HomeMy WebLinkAboutChannel Landfill Inc. Juneau, Ak. Energy Recovery Feasibility Report 1997CHANNEL LANDFILL, INC. JUNEAU, ALASKA ENERGY RECOVERY FEASIBILITY REPORT prepared by: Harris Group Inc. With Associated Consultants: Power Management Corp. EnviroMech EMCON, Inc. August 11, 1997 DISCLAIMER This report entitled “Channel Landfill Inc., Juneau, Alaska, Energy Recovery Feasibility Report” was prepared with the support of United States Department of Energy Grant DE-FG51-94R020022. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the State of Alaska, or U.S. Department of Energy. Neither the United States Government nor the State of Alaska’s agencies or employees makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information in this report. 97-1013\1013disc.doc 8 Sept 97 REPORT NO. 97-1013/1 ENERGY RECOVERY FEASIBILITY REPORT PROJECT NO. 97-1013 CHANNEL LANDFILL, INC. POWER GENERATION FEASIBILITY STUDY JUNEAU, ALASKA DATE: AUGUST 8, 1997 TABLE OF CONTENTS F 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1. Authority 2.2 Scope of Work 2.3 Methodology 2.4 Report Structure 3: DESCRIPTION OF THE FACILITY 4. DISCUSSION 4.1 Phase 1 4.1.1 Pre-Study Services 4.1.2 Assessment of the Energy Market Electricity Thermal Energy 4.1.3 Assessment of the Waste Disposal Market 4.1.4 Project Definition 4.1.5 Preliminary Economic Analysis 4.2 Phase 2 4.2.1 Project Review 4.2.2 Waste Flow Analysis for Channel Landfill Options Introduction Options Description Waste Flow Projections Analysis and Findings 4.2.3 Landfill Operations and Reclamation Plan Outline Introduction Landfill Mining 4.2.4 Incineration, Air Pollution Control and Related Topics Null Option Option 2 Option 3 4.2.5 Economic Analysis Electric Power Generation and Sale Thermal Energy Generation and Sale Landfill Operations and Land Commercialization CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS REFERENCE DOCUMENTS APPENDICES 8.1 Drawings A. Channel Sanitation - Proposed Expansion and Air Pollution Control System - Options 3A/3B - Drawing No. 1013SK-1 B. Channel Sanitation - Proposed Expansion and Air Pollution Control System - General Arrangement - Drawing No. 1013SK-2 8.2 Waste Generation Projections for Channel Landfill 8.3 Project Definition - Power Generation 8.4 ASME Paper: Skagit County Resource Recovery Facility Design of a 178 TPD Waste-to-Energy Plant REPORT NO. 97-1013/1 ENERGY RECOVERY FEASIBILITY REPORT PROJECT NO. 97-1013 CHANNEL LANDFILL, INC. POWER GENERATION FEASIBILITY STUDY JUNEAU, ALASKA DATE: AUGUST 8, 1997 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Study determined that, while the options presented for consideration in the Scope were technically feasible, they are not economically attractive at this time. The Study concludes that the present mode of operation, with two incinerators, no mining, and no waste heat recovery, should be continued at the present time. A possible opportunity for the future is identified: When demand for electrical base load increases to where the full year’s output of electric power can be sold for an average price at or above the midpoint between the present Avoided Cost for hydro and the present Avoided Cost for diesel generation, it appears likely that a 3rd incinerator with air pollution controls together with a power generation facility could be profitably installed. The power market should be monitored in order to be prepared to proceed with this option at the appropriate time. At that time, a mining and land reclamation program can also be considered. The benefits would include extended life for the landfill, reclaimed land suitable for industrial/commercial use, a state-of-the-art facility, and a long-term profitable enterprise. The power market should be monitored in order to be prepared to proceed with this option at the appropriate time. . Recovery and sale of thermal energy may become economically feasible at some future time, with increases in heating oil prices or for use at new construction in the area. 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Authority In October, 1996, Channel Landfill, Inc. (“Owner”). issued a Request for Proposals to perform a Power Generation Feasibility Study (the “Study”) of the Channel Landfill in Juneau, Alaska. Harris Group Inc. (“HGI”’) responded with a proposal (the “Proposal”) on November 27, 1996. The contract for the Study was awarded to HGI on February 3, 1997. HGI subsequently awarded subcontracts to EMCON, Inc. (“EMCON”), Power Management Corporation (“PMC”) and Enviromech. The Study 97-1013/1013R1.doc 1 11 Aug 97 is funded by the Owner and the Division of Energy, Department of Community and Regional Affairs, State of Alaska. 2.2 Scope of Work The Scope of Work of the Study is set forth in the contract between the Owner and HGI and may be summarized as follows: Determine the feasibility of recovering heat off the existing two incinerators plus a third incinerator to be installed at the facility; recovered heat to be used to power a steam turbine generator with sales of electric energy to a local gold mine, and recovery of low grade thermal energy for sale or use by the owner. The Study will be the main document to support financing of any equipment additions recommended by the Study. Evaluate the economics of installing various sized incinerators to optimize revenue from sales of energy and recyclables. The Scope of Work was amended at the completion of Phase 1 when it was determined that power generation would not be feasible under present conditions. Accordingly, HGI proposed, in a letter dated April 28, 1997, that the emphasis of the Study should be changed to focus on the feasibility of reclamation of the landfill site for commercial land use under two alternative scenarios, with and without the addition of a third incinerator. The amended Phase 2 Scope was sent to the Owner’s Engineer, Mr. Ronald Hansen, Hansen Engineering by fax dated May 7, 1997, and accepted in Mr. Hansen’s email message of May 8, 1997 2.3 Methodology The work was under the direction of Arthur Butler, P.E., Senior Project Manager, HGI. Close coordination and reporting (including bi-weekly reports) was maintained with Mr. Hansen, the Owners Engineer. The work was divided into Phases 1, 2 and 3; and responsibility for performing each element of the work was subdivided among the selected specialists assigned to the Study Team for each area. Principal members of Study Team were: Arthur Butler, P.E., Senior Project Manager, HGI. Terrill Chang, P.E., President, Enviromech. Ward Sanders, P.E., President, PMC. Jeffery Mach, Manager, Juneau Branch Office, EMCON. Norman Dahl, Senior Planner, Bothell Office, EMCON. 97-1013/1013R1.doc 2 11 Aug 97 Throughout this report, they are referred to as “HGI”, Emech, PMC, or EMCON; and collectively as the “Study Team”. 2.4 Report Structure The organization of the report is intended to lead the reader through the process followed by the Study Team. Phase 1 includes work to be done up to project definition and included Pre-Study Services, Assessment of Energy and Disposal Markets, and Feasibility Analysis (the latter including a preliminary economic analysis. A Project Review was held with the Owner’s Engineer at the completion of Phase 1, and adjustments in Phase 2 scope were made pursuant to that meeting to reflect findings to that date. Phase 2, as modified and approved to reflect the findings of Phase 1, focuses on assessing the advantages and disadvantages of three major options: 1) Null Option (continuing unchanged the present operation of the landfill), 2) Phased conversion of much of the existing landfill to commercial land use, and 3) Adding a third incinerator plus converting much of the existing landfill to commercial land use. Concurrently, sub-options considering the sale of thermal and/or electrical energy were considered. Phase 3 includes preparation and coordination with Owner and Owners Engineer of a draft report; then modification, finalization and production of the final report. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE FACILITY The existing facility was constructed in 1985 on the 35-acre landfill site. It consists of a truck scale for incoming waste, and a building which houses the tipping floor, two Consumat CS-1600) incinerators, ash handling conveyors, auxiliary equipment and controls. An electrostatic precipitator, which controls particulate emissions, is located outside the building. 4. DISCUSSION 4.1 Phase 1 - Collect Information, Assess Markets, Preliminary Assessment 4.1.1 Pre-Study Services Pre-Study Services consisted of 1) Finalizing the agreements between Channel and HGI, and concluding agreements between HGI and sub- consultants, and 2) Visiting the Site and meeting with Channel. All agreements were signed in a timely manner. Preliminary work on the Study began at the Study Kickoff Meeting held at the Owner’s offices in Juneau. The meeting was attended by Mr. Butler, Mr. 97-1013/1013R1.doc 3 11 Aug 97 4.1.2 97-1013/1013R1.doc Chang and Mr. Mach for the Study Team, and by Mr. Tonsgard, President, Channel Landfill, Inc. (Owner) and Mr. Hansen, Owner’s Engineer. Information gathering began at the Kickoff Meeting and continued by telephone and written contact. Copies of relevant prior studies were obtained. A list of reference documents are shown in Section 7, Reference Documents. Assessment of the Energy Market Electricity PMC had planned to meet with Echo Bay mine personnel to assess the likelihood that the mine would be permitted, to assess the likelihood that a power purchase contract could be negotiated with Echo Bay, and to determine whether the likely power rate of such a contract would be consistent with the economic objectives of the project. Unfortunately, the Study Team learned at the start of the Study that work would be discontinued on the Echo Bay mine. Based on AEL&P projections (see Reference 7.1 Reference Documents - Electric Power), if the Echo Bay Mine Project had proceeded to completion, the AEL&P system would have been short of power; however, without the Mine Project, the system has sufficient base load generation capacity from hydroelectric sources for a number of years. At a meeting between Mr. Sanders and Mr. Corbus, CEO of AEL&P, Mr. Corbus confirmed that for Channel, Inc. to install electric power generation at this time would simply cause additional water to “spill” at Snettisham for most of the year; that is, the Channel power would simply displace available hydro power, with no benefit to the system. AEL&P uses presently installed diesel generators to meet peaking requirements or in the event of a “dry year” with reduced hydro capacity. Records furnished by AEL&P show that the diesels provide a very small percentage of the power. Since a Channel power plant would be have to be a base load facility to be economically worthwhile, it would not reduce in any appreciable amount the usage of the diesels. There are two Avoided Cost rates filed with the Alaska Public Utility Commission: Rate A = $0.0347 per kilowatt-hour and is for energy competing with Snettisham hydro. , 4 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc Rate B = $0.0898 per kilowatt-hour and is for energy competing with generating facilities using diesel fuel. At such time that energy from Snettisham is insufficient for base load system needs, and AEL&P finds it necessary to generate increasing amounts of power with diesels, a generating facility at the Channel facility could be more economically attractive (see Table 13). AEL&P estimates that, assuming a 2.5% load growth, present base load will start to become insufficient after the year 2004. The possibility of providing electricity directly to customers of AEL&P was briefly explored. Although the concept of “retail wheeling” is being widely discussed in the electric power industry, at the present time there are no states in the United States that allow retail wheeling. At the present time, this is not a feasible option in Alaska. See Appendix 8.3 Project Definition Study - Power Generation for a further discussion of these issues. Thermal Energy Incinerator plants typically produce 6 to 8 pounds of flue gas per pound of waste incinerated. The flue gas temperature is at as high as 1800 degrees F, and must be cooled to 300-400 degrees for air pollution control. The heat which must be removed from the flue gas can be recovered and transported to nearby heating users, displacing heating oil which they would otherwise have burned. Potential Heating Oil Replacement Capacity The proposed incineration capacity of 122 tons/day (Option’3A or 3B) for the expanded Channel Landfills plant, would be a heat input of about 45 million Btu per hour, assuming waste with a heating value of 4,500 Btu/Ib. About 60% of this heat could be recovered as useful heat in steam or hot water. At 136,000 Btu/gallon of heating oil and 78.5% efficiency, this could displace about 6000 gallons of heating oil per day, for immediate use. EMCON made a survey of the heat users within a one-mile radius of the Channel Landfills site (see Table 12). The total fuel oil consumption indicated was over 300,000 gallons per year. Energy Availability Heat supply from W-T-E plants is subject to the inherent nature of the incineration process; it depends on the severe operating conditions of 5 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc the incineration process, and corresponding severe duty of the heat recovery boilers or heat exchangers. As a result, its reliability cannot be assured and users must have backup heating equipment and fuel storage. The heat must be generated, and sold, when the MSW is being incinerated. If it cannot be sold when the MSW is being incinerated, e.g. during the summer months, the heat must be wasted to the atmosphere through a dump condenser or other heat exchanger. Referring to Table 12, any consideration of heat sales must be responsive to the needs of the various potential customers. In particular, the heat delivery must be compatible with the customers’ existing equipment and heat uses. For instance, it is unlikely that a district heating system could replace the heat input to the grain drier at the brewery. Also, the economics of supplying heating loads must reflect the seasonal nature of the load. The capacity of the heat delivery system must contend with the need to have capacity for the cold days, even though the “load factor’ is probably on the order of 25 percent which means up to 75 percent of the heat is wasted. District Heating The Alaska Energy Authority made a study in 1993 entitled “Lemon Creek Waste to Energy Prefeasibility Assessment” of a proposed supply of heat from the incinerators to the Lemon Creek Correctional Center. The operating parameters, capital and operating costs developed in that study were “scaled up” in Table 5_ to show the effect of serving heat loads using 300,000 gallons/year. Note that this table relies on prefeasibility-level cost estimates developed in the 1993 assessment which are inherently rough (+/- 30%). Further study would require participation of parties with expertise in the area of district heating. In the event of a significant increase in the cost of heating oil it, would be desirable to reconsider selling heat from the Channel incinerators. In such a case, the extra cost of heating a public facility like the correction center might make public funds available for investment in the capital cost of the heating transport system. It might be very good public policy for the state or local government to own the distribution system, for a number of reasons. 6 8 Sept 97 Public ownership or financing of such a system would require a lower rate of return on investment than private ownership. It has been suggested that this would be a good forward-looking project for a public agency to sponsor. It could serve as a demonstration project for others to emulate in case of future escalating costs of heating oil. There is another, probably more pressing, reason why government participation would probably be necessary for district heating to become a reality. To obtain project financing for a privately-owned facility, lenders usually require assurance of the costs and revenues from the project for the length of the financing term. The sale of heat is strikingly different from the sale of power, because electric utilities can sign long-term power purchase contracts; but private entities, such as those listed in Table 12, would be very unlikely to make long-term commitments to purchase heat. Other Potential Heat Markets A dry kiln for a sawmill was mentioned as a possible market for waste heat from the incinerators. Plans for the sawmill had not proceeded to the point that the economics could be evaluated. A dry kiln would use from 5 to 8 pounds of steam per board foot. Depending on the technique used, it could be a steady demand or vary over the drying period; and the drying period could vary from one to several days per batch. Because the incinerators would operate best with a steady steam output, it may be difficult to match a varying steam demands from the kiln. For example, steam demand would drop to zero when wood was being loaded or unloaded from the kiln. Here again, it would be very unlikely for a dry kiln operation to sign a long-term purchase contract for heat. 4.1.3 Assessment of the Waste Disposal Market 97-1013/1013R1.doc The waste disposal market is discussed in Appendix 8.2. Waste Generation Projections. See also Table 1 Channel Landfill MSW Tonnage - 1996, Table 2 Average and Peak Generation Rates - 1996, Table 3 CBJ Population and Waste Projection - MSW Only, (Constant Waste Generation Rate Per Capita), and Table 4 CBJ Population and Waste Projection - MSW Only - (0.5% Annual Increase in Waste Generation Rate_a Per Capita. 7 8 Sept 97 4.1.4 4.1.5 Project Definition A preliminary Project definition was prepared in this Phase 1. This was then finalized and is presented in completed form in Phase 2. See also Table 6 Incinerator & Air Pollution Control Capital Costs and Table 7 Options 3A/3B Operating Costs. Preliminary Economic Analysis Preliminary analysis of using waste heat from the incinerators to generate electric power indicates that this option could be economically attractive, if the power can be sold at or near the Rate B Avoided Cost of $0.0898 per kilowatt-hour (see Reference Document 7.1.F Alaska PUC, Schedule No. 44 Purchase of Non-Firm Power from a Qualifying Facility. Unfortunately, as described earlier, a market for this power does not exist at this time. The economic analysis is further discussed in Section 4.2. Preliminary analysis of using waste heat from the incinerators to heat existing buildings in the Lemon Creek area indicates that this option is economically unattractive. While the heat supply is “free”, the cost of installing piping through a presently developed area and retrofitting buildings to utilize the waste heat, while retaining backup systems to provide heat when the incinerators are shut down, results in an extremely low rate of return on invested capital, using commercial sources of financing. This could be reexamined if and when grant funds could be found to pay for a significant part of the capital costs. Note that AIDEA expects that any loan it guarantees will be justified economically. The economic analysis is further discussed in Section 4.2. 4.2 Phase 2 - Clarify Options, Analyze Feasibility of Alternative Options, Economic Analysis 4.2.1 97-1013/1013R1.doc Project Review A Project Review was held on April 3, 1997, at the HGI office in Seattle. It was attended by all members of the Study Team and Mr. Ronald Hansen, Owners Engineer and chaired by Mr. Butler, Project Manager. Ward Sanders, PMC, held a series of meetings in Alaska on April 16, 17 and 18. On April he met with Channel Corporation executives including Mr. W.R. (Shorty) Tonsgard, Jr., Chairman of the Board, William (Bill) Cheeseman, Vice Chairman, Frank Guertin, Controller, and Jerry Wilkerson, Assistant Controller; and Ronald Hansen, P.E., Owners Engineer. Mr. Sanders presented and discussed a preliminary analysis of alternatives (see Table #8 Analysis of Economic Alternatives) as follows: 8 11 Aug 97 4.2.2 97-1013/1013R1.doc Option #1, Null Option - Continue operating the landfill and incineration facility as at present. Sub-Option 1.1. - Modify for sale of waste heat. Sub-Option 1.2. - Modify for sale of electric power. Option #2, Phased Conversion to Commercial Land Use, using the Present Two Incinerators Sub-Option 2.1. - Modify for sale of waste heat. Sub-Option 2.2. - Modify for sale of electric power. Option #3, Add Third Incinerator, with Phased Conversion to Commercial Land Use Sub-Option 3.1. - Modify for sale of waste heat. Sub-Option 3.2. - Modify for sale of electric power. Mr. Sanders also presented and discussed a preliminary economic analysis of the sale of thermal and electric power. This has now been superseded by Table 13. On April 17, Mr. Sanders met with William A. Corbus, President and General Manager of AEL&P and with Peter Bibb, Vice President and Director of Consumer Affairs. Mr. Corbus clearly expressed his view that, with the loss of the Echo Bay Mine, he sees no need for additional power generation such as might be supplied from a steam turbine/generator using waste heat from the Channel incinerators. On April 18, Mr. Sanders met with Mr. Peter Crimp at his office in Anchorage. Mr. Crimp was very helpful in providing resource documents needed for the Study. Mr. Crimp made clear that his interest in the Channel Project is as a source of energy. Based on the foregoing, and on a series of discussions between Mr. Butler and Mr. Hansen, the Phase 2 scope of the Study was modified as shown in Paragraph 2.2 Scope of Work. Work proceeded to further evaluate the options presented to Channel executives on April 16 which were considered to be worthy of further analysis. Waste Flow Analysis for Channel Landfill Options Introduction The feasibility study project team developed a spreadsheet model that compares the weekly capacity of the incinerator with projected weekly 9 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc quantities of waste received at the facility and excavated from the landfill. Excavation would be conducted to convert the landfill to industrial development and use. The model projects the quantities of waste incinerated, ash produced, remaining incinerator capacity, and waste shipped off-site due to a lack of incinerator capacity. The waste flow analysis model is used in later sections of this study to project the financial feasibility of the options by applying estimated costs per ton for each waste or ash handling operation. The project period is defined as twenty years, beginning in 1998 and continuing until 2017. The basis for annual and weekly municipal solid waste (MSW) quantity projections is the weekly record of waste received by Channel Landfill, Inc. in 1996. Options Description The quantity of waste and ash flowing to each operation is projected for each of three scenarios in which incineration capacity is unchanged or increased, and the landfill is converted to industrial land over ten years or twenty years. The options analyzed include the following: Null Option. This option assumes no change in capacity of the incinerator and no waste excavation from the landfill. The analysis examines projected waste flows during the twenty-year project period assuming no change from the current waste handling system. Weekly quantities of MSW received are projected based on the weekly distribution of waste received during 1996. Annual waste quantities are projected based on population increase projections and 0.5 percent per year growth in per capita waste generation, for a total annual waste increase of 1.1 percent. Option 2. This option assumes no change in incinerator capacity from the present 72 tons per day, but previously landfilled MSW would be excavated beginning in 1998 and excavated at a uniform rate to complete excavation in 10-years (Option 2A), or 20 years (Option 2B). Waste quantities including received and excavated MSW which exceed incinerator capacity, would be shipped out of the area for disposal. Ash would continue to be landfilled, but only up to a maximum of 7,300 tons per year to avoid triggering state and federal requirement for constructing a lined landfill with leachate collection, treatment and disposal. The quantity of waste to be excavated is estimated to be 210,000 tons based on an estimated 30 acres of landfilled area having an average of 7,000 tons of MSW per acre. Channel’s engineer, Mr. Ron Hansen, P.E. provided this estimate in his analysis of the feasibility of landfill mining. 10 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc Option 3. Under this option, incinerator capacity would be increased to 122 tons per day by adding a third solid waste combustor unit having a capacity of 50 tons per day. Excavation of the landfill would be accomplished over 10 years (Option 3A) or 20 years (Option 3B). Waste quantities exceeding incinerator capacity would be shipped out of the area for disposal. Up to 7,300 tons of ash would be landfilled per year and amounts over that quantity would be shipped out of the area for disposal. Waste Flow Projections Waste generation and flow projections have been summarized on Tables 1 - 4 and Tables 10 and 11. Tables 1 - 4 show baseline and projected waste generation in tons. Table 10 presents a typical weekly waste flow distribution analysis, and Table 11 shows the annual summaries of the weekly waste distribution analyses for each option. ° The data presented in Table 10 are the projected weekly tonnage of MSW and ash handled by each waste handling system of Channel Landfill during a twenty-year project period starting in 1998. The projected tons of waste generated each year during the project period remain the same for each option. The incinerator capacity and rate of waste excavation vary with each option, resulting in differing quantities of: ° Waste Incinerated, including all MSW received and excavated, up to the weekly capacity limit of the incinerator ° MSW Shipped, the amount of received and excavated MSW which exceeds the incinerator capacity e Ash Generated, tons of ash produced, projected based on current operating experience which has shown that the ash quantity is 30 percent of the weight of waste incinerated. ° Ash Shipped, the quantity of ash produced which is in excess of 7,300 tons per year, the regulatory limit for a Class II landfill. e Remaining Available Incinerator Capacity, the sum of the differences between waste received plus waste excavated during each week when the sum is less than the weekly incinerator capacity Table 10 is an example of how the spreadsheet model is used, based on the weekly waste quantities from Table 1 with the annual waste projections over 20 years from Table 4 and projects the weekly waste i 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc flows for each of the options examined. The weekly tonnage of MSW received varies according to seasonal waste generation patterns, with winter tonnage falling below current incinerator capacity of 72 tons per day and summer peak weeks exceeding capacity. Comparing weekly waste flows to weekly incinerator capacity produces two important data. The first is the annual total of available incinerator capacity. The second is the annual total of waste which exceeds incinerator capacity. Waste exceeding capacity is assumed to be shipped out of the area for disposal. Available incinerator capacity indicates the potential for incinerating excavated waste from the landfill or waste from sources other than the CBJ deliveries. The following paragraphs describe the methods for projecting the quantities of waste, ash, and incinerator capacity resulting from each of the options. The descriptions are made by column headings in Table 11, the Data Summary, with references to the weekly analysis sheets such as Table 10. MSW Tons/Year is the projected quantity of MSW generated by the CBJ and delivered to Channel Landfill. This projection is shown in Table 4 and is based on expected population increases, plus an increase in waste generation rates of 0.5 percent per capita per year, for an overall waste increase of 1.1 percent per year. The recorded tonnage of MSW (Table 1) received by Channel Landfill in 1996 is used as the base year for the MSW tonnage projections. Waste Excavated (applies to Options 2 and 3) is the quantity of waste that would be excavated from the landfill to complete the removal of previously landfilled MSW over a 10-year or 20-year period. The assumption is made that the landfill contains 210,000 tons of MSW that will be removed in the landfill conversion process. Excavated waste is assumed to be produced in equal amounts weekly and incinerated when capacity is available, otherwise, it is shipped out of the area for disposal. MSW Incinerated is the sum of waste received and excavated for each week, up to the scheduled incinerator capacity of 432 tons per week for the existing two 36 tpd incinerators operating 6 days per week; or 732 tons per week with a third 50 tpd incinerator. The analysis includes an annual two-week maintenance shutdown scheduled for the end of September (weeks 38 and 39). During this period, it is assumed that all waste received (and excavated) is shipped out of the area for disposal. During 1996, records indicated that 22,285 tons of waste were incinerated. The calculated annual incinerator capacity is based on an 12 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc 18-shift per week, 6-day per week operation. By operating additional shifts during 1996, total waste incinerated exceeded the calculated annual capacity by 562 tons. Annual incinerator capacity for the 72-ton per day plant is calculated as 21,723 tons per year (50 and 2/7 weeks, multiplied by 432 tons per week). Annual capacity for the three-burner, 122-ton per day plant is calculated as 36,809 tons per year, including the two-week shutdown. MSW Shipped is the estimated weekly waste tonnage (including excavated waste) that exceeds of the weekly incinerator capacity. The annual total includes all waste received during the two-week shutdown period. The 1996 tonnage shipped, 1,595 tons, is the actual record of tonnage shipped. All subsequent projections are estimated by the method described above. Ash Generated is the expected quantity produced based on the waste- to-ash ratio produced in 1996. Ash is limited to a maximum of 7,300 tons per year for a Class II unlined landfill under Alaska Solid Waste Regulations. In 1996, 6,684 tons of ash (wet weight) were produced from 22,285 tons of MSW incinerated. Ash quantities in subsequent years are projected based on the same proportion. . Ash Shipped, (Options 3A and 3B), is the ash quantity in excess of 7,300 tons per year. The excess is assumed to be shipped to another disposal location. Alternatively, metal recovery from ash may be implemented, reducing the total weight of ash generated by an estimated 17 percent. This could reduce ash shipments by 73 and 59 percent in Options 3A and 3B respectively. Also, future approval of ash utilization methods could eliminate all ash shipment. If incinerator capacity is increased (Options 3A and 3B) lime injection in the air pollution control section would add to the weight of ash. At a rate of 20 pounds of lime per ton of waste incinerated, 368 tons per year of lime would be used if the incinerator operated at capacity all year. Neither metals recovery nor lime injection effects on ash generation are included in the projections for ash generated or shipped. Remaining Incinerator Capacity is the difference between waste received and/or excavated and incinerator capacity. Analysis and Findings Null Option. The waste flow projection data indicate that in the null option, waste shipped during the 20-year project period would total 120,000 tons, or about one fifth of the total waste received. The minimal remaining incinerator capacity indicates that the plant is 13 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc operating very near capacity even during the seasonally low flow periods. Option 2A. Excavating 210,000 tons of landfilled waste over ten years results in shipping virtually all of the excavated waste plus the 120,000 tons of waste determined to be in excess of incinerator capacity as calculated in the null option. Option 2B. Extending the excavation period to twenty years results in shipping the same quantity of waste, but delays the time and cost for shipping half of the excavated waste until the second ten-year period of the project, No ash is shipped and the incinerator runs near capacity in either option 2A or 2B. Option 3A. With the added 50 ton per day incineration capacity, and landfill excavation in 10 years, total tonnage of waste shipped would be reduced to approximately half of the quantity of waste excavated. However, the quantity of ash generated increases to more than 7,300 tons as a result of operating the third incinerator, requiring significant quantities of ash to be shipped.. During the second ten-year period, after excavation has been completed, available incinerator capacity increases and capacity is exceeded only during peak summer weeks, while low flow periods offer significant available incinerator capacity. Option 3B. By excavating the landfill over twenty years instead of ten, the tonnage of waste and ash shipped is reduced by 22 percent overall and is significantly less (62 percent less) during the first ten year period. Available incinerator capacity is less than half of the capacity available in Option 3A, but most of it (25,200 tons of 34,700 tons) is available during the first ten-year period, comparéd to none during the same period in Option 3A. Option 3B.1. A slightly different method of analyzing the waste flow was used in Option 3B.1 to reflect making full use of the incinerator capacity for mined waste by increasing the rate of waste excavation early in the project period rather than assuming a constant weekly and annual excavation rate over 20 years as in Option 3B. During each week, enough waste would be excavated to use all incinerator capacity which was not required for the MSW delivered from the CBJ. The effect of revising the analysis method on projected waste flows compared to Option 3B are: e reduces Available Incinerator Capacity to zero during the project period 14 11 Aug 97 e reduces the predicted amount of MSW Shipped by 34,700 tons over the project period e increases Ash Shipped by 10,400 tons over the project period e __ the total projected tonnage of ash and waste shipped is reduced by 25,000 tons over the 20-year period, resulting in a decrease in projected shipping and disposal costs of $2.1 million. The purpose of this alternate analysis is to represent the most efficient use of incinerator capacity for landfill reclamation while incinerating all of the CBJ-generated wastes. Neither Options 2A and 2B, nor Option 3A benefit from projecting accelerated landfill excavation as does Option 3B because incinerator capacity is less than required for the total of delivered waste and waste scheduled for excavation. 4.2.3 Landfill Operations and Reclamation Plan Outline 97-1013/1013R1.doc Introduction Continued use of the Channel Landfill is essential to the future waste management operations of Channel Landfill Inc. (Channel). The operation includes receiving and incinerating municipal solid waste (MSW), and providing on-site disposal of construction and demolition waste (C and D), inert waste, and land clearing debris (LCD). Efficient use of the 35 acre disposal site should be guided by a comprehensive operations plan that leads to a phased closure and eventual conversion of the property to industrial use as the fill reaches final design grades. This section outlines elements of a potential operating, closure, and reclamation plan for at least the twenty-year period addressed by this Waste to Energy Feasibility Study. This plan outline addresses the following issues: e long-term objectives of Channel Landfill Inc. such as the time frame for continued landfill operations, timing for closure, and opportunities for development of the 35-acre site e economic findings of the Harris Group study and their relationship to Channel’s long-term objectives e regulatory and permit requirements of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) as they relate to operation, closure and land reclamation 15 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc During the study , Channel has stipulated that the quantity of landfilled waste will be limited to 7,300 tons per year (20 tons per day) of qualifying waste (ash or MSW). This will be done to retain Class II landfill status which includes unlined landfill design status available under Alaska Solid Waste Regulations in 18 AAC 60. Municipal waste combustor ash (MWC ash) will be deposited as the priority waste at the site. MSW received in excess of current or future incinerator capacity will be shipped to a legally established and operated disposal site located elsewhere. None will be deposited in the Channel landfill. Ash quantities in excess of 7,300 tons per year will also be shipped off-site, if necessary, to comply with regulatory interpretations of the Class II landfill limit. The ash quantity produced will not exceed the current rate of 6,700 tons per year unless the constructed incinerator capacity is increased from the current 72 tons per day. Objectives of the Channel Landfill Inc. operating plan, reclamation plan and closure plan include the following: a Maintain capacity for disposal of MWC ash for an indefinite period into the future 2, Continue to operate under Class II landfill standards rather than design, permit and construct new lined landfill cells with leachate collection, treatment and disposal systems 3: Continue to provide landfill disposal capacity for C and D waste, unburnable wastes (non-putrescible), and inert wastes for the maximum period possible that is consistent with a grading plan that produces final grades compatible with eventual conversion of the site to industrial land uses. This objective assumes that C and D wastes are not included in the 7,300 ton per year limit of on-site disposal. 4. Sequentially apply final cover to areas of inert waste and C and D waste that have reached final design grades to convert the land to industrial use. Consider pre-loading waste fill areas to improve foundation conditions for site development. 5; Excavate and incinerate, or excavate and ship, previously landfilled MSW to produce additional landfill capacity. This should only be done if it becomes economically advantageous to do so. A detailed economic analysis would be required to determine the economic conditions under which this objective can be met. 16 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc 6. Remove waste materials, including MSW or other wastes that may contribute contaminants to soil and water, to achieve a “clean closure” and to provide property with increased development opportunity and value. ae Demonstrate that clean closure has been achieved where waste has been removed so that clean closed areas may be filled with soil and rock or inert waste and ultimately sold on the open market for industrial land. The significance of clean closure is reducing potential future environmental liability or use restrictions. Achieving these objectives requires a detailed plan for waste placement, a closure plan with designed landfill grades, and a sequential plan for area closures and reclamation of the site. This plan will require refined projections of waste quantities by type, volumes of landfill capacity consumed and geotechnical engineering to determine foundation characteristics of ash, C and D waste, or soil backfill. Compatibility of landfilling operations with reclamation and industrial development activities also must be considered in the operating plan. Landfill Mining The concept of excavating previously deposited MSW and incinerating or shipping the waste has been proposed by Channel to achieve the following goals: e Eliminate a potential source of future groundwater contamination and its associated liability. Alternative remedial measures may include landfill closure by capping to reduce infiltration of precipitation and associated leachate generation e Reduce or eliminate the need for and cost of landfill closure and capping that may require a gas collection and disposal system e Increase the potential capacity and longevity of the landfill for receiving and disposing of MWC ash, inert waste, and C and D waste e Recover and sell scrap metals previously disposed of in the fill e Improve the development potential of the landfilled area for industrial or commercial use These goals are achievable, however, a number of uncertainties will remain until the project is well under way, including: the regulatory requirements and clean-up standards for clean closure, the cost of 17 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc waste removal and alternate disposal, and results of analysis of residual soil contaminants following waste removal. Since the area, quantity, and types of waste present are not well defined, it is impossible to resolve these uncertainties at this time. The following subsections address issues relating to the proposed landfill mining concept. Projected Landfill Capacity and Current Fill Rate A goal of the landfill mining project is to increase the capacity of the landfill for MWC ash, C and D waste and inert waste since local landfill disposal is the lowest cost disposal alternative available to the CBJ. According to the Closure Study Report for Channel Landfill, EMCON 1991, ultimate capacity for the landfill was estimated at over 1 million cubic yards, assuming development of the landfill to the proposed final grading plan. The grading design did not incorporated future industrial uses, therefore fill side slopes were designed at 4H:1V, with maximum elevations reaching 60 feet in the east fill area and 85 feet in the west fill area. The estimated capacity included approximately 240,000 cubic yards to fill the east area settling pond to an elevation 2 feet above the water surface. This filling may only be with “...non-decomposable and inert materials...” according to landfill permit 8511 BA016. The permit specifically prohibits “...ash and combustible residue...”.disposal in this area. A modified final grading plan with reduced perimeter slopes and flatter finished surface grades suitable for development would reduce the ultimate capacity of the landfill, however, the previous grading plan analysis shows that landfill capacity (in 1991) would total 560,000 cubic yards to elevation 45 and 800,000 cubic yards to elevation 50. Existing fill surfaces on the landfill are between elevations 30 and 35 feet. The annual rate of capacity used in 1996 are estimated based on scale data collected by Channel and in-place densities estimated by EMCON. Waste Type 1996 Tons Density 1996 Volume (cu yd) MWC Ash 6,684 2,400 lb/cy 5,570 Bypass Waste 4,032 tons 1,200 lb/cy 6,720 C and D Waste* 3,650 tons 1,000 Ib/cy 7,300 Annual Capacity Used 19,590 * Annual quantity limit per current landfill permit 18 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc At an annual fill rate of 30,000 cubic yards, more than the current rate, 800,000 cubic yards of capacity (minus 170,000 cubic yards for final cover) to elevation 50 would last until 2012 without excavation. Economics and Timing of Landfill Mining e A decision to undertake landfill mining will depend on the economics of the project. Key economic factors include: e the cost of waste excavation, e the cost of waste disposal by incineration or shipping, e the cost of demonstrating that clean closure of the site has met a pre-determined regulatory standard, e The cost of fill required to raise the surface to the design grade of the reclaimed area. e the value of the recovered capacity and the economic benefits of converting an MSW landfill to an inert waste fill or a clean site. The benefits of the recovered capacity would accrue at the time the space is utilized for disposal of revenue-producing waste. The present value of the recovered capacity, (the cost that could be incurred now) would depend on the discount rate used and the time before the space is needed. Changes in the future costs of excavation and disposal in the future would also influence the economic benefits of landfill mining. Alternative demand for the incinerator capacity may become available in the future. This could result from greater population and waste generation increases than are currently projected, or new sources of waste may arise, such as additional cruise ship waste or new industrial development The gross revenue could potentially be $1.47 million annually if the estimated mined landfill tonnage of 10,500 tons per year (option 3B) were displaced by a waste source paying the posted gate fee of $140 per ton. The full economic benefits of landfill mining, including reduced or eliminated closure and post-closure costs, will be difficult to achieve over the whole site because of latent impacts of waste disposal. The following issues should be anticipated: 1. Excavation of all MSW has been proposed, however, MWC ash disposal will continue, increasing the total ash deposit(s) present at the landfill. These ash deposits may require closure according to the standards of an MSW fill unless an alternate or lower standard 19 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc applicable to monofills is proposed by Channel Landfill Inc. and accepted by ADEC. 2. Monofills standards for C and D waste, which is included in the definition of inert waste under 18 AAC 60 do not apply where C and D wastes are deposited within the same boundaries as a MSW landfill. An agreement with ADEC to revise the Channel Landfill MSW boundary upon successful clean closure, or to accept an alternate closure standard where C and D waste was placed exclusively would be necessary to obtain the cost savings benefit of a reduced closure standard. 3. Continued ground water monitoring is likely regardless of the clean closure results. The hydrogeologic study (EMCON, 1991) estimated groundwater flow at 10 feet per year, with a potential variability of from 1 to 100 feet per year. This rate implies that ongoing groundwater monitoring would be maintained for a period after clean closure on the same basis as for a closed MSW landfill to detect potentially slow-moving contaminants at the facility boundary These issues may cause some of the economic benefits of landfill mining to be reduced from the ideal of completely eliminating the existence of an MSW landfill. Operations and reclamation planning must account for these potentials and incorporate measures to optimize the economics of waste excavation, recovered capacity, eventual closure requirements and development. A matrix of regulatory information applicable to closure or reclamation is shown in Table 17, Channel Landfill Conversion and Closure Requirements. Steps to a Negotiated Clean-up Standard and Clean-up Procedure Landfill excavation and clean closure (or remediation) by a facility owner on a voluntary basis would be regulated under jurisdiction of ADEC. The model for a landfill clean-up project would be federal site remediation projects conducted under CERCLA (Superfund) or RCRA, however, recent policies developed at the federal level have made the procedure more flexible to suit site-specific conditions. These policies as they relate to Channel Landfill may include: e Setting clean-up standards at levels that take into account the planned use of the land e Considering the pathways for exposure to humans and associated potential health risks 20 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc e Considering the potential for exposures of wildlife to toxic contaminants e Targeting clean-up standards to background quality and the value of affected groundwater Channel’s expectations that would result from incurring the expense of landfill excavation and clean closure is that the site would no longer be treated as a MSW landfill under state regulatory requirements. Achieving this will require Channel to take several procedural steps with ADEC that will result in agreed-upon clean closure standards. When the clean closure standard has been met for part or all of the facility, Channel must have assurance that the requirements and restrictions applicable to an MSW landfill will no longer be applied, and that no further clean-up will be required. Steps that may be required for achieving “clean closure” or reclassification from MSW landfill to an inert waste landfill could include: 1. Preliminary site assessment, including test borings to delineate areas to be excavated, and sampling and analysis of soil and groundwater immediately below the MSW fill 2. Assessment of existing soil and groundwater chemistry data and comparison to analyses of samples affected by waste disposal activities 3. Development of proposed clean-up standards for soil and possibly groundwater in areas affected by waste disposal, including selection of constituents of concern 4. Developing a comprehensive written description of the clean closure operations including: e Methods for waste removal under routine conditions and potential adverse conditions such as encountering waste deposited below groundwater, conditions of extreme weather when snowfall or stormwater management obstruct operations ¢ Methods for separating soil from waste, including sampling recovered soil to demonstrate clean closure standards are met e Methods for handling, storage, and disposal of excavated waste with plans to minimize exposed waste. e Screening methods for detecting hazardous waste materials that require special handling, and that includes procedures for 21 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc isolating the waste, protecting workers and other site personnel from exposure, and methods for shipping and disposal. Methods for control of environmental and nuisance impacts e A program to protect worker health and safety protection program to guard against physical hazards, exposure to toxic or dangerous materials, including explosive gas, fumes, infectious agents, sharps, or other hazards. The program should include operating procedures for decontaminating personnel and equipment, monitoring and _ recording environmental conditions and protecting other persons on the site from hazards. e Methods for verification sampling and analysis, including chain of custody, quality control, and data reporting 5. Proposed timetable for project completion 6. A detailed cost estimate for proposed activities Documentation of these methods should be expected as part of a negotiated agreement with ADEC. Channel Landfill may find clean closure to negotiated standards may be operationally difficult or financially unfeasible due to physical conditions at the site resulting from earlier waste disposal practice. It will be appropriate to anticipate these difficulties during the clean closure operations and be prepared to propose alternate standards that will be acceptable to ADEC before the situation results in crisis-based negotiations. Preparation for Industrial Site Development Developing land for industrial use will require physical characteristics that exceed the constructed features of a closed inert waste fill. Providing these added development requirements must be factored into the cost of the landfill conversion The following topics discuss these requirements: Workable Soil Depth. Industrial facilities that require sewer and water for domestic and fire water supply installed as underground utilities would require 6 feet or more of soil above the final cover. This is required to allow adequate depth for freeze protection, establish gravity flow, and, possibly, spread footing foundations for structures. This could require a total of 9,680 cubic yards of soil fill per acre. Ata cost of $6 per cubic yard in place, this would add $58,000 per acre to 22 11 Aug 97 the conversion cost. The development design would also need to preserve or reconstruct stormwater management features constructed as part of landfill closure. Settlement and Foundation Conditions. Depending on the subsurface waste material and the type of industrial development anticipated, settlement is a serious issue affecting design and construction of industrial structures. Settlement may be reduced by the passage of time, the six-foot fill described above, or by pre-loading the surface with stockpiled rock or earth materials. If MSW remains after closure, an impermeable membrane with an active gas collection, venting and disposal system may be required. The membrane and gas collection system would reduce or eliminate methane gas accumulation and resulting explosion hazards in buildings constructed on or near the fill. Landfill closure with either a clay soil cover or a synthetic membrane is acceptable under applicable closure regulations, but a synthetic membrane would provide greater protection against gas migration than would a clay soil cover. Stormwater Management. Conversion of filled areas to industrial use will require a stormwater management design to suit the surface use as well as convey stormwater to collection and detention structures. Operations Plan The operations plan for the Channel Landfill must address the regulatory requirements of 18 AAC 60.340 through 380. Briefly, those topics include: access control, surface water management, vector and animal control, record-keeping, hazardous waste exclusion, cover requirements, explosive gas control, open burning restrictions, liquid restrictions, controlling effects outside the facility boundary, and corrective action when required. A brief operating plan addressing these topics has been submitted and accepted by ADEC. An operations plan leading to conversion of the landfill would integrate waste and ash disposal operations, landfill mining. clean closure, site reclamation, and conversion to industrial development. Such a plan would be based on a detailed map of historic fill by waste type, current use rates for each waste type, volume requirements and final grading design. 4.2.4 Incineration, Air Pollution Control and Related Topics 97-1013/1013R1.doc 23 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc See also Table 6 Incinerator & Air Pollution Control Capital Costs and Table 7 Options 3A/3B Operating Costs. Null Option Incinerators Under this Option, the two existing Consumat CS1600 controlled-air type incinerators will continue to burn municipal solid waste (MSW) from the CBJ and seasonal tour ships. Installed in 1985, each incinerator has a burning capacity of 36 tons/day, for a facility capacity of 72 tons/day. In February of 1997, Channel staff indicated that the incinerators were operated 3 shifts/day and were shut down for routine maintenance 2 shifts a week. Major maintenance and parts replacement is conducted during planned, extended shutdowns several times a year. Because it is located outdoors, major work on the electrostatic precipitator (ESP) generally occurs during the summer. Emergency repairs occur on an as-needed basis. Channel staff indicated that they would prefer a 3 shift/day, 6 day/week operation, giving more time for routine maintenance. Thus, an 18 shift/week operation is assumed for the purposes of this analysis. In addition, 11 days a year are allowed for scheduled maintenance/replacement of major equipment items such as the ash conveyor, underfire air tubes, ash shrouds, refractory, transfer and ash rams, etc., as well as emergency repairs. Air Pollution Control System The original facility (1985) was intended to limit particulate emissions through control of the combustion process alone. The electrostatic precipitator (ESP) was not part of the original installation, but was added in 1986. Channel’s current air quality permit regulates only particulate matter (allowing .08 grains/dry standard cubic foot of flue gas) and opacity (maximum 20%). Limits on emissions of acid gases (hydrogen chloride and sulfur dioxide), nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, lead, cadmium, mercury, and dioxins are not part of Channel’s current permit. Because of a recent court case, it appears that the U.S.E.P.A. will be required to write new air emissions regulations for individual incinerators with capacities of less than 250 ton/day. These new regulations might affect Channel’s incinerators; however, industry opinion is that existing units would not have to comply with the new regulations until sometime after the year 2000. In the meantime, as long as Channel does not modify either the incinerators or the ESP, it 24 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc is not expected that there will be any changes to Channel’s air permit conditions in the near future. Option 2 Incinerators Under Options 2A and 2B, the two existing incinerators will continue to operate as described above for the Null Option. Air Pollution Control System As discussed under the Null Option, it does not appear that there will be any changes to Channel’s air permit conditions in the near future. Tires Used tires are a nuisance waste. When buried in landfills, they tend to “float” to the surface of the landfill. Because of their high energy content, tires release large amounts of heat when burned. While MSW in general has a low sulfur content, tires have a relatively high sulfur content that creates sulfur dioxide emissions when burned. Other than dedicated tire incinerators in a couple of locations (e.g. Modesto, CA), American incinerators burn tires only on an incidental basis. Tires are not burned in batches, but are mixed with other MSW to minimize the effects of sudden heat and sulfur release caused by burning tires. Tire reinforcing wires (steel belts) can become entangled and cause jamming of ash removal systems. On a positive note, tires can be used to raise the heating value of wet waste, making it burn more easily and consistently. In some locations, government-imposed tire recycling/disposal fees provide, in effect, a higher tipping fee for tires. Channel burns tires on an intermittent basis, mixed with other MSW. Automobile and truck tires will continue to be burned at the facility. Storage of these tires in a segregated spot on the tipping floor will make it easier for the incinerator operator to pick a tire for mixing with a charge of MSW. Oversized tires (e.g. from earth-moving equipment) must be cut to a size that fits the incinerator feed hopper, necessitating large, capital-intensive equipment. Based on the relatively small number of such oversized tires being disposed in Juneau, it does not appear to be cost-effective to install such equipment. Channel’s incinerators have the capacity to burn a greater number of tires than they do at present. However, because each pound of tires contains the same amount of heat energy as 2-3 pounds of MSW, burning a 20-pound tire will “use up” the capacity to burn 40-60 pounds of MSW. Thus, burning too many tires could have the effect 25 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc of decreasing Channel’s ability to burn MSW. If Channel receives an average of $125/ton to burn MSW, this equates to about $3.13 for the capacity to burn 50 pounds of MSW, which equals one tire. If the tipping fee for a tire is less than about $3, it may not be economical to burn large numbers of tires. On the other hand, Channel should probably continue to burn single tires interspersed with MSW, as their high heat release helps dry out wet waste, promotes more consistent and more complete burning, and helps decrease the amount of unburned carbon in the ash. Metals Recovery from Incinerator Ash Channel presently removes up to 2,500 tons/year of oversized metal pieces from the incoming waste stream. Bottom ash from Channel’s incinerators is an untapped source of additional ferrous metal (e.g. “tin” food and beverage cans) that could be removed magnetically. Ferrous metal generally makes roughly up 2-6% of the disposed residential waste stream, depending on the amount of recycling that occurs. If Channel burns about 22,000 tons/year, the amount of potentially recoverable ferrous metal could range from 440 to 1,320 tons/year. Representatives of Dings Co. Magnetic Group and Eriez Magnetics, two well-known firms in the incineration and recycling field, were contacted regarding magnetic separation of ferrous metal from the ash. It was suggested that an elevated vibrating screen be installed between the gravity discharge of the ash drag conveyor and the top of the ash dump truck. The vibrating screen would catch objects about the size of a soup can lid, while ash, broken glass, small stones, and other small non-combusted items would fall into the bed of the dump truck. The screen would incline towards an area adjacent to the dump truck, where an overhead belt-type magnetic separator or deep-draw drum would lift ferrous materials off the screen and deposit them in a dumpster. The magnetic separator itself could cost from $10-20,000, depending on the specific design. Another $15-25,000 might be required for the vibrating screen, steel support structure, electrical wiring and controls. Thus, depending on whether new or used screening equipment were utilized, the total cost of the ferrous metal recovery system could range from about $25-45,000. Because this system removes ferrous metal from the ash as it leaves the drag conveyor, it is probably among the lowest-cost and most convenient from an operations standpoint. However, because of its location, it would not be able to process any of the thousands of cubic yards of metal-filled ash that are already in the landfill. To determine whether ferrous metal recovery from incinerator makes economic sense for Channel, it is recommended that Channel conduct 26 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc a brief investigation. First, it should screen 5-10 tons of ash to determine average metals content. A large hand-held magnet may be required to separate the metals into ferrous and non-ferrous fractions. The resulting weight data could be used to calculate a range of expected values for ferrous metals per ton of ash. A test conducted on a smaller ash sample produced separated metals that comprised 17 percent of the ash by weight (wet weight basis). Second, Channel should submit samples of this recovered metal (both ferrous and non-ferrous) to prospective metals brokers to determine current prices. Channel should also obtain historical prices to assess the effects of price fluctuations, which have been significant in the recycling business. In February 1997, Channel staff suggested that metal recovered from ash by screening could fetch $85/ton delivered to Tacoma, WA. The June 2, 1997 issue of Waste News indicates a range of $15-40 per ton for steel cans in the Seattle area, with an average of $30. It is likely that the market is relatively small, as there are only a few local producers of this grade of ferrous metal, such as the incinerators in Spokane and Bellingham, Washington. Based on a refined estimate of the available ferrous quantities and price projections, Channel could then determine whether it was economically feasible to design and install a ferrous recovery system. Option 3 General Channel’s present air quality permit requires them to meet particulate matter standards of .08 gr/dscf and 20% opacity. It is assumed that he two incinerators are essentially “grandfathered” and do not have to meet current Federal air quality standards. At present, the applicable regulations are under litigation. Therefore, it is difficult or impossible to predict the requirements for permitting a third incinerator. To be conservative, it has been assumed for the purpose of this study that the installation of a third incinerator would be considered as a major facility modification and would require that the entire facility be brought up to a fairly rigorous level of BACT (Best Available Control Technology), including acid gas scrubbing, which cannot be accomplished using the existing ESP. Instead of adding an acid gas scrubber to the ESP, it is recommended that a totally new air pollution control (APC) system be installed. Consisting of a dry lime injection system (for acid gas removal) and a fabric filter system (for particulate removal), it would provide better particulate removal than the ESP. This type of system was successfully retrofitted to the Coos County, Oregon incineration facility. 27 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc In 1996, Coos County completed an incineration project that has many similarities to Channel Landfill’s project. The County had two 50 tpd Consumat incinerators with no APC system. Their retrofit included adding a third 50 tpd Consumat and installation of a dry lime injection APC system. Interel, the APC manufacturer, served as general contractor. The experience of the Coos County project has been used as areference for the following description, including assumed permit requirements, and for cost estimating purposes. Incinerator and Related Equipment Option 3 centers on the addition of a third incinerator to increase Channel’s burning capacity. Design burning capacity was calculated at 724 ton/week, the average of the five highest weeks in year 2017; this results in a daily capacity of 121 ton/day (tpd), based on 6 day/week operation. Since the two existing units have a combined capacity of 72 tpd, the new unit should have a capacity of about 50 tpd; 50 tpd is a standard size for modular incinerators. For consistency of operation, spare parts, and operator familiarity, it would be logical to install another Consumat incinerator (model CS- 2000, rated at 50 tpd). It would be a controlled air, modular (shop- assembled) incinerator with primary and secondary chambers. Based on the permit requirements at Coos County, it has been assumed that tertiary combustion chambers may be required on all three incinerators to increase retention time to 1 or 2 seconds. The new unit would have a hydraulic waste feeder and transfer and ash removal rams similar to the existing units. The two existing incinerators would probably require the following upgrades: e rebuild/upgrade of dump stacks, dampers, and secondary chamber end walls e addition of tertiary chambers to increase flue gas retention time (a likely permit requirement) e larger burners to maintain 1,800 deg. F. in the secondary chambers (a likely permit requirement) e replacement of primary instrumentation and/or modification to operate with a central programmable logic controller (PLC) that also operates the air pollution control equipment. e a new, climate-controlled, fully enclosed control room for operating and monitoring the incinerators and APC equipment, as well as housing the CEMS equipment. The existing ash conveyor is steeper and longer than those found in a typical controlled-air incinerator facility. A steep and long conveyor 28 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc will generally tend to have more operational problems and require more maintenance. However, Channel staff indicated that this conveyor has had relatively few problems. While the installation of a new incinerator presents an opportunity to modify the existing ash conveyor, it does not appear to be justified in terms of improved operation. Instead of modifying the existing conveyor, it is recommended that a separate new ash conveyor be constructed to serve just the new incinerator. This provides a degree of redundancy in case the existing ash conveyor is temporarily disabled: unit #3 could continue to burn waste while #1 and #2 are shut down to repair the conveyor. It also allows the existing facility to continue to operate while the new incinerator is being installed. A second dump truck to receive the ash would also be required. Flue Gas Conditioning Flue gases exit the incinerators’ secondary chambers at 1,800 deg. F., losing some heat through the ductwork and cooling to about 1,600 deg. F. New refractory-lined breeching (ductwork) would be constructed to connect the existing and new incinerators with a single refractory-lined hot gas mixing chamber with hot gas isolation dampers. Downstream of the mixing chamber, the flue gas would be split, flowing into two air pollution control (APC) equipment trains. This redundancy provides partial incineration capability in the event one train becomes disabled, i.e., about half the incineration capacity could be used with the remaining flue gas train. It also would favor keeping the existing incinerators in operation as long as possible (with the ESP) while the first train is being installed. (See Drawings) To neutralize acid gases by injecting powdered lime, the-flue gases must be “conditioned” by cooling to about 300 deg. F before it can enter the acid gas scrubbing portion of the APC train. This cooling would be accomplished by a closed loop, gas-to-liquid hot gas cooler (heat exchanger) in each APC train, using synthetic heat-transfer oil circulated to two air-cooled radiators that reject heat to the atmosphere. An equipment skid would hold the oil pumps and an expansion tank for the heat-transfer oil. Waste Heat Boiler If power generation becomes economical at some time in the future, the cooling equipment in the preceding paragraph could be removed and replaced with two heat recovery boilers and economizers, which would perform the equivalent function of cooling the gas prior to acid gas scrubbing. Two boilers would be used for the same reasons cited above for redundancy. The space allowed for each gas conditioning 29 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc train would be ample for the boiler and economizer. (See Section 4.2.1 and Drawings). Air Pollution Control (APC) System As mentioned previously, there would be two identical APC trains that inject dry lime into the flue gases to neutralize acid gases, inject powdered activated carbon to capture dioxins and furans, then catch the resulting particulate matter in a fabric filter (baghouse) system. In each APC train, hydrated lime is injected into the gases before they pass through a second heat exchanger. Gases exit from this flat tube, gas-to-ambient air heat exchanger at about 250-350 deg. F. and enter a vertical, two-pass dry reactor which allows longer contact time between the lime and flue gases, increasing acid gas removal. If required by the air quality permit to assist in removing dioxins, furans, and volatilized metals, powdered activated carbon (PAC) will be injected into the flue gas stream at a point between the heat exchanger and the dry reactor. Particulate matter and lime/acid particles are then collected on a series of fabric filters (baghouse). The filter “cake” that builds up on the bags contains unreacted lime, which provides short- term scrubbing capacity of acid gas spikes, or in the event that the lime injection system shuts down due to power outage or mechanical failure. A portion of the dust and lime is recirculated to a flue gas conditioning drum located at the base of the dry reactor. Each train would have its own induced draft fan to draw flue gases through the train. There would be a storage silo for hydrated lime (and PAC, if utilized) and associated metering pumps, housed in a sheet metal enclosure. A PLC-based central control system would control and coordinate the operation of all three incinerators, the APC equipment, and the ash conveyors. When the incinerators and APC system are shut down (e.g. for maintenance), acid gases can condense in the ductwork and APC equipment, causing corrosion. Moisture can condense on the fabric filters, creating a “mud” that could “blind” the filters and reduces air movement through them. To prevent these condensation-related problems, an oil-fired duct heater would provide warm air in the ductwork and APC system. The residue from the APC system, called fly ash, consists of particulate matter removed from the flue gases, spent lime, and a small amount of unreacted lime. Fly ash is automatically removed from the baghouse. In most U.S. incineration facilities, the fly ash is automatically combined with bottom ash prior to disposal via landfilling. The lime in the fly ash has been shown to contribute to the chemical stability of the ash, minimizing the leaching of metals under 30 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc the Toxic Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP test) required for incinerator ash. Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) Again based on the Coos County experience, it is conservatively assumed that continuous emission monitoring would be a permit requirement. The CEMS equipment would allow continuous and automatic sampling, analyzing, monitoring, and recording of oxygen, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and opacity readings from flue gases in the main stack. The CEMS records data on a computer; this data can be used to confirm the operation of the incinerators and air pollution equipment, as well provide documentation for regulatory agencies. The CEMS analytical and recording equipment would be housed in a totally enclosed, climate-controlled room. Main Stack A new, dual-wall exhaust stack would combine the gases of both APC trains and exhaust them to the atmosphere. The stack would have a ladder and platform to allow access to the continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) probes and for periodic air emissions source-testing. Associated Building Modifications Required Modifications Interel, the APC equipment vendor that performed the incinerator retrofit at Coos County, has suggested that the new 50 tpd incinerator be installed to the south (right-hand side) of the existing incinerators. The centerline of the new unit would be approximately the centerline of the existing driveway that leads to the scale platform. This location is preferred because it requires less large-diameter breeching (to connect the new unit to the existing ones) than would a location to the left (north side) of the existing units. The APC system at Coos County occupied an area approximately 40 ft. by 80 ft.; this is about twice as wide as the area currently occupied by the ESP and induced draft fan. It appears there is adequate room to the east of the incinerator building to install the suggested APC system. Some regrading towards the east property line may be required to preserve vehicle access around the APC equipment. Installation of new APC equipment will require the demolition and removal of the existing ESP, induced draft fan, and associated equipment pads. However, it is desirable to keep the incinerators operating continuously with the ESP in place for as long as possible. Therefore, the APC contractor will need to carefully schedule and 31 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc coordinate the installation of new equipment and removal of existing equipment to minimize the impact to Channel’s burning operations. To make room for the new incinerator, the driveway to the scales would be excavated to allow construction of a new ash ram pit (elevation 19.0) and equipment floor (elevation 24.5). The entire 120 ft. long building wall would be relocated approximately 20 ft. to the south, aligning with the north wall of the office building, and enlarging the tipping floor by about 1,200 sq. ft.. The building expansion would entail placement of new building columns and footings, relocation or replacement of the metal building panels, and construction of new concrete pushwalls. After relocating the wall, the estimated waste storage capacity would be about 247 tons, or two peak days’ worth of storage. The calculation is based on stacking waste 10 ft. high against the north, south, and west walls, assuming a density of 500 Ib/cu. yd. and a 45-degree angle of repose. A 30 ft. wide east-west lane would be left open for residential and commercial haulers to dump their waste; a 20 ft. wide lane would be kept clear in front of unit #3 to allow the front-end loader to push waste to the feed hopper. These dimensions and assumptions are generous, and the estimate of tipping floor storage space is probably conservative. Storage capacity could also be increased by raising the pushwalls to 12 ft. in height. Access to the tipping floor could be improved by the addition of a second rollup door in the west wall. This would allow one door to be used by customers dropping off solid waste, while the other could be used to receive bypass or mined waste. New wiring will be required to serve the new incinerator and APC equipment. The electrical service to the facility may need to be upgraded to handle the increased electrical load, as the induced draft fans have large (approximately 100 hp) motors. Compressed air, water, and drainage piping will be extended to serve the new equipment. Suggested Modifications Over the years, some of the incinerator building’s steel support columns have sustained damage either to the steel itself or to their bolted concrete supports. It is recommended that the columns be checked by a structural engineer to ascertain whether the damage is significant. In the future, the columns could be protected from impact and rust by encasing them in concrete to a height of at least five feet. 32 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc During the February 1997 site visit, it was noted that the tipping floor appears to be in reasonably good condition, although showing some wear in certain areas. Channel may wish to consider resurfacing the tipping floor with a sacrificial 4” layer of asphalt pavement, on top of the existing concrete. While asphalt paving is not as wear-resistant as concrete, it is low-cost, can be installed in a day, and requires no extended curing period. Scales If the new incinerator is installed on the south side of the building, the scales should be relocated further south, to a point approximating the current main driveway and parking lot. While many incineration facilities have a free-standing scalehouse and a full-time scale attendant, this may not be cost-effective if the number of vehicles using the facility each day is relatively small. It may be more practical for Channel to continue the current practice where office staff periodically perform scale attendant duties. Traffic Circulation Relocation of the scales to the south of the office building would still allow reasonable customer access to the tipping floor from the west side of the incinerator building. However, depending on the volume of traffic, there may be increased congestion in the existing parking lot as customers drive through. Processing of Bypassed Waste For this facility, “bypass waste” consists of waste that is too large to fit into the incinerators, or cannot be burned within a reasonable time of receipt, due to a temporary oversupply of waste. In the past, Channel disposed of bypass waste by either landfilling it on-site, or shipping it to an out-of-state landfill. In the future, Channel will attempt to minimize the amount of waste disposed of by landfilling. It will reduce burnable waste to a size that will easily fit into the incinerator feed hoppers. The low-cost, low-tech approach would require staff to use chain saws or electric cutoff saws to cut up oversized plywood, chipboard, lumber, and other wooden objects. Metal supports or sawhorses would simplify the task. A more sophisticated, semi-automated method would involve the use of a low-rpm shear shredder (e.g. Shredding Systems) or opposing- screw shredder (e.g. Iggesund). A relatively coarse shred (e.g. about 12 inches) is all that is required for ease of loading and burning. Both the shear and screw shredders experience. less wear than do hammermills; hence, maintenance costs should be lower. For this type of operation, the shredder is typically furnished as part of a packaged system that includes in-feed and out-feed conveyors that simplify 33 11 Aug 97 loading and removing the material to be shredded. A shredder is not a necessity for burning bypassed waste, and may not be cost-effective. Processing bypass waste will be a batch operation; that is, it will take place subject to availability of bypass waste, of personnel, and of adequate burning capacity. A shed roof structure would probably be required for weather protection of the workers and shredding equipment. For example, the western-most 40 ft. section of the north wall could be moved 30 ft. north to construct the shed. Alternatively, the shredder could be located on the existing tipping floor, but this would reduce the space available for storing tires or summer waste surges. Processing of Mined Waste According to Channel staff, mined waste would have the first priority for shipping out-of-state. This is logical since the waste will likely be wetter and dirtier than incoming MSW, hence less burnable. Before it could be burned, mined waste would also require processing to remove rocks and dirt, to prevent abrasion of the incinerator refractory. Oversized mined waste would require size reduction either with chainsaws, a shear shredder, or opposing screw shredder prior to burning. It is unlikely that much mined waste will be burned. Spending 300 days/year, 8 hours/day to mine 21,000 tons/year of waste equates to excavating some 8.75 tons/hour. This rate is probably not unreasonable for earthmoving equipment, or for the screening equipment used to remove rocks and dirt from the waste. However, if the waste consisted of 50% burnables (i.e. wood), the resulting 4.4 tons/hour would be a fairly ambitious undertaking for Ld shredding equipment used to reduce the size of the wood. 4.2.5 Economic Analysis 97-1013/1013R1.doc Electrical Power Generation and Sale The assumptions used in Phase 1 were reviewed. Capital costs were increased based on latest engineering estimates. The findings of Phase 1 were reconfirmed. This option is expected to become attractive, at such time as a need for additional base load power generation in the region becomes apparent, and power rates in the region of Avoided Cost Rate B can be negotiated. Table 13 Pro Forma Electrical Power Generation and Sale shows analyses under various scenarios. All were based on Option 3, three 34 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc incinerators, since for Options 1 and 2, the power outputs were lower and the capital costs were higher. The rate of return based on Avoided Cost Rate A is only 6% which makes this scenario uneconomical even if financed with 100% tax- exempt debt. However, the rate of return based on Avoided Cost Rate B is 35%, a very robust return. Rates C and D are further discussed in Thermal Energy Generation and Sale The findings in Phase 1 were reviewed and reconfirmed. Latest pro forma is shown in Table 14. At a projected 6% rate of return, this option does not appear economically attractive, even if financed with 100% tax-exempt debt and even assuming that essentially all of the buildings within a one-mile radius are included in the heating network. If new industrial or commercial facilities are identified in the planning stage, the possibility of providing them with thermal energy should be carefully examined. An example is the contemplated cold storage facility, now in the early planning stage. Landfill Operations and Land Commercialization Three major options were evaluated during Phase 2. Pro formas for each option appear in Table 15. The first page of Table 15 contains the major assumptions used and a summary of results (Total Net Cash Flow and Net Present Value of the Net Cash Flows). Page two shows the Null Option - Closure in 20 Years and Null Option - Closure in 5 Years. Page three shows Option 2A (completion of mining in 10 years) and Option 2B (completion of mining in 20 years). Page four shows Option 3A (adding a 3rd incinerator and completion of mining in 10 years) and Option 3B (adding a 3rd incinerator and completion of mining in 20 years). Pages 5 and 6 shows Option 3B1, an optimized version of Option 3B. Each option is discussed below. Null Option. The Null Option assumes that Channel Landfill continues to operate in the same mode as at present. The two incinerators continue to operate. No mining is done, and none of the landfill is commercialized. It is assumed that the landfill will close at the end of 20 years, and landfill closure costs are included as an expense in year 20. 35 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc A variation on the Null Option was also tested, on the assumption that the landfill may be forced for reasons of environmental regulation to close at the end of 5 years. The Null Option shows the best Cash Flow and the best Net Present Value of the options studied in Table 15. The Null Option-5 Years to Closure shows clearly the cost of early closure, and the importance of avoiding early closure. Option 2A/2B This option assumes that two incinerators continue to operate; however, mining of the landfill and conversion to commercial use occurs over a 20 year period. Most of the mined material is shipped, since the incinerators operate at near capacity to incinerate incoming waste. It is assumed that land is sold in 6 acre plots as it is reclaimed. Option 2A assumes that mining is accomplished in a 10 year period, excavating 21,000 tons per year from 1998 through 2007. Option 2B assumes that mining occurs at a slower rate, excavating 210,000 tons over a 20 year period. Option 2A/2B appears on the surface to have advantages -- no capital cost for a 3rd incinerator -- while reclaiming and commercializing the land in 10 to 20 years. However, the cost of shipping the excavated material when compared to the value of the reclaimed land makes both Option 2A and 2B unattractive. Option 3A/3B This option assumes that a 3rd incinerator, together with an air pollution control system for the three incinerators is purchased and installed in 1998. Option 3A assumes that mining is accomplished in a 10 year period, excavating 21,000 tons per year from 1998 through 2007. Option 3B assumes that mining occurs at a slower rate, excavating 210,000 tons over a 20 year period. Option 3A/3B has the advantage over 2A/2B in that much less waste is shipped, reducing that expense. Land is reclaimed and commercialized. The Landfill should be able to continue to operate for many years after 20 years. However, this option must absorb the capital cost of the third incinerator and related equipment. 36 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc Option 3B1 is an optimization of Option 3B; reducing the amount of waste shipped over the 20 year period from 67,248 tons to 31,816 tons and thereby reducing shipping costs. Four variations of Option 3B1 are shown. First, it is assumed that the 3rd incinerator is purchased as a lump sum cost. Second, it is assumed that the 3rd incinerator is financed with 10 year commercial debt at 1% over prime or 9.5%. Third, it is assumed that the 3rd incinerator is financed with 20 year tax-exempt debt at 6.5%. Fourth, it is assumed that the 3rd incinerator is financed with 10 year tax-exempt debt at 6.5%. Summary The Null Option-Closure in 20 Years shows good cash flow and the best NPV of all options. Cash flows are positive for each of the 20 years. However, there is the risk of a forced early closure and the landfill would likely close in about 20 years. Option 2A and 2B are both less than satisfactory, with lower total cash flows and lower NPV’s. Each of these options experience numerous and substantial negative cash flows. Option 3B shows total 20 year cash flow that is superior to the Null Option, however the NPV is less, due to the front end load of the Incinerator capital cost. Annual net cash flows of Option 3B are positive (note that Option 3A is unsatisfactory due to shipping costs to accommodate the 10 year reclamation cycle). Reclamation of land provides some income and, perhaps more importantly, landfill life is extended. Note that substantially more waste could be processed than is presently projected. Financing costs of the incinerator and other capital equipment were not included in Options Null, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B or 3B1. Financing costs were included in the financed versions of 3B1. Capping/closure costs must be much more thoroughly defined before considering 3B. The land reclamation occurring in Options 2 and 3 incorporate capping costs (very roughly estimated) as excavation occurs. This tends to reduce the risk of a forced closure which might occur if a closure plan has not been developed and approved by the proper authorities. Landfill Operations and Land Commercialization Combined with Electric Power Generation The possibility of adding electric power generation to Option 3B1 (3 incinerators with the 3rd financed with 20-year tax-exempt debt) was then considered. This analysis appears in Table 16 and 13. 37 11 Aug 97 Rate A - This option, adding a 3rd incinerator and a power generation facility, is not attractive at the present Avoided Cost of power (Rate A). Rate B - The option becomes very attractive at Rate B, with a net cash flow over 20 years of nearly 15 million dollars. Rate C - Rate C is Rate A escalated at 1.35% per year. This rate was selected by trial and error, searching for a rate that would give an approximate break-even for total Net Cash Flow over 20 years. In theory, this power rate would allow the facility to break even over 20 years, while paying off the capital cost of the 3rd incinerator and the power generation facility. Negative cash flows in a number of years indicates that this power rate is inadequate to justify the risks. Rate D - Rate D, 5.5 cents per kwhr, was selected as a point at which to seriously consider adding the 3rd incinerator and the power generation facility. Negative cash flows remain in some years, but the facility shows a positive cash flow of nearly 6 million dollars over the 20 years, while retiring the capital costs while positioning the landfill for many more years of operation. Note that these options assume the ability to finance capital costs with tax-exempt debt. 5. CONCLUSIONS 5.1 5.2 3) 5.4 3:5) Production and sale of electricity is not feasible at this time, due to an existing surplus of base load generating capacity in the AEL&P and connected systems. Sale of waste heat to existing potential users is not commercially attractive at present heating oil prices at existing installations. The Null Option (continue as is with 2 incinerators, no mining, no sale of electrical or thermal energy) represents the least risky course of action and the probable best financial return at the present time; particularly if actions are taken as needed to minimize the possibility of early closure. Mining and land reclamation, considered by itself, is not a particularly attractive option. The value of the reclaimed land tends to be offset either by a) the cost of shipping the mined waste, or b) the capital cost of an additional incinerator. A potentially attractive future opportunity for power generation would be a step increase in base load electrical demand, such as was anticipated if the Echo Bay mine project had been carried out; or, eventually, if the base load of the AEL&P and connected systems grows beyond the capacity of the hydro resources. Under such 97-1013/1013R1.doc 38 11 Aug 97 5.6 conditions a power generation facility, coupled with a 3rd incinerator, and (preferably) financed with tax-exempt debt, could become attractive. Another potential opportunity would be for heat sales, if heating oil prices rise. This would probably require public financing or ownership of the distribution system. 6. RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Continue with the Null Option at this time. A long range plan for closure of the Landfill over time should be developed, regulatory approvals obtained, and the continuing requirements of the plan should be carried out. This should reduce the risk of premature, unplanned closure by regulatory authorities. Monitor supply vs. demand for base load electrical energy. Monitor heating oil costs. Watch for opportunities to supply thermal energy to new industrial/commercial installations. If conditions in the future should indicate that one of the suggested opportunities may appear attractive, recognize that before commitment to the multi-million dollar capital investment in such a project considerable development effort should be mandatory. The effort would need to include: a) Firmly establishing the solid waste and air pollution control regulatory requirements b) Developing preliminary designs and cost estimates (with firm bids if possible) c) Contractual arrangements necessary for business continuation, valid for the length of the financing period. d) Recognize that such development can cost two to five percent of the capital cost of the project, at risk until/unless the project is financed; and lead time may be several years. Ts REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 71 Reference Documents - Electric Power A. AEL&P Peak Load Forecast and Annual Energy Demand Forecast, May 1997 B. AEL&P Rates in Effect as of November 1, 1996 Cc. AEL&P Electrical Supply and Demand, 1995 and 1996, December 1996 97-1013/1013R1.doc 39 11 Aug 97 D. AEL&P - Juneau Historical and Projected Energy Use, November 1996 E. Telecon Ronald Hansen, Hansen Engineering, and Paul Morrison, Chief Engineer, Alaska PUC, February 1997 re Alaska PUC, Schedule No. 44 Purchase of Non-Firm Power from a Qualifying Facility G. Juneau 20-Year Power Supply Plan Update, August 1990 H. Energy Conservation and Management Plan Update, Volume 1: Electrical Energy Conservation Plan, November 1996 Ib Alaska Statutes AS 42.05 (Public Utilities) J. Alaska Administrative Code, Title 3 (Public Utilities Commission) K. Alaska Statute 42, Chapter 45, Rural and Statewide Energy Programs, Article 1 Power Assistance Programs, Sec. 42.45.010 Power Project Fund L. Regional Biomass Energy Program, 1996 Yearbook for Pacific Northwest and Alaska M. Alaska Electric Light and Power Brochure N. Alaska Power Administration, The Role of Electric Power in the Southeast Alaska Energy Economy - Phase II, 1981 Juneau Energy Balance, February 1982 7.2 Reference Documents - Financing A. Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, Loan Programs B. Economic Development Resource Guide 7.3 Reference Documents - Thermal Energy A. State of Alaska 1996 Revenue Forecast, Table 20, Projected and Historical Crude Oil Prices B. Juneau - Lemon Creek Waste to Energy Prefeasibility Assessment C. South Tongass Wood Waste Fuel Resource Assessment 7.4 Reference Documents - Solid Waste 97-1013/1013R1.doc 40 11 Aug 97 H. Closure Study Report - Channel Landfill - Juneau, Alaska, July 1991 Phase I Report - Evaluation of Channel Facilities, October 1991 Preliminary Engineering Report on Energy Recovery Alternatives at the Incinerator Facility, October 1986 Landfill Mining Plan for Channel Landfill, November 1992 Landfill Test Mining, January 1993 Municipal Solid Waste: A Resource Assessment for Energy Recovery in Alaska, September 1991 Fairbanks North Star Borough Solid Waste Management Plan - Alternatives Evaluation, July 1994 Fairbanks North Star Borough Solid Waste Management Plan - Implementation Plan, July 1994 75 Reference Documents - Information from Channel 2/20-21/97 Bp SF fo a G. H. Weekly/Monthly Tonnages for 1996 Solid Waste Permit Operating & Maintenance Plan Power Usage - Landfill Site Groundwater Pollution Air Permit Contaminated Soil Incineration Recyclables/Used Oil/Hazardous Waste 7.6 Reference Documents - Drawings A. B. 97-1013/1013R1.doc Landfill Topography - Channel Landfill, May 1996 Proposed Disposal Sites for Unburnables, Putrescibles, and Incinerator Ash in the 1990’s, May 1990 - Latest Rev. January 1993 41 11 Aug 97 Cc. D. Channel Landfill - Final Grading Plan, July 1991 Channel Landfill - Historical Site Use, July 1991 8. APPENDICES 8.1 Drawings A. Channel Sanitation - Proposed Expansion and Air Pollution Control System - Options 3A/3B - Drawing No. 1013SK-1 Channel Sanitation - Proposed Expansion and Air Pollution Control System - General Arrangement - Drawing No. 1013SK-2 8.2 Waste Generation Projections for Channel Landfill 8.3 Project Definition Study - Power Generation 8.4 ASME Paper: Skagit County Resource Recovery Facility Design of a 178 TPD Waste-to-Energy Plant TABLES Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Table 9 Table 10 Table 11 Table 12 Table 13 Table 14 Table 15 Table 16 Table 17 97-1013/1013R1.doc Channel Landfill MSW Tonnage - 1996 Average and Peak Generation Rates - 1996 CBJ Population and Waste Projection - MSW Only (Constant Waste Generation Per Capita) CBJ Population and Waste Projection - MSW Only (0.5% Annual Increase in Waste Generation Per Capita) Potential Heat Sales Operations Serving Lemon Creek Area Incinerators & Air Pollution Control Capital Costs Options 3A/3B Operating Costs Definition of Economic Alternatives Power Generation Capital Costs Typical Weekly Waste Flow Analysis Summary Data - Six Options Survey of Annual Heating Oil Use by Facilities Within One Mile of Channel Landfill, March 1997 Pro Forma - Electrical Power Generation and Sale Pro Forma - Heat Generation and Sale Lemon Creek Area Pro Forma - Landfill Operations and Land Commercialization Pro Forma - Analysis of Landfill Operations and Land Commercialization Plus Electrical Power Generation and Sale Channel Landfill Conversion and Closure Requirements Matrix 42 11 Aug 97 97-1013/1013R1.doc 43 11 Aug 97 = EXISTING INCINERATORS 36 TPD 36 TPD y EXISTING ASH CONVEYOR NEW ASH CONVEYOR NEW INCINERATOR De SQo@® GAS MIXING CHAMBER HOT GAS COOLER (HEAT TRANSFER OIL) ALT — HEAT RECOVERY RADIATOR BOILERS (2) GAS-—TO—AIR HEAT EXCHANGER DRY REACTOR FABRIC FILTER (BAGHOUSE) INDUCED DRAFT FAN COMMON STACK ENviroMEcH 2040 217th PLACE N.E. REDMOND, WA 98053-4052 CHANNEL SANITATION — PROPOSED EXPANSION REV DATE BY APP'D DESCRIPTION AND AIR POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEM OPTIONS 3A / 3B 1013SK-1 PROJ: 97-1013 _|SCALE: NONE DWG No: AIR POLLUTION AIR POLLUTION re CONTROL CONTROL TRAIN NO. 2 TRAIN NO. 1 — — —> 7 GAS reheat GAS CONDITIONING | TRAIN NO. 2 | JT TRAIN NO. 1 ° TO BE toe ESP REMOVED |eyist ID FAN ; i a NEW ASH | EXISTING €p- LOADOUT | ASH | LOADOUT EXISTING | EL 32.5" INCINERATOR | | (CS1600) ve wn 35 TPD EXISTING | |- ni EQUIPMENT ; = ¢ NEW 50 TPD FLOOR INCINERATOR EL 24.5’ | | | | 2 ee et 12’x20" | CONTROL RM | AND CEMS BUILDING EXTENSION | | | REMOVE EXISTING | EXISTING OFFICE | SCALE BUILDING EXISTING TIPPING FLOOR TRUE EL 32.5’ Aladin — NEW 20' SCALE: 1”=20'-0" ROLLUP DOOR ROLLUP DOOR BUILDING CHANNEL SANITATION — PROPOSED EXPANSION AND AIR POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEM GENERAL ARRANGEMENT SCALE: AS NOTED ENviroMEcH 2040 217th PLACE N.E. REDMOND, WA 98053-4052 DESCRIPTION PROJ: 97-1013 1013SK—2 REPORT NO. 97-1013/1 ENERGY RECOVERY FEASIBILITY REPORT PROJECT NO. 97-1013 CHANNEL LANDFILL, INC. POWER GENERATION FEASIBILITY STUDY JUNEAU, ALASKA 1.0 DATE: AUGUST 8, 1997 APPENDIX 8.2 WASTE GENERATION PROJECTIONS INTRODUCTION Generating heat and power at the Channel Landfills incinerator facility by combustion of solid wastes requires understanding the current and future quantity of the available waste streams and their potential heat values. This study provides: e Waste quantities currently available e Seasonal variation in the waste generation rate e Peak and average rates currently observed at the Channel Landfills facility e Projected quantities to be available in the future, and e Heat values of the wastes to be combusted An understanding of waste disposal by incineration in the CBJ has been acquired by Channel during the 10 years of operating the existing two-burner facility. That understanding leads to the conclusion that continued disposal by incineration will require additional burner capacity because peak summer waste generation exceeds the existing 72-ton per day continuous rating (incineration capacity) of the two existing 36-ton units. Records of the quantities of waste received at the Channel Landfill facility have been provided to the Harris Group and EMCON by Channel Landfill, Inc. for the 1996 calendar year. The data provide a breakdown of the following waste types: e waste which is incinerated or shipped out of the area, e landfilled waste e waste delivered as separated and recoverable scrap metal These data, with CBJ population forecasts, are used in this study to project the future quantities of waste requiring disposal and available for energy recovery. 97-1013/1013R1.DOC 8.2-1 11 Aug 97 2.0 Categories of Waste Currently Received The Channel Landfill facility provides the only disposal opportunity for municipal solid waste available in the CBJ. It therefore receives all types of discarded materials. Most waste generated is disposed of by incineration or, in peak summer months, some is shipped to landfills out of the area. Other waste is categorized and recorded at the facility, but because it is either not burnable or not sized for the incinerator, it must be landfilled or recycled. A brief description of the waste classes received at the Channel Landfill facility for which data are available is provided below. Mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Data for MSW received for incineration during 1996 is shown in Table 1. The quantities include waste which was either incinerated or shipped out of the area. This waste originates from the commercial collection operator, Arrow Refuse, Inc., commercial businesses hauling their own waste, cruise ship wastes, and individual residents hauling their own wastes. This waste includes the putrescible organic fraction common to residential and commercial MSW. The 1996 total was 23,880 tons. Delivery rates fluctuated from a one-week low of 360 tons per week during February to a high of 628 tons during the first week of July. The year-long average was 459 tons per week. The last week of June and the first two weeks of July had three of the five highest weeks of waste disposal. The other two highest were in August. For purposes of this study, the peak week is defined as the average of the five highest weeks during 1996, weeks that ranged from 539 tons to 628 tons, with an average (peak week as defined) of 564 tons (Table 2). Expressed in tons per day during a 6-day, 18-shift week, the peak week is equal to 94.0 tons per day. Variation month-to-month ranged from 1,620 tons in February to 2,520 tons in July. Average monthly deliveries were just under 2,000 tons (1,990) per month. Bypass Waste This is waste currently bypassed from the incinerators to the landfill because it consists of items which are physically too large to feed into the incinerators without processing. The waste is discarded furniture, construction and demolition waste, and wood waste not suitable for incineration due to size or shape, such as logs, tree trunks or discarded structural timber. Table 2 shows that 4,032 tons of bypass waste were received for 1996. For this study, the assumption is made that 50 percent of this material is burnable after processing for size reduction. A monthly or weekly breakdown of the total quantity was not provided. Additional materials in this category are expected during the next year when restrictions on outdoor burning are expected to become effective. 97-1013/1013R1.DOC 8.2-2 11 Aug 97 3.0 Scrap Metal Scrap metals are accepted at the facility at no charge if segregated from other wastes. This includes discarded appliances, metal sheet, and structural items. Lead-acid batteries are categorized separately. These materials are relevant to this study only as a component of the total waste stream and per capita waste generation comparisons. Factors That Affect Waste Quantity Projections Planning for increased disposal capacity and energy recovery requires that a supportable projection of expected future waste quantities be developed based on factors that can be agreed upon by all participants in the project. The single most significant determinant of waste quantity is population because per capita waste generation rates change slowly while total population may change rapidly. Other factors that enter into waste generation rates and overall waste quantities include the types and effectiveness of recycling programs, local and regional economic activity, tourism and recreation, types and levels of commercial and industrial activity, the relative affluence of the community, and trends in materials and methods used in packaging and producing consumer products. The factors of economic activity, including commercial, industrial, tourist and recreation are reflected by, or dependent on population. Higher levels of tourism, economic activity, industrial activity, and community affluence result in population changes in response to changes in economic opportunity. For this reason, the population projection and the assumptions on which they are based is the major element in the waste quantity projection. 3.1 Projections of Waste Generation Rates Waste generation nationwide on a per capita basis has a history of increasing rapidly during the 1970 to 1990 period. The increase was from 3.2 pounds per capita per day (pped) in 1970 to 3.7 pped in 1980, and to 4.3 ppced in 1990, increases of 15.6 and 16.2 percent over the ten-year periods respectively. Future increases in generation rates are projected by EPA to grow more slowly, increasing to 4.5 ppcd by the year 2000, an increase of 4.7 percent during the period. Reduced growth in projected per capita generation nationally is due in large part to rapid growth in waste reduction and recycling activities. The 1996 waste generation rate in the CBJ is 5.33 ppcd for the total waste stream.. For the purposes of this study, we assumed an increase in CBJ generation rates of 5.1 percent over each ten year period, or an increase of 0.5 percent annually. This is higher than EPA national projections because of the higher proportion of packing materials used in shipping goods to and from the CBJ. The portion that is currently incinerated is 4.33 pped, and the burnable bypass portion is 0.37 pped, for a total of 4.70 ppcd The 0.5 percent rate of increase in per capita waste results in the generation rate of burnable wastes from increasing from 4.70 ppced in 1996 to 4.97 ppcd in 2007 and 5.22 ppcd in 2017. 97-1013/1013R1.DOC 8.2 -3 11 Aug 97 Arguments that waste reduction and recycling programs will reduce the rate of per capita increase in the CBJ are discounted for this study because of the marginal to negative economics for post-consumer recyclable materials, and because waste reduction programs in other areas are not clearly resulting in declining waste generation rates. Several small volunteer recycling programs for post-consumer waste materials are currently operating, but no significant new programs are in the planning stages. 3.2 Population Projected for Juneau A population projection was performed in January 1997 for the CBJ by Reed Hansen and Associates (City and Borough of Juneau Baseline Population Projections (1997 through 2013, attached)). Reed Hansen and Associates expects population to grow at rate lower than during the past twenty years. The lower rate is expected because state government, which provides over 50 percent of total employment in CBJ, is expected to decrease. This is based on expected declines in state revenues from oil severance taxes and royalties both during the near term (three years) and longer term (twenty years) period. However, near-term employment growth is expected to continue the current strong 10-year upward trend in service and trade employment, along with increases in construction, manufacturing and mining. According to Reed-Hansen, this is expected to offset declines in state government employment, setting the stage for slow steady growth. The 1996 estimated population of 30,209 is projected to increase to 32,889 in 2007 and 34,091 in 2013. Tables 3 and 4 incorporate the Reed Hansen population projections into the waste quantity projections. The baseline projection is a point of reference, but does not include the potential socioeconomic impacts of the proposed Kensington Mine development 45 miles north of Juneau. According to the socioeconomic study, CBJ population would increase by 665 people by 1999, or 2.1 percent, then remain steady until 2008 when it would decline. : 33 Waste Sources MSW and Bypass Waste - The primary source for waste incinerated at the Channel Landfill facility will continue to be MSW collected by Arrow Refuse and waste delivered by self-haulers from throughout the region. However, bypass waste could be added. This additional source is available from that fraction of the waste stream that is currently landfilled due to it being oversized. This additional waste is contingent on increased incinerator capacity and on procurement and operation of a shredder for processing the materials prior to incineration. Bypass waste is not included in the waste projections used in assessing incinerator capacity requirements because it can be stored for off-peak use. Excavated Waste - Other sources of waste to fuel the incinerators during off-peak periods have been discussed by Channel Landfill. The most promising source of 97-1013/1013R1.DOC 8.2-4 » 11 Aug 97 additional material is the previously landfilled combustible wastes on-site. Tests have been conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of excavating the material and processing it in the incinerators. A regular program of excavation and processing is anticipated to begin when added burner capacity is operational. This excavated waste is not included in the waste projections because it will be processed only during off- peak periods, but will be considered in the production of heat and power. Projections of waste quantities that can be added are dependent upon processing rates, duration of excavation, and on the increased incineration capacity added. Cruise Ship Waste - Wastes from cruise ships have become a significant element of the waste stream processed by the incinerators. Cruise ship waste has been delivered at rates of up to 200 tons per week during the past year, which is equal to 35 percent of the peak weekly waste load. It typically coincides with peak waste generation periods from the CBJ, making it a significant element in assessing the need for added incinerator capacity. Cruise ship wastes are already incorporated into the waste generation data and no specific projections for cruise ship wastes are made in this study or added to the incinerator capacity requirement. Cruise ship traffic has increased at rates of up to 22% year-to-year, with approximately 500,000 visitors in 1996. The three largest cruise operators are Princess Cruises, and Holland America, each with 6 ships in the southeast Alaska market, and Royal Caribbean Cruises with 2 ships. The season runs 16 to 20 weeks from May through September. Ships carry from 1,000 to 2,000 passengers. Port calls totaled 487 in 1996. Four or five ships may arrive per day. The port call usually lasts 8 to 12 hours. Ships unload solid waste by transferring it to two 40-yard containers, totaling about 10 tons of waste. The wastes are similar to restaurant/hotel wastes, in that they contain a higher than average proportion is organic food waste, plastic film and corrugated (cardboard) containers. A survey of the three largest operators of cruise ship tours in Southeast Alaska was done to determine the potential for attracting additional waste and revenues to use increased incinerator capacity at the Channel Landfills Inc. facility. These three cruise lines account for 14 of the 18 ships that stop at Juneau on a regular basis during the May to September season. Princess Cruise Lines. According to the Vice President of Port Operations, Mr. Nordin, all six of the ships that make port calls to Juneau have on-board incinerators, grinders and extensive recycling storage. The waste that is off-loaded for disposal is a very small percentage of total waste by weight, consisting mainly of the larger plastic containers that are not easily incinerated. These wastes and incinerator ash are off-loaded in Vancouver BC when the ships are resupplied between cruises. Recycled materials are also off-loaded in Vancouver. Holland America Cruise Lines. The Director of Port Operations, Mr. Bill Sharp, indicated that three of their six ships operate on a 7-day circuit from Vancouver where 97-1013/1013R1.DOC 8.2-5 11 Aug 97 waste is off-loaded weekly. Off-loading waste at Juneau during their regular port call could be done but not as conveniently as when the ship is being resupplied in Vancouver. The three other ships operate 5-day tours from Vancouver to Seward and Seward to Vancouver with stops in Juneau each way. Each ship unloads approximately 10 to 12 tons of waste per week, not counting recyclables. In Vancouver, the disposal rate is approximately $50 per ton, plus charges for container lease and hauling. Mr. Sharp reported that the combined charge was approximately $390 per 30-yard container, of which $190 was the disposal fee. ($US per ton converted from $Cdn per kilogram). In Seward, the same service cost from $2,000 to $2,500, or $667 to $833 per container. According to the service provider in Seward, Jason Enterprises, the waste is hauled directly to the disposal site at Soldotna, bypassing the transfer station. According to the service provider in Seward, three or four ships per week discharge approximately 10 tons per ship. The number of ships off-loading waste have declined each year because the newer ships have adequate incinerator capacity to avoid waste discharge except in Vancouver. Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines. Information on their waste handling process was not available. It is not clear that the cruise ship industry will continue to be an ever-increasing source of wastes. According to Don Habeger, of Southeast Stevedoring, the newer ships have greater capacity to process and store wastes on board until the ship reaches a preferred location for disposal. These preferred locations include the two terminals commonly used for cruise passenger embarkation, Vancouver, BC and Seward. The lower cost of disposal at these two locations is a factor in where the waste is off- loaded. Adjacent Communities - The potential for receiving waste from adjacent communities, including Skagway, Haines, Petersburg and Wrangell was considered early during this study. Planning for waste disposal capacity at the incinerator facility does not include wastes potentially available from these communities because of the uncertainty of obtaining their wastes. However potential waste quantities could be compiled for consideration in relation to the CBJ waste stream in the event a significant energy market opportunity or desire for a cooperative disposal system including adjacent communities occurs in the future. Summary - The waste generation projections are a major factor in deciding how large an increase in incinerator capacity will be needed for future waste disposal. Projected growth in the existing waste stream will dictate the minimum incinerator capacity to meet the need at a specific point in the future. The availability of other waste sources for off-peak operations that keep the burners operating at or near capacity will affect overall energy production potential. 97-1013/1013R1.DOC 8.2-6 11 Aug 97 4.0 This study and its projected waste quantities and sources should be reviewed and updated as any new data which may affect waste disposal become available. Selected Waste Generation Projection Based on the factors which can affect waste quantities, EMCON has made a preliminary projection of waste that can be incinerated. Table 4 shows the waste quantity projection selected as the most likely scenario for evaluating added capacity at the Channel Landfill facility. No bypass or excavated waste is included in any of the projections. Table 4 projects expected annual waste quantities based on the Reed-Hansen population projection and a 0.5-percent growth rate in per capita waste generation. Peak weekly waste quantity projections are based on the ratio between the average of the five highest weeks in 1996 to the 1996 average week.. Future-year peak weeks are proportional to total annual waste in the same ratio as in 1996. Projected Waste Capacity Requirement. The basic parameter for sizing future incinerator capacity is understood to be the peak weekly MSW quantity. The peak weekly MSW quantities expressed as tons per day (TPD) during future intervals are summarized from Table 4 as follows: Year Peak MSW Quantity (TPD) 1997 95.8 2002 102.4 2007 108.2 2012 114.3 2017 120.7 Potential population increase, projected to be 665 people by 1999 if the proposed Kensington Mine is developed, would increase the capacity requirement listed above. The annual waste quantity would be increased by 533 tons per year in 1999 and the peak week capacity requirement would be increased by 2.1 tons per day. Capacity required by 2008 would be increased by 2.2 tons per day compared to the projections shown above, with a decline in population and waste expected during the following years. 97-1013/1013R1.DOC 8.2-7 11 Aug 97 REPORT NO. 97-1013/1 ENERGY RECOVERY FEASIBILITY REPORT PROJECT NO. 97-1013 CHANNEL LANDFILL, INC. POWER GENERATION FEASIBILITY STUDY JUNEAU, ALASKA DATE: AUGUST 8, 1997 APPENDIX 8.3 Project Definition Study-Power Generation Potential Generation Capacity The kilowatt output of a waste-to-energy plant is directly related to the incineration capacity, with the smaller plants producing proportionately less power than the large plants. The Skagit County plant, described in Appendix 8.4 (ASME paper), was rated to incinerate 178 tons per day of MSW, and produce 2500 kW. Considering the proposed incineration capacity of 122 tons/day (Option 3A or 3B) for the expanded Channel Landfills plant, and using the same ratio of power out put to MSW as Skagit (14 kW per tpd) reduced slightly for the smaller plant size, would indicate a potential output of about 1600 kW for power generation at the Channel plant. Quality of Power Generation Power from W-T-E plants is subject to the inherent nature of the incineration process; it depends on the severe operating conditions of the incineration process, and corresponding severe duty of the heat recovery boilers. As a result, its reliability cannot be assured and it cannot be sold as “capacity” or “firm power”. The power must be generated, and sold, when the MSW is being incinerated. Such power cannot be dispatched, i.e., the power purchaser cannot dictate how much power to generate or when. Therefore it can only be sold as “energy” to a power system which can accept it at all times, without needing to rely on its availability. If power cannot be sold when the MSW is being incinerated, the heat must be wasted to the atmosphere through a dump condenser. Conceptual Design for Power Generation from Channel Incinerators A conceptual design similar to the Skagit plant, with two heat recovery boilers and one saturated- steam turbine generator, would be appropriate for power generation at the Channel incinerators. Major components would be as listed in Table 9. Please refer to Appendix 8.4 for design details of the Skagit project. The plant was designed on the basis of 4500 Btu/Ib Higher Heating Value of 97-1013/1013R1.DOC 8.3-1 11 Aug 97 MSW; the overall “boiler efficiency” (considering the combined incinerator, waste heat boiler and economizer as the “boiler”) was 60%; and the turbine cycle heat rate was 15,800 Btu/kwhr. Referring to Section and the flow diagram in this report for Options 3A/3B, the two trains of gas conditioning equipment would each be replaced by a heat recovery boiler and economizer. A 1600 kW turbine-generator and auxiliary equipment similar to the Skagit plant would be provided. Increase in Capital Cost An order-of-magnitude estimate was made of the increased capital cost for adding power generation to Options 3A/3B , based on the actual costs from the Skagit project; less the saving from the omitted gas conditioning equipment. The estimated net cost of adding power generation would be on the order of $2,600,000, as shown in Table 9.. This would be over $1,600 per kW, very expensive for power generation plants. Value of Power Because of the considerations mentioned under “Quality of Power Generation”, power from W-T-E plants can only be sold to electric utilities, and at a price comparable to other sources of power of the same quality. This reality is reflected in the Avoided costs of AEL&P as approved by the Alaska PUC: Rate A - $0.0347 per kWh. This rate shall be effective at all times that energy available from AEL&P-owned hydro generators and the Snettisham hydroelectric facility is sufficient to meet all AEL&P customers’ requirements. Rate B - $0.0898 per kWh. With the exclusion of exceptions listed, this rate shall be effective when AEL&P is using diesel fuel to generate electricity. However, diesel generation for maintenance and testing purposes of two hours or less per day will not cause this rate to become effective. The above rates appear to reasonably reflect the economic reality that it would be a burden on AEL&P’s customers to pay any more for power than Rate A, except when the purchased power would displace diesel fuel consumption. Rate B appears to reasonably reflect the saving in diesel fuel cost. Electricity Produced, Purchased and Sold by AEL&P Per AEL&P records for the year 1996, the total produced & purchased was 314,367,045 kWh; of which, 82.80% was purchased from Snettisham, 16.64% was AEL&P hydro production and 1.52% was AEL&P diesel production. Of the diesel production about 88% was produced by Lemon Creek Diesel Plant (one of three AEL&P diesel plants). This totals 100.96% of which the 0.96% was used by AEL&P. Total sales was 297,399,833 kWh, of which 46% was residential sales, 32% was commercial sales and the balance was government sales. 97-1013/1013R1.DOC 8.2-2 11 Aug 97 It seems highly unlikely that a power plant at Channel Landfill can displace a significant amount of diesel production and thereby qualify for the diesel avoided cost of 8.98 cents/kWh. Although we do not have actual load duration information for AEL&P, the typical load duration curve following this page illustrates the situation. The key to understanding load duration curves is that the area under the curve represents energy, kWh. The typical curve represents a system with a total of about 120,000,000 kWh/year. This system would generate only the highest loads with peaking units such as diesels. If it generated 1.5% of its power with diesels, the diesels would only need to operate about 6% of the time, at loads above about 23 MW, and would be idle the rest of the year except for testing or “spinning reserve” operation. It is interesting that this system requires 6 megawatts of diesel generating capacity, or 20% of its peak capacity, to serve peak loads for 6% of the time and only 1.5% of the energy sales. Possible Future Feasibility It will be remembered that, when this study was first conceived, it was expected that the Echo Bay Mine project might suddenly present a new base load of over 20 megawatts in the Juneau area. If this had happened, considering the long lead time for new hydro power capacity, the only way to serve such load would have been oil-fired equipment, diesels or gas turbine(s). In that case, some or all of the power from the Channel plant might have been sold at Rate B, at least until new hydro generation could be constructed. If Option 3A/3B were adopted, and some similar development like the Echo Bay project should be developed in the future, it would be worth considering modifying the expanded Channel plant to generate electric power. If Option 3A/3B is not adopted at this time, and some similar development like the Echo Bay project should be developed in the future, it would be worth reconsidering the expansion of the incinerator plant, including facilities to generate electric power. 97-1013/1013R1.DOC 8.2 -3 11 Aug 97 “PEAKING POWER’ 30.0 1.5% OF ENERGY (KWH) 6% OF TIME 20% OF MAXIMUM LOAD 28.0% 24.07 peony 20.0 mw plant 20.0F 16.0 mw plant 16.05 5 12.0 mw plant 12.05 : 8.0 mw plant 8.0 LUAD MEGAWATTS 4.0 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 PERCENT OF TIME EQUALLED OR EXCEEDED 0 1752 3504 Se56 7008 8760 HOURS EQUALLED OR EXCEEDED LOAD-DURATION CURVE FOR TYPICAL SYSTEM Reprinted From National Waste Processing Conference Fourteenth Biennial Conference Book No. 100301 — 1990 The American Society of ® Mechanical Engineers SKAGIT COUNTY RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY DESIGN OF A 178 TPD WASTE-TO-ENERGY PLANT ARTHUR J. BUTLER Harris Group Inc., Seattle, Washington ABSTRACT The Skagit County Resource Recovery Facility (SCRRF) went into operation in mid-1988, and since then has burned all the county’s unrecycled garbage. Operations have exceeded the design capacity of 178 tons (161 Mg) per day of garbage. The plant has met all air pollution regulatory criteria—a common mis- conception is that the plant is out of service because there is nothing visible coming out of the stack! The facility is designed around two rotary kilns of Italian manufacture. The kilns have significant advan- tages in completeness of combustion attained, and the simplicity of having only one basic moving part ex- posed to the fire. The flue gas from the kilns goes to waste heat boilers which cool the gas so it can be cleaned. Steam from the boilers is used to generate power in a turbine gen- erator. Successful operation of the plant has demonstrated: (a) A smaller practical size for a waste-to-energy plant which meets the latest air pollution control re- quirements. (b) The advantages of the rotating kiln technology, combined with a separate post-combustion chamber. (c) A small, economical acid gas scrubbing system. (d) Successful concepts in dry bottom ash and fly ash handling. This paper also discusses the constraints on power 353 generation in a plant whose primary purpose is incin- eration of garbage. BACKGROUND — PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Skagit County, with a population of 70,000, is lo- cated approximately halfway between Seattle and the Canadian border to the north. County government, assisted by R. W. Beck & Associates, conducted a study of alternatives, with extensive public involvement, be- fore deciding on the incineration project and selecting and permitting the site. These efforts were reported by Sampley and Bingham [1]. Financing the project was facilitated by a state grant to pay 50% of the cost of the plant. Proposals were requested on a full-service basis, in- cluding a long term contract for operation and main- tenance of the plant. At least two processing lines were required, for redundancy. Availability of 90% was to be guaranteed. Requirements to control emissions were severe: (a) 0.02 gr/dscf (0.05 g/Nm’*) particulate emis- sions ; (b) 50 ppm HCI (c) 50 ppm SO, (d) Maintaining combustion temperature of 1800°F (980°C) for one second residence time. QUENCH REACTOR STACK AIR FROM WASTE PIT METAL SEPARATOR ASH Sto ASH TO SCRAP TO vanoritt |_| | “REcycLe ASH TURBINE 4 GENERATOR CONDITIONER { C sora STEAM — COOLING TOWER BOILERS CONDENSER FIG. 1 PROCESS FLOWS (e) Continuous emission monitoring (CEM) of schedule was particularly difficult for the designers opacity, CO, O,, SO,, and gas temperatures. because it required structural designs to be completed (f) Maximum flue gas exit temperature of 290°F in time for excavation and concrete work to be done (143°C). in the summer and fall of 1987. The structure of this (g) The permit specified that tipping areas “‘be op- plant is much more complicated than an ordinary erated at a negative air pressure to prevent the escape power plant. of malodors”’. The plant started up on schedule and has processed The County retained responsibility for disposal of all Skagit County’s garbage since July 1, 1988. ash, and also required that bottom ash and fly ash be kept separate. This was because of the possibility that fly ash might be treated as a different category of waste for disposal purposes. Wright Schuchart Harbor Co. was selected from PROJECT DESCRIPTION among nine bidders as the full-service contractor, and retained Harris Group Inc. to design the plant. Thee ag uit AE as reir. meade waste incinerator plant rated at 178 TPD of processible garbage. It includes two independent process lines (Fig. 1), each based on a refractory-lined rotating kiln SCHEDULE furnace with a post combustion chamber (PCC). The contract between Skagit County and Wright Next in each process line, the flue gas leaving the Schuchart Harbor was signed in January 1987, and PCC enters a conventional waste heat boiler generating called for commercial operation in 18 months. This saturated steam at 450 psig (3200 kPa). Each boiler 354 FEED CHUTE WASTE GAS EXIT HYDRAULIC RAM FEEDER ROTARY INCINERATOR INTERNAL FLIGHTS DISCHARGE TROMMEL RG - eet START-UP BURNER RECIPROCATING CONVEYOR FIG. 2. TECNITALIA ROTATING KILN has an economizer which reduces the flue gas tem- perature to about 450°F (230°C). The air pollution control equipment for each line is a dry scrubber absorber /baghouse combination of the “Teller system” type, with a vertical upflow quench reactor for acid gas removal. The scrubber fluid is a slurry of hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide) injected with an air-swept atomizing nozzle. Atomization is by compressed air. Power is generated by a single 2500 kW turbine- generator with a surface condenser cooled by a cooling tower. To assure that incineration capability is not lost because of a turbine outage, a dump condenser is pro- vided. TECNITALIA KILNS The kilns (Fig. 2), which were supplied by Tecnitalia S.p.A. of Firenze, Italy, have been proven in many years of service incinerating garbage in Italy and else- where in the world. They had not, however, previously been used for steam generation, or been subject to air quality controls (except for two installations with elec- trostatic precipitators ). The rotating kiln has some fundamental advantages over other kinds of waste incinerators which do not provide agitation of the fuel during burning. The 3 Ts of combustion (time, temperature, and turbulence), can all be independently varied. And a kiln, with only 355 one moving part exposed to the fire, has advantages of simplicity and ruggedness over moving grates or other more complex means of agitating the burning fuel. The Tecnitalia concept includes the PCC to obtain complete burnout of gases. The PCC is a refractory lined chamber which follows the kiln in the gas path. For start-up, natural gas burners are provided to bring the kiln and PCC to the operating temperature of about 1800°F (980°C), which must be attained before any garbage is fed into the kiln. After the kiln and the PCC are warmed up, no supplementary fuel is re- quired. The control strategy developed by Tecnitalia pro- vides kiln temperature control by a start/stop ap- proach. When the temperature exceeds a set point, the kiln rotation is stopped; when the temperature goes below the set point, the kiln is started up again. There is also a provision for varying the speed of the kiln. PLANT — INCINERATION SYSTEMS Trucks deliver waste by dumping it into a pit which is sized to hold approximately 3 days’ capacity. One of the two bridge cranes over the pit is used to remove nonprocessible items such as “white goods” —appli- ances, etc. Oversize items which might not pass through the kiln feed opening are processed through a shredder at one end of the pit. The cranes are also used to mix the waste in the pit to improve its uni- formity. The crane loads the waste from the pit into a charg- ing hopper for each of the two kilns. From the charging hopper, the waste is fed into the upper end of the kiln by a hydraulic ram. Inside the kiln, the waste is lifted and dropped by internal flights projecting into the kiln (see Fig. 2). Combustion air enters the kiln from the lower end and flows counter-current to the burning waste. The exit gas from the kiln passes into the PCC and thence into the waste heat boiler. Passing through the boiler and economizer, the gas flows into the quench reactor of the air quality control system (AQCS). In the quench reactor, the gas from the economizer con- tacts a slurry of hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide). By the time the gas leaves the quench reactor, the slurry has been evaporated into a dry powder which has reacted with the sulfur and chlorine compounds in the exit gas. The combination of fly ash, acid gas reaction products, and excess lime is collected in the baghouse. The gas is removed from the baghouse by the I.D. fan and discharged up an individual flue inside a twin- flue stack. The stack gases are monitored by a continuous emis- sion monitoring system which analyzes the gas and records the concentrations of pollutants by means of a PC program. Each reading in excess of the emissions limits is recorded, with provisions for the operator to annotate the record with the cause of the reading. In general, emissions are well below the applicable limits; however, rubber tires and gypsum wallboard are two common causes for short term variations in emissions above the limits for SO,. Bottom ash from the kilns emerges at the lower end. Oversized pieces are retained in a trommel for manual removal. The rest of the bottom ash passes through the trommel into a reciprocating horizontal drag con- veyor. This conveyor runs in a concrete lined trench under the lower end of the kiln; the trench also serves as the duct to deliver combustion air to the kiln. The horizontal conveyor delivers the bottom ash to an in- clined pan conveyor which lifts the ash into the loading bays at either end of the waste pit. At the upper end of the inclined conveyor, a magnetic separator is in- stalled to remove the ferrous metal in the bottom ash and route it to a baler for sale as scrap. The bottom ash falls into dumpster bins which are regularly re- moved to the county landfill. Fly ash is collected at a number of points in the system: (a) From the bottom of the PCCs. 356 (b) From hoppers under the waste heat boilers. (c) From the bottom of the quench reactor. (d) From the hoppers under the baghouse. The fly ash (including acid gas residue from the last two sources) is collected by a system of drag conveyors and delivered to an ash silo. It is moistened in a pug mill type mixer as it is loaded into dumpster bins just before transport to the landfill. PLANT LAYOUT Figures 3 and 4 show the arrangement of the equip- ment mentioned above. The plant building has a “dirty side” and a “clean side”. The only connection between the dirty side, where the garbage is unloaded and han- dled into the hoppers, and the rest of the plant is the air flow into the forced draft fans. The clean side does not contain any garbage exposed to the air. The floor trenches and conveyors which handle the bottom ash are kept at a negative pressure, which prevents dust from escaping. Also, the bottom ash can be sprayed with water as it leaves the vicinity of the kiln to further discourage dusting in this area. PLANT STEAM AND POWER GENERATION The steam generated by each waste heat boiler is about 20,000 Ib/hr (9,000 kg/h) at 450 psig (3100 kPa) saturated. The combined steam flow supplies a 2500 kW turbine-generator unit. The turbine generator is floor-mounted, with a 36 in. (90 cm) overhead ex- haust pipe to an adjacent surface condenser. In case of unavailability of the turbine, the steam is condensed in a dump condenser. In this mode of op- eration, the steam systems are simply acting to cool the gas to the proper temperature for the AQCS. In either mode of operation, power generation or dump condensing, the heat is rejected to a mechanical draft cooling tower. SITE DEVELOPMENT The site (Fig. 5) is located a few miles from the existing county landfill, which facilitates disposal of ash and nonprocessible items. The site is centrally lo- cated with respect to the cities from which the waste is collected. It is in an industrially zoned area, with few nearby residences. The layout shown in Fig. 5 provides for a number of types of traffic: (a) Dumping by the public. FIG.4 GENERAL ARRANGEMENT — SECTION 357 OVENELL_ ROAD DETENTION PONDS RECYCI PUBLIC DROP BOX AREA FARM TO MARKET ROAD SCALE APPROACH YARD PLANT BUILDINGS FIG. 5 SITE LAYOUT (b) A recycling program operated by a private re- cycler. (c) Trucks delivering the waste to be burned. (d) Trucks to remove fly ash, bottom ash and non- processibles. Provisions were made for landscaping to screen the plant from visibility from off site. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS The design of this plant was an interesting assign- ment. Several guidelines were established early in the design process. The plant is a small garbage handling facility and therefore should be simple and rugged, in short “‘low technology”. It was on a very tight budget, and no unnecessary expenditure was to be designed into the plant. Perhaps the strangest guideline for power plant people was that the power generation was of secondary importance. Contractual conditions made it most important that the continuity of garbage in- 358 cineration service be maintained, even, if necessary, at the expense of power generation. . One simple design decision illustrates the latter point. If the plant used superheated steam in the tur- bine, this might cause problems in the boiler. With saturated steam, all boiler tubes would be equally cooled, and even though this might conceivably give problems in the turbine from wet steam, the decision was made to use saturated steam at the turbine throttle. Another unusual aspect was the Italian incinerating equipment, including the kilns, charging hoppers and equipment, PCCs, bottom ash conveyors and magnetic separators. All of this equipment had been proven in service, and it became incumbent upon the designers to resist the temptation to “improve” on the way it had functioned in its previous service in incinerator plants. This was easier said than done in some respects. The incinerator kilns had never been used for pro- ducing power, or even high pressure steam. The man- ufacturer had estimates of the heat losses and air required for combustion, but these estimates could not be confirmed. The designers made calculations of the type usually made by boiler manufacturers, to establish the quantities of air required for combustion and flue gas produced, to confirm the energy production, and for final sizing of the waste heat boilers, steam systems and the air quality control system. Draft System In their previous applications in Europe, the kilns were most often used with natural draft smokestacks, or in some cases with electrostatic precipitators, neither of which presented much resistance to the flow of flue gases, i.e., draft loss. In this case, the baghouse in the gas path offers considerable resistance to the gas flow, so it was apparent that an induced draft fan would be required. The draft system was designed like a stoker- fired boiler, with a slightly negative draft setpoint in the kiln which controls the I.D. fan inlet damper. The forced draft system was designed to supply all the combustion air from air intakes in the space over the garbage pit, to keep objectionable odors inside the plant as required by the permit (see above). The air from the F.D. fan discharge is routed to the kilns through the bottom ash conveyor trenches. The air pressure is slightly negative, as mentioned above under plant layout. The flow of forced draft air is established by a fixed setting of the fan damper. Possibilities of improved control of kiln temperature by automatic control of forced draft air flow may be explored in the future. Air Quality Control Not long ago, the removal of acid gas constituents from flue gas was considered practical only on a very large scale, i.e., in central power plants producing sev- eral hundred times as much power as the Skagit fa- cility. Such “wet” flue gas desulfurization (FGD) installations using recirculating lime slurries are ex- tremely expensive, and use special metals, fiberglass or rubber linings, and other technology to resist the cor- rosive and abrasive conditions of the process. Most garbage burning plants in the past have not attempted to remove the acid gases from flue gas; pol- lution control was limited to electrostatic precipitators for removal of particulate. Nevertheless, air pollution control authorities have been increasingly insistent that garbage burners have FGD, not only for the acid gas removal, but also because the removal process for acid gas is considered to remove many other undesirable pollutants as well. This situation threatened to make 359 it economically impossible to build small garbage burn- ers which could meet environmental demands. Recent developments in dry scrubber—baghouse technology, such as the Teller system used here, have made it possible to use acid gas cleaning on plants several times the size of the Skagit facility. On this plant, it was found that by using hydrated lime as the reagent (greatly reducing the capital cost of the spray liquid preparation system), it was possible to build an acid gas removal system at an acceptable cost. At present, this appears to be the smallest such plant built to date. Its operation has been excellent and has com- plied with all applicable emission limits. The design and test results of the AQCS were reported by Dhar- galkar and Zmuda [2]. Fly Ash Handling Ash handling had been a serious problem with pre- vious garbage burning plants. Also, there was concern about the possible classification of the fly ash as dan- gerous, made the County want to keep it separate from the bottom ash at the Skagit plant. A unique problem in this plant is the need to remove fly ash from the PCC where temperatures are about 1800°F (980°C). The challenges were to specify a system that would operate well, meet these requirements, and could be purchased at a reasonable cost. Visits were made to a number of operating garbage- burning plants, and extensive interviews were con- ducted with ash handling equipment vendors. The ex- perience of others motivated the designers to avoid screw conveyors, star wheel air lock valves, and wet handling of either bottom ash or fly ash. _ e Drag conveyors were selected for fly ash handling. A water-cooled conveyor trough section under the PCC ash inlets provided a simple solution for the high temperature ash. Flap gate dump valves are used at each hopper outlet. Several single dump valves feed ash into each conveyor, with another dump valve at the discharge end of the conveyor to form an air lock. A timed sequence opens only one valve at a time to keep the air lock intact. Boiler Reliability Perhaps the most serious concern, however, was about boiler reliability. In -other garbage burning plants, the superheater tubes or screen tubes were found to accumulate molten deposits, which were as- sociated with wastage and failure of the tubes, causing breakdowns and frequent outages for tube replace- ments. As stated above, it was decided to use saturated steam conditions to improve boiler reliability. A related concern was that the lanes between tubes might be plugged by deposits anywhere in the boilers or economizers. Measures were taken to increase spac- ing between tubes, and provisions were made for ad- ditional soot blowers if found necessary. Also, the boilers and economizers were laid out for convenient cleaning of any deposits which might occur. Other Design Considerations Since the driving force for the reaction in the quench reactor is the heat in the flue gas leaving the econo- mizer, the AQCS supplier specified that the flue gas temperature must be kept up above 425°F (220°C). Since the gas temperature declines with decreasing load, this limited the operating range of each line to approximately 1.5:1 turndown ratio. Provisions were made for possible future changes to keep the temper- ature of the exit gases up, if greater turndown ratio should become necessary or desirable. So far, the load range capability has been satisfactory, permitting the plant to operate from one-third load (with one process line shut down) on up to full load. The combustion controls for the plant were a com- bination of the temperature control strategy that had been proven in the previous use of the kilns, and other features to respond to the additional demands brought about by the AQCS and the air permit restrictions. The draft control is conventional. The turbine governor is controlled to maintain the inlet steam pressure. We believe there may be scope in the future for better control of kiln temperature by controlling the forced draft and the speed of rotation of the kiln, however full exploitation of these possibilities will possibly be achieved only after some period of operating experi- ence. The steam cycle as shown in Fig. 6, was deliberately made as simple as possible. The pressure reducing valve in the extraction steam line regulates the steam pres- sure into the deaerator at 3 psig. This maintains con- stant feedwater temperature to the feed pumps and the economizer, and constant discharge conditions for the condensate pumps. It will be noted that the design capacity of the tur- bine generator, at 2500 kW, yields only about 350 kWh/ton gross electrical output. This compares to the capacities announced for larger plants in excess of 600 kWh/ton. Most of the difference can be accounted for by the small size of the unit and the saturated steam conditions; e.g., the gross cycle heat rate in Fig. 4 is about 16,000 Btu/kWh (17,000 kJ /kWh). 360 OPERATING RESULTS Boiler Reliability Since the start of operation in June 1988, there have been no signs of either plugging or wastage in the boilers, and boiler reliability has been excellent. The most probable explanation appears to be that the low steam pressure, without superheat, avoids the high tube crown metal temperatures which have been considered the cause of tube wastage in larger, more efficient units. Also, the arrangement with the PCC in between the kiln and the boiler, protects the boiler tubes from most of the direct radiant heat. The PCC provides a place for dropout of any partially molten deposits, which might otherwise cause problems in the boiler. Slagging in PCCs The most annoying problem in operation was com- pletely unanticipated in the design. The time /temper- ature requirements in the air pollution control regulations, for 1 sec at 1800°F (980°C), were written for a stationary combustor and there was a certain amount of confusion in applying them to a counterflow rotating kiln. For some time, the regulations were being interpreted that none of the residence time-at-temper- ature was attributed to the kiln, which required keeping most of the PCC at or above 1800°F (980°C). The only way to maintain this temperature without burning sup- plementary fuel, was to keep the kiln outlet temper- ature set point at a considerably higher temperature. This resulted in partially molten material accumulating in the PCC and on the walls of the flue from the kiln to the PCC. Fortunately, the material was not strongly bonded and the problem was alleviated by installing air cannons to break up the deposits. After calculations by the kiln designers demon- strated that this was too extreme a position, the kiln outlet temperature set point was reduced to 1850°F and slagging in the PCC is much less of a problem. There is still some material build-up on the walls of the flue; these deposits are being dislodged with a water jet from a pressure washer. Ash Disposal Another question was whether the fly ash would be classified as some category of waste that could not be put into an ordinary landfill. For several months, the fly ash was mixed with cement and water and cast into “ecology blocks”, which were allowed to solidify be- fore being dumped into a segregated area of the landfill. The leachate from the landfill was monitored and no LEGEND. 304T SPSIG DEAERATOR 1.2M 25P MAKEUP 60T WATER 28H CONDENSER M=FLOW 1000 LB/HR WASTE HEAT WASTE HEAT 7 . BOILER BOILER BLOWDOWN = T= TEMPERATURE ‘F 44H 450P 480T BLOWDOWN 19.5M 19.6M 0.5M 441H 450P 460T 39.1M 0.2M 1205H Bor GENERATO (2500 KW 40.1M 188H 600P 220T 57P FIG. 6 TURBINE CYCLE HEAT BALANCE objectionable concentrations from heavy metals or other objectionable substances were found in the leach- ate, and it passed the prescribed biological (toxicity) tests. After several months of this, the casting of blocks was discontinued and the leachate still passes all re- quirements. The bottom ash is kept separate and sim- ilarly monitored; however there is no problem with it either. The County attributes their success with the ash to a battery recycling program. They pay people small sums for their used batteries from flashlight batteries to automobile batteries. Since this program started there has been no detectable lead in the ash leachate. Dump Condenser There was a problem with removal of condensate from the dump condenser at less than full load. The pressure in the dump condenser was insufficient to lift 361 the condensate to the deaerator; this was similar to the problem of removing drains from high pressure feedwater heaters in central stations at low loads. Sev- eral solutions were possible, such as dumping the con- densate; however, it was eventually decided to provide a relief valve to protect the condensate pumps and associated piping, so they could be used to pump the condensate to the deaerator. CONCLUSIONS It was a challenging experience designing a complete waste-to-energy plant around the Italian kiln technol- ogy without a precedent to follow (at least for the power generation and air pollution control aspects of the plant). While there have been a number of im- provements found to be desirable in auxiliary systems over the first year’s operation of the plant, it is grat- ifying that it has fulfilled its primary mission during that time, i.e., incinerating all the County’s unrecycled garbage while meeting the environmental restrictions. The successful operation of the Skagit County Re- source Facility demonstrates what can be done with the kiln incinerator technology: (a) A waste-to-energy plant of this small size can be built and operated to meet rigid environmental re- quirements, at reasonable cost (under $100,000 per TPD), and with excellent reliability. (b) The principle of a simple refractory-lined kiln with a conventional waste heat boiler may have wide applicability for plants of this size. It appears that the separation of combustion and steam generation into two separate components, particularly with the PCC in between them, has helped avoid boiler problems. (c) The relatively new technology used in the air pollution control equipment permits the use of acid gas scrubbing for a smaller size unit than previously considered economically possible, not only for burning garbage, but possibly also for coal or other sulfur bear- ing fuels. (d) Both the bottom ash and the fly ash handling systems in this plant have been successful and have not limited plant availability. Very few garbage plants can make that statement. 362 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to express our appreciation to our col- leagues in the Skagit County government, R. W. Beck & Associates, Wright Schuchart Harbor, and all of the people at existing garbage burning plants who have patiently answered our questions about their plants which contributed greatly to the design of the Skagit facility. We also recognize the indispensable contri- bution of the equipment suppliers mentioned below: Research-Cottrell Air Quality Control System Zurn Industries Waste Heat Boiler Coppus-Murray Steam Turbine AshTech Ash Handling REFERENCES [1] Sampley, W. E., and Bingham, R. J. “Solid Waste: Skagit County Solves the Burning Issue.” Public Works Magazine, May 1987. [2] Dhargalkar, P. H. and Zmuda, J. T., 1989. “Dry Scrubbing Systems: Experience in Resource Recovery Applications.” AWMA Annual Meeting, June 1989, Anaheim, California (or Research- Cottrell Companies Inc., P.O. Box 1500, Somerville, New Jersey 08876). Key Words: Air Quality; Incineration; Mass Burn; Power Generation; Rotary Kiln; Scrubber; Turbine TABLE 1 Channel Landfill MSW Tonnage -1996 Incinerated or Shipped - CLFI Records January July 1-7 401.60 1-7 628.37 8-14 374.96 8-14 550.99 15-21 383.38 15-21 508.05 22-28 417.28 22-28 534.34 29-31 237.37 29-31 300.16 full week* 404.41 1,814.59 full week* 516.24 2,521.91 February August 1-4 167.04 1-4 216.08 5-11 382.36 5-11 539.13 12-17 420.42 12-18 535.12 19-25 359.11 19-25 536.17 26-29 291.51 26-31 553.00 full week* 401.45 1,620.44 2,379.50 March September 1-3 109.94 1-8 525.88 4-10 386.00 9-15 513.16 11-17 409.74 16-22 499.12 18-24 429.11 23-29 471.19 25-31 431.65 30 103.60 1,766.44 full week* 461.62 2,112.95 April October 1-7 417.14 1-6 358.02 8-14 429.55 7-13 438.11 15-21 446.61 14-20 439.57 22-28 439.61 21-27 414.6 29-30 172.68 28-31 324.76 full week* 461.52 1,905.59 full week* 443.42 1,975.06 May November 1-5 288.84 1-3 118.66 6-12 459.58 4-10 423.91 13-19 464.83 11-17 408.65 20-26 513.50 18-24 383.65 27-31 429.46 25-30 406.29 full week* 468.01 2,156:21 1,741.16 June December 1 38.55 1-8 421.76 2-9 536.49 9-15 404.32 10-16 524.98 16-22 398.58 17-23 507.93 23-29 374.96 24-30 549.94 30-31 129.03 2,157.89 1,728.65 *full week = sum of partial week in each month Total MSW 1996 23,880.39 TBLS1_4.XLS 8/8/97 TABLE 2 Average and Peak Generation Rates - 1996 1996 Tons 1996 Burnable Per Capita/Yr Per Capita/Day pounds pounds Total MSW Delivered -1996 23,880.39 23,880.39 1,581 4.33 Bypass Waste (50% burnable) 4,032.41 2,016.21 133 0.37 Scrap Metal Delivered 1,453.29 96 0.26 Total Waste - 1996 29,366.09 1,944 5:33 Estimated Burnable Waste-1996 25,896.60 1,714 4.70 CBJ Population - 1996 30,209 Per Capita Burnable Waste in 2007 (0.5% annual growth) 4.94 Per Capita Burnable Waste in 2017 (0.5% annual growth) Peak Weeks MSW Only Average TPD (top 5) tons 18 shifts/week July 1-7 628.37 104.7 August 26-31 553.00 92.2 July 8-14 550.99 91.8 June 24-30 549.94 91.7 August 5-11 539.13 89.9 Total 2,821.43 Average of 5 564.29 94.0 MSW Only MSW and Bypass Average Week (tons) 459.2 498.0 TPD Average (365days) 65.4 76.5 Average TPD, 18 Shifts/Week 76.5 83.0 TBLS1_4.XLS 8/8/97 TABLE 3 CBJ Population and Waste Projection - MSW Only Waste Generation Rate Constant On A Per Capita Basis Year CBJ Population Average Week TPD Avg. Week | Peak (5) Week TPD Peak Week j e tons per week 18-Shift Week tons per week 18-Shift Week Population from City and Borough of Juneau Baseline Population Projections (1997 through 2013) Reed Hansen and Associates, January 1997 -with trend extended to 2017 TBLS1_4.XLS 8/8/97 TABLE 4 CBJ Population and Waste Projection - MSW Only Waste Generation Rate Increases 0.5% Per Year On A Per Capita Basis Year CBJ Population Population from City and Borough of Juneau Baseline Population Projections (1997 through 2013) Reed Hansen and Associates, January 1997 -with trend extended to 2017 TBLS1_4.XLS T week 18-Shift Week 8/8/97 TABLE 5 Potential Heat Sales Operations Serving Lemon Creek Area (Based on Factored Upscale of 1993 AEA Prefeasibility Report on Heat Recovery) Assumption: Based on the survey of heating oil consumption in the Lemon Creek area, heat recovery from Channel incinerators could serve this market, which presently consumes about 300,000 gallons/year of heating oil. 1 Upscale Ratio (Ref. p. 5 of 1993 report) 300,000/111,490= 2 Size Factor Adjust for economy of scale using 0.7 exponent 3 Escalation Factor 1993 to 1998 @ 3%/year 4 Capital Cost (Ref. p.8 of 1993 report) $1,075,250*2.00*1.16= 5 Operation & Maintenance Cost (Ref. p.8 of 1993 report) $10,210*2.00*1.16= 2.69 2.00 1.16 $2,492,000 $24,000 97-1013\013tbISr.XLS 9/8/97 TABLE 6 Incinerators & Air Pollution Control Capital Costs INCINERATOR* $ 1,900,000 - 50 ton/day Consumat CS-2000 incl. tertiary chamber, ash drag conveyor, dump stack & damper, breeching - upgrade 2 exist. incinerators: dump stacks, dampers, secondary chamber end walls, add tertiary chambers, larger secondary burners; rebuild loader bridge for one incinerator; replace primary instrumentation - construct heated/air-conditioned enclosed control room; also houses CEMS eapt. - replace/modify controls, instrumentation, motor starters with individual remote panels for use w/ central PLC-based control system supplied by APC eqpt. mfr. FLUE GAS CONDITIONING* $ 850,000 - mixing chamber: refractory lined, incl. isolation dampers - 2 hot gas coolers (oil-filled heat exchangers) - 2 air-cooled radiators for heat rejection - pump skid, oil expansion/storage tank, heat-transfer oil AIR POLLUTION CONTROL (APC) SYSTEM* $ 2,360,000 - 2 APC trains, each incl.: heat exchanger, vertical dry reactor, baghouse, lime/dust recirculation system, metal housing - oil-fired preheat system - hydrated lime & powdered carbon storage silos, feed/metering systems, initial fill of lime & carbon; metal housing - 2 induced-draft fans - compressed air system for controls - PLC-based central control system that controls incinerators & APC system - Turnkey proj. management, engineering, startup, training, compliance tests, bonding MAIN DISCHARGE STACK* $ 115,000 - double-wall stack, 54" OD x 92' tall with 48" stainless steel flue liner CONTINUOUS EMISSIONS MONITORING SYSTEM (CEMS)* $ 150,000 - CEMS measuring oxygen, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and opacity - automatic data acquisition system, computer, modem - initial fill of reference chemicals *Costs are in 1994 dollars from Coos County project. Adjust to 1998 @ 3%/yr. / $ 675,000 MISCELLANEOUS - additional ash truck $ 100,000 MAJOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ __ 6,150,000 TABLE6.xls 8/8/97 TABLE 6 (CONTINUED) Incinerators & Air Pollution Control Capital Costs BUILDING MODIFICATIONS Required Modifications - 20' x 120' expand tipping floor & incinerator bay; relocate walls, new pushwalls, $ excavate ash pit, pour concrete floors, demolish driveway; $30/sq ft - elec. wiring, compressed air, water, drainage piping included in eqpt. estimate TABLE6.xls Suggested Modifications - engineering inspection; repair structural columns $ - asphalt resurfacing of tipping floor 4,800 sq ft @ $1/sq ft F BYPASS WASTE PROCESSING - Slow speed shredder and conveyor for wood waste - 30' x 40' shed roof structure with walls - electrical - asphalt paving & base course at $2/sq ft AAA H BUILDING MODIFICATIONS, BYPASS WASTE PROCESSING SUBTOTAL $ MAJOR EQUIPMENT TOTAL $ TOTAL $ 72,000 30,000 4,800 300,000 24,000 10,000 2,400 443,000 6,150,000 6,593,000 8/8/97 TABLE 7 Option 3A/3B O&M Expense BASE LINE (FIXED) COMPONENT - Historical Channel; basic cost/year (not proportional to tonnage) $ 2,200,000 - Labor: Assume Channel now has | loader-operator who directs waste unloading $ 280,000 in the bldg, & 1 mechanic/supervisor each shift. With APC, need to add a 1.0 FTE mechanic/electrician TO EACH SHIFT; total of 3 needed to operate 3 incin. & APC (Coos added 1.0/shift & 1 floater); Channel salary & G&A = $45/hr - Incinerator maintenance materials incl. in basic - Major maintenance/replacement: Channel has a well-developed plan for replacing major incl. in basic components such as the ash conveyor and rams, refractory, etc. Because the work takes place over a number of years, costs vary from year to year. - Major maintenance/replacements for new incinerator and APC: $ 125,000 2% of capital cost ($6,288,000) - 2 induced draft fans, 100 hp each,300 days/yr, 50% kw = 54,000 kwh @ 5 cents $ 27,000 - Annual stack test $ 15,000 - CEMS system maintenance, calibration chemicals; electricity $ 5,000 TOTAL BASE LINE O&M EXPENSE, $/YEAR $ 2,650,000 VARIABLE O&M EXPENSE --depending on total tons incinerated - Fuel oil use: proportional to waste burned; expected to be high to meet time-at- temperature requirement. For 100 DegF increase in temperature, 100*2,000*6.5 (Ib flue gas/lb MSW)*.28 (Btu/Ib-DegF)*$1.00/136,000(Btu/gal)= $ 2.68 - Lime: Coos Co uses 120 Ib/hr @ 150 tpd = 19.2 Ib lime/ton of MSW Coos Co. pays $121/ton of hydrated lime; assume $130/ton $ 1.25 -Allow for other costs related to quantity of waste burned $ 1.07 TOTAL VARIABLE O&M EXPENSE, $/TON $ 5.00 BYPASS WASTE PROCESSING - Labor: 1,000 hr/yr @ $45/hr $ 45,000 - Shredder maintenance & repair $ 10,000 - electricity: 100 hp @ 1,000 hr/yr = 75,000 kwh/yr @ 5 cents $ 3,750 TOTAL BYPASS WASTE PROCESSING O&M EXPENSE, $/YEAR $ 60,000 | TABLE7.XLS 8/8/97 TABLE 8 DEFINITION OF ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES OPTIONS CONFIGURATION |OPERATING STRATEGY EXIT STRATEGY RISK BSassesssasassssssssasassssssssssesessssssssssssssssssssssssasss |easssesssssesesess=: saassea: sasae Saesessssssssssssssssss= 1. Null Option - Do nothing |2 incinerators Continue burning waste up to_| Operate indefinitely in this mode (20+ years) Channel could be forced to close all or part of the landfill O thermal generation |the capacity of 2 incinerators. May have to set up reserve fund for landfill closure at an undetermined time at a cost to Channel 0 electric generation | Ship XS waste off-site and post-closure care at some indefinite future time. estimated by EMCON in 1991 to be $7.8 MM. Deposit ash on-site up to limit CBJ could cease to use the Channel of Class 1 landfill trigger. Landfill and start shipping all waste off-site. Ship XS ash off-site Do not mine landfill. 1.1. Modify for sale of Same as 1. + add Same + sell waste heat to Same as 1. investment risk added to (1). waste heat. heat exchanger Correctional Facility. 1.2. Modify for sale of Same as 1.1. + add | Same as 1.1. + sell electricity |Same as 1. investment risk added to (1). electric power turbine/generator & _|to AEL&P and/or others APC system Saaasassasaeee: a Seaseaseasessaesassssassseassssassssessssas | sessssassasaseee: = = 2. Phased Conversion 2 incinerators Begin mining waste and Continue to mine waste and burn it. Continue to burn Less risk than (1) that Channel could be forced to close to commercial land use. |0 thermal generation |burning it. Burn part of new new waste up to capacity of 2 incinerators and ship the landfill, since now there is a plan to empty the landfill 0 electric generation |waste and ship balance off-site. |balance. As landfill is mined out, cover progressively of waste. Less economic loss than (1) if CBJ ceases to Deposit ash on-site up to limit_|and convert to commercial use. use the Channel landfill, since the landfill is being converted of Class 1 landfill trigger. Continue indefinitely to burn new waste up to capacity [to commercial use. When the landfill is completely mined, it Ship XS ash off-site of 2 incinerators; deposit ash up to limit of Class 1 becomes less important to continue burning CBJ waste. landfill trigger and ship the rest off-site. (contingent liability has decreased). 2.1. Modify for sale of Same as 1.1. Same as 1.1. Same as (2). investment risk added to (2). waste heat. 2.2. Modify for sale of Same as 1.2. Same as 1.2. Same as (2). investment risk added to (2). electric power SRReeRnnerrsaeEEEessssaeRREssssaseseeesss== RESSSRSRRRSASSSeaaREEsssH==za 3. Add 3rd Incinerator 3 incinerators Burn all waste received from Mine as completely as possible. Continue to landfill Less risk than (1) that Channel could be forced to close the O thermal generation | present sources. ash for an indefinite period beyond 20 years. landfill, since now there is a plan to empty the landfill of waste. O electric generation | Mine landfill and burn up to Sell or lease all or part of the land over time for Less economic loss than (1) if CBJ ceases to_use the capacity of 3 incinerators. industrial/commercial use. landfill, since the landfill is being converted to commercial Deposit ash on-site up to limit use. When the landfill is completely mined, it becomes less of Class 1 landfill trigger. important to continue burning CBJ waste. Ship XS ash off-site Increased risk due to increased investment. 3.1. Modify for sale of Same as 1.1. Same as 1.1. Same as (3). Investment risk added to (3). waste heat. 3.2. Modify for sale of Same as 1.1. + add | Same as 1.1. + sell electricity |Same as (3). Investment risk added to (3). electric power turbine/generator to AEL&P and/or others TABLE8.XLS 8/7/97 TABLE 9 Power Generation Capital Costs: Order-of-Magnitude Estimate (Factored Estimate based on actual costs of Skagit Project) Installation Factor (Skagit Project Total Costs divided by Equipment Costs) Escalation Factor (1987 to 1998 @ 3%/year) Size Factor (Adjust for Channel 1600 kW vs. Skagit 2500 kW @ 0.7 exponent) Composite Factor (Product of above factors) Skagit Equipment POWER GENERATION EQUIPMENT ITEMS Cost-1987 Boilers & Economizers $763,000 Cooling Tower & Pumps $70,000 Turbine Generator Pkg (Included condenser & electrical controls) $652,000 Dump Condenser $28,000 Deaerator & Overflow Tank $30,000 Boiler Feed Pumps $42,000 Miscl. Tanks & Pumps $22,000 Total Installed Cost of Power Generation Equipment Approximate reduction in capital cost of flue gas conditioning equipment Increase in Capital Cost of Option 3A/3B for Power Generation TABLES.XLS 1.97 1.38 0.73 2.00 Factored 1998 Plant Cost $1,522,000 $140,000 $1,301,000 $56,000 $60,000 $84,000 $44,000 $3,200,000 ($600,000) 2,600,000.00 8/8/97 TABLE 10 Typical Weekly Waste Flow Analysis Option 3B - 3 Incinerators, Excavate Landfill In 20 Years Priority: Excavate landfill in 20 years, burn MSW and excavated waste, ship excess MSW and excavated waste, ship ash exceeding 7300 tons/yr Assume: 3 incinerators having 122 tons per day capacity, operating 6 days per week, excavate 210,000 tons of waste (201 tons per week) 1996 1997 | 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Summary Totals MSW Over Cap._ MSW _Over Cap Total Excavate Over Cap. Total Excavate _Over Cap. Total _ Excavate | Over Cap. | Total | Excavate | Over Cap. Total | Excavate _Over Cap./ Total _ Excavate “Over Cap. Total — Excavate Over Cap. | Projected Tons Per Year 23,880 1,595 24,314 3,116 | 24,738 10,500 1,799 25,158 10,500 1,957 25,435 _ 10,500 2,068 25,716 10,500 2,180 25,999 10,500 2,293 | 26287 10,500 2,408 26,576 | _ 10,500 2,524 | Week | - January 402) 0. 409, 0 416) 201 O} 423, 201° 0 428 201, 0 432) 201) 0 437, 201s« aa 2017 0. 447. 201) Week 2 375 0. 382 0 388 201, o 395 201 0 399 201, 0 404) 201) 0) 408) 201) oO 13) | 0) 417 201, Week 3 383 0. 390. os 397, 201, 0 404° 201° 0 408 201) 0 413" 201) 0. 417,—— 201i 0 427, 201, Week 4 417, 0 425 ot 432) 201° 0 440, 201) o 444° 201° 0 449201 0 0 0) 464 201, Week 5 - February 404 0 412 Oa 419) 201 0 426, 201 0. 431 201' O} 435, 201 0 0) 0 450) 201, Week 6 382, 0. 389, Or 396. 201 0 403, 201 0 407, 21 412) 201) 0) 0) 0) 426, 201) Week 7 420 0 428) ot! 436, 201 0 443,201 0 448 2017 0 | 453,20“ (tt O} Oy} 468201, Week 8 359. 0; | o| 372/ 201, 8B 201) 0. 382, 201, 0} 387, 201! O} 0) 0 400. 201, Week 9 - March I 401) 0) 0 “416201 Oo 423) 201) 0] 428 «-201.—S's*=‘<« :C*‘SSt(C«:*é‘« SD 201) 0) | 437) 0 0) 447) 201) Week 10 | 386, 0) 0) =) 0 | 0. 4ul 201) 0 416 201) Oo | 420| 0 0 430) 201) Week 11 ato) 0 0. 0, 436 2011S a - 0) 456 201, Week 12 Lago 5 O} 452) 201457201 0 462) oO | 467; ol 478, 201) Week 13- April ~ 432) Om 7 0 455,201) 0 460 201) 0470) 0 | 480) 201 Week 14 417) 0! 0 439) 201! 0 444 | 0) 0) 454) 0) 464) 201) Week 15 I 430) 0) 0) |) 453)—~—S*«OOT Ol) 0) 0 468 o| | 478) 201) Week 16 | 447) AS) 7 0) 470) 201) oO. 0 201) Of | 486) 92) 201) Oo) 497) 201) Week 17 | 440, 8 0. 463) 201) 0. OF} 201 Om 479, 484) 201) 489 201) Week 18 - May | 462 30) | 0} 486, 201) 0 0) 201) 0) 7502) 508) 201) 0) 54 201) Week 19 | 460) 28) | o- 484) 201, Ol 201) Ol 500) | 506,201) 0) SI 201) Week 20 465) 33] | 0. 20 o | 0 201) 0| 506 512,201, 0! S17, 201 Week 21 514) 2 | 1 10 2011—~SCOW 201 3559/2017 565-201 34) 571. 201! Week 22 - June 468 36) | 0. 0. 2010 201) 510) 201) 51S) 201, 0. 521, 201) Week 23 536) 104) 25) | 565) 201, 34 201, 40 201) 584) 201) 591201) 59) 597, 201, Week 24 525) 93) 13) 553) 201 2 201,28) 201) 572| 201) 578) 201 47, 584. 201) Week 25 508 | 76) | 526) | 0) _ 535) 201) 201) 201) 553 201, 559201 28. 565. 201) Week 26 550) 18) | 570 201 39 579 201) 201 201) | 599, 201) 6 605 201 74 612, 201) Week 27 - July 628) «196/ 651) 201 120) 7 662) 201) 201) 201.145 684) 201; 692,201. 161, 699 201, Week 28 | 551) 119), 571. 201,40) | si580,SSS—« 587/201 ~ 201) 62. 600! 201) 607,201, 75) 613, 201 Week 29 - I 508) 76 526) 201i 88S S(T 541 201,10) 201) 16) 553) 201! 359) 201) 28) 565" 201, Week 30 534, 102) 554) 201 22/ 563, 201 569 201.38) 201) 44) 582. 201) | 588) 201) 57) 595 201 Week 31 - August 516) 84 535) 201 40 544) 201) 550,201, S19) 201) 25) 562, 201) 568) 201! 37 575. 201) Week 32 539) 107) | 558) 201) 27) 568) 201, 574) 43) 201 49) 587. 201) 593 201) 62. 600 201) 69) Week 33 | - 535,103) | 554) __ 23] 564) 201! 570) 39) 201) 45, | 583) 201) 589! 201) 58] 596. 201) 64) Week 34 - 536 104) 555) 2014 565) 201, _ 571, 40; 201) 46 584) 201, / 590. 201) 59, 597, 201) 66) Week 35 553) 121) 573 201) 42) SI) 589/201) 58, 201) 6) 602) 201) 609) 201) 8 615. 201 84) Week 36 - September | 526 94 545) 201) 14) 23) 560/201, —Ss«9) 201,35) 573) 201) 579) 201) 48, 585. 201) 54) Week 37 | 513) 81) 532) 201, 0. 9) 547, 201) 15) 201 21) 559) 201/ 565) 201) 34, S71, 201) 40) Week 38 499 67) 517 201 718, RT 532,201,732) 201) 738. 543. 201) ~ 549) 201) 750, 555) 201, 156 Week 39 471 39) 488 201) 689) 7) : 201) 708) 513) 201) 319201) 719 524 201) 725) Week 40 - October 462) 30) 478 201) “0 201) 0, 503) 201) 0 508) 201) 0) 514) 201, “0! Week 41 438, 6 454) 201, 0 201) 0) 477 201) a2 20 0) | 488 201) Week 42 (440) 8 455/201 0, 201) 0479) 201, “0 | 484201) o | 489201 Week 43 415) 0 429) 201, O 201) 0 451, 201) 0 456. 201, 0, 461, 201° Week 44 - November 443) i | 459) 201) 0. 201) 0) 483) 201) 0) 488 201) 0 493 201, Week 45 424) 0 | 439,201) 0) 21-OStS*«DSSS«(T 0) 467/201) 0 |) 42201 Week 46 | 409) 0 423/201 0. 201) 0) 445,201) 50 | 0 | 455,201, Week 47 / 384) 0) 397) 201) o 201, 418) 201 0) 422) 0 427 201, Week 48 | 406) 0] 421201. 0 2011 0 “442/201, “447, 0) 452) 201) Week 49- December | 422) 0. 437, 201, 0 201) 0. 459) 201) 0) _ 464) : 0; 469 201, Week 50 | 404 0 419, 201 0 201) 0 | 440! 201 0) 445) 0 450. 201) Week 51 | 399) o 413) 201, 0 201, 0 434) 201) 439 O 444, 201) Week 52 375, 0) 388,201, 0, 201) 0) 408) 201| 0, 413) 0] 417,201) Week 53 129 6 134 57 0 57) 0 | 140) 57) 0 142) 0) 144 57) MSW Received/Excavated 23,880 24,738 10,500 | 10,500 25,999 10,500 | | 26,287 10,500 26,576 10,500' MSW Shipped | 1,595) ; 1,799) | 13780) ~ T2203) | I 1 2.408 i 2,524) 595 | - | Ot | __|___ 2,293) | 2 MSW Incinerated 22,285! 21,198) 33,439) || 33,867 34,036 | I ; 34.379, 34,552) Total Ash (wet wt.) 6,684 6358) || 10,0307 | | 10,158) | 10,209) i ti - - _ 10,312 10,364" Ash Shipped (excess of 7300 tons/yr) | 0 0 2,730) | 2g58)COC~S — ) 29097—~C*~CS*S 2,960 | a | 3,064" Available Incinerator Capacity -562/ | 525) | 3,370) | - 2,942 : 273) | CY TT 2,430) 2,257) { TABLEI0.XLS Page | of 3 8/8/97 10:47 AM TABLE 10 Typical Weekly Waste Flow Analysis Option 3B - 3 Incinerators, Excavate Landfill In 20 Years Priority: Excavate landfill in 20 years, burn MSW and excavated waste, ship excess MSW and excavated waste, ship ash ash exceeding 7300 tons/yr | | Assume: 3 incinerators having 122 tons per day capacity, operating 6 days per week, excavate 210,000 tons of waste (201 tons per week) 2005 | 2006 | i 2007 ial 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 | Summary Totals Total Excavate Over Cap. Total Excavate | Over Cap. | Total | Excavate | Over Cap./ al _ Excavate | Over Cap. | [Total Excavate | Over Cap.| Total | Excavate | Over Cap ' Tota! | Excavate | Over Cap. Total | Excavate | Over Cap. Total Projected Tons Per Year | 26,869 10,500 2,641 =~ ~—«227,166 | ‘10,500 2,760 | | 27,465' 10,5001 2,890 27,768 ‘10,500 3,037 28,074 | 10,500 3,189 | 28,384] 10,500 3,344 28,697 10,500’ 3,509 | 29,014) 10,500 3,686 29,334 462) 201) of | 467. 201) 431) 201/ Li 201, 441/201) | 146 201 480/201 {| | 201) 465,201) | | ___201] 440/201! | 201 484) 201) {| | 201, 413) 201! | | 201, 462/201) | 467, 201 | 201, 201 201) 201, 201, 201, 201) 201° 201, 201) 201, 457) 201 427) 201, 436. 201) 475) 201) 460. 201, 435) 201) 478) 201) 409) 201) 457) 201) 439) 201 466. 201) 488) 201) 491) 201) 475) 201, 489) 201, 508) 201/ 500) 201° 525) 201, 523) 201) 529) 201° 584) 201, 532, 201) 610, 201) 597, 201, Week | - January | 452, 201 Week 2 | 422. 201) Week 3 | 431 201) Week 4 470° 201, Week 5 - February | 455) 201° Week 6 | 430, 201, Week 7 473/201) Week 8 [40 201 Week 9 - March | |____ 201} Week 10 | aa [201 Week 11 (rn 201) Week 12 i 83 201) Week 13- April | “486 201) Week 14 | 4 201) Week 15 (cn 201) Week 16 1 ] 201) Week 17 [ 5 201] Week 18 - May | 19) 201) Week 19 | 517] 201) Week 20 [523] 201 Week 21 (sz ] 201, Week 22 - June i 201) Week 23 i j 2011 Week 24 is 201| 472) 201] 441 2017 451, 491) 475) 450) 494) 422) 472) 454) 482) 504 ~ ~a + + 507) 20] of T5301 zor] of | 524] 201] 490! 496 201) 201) 507] 201 __ 505! [n/n St0 203} | 522201] 525 201 | 531] __201/ UME 201 543) 201, 517) | | 523) 201) 528) 201) | 534) 201) 543/201) a Cl [__201} [sei 201; 540/201, [[ 346[ 201; (i) ESS 20 A | 558 201, 546, 201) 15] | 552) | (i) 559) 201.27] 565) 201 201, 604) 201) 73|_ | |___201/ fia) 7 201) 86) 624) 201, 201 550 201 19 556 | 201) I 569 201) 201) al 631, 201) 100) | 638) 201 CI | 201) [| 652) 201 aoa 201) al 617) 201) 86) 4] 1) | [ 201 I 638. 201) 488 201) 456) 201, 466) 201) 507) 201) 491 201, 465! 201) S11) 201) 436) 201) 201) 488 201) 201) 469) 201, 201) j 498) 201 201) 521) 201 201) 201) 201, 201 201, 201) 201/ 201! [o| clo} : Slscloiololo. Bo) w|ujoioio Sclolololoslojsjcjo | elololo} Slolololololslojojojololo} =I wl=lolololololojololojololojo clo) Rlclolclejojojojololalololociaojcjciai ole, pt wn Vl=|Blololojolclolololojio clolo cp cjclclclclo |e ~ AS) a 3. g Week 25 ul | __ 201 o| | _578/ 201) 47|_| 584) 201) TT se, 201] | | 597! 201] ~—SSs«| |___201] CI 10/201 _79| 617/201 Week 26 | | 201) 626 201 4 632 201 201 647) 201] | 654) 201) ra 651) 201, 668 201 Week 27 - July 201) 6 | 715) 201° 184) 723; 201) re 201 | 739) 201-208) | a | | OL 201, —224t | 763) 201, Week 28 mn 620) 201; 89] | 627, 201) 96 634) 201) {] 64 201, 110, | 648) 201 stn | 655,201! 5) 201131 | 669. 201) Week 29 | [201] | 578. 201, 47, | 584,201 ry 91201) D, 597/201] 66 |___ 201! imett 201) ‘7| [617] _—_—201/ Week 30 | 201, | 608. 201° 77] 615 201 i 21 201, 90, 628) 20, ‘| 635, 201, im 201) | 649, 201, Week 31 - August | 201) | 587, 201, 56 594) 201) [4 00. 201) TI 607, 201,76] ‘| 614) 201) ‘a 201) LI 627, 201, Week 32 | 201) | 613, 201, 82) | 620 201) i | 201, | 634) 201) 103) | 641, 201 i 201) 17] | 655/ 201, 201) Ly 609) 201) 78 615) 201) CI 622. 201, (a 629) 201{ 98] | 636, 201! CI [Li 201 | ete || eso} 201, 201) 21 | _610/ 201) 79) | 617/201) ri | 201, | [630] 201 99) | 637 201 in 201) TI 651, 201, 201! 629 201 98) | 201 201 650 201) 119 657, 201) | | 201 672 201 201) i] | 598) 2017 67, 201) [| eni| 201, LI 618, 201 | 187) 625) 201) feat 32) 201) onl | 639, 201) 201) ‘i 584, 201) 53] | 590,201 LI 597 201 fi 603 201) 72] | 610201! {| 17] 201) 85) 623, 201) 201) 21 | 568 201) 769) [a2o1 | 1 201) | 587 201/788] =| 593) 201 | | 201) imi 606, 201) Week 39 | 530) 201, aif | 536. 201, 737|_| | 201 tI 548) 201) 1 554) 201) 755| | 560! 201) ta | 201) | 572| 201) Weekind = October | |___201| 525) 201 531/201 TIS 37) 201 6 | 543, —«20i| 12{ | s49|——201/ i $5] 201] | | 561] ——201/ Week 41 | [201 [ [498/201] 201, rl [siicrik20 1] mC [| AS 1S [ANNE ZOU lori )s2i [rr 201] I 201) (S32 | E2O1 201 He [Abt 500 |e 2011) _201, iis 201) a | 522| ial [__201{ of 534, 201 201) LI 472) 201, 201, 1 201) _0| 487 201) 493 | i 201) | 504) 201, 201) |_| .- 504] 201) 201) {| 6) 201, [| 521] 201) 527| 201) | | 201) 12 | S29] 201, 201) 1 | 482/ 201) 201) || 4 201 498 201/ | 1 201) “ol | sis) 201) 201) | 465] 201 | 201) | 480) 201) 486) |e 201] i «496 201| 201)( fen CEES 201) [| 4s1[___201/ 456) j eet 1201] 466,201 a8 __ 457) 201) oO} | 462) 201) 201, {| 478) 01] 433, {| 488. a 494) 201 Weeki 9: December Hy 201) | | _ 480] 201 201) | 496! 501,201 I “307, ——«201/ ini) S12)111) 201] Week 50 | 201) | 460) 201, | | 475) | | HOE | 481) 201) { | 201) ww 491 201 = | 201 | 453) 201) TT 469] 3011 Week 52 0 [201] Di iar) 201) [|____4ai] 446) 2011 gas 201) [| 456] 201) Week 53 | 37| 147 MSW Received/Excavated 26,869 10,500, |_| 27,166) 10,500) |_| 27,465| 10, ; 0,500 28,074 28,384 10,500 70,500 29,014 10,500 "MSW Shipped | |_| 27,768) | || | | | | | || 97) | ea | ojo 2 2} alli W000) 0/0/0)0/ 0) 00/0 wu!) — eloclo clelalolojojoio.o. | 474,201 Si | 201; | 484) 201 57) o| | 152) 153) 57, (i I 57) TT 157) $7 w we & s MSW Incinerated Ash Shi yped (excess of 7300 ton Available Incinerator Capacity TABLE10.XLS Page 2 of 3 8/8/97 10:47 AM TABLE 10 Typical Weekly Waste Flow Analysis Option 3B - 3 neIReraeES: Excavate Landfill In 20 Years Priority: Excavate landfill in 20 years, bum MSW and excavated waste, ship excess MSW and excavated waste, ship Assume: 3 incinerators having 122 tons per day capacity, operating 6 days per week, excavate 210,000 tons of waste (201 tons per week) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Summary Totals | Exeavate | Over Cap. "Total | Excavate Over Cap. | Total _ Excavate | Over Cap. " Total _ Excavate Over Cap. Total Excavate Over Cap. Projected Tons Per Year “10,500 |__ 3,877 | _29,657 10,500 4,078 29,985 | 10,500 4,291) «30,315 :10,500 4.518 30,650 | 10,500 4,762 Week | - January | 201) 1 | 499° «201 | 2017 i aa | 201; 515) 201 | 201) 466) 201) 201) 4%) 201i 201) | 476,201 201° O. 492) 201, 201 518) 201 201 536201 Week 5 - February i oO} | 502) 2010 319) 201 Week 6 | ol 475) 201) C 491201 Week 7 | | | 522,201 201, | 2017 Week 8 | [_o| 446) 201) 201 | |. 201] Week 9 - March ) 0 499201 | 7 515) 201, ol! 0 479) 201) 509] 1 | 21! | Oo} 20/0) 0) B/ oO} 0/0} 539201, f / 201) 551) 201, 342/201 2 324) 201) [Bl wlolulrlololol|olololojol/olojo 201) 107) | (201) ay : 4a ; I é 201) 159] | (201 Week 27 - July 201; 258) / 201 Week 28 | yi] 146) | 684) 201) | 6 — 201 / 2 176 e ~~ 201 6s or aie : [201 : : _ '155/e “na 655,201 | sett _ 201) 141 679,201 _ 687) 301 seo eee Fi 694) 201) : “710! 660) 201] 129 6 - 675 644) 201) 1 ; 120) | | 127 627 201, 201) tl | Ol; Bat 20H Bee i a oe: : | | 162) 57) MSW Received/Excavated | 500| i ,657/ 10,500! - |_| 29,985) 10,500) MSW Shipped | | Msw Incinerated Total Ash (wet wt) ‘Ash! Shipped (excess of 7300 ton, Available Incinerator Capacity TABLEI10.XLS Page 3 of 3 8/8/97 10:47 AM TABLE11.XLS TABLE 11 Summary Data - Six Options Null Option MSW MSW MSW Ash Available Year Tons/Year | Incinerated Shipped Landfilled | Incin. Cap. 1996 23,880 22,285 1,595 6,684 0 1997 24,314 21,198 3,116 6,358 525 1998 24,738 21,331 3,407 6,398 392 1999 25,158 21,437 3,721 6,430 287 2000 25,435 21,497 3,938 6,448 227 2001 25,716 21,544 4,172 6,462 180 2002 25,999 21,578 4,421 6,472 145 2003 26,287 21,610 4,677 6,482 114 2004 26,576 21,642 4,934 6,491 81 2005 26,869 21,672 5,197 6,500 51 2006 27,166 21,689 5,477 6,505 35 2007 27,465 21,703 5,763 6,509 21 2008 27,768 21,709 6,060 6,511 15 2009 28,074 21,713 6,361 6,513 10 2010 28,384 21,718 6,666 6,514 6 2011 28,697 21,723 6,975 6,515 1 2012 29,014 21,723 7,291 6,516 0 2013 29,334 21,723 7,611 6,516 0 2014 29,657 21,723 7,934 6,516 0 2015 29,985 215723 8,262 6,516 0 2016 30,315 21,723 8,592 6,516 0 2017 30,650 21,723 8,927 6,516 0 Totals 601,482 476,388 125,097 142,887 2,092 1998-2007 45,707 64,697 1,533 2008-2017 74,678 65,147 34 20-Year Project: 120,385 129,844 1,567 1 of 6 8/8/97 TABLE11.XLS TABLE 11 Summary Data - Six Options | Option 2A | MSW | Waste Total |TotalMSW) Ash Ash Available Year |Tons/Year|Excavated| Incinerated| Shipped |Landfilled| Shipped | Incin. Cap. 1996 23,880 0 22,285 1,595 6,684 0 0 1997 24,314 0 21,198 3,116 6,358 0 525 1998 24,738} 21,000 21,723 24,015 6,516 0 0 1999 25,158} 21,000 21,723 24,435 6,516 0 0 2000 25,435} 21,000 215925 24,712 6,516 0 0 2001 25,716 21,000 21,723 24,993 6,516 0 0 2002 25,999} 21,000 21,723 25,276 6,516 0 0 2003 26,287} 21,000 21,723 25,564 6,516 0 0 2004 26,576 21,000 21,723 25,853 6,516 0 0 2005 26,869 21,000 21,723 26,146 6,516 0 0 2006 27,166} 21,000 21,723 26,443 6,516 0 0 2007 27,465 21,000 PAI Ps} 26,742 6,516 0 0 2008 27,768 0 20713 6,060 6,511 0 10 2009 28,074 0 21,718 6,361 6,513 0 2010 28,384 0 21,723 6,666 6,514 0 0| 2011 28,697 Ol 218723 6,975 6,515 0 0| 2012 29,014 0 21,723 7,291 6,516 0 0 2013 29,334 0 21,723 7,611 6,516 0 0 2014 29,657 0 21,723 7,934 6,516 0 0 2015 29,985 0 21,723 8,262 6,516 0 0 2016 30,315 0 21,723 8,592 6,516 0 0 2017 30,650 0 21,723 8,927 6,516 0 0 Totals | 601,482} 210,000} 477,936, 333,568) 143,345 0 540 1998-2007 217,234 254,179 65,156 2008-2017 217,218 74,678 65,147 20-Year Project: 434,453 2 of 6 328,857 130,303 8/8/97 TABLE11.XLS TABLE 11 Summary Data - Six Options Option 2B MSW Total {Total MSW| Ash Available Tons/Year Incinerated| Shipped | Landfilled Incin. Cap. 1996 23,880 0 22,285 1,595 6,684 0 0 1997 24,314 0 21,198 3,116 6,358 0 525 1998 24,738 10,500 21,723 13,515 6,516 0 0 1999 25,158] 10,500] 21,723 13,935 6,516 0 0 2000 25,435 10,500 21,723 14,212 6,516 0 0 2001 25,716 10,500 21,723 14,493 6,516 0 0 2002 25,999 10,500 21723 14,776 6,516 0 0 2003 26,287 10,500 21,723 15,064 6,516 0 0 2004 26,576 10,500 21,723 15,353 6,516 0 0 2005 26,869 10,500 215723 15,646 6,516 0 0 2006 27,166 10,500 21,723 15,943 6,516 0 0 2007 27,465 10,500 21,723 16,242 6,516 0 0 2008 27,768 10,500 21,723 16,545 6,516 0 0 2009 28,074 10,500 21,723 16,851 6,516 0 0 2010 28,384 10,500 21,723 17,161 6,516 0 0 2011 28,697 10,500 21,723 17,474 6,516 0 0 2012 29,014 10,500 21,723 17,791 6,516 0 0 2013 29,334 10,500 21,723 18,111 6,516 0 0 2014 29,657 10,500 21,723 18,434 6,516 0 0 2015 29,985 10,500 21,723 18,762 6,516 0 0 2016 30,315 10,500 21,723 19,092 6,516 0 0 2017 30,650 10,500 21,723 19,427 6,516 0 0 Totals 601,482} 210,000) 477,952) _333,538| 143,354 0 525 1998-2007 217,234) 149,179 65,156 2008-2017 217,234 179,649 65,156 0 0 20-Year Project:| _434,469| _328,827| 130,312 3 of 6 8/8/97 TABLE 11 Summary Data - Six Options Option 3A MSW Waste Total [Total MSW Total Ash Ash _ | Available Year | Tons/Year | Excavated|Incinerated| Shipped Ash Shipped |Landfilled| Incin. Cap. 1996 23,880 0 22,285 1,595 6,684 0 6,684 0 1997 24,314 0 21,198 3,116 6,358 0 6,358 525 1998 24,738| 21,000 36,809 8,929| 11,040 3,740 7,300 0 1999 25,158} 21,000 36,809 9,349| 11,040 3,740 7,300 0 2000 25,435 21,000 36,809 9,626} 11,040 3,740 7,300 0 2001 25,716} 21,000 36,809 9,907} 11,040 3,740 7,300 0 2002 25,999 21,000 36,809 10,190} 11,040 3,740 7,300 0 2003 26,287 21,000 36,809 10,478; 11,040 3,740 7,300 0 2004 26,576, 21,000} 36,809} —-10,767| 11,040] 3,740] ~—-7,300 0 2005 26,869| 21,000) 36,809) 11,060) 11,040/ 3,740] 7,300 0 | 2006 27,166) 21,000] 36,809) + ~—-:11,357/ 11,040] + 3,740| ~—«7,300 0 2007 27,465 21,000 36,809 11,656} 11,040 3,740 7,300 0 2008 27,168 0| 26,640 1,128| 7,990 690] 7,300 9,041 2009 28,074 0| 26,927 1,147| 8,076 716| 7,300 8,735 2010 28,384 0 27,216 1,168 8,163 863 7,300 8,425 2011 28,697 0 27,508 1,189 8,251 951 7,300 8,112 2012 29,014 0 27,803 1,210 8,339 1,039 7,300 7,795 2013 29,334 0 28,102 1,232 8,429 1,129 7,300 7,475 2014 29,657 0 28,404 1,253 8,519 1,219 7,300 7,152 2015 29,985 0 28,709 1,275 8,611 1,311 7,300 6,824 2016 30,315 0 29,018 1,297 8,704 1,404 7,300 6,494 2017 30,650 0 29,330 1,320 8,797 1,497 7,300 6,159 Totals | 601,482} 210,000} 691,232 120,251| 207,327| 48,285] 159,042| 76,737 1998-2007 368,091} 103,319] 110,405} 37,405 0 2008-2017 279,657 12,221} 83,880) 10,880 76,211 20-Year Project:| 647,749 115,540) 194,285 TABLE11.XLS 4 of 6 8/8/97 TABLE 11 Summary Data - Six Options Option 3B | MSW Waste Total [Total MSW| Total Ash Ash _ | Available Year | Tons/Year|Excavated|Incinerated| Shipped Ash Shipped |Landfilled| Incin. Cap. 1996 23,880 0 22,285 1,595 6,684 0 6,684 0 1997 24,314 0 21,198 3,116 6,358 0 6,358 525 1998 24,738) 10,500 33,439 1,799| 10,030 2,730 7,300 3,370 1999 25,158} 10,500 33,701 1,957| 10,108 2,808 7,300 3,108 2000 25,435| 10,500 33,867 2,068} 10,158 2,858 7,300 2,942 2001 25,716} 10,500 34,036 2,180} 10,209 2,909 7,300 2,773 2002 25,999 10,500 34,206 2,293) 10,260 2,960 7,300 2,603 2003 26,287} 10,500 34,379 2,408| 10,312 3,012 7,300 2,430 2004 26,576; 10,500] 34,552 2,524] 10,364] 3,064] 7,300 2,257 2005 26,869 10,500 34,728 2,641 10,416 3,116 7,300 2,081 2006 27,166 10,500 34,905 2,760; 10,469 3,169 7,300 1,904 2007 27,465 10,500 35,076 2,890} 10,521 See. 7,300 1,733 2008 27,768 10,500 35,231 3,763} 10,567 3,267 7,300 1,578 2009 28,074 10,500 35,386 3,189} 10,614 3,314 7,300 1,423 2010 28,384 10,500 35,540 3,344} 10,660 3,360 7,300 1,269 2011 28,697 10,500 35,689 3,509} 10,704 3,404 7,300 1,120 2012 29,014 10,500 35,827 3,686, 10,746 3,446 7,300 982 2013 29,334| 10,500 35,957 3,877| 10,785 3,485 7,300 852 2014 29,657, 10,500 36,080 4,078] 10,822 3,522 7,300 729 2015 29,985| 10,500 36,193 4,291] 10,856 3,556 7,300 616 2016 30,315} 10,500 36,297 4,518] 10,887 3,587 7,300 512 2017 30,650} 10,500 36,387 4,762} 10,914 3,614 7,300 422 Totals 601,482} 210,000; 744,960 67,248| 223,443) 64,401) 159,042 35,228 1998-2007 342,890 23,519} 102,846] 29,846 25,200 2008-2017 358,588 39,018} 107,555| 34,555 9,502 20-Year Project:| 701,477 62,537} 210,401 TABLE11.XLS 5 of 6 8/8/97 TABLE11.XLS TABLE 11 Summary Data - Six Options Option 3B.1 MSW Waste Total /Total MSW) Total Ash Available Year | Tons/Year | Excavated | Incinerated| Shipped Ash Shipped | Incin. Cap. 1996 23,880 0 22,285 1,595 6,684 0 0 1997 24,314 0 21,198 3,116 6,358 0 525 1998 24,738 12,071 36,809 0 11,041 3,741 0 1999 25,158 11,652 36,809 0 11,041 3,741 0 2000 25,435 11,374 36,809 0 11,041 3,741 0 2001 25,716 11,093 36,809 0 11,041 3,741 0 2002 25,999 10,810 36,809 0 11,041 3,741 0 2003 26,287 10,523 36,809 0 11,041 3,741 0 2004 26,576 10,233 36,809 0 11,041 3,741 0 2005 26,869 10,173 36,809 233 11,041 3,741 0 2006 27,166 10,173 36,809 529 11,041 3,741 0 2007 27,465 10,173 36,809 829 11,041 3,741 0 2008 27,768 10,173 36,809 1,132 11,041 3,741 0 2009 28,074 10,173 36,809 1,438 11,041 3,741 0 2010 28,384 10,173 36,809 1,748 11,041 3,741 0 2011 28,697 10,173 36,809 2,061 11,041 3,741 0 2012 29,014 10,173 36,809 2377 11,041 3,741 0 2013 29,334 10,173 36,809 2,697 11,041 3,741 0 2014 29,657 10,173 36,809 3,021 11,041 3,741 0 2015 29,985 10,173 36,809 3,348 11,041 3,741 0 2016 30,315 10,173 36,809 3,679 11,041 3,741 0 2017 30,650 10,173 36,809 4,013 11,041 3,741 0 Totals 601,482| 210,000! 779,666 31,816| 233,853) 74,810 525 1998-2007 108,273 368,091 1,591] 110,405} 37,405 0 2008-2017 101,727| 368,091 25,514} 110,405! 37,405 0 20-Year Project: 210,000 736,183 6 of 6 220,810 8/8/97 TABLE 12 . SURVEY OF ANNUAL HEATING OIL USE BY FACILITIES WITHIN ONE MILE OF CHANNEL LANDFILL MARCH 1997 ANNUAL HEATING BUSINESS/FACILITY NAME ADDRESS FUEL USE COMMENTS 5 i 5 Prison: 107,000 gallons| i : . i Lemon Creek Correctional Facility Davis Ave. ACI Laundry: 51,900 gallons Laundry is equipped with steam boiler Building uses propane for heating, bakery 5225 Commercial Dr. 73,000 gallons (propane) ovens. and hot water heaters 2 boiler systems - need steam @ 45 psi. Grain Alaskan Brewing Co. 5429 Shaune Dr. 104,000 - 114,000 gallons|drier operates @1725 deg F and uses 13 gal/hr. 6 - 100,000 Btu/hr space heaters 9 Reliable delivers; Seattle gets invoice. They Coca Cola Bottling Co. of Juneau 5452 Shaune Dr 5,000 gallons estimated have called Reliable for info Northern Sales 5,000 gallons|Based on 1996 oil deliveries Northern Lights Development/D&L Rentals] =~=~=~~—~—Sd| ~—sCiEstimatediessthat5,000g) ss —(“‘“‘C™SC™COCOCC*d Food Services of America | ~~~—~—sSY Estimated less that 5,000 g|Just moved into building in November 1996 Primarily have electric heat, but it's not possible CBJ Public Works CBJ PW Shops 700 gallons|to separate out electric use for heat versus water utility telemetry and other uses. Oil use is for garage bays. New warehouse is cold. ADOT/PF SE Region | Glacier Hwy _| 43,000 gallons|Average use during 1995 and 1996 Lg een i Facility also has interruptable electrical boiler. Dzantik'l Heeni Middle School 21,600 gallons School used 14,400 gallons since 6/96. Ket 6525 Glacier Hwy re oo heat exchangers mounted on roof; no Akin-Murray to conduct energy analysis for Proposed CBJ Police Station proposed bldg and recommend heating system. No work done yet because building design halted while site wetland issues are being resolved. Would like to consider use of radiant floor heating. Estimated less that 5,000 g/Checked 3/28. Haven't looked yet; call Fri 4/4 5,600 gallons|1996 oil deliveries Construction Machine! Lewis Motors Grant's Plaza 5165 Glacier Hwy Estimated less that 5,000 g|Checking with Ike's. No results on 3/28 Juneau Pioneer's Home 4675 Glacier Hwy 60,350 gallons|1996 use First Baptist Church 4625 Glacier H Estimated less that 5,000 g|/Checking with Ike's. No results on 3/28 TABLE12.XLS 5295 Glacier Hwy 5245 Glacier H 8/7197 TABLE 13 PRO FORMA ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION AND SALE TABLE1346.XLS YEARS 4|_ B 4 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Annual Gross kWh _ a - 14,016,000 14,016,000 14,016,000) 14,016,000} 14,016,000] 14,016,000! 14,016,000| 14,016,000) 14,016,000! 14,016,000) 14,016,000| 14,016,000! 14,016,000! 14,016,000) 14,016,000! 14,016,000} 14,016,000) 14,016,000! 14,016,000| 14,016,000 Annual Net kWh @60% | 11,212,800 11,212,800] 11,212,800] 11,212,800] 11,212,800] 11,212,800] 11,212,800] 11,212,800] 11,212,800] 11,212,800] 11,212,800] 11,212,800| 11,212,800| 11,212,800| 11,212,800| 11,212,800 11,212,800] 11,212,800] 11,212,800| 11,212,800 RateA Avoided Cost | _$0.0347 | Not Escalated Rate B Avoided Cost _$0.0898) |Escalated at 1.35% per year - Rate C Breakeven Cost | _‘$0.0347|Escalated at 1.35% per year. _ Rate D Positive C.F. $0.0550 |Escalated at 1.35% per year. Ann Gross Revenues RateA;EscO%/yr | $389,084 | $389,084 $389,084 | $389,084 $389,084 | $389,084 | $389,084 | $389,084 | $389,084 | $389,084 | $389,084 | $389,084 | $389,084| $389,084 | $389,084 | $389,084 | $389,084 | $389,084 | $389,084/| $389,084 _@ Rate B} Esc 1.35%/yr_ | _ $1,006,909 | $1,020,503 | $1,034,280 | $1,048,242 | $1,062,394 | $1,076,736 | $1,091,272 | $1,106,004 | $1,120,935 | $1,136,068 | $1,151,405 | $1,166,949 | $1,182,702 | $1,198,669 | $1,214,851 | $1,231,251 | $1,247,873 | $1,264,719 | $1,281,793 | $1,299,097 Rate C, Esc 1.35%/yr _ $389,084) $394,337 $399,660} $405,056 $410,524| $416,066) $421,683) $427,376) $433,145! $438,993) $444,919! $450,926] $457,013] $463,183| $469,436] $475,773) $482,196] $488,706} $495,303! $501,990 | @Rate D, Esc 1.35%/yr $616,704) $625,030 $633,467| $642,019 $650,686} $659,471 $668,374) $677,397| $686,541 $695,810) $705,203) $714,723) $724,372) $734,151 $744,062! $754,107| $764,288) $774,605} $785,063! $795,661 AnnO&M Cost Esc 4% - $112,128 | $116,613 $121,278 | $126,129 $131,174 | $136,421 $141,878 | $147,553 | $153,455 | $159,593 | $165,977 | $172,616 | $179,521 $186,701 $194,169 | $201,936 | $210,014 | $218,414 | $227,151 $236,237 @ 10 mills/kWh Ann Net Revenues, Rate A $276,956 | $272,471 $267,807 | $262,955 $257,910 | $252,663 | $247,206 | $241,531 $235,629 | $229,491 $223,107 | $216,468 | $209,564 | $202,383 | $194,915 | $187,148 | $179,071 $170,670 | $161,933 | $152,847 Ann Net Revenues, RateB | _ $894,781 $903,890 $913,002 | $922,114 $931,220 | $940,315 | $949,394 | $958,451 $967,480 | $976,475 | $985,428 | $994,333 | $1,003,182 | $1,011,967 | $1,020,681 | $1,029,315 | $1,037,860 | $1,046,305 | $1,054,642 | $1,062,861 Ann Net Revenues, Rate C _ $276,956] $277,724 $278,383) $278,927 $279,350) $279,645| $279,805| $279,823! $279,690| $279,400! $278,942! $278,310) $277,492| $276,481 $275,266! $273,837| $272,182} $270,291 $268,152! $265,753 Ann Net Revenues, Rate D _ $504,576) $508,416 $512,190} $515,890 $519,513) $523,050) $526,496) $529,844! $533,087| $536,217) $539,226) $542,108) $544,852) $547,450| $549,893) $552,171 $554,274) $556,191 $557,912) $559,424) Capital Cost to Channel__| $2,600,000 - Cash Flow, Rate A ($2,600,000)! $276,956 | $272,471 $267,807 | $262,955 $257,910 | $252,663 | $247,206 | $241,531 $235,629 | $229,491 $223,107 | $216,468 | $209,564 / $202,383 | $194,915 | $137,148 | $179,071 $170,670 | $161,933 | $1 52,847 | Internal Rate of Return, Cash on Cash, Rate A, % 6% Cash Flow, Rate B ($2,600,000)| $894,781 $903,890 $913,002 | $922,114 $931,220 | $940,315 | $949,394 | $958,451 $967,480 | $976,475 | $985,428 | $994,333 | $1,003,182 | $1,011,967 | $1,020,681 | $1,029,315 | $1,037,860 | $1,046,305 | $1,054,642 | $1,062,861 Internal Rate of Return, - : Cash on Cash, Rate B, % 35% 8/7/97 YEAR Annual Heat Reqmt of Lemon Creek Area - MMI Annual Oil Consumption, Gallons #2 Heating Oil Btu/gal Heating Oil ‘Cost/gal of #2 Heating Oil - Escalated at 1.35%lyear ‘Annual Cost of Oil Assume 80% of Oil is Replaced by Waste Heat MMBtu Annual Cost of 90% of Oil Annual Revenue to Channel O & M Cost to Channel Capital Cost Net to Channel Cash Flow Cash on Cash Internal Rate of Return, % TBL1346.XLS Btu $2,492,000 ($2,492,000) 4% Reference Table 12 - Potential Heat Sales O) 32,028 300,000 136,000 $0.79 0.75 $237,398 28,825 $189,919 $189,919 $24,000 $165,919 $165,919 32,028) 300,000) 136,000) $0.80 | : 0.760125] 0.770386688 | $240,603 | 28,825) | $192,483 | $192,483 | $24,000 | $168,483 | $168,483 | the Lemon Creek Area 32,028 300,000/ 136,000) $0.81 | T 1 $243,851 4 28,825 + $195,081 | $195,081 | $24,000 | $171,081 | $171,081 | 4 32,028) 300,000 136,000) 4 $0.82 | | 5. 32,028) 300,000, 136,000) $0.83 | 0.780786908| 0.791327531, $247,143 | 28,825) $197,715 | $197,715 | $24,000 | $173,715 | $173,715 4 1 1 $250,480 | 28,825 $200,384 | $200,384 | $24,000 | $176,384 | $176,384 | 6 32,028 300,000 136,000 $0.85 $253,861 28,825 $203,089 $203,089 $24,000 $179,089 $179,089 32,028 300,000 136,000 $0.86 $257,288 28,825 $205,831 $205,831 $24,000 $181,831 $181,831 TABLE 14 PRO FORMA HEAT GENERATION AND SALE LEMON CREEK AREA 8 32,028, 300,000) 136,000) $0.87 | $260,762 | 28,825) $208,609 | ~ $208,609 | $24,000 | $184,609 | $184,609 | 9 32,028 300,000 136,000 $0.88 $264,282 28,825 $211,426 $211,426 $24,000 $187,426 $187,426 10 32,028 300,000 136,000 $0.89 $267,850 28,825 $214,280 $214,280 $24,000 $190,280 $190,280 11] 32,028) 300,000 136,000) $0.90 | $271,466 | t 28,825 iE $217,173 $217,173 $24,000 $193,173 $193,173 12 32,028 300,000 136,000 $0.92 $275,131 28,825 $220,105 $220,105 $24,000 $196,105 $196, 105 32,028 $223,076 $223,076 $24,000 $199,076 $199,076 = $286,425 26,625] _ 28,825 | $226,088 | $229,140 $226,088 | $229,140 $24,000 | $24,000 $202,088 | $205,140 $202,088 | $205,140 $290,291 26,825 $232,233 $232,233 $24,000 $208,233 $208,233 $294,210 28,825 | $235,368 | $235,368 | $24,000 | $211,368 | $211,368 | $298,182 28,825 $238,546 $238,546 $24,000 $214,546 $214,546 28,825 $241,766 $241,766 $24,000 $217,766 $217,766 $306,287 28,825 $245,030 $245,030 $24,000 $221,030 $221,030 9/8/97 Source TABLE 15 PRO FORMA LANDFILL OPERATIONS AND LAND COMMERCIALIZATION SUMMARY OF RESULTS Revenue per Ton Waste Received $125 ‘Channel Cash Flow NPV Base Line Operating Expense per Year (2 Incinerators) $2,200,000 Channel Null Option $11,355,510 $5,596,443 Base Line Operating Expense per Year (3 Incinerators) $2,710,000 Butler/Chang Null-5 years to Closure ($4,017,005) ($1,085,276) Cost per Ton Waste Excavated $10 Best Est (Option 2A-2 Incin. 10 yr Reclamation $3,833,121 ($761,723) |Cost per Ton Waste Landfilled $20 Best Est Option 2B-2 Incin. 20 yr Reclamation $3,835,614 Cost per Ton Waste Shipped $85 Channel Option 3A-3 Incin. 10 yr Reclamation ($30,629) Cost per Ton Ash Landfilled $5 Best Est Option 38-3 Incin. 20 yr Reclamation $2,562,514 Cost per Ton Ash Shipped $85 ‘Channel Option 3.B.1-(Option 3.B optimized) $5,231,703 |Sale Price per Reclaimed Acre $200,000 ‘Channel Option 3.B.1. with 3rd Incin 10 yr Commi Finance $1,324,286 |Capping Cost per Acre Dah! Needs to be estimated more recisely before selecting an O| ption ( see narrative) Option 3.8.1 with 3rd Incin 20 yr Tax Exempt Finance ($142,435) Excavated Waste per Acre, Tons/Acre 7,000 Hansen Option 3.B.1 with 3rd Incin 10 yr Tax Exempt Finance $2,653,531 ($1,496,473), Increments of Landfill for Sale, Acres Capital Cost of 3rd Incinerator Butler/Chang TABLE1S.XLS 1oft 8/8/97 TABLE 15 PRO FORMA LANDFILL OPERATIONS AND LAND COMMERCIALIZATION {ease Ot amet A | TPAD TTT [esa TTT TE Oe TTT Ta) AUTOMOUNT MUSOU ITODT NFO Ti cS] OTN et UUM O [SELIM SUC HUSVnVnd LTT TV TUT cal | VHD Naan MUGGING Te eae) ea NULL OPTION-CLOSURE IN 20 YEARS YEAR 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 20 Yr TOTAL Waste Received, TPY 4 23,880 24,314 24,738 25,158 25,435 25,716 25,999 26,287 26,576 26,869 27,166 27,465 27,768 28,074 28,384 28,697 29,014 29,334 29,657 29,985 30,315, 30,650 601,482 Waste Excavated TPY 0 ) 0 oO 0 0 0 oO 0 0 0 0 0) 0 0 0 0} 0 0 0 0} 0} Total Waste Incinerated TPY 22,285 21,198 21,331 21,437 21,497 21,544 21,578 21,610 21,642 21,672 - 21,689 21,703 21,709 21,713 21,718 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 476,385) |Waste Landfilled TPY 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO 0 0 0 oO oO 0 0 oO 0 0 0 0 0 oO |Waste Shipped TPY 1,595 3,116 3,407 3,721 3,938 41472 4,421 4677 4,934 5,197 5,477 5,763 6,060 6,361 6,666 6,975 7,291 7.611 7,934 8,262 8,592 8.927 125,097 Ash Landfilled TPY 6,684 6,358 6,398 6,430 6,448 6,462 6,472 6,482 6,491 6,500 6,505 6,509 6511 6,513 6,514 6,515 6,516 6,516 6,516 6,516 6,516 6,516 142,887 Ash Shipped TPY oO 0 oO oO oO 0 0 0 oO oO 0 0 oO 0 0 0 0 oO O 0 0 0 [Remaining Incinerator Capacity TPY : 525 392 287 227 180 145 114 81 51 35 21 15 10 6 1 oO O 0 oO 0 O 2,092 Revenues from Waste Received $2,985,049 | $3,039,300 | $3,092,222 | $3.144,695 | _ $3,179,370 | $3,214,515 | $3,249,932 | $3,285,828 | $3,322,010 | $3,358,653 | $3,395,700 | $3,433,156 | $3,471,025 | $3,509,311 | $3,548,020 | $3,587,156 | $3,626,724 | $3,666,728 | $3,707,173 | $3,748,064 | $3,789,407 | $3,831,205 | $75,185,244 |Cost of Waste Excavated (increase over 1996) $0 SO $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 sO $0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 $0 |Cost of Waste Landfilled (increase over 1996) so $0 $0 $o $0 so $o so so $0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 so so $0 $0 so $0 so $0 Cost of Waste Shipped (increase over 1996) _ $0 $129,307 $153,998 $180,681 $199,169 $219,062 | $240,242 | $261,949 | $283,828 | $306,182 | $329,970 | $354,257 $379,493 | $405,136 | $431,063 | $457,275 | $484,142 | $511,345 | $538,848 | $566,654 | $594,767 $623,189 | $7,650,557 Cost of Ash Landfilled (increase over 1996) $0 ($1,630) ($1,431) ($1,272) ($1,182) ($1,111) ($1,060) ($1,012) ($964) ($919) ($894) ($874) ($864) ($858) ($851) ($844) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($20,823) Cost_of Ash Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Sale Price of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9 $0 $0 $0 $0 sO $0 Capping Cost of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0. $0 $2 $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 Closure Cost of Landfill $0 $0 $o $o $o $0 $0 $0 $o so $0 $0 $o $0 $o $0 $2 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 [Capital Cost of 3rd incinerator $0 $0 so $0 so $0 $o so $0 so $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 $2 $0 $0 $0 $0 | $7,800,000 | _ $7,800,000 Base Line Expense $2,200,000 |_ $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 |_ $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $48,400,000 Net Cash Flow $785,049 $711,622 $739,655 $765,286 $781,383 $796,564 $810,750 $824,892 $39,147 $853,390 $866,624 $879,772 $892,396 $905,033 $917,808 $930,725 $943,424 $956,226 $969,168 $982,253 $995,483 | ($6,791,142)| $11,355,510 Net Present Value @12% $5,596,443 so NULL OPTION- CLOSURE IN 5 YEARS YEAR 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Waste Received, TPY 23,880 24,314 24,738 25,158 25,435 123,525, Waste Excavated TPY 0 0 0 oO oO 0 Total Waste Incinerated TPY 22,285 21,198 21,331 21,437 21,497 107,748 |Waste Landfilled TPY oO oO 0 oO oO oO |Waste Shipped TPY 1,595 3,116 3,407 3,721 3,938 15,777 Ash Landfilled TPY 6,684 6,358 6,398 6,430 6,448 32,318 Ash Shipped TPY 0 i} O O oO 0 Remaining Incinerator Capacity TPY : 525 392 287 227 Revenues from Waste Received $2,985,049 | $3,039,300 | $3,092,222 | $3,144,695 | $3,179,370 | $15,440,635 Cost of Waste Excavated (increase over 1996) $0 $o $0 $0 $0 so Cost of Waste Landfilled (increase over 1996) $0 $o $0 so $0 $0 Cost of Waste Shipped (increase over 1996) so $129,307 $153,998 $180,681 $199,169 $663,154 Cost of Ash Landfilled (increase over 1996) $0 ($1,630) ($1,431) ($1,272) ($1,182) ($5,515) Cost _of Ash Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ‘Sale Price of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 a Capping Cost of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 Closure Cost of Landfill $0 $0 $0 $0 | $7,800,000 | _ $7,800,000 Capital Cost of 3rd Incinerator $0 $0 $0 $0 0 $0 Base Line Expense $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | _ $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $11,000,000 Net Cash Flow $785,049 $711,622 $739,655 $765,286 | ($7,018,617)| ($4,017,005) Lt iNet Present Value @12% ($1,085,276) so bs TABLE15.XLS 20f6 8/8/97 TABLE 15 PRO FORMA LANDFILL OPERATIONS AND LAND COMMERCIALIZATION OPTION #2A-10YEAR YEAR 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Waste Received, TPY al 23,880 24,314 24,738 25,158 25,435 25.716 25,999 26,287 26,576 26,869 27,166 27,465 27,768 28,074 28,384 28,697| 29,014 29,334 29,657 29,985 30,315 30,650 601,482| Waste Excavated TPY oO 0 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 21,000 oO o 0 oO Ol 0 o o Cy} 0 210,000) Total Waste incinerated TPY 22.285 21,198 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,713 21,718 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 477,936] Total Waste Landfilled 0 0 oO 0 o 0 o 0) oO o 0 o 0 0 0 oO o oO oO oO oO o o Waste Shipped TPY 1,595 3,116 24,015 24,435 24,712 24,993 25,276 25,564 25,853 26,146 26,443 26,742 6,060 6,361 6,666 6,975 7,291 7.611 7,934 8,262 8,592 8,927 333,568 Ash Landfilled TPY 6,684 6,358 6.516 6516 6516 6,516 6516 6.516 6.516 6.516 6516 6.516 6511 6513 6.514 6515 6.516 6516 6.516 6.516 6.516) 6.516 143,345] Ash Shipped TPY 0 o o 0 oO 0 o [} 0} 0 0 0 o Ql 0 oO 0 0 0 0 0 o o| Remaining Incinerator Capacity TPY oO 525 oO o o 0 o o 0 o oO 0 10 5 o 0 0 o 0 o 0 o 540 Land Reclaimed 6 6 6 6 6 Cumulative Land Reclaimed 6 12 18 26 30 Revenues from Waste Received $2,985,049 | $3,039,300 | $3,092,222 | $3,144,695 | $3,179,370 |_$3,214,515 | $3,249,932 | $3,285,828 | $3,322,010 | $3,358,653 | $3,395,700 | $3,433,156 | $3,471,025 | $3,509,311 | $3,548,020 | $3,587,156 | $3,626,724 | $3,666,728 | $3,707,173 | $3,748,064 | $3,789,407 | $3,831,205 | $75,185,244 |Cost of Waste Excavated (increase over 1996) $o $0| _s210,000| $210,000 | _ $210,000 $210,000 | _ $210,000 | _$210,000| _$210,000| $210,000 | _ $210,000] _ $210,000 $o so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 | _ $2,100,000 Cost of Waste Landfilled (increase over 1996) $o so $o so $o so $o $o $o so so $o $0 $o $o $o $0 $o $0 $0 $0 $o $0 Cost of Waste Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 | _$129,307 | $1,905,681 | $1,941,363 | $1,964,941 | _ $1,988,840 | $2,012,924 | $2,037,333 | $2,061,937 | $2,086,854 | $2,112,046 | $2,137,516 | $379,493 | $405,136 | $431,063 | $457,275 | $4a4,142| $511,345 | $538,848 | $566,654| $594,767| $623,189 | $25,370,654 |Cost of Ash Landfilled (increase over 1996) so ($1,630) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($864) ($858) ($851) ($844) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($18,531) ICost_of Ash Shipped (increase over 1996) $o so $o $0 $0 so so $o $0 so $o so so $o $o so so so $0 $0 so $0 so Sale Price of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $1,200,000 $0 | _ $6,000,000 Capping Cost of Reclaimed Land $0 $o $0 | $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $0 | _ $1,500,000 Closure Cost of Landfill $0 so $0 so $0 $0 $0 so $0 so $0 $o $0 $0 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 so Capital Cost of 3rd Incinerator $0 so $0 so $0 $0 so $0 so so so so $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 so Base Line Expense $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | _ $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | ‘$2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | ‘$2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,009 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $48,400,000 Net Cash Flow $785,049 | _$711,622 | ($1.222,616)| _($305,825)|_($1,194,729)| __($283,482)| ($1.172.149)| _($260,662)| ($1,149,084)| _($237,358)| ($1,125,503)|_($213,517)| __ $892,396 | $905,033 | $917,808 | $930,725 | $943,424 | $956,226 | s9e9,168| $982,253| $995,483 | $1,008,858 | $3,833,121 Net Present Value @12% ($761,723) (80) OPTION #2B-20YEAR YEAR 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 | Waste Received, TPY 23,880 24,314 24,738 25,158 25,435 25,716 25,999 26,287 26.576 26,869 27.166 27.465 27.768 28,074 28,384 28,697 29.0°4 29.334 29.657 29,985 30,315 30,650 601,482 Waste Excavated TPY 10,500 10,500 10,500) 40,500 10,500) 10,500} __10,500 10,500) 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,5¢0 10,500 10,500) 10,500 10,500 10,500) 210,000 Total Waste incinerated TPY 22,285 21,198 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21.723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 21,723 477,943} Total Waste Landfilled o o o 0 oO o 0 0 ko o o 0 0 o oO 0 0 0 oO o CY} oO o Waste Shipped TPY 1,595 3.116 13,515 13,935 14,212 14,493 14,76 15,064 15,353 15,646 15,943 16,242 16,545. 16,851 17,161 17,474 17,791 18,111 18,434 18,762 19,092 19,427 333,538 Ash Landfilled TPY 6,684 6,358 6.516 6.516 6.516 6,516 6,516 6,516 6,516 6516 6,516 6.516 6,516 6,516 6.516 6.516 6516 6,516 6.516 6.516 6,516 6.516 143,354) [Ash Shipped TPY 0 0 o 0 oO 0 0 ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 oO 0 o Remaining Incinerator Capacity TPY 0 525, oO 0 0 oO oO oO 0 0 0 oO oO 0 0 oO 0 oO ) oO } 0 525] Land Reclaimed 0 0 o o oO 6 0 ° Ol 6 0 0 o 6 o 0 Q 6 O o o G 30) Cumulative Land Reclaimed 6 . 12 18 24 30 Revenues from Waste Received $2,985,049 | $3,039,300 | $3,092,222 | $3,144,695 | $3,179,370 |_ $3,214,515 | $3,249,932 | $3,285,828 | $3,322,010 | $3,358,653 | $3,395,700 | $3,433,156 | $3,471,025 | $3,509,311 | $3,548,020 | $3,587,156 | $3,626,72« | $3,666,728 | $3,707,173 | $3,748,064 | $3,789,407 | $3,831,205 | $75,185,244 Cost of Waste Excavated (increase over 1996) so $0 | _$105,000 | __$105,000 | _$105.000 | _ $105,000 | _ $105,000 | _ $105,000 | _ $105,000 | _ $105,000 | $105,000 | $105,000 | $105,000 | $105.000| $105,000 | $105,000 | $105,000 | $105,000 | $105,000 | _$105,000| _$105,000| $105,000 _ $2,100,000 Cost of Waste Landfilled (increase over 1996) $0 $o so $0 $o $o so $o so $0 $0 $0 $o $0 so $0 x $0 $o so so so so Cost of Waste Shipped (increase over 1996) SO | __ $129,307 | _ $1,013,181 | $1,048,863 | $1,072,441 | _$1,096,340 | $1,120,424 | $1,144,833 | $1,169,437 | $1,194,354 | $1,219,546 | $1,245,016 | $1,270,767 | $1,296,802 | $1,323,124 | $1,349,736 | $1,376,642 | $1,403,845 | $1,431,348 | $1,459,154 | $1,487,267 | $1,515,689 | $25,368,116 [Cost of Ash Landfilled (increase over 1996) $0 ($1,630) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) _($843) ($842) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($843) ($18,487) Cost_of Ash Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 __ $0 ___ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $C $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 [Sale Price of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 so $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 so $0 | $1,200,000 so $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 | $1,200,000 | _ $6,000,000 Capping Cost of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 | _ $300,000 so $0 $0 | _ $300,000 $0 $0 $c | $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 | _ $1,500,000 Closure Cost of Landfill $0 $o so $o $0 $o so so $o so $0 $0 $0 $o $o so sc so $0 so so $0 so [Capital Cost of 3rd Incinerator $0 so $0 $0 $o so so so so so so $o so so $o so sc so $0 $o $o so so Base Line Expense $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | _ $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | ‘$2,200,000 | $2,200,00c | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | $2,200,000 | _ $2,200,000 | $48,400,000 INet Cash Flow $785,049 | _$711,622 | _($225,116)|_($208,325)|_($197,229)|_ $714,018 |_($174,649)|_($163,162)|_($151,584)|__ $760,142 | _($128,003)|_($116,017)|_($103,899)| $808,352 | __($79,261)| __($66,737)| __($54,076)| $858,726 | ($28,332)| __($15,247)| __($2,017)|_ $911,358 | $3,835,614 Net Present Value @12% $1,494,326 ($0) TABLE1S.XLS 306 8/8/97 TABLE 15 PRO FORMA LANDFILL OPERATIONS AND LAND COMMERCIALIZATION OPTION #3A-10YEAR YEAR 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Waste Received, TPY 23,880 24,314 24,738 25,158 25,435 Waste Excavated TPY 0 0 21,000 21,000 21,000 Total Waste Incinerated TPY 22,285 21,198 36,809, 36,809 36,809 Total Waste Landfilled 0 0 o oO oO Waste Shipped TPY 1,595 3,116 8,929) 9,349 9,626) 6,684 6.358 11,040 11,040 11,040 6,684 6,358 7,300) 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 f . F . . . . 0 0 3,740 3,740 3,740 3,740 3,740 3,740) 3,740 3,740 3,740, 3,740 690) 776 863 951 1,039 1,129) 1,219 1,311 1,404 1,497) 48,285) Incinerator Capacity TPY 0 §25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,041 8,735) 8,425 8,112 7,795) 7,475 7,152 6,824 6,494 6,159) 76,737) oO 0 o 6 0 6 oO 6 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 0 oO 0 0 0 0 0 30) 6 12 18 24. 30: Revenues from Waste Received $2,985,049 | $3,039,300 | $3,092,222 | $3,144,695 | $3,179,370 |_ $3,214,515 | $3,249,932 | $3,285,828 | $3,322,010 | $3,358,653 | $3,395,700 | $3,433,156 | $3,471,025 | $3,509,311 | $3,548,020 | $3,587,156 | $3,626,724 | $3,666,728 | $3,707,173 | $3,748,064 | $3,789,407 | $3,831,205 | $75,185,244 Cost of Waste Excavated (increase over 1996) $0 $0 $210,000 $210,000 $210,000 $210,000 | __ $210,000 | _ $210,000 | _$210,000 | __ $210,000 | $210,000 $210,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 | $2,100,000 |Cost of Waste Landfilled (increase over 1996) $0 so $0 so $0 $0 so so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 92 so $0 $o $0 $0 $0 |Cost of Waste Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 $129,307 $623,371 $659,053 $682,631 $706,530 | __ $730,614 | _ $755,023 | __ $779,627 | $804,544 | $829,736 | $855,206 ($39,671)|__($38,041)|__($36,279)|__ ($34,498)| ($32,695) ($30,875)|__($29,034)|_($27.173)|_ ($25,291) ($23,388)! $7,238,697 Cost of Ash Landfilled (increase over 1996) $0 ($1,630) $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $59,955 Cost_of Ash Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 $0 $317,940 $317,940 $317,940 $317,940 | _$317.940 | __ $317,940 | $317,940 | $317,940 | $317,940 | $317,940 $58,681 $66,001 $73,367 $80,815 $88,345 $95,958 | $103,655 | $111,437 | $119,304 $127,259 | __ $4,104,220 Sale Price of Reclaimed Land $0 $o $0 | $1,200,000 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0. so $0 $0 $0 $0 | _ $6,000,000 Capping Cost of Reclaimed Land so $o $0 $300,000 so $300,000 $0 | $300,000 $0 | $300,000 $0 | $300,000 $o $0 $0 $0 30 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 | $1,500,000 Closure Cost of Landfill $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 so ___$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0. sO $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Cost of 3rd Incinerator $6,593,000 _ $6,593,000 Base Line Expense $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | _$2,710,000 | _ $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $59,620,000 Net Cash Flow $275,049 $201,622 | ($7,365,168)| $144,623 | ($744,281) $166,966 | _($721.701)| $189,786 | ($698,636)| $213,090 | ($675,055)| $236,931 $738,936 | $768,273 |_ $797,853 | $827,760 | $857,996 | $888,566 | $919,473 | $950,721 $982,314 | $1,014,255 ($30,629), Net Present Value @12% ($4,420,369) $0 OPTION #3B-20YEAR YEAR 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Waste Received, TPY 23,880 24,314 24,738 25,158 25,435 25,716 25,999 26,287 26,576 26,869 27,166 27,465 27,768 28,074 28,384 28,697 29,014 29,334 29,657 29,985 30,315, 30,650 601,482) Waste Excavated TPY 0 oO 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500, 10,500 10,500 10,509 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 10,500 210,000) Total Waste Incinerated TPY 22,285 21,198 33,439 33,701 33,867 34,036 34,206 34,379 34,552 34,728 34,905, 35,076 35,231 35,386 35,540 35,689 35,827. 35,957 36,080 36,193 36,297. 36,387 744,960} Total Waste Landfilled 0 oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO O oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 2 oO 0 ) 0 0 Waste Shipped TPY 1,595 3,116 1,799) 1,957 2,068 2,180 2,293 2,408 2,524 2.641 2,760 2,890, 3,763 3,189 3,344 3,509 3,683, 3,877 4,078 4,291 4,518 4,762 67,248) Total Ash TPY. 6,684 6,358 10,030 10,108 10,158 10,209 10,260 10,312 10,364 10,416 10,469 10,521 10,567 10,614 10,660 10,704 10,743 10,785 10,822 10,856 10,887 10,914 223,443 Ash Landfilled TPY 6,684 6,358 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300, 7,300) 7,300 7,309 7,300. 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 159,042) |ash Shipped TPY 0 0 2,730 2,808 2,858 2,909 2,960 3,012 3,064 3,116 3,169 3,221 3,267 3,314 3,360 3,404 3,445 3,485, 3,522 3,556 3,587 3,614 64,401 [Remaining Incinerator Capacity TPY 0 525 3,370 3,108 2,942 2,773 2,603 2,430 2,257 2,081 1,904 1,733, 1,578 1,423 1,269 1,120, 982 852 729 616 $12 422 35,228 Land Reclaimed O oO oO oO 0. 6 0 O oO 6 0. 0 0 6 O 0 0 6 0 0 0 6) |Cumulative Land Reclaimed 6 12 18 24 30. Revenues from Waste Received $2,985,049 | $3,039,300 | $3,092,222 | $3,144,695 | $3,179,370 | _ $3,214,515 | $3,249,932 | $3,285,828 | $3,322,010 | $3,358,653 | $3,395,700 | $3,433,156 | $3,471,025 | $3,509,311 | $3,548,020 | $3,587,156 | $3,626,724 | $3,666,728 | $3,707,173 | $3,748,064 | $3,789,407 | $3,831,205 $75,185,244 $o $105,000 $105,000 $105,000 $105,000 | _ $105,000 | __ $105,000 | $105,000} $105,000 | $105,000 | $105,000 $105,000 | $105,000 | __ $105,000 | $105,000 | $195,000 | $105,000 | $105,000 | $105,000 | $105,000 $105,000 | $2,100,000 $0 $0 $o $0 $0 so $0 $0 so $0 $0 sO $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 so so $0 $129,307 $17,332 $30,750 $40,173 $49,724 $59,349 $69,104 $78,937 $88,894 $99,065 | __ $110,035 $184,311 $135,481 $148,695 | __ $162,667 | __$177.764| $193,935 | __ $346,616 | $364,740 | $384,044 $404,793 | $3,275,717 ($1,630) $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 33,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $59,955 Cost of Waste Shipped (increase over 1996) Cost of Ash Landfilled (increase over 1996) 8 |8 |S |S [8 |S |S |S Cost_of Ash Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 $232,019 $238,697 $242,943 $247,246 $251,583 $255,978 $260,409 $264,896 $269,401 $273,750 $277,721 $281,650 $285,582 $289,374 $292,915 $296,224 $299,343 $302,247 $304,889 $307,191 $5,474,057 Sale Price of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 _| $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 _| $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $6,000,000 |Capping Cost of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $0 so $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 so $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $1,500,000 Closure Cost of Landfill $o $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so so $0 $0 $0 so so $0 $0 $o $0 Capital Cost of 3rd Incinerator $6,593,000 $6,593,000 Base Line Expense . $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | _ $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2.710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 $2,710,000 |_ $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $59,620,000 Net Cash Flow $275,049 $201,622 | ($6,568,208) $57,169 $78,175 $999,466 $120,921 $142,667 $164,586 | $1,086,784 $209,155 $231,292 $190,913 | $1,174,100 $295,664 $317,037 $337,965 $282,395 |__ $1,201,143 | $2,562,514 Net Present Value @12% ($2,257,177) TABLE15 XLS 406 ee/97 TABLE 15 PRO FORMA LANDFILL OPERATIONS AND LAND COMMERCIALIZATION __ OPTION #38.1 (Optimized 3.8.) YEAR | 1996 1997 1998 1999 Waste Received, TPY PE 23,880 24,314 24,738 25,158 25,435 25,716 Waste Excavated TPY 2 0 0 12,071 11,652. 11,374 11,093 Total Waste Incinerated TPY 22,285 21,198 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 Total Waste Landfilled 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO 0 QO} oO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Waste Shipped TPY 1,595 3,116 oO oO 0 0 0 oO 0 233 529) 829 1,132 1,438 1,748 2,061 2,377 2,697 3,021 3,348) 3,679) 4,013 31,816) Total Ash TPY 6,684 6,358) 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 Net Present Value @12% ($1,562,529) Ash Landfilled TPY 6,684 6,358 7,300 7,300) 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300, 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300, 7,300 7,300 159,042 Ash Shipped TPY 0 oO 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 74,810 [Remaining Incinerator Capacity TPY oO 525 O oO oO oO 0 0 0 oO 0 0 oO oO oO oO 9 oO 0 oO oO 0) 525) Land Reclaimed 0 0 0 O 0) 6 oO 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 oO 0 6 0} 0 0 6 30) Cumulative Land Reclaimed 6 ‘ 12. 18 24 30 Revenues from Waste Received $2,985,049 | $3,039,300 | $3,092,222 | $3,144,695 | $3,179,370 | __ $3,214,515 | $3,249,932 | $3,285,828 | $3,322,010 | $3,358,653 | $3,395,700 | $3,433,156 | $3,471,025 | $3,509,311 | $3,548,020 | $3,587,156 | $3,626,724 | $3,666,728 | $3,707,173 | $3,748,064 | $3,789,407 | $3,831,205 | $75,185,244 |Cost of Waste Excavated (increase over 1996) $0 $0 $120,714 $116,516 $113,742 $110,930 $108,097 $105,225 $102,331 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 | __ $2,100,004 |Cost of Waste Landfilled (increase over 1996) $0 $0 $0 so so $0 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ss) $0 $0 so $0 $0 $0 |Cost of Waste Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 $129,307 ($135,575)|__($135,575)|__ ($135,575) ($135,575)|__($135,575)| _($135.575)|_($135,575)|_ ($115,789) ($90,597) ($65,127) ($39,376) ($13,341) $12,981 $39,593 $66,493 $93,702 $121,204 $149,010 $177,123 $205,546 ($278,290), Cost of Ash Landfilled (increase over 1996) so ($1,630) $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 ‘$3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,073 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $59,955 |Cost_of Ash Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 $0 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 | $6,358,872 ‘Sale Price of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 $o $0 $0 | $1,200,000 so $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 so $0 | $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 sO $0 | $1,200,000 | __ $6,000,000 Capping Cost of Reclaimed Land so $0 $0 so so $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 so $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 | __ $1,500,000 Closure Cost of Landfill $0 so $o so $o so so $0 $o $0 $0 so $0 $0 $0 $o so $o $0 so $0 so $0 Capital Cost of 3rd Incinerator $6,593,000 us $6,593,000 Base Line Expense $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 |_ $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 $2,710,000 | $59,620,000 INet Cash Flow $275,049 $201,622 | ($6,516,939) $132,731 $170,180 | $1,108,137 $246,388 $285,155 $224,232 | $1,241,693 $353,548 $365,533 $377,651 | $1,289,903 $402,290 $414,813 $427,475 | $1,340,276 $453,219 $466,304 $479,534 | $1,392,909 | $5,231,703 $o __ OPTION #3B.1-COMM'L FINANCING, 10 YR DEBT YEAR 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2003 2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 1,595 3,116) Waste Received, TPY 23,880 24,314 24,738 25,158 25,435 25,716 25,999 26,287 26,576 26,869 27,166 27,465 27,768 28,074 28,384 28,697 29,014 29,334 29,657 29,985 30,315 30,650 601,482) Waste Excavated TPY 0 oO 12,071 11,652 11,374 11,093 10,810, 10,523, 10,233 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173, 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 210,000} Total Waste Incinerated TPY 22,285 21,198 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809) 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809) 36,803 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 779,666) Total Waste Landfilled } oO 0 oO oO 0 0 oO RE | 0) 0 oO 0} oO oO 0} d oO 0 oO oO 0 0) 0 0 0 0 0 oO 0 233 529 829 1,132 1,438 1,748 2,061 2,377 2,697 3,021 3,348 3,679 4,013 31,816) 6,684 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300, 7,300 7,300) 7,300 7,300) 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300) 7,300 7,300, 7,300 7,300 7,300 Remaining Incinerator Capacity TPY } 525 0 O 0 O oO oO 0 0 oO 0 oO O 0 0 0 0 oO 0 0 } Land Reclaimed 0 0 oO 0 oO 6 oO oO 0 6 0 0 oO 6 oO i} 0 6 0 0 oO 6 30) |Cumulative Land Reclaimed 6 12 18 24 30 Revenues from Waste Received $2,985,049 | $3,039,300 | $3,092,222 | $3.144.695 | _ $3,179,370 | __ $3,214,515 | $3,249,932 | $3,285,828 | $3,322,010 | $3,358,653 | $3,395,700 | $3,433,156 | $3,471,025 | $3,509,311 | $3,548,020 | $3,587,156 | $3,626,724 | $3,666,728 | $3,707,173 | $3,748,064 | $3,789,407 $3,831,205 | $75,185,244 Cost of Waste Excavated (increase over 1996) $o $0 $120,714 $116,516 $113,742 $110,930 $108,097 $105,225 $102,331 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 | $2,100,004 [Cost of Waste Landfilled (increase over 1996) __ $0 so so so $0 $0 so so $0 so $o so so $0 $0 $0 So so $0 so $0 so so |Cost of Waste Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 $129,307 ($135,575)| _($135,575)| ($135,575) ($135,575)|_($135,.575)|_ ($135,575)|_ ($135,575)|_ ($115,789) ($90,597) ($65,127) ($39,376) ($13,341) $12,981 $39,593 $86,499 $93,702 $121,204 $149,010 $177,123 $205,546 ($278,290) Cost of Ash Landfilled (increase over 1996) $0 ($1,630) $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $59,955 |Cost_of Ash Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 so $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 | $6,358,872 ‘Sale Price of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $o so __$0 | $1,200,000 $o $o $0 | $1,200,000 $o $0 $0 | $1,200,000 so $0 $0 $1,200,000 | _ $6,000,000 Capping Cost of Reclaimed Land $0 so $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $o $0 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $o $0 $0 $300,000 $1,500,000 Closure Cost of Landfill so $0 $0 $0 $0 $o so $o $0 so $0 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so so $0 $0 Capital Cost of 3rd Incinerator $1,050,042 | $1,050,042 | $1,050,042 | $1,050,042 | $1,050,042 | $1,050,042 | $1,050,042 | $1,050,042 | $1,050,042 | $1,050,042 $10,500,417 Base Line Expense $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 |_$2,710,000 |_$2,710,000 | __ $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2.710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000} $2,710,000 | $59,620,000 INet Cash Flow $275,049 ($848,419) ($973,981)| ($917,311)| ($879,862) $58,095 | ($803,654)| ($764.886)|_($725,810)| $191,651 ($696,494)| $365,533 $377,651 | $1,289,903 $402,290 $414,813 $427,475 | $1,340,276 $453,219 $466,304 $479,534 $1,392,909 $1,324,286 Net Present Value @12% ($2,167,056) ($0) Principal $6,593,000 Annual Paymt to retire principal in 10 years @ 9.5% Int. $1,050,042 a TABLE1S. XLS S0t6 8/8/97 TABLE 15 PRO FORMA LANDFILL OPERATIONS AND LAND COMMERCIALIZATION OPTION #3B.1-TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING (20YR DEBT] YEAR 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 |Waste Received, TPY 23,880 24,314 24,738 25,158 25,435 25,716 25,999 26,287 26,576) 26,869 27,166 27,465 27,768 28,074 28,384 28,697 29,014 29,334 29,657 29,985, 30,315 30,650 601,482 Waste Excavated TPY 0 0 12,071 11,652 11,374 11,093, 10,810. 10,523 10,233 10,173, 10,173, 10,173 10,173, 10,173) 10,173) 10,173, 10,173 10,173 10,173, 10,173 10,173 | 10,173 210,000 Total Waste incinerated TPY 22,285 21,198 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809) 36,809 36,899 36,809 36,809 36,809, 36,809 36,809 779,666) Total Waste Landfilled 0 oO 0 oO 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 oO oO oO oO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Waste Shipped TPY 1,595) 3,116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 233 §29 829 1,132 1,438 1,748 2,061 2,377 2,697 3,021 3,348 3,679 4,013 31,816) Total Ash TPY 6,684 6,358 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 233,853) Ash Landfilled TPY 6,684 6,358 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300, 7,300 7,300) 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300, 7,300) 159,042} [Ash Shipped TPY. oO oO 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3741 3,741 3,741 74,810) [Remaining Incinerator Capacity TPY 0 525 0 0 0 0 oO 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 ° 0 0 0 0 525) Land Reclaimed 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 6 30) |Cumulative Land Reclaimed 6 . 12 18} 24 30) Revenues from Waste Received $2,985,049 | $3,039,300 | $3,092,222 | $3,144,695 |_ $3,179,370 | _$3,214,515 | $3,249,932 | $3,285,828 | $3,322,010 | $3,358,653 | $3,395,700 | $3,433,156 | $3,471,025 | $3,509,311 | $3,548,020 | $3,587,156 | $3,626,724 | $3,666,728 | $3,707,173 | $3,748,064 | $3,789,407 | $3,831,205 |_ $75,185,244 Cost of Waste Excavated (increase over 1996) $o $0 $120,714 $116,516 $113,742 $110,930 $108,097 $105,225 $102,331 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $2,100,004 |Cost of Waste Landfilled (increase over 1996) $o $0 so $0 So $o so $o $0 $0 $0 $o $0 so $0 so $0 so $0 so $0 $o so |Cost of Waste Shipped (increase over 1996) $o $129,307 ($135,575)|__ ($135,575)| ($135,575) ($135,575)| _($135,575)|_ ($135,575)|__($136,575)| ($115,789) ($90,597) ($65,127) ($39,376) ($13,341) $12,981 $39,593 $66,499 $93,702 $121,204 $149,010 $177,123 $205,546 ($278,290) |Cost of Ash Landfilled (increase over 1996) so ($1,630) $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $59,955 |Cost_of Ash Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 $0 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $6,358,872 ‘Sale Price of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 so $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 so $0 | $1,200,000 so $0 $0 _| $1,200,000 so $0 $0} $1,200,000 | __ $6,000,000 |Capping Cost of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 $0 $0 so $300,000 $0 $0 so $300,000 so $0 $0 $300,000 $o $o so $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $1,500,000 Closure Cost of Landfill so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 so $0 so $0 $o so so so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 Capital Cost of 3rd Incinerator $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $598,357 $11,967,138 Base Line Expense $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 $2,710,000 | $59,620,000 Net Cash Flow $275,049 ($396,735)| _ ($522,296)| __ ($465,626)|__ ($428,177) $509,780 | _($351,969)| ($313,202) ($274,.125)| $643,336 | ($244,809)| _($232,824)| __($220,705)| $691,546 | ($196,067)|_($183,543)| _($170,882)| $741,919 | _($145,138)| ($132,053)| ($1 18,823)| $1,392,909 ($142,435) Net Present Value @12% ($860,291) ($0), Principal $6,593,000 Annual Paymt to retire principal in 20 years @ 6.5% Int. $598,357 _ OPTION #3B.1-TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING (10YR _ YEAR 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Waste Received, TPY 23,880 24,314 24,738 25,158 25,435 25,716 25,999 26,287 26,576 26,869 27,166 27,465 27,768 28,074 28,384 28,697 29,014 29,334 29,657 29,985 30,315 30,650 601,482) Waste Excavated TPY oO oO 12,071 11,652 11,374 11,093 10,810 10,523 10,233 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 10,173 210,000) Total Waste Incinerated TPY 22,285 21,198 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809) 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 36,809 779,666) Total Waste Landfilled 0 0 oO O 0 0 0 oO oO oO oO 0 0 oO oO oO 0) oO 0 oO 0) oO 0} Waste Shipped TPY 1,595 3,116 0 O oO } oO oO __0 233 529 829) 1,132, 1,438 | 1,748 2,061 2,377 2,697, 3,021 3,348 3,679) 4,013 31,816) Total Ash TPY. 6,684 6,358 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,04" 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 11,041 233,853) Ash Landfilled TPY 6,684 6,358 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 _7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300) 7,300) 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300, 7,300 7,300 7,300 7,300 159,042 Ash Shipped TPY oO 0 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,74" 3.741 3,741 3,741 3,741 3,741 74,810) [Remaining Incinerator Capacity TPY oO 525 0. 0 oO 0. oO O oO oO O 0 oO oO 0 0. 0. 0 oO 0 0 oO 525 Land Reclaimed oO 0 O oO oO 6 oO 0 oO 6 0 oO oO 6 oO 0 (d 6 0. O 0 6 30 |Cumulative Land Reclaimed 6 12 18 24: 30. Revenues from Waste Received $2,985,049 | $3,039,300 | _ $3,092,222 | $3,144,695 | _ $3,179,370 $3,214,515 | $3,249,932 | $3,285,828 | $3,322,010 | $3,358,653 | $3,395,700 | $3,433,156 | $3,471,025 | $3,509,311 | $3,548,020 | $3,587,156 | $3,626,724 | $3,666,728 | $3,707,173 | $3,748,064 | $3,789,407 | $3,831,205 | $75,185,244 |Cost of Waste Excavated (increase over 1996) $0 $0 $120,714 $116,516 $113,742 $110,930 $108,097 $105,225 $102,331 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $101,727 $2,100,004 [Cost of Waste Landfilled (increase over 1996) $o $0 so $o so so $o $0 $0 $0 so so $0 $o $0 so so so $0 $o so $o so |Cost of Waste Shipped (increase over 1996) $0 $129,307 ($135,575)|__ ($135,575)! ($135,575) ($135,575)|_ ($135,575)|_ ($135,575)|_ ($125.575)|_ ($115,789) ($90,597) ($65,127) ($39,376) ($13,341) $12,981 $39,593 $66,499 $93,702 $121,204 $149,010 $177,123 $205,546 ($278,290)| Cost of Ash Landfilled (increase over 1996) $0 ($1,630) $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $3,079 $59,955 Cost_of Ash Shipped (increase over 1996) so $0 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $317,944 $6,358,872 Sale Price of Reclaimed Land $0 $0 $0 $0 $0| $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $0 so $0 | $1,200,000 $0 $0 $0 | $1,200,000 $6,000,000 Capping Cost of Reclaimed Land so $0 $0 $0 so $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 | __ $1,500,000 [Closure Cost of Landfill $0 $0 so so $0 so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so $o sO so $0 $0 so so $0 $o $o $0 Capital Cost of 3rd Incinerator $917,117 $917,117 $917,117 $917,117 $917,117 $917,117 $917,117 $917,117 $917,117 $917,117 $9,171,172 Base Line Expense $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 |_ $2,710,000 | _ $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $2,710,000 | $59,620,000 INet Cash Flow $275,049 ($715,495)| _ ($841,057)| _ ($784,386)|__ ($746,937) $191,020 | ($670,729)| ($631,962) _($592.885)| $324,575 | _($563,570)| $365,533 $377,651 | $1,289,903 $402,290 $414,813 $427,475 | $1,340,276 $453,219 $466,304 $479,534 | $1,392,909 $2,653,531 Net Present Value @12% ($1,496,473) $0 Principal ‘$6,593,000 Annual Paymt to retire principal in 10 years @ 6.5% Int. $917,117 TABLE1S.XLS 6of6 8/8/97 ANALYSIS OF LANDFILL OPERATIONS AND LAND COMMERCIALIZATION PLUS ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATION AND SALE TABLE 16 i 9/6/97 PAYMENTS [ard INCIN & | i START ELEC CEN | Capital Cost-Elec Gen ($2,600,000) STARTS | i 20Year Pmts-Elec. Gen. ($235,967)| ($235,967): ($235,967)| _($235,967)|_ ($235,967)} ($235,967) ($235,967) ($235,967)' _ ($235,967)| ($235,967)! _($235,967)| __ ($235,967) ($235,957) ($235,967) ($235,967)| _($235,967)|__ ($235,967)| _ ($235,967)| ($4,955,299) Cash Flow, Rate A $276,956: $267,807| $262,955 $257,910 $252,663} $241,531 $235,629 $229,491 $223,107; $216,468 $209,564 $194,915 $187,148 $179,071 $170,670 $161,033] $152,847] $4,442,727 Net Cash Flow, Rate A i $0} __ ($235,967) $40,990! $31,840 $26,989 $21,944 $16,697 $5,565. ($337). ($6,476) ($12,859) ($19,498)| ($26,403) ($41,052) ($48,819) ($56,896) ($65,297) ($74,033)|_($83,119)| ($512,572) (Capital Cost-Elec Gen ($2,600,000) | : i i 20Year Pmts-Elec. Gen. ($235,967)| __ ($235,967) ($235,967)|_($235,967)| ($235,967)! ($235,967) ($235,967) ($235,967)' ($235,967) ($235,967)! ($235,967)| _ ($235,967) ($235,967) ($235,967)'_($235,967)| __($235,967)| ($235,967) ($4,719,333) Cash Flow, Rate B $913,002] $922,114 $931,220 $940,315 $958,451 $067,480 $976,475 $985,428; $994,333/ $1,003,182 $1,020,681! $1,029,315| $1,037,860] $1,046,305} $1,054,642 _$1,062,861| $19,603, Net Cash Flow, Rate B $0; ($235,967) $677,035] $686,147 $695,253 $704,348 $722,485" $731,513’ $740,508) $749,461| $758,366 $767,215 $784,715 $793,348 $801,893 $810,339 $818,676] $1,062,861) $14,884,362] { | 1 Tr Capital Cost-Elec Gen ($2,600,000) i i 20Year Pmts-Elec. Gen. ($235,967) ($235,967)|_($235,967)| ($235,967)! _ ($235,967) ($235,967) ($235,967)'_($235,967)|_ ($235,967)! ($235,967)| ($235,967) ($235,967), ($235,967) _($235,967)| _($235,967)| ($235,967) $0.00 | ($4,719,333) Cash Flow, Rate C { $278,383| $278,927 $279,350 $279,645) $279,823 $279,690 $279,400 $278,942} $278,310 $277,492 $275,266: $273,837 $272,182 $270,201 $268,152| $265,753] $263,080) Net Cash Flow, Rate C tT $0} ($235,967) $42,416 $42,960 $43,383. $43,679 | $43,856) $43,724 $43,433) $42,976 $42,343) $41,526 $39,500 $37,870: $36,216 $34,325 $32,186] $265,753] $807,079 t | Capital Cost-Elec Gen ($2,600,000) i i i | | 20Year Pmts-Elec. Gen. ($235,967)|_($235,967)"_($235,96 ($235,967)| _($235,967)| ($235,967)! _($235,967)| __($235,967)' ($235,967) ($235,967)' _($235,967)| _ ($235,967)| _($235,967)| _ ($235,967) ($235,967), ($235,967), _($235,967)| _ ($235,967)| ($235,967) $0.00 | ($4,719,333) Cash Flow, Rate D $0 $504,576| -$508,41 $512,190| $515,890 $519,513 $523,050 $529,844 $533,087 $536,217 $539,226) $542,108) $544,852 $549,003 $552,171 $554,274 $556,191 $557,912] $559,424] $10,712,779 Net Cash Flow, Rate D $0} ($235,967) $268,609 $276,223| $279,924 $283,546 $287,083} $263,877, $297,120 $300,250 $303,260; $306,141 $308,885 $313,926 $316,204" $318,307 $320,225, $321,945] $559,424] $5,903,446 3 4 5 6 a, 9 10 4 12 13 | 17 18 19 20 [OPTION #3B.1-TAX-EXEMPT FINANCING (20YR DEB | YEAR 1996 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 2003 2007) 2008 2009 2010) 2014) 2015 2016 2017 Rate A | i i Net Cash Flow without $275,049! ($396,735)| ($522,296), ($465,626) ($428,177)| __ $509,780| ($351,969); ($313,202)| _($274,12 ($232,824)|_ ($220,705)} $691,546} _ ($196,067) ($170,882)' $741,919" ($145,138)| ($132,053) ($118,823)| $1,392,909] ($142,435) Power Generation i i i i i Net Cash Flow from $0} ($235,967) $40,090) i $31,840) $26,980) $21,944 $16,697. $11,240) ($6,476) ($12,859)| ($19,498) ($26,403) ($41,052) ($48,819) (656,806) ($65,297) ($74,033)|_($83,119)| ($512,572) Power Generation-Rate A i { | S [ Total Cash Flow - A { arate ($632,701) 6420.12 ($396,337)[ $536,769] ($330,026)} ($296,505) | ($239,299)|_($233,565)} $672,048) ($222,470) ($211,084), $603,101 ($202,084) ($107.450)| _($102,857)| $1,500,700 “($655,008) INPV @12% ($1,000,195) i Total Cash Flow - A ($655,008) iE { = | Rate B i Net Cash Flow without $275,049! ($396,735) ($465,621 ($428,177)| $509,780] ($351,969); ($313,202) ($232,824)| ($220,705); $691,546] ($196,067) ($170,882)' $741,919 ($145,138)| __($132,053)} _($118,623)| $1,392,909] ($142,435) Power Generation i i i i Net Cash Flow from $0} ($235,967) $667,92 $677,035| $686,147 $695,253 $704,348) $740,508 $749,461) $758,366) $767,215 $784,715. $793,348 $801,803 $810,339 $818,676| _$1,062,861| $14,884,362 Power Generation-Rate B t Total Cash Flow - 8 $275,049} ($632,701) 1 $202,29 $248,858| $1,195,927 $343,284 $391,147) ‘$507,684 $528,756) $1,449,012 $571,148 $613,835 $1,505,268 $656,755 $676,286, $690,853| $2,455,770] $14,741,027] INPV $3,217,886 i 1 i Total Cash Flow - B $14,741,927) i | | Rate C t T i Net Cash Flow without $275,049 _($396,735)| __($522,296)' ($465,621 ($428,177)| $509,780] ($351,969)}__($313,202)| ($274,125) ($232,824)| ($220,705)! $601,546) ($196,067) ($170,882)' $741,919) ($145,138)|_($132,053)| _ ($118,823)| $1,392,909 ($142,435) Power Generation i i | Net Cash Flow from $0| ($235,967) $40,990) $42,416 $42,960) $43,383 $43,679) $43,839" $43,433 $42,976. $42,343) $41,526 $39,390 $37,870, $36,216 $34,325 $32,186| $265,753 $807,079 Power Generation-Rate C i i Total Cash Flow - C $275,049] ($632,701 ($385,761)| __ $552,740| ($308,586) _(6260,523)| ($230,286), ($201,086) _($189,301)| ($177,730), $733,680] ($154,541) ($131,562), $779,760, ($108,022) ($97,728) ($86,638)| $1,658,662| $664,643) INPV @12% ($779,882) it | | Total Cash Flow - C $664,643 | iE | Rate D iP i Net Cash Flow without $275,040] _($396,735)| _($522,296)' ($465,621 ($428,177)| __$509,780| _($351,969)} __($313,202)| ($274,125): ($244,809)! ($232,824)|_($220,705)| $691,546] ($196,067)| ($183,543) ($170,882)| $741,919’ ($145,138)| _ ($132,053)| ($118,823)| $1,392,909] ($142,435) Power Generation } i i i i Net Cash Flow from $0} ($235,967) $268,609, $276,223| $279,924 $283,546 $287,083 $207,120 $500,250 $303,260; $306,141 $308,885 $311, $313, $316,204 $316,307 $320,225 $321,945| $559,424] $5,993,446 Power Generation-Rate D i i Total Cash Flow - D $275,049] ($632,701) ($193,171 ($151,954)[ $789,704 ($68,423) ($26,118) $937.213. $52,311 $67,427) $82,554| $997,687 $112,818 $127,040, $143,044 $1,058,104 $173,169 $188,172 $203,122| $1,952,333] $5,851,011 INPV @12% $692,980 | : i | ’ Total Cash Flow - D $5,851,011 as I i i | FILEDAS. D\MPROJECTUUNEAU®PMCPROFORMSB XLS UAST UPDATE: 907 Page 1 Landfilled Area Characteristics In-Place MSW TABLE 17 Channel Landfill Conversion and Closure Requirements Matrix Action required for meeting regulatory requirements Final Closure Stds., Class II LF, including grading, drainage final cover, gas collection and control Sampling and Clean-up Standard Not Achieved Final Cover of 18" 10-5 cm/sec soil, plus 6" veg layer; or Not Applicable alternatively, subgrade soil, layer, gas collection piping Requirement if Cleanup Std. geomembrane, and protective soil Converted/Closed for Surface Uses only Post-Closure Care and Monitoring Required? Converted for Development} with Underground Utilities Remove From SW Facility Inventory? Not suited due to gas generation/collection system requirements Yes, 36 years unless otherwise authorized based on monitoring data Additional 24" or more soil to protect barrier layer No, Deed notation required in perpetuity MSW Excavated and Removed Meet cleanup standards or provide Class II Final Closure Sampling per ADEC agreement. Class II Landfill Final C : Meet agreed cleanup levels poe ane ee Additional 60" soil depth over barrier layer No, Deed notation required in perpetuity Yes, as above unless clean-up levels are achieved Same as Above ut No Limitations, other than foundation conditions and workability of soil material Possible continued groundwater, depending on agreement with | Possible, per ADEC agreement ADEC Yes, 30 years unless otherwise authorized based on monitoring data Additional 60" soil depth over barrier layer No, Deed notation required in perpetuity Provide sampling per ADEC Tested Clean Area agreement, meet applicable As agreed with ADEC Not Applicable No Limitiations (agreed) standards Final Closure, Class II LF or as agreed with ADEC; ("...1 foot of os « Additional 24" or more soil to Ashfill (monofill) clay soil, or.alternate..") per the Boe 2pplcable Pree protect barrier layer current landfill permit Final Cover of 18" 10-5 cm/sec Remediated (PCS) Sample and test; meet soil f : oe soil, plus 6" veg layer; or or x . (Petroleum pollution standards and handle as Clean-up standards in 18AAC alternatively, subgrade soil, Additional 24" or more soil to Contaminated Soil) inert or exempt 78.310 geomembrane, and protective soil layer C and D Waste Inert waste monofill rules unless disposed within boundaries of MSWLF; then closure and monitoring per Class II LF Remove monofilled wastes from Closure as monofill: 24" soil property and reduce contaminants to] graded to drain and revegetated, or} Landclearing Debris Stumps/Logs Exempt from 18 AAC 60 unless mixed with non-exempt waste or causes a public health threat, environmental problem or nuisance Exempt as above Additional 60" soil depth over barrier layer Yes, 30 years unless otherwise | No, Deed notation required in protect barrier layer authorized based on data Only if ADEC observes non- exempt waste, detects evidence of a spill, or contamination of Deed notation may be removed if all waste is removed and concentrations meet AK Additional 12" or more soil to protect cover layer A total of 60" soil depth over Cand D waste AK clea tandard. ed alternate desi eT ELLIE ea ae hg wells or groundwater is evident cleanup standards , : ‘ : A total of 60" workable soil , : i Not Applicabl Not Applicab a A i" e jot Applicable lot Applicable No requirement specified depth for utilities installation Not required Deed notation not required Not Applicable Not Applicable No requirement specified a Not required Deed notation not required depth for utilities installation Asbestos Fill TABLE17.XLS Final Closure, Class II LF or as agreed with ADEC; ("...1 foot of clay soil, or.alternate..") per the current landfill permit Sampling per ADEC agreement. Meet agreed cleanup levels San Closure A total of 60" workable soil depth above cover for utilities installation Additional 24" or more soil to protect barrier layer Deed notation required unless Post Closure Maintenance = certified clean 8/8/97