HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Chicago Creek & Norton Sound Area Coal Exploration Programs 1982 published 1983THE CHICAGO CREEK AND NORTON SOUND AREA COAL EXPLORATION PROGRAMS 1982 by STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. K. H. Manning D. L. Stevens, Ph.D. A Subcontract to Denali Drilling Inc. for the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources 31 January, 1983 CoA oul cs oT) SUMMARY Denali Drilling Inc., undér contract to the State of Alaska, conducted a drilling program and geologic investigation of the Chicago Creek coal deposit which is located about 78 miles south of Kotzebue. A total of fourteen drill, holes were completed. In four holes, the coal-bearing interval was cored. The recovered coal samples were sent to the Mineral Industry Research Labor- atory for analysis. Natural gamma and density logs were run on eight of the drill holes and lithologic logs were made on every hole. The coal occurrence at Chicago Creek has a strike which varies from due North to N 6° W and has a dip of about 78° in the upper portion of each hole and about 58° in the lower portion of each hole. The coal has a maximum true thickness of about 78 feet. On an As Received Basis, the coal averaged 35.58% Moisture, 26.28% Volatile Matter, 39.86% Fixed Carbon, 7.28% Ash, and had a Heating Value of 6987 Btu/lb with 9.97% Total Sulfur. The Chicago Creek coal is classified as lignite in. rank. The steep dip of the coal seam combined with the limited depth to which drilling was contracted precluded the determin- ation of sufficient reserves on which to develop a mining plan. Additional exploration drilling will be necessary to properly evaluate the feasibility of developing the Chicago Creek coal to provide power for the Kotzebue area. Upon completion of the drilling program at Chicago Creek, the contract with Denali Drilling Inc. was amended to provide for a reconnaissance examination of coal occurrences in the Norton Sound area. Reported coal ocurrences south of Unalakleet, east of Koyuk, and on the east side of Death Valley, and near Elim were examined. .Twenty two shallow holes were drilled at the Koyuk coal occurrence. Samples were collected from the Unala- kleet and Omilak Creek areas. A total of eighteen samples were submitted to the Mineral Industry Research Laboratory for analy- sis. These data indicate that the coal occurrences near Koyuk and south of Unalakleet warrant further exploration. Recommendations are made for further exploration of the Chicago Creek, Koyuk, and Unalakleet area coal occurrences. RECOMMENDATIONS The Chicago Creek coal exploration work completed to date strongly suggests that further exploration will delineate the reserves necessary to support a coal-fired power plant for the Kotzebue area. The following recommendations are made to com- plete the required exploration work. (1) A drill rig capable of drilling suitable diameter holes to a depth of 1598 feet should be contracted for the work. Although conclusive evidence was not obtained, it appears from the drilling completed in 1982 that the dip of the coal flattens with depth and that there is a reasonable chance that 1589 foot holes will be sufficient to establish the reserves present. (2) A second row of drill holes parallel to those drilled in 1982 and offset about 259 feet wien should be drilled. This second row of holes should be drilled with the holes positioned 258 feet east of drill holes DH-4, DH-6, DH-11, DH-12, DH-7, DH- 8, and DH-9. Upon successful completion of these holes and the favorable determination of coal continuity and thickness, a third row of holes should be drilled parallel to the second, offset another 259 feet, with the holes corresponding in position to the previous holes to facilitate construction of cross-sections to aid in understanding the structure of the coal deposit. Once the attitude of the coal seam is understood, subsequent drilling could be done on a wider grid spacing. Drilling should continue until the limits of the coal are found and the total reserves determined. A lithologic log should be made of each hole and gamma ray and density logs run on each hole. Every forth hole should have the coal interval cored and sampled so that the physical, chemical, and engineering properties of the coal can be determined. The Koyuk coal occurrence should be explored further as follows: (1) A geologic map of the area should be compiled; (2) A drilling program consisting of a maximum of 15 holes should be conducted. Lithologic, gamma ray, and density logs should be made and core of the coal interval sampled for analy- sis. The determination of the limits of the thickest portion of the coal occurrence would be the objective of this program. The Unalakleet area coal occurrences need further explor- ation work. The recommended tasks are as follows: (1) Basic geologic mapping needs to be done in an effort to determine the distribution, size, and location of the areas with the best potential for substantial coal occurrences. (2) I£ the geologic mapping can identify one or more coal occurrences which warrant a drill program, a drill rig should be mobilized to the site and a drilling program initiated. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS. ... LIST OF FIGURES. .... LIST OF TABLES ..... LIST OF MAPS ....e-. INTRODUCTION ...... Purpose ...... Contractors .... Authorization... Scope ....e... Acknowledgements. . PART I. CHICAGO CREEK LOCATION . . «2 «© «© © ef ACCESS . 2... 2 ese eee GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENT. HISTORY AND PRODUCTION . REGIONAL GEOLOGY .... PROJECT AREA GEOLOGY .. Stratigraphy. ... Structure ..... Description of Coal . - i eiii - iv - iv - it - il - 1 - il - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 9 - 18 - 19 - 18 - 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS . .....e.e. DRILLING METHODS . . 2. 6 « « © © © © © © COAL ANALYSIS METHODS AND RESULTS. ..... COAL RESOURCES . . 2 « «© © © © © © © «© @ Measured. . 2. 2 2 © © © © © ew ew we ew Indicated . 2. 2. 2. 2 © « © © © we ww Inferred. . . 2. «© © © «© «© © ew we we ew MINING PLAN. 2. «© 2 © «© © © © © © © © © ow CONCLUSIONS. « « 2 © © © © © © © ew ww PART II. NORTON SOUND AREA PROJECT. ... INTRODUCTION 2. . 2. © 6 «© © «© © © © ew ow LOCATION OF PROJECT SITES. . ...-...-e ACCESS TO PROJECT SITES. ......... HISTORY AND PRODUCTION . 2... 2. «© © © «© « REGIONAL GEOLOGY . . « «© © © © © © we we ew PROJECT AREA GEOLOGY . 2. . 2 « «© © «© © © ec: Koyuk Area. . 2. 2. © «© «© «© © © © e 2 Unalakleet Area . ... 2. « ee « « DRILLING METHODS . 2. «© «© « « «© «© © © e @ COAL ANALYSIS METHODS AND RESULTS. .... COAL RESOURCES . 2. «© « «© © © © «© © © © © © CONCLUSIONS. « «© « «© © © © © © © © © © © ii TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) APPENDIX A CHICAGO CREEK DRILL HOLE LOGS APPENDIX B REPORT OF GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES APPENDIX C CHICAGO CREEK BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX D KOYUK DRILL HOLE LOGS APPENDIX E NORTON SOUND BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 LOCATION OF CHICAGO CREEK PROJECT. ...2- 22-22. 4 FIGURE 2 PLAT OF U. S. SURVEY 194, CHICAGO CREEK MINE.... 7 FIGURE 3 CHART SHOWING CHICAGO CREEK COAL RANK. .....-e. 21 FIGURE 4 LOCATION OF NORTON SOUND AREA COAL INVESTIGATIONS. . 28 FIGURE 5 LOCATION OF KOYUK DRILL HOLES. .. 2... 2-2-2 es 33 FIGURE 6 DRILLING AT KOYUK. « 2 6 2 © © ee ew ew ww ew ew oe ew ee 84 FIGURE 7 DRILLING AT KOYUK. . 2. 2. 2 2 2 ee eo ee we we ee es 34 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) LIST OF TABLES TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE 1 6 7 TABLE 8 CHICAGO CREEK SURVEY DATA .« « « « © 2 «@ oe eo COAL ANALYSES FOR DRILL HOLE 1. . 2. . 2 2 we oe COAL ANALYSES FOR DRILL HOLE 4... +... 2 ee COAL ANALYSES FOR DRILL HOLE 8. ....-e«e-e COAL ANALYSES FOR DRILL: HOLE 1l1.......-. ‘WEIGHTED MEANS FOR PROXIMATE ANALYSES . . 2... PROXIMATE ANALYSES OF NORTON SOUND AREA SAMPLES ULTIMATE ANALYSES OF NORTON SOUND AREA SAMPLES. LIST OF MAPS MAP 1 CHICAGO CREEK PROJECT DRILL HOLE LOCATIONS .. iv » « 15.1 - « 19 oe 02D o 6 035 2 2 037 ~Pocket INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to present the results of the work performed under contract to the Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys. The purpose of the program was to explore the. Chicago Creek coal deposit to determine if sufficient mineable reserves are present to warrant development. The development of a coal-fired power plant is needed to lower the costs:of power in the Kotzebue area. CONTRACTORS Denali Drilling Inc. submitted the low responsible bid and was selected as the contractor for the project. Stevens Exploration Management Corp. was subcontracted by Denali Drilling Inc. to provide the geologic expertise required and to prepare this report. Geo-Recon International, Limited was subcontracted by Denali Drilling Inc. to provide the gamma ray and density logs of each drill hole. AUTHORIZATION Contractual Document Number CA-129872 was authorized by the State of Alaska and awarded to Denali Drilling Inc. PAGE 1 SCOPE The scope of the Chicago Creek project required the contractor to do geological exploration, survey in and drill approximately ten holes to a depth of about 398 feet, provide gamma ray, density and lithologic logs of each hole, complete a geologic map with cross-sections showing elevations and the location of each drill hole, and to sample coal beds encountered by drilling. The contractor was to provide a coal reserve estimate, a mining plan, and a narrative report of. the project. Prior to the completion of the Chicago Creek project, personnel with the Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys decided to expand the scope of the contract to include recon- naissance surveys of reported coal occurrences in the Norton Sound area. Specifically, occurrences near Grouse Creek, Elim, Koyuk, and Unalakleet were selected for examination. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Gilbert R. Eakins, Chief Mining Geologist,.and Jim Clough, Geologist, of the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, and Mike Menge and Gary Martin of the U. S. Minerals Management Service visited the project at various times and provided numerous suggestions and comments that were beneficial to the project. PAGE 2 Also very instrumental in the successful completion of the project were Rhinehart Berg, owner of the airstrip at Candle and Virgil Vial, owner of the placer camp near the project site. Without the use of these two facilities, the project would have been much more difficult. The comfort of the Unalakeet Lodge was greatly appreciated during the Norton Sound portion of the project. PART I. CHICAGO CREEK PROJECT LOCATION The location of the Chicago Creek project is shown on Figure 1. The old Chicago Creek Mine is located in Section 22, Township 6 North, Range 18 West, Kateel River Meridian. This location is about 78 miles south of Kotzebue, and 14 miles west of Candle. Chicago Creek is a tributary to the Kugruk River. The surface of the land has been withdrawn from all forms of appropriation by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 for selection by the village of Deering. If the land is conveyed to Deering, the regional corporation, NANA, will own the sub- surface mineral resources. ACCESS Equipment, supplies, groceries and fuels for the project were flown to Candle in a Hercules aircraft. Personnel flew to Kotzebue via commercial aircraft and on to Candle or the airstrip PAGE 3 at Vial's Camp by charter aircraft based in Kotzebue. The drill rig was mounted on a Nodwell tracked vehicle which transported the rig and ancillary equipment and supplies to the project site. Project area personnel transportation was by a smaller tracked vehicle. GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENT The topographic relief in the immediate vicinity of the Chicago Creek area is only about 498 feet with the hills having gentle slopes and a general rounded appearance. To the east, the Kiwalik River occupies a linear north-south trough. Chicago Creek is a tributary of the Kugruk River and south of the Chicago Creek-Kugruk River confluence, the Kugruk. also occupies a north- south trending topographic feature. The highest hills in the area are in the block between the north-south portions of these two rivers. Tundra covers most of this region with a few scattered spruce on protected south-facing slopes. Underbrush consisting of dwarf birch and willow occurs along the streams and in pro- tected areas. Permafrost underlies all of this region and is responsible for the abundant standing water during the summer months. The climate is subarctic with an annual precipitation of 8.6 inches which includes 36 inches of snow. Summer temperatures range from PAGE 5 36° Fahrenheit to 63° F.; winter temperatures range from -28 to 2° F. Annual extremes are -66° in the winter to 85 ° in the summer. The inhabitants of the region fall into two general categories: gold miners and natives. The natives generally live - subsistence lifestyles aided by temporary employment when avail- able. Most of the gold miners live in the area only during the mining season. HISTORY AND PAST PRODUCTION The Chicago Creek coal claim was located in 1995 and sur- veyed for patent April 16-18, 1987 (see Figure 2 Plat of U. S. Survey 194, Chicago Creek Mine) but the application for patent was rejected. Henshaw (1999, p. 362-363) described the Chicago Creek Mine as follows: The coal seam strikes about N. 8° W. and has a westerly dip of 53°. The strata in which the coal is included are soft and crumble easily. As nearly as could be determined from the exposures in the mine, the coal bed is 88 feet thick, with no partings except a few thin layers of bone and sandy shale. Drillings made during August, 1998, revealed the presence of the coal bed one-half mile N. 12° wW., at depth of 69 feet below the surface. An inclined shaft that PAGE 6 From USBM RI 4150 Keystone claim East 20 chs. unsurveyed 8.61 chs. N. 25° 27'W.0.28 chs. NW. loc. cor. S$. 87°21' E.4.70 chs. 11.39chs. 1.39chs. o Cor2 ¢ \ NE. loc, cor. PLAT a | of U.S. survey No, 194 *S, 35°27’ E. 2.05 chs. i £ Chicago Creek Coal Claim : 6 3 Under act ofJune 6 1900 i S S as amended by act approved S| 6 April 28.1904 3 & of o iB T. S. Solomons ° ‘oo Situated s ° On Chicago Creek, about = 7 1.25 miles eastward from e . the Kugruk River stable District of Alaska a : . Variation 24°F a area [57.860 acres : i As surveyed by — Arthur 6 Blake i U.S Deputy Surveyor ; \ April 16-17-18, 1907 9," . 2s . copied at U.S. land of fice Juneau Alaska! !-2745 66 feet to | chain %, Aa ae — S. 78.92chs a}. 3 N.73 40'€ 2.71" Shaft 8 @ 3 Cor. 3 Cor. 4 $ a S. 2938 E. 1.86 chs. res SE loc. cor. Figure 2. Plot of U.S. Survey 194, Chicago Creek mine. follows the coal bed exposed on the left bank of Chicago Creek is 339 feet long and slopes downward at an angle of 18° to 36°. The shaft reaches a depth of 144 feet below its mouth and the bottom is more than 299 feet below the surface of the ground perpendicularly above it. The coal is solidly frozen to this depth. The incline lies 29 to 39 feet from the hanging wall down to a point near the lowest level where the irregularity of the dip of the coal bed brings them nearly together. The mine has ‘been worked on four levels at approximate- ly 33, 80, 190, and 144 feet below the shaft house. On the upper level a crosscut 55 feet long was run ‘in 1993, but did * not reach the foot wall. On the lowest level a crosscut 194 feet long exposes the whole width of coal. The bed here is at least 85 feet thick, but appears to be somewhat thinner than at other points. On the upper three levels the coal has been taken from the portion of the seam lying within 29 feet of the hanging wall, which yields the solidest and most desirable fuel. Most of the coal mined in the last two years has been stoped from the area between the shaft and crosscut, and discharged by chutes into cars in the cross- cut. The coal at the lowest level appears to be more uniformly good than it is higher up, where only the part of the bed nearest to the hanging wall was worked. Total estimated coal production is estimated to have been PAGE 8 about 118,008 tons, most of which was used by the gold miners in the area. REGIONAL GEOLOGY The Seward Peninsula presents as diverse a geologic picture as any area of comparable size in North America. The geologic units range in age from Precambrian through Recent. Igneous rocks range from basaltic dikes and flows through tin granites. The structural history is very complex and only recently have geol- ogists begun to untangle the complicated sequence of events which can only be understood on the basis of global plate tectonics. The northeast quadrant of the Seward Peninsula, which in- cludes the Chicago Creek area, has been mapped only at small scales but still has displayed a substantial complexity. North- south faults bound horst and graben structures. The horsts, like the terrain between the Kiwalik River and the north-trending portion of the Kugruk River, are composed of probable PreCambrian York Slate or its equivalent, which is the apparent source for the placer deposits in the area. The grabens contain the coal- bearing formations and other younger clastic and carbonate units. PAGE 9 PROJECT AREA GEOLOGY Stratigraphy The coal is overlain by silt with varying amounts of ice which ranges from 18 to 48 percent. There are occasional ice lenses up to three feet thick, The silt unit is generally dark brown with less than 18 percent sand and clay. The coal is underlain by a clay unit varying from 2 to 1G feet thick. This clay unit parallels the lower contact of the coal and consists of light gray to white clay with traces of coal fragments in the ne foot of the bed. This clay unit is in unconformable contact with the older metasediments underlying it. Structure The coal-bearing unit dips steeply to the west. This attitude probably signifies proximity to the eastern fault on the margin of the graben. There is some indication in the drill core that the dip of the coal bed decreases with depth down the hole suggesting drag-folding near a fault. Description of the Coal Seam The coal seam is thickest on the south side of Chicago Creek with a true thickness of 78 feet. The coal seam abruptly ends at approximately 50% feet south of the old mine adit. On the north side of Chicago Creek the coal seam thins progressively. The northern-most drill hole, DH 9-82, intercepted only two feet of PAGE 10 coal at a distance of 4,192 feet from the adit. Near the adit, the coal has a strike of about North 6° West, with the strike changing progressively to the north to nearly due North. Near the adit, the dip of the coal seam is 68° to 72° in the upper half of the unit and 45 to 55° in the lower half. The dip becomes less steep to the north of the adit. ‘The coal is highly fractured with several prominent cleat and fracture patterns parallel to and intersecting the bedding planes, Zones of fractured coal contain silt and clay stringers along the fractures. The coal is frozen throughout with occasional ice crystals and stratified ice up to 1/4th inch in thickness. Cleats and fractures have traces of sulfide coatings with occasional pyrite crystals up to 1/4 inch on a side. GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS GEO-RECON INTERNATIONAL, LTD. was contracted by Denali Dril- ling, Inc. to provide the geophysical work required by the con- tract. Natural gamma and gamma-gamma density logs were run on eight drill holes out of the 14 holes drilled. In addition to the required geophysical services, the geophysical contractor ran electromagnetic methods of resistivity mapping in an attempt to locate the subsurface trace of the coal outcrop since the pub- lished strike of the coal seam was not correct and some indicator was needed to accurately position the drill holes. PAGE 11 The results of these investigations are discussed in the report submitted by GEO-RECON INTERNATIONAL, LTD. which is in- cluded in this report as APPENDIX B REPORT OF GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES. DRILLING METHODS A Longyear Model 38 drill rig was mounted on a Nodwell FN-69 tracked carrier. A tricone bit was used to initiate each hole and to advance the hole to the coal seam. Once coal was encount- ered, an impregnated diamond step bit was used with a Christian- son split sleeve core barrel for core recovery. Since the ground temperature was well below freezing, Denali Drilling Inc. used proprietary fluids to maintain circulation and to prevent freezing the drill rods in the hole. The best core recovery was obtained with a five foot core barrel. Both HX and NX diameter cores were obtained. The drill cuttings and recovered core were logged (See Appendix A Chicago Creek Drill Logs) and placed in plastic sleeves in wooden core boxes initially, but during the latter stage of the project, the plastic sleeves were not utilized. A baseline was surveyed in oriented along the strike of the coal seam as reported in the old literature on the occurrence. Exact hole locations were then surveyed in from this baseline. The survey data for each hole is presented in Table l. PAGE 12 LJ TABLE 1 CHICAGO CREEK SURVEYING DATA DRILL HOLE NUMBER DH~1-82 DH-2-82 DH-~3-82 DH-4-82 DH-5-82 DH-6-82 DH~7-82 DH-8-82 DH-9-82 DH-19-82 DH~11-82 DH-12-82 DH-13-82 DH-14-82 BASE LINE DISTANCE (FEET) 1+53 11+98 6+69 3+64 7+13 5+88 26+41 31+44 41+92 15+87 12+37 19+37 19+87 19+37 s s BASE LINE OFFSET (FEET) 21 W BL I 96 BL I 96 BL I 22 W BL I 69 W BL II 96 BL II 77 © BL II 136 E BL II: 186 E BL II 75 W BL II 98 BL II 6 BL II 39 EB BL II 196 E BL II ELEVATION (FEET) 186 249 243 212 245 153 232 278 326 178 168 192 189 197 ' TOTAL DEPTH (FEET) 232.5 105.9 72.6 230.9 65.9 200.0 139. 92.9 70.9 115.9 98.8 123.9 132.9 38.8 PAGE 13 A permanent monument was placed at the site of the adit. Distances north and south were then measured from this monument along the baseline. COAL ANALYSIS METHODS AND RESULTS All coal samples obtained by core drilling were forwarded to the Mineral Industry Research Laboratory at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, Alaska. These samples were analyzed by standard ASTM methods under the supervision of Dr. P. Dharma Rao, Professor of Coal Technology. Two classes of coal analyses were run: (1) Ultimate analy- sis, and (2) Proximate analysis. An Ultimate analysis expresses the composition of coal in weight percentages of carbon, hydro- gen, nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and ash. A Proximate analysis reports coal compounds in four groups: (1) moisture, (2) volatile Matter consisting of gases and vapors driven off during pyroly- sis, (3) mineral impurities as ash, and (4) fixed carbon, the remaining nonvolatile fraction of the pyrolyzed coal. The Proxi- mate analysis is usually supplemented by determination of the sulfur content and an estimation of heating value expressed as Btu per pound. The coal-bearing interval in Drill Holes l, 4, 8, and 11 were shipped to the Laboratory for analysis. Both Proximate and Ultimate analyses were run on the core from Drill Hole 1; only PAGE 14 Proximate analyses were run on Drill Holes 4, 8, and 11. The results of these analyses are presented in Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5. The intercept-weighted mean of the values reported on the Proximate analyses were calculated for each drill hole and are presented in Table 6. The weighted mean for all Proximate analy- sis values for all the drill holes was calculated and is present- ed in Table 6 also. The analytical results can also be used to determine the rank of the coal. Figure 3 is a chart showing the fields of the various coal ranks and the formulas used in calculating the ‘position on the chart. The average rank of the Chicago Creek coal is plotted on this chart. COAL RESOURCES Measured. Measured coal resources, the most precise cate- gory, are based on outcrop measurements, drill hole inter- sections, and reasonable projections between outcrops and drill holes. No coal outcrops are present because of the overburden and tundra cover so that a precise determination of the stratigraphic thickness is not possible. Therefore there is some possibility of error in determining the thickness of the coal intercepted in the drill holes, particularly since there is some indication that the dip of the coal flattens down the hole. PAGE 15 TABLE 2 COAL ANALYSES FOR DRILL HOLE 1 BASIS: 1-AS RECEIVED 3-MOISTURE FREE 2-EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE 4-MOISTURE AND ASH FREE SAMPLE HEATING INTERVAL MOISTURE VOLATILE FIXED ASH VALUE SULFUR (FEET) BASIS* % MATTER,% CARBON,% % BTU/LB c,% H,% N,% 0,% PYRITIC TOTAL 112.5- 1 36.44 24.39 28.26 10.91 6377-00 38.03 6.66 69 42.71 -44 -99 123 2 32.59 25.87 29.97 11.57 6763.00 40.34 6.39 +73 39.92 -47 1.05 3 38.38 44.46 17.16 10033.00 59.84 4.07 1.08 20.35 -69 1.56 4 46.33 53.67 12111.00 72.23 4.91 1.34 19.66 «84 1.89 123- 1 38.73 23.97 28.32 8.98 6416.00 37.43 6.83 -76 45.37 -03 -63 126.5 2 29.63 27.53 32.53 10.31 7369.00 42.99 6.19 87 38.92 04 +72 3 39.12 46.23 14.65 10472.00 61.09 4.08 1.24 22.00 05 1.03 4 45.83 54.17 12270.00 71.58 4.78 1.45 20.99 06 1.20 132- 1 36.03 25.74 28.51 9.72 6692.00 38.37 6.74 -04 43.72 «47 1.41 141 2 28.99 28.57 31.65 10.78 7429.00 42.60 6.25 +04 38.76 -53 1.56 3 40.24 44.57 15.19 10461.00 59.99 4.24 06 22.56 “74 2.20 4 47.45 52.55 12335.00 70.73 4.99 07 21.61 87 2.60 141.0- 1 38.97 25.57 30.77 4.69 6949.00 40.22 7.04 +74 46.51 -06 81 150 2 32.24 28.39 34.16 5.20 7715.00 44.65 6.58 83 41.84 06 -90 3 41.90 50.42 7.68 11386.00 65.90 4.38 1.22 23.88 -09 1.32 4 45.39 54.61 12333.00 71.38 4.75 1.32 21.12 -10 1.43 150.0- 1 37.09 24.17 28.16 10.58 6493.00 37.65 6.87 -59 42.81 -40 1.50 160 2 28.16 27.60 32.16 12.08 7415.00 42.99 6.26 -68 36.28 45 1.72 3 38.42 44.77 16.81 10322.00 59.84 4.33 +94 20.02 -63 2.39 4 46.18 53.82 12407.00 71.93 5.20 1.13 18.86 -76 2.87 160- 1 36.83 21.05 25.38 16.73 5607.00 33.28 6.41 -70 42.12 -08 +75 170 2 23.55 25.48 30.72 20.25 6786.00 40.28 5.40 85 32.31 +10 “91 3 33.33 40.18 26.49 8876.00 52.69 3.62 1.11 18.53 -13 1.19 4 45.34 54.66 12074.00 71.67 4.93 1.51 20.27 AT 1.62 180- 1 37.06 26.22 30.64 6.09 7042.00 40.10 6.83 “71 44.36 -65 1.91 190 2 32.40 28.16 32.91 6.54 7563.00 43.07 6.51 “77 41.07 -69 2.05 3 41.65 48.68 9.67 41188.00 63.72 4.26 1.13 22.45 1.03 3.03 4 46.11 53.89 12386.00 70.54 4.72 1.25 20.13 > 1.14 3.36 190- 1 40.71 24.72 28.28 6.29 6592.00 38.02 7.18 -70 46.82 -10 1.00 196.5 2 33.03 27.92 31.94 7.11 7446.00 42.94 6.66 +79 41.38 11 1.13 3 41.69 47.69 10.61 11119.00 64.12 4.42 1.17 22.40 217 1.69 4 46.64 53.36 12439.00 71.74 4.94 1.31 20.12 219 1.89 202.5- 1 40.10 26.49 28.59 4.82 6940.00 39.37 7.22 +70 45.92 +83 1.98 212.5 2 33.03 29.62 31.96 5.39 7160.00 44.01 6.75 “79 40.86 93 2.21 3 44.23 47.73 8.04 11587.00 65.72 4.56 1.17 21.76 1.38 3.30 4 48.10 51.90 12600.00 71.47 4.96 1.28 18.71 1.50 3.59 212.5- 1 43.69 24.93 26.65 4.73 6446.00 36.76 7.40 -63 48.47 -93 2.02 219.5 2 33.67 29.37 31.39 5.57 7593.00 43.30 6.72 “74 41.30 1.10 2.38 3 44.28 47.33 8.39 11448.00 65.28 4.45 4.11 21.63 1.66 3.58 4 48.34 51.66 12497.00 71.26 4.86 1.22 18.75 1.81 3.91 TABLE 3 vy SAMPLE : INTERVAL 1 (FEET) 7 51.5 | 57.5 57.5- 62 62- 68 68.0- 73-5 as 73.5- - 80 14 80.0- t 87 ~ 87.0- 94.5 COAL ANALYSES FOR DRILL HOLE 4 PUD = PUNY = funy PUD = PUN PUN = PUD + MOISTURE VOLATILE FIXED % MATTER,% CARBON,% 37.10 27.26 31.73 31.66 29.62 34.47 43.34 50.44 46.21 53.79 39.45 26.88 31.15 32.04 30.17 34.96 44.39 51.44 46.32 53.68 36.31 28.58 24.83 29.48 31.64 27.49 44.87 38.98 53.51 46.49 41.41 25.39 30.37 32.80 29.12 34.83 43.33 51.83 45.53 54.47 40.76 25.93 30.34 31.57 29.95 35.04 43.77 51.21 46.08 53.92 34.19 28.43 34.26 31.94 29.41 35.43 43.20 52.05 45.36 54.64 30.55 29.94 35.66 31.22 29.64 35.31 43.09 51.34 45.64 54.36 31.23 30.66 34.74 30.90 30.81 34.90 44.59 50.51 46.88 53.12 30.87 29.47 34.43 30.46 29.64 34.64 42.62 49.81 46.11 53.89 HEATING VALUE TOTAL BTU/LB SULFUR,% 7109 049 1724 253 11302 -78 12053 83 6987 64 7843 -72 11540 1.06 12042 1.10 6269 59 6942 66 9844 -93 11740 1.11 6880 62 7892 -71 11743 1.05 12341 14 7017 255 8106 64 11845 -93 12471 -98 7750 -73 8015 275 11776 1.11 12362 1.16 7992 -67 7912 67 11504 97 12182 1.03 8007 65 8046 265 11644 «94 12244 99 7799 “71 7845 -71 11281 1.02 12205 1.11 PAGE 16 TABLE 3 COAL ANALYSES FOR DRILL HOLE 4 (Continued) SAMPLE HEATING INTERVAL MOISTURE VOLATILE FIXED ASH VALUE TOTAL (FEET) BASIS* % MATTER,% CARBON, % BIU/LB SULFUR,% 94.5- 1 28.99 29.68 35.42 5.91 7958 56 101.5 2 30.25 29.16 34.79 5.80 7817 55 3 41.80 49.88 8.32 11207 719 4 45.60 54.40 12223 87 101 .5- 1 29.61 30.14 37.11 3.14 8209 66 112 2 31.87 29.17 35.92 3.04 7946 64 3 42.81 52.73 4.46 11663 +94 4 44.81 55.19 12208 -98 112- 1 32.08 29.80 34.56 3.56 7959 98 118 2 32.14 29.78 34.63 3.56 7952 -98 3 43.88 50.88 5.24 11719 1.45 4 46.31 53.69 12367 1.53 118- 1 29.04 29.07 37675 4.13 8099 67 130 2 30.65 28.41 36.90 4.04 7915 65 3 40.97 53.20 5.82 11413 94 4 43.51 56.49 12119 1.00 130.0- 1 28.23 30.29 - 37.62 3.8 8226. 61 138 2 30.23 29.45 36.57 3.75 7997 59 3 42.21 52.41 5.38 11461 85 4 44.61 55.39 42113 90 138.0- 1 30.82 29.12 36.39 3.67 7887 63 148 2 32.05 28.60 35.74 3.61 TT4T 62 3 42.09 52.60 5.34 11400 91 4 44.45 55.55 12040 -96 *BASIS 1-AS RECEIVED 2-EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE 3-MOISTURE FREE 4-MOISTURE AND ASH FREE PAGE 17 TABLE 4 COAL ANALYSES FOR DRILL HOLE 8 SAMPLE . HEATING INTERVAL MOISTURE VOLATILE § FIXED ASH VALUE ‘TOTAL (FEET) BASIS* % MATTER,% CARBON,% % BTU/LB SULFUR,% 47.0- 1 35-32 9-27.74 = 32.52 4.42 7411 1.15 54 2 34.40 28.14 32.98 4.48 7516 1.16 3 42.89 50.28 6.83 11458 1.77 4 46.04 53.96 12297 1.90 54.0- 1 38.07 26.73 30.46 4.75 7049 1.34 61 2 33.86 28.54 32.53 5.07 7529 1.44 3 43.15 49.18 7.66 11383 2.17 4 46.74 53.26 12328 2.35 61.0- 1 34.85 27.67 32.71 4.77 7412 1.07 67 2 33.63 28.19 33.32 4.86 7550 1.09 3 42.47 50.21 7.32 11376 1.65 4 45.82 54.18 12275 1.78 67.0- 1 35.30 27.07 29.94 7.69 7037 1.07 72 2 32.49 28.24 31.25 8.02 1342 1.11 3 41.84 46.28 11.88 10876 1.65 4 47.48 52.52 12342 1.87 72.0- 1 36.59 24.16 26.53 12.71 6175 74 TT 2 33.51 25.34 27.82 13.33 6475 -78 3 38.10 41.85 20.05 9739 1.17 4 47.66 52.34 12181 1.46 77.0- 1 34.28 25.55 27.70 12.47 6471 85 83 2 33.67 25.78 27.96 12.59 6531 -86 3 38.87 42.16 18.97 9846 1.29 4 47.97 52.03 42151 1.59 *BASIS 1-AS RECEIVED 2-EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE 3-MOISTURE FREE 4-MOISTURE AND ASH FREE PAGE 18 TABLE 5 COAL ANALYSES FOR DRILL HOLE 11 SAMPLE HEATING INTERVAL MOISTURE VOLATILE FIXED ASH VALUE TOTAL (FEET) BASIS* % MATTER,% CARBON,% % BTU/LB SULFUR,% 7 31.5- 1 38.02 23.18 30.63 8.17 6527 TT 37.5 2 32.63 25.20 33.29 8.88 7094 84 3 37.40 49.42 13.18 10530 1.24 4 43.08 56.92 12128 1.43 37.5- 1 39.01 24.38 28.06 8.55 6326 1.15 _ 42.5 2 33.39 26.62 30.64 9.34 6909 1.25 3 39.97 46.00 14.03 10372 1.88 4 46.49 53.51 12065 2.18 ~ 42.5- 1 36.93 25.44 33.18 4.45 7156 -82 48 2 35.82 25.89 33.76 4.53 7282 83 3 40.34 52.60 7.06 11346 1.30 - 4 43.40 56.60 12207 1.40 48.0- 1 33.69 24.73 29.21 12.37 6482 79 53 2 31.77 25.45 30.05 12.73 6670 81 3 37.350 44.05 18.66 9776 1.18 - 4 45.85 54.15 12018 1.46 ~ 53.0- 1 37.97 24.99 31.21 5.82 6930 74 58 2 34.53 27.59 34.46 6.43 7649 -82 : 3 40.29 50.32 9.39 11172 1.19 - 4 44.47 55.55 12329 1.31 58.0-_ 1 35.24 25.49 31.66 7.61 6961 71 _ 63 2 32.35 26.63 33.08 7.95 7271 74 3 39.36 48.89 11.75 10748 1.10 4 44.60 55.40 12179 1.24 = 63.0- 1 36.00 24.44 30.37 9.20 6621 -78 68 2 31.91 26.00 32.31 9.78 7044 -83 3 38.18 47.45 14.37 10345 1.22 - 4 44.59 55.41 12081 1.43 68.0- 1 33.94 26.06 29.78 10.24 6805 +73 _ 73 2 33.25 26.33 30.08 10.34 6873 “74 3 39.44 45.06 15.50 10296 1.10 4 46.67 53.33 12185 1.31 - 73.0- 1 30.46 25.22 29.95 14.37 6670 1.04 78 2 30.00 25.39 50.15 14.47 6714 1.05 3 36.27 43.07 20.67 9591 1.50 _ 4 45.72 54.28 12089 1.89 *BASIS SAME AS TABLE 3 PAGE 19 TABLE 6 DRILL HOLE WEIGHTED AVERAGES FOR PROXIMATE ANALYSES OF DRILL CORE HEATING VALUE BIU/LB 11 7249 7.673 11.63 8.91 9.32 13.76 1.3 1.5 AVERAGE FOR ALL DRILL HOLES MOISTURE VOLATILE § FIXED BASIS* % MATTER,% CARBON ,% 1 38.3 24.75 28.39 2 30.62 27.79 31.88 3 40.19 46.06 4 46.56 53.43 1 32.5 28.94 34.39 2 31.22 29.51 34.99 3 42.91 50.9 4 45.79 54.21 1 35.77 26.58 30.16 2 33.65 27.46 31.16 3 41.39 46.97 4 46.88 53.14 1 35.76 24.85 30.48 2 32.55 26.1 32.03 3 38.72 47.53 4 44.93 55.07 1 35.58 26.28 30.86 2 32.01 27.72 32.52 3 40.8 47.87 4 46.04 53.96 7.28 7-76 11.33 “97 1.03 1.28 1.73 1-AS RECEIVED 2-EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE 3-MOISTURE FREE 4-MOISTURE AND ASH FREE PAGE 20 FORMULA FOR APPROXIMATE COAL RANK DETERMINATIONS Figure 3. PERCENT 1007 hracl 98 Meta-anthracite Anthracite 92 Semianthra cite / Dry, mm-free FEC 86 fixed carbon= To5-TM ge 1.1 A. +018) * 00 Low vola Bt tile i -m- = Blu bitumi- Moist, m-m-free Btu TOOn. TA. 0.18) * 100 nous 2 Ss a oc < 3 978 Z |Medium Where EC.= Fixed carbon percentage w — jvolatile M = Moisture percentage i . {bitumi- A = Ash percentage i nous S = Sulfur percentage He Btu= British thermal units,all taken from the BE _ proximate onaly sis (os received basis) < 3 a « lo 260 2 ® 3 = ° 3 2 > = £ = zt & E E EX. . ° = 7 = \:3 a 5 B | 5 pe o ° < a o € 2 3 g 2 | 22 = 2 so) 3 Ss/s\e8)/ € |e $ | $¢/¢ = = fl ? 5 = & |s|s 3 [3 x x = a a 40 r 1 16,000 14,000 13,000 11,000 9500 8300 7000 6000 8TU MOIST, MINERAL MATTER FREE BTU @ Plot for average of Chicago Creek drill samples Chart Showing Chicago Creek Coal Rank Based on the drilling completed during this program, measured resources are approximately 1,909,990 short tons. Indicated. Indicated:resources are geologic projections of outcropping coal beds and drill hole intersections to a depth of 1998 feet and a horizontal distance of 1 mile. Based on the apparent lateral limits of the coal and the variable thickness shown in the holes, the indicated resources are approximately 6,399,998 short tons. «Inferred. Inferred resources are geologic projections of outcropping coal beds and drill hole intersections to a depth of 3,098 feet and a horizontal distance of 6 miles. Thus, this category is very speculative. The inferred resource could be as high as 14,609,999 tons. MINING PLAN The amended Invitation To Bid included a tentative drilling plan that portrayed ten drill holes each 309 feet: deep and arrayed on 1988 foot centers. This plan assumed a flat-lying coal bed. The project specifications required a drill rig capable of drilling a suitable hole 49% feet deep. Because of the uncertainties in the exact location of the coal seam, drill PAGE 22 holes were positioned so that the hole would be sure to intersect both the upper and lower contacts of the coal bed; the deepest hole drilled was 232.5 feet. Thus if the coal extended deeper than 499 feet, the drilling program would not be capable of determining the reserves. The selection of the best mining plan is normally made after _ consideration of numerous factors, some of which are: (a) safety, (b) cost per ton of coal produced, (c) optimum rate of coal production, (d) quality of the coal required by the market, (e) optimum level of coal recovery, (£) ecology and reclamation requirements. When choosing the actual method of mining, some of the factors to be considered are: (a) the nature of the overburden, (b) the characteristics of the coal: (1) thickness, dip and lateral extent, (2) nature and location of impurities, irregularities, cleavage, etc., (3) quantity of explosive gas and water, (4) nature and strength of the footwall and hanging wall formations, PAGE 23 (5) hardness and structural strength of the coal, (6) previous mining; The basic problem with the Chicago Creek coal as it is presently known, is the 58° to 79° dip. Since the deepest drilling to date is only 232.5 feet, nothing is known about the deeper portion of the coal seam below these drill hole inter- cepts. With the steep dip, open pit mining soon results ina high stripping ratio, so that the available tonnage which can economically be mined is quite limited. Thus the tonnage of coal that could be economically mined using strip mining methods is not sufficient to justify the expenditure of the funds required to develop a mine mouth power plant and to install power lines to Kotzebue. The consideration of underground mining methods immediately confronts the problem of the lack of information below the level intersected in the drilling. Insufficient information is avail- able regarding the total reserves, the attitude of the coal seam, its geotechnical characteristics, and the characteristics of the enclosing formations to formulate an underground mining plan. ‘In summary, a responsible mining plan cannot be developed with the data presently available. Further exploration work must be done to develop sufficient reserves in the "Measured" and "Indicated" categories. Only when adequate reserves are proven PAGE 24 can intelligent planning for the utilization of the energy resource commence. CONCLUSIONS The drilling program completed under the contract consisted of 14 drill holes spotted along the surface trend of the coal ‘seam. Structural complications previously unsuspected were found which resulted in less coal being proven than would have been postulated from the previously published data on the coal occur- rence. Substantial portions of the coal seam are 8@ feet thick. Areas where the coal was considerably thinner and/or had a very high ash content could indicate that the segment drilled was close to the periphery of the basin. Thus, better quality and thicker coal could exist down dip where there has been no previous exploration. The results of the program are encouraging. The analytical results on the coal, the confirmation of the thickness of the coal seam, and the strike length of the coal indicate that the quality and potential quantity of the Chicago Creek coal make this deposit an important factor to be considered in the effort to provide low cost power to nearby communities. PAGE 25 This initial drilling program has provided important inform- ation that will enable future drilling programs to be designed and executed cost-effectively and technically sound. With ade- quate funding, the next drilling program will be able to deter- mine if sufficient coal reserves exist at Chicago Creek to bea viable alternative for power generation for the Kotzebue area. PAGE 26 PART II. NORTON SOUND AREA PROJECT INTRODUCTION Upon the successful conclusion of the Chicago Creek project, the contract between the State of Alaska and Denali Drilling Inc. was amended to include exploration of four coal occurrences on the north and eastern sides of Norton Sound. These four occur- rences were: (1) the Coal Creek area south of Unalakleet, (2) the Grouse Creek area south of Death Valley, “(3) =the area one mile east of Koyuk, (4) the Elim Area. The exploration work was to consist of surface examination of each occurrence with subsequent drilling if funding permitted. Prior to initiation of the field work, the Grouse Creek examin- ation was deleted from the program because the coal occurrence lies on active mining claims and the owner of the claims felt that active investigation of the coal deposit could jeopardize the future of his uranium deposit. Rather than proceed without the permission of the mining claimant, it was decided to forego examination of this coal occurrence. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITES The location of each of the reported Norton Sound area coal occurrences examined is shown on Figure 4. PAGE 27 on : x 3 OMILAK ‘| ‘| : Oe UNGALIK { SHATCOLIK | | i 9 | yy Ld 60 ri a L yor X indicates sample site Figure 4. Location of Norton Sound Area Coal Investigation The actual location of the coal occurrence reported south of Unalakleet was found to be at the mouth of Glacier Creek rather than Coal Creek as these creeks are named on the 1:63,368 topo- graphic map published by the U. S. Geologic Survey. It appears from this discrepancy that the creeks are incorrectly named on the topographic map. The Koyuk coal occurrence is located about one mile east of the village of Koyuk. Pieces of coal can be found on the beach- in close proximity to the source. The reported coal occurrence near Elim was not found in spite of considerable effort. Black shale was located in the vicinity of the reported coal occurrence leading to speculation that the shale had been incorrectly identified as coal. The reported coal occurrence on Omilak Creek on the east side of McCarthy's Marsh was not found but a sample was collected for analysis from a gravel bar downstream from the source. ACCESS TO PROJECT SITES Access to all the reported coal occurrences was by Bell 266 helicopter. A Cessna 286 was also used for the transportation of men and drilling equipment to the Koyuk site from Unalakleet. For the work in the Norton Sound area, the base of oper- PAGE 29 i ations was established in Unalakleet at the Unalakleet Lodge. The availability of Jet Fuel for the helicopter and fixed wing support when needed made this the ideal location for this portion of the program. HISTORY AND PRODUCTION The coal seam at Koyuk is reported to have been mined by one man in the early 1999's. The people living in the nearby village of Koyuk occasionally collect coal for heating requirements from the beach. Harrington (1919, p. 384) reported that the Koyuk occurrence consisted of a four foot thick seam and a two foot thick seam together with several thinner seams. Total past production has been estimated at approximately 5@ tons. The coal seam south of Unalakleet at Glacier Creek has been reportedly mined at the beachfront level with a timber-supported adit penetrating the coal seam exposed in the sea cliff. The coal seam is reported to be four to eight feet thick (Patton, 1973). Approximately 388 tons of weathered coal were shipped to Nome and St. Michael in 1918, .but no major development ever occurred (Cathcart, 1929). At the mouth of what is called Coal Mine Creek on the topo- PAGE 39 graphic maps, coal seams less than one foot thick occur fora distance of over 18@@ feet in the badly slumped bluffs. REGIONAL GEOLOGY The coal-bearing units in the Norton Sound area and on the Seward Peninsula are Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary in age. The coal occurrences at. Koyuk and south of Unalakleet are part of . a large Tertiary sequence that probably underlies the offshore Norton Basin. The coal occurrences at Grouse Creek and Omilak Creek are in structurally complex and downwarped erosional rem- nants preserved in downwarped basins. PROJECT AREA GEOLOGY Koyuk Area. The coal-bearing unit at Koyuk consists of unconsolidated silt, sand and clay. Cass (1959). placed this unit in the Cretaceous Shaktoolik Group. The test drilling indicated that a one to two foot thick coal seam has a strike of N 55° E with a dip of 26 to 36 ° Ss. At the deposit location, the seam abruptly swells out to a four foot seam and a two foot thick seam. Permafrost is discontinuous on the beach and is probably more pervasive farther away from the water. Unalakleet Area. The coal occurrences south of Unalakleet are found in flat-lying Early Tertiary shales. The actual site of the mining which produced the coal shipped to Nome and St. Michael was not recognizable. A basic geologic mapping program PAGE 31 is needed in this area and must be included in any future explor- ation of the coal deposits in this area, DRILLING METHODS A Minute-Man portable drill with three inch solid flite auger was used to drill and sample the Koyuk coal occurrence. The drill holes were located as shown on Figure 5, Location of Koyuk Drill Holes. Twenty two holes were drilled to an average depth of about 28 feet. Samples were taken from the auger cut- ‘tings for analysis. The analytical data is presented in Tables 7 and 8. A lithologic log was made of each hole. These logs are presented in Appendix D. Figures 6 and 7 are photographs of the drilling operations at Koyuk. COAL ANALYSIS METHODS AND RESULTS All coal samples collected during this portion of the proj- ect were submitted to the Mineral Industry Research Laboratory at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks, Alaska. The samples were | analyzed by standard ASTM methods under the supervision of Dr. P. Dharma Rao,. Professor of Coal Technology. Coal samples from the coal-bearing sections of Koyuk drill holes 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 19, and 22 were analyzed. A sample of coal collected from a river bar downstream from the South Umilak Creek and two samples collected from the coal- bearing formations south of Unalakleet were also analyzed. The PAGE 32 Legend O Drill Hole with No Coal @ Drill Hole with Coal up to I'thick @ Drill Hole with Coal !'tol.9'thick @ Drill Holewith Coal = 2.0' thick Scale I" = 50' —— B THI2 TH2I To lute 7 9,92 ® ~~ 9 Figure 5. Location of Koyuk Drill Holes Figure 7 Drilling at Koyuk PAGE 34 TABLE 7 PROXIMATE ANALYSES OF NORTON SOUND AREA SAMPLES DRILL HOLE . AND HEATING INTERVAL MOISTURE VOLATILE FIXED .ASH VALUE TOTAL (FEET) BASIS* % MATTER,% CARBON,% % BTU/LB SULFUR, % TH-1 9.0'-13.0' 2 22.25 29.25 40.24 8.27 8459 0.30 3 ‘ 37.62 51.75 10.63 10880 0.38 4 42.09 57.91 12174 0.42 TH-3 : 6.0'-10.0' 2 21.43 29.55 41.43 7.58 8641 0.28 3 37.61 52.73 9.65 10998 0.36 4 41.63 58.37 _ 12173 0.39 TH-3 11.0'-13.0' 2 20.65 29.22 40.91 9.22 8567 © 0.28 3 36.82 51.56 11.62 10796 0.36 4 41.66 58.34 12215 0.40 TH-4 2 23.11 29.25 36.85 10.79 7836 0.47 6.0'-9.5' 3 38.05 47.92 14.03 10191 0.61 4 44.26 55.74 11854 0.71 TH-8 2 20.73 29.19 38.10 11.99 8267 0.42 15'-16' 3 56.82 48.06 15.12 10429 0.53 4 43.38 56.62° 12287 0.62 TH-9 2 21.56 29.95 38.09 10.40 8102 0.44 15'-18' 3 38.18 48.56 13.26 10329 0.56 4 44.02 55.98 11908 0.65 TH=15 2 21.65 28.37 40.58 9.40 8393 0.43 9'-10' 3 36.21 51.79 12.00 10712 0.55 4 41.15 58.85 12172 0.62 TH-17 2 21.96 29.66 40.39 7.99 8502 0.32 8.0'~12.5' 3 38.01 51.76 10.24 10895 0.41 4 42.34 57.66 42137 0.46 TH-17 2 21.62 29.80 40.49 8.10 0.31 12.5'-15.0' 3 38.02 51.65 10.33 10946 0.40 4 42.40 57.60 12207 0.45 TH-17 2 21.18 29.97 40.94 7.91 8647 0.31 15.0'=21.0' 3 38.03 51.94 10.04 10970 0.39 4 42.27 57.73 12194 0.43 PAGE 35 TABLE 7 PROXIMATE ANALYSES OF NORTON SOUND AREA SAMPLES (Continued) DRILL HOLE AND HEATING INTERVAL MOISTURE VOLATILE FIXED ASH “VALUE TOTAL (FEET) BASIS* % MATTER,% CARBON,% v3 BTU/LB SULFUR, % TH-18 2 21.35 29.41 40.98 8.26 8561 0.31 8.0'-12.0' 3 37.40 52.10 10.50 10885 0.40 4 41.79 58.21 12163 0.45 TH-19 2 22.39 28.93 37.95 10.73 8017 0.40 15.5'=17.5' 3 37.27 48.90 13.83 10330 0.52 4 43.25 56.75 11987 0.60 TH-22 2 23.47 29.27 37.77 9.49 7775 0.31 2.0'=2.5' 3 38.25 49.35 12.40 10159 0.40 4 43.66 56.34 11598 0.46 KOYUK PIT SPL 2 21.43 28.93 40.70 8.94 8497 0.39 3 36.82 51.80 11.38 10815 0.49 4 41.55 58.45 12204 0.56 KOYUK II-1 2 21.28 31.23 42.10 5.39 8885 0645 3 39.67 53.48 6.85 11287 0.57 4 42.59 57.41 12117 0.61 SOUTH UMILAK 2 24.28 9 41.75 28.49 5.48 7663 0.97 3 55.14 37.63 7.24 10120 1.28 4 59.44 40.56 10909 1.38 UNALAKLEET 2 20.89 32.77 30.45 15.89 7348 0.35 I-1 3 41.43 38.49 20.08 9288 0.44 4 51.84 48.16 11622 0.55 UNALAKLEET 2 21.49 35-77 31.35 11.40 8044 0.39 I-2 3 45.56 39.93 14.52 10246 0.50 4 53.29 46.71 11986 0.59 BASIS 2-EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE 3-MOISTURE FREE 4-MOISTURE AND ASH FREE PAGE 36 TABLE 8 ULTIMATE ANALYSES OF NORTON SOUND AREA SAMPLES DRILL HOLE AND INTERVAL PYRITIC (FEET) BASIS* C,% H,% N,% 0,% SULFUR,% TH-17 2 50.03 5.64 0.70 35 225 0.03 12.5'-15.0 3 63.83 4.11 0.89 24.56 0.03 4 71.18 4.58 0.99 22.80 0.04 TH-17 2 50-79 5.62 0.66 34.72 0.03 15.0'=21.0 3 64.44 4.12 0.83 24.30 0.03 4 71.63 4.58 0.93 22.43 0.04 KOYUK PIT SPL 2 50.31 5.59 0.67 54.11 0.02 3 64.03 4.06 0.85 235224 0.02 4 72.26 4.58 0.96 21.65 0.03 BASIS 2-HQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE 3-MOISTURE FREE 4-MOISTURE AND ASH FREE PAGE 37 analytical data for these samples is presented in Tables 7 and 8. Since the drill holes were very shallow and the other samples collected were taken from surface exposures, these data must be recognized as having been affected by weathering. COAL RESOURCES The level of funding and the work performed on the Norton Sound area portion of the program does not allow calculation of the available coal resources. The objective of. this work was. to was to develop sufficient data so that the exploration work to be done in these areas in 1983 could be properly planned and executed. CONCLUSIONS The field work completed indicates that coal apparently exists in sufficient quantity near both Koyuk and Unalakleet to warrant further exploration. Energy self-sufficiency is a worthwhile goal for villages in remote areas and the development of the coal resources near these two villages will be a major step towards that goal. PAGE 38 APPENDIX A CHICAGO CREEK DRILL HOLE LOGS STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO.DH-1-82 Location: 1+52.9 S, 9+21 W, BL I Property: Chicago Creek Elevation: 186.2 feet From: To: Azimuth: Vertical Non-Core: g' 9g' Dip: 90° Cored: 96" 232.5! Length: 232.5' T.D. Non-—core hole size: 4.75 inches Started: 7/28/82 Core size: 2 3/8 inches Completed: 7/30/82 Non-core bit type: Tricone Logged: Lithologic Core bit type: Step face impreg. Logged by: K.H. Manning Core barrel. type: Split Sleeve Hole Probed: N/A Drill type: Longyear 38 Logs Run: N/A Fluids used:. Minex 1339 polymer Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description / |% Recov. 9.0 OVERBURDEN: @ to 4@'; frozen silt |Tricone and silt-clay mixtures; occas-— “!no core sional lenses of massive ice ® to 99' 25' 28.5' to 38'-cobbles 38' to 48" - coal fragments 49" |COAL:46' to 223.3';dull brown- black in color 5o' percentage of coal fragments in cuttings increases downwards to 9g' 75' 96" 99' to 119'- thin clay seams CORING STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. DH-1 PAGE NO. 2 of 2 Graphic From| Tof{ Description % Recov. yi COAL: same as above _ 106! 19% highly fractured, only "gravel" recovered 19% occassional 4"-6" solid pieces, 863% 125' 19% bright bands, bedding angle to 88% core- 65° - 79° 32% Numerous partings with traces of 63% clay : 2% 159' 38% bedding angle to core - 68° 163 70°; 1/8" to 3/8" bright bands average 298% to 38%; highly fract- |1% 175"J. ured; Trace of-pyrite along bed- ding plane/joint surfaces. 23% Occassional clayey bands and beds | 75% Bright bands decrease to 19-15% 98% 200' 14% | 148 ~ COAL bottoms at 223.3' 225' CLAY with silt and increasing 57% amounts of cobbles and boulders 173% with depth. T.D. 232.5" LL 256' , 275' 396! STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. DH-2-82 Location: 11+97.5 S, 98 W, BL I Property: Chicago Creek Elevation: 248.9' From: To: Azimuth: Vertical Non-Core: 18.9" 195.9' Dip: 96° Cored: 8.9! 18.6! Length: 105.9' T.D. Non-core hole size: 4.5 inches Started: 7/31/82 Core size: HX (2.5") Completed: 8/1/82 Non-core bit type: Tricone Logged: Lithologic Core bit type: Step face impreg. Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: Split tube Hole Probed: N/A Drill type: Longyear 38 Logs Run: N/A Fluids used: Minex 1330 Polymer Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description |% Recov. 9.8] J OVERBURDEN: 9.6 to 72';frozen ]Cored silt with some clay 143% 15' to 17'-sand and gravel 1983 17' to 32'-clay Tricone 25" to T.D. 32' to 72'-silt with gravel and sand; increasing percentage of rock fragments to 72' 50' 72° 72' SCHIST: weathered graphitic schist with trace of pyrite and 53 quartz 9G" Graphic STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. | From| 199° 125' 158' 175' 209! 225' 258! 275' 306" To 1g5' Coal Logging Record Description SCHIST:as above T. D. at 195.9' HOLE NO. PAGE NO. DH-2-82 2 of 2 | % Recov. Tricone STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO.DH-3-82 Location: 6+68.6 S, @@ W, BL I Property: Chicago Creek Elevation: 236.7' From: Tos Azimuth: Vertical Non-Core: g.o' 39.0" Dip: 99° Cored: 30.0" 32" Length: 32.@' T.D. Non-core hole size: 3 7/8" Started: 8/3/82 Core size: HX (2.5") Completed: 8/4/82 Non-core bit type: Tricone Logged: Lithologic Core bit type: Step face impreg. Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: Split tube Hole Probed: N/A Drill type: Longyear 38 Logs Run: N/A no Fluids used: Minex 1330 Polymer Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description |% Recov. 0. OVERBURDEN: @.@' to 19.G'; Tricone frozen silt with some sand 14' to 19'-sand and gravel 19" |QUARTZITE: very hard 19° Core 32' |T. D. 32' % 59° 75° 990" STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO.DH-4-82 Location: 3+64.S, 22+ W, BL I ~ Property: Chicago Creek Elevation: 212' From: To: 9.0 62' Azimuth: Vertical Non-Core: 135' 230" Dip: 96° Cored: 62! 135' Length: 239.0' T.D. Non-core hole size: 3 7/8" Started: 8/4/82 Core size: HX (2.5") Completed: 8/19/82 Non-core bit.type: Tricone Logged: Lithologic Core bit type: Step face impreg. Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: Split tube Hole Probed: N/A Drill type: Longyear 38 Logs Run: N/A Fluids used: Minex 1338 Polymer Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description |% Recov. 9.0 OVERBURDEN: 8.@' to 38'; frozen Tricone silt with some clay and up to 59% ice 25' 38° 38' COAL: 38' to 217';very broken; 5g' partings have 1/8" to 3/8" clay beds;bedding angle to core is 65° to 79°:pyrite coat- ings on fractures; to 63',19% Core bright bands 198% 75° 196% 188% 75% 96" 983 Graphic STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. [From| 198! 125' 159' 175' 299! 217' 225' 256! 275° 399° Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. PAGE NO. To| Description 217' 238° at 95", bright bands increase to 15% to 20% numerous partings 1/8" to 3/8" thick 4" clay bed at 114'; bright bands average 10% to 15% bright bands increase - 25% to 35% bedding angle to core - 72° Tricone cuttings indicate coal is continuous to 217' CLAY: 217' to 236' T.D. 23@' DH-4=82 2 of 2 | % Recov. 198% 190% 65% 38% 83% 199% 5G% 42% Tricone rest of hole STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. DH-5-82 Location: 7+12 S, 1+@3 W, BL I Property: Chicago Creek Elevation: 244.9' From: To: Azimuth: Vertical Non-Core: g.G' 65.9' Dip: 99° Cored: Length: 65.9' T.D. Non-core hole size: 3 7/8" Started: 8/11/82 Core size: HX (2.5") Completed: 8/13/82 Non-core bit type: Tricone Logged: Lithologic : Core bit type: Step face impreg. Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: Split tube Hole Probed: N/A Drill type: Longyear 38 Logs Run: N/A Fluids used: Quik-Gel Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |Fxrom|To | Description |% Recov. G.G OVERBURDEN: @.0' TO 44.0"; frozen TRICONE silt with some sand 25' 44' 44' QUARTZ-MICA-SCHIST:44' to 65' 65' |T. D. 65° 75° 9g' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. DH-6-82 Location: 5+98 N, 9% W, BL II Property: Chicago Creek Elevation: 153' From: To: Azimuth: Vertical Non-Core: G.G" 290.0' Dip: 96° Cored: Length: 200.9 T.D. Non-core hole size: 3 7/8" Started: 8/13/82 Core size: HX (2.5") Completed: 8/17/82 Non-core bit type: Tricone Logged: Lithologic Core bit type: Step face impreg. Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: Split tube Hole Probed: Yes . Drill type: Longyear 38 Logs Run: Gamma, Density . Fluids used: Quik Gel Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: Geo-Recon International, Ltd. Graphic |From|To | Description |% Recov. 8.8 OVERBURDEN: @.9'-34'; frozen silt Tricone with some clay to T. D. gravel and cobbles at 12' to 13' 25' coal fragments start at 28.9' 34' 34! COAL: has interbedded clay beds up to 18" in thickness 50° 75" 9g" Graphic STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. | From] 196' 125! 15g' 175' 19g! 299" 225' 258" 275! 396" Coal Logging Record PAGE NO. To| Description 199° COAL: bottom of Coal Quartz-graphite-SCHIST:199'-299' T.D. at 296' HOLE NO. DH-6-82 2 of 2 | % Recov. STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record Location: 26+49 N, @+76.7 E, Elevation:. 231' Azimuth: Vertical Dip: 96° Length: 139.9' T.D. Started: 8/17/82 Completed: 8/18/82 Logged: Lithologic Logged by: K. H. Manning Hole Probed: 8/19/82 Logs Run: Gamma, Density ~ HOLE NO. DH-7-82 BL II Property: Chicago Creek From: To: Non-Core: 0.gG' 138.6' Cored: None Non-core hole size: 3 7/8" Core size: Non-core bit type: Tricone Core bit type: Core barrel type: Split tube Drill type: Longyear 38 Fluids used: Quik Gel, Quik Trol Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. ‘Logging Contractor: Geo-Recon International Ltd. Graphic |From]To | Description |% Recov. 0.8 OVERBURDEN: 9.@' to 36.0'; silt Tricone with 10% to 40% ice 25' 36.08 36' COAL: 36.8' to 8@.9';less than 56' 10% bright bands in cuttings 75° 88' |Bottom of Coal 8a' CLAY:green clay to 199' 9G" STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. | Coal Logging Record Lo HOLE NO. DH-7-82 PAGE NO. 2 of 2 Li Graphic [From] To| Description | % Recov. Tricone ~~] 16¢']199'|Decomposed bedrock 125! : : 139'|T. D. 130' 156' 175' 200'| 225' 7 256! 275" 309' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO.DH-8-82 Location: 31+44 N,1+36 E, BL Il Property: Chicago Creek Elevation: 278' Azimuth: Vertical Dip: 99° Length: 92' T.D. Started: 8/18/82 Completed: 8/19/82 Logged: Lithologic Logged by: K. H. Manning Hole Probed: 8/19/82 Logs Run: Gamma, Density From: To: Non-Core: g' 47' Cored: 47° 92' Non-core hole size: 4.5" Core size: HX (2.5") Non-core bit type: Tricone Core bit type: Step face impreg. Core barrel type: Split tube Drill type: Longyear 38 Fluids used: Quik Gel Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: Geo-Recon International Ltd. Graphic |From|To | Description [% Recov. G.G OVERBURDEN: @.@' to 47'; silt TRICONE with 10% to 58% ice 25° 47' . 47' COAL: 47' TO 83';bright bands 5% to|Cored 19%; silt layers 1/2" to 2" thick,|72% bedding angle to core 59-55°, | thoroughly fractured 75° 73' to 75' 18% to 15% silt 893 83' |Bottom of Coal @ 83' CLAY:83' to 92'; 99' . T. 92.0" STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO.DH-9-82 Location: 41+92 N, 1+86 E, BL II Property: Chicago Creek Elevation: 326' From: Tos Azimuth: Vertical Non-Core: g' 70" Dip: 99° Cored: NONE Length: 79.0' T.D. Non-core hole size: 4.5" Started: 8/19/82 Core size: HX (2.5") Completed: 8/29/82 Non-core bit type: Tricone Logged: Lithologic Core bit type: Step face impreg. Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel.type: Split tube Hole Probed: 8/27/82 . Drill type: Longyear 38 Logs Run: gamma, density Fluids used: Quik Gel Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: Geo-Recon International Ltd. Graphic |From|To | Description , / [% Recov.. G.0 OVERBURDEN:0' to 47'; Silt with Tricone 19% to 48% ice;19% to 20% sand, less than 19% clay 25' 47' |COAL:47' to 52'; bedding angle to 5a' core 49-59° | 52' CLAY:light gray, less than 19% silt 70" |T.D. 70' 75° 9B" STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Location: 15+87 N, Elevation: 178! Azimuth: Vertical Dip: 99° Length: 115' T. D. Started: 8/30/82 Completed: 8/31/82 Logged: Lithology Logged by: Clyde Ringstad Hole Probed: 9/1/82 Logs Run: Gamma, Density 6+75 W, BL II Coal Logging Record From: Non-Core: g Cored: 15' Non-core hole size: 4.5" Core size: HX (2.5") HOLE NO.DH-19~-82 Property: Chicago Creek ' Tos 15' 115' Non-core bit type: Tricone Core bit type: Step face impreg. Drill type: Longyear 38 Fluids used: Quik Gel Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Core barrel type: Split tube Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: Geo-Recon International Ltd. Graphic |From|To | Description |% Recov. G.G OVERBURDEN: @' to 15':Silt with - Tricone 19% to 49% ice 15' Cored .]2@" |COAL fragments:15' to 2@' 25' SCHIST: 2@' to 115': 59" 75° 90" |115'|T. D. 115' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO.DH -11-82 Location: 12+37' N, 9@ W, BL II Property: Chicago Creek Elevation: 168' From: To: g' 31.5' Azimuth: Vertical Non-Core: 88' 98" Dip: 99° Cored: 31.5' 88! Length: 98' T.D. Non-core hole size: 4.5" Started: 8/31/82 Core size: HX (2.5") Completed: 9/1/82 Non-core bit type: Tricone Logged: Lithology Core bit type: Surface set Logged by: Clyde Ringstad Core barrel type: Split tube Hole. Probed: 9/3/82 Drill type: Longyear 38 Logs Run: Gamma, Density Fluids used: Quik Gel Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: Geo-Recon International Ltd. Graphic From|To | Description |% Recov. [G.G OVERBURDEN: @' to 31.5':Silt with Tricone 18 % to 49% ice 25' 131.5 31.5 COAL:31.5' to 81.5': clay content |Cored varies from 189% to 49%; bright bands vary from 5% to 29%; coal highly fragmented; bedding angle 56° to core - 59° 75' |81.5|bottom of Coal 81.5/83' |CLAY:81.5' to 83'; 83' QUARTZITE:83' to 98'; Tricone 99" |98' |T. D. 98" STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Location:19+37 N, Elevation: 192' Azimuth: Vertical Dip: 96° Length: 123' T. D. Started: 9/1/82 Completed: 9/2/82 | Logged: Lithology Coal Logging Record HOLE NO.DH-12-82 OO W, BL II Logged by: Clyde Ringstad ' Hole Probed: 9/3/82 Logs Run: Gamma, Density Property: Chicago Creek From: To: g' 3g" Non-Core: 113' 123' Cored: 3a! 113' Non-core hole size: 4.5" Core size: HX (2.5") Non-core bit type: Tricone Core bit type: surface set Core barrel type: split tube Drill type: Longyear 38 Fluids used: Quik Gel Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: Geo-Recon International Ltd. Graphic ]From]To | Description |% Recov. [G.G OVERBURDEN: @' to 28':Silt with Tricone 19%3-to 48% ice : 25° |28' 28" CLAY: 28' to 123': grey to tan Cored jcolor; 1% to 5% coal fragments 56° 75! 99" |94' |Clay has greenish cast Graphic STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. | From| Coal Logging Record To| Description HOLE NO.DH-12-82 PAGE NO. 2 of 2 | % Recov. 199! 125! 159° 175° 299" 225' 258! 275! 300" 123' CLAY: T. D. as above 123' Tricone STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO.DH-13-82 Location:19+@7 N, 38 E, BL II . Property: Chicago Creek Elevation: 189' From: To: Azimuth: Vertical Non-Core: g" 123' Dip: 90° Cored: NONE Length: 132! 1T.D. ' Won-core hole size: 4.5" Started:9/2/82 Core size: Completed: 9/3/82 : Non-core bit type: Tricone Logged: Lithology . Core bit type: Logged by: Clyde Ringstad Core barrel type: Hole Probed: 9/3/82 : Drill type: Longyear 38 “Logs Run: Gamma, Density | Fluids used: Quik Gel Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. . Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: Geo-Reeon International Ltd. Graphic |From|To | Description |3 Recov. 6.9 |6' OVERBURDEN: @' to 6'; silt with ice|Tricone 6' Sand, silt and clay with coal @ 208 19.5 to 11', 12.5 to 14.5", 16 to 20" , 25' Sand, silt and clay with interbed- ded thin coal seams @ 33.5' to 34.5', 66.5' to 68', 5G" 75! 96' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO.DH-13-82 PAGE NO. 2LB:of 2 Graphic [From[ To| Description | % Recov. 19G'|bottom of sand, silt and clay Tricone 106'{115'|Quartzite; T.D. 115' 125! 15¢' 175' 299' 225' 250° 275" 398" STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO.DH-14-82 Location: 19+37 N, 1+@@ E, BL II Property: Chicago Creek Elevation: 197" From: To: Azimuth: Vertical Non-Core: G 3g" Dip: 99° Cored: NONE Length: 3@' T. D. Non-core hole size: 4.5" Started: 9/3/82 Core size: Completed: 9/3/82 Non-core bit type: Tricone Logged: Lithology Core bit type: Logged by: Clyde Ringstad Core barrel type: Hole Probed: Drill type: Longyear 38 Logs Run: : Fluids used: Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: Graphic |From|To | Description |% Recov. 0.0 |38' |SILT: dark brown, frozen Tricone QUARTZITE at T. D. of 39' 25' 50° 75" 9g" “APPENDIX B REPORT OF GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES REPORT OF GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL EXPLORATION CHICAGO CREEK SITE TO DENALI DRILLING, INC. ‘6000 "A" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 BY GEO-RECON INTERNATIONAL, LTD. 919 NORTHEAST 185TH P.O. BOX 55189 SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98155 DECEMBER 20, 1982 Lye A. RINGSTAD GEOPHYSICIST J-82-222 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION DISCUSSION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC STUDIES DISCUSSION OF BOREHOLE LOGGING STUDIES . DISCUSSION OF THE INDIVIDUAL DRILLHOLES : DH-6-82 - 8 ’ DH-7-82 Ps DH- 8-82 DH-9-82 ee DH-10-82 DH-11-82 a DH-12-82 DH-13-82 . . . . 8 ee PAGE INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of geophysical studies accomplished for the Chicago Creek Coal Exploration Program near Kotzebue, Alaska. These studies consisted of geophysical borehole logging techniques and electromagnetic methods of resistivity mapping. The original geophysical program consisted of only the borehole logging, however, when we arrived on-site, your geologist requested us to perform the additional surface geophysical exploratory techniques. This additional geophysical exploration was performed to guide the drilling program when it became apparent that the strike of the coal beds deviated from previously published data. DISCUSSION OF ELECTROMAGNETIC STUDIES A total of 3,800 lineal feet of electromagnetic (EM) profiling was accomplished. The equipment used was a Geonics Limited, EM 34-3 Terrain Conductivity Meter. The EM 34-3 is a two-man portable unit consisting of a transmitter and receiver coil connected with a short length of multi-conductor wire. The intercoil spacing is measured electronically so that the receiver unit is utilized to set the coils at the correct spacing of 10, 20 or 40 meters. The effective depth of penetration varies directly with the intercoil spacing and frequency of the transmitted signal. Shown below is the data for the coil configuration used on this project: INTERCOIL SPACING FREQUENCY EXPLORATION DEPTH in Feet in KHz. “in: feet 32.8 6.4 . 24.6 65.6 1.6 49.2 131.2 0.4 98.4 Locations of the EM profiles are shown on Figure 1, Exploration Plan, and the results of the EM studies are shown in Figures 2 and 3, Resistivity Cross-Sections. The basis for using EM studies for coal exploration, at this site, is that the electrical resistivity of the coal strata should be sufficiently different than that of the surrounding rock. As shown on EM profiles 1, 2, 3 and 5, the electrical data indicates a slight to moderate increase in resistivity east of the previously established baseline. However, EM profile 4 appears to have a similar increase west of the baseline. Based upon the data in profiles l, 2,- 3 and 5, we recommended that drilling locations be shifted slightly to the north. We also completed two EM profiles across DH-2-82 and DH-3-82. . No significant resistivity variations were in either of these profiles. DISCUSSION OF BOREHOLE LOGGING STUDIES The Natural Gamma and Gamma-gamma Density logs were recorded in eight drillholes: DH-6-82, DH-7-82, DH-8-82, DH-9-82, DH-10-82, DH-11-82, DH-12-82 and DH-13-82. PVC plastic casing was installed in these holes before logging to prevent the holes from collapsing. The logging unit -2- used in the investigation was a Well Reconnaissance Model 10406. The radioactive. source was 4 mcu of radium 226. The Natural Gamma log records the natural radioactive decay of mineral isotopes (primarily potassium-40) contained in soil and rock. Clay and silt, generally having potassium rich minerals, usually exhibit higher radiation levels than do clean (quartz rich) sands and (calcium rich) limestones. Clean lignite coal has low gamma radiation except when there is a considerable clay contamination in the coal. The high . clay content can mask the otherwise low radiation level of the coal. Coal can also on occasion act as a concentrator of radioactive salts in groundwater movement. With the Model 10406, the Natural Gamma is recorded in counts per second with zero on the lefthand side of the chart and counts increasing to the right. In the Gamma-gamma Density measurement, gamma rays are emitted continuously by a radioactive source a set distance from the detector crystal. The rays are subjected to collisions with atoms in the rock or soil formation and are deflected with each collision. When, and if, they lose sufficient energy, they are captured by an atom. The Gamma-gamma Density records the number of counts per second of the gamma ray back scatter from collisions within the subsurface material as recorded in the scintillation crystal. The lower the count rate (increasing counts to the right on the chart), the fewer the collisions, and therefore the lower the bulk density of the soil or rock. Lignite coal typically has a low density (low gamma counts) compared to sands and clays. This log can be adversely affected by washouts which show an apparent low density. The caliper log can aid in the interpretation of washout effect except where the log is run inside casing as in this instance. The geologic cuttings logs were used to correlate and extrapolate characteristics between the subsurface materials and corresponding signature patterns on the geophysical logs The Natural Gamma Log in most holes did not adequately identify coals (by low counts). The Gamma-gamma Density log generally did not exhibit a sufficiently strong low density contrast (low gamma counts) to separate it with confidence from similar readings in sands, gravels and even clays. The rather high clay content in most of the coal is probably the main factor which subdued the character of the Natural Gamma and Gamma-gamma Density logs. Nevertheless, certain distinct lithologic units can be identified and coal seams and partings measured when used in conjunction with the geologist's log. Drillhole 13-82 which was cored shows very good correlation between the core and geophysical log of fairly thin coal seams between 10 and 35 feet deep. DISCUSSION OF INDIVIDUAL DRILLHOLES The following discussion of the individual drillholes is primarily to define bed boundaries with only speculation as to the probable geologic material. DH-6-82 The top of the coal sequence is not obvious on the geophysical logs. There are distinct geophysical breaks in the hole however. An abrupt Gamma-gamma Density change to a lower density clay occurs at 50 feet. This is a major shift in the.density log from denser material above to less dense material below 50 feet. It is possible that factors unrelated to lithology are contributing to this shift, such as collapse ~4- behind the casing. There is a clay (?) parting at 63 to 65 feet. There is a general lithology change from about 90 feet to a more clayey, high density material. The overall low reading on the Natural Gamma log of this hole is more character- istic of clean, uniform lignite. Drillhole 6-82 had the lowest counts per second -Natural Gamma log of any of the holes in this study. DH- 7-82 There are several identifiable changes on the Gamma- gamma Density log. Lithologic description is from the geology log.: The Natural Gamma log of this hole shows little character. From 15.5 to 40 feet there is a unit of silt with varying ice content. Between 22 and 27.5 feet there are a number of low density seams, ice lenses, or possible washouts. The coal seam on the geophysical log extends from 38.5 to 76.5 feet. There may be a clayey bed or denser coal at the base of the geophysical coal sequence from 76.5 to 79.5 feet. From:99 feet to TD of the geophysical log, there is a denser clay. DH- 8-82 The top of coal from the density log was recorded at 50.5 feet. There is a silt or clay seam within the surface ice unit at 27 to 29 feet. The silt layers within the coal were too thin to be identified on the geophysical’ logs. Sections of clay/silt concentration may be at 54-55, 61-62, 67-68, 69-70.5 and 73-74 feet. DH-9-82 The geophysical logs show no evidence of coal-in this hole. The Gamma-gamma Density log does show a lithologic -5- change from cleaner (sand?) near the surface to dirtier (clayey?) material deeper at 22 feet. The hole is collapsed behind the casing and blocked at 29 feet. DH-10-82 Although there is apparently no coal in the hole, the geophysical logs can differentiate basically separate units above and within the bedrock. From 0 to 14 feet there is a low density, clean material; from 14 to 20.5 feet is silt or clay; 20.5 to 36 feet a unit which shows characteristics of a coal section or fairly clean sand, particularly between 29 and 36 feet; another denser section similar to coal between 45 and 71 feet with clayey partings; and a very uniform material from 71 feet to TD of the geophysical log. The character of apparent low density seams between 20.5 and 71 feet may be due to washouts of more highly fractured materials. DH-11-82 The section of coal from 26.5 to 50 feet exhibits a lower density with higher percentage of clay than-does the lower coal section from 54 to 81 feet. This is the reverse of the effect that clay usually has on coal density. There is a clay parting from 23.5 to 24 feet and 25 to 26.5 feet; coal from 26.5 to 54 feet although it seems to be grading to carbonaceous clay from 50 to 54 feet; and a cleaner coal (from Natural Gamma log) from 54 to 73 feet. The coal may be becoming dirtier from 73 to TD of the geophysical log. The clay parting which begins to show at the bottom of the geophysical logs at about 80 feet may be a bottom hole effect of the cuttings settling out, hole size, etc. -6- DH-12-82 There is only a fair indication of coal from 26 to 30 feet with a possible 6-inch parting at 28 feet. There is no indication of this coal on the Gamma-gamma Density log. The coal is probably too dirty to show variation on the density log from the clay and silt boundary materials. There may be a change in the clay between 69 and 84 feet. DH-13-82 The core log and the geophysical logs show very good correlation for coal seams and partings in the section from (10 to 35 feet. The Gamma-gamma Density log shows a basic change in lithology at about 33 feet to a higher density and a slight shift in the Natural Gamma to a dirtier material. The Natural Gamma log shows clay partings at 74 to 75.5 .feet, 83 to 86 feet, and 87 to 88 feet. The Gamma-gamma Density log indicates that the deeper material is denser (sandier?) from about 76 feet to 98 feet although the Natural Gamma does not confirm the sand becoming appreciably cleaner. DH-13-82 LEGEND NORTHWEST ALASKA ne COAL EXPLORATION PROFILE CHICAGO CREEK SITE ey ELECTROMAGNETIC wumper | GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION PLAN SCALE: I' - 12,000 GEO } RECON INTERNATIONAL ; 4 } geophysics archeology geology 500 1000 1500 ONS DECEMBER 1982 J82_— 222 of op i 26 & 3 ak cM of dos.) é 7 7 7 7 £01 sf dt 7 7 8 io 2% f& “% Ph e oh oh oa ky hoe of az ei 98 O0b N ¢9tI2 &R & & & & & esc vey zoe & Bz 92s 08s 2 oo & B Be c& 8 2-W3 aims & & 2% & & & oh wd oo oh hm mL e& wf of wz of Me Me ee Be G-W3 ALASKA NORTHWEST COAL CHICAGO ELECTROMAGNETIC PROFILE fe of lefay ae 081 a % 0 1 ool od / of $ ° 22g 9bb ae é 7 7 4 i 8 i 4 7 e 6bl a 4 S& ess ® a @ e 292, LIP 4991 OS2i / é e e £9 £9 4 ate ./ uf ess 2& efe| sf e <9 é f 4 vi’ 289 & && SNIN | AaSva °o EXPLORATION CREEK SITE geology archeology Geo! RECON INTERNATIONAL oa ' geophysics 1982 DECEMBER 500 400 300 200 100 ° 100 200 BASE] LINE 244 ee 23s 238 ee "3° age caps = 244 7I 393 50: 42i. 446 498 421% 465 5, e S "e 8 é e i" SCALE: | \gé ge : 1g6 16 5° ge 32 100 = 400 = = = ° wo 200 NORTHWEST ALASKA COAL EXPLORATION CHICAGO CREEK SITE ELECTROMAGNETIC PROFILE GEO | RECON INTERNATIONAL =a CS! | | geophyscs archeology geology DECEMBER 1982 J82 —- 222 “/Ma G ATVIS TVOILYGA ATVI8 TVDILMGA wwAa Sl adaads 9NI9901 uu VN aATVIS TVLNOZIMOH LNVLSNOD JWIL YN ALIAILSI sau VN ATVOS TVOILMGA S49_0h) 02 aoNve LNNOD] La YAdTTVO VWWV) 907 JINLIATG 739 XIN WHIGAW ONITTING La 0 Hidad ah MaLAWVIG 910H NIH HaLAIWVIG omgAay Jor waTIUUG INEISVO La h1Z CTD) NOILVAS149 €8/£/6 QVLSONTY 30A1Q youvuado W aLves ALNNOD| La SCL HidaG Ga11IVG ZZ DAS NGT ON NO dHENL NOILVIO71 WICTYSW YSATY 1331V1 YaLSa| 313g “daw LNGITD 28-2THO ‘ON J 10H ONITIIYC PWNSd = ANVaWOD SNIGVAH 9O'! v8v6-79E (90Z) ~ SSIL96 ‘VM ‘a1LLVas f 6@LSS XO@ ‘O'd (/ </ ABojoaB )§=ABo|OaYyoue = =soISsAYydosb wS ~ IWNOLLYVNHS_LNI NOOSA | O39 NOFEET: DEPTH t /id S A1IVOS TVDILUAA “Wd Gl G499d8 9NID901 YN @1VDS TVLNOZINOH LNVISNOD FWIL ATVIS TVDILWGA sa>_O00- 02 aDNVM LNNOD HAdTTVO A1TVO8 .TVDILMAA 9071 JIYNLIAIS 1329 XOINN WIGAN INITIIUG La 0 Hidad NI ah WaALAWVIG 310H NI 3h WaLGNWVIG INISVO 4aisal 314d yadiud ALNNOD €8/¢/6 aLVG | VW ALLS 22Z Das MST ONY NO dHSNL NOILVIO1 GQVISONTY 30A1) youvuado 28-<THO NVIGIUSW USATY 1d3LW ‘ON JTOH INIGVAH 9O'1 y8v6-Z9£ (902) i SS1L86 ‘VM ‘31LLVaS 6ELSS XO “O'd ABojoa6 = ABojOaydue soISsAYudoab AYNOLLVINEISLNI (Ws i Ld Ld ad cI ¢ cst 4aS3] 313q TD) NOILVAa14 HidAG G4111NG “dau LNAITD ONITHUG TWN3d a Nvawoo NODS | Oss) w/a GS DIVOS TVDILMSA “wa ST Ga4ads VN @IV98 IVLNOZINOH WN 39V98 ‘IVOILWaA HYAdTTVO 139 XIING WNIGAW INIT1ING OTISASY 30¢ NI &h H4LGIWVIG WaATTING SNISVD La SZ CTD) NOILVASI9 Z3/61/8 W aLvis ALNNOO] La OST QVLSONTY 3aAT) HidaAd Ga11ING woivuaao | CC P48 HOT ONY NO dHSNL NOILVOO'1 é8-ZH0 ‘ON 3 10H NVIGIUSW YSATY W3dLV ONIVIIG TIWNAd INIGVAH 9O'7 y8P¥6-Z9£ (902) SSL86 ‘VM ‘311LVasS Ce 68LSS XO ‘Od </ ABqj0e6 )§=ABOjOeYyDue = soISAYdoai ([ ( Ko YALSS] 313d “a aw LNGITD ANVdWOD “IWNOILVNESLNI NODS | O39 “Ma “WAG CT B1VOS TOLLMAA] UL/ia YN A1VIS TVOILUGA G4aadS INIDIOT] AW ul/ VN @1V9S IVLNOZINOH T LNVLSNOD GWEL YN ALIAILSISaM ATVIS TWOLLMGAA Yad TVO 139 NDING WNIGIW INIT1NG NI Oo11sAay JO0¢ WAT IIG €8/£/6 aALvG WY aLvL ZZ 4s NO AVLSONTY AqAT) HOLVHadO = ‘ON JTOH é8-TTH Ld M8 NVIGIYSW YSALd TI3LVy INIGVAH A9ONVYH LNNOD] La JOT JIYNLIATY VAWNV9 0 an Ont HiddG] NI eh WaALAWVIG FI10H u vv aALGWVId Ss La S/T ALNNOD| La 86 C19) NOILVAST4S S Hldad G@3a111NG T ONY NO dHSNL ILVOO'T YaLSa] aLdd dau sLNaito ONITII8d TIVWNSd =aNVaNWo?D 9071 eoree van ailivas 7S 68LSS XO °O'd ey ABojoaB ABojOeYyDue soISAYdoei ( ( s _ IVWNOILVNYSLNI NOOSY | O39 | uo, VN atv3s IVLNOZIMOH ATVIS TWOLLWSA | gay 739 79190 wataaw ONITIIWG : Sh WaLIwvia O113A34 30F waqaiwa swiaes 1°D) NOILVAS19 8/LT/8 a.Lva a ALNNOD] sa 002 Hiddad Gdaliiua avVLSONTY Go 348 M8TONW NO dHSNL ualsay aLag WOLVNGdO NOILVIO7 NVIGIYSW Y3ATY TIAL Wy dau LN@I19 INIGVIH 907 v8Pr6-2Z9E (9072) SSL986 ‘VM ‘31LLvas 6GLSS xO ‘O'd / </ ABojoe6 §=ABojOaYyoue §=sorsAYCoOeS ( ’ = IVWNOILVNYHSLNI NOOAY l OAD “1/14 GS FIVIS TVDILHAA ADVIS eTVOILUGA “wa GST Ga4dS 9NID901 YN -S3IV9S IVLNOZINOH LNVLSNOD FWIL VN A1VIS IWOILWSA | a5 —tihg at ONVY LNNOD HAdITVO VWAV9 901 JIYLIAIN, 149 XING WAIGAIW INITTING La 0S Hidad ah HALINVIG AZITOH oTTaAay 30F Ni Sh WALaIWVid waT1IuUd ; ONS 392 C19) NOILVASI4 28/1Z/8 aLVd WY S3LVLs --- ALNNOD vA) Hld3d Ga l1iugd QVLSONTY 30A1) youvuago | ST PFS M8T ONM jig SHSNL 4alS3] 313g ‘aaw LNaI1D _ NOILVOO' NVIGIYAW YSATY T33dLVy ONITWYG TIVNAG- =aNvanwoo INIGVAH 9O'1 v8r6-Z9E (902) SSL86 ‘VM ‘31LLV3aS J 6GLSS XO@ “O'd </ ABo|joaG §=ABO|OeYyDUe § soISAUdoad [ WS - IWNOILYNYSLNI NOOAY | O39 WA G FIVOS TVDILYSA] UL/ig YN A1VO8 -eIVIILUGA wwA4a ST agadadS 9NI9901] AW uy, YN a1v9S IVLNOZINOH oT ANVLSNOD JWIL wid WN AIVIS WOILMSAl Say -OAp OT aon vu LNNOD| wa ALIAILSISaM YAdITVO . VAWV9 901 JINLIGTT 139 DIN) whiG3W ONIT1IMG Ld GZ Hidgad gt] MALAWVIG @Z10OH NI &t Yd LIWVIG o173A3y 307 waTliad . INISVO Ld Z CTD) NOILVASI49 28//2/8 . aLVGa | XV aAavas ALNNOD] 4a OZ Hidad Gallina QVISONTY 3041) J oivyaao [ST 24* NST ONY Ng dHSNL Yaisa] 3Laq NOILVOO1 28-6H0 ‘ON @310H NVIGIYSW YSATY 134LVy ONITIYC PIVNAC ‘dd LNGITD ANVdANWOD ONIGV4AH 901 v8v6-Z9€ (902) SS1L86 ‘VM ‘A1LLvas Jo 681SS XO “O'd </ ABo|joe6) §=ABO;OeyDUe = SsoISAYdoa [ { S “IVWNOILVNYSLNI NOOSA | O39 ATVO8 IWIILMGA wwAa Sl aaads uf/ar YN aTVIS IVLNOZIMOH T ANVLSNOD @WiL ALIAILSISaM “4 VIN ATVOS TWOELWAA 1 og: 00 1 3ONVH LNNOD] 2a HYaAdL1V9 13919100 woidaW 9NITTIMG th =MaLAWVIG 910H { HaLGIWVIG oVlaAay aor “aTIING G6I (1°9) NOILVASI4 €8/82/8 ALVG |\f¢o aLvaes -- ALNIOD SIT Hidad Galtiua AVLSONIY 3qA19 ZZ 24S HQT SDNY QQ dHSNL NOILVOO'T 28-OTH ‘ON 310H NVIGIYSW YSATY T34LVy ONIVVYG PVN ANVdWOD YOLVYAdO YaLSa{ aLad ‘daw LNGIN9 vV8VE-Z9E (9072) SSL86 “VM ‘31LLVas 68LSS XO ‘Od ABojoaS = ABojoayoue = soisAydoads nN TAVNOILYNYS_LNI NOOSH O39 APPENDIX C CHICAGO CREEK. BIBLIOGRAPHY CHICAGO CREEK BIBLIOGRAPHY Chadwick, R.H., 1968, Coal for Ruby Creek, a report of preliminary reconnaissance: Spokane, Washington, Bear Creek Mining Company, Northwest District, 21 p. Dames & Moore, 1989, Assessment of Coal Resources of Northwest Alaska - Phase I, Volume II - Task 2: Coal Resources of Northwest Alaska, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, Resource Associates of Alaska, 217 p. Henshaw, F.F., 1999, Mining in the Fairhaven precinct in Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 379, p. 355-369. Moffit, F.H., 1905, The Fairhaven gold placers, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 247, 85 p. Moffit, F.H., 1996, Gold mining on Seward Peninsula in Report on progress of investigations of mineral resources of Alaska in 1995: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 284, p. 132-157. Reed, I.M., 1933, Report on the coal and gold placer deposits of the lower Kugruk River Valley, Seward Peninsula: Alaska (Terr.) Bureau of Mines Miscellaneous Report MR 44-1, unpublished report, 13 p. Retherford (R.W.) Associates, 19848, Assessment of power generation alternatives for Kotzebue, prepared for the Alaska Power Authority: Anchorage, Retherford Associates. Roehm, J.C., 1941, Preliminary report of certain potential placer areas on Seward Peninsula--economic aspects and problems: Alaska (Terr.) Bureau of Mines Miscellaneous Report MR 192- 7, 146 p. Sainsbury, C.L., 1975, Geology, ore deposits, and mineral potential of the Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Bureau of Mines Open File Report 73-75, 198 p. Smith, P.S., 1968, Investigations of the mineral deposits of Seward Peninsula in Mineral resources of Alaska, report of progress of investigations in 1907: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 345, p. 206-256. Smith, P.S., 191%, Geology and mineral resources of the Solomon and Casadepaga quadrangles, Seward Peninsula, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 433, 234 p. Smith, P.S., 1939, Areal geology of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 192, 180 p. Toenges, A.L., and Jolley, T.R., 1947, Investigations of coal deposits for local use in the Arctic regions of Alaska and proposed mine development: U.S. Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations 4159, 19 p. APPENDIX D KOYUK DRILL LOGS STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Location: Elevation: 26.3' Azimuth: N/A Dip: 99° ‘Length: 26.9' Started: 18/8/82 Completed: 19/9/82 -~ Logged: Lithology Logged by: K. H. Manning Hole Probed: N/A Logs Run: N/A See Figure 5 Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. Property: Koyuk From: Non-Core: g* 2 Cored: 2.5' 26 Non-core hole size: 3.9 Core size: 1 7/8" Non-core bit type: Auger Core bit type: Shelbey Tu core barrel type: Modifie brill type: Minute Man Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. TH-1 9! be d Shelbey Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |Fxrom|To Description |% Recov. G 1. Tundra, moss, grasses Auger 1.0! 2. SILT: gray brown, frozen 2.5{ 4. PEAT: with silt. Shelbey 4.5] 6. ICE: massive w/some silt lenses |Tube 6.9| 7. SILT: with 49% ice 190% 7.5] 9. ICE: massive with some silt 9.9|16. SILT: with lenses of ice 16.5/18.8] SILT: with ice and organics Auger 18.8/28.8| CLAY: with some silt Shelbey 20.0|}22.@| CLAY: carbonaceous with some ice|Tube 22.8|)26.8} SILT: sandy with bivalve shells |96% T.D. 26.9' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-2 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk - beach Elevation: 3.4' ASL From: To: Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: g' 15) TDs Dip: 96° Cored: None Length: T.D. 15.0' Non-core hole size: 7.8° Started: 10/9/82 Core size: None Completed: 14/9/82 Non-core bit type: Auger Logged: Lithology Core bit. type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: N/A Hole Probed: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Logs Run: N/A Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description |% Recov. G 1.5] SAND: with some gravel Auger 1.5] 9.@| SILT: with clay and some sand 9.8}13.9| COAL: lignite to sub-bituminous 13.9]15.@] CLAY: with some silt T.D. 15.6' STEVENS E Location: See Figure 5 Elevation: 3.4' ASL Azimuth: N/A Dip: 99° 215.0" Length: T.D. Started: 10/9/82 Completed: 16/19/82 Logged: Lithology Logged by: K. H. Mannin Hole Probed: N/A Logs Run: N/A XPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-3 Property: KOYUK From: To: Non-Core: g' 21.9" Cored: None Non-core hole size: 3.9" Core size: N/A Non-core bit type: N/A Core bit type: N/A g Core barrel type: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description % Recov. G | 2.0] SAND: with some gravel 2.0) 6.0} SILT: with some clay (Auger 6.9/10.0| COAL: lignite at 6.9' Spin) 10.0}11.0|] SILT: with some clay? 11.0/13.0] COAL: lignite to sub-bituminous 13.0|21.8] SILT: with some clay T.D. 21.9' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-4 Location: See Figure 5 Elevation: 3.4' ASL Azimuth: N/A Dip: 99° Length: 15.9' Started: 19/10/82 Completed: 19/19/82 Logged: Lithology Logged by: K. H. Manning Hole Probed: N/A Logs Run: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Property: Koyuk From: To: Non-Core: G.G' 15.6' Cored: None Non-core hole size: 3.9" Core size: N/A Non-core bit type: Auger fish-tail Core bit type: N/A Core barrel type: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Fluids used: N/A Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic From|To | Description % Recov. G 2.%9| SAND: with some gravel (Auger 2.0) 5.0] SILT: with some sand Spin) 5.8] 6.0] SILT: with some sand and gravel 6.9] 9.5] COAL: some fragments with some silt, clay and sand 9.5]10.5] SILT: with some coal and clay 19.5|12.0] SILT: with some clay 12.9|15.@0| SILT: with clay TDi L520" STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-5 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Elevation: 3.4' ASL , From: Tos Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: g' 15.9 Dip: 99° Cored: None Length: 15.9" Non-core hole size: 3.9" Started: 19/19/82 Core size: N/A . Completed: 19/10/82. .Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Logged: Lithology Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: N/A Hole Probed: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Logs Run: N/A : Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. ‘Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From]To | Description [3 Recov. 2.5] SAND: with some gravel (Auger -5| 7.5] SILT: with some clay and sand Spin) 5 -@| CLAY: with some silt; carbona- ceous ‘ 10.6]15.8| CLAY: with some silt;. less car- bonaceous than above T.D. 15.9' NN STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-6 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Elevation: 3.4' ASL From: To: Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: g' 23.8' Dip: 99° Cored: None Length: 23.8' Non-core hole size: 3.9" Started: 16/10/82 Core size: N/A Completed: 19/19/82 Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Logged: Lithology Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: N/A Hole Probed: Logs Run: N/A N/A Drill type: Minute Man Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description |% Recov. | G | 1.5| SAND: with some gravel N/A . 1.5] 7.0] SILT: with some clay and sand (Auger 7.0/14.0| SILT: fine, sand-like Spin) 14.0}15.0| SILT: with some clay 15.0]18.5| CLAY: carbonaceous, with silt, ‘organics and some coal fragments 18.5|18.7] COAL: fragments in carbonaceous clay with some silt 18.7/23.8] CLAY: with some silt T.D. 23.8' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-7 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Blevation: 3.4' ASL From: Tos Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: g' 24.G' Dip: 99° Cored: None Length: 24.6' Non-core hole size: 3.9" Started: 10/10/82 Core size: Completed: 18/11/82 Non—core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Logged: Lithology . ' Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: N/A ' Hole Probed: N/A a Drill type: Minute Man Logs Run: N/A . Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |Fxrom]To | Description [% Recov. G 1.5| SAND: with some gravel N/A 1.5] 6.8} SILT: with some sand (Auger 6.9|11.0] SILT: with some clay and sand Spin) 11.9]15.9} SILT: with some sand and clay 15.9/21.8| COAL: some fragments in silt with some clay & bi-valve shells 21.8|21.5| SAND: with some silt and clay 21.5|]22.5] SILT: with some clay 22.5)/24.0] CLAY: with-some silt -T.D. 24.G' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-8 Location: See Figure 5 Elevation: 8.2' ASL Azimuth: N/A Dip: 99° Length: 21.9' Started: 18/11/82 Completed: 16/11/82 Logged: Lithology Logged by: K. H. Manning Hole Probed: N/A Logs Run: N/A Property: Koyuk From: To: Non-Core: g' 21.8' Cored: None Non-core hole size: 3.9" Core size: N/A Non-core bit ‘type: Auger "fish-tail" Core bit type: . N/A Core barrel type: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Fluids used: -- N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description [% Recov. G 1.0] SAND: with some gravel and silt |N/A 1.0| 6.5] SILT: with some sand (Auger 6.51/10.8| SILT: with some clay : Spin) 16.9/13.5] SILT: with some coal fragments, 13.5 COAL: 13.5)14.9] SILT: 14.9/15.9| SILT: 15.8/16.8) COAL: 16.9/17.5]| SILT: clay 17.5|18.9] SILT: 18.8 21.9] SILT: clay, possibly 1"-8" layer of coal @19' and some clay and some clay clay & some coal fragments, organic rich some sub-bituminous coal 1" to 2" layer with some coal fragments carbonaceous with some @ 15.0', 6" to L' thick carbonaceous with some with some clay organic rich with some STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-8 PAGE NO. 2 of 2 Graphic [From| To| Description | % Recov. | fragments, and some bi-valve 196" shells CLAY: with some silt and some coal fragments T.D.°21.0'. 125' 15¢' 175' 209' 225' 258" 275' 39G' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Location: See Figure 5 Elevation: 8.2' ASL Azimuth: N/A Dip: 99° 20.0' Length: T.D. Started: 19/11/82 Completed: 10/11/82 Logged: Lithology Logged by: K. H. Manning Hole Probed: N/A Logs Run: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Logging Record Property: Koyuk From: Non-Core: G.G' Cored: None Non-core hole size: Core size: N/A HOLE NO. 31.9" TH-9 Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Core bit type: N/A Core barrel type: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Fluids used: N/A Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description @ 1.0| SAND: with some gravel 1.0} 4.9] SILT: with some SAND and clay 4.0}11.8] SILT: with some clay and some coal fragments 11.0/11.4] COAL: 2"-3" thick layer 11.4/15.5] SILT: with some clay and some coal fragments 15.5/16.5] COAL 16.5|28.0| CLAY: with some silt and some coal fragments T.D. 28.0' |% Recov. N/A (Auger Spin) STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-19 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Elevation: 8.2' ASL From: To: Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: G.9' 28.0 Dip: 99° Cored: None Length: 29.¢' Non-core hole size: 3.9" Started: 19/11/82 Core size: N/A Completed: 19/11/82 -: Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Logged: Lithology : Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: N/A Hole Probed: N/A : Drill type: Minute Man Logs Run: N/A : Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc.- Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description [% Recov. G 6.%| SILT: with some sand and clay N/A 6.9| 9.@| SILT: with some clay (Auger 9.9 SILT: with some coal fragments Spin) 9.9)/11.8] SILT: with some clay 1.8/11.3] COAL: 1"-2" thick seam 11.3/15.5] SILT: with some clay-and coal 15.5/16.5] CLAY: with some silt and coal 16.5;28.8] CLAY: with some silt T.D. 20.8' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-11 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Elevation: 8.2' ASL From: To: Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: 9.9 LD Dip: 96° Cored: None Length: 17.5' Non-core hole size: 3.0" Started: 16/11/82 Core size: N/A Completed: 16/11/82 Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Logged: Lithology Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Hole Probed: N/A Logs Run: N/A Core barrel type: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: Graphic | From|To he SE ornrH ee Qua ua 12.6 12.8)17.5 N/A Description SILT: with sand SILT: with some SILT: with some ceous material & CLAY: with some fragments CLAY: with some ToD. L7s.5. clay and sand clay, carbona- bi-valve shells silt & coal silt % Recov. N/A (Auger Spin) STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-12 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Elevation: 8.2' ASL From: To: Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: 9.0 24.0 Dip: 99° Cored: None Length: 24.9 Non-core hole size: 3.9" Started: 16/12/82 Core size: N/A Completed: 19/12/82. - Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Logged: Lithology.~ ©. core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning - ‘Core barrel type: N/A Hole Probed: N/A Drill type: Minute Man- Logs Run: N/A —_ Fluids used: N/A ‘Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. _ Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic | From] To | Description |% Recov. G 1.5| SILT: with some sand and gravel |N/A 1.5] 7.8] SILT: with some clay (Auger 7.0] 8.5| SILT: carbonaceous with some Spin) clay, bivalve shells and coal fragments i 8.5/11.9] SILT: with-some clay and bivalve shells 11.9|14.5|]. SILT: with some clay, coal frag- ments and bivalve shells 14.5/16.5] COAL: 6"-19" thick seam 16.5/19.5/ CLAY: with some silt and coal fragments 19.5/}208.5| COAL: 4"-5" thick seam 20.5/21.8}] COAL: 6"-8" thick seam 21.0}22.0]| CLAY: with some silt 22.9|/22.4] CLAY: with some silt; occasional 2"-3" sand layer T.D. 24.98' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-13 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Elevation: From: Tos Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: 0.@' 18.0' Dip: 99° Cored: None "Length: 18.¢' Non-core hole size: 3.9" Started: 18/12/82. Core size: N/A Completed: 16/12/82 . -Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Logged: Lithology : . Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning - Core barrel type: N/A Hole Probed: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Logs Run: N/A : - Fluids. used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling. Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management. Corp. Logging. Contractor: N/A Graphic [Fxom|To | Description | Recov. @ @.5{ SAND: with some gravel and silt [N/A G.5] 4.0] SILT: with some sand and clay (Auger 4.9114.9] SILT: with some clay & bi-valves|Spin) 14.0}14.5] SILT: with some clay and coal : fragments : 14.5 COAL: 2"-3" thick seam 14.5/16.0| SILT: with some clay and coal fragments 16.0/18.9| CLAY: with some silt, occasional sand layer 1" thick T.D. 18.9' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Location: Elevation: Azimuth: N/A Dip: 96° Length: 15.0' Started: Completed: Logged: Logged by: K. H. Manning Hole Probed: Logs Run: N/A See Figure 5 10/12/82 18/12/82 Lithology N/A Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-14 Property: Koyuk From: To: Non-Core: 9.0 15.9 Cored: None Non-core hole size: 3.90" Core size: N/A Non-core bit type: Auger "f€ish-tail" | Core bit type: N/A Core barrel type: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: Graphic From|To N/A Description % Recov. @ 8] SAND: with some gravel N/A G 6 18.08 SILT: with some sand, clay, and bi-valve shells SILT: with some clay and coal fragments COAL: 3"-4" thick seam CLAY: with some silt and coal fragments COAL: 1"-2" thick seam CLAY: with some silt T.D. 15.9' (Auger Spin) STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record Location: See Figure 5 Elevation: 3.6' ASL Azimuth: N/A Dip: 96° Length: 18.9' Started: 10/12/82 Completed: 19/12/82 Logged: Lithology Logged by: K. H. Manning Hole Probed: N/A Logs Run: N/A Property: Koyuk From: Non-Core: G.9' Cored: None Non-core hole size: Core size: N/A HOLE NO. TH-15 Tos 18.0' 3.9" Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Core bit type: N/A Core barrel type: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description @ 1.5] SAND: with some gravel 1.5] 7.08] SILT: with some sand 7.9} 8.0] SILT: with some clay 8.0] 8.5] COAL: 3"-4" thick seam 8.5] 9.0] SILT: with clay and some coal fragments 9.0)/10.9| COAL: seam 16.0/12.5] CLAY: with some silt and coal fragments 12.5/15.@] CLAY: with some silt 15.0/18.@/ CLAY: light gray TeDs Lsse* |% Recov. N/A STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. TH-16 Tos 15.6 * “fish-tail" Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Elevation: 9.5' ASL From: Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: G.G' Dip: 99° Cored: None Length: Sri Non-core hole size: 3.0" Started: 19/12/82 Core size: N/A Completed: “10/12/82 Non-core bit type: Auger Logged: Lithology Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: N/A Hole Probed: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Logs Run: N/A Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description |% Recov. G 1.8] SAND: with some gravel N/A 1.9} 3.5] SILT: with some clay, carbona- (Auger ceous Spin) 3.5]10.5] CLAY: with some silt 19.5}11.0] CLAY: with some bi-valve shells 11.0|12.@] CLAY: carbonaceous, with silt & some coal fragments 12.0/15.0] CLAY T.D. 15.90' STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-17 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Elevation: 8.1' ASL From: To: Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: G.G' 31.0' Dip: 96° Cored: None Length: Non-core hole size: 3.0" Started: 19/12/82 Core size: N/A Completed: Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Logged: Lithology Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Hole Probed: N/A Logs Run: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali D Geological Contractor: Steven Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description |% Recov. G 2.8| SAND: with some gravel N/A 2.0) 4.0] SILT: with some clay (Auger 4.0] 8.0] SILT: with some clay & bivalves |Spin) 8.9)10.9| COAL 19.0/11.9| CLAY: with some silt 11.90/12.5] COAL 13.0/16.5]/ COAL: with occasional 1"-3" clay 16.5/18.5] CLAY: with some silt 18.5]21.5] COAL 21.5]24.5] COAL: with occasional 1"93| clay 24.5|25.5| CLAY 25.5|30.8|)*COAL: with occasional 1"-2" clay 30.0|)31.0/ CLAY TaDis Sls Oe *No auger cuttings returned; based on drillers say-so. Auger flites coated with-clay when augers pulled. Core barrel type: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Fluids used: N/A rilling Inc. s Exploration Management Corp. STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-18 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Elevation: 4.9' From: To: Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: G.G' gi68* Dip: 96° Cored: None Length: 21.9' Non-core hole size: 308" Started: 19/13/82 Core size: N/A Completed: 19/13/82 Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Logged: Lithology Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: N/A Hole Probed: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Logs Run: N/A Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description |% Recov. G 2.8| SAND: with some gravel N/A 2.9] 3.5] SILT: with some sand (Auger 3.5] 8.0] SILT: with some clay & bivalves |Spin) 8.0] 9.8] COAL: sub-bituminous/bituminous 9.8] 9.5] SILT: with clay layer 9.5]12.0] COAL 12.0/13.0] CLAY: 8"-12" thick seam 13.9]15.5| COAL 15.5]21.0] CLAY: with some silt Teds) 21.9 STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-19 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Elevation: 7.8' ASL From: To: Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: G.G' 21.9' Dip: 90° Cored: None Length: 21.0' Non-core hole size: 320° Started: 10/13/82 Core size: N/A Completed: 19/13/82 Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Logged: Lithology Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Hole Probed: Logs Run: N/A N/A Core barrel type: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description % Recov. G 1.5] SAND: with some gravel N/A 1.5] 4.5] SILT: with some sand (Auger 4.5110.0| SILT: with some clay Spin) 19.0)/12.5] SILT: with some clay and coal fragments 12.5]13.98] COAL 13.0}13.5] CLAY: with some silt 13.5]14.9| COAL: 4"-6" layer 14.0/15.5] CLAY: with some silt and coal fragments 15.5/17.5]| COAL: with occasional silt-clay layer 1"-2" thick 17.5]21.0] CLAY: with some silt MeiDee 28° STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-20 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Elevation: 7.9' ASL From: To: Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: 0.G' 21.90' Dip: 96° Cored: None Length: 21.9' Non-core hole size: 3.0" Started: 19/13/82 Core size: N/A Completed: 19/13/82 Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Logged: Lithology Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Hole Probed: N/A Logs Run: N/A Core barrel type: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: Graphic From|To N/A Description SAND: with some gravel SILT: with some sand SILT: with some clay COAL: 2"-4" layer SILT: with some clay SILT: with some clay and coal fragments COAL: fragments increasing, possibly layer 1"-3" thick SILT: with some clay, .5% coal fragments T. Di. (27 8? % Recov. N/A (Auger Spin) STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-21 Location: See Figure 5 Property: Koyuk Elevation: 8.2' ASL From: To: Azimuth: N/A Non-Core: 0.0' 19.@' Dip: 96° Cored: None Length: 19.0' Non-core hole size: 3.0 Started: 19/13/82 Core size: N/A Completed: 19/13/82' Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Logged: Lithology Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: N/A Hole Probed: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Logs Run: N/A Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: N/A Graphic |From|To | Description G 1.5] SAND: with some gravel and silt 1.5] 6.5] SILT: with some dand, clay and bi-valve shells 6.5]11.0] SILT: with some clay & bivalves 11.0/18.0] SILT: with some sand, clay and bi-valve shells; harder drilling @ 17.5'--frozen? 18.0|19.8] SILT: carbonaceous, with some clay and coal fragments T.D. 19.9" % Recov. STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP. Location: See Figure 5 Elevation: g@.1' Azimuth: N/A Dip: 99° Length: 16.G@' Started: 19/13/82 Completed: 19/13/82 Logged: Lithology Coal Logging Record HOLE NO. TH-22 Property: Koyuk From: Non-Core: G.G' Cored: None Non-core hole size: Core size: N/A 30 Tos 16.6' Non-core bit type: Auger "fish-tail" Core bit type: N/A Logged by: K. H. Manning Core barrel type: N/A Hole Probed: N/A Logs Run: N/A Drill type: Minute Man Fluids used: N/A Drilling Contractor: Denali Drilling Inc. Geological Contractor: Stevens Exploration Management Corp. Logging Contractor: Graphic | From|To G 2.0] SAND: with some gravel N/A 5 2 N/A Description COAL: sub-bituminous, 6"-12" thick CLAY: with some silt and coal fragments CLAY: with some silt CLAY: carbonaceous with some silt and coal fragments ToDie LO @), |% Recov. (Auger Spin) APPENDIX E NORTON SOUND AREA COAL BIBLIOGRAPHY NORTON SOUND AREA COAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Koyuk Cass, J.T., 1959, Reconnaissance geologic map of the Norton Bay quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map I-286, scale 1:250,000. Harrington, G.L., 1919, The gold and platinum placers of the Kiwalik-Koyuk region in Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1917: U.S. _ Geological Survey Bulletin 692, p. 369-499. Smith, P.S., and Eakin, H.M., 1919, Mineral resources of the Nulato-Council region in Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 442, 432 p. Unalakleet Barnes, F.F., 1967, Coal resources of Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1242-B, p. B1-B36. Brooks, A.H., 1982, Coal resources of Alaska: U.S‘ Geological Survey, Twenty-Second Annual Report.of the Survey, 1999-1901, Part III--Coal, Oil, Cement, p. 517- 671. Cass, J.T., 1959, Reconnaissance geologic map of the Unalakleet quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map I-288, scale 1:250,000. Cathcart, S.H., 1928, Mining in northwestern Alaska in Mineral resources of Alaska, report on progress of investigations in 1918: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 712, p. 185-198. Chadwick, R.H., 1960, Coal for Ruby Creek, a report of preliminary reconnaissance: Spokane, Washington, Bear Creek Mining Company, Northwest District, 21 p. Gassay, J.S. and Abramson, B.S., 1978, Map and table showing distribution of known coal deposits in central Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 77-168G, 1 map, scale 1:1,099,099. Patton, W.W. Jr., 1973, Reconnaissance geology of the northern Yukon-Koyukuk province, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 774-A, 17 p. Smith, P.S. and Eakin, H.M., 1911, A geologic reconnaissance in southeastern Seward Peninsula and the Norton Bay- Nulato region, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 449, 146 p. Omilak Creek Dames & Moore, 1988, Assessment of Coal Resources of Northwest Alaska - Phase I, Volume II - Task 2: Coal Resources of Northwest Alaska, prepared for Alaska Power Authority, Resource Associates of Alaska, 217 p. R.19W. R.18 W. R.17 W. R.16W. R.15 W. T.8N. TN, T6N. ae KOTZEBUE SOUND Ss : : é les CROSS _ SECTIONS ue me a 4 LOOKING NORTH = y \ : HORIZONTAL SCALE-1''=500' VERTICAL SCALE- |"= 100 y . / . y | — Oey INDEX MAP SCALE - 1: 250,000 DH-14-82 3! N @ ! m t =r oa DH-13-82 KEY Qal - ALLUVIUM Tcb- COAL BEARING SEDIMENTS p€ —PRE-CAMBRIAN META-SEDIMENTS (Quartzites, gray- mica schist, graphitic schist, chloritic schist) @® - DRILL HOLE WITH COAL INTERCEPT ® — DRILL HOLE WITH NO COAL INTERCEPT EM LINE, 50' STATIONS —FI- BASE LINE IT N9°wW —pi—- BASE LINE IT N5°40'w ny ATTITUDE OF BEDS -?--— FAULT, DASHED WHERE INFERRED 71s — COAL SLACK PILES FROM OLD MINE WORKINGS ---- PROJECTED CONTACT BETWEEN LITHOLOGIC UNITS Y> ADIT -cHICAGO CREEK COAL MINE || OVERBURDEN ry COAL INTERCEPT B BEDROCK E]@ COAL INTERBEDDED WITH SEDIMENTS “| SAND SILT CLAYS 500 Oo 500 1000 1500 2000 FEET 1. 127000 STATE OF ALASKA 250. 200. CONTOUR ELEVATION CHICAGO CREEK PROJECT DRILL HOLE LOCATIONS 150 Cy | OH- 13-82 BASED FROM KOTZEBUE, SELAWIK, BENDELEBEN, CANDLE QUADRANGLES TSN. T. 4N. TSN. LONGITUDINAL SECTION LOOKING EAST HORIZONTAL SCALE = |"= 500! VERTICAL SCALE- |= 100 SCALE | 1"=500 FEET DATE 10/82 SUD N.T.S. NO. BENDELEBEN QUAD. | DWG.NO. | NO. LDENALI DRILLING INC. / STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT coRP| DRILLING INC. / STEVENS EXPLORATION MANAGEMENT CORP