HomeMy WebLinkAboutLong-Range System Planning Guide 1979JUN 002 5.514 LONG-RANGE SYSTEM PLANNING GUIDE RECEIVED JUN 30 1980 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY GLACIER HIGHWAY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION AUKE BAY, ALASKA REA SYSTEM DESIGNATION: ALASKA 7 JUNEAU CH2M ee HILL DECEMBER 1979 Au, RX lio, © a4, reg Se > ier ky ee ~SS LONG-RANGE SYSTEM PLANNING GUIDE GLACIER HIGHWAY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. AUKE BAY, ALASKA REA SYSTEM DESIGNATION: ALASKA 7 JUNEAU i Ul: =f _ No. 1119- “87 popes, J4-22 wa j Peo E CH2M HILL, INC. Corvallis, Oregon December 1979 Project No. K13061.A0 CH2M HILL PROJECT STAFF Project Manager Project Consultants Technician Graphics Word Processing Richard O. Wagner Alan L. Hunnicutt E. R. Mooney Janice Pedersen Harry McCall Jo Uban Melody Normandin CONTENTS Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION Conclusions Recommendations 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING SYSTEM AND BASIC DATA General Description of Existing System System Voltage Levels System Energy Losses Continuity of Service 3. SYSTEM PLANNING CRITERIA Projected Consumer Load Growth Long-Range and Intermediate Plans Capital Expenditures System Reliability Transmission System Distribution Substations Distribution System Distribution Feeder Capacity and Voltage Facility Siting Economic Conductor Size Voltage Drop Calculations 4. RECOMMENDED LONG-RANGE AND INTERMEDIATE PLANS Development of Exploratory Long-Range Plans Recommended Long-Range Plan Intermediate Plans System Improvement Cost Analysis APPENDIX System Map and Voltage Drop Tables: Existing System Recommended Long-Range System Recommended Intermediate System No. Recommended Intermediate System No. vawPp iii Page 1 2 wre > 18 18 20 20 Table 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 4-2 3-1 4-1 TABLES 1978-79 Maximum and Minimum Recorded Voltages System Energy Losses 1974-1978 Average Annual Service Interruption Hours Per Consumer 1974-1979 Economic Conductor Selection Proposed Intermediate and Long-Range Substations Comparative Cost of Exploratory Plans FIGURES Projected System Demand Estimated Investment for System Improvements iv Page 7. 9) 21; 13 22 Chapter 1 GH INTRODUCTION This report describes the long-range system planning study prepared for the Glacier Highway Electric Association, Inc. (GHEA) to update the previous "Long-Range System Planning Study" prepared by CH2M HILL in 1970. The study was per- formed to analyze the present GHEA system, to establish goals for a transmission system and expanded distribution system to serve GHEA's needs in the future, and to recommend major improvements needed to supply GHEA's long-range and intermediate load levels. To the extent that historical system data was available, the work was performed according to the guidelines established in REA Bulletin 60-8. The following is a summary of the tasks performed: : Review GHEA's 1970 Long-Range System Planning Guide and 1979-80 Construction Work Plan (CWP) to become familiar with the present GHEA system, past system development and planning goals, and short- term improvement plans. 7 Develop and evaluate exploratory alternative long- range plans capable of serving over seven times the present system load. Recommend the best plan. . Develop intermediate plans in two stages which show the orderly transition from the present system to the recommended long-range system. . Prepare an updated Long-Range System Planning Guide for REA approval and future use by GHEA management. The long-range plan recommended in this report will guide GHEA management in providing economical, orderly development of GHEA's system to assure adequate service at the lowest cost to the consumer. The recommended long-range plan is based on load levels which are high enough to require an increase in the capacity of all major system components. CONCLUSIONS . With the recent and anticipated future price increases in home heating oil, it appears that electric loads in GHEA's service area will grow at considerably higher rates than in the past. The Power Requirements Study (PRS) completed in August 1979 projects peak loads growing from about 1.9 MW in winter 1978 to 9.9 MW in winter 1988. Ona compounded annual basis, this represents a load growth of over 24 percent annually through 1983 and 12.5 percent annually from 1984 through 1988. Even with the high projected load growth rate, GHEA's power supplier, the Alaska Power Administration (APA), has sufficient firm hydroelectric capacity available from the Snettisham project to supply GHEA's loads through the long-range period. Despite the availability to GHEA of firm power from the Snettisham project, the duration of power-supplier outages far exceed levels con- sidered satisfactory by the REA, and GHEA must continue its policy of maintaining standby generating capacity to supply 100 percent of its consumers' loads during a power-supplier outage. The rapid growth in projected loads will require that many major system improvements, including 69 kV transmission line segments, 69-12.5Y/7.2 kV substations, and rebuilding of portions of the present distribution system, be made far sooner than previously planned. The long-range system plan presented in this report will supply GHEA's future loads in an economical manner with acceptable reliability. The best system to serve GHEA's long-range requirements will include three 69-12.5Y/7.2 kV distribution substations supplied from a single 69-kV transmission circuit. Studies of distri- bution voltages higher than 12.5Y/7.2 kV to serve GHEA's long-range loads showed no significant advantage of converting to a higher voltage. To help assure that GHEA's consumers receive reliable electric service, each distribution feeder supplying GHEA loads should have an alter- nate source of supply where practical. With growing pressures from environmental groups and legislation dealing with environmental protection, rights-of-way for new transmission lines and land for future substations and standby generating facilities will become increasingly difficult and expensive to acquire. GHEA should acquire land and rights-of-way for future facili- ties as soon as possible. RECOMMENDATIONS . Adopt the long-range system plan presented in this report. Continue the use of 12.5Y/7.2 kV as the standard distribution voltage with #4/0 ACSR feeder conductor. Acquire rights-of-way not already owned for future transmission lines and land for future substations as soon as practical. Construct all new transmission lines and sub- station high-side facilities at 69 kV. Periodically review the long-range plan recom- mended in this report, and revise if required because of changing conditions. Plan for and implement an aggressive system expansion program necessary to enable GHEA to supply the projected rapid load growth resulting from new electric space heating installations and conversions from oil heating to electric heating. Continue the present policy of providing standby generation to supply 100 percent of GHEA's loads. As additional standby generation is required, evaluate alternative ways to add standby capacity, giving strong consideration to minimizing invest- ment and operating costs, locating units within GHEA's own service area, and minimizing environmental impacts. Agressively seek and implement ways to reduce the number and duration of consumer outages, including installing new and relocated existing distribution feeders underground to reduce their exposure to stormy weather and icing conditions. In cooperation with the Alaska Electric Light and Power Company (AEL&P) and APA, seek ways to improve the reliability of the power supply from APA, including the possible construction of a second transmission line from the Snettisham project to Thane, and improving maintenance practices for the 138 kV transmission line. Chapter 2 MM ANALYSIS OF EXISTING SYSTEM AND BASIC DATA GENERAL GHEA's existing system is shown on the two maps in Appendix A. The GHEA service area is centered at Auke Bay, approximately 12 miles northwest of Juneau. The service area is heavily wooded, mountainous, and includes about 185 square miles of land extending north from the Mendenhall River about 30 miles along the coast. GHEA's consumers are mostly residential, distributed along the Glacier Highway from the Mendenhall River at Mile 10 to the Eagle River at Mile 28. The Glacier Highway extends beyond Eagle River through presently undeveloped land about 10 miles beyond where GHEA's present lines terminate to Berner's Bay. A small percentage of GHEA's consumers are commercial, consisting primarily of small businesses. GHEA's large power consumers include the University of Alaska, National Marine Fisheries Service, Alascom, FAA, Green Construction, and the Auke Bay Grade School. The recommendations made in this report are based on one Major assumption about the Juneau area loads and economy, and that is that the state capital will remain in Juneau. Obviously, this is a very controversial question with no clear answer at this time. It appears that, even if the state capital is relocated, it will be over a lengthy period of time. Also, if this does occur, it appears that many state branch offices and employees would remain in Juneau. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING SYSTEM GHEA purchases its firm power supply from the Alaska Power Administration (APA). According to the contract between APA and GHEA for power supply (APA contract No. 14-15-0001-SN-4), APA must furnish GHEA capacity and energy in an amount no less than that shown in a table identified as Exhibit "B" of the contract. Exhibit "B" can be periodically changed upon Mutual agreement between APA and GHEA. Because APA is responsible for developing generation projects and constructing transmission and substation facilities to serve the needs of its "preference customers" including GHEA, and because of the relative abundance of undeveloped hydroelectric resources in the immediate area, it appears that APA will be able to serve the firm power needs of GHEA throughout the long range. APA power is generated at the Federal Snettisham Project, transmitted to Thane at 138 kV, and wheeled over AEL&P's system at 69 and 23 kV to AEL&P's Loop Substation. Power is delivered to GHEA by an express 12.5Y/7.2 kV circuit from Loop Substation to a metering point (Identified as Meter Point No. 2) located at the Upper Mendenhall River Bridge. GHEA has installed a 3-phase regulator bank at this location to help maintain voltage levels on its system to within acceptable limits. The existing distribution system is operated as a single, radial 12.5Y/7.2 kV feeder. Previously, GHEA has had a second delivery point from APA (identified as Meter Point No. 1) located near the Brotherhood Bridge at the lower Mendenhall River. This delivery point was a 450 kVA 23-12.5Y/7.2 kV step-down substation which became overloaded, and was abandoned for economic reasons. The original system was built using No. 6A CWC as the main distribution feeder conductor. This conductor has a current-carrying capability of about 120 amperes (50 degrees C above 25 degrees C ambient with 1.4 mph wind), or a 3- phase load capability of about 2220 kW at 90 percent power factor. During the past several years, several sections of line have been rebuilt using #4/0 ACSR conductors. The #4/0 ACSR conductor has a current-carrying capability of about 480 amperes and 3-phase and l-phase load capability of 8,870 kW and 2,950 kW respectively at 90 percent power factor. Those line sections which have been rebuilt to #4/0 ACSR are constructed to REA standards, and are in good condition. Several sections of the older, No. 6A CWC lines are in need of maintenance or upgrading. Many poles are decayed and need replacing, and considerable right-of-way clearing is needed. SYSTEM VOLTAGE LEVELS According to REA standards, system design should result in voltage levels within ANSI C84.1, Range A, or between 114 and 126 volts at the consumer's service entrance. Allowing 4 volts drop from the primary side of the distribution transformer to the consumer's service entrance, a minimum of 118 volts must be provided at the distribution transformer primary side. To stay within the maximum allowable sub- station bus voltage of 126.0 volts, the voltage drop along the primary distribution lines cannot exceed 8.0 volts. Maximum and minimum recorded voltage levels at various points on GHEA's system during 1978 and 1979 to date are shown on Table 2-1. The recorded data shows that minimum voltage levels at the ends of most of GHEA's lines have been far below the 118.0 volt level required to maintain the voltage at the consumer's service entrance to within the ANSI limits. Table 2-1 1978-79 MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM RECORDED VOLTAGES Line Max. Min. Location Section Voltage* Voltage* Spur Road 140 126.0 110.0 Fritz Cove Road 120 125.0 109.0 North Lena Road 330 126.0 110.0 Tee Harbor 340 123725 SLT fo15 Herbert River 555 120.0 113.0 *On a 120-volt base. Calculations based on the unimproved system using projected peak loads in 1982 show an unregulated voltage drop of 29.4 volts along the primary lines by the end of 1982. The recorded measurements show a maximum voltage drop of about 16 volts along the 12.5Y/7.2 kV lines in 1978 and 1979 to date. SYSTEM ENERGY LOSSES GHEA's energy losses for the 5-year period through 1978 are shown on Table 2-2. Compared to other rural systems, the percentage loss is quite high. Considering the projected rapid load growth over the next several years, and the projected increases in wholesale power costs, GHEA will have to make major system improvements to reduce losses and maintain adequate system capacity and voltages. Table 2-2 SYSTEM ENERGY LOSSES 1974-1978 System Energy Loss Year (Percent ) 1974 12.2 1975 12.3 1976 11.8 1977 15.0 1978 12.4 5-Year Average 12.7 CONTINUITY OF SERVICE Continuity of service is evaluated by the average annual service-interruption-hours per consumer throughout the entire system. Table 2-3 shows the average annual GHEA service-interruption-hours per consumer during the 5-year period from 1974 through 1979 to date. The REA-established continuity-of-service standards indicated at the bottom of Table 2-3 were used as a general guideline for evaluating service quality. Table 2-3 shows that: 2 Prolonged outages due to trees in the distribution line rights-of-way have decreased significantly. . Overall consumer outage time appears to be on a decreasing trend. . Even though GHEA owns and maintains standby generation to supply 100 percent of its system load, outage times for all 5 preceeding years far exceed what is considered satisfactory to the REA. Table 2-3 AVERAGE ANNUAL SERVICE INTERRUPTION HOURS PER CONSUMER 1974-1979 Power Supplier Scheduled Storm Trees Other Total 1974 32119) 0.1 2.6 9.1 5.7 50.4 1975 17.6 1.4 5.8 -- 5.0 29.8 1976 T6103 6.8 10.1 2.9 neleerS) 47.4 Ua: 15.8 2.0 0.6 0.3 2.4 21.1 1978 4.6 2.7 3.8 0.1 3.6 14.8 1979 (to date) cukenl 0.6 2 0.8 2.4 26.1 5-Year Average S2iei!! (Excluding 1979) Note: According to REA Bulletin 161-1, 0 to 5 total annual service-interruption hours per consumer is considered satisfactory, and over 5 hours should be explained. The present trend of consumer demands for reliable service will undoubtedly continue, and GHEA will have to consid- erably improve its service-continuity record as consumers become less tolerant of service interruptions. For economic reasons, the 2.5 MW standby diesel generating unit owned by GHEA is installed as part of a larger standby generating complex owned by AEL&P at Lemon Creek. Undoubtedly, some of the consumer outage time experienced by GHEA in the past would have been reduced if GHEA's standby generation had been located within its own service territory. GHEA's 1978-79 winter peak load was almost 1.9 MW. The system peak load is expected to exceed 2.5 MW by the 1980 winter period. Consistent with GHEA's policy to continue to maintain standby generation to serve 100 percent of its system loads, additional standby capacity will be needed by fall, 1980. It appears that, to improve its service-continuity record, the additional standby generating capacity should be installed within GHEA's own service area. To further improve its service-continuity record, GHEA should: Review the causes of outages in the "Other" category, and identify ways to reduce the number and duration of outages in the category. GHEA should then implement any practical ways identified which would improve its service- continuity record. Implement the suggestions made by the REA Field Engineer in his June 20, 1978 report to GHEA of the REA Operations and Maintenance Survey. Consider placing main distribution feeders underground to reduce exposure of these lines to storms. Wm Chapter 3 WM SYSTEM PLANNING CRITERIA According to the PRS prepared by GHEA in August 1979, GHEA loads will increase at a rate of over 24 percent annually from 1978 through 1983, and over 12 percent annually from 1983 through 1988. This exceptionally high growth rate is attributed to the expectation that all new residential construction will utilize electric heat instead of oil heat as generally has been used in the past, and that many of GHEA's consumers will convert their oil-fired heating systems to electric heating in the near future. The antici- pated shift to electric space heating is a result of two developments which are presently taking place in the Juneau area. First is the growing world-wide scarcity and rising price of heating oil. Second is the fact that APA is encouraging the increased use of electricity by offering low electric rates to increase revenues and the plant factor of the Snettisham project. The unusually high projected load growth is a ligitimate concern to GHEA's management. GHEA now must plan and imple- ment a major, agressive system expansion program to serve the load growth without placing an undue financial burden on GHEA and its consumers. Because voltage levels are already below acceptable levels recommended by the REA, the timing of improvement projects is especially critical. Even if electric loads do not grow as fast as now projected, careful long-range planning is essential to assure GHEA's continued ability to provide its consumers with high- quality, economical service. Comprehensive planning will enable GHEA to avoid constructing transmission, substation, and distribution facilities which will become obsolete early in their expected service lives. Also, as public attention to environmental quality continues to grow, rights-of-way for power lines and land for substations will become increasingly more difficult to acquire, meaning that GHEA will need to obtain land for future facilities as soon as practical. The following is a summary of the planning criteria used in developing the long-range and intermediate system plans. PROJECTED CONSUMER LOAD GROWTH In August, 1979, GHEA completed its Power Requirements Study (PRS) in cooperation with the REA. The PRS is based on the following major assumptions regarding the growth in GHEA's electric loads: =10= . Beginning in 1980, the majority of all new residential consumers will heat their homes with electricity. . About 10 to 20 existing residential consumers annually will convert their heating systems from oil-fired to electric. . Many existing oil-heated homes will add supplemental electric heating. . The number of residential consumers and average energy consumption per consumer in 1983 and 1988 will be: 1983 1988 Consumers 1,085 1,485 Average kWh/month/consumer 1,100 1,600 2 The consumption of small commercial consumers will grow 6 percent annually for 5 years and 3 percent annually thereafter. 2 Every 5 years a new large commercial consumer will be added to GHEA's system. The energy consumption of the large commercial consumers will grow at 4 percent annually through 1988. . The university campus will convert to electric heat within 5 years, with an estimated heating load of 2,000,000 kWh annually. . Growth in public buildings will be two consumers per 5-year period through 1988; energy consumption for this class will grow at 7.5 percent annually for the first 5 years and 6.3 percent annually thereafter. * System energy losses will decline to about 10.6 percent annually. . Annual system load factor will be 50 percent. Based on the load-growth assumptions made in the PRS, it was agreed with GHEA management to further assume that (1) the number of residential consumers will grow at 6.5 percent annually through the long-range period, and (2) long-range residential energy consumption will average 3,000 kWh per month. Using REA procedures for computing demand, based on “li the number of consumers and average energy consumption per consumer, results in the following project growth in system peak demand: Projected System Peak Year Demand (MW) 1983 5.5 1988 9.9 2003 29.4 The projected growth in demand is shown graphically on Figure 3-l. LONG-RANGE AND INTERMEDIATE PLANS The projected long-range system load of 29.4 MW is approximately 6.7 times the projected load of 4.1 MW at the end of 1982 (see Figure 3-1). According to REA Bulletin 60-8 dated October 1967, load levels for the long-range plan should be based on 3 to 6 times the average energy consumption per consumer during the highest peak month experienced to date on GHEA's system. Therefore, the load level assumed for the long-range system is slightly higher than that suggested in the REA Bulletin, but is justified based on the anticipated growth in electric heating load. Intermediate system planning should be developed in two steps: . The first intermediate plan should be capable of serving 2-1/2 times the projected 1982 residential and small commercial loads, and an 8-1/2 percent increase in the projected 1982 large commercial loads. 7 The second intermediate plan should be capable of serving 5 times the projected 1982 residential and small commercial loads, and a 25 percent increase in the projected 1982 large commercial loads. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES The principal function of the utility is to provide reliable electric service to its consumers at the lowest possible cost. Therefore, the long-range and intermediate plans =12e SYSTEM DEMAND (MW) eee 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 YEAR LEGEND ee HISTORICAL DEMAND em PROJECTED DEMAND @ AUGUST 1979 PRS PROJECTIONS & PROJECTION BASED ON ASSUMPTIONS MADE IN THIS STUDY FIGURE 3-1 PROJECTED SYSTEM DEMAND K13061.A0 should be designed to meet all acceptable REA and utility industry standards at the lowest possible cost consistent with sound business practices. SYSTEM RELIABILITY A primary consideration in system planning and design is service reliability. Generally, it is desirable to provide facilities designed so that planned maintenance or an unexpected outage of any single major system component (transmission line, substation transformer or bus, or main distribution line) results in minimal service interruptions to the utility's consumers. This requires that sufficient capacity be provided in transmission, substation and distri- bution facilities so that minimal service interruptions result from an outage of any major system component. Transmission System Where practical, substations should have an alternate transmission source so that transmission line sections can be taken out of service for maintenance or can sustain outages without causing prolonged service interruptions to consumers. This is not always practical nor economical on a system such as GHEA's, where its only firm power source is located at one end of a long, slender system. Based on present load-growth projections for the GHEA system, a radial 69-kV transmission circuit which supplies all of GHEA's substations, rather than a loop-fed, multi-circuit transmission system will be the only practical way to supply GHEA's substations. New transmission lines should be routed along existing distribution line rights-of-way to minimize the environmental impact and cost of obtaining new rights- of-way. Distribution Substations A single substation transformer outage should not cause a prolonged consumer service interruption. When a substation transformer fails or needs maintenance, there should be enough spare capacity to temporarily supply the load it serves by other transformers in the same substation, by distribution lines from other substations, or by a mobile transformer. On GHEA's system, substations should be capable of tempo- rarily supplying capacity of up to 50 percent of an adjacent substation's distribution loads during an outage of the adjacent substation. Substation transformer capacity can be best utilized by providing strong distribution ties between substations. aa New substations should be located near areas of likely load growth. Substation transformer sizes should be standardized at 5.0/6.25 MVA and 7.5/9.375 MVA units. Distribution System Where practical, distribution feeders should be designed so that they can be intertied with feeders from adjoining sub- station areas. With this configuration, service generally can be quickly restored to GHEA's consumers during an outage of a transmission line, substation transformer, or distri- bution line; and service interruptions can be minimized during periods of planned maintenance. Distribution Feeder Capacity and Voltage Distribution circuits should be capable of carrying the long-range load with a maximum voltage drop between the substation and circuit extremities of 8 volts on a 120-volt base. Distribution circuits should be sized to minimize the total cost to GHEA, including cost of interest, depreciation, maintenance, insurance, taxes, and losses. The long-range system should be designed so that no regulators are required to maintain voltage drops within the 8-volt limit. Regulators and capacitors are only to be applied as an operating technique to extend the economic life of existing lines, and to postpone major investments. The intermediate plans may include voltage regulators in the distribution circuits to increase voltage levels. GHEA has a considerable investment in 12.5Y/7.2 kV facilities, especially around the Auke Lake area. Discussions with GHEA management prior to beginning the study led to the conclusion that a higher long-range distribution voltage around the Auke Lake area would not be practical and should not be seriously considered. However, 24.9Y/14.4 kV should be considered as a possible long-range distribution voltage north of the Lena Cove area. FACILITY SITING New distribution substations and transmission lines should be located near areas of likely load growth. New trans- mission lines should not duplicate existing or planned facilities owned by other utilities and should be routed along existing distribution line rights-of-way, where practical. This should minimize the environmental impact and cost of obtaining rights-of-way. Existing facilities should be utilized in their present locations as long as practical. -15- ECONOMIC CONDUCTOR SIZE The conductor size selected for each distribution feeder should be that which results in the lowest total annual cost to GHEA. The total cost includes the fixed charges for interest, depreciation, maintenance, insurance and taxes, plus the cost of energy losses. Associated with each conductor size is a range of “equivalent load" for which the conductor is most economical. An economic load analysis of the standard conductors used by GHEA was made using REA- recommended techniques; the results of the analysis are summarized in Table 3-1. The table shows the most economi- cal conductor size for each range of "equivalent load" as defined in REA Bulletin 60-9, pages 2 and 3. For most feeder locations, #4/0 ACSR will be the most economical conductor. VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATIONS Voltage-drop calculations were made using the CH2M HILL DEC-system 10 in-house computer. The program used computes voltage drop for overhead and underground circuits using methods described in REA Bulletin 45-1. Appropriate multi- pliers were applied to existing loads to obtain the long- range and intermediate loads. Based on these loads, voltage drops were calculated for each line section. Computer printouts for the Long-Range and Intermediate plans are given in Appendixes B, C and D. -16- ECONOMIC CONDUCTOR SELECTION TABLE 3-1 RANGE OF EQUIVALENT VOLTAGE CONDUCTOR NO. LOAD (kV) (ACSR) PHASES (kWe) APPLICATION 12.5/7.2 #4 1 0-600 TAP #4 3 0-600 TAP #1/0 1 0-600 FEEDER #1/0 3 600-1200 FEEDER #4/0 3 1200-4000 FEEDER 556 MCM 3 above 4000 FEEDER BASIC DATA: Fixed Charge Rate = 12% Cost of Loss Energy = $0.03/kWh Load Factor = 0.50 Power Factor = 0.90 kW, = (kWoresent, source end) (growth factor, g) (distribution factor, d) 2 kWeuture 1 2 kWoresent kWioad end Wiad end d=11/3 + +1 ye kW source end, Weource end kWoresent REFERENCE: REA BULLETIN 60-9 Chapter 4 MBM 4=ORECOMMENDED LONG-RANGE AND INTERMEDIATE PLANS GHEA's present loads were increased according to the criteria discussed in Chapter 3 to intermediate and long- range load levels. DEVELOPMENT OF EXPLORATORY LONG-RANGE PLANS To supply the long-range loads, three alternative explora- tory system plans were considered. Plan A: Distribution system with three 69-12.5Y/7.2 kV substations. One substation is located on the property adjacent to the GHEA headquarters building. The other two substations are located north along GHEA's system at projected load centers. This plan utilizes the present GHEA standard #4/0 ACSR feeder conductor size, and is discussed in more detail in the following sections. Plan B: Distribution system with two 69-12.5Y/7.2 kV substations. One substation is located near the GHEA headquarters building and the other substation is located near Tee Harbor. This plan requires rebuilding approximately 10.2 km of distribution line north of the proposed Tee Harbor Substation site to 3¢-556 MCM ACSR. Plan C: Distribution system with two substations--one at 69-12.4Y¥/7.2 kV and the other at 69-24.9Y/14.4 kV. One substation at Auke Lake supplies the loads in that area at 12.5Y/7.2 kV. A second substation located near Tee Harbor supplies loads at 24.9Y/14.4 kV. This plan utilizes the present standard feeder conductor size of #4/0 ACSR. Distribution feeder ties between the substation areas for reliability is considerably more difficult and costly because two distribution voltages are involved. Also, extra costs over Plans A and B will be involved because of the need to stock distribution materials for two voltages. RECOMMENDED LONG-RANGE PLAN Of the exploratory plans studied, the best long-range plan for GHEA is Plan A. The recommended plan is shown on the two maps included in Appendix B. Table 4-1 shows the projected long-range and intermediate system peak loads at each of the substation areas. The plan consists of a 69 kV transmission line which supplies three 69-12.5Y/7.2 kV -18- -61T- Table 4-1 PROPOSED INTERMEDIATE AND LONG-RANGE SUBSTATIONS Intermediate Plan No. 1 Intermediate Plan No. 2 Long-Range Plan Winter Winter Winter Nameplate Planning Peak Nameplate Planning Peak Nameplate Planning Peak Rating Rating Load Rating Rating Load Rating Rating Load (MVA) (MW) * (uw) (MVA) (MW) * (MW) (MVA) (MW) * (Mw) Auke Lake 7.5/9.375 9.3/10.8 8.6 2-7.5/9.375 18.6/21.6 11.2 2-7.5/9.37 18.6/21.6 20.1 Lena 7 =- a 7.5/9.375 9.3/10.8 5.1 7.5/9.375 9.3/10.8 6.4 Eagle Harbor -- -- a a -- a 5/6.25 6.2/7.2 2.9 *Based on 90 percent power factor. mn/3520 substations. The distribution system consists of feeders no larger than #4/0 ACSR. The system requires no voltage regulators along the distribution circuits to maintain required voltage levels. INTERMEDIATE PLANS The recommended intermediate plans are included in Appendixes C and D. These plans were designed to make maximum use of the existing facilities. Intermediate Plan No. 1 includes extending the 69-kV transmission line 8.2 kM north from Auke Substation to the Lena Cove area, construc- tion Lena Cove Substation, and rebuilding 24 kM of a single- phase distribution line to 3-phase #4/0 ACSR. Intermediate Plan No. 2 includes converting 17.8 kM of single-phase and V-phase distribution line to 3-phase #4/0 ACSR. Voltage regulators are used on both intermediate plans to extend the service life of existing facilities. SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT COST ANALYSIS Cost estimates based on 1980 dollars were made for serving the entire GHEA system for each of the exploratory long- range plans considered. The cost comparisons included the construction of all major proposed facilities in each exploratory plan, differences in operation among the plans, and losses. To make the improvement cost estimates, unit costs were developed for all of the major components of work required to implement the long-range and intermediate plans considered. The cost estimates were based on construction with distribution lines energized where required. The total estimated costs in 1980 dollars for the intermediate and long-range system improvements for the three plans considered are summarized in Table 4-2 and shown on Figure 4-1. The plan with the lowest total estimated cost during the two intermediate periods, including losses is Plan A. In the long-range period, the total estimated cost of all three plans, including losses, are approximately the same. It follows that Plan A is the best plan from a cost standpoint. Plan A is also better than Plans B and C because it offers more operating flexibility with three substations instead of two. Also, with Plan A, GHEA will not have to stock 556 MCM ACSR. conductor and associated hardware or 24.9 kV materials. Plan A is, therefore, the recommended plan. mn/3519 -20- -T ~- Exploratory Distribution Plan Voltage A 12.5¥/7.2 kV (Recommended ) B LOY Mee kv, Cc Combination 12.5Y/7.2 kV and 24,.9Y/14.4 kV *Based on $0.03/kWh energy cost mn/3520 Table 4-2 COMPARATIVE COST OF EXPLORATORY PLANS System Improv. Losses* Total System Improv. Losses* Total System Improv. Losses* Total (1980 Dollars) Estimated Total System Improvement Cost Intermediate Intermediate Long-Range Total Estimated Plan No. 1 Plan No. 2 Plan Cost 3,041,700 2,108,900 1,308,700 6,459,300 86, 800 148, 800 245, 000 480, 600 3,128,500 2,257,700 15955700 6,939, 900 3,352,400 2,022,500 998,700 6,373, 600 90,400 147,800 303, 000 541,200 3,442, 800 2,170,300 1,301,700 6,914,800 3,408, 800 2,428,400 774,300 6,611,500 90, 400 112,500 240, 000 442,900 3,499, 200 2,540, 900 1,014,300 7,054, 400 W3ALSAS YO4 LNSWLSAANI G3LVWILSS SLNAW3SA0udWI L-y AYNDIS 2 = = a v Cc m ° n uv a 3 a m ° 4 m o ~ © oO Nn | af ° > Q 73A371 GvO1 ESTIMATED INVESTMENTS FOR SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (1980, MILL N 1ONS OF DOLLARS) wo - a INTERMEDIATE PLAN NO. 1 INTERMEDIATE PLAN NO. 2 LONG-RANGE PLAN T T Tk Vv NW1d @ NVW1d eee ase “Ne NW Id feeccremmemmn oe Picea LEGEND Lf ~v CONCENTRATED LOADS al ase —#— SINGLE PHASE ae Lake DEMAND —— TWO OR V PHASE POINT DESCRIPTION PEAK (kW) \ 4+ THREE PHASE (UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 642 k + \ Bw N 5 SERVICE AREA SCALE IN FEET —t+— UNDERGROUND ) FAA-AIRPORT NAVIGATION 25 4 BOUNDARY {s] SUBSTATION 3) NATIONAL MARITIME FISHERIES | AB 160 \ LS TRANSMISSION (@) AUKE BAY GRADE SCHOOL 100 XL ahi ® LINE SECTION %5) ALASCOM 180 <b 4 @ REGULATOR ) : a Oo , CONCENTRATED LOAD SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY = 4S — ‘Zy (= SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT > <0) 1? ] 3.91] VOLTAGE DROP W/ REGULATION $47 | 144 i} . 11.92] VOLTAGE DROP W/O REGULATION 047 / \ 19.6 | KILOMETERS FROM SUBSTATION Lane 1099 9.40 3 24.99 4.40 > > 17.83 G07 o 4/0 ACSF x COWEN ISLAND : 637 , TEE HARBOR ZK 14a ptcd - 2296 < (le O : hp ecu NBD aw MIR eR j# 1/0 ACER. 19.382 14.30 &)) a (7) ~ 9.44) | ; j 7 i: adr BATTLESHIP | » 10.29 4 FISN_CRESK 2 — 7 Qhiscano q (eo 4a : 22.09 FIN. % ae 1.43 LENA COVE Oi 7 fe : = 10.61 C y ¢ Cs $ 744) / : . ¥ = \ rae \ / 14.11 \ {/ > “ FRITZ ° cove SPUHN ISLAND COGHLAN ISLAND Base map prepared by: ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA THIS PRINT IS REDUCED TO ONE-HALF OF THE ORIGINAL SCALE IF THE SCALE READS Wyte 1-0" OR 17: 10" USE I" 20 EXISTING SYSTEM GLACIER HIGHWAY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION AUKE BAY, ALASKA ALASKA 7 JUNEAU SH1OF 2 K13061.A0 LEGEND SINGLE PHASE TWO OR V PHASE THREE PHASE UNDERGROUND SUBSTATION TRANSMISSION LINE SECTION REGULATOR CONCENTRATED LOAD SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY (2 SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT 3.91 | VOLTAGE DROP W/ REGULATION 11.92 | VOLTAGE DROP W/O REGULATION 19.6 | KILOMETERS FROM SUBSTATION Base map prepared by ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES, — = AON ] THIS PRINT IS REDUCED TO ONE-HALF OF THE ORIGINAL SCALE le THE SCALE READS K13061.A0 fisot Use nTuUTONOR MnICNUSEL) SHELTER SY ISLAND GULL ISLAND /#tUuRD { (PRIVATELY OWNED) 2144 ‘ee<< i \2a4e 3BB4G 4/0 ACSR PEARL HARBOR 4/0 ACSR 0 2000 4000 6000 —— SCALE IN FEET 1 #4/ACSR | EXISTING SYSTEM GLACIER HIGHWAY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION AUKE BAY, ALASKA ALASKA 7 JUNEAU SHEET 2 OF 2 CH2M ssHILe SECTION IN SEC, SEC. 3 4 370 375 2 ° 365 370 0 2 365 360 2 o 355 365 45 4 355 358 8 0 350 355 20 S7 345 350 33 17 Sit. 345 10 110 335 337 10 120 335 340 30 0 325 335 53 160 325 330 45 oO 315 325 20 258 315 320 53 0 310 315 15 331 307 310 5 346 306 307 10 351 303 306 70 361 305 303 17 431 210 305 96 448 135 140 35 0 130 135 37 35 115 120 91 0 110 115 93 91 130 150 14 0 110 130 35 86 210 110 35 305 215 210 65 384 220 215 70 949 230 240 5 0 220 230 30 5 etme 220 40 1054 SUBSTATION TOTAL SEC, 5 138 104 323 S17 984 20 1074 1094 CONSUMERS LOAD BEYND EQUIV AVG KWH 6 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 PEAK KW 1 15 94 26 203 275 332 359 61 527 83 745 94 937 964 983 1091 1210 1361 70 167 146 394 37 302 894 2498 2679 21 715 2922 2976 VOLTAGE G.H.E.A, ALASKA 7 JUNEAU DROP EXISTING SYSTEM 1982 CONCENTRATED LOAD TOTAL IN BEYND EQUIV 7+10 SEC. SEC. SEC. KW 8 9 10 11 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 Md 0 QO 0 94 0 0 0 26 0 0 0 203 0 ° 0 275 0 0 0 332 0 0 0 359 0 0 0 61 0 0 0 527 0 0 QO 83 0 0 0 745 180 0 180 274 0 180 180 aia, 0 180 180 1144 0 180 180 1163 0 180 180 1271 0 180 180 1390 100 180 230 1591 9 0 0 70 0 0 0 167 0 0 0 146 25 0 25 419 0 0 0 37 0 0 0 302 802 25 426 1320 0 1107 1107 3605 Ome 0.7 ait 4 O77) 3786 0 9 9 21 0 0 0 75 Oo 1107 1107 4029 1107 4083 sTUD LINE TYPE 12 20 2 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 470 6 4 x 2 ANAANAANSSraAy>yryroyryeys DANADAAARA ARADAAAAH >rrreraananaana AT POINT 22 375 370 360 365 358 355 350 345 337 340 335 330 325 320 315 310 307 306 303 303 305 140 135 120 115 150 130 110 210 215 240 230 POWER FACTOR? 0.90 Y CONSUMER LOAD MULTs 1,00 CONCENTRATED LOAD MULT: 1,00 KWH PEAKING FACTOR? 1.00 RUN DATE? 17-Sep-79 LINE CHARACTERISTICS CAPACITORS VOLTAGE P Lb=G V,D. SEC. SUBST TOTAL IN SECTION TOTAL H KV FACT KM, KM, KVAR DROP RISE DROP 13°14 «15 16 17 18 19 20 ai 1 7.2 3.74 3,22 35.46 0 0,11 0,00 21.44 1 7,2 3,38 0.97 32.24 0 0.05 0,00 21.33 1 7.2 1,77 0,61 31,88 0 0.01 0,00 21,29 1 fe2 oic77 5263).31. 27 0 0.94 0,00 21,28 1 7.2 1.77 1,03 26,67 0 0,05 0,00 20,39 1 7.2 1.77 4,70 25,64 0 1.69 0,00 20,34 1 7.2 1.77 3.41 20,94 0 1,66 0,00 18.65 1) 7e2 P77 1208) 17283 0 0,62 0,00 16,99 1 7.2 4.57 1,05 16,48 0 1.72 0.00 16.37 1 7.2 4,57 1.07 16,50 0 0.30 0,00 14,95 1 7,2 2,62 2.39 15.43 0 3.30 0,00 14,65 1 7.2 4,57 1.67 14,71 0 0.64 0.00 11.99 3. 7,2 1,26 1,14 13,04 0 1.07 0,00 11.35 3 Beve2 pi.26 1769) 13279 0 0.65 0,00 10.93 3 7.2 1,26 0.85 11,90 0 1.20 0,00 10,28 3. 7.2 1,26 1.61 11.05 0 2.32 0.00 9,08 3 742 1.26 0,80 9,44 0 1.17 0.00 6.76 3 7,2 1,26 2,08 8,64 0 3.33 0.00 5,59 3 742 1.26 0.49 6,56 0 0,86 0.00 2,26 VOLTAGE REGULATOR = 8 VOLTS MAXIMUM = 10,26 3. 7.2 1.26 1.19 6,07 0 2.39 0.00 9.40 1 7.2 4.57 1.70 10,81 0 0.54 0,00 11.46 1) ea 4587 379) 9011 0 1.31 0,00 10.92 V7.2 2.29 1.27 10.29 0 0.42 0.90 12,30 V7.2 2.29 2.86 9,02 0 2.74 0.00 11,88 3 7.2 1,26 0,61 8,01 0 0,03 0.00 9,64 3-742 1,26 1.24 7.40 0 0.47 0,00 9.61 3 7.2 1.26 1.28 6.16 0 2.13 0,00 9.14 3. 7.2 0.38 1.53 4,88 0 2.10 0.00 7.01 3. 7.2 0,38 2.38 3,35 0 3.42 0,00 4,91 1 7.2 4,57 0.78 2.70 0 0,07 0,00 1.65 3. 742 1.26 0,95 1.92 0 0.09 0,00 1.58 3. 742 0,38 0.97 0.97 0 1.49 0,00 1,49 220 COHEN ee Y,, TEE Ha { LEGEND CONCENTRATED LOADS yi 3 DEMAND / —— SINGLE PHASE Tila POINT DESCRIPTION PEAK (kW) | ae PHAS! Thi i G) UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 800 \ TI LIGELLHAUIT (2) FAA-AIRPORT NAVIGATION 40 \ — ROUN' a \ = PELE GU (3) | NATIONAL MARITIME FISHERIES LAB 200 } isi): TATION a \ LS) | eer (4) AUKE BAY GRADE SCHOC 125 eee TRANSMISSION i i a (s) ALASCOM 22 (@S) LINE SECTION D REGULATOR “4, © CONCENTRATED LOAD | aww 70 LEMA 70 APA G9KF . BO ee ee SUBSTATION TTI —> fauvery Poult) “. 11.92] VOLTAGE DROP 19.6 | KMFROM SUBSTATION Wat 69-/2.5Y/72 AV 75/9375 MVA 10 EAGLE HARBOR SUBSTATION 69-12.5Y/72 AV 7.5/9375 MVA i fall es fal , ne \ ‘ aa 70 AUKE LAKE SUBSTATION *4/o AC SR — val 69-12.5Y/7.2KV @ 75/9375 MVA E @ HA RBOR \ —*4/O ACSR. IAN Base map prepared by ROBERT W. RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA K13061.A0 #4/0 ACSR LENA COVE 0.40 a7 GS cocnuan™ ISLAND lig | THIS PRINT IS REDUCED TO ONE-HALF OF THE ORIGINAL SCALE iF THE reno" USE Yy SCALE READS ¥-0" OR 17: 10" USE I": 20 MENDENHALL LAKE ae la We { ee At — SERVICE AREA SCALE IN FEET BOUNDARY S (3) 5.10 S47 @ oe TLESHIP SS ISLAND. LSA. (5.97 i@y"4/O ACSR +4/o \ s acsR \4 SS 4/0 ACSR FRITZ cove g° SPUHN ISLAND LONG-RANGE SYSTEM (APPROX. 7-1/2 TIMES PROJECTED 1982 LOADS) GLACIER HIGHWAY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION AUKE BAY, ALASKA ALASKA 7 JUNEAU SH 10F2 CH2M seHILl ERFORD ASSOCIATES, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA K13061.A0 LEGEND ei epee | THIS PRINT SINGLE PHASE TWO OR V PHASE THREE PHASE UNDERGROUND SUBSTATION TRANSMISSION LINE SECTION REGULATOR CONCENTRATED LOAD SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY VOLTAGE DROP KM FROM SUBSTATION 1S REDUCED TO ONE-HALF } OF THE ORIGINAL SCALE if THE SCALE READS My f 1s 10" USE I" 20 SHELTER ISLAND *4/0 ACSR 2 URD SLPRIVATELY OWNED) HARBOR © 70 LENA SUBSTATION na ‘ 69-/2.5Y/22 KV 5.0/ 6.25 MVR “4/o ACSR 0 2000 4000 6000 ee SCALE IN FEET LONG-RANGE SYSTEM APPROX. 7-1/2 TIMES PROJECTED 1982 LOADS) GLACIER HIGHWAY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION AUKE BAY, ALASKA ALASKA 7 JUNEAU SECTION SRCE, LOAD END END 1 2 AN=02 306 307 303 306 305 303 HH 305 135 140 130 135 130 150 110 130 hee 110 115 120 111 115 eee 411 220 200 230 240 220 230 215 220 HHO HH 215 IN SEC. 3 36 243 59 347 126 134 50 126 126 329 336 0 252 18 108 144 234 SUBSTATION TOTAL CONSUMERS LOAD BEYND EQUIV SEC. 4 9 36 279 338 126 310 436 329 665 18 378 522 SEC, 5 18 158 309 512 63 193 25 373 499 165 497 665 126 72 450 639 2668 AVG KWH 6 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 PEAK Kw 7 182 1175 2244 3681 502 1423 233 2697 3589 1225 3575 4764 948 115 566 3242 4580 18942 VOLTAGE AUKE LAKE GHE.A. ALASKA 7 JUNEAU DROP SUBSTATION LONG RANGE CONCENTRATED LOAD IN SEC, 8 100 escoceopcooC OCC OUDSCSD BFYND SEC. 9 esospo0scooCoSCODDOSCOCS EQUIV SEC. 10 a we oO ecsccos0ouMoscoscowSoSCSO - ~ a nn TOTAL 7+10 KW 11 182 1175 2244 3744 502 1423 233 2697 4089 1225 3590 4794 948 115 566 3242 4580 20097 POWER FACTOR? 0.90 STUDY CONSUMER LOAD MULT? 1.00 CONCENTRATED LOAD MULT: 1.00 AREA KWH PEAKING FACTOR: 1,00 RUN DATE? 3=Nov-79 LINE CHARACTERISTICS CAPACITORS VOLTAGE LINE P LG V,.D. SEC, SUBST TOTAL IN SECTION TOTAL AT TYPE #H KV FACT KM, KM, KVAR DROP RISE DROP POINT 12 13° (14 15 16 a7. 18 19 20 21 22 4/0 AY 7.2 0,38 0,80 4.56 0 0.06 0,00 3,10 307 4/0 A 3 7.2 0,38 2,08 3,76 0 0.93 0,00 3,04 306 4/0 A 3 7.2 0,38 0,49 1,68 0 0.42 0,00 2,11 303 4/0 A3 7.2 0.38 1.19 1,19 0 1,69 0.00 1,69 305 4/0 AY 7.2 0.38 1.70 5.97 0 +0.32 0.00 4,54 140 4/0 AJ 7.2 0,38 1,71 4,27 0 0.92 0,00 4,22 135 4/0 A 3 7.2 0,38 0,61 3,17 0 0,05 0,00 3,35 150 4/0 A 3 7.2 0,38 1,28 2,56 0 1,31 0.00 3,30 130 4/0 AY 7.2 0,38 1.28 1.28 0 1,99 0,00 1.99 110 4/0 A3 7.2 0,38 1.27 5,41 0 0.59 0,00 5,10 120 4/0 A 3 7.2 0,38 2,86 4,14 0 3.90 0.99 4.51 115 750 UA 3 7.2 0,10 1,28 1,28 0 0.61 0,00 0.61 111 4/0 AB 7.2 0.38 2,38 4,88 0 0,86 0,00 4,72 200 4 Al 71.2 4,57 0,78 4,23 0 0.41 0.00 4.95 240 4 AY 7.2 1.26 0.95 3,45 0 0,68 0,00 4,54 230 4/0 A3 7.2 0,38 0.97 2.50 0 1,20 0,00 3,86 220 4/0 AB 7.2 0,38 1.53 1.53 0 2,66 0,00 2.66 215 SECTION SRCE, LOAD IN END END SEC. 1 2 3 AN-03 337 345 36 335 337 36 335 340 108 thee 335 191 310 307 18 315 310 54 315 320 191 Hm 315 72 HH 330 162 SUBSTATION TOTAL 4 36 180 18 263 9 CONSUMERS LOAD BEYND EQUIV SEC, AVG KWH 6 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3900 3000 3000 3000 VOL TAGE GHEY ALASKA 7 JUNEAU DROP LENA SUBSTATION AREA LONG RANGE CONCENTRATED LOAD TOTAL PFAK IN KW SEC, 7 8 182 439 439 2010 115 375 736 tis 630 Nn N oecosooocco 6201 BEYND FQUIV 7+10 SEC. SEC, KW TYPE 9 10 11 12 0 0 182 4/0 0 0 439 4/0 0 9 439 4 0 0 2010 470 0 0 115 4/0 0 0 375 4/0 0 220 956 4/0 220 220 2393 4/0 0 0 630 4/0 220 6421 STUDY LINE P rrr r>rrr> wwwwwweww SAVIN ae eal 6), sa) s/o NNNNNNNNN vV.D. FACT 15 0.38 0.38 4.57 0.38 0,38 0,38 0,38 0.38 0,38 ‘LINE CHARACTERISTICS SUBST TOTAL SEC. KM, 16 1.05 1,05 1,07 2.39 1.61 0,85 1,89 1,14 1,67 POWER FACTOR: CONSUMER LOAD MULT? CONCENTRATED LOAD MULT? KWH PEAKING FACTOR: RUN DATE? CAPACITORS KM, 17 4.49 3.44 3.46 2.39 3.60 1,99 3.03 1.14 1,67 eooocoo0fd 0.90 1,00 1.00 1,00 14-Sep-79 VOLTAGE IN SECTION TOTAS AT DROP RISE DROP POINT 19 20 21 22 0.07 0,00 2,08 345 0.18 0,00 2.01 337 2.15 0,00 3,98 340 1.83 0.00 1,83 335 0.07 0,00 1.23 307 0.12 0,00 1,16 310 0.69 0,00 1.73 320 1,04 0,00 1,04 315 0.49 0.00 0.40 330 SECTION SRCE. LOAD END END 1 2 AN=04 370 375 365 370 365 360 Heme 365 He 358 350 345 Him ee 350 SUBSTATION TOTAL CONSUMERS LOAD IN BEYND EQUIV AVG PEAK SEC, SEC, SEC. KWH KW 3 4 5 6 7 7 ° 4 3000 68 0 7 7 3000 9R 7 0 4 3000 68 162 14 95 3000 729 29 0 15 3000 160 119 0 60 3000 481 72 119 155 3000 1154 396 3000 2860 GH.E.A, ALASKA 7 JUNEAU VOLTAGE DROP EAGLE HARBOR SUBSTATIONA LONG RANGE TOTAL CONCENTRATED LOAD IN BEYND EQUIV 7+10 SEC. SEC. SEC. kW 8 9 10 11 68 98 68 729 160 481 1154 cocoocofo ooococsof 2eoc0000 ° 2860 POWFR FACTOR: 0.90 sSTUDY CONSUMER LOAD MULT? 1.00 CONCENTRATED LOAD MULTS 1.00 KWH PEAKING FACTOR: 1.00 RUN DATES 17-Sep-79 LINE CHARACTERISTICS CAPACITORS VOLTAGE LINE P LG V.D, SEC. SUBST TOTAL IN SFCTION TOTAL AT TYPE H KV FACT KM, KM, KVAR DROP RISE DROP POINT a2 13° 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 UA 1 7.2 3.74 3.22 9.82 0 0.82 0,00 2,70 sito) 2 AM 7.2 3,38 9.97 6,60 0 0.32 0.00 1,88 370 4/0 A3 7.2 0,38 0.61 6,24 0 0.02 9,00 1.58 360 4/0 Bb 3 7.2 0,38 5.63 5.63 0 1.56 0,00 1.56 365 4/0 Al 7.2 #%1.77 1.03 1,03 0 0.29 0,09 0.29 358 4/0 A3 7.2 0,38 3.41 8,11 0 0.62 0,00 2.68 345 4/0 AB 7.2 0,38 4,70 4,70 0 2.06 0,00 2.06 350 LEGEND CONCENTRATED LOADS 7 MENDENHALL SINGLE PHASE DEMAND LAKE DESCRIPTION PEAK (kW) TWO OR V PHASE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 695 2000 _ 4000 THREE PHASE \ —— FAA-AIRPORT NAVIGATION 26 \ _— SERVICE AREA SCALE IN FEET UNDERGROUND *, ‘\~ — pounvary NATIONAL MARITIME FISHERIES LAB SUBSTATION — \4 AUKE BAY GRADE SCHOOL ~_ ee aa see (s] ee TRANSMISSION ® B © 3.91 11.92 19.6 ALASCOM 15) LINE SECTION REGULATOR CONCENTRATED LOAD SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY REGULATED VOLTAGE DROP UNREGULATED VOLTAGE DROP KM FROM SUBSTATION 70 BPA G9hb —~ Se 69-/2.5Y 22 AV 75/9375 MYA ct GOMER @) SIKY TRAMISAI/SS/0K OPERQTED AT 125 YS 22KV- COHEN ISLAND TEE HARBOR BATTLESHIP ‘Pisvano LENA COVE ast = | N SPUHN ISLAND COGHLAN ISLAND “ON INTERMEDIATE PLAN NO. 1 Buran oomtd yao associares, | THIS PRINT 15 REDUCED 10 ONE HALE (APPROX. 2-1/2 TIMES PROJECTED 1982 LOADS) ANCHORAGE, ALASKA OF THE ORIGINAL SCALE IF THE SCALE READS GLACIER HIGHWAY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION |CH2M 0" USE Myre 1-0" 0 AUKE BAY, ALASKA HILL > = ALASKA 7 JUNEAU SH10F2 K13061.A0 LEGEND SINGLE PHASE TWO OR V PHASE THREE PHASE UNDERGROUND SUBSTATION TRANSMISSION wes (@® UNE SECTION (@ REGULATOR “Oo CONCENTRATED LOAD 3 oF , wt Sp 44/0 ACOR SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY REGULATED VOLTAGE DROP. UNREGULATED VOLTAGE DROP KM FROM SUBSTATION #2URD (PRIVATELY OWNED) reare \\ wancor SHELTER ISLAND — INTERMEDIATE PLAN NO. 1 showonacesuana SOUATSS fea : ‘APPROX. 2-1/2 TIMES PROJECTED 1982 LOADS) epemenese aes THIS PRINT IS REDUCED TO ONE-HALF | OF THE ORIGINAL SCALE ] : | IF THE SCALE READS GLACIER HIGHWAY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION |; CH2M K13081.40 \ o | AUKE BAY, ALASKA seHILe Soe = ALASKA 7 JUNEAU SH20F 2 G.H.E.A. ALASKA 7 JUNEAU POWER FACTOR? 0.90 VOLTAGE DROP sTuUDY CONSUMER LOAD MULT? 2.50 CONCENTRATED LOAD MULT? 1,00 AUKE LAKE SUBSTATION AREA KWH PEAKING FACTORS 1.00 INTERMEDIATE #1 RUN DATE? 6-Dece79 SECTION CONSUMERS LOAD CUNCENTRATED LOAD TOTAL LINE CHARACTERISTICS CAPACITORS VOLTAGE Oe ee Ree ween ewww een ne wnerereene Rete e ene een en cme e eee ener neenreseren SRCE, LOAD IN BEYND EQUIV AVG PEAK IN BEYND EQUIV 7+10 LINE P LG V,D. SEC. SUBST TOTAL IN SECTION TUTAL AT END END SEC, SEC, SEC, KWH KW SEC, SEC, SEC, KW TYPE H KV FACT KM, KM, KVAR DROP RISE DROP POINT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13° 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 AN=02 370 375 2 0 1 1010 a1 0 0 0 24 2 UAL 7e2 3474 3422 30.63 0 0,25 0.00 6.94 375 365 370 9 2 2 1010 39 0 0 0 39 2 Al 7.2 3.38 0.97 27.41 0 0.13 0.00 6.69 370 365 360 2 0 1 1010 21 0 9 Qo 21 4/0 Al 7.2 1477 0.61 27.05 0 0.02 0.00 6.58 360 355 365 45 4 27 «1010 236 0 0 0 236 4/0 Al 7.2 1.77 5.63 26.44 0 2.35 0.00 6.56 365 355 358 8 0 4 1010 65 0 9 0 65 4/0 Aft 722° 1.477 1,03 21,84 0 0412 0200 4,33 358 350 355 20 57 67 1010 506 9 0 0 506 4/0 Al 7.2 1.77 4.70 20.81 0 4.21 0,00 4.21 355 300 350 33 17 94 1010 689 9 0 0 689 4/0 A414 722 1.77 3,41 16,11 0 4.416 0.00 0.00 350 VOLTAGE REGULATOR = 8 VOLTS MAXIMUM = 4,16 350 HHH 300 0 110 110 1010 197 9 0 0 797 4/0 A 3 7.2 0,3812.70 12.70 0 3.85 0.00 0.00 300 VOLTAGE REGULATOR = 8 VOLTS MAXIMUM © 3,85 300 337 345 10 0 5 1010 715 0 0 0 75 4/0 AY 702 0638 41.05 12.65 0 0.03 0.00 1.10 345 335 337 10 10 15 1010 153 0 0 0 153 4/0 AJ 7.2 0,38 1.05 11.60 0 0.06 0.00 1,07 337 335 340 30 0 15 1010 153 0 0 0 153 4 Af 762 4.57 1,07 11.62 0 0.75 0.00 1.76 340 325 330 45 0 23 1010 208 0 9 0 208 6 ci 71.2 4.57 1.67 9.83 0 1.59 0,00 2.08 330 325 335 53 50 77 1010 574 0 0 0 574 4/0 A3 7.2 0,38 2.39 10.55 0 0.52 0.00 1.01 335 315 325 20 148 158 1010 1121 0 0 9 1121 4/0 A3 7.2 0.38 1.14 8.16 0 0.49 0.00 0.49 325 315 320 53 0 27 1010 236 195 0 195 431 6 C3 7.2 1.26 1,89 8.91 0 1.03 0.00 1.03 320 310 315 15 221 229 1010 1600 0 195 195 1795 4/0 A 3 7.2 0.38 0.85 7,02 0 0.58 0.00 0.00 315 VOLTAGE REGULATOR = 8 VOLTS MAXIMUM = 5,81 315 307 310 5 236 239 1010 1668 0 195 195 1863 4/0 A 3 7.2 0,38 1.61 6.17 O 1.14 0,00 5.23 310 306 307 10 241 246 1010 1715 0 195 195 1910 4/0 A 3 7.2 0.38 0.80 4,56 0 0.58 0.00 4.09 307 305 306 87 251 295 1010 2046 0 195 195 2241 4/0 A 3 7.2 0.38 2.57 3.76 0 2.19 0.00 3.51 306 tee 305 96 338 336 1010 2660 110 195 250 2910 4/0 A 3 7.2 0,38 1.19 1.19 0 1.32 0.00 1,32 305 135 140 35 0 18 1010 174 9 0 0 174 6 C1 762 4.57 1.70 5.93 0 1.35 0.00 6.29 140 130 135 37 35 54 1010 418 0 0 0 418 6 c4 742 4.57 1.671 4.23 0 3.27 0.00 4,94 135 115 120 91 0 46 1010 364 0 0 0 364 4/0 AB 7.2 0.38 1,27 5.41 0 0.18 0.00 2.59 120 110 115 93 91 138 1010 986 26 0 26 1012 4/0 A 3 7.2 0.38 2.86 4,14 0 1.10 0.00 2.41 115 130 150 14 0 7 1010 93 0 0 9 93 4/0 AY 7.2 0.38 0.61 3.13 0 0,02 0.00 1.69 150 110 130 35 86 104 1010 756 0 0 0 756 4/0 AY 702 0,38 1.24 2.52 0 0.36 0.00 1.67 130 Hote 110 35 305 323° 1010 2235 870 26 461 2696 4/0 A 3 7.2 0,38 1.28 1.28 0 1.31 0,00 1.31 110 220 200 40 0 20 1010 188 0 0 0 188 4/0 AJ 7.2 0.38 0.97 4,88 0 0.07 0.00 1,52 200 230 240 5 0 3 1010 53 0 0 0 53 4 Al 7.2 4.57 0678 58.64 0 0.19 0.00 1.87 240 220 230 30 5 20 1010 188 0 0 0 188 4 AQ 7.2 1.26 0.95 4.86 0 0.23 0.00 1.68 230 215 220 710 75 110 1010 7197 9 0 9 797 4/0 A 3 7.2 0,38 2.38 3.91 0 0.72 0.00 1.45 220 Him ee 215 65 145 178 1010 1256 0 9 0 1256 4/0 A 3 7.2 0,38 1,53 1,53 0 0.73 0,00 0.73 215 SUBSTATION TOTAL 1094 1010 7441 1201 8642 Poe MENDENHALL CONCENTRATED LOADS SINGLE PHASE DEMAND LAKE DESCRIPTION PEAK (kW) UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA 750 TWO OR V PHASE THREE PHASE : FAA-AIRPORT NAVIGATION 28 _7— SERVICE AREA SCALE IN FEET UNDERGROUND 7 - BOUNDARY 3 NATIONAL MARITIME FISHERIES LAB SUBSTATION AUKE BAY GRADE SCHOOL TRANSMISSION ALASCOM LINE SECTION REGULATOR CONCENTRATED LOAD SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY To LENA L 70 APA GIAV SUBSTATION 7 | —— (n8vthy POINT) REGULATED VOLTAGE DROP. UNREGULATED VOLTAGE DROP KM FROM SUBSTATION ( 69-/2-5Y /7-2 KY 69-12.5Y/ 7.2 KV — 7.5/9.375 MVA g@ 7.6/9.375 MIVA \ 70 EhGll HhkBOR SUBSTATION ¢— —» 70 AUKE LAKE SUBSTATION 69-/2.57/ 7.2 AV 7.8/ 9375 NVA COHEN ISLAND TEE HARBOR YX a 12.8 | Meer #40 ACSR 340 ) BATTLESHIP SIKV TEAMIN1 55/041 DAS z a i? o 2Dris.ano a %_ QPERATED MT 125%/20KV SPUHN ! (— tsvano 4 ISLAND \ LENA COVE 3 te, Z if INTERMEDIATE PLAN NO. 2 Rater WintiRarono snwcures;| | | || anis pant Ig REGLGED To ONE/AAIT B68 (APPROX.5 TIMES PROJECTED 1982 LOADS) ANCHORAGE, ALASKA OF THE ORIGINAL SCALE R HIGHWAY TRIC A‘ 7 H qa eeae nee GLACIER HIGHWAY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION CH2M dey ior Use siouieorien’ ics 407 Use AUKE BAY, ALASKA asHILl K13061.A0 an ALASKA 7 JUNEAU SH 10F2 LEGEND SINGLE PHASE TWO OR V PHASE THREE PHASE SCALE IN FEET UNDERGROUND SUBSTATION TRANSMISSION LINE SECTION REGULATOR CONCENTRATED LOAD SERVICE AREA BOUNDARY REGULATED VOLTAGE DROP. UNREGULATED VOLTAGE DROP KM FROM SUBSTATION GIKV TRANSMISSION PEARL OPERATED AT 12.57/72 KV HARBOR GULL ISLAND, SHELTER ISLAND Base map prepared by: eee PLAN in 7 ROBERT W RETHERFORD ASSOCIATES, — = (APPROX. 5 TIMES PROJECTED 1982 LOADS) | THIS PRINT 1S REDUCED TO ONE-HALF OF THE ORIGINAL SCALE ! If THE SCALE READS GLACIER HIGHWAY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION on ts 10" use e720" AUKE BAY, ALASKA —~ ALASKA 7 JUNEAU SH 20F 2 K13061.A0 GH.E.A, ALASKA 7 JUNEAU POWER FACTOR: 0.90 VOLTAGE DROP STUDY CONSUMER LOAD MULT: 5.00 CONCENTRATED LOAD MULT? 1.00 AUKE LAKE SUBSTATION AREA KWH PEAKING FACTOR: 1,00 INTERMEDIATE #2 RUN DATE? 26*Nove79 SECTION CONSUMERS LOAD CONCENTRATED LOAD TOTAL LINE CHARACTERISTICS CAPACITORS VOLTAGE Peewee meee e comme e erence ema e Neen een eee Teese nae neneeneee nee Sere mene eweewewee SRCE, LOAD IN BEYND EQUIV AVG PEAK IN BEYND EQUIV 7410 LINE P LeG V,0. SEC, SUBST TOTAL IW SECTIUN TOTAL AT END END SEC, SEC, SEC, KWH KW SEC, SEC, SEC, KW TYPE H KV FACT KM, KM, KVAR DROP RISE DROP POINT 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13° 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 AN#02 306 307 10 0 5 1010 150 0 0 0 150 4/0 A 3 742 0.38 0.80 4.56 0 0.05 0.00 1.83 307 305 306 87 10 $4 1010 837 0 0 0 837 4/0 AJ 7.2 0.38 2.57 3.76 0 0.82 0.00 1,78 306 hee 305 96 97 145 1010 2066 115 0 58 2124 4/0 A 3 7.2 0.38 1.19 1.19 0 0.96 0.00 0.96 305 135 140 35 0 18 1010 348 0 0 0 348 4/0 A 3 762 0.38 1.70 5.93 0 0.22 0.00 3.89 140 130 135 37 35 54 1010 837 0 0 0 837 4/0 A3 7.2 0.38 1.71 4.23 0 0.54 0.00 3,67 135 115 120 91 0 46 1010 729 0 0 0 729° «4/0 A3 7.2 0.38 1.27 5.41 0 0.35 0.00 4.94 120 110 115 93 91 138 1010 1972 28 0 28 2000 4/0 A 3 722 0-438 2.86 4.14 0 2.17 0.00 4.59 115 130 150 14 0 7 1010 187 0 9 ° 187 4/0 A 3 7.2 0.38 0.61 3.13 0 0.04 0.00 3.17 150 110 130 35 86 104 1010 1512 0 0 0 1512 4/0 AJ 7.2 0.38 1424 2.52 0 0.71 0.00 3.13 130 shone 110 35 305 323° 1010 4470 940 28 498 4968 4/0 A 3 7.2 0.38 1.28 1.28 0 2.42 0.00 2.42 110 220 200 40 0 20 1010 376 0 0 0 376 4/0 AZ 7.2 0,38 0.97 4,88 0 0.14 0,00 3,04 200 230 240 5 0 3) 1010 105 0 0 0 105 4 Al 7.2 4,57 0.78 5,64 0 0.37 0,00 3,72 240 220 230 30 5 20 1010 376 0 0 0 376 4 AJ 7.2 1,26 0.95 4,86 0 0.45 0.00 3,35 230 215 220 70 15 110 1010 1593 0 0 0 1593 4/0 A 3 722 0,438 2.38 3,91 0 1.44 0.00 2.90 220 whe ee 215 65 145 178 1010 2512 0 0 0 2512 4/0 A3 7.2 0,38 1,53 1.53 0 1446 0,00 1,46 215 SUBSTATION TOTAL 743° 1010 10142 1083 11225 SECTION weeeee o- eeeee SRCE, LOAD IN END END SEC, SEC, 1 2 3 4 AN=03 370 375 2 0 365 370 0 2 365 360 2 Qo 300 365 45 4 300 358 8 0 eee 300 0 87 350 355 20 0 345 350 33 20 337 345 10 53 335 337 10 63 335 340 30 0 Ht HH 335 53 103 wen eH 330 45 0 310 308 s 0 315 310 18 5 315 320 53 0 HHH 315 20 73 SUBSTATION TOTAL SEC, 5 351 BEYND EQUIV CONSUMERS LOAD AVG KWH 6 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 1010 PEAK KW 7 43 17 43 471 129 877 234 607 891 1026 306 1864 417 105 278 471 1229 4848 VOLT CONCEN IN SEC, 8 eooooeo N 2 euacocsoc0c0c—o GyHLE.A, ALASKA 7 JUNEAU AGE DROP sTUD LENA SUBSTATION ARFA INTERMEDIATE #2 TRATED LOAD BEYND EQUIV 7410 SEC. SEC, KW 2 10 41 TOTAL 43 17 43 471 129 877 coooco 234 607 891 1026 306 1864 417 105 278 676 1434 mooccoccoo0o cooocoeosco CoCocCcS x ° NN oo an 205 5053 TYPE 12 20U 2 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4/0 4 4/0 6 4/0 4/0 6 4/0 PASrPAYS rrr rr SPYrrrry Y LINE P LG V.D,. H 13 ed He ee ee POWER FACTOR§ 0.90 CONSUMER LOAD MULT: 5.00 CONCENTRATED LOAD MULT? 1.00 KWH PEAKING FACTOR$ 1,00 RUN DATEs 26°Nove79 LINE CHARACTERISTICS CAPACITORS VOLTAGE SEC, SUBST TOTAL IN SECTIUN TUTAL KV FACT KM, KM, KVAR DROP RISE DROP 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a4 7.2 3.74 3,22 22.42 0 0.52 0.00 5,33 7.2 3.38 0.97 19.20 0 0-25 0.00 4.81 7e2 1477 0,61 18,84 0 0.05 0.00 4.61 763) 1.72 5.63 18.23 0 4.56 0.00 4.56 7.2 1.77 1.03 13.63 0 0.24 0.00 0.24 742 0,3812,60 12,60 0 4.20 0.00 0.00 VOLTAGE REGULATOR = 8 VOLTS MAXIMUM = 4,20 762° 0,38 4,70 12.60 0 0442 0.00 3,467 7.2 0,38 3.41 7.90 0 0679 0,00 3,25 762 0,38 1.05 4,49 0 0,36 0.00 2.46 7.2 0,38 1,05 3.44 0 0.41 0,00 2.10 762 4.57 1.07 3.46 0 1.49 0.00 3.18 7.2 0.38 2,39 2,39 0 1,69 0.00 1.69 7.2 4.57 1.67 1,67 0 3.18 0.00 3.18 7.2 0,38 1.61 3,60 0 0,06 0,00 0.77 7.2 0.38 0.85 1,99 0 0,09 0.00 0.71 7.2 1.26 1,89 3,03 0 1,61 0,00 2.23 7.2 0.38 1.14 1,14 0 0.62 0,00 0.62 wWCWUWwe we www AT POINT 22 375 370 360 365 358 300 300 355 350 345 337 340 335 330 308 310 320 315