HomeMy WebLinkAboutReconnaissance Study Of Energy Requirements & Alternatives-Main Report 7-1982 PROPERTY OF: 334 W. 5th Ave. Al = AND ALTERNATIVES Alaska Power Authority chorage, Alaska 99501 FILE COPY. RECONNAISSANCE STUDY OF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS MAIN REPORT ANIAK ATKA MEKORYUK CHEFORNAK NEWTOK CHIGNIK LAKE NIGHTMUTE COLD BAY NIKOLSKI FALSE PASS ST. GEORGE HOOPER BAY ST. MARYS IVANOF BAY ST. PAUL KOTLIK TOKSOOK BAY LOWER AND TUNUNAK UPPER KALSKAG PREPARED BY NORTHERN TECHNICAL SERVICES & VAN GULIK AND ASSOCIATES ANCHORAGE, ALASKA ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY RECONNAISSANCE STUDY OF ENERGY REQUIREMENTS AND ALTERNATIVES FOR THE VILLAGES OF ANIAK, ATKA, CHEFORNAK, CHIGNIK LAKE, COLD BAY, FALSE PASS, HOOPER BAY, IVANOF BAY, KOTLIK, LOWER AND UPPER KALSKAG, MEKORYUK, NEWTOK, NIGHTMUTE, NIKOLSKI, ST. GEORGE, ST. MARYS, ST. PAUL, TOKSOOK BAY AND TUNUNAK A REPORT by NORTHERN TECHNICAL SERVICES and VAN GULIK and ASSOCIATES Anchorage, Alaska July, 1982 NORTHERN TECHNICAL SERVICES 750 WEST 2ND AVENUE, SUITE 100 * ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 276-4302 June 23, 1982 Eric Yould, Director Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 Dear Mr. Yould: Please find herein our Main Report for a "Reconnaissance Study of Energy Requirements and Alternatives for Eighteen Western and Southwestern Alaskan Villages." Northern Technical Services and its associates have been pleased to conduct these studies and look forward to continuation of this work with the Alaska Power Authority. Very truly yours, NORTHERN TECHNICAL SERVICES oe 7 & Om . OM [ph nw le V R. W. Huck Partner RWH: slw TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 BACKGROUND 3.0 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Village Contacts 3.2 Data Collection 3.3 Energy Balance Calculations 3.4 Projections 3.5 Alternative Sources of Energy 3.6 Formulation of Electrical Energy Plans 3.7 Plan Evaluation 3.8 Recommendations 4.0 CRITERIA EMPLOYED TO DEFINE THE BASE CASE FOR EIGHT VILLAGES WITHOUT CENTRAL GENERATION 4.1 Methods 4.2 Total Energy Used and Total Peak Power Estimates 4.3 Costing 5.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS 6.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX A Technology Profiles Al. Energy Conservation A2. Diesel Power Technology A3. Waste Heat Recovery from Diesel Generators A4. Hydroelectric Power A5. Wind Energy Conversion Systems A6. Geothermal Energy A7. Steam Power Generation from Coal/Wood/ Solid Waste/Peat A8. Gasification of Wood, Peat or Coal A9. Synchronous, Induction or DC Generation Systems A10. Electrical Generation Management All. Electric Power Transmission - Single Wire Ground Return (SWGR) LETTERS OF REVIEW AND REPLIES NNNHAMNwW = WWWWWWW WW DAuwwo > > oe — = > > o> 6.1 Al.1 A2.1 A3.1 A4.1 A5.1 A6.1 A7.1 A8.1 A9.1 A10.1 A11.1 Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 3e2 353 4.1 4.2 Set 5.2 LIST OF TABLES Examples of Energy Conversion Efficiencies Energy Balance for Atka Ranking of Energy Sources Costing Examples for Chignik Lake Cost Estimates for Additional Generators for Established Utilities Village Energy Costs Summary Findings at. Page 3.7 Sil) 3.22 4.6 4.8 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1 Location Map 1.2 Figure 3.1 Available Waste Heat 3.112 Figure 3.2 Energy Flow Diagram 3.14 Figure 3.3 Distribution of Total Useable Energy 3.15 Figure 3.4 Population Forecast for St. Paul Set7 iii — 1.0 INTRODUCTION Northern Technical Services (NORTEC) with Van Gulik and Associates, Inc. entered into a contract with the Alaska Power Authority during November, 1981 to perform energy reconnaissance studies at 20 rural Alaskan communities. These are: Aniak, Atka, Chefornak, Chignik Lake, Cold Bay, False Pass, Ivanof Bay, Hooper Bay, Kotlik, Lower and Upper Kalskag, Mekoryuk, Newtok, Nightmute, Nikolski, St. George, St. Marys, St. Paul, Toksook Bay and Tununak. The villages are located in western and southwestern Alaska and in the Aleutian Islands (see figure 1.1). All of the villages are primarily dependent on imported fuel for the generation of electricity as well as for space heating. Fuel is delivered to the villages by barge and the deliveries are made on an annual or semi-annual basis. The primary objective of the reconnaissance studies was to identify existing and future power production needs of the communities and to investigate potential alternative sources of energy and new technologies to meet these needs in the least costly manner. Realistically, the question to be addressed is not purely one of energy economics but is a social question as well. That is, costly services are being supplied to rural native Alaskans who have little discretionary income and, at pesent, very limited opportunity for local income generating employment. To address all of the implications of this situation is beyond the scope of an energy reconnaissance investigation. Where possible this study has been designed to identify potential opportunities for local employment which would result from energy projects or increased employment which youl L Cc T°T eanbtg ODNOUVAUWUNA KEY KOTLIK SAINT MARYS KALSKAG ANIAK LOWER KALSKAG NEWTOK NIGHTMUTE CHEFORNAK MEKORYUK TOKSOOK BAY TUNUNAK HOOPER BAY CHIGNIK LAGOON CHIGNIK LAKE IVANOF BAY FALSE PASS COLD BAY NIKOLSKI ATKA ST. PAUL ST. GEORGE 41 TunuNaK ~ 7-4 10 ToxsooK Bay 1 MEKORYUK we ene oe} Welt Sant wags 2 “iy, wALSKAG 3° ~=. S Lower” oe Tania 4 7 - 7 JS KALSKAG te 180 240 300 MILES LOCATION MAP result of lowered energy costs. Energy alternatives for the communities have been assessed on the basis of the following criteria: - economic comparison with present power costs - technical feasibility - social benefits to be derived - energy resource availability, quality and magnitude - environmental impacts - community preferences This report follows the Power Authority's recommended Outline format, allowing information for these communities to be compared with that of communities under investigation by other contractors. The required components of an energy reconnaissance as defined by the Power Authority have been incorporated into this study as the primary tasks. Each of the community energy reconnaissance investigations included the following basic tasks: o An on-site reconnaissance visit - These visits allowed the study team to investigate many aspects of the community's present energy supply and demand, to assess potential alternatives, to learn of the community's plans, preferences and ideas for use of energy resources. Each community visit included preliminary contact with key village representatives, a town meeting and additional personal contacts with many of the village residents in addition to the facility and resource reconnaissance investigations. o A complete energy balance compilation and analysis - The energy balance data not only provides necessary information for system planning and Lr, economic analysis but also provides an overview of existing energy requirements and sources. o A forecast of electrical energy peak load requirements through the year 2001 - The forecasts are basic tools for matching energy resources and future community needs and for preliminary economic analysis. o Technology profiles - Profiles of those technologies with the potential to replace or enhance diesel generation or to otherwise decrease the proportion of individual income spent on energy were prepared. Detailed profiles are included as an appendix to this report. o Energy system options - Preferred energy options estimated costs and recommendations for energy alternatives are made. Investigations prerequisite to further consideration of the energy options are also suggested herein. Site-specific energy alternatives were considered for the twenty communities. The conclusions, as presented, are based upon: o The on-site reconnaissance including information provided by local residents of the villages, visual inspection, and subjective reactions. o Limited data on stream flows, mean wind velocities, solar incidence and fuel resources at the site or in the approximate area under consideration. o State-of-the-art information obtained from experience, vendor data and reports in the technical and professional literature. 1.4 o Preliminary economic analyses using engineering parameters, estimated cost information and resource data. As in any analysis of alternative energy scenarios, it has been necessary to consider technologies of varying reliability and availablity. Few of the newer technologies have been field tested in rural Alaska. Consequently, it is not possible to accurately assess investment risk. However, some systems may warrant further investigation, if the potential benefit appears to be significant. Since the Power Authority has requested alternatives which can be implemented in the near future in order to meet the serious and immediate energy needs of rural Alaskans, only those technologies which are available have been recommended for further investigation. Other technologies may have great potential for these rural communities, but the status of their development is such that they can only be considered reliable long-term solutions. In most instances traditional economic analyses will not favor a new energy conversion system, but the long-term reliability of a local or renewable energy resource has a real or social value that is difficult to quantify. In most of these cases, new technologies must be demonstrated under Alaskan conditions before economic analyses can be considered sufficiently rigorous. The demonstrated value of an alternative energy system operating in Alaska is important not only to those benefiting directly from the energy conversion but also to those investors (public and private) who will be encouraged to implement similar alternatives. Some energy alternatives have been eliminated from further investigation as part of this reconnaissance for one or more of the following reasons. o Resource availability, magnitude, or quality unsuitable in the vicinity of the village 1.5 o Conversion technology considered very high risk (not proven) Extraction or conversion technology very expensive for scale of operation anticipated based on best estimates of population and/or industry growth 1.6 2.0 BACKGROUND General As the life style of the villages in western Alaska and the Aleutians has moved away from total subsistence, a dependence on imported fossil fuels has arisen. These fossil fuels are needed for electrical generation, space heating, cooking and transporation. The emphasis of the Energy Reconnaissnace Program is electricity - its generation, supply, demand and costs. Further, cost and reliability are of critical importance to the villages. Fuel prices have risen rapidly, resulting in dynamic and escalating costs for electricty. Costs are also influenced by the relative lack of trained power plant operators in the communities who have been trained in the installation, operation and maintenance of power generation systems. The remote nature of the villages in concert with the rudimentary transportation systems in Alaska also poses a serious problem in supplying spare parts and highly skilled mechanics to perform major repair work. In view of the above, it is essential that the efficiency and cost-effective operation of existing generators be maximized at the village level. The villages in this study generally have a restricted cash economy that is inadequate to support year round employment for all but a few of their residents. The majority of the villages are planning for the development of a broader base for their local economy. A basic requirement for such an expansion 1s a reliable and reasonably priced supply of electricity. Space heating is the major end use for fuel oil in the villages. Energy use is high because the houses tend to be rook poorly constructed with high infiltration rates. Inadequate insulation in many homes causes excessive heat loss through walls, floors and ceilings. In many places where wood and other alternative sources of heating fuel are available, villagers are converting their appliances to make use of the lower priced fuels. Energy conservation measures to reduce space heating costs are outlined in Appendix Al. Resources Electrical generation is fueled by diesel in all the villages in the study (Appendix A2). Generators in the village are producing from 4 to 11 KWH per gallon of diesel fuel. The lower production rate is usually found in those villages where small generators are installed at individual dwellings. These small individual generators have high operation maintenance and capital costs (on a per KWH basis). Inefficient energy production rates (5-6 KWH/gal) are encountered in central generation systems where the engines are excessively oversized. Further, the resulting low loads on the central generators results in high Operation and maintenance costs. Village systems with high conversion rates (10-11 KWH/gal) have generators matched to the load and use night switching. These units are well maintained and their performance 1S continually monitored to insure maximum efficiency. Most generators have been installed to produce electrical power only. Initially, no consideration was given to recovering heat from the engines to provide space heat to some of the buildings in the village. Recently, as a result of high fuel costs, waste-heat capture has been demonstrated at a number of sites and is generally perceived as the most readily available meins for reducing use of 011 (Appendix A3). An efficient ani economical waste-heat capture system requires a central generation plant that 1s located near a large heat consumer, usually a school or public building. Hydro-power is a viable alternative source of electricity where the flow of water at a site can be assured throughout the year and where the stream course is steep (Appendix A4). Small streams in the Yukon-Kuskokwim region have low gradients and freeze in the winter which precludes develop- ment potential. The Aleutian Islands and southern Alaska Peninsula experience milder climates 1ave mountainous topography and high potential for economical small scale hydropower developments. In most cases, villagers are aware of the economic benefits to be gained from the development of local hydro-electric potential. Generation of electrical power from tie wind has yet to be proven economically or technically viable (Appendix A5). The extreme gustiness of wind velocities especially in mountain- ous regions precludes the use of any wind powered generators available on the market today. Most wind systems require an operating utility to provide magnetizing current and frequency regulation to control the output. There 1s not sufficient data at this time too demonstrate that wind machines in small villages result in an economic-— ally or physically reliable reduction in 011 consumption and energy costs. Installation and monitoring of wind data acquisition systems are a necessary first step in quantifying the resource and producing an appropriate systems design. 23) Geothermal energy has not yet proven to be a viable resource in Alaska even though there are numerous sites where geothermal resources have been identified (Appendix A6). A major problem with geothermal power is the low temperature of the resource, itS remoteness and the high cost of developing and transmitting the potential energy to the user. If a village is located adjacent to a hotspring, the potential for developing the resource is great; if it is 10 miles from an uncertain source the costs of investigation and development are most likely to be prohibitive. Solar energy has not been shown to be an economically realistic source of energy for the majority of rural Alaskan communities. The short hours of sunlight during the wintertime and heavy cloud cover in the summer mitigate against its success. Coal beds occur locally in western Alaska. Some villages gather coal from exposed seams along the rivers and use it as a supplementary source of space heat. No commercial mines operate in the region and as far as can be determined there are no immediate plans for such. Technologies The only long-term proven technology for reliable electrical supply in rural Alaska is that associated with diesel powered generators. Where available the greatest alternative potential lies with small scale hydroelectric developments. Acknowledgement of the role of diesel powered generators makes it incumbent upon the utilities to insure maximum efficiency in the use of diesel fuel. The first step is to size the generators to meet the forecast loads, the second 2.4 1s to incorporate waste heat capture systems which have been proven technologically and economically, and the third step is to introduce management techniques to reduce the consumption of fuel without increasing operation costs. Ze) 3.0 3.1 METHODOLOGY VILLAGE CONTACT Approaches to the Village Upon the award of the contract, a list was compiled inclusive of the regional corporation, non-profit groups, village Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) councils, village corporation, and municipality officials and individuals who had attended or expressed interest in programs conducted by RurALCAP during a recent study. Itineraries for village visits were established and proposed dates for village meetings were presented. Additionally, officials in each of the villages were contacted by telephone. The purpose of the program and village visits were outlined and the proposed village meeting schedule was verified. A letter was sent to each official in each organization from the Alaska Power Authority. Vagaries of weather dictated final schedule adjustments and telephone contact was made with the village prior to arrival of the field team to advise of any changes in schedule. Work Methods in the Villages On arrival in the village the presidents of the corporation and/or the head of the IRA Council were contacted, the village meeting time and location verified, and the field team received an introduction to the special conditions and concerns of the community. 3.1 All power plants, stores, schools, public buildings and major commercial concerns were visited. Several houses were also visited and the size, condition, heating systems and appliances were noted. Community meetings were held with advance notice being given over the village CB radios. Discussions during and after the meetings provided the majority of data on the standard of living, the expectations of the people and the plans for developments in the community. Arrangements were made with individuals at the meetings to visit their homes afterwards. Contacts made within the village were noted and any special questions or concerns over the reconnaissance program were answered. Additional information not readily available while the field teams were at the villages was researched in Anchorage and the villagers were subsequently recontacted by telephone. In some cases additional written and published materials were mailed to the village. Community Involvement Community involvement was a priority throughout the project, although it was limited to one visit as it was not possible to schedule return visits for direct discussion of the results and recommendations. Contacts were maintained with several of the villages and where possible additional information was supplied to other agencies after prior approval of the Alaska Power Authority. 32 3.2 The draft reports were circulated to the villages for their comments prior to submission of the final village specific reports. DATA COLLECTION Data Forms The Alaska Power Authority provided the contractor (Northern Technical Services) with a data form which combined aspects of forms developed during previous reconnaissance studies. Sources of Information Prior to village visitations, a bibliography of data sources was compiled. Information was abstracted and entered onto the forms and data from the census and the utility records were compiled and condensed onto the form. Nine of the villages in the study do not have central generation, therefore additional information was sought for villages of similar populations and levels of economic activity. Background data was aggregated into themes, for example, peak loads, fuel requirements, and diversity factors and then projected and analyzed on a village-specific basis. Data from previous reconnaissance studies was compiled and used for comparisons. Information on costing for alternative plans was collected from previous studies, suppliers, manufacturers, and design/construction groups with experience in rural Alaska. 3.5 Village Visit Meetings with the village officials and villagers provided much information especially on the use patterns present requirements, expectations and future growth potential in the village. Site reconnaissance enabled the measurement of buildings, detailing local commercial, public and school buildings. Further, these visits were used to record the various aspects of the electricity generation and distribution systems. The data forms were filled in, as far as possible, during the visits to the village. Further data sources were utilized from state and private sources outside the village in the final compilation effort. Further Data Sources Additional information was collected from manufacturers and equipment suppliers for diesel powered generators. This data was used to calculate fuel consumption where precise records were not available. Contact was made with the Regional Housing Authorities and Housing and Urban Development, and other agencies involved directly and indirectly with development plans for the villages, for example, Public Health Service, and the State Department of Community and Regional Affairs. Three field crews were involved in the village visits and subsequent meetings between the groups provided valuable background, corroborative data. 3.4 3.3 ENERGY BALANCE CALCULATIONS Methods The energy balance in the village was calculated according to the following procedure. Data on energy consumption was collected from: 1) village corporation records 2) schools (BIA and Regional School Districts) 3) generating facilities 4) major local or regional distributors 5) the residents of the villages during the site visits The principal energy users in the communities were divided into six sectors; these are: 1) transportation 2) electrical generation 3) residential 4) commercial 5) schools 6) public The major end uses were defined as: 1) heating which included cooking and space heating 2) water heating 3) waste heat production 4) electrical generation 5) transportation Cooking and space heating were grouped together under a single energy end use because they could not be separated in many cases. For example, a common stove design provides a cooking surface and space heat from a single oil 320) combustion chamber. This design prohibits individual analysis of these two energy uses. Heating values were calculated to provide a basis of comparison between the values for each sector and end use. Throughout the calculations energy values are expressed in units of MMBTU (Million BTU). Assumptions Record Keeping The level of recordkeeping varies markedly between villages and between sectors. Total energy use values were available for all the villages. However, in certain instances there was no village-specific data for a certain sector(s) and values had to be estimated. Estimations were based on values obtained from villages within the study area which have central generation facilities operated by reporting utilities. Values were also derived from AVEC records from other villages in the region. Schools Records for the school sector were obtained for all villages. In schools that fuel for space heating and electrical generation were not separated the electrical generation consumption was estimated based on the size of the generators, loading, square footage, and comparison with comparable schools where data was available. Other Sectors Estimates of fuel oil use for sectors in villages with inadequate data were derived from the square footage of occupied floor area, type of use, geographic location 316 (which effects, for example, heating degree days), and on a proportional basis using data from communities of similar size and location within the region. Energy Conversion The methods of converting chemical energy (i.e. fuel oil) to useful energy (i.e. heat and electricity) experience varying efficiencies. Ranges of conversion efficiencies for energy processes utilized in the villages are summarized in Table 3.1. The efficiencies in the table were used to determine the amount of heat energy lost in the energy conversion process. Table 3.1 EXAMPLES OF ENERGY CONVERSION EFFICIENCIES Conversion Efficiency Process to Useful Energy Energy (Heat) Wasted Diesel-electric 18-30% 70-82% Generation Small Fuel Oil 60% 40% Space Heating Equipment (drip oil stoves) Small Wood-Fired Space Heating Equipment Larger Fuel Oil Space Heating Equipment (oil jet burners) (Schools) The waste heat component of the energy balance is determined by conversion efficiency. Be7 Recoverable waste heat estimates are based on typical specifications from manufacturers and field observations of actual operation. 1) Diesel-electrical Generations 2) Drip Oil Stoves 3) Wood stoves 4) Oil Jet Burners Hot Water Heating 65% of the waste heat can be recovered through installation of jacket and exhaust heat exchangers. 50% of the waste heat can be recovered through installation of high efficiency burners, exhaust stack heat exchangers, and improved maintenance. 50% of the waste heat can be recovered by installing airtight woodstoves and exhaust stack heat exchangers. 10% of the waste heat can be recovered by installation of new jets, regular maintenance and the installation of pre heating unit using exhaust heat for incoming air. Estimates of the residential energy requirements for water heating were based upon population, type of water system, and method of heating. It was assumed that in a piped water distribution system, with oil fired or electric hot water tanks, an average person would use 15 gallons of 3.8 hot water per day. In villages without residential hot water tanks the average person would use 5 gallons per day. In those villages that required water to be hauled manually an average person was assumed to use 2 gallons of hot water per day. Estimates of the energy required by the school for hot water heating were based upon the number of students and use of showers. In schools without showers, it was assumed that the school would require 2 gallons of hot water per student day for cooking and clean up. In schools with showers, each student was assumed to take 2 showers/week. In those schools that are used by the community as a central shower facility, it was assumed that the average community member would take 1 shower per week and that the school required 1.5 gallons of hot water per student day. Hot water use in the public and commercial sectors was determined to be unique to each village. In those villages with major hot water users, future energy demand was estimated through evaluation of past water heating energy demands. Energy Balance Data and Calculations In Table 3.2 where fuel use is divided into sectors the total gallons are converted to MMBTU and to a proportion of the total for all sectors. Electricity use in MWH is treated similarly. The power generation sector uses a known number of gallons, expressed as MMBTU, and the proportion of total fuel used in the village. MWH used for generation related equipment, for example, fans, is entered as MMBTU used in the electrical generation sector. MMBTU for electricity use are added to those for the other sectors to give a total MMBTU from electricity in the community. The difference between the MMBTU content of the B19) fuel oil used for electricity is the amount of waste heat produced, of which 65% is assumed to be recoverable. For residential, school and public facilities it is assumed that 60% of the fuel oil energy entering the property is used for space heat. Forty percent of the energy in the fuel oil is entered as waste heat, 50% of which is assumed to be recoverable. The total energy used is the sum of the MMBTU in all fuel types minus the waste heat. The proportion of fuel oil used in the commercial sector for space heating was either derived from records or estimates based on comparable commercial operations for which data was available. Waste Heat Calculations The manufacturers of diesel engines, which power electrical generators, provided information for the amount of heat rejected to the engine cooling water for various engine loadings. The rating of the primary generator(s) is divided by the average generator load. The average load is calculated as follows: KW Ave Load = Total KWH generated in one year 8760 hrs. The average load is then divided by the generator rating, to give the percentage of the rating that 3.10 represents average operation. % Load Rating = Average Load (KW) x 100 Generator Rating (KW) Figure 3.1 presents a method for calculating the amount of heat available from the jacket cooling water and the exhaust stack at any operating point if the heat rejection at the engine rated kw is known. The data is available from the engine manufacturer in catalog data. Presentation of Information Data for each village is presented in tabular form for each sector by end use in Table 3.2 and as an energy flow diagram (Fig. 3.2). In addition, the 1982 projected distribution of useable energy is presented for each village as is shown in Figure 3.3. For example, the electrical generation sector uses 2293 MMBTU of fuel oil to produce 603 MMBTU of electricity. 150 MMBTU of this is used by the residential sector, 170 MMBTU by the commercial sector, 170 MMBTU by the schools, 75 MMBTU by the public sector; and 11 MMBTU is used for electrical production. These electrical values are shown on the Energy Flow Diagram under electrical distribution. The balance of the MMBTU input to the electrical generation sector is 1689 MMBTU, which represents the waste heat lost from the diesel generators. The Energy Flow Diagram represents the flow of energy entering the villages as fuels to the designated end uses by sector. Fuel oil is used for space heating and power 3.12 WASTE HEAT AVAILABLE % MAX. 100 80 60 40 20 AVAILABLE WASTE HEAT * a JACKET WATER AVAILABLE EXHAUST 20 40 60 80 100 % KW LOAD RATING * (OERIVED FROM DATA IN THE CATERPILLAR CO. MANUAL) Note: This curve is to be used with manufacturers data on heat rejected to the jacket water or exhaust at the kw rating (100%) of the engine. Figure 3.1 Sie LZ NOT AVAILABLE AT EXHAUST HEAT EXCHANGER EL+¢ VILLAGE: ATKA/1982 ENERGY BALANCE [soon [rome [me me cone “et FUEL OIL ELECTRICITY SECTOR RESIDENTIAL TOTAL ENERGY COMMERCIAL 574 i2 PUBLIC SCHOOLS 643 13 ELECTRICAL GENERATION TRANSPORTATION 1350 28 *station service or distribution losses Table 3.2 a Z°€ eanbty ATKA/1982 pop: 108 HOUSEHOLDS: 25 8,500 HTG. DEGREE DAYS FUEL AMOUNT ENERGY PROOUCT ELECTRICAL ENO USE TOTAL BY SECTOR CONVERSION DISTRIBUTION BY SECTOR USABLE ENERGY S GASOLINE TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION | TRANSFORTETION (1350) (1350) (2350) PROPANE COOKING RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL wooo aes HEATING ) (1566) HEATING/ (1416) COOKING "Sr COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL HEATING (404) (574) (674) FUEL OIL POWER POWER GEN. GENERATION ELECTRICAL (7020) (2293) SENERATORS: (1689) L SCHOOL(S) SCHOOL(S) HEATING/ (618) (7a COOKING PUBLIC PUBLIC (643) HEATING (947) _ S|] 1 TOTAL TOTAL INPUT USABLE ENERGY ENERGY RECOVERABLE WASTE HEAT (8370) (1924) (6713) WASTE HEAT N - RECOVERABLE : (1657 NOTE” ) IN BRACKETS ARE 10® Btu's. NUMBERS WVYOVIG MO1S ADYAN] DISTRIBUTION OF TOTAL USABLE ENERGY*® ATKA W/ CENTRAL GENERATION INSTALLED END USE BY SECTOR SECTOR 100 E(4.4%) H/C(34.1%) RESIDENTIAL PERCENTAGE (%) P(1.1%) PWR GEN Se rete ee ° os es fey WH(1.3%) SCHOOL 20 10 PUBLIC H/C(16.5%) 0 END USE SUMMARY E LIGHTS, REFRIGERATOR/FREEZERS, 16.4% VIDEO, AND OTHER ELECTRICAL USES WH WATER HEATING 8.3%: H/C SPACE HEATING, COOKING AND MISC. 74.0% P GENERATOR STATION SERVICE/ 1.1% TRANSMISSION LOSSES TOTAL USABLE ENERGY = 3439 x 10° BTU %@ DOES NOT INCLUDE ENERGY USED FOR TRANSPORTATION AND RECOVERABLE WASTE HEAT Figure 3.3 a fie 3.4 generation. Both uses contribute to the village waste heat as shown. A proportion of the waste heat produced can be recovered. Within the residential sector some of the heat is lost through air infiltration and heat losses through walls, floor and ceiling. PROJECTIONS Population Projections Historical population data was obtained from the Office of the Census for all villages. The data was graphed and a curve was fitted. Linear models and differential equations were examined but the best fit to the majority of the villages was a percentage growth model based on historical census data, social and economic factors, and planned capital projects. In turn, the population projection was used as the bases for the thermal and electrical energy projections. Figure 3.4 illustrates the population projections for St. Paul. Capital Project Projections The projections were based on projects which were detailed to the field team while in the village. During each community meeting the participants were asked if there were other capital projects that were being planned. Where a specific time frame was given, the information was recorded under the village visit section of the village- specific reports. Additional information was also obtained from State and Federal agencies concerning capital projects planned for individual villages. 3-16 POPULATION POPULATION FORECAST FOR ST. PAUL 10590 7 7 — 9cO F . & K 800 |- ®, y s & 700 + vf 600 Z / 500 F S je 400 LY © © wm © DATA POINTS 300 1950 1960 1970 1980 YEARS * Figure 3.4 3.17 1990 2000 2010 Future capital projects were included in the energy demand analysis only if they were approved to be completed in the twenty year planning period. Future capital projects which were not included in the demand analysis should not influence the selected energy plan unless they cause a major increase in peak energy demand. Thermal Energy Use Projections These were based on the continuation of present values expressed as BTU/square foot/capita. Increases in the population were used to calculate an increase in the square footage of building space within each of the sectors and the BTU required to satisfy their space heating needs. Anticipated changes in housing availability, which directly influences the number of people per household, was also considered in determining energy demand since per capita BTU/Ft2 will increase as the number of people per household decreases. In addition, the effect of energy conservation measures and likelihood of adopting these measures were evaluated for each village. Electrical Energy Projections The projections were based on an established relationship between the amount of electrical power used in a village, the size of the population and the number of square feet occupied by each sector. Present electrical use data was analyzed to determine the number of KWH used per square foot in buildings in each sector. Increased usage in all sectors was then based on the increasing population rate. The annual load factor was the basis for projecting the peak demand. Ji L8 315 ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF ENERGY Evaluation of Energy Sources Energy production technologies were reviewed to evaluate quantitatively their potential on a village specific basis. Technologies evaluated were placed into two categories; electrical generation and energy conservation. The electrical generation techniques which were evaluated are: diesel, hydroelectric, wind energy conversion systems, geothermal, steam power, and gasification systems. Energy conservation measures analyzed included: weatherization, waste heat recovery, electrical load management, and synchronous, induction or DC generation systems. Detailed background information for each of these technologies is provided in Appendix A. Individual technologies were evaluated using six criteria: current state of technology, cost, reliability, availability of resources, labor requirements, and environmental impacts. The evaluation consisted of assigning a value of zero to five (five score indicates the best case) to each previously mentioned variable. Criteria utilized in assigning these ratings are outlined in the following subsections. State of Technology State of technology was rated on the availability of system components and their demonstrated application as an energy alternative. In general, this rating was relatively consistent between villages since the level of developed technology is an independent variable. However, economies or dis-economies of scale associated with a technology 3219 Cost Typical system costs were rated on a per installed kilowatt rate. For technologies included under energy conservation, system costs were based on a per energy savings basis. Technologies were evaluated relative to each other for purposes of this assessment. Reliability The reliability rating indicates the reliability or sensitivity to energy supply interruption associated with the respective energy technology. Again, technologies were evaluated relative to each other in assigning reliability ratings. Resource Availability Resource availability ratings were based upon the quality, quantity, and availability of resources for the appropriate technologies to meet a village's energy requirements. Resource availability varied considerably between villages and was a major factor in determining future energy plans. Labor The labor rating was primarily based upon the amount of skilled labor available in a village for long-term operation and maintenance of an energy system. Lower ratings were assigned when technologies required a high level of technical expertise which was not available in the village. 8/320 Environmental Impact Environmental impact ratings were obtained by evaluating, on a village specific basis, anticipated effects of the technology and its associated resource use on the natural environment. Ranking of Energy Sources The ratings (scores) of the six criteria were in turn used in a ranking formula to determine quantitatively the optimum energy alternatives for each village. Rankings were obtained by averaging all six scores and, in addition, weighting the state of technology and resource availability variables. These variables were given additional weight since the feasibility of the energy alternative is heavily dependent on these two factors. The ranking formula follows: RANKING FACTOR = (A/30 + B/10)/2 Where A = the sum of the scores for the six variables (state of technology + cost + reliability + resource + labor + environmental) AND B = the sum of the state of technology + resource scores An exception to the ranking procedure occurs when resource availability is determined to be zero. Under this circum- stance, the ranking factor is also assigned a zero value since energy technologies are totally dependent on resource availability. For example, geothermal energy is not an alternative if no geothermal resources are present in the village vicinity. Saas GES Weatherization* Technology State-of-the-Art Cost bility Resource Labor mental Village of Atka Environ- Impact Factor Diesel Power Waste Heat Recovery* fuel,wood,coal,ect... + Hydroelectric Power 5 3 5 4 4 3 0.85 r Wind Energy Conversion Systems 2 2 fa: 2 3 5 0.47 —-} Geothermal Energy N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 0.00 + + Steam Power from local ; N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 0.00 Gasification of wood,coal or peat N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A 0.00 Generation via synchronous Induction* Electrical Load Management* * Energy Conservation Measures Note: 0 = worst case, 5 = best case N/A Not Applicable Table 3.3 3.6 An example of the evaluation and ranking of energy alterna- tives is included for Atka (Table 3.3). Here it can be seen that central diesel generation (ranking 0.87) and hydroelectricity (ranking 0.85) are the best technologies for electrical generation systems in Atka. Energy conservation measures, especially weatherization and waste heat recovery, also received high evaluation rank- ings. Energy conservation is included as a recommendation for all villages and it has been assumed that home weatherization will become increasingly common throughout the study region. FORMULATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY PLANS The appropriate technology screening and the requests and special preferences of the villages were taken into consideration when formulating all the plans. Base Case Plans Data for existing facilities in the village were compiled. Where central electrical generation was installed, a business as usual plan was adopted. However, in eight of the villages studied, Atka, Chefornak, Chignik Lake, False Pass, Ivanof Bay, Kotlik, Newtok, and Nightmute, there was no central electrical generation. Central electrical generation is defined as an integrated generation, transmission and distribution system which serves all the connected loads in the village. Central generation was assumed to be the base case in these villages. Within the above 8 villages, existing systems range from individual generators at each house in Ivanof Bay to the 3.23 Within the above 8 villages, existing systems range from individual generators at each house in Ivanof Bay to the school not being connected at Chefornak. The methodology employed to determine the sizing, character and cost of central electrical generation systems is outlined in Section 4. Alternative Plans Plans are presented which are based on the premise that the recommendations will be followed up immediately. The electrical supply system in most villages is at a critical threshold with low efficiency and high cost. Villagers have become dependent on a reliable and affordable supply of electricity. As a result, a thorough evaluation of energy alternatives is necessary to develop an economical and dependable energy plan for each village. Screening appropriate technology options suggested that in several villages conservation measures were the only options. In others, alternative sources of power for electrical generation were available, primarily hydropower and wind power. The plans were reviewed by the Alaska Power Authority and where the base plan and only one plan were presented, it was acknowledged that there were no other realistic plans possible at this point in time. However, where there were indications that two potentially viable alternatives to the base plan could be presented, they are detailed and included. Cost estimates are based on existing installations or other published cost estimates for comparable projects. Where no parallels were found preliminary designs were prepared and cost estimates were based on manufacturers published price lists. Every effort has been made in the preparation of 3.24 3.7 the cost estimates although it is recognized that minimal supportive data is available for the villages considered. On-site examination of the generator buildings indicate that they have sufficient space and structural support to permit the installation of waste heat equipment. For those villages where hydro power appears to have potential, the absence of geotechnical data means that road and dam construction estimates have to be based on restricted site visits or experience in the area. As a result, these estimates should be treated as guidelines until the foundation conditions are ascertained in the field. PLAN EVALUATION Plan evaluations have been based on the present worth of the electrical generation system. Where there are non-electric benefits, for example space heat from waste heat capture systems, the heat (MMBTU) has been offset against fuel requirements (MMBTU). The benefits were then discounted to give the "discounted net non-electrical benefit". Present Worth Calculations A current value was estimated for the power generation equipment installed in a village based on comparable systems in rural Alaska. This value was used in both the base case and alternative plans. For the "non central generation villages" cost estimates for the power generation items were included. Equivalent uniform annual cost techniques were employed as the basis for the amortization schedule. Within these procedures, a new schedule is initiated for each new generator and added to the annual amortization costs. 325 3.8 The plan costs were discounted annually and the total discounted plan cost was determined. The installation of a waste heat capture system results in a reduction of the fuel oil requirements for space/water heating. Heat captured and redistributed offsets fuel oil normally used for space/water heat, thus resulting ina non-electric benefit. Similarly, when excess hydro electrical power was available during the winter months, it was assumed that 25% of the excess would be used for space/water heating. This situation only occurred in energy plan A for Atka. A non-electric benefit was not applied to other hydro plans since the excess power occurred during non-winter months or preliminary calculations indicated that there was insufficient excess power to warrant investment in resistance heating equipment by villagers. RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendations were based on the economic analysis of each plan. They include estimates of the costs for feasibility and/or design studies. In situations where wind is a potential resource, monitoring programs have been recommended. Weatherization is regarded as basic and has been included as a recommendation for all villages. 3.26 4.0 4.1 CRITERIA EMPLOYED TO DEFINE THE BASE CASE FOR 8 VILLAGES WITHOUT CENTRAL GENERATION Methods Reconnaissance level designs and cost estimates for centralized power distribution systems were made and constitute the base case plan for the eight villages. In cases where heat recovery from the diesels would be possible, a generating site was recommended which would facilitate installation of heat recovery equipment. Each village was visited and data was gathered on the electrical equipment found in typical residences, schools, commercial buildings, and public buildings. Several of the villages without central generation were found to be similar to those served by Alaska Village Electrical Coop (AVEC). AVEC data was obtained for a number of villages of similar population and this data was analyzed to determine typical use values to establish estimates or corroborate existing data. In villages with a dynamic fishing-based economy, typical households are equipped with electrical loads in excess of those of the other villages. In these cases, estimates were based on the electrical equipment installed in the homes and information from residents concerning their future requirements. Diversity factors, typical of small residential communities were used when sizing electrical distribution systems. Village electrical consumers were divided into four categories: 1. Residential 2. Schools ais Public 4. Commercial 4.1 In all villages, each of these four sectors were examined and an estimate of the power consumption by each sector was made. Each of these four sectors are discussed below. Residential In villages where detailed records were not available, AVEC data was used to compute electrical consumption per household and per person. These values were used for power usage estimates in the villages of Newtok, Nightmute, Kotlik, Atka and Chefornak. In the villages of False Pass, Ivanof Bay and Chignik Lake, site visits revealed higher connected loads. The residential monthly power consumption for these villages was based on the appliances installed in a typical home and known power consumption for these types of appliances (derived from industry standard tabulations). In villages where peak demand factors were not available, they were calculated from village-specific data and were used to predict peak demand in Newtok, Nightmute, Chefornak, Atka and Kotlik. For the other villages, the ratings for the household appliances were added to determine the total connected load of each house. Diversity factors were then applied to take into account the fact that not all appliances are used at any one point in time within a single house or group of houses. The peak demand for these villages was then calculated. This technique is widely used for predicting peak demand for small, residential communities. Schools The schools in all the villages were similar in their 4.2 power requirements. Consumption factors for KWH/mo/£t2 were calculated. A range of values was used depending on the age of the school buildings and their condition. It was noted that new schools tend to have lower requirements than older schools. Peak demand factors were calculated for schools with complete records. Peak demand in a school occurs typically between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., a period when residential power use is low. Residential peak demand tends to overshadow school peak demand, and sets the peak demand for the system. Public Public buildings in the villages surveyed consisted generally of a community center, Alascom Communications System Facility, a small clinic, and in some cases, a water treatment and distributionsystem installed by the Public Health Service. Review of data from villages of similar population to the study villages indicates that the public sector typically uses between 6 and 12% of the total energy. In some cases, this was as high as 18% in villages that had extremely low residential power usage. After calculations were made of other consuming sectors within the villages, use in the public sector was calculated and expressed as a percentage of the total. Judgment factors based on the field team's knowledge of the villages were included to estimate the proportion. Commercial It was impossible to identify trends for power use in the 4.3 4.2 commercial sector. In most of the villages studied, the major commercial activity was a village store which was considered separately. Historical data was used to estimate power consumption and peak demand for stores in the villages. Total Energy Used and Total Peak Power Estimate The total monthly power consumption in the villages is the sum of the power consumption of the four sectors. An additional 10% was added for unaccounted losses and power plant overhead when these were not recorded explicitly. Peak demand was largely set by the estimated peak demand of the residential sector. However, in some cases, judgment was applied to increase the peak demand appropriately when it was felt that other sectors would overlap the residential peak demand period and cause an increase. The Annual Load Factor was calculated for each village as follows: A.L.F. = Yearly KWH 8760 x Peak Demand KW The A.L.F. of the villages studied, based on the estimated consumption and peak demand figures, varied between 0.3 and 0.5. This compared favorably with historical AVEC utility figures for A.L.F. which range between 0.3 and 0.6. Generator sizing is based on the estimated peak demand with a reasonable excess to allow for village growth and increased electrical use by the village residents as new types of appliances are installed. 4.4 4.3 Costing An example of the costs for the system at Chignik Lake follows (Table 4.1). All cost estimates were based on published prices by major suppliers. Table 4.2 details the cost estimates for additional generators to be added to existing utilities to accommodate growth in the peak demand of the villages during the planning period. Labor has been estimated based on Davis-Bacon rates, i.e. union rates for work in remote communities. 4.5 ESTIMATED HEAT RECOVERY Project Location Generators (kw) Estimated total kwh generated Generators equipped with heat recovery equipment CALCULATED VALUES Average Generation Rate Percent of On-Line Capacity Maximum Jacket Water Heat Recovery Percent Jacket Water Heat Available Estimated Recovered Heat Available Estimated Recovered Heat Utilized MAJOR COST ITEMS 1. Main piping 250 feet x $120/ft. 2. Heat Recovery Equipment 3. Circulating Pumps 4. Heaters and Miscellaneous Hardware 5. Contingencies (30%) 6. Base Cost 7. Project Management (5%) 8. Engineering (10%) 9. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 10. O & M COST 11. Recovery Efficiency Table 4.1 4.6 costs Chignik Lake 100,100,50 294,000kwh/yr 100,100,50 34 kw 34% 5200 Btu/min 433 -134x106 Btu -134x106 BtuH 30,000 33,500 7,600 , 21,700 27,800 120,600 6,000 12,100 138,700 1.70/MMBtu 3993 Btu/kwh ESTIMATED HYDRO COSTS Project Location Chignik Lake Average Annual Flow (cfs) 7.0 cfs Total Head (ft) 300 ft Transmission Line Length (miles) 1.8 mi Road Length (miles) 4 mi CALCULATED VALUES Net Head 270 ft Generator Unit Rating (KW) 125 kw Energy Available @ 30% Plant Factor (KWH/yr) 328,500 kwh/yr Penstock Diameter (inches) 14 in MAJOR COST ITEMS 1. Power House 100,000 2. Turbines, Generators, Valves, & Switchgear 125,000 3. Diversion Structure (Sheetpile) 100,000 4. Water Way (Penstock) 2750 ft xX $80/ft 220,000 5. Transmission Line 1.8 mi X $90000/mi 162,000 6. Access Road 4 mi X $65000/mi 260,000 7. Mobilization and Demobilization 350,000 8. Contingencies (30%) 395,000 9. Base Cost 1,712,100 10. Project Management (5%) 85,600 11. Test and Energization (5%) 85,600 12. Engineering (10%) 171,200 13. ESTIMATED PROJECT COST _$2,054,500 Table 4.1 (contd) Table 4-2 COST ESTIMATES FOR ADDITIONAL GENERATORS FOR ESTABLISHED UTILITIES Rating in kw UE 50 100 150 Generator 20,000 26,000 29,000 Shipping 3,000 3,500 4,000 Bulk Storage Tanks 12,000 18,000 18,000 Installation 18,000 24,000 32,000 Contingency (30%) 16,500 21,500 24,900 Engineering (15%) 10,700 14,000 16,200 Estimated Costs 82,200 107,000 1,241,100 Estimated Costs/kw (intalled) 1,650 1,070 830 5.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Twenty villages in western Alaska, southwestern Alaska, and the Aleutian Islands were studied. As shown on Table 5.1, the costs of fuel and power are substantial. For example, fuel costs of $2.33 per gallon translate to about $17 per MMBTU for space heating. Further, electricity costs at $0.4829 per KWH translate to about $140 per MMBTU for electric power. Electricity costs in Table 5.1 represent the wholesale unsubsidized cost of electricity. Unsubsidized costs are compared because relative merits of generation alternatives must be assessed upon total generation costs in order to determine the most cost-effective alternative. These costs are high and cause financial concern to many residents. The cost and reliability of electrical power supply are also of vital interest. The majority of villages in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta region are reliant on diesel generation of electrical power and there are no technologically viable options available. Therefore, the energy plans for the villages emphasize increasing the efficiency of fuel use to help reduce future increases in energy costs. The plans for each of the villages are summarized in the following Table 5.2 (Summary Findings). Sel Table 5.1 VILLAGE ENERGY COSTS Village Aniak Atka Chefornak Chignik Lake Cold Bay False Pass Hooper Bay Ivanof Bay Lower and Upper Kalskag Kotlik Mekoryuk Newtok Nightmute Nikolski Residents 34.5¢/KWH Electrical Costs Min. Charge - $25 $60/mo +12¢/KWH 25¢/KWH Min. Charge - $50 Non-Central Average 22¢/KWH Non-Central 48.27¢/KWH2 Non-Central 48.27¢/KWH2 Non-Central 48.27¢/KWH2 Non-Central $85/mo/household 42¢/KWH Min. Charge - $45 51.2 Table 5.1 (Cont'd.) VILLAGE ENERGY COSTS JB1/8 | 1981/82 Fuel Oil Costs |] Village Residents ectrica Residentia Electrical Costs Generation Space Heat a a St. George 14¢/kWH3 St. Marys 48.27¢/KWH2 St. Paul 14¢/KWH3 Toksook 48 .27¢/KWH2 Bay Tununak 48.27¢/KWH2 lgstimated prices 2aVEC villages Base Cost 37.20¢/KWH Surcharge 11.07¢/KWH Total Cost . Power Cost Assistance Re 3NMFS Power Plant 5.3 v°S VILLAGE SUMMARY FINDINGS TOTAL DISCOUNTED PLAN COST (1982 - 2001) 1982 POPULATION PLAN OESCRIPTION Continued ope of diesel tors ration$7,637,600 Installation and operation of a ce tral diesel gener: ator plant 61,940,100 Chefornak Installation and operation of a central diesel generator plant $2,676,800 Chignik Lake Installation and operation of a central diesel generator plant $2,474,700 200} Continuec operatioy$12,796,30q TOTAL DISCOUNTED PLAN COST (1982 - 2001) PLAN DESCRIPTION PLAN DESCRIPTION Diesel generators operating with waste heat recov- ery .| $5,208,00 Hydroelectric plant] $1,343,30 with diesel gener- ator backup Diesel generators operating with waste heat recov- ery Diesel generators | $1,913,10d Diesel generators operating with waste heat recov- ery with diesel gen- erator backup Diesel generators tor plant Table.5.2 TOTAL OISCOUNTED PLAN COST (1982 - 2001) $2,051,809 Hydroelectric plant$ 2,202,909 511,333,609 Coal-fired genera- |$18,704,80p SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Initiate a feasibility study fer waste beat recovery Investigate potential for improved generation effi- ciency Initiate weatherization program in community Install central diesel generators Initiate a feasibility study for waste heat recovery Initiate a feasibility study including stream gauging for hydroelectric plant Initiate weatherization pro- gram in community Install central diesel gen- erators Initiate a feasibility study for waste heat recovery Investigate potential for improved generation effi- ciency Initiate wind data acquisi- tion program Install central diesel gen- erators Initiate a feasibility study including stream gauging for hydroelectric plant Initiate a feasibility study for waste heat recovery Initiate weatherization pro- gram in community Initiate feasibility study for waste heat recovery Investigate potential for im- proved generation efficiency Initiate weatherization pro- gram in conmunity VILLAGE False Pass Hooper Bay Ivanof Bay Lower and Upper Kal- skag 1982 POPULATION SUMMARY FINDINGS BASE CASE TOTAL DISCOUNTED PLAN COST (1982 - 2001) PLAN DESCRIPTION PLAN DESCRIPTION Installation and $1,012,400] Diesel generators operation of a cen operating with tral diesel gener- waste heat recov- ator plant ery Continued operation] $5,471,000] Diesel generators of diesel genera- operating with tors waste heat recov- ery Installation and $ 855,600] Diesel generators operation of a operating with central diesel gen waste heat recov- erator plant ery Continued operation] $2,881,600] Diesel generators of diesel genera- tors operating with waste heat recov- ery Installation and $3,769,000] Diesel generators operation of a operating with central diesel waste heat recov- generator plant ery TOTAL DISCOUNTED PLAN COST (1982 - 2001) TOTAL DISCOUNTED PLAN COST (1982 - 2001) PLAN DESCRIPTION $ 980,200} Hydroelectric plant]$2,200,704 with diesel gener- ator backup $3,195,200 $ 887,800] Hydroelectric plant|$ with diesel gener- ator backup 905,70q $2,336,600 $2,878,800 Table 5.2 (contd.) SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Install central diesel generators Initiate feasibility study for waste heat recovery Initiate weatherization pro- gram in commuri Initiate feasibility study for waste heat recovery Investigate potential for im- proved generation efficiency Initiate weatherization pro- gram in community Install central diesel gen- erators Initiate feasibility study including stream gauging Initiate weatherization pro- gram in community Initiate feasibility study for waste heat recovery Investigate potential for im- proved generation efficiency Initiate weatherization pro- gram in community Initiate wind data acquisi- tion program Install central diesel gener- ators Initiate feasibility study for waste heat recovery Initiate weatherization pro- gram in community 9°S VILLAGE Mekoryuk Newtok Nightmute Nikolski St. George BASE CASE SUMMARY FINDINGS PLAN DESCRIPTION 1982 POPULATION Continued operation of diesel genera- tors Installation and operation of a central diesel generator plant Installation and operation of a central diesel generator plant Continued operation of diesel genera- tors 179 Continued operation of diesel genera- tors TOTAL OISCOUNTEO PLAN COST (1962 - 2001) $1,941,400 $1,613,100 $1,492,100 $1,110,600 $2,794,100 TOTAL DISCOUNTED. PLAN COST (1962 - 2001) PLAN OESCRIPTION Diesel generators operating with waste heat recov- ery $1,421,100 Diesel generators operating with waste heat recov- ery $1,161,600 Diesel generators operating with waste heat recov- ery $1,074,600 10KW wind turbine generator opera- ting with diesel generators $1,689,000 Diesel generators operating with fully implemented waste heat recov- ery PLAN DESCRIPTION generators inter- faced with the local utilities diesel generators Table 5.2 (contd.) TOTAL OISCOUNTED PLAN COST (1962 - 2001) $2,402,600] 20-2KW wind turbine |$3,818,800 RECOMMENCATIONS Initiate a feasibility study for waste heat recovery Investigate potential for im- proved generaticn efficiency Initiate weatherization pro- gram in community Initiate wind data acquisi- tion program Install central diesel gen- erators Initiate feasibility study for waste heat recovery Initiate weatherization pro- gram in community Initiate wind data acquisi- tion program Install central diesel generators Initiate a feasibility stud for waste heat recovery Initiate weatherization pro- gram in community Initiate wind data acquisi- tion program Investigate potential for improved generation ef fi- ciency Initiate wind data acquisi- tion program Initiate weatherization Program in cormunity Initiate a feasibility study for waste heat recovery Investigate potential for improved generation effi- ciency Initiate weatherization pro- gram in community L°s VILLAGE Sst. Toksook Bay SUMMARY FINDINGS BASE CASE ; TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL PLAN DISCOUNTED PLAN DISCOUNTED PLAN DISCOUNTED DESCRIPTION PLAN COST OESCRIPTION PLAN COST DESCRIPTION PLAN COST (1982 - 2001) (1982 - 2001) (1982 - 2001) 1982 POPULATION 436] Continued operation §13,093,80q@ Diesel generators of diesel genera- operating with tors waste heat recov- ery 590] Continued operation $14,363,700] Diesel generators of diesel genera- operating with im- tors with waste proved efficiency heat. recovery due to generation management $13,624,40 333] Continued operation [$2,862,600] Diesel generators of diesel genera- operating with tors waste heat recov- ery $ 1,796,70PTransmission line $4,644,700 298] Continued operation |$2,351,100 of diesel genera- tors waste heat recov- ery erators operating in Toksook Diesel generators operating with $1,571,700] Intertie from Tok- sook to Tununak with diesel gen- Table 5.2 (contd) SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Design a heat recover Investigate p improved generation effi- ciency Initiate design of automatic load matching system Initiate weatherization program in community Initiate a feasibility study for waste heat recovery Initiate a feasibility study for transmission line inter- tie Investigate potential for im- proved generation efficiency Initiate weatherization pro- gram in community Initiate wind data acquisi- tion program Initiate a feasibility study for waste heat recovery Initiate a feasibility study for transmission line inter- tie Investigate potential for im- proved generation efficiency Initiate weatherization pro- gram in community Initiate wind data acquisi- tion program 6.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY Alaska Power Administration, U.S. Department of Energy; Small Hydroelectric Inventory of Villages Served by Alaska Village Electric Cooperative; December . Alaska Power Administration, U.S. Department of Energy; Alaska Electric Power Statistics, 1960-1980, Sixth Edition; August T98T. Alaska Power Administration, U.S. Department of the Interior; 1974 Alaska Power Survey; Bureau of Power, Federal Power Commission; May 1974. Alaska, State of, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Energy and Power Development; 1979 Community Energy Survey; 1979. Alaska, State of, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Economic Enterprise; NUMBERS - Basic Economic Statistics of Alaska Census Divisions; November 1979. Alaska, State of, Department of Community and Regional Affairs, Community Profile Series: Atka (1978), False Pass (1978), Nikolski (1978), St. Paul (1978), St. George (1978), Aniak (1979), Lower Kalskag (1979), Upper Kalskag (1979), Hooper Bay (1979), Kotlik (1979), St. Marys (1979). Alaska, State of, Department of Labor, Administrative Services Division, Research and Analysis Section; Alaska's 1980 Population - A Preliminary Look; January 19817. Alaska, State of, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Division of Planning and Research; Inventor and Condition Survey of Public Facilities, Lake and Peninsula Region, Volume 1; 1980. Alaska, State of, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Division of Planning and Research; Inventor and Condition Survey of Public Facilities, Lower Kuskokwim Region; 1979. Alaska, State of, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Division of Planning and Research; Inventor and Condition Survey of Public Facilities, Lower Yukon —————— Region; 1979. 6.1 Applied Economics Associates, Inc., Energy Analysis & Planning, Inc., Kirk Hall & Associates, and Information Services of Alaska; State of Alaska Long Term Energy Plan; State of Alaska, Division of Energy and Power Development; April 1981. Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center; Weather Statistics Data, 1980. Barkwell, Roy M.; Verbal communications concerning reference materials and resource data. Baurkshire, James, Alaska Renewable Energy Associates; Verbal communications concerning Pribilof Island School District energy usage; November 1981. Beck, R.W., and Associates; Small-Scale Hydropower Reconnaissance Study Southwest Alaska; Alaska District, Corps of Engineers; April 1981. Bippus, Stanley; School district energy information; Pribilof Island School District, St. Paul, Alaska; 1981. Bureau of Land Management; DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT October 1981, Proposed Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Lease Sale St. George Basin; October 1981. Considine, Douglas M.; Editor-in-Chief; Energy Technol Handbook; McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York; C. 1357. 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Nebesky, William E.; Economic Analysis of Demonstration Project Alternatives for the eon Springs Alaska Geothermal ite; University of Alaska, Institute of Social an Economic Research; July 1980. Nebesky, William E., Goldsmith, Oliver S.; The Impact of Risin Ener Costs on Rural Alaska; University of Fissks- Institute of Social and Economic Research; November 1980. Nebesky, William E., Goldsmith, Oliver S., and Diognan, Teresa, M.; The Impact of Rising Energy Costs on Rural Alaska; University of Alaska, Institute of Social and Economic Research; November 1980. Northern Technical Services, and EKONO, Inc.; Peat Resource Estimation in Alaska: Final Report Volume I; State of Alaska, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Commerce and Economic Development, August 1980. Peep, Charles; In Juneau, personal communication concerning BIA fuel use; November 1981. Philmonoff, Ron, Aleutian Pribilof Housing Authority; Verbal communication concerning housing planning and energy usage; November 1981. Retherford, Robert W., Associates; Waste Heat Capture Study; Study of Alaska, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, Division of Energy and Power Development, Anchorage, Alaska; June 1978. Retherford, Robert W., Associates; Bristol Bay Energy and Electric Power Potential; U.S. Department of Energy; Anchorage; October 1979. Retherford, Robert W., Associates; Draft Report: Reconnaissance Study of Energy Resource Alternatives for Thirteen Western Alaska Villages; State of Alaska, Alaska Power Authority; March 1981. 6.4 Retherford, Robert W., Associates and Arctic District of International Engineering Co., Inc.; Bristol Bay Energy and Electric Power Potential; U.S. Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration; December 1979. Retherford, Robert W., Associates and Arthur Young and Company; Alaska Village Electric Cooperative Cost of Service Study; State of Alaska Public Utilities Commission; November 1977. Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc.; Energy Profile for Alaska, Aleutian, Bristol Bay, and Calista Regions; September 1980. Selkregg, Lidia L.; Alaska Regional Profiles: Southwest Region; University of Alaska, Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center, California; 1976. Smith, Carol Sue; School district energy information; Aleutian School District, Anchorage, Alaska; 1981. Turner, et al; Geothermal Energy Resources of Alaska; University of Alaska, Geophysical Institute; U.S. Department of Energy, Division of Geothermal Energy; September 1980. Tussing, Arlon R.; Introduction to Electric Power Supply Planning; Alaska State Legislature; May ° U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Pacific Division; National Hydro-electric Power Study Regional Report: Volume XXIII, Alaska; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Institute for Water Resources; May 1981. U.S. Weather Bureau; Concerning wind velocity statistics; October 1980. Wentink, Tunis; Study of Alaskan Windpower and Its Possible Applications; University of Alaska, Geophysical Institute; February 1976. WRAN . Kumin, Inc.; Inventory and Condition Survey of Public Facilities, Kuspuk Region; State of Alaska, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. WRAN . Kumin, Inc.; Inventory and Condition Survey of Public Facilities, Lower Kalskag; State of Alaska, Department of Tansportation and Public Facilities; 1979. WRAN . Kumin, Inc., Hargis Engineers, Bomhoff and Associates; Inventory and Condition Survey of Public Facilities, Aniak, Volume I; State of Alaska, Department of Transportation an Public Facilities; 1979. 6.5 Hargis Engineers, Bomhoff and Associates; WRAN . Kumin, Inc., Inventory and Condition Survey of Public Facilities, Kalskag; State of Alaska, Department of Transportation and 1979. Public Facilities; Young, Arthur and Company; A Discussion of Considerations Pertaining to Rural Ener Policy Options; State of Alaska Department of Commerce aa Economic Development, Division of Energy and Power Development; April 1979. 6.6 APPENDIX A TECHNOLOGY PROFILES Al. Energy Conservation A2. Diesel Power Technology A3. Waste Heat Recovery from Diesel Generators A4. Hydroelectric Power A5. Wind Energy Conversion Systems A6. Geothermal Energy A7. Steam Power Generation from Coal/Wood/Solid Waste/Peat A8. Gasification of Wood, Peat or Coal A9. Synchronous, Induction or DC Generation Systems A10. Electrical Generation Management A11. Electric Power Transmission - Single Wire Ground Return (SWGR) A1.0 ENERGY CONSERVATION Al.1 General Description Eneray conservation implies the more efficient use of available energy resources. Conservation can take the form of reducing losses in the energy system, such as losses through walls, windows and air infiltration in a home or by reducing losses in a conversion system, such as an oil burner by improving the combustion efficiency. Al dad Thermodynamic and Engineering Processes A) B) Homes can be made more energy efficient by reducing heat loss through poorly insulated surfaces and by reducing the air infiltration into the buildings. Methods include improved construction to reduce air infiltration through standard walls, increased insulation thickness, double or triple pane windows and storm windows, reduced window area and improved seals on doors and windows. Combustion efficiency can be improved by reducing the amount of excess combustion air and the temperature of the stack gases. A significant improvement in oil combustion efficiency has been made in the "flame- retention" burner. Brookhaven National Laboratory under research sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy has determined that potential fuel saving from these improved burners is as follows: 1) The percentage reduction in fuel use ranges from 5% to 22%--with an average annual fuel saving of 14%--by replacing the old burner but keeping the furnace or heater. This 14% figure is corro- Ald 2) Al.1.2 borated by a recent field test of 94 homes where a flame-retention device was substituted for the older burner. Combustion temperatures achieved by a flame- retention burner will be 100°F to 200°F higher than in one of conventional design, if other conditions are kept constant (oil firing rate, air-to-fuel ratio, and configuration of the combustion chamber). This is due to the swirling pattern created by the specially designed head, which confines the flame to a smaller zone in the combustion chamber and concentrates the heat. The hotter flame brings combustion gases to a higher temperature, enhancing the transfer of energy at the heat exchanger. The improved mixing of oil droplets and air, resulting from greater turbulence, permits the unit to use relatively little air and yet com- pletely burn all the fuel. Flame-retention burners generally operate with 30-50% excess air, compared with 80-100% required by conventional burners. With less dilution from excess air, combustion gases stay hotter and move slower through the heat exchanger, which means better radiant energy transfer and higher burner efficiency. Technology Availability The technology of energy conservation in homes is available today and has been available for years. The forcing function to promote this technology is the cost of heating oil. Figure Al.1 is a graph of the estimated fuel consumption for a poor and Al.2 well insulated home in the western Alaska region where degree days vary from 12,000 to 14,000°F days per year. The actual oi] consumption for homes in Western Alaska is approximately 40-50% greater than required for a well-insulated home. Demonstration of this technology is wide spread on a small scale and can be found in many areas of the country. The flame retention oil burner is readily avail- able from several manufacturers either as a retro-fit to an existing furnace or as part of a new furnace. Most oil heating equipment dealers have flame retention oil burners on hand for immediate supply for retro-fit. Al.2 Performance Characteristics Al «2a Energy Output A) Quality The quality in energy conservation is improved comfort of the home and reduced cost for that comfort. B) Quantity The quantity of energy available from home conservation in western Alaska appears to be quite significant in the area of 30-40% of the current consumption. Cc) Dynamics Not applicable. Al.3 Al.2.2 Reliability A) Need for Backup There is no need for back-up for improved energy utilization in the home. B) Storage Storage requirements of energy in the village is reduced. Al 2.3 Thermodynamic Efficiency Both conservation techniques of reducing energy losses and improving combustion efficiency will increase the overall efficiency in the use of valuable resources. Al.3 Costs for Typical Unit Al.3.1 Capital Costs A) Estimated capital costs for various levels of insulation in a new home are shown in Figure Al.2. Labor cost for installation of increased insulation thickness should be about the same regardless of the cost of the insulation. B) Estimated cost for the flame retention burner substituted for the conventional burner is $250 to $400 (September, 1979, lower 48 prices) for the average home heating unit. For larger oil-fired furnaces such as found in schools, costs will be higher. Al.4 Al.4 Al.3.2 Assembly and Installation Standard home construction methods apply to installation of high insulation values and reduced infiltration. Instal- lation of the flame retention oil burner requires a service- man. Because this burner produces a much hotter flame, the combustion chamber should be inspected to determine whether or not a chamber lining is required. Where the combustion chamber needs to be rebuilt or replaced, pre-cast combustion chambers of appropriate materials are also available from several manufacturers. Minded Operation and Maintenance No increase in the maintenance cost will occur as a result of improved insulation design. Operation will be much more efficient. Aly 3i.4 Cost per KW Not applicable. Ai.3.5 Economy of Scale Not applicable. Special Requirements and Impacts Al.4.1 Siting Not applicable. Ali. AlS5 Al.4.2 Resource Needs Energy conservation in homes will require increased use of insulation and slightly increased cost of the homes to accommodate the increased amount of insulation required. Al.4.3 Construction and Operating Employment by Skill Once the design information is provided the carpentry and home construction skills exists in the villages. The installation and start-up of the flame retention oil burner in school or home will require a heating contractor or oil furnace serviceman. Al1.4.4 Environmental Residuals None. Al.4.5 Health or Safety Aspects The health within the village should be improved by improved comfort in the home and reduced combustion of hydrocarbon fuels in the region. Summary and Critical Discussion yo) Al.5.1 Cost per MMBTU The additional cost for the higher level of insulation in the new homes would be offset in the first year by reduced heating costs based on oil at $1.50 to $2.25 per gallon. The payback for the retention head oil burner is estimated by Brookhaven National Laboratories to be 1 to 5 years depending on the length of the heating season and the cost of oil. No figures have been estimated for the cost per million BTU because of the wide variation of conditions. Al.6 Asie Discussion Energy conservation offers the best opportunity for reduction of oil consumption and energy costs to the villages studied. It requires that improved design of homes in remote sites be provided and that a full understanding be brought to the villages of how energy is lost through building walls, windows and cracks, so that construction is completed to achieve the goal of reduced energy consumption. Once installed properly these technologies have the highest reliability, the greatest availability and are most appropri- ate for the area involved. It is recommended that the first effort towards reduced energy cost in the villages be toward developing an energy conservation ethic. That is educating the villagers on what is an energy efficient home and how to achieve it without significant change in the way of living. Once this ethic is established, other areas such as electrical energy conver- sion will be understood. Al.7 (GALLONS) ANNUAL FUEL OIL CONSUMPTION 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 200 RESIDENTIAL YEARLY ENERGY NO INSULATION WELL - INSULATED 400 600 CONSUMPTION 14,000 °F - DAYS 12,000 °F-DaYS 10,000 °F - DAYS 14,000 °F-DAYS 12,000 °F- DAYS 10,000 °F - DAYS 800 1000 1200 FLOOR AREA OF RESIDENCE (SQ. FT.) Al.8 MATERIAL COST OF FIBREGLASS INSULATION $350 $300 $250 $200 $150 $100 “$50 Fig. Al.2 200 400 600 800 1000 TOTAL INSULATION IN SQUARE FEET Estimated Capital Costs for insulation in a new home. Al.9 A2.0 DIESEL POWER TECHNOLOGY A2.1 General Description Electric power in western Alaska village is typically produced from diesel driven generators. Sizes of these generator units range from one or two kilowatts for individual dwellings to 600 KW or more for central station use. Most of the engines are the liquid cooled, four stroke cycle type with or without turbo- charging. Air-cooled engines are also in use, and two-stroke cycle diesel engines are available. A2.1.1 Engine Cycles Diesel engines are either a two-stroke or four-stroke operation. In a two-stroke engine, air compression occurs in the cylinder as the piston moves upward, fuel is injected near the end of the compression stroke and ignition occurs driving the piston down. The cylinder is then purged of combustion gases for the start of the next stroke. One crankshaft revolution is required for each power stroke on two-stroke cycle engines. Two crankshaft revolutions are required in a four cycle engine for each power stroke. The compression and power strokes take place in the first revolution while gas exhaust and air intake takes place in the second revolution. Four-stroke engines usually have a higher efficiency and consume less lubricating oil than the two-stroke engines. Two-stroke cycle engines are more compact, lighter weight and faster accelerating in comparison with the four-stroke engine at the same power rating. These advantages favor its use for mobile applications such as trucks. The use of four-stroke diesel engines to drive stationery electric generators predominates over other engine types in Alaska. A2.1 A2e2 A2.1.2 Turbocharging A small gas turbine compressor driven by exhaust gases can be added to a diesel engine to increase the air pressure at the beginning of the compression stroke. More air is then available for combustion and the engine power and efficiency are increased. Turbocharging can also reduce smoke and pollution emissions. Internal engine components such as valves run cooler when an aftercooler is added to cool the air from a turbocharger. An aftercooler uses the engine coolant liquid to cool the air before it enters the cylinders. The cooler engine results in longer engine life. Most new diesel generator units rated above 100 KW include turbochargers as standard equipment. A2.1.3 Current and Future Availability Diesel generators are readily available in all size ranges required in Western Alaskan villages, with future availa- bility assured. Performance Characteristics A2.2.1 Energy Output A) Quality The larger diesel engines are liquid cooled with the liquid pumped to external radiators to dissipate the heat to the air. Radiator fans are provided to increase the air heat transfer rates. The fans are driven from the engine shaft or by an electric motor when the radiator is installed at a separate location A232 away from the engine. Glycol mixed with water is used as the coolant to prevent freezing during cold weather. Smaller diesel engines (under 125 KW) may be air cooled. These engines have simpler construction and lower cooling system energy consumption than the small sized liquid cooled engines. Maintenance is also simpler because of the elimination of liquid system effects such as leakage, corrosion, cavitation and need for antifreeze protection (glycol). Waste heat recovery is limited from air cooled diesel engines. The heated air may be ducted to an adjacent room for space heat purposes. More remote use is restricted because of large heat losses in air ducts over long distances and blower limitations. Waste heat recovery from liquid cooled diesel engines is con- siderably more practical and economical, as described in Section A3 of the report. B) Quantity Approximately 30% of the input energy is converted to electricity, and approximately 50% of the input energy could be reclaimed from a liquid cooled diesel engine. The percentage of the recoverable heat increases slightly as the diesel engine output is reduced from its design capacity. C}) Dynamics The output would be a function of the electrical energy demand on the system. A2..3 NZ eid. Reliability Diesel generator units are expected to operate 20,000 to 50,000 hours (4 to 10 years) before needing a major overhaul when they are properly operated and maintained. The major overhaul work usually includes replacement of bearings, cranks and cylinder sleeves with new parts. A) Need for Backup A minimum of three diesel generator units are required for reliable central station operations in the villages of western Alaska. Two of these units are sized somewhat larger than the peak demand to allow for growth of village power requirements within the life expectancy of the generator units. A third diesel generator is sized to operate efficiently at the lower summer demands while also serving as a standby unit for use during switching operations of the larger units. B) Storage Requirements Sufficient storage of fuel oil, lubricating oil and other lubricants is required to last as long as the longest period between fuel deliveries. Aan iaies Thermal Efficiency The thermal efficiency of a diesel generator unit depends on the compression ratio and excess air in the engine cylinders during operation, as well as the heating value of the fuel. Typical thermal efficiencies at rated load range from 30 to 32 percent (including electric generator efficiencies) for turbocharged unit sizes above 200 KW. Smaller size diesel generator units have lower efficiencies which range down to 27% at the rated load. A2.4 AZ). 3 The partial load efficiency of a diesel generator remains near its efficiency at full load, down to approximately 60%. At loads less than 60% the efficiency drops off signifi- cantly. Manufacturer data usually are not provided at less than 25% of engine rating. The generator efficiency follows a similar trend as the diesel engine. Costs for Typical Unit Installed A2.3.1 Capital The curve shown on Figure A2.1 indicates the capital costs for diesel generator unit sizes from 25 KW to 200 KW. Other capital costs include fuel storage and generator building. BZ 6302 Assembly and Installation The assembly and installation of each diesel generator unit at the site is estimated to require from 4 to 8 manweeks when the village distribution system has been previously installed and operated. The cost of hook-up materials and shipment would be added to the labor costs. At $800 per man day labor rates, the total estimated assembly and instal- lation costs for the size range shown would be $25,000 to $50,000. a2.3.2 Operation and Maintenance Good operations include careful attention to lubrication schedules and filter maintenance along with slow warm-up and cooling periods. Partial loads should remain above 25% of the full load rating. Annual operation and maintenance costs are estimated to be $20,000 per diesel-generator unit for the sizes shown in Figure A2.1. A255) A2.4 A2.3.4 Cost per KW Installea The estimated capital cost per kilowatt installed for each diesel generator unit is $500 to $900. A2 53.05 Economies of Scale For the sizes of diesel generator units shown in Figure A2.1, the approximate relationship of capital cost to scale is a 44 percent reduction in cost for 400 percent increase in size rating. Special Requirements and Impacts A2.4.1 Siting Waste heat recovery requires ¢ diesel generator location near a heat application. A2.4.2 Resource Needs The fuel for a diesel engines is non-renewable. A2.4.3 Construction and Operating Employment by Skills Construction requires piping and electrical wiring instal- lation skills and knowledge o1 diesel generator instal- lation. Operation requires a knowledgeable diesel engine and power station technician. A2.4.4 Environmental Residuals A) Smoke and other diesel engine emissions need to be minimized by proper control operations. A2.6 A2.5 B) Used crankcase oil should be disposed of in a space heater. A2.4.5 Health or Safety Aspects No significant effects. Summary and Critical Discussion A2.5.1 Cost per KWH The cost of electric power production from a central diesel generator system at Alaska villages is estimated at 30 cents per KWH based on $1.50 per gallon fuel cost and a 20 year equipment life. When the electric power distribution and administrative costs are included the cost becomes 45 cents per KWH. AZ .542 Critical Discussion of Technology Diesel generators are a well established technology for Alaska village electric power. Other possible types of electric power systems are not presently economical or feasible. A2.7 8°7w T°zw eanbtg - DOLLARS COST/ UNIT 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 25 50 7S GENERATOR UNIT COST CURVE 100 -125 GENERATOR SIZE - KW 150 175 200 A3.0 WASTE HEAT RECOVERY FROM DIESEL GENERATORS A3.1 General Description The typical diesel generator converts about 30% of the input fuel energy into electricity. Approximately 35% is removed in the exhaust gases, 30% in the cooling jacket/radiator and 5% from radiation as shown in attached Figure A3.1. Approximately 50% of the heat energy input to a diesel engine is recoverable. The basic method available for recovering this heat is to transfer the heat through heat exchangers to a circulating water or glycol system for use in heating buildings, schools or hot water. The two forms of heat (jacket water and exhaust) rejected from the diesel engine can be recovered in heat exchangers which transfer the heat energy into a fluid such as glycol (see Figure A3.2). The glycol can then be circulated to the schools, to the public health service for water heating or to buildings within economical distances of the generating plant. The system would require recovery heat exchangers and a circulating system. The primary heat exchanger for the engine jacket coolant would be a liquid to liquid type. An optional gas to liquid type heat exchanger would be added to recover engine exhaust heat. A3.2 Performance Characteristics AS42,% Energy Outputs A) Quality A heat recovery system can achieve temperatures in the order of 165°F in a properly designed heat transfer system. This is a typical temperature in hot water heaters. A3.1 ASs2.. A3.2 The B) Quantity Approximately 50% of the input energy could be reclaimed from a diese] engine. The percentage of the recoverable amount would increase slightly as the diesel engine output is reduced from its design capacity. (See Figure A3.3) Cc) Dynamics The output would be a function of the electrical energy demand on the system. Heat generated in the summer may have to be rejected because of a lower level need for heat at this time. A fan cooled radiator would be connected to the heat recovery system for this purpose. 2 Reliability and Storage A) Reliability Reliability of these systems can be made very high by duplicate pumps for circulating the heat transfer medium through the system. Some existing standby heating systems could be removed as the reliability is proven in the village. B) Storage Requirements No storage is required. 13) Thermodynamic Ffficiency heat recovery system has a potential of increasing thermodynamic efficiency of the power generation system from 30% to 60%. If 50% of the heat can be utilized for water or A3.2 space heating then 50% of the heat input to the diesel engine would be charged to power generation, raising overall power generation efficiency to approximately 60% compared to 30% without heat recovery. A3.3 Cost for Typical Unit Installed The heat recovery system consists of a liquid to liquid heat exchanger to capture water jacket heat and a gas to liquid heat exchange to recover heat from the exhaust gas. In addition, there will be an expansion tank, a circulating pump, piping controls and heat exchangers or radiators at the point of use of the heat. The following is estimated cost of heat recovery on a 150 KW diesel generator. A) Capital Items Heat exchangers $25,000, pumps $3,000, piping approximately $75 per foot, radiator and heat recovery exchangers another $10,000, controls approximately $4,000 plus assembly and installation. The heat exchangers would be installed in existing buildings where the generators are located. Main piping would be 2" to 3" steel and fiberglass, insulated to carry the glycol from the generator to the location where the heat would be used. Radiator and heat exchangers will be installed at the point of use such as a school. Esti- mated total equipment and installation costs are $100,000, when the distance between the heated buildings and power plant is approx:mately 300 feet. B) Operation and Maintenance Upkeep of the pump and cleaning of the heat transfer service will be necessary to maintain the efficiency. The gas to liquid heat exchanger on the engine exhaust requires exhaust AS. 3 A3.4 gas operation temperatures at 400°F or above to minimize corrosion effects. Also, the water or glycol within this heat exchanger must be drained when it is not used for heat recovery. Cc) Cost per KW Installed Not applicable. D) Economies of Scale Not applicable. Special Requirements and Impacts A3.4.1 Siting The technology requires a waste heat source near a heat consumer. A3.4.2 Resource Needs A diesel gererator of suitable size for economic energy recovery which is at least 75 KW would he the heat source. The diesel fuel is non-renewable. A3.4.3 Construction and Operating Employment by Skills Construction requires piping and welding skills and know- ledge of designs and installation of the piping and equip- ment supports. Operation requires a knowledgeable pump and heating unit technician. A3.4.4 Environmental Residuals None. A3.4 A325 , A3.4.5 Health or Safety Aspects No significant effects. Summary and Critical Discussion AS atta ld Cost per Million BTU The basic cost of heat energy from a diesel generator heat recovery system is estimated to be $3 to $5 per MMBTU based on a 20-year equipment life. Heat energy costs from oil fired heaters are estimated to be $20 to $30 per MMBTU in comparison at Alaska villages. AW 5 kt Critical Discussion of Technology Waste heat recovery methods from diesel generators are a known technology today. It is an effective way to reduce oil consumption in a village with the expenditure of capital. The jacket heat recovery systems are extremely reliable and appropriate to village applications. But the exhaust type gas to liquid heat exchanger units have higher operation, maintenance and initial capital costs per BTU of heat recovery and are described as optional equipment in the report. A3.5 DIESEL GENERATOR ENERGY BALANCE 20% Total Exhaust=35% / Recoverable Exhaust / 15% 20% Non- recoverable Exhaust Radiation-5% work-30% Jacket Water Recoverable 80% NOE eer EXAMPLE OF ENERGY RECOVERY FROM A DIESEL GENERATOR EXHAUST WASTE HEAT ELECTRICITY 30% 35% 35% DIESEL GENERATOR- NO HEAT RECOVERY EXHAUST WASTE HEAT RECOVERY ELECTRICITY 15% 50% 35% DIESEL GENERATOR- WITH HEAT RECOVERY ADDED Fig. A3.1 A3.6 Non-recoverable 200° WASTE HEAT RECOVERY FROM A DIESEL GENERATOR Fig. A3.2 A3.7 WASTE HEAT AVAILABLE MAX. % 100 80 60 40 20 AVAILABLE WASTE HEAT * Zi JACKET WATER AVAILABLE ll EXHAUST 20 40 60 80 100 % KW LOAD RATING * (DERIVED FROM DATA IN THE CATERPILLAR CO. MANUAL) Note: This curve is to be used with manufacturers data on heat refected to the jacket water or exhaust at the kw rating (100%) of the engine. Figure A3.3 A3.8 NOT AVAILABLE AT EXHAUST HEAT EXCHANGER A4.0 HYDROELECTRIC POWER A4.1 A4.2 General Description A4.1.1 Process Man has used the energy in falling or moving water since the days of the Romans to perform work for his benefit. Modern man has improved on the method to recover the maximum energy from the water in a device called a turbine. The turbine takes many forms but basically uses the velocity of water to turn a shaft to drive an electric generator. Bhalsa Availability Turbine generator equipment is available from a number of suppliers in the U.S., Canada, Europe and Japan. Medium to low head units in the range of 150 KW are available from James Leffel within 10 months. Barber Dumont of Ontario, Canada, quotes similar units in 3-8 months. A French company, estimates 10 to 11 months delivery. Medium head (300 meters), low flow (2 cfs) units in the range 37.5 to 50 KW are also available in the same delivery period. Performance Characteristics e A4.2.1 Energy Output A) Quality Electrical energy, either synchronous or induction AC generators are available. A4.1 B) Quantity Turbine generator units are available in many types and sizes. Application is dependent upon usable stream flow and head available. iC) Dynamics Output is seasonally dependent on stream flows which swell during spring runoff or rainy season and diminish during cold or dry weather. In some cases, all the electric power needs of a community may be supplied for a period of time during the year when there is high maximum water flow, or only peak load power may be supplied for part of the day. Other power sources such as wind or diesel generation may be required to make up for the periods when water is not available or demand exceeds the capacity of the hydro system. D) Storage A reservoir can be utilized to level the output and to meet peak demand. A reservoir may add considerable cost to the installation. Each installation will have to be considered separately to determine the economics of water storage. A4.2.2 Reliability A) Need for Backup Hydroelectric power generation is one of the most reliable methods of generating electric power. Life expectancy of this type of equipment has proven to be in the range of 25 to 35 years with minimal care and A4.2 maintenance. The backup is required during maintenance outages especially on small, single generator installations. Large multi-turbine installation would have the backup power installed. B) Storage Storage of water in a reservoir usually improves the availability of energy. More uniform seasonal output can be provided using a reservoir, however if the stream has more than enough capacity to meet the needs of a community, the unit could be adapted to "run of the stream" operation. ; Cc) Efficiency Turbine efficiencies vary with type, flow and load but usually range from 75-90%. Generator efficiencies are approximately 95%. Combined efficiencies range between 70-85% in the expected range of operation. A4.3 Costs A4.3.1 Capital Cost Capital cost for a small 140 KW hydraulic turbine generator operating under a head of 50 feet with a flow of 45 cubic feet per second (cfs) is approximately $85,000 for the turbine-generator, necessary gearing, governor and the electrical control panel. A representative 40 KW unit operating under a head of 300 feet and flow of 1.75 cfs per second would cost approximately $50,000 for the same equipment. Transportation from point of manufacture is not included. site development, materials and equipment required for installation will vary greatly with the site A4.3 location and conditions. Water impoundment and/or diversion, structures, penstocks, foundations and provisions for the discharge will also vary over a considerable range. A4.3.2 Assembly and Installation Assembly and installation including design and supervision is estimated at 50-60% of the total installation. This allocation would apply for units installed in the "Lower 48" with resulting installed cost between $175,000 and $215,000, respectively. Costs for installation in the remote areas of western Alaska are considerably higher. Small systems in remote Aleutian or Western Alaska site may cost between $600,000 and $1,000,000. These cost may be justified considering the high cost of diesel generated power in these areas. B44 ,343 Operation and Maintenance All equipment used in a hydro-electric installation is typically rugged, well designed equipment requiring minimal maintenance. It is designed for long service life. Operation and maintenance of this equipment would not require skills beyond those already employed to operate the diesel generator equipment presently installed. Alaska District Corps of Engineers has suggested operation, maintenance and replacement cost at $8,000.00 per year for the 150 KW unit. A4.3.4 Cost Cost per installed KW will range from $18,000 for the high flow, low head installation with a dam to $7,000 for a low flow, high head project with diversion only. These costs are approximate for western Alaska construction. A4.4 A4.4 Special Requirements and Impacts A4.4.1 Siting The turbine would be located to maximize output from the water and head available taking into account length of penstock and storage available. The average village installation require a relatively small power house. Siting is not considered a problem provided the soil conditions are stable and not subject to flooding or erosion. The penstock may or may not be covered but winter weather conditions may require protection from freezing and snow loads. A4.4.2 The Resource Water is a renewable resource dependent upon the following characteristics: A. Drainage area B. Storage available by means of a reservoir or natural storage, e.g. groundwater and/or snowpack. Ge Average rainfall in the area. A4.4.3 Environmental Impacts Environmental impacts are minimal in small streams with no fish habitat. Each location must be analyzed for its impact on fish and wildlife. The major impact is where a reservoir would occupy a large area of land. Recreational use could be a desirable result. A4.4.4 Construction and Operating Skills Normal civil and construction skills would be required. A small installation would be a package arrangement requiring A4.5 A4.5 minimum technical assembly skills. Operating skills would be similar to those required to operate the present engine-generator units. A4.4.5 Health Effects There are no particular aspects to this technology which would effect health and safety. Summary A4.5.1 Cost per Kilowatt Hour Cost are dependent upon so may variables that it is not possible to established a firm cost per KWH. The Alaska District Corps of Engineers has forecast a cost for 31¢ per KWH for 150 KW medium head installation. A4.5.2 Critical Discussion The process of converting the potential energy of water at high elevation into electrical energy by use of a turbine generator is a proven process. The equipment involved is extremely reliable. In Western Alaska the period of maximum generating capacity does not always coincide with the period of maximum demand. Highwater flow, thus maximum output of a hydro installation is usually during spring runoff beginning in April, peaking in May and June and ending in July. The coldest temperatures (average -20°F) and maximum energy demand is between November and April when stream flows are diminished by freeze up of the water drainage system. Diesel generation is sufficiently flexible to allow maximum use of the available hydro however. A4.6 In the Aleutian stream drainage freeze up is not as signifi- cant as Western Alaska because of moderate winter temperatures. Stream flow is a function of precipitation. Continuous stream flow throughout the year makes hydro a viable technology in this area. A4.7 A5.0 WIND ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS A5.1 General Description A5.1.1 Process Wind turbine-generator (WTG) systems are devices used to convert the kinetic energy of wind into shaft torque by Means of a propeller and then to electrical energy by a generator. The propeller or wind turbine may also be used directly to do mechanical work such as pumping water. The application considered here is the generation of electrical power. A wind turbine or wind machine, as they are commonly called, is designed to extract energy from the wind. The wind turns the rotor or blades of a turbine by "pushing" against them or by lifting the blades aerodynamically. The energy that can be extracted by "pushing" (drag principle) is limited. Modern wind turbines rely on the “aerodynamic lift" which is achieved by the special shape of the blade (called an airfoil). This shape is similar to that of an airplane wing which produces a low pressure area above the wing and a high pressure area below the wing. The difference in pressure between the two sides of the blade allows it to move with great speed and efficiency. The top speed of the blade revolving around the hub will be greater than the speed of the wind. The relationship of the blade speed, measured at the tip, to the wind speed is called the tip speed ratio. The energy extracted from the wind by this system of airfoils is used to drive an electrical generator or alternator. Generators may be AC, either synchronous or induction, or DC, depending on the application. In addition, alternators are often used on smaller capacity wind machines. A5.1 Wind systems are comprised of four major components: A) the wind turbine, which provides either mechanical or electrical power, B) the support system or tower, C) the storage system (if used), which can include batteries, a connection to an electric utility power line, or to some other form of energy storage such as water or space heating, D) the electrical sub-components such as inverters, voltage regulators, control systems and switching devices. AS es LiZ Current and Future Availability Wind machines have provided man with mechanical energy for centuries. Their use to generate electrical energy dates back to the late 1800's. Many improvements in turbine design and application have been made in the last few years. Wind machines are currently used to generate electricity in areas where there are no public utilities available. Interest in larger units suitable for incorporation into a utility grid has resulted in a number of units being installed and tested by private as well as government agencies. The Energy Systems Group of RocKWell International is providing technical and management support for the DOE testing programs at Rocky Flats in Colorado. All of their testing is on small wind energy conversion system (WECS) under 100 KW. Both commercial and prototype models are A5.2 being tested, as well as various types of tower and guy assemblies. The Energy Systems Group is also investigating the impacts of SWECS on utility grids. There are a number of wind energy demonstration projects on WGT sizes of 2, 10 and 20 KW. Manufacturers who appear to be viable suppliers in the Alaska market are Enertech, Aeropower, Grumman and Jacobs. Demonstration projects are now going at Unalakleet, Nelson Lagoon, Sheldon Point and other sites but data on their reliability, and energy savings is inconclusive. A Grumman 18 KW machine was installed at Nelson Lagoon. After experiencing major problems the machine has been redesigned and has been operational since May 1981. Because of remoteness of the site and operational sroblems the unit has run only 30% of the time. Data is not available on the effectiveness of the wind generator in reducing all usage in the village. At Sheldon Point, which has no central generation, several 2 KW WECS have been installed on indivicual houses. Monitoring systems have not been installed to adequately demonstrate the output of these machines. Other manufacturers of larger WECS are WTC Energy Systems, Alcoa and Boeing. These large systems, gr2ater than 100 KW are not suitable for small village applicat.ion at this time. A5.3 A5.2 Performance Characteristics A5.2.1 Energy Output A) Electrical Generation Wind turbine generators are manufactured in a number of configurations, using alternators, AC synchronous or induction generators, or DC generators. they are manufactured in many sizes ranging from a few watts to several megawatts. Refer to Section A9 of this Appendix for a discussion of the electrical characteristics of these configuration. B) Quantity The quantity of output power is a function of the area swept by the rotor and the velocity of the wind at the point of installation. Power available in the wind increases with the cube of the wind speed. Figure A5.1 demonstrates the relationship between the unit output (KW), size of rotor and the mean wind speed. Most units have a cut-in speed of approximately 8 MPH and a cut-out speed of approximately 40 MPH, however, maximum KW output occurs between a particular design speed (such as 25 mph) and cutout speed. Optimum utilization of wind turbines occurs in areas of persistant low velocity winds where the mean wind speed is approximately % times the design speed of the turbine. The total annual kilowatt hour output depends on the average annual wind for the area. Curves shown on Figure A5.2 demonstrate this relationship for some small machines. A5.4 Cc) Dynamics The output of a wind machine is dependent on mean wind velocity and is, therefore, affected daily as well as seasonally. Areas near a large body of water generally have afternoon or evening winds on a daily basis. Most areas are seasonally affected generally having higher velocities in winter and lower velocities in spring and summer. Wind speed is also affected by pressure changes, variations in landscape and attitude. Each proposed wind turbine site should be analyzed individually to determine its wind resource data. AS a2e2 Reliability A) Need for "Backup" Because of the intermittent nature of the wind, a wind turbine will require 100% "backup" power. "Backup" power can be obtained in several ways such as battery storage, hydroelectric reservoirs, or a utility tie. B) "Backup" Storage in the form of batteries or hydroelectric reservoirs would allow maximum utilization of the system and even out fluctuations of energy flow during the day as wind velocity varies. Connections to utility grids provide backup power when wind production is insufficient to meet power needs. A5.5 ASn2s3 Efficiency Very little data is available on the efficiency of wind machines as related to captured wind energy versus available wind energy. Neither available energy nor average wind speed is always a reliable measure of the potential performance of a wind machine for two reasons: 1) a turbine cannot produce additional power from wind speeds higher than its rated or design wind speed, and 2) the distribution of wind velocity at various adjacent sites can differ appreciably. Studies have shown that captured energy as a percentage of available energy can range from 8% to 25%. A5.3 Cost The total cost of a wind turbine installation includes costs for the site, turbine with generator, tower, storage system or utility tie (if used) and associated electrical equipment. A5.3.1 Capital Cost The installed cost of a wind turbine system will vary greatly because of the many parameters peculiar to a given installation. Equipment cost of a wind turbine generator with a tower is approximately $2,000/KW for a large (greater than 100 KW machine) synchronous or induction machine and approximately $4,500/KW for smaller units complete with inverter and batteries. ASR SEZ Assembly and Installation Installation costs are dependent upon local site conditions and costs specific to the region. Soil conditions in some A5.6 areas of Alaska will make installation of wind machines difficult. The unit will have to be positioned in a location and at an elevation to extract the maximum energy from the wind. Elevation of the turbine above the ground is one of the most important considerations. Cost of additional tower height is generally more than offset by additional energy output. AS 5 3.03) Operation and Maintenance Operations and maintenance costs of a wind turbine are dependent upon the type of system installed. Wind systems using DC-to-AC power inversion may involve electrical controls and/or batteries for voltage regulation and system stability. These components may add high incremental operation and maintenance expense. For example, average battery life expectancy is 10-12 years and costs approximately $8/amp hour at 120 volts. Costs will also depend upon the complexity of the control involved in integrating the wind turbine-generator into the existing utility system. A5.3.4 Cost per Kilowatt Installed Installed costs for a 100 KW unit in 1982 is expected to be approximately $2,000/KW in the lower 48 states. Installed cost of smaller units at $4,500/KW should hold steady for the near future, as increased production efficiency is offset by inflation. AS), 31.9 Economies of Scale In general, there is an economic advantage in installing the largest unit which will serve the needs of the installation/area. This advantage must be weighed against the impact of large wind system ties to small utility grids. A5.7 A5.4 Special Requirements A5.4.1 Siting A wind turbine generator will require siting in an area known to have an average annual wind velocity of sufficient magnitude to justify costs of installation and operation. This velocity is usually 12 mph or greater, depending on the machine characteristics. A wind turbine must be located where it has access to the free flow of the wind from 360°. Its power potential is greatly enchanced by its height above the ground. The least expensive way to increase energy output from the wind is to increase tower height. A5.4.2 Resources Needed A) Renewable - An area which has a means wind velocity of 12 mph or greater is necessary to consider installation of a typical wind machine. B) Non-renewable - Not applicable. Wind turbines are designed to take the energy out of the wind when it is available and, as such, are unregulated sources of energy. To receive the maximum benefit from the wind system there must be a demand for this energy. To optimize this demand, the energy contributed by other sources must be regulatable. Diesel generation, hydro and steam power plants are examples of power supply systems which can be regulated. In theory, the maximum size of an unregulated wind system relative to the load of the utility should be equal to the A5.8 minimum instantaneous electrical demand on the system. However, in practice, the size is further affected by several factors. Design factors such as energy storage, excess energy dissipation, and projected load growth would tend to increase the maximum size. Electrical system factors such as frequency stability, wave form distortion (harmonies), voltage regulation, voltage flicker, and power factor generally tend to decrease the maximum size. The impact of any given parameter depends on both the type of wind system proposed and the makeup of the utility grid to which it is tied. A5.4.3 Construction and Operating Skills Normal skills associated with construction and operation of any other electrical generating plant. Where sophisticated electronic controls are involved, it will require this discipline. A5.4.4 Environmental Wind machines may have both visual and audio impacts associated with them. These effects must be weighed against the reduction of exhaust gases and importation of high cost fuel oil from outside the region. A545 Safety and Health No safety or health effects are anticipated from a wind machine. A5.9 A5.5 A5.6 Summary and Critical Discussion Ss Diet Cost per KWH Estimated cost per KWH range from $.10 to $.30/KWH depending on wind velocity and site conditions. aos 5ade Discussion Improvements are continually being made in the design and application of wind turbines. Rapidly escalating cost of. fuel oil, at a rate far above the annual inflation rate, will make alternate energy sources more and more attractive. Presently wind turbines are not cost effective in areas of relatively low cost energy. In areas of western Alaska where electrical generation cost is near $.31/KWH and rising, a wind machine can be an attractive alternative. A wind machine in western Alaska, however, does not displace other forms of generation and, therefore, does not receive the benefits and considerations of a unit which can reduce the demand for high cost thermal generation. Its total economy is in fuel not burned. References ie Is Wind a Practical Source of Energy for You? DOE, TM-IP/80-3, Sept., 1980. 2. Assessment of Wind Energy System as a Utility Framework. S.L. Mackis, J.L. Oplinger. 3% Wind Supplies Much of Cuttyhunk Islands Electric Power. W.R. Loustut, Electrical Consultant, Sept.-Oct., 1979. a Oregon Wind Book, Oregon Department of Energy, 1978. A5.10 Performance Summary Sheets, Rocky Flats Wind Systems Program, 12/80. An Assessment of Power Quality Requirements for Small Wind Energy Conversion Systems. DOE, TM-IP/81-3, April, 1981. AS 3 1 maximum power (watts) 15,000 10000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 Typical Wind Power Curves D= rotor diameter (feet) || Vi | AY JI Vi TA sat re ee 5 wind speed Fig. A5.1 A5.12 Leet aH (mop.h) oe eee mee tr tt TT D=15 ANNUAL ENERGY OUTPUT, kWH Annual Energy Output vs Mean Wind Speed TYPICAL ANNUAL ENERGY OUTPUT FOR SMALL WIND SYSTEMS Assumes Rayleigh distribution of wind speed probability. Actual output may vary due to different characteristics of specific machines or sites. ROTOR DIAMETER 100,000 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 MEAN WIND SPEED, MPH Fig. A5.2 A5.13 A6é.0 GEOTHERMAL ENERGY A6é.1 General Description The recovery of geothermal energy involves capturing heat available in the earth. Current technologies are directed at utilization of this captured heat for home or process heating or generating electrical power. A common example of geothermal energy are hot springs which in the U.S. are found mainly in the west, Hawaii and Alaska. There are several types of geothermal resources. Hydrothermal resources occur naturally as either vapor dominated or hot water dominated subsurface regime dependent on temperature and pressure circulation. The hydrothermal resource will be discussed herein. A6.1.1 Thermodynamic Process There are two thermodynamic processes involved which depend on the temperature of the resource. For low temperature hydrothermal resources the heat may be used to heat homes, enhance agriculture development, or support industrial processes requiring low temperature heat sources. Excellent examples of this type of resource are located at Klamath Falls, Oregon and Boise, Idaho where there are a number of small and large district heating systems utilizing geothermal resources. The second thermal process involves a higher temperature hydrothermal resource where the water exists as steam or is flashed to steam to drive a turbine or is used to vaporize another fluid to drive a turbine to generate electrical power. The highest quality energy resource, steam, can be used directly to drive a steam turbine. The steam condensed in the turbine is then re-injected into the ground in the liquid phase for revaporization. A6.1 A6.2 It should also be noted that for lower quality temperature resources, the steam or hot water may also be used to evaporate an organic fluid to drive an Organic Rankine Cycle power generation system. BG ukam Current and Future Availability The practicality of geothermal energy recovery and utilization has been demonstrated at a number of locations throughout the world. The primary example of geothermal power generation is The Geyers in northern California which has an estimated installed capacity of 1,800 MW. Other power generation sites are located in Italy and in Iceland. District heating utilizing geothermal energy has been demonstrated in a number of locations including Klamath Falls, Oregon. Performance Characteristics AGO. 2.51 Energy Output Generally, geothermal energy output can be characterized by a wide range of physical conditions at the sources ranging from low temperature hot water sources at 150°F to high pressure steam up to 500°F. The quantity of heat available depends on specific site conditions which must be defined by exploratory drilling or other methods. These resources do not vary with the seasons, only long term use of resources will produce daily or annual fluctuations. AGE.2 32 Reliability Once these resources have been developed, the reliability can be designed and built into the system to eliminate the need for backup. The primary operational concern with use A6.2 A6.3 of geothermal sources is that they may carry a large quantity of dissolved solids or gas. Solids can be deposited on heat transfer surfaces or on turbines blades and eventually destroy the efficiency of the device. The resources must be analyzed and carefully quantified to determine the design conditions required to minimize maintenance due to mineral depositions. Under more severe conditions backup equipment may be necessary to provide continued operation during cleaning operations. A primary advantage of geothermal energy is that the storage medium is the earth and no additional storage is necessary to back up this resource. A6.2.3 Thermodynamic Efficiency Thermodynamic efficiency depends on the end use of the resource. Geothermal energy use for heating can be used at high efficiencies on the order of 90%. That used for the generation of electrical power is more typically on the order of 10-30% depending on the pressure and temperature conditions at the resource. Cost for Unit A6.3.1 Capital Cost A major capital cost is in drilling and developing of the resource. The associated cost elements are extremely variable and are dependent on the specific site conditions and location. Once the resource is defined the equipment necessary to transform the energy or convert from geothermal heat to power or space heat can be installed. Development of this resource for electrical power generation is usually more costly than for district or process heating. A6.3 A6.3.2 Assembly and Installations The major components of a geothermal energy development include casings for wells, piping, heat exchangers, power generation equipment and transmission facilities. The equipment and installation cost would be dependent on the size of the resource and how it is used, Estimates of these costs have never been prepared in sufficient detail for Alaska or Aleutian Island installation. 3.3 Operation and Maintenance Once a geothermal resource has been developed, the operation should be fairly conventional and straight forward. The major cost is maintaining the heat transfer surfaces and pipes depends on quality of the geothermal resource. Geothermal waters are known to contain chemicals that can attack and corrode conventional metals. This information is usually developed early in the exploratory period to determine the final cost of installed equipment and to support cost projections. A6.3.4 Cost per KW Installed Installed costs for this equipment are highly variable and are especially sensitive to site specific conditions. A6.3.5 Economies of Scale The economics of geothermal energy utilization will be in part dependent on the size of the load to be accommodated. The larger the demand for heat and electrical power the more efficient it will be. Development cost for small villages may not be economical because of the large investment in the A6.4 site developed of geothermal wells compared to the potential utilization of the resource once the wells are developed. A6.4 Special Requirements and Impacts A6.4.1 Siting The siting of geothermal development will depend on its location and subsurface character. A number of studies have been performed to identify potential locations. However, only very few rudimentary studies have been conducted to date which are directed at defining the subsurface character of Alaska's geothermal resources. Some of Alaska's geothermal resources exist in national parks or forest lands which may require extensive permitting activities. A6.4.2 Resource Needs Not applicable. A6.4.3 Construction and Operating Employment Development of a geothermal resource will require application of the following skills: geology, engineering, environmental sciences and economics. Specific construction skills will involve civil, mechanical and electrical crafts complimented by reservoir development engineering. Further, operations labor will include piping and boiler operations along with electrical maintenance skills. A6.4.4 Environmental Residuals Environmental residuals from geothermal would be from the water or steam that is released to the atmosphere. Systems A6.5 A6.5 would generally be designed to re-inject these residuals back into the reservoir to prevent mineral contamination of the surface waters. Some geothermal resources may contain gases which could escape to atmosphere during the process. These gases would have to be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner. Ao.4.5 Health or Safety Aspects Health or safety hazards may occur during the development of the well. Sufficient precautions must be taken to prevent well blowout or loss of resource. The piping and auxiliary equipment that comes in contact with the geothermal resource must be designed to adequately handle the pressure and temperature that may exist in the system. The conscientious use of design codes for the design of pressure piping systems is essential to the safe operation of the system. Summary and Critical Discussion A6.5.1 Cost per MMBTU and per KWH At this point development of this technology in Alaska has not proceeded far enough to estimate these costs. AG.5.2 Critical Discussion of Technology The major impediment to the development of geothermal energy in Alaska is the high cost in locating and developing the resource in remote areas where the potential exists. Further, the resource does not necessarily exist where the population is located. The major areas of geothermal resource occur in the Aluetian Chain and the Alaskan Peninusla. Other areas have been identified in the north central portion of the State extending from the Canadian border through the Seward Peninsula. A6.6 A6.6 References 1. Alaska: A Guide to Geothermal Development, Niel Basescu, et al., OIT Geo Heat Utilization Center. Bis Draft - Alaska Geothermal Implementation Plan, John W. Reeder, et al. for U.S. DOE Region X, 1992 Federal Bldg., 914 Second Ave., Seattle, WA 98174 A6.7 A7.0 STEAM POWER CENERATION FROM COAL/WOOD/SOLID WASTE/PEAT A7.1 General Description A7.1.1 Thermodynamic and Engineering Process Coal, wood, peat and/or solid waste from a community could be burned in a boiler to generate steam at a high pressure. Stream would then be passed through a turbine which would drive a generator. When the steam passes through the turbine the only heat removed is that equivalent to the shaft energy (which includes generator and other mechanical losses from the surface of the machine). The remaining heat in the steam must be extracted to condense it back to water. The efficiency of the steam cycle depends on the initial temperature and pressure that can be developed in the steam and the pressure at which the steam is exhausted. The amount of shaft power that can be extracted from steam can range from as little as 5% in small, back pressure turbine to as high as 40% in a large, high pressure power generating plant. Electric power requirement in the villages range between 100 and 500 KW. Steam boiler equipment and turbine generators available in the commercial market limits the efficiency of the steam system to the low end of the efficiency range, i.e. about 6 to 10%. Ai ,1,3 Current and Future Availability Steam power has been used by man for several hundred years. Very early steam generators were low pressure units used to drive szeam engines. As technology evolved, the steam generating plants became larger and more efficient. Emphasis was placed on large centralized power plants to gain economy of scale while small system technology did not receive the benefit of development. The technology required A7.1 A7.2 for the villages goes back to the early days of steam power where the steam pressures and the overall system efficiency were low. Steam power can be justified at these low efficiencies if there is locally available fuel at proportionately lower cost than oil which must be imported to the region. A facility at a village sized for 200 KW would consist of a boiler capable of generating 6,500 pph of 150 psig saturated steam driving single stage turbine-generator. An air cooled condenser operating at approximately 15 inches of mercury vacuum would remove the residual heat from the steam. This installation would require approximately 32 pounds of steam per KWH. A water cooled condenser could be substituted for air cooled where sufficient water was available. The plant would require 1090 pounds per hour of 10,000 BTU per pound coal or 1250 pounds of wood per hour. The overall plant efficiency would be approximately 6.3%. An alternative to this arrangement, which would improve the recovery of the heat energy from the coal, would be to condense the steam while heating a circulating fluid such as glycol that would provide heat for buildings and water heating. The steam rate would be 46 pounds per KWH but much of the residual heat would be used for heating purposes. See Figure A7.1. Performance Characteristics AT «201 Energy Output A) Quality The output of this system would be electrical energy and heat at approximately 200°F available for district heating use. A7.2 B) Quantity The quantity of energy available wi 1 depend on the amount and type of fuel available in the area. Cc) Dynamics Fuel can be made available to meet any daily seasonal or annual energy demand. Alc2ic2 A) A7..203 Reliability Coal-fired steam generators would require a yearly maintenance period of 1 to 2 weeks. During that time backup generation may be required. There are a number of machines associated with power generation, including the turbine, pumps, fans and other auxiliary motors that will effect the overall system reliability. Sufficient fuel storage is required for the longest estimated time between fuel deliveries for any circumstances. If the fuel is locally available, the storage requirements can be minimized. Thermodynamic Efficiency Thermal efficiency in the system in this range will vary from 5-8%. The overall efficiency of the system can be improved by utilizing the exhaust heat for district heating. A7.3 A7.3 Cost for Typical Unit IY oS, Capital Capital requirements for a 250 KW installation area as follows: A) Boiler and Auxiliaries $130,000 B) Turbine Generator 45,000 Cc) Condenser 20,000 D) Electrical Switchgear 10,000 A7.3.2 Assembly and Installation A) Mobilization Foundation and Site Prep $130,000 B) Fuel Storage and Handling Equipment 150,000 iG) Boiler Building 45,000 D) Piping 25,000 E) Installation of Boiler and Auxiliary 50,000 Equipment F) Transmission Line (approximately) 30,000 TOTAL Cost for Material & Labor $635,000 G) Project Management (5%) 32,000 H) Engineering (8%) 51,000 1) Contingencies (20%) 127,000 TOTAL Cost for Installation $845,000 Bf yda3 Operation and Maintenance Operation and maintenance costs included fuel, labor and cost of maintenance. Fuel costs delivered to the boiler are estimated at $4 per million BTU input. Assuming the plant Operates at an average load factor of 50% and produces A7.4 876,000 KWH the annual operating cost are $142,000 labor costs are $40,000. Other maintenance costs are estimated to be $10,000 per year. Deere Cost per KWH Installed power cost is approximately $3,500 per KW. A7.4 Economy of Scale Economy of scale can be gained by improved thermodynamic efficiency as well as lower cost per KW installed. It is possible that some economy can be obtained if there is another nearby village to which energy can be transmitted. A7.5 Special Requirements and Impacts A7.5.1 Siting The most important factor in siting a steam plant is the available local resource of coal, wood or peat and the ease of getting the fuel to the site. The site selected would have to take into consideration the prevailing wind and the effect of the stack gases on the village. A7.5.2 Resource Needs A) A facility like this requires locally available sources of wood or peat. If these resources are available then the village solid waste combustible contents could also be burned for additional heat value. A725 B) Non Renewable Resources Coal is the most likely non-renewable resource that could be fired in an installation like this. Depending on cost, it could be possible to consider coal either shipped in or locally available, for power generation. A7.5.3 Construction and Operating Employment by Skills A steam generation facility requires skills to construct, a substantial foundation, such as a pile supported steel structure, pipe fitters, welders, and persons experienced in the construction industry. Operating skills require a knowledge of steam power generation and control as well as knowledge of electrical power generation and distribution. A7.5.4 Environmental Residuals All fuels would create particulate emission as well as the possibility of emission of sulfur dioxide and NOX. The solid residual ash, can readily be landfilled. A7.5.5 Health or Safety Aspects A steam system would have to be comply with the latest safety codes and all the safetv systems would have to be installed and maintained to prevent accidents. This method of generating power will require education of local manpower to operate steam power system. There would be possible increased emissions of NOX and sulfur dioxide which are not known to have related health effects with proper installation. A7.6 A7.6 Summary and Critical Discussion A7.6.1 Energy Costs With energy costs based on fuel costs at $4 per MMBTU, an installation of this type will yield a cost/KWH of approximately 35.7¢. The resulting cost of electricity would be $105 per MMBTU of electrical energy consumption. A7.6.2 Discussion of Technology Steam-fired systems may be feasible provided there is a low cost source of fuel available in the area. Steam generation technology has been known and understood for many years. There are many moving parts within the system that require regular maintenance. The system design would have to incorporate sufficient redundancy to provide the reliability required in remote sites with a backup system to provide heat in the event of a breakdown to prevent freeze-up of water in the system. This technology has the advantage of being able to incinerate local solid waste that comes into the village and recover energy from that source. The amount of energy in the solid waste, however, is low compared to the amount of heat required to generate electric power from a small steam turbine. A7.7 150 PSIG SAT. TURBINE GENERATOR 46#/KWh BOILER 10 PSIG DEAERATOR/ HEATER EXCESS HEAT CONDENSER CONDENSER DISTRICT HEAT FAN Ore tome ToT J 1 VILLAGE DISTRICT HEAT SYSTEM Fag. Avil A7.8 A8.0 GASIFICATION OF WOOD, PEAT OR COAL A8.1 General Description Coal, wood or peat can be converted into a cas suitable for running diesel engines. The cost of these fuels if locally available will probably inflate at a lower rate than oil which could make this technology economically feasible for western Alaskan villages. A8.1.1 Thermodynamic & Engineering Processes Coal may be converted into either pipeline quality gas (approximately 1000 BTU/scf) or a low FTU quality gas depending on the complexity of the process. Low BTU gas (120-160 BTU/scf) can be produced with mich lower capital investment and is considered here. The combustion/ gasification process proceeds in four steps: 1) Oxidation: Cc + 0. co, Hy + 1/2 O,— H,0 + Heat 2) Gasification: — Ae Heat + C + ( ) —.coO + ( ) co, co 3) Hydrogasification: Ce 2H,—* CH, + Heat 4) Devolatalization: Coal + Heat —* C + CH, + HC A8.1 This process was common pxior to the development of natural gas transmission lines. Gasification of wood anc’ peat has been accomplished successfully in Europe, end the technology is presently developing in North America. Peat and wood have very similar chemical make up. i.e., carbon content 50-55%, hydrogen 4-5%, and oxygen 30-40%. A significant difference between peat and wood is that the peat contains significantly more ash (5-15%) compared to wood (2%). There are a number of different types of gasifiers available in the various states of development. The typical unit converting wet wood in air, produces a mixture of gas, condensible tars and of 150 to 200 BTU/scf. Uses for the tars and char would have to be established in the village. Another type of gasifier utilizes a catalyst and is capable of converting 100% of the wood fiber and lighin to a gas buy requires a dry fuels, with approximately 20% moisture content. The resulting gas has a heat content of 300 to 350 BTU per cubic feet. A8.1.2 Current & Future Availability Development of small wood gasifiers has increased dramatically in the last 5 years. The development of modern gasifying equipment in the U.S. therefore is in the early stages and the most efficient, cost effective design has not been established. A French manufacturer produces the Duvant System capable of 100% conversion of material. A US. company, Pyrenco, is the development stages of a similar gasifier available primarily in sizes required in the villages. A8.2 A8.2 Performance Characteristics A8.2.1 Energy Output A) Quality The output is in the form of a low BTU gas capable of being stored and/or piped directly to the gas consumer. Energy content between 150 and 350 BTU per cubic feet can be achieved depending on the process. B) Quantity Systems are available to generate the quantity of gas to operate diesel generators in the villages provided or to the size of 100 to 500 KW. Cc) Dynamics Not applicable. A8.2.2 Reliability The reliability of these systems is not developed at this time. Sufficient gas storage must be provided in the event of an interruption in the operation of a gasifier system. the backup could be in the form of diesel fuel. ag.2.2 Thermo dynamic Efficiency The energy conversion efficiency can be as high as 80% in wood or peat catalytic gasifier. The thermodynamic efficiency of a diesel engine would be approximately 30%. The resulting overall efficiency of 24% is theoretically achievable. Additional efficiency improvement can be A8.3 A8.3 A8.4 achieved with a waste heat capture system from the diesel engine water jacket and exhaust gas. Cost _ for Typical Unit Installed A8.3.1 Capital A gasifier to furnish gas to a 200 KW generator would cost approximately $250,000. A8.3.2 Assembly & Instellation Not available. A8.3.3 Operation and Maintenance Not available. A8.3.4 Cost per KWH Cost for processing renewable resources into gas is in the range of $4-5 per million BTU for a system capable of processing 3-4 tons per hour of feed stock. The cost of the feed stock must be added to the above. A8.3.5 Economy of Scale Not applicable. Special Requirements and Impacts A8.4.1 Siting A gasifying process would be sited in an industrial zone that would provide for ease of bringing in the feed stock A8.4 A8.5 and be in the close proximity to the power generation facility where the gas would be consumed. A8.4.2 Resource Needs A) A locally available resource of wood, peat or solid waste could be used in the gasifier at the time. B) Coal if locally available - delivery cost and complexity of a coal gasifier would be the determining factor to determine if this process could be economically feasible. A8.4.3 Construction & Operating Plant by Skills Not available. A8.4.4 Environmental Residuals Primary residuals would be ash and combustion gases. A8.4.5 Health and Safety Aspects Not available. Summary & Critical Discussion as 5.4 Cost The current cost per MMBTU for the gasification process could be in the order of magnitude of oil depending on the availability of a resource for gasification. Oil presently costs $11-15 per MMBTU's in western Alaskan villages. If lower cost can be achieved through gasification it could greatly offset the use of oil in generating electric power. A8.5 A8.6 A8.5.2 Critical Discussion of the Technology Gasification of wood and peat is in a developmental stage in the U.S. and may be available from European suppliers. Further evaluation of gasification is required to determine whether the cost of a gasifier capable of 100% conversion of the feed stock would be competitive with the oil and the western Alaska environment. References Ls Synthetic Fuels from Peat Gasification by D.V. Punwani and J.M. Kopstein. Ze Gas Coal/DOE/FE/007. ee Gasification of Coal and Wood by Lews Eckert III and Stanley Kapser, TAPPI, August 1979. A8 .6 A9.0 SYNCHRONOUS, INDUCTION OR DC GENERATION SYSTEMS A9.1 General Description AG2i1 Engineering Process Mechanical work from an unregulated source of energy, such as steam, water or wind is converted into electric energy by an electric generator. Typical large power systems use a synchronous generator which delivers alternating current (AC) at a closely regulated frequency, typically 60 Hz plus or minus a small tolerance. In the United States all large utility systems generate power with synchronous generators as do most small systems. However, additional alternatives are available for generating electrical power especially in small systems. These alternatives include induction generators, alternators, and DC generators. The AC induction generator is identical to an induction motor except it is driven at a speed slightly above the synchronous speed. The electrical output is generated from the slip, i.e., the difference between the synchronous frequency and the rotor frequency. The power output of an induction generator increases as the slip increases. An induction generator requires a magnetizing current which must be supplied from an external system such as a utility. An induction generator, therefore, is not suitable for isolated operation. Its application is limited to use in conjunction with an existing utility or synchronous generator. To avoid voltage and frequency regulation problems the size of the induction generator should not exceed 30 to 40% of the capacity of the main generator(s) currently operating. Where inrush currents are large enough to cause voltage flicker, the induction generator should be limited to 20% of utility capacity. A9.1 For small systems it is possible to generate DC power with an alternator which has variable voltage and frequency output and convert that energy into constant frequency AC power by means of a DC to AC inverter. The choice of inverter depends on whether the system will be tied to a utility grid. If a utility tie is proposed, the DC-to-AC power conversion would be made with a synchronous inverter. A synchronous inverter is a solid state device which regulates the voltage and frequency output of the alternator. These systems are available in sizes up to about 10 KW, with certain models upgradable to about 25 kW. If a "stand alone" system is proposed, one of two types of inverter is generally chosen: solid state or rotary. A solid state inverter converts the DC power to AC power with no moving parts and is more efficient and more costly than a rotary inverter.’ A rotary inverter uses the DC output from the alternator to run a DC motor, which in turn runs an AC generator to produce AC power. Rotary inverters are somewhat more reliable than solid state inverters. These systems are available in sizes up to about 8-10 KW. "Stand alone" systems generally will incorporate some method of energy storage such as batteries. Another possible choice for interconnecting a small energy source with a utility is a DC generator and static inverter. DC generators are typically more costly than synchronous generators, induction generators, or alternators. Similarly, the static inverter, a solid state device which converts the DC output to a regulated AC output, tends to be more costly than a synchronous inverter. AS 2 AQ .2 Since the DC generator does not require a reference voltage or frequency from the utility, this system inherently provides "stand alone" capability. The most common form of energy storage is batteries, which can add considerably to the cost of the system. While the overall cost of the DC generator system can be nearly double the cost of a similar capacity AC generator or alternator system, the DC system offers the most versatile and independent method for using or distribution the power. AQ is Current and Future Availability Each form of this electrical conversion method is available today. The synchronous generators, while available over the entire range of sizes that could be conceived for village power generation, require fairly sophisticated and costly controls which currently limits their application to larger KW sizes. Induction generators are available in sizes up to very large motor sizes; however, their economic range is between 10 and 500 KW. Combined alternator and DC-to-AC converter systems are available in sizes up to about 25 kW. The use of a synchronous inverter allows the flexibility of operating a small system in parallel with a utility AC systems, thus enabling a utility to offset its power consumption from outside sources while still having the flexibility and reliability of the larger system when its own generator output is not sufficient. DC generators and static inverters are also available in the small size range. Performance Characteristics A9.2.1 Energy Output For all systems mentioned above, the output is a form of electrical power, either AC or.DC. Its quality, quantity AQ .3 A9.3 and dynamics are a function of the prime mover, the source of energy, and type of inverter used. BOE 22 Reliability The synchronous generator has the highest reliability because it can provide reaulated AC power over a wide range of operation. The induct:.on system can only be operated in conjunction with a large synchronous-controlled system. It cannot operate on its own. The alternator/inverter system can operate either independently or in conjunction with a large synchronous system. The DC generator/inverter system is the third "stand alone" option. AS.253 Efficiency Most AC or DC generators, when operating within their design capabilities, are approximately equal in efficiency rating. The alternator/inverter system or DC generator/inverter system tied to a utility grid, would have additional inefficiencies due to the losses in the AC-to-DC inverters. Cost for Typical Unit Installed AS.3.1 Capital Costs The synchronous generator would have a higher cost for small systems than induction generators but would be more cost effective above the 500 KW size depending on the type of prime mover. The induction generator would provide the lowest cost for a small power system provided that there is a large generating network that can use its output, regulate the frequency and provide field magnetizing current. Small capacity alternator/inverter systems can be obtained for a cost comparable to small induction generator systems. A DC AQ.4 A9.4 generator and static inverter has a higher cost than either the synchronous generator, induction generator, or alternator/inverter systems. A9.3.2 Assembly and Installation Costs for assembly and installation would be approximately the same for the four types of generators. In some instances the form of generation is dictated by the prime mover. AM 3ic9 Operation Maintenance The operation and maintenance of these systems would be approximately the same. Induction generators and alternator/inverter systems, due to their reactive requirements generally can provide only 20-40% of the total power of a system without causing problems with the voltage ‘or frequency regulation. Additional equipment, such as capacitor installations, may be required to obtain satisfactory operation in the percentage range. A9.3.4 Cost per KW Installed Data not available. A9.3.5 Economics of Scale Economics of scale are as stated in previous sections. Special Requirements and Impacts BS sas 16 Siting Not Applicable A9.5 AQ. 5 A9.4.2 Resources Needed Not Applicable A9.4.3 Construction and Operating Employment by Skills All methods of generation require similar construction and operating employment skills. A9.4.4 Environmental Residuals Not Applicable A9.4.5 Health and Safety Aspects Not Applicable Summary and Critical Discussions A9.5.1 Cost Per MMBTU's or Per KW Hour Data not available. AQ 52 Critical Discussion of Technology For large systems synchronous generators appear to provide the flexibility required for operation over a wide range of power output while providing regulated voltage and frequency. The cost factor for small systems is really not critical where the frequency and voltage regulation or a "stand alone" capability is a requirement. Induction generators can economically be added to large power systems where their small input into the systems does not significantly affect the overall frequency or voltage AQ .6 A9 .6 regulation of the larger system. Induction generators should not contribute more than other alternatives generators. An alternator and synchronous inverter can be used on small wind systems which operate in parallel with the local Lewsey. When the utility -is down, the alternator/synchronous inverter system is also down. This combination cannot operate on a "stand alone" basis without additional equipment. As with the induction generator, the alternator/inverter system offers the opportunity for generation of approximately 20-40% of power needs on a small diesel generation system. Alternator/inverter systems are more often used for wind generation than for other prime movers. The system that provides the greatest flexibility for power generation from an unregulated source of energy is the DC generator with a battery storage system and static inverter. This system can operate in parallel with a small utility or on a "stand alone" basis. The battery provides storage for excess energy from the generator, makes up energy deficits and also provides a reference voltage for the inverter. The disadvantages with this system are high cost, lower reliability and lower efficiency than obtained from other systems. Three phase power from this system is also very costly. References "Induction Motor Provides Co-generation When Used as a Generator", by Nathan Ponnel, Electrical Consultant, January, 198A1. A9.7 "Recover Energy with Induction Generators", R. L. Nailen, Hydro Carbon Processing, July, 1978. "Turbine-generators, Induction vs. Synchronous", M. N. Halberg, and W. B. Wilson, Pub. Industrial Engineering News, July-August, 1954. "Assessment of Potential Participation of Wind Turbine Generators in Alaskan Utilities", by Alaska Power Authority, January, 1982 Status Update - Draft A9.8 A10.0 Al10.1 ELECTRICAL GENERATION MANAGFMENT General Description Al0.1.1 Process Description Electrical generation management is a process whereby the electrical load on a utility is met by operation of the most efficient generator(s). This can be done in several ways. Typically, historical data is analyzed to determine the load profile during the day and those generating units are operated that will best meet the load with some predetermined reserve capacity. As the load changes during the day an additional generator(s) is switched on or off the line to match the requirement. Planning is done based cn the expected hours of peak demand. For example, in a small village with one generator operating it may be possible to operate a smaller generator at night and a larger generator during the day to meet the larger loads of day time activities. Switching can be done manually, by a combination manual/automatic scheme or fully automatically with a transfer switch and program- mable logic process controller. AiO sa2 Current and Future Availability Generation management is currently practiced by most large utilities. System sophistication ranges from utilizing automatic equipment for starting up remote, un-manned installations to systems as simple as manually bringing a generator on line in parallel with other generators. A10.1 Al10.2 Performance Characteristics Al10-.2.1 Energy Output These systems do not put out energy but provide for operating generators in an efficient range which results in reduction of fuel used for generating electrical power. The automated systems yield the added benefit of lessening the need for human intervention into the operation of a power generation system. A) Quality These systems allow generators to operate in their most efficient range thereby lowering fuel consumption and increasing the life of the equipment by operating it in the most favorable regime. B) Quantity The efficiency of most rotary machinery drops significantly below 50% of output. The generation management system would be used to shut down a larger machine and bring on a smaller one as the load drops in the village and reverse the operation as the load increase, Cc) Dynamics Generation management systems are designed to follow the dynamics of the power demand of a village. A10.2.2 Efficiency These systems, if well maintained will increase the operating efficiency of the diesel generators and increase Al10.2 their usable life. The operation and maintenance of the controls will require personnel who are fully aware of the utilization of the equipment. It would require that anyone in the village who will operate the system be well-schooled and paid adequately for their knowledge. ALO 2 Performance Characteristics AL0 52.2 Energy Output These systems do not put out energy but provide for operating equipment in a more efficient range to convert a fuel in generating electrical power. The benefit of these systems is to eliminate the need for human intervention in the operation of a power generation system. A) Quality These systems allow power generator to operate in their most efficient range, lower fuel consumption and longer time between maintenance as required. B) Quantity Most rotary machinery efficiency drops significantly below 503 of output. A generation management system would be used to shut down a larger engine or bring on a smaller engine as the load changes in the village. Cc) Dynamics Load management systems are designed to follow the dynamics of the power demand of a village. A10.3 Al0.2.2 Efficiency These systems if well maintained will increase the operating efficiency of the diesel generating plants. It would require trained personnel to maintain and operate them. It requires that anyone in the village who operates system be paid adequately for their knowledge. Al10.3 Cost for Per Unit ALD 2.1 Capital Cost The equipment cost for a generation management system can range from $2,000 for a manual synchronizing system to $15,000 and up for a fully automatic programmable logic controller. The cost is a function of the utility size and the real benefit to be derived from installing such a system. Cost of equipment rises as the complexity of the system increases. AlO.3.2 Assembly and Installation These systems are factory assembled and wired in the field with equipment to be controlled. For automated systems, there is a requirement for transducers (measuring devices) to provide continuous status information to the controller which decides the equipment to operate. These devices (transducers) must be included in the generator package or the controller package. Al0.3.3 Operation and Maintenance Once these systems are installed and operating no attention is required except to check that they are functioning satisfactorily. Maintenance is required on an as needed basis, that is, if the equipment fails to perform some Al10.4 function there must be someone available wh) can determine the cause and the necessary corrective action to be taken. For sophisticated applications, this requires a skilled person with experience in proces:; controls as well as electronics. A10.3.4 Cost per KW Installed Not applicable. Al0 3 °.5) Economies of Scale The same equipment would be required to control a 600 KW as a 100 KW system; therefore, the economics are more favorable with larger systems. The economic limit must be determined based on the expected savings from reduce fuel consumption measured against the cost of installation. Al10.4 Special Requirements and Impa:ts Not applicable to this technology. A10.5 Summary and Critical Discussion Most small village power generation systems consist of two full capacity generators and a third small cenerator for summer time or off peak operation. Typically one cenerator, which is sized to carry the peak damend, is operated. There is generally no equipment for synchronizing a second generator, to meet a short term peak. To change over from one genera:or to another requiies the second unit be started and the load transferred from the running unit to the new unit. During this switchover there is a interruption of power to the village and possible voltage surges that might Al10.5 affect equipment in the village. It also requires that a operator be available to make the switchover which requires a 5 to 30 minute time period. It would be possible to provide automatic switchover to reduce the cost of an operator. The typical electrical power consumption in a village finds the peak demands at the morning and during the evening meal hour. Thereafter the load subsides gradually until 9 or 10 pm when the load might be 20-25% of the day time load. If the same generator operates night and day it will have a poor fuel consumption curve as well as increasing generator and engine maintenance. Generation management is worth consideration in small villages. There could be significant benefits accruing from installation of a generation management system. It would increase the level of knowledge of generator operators in the village. It will reduce operation maintenance cost and fuel costs. The main draw back to its usage is that if the generation management equipment fails to function and prevents a generator from operating there must be someone knowledgeable enough to promptly determine the cause of the malfunction, and start the generator in manual mode while the equipment is being repaired. Al10.6 Al1.0 ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION —- SINGLE WIRE GROUND RETURN All.1 General Description Allied al Engineering Processes Alterna:ing current (AC) power is typically transmitted over long distances using two wires to assure a low voltage drop from one end of the system to the other. Single wire ground return (SWGR) is a method which eliminates one of the wires by using the ground as a return path to complete the electrical transmission circuit. Electrical contact between the transmission system and the ground is accomplished by the use of several ground rods (3/4 or 1" diameter copper rods 10 to 20 feet long) at each end of the transmission line. The number of rods required at each end depends on the amount of power to be transmitted, the type of soil in which tie rods are installed, and the allowable resistance between the rods and the ground. The total ground and single wire resistance should not be greater than the resistance of a two wire system. All 51..2 Availability 7 Ground return transmission systems have been considered since tie use of electric power began, but have never become widely used in the United States because of inherent problems with the system voltage level control. SWGR systems may be considered for use in remote areas where some economy of scale in the generating system can be achieved by connecting several small villages together with a transmission system. Provided that the transmission system costs ave sufficiently low, the single wire system may offer some economic advantages to achieve this goal. The structures used should offer a reduction in wire length and All .1 line hardware. These simpler line support structures would be erected with a minimum of heavy equipment which would reduce the cost of construction in the bush. The hardware and the technology for accomplishing this type of transmission are presently available. The successful construction and operation of the SWGR transmission line between Bethel and Napakiak has proven the technical feasibility of the SWGR concept. For nearly two years, this SWGR line has transmitted single phase power at 14.4 kv for a distance of approximately 18 miles. Three phase power is achieved in Napakiak with rotary converter (a combination of three phase motor with tapped windings and adjustable capacitors) located at the load side of the transmission system. Al1.2 Performance Characteristics Al1.2.1 Energy Output There is no energy output from a SWGR system. Its qualification for consideration as a village technology is the ability to transmit a high quality type of energy from an efficient, large generating source to a small user. All.2...2 Reliability This method of transmission depends upon the integrity of the contact between the ground and the ground rod or mat installed at each of the terminals and a low resistance path in the ground between terminals. If the ground contact resistance becomes too great or is not dependable, voltage control problems may be experienced. Equipment must be installed in the system to detect changes of the ground resistance to shut down the transmission power if the Al1.2 resistance exceeds a level which would cause an excessive voltage drop in the system. In addition, the reliability of this methcd of transmission is dependent on the structural strength of the overhead conductor and periodic guying since none of the structures are embedded in the earth. Therefore, if the line breaks, the structures will topple in both directions until reaching supported (guyed) structures. Al1.2.3 Efficiency Efficiency cf a transmission line is a function of the energy losses due to the total resistance of the line. In addition efficiency is also measured by the ability to maintain an adequate voltage profile when supplying loads. A typical transmission system is designed for a voltage drop of 5% to 8% of the rated voltage at the estimated average power transmission load. Al1.3 Cost To evaluate this technology, cost for a SWGR system should be compared with a multiple wire system. The following table is an approximate comparison of relative costs for the two systems. ANT 53.1 Capital Cost 16 19 Cost Element Multiple Wire SWGR Power Pole Al.0 A1.0 Wire, Insulators, Hardware A1.0 0.5 Grounding 0.8 Al.0 Subtotal Ze 2.4 Alls.2 Installation Power Pole Al1.0 0.6 Wire, Insulators, Hardware A1.0 0.5 Grounding 0.8 Al.0 Subtotal 28 A2.1 TOTAL Woes tow a i) i All1.3 All.~dsa Operation and Maintenance It is expected that the operation and maintenance cost for the SWGR line would be approximately the same as those for a multiple wire system under normal operation. The additional costs to assure that the ground resistance of the SWGR line is within tolerance at all times would be offset by the costs borne to inspect the structural integrity and support strength of the conventional line. It should be noted that if severe winds and/or ice loading cause failure of the conductor, insulator(s) or structure(s), the operation expense of the SWGR line would be greater than for the multiple wire system since more structures would generally be involved per failure. Al1.3.4 Cost per KW Installed This cost is not currently available. Alls3s5 Economy of Scale These systems are limited to single phase systems capable of transmitting small blocks of power to small villages. No economy of scale would be expected. Al1.4 Special Requirements and Impacts A11.4.1 Siting The same general requirements apply for SWGR as well as multiple wire transmission systems. However, because of the SWGR structures are not imbedded in the earth, their use in boggy areas or on tundra may be facilitated. All1.4 Al1.4.2 Resource Needs Not applicable. Al1.4.3 Construction and Operating Employment by Skills The same skills are required for single wire ground return as for multiple wire systems. Al1.4.4 Environmental Residuals The same as multiple wire systems. A11.4.5 Health and Safety Aspects The 197& edition of the National Electric Code includes a prohibition against using ground return systems. Prior to that time there was no prohibition against these systems. A waiver of that particular requirement of the code is required to enable this technology to be used in the bush. Al1.5 Summary and Critical Discussion Abed Cost per KWH The relative cost per KWH for single village generation versus Gelivery of electrical energy to a village from a centralized power plant over a 10 mile long SWGR line is as shown: Village Plants - Al1.00 SWGR - 0.67 Maximum :conomic distance for construction of a SWGR line to a village with a peak load of 100 KW is estimated at approximately 30 miles. Bl a5) Abdadae Critical Discussion The use of this technology requires that the ground return maintain low resistance daily, seasonally, and annually. The SWGR system is not feasible for a distribution network where the system is tapped to deliver power at intermediate points unless suitable ground conditions can be found at the intermediate tapped point. Experience with this system in western Alaska has been developed with a demonstration line in operation between Bethel and Napakiak. Additional operation of the line should prove the reliability of the line design, enhance potential user confidence and encourage additional construction. Materials used in the construction of the line are, for the most part, standardized distribution and transmission line hardware. These materials are generally available from manufacturers within a reasonable time period. The success of the Bethel-Napakiak line has resulted in the planned use of two additional SWGR systems. The first line from Kobuk to Shugnak is currently under construction. Rights-of-way are presently being obtained for the second line, from Bethel to Oscarville. The cost savings of a single wire system suspended on a conventional pole would not provide significant cost savings, i.e. savings of the cost of wire, insulators, hardware and labor of stringing that particular wire. The major cost would be the installation of the poles which would require heavy equipment. All.6 Al1.6 In conjunction with the SWGR system, a new pole design for use primarily in low population density areas is being tested which could substantially reduce the total trans- mission line installation costs in remote location. The pole design heing used in the present demonstration programs is an A-frame structure which floats on the surface of the tundra. The in-line or tangent towers are supported by the cable tension. Dead-end structures are installed periodi- cally to insure the stability of the system. All structures at corners cre guyed utilizing plate anchors which are drilled into the ground with man-portable drilling systems. This technology may be feasible where some economy can be gained by tying several villages together with a single, more efficiert and more reliable generation system. References I~ Design Charts for Determining Optimum Ground Rod Dimensions by J. Zaborszky and Joseph Rittenhouse, IEEE Transaction, August 1953. a. A report on the progress and potential of SWGR systems should be available in early 1982 from the Alaska Division of Enercyv and Power. Al1.7 LETTERS OF REVIEW AND REPLIES ista Corporation 516 Denal: Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 279-5516 RE CEIVED APR 1 2 1982 ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY April 9, 1982 Eric vould Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 RE: Letter of March 8, 1982 We have reviewed the draft documents by NORTEC of the energy reconnaissance report of the Calista Region. Calista Corporation endorses the study that was done by NORTEC. Energy in the Calista Region is probably the most expensive item for the people. Oil and gas have to be transported in, therefore causing the cost of energy to skyrocket in the villages. We would very much appreciate for Alaska Power Authority go on further and make recommendations to improve the energy programs within our region. However, please coordinate with Calista Corporation and A.V.C.P. Inc. on the reconnaissance studies that will be done in the future. Any questions please do not hesitate to call on us. Sincerely, CALISTA CORPORATION OX Al ider President AR/ms Reply to Calista Corporation letter dated 4/9/82. Receipt of the letter and the point about further future coordination with A.V.C.P. Inc. is acknowledged. False Pass Corporation False Pass, AK 99583 March 29, 1982 R E iC E} Wie oy P ~5 1999 Alaska Power Authority ALESKA Pow 344 W. 5th Avenue, Second Floor vER AUT 05 Anchorage, AK 99501 me Dear Ms. Dejong: In regard to the enérgy for reconnaissace study performed for False Pass by the Alaska Power Authority. We have the following recommendations. The minimum size diesel generator needed is a 75kw with a 100 kw standby. To include the needs of the Peter Pan Seafoods fish camp in the summer and the growing needs of the village. The present total generating capacity is about 80 kw at Peter Pan Seafoods. We also suggest that a 100,000 gallon fuel storage tank be put in the village. For security reasons, because the fuel storage tanks owned by Peter Pan Seafoods are very old and not reliable. Also, if possible, it would be cheaper to buy the fuel directly from Standard Oil. The enclosed signatures are people of the village who approve of the above recommendations. Sincerely, (plo Selle Gilda Shellikoff President The list below are people in support of the enclosed recommendations. oP petted J : , fiber) = Cyno Juyano oe R (Ul. Matton _ Yo) phat Elle. Mahan job thdlPdf folate MS. Str 8 oR, a, A : Beare fi, Bette Alii) Marte Kb Oh Cer Hance Kbeh ALD) Jophue ghidlthaone jhelor Kohn, W) wey KEM Co iA AC wukher NX MENA S yor MoY7 Response to False Pass Corporation letter dated March 28, 1982. "Minimum size diesel generator needed is a 75 kw with a 100 kw standby. To include the needs of the Peter Pan Seafoods fish camp - the summer and the growing needs of the village." The estimated peak demand for the village of False Pass was 40 kw in 1982 rising to 63 kw in 2001. During the study Peter Pan Seafoods were contacted on several occasions and the project team was told that there were no definite plans to reopen the fish processing plant. If reopened, the plant would operate on a seasonal basis and not provide a regular load to the generators. The project team decided that they would recommend the installation of a diesel set which would meet the villagers' present and growing demands. If the electrical load from Peter Pan is included, then the generators would be running very inefficiently for the majority of the year. This would necessitate the installation of oversized generators, shorter life span of the generators, increased operation and maintenance costs and an accelerated overhaul schedule. Therefore, we recommend that the village proceed to accomodate its own requirements because of the uncertainty over the future of the seafood processing plant. The recommendation is based on the "hidden costs" to the village if it does supply the power to a seasonal customer which has a high load. "We also suggest that a 100,000 gallon fuel storage tank be put in the village." Based on the total kwh requirements of the village, the village will need approximately 13,300 gals in 1982. Other fuel requirements are for residential use 18,500 gallons, public sector 2,000 gallons, and 3,800 for the school. Total fuel requirements are approximately 37,600 gallons. Therefore, we would recommend that 48,000 gallons of storage be installed for the village's requirements. The costs for the tanks have been included in the energy plans. A copy of your letter has been forwarded to the Department of Community Affairs (CRA) and the Department of Energy and Power Development (DEPD). CRA has responsibility for fuel storage programs in rural Alaska and DEPD is responsible for fuel use Management and planning. United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE IN/REPUVIREFERITOR Western Alaska Ecological Services 733 W. 4th Avenue, Suite 101 WAES Anchorage, Alaska 99501 BEC (907) 271-4575 : EIVED APR_9g 1982 Mr. Eric P. Yould Executive Director ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue 9 APR 1982 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Yould: We have reviewed the Alaska Power Authority's (APA) Draft FY 1982 Energy Reconnaissance Reports. If the conclusions and recommendations stated in the individual reports become those of the APA, and if the APA undertakes feasi- bility studies in fulfillment of the recommended alternatives, then the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) requests that the information and studies outlined below be made a part of the feasibility studies. Without current site-specific resource information and a more complete description of the proposed project, it is difficult to assess what impacts, if any, will occur to fish and wildlife resources and associated habitat. Information should be acquired and studies conducted to identify the fish and wildlife resources of the study area, identify adverse project impacts to those resources, assess alternatives to the proposed action and devise a mitigation plan that would prevent a net loss to fish and wildlife resources. Specific information to be collected and studies to be conducted which the FWS feels are necessary to adequately assess potential impacts include the following: 1. Plans for construction activities and project features to minimize damage to fish, wildlife, and their habitats should be devised, e.g., erosion control, revegetation, transmission line siting, construction timing, siting the powerhouse, diversion weir, and penstock above salmon spawning habitat, etc. 2. Losses of fish and wildlife habitat should be held to a minimum, and measures to mitigate unavoidable losses and enhance resources should be devised. 3. If there is to be a diversion of water or if substantial water temperature fluctutations are imminent, then these factors should be addressed because of their possible influence on water quality and fish habitat. Aquatic data collection should at least include the following: Page 2 (a) Identification of species composition and distribution of resident and anadromous fish within and downstream of the pro- ject area. Standard sampling methods such as fyke netting and minnow trapping, as well as visual observation of spawning and/or redds, should be used. (b>) Surveying and mapping of fish spawning, rearing, and over- wintering habitat as defined in the FWS Instream Flow Techniques or similar guidelines. (c) Harvest levels and subsistence use data, if applicable. It should be incumbent upon the APA to document animal species within the project boundary. If it is determined that impacts to terrestrial mammals or bird habitat is imminent, the APA should gather habitat and population infor- mation in a manner consistent with the FWS' Habitat Evaluation Procedures. 4. Terrestrial data collection should include the following: (a) Verification of game and non-game species use and occurrence within the project area. 1. Mammals. Qe Historical and current harvest levels and subsistence use data. be Site-specific wildlife observations, including wild- life sign, denning sites, feeding sites, migration routes, winter use areas, and calving areas. 2. Birds. Raptor nesting surveys within the project area. (bd) Description of vegetation, cover typing, and areal extent of each type. The FWS requests that bald eagle surveys be undertaken. If nest sites are encountered, the APA should notify the FWS. The FWS seeks to maintain a 330-foot protective zone around all active and inactive nests. Compliance with provisions of the Bald Eagle Protecton Act is mandatory. We request that the following be accomplished during the course of the studies: obey During the period of project planning, the APA should consult with federal, state, and local agencies having an interest in the fish and wildlife resources of the project area, including the Fish and Wildlife Service, prior to preparing any environmental reports. 2. The APA shall investigate and document the possible presence of any endangered or threatened species in the project area. If endangered of threatened species are determined to be present, the FWS should be notified. Page 3 Die The APA shall design and conduct at project cost, as soon as prac- ticable, preparatory studies in cooperation with the FWS and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. These studies shall include, but not be limited to, the above aquatic and terrestrial data. The studies shall also identify and evaluate general measures to avoid, offset, and/or reduce adverse project-caused impacts on fish and wildlife resources. Information from these fish and wildlife related studies shall be provided to the concerned state and federal resource agencies. Future correspondence on this, or other projects proposed by the APA should include a clear map, in sufficient detail to show the exact location of the project. This will enable the FWS to accurately determine whether or not Interior managed lands are involved. It is the desire of the FWS to work with the APA to resolve any concerns relating to fish, wildlife, and other resources. If it is determined that the project will result in resource impacts, the FWS will assist the APA in attempting to modify the project to alleviate or mitigate any adverse effects. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding our suggested feasibility studies. Sincerely, Pobet bosch Field Supervisor Reply to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service letter, undated. Environmental work to fulfill the information requirements detailed by FWS is included in the estimates for feasibility studies. STATE OF ALASKA /-—— DEPART MENT OF FISH AND GA ME OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER fe eee one PHONE: 465-4100 April 8, 1982 RECEIvep APR 1 2 1989 ALASKA POWER AUTHORIry Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Eric P. Yould, Executive Director Gentlemen: The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has reviewed the Power Authority's Draft FY 82 Energy Requirement Reconnaissance Reports for several Alaska communities. We have no comments to offer at this time. We wish, however, to review subsequent studies as they become available. Sincerely, “ fe Ronald 0. Skoog Commissioner Reply to the State of Alaska, Dept. Fish and Game letter dated 4/8/82. No reply necessary. ree RECEIVED vy + OS APR 15 1982 Department Of Energy ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Alaska Power Administration P.O. Box 50 Juneau, Alaska 99802 April 12, 1982 Mr. Eric P. Yould Executive Director Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue, Second Floor Anchorage, Alaska 99802 Dear Mr. Yould: We have reviewed the two draft sets of reconnaissance reports of energy requirements and alternatives for numerous small Alaskan villages, transmitted to us. by your March 3 letter. One was prepared by Acres American, Inc. and one by Northern Technical Services (NORTEC). We agree with the recommendations in the Acres summary report (pp. D-6 and D-7), and the individual village NORTEC reports. However, there appears to be a discrepancy in that the recommendations of the NORTEC summary report are not presented in the same priority as some of the individual reports. Specifically the individual reports recommend investigation before specific action is taken on new projects, while the summary report recommends immediate installation of central diesel generators in eight villages. We offer a few general comments for consideration. There appears to be a disparity between the two reports in that Acres assumed that conservation was not within the scope of consideration while NORTEC did. Neither put a "value" on conservation in terms of energy reduction. ’ A summary comparison of energy cost per kWh for each generation technology would enhance the Acres report. Presentation of costs in terms of kWh units and a summary by technologies would also enhance the NORTEC report. Neither report addresses actual present and projected electric power costs with or without consideration of the residential subsidy under AS 44.83.162. Reply to the Department of Energy, Alaska Power Administration dated 4/12/82. The recommendations fall under two categories. The installation of central generation facilities is recommended for immediate action; potential alternative power supply systems and efficient energy conversion and capture scenarios will require further study. The cost of electricity (per kwh) have been included in the final report. Power costs were addressed in the main volume of the report (Table 5.1) and these have also been included in the final drafts of the village specific reports. IN REPLY REFER TO United States Department of the Interior BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Anchorage District Office 4700 East 72nd Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 APR 6 1982 RECEIVED APR - 8 1982 Mr. Eric P. Yould ‘ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Alaska Power Authority 334 West 5th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 Dear Mr. Yould; Reference your letter dated 3 March 1982 in which you requested comments concerning your draft FY1982 energy reconnaissance reports. This agency agrees with the contractors basic conclusions that further feasibility studies of hydro power potential should be evalu- ated at applicable locations. Generally there is little or no BLM land involved at any sites. Most locations are native selected or other non-BLM land. When actual construction plans formulate land use and ownership will be determined on a case by case basis. The opportunity to comment on this report is appreciated. Should you have further questions feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Reply to U.S. Dept. of Interior, Bureau of Land Management dated 4/6/82. No reply necessary. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ALASKA DISTRICT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 7002 ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99510 REPLY TO ATTENTION OF 3 NPAEN-PL-R 1 MAR i9g2 REGEIVED APR ~ 2 1982 Mr. Erie Yould 334 West 5th Avenue ‘ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Yould: Thank you for the opportunity to review your draft energy reconnaissance reports for FY 1982. In general, we found the reports to be comprehensive and potentially helpful in our planning studies for both hydropower ana boat harbors. We would appreciate copies of the final reports when they are available. We have limited our comments to the reports that considered the areas we are most familiar with; however, some of the comments may apply to the other reports as well. The attached pages list specific comments for various communities. If we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact Mr. Loran Baxter of my staff at 552-3461. Sincerely, 1 Incl Vea ea As stated Chief, Engineering Division Extending a single energy cost for a given technology to several communities leads to risk of invalid comparison based on local conditions. The description of each technology in each report is a good approach to inform lay consumers of the basic parameters. It is good to see a description of the state-of-the-art of technologies that are not yet practical for power generation in remote locations such as wind, biomass, and geothermal. Thanks for the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, Ko Coon ‘Robert J. Cross Administrator Comments Atka: Page 7.1] is inconsistant. The lack of wind data is sgted in the first paragraph,.then details of specific average annual wind speed versus height is given in the next paragraph. Then a comment that a site with wind in excess of 12 mph is a good site is followed by the statement that wind energy is expensive. We suggest that this be reworded for clarification. Page 7.3 - 7.4. The write-up under the heading “Assumptions" is contradictory. The statement is made that “Weather on the Aleutian Islands varies greatly from one island to the other..." but is preceded and followed by statements stating that weather on Amchitka is comparable to that on Shemya, and that Atka's weather is comparable to that on Adak. Page 8.7. Mobilization and Demobilization costs of $50,000 appear low. Chignik Lake: Pages 7.1 and 8.13. Location of hydropower site is inconsistant. Page 8.14. Average power of 114 kW assumes 100 percent efficiency. "Energy Available" is wrong based on 30 percent plant factor. Table 8.5. This table shows the hydropower project dispiacing all the diesel generation until 2000. However, the peak-demand projection on page 6.4 ranges between approximately 85 kW in 1982 to about 125 kW in 2000. Based on the streamflows shown on page 7.2 and the data presented on page 3.14, the hydropower system could not produce more than about 80 kW in December, 65 kW in January, 60 kW in February, and 50 kW in March. The peak deinanas would likely fall during this period and not during the summer when most of the village moves to Chignik Lagoon. Page 9.1 . The feasibility cost estimate of $35,000 to $45,000, including streamgaging, appears low. Cold Bay: The hydropower potential for Cold Bay referenced from the Corps' 1980 reconnaissance study has been found to be overly optimistic; therefore, the data should not be used. False Pass: We concur with their findings that hydropower does not appear feasible. Ivanof Bay: Table 8.5. The table shows the hydropower system will displace all diesel. Based upon load and streamflow assumptions, it would not. Page 8.15. Mobilization and Demobilization costs appear’ low. Page 9.1. The feasibility study cost estimate of $25,000 to $35,000, including streamgaging, appears low. Nikolski: The findings, as reported, agree with the results of the Corps' study. We feel that wind generation is the most promising alternative to diesel generation. The White Alice site may not be the most feasible location because of its distance from town. Although it is protected from corrosive salt spray because of its elevation, a wind energy conversion system may be affected by the other structures within the installation. The bluff between the runway and Sheep Creek may be a better site. The report neglected to mention if the WECS installed on the Chaluka Ranch has been repaired and placed in service and if it is performing satisfactorly. If a diesel enlargement were recommended to cope with substantial expansion of electrical demand, a salvaging of White Alice units could be pursued as an option if appropriate government channels can be identified. St. Paul: The reconnaissance study did not consider the impact of the proposed expansion of the fishing industry being considered by the local community. This could substantially alter the report findings. Galena: In a letter dated 9 June 1981 (copy previously furnished to your office), Ott Water Engineers stated that they felt that a storage project with a 100 to 300-foot dam may be feasible. The Corps will be taking a second look at this site this summer to determine if a feasibility study is warranted. Gustavus: The National Park Service has been directed to cooperate with the Corps of Engineers to determine the feasibility of hydroelectwic power on Falls Creek. An initial field trip and public meeting is tentativ#ly scheduled for mid-May. We will be installing a streamgage this summer. New Chenega: The study indicates that it would be possible to construct a hydropower system at the site above the San Juan fish hatchery. It is our understanding that San Juan Aquaculture is going to construct a new hydropower system at this site for their personal use. We suggest you call Mr. Mike Hall with R.w. Retherford Associates at 274-6551. He is involved with the proposed development. Reply to Department of the Army, Alaska District, Corps of Engineers, letter dated 3/31/82. Atka p. 7.1 (draft) Statements concerning wind resoures have been clarified. p. 7.3-7.4 (draft) Because of the lack of climatic data from the Aleutian Islands, it is necessary to extrapolate data from the nearest recording station. However, variability in the local climate means that all extrapolations are conservative. p. 8.7 (draft) Cost estimates for mobilization and demobilization have been adjusted to reflect Anchorage prices for equipment rather than those quoted from Adak. Chignik Lake p. 7.1 - 8.13 (draft) The distance has been corrected. 8.14 (draft) The energy available value has been corrected. Table 8.5 (draft) The table presented in the final report illustrates the use of diesel powered generators when there is a projected short fall. p. 9.1 The feasibility study estimates have been addressed especially in light of the comments from the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service which are included above. Cold Bay The hydropower data was included as part of the resource assessment and was the determining factor for our not including an alternative plan which was based on hydro. False Pass No comment necessary. Ivanof Bay Table 8.5 The hydropower scenario calls for the construction of a small dam and creates a reservoir. Without extensive field work, it has not been possible to show that this would be inadequate to meet the estimated demand of the village. p. 8.15 Mobilization costs have been increased. p. 9.1 Feasibility study figures have been increased especially in light of the comments and requirements of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service which are included above. Nikolski The White Alice site was considered because excellent foundations exist and the site is removed from the influence of salt spray. The bluff between the runway and Sheep Creek has been reconsidered and discussed with representatives of the village. The result has been the suggestion that the bluff site is a viable alternative and marginally less costly to develop because of a shorter transmission distance. However, this is largely offset by anticipated foundation problems at the bluff site. WECS at the Chaluka Ranch was not in operation when the field team was in the village. The diesel set from the White Alice site was purchased by the utility; however, its condition was uncertain and the engine was being stored outside. St. Paul As the role of the National Marine Fisheries in the Pribilofs is curtailed, the future of the islands' economies is uncertain. The proposed boat harbor has not been funded, as yet, and no data was available which would enable predictions to be made as to its effect on the local economy and power requirements. Therefore a scenario including the possible development of such facilities was not included. FROM: MEMORANDUM. .< State of Alaska DIVISION OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT TO ERIC YOULD, Executive Director DATE: April 16, 1982 Alaska Power Authority FILE NO: Q C ‘BECEIVED TELePHone no: 276-2653 REED STOOPS APR 2 2 1982 SUBJECT: DNR Comments: APA's Director Draft FY 82 Energy ‘ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Reconnaissance Reports The Department of Natural Resources appreciates the opportunity to review these draft energy reconnaissance report. Ivanof Bay: There are no known cultural resources sites on the National Register of Historic Places, nor are there sites determined to be eligible for the National Register. Examination of Division of Parks records indicates there is a low potential of such sites occurring in the subject area; however, it is the responsibility of APA to verify this statement. Should cultural resources be found during the construction, we request that the project engineer halt work which may disturb such resources and contact the Division of Parks immediately. Should there be any questions, please contact Diana Rigg, Division of Parks, at 274-4676. Newtok, Mightmute. Stebbins, and New Chenega: The Division of arks is concerned that the impact of the projects on cultural resources has not been included in the reconnaissance studies. In order for the Alaska Power Authority to meet its responsibilities per 36 CFR 800, cultural resources must be addressed under consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer. The Division of Parks therefore requests to review the feasibility reports for the proposed projects if they are initiated. Chignik Lake: The reconnaissance study suggests that hydroelectric power and a central power plant are feasible alternatives to the present power base. There are cultural resources sites listed on the AHRS in the vicinity of Chignik Lake and there is potential for other sites to be found. The Division of Parks would like the opportunity to comment and review the feasibility reports for the proposed hydroelectric power unit and for the central power plant, if they are initiated. Atka: The reconnaissance study suggests that hydroelectric power Ts a feasible alternative to the present power base. There are cultural resources sites listed on the AHRS that are in the vicinity of the village and there is potential for other sites to be found. The Division of Parks would like the opportunity to comment and review the feasibility report for the proposed project, if it is initiated. Reed Stoops 2 April 16, 1982 Atkasook: The reconnaissance study discusses the potential use of coal from local sources as a viable and feasible project. No specific locations were identified by the report. Over 30 cultural resources sites are listed on the AHRS as being within the general vicinity of Atkasook; these sites and others may be impacted should any coal be mined in the area. The Division of Parks would like to review any future plans that involve coal mining in the vicinty, should definite plans be initiated. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact Diana Rigg, Division of Parks, at 274-4676, Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Reply to the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Research and Development letter dated 4/16/82. The cultural resources of the respective sites will be addressed in any feasibility studies. Heme ee ree susyect ACRES' and NORTEC's ENERGY RECONS py _PKD pate_4/6/82 TELECON WITH DIANA RIGG, DNR, DIVISION OF | SHEETNO.__] _oF_j PARKS, OFFICE OF HISTORY & ARCHEOLOGY prosect ENERGY RECONS ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY Diana Rigg called with a personal communication which she will follow with a letter. = Eight of our reconnaissance communities for the FY 82 studies have sites of historical or archeological interest which may he affected by potentia] projects. They are: Chignik Lake Atka fee Atkasook Ivanof Bay —_Nightmute— Stebbins —Newtok— New Chenega She recommends that if feasibility studies are done for these communities, the contractor should contact their office early in the study. b— Reply to Telecon with Diana Rigg, DNR, Division of Parks, Office of History and Archaeology, dated 4/6/82. Receipt of the letter is acknowledged; but no reply is necessary. ATKA VILLAGE COUNCIL AV Branch tka Rural a, Alaska 99502 07) 767-8001 April 2, RECEiven APR 1 2 i569 i RECEIVED ARE APR 15 1982 has 2 issanc with the base plan for the in tion system; SLi eSi trades A, hydro tive B, a waste heat recovery s:ster AS you may already know, the Aleutian Housing Authority has applied for funding on our behalf under the Rural Development Assistance pro- ‘gram and the HUD Community Block srant to install the centralized gener tion system at Atka. The RDA funds have been approved. Approval of the HUD Block srant is pending. Flans for the system have already been dravm hv Desi Alvarez of Nortec and Rich Pis Yan Gulik and Asso- elates. Installation of the system is tentative ely scheduled for the RE gs a2 ead house: Nae | Sci 4 The Atka cil and Andrearof Zlectric Corporation would waclas heartedl:- supnort the development of hydro-e lectric at Atha. We requent that a feasibility study be’ conducted here as soon as is possible. We i recommend that Nortec and Van Gulik poe Associates conduct “ne stud: f as they are already familiar with Atka's current energy sources and : future.needs for energy. If there is anything we can do to assist you, please don't hesitate to let us know. 4 Sincerely, OrG ny Oteig Gregory Golodoff President Reply to Atka Village Council letter dated 4/8/82. Receipt of the letter is acknowledged; but no reply is necessary. PROPERTY OF: Alaska Power Authority 334 W. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska 99501