HomeMy WebLinkAboutVillage Power Sysytem Assessments Region 8-North Slope Borough for Alaska Energy Authority 2000 Table of Contents Alaska Energy Authority Village Power System Assessments Region 8 — North Slope Borough Topic Site Visit Summary Wainwright Field Trip Report Wainwright Photographs Wainwright Powerhouse Inventory Nuigsut Field Trip Report Nuiqsut Photographs Nuiqsut Powerhouse Inventory Kaktovik Field Trip Report Kaktovik Photographs Kaktovik Powerhouse Inventory Anaktuvuk Pass Field Trip Report Anaktuvuk Pass Photographs Anaktuvuk Pass Powerhouse Inventory Atqasuk Field Trip Report Atqasuk Photographs Atqasuk Powerhouse Inventory Point Lay Field Trip Report Point Lay Photographs Point Lay Powerhouse Inventory Point Hope Field Trip Report Point Hope Photographs Point Hope Powerhouse Inventory Appendix A Electrical Utility Evaluation Forms Page 12 2 “F 5 ,8 0, 11, 12 3,4 6,7 9,1 13, 14 is) 16, 17, 18, 19 20, 21 22, 23, 24 25, 26, 27, 28 29, 30, 31 32,33 34, 35, 36, 37 38, 39, 40 41, 42, 43 44, 45, 46 47, 48, 49 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 55, 56, 57, 58 59, 60, 61 62, 63 64, 65, 66, 67, 68 Site Visit Summary Alaska Energy Authority Village Power System Assessments Region 8 — North Slope Borough October 16 — November 14 , 2000 The purpose of this field trip was to assess the current conditions of the electric utility generation and distribution facilities and equipment in the seven outlying villages in the North Slope Borough (Barrow was not included in this scope). The village power plants and outside distribution facilites are owned and operated by the North Slope Borough (hereafter Borough). Both are also maintained by the Borough, utilizing either Borough personnel or, more recently, contracted parties. Although this report details problems encountered and operator concerns, the Borough provides the villages with very reliable electric power and the overall condition of the systems is good. The Borough is currently funding Village Water and Sewer projects in these villages. The construction of water and sewer treatment plants, distribution piping and associated equipment and heat trace has added considerably to the electrical load in the villages and dictated that most of the village power plants be coincidentally upgraded. The extent of these upgrades is subject to available funds and need priorities and is discussed below by individual village. All Borough plants outside of Barrow currently use diesel generators. This fuel is very costly to import and transportation logistics can be quite difficult. To offset some of these costs, power plants supply waste heat to at least one other building. Anaktuvuk Pass and Point Hope utilize waste heat to the greatest extent and consideration should be given to maximize heat recovery in each village. Potential candidate buildings are discussed below by village. The estimates herein of current fuel savings accomplished by use of waste heat were obtained from Borough personnel in the respective villages. Maintaining dependable, trainable operators for all shifts continues is a problem in several villages. Generally, one and occasionally two of the operators carry most of the responsibility for keeping the power plant operational and have the knowledge required to restore the plant if an outage occurs. Handling and disposal of waste oil is a Borough- wide concern. Very few of the villages have waste oil burners and the stockpile of used oil is growing across the North Slope. Waste oil blenders have been installed in every village, although the only blending system currently in full use is in Nuiqsut. The other villages either do not operate the blending systems or utilize them on a very limited basis, typically one hour per day. The operators offered various reasons for not using the blending systems but excessive soot in the plant was the primary complaint. Tuning and use of these blenders would be a step forward in dealing with waste oil in the Borough. Regularly scheduled preventative maintenance and documentation were identified as primary concems. There is no formal written procedure and any posted schedule for maintenance is updated by one or two key operators. Often, there is no posted due date for the next servicing; if the core operator should leave, this mental schedule would be lost. Maintenance performed by operators is limited to oil, oil filter, fuel filter, and air filter changes. NC Machinery and Pacific Detroit Diesel mechanics perform more intensive servicing such as valve adjustment, bearing replacements and engine overhauls, although the exact schedule was not determinable from this visit. Operators in villages with older power plant equipment were found to be more concious of the need for preventative maintenance. It is highly recommended that the Borough devise a maintenance schedule organized by engine serial number for posting and require maintenance reports on a regular basis. This will extend the life of older facilities and prevent unnecessary aging of the many new generators being installed throughout the Borough. It is recommended that the Borough continue with diagnostic oil samples for each generator at each oil change. Old records for these samples were observed in Wainwright and Nuiqsut. Operations records could be beneficially augmented with recording bus voltmeters to track any outage times. Evidence of periodic fire alarm system testing was not observed in the plants. Only Nuiqsut, Kaktovik and Point Hope had operational fire alarm systems. The system in Point Hope does not report alarms to the Borough Fire Department. This is a life/safety issue and a method for testing and recording operation should be implemented. There is currently no provision for hydrogen gas detection near the battery banks and this should also be installed. The Borough power plant operators fill in a standardized Daily Operators’ Log for each of the three eight-hour shifts per day. This log is based on hourly totalizer meter readings and also has provisions for recording problems. Operator meter reading proficiency is acceptable. Most of the plants have a standardized log for recording fuel consumption, based on day tank fuel meter readings, and a log for recording added oil/glycol to maintain correct levels for these fluids. Power outages are reported on a standardized form, as well. Introduction of any new recording forms would require adoption and distribution by the Borough Village Services Director. The outside electrical distribution equipment is in good condition overall. Overhead conductors are properly sagged and few poles are leaning away from perpendicular. Villages closest to the ocean naturally have the highest level of meter base corrosion. Wainwright has several meter bases which are corroded enough to allow a person to insert his/her hand into the meter base. Point Hope experienced an outage this past summer due to corrosion at a distribution transformer terminal. Distribution voltage varies from 2400 VAC to 12470 VAC in these villages, making standardized fusing and stocking of replacement parts difficult. A summary of the point scores associated with the Electrical Utility Evaluation system are included in the Field Trip Report for each village. Appendix A contains the evaluation forms for each village. nN Field Trip Report Wainwright, Alaska October 16, 2000 Contact was made with George Patkotak, lead Power Plant Operator. At the time of this Visit, installation of a new 910 kW Caterpillar generator set was nearly complete and Generator #2 was out of town for overhauling. The fire detection system for the plant was also being upgraded. Peak demand for the two months previous to this visit has ranged from a low of 562 kW to a high of 871 kW. This figure can be expected to increase as the colder winter months set in and heat tracing associated with the water and sewer facilities is tumed on. With the exception of new Generator #5, the generators in Wainwright have high hours with two of the units exceeding 40,000 hours. Ventilation in the plant is not adequate. The doors must be open continually to avoid generator overheating and shutdowns. The mezzanine containing the radiators is extremely hot. The operator explained that the ventilation exhaust is located above the ventilation intake and that hot air will continually circulate if a plywood barrier is not maintained for some separation. Ventilation will increase in importance when the new generator becomes operational. When operating correctly, waste heat is provided to the Department of Municipal Services (DMS) building, located near the power plant. The operator stated that the waste heat system on the DMS side of the exchange is not working properly and that the boilers in that building are providing much of the required heating. The DMS building is aging and strong consideration should be given to adjusting and upgrading the heating system to take full advantage of the power plant waste heat. During summer hours when the heating demands of this building are lower and waste heat is not exhausted, ventilation is again a concern. The new sewage treatment plant is close enough to warrant an engineering analysis of waste heat facilities. Several homes have severely corroded meter bases, as shown in the accompanying digital photographs. The close proximity of Wainwright to the ocean results in rapid corrosion of metallic equipment. Note the corrosion beginning on the water/sewer homeowner control panel adjacent to the new water/sewer meter base. This corrosion has taken place in less than two years. Disposal of waste oil and oily rags was brought up as an operator concern. The accompanying photo demonstrates the need for an upgrade to the waste oil blending system. Open buckets containing varying amounts of waste oil are stored within the facility. George Patkotak is to be commended on his outstanding efforts in operating the Wainwright Power Plant. He has taken the initiative to teach himself about the computerized environmental controls and engine monitoring system, has kept maintenance records and has displayed the ability and desire to learn about plant equipment details as well as the overall operating scheme. The following is a summary of outages in the 12 months prior to this site visit. There were no records of outages in the current year. Date Duration Cause of Outage 10/13/99 1 min Feeder breaker tripped allowing generator #3 to be serviced for a leaking o-ring in thecooling system. 11/03/99 1 min Operator caused outage by testing demand configuration. 11/03/99 1 min Possible problem with generator #1 breaker. 11/07/99 1 min Feeder circuit breaker tripped due to underfrequency while performing an oil change on generators #3 and #4. 12/22/99 % hour Shift operator did not report for work. George Patkotak was called to work during day off and restored the plant. Electric Utility Evaluation — Score Summary Powerhouse Building Interior Walls: Gypsum Board = 5 points Exterior Walls: Wood (painted) = 5 points Roof Penetration: Properly installed = 5 points Ventilation: Minimum = 10 points Lighting: Adequate = 5 points Security: Door locks = 5 points Category Total: 35 points Generator Equipment and Installation Diesel Engine: Unit #1 33212 hours, Unit #2 42232 hours, Unit #3 10738 hours, Unit #4 42631 hours 60 Max points = 60 points Generator Condition: Units #1 - #4 Fair Max points = 30 points Fuel System Inside Powerhouse: Threaded pipe = 10 points Category Total: 100 points Environmental Interior of Powerhouse: Waste oil stored in facility = 10 points Surrounding of Powerhouse: Old generator parts stored on site = 10 points Life, Health & Safety: Low risk = 10 points Category Total: - 30 points Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Anchors: 12-24 inches of anchor rod exposed = 10 points Meter Condition Residential & Commercial: Poor (some) = 20 points Overall Condition of System: Good = 10 points Category Total: 40 points Total Score: 205 points Wainwright Photo Gallery Front view of Wainwright Power Plant. Current waste oil blending operations. Corroded meter base. Overhead lines along street in Wainwright. oy mo Installation of a new 910 kW generator nearly completed. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Wainwright, Alaska UTILITY North Slope Borough OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT George Patkotak DATE 10/16/00 PHONE 763-2712 G-1 G-2 G-3 ENGINE MAKE ENGINE MODEL ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE/AMP/VOLT CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE GENERATOR MODEL # GENERATOR SERIAL # GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) GENERATOR VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR CATERPILLAR 3508 DITA CATERPILLAR 3508 DITA CATERPILLAR | 3508 DITA 1200 70Z00641 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 2301A GE POWERBREAK I WITH MICROVERSATRIP 33212 NEWAGE HC6361D/212 S5RAO0711 430 kW 480 VAC BASLER SR4A2B10B3A YES 1200 70Z00642 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GE POWERBREAK I WITH MICROVERSATRIP 42023 NEWAGE HC6361D/212 5RA00709 430 kW 480 VAC BASLER SR4A2B10B3A YES | 1200 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC | WOODWARD EG-3P | wooDWARD 2301 GE POWERBREAK | WITH MICROVERSATRIP 10378 HC6361D/212 SRA00710 430 kW 480 VAC BASLER SR4A2B10B3A YES DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE 12,470 VAC OEM kWh METER(Yes or No) POWERHOUSE kWh METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE DEMAND ? CT RATIO STATION SERVICE METER (Yes or No) STATION SERVICE METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE BATTERY CHARGER/TYPE/MODEL FUEL DAY TANK TYPE PUMP # MOTOR # FUEL DAY TANK METER WASTE HEAT RECOVERY OPERATIONAL WASTE HEAT METER FIRE PROTECTION TYPE/OPERATIONAL? ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH YES GE POWER LEADER EPM PLE3PLNBG14 YES YES GE POWER LEADER EPM PLE3PNLDG14 (1) LA MARCHE A128, (4) LA MARCHE A-46-24V-C1 STEEL UNKNOWN (2) BALDOR '4 HP M3554T KENT METRON 87628778 CURRENT READING = 52640 NO SYSTEM BEING REMODELED TO SIEMENS SUPERVISED SMOKE, HEAT DETECTORS ALASKA EXTINGUISHER COMPANY ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Wainwright, Alaska UTILITY North Slope Borough OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT George Patkotak DATE 10/16/00 PHONE 763-2712 G-4 G-5 ENGINE MAKE ENGINE MODEL ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE/AMP/VOLT CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE GENERATOR MODEL # GENERATOR SERIAL # GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) GENERATOR VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR CATERPILLAR 3412 DITA 1200 81Z07239 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 2301A WOODWARD 2301A. 24 VDC 24 VDC GE POWERBREAK | GE POWERBREAK I WITH MICROVERSA TRIP WITH MICROVERSA TRIP 0 CATERPILLAR 3512 DITA 1200 67Z01904 NEWAGE HC6361D/212 5RAO00711 330 kW 480 VAC BASLER SR4A2B10B3A YES SR4 9GZ00517 910 kW 480 VAC DIGITAL VOLTAGE REG. YES 10 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY CIRCUIT RIDER PROGRAM UTILITY PROBLEM REPORT Utility Name: Nora Slope. Bovowsl = Wainvrigist Date: of) Jo Region Number: Evoht+ Technician: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF VISIT: . _. See Feld lve Repack PROFICIENCY Meter Reading: Acceptable Needs Work Daily Logs: Vcceptable Needs Work Routine Maintenance: VAcceptable Needs Work Scheduled Maintenance: Acceptable Needs Work NOTES Routine Maintenance (filter changes, oil changes, replace belts, etc.) Scheduled Maintenance (valve adjustment, water pump replacement, injector replacement, etc.) MAINTENANCE PLANNING Do you have a written preventive maintenance plan? ____ Yes; VNo. If there is a plan, do you follow it closely? ___ Yes; ____ No. If you have a maintenance plan but do not follow it closely, what problems prevent you from doing so? TRAINING PERFORMED None _ TRAINING GIVEN TO: N/A ROUTINE MAINTANCE PERFORMED N one. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF POWERHOUSE: See Field Trip Leport. os T ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: See Field Trp Leport. HEATH cual SAFTY ISSUES: mete 4ases are Covroded yo the Sete thet Conducts ee mi atthe apecng the moler base py the poemel Lehion, See Field Trip epert. OTHER REPAIRS NEEDED: See Frehol Trp he port, Field Trip Report Nuigsut, Alaska October 18, 2000 Contact was made with Sam Kunaknana, lead Power Plant Operator. The power plant in Nuiqsut is new and went on-line approximately a year ago. Two new 910 kW and two new 450 kW Caterpillar gensets, providing a generating capacity of 2720 kW, have sufficient capacity to support this fast-growing community. Peak demand for the two months previous to this visit has ranged from a low of 499 kW to a high of 669 kW. The capacity of this plant is adequate to support anticipated community growth due to the Alpine oil field and the ongoing construction of water and sewer facilities. There is room in the plant for two additional generators. Provisions exist in the switchgear for two future generators. Several problems were described by the Lead Operator. The day tank in the new plant is filled with two pumps located in the old water treatment building. The impellers continue to rotate after the motors have stopped running when a full tank is being accessed, which causes fuel to continue to flow into the day tank until the overfill protection is activated. The pumps are not sized adequately for the new facility; the operator claims that new motors and pumps are scheduled to be installed. There is no primary filtering on the tanks in the tank farm which feed the day tank. Particles occasionally get caught in the fuel meter, causing the meter to stop functioning. The ventilation louver on the West side of the generator room does not work. The operators open the overhead door in varying amounts for ventilation. Apparently there is no thermostatic switch controlling this louver. The ventilation fan on the East side of the generator room is not functioning due to a broken belt. The operator stated that a replacement belt is on order. Generator #1 has been run as the primary unit since power production was turned over to the new plant. This generator is closest to the wall away from the overhead door in the generator room. High water temperatures have occasionally caused this generator to shut down and Generator #2 to go on-line. This happens more frequently in the warmer months when the school demands less waste heat in combination with higher ambient temperatures. As mentioned above, waste heat is currently provided to the school and old water treatment plant and washeteria, located near the power plant. The new water treatment building is also near the power plant and waste heat should be considered for this facility, as well. The operators have requested that a maintenance schedule, reporting documentation and necessary training be provided by the Borough. 13 There have been no power outages this past year with the start up of the new plant. The plant is clean, organized and well kept. Maintenance documentation is the only outstanding organizational issue. Electric Utility Evaluation — Score Summary Powerhouse Building Interior Walls: Gypsum Board = 5 points Roof Penetration: Properly installed = 5 points Security: Door locks = 5 points Category Total: 15 points Generator Equipment and Installation Fuel System Inside Powerhouse: Threaded pipe = 10 points Category Total: 10 points Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Anchors: 12-24 inches of anchor rod exposed = 10 points Distribution Voltage: 4160 V = 10 points Meter Condition Residential & Commercial: Fair = 10 points Category Total: 30 points Total Score: 55 points 14 Nuiqsut Photo Gallery Front view of the Nuiqsut Power Plant. Line-up of new generators in Nuiqsut. 15 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY North Slope Borough COMMUNITY Nuigsut, Alaska UTILITY OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT Sam Kunaknana DATE 10/18/00 PHONE 480-6513 G-1 G-2 ENGINE MAKE ENGINE MODEL ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE/AMP/VOLT CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE GENERATOR MODEL # GENERATOR SERIAL # GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) GENERATOR VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR CATERPILLAR 3512 DITA 1200 67Z01688 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC CATERPILLAR 3512 DITA 1200 67Z01658 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC G-3 CATERPILLAR 3508 DITA 1200 70Z01007 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-6PC WOODWARD 2301A GE POWERBREAK I W/MICROVERSATRIP 1600 AF 1600 AT 5285 CATERPILLAR SR4 52A00714 910 480 VAC CAT DIGITAL VOLTAGE REG YES WOODWARD EG-6PC WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC b GE POWERBREAK | W/MICROVERSATRIP 1600 AF 1600 AT 1956 CATERPILLAR SR4 52400704 910 480 VAC CAT DIGITAL VOLTAGE REG YES WOODWARD EG-6PC WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GE POWERBREAK | W/MICROVERSATRIP 1600 AF 1600 AT 281 CATERPILLAR SR4 5VA00780 450 480 VAC CAT DIGITALVOLTAGE REG YES DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE OEM kWh METER(Yes or No) POWERHOUSE kWh METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE DEMAND ? CT RATIO STATION SERVICE METER (Yes or No) STATION SERVICE METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE BATTERY CHARGER/TYPE/MODEL FUEL DAY TANK TYPE PUMP # MOTOR # FUEL DAY TANK METER WASTE HEAT RECOVERY OPERATIONAL WASTE HEAT METER FIRE PROTECTION TYPE/OPERATIONAL? ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH YES GE POWER LEADER EPM PLE3PLNBG14 WATTS, VOLTAMPERES, LEADING/LAGGING VARS YES GE POWER LEADER EPM PLE3PNLDG14 LA MARCHE A46-20-24V-Al ACETANK STEEL UNKNOWN (2) BALDOR 1 HP M7014T LIQUID CONTROLS MODEL M-7-1 S/N 362073 YES NO SUPERVISED, ZONED SMOKE, HEAT, IR DETECTION ENGINEERED FIRE SYSTEMS 16 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Nuigsut, Alaska UTILITY North Slope Borough OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT Sam Kunaknana DATE 10/18/00 PHONE 480-6513 G-4 ENGINE MAKE CATERPILLAR ENGINE MODEL 3508 DITA ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER 70Z01008 GOVERNOR TYPE WOODWARD ELECTRONIC MODEL ACTUATOR WOODWARD EG-6PC MODEL SPEED CONTROL WOODWARD 2301A DC VOLTAGE UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER GE POWERBREAK I TYPE/AMP/VOLT W/MICROVERSATRIP 1600 AF 1600 AT CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE CATERPILLAR GENERATOR MODEL # GENERATOR SERIAL # 5VA00784 GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) GENERATOR VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL CAT DIGITAL VOLTAGE REG PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR 17 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY CIRCUIT RIDER PROGRAM UTILITY PROBLEM REPORT Utility Name:__ Novy Slope Bormusl, - Nurasict Date:__[p]18)o0 Region Number: Ear Technician: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF VISIT: See Feld Tag Leport. PROFICIENCY Meter Reading: Acceptable Needs Work Daily Logs: Avcceptable Needs Work Routine Maintenance: “Acceptable Needs Work Scheduled Maintenance: Acceptable Needs Work NOTES Routine Maintenance (filter changes, oil changes, replace belts, etc.) Scheduled Maintenance (valve adjustment, water pump replacement, injector replacement, etc.) MAINTENANCE PLANNING Do you have a written preventive maintenance plan? ___ Yes; wy No. If there is a plan, do you follow it closely? ___ Yes;__ No. If you have a maintenance plan but do not follow it closely, what problems prevent you from doing so? TRAINING PERFORMED None TRAINING GIVEN TO: N/A 18 ROUTINE MAINTANCE PERFORMED None. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF POWERHOUSE: ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: See Fiell Trig Rept, HEATH AND SAFTY ISSUES: None. OTHER REPAIRS NEEDED: See Fidl Trig hepert Le louver discussim. 19 Field Trip Report Kaktovik, Alaska October 19, 2000 Contact was made with Harold Kaveolook, lead Power Plant Operator. The power plant in Kaktovik is new and went on-line September 12, 2000. Two new 910 kW and two new 450 kW Caterpillar gensets, providing a generation capacity of 2720 kW, have been installed. Contractors were completing several remaining items including commissioning of a 10 ton overhead crane and operator familiarization training on the HVAC system controls. Although this power plant is new, the level of organization and cleanliness is much lower than that seen in the other villages. There was considerable construction debris, personal equipment, rags, scrap board insulation and other items throughout the tank room, generator room, shop and kitchen area. Should quick action be necessary in an emergency, these items could present obstacles to movement. Documentation from the old power plant is limited to one log book with very little documentation of metering or maintenance. Outside of the Borough daily operator log, there is no documentation system in place. The generators are new enough so that only one oil change has taken place, this on Generator #2 at 500 hours of operation. There is no documentation associated with this event. There are fuel oil leaks at the day tank pumps; the mechanical contractor is aware of these and is planning on correcting this problem. Onshore prevailing winds make this location notorious for rapid corrosion of outside equipment. Note the corrosion on one of the distribution transformers in the accompanying photos. Peak demand for the two months previous to this visit ranged from a low of 426 kW toa high of 534kW. The capacity of the new plant is adequate to support growth of this community for the life of the plant, including scheduled construction of water and sewer facilities. The design of the Kaktovik plant is nearly identical to the Nuiqsut plant. However, there was no fuel meter piped into the day tank and the operators are tracking fuel delivery. The overhead louver and ventilation fan were working at the Kaktovik plant and ventilation was very good. Waste heat from the plant has been piped to the existing heat. exchanger in the old power plant. This exchanger provides heat to the school, washeteria and water plant. The village services superviser estimates a savings in fuel oil consumption of between 15,000 — 20,000 gallons per year. The new power plant was built across a gravel pad from the village services building. This facility could be provided with waste heat for additional fuel oil savings. There has been one power outage involving the new plant equipment since power production was transferred last month. This occurred on October 18, 2000 when the HVAC technician performed a controls communication module reset/fire alarm reset. This caused a fire alarm ON condition and shut down Generator #1. The fire alarm system prevented Generator #2 from starting and a five minute power outage resulted. 20 The “Demand Start Failure” annunciator button in the master control section of the switchgear was still illuminated the two days after this event. As in the other villages, the operators have requested that a maintenance schedule, reporting documentation and necessary training be provided by the Borough. There are currently very few tools available to the operators. The following is a summary of outages in the 12 months prior to this site visit, based on available records during this assessment. Date 10/13/00 10/18/00 10/18/00 Duration Cause of Outage Unknown Blown fuse on A Street. Three houses without power. 5 min 1 hour Powerhouse Building Interior Walls: Roof Penetration: Security: Category Total: See above description. Lineman replacing pole. Half the village without power. Electric Utility Evaluation — Score Summary Gypsum Board = 5 points Properly installed = 5 points Door locks = 5 points 15 points Generator Equipment and Installation Fuel System Inside Powerhouse: Threaded pipe = 10 points Fuel Meter: Category Total: No fuel meter = 20 points 30 points Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Anchors: 12-24 inches of anchor rods exposed = 10 points Distribution Voltage: 4160 V = 10 points Meter Condition Residential & Commercial: Fair = 10 points Category Total: 30 points Total Score: 75 points Kaktovik Photo Gallery Front view of the Kaktovik Power Plant. Debris in the power plant tank room. 22 Leak in day tank pump piping. Corrosion on transformer in Kaktovik. 23 Typical meter installation in Kaktovik. Poles along main street in Kaktovik. 24 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Kaktovik, Alaska OWNERSHIP DATE 10/19/00 UTILITY North Slope Borough CONTACT PHONE ENGINE MAKE ENGINE MODEL ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE/AMP/VOLT CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE GENERATOR MODEL # GENERATOR SERIAL # GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) GENERATOR VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR G-1 CATERPILLAR 3512 DITA 1200 676Z0138 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-6PC WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GE POWERBREAK | W/MICROVERSATRIP 1600 AF 1600 AT 9GZ00509 910 480 VAC CAT DIGITAL VOLTAGE REG North Slope Borough Kent Sims 640-6516 G-2 CATERPILLAR 3512 DITA 1200 67Z01839 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-6PC WOODWARD 23014 24 VDC GE POWERBREAK I W/MICROVERSATRIP 1600 AF 1600 AT 508 CATERPILLAR SR4 9CZ00510 480 VAC CAT DIGITAL VOLTAGE REG G-3 CATERPILLAR | 3508 DITA | 1200 70Z0154 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-6PC WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GE POWERBREAK | W/MICROVERSATRIP 1600 AF 1600 AT 7 CATERPILLAR SR4 9AZ00505 450 480 VAC CAT DIGITALVOLTAGE REG DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE kWh METERC(Yes or No) POWERHOUSE kWh METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE DEMAND ? CT RATIO STATION SERVICE METER (Yes or No) STATION SERVICE METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE BATTERY CHARGER/TYPE/MODEL FUEL DAY TANK TYPE PUMP # MOTOR # FUEL DAY TANK METER WASTE HEAT RECOVERY OPERATIONAL WASTE HEAT METER FIRE PROTECTION TYPE/OPERATIONAL? ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH YES GE POWER LEADER EPM PLE3ESBG14 WATTS, VOLTAMPERES, LEADING/LAGGING VARS 5000:5 YES GE POWER LEADER EPM PLE3PNLDG14 LA MARCHE A46-20-24V-Al ACETANK STEEL UNKNOWN (2) BALDOR 2 HP VN3998T NONE YES NO SUPERVISED, ZONED SMOKE, HEAT, IR DETECTION ENGINEERED FIRE SYSTEMS 25 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Kaktovik, Alaska UTILITY OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT DATE 10/19/00 PHONE G-4 ENGINE MAKE ENGINE MODEL ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE/AMP/VOLT CATERPILLAR 3508 DITA 70Z01055 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-6PC WOODWARD 23014 GE POWERBREAK I W/MICROVERSATRIP 1600 AF 1600 AT 285 SR4 9AZ00506 480 VAC CAT DIGITAL VOLTAGE REG CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE GENERATOR MODEL # GENERATOR SERIAL # GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) GENERATOR VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR 26 North Slope Borough Kent Sims 640-6516 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY CIRCUIT RIDER PROGRAM UTILITY PROBLEM REPORT NOTES Routine Maintenance (filter changes, oil changes, replace belts, etc.) Scheduled Maintenance (valve adjustment, water pump replacement, injector replacement, etc.) MAINTENANCE PLANNING Utility Name: Slo ktevi Date:__[0]1%/oo Region Number: Balt Technician: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF VISIT: See Fiald Trip Report. PROFICIENCY Meter Reading: VAcceptable Needs Work Daily Logs: Acceptable Needs Work Routine Maintenance: Acceptable Needs Work Scheduled Maintenance: Acceptable Needs Work Do you have a written preventive maintenance plan? ___ Yes; mae No. If there is a plan, do you follow it closely? Yes; No. If you have a maintenance plan but do not follow it closely, what problems prevent you from doing so? TRAINING PERFORMED None. TRAINING GIVEN TO: N/A ROUTINE MAINTANCE PERFORMED None. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF POWERHOUSE: See Field Twig heport. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: See Field Trig Cepevt. HEATH AND SAFTY ISSUES: Cee Field Trip Kepoct fv Discussion of Plont clean ines. OTHER REPAIRS NEEDED: See Field Trip Lepact. 28 Field Trip Report Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska October 26, 2000 Contact was made with James Ahgook, lead Power Plant Operator. The plant was in very good condition. This plant was constructed in 1994 and care has been taken to keep the plant clean and organized. Peak demand for the two months previous to this visit has ranged from a low of 337 kW to a high of 520 kW. This figure can be expected to increase as the colder winter months set in; temperatures are lower in this interior region of the Borough. The operator claims that approximately one-third of the houses in Anaktuvuk have had above-ground connections made to the water/sewer system. These connections are heat trace intensive; the operator indicated that the electrical load increased by 100 kW with the addition of 19 above-ground connections. All fuel must be flown into Anaktuvuk Pass, which is very expensive. Waste heat is currently supplied to four buildings including the Department of Municipal Services (DMS), the Fire Station, the new Sewer Treatment Plant, and a large, new warm storage building. These buildings are all located near the power plant; the school is some distance from the power plant but an engineering analysis to determine waste heat capacity of the plant and other facilities which might benefit from waste heat should be included with any power plant upgrades. Current waste heat usage saves approximately 24,000 gallons of fuel oil annually. The lead operator is very conscious of preventative maintenance, though no written plan is in place. Oil samples are sent to an NC Machinery lab for each generator at each oil change. Maintenance performed is similar to that named for other villages herein; however, records are available for this plant and greater attention to detail appears to be taken in the overall operation of this plant. Emergency lighting and exit signs are installed and operational. The fire alarm is test approximately every two months. Ventilation in this plant is adequate and effective. The outside electrical distribution equipment is in very good condition and is not subject to the level of corrosion present in the coastal villages. The meters and transformers are in good condition, conductors are properly sagged and separated and anchors are properly installed. The waste oil blending systems were taken off-line due to soot problems throughout the plant when this system is operated. Waste oil is pumped into two drums located near the day tank. When these tanks are full, Borough personnel take the oil to the Operations and Maintenance shop for use in a waste oil burner. 29 The following is a summary of outages in the 12 months prior to this site visit. Date Duration Cause of Outage 11/02/99 1 min Operator disconnected pre-expansion tank alarm to change probe assembly. Operator did not believe this would cause an outage, as the low glycol alarm probe assembly had been changed before without affecting operations. Electric Utility Evaluation — Score Summary Powerhouse Building Interior Walls: Gypsum Board = 5 points Roof Penetration: Properly installed = 5 points Lighting: Adequate = 5 points Security: Door locks = 5 points Category Total: 20 points Generator Equipment and Installation Diesel Engine: Unit #1 19353 hours, Unit #2 25400 hours, Unit #3 16819 hours, Unit #4 23476 hours, Unit #5 17132 hours Max points = 60 points Generator Condition: 4 O Units #1 - #4 Fair | Max points = 30 points 7 S Fuel System Inside Powerhouse: Threaded pipe = 10 points Category Total: 100 points Environmental Interior of Powerhouse: Waste oil stored in facility = 10 points Surrounding of Powerhouse: Old generator parts stored on site = 10 points Waste Oil Disposal: Drum or tank storage for waste oil = 20 points Category Total: 40 points 30 Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Distribution Voltage: 2400 V = 10 points Category Total: 10 points Total Score: 170 points 31 Anaktuvuk Photo Gallery Front view of the Anaktuvuk Power Plant. New oil, waste oil and glycol are stored in the plant. 32 Generator line-up in the Anaktuvuk plant. Shop and sewer treatment plant to the left of the power plant. 33) ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska UTILITY North Slope Borough OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT James Ahgook DATE 10/26/00 PHONE 661-3315 G-1 G-2 G-3 ENGINE MAKE ENGINE MODEL ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE/AMP/VOLT CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE GENERATOR MODEL # GENERATOR SERIAL # GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) GENERATOR VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR 3412TA | 3412TA CATERPILLAR | 34127 1200 1200 | 1200 81215588 81Z15583 81Z15586 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC _| WOODWARD ELECTRONIC _| WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD EG-3P. WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 2301A WOODWARD 2301A WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC 24 VDC GE SPECTRA RMS GE SPECTRA RMS MOTOR OPERATED 800A MOTOR OPERATED 800A 19353 25400 'A259370000 ‘A259370000 259370000 10421-01 10421-03 | 10421-02 325 325 | 325 480 VAC 480 VAC BASLER SR4A BASLER SR4A | MOTOR OPERATED 800A | 480 VAC Ls BASLER SR4A DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE kWh METER(Yes or No) POWERHOUSE kWh METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE DEMAND ? CT RATIO STATION SERVICE METER (Yes or No) STATION SERVICE METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE BATTERY CHARGER/TYPE/MODEL FUEL DAY TANK TYPE PUMP # MOTOR # FUEL DAY TANK METER WASTE HEAT RECOVERY OPERATIONAL WASTE HEAT METER FIRE PROTECTION TYPE/OPERATIONAL? ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH YES ABB EIB-8E WATTS 600:5 (325 kW gensets); 400:5 (170 kW gensets) GE POWER LEADER EPM MODEL NUMBER UNKNOWN LA MARCHE A46-10-24V-Al STEEL UNKNOWN (2) SUPER E 2 HP EM3157T LIQUID CONTROLS MODEL M-7-1 S/N 256273 NO SUPERVISED, ZONED SMOKE, HEAT, IR DETECTION TANNER AND SONS/ENGINEERED FIRE SYSTEMS 34 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Anaktuvuk Pass, Alaska UTILITY North Slope Borough OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT James Ahgook DATE 10/26/00 PHONE 661-3315 G-4 G-5 CATERPILLAR 3406TA 1200 ENGINE MAKE ENGINE MODEL ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE/AMP/VOLT CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE CATERPILLAR 3406TA 1200 2WB14026 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GE SPECTRA RMS MOTOR OPERATED WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 23014 24 VDC MOTOR OPERATED 17132 KATO ENGINEERING KATO ENGINEERING GENERATOR MODEL # 198790022 198790022 GENERATOR SERIAL # 10420-02 10420-01 GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) 170 170 GENERATOR VOLTAGE 480 VAC 480 VAC SR4A YES SR4A, VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR a5 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY CIRCUIT RIDER PROGRAM UTILITY PROBLEM REPORT Utility Name:_Novth Slope Borous), = Praktuvuk Poss Date: 13/26] 00 Region Number: Eight Technician: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF VISIT: See EF add Trig & epnct. PROFICIENCY Meter Reading: Arcoutitie Needs Work Daily Logs: Acceptable Needs Work Routine Maintenance: AKcceptable Needs Work Scheduled Maintenance: VAcceptable Needs Work NOTES Routine Maintenance (filter changes, oil changes, replace belts, etc.) Scheduled Maintenance (valve adjustment, water pump replacement, injector replacement, etc.) MAINTENANCE PLANNING Do you have a written preventive maintenance plan? ____ Yes; x No. If there is a plan, do you follow it closely? ___ Yes; ___ No. If you have a maintenance plan but do not follow it closely, what problems prevent you from doing so? TRAINING PERFORMED Nene TRAINING GIVEN TO: N/A 36 ROUTINE MAINTANCE PERFORMED None GENERAL CONDITIONS OF POWERHOUSE: See Field Trip Repsrt. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Sce Fidld Trip Cepert. HEATH AND SAFTY ISSUES: None. OTHER REPAIRS NEEDED: None Field Trip Report Atqasuk, Alaska November 7, 2000 Contact was made with Melvin Wong, lead Power Plant Operator. The plant was found to be in good condition. This plant was constructed in 1985. Atgasuk is the smallest community in the Borough. Peak demand for the two months previous to this visit has ranged from a low of 303 kW to a high of 510 kW. Construction of the Water and Sewer Project was underway at the time of this visit. None of the associated heat trace or process electrical equipment is operational, which means the current electrical demand can be expected to increase dramatically. Generator #3 is normally run as the prime unit. Generator #1, at 275 kW, is the smallest of the three generators and is used when maintenance is being performed on Generator #3. It is uncertain whether the current generating capacity of this plant will be sufficient to support the additional electrical load due to Water/Sewer facilities. Synchronization of the generators is not complete. The lead operator claims that the current PLC programming requires that all generators be set to manual control in order to shut down Generator #3 for maintenance. Fuel transportation to Atqasuk is accomplished overland in the winter with rollagon equipment. Waste heat is currently supplied only to the washeteria, which is connected to the power plant. Due to the compactness of the community, waste heate could easily be supplied to the Clinic, Community Center, and Fire Station. The School and Municipal Services buildings could also be considered, but are slightly further away than the three previously mentioned facilities. The waste heat capacity of the power plant would probably be the limiting factor, rather than distances involved. Current estimated fuel savings are approximately 750 gallons/month. The lead operator is very conscious of preventative maintenance, though no written plan is in place. Oil samples are sent to an NC Machinery lab for each generator at each oil change. Maintenance performed is similar to that named for other Borough villages. Oil change and fuel consumption records are available. Waste oil is a particular problem in this village. Barrels storing waste oil number more than one hundred near the landfill. As shown in the accompanying photo, waste oil is stored in various containers within the plant building, in connex units near the plant, and on the ground outside the plant. The waste oil blending system in the plant is used no more than one hour a day due to soot problems. As in the other villages, this may be able to be improved with tuning. There is no waste oil burner available in Atqasuk. Emergency lighting and exit signs are installed and operational. There is no operational fire alarm or suppression system in the plant. Ventilation in this plant is adequate and effective. There are two portable eyewash stations in the plant. The age of the generators and plant facility is apparent. The wooden floor is buckling and cracking in some locations and the finish is chipping off, leaving exposed wood. A very strong diesel smell was present near the day tank. This is apparently due to leaking 38 threads at pipe joints and cumulative small spills. The fumes were strong enough to make it very uncomfortable to be near the day tank. Glycol leaks are present at the © breather tubes. Various small leaks and drips make drip pans and containers necessary near and under the generators. The outside electrical distribution equipment is in very good condition. Atqasuk is approximately 50 miles from the coast, which reduces the corrosion rate of outside equipment. Meter bases show only minor corrosion and no corrosion was noted on the pole transformers. The following is a summary of outages in the 12 months prior to this site visit. Cause of Outage Power outage for 20 buildings due to two blown fuses and a jumper problem at a pole. Scheduled outage for transformer replacement. Scheduled outage to connect new sewer treatment plant to power grid. Shutdown due to low voltage. Day tank low on fuel. Operator trying to drain tank as low as possible. Scheduled outage to connect new lines and transformers. Scheduled outage to relocated some overhead lines. Blown fuse on one phase at transformer serving school. Outage due to blown fuse, affecting Block 4. Electric Utility Evaluation — Score Summary Wood = 10 points Gypsum Board = 5 points Wood = 5 points Properly installed = 5 points Adequate = 5 points Door locks = 5 points Date Duration 12/09/99 4.3 hrs 01/19/00 3 hrs 04/04/00 2 hrs 05/23/00 lhr 7/14/00 10.5 hrs 7/31/00 2 hrs 8/10/00 45 min 8/25/00 6 hrs Powerhouse Building Flooring: Interior Walls: Exterior Walls: Roof Penetration: Lighting: Security: Category Total: 35 points Generator Equipment and Installation Diesel Engine: go 0 Unit #1 7065 hours, Unit #2 34431 hours, Unit #3 7916 hours = 30 points /\ 5 Generator Condition: Units #1 - #3 Fair © Max points = 30 points Load Sizing: Undersized (when Water/Sewer facilities added) = 10 points Control Switchgear: Semi-automatic synchronizing switchgear = 5 points Fuel System Inside Powerhouse: Threaded pipe = 10 points Category Total: 55 points Environmental Interior of Powerhouse: Waste oil stored in facility = 10 points Surrounding of Powerhouse: Waste oil stored on site = 10 points Waste Oil Disposal: Drum or tank storage for waste oil = 20 points Life, Health and Safety: Low risk = 10 points Category Total: 50 points Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Poles Alignment: Poles leaning less than 10 deg = 10 points Distribution Voltage: 2400 V = 10 points Anchors: 12-24 inches of anchor rod exposed = 10 points Meter Condition: Fair (minor corrosion) = 10 points Overall Condition of System: Good = 10 points Category Total: 50 points Total Score: 190 points 40 Atgasuk Photo Gallery Side view of the Atqasuk Power Plant. Waste oil barrels outside plant and in connex. 41 Glycol leaks at generator breather tubing, typical of most units. Plywood underlayment buckling at joints, causing flooring to chip and peel. 42 Partial view of generator room in the Atqasuk Power Plant. 43 + ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Atgasuk, Alaska UTILITY OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT DATE 11/07/00 PHONE G-1 ENGINE MAKE ENGINE MODEL ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE/AMP/VOLT CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE GENERATOR MODEL # GENERATOR SERIAL # GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) GENERATOR VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR CATERPILLAR North Slope Borough Melvin Wong 633-6220 G-2 CATERPILLAR G-3 CATERPILLAR 3406 DITA 1200 3508 TA 1200 3512 DITA 1200 2WB03079 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC 70Z00588 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC 67Z00548 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 2301A. 24 VDC GE TKMASTA8R 7065 CATERPILLAR SR4 WOODWARD 2301A. 24 VDC CATERPILLAR SR4 WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GE SPECTRA RMS TKM3F 7916 CATERPILLAR SR4 6BA02245 275 kW. 480 VAC CAT 9Y8400 VR3 YES 5RA00624 425 kW 480 VAC CAT SR4 AVR YES 5VA00568 650 kW. 480 VAC CAT SR4 AVR YES DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE OEM kWh METER(Yes or No) POWERHOUSE kWh METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE DEMAND ? CT RATIO STATION SERVICE METER (Yes or No) STATION SERVICE METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE BATTERY CHARGER/TYPE/MODEL FUEL DAY TANK TYPE PUMP # MOTOR # FUEL DAY TANK METER WASTE HEAT RECOVERY OPERATIONAL WASTE HEAT METER FIRE PROTECTION TYPE/OPERATIONAL? ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH YES WESTINGHOUSE D4B-3FM YES WESTINGHOUSE LA MARCHE A46-10-24V-Al UNKNOWN UNKNOWN LIQUID CONTROLS MODEL M-7-1 SMOKE, HEAT DETECTION/HALON (NOT OPERATIONAL) UNKNOWN 44 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY CIRCUIT RIDER PROGRAM UTILITY PROBLEM REPORT Utility Name:_Ner ts Slope Brrovals - Atgasuk Date:__11]+/oo Region Number:__Etabep Technician: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF VISIT: See Field Trip Mepot. PROFICIENCY Meter Reading: eri, Needs Work Daily Logs: AKeceptable Needs Work Routine Maintenance: Akcceptable Needs Work Scheduled Maintenance: Acceptable Needs Work NOTES Routine Maintenance (filter changes, oil changes, replace belts, etc.) Scheduled Maintenance (valve adjustment, water pump replacement, injector replacement, etc.) MAINTENANCE PLANNING Do you have a written preventive maintenance plan? ____ Yes; No. If there is a plan, do you follow it closely? Yes; No. If you have a maintenance plan but do not follow it closely, what problems prevent you from doing so? TRAINING PERFORMED None TRAINING GIVEN TO: N/A 45 ROUTINE MAINTANCE PERFORMED A lone GENERAL CONDITIONS OF POWERHOUSE: See Frelol Trip epee. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Ste Fidld Tri Keport. HEATH AND SAFTY ISSUES: See ARald Trip Report L- disausca, of diesel fumes ptar day tnkand disposal oP waste pi |. OTHER REPAIRS NEEDED: Glycol lake at erajne breathe tubing . See Field Trp Report. 46 Field Trip Report Point Lay, Alaska November 8, 2000 Contact was made with Julius Rexford, lead Power Plant Operator. Three new generators have been recently installed. Work was being done in preparation for overhauling one of the two remaining older generators. The age of this plant is very apparent. Peak demand for the two months previous to this visit has ranged from a low of 431 kW to a high of 523 kW. Four of the five generators are normally run during colder periods. The Village Water and Sewer project is nearly 100% complete in Point Lay. Several buildings have not been connected and no definite plans to connect them exist. Waste heat is currently supplied only to the washeteria. Potential buildings that could be served by waste heat include the municipal services building, the new water and sewer plants, the Borough operations and maintenance shop, and the clinic. Current waste heat usage saves approximately 750 gallons of fuel oil per month. The maintenance scenario for Point Lay is similar to the other Borough villages and is limited to oil and oil/fuel/air filter changes. Oil samples are sent to an NC Machinery lab for each generator at each oil change. There are various glycol leaks in this plant, including the breathing tubes and radiators for generators #2 and #3. Waste oil facilities are similar to those discussed for the other Borough villages. Doors in the plant do not seal, causing the noise level to be quite high in the office, adjacent to the generator room. The double doors in the generator room loading area, shown in the accompanying photo, do not close, causing winter storms to blow into the building. Various oxygen bottles for gas welding tank are located immediately outside these double doors, which is a typical example of the upkeep problems. Although snow prevented location of most spills outside the plant, a spill was located on a patch of gravel under a drum. It is well known that Point Lay has the harshest winter weather of all the villages in the Borough, often making construction and maintenance difficult. There is very limited space in this plant and ventilation is a problem in the summer months. All doors must be kept open, which clogs the radiators with dust, which leads to more generator cooling problems. The ventilation circulation problem described for Wainwright applies to Point Lay, as well, due to similar construction of the exhaust and air intake facilities. High temperature shutdowns of generators is a common occurrence in the summer months. Various other problems include electrical outlets which are falling apart and pose a shock hazard at generator units #3 and #4, exposed wiring supplying a waste heat pump, and soldered copper fuel lines supplying the generators units from the day tank which should be replaced with lines more suitable for supplying diesel fuel (see accompanying photos). The backup waste heat circulation pump should be reinstalled, as failure of the primary circulation pump will cause overheating problems. The operator claims that the 47 generators are running out of sequence and should be corrected by reprogramming the controller in the switchgear. There are no eyewash stations installed in this plant. The waste oil blending systems was taken off-line due to soot problems throughout the plant when this system is operated. Waste oil is pumped into two drums located near the day tank. When these tanks are full, Borough personnel take the oil to the Operations and Maintenance shop for use in a waste oil burner. The following is a summary of outages in the 12 months prior to this site visit. Date Duration Cause of Outage 1/31/00 3 min Operator-caused outage; wrong generator was taken off line in preparation for oil change. 5/24/00 3 min Village breakers tripped without warning. Problem unidentified. Problem continued throughout morning. 5/25/00 2 min Village breakers continue to trip. Borough personnel on site for troubleshooting. 7/20/00 2 min Under frequency, low voltage, high temperature alarms on generator #2. No pre-alarms were noted. 9/12/00 2 min Lead generator #3 shut down due to reverse power. 9/12/00 5 min Lead generator #3 shut down due to reverse power. No pre-alarms were noted and cause of problem unknown. Electric Utility Evaluation — Score Summary Powerhouse Building Interior Walls: Fiberglass reinforced panel = 5 points Exterior Walls: Wood (paint nearly gone) = 20 points Roof Penetration: Properly installed = 5 points Ventilation: Adequate ventilation = 5 points Lighting: Adequate = 5 points Security: Door locks = 5 points Category Total: 45 points 48 Generator Equipment and Installation Diesel Engine: ; 0 Unit #3 39331 hours, Unit #4 34953 hours Max points = 60 points Generator Condition: Units #3, #4 Fair = 20 points 0 Electrical Exposed wiring, missing covers = 20 points Fuel System Inside Powerhouse: Copper tubing, threaded pipe = 10 points Category Total: 110 points Environmental Interior of Powerhouse: Old parts, waste oil stored in facility, apparent spills Max = 40 points Surrounding of Powerhouse: Old generator parts, waste oil stored on site, apparent oil spills = 40 points Waste Oil Disposal: Drum or tank storage for waste oil = 20 points Life, Health, Safety: Low risk = 10 points Category Total: 110 points Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Pole Alignment: Poles leaning less than 10 degrees = 10 points Distribution Voltage: 2400 V = 10 points Anchors: 12-24 inches of anchor rod exposed = 10 points Category Total: 30 points Total Score: 295 points 49 Point Lay Photo Gallery fan Double doors at plant loading area. 50 Generator line-up in the Point Lay Power Plant. Exposed wiring at receptacles near Generators #3 and #4. pil Copper tubing for generator fuel supply and return. Glycol leak at generator breather tubing, typical of all units. 52 Glycol leak at radiator unit, typical of Generators #2 and #3 Exposed wiring at waste heat pump. Leak under a storage drum located behind the Point Lay Power Plant. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Point Lay, Alaska UTILITY North Slope Borough OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT Julius Rexford DATE 11/08/00 PHONE 833-2318 G-1 G-2 G-3 ENGINE MAKE ENGINE MODEL ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE/AMP/VOLT CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE GENERATOR MODEL # GENERATOR SERIAL # GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) GENERATOR VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR CATERPILLAR 3406B DI 1200 2WBO04913 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 2301A GE TJK436400 400 A 935 CATERPILLAR SR4B 8ER02765 210 kW. 480 VAC CATERPILLAR 3406B DI 1200 81Z15583 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GE TJK436400 400 A 802 CATERPILLAR SR4B 8ER02766 210 kW 480 VAC CAT VR3 YES CATERPILLAR 3406B DI 1200 90U7798 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GE TJK436400 400 A 39331 CATERPILLAR SR4B 5HA03892 210 kW 480 VAC CAT VR3 YES DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE OEM kWh METER(Yes or No) POWERHOUSE kWh METER TYPE, CATALOG # or TYPE DEMAND ? CT RATIO STATION SERVICE METER (Yes or No) STATION SERVICE METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE BATTERY CHARGER/TYPE/MODEL FUEL DAY TANK TYPE PUMP # MOTOR # FUEL DAY TANK METER WASTE HEAT RECOVERY OPERATIONAL WASTE HEAT METER FIRE PROTECTION TYPE/OPERATIONAL? ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH YES WESTINGHOUSE CYCLOMETRIC AND DRANETZ ELECTRONIC METER DBS-8FM (WESTINGHOUSE) AND SERIES 808 (DRANETZ) YES LANDIS & GYR WATTHOUR METER LA MARCHE A46-10-24V-Al STEEL UNKNOWN (2) BALDOR MODEL L5018 3HP HERSEY (MODEL UNKNOWN) SMOKE/HEAT DETECTION — NOT OPERATIONAL 55 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Point Lay, Alaska UTILITY North Slope Borough OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT Julius Rexford DATE 11/08/00 PHONE 833-2318 G-4 G-5 ENGINE MAKE CATERPILLAR ENGINE MODEL ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE 24 VDC UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER GE TYPE/AMP/VOLT CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE GENERATOR MODEL # GENERATOR SERIAL # GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) GENERATOR VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P. WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GES TJK436400 300A 00 CATERPILLAR SR4 449BH3005 TJK436400 400A 34953 CATERPILLAR SR4 M48BH3148 480 VAC 56 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY CIRCUIT RIDER PROGRAM UTILITY PROBLEM REPORT Utility Name:_Nlort Slope Boreus -_ Point lay Date:__ 11] Joo Region Number: Etabct Technician: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF VISIT: See Field Trip Report, PROFICIENCY Meter Reading: Aiciee Needs Work Daily Logs: Acceptable Needs Work Routine Maintenance: VAcceptable Needs Work Scheduled Maintenance: VAcceptable Needs Work NOTE: Routine Maintenance (filter changes, oil changes, replace belts, etc.) Scheduled Maintenance (valve adjustment, water pump replacement, injector replacement, etc.) MAINTENANCE PLANNING Do you have a written preventive maintenance plan? ___ Yes; iv No. If there is a plan, do you follow it closely? Yes; No. If you have a maintenance plan but do not follow it closely, what problems prevent you from doing so? TRAINING PERFORMED Mone. TRAINING GIVEN TO: N/A ou ROUTINE MAINTANCE PERFORMED None. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF POWERHOUSE: See Field Trip Report. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: See Feld Trig Leper. HEATH AND SAFTY ISSUES: See Ereld Trig Repert. OTHER REPAIRS NEEDED: See Field Trip hepret. 58 Field Trip Report Point Hope, Alaska November 13, 2000 Contact was made with George Koonaloak, lead Power Plant Operator. Overall, the plant was found to be in very good condition. The power plant consists of an older building and an addition which was built in 1996 and is referred to as the new plant. The original building has five generators and switchgear, while the new plant contains two 665 kW units and updated switchgear. The two bus sections are intertied, with an electronic power metering section located in the newer switchgear. Point Hope is the largest village on the North Slope, exclusive of Barrow. Peak demand for the month previous to this visit has ranged from a low of 677 kW to a high of 936 kW. The Village Water and Sewer project is nearly complete in Point Hope. The operator indicated that ‘the peak demand during December, January, and February is approximately 1015 kW. With the exception of Generators #4 and #7, the generators in Point Hope have high hours with four of the seven units exceeding 30,000 hours. There is a pad located in the new plant for one additional generator. Waste heat is currently supplied to the school, laundromat, senior center, and clinic. These facilities are large, due to the community size, and waste heat provides a fuel savings of approximately 51,000 gallons of fuel oil. As the village and power plant capacity grows, other nearby facilites that should be given consideration for waste heat service include the Public Safety Officer building and the city office. There are separate day tanks, lube oil tanks and waste oil blenders in the two plant sections. As in most of the other villages, the waste oil blenders are not operated. The operator did not give a complete explanation for this, but indicated that the blending units are functional. Waste oil is accumulated in drums which are promptly picked up by Borough village services personnel for stockpiling and/or use in one of two waste oil burners in the village. : The fire alarm system, consisting of smoke and heat detectors, is only partially operational. On several occasions, false alarms have occurred, but were not received by the fire department. Emergency lights, exit signs, and eye wash stations are installed. The extent of maintenance performed is the same as that mentioned for the other villages; however, the lead operator has kept maintenance records for all the generators, fuel and glycol usage records and has kept the generators and plant clean and drip free. There are no signs of spills or leaks, aside from Generator #7, which is leaking slowly from the bottom of the crankcase. NC Machinery is aware of this and will service this unit at the next oil change. The equipment grounding conductor for the frame of Generator #2 is partially severed where it enters the concrete floor (see accompanying photo). A small leak and corroded terminals were found at the battery bank for Generator #1. 39 George Koonaloak is to be commended on his outstanding efforts in operating the Point Hope Power Plant. George has taken much of the responsibility for keeping the plant clean, organized, and functioning smoothly. The following is a summary of outages in the 12 months prior to this site visit. Date Duration Cause of Outage 5/12/00 5 min Generator #4 tripped due to over voltage. Apparent cause was a surge in the laundromat facilities. 5/13/00 5 min Circuit breaker feeding the school tripped. The bus under frequency trouble light was the only indication. 5/15/00 5 min Same as school outage on 5/13/00. 6/14/00 6.5 hrs Arcing caused by corrosion at the west village feeder transformer. 11/09/00 1 min No graveyard shift operator. Generators #3 and #6 breakers were tripped and generator #6 under frequency trouble light was on. Electric Utility Evaluation — Score Summary Powerhouse Building Interior Walls: Gypsum Board = 5 points Exterior Walls: Wood (painted) = 5 points Roof Penetration: Properly installed = 5 points Lighting: Adequate = 5 points Security: Door locks = 5 points Category Total: 25 points Generator Equipment and Installation Diesel Engine: Y O Unit #1 37859 hours, Unit #2 41797 hours, Unit #3 31539 hours, Unit #4 11786 hours Unit #5 23480 hours, Unit #6 32500 hours, Unit #7 11515 hours Max points = 60 points Generator Condition: Units #1 -#4Fair Max points = 30 points “\ \% Fuel System Inside Powerhouse: Threaded pipe = 10 points Category Total: 100 points 60 Environmental Interior of Powerhouse: Waste oil stored in facility = 10 points Waste Oil Disposal: Drum storage for waste oils = 20 points Category Total: 30 points Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Anchors: 12-24 inches of anchor rod exposed = 10 points Distribution Voltage: 4160 V = 10 points Meter Condition Fair = 10 points Overall Condition of System: Good = 10 points Category Total: 40 points Total Score: 195 points 61 Point Hope Picture Gallery Generator line-up in the old plant. 62 Twin 665 kW generators in new plant. Damaged grounding conductor from Generator #2 frame. 63 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Point Hope, Alaska UTILITY North Slope Borough OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT George Koonaloak DATE 11/13/00 PHONE 368-2515 G-1 G-2 G-3 ENGINE MAKE ENGINE MODEL ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE/AMP/VOLT CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE GENERATOR MODEL # GENERATOR SERIAL # GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) GENERATOR VOLTAGE VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR CATERPILLAR 3406B DITA 1200 CATERPILLAR 3406B DITA 1200 CATERPILLAR 3406B DITA 1200 2WBO04889 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P. WOODWARD 23014. 24 VDC GE TJKMOMAI 600 A 37859 CATERPILLAR SR4 2WD01100 330 kW 480 VAC BASLER SR32A 2WB04890 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GE TIKMOMA! 600 A 41797 CATERPILLAR SR4 [ 2owo1 102 330 kW 480 VAC BASLER SR32A YES 2WB04900 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GE TJKMOMA! 600 A 31539 CATERPILLAR SR4 2DW01105 330 kW 480 VAC BASLER SR32A YES DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE OEM kWh METER(Yes or No) POWERHOUSE kWh METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE DEMAND ? CT RATIO STATION SERVICE METER (Yes or No) STATION SERVICE METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE BATTERY CHARGER/TYPE/MODEL FUEL DAY TANK TYPE PUMP # MOTOR # FUEL DAY TANK METER WASTE HEAT RECOVERY OPERATIONAL WASTE HEAT METER FIRE PROTECTION TYPE/OPERATIONAL? ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH YES GE POWER LEADER AND DRANETZ ELECTRONIC METER ELECTRONIC POWER METER AND SERIES 808 ELECTRIC POWER DEMAND ANALYZER 2000:5 GE POWER LEADER EPM ELECTRONIC POWER METER LA MARCHE A46-6-24V-Al STEEL UNKNOWN DOERR LR-19363 (1/2 HP) TOKHEIM (MODEL UNKNOWN) YES NO SMOKE/HEAT DETECTION - NOT OPERATIONAL UNKNOWN ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Point Hope, Alaska UTILITY North Slope Borough OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT George Koonaloak DATE 11/13/00 PHONE 368-2515 G-4 G-5 ENGINE MAKE CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR ENGINE MODEL 3412 DITA 3406B DITA ENGINE RPM 1200 1200 SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE 81Z11814 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GE 90U7016 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-3P WOODWARD 23014 24 VDC GES TJKMOMAI 600 A UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE/AMP/VOLT TJKMOMAI 600 A CURRENT HOURS Te GENERATOR MAKE CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR GENERATOR MODEL # SR4 SR4 GENERATOR SERIAL # 6FA06412 UNKNOWN GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) 425 kW 210 kW GENERATOR VOLTAGE 480 VAC 480 VAC VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL BASLER SR32A BASLER SR32A PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR YES YES 65 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RURAL UTILITY POWERHOUSE INVENTORY COMMUNITY Point Hope, Alaska UTILITY North Slope Borough OWNERSHIP North Slope Borough CONTACT George Koonaloak DATE 11/13/00 PHONE 368-2515 G-6 G-7 ENGINE MAKE ENGINE MODEL ENGINE RPM SERIAL NUMBER GOVERNOR TYPE MODEL ACTUATOR MODEL SPEED CONTROL DC VOLTAGE CATERPILLAR 3512 DITA 1200 67Z01167 CATERPILLAR 3512 DITA 1200 67Z01266 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-6P WOODWARD 2301A 24 VDC GE GE SPECTRA RMS 1200 A ~_| SPECTRA RMS 1200A 32500 14005 WOODWARD ELECTRONIC WOODWARD EG-6P WOODWARD 2301A UNIT CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE/AMP/VOLT CURRENT HOURS GENERATOR MAKE KATO ENGINEERING GENERATOR MODEL # 261040000 GENERATOR SERIAL # 11073 GENERATOR CAPACITY (kW) 665 kW GENERATOR VOLTAGE 480 VAC VOLTAGE REGULATOR, MAKE & MODEL BASLER SR4A BASLER SR4A PARALLEL SWITCH GEAR YES YES DISTRIBUTION VOLTAGE OEM NORTH SLOPE BOROUGH kWh METER(Yes or No) YES POWERHOUSE kWh METER TYPE GE POWER LEADER AND DRANETZ ELECTRONIC METER CATALOG # or TYPE ELECTRONIC POWER METER AND SERIES 808 ELECTRIC POWER DEMAND ANALYZER DEMAND ? CT RATIO 3500:5 YES GE POWER LEADER EPM ELECTRONIC POWER METER LA MARCHE A46-20-24V-Al STEEL (2) ROPER 2AM08 (2) BALDOR M3558T (2 HP) FILL RITE SERIES 900 KATO ENGINEERING A261040000 11515 665 kW 480 VAC STATION SERVICE METER (Yes or No) STATION SERVICE METER TYPE CATALOG # or TYPE BATTERY CHARGER/TYPE/MODEL FUEL DAY TANK TYPE PUMP # MOTOR # FUEL DAY TANK METER WASTE HEAT RECOVERY OPERATIONAL WASTE HEAT METER NO SMOKE/HEAT DETECTION — NOT OPERATIONAL UNKNOWN FIRE PROTECTION TYPE/OPERATIONAL? ORIGINAL CONTRACTOR 66 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY CIRCUIT RIDER PROGRAM UTILITY PROBLEM REPORT Utility Name: North Gepe Beroual, = Poiat Hope Date:__11] 13/00 Region Number:___E} abt Technician: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF VISIT: See Fick Trip Leport. PROFICIENCY Meter Reading: Acceptable Needs Work Daily Logs: Acceptable Needs Work Routine Maintenance: vAcceptable Needs Work Scheduled Maintenance: vAcceptable Needs Work NOTES Routine Maintenance (filter changes, oil changes, replace belts, etc.) Scheduled Maintenance (valve adjustment, water pump replacement, injector replacement, etc.) MAINTENANCE PLANNING Do you have a written preventive maintenance plan? __ Yes; e/a No. If there is a plan, do you follow it closely?___—s-Yes;__No. j If you have a maintenance plan but do not follow it closely, what problems prevent you from doing so? TRAINING PERFORMED None TRAINING GIVEN TO: N/A 67 ROUTINE MAINTANCE PERFORMED None. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF POWERHOUSE: See Field Trip Lepevt ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: See Field Trig Kept. HEATH AND SAFTY ISSUES: See Field Trip Report. OTHER REPAIRS NEEDED: See Fietd Trip Keport. 68 Appendix A Electrical Utility Evaluation Forms Alaska Energy Authority Village Power System Assessments Region 8 — North Slope Borough ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY pee Utility Evaluation Form Community: Wain Evaluation Date: lo Poa Evaluator: Tacn, Peterson Powerhouse Building (Circle or highlight the appropriate points.) Site Location Sit Ocpoints% < 100 feet from a public well 10 points < 25 feet from an eroding bank or beach, or in a flood plain 10 points 20 points max. Foundation "Powerhouse directly on eaval am or light timbers (raleed small timbers, on permeable gravel) 5 points *Powerhouse directly on tundra or natural soils (no foundation) 10 points Powerhouse leaning considerably or unstable foundations (seismic hazard) 20 points 30 points max. Flooring *Welded steel deck plate onffeneretelseaied) DPonts *Steel deck plate or concrete (unsealed) 5 points *Wood (sealed or painted) 10 points *Wood (non-sealed or bare) 20 points 20 points max. Interior Walls *Concrete or metal skin 0 points *Fiberglass reinforced paneling (FRP) 5 points eGypsuniiboard aa:points, ‘Wood (painted or sealed) 10 points Wood (non-painted or bare) 20 points 35 points max. Exterior Walls *Concrete or mel a 0 points ‘WV cod Daintec Sealed) &Sipointsyg *Wood (non- panied or sare) 20 points 20 points max. Page 1 11/21/00 Roof Penetration *None -installed;(rain:tight), *Minor leaks (repairable) *Major leaks (not repairable) Ventilation *Proper ventilation (air intake & exhaust fans, louvers & hoods) or windows have to be left open) Doss must be lept open. Lighting *Excellent lighting g@Adequateilightig *Poor lighting *No lighting Security Powerhouse fenced in & door locks sDoorlécks No fence No door locks Generator Equipment and Installation Diesel Engine Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 kW 430 430 420 330 Hours of Operation 33212 42232 10433 4263) Diesel Engine < 10,000 hours of operation > 10,000 hours of operation > 20,000 hours of operation > 30,000 hours of operation Page 2 0 points aoipointss 10 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points See Field Trip Kepet fe exhaust 5 points Lay ond vert latin probums. simipointsy 20 points 20 points max. 0 points aSpoints: 10 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points es points 5 points 10 points 20 points total Unit #> Fio kw © hrs 0 points 10 points YO 20 points 30 points gadpoints:max:, 11/21/00 Generator Condition Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit #- Good, like new Vv Not on Fair Vv site v v Poor, guards/covers missing Good, like new in appearance 0 points Fair 10 points Poor, guards & covers missing 20 points geOoInismaX Load Sizing oF Wisi nism community loads &Opoints Undersized generation to meet the community loads 10 points Oversized generation to meet the community loads 10 points Control Switchgear PTheauto SWnchronizine-switehaeal *Semi-automatic synchronizing switchgear *Manually synchronizing switchgear *Manual transfer switches *Manual mounted breakers Electrical Sarslappropri. *Exposed wiring, improper grounding, missing covers etc. Fuel System Inside Powerhouse *Welded piping ig “Welded & threaded piping Rubber hose No daytank Additional for active leaks Totalizing & Station Service Meter Properiyunstallé O-AnGAWOrkK No totalizing meter No station service meter <ingitotalizingestatit Sivice meter Page 3 20 points max. eQpoints 5 points 10 points 20 points 30 points 30 points max. «OIpGinits 20 points 20 points max. 0 points aoxpoints 5 points 10 points 20 points 20 points 60 points max. pots 10 points 10 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Fuel Meter eproperly installed & fuel meter Qpoints *No fuel meter 20 points 20 points max. Environmental Interior of Powerhouse Clean, well kept 0 points Old generator part stored inside facility 10 points LWASteroiltstoredunsidé facility’ AOmpoiritss Apparent oil spills 20 points 40 points max. Under Facility sQieannwelkkepb eoxpoints Old generator part stored under facility 10 points Waste oil stored under facility 10 points Apparent oil spills 20 points 40 points max. Surrounding of Powerhouse Clean, well kept 0 points @tdigeneratorpart:store aoiponts Waste oil stored on site 10 points Apparent oil spills 20 points 40 points max. Waste Oil Disposal awvasteiiblendingsystems arpoints *Waste oil incinerator 5 points *Drum or tank storage for waste oils 20 points 20 points max Life, Health, & Safety *Code Compliant 0 points *Medium risk 20 points *High risk 30 points *Potential for loss of life 40 points 40 points max. *Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. TOTAL 645 points max. Page 4 11/21/00 Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Pole type iFullysreated poles gOcpointsa Butt treated poles 10 points Native pole (trees) 20 points 30 points max. Pole installation - depth canibe determine 6. i points Within 12 inches ae recommended depth 10 points Within 24 inches of recommended depth 20 points Greater than 24 inches of recommended depth 30 points 60 points max. Pole alignment gRolesstraight DPSS Poles leaning less than 10° 10 points Poles leaning greater than 10° 20 points 30 points max. Distribution voltage Ss spoints 2400 volts 10 points 480/277 volts 20 points 208/120 volts 30 points 40 points max. Anchors ree eta (<12 inches of the anchor rod exposed) 0 points es Ofthesanchorrod exposed Mopainits >24 inches iF the anchor rod exposed 20 points 3 0 points max. Primary conductor Appearsspropenyuinstalledxsag, conductorsize, etc) exQzpoints improperly installed (conductor needs resagging, etc) 20 points 20 points max. Service conductor improperly installed (conductor needs resagging, g, etc) 20 points 20 points max. Page 5 11/21/00 Meter installation é sta a0ipoints& improperly installed (height, no ground, etc) 10 points 10 points max. Meter Condition Residential & Commercial Good (appears in good condition) 0 points Fair (minor corrosion) 10 points m2opointss 30 points max. Over all condition of the system *Excellent (no repairs needed) 0 points {Good (Minomrepairsyresanrguysmresag serviceidropsretc) S1orpoints *Poor (major repairs needed, pole, guy, conductor, meter replacement, etc) 30 points 30 points max. Underground Distribution System Primary conductor *Appears to be properly installed N/ A 0 points *Exposed conductor 20 points 20 points max. Transformers *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Improperly installed (no pad, leaning, etc) 20 points 20 points max. Service conductor *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Exposed conductor 20 points 20 points max. *Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. TOTAL 360 points max. General Questions Use separate sheet(s) to answer these questions. 1. If records are available, indicate the number, duration, and causes of all forced outages during the last 12 months. If records are not available, provide whatever reasonable estimates available from utility personnel regarding outages number, duration, and causes. 2. If waste heat from power generation is currently recovered, list the facilities to which waste heat is provided, and if known, the gallons of heating fuel displaced per year. 3. If additional waste heat is assumed available, describe the potential users of the waste heat and the gallons of fuel oil that could be displaced annually. Page 6 11/21/00 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Electrical Utility Evaluation Form Community: \ ste Evaluation Date: lof /$/ 00 Evaluator: Sasson Powerhouse Building (Circle or highlight the appropriate points.) i aMpointss < 100 feet from a public well 10 points < 25 feet from an eroding bank or beach, or in a flood plain 10 points 20 points max. ptable.foundation(p stEpilinigzes tc.) sopoints; ecily on gravel pad or light timbers (raised small timbers, on permeable gravel) 5 points “Powerhouse directly on tundra or natural soils (no foundation) 10 points Powerhouse leaning considerably or unstable foundations (seismic hazard) 20 points 30 points max. Flooring “Welded steel deck plate or concretenSealed} eomoniss *Steel deck plate or concrete (unsealed) 5 points *Wood (sealed or painted) 10 points “Wood (non-sealed or bare) 20 points 20 points max. Interior Walls *Concrete or metal skin 0 points “Fiberglass reinforced paneling (FRP) 5 points M@iGypsumiboard eESrpoints Wood (painted or sealed) 10 points Wood (non-painted or bare) ‘ 20 points 35 points max. Exterior Walls *Concrete or miBtaksidings anipaintsz *Wood (painted or sealed) 5 points *Wood (non-painted or bare) 20 points 20 points max. Page 1 11/21/00 Roof Penetration *None 0 points i in-tight} eSpoints *Minor leaks (repairable) 10 points *Major leaks (not repairable) 20 points 20 points max. Ventilation *Adequate ventilation (air intake & exhaust fans) 5 points *Minimum ventilation (air intake) 10 points *No ventilation (doors or windows have to be left open) 20 points 20 points max. Lighting cEEBTAETGRhg atzpoin ts *Adequate lighting 5 poin' *Poor lighting 10 points *No lighting 20 points 20 points max. Security Powerhouse fenced in & door locks 0 points EDOSRIGEKS: &iipointsy No fence 5 points No door locks 10 points 20 points total Generator Equipment and Installation Diesel Engine Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 kw Uo Fo Yso 4YSd Hours of Operation S235 1456 23) “_ 2818 Diesel Engine < 10,000 hours of operation Edipointsss > 10,000 hours of operation 10 points > 20,000 hours of operation 20 points > 30,000 hours of operation 30 points 60 points max. Page 2 11/21/00 Generator Condition Unit #1 Unit #2 Good, like new v Y Unit #3 x Fair Poor, guards/covers missing Good, like new in appearance Fair Poor, guards & covers missing Load Sizing Undestiaed inaniiibess to meet ‘the community loads Oversized generation to meet the community loads Control Switchgear automaticssynchronizing: switche: *Semi-automatic synchronizing ar *Manually synchronizing switchgear *Manual transfer switches *Manual mounted breakers Electrical SVWIFINGEapps *Exposed wiring, ciueer grounding, missing covers etc. Fuel System Inside Powerhouse “Wekiad | piping "Welded & threaded piping Rubber hose No daytank Additional for active leaks Totalizing & Station Service Meter : Ne totalizing meter No station service meter Page 3 Unit #4 Y morpointss 10 points 20 points 30 points max. aOcpaints 10 points 10 points 20 points max. KOPSFS 5 points 10 points 20 points 30 points 30 points max. aaspoints: 20 points 20 points max. 0 points axonpaints 5 points 10 points 20 points 20 points 60 points max. éopoints 10 points 10 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Fuel Meter inproperlyinstalled:& working fuel metes *No fuel meter Interior of Powerhouse aCleannwell.-kept Old generator part stored inside facility Waste oil stored inside facility Apparent oil spills Under Fae le Old generator part stored under facility Waste oil stored under facility Apparent oil spills Surrounding of Powerhouse sCleanmiWelikept Old generator part stored on site Waste oil stored on site Apparent oil spills Waste Oil Disposal VWWASleO \cIngssystem *Waste oil incinerator *Drum or tank storage for waste oils Life, Health, & Safety eGodacampliants *Low risk *Medium risk *High risk *Potential for loss of life “Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. Environmental Page 4 TOTAL 645 points max. aQupointsé 20 points 20 points max. E0%paihts & 10 points 10 points 20 points 40 points max. somports® 10 points 10 points 20 points 40 points max. @ipoints. 10 points 10 points 20 points 40 points max. 5 points 20 points 20 points max points 10 points 20 points 30 points 40 points 40 points max. 11/21/00 Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Pole type chullystreated poless Butt treated poles Native pole (trees) Pole installation Within 12 inches of recommended depth Within 24 inches of recommended depth Greater than 24 inches of recommended depth Pole alignment Poles leaning less than 10° Poles leaning greater than 10° Distribution voltage mee 1/0 VAC 480/277 volts 208/120 volts Anchors =. installed ai 2 mches of the anchor rod exposed) >24 inches of the Saher rod exposed Primary. conductor rope AG. conductor size. e Tegiagedy installed Coa needs resagging, etc) Service conductor DearsiD) installeda(Sageconductorsizeneta raprepary installed (conductor needs resagging, etc) Page 5 gOpoiitss 10 points 20 points 30 points max. SOIpSTAtSA 10 points 20 points 30 points 60 points max. seQpoints2 10 points 20 points 30 points max. 0 points etompointst 20 points 30 points 40 points max. 0 points atomointsa 20 points 3 0 points max. éQpointss 20 points 20 points max. points 20 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Meter installation rAppears.to be properly. installed: (heightzgroundingy ete) SO points Improperly installed (height, no ground, etc) 10 points 10 points max. Meter Condition Residential & Commercial Good (appears in good condition) 0 points tGair(minor:corrosion) giopointss Poor (major corrosion, needs replacing) 20 points 30 points max. Over all condition of the system cExcellent(noxepairs needed eopaints} *Good (minor repairs, resag guys, tesag service drops, etc) 10 points *Poor (major repairs needed, pole, guy, conductor, meter replacement, etc) 30 points 30 points max. Underground Distribution System Primary conductor N/A *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Exposed conductor 20 points 20 points max. Transformers *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Improperly installed (no pad, leaning, etc) 20 points 20 points max. Service conductor *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Exposed conductor 20 points 20 points max. *Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. TOTAL 360 points max. General Questions Use separate sheet(s) to answer these questions. 1. If records are available, indicate the number, duration, and causes of all forced outages during the last 12 months. If records are not available, provide whatever reasonable estimates available from utility personnel regarding outages number, duration, and causes. 2. If waste heat from power generation is currently recovered, list the facilities to which waste heat is provided, and if known, the gallons of heating fuel displaced per year. 3. If additional waste heat is assumed available, describe the potential users of the waste heat and the gallons of fuel oil that could be displaced annually. Page 6 11/21/00 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Electrical Utility Evaluation Form Community: Kaktovik. Evaluation Date: _[o/z [oo Evaluator: Sasan Peterson Powerhouse Buildin (Circle or highlight the appropriate points.) Site Location suitableiforpowern a < 100 feet from a public well < 25 feet from an eroding bank or beach, or in a flood plain Foundation fhHoOvSe ‘Oo! esepth ins directly on gravel pad or light timbers (raised small timbers, on permeable gravel) “Powerhouse directly on tundra or natural soils (no foundation) . Powerhouse leaning considerably or unstable foundations (seismic hazard) Flooring *Welded steel deck plate or Gonereteysealedy *Steel deck plate or concrete (unsealed) *Wood (sealed or painted) *Wood (non-sealed or bare) Interior Walls *Concrete or metal skin *Fiberglass reinforced paneling (FRP) Wood (painted or sealed) Wood (non-painted or bare) Exterior Walls *Concrete or! *Wood (painted or sealed) “Wood (non-painted or bare) Page 1 10 points 10 points 20 points max. OpSISS 5 points 10 points 20 points 30 points max. eoponts 5 points 10 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points 5 points éaSpoints: 10 points 20 points 35 points max. @eQpointss 5 points 20 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Roof Penetration *None 0 points eProperly.installed:(rainctight) » sxdipoints *Minor leaks (repairable) 10 points *Major leaks (not repairable) 20 points 20 points max. Ventilation emventilation:(ainintake:&-exhaust: ersi& hoods) 4 Qpointsz. *Adequate ventilation (air intake & exhaust fans) 5 points *Minimum ventilation (air intake) 10 points *No ventilation (doors or windows have to be left open) 20 points 20 points max. Lighting MEXceIentlightiig Aipoints; *Adequate lighting 5 points *Poor lighting 10 points *No lighting 20 points 20 points max. Security Powerhouse fenced in & door locks 0 points wDoorlockss &&points, No fence 5 points No door locks 10 points 20 points total Generator Equipment and Installation Diesel Engine Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 kW Alo do Yso Yso Hours of Operation ait So3 73 : 285" Diesel Engine 40;000hourSsiofoperati efspoints > 10,000 hours of operation 10 points > 20,000 hours of operation 20 points > 30,000 hours of operation 30 points 60 points max. Page 2 11/21/00 Generator Condition Unit #3 xv Unit #1 Unit #2 Good, like new Y 4 Fair Poor, guards/covers missing Poor, guards & covers missing Load Sizing iPraperlyisizedigenerationitoimeectthe' com munity load: Undersized generation to meet the community loads Oversized generation to meet the community loads Control Switch gear *Semi- sulietide agtitionizing switchgear *Manually synchronizing switchgear *Manual transfer switches *Manual mounted breakers Electrical ‘Wiringrappearstappropriatel *Exposed wiring, improper grounding, missing covers etc. Euel System Inside Powerhouse *Welded piping @iihreadecpipiog *Welded & threaded piping Rubber hose No daytank Additional for active leaks Totalizina & Station Service Meter perivinstallédrand:work No totalizing meter No station service meter Page 3 Unit #4 VA sxOpointss 10 points 20 points 30 points max. a@ompointss 10 points 10 points 20 points max. <expoints; 5 points 10 points 20 points 30 points 30 points max. aQspointsa 20 points 20 points max. 0 points goipoints 5 points 10 points 20 points 20 points 60 points max. egpoints, 10 points 10 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Fuel Meter *Properly installed & working fuel meter 0 points SfiNorfuelmeters. am20ipointss 20 points max. Environmental Interior of Powerhouse . : . Clean, well kept Used as a shop, divty, ee SOIpOInSE Old generator part stored inside facility A smal! Partie of This 1s 10 points Waste oil stored inside facility Cenpletion of Werk on the overhind crome, 10 points Apparent oil spills 20 points Under Facili Steanmwellikept Old generator part stored under facility Waste oil stored under facility Apparent oil spills Surrounding of Powerhouse sCleanmwelkkepts Old generator part stored on site Waste oil stored on site Apparent oil spills Waste Oil Disposal SWaStexoiliblendinigisystem “Waste oil incinerator *Drum or tank storage for waste oils Life, Health, & Safety SCode:Compliany *Low risk *Medium risk *High risk *Potential for loss of life “Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. TOTAL Page 4 40 points max. <opointss 10 points 10 points 20 points 40 points max. SOPsiits 10 points 10 points 20 points 40 points max. copaints 5 points 20 points 20 points max aeospaints 10 points 20 points 30 points 40 points 40 points max. 645 points max. 11/21/00 Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Pole type (fullystreatedipoless Butt treated poles Native pole (trees) Pole installation Within az inches of recommended depth Within 24 inches of recommended depth Greater than 24 inches of recommended depth Pole alignment gRolés'straight Poles leaning less than 10° Poles leaning greater than 10° Distribution voltage =>7200 volts v, maaan 480/277 volts 208/120 volts Anchors Pree installed (<12 inches of the anchor rod exposed) anchor 324 inches of the anchor rod exposed nes OLthe: yodsexposer Primary conductor lVinstallea:(sagpconductorsize Improperly installed (conductor needs resagging, a Appears prope! Service conductor Improperly installed (conductor needs may etc) Page 5 ranufactlre’s'iiark’or button on pole) eompoints 10 points 20 points 30 points max. €Oipoints; 10 points 20 points 30 points 60 points max. EQpointss 10 points 20 points 30 points max. 0 points eLOpoints 20 points 30 points 40 points max. 0 points toipoints) 20 points 3 0 points max. eompoints; 20 points 20 points max. sO points! 20 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Meter installation Sars to : sled (he axQpointsy Improperly installed (height, no a gourd. etc) 10 points 10 points max. Meter Condition Residential & Commercial Good (appears in good condition) 0 points SA Ospointss Poor (major corrosion, needs replacing) 20 points 30 points max. Over all condition of the system itExcellent(nosepairs-needed Sx0MoiNtsy minor repairs, resag guys, resag service drops, etc) 10 points *Poor (major repairs needed, pole, guy, conductor, meter replacement, etc) 30 points 30 points max. Underground Distribution System Primary conductor N/A *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Exposed conductor 20 points 20 points max. Transformers *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Improperly installed (no pad, leaning, etc) 20 points 20 points max. Service conductor *Appears to be properly installed in 0 points *Exposed conductor 20 points 20 points max. “Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. TOTAL 360 points max. General Questions Use separate sheet(s) to answer these questions. 1. If records are available, indicate the number, duration, and causes of all forced outages during the last 12 months. If records are not available, provide whatever reasonable estimates available from utility personnel regarding outages number, duration, and causes. 2. If waste heat from power generation is currently recovered, list the facilities to which waste heat is provided, and if known, the gallons of heating fuel displaced per year. 3. If additional waste heat is assumed available, describe the potential users of the waste heat and the gallons of fuel oil that could be displaced annually. Page 6 11/21/00 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Electrical Utility Evaluation Form Community: Arak+nvuk Pass Evaluation Date: fo]2e]oo Evaluator: aso, Perso Powerhouse Building (Circle or highlight the appropriate points.) Site Location laionpowethouse sorpairits? < 100 na from a public well 10 points < 25 feet from an eroding bank or beach, or in a flood plain 10 points 20 points max. Foundation : rT Sptable foundation (pad.c POStepiling;-cor <gopointss “Powerhouse directly on gravel pad or light timbers (raised small ition, on permeable gravel) 5 points *Powerhouse directly on tundra or natural soils (no foundation) 10 points Powerhouse leaning considerably or unstable foundations (seismic hazard) 20 points 30 points max. Flooring *Welded steel deck plate ogconerete(sealed) LOmpBIAtS *Steel deck plate or concrete (unsealed) 5 points “Wood (sealed or painted) 10 points *Wood (non-sealed or bare) 20 points 20 points max. Interior Walls *Concrete or metal skin 0 points “Fiberglass reinforced paneling (FRP) 5 points Wood (painted or sealed) 10 points Wood (non-painted or bare) a 20 points 35 points max. Exterior Walls *Concrete orfiietakisiding aQpoints; *Wood (painted or sealed) 5 points *Wood (non-painted or bare) 20 points 20 points max. Page 1 11/21/00 Roof Penetration *None epropérlylinstalledi(rain:tight) *Minor leaks (repairable) *Major leaks (not repairable) Ventilation perventilation Lighting Foe na bad “Poor lighting *No lighting Security aIRIAIaKELECeXHALE Powerhouse fenced in & door locks @Boomlocks No fence No door locks Diesel Engine kw Hours of Operation Diesel Engine < 10,000 hours of operation > 10,000 hours of operation > 20,000 ead of coecation > Stfanslouvers'& hoods) *Adequate ventilation (air intake & exhaust fans) *Minimum ventilation (air intake) *No ventilation (doors or windows have to be left open) Generator Equipment and Installation Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 3255 3255 325° IF. 19352 25400 16814 23dF6 Page 2 0 points esxpoints: 10 points 20 points 20 points max. @points 5 points 10 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points &Sipointsy 10 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points &Sipontss 5 points 10 points 20 points total Unit oO (0 kW [F132 brs 0 points 10 points 20 points 30 points &60:pointssmaxy 11/21/00 Generator Condition Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit#4 = Unt Good, like new Fair Yv 4 4 4% v Poor, guards/covers missing Good, like new in appearance 0 points Fair 10 points Poor, guards & covers missing 20 points Ppontsmax Load Sizing € Tationitomeetithercommunityiloads eorpoints Undersized cotatetiets to meet the community loads 10 points Oversized generation to meet the community loads 10 points Control Switchgear ‘Folly automatic synchronizing swit *Semi-automatic synchronizing aac: *Manually synchronizing switchgear *Manual transfer switches *Manual mounted breakers Electrical *Exposed wiring, improper grounding, missing covers etc. Fuel System Inside Powerhouse “Welded pipin etnreadeatpining *Welded & threaded piping Rubber hose No daytank Additional for active leaks Totalizing & Station Service h Meter No oly meter No station service meter Page 3 20 points max. eeapontss 5 points 10 points 20 points 30 points 30 points max. edapoints; 20 points 20 points max. 0 points at0ipoints 5 points 10 points 20 points 20 points 60 points max. DROS 10 points 10 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Fuel Meter led:& working fuetmeter *No fuel meter Interior of Powerhouse ECleanywell’Kepe ss eee Lt stored inside facility Under Facili SCIGANEWEIRKEPE Old generator part stored under facility Waste oil stored under facility Apparent oil spills Surrounding of Powerhouse Clean, well kept Olargéneratoepart Stored/onisite: Waste oil stored on site Apparent oil spills Waste Oil Disposal *Waste oil blending system “Waste oil fncingrator Life, Health, & Safety *Low aes *Medium risk *High risk *Potential for loss of life *Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. Environmental TOTAL 645 points max. Page 4 S=Qpoints», 20 points 20 points max. goxpoints! 10 points exlompoints: 20 points 40 points max. eQpointss 10 points 10 points 20 points 40 points max. 0 points O;pointss 10 points 20 points 40 points max. 0 points 5 points ezopointss, 20 points max geopointses 10 points 20 points 30 points 40 points 40 points max. 11/21/00 Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Pole type gEully.treatedpoles Butt treated poles Native pole (trees) Pole installation Within 12 eg of rasonentae depth Within 24 inches of recommended depth Greater than 24 inches of recommended depth Pole alignment ema, Poles leaning less than 10° Poles leaning greater than 10° Distribution voltage =>7200 volts se e2a00V5ltss 480/277 volts 208/120 volts Anchors insta lled<12inches of the anchor roe 12 - 24 ‘inches of the anchor rod exposed >24 inches of the anchor rod exposed Erimary conductor Openyinstallad:(Sagsconductonsizeretc) aenaietty installed (conductor needs resagging, etc) Service conductor Bd{Sad-conducta IEsizexetc) sy Improperly installed (conductor needs resagging, etc) Page 5 edipointsss 10 points 20 points 30 points max. Aoupointss 10 points 20 points 30 points 60 points max. sQ*pointss 10 points 20 points 30 points max. 0 points saoipaints 20 points 30 points 40 points max. Ooi 10 points 20 points 3 0 points max. sQepoints; 20 points 20 points max. gsopoints. 20 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Meter installation TAppears tobe properly installed (heightegroundingy 6te)ja aopoints Improperly installed (height, no ground, etc) 10 points 10 points max. Meter Condition Residential & Commercial eGoad(appearsiingood:condition)s o:points¥ Fair (minor corrosion) 10 points Poor (major corrosion, needs replacing) 20 points 30 points max. Over all condition of the system sorpointss *Good ier repairs, resag guys, resag service drops, etc) 10 points *Poor (major repairs needed, pole, guy, conductor, meter replacement, etc) 30 points 30 points max. Underground Distribution System Primary conductor N/A *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Exposed conductor 20 points 20 points max. Transformers *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Improperly installed (no pad, leaning, etc) 20 points 20 points max. Service conductor *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Exposed conductor 20 points 20 points max. *Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. TOTAL 360 points max. General Questions Use separate sheet(s) to answer these questions. 1. If records are available, indicate the number, duration, and causes of all forced outages during the last 12 months. If records are not available, provide whatever reasonable estimates available from utility personnel regarding outages number, duration, and causes. 2. If waste heat from power generation is currently recovered, list the facilities to which waste heat is provided, and if known, the gallons of heating fuel displaced per year. 3. If additional waste heat is assumed available, describe the potential users of the waste heat and the gallons of fuel oil that could be displaced annually. Page 6 11/21/00 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Electrical Utility Evaluation Form Community: iE Evaluation Date: ° Evaluator: Petey son Powerhouse Building (Circle or highlight the appropriate points.) Site Location suitablesforspowerhous < 100 feet from a public well < 25 feet from an eroding bank or beach, or in a flood plain Foundation texetcy) imbers, i QU e spiling;<concre *Powerhouse directly on gravel pad or light timbers (raised small ti on permeable gravel) *Powerhouse directly on tundra or natural soils (no foundation) Powerhouse leaning considerably or unstable foundations (seismic hazard) Flooring “Welded steel deck plate or concrete (sealed) *Steel deck plate or concrete (unsealed) “Wood (non-sealed or bare) _ Interior Walls : *Concrete or metal skin *Fiberglass reinforced paneling (FRP) a Wood (painted or sealed) Wood (non-painted or bare) Exterior Walls *Concrete or metal siding WOO inted"6psealed yi *Wood (non-painted or bare) Page 1 GO ponse 10 points 10 points 20 points max. <ompointS 5 points 10 points 20 points 30 points max. 0 points 5 points enorponts? 20 points 20 points max. 0 points 5 points 10 points 20 points 35 points max. 0 points sQpointsa 20 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Roof Penetration *None 0 points *Minor leaks (repairable) 10 points *Major leaks (not repairable) 20 points 20 points max. Ventilation id) ‘Mequae verlliaton (air intake & exhaust fora) 5 points *Minimum ventilation (air intake) 10 points *No ventilation (doors or windows have to be left open) 20 points 20 points max. Lighting *Excellent lightin: 0 points eearieqUatSghtig e=pontsa *Poor lighting 10 points *No lighting 20 points 20 points max. Security Powerhouse fenced in & door locks 0 points oonlocks eipointsa No fence 5 points No door locks 10 points 20 points total Generator Equipment and Installation Diesel Engine Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 kw 2S” 42s" bS0 Hours of Operation Fos 3443) F/G Diesel Engine < 10,000 hours of operation 0 points > 10,000 hours of operation 10 points > 20,000 hours of operation 20 points eee OOOMHnoUrsoroperations eag0pointsy, 60 points max. Page 2 41/21/00 Generator Condition Good, like new Fair Poor, guards/covers missing Good, like new in appearance GEain Poor, guards & covers missing Load Sizing Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 4 Properly ata gonacption to moet the community loads Oversinéd gorttation to meet the community loads Control Switchgear *Manually ater oe *Manual transfer switches *Manual mounted breakers Electrical *Exposed wiring, improper grounding, missing covers etc. Fuel System Inside Powerhouse *Welded piping Tt ’ i *Welded & threaded piping Rubber hose No daytank Additional for active leaks ERropenyinsta No totalizing meter No station service meter Totalizing & Station Service Meter lledsand:working:totalizi Page 3 0 points 10 points 20 points 0 points @iopants® 10 points 20 points max. 0 points e@spointse 10 points 20 points 30 points 30 points max. Qipointsa 20 points 20 points max. 0 points eopointss 5 points 10 points 20 points 20 points 60 points max. éx0spointsy 10 points 10 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Fuel Meter _ Eroperivanstalled & working fel metér *No fuel meter Interior of Powerhouse peek Ba dt ad pt Old generator part stored inside facility VVasteoibstored inside-facil Apparent oil spills Under pacllty Old generator part stored under facility Waste oil stored under facility Apparent oil spills Surrounding of Powerhouse Clean, well kept Old generator part stored on site Apparent oil spills Waste Oil Disposal *Waste oil blending system *Waste oil incinerator Dronrortank'st Life, Health, & Safety *Code Compliant eqkowsiske *Medium risk *High risk *Potential for loss of life “Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. Environmental Page 4 TOTAL 645 points max. @Orpointse 20 points 20 points max. 0 points 10 points aoipointsss 20 points 40 points max. eompaints? 10 points 10 points 20 points 40 points max. 0 points 10 points aeiopointss 20 points 40 points max. 0 points 5 points 20 points max 0 points emarpoints? 20 points 30 points 40 points 40 points max. 09/26/00 Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Pole type ekullyitreated poles Butt treated poles Native pole (trees) Pole installation Within 12 inches of racer depth Within 24 inches of recommended depth Greater than 24 inches of recommended depth Pole alignment Polat str ight ing less'than10 Poles leaning greater than 10° Distribution voltage =>7200 volts e240owolts 480/277 volts 208/120 volts Anchors ee arly aalled steed needs resagging, a) Service conductor Apps finstalled (sag; conductors 7c Improperly installed (conductor needs resagging, etc) Page 5 §O:points 10 points 20 points 30 points max. @points: 10 points 20 points 30 points 60 points max. 0 points 20 points 30 points max. 0 points SOIpOIAtSa 20 points 30 points 40 points max. 0 points 20 points 3 0 points max. gQpoints 20 points 20 points max. ints 20 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Meter installation wAppeai p éd(height, grounding; etc), Improperly installed (height, no ground, etc) Meter Condition Residential & Commercial Good (appears in good condition) ainsi : Poor (major corrosion, needs replacing) Over all condition of the system ae (no repairs ere *Poor mae repairs reeded, es guy, pap ng meter replacement, etc) Primary conductor Underground Distribution System *Appears to be properly installed Ni; A *Exposed conductor Transformers *Appears to be properly installed *Improperly installed (no pad, leaning, etc) Service conductor *Appears to be properly installed *Exposed conductor *Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. General Questions Use separate sheet(s) to answer these questions. TOTAL 360 points max. exOspoinisg 10 points 10 points max. 0 points Opointss 20 points 30 points max. 0 points ei0;points: 30 points 30 points max. 0 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points 20 points 20 points max. 1. If records are available, indicate the number, duration, and causes of all forced outages during the last 12 months. If records are not available, provide whatever reasonable estimates available from utility personnel regarding outages number, duration, and causes. 2. If waste heat from power generation is currently recovered, list the facilities to which waste heat is provided, and if known, the gallons of heating fuel displaced per year. 3. If additional waste heat is assumed available, describe the potential users of the waste heat and the gallons of fuel oil that could be displaced annually. Page 6 11/21/00 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Electrical Utility Evaluation Form Community: _ Point sy Evaluation Date: ul Evaluator: Peterson Powerhouse Building (Circle or highlight the appropriate points.) Site Location < "100 feet from a public well < 25 feet from an eroding bank or beach, or in a flood plain Foundation foundation (pad:& post,-piling;-con ese poveitanes directly on avet pad or light timbers (raised small ander, on permeable gravel) - *Powerhouse directly on tundra or natural soils (no foundation) Powerhouse leaning considerably or unstable foundations (seismic hazard) USE On acceptable Flooring “Welded steel deck plate or GOncrateySealedy *Steel deck plate or concrete (unsealed) “Wood (sealed or painted) *Wood (non-sealed or bare) Interior Walls *Concrete or metal skin <Riberglassireinforced paneling, (ERR)s *Gypsum board Wood (painted or sealed) Wood (non-painted or bare) Exterior Walls *Concrete or metal skiing "Wood !(painted:onst *Wood (non-painted or bare) (Pads is Awly oe) Page 1 AOIpOIntS2 10 points 10 points 20 points max. Opontsxs 5 points 10 points 20 points 30 points max. GQpointsa 5 points 10 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points Smapointsa 5 points 10 points 20 points 35 points max. 0 points esipoiitsa 20 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Roof Penetration *None ‘Propenyinstalléd (rainctight) *Minor leaks (repairable) *Major leaks (not repairable) Ventilation “Proper: cont OD air inte *Minimum ventilation (air intake) *No ventilation (doors or windows have to be left open) Al thos) Las exist, deovs ort left open eve daring Cooler rnerths, Lighting int ng “Poor lighting *No lighting Security Powerhouse fenced in & door locks No fence No door locks Generator Equipment and Installation Diesel Engine Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 kW Zo Zo 2/o 2/o Hours of Operation 93S Bor 37331 34 9S3 Diesel Engine > 10, 000 face ot ‘operation. > 20, 000 hours: at i Page 2 0 points as points; 10 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points éSipointss 10 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points 10 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points 5 points 10 points 20 points total Unit # Z/o kW g hrs 0 points 10 points 20 points 30 points eenpoinisinax. 11/21/00 Generator Condition Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 Unit Good, like new 4 vA 4 Fair / Y Poor, guards/covers missing Good, like new in appearance 0 points Fair 10 points Poor, guards & covers missing 20 points 30 points max. Load Sizing ‘Properlyssizec:generationitomestitharcommunity- loads eQpointss Undersized generation to meet the community loads 10 points Oversized generation to meet the community loads 10 points 20 points max. fantro} Switchaear automaticssynchronizing switchgear q@orpoints: *SemiPaietnasic synchronizing switchgear 5 points *Manually synchronizing switchgear 10 points *Manual transfer switches 20 points *Manual mounted breakers 30 points 30 points max. Electrical Hall] saeats appropriate 0 points Minngeinpropergro NOei iissi Q:COVE etc, e2uponts 20 points max. Fuel System Inside Powerhouse *Welded piping 0 points exihreaded:piping ard copper tubi fuel orl ly ond ven @opointss *Welded & threaded piping PP “Ss ( i: rors 5 points Rubber hose oon ) Z 10 points No daytank 20 points Additional for active leaks 20 points 60 points max. Totalizing & Station Service Meter Properwinstaledss . Tmetes mDipoints? No totalizing meter 10 points No station service meter 10 points 20 points max. Page 3 11/21/00 Fuel Meter ¢Properly:ifistalled: 8cworking fle! meter *No fuel meter Interior of Powerhouse Clean, well kept Under ‘aie Old generator part stored under facility Waste oil stored under facility Apparent oil spills Surrounding of Powerhouse Clean, well kept Sickdeneratorpart stored ons ite @Wasteilistoredionsite wApparentoilspills Waste Oil Disposal *Waste oil blending system *Waste oil incinerator runortankstorag Life, Health, & Safety *Code Compliant ESLOWisk *Medium risk *High risk *Potential for loss of life *Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. Environmental Page 4 TOTAL «0'pointsa 20 points 20 points max. 0 points » 10 points 10 points 20 points exopointsimas eopontss 10 points 10 points 20 points 40 points max. 0 points 10 points 10 points 20 points SAO POSTE 0 points 5 points 20 points a2ospointsimax 0 points wepoints 20 points 30 points 40 points 40 points max. 645 points max. 11/21/00 Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Pole type GFullyitreated:poles Butt treated poles Native pole (trees) Pole installation Within 12 Habes of Tonanniiad depth Within 24 inches of recommended depth Greater than 24 inches of recommended depth Pole alignment Cape — Poles bang greater than 10° Distribution voltage =>7200 volts e2400.voltss 480/277 volts 208/120 volts Anchors Pa! maser! (<12 inches of the anchor rod exposed) ANCHORTOd expr posed’ >24 riches of the anchor rod exposed Primary conductor conductor size,.et sapronery| installed (conductor needs resagging, etc) Service conductor Sala installed (conductor needs resagging, etc) Page 5 emanufacture’s'markor button-on pole) <Oponts® 10 points 20 points 30 points max. Points 10 points 20 points 30 points 60 points max. 0 points aopontss 20 points 30 points max. 0 points TOpoNnts 20 points 30 points 40 points max. 0 points 20 points 3 0 points max. 0 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points 20 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Meter installation Appears:to:be properly:installédi(Heightzgraunding;.etch fO'points Improperly installed (height, no ground, etc) 10 points 10 points max. Meter Condition Residential & Commercial B: KOPoInts Fair mninor sone 10 points Poor (major corrosion, needs replacing) 20 points 30 points max. Over all condition of the system *Excellent (no _— needed) _ 0 points ‘Goodi(minorrepairs re Se iospoints *Poor (major roane needed, pole, guy, conductor, meter replacement, etc) 30 points 30 points max. Underground Distribution System Primary conductor N/A *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Exposed conductor 20 points 20 points max. Transformers *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Improperly installed (no pad, leaning, etc) 20 points 20 points max. Service conductor *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Exposed conductor 20 points 20 points max. “Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. TOTAL 360 points max. General Questions Use separate sheet(s) to answer these questions. 1. If records are available, indicate the number, duration, and causes of all forced outages during the last 12 months. If records are not available, provide whatever reasonable estimates available from utility personnel regarding outages number, duration, and causes. 2. If waste heat from power generation is currently recovered, list the facilities to which waste heat is provided, and if known, the gallons of heating fuel displaced per year. 3. If additional waste heat is assumed available, describe the potential users of the waste heat and the gallons of fue! oil that could be displaced annually. Page 6 11/21/00 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY ee Utility Evaluation Form Community: Hepe. 00 Evaluation Date: 4 Evaluator: aso Peterson Powerhouse Building (Circle or highlight the appropriate points.) Site. Location < 100 oat from 3 public well < 25 feet from an eroding bank or beach, or in a flood plain Foundation Sesonacceptablé foind Pouatouke directly on gravel pad or tight fnebere Te ueat e nak roptiag on permeable gravel) *Powerhouse directly on tundra or natural soils (no foundation) Powerhouse leaning considerably or unstable foundations (seismic hazard) Flooring “Welded steel deck plate ongoneretensealed) *Steel deck plate or concrete (unsealed) *Wood (sealed or painted) *Wood (non-sealed or bare) Interior Walls “Concrete or mete skin oye a Wood (painted or sealed) Wood (non-painted or bare) Exterior Walls a or metal siding “Wood (non-painted or bare) Page 1 eQpointss 10 points 10 points 20 points max. Qpoints: 5 points 10 points 20 points 30 points max. 5 points 10 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points éQpointsa 5 points 10 points 20 points 35 points max. 0 points azpoints’ 20 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Roof Penetration *None Property:in stalled,(rain tight *Minor leaks (repaira ie) 2 *Major leaks (not repairable) Ventilation austfansglouvers:& hoods)», xhaust fans) *Adequate ventilation (air intake & *Minimum ventilation (air intake) *No ventilation (doors or windows have to be left open) Lighting *Excellent TGR *Poor lighting *No lighting Security Powerhouse fenced in & door locks eBoomlocks No fence No door locks Generator Equipment and Installation Diesel Engine Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Unit #4 kw 330 330 330 42s Hours of Operation 333S9 IFA 31539 “_UF8G Diesel Engine < 10,000 hours of operation > 10,000 hours of operation > 20,000 hours of operation 230,000; oursfzoperation’s Page 2 0 points a@spoints: 10 points 20 points 20 points max. ENipoints 5 points 10 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points 10 points 20 points 20 points max. 0 points 5 points 10 points 20 points total as #0 #9 Zoe bes Ges 234%0 32500 NSIS hrs 0 points 10 points 20 points 30 points e6Qpointsimaxs 11/21/00 Generator Condition Unit #1 Unit #2 Good, like new Unit #3 Unit#4 45 ap wg Fair Va Y Poor, guards/covers missing 4 Y ba | |e | a Good, like new in appearance Raia Poor, guards & covers missing Load Sizing Undersized generation to meet the community loads Oversized generation to meet the community loads rOpSnvisiz Control Switchgear *Semi-automatic synchronizing switchgear *Manually synchronizing switchgear *Manual transfer switches *Manual mounted breakers Electrical Wirin yeappea jppropriate *Exposed wiring, improper grounding, missing covers etc. Fuel System Inside Powerhouse “Welded pong *Welded & threaded piping Rubber hose No daytank Additional for active leaks Totalizing & Station Service Meter +5 Op liecrandsworkinatotalizingséestation. service No totalizing meter No station service meter Page 3 0 points 10 points \e 20 points esapointsmae OINntS 10 points 10 points 20 points max. «points 5 points 10 points 20 points 30 points 30 points max. 20 points 20 points max. 0 points 5 points 10 points 20 points 20 points 60 points max. 10 points 10 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Fuel Meter eProperly installed & working fuel meter Rompoints? *No fuel meter 20 points 20 points max. Environmental Interior of Powerhouse ‘Gieanewel kept Old generator part stored inside facility Waste oil stored inside facility 10 points Apparent oil spills 20 points 40 points max. Under Facility sGigcmmwelnenr eomointsy Id generator part stored under facility 10 points Waste oil stored under facility 10 points Apparent oil spills 20 points 40 points max. Surrounding of Powerhouse Old generator part stored on site 10 points Waste oil stored on site 10 points Apparent oil spills 20 points 40 points max. Waste Oil Disposal Village sevvires remove waste ofl barrels *Waste oil blending system . 0 points “Waste oil incinerator Rllowirgy ofl chonges. 5 points DrurRontank’Sstoragefonwasteroil @obonts Ss 20 points max Life, Health, & Safety eiGodexCompliant Winans: *Low risk 10 points *Medium risk 20 points *High risk 30 points *Potential for loss of life 40 points 40 points max. “Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. TOTAL 645 points max. Page 4 11/21/00 Electrical Distribution Line Evaluation Overhead Distribution System Pole type eGullyatreated:poles ss Butt treated poles Native pole (trees) Pole Installation Within 1 inches of oaionencad ott : Within 24 inches of recommended depth Greater than 24 inches of recommended depth Pole alignment co or Poles ents opealer than 10° Distribution voltage =>7200 volts 2400 volts Y/bo Vac 480/277 volts 208/120 volts Anchors 2 natal d 3 inches of the anchor rod exposed) ANA e-anchorr inpropecty inatalied (conductor needs resagging, To) Service conductor qristalledisagrcondu TO} Ope! iY: Page 5 eppointsyzs 10 points 20 points 30 points max. OIpoints ss 10 points 20 points 30 points 60 points max. 0 points 20 poe 30 points max. 0 Sorts 20 points 30 points 40 points max. 0 points 20 points 3 0 points max. GGipoints 20 points 20 points max. 20 points 20 points max. 11/21/00 Meter installation erly: installed, (heights grounding, etc) {aunints: Siarnouty oan (height, no ground, etc) 10 points 10 points max. Meter Condition Residential & Commercial Good (appears in good condition) 0 points {EBIIESESSHOS Eh) Eiepoin's 0 points Poor (major corrosion, needs replacing) 30 points max. Over all condition of the system *Excelle t 0 points C i 5 quys=resa sslarapsneté) eqxtQopoints4 “Poor (major repairs pay pole, guy, eae, meter replacement, etc) 30 points 30 points max. " Underground Distribution System Primary conductor *Appears to be properly installed N JA 0 points *Exposed conductor 20 points 20 points max. Transformers *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Improperly installed (no pad, leaning, etc) : 20 points 20 points max. Service conductor *Appears to be properly installed 0 points *Exposed conductor 20 points 20 points max. *Indicates that only one of the group should be chosen. TOTAL 360 points max. General Questions Use separate sheet(s) to answer these questions. 1. If records are available, indicate the number, duration, and causes of all forced outages during the last 12 months. If records are not available, provide whatever reasonable estimates available fram utility personnel regarding outages number, duration, and causes. 2. If waste heat from power generation is currently recovered, list the facilities to which waste heat is provided, and if known, the gallons of heating fuel displaced per year. 3. If additional waste heat is assumed available, describe the potential users of the waste heat and the gallons of fuel oil that could be displaced annually. Page 6 11/21/00