HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Report 40-KW Fuel Cell Field Test Summary Utilities Activity Report 1981-1987 ee Libvery- Fret Celts | a | GRI-87/0205 093 ; 228 = eo ee ee Alaska Power Authority aie : LIBRARY COPY PB @2-1 1 2890009 Z j r 40-kW Fuel Cell Field Test Summary yo . Utilities Activities Report Zab i RECEIVE) Y MAY 0 9 1338 L i - Final Report L , i June 1981 - June 1987 Gas Research Institute 8600 West Bryn Mawr Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60631 40-KW FUEL CELL FIELD TEST SUMMARY UTILITIES ACTIVITIES REPORT Final Report (June 1981 - June 1987) Prepared For: Gas Research Institute 8600 West Bryn Mawr Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60631 Prepared By: Science Applications International Corporation 10260 Campus Point Drive San Diego, California 92121 July 1987 ENt ots GRI DISCLAIMER LEGAL NOTICE: This report was prepared by Science Applications International Corporation as an account of work sponsored by the Gas Research Institute (GRI). Neither GRI, members of GRI, nor any person acting on behalf of either: a. Makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or b. Assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 4. Title and Subtitle 40-kW Onsite Fuel Cell Field Test Summary Utilities Activities Report 1. REPORT NO. GRI_ 87/0205 7. Author(s) W.C. Racine and T.C. Londos 9. Performing Organization Name and Address Science Applications International Corporation 10260 Campus Point Drive San Diego, CA 92121 12. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address Gas Research Institute 8600 West Bryn Mawr Avenue 3. Recipient’s Accession No. 5. Report Date July 1987 6 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. SAIC 87/1730 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract(C) or Grant(G) No. 5014-344-0193 (G) 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Final Report June 1981 - June 1987 14, Chicago, Illinois 60631 15. Supplementary Notes This report is based on the individual Field Test Summary Reports submitted by the project participants and the overall fleet activities documented during the project. 16. Abstract (Limit: 200 words) Forty-six 40-kW fuel cell power plants were field tested by 37 host participants at 42 sites in a variety of commercial, light industrial and multi-family residential applications. The participants obtained over 300,000 hours of operating experience with the power plants covering a diverse range of applications for power plant electricity and heat utilization in both single and multiple unit installations. Key operating characteristics of the power plant were demonstrated in the grid-connected and grid-independent operating modes verifying that the fuel cell power plant can meet the operational and environmental needs of onsite energy production. In addition to demonstrating the application features of the power plant, the major unique components of the power plant-fuel cell stack and reformer performed at or above specification throughout the test and demonstrated high operating integrity. Through their efforts during the field test activities, host participants gained valuable experience in the installation operation and maintenance of onsite fuel cell power plants. The field test, also provided the participants with the experience and understanding to assess the benefits of onsite fuel cell technology and the impact on their market. The participants felt that the fuel cell power plant does provide installation and operational characteristics required for commercial service. 17. Document Analysis 2. Descriptors Fuel Cells, Cogeneration, Onsite Applications, Building energy consumption, Data compilation b. Identifiers/Open-Ended Terms ¢. COSATI Fleld/Group 18 Availability Statement Release Unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) Unclassified 20. Security Class (This Page) 5 £5 ad OPTIONAL FORM 272 (4-77) (Formerly NTIS-35) Department of Commerce (See ANSI-Z39.18) RESEARCH SUMMARY Title: 40-kW Fuel Cell Field Test Summary Utilities Activities Report - Final Report Contractor: Science Applications International Corporation GRI Contract Number: 5014-344-0193 Principal Investigators: W.C. Racine and T.C. Londos Report Period: June 1981 to June 1987 Final Report Objective: To summarize and document the activities of host participants and contributing organizations throughout the 40-kW Onsite Fuel Cell Field Test Project, and state their conclusions and recommendations. Technical Perspective The overall objectives of the 40-kW Onsite Fuel Cell Field Test Project were to determine if onsite fuel cells can meet the utility and customer performance characteristics required for commercial service, determine if utility personnel can install, operate and maintain onsite fuel cell power plants, and determine if the onsite fuel cell represents an opportunity for the gas utility industry. Objectives and goals as stated in the individual Field Test Summary Reports submitted by the host participants expanded on the overall program objectives. The participants wanted to evaluaté the fuel cell under actual field operating conditions, determine installation operation and maintenance requirements of a fuel cell power plant in "real- world" applications, determine acceptance and requirements of the onsite fuel cell energy service concept by the public, regulatory agencies and utility industry, and determine role of the fuel cell power plants in their future. To reach these objectives the participants field tested 46 fuel cell power plants in a variety of commercial light industrial and multi-family residential buildings under a broad range of applications and operating conditions. Results Forty-six 40-kW fuel cell power plants were field tested at 42 sites in the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Japan in a variety of commercial, light industrial and multi-family residential applications. The first of the 46 field test units began operation in December of 1983. As of May, 1986 the project goal for 300,000 hours of operation was met with the experience demonstrating the operational feasibility on onsite fuel cells. S-1 experience demonstrating the operational feasibility on onsite fuel cells. The project demonstrated that a standard power plant design satisfied the electrical and thermal energy requirements of a wide variety of commercial sector buildings under a range of climate conditions. The participants verified the two major operating configurations of the power plants, (grid connected and grid independent operations), in both single and multiple unit installations. In addition to demonstrating the application features of the power plant, the field test provided the opportunity to test the individual power plant components in a real power plant and application environment. The major unique components of the power plant - the fuel cell stack and the reformer - performed at or above specification throughout the test and demonstrated high operating integrity. The field test identified deficiencies with ancillary components and subsystems. The field test participants’ reports recognized that these deficiencies have been addressed in a complementary technology effort. Through their efforts during the field testing activities, utility participants gained valuable experience in the installation, operation and maintenance of onsite fuel cell power plants. The participants indicated in their Field Test Summary Reports that existing in-house personnel are capable of performing the necessary functions associated with utilizing fuel cell technology to provide onsite energy service to their customers and that the equipment design approach lended itself to a fairly straight forward site interface design and installation. The participants verified that the power plant design approach allowed typical utility service personnel to conduct the installation, operation, and maintenance of the units with minimal onsite support form the manufacturer. To determine if the Onsite Fuel Cell represents an opportunity to the utilities, the Market/Business Assessment Task Force of the onsite Fuel Cell Users Group guided the project participants through market and business analysis activities. These activities verified that onsite fuel cell power plants can effectively and efficiently provide the energy services required by commercial sector buildings. The onsite fuel cell is an ideal onsite generator with which the gas industry can serve their customers. Its high efficiency expands the economically feasible market beyond that for conventional cogenerators by decreasing the sensitivity to heat utilization, allowing larger power plant sizing in a given application, and increasing the economic feasibility of cogeneration for applications with low thermal to electric ratios. Project Implications This report, "40-kW Fuel Cell Field Test Summary Utilities Activities Report" is based on the individual Field Test Summary reports submitted by the participants and the overall fleet activities documented during the project. 8-2 The 40-kW fuel cell field test provided the utility participants the experiences and understanding to assess the benefits of onsite fuel cell technology and the impact on their market. The project verified that fuel cell power plants provide the gas industry with an advanced cogeneration technology that meets their needs for the future. As demonstrated through the successful accomplishment of the field test objectives, the onsite fuel cell technology provides the following: (1) performance and operating characteristics required for broad application to commercial sector buildings; (2) unattended, automatic operating characteristic required by the gas industry for effective implementation of an onsite energy service business; (3) a standard design approach which permits easy installation operation and maintenance by typical gas utility service personnel; (4) the most electrically efficient and environmentally benign cogeneration technology available to the gas industry; (5) and a cogeneration technology which provides the greatest flexibility for application in the commercial sector. The participants believe that their cooperative participation in the field test project was positive for their companies and that the development of fuel cell technology will be very beneficial to their customers in the future. GRI Project Manager R. Root Woods Manager, Fuel Cells S-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section RESEARCH SUMMARY 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2. OVERVIEW OF 40-kW FIELD TEST 2.1 Historical Perspective 2.2 40-kW Onsite Fuel Cell Program Strategy 2.3 Overall Project Objectives 2.4 Field Test Schedule 2.5 Project Participants 3. PRE-POWER PLANT ACTIVITIES 3.1 Candidate Site Selection 3.2 Site Instrumentation and Data Collection 3.2.1 Site Instrumentation 3.2.2 Data Collection 4. POWER PLANT INSTALLATION 4.1 Power Plant Delivery and Start-Up Schedule 4.2 Power Plant Design Shipment and Installation Summary 4.3 Permitting and Codes 4.4 Power Plant/Site Interfaces 5. POWER PLANT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. 5.1 Training and Personnel Requirements 5.2 Power Plant Operation and Performance 5.3 Power Plant Reliability and Maintenance Experience 5.3.1 Hardware Experience Planned Improvements 5.3.2 Utility Maintenance Experience and Recommendations $1 1-1 2-1 2-1 2-3 2-5 2-7 3-1 3-1 3-4 3-4 3-12 41 4-1 Section 6. SPECIAL TESTING ACTIVITIES 7. INSTITUTIONAL ISSUES 7.1 Institutional, Legal and Regulatory Issues 7.2 Customer Interface Issues 8. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A COMMERCIAL UNIT Appendix A: References LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1 Onsite Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell Development Figure 2-2 Onsite Fuel Cell Program Strategy Figure 2-3 Overall Field Test Project Schedule Figure 2-4 Power Plant Sites Figure 2-5 Utility Participants Figure 3-1 Individual Utility Site Selection Process Figure 3-2 Total Customer Site Surveys Figure 3-3 Instrumented Market Segments Figure 3-4 Fuel Cell Grid-Independent Operation Figure 3-5 Fuel Cell Grid Connect Operation Figure 3-6 Sensor Schematics - Typical Domestic Hot Water Systems Figure 3-7 Sensor Schematic Typical Hydronic Heating System. Figure 3-8 Sensor Schematic - Typical Process Heating Systems ii Page 6-1 7-1 7-2 8-1 A-1 2-2 2-4 2-8 2-9 3-2 3-5 3-6 3-9 3-10 3-11 Figure 4-1 Figure 4-2 Figure 4-3 Figure 4-4 Figure 4-5 Figure 5-1 Figure 5-2 Figure 5-3 Figure 5-4 Figure 5-5 Figure 5-6 Figure 5-7 Figure 5-8 Figure 6-1 Table 3-1 Power Plant Shipment and Operation Power Plant Installation Summary Market Segments of Fuel Cell Power Plant Installations Fuel Cell Power Plant Electrical and Site Interfaces. Power Plant Thermal Interfaces Hours of Onsite Power Plant Operation Monthly 40-kW Power Plant Unadjusted Availability Comparison of Measured and Predicted Electrical Efficiency Low-Grade Recovery vs. Predicted Recovery Fleet Average Electrical and Thermal Efficiencies Power Plant Availability Experiences Causes of Field Test Power Plant Forced Outages 40-kW Field Program-Forced Outages Special Testing by Utilities LIST OF TABLES System Characteristics of Instrumented Sites iii 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-9 5-10 5-12 6-2 3-13 1, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Onsite Fuel Cell Field Test Project was a multifaceted program jointly funded by the Gas Research Institute (GRI), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and 37 participants, including 11 gas distribution utilities, 2 gas pipeline companies, 13 combination gas and electric utilities, 5 electric utilities, 2 private sector corporations and 4 Department of Defense facilities. This report is based on the individual Field Test Summary reports submitted by the participants and the overall fleet activities documented during the project. The overall objectives of the Field Test were to: ¢ Determine if the onsite fuel cell (OFC) power plant can meet the utility and customer performance characteristics required for commercial service; ¢ Determine if utility personnel can install, operate and maintain OFC power plants; and ¢ Determine if the OFC represents an opportunity for the gas utility industry (this objective was accomplished independently by the participants and coordinated through the activities of the Onsite Fuel Cell Users group outside the technical aspects of the GRI Field Test effort). Forty-six 40-kW fuel cell power plants manufactured by International Fuel Cells Corp. (IFC) were field tested at 42 sites in the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, and Japan at a variety of commercial, light industrial and multi-family residential applications. The first of the 46 field test units began operation in December of 1983. As of May, 1986 the project goal for 300,000 hours of operation was met with the experience demonstrating the operational feasibility of onsite fuel cells. The project demonstrated that a standard power plant design satisfied the electrical and thermal energy requirements of a wide variety of commercial sector buildings under a range of climate conditions. The average electric generation efficiency met the goal of 36%, (higher heating value) over a range of half to full rated power output, and seventy-five percent of the power plants met or exceeded this prediction. The power plant heat production was used successfully with domestic hot water, space heating and process heating loads and the average site low grade heat recovery was at 93 percent of prediction. The high electrical and overall efficiency makes the fuel cell an excellent onsite power source for cogeneration applications. Two utilities applied for and received FERC approval as a qualifying cogeneration facility (QF). The participants verified the two major operating configurations of the power plants, (grid connected and grid independent operations), in both 1-1 single and multiple unit installations. Independent operation was demonstrated providing verification of the overload capability for large motor starts, instantaneous response to load changes and effective load sharing between power plants in the electric load following operating mode. Some participants conducted extensive testing of the grid-interconnection protection features built into the power plant logic and verified that they operated properly under normal and abnormal operating conditions for the power plant and the utility grid. IBM conducted a test in which a fuel cell synchronized to the grid was used as primary power for an electronic data processing load. The grid was used as a back up and a static switch ensured continuity of power in the event of a fuel cell outage. This test successfully illustrated the operational feasibility of this unique application. Other key operational aspects of the technology were verified during the field test project. Participants independently verified that the environment emissions of the units were substantially below the most stringent standards in the United States. Another key aspect of the technology verified was the automatic, unattended operating characteristics of the power plant. The longest continuous run exceeded the ninety day mark and forty units achieved over seventy runs in excess of 1000 hours. The participants were impressed by the simple start-up procedure and built-in protective functions of the power plants. The units automatically sensed out-of-tolerance operating conditions and automatically protected the unit, installation and the utility electric grid (for grid connected units). In addition to demonstrating the application features of the power plant, the field test provided the opportunity to test the individual power plant components in a real power plant and application environment. The major unique components of the power plant - the fuel cell stack and the reformer - performed at or above specification throughout the test and demonstrated high operating integrity. The field test identified deficiencies with ancillary components and subsystems. The field test participants’ reports recognized that these deficiencies have been addressed in a complementary technology effort. Through their efforts during the field testing activities, utility participants gained valuable experience in the installation, operation and maintenance of onsite fuel cell power plants. The participants indicated in their Field Test Summary Reports that existing in-house personnel are capable of performing the necessary functions associated with utilizing fuel cell technology to provide onsite energy service to their customers. The equipment design approach lended itself to a fairly straight forward site interface design and installation. Typically, the participants conducted the site design activities in-house and used standard mechanical, electrical, and plumbing contractors for the actual installation and construction tasks. The formal training session and manual developed by IFC provided the participants with the experience and understanding required for normal operation and maintenance functions. The participants 1-2 recommended that hands-on experience during training be expanded to improve the confidence levels of the personnel involved which typically was achieved after a few months of actual operation in the field. Other recommendations included improved diagnostics built into the power plant, increased footprint to improve the access to components, and site access to detailed power plant drawings. These recommendations are also being accounted for in complementary technology efforts. In summary, the participants verified that the power plant design approach allowed typical utility service personnel to conduct the installation, operation, and maintenance of the units with minimal onsite support from IFC. To determine if the Onsite Fuel Cell represented an opportunity to the utilities, the Market/Business Assessment Task Force of the Onsite Fuel Cell Users Group guided the project participants through market and business analysis activities. The overall results of the market analysis were summarized in a report, The Gas Powercel National Market Report, prepared by the task force. These activities verified that onsite fuel cell power plants can effectively and efficiently provide the energy services required by commercial sector buildings. The analyses identified that application economics are driven by three major parameters: the energy price differential between electricity and gas, the business assumptions used in the analysis, and the capacity factor of the power plant. Finally, these activities defined the benefits of onsite fuel cells to the gas industry and the gas ratepayer. For the ratepayer onsite fuel cells provide an efficient energy option which can reduce energy costs and primary energy consumption while decreasing environmental intrusions. Onsite fuel cells can provide additional benefits in specialty applications such as uninterruptable power supplies for computer facilities and back-up power during electric grid outages. For the gas industry onsite fuel cells and the energy service concept provide increased gas sales, an opportunity for expansion into new growth markets and increased company revenues and profits. The onsite fuel cell is an ideal onsite generator with which the gas industry can serve their customers. Its high efficiency expands the economically feasible market beyond that for conventional cogenerators by decreasing the sensitivity to heat utilization, allowing larger power plant sizing in a given application, and increasing the economic feasibility of cogeneration for applications with low thermal to electric ratios. In summary, the 40-kW fuel cell field test provided the utility participants the experiences and understanding to assess the benefits of onsite fuel cell technology and the impact on their market. The project verified that fuel cell power plants provide the gas industry with an advanced cogeneration technology that meets their needs for the future. As demonstrated through the successful accomplishment of the field test objectives, the onsite fuel cell technology provides the following: ie The performance and operating characteristics required for broad application to commercial sector buildings; 1-3 The unattended, automatic operating characteristics required by the gas industry for effective implementation of an onsite energy service business; A standard design approach which permits easy installation, operation, and maintenance by typical gas utility service personnel; The most electrically efficient and environmentally benign cogeneration technology available to the gas industry; and A cogeneration technology which provides the greatest flexibility for application in the commercial sector (grid connected or independent operation, high quality electrical output usable for sensitive electrical loads, effective integration with a variety of thermal building loads, and minimal site restrictions due to environmental characteristics). In conclusion, the participants felt that the program objectives were met: bs The fuel cell power plant does provide installation and operational characteristics required for commercial service; Utility personnel can install, operate, and maintain onsite fuel cell power plants; and The onsite fuel cell does represent an opportunity for the gas industry to expand its service to the ratepayers. They believe their cooperative participation in the field test project was positive for their companies and that the development of fuel cell technology will be very beneficial to their customers in the future. 1-4 2. OVERVIEW OF 40-kW FIELD TEST 21 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE Fuel cell power plants introduce a new option for providing the thermal and electrical energy needs for multi-family residential, commercial and light industrial buildings. The gas industry has long recognized the inherent advantages of the Onsite Fuel Cell (OFC) Energy Service Concept: ¢ High electrical efficiency; ¢ Modular design; ¢ Clean exhaust emissions and low audio noise; ¢ Electrical protection characteristics and power output quality compatible with the electric utility grid, and ¢ Thermal energy output compatible with a variety of thermal loads and site interfaces. In 1967 a group of gas utilities and United Technologies Corporation undertook a fuel cell research, development and experimental test program under an organization known as TARGET (Team to Advance Research Gas Energy Transformation). This activity advanced fuel cell technology and through an experimental field test of a 12.5-kW fuel cell power plant demonstrated that the concept of onsite fuel cell energy service based on the fuel cell was feasible. the TARGET program also established a pilot 40-kW power plant. Subsequently, GRI and DOE conducted an engineering and development program to improve the 40-kW unit. These activities provided the basis for the 40-kW field test project. Figure 2-1 illustrates the activities which followed TARGET and contributed to the development of Onsite Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cells. 2.2 40-KW ONSITE FUEL CELL PROGRAM STRATEGY There are three major participants in the Onsite Fuel Cell Program. GRI and DOE provide project funding and are the technical managers of the Program. Thirty-seven field test hosts form the second participant in the Program. The third participant is IFC, the manufacturer of the 40-kW field test units. Together, these participants are laying the groundwork for commercialization of Onsite Fuel Cell power plants. 2-1 TARGET Program Technology Development 12.5-kW Field Test 40-kW Program Planning 40-kW Development and Experimental Unit Testing Onsite Fuel Cell Program [va67 [1068 [vase | vo70 [1a7i [sora [are | vara [107s [ore [1677 | ore | va79 | v000 [00% | voae [105 | Figure 2-1. Onsite Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell Development The Onsite Fuel Cell Program consists of three distinct but parallel activities: a Field Test Project to evaluate fuel cell technology in real-world applications and define the requirements of an energy service business; a Technology Development effort to focus on advancing fuel cell technology and reducing its cost; and an Onsite Fuel Cell Users Group to direct and evaluate commercialization efforts for the gas industry. Figure 2-2 represents the industry's approach and strategy to developing Onsite Fuel Cell power plants. 2.3 OVERALL PROJECT OBJECTIVES The overall objectives of the Field Test were to: ¢ Determine if the OFC technology hardware can meet the utility and customer performance characteristics required for commercial service; ¢ Determine if utility personnel can install, operate and maintain OFC power plants; and ¢ Determine if the OFC represents an opportunity for the gas utility industry (this objective was accomplished independently by the participants and coordinated through the activities of the Onsite Fuel Cell Users group outside the technical aspects of the GRI Field Test effort). Utility objectives and goals as stated in their individual Field Test Summary Reports expanded on the overall program objectives. These objectives fell into four main categories: 1. Evaluate the fuel cell under actual field operating conditions; 2. Determine installation operation and maintenance requirements of a fuel cell power plant in a "real-world" application; 3. Determine acceptance and requirements of the onsite fuel cell energy service concept by the public, regulatory agencies and utility industry; 4. Determine role of the fuel cell power plant in the utility future. 2-3 Full Commercial Service Initial Commercial Service Technology Development CLL Project RRRRRS Figure 2-2. Onsite Fuel Cell Program Strategy 2-4 Additional utility objectives involved field testing the power plants in unique applications. Power plants were operated on landfill gas, coalbed methane and synthetic natural gas by utilities with these applications in their service territories. Power plants were also tested to determine their ability to operate at data processing centers as uninterruptible power supplies, and at military installations as a primary source of power. Utilities also participated in the project to gain experience with distributed generation, and conducted special testing to determine the electric compatibility of the power plants with electric utility grids. Installation, operation and maintenance of the power plants were the responsibility of each host utility. The majority of utilities performed the site installation design work in-house while the majority of power plants were installed by contractors. Power plant operation and maintenance was performed by utility personnel with assistance from the manufacturer. By participating in the field test, utilities were able to determine the skill level of personnel required to operate and maintain the power plants and were also able to determine the compatibility of fuel cell energy service with utility operations. Prior to installing and operating the power plants, utility participants conducted site surveys to obtain energy usage information on various sites and also to increase customer awareness regarding the OFC energy service concept. Once the sites were selected for power plant installation and field testing, utilities contacted state and local regulatory agencies to determine what code approvals and permits would be required to install and operate the power plants. A number of utilities also used the field test as an opportunity to gain experience in applying a cogenerator for Qualifying Facility status under FERC quidelines. To determine the role of fuel cell power plants in their future, utilities evaluated the market potential for fuel cells in their service territories. In addition to these market assessments, utilities assessed the benefits of possible OFC business opportunities. Utility goals also included determining if the fuel cell power plant represents a viable market for natural gas. 24 FIELD TESTSCHEDULE The Field Test Project consisted of four activities as shown in Figure 2-3 Overall Field Test Project Schedule. Pre-power plant activities resulted in over 470 site surveys and the instrumentation of 102 commercial, light industrial and multi-family residential facilities to determine thermal and electric compatibility of the site with the OFC. 2-5 Pre-Power Plant Activities Experimental! Field Test pre-field Units test units Installation installation Experimental Field Test pre-field test Units units operation] Operation Market and Business Assessment Activities [isso [veer [one [sooo [soos [ vos | oa Figure 2-3. Overall Field Test Project Schedule 2-6 Power plant installation and operation were initiated by Northwest Natural Gas and Northeast Utilities who installed and operated 40-kW power plants that were classified as experimental pre-field test units. These early units were built and operated to verify system design and to check production procedures before the main production run of 46 fuel cells was built and delivered. As of May, 1986 the fleet of 46 Field Test power plants installed at the 42 sites shown in Figure 2-4 had obtained over 300,000 hours of operation with an overall fleet unadjusted availability of 63 percent. A final report 40 kW Onsite Fuel Cell Field Test Program provides a detailed reference of fleet and individual power plant operational experience (Reference 1). Market and business assessments were conducted by twenty-two of the project participants, resulting in the preparation of 5 single-segment and 17 multi-segment market analysis reports. The Gas Powercel National Market Assessment Report (Reference 2) summarizes the market assessment activities of the utilities and characterizes the United States commercial building market for OFCs. These activities verified that onsite fuel cell power plants can effectively and efficiently provide the energy services required by commercial sector buildings. 2.5 PROJECT PARTICIPANTS A variety of host companies participated in field testing of 40-kW power plants including 11 gas utilities, 2 pipeline gas companies, 13 combination electric and gas utilities, 5 electric utilities, 2 industrial companies and four Department of Defense facilities. A list of these participants is provided in Figure 2.5 2-7 Hawaii Figure 2-4. Power Plant Sites 2-8 Ox Atlanta Gas Light Georgia Power Philadelphia Electric Baltimore Gas & Electric IBM Public Service Electric & Gas Brooklyn Union Gas Memphis Light, Gas, & Water San Diego Gas & Electric Central Hudson Gas & Electric Mountain Fuel Southern California Edison Columbia Gas National Fuel Southern California Gas Consolidated Edison Northeast Utilities Southern Company Services Consumers Power Northwest Natural Tennessee Gas Pipeline Dayton Power & Light Osaka Gas Tokyo Gas Delmarva Power & Light Pacific Gas & Electric United Power Association Florida Power Panhandle Eastern Virginia Natural Gas/Virginia Power GASCO Peoples Natural Gas 5 Electric Utilities 11 Gas Utilities 2 Gas Transmission Companies 1 Industrial Other a Oe 13 Combination Utilities Figure 2-5. Utility Participants 3. PRE-POWER PLANT ACTIVITIES Prior to the delivery, installation and operation of the fuel cell power plants, utility participants conducted pre-power plant activities to identify and select the most appropriate sites for potential onsite fuel cell energy service. Figure 3-1 is an overview of the suggested site selection process that was developed for the Project participants and documented in the Site Selection Guide (Reference 3). The suggested site selection process provided guidelines for the utilities to: ¢ Choose sites that provide a unique situation with respect to technical data, public information and socio-legal problems; ¢ Provide data on electrical and thermal usage patterns and indicate the applicability of OFCs to other sites not tested; ¢ Introduce the fuel cell energy service concept to the public during the site selection process; and ¢ Perform a preliminary market assessment to identify decision- makers and establish the character of information for subsequent public information activities. 3.1. CANDIDATE SITE SELECTION The initial activity was for each utility to determine early entry market segments for 40-kW fuel cell energy service (see Figure 3-1). Then each utility was to select 30-60 candidate buildings within each participating utility's service territory, from which buildings to be instrumented would be chosen. Once the candidate buildings were identified they were investigated to confirm their viability and to determine owner and occupant attitudes, and building compatibility with the fuel cell. This activity resulted in 477 site surveys containing site information that includes; size descriptors, types of energy systems, and facility electric and thermal energy billing data. Figure 3-2 lists the market segments that are represented in the surveys. This information is documented in IFC's Onsite Fuel Cell Field Test Support Program Annual 308 Report (Reference 4). Based on the site surveys, 102 candidate sites were chosen for instrumentation by the utilities to evaluate site technical and economic compatibility with the 40-kW onsite fuel cell. When compiling the final list for candidate site selection, utilities considered the following additional criteria: 3-1 Identify Early Entry Market Segments Identify 30 to 60 Candidate Sites Collect Initial Data (Interviews) Select 3 to 10 Sites for Instrumentation Collect Detailed Data (Instrumentation) Select Fuel Cell Field Test Site Figure 3-1. Individual Utility Site Selection Process 3-2 Customer Represented apes | Type oe Segment Surveys Residential Apartments 30 Condominiums 3 | Dormitories 3 he Residential Total 36 Commercial [Automobile Dealerships 5 Light Industrial | Dye Works 6 Total Number of Surveys Bakeries Z 3 Bowling Alleys 5 Carwash 5 jamal Club/Spas/Motels Hospitals 28 Hotels/Motels/Restaurants 57 [Laundries/Dry Cleaners «|| ~—.28 Nurseries 4 Nursing Homes 19 Office Buildings Race Track Restaurants 52 Retail Stores 7 Schools/Universities 21 Supermarkets/Groceries 13 Commercial Total Electronic Equipment Food Processing Metal Plating/Forming Paper Products Photo Laboratories Plastics Light Industrial Total 124 Figure 3-2. Total Customer Site Surveys 3-3 ¢ Site location in high quality, growth portion of service territory; ¢ Sufficient space and suitable location for power plant installation and operation; * Cooperative and interested site owner; ¢ Potential for good public relations; ¢ Readily accessible to major highways and ample visitor parking. Figure 3-3 lists the sites that were instrumented by market segment and Department of Energy region. 3.2 SITE INSTRUMENTATION AND DATA COLLECTION During the site selection phase of the Onsite Fuel Cell Field Test, 102 sites throughout the U.S., Hawaii and Japan were instrumented with a standard data acquisition system (DAS) to collect hourly electrical and thermal data for one year. The detailed measurements of electric and thermal data collected were analyzed by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC - project coordinator) in its Data Transition and Organization (DATO) code and by IFC through the use of a computer program (Hourly System Simulation Program-HSSP) to identify potential power plant electric compatibility and thermal utilization. The 40-kW Fuel Cell Field Test Data Analysis Report (Reference 5) summarizes the hour-by-hour analysis conducted on the instrumented sites and power plant sites. The extensive instrumented site data collected was summarized in a comprehensive Characterization of Instrumented Sites Report (Reference 6) developed by SAIC. In addition, an Application Guide for Fuel Cells in Commercial Buildings (Reference 7) was prepared by IFC which describes the methodology for identifying and characterizing prospective customers, estimating benefits of the OFC energy service in specific sites, and defining power plant operating requirements A summary of the electric and thermal loads instrumented and the data collected by project particpants is summarized in the following sections. 3.2.1 Site Instrumentation Installation of the DASs reflected the variations in fuel cell system configurations and operating modes proposed by the utilities. Most noticeable were the variations in the instrumentation requirements for grid-connected and grid-independent fuel cell operation. Figure 3-4 illustrates the two common operating modes and electrical instrumen- 3-4 Market Segment Residential Commercial Light Industrial Dairies Groceries Health Clubs/Motels Health Clubs/Spas Hospitals Hotels/Motels Hotels/Restaurants Laundries = Nurseries Nursing Homes Office Buildings Restaurants Retail Stores = n =| -=/% Schools/Universities o Truck Terminals My olelo[s{-[-[-[-[-[e]~]| : Other Dye Works Food Processing A Metal Plating Photo Laboratories eo ak alk a Water Treatment = = Specialty Regional Totals Nn ao N ze N ah Other Computer Systems Electronic Equipment 1 a ny nN 1 318 Figure 3-3. Instrumented Market Segments 3-5 Transfer Switch Service Panel #1 Fuel Cell 30, 4W 120/208V Building Loads — Electric Meter Figure 3-4a. Fuel Cell Isolated Operation - Total Building Load Transfer Switch Service Panel #1 Building Loads — Select Load Panel #1 30, 4W 120/208V Electric Meter Figure 3-4b. Fuel Cell Isolated Operation - Partial Load (Segregated Load) Figure 3-4. Fuel Cell Grid-Independent Operation 3-6 tation schemes chosen by utilities for grid-independent fuel cell operation. In Figure 3-4a the fuel cell provides all the electrical requirements to the building. The service panel located on the main electrical service measures building demand, per phase amperes and per phase voltages. Figure 3-4b shows the fuel cell providing power to a specific load or sub-panel within the main electrical service receiving the power. Two applications in the grid-connected mode of operation were also evaluated by project participants. The first application, Figure 3-5a is with the fuel cell operating at a constant output parallel to the utility grid. The instrumentation scheme for the second grid-connected mode of operation as shown in Figure 3-5b is the installation of a select load panel on the main electrical service and a service panel installed on a critical load within the building which would be served by the fuel cell in the event the utility grid failed (the fuel cell would switch to an isolated mode similar to the split-load configuration). Thermal energy systems encountered during site selection and instrumentation consisted of three basic types; domestic hot water, space heating and process hot water heating systems. The two most common types of domestic water heating systems are the Once-Through and the Recirculating Systems. These systems are shown schematically in Figure 3-6. In the Once-Through System, cold water is introduced into the water heater, brought to temperature, then used upon demand. The water heater may be of the storage, instantaneous or circulating tank type, with a heat source of oil, gas or electricity. Monitoring the energy production of such a system is a straightforward matter. A recirculating DHW System is shown schematically in Figure 3-6b. In this system, heated water is continuously circulated from the water heater throughout the building hot water system and back to the water heater. Cold water is introduced into the system to replace the hot water consumed Space heating systems instrumented included hydronic systems with the following types of terminal units: two-pipe fan-coil, water source heat pump, and radiant panel. These systems depend upon a recirculating supply of heated water from a system similar to the one shown schematically in Figure 3-7. Two typical process heating systems encountered by participants in the project are shown in Figure 3-8. The first system (Figure 3-8a) is a Two Temperature Service Water System. This type of system was typically found 3-7 Fuel Cell Grid Connect Unit (GCU) Electric Meter Service Panel #1 Building Load 120/208V Figure 3-5a. Fuel Cell Grid Connect Operation Fuel Cell Grid Connect Unit (GCU) Service y Panel #1 Electric Meter : Transfer Switch Select Load Panel #1 30,4W 120/208V Building Load Figure 3-5b. Fuel Cell Grid Connect Operation - Split Load Option Figure 3-5. Fuel Cell Grid Connect Operation 3-8 Domestic Hot Water Water Heater Outlet BTU = F1(T2-T1)Cp A) Once-Through DHW System Domestic Water Heater DHW Supply DHW Return Recirculating Pump BTU1 = F1((T2-T1)Cp BTU2 = F2(T2-T3)Cp Cold Water Make-Up B) Recirculating DHW System Figure 3-6. Sensor Schematics - Typical Domestic Hot Water Systems 3-9 Expansion Tank Cold Water Fill and Make-Up To Terminal Units —_ Circulating Pump Boiler (or Heat Exchanger) From Terminal Units BTU1=F1(T2-T1)Cp Figure 3-7. Sensor Schematic - Typical Hydronic Heating System 3-10 BTU1 = F1(T2-T1)Cp BTU2 = F2(T3-T2)Cp HTW Outlet A) Two Temperature Service Water System Process Heating Water Supply Consumed in Process Temperature Control Valve Consumed in Process Cold Water Make-Up Cold Water BTU1 = F1(T2-T1)Cp Make-Up B) Recirculating Process Heating System Figure 3-8. Sensor Schematics - Typical Process Heating Systems 3-11 in restaurants, hospitals and nursing homes where two distinct water temperatures are required, such as one temperature for domestic use, and a higher temperature for dishwashing, laundry or other uses. Figure 3-8b depicts a process heating system in which water is heated to a single temperature in a boiler. Part of the heated water is consumed in the process, another part is used in the heat exchanger, and the remaining water bypasses the heat exchanger and returns to the boiler. 3.2.2 Data Collection Data collected over the course of the field test project was reviewed, and representative sites for all market segments were further analyzed and documented in the Characterization of Instrumented Sites Report. Seventy sites are included in the report and represent approximately 20 market segments concentrated in the Northeast, mid-West and California. Table 3-1 summarizes by market segment, the instrumented site's and the energy systems that were monitored including; domestic water heating, space heating and process heating. Potential users of the report include utilities, equipment manufacturers and contract researchers. Utilities can use it to help perform market assessments of various energy technologies, help select sites for field tests and identify markets for various products. Manufacturers of HVAC systems, appliances and various types of cogenerators can use the information to help identify feasible markets for their equipment, and to properly size their products to interface with typical energy subsystem. Contract researchers can use it for energy application studies, technical/market assessments, equipment modeling/simulations and field test site selections. 3-12 Table 3-1. System Characteristics of Instrumented Sites Thermal Market Sector - Main Electrical Seen Gal GER ESSE Electric] Domestic | Space | Process Number of Sites Sevice Loads Hot Water| Heating | Hot Water eae eC Bakeries 1 tt eee eee et ee or [roodProsssns-6 4 it _{1 [118 Groceries 1 ee ee Heath Cubs-8_J@_{2__|8 |- | 3 es eg Hotels -7 ee er HoteVRestaurant-3 [3 _|-_{3 |? | - [industiat laundry [4 ft |- |= | 4 MetalPlaing-2 [2 | |-_|- | 2 1 1 Nursery | er [NursngHomes-6 [5 Jt _|# |? _| reoMeemameee a Td eee te re ee ae oe de eee ee ee ee ee et eee et ote tty a oe re ee WW] 3-13 4, POWER PLANT INSTALLATION Utility participants installed 46 fuel cell power plants at 42 sites in the U.S. and Japan. This section discusses the overall utility approach to power plant installation and the various power plant operating modes and interfaces. 41 POWER PLANT DELIVERY AND START-UP SCHEDULE Manufacturing of the 46 Field Test fuel cell power plants began in June, 1983 and the delivery of the first power plant occurred in October, 1983. The manufacture of all forty-six power plants was completed in eighteen months. Figure 4-1 illustrates the aggressive delivery and operation schedule undertaken by IFC and the utility participants. The Onsite 40-kW Fuel Cell Power Plant Manufacturing and Field Test Program-Interim Report (Reference 8) documents the design and manufacturing phases of the field test. These activities were monitored by the NASA Lewis Research Center. 4.2 POWER PLANT DESIGN SHIPMENT AND INSTALLATION SUMMARY Following manufacture, power plants were shipped to the host utilities using three modes of transportation. Forty-four units were shipped by truck, one power plant was sent by air freight to Japan and three units went by ship following truck delivery to the dock. (Total shipment exceeds 46 because two power plants were delivered more than once during the program). The power plant proved to be quite rugged with only minor damage experienced in two fairly severe shipping accidents. Figure 4-2 is the overall summary for power plant shipment and installation activities. Power plant installation at the site was the responsibility of each utility. After final site approval was received from GRI and DOE, power plant installation plans including construction, electrical and plumbing drawings were submitted to IFC for review. As stated in the Field Test Summary Reports the majority of the utilities completed site design in- house. Utility personnel felt that they were more familiar with the site and the fuel cell technology and that this task could be performed by the utility in a cost effective manner. Actual site preparation and power plant installation were performed primarily by contractors. This decision was based on the fact that while utility personnel were capable of performing the tasks associated with installation and interconnection of the fuel cell, it was much more cost effective to secure a dedicated contractor available to do the entire job without being subject to the priorities of other utility work. Utilities that installed the power plants with in-house personnel stated that the primary reason was to gain the experience to determine if the installation of onsite 4-1 20 NS 4/85 Y Beginning of Normal Operation SQ, hin 111] WW 4/83 1/84 2/84 3/84 4/84 1/85 2/85 3/85 S S sf WD 2 3 4 N a Wee z WHEE w ° w oO payesado/peddiys sup jo saquiny Figure 4-1. Power Plant Shipment and Operation N Shipment Truck 44 Air 1 Ship 3 Average Time ___ ss CCs—C‘CsCsCSCSCSCPS@s-~; WTS Site Design ERY) Sead EU ee Ee eo Gontractor UM LE Rhee Eek eee Site Preparation RECYCLE EEE 2: Gontractor UL 2 Average Time Required —-Days Site Preparation: 2.2 | 28) Days Site Installation: 2’. fs i 4 Days Figure 4-2. Power Plant Installation Summary 4-3 fuel cells could be performed internally and on a larger scale. The amount of time required for power plant installation varied widely. In most cases, the site was not completely ready when the power plants arrived and further minor work was required before it was possible to complete power plant installation. In almost all cases, each utility was installing the OFC for the first time which represented a learning experience for the utility personnel. In those sites where a second power plant was installed at a completely prepared site (Northwest Natural Gas, Northeast Utilities, Peoples Natural Gas, Baltimore Gas & Electric and Florida Power) installation was completed in four or five days, with the shortest time of just two days. 4.3 PERMITTING AND CODE APPROVALS Prior to actual installation of the fuel cell power plants, utilities contacted various local and state agencies concerning the proposed power plant installations. No major problems were encountered by participants during this phase of the installation. Utilities felt that the time spent educating the general public and the various agencies was the primary reason for the lack of barriers to fuel cell installation. Utilities utilized departments within the company that are familiar with obtaining permits and who have a working relationship with the various officials in their service territories. In general, standard building, plumbing and electrical permits were required prior to installing the power plants. A common concern of code officials encountered by participants was that the fuel cell's high grade heat exchanger was not double jacketed. In particular, Hawaii Code requires a double-walled heat exchanger where the process side is at a higher pressure than the potable water side. This double wall heat exchanger issue also was addressed by other utilities. Utilities that operated the power plants in the grid-connected mode were required to submit detailed electrical interconnect diagrams and descriptions of the protection capabilities of the power plants to the interconnected utility. The grid connect unit of the 40-kW fuel power plant was specified by electric utility participants in the project and satisfied the protection and interconnect requirements of most utilities. IFC prepared a topical report Description of 40-kW Grid-Connected Power Plant Operating and Protection Functions (Reference 9) to assist the utilities addressing the grid-connect issue. A few utility participants were required to install back- up protection equipment prior to grid-interconnection due to the electric utility industry being unfamiliar with the microprocessor based protection capabilities of the 40-kW power plants. Additional protection consisted of over/under frequency and voltage relays and over current relays. Three of the major reasons given by utilities for the lack of permit and code obstructions were the research and development nature of the 4-4 project, the temporary nature of the OFC installation, and the sponsorship of the local utility. For actual fuel cell commercialization it is anticipated that some additional permit and code approvals may be required but because the various agencies have now been introduced to the fuel cell concept, the gaining of approvals should not be restrictive. The report, Assessment of Fuel Cell Technology in Relation to Building Codes and Standards (Reference 10) assesses the requirements and issues anticipated for commercial OFC siting. 44 POWER PLANT/SITE INTERFACES As shown in Figure 4-3, utilities installed 40-kW power plants in a wide range of market applications. Twenty-seven power plants were installed in multi-family residential and commercial building applications including: dormitories and condominiums, restaurants, hospitals and nursing homes, hotels, a hotel restaurant, office buildings, health clubs, laundries, an airport arrivals terminal, and a nursery. Six power plants were installed in light industrial applications including: photo labs, a data processing center, a food processor, and aluminum product manufacturing. Nine power plants were installed in specialty applications including: recreation centers, electric generating plants, a telephone switching station, gas compressor stations, and a Gas Exposition pavilion, The four Department of Defense power plants, included in the above totals, were installed in a dining hall, air force base power generating plant, a dormitory and a museum. The sites chosen for power plant installation and operation covered a diverse range of applications for power plant electricity and heat utilization. One utility applied for and received FERC certification as a qualifying facility for two sites. Another utility used the self certification approach for two sites. Figure 4-4 summarizes fuel cell power plant electrical and site interfaces by market segment. Thirty-five power plants were operated in the grid-connect, pre-set fixed power mode, during field testing at 32 sites. Three of the grid connected sites utilized the ability of the power plant to serve an emergency load in the event of grid failure. Twelve power plants operated grid-independent in the electric load following mode at 10 sites. The majority of the power plants were sited outdoors. However, six plants were located indoors. The most notable of these was the Tokyo Gas Company plant which was located in the Gas Pavilion at the Tsukuba Exposition. Three other plants were located indoors at hotels due to space and aesthetic considerations. Two additional plants were placed indoors to increase maintenance personnel comfort during the winter. As shown in Figure 4-5 OFC by-product heat was used for domestic hot water heating at the majority of the sites. Process heating loads served by the power plants included pre-heating of make-up water in photo labs, laundries, aluminum product manufacturing, food processing, heating of fuel gas at gas compressor stations and supplying hot water for a 4-5 Residential - 6 Specialty - 9 Restaurants - 4 Light Industrial - 6 Hospital/Nursing Home - 4 Nursery - 1 Hotels - 5 Laundries - 2 Health Clubs - 2 Office Building - 3 Figure 4-3. Market Segments of Fuel Cell Power Plant Installations 4-6 Market Segment Heat Recovery Only DHW Space Heat Process Heat Recovery with Storage DHW Space Heat Process Figure 4-5. Power Plant Thermal Interfaces 4-8 greenhouse plant propagation system. In an office building the power plant's by-product heat was used for domestic hot water and space heating and at a hotel for both domestic hot water and swimming pool heating. The project demonstrated that a standard power plant design satisfied the electric and thermal energy requirements of a wide variety of commercial sector buildings under a range of climate conditions. 4-9 5. POWER PLANT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 5.1 TRAINING AND PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS One of the overall objectives of the program was to determine if utility personnel could install operate and maintain the fuel cell power plant. To facilitate this, a two week training course was attended by project participants at IFC's facilities to provide utility personnel with the information needed to care for the fuel cell power plants. Utility personnel who attended training at IFC stated that the formal training proved beneficial in the day to day operation of the power plants. However, for utility personnel to maintain the units with little or no assistance from the manufacturer, additional hands-on training, particularly in the area of maintenance would be required. Another important factor in the successful operation and maintenance of the power plants in a commercial venture are ongoing training programs by the manufacturer and secondary in-house training by the utility. A number of utilities provided secondary training to new personnel as power plant operators and technicians were transferred. This provided the newer personnel with the information necessary to perform routine maintenance and troubleshooting, but again, formal hands-on training is required prior to permanent assignment. In general, utility personnel felt comfortable with the every day operation and maintenance of the power plants due to their experience with other gas and electric technologies. In particular, personnel experienced with heating and air conditioning systems and with a good background in water treatment, electrical circuits, electronic controls and hot water systems felt that the activities performed during the Fuel Cell Project closely paralleled those that are required in their normal duties. 5.2 POWER PLANT OPERATION AND PERFORMANCE Following delivery and installation of the power plant, operation at the site was initiated. For initial power plant startup, an IFC field engineer visited the site to advise utility personnel as required. Utility personnel with the training received from IFC felt comfortable with the start-up procedures and in most cases did not require assistance from the manufacturer for subsequent start-ups. The first start-up of the field test power plants was by Southern California Gas in Fountain Valley, California on December 19, 1983. The number of active power plants varied during the course of the field test program as units were delivered and later, as testing was completed. Overall fleet experience built slowly as power plants began to be activated. Figure 5-1 shows the build-up of total power plant operating experience through the program and the number of units that were 5-1 —— Cumulative Operation Active Power Plants 300 Number Per Month ° 5° 9 oO v o N r 9 | eo ee sd a a lea al at lated Wy ed lr ceeoebiiesineiioanaal Bre | VII LLL LLL LLLL ed C7 LLLLLLLLRLLL et Pek on, 77 LLL Ahhh Add, Reyes oes Eee a ee ee) Citi Lillia, a ee aad Co CiLL tL LLL LLL Ce ed a sete pened fen ts) ZILLA LLLL ed ‘a UMDIMMA: aa ae] GLAM lh sunoyH JO puesnoyL 5-2 JFMAMJJASOND JSFMAMJIJSASONDJIFMA Le ee SES ABNER AINA 1984 1985 L 1986 2 Figure 5-1. Hours of Onsite Power Plant Operation operating during any given month of the project. During June, 1985 a peak of 37 active units was reached. Also shown in Figure 5-1 is the total hours of plant testing. In April 1986, the project goal of 300,000 hours was reached. The overall fleet unadjusted availability over the course of the project was 63% which was at the high end of the predefined project goal of 55-65%. Figure 5-2 illustrates the monthly fleet availability as compared to the Project goal range. A problem with the logic interaction between the inverter and the grid-connect unit at the beginning of the field test caused the lower than expected availability. Once the problem was corrected, power plant operation and overall fleet availability increased dramatically. The lower than expected availability experienced in January- February 1985 was caused by freezing damage to the water treatment section of the power plant at a number of sites. Damage occurred to units that were not in operation at the time and utility personnel were not immediately available to attend the power plants. Once these units were placed back in service, power plant availability goals were either met or exceeded, and during the peak operating period of 37 units availability goals were exceeded. Power plant operation and performance compared very favorably to design projections. Electrical efficiency for both grid-independent and grid- connected power plants typically met performance specifications. Figure 5- 3 shows the comparison of measured versus predicted electrical efficiency over the total operating time of each power plant field tested. In general, the heat recovery efficiency of the power plant was slightly below specification. The specification values for high-grade heat recovery were demonstrated at only a few sites because of the high-grade heat exchanger fouling that was experienced. Because of the fouling on the user-side of the high-grade heat exchanger, this heat exchanger was eventually bypassed at all sites where a closed heat recovery loop had not been used. Measured low-grade heat recovery is plotted versus predicted recovery for several power plants in Figure 5-4. The power plant heat production was used successfully with domestic hot water, space heating and process heating loads and the average site low grade heat recovery was at 93% of prediction. Fleet experience based on those sites where valid data existed, is also shown in Figure 5-5. This shows the fleet averages for both electrical efficiency and low-grade heat recovery. 5.3. POWER PLANT RELIABILITY AND MAINTENANCE EXPERIENCE Operating availability is defined in this program as the hours the power plant actually operated divided by the total calendar hours after initial operation. Operating availability is a function of many factors, these include items such as the capability of the power plant itself, the particular 5-3 v-s Unadjusted Availability - % 80 a °o > oO np oO GRI Goal Range LA? P55 55S Sees Poe B55 050 x7 RSX | JFMAMJ J L_____1984 JL 1985 Ml Oo Figure 5-2. Monthly 40kW Power Plant Unadjusted Availability Sy | a NDJFMA J L__4986 (Measured-Predicted) Electrical Efficiency (%) @ Grid-Connected O Grid-Independent 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Operation per Power Plant in Hours Figure 5-3. Comparison of Measured and Predicted Electrical Efficiency 5-5 12000 MEASURED LOW-GRADE HEAT RECOVERED — kBtu/HR 120 100 20 DATA AS OF NOVEMBER 1985 20 40 60 80 100 PREDICTED LOW-GRADE HEAT RECOVERED — kBtu/HR Figure 5-4. Low-Grade Recovery Vs. Predicted Recovery 5-6 120 1504 862305 30 Sites 150,000 Hours Operation 120 100 90% of data 80 Percent of : 60 Average prediction 40 20 0 : Electrical Low grade generation heat efficiency utilization Figure 5-5. Fleet Average Electrical and Thermal Efficiencies 5-7 installation and the maturity of the installation, the capability and experience of the maintenance crews, the availability of spare parts, and the speed with which repairs are effected. In the initial stages of power plant operation and maintenance, utility personnel were inexperienced and considerable time was spent diagnosing power plant problems or to sending appropriate IFC personnel to the site. As a general rule, maintenance was not a priority task and was performed typically on an 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 5 day a week basis. Also spare parts were almost always stored at the IFC facility requiring shipment to the fuel cell site before repairs could be completed. Based on the nature of the field test and the maturity of the technology, GRI established an operating availability goal at 55 to 65 percent for the fleet of power plants. The field test power plants demonstrated operating availabilities during the field test program that met the project goal of 55% to 65% unadjusted availability. The average fleet availability at the end of the program was 63% and the availability for each power plant is shown in Figure 5-6. On the high end of the experience, fourteen field test power plants achieved availabilities of greater than 70 percent for their whole active period from first start to deactivation. Three of these power plants also had total operating times of over 9000 hours and the average operating time of the fourteen units was 6850 hours. An analysis of the operating experience during a typical month in 1984 indicated that correction of the unadjusted data to account for availability of maintenance response on a 24 hour per day, seven day per week basis would result in an adjusted availability of 85%. This is supported by an experience at the Tokyo Gas Expo 86 Pavilion site. In this case 24 hour a day maintenance and onsite spare parts were critical in obtaining a 90% availability for a six-month period during Expo 86. 5.3.1 Hardware Experience The significant number of power plants produced and tested and the amount of operating time achieved resulted in valid definition of component deficiencies. This data was needed and used for guiding the concurrent Technology Development Programs being sponsored by GRI and DOE. The i ] ] -Final Report (Reference 11) is an overview of the development activities, the technology basis and the design approach developed for a study power plant. The field test program provided valuable input to all of these related activities. Every problem area uncovered was addressed by one of the technology programs and a solution defined for future fuel cell power plants. For the 40-kW field test program itself, many of the problems 5-8 Through April 1986 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 Unadjusted Cumulative Availability 2 4 6 8 Operating Hours - Thousands Figure 5-6. Power Plant Availability Experience 5-9 Goal Range 10 12 uncovered were not corrected because of the lack of time and funds. In fact about 56 percent of defined problems were not corrected and the test program "lived with the problem". Only 6% were of a nature that prevented normal, safe operation of the field test units and therefore were corrected by field retrofits. As shown in Figure 5-7, 70 percent of the outages were due to hardware problems. Of these, the majority were recurring problems not corrected because of program limitations, 8 percent were random failures and only 6 percent of the failures were corrected. Problems which involved personnel and hardware safety issues, however, were always addressed. While a variety of hardware difficulties were experienced, no failure of the fundamental technology components the fuel cell stack or the fuel processor occurred during the program. Figure 5-8 provides a summary of the failure categories that caused power plant forced outages through the program. Planned Improvements Utility concerns regarding availability of the power plants centered around the maintenance and reliability of the ancillary components. IFC through the technology development activities identified responses to these concerns which include; ¢ an inverter system that utilizes a transistorized approach which significantly reduces the overall number of parts, e the elimination of two-thirds of the modulating control valves and the utilization of standard and improved types of commercial valves using electric actuators where control valves are needed, ¢ minimizing the use of threaded joints by using welded or flanged connections to eliminate leaks, ¢ thirty-five percent fewer heat exchangers and the incorporation of a commercial core which results in far fewer joints, e design changes to eliminate freezing of the feedwater system, ¢ improved coolant system which eliminates flow control orifices and incorporates inverted coolant flow manifolds which should extend cleaning intervals to three years, ¢ reduction of components and packing density to facilitate maintenance and repairs, and ¢ utilization of more powerful standard control logic components which have become available subsequent to the design of the 40- kW power plant. 5-10 Administrative problems Due to experimental nature of program 30% Identified and ‘‘lived-with”’ 56 percent Hardware problems Identified 70% and corrected Figure 5-7. Causes of Field Test Power Plant Forced Outages 5-11 Leaks Mechanical Controls Mechanical Components 4.0%/ Water Quality Wire/Cable Sensors Electrical/Electronic Through 5/12/86 Figure 5-8. 40-kW Field Program - Forced Outages 5-12 5.3.2 Utility Maintenance Experience and Recommendations Over the course of the field test, utility personnel performed the routine maintenance activities that included water quality analyses, filter changes, data collection and replacing/recharging the demineralizer and charcoal filter bottles. In addition to these maintenance activities, utility personnel often diagnosed and corrected problems with the power plants during unscheduled outages. For a commercial fuel cell energy service to succeed, utility personnel felt that immediate maintenance response and power plant service are critical to the acceptance of the onsite energy service by customers. Response must be rapid if the power plant is operated in the grid-independent mode or if racheted demand charges are applied to power plant down times. To reduce the amount of time required for diagnosis and repair of power plant malfunctions, utilities recommended the following measures: ¢ Personnel felt that most downtimes could have been shortened considerably with readily available parts and more knowledge of system operation. Suggestions for improving maintenance activities include having the ability to procure repair parts locally, improved diagnostics for troubleshooting defective components, and repairing of defective components rather than replacing the parts. ¢ Consensus was that the key to bring down maintenance costs are diagnostics, both remote and onsite. This allows for the dispatch of the appropriate maintenance personnel and equipment which would save time and money. Conductivities, turbidities and feed water pump on and off times should be incorporated into the next data acquisition and display system and a portable work station with appropriate tools and equipment were a necessity. ¢ With adequate diagnostic tools, and more detailed blueprints, utility personnel felt that most repair work could have been performed without concurrence or assistance from IFC personnel, particularly in the correction of inverter and logic card problems that were the cause of numerous disconnects. ¢ Extensive use of onsite and remote diagnostics would minimize the cost of supporting a dedicated crew and that fuel cell technicians should be integrated with other service and maintenance crews. In addition, the utilities should develop a fuel cell expert within each utility to help provide engineering support to service personnel. ¢ Consider using the customer's site engineer, if appropriate, for general maintenance, depending on the power plants design and 5-13 ease of maintenance. However, utility personnel or a contractor should do service which is more complex and must assure that the service is completed in a timely manner. Maintenance not only includes the pump valves and heat exchangers but also the major components, stack, fuel processing assemblies, and inverter. The design of the unit should allow for ease of maintenance and ease of change-out by utility technician level personnel. Power plant training was the second most discussed topic by utilities. Utility personnel felt that the training provided was more than adequate to perform routine maintenance activities, but that more "hands-on" training would allow utility personnel to perform complex maintenance activities without assistance from the manufacturer. The following are utility comments and suggestions regarding the need for more extensive training. Operating personnel felt most comfortable with the every day maintenance of the power plant due to their experience with other equipment, particularly electric generation technologies. Instrument and electrical technicians felt that all inverter maintenance could be performed by similarly trained people, but that it was obvious that training was required in the area of electric power production in order to maintain the power plants effectively and safely. Most personnel felt that one to two start up exercises were required to become comfortable with the power plants and that hands-on maintenance training would reduce the time required to efficiently perform maintenance. This training would be especially helpful during initial power plant shake-down and operation. 5-14 6. SPECIAL TESTING ACTIVITIES In addition to operating and maintaining the power plants to gain experience with the onsite fuel cell energy service, utility participants conducted special tests to determine if the operating characteristics of the power plants are compatible with utility requirements. Figure 6-1 lists the utilities and the areas of power plant operation and performance that were evaluated. Each utility documented the results of the various testing activities Three different types of fuels other than pipeline or peak shaved natural gas were demonstrated during the field test program. These were SNG at GASCO, landfill gas at Southern California Edison and coal-bed methane at Southern Company Services. GASCO routinely produces synthetic natural gas from oil for their system in Hawaii. This gas contains typically 80 to 84% methane, 2-4% higher hydrocarbons, 8-10% hydrogen, 4-7% carbon dioxide, and about 1/2% carbon monoxide and undefined amounts of trace constituents. The power plant operated normally on this gas. For most of their testing, Southern California Edison separated carbon dioxide from the landfill gas used at their site. After separation, this gas typically contained about 5% carbon dioxide 3% nitrogen and 92% methane. For the last part of their testing, Southern California Edison removed the CO2 separation equipment and ran on the basic landfill composition with trace contaminant cleanup which increased CO2 levels to about 45% of the total composition. The power plant was able to operate without modification at 29-kW with this high-CO2 gas. Coal-bed methane used by Southern Company Services, is primarily methane (>97%) with about 2% nitrogen and small amounts of oxygen, carbon dioxide, ethane and sulfur. This gas was dried prior to use. No adverse power plant operation effects were noted using this gas. Noise characteristics of the operating power plants were measured by four utilities. These were made at the 15-foot specification distance or at some other distance and corrected to 15 feet. Noise measurements were generally difficult due to the existence of walls, enclosures and other obstructions. The following data are believed to be representative: Company Power plant PC18 Specification Measurement So Cal Gas 8224 60 dBA @ 15 feet 59 8225 62 Consumers 8227 64 6-1 Cad w w zs w ww ww ~ ~ = Special Noise Emissions Electrical Additional Motor Uninteruptable Overload Fuels Characteristics Grid Stan Power Test Protection Utility Brooklyn Union Gas tl a>. Central Hudson ieee Columbia Gas ome Reese ere {tr — ames: | _ [Consumers Power | Dayton Power and Light Ee Boe ._ oS 7 — | [ Norheast Utes Cid moon | a | Public Service Electric & Gas es | | San Diego Gas & Electric mre Southern California Edison a pee Southern California Gas a Peewee: Southern Company Services a Fy Virginia Natural Gas Figure 6-1. Special Testing by Utilities Four utilities made extensive measurements of both air and water emissions from the fuel cell power plant. These were Southern California Gas, Southern California Edison, Northwest Natural Gas and Consolidated Edison of New York. These tests confirmed the non-polluting nature of the fuel cell and measured values were well below both existing Federal and California's South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) limits. The SCAQMD limits are the most stringent in the USA. The electrical and protection system characteristics of the power plant were of particular interest to all participants in the field test program. Several utilities did extensive testing of the power plant protection system and electrical output harmonic content. The general conclusion reached was that the power plant performed as predicted by the specification. In addition to the testing of the protection system, five utilities installed secondary protection systems designed to function only as a back up, and independent of the fuel cell protection system. During the field test, the power plant's protection system always performed the protective functions successfully demonstrating that the secondary relays were not required. A number of utilities performed a series of electrical tests to observe the electrical protection characteristics and power quality of th 40-kW grid connected fuel cell. The fuel cell grid protection unit that was tested was always able to detect a loss of grid voltage immediately disconnected itself from the grid. The unit was also able to safely clear itself from a three phase line-to-ground fault. Power quality measurements taken by utilities indicate that the voltage harmonics generated by the fuel cell's solid state inverter are low. Results of Northeast Utilities harmonic tests with the fuel cell connected to the grid, the voltage total harmonic distortion was measured to be an average of 2.04 percent over the power output range of 20- kW to 37-kW which is considerably under the maximum allowable value of 4.0 percent. This was also verified in extensive testing conducted by Public Service Electric & Gas and Georgia Power Company. Utility tests indicate that microprocessor based hardware can be designed and built to provide any desired measure of electrical protection required for a grid connected generator. The special electrical tests have been separately documented in detail by each of the utilities listed in Figure 6-1. One of the direct measurements of the transient load characteristics of the fuel cell power plant was made by Columbia Gas System. For this series of tests two grid-independent fuel cells were electrically connected in parallel through a Master Control Unit (MCU). Therefore besides measuring electrical load response, this test evaluated the capability of the MCU to maintain load sharing between power plants. The transient load applied to the two power plants was a 20-hp motor for an air handling 6-3 system. This test successfully demonstrated the power plants ability to provide overload power for large motor starts and the MCU's ability to force load sharing between two units. Two other utilities, Brooklyn Union Gas and National Fuel Gas, operated two power plants in parallel, sharing load between the two plants. Power plant overload testing was performed by Brooklyn Union Gas on power plant 8231 after the unit had operated for 8500 hours. By reconfiguring the load to this grid-independent power plant, a load of up to 48-kw was possible. The unit was connected to this load and a 0 to 46-kW transient was accomplished. Then the power plant operated at a load of 46- to 48-kW for 1 1/2hours at which time Brooklyn Union manually termi- nated the test. The ability of this unit to operate at this above rated capacity for greater than the 5 seconds specification is related to the non-reactive power loads which were applied. One fuel cell power plant was specially modified for International Business Machines so that it would normally operate as a grid-independent unit while synchronized with the utility grid. The fuel cell power plant was the primary power source for an electronic data processing (EDP) load at the IBM facility that consisted of tape and disk drives printers and disk controllers. These are believed to be the types of EDP loads which are most sensitive to power interruptions. A 65 KVA Cyberex Static Switch was used to interface the EDP load to either the fuel cell (preferred source) or to the utility grid (alternate source). A synchronizing feature was installed in the fuel cell by IFC to synchronize the fuel cell inverter frequency to the utility frequency when both sources were operative. In the event of a fuel cell outage, the high-speed solid state static transfer switch connected the backup utility electric grid to the EDP load. IBM conducted tests to simulate loss of the fuel cell power and also for transfer of the load from the utility grid back to the fuel cell power plant. There was no indication of equipment malfunctions during any of these tests. Bases on the results of their test experiences, IBM is considering the use of fuel cell power plants as the primary source of power for EDP units. 6-4 7. INSTITUTIONAL ISSUES Utility experience during site selection activities, power plant installation, operation and maintenance have provided insight into the institutional, legal and regulatory considerations for commercial fuel cell power plant operation. A Legal/Regulatory Issues Analysis (Reference 12) covered in three reports evaluates the general legal/issues of onsite fuel cell ventures by the gas industry. 71 INSTITUTIONAL, LEGAL AND REGULATORY ISSUES The objectives of the utility evaluations of the institutional, legal and regulatory issues was to assess and resolve potential inducements or constraints to entering onsite fuel cell energy service business. Utility concerns and comments regarding the various permitting, code,regulatory and labor issues that must be addressed prior to making that decision are discussed in the following paragraphs. Utility Concerns A primary concern of many utilities is their image if the business venture fails or the technology fails. Therefore it is important that upper- management is informed of the technology status and the success of the onsite field test. Engine cogeneration equipment available today could provide a vehicle to enter the energy service business in preparation for the commercial availability of fuel cell equipment. For the energy service concept to succeed, service is the key. Continuity of service to the customer should be the primary concern of the utility. Customers require the direct participation of the local utility to provide a single point contact and assurance of service. Permitti The power plant technology must be introduced to code officials early. Therefore, a business plan should include this education by utility personnel. The educational plan or strategy can draw upon the 40-kW field test experiences and should target the appropriate code officials. In-house personnel who deal with code people on other equipment should be utilized, and coordinated activities by a number of utilities may also benefit this effort. Codes and Standards requirements of national and local origin must be satisfactorily met. If power plants had a certification label (from UL or AGA, for example), the process for code acceptance and permitting would be easier. This is not feasible however in early development because design changes could invalidate certification. The certification also requires a standard to be written which typically requires participation by several 7-1 manufacturers. During the early years an engineering report can be prepared in cooperation with testing labs. This report would cover both the equipment and its installation and would be the key to discussions with code officials and agencies. Labor Concerns Union jurisdictions within a utility could prohibit some utilities from working on the customer-side of the meter. A clearly defined interface between utility-side and customer-side installation work is appropriate and generally solves labor (and code) jurisdictional questions. Labor consider- ations must be addressed for effective handling of matters such as number, and labor grade of power plant installation and maintenance personnel and, where applicable, union jurisdiction over various service personnel. Training and licensing requirements of installation and maintenance personnel must be established. 7.2 CUSTOMER INTERFACE ISSUES Site selection activities afforded participating utilities the opportunity to assess customer awareness and concerns regarding onsite energy service. It also identified concerns that utilities should address when evaluating a customer for onsite energy service. During site selection activities, utilities were able to determine customer awareness and acceptance of the onsite fuel cell energy service and what the customer's attitudes are regarding energy service concept. In addition to customers’ attitudes, the utilities were able to introduce the fuel cell power plant technology to code officials during power plant installation activities, thereby setting a precedent for future power plant installations. Customer Attitudes During site selection activities the general consensus of the utilities was that the overall energy awareness of the general public is limited. Therefore the way the utility presents the onsite energy service concept is important and the utility industry should present the concept in a uniform manner. Customers are unfamiliar with the technology and are looking for similar experiences and installations on which to base a decision. The greatest customer concerns are dollar savings from the onsite service and if the service will impact everyday business (i.e., loss of space for parking). Customers generally do not want to be in the utility business, but want to save money with the energy service. Customers view the onsite energy service as a means to diversify energy supply, save money, and improve the quality of service. 7-2 Contractual Agreements The contractual agreements with the customers depend on the type of utility business venture. Terms should cover the requirements, but should appear as standard as possible to avoid the legal concerns not present with conventional energy supplies. A thorough evaluation of a potential customer's financial track record should be made. The utility should also consider an agreement with the customer to recoup installation costs in the event of bankruptcy or a move. Several types of insurance may be required including contractual, service interruption and liability insurance. Application Data The trend in the utility industry is to better understand the customer and their specific energy requirements. The experience in the site selection activities has shown that the utility industry needs to obtain more customer specific information. Initial site surveys and data collection demonstrated that customer billing data could be misleading due to inefficient operation of the existing site energy systems. This could impact fuel cell system sizing. Some utilities have instrumented sites to help identify potential markets and size fuel cells and other cogeneration systems for onsite energy service. With a good understanding of the billing data, a site inspection and some simple energy measurements should be adequate for the initial assessment of optimum sizing for an onsite power plant. 7-3 8. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A COMMERCIAL UNIT During the field test, utility experiences were viewed as a method for improving future fuel cell designs as well as operation and maintenance methodologies. The following are utility recommendations for improving operation and maintenance requirements and procedures for future onsite fuel cell power plants. Heat recovery and thermal output efficiency were a concern of a number of utilities. Consistent availability of high grade heat is a requirement to improve thermal efficiencies. High grade heat during the field test was available only intermittently at full load. At many commercial sites however, the need for both high grade and low grade heat may not be appropriate. The design of a single heat recovery system made possible by the combination of the high and low grade systems may be the most universal design for the heat recovery system. The time required to bring the power plant on line should be reduced. The current four to five hour start up time dictates that power requirements be anticipated well in advance or that the fuel cell be left in a standby mode. The need for emergency power and heat for a fuel cell power plant in the event of simultaneous grid failure and power plant shut down should be addressed in future designs. The use of natural gas heaters instead of electric heaters to bring the coolant up to the operating temperature level during startup is another desired feature. Addition of on-board nitrogen supply cylinders with standardized control and manifold design would eliminate customers site installation and reduce power plant installation time. The grid connect unit should have a broad operating range to account for different conditions experienced on utility electric grids throughout the U.S.. Accessible controls for the power plant protection system should be provided to enable personnel to adjust parameters and to test protection features. This is important in order to avoid the cost of providing an electromechanical protection system in series to back up the grid connect unit. Standard on-board diagnostics should be provided to monitor critical power plant parameters during startup and operation. Each of the alarms should give a visible target and/or event time to indicate what caused the power plant to disconnect or trip. Additional onsite diagnostic requirements are conductivities, turbidities and feed water pump on and off times which should be incorporated in the next data acquisition and display system. Remote access capabilities to these diagnostic features should be included. The interior design of the power plant should have more space for ease of maintenance, testing, and replacing components. Additional space 8-1 should also be provided in the area where the electrical AC power output cables must be attached. Additional design operation and maintenance recommendations including improved cold weather protection, integration of the grid connect unit into the power plant cabinet, and increased intervals for cleaning of the cooling system have been incorporated into technology developed in parallel with the field test. 8-2 APPENDIX A REFERENCES 10. LS 12. REFERENCES 40-kW Onsite Fuel Cell Field Test Program, Final Report, International Fuel Cells. January 1982 - May 1986. The Gas Powercel National Market Assessment Report, Onsite Fuel Cell Users Group. September 1985. Site Selection Guide, Site Selection Subcommittee. December 1979, Revised March 1986. Onsite Fuel Cell Field Test Support Program Annual 308 Report, International Fuel Cells. May 1980 - June 1981. 40-kW Fuel Cell Field Test Data Analysis, International Fuel Cells. December 1986. Characterization of Instrumented Sites Report, Science Applications International Corporation. November 1986. Application Guide for Fuel Cells in Commercial Buildings, Annual Report, International Fuel Cells. December 1986. The Onsite 40-kW Fuel Cell Power Plant Manufacturing and Field Test Program-Interim Report, International Fuel Cells. February 1985. Description of 40-kW Grid-Connected Power Plant Operating and Protection Functions, International Fuel Cells. February 1984. Assessment of Fuel Cell Technology in Relation to Building Codes and Standards, Final Report, National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards, Inc. February 1984 - January 1986. Onsite Fuel Cell Power Plant Technology Development Program- Final Report , International Fuel Cells. January 1981 - September 1986. Legal/Regulatory Issues for Onsite Fuel Cell Planning by Gas Utilities, John Nimmons and Associates. August 1983 - April 1984.