HomeMy WebLinkAboutBibliography of Existing Reports & Studies; Apendix A-1 1996OCRA/Division of Energy February 1, 1996 Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Appendices Fuel Substitution Assessment - Final Report USKH, Inc. APPENDIX A-1 Bibliography of Existing Reports.and Studies a oc DCRAIDivision of Energy Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Euel Substitution Assessment - BIBLIOGRAPHY March 13, 1996 PUBLICATION 1983 Long Term Energy Plan & Appendix Rural Energy Waste Heat Program: Final Report cf Waste Heat Recovery System Operations for the City of Tanana Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements and Alternatives for Togiak, Goodnews Bay, Scammon Bay and Grayling Rural Energy Construction Program 1982-1983 USKH,., Inc. AUTHOR LOCATION DESCRIPTION CATEGORY RELEVANCE’ Prepared by HARZA- = DOE Library Report primary focus is on oil, gas ALT ENE 1 EBASCO for the ENE 009 v.1 and coal developments. Appendix Department of ENE 009 v.2 H includes supply side and Commerce and demand side conservation Economic Develop- techniques and programs. ment, Division of Energy and Power, 1983 Prepared for the DOE Library Final construction management WH = Alaska Power WAS 029 report for Tanana Waste Heat Administration by System. Includes copies of Polarconsult Alaska, construction management site visit Inc., March 1986 reports from October, 1984 through final inspection in February, 1985. Prepared by Northern DOE Library Includes information on electric ALT ENE 1 Technical Services VIL-N 004 utilities and major facility heat and VanGulik & sources. Estimates future load Associate’s for the growths and compares various Alaska Power alternative energy sources to Authority, 1982 existing fuel oil. Only Grayling used wood for residential heat. Prepared by Crews DOE Library A study of eight communities to WH 1 Macinnes WAS 025 prioritize installation of waste heat Hoffman/VITRO systems. Includes Aniak, Cold Consulting Engineers for the Alaska Power Authority, 1983 Bay, Hooper Bay, Sand Point, St. Mary's, Tanana, Unalakleet and Yakutat. Com-pares waste heat availability to heat demand of major facilities and estimated cost and savings due to waste heat projects. Notes: 1. “Relevance” refers to the relevance of the report to this study. Cu DCRAIDivision of Energy Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Fue! Substitution Assessment - BIBLIOGRAPHY. March 13, 1996 PUBLICATION Alaska’s Public Energy Resources, Distribution of Thermal Energy and Electric Power Energy Resource Consumption Alaska’s Energy Plan 1985, Regional Data Summary: Section 3 of 3 Report and Concept Design, White Mountain Waste Heat Recovery Rural Energy Waste Heat Program. Notes: USKH., Inc AUTHOR LOCATION DESCRIPTION CATEGORY RELEVANCE’ the Alaska Energy low cost ice for fish processing Authority, 1990 plants. Prepared by Rural DOE Library A review of energy resource ALT ENE 1 Research Agency, utilitzation in Alaska. Includes: Alaska State fuel oil, natural gas, coal, hydro- Senate, 1988 electric and thermal energy sources. Methods of allocating benefits of "local" resources throughout the state (i.e., PCE, etc.). Prepared by the DOE Library Provides information on the status ALT ENE 1 Department of ENE 092 of energy programs and infor- Commerce and mation for 23 Alaska regions (equal Economic to U. S. Census Districts). Development, Office Information is presented in 23 of Energy, 1985 tables under 4 headings: Community Profile, Energy Use and Cost, Local Energy Projects, and Useful Energy Data not updated in 1985 plan. Prepared by Frank DOE Library Concept design and cost estimate WH 2 Moolin and for waste heat project in White Associates, Inc. for Mountain. Waste heat system the Alaska Energy proposed to provide heat from Authority, 1991 community owned diesel power plant to elementary and high schools. Prepared by DOE Library Final report for construction WH 1 Polarconsult Alaska, 1. “Relevance” refers to the relevance of the report to this study. management of waste heat system a DCRA/IDivision of Energy Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and ie: PUBLICATION Final Report: Volume 1, Project Summary for the villages of Kiana, Ambler, Shungnak, Savoonga, Elim, Kaltag, Grayling, Good News Bay and Angoon, St. Mary's and Unalakleet Rural Energy Waste Heat Program: Prog- ress Report No. 5. Concept Design and Cost Estimate for Waste Heat Project at Ft. Yukon Koyuk District Heat March 13, 1996 5 Oo USKH., Inc AUTHOR LOCATION DESCRIPTION CATEGORY RELEVANCE' Inc. for the Alaska construction in 11 rural Alaska Power communities. Authority, 1983 Prepared by DOE Library Progress Report No. 5 for WH 1 Polarconsult Alaska, construction management of waste Inc. for the Alaska heat system construction in 11 Power Authority, 1983 rural Alaska communities. Prepared by DOE Library Includes three scenarios to provide WH 1 Fryer/Pressley waste heat from the Native Engineering, Inc. for Corporation owned diesel power the Alaska Energy plant to either the Native Authority, 1990. Corporation buildings, Yukon Flats School District buildings, or State of Alaska facilities. Prepared by DOE Library Concept design and cost estimate WH 1 Report and Concept Polarconsult Alaska, Level Design Inc. for the Alaska Energy Authority, 1990. Notes: 1. “Relevance” refers to the relevance of the report to this study. for waste heat project at Koyuk. Includes concept designs and cost estimates to provide waste heat from the AVEC power plant to either the Yukon-Koyukuk School District complex or the City Water Treatment Plant facility. DCRAJIDivision of Energy Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Euel Substitution Assessment - BIBLIOGRAPHY PUBLICATION Report and Concept Design Lower Kalskag Waste Heat Recovery Yakutat School District Waste Heat System Operation and Maintenance Manual A Solid-Fuel-Fired-Co- Generation System for the Alaskan Yukon Region Estimation of Potential Timber Volume in the Tanana Valley Available for Conversion to Wood Chip Fuel Notes: March 13, 1996 USKH., Inc. AUTHOR LOCATION DESCRIPTION CATEGORY RELEVANCE’ Prepared by Frank DOE Library Concept design and cost estimate WH 1 Moolin and for waste heat project at Lower Associates, Inc., 1991 Kalskag. Includes concept design and cost estimate to provide waste heat from the AVEC power plant to the city pump house, elementary school, city building, clinic/post office, and community center/pre- school. Prepared by Alaska DOE Operation and maintenance WH 1 Energy Authority for Engineering manual for the City and Borough of the City and Office Yakutat School District waste heat Borough of Yakutat, system. 1991 Prepared by Marks TCC Library Concept design and cost estimate WEF 1 Engineering and to provide electricity and waste Mechanical heat from a wood-chip fired, freon Technology vapor organic Rankine cycle Incorporated for turbine generator. Includes estim- Tanana Chiefs ated cost to provide a sustained Conference, Inc. yield harvest and processing of : : between 300 and 600 cords of wood per year to fire the turbine generator. A cooperative TCC Library Report includes information WF 2 research project of the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Institute of Northern 1. “Relevance” refers to the relevance of the report to this study. regarding the availability and delivery cost of timber for energy production in interior Alaska. The study area covers the Tanana River Valley from Dot Lake to Kantishna River. Also includes DCRAIDivision of Energy March 13, 1996 Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and W WY Euel Substitution Assessment - BIBLIOGRAPHY USKH., Inc PUBLICATION AUTHOR LOCATION DESCRIPTION CATEGORY RELEVANCE’ Forestry USDA Forest volumes of various timber species Service, Alaska available on a sustained annual Power Authority yield basis for wood chip fuel in the Department of Delta, Fairbanks and Nenana Commerce and areas, estimated cost and Economic feasibility of harvesting and Development, April delivering wood chips from these 1987 areas to the Delta, Fairbanks and Nenana communities. Cofiring of Wood A report prepared for TCC Library Report includes information on test WF 2 Chips with Coal in the Forest Product burns of various wood types in Interior Alaska Journal, Volume 41, 1984, 1986 and 1987. Wood chips No. 5, Pages 53-56 by were mixed with coal and used at a Sampson, Richman, local steam plant. The report Brewster, Gasbarro, concludes that the cost of 1990 harvesting wood chips would break even with coal at an estimated 30,000 tons of wood chips per year with haul distances less than 60 miles. Rural Energy Prepared for the DOE Library Concept design and cost estimate WH 1 Construction Program Alaska Power for waste heat projects in 42 1984 through 1985 Authority by Raj communities. Bhargava and Associates, April 1985 Reconnaissance Prepared by Holden DOE Library The report summarizes the current ALT ENE 1 Study of Energy and Associates: VIL-HOQ3 energy use patterns for the Requirements and Fryer, Pressley, WHITEc.2 community of White Mountain and Alternatives for White Elliott; JWA suggests alternatives to providing Mountain, Alaska Professional electricity for the future needs of Engineering for the the community. Noies: 1. “Relevance” refers to the relevance of the report to this study. Te DCRAIDivision of Energy Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and March 13, 1996 Requirements and Alternatives for Kaltag, Savoonga, White Mountain and £lim, Draft Pressley, Elliott Engineers: JWA Associates for the Alaska Power Authority, 1981 building thermal energy use and forecast of future space heating requirements. Also includes electric energy consumption projections, information on diesel- electric conversion efficiences, and electric peak demand. A summary of energy resources available for the four communities and their associated estimated costs are Euel Substitution Assessment - BIBLIOGRAPHY USKH,, Inc, PUBLICATION AUTHOR LOCATION DESCRIPTION CATEGORY RELEVANCE' Alaska Power Authority, 1981 Reconnaissance Prepared by DOE Library Report includes energy resource ALT ENE 1 Study of Energy International VIL-ROO4 altematives for 13 western Alaska Requirements and Engineering villages. The study consists of an Alternatives for Company, for the energy balance for 1979, existing Buckland, Alaskak Power power and heating facilities 1980, Chuathbaluk, Crooked Authority, 1981 electric power requirements and Creek, Hughes, space heating requirements Koyukuk, Nicholai, estimated to the year 2000, Red Devil, Russian potential energy and electric power Mission, Sheldon resources, evaluation of electric Point, Sleetmute, power opportunities, and Stony River. Takotna recommendations for development and Telida ' , or future studies. The alternatives selected for evaluation included: diesel, waste heat recovery, binary cycle wood and/or coal fuel, hydroelectric, wind, passive solar, ‘ energy conservation. Reconaissance Study Prepared by Holden DOE Library Report includes an energy balance ALT ENE 1 of Energy Associates: Fryer, VIL-HOO1 for the four communities including Notes: 1. “Relevance” refers to the relevance of the report to this study. bzw DCRAIDivision of Energy Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and March 13, 1996 Fuel Substitution Assessment - BIBLIOGRAPHY _ USKH,, Inc PUBLICATION AUTHOR LOCATION DESCRIPTION CATEGORY RELEVANCE' provided. The overall scope of the report was to find workable solutions to replace or augment the use of diesel fuel for electric generation and space heat. Reconnaissance Prepared for the DOE Library Report provides energy ALT ENE 1 Study of Energy Alaska Power VIL-A002 requirements for 18 existing Requirements and Authority by ACRES, communities and includes energy Alternatives for 1982 balances and energy forecasts. Alatna, Atqasuk, Also included are energy resource Brevig Mission, evaluations, system plan Diomede, Galena, developments, and cost estimates Golovan, Gustavus, and economic evaluations. Karluk, Koyuk, New Chenega, Ruby, St. Michael, Shageluk, Shishmaref. Stebens, Teller, Unalakleet, and Yakutat Reconaissance Study Report prepared by DOE Library Report includes energy reconais- ALT ENE 1 of Energy Northem Technical VIL-NOO1 sance studies of 20 rural Alaska Services and Van Gulik and Associates for the Alaska Power Authority, March 1982 Requirements and Altematives for the Villages of Aniak, Atka, Chifornak, Chignik Lake, Cold Bay, False Pass, Hooper Bay, Ivanoff Bay, Kotluk, Lower and Upper Kalskag, Merkoryuk, Newtok, communitites. Primary objective of the study was to identify existing and future power production needs and investigate potential alternative sources of energy and techno- logies to meet those needs ina least costly manner. Energy alternatives were assessed based on economic comparison with the present power, systems, technical feasibiltiy, social benefits, energy Notes: 4. “Relevance” refers to the relevance of the report to this study. DCRAIDivision of Energy Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and PUBLICATION AUTHOR LOCATION Nightmute, Nikolski, St. George, St. Mary's, St. Paul, Toksook Bay, and Tununak Findings and Alaska Power DOE Library Recommendations: Authority (date WAS019c.2 Feasibility and Design unknown) of Waste Heat Facilities for 11 Alaskan Villages . Use of Wood Prepared by Reid, DOE Library Energy in Remote Collins Alaska Inc. for WOO006c.2 Interior Alaskan the Division of Energy } Communities and Power Development, June 1981 Notes: 1. “Relevance” refers to the relevance of the report to this study. DESCRIPTION CATEGORY resource availability, environmental impacts, and community pref- erence. Emphasis is on the reduction of fossil fuel require- ments for electrical generation and space heating requirements. Alternatives included were energy conservation, diesel power technology, waste heat recovery, hydroelectric, wind energy, geothermal and several other electrical generation options. The report provides summary WH information based on 1982 fuel cost per gallon for the estimated simple payback of waste heat systems in 9 communities based on estimated construction costs totalling $2.2 million. The scope of the report was to WF provide information on workable wood energy demonstration projects for rural Alaska. The report includes wood availability, wood harvesting and management, and estimated transportation costs for interior Alaska communities. Also included are various alternative ways to utilize wood for producing electrical power as well as for producing heat. March 13, 1996 USKH., Inc RELEVANCE’ DCRAIDivision of Energy Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Fuel S itution A - BIBLIOGRAPHY March 13, 1996 PUBLICATION Rural Energy: an Overview of Programs and Policy Information Report No. 7: Wood Chip Combustion in Eastern Canada Alaska's Energy Plan 1985 GW _9 Notes: USKH., Inc. AUTHOR LOCATION DESCRIPTION CATEGORY RELEVANCE' A report prepared by DOE Library Report provides a brief history of ALT ENE 1 the House the introduction of refined Research Agency for petroleum products into rural the Alaska State Alaska, traces the development of Legislature, government energy programs and February 1985 provides alternative plans of action. Prepared for the The report includes information on WF 2 Resource Efficient wood chip combustion systems to Agricultural provide process and space heat for Production-Canada by community facilities in Canada. Flann Consulting Included is a brief case study of a Services, August small wood-chip fired boiler 1994 installed in Armstrong, Ontario in a local school. Prepared by State of |§ DOE Library Executive summary of the Alaska ALT ENE 1 Alaska Department of ENE092 Energy Plan for 1985. Includes Commerce and Economic Development Office of Energy, February 1985 1. “Relevance” refers to the relevance of the report to this study. energy issues and strategies, energy assessment, state energy programs as well as summaries and conclusions. DCRAIDivision of Energy February 1, 1996 Rurai Alaska Heat Conservation and Appendices Fuel Substitution Assessment - Final Report USKH, Inc, APPENDIX A-2 List of Major Buildings by Community DCRA ALT FUEL - City 3/13/96 Facility City Region Facility Name Facility ID Aniak 2 Aniak HS ANI-1 Aniak 2 Auntie Mary Elementary School ANI-2 Chenega Bay 1 Chenega Bay Community School CHE-1 Chuathbaluk 2 Crow Village Sam School CHU-1 Elim 3 Elim Elementary School ELM-1 Elim 3 Elim High School ELM-2 Fort Yukon 3 Fort Yukon Public Water FtY-1 Ft Yukon 3 Ft. Yukon Combined Facility FtY-2 Galena 3 Galena City School Gal-1 Grayling 3 Grayling School Gra-2 Grayling 3 Grayling Water Plant Gra-1 Gustavus 1 Gustavus Fire Hall Gus-1 Gustavus 1 Gustavus Library Gus-2 Haines 1 Klukwan School Hai-1 Holy Cross 3 Holy Cross School HCr-2 Holy Cross 3 Holy Cross Water Facility HCr-1 Huslia 3 Jimmy Huntington School Hus-1 Kaltag 3 Kaltag School Kal-1 Kiana 3 Kiana Elementary KIA-1 Kiana 3 Kiana High School KIA-2 Koyuk 3 Koyuk Elementry School Koy-1 Koyuk 3 Koyuk High School KOY-2 Koyukuk 3 Ella B. Vernetti School KYK-1 Larsen Bay 1 Larson Bay School LBy-1 Lower Kalskag 2 Zackar Levi Elementary LKL-1 McGrath 3 McGrath School McG-2 McGrath 3 City of McGrath Building McG-1 New Stuyahok 2 City of New Stuyahok Water Pump _Stu-! New Stuyahok 2 New Stuyahok Washeteria Stu-2 Nulato 3 Andrew K. Demoski School Nul-1 Pelican 1 Pelican Community Hall Pel-1 Ruby 3 Ruby Washeteria Rub-1 Ruby 3 Merreline A. Kangas School Rub-2 Shungnak 3 Shungnak District Heat System Shu-1 Shungnak 3 Shungnak School Shu-2 Skwentna z Skwentna School Site Skw-1 Sleetmute 2 Sleetmute School SLT-1 Tanana 3 Tanana City School District Tan-1 Tanana 3 Tanana District Heat System TAN-2 Tanana 3 Tanana Village Safe Water Tan-3 Tanana 3 Tanana Jail House Tan-4 Tetlin 3 Tetlin School Tet-1 Tok 3 Tok School Tok-1 Upper Kalskag 2 Gregory Elementary School UKL-1 Yakutat 1 Yakutat High School Yak-1 Yakutat 1 Yakutat Elementary School Yak-3 Yakutat 1 Yakutat High School Shop Yak-2 Yakutat 1 Yakutat Leonard's Landing Lodge YAK-4 Yakutat 1 Yakatat Sitka Sound Seafood YAK-5 DCRA ALT FUEL - Region by Region 3/13/96 Facility ID Region Facility Name Facility City LBy-1 Pel-1 Yak-1 Yak-3 CHE-1 Gus-1 Gus-2 Hai-1 Yak-2 YAK-4 YAK-S ANI-1 ANI-2 CHU-1 LKL-1 SLT-1 UKL-1. Skw-1 Stu-1 Stu-2 ELM-1 ELM-2 Fty-2 Gal-1 Gra-2 HCr-2 Hus-1 Kal-1 Koy-1 KOY-2 KYK-1 McG-2 Nul-l . Rub-I Rub-2 Tan-1 Tet-1 Tok-1 FtY-1 HCr-1 McG-1 Gra-1 KIA-1 KIA-2 Shu-1 Shu-2 TAN-2 Tan-3 Tan-4 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNK Ee ee eee eee Larson Bay School Pelican Community Hall Yakutat High School Yakutat Elementary School Chenega Bay Community School Gustavus Fire Hall Gustavus Library Klukwan School Yakutat High School Shop Yakutat Leonard's Landing Lodge Yakatat Sitka Sound Seafood Aniak HS Auntie Mary Elementary School Crow Village Sam School Zackar Levi Elementary Sleetmute School Gregory Elementary School Skwentna School Site City of New Stuyahok Water Pump New Stuyahok Washeteria Elim Elementary School Elim High School Ft. Yukon Combined Facility Galena City School Grayling School Holy Cross School Jimmy Huntington School Kaltag School Koyuk Elementry School Koyuk High School Ella B. Vernetti School McGrath School Andrew K. Demoski School Ruby Washeteria Merreline A. Kangas School Tanana City School District Tetlin School Tok School Fort Yukon Public Water Holy Cross Water Facility City of McGrath Building Grayling Water Plant Kiana Elementary Kiana High School Shungnak District Heat System Shungnak School Tanana District Heat System Tanana Village Safe Water Tanana Jail House Larsen Bay Pelican Yakutat Yakutat Chenega Bay Gustavus Gustavus Haines Yakutat Yakutat Yakutat Aniak Aniak Chuathbaluk Lower Sleetmute Upper Kalskag Skwentna New Stuyahok New Stuyahok Elim Elim Ft Yukon Galena Grayling Holy Cross Huslia Kaltag Koyuk Koyuk Koyukuk McGrath Nulato Ruby Ruby Tanana Tetlin Tok Fort Yukon Holy Cross McGrath Grayling Kiana Kiana Shungnak Shungnak Tanana Tanana Tanana OCRAIDivision of Energy Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Fuel Substitution Assessment - Final Report APPENDIX B-1 Dot Lake Feasibility Analysis February 1, 1996 Appendices USKH, Inc. SIRES PUP U3 DOE WOOD HEAT SYSTEM COST ESTIMATE & ECONOMIC ANALYSIS NARRATIVE The attached cost estimates are based on construction being performed by local force account labor under the supervision of a contract foreman. All welding and electrical work is estimated based on being performed by a contract welder and electrician. Since site visits have not been made to determine siting issues for wood boiler projects, many assumptions have been made. The following are the key assumptions made: e The wood boiler system selected for this preliminary costing exercise is the GARN Wood Heat Storage (WHS) system. This is a manually fired wood boiler with integral heat storage tank. The GARN #4400 was selected for these estimates. The firing rate of the GARN #4400 is about 1,000 MBH and the unit has a water storage capacity of about 4,400 gallons. A manually fired system with heat storage was selected since there is not adequate infrastructure in rural Alaska communities to cost justify a chipper (approx. $75,000, not including freight). e With the exception of Dot Lake, the assumption was made that a Wood Boiler Module (WBM) would be requried to house the WHS pump(s), and heat exchanger. e AWBM heat exchanger is included to isolate the wood heating system from the existing waste/building heating systems, and to allow the use of plain water in the WHS boiler. (The cost of antifreeze in the wood heat storage tanks would be substantial. Also, the manufacturer recommends against the use of antifreeze and represents that the boilers withstand the stresses of repeated freeze and thaw cycles without damage). e The piping between the wood boilers and the WBM would be insulated and heat traced. No cost of electricity is included in the economic analysis since the assumption is made that the wood boilers will be fired frequently enough to maintain system operating temperatures. e The number of wood boilers per site is based on the requirement that the boilers should not require stoking more frequently than every 8 hours during extreme cold weather, and the assumption that between 80% to 90% of the annual heating fuel requirements would be met. Note: This assumption is used to select the number of boilers and size the heat storage capacity. However, conversely, in the economic analysis, the assumption is used that the boilers would be fired frequently enough so that all heating requirements would be met without the use of oil heat. The annual man-hour cost estimate is based on the estimated time to stoke the wood boiler to meet the entire heat load. e The boilers would be located adjacent to the WBM and insulated on site. A simple wood box would be constructed around the boiler and the annular space filled with insulation. uy The following items are included in the cost estimates: Purchase and installation of approximately 200 lineal feet of pre-insulated arctic piping, Purchase and erection of a pre-fabricated wood boiler module (WBM) with foundation, Purchase and installation of a plate heat exchanger, circulating pump, and miscellaneous piping and appurtenances in the WBM, Connection of the existing waste heat or building heating system to the WBM heat exchanger, Purchase and installation of electrical equipment at the WBM, Freight is estimated based on a flat rate of $.75/pound. Although the wood boilers would most likely be shipped under a volume rate (rather than a $/Ib rate), the flat rate used is representative of the estimated cost of shipping the boilers. Miscellaneous pressure gauges, thermometers, PRVs etc., are included along with an estimate of valves, piping, and fittings required. — ALL COST ESTIMATES NEED TO BE VERIFIED BASED ON ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DESIGN DOCUMENTS. 11/20/95 DOT LAKE STEVE STASSEL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ASSUMPTIONS 1. SEE ATTACHED PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE FOR 2 EACH GARN #4400 WOOD HEAT STORAGE (WHS) BOILERS. 2. DOT LAKE ASSUMPTIONS: e WOOD BOILER MODULE NOT REQUIRED. ASSUME ADEQUATE SPACE AVAILABLE IN DISTRICT HEAT/WATER TREATMENT BOILER MECHANICAL ROOM FOR WOOD BOILER HEAT EXCHANGER AND EQUIPMENT. e INCLUDES 2 EACH 1,000 MMBh GARN BOILERS. e FREIGHT COST BASED ON LAND TRANSPORTATION (TRUCK). PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $96,000 46 12996 Wood-Fired Boiler Simple Economic Analysis uel Oil Data: Approx. Annuai Fuel Cons: Est'd Waste Heat Avail: Net Annuai Fuei Consump: Fuel Energy Content: Cost of Oil Total Annuai Cost of Heat Net Annuai Cost of Oil: Total Annual Energy Use: Net Annuai Oil Energy Use: Oil Boiler Efficiency Net Annuai Oil Boiler Output Heating Degree Days: 97.5% Design Temp: Q peak: 0.6 x Q peak: Q from waste Heat: Wood Boiler Capacity: Max Storage Temp: Min Storage Temp: Delta-T Storeage Capacity: Qty of wood Req'd: Storage Capacity Req'd: Total Btu's Stored: Wood System Operation Number of Boilers: Wood Burner Capacity: Annual Wood Energy Use: Boiler energy input/stoking: # Stokings/year Months/year Manhours/stoking: Manhours/year: Cost of labor ($/hr) Cost of labor ($/hr) Cost per year sai. worker Electric Blower Energy: Fan Runtime: Energy Consumption: Cost of Electricity: Fan Energy Cost: Wood Sys Maintenance Fire brick cost Total O&M Cost Wood Equipment Cost Oil system O&M cost /yr Real Interest rate 15,500 galions 0 gallons 15,500 gallons 134,000 Btu/galion $0.96 $/gallon $14,725 per year $14,725 per year cost of oil used 2,077 MMBtu/year 2,077 MMBtu/yr 13% 1,516 MMBtu/year 14168 F-Days/yr 43°F At OOTLAKE XLS Wood jata: 1 cord = 85 Cubic Ft SWE 1 Cubic Ft SWE 30.5 OD Ibs Average MC 45.0% 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Wood Energy Content: 8250 Btu/ib (OD) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Wood used per year 95 cords 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Wood used per year: 96 (BOT) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Btuw/ib wood @ MC: 45.0% 4.538 green 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Cost of wood: [556] s/cora 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce Cost of wood: $5,199 S$/Year 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Annual Wood Energy Use: 2,022 MMBtu/year Wood Boiler Efficiency 75% Gam Wood Energy Content: 21.39 MMBtu/cord Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 1.85 tons/green cord Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 175 green tons/year Based on HDD and Approx. Annual Fuel Consumption Estimate 80% - 90% of Fuel Oil Saved at 60% of Peak Load From WHU.XLS spreadsheet Net Avg Peak Heat to be Provided by Wood Boiler Assume 200F is maamum Storage water temperature Assume 150F is minimum useable heating temperature Time to lower Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Wood req'd to raise Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF MBh for 8 hrs NOTE: About .15 cords will fit into the fire box based on fire box volume of 38 cu. ft. and cord volume of 4' x 4' x 8 However, per GARN, use 2MMBh fire box input to be conservative x 1000 MBh 2,022 MMBtu/year 2 MMBtu/stoking: PER GARN 1,011 # Stokings/year 9 approx. 0.18 hrs/stoking PER GARN 182 based on manhours/stokingsXstokings/year Present vaiue of costs 20-year 10-year S-year $233,948 $134,137 $ 72,016 $ 225.380 $168.989 $ 133.891 2.5 hrs/firing assume 30 minutes longer than wood takes to burn $131.17 OH Rate 215 $2.661 0.78 HP 1.4 KWhvfiring $0.30 per kWh $425 Year $600 1996 $1,025 1997 1998 $96,000 1999 2000 $1,000 2001 2002: 3% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Wood Equip Cost $96,000 Salaried Costof Wood Sys Cost of oil Worker Bought O&M Cost of Oil System Wood Sys Cost Weed Cost Qil O&M Cost Cost $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $104,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5.199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8.884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 . $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 $2,661 $5,199 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $8,884 YI ‘S96 Wood-Fired Boiler Simple Economic Analysis Euei Oil Data: rox. Annuai Fuel Cons 4 Waste Heat Avail Net Annuai Fuel Consump: Fuel Energy Content Cost of Oil Total Annual Cost of Heat Net Annuai Cost of Oil: Total Annual Energy Use: Net Annuai Oil Energy Use: Oil Boiler Efficiency Net Annuai Oil Boiler Output Heating Degree Days: 97.5% Design Temp: Q peak: 0.6 x Q peak: Q from waste Heat: Wood Boiler Capacity: Max Storage Temp: Min Storage Temp: Delta-T Storeage Capacity: Qty of wood Req'd: Storage Capacity Req'd: Total Btu's Stored: Wood System Operation Number of Boilers: Wood Burner Capacity: Annuai Wood Energy Use: Boiler energy input/stoking: # Stokings/year nths/year nhours/stoking: «anhours/year: Cost of labor ($/hr) Cost of labor ($/hr) Cost per year sal. worker Electne Blower Energy: Fan Runtime: Energy Consumption Cost of Electricity Fan Energy Cost: Wood Sys Maintenance Fire brick cost Total O&M Cost: Wood Equipment Cost Oil system O&M cost /yr Real Interest rate Wi He. 1 cord= ita: 1 Cubic Ft SWE OOTLAKE XLS 85 Cubic Ft SWE 30.5 OD Ibs 15,500 gallons 0 gallons 15,500 gaiions 134,000 Btu/galion $0.95 S/galion $14,725 per year $14,725 per year 2,077 MMBtu/year 2,077 MMBtu/yr 73% 1,516 MMBtu/year 14168 F-Days/yr 43F 660 MBh 396 MBh 0 MBh 396 MBh a83s bE ii 3169 MBh 2 1000 MBh 2,022 MMBtu/year 2 MMBtu/stoking: PER GARN 1.011 # Stokings/year 9 approx. 0.18 hrs/stoking PER GARN Average MC Wood Energy Content: Wood used per year: 95 cords 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Wood used per year: 96 (BOT) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Btu/ib wood @ MC: 45.0% 4538 green 2rds birch & 1/3 spruce Cost of wood: [580] score 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Cost of wood: $7,562 $/Year 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce cost of oil used Annuai Wood Energy Use: 2,022 MMBtu/year Wood Boiler Efficiency Gam Wood Energy Content: 21.39 MMBtu/cord Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 1.85 tons/green cord Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 175 green tons/year Based on HOD and Approx. Annual Fuel Consumption Estimate 80% - 90% of Fuel Oil Saved at 60% of Peak Load From WHU.XLS spreadsheet Net Avg Peak Heat to be Provided by Wood Boiler Assume 200F is maamum Storage water temperature Assume 150F is minimum useable heating temperature Time to lower Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Wood req'd to raise Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF At 396 MBh for 8 hrs NOTE: About .15 cords will fit into the fire box based on fire box volume of 38 cu. ft. and cord volume of 4' x 4' x 8" However, per GARN. use 2MMBh fire box input to be conservative 23rds birch & 13 spruce 8250 Btu/ib (OD) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce 182 based on mannours/stokingsXstokings/year Present vaiue of costs $131.17 OH Rate 20-year 10-year S-year 215 $ 233.948 $134,137 $ 72,016 $2,861 $ 260.535 _ $189.146 $ 144.713 0.75 HP 2.5 hrs/fiing assume 30 minutes longer than wood takes to burn 1.4 KWh/firing $0.30 per kWh Wood Salaried Costof Wood Sys Cost of Oil $425 Equip Worker = Bought O&M Cost of Oil System Wood Sys Year Cost Cost Wood Cost Qil O&M Cost Cost $600 1996 $96,000 $2.661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $107,247 $1,025 1997 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 1998 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 $96,000 1999 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 = $11,247 2000 $2.661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 $1,000 2001 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 2002 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 9 $14,725 = $1,000)» $15,725 = $11,247 3% 2003 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 2004 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 = $11,247 2005 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 2006 $2,661 $7,562, $1,025 $14,725 = $1,000) $15,725 $11,247 2007 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15.725 $11,247 2008 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15.725 $11,247 2009 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 2010 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 2011 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 2012 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 2013 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 2014 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 2015 $2,661 $7,562 $1,025 $14,725 $1,000 $15,725 $11,247 48 DIVISION OF ENERGY WOOD HEAT SYSTEM COST ESTIMATE ooo llllllNeq=>ee_e_e_Geeee Item Estimated Materiai Cost ($) Est Wt. (#) Wood Boiler Module $720 1560 Wood Boiler Module Piping and Equipment $43,189 16786 Arctic Piping $2,750 2250 Electrical $675 250 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS: $47,334 20,846 LABOR HRS $/HR LABOR $ Force Account Labor 140 $23.50 $3,290 (Based on $15.00/hr * 1.55 for OT & Fringe Benefits = $23.50/hr) Contract Labor Foreman @ $50/hr 70 $50 $3,500 Welder @ $45/hr 70 $45 $3,150 Electrician @ $45/hr 20 $45 $900 SUBTOTAL LABOR: $10,840 MISCELLANEOUS UNIT $/UNIT MISC $ Sie. Heavy Equipment Rental 1 lot $1,000 Mob/Demob $2,000 Freight 0.5 20,846 $10,423 T&PD 1 1500 $1,500 (14 Man-Days at $35/hr + 2 round trips) CONSTRUCTION TOTAL : $72,096 Engineering 8% $5,768 Supervision, Inspection & Administration 10% $7,210 Contingencies 15% $10,814 PROJECT TOTAL: $95,888 DOTLKEST.XLS Page 1 11/20/95 UNIT TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITCOST TOTALCOST WEIGHT WEIGHT WOOD BOILER MODULE MATERIALS WOOD BOILER MODULE 8' X 8' MODULE (2"X6" CONSTRUCTION) 0 $8,000.00 $0.00 2500.00 0 6/12 Ventilation air intake 0 $200.00 $0.00 50.00 0 6/12 Galvanized exhaust hood w/ 1/2” galvenized wire mesh 0 $200.00 $0.00 50.00 0 10/12 interior exhaust duct w/1" rigid fiberglass insulation 0 $150.00 $0.00 50.00 0 Exhaust fan 0 $350.00 $0.00 50.00 ) 4x12x12' timber (If) 120 $6.00 $720.00 13.00 1560 W6 x 15, 12 foot long |-beam (Ib) 0 $0.35 $0.00 1.00 0 500 # misc structural steel 0 $0.35 $0.00 1.00 0 4" x 2" x 1/4" SQ. Tube (Ib) 0 $0.35 $0.00 1.00 0 Misc. Hangers, Pipe straps, hrdwr, etc 0 $500.00 $0.00 250.00 0 TOTAL: 320.00... 7560 2" WELD FITTINGS All weld fittings to be domestic steel. Fianges to be minimum 150# class. 2" 90 Deg. Weld Elbow, C.S., L.R. 30 $4.50 $135.00 4.60 138 2" 45 Deg. Weld Elbow, C.S., L.R. 6 $3.50 $21.00 2.40 144 2” 150# Weld Neck Fig., C.S. 22 $10.00 $220.00 8.00 176 2" 150# Slip-on Fig, C.S. 6 $8.00 $48.00 9.00 54 Bolt Set for 2” Fig. 30 $2.50 $75.00 1.00 30 2” Flex-o-taulic Gasket 30 $2.50 $75.00 0.25 7.5 MISC. THREADED FITTINGS 3/4" Close Nipple 20 $1.00 $20.00 0.20 4 3/4" x 1/4" BMI Hex Bushing 10 $0.50 $5.00 0.13 1.25 3/4" Union 2 $2.50 $5.00 0.60 1.2 3/4" x 2" weld-o-let 15 $2.50 $37.50 1.20 18 1/4" x close nipple 8 $0.50 $4.00 0.10 0.8 1/4" street 90 8 $0.50 $4.00 0.10 0.8 PIPE 2" A106B Sch 40 Steel Pipe, Single Random 60 $2.50 $150.00 5.00 300 INSULATION 2" DIAM X 1" thick (LF) Ffibergiass insulation 1 $390.00 $100.00 50.00 50 DOTLKEST.XLS Page 1 11/20/95 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL COST FLEX CONNECTORS All Flex Connectors to be Stainless Steel flexible hose with Stainless Steel outer braid. All flanges to be ANSI B16.5 2" Fixed x Figt. Fig Flex Connector w/150# ANSI Flanges, SST, 36" Live Length MISC. EQUIPMENT Grundfos UMC 50-80, Wet Rotor, In-Line, Single Stage Circulating Pump, 1PH, 120 V. VALVES 2" Butterfly vaive, lug style ductile iron body, minimum 150 psi working pressure, ductile iron disk, stainless steel stem, EPDM seat liner and seat insert “O” ring, Crane Monarch Butterfly Vaive No. 23, or equal. 3/4" Ball Valve, threaded ends, minimum 150 psi working pressure, chrome plated brass ball and bronze body, PTFE packing and seat ring, adjustable packing, Crane Capri Ball Valve 9302. or equal. 3/4" Boiler Drain Valve, 3/4" MPT x 3/4" Male hose thread, minimum 150 psi working pressure, bronze body, adjustable packing, or equal. MISC. VALVES AND GAUGES 100 PSI Pressure relief vaive 3/4" Air Vent (Maid-o-Mist #75, or equal) Dial thermometer with brass well (20F to 240F) Pressure gauge, 1/4" mpt (0 to 60 psi) MISC. EQUIPMENT GARN #4400 WOOD BOILER (1,000 MBH BURNER W/ APPROX. 4400 GAL'S STORAGE) Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger (SOOMBh) Escutcheon Plate 2” diameter Unit Heater for Module Line voltage T-stat for Unit Heater Insulation DOTLKEST.XLS Page 2 4 1 10 10 ed UNIT TOTAL WEIGHT WEIGH $75.00 $300.00 40.00 $500.00 $500.00 60.00 $75.00 $750.00 15.00 $8.00 $80.00 2.00 $4.00 $24.00 1.00 $50.00 $200.00 2.50 $25.00 $150.00 1.00 $100.00 $400.00 1.50 $25.00 $100.00 1.00 $17,500.00 $35,000.00 7500.00 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 500.00 $15.00 $30.00 9.00 $300.00 $0.00 75.00 $50.00 $5.00 9.00 $250.00 $250.00 50.00 11/20/95 160 60 150 20 -aMDo 15000 500 ) UNIT TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITCOST TOTAL COST WEIGHT WEIGHT ARCTIC PIPING Arctic pipe 200 If with fittings and insulation 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 2000.00 2000 Misc 1 $250.00 $250.00 250.00 250 TOTAL: SE15000k Fla eee ELECTRICAL WOOD BOILER MODULE Service Entrance Equipment 0 $150.00 $0.00 50.00 0 Load Center, 50 Amp 0 $150.00 $0.00 25.00 0 1PH, 120V motor starter w/Thermal Overload Units 1 $150.00 $150.00 25.00 25 Light, 1PH, 120V 0 $50.00 $0.00 25.00 0 1/2" EMT conduit 0.5 $300.00 $150.00 300.00 150 1/2" conduit fittings 0.5 $250.00 $125.00 50.00 25 Misc Elect 0.25 $1,000.00 $250.00 200.00 50 TOTAL: se7s0g] sd SSC 52 DOTLKEST.XLS Page 3 11/20/95 11/16/95 e@ poriinn@ee e 1 STE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. DOE WOODHEAT PRELIMINARY DESIGN CALCULATIONS Beuce sasssex ss22ss05 senses sscsssss= THIS SPREADSHEET CALCULATES THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF WASTE HEAT ation’ Dot Lake AVAILABLE BASED ON THE EXISTING WASTE HEAT SYSTEM 8 11/15/95 PROGRAM RESULTS tual O&M cost O $/year { = == sessssss =: =] it Estimate o$ [ Savings, year 0, gallons ] heat value: ) 34000 Btu/gall ! 4 cost a> 4 Sigalion [10 year B/C ratio: ] ‘cost escal a O year ] wer increase O /year ] count rate O /year [ ] NERATOR DATA: LTA 10 @ 1200 RPM, 135 KW SYSTEM LOSS DATA: at rate at kw-load above: oO O Btukkwh Constant losses: at rate at kw-load above: xs O Btukwh Plant piping: O Btu/nr. at rate at kw-load above: 70 O Btukkwh Arctic piping O Btu. ICM to all bidgs at rate at kw-load above: 105 0 Btukkwh set nL Preheat: O Btu. at rate at kw-load above: 140 O Btukwh con: : ; at rate at kw-load above: 175 O BtusAwh at rate at kw-load above: 210 O Btukkwh Variable losses: at rate at kw-load above: 245 O Btukkwh Exterior Arctic piping O Btufir.xF — Plant and Secondary piping ‘at rate at kw-load above: 280 O Btuhkkwh Plant heating: O Btu/r.xF = Butler Bldg (AVG) vat rate at kw-load above: 3x15 O Btu/kkwh Radiator losses: O Btu. xF vat rate at kw-load above: 350 0 Btukwh ENERATION DATA PCE FY93 WEATHER DATA: vi/month: HDD/Month: FAIRBANKS nuary oO 2319 bruary oO 1907 wch oO 1736 wil oO 1083 ay oO S46 ne oO 193 ly oO 149 igust oO 296 yptember 0 612 october 0 1163 vember 0 1857 acember oO 2297 Ce38 Ge 11/16/95 DOTLK'’ LS -DING DATA: use, Non- Boiler ins Seasonal Seasonal Efficiency Building in use, 1=yes, O=no OPER January February March April May June July August September October November December HOD ?/DH 15500 oO 73% 1 1 1 1 1 oO oO 0 1 1 1 1 9 13521 1 oO Oo 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 14159 12 oO oO 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14159 13 oO oO 73% 1 4 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14189 14 Oo oO 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14159 is oO oO 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 12 14159 a6 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14189 a7 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14159 a8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14159 a9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14159 LDING HEAT DEMAND VARIATION: ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION VARIATION: inter Summer Hour. January February March April May June July August September October November December 0.049 0.049 1 0.038 o.c3s 0.038 0.038 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.038 0038 004 0048 2 0.036 0.036 0036 0036 0.037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0.036 0036 004 0046 3 0.034 0034 0034 0034 003s 0.03s 003s 0035 003s 003s 0034 0.034 0044 0.044 4 0.034 0034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0034 0.034 0034 0034 0.034 0034 0034 0.043 0046 Ss 0.033 0033 o0as3 oas3 0034 0.034 0.034 0034 0034 0034 oos3 0033 0041 0.041 6 0.034 0.034 0034 0034 0037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0034 0034 0.040 0.040 7 0038 ooss 0.038 0038 0037 0.037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0038 0038 003s 0039 8 0042 0.042 0042 0042 oases 0.039 oass oass 0.03 ooss 0042 0042 0038) =60.038 9 0042 0042 0042 0042 0043 0043 0043 0043 0043 0043 0.042 0042 0038 =0038 10 0.047 0047 0047 0047 0046 0.046 003 0046 0046 0046 0047 0047 0037 0.037 1 0.048 0048 0048 0048 oass 0.039 oass oase oa oase 0048 0048 0037— «0.037 12 0047 0.047 0047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0047 0047 0.047 0047 0047 0047 0037): 0.087 13 0.045 0.045 0045 0045 0048 0048 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0045 0045 0037 =S—«0.037 14 0.047 0.047 0047 0.047 0.049 0.049 0049 0040 004% 004 0047 0047 0037 0.037 15 0.048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0048 003s = 00c8 16 0.048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0.048 0048 0.048 0.048 0048 0048 0048 oases) = 0.as89 17 0049 004 0049 0049 0.044 0044 0.044 0044 0044 0044 0049 0049 0040 0040 18 0046 0046 0046 0046 0047 0.047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0046 0046 0041 0041 19 0043 0043 0043 0043 0046 0.046 0.046 0046 0046 0046 0043 0043 004 004 20 0.038 0038 0.038 0.038 0042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0042 0.042 0038 0038 0044 0044 21 0.038 0.038 0038 0038 0040 0.040 0040 0040 0040 0040 0.038 0038 0046 8 0046 22 0041 0041 0041 0041 0038 0.0390 oose oose 0.038 oases 0.041 0041 004 0048 23 0044 0044 0044 0044 0.040 0.040 0040 0040 0.040 0040 0044 0044 0049 0049 24 0.040 0.040 0040 0040 0041 0041 0041 0041 0041 0041 0040 0040 Days: ny 2 ov 30 3 30 31 ov 9% nv 30 wo HOD: 2319 1907 1736 1083 S46 193 14 296 612 1163 18S7 2297 14158 HDD kwh: oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO O kWh AvKW oO oO 0 0 oO 0 0 0 oO oO 0 0 O avgimo wer year factor 1 Building heat-use per month, MBH (Boller Output) ‘ar no. oO 260047) 213846 =: 194671 121445 61227 oO Oo °o 68628 130416 208239 =. 257580) 1516098 yasonal consumption, gis. 15800 oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO m-seasonal consump. .gis.: Oo Oo oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 ompound boiler efficiency: 073 oO 0 Oo oO 0 oO oO oO oO 0 oO 0 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO Oo oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 0 0 0 oO oO 0 oO oO 0 oO 0 fe) 0 Oo oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO Oo oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO oO o Oo 0 oO oO oO oO oO 0 0 oO 0 oO 0 VU) 260047 213846 194671 121445 61227 oO 0 0 68628 130416 208239 257580 =15160968 ed Total Boiler Intput (Galémo): 2658 2186 1990 1242 626 oO 0 oO 702 1333 2129 2633[" 15499 _]Galions 11/16/95 DOTLKW (Ls e3 Waste Heat available per hour by month, MBH (after subtracting System Losses from page 1) January February March April May June July > é a 2 z a g g g g i g z g g BBRBOBIBARGA2Soervonaon= 24 ec seccc00c0cCcCcCcCCC000000C000 er ceccoococccocCcCCC000cCoGeoo O MBH O]Gations ecoreescecco0c00ccoCCCCC00c00000 eorceccoccccc0cCoCoCCCCCoCCSoSco cor ececoccocococcoCoCCCC0000000 eorrcc000cc00000000000000000 cor ececcc00c0000000000000000 oor cecccoccocococcCocCocoo09Ccooooo cor ecececcococccocccccoo0cCcoCcocoo ooo co0ccccoCcocococoC9C000000000 eoeceeccccc00c0Cc0C000000000Coo eoeeseccocoocccccococoooCCceoo Equivaient Boiler Input (Galimo): ° °o Average Heat demand per hour by month, MBH (total for all Bldgs) January February March April 5 < June July August Septembe October November December 1 414 377 no 200 98 0 oO oO 113 208 343 410 2 1 sS 300 194 94 oO oO oO 109 201 332 x27 3 386 Ss 289 186 91 oO oO oO 105 194 319 382 4 372 338 278 179 87 oO oO oO 101 186 307 368 Ss 39 327 269 173 8S oO 0 oO 98 180 297 356 6 M7 316 260 168 82 oO oO oO $= 5) 174 287 344 7 336 306 22 162 79 oO Oo oO 92 169 278 333 ¥ 8 327 298 245 158 7 oO 0 oO 89 164 271 324 9 320 21 29 154 7S oO 0 0 87 160 264 317 10 x9 290 23 154 7S 0 0 oO 87 160 264 316 11 310 263 232 150 73 oO oO oO 8S 156 27 307 12 308 280 230 149 72 oO 0 oO 84 154 25 i 05) 13 308 280 230 149 72 oO oO oO 84 154 a5 305 14 v0 283 232 150 73 oO oO oO 8s 156 27 307 1S 310 283 232 150 73 oO 0 oO 8S 156 27 307 16 320 21 239 154 7S oO 0 oO 87 160 264 317 17 327 298 24 158 77 oO 0 Oo 89 164 271 324 18 36 306 252 162 79 Oo 0 0 92 169 278 333 19 M47 v6 260 168 82 oO fe) oO $2 5) 174 287 344 2 xe 327 269 173 8s Oo Oo oO 98 180 297 356 21 372 338 278 179 87 oO 0 Oo 101 186 307 368 22 386 1 289 186 91 0 0 oO 105 194 v9 382 23 400 364 300 193 94 0 oO oO 109 201 331 396 24 414 377 310 200 98 0 oO oO 113 208 343 410 260073 213867 194630 121457 61233 oO oO oO 68635 130429 208260 257605 = 1516249 MBH Total Boiler Intput {(Galimo): 2659 2186 1990 1242 626 0 oO 0 702 1333 2129 2633[ 15600)Gations Nn Nn je 4 XLS DOTLK’* 11/16/9* Waste Heat delivered per hour by month, MBH (totai sor all Bldgs) gooococooooaeoooooecoCoCN©® é Boooocooo9eecoCoCCSCOCSCN0S° eocecoococcoCCCCOCOCCSCOOCOODDS SO coecccoccoCCCCCOCOCCOCOCSCOCOODYS DO ccoccoeDeeCOCDOOCOOCOOCOCOCOODYS? August Septembe October Novem cecocccccCCcCCCCOCOCCOCOODN00S July ecococoeecoCCOOCOCCOOCOD0P OP June ecooccccccccCCCCCCOCOCOCCOCOD DP May cooccocccceccOCOCCOCCOOCOCODY Oe Aprit ecococceoccescecosccoCoCCCCOD00SO March ecoococc0c0c0eRDC0CCCCCC0000099° coc0ccc000C0eReCCCOCCCOOCOCOODS OS January February TNO CMON OAIHAO TOOT PARANA Equivalent Waste Heat Delivered (Galimo): ao oo eo ©o no oo no ear O fuel aving, gals. uslsave: oo oo00g co e908 co ooog coo coog oo ooog co 090g co 000g oo ooog oo ooog oo 000g oo ooog Re so oo ooog @o oa ooceg oeog o°ceg DCRA/Division of Energy February 1, 1996 Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Appendices Fuel Substitution Assessment - Final Report USKH, Inc. APPENDIX B-2 Elim Feasibility Analysis S7 11/20/95 ELIM STEVE STASSEL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ASSUMPTIONS 1. SEE ATTACHED PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE FOR 2 EACH GARN #4400 WOOD HEAT STORAGE (WHS) BOILERS. 2. ELIM ASSUMPTIONS: e WOOD BOILER MODULE COST INCLUDED. NOTE: ADEQUATE SPACE PROBABLY AVAILABLE IN EXISTING WASTE HEAT MODULE FOR WOOD BOILER HEAT EXCHANGER AND EQUIPMENT. e INCLUDES 2 EACH 1,000 MMBh GARN BOILERS. PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $133,500 S8 12396 CON ALS Wood-Fired Boiler Simple Economic Analysis Wood Heat Data: 1 cord = 85 Cubic Ft SWE vei Oil Data 1 Cubic Ft SWE 30.5 OD Ibs Average MC 45.0% 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Approx. Annuai Fuel Cons 28,000 gallons Wood Energy Content 8250 Btuw/ib (OD) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Est'd Waste Heat Avail: 8000 gallons Wood used per year: 122 cords 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annual Fuel Consump: 20,000 gations from BSSO Wood used per year: 124 (BOT) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Fuel Energy Content: 134,000 Btu/gaiion Btw/Ib wood @ MC 45.0% 4.538 green 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce Cost of Oil $1.05 Sigallon from BSSD Cost of wood: [L885] sicord §=— 2rd birch & 1/3 spruce Total Annuai Cost of Heat $29,400 per year inci's WH Cost of wood: $10,367 $/Year 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annuai Cost of Oil: $21,000 per year cost of oil used Total Annual Energy Use: 3,752 MMBtu/year Annual Wood Energy Use: 2,609 MMBtu/year Net Annuai Oil Energy Use: 2.680 MMBtu/yr net of WH Wood Boiler Efficiency 75% Gam Oil Boiler Efficiency 73% Wood Energy Content: 21.39 MMBtu/cord Net Annual Oil Boiler Output 1,956 MMBtu/year Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 1.85 tons/green cord Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 226 green tons/year Heating Degree Days: 14086 F-Days/yr 97.5% Design Temp 35 F Q peak: 1110 MBh Based on HDD and Approx. Annual Fuel Consumption 0.6 x Q peak: 666 MBh Estimate 80% - 90% of Fuel Oil Saved at 60% of Peak Load Q from waste Heat: 160 MBh From WHU.XLS spreadsheet Wood Boiler Capacity: 516 MBh Net Avg Peak Heat to be Provided by Wood Boiler Max Storage Temp: 200 F Assume 200F is maamum Storage water temperature Min Storage Temp: 150 F Assume 150F is minimum useable heating temperature Oelta-T 50 F Storeage Capacity: 8 Hrs Time to lower Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Qty of wood Req'd: 0.26 cords Wood req'd to raise Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Storage Capacity Req'd: 9898 Gals At $16 MBh for & hrs Total Btu's Stored: 4127 MBh NOTE: About .16 cords will fit into the fire box based on fire box volume of 38 cu. ft. and cord volume of 4" x 4’ x 8° Wood System Operation However, per GARN, use 2MMBh fire box input to be conservative Number of Boilers: 2 Wood Burner Capacity: 1000 MBh Boiler Output Annuai Wood Energy Use: 2,609 MMBtu/year $10.73 $/MMBtu Boiler energy input/stoking: 2 MMBtu/stoking: PER GARN $5.30 $/MMBtu # Stokings/year 1,304 # Stokings/year Months/year 9 approx. Manhours/stoking: 0.18 hrs/stoking PER GARN Manhours/year: 235 based on manhours/stokingsXstokings/year Present vaiue of costs Cost of labor ($/hr) $13 1.17 OH Rate 20-year 1Q-year S-year Cost of labor ($/hr) $15 $327,304 $187,664 $100,754 Cost per year sai. worker $3.433 $354,722 $258.682 $ 198.907 Electnc Blower Energy: 0.75 HP Fan Runtime. 2.5 hrs/firing assume 30 minutes longer than wood takes to burn Energy Consumption: 1.4 kWh/firing Cost of Electneity: $0.40 per kWh Wood Salaried Costof Wood Sys Cost of Oil Fan Energy Cost: $731 Equip Worker Bought O&M Cost of Oil System Wood Sys Wood Sys Maintenance Year Cost Cost Weed Cost Qil O&M Cost Cost Fire bnck cost $600 1996 $133,500 $3.433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $148.631 Total O&M Cost: $1,331 1997 $3,433 $10,367 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 = $15,131 1998 $3,433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 Wood Equipment Cost $133,500 1999 $3,433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 = $15,131 2000 $3,433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 Oil system O&M cost /yr $1,000 2001 $3,433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 = $15,131 2002 $3,433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 Real Interest rate 3% 2003 $3,433 $10,367 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 2004 $3,433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 = $15,131 2005 $3,433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 2006 $3,433 $10,367 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 2007 $3,433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 2008 $3,433 $10,367, $1,331 = $21,000 = $1,000 = $22,000 $15,131 2009 $3,433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 2010 $3,433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 2011 $3,433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 2012 $3.433 $10,367 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 2013 $3,433 $10,367 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 2014 $3,433 $10,367 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $15,131 2015 $3,433 $10,367 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 = $15,131 on ‘RONG ELIMECON XLS Wood-Fired Boiler Simpie Economic Analysis Wood Heat Data: 1 cord = 85 Cubic Ft SWE uel Oil Data: 1 Cubic Ft SWE 30.5 OD Ibs Average MC 45.0% 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce o*. Annuai Fuei Cons: 28,000 gallons Wood Energy Content 8250 Btu/ib (OD) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce 4 Waste Heat Avail 8000 galions Wood used per year: 122 cords 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annuai Fuei Consump. 20,000 gallons from BSSD Wood used per year: 124 (BOT) 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce Fuel Energy Content: 134,000 Btu/gailon Btu/lb wood @ MC: 45.0% 4538 green 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Cost of Oil $1.06 $igallon from BSSD Cost of wood: [L800] sicora © 2/Srds birch & 1/3 spruce Total Annuai Cost of Heat $29,400 per year inct's WH Cost of wood: $12,196 $/Year 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annuai Cost of Oil: $21,000 per year cost of oil used Total Annual Energy Use: 3,752 MMBtu/year Annuai Wood Energy Use: 2,609 MMBtu/year Net Annual Oil Energy Use: 2,680 MMBtu/yr net of WH Wood Boiler Efficiency 75% Gam Oil Boiler Efficiency 73% Wood Energy Content: 21.39 MMBtu/cord Net Annuai Oil Boiler Output 1,956 MMBtu/year Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 1.85 tons/green cord Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 226 green tons/year Heating Degree Days: 14086 F-Days/yr 97.5% Design Temp: 385 F Q peak: 1110 MBh Based on HDD and Approx. Annual Fuel Consumption 0.6 x Q peak: 666 MBh Estimate 80% - 90% of Fuei Oil Saved at 60% of Peak Load Q from waste Heat: 150 MBh From WHU.XLS spreadsheet Wood Boiler Capacity: 516 MBh Net Avg Peak Heat to be Provided by Wood Boiler Max Storage Temp: 200 F Assume 200F is maamum Storage water temperature Min Storage Temp: 150 F Assume 150F is minimum useable heating temperature Oetta-T SOF Storeage Capacity: 8 Hrs Time to lower Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Qty of wood Req'd: 0.26 cords Wood req'd to raise Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Storage Capacity Req'd: 9898 Gais At 516 MBh for 8 hrs Total Btu's Stored: 4127 MBh NOTE: About .15 cords will fit into the fire box based on fire box volume of 38 cu. ft. and cord volume of 4° x 4’ x 8° Wood System Operation However, per GARN, use 2MMBh fire box input to be conservative Number of Boilers: 2 Wood Burner Capacity: 1000 MBh Annuai Wood Energy Use: 2,609 MMBtu/year Boiler energy input/stoking: 2 MMBtu/stoking: PER GARN # Stolonga/year 1.3204 # Stokings/year wths/year 9 approx. yhours/stoking: 0.18 hrs/stoking PER GARN Manhours/year: 235 based on manhours/stokingsXstokings/year Present value of costs Cost of labor ($/hr) $13 VAT OH Rate 2Qveer 10-year S-year Cost of labor ($/hr) $15 $327,304 $187.664 $ 100.754 Cost per year sai. worker $3.433 d $381,939 $274.287 _$ 207.285 Electne Blower Energy: 0.75 HP Fan Runtime: 2.8 hrsffiring assume 30 minutes longer than wood takes to burn Energy Consumption: 1.4 KWinfiring Cost of Electneity: $0.40 per kWh Wood Salaried Costof Wood Sys Cost of Ol Fan Energy Cost: $731 Equip Worker Bought O&M Cost of Oil System Wood Sys Wood Sys Maintenance Year Cost Cost Weed Cost Qil O&M Cost Cost Fire brick cost $600 1996 $133.500 $3,433 $12,196 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $150.460 Total O&M Cost: $1,331 1997 $3,433 $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 1998 $3,433) $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 Wood Equipment Cost $133,500 1999 $3,433) $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 2000 $3,433) $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 Oil system O&M cost /yr $1,000 2001 $3,433 $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 2002 $3,433 $12,196 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 Real Interest rate ™% 2003 $3,433 $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 2004 $3,433 $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 2005 $3,433 $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 2006 $3,433 $12,196 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 2007 $3,433 $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 2008 $3,433 $12,196 $1,331 = $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 2009 $3,433 $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,360 2010 $3,433 $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 2011 $3,433 $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 2012 $3,433 $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22.000 $16,960 2013 $3,433 $12,196 $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 2014 $3,433 $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 2015 $3,433 $12,196 = $1,331 $21,000 $1,000 $22,000 $16,960 bd DIVISION OF ENERGY WOOD HEAT SYSTEM COST ESTIMATE rr el Item Estimated Material Cost ($) Est Wt. (#) Wood Boiler Module $10,568 5790 Wood Boiler Module Piping and Equipment $43,519 16888 Arctic Piping $2,750 2250 Electrical $2,050 675 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS: $58,887 25,603 LABOR HRS $/HR LABOR $ aoaaoauquwanumoaoe eee eee Force Account Labor 250 $23.50 $5,875 (Based on $15.00/hr * 1.55 for OT & Fringe Benefits = $23.50/hr) Contract Labor Foreman @ $50/hr 100 $50 $5,000 Weider @ $45/hr 90 $45 $4,050 Electrician @ $45/hr 40 $45 $1,800 SUBTOTAL LABOR: $16,725 MISCELLANEOUS UNIT $/UNIT MISC $ eeaaaaaaaSa=—=—a—0—0—0—0—0—0—0—0.0N0NN sso Heavy Equipment Rental 1 lot $1,500 Mob/Demob $3,000 Freight 0.75 25,603 $19,202 T&PD 1 2500 $2,500 (20 Man-Days at $35/hr + 2 round trips) CONSTRUCTION TOTAL : $100,314 Engineering 8% $8,025 Supervision, inspection & Administration 10% $10,031 Contingencies 15% $15,047 [PROJECT TOTAL: $133,417 bl ELIMEST.XLS Page 1 11/20/95 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITCOST TOTAL COST WEIGHT UNIT TOTAL WEIGHT WOOD BOILER MODULE MATERIALS WOOD BOILER MODULE 8' X 8' MODULE (2"X6" CONSTRUCTION) 6/12 Ventilation air intake 6/12 Galvanized exhaust hood w/ 1/2" gaivenized wire mesh 10/12 interior exhaust duct w/1" rigid fiberglass insulation Exhaust fan 4x12x12' timber (If) W6 x 15, 12 foot long |-beam (Ib) 500 # misc structural steel 4" x 2" x 1/4" SQ. Tube (Ib) Misc. Hangers, Pipe straps, hrdwr, etc 2" WELD FITTINGS All weld fittings to be domestic steel. Flanges to be minimum 150# class. 2" 90 Deg. Weld Elbow, C.S., L.R. 2" 45 Deg.-Weld Elbow, C.S., L.R. 2” 150# Weld Neck Fig., C.S. 2" 150# Slip-on Fig, C.S. Bolt Set for 2" Fig. 2" Flex-o-taulic Gasket MISC. THREADED FITTINGS 3/4" Close Nipple 3/4" x 1/4" BMI Hex Bushing 3/4" Union 3/4" x 2" weld-o-let 1/4" x close nipple 1/4" street 90 PIPE 2" A106B Sch 40 Steel Pipe, Single Random INSULATION 2" DIAM X 1" thick (LF) Ffibergiass insulation ELIMEST.XLS 1 1 120 600 500 Page 1 180 1 30 30 30 20 10 15 60 $8,000.00 $200.00 $200.00 $150.00 $350.00 $6.00 $0.35 $0.35 $0.35 $500.00 $8,000.00 $200.00 $200.00 $150.00 $350.00 $720.00 $210.00 $175.00 $63.00 $500.00 2500.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 13.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 250.00 TOTAL: $10,568.00) SC* $4.50 $3.50 $10.00 $8.00 $2.50 $2.50 $1.00 $0.50 $2.50 $2.50 $0.50 $0.50 $2.50 $300.00 $135.00 $21.00 $220.00 $48.00 $75.00 $75.00 $20.00 $5.00 $5.00 $37.50 $4.00 $4.00 $150.00 $100.00 4.60 2.40 8.00 9.00 1.00 0.25 0.20 0.13 0.60 1.20 0.10 0.10 5.00 50.00 &2 11/20/95 2500 50 50 50 50 1560 600 $00 180 250 $790) 138 14.4 176 30 7.5 1.25 1.2 18 0.8 0.8 300 50 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL COST WEIGHT FLEX CONNECTORS All Flex Connectors to be Stainless Steel flexible hose with Stainless Steel outer braid. All flanges to be ANSI B16.5 2" Fixed x Figt. Fig Flex Connector w/150# ANSI Flanges. SST, 36" Live Length MISC. EQUIPMENT Grundfos UMC 50-80, Wet Rotor, In-Line, Single Stage Circulating Pump, 1PH, 120 V. VALVES 2" Butterfly valve, lug style ductile iron body, minimum 150 psi working pressure, ductile iron disk, stainless steel stem, EPDM seat liner and seat insert “O” ring, Crane Monarch Butterfly Valve No. 23, or equal. 3/4" Ball Valve, threaded ends, minimum 150 psi working pressure, chrome plated brass ball and bronze body, PTFE packing and seat ring, adjustable packing, Crane Capri Ball Valve 9302, or equal. 3/4" Boiler. Drain Valve, 3/4" MPT x 3/4" Male hose thread. minimum 150 psi working pressure, bronze body, adjustable packing, or equal. MISC. VALVES AND GAUGES 100 PSI Pressure relief vaive 3/4" Air Vent (Maid-o-Mist #75, or equal) Dial thermometer with brass weil (20F to 240F) Pressure gauge, 1/4" mpt (0 to 60 psi) MISC. EQUIPMENT GARN #4400 WOOD BOILER (1,000 MBH BURNER W/ APPROX. 4400 GAL'S STORAGE) Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger (SOOMBh) Escutcheon Plate 2” diameter Unit Heater for Module Line voltage T-stat for Unit Heater Insulation ELIMEST.XLS Page 2 UNIT TOTAL WEIGH 4 $75.00 $300.00 40.00 160 1 $500.00 $500.00 60.00 60 10 $75.00 $750.00 15.00 150 10 $8.00 $80.00 2.00 20 6 $4.00 $24.00 1.00 6 4 $50.00 $200.00 2.50 10 6 $25.00 $150.00 1.00 6 4 $100.00 $400.00 1.50 6 a $25.00 $100.00 1.00 4 2 $17,500.00 $35,000.00 7500.00 15000 1 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 500.00 $00 4 $15.00 $60.00 9.00 36 1 $300.00 $300.00 75.00 75 1 $50.00 $5.00 9.00 9 1 $250.00 $250.00 50.00 50 L3 11/20/95 ) ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL COST WEIGHT ARCTIC PIPING Arctic pipe 200 If with fittings and insulation Misc ELECTRICAL WOOD BOILER MODULE Service Entrance Equipment Load Center, 50 Amp 1PH, 120V motor starter w/Thermal Overload Units Light, 1PH, 120V 1/2" EMT conduit 1/2" conduit fittings Misc Elect Est 3 days including travel time for labor ELIMEST.XLS Page 3 1 1 $2,500.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 $250.00 UNIT TOTAL WEIGHT 2000.00 2000 250.00 250 TOTAL: $275000| | 2250 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $50.00 $300.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 TOTAL: $150.00 50.00 50 $150.00 25.00 25 $150.00 25.00 25 $50.00 25.00 25 $300.00 300.00 300 $250.00 50.00 50 $1,000.00 200.00 200 LS SZ 090 00S Ls a8 bY 11/20/95 11/17/95 ELIMWHU. XLS Page 1 DOE WOODHEAT PRELIMINARY DESIGN CALCULATIONS THIS SPREADSHEET CALCULATES THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF WASTE HEAT AVAILABLE BASED ON THE EXISTING WASTE HEAT SYSTEM 2. 11/17/95 PROGRAM RESULTS. ual O&M cost © $/year [ = == ] it Estimate o$ [ Savings, year 0, gallons ] ‘heat value 134000 Btu/gall I ] ‘cost 1.05 $/gallon [10 year B/C ratio. #DIV/IO! | ‘cost escal. © /year { 20 year B/C ratio: a#Divio! | ver increase Q /year | Pay back time, years 0.00 } count rate 0 /year [ =sasssss sssssss= =ssscs=s= s=ss=== | WERATOR DATA: LTA 10 @ 1200 RPM, 135 KW SYSTEM LOSS DATA: at rate at kw-load above O 3000 Btu/kwh Constant losses: at rate at kw-load above: 35 2600 Btu/kwh Plant piping: 2000 Btwhr. at rate at kw-load above 70 2200 Btu/kwh Arctic piping 17000 Btu/hr ICM to all bidgs at rate at kw-load above: 105 2150 Btu/kwh Genset Eng Preheat 2000 Btu/hr at rate at kw-load above 140 2150 Btu/kwh Total constant: TOON BUA. at rate at kw-load above: 175 0 Btu/kwh at rate at kw-load above: 210 O Btu/kwh Variable losses: at rate at kw-load above: 245 0 Btu/kwh Exterior Arctic piping O Btu/hr xF — Plant and Secondary piping at rate at kw-load above: 280 0 Btu/kwh Plant heating 500 Btu/hr.xF Butler Bldg (AVG) at rate at kw-load above 315 0 Btu/kwh Radiator losses SO Btu/hr xF at rate at kw-load above: 350 0 Btu/kwh INERATION DATA PCE FY93 WEATHER DATA: ftvmonth: HDD/Month. NOME nuary 71403 1841 bruary $8961 1660 uch 60991 1752 wil 54504 1320 y 48580 970 ne 36866 576 ly 32621 477 wgust 44659 493 yptember $2865 690 ctober 58752 1085 »vember 60761 1446 »cember 65191 1776 (646,154) oF 11/17/E ELIM XLS age 2 JILDING DATA: sel use, Non- Boiler ions Seasonal Seasonal Efficiency Building in use, 1=yes, O=no OPER January = February March April May June July August September October November December HDD 8E Schoo 25200 2800 73% 1 1 1 1 1 oO 0 0 1 1 1 1 9 12541 dg 1 0 Oo 73% 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 $ 9 12541 dg 2 0 0 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14087 dg 3 0 Oo 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? 1 12 14087 dg 4 oO oO 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 ‘ 1 1 1 1 1 12 14087 dgS 0 0 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14087 uild. 6 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14087 uild. 7 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14087 uild 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14087 uild 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14087 UILDING HEAT DEMAND VARIATION: ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION VARIATION: Winter Summer Hour January ee March April May June July August September October November December 0.049 0.049 1 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0040 0.040 0.038 0038 0.048 0048 2 0.036 0036 0 036 0 036 0037 0037 0.037 0037 0037 0.037 0036 0036 0046 0046 3 0034 0034 0034 0.034 0.035 0035 0.035 0035 0.035 0035 0034 0034 0044 0044 4 0034 0034 0034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0034 0034 0.034 0034 0034 0034 0.043 0043 5 0.033 0.033 0033 0.033 0.034 0.034 0.034 0034 0.034 0.034 0033 0033 0041 0041 6 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.037 0.037 0037 0037 0.037 0037 0.034 0034 0040 0040 7 0.038 0038 0038 0038 0037 0.037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0038 0038 0039 0039 8 0.042 0042 0042 0.042 0039 0039 0039 0039 0.039 0039 0042 0042 0038 8 0038 9 0042 0.042 0042 0.042 0.043 0043 0043 0.043 0.043 0.043 0042 0042 0.038 0.038 10 0047 0.047 0047 0047 0.046 0.046 0046 0 046 0.046 0046 0047 0047 0.037 0.037 1 0.048 0.048 0048 0.048 0.039 0.039 0039 0039 0039 0.039 0048 0048 0037 0037 12 0.047 0.047 0047 0047 0.047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0.037 0.037 13 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.048 0.048 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0.045 0045 0.037 0.037 14 0.047 0.047 0047 0047 0.049 0.049 0049 0.049 0.049 0.049 0.047 0047 0.037 0.037 15 0.048 0048 0048 0048 0.048 0.048 0048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0048 0048 0038 0038 16 0.048 0048 0048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0048 0048 0.039 0039 17 0.049 0049 0049 0.049 0044 0.044 0044 0044 0.044 0.044 0.049 0049 0040 0040 18 0.046 0.046 0046 0046 0047 0.047 0047 0047 0.047 0047 0046 0046 0041 0.041 19 0.043 0.043 0043 0043 0.046 0.046 0.046 0.046 0046 0046 0043 0043 0043 0043 20 0.038 0038 0.038 0.038 0.042 0.042 0.042 0042 0.042 0042 0.038 0038 0044 0044 21 0.038 0.038 0.038 0038 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.038 0038 0046 0046 22 0041 0041 0041 0.041 0.039 0.039 0039 0.039 0.039 0039 0041 0041 0048 0048 23 0.044 0044 0044 0.044 0.040 0.040 0040 0.040 0.040 0040 0044 0044 0049 0.049 24 0.040 0.040 0040 0.040 0041 0041 0041 0.041 0.041 0041 0040 0040 Days: 3 28 ci) x» 31 30 31 nv 30 nv 30 31 HDD: 1841 1660 1752 1320 970 576 477 493 690 1085 1446 1776 = 14086 HDD kwh: 71403 58961 60991 54504 48580 36866 32621 44659 52865 $8752 60761 65191 646154 kwh Av KW 96 88 82 76 65 51 44 60 73 79 84 88 74 avgimo ower year factor 1 Building heat-use per month, MBH ns eee fear no 0 392301 356723 © 374807 221096 0 0 0 166060 243701 314659 =. 379524 2738763 Seasonal consumption, gis : 25200 0 0 0 — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-seasonal consump. gis 2800 O 0 0 0 oO 0 0 0 0 Oo Oo 0 0 Sompouna boiler efficiency: 0.73 0 0 0 0 Oo 0O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO oO 0 0 oO oO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 oO 0 0 0 oO 0 0 0 0 oO 0 O 0 oO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO Oo 0 oO 0 0 oO oO 0 oO 0 0 oO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO oO Co 392301 356723. 374807 =: 289893. 221096 0 0 QO 166060 243701 314659 =. 3795242738763 Sy Total Boiler intput (Gal/mo): 4010 3647 3832 2964 2260 0 0 0 1698 2491 3217 3880) Gallons 11/17/95 ELIMWEY....S Waste Heat available per hour by month, MBH (after subtracting System Losses from page 1) January February March April May June July August Septembe October November December 1 134 117 107 129 120 91 75 115 116 121 117 118 2 124 108 98 120 107 81 67 104 131 109 108 109 3 113 99 117 110 99 75 61 96 121 127 126 100 4 113 99 117 110 95 72 58 92 117 122 126 100 5 108 122 WwW 105 95 72 58 92 117 122 121 123 6 113 99 117 110 107 81 67 104 131 109 126 100 7 134 117 107 129 107 81 67 104 1 109 117 118 8 154 136 124 117 115 88 72 111 140 117 134 137 9 154 136 124 117 132 101 83 126 128 134 134 137 10 174 159 146 137 115 110 91 137 139 146 157 160 11 179 164 150 141 115 88 72 111 140 117 161 164 12 174 159 146 137 119 113 94 141 143 150 157 160 13 169 150 137 129 122 117 97 145 147 155 148 150 14 174 159 146 137 125 120 99 120 151 159 157 160 15 179 164 150 141 122 117 97 145 147 155 161 164 16 179 164 150 141 122 117 97 145 147 155 161 164 17 184 168 155 145 136 104 86 130 132 138 166 169 18 169 154 142 133 119 113 94 141 143 150 152 155 19 159 140 129 121 115 110 91 137 139 146 139 141 20 134 117 107 129 128 97 60 122 124 130 117 118 21 134 117 107 129 120 91 75 115 116 121 117 118 22 149 131 120 113 115 88 72 111 140 117 130 132 23 164 145 133 125 120 91 75 115 116 121 143 146 24 144 126 116 109 124 94 77 119 120 125 125 127 111899 90940 94817 90627 86609 69348 58988 89200 95294 97823 98968 101308 1085823 MBH Equivalent Boiler Input (Gal/mo): 1144 930 969 926 885 709 603 912 974 1000 1012 1036[~41100]Gations Average Heat demand per hour by month, MBH (total for all Bldgs) January February March April May June July August Septembe October November December 1 625 629 597 477 352 0 0 oO 273 388 518 605 2 605 609 578 462 341 0 oO oO 265 376 501 585 3 S82 S86 556 445 328 0 oO 0 255 362 482 563 4 561 564 536 428 6 0 0 Oo 245 348 465 $42 s 542 545 S17 414 305 oO 0 0 237 336 449 524 6 524 527 501 400 295 0 oO oO 229 325 434 507 7 S07 $11 485 387 286 0 0 oO 222 315 421 491 8 494 497 472 377 278 0 oO oO 216 307 409 477 9 482 485 461 38 272 0 0 oO 211 300 400 466 10 481 484 459 367 271 0 0 o 210 299 399 465 11 468 471 447 388 264 0 oO 0 205 291 388 453 12 464 468 444 355 262 0 0 oO 203 289 385 449 13 464 468 444 355 262 0 0 0 203 289 385 449 14 468 471 447 388 264 0 0 0 205 291 388 453 15 468 471 447 358 264 0 0 0 205 291 388 453 16 482 485 461 368 272 0 0 0 211 300 400 466 17 494 497 472 377 278 0 0 0o 216 307 409 477 18 S07 S11 485 387 286 o oO oO 222 315 421 491 19 524 $27 S01 400 295 oO oO °O 229 325 434 S07 20 542 545 517 414 305 0 0 Oo 237 336 449 524 21 561 564 536 428 6 0 °o 0 245 348 465 542 22 582 586 S56 445 328 0 0 0 255 362 482 563 23 604 608 S77 461 340 0 0 oO 264 375 500 584 24 625 629 597 477 352 oO o oO 273 388 518 605 C= 392340 356759 374844 289922 221119 oO 0 0 166076 243725 314691 379562 2739037 MBH a Total Boiler Intput (Gal/mo): 4011 3647 3832 2964 2260 0 0 o 1698 2492 3217 3880 [28001] Gallons 11/17/9° ELIMY aLS aye 4 Waste Heat delivered per hour by month, MBH (totat ,ur all Bldgs) January February March April May June July August Septembe October "November December 1 134 117 107 129 120 oO oO oO 116 121 117 118 2 124 108 98 120 107 0 0 oO 131 109 108 109 3 113 99 17 110 99 oO o oO 121 127 126 100 4 113 99 117 110 95 oO Oo 0 117 122 126 100 5 108 122 W 105 95 0 0 0 117 122 121 123 6 113 99 117 110 107 0 0 oO 131 109 126 100 t 134 117 107 129 107 0 0 0 131 109 117 118 8 154 136 124 117 115 oO oO oO 140 117 134 137 9 154 136 124 117 132 0 oO 0 128 134 134 137 10 174 189 146 137 115 oO oO 0 139 146 157 160 11 179 164 150 141 115 oO 0 0 140 117 161 164 12 174 159 146 137 119 0 oO 0 143 150 157 160 13 169 150 137 129 122 0 0 oO 147 155 148 150 14 174 159 146 137 125 0 0 0 151 159 157 160 15 179 164 150 141 122 oO 0 0 147 155 161 164 16 179 164 150 141 122 0 0 0 147 155 161 164 17 184 168 155 145 136 0 0 0o 132 138 166 169 18 169 154 142 133 119 0 0 0 143 150 152 155 19 159 140 129 121 115 oO 0 o 139 146 139 141 20 134 117 107 129 128 0 0 o 124 130 117 118 21 134 117 107 129 120 0 0 ° 116 121 117 118 22 149 131 120 113 115 0 0 0 140 117 130 132 23 164 145 133 125 120 0 0 0 116 121 143 146 24 144 126 116 109 124 0 0 0 120 125 125 127 111899 90940 94817 90627 86609 0 oO oO 95294 97823 98968 101308 868285 MBH Equivalent Waste Heat Delivered (Gal/mo): 1144 930 969 926 885 0 0 0 974 1000 1012 1036 Gallons ear O fuel iving, gals. s Year 8876 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 W 12 13 14 15 16 17 uelsave: 8876 8876 8876 8876 8876 8876 8876 8876 8876 8876 8876 6876 8876 8876 8876 8876 8876 uel- “saved: 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 iscntd.: 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 9320 \&M/year iscntd.: 0 0 oO 0 0 oO 0 oO 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 ccumitd: 9320 18640 27961 3728 46601 $5921 65241 74561 83882 93202 102522 111842 121162 130482 139803 149123. 158443 alance : 9320 18640 27961 37281 46601 $5921 65241 74561 63882 93202 102522 111842 121162 130482 139803 149123. 158443 B-years: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 18 19 20 uelsave: 8876 8876 8876 uel- saved: 9320 9320 9320 lisentd.: 9320 9320 9320 &Miyear lisentd.: Oo 0 0 \ccumitd: 167763 177083 186404 : 167763 177083 186404 »B-years 000 0.00 0.00 [ 89 DCRAJDivision of Energy February 1, 1996 Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Appendices Fuel Substitution Assessment - Final Report USKH, Inc. APPENDIX B-3 Grayling Feasibility Analysis 11/20/95 GRAYLING STEVE STASSEL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ASSUMPTIONS 1. SEE ATTACHED PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE FOR 2 EACH GARN #4400 WOOD HEAT STORAGE (WHS) BOILERS. 2. GRAYLING ASSUMPTIONS: e WOOD BOILER MODULE COST INCLUDED. NOTE: ADEQUATE SPACE PROBABLY AVAILABLE IN EXISTING WASTE HEAT MODULE FOR WOOD BOILER HEAT EXCHANGER AND EQUIPMENT. e INCLUDES 2 EACH 1,000 MMBh GARN BOILERS. PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $133,500 12996 GRAYECON XLS Wood-Fired Boiler Simple Economic Analysis Wood Heat Data: 1 cord = 85 Cubic Ft SWE Fuel Oil Data: 1 Cubic Ft SWE 30.5 OD ibs Average MC 45.0% U3rds birch & 1/3 spruce yprox. Annuai Fuei Cons: 22.250 gallons Wood Energy Content: 8250 Btw/Ib (OD) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Est'd Waste Heat Avail 6500 galions Wood used per year 96 cords 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annuai Fuei Consump. 15,750 gallons from ASD Wood used per year: 98 (BOT) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Fuel Energy Content: 134,000 Btu/gailon Btw/Ilb wood @ MC: 45.0% 4538 green 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Cost of Oil $1.40 Sigallon from IASD Cost of wood: [885 ]sicord §=—2/Srds birch & 1/3 spruce Total Annual Cost of Heat $31,150 per year inct's WH Cost of wood: $8,164 S/Year 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annuai Cost of Oil: $22,050 per year cost of oil used Total Annual Energy Use: 2,982 MMBtu/year Annual Wood Energy Use: 2,054 MMBtu/year Net Annual Oil Energy Use: 2,111 MMBtu/yr net of WH Wood Boiler Efficiency 75% Gam Oil Boiler Efficiency 73% Wood Energy Content: 21.39 MMBtu/cord Net Annuai Oil Boiler Output 1,541 MMBtu/year Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 1.85 tons/green cord Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 178 green tons/year Heating Degree Days: 14390 F-Days/yr 97.5% Design Temp: a7 F Q peak: 967 MBh Based on HDO and Approx. Annual Fuel Consumption 0.6 x Q peak: 580 MBh Estimate 80% - 90% of Fuel Oil Saved at 60% of Peak Load Q from waste Heat: 110 MBh From WHU.XLS spreadsheet Wood Boiler Capacity: 470 MBh Net Avg Peak Heat to be Provided by Wood Boiler Max Storage Temp: 200 F Assume 200F is maamurm Storage water temperature Min Storage Temp: 150 F Assume 150F is minimum useable heating temperature Delta-T 50 F Storeage Capacity: 8 Hrs Time to lower Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Qty of wood Req'd: 0.23 cords Wood req'd to raise Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Storage Capacity Req'd: 9019 Gals At 470 MBh for 8 hrs Total Btu's Stored: 3761 MBh NOTE: About .15 cords will fit into the fire box based on fire box volume of 38 cu. ft. and cord volume of 4° x 4’ x 8° Wood System Operation However, per GARN, use 2MMBh fire box input to be conservative Number of Boilers: 2 Wood Burner Capacity: 1000 MBh Annual Wood Energy Use: 2,054 MMBtu/year Boiler energy input/stoking: 2 MMBtu/stoking: PER GARN # Stokings/year 1.027 # Stokings/year Months/year 9 approx. Manhours/stoking: 0.18 hrs/stoking PER GARN Manhours/year: 185 based on manhours/stokingsXstokings/year Cost of labor ($/hr) $13 1AT OH Rate 2Q-vear 10-year S-year Cost of labor ($/hr) $15 $342,926 $196,621 $ 105.562 Cost per year sal. worker $2.704 $ 308.783 _$232.342_$ 184.766 Electne Blower Energy: 0.75 HP Fan Runtime: 2.5 hrs/firing assume 30 minutes longer than wood takes to bum Energy Consumption: 1.4 KWivfiring Cost of Electnerty: $0.40 per kWh Wood Salaried Costof Wood Sys Cost of Oil Fan Energy Cost: $575 Equip Worker Bought O&M Cost of Oil System Wood Sys Wood Sys Maintenance Year Cost Cost Wood Cost Oil O&M Cost Cost Fire brick cost $600 1996 $133,500 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22.050 $1,000 $23,050 $145,543 Total O&M Cost: $1,175 1997 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 1998 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 Wood Equipment Cost $133,500 1999 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 2000 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 Oil system O&M cost /yr $1,000 2001 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 2002 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 = $12,043 Real Interest rate 3% 2003 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 2004 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 = $12,043 2005 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 2006 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 2007 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 2008 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 2009 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 2010 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 2011 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12.043 2012 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 2013 $2,704 $8,164 $1.175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 = $12,043 2014 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 2015 $2,704 $8,164 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $12,043 GRAYECON ALS ‘29796 Wood-Fired Boiler Simple Economic Analysis Wood Heat Data: 1 cord = 85 Cubic Ft SWE Fuel Oil Data: 1 Cubic Ft SWE 30.5 OD Ibs Average MC 45.0% 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce ox. Annuai Fuel Cons: 22,250 galions Wood Energy Content 8250 Btu/Ib (OD) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce 4 Waste Heat Avail 6500 gallons Wood used per year 96 cords 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annuai Fuel Consump: 15.750 gallons from |ASO Wood used per year: 98 (BOT) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Fuel Energy Content: 134,000 Btu/galion Btu/Ib wood @ MC: 45.0% 4538 green 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce Cost of Oil $1.40 S/gallon from ASD Cost of wood: [L700] sicorad = 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Total Annual Cost of Heat $31,150 per year inct's WH Cost of wood: $9,604 $/Year 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annuai Cost of Oil: $22,050 per year cost of oil used Total Annuai Energy Use: 2.982 MMBtu/year Annual Wood Energy Use: 2,054 MMBtu/year Net Annuai Oil Energy Use: 2,111 MMBtu/yr net of WH Wood Boiler Efficiency 75% Gam Oil Boiler-Efficiency 73% Wood Energy Content: 21.39 MMBtu/cord Net Annuai Oil Boiler Output 1,541 MMBtu/year Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 1.85 tons/green cord Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 178 green tons/year Heating Degree Days: 14390 F-Days/yr 97.5% Design Temp: 47 F Q peak: 967 MBh Based on HOD and Approx. Annual Fuel Consumption 0.6 x Q peak: 580 MBh Estimate 80% - 90% of Fuel Oil Saved at 60% of Peak Load Q from waste Heat: 110 MBh From WHU.XLS spreadsheet Wood Boiler Capacity: 470 MBh Net Avg Peak Heat to be Provided by Wood Boiler Max Storage Temp: 200 F Assume 200F is maximum Storage water temperature Min Storage Temp: 150 F Assume 150F is minimum useable heating temperature Delta-T SOF Storeage Capacity: 8 Hrs Time to lower Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Qty of wood Req'd: 0.23 cords Wood req'd to raise Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Storage Capacity Req'd: 9019 Gals At 470 MBh for 8 hrs Total Btu's Stored: 3781 MBh NOTE: About .15 cords will fit into the fire box based on fire box volume of 38 cu. ft. and cord volume of 4’ x 4° x 8° Wood System Operation However, per GARN, use 2MMBh fire box input to be conservative Number of Boilers: 2 Woed Bumer Capacity: 1000 MBh Boiler input Boiler Output Annual Wood Energy Use: 2,054 MMBtu/year Fuel Oil $ 10.45 $/MMBtu $14.31 S/AMBtu Boiler energy input/stoking: 2 MMBtu/stoking: PER GARN Wood $468 S/MMBtu $6.23 $/MMBtu * Stokings/year 1.027 # Stokings/year iths/year 9 approx. nhours/stoking: 0.18 hrs/stoking PER GARN Manhours/year: 185 based on manhnours/stokingsXstokings/year Present vaiue of costs Cost of labor ($/hr) $131.17 OH Rate 2Oyeer 10-year S-year Cost of labor ($/hr) $15 $342,926 $196,621 $105,562 Cost per year sai. worker $2,704 $330,216 $244631_ $ 191.363 Electne Blower Energy: 0.75 HP Fan Runtime 2.5 hrs/firing assume 30 minutes longer than wood takes to burn Energy Consumption 1.4 KWhvfiring Cost of Electncity: $0.40 per kWh Wood Salaried Costof Wood Sys Cost of Oil Fan Energy Cost: $575 Equip Worker Bought O&M Cost of Oil System Wood Sys Wood Sys Maintenance Year Cost Cost Wood Cost oil osm Cost Cost Fire brick cost $600 1996 $133.500 $2,704 $9.604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $146,984 Total O&M Cost $1,175 1997 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 1998 $2.704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 Wood Equipment Cost $133,500 1999 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2000 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 Oil systern O&M cost /yr $1,000 2001 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2002 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 Real Interest rate 3% 2003 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2004 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2005 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22.050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2006 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2007 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13.484 2008 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2009 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2010 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2011 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2012 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2013 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2014 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13,484 2015 $2,704 $9,604 $1,175 $22,050 $1,000 $23,050 $13.484 12 DIVISION OF ENERGY WOOD HEAT SYSTEM COST ESTIMATE eee Item Estimated Material Cost ($) Est Wt. (#) Wood Boiler Module $10,568 5790 Wood Boiler Module Piping and Equipment $43,519 16888 Arctic Piping $2,750 2250 Electrical $2,050 675 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS: $58,887 25,603 LABOR HRS S/HR LABOR $ Force Account Labor 250 $23.50 $5,875 (Based on $15.00/hr * 1.55 for OT & Fringe Benefits = $23.50/hr) Contract Labor ) Foreman @ $50/hr 100 $50 $5,000 Welder @ $45/hr 90 $45 $4,050 Electrician @ $45/hr 40 $45 $1,800 SUBTOTAL LABOR: $16,725 MISCELLANEOUS UNIT $/UNIT MISC $ Heavy Equipment Rental 1 lot $1,500 Mob/Demob $3,000 Freight 0.75 25,603 $19,202 T&PD 1 2500 $2,500 (20 Man-Days at $35/hr + 2 round trips) CONSTRUCTION TOTAL : $100,314 Engineering 8% $8,025 Supervision, inspection & Administration 10% $10,031 Contingencies 15% $15,047 [PROJECT TOTAL: $133,417 no GRAYEFST XIS Page 1 11/20/95 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITCOST TOTAL COST WEIGHT UNIT TOTAL WEIGHT WOOD BOILER MODULE MATERIALS WOOD BOILER MODULE 8' X 8' MODULE (2"X6" CONSTRUCTION) 6/12 Ventilation air intake 6/12 Galvanized exhaust hood w/ 1/2" galvenized wire mesh 10/12 interior exhaust duct w/1" rigid fiberglass insulation Exhaust fan 4x12x12' timber (If) W6 x 15, 12 foot long |-beam (Ib) 500 # misc structural steel 4" x 2" x 1/4" SQ. Tube (Ib) Misc. Hangers, Pipe straps, hrdwr, etc 2" WELD FITTINGS All weld fittings to be domestic steel. Flanges to be minimum 150# class. 2” 90 Deg. Weld Elbow, C.S., L.R. 2” 45 Deg: Weld Elbow, C.S., L.R. 2" 150# Weld Neck Fig., C.S. 2" 150# Slip-on Fig, C.S. Bolt Set for 2” Fig. 2" Flex-o-taulic Gasket MISC. THREADED FITTINGS 3/4" Close Nippie 3/4" x 1/4" BMI Hex Bushing 3/4" Union 3/4" x 2" weld-o-let 1/4" x close nipple 1/4" street 90 PIPE 2" A106B Sch 40 Steel Pipe, Single Random INSULATION 2" DIAM X 1" thick (LF) Ffiberglass insulation GRAYEST.XLS 1 1 1 120 600 500 Page 1 180 1 30 6 22 6 30 30 20 10 15 60 1 $8,000.00 $200.00 $200.00 $150.00 $350.00 $6.00 $0.35 $0.35 $0.35 $500.00 $8,000.00 $200.00 $200.00 $150.00 $350.00 $720.00 $210.00 $175.00 $63.00 $500.00 2500.00 $0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 13.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 250.00 TOTAL: $10,568.00) ~*+« $4.50 $3.50 $10.00 $8.00 $2.50 $2.50 $1.00 $0.50 $2.50 $2.50 $0.50 $0.50 $2.50 $300.00 $135.00 $21.00 $220.00 $48.00 $75.00 $75.00 $20.00 $5.00 $5.00 $37.50 $4.00 $4.00 $150.00 $100.00 4.60 2.40 8.00 9.00 1.00 0.25 0.20 0.13 0.60 1.20 0.10 0.10 5.00 50.00 TY 11/20/95 2500 50 50 50 50 1560 600 500 180 250 $790) 138 14.4 176 54 30 7S 1.25 1.2 18 0.8 0.8 50 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITCOST TOTAL COST WEIGHT FLEX CONNECTORS All Flex Connectors to be Stainless Steel flexible hose with Stainless Steel outer braid. All flanges to be ANSI B16.5 2" Fixed x Figt. Fig Flex Connector w/150# ANSI Flanges, SST, 36" Live Length MISC. EQUIPMENT Grundfos UMC 50-80, Wet Rotor, In-Line, Single Stage Circulating Pump, 1PH, 120 V. VALVES 2" Butterfly vaive, lug style ductile iron body, minimum 150 psi working pressure, ductile iron disk, stainless steel stem, EPDM seat liner and seat insert “O” ring, Crane Monarch Butterfly Vaive No. 23, or equal. 3/4" Ball Valve, threaded ends, minimum 150 psi working pressure, chrome plated brass ball and bronze body, PTFE packing and seat ring, adjustable packing, Crane Capri Ball Vaive 9302, or equal. 3/4" Boiler Drain Valve, 3/4" MPT x 3/4" Male hose thread, minimum 150 psi working pressure, bronze body, adjustable packing, or equal. MISC. VALVES AND GAUGES 100 PSI Pressure relief valve 3/4" Air Vent (Maid-o-Mist #75, or equal) Dial thermometer with brass well (20F to 240F) Pressure gauge, 1/4" mpt (0 to 60 psi) MISC. EQUIPMENT GARN #4400 WOOD BOILER (1,000 MBH BURNER W/ APPROX. 4400 GAL'S STORAGE) Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger (SOOMBh) Escutcheon Plate 2” diameter Unit Heater for Module Line voltage T-stat for Unit Heater Insulation GRAYEST.XLS Page 2 4 $75.00 1 $500.00 10 $75.00 10 $8.00 6 $4.00 4 $50.00 6 $25.00 4 $100.00 4 $25.00 2 $17,500.00 1 $4,500.00 4 $15.00 1 $300.00 1 $50.00 1 $250.00 $300.00 $500.00 $750.00 $80.00 $24.00 $200.00 $150.00 $400.00 $100.00 $35,000.00 $4,500.00 $60.00 UNIT TOTAL WEIGH 40.00 160 60.00 60 15.00 150 2.00 20 1.00 6 2.50 10 1.00 6 1.50 6 1.00 4 7500.00 15000 500.00 500 9.00 36 75.00 75 9.00 9 50.00 ao 11/20/95 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITCOST TOTAL COST WEIGHT ARCTIC PIPING Arctic pipe 200 If with fittings and insulation Misc ELECTRICAL WOOD BOILER MODULE Service Entrance Equipment Load Center, 50 Amp 1PH, 120V motor starter w/Thermal Overioad Units Light, 1PH, 120V 1/2" EMT conduit 1/2" conduit fittings Misc Elect Est 3 days including travel time for labor GRAYEST.XLS Page 3 1 1 ha kek ok es. $2,500.00 $250.00 OTAL: $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $50.00 $300.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 TOTAL: UNIT TOTAL WEIGHT $2,500.00 — 2000.00 2000 $250.00 250.00 250 750.00) 2.250 $150.00 50.00 50 $150.00 25.00 25 $150.00 25.00 25 $50.00 25.00 25 $300.00 300.00 300 $250.00 50.00 50 $1,000.00 200.00 200 L__$2,050.00f tS ‘Vb 11/20/95 11/15/95 GRAYWHU ‘E HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. DOE WOODHEAT PRELIMINARY DESIGN CALCULATIONS Ss2 sssstss sacssssssusess= 225-2525 “HIS SPREADSHEET CALCULATES THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF WASTE HEAT on: Grayling AVAILABLE BASED ON THE EXISTING WASTE HEAT SYSTEM 11/15/95 1 O&M cost O $/year { = 1 istimate o$ { Savings, year O, gallons 6739 | eat value 134000 Btu/gall 4 ] ost 1.40 $/galion [10 year B/C ratio #OIVO! | ost escal O /year | 20 year B/C ratio #DIVO! | increase O /year [| Pay back time, years 000 } unt rate O /year { ] RATOR DATA LTA 10 @ 1200 RPM, 135 KW SYSTEM LOSS DATA: ate at kw-load above. O 3000 Btukwh Constant losses: ‘ate at kw-load above: 3S 2700 Btulkkwh Plant piping: 4054 Btu/hr. ate at kw-load above 70 2200 Btukwh Arctic piping 22000 Btu/hr. ICM to all bidgs ate at kw-load above: 105 2150 Btukwh Genset Eng. Preheat O Btu/. ‘ate at kw-load above: 140 2150 Btulkwh “Total constant: —__ 26084 Btwyhr.——— ‘ate at kw-load above 175 O Btukwh ‘ate at kw-load above 210 O Btuhkwh Variable losses: tate at kw-load above: 245 O Btukkwh Exterior Arctic piping O Btu/nr.xF — Plant and Secondary piping tate at kw-load above: 280 O Btukwh Plant heating: S00 Btu. xF Butler Bidg (AVG) tate at kw-load above oS 0 Btukwh Radiator losses: SO Btushr.xF tate at kw-load above. 350 0 Btukwh ERATION DATA PCE FY93 WEATHER DATA: month: HDD/Month: MCGRATH ny 40051 2285 lary 42126 1809 qn 1303 1789 38298 1170 S73 676 26645 283 25559 206 st 32209 37 amber 36725 630 ber 40908 1159 mber 42408 1785 imber 48276 2241 LL 11/15/95 GRAYW' LS e2 NLDING DATA: azo theyll el use, Non- Boiler (_ Vv . lions Seasonal Seasonal E Building in use, 1=yes, O=no OPER < < January February = March April May June July August September October November December HOD hool 25200 2800 ’ 73% 1 1 1 1 1 oO Oo 1 1 1 1 1 10 13902 ™ 4 4500 Soo 73% 1 1 4 1 1 oO oO oO 1 1 1 1 9 13545 ig2 oO 0 T3% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 ig3 oO Oo T3% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 ig 4 oO Oo 73% 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 ft 1 1 1 1 12 14391 WS 0 oO 73% 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 a) 1 1 1 1 12 14391 ld. 6 73% 1 1 1 ‘ 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Wid. 7 73% 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 iid 8 $ 1 1 1 1 1 1 % 1 1 1 12 14391 ud. 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 JILDING HEAT DEMAND VARIATION: ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION VARIATION: Vinter Summer Hour: January February March April May June July August September October November December 0.049 0.049 1 0.038 0.038 0.038 0038 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.038 0038 0.048 0048 2 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.036 0.036 0.046 0046 3 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 003s 0.035 0.035 0.03S 003s 003 0.034 0034 0.044 0.044 4 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0034 0043 0.043 5 0033 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.033 0.033 0041 0.041 6 0034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0037 0.034 0034 0.040 0.040 7 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0037 0037 003s 0.038 0.038 oases 8 0.042 0.042 0042 0042 oase 0.039 0.0398 0.039 oass oss 0.042 0042 0.038 0.038 9 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 00464 0043 0.043 0.043 0043 0043 0.042 0.042 0.038 0.038 10 0047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0046 0.046 0046 0046 0046 0046 0.047 0047 0.037 0037 11 0048 0.048 0048 0.048 0.038 0.0398 0.038 0038 oa0se 0.038 0048 0048 0.037 0037 12 0047 0.047 0047 0.047 0047 0047 . 0047 0.047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0037 0.037 13 0045 0045 004 0045 0048 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0.048 0.045 004 0.037 0.037 14 0047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.049 0.049 004 004 0.040 004 0.047 0047 0037 0.037 15 0048 0048 0048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0048 0048 0.048 0048 0.038 0.038 16 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0048 0.048 0048 0.048 0.048 0048 0048 0048 0.038 0.0390 17 0049 0.040 0.040 0.049 0.044 0044 0044 0.044 0.044 0044 0049 0049 0.040 0.040 18 0046 0046 0046 0.046 0.047 0.047 0047 0.047 0047 0.047 0046 0046 0041 0041 19 004 0043 0043 0043 0046 0.046 0046 0046 0.046 0046 0043 0043 0043 0043 2 0.038 0038 003s o.oss 0042 0.042 0042 0.042 0.042 0042 0.038 oases 0.044 0.044 21 0.038 0.038 003s ooss 0040 0.040 0040 0.040 0040 0.040 oass oass 0.046 0.046 22 0041 0.041 0041 0041 oa3e 0.039 oase 0.039 00398 0.039 0041 0041 0048 0.048 23 0044 0.044 0044 0.044 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.044 0044 0.048 0040 24 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.041 0041 0.041 0.041 0.041 ~ 0.041 0040 0040 Days: 3 23 31 30 31 30 nv 3 2 3 30 31 HOD: 2285 1809 1789 1170 676 283 206 x7 630 1158 1785 2241 14390 HDD kwh: 48051 42126 41303 38298 x673 26545 255598 32208 36725 40808 42408 48276 459071 kWh Av KW 66 6 56 83 8 7 uM 2 S1 sS Ss 6 S52 avgino ower year factor 1 Bullding heat-use per month, MBH (Boller Output) sar no. oO R259 348156 344610 234851 147256 oO oO 90682 1380898 232800 343901 424757 §=2738783 basonal consumption, gis.: 29700 79683 64224 63574 43458 27403 oO oO 0 25808 43100 63444 78263 489068 on-seasonal ..gis.: 3300 oO oO 0 oO oO 0 0 0 0 oO 0 oO oO ompound boiler efficiency: 0.73 oO 0 oO Oo oO oO oO 0 0 oO oO 0 Oo oO 0 oO oO oO 0 oO oO Oo oO oO 0 Oo oO oO oO oO oO oO Oo oO oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO 0 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 oO 0 0 0 0 oO 0 oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO 0 oO 0 oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 0 oO oO 0 oO —) 512253 412380 408184 «278308 = «174659 Oo O 90682 165008 §=— 276000407345 «= 503021 _ 3227850 o> Total Boller Intput (Galo): 5237 4216 4173 2345 1786 oO oO 927 1687 22 4164 5142[ 32566 Gallons 11/15/95 GRAYWH'' “.S Paae 3 Waste Heat available per hour by month, MBH (after subtracting System Losses from page 1) January February March April May June July August Septembe October November December 1 90 88 74 78 81 sg 64 7S 89 91°: 81 89 Z 82 79 66 71 71 62 S7 66 79 80 74 80 3 73 71 so 64 6 56 S2 61 73 73 66 72 4 73 71 sg 64 62 54 49 s8 70 6 66 72 5 69 67 S6 61 62 S54 ~9 58 70 ee 62 68 6 73 71 so 64 71 62 S7 66 79 80 66 72 7 90 88 74 78 71 62 S7 66 79 80 81 89 8 108 104 88 92 78 67 62 72 86 87 97 106 9 108 104 88 92 90 66 61 83 9 101 97 106 10 92 89 106 109 99 73 67 91 109 112 116 90 11 s 92 110 113 78 67 62 72 86 87 120 3 12 92 89 106 109 102 76 70 94 112 116 116 90 13 8s 116 99 102 105 78 72 97 116 119 108 83 14 92 89 106 109 109 81 74 100 119 123 116 90 15 b=) 92 110 113 106 78 72 97 116 119 120 93 16 $$) 92 110 113 105 78 72 97 116 119 120 93 17 99 s 113 116 gs ee 86 103 105 123 97 18 88 120 102 106 102 76 70 94 112 116 112 87 19 112 108 92 $= S) 99 73 67 91 109 112 100 110 20 90 88 74 78 87 64 69 80 96 98 81 89 21 90 88 74 78 81 so 64 7S 89 91 81 89 22 103 100 84 89 78 67 62 72 86 87 93 101 23 116 112 9 99 81 59 64 7S 89 91 104 114 24 99 96 81 8S 84 61 66 7 93 94 89 97 68562 61790 64613 66422 63834 48033 47094 58962 68303 71863 68644 67215 = 754334 MBH Equivalent Boiler Input (Gaihmo): 701 632 661 669 63 91 481 603 698 735 702 687[—7711]Gallons Average Heat demand per hour by month, MBH (total for all Bldgs) January February March April May June July August Septembe October November December 1 816 728 650 458 278 Oo oO 145 272 440 671 802 ie 790 704 629 43 268 oO oO 140 263 426 649 776 3 760 677 606 427 28 0 oO 135 233 410 625 746 4 732 62 S83 411 250 oO 0 130 244 394 602 719 Ss 707 630 S64 397 241 Oo oO 12 235 381 S81 694 6 684 610 S45 384 233 oO 0 121 228 369 S562 672 iz 663 591 $28 372 226 Oo 0 117 221 37 S44 651 8 644 574 514 362 220 oO 0 114 215 347 530 633 9 630 561 S502 “BB 215 oO 0 111 210 - 39 S17 618 10 628 560 S00 “BS 214 oO oO 111 209 338 S516 617 11 611 545 487 43 208 oO oO 108 204 329 502 600 12 606 541 483 340 207 oO 0 107 202 327 498 S96 13 606 541 483 340 207 Oo 0 107 202 327 498 S86 14 611 545 487 343 208 oO Oo 108 204 329 S02 600 1S 611 S45 487 43 208 0 oO 108 204 329 S02 600 16 630 561 S02 33 215 Oo 0 111 210 339 S17 618 17 644 S74 S14 362 220 oO oO 114 215 7 S30 633 18 663 591 528 372 226 oO oO 117 221 357 $44 651 19 684 610 S45 384 233 oO oO 121 228 369 S62 672 2 707 630 564 x7 241 oO oO 125 235 381 581 694 21 732 62 583 411 250 o oO 130 244 3904 602 719 22 760 677 606 427 298 oO 0 1355 23 410 625 746 23 788 703 628 443 269 oO oO 140 262 425 648 774 24 816 728 650 458 278 0 oO 145 272 440 671 802 512304 412422 408225 278336 174677 oO 0 90701 165024 276028 407386 503071 = 3228173 MBH —~j Total Boiler Intput (Galhmo): 5237 4216 4173 2845 1786 ° 0 927 1687 2822 4165 5143[—__ 33001] Gallons = Ai sao GRAYW! LS etd Waste Heat delivered per hour by month, MBH (tota, . all Bldgs) January February March April May June July August Septembe October November December 1 90 88 74 78 81 Oo oO 7S 89 91 81 89 2 82 79 66 71 71 oO oO 66 79 80 74 80 3 73 71 so 64 6s oO oO 61 73 73 66 72 4 73 71 so 64 62 oO oO S83 70 6 66 72 Ss 69 67 S6 61 62 Oo oO 58 70 6 62 68 6 73 71 so 64 71 oO oO 66 79 80 66 72 7 90 88 74 78 71 oO oO 66 73 80 81 89 8 108 104 88 92 78 oO oO 72 86 87 97 106 9 108 104 88 92 $0 fe) oO 83 so 101 97 106 10 92 89 106 109 99 oO oO 91 109 112 116 90 hl 95 92 110 113 78 oO 0 aa 86 87 120 3 12 92 89 106 109 102 oO oO 94 112 116 116 90 13 8s 116 99 102 105 oO oO 97 116 119 108 83 14 92 89 106 109 109 oO oO 100 119 1233 116 90 15 s 92 110 113 105 oO oO 97 116 119 120 b= 6) 16 $2 5) 92 110 113 105 Oo oO 97 116 119 120 93 17 99 9 113 116 93 oO oO 86 103 105 123 97 18 88 120 102 106 102 Oo oO 94 112 116 112 87 19 112 108 92 $s) 99 Oo oO 91 109 112 100 110 2 90 88 74 78 87 oO oO 80 96 98 81 89 21 90 88 74 78 81 oO O s 89 91 81 89 22 103 100 84 89 78 oO oO 72 86 87 93 101 23 116 112 bss} 99 81 oO oO 7S 89 91 104 114 24 99 96 81 8S 84 oO oO 7 93 94 89 97 68562 61790 64613 422 63834 oO oO 58962 68303 71863 68644 67215 659207 MBH Equivalent Waste Heat Delivered (Galémo): 701 632 661 669 oO oO 603 698 TS 702 687[— 6 739]Gallons ear O fuel aving, gals. = Year: 673¢ 1 = 3 4 5 6 £ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 uelsave: 6739 6739 6739 6739 6739 6730 6739 6738 6738 6739 6739 6739 6739 6739 6739 6739 6739 uel- -saved: 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 lisentd.: 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 9435 )&Miyear i iscntd.: oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 Oo oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO Go \ecumitd: 9495 18869 28304 377 47173 56607 66042 75477 84911 94346 8103780 869113215 = 122640) 132084141519 += 1150953: 160388 lalance : 9435 18869 =. 28304-37738 47173 6607 66042 75477 84611 94346 869103780) §=113215) 122640 1132084: 141519 150963 160388 ‘B-years: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 000 18 19 20 ‘uelsave. 6739 6739 6739 ‘uel- i-saved: 9435 9435 9435 disentd.: 9435 9435, 9435 2&Miyear liscntd.: oO oO oO Accumitd 169822 179257 188691 3alance : 169822 179257 188691 >B-years. 0.00 0.00 0.00 CO DCRAIDivision of Energy February 1, 1996 Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Appendices Fuei Substitution Assessment - Final Report . ee USKH, Inc, APPENDIX B-4 McGrath Feasibility Analysis BI Append Beto MCGRATH STEVE STASSEL 11/20/95 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ASSUMPTIONS 1. SEE ATTACHED PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE FOR 4 EACH GARN #4400 WOOD HEAT STORAGE (WHS) BOILERS. 2. MCGRATH ASSUMPTIONS: e WOOD BOILER MODULE COST INCLUDED. NOTE: ADEQUATE SPACE MAY BE AVAILABLE IN EXISTING SCHOOL MECHANICAL ROOM FOR WOOD BOILER HEAT EXCHANGER AND EQUIPMENT. e INCLUDES 4 EACH 1,000 MMBh GARN BOILERS. PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $215,000 82 Max Storage Temp: Min Storage Temp: Oetta-T Storeage Capacity: Qty of wood Req'd: Storage Capacity Req'd: Total Btu's Stored: BEG. saaz pind Wood System Operation MCGRECON XLS 1298 Wood-Fired Boiler Simple Economic Analysis Wood Heat Data: 1 cord = 85 Cubic Ft SWE FE. il 1 Cubic Ft SWE 30.5 OO Ibs Average MC 45.0% 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce Approx. Annuai Fuei Cons: 30,000 galions Wood Energy Content: 8250 Btu/lb (OD) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Est'd Waste Heat Avail. 0 gallons Wood used per year: 183 cords 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annuai Fuel Consump: 30,000 gations from ASD Wood used per year: 187 (BOT) 2rds birch & 1/3 spruce Fuei Energy Content: 134,000 Btu/galion Btu/Ib wood @ MC: 45.0% 4.538 green 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce Cost of Oil $1.60 S/galion from ASO Cost of wood: [L586] sicors 27rd birch & 1/3 spruce Total Annual Cost of Heat $45.000 per year —inci's WH Cost of wood: $15,550 $/Year 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annuai Cost of Oil: $45,000 peryear cost of oil used Total Annuai Energy Use: 4,020 MMBtu/year Annual Wood Energy Use: 3.913 MMBtu/year Net Annuai Oil Energy Use: 4,020 MMBtu/yr net of WH Wood Boiler Efficiency 75% Gam _ Oil Boiler Efficiency 73% Wood Energy Content: 21.39 MMBtu/cord Net Annuai Oil Boiler Output 2,935 MMBtu/year Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 1.85 tons/green cord Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 339 green tons/year Heating Degree Days: 14390 F-Days/yr 97.5% Design Temp: a7 F Q peak: 1304 MBh Based on HDD and Approx. Annual Fuel Consumption 0.6 x Q peak: 782 MBh Estimate 80% - 90% of Fuel Oil Saved at 60% of Peak Load Q from waste Heat: 0 MBh From WHU.XLS spreadsheet Wood Boiler Capacity: Net Avg Peak Heat to be Provided by Wood Boiler Assume 200F is maamum Storage water temperature Assume 150F is minimum useable heating temperature Time to lower Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Wood req'd to raise Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF At 782 MBh for 8 hrs NOTE: About .15 cords will fit into the fire box based on fire box volume of 38 cu. ft. and cord volume of 4° x 4’ x 8° However, per GARN. use 2MMBh fire box input to be conservative Number of Boilers: 4 Wood Burner Capacity: 1000 MBh Annual Wood Energy Use: 3,913 MMBtu/year Boiler energy input/stoking: 2 MMBtu/stoking: PER GARN # Stolangs/year 1958 # Stokings/year Months/year 9 approx. Manhours/stoking: 0.18 hrs/stoking PER GARN Manhours/year: 352 based on manhours/stokingsXstokings/year Cost of labor ($/hr) $131.17 OH Rate 20-ver 10-yer S-year Cost of labor ($/hr) £15 $684,364 $392,389 $210,667 Cost per year sai. worker $5,150 $ 550.867 $404.902 $314,055 Electric Blower Energy: 0.75 HP Fan Runtime: 2.5 hrs/firing assume 30 minutes longer than wood takes to burn Energy Consumption: 1.4 KWivfiring Cost of Electnerty: $0.40 per kWh Wood Salaned Costof Wood Sys Cost of Oil Fan Energy Cost: $1,096 Equip Worker Bought O&M Cost of Oil System Wood Sys Wood Sys Maintenance Cost Cost Weed Cost Qil O&M Cost Cost Fire brick cost $1,200 $215.000 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $237,996 Total O&M Cost $2,296 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 Wood Equipment Cost $216,000 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5.150 $15,550 $2296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 Oil system O&M cost /yr $1,000 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5.150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 Real interest rate 3% $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22.996 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22.96 $5,150 $15,550 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $22,996 SPSS SERS REERREE ERE aE 83 Paget MCGRECON XLS 129186 Wood-Fired Boiler Simple Economic Analysis Wood Heat Data: 1 cord = 85 Cubic Ft SWE Fuei Oil Data 1 Cubic Ft SWE. 30.5 OOD Ibs Average MC 45.0% 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce ox. Annuai Fuel Cons: 30,000 galions Wood Energy Content 8250 Btu/ib (OD) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce cotd Waste Heat Avail: 0 gallons Wood used per year: 183 cords 2rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annuai Fuel Consump. 30,000 gallons from |ASD Wood used per year: 187 (BOT) U3rds birch & 13 spruce Fuei Energy Content: 134,000 Btw/gallon Btw/lb wood @ MC 45.0% 4.538 green 2Srds birch & 1/3 spruce Cost of Oil $1.60 S/galion from IASD Cost of wood: 'S/cord 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce Total Annual Cost of Heat $45,000 per year inc!'s WH Cost of wood: $18,294 $/Year 2frds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annuai Cost of Oil: $45,000 per year cost of oil used Total Annual Energy Use: 4,020 MMBtu/year Annuai Wood Energy Use: 3,913 MMBtu/year Net Annuai Oil Energy Use: 4,020 MMBtu/yr_ net of WH Wood Boiler Efficiency 75% Gam _ Oil Boiler Efficiency 73% Wood Energy Content: 21.39 MMBtu/cord Net Annuai Oil Boiler Output 2,935 MMBtu/year Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 1.85 tons/green cord Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 339 green tons/year Heating Degree Days: 14390 F-Days/yr 97.5% Design Temp: a7 F Q peak: 1304 MBh Based on HDD and Approx. Annuai Fuel Consumption 0.6 x Q peak: 782 MBh Estimate 80% - 90% of Fuel Oil Saved at 60% of Peak Load Q from waste Heat: 0 MBh From WHU.XLS spreadsheet Wood Boiler Capacity: 782 MBh Net Avg Peak Heat to be Provided by Wood Boiler Max Storage Temp: 200 F Assume 200F is maamum Storage water temperature Min Storage Temp: 150 F Assume 150F is minimum useable heating temperature Oetta-T 50 F Storeage Capacity: 8 Hrs Time to lower Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Qty of wood Req'd: 0.39 cords Wood req'd to raise Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Storage Capacity Req'd: 15006 Gals At 782 MBh for 8 hrs Total Btu's Stored: 6258 MBh NOTE: About .16 cords will fit into the fire box based on fire box volume of 38 cu. ft. and cord volume of 4' x 4° x 8 Wood System Operation However, per GARN, use 2MMBbh fire box input to be conservative Number of Boilers: 4 Wood Burner Capacity: 1000 MBh Annual Wood Energy Use: 3,913 MMBtu/year Boiler energy input/stoking: 2 MMBtu/stoking: PER GARN Stokings/year 1.958 # Stokings/year aths/year 9 approx. anhours/stoking: 0.18 hrs/stoking PER GARN Manhours/year: 352 based on manhours/stokingsXstokings/year Present vaiue of costs Cost of labor ($/hr) $131.17 = OH Rate 2O-vear 10-veer S-year Cost of labor ($/hr) $15 $684,364 $392,389 $210,667 Cost per year sal. worker $5,150 $591,692 $428,310 $ 326.622 Electric Blower Energy: 0.75 HP Fan Runtime: 2.5 hrs/firing assume 30 minutes longer than wood takes to burn Energy Consumption: 1.4 kKWhffiring Cost of Electricity: $0.40 per kWh Wood Salaried Costof Wood Sys Cost of Oil Fan Energy Cost: $1,096 Equip Worker Bought O&M Cost of Oil System Wood Sys Wood Sys Maintenance Year Cost Cost Weed Cost Qil O&M Cost Cost Fire brick cost $1,200 1996 $215,000 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $240,741 Total O&M Cost $2.296 1997 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25.741 1998 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 Wood Equipment Cost $216,000 1999 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2000 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 Oil system O&M cost /yr $1,000 2001 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2002 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 Real interest rate 3% 2003 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2004 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2005 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2006 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2007 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2008 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2009 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2010 $5.150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 = $25,741 2011 $5.150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2012 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2013 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2014 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 2015 $5,150 $18,294 $2,296 $45,000 $1,000 $46,000 $25,741 oH Paget DIVISION OF ENERGY WOOD HEAT SYSTEM COST ESTIMATE aoe eee Item Estimated Material Cost ($ Est Wt. (# Wood Boiler Module $10,568 5790 Wood Boiler Module Piping and Equipment $84,476 33949 Arctic Piping $2,750 2250 Electrical $2,050 675 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS: $99,844 42,664 LABOR HRS S/HR LABOR $ Force Account Labor 350 $23.50 $8,225 (Based on $15.00/hr * 1.55 for OT & Fringe Benefits = $23.50/hr) Contract Labor ) Foreman @ $50/hr 150 $50 $7,500 Welder @ $45/hr 120 $45 $5,400 Electrician @ $45/hr 40 $45 $1,800 SUBTOTAL LABOR: $22,925 MISCELLANEOUS UNIT NIT MISC $ Heavy Equipment Rental 4 lot $2,500 Mob/Demob $3,000 Freight 0.75 42,664 $31,998 T&PD 1 3500 $3,500 (30 Man-Days at $35/hr + 2 round trips) CONSTRUCTION TOTAL : $161,266 Engineering 8% $12,901 Supervision, inspection & Administration 10% $16,127 Contingencies 15% $24,190 [PROJECT TOTAL: $214,484 gs MCGRTEST.XLS Page 1 11/20/95 UNIT TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITCOST TOTAL COST WEIGHT WEIGHT WOOD BOILER MODULE MATERIALS WOOD BOILER MODULE 8' X 8' MODULE (2"X6" CONSTRUCTION) 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 2500.00 2500 6/12 Ventilation air intake 1 $200.00 $200.00 50.00 50 6/12 Galvanized exhaust hood w/ 1/2” gaivenized wire mesh 1 $200.00 $200.00 50.00 50 10/12 interior exhaust duct w/1" rigid fiberglass insulation 1 $150.00 $150.00 50.00 50 Exhaust fan ‘J $350.00 $350.00 50.00 50 4x12x12' timber (If) 120 $6.00 $720.00 13.00 1560 W6 x 15, 12 foot long I-beam (Ib) 600 $0.35 $210.00 1.00 600 500 # misc structural steel 500 $0.35 $175.00 1.00 500 4" x 2" x 1/4" SQ. Tube (Ib) 180 $0.35 $63.00 1.00 180 Misc. Hangers, Pipe straps, hrdwr, etc 1 $500.00 $500.00 250.00 250 [FOTAL: | sioseso) +. —-s790) 2” WELD FITTINGS All weld fittings to be domestic steel. Flanges to be minimum 150# class. 2" 90 Deg. Weld Elbow, C.S., L.R. 50 $4.50 $225.00 4.60 230 2" 45 Deg. Weld Elbow, C.S., L.R. 12 $3.50 $42.00 2.40 28.8 2" 150# Weld Neck Fig., C.S. 35 $10.00 $350.00 8.00 280 2" 150# Slip-on Fig, C.S. 8 $8.00 $64.00 9.00 72 Bolt Set for 2" Fig. 40 $2.50 $100.00 1.00 40 2" Flex-o-taulic Gasket 40 $2.50 $100.00 0.25 10 MISC. THREADED FITTINGS 3/4" Close Nipple 20 $1.00 $20.00 0.20 4 3/4" x 1/4" BMI Hex Bushing 10 $0.50 $5.00 0.13 1.25 3/4" Union 2 $2.50 $5.00 0.60 1.2 3/4" x 2" weld-o-let 15 $2.50 $37.50 1.20 18 1/4" x close nipple 8 $0.50 $4.00 0.10 08 1/4" street 90 8 $0.50 $4.00 0.10 0.8 PIPE 2" A106B Sch 40 Steel Pipe, Single Random 80 $2.50 $200.00 5.00 400 INSULATION 2" DIAM X 1" thick (LF) Ffibergiass insulation 1 $300.00 $100.00 50.00 50 Rb MCGRTEST.XLS Page 1 11/20/95 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITCOST TOTAL COST WEIGHT FLEX CONNECTORS All Flex Connectors to be Stainless Steel flexible hose with Stainless Steel outer braid. All flanges to be ANSI B16.5 2" Fixed x Figt. Fig Flex Connector w/150# ANSI Flanges, SST, 36” Live Length 8 $75.00 MISC. EQUIPMENT Grundfos UMC 50-80, Wet Rotor, In-Line, Single Stage Circulating Pump, 1PH, 120 V. 1 $500.00 VALVES 2" Butterfly valve, lug style ductile iron body, minimum 150 psi working pressure, ductile iron disk, stainless steel stem, EPDM seat liner and seat insert “O” ring, Crane Monarch Butterfly Valve No. 23, or equal. 14 $75.00 3/4" Ball Valve, threaded ends, minimum 150 psi working pressure, chrome plated brass ball and bronze body, PTFE packing and seat ring, adjustable packing, Crane Capri Ball Valve 9302, or equal. 10 $8.00 3/4" Boiler Drain Valve, 3/4" MPT x 3/4" Male hose thread, minimum 150 psi working pressure, bronze body, adjustable packing, or equal. 6 $4.00 MISC. VALVES AND GAUGES 100 PSI Pressure relief valve 4 $50.00 3/4" Air Vent (Maid-o-Mist #75, or equal) 6 $25.00 Dial thermometer with brass well (20F to 240F) 4 $100.00 Pressure gauge, 1/4" mpt (0 to 60 psi) 4 $25.00 MISC. EQUIPMENT GARN #4400 WOOD BOILER (1,000 MBH BURNER W/ APPROX. 4400 GAL'S STORAGE) 4 $17,500.00 Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger (1000 MBh) 1 $9,500.00 Escutcheon Plate 2" diameter 4 $15.00 Unit Heater for Module 1 $300.00 Line voltage T-stat for Unit Heater 1 $50.00 Insulation 1 $250.00 MCGRTEST.XLS Page 2 $600.00 $500.00 $1,050.00 $80.00 $24.00 $200.00 $150.00 $400.00 $100.00 $70,000.00 $9,500.00 $60.00 $300.00 $5.00 $250.00 UNIT TOTAL WEIGH 40.00 320 60.00 60 15.00 210 2.00 20 1.00 é 2.50 1C 1.00 € 1.50 é 1.00 ‘ 7500.00 3000( 2000.00 200( 9.00 3 75.00 7! 9.00 { 50.00 5I Sl 11/20/95 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITCOST TOTAL COST WEIGHT ARCTIC PIPING Arctic pipe 200 If with fittings and insulation Misc ELECTRICAL WOOD BOILER MODULE Service Entrance Equipment Load Center, 50 Amp 1PH, 120V motor starter w/Thermal Overload Units Light, 1PH, 120V 1/2" EMT conduit 1/2” conduit fittings Misc Elect Est 3 days including travel time for labor MCGRTEST.XLS Page 3 1 1 $2,500.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 $250.00 UNIT TOTAL WEIGHT 2000.00 2000 250.00 250 TOTAL: | 8275000] +. 20 $150.00 $150.00 50.00 50 $150.00 $150.00 25.00 25 $150.00 $150.00 25.00 25 $50.00 $50.00 25.00 25 $300.00 $300.00 300.00 300 $250.00 $250.00 50.00 50 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 200.00 200 88 11/20/95 11/16/95 MCGRTWHU.XLS Page 1 WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. DOE WOODHEAT PRELIMINARY DESIGN CALCULATIONS Saeesess saseens sssenscs susssss seesnssss THIS SPREADSHEET CALCULATES THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF WASTE HEAT Location. McGrath AVAILABLE BASED ON THE EXISTING WASTE HEAT SYSTEM Date: 11/16/95 PROGRAM RES! Annual O&M cost O Siyear { = 2 sesssss= ===: Cost Estimate o$ [ Savings, year 0, gallons. Fuel heat value: 134000 Btu/gall { Fuel cost 1.50 $/galion | 10 year B/C ratio Fuel cost escal O /year {| 2 year BIC ratio. Power increase O /year | Pay back time, years Discount rate O /year masaeses ==s==5== GENERATOR DATA LTA 10 @ 1200 RPM, 135 KW SYSTEM LOSS DATA: Heat rate at kw-load above: 0 3000 Btu/kwh Constant losses: Heat rate at kw-load above: 3 2700 Btukwh Plant piping: O Btu. Heat rate at kw-load avove: 70 2200 Btu/kwh Arctic piping O Btu/. ICM to all bidgs Heat rate at kw-ioad above: 105 2150 Btukkwh Genset Eng Preheat O Btu. Heat rate at kw-load above: 140 2150 Btu/kwh Total conatants U Bir. Heat rate at kw-load above: 175 O BtuAwh Heat rate at kw-load above: 210 O Btuhkwh Variable losses: Heat rate at kw-load above: 245 0 Btukwh Exterior Arctic piping O BtufrxF Plant and Secondary piping Heat rate at kw-load above: 280 O Btukwh Plant heating: O Btut.xF Butler Bidg (AVG) Heat rate at kw-load above: 315 O Btuhkwh Radiator losses: O Btuhhr.xF Heat rate at kw-ioad above: xO O Btukwh GENERATION DATA PCE FY93 WEATHER DATA: Kwh/month: HDD/Month. MCGRATH January oO 2285 February oO 1808 March oO 1769 April ° 1170 May oO 676 June oO 283 July ° 206 August oO 37 September 0 630 October oO 1158 November oO 1785 December ‘ oO 2241 ta =% b& 11/16/95 MCGRTW""' XLS ge2 BUILDING DATA. Fuel use, Non- Boiler gallons Seasonal Seasonal Efficiency Building in use, 1=yes, O=no OPER January February March April May June July August September October November December HDD School 32500 3500 73% 1 1 1 1 1 oO o 1 1 a 1 1 10 13902 Bidg 1 oO oO 73% 1 1 1 1 1 0 oO oO 1 1 1 1 9 13545 Bldg 2 oO oO 73% 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Bidg 3 oO oO 73% 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Blig 4 oO oO 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Bldg S oO oO 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 iv 1 1 1 1 1 12 14301 Build. 6 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Build. 7 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14301 Build. 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Build. 9 1 1 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 BUILDING HEAT DEMAND VARIATION: ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION VARIATION: Winter Summer Hour: January February March April May June July August September October November December 0.040 0.040 1 0.038 occ 0.038 0.038 0.040 0.040 0040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.038 0.038 0.048 0.048 2 oase 0.036 0.036 0.036 0.037 0.037 0.037 0037 0.037 0.037 0.036 0036 0046 0046 3 0.034 0034 0034 0.034 0.035 003s 003s 0035 0.035 003s 0034 0034 0044 0.044 4 0.034 0034 0034 0034 0.034 0.034 0034 0034 0034 0.034 0034 0034 0.043 0.043 ) oas3 oos3 0033 0033 0034 0034 0034 0034 0034 0.034 0033 oos33 004 0041 6 0.034 0.034 0034 0034 0037 0.037 0037 0037 0037 0.037 0034 0034 0.040 0040 7 ooss 003s 0038 0038 0.037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0.037 ooss oases 0ase oose 8 0.042 0042 0042 0042 oase 0039 0039 0039 0039 oas 0042 0042 0.038 ooss 9 0042 0.042 0042 0042 0043 0043 0043 004 0043 00s 0042 0042 0.038 ooss 10 0047 0.047 0047 0047 0046 0046 0.046 0046 0046 0046 0047 0047 0.037 0.037 11 0048 0.048 0048 0.048 0.038 0038 00398 0.039 0039 oases 0048 0048 0.037 0037 12 0047 0.047 0.047 0047 0047 0.047 0.047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0037 0.037 13 006s 0.045 0045 0.045 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0045 0045 0037 0037 14 0047 0.047 0.047 0047 0048 004 0048 004 0049 004% 0047 0047 0.037 0037 1S 0048 0.048 0048 0.048 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0.038 0.038 16 0048 0048 0048 0048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0048 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0030 0.030 17 0.040 0.049 0049 004 0044 0.044 0.044 0044 0.044 0.044 0040 0049 0.040 0040 18 0.046 0046 0.046 0046 0.047 0.047 0.047 0.047 0047 0.047 0046 0046 0041 0.041 9 0043 0040 0.043 0043 0046 0046 0.046 0046 0.046 0046 0043 0043 0043 0043 2 0.038 0.038 0038 0038 0.042 0042 0.042 0042 0.042 0.042 0038 0038 0.044 0044 21 ooss 0038 ooss 0.038 0040 0.040 0.040 0040 0.040 0.040 0038 0038 0046 0.046 22 004 0041 0041 0041 0.038 0.038 oos 00398 0.0398 oase 0041 0041 0048 0048 23 0044 0044 0044 0044 0040 0040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 ° 0044 0044 004% 004 24 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0041 0041 0041 0041 0041 0041 0040 0040 Days: ov 2 nv 3% wy 30 wv 3 30 ov 30 3 HOD: 2285 1809 1789 1170 676 283 206 ST 630 1158 1785 2241 14390 HDD kwh: oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 0 oO oO Oo O kwh Av KW oO oO 0 oO 0 oO oO 0 oO 0 oO . oO O avgimo Power factor 1 Building heat-use per month, MBH (Boller Output) Younes: 0 566777 447924 443351 301796 188827 oO oO 115877 178307 298281 442436 S$46715 3521291 Seasonal consumption, gis.: 32500 oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO Non-seasonal consump. ,gis.: 3600 oO oO oO oO o oO oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO Compound boiler efficiency: 073 oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO 0 oO 0 Oo oO oO oO 0 oO 0 oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO 0 0 oO 0 0 0 0 0 oO oO 0 oO 0 0 o oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO 0 0 oO 0 0 oO 0 oO oO oO 566777 447924 443351 301796 188827 oO oO 115877 178307 298281 442436 $46715 3521291 S Total Bolter intput (Galo): 5692 79 4532 3085 1930 ° 0 1185 1823 3060 623 5589 [35068 _]Gallons 11/16/95 MCGRTWHU.XLS Page 3 Waste Heat available per hour by month, MBH (after subtracting System Losses from Page 1) January February March April May June July August Septembe October November December 1 Oo Oo 0 oO oO Oo oO oO Oo oO oO oO 2 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO 3 oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 4 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 5 oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO 0 o oO oO oO 6 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO T oO oO 0 oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 8 oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 9 oO oO oO oO 0 0 oO oO oO 0 0 oO 10 oO oO oO 0 oO oO oO 0 oO 0 0 oO 11 oO oO oO oO 0 0 oO oO oO oO oO Oo 12 oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 13 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 oO 14 0 oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO oO 0 0 oO 1S oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 16 Oo 0 oO oO oO oO oO 0 oO 0 0 oO 17 oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO o 0 oO 18 oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 19 0 oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 2 oO oO Oo oO oO oO oO oO oO Oo Oo oO 21 oO oO oO oO o oO Qo oO oO oO oO oO 22 oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO 2 0 0 0 oO 0 0 oO oO 0 oO 0 oO 24 oO oO 0 oO 0 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO oO Oo oO oO oO oO oO 0 oO oO O MBH Equivalent Boller Input (Galmo): 0 oO 0 o o o o o 0 o 0 OL —G]ations Average Heat demand per hour by month, MBH (total for all Bldgs) January February March April May June July August Septembe October November December 1 887 - 780 707 o7 301 oO oO 18S 294 477 72 871 2 eso 765 684 481 21 oO oO 178 284 461 705 843 3 826 T36 6s 43 280 0 0 172 273 444 678 811 4 798 709 634 446 270 0 oO 166 263 428 63 781 Ss 768 68s 612 «eI 261 O oO 160 a4 413 631 75S 6 744 662 Se2 416 22 oO oO 15 246 400 611 730 ¥ 720 641 573 cc) 244 oO oO 150 238 387 so 707 8 700 624 558 32 238 oO 0 146 232 377 575 688 9 684 609 S45 363 232 oO oO 142 226 368 562 672 10 6383 608 sa 382 21 oO oO 142 226 367 S60 670 "1 665 se2 S29 372 225 0 oO 138 220 3s7 546 63 12 68 587 525 369 224 oO oO 137 218 B44 S41 647 13 6 587 S525 369 224 0 oO 137 218 m4 S41 647 14 66s se2 529 372 2s oO oO 138 220 x7 S46 63 1S 665 $62 529 372 22 oO oO 138 220 7 S46 63 16 684 609 S45 383 232 oO oO 142 226 368 S62 672 17 700 624 SSB 32 238 oO oO 146 232 377 S75 688 18 720 641 573 03 244 oO oO 150 238 387 591 707 19 744 662 se2 416° 22 oO 0 155 246 400 611 730 2 769 68S 612 1 261 0 oO 160 254 413 631 75 21 796 709 634 446 270 oO oO 166 263 428 63 781 22 826 73 658 463 280 0 oO 172 273 444 678 811 23 8S7 763 682 480 21 oO oO 178 284 461 703 641 24 887 780 707 497 301 0 oO 185 294 477 729 871 —S 566833, 447969 443305, 301826 188846 oO oO 115888 178325 299310 442480 546770 3521643 MBH wee Total Boller Intput (Galimo): $692 4880 633 3086 1931 oO oO 1185 1823 3060 4523 S590 36001 |Galions “gqe4 MCGRTWH''! XLS 11/16/95 Waste Heat delivered per hour by month, MBH (total tu. al Bldgs) O MBH O[__G]atons ceoeccaecopecaoOCCaGCGCCaCCCOG0P eccocecccecaccoCCCCCOCRD000PP ecoocc0c0ccaacoaa0000000000°99 esc0c00cocCCeOooCCCCCCR000°° ececceccccoCacCoOCCOOOCOCOOCD SO August Septembe October November December eccocecocoeococccaecceRdaOGaNDD TD July ec00000oeCReCoCooDOCOCCOCOR000099 June ecococcc00cccCCCCCCOCOCOCOCOO SO May ecccccceecocCCOoCCCCaCCR0G00PF Aprit ec0c00gKc0ag0COCCOCCRCGOC00009° March cececoccecoccoscCcCCOCODCD0D SP ecocecccc00e0CCCCCOCDCCOCDe Oe January February KANMNTNO-ODOOKNOTYH were SrLSRANR 24 Equivalent Waste Heat Delivered (Gatimo) ao ao oo no T° ao No Oo Year O fuel saving, gals. Fuelsave: Fuel- oo oo oo coo oo oo co $-saved: Discnid.: D&Miyear discntd.: oO Qo o #DIVA! Accumid: Balance : PB-years: Re Fuelsave: Fuel. $-saved: Discrtd.: O&Miyear discnid.: oe°g oeeg o°oog Accumkd: Balance : PB-years: 11/19/95 MCGCOGEN XLS Page 1 WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. DOE WOODHEAT PRELIMINARY DESIGN CALCULATIONS geesze=s =: =a sszss=s THIS SPREADSHEET CALCULATES THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF WASTE HEAT Location McGrath AVAILABLE BASED ON THE IASD GENERATING ITS OWN ELECTRICITY AND Date 11/19/96 RECOVERING AVAILABLE WASTE HEAT OFF THE DIESEL JACKETWATER Annual O&M cost O $/year { ] Cost Estimate o$ [ ] Fuel heat value 134000 Btu/gall I ] Fuel cost 1.50 $/galion 10 year B/C ratio #DIV/O! | Fuel cost escal O /year 20 year BIC ratio #DIViO! | Power increase 0 /year { i ] Discount rate 0 /year [ seesssss sss=== ] GENERATOR DATA: LTA 10 @ 1200 RPM, 135 KW SYSTEM LOSS DATA: Heat rate at kw-load above 0 3000 Btu/kwh Constant losses: Heat rate at kw-load above: 35 2700 Btu/kwh Plant piping: 0 Btwhr \ Heat rate at kw-load above: 70 2200 Btu/‘kwh Arctic piping 4000 Btwhr WH Pipe to Boiler room (ASSome Peer Part lov Heat rate at kw-load above: 105 2150 Btu/kwh Genset Eng Preheat 6824 Btwhr 2 kw block heater Heat rate at kw-load above 140 2150 Btu/kwh Tatar constant: —————1weza- Bra —— : Flown Se ueee wiccuawnac ers) Heat rate at kw-load above 175 0 Btu‘kwh Heat rate at kw-load above 210 0 Btu/‘kwh Variable losses: Heat rate at kw-load above: 245 0 Btu/kkwh Exterior Arctic piping 0 Btu/hr xF Heat rate at kw-load above: 280 0 Btu/‘kwh Plant heating 0 Btuhr xF . % . Heat rate at kw-load above HS 0 Btu/kwh Radiator losses 50 BtwhrxF — rr ositiis OF MEAT LOYD (Rene a PARENT OC. Heat rate at kw-load above 350 0 Btu‘kwh GENERATION DATA IASD FY95 WEATHER DATA: Kwh/month: HDD/Month. MCGRATH January 31760 2285 ind i one ~ February 29120 1809 e RSE Later S 2 F CAP DAC CEST CF CRVSTCOCTIS , March 28400 1789 eT Cov, ae 4 April 28480 1170 ee COGE.Y ste s May 19760 676 Gkavy ed iA y b. June 13280 283 _ - yo uly 8170 206 Ae ash’ with Exwstné Cots, OF August 16160 357 ; September 23440 630 October 27520 1159 HIoH EE, November 30400 1785 December 30880 2241 (387370) (7590) +> Asouine Wkwat Gere je Ngo Saceav OF al fere a cual os - Re iG “eR ZL iy [O re C7 B E57, 370 fred ( MC se) U3W0e eR Peet Ouey Tt venue Pee 5 F ; < z waits P EUCCTIRIC 6éNEPAN YW PEA‘? List & (COE © ERANING > i hy we) p(B EA Maris - S $00 G1M nS Sofas = 31,200 #4 ee Reece PD FSC thet 7 Y4. 82" Jéaltay = As, Yo !) Furc FeR ELEC GL~8e4aANEK SE 3 Fe — Seadh 2) MET Furl Fee BEDE EPEAT - eu oe z) Capt cos7 oF aT Beer ce OY AR be Cocre ee : “7 11/19/95 MCGCC XLS ge 2 BUILDING DATA: Fuel use, Non- Boiler gations Seasonal Seasonal Efficiency Building in use, 1=yes, 0=no OPER January February March April May June July August September October November December HDD School 32500 3500 73% 1 1 1 1 1 oO oO 0 1 1 1 1 9 13545 Bldg 1 oO oO 73% 1 1 1 1 1 oO oO 0 1 1 1 1 9 13545 Bidg 2 oO o 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Bldg 3 oO oO 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Bldg 4 oO oO 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Bidg S 0 0 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Build. 6 73% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Build. 7 73% 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Build. 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 Build 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14391 BUILDING HEAT DEMAND VARIATION: ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION VARIATION: Winter Summer Hour January February March April May June July August September October November December 0.049 0.049 1 0.038 0.038 0038 0038 0.040 0.040 0040 0040 0.040 0.040 0.038 0038 0.048 0048 Z 0.036 0.036 0036 0036 0.037 0.037 0037 0037 0.037 0.037 0.036 0036 0046 0046 3 0034 0034 0034 0.034 0035 0035 0035 0035 0035 0035 0034 0034 0044 0044 4 0034 0034 0034 0034 0.034 0034 0034 0034 0034 0034 0034 0034 0.043 0.043 5 0033 0033 0033 0033 0034 0034 0034 0034 0034 0034 0033 0033 0041 0041 6 0034 0034 0034 0034 0037 0.037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0034 0034 0040 0.040 7 0038 0038 0038 0038 0037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0038 0038 0039 0039 6 0042 0042 0042 0042 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0042 0042 0038 0038 9 0042 0042 0042 0042 0043 0043 0043 0043 0043 0043 0042 0042 0038 0038 10 0047 0047 0047 0047 0.046 0.046 0046 0046 0.046 0046 0047 0047 0.037 0.037 1 0048 0048 0048 0048 0.039 0.039 0039 0039 0.039 0.039 0048 0048 0037 0037 12 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0037 0.037 13 0045 0045 0045 0.045 0048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0045 0045 0037 0.037 14 0047 0047 0047 0047 0049 0.049 0049 0.049 0.049 0049 0047 0047 0037 0.037 1S 0048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0038 0038 16 0048 0048 0048 0048 0.048 0.048 0.048 0048 0.048 0.048 0048 0048 0.039 0.039 17 0.049 0049 0049 0.049 0044 0044 0044 0044 0044 0.044 0.049 0049 0.040 0040 18 0046 0046 0046 0.046 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0046 0046 0041 0041 19 0.043 0043 0043 0043 0046 0.046 0046 0046 0.046 0.046 0.043 0043 0043 0043 20 0038 0038 0038 0038 0.042 0.042 0042 0042 0042 0.042 0038 0038 0044 0044 21 0038 0038 0038 0038 0.040 0040 0040 0040 0.040 0040 0038 0038 0046 0.046 22 0041 0041 0041 0041 0.039 0.039 0039 0.039 0039 0039 0041 0041 0048 0048 23 0044 0044 0044 0044 0040 0.040 0040 0040 0.040 0040 0044 0044 0049 0049 24 0.040 0040 0040 0040 0041 0041 0.041 0041 0041 0.041 0040 0040 Days: vu 28 w 1) K 30 Hn ov 3 3 3 3 HDD: 2285 1809 1789 1170 676 283 206 357 630 1159 1785 2241 14390 HDD kwh: 31760 29120 28400 28480 19760 13280 8170 16160 23440 27520 30400 30880 287370 kWh Av kW 43 43 3 40 27 18 1 22 3 7 42 42 33 avg/mo Power year factor 1 Building heat-use per month, MBH (Boiler Output) Year no 0 574354 462632 457938 312652 196705 0 0 oO 185909 310070 456999 $64027 3521285 Seasonal consumption, gis.: 32500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-seasonal consump..gis.: 3500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compound boiler efficiency: 073 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO oO O 0 0 oO oO 0 oO 0 0 0 oO 0 0 0 o oO 0 0 0 oO 0 oO oO oO oO oO oO 0 oO 0 0 0 oO 0 0 oO oO 0 0 o oO oO 0 oO 0 oO oO oO oO Oo oO oO oO 0 0 0 oO 0 0 0 0 0 Oo 0 0 oO 0 0 0 0 oO <i) 574354 462632 457938 312652 196705 0 0 0 185909 310070 456999 §64027 3521285 —— Total Boiler Intput (Gal/mo): 5872 4729 4681 3196 2011 0 0 0 1901 3170 4672 $766[ 35998 Gallons 11/19/95 MCGCOGEN.XLS Page 3 Waste Heal available per hour by month, MBH (after subtracting System Losses from Page 1) January February March April May June July August Septembe October November December 1 8S 87 85 79 59 37 1S 46 7 78 85 83 2 80 82 80 8S 54 33 13 41 70 81 79 77 3 85 76 74 79 50 30 1 38 65 7S 84 82 4 85 76 74 79 48 29 10 37 63 73 84 82 5 82 84 72 76 48 29 10 37 63 73 81 79 6 8S 76 74 79 54 33 13 41 70 81 84 82 7 85 87 85 79 S4 33 13 41 70 81 8S 83 8 96 99 85 90 S7 35 14 44 74 86 96 93 9 96 99 85 90 65 41 18 St 84 85 96 93 10 110 113 97 102 71 45 20 5S 80 92 110 107 "1 113 115 100 105 S7 35 14 44 74 86 112 109 12 110 113 97 102 73 46 21 S7 82 95 110 107 13 105 107 92 97 7S 47 22 58 84 97 104 101 14 110 113 97 102 77 49 22 60 86 100 110 107 15 113 115 100 105 7s 47 22 58 84 97 - 112 109 16 113 115 100 105 75 47 22 58 84 97 112 109 17 116 118 102 108 67 42 18 52 86 88 115 112 18 107 110 95 100 73 46 21 S7 82 95 107 104 19 99 101 87 92 71 45 20 55 80 92 99 96 20 85 87 85 79 63 39 7 49 81 83 85 83 21 85 87 8s 79 59 37 15 46 7 78 85 83 22 94 96 82 87 S7 35 14 44 74 86 93 91 23 102 104 90 95 59 37 15 46 7 78 101 99 24 91 93 80 85 61 38 16 47 79 80 90 88 72337 65940 65326 65380 46510 27927 12304 36093 55326 63687 69596 69978 650403 MBH Equivatent Boiler Input (Gal/mo): 739 674 668 668 475 285 126 369 566 651 711 715) 6649] Gallons Average Heat demand per hour by month, MBH (total for all Bldgs) January February March April May June July August Septembe October November December 1 915 816 730 S15 313 Q 0 oO 306 494 753, 899 2 886 790 706 498 303 0 0 0 296 478 728 870 3 852 760 680 479 292 0 0 ° 285 460 701 837 4 821 732 654 462 281 0 0 oO 275 443 675 806 5 793 707 632 446 272 0 0 oO 265 428 652 779 6 767 684 612 431 263 0 0 oO 257 414 631 753 7 743 663 592 418 254 0 0 0 248 401 611 730 8 723 644 S76 406 247 0 oO oO 242 390 594 710 9 706 630 563 397 242 0 0 oO 236 381 580 693 10 704 628 561 396 241 Oo QO 0 235 380 579 691 11 686 611 S47 386 235 oO 0 oO 229 370 564 673 12 680 606 542 382 233 0 0 0 227 367 559 668 13 680 606 542 382 233 0 0 0 227 367 559 668 14 686 611 547 386 235 oO 0 0 229 370 564 673 18 686 611 S47 386 235 oO 0 oO 229 370 564 673 16 706 630 563 397 242 Qo 0 Oo 236 381 580 693 7 723 644 576 406 247 0 0 oO 242 390 594 710 18 743 663 592 418 254 QO 0 0 248 401 611 730 19 767 684 612 431 263 0 0 0 257 414 631 753 20 793° 707 632 446 272 Oo 0 0 265 428 652 779 21 621 732 654 462 281 oO 0 QO 275 443 675 806 22 852 760 680 479 292 0 oO oO 285 460 701 837 23 684 788 705 497 303 QO oO Oo 296 477 727 868 24 915 616 730 515 313 a QO oO 306 494 753 899 574411 462678 487983 312683 196725 oO 0 0 185927 310101 457045 564083 3521637 MBit Total Boiler Intput (Gal/mo): 5872 4730 4682 3197 2011 0 oO 0 1901 3170 4672 5767 36001 |Gallons C 11/19/95 WONAMHAWN— 23 24 Equivalent Waste Heat Delivered (Gal/mo): Year 0 fuel saving, gals. 5869 Fuelsave: Fuel- $-saved: Discntd.: O&Mlyear discntd.: Accumitd: Balance : _ PB-years: Fuelsave: Fuel- $-saved: Discntd.: O&Miyear discntd.: Accumitd: Balance : PB-years: 2 o~ - Year: 1 5869 8803 8803 8803 8803 0.00 18 5869 8803 8803 158456 158456 0.00 2 S869 8803 8803 0 17606 17606 0.00 19 5869 8803 8803 o 167259 167259 0.00 3 5869 8803 6803 0 0.00 5869 8803 8803 176062 176062 0.00 4 5869 8803 8803 0 35212 35212 0.00 Waste Heat delivered per hour by month, MBH (total 1s all Bldgs) January February 85 80 8S 85 82 85 85 96 96 110 113 110 105 110 113 113 116 107 99 8s 8s 94 102 91 72337 739 5869 8803 8803 44015 44015 0.00 87 82 76 76 84 76 87 99 99 113 115 113 107 113 115 115 118 110 101 87 87 96 104 93 65940 674 6 S869 8803 6803 $2819 52819 0.00 March 85 80 74 74 72 74 85 85 8s 97 100 97 92 97 100 100 102 95 87 85 85 82 90 80 65326 668 7 5869 8803 8803 61622 61622 0.00 MCGCC XLS . April May June July August Septembe October 79 s9 QO 0 0 77 78 85 54 - oO Oo 0 70 81 79 sO oO 0 0 65 75 79 48 Oo 0 oO 63 73 76 48 oO 0 0 63 73 79 54 0 Oo oO 70 81 79 54 0 0 oO 70 81 90 S7 Oo 0 Oo 74 86 90 65 oO 0 0 84 8s 102 71 oO Q oO 80 92 10S S7 oO 0 oO 74 86 102 73 oO 0 Qo 82 95 97 75 0 0 0 84 97 102 7 Qo 0 0 86 100 105 75 0 0 0 84 97 105 75 0 0 0 84 97 108 67 0 0 0 86 88 100 73 0 0 0 82 95 92 71 0 0 0 80 92 79 63 0 oO Oo 81 83 79 59 0 0 0 77 78 87 S7 0 0 0 74 86 95 59 oO 0 oO 77 78 8S 61 oO 0 oO 73 80 65380 46510 0 Qo 0 55326 63687 668 475 oO 0 0 566 651 8 9 10 "1 12 13 14 5869 5869 5869 5869 $869 5869 5869 8803 8803 8803 8803 8803 8803 8803 8803 8803 8803 8803 8803 8803 8803 oO Qo oO 0 0 oO 0 70425 79228 88031 96834 105637 114440 123243 70425 79228 68031 96834 = 105637: 114440»: 123243 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 November December 85 79 84 84 81 84 8S 96 96 110 112 110 104 110 112 112 115 107 99 85 65 93 101 90 69596 71 15 S869 8803 8803 oO 132046 132046 0.00 83 77 82 82 79 82 83 93 93 107 109 107 101 107 109 109 112 104 96 83 83 91 99 88 69978 715) 16 5869 8803 8803 140850 140850 0.00 ge4 574079 MBH 5869]Galions 7 5869 8803 8803 0 149653 149653 0.00 DCRAJDivision of Energy February 1, 1996 Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Appendices Fuel Substitution Assessment - Final Report USKH, Inc. APPENDIX B-5 Tanana Feasibility Analysis 11/20/95 TANANA STEVE STASSEL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS ASSUMPTIONS 1. SEE ATTACHED PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE FOR 3 EACH GARN #4400 WOOD HEAT STORAGE (WHS) BOILERS. 2. TANANA ASSUMPTIONS: e WOOD BOILER MODULE COST INCLUDED. NOTE: ADEQUATE SPACE PROBABLY AVAILABLE IN EXISTING POWER PLANT FOR WOOD BOILER HEAT EXCHANGER AND EQUIPMENT. e INCLUDES 3 EACH 1,000 MMBh GARN BOILERS. PROJECT COST ESTIMATE: $168,500 TANAECON XLS “29196 Wood-Fired Boiler Simpie Economic Analysis Wood Heat Data: 1 cords 85 Cubic Ft SWE Fuel Oil Data: 1 Cubic Ft SWE 30.5 OD Ibs Average MC 45.0% 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Approx. Annuai Fuel Cons. 35,000 galions Wood Energy Content: 8250 Btw/ib (OO) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Est'd Waste Heat Avail. 13000 galions Wood used per year 134 cords 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annuai Fuei Consumo: 22,000 gallons from BSSO Wood used per year: 137 (BOT) 23rds birch & 173 spruce Fuel Energy Content: 134,000 Btw/gailon Btu/ib wood @ MC: 45.0% 4538 green 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce Cost of Oil $1.30 $igallon from BSSD Cost of wood: [L585] sicord $= 2/Srds birch & 173 spruce Total Annuai Cost of Heat $45,500 per year inct's WH Cost of wood: $11,403 $/Year 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce Net Annual Cost of Oil: $28,600 per year cost of oil used Total Annual Energy Use: 4,690 MMBtu/year Annual Wood Energy Use: 2,869 MMBtu/year Net Annuai Oil Energy Use: 2,948 MMBtu/yr net of WH Wood Boiler Efficiency 75% Gam Oil Boiler Efficiency T3% Wood Energy Content: 21.39 MMBtu/cord Net Annuai Oil Boiler Output 2.152 MMBtu/year Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 1.85 tons/green cord Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 249 green tons/year Heating Degree Days: 14169 F-Days/yr 97.5% Design Temp: 48F Q peak: 1560 MBh Based on HDD and Approx. Annuai Fuel Consumption 0.6 x Q peak: 936 MBh Estimate 80% - 90% of Fuei Oil Saved at 60% of Peak Load Q from waste Heat: 200 MBh From WHU.XLS spreadsheet Wood Boiler Capacity: 736 MBh Net Avg Peak Heat to be Provided by Wood Boiler Max Storage Temp: 200 F Assume 200F is maamum Storage water temperature Min Storage Temp: 160 F Assume 150F is minimum useable heating temperature Delta-T SOF Storeage Capacity: 8 Hrs Time to lower Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Qty of wood Req'd: 0.37 cords Wood req'd to raise Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Storage Capacity Req'd: 14115 Gals At 736 MBh for 8 hrs Total Btu's Stored: $886 MBh NOTE: About .15 cords will fit into the fire box based on fire box volume of 38 cu. ft. and cord volume of 4° x 4° x 8° Wood System Operation However, per GARN, use 2MMBh fire box input to be conservative Number of Boilers: 3 Wood Burner Capacity: 1000 MBh Annuai Wood Energy Use: 2,869 MMBtu/year Boiler energy input/stoking: 2 MMBtu/stoking: PER GARN # Stokings/year L435 # Stokings/year Months/year 9 approx. Manhours/stoking: 0.18 hrs/stoking PER GARN Manhours/year: 258 based on manhours/stokingsXstokings/year Present vaiue of costs Cost of labor ($/hr} $13 AT OH Rate 2Q-veer 10-year S-year Cost of tabor ($/hr) 215 $440,373 $252.494 $135,559 Cost per year sai. worker $3,777 $414,784 $307.617_$ 240.916 Electne Blower Energy 0.75 HP Fan Runtime: 2.5 hrs/firing assume 30 minutes jonger than wood takes to burn Energy Consumotion: 1.4 KWhNfiring Cost of Electnerty: $0.40 per kWh Wood Salaned Costof Wood Sys Cost of Oil Fan Energy Cost: $804 Equip Worker Bought O&M Cost of Oil System Wood Sys Wood Sys Maintenance Year Cost Cost Weeg Cost Qi O&M Cost Cost Fire brick cost $900 1996 $168500 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $185,384 Total O&M Cost: $1,704 1997 $3.777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 1998 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 Wood Equipment Cost $168,500 1999 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2000 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16.884 Oil system O&M cost /yr $1,000 2001 $3.777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2002 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 Real Interest rate 3% 2003 $3.777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 = $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2004 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2005 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29.600 $16.884 2006 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2007 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2008 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 = $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2009 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2010 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2011 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2012 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2013 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2014 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 2015 $3,777 $11,403 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $16,884 Page 1 1 1296 Wood-Fired Boiler Simple Economic Analysis Wood H ta: 1 cord = 85 Cubic Ft SWE Fuel Oil Data: 1 Cubic Ft SWE 30.6 OD Ibs Average MC 45.0% ox. Annuai Fuei Cons: 35,000 galions Wood Energy Content: cst'd Waste Heat Avail. 13000 gallons Wood used per year: 134 cords Net Annuai Fuel Consump: 22,000 gallons from BSSD Wood used per year: 137 (BDT) Fuel Energy Content: 134,000 Btu/galion Btu/Ib wood @ MC: 45.0% 4538 green Cost of Oil $1.30 S/galion from BSSD Cost of wood: [$100] s/cora Total Annual Cost of Heat $45,500 peryear —inci's WH Cost of wood: $13,416 S/Year Net Annuai Cost of Oil: $28,600 per year cost of oil used Total Annuai Energy Use. 4,690 MMBtu/year Annual Wood Energy Use: 2,869 MMBtu/year Net Annuai Oil Energy Use: 2,948 MMBtu/yr net of WH Wood Boiler Efficiency 75% Gam Oil Boiler Efficiency 73% Wood Energy Content: 21.39 MMBtu/cord Net Annuai Oil Boiler Output 2,152 MMBtu/year Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 1.85 tons/green cord Wood Weight at MC: 45.0% 249 green tons/year Heating Degree Days: 14168 F-Days/yr 97.5% Design Temp: 48F Q peak: 1560 MBh Based on HDD and Approx. Annual Fuei Consumption 0.6 x Q peak: 936 MBh Estimate 80% - 90% of Fuel Oil Saved at 60% of Peak Load Q from waste Heat: 200 MBh From WHU.XLS spreadsheet fire box volume of 38 cu. ft. and cord volume of 4° x 4’ x 8° However, per GARN, use 2MMBh fire box input to be conservative TANAECON XLS 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce 8250 Btu/ib (OD) 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce 2/3rds birch & 1/3 spruce 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce 2/3rds birch & 173 spruce 23rds birch & 1/3 spruce Present vaiue of costs 2Q-yeer 10-year S-vear $440,373 $252,494 $ 135,559 $ 444.723 $324,782 _$ 250.132 Wood Boiler Capacity: 736 MBh Net Avg Peak Heat to be Provided by Wood Boiler Max Storage Temp: 200 F Assume 200F is maamum Storage water temperature Min Storage Temp: 160 F Assume 150F is minimum useable heating temperature Octta-T SOF Storeage Capacity: 8 Hrs Time to lower Storage Capacity Req'd (gallons) by SOF Qty of wood Req'd: Q.37 cords Wood req'd to rarse Storage Capacity Req'd (galions) by SOF Storage Capacity Req'd: 14115 Gais At 736 =6MBh for 8 hrs Total Btu's Stored: 5886 MBh NOTE: About .16 cords will fit into the fire box based on Wood System Operation Number of Boilers: 3 Wood Burner Capacity: 1000 MBh Annuai Wood Energy Use: 2,869 MMBtu/year Boiler energy input/stoking: 2 MMBtu/stoking: PER GARN Stokings/year 1435 # Stokings/year aths/year 9 approx. anhours/stoking: 0.18 hrs/stoking PER GARN Manhours/year: 258 based on manhours/stokingsXstckings/year Cost of labor ($/hr) $13 VAT OH Rate Cost of labor ($/hr) 315 Cost per year sai. worker $3,777 Electnc Blower Energy: 0.75 HP Fan Runtime: 2.5 hrs/firing assume 30 minutes longer than wood takes to burn Energy Consumption: 1.4 KWIMfiring Cost of Electneity: $0.40 per kWh Wood Salaried Cost of Fan Energy Cost: $804 Equip Worker Bought Wood Sys Maintenance Year Cost Cost Weed Fire bnick cost $900 1996 $168500 $3,777 $13,416 Total O&M Cost: $1,704 1997 $3,777 $13,416 1998 $3,777 $13,416 Wood Equipment Cost $168,600 1999 $3,777 $13,416 2000 $3,777 $13,416 Oil system O&M cost /yr $1,000 2001 $3,777 $13,416 2002 $3,777 $13,416 Real interest rate 3% 2003 $3,777 $13,416 2004 $3,777 $13,416 2005 $3,777 $13,416 2006 $3,777 $13,416 2007 $3,777 $13,416 2008 $3,777 $13,416 2009 $3,777 $13,416 2010 $3,777 $13,416 2011 $3,777 $13,416 2012 $3,777 $13,416 2013 $3,777 $13,416 2014 $3.777 $13,416 2015 $3,777 = $13,416 Wood Sys Cost of Oil O&M Cost of fo] System Wood Sys Cost il 3M Cost Cost $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $187,396 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 = $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 = $29,600 $18.896 $1,704 = $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 = $29,600 = $18.896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 $1,704 $28,600 $1,000 $29,600 $18,896 DIVISION OF ENERGY WOOD HEAT SYSTEM COST ESTIMATE eee SSS Item Estimated Material Cost ($) Est Wt. (#) Wood Boiler Module $10,568 5790 Wood Boiler Module Piping and Equipment $61,501 24625 Arctic Piping $2,750 2250 Electrical $2,050 675 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS: $76,869 33,340 LABOR HRS $/HR LABOR $ ees Force Account Labor 250 $23.50 $5,875 (Based on $15.00/hr * 1.55 for OT & Fringe Benefits = $23.50/hr) Contract Labor ) Foreman @ $50/hr 120 $50 $6,000 Welder @ $45/hr 110 $45 $4,950 Electrician @ $45/hr 40 $45 $1,800 SUBTOTAL LABOR: $18,625 MISCELLANEOUS UNIT S/UNIT MISC $ ———————————_—_____|_IITIEIITTETEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE el Heavy Equipment Rental 1 lot $2,500 Mob/Demob $3,000 Freight 0.75 33,340 $25,005 T&PD 1 2500 $3,000 (24 Man-Days at $35/hr + 2 round trips) CONSTRUCTION TOTAL : $126,499 Engineering 8% $10,120 Supervision, Inspection & Administration 10% $12,650 Contingencies 15% $18,975 [PROJECT TOTAL: $168,243 lOj TANANEST.XLS Page 1 11/20/95 UNIT TOTAL ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITCOST TOTAL COST WEIGHT WEIGHT WOOD BOILER MODULE MATERIALS WOOD BOILER MODULE 8' X 8’ MODULE (2"X6" CONSTRUCTION) 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 2500.00 2500 6/12 Ventilation air intake 1 $200.00 $200.00 50.00 50 6/12 Galvanized exhaust hood w/ 1/2” galvenized wire mesh 1 $200.00 $200.00 50.00 50 10/12 interior exhaust duct w/1" rigid fiberglass insulation 1 $150.00 $150.00 50.00 50 Exhaust fan 1 $350.00 $350.00 50.00 50 4x12x12’ timber (If) 120 $6.00 $720.00 13.00 1560 W6 x 15, 12 foot long !-beam (Ib) 600 $0.35 $210.00 1.00 600 500 # misc structural steel 500 $0.35 $175.00 1.00 500 4" x 2" x 1/4" SQ. Tube (Ib) 180 $0.35 $63.00 1.00 180 Misc. Hangers, Pipe straps, hrdwr, etc 1 $500.00 $500.00 250.00 250 TOTAL: | $10,568.00} 5790 2" WELD FITTINGS All weld fittings to be domestic steel. Flanges to be minimum 150# class. 2" 90 Deg. Weld Elbow, C.S., L.R. 40 $4.50 $180.00 4.60 184 2" 45 Deg. Weld Elbow, C.S., L.R. 8 $3.50 $28.00 2.40 19.2 2" 150# Weld Neck Fig., C.S. 30 $10.00 $300.00 8.00 240 2" 150# Slip-on Fig, C.S. 6 $8.00 $48.00 9.00 54 Bolt Set for 2" Fig. 40 $2.50 $100.00 1.00 40 2" Flex-o-taulic Gasket 40 $2.50 $100.00 0.25 10 MISC. THREADED FITTINGS 3/4" Close Nipple 20 $1.00 $20.00 0.20 4 3/4" x 1/4" BMI Hex Bushing 10 $0.50 $5.00 0.13 1.25 3/4" Union 2 $2.50 $5.00 0.60 aa 3/4" x 2" weld-o-let 15 $2.50 $37.50 1.20 18 1/4" x close nippie 8 $0.50 $4.00 0.10 08 1/4" street 90 8 $0.50 $4.00 0.10 08 PIPE 2" A106B Sch 40 Steel Pipe, Single Random 60 $2.50 $150.00 5.00 300 INSULATION 2" DIAM X 1" thick (LF) Ffibergiass insulation 1 $300.00 $100.00 50.00 50 TANANEST.XLS Page 1 11/20/95 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST TOTAL COST FLEX CONNECTORS All Flex Connectors to be Stainless Steel flexible hose with Stainless Steel outer braid. All flanges to be ANSI B16.5 2" Fixed x Figt. Fig Fiex Connector w/150# ANSI Flanges, SST, 36" Live Length MISC. EQUIPMENT Grundfos UMC 50-80, Wet Rotor, In-Line, Single Stage Circulating Pump, 1PH, 120 V. VALVES 2" Butterfly valve, lug style ductile iron body, minimum 150 psi working pressure, ductile iron disk, stainless steel stem, EPDM seat liner and seat insert “O” ring, Crane Monarch Butterfly Valve No. 23, or equal. 3/4" Ball Valve, threaded ends, minimum 150 psi working pressure, chrome plated brass ball and bronze body, PTFE packing and seat ring, adjustable packing, Crane Capri Ball Valve 9302, or equal. 3/4" Boiler Drain Valve, 3/4" MPT x 3/4" Male hose thread, minimum 150 psi working pressure, bronze body, adjustable packing, or equal. MISC. VALVES AND GAUGES 100 PSI Pressure relief valve 3/4" Air Vent (Maid-o-Mist #75, or equal) Dial thermometer with brass well (20F to 240F) Pressure gauge, 1/4" mpt (0 to 60 psi) MISC. EQUIPMENT GARN #4400 WOOD BOILER (1,000 MBH BURNER W/ APPROX. 4400 GAL'S STORAGE) Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger (SOOMBh) Escutcheon Plate 2" diameter Unit Heater for Module Line voltage T-stat for Unit Heater Insulation TANANEST.XLS Page 2 UNIT TOTAI WEIGHT WEIGH. 6 $75.00 $450.00 40.00 240 iJ $500.00 $500.00 60.00 60 12 $75.00 $900.00 15.00 180 10 $8.00 $80.00 2.00 20 6 $4.00 $24.00 1.00 6 4 $50.00 $200.00 2.50 10 6 $25.00 $150.00 1.00 6 4 $100.00 $400.00 1.50 6 4 $25.00 $100.00 1.00 4 3 $17,500.00 $52,500.00 7500.00 22500 1 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 500.00 500 4 $15.00 $60.00 9.00 36 1 $300.00 $300.00 75.00 75 1 $50.00 $5.00 9.00 9 1 $250.00 $250.00 50.00 50 \o3 11/20/95 ) ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNITCOST TOTAL COST WEIGHT ARCTIC PIPING Arctic pipe 200 If with fittings and insulation Misc ELECTRICAL WOOD BOILER MODULE Service Entrance Equipment Load Center, 50 Amp 1PH, 120V motor starter w/Thermal Overload Units Light, 1PH, 120V , 1/2" EMT conduit 1/2" conduit fittings Misc Elect Est 3 days including travel time for labor TANANEST.XLS Page 3 1 1 Ne UNIT TOTAL WEIGHT $2,500.00 $2,500.00 2000.00 2000 $250.00 $250.00 250.00 250 TOTAL: [| sa7s00y] | 2,280 $150.00 $150.00 50.00 50 $150.00 $150.00 25.00 25 $150.00 $150.00 25.00 25 $50.00 $50.00 25.00 25 $300.00 $300.00 300.00 300 $250.00 $250.00 50.00 50 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 200.00 200 FOTAL | saosoog]___| 679 104 11/20/95 11/20/95 TANANWHU. XLS Page 1 WASTE HEAT UTILIZATION SIMULATION WORK SHEET. DOE WOODHEAT PRELIMINARY DESIGN CALCULATIONS Besssess Sssssss sssssses sassess sssssssse THIS SPREADSHEET CALCULATES THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF WASTE HEAT Location: Tanana AVAILABLE BASED ON THE EXISTING WASTE HEAT SYSTEM Date: 11/16/96 PROGRAM GSU: Annual O&M cost O S/year [ =ssesss= seceses= == ] Cost Estimate o$ [| Savings, year 0, gallons: } Fuel heat value: 134000 Btu/gall ] Fuel cost 1.30 $/galion 10 year B/C ratio #DIV/O! | Fuel cost escal 0 hyear 20 year B/C ratio #DIV/O! Power increase O fyear Pay back time, years ] Discount rate 0 /year @asasses =seess== == == } GENERATOR DATA:NC MACH. DATA 2/92 FOR 3608, 1200 RPM SYSTEM LOSS DATA: Heat rate at kw-load above: 0 4500 Btu/‘kwh Constant losses: Heat rate at kw-load above: 50 3000 Btu/kwh Plant piping: 2000 Btwhr. Heat rate at kw-load above 100 2450 Btu/kwh Interior Arctic piping 130000 Btu/hr. ICM to all bidgs Heat rate at kw-load above: 150 2200 Btu/kwh Genset E 2000 Btw/hr. engine preheat based on 4 ea 2 Skw block heaters (10°3412)=34MBH Btu/hr Heat rate at kw-load above: 200 2065 Btu/‘kwh Total TOnean TIA000 BIUAr. Heat rate at kw-load above: 250 2000 Btu/kwh Heat rate at kw-load above: 300 1950 Btu/kwh Variable losses: Heat rate at kw-load above: 350 1950 Btu/kwh Exterior Arctic piping 15 Btu/hr.xF — Fire Station to City Building Heat rate at kw-load above: 400 1950 Btu/kwh Plant heating: 2165 Btushr xF Heat rate at kw-load above: 450 1950 Btu/kwh Radiator losses: 50 Btuwhr xF Heat rate at kw-load above: 500 1950 Btu/kwh GENERATION DATA PCE FY93 WEATHER DATA: Kwtymonth: HDD/Month. FAIRBANKS January 186400 2319 February 172800 1907 March 148000 1736 Apiil 122400 1083 May 109600 546 June 104000 193 July” 108800 149 August 115200 296 September 138400 612 October 144000 1163 November 170400 1857 December 170400 2297 [1159] 11/20/9£ TANAN' XLS ge2 BUILDING DATA: Fuei use, Non- Boiler gallons Seasonal Seasonal Efficiency Building in use, 1=yes, O=no OPER January February March April May June July August September October November December HDD School 16200 1800 70% 1 1 1 1 1 oO oO oO 1 1 1 1 9 13921 Vsw 7200 1800 70% 1 1 1 7 f oO Oo oO 1 1 1 1 9 13521 Daycare 950 so 70% 1 1 1 1 1 oO oO oO 1 1 1 1 9 13521 TeenCente 750 oO 70% 1 1 1 7 . oO o oO 1 1 1 1 9 13521 Fire Hall 1900 100 70% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14159 City Garag 2000 oO 70% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14159 Voc Ed 2000 0 70% 1 1 1 1 1 ° 0 ° 1 1 1 1 ‘ 13521 Generator 250 oO 70% 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 12 14159 Build 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14159 Build. 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 14159 BUILDING HEAT DEMAND VARIATION: ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION VARIATION: Winter Summer Hour. January February March April May June July August September October November December 0049 0.049 1 0.038 0.038 0038 0038 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.038 0.038 0048 0048 2 0036 0036 0036 0.036 0.037 0.037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0036 0036 0046 0046 3 0034 0034 0.034 0.034 0.035 0035 0035 0035 0.035 0035 0.034 0034 0044 0044 4 0.034 0034 0034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0034 0034 0034 0034 0034 0034 0043 0043 5 0033 0033 0033 0033 0.034 0034 0034 0034 0.034 0034 0033 0033 0041 0041 6 0.034 0034 0034 0.034 0037 0037 0037 0037 0.037 0.037 0034 0034 0.040 0.040 7 0.038 0038 0038 0038 0.037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0037 0038 0038 0039 0039 8 0.042 0042 0042 0042 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0042 0042 0.038 0038 9 0.042 0042 0.042 0.042 0043 0043 0043 0.043 0043 0.043 0042 0042 0038 0038 10 0.047 0.047 0047 0047 0.046 0.046 0.046 0046 0.046 0.046 0047 0047 0037 0037 W 0.048 0048 0048 0048 0.039 0.039 0039 0039 0039 0039 0048 0048 0.037 0.037 12 0047 0047 0047 0.047 0.047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0047 0037 0.037 13 0.045 0.045 0045 0.045 0048 0.048 0048 0.048 0.048 0048 0045 0045 0037 0037 14 0.047 0047 0047 0047 0049 0.049 0049 0049 0049 0049 0047 0047 0.037 0037 15 0.048 0048 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0.038 0.038 16 0048 0.048 0048 0.048 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0.048 0048 0048 0048 0039 0039 17 0049 0.049 0.049 0049 0.044 0044 0044 0044 0.044 0044 0049 0049 0040 0.040 18 0.046 0046 0046 0.046 0.047 0.047 0047 0047 0.047 0.047 0046 0046 0041 0041 19 0.043 0043 0043 0043 0.046 0.046 0.046 0046 0046 0046 0043 0.043 0043 0043 20 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.038 0038 0044 0044 21 0.038 0.038 0038 0.038 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.038 0038 0046 0046 22 0.041 0041 0.041 0.041 0.039 0.039 0039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0041 0041 0048 0048 23 0.044 0.044 0044 0.044 0.040 0.040 0040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.044 0044 0049 0049 24 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.041 0.041 0.041 0.041 0041 0.041 0.040 0040 Days: nu 28 nv 30 Hn 30 Kk} Hv w» xv 30 3 HDD: 2319 1907 1736 1083 S46 193 149 296 612 1163 1857 2297 «14158 HDD kwh: 166400 172800 148000 122400 «= 109600» 104000 = 108800115200 138400 = 144000 = 170400 += 1170400 1690400 kwh Av kW. 251 257 199 170 147 144 146 155 192 194 237 229 193 avgimo Power year factor 1 Building heat-use per month, MBH (Boiler Output) Year no 0 279381 233079 =. 213861 140473 80122 0 0 0 87540 149464 227459 =. 276909 1688288 Seasonal consumpticn, gis. 31250 134592, 114013105471 72855 46032 o 0 0 49329 76851 111515 = 133493 844150 Non-seasonal consump.,gis 3750 15804 13089 11962 7659 4120 0 0 0 4554 8186 12760 15659 93793 Compound boiler efficiency: 070 12066 9922 9032 $635 2841 0 Oo oO 3184 6051 9662 11951 70345 29971 24785 22633 14413 7654 3211 2657 4507 8485 15420 24156 29694 187587 30726 25267 23001 14349 7234 2557 1974 3922 8109 15409 24604 °30434 187587 32175 26459 24087 15026 7576 ° 0 0 8491 16136 25765 31870 187586 3841 3158 2875 1794 904 320 247 490 1014 1926 3076 3804 = 23448 0 0 0 0 0 ° ° 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ae S385S6 449772, 412922). 272204 =: 186483 6088 4878 8920 170706 289444 438997 533815 32827865 © Total Boiler Intput (Gal/mo): 5742 4795 4402 2902 1668 65 52 95 1820 3086 4680 5691 [34998 _]Gallons = 11/20/95 TANANWHU.XLS Page 3 Waste Heat available per hour by month, MBH (after subtracting System Losses from page 1) January February March April May June July August Septembe October November December 1 164 192 133 120 166 185 192 202 220 184 167 125 = 139 166 112 139 140 159 167 175 189 154 143 129 3 115 141 91 119 123 142 149 157 169 133 146 105 4 115 141 91 119 114 134 141 147 159 123 146 105 5 129 128 81 109 114 134 141 147 159 123 134 93 6 115 141 91 119 140 159 167 175 189 154 146 105 7 164 192 133 120 140 159 167 175 189 154 167 125 8 197 226 148 156 158 176 184 193 210 174 214 171 9 197 226 148 156 154 210 180 189 250 218 214 171 10 258 287 198 201 178 196 204 214 252 217 255 2u1 1 270 300 208 210 158 176 184 193 210 174 266 222 12 258 287 198 201 185 203 211 222 261 226 255 211 13 234 263 178 183 193 211 219 230 271 236 232 205 14 258 287 198 201 201 219 227 238 280 246 255 211 15 270 300 208 210 193 211 219 230 271 236 266 222 16 270 300 208 210 193 211 219 230 271 236 266 222 17 282 297 217 218 162 180 188 198 233 198 278 233 18 246 275 188 192 185 203 211 222 261 226 244 200 19 209 238 158 165 178 196 204 214 252 217 225 182 20 164 192 133 120 184 202 210 181 240 205 167 125 21 164 192 133 120 166 185 192 202 220 184 167 125 22 201 213 165 147 158 176 184 193 210 174 202 159 23 221 250 168 174 166 185 192 202 220 184 237 193 24 189 217 154 138 175 193 201 173 230 195 190 148 149639 152557 116007 115156 121756 132079 141137 145813 162428 141559 149494 123892 1651516 MBH Equivalent Boiler input (Gal/mo): 1595 1626 1237 1228 1298 1408 1505 1555 1732 1509 1594 1321 [_17607]Gatlons Average Heat demand per hour by month, MBH (total for all Bldgs) January February March April May June July August Septembe October November December 858 794 658 448 1 249 10 8 14 281 461 723 851 2 830 768 637 434 241 10 8 14 272 446 699 823 3 799 739 613 417 232 9 7 13 262 429 673 792 4 770 712 590 402 224 9 7 13 252 414 648 763 5 744 688 570 388 216 9 7 12 244 400 626 737 6 719 665 551 376 209 8 7 12 236 387 606 713 7 697 644 534 364 202 8 6 12 228 374 587 691 8 678 626 519 354 197 8 6 iT) 222 364 571 672 9 662 612 507 346 192 8 6 1 217 356 558 656 10 660 610 506 345 192 8 6 1 216 355 556 654 "1 643 594 493 336 187 8 6 1 211 345 541 637 12 638 590 489 333 185 7 6 1 209 343 537 632 13 638 590 489 333 185 7 6 "1 209 343 537 632 14 643 594 493 336 187 8 6 "1 21 345 541 637 15 643 594 493 336 187 8 6 rT 211 345 541 637 16 662 612 507 346 192 8 6 1 217 356 558 656 17 678 626 519 354 197 8 6 1 222 364 571 672 18 697 644 534 364 202 8 6 12 228 374 587 631 19 719 665 551 376 209 8 7 12 236 387 606 713 20 744 688 570 388 216 9 7 12 244 400 626 737 21 770 712 590 402 224 9 7 13 252 414 648 763 22 799 739 613 417 232 9 7 13 262 429 673 792 23 829 766 635 433 241 10 8 14 271 445 698 821 24 858 794 658 448 249 10 8 14 281 461 723 851 — 538610 449817412964 272231186499 «6088. 4879 = 8920170723 289473 439041 533868 3283113 MEH 8 Total Boiler intput (Galimo): 5742, 4795 44032902 1668 65 52 95 1820 30864681 5692[35001]Gallons 11/20/98 CSCOBNOUSWN— -_ aoe enone PSBR8earaanzan Equivalent Waste Heat Delivered (Galimo): Year 0 fuel saving, gals. 1320S Fuelsave: Fuet- $-saved: Discntd.: O&Mlyear discntd.: Accumitd: Balance : PB-years: Fuelsave: Fuel- $-saved: Discntd.: O&M/year discntd.: Accumitd: Balance : PB-years: o ce Year: 1 13205 18486 18486 18486 18486 0.00 18 13205 18486 18486 332755 332755 0.00 2 13205 18486 18486 0 36973 36973 0.00 19 13205 18486 18486 0 351241 351241 0.00 3 4 13205 13205 18486 18486 18486 18486 0 0 55459 73040 55459 73946 0.00 0.00 20 13205 18486 18486 0 369728 369728 0.00 Waste Heat delivered per hour by month, MBH (total tor all Bidgs) January February 164 139 115 115 129 115 164 197 197 258 270 258 234 258 270 270 282 246 209 164 164 201 221 189 149639 1595 13205 18486 18486 92432 _ 92432 0.00 192 166 141 141 128 141 192 226 226 287 300 287 263 287 300 300 297 275 238 192 192 213 250 217 152557 1626 6 13205 18486 18486 110918 110918 0.00 March 133 112 91 91 81 91 133 148 148 198 208 198 178 198 208 208 217 188 158 133 133 165 168 154 116007 1237 7 13205 18486 18486 129405 129405 0.00 TANAN\ XLS April May June 120 166 10 139 140 10 119 123 9 119 114 9 109 114 9 119 140 8 120 140 8 156 158 8 156 154 8 201 178 8 210 158 8 201 185 7 183 185 7 201 187 8 210 187 8 210 192 8 218 162 8 192, 185 8 165 178 8 120 184 9 120 166 9 147 158 9 174 166 10 138 175 10 115156 120830 6088 1228 1288 65 8 9 10 13205 13205 13205 18486 18486 18486 18486 18486 18486 oO 0 oO 147891 166377 184864 147891 166377 = 184864 0.00 0.00 0.00 July August 14 14 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 1 W "1 11 11 "1 11 W 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 BPOVNVVOMMAMNAMAMAAAAAVVNNOD 4879 8920 52 95 YW 12 13205 13205 18486 18486 18486 18486 2033500221837 2033500 221837 0.00 0.00 Septembe October 220 189 169 159 159 189 189 210 217 216 210 209 209 211 211 217 222 228 236 240 220 210 220 230 149566 1595 13 13205 18486 18486 240323 240323 0.00 184 154 133 123 123 154 154 174 215 217 174 226 236 246 236 23% 198 226 217 205 184 174 184 195 141559 1509 14 13205 18486 18486 0.00 November December 167 143 146 146 134 146 167 214 214 255 266 255 232 255 266 266 278 244 225 167 167 202 237 190 149494 1594 15 13205 18486 18486 277296 277296 0.00 125 129 105 105 93 105 125 171 174 2u 222 211 205 211 222 222 233 200 182 125 125 - 159 193 148 ge4 123892 1238587 MBH 132113205) 16 13205, 18486 18486 295782 295782 0.00 17 13205 18486 18486 0 314268 314268 0.00 Gallons DCRADivision of Energy February 1, 1996 Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Appendices Fuel Substitution Assessment - Final Report USKH, Inc. APPENDIX B-6 Tanana Chiefs Conference Selected Wood Inventory Information 109 RURAL ALASKA HEAT CONSERVATION AND FUEL SUBSTITUTION ASSESSMENT (Woodfuel Conversion Factor & Inventory Data: Appendix B-6) Included in this appendix is estimated fuelwood harvest costs and forest inventory data for selected villages provided by Tanana Chiefs Council (TCC). The fuelwood harvest estimated costs are based on prior studies and experience of TCC foresters. The forest inventory data provided is “select” data that represents the main information included in the inventory data studies. Complete copies of these reports may be obtained by contacting TCC in Fairbanks. The attached information provided by Tanana Chiefs Council for Fuelwood Harvest Costs includes estimated costs for Stumpage, Felling and Yarding, Loading and Hauling, Road, and Overhead in units of dollars per thousand board feet. These units are customary when dealing with logging operations for sawtimber and other wood types where the finished product is milled timber. In this report, the logging operation is to provide woodfuel for heating. A more customary and identifiable unit of measure for this project is dollars per cord of wood. The conversion factors to convert from board feet to cords depends upon several variables, including the diameter of the log and assumed cubic feet of solid wood per cord. For this study, an average of 8” diameter logs is assumed. A conversion factor of 4 board feet per cubic foot is used, in conjunction with 85 cubic feet per cord of wood. as shown below. (4 board feet/cubic foot)x(85 cubic feet/cord) = 340 board feet/cord The resulting conversion factor to be applied to the various estimates of cost for the above categories is 340 board feet per cord, or .340 thousand board feet per cord. [10 Rural Alaska Heat Conservation & Fuel Substitution Project Fuelwood Harvest Costs There are several reports available that discuss delivered costs of chips or fuelwood in the Interior and break the costs down by production segments. These are commonly stumpage, felling, yarding, loading, hauling, road and overhead costs. A previous report I sent you entitled “Estimation of Potential Timber Volume in the Tanana Valley Available for Conversion to Wood Chip Fuel” has six scenarios with detailed production cost data. Based on my observations and knowledge of logging operation in Interior Alaska I would offer the following numbers for your utilization in the wood fuel project. Stumpage: This is the cost of procuring the wood and can vary greatly depending on the location of the wood in relation to the transportation infrastructure of a region. On the rail belt stumpage prices are significantly higher then those found in villages located in remote portions of the State. In addition a village may be willing to contribute wood fuels at a low stumpage rate to encourage the local employment and management of it’s forest resources. For most rural areas the white spruce stumpage rate for sawtimber ranges from $20.00 to $35.00 per thousand board feet. Fuelwood stumpage rates are very low with $1.00 to $3.00 per thousand cubic feet being common. Felling and Yarding: This is the cost of felling and skidding the tree to a landing site where the tree is merchandised into log sorts. This cost ranges from $130.00 to $190.00 per thousand board feet. Loading and Hauling: The loading cost is a minor component and the hauling cost is dependent on the distance of the harvest site to the village. For a 20-30 mile haul I would estimate the cost would range trom $40.00 to $60.00 per thousand board feet. Road: This is another difficult cost to generalize, but I will assume most of the harvesting will take place in the winter and will utilize snow roads and ice bridges. For a 20-30 mile operation with two major ice bridge crossings the costs would be in the $20.00 to $35.00 per thousand board feet. Overhead: This cost will cover a varity of small costs that get lumped together and generally are in the $10.00 to $20.00 per thousand board foot range. Thus your delivered costs would be in the range of $200.00 to $305.00 per thousand board feet. ( F6#.00 to 7104 / cord) C. Winword:Chris:Consultswoodest.doe II Rural Alaska Heat Conservation & Fuel Substitution Project Forest Inventory Data tor Selected Villages Tanana: The village of Tanana had a forest inventory project and vegetation type maps completed in 1987. The project encompassed 225,000 acres of village corporation lands and 107,452 acres were identified as forest lands. The project area supports stands of pure white spruce and white birch and mixed stands of these two species. Annual allowable cuts were calculated for the area and are 1,074,000 cubic feet per year for white spruce and for mixed hardwoods 550,000 cubic feet. These harvest levels can easily support a wood fuel project of the size and scope we discussed. Eilm: The village of Eilm is located in an area formally known as the Norton Bay Native Reserve and with the passage of ANILCA theses lands were transferred to the village corporation for the area. A forest inventory of the reserve was completed in 1973 by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and in 1975 a follow-up report entitled: “Five Year Logging Plan and Supporting Data for the Kwiniuk Native Association of Elim, Alaska” was completed. The inventory report shows that approximately 176,400 acres or 56% of the reserve consists of forest land and is dominated almost entirely by white and black spruce forest types. The logging plan identifies specific stands for harvest and calculated a annual cut of 143,794 cubic feet. This appears to be a conservative figure since it only included saw- timber size trees. A large amount of poletimber stands and lower volume sawtimber stands were not included in this calculation. It would appear that this area could also easily support a wood fuel project. A statement was made in the report that mention the likely scarcity of fuel oil in the future and the need to utilize wood as a substitute as one reason the inventory was completed Grayling: We don’t have a specific forest inventory project completed for this village, but we do have inventory data on native allotment parcels in the area. It would be a relatively » Simple | project to vegetation map the village ownership and calculate acreage’ 6gthe> Tar” iagt= apoureres types, This acreage data could then be combined with the nt =. x a * ume-datato get an idea of the forest resources available to the village™ D myst" - = own observations the village could support a harvest program that could supply a ‘wood | fueled energy project. McGrath: This village is in the same situation as Grayling, but we are working on completing vegetation maps and a forest management plan for this area during the winter. Allotments in the region have been inventoried and the village of Nikolai just upriver were inventoried in 1988 and 1985 respectively. This village has adequate forest resources to support a wood fuel project. C. Winword:Chris\ConsultUnvil.doc 2 HIGHLIGHTS Tanana Village Forest Inventory Acres Total Tanana Village Inventory Area . . . 2. 2. oe 0 0 0 0 0 © 0 0 o 2259200 FOD@StedDands. 2.0 « 6 0 6 6 6 6 6 w oe © ieite. «0 & © © 6 ©, 107,652 Non-forested Lands . . . «2 2 se 0 0 0 0 © © 0 0 0 0 ce 0 0 co © 854337 Water, RIVE... « o's 0 6.6 0 6% oe 0 ee Oia en 6 oe 0 0 oo 29,583 a WAUnE 5 DAKOR/ FOURS =: 10) 0 0 6 16) 19616 6 16 oo Se ele) @r ie lle )e|| epee Spgaa es Forested Land, Stand Size Class by Timber Type: Sawtimber Type 35,621 Poletimber Type 68,106 Seedling/Sapling Type 3,725 a TOTAL FOREST LAND 107 7452 a Forest Land, Species Composition by Timber Type: White Spruce Type 27,854 Black Spruce Type 10,957 Hardwood Type : 33,172 Cottonwood Type 3,216 Mixed White Spruce/Hardwood Type 29,983 Mixed Black Spruce/Hardwood Type 1,340 Mixed White Spruce/Cottonwood Type 930 TOTAL FOREST LAND 107,452 Forest Land Volume: 2 3 Thousand Thousand Cubic Feet Board Feet ae 225,767 642,490 l. Primarily because of small acreage or limited timber values, some timber types were not sampled. Non-sampled timber types account for 27,099 acres of the 107,452 acres of forest land. Therefore, the above volume estimates are based on the 80,353 acres of forest land timber types actually sampled (Table 4). 2. Includes all size classes 1.0" d.b.h. and larger for sawtimber and poletimber classes. 3. Includes aly sawtimber trees 10.5" d.b.h. and greater; Scribner Decimal \13 Forest Land Area and Volume by Timber Type (Species and Size Class) TOTAL NET VOLUME % of Thousand Thousand Species/Size Class* Acres Area Cubic Feet & Board Feet % Sawtimber Types: White Spruce 24,357 30 98 ,657 44 336,278 52 Mixed White Spruce/ Hardwood 4,173 5 11,999 5 33,317 5 Cottonwood 2,134 3 3,259 zd 12,353 2 Subtotal 30,664 38 113,915 50 381,948 59 Poletimber Types: White Spruce 916 1 2,867 1 5,025 L Hardwood 26,239 33 61,319 27 126,121 20 Mixed White Spruce/ Hardwood 13,644 17 43,906 20 127,325 20 Black Spruce 8,890 ll :3,760 unra} 2,071 <1 Subtotal 49,689 62 111,852 50 260,542 41 TOTAL 0, ’ 749 ae Note: The acres represented are the timber type acreage by species and size class. Since the timber types are not entirely homogeneous, all size classes and/or species can be represented in any given type. Thus, the volumes for the types listed may include all species and size classes. A breakdown of the volume found in the various types is shown in Appendix B. There are an additional 27,099 acres of timber types that do not have recorded volume information (see Table 4). Table 6. Total area am estimated net volume type. 18 14 Estimated Annual Harvest While it is beyond the scope of this report to suggest an allowable, sustained yield harvest level, it seems appropriate to make some estimate of an annual harvest level that could be sustained over time, as a general guide to future harvest activities. Estimates of potential harvest levels presented here are based on the following assumptions: 1. The project area is not now, nor likely to be in the near future, an area of intensive forestry. Harvest levels are likely to be well below the potential for the area. 2. With the exception of black spruce and cottonwood, all forest stands for which there is inventory data would be harvested. No allowance has been made for stands that might not be operable because of economic, social/cultural, or environmental considerations. 3. Estimates of annual harvest volume are based on the existing volume of seedling/sapling, poletimber, and sawtimber trees of all the timber stands for which there is inventory data. No allowance has been made for growth or mortality. By cubic foot volume, the existing forest consists of 59% sawtimber, 37% poletimber, 3% seedling/sapling, and 1% dead sawtimber (Table 7). It is assumed that harvests will concentrate in the sawtimber component of the forest. Any mortality or wood loss to the seedling/sapling or poletimber components of harvested stands due to poor logging practices, exposure from opening the stand, or other factors would have the effect of eventually reducing harvest levels indicated here. 4. Growth and age information and field observations suggest that white spruce sawtimber products, houselogs, and poles can be produced by age 100-120 years and that hardwood sawtimber and poles can be produced by age 80. Beyond that age, tree growth is beginning to decline on better sites. oo» = Se There may be a regeneration gap after cutting. However, areas a adjacent to rivers present fair to good seedbed conditions because of: periodic flooding and the resulting silt deposition. =~ - Where excessive duff layers present poor seedbed.conditions;~a scarification treatment to remove the duff may be required. It is anticipated that with normal seed production, adequate natural regeneration will be secured within 5-10 years following harvest (Zasada, 1971). Clear-cut harvest blocks of 20 acres or less will be utilized. ty Estimated White Spruce Harvest Level From the inventory data there are 43,090 acres within white spruce types and mixed spruce/hardwood types (SP2/HP1, SP3, SS3, SS2, SS1/HP1, HP2/SSl). If sawlog products can be produced in 120 years, and it takes 10 years for natural regeneration, then the number of acres that would be harvested annually is as follows: 24 \\IS HEUs % : Estimated = 43,0 cres = 331 acres/year 9 Harvest 13 From the inventory data, these white spruce types have approximately 3,245 cubic feet of white spruce timber per acre. This is calculated by dividing the total volume of spruce component for the above types by the acreage of these types. The estimated annual harvest for spruce in cubic feet would be as follows: 3 3 Spruce: 331 acres x 3,245 ft /acre = 1,074,000 ft /year In terms of board feet, the sawtimber volume of existing stands averages about 11,725 board feet/acre. If this average volume is representative of the average spruce sawtimber volume per acre to be harvested throughout the rotation period, the spruce annual harvest estimate in terms of board feet would be as follows: Spruce Annual Harvest in = 331 acres x 11,725 bf/acre = 3,881,000 bf Board Feet Estimated Hardwood Harvest Level From the inventory data there are 26,239 acres within hardwood timber types (HP3, HP2). I£ pole or sawlog products can be produced in 80 years, and it takes 10 years for natural regeneration of cutover areas, then the number of hardwood acres that can be harvested annually is as follows: Estimated = 26,239 acres = 292 acres Harvest 90 years From the inventory data, these hardwood types have approximately 1,901 cubic feet of hardwood timber per acre. This is calculated by dividing the total volume of hardwood component for the above types by the acreage of these types. The estimated annual harvest for spruce hardwood in cubic feet would be as follows: 3 3 Estimated = 292 acres x 1,901 ft /acre = 555,000 ft Harvest In terms of board feet, the sawtimber volume of existing stands average about 3,472 board feet/acre. If this average volume is representative of the average hardwood sawtimber volume per acre to be harvested throughout the rotation period, the hardwood annual harvest estimate in terms of board feet would be as follows: Hardwood Annual Harvest in = 292 acres x 3,742 bf/acre = 1,093,000 bf Board Feet 2s IIb ms ‘ . te in oa ri Se wn one foot of moss overlies deep layers (six feet or more) of silt strat- ified with layers of peat. The bog soils are characterized by poor drainage and aeration and are cold, wet soils. Available mineral con- tent from decomposing peat is probably high; whether this is a detri- ment to tree growth is not known. The cold, wet condition of these soils does appear to retard tree growth; a few trees are found in the bog areas. Those present are dwarfed and of poor form. At a higher elevation than the lowland bog is a transition zone found between the bog and better drained and developed soils. The transi- tion zone has the same general profile as the bog areas, but apparently is better drained, more aerated and may contain a slight amount of topsoil. Tree growth is somewhat stunted, but occurs more frequently on this site than in bog areas. The better drained and developed soils of the Reserve have a light layer of moss (less than six inches) on the surface followed by a thin layer (six to twelve inches) of loam soil. Beneath the loam is at least three to six feet of fragmented limestone rock, which increases in size with the dépth below the surface. These sites are characterized by fair to good drainage and aeration and usually occur on slopes over 100 feet in elevation. The fact that these areas were subject to conti- nental uplift and were uplifted from the sea water earlier than lower areas may account for a better developed soil. FOREST ESTIMATE Approximately 57% or 176,400 acres of the Reserve are forested; the remaining acreage is non-forested land or is land covered by water. TABLE 1 AREA OF NBNR BY FOREST AND NON-FOREST ACRES Area Classification Percent of Reserve Acreage Forest Land S752 176,400 Non-Forest Land 38.3 118,300 Lakes, Rivers and Kwik Inlet, Kwiniuk Inlet Areas* 4.5 13,800 Total 100.0 308,500 ater areas of less t one acre or water courses less t feet wide are not included in the water acreage. These areas are included in the non-forest land acreage. [18 a az Z Ed H nz *The Kwiniuk Inlet and Kwik Inlet areas (see map, page 2A) are included within the boundary of NBNR, and the acreage of this water area accounts, in part, for the large water acreage shown above. The approximate acreage of the two inlets is 8,500 acres. Spruce dominates the entire forested area of the Reserve; the pre- sence of spruce is interrupted only by scattered paper birch (Betula yrifera) on upland sites and occasional balsam poplar (Po ulus Etcatter) clumps on silt-laden bars along the river courses. isolated sightings of quaking aspen (Populus tremiloides)were made during field work on the Reserve; however, the presence of aspen is a novelty and is insignificant as far as volume of timber and mmber of trees are concerned. The spruce forest is composed of both white spruce (Picea glauca) and black spruce (Picea mariana). Black spruce is of no commercial importance on the Reserve, where it is generally limited to the colder, wetter soils. Stands containing black spruce are generally open grown and of dwarfed condition. White spruce occurs on all sites favorable to tree growth and reaches commercial size on the better drained, deeper soils. To aid in describing the forests of the Reserve, forest lands were classified by (1) timber stand growth rate, and (2) gross volume per acre. The first category, growth rate, is based on the U.S. Forest Service growth standard for commercial forest land. According to their standard, land capable of producing, on the average, at least 20 cubic feet of yearly timber growth per acre, is considered com- mercial forest land. Land producing less than this standard is con- sidered non-commercial. According to field data gathered, none of the Reserve's forested land would be considered commercial based on the 20 cubic feet growth standard. This does not mean that the for- ests could not be managed on an economic basis. The growth standard merely indicates that the growth potential of the Reserve's forest lands are below the current accepted growth rate minimm for more accessible, managed forest lands in North America. The remote loca- tion of the NBNR and its timber wealth in contrast to the highly untimbered Seward Peninsula as a whole should be considered in eval- uating its timber potentials. The second category of forest land classification used in the inven- tory, timber volume per acre, was expressed as gross cubic feet of merchantable timber. The term gross refers to the volume of standing timber without deductions for tree rot, crookedness, etc. Merchan- table timber includes all live trees at least 5.0" dbh; dbh is the 19 Tenana Chiefs Confarence. Inc.” Forestry Program SRS cet 84 TT Ks a NATIVE ASSOCIATION OF ELIM, 3. THE TIMBER SUPPLY SITUATION 3.1 LOCATION OF CONCENTRATION OF SAWTIMBER Before arriving in Alaska to start the field work for a 5 year logging plan, INFO colored all the S32 stands in green on a copy of the type map. In the vicinity of Elim and Iron Creek the associated S2= stands were colored in blue. It is quite evident that most of the S3= stands are contained wholly inside an area created by the big bend of the Kwiniuk River. From the big bend of the Kwiniuk , the gross area in which those stands are found is limited by the Kwiniuk River and the swamps near Moses Point on the northerly and easterly sides. The seacoast forms the southerly side and the westerly side is made up of the non-forest area around Mt. Kwiniuk and a northerly flowing tributary of the Kwiniuk River which originates about a mile and a half northerly of Mt. Kwiniuk. Within a six mile radius of the sawmill at Elim there are roughly 3,300 acres of S3= stands, and about 3,000 acres of S2= stands. Within a six mile radius of the mouth of Iron Creek there are roughly 4,250 acres of S3= stands. Between 500 and 600 acres of these stands are also contained inside of the 6 mile radius around the Elim mill. Therefore, a rough area estimate of S3= stands within six miles of Elim and the mouth of Iron Creek is about 7,000 acres. This is probably about 15% of the land area within these radii. There are only two other places on the type map where there is a reasonable concentration of S3= types. These are adjacent to the Kwiniuk River on the easterly side (outside the big bend area). They include one approximately 250 acre stand on the east side of the Kwiniuk River about 6 miles upstream as the crow flies. Another 4 miles upstream as the crow flies there are several stands adjacent to or northeasterly of the Kwiniuk River which approximate 900 acres. Therefore the most likely concentration of good sawtimber stands comprise about 8,150 acres. The remaining S3= stands are scattered and relatively isolated. There are a number of small stands among the loops and bends of the Kwiniuk and Tubutulik Rivers, but none in the Kwik River. 3.2. SELECTION OF AREA TO CRUISE FOR FIRST 5-YEAR LOGGING PLAN Conferences were held in Elim for the first three nights with Charles Saccheus, Acting President of the Kwiniuk Native Association, and other (2\ INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY CONSULTANTS, INC 4. THE OPERATING PLAN 4.1 CALCULATION OF THE ANNUAL CUT In view of the distribution of timber and its degree uf accessibility, as well as in view of an observed poor showing of reproduction in logged areas, it appears that a somewhat conservative approach to the potential annual harvest of 204,000 cubic feet would be in order. This would provide a time frame in which to develop an efficient operating entity and the best silvicultural and manufacturing techniques. The most logical way to do this is to reduce (on the basis of accessibility) the effective area of the saw timber and pole timber stands, and to make an additional allowancein rotation age for seedling establishment. Should the economics of the timber supply situation change in the future, the effective timbered area could be recalculated. The rotation could be shortened by seeding or planting if the proposed regeneration plan proves to be inadequate. Without undertaking an involved area calculation, it appears that the area adjustments above the line in Kemp's formula as illustrated on page 16 of the 1973 report+ could be reduced to 80% of the full potential and that another 20 years could be added to the rotation age. The resulting computation becomes [7(27,500 + 5(8,600)]x [8 x 519] = 143,794 cubic feet 4(170) per year for the allowable cut By substituting sawtimber board feet as shown in the last line on page 14a2/ the calculation works out to 625,322 board feet per year. (4.35 bf per cf). 2/ This could be rounded to 625,000 board feet per year, or 3,125,000 board feet in five years. Cutting at this rate would liquidate the accessible mature and over mature saw timber in about 60 years from the S3z stands. 4.2 SILVICULTURAL PRESCRIPTIONS 4.2.1 Recommendations - Method & Size of Trees to be Cut The logging will be undertaken in the winter time. Winter logging will disturb neither moss nor soil. It appears that moss disturbance is needed for natural regeneration and as a result of no disturbance there is likely 1/"Forest Resources of the Norton Bay Native Reserve" BIA, Zufelt , 1973 2/This conversion is different than those shown in section 2.4.2 on page 9 because it combines “Operable 1" and “Operable 2" sawtimber volumes. we 22 INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY CONSULIANTS. INC — — eee a sce | ei baer eames a bates: seas ae | atl aoa interested parties. Various alternatives were explored and a decision was ached to select the first four years of logging in an area reasonably tributary to the existing millsite with the fifth year's logging primarily tributary to the mouth of Iron Creek, but also accessible to Elim. This decision was reached chiefly because of the apparent advantage of basing a new logging operation and the mill in an existing community and partly because of the accessibility of. timber for cruising and logging. To assure a reasonable timber base for the fledgling logging operation, a decision was made to cruise and find this volume in the S3= stands. The premise for this decision is simply that a new development faces enough difficulties so that it must concentrate its initial efforts in the best and most accessible timber stands. If it cannot succeed in the best situation, it would have no chance to succeed in marginal situations. Eventually enough experience will be gained to determine the minimum recovery per acre below which costs will exceed income. During a 5 year operation some S2 stands will be found on developed access routes and in association with the S3= stands. Some timber can be removed from these stands but no great reliance should be placed upon them until their commercial viabilfty becomes apparent as their harvest potential on an area basis is less than half that of the S3= stands. As discussed in section 6 of the 5 year logging plan, it may be essential to maintain the integrity of the S2 stands in the vicinity of Elim for Purposes other than commercial harvest. \23 INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY CONSULTANTS, INC 5. SUSTAINED YIELD POTENTIAL By any normal standards, the productive capacity of the reserve forests is very low. None of it in its present natural or slightly disturbed condition meets commonly accepted criteria for commercial forest land. In spite of this situation, those parts of the forest which are managed by the silvicultural methods recommended should show improved growth rates on the residual trees and the recommended treatment of the ground following logging should ensure adequate reproduction to fully utilize the poor growing site. In other words, the managed portions of the forest which probably represent the best available growing conditions can be kept in a productive state. This is vital to any future commercial harvests in the same stands, as well as to the accustomed native dependence upon the forest. The nature of the products produced will undoubtedly change over the long time period between the first and second cut in the same stands. If the definition of a saw timber tree remains unchanged for 60 years, it is unlikely that this second cut of the residual growing stock which reaches saw timber size in 60 years would equal or exceed the volume harvested on the first cut. However, in 60 years time the trend in utilization standards and the need for this resource will unquestionably open up new markets and may long before then have provided the base for changes in harvesting plans and activities. Sustained yield is defined in forestry terminology as the yield that a forest can produce continuously at a given intensity of management. Sustained yield management implies continuous production so planned as to achieve at the earliest practical time a balance between increment (growth) and cutting. The silvicultural prescriptions in this plan are intended to speed up the rate of growth and shorten the time required to obtain satisfactory regeneration in the stands cut for sawtimber. The net result should be to grow wood faster on the residual trees than their rate of growth before the first saw timber cutting and to provide growing stock for future harvests. During this same period of time, there should be additional trees reaching saw timber size in the unmanaged stands and an increase in saw timber volume. The total effect is impossible to quantify until enough harvesting has been done to produce observable and measurable results in the managed stands. It is certain that in the light of experience, allowable annual or periodic cuts will be revised. If the accelerating changes of the last 60 years are any indication of those which will occur in the next 60 years, the prospect is that these cuts will increase, probably dramatically. Changes in utilization will have a great influence as will changes in demand. Over the past 70 years in the United States, the [24 INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY CONSULTANTS. INC eee a sae eee | etaca, — — ee ey — pea areca = ey ee eye valu2 of standing timber has consistently escalated at a faster rate than the general economy. This has happened in spite of the fact that the higher quality old growth timber is largely replaced by second and third growth timber. If this trend continues, it could expand the timber base on the reserve which contributes to the yield of forest products. The main difference in the allowable cut as calculated in the Norton Bay inventory report and for this 5 year logging plan comes about because the calculation for the plan considers only the presently reasonably accessible timber stands while the inventory calculation includes all operable 1 and operable 2 stands Neither calculation considers any other growing stock nor the extensive areas of S12, some of which may be capable of producing more pole timber and saw timber growing stock given sufficient time. In view of these circumstances and in the light of the foregoing discussion it is reasonable to assume that the sustained yield potential exceeds the calculations which have been undertaken. 12S INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY CONSULTANTS INC OCRADivision of Energy February 1, 1996 Rurai Alaska Heat Conservation and . Appendices Fuel Substitution Assessment - Final Report USKH, Inc. APPENDIX B-7 Rural Alaska Waste Heat Systems [26 RURAL ALASKA WASTE/DISTRICT HEAT SYSTEM DATA (Note: This is NOT a Complete List) COMMUNITY Akiak Alakanuk Allakaket Ambler Angoon Bethel - Birch Creek Buckland Chalkyitsik Chefornak Clarks Point Deering Dillingham Diomede Dot Lake Elim Emmonak Ft. Yukon Galena Golovir Goodnews Bay Grayling Igiugig Kaltag Kiana Kipnuk Koliganek Koyukuk Manokotak McGrath | Naknek New Stuyahok Newhaien Newtok Noatak Nome Port Heiden Rampart OWNER City City City SOA, DCRA SOA, DCRA BUCI City City City LKSD SRSD City NECI City United Crow Band SOA, DCRA City City - GEU City. SOA, DCRA SOA, DCRA City SOA, DCRA SOA, DCRA IRA City City SRSD ML&P NEA SRSD INNEC LKSD IRA NJU City City UTILITY City AVEC AP&T AVEC THREA BUCI City City City LKSD City City Nushagak Elec DJU UCB AVEC AVEC City GEU City AVEC AVEC City AVEC AVEC IRA City City City ML&P NEA AVEC INNEC LKSD AVEC NJU City City END-USERS Jail, Community Building, WTP Water Treatment Plant (WTP) YKSD School WTP, NABSD Elementary School CSD: Teachers Quarters, Elementary and High Schools Numerous Facilities City Building WTP/Washeteria YFSD Schooi LKSD School SRSD School WTP SRSD Headquarters, Dillingham Schools WTP, Washeteria, BSSD School 9 residences receive heat from a central boiler/WTP facility BSSD Elementary & High Schools WTP : WTP Elementary & High Schools, Fire Hall, WTP, Clinic, and utilidor heat City Office, Shop, WTP/Washeteria WTP/Clinic/City Office WTP and IASD School WTP, Clinic YKSD School BSSD Elementary School and WTP IRA Office/Community Bldg City Building YKSD School SRSD Schooi FAA Facilities Borough and School Bldgs. SRSD School LPSD School LKSD School WTP WTP Fire Station School [27 RURAL ALASKA WASTEJDISTRICT HEAT SYSTEM DATA (Note: This is NOT a Complete List) COMMUNITY OWNER Savoonga ~ SOA, DCRA Selawik City Shungnak SOA, DCRA St. Mary's SOA, DCRA ’ Tanana TPC Togiak SRSD Tuluksak YSD Unalakleet © UVEC Venetie City Yakutat City UTILITY AVEC AVEC AVEC AVEC | TPC AVEC YSD UVEC City City END-USERS BSSD School WTP/Washeteria (1996 est. const.) WTP Catholic Mission, City Bldg & Shop School, City Office, WTP/Washeteria, Headstart Bldg, SRSD School Yupiit Schoo! School, City Buildings, WTP WTP/Washeteria Elementary, Voc Ed, High Schools (2% DCRA/Division of Energy February 1, 1996 Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Appendices Fuel Substitution Assessment - Final Report USKH, Inc. APPENDIX B-8 Selected Potential Grant Funding Sources [29 . Alaska Cooperative Extension Community and Rural Development Program Administrative Agencies: State: University of Alaska Fairbanks Federai: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Alaska Cooperative Extension (ACE) Program Goal: To help people and communities identify and solve their farm, home, and community problems through application of results of federal and university research programs. Resource Provided: Federal program provides formula grants to each state to operate program. State programs provide the general public with information and educational assistance to increase income opportunities; improve community decision-making regarding community economic development and uses of natural resources; and facilitate technology transfer. Eligibility: Information and assistance is available to the general public. Alaska Program Status: The University of Alaska Fairbanks, as a Land Grant University, operates the Alaska Cooperative Extension program with 12 offices statewide. Extension education is provided in the following categorical areas: Community Development; Home Economics; 4-H and Youth Development and Land Resources (agriculture, forest and other natural resources). Workshops and technical assistance have been given in the following areas: community economic development, board training, village tourism development, conducting community surveys and needs assessments, grant writing workshops, community gardening and smail farm development, home based business assistance, energy conservation for homes and businesses, family financial management planning. Contact: Anchorage: Community Development Program, Alaska Cooperative Extension 2221 E. Northern Lights Bivd., Suite 132, Anchorage, AK 99508-4143 Phone: (907) 276-2433; Fax: (907) 279-2139 Fairbanks: Dr. Hollis Hall, ACE, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK 99775-5200; Phone: (907) 474-7246, Fax: (907) 474-7439 Rev. 3/95 i 130 Agricultural Research Program Administrative Agencies: Federal: Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service State: Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, University of Alaska Fairbanks Program Goals: To provide research results needed to enhance sustainable development of agriculture and forestry, reclaim disturbed lands, reduce poilution, and use Alaska's lands wisely for agriculture, forestry, and recreation. Resource Provided: Technical information; research results. Eligibility: Land grant universities and affiliated experimental stations. Information developed through research is available to the general public. Alaska Program Status: The Alaska Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station is part of the School of Agriculture and Land Resources Management, University of Alaska Fairbanks. The experiment station operates research centers at Fairbanks and Palmer, Alaska. The station provides a basic source of Alaska-relevant agricultural and forestry research information. Contact: Information developed by experiment station programs is generally available through: Alaska Cooperative Extension University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, AK 99775-6180 Phone: (907) 474-7246 For other inquiries: Agricultural and Forestry Experimental Station University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-7140 Phone: (907) 474-7083 Rev. 3/95 Community Facility Loans Administrative Agency: Federal: U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA): Rural Economic and Community. Development Agency, formerly FmHA, RDA Program Goals: Loans are available for public entities such as municipalities, boroughs, and special purpose districts in rural areas or cities under 20,000 population. Indian tribes and nonprofit corporations may also receive loans. Priority will be given to public entities in areas smailer than 5500 people. Resource Provided: Loans may be used to construct, repair, improve or expand community facilities for heaith care, public safety and public services. These can include hospitals, dental and medical clinics, fire trucks, ambulances, fire and rescue multi-service centers, police stations, jails, streets or industrial parks. Other community facilities are also eligible. Eligibility: Applicants must: be unable to obtain needed funds from other sources at reasonable rates and terms; have legal capacity to borrow and repay loans; be financially sound and able to manage the facility effectively. Alaska Program Status: Alaska’s annual allotment in FY 95 was $590,000. Additional funds can be obtained from a national reserve. Comments: » Loans have a maximum term of 40 years or the useful life of the facility. Interest rates are set periodically and are based on current market yields for municipal obligations. Certain loans may have a lower interest rate. Ail loans will be adequately secured. Contact: Frank Muncy USDA Rural Economic and Community Development Agency 634 S. Bailey St., Suite 103 Palmer, AK 99645 Phone: (907) 745-2176; Fax: (907) 745-5398 -\ Rev. 3/95 aa Rural Business Enterprise Grants Administrative Agency: Federal: U.S. Department of Agricuiture Rural Economic and Community Development Agency, (formerly FmHA, RDA) Program Goals: To provide grants to support the development of small and emerging private business enterprises in rural areas. Resource Provided: Grants to public bodies, federally recognized Native and private non-profit corporations serving rural areas. Grants may be used for the following purposes: Acquisition and development of land; Construction, conversion, enlargement and repairs of buildings, equipment, streets, and pollution control and abatement facilities; Start-up operating cost and working capital; Technical assistance for proposed grantee projects; Reasonable professional fees and charges; To establish a revolving fund which can be used to provide financial assistance to third party recipients. Eligibility: Public entities, such as cities, boroughs, federally recognized Indian tribes and private nonprofit corporations. The project must be located in a rural area or city of less than 50,000 population. Comments: Applications are prioritized for. funding. Projects with the highest priority are selected for funding. Grants have been made to Alaska applicants under this program. Contact: Frank Muncy USDA Rural Economic and Community Development Agency 634 S. Bailey, Suite 103 Palmer, AK 99645 Phone: (907) 745-2176 Fax: -(907) 745-5398 Rev. 3/95 is | [23 . Community Programs Guaranteed Loans Administrative Agency: Federal: U.S. Department of Agricuiture Rural Economic and Community Development Agency, formerly FmHA, RDA Program Goals: RECD is authorized to guarantee loans made by eligible lenders to borrowers in rural areas and in towns of up to 10,000 population for water and waste disposal facilities, or up to 20,000 population for other community facilities essential for public safety, heaith care or public service. Resource Provided: A loan guarantee to enabie other lenders to make loan funds available for worthy projects which would otherwise not be able to secure assistance. Guarantees may be up to 90 percent, but will usually not exceed 80 percent. Eligibility: Loans may be guaranteed for public entities, non-profit corporations or indian tribes. There are some restrictions on the use of funds. Alaska’s annual allotment for FY95 is $870,000. Contact: Frank Muncy USDA Rural Economic and Community Development Agency 634 South Bailey, Suite 103 Palmer, AK 99645 Phone: (907) 745-2176 Fax: (907) 745-5398 Rev. 3/95 17 Intermediary Relending Program Administrative Agency: Federal: U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Economic and Community Development Agency, formerly FmHA, RDA Program Goals: Program purpose is to finance business facilities and community development projects in rurai areas. Resource Provided: Loans are made by RECD to intermediaries that establish programs for the purpose of providing loans to ultimate recipients for business facilities and community developments in rural areas. Intermediaries may receive up to $2 million from RECD at one percent interest for a 30 year term. Intermediaries may then lend up to $150,000, but not to exceed 75% of a project, to individual borrowers. Eligibility: The intermediaries must be private non-profit corporations, public agencies, Indian groups, or cooperatives. : Contact: Samuel E. Hardin USDA Rural Development Administration 634 S. Bailey, Suite 103 Paimer, Alaska 99645 Phone: (907) 745-2176 Fax: (907) 745-5398 Rev. 3/95 18 j Grants for Public Works and Development Facilities Administrative Agency: Federal: Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) Program Goals: To assist in the creation of public facilities needed to initiate and encourage the creation of permanent jobs in the private sector in areas where economic growth is lagging behind the rest of the country. Resource Provided: Project grants. Eligibility: Applicants may be states, municipalities, Indian Reorganization Act or Traditional Village Councils, and nonprofit organizations. Entity must have an approved Overall Economic Development Plan (OEDP). . Alaska Program Status: There have been severai major projects recently. For example: dock projects in 1989 in Homer, Seldovia and Cordova, ranging from $400,000 to $1.2 million; fish processing facilities in Quinhagak in 1991; cold storage in Sitka, tourism in Kenai, and industrial water source in St. George. - Comments: Project proposals are submitted to the Anchorage EDA office for review, then to the EDA Regional Office (combined Regions IX & X) for recommendation to Central Office for approval. There is a preference for high local match and low costs per job. Alaska does not have a set allocation. The regional office annual allocation has been about $20 million. Alaska's share has been about $2-4 million per year. Grant requests should normally be no smaller than $250,000, and should have as high a percentage of non-federal match as possible, usually 50% or more. Contact: Berney Richert Economic Development Administration Old Federal Building 605 W. 4th Avenue, Room G-80 Anchorage, AK 99513 Phone; 271-2272 Fax: 271-2274 Rev. 6/91 19 136 Public Works Impact Projects Administrative Agency: Federal: Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) Program Goais: To provide immediate useful work to unemployed and underemployed persons in designated project areas, as weil as longer range jobs. Resource Provided: Project grants (matching). Eligibility: Areas of high unemployment. Projects must start and be compieted quickly. Alaska Program Status: Recent projects have included a water supply for Port Graham, a visitors center for Soldotna, erosion control to protect commercial interests in Chevak, a dock in Thorne Bay, and marine industrial area development in Togiak. Contact: Bemey Richert Economic Development Administration Old Federal Building 605 W. Fourth Avenue, Room G-80 Anchorage, AK 99513 Phone: (907) 271-2272 Fax: 271-2274 Rev. 3/92 Economic Development Technical Assistance Administrative Agency: Federal: Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration (EDA) Program Goals: To address economic problems through support for administrative services, demonstration projects, feasibility studies, management and operational assistance and other forms of technical assistance. Resource Provided: Project grants to support local technical assistance programs. Eligibility: Applicants may be private nonprofits, Alaska Native village entities, municipalities or other local organizations. Smail private business firms may secure technical assistance on a paying basis. Alaska Program Status: ‘Recent grants include a fisheries feasibility study, regional tourism development, a hatchery feasibility study, and transportation-resource development planning and use. Comments: This is a very flexible resource targeted at local economic development efforts. This program has extremely limited funding and is very competitive. Grants are typically in the $10,000 to $25,000 range. Contact: Berney Richert Economic Development Administration Old Federal Building 605 W. Fourth Avenue, Room G-80 Anchorage, AK 99513 ’ Phone: (907) 271-2272 Fax: 271 2274 Rev. 3/92 “\ a 138 aa Administration for Native Americans Grants Administrative Agency: Federal: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Administration for Native Americans, (ANA) Program Goals: To provide financial assistance to tribal and private Native American nonprofit organizations for the development of social and economic development strategies (SEDS) that promote seif- sufficiency, or the strengthening of governing bodies. Resource Provided: Project grants (competitive discretionary funding). Eligibility: Tribal entities and private nonprofit agencies with Native entity status. Alaska Program Status: There are approximately 60 active ACF grants in Alaska at this time. There is an annual ANA program announcement directed specifically at Alaska Native entities. For the past five years, ANA has made available $1.5 million annually for Alaska projects. Alaska Native entities can also apply under the general social and economic development strategies (SEDS) ANA program announcement. Comments: Since 1983, ANA has conducted a special Alaska initiative to provide financial assistance at the village level. The purpose of ANA funding is to promote social and economic. self-sufficiency at the community level. It is believed that the development of self-sufficiency requires strengthening governance, economic progress and improvement of social systems. All applications need to be responsive to this SEDS policy. Contact: Hank Aguirre, Acting Director West Division Administration for Native Americans 200 Independence Ave S.W. Reom 344F Washington D.C. 20201 Phona: (202) 245-7714 Rev. 3/92 25 139 ‘Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages Community Development Block Grant Program Administrative Agency: Federal: Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Division of Community Planning and Development (CPD) Program Goals: To provide assistance to Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages in the development of viable communities, including decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. Resource Provided: Project grants. The maximum grant amount is $500,000. There are grant categories for housing, community facilities, economic development, and imminent threat to health and safety. Eligibility: Eligible applicants are any Indian tribe, band, group, or nation, including Alaska Indians, Aleuts, and Eskimos, and any Alaska Native village which is considered an eligible recipient under Title | of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act or under the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972. Alaska Program Status: Alaska general appropriation levels of generally $3.3 to $3.5 million have been enough to fund 8 to 10 grants per year. Some 40 to 60 applications a year compete for these funds. Contact: Donna Hartley, Director Barry Bruninga, Community Development Specialist U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Anchorage Office of Native American Programs 949 E. 36th Ave., Suite 401 Anchorage, AK 99508-4399 Phone: (907) 271-4673 or 271-4628 Fax: 271-3667 -\ Rev. 3/95 ‘97 Indian Loan Guaranty Program Administrative Agency: Federal: Department of Interior (DOI), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Program Goals: To provide loan guarantees to assist in the development of Native-owned enterprises that will create jobs and other economic benefits for Alaska Native communities. Priority is given to tural development projects. Program Resource: Loan guarantees of up to $500,000 for individual Natives, and up to $5,500,000 for Native organizations. 80% and 90% guaranties are offered on commercial (bank) loans. Eligibility: For-profit enterprises at least 51% owned and operated by Alaska Natives, American Indians, ANCSA corporations, and tribal entities recognized by federal statutes. Sole proprietorships and corporations are included. Alaska Program Status: The annual allocation for Alaska has been $1.5 million. There are additional funds that can be obtained from Washington, D.C. Comments: Loans require a 20% investment by the applicant, and the business must. demonstrate economic feasibility. This is the program under which all borrowers will first be considered. Contact: Charles Katasse, Area Credit Officer 586-7103 Richard See, Financial Analyst §86-7183 Bureau of Indian Affairs — Alaska Area Office P.O. Box 25520 Juneau, AK 99802-5520 Phone: (907) 586-7096 Rev. 3/95, 29 to 4 Indian Business Development Program Administrative Agency: Federal: Department of Interior (DOI), Bureau of indian Affairs (BIA) - Program Goals: To provide equity injections to assist in the deveiopment of Native-owned enterprises that will create jobs and other economic benefits for Alaska Native communities. Priority will be given to rural development projects. Program Resource: Cash or equity injections of up to 25% of a total project cost with a minimum 75% match from commercial or governmental loan sources. Due to limited appropriations, the program is targeting injections in the $10,000 to $15,000 range. Eligibility: For-profit business enterprises at least 51% owned and operated by Alaska Natives, American Indians, ANCSA corporations, and tribal entities recognized by federal statutes. Sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations are included. Alaska Program Status: The annual allocation for Alaska has been averaging $330,000, but continues to decrease each year. Comments: The 25% match may consist of borrower cash and the IBDP contribution. The program is designed to leverage private/public sector investment or financing. This program will be considered after it has been determined that the borrower does not meet the loan guaranty requirements. Contact: Charles Katasse, Area Credit Officer 586-7103 Richard See, Financial Analyst 586-7183 Bureau of Indian Affairs Juneau Area Office P.O. Box 25520 Juneau AK 99802-5520 Phone: (907) 586-7096 Rev. 3/95 | . 42 30 ‘ Economic Development Matching Grant Program Administrative Agency: State: Department of Commerce and Economic Development (DCED) Division of Economic Development (DED) Program Goais: To provide a source of matching funds which allow communities and non-profit regional development entities to qualify for economic development funds from federal agencies and certain other nonstate public works/economic development or technical assistance grants. Program Resource: Generally, these DED funds are used to match nonstate grants with a match ratio of not less than one state dollar to three nonstate dollars. There are two classes of projects: capital projects and technical assistance projects. Projects considered for funding are narrowly defined. One primary purpose of a project must be either new construction of an economic development facility, or direct support of an economic development activity. Grant funds may be used only for a one-year project and not for on-going programs. Capital project requests are required to have a current and realistic business pian or feasibility study showing the project to be economically viable or self-supporting. Eligibility: Eligible applicants include home rule municipalities, organized boroughs, incorporated communities, unincorporated communities, nonprofit organizations, universities, and community colleges. Alaska Program Status: The legislative appropriation for fiscal year 1995 was $500,000; the budget request for FY was $1,200,000. Applications are accepted on a first-come first-serve basis during the fi year. : Comments: This program complements several federal pragrams listed in this guide, in particular, those of the Economic Development Administration, pages 19-23, and the Administration for Native Americans, page 25. Contact: Bonnie Jo Borchick-Saviand, Grants Administrator, DCED, Division of Economic Development P.O. Box 110804, Juneau, AK 99811-0804 Phone: ($07) 465-2023 Fax: (907) 465-3767 Rev. 3/95 53 143 Municipal Capital Project Matching Grants Administrative Agency: Department of Administration, Division of Administrative Services “Program Goals: Provide a capital project funding system that is equitable to all incorporated municipalities; enhance the role of communities in initiating and prioritizing capital projects; and encourage a sense of local ownership by requiring local participation in the funding of projects. Program Resource: Annuai lump-sum appropriations are made by the Legislature to the Municipal Capital Project Matching Grant Fund. Allocations based on population are made to individual grant accounts created for eligible municipalities. Eligibility: An incorporated municipality is eligible to apply if incorporated on or before July 1 of the previous fiscal year, or if it received state municipal assistance during the previous fiscal year. Alaska Program Status: A “capital project’ for purposes of this program is a project with a cost exceeding $10,000 to acquire or improve an asset with an anticipated life exceeding one year. Projects may be for land acquisition, construction, repair or structural improvement of a facility, engineering and design for a facility, and acquisition or repair of equipment. Contact: Lena Simmons Division of Administrative Services Department of Administration P.O. Box 110208 Juneau, AK 99811-0208 Phone: (907) 465-5647; Fax: 465-2135 Rev. 3/95 - LO (44 REDI Community Development Block Grants Competitive Grant Program Administrative Agency: State: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs (OCRA) Division of Community and Rural Development (OCRD) Program Goals: Principal objectives are to increase business and employment opportunities, promote seif- sufficiency and diversification of local economies, expand community capacity to plan and support economic development, and to continue to provide communities with basic public facilities grants. Resource Provided: REDI-CDBG competitive grants are single-purpose project grants; maximum of $200,000 per community. There are three basic categories: Special Economic Development, Community Development, or Planning. CDBG programs utilize the resources of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In 1995 a total of approximately $3,200,000 is available for competitive grants. Eligibility: Municipal governments are eligible to apply for the grants. Non-profits may participate as co- applicants for these pass-through funds. Persons from low and moderate income families must benefit under any project funded. Alaska Program Status: Applications will be distributed to municipalities in the fall, and awards will be made in March. 1996. CDBG is a REDI (Rurai Economic Development Initiative) program. Contact: Jo Cooper, Block Grants Program Coordinator Department of Community and Regional Affairs Division of Community and Rural Development 209 Forty Mile Ave. Fairbanks AK 99701-3100 Phone: (907) 452-4468; Fax: 451-7251 -\ Rev. 3/95 67 INS ~~ REDI Rural Development Initiative Fund Loan Program Administrative Agencies: State: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs (OCRA) Division of Community and Rural Deveiopment (DCRD) Private Lending Institutions Program Goals: To provide smail business capital and expand rural Alaska employment opportunities. Resource Provided: The Rural Development Initiative Fund (RDIF) provides loans for businesses located in small rural Alaska communities. Maximum loan amount is $100,000 per person or $200,000 for two or more persons. Loans may be requested for working capital, equipment, construction, or other commercial purposes, but not for refinancing. Eligibility: Businesses owned and operated by Alaska residents and located in communities of population of 5,000 or less are eligible to apply. Prospective borrowers should discuss their proposed venture with their bank and the Economic Development Specialist (EDS) in their region. Some loans may be packaged for submission to the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA.) If approved, AIDEA may guarantee up to 80% of the bank's participating financing, with up to 20% of the remaining loan amount financed by DCRA. For a loan not guaranteed by AIDEA up to 80% of the loan amount may be financed by RDIF. Comments: Collateral will be required. There is an application fee of $100, and a loan processing fee of .5% of the fund participation amount in the loan. Interest is prime plus 1%. There is a $200 loan application fee if AIDEA guarantees the loan and a 2% guaranty fee. Other fees may be required by the participating bank. RDIF is a REDI (Rural Economic Development initiative) program. Contact: Tom Peterson, Statewide Economic Development Specialist (serving Southcentral, Southwest and Southeast Alaska) DCRA, Division of Community and Rural Development 333 W. Fourth Avenue, Suite 220, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-2341 Phone: (907) 269-4529 Fax: 269-4520 Or one of the following Economic Development Specialists: Nome: Carol Piscoya 443-5459 Bethel: Flora Olrun 543-2885 Rev. 3/95! 68 j | Yo -REDI Rural Development Assistance Grants Administrative Agency: State: Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs (DCRA) Division of Community and Rural Development (DCRD) Program Goals: Principal objectives are to promote development of rurai areas of the state by broadening and diversifying the economic base; improving heaith, welfare, and economic security; and providing employment and income in rural areas. The focus will be on projects which contribute to the economic development of the community; develop basic community facilities or infrastructure; or are for planning and feasibility studies. Resources Provided: Maximum $100,000 per community. State general funds, subject to annual appropriation. In FY95 approximately $1.3 million was available. Eligibility: Eligible applicants are municipalities, Native village councils, and nonprofit corporations within communities which: have a population of 900 or fess; or lack a centralized water and sewer - system serving the majority of residents; or lack organized police and fire protection; or lack resident medical and dental services other than those provided by the Indian Heaith Service. A community may submit an application with a public or private. for-profit entity if the community will receive a specified benefit. Alaska Program Status: Awards were made February 1995. Next program announcement will be in September 1995, with applications due December 1995. Rurai Development Assistance (RDA) is a RED! (Rural Economic Development initiative) program. Contact: Gerry McDonagh Department of Community and Regional Affairs Division of Community and Rural Development P.O. Box 112100 Juneau AK 998II-2100 Phone: (907) 465-5539; Fax: 465-3212 - A Rev. 3/95 69 (47 Rural Development Assistance Mini-Grants Administrative Agency: State: Alaska Department of Community and Regionai Affairs (DCRA) Division of Community and Rural Development (DCRD) Federal: U.S. Dept. of Agricuiture,. Forest Service Program Goals: Economic development projects which accomplish one or more of the following: (1 increase the number of jobs in the community; (2 support small business development in the community; (3 emphasize economic development in underdeveloped rurai areas; (4 promote self-sufficiency and diversification in local economies; (5 provide for import substitution; (6 provide for the production and export of local goods and services; (7 youth enterprises; and (8 draw other resources to the community in support of economic development. Resources Provided: The Mini-Grant program is a combination of the USDA Forest Service Community Assistance Program and a |0% set-aside of money appropriated for the Rural Development Assistance (RDA) program. Maximum $30,000 per community per fiscal year. A community may not be awarded more than $100,000 in total RDA funds in one fiscal year. Funding level during FY95 is approximately $500,000. Eligibility: Eligible applicants include municipalities, native village councils, and nonprofit corporations within communities which have a population of 10,000 or iess. A community may submit an application with a public or private for-profit entity if the community will receive a specified benefit. Alaska Program Status: Applications will be received annually. RDA is a REDI (Rural Economic Development Initiative) program. Contact: Rev. 3/95 Gerry McDonagh Department of Community and Regional Affairs Division of Community and Rural Development P.O. Box 112100 (150 3rd St.) Juneau AK 99811-2100 Phone: (997) 465-5539; Fax: 465-3212 70 DCRA/Division of Energy February 1, 1996 Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Appendices Fuel Substitution Assessment - Final Report USKH, Inc. APPENDIX C-2 ECM Payback Calculations [Sd DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Reducing single-pane window area using insulated panels Heating Degree Days = 8.000 ECM Description: [Heat loss through a surface is inversely proportional to the R-value of that surface. By covering the window surface with an insulating panel, this R-value can be greatly increased. The payback of this ECM is very dependent upon the heating degree days vaiue at the buiiding site. Summary of Costs |Anchorage___s|Region’ ss Region2_ | Region3 and Savings: Cost or Cost or |Cost or Savings |Savings|Savings Savings |Savings Factor Estimated Cost Material $/unit Installation $/unit Shipping S/unit Total Cost $/unit Estimated Savings Fuel Gallon Electricity KwH Maintenance Hours Total Savings Payback Time Regional Cost Data: |Description Construction Anchorage Anchorage Metropolitan Area Region 1: Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Region 2: Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Region 3: Interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and example 1PAN-SE.XLS Page 1 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Concept: | Typically, singie-pane window units have an R-value of approximately 1. The window can be repiac ) |with framed construction consisting of siding, wood or metal framing, insulation, sheetrock and paint |Any increase in lighting due to covered windows is not inciuded. Assumptions: |The windows are easily accessible. Emergency egress windows are not covered. | Cost: material thickness specific Savings: material thickness specific Example: An existing window has an R-value of 1 and is located in an area subject to 8,000 heating degree days per year (i.e. Southeast Alaska). The framed wail will consist of r-19 insulation and will completely replace the window. What will the costs and savings be per square foot of window area? Cost: ) $9.75 per square foot of wail Source of Estimate: USKH architectural department Savings: 10105 Btu/yr = 1 ft*2"Btu/(19 hr*ft*2"F)*(8000 F*day/yr)*(24hr/day) = loss through wail 192000 Btu/yr = 1 ft*2*Btu/(1 hr*ft*2"F)*(8000 F*day/yr)*(24hr/day) = loss through window 181895 Btu/yr saved 1.939 gallons of no. 1 fuel oil saved per year 1PAN-SE.XLS Page 2 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Stucy 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Reducing single-pane window area using insulated panels Heating Degree Days = 14,000 ECM Description: [Heat loss through a surface is inversely proportional to the R-value of that surface. By covering the window surface with an insulating panei, this R-value can be greatly increased. The payback of this ECM is very dependent upon the heating degree days value at the building site. Summary of Costs Anchorage Region 1 and Savings: Cost or Savings Estimated Cost Material $/unit Installation $/unit Shipping $/unit Total Cost $/unit Estimated Savings Fuel Gallon Electricity KwH Maintenance Hours Total Savings Payback Time Anchorage Anchorage Metropolitan Area Region 1: Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Region 2: Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Region 3: Interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and example 1PAN-INT.XLS Page 1 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Concept: Typically, single-pane window units have an R-value of approximately 1. The window can be repia with framed construction consisting of siding, wood or meta! framing, insulation, sheetrock and paint Assumptions: ‘The windows are easily accessible. Emergency egress windows are not covered. Any increase in lighting due to covered windows is not included. Cost: material thickness specific Savings: material thickness specific Example: An existing window has an R-value of 1 and is located in an area subject to 14,000 heating degree days per year (i.e. Interior Alaska). The framed wail will consist of R-19 insulation and will completely replace the window. What will the costs and savings be per square foot of window area? Cost: $9.75 per square foot of wail Source of Estimate: USKH architectural department Savings: 17684 Btu/yr = 1 ft*2*Btu/(19 hr*ft*2"F)*(14,000 F*day/yr)*(24hr/day) = loss through wail 336000 Btu/yr = 1 ft*2°Btu/(1 hr*ft*2"F)*(14,000 F*day/yr)*(24hr/day) = loss through window 318316 Btu/yr saved 3.394 gallons of no. 1 fuel oil saved per year \S8 1PAN-INT.XLS Page 2 OCRA/DOE Rurai Heat Study ECM: ECM Description: and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Payback Time egion Ancnorage Region 1: Region 2: ion 3: Calculations: Summary of Costs Maintenance Total Savings Regional Cost Data: |Description Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Replacing single-pane windows with triple-pane windows Heating Degree Days = 8,000 12/8/95 Heat loss through a surface Is inversely proportional to the R-value of that surface. By replacing single pane windows with triple-pane windows, this R-value can be greatly increased. The payback of | this ECM is very dependent upon the heating degree days value at the building site. Anchorage Cost or |Cost or Savings $/unit $/unit $/unit $/unit Gallon KwH Hours Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska See attached concept and example 1PAN-RE2.XLS 1.00 1.23 19 2.25 $0.44 $0.93 $0.10 $0.24 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Concept: Example: | Single pane windows have R-vaiues close to 1. Replacing single pane window units with tripie-pane |glass would increase the window R-value to approximately 3. Assumptions: The windows are easily accessible. Cost: material thickness specific Savings: material thickness specific An existing window has an R-value of 1 and is located in an area subject to 8,000 heating degree days per year (i.e. Southeast Alaska). It is replaced with a triple-pane window with a wood or vinyl frame. What will the costs and savings be per square foot of window area? Cost: $19 per square foot of window area Source of Estimate: Spenard Builders Supply Co., Fairbanks $16 installation per square foot of window area $35.00 per square foot + shipping Savings: 64000 Btu/yr = 1 ft*2"Btu/(3 hr*ft*2*F)*(8000 F*day/yr)*(24hr/day) = loss from triple-pane window 192000 Btu/yr = 1 ft*2"Btu/(1 hr*ft*2"F)*(8000 F*day/yr)"(24hr/day) = loss from single pane window 128000 Btu/yr = energy saved per year 1.365 gallons of no. 1 fuel oil saved per year 160 1PAN-RE2.XLS Page2 ECM: ECM Description: Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Estimated Savings Payback Time Regional Cost Data: |Description Construction |Fuel Cost Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Isiand Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska Ancnorage Region 1: Calculations: Material $/unit Installation $/unit Shipping $/unit Total Cost Fuel Gallon Electricity KwH Maintenance Hours Total Savings DCRA/DOE Rurai Heat Study 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Replacing single-pane windows with tripie-pane windows Heating Degree Days = 14,000 {Heat loss through a surface Is inversely proportional to the R-value of that surface. By replacing single pane windows with tripie-pane windows, this R-value can be greatly increased. The payback of this ECM is very dependent upon the heating degree days value at the building site. 1PAN-REP.XLS See attached concept and example Cost or |Cost or Savings] Savings $78.75 $3.582 Electric Cost DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Single pane windows have A-values close to 1. Replacing single pane window units with triple-pane Concept: glass wouid increase the window R-value to approximately 3. Assumptions: |The windows are easily accessible. i | Cost: material thickness specific Savings: material thickness specific Example: An existing window has an R-value of 1 and is located in an area subject to 14,000 heating degree days per year (i.e. Interior Alaska). It is replaced with a triple-pane window with a wood or viny! | frame. What will the costs and savings be per square foot of window area? | Cost: $19 per square foot of window area Source of Estimate: Spenard Builders Supply Co., Fairbanks $16 installation per square foot of window area $35.00 per square foot + shipping Savings: 112000 Btu/yr = 1 f\2°Btu/(3 hr*ft*2°F)*(14000 F*day/yr)*(24hr/day) = loss from triple-pane window 336000 Btu/yr = 1 ft*2*Btu/(1 hr*ft*2"F)*(14000 F*day/yr)*(24hr/day) = loss from single pane window 224000 Btu/yr = energy saved per year 2.388 gallons of no.1 fuel oil saved per year 1PAN-REP.XLS Page 2 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Reset boiler firing rate to the building demand instead of to a constant hot water supply temperature. ECM Description: Typically, burners fire according to the temperature required by the boilers fixed temperature range. A | more efficient means of operation is to reset this temperature range (vary the boiler water heating temperature) according to the outside air temperature so that longer heating cycie periods are established. | | Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost : 4 i $1,184.05 Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings Payback Time Anchorage Anchorage Metropolitan Area Region 1: Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Region 2: Southcentral and Southwest Alaska iON 3: Interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and example 163 FIR-RATE.XLS Page 1 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Concept: Example: | Typical hot water heating system supply temperature setpoints are 180 to 190 degrees F. This is ti |temperature required to meet the design heating load in the building. Resetting the setpoint to as lo, as 100 degrees F when the outside air temperature is 40 degrees F results in an average hot water supply temperature of 140 to 145 degrees F. Assumptions: The simpliest boiler operating temperature reset controllers are available as stock litems with fixed reset schedules. Boiler must be near an outside wall so outside air temperature sensor capillary can be installed. Costs: $150.00 per reset controller. Source: Systech Controls, Fairbanks, Alaska Savings: | Savings are difficult to calculate since they are based on the building thermal performance, heating system equipment performance and the severity of the \climate. Colder climates have a larger difference between the design heating |temperatures and average operating temperatures and generally result in more | savings from boiler temperature reset controls. The industry experience is that an average of 2% to 8% can be saved from the installation of reset controls. Install a reset controller on an existing S00 MBH boiler. This requires draining of the existing heating system fluid for retrofit of the HWS temperature sensor into the piping. It also requires penetratoin of the existing exterior wall for installation of the outside air temperature sensor. Assume heating system uses 5,000 gallons of fuel per year and reset controller will save 4%. Cost: $150 Controller cost 12 hours of labor for installation Savings: 4 % savings 5000 gallons per year current fuel oil consumption 200 gallons of fuel oil saved per year 1b4 FIR-RATE.XLS Page 2 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Install temperature setback controls Interior Alaska location. ECM Description: _||nstalling night setback thermostats or a weekly timeciock will allow reduction of the interior setpoint temperature when the building is unoccupied at night and on weekends. Savings are usually expressed as a percentage of total energy consumption. This evaluation assumes an average ambient! winter temperature of 15 degrees F; equivalent to the average heating season ambient temperature in | Alaska's Interior. Summary of Costs and Savings: Cost or Cost or |Cost or Costor |Costor Cost or {Cost or i Savings |Savings|Savings Savings {Savings — Savings i Factor Factor Facto Estimated Cost Material $/unit i Installation $/unit i Shipping $/unit Total Cost $/unit | if : $885.55 ae ,001.25 Estimated Savings Fuel Gallon Electricity KwH Maintenance Hours Total Savings ep geaien Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and example Reduce heat loss from the facility by reducing the interior setpoint temperature from 70 degrees F to 60 degrees F. The reduction in heat loss is listed as a percentage of the total heat loss. The average ; winter (September through May) ambient air temperature in Interior Alaska is 15 degrees F. | Concept: [6S SETBACK.XLS PAGE: 1 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Costs: © Dependent on cost of installing the setback controller Savings: Dependent on the climate in which it is installed. For building in interior Alaska the average winter ambient air temperature is 15 degrees F and the interior setpoint temperature is 70 degrees F. Calculate savings when setback temperature of 60 degrees F is installed. Assume building is occupied 12 hours per day, five days per week. Assume 5,000 gallon annual fuel consumption before setback is implemented. Example: a | Assumptions: _/A single timeciock or thermostat can control the setback temperature of the entire ‘ building. Cost: $165 = cost of a 7 day programmable timer or thermostat Source of Estimate: Debenham Electric Supply Co., Fairbanks 8 = hours to install $280 = installation cost at $35/hour + Savings: 15 Average winter ambient temperature (F) 70 Interior occupied temperature (F) 60 Interior unoccupied temperature (F) 39 Number of weeks of boiler operation time 60 Weekly occupied time (hours) 5000 Average fuel consumption with no setback (gallons) 4091 Average fuel consumption during setback period (gallons) 4416 Average fuel consumption (gallons) 584 Average fue! savings (gallons) lol SETBACK.XLS PAGE: 2 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study ECM: ECM Description: Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings , Payback Time Regional Cost Data: Calculations: Concept: SETBACK2.XLS 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Install temperature setback controls Coastal Alaska location. Installing night setback thermostats or a weekly timeciock will allow reduction of the interior setpoint | temperature when the building is unoccupied at night and on weekends. Savings are usually expressed as a percentage of total energy consumption. This evaluation assumes an average ambient winter temperature of 36 degrees F; equivalent to the average heating season ambient temperature on Alaska's coast. Region 3 Cost or {Cost or Savings {Savings Factor Region 1 Cost or Savings} Factor Anchorage Cost or |Cost or Savings] Savings Cost or Savings Cost or Savings $165.00 Gallon KwH Hours Electric Cost KWH Construction acto osi Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska See attached concept and example Reduce heat loss from the facility by reducing the interior setpoint temperature from 70 degrees F to | 60 degrees F. The reduction in heat loss is listed as a percentage of the total heat loss. The average | winter (September through June) ambient air temperature in coastal Alaska is 36 degrees F. Ie7 PAGE: 1 DCRA/DOE Rurai Heat Study 12/8/95 Costs: Dependent on cost of installing the setback controller Savings: Dependent on the climate in which it is installed. Example: For a building in coastal Alaska the average winter ambient air temperature is 36 degrees F andthe interior setpoint temperature is 70 degrees F. Calculate savings when setback temperature of 60 | degrees F is installed. Assume building is occupied 12 hours per day, five days per week. Assume 5,000 gallon annual fuel consumption before setback is implemented. | * [a atridin Siviaiadle Ae teats Deane mathe: caiesthin ce he areal” Assumptions: (A single timeclock or thermostat can control the setback temperature of the entire building. Cost: $165 = cost of a 7 day programmable timer or thermostat Source of Estimate: Debenham Electric Supply Co., Fairbanks 8 = hours to install $280 = installation cost at $35/hour Savings: 36 Average winter ambient temperature (F) 70 Interior occupied temperature (F) 60 Interior unoccupied temperature (F) 39 Number of weeks of boiler operation time 60 Weekly occupied time (hours) 5000 Average fuel consumption with no setback (gallons) 3529 Average fuel consumption during setback period (gallons) 4055 Average fuel consumption (gallons) 945 Average fuel savings (gallons) [bB SETBACK2.XLS PAGE: 2 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Interior Alaska location. Shutoff ventilation and reduce setpoint temperaure when the building is not occupied. ECM Description: {Shutting off the ventilation system and setting back the interior temperature when the building is \ unoccupied at night and on weekends. Temperature savings are usually expressed as a percentage of total energy consumption. Fan savings are based on reduction in the outside air flow rate and reduction in electrical motor power consumption. This evaluation assumes an average ambient winter Alaska's Interior. | | | temperature of 15 degrees F; equivalent to the average heating season ambient temperature in | | Summary of Costs and Savings: Cost or Estimated Cost Material $/unit $733.00 Installation $/unit $1,120.00 Shipping $/unit Total Cost $/unit 1.00} $1,853.00 $2,279.19 Estimated Savings Fuel Gallon 0.44) 2493.96 Electricity KwH 0.10 15704 iz Maintenance Hours 35.00 35.00 Total Savings Payback Time eae Region 1: Region 2: Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Region 3: Interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and example Region 2 Region 3 Cost or Cost or Cost or Cost or |Cost or Savings|Savings Savings |Savings Savings | Savings Factor Factor Factor $4,169.25 — $10,651 Electric Cost $0.10 Concept: Reduce heat loss from the facility by shutting off the building ventilation system and reducing the setpoint temperature when the building is unoccupied. The reduction in ventilation system energy consumption is based on an assumed ventilation rate. The reduction in heat loss is listed as a 169 PAGE: 1 percentage of the total heat loss. VENTSET1.XLS DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Costs: Dependent on cost of installing the setback controller Savings: Dependent on the climate in which it is installed. For building in Interior Alaska the average heating season ambient air temperature is 15 degreesF ij and the supply air setpoint temperature is 60 degrees F. Calculate savings when ventilation system is off during unoccupied periods. Assume total ventilation rate is 5,000 cfm with 20% outside air and Shp motor. Assume building is occupied 12 hours per day, five days per week. Calculate savings from temperature setback assuming a 5,000 gallon annual fuel consumption before setback is implemented. Example: Assumptions: _/A single timeciock can setback the building temperature. The same timeciock plus ] additional relays are required to control the air handler unit or/off. : i Cost: $165 = cost of a 7 day programmable timer or thermostat Source of Estimate: Debenham Electric Supply Co., Fairbanks $568 ‘= cost of additional contro! relays for air handler system 32 = hours to install $1,120 = installation cost at $35/nour Savings: 15 Average winter ambient temperature (F) 70 Interior occupied temperature (F) 60 Interior unoccupied temperature (F) 39 Number of weeks of boiler operation time 60 Weekly occupied time (hours) 5000 Average fuel consumption with no setback (gallons) 4091 Average fuel consumption during setback period (gallons) 4416 Average fuel consumption with setback control (gallons) 584 Average fue! savings (gallons) 5000 Total air flow rate (cfm) 20 % outside air 80 % heating system efficiency 2970 Average fuel consumed by constant ventilation system (gal/yr) 1061 Average fuel consumed with ventilation off during unoccupied times (gal/yr) 1910 Average fuel savings with ventilation off during unoccupied times (gal/yr) 5 Fan motor horsepower 15704 Electrical energy saved when fan is off (KwH/yr) VENTSET1.XLS PAGE: 2 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 ECM: ECM Description: Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings Payback Time Regional Cost Data: Anchorage Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Calculations: Concept: VENTSET2.XLS Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Shutoff ventilation and reduce setpoint temperaure when the building is not occupied. Coastal Alaska location. {Shutting off the ventilation system and setting back the interior temperature when the building is unoccupied at night and on weekends. Temperature savings are usually expressed as a percentage of total energy consumption. Fan savings are based on reduction in the outside air flow rate and | reduction in electrical motor power consumption. This evaluation assumes an average ambient winter } temperature of 36 degrees F; equivalent to the average heating season ambient temperature on Alaska's coast. Anchorage Region 1 Cost or |Cost or Cost or |Cost or Savings|Savings |Savings}Savings Factor Factor $733.00 $1,120.00 $1,853.00 f f | $4,169.25 Construction Electric Cost Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska See attached concept and example Reduce heat loss from the facility by shutting off the building ventilation system and reducing the setpoint temperature when the building is unoccupied. The reduction in ventilation system energy consumption is based on an assumed ventilation rate. The reduction in heat loss is listed as a percentage of the total heat loss. IT PAGE: 1 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Costs: Dependent on cost of installing the setback controller Savings: Dependent on the climate in which it is installed. Example: For building in coastal Alaska the average heating season ambient air temperature is 36 degreesF and the supply air setpoint temperature is 60 degrees F. Calculate savings when ventilation system is | off during unoccupied periods. Assume total ventilation rate is 5,000 cfm with 20% outside airand | 5hp motor. Assume building is occupied 12 hours per day, five days per week. Calculate savings from temperature setback assuming a 5,000 gallon annual fuel consumption before setback is implemented. Assumptions: (A single timeciock can setback the building temperature. The same timeciock pilus additional relays are required to control the air handler unit orvoft. Cost: $165 = cost of a 7 day programmable timer or thermostat Source of Estimate: Debenham Electric Supply Co., Fairbanks $568 = cost of additional control relays for air handler system 32 = hours to install $1,120 = installation cost at $35/nour Savings: 36 Average winter ambient temperature (F) 70 Interior occupied temperature (F) 5 60 Interior unoccupied temperature (F) j 39 Number of weeks of boiler operation time 60 Weekly occupied time (hours) 5000 Average fuel consumption with no setback (gallons) 3529 Average fuel consumption during setback period (gallons) 4055 Average fuel consumption with setback control (gallons) 945 Average fuel savings (gallons) 5000 Total air flow rate (cfm) 20 % outside air 80 % heating system efficiency 1584 Average fuel consumed by constant ventilation system (gal/yr) 566 Average fuel consumed with ventilation off during unoccupied times (gal/yr) 1018 Average fuel savings with ventilation off during unoccupied times (gal/yr) 5 Fan motor horsepower 15704 Electrical energy saved when fan is off (KwH/yr) ie VENTSET2.XLS PAGE: 2 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 ECM: ECM Description: Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings Payback Time Ancnorage Region 1: Region 2: Region 3 Calculations: Concept: 2-SPEED.XLS Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Ventilation control using two-speed fan motors [Two-speed motors allow the user to alter a fan's performance. During periods when lower air flow is required, motor rpms can be reduced and energy savings realized in decreased electricity usage. Two! speed motors are available with one and two-windings. Only motors with two-windings are considered | due to their flexibility and common usage. Also, two-speed motors can come in two-thirds or one-half | rpm reductions. The one-half rpm two-speed motor will provide greater savings and is thus used for calculation. | Because the cost of replacing an existing motor is much more than specifying a two-speed motor during new construction, the replacement cost is analyzed here. This ECM is recommended only if the | i speed selection is controlled by thermostat or by a lockable timer switch to prevent high speed | operation when not warranted. | Region 2 Costor Cost or Savings |Savings Factor $/unit $430.00 } $/unit $750.00 $/unit $50.00 l $/unit .00] $1,230.00 i‘ $1,512.90 Gallon KwH Hours Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Isiand Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska See attached concept and example Typically, a two-speed motor with two windings costs twice as much as a one speed motor. The one ' speed motor runs at 1750 rpms while the two-speed motor with two windings has the capability of running at 1750 or 875 rpms. | 13 PAGE: 1 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Costs: 100% higher cost for two-speed motor from a one-speed motor Savings: Fan Law 1 States: BHP2 = BHP1/(RPM1/RPM2)3 BHP2 = power required at RPM2 BHP1 = power required at RPM1 2 = RPM1/RPM2 8 = (RPM1/RPM2)3 BHP2 = BHP1/8 88% = savings in power at one-half rpms Example: A fan is used to ventilate a building which will be occupied 12 hrs per day for 6 days per week and 52 | weeks out of the year. A motor which will provide 1.6 BHP is required for this application which \ translates into a nominal two HP motor. Should a two-speed motor be installed in order to decrease the amount of ventilation air provided during non-occupied periods? The two-speed motor would be | installed with a 7-day programable timer. | Assumptions: [Heat gain from the motors is not considered since fan motors are usually installed outside the air stream and reject their heat to the mechanical room, not the i occupied space. Cost: $160 = price for a one-speed, two HP motor $320 = price for a two-speed, two HP motor Source of Estimate: Pace Representative - Johnson-Barrow Inc., Anchorage $110 = cost of a 7 day programmable timer Source of Estimate: Debenham Electric Supply Co., Fairbanks $430 = total cost Savings: 1.60 = BHP at full speed 1.40 = BHP saved at half speed 1.04 = KW saved at half speed (.7457*HP=KW) 4992 = hours per year at haif speed 5212 = KWH per year savings (14 2-SPEED.XLS PAGE: 2 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study . 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Install two-speed motor on pump ECM Description: |Two-speed motors allow the user to reduce the speed of a pump and save energy by drawing less | electrical power. Two-speed motors are available with one and two-windings. Only motors with two- windings are considered due to their flexibility and common usage. Also, two-speed motors can come in two-thirds or one-half rpm reductions. The one-half rom two-speed motor will provide greater savings and is thus used for calculation. Because the cost of replacing an existing motor is much more than specitying a two-speed motor during new construction, the replacement cost is analyzed here. This ECM is recommended only if the speed selection is automatically controlled by the controls system to prevent high speed operation when not warranted. Summary of Costs [Anchorage Region’ ss Region2 —Region3 and Savings: Cost or jCost or Cost or |Cost or Costor |Costor Cost or |Cost or Savings|Savings |Savings|Savings Savings /Savings Savings |Savings i Factor Factor Factor Factor Estimated Cost Material Instailation Shipping Total Cost $2,250.00 $2,767.50 ’ [Estimated Savings Rate | +! Fuel Gallon 0.44 Electricity KwH 0.10 1611 Maintenance Hours: 35.00 Tota! Savings Regional Cost Data: |Description Anchorage Anchorage Metropolitan Area Region 1: Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Region 2: Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Region 3: Interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and example ITS 2SPDPUMP.XLS PAGE: 1 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Concept: Typically, a two-speed motor with two windings costs twice as much as a one speed motor. The one speed motor runs at 1750 rpms while the two-speed motor with two windings has the capability of running at 1750 or 875 rpms. Costs: 100% higher cost for two-speed motor from a one-speed motor Savings: Fan Law 1 States: BHP2 = BHP1/((RPM1/RPM2)43 BHP2 = power required at RPM2 BHP1 = power required at RPM1 2 = RPM1/RPM2 8 = (RPM1/RPM2)3 . BHP2 = BHP1/8 88% = savings in power at one-haif mms A 1 horsepower pump (.80 BHP) is used to circulate heating system fiuid in a building for 9 months per year, but could operate at half-speed for 5 of those months. Determine the energy saved from installing a two-speed motor on the main circulating pump. Modify the controls system to control the ump based on heating fluid return temperature. Example: Assumptions: The heating system must be designed for lower flowrates through the terminal heating equipment (fintube, baseboard, unit heaters, etc.). Most equipment will operate at lower flows and transfer less heat to the occupied space; which is the | intent of the lower flowrate. Cost: $150 = price for a one-speed, one HP motor $300 = price for a two-speed, two HP motor Source of Estimate: Pace Representative - Johnson-Barrow inc., Anchorage $1,200 = cost to modify the controis system $1,500 = total cost Savings: 0.80 = BHP at full speed 0.70 = BHP saved at half speed 0.07 = KW saved at half speed (.7457*HP=KW) 270.00 = days of total operation per year 180.00 = days of 1/2 speed operation 24 = hours of operation per day 1611 = KWH per year savings IIe 2SPDPUMP.XLS PAGE: 2 © DCRA/OOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Replacing standard-efficiency pump motor with high-efficiency pump motor. ECM Description: _{Typically, pumps are supplied with standard-efficiency motors. Energy savings can be realized by : replacing standard-efficiency motors with high-efficiency motors. This is usually done for motors 1/4 horsepower and greater in size. This ECM is equally valid for single-phase or three-phase motors. Summary of Costs and Savings: Cost or oat or |Cost or aines Savings Savings |Savings Factor Factor Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings a Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and example (TN) PUMP-EFF.XLS Page 1 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Stuay Concept: Example: PUMP-EFF.XLS 12/8/95 Standard efficiency single-phase electric motors nave operating efficiencies ranging from 60% for 1 ) horsepower motors to 80% for 2 horsepower motors. High efficiency single-phase electric motors have operating efficiencies ranging from 68% for 1/4 horsepower motors to 85% for 2 horsepower | motors. Standard efficiency three-phase electric motors have operating efficiencies of 62% for 1/4 | horsepower and 81.8% for 2 horsepower. High efficiency three-phase electric motors have operating efficiencies of 75.5% for 1/4 horsepower and 86% for 2 horsepower. . Savings are directly linked to motor size and duration of operation. The motor is accessible and of standard design. 1750 rpm motors are evaluated | here. Assumptions: Costs: size & material specific Savings: dependent upon motor size and increased efficiency A pump was originally installed in a system which was designed to flow 100 gpm at 20 ft of head. The | motor is 1 hp and the pump operates continually during the heating season. Determine the cost and | savings associated with the replacement of the standard-efficiency motor (72% efficient) with a high- ; efficiency motor (85% efficient) of the same horsepower. Costs: $330 = cost of new 1 horsepower high-efficiency electric motor diameter Source of Estimate: Hayden Electric , Anchorage, Alaska $160 =4 hours of contractor labor @ $40 per hour Savings: 1 hp motor 72 % standard-efficiency motor 85 % high-efficiency motor 24 hours per day 270 days per year 628 kwh/year ITB DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 1/30/96 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Insulating residential-size, electric domestic hot water tanks ECM Description: _||nsulation of domestic hot water tanks will reduce the heat loss from the tank and directly reduce the energy consumed maintaining domestic hot water at the setpoint temperature. Summary of Costs and Savings: Cost or |Cost or Cost or |Cost or Savings|Savings Cost or Cost or |Cost or Savings Savings |Savings Factor ~ ‘mated Cost Material $/unit Installation $/unit Shipping $/unit Total Cost $/unit 1.00 1. . idee! Rate a Estimated Savings Fuel Gallon Electricity KwH ; ‘ |e <a Maintenance = Hours 35. .00| _ 35. Ta 35. TI Total Savings ee ep os Regional Cost Data: |Description Construction |Fuel Cost |Electric Cost Cost Factor |($/Gal) |($/KWH) Region i Anchorage Region 1: Region 2: gion 3: Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and example DHW-TANK.XLS Page 1 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 1/30/96 The heat loss through a surface is indirectly proportional to the R-value of the material underlying th surface. A hot water tank blanket is often used to provide a greater R-value and thus reduce energy release through the surface. The average factory R-value of a tank is about 5. Concept: Assumptions: |The tank is a standard shape and size tank and stock insulation bainkets are available. Cost: 0.5 man hours/100 gallons of water storage’+ cost of materials & ship. Savings: x/(5+x) % decrease in Btu/hr from the surface (using same insulating material in blanket as in factory installed jacket) at add. R-value of x [A 50-gallon electric water heater is located in a room where the ambient temperature is 75 [degrees. The temperature of the heated water is 110 degrees. The R-value of the factory insulation is 5. The surface area of this tank is approximately 21 square feet. The new water heater blanket has an R-value of 5. Example: Cost: 0.5 man hours $15 for tank blanket and tape Source of Estimate: Sampson Hardware, Fairbanks $2 shipping Savings: 147 BtuH heat loss = 21 ft*2°(110 F-75 F)/(5 hr°ft*2°F/Btu) 73.5 BtuH heat loss = 21 ft*2"(110 F-75 F)/(Shr*ft*2*F/Btu) 73.5 BtuH heat gained after installation of tank blanket (147-738) 0.022 KW = .0002931° 73.5 BtuH 189 KWH/Yr = .022 KW*365 day/yr*24 hr/day [Ro Page 2 DHW-TANK.XLS OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Insulating commercial-size, oil-fired domestic hot water heater ECM Description: _ [insulation of domestic hot water tanks will reduce the heat loss from the tank and directly reduce the energy consumed maintaining domestic hot water at the setpoint temperature. Commercial tanks are usually 120-gallon and are factory insulated with approximately 1.5 inches of insulation (R-value = 5). Anchorage Cost or Savings} Savings Factor .|Summary of Costs and Savings: Savings Estimated Cost Material $/unit $285.00 Installation $/unit Shipping $/unit Total Cost $567.15 2.25) $641.25 Estimated Savings Fuel Gallon 0.44 Electricity KwH 0.10 . F . Maintenance —_ Hours 35.00 A ‘ 35.00] Total Savings Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska a Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: $35.00 $35.00 $35.00 Calculations: See attached concept and example [Sl - DHW-COM.XLS Page 1 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Concept: |The heat loss through a surface is indirectly proportional to the R-value of the material underlying tr surface. A hot water tank blanket is often used to provide a greater R-value and thus reduce energy release through the surface. The average factory R-value of a tank is about S. Assumptions: The tank is cylindrical and easily accessible. Cost: $7.50 per square foot of installed insulation on tank Source of Estimate: Means Construction Cost Data, 1995 Savings: x/(5+x) % decrease in Btu/hr from the surface (using same insulating material in blanket as in factory installed jacket) at add. R-value of x Example: A 120-gallon oil-fired water heater is located in a room where the ambient temperature is 75 degrees. The temperature of the heated water is 120 degrees. The R-value of the factory insulation is 5. The surface area of this tank is approximately 38 square feet. The additional water | heater insulation has an R-value of 5. | Cost: $7.50 per square foot for installed cost for insulation and jacket 38 square feet $285.00 total installed cost Savings: 38 sf tank area 120 F water temperature in tank 70 F ambient air temperature 10 hr*ft*2"F/Btu insulation R-value on insulated tank 190 BtuH heat loss from insulated tank 380 hr*ft*2*F/Btu insulation R-value on uninsulated tank 190 BtuH reduced heat loss from insulated tank 0.002 Gallons of fuel per hour 15 gallons per year based on 365 days/year, 24 hour/day operation (82 DHW-COM.XLS Page2 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Stuay 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Replacing standard pump impeller with one of a smaller diameter ECM Description: —_ Typically, pumps are supplied with standard impeller sizes. To tailor the impeller to the system, it can| be exchanged for one with a smaller diameter. With a smaller impeller the pump will draw less | horsepower and reduce the energy consumed. This is usually done on pumps 1/2 horsepower and greater in size. Summary of Costs and Savings: Cost or Savings Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings Payback Time Region Ancnorage Anchorage Metropolitan Area Region 1: Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Region 2: Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Region 3: Interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and exampie PUMP-IMP.XLS Page 1 OCRA/OOE Rural Heat Stuay Concept: Example: 12/8/95 The size of the impeller in part determines the basic characteristics of the pumps energy vs. flow ) relationships. Each pump has its own specific “pump curve’ illustrating values such as head, gpm, —, efficiency, hp, and impeller size vs. one another. An impeller can be taken out and machined to a : smaller diameter quit easily. In a rural application, the cost of doing without the pump during shipment of an existing impeller for machining is probably great enough to justify purchasing a new impeller of the appropriate size to eliminate down time. Assumptions: _|!mpellers for the specific pump can be trimmed. Trimming is very common in large pumps and less common as pumps reduce in size. Pumps under 1/2 horsepower are rarely available with trimmed impellers. Costs: size & material specific Savings: size reduction and pump curve specific A pump was originally installed in a system which was designed to flow 100 gpm at 30 ft of head. The! impeller size is 6" and the power drawn from the motor is 1-1/4 hp. This pump operates continually. . After testing the system pressure, it is determined that the pressure produced by the pump is higher than required. What will the cost and savings be for exchanging the 6" impeller with a 5-1/4° impeller? The head will drop from 30 ft to 20 ft dropping the hp from 1-1/4 to 9/10. The impeller material is bronze. J Costs: $520 = cost of new 7" diameter impeller machined to a 5-1/4" diameter Source of Estimate: Larry Harrington Co., Portland $240 =6 hours of contractor labor @ $40 per hour Savings: 0.35 hp = 1-1/4 hp - 9/10 hp 24 hours per day 270 days per year 1691 kwh/year 184 Page 2 PUMP-IMP.XLS DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 ECM: ECM Description: Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings a Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Calculations: Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Combine boiler temperature reset, automatic shutoff, circulating pump shutoff Typically, burners fire according to the temperature required by the boilers fixed temperature range. A | more efficient means of operation is to reset this temperature range (vary the boiler water heating temperature) according to the outside air temperature so that longer heating cycle periods are established. Automatic boiler and heating system circulating pump shut-off at temperatures above 65 F can be accomplished by the same device and will save additional energy. Cost or {Cost or § Cost or Cost or {Cost or Savings} Savings i i Savings Savings |Savings $150.00 $1,243.75 | Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska See attached concept and example 1@S SBURNIMP.XLS ‘ Page 1 DCRA/DOE Aural Heat Study 12/8/95 Concept: Example: | Typical not water heating system supply temperature setpoints are 180 to 190 degrees F. This is tt ) temperature required to meet the design heating ioad in the building. Resetting the setpoint to as low | as 100 degrees F when the outside air temperature is 40 degrees F results in an average hot water supply temperature of 140 to 145 degrees F. Additional savings can be obtained by automatically | shutting-off the boilers and heating system circulation pumps when the outside air temperatures exceed 65 F. Assumptions: The simpliest boiler operating temperature reset controllers are available as stock items with fixed reset schedules. Boiler must be near an outside wall so outside air temperature sensor capillary can be installed. | Costs: $150.00 per reset controller. $50.00 for additional relays to control pumps Source: Systech Controls, Fairbanks, Alaska Savings: Savings are difficult to calculate since they are based on the building thermal performance, heating system equipment performance and the severity of the climate. Colder climates have a larger difference between the design heating temperatures and average operating temperatures and generally resuit in more savings from boiler temperature reset controls. Our experience is that an average | of 2% to 8% can be saved from the installation of reset controis. Install a reset controller on an existing 500 MBH boiler. This requires draining of the existing heating system fluid for retrofit of the HWS temperature sensor into the piping. It also requires penetratoin } the existing exterior wail for installation of the outside air temperature sensor. Assume heating sys. uses 5,000 galions of fuel per year and reset controller will save 4%. Automatic shut-off of boilers and pumps will save energy by shutting equipment off when not needed. Boielr shut off can save an additional 1% per year. Assume 1 horsepower pump off for 3 months of f Cost: $200 Controller and relay costs 18 hours of labor for installation Savings: 4 % savings from temperature reset 5000 gallons per year current fuel oil consumption 200 gallons of fuel oil saved per year 1 % savings from boiler shut-off 5000 gallons per year current fuel oil consumption 50 galions of fuel oil saved per year 1 horsepower pump 88 % efficiency 2160 hours shut-off 1830 KwH Savings | Bb 3BURNIMP.XLS Page 2 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study ECM: ECM Description: Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings — Payback Time Calculations: SMALPUMP.XLS Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis 12/8/95 Install additional smail pump on heating system to operate during low heating demand times Adding a smail heating system circulation pump to operate during times of low heating system demand! will reduce the pumping energy costs. Anchorage Sunit S/unit $/unit $1,400.00 $750.00 1.00} $2,150.00 Galion Hours: Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska Region 1 Cost or |Cost or Cost or |Cost or Savings|Savings .|Savings}Savings Factor Factor 1.99, $4,278.50 $2,644.50 Construction |Fuel Cost |Electric Cost $0.24 See attached concept and example Region 2 Region 3 Costor |Costor Cost or {Cost or Savings |Savings Savings |Savings Factor Factor PAGE: 1 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Concept: |Heating system pumps are sized for the flow rate at design heating system conditions. Since the |heating requirements are much less than the design conditions for much of the year, installing a smaller pump and the controls required to automatically select the large or small pump will reduce the | jumping energy costs. J Costs: vary with specific pump installed Savings: vary with specific pump installed A 1 horsepower pump (.80 BHP) is used to circulate heating system fluid in a building for 9 months per | year, but could operate at half-speed for 5 of those months. Determine the energy saved from installing a small pump to circulate about 1/2 the design flow rate. Modify the controls system to or small pump based on heating fluid return temperature. Example: Assumptions: The heating system must be designed for lower flowrates through the terminal | heating equipment (fintube, baseboard, unit heaters, etc.). Most equipment will operate at lower flows and transfer less heat to the occupied space; which is the intent of the lower flowrate. Cost: $500 =additional piping, valves and insulation $200 = price for a Grundfos UP 43-75 pump Source of Estimate: Alaska Pipe and Supply, Fairbanks $1,200 = cost to modify the controls system $1,400 = total cost Savings: 0.80 = BHP at full speed 0.20 = BHP saved at half speed 0.45 = KW saved at half speed (.7457*HP=KW) 270.00 = days of total operation per year 180.00 = days of 1/2 speed operation 24 = hours of operation per day 3221 = KWH per year savings 188 SMALPUMP.XLS PAGE: 2 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Boiler and Furnace Tune-ups ECM Description: [Regular boiler and furnace tune-ups are required in order to maintain high efficiency. Tune-ups shoutd | be done at least every two years. | | Although the payback time on boiler and furnace tune-ups is very long, neglecting boiler maintenance | will lead to the early breakdown of the equipment and require the very costly repair or replacement of | the boiler. | Tune-ups can range from the simple replacement of the burner nozzie to complete cleaning of the \ boilers and testing of all relief valves and controls. Cleaning of the chimney system is not inciuded in | a tune-up. Summary of Costs and Savings: Cost or |Cost or Estimated Cost $/unit Installation $/unit i Shipping $/unit Total Cost $/unit J ‘ $787.20 1 | Estimated Savings [Rate | {Rate | Fuel Gallon Electricity KwH Maintenance Hours Total Savings Payback Time a Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and example 1¥4 8-TUNUP.XLS PAGE:1 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Concept: \Boiler efficiency is defineds as the net heat produced by the boiler system divided by the energy |content of the fuel being burned in the process. An oil-boiler is typically sent from the factory with an \operating efficiency of 80%. During usage, a number of factors cause this efficiency to decline with |time. An operating efficiency may drop to an average of 60% at the end of a tune-up/cleaning cycie |(this may vary greatly). Assumptions: [Boiler is tuned up every two years and is otherwise in good repair. Costs: 5 hours total including transportation $200.00 travel $75.00 per hour $65.00 parts eeSeSjQ[&>&=|s $640.00 total cost Savings: 10% efficiency gain after tune-up/cleaning (80%-70%) Example: A500 MBH boiler is used to heat a building. The AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) water | tating is 80 when new. The boiler is subjected to normal usage and is adjusted property at the beginning of the year. What will be the costs and savings involved in tuning-up and cleaning this boiler at the end of 2 years? Costs: $640 = boiler tune-up Source of Estimate: Altrol Inc., Fairbanks Savings: 70% = average efficiency between tune-up/cleaning (80%+60%)/2 80% = optimal efficiency 10% = efficiency upgrade from tune-up/cleaning 500,000 BtuH design firing rate 0.37 gaV/hr fuel savings 250 days per year operation 24 hours per day 5 % operating time 112 gallons of savings per year 224 gallons of savings per two years \40 PAGE:2 8-TUNUP.XLS DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 io Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Combine boiler temperature reset, automatic shutoff, circulating pump shutoff Utilize “"Heat-Timer’ to accomplish this sequence. ECM Description: —_[Typicaily, burners fire according to the temperature required by the boilers fixed temperature range. A | more efficient means of operation is to reset this temperature range (vary the boiler water heating i temperature) according to the outside air temperature so that longer heating cycle periods are established. Automatic boiler and heating system circulating pump shut-off at temperatures above 65 F can be accomplished by the same device and will save additional energy. Heat-Timer is a specific brand of controller to accomplish temperature reset, boiler shutoff and pump shutoff. Summary of Costs Anchorage e e and Savings: Cost or Cost or |Cost or Cost or i Savings |Savings|Savings i Savings Estimated Cost Material Installation — Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings a Anchorage Metropolitan Area Region 1: Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Region 2: Southcentral and Southwest Alaska | ° Region 3: Interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and example 11 HEATTIME.XLS Page 1 OCRA/DOE Fural Heat Study 12/8/95 Concept: | Typical hot water heating system supply temperature setpoints are 180 to 190 degrees F. This is the ) temperature required to meet the design heating load in the building. Resetting the setpoint to as low as 100 degrees F when the outside air temperature is 40 degrees F results in an average hot water supply temperature of 140 to 145 degrees F. Additional savings can be obtained by automatically shutting-off the boilers and heating system circulation pumps when the outside air temperatures exceed 65 F. Assumptions: The simpliest boiler operating temperature reset controllers are available as stock items with fixed reset schedules. Boiler must be near an outside wall so outside air! [temperature sensor capillary can be installed. Costs: $440.00 Heat-Timer $160.00 Timeciock for night setback operation Source: Alaska Pipe and Supply, Fairbanks, Alaska Savings: | Savings are difficult to calculate since they are based on the building thermal performance, heating system equipment performance and the severity of the climate. Colder climates have a larger difference between the design heating temperatures and average operating temperatures and generally result in more savings from boiler temperature reset controls. Our experience is that an average | of 2% to 8% can be saved from the installation of reset controis. Example: Install a reset controller on an existing 500 MBH boiler. This requires draining of the existing heating | system fluid for retrofit of the HWS temperature sensor into the piping. It also requires penetratoinc’ ~ the existing exterior wail for installation of the outside air temperature sensor. Assume heating syste ) uses 5,000 gallons of fuel per year and reset controller will save 4%. | | Automatic shut-off of boilers and pumps will save energy by shutting equipment off when not needed. « Boiler shut off can save an additional 1% per year. Assume 1 horsepower pump off for 3 months of (the year. Cost: $600 Controller and relay costs 8 hours of labor for installation Savings: 4 % savings from temperature reset 5000 gallons per year current fuel oil consumption 200 gallons of fuel oil saved per year 1 % savings from boiler shut-off 5000 gallons per year current fuel oil consumption 50 gallons of fuel oil saved per year 1 horsepower pump 88 % efficiency 2160 hours shut-off 1830 KWH Savings (QZ HEATTIME.XLS Page 2 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 ECM: ECM Description: Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings Payback Time eaten Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Calculations: Concept: VENTOFF1.XLS Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Shutoff ventilation when the building is not occupied. Interior Alaska location. Shutting off the ventilation system when the building is unoccupied at night and on weekends. Energy | savings are based on reduction in the outside air flow rate and reduction in electrical motor power j consumption. This evaluation assumes an average ambient winter temperature of 15 degrees F; | equivalent to the average heating season ambient temperature in Alaska's Interior. | [Anchorage ——s[Regiont sss [Region2 Region Cost or {Cost or Cost or {Cost or Costor Cost or Cost or {Cost or Savings|Savings | Savings) Savings Savings |Savings Savings |Savings Factor Eactor Factor $733.00 Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska See attached concept and example Reduce heat loss from the facility by shutting off the building ventilation system when the building is unoccupied. The reduction in ventilation system energy consumption is based on an assumed ventilation rate. 193 PAGE: 1 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Costs: Dependent on cost of installing the setback controller Savings: Dependent on the climate in which it is installed. Example: For building in Interior Alaska the average heating season ambient air temperature is 15 degrees F | and the supply air setpoint temperature is 60 degrees F. Calculate savings when ventilation system is off during unoccupied periods. Assume total ventilation rate is 5,000 cfm with 20% outside air and 5hp motor. Assume building is occupied 12 hours per day, five days per week. Calculate savings assuming a 5,000 gallon annual fuel consumption before ECM is implemented. Assumptions: A timeciock pius additional relays are required to control the air handler unit orvoff. Cost: $165 = cost of a 7 day programmable timer or thermostat Source of Estimate: Debenham Electric Supply Co., Fairbanks $568 = cost of additional control relays for air handler system 28 = hours to install $980 = installation cost at $35/hour Savings: 15 Average winter ambient temperature (F) 70 Interior occupied temperature (F) 60 Interior unoccupied temperature (F) 39 Number of weeks of boiler operation time 60 Weekly occupied time (hours) 5000 Total air flow rate (cfm) 20 % outside air 0 80 % heating system efficiency 2884 Average fuel consumed by constant ventilation system (gal/yr) 1030 Average fuel consumed with ventilation off during unoccupied times (gal/yr) 1854 Average fuel savings with ventilation off during unoccupied times (gal/yr) 5 Fan motor horsepower 15704 Electrical energy saved when fan is off (KwH/yr) IA VENTOFF1.XLS PAGE: 2 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study ECM: ECM Description: Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings Recon ——— Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Calculations: Concept: VENTOFF2.XLS Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Shutoff ventilation when the building is not occupied. Coastal Alaska location. 12/8/95 Shutting off the ventilation system when the building is unoccupied at night and on weekends. Energy savings are based on reduction in the outside air flow rate and reduction in electrical motor power consumption. This evaluation assumes an average ambient winter temperature of 36 degrees F; equivalent to the average heating season ambient temperature on Alaska's coast. Anchorage egion 1 Cost or |Cost or r or |Cost or Savings|Savings |Savings|Savings Factor Factor Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Isiand Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska See attached concept and example Costor Cost or Cost or Savings |Savings Factor pase ea Se alo tease Savings Factor Cost or Savings Reduce heat loss from the facility by shutting off the building ventilation system when the building is unoccupied. The reduction in ventilation system energy consumption is based on an assumed | ventilation rate. [9S PAGE: t OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Costs: Dependent on cost of installing the setback controller Savings: Dependent on the climate in which it is installed. Example: For building in coastal Alaska the average heating season ambient air temperature is 36 degrees F and the supply air setpoint temperature is 60 degrees F. Calculate savings when ventilation system is | off during unoccupied periods. Assume total ventilation rate is 5,000 cfm with 20% outside air and 5hp motor. Assume building is occupied 12 hours per day, five days per week. Calculate savings assuming a 5,000 gallon annual fuel consumption before ECM is implemented. | Assumptions: ‘A timeciock plus additional relays are required to control the air handler unit orvoft. | Cost: $165 = cost of a7 day programmable timer or thermostat Source of Estimate: Debenham Electric Supply Co., Fairbanks $568 = cost of additional control relays for air handler system 28 = hours to install $980 = installation cost at $35/hour Savings: 36 Average winter ambient temperature (F) 70 Interior occupied temperature (F) 60 Interior unoccupied temperature (F) 39 Number of weeks of boiler operation time 60 Weekly occupied time (hours) 5000 Total air flow rate (cfm) 20 % outside air 80 % heating system efficiency 1538 Average fuel consumed by constant ventilation system (gal/yr) 549 Average fuel consumed with ventilation off during unoccupied times (gal/yr) 989 Average fuel savings with ventilation off during unoccupied times (gal/yr) 5 Fan motor horsepower 15704 Electrical energy saved when fan is off (KwH/yr) 1qb VENTOFF2.XLS PAGE: 2 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study ECM: Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Removing lamps and ballasts in overlit areas and adding reflectors. 12/8/95 ECM Description: | | | | Converting four-lamp recessed fluorescent lighting fixtures to two-lamp lighting fixtures with efficient |silver reflectors results in comparable lumen output and reduced energy consumption. Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings Payback Time Regional Cost Data: Anchorage Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Calculations: OVER-LIT.XLS Cost or |Cost or Savings] Savings Factor Cost or |Cost or Savings $/unit $50.00 $/unit $/unit $/unit Gallon i KwH 0.10 Hours 35.00) Description Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska See attached concept and example Cost or Savings Factor 1.23 $116.85 Cost or Cost or |Cost or Savings Savings |Savings Factor $189.05 Electric Cost (WH 25} $213.75 2 Rate OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Concept: {Convert existing four-lamp recessed fluorescent lighting fixtures to two-iamp lighting fixtures with ) isilver reflectors. Operating hours provide lighting in a school space will be occupied 12 hrs. per day (* 6 days per week and 52 weeks per year. Costs: First costs only for conversion kits. Lamp and ballast replacement costs cut in half. Savings: Energy savings realized from reduced operating costs of lamps. Example: Convert existing four-lamp recessed fluorescent lighting fixtures to two-lamp lighting fixtures with silver! reflectors. Operating hours provide lighting in a school space will be occupied 12 hrs. per day for 6 days per week and 52 weeks per year. Assumptions: Lamps are standard type, easily accessible and no higher than 12 feet above finished floor. Cost: $50.00 = price for conversion kit. $35.00 = 1 hr. labor to convert lighting fixtures $85.00 = Total cost Savings: 192 = Average operating watts per lighting fixture for four-lamp fixture. 96 = Average operating watts per lighting fixture for two-lamp fixture. 96 = Average watts saved per lighting fixture. 395.42 = KWH savings per year per lighting fixture. 48 OVER-LIT.XLS OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Retrofitting incandescent exit lighting to LED exit lighting 12/8/95 ECM Description: {LED lighting operates more efficiently than incandescent. LED lamps also have a far longer life than | incandescent lamps. | | | | Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Gallon Electricity KwH Maintenance Hours Total Savings Payback Time Cost or Savings} Factor Cost or Savings Cost or Savings Factor Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska interior Alaska Calculations: EXIT-LED.XLS See attached concept and example Savings Factor Cost or Savings Page 1 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study Concept: Example: EXIT-LED.XLS 12/8/95 |Standard exit signs operate continuously and offer a good chance for energy savings. Costs: 200% higher costs for lamps Savings: Energy savings from lower operating costs for LED lamps. Maintenance savings realized due to less frequent lamp replacements. 19,000 hr = average life for incandescent lamps. 25 yrs. = average life for LEDs. Standard two-lamp incandescent exit sign replaced with two-lamp LED. Cost: $30.00 =price for LED conversion kit $17.50 = 1/2 hr. labor to convert exit signs. $47.50 =Total cost Savings: 29 = Average operating watts per incandescent exit sign 2 = Average operating watts per LED exit sign. 27 = Average watts saved per exit sign. 235.87. = KWH savings per year per lighting fixture. 200 Page 2 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis ECM: Retrofit high-pressure sodium exterior light fixtures to low-pressure sodium exterior light fixtures. ECM Description: {Low pressure sodium lighting fixtures are more energy efficient than comparable high pressure sodium lighting fixtures. Summary of Costs Anchorage and Savings: Cost or |Cost or Cost or Savings|Savings | Savings}Savings Savings |Savings i Savings Factor Factor Factor Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost 4 a‘ 1 ‘a $1,194.00 $1,350.00 Estimated Savings Fuel Gallon Electricity KwH Maintenance Hours Total Savings Payback Time Anchorage Anchorage Metropolitan Area Region 1: Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and example 20| EX-LIGHT.XLS Page 1 12/8/95 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study Concept: Example: _ EX-LIGHT.XLS Replace existing pole-mounted 250W high pressure sodium site lighting fixtures with new 135W low ) Pressure sodium site lighting fixtures. Mount on same pole. Operating hours average 16 hours per | day for 5 months out of the year. Costs: 100% higher costs for lamps. Savings: Energy savings from lower operating costs for low pressure sodium lamps. Replace existing pole-mounted 250W high pressure sodium site lighting fixtures with new 135W low, pressure sodium.site lighting fixtures. Mount on same pole. Operating hours average 16 hours per : day for 5 months out of the year. i Light is easily accessible and operation time is controlled by timer or photoelectric switch. Assumptions: Cost: $520.00 = price for 135W low pressure sodium lighting fixture with lamp $70.00 =2hr. labor to convert lighting fixtures ) $590.00 = Total cost Savings: 295 = Average operating watts per lighting fixture for low pressure sodium. 178 = Average operating watts per lighting fixture for high pressure sodium. 117 = Average watts saved per lighting fixture. 280.8 = KWH savings per year per lighting fixture. 202 Page 2 OCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study ECM: ECM Description: Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings Payback Time Region Ancnorage Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Calculations: Concept: Regional Cost Data: |Description Region Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Retrofitting to electronic ballasts and T-8 lamps 12/8/95 decreased energy usage. Rated life for the different ballasts and lamps is comparable. Savings can be realized by the Anchorage Cost or |Cost or Savings|Savings {Savings Factor Factor $/unit $/unit Gallon ; i KwH 0.10 138.5} 0.24 Hours 35.00 35.00 SS Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska See attached concept and exampie Cost or Savings 1.00) 1.23 1.99) 2.25 Cost or Savings Factor Cost or $0.44 $0.93 $0.92 $1.50 Savings $0.10 $0.24 $0.33 $0.44 Electronic ballasts and T-8 lamps are more efficient than standard magnetic ballasts and T-12 lamps. , | | Three lamp recessed fluorescent lighting fixtures with two 2 lamp ballast (tandem wired fixtures) to operate lamps inboard-outboard (ability to have one, lamp, two lamps or three lamps on). BALLASTS.XLS 10% Paget DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Costs: Approximately 50% higher costs for lamps and ballasts. Savings: Energy savings from lower operating costs for electronic ballasts. Example: [Three lamp recessed fluorescent lighting fixtures provide lighting in an office space which will be occupied 12 hrs. per day for 6 days per week and 52 weeks per year. Replace existing magnetic ballasts and T-12 lamps with new electronic ballasts and T-8 lamps. Assumptions: Fixtures are standard type, easily accessible and no higher than 12 feet above the finished floor. Cost: $67.50 = price for electronic ballasts $3.00 = price for T-8 lamp $2.00 = price for T-8 sockets $35.00 = 1 hr. labor to convert lighting fixtures $107.50 =Total cost Savings: 129 = Average operating watts per lighting fixture for magnetic ballasts and T-12 lamps. 92 = Average operating watts per lighting fixture for electronic ballasts and T-8 lamps. 37 = Average watts saved per lighting fixture. ~ 138.5 = KWH savings per year per lighting fixture. BALLASTS.XLS Page 2 OCRA/DOE Ru ECM: ral Heat Study Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Add motion sensors to contro! lighting. 12/8/95 ECM Description: | Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings Payback Time Regional Cost Data: [Region Region Anchorage Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Calculations: Concept: unoccupied. Add motion sensors in a school classroom to turn off lights during periods when the classroom is $/unit $280.00 $/unit $105.00 $/unit $15.00 $/unit 1.00 Gallon i KwH 0.10 Hours 35.00 Description Construction Anchorage Metropolitan Area Interior Alaska See attached concept and example Factor 35.00 Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Isiand Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Cost or |Cost or Cost or |Cost or Savings|Savings | Savings}Savings 1.00 1.23 1.99 2.25) Cost or Savings Factor $0.44 $0.93 $0.92 $1.50 Cost or Savings $0.10 $0.24 $0.33 $0.44 Savings |Savings turning off lights. Add motion sensors in a school classroom to turn off lights during periods when the classroom is unoccupied. Savings realized vary depending on teacher's and maintenance personnel schedule of MOTION.XLS 205 Page 1 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Costs: Added costs for motion sensor and switch pack. Savings: Energy savings realized from reduced operating costs of lamps. Example: Assume standard operating hours of lighting in a standard classroom to be 12 hrs. per day for 5 days per week and 40 weeks per year. Assume savings potential to range from 10 to 50 percent. Based on | previous studies, figure 25 percent for this calculation. | Cost: $170.00 = price for motion sensor. $110.00 = price for switch pack. $105.00 =3 hrs. labor to install and connect motion sensor. $385.00 = Total cost Savings: 114 = Average operating watts per lighting fixture (3 lamp parabolic lighting fixtures). (Assume energy savings magnetic ballasts and T-12 lamps.) ) 16 = Number of fixtures per classroom. 1824 = Average watts installed per classroom. 1094.4 =KWH saved per year per classroom. 26 MOTION.XLS Page 2 DCRA/DOE Fural Heat Study ECM: ECM Description: Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Maintenance Total Savings Payback Time Anchorage Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Calculations: REPLACE.XLS 12/8/95 Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Replacing old inefficient lighting fixtures with new. Replacing four lamp recessed lensed fluorescent lighting fixtures with new three lamp recessed Parabolic fluorescent lighting fixtures with electronic ballasts and T8 lamps to reduce lighting levels in overlit areas and increase energy efficiency. Anchorage Cost or |Cost or $106.00 $17.50 | $15.00 $138.50 Gallon KwH | Hours Regional Cost Data: |Description Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska See attached concept and example Savings|Savings |Savings Factor Factor Savings Cost or Savings i Savings Electric Cost KWH Page t DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/95 Concept: [Replace four lamp recessed lensed fluorescent lighting fixtures with new three lamp recessed parabolic fluorescent lighting fixtures with electronic ballasts and T8 lamps. Costs: First costs invoive fixture replacement costs. Maintenance costs reduced by eliminating one ballast and lamp per lighting fixture. Savings: Energy savings realized from reduced operating costs of lamps. Example: Replace four lamp recessed lensed fluorescent lighting fixtures with new three lamp recessed parabolic fluorescent lighting fixtures with electronic ballasts and T8 lamps. Operating hours provide lighting in an office space will be occupied 12 hrs. per day for 6 days per week and 52 weeks per year. Assumptions: {Lights are easily accessible. Cost: $106.00 = price for new lighting fixture. $17.50 = 1/2 hr. labor to replace lighting fixture $123.50 = Total cost Savings: 192 = Average operating watts per lighting fixture for four lamp fixture. 92 = Average operating watts per lighting fixture for three lamp fixture. 100 = Average watts saved per lighting fixture. 374.4 = KWH savings per year per lighting fixture. REPLACE.XLS Page 2 DCRA DOE Rural Heat Stuay A: ECM Description: Summary of Costs and Savings: Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Electricity Water Total Savings Payback Time Regional Cost Data: Ancnorage Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Calculations: Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis Install low-flow shower head 12/8/95 {Standard-flow shower heads deliver 5 gallons per minute (gpm) of hot water and low-flow shower heads deliver 2.5 gpm of hot water. Changing to low-flow heads results in lower hot water consumption | and lower fuel bills to heat the water. Cost or Factor $/unit $/unit $/unit $/unit Gallon 0.44 KwH 0.10 Gallon 0.06 Anchorage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska Anchorage Cost or Savings] Savings $12.98 $35.00 $15. —e—— $62.98 325 Cost or Savings Cost or Savings! Factor $77.47 See attached concept and example LOWFLOSH.XLS Cost o ir Savings Factor Cost or Savings $125.33 Cost or Savings Factor Cost or Savings 2.25) $141.71 | | | | | DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Study 12/8/ Concept: Shower neads can be easily changed and can reduce the consumption of domestic not water Assumptions: ‘Shower head is easily changed, water heater is oil-fired and delivered temperature | is at maximum hot water setpoint. ab Cost: specific to the shower head Savings: specific to amount of water saved Assume one shower head is changed from standard-flow to low-flow model. Savings are dependent upon amount of use. Example: Costs: $12.98 for low-flow shower head Source of Estimate: Arctic Technical Services, Fairbanks $35 per hour to install ) 1 hour installation time $35.00 installation cost Savings: 5 Standard flow rate of hot water (gpm) 2.5 Low flow rate of hot water (gpm) 2.5 Reduction in flow rate (gpm) 0.5 Hours per day of use 5 Days per week of use 52 Weeks per year of use 80 % water heater efficiency 45 Incoming water temperature (F) 110 Hot water temperature (F) 99 Fuel saved per year (gallons) 325 Gallons of water saved LOWFLOSH.XLS Page 2 is) a oOo or DCRA/DOE Furai Heat Stucy Energy Conservation Measure Payback Analysis A: Install low-flow lavatory faucet ECM Description: [Standard-flow faucets deliver 5 gallons per minute (gpm) of hot water and low-flow faucets deliver 2.5 | gpm of hot water. Changing to low-flow faucets results in lower hot water consumption and lower fuel | | bills to heat the water. | | | Summary of Costs Anchorage [Regon)|Regon2?——~‘([Regons = and Savings: Cost or |Cost or tot or |Cost or Cost or Cost or |Cost or Savings|Savings | Savings|Savings i Savings Savings |Savings Factor Factor Factor Estimated Cost Material Installation Shipping Total Cost Estimated Savings Fuel Gallon Electricity KwH Water Gallons Total Savings Payback Time Region. norage Metropolitan Area Southeast Alaska and Kodiak Island Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Interior Alaska Calculations: See attached concept and example 21\ LOWFAUCE.XLS Page 1 DCRA/DOE Rural Heat Stuay : 12/8/95 Concept: ‘Faucets are not easily changed ana are more likely to use less than 100% hot water, but can reduce the consumption of domestic hot water. Assumptions: | Faucet is moderately easy to replace, water heater is oil-fired, and average water discharge temperature is less than maximum since faucets are not used for long : duration. Cost: specific to the faucet Savings: specific to the amount of water used Example: Assume one faucet is changed from standard-flow to low-flow model. Savings are dependent upon | amount of use. : Costs: $118.00 for low-flow shower head Source of Estimate: Arctic Technical Services, Fairbanks $35 per hour to install 4 hour installation time ‘$140.00 installation cost Savings: . 5 Standard flow rate of hot water (gpm) 2.5 Low flow rate of hot water (gpm) 2.5 Reduction in flow rate (gpm) 0.5 Hours per day of use 5 Days per week of use 52 Weeks per year of use 80 % water heater efficiency 45 Incoming water temperature (F) 85 Hot water temperature (F) 61 Fuel saved per year (gallons) 325 Gallons of water saved D2 LOWFAUCE.XLS : Page 2 OCRADDivision of Energy February 1, 1996 Rural Alaska Heat Conservation and Appendices Euel Substitution Assessment - Final Report USKH, Inc. APPENDIX D-1 Questionnaire Status Summary 213 321196 COMMRAT XLS - Sheett - T | Hushe--All commercial customers Kattag—at commercial customers Nulato— al commercial customers pce eg pce ekg [Approx pce eg Approx Approx wn s kwm lk net $ s nn [kwh lace saw |pet $ B nw lava 3780} 1862] 3112] 2801] 0234331 3043} 7042)" 3176/0 2843/2204 $166] 12035 yea7] 3084 1091] 4082) 0] 02343 1801 3344] aves! 3177/0 2643! 2504 Seva] 15522 4352 3677} 3820] 10512] 2842| 0.2343] 3201 5576] 15485] 3895/0 2643| 4547 yai7|— 20124 sass 3888) 4536] 13030] 2734] 02343] 3895 se71| 15005] 3877/0 2643/4648, 9047] 26172 7627 4503 $620] 15157] 2047/0 2343] 4939 0634) 4366} 02643] 5480 10041) 28878 8750 4850 6047] 17534] 2004] 02343] 5348, am 4083] 02643) 3700 11333] 33228] 4900! 0 2643| 10038) 4633 5757] 18808] 2778] 0.2741) 4906 e416] 17086] 4772/2741] 5108) 9936) 27141/ — 3892| 02741] 869 4525 S250] 12747| 2880] 0.2805] 4423} S119} 14807] 4160] 0.24068] 4081 e005] 22444! 4730) 0 2584] 6843] 4543 6252] 15831] 2709] 0.2805 saa 5761| 16727] 4351] o2408| 4675, 9587| 27332| 4593/0 2584) 400] 4539) $561] 13707] 2851) 02895] 4736) 4931] 13899] 4120] 0.2406) 3903] 7096] 21440] 4043! 2584] an 4403 4592] 10810! 2784/0. 2805| 3795 4930} 1402/3875] 0.2408] 3072 253) 23130| 4268} 0 2584] 7150) $521 1973] 33¢3] $05] p2znes| 1527 2549] 4pe2] 70] 92490] 3909] 3500} 797] 4972] 02504) 2457] totes 52579] 134700} 45146 [total $0762) 150544 48422 |totat 95744) 205653, 0440) 7 Javerage $/Wh gross| 0 390) . Javerage #Wn gross| 0368 Javerage $n gross| 0 3601 Javerage SkWh net 0335) laverage $Wh net 0291 Javerage #KWh net 0303 Gross [Ruby ~ Kuspuk SD Gross Net Cost |PCE$ [Cost |Month power used [kWh cost o Jun 95) ° o o May-05 8080 274 sees] 1830] 105} 1935 ‘Apes; 7520) 2343/ 131] 3502) 7101] 2238] 105] 2343 Ma05| 9600] 3371 131] 3362] 5379 1670| 105; 1775 Feb-05| 9200] 3231 131 3390 1577 2305 105) 2500 Jan 05 | 9200 3259) mn 2382 6482] 2034 105] 2130) Dec-4| e400| 2251 131] 4218 7305] 2328] 105} 2430) 11640] 4090] 128] 2208 5206] 1611 105) ~ 1716) _ 6160] 2172 126] 2208 © 14300) 8036} (2546) 105} 28681 400 133 a 216 nas) 2429) 696} 105) 201 6538] 2286 14s] 2431 4428) 4 a8 164 105} 280) 1000} 347 145] 482] 127017] i $6286] 17508] 1050] 18550) 75018] 26342) 1382] 27001 La Paget ‘ wa ~ [Tanana SD from PCE fies and records rom Tenena Power 30033 30540 3 ~ 23072) aoe 123) 6223 D008) os ~ SIZ COMMRAT.XLG - Sheet? Page