HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew Chenega Energy Alternatives for the Village of New Chenega 1982ENERGY ALTERNATIVES FOR THE VILLAGE OF NEW CHENEGA by James F. Renkert 227 - O457 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the Department of Geography Middlebury College February, 1982 Chenega Within earshot of the mighty glacier that bears her name ih As tons of prehistoric ice cis crack like cannon fire and crash into the sea Lies Chenega, a tranquil bay, an ancient site el Of gentle people - is who lived from the land in Nature's way. Yet from that same Hand unannounced, un-forewarned |: in March of '64 : A ninety foot wall of green sucked the water from the shore and slammed into the bay, again and again Carrying nearly half the Chenega people away. It snatched children from their father's arms Claimed mothers, brothers, fathers, wives--- They just disappeared.-- Those escaping with their lives" . clung to the side of their beloved’ hills, and feared the wave would come again They watched in horror as their homes, boats, i their everything : : Was torn away like glacier ice: i ented that angry, awful day. i Deep the memory ° rs deep the scar But none so deep by far . as the love the Chenega people feel *~* for their tranquil bay, their way of life. That was washed away. Now more than ten years have past ~ "The time has come” the village fathers say "To gather our children,- "To pack up our belongings, "We're going home ~ es : to Chenega Bay.” i) ies ; . NE patenting Babe oy Acknowledqements There are many people 1 would Jike to thank who had a= hand in this project, A very special thanks must ao to both my Mide dlebury advisor, Bob Churcnill, and my project supervisor, Skip Roy. Gail Fvanot’s suggestions, direction, and information, were a key ingredient in the entire report process. Thanks 90. to Bruce Melzer for his constructive criticism and John Novak for all his assistance. Another special thanks goes to Rrett Hulsey for providing my initial contacts with the energy field in Alaska and also to Jack Spratt and John Hale, my two mentors at the Division of Energy and Power. Nate Rockwell’s assistance on the Middlerury computer system was invaluable, Finally, thanks to Mom and Dad, for everythina. aie) Contents List Of MapsS) <2. 0.06. ee Page vii CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION AND PROBLEM STATEMENT .... 1 CHAPTER II. THE =S TUDY = AREAS erereneielieiogeierereiclfelicl olerere is eccee 6 Physical Profile of Prince William Sound ........ 6 History of Chenega ..... ae a ee 9 A New Village ......-ccccccccccccccccccccccscsccs 10 Alaska Native Land Claims .......... cece eee ececee 15 MHE=PLOD EEC = gre 010i ool oleroseieeiene, cess erececsccvesesvscs 17 CHAPTER III. METHODS AND ENERGY END USE ANALYSIS ... 20 End=Use—Anal ys 36 s..-<-<-<-0:cicicre.c.0.0.0 eo leroronononclohonenenerseonenone 20 Residential Sector ......... Br ncielor-n oot snenolcnsnerore cronenere 21 SPACE HEACING mo iorerer crore! olchelorclelieleloiororeicholiefisnelens ererererere 21 Residential Hot Water .........-..0. eiciokeseterotere a 22 COOKGNGiaeneco ciclo oro siotonelononeionenoiononehensnerers Slalercnoiorers Srereho 22 ECE ISS TC yiaroretoy onekon oxen olelioreNotelonot Neier olga i oloKek Koko solonelonote 23 Institutional/Community Building Sector ......... 24 Space “Heating. creisie crereicto erelons che «lo ore eiicielerelcrone os axe 24 Riectricity ssccaes Cece cceccccccccscccccccccée 25 Commercial = SECON =- cicle co snelelororerclcllelieforcnsrcloicllelolekenonerensl ons 25 Space = HEA CEN oer cicie erereicicrs eo eleisicisre ole eo aiaiodocerorencns 25 ELle@ctricity—.....-.. eaolehcholererstolehokorsteroteletelonencketonerots 26 Industrial SectOr ....cccccccccccscvccccccce eiorenore 26 Transportation Sector .......... Sficlokskotensienetenorcnenehelone 27 CHAPTER IV. ENERGY RESOURCES FOR NEW CHENEGA ..... e 31 Nonrenewable Resources ....-.cccccccccccccsccocs 5 32 Delivered Petroléum Products ........----eee are 32 Ce Serer otetencrotcnerciotctorcrer one DOOD ODO OOOO ne eiokorerereke 34 PEACE cccccccccccccccsccccccs iobeeen enone eoccse 35 Geothermal 2.0.2 ccccc wc cress cccsee ekeroronolioloncrersee 5 37 Renewable ResourceS ......-.eeeeee ccc rccccccs Page Building Design and Construction ............. Solar Technologies ............ TUTTI LITLE “ Hydropower .cccccccccccccccccvccece ee rcescccecs Wind: «2c seicie eee eloleleliohelololer Nels! slate Nelotelohelchelekeotsie O° Wood Resources: .......--.eee See cveasevoeeescnee Methane ..ccccccccccccccccccccccccsscccccccsce Tidal Power ..ct..-cccccees ce cccccs efelolchekensl onsions Energy Conservation Management .............-. . CHAPTER V. TATITLEK ....--2e eee eevee Cece cece ccc ccce CHAPTER VI. RECOMMENDATIONS ...----ee-- eee eee eeee . Diesel Generation .......... elo elefoheteleloiclencierekon= o> Waste Heat Recovery ..... Siieliel 6s) siieliello s' ©) eels}. ce) ele; Organic Rankine! Cycle Fe sacicic sll © - lelecl~ = «a0 Bulk StOrage .cwccccwcesccevesvcsesesecceessce Steam Generation ........cccccccccccscccccsses Coal ss 6 sc efioiiclicleieielchelolle tele <) eircliel ers ellclicKels\ <iielreholo e616! elie PEACE ce ccccecccccccrevecesecscscccccce eccccccccs Building Design and Construction ............. Solar TechnologieS .......cececcccccccceccvece Hyd ropOwer. -...0. ccc cee cen cccecrcreccccccescces WAN 6c eviciceccice oe ec wee meb ees eeess ss seeesess CHAPTER VII. CONCLUSION ....--eeeeeeeeeoee eee eeeee . Dette occwe bah ee Whe Sek 1244645 8 04S 6 Kh Oe en ged References ..... abel cticlel olelieliekerel el elevclielelehe)elelelelelsliclicliclelielelelelcrouelete CRAB BAY PICTURES ....ccccccccccccccccccvccccccccccccs APPENDICES ...cccccccccccccccccccccssccccccccccccccce . Appendix A. Climate Description and Data for Crab Bay .... 39 39 41 49 51 54 62 63 64 71 86 86 88 89 90 OF: OL 92 92 93 94 94 95) 96 96 98 102 103 107 P15 116 Appendix II. Energy End Use Analysis Calculations .... Page 119 Appendix III. Waste Heat Calculations, Solar Technologies, Alaska Energy Efficient Greenhouse Plans, Wind Data, Wood Resource Calculations, Mobile Dimension Sawmill, Methane Calculations ...... 134 Appendix IV. Survey of Energy Technologies ...............- 153 vi Map 1. Map 2. Map 3. List of Maps Prince William Sound ..... oe cee ewe so 5 oe Page EVianS —1 S11 ANG —witeie 00s 005019 sulle le_6 6. ousiwileile_ ee ecvlleier 6s nelle New Chenega Village Sites ...........2 eee eeee vii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION AND PROBLEM STATEMENT This thesis is a preliminary eneray study for the village of New Chenega in Prince William Sound, Alaska, The original village of Chenega was wiped ovt by tsunamis in Alaska’s Good Friday Farthquake in Farch, 1964. Since that time village members have been displaced to other Alaska towns and villages, but they hope to rebuild and move to New Chenega within the next two to three years, This study is a reconnaissance survey that analyzes projected energy needs for New Chenega and the most appropriate technologies that are available to meet these needs, Alternative energy’s and appropriate technologies were specifically analyzed for application in New Cheneaa, Tne study was conducted by myself and several others through the Alternative Eneray Techni- cal Assistance Program (AFTAP) for the Chenega Village I.R.A. Council. Roth of these organizations are located in Anchorage. The State of Alaska has tremendous energy resources, The Trans-Alaska oil pipeline supplies 18% to 21% of the United States domestic oil production (Giltreth, 1981). Coal resources are also vast, anywhere from 37-63 percent of the United States coal resources are in Alaska, The hydroelectric power potential of the state has been estimated as 26 percent of the total U.S. potential (Alaska Regional Fnergjy Resources Planning Project, 1977), In spite of these vast resources many parts of Alaska, especially rural Alaskan Native villages, are cependent = on inefficient and increasingly costly eneray. Energy Consumption in Alaska villages can usually be broken down into two areas: space heating and electricity. According to the University of Alaska’s Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) the most commonly used resource for space heating in villages is tvel oil while the most common source of electricity is from diesel generation. The ISER report found that between 1974 and 1978, energy costs in Alaska’ sharply increased while the available income to be spent on eneray decreased, As energy costs rose the proportion of household income spent on eneray increased from 18% to 29% for Native households and from 10% to 16% for all households (Native plus non-Native). The study concluded that "if fuel prices continue to rise as expected and household income and eneray consunption continue to follow recent historic trends, by 1988 the proportion of cash income spent on energy will rise from 29% to 43% tor rural Native households and from 16% to 25% for all rural house= holds." The "historic trends" mentioned include world petroleum prices, the long term effect of csecontrolling U.S. dorestic crude oil, and increasing costs of transportation to rural Alaskan areas, Most Native villages can be Jescribed as heing centered around a mixed cash/subsistence lifestyle. Few villages have a primary year round industry. Instead most villagers have sea- sonal employment, primarily as fishermen or laborers. fecause of the seasonal employment rural housenold income is usually below urban Alaska household income, The ISER study also demonstrated that real household income (cost of living increases minus income a rate) in rural Alaska areas declined from 1974 to 1978, In short, as energy prices rose, villages had less money avail- able to meet these prices, The energy problems highlighted by the ISER study are exactly those that a community such as Chenega will face. The North Pacitic Pim Housing Authority, which will have an important role in the building of New Chenega, has identified the major energy problems for a village such as “ew Cheneaa, Some of the problems include: 1) High energy costs, including not only space heating and electricity but also transportation and cookina, 2) Dependency on imported fossil fuels. 3) Conservation: problems with poor home insulation, lack of eneray education, inefficient use of resources and poor heating systems, 4) Social costs, which include the exodus of village residents due to the high cost of village livina, lack of jobs, and extra hardship on low income people. Some objectives were targeted for overcoming some of these problems, These objectives included: 1) Reducina the high cost of village eneray, 2) Reducing the dependency on imported energy. 3) Increasing self-sufficiency with local eneray and agricultural resources, 4) Building or retrofitting energy efficient homes, 5) Increasing energy awareness, etreseing a model tor other villages, 7) Overcoming the high cost of livina, Several different eneray resources were examined for ew Chenega. These resources jncluded delivered petroleum products, coal, peat, propane, solar, wood, hydro, methane, tidal, and wind. Conservation was also considered as an eneray resource, Because a limited amount of data was available for many of the eneray sources examined, absolute recommendations were not possible within the scope of this paper. Specitic recommenda- tions will have to be made by qualified engineers and community planners. No extensive economic forecasting or lonu-term eneray growth based on population increases was attempted, Nevertheless, some excellent information were acovired and analyzed, The structure of this paper consists of essentially five parts, Chapter IJ consists of information on Prince William Sound, Chenega’s history, the Chenegan people, and the efforts to build a new village, The more technical information of this report is contained in the energy end use analysis in Chapter Till. Chapter IV is an examination of the potential energy resources for New Chenega, both renewable and nonrenewable,. Chapter V contains information on the village of Tatitlek. Tatitlek’s actual energy requirements were used as a comparison between those that are forecasted for New Chenega. Specific recommendations for the potential energy resources discussed in Chapter 1V can be found in Chapter VI. CHAPTER ITI THE STUDY AREA This chapter contains background information on hew Chenega and its environs. 1t includes a description of Prince William Sound, a history of the original village of Chenega, and some of the plans to rebuild the village on Evans Island, There is also information on the Alaska Native Land Claims and its importance to New Cheneqa, Finally there is a description of the Chenega people themselves, PHYSICAL PROFILE OF PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND Prince William Sound (map 1) has a maritime climate that is comparable to the rainforests of the Pacific horthwest and British Columbia, Water is the major climatic influence in the sound and responsible for its mild climate. To the south of the sound lies the Gulf of Alaska, enclosing the sound to the west, north, and east are the Kenai-Chugach Mountains. The Kenai-Chugach are an extremely ruqged range of peaks from 5,000 to 13,000 feet in height. They are studded with alaciers, many of which reach all the way to tidexater and empty out into the fjords of the sound (Alaska Regional Profiles, 1974). PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND. « Valdez e latitiek (oid village site) Within Prince William Sound are a hundreds of islands, some rising a thousand feet or more, On the lower elevations of the islands and along the coast of the sound are dense forests of Western Hemlock and Sitka Spruce, The sound provides habitat for an extensive variety of wildlife including bald eagles, moose, deer, and brown and black bears, The marine waters of the sound support vast numbers of sea birds, harbor seals, sea otters, and sea lions. Every summer there are large runs of salmon, which are the staple of the sound’s commercial fishing industry. Prince William Sound is also an important summer feeding spot for minke, sei, finback, and gray whales (Alaska Regional Profiles, 1974), Most of Prince william Sound is remote, access is limited to boat or plane, with the exceptions of the town of Valdez, terminus of the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline, which can be reached via the Richardson Highway and the town of whittier, which can’ be reached by train. Valdez, Whittier, and Cordova are the three largest communities in the sound and the three major points of departure for destinations within the sound. Seward, although not actually within the sound, is a point of access for some activities within the area, Two state ferries, the MeV. Tustumena and *“*.V. Bartlett, have regularly scheduled runs through the sound (Alaska Regional Profiles, 1974). HISTORY OF CHENEGA Unless one has lived through a violent earthquake it is hard to imagine the tremendous force it generates. No carnival ride or special effect can duplicate the feeling of the ground shaking like an automatic paint mixer. The Alaskan Good Friday Earthquake of March 29, 1964, was measured at between 8.4 and 8.6 on the Richter Scale, and was one of the most violent earthquakes in history. The Good Friday Farthguake also triggered floods, landslides, fires, and tsunamis or tidal waves. Py far the greatest damage and loss of lite was caused by tsunamis, Within five minutes after the ground ceased moving three tsunamis swept over the tiny village of Chenega in Prince William Sound, The tsunami waves, which were estimated to be 35-90 feet high, destroyed all the buildings in the village except the schoolhouse and carried away 23 of the island’s 80 inhabitants (Alaska Regional Profiles, 1974). In the aftermath of the earthauake the surviving members of Chenega were relocated to the eastern side of Prince william Sound, mainly to the village of Tatitlek and to the town of Cordova. Coastal communities throughout southcentral Alaska were heavily damaged by the quake, but there were few deaths. Of a)1 the conmunities affected by the earthauake Chenega sustained the greatest percentage of population loss, Pespite the fact that village members were separated the idea to eventually move back to Chenega was kept alive through the efforts of a few determined 10 individuals (Janson, 1976). The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, signed in 1971, was a landmark for natives throuohout” the duauel reorganizing native peoples on a regional and village basis, Chenega was not officially recognized under the Act since the original village site was abandoned (New Chenega Development Program, 1981). In 1977 the village was certified under a special "Act of God" provision of the Native Claims Act, which recognized certain abandoned villages (New Cheneaa Preliminary Plan, 1980). One of the first priorities for Chenega was determining where the new village should be _ located. Three sites were considered: 1) the old village site on Chenega Island; 2) a site near Eshamy Bay; and 3) a site at Crab Ray on Fvans Island, According to Lone Janson in the History of Chenega, "Tradition- ally people of Prince William Sound do not return to a place where a areat tragedy had occurred." Because of this tradition the old village site was ruled out and in the summer of 1976 the decision was made to rebuild at Crab Bay (Tundra limes, 1976). A NEW VILLAGE Evans Island is nestled among several islands in the southwestern part of Prince William Sound (map 2). On the eastern side of the island are Sawmill Ray and Crab fay. Crab Bay nas been’ chosen as the site for ew Chenega, According to the New Chenega Development Plan, prepared by the Chenega Village Pere, ay Un eae r pea S ea | / \ | SH | by f 4 i. : ) ' A> iN a. 2, 3) mina Se er Sawmill 12 Council, the Crab Bay site "is 15 miles south of the former village location. It has a sheltered harbor, a good level area for development, plentiful water supplies and enough protection from all elements to assure that a disaster similar to the one that befell the Chenega people before would never happen again." Although Evans Island is somewhat remote, it has seen a considerable amount of activity in the past, From the 1920’s to the early 1960’%s three canneries were in operation at Port Ashton, Port San Juan, and Port Renney, and a herrina saltery was located at Crab Bay, These canneries and saltery processed locally caught salmon and herring, however, with the advent ot improved fish preservation techniques and transportation the local fish processing operations were relocated to larger towns (Johannsen, 1975). Today the Prince William Sound Aquaculture Corporation, headquartered in Cordova, is operating a fish hatchery at Port San Juan. Both Crab Bay and Sawmill Bay have a lot of seasonal activity. Puring the fishing season conmercial fishing hoats use the hatchery as a weekend rest station, The state ferry, M.V. Tustumena, stons at the hatchery on weekends in the sumner, often bringing in recreational boaters and kayakers, Crab Bay is used as an anchorage for tender ships; Port Benney has two private homes; and Sawmill Ray is used as a seaplane base. . 23 Aesthetically the Crab Ray site for New Cnenega, with its combination of islands, mountains, and forests would be hard to improve upon, The topography varies from flat to gently slopina, The dominant vegetation on Evans Island is Coastal kestern Hemlock=Sitka Spruce Forest. At the Crab Ray site itself there are not only mature stands of hemlock and spruce but also sedge meadows and thickets of alder (Alaska Regional Profiles, 1974). The New Chenega site at Crab Bay has a= Ggently sloping southern exposure, Progressing north from the site the slope hecomes progressively steeper and eventually culminates above tinberline in a ridge that runs’ roughly northeast along the entire length of the island. The high point of the ridge and the island is at 1,710 feet, One stream, Known locally as Anderson Creek, runs through the proposed village site. The stream empties out at Port Benney. When the saltery was in operation this stream was used both as a freshwater supply and as hydropower source (Long, 1976). Several old dams and old wooden water lines can still be found, The dams are in fairly 300d condition but the old waterlines are in a state of disrenair., Anderson Creek empties into Port Benney in a very aentle grade and high tide reaches up into the stream a considerable distance. Evidence of the 1964 earthquake can be seen in an old world ‘ar IT mine sweerer and a barge, which were swept to high and dry Ground next to the stream by the tsunamis that followed the auake, 14 At the head of Crab Pay is another stream. To the east of this stream the terrain is gently sloping and dotted with sedge meadows and stands of hemlock, One of the flatter areas has been proposed as a site for the airfield (New Chenega Development Program, 1981). To the west of the stream the terrain is very steep and covered with hemlock forest, At the head of the stream is a low pass, less than 200 feet high, The other side of this Pass Slopes down to an unnamed bay on the other side of the island, A faultline runs from. the head of Crab. Bay in a northeast direction to Shelter Ray on the northern side of the island (USGS Map 1-273). This part of the island, the low pass, the stream, and the gentle slopes is an identified black bear habitat. Other wildlife on Evans Island include Sitka blacketajiled deer and bald eagles (Alaska Reaional Profiles, 1974), Efforts to rebuild Chenega have proceeded slovly, partly because of considerable bureaucratic obstacles. Since 1976 numerous studies, field trips, and meetinas have been held with a variety of groups that have a role in building New Chenega, Some of these organizations nave included the Bureau of Land !"anage- ment, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Levelorment, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and U,S, Army Corps of Fngineers (Tundra Times, 1976). The most recently completed study is the Jew Cheneaa Preliminary Plan completed by Hewitt Lounspury and Associates of Anchorage in “ay of 1980. Studies slated for the future include an Energy Peconnaissance Study to be conducted by U5 the Alaska Power Authority in the winter of 1982, The New Chenega Preliminary Plan contains the franework for rebuilding Chenega village. ‘The plan calls for building approxi- mately 23 homes, central sewer, water, and power. systems, and also for the construction of an airport, a sma)] boat harbor, church, community center, and a school, There has Feen no final secleion made onthe exact layout of the village, The village council and the villagers themselves will make the final deci- sion, ALASKA WATIVE LAND CLAINS The signing of the Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement Act in 1971 was probably the single most significant event in the last century pertaining to Alaskan natives. The Act provided for the conveyance of 40 million acres of land to Native Alaska Indians, Eskimos, and Aleuts. The villages of Prince William Sound fell into the boundaries of what is known as the Chuuyach Region, Within the Chugach Region there are three reaional oraanizations: the regional profit corporation, the regional non-profit human services corporation, and the reaqional housing authority. The Wative Claims Act established Chugach Natives, Inc., which is the profit making corporation for the "ative people in the area. Tt is run by a board of directors elected by the native stockholders 16 enrolled in the corporation, The North Pacific Rim regional non-profit human services corporation was established in 1974 as a "vehicle for the implementation of the Indian Self-Determination AGC OCR relire 93-638)." The human” services corporation Ls dedicated to mene cause of Native self-determination." Its purposes are "to respond to the needs and priorities of the communities within the region, to encourage and assist in development of local organization, to promote the well being and pride of the Native residents, and to auide the direction of —-village. aovernment.". The North Pacific Rim also provides social and economic services of education, employment and training, planning, health care, and eneray. In 1979 the North Pacific Rim established a regional housing authority. The housing authority was assigned the tasks of assessing and improv- ing the housing needs of the Native people within the region (Communities of the Chugach Native Region, 1980), In addition to the regional profit, regional non-profit, and housing authority there also exists a profit makina corporation for each village. Like the regional profit making corporation the) village) profit )|corporations |were (established) by) the jand Chats ACC. eO% Chenega this) resulted in |iithe) creation) of the Chenega Corporation, which is to "receive the Jand ang monetary benefits owed to the 69 Chenega people who enrolled as_ village corporation shareholders." In other words, the corporation is responsible for making the village economically sound (Nev Chenega Development Program, 1991). 17 The non-profit business of the village is being conducted by the Chenega Village Council, the villaae governing body. The village council was tormed under the Indian Reoraanization Act (1T.R.A) of the 1930°%s. The T.R.A. lay dormant until it was reactivated in 1971. Presently the major responsibility of the TRA council is overseeing the rebuildina of the village (Tundra Times, 1976). THE PEOPLE The people of Chenega nave lived in the Prince billiam Sound area for hundreds of years. Prior to the earthavake the original Chenega village was the oldest occupied villagqe in the_ sound (Janson, 1976). The Cheneqa people are descendants of the Chugachimiut Eskimos, which represent the extreme southeastern expansion of the Eskimo culture. The Chugachimiut Eskimos are related to the Fskimo cultures of the Bering Sea and Arctic, however; little is known about the extent of this relationship (Alaska Regional Profiles, 1974). The Chugachimiut Eskimo’s first contact with whites was in the 1700’s when Russian fur trappers and explorers arrived, The Russians had a major influence on the people of Frince william Sound, Today, this influence can still be seen in the Russian Orthodox faith the people follow. The Fussians also introduced Aleut hunters from the Aleutian Islands to assist in the harvest of the sound’s abundant tarine mammals, The arrival of Aleut 18 hunters also effected the Chugachimiuts to the extent that, although Eskimo by descent, their "dominant influence in lifestyle and customs has been Aleut" (Communities of the Chuagach Native Region, 1980). Chenegans have traditionally oriented their lives toward the sea as fisherman, with the arrival of white man the subsistence Fiekiae they had practiced for hundreds of years gradually aave way to some conmercial fishing. A modified cash/subsistence lifestyle was adopted which until 1964 was described as "being quiet and village oriented" (Janson,1976), Following the diaster of 1964 the Chenega people were scattered to difterent towns and villages around Prince William Sound. A majority ot the people still maintain their traditional Native lifestyle and want to move back to to Chenega. A demo- graphic survey of the people in 1975 indicated that ten of. the eighteen household heads are fisherman or cannery workers. At least three other surveys have been done to see if the Cheneaa people still want to move back to their own village. In 1975, the Alaska Federation of Natives prepared a report on behalf of the Chenega agian in 1976, the Alaska Department of Community and Regional Affairs did a community survey; in 1980, the Cheneaca Village Council did ae survey. Alle UnNree 7 SUnVeys indicated that a majority of Chenegans nave a_ strong conmritrent to move back to the western side of the sound, 19 The islands of Prince william Sound have heen the home of the Chenegan people for hundreds of years. To continue their life in the sound Chenegans will be building a new village almost twenty years after the original was destroyed, The Alaska Native Land Claims helped create the opportunity for the people of Chenega to regain their place among the peoples of the Chugach Region. 20 CHAPTER ITI METHODS AND ENERGY END USE ANALYSIS The major parts of this report involved identifying and evaluating all the potential eneray resources for New Chenega, and completing an energy end use analysis. For both the resource evaluation and the end use analysis existing information and data were used whenever possible, although an extensive amount of consulting and calculating were done by us. AS part of the study there were also two field trips to Evans’ Island, These field trips were done to collect some wind and timber data and to reconnoiter the several potential village sites for New Chenega (map 3), Beside the Chenega study 4 brief energy analysis was also done for the village of Tatitlek, Tatitlek is located in Prince William Sound and is approximately the same size as is planned for Chenega. The energy use in Tatitlek was compared with the use that is anticipated for Cheneaa,. End Use Analysis 21 An eneray end use analysis was developed for New Chenega to determine what -Cheneaga’s eneray requirements would be for space heating, electricity, and for other needs such as hot water and cooking. An idea of how much energy the village would require was needed when examining potential energy resources to see how much energy a particular resource could contribute to meet Chenega’s demand. The village energy use was also useful for comparisons with the village of Tatitlek and tor determining where energy saving could be made through conservation techniques, Projected energy use in New Chenega was divided into five sectors: residential, institutional/community buildings, commercial, industrial, and transportation, RESIDENTIAL SECTOR The residential energy needs for New Cheneqa were divided into the subsectors space heating, hot water, cooking, and electricity. Space Heating Using building specifications for the three bedroom house developed by Design Lab. Inc. and climatic data from Crab Pay (Appendix 1) it was calculated that the total yearly heat loss (infiltration and conduction) would be 41,6 “Ptu/year. It was also calculated tnat 7.6 bBtu/sq.ft./HDD (Heating Degree Pay) would be would be needed for home heating, With 41.6 MRBtu/year 22 heat loss each household would need 463 gallons of fuel oil a year or 3.15 cords of wood a year for home heating. A method developed by the Alaska Energy Fxtension Service andGg AETAP was used for determining space heating needs in New Chenega hones (Appendix II). Residential Hot water Assuming 20 gallons of water per person ae <Gay, an inlet temperature of 38 degrees F and an outlet temperature of 135 degrees F, approximately 7.8 MRtu (million Btu) a person a_e year would be needed for hot water heating. This would reauire 210 gallons/year/household for fuel oil or 1.4 cords/year/household for wood to meet the domestic hot water requirements. For the entire village of Chenega, with a population of 75, 434 MBtu/year or 4,849 agallons/year of fuel oj1 would be needed for hot water (Appendix I1). Cooking Cooking in New Chenega will most likely tbe aone with propane. According to “Energy Nesian in Alaska Native Housina," printed by AETAP, approximately 108 gallons of propane 6 year or 9 gallons a month would be consumed in a HUD designed house, fine gallons a month is 4 1/2 100 lb. tanks a year a household, For the entire village of Chenega 2,184 qallons of propane a year would be consumed, This is the eguivalent of approximately 23 10,547 lbs. a year (Appendix 11). Electricity To determine household electrical consumption many assump- tions had to be made, For calculating electrica) end use in Chenega several existing data sources on rural electrical use sere seruedta and some original fiaqures were calculated by AFTAP. Existing data sources that were examined included: the SER report "Impacts of Rising Eneray Costs on Rural Alaska," the Tatitlek Eneray Survey, Wind Systems Enaineering (WSF) Peconnais= sance Study of Energy Alternatives tor Shunanak, kiana, and Ambler, and Design Lab Inc, Comparative Analysis of Utility Costs of Tatitlek, prepared for the North Pacific Rim Housina Authority. Using the above sources with some modifications to the appliance and lighting requirements it was determined that 5,500 kwh/year/household is a suitable figure for electrical use in Chenega, Of this 5,500 kwh 3,095 kwh/year is used for lighting and 2,405 kwh/year is used for appliances, For the entire village of 23 hovsenolds 126,500 kwh/year would be needed to meet residential electrical needs. 5,500 kwh/year/household is within 30% of the highest estimated yearly electrical demand, from the ISER study, and within 30% of the lowest estimated yearly electr- ical demand, which was from the wind Systems Fnaineering Study. It is also within 94% of the Desian lab yearly electrical esti- 24 mate (Appendix 11). INSTITUTIONAL/COMMUNITY BUILDING SECTOR The institutional and community building in New Chenega will include a community center (which will house the village council and corporation offices, a post office, a communications room, a clinic, and probably a laundry room), a church, a tirehouse, a sanitation facility, a dock/warehouse, and a_= schoo) (Evanof, 1981). It may ‘also include a community freezer. Eneray needs for this sector were broken down into space heating needs and electricity. Space Heating Approximately 88,93 MPtu a year would be needed to meet Chenega’s institutional space heatina requirements. The space heating requirements for each institutional building were calculated using the formulas: Btu sq. ft. x sqe ft. x a use factor = Rtu/year Btu sq. ft. = 7.6 BUol sae ht. was calculated from residential space heating needs. ,The use factor, the approximate time the building will actually be in use, was estimated (Appendix 11). 25 Electricity Electrical needs for New Chenega community buildinas include what will be needed for lighting and what will be needed for such things as office equipment, electric motors, and electric tools. The community freezer and laundromat will also have a substantial electrical demand, For New Chenega it is expected that community pybei nes will require 19,310 kwh/year for lighting and 7,485 kwh/year for office equipment, etc. The washers and <dryers of the community laundromat will demand about 24,075 kwh/year. The community freezer will need another 11,666 Kxwh/year (Appendix i. COMMERCIAL SECTOR Space Heating The only commercial operation “ew Chenega miaht have would be tor a small village store. According to Robert Fetherford and Associates, "Study of Eneray Resource Alternatives for 13 Alaskan Villages," prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, small commer= cial operations are often attached to or incorporated into a residence, Because commercial operations are usually part of a residence Retherford assumed there vould be an additional 300 sq.ft. increase in residential structure size due to business. 26 A three-bedroom house with an additional 300 feet of floor Space)))-would require a /total of) 845) gallons of fuel |ol?)or almost six cords of wood a year to heat. A... store... operation) should definitely be incorporated into aé_eresidence,. Heat from the residence could then be used for the commercial operation. By incornporating|||iia)||iStores|||asi|/an)|||\aaqareLon)|toial nest GenGeOnily2..0 addietonallicords)O£)| wood) ||\WOULG)||(DEi/; NEedegiilC Ol Neac iene d'store (Appendix IT). Construction costs would also be reduced. Electricity AVS OOS quarrel LooulilistonellliiiwoulialliliiF eguinelliiitaniiies timate ciilii7/50 kwn/f/year.of e@lectricity,.. Lighting, at .5 watts/sq, ft. would require 312 kwh/year. Uther electrical needs, at an estimated o75 watts/sq. £t., would require another 468 kwh/year (Appendix II). INDUSTRIAL SECTUR The only industrial operation Chenega might have (aside trom commercial,’ *f£isning))|pboats)))))would))) be) aismal!l) community ‘sawmill, The Mobile Dimension Saw (Appendix IT11) has been suqoested as a CYDEU Osi Sawin lea tiselc would be suitable for New Chenega.) The'- Mobile|) Dimension) ||'Saw))|/requires ||) 1))|'gallon/qas/750)|| board) feet, Chenega’s wood reguirements are 40,000 bd.tt./year. Therefore 40,000 bd,ft./year x 1 gallon/aas/750 bd.ft. MOU GH ed Osten Os gallons) o£) gas)a) year fon Operation) Of) che) isawmii 1, 27 TRANSPORTATION SECTOR Energy use in the transportation sector is very difficult to determine, The figures developed by the North Pacific Rim Housing Authority Energy Survey for Tatitlek were used as a hase (see Chapter V). It is expected that Chenega will have the same number and type of motorized equipment needs as Tatitlek plus a small bulldozer, some snowmobiles, and some chainsaws (Table 1). Tatitlek is located approximately 30 miles from Valdez and 60 miles from Cordova. In 1980 people in Tatitlek made about 113 trips to-Valdez and 101 trips ‘to -Cordova by fishing boat or SKLEE, New Chenega will be located approximately 80 miles from whittier and 79 miles from Seward. This areater distance to Whittier and Seward could cause an increase in fuel consunption of roughly 30 % over the consumption for Tatitlek (Table 1). 28 Tatitlek Motorized Fauipment Commercial fishing boats Skiffs with outboards Skitf with an inboard ‘Pickup truck Three-wheel motorbikes wre ew ea ee ee ee ee ee eee eee 8225 gallons diesel, 6005 gallons gasoline weroun Additional Chenega Motorized Fauipment 1 Small bulldozer/nauler - estimated 200 gallons/yr,. 3 Community snowmobiles* = estimated 100 aallons/yr. each 23 Chainsaws - 1 for each household = estimated 10 gallons/yr. : each Total Fuel Needs 10,823 gallons diesel (30% over Tatitlek’s 7,807 gallons gasoline requirements) 730 gallons bulldozer, snowmobiles, chainsaws 19,360 gallons/fuel Table 1, Tatitlek motorized evipnment, additional Chenega motorized equipment, and total transportation fuel requirements Cheneqaa, * wind Systems Engineering estimated that 200/gallons/year/snowmobile was used for traveling 2500 miles in interior Alaska. ARIAP used 100/aallons/year as there is a limited amount of terrain to cover on Evans Tsland and the snowmobiles will be used primarily for harvesting trees, which is more easily acconplished in the winter. ENERGY BALANCE BY SECTOR Total Residential Space Heating Hot Water Cooking Electricity Total Institutional Space Heating Electricity Total Commercial Space Heating Electricity Industrial Gasoline Total Transportation Diesel Gasoline Gallons of or Cords of Fuel Oil Wood 10,649 7335) 4,849 31 2,484(propane) Unknown 991 6.7 382 2.6 53 10,823 8,637 29 Kwh/yr 126,500 62,536 780 PROJECTED ANNUAL ENERGY BALANCE Raw Fuel Consumption Space Heating Electric Generation Total Space Heating Residential * Institutional Commercial TOTAL Total Electrical Residential Institutional Commercial TOTAL * 23 homes NEW CHENEGA Fuel Oil or Diesel 11,622 26,088 (gallons) 956.8 MBTU/yr 88.9 MBTU/yr 34.2 MBTU/yr 1,079.9 MBTU/yr 126,500 kwh/yr 62,536 kwh/yr 780 kwh/yr 189,816 kwh/yr 30 CHAPTER 1V ENERGY RESOURCES FOR NEw CHENEGA Energy resources for New Chenega were divided into nonrenen able and renewable resources. Nonrenewable resources include fossil fuel resources such as celivered petroleum products, coal and peat, Renewable resources included eneray technologies i building desion and construction, solar, hydro, wind, wood methane, tidal, and eneray conservation, All of the above resources were explored for their suitabil ity to New Chenega. tach resource was examined for its currer Alaska state of the art operation, its availability to ‘le Chenega and Evans Island, and its possible economic feasinility, 32 NONRENEWABLE RESOURCES DELIVERED PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Fuel Oil and Diesel Delivery of petroleum products to New Chenega would be dependent on barge or tankers, significantly raising the cost of fuel. Of the four large communities that are in or border Prince William Sound, only Valdez, Cordova, and Whittier presently have delivery services. Seward does not have a marine delivery service at present, but it may in the near future, Delivery of fuel from the town of Whittier could be arranuded on the vessel Itswoot, owned by Gary Protzman of Whittier. The Itswoot is Coast Guard approved for fuel delivery and could haul 3,000 to 5,900 gallons. Protzman charges $890 a day, plus his own fuel costs for delivery. He stated that a delivery to Evans Island would involve only a one day trip. Ron Rrodmerkle of Barkers Fuel in whittier ouoted a price of $1.22 a aallon for fvel oil on August 24, 1981. He claimed, however, that he will match or beat any prices for fuel oil and diesel in Prince william Sound. 33 There are several fuel vendors in Seward including Mt. Marathon Fuel Company and Harbor Fuel. Dale Lindsey of Harbor Enterprises in Seward stated that there were vessels out of Seward that would be capable of delivering fuel to Crab Bay. These two vessels were both crab boats that could haul from 20,000 to 28,000 gallons of fuel. He was unable to auote any price for delivery and did not know if these ships were U.S. Coast Guard approved for shipping private fuel stocks, Valdez and Cordova each pave three fuel vendors that will sell to Chenega. the price for fuel oil as of August 8, 1981 was quoted by Cordova Chevron as $1,091 a gallon for 10,000 gallons. Harbor Fuel Company of Valdez quoted a price of $1,07 a gallon for 12,0900 gallons on Avaqust 11, 1981. The Arcturus, operated by Cordova Freight and Towina, is the only other coast guard approved vessel for haulina petroleum jin Prince William Sound. both the Port of San Juan and the village of Tatitlek have been using the Arcturus for the delivery of diesel tvel, As of April 1981 a one day delivery cost ot 7,000 gallons of fuel to Tatitlek was $3,090. Accordina to Cordova Freight and Towing a ballpark figure as of August 1981 for a 10,900 gallon delivery to Sawmill Bay or Crab Bay from Cordova could be anywhere from $6,000 to $8,000, A 10,0600 gallon delivery at $1.091 a gallon would then cost anywhere from $16,910 to $18,910 or $1.69 to $1.89 a gallon, Delivery cost is then nearly doubling the total cost of fuel. 34 Propane Propane is the most common fvel used for rural cooking needs, It is usually used in 100 Ib, tanks, Propane for Chenega would be available from Seward, Valdez, Cordova, and Whittier, Ron Brodmerkle of RBarker’s Fuel in Whittier quoted a price on August 24, 1981 for a 100 Ib, tank of propane as selling for 1,05/gallon, There are about 24 gallons in a 100 1b, tank. Without using the woodstove for cooking approximately four and one-half 100 lb. tanks a year would be needed per household in Chenega (Appendix II). Design Lab determined that 17 gallons/household/month would be used for cooking in Tatitlek, Port Graham, and English Pay. This figure would mean that almost nine 100 lb. tanks of propane a year would be used per residence. This figure seemed much too high, According to "Eneray Efficient Design in Alaska Native Housing," prepared by AETAP, nine gallons of propane a month is a better estimate of household propane needs, COAL There are known coal deposits within Prince William Sound although it aprears at this time that coal may not be available for use in New Chenega. Accordina to Carl Propes, resource Manager for Chugach ‘atives Incorporated, the only Known coal resource in the Chugach kegion are the Bering River Coal Fields 35 in the southeastern part of the sound, Chugach Native Incorporated is planning on developing this coal for export in a joint venture with a Korean firm, No known coal resources are on the western side of the sound (Propes, 1981). Gail Evanoff, President of the Chenega Village IRA Council mentioned that some of the village elders knew of Ts coal deposits to exist on Latouche Island, directly across from Evans Island, but there is no other record of coal in this area, It was Propes feeling that upon development of the Perina River fields it would not be economical] for Chenega to have coal delivered for its use, We cited an Alaska Power Authority study that concluded that Bering River coal would not be feasible for use in the nearby town of Cordova, He felt that a similar study would probably "reach the same conclusion for Chenega." Propes also said that once the Bering River coal is developed Chugach Natives Inc. would be glad to sell it to Chenega, PEAT One of the dominant soils of the Chenega Village site is sedge peat of the Unakwik series (Rieger, 1977), Peat is typi- cally tound in wet, poorly drained areas known as peatlands (Northern Technical Services, 1989), Pried peat can be used in an electric generation process or for space heating (holden = and 36 Associates, 1981). At the Chenega Village site itself, the dept of peat varies from 16" to 50" (Rieger, 1977). The extent of thi peatlands in the rest of the Crab Bay area is not Known, however in tne low pass north of Crab Bay there are many open sedg meadows underlain by peat, The Department of Energy has suggested that before peat b developed for fuel use a peat source should be a minimum of 5 deep and have a heat value of at least 8,300 BTU/1b, Heat valu will vary depending on such things as the peat’s ash content moisture content, and percent of volatile matter (Northern Techn ical Services, 1981). The Department of Energy also has a ratin system to classify potential peatlands, The aearee to whic organic soils meet DOE fuel requirements is rated as 1) high, 2 medium, 3) low; the amount of area covered by organic. soil j rated as A) high, B) medium, C) low. For potentia) Alaska peat lands Evans Island fell under the category C2, low amount of are covered by peat with medium fuel potential (Northern Technicé Services, 1981). A)jthough Prince william Sound is in a C2 cateagory pockets ' more or Jess concentrated peat deposits could occur within ti area, according to Judy Zimicke, a peat consultant. There is way of knowing how much peat Fvans Tsland has unless a detail peat survey is conducted, ST An average of 3,000/cubic feet of peat would be needed _ for yearly household space heating needs. For 23 households this would mean 69,000 cubic feet. Assuming there is an average depth of 3 feet of peat on the island an area of approximately 33,000 sq. ft. would have to be excavated a year to meet village heating needs. This is slightly under an acre a year (43,560 Sgeft./acre) and assumes peat is at 35% moisture content and has a bulk density of 15 lb/cubic foot (Zimicke, 1981). Peat excavation would also entail some environmental impact. Depending on the care taken in excavation these impacts could include problems of moisture loss from removing the highly absorbent peat layer, downstream siltation, and nutrient leach= ing. Peat "probably shouvuldn’t be looked at if a good wood resource is available," says Zimicke. She also stated, however, that burning wood and peat in combination could be teasible since peat is otten suitable as a slow burning nighttime fuel, GEOTRERMAL No geothermal resources (heat gradients, volcanic areas, hot springs) are known to exist in the Chugach Fegion. (Propes, 1981) 38 Summary Delivered petroleum products are the most conventional means of meeting energy requirements in Alaska villages, Petroleum products will also be available to New Chenega and of all the nonrenewable resources examined will probably be the most practi- cal to use. Coal and peat could possibly be developed or made available to the village. At this time though neither coal nor peat appear to be suitable for use in New Chenega. <) RENEWABLE RESOURCES BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION The first step toward a community eneray plan for New Chenega should be appropriate building design and construction. A substantial amount of energy can be saved in homes’ and other structures through proper design, insulation, and weatherization. The North Pacific Rim Housing Authority is responsible _ for housing in New Chenega. The Housing Authority has had new housing units designed for the villages of Tatitlek, Enalish Pay, . and Port Grahar by Desian Lab, Inc, of Anchorage. These houses will be constructed with funds from the Federal Pepartment of Nousing and Urban Development (HUD). AS such, the builders of the houses are limited to a construction budget of $92,200 per house, Simjlar houses vill probably go up in Chenega, James Rarkshire of Alaska Renewable Energy Associates has performed an energy efficient analysis of the proposed North Pacific Fim houses (Appendix IV), RBarkshire’s conclusions were that for energy efficiency the Pesian lab nomes were "state of the art tor small rural units in Alaska today." Some of the specific advantages of the homes were high insulation levels, a good moisture vapor barrier, and an excellent space heating and water heating system, 40 Barkshire reserved particular praise for the space and water heating system, It incorporates both @ wood stove and a tradi- tional oil burner. The hot water system incorporates a standard oil fired hot water tank that also has feeding into it water heated from heat exchanger coils in the wood = stove, The simplicity of the system was such that "in worst cases mainte- nance and repair can be done by the homeowner, or certainly by someone in the town or village with a minimum amount of train- ing.". Rarkshire’s suggestions for improving upon the desian were few, His reconinended improvements included leaving easy access to the roof area to allow more insulation to be added if necessary, sealing all penetrations in the wall and ceilina with a caulking compound or urethane spray, and insulating the incom- ina air ducts. The most inportant recommendation was that the house actually be built as designed, without major changes during construction. Barkshire also recommended utilizina solar energy whenever possible through correct building orientation, by redesiagnina so that the majority of the buildinga’s window area is to the south, and eventually incorporating moveable insulating shutters (Appendix IIT). 41 SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES Passive Solar Space Heating The site for New Chenega has a beautiful southern exposure that is ideally suited for passive solar use, The village homes can be situated on a gently sloping hillside that has a virtually unobstructed view to the south. One conmon misconception is that solar energy systems are not practical in Alaska because of its northern latitude, This has not proven to be true; there are numerous working solar eneray systens in the state ircludina six passive solar homes’ in Anchorage, one in Homer, one in Fagle River, and several others scattered around the state form Bethel to Juneau (AETAP, 1981), Although the heating degree days are known for Crab Bay, no solar insolation (incoming solar heat) data are available, Despite the heavy precipitation and the overcast days when it is not raining or snowing, there is still a useable solar eneray resource at Evans Jsland, Some preliminary estimates were made on how much solar eneray could be utilized in the village using the available climate data. Since no solar data are avajlable specifically for Crab Ray, solar insolation data vere used from Kodiak and a solar correction factor based on latitude was used from Homer. Homer and Crab Fay are the sane latitude. It vas assuned that an F-10 shuttering system would be available in’ the near future for use on the Design Lab homes, Throuch the use of 42 a direct gain passive solar system in the homes in conjunction with an PF-10 shuttering system on ajl the windows, a net heat gain of 25.6 MBtu/year could be realized. This is sliahtly over half the annual heating needs for a residence, By exploiting the net gain from a passive solar system, a savings of approximately 285 gallons of fuel oil or 2 cords of wood a year would be reale- ized (Appendix IJ1). Solar greenhouses covld also be used as a espace heating source in the (village, A solar greenhouse attached tor the outside of the house could be used to not only grow food, which will ease the food budget of the village, but can also be used to gain some heat for the homes (Appendix I1I1). Architect Doug Bright of Anchorage has taken the HUD housing Plan developed by Design Lab Ince. and added a passive solar addition to the south wall. This desiqn could be used either tor heat gain, as a solar greenhouse, or in a combination of both GEigure 71). Passive Solar Pomestic Hot Water According to Community Alternative Fneray Profiles, develoned by AETAP, the breadbox style collector is the best System to represent passive solar water heaters. It is a sinple, easy to construct, and inexpensive solar technology. TvO varieties are considered, "REX-1 is a sinple triangular rox, 43 insulated to R-19 with 40 saquare feet of double glazing on the south side, tilted at latitude minus 10 degrees. Inside are two 30 gallon tanks plumbed in series between the cold water supply and the “regular” hot water heater, serving as a pre-heater, Tt is functional until mean daily temperatures drop to 25 degrees. BBX=2 is the same with an insulated cover that is closed at night, ‘thus réducing heat loss; during the day it acts as a reflector, increasing the amount of solar radiation by about 50 degrees, It is functional until mean daily temperatures drop to 20 degrees," 44 The rule of thumb for breadboxes is adapted from Farth Integral, Inc., of Davis, California: BBX=-1 BTUsS/yr x Area (40 sq.ft.) x 0.28 efficiency = BTUs/year BBX-2 BTUs/yr x Area (40 sa,ft,) x 1.5 reflectance x 0.40 efficiency = BIUs7yéar— 252,,.000-—BYTl /yr x 40 sq.ft. x 1-5 _reflectance—x.-,40 efficiency = 6.05 MBTU Assuming an average household has four people that reouire 5.8 MBTU/person/ year for hot water (Chapter IJ1) potential saving with Rreadbox-2 would be: 6.05 x 10F6 BTU www ee ene wee ee 2.32 x 10E7 BTU At the Ditt werner residence in the Matanuska Valley an installed hreadbox has proven very functional, it is estimated to supply 20-40 percent of year round nousehold hot water (AETAP, 1981), - BEI HOUSE W. _@ ff POSS, TROMBE WALL BEHIND FIXED GLAZING HED GPEEN HOUSE St POSS, TROMBE WALL BEHIND p FIXED GLAZING = ae ) il fp ROMBE WALL -ALTERNATIVE 9F 47 Active Solar Systems Active solar systens employ fans, pumps or other moving parts. The most common form of active systems are flat plate hot water collectors, According to Richard Siefert of the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, active systems are generally considered of marginal economic feasibility in Alaska, however, active systems are functional in Alaska, A system described by Siefert, and also Barkshire, that is known as Sola Roll is fairly inexpensive, performs well, and can be installed on a do-it-yourself basis. Barkshire recommended that Sola Roll be considered for future use in the Design Lab homes, Active solar systems would not be as practical] as _ passive systems for New Chenega. Passive systems are more practical than active systems for two reasons: 1. They use solar energy directly, without the loss of efficiency due to the transfer of heat from one medium to another; and 2. They continue to function unijer cloudy conditions, whereas active systems need more direct peam radiation, 48 Photovoltaics Photovoltaics, or solar cells, are devices that generate electricity when the sun shines upon them, The technology for making electricity from sunlight is changing rapidly. It. is currently not economically attractive to use photovo]taics today if any other means of generating electricity is possible, Only in remote sites, such as communication repeaters, is there a real use for this technology today. Costs, however, are decreasing and efficiencies increasing (AETAP, Community Profiles, 1981). The economic break-even point for photovoltaics is often such that they are feasible for rural use before urban use, The Alaska Railroad is now usina photovo)Jtaics at several locations along its route from Seward to Fairbanks, Solar cell arrays are used to power four remote railroad orade crossing systems and two remote microwave repeater radio sites, These photovoltaics have proven to work so well that the railroad is planning on installing three additional microvave sites with photovoltaics. Tne railroad confirms that photovoltaic systems have only been cost effective for them at renote locations where commercial power sources are not available (Fnergections, Winter 1981). Tt is not known at this tine whether or not Chenega will have any communications systems that are remotely located, If the village does have a remote site, a communication hook-up on a 49 ridge-top for example, photovoltaics miaht be a practical solu- tion to the site’s electrical needs, HYDROPOWER The U.S, Army Corps of Engineers has contracted with Ebasco Engineering of Washington State to conduct a hydro evaluation for communities in Southcentral Alaska, including Chereaa, According to Carl Borashn of the Corps of Fnaineers this study is to be done in Auqust 1981 with a draft report complete by January 1982, This report should cover the detailed aspects of hydro povwer on the island and its potential for use by the village. Only infor- mation already documented or discussed by the Chenega Village Council will be hiahlighted here, Preliminary indications are that the hydro-electric power potential from the streams in the area will not be sufticient to meet village demand, particularly durina the low flow winter months. Water from the stream that enters into Port Renney (Anderson Creek) was used as a water and power source durina the days the Crab Bay saltery was in operation. Two old dams and some old water pipes can still be toungd on the stream, TO| the best of knowledge no cannery records are available to indicate the amount of power that was generated although "the system was probably never intended for continuous use through the winter." Tne 1976 field trip by Corps Fnaineer Frv Long concluded that "a dam installed above the falls in the cirque valley (above the 50 village site) might have a possibility of furnishing year round power and could be studied further." It is honed that this is one aspect Ebasco will examine, “ The New Chenega Preliminary Plan prepared by Hewitt Louns=- bury and Associates in 1980 stated that a small] lake located two miles north of the village site on the other side of the island would be an ideal site for a hydro facility. "lo on-site inspec- tion of the lake was conducted by Lounsbury and Associates, Mike Steele, formerly of the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, has visited the lake and reports that it is nothina rore than a shallow marsh, He has also investiqated the dams at Anderson Creek, Tt was his opinion that there was not suitable hydro-electric potential near New Chenega. Jou Retera, Cepart= ment of Natural Resources Fngineering Assistant and microhydro expert shared this opinion, A hydro-power facility does exist on Fvans Islana and is used by the San Juan Hatchery. A natural lake above the hatchery has been artificially raised with a dam, A! pipeline bhrings water down to the hatchery for hydro-electric aeneration and for the fish hatching process. Currently hydro-power is rot the principal source of power at the hatchery. There have been some technical problems with the electric aeneratina facilities according to Jim Cochran. “uch of the water needed at San Juan is used tor the hatchery process itself. At the present time there is just enough water during the low flow winter months for OL the hatchery. Carl Propes mentioned that enlarging the lake above the hatchery even further has been considered with the idea of using the increased supply to meet both the hatchery’s = and Chenega’s electrical needs. It is not know as to whether or not there wiJ] be further investigations into this idea, WIND No detailed wind records are available for Fvans_ Island. Two anemormeters were installed at The New Chenega site in June 1981. One anemometer is located near Port Benney, and the other is located on a knoll above the old Crab Bay saltery, These anemometers are being read on an irregular basis ky personnel from the San Juan Hatchery. The anemometers should be read a minimum of once a week and preferably more often. Preliminary measurements from the anemometers taken in June, July, and August 1981 indicate that the average wind speed has varied from a low of -14 mph to a high of 3.7 mph. These averages are over aa tive to seven day period (Appendix TIT). Wind power is a very site specific technology. An average annual vind speed of approximately 10 mpn is needed for wind electric generation (Wind Systems Engineering, 1980). The Vind Energv Fesource Atlas, prepared by Rattelle laboratories, has classified the area including Evans Island 4s havina a wind power Class+ofteirc2. wind power class 2 means that at a height of 10 m (33 ft.) there is an average annual wind speed of 11.5 ™ph, this 52 figure should be used with caution, there is no way of knowing if Evans Island has an average wind speed of 11.5 mph until a wind data base has been established, It is my feeling that the anemometers at the New Cheneaa village site have not been correctly sited or read. Some of the wind measurements made available to us indicated some very low wind speeds, The anemometer reading at the village site were being performed by the some of the hatchery personnel on an irregular basis. Siting anemometers is a very difficult task. Tne Port Benney anenometer and the Crab Bay anemometer were both sited and installed by people from the North Pacific Pim Housing Authority without the aid of a wind engineer. On the July 17#19 field trip to New Chenega it was observed that the low pass at the head of Crab Ray miaht be a suitable place tor a wind system, 1t was noticed that trees in the area were wind stunted, It is also a characteristic of mountain passes in southcentral Alaska to act as wind funnels (Alaska Regional Profiles, 1975). These are totally subjective observa: tions. According to wind system distributor Emil Ferus, of Four Winds of Alaska, the only way to determine if an area has 2 reliable «ind source is to send out a aualified wind expert to properly site an anemoneter and then monitor the anemoreter on a continuing basis. 53 Hatchery personnel have reported that the summer months are the calmest times of the year at Fvans Island while fall, winter and spring usually have much higher winds (Dick Ford, 1981), The amount of electricity a generator produces increases by the cube of wind velocity so that an increase of only 2-3 mph will result in much more power (AETAP, Community Profiles, 1981). This increase in wind power with velocity has significant implications for the wind energy source on the island if the winds are sea- sonal, Because of the shorter daylight hours and the increased amount of time spent indoors it is usually during winter when there is the greatest electrical demand, There are numerous wind systems now operating in Alaska, and more are being installed throughout the state, Some of the communities with wind systems include Nelson Lagoon, Sheldon Point, Kotzebue, Ambler, Barrow, Lake Clark, and Homer, A total of eight wind systems have heen installed at Sheldon Point, a1] of which are 2 Kw units that are attached to individual homes. Nelson Laaqoon has one 20 kw wind generator that is intertied with a diesel generatina t= The village of Unalakleet is scheduled to have three 10 kw windmills installed which will be intertied with an existina diesel system (Ressette, 1981). A scenario that might be possible for New Cheneaqa would be to install one diesel generator to handle all of the villages electrical needs. This unit could then be attached to sraller units that would handle electrical needs when there is low 54 demand, This whole system, big units and small units, could then be intertied to the wind system, During periods when there is sufficient wind to generate electricity some ot the diesel units could be automatically kicked on or off as they are needed, WOOD RESOURCES Demand for Forest Resource = Space Heating Fvan’s Island has an abundant wood resource. Approximately one-half of the island is covered with virgin stands of western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) and Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis). Tne Chenega Natives foresee two essential demands on this resource, Wood will be used primarily in home heatina to supple- ment other energy sources. The present projection of this yearly demand is three cords per family. I1f the present tintynthres families of the Chenega Village each consume three cords of wood at 90 cu, ft. (Shelton, 1977) per cord, then the current demand will be 6210 cu, ft. per year. This estimate does not incorporate a population increase, A secondary use for the island’s wood resource is construc- tion lumber, Lumber will be used primarily for boardwalks in the village and the three marinas scheduled to be constructed in’ the bay. A preliminary analysis of the quantity of wood reauired to build these structures indicates that approximately £&,000 cu. ft. of wood will he reguired, 55 Site Description The Western Hemlock and Sitka Spruce forest type together account for 95% of the total forested land areas at New Chenega, Much of the forest of commercial potential is old growth with many stands overstocked and decadent. Western Hemlock is the dominant species in both the overstory and understory and is gradually shading out Sitka Spruce, This’is typical of this forest type where Western Hemlock tends to be the climax species. The remaining 5% of the hardwood stands consisting mainly of alder and scattered willow (Salix), These stands represent only a small amount of the total timber biomass and are found along the sensitive, salmon spawning streams, Timber Potential A timber inventory was taken only of the forest resource surrounding the proposed New Chenega village site. A total of 312 forested acres were sampled, The sampling area included forested lands which could be accessed with ground based logging systems during the winter months.. The sampled lands were classified according to standing volume and growth potential as follows: A, Nonecommercial lands are those areas with less than 400 cu,ft./acre with an average yearly growth of 20 cu,ft./yr and are typified as an 56 an open=sedge meadow, B. Commercial forest land was divided further into two subclasses? . 1, High volume areas, Those areas with a minimum standing volume of 1200 cu.ft./ac. and an average yearly growth of 138-cu.ft./ac,. 2. Low volume areas, The stands are generally younger with less growth potential than the HVA. A standing volume of 400-1200 cu.ft./ac, was used with an average growth rate of 195 cu.ft./yr. To measure the standing volume of the lands, a fixed plot cruise was performed on 7/18/81, The variables, tree diameter at breast height and total tree height were measured for all trees found within the tenth acre plot. A total of seven field plots were taken, five in the Low Volume Area (LVA) and two in the Hiah Volume Area (HVA), Volume equations from Old Growth western Hemlock and Sitka Spruce in Southeast Alaska were used to calculate volume per acre (Bones, 1968), Acreages for each classification were neasured from 1975 aerial photoaraphs pro- vided by U.S. Forest Service, Chuaach National-Forest. <A summa- tion of the cruise data and acreaces for coruercial lands follows in table 1 ana table 2, 57 Table 1. Cruise data and land acreages to calculate total standing timber volume. Total Volume/ Standing Average Average Total Acre Volume DBH Trees/acre Acreage (cu. ft.) (cus Lt) > 2.5" DBH > 11.0" DBH LVA 10" 220" 290 8,035 2,300,000 HVA 20" SO 22 / 21,000 470,000 TOTAL 312 2,770,000 Table 2. Potential yearly growth used to calculate annual allowable harvest. Total Total Potential Potential Potential Total Potential Potential Growth Per Growth Per Growth Per Growth Per Growth Per Growth Per Year Year Year Year Year Year (cu. ft. /acre) (cu. ft.) (cords/acre) (cords) (BTUs/acre) (BTU's) LVA HOS 30,450 x2 338 18.0 6,084 million million HVA 138 3,036 5) 34 22:5 765 million million TOTAL 33,486 372 6,859 million 8S 59 Table 1 and table 2 calculations assume 90 cu.ft. of solid wood per cord at moisture content of 20% (Shelton, 1977). The following statistics were calculated for the data in tables 1 and 26 Coefficient of variation Standard error per acre LVA . 20% 1824 cu. ft. HVA 21% 4430 cu. ft. In accordance with the villasze’s objectives, the timber resource should be tmanaged to produce a sustained yield. By cutting less than the timber’s annual growth, the resource may be consumed perpetually. The total demand, as previously stated, is estimated at 14,210 Cites for the ftirst year and 5,400 cu.ft./year thereafter, The total potential growth each year (tatle 2) and thus the potential timber harvestable, is estimated at 33,486 cu, ft. or approximately four acres, ‘Table 2 thus indicates” that the timber resource surrounding the Chenega Village site greatly exceeds the projected demand for home neating and the first year lumber production. 60 Even though the wood resource is locally available, it requires milling to be useful aS construction lumber, These additional handling costs could make the importation of finished lumber economically desirable, A mobile dimension sawmill is a viable method of milling low volume timber economically. (Appendix III) The total projected cost of milling the first year lumber demand of 8,000 cu.ft. is $16,000 (Appendix I11), This cost includes initial purchase, labor, and wachine maintenance. Other advantages of milling the lumber on the site that are not included in the comparison are the utilization of local labor, and the continued asset of the mIiTT A tseve 5 Tf the lumber is imported from the nearest available source, its estimated total cost is $17,900 (Appendix III). This cost includes purchase and shipping. This comparison indicates that the timber resource should be converted to lumber on site, Alternative Uses of Wood Wood-hased electrical production was considered as an addi- tional use of wood, ‘ood gasifiers can operate on hoth hardwoods and softwoods, 61 The streamside alder and willow vegetation is one source of electrical fuel. The small volume of hardwoods and their proximity to sensitive salmon spawning streams, however, makes it a poor source of wood material, The hemlock/spruce stands are also suitable fuel for wood gasifiers, This material has already been evaluated for it sui- tability in home heating and rough construction, As previously shown in Table 2, the timber resource may perpetually produce 372 cords per year. The total available wood, less that consumed for home heating, leaves an excess of 303 cords per year. The predicted electrical energy demand for Chenega is 190,000 kilowatts per year or an eauivalent of 241 cords annually (Appendix TIT). Therefore, the expected electrical eneray demand could be met by the softwood timber resource. Even though the wood resource is available, there are many other factors affecting the feasibility of wood aasifiers. Previous feasibility studies, in situations similar to Chenega, have found that the operation and maintenance costs of a wood gasifier can be prohibitive for a small village (Retherford and Associates, 1981). A skilled operator is required on duty each -of the three eight-hour shifts a day. Several yard workers are also reauired. These studies favored diesel as a nore economic source of electrical production, 62 Another alternative use of the timber resource is space heating for institutional buildings. This predicted need is 6.7 cords/year (Appendix JlII1). Therefore, the expected heating demand for institutional heating could be met by the timber resource, METHANE At the present time, it does not appear that methane can make a siagnificant contribution to the energy needs of Chenega village. Initial calculations show that the livestock and human waste combined will produce an estimated 630 lbs, of digestible matter a day. Since a major portion of this waste is water, the actual yield from a digester on a continual basis is approxi- mately 600 cu.ft. of biogas a day, with a heat content of 437,800 Btu per day. This is the equivalent of sliahtly more than three gallons of diesel, A portson ofc nenergy. wa) be required to heat the digester, so that the total useful energy produced will] be significantly less than this amount, One advantage of the methane digester is that it will produce high auality sludge that can be used for fertilizer, and it is estimated that approximately 65 gallons of sludge per day will be produced, The current literature suqoests that some human disease rathogens may not be destroyed ty the djaestion process. There is conflicting evidence and experience that shows that digester sludge is a safe fertilizer for food crors. At the 63 present time, it is not.recommended that the sludge aenerated by human waste be used to fertilize plants or vegetables that are going to be eaten raw, "except in the case of tree crops and orchards, This recommendation may change as more research is conducted, The sludge can definitely be used to fertilize forests and ornamental plants and tree crops. One final advantage of a methane digester is that it reduces the amount of sewage, making sludge disposal easier, and reducing the chances of water pollution that can occur with other sevace treatment techniques. TIDAL POWRR Electric power can be generated by utilizing the potential energy difference between high and low tides. Electricity is generated by turbines similar to the type used in hydroelectric generation (Holden and Associates, 1981). The use of tidal power depends on a number of factors, which include a) Large daily and wonthly tide fluctuations. b) The natural geoyraphical features vhich lend themselves to reasonable sized barrier structures. c) A location which does not have fish seats arounds that may be affected by a barrier. d) A site which is free from the effects of damaging ice conditions ("“orthern Technical Services, 1981). 64 The tidal fluctuations in the bays and inlets of Evans Island are not known. No tidal generation systems current)y exist in Alaska. Robert WwW, kRetherford and Associates, under contract to the Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development, prepared a tidal power study for the village of Angoon in Southeastern Alaska, The results of this study indicate that the economics for building a tidal generation system were "potentially attractive" for a small 200kw to 400kw unit. It was Retherford’s recommendation that construction and testing of a model tidal generator be set up by a qualified Alaskan test group such as the University of Alaska. Evans Island has two hays that may have tidal potential. Guaguak Bay, northwest of the village . site has a very narrow opening that opens up into a larger bow], Shelter Bay, to the northeast of the village site, is lonuer and larger than Guauak Bay. The geographic features of hoth bays may be suitable for tidal power requirements, EVERGY CONSERVATION/MANAGEMENT Energy conservation, in the form of home weatherization, retrofitting, and "doing without" is usually targeted as on of the best ways to reduce energy use and eneray costs in villages, Jew Chenega already has a major step out of the way in that the designed homes are well insulated, have 300d heating systems, arctic entry wayS, double glazed windows, and means to 65 incorporate solar desian, However, through creativity, imagina= tion, and the willinaness of the village to cooperate in managing their collective resources conservation is practically unlimited in its potential for easing the energy problem, In this context conservation does not imply "doing without" but implies instead "doing better," and so a more appropriate term for conservation is eneray management. Some conservation techniques are very simple, such as hangina clothes to dry instead of using a machine. Cther areas that should be explored are niore complex, such as computerized eneray management. New breakthroughs are being made on inproving the eneray efficiency of household appliances. These appliances should be sought out as much as possible. According to wind Systems Fnaineering several other forts of eneray management that can be employed include load fianagement, motor power factor correction, eneray efficient lightina and lighting components and consolidation of community facilities. Some of these methods will be examined telow. Eneray Efficient Lighting The State of Alaska Division of Eneray and Power Development (DEPD) completed testing in the spring of 1981 of a fluorescent lighting system known as the conservolite light reavlation system, The test finding indicated that by using the 66 conservolite system an average yeareround power savings of approximately 30 percent per standard fluorescent fixture is possible, Further eneray saving could be realized by the extended lamp and ballast life as a result of reduced maintenance and lower operating temperatures, From its testing DEPD recommended that conservolites would be a cost effective energy measure for Alaskan communities, espe- cially rural communities, where the payback period can be as short as six months. Through the use of the conservolite system in all the residential, commercial and institutional Jighting in New Chenega, approximately 27,242 kwh/year could be saved, Total residential, institutional, commercial lighting = 90,807 kwh/year 90,807 kwh/year x .79 = 63,565 kwh/year 90,807 = 63,565 = 27,242 k«h/year Community Facilities A promising way to save village eneray use is to consolidate facilities such as freezer space and laundry needs, Central laundering facilities have proven’ feasible in numerous Alaska villages, According to the Cold Climate Utilities Tirectory, Alaska communities that have a population similar to that fore- 67 casted for Chenega and that also have central laundry facilities include Pitkas Point, with a population of 85, and Reaver, with a population of 101. It was recommended by the utilities directory that a community have a minimum of three washers and dryers and that these washers and dryers should also be installed so that they can be easily accessed for maintenance and repair. For New Chenega ae separate building for the laundry facilities should not be reauired. Since only three washers and three dryers are needed the laundry facilities could be _ fairly easily accommodated in the community center. lf there is a community facility, there wil] he an initial cost saving realized from purchasing six community units versus individual units for each household. This action should decrease residential hot water use and may even allow for a downsizing of household hot water tanks, There are several areas that should be explored for poten- tial eneray saving in a community laundry facility. Waste heat from the oryers may be recoverable for use in heatina hot water and building air, according to the Cold Climate Utilities Nirec- tory. John Delapp of the federal governnent’s Office of Environ- mental Health mentioned tnat low grade heat recovery may also be vossible from wasning machine gray water. 68 My calculations indicate that approximately 74.3 MBTU/year is potentially recoverable from three conmunity dryers (table 3). Three individual dryers located in homes would generate the sane amount of waste heat; however, this heat would not be as easily recoverable as the waste heat in a central facility. The utilities directory determined that on the averse villagers do one load wash/family/day, and that the average wash cycle was 45 minutes, The average drying cycle was also 45 minutes. The wattage rating of a dryer was 41856 watts. 4856 watts x .75 hrs ercere- = 3642 watts/load load 3642 watts/load x 3.41 BTUs/hr = 17,419 BTUs/load 12,419 BIrUs/load x 23 loads/day = 285,637 8TUs/day 285,637 RTUS/day x 260 days of operation/yr = 74.3 MBTU/yr Table 3, Potentially recoverable waste heat from dryers, Source: Other homes and Garbage, watts = 3,41) RiUS/hour and Cold Climates Utilities Pirectory. According to wind Systems Fnaineerina, a community freezer and/or cooler that is reliable, secure, and has low operational costs enables rural families to be less dependent on imported food, making subsistence livina a more viable possibility. Through the use of a community freezer, costs will be less because one large freezer space wiJl gain less heat than many 69 smaller units, Better economy of scale will also be realized with a larger unit. Wind Systems Engineering did some calculations for a community freezer versus individual freezer units for the villages of Kiana, Shungnak, and Ambler, They found that while initial costs for a community freezer were greater, over a twenty year period expenses for the freezer work out to almost one-half the cost of individual freezers. This will create a saving of approximately $200.00 per family per year (Appendix IJ1). Similar saving can probably be realized for New Cheneaa, In future-—_studies a similar set of calculations as the ones in Kiana, Shungnak, and Ambler should be developed for Chenega by a qualified engineer. Summary Renewable energy sources can play an important role in meeting New Chenega’s eneray reauirements,. Some of the resources, such as wood, are locally available and auite abundant. Wind systems and solar technologies show pronise for application. Ruvilding design and construction, along with energy Conservation, are not actual resources but improve the efficiency of energy use in the village, in effect creating a new source of energy. Other renewable resources, such as hydro, methane, and 70 tidal show less promise at this time, however, upon more research and development they too may have a significant contribution to make to Chenega’s energy. 71 CHAPTER V TATITLEK ‘Much of the eneray data in this study of Chenega was hased on information from Tatitlek, A brief description of the eneray situation in Tatitlek is therefore useful for Chenega, especially if Chenega wants to avoid some of the problems Tatitlek currently has. It was originally hoped that the energy use in Tatitlek would be compared with the eneray use that is anticipated for Chenega, This would have proved valuable in determining what alternative energy technologies or better used conventional technologies would be the most suitable for New Chenega. It would also aid Tatitlek in their eneray problems, This compari- son between Tatitlek and Chenega was possible only to a limited extent because the nature of the Tatitlek data was such that direct comparisons with Chenega were very difficult. Tatitlek is the oldest remainina Native community in Prince William Sound. It is located in the northeastern part of the sound about 22 miles south of Valdez and 40 miles northwest of Cordova, Before the 1964 earthquake the communities of Chenega and Tatitlek were sister villages, -» After the 1964 earthcuake many Chenegan families were relocated to Tatitlek, several still live there. The 1964 earthauake did little damage to Tatitlek as 72 it was on high enough ground so that tsunami’s did not reach it. The one other village within the sound is Eyak, which is located next to Cordova and is an Indian village. Its people are related to the Athpaskan Indians of Interior Alaska (Communities of the Chugach Region, 1980), At the present time there are about sixteen families livina in Tatitlek with a total of about fifty-four people. This number fluctuates seasonally because of fishing, which is the economic base for the village. In May of 1980, at least eleven heads of households were engaged in some aspect of commercial fishing (Tatitlek Energy Survey, 1981). Subsistence hunting and fishing is still very much a part of the lives of the people of Tatitlek according to "Chugach Region Community Subsistence Profiles" which notes that the residents of Tatitlek still have a reliance on "commercial fishing and subsistence activities for their sustenance," Tatitlek and Chenega had many similarities in treir history, people, culture, and way of life. These simjlarities in life style and thought are still alive today. The two villages have other similarities too, namely in their oraanizations, facilities, and services. Both villages are overseen by regional organizations, Chugach Natives Inc. and the North Pacific Rim, and both communities have virtually identical village organiza- tions, these being the village councils and the village corpora= tions. The Chugach Region School. District, headquartered in 73 Whittier, operates, the school... in|) Tatitlek.and .will also be operating the school in Chenega. The State of Alaska owns’ and operates the airstrip in Tatitlek and will also have control of the airstrip in Chenega, Tatitlek has a Russian Orthodox Church of the traditional style, and it is exnected that Chenega will also. Kighteen new HUD house were scheduled to be built in Tatitlek in the summer of 1981, A satisfactory contract bid was not cau clade however, and construction of the new houses now will Mot begin until 1982, The house design is by Design Lab Inc. of Anchorage and will probably be used for the houses in Chenega, In May of 1981 John Novak, Vista Volunteer and energy consultant for the North Pacific Rim Housing Authority, conducted an energy survey in Tatitlek. The survey focussed primarily on individual households in the village. It asked such questions as how much oil was used a year for heating, problems people had with heating their homes, electrical use, number of appliances in the home, and how much energy was used for transportation, At the present time most of the homes in Tatitlek are heated WLED WOT TSG OVeSsr The oil is shipped to villages in 55 gallon drums and used as needed during the year. sbatitlek | has.only recently had electricity, two diesel generators were installed within the past two years. It has been’ recommended that the bresent diesel system pe upgraded upon the completion of the new HUD houses (lovak, 1981). 74) Eneray Problems in Tatitlek Only a brief outline of the energy situation in Tatitlek will be done here. No on site inspection of the village was done nor was any detailed energy resource data acquired as it was for Chenega, Information on Tatitlek was supplied solely by John Novak and the North Pacific Rim Housing Authority. Probably the biggest single problem in Tatitlek is poorly insulated and weatherized housing. Calculations indicate that a excessive amount of fuel is being used to heat the homes in Tatitlek, The calculations are based on Btus/sqa.ft./HDD, House dimensions (square feet) and gallons of fuel oil used a year are from the Tatitlek Eneray Survey. Heating degree days were taken from Valdez. The average number of Ptus/sa.ft./HDD for the homes in Tatitlek was 19.2 (figure 1). Chenega homes are expected to need 7.6 Btus/sqg.ft./KUD, Homes in Tatitlek are vsina what would seem to be a large amount of eneray for rome heating. Tt should also be noted that almost all the homes in Tatitlek use small portable electric heaters as a secondary heatina source (figure 2). All indications then are that most of the energy is being used very inefficiently in Tatitlek homes, Fortunately for Tatitlek the homes that are scheduled to be built in the village have been called "state of the art" for energy efficiency in HUD houses, The houses have good insula- tion, arctic entry ways, moisture vapor barriers, and an iS excellent oil/wood heating system, These houses alone should be a significant aid in easing the eneray burden in Tatitlek., For a more detailed description of the house design see Chapter V "Building Design and Construction" or Appendix IV, When the diesel generators were installed in Tatitlek it was decided to charge households a flat monthly rate for electricity. The current rate in Tatitlek is $150.00 a month (Novak, 1981), This flat rate has created a number of problems for Tatitlek. Since villagers are being charged a flat fee instead of a use rate it has encouraged villagers to use as much eJectricity as they can without regard to efficient or even necessary use, lt is very difficult to determine how many kwh/year of electricity |) Tatitlek -ts | consuming) since’ the) houses” are not metered, With some of the available intormation (aallons of diesel used tor electrical generation, peak demand, generator ratings) it would be possible to determine Kkwy/year, but this should probably be lett to an electrical engineer, Recause there is no data on the actual number of kwh consumed a year it was not possible to make a direct comparison of electrical demand in Tatitlek with what is anticipated for Chenega, An attempt was made to use some of the appliance Gata from Tatitlek in determining appliance electrical demand for Chenega. The average number of aprliances in) jieach)|||itatitlek ||(homell|iwas eleven, 1 used household number 13 from the Tatitlek FEneray 76 Survey to represent the average Tatitlek household. Household 13 had ten appliances, which was the closest any Tatitlek home came to the mean of eleven (figure 3). A wattage ratina for each appliance was determined and an approximate number of hours of use a month was estimated. From this information kwh/nmonth and kwh/year were determined (figure 4). For one year approximately 4,176 kwh would be needed to run appliances in one _ household, this figure, coupled with calculated lighting requirements figure, totaled 7,273 kwh/year a household would need for electricity. This figure when compared with the kwh/year determined by the ISER study and the Wind Systems Fngineerina study was not considered appropriate and so was not used in the end use analysis of Chapter IIl. The first thing that should be done to improve the electri- cal energy efficiency in Tatitlek is to start metering households and charging for electricity on the basis of household use, rt May not be practical to install meters on the old houses in Tatitlek, but it should definitely be feasible for the new HUD houses. Another problem for Tatitlek is fue] delivery and storage. Tne only Coast Guard approved vessel for deliverina diesel] fuel to Tatitlek is the Arcturus, which charges $3,900 for a 7,000 Jallon delivery. This delivery charae nearly doubles the total fuel costs for Tatitlek. Fuel oil for hone heating is pbrovaht in to the village in fifty-five gallon drums on fishing boats or a 77 barge (Novak, 1981), One way to reduce diesel fue) costs = and fuel oi] costs may be to construct bulk storage facilities in the village, According to the ISFR study rural communities with bulk storage facilities in Alaska usually pay less per gallon of fuel than communities without such facilities. Bulk storage facilities are one area that should be explored further for development in Tatitlek According to "Communities of the Chugach Region" there are known timber resources on Tatitlek village corporation land, If this is true there may a wood resource that could he exploited for heating in Tatitlek homes, The extent of the wood resource near Tatitlek is not known and some evaluation of it should be done to see if there is enovah for practical use. With nev HUD homes and their excellent oil/wood stoves wood could be an important eneray alternative for Tatitlek residents. Finally the most important resource in the village is the people themselves, Every effort tust he made to increase the eneray consciousness among the residents. khen the new homes are built it will be important for the people to know why they are. more energy efficient. Jt will also be important for them to Know why their homes have electric meters and that other resources (wood) are available. In effect the challenge for Tatitlek is exactly the same as the challenge for Cheneca, Btu TATITLEK 78 gallons x 138,000 Btu/gallon sq. ft. HDD ft. x 10545 x x. $y Household Gallons gallons # Fuel Oil Square Feet sq. ft. 13.09 Btu/sq. ft. 1 1045 24 x 14 = 336 ed. 13.09 40.7 2 935 24 x 40 = 960 O70 13.09 12.7 _o 1045 24 x 42 = 1008 1.04 13.09 13.6 4 385 20 x 30 = 600 64 13.09 8.4 5 1320 20 x 30 = 600 22 13.09 28.8 6 687.5 20 x 24 = 480 1.43 13.:09) 18.7 30 x 22 = 660 7 1072.5 30 x 22 = 660 8 13.09 10.5 320 8 550 — a 13, 02 ei 9 495 520 a5 13.09 12.4 10 495 24 x 16 = 384 Hs29 13.09 16.9 11 1320 20 x 24 = 480 2.75 13.09 36 12 1100 24 x 24 = 576 t. 91 13.09 25 13 412.5 24 x 11 = 264 1.56 13.09 20.4 14 --- 20 x 44 = 880 v.19 13.09 15.6 15 1045 74 --- --- --- 16 398.5 24 x 24 = 576 -69 13.09 9.0 Figure 1 Household TATITLEK Space Heating Oil Stoves Electric Heaters Wood 79 Oil Heaters 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 x MN Me NM RM OM + ~ ~ MM BM MRM MM OM * * ba * X Primary Use * Secondary Use Electricity Tatitlek Electricity all households Figure 2 80 TATITLEK Appliances Minimum residential appliances number = 3 Household #12 television coffee maker hot plate Maximum residential appliance number = 20 Household #8 television oven boiler phonograph toaster washer hair dryer dryer coffee pot freezer popcorn maker hot plate iron electric shaver waffle iron electric heater cassette CB radio eggbeater/mixer skillet vacuum Total number of appliances in Tatitlek = 164 Number of Households = 15 Mean number of appliance/household = 164 = a 15 Average household in Tatitlek will be represented by household #13. Number of anpliances Household #13 = 10 television freezer toaster hot plate coffee maker iron electric heater electric grill cassette + washer (to meet eggbeater/mixer mean of 11) Figure 3 TATITLEK DATA SHEETS 81 82 ENERGY BALANCE TATITLEK (1980) Fuel Oil Fuel Oil, Raw Fuel Consumption or Diesel (Btu _x 10°) Wood Electric Generation 25,200 gal. 3/5) Space Heat Residential SA Seigal. 1.8 Unknown Institutional Unknown Electric Power Consumotion Kwh Btu Residential Unknown Unknown Institutional Unknown Unknown Transportation Gallons Btu Diesel 8,325 ok Gasoline 6,005 nis Miscellaneous Gallons Propane 1200 lbs. Blazo 35 Kerosene 10 Source: Tatitlek Energy Survey, May 1980, John Novak, North Pacific Rim TATITLEK ENERGY CONSUMPTION 1980 Generators 200 days @ 18 hours/day x 3.7 gallons per hour 165 days @ 18 hours/day x 4.0 gallons per hour Wou (Gary Kompkoff, Tatitlek Corporation President) Residential a. Oil Stove b. Electricity c. Wood d. Cooking Institutional a. School 1. space heating ? 2. electricity b. Church 1. space heating 2. electricity c. Phone House 1. space heating ? 2. electricity Transportation a. Diesel b. Gasoline c. Motor Oil 239 barrels/year 239 barrels x 55 gallons/barrel = 150.00 month (flat rate Unknown 1. 10 gallons kerosene 2. 35 gallons Blazo 3. 1200 lbs. Propane $1,400 month electric heaters 83 13,320 gallons 11,880 gallons 25,200 gallons @ 1.25 gallons $31,500.00 13,145 gallons figured into cost for residents figured into cost for residents 5925 gallons + $3,000.00 worth (assume 1.25 gallon) 6005 gallons 52.5 gallons 1 pick-up truck 3 3-wheel bikes 5 commercial fishing boats 8 skiffs 1 skiff with inboard 3 diesel generators limited use 5925 + 2400 = 8325 gallons TATITLEK oT Present peak demand (from measurement 10-4-80 by Tectonics Incorporated) 21 buildings (including council, church) @ 2.1 kw. 44.1 kw. 1 building (school) @ 4.9 kw. 4.9 kw. 49 kw. Source: Tatitlek Energy Survey, May 1980, John Novak, North Pacific Rim Household TRANSPORTATION - Gas & Diesel Consumption By Household l1. - 2. D, G D 925/gal G 330/gal commercial fishing boat, skiff with outboard, diesel generator 3. D,G.-D 3,500/gal G 300/gal 3-wheeler, commercial fishing boat, skiff with outboard, chain saw 4. G 520/gal 3-wheeler, borrowed and reimbursed auto, skiff with outboard 5. = 6. G 75/gal (lights, stove) 7.—6 450/gal skiff with inboard, borrowed: auto, pick-up 8. G 300/gal skiff with outboard, diesel generator D = Diesel Fuel 9. G 110/gal G = Gasoline skiff with outboard, diesel generator 10. - ll. G 2,400/gal commercial fish boat, skiff with outboard 12. G 5/gal lamp 13. D, G D 1,500/gal G 540/gal commercial fish boat, skiff with outboard, borrow: auto 4.-.-G 500/gal skiff with outboard 15. G 200/gal a borrow: auto 16. oD, G D 2,400/gal G 275/gal commercial fishing boat, 3-wheeler pick-up, skiff with outboard, borrow: auto 86 CHAPTER VI RECOMMENDATIONS The following are brief recommendations for each of the aGorenemenie and renewable energy technologies considered in this report. Some of these recommendations have already been discussed in the text and will only be highliahted here, other recommendations will be discussed in more detail. Some technologies that were not discussed in the main text but were considered as other alternatives or in which the Cheneaa Village Council had expressed an interest in are also discussed, Diesel Generation Although alternative technologies were specifically examined in this report in the hopes of making New Chenega as eneray self sufficient as possible, it appears that the primary source of electricity for Cheneua will be from diese] generation, At this time Evans Island does not have an established wind electric generating potential and early indications are that there is not a suitable hydro-electric site on the island, It also does not appear that there is an econotical neans for wood electrical generation through the use of a aasifier. 87 In 1980 and 1981, energy reconnaissance studies were conducted by Holden and Associates, Wind Systems Fngineering, Inc., Northern Technical Services, and Robert bh, Retherford Associates all under contract to the Alaska Power Authority, These four separate studies were performed for a total of twenty-four Alaska villages. In almost all the villages, unless there was a proven wind vse or an excellent site for a hydro project, it was recommended that diesel generation continue to supply electrical needs, All studies reconmended that alternative energies continue to be tested, According to Wind Systems Engineering, diesel generation is established, working, and if costs can be improved, is the most reliable energy source forseeable, Furthermore, SE could not envision that any system should be "without diesel on at least a reserve basis," Some of the methods for improvina the efficiency of diesel generation and thereby increasing fuel saving that kSF sugaested include: 1. Dividing the distribution system into several circuits for sequenced startups. ?. Pown sizing the generators to smaller units which run synchronously. 3. Optimizina diesel operation via installation of battery storage banks to run the system at off peak, 4. Use of automatic switching controls to operate system, 88 Waste Heat Recovery Waste heat from diesel generation can be recovered for use as. space heat in building, waste heat recovery has been proven as a reliable heating source in several Alaska communities including Kotzebue, Dillingham, Unalakleet and Teller. Diesel electric generators in the villages are typically operated at a maximum efficiency of 30% conversion from diesel to electricity, however, data from utilities have indicated that this conversion efficiency is actually closer to 18% (Holden and Associates, 1981). Waste heat is recovered from the aqenerators jacket cooling water. About 30% of the energy input into the diesel system can be recovered from the jacket water heat (Holden and Associates, 1.981.)., Through the use of heat exchangers, waste heat can be circulated to structures within the village, usually the school or community center. Calculations indicated that 1.96 x 10FE6 qross kwh or 3,619 gross MBtu would have to be generated a year to meet Chenega’s electrical needs using diesel generation, Thirty percent of this Or 1085.7 MRtus could be recovered as waste heat (Appendix TIT). Only 88 MBtu/year is needed for all institutional space heatina, Another 957 “Btu will be needed for all residential space heating. Waste heat recovery could theoretically meet all the space heating needs for the villavze, taste heat is usually not feasible for residential use though because of the hiagh cost of installing piping to individual househo)ds (Volden and 89 Associates, 1981). By these preliminary indications, waste heat recovery could be a valuable energy source tor Chenega, Tt is recommended that the waste heat source be taken full advantage of, Once the diesel system for New Chenega is’ sized by engineers and the village layout determined by .planners, it will be possible to more accurately determine how much waste heat can be recovered and used, Organic Rankine Cycle Another way to utilize diesel waste heat is through orqganic rankine cycle turbines, Pankine cycle turbines can be used for mechanical power or for electrical power (Northern Technical Services, 1981). At the present time, oraqanic rankine cycle turbines are commercially available only on a limited tasis, In Alaska, rankine cycle turbines are currently used by Aleyeska Pipeline Service Company to power its 62 remote control gate valves, There was also a= rankine cycle turbine demostration project at Manley Hot Springs in the winter of 1980-1981 (Northern Engineer, 19890), Pankine cycles are considered to have considerable potential for application in Alaska villages (Holden ad Associates, 1981). As such, the progress of any demonstra- tion projects conducted in the near future should be watched carefully, 90 Bulk Storage Since it is expected that New Chenega will be at least par- tially dependent on delivered petroleum products, particularly diesel fvel for electric generation, one area that shows great promise for lowering the cost of fuel is the construction of a DUuUIKistoragelifacilt ty. /AGGoOraing GO the TSPRILGepOne | shipping fuel in package form (barrel or drum) costs roughly twice as much asin bulkiituell Mots inhiisuextna Costuls of \COUESe| | passed)on|(to the eénd users (villagers). If New Chenega can develop a bulk storage facility it should help lower its total eneray costs. There are some old storage tanks at the Crab Ray saltery that could possibly be used tor bulk storage, These tanks might not be suitable though because of their age and condition, Another idea that has been considered by the village council Lisi developing amiLruelMMcepotMMHatiGrabmBay mT AmflelmGeDoOumwasmin Operation at Port Ashton until 1968 or 1969, Lew a SHOWN eG HHH by Standard O11 (Chenega Village Council, 1981), One other possi- bility is for Chenega and the San Juan Hatchery to develop a joint venture in bulk fuel storage or a fuel depot. Such a facility might not only prove beneficial to Chenega and Port San Juan but) also | tol the sounds |commercial (fisherman. A bulk storage facility and/or a fuel depot should definitely be more thoroughly explored for Chenega, OL Steam Generation The Chenega village IRA Council and the North Pacific kim Housing Authority both expressed an interest in steam electric generation for New Chenega, Steam electric aeneration would entail using wood, oil, coal, peat, or a combination of these four resources to fire a boiler, producing steam to run a turbine, New Chenega will not have suitable economies of scale to support a steam generating facility. According to Wind Systems Engineering technologies such as steam aeneration cannot be supported in a village with 300,000 kwh/yr let alone a village such as Chenega which is expected to have a demand of less than 200,000 kwh/yre Steam electric generators reauire round-the-clock surveillance, are relatively complex, have a hiah initial investment, and our expensive to maintain and operate (Holden and Associates, 1981). In view of these facts steam generation does not appear to be an appropriate technology for Chenega, Coal Coal does not appear to a viable energy source for New Chenega, There are no coal resources near Fvans Island and unless the coal to be developed by Chugach hatives Inc. is made available to Chenega at a very inexpensive rate coal will not be practical for space heating or electrical aeneration,. 92 Peat Although it exists on Fvans Island peat should not’ be considered as a logical source of eneray for Cheneaa, particu- larly since there are abundant supplies of wood near the village. The peat on the island is expected to have low volume and mediocre fuel potential, Since Fvans Island is also fairly small the limited amount of area covered by peat, as well as the environmental problems of excavation act to negate the possible benefits of using peat, Buildina Design and Construction it is recommended that the desian features for the homes he carried over. into all the structures in the village. Particularly the community center and school, which wil] be the single largest eneroy users in the village. Although the Pesian Lab homes are well insulated within the linits of the HUD budget, Barkshire’ recommends that for a custom built house in a climate such as Chenega an insulating R-value of 38 be used of instead the R=27 in*the present design. Through the State of Alaska Division of Business’ Loans, several home energy loan prograns are availaple. For incorporate ing alternative energy technologies, such as solar and wind, a $10,000 loan is available. A&A $5,960 energy conservation loan is available for adding howe conservation techniques such as 93 Superinsulation or shutters. It is strongly recommended that the Chenega Village Council and North Pacific Rim Housing Authority take full advantage of these loans. Particularly for adding such things as passive solar design, solar greenhouses, shutters, and extra insulation. Solar Technologies Passive solar desian is one of the most exciting alternative energies examined in this report that would be feasible for Cheneqa. it has already been recommended by one Alaska eneray expert that solar technologies be taken advantage of whenever possible (Chapter III, Appendix IV). Calculations have indicated that the use of passive design and a shuttering system could meet a significant portion of New Cheneaa’s energy needs. Some simple modifications of the Desian I.ab homes (Chapter 111 - figure 1) could make passive solar a reality in Chenega, Df the istate: lot Alaska energy loans are taken advantage of it should not be too difficult the meet the extra expensive of a solar investrent. Passive solar should be the hiqhest priority solar technol- ogy implemented at Chenega. Other technolosies, such as the. breadbox style water heater could be added later. Active systems and photovoltaics may prove feasible at a later date, especially if the costs of photovoltaics keep coming down. 94 Hydro Preliminary indications are that hydro-electric power will not be feasible near Crab Pay (see Chapter III). A final deci- sion on hydro=power though should await the report that is being prepared by Fbasco Engineering for the Army Corps of Engineers. The first draft of this report should be available in January 1982,: WIND The first thing that should be done on Evans’ Island is to accurately record wind speed and direction. To do this reauires not only correct siting of an anemometer but also use of the. proper type anenometer, There is no convenient way for someone to make daily, weekly, or even monthly anemometer readings at Crab Ray, rarticularly durina the winter. It has been recommended that one of the anemometers now at the village site be relocated at the hatchery for the winter months (Ford, 1981). Even this action, however, may not give accurate or even useful data, Port San Juan is fairly well protected in Sawmill Ray and it is also several miles from the Chenega village site. It is recommended that a qualified wind engineer be hired by the Chenega Village Council or the North Pacific Fim Housing Authority to determine the best site for an anenoneter. The wind expert should also choose the type of anemometer to be used and 95 install it. There are models on the market today that can be read as infrequently as once a year. (Remus, 1981) Once there is wind data available a qualified wind engineer can determine the type of wind system that would be most appropriate for the village, Obviously hiring wind experts will be of some expense to Chenega, however to correctly and fully exploit the island’s wind potential this expense is justified. This snould be done as soon as possible so that future planning projects will have accurate site specific wind data to work with. Wind energy shows some of the most promise for meeting Chenega’s electricity needs, “ood Forestry studies and AFTAP calculations indicate that Crab Bay’s abundant timber resource can meet all residential space heating needs. Additionally, all institutional space heatina requirements could be met by the timber resource (Appendix J]1]). It is recommended that Chenega utilize wood as much as_ possible. It is a renewable resource and easily attainable near the villaae site. One drawback from using wood is that it has a higher’ fire hazard than fuel oil, Safe and reliable wood stoves must be used, along with standard safety practices, including community-wide education, wiood should be used in the villaue from the outset. In this «ay any problems with a "crossover" 96 from oi] to wood could be avoided, Using wood for electrical generation in aasifier or steam plant does not appear to be practical for Chenega at this time, A more detailed study at the village site is necessary though before an absolute conclusion can be reached, Methane Some sort of bio-gas digester could be installed in New Cheneaa, Although it will not produce any appreciable amount of energy, it is an environmentally sound way to dispose of waste. In light of the fact that there is some controversy over whether or not sludge human wastes can be used on food crops, more library research should be done, Tf it is found that human wastes are unsuitable, two diaes- ters could be utilized. One diyester to handle human wastes, the Sludge from which could be used on livestock crops. The second one could nandle livestock wastes for agricultural crops. Tidal It was Retherford’s recommendation that because the technol-= ogy for tidal energy is still at tne research and development. state it should be viewed with cautious optimism as an eéneray source, FRethertord added that if a prototype is found to perform 97 as is anticipated, tidal power may prove economically feasible. It is recommended that the bays and inlets of Evans Island be surveyed to see if they have the adequate tidal fluctuations, geographic features, no anadramous fish streams, and year round ice-free conditions that are necessary for tidal power. Summary The recommendations in this chapter are only a few of which might Prove suitable in New Cheneaa, Many of the above technologies such as the organic rankine cycle, wind systems, and tidal power, will be dependent on an increased data base or the results of test projects before it will be known if they are feasibie in New Chenega. Other technologies have a proven record of use in Alaska and should be easily incorporated, These technologies include diesel generation, vaste heat recovery, bulk storage, building desian and construction, wood, and eneray conservation (see Chapter IV for Eneray Conservation/Manacement recommendations). Finally some of the technologies herein, nost notably solar, have been tested in Alaska on a linited basis but show strona promise for use in New Chenega, 98 CHAPTER VII CONCLUSION The ultimate goal for New Chenega would be energy self sufficiency. While this is probably not a reasonable qoal at present Tees] one thata the Vit lage should strive for. Nonrenewable and renewable energy resources will both play an important role in meeting New Chenega’s energy demands. By using efficient existing technologies, by incorporating locally avail-~- able eneray resources, by practicing sound energy conservation and management, and by keeping an eye on new developments in all technologies Chenega should he able to have reasonably inexpensive and abundant eneray. New Chenega will be at least semi-dependent on delivered petroleum products for heat and light, however, alternative energies can help ease the fossil fuel grip. Wood and solar are the most promising of the alternative energies, wind power may have potential. All of the resources discussed in this report will have to be more closely studied before they can actually be implemented, Future studies should also include cost benefit analyses and population growth estimates. 99 The chance to work on a project such as Chenega is very rare, completely new communities are not built very often, The opportunities for the people of Cheneaa are enormous, If they so desire Chenegans can learn from the mistakes of other Alaska communities, and not just in energy planning but also in other areas, such as community organization, social services, and employment, One area Skip Poy, Rruce Melzer, and J inadvertently became involved in was the: choice of the actual village site, Three locations have been suggested for the location of New Chenega village. Two locations have been proposed for the small boat harbor. Yelzer, Roy, and I concur that the Crab Ray village site and the Crab Bay harbor location might be more desirable than the locations closer to Port Renney (map 3). The Crab fay site is superior because it has an excellent southern exposure on a gentle hillslonre, it has adequate room for expansion, and it would not involve cutting down a part of a climax forest area, The harbor site at Crab Ray was preferable to Port Renney hecause Crab Ray is deeper, larger, and appears to be better protected then Port Benney. Sitvatina the village at the Crab Bay site and the harbor at Crab Bay would also necessitate less road construc- tion to and from the village airstrip and would also avoid the bridging of a sensitive salmon spawning stream, 7 NEW CHENEGA VILLAGE SITE AT CRAB BAY, 198! POTENTIAL VILLAGE LOCATIONS X . POTENTIAL BOAT HARBORS PORT BENNEY SAWMILL BAY SOURCE: U.S.G.S. MAP Seward (A-3), Alaska,.1952 MAP 3. 101 The greatest energy saving opportunities in New Chenega may not come from using alternative energy technologies, In fact no eneray technology, be it a renewable technology or a nonrenewable technology, will be successful without a conscious and conscien- tious desire for the people of Chenega to not waste energy. This means that the Chenega people must understand the relationship between using energy for a purpose, including luxuries as well as necessities, and simply letting it dissipate into the atmosphere, If energy saving is to become a reality for the citizens of New Chenega it will be necessary for the entire community to develop a strona ethic centered around conservation, Et wa bl also be necessary for the people to act collectively on such things as timber harvesting, solar home maintenance, and transportation. 102 Dedication It is my sincere hope that the contents of this thesis will prove useful in helping New Chenega become a low-energy use village. If only the smallest fraction of what is presented here becomes an economical eneray saving method for New Chenega then this thesis will have served a useful purpose, This report is Only a first step in the direction of a comprehensive energy plan for New Chenega. The intelliacence and resourcefulness of the Chenega people may very well result in the adoption of techniques for savina energy that go far beyond what is outlined here. This is the true challenge for the people of New Cheneaa, I wish them good luck on a truly great adventure, 103 REFERENCES Alaska, State of, (1974), Alaska Regional Profiles, Southcentral Region, Juneau. Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development, Alaska Regional Energy Resources Planning Proj ject - Phase I, Alaska's Energy ys te Anchorage. Resource Finding and Ana Alternative Energy Technical Assistance Program, (1981), Community Alternative Energy Profiles, Anchorage. Alternative Energy Technical Assistance Program, (1981), Energy Design in Alaska Native Housing. Angvik, Jane, (1975), General Demographic Information - Chenega, Chenega Village I.R.A. Council, Anchorage. Appropriate Energections, (Winter 1981), Solar Power Working on the Railroad in Alaska, Alaska Energy Extension Service, Division of Energy and Power Development, Anchorage. Appropriate Energections, (Fall 1981), An Illuminating Idea, Alaska Energy Extension Service, Division of Energy and Power Development, Anchorage Barkshire, James, (1981), Energy Efficient Analysis of Proposed North Pacific Rim P. Houses, Alaska Renewable Energy Associates, Anchorage. Battelle Memorial Institute, (1981), Wind Energy Resource Atlas: Volume 10 - Alaska. Bessette, Duane, (1981), Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development, personal communication. Bones, J.T., (1968), Volume Tables and Equations for Old-Growth Western Hemlock and Sitka Spruce in Southeast Alaska, Institute for Northern Forestry. Borash, Carl, (1981), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, personal communication. Brodmerkle, Ron, (1981), Barkers Fuel, personal communication. Chenega Village I.R.A. Council, (1981), New Chenega Program, Anchorage. Development Cochran, Jim, (1981), Prince William Sound Aquaculture Corpora- tion (Cordova), personal communication. 104 Delapp, John, (1981), United States Office of Environmental Health (Anchorage), personal communication. Evanoff, Gail, (1981), President Chenega Village I.R.A. Council, personal communications. Ford, Dick, (1981), North Pacific Rim Housing Authority, personal communication. Gilbreth, Easy, (1981), Alaska Oil and Gas Association (Anchorage), personal communication. Goldsmith, 0.S., and William E. Nebesky, (1981), The Impact of Rising Energy Prices on Rural Alaska Villages, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska, Anchorage. H.V. Lounsbury and Associates, (1980), New Chenega Preliminary Plan, Anchorage. Holden and Associates, (1981), Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements and Alternatives for Kaltag, Savoonga, White Mountain, and Elim, Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage. Jansen, Lone, (1976), Chenega History, Chenega Village I.R.A. Council, Anchorage. Johannsen, Neil and Elizabeth, (1975), Exploring Alaska's Prince William Sound, Alaska Travel Publications Inc., Craftsmen Press, Seattle. Kompkoff, Gary, (1981), President Tatitlek Village Corporation, personal communication. Leckie, Jim, et al, (1975), Other Homes and Garbage; Designs for Self Sufficient Living, Sierra Club Books, San Francisco. Leonard, Lee, (1980), Stalking the Organic Rankine Cycle in Alaska, Northern Engineer, vol. 12, no. 4., Fairbanks. Lindsey, Dale, (1981) Harbor Enterprises (Seward), personal communication. Long, E., and Mason Wade, (1976), Chenega Field Trip Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Flood Plain Management Services, Anchorage. Newell, Mark, (1981), Wind Systems Engineering (Anchorage), ‘per-_ sonal communication. North Pacific Rim Housing Authority, (1981), Tatitlek Energy Survey, Anchorage. 105 North Pacific Rim Human Services Corporation, (1980), Communities of the Chugach Native Region, Anchorage. Northern Technical Services, (1981), Community Energy Reconnaissance of Goodnews Bay, Grayling, Scammon Bay, and Togiak, Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage. Northern Technical Services, (1981), Peat Resource Estimation in Alaska, Anchorage. Novak, John, (1981) North Pacific Rim Housing Authority, personal communications. Propes, Carl, (1981), Chugach Natives Inc., (Anchorage), personal communication. Protzman, Gary, (1981), Itswoot owner (Whittier), personal communication. Remus, Emil, (1981), Four Winds of Alaska (Anchorage), personal communication. Rieger, Samuel, (1977), Crab Bay Soil Survey, United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Palmer. Robert W. Retherford and Associates, (1981), Angoon Tidal Power and Comparative Analysis Angoon, Alaska, Alaska Division of Energy and Power Development, Anchorage. Robert W. Retherford and Associates, (1981), Reconnaissance Study of Energy Resource Alternatives for Thirteen Western Alaska Villages, Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage. Shelton, J., (1977) The Woodburner's Encyclopedia - Wood as Energy, Vermont Crossroads Press, Vt. Tundra Times, (12/22/76), Chenega: Village That Refuses to Die, Vol. 13, No. 51., Anchorage. Wind Systems Engineering, Inc., (1980), Reconnaissance Study of Energy Alternatives, Shungnak, Kiana, and Ambler, Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage. United States Environmental Protection Agency et al, (1979), Cold Climate Utilities Delivery and Design Manual, Washington, D.C. United States Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data Service, Alaska Annual Weather Summary, volume 61, no. 13, 1975-79, Washington, D.C. . 106 Zimicke, Judy, (1981), peat expert, personal communication. 107 CRAB BAY PICTURES Three possible village sites: Port Benney Site, open area in foreground, Hemlock-Spruce forest site in middle-ground, Crab Fay site at middle right. Fort Benney. Port Eenney;village site at top of picture. One of the possible village sites at top of picture. Abandoned saltery in the foreground. View looking north. Crab Bay village site to the right. Hemlock-Spruce forest at left. View from Port Benney village site. Sawmill Bay and Port San Juan in background. Crab Bay Saltery. Crab Eay beach, abandoned saltery in back- ground illage site. Looking south from Crab Bay v Crab Bay to the left. Inside Hemlock-Spruce climax forest, one of the potential village sites. Port San Juan. Crab Bay Saltery. Tender ship in background. Port Benney wind anenometer. Water line for Crab Bay Saltery. 115 APPENDICES 116 APPENDIX A CLIMATE PESCKIPTION AWD DATA FOR CRAB BRAY A reaion’s climate will effect a community’s eneray reauire- ments, The more accurate a reaion’s climatic data the better a communities eneray needs can be discerned, Fortunately for "ew Chenega a weather station vas in operation at Crab Ray from 1975 until the srrina of 1979, Climatic data from this weather station was a key element in this study, particularly for the end use analysis in Part JI and the resource evaluation in Part IJ1I. Evans Island and Crab Ray have a remarkably mild climate. The island’s maritime influence has eased the temperature extremes that are common in other parts of Alaska, Jt has also brought in an abundant supply of precipitation, Jn 1976 total precipitation at Crab Pay was 196 inches, in 1978 it was 375 inches. Much of this precipitation falls as snow in the winter. Maximum snow depth during the winter will reach anywhere’ from three to five feet. The temperatures at Crab Pay are not extreme, The average annua) temnerature from 1975 to 1978 was 40 degrees F, Nurina virtvally the sare period only a handful of Gays were above 70 deorees and only one day was OQ decrees or colder. These records for precipitation and temnerature vere only for a five vear period, however, the nearby island of Latouche, «here climatic data has been recorded for a lonaer period of time, has had a minimum extreme temrerature Of only 1 deyree F, ’hile Evans and Tatouche islands hask in relativelv warm temneratures the nearby coastal communities of Whittier, Valdez, Cordova, and Seward have all had minimum temneratures below -20 dearees F. (Alaska Peaional Profiles, 1974) Tne nost important clinatic data from Crab. Ray were the heatina degree days. For every aay when the mean temperature jis below 65 jearees heating deoree days accumulate. For example, if the mean temperature for a day in Mctober was 40 degrees, 25 heatina dearee days woulda accumulate. The larger the number of heatina dearee says in an area aenerally the laraer the amronnt of eneray needed to heat hones and buvildina, Rarrow, Alaska bas about 20,000 heating dearee days? Anchorage, Alaska has around 11,0090, The average for Cheneaa for 1974-75 to 1977-78 was 8,920, This number is very low «hen compared vith the rest of Alaska, It is also about the sare as the heating dearee days for the state of "“aine and the upper reaions of the states of Michigan and *tisconsin. (Alaska Regional Profiles, 1974) The mild climate at Crab Pay should vork to the advartace of New Cheneae, particularly for its srace reatina requirenents. HEATING DEGREE. DAYS IN CHENEGA YEAR July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb., Mar. Apr. May June TOTAL 74-75 314 256 374 735 884 1051 1202 1059 1094 942 741 526 9178 75-76 301 306 469 769 1050 =—-:11213 1142 1093 1048 8882 752 469 9494 76-77 301 326 530 822 860 1001 888 883 1094 902 730 406 8693 77-78 254 232 357 683 1038 1157 950 830 920 (777 612 414 8315 Average 292.5 302.75 432.5 752.3 958 1105.5 1045.5 953.8 1039 875.8 708.8 453.8 89.20.0 PRECIPITATION CHENEGA YEAR Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. TOTAL 1975 11.88 - = 12.40 12.31 4.00 2.93 5.72 17.58 15.19 9.90 16.30 1976 15.08 6.67 12.55 16.17 gS O77; 2.78 Lele Il.11l 31.42 23.06 42.11 19.59 195.6 1977 29.55 26.82 10.29 14.13 7.82 3.76 3.74 - 12.15 36.14 3.15 4.64 1978 14.49 22.40 17.34 7.81 16.75 4.35 6.74 7.06 14.10 30.98 11.29 21.56 174.87 1979 9.19 1.74 13.19 3.96 m sad be 2 = = = S = Average 10.04 14.41 13.34 10.89 12.71 3.72 3.64 7.96 18.81 26.3 16.6 15.5 SNOW/SLEET Maximum Depth on Ground YEAR Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1975 34 60 30 N/R 60 0 0) 0 0 0 22 23 1976 42 Si 71 74 49 0 0 0 0 11 8 16 LO7T. 5 2 32 38 10 0 0 0 0 10 17 28 1978 20 29 23 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 38 1979 60 60 68 53 SNOW CHENEGA Total YEAR Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 1975 26.2 116.5 21.3 2.0 a5) 0 0 0 0 0 40.2 56.4 1976 41.4 26.2 55.1 26.3 z 0 0 0 0 18.5 9.0 38.1 1977 5.0 6.5 63.8 28.9 ) 0 0 0 0 8.4 23.2 38.5 = 1978 11.5 41.4 16.2 15 0 0 0 0 0 : 2.8 N/R & 1979 51.0 14.4 29.0 5 - - * = - es - ms AVERAGE TEMPERATURES CHENEGA YEAR ANNUAL JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. 1975 38.2 25.9 26.9 29.5 33.5 40.8 47.2 55.1 54,9 49.1 39.9 29.8 25.7 1976 39.5 27.9 27.0 30.9 35.3 40.5 49.2 55,0 54.2 47.0 38.2 36.1 32.5 1977 41.0 36.2 35.1 29.5 34.7 41.2 51.2 56.6 54.4 52.8 42.7 30.1 27.5 1978 42.4 34.0 35.1 35.3 38.9 45.0 51.0 53.6 58.5 51.8 42.5 34.2 29.5 1979 - 32.3. 24.1 34,1 39.2 - - - - - 7 = = AVERAGE 31.3 29.6 31.8 36.3 41.9 49.7 55.1 55.5 50.2 40.8 32.6 28.8 NUMBER OF DAYS BELOW 0° YEAR NO. OF DAYS COLDEST TEMP. MONTHS RECORDED 1975 1 O°F January 1976 0 10°F January, April 1977 0 12°F March, December 1978 0 11°F December 1979 0 10°F February NUMBER OF DAYS ABOVE 70°F YEAR NO. OF DAYS TEMPERATURE 1975 8 81°F 1976 5 750F 1977 13 730F August and July Missing 1978 6 16°F 1979 8IT 119 Appendix II ENERGY END USE ANALYSIS CALCULATIONS 120 1. Residential Energy Analysis A. Space Heating Assumptions made in approximating fuel consumption for a 3 bedroom house. A summary method is presented here; for detailed discussion, contact the Energy Extension Service, McKay Building, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. Conduction Heat Loss Building Elements : x square feet x 24 hours x HDD annual = BTUs/year Floor + Roof + Walls + Glass + Doors Total DT-65 Area R Value 65-0 Element 24 hrs/day Sq. Ft U Value HDD/yr BTU/year Walls 24 990 27.6/.036 65/8920 7629811/yr Roof 24 945 39.5/.025 65/8920 5057640/yr Floor 24 68 39.5/.025 65/8920 5057640/yr Windows 24 21 1.72/.6 65/8920 8734464/yr Doors 24 8/.125 65/8920 561960/yr 27041515.0 BTU/year 27.0 M BTU Infiltration Heat Loss Volume x 0.018 BUT/f£t? x HDD annual x Air Changes = BTUs/year Volume = 945 sq. gt. x 8' ceiling height = 7560 ft. 7560 et? x 0,018 BTU/Et.> x 8920 x .5 = 14,566,003 BTU 14.6 MBTU Total Heat Loss = Infiltration + Conduction 27.0 mBTU + 14.6 MBTU = 41.6 MBTU i121 Fuel Calculations Space Heating Fuel Oil = 41.6 x 10° 1 x 1 gallon used year x 138,000 -65 gallon BTU/gal effective 463 gallons/year/family Wood = 41.6 x 10° Bru , i. : 1 year 17.6 x 10 BTU/cord -75 cord effective BTU/square foot BTU sq. ft. HDD gallons x 138,000 = BTU sq. ft. x 8920 sq. ft. HDD 463 gallons x 138,000 i 63894000 945 x 8920 8429400 7.58 BTU/sq. ft./HDD Sources AETAP Community Profiles, 1981 Design Lab Housing Plans, 1981, AETAP Climate Data 6 Ken Killburn Western Hemlock, 20% moisture = 17.6 x 10° BTU/cord APA Energy Reconnaissence Study 122 B. Residential Hot Water Use 20 gallon/person/day x 365 days = 7,300 gallons/year 38°F inlet - 135°F outlet = 97°F A T 8.3 lbs/gal 7300 gal/person x 8.3 lbs/gal x 1 BTU/1b°OF x 97°F = 5,877,230 5.8 MBTU/person/year 5.8 x 75 people = 435 MBTU/year/village 5.8 x 1.35 (furnace efficiency of 65%) = 7.8 MBTU/yr/person 7.8 MBTU x 75 people 585 MBTU/yr/village Fuel Calculations Hot Water Fuel Oil: 4.35 x 10° | z x 1 year 138,000 BTU/gal -65 gal effective = 4,849 gallons/yr/village 4849 gallons/yr/village 33 housenclds = 210 gallons/yr/household Wood: 4.35 x 10° | 1 x 1 year 17.6 x 10° BTU/cord -75 cord effective = 33 cords/year/village 33 cords/year/vill _ 33 fyear/vi tage = 1.4 cords/year/household C. Residential Cooking Assume 9 gallons/propane month/household 1 gallon = 4.23 lbs. 9 gallons/mo. x 12 = 108 gallons year 108 gallons x 4.23 lbs/gallon = 457 lbs/year 108 gallons/year/household x 23 households = 2,484 gallons/ year 2484 gallons x 4.23 lbs/gallon = 10,507 lbs/year E23) D. Electricity The ISER Study estimated electrical consumption for rural Alaska villages at 7800 Kwh/year. Appliance kwh/yr Range 1200 Freezer 1560 Refrigerator 1800 Washer & Dryer 1400 (without hot water) Television 600 Lights 1200 Total 7800 kwh/year Wind Systems Engineering reduced this figure because "villages do not use electric ranges, freezers are un- plugged at least 6 months/year, washer and dryers are not common in homes and lights probably are not used as much because of reduced floor space. Energy use taking these factors into account for the study villages could then be:" Freezer 780 kwh/yr. Refrigerator 1350 kwh/yr. Television 600 kwh/yr. Lights 1000 kwh/yr. Total 3730 kwh/yr. The Comparative Analysis of Utility Costs prepared by Design Lab Inc. determined electrical use for the houses it designed as follows: Utility Quantity Per Month: USE © UNIT 3BR Lights, Refrigerator, Etc. KW. 285 Small Appliances, T.V. KW. 150 Total 435 435 kwh/month ‘x 12 = 5220 kwh/year/household 124 AETAP determined household lighting requirements by assuming .5 watts/sq. ft./household and 18 hours/day/use. 2 £t.2 watts/ft. total watts hours/wk. kwh/yr. 2 945 aD Lt. 472.5 126 3,095 To determine appliance use AETAP used household number 13 in Tatitlik to represent an average household appliance number. (See Tatitlik appliances.) 4,176 kwh/year/household 4176 kwh/year 12 = 348 kwh/mo. 3095 kwh/yr/lighting 4176 kwh/yr/appliances 7273 kwh/yr/total AETAP felt that the household electrical needs deter- mined by the ISER Study and from out own calculations based on Tatitlik data were too high. It was also felt that WSE estimates were too low. It was our feeling that Design Lab's figures would probably be the closest approximation for the village of Chenega. AETAP modified Design Lab's figures slightly to include our own estimate for lighting and a slightly higher use of appliances. We choose 5500 kwh/year/household as our figure. : 3095 kwh/year/lighting 2405 kwh/year/appliances 5500 kwh/year/total 3095 nub yest/tighting = 258 kwh/mo. 2405 xwh/year/appliances = 200 kWh/mo. 5500 kwh/year/household x 23 households = 126,500 k2h/yr/residential 2. A. 125 Institutional/Community Buildings Space Heating use factor BTU/sq. ft. hrs. /wk. MBTU/yr. Community 2500 £t.? 7:6 60 59.3 Center Church 1500 £t.? 7.6 10 5.9 Firehouse 1000 ft.7 7.6 5 1.98 Sanitation 500 ft. 7-8 20 3.95 Facility Dock/Ware- 500 ft.** 7.6 25 4.9 house School 1200 £t.? dai. 1418 12.9 35/hr.wk. + 40 wk. = 1418 TOTAL MBTU 88.93 * Dock/Warehouse has a total of 2000 sq. ft. It is esti- mated that only 500 sq. ft. 7.6 BTU/sq. Ets of this will be heated. calculated from New Chenega residential 126 Fuel Calculations Space Heating 6 seg I Bro 3.1 SCIELO 1 1 gallon used eal year * [38,000 ~* .65 gallon effective BTU/gal = 991 gallons/year 6 1 88.93 x 10 ae Me eee eee ee ya 6 a pe Le oe year * 17.6 x 10 BTU/cord * 775 cord effective 6.7 cords/year 127 B. Electricity 1. Lighting 2 total occupancy lighting sq. ft. watt/ft. watts hrs. /wk. kwh/yr. Community 2 Center 2500 ft. 1.0 2500 60 7,800 Church 1500 £t.? 1.0 1500 10 780 Firehouse 1000 ft. 1.0 1000 5 260 Sanitation 2 Facility 500 ft. L...5 750 20 780 Dock/Ware- 2 house 2000 ft. 1.0 2000 25 2,600 School 1200 £e;* 2.0 5000 35/hr. 7,090 wk.+40wk.= 1418 hrs. TOTAL KWH 19,310 128 2. Other Electrical Use watts total use sq. ft. sq. ft. watts hrs. /wk. kwh/year Community * Center 5 offices 2,000 <7 5 1,500 40 3,120 Firehouse 1,000 75 750 5 195 Sanitation Facility 500 =T5 375 20 390 Dock/Ware- house 2,000 75 1,500 30 2,340 School 1,200 -75 900 1,600 1,440 (40 hrs/wk x 40 wk/yr = 1600) TOTAL KWH 7,485 Sources: other eletrical needs include office equipment, electric tools, pumps, electric motors, etc. use. .75 watt/sq. ft. lighting watts/sq. ft. were adjusted from: Energy Conservation Design Manual for New Non-residential Buildings, State of California, Energy Resources Conservation Development Commission, Conservation Division, October 1977. use hours estimated community center square footage from conversation with Sharon Zeman and Gail Evanoff. school square footage based on Chugach School District's specifications for a school of 10-20 students. firehouse square footage of Tatitlek firehouse. church, sanitation facility, dock/warehouse squre footages estimated. * Community Center 5 offices (Council office, corporation office, post office, communications room, clinic). Assume each office is 20' x 20! 20' x 20 ' = 400 sq. ft. 400 sq. ft. x 5 = 2000 sq. ft. 129 3. Community Laundromat and Freezer Community Laundromat 3 Washers, 3 Dryers Washing Machines 1 load/family/day 45 minutes a load 1 load/family/day x 23 families = 23 loads/day 23 loads/day x 260 days/year (5 day a week operation) = 5980 loads/year 5890 loads/year x .75 hrs. = 4485 hrs./yr. load load il Average wattage washing machine 512 4485 hrs./year x 512 watts - 2296 kwh/year Dryers 1 load/family/day 45 minutes a load 1 load/family/day x 23 families = 23 loads/day 23 loads/day x 260 days/year = 5980 loads/year 5980 loads/year x .75 hrs. = 4485 hours/year load Average wattage dryer = 4856 4485 hrs./year x 4856 watts = 21,779 Kwh/year Source: Cold Climate Utilities Directory Chugach Electric Association Community Freezer 11,666 Kwh/year (1/3 of Kwh/year needed for Community freezer described in WSE Study.) 130 Total Institutional Electrical Lighting 19,310 Kwh/year Other electrical 7,485 Kwh/year Community Laundromat 24,075 Kwh/year Community Freezer 11,666 Kwh/year 62,536 Kwh/year 3. Commercial Energy Analysis (Store) A. Space Heating in size, uo Assume 3 bedroom house with an additional 300 sq. ft. and window area 7% of total wall area (from Design Lab Specs.). 1 additional door, Roof 945 + 300 = 1245 sq. ft. Floor 945 + 300 = 1245 sq. ft. Walls 2st Ser nc. Windows omsqeeenhe. Doors 427Sqe Lt. Conduction Heat Loss Building Elements z x sq. ft. x 24 hrs. x HDD annual = BTU's/yr. Floor + Roof + Walls + Glass + Door an Total D-65 Area R Value 65-0 BTU hour Element 24 hr/day Sqm ite U Value HDD/yr BTU/year Walls 24 13727) 27.6/.036 65/8920 10612374 Roof 24 1245 39.5/.025 65/8920 6663240 Floor 24 1245 39.5/.025 65/8920 6663240 Windows 24 96 dii27750 65/8920 12331008 Door 24 42 872125 65/8920 1123920.0 37393782.0 BTU/yr. 37.4 MBTU 132 Infiltration Heat Loss 3 Volume x 0.018 BTU/ft.~ x 24 hrs. x HDD annual x air changes = BTU's/year Assumed .75 air changes (Retherford) 2 3 x 8 ft. = 9960 ft. 3 Volume = 1245 ft. 3 9960 ft.” x 0.018 BTU/ft.~ x 24 hrs. x 8920 x .075 = 38380262 BTU's/year 38.4 MBTU Total Heat Loss = Infiltration + Conduction 37.4 + 38.4 = 75.8 MBTU Fuel Calculations 6 ‘ 75.8 x 10° BTU 1 1 gallon used Fuel Oil year 7 138,000 zs -65 gallon effective 75.8 x 10° 4 = 8.45 x 107 8.97 x 10 845 gallons/year/commercial yaaa 75.8 x 10° Bru , l ~ 1 cord year 6 -75 cord eff. 17.6 x 10° BTU/cord — 75.8 x 10° _ 5.74 13.2 x 10 Il 5.74 cords wood/year/commerical operation Sources: Same as for Community Residential Space Heating. 133 D. Electricity total occupancy lighting Scrat. watt/ft. watts hrs./wk. kwh/yr. Lighting 300 5 150 40 32 Other electrical 300 ate 225 40 468 TOTAL 780 4. Industrial See text Part II 5. Transportation See text Part II Appendix III Waste Heat Calculations Solar Technologies A. Description B. Passive Solar Calculations Alaska ENERGY EFFICIENT GREENHOUSE Plans Wind Data Wood Resource Calculations Mobile Dimension Sawmill Methane Calculations 134 135 1. WASTE HEAT CALCULATIONS: Diesel Generator at 18% efficiency - 189,916 kwh consumed a year (net) 189,816 kwh/yr _ 1,050,000 kwh/year (gross -18 1.05 x 10° kwh/year x 3.414 x 10° BTUS/kwh = 3.60 x 10? BTUs/year 3.60 x 10? BTU/yr. 138,000 BTUs/gallon = 26,088 gallons/year Recoverable BTUs = 30% x 3619 MBTU = 1085.7 MBTU Actual Diesel Consumption - Tatitlek 1980 = 25,200 Forecasted Diesel Consumption Chenega = 26,088 25,200 56,008 136 2. SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES A. Passive Solar There are three major classifications for passive solar design: direct gain, thermal storage walls, and attached sunspaces. Direct gain solar allows the sun's energy to be absorbed through south facing glazing and stored within the building through a storage mass of concrete, rock or water. This allows the excess energy absorbed during the day to be carried over into the night. The disadvantages of direct gain are glare, fading of fabric from ultraviolet light, and large temperature flucuations. Thermal storage walls utilize a wall immediately behind the south facing glazing that can absorb and store incoming solar energy. The termal storage mass of the walls can be masonry or water contain- ers. Thermal storage walls prevent the sum from shining directly into the living space and so elim- inates the three disadvantages of direct gain. . The third passive solar method is the attached sun- space or solar greenhouse. A solar greenhouse has glass only to the south, the east and west sides are enclosed. It is actually a combination of the previous two that consists of direct gain sunspace and an indirectly heated space (the living area) which is separated by a thermal storage medium. The excess heat that is generated in the greenhouse will be transferred into the living area by con- vection. 137 PASSIVE SOLAR CALCULATIONS New Chenega - Effect of shuttering existing windows Area = 68 Existing R = 1.7 (double pane) Shutter = R-10, in place & time Old Loss = 68 x 0.58 x 24 x 8290 = 7.85 mm BTU New Loss = 68 x .150 x 24 x 8290 = 2.03 mm BTU Net Gain 5.82 mm BTU New Chenega 3 Bedroom Residence - Conversion to passive solar Goal: Convert south wall to passive solar by adding 128° sq. ft. of double pane glass with an R-10 shutter in place 4 time and adding R-10 shutters in places time to the existing double glazing, 22 sq. ft. Gain: 1. Conservation - shuttering existing glazing + 1.9 MMBTU 2. Selar: BTU/sq. ft. - yr. X SF X Area (Kodiak) (Homer) 252,000 X .7042 X 150 sq. ft. = 26.6 MMBTU + 28.5 MMBTU Losses - Conservation - reducing effective R-value by substituting R-6.7 glass and shutters for R-27.6 opaque wall. - 2.9 MMBTU Net + 25.6 MMBTU ALASKA ENERGY EFFICIENT GREENHOUSE fe Ww @ SSOCIATES Seda N YY. ALASKA _RENEWA) "eating nae WEST, ELEVATION Utewor 2K 0 OER HLL TT HTT = a eee RPTER? musr eEsk\ OREOLY VIR BL SND? Dy CeORR LEIA ROOF MING PLAN niet Jian ALASKA RENEWABLE ENERGY ASSOCIATES [ae ELEVATIONS ATTACHEO MOCEL PLANS, | Hil % cates G/60 eM bet rte at nye RT AUIS Ty 4aanag—~ q wler NOt cull uke TANS OF TE LIS. MAL PRVELED STE UNCER “UI FoR 12 ad ANG 24 DEVELED HSE WAKE 246 EP Hale hues e@ 20L. oS Reber VERT © MOL.—GRat LbLLd (AAS DNR DO ner) PXO' COC FCOUNG 2-75 REAR CONT. wo adr & 2F0L. CAST wou. 214 ARRNG STRPS HPABON- Wezcoc ||} VERGD NAL Th CETHEEN GML Wt BARKER INTBRIER Frise BY CHNER > _- [SS Wid AN BO tt 249 PRELORE “TREED Ae AY I) pees WOND BEM Ly I$ KEBAR CONT, FOUnaL ——— °5 REEKR VERTLAL 2 0.0.—GRuT Gus —~__— <s AY \ NAINA Wi TALE DO tr ATE (NP) %e" PLYnoco AKASIED WIEN riitatot 1B MARPLE CarsuM eremD 2 Fe RYNOD (VER0US PNOHES DALtOLS ) DNOCD BOURD ((60AR K6OHODV, TL.) ALASKA RENEWABLE ENERGY ASSOCIATES BUILDING & WALL SECTIONS SHEET Ort rg ATTACHED MODEL - ALY UL! Hite on tae fiber SGuthe buTl eA) shinai ut reer Expting S1UD WoL NOTES @ NOT Cul WO Aart OF HE TI'S NAL PAYA ED CLOCK UNDER TH FR V2 ACH. NOTED Nuclout | e1bRCR HEED NOT SHOWN WN (PN TE D) AEM WAL W PLATES BNOIRS 4cDMTL VENI D be CONTINUE EY THA EN OR" TeKnorOR’ OR "HEAT MYACR! BY CAURORNA wig 3s Anscop 2 LAYERS THERM Rai NALSTON BORD STADE 36! Pao cOTINUOUS: PRUEBER Gass (IRATHOKETHIPANG) 2x2 CEQR FRA’ LAZING DETAIL Uta way NOTES! NOUS SEMIN HELD Sibi AS ROMMENDEO, DAY D>" WN LENGTH. ZBWANT TD 66 GE"O0O SLKOMS SEALANT, CE SIUGLAZE SRLLANT, OR PQUAL, BACBRAUSS GATING SUGWSTEOS KAL- ui SUNUTE PREMIUM I (.OX)- MA" WOTH D FROVOE FR OFA OND 2TLOS. Tvl Qc! SECTIONS & DETAILS BOTH MOOELS i} Sraner Ce Cee We 908 NO.+ DATE: /@0 PLAN, ALASKA RENEWABLE ENERGY ASSOCIATES MOOEL ELEVATIONS FREES TANOING cine SECTION A, iat CINMULATION NOT HIN FOR asnry) €or NERGY ASSOCIATES ALASKA RENE WABL OATEs Wao SS eeceneiirel —=S — w 8 =z = ig we 9 Zo |2 $2 | 53 ad we | oe lt 82 ¢ : 4. WIND DATA Anemometer located on a knoll near Old Saltery: DATE 7/14/81 7/19/81 7/23/81 7/30/81 Average 7/14/81 7/23/81 7/30/81 Port Benney DATE 7/14/81 7/19/81 7/23/81 7/30/81 7/14/81 7/23/81 7/30/81 Wind Speed (mph) 130,117 TIME 1520 hours 11:35 a.m. (not useable) 1110 hours © 940 hours 91,200 9,110 66,600 46,404 56,400 Anemometer: TIME 1530 hours 11:50 a.m (not useable) 1120 hours 935 hours 85,990 91,800 5,000 67,200 24,210 56,100 NUMBER OF COUNTS 130,177 36,207 9,110 46,404 # of counts total time in minutes 1.43 mph -14 mph -82 mph NUMBER OF COUNTS 85,990 22,506 5,000 24,210 -94 mph -07 mph -43 mph 144 5. WOOD RESOURCE CALCULATIONS 145 Sawmill Calculations $7,450 initial investment (as of July 23, 1981) $80/year maintenance 1 gallon of gas/750 bd. ft. 1 person can saw 2,000 bd. ft./day Total of 40,000 bd. ft. milled $7,450 + $80/year + $107/year gas + $6,000* labor = $15,637 * labor cost includes $100/day/pers for 20 days 1 person millwright 1 person skidding finished lumber to village 2 people logging and transporting to mill Cost Calculations of Buying Pre-Milled Timber 2" x 6" x 8' planks hem/fir 43/ft.* or $3.44/plank* 4,800 planks needed Total Cost $16,800 * As quoted by Spendard Builder's Supply -7/28/81 Assumed cost included purchasing and shipping from Seattle. Assumed similar expense for Chenega Natives. Cord wood needed each year to fuel wood gasifier 1.0 kw = 3,412 BTUs 17% efficiency for gasifier/generation based on wood with 20% moisture content 190,000 kw/yr estimated demand for Chenega Village 15.8 million BTUs/cord - high heating value for Sitka Spruce 190,000 kw/yr (3,412 PTUs/kw) = 3,813 million BTU's -17 efficiency each year 3,813 million BTUs/yr = 241 cords/yr needed to fuel 5.8 million BTUs/cord gasifier 146 Cord wood needed each year for institutional heating. 6 88.9 x 10° BTUs/yr estimated institutional heading demand 17.6 x 10° BTUs/cord - high heat value for Western Hemlock 75% cord effectiveness 88.9 x 10° BTUS/yr —— os 17.6 x 10 BTUs/cord ( 1 ) .75/cord effectiveness 6.7 cords/yr Presenting: The Mobife Dimension Saw. The Mobile Dimension Saw turns logs into lumber by traveling through the 1g instead of the log traveling through the saw. The saw travels along a rigid ack sawing the log from one end to the other. The log is completely sawed ithout being moved or turned. The Mobile Dimension Saw has three saw blades simultaneously cutting te width, depth and length dimensions of the lumber. The lumber is sawed ccurately because it is cut in one operation. The three saw blades allow nlimited capabilities so that any size log in diameter can be sawed. The Mobile Dimension Saw’s design and operation create a great reduction size and weight. The sawmill weighs less than 700° Ibs. (318 kg.). Ht can asily be moved on its trailer or else disassembled into four complete units 1d carried by aircraft, animal or man anywhere. Jeight of Model 12 or 127 with 20 feet (6.1 meters) of track less trailer. The Mobile Dimension Saw requires only one man to operate and move. Simplicity, compactness and light weight make it possible for one man to move, set-up and operate. The operator stays at one end, controlling the operation and size of lumber being sawed! The carriage automatically travels the length of the log, cutting it into one or two pieces of lumber; it then reverses itself and brings the lumber back to the operator for easy handling. One man can produce from 1,500 to 6,000 board feet of lumber per day depending on the size of lumber being sawed; the diameter, length, species of log, and optional equipment used. The Mobile Dimension Saw cuts both hardwoods and softwoods with no changes or alterations. The variable feedworks permit optimum cutting speeds for all sizes of lumber and all species of trees. The Mobile Dimension Saw is maintained at the sawing site. All saw blades have inserted teeth that are quickly and easily removed, sharpened and re- placed. There are no complicated or expensive parts to wear out or break down. Rubber belts transfer all the power to the saws and feedworks. The belts are easily changed and usually last from six months to over a year. The Mobile Dimension Saw cuts any and all sizes of lumber up to the maxi- mum size of the model. Accuracy of the lumber is 1/32”. All models can cut one timber of any size per log. The Mobile Dimension Saw comes with 20 feet of track. That amount of track allows you to saw 16’6” in length with the block method, and 14’6" plus in length using the end stand method. Additional track sections make it possible to saw any length up to 60 feet. They are available in 4, 6 and 10 feet sections. Each added foot of track, add that amount to the sawing length. 7 The Mobile Dimension Saw is so mobile it can go just about anywhere. So accurate you can build without planing the lumber. So economical that it uses less than half the energy of any standard mill. So unique it takes only one man to operate. So capable it saws any size logs in diameter, lengths up to 60 feet, hardwoods or softwoods. The new era is ushered in by the most versatile sawmill ever made . .. THE MOBILE DIMENSION SAW!!! The Mobile Dimension Saw is quickly and easily moved to each log. re ne ee f Moving from log to log eliminates the need for log moving equipment. The build-up of the boards and spacer blocks. The Mobile Dimension Saw is (included) trailer allows one man to transfer the sawmill to the log. The log is vanced sideways, controlled by positive lumber gauges that give precise siz prepared by simply stacking boards and spacer blocks at the two ends. Dif- Lumber gauges are easily changed for different sizes of lumber. This met! ferent sizes of lumber are obtained by using various sized spacer blocks. The is usually used for larger sized logs. boards are easily attached to the log by lag bolts. The saw is supported by the or the logcanbe moved to the Mobile Dimension Saw. The Mobile Dimension Saw can be operated on endstands (optional equ ment) and the logs moved to the saw. The endstands can be set ina station. location or attached to a portable trailer. This trailer allows the operation remain mobile; moving from one sawing site to another to minimize log mo: ment. The operator controls all four corners of the endstands from one end, easily and quickly raising ._ \ them together. Endstands - come in various heights to saw all size logs. logs from moving when sawing with end stands. The Mobile Dimension Saw provides versatility. Tt Saw can be operated by either method, moving t! saw to the log, or the log to the saw. The most pr ductive way to saw logs into lumber will depend upx the conditions you face at each sawing locatio With the Mobile Dimension Saw you have a choic The Mobile Dimension Saw is highly profitable to operate. Profits are high Logging expenses are reduced because only a minimum amount of log mov because of the high production per man hour and one man operation. The ment is required. The logs are sawed at the logging site, eliminating the nex amount of lumber sawed out of logs, with the Mobile Dimension Saw, is much for large expensive equipment. Trucking costs are reduced because th: greater than the estimated (Scale) amount. If finished lumber sizes are cut, times more lumber can be hauled compared to logs. If the lumber is allow: even a greater amount of lumber is sawed. Sawing costs are reduced because to air dry a short time, an even greater amount of lumber can be hauled cu: of the small amount of gasoline used to produce a large amount of lumber. Pared to logs. Model 12 Specifications: Main Saw: 30” diameter (762MM). 5/16” kert. (7.94MM) Top Edger Saw: 11%” diameter (292.1MM), 1/4” kerf. 6.35MM) Antiom Edger Saw: 11¥2" diameter 292.1MM), 1/4” kerf. (6.35MM) Saw Blades Have Inserted Teeth, Easily Changed and Sharpened. cimum Cut: 4%" (107.95MM) x 12¥e" (311.15MM) Minimum Cut: 1/4” (6.35MM) x 1%" (44.59MM) Double Edger Saws Permit Either One or Two Pieces of Lumber To Be Cut Simul- taneously. Average Production: one man; per day 1500 to 6000 board feet. Cutting Cycle: 16 foot log length—30 to 90 seconds. Carriage Weight: 230 pounds (104.5KG) Engine Weight: 198 pounds (90KG) Engine: Volkswagen’, 53 HP, air cooled, 4 cylinder, 4 cycle, governor, throttle, choke, oil temperature and pressure gauges, fuel pump, fuel filter, impulse mag- neto. Engine Fuel: regular gasoline Track Weight: head section—118 pounds (54KG); B section—112 pounds (51KG) Track Length: 20 feet (6.09M); two 10-foot sections (3.05M) for 16 foot logs (4.87M) Total weight of Model 12 with 20 feet (6.09M) is 685 pounds (311 KG). *The Volkswagen engine has been specially modified & assembled by us for use on the Mobile Dimension Saw. fueling regulations. 777, Smmill completely crated and ready for shipment. Sawmills must be crated if they are to be trucked by & common carrier or shipped on a vessel overseas. Model 127 Specifications: 1: The Model 127 is a combination model of the Model 12 and a single edger mill. cuts a maximum size of 4s" (107.95MM) x 12¥e" (311.15MM) with the double edger and cuts lumber on every pass fhrough the log. The mill can be changed quickly to a single edger mill by changing the bottom edger saw to a 17%" (444.5MM) diameter blade which will cut a maximum of 7¥«" (184MM) x 12¥e" (311.15MM). An extra pass across the top of the log to get a flat surface is neces- sary because there is no top edger. The Model 127 gives accuracy and culs one to two pieces of lumber simultaneously with the double edger. The single edger extends the maximum size 3” (76.2MM) more than the 4¥" (107.95MM) of the double edger model. Extra Bottom Edger Saw: 17¥2" (444.5MM) diameter 5/16" kerf. (7.94MM) Maximum Cut: 4%" (107.95MM x 12¥«" (311.15MM—double edger; 7Vs" (184MM) x 12%" (311.15MM) single edger. Average Production: one man; per day 1500 to 7000 board feet. * Average Production and Cutting Capacity Is Increased Over the Model 12 Only # Larger Sizes Are Sawed. Carriage Weight: 245 pounds (111KG). Other specifications are the same as the Model 12. Total Weight of Model 127 with 20 feet of track is 695 pounds (316KG) do The gasoline engine can also be used to “~ % power other equipment such as planers, ‘ct 7) table saws, pumps and electric power gen- PKS Seed erators. The engine is easily removed and pe CE SEs reinstalled on the sawmill. Pe; The Mobile Dimension Saw can be used to harvest timber in areas without roads, mountainous terrain or dense jungle. Because of its mobility the saw can economically be moved to saw a few trees. Three farmers and woodlot owners can salvage over-ripe, diseased, broken or isolated trees and thinning operations can be carried out with a mimi- mum of damage to growing timber. Salvage logging is made profitable because expensive hauling of defective or cull material is eliminated. These logs are sawed in the woods and only the salvageable lumber hauled out. Sawmill experience is not necessary to be able to operate the Mobile Dimension Saw. Beginners can learn the operation and simple maintenance in a few days. The Mobile Dimension Saw comes as a complete sawmill ready to saw with trailer, trailer hitch, tooth grinder, tooth wrench, lag bolts, engine is equipped with U.S. Forest Service approved spark arrestors, and the gas tank is detachable for re- ratchet wrench, saw wrench, jack and lumber rollers for handling lumber. The Mobile Dimension Testimonials We acquired the Mobile Dimension Saw to cut the lumber to build our home. Because of its versatility, mobility and “one-man” ease of operation on small or large logs the demand in our locality was such that we are operating it as a business. The Mobile Dimension Saw is ideal for custom work as it is easy to move, cuts precise lumber and is economical to use. One customer said the lumber was so straight and accurate that it didn't need planing. He used the lumber as was to build himself a house. We are very satisfied with the sawmill. The Mobile Dimension Saw is engineered to perfection. The operator can make mistakes in judgment or oversight without damage to the saw ... the finest and safest and most efficient portable saw we have seen. Les and Steve Liebenberg, Ben Lomond, Calif. .... Mobile Dimension Saw has been the foundation of a profitable one-man custom sawing business. Accurate dimension lumber and the ability to saw any size log make the Mobile Dimension Saw a money maker for me. Saw Designed, manufactured and distributed by Ron Manzer, British Columbia, Canada MOBILE MANUFACTURING COMPANY : John Peterson, Hines, Minnesota P.O. Box 258 Troutdale, OR 97060 (503) 666-5593 15 miles east of Portland MODEL 12 MODEL :77 Jake Mehelich, Oak Harbor, Wash. . FRICES SUS.cU1 TO CHANGE WI’ All of our five Mobile Dimension Sawmills have proven to be extremely dependable and economical in operation over the last . two years. The Sawmil for the efficient and versatile Mobile Dimension Sawmill. ideally made for the conditions in Africa. The rough terrain and extreme heal poses no problem George A. Garbrah, Director General Garbrah Bros. Eng. (GH) Ltd., Accra, Ghana Mobile Atfg. Co. epee 798 N. W. Sundial Rood Mailing Address: P.O. Box 258 Troutdale, Oregon 97060 Thank you for your inquiry about the Mobile Dimension Saw. We have enclosed a brochure which describes the saw, its operation and lists its prices. A description of the optional equipment available and an order form is also enclosed. The Mobile Dimension Saw is the "new idea" in sawmilling which utilizes a new concept. The MDS travels along a track sawing dimensional lumber from the log. The vertical and horizontal blades cut a complete board from the log at one time. As the saw returns to the operator it brings back sawed boards. The log does not move at all. The saw will cut any size lumber from 1/4" X 2" to 7-1/4" X 12-1/4". It is capable of cutting either hardwood or softwood. It can cut any size log in diameter. Additional track sections may be added to cut any length of log. The Mobile Dimension Saw is moved and operated by only one man. It is lightweight, durable and is economical to operate and maintain. One gallon of regular gasoline cuts from 500 to 1000 board feet of lumber, depending on the dimension of lumber being cut. Saw teeth, which can be easily removed for sharpening or changing, wi-ll cut from 25,000 to 50,000 board feet of lumber. A tooth sharpening grinder comes with the mill. The average cost of maintenance per year of operation is about $60 to $80. The Mobile Dimension Saw cuts lumber that is extremely accurate and relatively smooth. The lumber can be used "as is" for most building purposes without planing. The lumber gauges which attach to the track can be adjusted to the exact dimension of lumber required. An adjustable edger blade provides accuracy of the lumber and permits maximum utiliza- tion of the logs. The Mobile Dimension Saw can be easily towed to an individual log or timber stand and set up for operation right where the logs lie. A trailer comes with the saw. The unit construction feature of the saw makes it easy to take apart, move and reassemble it when Moving into inaccessible areas. The saw can also be effectively used as a permanent production saw by using accessories such as the end stands and rack and pinion cross feed assembly. It is easily adapted to utilize the very large logs or timber that cannot be cut by regular sawmills. The Mobile Dimension Saw is adaptable to a wide range of situations and can be used to good advantage in almost any type of saw operation. The saw will cut any size log, large or small, and is especially effective in utilizing your timber resources. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we.can be of further service to you. We would be glad to advise you. Sincerely, MOBILE MANUFACTURING COMPANY MOBILE MANUFACTURING COMPANY fas OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT AVAILABLE FOR MOBILE DIMENSION SAWMILLS: TRACK SECTIONS: Available in 4 foot, 6 foot and 10 foot sections. Each additional foot added will allow cutting an extra foot of log. END STANDS: Four individual corner posts that quickly raise and lower the saw at both ends simultaneously by turning a crank. The operator mounts the individual corner posts on a frame which he can make to skid on the ground or to be towed on the highway. Logs are moved to the saw, rolled into the log holders and then sawn into dimension lumber. . MOTOR LIFT: A reversible motor for raising and lowering the end stands. Runs off a 12-volt battery. (Battery is not included) RACK AND PINION CROSS-FEED ASSEMBLY: The horizontal movement of the saw is controlled by a gear rack and pinion assembly instead of the standard cable advance. The dimension of the next cut is qauged by a dial on the operator's end of the track, eliminating the use of the lumber gauges. The cross-feed assembly is used only with the end stands. LOG HOLDERS: A device used primarily with the end stand assembly to hold the log in place. The log holder.will hold up to 48" in diameter. The log holders can also be used without the end stands for sawing logs by nounting the log holders on the members perpendicular to the log being sawed. LUMBER GAUGES: A device attaced to the track (two required, one on either end of the track) to gauge the desired dimension of the lumber being cut. The saw comes with two gauges but we suggest having a -third gauge mounted near the center of the track so the far gauge does not need to be moved when a shorter log is being cut. Lumber gauges are not necessary if the rack and pinion cross-feed assembly is used. SPLIT EDGER SAW BLADE: An edger saw blade that can be positioned anywhere on the edger shaft enabling the operator to use three edger blades to cut three boards at one.time or two pieces to exact dimension in one pass. TRAILER LIGHT BAR: AQ light assembly with tail, turn and brake lights used for towing the saw on the highway. It includes the necessary wires and connecting plugs. SAW BLADE TEETH: Each edger and main saw blade requres six (6) teeth. The teeth can be sharpened or changed. The main blade requires 5/16" teeth and the edger blade requires 1/4" teeth. These teeth are hardened to retain their sharpness. SAW PARTS: All engine and saw parts, belts, and accessories are always available on request. , METHANE CALCULATIONS 152 Livestock Unit Total Livestock Per Waste Source Units Producer 350 chickens 350 1 30 goats 360 6 18 hogs 360 20 2 horses 200 100 150 rabbits 75 -5 estimated 100 humans 500 5 organic garbage 300 aS) 2,145 17.0. NOTE: One L.U. is equal to the amount of usable diges- tible waste or volatile solids produced by one 3.5 lb. chicken. This system, developed by the New Alchemy Institute provides a valuable basis for comparing the waste output of various sources including animals and people. Source: Other Homes and Garbage 2145 L.U. = energy vroduced by 2145 chickens Energy Production Assumption 1 chicken produces .3 lbs. waste ver day Methane production per lb. of chicken = 68 cu. Methane Energy Content = 1,000 BTU/cu. ft. Source: Other Homes and Garbage 2145 chickens x .3/lbs. waste/day = 643.5 lbs. Hatrer/pL Ds Total methane production = 643.5 lbs. x .68 cu. ft. methane/1b. Total methane production = 437.6 cu. ft. Total energy content = Total energy content = 437,600 BTU 437.6 cu. ft. .x 1,000 BTU/cu. ft. 153 APPENDIX IV Survey of Fneray Technologies (From Wind Systems Engineering, 1981) 1) Generation of Electricity a) Diesel Stationary internal combustion diesel fvel engines are used to rotate a shaft. The shaft is connected to an alternator which turns at a constant rate generatina 60 cycle AC power, More than one diesel generator sets are capable of being synchronized to run together and handle any peak or start-up loads, otherwise a single diesel is sized to handle the largest demand, b) Steam Turbines The fuel for a steam turbine can be anything that burns: wood, oil, coal, peat, or a combination of these, The fuel is used to fire a boiler which produces”) steam. The steam is then run through a turbine which is rotated by force of the steam on its turbine blades. The turbine turns a generator and utility power is produced, c) Hydroelectric water running downhill is diverted in a penstock where it travels to the power house, Ihe water then inpacts a turbine rotating a shatt which is connected to a aenerator, d) wind Flectric Generation A tower is erected of sufficient height to get out of turbulent flow winds. Blades are attached to a shaft, and are turned by the wind, The shaft turns a «aenerator which produces’ direct current or utility graae alternating current. e€) Load Management Load management allows the qeneratina pjJant to be sized closer to it’s optimum efficiency. This can be accomplished several] ways. Large users such as the school can have automatic control units installed which regulate the peak demand placed on the system, Poxer factor devices can be installed on all electric motors to reduce start-up loads, and running reactive power, Additional circuits can be added to the villaue to reduce syste™ = start-up loads, Consolidation of freezers and laundry facilities can lower village start-up load and introduce control options. All these systems can lead to a much smaller generator requirement and higher etficiency operation, 154 f) Electrical Conservation The technology singled out in this study is increased efficiency of liahtina, By using more efficient fluorescent fixtures a portion of the demand can be eliminated and thus’ increasing supply. 2) Space Heat Technologies a) Fuel Gil Liquid fuel is carburated and burred in either pot burner for radiant heat or boiler for hydronic heat transport. Fauipment is easy to use, relatively maintenance free, dependable and relatively cheap. It is now in common use in villages. Systems in schools are sophisticated and automatic, home systems tend to be mechanically controlled and simple. b) Solid Fuel In schools and large bvildinag an automated feed system (or manual) can stoke a conmercial hot water boiler with pre-sized solid fuel, wood, coal, peat, or a combination. The fuel is burned to heat water which exchanges heat with the distribution System, ome systems can be hand fed hydronic with auto-oil switchover to hand fed air tight radiant stoves. c) District HNeating District heating may be utilized when there is a large source of waste heat or an abundant heat source at lower price because of economics of scale, water is heated in heat exchangers at the thermal source and piped to end users in insulated conduit. Fnd users employ heat exchangers to extract BTU’s needed, Thermal sources may includes waste heat from diesel generation. waste heat fron steam electric generation, Heat from large solid fuel combustion plant for gasification or large building heat. District heat may be used for all or part of a village. Large users of heat such as schools and water and sewer facilities are effective users if a linited source of waste heat is available, d) Passive Solar Passive solar is the use of the sun’s radiation to heat a build- ing. South facing glass is used to admit radiation from sun but restrict reradiation of heat. A bulky mass is used to store daily accumulation of heat for use during dark hours. System requires careful orientation to south and use of shutters to reduce night heat losses. 155 e) Active Solar Active solar is the collection of heat similar to passive but with added mechanical concentration or distribution. System can be automatic. f) Conservation Conservation may be used to reduce space heat requirements in two ways. One is to increase the R-value of the thermal envelope by addition of insulation and vapor barriers. Two is to reduce losses from infiltration or excessive air exchange rates, Shutters may be added to windows to further increase etfective envelope R-factor. ;