farm and power plant location. ' Photo #2 Wind site topography Photo #3 Wind site topography AOC 15/50 Wind Turbine Generator Information 7 ~ AOC 15/50 WIND TURBINE GENERATOR ATLANTIC ORIENT - CORPORATION Wind Emerg lgctheres Forts Woe ted Photo Courtesy of KEA Customer Information Packet . PO BOX 1097 Farrell Farm Road Norwich Vermont Tele-1.802.649.5446 Fax- 1.802.649.5404 aoc@vermontel.net www.aocwind.net ~ ‘Rotor Diameter Centerline Hub Height Rated Blectrical Power Wind Speed eatin shut-down (high wind) peak (survival) * Calculated Annual Output @ 100 % availability ‘Type of Hub Rotor Diameter Swept Area ‘Number of Blades Rotor Solidity Rotor Speed @ rated wind speed Location Relative to Towex Cone Angie Tit Angie Rotor Tip Speed Design Tip Speed Airfoil (type) ‘Twist Chord Taper Ratio Speed RPM (néminal) Grid Connected Horizontal Axis 15m (492 8) 25 m (82 ft) ‘50 kW @12.0 mvs (26.8 mph) @nub height 25 m (82 f) 4:6 m/s (10.2 mph) 22.4 m/s( 50 mph) 59.5 m/s (133 mph) S.4m/s (12 mph) 85,000 kWh 6.7 m/s (15 mph) 145,000 kWh 8.0 m/s (18 mph) 199,000 kWh Fixed Pitch 15m (49.2 f) 177m *(1902 fF) 3 0.077 Qrpm Downwind -e vr 48.6 m/s (109 mph) @ 50 Hz 61 72m@3.78) Wood/epaxy laminate or Epoxy/giass fibre ‘7° outer blade 457mm (18in)@ 4% 279 mm (1lin) 749 mim (29.5 in) @ 39% 2925 mm (115 in) 406 mm (16 i) @ 100 % 7500 mam (295 i) 22:1 Electro-magnetic tip brake Embedded female bolt receptors 150 kg (330 lbs) approximate . 3 phase/4 pole asynchronois _ 25°C 50 Hz 400, 3 phase @ 50 Hz (3B0V,415V also avail) 50 kW 556 1500@50Bz ‘Ungrounded WYE Class F Totally Enclosed Air Over (TEAO) 365 TC ' Direct mount to transmission * Arctic low temp. shafting (-40°c) Planetary 1 to 24.57 (50 Hz) 88 Synthetic gear cil/non toxic Acctic version, electric ‘Yaw bearing mounted on tower top casting ‘Twist Cable Galvanized 3 legged, bolted lattice , self-supporting 24.4 m (80 ft) j 30.5 m (100), ‘Tit down 24.4 m (80 ft) Concrete or special Certified ASTMA-A-193-Grade B7 Serial link to central computer for energy monitor and maintenance dispatch (optional NEMA 1, NEMA 4 (optional) Soft Start Optional ‘Normal Start up Aerodynamic, electrical boost ifnecessary deploys tip brakes. Parking brake brings rotor to standstill. Back-up Overspeed Control: Centrifugally activated tip brakes deploy BRAKE SYSTEM CONTROL - Fail-safe brakes ammomatically deploy when grid faitare occurs. Tower 3,210 kgs (7,080 Ibs) ‘Rotor & Drivetrain 2,420 kgs (5,340 Ibs) ‘Weight on Foundation 5,630 kgs (12,420 Ibs) DESIGNLIFE: 30 Years ’ DESIGN STANDARDS: Applicable Standards, AWEA, EIA and IEC NOTE }:Atlantié Orient Corporation and its affiliates are constantly working to improve their products, therefore, product specifications are subject to ; : ; NOTE 2: Power curves show typical power available at the controller based on a combination of measured and calculated data Annual energy is calculated using power curvet and a Rayleigh wind spéed distribution. Energy production may be greater or lesser dependent upon actual wind altitude, temperature, topography and fhe proximity to other structures NOTE 3: For design options to accommodate severe climates or unusual circumstances please contact the corporate office in Norwich, Vermont USA NOTE 4: For integration into high penetration wind-diesel ‘systems and village electrification schemes cantact the corporate office in Norwich, VT USA for technical support and systems design. REV. September 2s™, .2000 NOTICE: All content subject to notes and disclaimers specified on page 1 of this manual. . te “STATE OF ALASHA |-—— DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES OFFICE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT & PERMITTING ALASKA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Q_sPIPELINE COORDINATOR’S OFFICE M SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE GQ CENTRAL OFFICE 530 W. 7™ AVENUE, SUITE 1660 P.O. BOX 110030 4)1 WEST 4™ AVENUE, 2c ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 JUNEAU, ALASKA 99811-0030 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501-2343 PH: (907) 269-7470 / FAX: (907) 269-3981 PH: (907) 465-3562 / FAX: (907) 465-3075 PH: (907) 257-1351 / FAX: (907) 272-3829 June 12, 2003 Eric Marchegiani ~ . : Alaska Pacific Enterprises, LLC RECEIVED JuN|1 § 200 2702 Gambell St., Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ’ Dear Mr. Marchegiani: SUBJECT: KANGIRLVAR BAY 7 STATE ID NO. AK 0304-08AA Final Consistency Response Dear Mr. Marchegiani: The Office of Project Management & Permitting (OPMP) has completed coordinating the State’s review of your proposed project for consistency with the Alaska Coastal Management Progam (ACMP). OPMP has developed the attached final consistency response based on reviewers comments. Based on an evaluation of your project by the Alaska Departments of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Game, and Natural Resources and the Cenaliuriit Coastal District, State concurs with your certification that the project is consistent with the ACMP and aff coastal district’s enforceable policies. This is the final decision for your project. This consistency response is only for the project as described. If you propose any changes to the approved project, including its intended use, prior to or during its siting, construction, or operation, you must contact this office immediately to determine if further review and approval of the revised project is necessary. By copy of this letter, I am informing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of OPMP’s final finding. If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact me at 907-269-7476 or empil don_perrin@dnr.state.ak.us. aL) a on Perrin Project Review Coordinator Distribution List: Julie Raymond-Y akoubian, DNR/SHPO, Anchorage Karlee Gaskill, ACMP Liaison, DNR/DOL, Anchorage Linda Markham, ADOT/PF, Anchorage . Ed Weiss, DFG, Anchorage Tim Rumfelt, DEC, Anchorage John Oscar, Coastal Management Coordinator, Cenaliulriit CRSA, Mekoryuk Mary Leykom, COE FINaL CONSISTENCY RESPONSE . PAGE2 ALASKA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM FINAL CONSISTENCY RESPONSE CONCURRENCE ~ DATE ISSUED: JUNE 12, 2003 PROJECT TITLE: KANGIRLVAR BAY 7 STATE Ip. No.: AK 0304-08AA AFFECTED COASTAL RESOURCE DISTRICT: Cenaliuriit PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF THE PROJECT SUBJECT TO REVIEW: The project subject to this consistency review is a consolidated bulk fuel tank farm and dispensing facility. ’ facility would house bulk fuel tanks, in a code compliant storage facility, for the City, A , the Lower Kuskokwim School District and Nunakauiak Yupik Corporation. The project woul require the placement of 28,925 cubic yards of foundation fill material into 3.39 acres of wetland to construct the tankfarm pad and new road. CONSISTENCY STATEMENT: The State of Alaska proposes to concur with the consistency certification submitted by Percy Frisby, CEQ, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC far the City: bf : Toksook Bay and Alaska Village Electric Cooperative. AUTHORIZATIONS: The project must be found consistent with the ACMP before the following State and Federal authorizations may be issued: ! U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit No. 4-2003-0241 The Department of Environmental Conservation advised OPMP on March 26, 2003 that th intend to waive the Certification of Reasonable Assurance under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for this project. Agencies will issue permits and authorizations only if they find the proposed project compljes with their statutes and regulations in addition to being consistent with the coastal program. agency permit or authorization may be denied even though the State concurs with the A\ Authorities outside the ACMP may result in additional permit/lease conditions. If a requi set out in the project description (per 6AAC 50.265) is more or less restrictive than a simil. requirement in a resource agency authorization, the applicant shall comply with the more restrictive requirement. Applicants may not use any State land or water without DNR " authorization. FINAL CONSISTENCY RESPONSE PAGE3 APPEAL: This final consistency response is a final administrative order and decision under the ACMP and for purposes of Alaska Appellate Rules 601-612. Any appeal from this decisio: ‘to the superior court of Alaska must be made within thirty (30) days of the date this det is issued. ENFORCEMENT: Pursuant to 6 AAC 50.485(e), if after receiving this final consistency response, the applicant undertakes a project modification not incorporated into the final determination and not.reviewed under 6 AAC 50.800-6 AAC 50.820, State resource agency may take enforc action according to the resource agency’s statutory and regulatory authorities, Priorities, available resources, and preferred:methods. ADVISORIES: The proposed barge landings will be taking place on state-owned tidelands. Applicant is that its proposed barge landing site is located on or near a barge landing site for which the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOTPF) holds a permit. Applicant is advised to contact DOTPF to coordinate any use of the area. Please be advised that although the State concurs with your certification that the project is consistent with the ACMP, you are still required to meet all applicable State and federal | regulations. Your consistency finding may include reference to specific laws and regulatio: but this in no way precludes your responsibility to comply with other applicable laws and |’ regulations. If the proposed activities reveal cultural or paleontological resources, please stop any work bs would disturb such resources and immediately contact the State Historic Preservation Offic} per (907-269-8720) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (907-753-2712) so that consultati section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act may proceed. Final Consistency Determination Prepared By: Don Perrin Project Review Coordinator ~ 550 W. 7* Ave., Suite 1660 Anchorage, AK 99501 i (907) 269-747 We June 12, 2003 FINAL CONSISTENCY RESPONSE PAGE 4 ACMP CONSISTENCY EVALUATION Pursuant to the following evaluation, the project as proposed is consistent with applicable ACMP statewide and affected coastal resource district enforceable policies (copies of the policies available on the DGC web site at http:/Avww.alaskacoast.state.ak.us). STATEWIDE ENFORCEABLEPOLICIES ~ es Evaluation: The project is water-related due to the link between the tank farm/dispensing facility and the barge landings, there is significant public need, and the project meets the standards contained in Parts 320-323, Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations. 6 AAC 80.050, Geophysical Hazard Areas eet Evaluation: The Cenaliuriit coastal district has not identified the project location as being in geophysical hazard area. In, addition, the facility would be designed and constructed jin accordance with the International Fire Code with secondary containment provided via a liner and dike to minimize environmental and property damage, and protect against lpss of life in the event of a geophysical hazard occurrence. po 6 AAC 80.060. Recreation Evaluation: The project is not located in a designated recreation area. 6 AAC 80.070. Energy Facilities Evaluation: NA | 6 AAC 80.080. Transportation & Utilities Evaluation: NA Hee 6 AAC 80.090. Fish & Seafood Processin: Evaluation: NA 6 AAC 80.100. Timber Harvest & Processing Evaluation; NA 6 AAC 80.110, Mining & Mineral Processing Evaluation: NA 6 AAC 80.120. Subsistence Evaluation: The project is not located in a designated subsistence area. 6 AAC 80.130. Habitats Evaluation: The project does not conform to (b) or (c)(3), however, the project meets the 3 part test provided in (d): (1)There is a significant public need as described in the proje description, (2) there is no feasible and prudent alternative, and (3), the project would maximize conformance with the Habitats standard through the following methods: Organic material would be stripped from areas to be filled, preserved, and used to reyegetate the project side slopes. Other disturbed areas would be seeded. 6 AAC 80.140. Air, Land & Water Quali Evaluation: This facility would house bulk fuel tanks, in a code compliant storage facility. _| FINAL CONSISTENCY RESPONSE PAGES The purpose of the proposed project is to locate all bulk fuel tanks in one code comp! facility and to provide a safe and clean dispensing system. The facility would be design and constructed in accordance with the International Fire Code with secondary containment provided via a liner and dike. 6 AAC 80.150. Historic, Prehistoric, and Archaeological Resources Evaluation: No historic, prehistoric, or archaeological resource issues have been identified th this review and if the proposed activities reveal cultural or paleontological resources, ¥ would be stopped that would disturb such resources and the applicant and/or their agents would immediately contact the State Historic Preservation Office (907-269-8720) and th U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (907-753-2712) so that consultation per section 106 of National Historic Preservation Act may proceed. FFECTED-COASTAL RESOURCE I DISTRICT ENFORCEABLE POLICIES — The Cenaliuriit coastal district did not provide any comments or concerns regarding th FINAL CONSISTENCY RESPONSE PAGE 6 “STATE OF ALASHA /resymmn DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES GOVERNOR OFFICE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT/PERMITTING ALASKA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MSOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL OFFICE ; OCENTRAL OFFICE O PIPELINE COORDINATORS OFFICE 550 W. 7™ AVENUE, SUITE 1660 P.O. BOX 110030 411 WEST 4™ AVENUE, SUITE 2C ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 JUNEAU, ALASKA 99811-0030 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501-2343 PH: (907) 465-3562 / FAX: (907) 465-3075 PH: (907) 257-1351 / FAX: (907) 272-3829 PH: (907) 269-7470 /FAX: (907) 269-3981 www.alaskacoast. state. ak.us April 24, 2003 Eric Marchegiani . -Alaska Pacific Enterprises, LLC ‘2702 Gambell St., Suite 101 _ Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Marchegiani: SUBJECT: KANGIRLVARBAY7 . . STATE ID NO. AK 0304-08AA START OF ACMP REVIEW Fhe Office of Project Management and Permitting (OPMP) recéivéd the Coastal ‘Project Quéstionnaire and consistency ‘certification, applications, and supporting information you a submitted ‘for thé City of. Toksook Bay and Alaska Village Electric Cooperative’s (AVEC) proposed project. ‘OPMP is coordinating a:review for consistency with the Alaska Coastal -° - Management Program (ACMP) (AS 46.40). This letter initiates the State of Alaska review of ° this proposed project under the schedule and process described in State regulations (6 AAC 50) and includes a summary of the scope of the project and the review process. ; Project Description/Scope of Project to be Reviewed. The project subject to this consistency review is a consolidated bulk fuel tank farm and dispensing facility.’ This facility would house bulk fuel tanks, in a code compliant storage facility, for the City, AVEC, the Lower Kuskokwim School District and Nunakauiak Yupik ~ Corporation. The project would require the placement of 28,925 cubic yards of foundation fill material into 3.39 acres of wetland to construct the tankfarm pad and new road. The location is Toksook Bay, Alaska, Section 17, T. 5 N., R. 90 W., Seward Meridian Project Purpose/Additional Information Bulk fuel storage tanks in Toksook Bay are in separate locations, not in compliance with.current codes and standards,.and problems exist‘with fuel transfer activities. The purpose of the proposed project itd lodaté.all bulk fill tanks in oné.codé cortipliant facility and to provide a safe’and cléary dispérising System: The facility Would'be désignéd and construétéd in wécordance with the Initernational’Firé-Code:with secondary containment provided Via’ 4 litter atid dike. The current design would accommodate an additional three-bulk fuel tanks for future needs. The material site 7 . KANGILRVAR BAY 7 _ . Page2 _ April 24, 2003. AK 0304-08AA . : ; is a pit currently being used for airport runway construction (Corps permit No. R-1996-0S00). Waste a not used elsewhere on the project would be used to reclamate the material site. Asa result of early project plaming, the applicant has jrccepcrated into the proposed project the following mitigation efforts to reduce impacts to the aquatic environment: Organic material : would be stripped from areas to be filled, preserved, and used to revegetate the project side slopes. Other disturbed areas would be seeded. : ; Review Process I distributed the packet of information you submitted to the following review participants: Alaska Departments of Environmental Conservation, Fish and Game, and Natural Resources, and the Cenaliuriit Coastal District. A notice posted on April 24, 2003 on the OPMP ACMP website (www..alaskacoast:state:ak.us) and at the Toksook Bay City Office informed the public of the proposed project. The US Army Corps of Engineers also issued a public notice for this project on March 20,.2003. A copy of this review packet i is available for public inspection and copying at Toksook Bay City Office. Authorizations The project must be found consistent with the ACMP before the following State and Federal authorizations may be issued: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers . Section 404 Permit No. 4-2003-0241 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Water Quality Certification (401) WAIVED State agencies shall issue peas within five days after OPMP issues the final consistency response that concurs with the applicant’s consistency certification, unless the resource agency considers additional time to be DECeSSETY to fulfill its statutory or regulatory authority. Please note that, in addition to their consistency review, State agencies with pemmnitting _ responsibilities will evaluate this proposed project according to their specific permitting authorities. Agencies will issue permits and authorizations only if they find the proposed project complies with their statutes and regulations in addition to being consistent with the coastal program. Applicants may not use any State land or water without DNR authorization. Review Schedule | OPMP is coordinating the consistency review of this project under a 50-day review schedule. Review deadlines are listed below and on the enclosed project data sheet. Request for additional information: 5/18/2003 Comment deadline: 5/23/2003 Proposed consistency response: 6/6/2003 Final consistency response: 6/12/2003 KANGILRVAR BAY 7 Page 3 April 24, 2003 AK 0304-08AA State review participants will evaluate this proposed project for consistency with the enforceable policies of the ACMP that include statewide standards in 6 AAC 80, and enforceable policies of the MOA Coastal District Program. The public may also submit comments regarding the consistency of the project with the ACMP. OPMP will give careful consideration to all comments. The proposed consistency response. will notify you of the State’s concurrence with or objection to your certification. If the State objects, _ the consistency response may include alternative measures required to make the proposed project consistent with the ACMP. You may choose to adopt the alternative measures, or propose other modifications that would achieve consistency for the State to consider. . Elevation NF ’ Unless this review schedule is modified under 6 AAC 50.280, OPMP will issue a proposed response to your consistency certification on or before May'6, 2003. If you do not concur with the proposed consistency:response, OPMP must receive a request for elevation of the proposed response to state resource agency directors or commissioners within five days of receiving the proposed consistency response. You, State resource agencies, and the MOA coastal resource district have elevation rights. By a copy of this letter I am informing the State and Federal agencies that the State has begun its consistency review. ~ I a | We encourage you to visit OPMP’s ACMP web site for more information about the ACMP. The ‘web site contains the State’s consistency review regulations 6 AAC 50, the public notice for this project, and other information. Please contact me-at 269-7476, or email don_perrin@dnr.state.ak.us if you have any questions. Sincerely, nA Dob Don Perrin - Project Review Coordinator Enclosure: PIS and Backup Material Julie Raymond-Yakoubian, DNR/SHPO, Anchorage Karlee Gaskill, ACMP Liaison, DNR/DOL, Anchorage .Linda Markham, ADOT/PF, Anchorage * Ed Weiss, DFG, Anchorage Tim Rumfelt, DEC, Anchorage ' John Oscar, Coastal alll Coordinator, Cenalintriit CRSA, Mekoryuk Enclosure: PIS (Backup Material on Request) Mary Leykom, COE June McAtee, Calista Corporation, Land and Natural Resources, Anchorage ot « - STATE OF ALASKA oe DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL OFFICE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND PERMITTING §SQUTHCENTRAL OFFICE ALASKA COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Consistency Review Unit 550 West 7th Ave., Suite 1660 Anchorage, AK 99501 Contacts Phone Fax Email DGC Don Perrin (907) 269-7476 _ (907) 269-3981 don_perrin@dnr.state.ak.us DEC Tim Rumfelt ; (907) 269-7564 (907) 269-7508 Tim_Rumfelt@dec.state.ak.us DFG Ed Weiss DNR Karlee Gaskill (907) 269-8553 (907) 269-8913 karlee_gaskill@dnr.state.ak.us DISTRICT John Oscar (907) 827-8748 (907) 827-8749 cenaliulriit@starband.net COE Mary Leykom (907) 269-0535 (907) 243-6927 ; _- PROJECT FACT PROJECT Kangirlvar Bay7 © STATE ID ‘AK 0304-08AA APPLICANT/IPROPONEN Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. AGENT Eric Marchegiani Phone: (907) 277-6427 Fax: (907) 277-6443 Email emarchegiani@acticpacific.com DIRECT FEDERAL “No REVIEW Consistency ACTIVITY PUBLIC UTILITIES - OTHER PROJECT LOCATION: ; Nearest Coastal Cenaliulrit Project is INSIDE _ the District Coastal Zone District Plan Yes REVIEW 50 Days REVIEW MILESTONES: Day-1:. 02.6 cc cc cece ce eee een ene pee te peas fete poets stetesare .. 4/24/2003 Reviewer Request for Additional Information on or before:........ 5/18/2003 Comments Due.to DGC on or before:.. 02... eee ee eee ee 5/23/2003 Proposed Consistency Determination Issued on or before: ....... p 6/6/2003. = Final Consistency Determination Issued on or before: ........... 6/12/2003 PREVIOUS OR RELATED PROJECT REVIEW STATE ID#'S: STATE AND FEDERAL : FEDERAL COE SECTION 404 4-2003-0241 DEC 401 Cert. -WAIVED Federal Deadline: 10/24/2003 Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC February 7, 2003 Ms. Cynthia Zuelow-Osborne Office of the Governor Division of Governmental Coordination 550 West 7" Avenue, Suite 1660 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: City of Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement Dear Ms. Zuelow-Osborne: We are working on behalf of City of Toksook Bay to assist them in completing their permitting requirements. As part of that process | am attaching a completed Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement. In addition, we have already applied to the Corps of Engineers for a General Permit 96-07, Village Bulk Fuel Storage Facilities. We will be applying to the SHPO to determine if there are any know historic materials at the proposed site. | am providing a copy of the Corps application for your information. You may wish to note we will be filing a similar but different application for the AVEC bulk fuel tank farm, which will be adjacent to the City of Toksook Bay’s tank farm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Eric Marchegiani of my staff at 277- 6427. Again thanks for your time. Sincerely, Chief Executive Officer Attachment as'stated cc: Brent Stonebraker, MacTec, w/ Attachment Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachment Marie Becker, AVEC, w/ Attachment Bruce Hicks, CE2, w/ Attachement Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, Inc., w/ Attachment . Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, w/ Attachment RECEIVED - P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 Please answer all questions. To avoid a delay in processing, please call the department if you answer "yes" to any of the questions related to that department, Maps and plan drawings must be included with your packet. An incomplete packet will be returned. m APPLICANT INFORMATION 1. City of Toksook Bay Atm: Mayor Felix Lincoln __—s- 2. Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, Attn Eric Marchegiani Name of Applicant : Agent (or responsible party if other than applicant) PO Box 37008 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 10] ~ ™ PROJECT INFORMATION Yes No 1. This activity is a: | new project O modification or addition to an existing project If a modification, do you currently have any State, federal or local approvals yelated to this’ activity’? <caccicccscsseisscsssssusesscesscansasscavaseaciuscussesacaacssseatencssonaqpecesestuiessabees ocebiassiastuaicosiassasctes o a Note: Approval means any form of authorization. If "yes," please list below: Approval Type Approval # Issuance Date Expiration Date 2. Ifa modification, has this project ever been reviewed by the State of Alaska under the ACMP?............ oO a Previous State I.D. Number: AK. : Previous Project Name: ! = PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Provide a brief description of your entire project and ALL associated facilities and land use conversions. Attach additional sheet(s) as needed. ee attached Executiv f Proj Proposed starting date for project: May 1.2002 _. Proposed ending date for project: November 2004 2. Attach the following: ¢ a-detailed description of the project, all associated facilities, and land use conversions, etc. (Be specific, including access roads, caretaker facilities, waste disposal sites, etc.); e a project timeline for completion of all major activities in the proposal; e a site plan depicting property. boundary with all proposed actions; e other supporting documentation that would facilitate review of the project. Note: If the project is a modification, identify existing facilities as well as proposed changes on the site plan. Revised 1/99 Page 1 m@ PROJECT LOCATION 1. @ DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (DEC) APPROVALS Attach a copy of the topographical and vicinity map clearly indicating the location-of the project. Please include a map title and scale. (See attached drawings.) ~ : The project is located in which region (see attached map): 0) Northern O Southcentral OJ Southeast Oo within or associated with the Trans-A laska Pipeline corridor Location of project (Include the name of the nearest land feature or body of water.) _Kangirlvar Bay Township T005N Range _R090W_ Section _17 Meridian Seward Latitude/Longitude 60-31’ N/165-06" W USGS Quad Map: C-1 Inunivak Island Is the project located in a coastal district? Yes @& NoO If yes, identify: (Coastal districts are a municipality or borough, home rule or first class city, second class with planning, or coastal resource service area.) Note: A coastal district is a participant in the State's consistency review process. It is possible for the State review to be adjusted to accommodate a local permitting public hearing. Early interaction with the district is important; please contact the district representative listed on the attached contact list. . Identify the communities closest to your project location: Toksook Bay _ The project is on: OJ State land or water* (1) Federal land ll Private land @ Municipal land O Mental Health Trust land “State land can be uplands, tidelands, or submerged lands to 3 miles offshore. See Question #1 in DNR section. Contact the applicable landowners) to obtain necessary authorizations. 1. Will a discharge of wastewater from industrial or commercial operations OCCUT? ..........sssesss0+- ; ssstesmstesed Oo Will the discharge be connected to an already approved sewer system? ... Will the project include a stormwater collection/discharge system? Do you intend to construct, install, modify, or use any part of a wastewater (sewage or greywater) disposal system? ..... a) Ifso, will the discharge be 500 gallons per day or greater’... b) Ifconstructing a domestic wastewater treatment or disposal system, will the system be located within fill material requiring a COE permit? If you answered yes to a) or b), answer the following: N/A 1) What is the distance from the bottom of the system to the top of the subsurface water table? : 2) How far is any part of the wastewater disposal system from the nearest surface water? 3) Is the surrounding area inundated with water at any time of the year? .........c.scssssssssssssscessecsessessesceeee oO 4) How big is the fill area to be used for the absorption system? (Questions ] & 2 will be used by DEC to determine whether separation distances are being met; Questions 3 & 4 relate to the required size of the fill if wetlands are involved.) Do you expect to request a mixing zone for your proposed Project? ........s.ssessessssesssesssssesssssssessesssseseeses (f your wastewater discharge will exceed Alaska water quality standards, you may apply for a mixing zone. If so, please contact DEC to discuss information required under 18 AAC 70.032.) Revised 1/99 Page 2 Will your project result in the construction, operation, or closure of a facility for the disposal Of SOlid Waste? .......sssssescsescssesssssnsssnesencenecssnecsnessanecsseessusscsasecusecsueecuecensesnecaeuseensecsnecnecenssess oOo (Note: Solid waste means drilling wastes, household garbage, refuse, sludge, construction or demolition wastes, industrial solid waste, asbestos, and other discarded, abandoned, or unwanted solid or semi-solid material, whether or not subject to decomposition, originating from any source. Disposal means placement of solid waste on land.) Will your project result in the treatment of solid waste at the Site? .........ssscssssssessssssneenecsneensesseneeene oOo (Examples of treatment methods include, but are not limited to: incineration, open burning, baling, and composting.) Will your project result in the storage or transfer of solid waste at the site? - Will the project result in the storage of more than 50 tons of materials for reuse, recycling, or resource recovery? Will any sewage solids or biosolids be disposed of or land-applied to the site?... (Sewage solids include wastes that have been removed from a wastewater treatment plant system, such as a septic tank, lagoon dredge, or wastewater treatment sludge that contain no free liquids. Biosolids are the solid, semi-solid, or liquid residues produced during the treatment of domestic septage in a treatment works which are land applied for beneficial use.) 5. Will your project require the application of oil, pesticides, and/or any other broadcast Chemicals? .........ssssssscssessssesssecsseesssneceseesnecsees wossusscossuseusssnucsoesenscenscssuneccasenssouseonseansenscaneoucansosneccnscaneenseats Oo 6. a) will you have a facility with industrial processes that are designed to process no less than five tons per hour and needs air pollution controls to comply with State emission standards? ............sssecsssssecssssssssesssssonsssssecssavseceenecssesessecsesnessnsensecesesucaccnsnsesscorncescnsssusceessece o b) Will you have stationary or transportable fuel burning equipment, including flares, with a total fuel consumption capacity no less than 50 million Btu/hour?..........sssssssssssssesssssesssseeees o c) Will you have a facility with incinerators having a total charging capacity of no less than 1,000 pounds per hour? ..........cscssssssssssssessssssssssesssssessessessnesssessesnesacsscsussnssesseesssnsssaneensseenecseess oO d) Will you have a facility with equipment or processes that are subject to Federal New Source Performance Standards or National Emission Standards for hazardous air pollutants?.......0) i) Will you propose exhaust stack injection? ...........ssssssssscsseessseenscseeesscssesnsenscnnescenecanecnsceneeneenee Oo e) Will you have a facility with the potential to emit no less than 100 tons per year of any regulated air contaminant?...: f) Will you have a facility with the potential to emit no less than 10 tons per year of any hazardous air contaminant or 25 tons per year of all hazardous air contaminants? ............s.ssesssee Oo g) Will you construct or add stationary or transportable fuel burning equipment of no less than 10 million Btu/hour in the City of Unalaska or the City of St. Paul? h) Will you construct or modify in the Port of Anchorage a volatile liquid storage tank with a volume no less than 9,000 barrels, or a volatile liquid loading rack with a design throughput no less than 15 million gallons? ..........ssssessscssssssesseeceseecsssnssnsesecseecscsnsenssaesuecsnceneenseenees oO i) Will you be requesting operational or physical limits designed to reduce emissions from an existing facility in an air quality nonattainment area to offset an emission increase from another new of modified facility? ............ssseiesssssescssscsssesstssssesssssesessssseseseseseseseseseessseesssssseseses Oo 7. Will you be developing, constructing, installing, or altering a public water system? ..........sssssssssccssseerees oOo 8. a) Will your project involve the operation of waterborne tank vessels or oil barges that carry crude or non-crude oil as bulk cargo, or the transfer of oil or other petroleum products to or from such a vessel or a pipeline System? ............sssssssseessessesseneeneenneeseenees a. b) Will your project require or include onshore or offshore oil facilities with an Revised 1/99 effective aggregate storage capacity of greater than 5,000 barrels of crude oil or greater than 10,000 barrels of non-crude Oil?..........sssssecssssssessnsensersenenseneesessseessensenscneeneeneeneenees oO : Lo Yes No c) Will you be operating facilities on the land or water for the exploration or production ; Of Wry GrOcar Ons? oiscs<cc.ccrassscsececvoseovavnovsorovccvoves Sunssacaninsessotonsosovvecsuicsrgcsseevasccvattetelozed veensapicotesedeciosaeet oO a If you answered "NO" to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered "YES" to ANY of these questions, contact the DEC office nearest you for information and application forms. Please be advised that all new DEC permits and approvals require a 30-day public notice period. DEC Pesticide permits take effect no sooner than 40 days after the permit is issued. Based on your discussion with DEC, please complete the following: Types of project approvals or permits needed : Date application submitted NONE 9. Does your project qualify for a general permit for wastewater or Solid Waste?...........s:scssssesssssseseseseeeesese Oo a Note: A general permit is an approval issued by DEC for certain types of routine activities. If you answered "YES" to any questions in this section and are not applying for DEC permits, indicate reason: oOo on this project because. O Other: (EC contact) told me on that no DEC approvals are required @ DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME (DFG) APPROVALS 1. Will you be working in, removing water or material from, or placing anything in, a stream, river or lake? (This includes work or activities below the ordinary high water mark or on ice, in the active flood plain, on islands, in or on the face of the banks, or, for streams entering or flowing through tidelands, above the level of mean lower low tide.) Note: If the proposed project is located within a special flood hazard area, a floodplain development permit may be required. Contact the affected city or borough planning department for additional information and a floodplain determination.) i Name of waterbody: , Please indicate below: O Build a dam, river training structure, other instream impoundment, or weir O Build a bridge (including an ice bridge) -O Use the stream, lake or waterbody as a road (even when frozen), or cross the stream with 0 Use the water . O Pump water into or out of stream or lake tracked or wheeled vehicles, log-dragging or (including dry channels) excavation equipment (backhoes, bulldozers, O Divert or alter the natural stream channel O Change the water flow or the stream channel O Introduce silt, gravel, rock, petroleum products, debris, brush, trees, chemicals, or etc.) IB Install a culvert or other drainage structure 0 Construct, place, excavate, dispose or remove any material below the ordinary high water of a other organic/inorganic material, including waterbody waste of any type, into the water O Construct a storm water discharge or drain into O Alter, stabilize or restore the banks of a river, the waterbody stream or lake (provide number of linear feet affected along the bank(s) O Mine, dig in, or remove material, including woody debris, from the beds or banks of a waterbody 0 Use explosives in or near a waterbody Revised 1/99 O Place pilings or anchors O) Construct a dock O Construct a utility line crossing O) Maintain or repair an existing structure O Use an instream in-water structure not mentioned here - 3. Is your project located in a designated State Game Refuge, Critical Habitat Area or State Game Sanctuary? ........sssssssssssssssnsssssecsssssssnssessnssnesssssessesssessnessneenecsscsaecseessaesasennssnesenenecseenecsss saci Oo 4. Does your project include the ec of a salmon hatchery? .......ssssscsssesssssssersseeesseenesees Oo. 5. Does your project affect, or is it related to, a previously permitted salmon Hatchery? .......csecsesescssessese oO 6. Does your project include the construction of an aquatic farm? ...........ssssssssssssssesssoveesssnesnsecssessnsnseeessseess Oo If you answered "No" to ALL questions in this section, continué to next section. If you answered "Yes" to ANY questions under 1-3, contact the Regional or Area DFG Habitat and Restoration Division Office for information and application forms. If you answered "Yes" to ANY questions under 4-6, contact the DFG Commercial Fisheries Division headquarters for information and application forms. ' Based on your discussion with DFG, please complete the following: Types of project approvals or permits needed ; : Date application submitted ONE : ; If you answered "YES" to any questions in this section and are not Teayieg for DFG permits, indicate reason: oO (FG contact) told me on that no DFG approvals are required on this project because O Other: = DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR) APPROVALS 1. Is the proposed project on State-owned land or water or will you need to cross State-owned land for access? ("Access" includes temporary access for construction purposes. Note: In addition to State-owned uplands, the State owns almost all land below the ordinary high water line of navigable streams, rivers and lakes, and below the mean high tide line seaward. | for three miles.) ........sseeeseeeeeee a) Is this project for a commercial activity? 2. Is the project on Alaska Mental Health Trust land (AMHT) or will you need to cross AMHT land? Note: Alaska Mental Health Trust land is not considered State land for the purpose of ACMP revieWS......sssssessssessesssssesseeseseers Oo 3. Do you plan to dredge or otherwise excavate/remove materials on State-owned land?... .O Location of dredging site if different than the project site: Township Range Section Meridian USGS Quad Map 4. Do you plan to place fill or dredged material on State-owned land? ..........sssssssssssessssseesssseessseessssenesenseess Oo Location of fill disposal site if other than the project site: Township Range Section Meridian USGS Quad Map Source is on: CL StateLand [1] FederalLand (1 PrivateLand ) Municipal Land 5. Do you plan to use any of the following State-owned resources: a lallsllslbbecelcoatsleleslesichtolbtabens oO O Timber: Will you be harvesting timber? Amount: 0 Materials such as rock, sand or gravel, peat, Soil, overburden, Ct0.2 ......ssssecseserserenessessensenensesensees Which material? = SSC Amount: Location of source: 0) Project site (1 Other, describe: Township Range Section Meridian USGS Quad Map Revised 1/99 Page 5 6. Are you planning to divert, impound, withdraw, or use any fresh water, except from an existing public water system or roof rain catchment system (regardless of land ownership)?...........-ssssssesssssesssee oOo Amount (maximum daily, not average, in gallons per day): Source: . Intended Use: If yes, will your project affect the availability of water to anyone holding water rights to that water? feel 7. Will you be building or altering a dam (regardless of land ownership)? 8. Do you plan to drill a geothermal well (regardless of land ownership)? 9. At any one site (regardless of land ownership), do you plan to do any of the following?..........s:ssssssee Oo O Mine five or more acres over ayear's time - O Mine 50,000 cubic yards or more of materials (rock, sand or gravel, soil, peat, overburden, etc.) over a year's time cE O Have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of five or more acres If yes to any of the above, contact DNR about a reclamation plan. If you plan to mine less than the acreage/amount stated above and have a cumulative unreclaimed _ mined area of less than five acres, do you intend to file a voluntary reclamation plan for approval?......0 10. Will you be exploring for or extracting COA? .ccssecrsessssesssescsscssscsssecescssnecsanecnsecnsscsuvecsssesssnecssesenecsnnesenaees 11. a) Will you be exploring for or producing oil and gas? b) Will you be conducting surface use activities on an oil and gas lease or within an oil and gas unit?0 12. Will you be investigating, removing, or impacting historical or archaeological or paleontological resources (anything over 50 years old) on State-owned land? 13. Is the proposed project located within a known geophysical hazard area? ........sssscssesesssesssseseseneneeeeee seeeaLd Note: 6 AAC 80.900(9) defines geophysical hazard areas as “those areas which present a threat to life or property from geophysical or geological hazards, including flooding, tsunami run-up, storm surge run-up, landslides, snowslides, faults, ice hazards, erosion, and littoral beach process." "known geophysical hazard area" means any area identified in a report or map published by a federal, state, or local agency, or by a geological or engineering consulting firm, or generally known by local knowledge, as having known or ‘potential hazards from geologic, seismic, or hydrologic processes. 14. Is the proposed project located in a unit of the Alaska State Park System? If you answered "No" to ALL questions in this section, continue to Federal Approvals section. If you answered "Yes" to ANY questions in this section, contact DNR for information. Based on your discussion with DNR, please complete the following: . Types of project approvals or permits needed Date application submitted NONE If you answered "YES" to any questions in this section and are not applying for DNR permits, indicate reason: (NR contact) told me on _ that no DNR approvals are required Revised 1/99 Page 6 " FEDERAL APPROVALS ¥ US. ay Corps ‘of Engineers (COE) 7 1. Will you be dredging or placing structures or fills in any of the following: — tidal (ocean) waters? streams? lakes? wetlands*? If yes, have you applied for a COE permit?__General Permit GP-96-07.. Date of submittal: March 4, 2003 (Note: Your application for this activity to the COE also serves as application for DEC Water Quality Certification.) *If you are not certain whether your proposed, [project is in a wetlands (wetlands include muskegs), contact the COE, Regulatory Branch at (907) 753-2720 for a wetlands determination (outside the Anchorage area call toll free 1-800-478-2712). Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 2. Is the proposed project located on BLM land, or will you need to cross BLM land for access?............+. Oo If yes, have you applied for a BLM permit or approval?.......sssssssssssssssssssesssseeseeceecennnsnssssseneeecennes Oo Date of submittal: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) 3. a) Will you be constructing a bridge or causeway over tidal (ocean) waters, or navigable rivers, streams or lakes? OI b) Does your project involve building an access to an island? ... .O c) Will you be siting, constructing, or operating a deepwater port? .. .O .O If yes, have you applied for a USCG permit?........ Date of submittal: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 4. a) Will the proposed project have a discharge to any waters? .. b) Will you be disposing of sewage sludge (contact EPA at 206- 1)?.. If you answered yes to a) or b), have you applied for an EPA National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit? ...........cssssssssssssssssssssssssssesscsssesnssesesesesessesesesnsseeearenserseeees Oo Date of submittal: (Note: For information regarding the need for an NPDES permit, contact EPA at (800) 424-4372.) c) Will construction of your project expose 5 or more acres of soil? (This applies to the total amount of land disturbed, even if disturbance is distributed over more than one season, and also applies to areas that are part of a larger common plan of development or Sale.) .......s.sesssserssssssssessseesseessssnsssssnsessrenssssssssensnsscasncnsanscsesesnsesesenes Oo d) Is your project an industrial facility which will have stormwater discharge which is directly related to manufacturing, processing, or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant?............. o If you answered yes to c) or d), your project may require an NPDES Stormwater permit. Contact EPA at 206-553-8399. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 5. a) Is your project located within five miles of any public airport? dohedddenhedshusohdasidenrsutdesbtansusuetduuenedwensess a b) Will you have a waste discharge that is likely to decay within 5,000 feet ofa any public airport?......0 If yes, please contact the Airports Division of the FAA at (907) 271-5444. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 6. a) Does the project include any of the following: 1) anon-federal hydroelectric project on any navigable body of water...... 2). a location on federal land (including transmission lines)............ 3) utilization of surplus water from any federal government dam b) Does the project include construction and operation, or abandonment of natural gas pipeline facilities under sections (b) and (c) of the Federal Power Act (FPA)? Revised 1/99 Page 7 No oo c) Does the project include construction for physical interconnection of electric transmission facilities under section 202 (b) of the FPA?..........ssssssssssesssscssescssecsuecsnseesenscesssecsuceneescnseenecneerseenseenees oO a If you answered yes to any questions under number 6, have you applied for a permit from FERC)? ooo escceecsessssssssssesecsessscssescssssssssssssssocssenssnssssnssessesssssssoeencsaesecsseseuseussneesesesneesesaeseeneseeneeeeaenes Oo a Date of submittal: (Note: For information, contact FERC, Office of Hydropower Licensing (202) 219-2668; Office of Pipeline Regulation (202) 208-0700; Office of Electric Power Regulation (202) 208-1200.) U.S. Forest Service (USFS) 7. a) Does the proposed project involve construction on USFS land? b) Does the proposed project involve the crossing of USFS land with a water line? .... . If the answer to either question is yes, have you applied for a USFS permit or approval?.......... Oo Date of submittal: 8. Have you applied for any other federal permits or authorizations? ......ssssscsssssssssssseccrsseesseeeesnseeecenseeessnees oO a AGENCY / APPROVAL TYPE DATE SUBMITTED Please be advised that the CPQ identifies permits subject to a consistency review. You may need additional permits from other agencies or the affected city and/or borough government to proceed with your activity. Certification Statement The information contained herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that the proposed activity complies with, and will be conducted in a manner consistent with, the Alaska Coastal Management Signature of Applicant or Agent Percy Frisby, CEO, Artic Pacific Enterprises, LLC On Behalf of City of Toksook Ba Note: Federal agencies conducting an activity that will affect the coastal zone are required to gabmit a federal consistency determination, per 15 CFR 930, Subpart C, rather than this certification statement. DGC has developed a guide to assist federal agencies with this requirement. Contact DGC to obtain a copy. This certification statement will not be complete until all required State and federal authorization requests have been submitted to the appropriate agencies. @ Tocomplete your packet, please attach your State permit applications and copies of your federal permit applications to this questionnaire. " Revised 1/99 Page 8 Attachments 1. Executive Summary —Toksook Bay CDR for Toksook Bay 2. Drawings 3. General Permit — GP - 96-07 for the City LKSD - NYC Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Revised 1/99 Page 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Village of Toksook Bay is located on Nelson Island about 115 miles west of Bethel, Alaska. The population of Toksook Bay is 532. Toksook Bay is considered a2™ class city, and is over 95% Alaska Native or part Native. In Toksook Bay, water is derived from a well and infiltration gallery, is treated and stored in a 212,000-gallon tank, then piped throughout the community. A gravity piped sewer system also serves most households. Most occupied homes have complete plumbing. The City collects refuse and maintains the landfill. The traditional council operates the washeteria. There are 2 schools located in Toksook Bay, attended by 180 students. Toksook Bay Health Clinic provides medical services. There are several bulk fuel storage sites in the village of Toksook Bay. They include those maintained by retail vendors, the schools, the city, and the electric power co-op. The sites are generally non-compliant with fire, safety, and environmental regulations. Management of the sites is not uniformly diligent, and deterioration of the facilities ranges from nil to severe. Further, they are marginally sized, and the risk of a fuel shortage in winter is always real. Bulk fuel is delivered by barge in the summer months. The bulk fuel storage tanks are filled with an above ground barge-offloading pipeline. The high school tank farm is supplied fuel by a fuel truck that is carried by the barge to the community. The participants in the proposed fuel system upgrades include: City of Toksook Bay (City) Nunakauiak Yupik Corporation (NYC) Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD) Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AVEC) The construction of a new bulk fuel storage facility to current codes and standards would mitigate much of the present environmental, safety, and shortage risk. The new facility would displace all of the present sites, and consolidate it into one manageable facility. Each entity, the City, LKSD, NYC, and AVEC, would have a section cordoned off within the larger facility. Retail and bulk fuel transfer stations would also be constructed. The responsibility of retiring the existing facilities will be assumed by others. The Conceptual Design for the consolidated tank farm has a total capacity of approximately 507,000 gallons for Toksook Bay power generation only (615,000 gallons for Toksook Bay and Tununak) with the potential of installing a several future 27,000-gallon tanks on behalf of the users. The AVEC tank farm, with a gross storage capacity of approximately 216,000 gallons for Toksook Bay power generation only (324,000 gallons for Toksook Bay and Tununak) will be completely separate from the balance of the consolidated tank farm. Therefore, no C-Plan will be required but regulatory plans will be necessary as part of the design process. Drawings —s C ON sea \\ taupe: 60° 31'51'N \ \ \\ LONGTUDE: 165 08'50W \ \ \\ cee cect Aca \ \ \\ ON PAGE 2 LEGEND \ \ 2 (ESD FLL AREA DEPTH VARIES \ \ \s \ / \ \ ~N SEE SECTION B-B ON PAGE 2 _ Sy —_— OLUM APPROXIMATE FILL AR TANK FARM PAD: AREA = 57,200 SF (1.31 ACRE) FILL VOLUME = 12,250 CU YDS RELOCATED ROADS: AREA = 16,800 SF (0.38 ACRE) FILL VOLUME = 1,850 CU YDS © 47 \_/PLAN VIEWS 100 100 300 CLIENTS: CITY _OF TOKSOOK BAY LOWER KUSKOKWIN SCHOOL DISTRICT (LKSD) NUNAKAUIAK YUPIK CORP. (NYC) | PROJECT: FUEL STORAGE. UPGRADE LOCATION: SECTION 17 TOOSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY DATE: 2/26/03 een SHEET: 1 OF 2 PROJECT LOCATIO 21 MAX SLOPE COMPACTED FILL QB.O0 rrr rr reer etre teen ete ee Per reeereerreer ere Li fK, Napa b tested al arate ttchareleretafoleds (E) GRADE ey SOS baie seb sence eenh be 64 bbb ees e uo 0.0.6 50.6006 50d aeons nebo 6600 ob oe 6 ou 66 e-0.0-.40 0-0 sceleele 24.00 BOO eee eee eS SEEM THRO H THERESE EHERH OCHS DO REREAD EO Dee O EAH DODO ees eee ee Oe es eeeeeeeseconeS 22.00 CURIONI RIC I Le AREER RARER EROS RAMS LOGY PER MENY ERE ORE EE ee TE OOOO 20.00 A-A COMPACTED FILL 2.5:1 MAX SLOPE CLIENTS: CITY OF TOKSOOK BAY LOWER KUSKOKWIN SCHOOL DISTRICT (LKSD) NUNAKAUIAK YUPIK CORP. (NYC) PROJECT: FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE LOCATION: SECTION 17 TOOSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY | DATE: 2/26/03 DEAaN} 20F2 | [ SITE CROSS SECTIONS HORZ. 1"=100'-0" VERT. 1”=10'-0" —_ General Permit — GP — 96-07 For City - LKSD — NYC Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC March 4, 2003 Ms. Mary Leykom Regulatory Specialist ATTN: CEPOA-CO-R-N : U.S. Army Corp of Engineers PO Box 6898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506-6898 Subject: City of Toksook Bay, LKSD & NYC — Bulk Fuel Storage Facilities General Permit 96-07 Dear Ms. Leykom: Arctic Pacific Enterprises i is Working on behalf-of the Community of:Toksook Bay to complete a bulk’ fuel facilities for the City of Toksook Bay, Lower Kuskokwim School District(LKSD), and the Nunakauik Yupik Corporation (NYC). In an effort to design and construct those facilities we are applying on behalf of the City of Toksook Bay for a permit as referenced above. Per the general permit requirements we are submitting the following information and attached design’ drawings: _ 1. Vicinity Map & legal Description: Please reference the design drawings for the vicinity map. The tank farm will be located at Sec. 17, TOOSN, ROSOW, Seward Meridian (USGS Quad — Inunivak Island C-1). 2. Plan Views and Typical Cross-Sections: See Drawings 1 and 2 for the plan and cross-section views- ‘(Appendix A) of _the tank farm and associated structures. - 3. Aerial Photographs: _ See Appendix C for FAA 1996 aerial photo of the area. 4. Description of the Work: To construct a code compliant bulk fuel and dispensing facilities. These facilities will support Toksook Bay fuel needs. The project will consist of eleven bulk fuel tanks, two dispensing tanks, and space for a future tank. P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 ~ Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm March 4, 2003 General Permit 96-07 - 5. Project Purpose: ° To construct a new bulk fuel facility to current codes and sanded which would mitigate much of the present environmental, safety and shortage risks associated with the existing gasoline and diesel storage. The new facility would consolidate all of Toksook Bay's bulk fuel storage and provide for code compliant dispensing facilities for both communities. : 6. Dimensions of Fill Pads:: The following are approximate dimension for the respective pads. Please reference the drawings and cross sections to obtain more exact dimensions. The “H” depth of fill will vary across the pad due to the terrain so we have provided below an average value for this variable. Tank Farm and Dispensing Area: L = 215 ft, W= 158 ft, H = 10 ft. Roadway Area: .. L= 560. ft, W= 31 ft_H = 3 ft. Se =e 7.. Acreage and Amount of Fill: The area to be filled will be approximately 1 .69 Acres and about 14,100 cubic yards of fill. 8. Volume and type of Material removed: There is no brush or trees to clear the area of. The geotechnical report indicates that there is approximately 1 to 2 feet of organics which should be removed. These organics will be scraped off of the site and a portion of the organics will be utilized to landscape the side slopes of the pad while the ~ balance of the organics will be hauled back to the gravel pit for site reclamation. The amount of overburden is expected to be approximately 4,750 cubic yards. - 9. Location of Overburden Disposal: A portion of the organics will be utilized to landscape the side slopes of the pad while the balance of the organics will be hauled back to the gravel pit for site reclamation. 10. Type of Fill Material, Location, and Source: The Alaska Department of Public Transportation (ADOT&PF) presently. has a contractor constructing a new runway in the community. The contractor is utilizing a gravel pit located approximately 1 mile from the project site. There are ample materials available to provide the necessary fill to construct the various pads and road segments around the tank farm. See Appendix B, which shows the fill material. Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm , March 4, 2003 General Permit 96-07 . 11. Stabilization and restoration methods: __ SO , The local gravel will be utilized as the base for the pads and road. This will establish a solid base that should be resistant to erosion. The stripped organics will be utilized to assist in stabilizing the side slopes and allow for re- vegetation. Any excess organics will be hauled back to the gravel pit for site reclamation. If necessary, culverts will be placed in the roadway to channel the flow of water away from the tank farm pads and the roadway ~ Additionally, those areas that may be disturbed will be re-seeded and new grass will be established to allow for stabilization of those areas. 12. A Description of Alternative Locations & Justification of- Discharge / Removal of Materials from a Wet Lands: . A number of different locations have been studied over the past four or five years. The conclusion of all that research, and coordination with the community has resulted in the presently selected site. The only materials which are expected to be removed from the Wet Lands, would be the overburden. It will be handled as discussed above. We expect to discharge approximately 14,100 cubic yards into the area, which will allow for a code compliant bulk fuel facility to be constructed. Presently none of the fuel facilities are in compliance and there continues to be a problem with the transfer of fuels. This new facility will eliminate the poor conditions that presently exist at the expense of discharging fill into these wet lands. 13. A Plan to Avoid or Minimize Disturbance to Wet Lands & Any Plan for Re- Vegetation: - . ; We will minimize the size of the pads where possible. Where there are disturbances and around the sides of the pads will be landscaped with previously removed organics and we will re-seed the area to encourage the vegetation to grow back and stabilize the area. 14. Description of Existing Fuel Tank Farms in Community (Including number of tanks and capacities): . #of | Capacity Entity. Tanks (Gal) |City of Toksook Bay : 2) 18,500 Nunakauiak Yupik Corporation(NYC) 16} 142,600) Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD) _| ‘ | Elementary School ; 8| 53,400] | High School : oh _7|__ 35,900 Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVE y 11] 102,300) Total Existing number of Tanks : 44 Total Existing Capacity — 352,700) Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm March 4, 2003 General Permit 96-07 If you have any further questions please feel free to contact Mr. Eric Marchegiani at 277-6427. We look forward to your issuance of the subject permit. Thanks ahead of time for your work. Sincerely, Yo: ols Chief Executive Officer Attachments as Stated Cc: Cynthia Zuelow, Division of Governmental Coordination, w/ Attachments : Brent Stonebraker, MacTec, w/ Attachments : Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachments Marie Becker, AVEC, w/ Attachments Bruce Hicks, CE2 Engineers, w/ Attachments Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, w/o Attachments Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, w/o Attachments Appendix A Plan & Section Drawings LATITUDE: 60° 31'51"N\ LONGTUDE: 165 06'30'W \ \ \\ cee section AA \ \\ ON PAGE 2 \ LEGEND ON PAGE 2 Ss APPROXIMATE FILL ARI VOLUM TANK FARM PAD: AREA = 57,200 SF (1.31 -ACRE) FILL VOLUWE = 12,250 CU YDS AREA = 16,800 SF (0.38 ACRE) FILL VOLUME = 1,850 CU YDS © \ —— CULVERT \ \ ) is. SBE ALL AREA DEPTH VARIES \ A [~~ \ Wy ~ \ AS \ (\ NC \ \ \ \as SEE SECTION B-B-* ~ , A7 . \_/PLAN VIEW f 0 50. 100 100 - 300- 100-0" CLIENTS: TTY OF TOKSOOK BAY LOWER KUSKOKWIN SCHOOL DISTRICT (LKSD) NUNAKAUIAK YUPIK CORP. (NYC) , PROJECT: . FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE - LOCATION: SECTION 17 TOOSN, ROSOW ‘SEWARD MERIDIAN WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY DATE: 2/26/03 SHEET: 10F 2 SITE CROSS SECTIONS HORZ. 1°=100'—0" VERT. 1°=10'-0" 21 MAX SLOPE COMPACTED FILL CLIENTS: CITY: OF TOKSOOK BAY LOWER KUSKGKWIM SCHOOL DISTRICT (LKSD) NUNAKAUIAK YUPIK CORP. (NYC) PROJECT: : FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE / LOCATION: : SECTION 17 TOQSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN || WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY .- | DATE: 2/26/03 - 20F 2 : . Appendix B Photos of Fill Materials Over view of material used for road. Note the proposed pad is to be placed approximately where blue connex is located in the left portion of picture. Appendix C FAA Aerial Photo of Toksook Bay ro Thiet eee ei PTET PS 7 ery le Re pear vata em) Runway slopes down is ET +lita Faded windsock standard Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC February 6, 2003 Ms. Cynthia Zuelow-Osborne Office of the Governor Division of Governmental Coordination . 550 West 7" Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Subject: AVEC Bulk Fuel Tank Farm - Toksook Bay Consistency Determination Dear Ms. Zuelow-Osborne: We are working on behalf of AVEC in the community of Toksook Bay to assist them in completing their permitting requirements. As part of that process | am attaching a completed Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement. In addition, we are also applying to the Corps of Engineers for a General Permit 96-07, Village ‘Bulk Fuel Storage Facilities. We will also be applying to the SHPO to determine if there are any know historic materials at the proposed site. | am providing a copy of the Corps application for your information. You may wish to note we will be filing.a similar but different application for the City of Toksook Bay’s bulk fuel tank farm which will be adjacent to the AVEC tank farm. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Eric Marchegiani of my staff at 277-6427. Again thanks for your time. Sincerely, EG Chief Executive Officer _ Attachments as stated cc: Brent Stonebraker, MacTec, w/ Attachment Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachment Marie Becker, AVEC, w/ Attachment Bruce Hicks, CE2, w/ Attachment Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, Inc., w/ Attachment Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, w/ Attachment ' RECEIVED * P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 Please answer all questions. To avoid a delay in processing, please call the department if you answer "yes" to any of the questions related to that department. Maps and plan drawings must be included with your packet. An incomplete packet will be returned. m APPLICANT INFORMATION 1. Alaska Village Electric Cooperative 2. Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, Attn Eric Marchegiani Name of Applicant Agent (or responsible party if other than applicant) : 484 tree ; 2702 Gam! ite 10 Address Address horage, Alask: 50 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 : City/State Zip Code City/State State Zip Code Zip Code 907-561-1818 907-277-6427 Daytime Phone Daytime Phone . 907-561-2388 107-277-644: e icpacific.c Fax Number E-mail Address Fax Number E-mail Address = PROJECT INFORMATION . Yes No 1. This activity is a: I new project O modification or addition to an existing project If a modification, do you currently have any State, federal or local approvals related to this activity? oO a Note: Approval means any form of authorization. If "yes, Approval Type Approval # . Expiration Date 2. Ifa modification, has this project ever been reviewed by the State of Alaska under the ACMP’........... Oo a Previous State I.D. Number: AK. Previous Project Name:__ m= PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Provide a brief description of your entire project and ALL associated facilities and land use conversions. Attach additional sheet(s) as needed. See attached Executive Summ: if Project Proposed starting date for project: May 1. 2002 Proposed ending date for project: November 2004 2. Attach the following: ¢ a detailed description of the project, all associated facilities, and land use conversions, etc. (Be specific, including access roads, caretaker facilities, waste disposal sites, etc.); ¢ a project timeline for completion of all major activities in the proposal; e a site plan depicting property boundary with all proposed actions; e other supporting documentation that would facilitate review of the project. Note: If the project is a modification, identify existing facilities as well as proposed changes on the site plan. : Revised 1/99 Page 1 mg PROJECT LOCATION 1. m= DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION (DEC) APPROVALS 1. Will a discharge of wastewater from industrial or commercial operations occur? Attach a copy of the topographical and vicinity map clearly indicating the location of the project. Please include a map title and scale. (See attached drawings.) The project is located in which region (see attached map): 0 Northem O Southcentral O Southeast oO within or associated with the Trans-Alaska Pipeline corridor Location of project include the name of the nearest land feature or body of water.) Ree MeL LLL Township T005N Range _R090W_ Section _17 Meridian Seward Latitude/Longitude 60-3 L N/165-06 W USGS Quad Map: C-1 Inunivak Island Is the project located in a coastal district? Yes Mi NoO If yes, identify: (Coastal districts are a municipality or borough, home rule or first class city, second class with planning, or coastal resource service area.) Note: A coastal district is a participant in the State's consistency review process. It is possible for the State review to be adjusted to accommodate a local it ‘public hearing. Early interaction with the district is important; please contact the district representative listed on the attached contact Identify the communities closest to your project location: Toksook Bay The project is on: 11 State land or water* (1 Federalland iM Private land @ Municipal land O Mental Health Trust land * State land can be uplands, tidelands, or submerged lands to 3 miles offshore. See Question #1 in DNR section. Contact the applicable landowner(s) to obtain necessary authorizations. - Will the discharge be connected to an already approved sewer system? ...... Will the project include a stormwater collection/discharge system? Do you intend to construct, install, modify, or use any part of a wastewater (sewage or greywater) disposal system? a) Ifso, will the discharge be 500 gallons per day or greater? b) Ifconstructing a domestic wastewater treatment or disposal system, will the system be located within fill material requiring a COE permiit?.........scssssesssssssssesesscsssscsneesesseeessseeee oOo: If you answered yes to a) or b), answer the following: N/A 1) What is the distance from the bottom of the system to the top of the subsurface water table? ’ 2) How far is any part of the wastewater disposal system from the nearest surface water? 3) Is the surrounding area inundated with water at any time of the year?..........ssscssesssseessessesessenesseenees Oo 4) How big is the fill area to be used for the absorption system? (Questions | & 2 will be used by DEC to determine whether separation distances are being met; Questions 3 & 4 relate to the required size of the fill if wetlands are involved) Do you expect to request a mixing zone for your proposed Project? ......ccssssesssseseesseecsenesseeassnesneeeeneennes Oo (f your wastewater discharge will exceed Alaska water quality standards, you may apply for a mixing zone. If'so, please contact DEC to discuss information required under 18 AAC 70.032.) Revised 1/99 I Page 2 4. a) Will your project result in the construction, operation, or closure of a facility for the disposal of SOlid Waste? ..........cssssssssssecssssssesesessssessssssssssessssesssseseseessesseessnesssesnessssessnessnecensesseeeseeses oO (Note: Solid waste means drilling wastes, household garbage, refuse, sludge, construction or demolition wastes, industrial solid waste, asbestos, and other discarded, abandoned, or unwanted solid or semi-solid material, whether or not subject to decomposition, originating from any source. Disposal means placement of solid waste on land.) b) Will your project result in the treatment of solid waste at the site? (Examples of treatment methods include, but are not limited to: incineration, open burning, baling, and coi c) Will your project result in the storage or transfer of solid waste at the site? d) Will the project result in the storage of more than 50 tons of materials for reuse, recycling, or resource recovery? e) Will any sewage solids or biosolids be disposed of or land-applied to the site? (Sewage solids include wastes that have been removed from a wastewater treatment plant system, such as septic tank, lagoon dredge, or wastewater treatment sludge that contain no free liquids. Biosolids are the solid, semi-solid, or liquid residues produced during the treatment of domestic septage in a treatment works which are land applied for beneficial use.) 5. Will your project require the application of oil, pesticides, and/or any other broadcast Chiemicals? ~......--csssesssesssssssessscessssssssssssesssscessnsssceueessssesssecseseesessusessccussnscescussncssecuscucaseeeuccuscusesecsucaneeneeses Oo 6. a) Will you have a facility with industrial processes that are designed to process no less than five tons per hour and needs air pollution controls to comply with State emission standards? ..........scssssesessssssesesssessssesessssesesessssssesssussssesnsassnsesesecucscessesesedecencecacecsecneseseensnesees oOo b) Will you have stationary or transportable fuel burning equipment, including flares, with a total fuel consumption capacity no less than 50 million Btu/hour?...........sesssssscsssssecnseeeseees Oo c) Will you have a facility with incinerators having a total charging capacity of no less than 1,000 pounds per Hour? ...........sssssssssssssssssesssesssnssesssesesessesesscsesesseeeees d) Will you have a facility with equipment or processes that are subject to Federal lew. Source Performance Standards or National Emission Standards for hazardous air pollutants?.......01 i) Will you propose exhaust stack injection? ...........sssssssesssssessssesescsssesessecssssssessssseenscessseeaeeeeees Oo e) Will you have a facility with the potential to emit no less than 100 tons per year of any regulated air COMtAMINAMN?............cscscscesesssseesessessssssessssssecessessesesesssscseseeseseessensssesecsecsneensatensseseeeaee Oo f) Will you have a facility with the potential to emit no less than 10 tons per year of any hazardous air contaminant or 25 tons per year of all hazardous air contaminants? ..............s0+0+00 Oo g) Will you construct or add stationary or transportable fuel burning equipment of no less than 10 million Btu/hour in the City of Unalaska or the City of St. Paul?............cscsssssssesssseseseeeesees Oo h) Will you construct or modify in the Port of Anchorage a volatile liquid storage tank with a volume no less than 9,000 barrels, or a volatile liquid loading rack with a design throughput no less than 15 million gallons?... i) Will you be requesting operational or physical limits designed to 'tediuce emissions from an existing facility in an air quality nonattainment area to offset an emission increase from another new of modified facility? ...........scsssscsscsssssscsssssecssssecsscsssscescscscsceasecceeseseseseseeeeeeecseers Oo 7. Will you be developing, constructing, installing, or altering a public water system? ..........ssssscssseeseeseies oO 8. a) Will your project involve the operation of waterborne tank vessels or oil barges ” that carry crude or non-crude oil as bulk cargo, or the transfer of oil or other petroleum products to or from such a vessel or a pipeline System? .........ssssssssssessessecseesessesesessesssees B b) Will your project require or include onshore or offshore oil facilities with an . effective aggregate storage capacity of greater than 5,000 barrels of crude oil or greater than 10,000 barrels of non-crude Oil?..........scsssssesssssesessssesessescssesessescseesecsessessessssseeneenes Oo Revised 1/99 Page 3 c) Will you be operating facilities on the land or water for the exploration or production Of hydrocarDOMs? .......s..sesssecssseceesesseeatesseeseesnes Oo fa If you answered "NO" to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered "YES" to ANY of these questions, contact the DEC office nearest you for information and application forms. Please be advised that all new DEC permits and approvals require a 30-day public notice period. DEC Pesticide permits take effect no sooner than 40 days after the permit is issued. Based on your discussion with DEC, please complete the following: Types of project approvals or permits needed Date application submitted NONE _ 9. Does your project qualify for a general permit for wastewater or Solid Waste?..........s:s0csssssscssssssseseeseeses oO ag Note: A general permit is an approval issued by DEC. ‘for certain types of routine activities. If you answered "YES" to any questions in this section and are not applying for DEC permits, indicate reason: oO on this project because. 0) Other: _ (EC contact) told me on that no DEC approvals are required m DEPARTMENT OF FISH & GAME (DFG) APPROVALS 1. Will you be working in, removing water or material from, or placing anything in, a stream, river or lake? (This includes work or activities below the ordinary high water mark or on ice, in the active flood plain, on islands, in or on the face of the banks, or, for streams entering or flowing through tidelands, above the level of mean lower low tide.) Note: If the proposed project is located within a special flood hazard area, a floodplain development permit may be required. Contact the affected city or borough planning department for additional information and a floodplain determination.) ......+....++4++- Oo a Name of waterbody: : 2. Will you do any of the following? ...........cssssssessssessssssesessssssesssscscsesecsesesecsucsecsesucassescseaecassesscsessecesssseaees o a Please indicate below: O Build a dam, river training structure, other instream impoundment, or weir O Use the water . O Pump water into or out of stream or lake (including dry channels) O Divert or alter the natural stream channel O Change the water flow or the stream channel O Introduce silt, gravel, rock, petroleum products, debris, brush, trees, chemicals, or other organic/inorganic material, including waste of any type, into the water ; O Alter, stabilize or restore the banks of a river, stream or lake (provide number of linear feet affected along the bank(s) O Mine, dig in, or remove material, including woody debris,.from the beds or banks of a waterbody O Use explosives in or near a waterbody Revised 1/99 O Builda bridge (including an ice bridge) O Use the stream, lake or waterbody as a road (even when frozen), or cross the stream with tracked or wheeled vehicles, log-dragging or excavation equipment (backhoes, bulldozers, etc.) @ Install a culvert or other drainage structure O Construct, place, excavate, dispose or remove any material below the ordinary high water of a waterbody . 0 Construct a storm water discharge or drain into the waterbody: O Place pilings or anchors O] Construct a dock O Construct a utility line crossing O Maintain or repair an existing structure O Use an instream in-water structure not mentioned here Page 4 3. Is your project located in a designated State Game Refuge, Critical Habitat Area or State Game Sanctuary? .....csecscssssssssssssssssessssssssesscsnscsessssussesssssesssesacsscsanesesseenesncenesessessenecsesnensenseneensanesnss Oo 4. Does your project include the construction/operation of a salmon hatchery?.... 5. Does your project affect, or is it related to, a previously permitted salmon hatchery? ....ssssissssesssceessree Oo 6. Does your project include the construction of an aquatic FATM? «0... csssesseeeseeeees eee Oo If you answered "No" to ALL questions in this section, continue to next section. If you answered "Yes" to ANY questions under 1-3, contact the Regional or Area DFG Habitat and Restoration . Division Office for information and application forms. If you answered "Yes" to ANY questions under 4-6, contact the DFG Commercial Fisheries Division headquarters for information and application forms. Based on your discussion with DFG, please complete the following: Types of project approvals or permits needed Date application submitted NONE If you answered "YES" to any questions in this section and are not applying for DFG permits, indicate reason: oO (DFG contact) told me on that-no DFG approvals are required on this project because, O Other: = DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR) APPROVALS 1. Is the proposed project on State-owned land or water or will you need to cross State-owned land for access? ("Access" includes temporary access for construction purposes. Note: In addition to State-owned uplands, the State owns almost all land below the ordinary high water line of navigable streams, rivers and lakes, and bélow the mean high tide line seaward for three miles.) ..........0s0+000++9 a) Is this project for a commercial activity? Note: Alaska Mental Health Trust land is not considered State land for the purpose of ACMP revieWS.........ssssssessssererseeereensers Oo 3. Do you plan to dredge or otherwise excavate/remove materials on State-owned 1and?.........sssessseseseeees oO Location of dredging site if different than the project site: Township Range Section Meridian USGS Quad Map ‘4. Do you plan to place fill or dredged material on State-owned land?......... qosvdlsbasesetuene ouvausrsvésueasststacsscsess Oo Location of fill disposal site if other than the project site: Township Range Section Meridian USGS Quad Map Source is on: LJ StateLand (1) FederalLand (1 PrivateLand ©) Mumicipal Land 5. Do you plan to use any of the following State-owned resOUrCeS: .....ssssssssssesesssnessessarscsnneeeserensecsennassensons oO O Timber: Will you be harvesting timber? Amount: 0 Materials such as rock, sand or gravel, peat, Soil, overburden, CtC.2 ...........sssesessesersereserersrenssesesscees Which material? Amount: Location of source: 0 Project site [1 Other, describe: Township Range Section Meridian USGS Quad Map : Revised 1/99 Page 5 6. Are you planning to divert, impound, withdraw, or use any fresh water, except from an existing public water system or roof rain catchment system (regardless of land ownership)?..........s-sssssssssesssesees Oo Amount (maximum daily, not average, in gallons per day): Source: Intended Use: If yes, will your project affect the availability of water to anyone holding water rights to that water? ....0 7. Will you be building or altering a dam (regardless of land ownership)? .........s.sssssssessssessssesesseseeeseseeseees Oo 8.' Do you plan to drill a geothermal well (regardless of land ownership)? .......s..sssssssssssssessssssssssssesseessnseesss oOo 9. At any one site (regardless of land ownership), do you plan to do any of the following?...........s:ssssesse oO O Mine five or more acres over a year's time O Mine 50,000 cubic yards or more of materials (rock, sand or gravel, soil, peat, overburden, etc.) over a year's time O Have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of five or more acres If yes to any of the above, contact DNR about a reclamation plan. If you plan to mine less than the acreage/amount stated above and have a cumulative unreclaimed mined area of less than five acres, do you intend to file a voluntary reclamation plan for approval?......01 10. Will you be exploring for or extracting COAI? .........sesssscsssssssssessessecsnecssesenecsnecsneessesseeneeneeaseenscesseeneeneenenses Oo 11. a) Will you be exploring for or producing oil and gas?..........ssssssssssessssecssseessnesssessneesncensesenecssecenessneenes Oo b) Will you be conducting surface use activities on an oil and gas lease or within an oil and gas unit?0 12. Will you be investigating, removing, or impacting historical or archaeological or paleontological resources (anything over 50 years old) on State-owned land? .........ssssssssessessssesesesseeeeeee aasusadsssataesouesesse oO 13. Is the proposed project located within a known geophysical hazard area? ......scsssccsssscsssseeseeneeesensseesseeees Oo Note: 6 AAC 80.900(9) defines geophysical hazard areas as “those areas which present a threat to life or property from geophysical or geological hazards, including flooding, tsunami run-up, storm surge run-up, landslides, snowslides, faults, ice hazards, erosion, and littoral beach process." "known geophysical hazard area" means any area identified in a report or map published by a federal, state, or local agency, or by a geological or engineering consulting firm, or generally known by local knowledge, as having known or potential hazards from geologic, seismic, or hydrologic processes. 14. Is the proposed project located in a unit of the Alaska State Park System?..........sssssssssssssessseersesseneeaeees oO If you answered "No" to ALL questions in this section, continue to Federal Approvals section. If you answered "Yes" to ANY questions in this section, contact DNR for information. Based on your discussion with DNR, please complete the following: Types of project approvals or permits needed Date application submitted NONE If you answered "YES" to any questions in this section and are not applying for DNR permits, indicate reason: Oo (DNR contact) told me on that no DNR approvals are required on this project because O Other: Revised 1/99 Page 6 4 FEDERAL APPROVALS U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) | 1. Will you be dredging or placing structures or fills in any of the following: tidal (ocean) waters? streams? lakes? wetlands*? If yes, have you applied for a COE permit?__General Permit GP-96-07.. Date of submittal: March 3, 2003 (Note: Your application for this activity to the COE also serves as aplication for DEC Water Quality Certification.) "If you are not certain whether your proposed project is in a wetlands (wetlands include muskegs), contact the COE, Regulatory Branch at (907) 753-2720 for a wetlands determination (outside the Anchorage area call toll free 1-800-478.-. 2712). _ Bureau of Land Management (BLM) . 2. Is the proposed project located on BLM land, or will you need toc cross BLM land for access?.. If yes, have you applied for a BLM permit or approval?...,...s.sssssscsssssensssessensensenenecensesnessees Date of submittal: U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) 3. a) Will you be constructing a bridge or causeway over tidal (ocean) waters, or navigable rivers, streams or lakes? b) Does your project involve building an access to an island? .... c) Will you be siting, constructing, or operating a deepwater port? ... If yes, have you applied for a USCG permit? ...........ssesssesesessneesnseneesseees Date of submittal: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 4. a) Will the proposed project have a discharge to any waters?...... b) Will you be disposing of sewage sludge (contact EPA at 206-553-1941)? If you answered yes to a) or b), have you applied for an EPA National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit? ...........scsssssssssssesssceseessssssessesesesssesesesesesesesnssesesseetssseeeeses Oo Date of submittal: (Note: For information regarding the need for an NPDES permit, contact EPA at (800) 424-4372.) c) Will construction of your project expose 5 or more acres of soil? (This applies to the total amount of land disturbed, even if disturbance is distributed over more than one season, and also applies wo areas that are part of a larger common plan of development or SAIC.) ..scscsssesssesesasscscsnsacssacscssssacscscssscsacsuacecscessssoestesssesasosecasssesesesscses oO d) Is your project an industrial facility which will have stormwater discharge which is directly related to manufacturing, processing, or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant?............. Oo If you answered yes to c) or d), your project may require an NPDES Stormwater permit. Contact EPA at 206-553-8399. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 5. a) Is your project located within five miles of any public airport? .........sssssecsssessssseneesseseenneesennnesssneneee a b) Will you have a waste discharge that is likely to decay within 5,000 feet of any public airport?......0 If yes, please contact the Airports Division of the FAA at (907) 271-5444. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 6. a) Does the project include any of the following: 1) anon-federal hydroelectric project on any navigable body of water... 2) a location on federal land (including transmission lines)............. 3) utilization of surplus water from any federal government dam. b) Does the project include construction and operation, or abandonment of natural gas pipeline facilities under sections (b) and (c) of the Federal Power Act (FPA)? ........sssssssssessesssesssssssseseeseeserees Oo Revised 1/99 Page 7 c) Does the project include construction for physical interconnection of electric transmission facilities under section 202 (b) of the FPA? If you answered yes to any questions under number 6, have you applied for a permit from FERC? ....cssssssssssscsssvsssssscsssessnescscnsnessacseseeneaeesssseseseseseseseseasncasassnsnencasacsssnsenssssasesusnsneusssncsssanaeecees Date of submittal: (Note: For information, contact FERC, Office of Hydropower Licensing (202) 219-2668; Office of Pipeline Regulation (202) 208-0700; Office of Electric Power Regulation (202) 208-1200.) U.S. Forest Service (USFS) 7. a) Does the proposed project involve construction on USFS land? b) Does the proposed project involve the crossing of USFS land with a water line? ........ oe If the answer to either question is yes, have you aha for a USFS permit or approval? ......... Oo Date of submittal: 8. Have you applied for any other federal permits or authorizations? ........ssssssessssssssssseensseeenecsneesessneenseees Oo B AGENCY APPROVAL TYPE DATE SUBMITTED Please be advised that the CPQ identifies permits subject to a consistency review. You may need additional permits from other agencies or the affected city and/or borough government to proceed with your activity. Certification Statement The information contained herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that the proposed activity complies with, and will be conducted in a manner consistent with, the Alaska Coastal Management si : ( oe A, 3-2-J00F7 Signature of icant or Agent Percy Frisby, CEO, Artic Pacific Enterprises, LLC On Behalf of AVEC Note: Federal agencies conducting an activity that will affect the coastal zone are required to submit a federal consistency determination, per 15 CFR 930, Subpart C, rather than this certification statement. DGC has developed a guide to assist federal agencies with this requirement. Contact DGC to obtain a copy. This certification statement will not be complete until all required State and federal authorization requests have been submitted to the appropriate agencies. ™ Tocomplete your packet, please attach your State permit applications and copies of your federal permit applications to this questionnaire. Revised 1/99 Page 8 Attachments. 1. Executive Summary — Toksook Bay CDR for AVEC 2. Drawings 3. General Permit — GP — 96-07 for the AVEC Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Revised 1/99 Page 9 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Village of Toksook Bay is located on Nelson Island about 115 miles west of Bethel, Alaska. The population of Toksook Bay is 532. Toksook Bay is considered a2™ class city, and is over 95% Alaska Native or part Native. In Toksook Bay, water is derived from a well and infiltration gallery, is treated and stored in a 212,000-gallon tank, then piped throughout the community. A gravity piped sewer system also serves most households. Most occupied homes have complete plumbing. The City collects refuse and maintains the landfill. The traditional council operates the washeteria. There are 2 schools located in Toksook Bay, attended by 180 students. Toksook Bay Health Clinic provides medical services. There are several bulk fuel storage sites in the village of Toksook Bay. They include those maintained by retail vendors, the schools, the city, and the electric power co-op. The sites are generally non-compliant with fire, safety, and environmental regulations. Management of the sites is not uniformly diligent, and deterioration of the facilities ranges from nil to severe. Further, they are’marginally sized, and the risk of a fuel shortage in winter is always real. Bulk fuel is delivered by barge in the summer months. The bulk fuel storage tanks are filled with an above ground barge-offloading pipeline. The high school tank farm is supplied fuel by a fuel truck that is carried by the barge to the community. The participants in the proposed fuel system upgrades include: City of Toksook Bay (City) Nunakauiak Yupik Corporation (NYC) Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD) Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AVEC) . The construction of a new bulk fuel storage facility to current codes and standards would mitigate much of the present environmental, safety, and shortage risk. The new facility would displace all of the present sites, and consolidate it into one manageable facility. Each entity, the City, LKSD, NYC, and AVEC, would have a section cordoned off within the larger facility. Retail and bulk fuel transfer stations would also be constructed. The responsibility of retiring the existing facilities will be assumed by others. The Conceptual Design for the consolidated tank farm has a total capacity’ of approximately 507,000 gallons for Toksook Bay power generation only (615,000 gallons for Toksook Bay and Tununak) with the potential of installing a several future 27,000-gallon tanks on behalf of the users. The AVEC tank farm, with a gross storage capacity of approximately 216,000 gallons for Toksook Bay power generation only (324,000 gallons for Toksook Bay and Tununak) will be completely separate from the balance of the consolidated tank farm. Therefore, no C-Plan will be required but regulatory plans will be necessary as part of the design process. Drawings SEE SECTION A-A ON PAGE 2 LATITUDE: 60° 31°51"N LONGITUDE: 165° 06'30"W LEGEND —— CULVERT (SEED ALL AREA DEPTH VARIES SEE SECTION B-B ON PAGE 2 S \ / “N = \ \ 7 NS ~ Y Nos ~N \e ~ SRS 7—F \ ~~. BON \ ~N ~~. NL . \ a N =~. oN “MZ \ ~~ o/ \ PP ul \ TANK FARM PAD: ~N \ AREA = 60,900 SF (1.40 ACRE) re \ FILL VOLUME = 13,650 CU YDS RELOCATED ROADS: -. LS AREA = 12,900 SF (0.30 ACRE) = PLAN VIEW \ FILL VOLUME = 1,175 CU YDS = 56100 00 00 1"=100’-0" CLIENTS: ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (AVEC ) PROJECT: i FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE LOCATION: SECTION 17 TOOSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY , DRAWN DATE: 2/26/03 WN. * Peed. Sarr’ OF 2 REV. | LAYOUT OF CITY ONLY TO SCALE om SHOWS GENERAL. NOT 2.5:1 MAX SLOPE COMPACTED FILL MATCH (E) 1200. vesseeveseeeeeeeeeee MATCH) LLNS jogo. eet caer! (E), GRADE a Li foprrccvieeneeissnesene 40.00 38. ele) ee ee ee eee EEE eee EEE EEE EEE EO ee EHH EEE OEE EEE EEE Ew eee Ere eee eee eee teers eeeeene 38. 00 CLIENTS: SITE CROSS SECTIONS tavec) MAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE HORZ. 1"=100'-0" PROJECT: VERT. 1°=10-0 . FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE: LOCATION: SECTION. 17 TOOSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN . WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY DRAWN DATE: 2/26/03 SHEET: General Permit — GP — 96-07 For The AVEC Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC March 3, 2003 Ms. Mary Leykom Regulatory Specialist ATTN: CEPOA-CO-R-N U.S. Army Corp of Engineers PO Box 6898 Anchorage, Alaska 99506-6898 Subject: AVEC — Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm General Permit 96-07 Dear Ms. Leykom: . Arctic Pacific Enterprises ‘is working on ‘behalf of the AVEC i in ‘the Community of Toksook Bay to complete a bulk fuel facility for their power plant. In an effort to design and construct those facilities we are applying on behalf of AVEC for a permit as referenced above. Per the general permit requirements we are submitting the following information and attached design drawings: 1. Vicinity Map & Legal Description: Please reference the design drawings for the vicinity map. The tank farm will be located at Sec. 17, TOO5N, ROQOW, Seward Meridian (USGS Quad — Inunivak Island C-1). 2. Plan Views and Typical Cross-Sections: See Drawings 1 and 2 for the plan and cross-section views (Appendix A) of the tank farm and associated structures. 3. Aerial Photographs: , See Appendix C for FAA 1996 aerial photo of the area. 4. Description of the Work: To construct a code compliant bulk fuel. These facilities will support AVEC’s fuel needs. The project will consist of twelve bulk fuel tanks and provisions for two additional tanks in the future. - P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 . AVEC — Toksook Bay Bulk Fue! Tank Farm March 3, 2003 General Permit 96-07 . 5. Project Purpose: / To construct:a new bulk fuel facility to current éodes and standards which would mitigate much of the present environmental, safety and shortage risks associated with the existing diesel storage. The new facility would consolidate all bulk fuel storage in one central location and provide for code compliant for the electrical generating plant. 6. Dimensions of Fill Pads: The following are approximate dimension for the respective pads. Please reference the-drawings and cross sections to obtain more exact dimensions. The “H” depth of fill will vary across the pad due to the terrain so we have provided below an average value for this variable. Tank Farm Area: L = 280 ft, W = 137 ft, H=9 ft. Roadway Area: L = 430 ft, W= 31 ft., H=3 ft 7. Acreage and Amount of Fill: The area to be filled will be approximately 1.70 Acres and about 14,825 cubic . yards of fill is proposed to be place to form the pad and roadways. 8. Volume and type of Material removed: - There is no brush or trees to clear the area of. The geotechnical report indicates that there is approximately 1 to 2 feet of organics which should be removed. These organics will be scraped off of the site and a portion of the organics will be utilized to landscape the side slopes of the pad and Toad areas while the balance of the organics will be hauled back to the gravel pit for site reclamation. The amount of overburden is expected to: be approximately 4,750 cubic yards. 9. Location of Overburden Disposal: A portion of the organics will be utilized to landscape the side slopes of the pad while the balance of the organics will be hauled back to the gravel pit for site reclamation. 10. Type of Fill Material, Location, and Source: The Alaska Department of Public Transportation (ADOT&PF) presently has a contractor constructing a new runway in the community. The contractor is utilizing a gravel pit located approximately 1 mile from the project site. There are ample materials available to provide the necessary fill to construct the various pads and road segments around the tank farm. See Appendix B, which shows the fill material. AVEC — Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm March 3, 2003 General Permit 96-07 11. Stabilization and restoration methods: The local gravel will be utilized as the base for the pads and road. This will establish a solid base that should be resistant to erosion. The stripped organics will be utilized to assist in stabilizing the side slopes and allow for re- vegetation. Any excess organics will be hauled back to the gravel pit for site reclamation. If necessary, culverts will be placed in the roadway to channel the flow of water away from the tank farm pads and the roadway Additionally, those areas that may be disturbed will be re-seeded and new grass will be established to allow for stabilization of those areas. 12. A Description of Alternative Locations & Justification of Discharge / Removal of Materials from a Wet Lands: . A number of different locations have been studied over the past four or five years: The conclusion of all that research and coordination with the community resulted in the presently selected site. The only materials which are expected to be removed from the Wet Lands would be the overburden. It will be handled as discussed above. We expect to discharge approximately 14,825 cubic yards into the area, which will allow for a code compliant bulk © fuel facility to be constructed. Presently none of the fuel facilities are in strict compliance and there continues to be a problem with fhe transfer of fuels. This new facility will eliminate the poor conditions that presently exist at the expense of discharging fill into these wet lands. 13. A Plan to Avoid or Minimize Disturbance to Wet Lands & Any Plan for Re- Vegetation: . We will minimize the size of the pads where possible. Where there are disturbances and around the sides of the pads will be landscaped with previously removed organics and we will re-seed the area to encourage the vegetation to grow back and stabilize the area. . 14. Description of Existing Fuel Tank Farms in Community (Including number of tanks and capacities): : #of | Capacity Entity Tanks (Gal) | City of Toksook Bay 2| 18,500) Nunakauiak Yupik Corporation(NYC) 16} 142,600 Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD) : Elementary School : 8| 53,400 High School 7|___ 35,900 Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) 11} 102,300) Total Existing number of Tanks [Total Existing Capacity 352,700) AVEC ~ Tok$ook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm March 3, 2003 General Permit 96-07 ~~ If you have any further questions please feel free to contact Mr. Eric Marchegiani at 277-6427. We look forward to your issuance of the subject permit. Thanks ahead of time for your work. / : Sincerel Percy Frisby Chief Executive Officer Attachments’as Stated cc: Cynthia Zuelow, Division of Governmental Coordination, w/ Attachments Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachments" . Marie Becker, AVEC, w/ Attachments Brent Stonebraker, MacTec, w/ Attachments Bruce Hicks, CE2 Engineers, w/ Attachments Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, w/o Attachments Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, w/o Attachments Appendix A Plan & Section Drawings SEE SECTION A-A ON PAGE 2 LATITUDE: 60° 31'51"N LONGITUDE: 165° 06'30"W LEGEND >»——= CULVERT (mses FILL. AREA DEPTH VARIES. SEE SECTION B-B —— ( / ON PAGE 2 = Fy ™~ ~~ ~ \ WY ~~. RON \ ~N ~ ~ ~ . \ ~N ~ ~N ~ a \ en \ Nao/ \ TAN! PAD: ~L - \ AREA = 60,900 SF (1.40 ACRE) wo FILL VOLUME = 13,650 CU YDS \ \ \ RELOCATED ROADS: Ne sy AREA = 12,900 SF (0.30 ACRE) \ PLAN VIEW FILL VOLUME = 1,175 CU YDS ; si (t00 oo soo 1"=100'-0" CLIENTS: ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (AVEC. ) : PROJECT: FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE LOCATION: SECTION 17 TOOSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN . || WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY DATE: 2/26/03 [DRAWN. —— ; = SHEET: REV. Pen oe AT 1 OF 2 | SHOWS GENERAL LAYOUT OF CITY ONLY : NOT TO SCALE 2.5:1 MAX SLOPE 4.00 vceesseceeecee eres eeet|evee SOMPACTED FIL) occ cccccteeeefeeceeeeseetietee ceeseneey =a00 42.00: eee ceetee eee te MMSE) ee ER YL LY . E) GRADE 40.00 vcr cr cscs wee eeee (i ) pene weteneceeesseeceseeesessesesson Lky- ee ee eee 40.00 3B.00: oer eee eee ee entre eeeeere eres seesenecsceceestecer eres eethessesersgeeeecsessersscseses 38.00 ‘ scene eee eens enone eee eee eet eee snes ene se stent a nene eee ees 54.00 gg Coe eect eee etree ee ph GG wet eee eter tenes 53.00 K fla fu Nav vncvcccvcccrcccvcsarbstetversssceene 2.00 2.5:1 MAX SLOPE w for faifoufy en Meee enceereeeee cence rnc teete 51.00 CLIENTS: ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (AVEC) : PROJECT: FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE SITE CROSS SECTIONS HORZ. 1"=100'-0" VERT. 1"=10'-0" LOCATION: SECTION 17 TOOSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY DATE: 2/26/03 SHEET: 2 OF 2 iQ: 1D: I> Appendix B Photos of Fill Materials Over view of material used for road. Note the proposed pad is to be placed approximately where blue connex is located in the left portion of picture. Appendix C FAA Aerial Photo of Toksook Bay aded windsock ery i r (lode a Notes pl Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC ; : RECEIVED July 29, 2003 : hia UL 3 0 2003 Ms. Judith Bittner =o , OHA State Historic Preservation Office Le , . Office of History & Archaeology ’ Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation : 550 W 7" Avenue, Suite 1310 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3565 Subject: Toksook Bay — Wind Generation Project Dear Ms. Bittner. : : : . Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC is under contract with:i Alaska Village Eld Cooperative (AVEC) to complete the foundation engineeting design for the Tokbook Bay: Wind Generation Project. As a part of that process we ‘wish to consult with lyour ‘| offices to insure that there are no archaeological resources at the propo . constriction site. ” a . pe tment Do Betts | am attachéd_copies of site maps an photographs. which délineate ‘the area _ Proposed construction,. It-is.located within. Section 17, T. 05 N, R 080 W, Seward Meridian on thé Iriunivak Island C-1 Quad, We are aware thai if any excavation wefe to disturb any archaeological resources during. construction, that we would be requirdd to notify your offices immediately. We appreciate your review: af this project and await your. response. RE. os ; lf you have any questions feel free to contact me at 646-8804 :conceming this orclec. Thanks ahead of time for your assistance. ‘ ay , Chief Executive Officer Py Attachments as stated eyes 3 ce: Brent Petrie, AVEC“ yf Brent Stonebraker, AVEC as Marie Becker, AVEC . . i ; Cynthia Zuelow, Division of Governmental Coordination: * Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, Inc. a | i} P.O. Bax 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99624-2912 ho. Cox ds25ie 2/93 Telephone; (907) 277-6409/6428 Facsimile: (807) 277-8443 . Veatapta ae: 7 Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC July 29, 2003 RECEIVED i 30 Ms. Judith Bittner JUL 3 0 2003 State Historic Preservation Office AVEC Office of History & Archaeology Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation 550 W 7* Avenue, Suite 1310 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3565 Subject: Toksook Bay — Wind Generation Project Dear Ms. Bittner: Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC is under ‘contract with, "Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) to complete the foundation engineering design for the Toksook Bay Wind Generation Project. As a part of that process we wish to consult with your offices to insure that there are no archaeological resources at the proposed construction site. | am attached copies of site maps an photographs which delineate the area of the _ proposed construction. It is located within Section 17, T 005 N, R 090 W, Seward Meridian on the Inunivak Island C-1 Quad. We are aware that if any excavation were to disturb any archaeological resources during. construction, that we would be required to notify your offices immediately. We appreciate your review ct this project and awalk your response. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 646-8801. -concerning this project. Thanks ahead of time for your assistance. ‘ Sincerely, Chief Executive Officer Attachments as stated cc: Brent Petrie, AVEC Brent Stonebraker, AVEC Marie Becker, AVEC : Cynthia Zuelow, Division of Governmental Coordination, i Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, Inc. Bg zh ge P.O: Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage; Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443: O x Oo O n x O E o« l PDF - www.fastio.com (a nau vat MuMiciPaL «RESERVE, ORIGINAL Shoal Oot 4 .U.S. SURVEY No. 5024, ALASKA TOKSOOK BAY TOWNSITE Maference shoult be made to Shest Mo. 1 for survey inferastion. UNITED STATES DEPARDGENT OF Tux IWTERIOR Washington, D.C. May 21, 1973 ‘This plat is strictly conformable to the approved field notes, amd the survey, having been correctly executed tn accordance vith the requireseats of lav and the regula- thons of this Bureau, is hereby secepted. For the Director Zomakl, PLA Gist, Division of Codast¥al Survey Proposed wind generator location. Approximate location and quantity shown. Future tank farm and power plant location. Photo #2 Wind site topography _ Photo #3 Wind site topography 1 7 20-44 A=" Receven we xNl C1 QB 9 Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC » March 17, 2003 Ms. Judith Bittner State Historic Preservation Office Office of History & Archaeology Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation 550 W 7" Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3565 Subject: Toksook Bay Kaiskag Bulk Fuel Project Dear Me. Bittner. Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC is under contract with Alaska Village Electric . Cooperative (AVEC) to complete the engineering design for the Toksook Bay ‘ consolidated bulk fuel tank farm upgrade. As a part of that process we wish to consult with your offices to insure Shat there are no archaeological resources at the Proposed / construction site. | have attached copies of site maps which delineate the area of the proposed construction. It is located within Section 17, T 005'N, R 090 W, Seward Meridian at approximately 60 degrees 31 minutes, North, 165 degrees, 06 minutes, West on the Inunivak Island C-1 Quad. We are aware that if any excavation were to disturb any archaeological resources.during construction, that we would be required to notify your offices immediately. We appreciate your review of this project and await your response. If you have any questions feel free to contact Mr. Marchegiani of my staff. at 277-6427 canceming this project. Thanks ahead of time for your assistance. . nee Percy Frisby Chief Executive Officer -No Historic Properties Affected Alaska State Historic Preservation ‘Officer - |Date: 4/i]o% File No. BBO-HRIANES Ry ca: Brent Stonebraker, ‘MacTee ' Brent Petrie, AVEC Marie Becker, AVEC... Cynthia Zuelow, Division’ of Governmental Coordination Ben Momblow, Coffrian Engineers, Inc. Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC P.O. Box 262912 2702 Gambell: ‘Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 90524-2912. Telephone: (807) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907).277-6443 Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC March 17, 2003 Ms. Judith Bittner Lo State Historic Preservation Office Office of History & Archaeology Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation 550 W 7" Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3565 Subject: Toksook Bay Kalskag Bulk Fuel Project Dear Ms. Bittner: Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC is under contract. with Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) to complete the engineering design for the Toksook Bay ’ consolidated bulk fuel tank farm upgrade. As a part of that process we wish to consult with your offices to insure that there are no archaeological resources at the proposed construction site. ‘ | have attached copies of site maps which delineate the area of the proposed construction. It is located within Section 17, T 005 N, R 090 W, Seward Meridian at approximately 60 degrees 31 minutes, North, 165 degrees, 06 minutes, West on the Inunivak Island C-1 Quad. We are aware that if any excavation were to disturb any archaeological resources-during construction, that we would be required to notify your offices immediately. We appreciate your review of this project and await your response. If you have any questions feel free to contact Mr. Marchegiani of my staff at 277-6427 concerning this project. Thanks ahead of time for your assistance. - Sincerely, ¢ Percy Frisby Chief Executive Officer ce: Brent Stonebraker, MacTec Brent Petrie, AVEC Marie Becker, AVEC : Cynthia Zuelow, Division of Governmental Coordination Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, Inc. Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell’Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907).277-6443 LATITUDE: 60° _-31°51°N LONGITUDE: 165° 06’30°W LEGEND ~—_— CULVERT === FLL AREA DEPTH VARIES” : SEE SECTION B-B "ON PAGE 2 TANK FARW PAD: AREA = 118,100 SF (2.71 ACRE) FILL VOLUME = 25,900 CU YDS AREA = 29,700 SF (0.68 ACRE) FILL VOLUME = 3,025 CU YDS CLIENTS: ALASKA Vit | PROJECT: : FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE LOCATION: LY TOOSN, ROSOW - Sl SEWARD MERIDIAN RD | WATERBODY:KANGRIAR BAY] fore: 350s PRL . 1 OF 2 sm wince azo corn | SITE CROSS SECTIONS sm wince azo corn | VILAGE: ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE HORZ. T'=100'-0" = VERT. 1"=10'-0" oo JFL oc row | LOGATION: | WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY. | [ DATE: 3/13/03" [PRAWN | ~ | SHEET: . _. 20F2 Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC July 29, 2003 Ms. Ellen Lance Ecological Services U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service 605 West 4" Avenue, Room 61 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2249 Subject: City of Toksook Bay — ‘Wind Generation Section 7 Consultation Dear Ms. Lance: Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC is working on behalf of the Denali Commission and their partner Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) on the Toksook Bay Wind Generation Project. We are providing assistance in the their consultation with you. Please reference recent conversations with Mr. Petrie, Ms. Becker and Mr. Marchegiani concerning the potential installation of four to seven wind turbines in Toksook Bay. | am attaching a draft configuration (Attachment #1) of the wind turbines which would be located within Block 10 in the Toksook Bay Townsite. Please reference the other attachments for additional information concerning the overall development. Toksook: Bay is in a high value area with a class 7 wind regime for wind power generation. It is estimated that one Atlantic Orient Corporation(AOC) AOC 15/50 machine in Toksook Bay could produce approximately 200,000 kwh per year. Presently, the proposed.-project is evaluating the installation of four (4) and up to seven (7) machines in Toksook Bay, which relate to displacing diesel generation between 800,000 kwh and 1,400,000 kwh per year respectively. Based upon an anticipated diesel efficiency of approximately 13.5 kwh per gallon; the potential displacement is approximately 59,000 gallons for the four machine confi iguration and 103,700 gallons for the seven machine configuration. The towers would be approximately 80 feet high with three blades. The designation AOC 15/50 stands for the 15 meter diameter blades and the 50 kw output of the generating units. So at four units, the maximum output would.be approximately 200 kw and at seven units the proposed development could potentially generate approximately 350 kw.. Please reference Appendix C for additional information on the AOC 15/50. P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 City of Toksook Bay — Wind Generation Page 2 Section 7 Consultation July 29, 2003 A short roadway would be constructed from the existing road (which runs to the City’s . Land Fill) approximately 1,000 feet to the generating units. Each of the towers will be anchored via piling, which will be driven into the ground for the required foundations. The State of Alaska FY 2002 PCE report indicates the average cost of fuel used in Toksook Bay to be approximately $1.26 per gallon. Based upon that costs and the above savings in fuel used, it would relate to $74,340’ (4 machines) or $130,660 (7 machines) in fuel savings per year. In addition, fuel costs have been increasing, consequently the potential could be even greater i in future years. Besides the financial savings, it would also improve the air quality since the diesel generators would have decreased emissions to the atmosphere. The wind turbines would offer a much needed source of renewable electrical energy to Toksook Bay and potentially to Tununak (assuming they are interconnected). It would also decrease their dependency upon diesel fuel, which is difficult and expensive to deliver. Now that wind turbines are available, which can withstand the harsh conditions of the arctic environments, they can be a cost-effective choice for isolated - communities. Wind turbines in combination with diesel generation offer these two communities a way to reduce their dependence on diesel fuel and cut their electrical costs. Typically rural Alaskan community electrical costs can be many times the residential electrical cost for Anchorage or Fairbanks. Given our meeting June 24, 2003 and the proposed development, it is our opinion that the project development “is not likely to adversely affect” any endangered species. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel mes to contact me at 277- 6442. Thanks for your assistance in this matter. Yao Chief Executive Officer Attachments: - Location & Vicinity Map Plan View Wind generation configuration on Block 10 DNR mapping for Block 10 Oblique photo from airplane of the general area On the ground photo of the general area (2) Atlantic Orient (AOC) 15/50 Wind Turbine Generator Information Pa Be Oh = cc: Brent Stonebraker, AVEC, w/ Attachments Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachments Marie Becker, AVEC, w/ Attachments Mary Leykom, Corp of Engineers, w/ Attachments Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, w/ Attachments Y x< Oo O Y) x O E ORIGINAL Shest 4 of 4 U.S. SURVEY No. 5024, ALASKA TOKSOOK BAY TOWNSITE Maference should be made to Sheet Ho. 1 for survey Anfermation. ‘This plat Ls strictly conformable to the approved field notes, and tha survey, having been correctly executed ia accordance with the réquirements of lew and the regule- thons of this Bureau, isshereby secepted. Yer the Director Bvinakll ht Catef, Division of Cadastral Survey Proposed wind generator location. Approximate location and quantity shown. ~ Photo #1 me Aerial Oblique View [age oO Future tank farm and power plant location, Wind génerator site ! k Photo #2 Wind site topography Photo #3 . ind site topography Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC April 11, 2003 Ms. Ellen Lance Ecological Services U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service 605 West 4'" Avenue, Room 61 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2249 : _ Subject: City of Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Section 7 Consultation Dear Ms. Lance: Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC is working on behalf of the Denali Commission and their partner AVEC on the Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel project. We are providing assistance in . the their consultation with you. Please reference. recent.conversations with Mr. . Marchegiani.of my staff and our correspondence dated April 9", 2003 to you. We wish to make the following additional clarifications: 1. There will be lighting at the dispensers and also as required by code to illuminate the tank farm. This lighting will not be red lighting and we will make every effort to obtain lighting fixtures, which shield the lighting downward on to the tank farm and dispensing area. ; 2. The distribution piping and the two fill lines do not cross any streams or water bodies. Given the proposed development and the clarifications in our letter dated April 9" and the above information, it is our opinion that the project development “is not likely to adversely affect” any endangered species that might be within the area. .. P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 ee If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mr. Eric. Marchegiani of my staff 907-277-6427. Thanks for your assistance in this matter. beg - ercy FI ¢ : Chief Executive Officer cc: Brent Stonebraker, MacTec Inc. Brent Petrie, AVEC Marie Becker, AVEC Mary Leykom, Corp of Engineers Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC ‘April 9, 2003 Ms. Ellen Lance Ecological Services U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service 605 West 4" Avenue, Room 61 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2249 Subject: City of Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Section 7 Consultation Dear Ms. Lance: Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC is working on behalf of AVEC on the Toksook Bay project and providing assistance in the subject consultation. Please reference your conversation with Mr. Marchegiani yesterday (4-8-03) concerning the above subject. You raised a number of questions concerning the Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Project and requested some additional information. Below we have listed the information that you requested: 1. Concerning the piping for the project: There are three sections of distribution piping, one which will run from the tank farm to the Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD) High School (approximately 1,833 lineal feet), one which will run to the LKSD Elementary School (approximately 359 lineal feet), and one which will run to the City water plant (approximately 327 lineal feet). All distribution piping will be 2-inch diameter pipe. 2. The fill lines for the project will consist of two parallel lines (i.e. one for gas and one for diesel). The lines are proposed to extend from the marine header up to the tank farm as illustrated on drawing C-1 that was previously provided. The length of the gasoline fill line to the furthest bulk fuel tank (NYC portion of the tank farm) is approximately 884 lineal feet. The length of the diesel fill line to the furthest AVEC bulk fuel tank is approximately 1,117 lineal feet. Both fill lines will be 3-inch diameter pipe. 3. All fill lines and distribution lines will be Schedule 80, seamless, ASTM A106, Grade B pipe. RECEIVEg: 03 P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 City of Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm , Page 2 Section 7 Consultation : April 9, 2003 4. See Attachment #1 for a table which delineates the existing capacity, useable capacity, current use, future use, and the proposed future capacity. You will note the assumptions for the increases for growth; 13-month period, etc. are listed at the bottom of the table. You may wish to note the total volume of 615,000 gallons is slightly different from the Table on drawing C-1 by 8,000 gallons (See discussion below under item 7). This is due to the situation that C-1 illustrates the volume of the tanks within the tank farm. The additional 8,000 gallons are two new 4,000 gallon double wall tanks that are proposed to serve as intermediate tanks at the LKSD High School and Elementary School. 5. See Attachment #2 for a set of tables by organization which delineates the existing capacity by the each tank in the existing tank farms. These figures are summarized in Attachment #1 under existing capacity. 6. See Attachment #3 (Drawing C-3 dated 11-15-03), which provides some additional ‘detail as discussed with you on the marine header and also a cross section of the tank farm pad and diking. These are conceptual design drawings and additional detail will be developed in the full design. 7. Please note that the actual legal description for the tank farm is described by indicating it will be located within Block 9 of the.U.S. Survey 5024. Hopefully, this will assist you in determining that it is within City property boundaries. . : Attachment #4 provides a map of Block 9 from the DNR Survey Offices, a printout from the Bethel Recorder's Office that illustrates that Block 9 of the U.S. Survey 5024 is a part of the Toksook Bay Townsite, and finally a description of the AVEC portion of Block 9 along with its recording at the DNR Recorders office. If you have information otherwise, please advise. 8. The Table on drawing C-1 delineates the number of tanks for each entity as placed within the tank farm and the particular size of the tanks as you previously discussed with Mr. Marchegiani of my staff. AVEC is proposed to have a total of twelve 27,000 gallon diesel tanks with room for two additional tanks in the future. The LKSD is proposed, to have three 27,000 gallon diesel tanks, one half of a 10,000 gallon dispensing tank and room for one additional 27,000 gallon tank in the future. The City is proposed to have one 10,000 gallon bulk fuel diesel tank and one half of the same 10,000 gallon dispensing tank that the LKSD has. The NYC will have three 27,000 gallon gasoline tanks, three 27,000 gallon. diesel tanks, one 10,000 gallon diesel tank, and one dual product 10,000 gallon dispensing tank. The overall tankage will provide for 521,000 gallons of diesel storage and 86,000 gallons of gasoline storage (total at the tank farm of 607,000 gallons. 9. As discussed, three regulatory plans will be developed for the project. They are the Spill Prevention Control & Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan, Facility Response Plan, and Operations Manual. A complete set of these plans will be developed for the AVEC portion of the tank farm, the LKSD portion of the tank Farm, and the consolidated tank farm for NYC and the City of Toksook Bay. These plans are normally completed after substantial completion of the project is met:since a registered engineer. must complete an inspection of the project and a certify . City of Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Page 3 Section 7 Consultation . ; April 9, 2003 that the project meets the code requirements. Obviously, the engineer can not complete that certification until substantial completion. 10.As previously discussed, AVEC is investigating the possibility of providing an overland transmission line to Tununak to provide power to Tununak from Toksook Bay. In doing this, they would be able to operate the diesel plant in Toksook Bay much more efficiently than by running two separate power plants. It would reduce the excess capacity that would need to be carried in each community. Consequently the establishment of a single source of power for both communities would reduce the amount of fuel burned and the related air quality emissions. AVEC’s other contractor is presently investigating the possibility of this transmission line. 11.AVEC is also considering the potential of installing an estimated four to possibly eight wind machines in the Toksook Bay area to decrease AVEC’s reliance on. diesel fuels and reduce the overall emissions to the environment. Although a particular site has not been established, it is anticipated that investigations will be initiated this summer within an approximate radius of about a mile from the community to find a suitable location. If you have additional question, please feel free to contact Mr. Eric Marchegiani of my. staff 907-277-6427. Thanks for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, ercy <z/ " . Chief Executive Officer Attachment as stated cc: Brent Stonebraker, MacTec Inc., w/ Attachment Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachment Marie Becker, AVEC, w/ Attachment Mary Leykom, Corp of Engineers, w/ Attachment Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, w/ Attachment ——————— Toksook Bay, Alaska , Bulk Fuel and Power Plant Upgrades Conceptual Design Report U. DENALI COMMISION COST CONTAINMENT COMPLIANCE The bulk tank farm and Power Plant projects are to be funded by the Denali Commission with some contributions from AVEC for Project: Management and other items. The Denali Commission has developed a Cost Containment Policy for Energy Projects, which identifies design criteria and construction cost benchmarks for both Bulk Fuel and Diesel - Power Plants. The following table is a summary of figures used in the Cost Containment Policy analysis. ‘ . Toksook Bay - Fuel Use/ Capacity Summary : 13Month Required _ Actual Existing Useable Current Future Future Future (3) Number Future (5) Capacity Capacity Use Use (1) Use(2) Capacity Of Capacity [Project Participant : (Gal) (Gal) (Gal) Gal ; ; JAVEC w/o Tununak(6) : 102,300 -| 92,070 99,900 | a wTununak(7) : 199,800 (9) | 186,520 | 163,900 (8) ity 18,500 16, 650 | . |City/ LKSD Dispensing Tank [Subtotal : LKSD- 89,300 | 80,370 52,027 |. 60,379-} 65,411 | 72,679 3 81,000 \City/ LKSD Dispensing Tank 1 5,000 intermediate Tanks ; 2 8,000 ISubtotal =| + 94,000 INYC : Diese! l 82,200 | 73,980 64,700 75,087 | 81,344 | 90,382 | 3 81,000 Diesel (new 10,000 galion tank) 1 10,000 Dispensing Tank 4 1 5,000 - Gas 60,400 | 54,360 55,200 64,062 | 69,400 | 77,111 3 81,000 ~ Dispensing Tank . 1 5,000 Subtotal - | 142,600 | 128,340 | 119,900 | 139,149 | 150,745 | 167,494 182,000 tals w/out Tununak Intertie .700 | 400,214 ’ = otals w/Tununak Intertie 450,200 | 411,880 | 343,827 | 500,813 | 518,214 | 575,793 (1) Assumes 1.5% annual growth for ten(10) years « factor of 1.16. |2) Assumes 13-month period or a factor of 1.08. 3) Assumes only 90% of tank is useable therefore the 13 month use is divided by 0.9. (4) This is the Required Future Capacity divided by 27000 gallons and rounded up. - (5)This number is the number of tanks multiplied times 27,000 (6) Assumes 174,000 gallons as the ten year, 13 month future use & capacity requirement for AVEC ((8).Includes 64, 000 gallons for Tununak's current use (9) Includes 97, 500 gallons of capacity for existing Tununak tanks ———— eeere - no : = aN = rt = : Bey NG 3 ; Toksook Bay, Alaska . ; Bulk Fuel and Power Plant Upgrades . Conceptual Design Report ! B. EXISTING BULK TANK STORAGE AND ELECTRICAL GENERATION CAPACITY SUMMARY . ; 1. Bulk Fuel Storage Capacity Summary The following table lists the existing total tank shell storage capacity for all of the tanks currently in use. The Usable capacity is calculated as 90% of the total shell capacity. Existing Tank Storage Capacity Diesel (Gal) Gasoline (Gal) Tank Usabl No. Owner Purpose Ver/Hor_ Size LxWxH Total Usable Total e City 1 City . Int H 8’diax 23’ 8,600 7,700 2 City. _ Bulk Vv 1l’diax 14’ - 9,900 8,900 : City Sub-Total= 18,500 16,600 NYC ; 1 NYC Bulk Vv 10’diax 147 8,200 ~—S—-7,400 2 NYC. Bulk Vv 10.5’diax 14’ 9,000 - 8,100 3 NYC Bulk Vv 9.5’diax 14’ 7,400 —-6,700 4 NYC Buk Vv 10’diax 14” 8,200 ~—S—_7,400 5 NYC Bulk Vv 9.5°diax 14’ 7,400 —«6,700 6 NYC Buk Vv 10’diax 14’ 8,200 ~—S_7,400 7 Nyc Buk Vv 10°'diax 14’ 8,200 ~—S7,400 8 NYC Buk H 8°diax 27.5’ 10,300 9,300 9 Nyc Buk -H 10°diax 26° 15,300 ~—:13,700 10 NYC Buk Vv 10.5’dia x 14’ 9,000 8,100 11 NYC Bulk Vv 9.5’dia x 14” 7,400 6,700 12 NYC Bulk Vv 10’dia x 14” 8,200 7,400 13 NYC Buk Vv 11’dia x14’ : 9,900 8,900 14 NYC Bulk Vv 9°dia x 14” 6,600 5,900 15 NYC — Bulk Vs (10.5’diax 14 9,000 8,100 16 NYC Bulk H 8°dia x 27.5” 10,300 9,300 NYC Sub-Total= 82,200 . 74,100 60,400 54,400 LKSD Elementary School —____]_ ___ LK SD — Bulk—-. --V _9'diax14’_... 6,600 5,900 —_—— 2 LKSD | Bulk Vv _ 85'diax 14’ 5,900 5,300 FL KSD Bulk 7 Sdigx 4’ 4,600 = 4,100 4 LKSD Bulk Vv 9.5'diax 14° 7,400 6,700 5 LKSD Bulk Ve. 10*diax 14" 8.200 7,400 6 '-LKSD Bulk Vv 9.5'‘diax 14 7,400. ~—-6,700 Attachment #2 Toksook Bay, Alaska Bulk Fuel and Power Plant Upgrades Conceptual Design Report Existing Tank Storage Capacity Diesel (Gal) Gasoline (Gal) Tank ° : Usabl No. | Owner jose Ver/Hor Size LxWxH Total Usable Total ‘oe 7 LKSD Bulk Vv 9.5’diax 14’ - 7,400 6,700 8 - LKSD Bulk Vv. 8.5’dia x 14’ 5,900 5,300 LKSD Elementary School Sub-Total = 53,400 48,100 LKSD High School 2 1- LKSD Bulk Vv 9’dia x 14’ 6,600 5,900 2 LKSD Buk Vv 8.5’°dia x 14’ 5,900 5,300: 3 LKSD Bulk V. 8’dia x 14’ 5,200 4,700 4 LKSD Bulk Vv 8’dia x 14’ 5,200 4,700 5 LKSD Bulk Vv 8.5’dia x 14’ 5,900 5,300 6 LKSD Bulk Vv 9’dia x 14’ 6,600 5,900 7 LKSD _ Int H 48”dia x 6” - 500 500 LKSD High School Sub-Total= 35,900 32,300 AVEC , : . 1 AVEC Bulk V 11’dia x 13.2’ 9,300 8,400 2 AVEC Bulk Vv 11’dia x 13.8’ 9,800. 8,800 3 AVEC Bulk Vv 10.5’diax 13:2’ 8,500 7,700 4 AVEC Bulk Vv 11’dia x 13.8’ 9,800 —_—-8,800 5 AVEC Bulk Vv 11’diax 13.2’ 9,300 8,400 © 6 AVEC Bulk Vv" 10.5’diax 13.8’ 8,900 8,000 “ 7 AVEC Bulk . Vv 11’dia x 13.2’ 9,300 8,400 - 8 ‘AVEC Bulk Vv 10.5’dia x 13.8’ 8,900 8,000 9 AVEC Bulk Vv 11’dia x 13.8” 9,800 8,800 10 AVEC Bulk Vv 10.5’dia x 13.8’ 8,900 8,000 11 AVEC Bulk Vv 11’dia x 13.8” 9,800 - 8,800 AYEC Sub-Total = 102,300 92,100 . _ GRAND TOTAL= 292,300 | 263,200 60,400 54,400 Note: The Percentage of shell capacity. that is usable in existing tanks may be greater than 90%, especially if fuel shortages warrant draining all fuel out of tanks.. = — _... 2,-—--Power Generation-Capacity .. " The following table lists the total power generation capacity at the AVEC Power . Plant located at Toksook Bay and its type: F 7 = FMAN | Attachment #2 oye €# qQuewyqoeqqy |. 8-9 . 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Sy N Attachment #4 U.S. SURVEY No, 5024, ALASKA TOKSOOK BAY TOWNSITE Locarea OM MELSON ISLAND OM THE NORTHEELY SHORE OF KANOIRLVAR BAY a ESTABLISHMENT OF U.S, LOCATION MOMRGKHT MO. 5024 GROGRAPHIC POSITLON ar U.S, LOCATION MomMUnTT mo, 5024 LATTTups 60° 31 57.54" NORTH LONGITUDE 165° 06 34.26" unsT ABRA: 88.65 ACRES ‘SURVETED BY MASON W. THAYER, SUPERVISORY CADASTRAL SURVEYOR May 15, 1971 TROROGM MAY 29, 1973 | UNDER SPECIAL LeSTRUCTIONS — : ‘ia Arraoven “neler MARCH 17, 1970 Banat Chief, Division of Codestral POF - www fastio.com . —— we cece a wae ORK mas U.S. SURVEY No. 5024, ALASKA TOKSOOK BAY TOWNSITE 4 ‘Chief, Division of Cadastral Survey SUNSBE WUPAlUUOLLE Us LVGtuLal LeoUUL eS AOU bd Uiiee siege Dy ow aupysvew Abaska | y Alaska Department of Natural Resourees Commissioner: Tom Name Search | Date Search | Plat Number Search | Survey Search | MIRS Search | Subdivision Search | No Plat Subdivision Search | Document Number Search | Document Type Search | Book and Page Search | Doc.Input/UnverifiedStatus Recorders Office - Document Display Selected Document: 1985-001402-0 in District: 402 - BETHEL See Index Codes Document Year: 1985 Number: 001402 Suf: 0 District: 402- BETHEL ~ / Date Recorded: 12/18/1985 Time: 08:36AM Book:42 Page:503 Pages: 2 | All information has been displayed UCC documents will be shown as active or inactive. Active does not necessarily mean effective. A Wildcard reference means it does not tie to an active filing. Name Search | Date Search | Plat Number Search | Survay Search | MIRS Search | Subdivision Search | No Plat Subdivision Search | Document Number Search | Document Type Search | Book and Page Search | Doc. Input/UnverifiedStatus Recorder's Office Search Menu | Recorder's Office Home Page | Dept.of Natural Resources Home Page| . _ State of Alaska Home Page | Copyright| Privacy| Disclaimer . Last updated on 04/09/2003. © NOTICE: Documents are entered in nonsequential batches. Temporary http://www.dnr.state.ak.us/recorders/sag/DocDisplay.cfm?SelectedDoc=19850014020&Dist... 4/9/2003 ALMSKA VOPALUUCLLE U4 dyatuLal AWwouUL eo BU © Wate ait Wy Uewaee ape see T de Welcome tothe ~~ . 7 (Qi Alaska department of Natural Resources Recorders Office - Document Display Selected Document: 1984-001 595-0 in District: 402 - BETHEL See Index Codes Document Year: 1984 Number: 001595 Suf: 0 District: 402 - BETHEL | Date Recorded: 11/20/1984 Time: 02:31PM Book:39 Page:906° Pages: 2 Oe Desc: PATENT : All information has: been displayed ucc documents will be shown as active or inactive. Active does not necessarily mean effective. A Wildcard reference means it does not tie to an active filing. Name Search | Date Search | Plat Number Search | Survey Search | MTRS Search | Subdivision Search | No Plat Subdivision Search | Document Number Search | Document Type Search | Book and Page Search | Doc.input/UnverifiedStatus Recorder's Office Search Menu | Recorder's Office Home Page | Dept.of Natural Resources Home Page | State of Alaska Home Page | Copyright | Privacy | Disclaimer http://www.dnr.state.ak.us/recorders/sag/DocDisplay.cfm?SelectedDoc=19840015950&Dist... 4/9/2003 Toksook Bay AVEC Tank Farm Land Description The point of beginning is the northernmost comer of Block 9, U.S Survey No. 5024, said point being the intersection of the southern boundary of Airport Road and the northemm boundary of the Airport; thence S. 17°50” E. along the southern boundary of Block 9 and the northern boundary of the airport a distance of approximately 465 feet to a point; thence N. 72° 05°40” E. a distance of approximately 480 feet to a copperweld monument (as shown on the plat for U.S. Survey 5024) on the southem edge of the Airport Road right on way; thence N. 63°10” W. along the southern edge of the Airport Road right of way approximately 675 feet to the point of beginning. Containing approximately 2.5 acres The parcel is shown in the attached Exhibit A. The bearings and distances should be considered approximate and the parcel is subject to redescription upon survey to reflect as built alignments of improvements. AUMSKA VOPALUUCLIl U4 LVAtUL a! INOOUULLDD INCUULUTL S ULLIUG LIOR. OY SUL Tageivulse dpe Welcome to the y Commissioner: Tom i of Natural Resources Name Search | Date Search | Plat Number Search | Survey Search | MIRS Search | Subdivision Search | No Plat Subdivision Search | Document Number Search | Document Type Search | Book and Page Search | Doc.input/UnverifiedStatus Recorders Office - Document Display Selected Document: 2002-001924-0 : : in District: 402 - BETHEL See. Index Codes Document Year: 2002 Number: 001924 Suf: 0. District; 402 - BETHEL . Date Recorded: 12/12/2002. Time: 10:42AM Pages: 10 Desc: GROUND LEASE AND AGREEMENT , a) All information has been displayed UCC documents will be shown as active or inactive. Active does not necessarily mean effective. A Wildcard reference means it does not tie to an active filing: Name Search | Date Search | Plat Number Search | Survey Search | MTRS Search | Subdivision Search | No Plat Subdivision Search | Document Number Search | Document Type Search | Book and Page Search | Doc.input/UnverifiedStatus Recorder's Office Search Menu | Recorder's Office Home Page | Dept.of Natural Resources Home Page | State of Alaska Home Page | Copyright | Privacy | Disclaimer a Last updated on 04/09/2003. NOTICE: Documents are entered in nonsequential batches. Temporary htto://www.danr.state.ak.us/recorders/sag/DocDisplay.cfm?SelectedDoc=20020019240&Dist.... 4/9/2003 2003-0095 United States Department of the Interior WAR 25 2003 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Anchorage Fish & Wildlife Field Office COPY FOR YOUR " 605 West 4" Avenue, Room G-6: in reply refer to Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2249 INFORMATION AFWFO. : April 25, 2003 Mr. Al Ewing Denali Commission 510 L Street, Suite 410 Peterson Tower Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: AVEC bulk fuel and power system upgrade — Toksook Bay (consultation number 2003- 0095) Dear Mr. Ewing, This is in reply to your request for concurrence with your determination that the proposed upgrades to the bulk fuel facility are not likely to. adversely affect threatened and endangered species in the vicinity of Toksook Bay. The proposed tank farm upgrades include co-locating tank farms, replacing the marine header and fill lines, moving the power plant, and installing new gasoline and diesel dispensers. The project description indicates the fuel facility will span no waterways, security lighting will not be red, and lighting will be shielded downward. The proposed net increase in fuel storage capacity across four tank farms [Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC), Nunakauyak Yupik Corporation (NYC), the city, and the Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD)] is approximately 20%. The increased storage capacity will accommodate a 1.5% annual growth rate of the village for ten years pins a an assumed 13 months of annual use. There are two alternatives for this project; one provides enough fuel storage capacity to facilitate an intertie with Tununak, and one is without the extra capacity for Tununak. If the intertie alternative is chosen, an above ground power line will connect the power plant in Toksook Bay with the village of Tununak. The power line is proposed to follow a road connécting Toksook Bay and Tununak: ‘This road has been proposed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), but does not currently exist. Additionally, AVEC is considering installing wind turbines to augment the ~ diesel fuel requirements at this power plant. A site for wind power development has not been selected, however, the site will likely be within a 1-mile radius of Toksook Bay. Anenometers will be erected in 2003. Toksook Bay is located on Nelson Island, on the north shore of Kangirlvar Bay and is in the vicinity of Critical Habitat designated for the spectacled eider (Somateria fischeri), which was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (Act) in 1993. Spectacled eiders nest in the 3-mile corridor of wetlands to the south of Kangirlvar Bay. Furthermore, Steller’s eiders (Polysticta stelleri), listed as threatened under the Act in 1997, congregate in the thousands between Cape Vancouver and the Kolavinarak Delta during spring and fall migration. Mr. Al Ewing We have considered the potential for direct and indirect and negative effects to the threatened _ Steller’s and. spectacled eiders relative to this bulk fuel upgrade project. Fuel barge companies “typically ‘deliver fuel to Toksook Bay during May/June and in September/October however, emergency. déliveries have been made in winter over the frozen river. There is no mooring structure at the existing marine header, and the cost of installing a mooring structure has not been factored into this project. Although fuel barges are unable to moor at the marine header, the risk of damage to barges is improbable at Toksook Bay (Matt Sweetsir, Yutana Fuel Barge Co., pers. comm.). If a catastrophic spill were to occur in May, when Steller’s eiders stage near Cape Vancouver, Steller’s eiders could be affected by direct contact with hydrocarbons. However, because the probability of a catastrophic spill during fuel delivery is small, -and the period of time in which Steller’s eiders stage near Cape Vancouver is brief, we believe the probability of take occurring as a result of a catastrophic spill during fuel delivery to Toksook Bay is so small it is discountable. Furthermore, aside from the immediate south shore of Kangirlvar Bay, any oil spills occurring in the Bay are not likely to adversely affect the designated Critical Habitat for nesting spectacled eiders. Eiders have been known to strike power and communication lines in Alaska. However, migrating Steller’s and spectacled eider tend to follow the coastline, and typically do not traverse peninsulas. Therefore, the Service believes the likelihood of eiders striking the power transmission lines proposed to link Toksook Bay with Tununak, and the proposed anemometers near Toksook Bay, is so small it is also discountable. We acknowledge that the proposed upgrades to bulk fuel facility in Toksook Bay are largely beneficial actions, and believe that the probability of adverse indirect affects to threatened eiders and their habitat is discountable, therefore, the Service concurs with the Denali Commission’s assessment that this project is not likely to adversely affect listed species. Preparation ofa biological assessment or further consultation under section 7 of the Act regarding this project is not necessary at this time. If project plans change, additional information on listed or proposed species becomes available, or new species are listed that may be affected by the project, consultation should be reinitiated. . This letter relates only to federally listed or proposed species and/or designated or proposed critical habitat under our jurisdiction. It does not address species under the jurisdiction of “National Marine Fisheries Service, or other legislation or responsibilities under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Clean Water Act, National Environmental Policy Act, or the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. That said, we are sure you are aware that another of the Service’s Trust Resources, migratory birds, can suffer significant mortality from collisions with towers, blades and associated infrastructure such as power lines and guy wires. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) prohibits the taking, killing, possession, transportation, and importation of migratory birds, their eggs, parts, and nests, except when specifically authorized by the Department of the Interior. While the MBTA has no provision for allowing unauthorized take, it must be recognized that some birds may be killed at structures such as wind turbines even if all reasonable measures to avoid such strikes are implemented. While it is not possible under the Act to absolve individuals Mr. Al bwing or companies from liability if they follow recommended guidelines, the Division of Law Enforcement and Department of Justice have used enforcement and prosecutorial discretion in the past regarding individuals or companies who have made good faith efforts to avoid the take of migratory birds. On February 25-26, 2003, the Service sponsored a workshop on wind power development in Alaska. The workshop was attended by Service biologists and by representatives from non- government organizations and federal and state agencies, that have plans to develop wind projects in Alaska. We have enclosed a summary document from the workshop, and would suggest that you consider developing a bird monitoring strategy for your wind development sites. You can find out from local residents, including wildlife professionals from Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (907-543-3151), about which birds might be migrating and nesting in or through your proposed wind sites, and from that information determine when to concentrate your monitoring efforts. Monitoring should occur before erecting your turbines, while the anemometers are up. Furthermore, we recommend mortality checks be conducted in the vicinity of the anemometer towers on a regular basis. Predation may be high at your proposed wind sites. Because the sites are near communities, the mortality checks should not come at great cost or inconvenience. Installation of bird deterrent devices (i.e., bird diverters) should be considered if the towers require guy. wires. Currently, bird deterrent devices are in the form of coils around the wires or “flappers” attached to wires. There are many styles available and prices vary, but they are relatively inexpensive. Unfortunately, we do not know how effective these devices are during low visibility conditions, as are common in coastal Alaska. Finally, we would be happy to review and comment on your monitoring plan. This concludes section 7 consultation on the AVEC tank farm upgrade in Toksook Bay. . Thank you for your cooperation in meeting our joint responsibilities under section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and we encourage you to continue your assessment of impacts to birds resulting from wind power development. If you have any questions, please contact me at (907) 271-2787 or Ellen Lance at (907) 271-1467. In future correspondences regarding this consultation, please refer to consultation number 2003-0095. Sincerely, Ann G. Rappoport Field Supervisor Enclosure’ Cc: Brent Stonebraker, MacTec Inc. Brent Petrie, AVEC Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC T:\s7\2003 section 7\Ellen\Denali Commssion\AVECtankfarmToksook_NLTAA.doc Workshop Summary Supporting wind energy projects in Alaska: developing a strategy for minimizing loss of migratory birds March 2003 Prepared by Steve Matsuoka and Karen Laing U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’ Migratory Bird Management 1011 East Tudor Road, MS 201 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907-786-3443 Introduction On February 25" a diverse group of project planners and biologists from public utilities, native corporations, environmental consulting firms, not-for-profit environmental groups, and state and federal agencies met in Anchorage to discuss supporting wind energy projects in Alaska that minimize the loss of migratory birds. Background There is increasing activity concerning wind energy development in Alaska. The Alaska Energy Authority and rural utilities are considering the development of wind power projects at more than 100 villages in Alaska, including many located within or near lands managed by State or Federal agencies. In addition, urban utilities, military agencies, and other private entities are developing plans to use wind for generating energy. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) recognizes that wind offers “clean” and economical power to remote villages where generators running on diesel can present a variety of pollution and human health hazards. The Service has primary responsibility for managing and protecting migratory birds under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and manages several migratory bird species in Alaska protected under the Endangered Species Act. Increasing numbers of tall structures in the landscape, including wind turbines, pose a threat to birds which may collide with them. Therefore we are holding this one day workshop to help formulate a coordinated strategy. for supporting wind energy development in Alaska so that Workshop Summary—Wind energy development und birds bird populations, including endangered species, are protected from high mortality; managers of wind projects receive consistent, reasonable guidance from the Service and other land management and natural resource agencies; guidance is financially feasible so that energy sources that are more harmful to the environment are not chosen over wind energy projects; and natural resource managers can plan ahead to assess the effects of wind energy projects on birds, particularly in coastal regions which have been poorly studied and provide vital bird habitats. Workshop Goals The specific goals of this workshop are: To update participants on plans for wind energy projects in Alaska and provide them with information on what is known about avian collisions with wind turbines and how to prevent them. To have participants help the Service develop a set of regionally-specific voluntary guidelines for builders of wind energy projects in Alaska. National guidelines are being developed primarily for the large wind farms in the Lower 48 but may not apply to the smaller wind projects proposed in rural Alaska. Regional guidelines will be required to be consistent with the national guidelines but need to address regional-specific problems as well. Workshop participants will be given a working draft of the regional guidelines prior to the workshop to discuss, question, and refine. Agenda 8:15 8:30 9:30 10:00 10:30° 10:45 11:15 11:45 12:00 Introductions, agenda, and goals for the workshop.—Karen Laing, USFWS Migratory Bird Management. A crash course in wind turbine and avian interactions from the national and Alaska perspectives: steps to address the challenge.—Al Manville, USFWS Migratory Bird Management. Using wind as a source of energy for rural Alaska.—Dennis Meiners, Alaska Energy Authority. / Legal mandates and processes for protecting migratory birds: Bald Eagle Protection Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and Endangered Species Act.—Stephen Oberholtzer, USFWS Law Enforcement. Break Solutions emerging from research on monitoring systems and deterrents.—Rick Carlton, Electric Power Research Institute. SS : Windfield siting for eiders at St. Lawrence Island, Alaska.—Bob Day and Brian Cooper, ABR, Inc., Environmental Research and Services. Effects of offshore wind farms on waterfowl — lessons from Europe.—Tim Bowman, USFWS Migratory Bird Management. Lunch Workshop Summary—Wind energy development und birds 1:15 The North Pacific Seabird Colony Catalog: a source of data to evaluate proposed developments.—Shawn Stephensen, USFWS Migratory Bird Management. . 1:30 Sources of funding for evaluating wind energy developments.—Mike Roy, USFWS Habitat Conservation. 1:45 Proposed guidelines for builders of wind energy projects in Alaska——EHen Lanee, USFWS Ecological Services, Anchorage and Neesha Wendling, USFWS Ecological Services, Fairbanks. 2:45 Break 3:00 Discussions: Refining national guidelines for use by developers of wind energy projects in Alaska. 4:45 Wrap Up 5:00 Adjourn Asummary of items discussed during the workshop A. PRELIMINARY SITE EVALUATION Much of the time was spent discussing the draft Regional Guidelines for wind energy developers in Alaska. The guidelines are essentially a copy of the draft National Guidelines with a few changes to make them more specific for Alaska. Some of the important issues discussed included the following. 1. IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS a. Guidelines are VOLUNTARY. .b. This is only one component of the site evaluation. Other aspects such an economics and engineering are typically done first. Other resource issues related to archeology, NEPA, and the Clean Water Act also need to be considered in the overall evaluation process. 2. CHECKLIST VERSUS INDEX SCORES. Most agreed that the Preliminary Site Evaluation was useful primarily as a checklist for organizing what is qualitatively known about the proposed development site. Many participants questioned the validity of using the checklists to derive quantitative scores and to compare scores both among proposed development sites to a reference site where the impacts on birds would be maximal. In particular the potential value of the quantitative scores seemed to vary with the size the development. a. Small developments.—The scores did not seem to be relevant to the small developments proposed for rural communities in Alaska where the options for locating turbines is limited (generally within 1-mile of the village) and expectations for scores to vary among sites low. Furthermore, comparisons of the scores to a “reference site” located at a distant location away from the village may have little meaning. However, the checklist would still be informative in identifying what species occur in at the proposed site and what specific characteristics about the site may lead to potential problems with birds. Workshop Summary—Wind energy development und birds isa Large developments.—In larger developments or areas where the sites available for development are more widespread and varied, deriving quantitative scores for proposed sites and comparing scores both among sites and to a reference site may be desirable. For example, the index scores could be useful for comparing the potential impacts among development sites in the gréater Anchorage area (i.e. Fire Island, Arctic Valley, Portage Valley, Bird Point, etc.) and a developable.site where the impacts would be the greatest (i.e. Coastal Refuge). In particular, identifying reference sites that are “worst case scenarios” for birds seemed to be a useful from a developer’s perspective. 3. IMPROVING THE CHECKLISTS Most participants agreed that the checklists were useful but we should consider including the following information: a. Species abundance—Additional information on species abundance (i.e. rare, common, abundant) and the presence of significant breeding colonies, molting areas, or concentrations of migrants would be useful to more fully evaluate sites. Such information might help better distinguish among sites that within a proposed development area. b. Regional occurrence.—Checklist could be regionalized to include only those species that occur in the region. This would not only make the checklists edsier to use but also may make the index scores derived from the checklists more comparable among sites within the region. c. “Show stoppers” for developers ——We could streamline the process by identify up front situations where species conditions (i.e. endangered species, massive seabird colony) would likély lead to.a recommendation to not develop a site. The legal framework (i.e. © Endangered Species Act) should used to identify these species conditions. 4. MORE THOUGHTS ON REFERENCE SITES AND QUANTITATIVE SCORES a. References sites.— The reference site approach does have some merits from a developer’s perspective but the references need to be more regionally specific to make them useful Alaska. To be most effective, however, the reference should be located at a site where wind energy development is feasible and should be within the same area or region that the wind development is being proposed. Some proposed that reference sites or worst case scenarios could be developed for each region in Alaska for comparison to proposed developments the region. Other thoughts in references sites included: e Oil vulnerability index for seabirds (Sanger et al.) was suggested as a good model of how to spread out the scores to better distinguish among potential development sites. e Additionally sites where impacts are minimal may also be useful to reference. e The value of the references may become more important in the future as larger developments are proposed. b. Quantitative scores ——Are the numbers that you come up with in the end valid, accurate, or biased? It was suggested that we should try applying the scores to the checklists at a variety of sites to see how well the scoring system works. In the end it does not require collecting any additional information than what is already noted in the checklists. Workshop Summary—Wind energy development und birds Several participants stressed that the index currently only compares sites and does NOT estimate potential impacts. Some suggested that we should consider conducting post- construction mortality studies to evaluate the validity of the scores. Other issues that were discussed related to the quantitative scores included: e Scores may be biased toward the amount of information West for a site. For example a town with a bird list compiled by a group of dedicated birders over a number of years would likely score hither than a remote village with little information available on birds. e Ranks useful to help give guidance for future developments. e A low score does not necessarily provide a “green light” for development. 5. OUTREACH Participants suggested that more focus be placed on outreach to industry in the development of the voluntary guidelines. Related to this the guidelines may need to be presented in a more clear fashion to more effectively articulate the process and its goals. Some areas that could be clarified include: a. The Service’s timeline is responding to industry should be made explicit. b. Developers need to consult with the Service on Endangered Species issues before putting Cc. up anemometers (i.e. MET towers). Who developers should contact with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The following Field Supervisors should be the primary contacts: ANN RAPPOPORT, Field Supervisor, Anchorage Fish and Wildlife Field Office Hl 605 West 4" Avenue, Room G-62, Anchorage, Alaska 99501, 907-271-2888 STEVE LEWIS, Field Supervisor, Fairbanks Fish and Wildlife Field Office 101 12" Avenue, Box 19, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701, 907-456-0203 BRUCE HALSTEAD, Field Supervisor, Juneau Fish and Wildlife Field Office 3000 Vintage Park Blvd, Suite 201, Juneau, Alaska 99801, 907-586-7240 Service’s role in providing information on birds. There was discussion on who is responsible for doing studies on birds. Developers are responsible for obtaining information if it relates to their potential take of migratory birds. However, given the fact that projects in Alaska are not developed by large companies, but rather by local utilites with tight, usually government funding, the Service is willing to partner with developers to obtain grants for studies. Grant programs were described in Mike Roy’s session of this workshop. Where in the overall process that industry goes through to plan these projects does the bird issue lie. National Wind Committee has a published process for development available on the web (www.nationalwind.com). B. STUDIES TO ASSESS AND MONITOR IMPACTS ON WILDLIFE Several participants stressed that we need more information to better predict the effects of wind energy developments in Alaska on birds. Currently we rely on the results from studies in the Workshop Summary— Wind energy development und birds lower 48, which may not necessarily apply in Alaska. Therefore organized studies are needed to more critically evaluate the effects of these developments on birds. In Lower 48 preconstruction studies are recommended, but Alaska is a somewhat unique situation because of the small scale of these rural developments. Representatives from industry stressed that proposed developments in rural Alaska are already done on a shoe-string budget and that additional studies could potentially threaten the feasibility of harnessing energy from wind in rural communities. However, others pointed out that there are many sources of funds to support such studies (see abstract of the presentation by Mike Roy below). Representatives from the wind energy sector could potentially work with land managers and biologists from state and federal agencies to secure the funds to support these studies. Also graduate students may be another means of bringing down the costs of studies. Other topics discussed on wildlife studies included: a. Information on bird mortality could be easily collected from existing developments (i.e. Kotzebue, Wales, Selawik, St. Paul). b. The information on bird distribution needs to be more easily accessible by developers. Ideally this could be on a website with GIS type layers for bird abundance at different locations in Alaska. The Seabird Colony Catalog is a good example (see abstract of the presentation by Shawn Stephensen below). Costs may come down in the future for wind turbines. Need to have some standards on the level of information needed to evaluate the impacts of proposed developments on wildlife populations as the available information will vary considerable among sites. pe Cc. RECOMMENDATIONS ON TURBINE DESIGN AND OPERATION Current technology that is applicable for rural Alaska may not meet the national recommendations for turbine design (i.e. tubular vs. lattice towers, guy wires, etc). Some items discussed regarding the recommendations on turbine design included: a. Research is not definitive on tubular vs. lattice. b. In many places it will be difficult to put up towers without guys from an engineering perspective. ° c. Suggestions on coloring blades may be premature. This should be a topic of future research not a specific recommendation. d. Laying down tower; how likely is this? This could be feasible from the industry prospective. e. Options for varying the height of towers are largely restricted in Alaska. Height may be more of a concern for the larger developments in Alaska (i.e. Chugach Electric in Anchorage has evaluated 25 sites in Anchorage: Fire Island, Bird Point, Arctic Valley, etc.). D. INDUSTRY AND THE SERVICE: HOW DO WE WORK TOGETHER? 1. LIABILITY There was some reluctance expressed by industry representatives to work with the Service because of fear of more restrictions being imposed on them based on the information collected. Service participants responded that the reverse is true because some protection from liability is Workshop Summary—Wind energy development und birds afforded to industry when they work with the Service. Currently permits related to the Endangered Species Act and Wetlands Protection Act can be issued to developers. However, protection from liability is not offered through such a process under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act even if developers make the good faith effort to work with the Service to follow the guidelines. Developers do not know whether their efforts to minimize bird deaths will be sufficient to preclude future law enforcement action. Some expressed the desire for a permitting process under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act similar to that available under the Endangered Species Act. Industry needs some assurance that their decisions in site selection (which takes into account many things besides impacts to birds that may be conflicting) are not misconstrued as an “unfaithful” attempt at addressing migratory bird issues. 2. OUTREACH : It was suggested that this dialog between the Service and industry representatives should continue. Meetings twice a year between industry and the Service would be useful in helping develop a more effective partnership. Also it would be useful if Service representative would make an effort to give presentations at utility staff meetings such as a meeting coming up in Barrow later this year. Establishing a listserve to keep discussions active was also recommended. 3. ADVISORY GROUP It was suggested that we look to the National Wind Coordinating Committee (NWCC) as a model of how to develop an effective advisory group for Alaska. The NWCC deals with all aspects of wind energy development, one component of which is the Avian-Wind Working Group. The Department of Energy funded the development of NWCC so they may be a possible source of funds for us in Alaska. If you want to find out more about the NWCC contact Al Manville (Albert_Manville@fws.gov) or check out their website at www.nationalwind-org. Abstracts A CRASH COURSE IN WIND TURBINE AND AVIAN INTERACTIONS FROM THE NATIONAL AND ALASKAN PERSPECTIVES — STEPS.TO ADDRESS THE CHALLENGES. Albert M. Manville, II, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Migratory Bird Management, 4401 N. Fairfax Dr., MS MBSP 4107, Arlington, VA 22203, 703-358-1963, email: Albert Manville@fws.gov. Wind power is the fastest growing energy industry in the world. This presentation will very briefly review the history of wind power in the U.S., mention issues at Altamont Pass that first brought the bird strike issue to USFWS’s attention, and discuss efforts the Service is taking to minimize the impacts of turbines to birds and other wildlife species — such as through our developing interim draft siting and placement guidance. While the Service’s developing guidance is nationwide in scope, many recommendations and research needs are directly applicable to Alaska and will be reviewed. Turbines sited at land-based and offshore locations create different and sometimes unique challenges, and each will briefly be assessed, including concerns over mortality and cumulative impacts. Several listed species and birds of conservation Workshop Summary—Wind energy development und birds concern create additional challenges for turbine siting on National Wildlife Refuges and at some native villages, but also create opportunities for additional research and proactive conservation, both which will be mentioned. This presentation also briefly reviews the Division’s legal concerns; Service membership on in-house and multi-stakeholder working groups developed to address avian impacts; other voluntary Service guidance; and turbine issues likely key to impacting birds, including site evaluation, lighting, turbine design, and possible deterrents. WINDFIELD SITING FOR EIDERS AT ST. LAWRENCE ISLAND, ALASKA. Robert H. Day’, John R. Rose!, Robert J. Ritchie', John E. Shook’, and Brian A. Cooper” ' ABR, Inc.—Environmental Research & Services, P.O. Box 80410, Fairbanks, AK 99708-0410 (bday@abrinc.com); 2 ABR, Inc—Environmental Research & Services, P.O. Box 249, Forest Grove, OR 97116-0249 During spring and fall, many eiders pass St. Lawrence Island during their passage between breeding and wintering grounds. We studied bird movements in the vicinity of Gambell October-November 2002 and evaluated the probability of collision with the proposed windfarm, especially the collision of endangered Spectacled (Somateria fischeri) and Steller's (Polysticta stelleri) eiders. We recorded 876 groups of birds visually (representing 26,172 birds) and 687 radar targets of birds during this survey. During visual sampling, movement rates were dominated numerically (in decreasing order) by alcids, eiders, unidentified waterbirds (alcids and/or seaducks), gulls, other ducks, and cormorants. Eider movements consisted of Spectacled, King, and Common eiders. Mean movement rates of eiders varied geographically, with all recorded only over the ocean. Almost all non-eider taxa were recorded moving over the ocean, with only raptors and gulls also seen moving over the three zones on land. Mean flock sizes varied dramatically among species-groups; the mean flock size of eiders was 28.0 birds. Mean flight altitudes also varied dramatically among species-groups. Gulls had the highest mean flight altitude, followed by cormorants, raptors, unidentified waterbirds, loons, other ducks, eiders, and alcids; eiders had a mean flight altitude of 1.8 m and a maximal flight altitude of 15 m. Flight behavior was dominated overall by contouring flight (i.e., following the shoreline), followed by straight-line directional flight, erratic, flying/landing, and circling. We considered the radar to provide an underestimate of numbers of eiders moving over the ocean but to provide an accurate estimate of numbers moving over land. "Eiders" exhibited low mean movement rates on radar (1-3 targets/h) during most dates and under most weather conditions, whereas "non-eiders". exhibited mean movement rates of ~25 targets/h. Mean movement rates of "eiders" were ~175% higher at night than during the day, whereas mean movement rates of "non-eiders" were ~160% higher during the day than at night. Mean movement rates of "eiders" on radar varied geographically, with essentially all birds flying only over the ocean and none flying over the mountain and town, similar to what we recorded visually. Mean movement rates of "non-eiders" also varied geographically, with none recorded over the mountain, moderate numbers moving over the proposed wiridfarm and town, and much higher numbers moving over the ocean. On radar, “eiders" exhibited primarily straight-line directional characteristics, as did "non-eiders." Both the radar and visual data indicate that the number of birds moving and wintering in this area is large, and eiders form a significant proportion of those birds at this time of the year. Most birds passing Gambell in the fall do so over the ocean, with very little movement over land, including the proposed windfarm. Local villagers indicated that both eiders and Long-tailed Ducks fly over the spit on which Gambell occurs after the sea freezes and snow obscures the Workshop Summary—Wind energy development und birds boundary between sea and land; at those times, these birds occasionally hit the FAA towers. Flight altitudes of most species over the ocean are so low that, unless they change altitude as they cross land, they would pass under the rotor blades of the turbines as they are envisioned at this time. Although summer bird movements were not studied, we suggest that the location of the auklet colony should be a consideration in site selection at this windfarm. EFFECTS OF OFFSHORE WIND FARMS ON BIRDS. Tim Bowman, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Migratory Bird Management, 1011 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, 907-786- 3569, email: tim_bowman@fws.gov. Little is known about the effects of offshore wind farms on birds. Currently, the only operational offshore wind farms are in European waters, but several are proposed for the U.S. and Canada. Although placing wind farms offshore is more expensive than on land, it allows energy developers to tap into higher wind velocities and eliminates some of the obstacles associated with land-based wind farms such.as land purchase, annoyance to inhabitants, and conflicts with other planning interests. Potentially, offshore sites also create problems with birds, particularly sea ducks, which use the same ’shallow water habitats for feeding, resting, and migration. Concerns include 1) risk of collision mortality, 2) displacement from disturbance, and 3) loss of habitat. Only a few studies of the effects of wind farms on birds have been done, and these were on small, “demonstration” projects in Europe. The risk of collision has not been evaluated at all. Disturbance effects were generally found to be minimal; in most instances birds altered their flight behavior to avoid turbines. However, proposed offshore wind farm developments in both Europe and North America will be much larger than those studied previously; cumulative impacts could be important. There is an urgent need for baseline studies on 1) the direct and indirect effects of offshore wind farms on birds, 2) bird resources in proposed development areas, and 3) siting and design considerations for installations that will minimize the impacts on bird populations. THE NORTH PACIFIC SEABIRD COLONY CATALOG. Shawn Stephensen, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Migratory Bird Management, 1011 E. Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, 907-786-3691, shawn _stephensen@fws.gov. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), Migratory Bird Management, Anchorage, Alaska in cooperation with other state and federal agencies have combined seabird data to create the North Pacific Seabird Colony Catalog (Catalog) computerized database. Presently, the Catalog stores current and historical data of breeding population size, species composition, and location data for over 2,200 seabird colonies and 47 species of Alaska and Russia Far East. Data reports and detailed maps showing colony locations can be produced for any seabird species and any area of Alaska or Russia Far East. Seabird colony data are available to any person upon request. We welcome contributions of new field data or corrections to previously entered data. Further data contributions are expected from Oregon, California, Hawaii, Japan, and Canada. Contact the Catalog manager, Shawn W. Stephensen for further information. . ; Workshop Summary—Wind energy development and birds FUNDING PROJECTS TO MAKE WIND ENERGY FACILITIES MORE WILDLIFE- FRIENDLY. Michael Roy, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Coastal, Partners for Fish and Wildlife, and Fish Passage Program dit 1011 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, AK 99503, 907-786-3925, michael roy@fws.gov. Even in today’s austere economic conditions, a diversity of public and private funding sources is available to support efforts to reduce avian mortality from wind power generation. To effectively raise funds, project proponents must carefully target potential funders, and clearly address the benefits that their projects provide. Key concepts to keep in mind include the following: 1. When targeting potential funders, clearly distinguish whether your project is voluntary or required by regulation. In general, many more grant programs support projects that can be articulated as voluntary, including those that originate in regulatory mandates but go beyond minimum legal requirements. 2. Determine the land base (Federal, state, Native, or private) where conservation efforts will take place. Many funding programs target private land projects. 3. Determine what type of action the funder typically funds. Many programs prefer “on- / the-ground” conservation or restoration efforts rather than research or monitoring efforts. 4, Determine who is the best applicant for the grant?. Agencies are precluded from many grant programs, as are for-profit entities. It is often wise to partner with locally-driven, non-governmental organizations, who can then serve as the grant applicant. 5. Determine the funder’s match requirements — 10-5 50% cash or in-kind services are generally required. The bottom line is that most Service funding sources, as well as outside sources of funding, focus on voluntary conservation efforts. So it’s always best to emphasize that component in any funding request. And many programs cater to efforts on private lands — so emphasize that aspect if possible. And unfortunately, research and monitoring are tough sells for most non-academic funding sources. Some specific sources for funding include the ae U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Programs (go to www.fws. gov Vv and click on “grants”’) Refuge Challenge Cost Share Program Private Stewardship Grants Landowner Incentive Program Tribal Grants Tribal Landowner Incentive Program North American Wetlands Conservation Grants Coastal Program Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Grants State Wildlife Grants Other sources National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Private Foundations 10 l xy MACTEC, Inc. aa March 17, 2003 Ms. Ann Rappoport Ecological Services U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service 605 West 4" Avenue, Room 61 Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2249 Subject: City of Toksook Bay Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Section 7 Consultation Dear Ms. Rappoport: Please reference our letter last year dated April 10, 2002 and your response to the Denali Commission dated June 5, 2002. Our firm is working on behalf of Alaska Village Electric Cooperative in the community of Toksook Bay. We are planning on the construction of the subject tank farm in early spring. The proposed project would consist of: Co-Located Tank Farm Marine Fill Line Power Plant Move Gasoline & Diesel Dispensing I am attaching a copy of Conceptual Design Drawings. We have already filed with the Corps of Engineers an application to place fill in the Wet Lands area along with submitting to the Division of Governmental Coordination (DGC) a Coastal Project Questionnaire and Certification Statement. We would appreciate your consultation under Section 7 of the endangered Species Act. Please feel free to contact me at 907-334-3502 or Mr. Brent Petrie with AVEC at 907-565-5358. Thanks for your assistance in this matter. Singgrely, BrentStonebraker Program Manager Attachment as stated 3201 C Street, Suite 302, Anchorage, Alaska 99503 907.562.6005, (Fax) 907.562.6024, (Home Page) www.mactec.com ce: Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachment Marie Becker, AVEC, w/ Attachment Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, w/ Attachment “waoiens vy civ W ow W ov 7-UN £-UAN 2-34N 1-OAN “wiciens W uv olens ALD a2 ib] “WiOLBNS DUN 9 UN 03 DAN L-UUN 9-UUN S-UN W tw ies) 313] |3|3/3|3|3/3/3/3/3 a/Ala/al 8/8 e x Hee S aS | z - ZS eee ARF IE 8 g/lgla ie 00'S: 00's 00°01 000'96 00's 000'42 00°22 00°22 c00'o! 000'22 000'22 00°22 00°22 > =a x i wn nee 2 || 4+ a] jae i 8 S t m i 000'98 00's \ 0002 000 000'2z + T NEE TOKSOOK BAY FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT ACPOFFMAN AW MOOSHOL ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 » REVISIONS REVISIONS ‘Anchorage, Alaska 99503 y : 3 j 4831 Eagle Street AVEC TOKSOOK BAY FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT oe? Se 5H ‘ TOKSOOK BAY SITE PLAN i so vere cewzs36 C-2 United States Department of the Interior - |LL we 1 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Ecological Services Anchorage Maale T 605 West 4th Avenue, Room 61 Mele in reply refer to Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2249 mle GB Aire Ic WAES Prat GS. October 2, 2002 8 = AND Al Ewing RECEIVED Devers Ales: Denali Commission or 0 510 L Street, Suite 410 oT YT 2002 a Peterson Tower auEC t AVEC Uses Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: Denali Commission - AVEC/AEA wind generation sites various locations (consultation number 2003-0224) Dear Mr. Ewing, On September 28, 2002, we received notification from Brent Petrie of Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc (AVEC) of 20 wind generation sites in western Alaska that are proposed for construction in 2003, 2004, and 2005. As previously discussed in a meeting with the Denali Commission, AVEC, Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), and the Service on August 9, 2002, some of the proposed locations for wind turbines are within or near Critical Habitat for the threatened spectacled and Steller’s eiders, or are located in or near known eider concentration areas or migratory pathways. Spectacled eiders and Steller’s eiders were listed as threatened in 1993 and 1997 (respectively) under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq: 87 stat 884, as amended) (Act). As you know, section 7 of the Endangered Species Act requires federal agencies to ensure, through consultation with the Service, that their actions do not jeopardize the continued existence of listed species. Informal consultation provides an opportunity for the action agency and the Service to explore ways to modify the action to remove adverse effects to the species or critical habitat. If adverse effects cannot be avoided, however, the action agency must initiate formal consultation with the Service, which assesses the amount and extent of take and the potential for the action to jeopardize listed species. This process may take up to 135 days including 90 days to evaluate effects and 45 days to write the final biological opinion. This letter identifies those proposed wind power development areas that, based on existing data, are spatially juxtaposed to areas used by species protected under the Endangered Species Act. This information is provided to you as a guide in determining the projects for which formal section 7 consultation is appropriate. Additionally, those sites proposed for wind power development, that are not near areas used by species protected under the Endangered Species Act, are also identified. Furthermore, for your convenience, we have identified the lead Service Endangered Species Office for each proposed wind turbine location. Based on a review of the distribution and status of listed species in the vicinity of villages identified as potential wind power development sites, we have categorized each of the proposed sites according to anticipated affects to listed species as follows: No Listed Species Present Our records indicate that there are no federally listed or proposed species and/or designated or proposed critical habitat within the action area of the following proposed projects. In view of this, requirements of section 7 of the Act have been satisfied for these projects and no further action by your agency is required. A copy of this letter should be kept with each project file as documentation of this consultation. Mountain Village Anchorage Field Office St. Mary’s Anchorage Field Office Site is not within a high-risk area Our records indicate that, while there may be federally listed species occurring within the area of the following proposed projects, our best available information suggests that wind turbine projects in these are not likely to put protected species at risk. In view of this, section 7 requirements will most likely be satisfied through informal consultation on a project-by-project basis. Emmonak Anchorage Field Office Alaknuk Anchorage Field Office Noorvik Fairbanks Field Office Brevig Mission Fairbanks Field Office Site is within a high-risk area Our records indicate that there are federally listed or proposed species and/or designated critical habitat within the action area of the following proposed projects. Moreover, our best available information suggests that wind turbines in these areas are likely to pose a risk to federally listed species. To satisfy the requirements of section 7 of the Act, formal consultation may be needed for the following proposed sites: Gambell Anchorage Field Office Savoonga Anchorage Field Office Nightmute Anchorage Field Office Toksook Bay Anchorage Field Office Tununak Anchorage Field Office Hooper Bay Anchorage Field Office Mekoryuk Anchorage Field Office Quinhagak Anchorage Field Office Goodnews Bay Anchorage Field Office Togiak Anchorage Field Office Kivalina Fairbanks Field Office Stebbins Fairbanks Field Office St. Michael Fairbanks Field Office Shishmaref Fairbanks Field Office This letter relates only to federally listed or proposed species and/or designated or proposed critical habitat under our jurisdiction. It does not address species under the jurisdiction of National Marine Fisheries Service, or other legislation or responsibilities under the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, Clean Water Act, National Environmental Policy Act, or Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. We look forward to working with you and your consultants on these projects. If you have any questions, please contact me at (907) 271-2787, or Endangered Species Biologist Ellen Lance at 271-1467. In future correspondences regarding this project please refer to consultation number 2003-0224. ° Sincerely, Lf kept — Ann G. Rappoport Field Supervisor cc: Brent Petrie, Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, Inc. Dennis Meiners, Alaska Energy Authority Ted Swem, USFWS, Ecological Services, Fairbanks T:\s7\2002 sec 7\Ellen\DC\2003-0224windfarms.doc PROPOSED WIND TOWER POSITION SURVEY Gud £18048 LATITUDE: N60"32'46.8' LONGITUDE: W165:08'15.84 ELEVATION (NAVDB8) = 56 1. THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED USING TRIMBLE ELEVATION (MLLW) = 70; HIGH PRECISION GPS SURVEY EQUIPMENT. 2. THE COORDINATES ARE BASED ON NINETEEN HOURS OF STATIC DATA PROCESSED BY NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY ONLINE USER POSITION SERVICE. REAL TIME KINEMATIC (RTK) METHODS WERE USED TO MEASURE POSITIONS SHOWN HEREON. LONGITUDE: wi65"05'15.60 ELEVA’ RON {NAVORS| = 60 ELEVATION (MLLW) = 74) 3. THE HORIZONTAL POSITION REFERENCE FRAME IS NAD83(CORS96) (EPOCH: 2002.0000). 4. THE VERTICAL DATUM NAVD88 IS BASED ON THE GPS SURVEY. 5. THE VERTICAL DATUM MLLW IS BASED ON TIME COORDINATED TIDAL OBSERVATIONS AND A LEVEL RUN FROM “BLUFF” (NGS PID UV8261). RUNWAY CEN’ STA 1+155 (m) THRESHOLD LIGHTS STA 1+086 (m) Q LONGITUDE: Wi65°05'12.12 ELEVATION ot Aves} = 38’ THRESHOLD LIGHTS RID N: 2388440 ELEVATION (MLLW) = 5: STA 0+105 (m) E: 1800915 . TERLINE MONUMENT IN CASE TUDE: N60°32'0S.19' RUNWAY _ CEN’ ) : WI65'06'31.57" GRID N:238906 STA 0+036 (mm LATITUDE: N60"32'10.71 LONGITUDE: W165'05'11.88 Q ELEVATION (NAVDBS| = 34 = ELEVA’ (MLLW) = 48! 2|z2 a =|& z| 2 > 8) 3 < A we = Q\n a\ = |= 4 “\3 dD m wn 2 . ” .5 ft o Grid N_86°06'40.52" E 4130 2 9 mow faasas z TITUDE:_N6O°31'37,23" i) ONGITUDE: | W165°06'30.87" ‘VATION qeoe®) = 25° VATION (MLLW) = 39° Gas tases GR 3 ATITUDE:_ N60°31'37, 70" ONGITUDE: Wi65'06'43.56" LEVATION (NAvoss) = 49° ELEVATION (MLLW) = 63° Eng wanes GR : . TITUDE:N60°31'33,39" Del Norte Surveying, Inc. ONCGTUDE: W165 08 40.75" - _ = a (907) 345-8003 Phone - (907) 345-8002 FAX SURVEY DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 2003 File No. OOK—GRID.DWG TERLINE MONUMENT IN CASE a “Eric Marchegiani From: Guy Greer [ggreer@dnsalaska.com] Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 2:34 PM To: Eric Marchegiani; Mark Baranosky (E-mail) Subject: Toksook Bay Wind tower Locations OOK-Grid.pdf (130 KB) Gentlemen We completed a GPS survey in Toksook Bay for wind tower and ne i i E r w airport position ee angen Suis cv shows the NAD83 coordinates of these points and elevations in bo an . JAVD88 - North American Vertical - eae nater, ical Datum of 1988) (MLLW Mean If you have any questions or need additional information let me know. Guy Notes Federal Aviation Administration Aeronautical Study No. Alaska Regional Office 2003-AAL-568-O0E 222 West 7th Avenue, #14-AAL-535 Anchorage, AK 99513-7587 Issued Date: 8/27/2003 pute On aap- i 7g 3? 53 mol ee LG Brent Petrie ; Alaska Village Electric Cooperative oY Es 4831 Eagle Street Anchorage, AK 99503-7497 ** DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** The Federal Aviation Administration has completed an aeronautical study under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and, if applicable, Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: Structure Type: Wind Turbine Location: Toksook Bay, AK Latitude: 60-31-33.96 NAD 83 Longitude: 165-6-37.97 Heights: 130 feet above ground level (AGL) 180. feet above mean sea level (AMSL) This aeronautical study revealed that the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation provided the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: It is required that the enclosed FAA Form 7460-2, Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, be completed and returned to this office any time the project is abandoned or: At least 10 days prior to start of construction (7460-2, Part I) _X_ Within 5 days after the construction reaches its greatest height (7460-2, Part II) As a result of this structure being critical to flight safety, it is required that the FAA be kept appraised as to the status of the project. Failure to respond to periodic FAA inquiries could invalidate this determination. See attachment for additional condition(s) or information. Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking and/or lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed and maintained in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular 70/7460-1 AC 70/7460-1K. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. Page 1 However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law ordinance, or r i ' ' egul any Federal, State, or local government body. gulation of ..| : : : A copy of this| determination will be forwarded to the Federal Communications Commission if the structure is subject to their licensing authority. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (907)271-5863. On any future gorrespondence concerning this matter, please refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2003-AAL-568-OE. | sar : (DNE) 207483 Robert van Haastert Specialist Attachment (s) Additional Information Frequency Data 7460-2 Attached Page 2 Additional Information for ASN 2003-AAL-568-OE This will be the controlling obstacle for final to runway 34 and circling minimums on the proposed RNAV approaches. Any reduction in height in 20' increments will provide a lower MDA on the approach of equal amount, barring other changes. Post construction survey is required with "1A" accuracy code (+/- 15 feet of horizontal accuracy). Page 3 Submission Instructions: For Advance Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration, Complete items 1,2, 3A(1), | Aeronautical Study No. 3A(2), and 6. If applicable, also Complete items 4 and 5. Detach Part 1. Fold and tape at bottom. Mail to the FAA Regional Office for your area. Part 1A is provided for your file. 03-AAL-Sb3-0E€ @ Notice of Actual Construction or Alteration J.8. Department of Transportation (Please Type or Print on this Form) Federal Aviation Administration 1. Construction ‘A. Type and Description of Construction B. Owner of Structure | 2. Construction Location — Height A. Coordinates (To hundredths\of seconds, if known) B. Location (City, State, include street Latitude | Longitude Address if any) 0 . LH 0 . . |_| | .j | |. C. Construction Heights Total Height (Structure & Site) Above Mean Sea Level Site Elevation Ft. AMSL Structure Height Ft. AGL Ft AMSL D. Site Elevation Determined By | E. Reference datum of coordinates F. Name of Nearest Public-Use or Military Airport CO Actual Survey (NAD 27 (include Distance and Direction from the Airport) Cd USGS 7.5’ Quad Chart QNAD 83 CO Other (Specify) CO Other (Specify) 3._Construction Notifications “ Notice is Critical to Flight * 8 FAR Part 77 Required Date Date * (1) Construction will start (Submit at least 48 hrs. in advance) (1) Project Abandoned (2) Estimated Completion (3) Structure Reached Greatest Height (2) Construction Dismantied * (Submit within 5 days) 4. Marking and Lighting | A. Marked B. Lighted C Medium intensity White O High intensity White O Rea O Yes CONo O Temporary C Dual (Medium intensity CO Dual (High Intensity None White & Red) White & Red 5. Antenna Requiring FCC License B. Frequency C. Date Applied for FCC Construction Permit D. Date Construction Permit issued 6. Preparer's Certification A. Proponent's Representative A. Construction Proponent Name: Name: Address: Address: (Include Area Code) Tel. No.: (Include Area Code) that the information provided is true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge. | _ ie —_| Notice is required by 14 Code of Federal Regulations, part 77 pursuant to 49 U.S.C., Section 44718. Persons who knowingly and willingly violate the notice requirements of part 77 are subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 per day until the notice is received, Proponent's representative, please Submitted By. (If submitted by a also complete item B.) _ Form Approved OMB No. 2120-0001 SUPPLEVIEN I AL NU I ICE pursuant to 49 U.S.C., Section 46301 (a). FAA Form 7460-2 (7-98) SUPERCEDES PREVIOUS EDITION ADVANCE NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION Part 1 SUBMIT WITHOUT DELAY 10D°7—NOb/ /santiou /12R/AOR* PRTeRyenTD MMM! /sdaqn am aranrtnan [daa arnnranare Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC - July 30, 2003 Mr. Jack Schommer, AAL-532 Aviation Specialist Federal Aviation Administration 222 West 7™ Avenue #14 Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7987 ' Subject: Toksook Bay — Proposed Wind Generation Project Submittal of FAA Form 7460-1 Dear Mr. Schommer: Arctic Pacific Enterprises previously submitted and. obtained a permit (Aeronautical Study No. 2003-AAL-411-OE) for the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm, which is just north of the proposed wind generation site. Since the Wind Generation Site is located on a separate parcel of land (i.e. Block 10, US: Survey 5024 — See Attachment #5) from the Bulk Fuel Tank Farm .and Power Plant project, we completed an additional Form 7460-1(See Attachment #1): If you wish to.amend the original Study, we are agreeable to that also. : We are proposing to install wind generation towers to-assist in the power generation for the community of Toksook Bay. | have included a number of attachments, which should provide additional insight to the project. The Location and Vicinity map (See Attachment #2) should orientate you to where the project is proposed in relation to the community of Toksook Bay.’ ‘The Wind Generator Layout drawing (See Attachment #3) provides a bit more detail as to the location of the units and their arrangement. | have also delineated: the existing clear air zone on this drawing. It is our understanding that the new airport to the north of the community is scheduled to be opened sometime in October 2003. At that time, the existing airport will then revert back to the local native corporation. There are three photographs (See Attachment #6). which illustrate the approximate location of the wind generation units. - In essence, we are proposing to install a total of seven (7) wind generators at the site. The towers are approximately 80 feet tall and the: rotor system with the blades is an additional 50 feet for a total above ground height of approximately 130 feet.(See the Customer Information on the AOC 15/50: See Attachment #7). The surface elevation on Block 10 where we are proposing to install the towers is approximately 50 feet in elevation. This would result in a total elevation at the top tip of the rotor system to be approximately 180 feet. ; uf P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 FAA Form 1760-1 Submittal July 30, 2003 Toksook Bay — Wind Generation Project ” Page 2 We do not envision installation of the towers this calendar year. It. is our expectation that the foundations will be installed this fall/ winter timeframe and that the towers and generation units would be installed during the spring/ summer of 2004. The foundations would be a pile driven foundation and would be close to flush with the ground elevation of about 50 feet. - We appreciate you consideration of this project. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call at 646-8801. . Sincerely, bu c4 ercy Frisby Chief Executive Officer Attachment 1. FAA Form 7460-1 2. Location & Vicinity Map 3. Wind Generator Layout Plan 4. USGS Quad Map of Toksook Bay(Nunivak Island C-1) 5. DNR Platt of Block 10, US Survey 5024. 6. Photographs of the area (3) 7. Customer Information on the AOC 15/50 -cc: Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachments Brent Stonebraker, AVEC, w/ Attachments Marie Becker, w/ Attachments Cynthia Zuelow-Osborme, DGC, w/ Attachments Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, Inc., w/ Attachments . Please’ Type or Print on This Form : Form Approved OMB No. 2120-0001 Failure To Provide All Requested Information May Delay Processing of Your Notice FOR FAA USE ONLY Aeronautical Study Number U5. Department of Tn Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration 4 Sponsor (person, company, etc. proposing this action) : : ° ' . of: Brent Petri 9. Latitude: 60 31 N. 1e: Alaska Village Electric Cooperative < Address: 48: gle Street 10. Longitude: 165° os" w. 11. Datum: []NAD 83 []NAD27 [Othe City: Anchorage. State: Alaska Zip: 9950 Telephone: 907-561-1818 _-—Ss——« Fax: 907-561-2388 2. Sponsor's Representative (if other than #1) : 16, Site Elevation (AMSL): 17. Total Structure Height (AGL): 18. Overall height (#16. + #17.) (AMSL): 180to170__ ft. 19. Previous FAA Aeronautical Study Number (if applicable): 5. Work Schedule: Beginning Sept 15,2003 __ End Oct 2¢ NA : -OE 6. Type: [] Antenna Tower [] Crane [1] Building [1] Power Line | 20. Description of Location: (Attach a USGS 7.5 minute CO Landfill CO Water Tank & Other Wind o c Quadrangle Map with the precise site marked and any certified survey.) 7. Marking/Painting and/or Lighting Preferred: See attached Location & Vicinity Map, Wind Generator Layout plan, . USGS quad map : C-1 Inunivak Island ( T 005 N, R 090 W, Section 17, O Red Lights and Paint 1 Dual - Red and Medium intensity White | coors Meridan). Also attached is the DNR platt illustrating US Survey ‘~ ite - Medium Intensity [[] Dual - Red and High Intensity White 5024, Block 10 which will be utilized for the wind site. We have also hite - High Intensity CO Other attached copies of photos of the area both on the ground and from an airplane. Finally We have provided copies of the AOC 15/50 wind turbine 8. FCC Antenna Structure Registration Number (if applicable): NA generator statistics. It provided the height of the tower, blade lengths, 21. Complete Description of Proposal: . Frequency/Power (kW) and rotor diameter which was utilized to derive the total height of the The purpose of the project is to install seven wind generation units in Toksook Bay in order to suppliment the existing ; structure. : diesel generation. The surrounding area slopes downhill to the ocean but the elevation is approximately 50 feet to about 40 ft. . 3. Notice.of: & New Construction [1 Alteration O Existing. 4. Duration: & Permanent Access to the wind generation site will be via the existing road to the City’s land fill along with a road extension of approximately 1,000 feet into the wind generation site. The present airport / clear zone air space is adjacent to the proposed construction ( see the dashed area on Location & Vicinity Map along with the Wind Generator Layout Plan). Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) has already initiated construction of the new Toksok Bay Airport and is scheduled to be completed by October 2003. Therefore the new airport will be 5,500 feet away from the proposed wind generation site. | The construction schedule for the wind generators is to place the foundation piling in the fall / winter 2003. The foundation piling would be driven and would result in a flush to the ground foundation. During the following year (2004), materials would be procured in the winter of 2004 along with the wind generating unit. These units would then be erected during the summer of 2004. The maximum tower height is approximately 80 feet with 50 foot diameter rotor system which would result in an approximate 130 feet above the ground elevation of the area. Notice is required by 14 Code of Federal Regulations, part 77 pursuant to 49 U.S.C., Section 44718. Persons who knowingly and willingly violate the notice re~ “rements of part 77 are subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 per day until the notice is received, pursuant to 49 U.S.C., section 46301 (a). 1 Yy Certify that all of the above-statements made by me are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge. In addition, | agree to ' nd/or light the structure in accordance with established marking and lighting standards as necessary. Date Typed or Printed name and Title of Person Filing Notice NL x i July 30, 2003 . Percy Frisby, CEO, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC FAA Form 7460-1 (2-99) Supercedes Previous Edition NSN: 0052-00-012-0008 Attachment #1 O x O O Y x O E Attachment #2 Location & Vicinity Map ‘s EXISTING CLEAR Zo Attachment. #3 9g 1000: 3000 4000 meters - = miles Se et ee eed eo ad Attachment #4 http://www.topozone.com/print.asp?z=3 &n=6709928&e=494070&s=50&size=s&u=1 7/29/2003 ORIGINAL ] Sheet Got 4 “0 : U.S. SURVEY No. 5024, ALASKA TOKSOOK BAY TOWNSITE 3y//; | es » mumcrPaL RESERVE, Meference shoul’ be made to Sheet Wo, 1 for survey Information. ‘This plat ts strictly conformable to the approved field notes, and the survey, having been correctly executed in accordance with the requiresents of lav and the regula- thous of this Bureau, is hereby accepted. ‘Yor the Director Bowl Ler Chief, Division of Cadastral Survey S# JueMyDeIIy POF - www.fastio.com g# Juemyoez3y Proposed wind generator location. Approximate location ‘ and quantity shown. - Photo#1_ Ss Aerial Oblique View [aaa Future tank farm and power plant location. g# JueMyoeIIV Photo #2 Wind site topography g# JuemyoezIy Photo #3 Wind site topography ATLANTIC ORIENT CORPORATION - Photo Courtesy of KEA _ Customer Information Packet . PO. BOX 1097 Farrell Farm Road Norwich Vermont - Tele-1.802.649.5446 Fax- 1.802.649.5404 aoc@vermoniel.net www.aocwind.net ~ / . Attachment #7 SYSTEM : Type : Grid Comnected Rotor Diaméeter 15m (4928) Centerline Hub Height 25 m (82 ft) Rated Hlectrical Power 50 KW @1i3 mA (25.3 mph) ‘Wind Speed - @bub height 25 m (82 ft) cut-in . 4.6 m/s (10.2 mph) shut-down (high wind) 24 m/( 50 mph) peak (survival) 59.5 m/s (133 xmph) Calculated Ammal Output @ 100 % availability 5.4m/s(12 mph) 87,000 kWh 6.7 m/s (15 mph) 153,000 kWh i : 8.0 m/s (18 mph) 215,000 kWh ROTOR ‘Type of Hub Fixed Pitch » Rotor Diameter 15m (4928) Swept Arca : 177 m {1902 f%) ‘Number of Blades 3 Rotor Solidity 0.077 Rotor Speed @ rated wind speed = 65 pm. ‘Location Relative to Tower Downwind Cone Angie & "Tilt Angie e.. Rotor Tip Speed 51 mV/s (114 mph) @ 60 Hz Design Tip Speed 61. BLADE . Length 7.2m (23.7 ft). J? Es Wood/epoxy laminate or Epaxy /iass fibre Airfoil (type) NREL, Thick Series, modified Twist T° outer blade - . Root Chord 457mm (18in)@ 4%.279 mm (ili) Max Chord 749 mm (29.5 in) @ 39% 2925 mm (115 m) Tip Chord 406 mm (16 ii) @ 100 % 7500 mm (295 in) Chord Taper Ratio” #2:1 Overspeed Device ‘Electro-magnetic tip brake : Bub Atachment Embedded female bolt receptors Blade Weight 150 kg (330 Ibs) approximate Type 3 phase/4 pole asynchronous Rated Temperamre -25%e Frequency (Hz) 60 Hz Voltage (V) 480, 3 phase @ 60 Hz EW @ Rated Wind Speed 50 kW kW @ Peak Contimious 66 kW. Speed RPM (nominal) 1800 @ 60 Hz . Winding Configuration ‘Ungrounded WYE Insulation Class F Enclosure Totally Enclosed Air Over (TEAO) Frame Size (365 TC fou Di - sash : Options Arctic low temp. shafting (-40°c) - . Housing Ductile iron-integrated casting Ratio (motor to gen. speed). -«:1 9 28.25 (60 Hz) Rating, output horse power 88 i ‘Beater (option) Asctic version, electric XAWSYSIEM . Nomnal ‘Free, rotates 360 degrees Optional - ‘Yaw damping-required when known conditions frequently exceed 50° yaw rate per second. DRIVE TRAIN TOWER INTERFACE . Structural "Yaw bearing mounted on tower top casting Electrical ‘Twist Cable ‘Type Galvanized 3 legged, bolted lattice , self-supporting Tower Hei 44m (801) F——— Options 30.5 m (100 ft), . Tikt down 24.4 m (80 ft) Type Concrete or special Anchor Bolts © Certified ASTMA-A-193-Grade B7 CONTROL SYSTEM” ‘Type PLC based 7 Control Inputs ‘Wind speed, generator shaft speed . Production Blade ‘Normal Start up Aerodynamic, electrical boost if necessary Shutdown Control system simultaneously applies dynamic brake and se deploys tip brakes. Parking brake brings rotar to standstill, Fail-eafe brakes astomatically deploy when grid faihure occu APPROXIMATE SYSTEM DESIGN WEIGHTS Tower 3,210 kgs (7,080 Ibs) Rotor & Drivetrain 2,420 kgs (5,340 Ibs) ‘Weight on Foundation 5,630 kgs (12,420 Ibs) - DESIGN LIFE: 30 Years DESIGN STANDARDS: Applicable Sundands, AWEA, EIA and IEC NOTE 4: For dzsign options i accommodate severe climates or ums Groumstances please contact the corporate office in Norwich, Vermont USA ROYER 4 For mingraicn iit liigh pesewatim wind-lies! systems md village clectrification schemes contact the corporate office m Norwich, VT REV. Sevtember 2000 Attchment #7 NOTICE: All content subject to notes and disclaimers specified on page 1 of this manval “AOC 15/50 WTG Tower Loads Specifications Foundation Loads Three Leg SSV Lattice Tower FOUNDATION INFORMATION Tower Base Loads (Ib: . Single Leg Loads (Ib Vertical |Horizontal] Overturning < Moment Horizontal Veruca. a 1,360,000 141,000 150,000 1,810,000 458,000 468,000 Loads calculated by spreadsheet at survival wind speed of 59.5 m/s (133 mph). Loads at the maximum operating wind speed of 22.4m/s (50 mph) are much lower. “The included figures illustrate the typical anchor bolt otientations for the Roln tower. A typical pad type foundation is also illustrated. Please note that the loads, soil conditions and tower design for the specific site will dictate the foundation design. This information is intended as a guide for planning purposes only. : AOC 15/50 WIG Shipping Configurations and Weights: Turbine Drivetrain ‘Blade Set Crated Dimensions | Weights Qty (pallets)| (inchesLxWxH) | (Ibs) | 1 | 120" x 42" x 48" 7 300" x 48" x 50" 40" x 48" x 48" 240" x 96" x 42" 1. NOTE: Ail dimensions and weights are approximate for estimation purposes only. Attachment #7 NOTICE: All content subject to notes and disclaimers specified on page 1 of this manual . 4 Federal Aviation Administration Alaska Regional office 2003-AAL-411-0E 222 West 7th Avenue, #14-AAL-535 Anchorage, AK 99513-7587 tssued Date: 4/2/2003 RECEIVED APR 4 2003 Brent Petrie Alaska Village: Electric Cooperative 4831 Eagle street Anchorage, AK 99503-7497 «* DETERMINATION OF NO HAZARD TO AIR NAVIGATION ** tical study The Federal Aviation Administration has completed an aeronau under the provisions of 49 U.S.C., Section 44718 and, if applicable, title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 77, concerning: . Structure Type: Water tank (atk Fused TA Tooksook Bay, AK Location: Latitude: 60-31-47.27 NAD83 Longitude: 165-6-39.27 Heights: 22 feet above ground level (AGL) 75 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) 1 study revealed that the structure does not exceed This aeronautica ir navigation provided obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to a the following condition(s), if any, is(are) met: Based on this evaluation, marking and lighting are not necessary for aviation safety. However, if marking and/or lighting are accomplished on a voluntary basis, we recommend it be installed and maintained in accordance with FAA advisory Circular 70/7460-1 AC 70/7460-1K. This determination is based, in part, on the foregoing description which includes specific coordinates, heights, frequency(ies) and power. Any changes in coordinates, heights, and frequencies or use of greater power will void this determination. Any future construction or alteration, including increase to heights, power, or the addition of other transmitters, requires . separate notice to the FAA. This determination does include temporary construction equipment such as cranes, derricks, etc., which may be used during actual construction of the structure. However, this equipment shall not exceed the overall heights as indicated above. Equipment which has a height greater than the studied structure requires separate notice to the FAA. This determination concerns the effect of this structure on the safe and efficient use of navigable airspace by aircraft and does not relieve the sponsor of compliance responsibilities relating to any law, ordinance, or regulation of any Federal, State, or local government body. A copy of this determination will be forwarded to the Federal Communications Commission if the structure is subject to their licensing authority. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (907) 271-5863. On any future correspondence concerning this matter, refer to Aeronautical Study Number 2003-AAL-411-0£. Robert van Haastert Specialist please (DNE) Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC March 27, 2003 Mr. Jack Schommer, AAL-532 MAR 28 2003 Aviation Specialist Federal Aviation Administration 222 West 7™ Avenue #14 Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7987 Subject: Submittal of FAA Form 7460-1 — City of Toksook Bay & AVEC Proposed Bulk Fuel Tank Farm & Power Plant Upgrade Dear Mr. Schommer: Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC is working on behalf of the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) and. the City-of Toksook Bay to design a.new; co-located bulk fuel tank farm and power plant within the City of Toksook Bay. As part of that . process, we are submitting FAA Form 7460-1 ( See Attachment #1). The pad for the power plant, tank farm, and the retail facility will be staged at different elevations to minimize the amount of fill necessary to construct the facility. The proposed elevation for the pad at the power plant, the tank farm and the retail facilities would be approximately 53 feet, 42 feet and 34 feet: respectively.. The maximum structure heights (Above Ground Level (AGL)) would consist of an exhaust pipe from the power-plant, a vent pipe for the tank farm, and the top of the retail facility would be about 22 feet, 19 feet and 10 feet respectively. The overall maximum elevation for the power plant, tank farm, and the retail facility would be about 75 feet, 61 feet, and 44 feet respectively. All elevations are based upon U.S. Survey 5024 which utilized Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) completed.in 1951 by the U.S. Geological Survey. The Mean Sea Level. (MSL) datum may be approximated by utilizing the % tide level, which is approximately 4.6 feet higher than MLLW. P.O. Box 242912 2702 Gambell Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99524-2912 Telephone: (907) 277-6409/6426 Facsimile: (907) 277-6443 FAA Form 1760-1 Submittal March 27, 2003 Toksook Bay Page 2 The existing airport clear zone area (See Attachment #4, dashed lines adjacent to the proposed facility) is adjacent to the proposed power plant and tank farm construction. The existing AVEC power plant and tank farm are presently located adjacent to the existing Toksook Bay airport. The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) has contracted with QAP to construct a new airport for Toksook Bay approximately 5,500 feet to the.north and east of the new proposed power plant and tank farm. The majority of that work has been completed during the fall of 2002. It is our understanding that the contractor will finish their work on the new runway this summer prior to final construction of the proposed upgraded power plant and tank farm. We expect to construct only the gravel pads (See Attachment #2) during the summer of 2003 for the power plant, tank farm.and retail facilities. We will allow the pad to settle this coming winter (2003-2004) and then initiate the construction of the power plant facilities, tanks and piping, and the retail facilities during the” summer of 2004.. Therefore the maximum elevation of the pad areas would. be. . approximately 53 feet this summer, which is about.the same ground elevation: .". around the existing AVEC Power Plant.’ We are hopeful that the pad construction. will not be a challenge for the existing Toksook Bay Airport or the transition to the use of the new Toksook Bay Airport. | am also providing a Quad Map of the Toksook Bay area for your information (See Attachment #3). If you have any’ questions, feel free to contact Mr. Marchegiani at 277-6427 or you may email him at emarchegiani@arcticpacific.com. Sincerely, Chief-Executive Officer Attachments as stated 1. FAA Form 7460-1 2. Plan & Cross Section View of Pad Area (Sheets 1 & 2) 3. Quad Map of Toksook Bay (Nunivak Island C-1) 4. Drawings C-1 & C-2 ~ : cc: Brent Petrie, AVEC, w/ Attachments Brent Stonebraker, MacTec, w/ Attachments Cynthia Zuelow-Osbome, DGC, w/ Attachments Ben Momblow, Coffman Engineers, Inc., w/ Attachments Eric Marchegiani, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC, w/ Attachments pproved OMB No. 2120-0001 Failure To Provide All Requested Information May Delay Processing of Your Notice FOR FAA USE ONLY ‘Aeronautical Study Number Please Type or Print on This Form _- Form UU, Conarnest oe ee Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration - os - A. Sponsor (person, company, etc. proposing this action) :. ° \ 4 1. of; Brent Petri 9.Latitude: __64_ 3’ UN : Alaska Village Electric Cooperative . Address: 4831 Eagle Street 10. Longitude: 165° oe" w. ” 14. Datum: (]NAD 83 [JNAD27 [J OtherU.S. Survey 5024 Telephone: 907-561-1818 Fax: 907-561-2388 42, Nearest: City: Toksook Bay _ State:Alask - 13. Nearest Public-use (not private-use) or Military Airport or Heliport: 2. Sponsor's Representative (if other than #1) : rey Frisby Adjacent to existing Airport but will be 5,500 feet from New Airport 14. Distance from #13. to Structure: Approximately 5,500 feet 15. Direction from #13. to Structure: SW from the New Airport to Tank 16. Site Elevation (amg: (MLL WwW) 53.6425 34° ft 17. Total Structure Height (AGL): 22,19,810 ft 3. Notice of: [1 New Construction [1 Alteration CO Existing | 18. Overall height (#16. + #17.) (Gam): (MLLw) 75, 61,844" ft 4. Duration: Permanent [] Temporary( months, -days) | 49, Previous FAA Aeronautical Study Number (if applicable): 5. Work Schedule: Beginning May 15,2003 __ End Octobe 2004_| WA -OE 6. Type: Antenna Tower [Crane [J Building ([] PowerLine | 20. Description of Location: (Attach a USGS 7.5 minute 0D Landfill (CO Water Tank & Other Bulk Fuel Tanks & Pwr Pit _| Quadrangle Map with the precise site marked and any certified survey.) See attached Plan & Section views, Site Plan drawings C1 and C2, USGS Ler ainting andlor Lighting F ° juad C-1 Inunivak Island ( T 005 N, R 090 W, Section 17, Seward : - , quad map : C-1 Inunivak Isla , , . CO Red Lights and Paint ( Dual - Red and Medium Intensity White Meridan). 1 White - Medium Intensity (CO Dual - Red and High Intensity White . Vhite - High Intensity (D Other *Please note all elevatins within Item 16. & Item 18 are MLLW elevations. The U.S. Survey 5024 (1951) is tied to the vertical control at Station Bluff which is also based upon MLLW. In order to determine MSL elevations one would need to approximate it by the use of 1/2 tide level which is approximately 4.6 feet less than the MLLW elevations. Therefore the cence nnn EE maximum MSL elevations in Item 18 would be about 70.4, 56.4 & 39.4 ft.’ - FCC Antenna Structure Registration Number (if applicable): 21. Complete Description of Proposal: Frequency/Power (kW) The purpose of the project is to upgrade the bulk fuel systems and power generating system in Toksook Bay. A new co- located bulk fuel facility will be constructed along with new fuel distribution pipe lines and marien header. A new power -———_, plant consisting of approximately eight modules will be located on piling above the surface of the proposed pad (Elevation 53 MLLW). Access to the power plant and the bulk fuel facilities will be via a gravel road on the south and west side of the proposed construction area. The existing right of way will need to be re-routed to the south of the Tank Farm and connect into Sunny Street and Cemetary Street. . . | The present airport / clear zone air space Is adjacent to the proposed construction (see the dashed area on Sheet C1). > Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) has already initiated construction of the new Toksok | Bay Airport and is scheduled to be completed next summer. Therefore the new airport will be 5,500 feet away from the new tank farm and power piant to the north east of the proposed tank farm project. The construction schedule for the tank farm and power plant is to construct only the pad to a maximum elevation of 53 | feet during the spring/ summer of 2003. During the following year (2004), materials would be procured in the winter of 2004 and the tank farm and power plant modules would be constructed in the spring/ summer of 2004 well after the new -—_+-— airport was compieted at its new location. The maximum elevation for the Power Piant would be at approximately 75 elevation MLLW, maximum elevation for appertenance on the top of the tanks would be elevation 61 MLLW, and the top of the retail facilities would be at elevation 44 MLLW as indicated above. Notice is required by 14 Code of Federal Regulations, part 77 pursuant to 49 U.S.C., Section 44718. Persons who knowingly and willingly violate the notice requirements of part 77 are subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 per day until the notice is received, pursuant to 49 U.S.C., section 46301 (a). eby certify that all of the above statements made by me are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge. In addition, | agree to and/or light the structure in accordance with established marking and lighting standards as necessary. Typed or Printed name and Title of Person Filing Notice ‘ Percy Frisby, CEO, Arctic Pacific Enterprises, LLC Date March 24, 2003 FAA Form 7460-1 (2-99) Supercedes Previous Edition NSN: 0052-00-012-0008 Attanhmont #1 ff SEE SECTION A-A’ \, a ON PAGE 2 \ ay LATITUDE: 60° 31'51°N LONGITUDE: 165° 06'30°W LEGEND >——~ CULVERT TANK FARM PAD; AREA = 118,100 SF (2.71 ACRE) FILL VOLUME = 25,900 CU YDS RELOCATED ROADS: AREA = 29,700 SF (0.68 ACRE) FILL VOLUME = 3,025 CU YDS \_/PLAN VIE 0 50 100 100 ” CLIENTS: ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (EC ) PROJECT: FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE | LOCATION: SECTION 17 ; TOOSN, ROSOW @N—_||SEWARD MERIDIAN RD | WATERBODY: ANGRLAR BAY_| [oare: 3/15/05 PP] SHEET: REV. Pere 1°=100'-0" COMPACTED FILL eke ce cc cee cent cette teen eee ee eee EtOH e EEO Ree Eee E eee tee es ener serer sents eee ceeeeerepeneeseee® vies ene eee a tue eee Eee ee RELOCATED ROAD CLIENTS: ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (AVEC) er a FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE LOCATION: | SITE CROSS SECTIONS HORZ. 1”=100'-0" VERT. 1"=10'-0" SECTION 17 - TOOSN, ROSOW SEWARD MERIDIAN | WATERBODY: KANGIRLVAR BAY _| JDATE: 3/13/03 [ORAWN | Attachment #2 pe QuempeqiIy v2 AV NOOSHOL SINGSHOS NVL 3OvUOLS Tans Ne AVEC | TOKSOOK BAY FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ‘Anchorage, Aleska 99503 “ALASKA 4831 Eagle TEAAAAAAAAAN R$ E N COFFMAN Aas REVISIONS "ALASKA VILLAGE ELECTRIC COOPERA 4831 Eagle Street - AVEC TOKSOOK BAY FUEL STORAGE UPGRADE . |} CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT TANK LEGEN x (1\SITE PLAN rear-o° 2 ao 80 120 Gpsie rn ; Sn Sate : ‘ ie pict aeeneutnd _ : es pa eS eae aaa n ee eee ae : 4 : : ‘ Attachment #4